Serving Central Oregon since1903 75 $
TUESDAY November6,2012 H
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Where Bend'sproperty tax dollar goes Bend taxpayers already pay for many government services, but lately governments have been asking for more. The city of Bend is already doing street work with money from a $30 million bond measure voters approved in May 2011. Today, the Bend Park 8 Recreation District is asking voters to approve a $29 million bond measure.Meanwhile, Bend-La Pine Schoolsplans to ask voters to approve a $98 million bond in May 2013. jail
County fairgrounds 8, 4H 9.4%
Bend City of Bend parks 20.1% 9.6%
Schools 46.4%
Urban ren ewal 0.8%
Greg Cross/The Bulletin
Source: Deschutes County Assessor'sO ff ice
By Hillary Borrud
approved a $30 million bond to pay for street improvements. The city has increased w ater rates for severalyearsto pay for a planned $68 million water project, and officials are consideringwhether to spend as much as $170 million on sewer work. The Bend Park & Recreation District is asking voters today to approve a $29 million bond; in May, Bend-La Pine Schools will ask voters
The Bulletin
The economic recovery has been slow in Bend. Partially completed subdivisions languish. The Deschutes County unemployment rate in September was 11.1 percent. And yet, there is no shortage of funding requests to taxpayers from the city, park district and schools. In May 2011, Bend voters
make final push on final day
Frien y riva ry int e ront yar
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By Dylan j. Darling The Bulletin
The day before Election Day, Democratic and Republican campaign volunteers were on the phone or on their feet — making calls and canvassing neighborhoods around Bend. "Now is not the time to be tired," said Mark Moseley, chairman of the Deschutes County Republican Party. "Now is the time to run through the finish line." Laurie Gould, chair of the DeschutesDemocrats had the same spunk. "There are still people out there that are possible supporters," she said. Politics aside, volunteers from both parties said they wanted to get people out to vote today if they hadn't already. At the Deschutes County Republican Party headquarters on Northeast Third Street, Char Weichman, 67, of Bend, spent Monday afternoon calling voters who hadn't returned their ballot yet. "Right now we are just saying, 'Please vote,' " she said. She called more than 100 voters Monday. At Deschutes Democrats on Northwest Bond Street, Joanne Turner, 64, of Bend, dropped off a list Monday of homes she visited Sunday. If people don't want to talk about specific candidates or races, she said, she keeps her message succinct.
to approve a $98 million bond for school improvements and construction Lately, City Manager Eric King has been wondering how much more financially strapped taxpayers can handle. King has been talking with other local government officials about the need for more coordination of funding requests. See Money/A6
er .'~
By Hillary Borrud
'I ,
The Bulletin
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This fall, something new sprouted on the well-kept lawn in front of Rod Kohler's home on Northwest Broadway in Bend. Kohler, 75, had been a Republican for years but never felt strongly enough about an election to put up political signs. Meanwhile, his neighbor Ken Cooper, 82, put out Inside
campaign signs for Democratic candidates in one election after another. "Ken has always
• L
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Rob Kerr/The Bulletin
Ken Cooper, left, and Rod Kohler proudly displaytheir opposing political yard signs. The two longtime Bend neighbors are cordial despite their different political views.
to watching election
had signs up,"
• A viewer's guide
Kohler said. "This is the first time I've felt as strong about it." Although Cooper had signs in the past, he echoed Kohler's sentiment that this presidential election is especially important. "I really felt this time, it's a critical campaign," Cooper said, as he stood in front of his house on Monday morning. Kohler and Cooper said their different political views have not prevented them from being good friends.Neither man was eager to draw attention to his political views. Cooper said their conversations sometimes touch on politics, but mostly they discuss common interests, such as where they went on vacation and their participation in the neighborhood association. SeeSigns /A5
Sandyleavesboardwalks in splinters In Egypt, women finally get some respeet By WendyRudermau aud Kate Zeruike New York Times News Service
BELMAR, N.J. — Of course the boardwalk had changed over the past 100 years: Carousels switched to electric from gas power, sunblock replaced baby oil, stuffed animals supplanted cigarettes as prizes at the booths where the barkers found new ways to wrangle dollar bills from the tourists who flocked to the Jersey Shore. But mostly, it played the role of a
constant, linking a century of summers. Just the word "boardwalk" evoked timeless images of warm breezes,dates walking arm-in-arm, the sticky sweet of Italian Ice — "our carnival life forever" as the state bard, Bruce Springsteen, sings in a song, "Sandy," that local radio stations have turned into the anthem of the Fourth of July. And in a stroke, it became a symbol of Hurricane Sandy's destruction. SeeBoardwalk/A5
u P We use recycled newsprint AnIndependent
By Kareem Fahim New York Times News Service
CAIRO — The young activists lingered on the streets around Tahrir Square, scrutinizing the crowds of holiday revelers. Suddenly, they
charged, pushing people aside and chasing down a young man. As the captive thrashed to get away, the activists pounded his shoulders, flipped him around and spray-painted a message on his back: "I'm a harasser." Egypt's streets have long been a
perilous place for women, who are frequentlyheckled, grabbed, threatened and violated while the police look the other way. Now, during the country's tumultuous transition from authoritarian rule, more and more groups are emerging to make protecting women — and shaming the do-nothing police — a cause. "They're now doing the undoable?" a police officer joked as he watched the vigilantes chase the
young man. The officer quickly
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went back to sipping his tea. The attacks on women, a problem Egypt has long wrestled with, did not subside after the uprising. If anything, they became more visible as even the military was implicated in the assaults, stripping female protesters, threatening others with violence and subjecting activists to virginity tests. During holidays, when Cairenes take to the streets to stroll and socialize, the attacks multiply. SeeEgypt/A5
TOP NEWS ZOO:Fatal exhibit thought safe,A3 SYRIA:Violence erupts anew,A3
Discoveries, breakthroughs, trends, names in the news — thingsyou need to know to start your day. Today, this page focuses onthe election.
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It's Tuesday, Nov.6,
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• The fight over whether
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l linois congressmanAbraham Lincoln defeated three other
mm mmpth
candidates for the presidency: John Breckinridge, John Bell
I fff
and Stephen Douglas. In
1888, Republican Benjamin Harrison won the presidential
/» i
IN HISTORY Highiights:In 1860, former
Portland goes back to federal court.
election, defeating Democratic 7
Scott Fisher / Sun Sentinel
Early voters wait in lineto cast absentee ballots Monday outside the Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections office in suburban West Palm Beach,Fla.
h prmirier pd
a o oo oron ec ion
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Oregon Lottery results Ae listed at www.eregenlettery.erg
MEGABUCKS The numbers drawn Monday night are:
Q4Q7Q16Q 25 Q 35 Q 40 The estimated jackpot is now $2.6 million.
By David Lightman McCfatchy Newspapers
W ASHINGTON — A f t e r billions of dollars, hours of debates and frantic last-minute pitches from the candidates, it's up to the voters Tuesday to decide whether to give President Barack Obama a second term or change course with Republican Mitt Romney. Also at stake is control of Congress. Thirty-three Senate seats and all 435 House of Representativesseats are up this year, and while the House is expected to remain in Republican hands, Senate control hinges on a host of tight races. Turnout will be one key to handicapping who's winning the White House and congressional battles, heading a long list of unknowns. Will the relentlessly negative campaign help or hurt'? Did superstorm Sandy benefit the president?
ing the vote count. But if lines are too long and people get
It's downto the wire Eleven states are likely to decide who wins the presidency in this
very close contest. A look at where the states stand: Toss-up Republican Democrat • Solid @ Likely/leaning
g Likely/leaning
So l i d
Mich. N.H.— I
' I — R.I. • Conn.m a Dei.• D.C.• /
Counting electoral votes Note: Alaska and Hawaii are net to scale
There are atotal of 538 electoral votes; the number of electors for each state is proportional to its population; 270
incumbent Grover Cleveland with an electoral vote count of 233-168, even though Cleveland led in the popular vote. In1928, in a first, the
results of Republican Herbert Hoover's election victory over Democrat Al Smith
were flashed onto anelectric wraparound sign on the New York Times building. In 1956, President Dwight D. Eisenhower won re-election, defeating Democrat Adlai E.
Stevenson. In 1977, 39people
discouraged, they might go
were killed when the Kelly
home. Hurricane Sandy. Will voters be more sympathetic to Obama i n h a r d -hit s t ates such as Pennsylvania or New Hampshire? Or blame the feds for being too slow to respond?
Ten years ago:A jury in
Barnes Damburst, sending a wall of water through Toccoa Falls College in Georgia. Beverly Hills, Calif., convicted
actress Winona Ryder of stealing $5,500 worth of high-fashion merchandise from a Saks Fifth Avenue
Romney plans to vote early Tuesday at a Belmont, Mass., polling place near his home. Obama voted last month. Once the results are in, the president plans to address a rally at Chicago's McCormick Place. Romney will host supporters at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center.
store (she ended up serving probation). Five years ago:Six lawmakers
embattled prime minister,
were killed by a suicide bomber
in northern Afghanistan during a visit to a sugar factory; 61 students also died as a result
of the bombing andshots fired by guards. One year ago:Greece's George Papandreou, and
One of the night's most units main opposition leader, votes are needed to win the presidency p redictable cliffhangers inAntonis Samaras, agreedto volves control of the Senate. Toss-np Rom ney/Ryan Obama/Biden form an interim government Did early voting give him a big Democrats now control 53 201 146 191 to ensure the country's new advantage? of the 100 seats, and they're European debt deal. Once the polls close startdefending 23 to the Republicans' 10. Close races in Viring at 3 p.m. PST in Indiana Source: Real Clear Politics, Mcclatchy Washington Bureau and Kentucky, a number of ginia, Indiana and MassachuBIRTHDAYS early clues will signal whethsetts might offer early hints as © 2012 Mcciatchy-rribune News Service er Obama or Romney will get to whether Republicans can Director Mike Nichols the 270 electoral votes needed Obama or Romney, so 11 are mean a bigday for Romney. achieve the net gain of four is 81. Country singer to win. Polls on Monday con- likely to decide the race. All Latino v oting. Tu e s day — three, if Romney is elected Stonewall Jackson is 80. — to win control. tinued to show the race a vir- have polling places scheduled marks the culmination of four Actress Sally Field is 66. tual tie nationally and in most to close by 7 p.m. PST. All years of registering new voters In the House, Democrats Pop singer-musician Glenn of the 11 battleground states. went for Obama last time, and in hopes of harnessing grow- need a net gain of 25 for conFrey (The Eagles) is 64. TV The first hints of how the he has to hold on to most of ing Latino clout and finally trol, but independent analysts host Catherine Crier is 58. don't expect the party to gain night might go will come in them to win again. shattering the reputation that California's former first lady, four early poll-closing states: Latinos are apathetic voters more than 10. Maria Shriver, is 57. Actress Virginia, N o r t h Ca r o lina, Hour by hour: who can be ignored. In 2008, Lori Singer is 55. Actor Lance Television coverage New Hampshire and Indiana. 4 p.m. PST: Virginia.Obama's 50 percent of eligible Latino Kerwin is 52. Education Obama won all four in 2008. 2008 victory was the first there voters cast ballots, compared In most areas, full election Secretary Arne Duncan is 48. Romney needs all four if by a Democratic presidential with 65percent of blacks and coverage begins at 3 p.m. PST Rock singer CoreyGlover is he's to become the sixth per- candidate since 1964. Romney 66 percentofwhi tes,according on CNN and MSNBC, at 4 48. Actor Ethan Hawke is 42. son in 100 years to defeat a sit- needs its 13 electoral votes. to the Pew Hispanic Center. p.m. on ABC, Fox, CBS, NBC — From wire reports ting president. Should he falter 4:30 p.m. PST: Ohio, North Long lines.Polls might stay and Univision, and at 5 p.m. in even one, or the results be- Carolina. Romney needs Ohio open past closing time, delay- on PBS. come too close to call, this race and its 18 electoral votes; no won't be over quickly. Republican has won the White Obama, on theother hand, House without the state. North IT S IN TH E B AG! LU NCHTIME LECTURES AT OSU-CASCADES can score an important win Carolina i s a n o ther s t ate early by taking Florida. Losing Obama won in 2008, the first Explore therange of research and scholarship underway at OSU-Cascades. its 29 electoral votes would be a time a Democrat had taken IIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII huge blow to Romney, who has it in decades, but Romney is pushed hard for the state's votes counting on w inning its 15 and began his last full camelectoral votes. If n ot , he's paign day Monday in Orlando. probably in trouble. "Tomorrow we begin a bet5 p.m. PST: New Hampter tomorrow," Romney told shire, F l orida, P e nnsylvaabout 1,000 supporters, stress- nia. If Obama wins Florida, ing his closing argument that Romney's chances would get Isaac Julien's nine-screen video art Obama bungledthe economy shakier. But if Romney wins and is too fierce a partisan to Pennsylvania's 20 e l ectoral installation starred actress Maggie Cheung work with Republicans. votes, which Obama has reand vveaves together sfories linking China's The president was in Madi- garded for months as his, the ancient past and present iI1 lavish scenes. son, Wis., where he appeared president should start worrys with legendary rocker Bruce ing. The four electoral votes Its 2010 premiere was global and heralded. Springsteen. of New Hampshire — DemoArt historian Henry Sayre deemed it "the "I stood w i t h P r e sident cratic in the last two elections — matter if th e r ace stays Obama four years ago, and single best work of art'the's viewed in I'm proud to stand with him to- close. years. Come learn vvhy this piece, above day," Springsteen said. Obama 6 p.m.PST: Wisconsin, Coloall others, captured his imagination. hugged the singer and remind- rado, Michigan.A Romney win ed the crowd, "We've got more in Michigan — a state Obama change to make." won last time by 16 percentage Henry Sayre I Distinguished Professor, Art History Turnout was expected to be points — would be another down somewhat from 2004 sign that the president is falterand 2008, according to moding. Wisconsin and Colorado els developed by the Gallup are tossups. Organization. Voters "have 7 p.m. PST: lowa, Nevada.NeCascades Hall, Rm. 117-118 not been quite as engaged" in vada has been trending Demo2600 NW CollegeWay, Bend the election, a Gallup analysis cratic. A strong Latino turnout FREE,no RSVP necessary said, and many voters could would signal that Obama is dobe distracted by Sandy, whose ing well. Iowa is another tossup. Bring a bagged lunch and beverage. 12:00-1:00 P.M. i mpact is still being felt in Wild cards parts of the Northeast. As the night unfolds, here's Turnout. Conventional wis541-322-3100 how to watch the returns: dom says Democrats tend to dominate early voting, while The states Republicans do better on ElecMost states are solidly for tion Day, so a big turnout could
Isaac Julien's Ten Thousand Waves
NOV. 7
ioen Oll urs en u s ria By Patrick j. McDonnell and Rima Marrouch Los Angeles Times
Ketth Srakocic/The Associated Press
A somber Barbara Baker, CEO and president of the Pittsburgh Zoo and PPG Aquariumpauses as she answers questions during a news conference Monday in Pittsburgh, a day after a young boy was mauled and killed by African wild dogs after he fell into their exhibit.
Exhibit whereboydied passedall safety tests By Joe Mandak
this magnitude." She called The Associated Press the boy's death a "horrible, P ITTSBURGH — A z o o horrible tragedy" and said where a 2-year-old boy fell there's "no such thing as a into an exhibit and was fa- fail-proof exhibit." tally m auled b y A f r i c an Baker struggled to mainwild dogs had met or ex- tain her composure during ceeded allsafety standards her Monday news conferfor animals an d v i sitors, ence and made clear she was proving that no exhibit is careful to consider the fami"fail-proof," the zoo's presi- ly'sfeelings before answerdent said Monday. ing questions, including one Nearby staff r e sponded about how the boy died. "within seconds" on S u nShe paused several seconds day but quickly determined before saying, "I'm trying to the dog attack was fatal and thinkof a family-sensitiveway didn't send handlers into the to address that. The child did enclosure to intervene, Pitts- not die from the falL The child burgh Zoo and PPG Aquari- was mauled by the dogs." um president Barbara Baker Police were investigating, sard. though police Cmdr. Thomas Instead, the dogs were re- Stangrecki, wh o a t tended called into an indoor enclo- Baker's news c o nference, sure as they've been trained said he was there only to to respond, though four of observe. the 11 lingered near the boy. The boy's mother had put One of the dogs, which are him on a wooden railing at endangered, was fatally shot the edge of a viewing deck by police. before he fell late Sunday Baker said the zoo has morning. He bounced out of been open since 1898 and netting below before dropthis is the first time there's ping more than 10 feet into been "a visitor incident of the dogs' enclosure.
Army lays out case against
accusedwar criminal By Kirk johnson New York Times News Service
J OINT B A S E LEW I S McCHORD, Wash. — A military prosecutor Monday laid out a c h illingly f lat r ecitation of the government's case against Army Staff Sgt. Robert Bales, who is accused of murdering 16 civilians this year in Afghanistan, as a pretrial hearing began in one of the nation's worst war crimes cases in decades. "He was lucid, coherent and responsive," Lt. Col. Joseph Morse, the Army prosecutor, told the court in describing Bales' demeanor on arriving back at an Army post in Kandahar province with b l ood on his clothes that, the prosecutor said, had seeped all the way through to the sergeant's underwear. Local families in a poor area with no electricity, Morse said, awoke early March 11 to find a figurecloaked in darkness inside their homes, firing a weapon with apparent intent to kilL Children were shot through the thighs or in the head, he said. Bales, 39, an 11-year-military veteran, could face the death penalty if found guilty of the most seriouscharges, and the decision is specifically made to advance the case as a capital crime. The hearings that began M onday, here at t h e b a se where Bales was stationed, about an hour south of Seattle, was the first step in the military justice process. An Article 32 Investigation, as it is called, is roughly the equivalent of a grand jury inquiry in civilian law, aimed at determining whether sufficient evidence exists to continue to a full court-martial.
BEIRUT — A car bomb exploded Monday in a Damascus district that is home to many security personnel and members of President Bashar Assad's Alawite sect, killing 11 people and wounding dozens of others, the official state media reported. The attack was part of a wave of v i o lence reported Monday across Syria, including a massive car bomb apparently targeting a military post in the central province of Hama and aerial bombardment of rebel held towns in northwest Syria. Scores were reported killed. Monday's car bombing in Damascus' Mazzeh Jabal 86 district, with a large concentration of Alawites, is the latest in a series of explosions in the Syrian capital that could inflame sectarian t ensions. M ostly Sunni M u slim r e bels have been fighting to oust Assad, whose Alawite sect is considered an offshoot of the Shiite branch of Islam. Other Dama s cus-area bombs in recent weeks have detonated near a revered Shiite shrine, Sayyida Zainab, and in the Bab Touma district, a historic Christian neighborhood in Damascus' Old City. Assad has depicted his administration as a defender of Syria's minority groups. His
government, deeplyunpopular with much of the Sunni majority, maintains c onsiderable support among Alawite, Shiite and Christian minorities. The government blames the attacks on "terrorists," its label for armed rebels. It remained unclear if the Damascus bombings represent part of a coordinated opp osition campaign, are t h e actions of autonomous rebel groups, or whether there is some alternate explanation.
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SANA via The Associated Press
A crowd presses around the scene of a bombingin Damascus, one of several violent incidents that killed scores of people Monday in the war-ravaged country. The disparate rebel factions fighting to oust Assad lack a central chain of command. Also in the Damascus area, the government news service reported five p e ople w e re killed when rebels launched a mortar attack on a public transportation mini-bus in the Yarmouk camp, home to many Palestinian refugees. Claims by both sides of the fighting are difficult to verify because the government has limited the access of outside media to conflict zones. The Associated Press reported that p ro- an d a n tiAssad Palestinian f a ctions clashed Monday in the capital. Syria's civil conflict has divided Syria's huge Palestinian refugee community. Meanwhile, opposition representatives said among the rebel-held areas bombarded Monday by government aircraft was of K afarnabel, in northwest Idlib province. The
Netanyahu:Israel won't wait for OK to launchIran attack,. Byjodi Rudoren New York Times News Service
J ERUSALEM — P r i m e Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday reiterated his willingness to attack the Iranian n u clear p r o gram without support from Washington or the world, returning to an aggressive posture that he had largely abandoned since his U.N. speech in September. "When David Ben-Gurion declared the foundation of the state of Israel, was it done with American approval?" Netanyahu asked in an interview broadcast on Israel's Channel 2on Monday night. " When Lev i E s hkol w a s forced to act in order to loosen the siege before 1967 was it done with the Americans' support'?" "If someone sits here as the prime minister of Israel and he can't take action on matters that are cardinal to the existence of this country, its future and its security, and he is totally dependent on receiving approval from others, then he is not worthy of leading," Netanyahu added. "I can make these decisions."
While U.S. officials, including President B arack Obama, have always ack nowledged t h a t I sr a e l ultimately has the right to decide how to defend itself, Netanyahu's tough tone and timing — on the eve of the U.S. presidential electionare sure to reignite rifts with Washington over how best to prevent Tehran from developing a nuclear bomb. Besides the creation of diplomatic tensions if Israel acts alone against Washington's wishes, there is a more practicalconcern: The Israeli military lacks the capacity to penetrate Iran's underground nuclear facilities, and thus could likely only delay the potential development of a nuclear weapon by a few years. The United States h a s bu n k er-busting bombs that could do far more damage. The interview was broadcast on "Fact" — a program often compared to "60 Minutes" — at the end of an hourlong documentary on Israeli decision-making regarding Iran over the past decade.
- t
town has achieved a measure of international notoriety because of residents' witty protest banners, some penned in English, that have been posted on YouTube, usually following Friday prayers and demonstrations. Re s i dents also displayed elaborate caricatures assailing the Assad government. On Monday, opposition footage said to be from Kafarnabel showed scenes of charred bodies, vehicles aflame and volunteers with hoses trying to put out fires. The opposition said at least 17 people died in the bombardment. In Hama province, an opp osition r e presentative r e ported that a rebel-detonated car bomb at a military post in the rural district of al-Ziyara killed as many as 100 government soldiers. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a London-based opposition group, said at least 50 soldiers
were killed in the suicide attack. If either account is accurate, the fatality toll would be likely be among the largest number of securitypersonnel killed to date in a single strike. The g o v ernment has stopped providing casualty numbers for security officers and there was no official confirmation of how many soldiers, if any, had been killed in the Hama bombing.
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U.S., Japanstart military drill New York Times News Service TOKYO — Th e m i litaries of the United States and Japan began an enormous joint drill M onday, though leaving out a key part of the exercise that might have angered China. Japan's Defense Ministry said 37,000 Japanese and 10,000 American m i litary p ersonnel would b e t a k ing part in the 12-day drill, which involves U.S. Navy shipstransporting Japanese troops. The top government
spokesman, Chief Cabinet Secretary Osamu Fujimura, said the drill, near Okinawa, was not aimed at a specific country. But th e J apanese government canceled a j o i nt amphibious landing on a remote island in what experts described as an effort not to provoke China, which is locked in an emotional dispute with Japan over control of uninhabited islands near Okinawa in the East China Sea.
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wor ers ace as s monumen a an mun ane •
By jonathan Fahey The Associated Press
HOBOKEN, N.J. — For utility crews racing to restore power to residents of this waterfront city that have been sitting in the dark for a week, the task is both mundane and monumental: clean a bunch of gunk off electrical equipment
with rags and cleaning spray. That's the way it has been a cross th e N o r t heast, a s crews clean,replace and fix the equipment needed to get the lights back on for millions of customers who lost power when Superstorm Sandy blew through. In Hoboken, the salty, filthy floodwater of the Hudson River swamped a substation that relays power to 10,000 homes and businesses. It worked its way into switches and in between wires. It washed over the hunks of copper and silver capable of h andling 26,000 volts of electricity. It fouled everything below a perfectly s traight line of d i r t o n a l l the boxes of circuit breakers and transformers on site that marked thecrest ofthe flood. "It's getting the crud off," said Mike Fox, a Public Service Electric and Gas Co. engineer who was supervising the company's substation restoration. "It's nothing earth shaking, but it's a lot of stuff." Sixty-seven thousand utility workers in the Northeast are working day and night on tasks they are familiar with: putting up t elephone poles,
Metropolitan Transportation Authority of the State of New York via The Associated Press
A Metropolitan Transportation Authority employeewatches a pump taking sea water out of a subway tunnel in New York City. The MTA is trying to get the city's damaged subway system back online but faces flooded tunnels under the East River.
: $47 r
stringing wire and replacing transformers. But Sandy's storm surge added another dimension by attacking the utilities' internal equipment. Switching stations, substations and underground electrical networks were inundated in Manhattan, Brooklyn, Hoboken and elsewhere. But it's the sheer volume of work that is making the power outages last so long for some. At the peak, 8.5 million homes and businesseswere without power. A week after the storm walloped the Northeast, 1.4 million customers remained in the dark, mostly in New York and New Jersey. Getting the power back on for all of them will take at least another week.
foe Epstein/The Associated Press
Brian Meenan of Millwood, N.Y., looks over itemsMonday that were destroyed by superstorm Sandy in his family's beachfront house inLong Beach Township, N.J. Residents and homeowners were allowed to collect personal items and make any repairs they could to their homes.
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Palpable frustration Frustration is turning to anger and despair. The air in the region has a winter chill and another storm i s a pproaching. Some without power see neighbors w i t h tw i n k l i ng chandeliers even as they still use candles. Fox gets it. He has been taking cold showers and using a flashlight to shave every morning before setting out from his house in Westfield, N.J., to the substations that need repair. On Sunday his neighbors started an email ex-
change suggesting they complain to PSE8 G in hopes of getting service back quicker. "I had to head them off at the pass, and explain why it can take so long," he said. "Every day people get a little m ore strained and stressed. I'd be losing patience too if I had time to." Local workers have plenty of help: Utility crews from as far away as the West Coast started s t r eaming t o w a rd the Northeast in their bucket trucks even before the storm hit. But feeding, housing and outfitting thousands of outof-state workers has its own
challenges. Utilities have agreements with local h otels to h o use workers, but as the extent of the damage became apparent, and homeowners abandoned theirpowerless homes for hotel rooms, a housing crunch developed. A crew from Duke Energy that specializes i n u n d erground electricity transmission based in Cincinnati arrived in New York on Wednesday t o h e l p C o n solidated Edison restorepower to lower Manhattan. Getting a hotel in New York was even tougher than advertised. The crew was first sent to a Girl Scout Camp near Rye, N.Y. After that was the Marriot Marquis in Times Square. But instead of getting a room they were asked to "hot bed,"
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fohn Minchillo I The Associated Press
A resident of Staten fsfand'sNew Dorp Beach neighborhood carries a basket full of clothes and other items on her street Monday. Although many areas of New York City are beginning to return to normal, neighborhoods of Staten Island's southern shore remain without power as the cleanup continues. military style: They'd get a bed for eight hours before they had to pack up and leave. Next stop: the Hudson River. They were put on a dinner cruise boat called the Hornblower Infinity docked at Pier 41 that had rows of cots where tables and chairs once sat. Finally, on Saturday, they were moved — for good it seems — to the Hudson Hotel, a boutique luxury hotel on 58th Street. Not a bad upgrade.
trucks — one with a Texas flag flying from its crane — labored much of the day and into the night digging holes for the poles, raising them, and hanging new wire. Shane Pittman, a Centerpoint worker from Angleton, Texas, arrived with his crew on Oct. 29. Other than the number of trees and the cold — it was the first hurricane cleanup he had done that required winter clothing — he said it was just
like back home. PSE8 G said it is using 4,000 out-of-state workers to erect at least 1,000 new poles in its service territory. As of Monday, the company had restored service to 1.3 million of the 1.7 million who lost power in its service territory. It has also restored power to 78 percent of the gas stations in its region, which should ease the long lines seen at stations that had both power and fuel. The Duke Energy team in Manhattan spent its first day climbing under streets on the West Side, pumping water out of vaults and disconnecting switches that were ruined by the flooding. After ConEd restored power to the networks that serve Lower Manhattan, the Duke team visited customers who were still without power to determine if the utility needs to fix equipment or if the customer has a problem in the building that an electrician must address. The substation in Hoboken was being worked over by a team of 40 that included local contractors and a team from Kansas City Power 8 Light. The Hoboken substation was built in 1953, and it is powered with equipment that has been there ever since. There are no replacement partsfor the bank of circuit breakers that manages the electricity's journey from 4 incoming lines to D outgoing ones. So the workers have had to pull these breakers out of their boxes and truck them to a machine shop in Connecticut that specializes in reconditioning old electrical equipment. On a temporary work bench made out ofplywood and a large white plastic crate, a team was taking apart sensors that measure electricity flowing though the equipment and trigger switches. Each part had to be taken apart wiped meticulously cleaned with cleaning
spray, rags and brushes, and put back together.
By Anthony R. Wood
the tropics and powered up in the mid-Atlantic. P HILADELPHIA — A l Although the storm would ready ravaged by Hurricane not have Sandy's power, the Sandy, the Jersey Shore is wave attacks will last subon track to get exactly what stantially l o nger, perhaps it doesn't need: another siege through three high t i des, of powerful, s and-remov- said Jon Miller, director of ing onshore winds, perhaps the Center for Maritime Sysgusting to 65 mph. tems at Stevens Institute of A potent storm — perhaps Technology in Hoboken, N.J. strong enough to generate Makeshift dunes piled on snow in t h e P h i ladelphia the beach after Sandy aren't area — is almost certain in likely to be much help bethe region from Wednesday cause they won't have stabiinto Thursday, meteorolo- lizing vegetation embedded gists said. in them, Miller said. "With a natural dune, it W ith hig h -win d and c oastal-flood w a tches i n gets its strength from the effect, the likely result of plants," he said. "With the what the National Weather piles of sand, they are no Service is calling "a particu- more stable than any pile of larly dangerous situation" sand that a kid builds on the will be more trauma for a re- beach with his bucket." gion still picking up the milThe prospective storm is lions of pieces from Sandy's raising anxieties about more destruction. power outages. Although storm s u rges One of the more remarkable and wave heights would not aspects of Sandy's hurricanebe in a league with Sandy's, force gusts is that they somethe storm is expected to set how spared many leaves. Aesoff more flooding in towns thetic considerations notwithwhere dunes were leveled standing, thepresence ofthose last week. leaves represents a hazard beMajor c oastal f l o oding cause "it gives the wind more again is possible, and moder- surface area to bring downthe ate coastal flooding is likely, trees," said Ben Armstrong, a said Gary Szatkowski, mete- spokesman for Peco, the local orologist in charge of the Na- electric company. tional Weather Service office The other wild card would in Mount Holly, N.J. b e a c c umulating s n o w , T he coastal storm e x - which is possible well north pected to form Tuesday and and west of the city. Several intensify Wednesday would inches could crown the Pobe a traditional nor'easterconos, Szatkowski said, and named for the strong winds snow could fall as far south from the northeast that such and east as Philadelphia, alstorms generate — and not a though it probably wouldn't "hybrid" like Sandy, born in stick. The Philadelphia Inquirer
Publishing Tuesday, December 25, 2012 in The Bulletin Central Oregon communities continue to grow due to a nationally-
recognized appreciation for the region's quality of life. From providin g the most basic needs offood,shelter and security,to creating and maintaining positive social, educationaL, recreational and professional environments, Central Oregon's nonprofit community is a foundation for our area's success and sustainability. Hundredsoforganizations and thousands of volunteers make up this
nonprofit network. Through the publication of Connections, The Bulletin will both defineand profile the organizations that make up this network.
Connections wiLL provide readers with a thorough look at nonprofi torganizationsin Deschutes,Jeff erson,and CrookCounties.
Start early, work late For the workers on loan to PSESG, the day starts at 6 a.m. when buses take them from their hotels to staging areas like the one in the gigantic parking lot at the Garden State Plaza in Paramus, NJ. The staging area was set up with the help of 10 logistics experts from Florida Power 8t Light who know a thing or two about hurricanes. It operates like a giant outdoor assembly line. Workers climb into 800 trucks parked at the site that have been fueled overnight with tanker trucks brought in from Pennsylvania. They pick up their instructions and a PSE8tG worker called a "bird dog" that knows the service territory. They proceed in two columns past pallets stacked with parts and equipment and pick up what they need for the day — wire, insulators, brackets — and bagged lunches. Then they head off for 16 hours of line work. At a site in Allendale, N.J., one huge tree had taken town five utility poles and 11 sets of wire. A Centerpoint Energy team of 15 workers and eight
Another big storm targets JerseyShore
The Bulletin
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ATTENTION CENTRAL OREGON NONPROFIT GROUPS The Bulletin is in the process of verifying and compiling a comprehensive list of nonprofit entities in Central Oregon. Please fill out this form to verify information in order to be considered for publication in Connections. Mail back to: The Bulletin, Attn: Chris Ingersoll, P.O. Box 6020, Bend, OR97708.
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Signs Continued from A1 Both men were teachers before they retired: Cooper at local high schools and Kohler at Central Oregon Community
College. Cooper taught government at Bend High School, then at Mountain View High School. "So I've always been active with politics," said Cooper, who retired 10 y ears ago. K ohler taught math a t t h e community college for more than three decades. Cooper said he and his wife, Muriel, are "very, very good friends" with Kohler and his wife, Norma. "When we're gone, he watches our place really well," Cooper said. Kohler likewise said t h e Coopers are "close friends" and the two couples eat dinner at each others' homes. The political signs pose "no
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problem fo r o u r re l a tionship," Kohler said. "We've got a cat, and when we leave town, Muriel usually feeds our cat," Kohler said. "I said, 'If I put a Romney Ryan sign on our lawn, you'll still look after Nani?' And she says, 'Oh yeah.' I said it in humor, I know it wasn't a problem." "We u sually d o n' t t a l k politics, but I think we could without any problem," Kohler said. Both men cited specific reasons they support the Democratic and Republican presidential tickets. Kohler said he will be "depressed and very disappointed if Barack wins the election." "Ithink it would be abig mistake to go another four years with Obama," Kohler said. "I know they say all the problems are because we've inherited the problems, but I don't think w e've made the progress in that
time period we should have made." He said he was particularly disappointed at the amount of debt taken on by the federal government. Cooper said that although he supports President Obama, Congress holds more responsibility for problems in Washington, D.C., than the executive branch. In particular, Cooper was upset when Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said in 2010 that the most important achievement for Republicans would be to make President Obama a one-term president. "That was one of the biggest issues that bothered me," Cooper said. "(Congress) is designed for political leaders to come together and solve the problems of the United States." — Reporter: 541-617-7829, hborrudC<
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Photos by Robert Stolarik/The New York Times
Volunteers clean sand from the boardwalkin the Coney Island area of New York City.
Boardwalk Continued from A1 S uperstorm S a nd y l e f t boardwalks shredded, buckled and gone from shore towns in New Jersey and on Long Island. The bigger casualties were almost in c a lculable: t h e homes, businesses and lives lost to fire and flooding. But for many wading through the wreckage, th e b o a rdwalks summed up a ruined way of life. These wood-plank promenades sustained businesses and tied t ogether commun ities, s erving a s so m e thing akin to town squares on stilts. But blasted three blocks into town or dumped implausibly onto roofs of seaside retreats, their destruction served notice that for all the romance of the ocean, it can also wreak havoc — and in a warming world, increas-
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Robert Stolarik/The New York Times
A girl sits on the battered boardwalk in front of her apartment building in the Rockaways neighborhood of Queens, N.Y Perhaps it is because the Jersey Shore drives so much of the state's Q8 billion tourism industry. Perhaps it is because they have seen this before: The Great Hurricane of 1938 and the Ash Wednesday storm of 1962 struck the East Coast like freight trains, ripping up these beach-town boulevards from Virginia to New England. The boardwalks were built back, at great expense.
ley stood by the water and recalled so many teenage rites
of passage along boardwalks
now obliterated, i n O r t l ey Beach, Seaside Heights, Seaside Beach. She looked out over Barnegat Bay to the bridge that had ingly does. ferried generations to Seaside In Seaside Heights, south Heights, first by h orse and of Belmar, N.J., the 17-block buggy for 25 cents and later by Boardwalk settled in splincandy-colored convertibles. t ered heaps, th e S ta r J e t Now police officers turned roller coaster that once stood the cars away, telling people on it now ducking in and out this was not the Seaside they Boardwalk memories of the waves like a skeletal knew, it was too dangerous to serpent. The destruction now seems enter. "I never gave it a second I n t h e Ro c k aways, i n fasterand more severe; last Queens, some residents re- year, the boardwalks along the thought: 'I'm bored. Let's take turned as soon as the storm Jersey Shore suffered damage a ride into Seaside,'" Shanley, had subsided to check on the from the one-two punch of an 24, said. "I had so many dates planks clustered like a game earthquake an d H u r r icane in Seaside, just walking the of pick-up sticks, while others Irene in the same week. Here, Boardwalk." said they could not bear the the town merely continued, as In Fa r R o ckaway, near sight. it had over the years, replac- Beach 25th Street, Terrence In Long Beach, on Long ing wooden planks with com- N ottingham, 32, s p oke o f Island, the police tried unsuc- posite lumber supposed to last the boardwalk as a kind of cessfully t o k ee p r e sidents decades. The repairs were fin- talisman. "If I'm ever going through away from mourning over the ished in May. ruins of the 2.2-mile BoardThe B e lmar B o a rdwalk something or feeling a certain walk, parts of w h ich w ere served as the staging ground way, I can come to the boardwhipped half a mile away. of summer for Matt Doherty, walk and i t's very serene," " The first thing I h a d t o the mayor of this town, and his he said. "I just look out at the do was check out the Board- daughters, 5 and 8. water and I can just clear my "I would come home from walk," said Chris Cori, 19, a head and think about how to Long Beach native, looking work, we would ride our bikes, help myself." "I just hope that they hurry down and biting his lip. "I just go up to the boardwalk, get couldn't believe it. I didn't ex- our ice cream if they were up and build another one, like pect it." good that day, go play on the this one but make it stronger," With strips blown a w ay boardwalk, they would get all he added. from shore towns up and down sandy," Doherty said. That was the sentiment up "They would always want the East Coast, it was the rare and down the shore about exception that the celebrated to go down to the water, that rebuilding. Gov. Chris Chrisboardwalks in A tlantic City would always be an argument, tie of New Jersey called it and Coney Island, where much and they would go into the wa- resilience. of the wooden structurewas ter because I would lose that C hristie, who i s 50 , h ad recently replaced with con- argument. They would get wet. rented a h ouse i n S easide crete, remained largely intact. They would get back on the Heights w it h h i g h s c h ool In the less fortunate com- bikes. They would complain friends after his graduation, munities along the New Jer- that they were wet. And we'd and he returned to the rides sey and New York coastlines, go home. And we'd repeat." and boardwalks here with his longtime residents and seaNow, James Robinson, 46, wife and four children in the sonal faithful talked of what who grew up here, sat on his summers. "We'll rebuild it," he said has become a sad seaside bicycle, sniffing rot in the air ritual, rebuilding a s t o r m- and watching planks floating last week. "There is no quesdamaged boardwalk. T h ey in deep pools of water. tion in my mind we'll rebuild "I've seen the Boardwalk get it, but for those of us who are generally were not at all ready or willing to question the wis- beat up back in '70s but never my age, it won't be the same. dom of rebuilding on a ribbon to this point," he said. "It's just It will b e d i fferent because of sand buffeted by the Atsad. It's just completely sad. It many of the iconic things that lantic Ocean and directed by will take years to get back to made it what it was are now nature to shift with winds and where we were." g one and washed into t h e tides. In Toms River, Dana Shan- ocean."
Over the holiday, the groups staked out different parts of Continued from A1 Cairo's downtown. One avoidBut during th e r e cent ed any violence, forming huEid al-Adha holiday, some man chains between women of the men were surprised and their tormentors. The othto find they no longer had er groupforcefullyconfronted the ability to harass with men and boys it suspected of impunity, a change brought harassment, smacking around about not just out of con- suspects before hauling them cern for women's rights, but off to a police station. out of a frustration that the One of that group's foundpost-revolutionary govern- ers, Sherine Badr el-Din, 30, ment still, like the one be- started her work as an antifore, was doing too little to harassment activist by askprotect its citizens. ing men to get off the womAt least three citizens en-only cars on t h e C a iro groups patrolled busy sec- subway, regarded as a safe tions of central Cairo dur- zone. When they refused, she ing the recent holiday. The videotaped them and posted groups' members, both men their pictures on the Internet, a nd women, shared t h e she said. conviction that the authoriL ast summer, one of t h e ties would not act against men attacked her. "I wanted to file a case, but h arassment u n l ess t h e problem was forced into the the police o f ficer r e fused, public debate. They differed claiming they were only there in their tactics, with some of to monitor the train schedthe activists criticizing oth- ules." She said the group escaers for being too quick to re- lated its tactics out of frustrasort to violence against sus- tion, after the police started pects and encouraging vigi- releasingsuspects the group lantism. One of the group had caught. "Violence is not our methleaders compared the activists to the Guardian Angels od," she said. "But the pressure in the United States. was tremendous." "The harasser doesn't see Last week, as the group anyone who will hold him gathered near Tahrir Square, accountable," said O m ar one member had whatlooked Talaat, 16, who joined one like a stun gun, and another of the patrols. shook a can of spray paint. The years of President Most participants were men, Hosni Mubarak's rule were and some wore fluorescent marked by official apathy, green vests, with the words collusion in the assaults on "combating harassment" writwomen or empty responses ten on the back. to the attacks, including poT hey m used a b out t h e lice roundups of teenagers reasons forthe frequency of at Internet cafes for looking the attacks on their sisters, at pornography. mothers and friends, finding "The police did not take no sure answer in the f r eharassment seriously," said quent blame laid on poverty Madihael-Safty, asociology or religion, society's indifferprofessor atthe American ence or the state's contagious University in Cairo. "People chauvinism. didn't file complaints. It was They seemed more certain always underreported." of the solution, as they plunged M ubarak's w i f e , S u - into the holiday crowds over zanne, who portrayed her- several evenings. Some byself as a champion of wom- standers w er e s u p portive, en's rights, pretended the regarding the patrols as a welproblem hardly existed. As come curiosity. reportsof harassment grew in 2008, she said, "Egyptian Street melee men always respect EgypBut when violence broke tian women." out, there was less support. "I will tell the government Groupshave an effect on you," one man screamed Egypt's new president, as the activists wrestled with Mohammed Morsi, has pre- a suspect. sided over two holidays, and Sometimes the patrol acted many activists say there is after seeing a woman being no sign that the government groped. At other times, it justiis paying closer attention to fied its attacks as preventive. the problem. But the work Two boys o n a s c o oter by the citizens groups may hardly knew what hit them. be having an effect: Last One minute, they were drivweek, after the Eid al-Adha ing along the Nile Corniche, holiday, Morsi's spokesman saying something — maybe announced that the govern- l ewd, maybe not — to t w o ment had received more girls strolling on t h e sidethan 1,000 reports of ha- walk. The next, they were rassment, and said that the being hauled off the scooter president had directed the by the men in green vests. Interior Ministry to investigate them. "Egypt's revolution cannot tolerate these abuses," shelter • help h o p e the s p okesman q u o ted
The melee that broke out afterward stopped traffic on one of downtown's busiest roadways, before the police chased the patrol members
off. Afterward, Muhaab Selim, 23, a member of the group, c ould b a rely c o ntain h i s
anger. "Why do I have to wait until he touches them?" he yelled. "Why do people defend the harassers?"
Armed with spray paint By the end of the holidays, one of the g roup's leaders, Muhammad Taimoor, 22, had been arrested after fighting with a suspect on the subway. Even so, he called the weekend a success. "We caught some harassers, sprayed them with paint and published their pictures everywhere," Taimoor said. "The Interior Ministry wasn't cooperating with us at all. They weren't protecting women in the streets." While Taimoor and his colleagues were on patrol, another group, called Imprint, was in a nearby square. Nihal Saad Zaghloul, a 27-year old activist with the group, said its members stopped more than 30 men who were trying to harass women. When the group believes someone is being harassed, some members form a wall b etween th e a t tacker a n d the victim, while other members take the woman away to safety. "We don't push back, and we don't fight," Zaghloul said. "Whatever excuses they give, we respond." They also ask police officers to be present, in case the woman wants to file a report. Zaghloul, who became active after she and a f r i end were assaulted, was less critical of the patrol officers than some of the other activists. "They are understaffed, and at the same time, they are part of a society that always blames women, although they know it's wrong." She worried that the methods used by the other group would alienate the public. But she added, "No one understands their f r u stration better than me."
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Morsi as saying. Azza Soliman, the director of the Center for Egyptian Women's Legal Assistance, dismissed the president's words as " weak." During th e h o liday, she said, one of her sons was beaten on the subway after he tried to stop a man who was groping two f oreign women. The police tried to stop him from filing a complaint. "The whole world is talking about harassment in our country," Soliman said. "The Interior Ministrytakes no action." For years, anti-harassment activists have worked to highlight the problems in Egypt, but the uprising seemed to give the effort
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Ballot dropdoxes
Ll(1';:-.';: Ill= g
'or 'or ©HHS
ll l l l 4 ' ~
16425 First St.
Redmond drop box
All ballots are due today by
City Hall, 716 S.W. Evergreen Ave.
8 p.m. at a drop box or a county clerk's office. CROOKCOUNTY
Redmond Public Library,
Prineville Crook County Clerk's Office, 300 N.E. Third St.
827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.
Drop boxes
Sunriver drop box
Crook County Library, 175 N.W. Meadow Lakes Dr.
Sunriver Area Public Library, 56855 Venture Lane.
Crook County Treasurer's
Terrebone drop box
Office, 200 N.E. Second St., Suite 100.
Terrebone Sheriff Substation, 815411th St.
Sisters drop box City Hall, 520 E. Cascade Ave.
Post drop box
Post General Store, 28550 S.E. Paulina Highway.
Jefferson County Clerk's Office, 66 S.E. D St. Crooked River Ranch drop
Powell Butte drop box Powell Butte Community Photos by Rob Kerr/The Bulletin
Election Eve on Monday found the Deschutes County offices of the Republican, left, and Democratic parties ready for Tuesday.
"It was busy today and it will be more tomorrow," she said Monday. Along with voters dropping off ballots came a r e gular stream of people with election questions. The most common questions came from people who hadn't received a ballot, she said, and were wondering how to fill out a replacement.
Continued from A1 "I usually just say, 'I want you to vote,'" Turner said. She stopped by about 40 homes during her canvassing. On Election Day this year, voters will be casting ballots for everything from city council races to president, and both parties have been campaign-
ing for months. The Deschutes County Republican Party set up its temporary headquartersinJune, Moseley said.The Deschutes Democrats set up theirs in July, Gould said. There is no campaigning at the Deschutes County Clerk's Office, but the nearing election made for a busy Monday, said County C l er k N a n cy Blankenship.
"We're concerned a lot of lower priority issues
It's too late to register to vote in this election — the deadline was Oct. 16. But Blankenship said registeredOregon voters can still update their voter information and receive a ballot. As of Monday, Blankenship said,53.6 percentof the 99,040 registered voters in Deschutes County had already voted. — Reporter: 541-617-7812,
sanctioned by an y g o vernmental entity at all," he said. Continued from A1 The nine-month l eadership might get before voters before the higher He said he thinks governclassbegan in September. ment agencies need to do more priority ones." King said he was aware of to schedule their tax measures — Tim Casey, executive director, Bend Chamber the LeadershipBend project. according to community priKing would like the class to recorities and taxpayers' capacity ommend priorities and strateto tolerate higher bills. gies, although it's unclear at "Residents don't look at the into a position of rate tolerance the total rate charged to tax- this point whether it will do so. system as all these different where they will not want to pay payers each year as some of Jenny Dietz, whose job at i ndividual a g encies," K i n g any more ... We're concerned the bonds expire. the Bend Chamber includes "At the time, there were ru- support for Leadership Bend, said. "I think they kind of look a lot of lower priority issues at it as government services at might getbefore voters before mors of a $98 million school said the group plans to present the local level, and I think they the higher priority ones." bond," as well as measures to its findings to elected officials expect usto be more coordiSeveral months ago, Casey create a new transit tax dis- and the public. The class goal nated in our asks of them." approached former Deschutes trict and a permanent tax rate is to present its findings in The Bend Chamber h as County Sheriff L e s S t i l es for the Deschutes County 911 May 2013. raised similar concerns. about taking the Chamber's Service District, Stiles said. If governments do not coor"We're very concerned about leadership class, Leadership "So the question begging to dinate, they could put forward the quality of life, and it has Bend, in a n e w d i r ection. be asked is, 'Who's taking the bond measures that miss the a direct correlation with the Stiles' specific assignment to 3 0,000-foot view?' A t w h a t big picture, King said. For exinfrastructure, education and the 32 class members, a mix of point are we going to hit a tip- ample, voters might approve a public safety," said chamber high-level business people and ping point for the voters ... Bo bond measure to pay for conExecutive Director Tim Casey. government employees, is to Stiles emphasized that the struction of a new school when "And we are concerned as vot- graph all of the existing prop- Bend Chamber came up with sewer capacity doesn't exist to ers start looking at all these erty tax rates as far as possible the idea for the class project serve it and no money is set different bonds, they will get into the future, then determine on its own. "This is not being aside to upgrade that capacity.
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School, 13640 S.W. State Highway 126
box Administration Area, 5195 S.W. Clubhouse Road
Culver drop box
Deschutes County Clerk's Office, 1300 N.W. Wall St.
City Hall 200 W. First St. Metolius drop box City Hall, 636 Jefferson St.
Drop boxes Corner of Wall Street and Lafayette Ave.
Deschutes County Road Department,
Warm Springs drop box
61150 S.E. 27th St.
Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Fire and Safety, 2112 Wasco St.
La Pine drop box La Pine Public library,
And the city must plan for its sewer and other infrastructure to serve private development, not just new government projects, King said. The city needs to have shovel-ready land around the city in order to attract new businesses. The
ago, they agreed to revisit the funding issue after the Bend Chamber leadershipclass produces its report, King said. "As a city, it's our responsibility to provide the infrastructure for a lot of these requests, and I just want to make city is also struggling to pay sure we can do that ... We don't for police and fire services at w ant tobe seen as barriers to the level residents expect. development." F or th e m o m ent, t a l k s Some in the class said they aimed at coordinated funding should have started the analybetween King and other local sis earlier so it would be done government leaders — from before the November election. the Deschutes Public Library The class started too close to District, Deschutes County, the election to accomplish that, Bend-La Pine Schools, the Stiles said, but he expects their Bend Park 8 Recreation Dis- findings will still spark an imtrict and Oregon State Univer- portant conversation and posity-Cascades Campus — are tentially play a role in future informal, with no timeline to bond measure decisions. " Personally, I t h i n k E r i c produce results. Casey and staff from the nonprofit Eco- King's right and we're going nomic Development for Cen- to reach a tipping point," Stiles tral Oregon also attend the sald. — Reporter: 541-617-7829, meetings. These officials meet periodically; a f e w m o nths
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Donate Canned Food Receive a raffle ticket for each item donated. Raffle prizes include — skis, helmets, goggles, lift tickets, etc. Most needed items: meats, soups, peanut butter, pasta, rice, beans, fruits, veggies
311 SW CenturY Dr, Bend 541-388-8234 *Does not apply to prior sales.
a ac a
a ee n wni a n m aa n
TV& Movies, B2 Calendar, B3 Horoscope, B3 Comics, B4-5 Puzzles, B5 THE BULLETIN • TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 2012
THI' •
Student artwork to be on display
k Ar 0
Come seethe
art of students from Marshall High
School, Cascade Middle School and the Skyliner Art Camp on Wednesday at their
Gallery Night in downtown Bend. The students' work
will be on display from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at 5 N.W.Minnesota
Ave., the spacewhich formerly housed Bour-
ew •
bon Street restaurant.
Appetizers will be served. It's free andopen to the public. Several pieces will be available
as rentable artas a fundraiser for art programs.
Contact: 541-3826544. — From staff reports
'I" IA
Submitted photos
Submitted photo
Mayo traveled from Mexico Say hello to Mayo, a1-year-old tabby
Abyssinian named after a Northern Mexican Indian tribe. Mayo is a rescue cat that
returned to Bendfrom Mazatlan, Mexico, with his owners Mike and Judi Phillips. To submit a photo for publication, email
• Author JeanM.Auel to discusshistory, conduct reading in Bend By David Jasper • The Bulletin
a high-resolution image along with your animal' sname,age and species or breed, your name, age,city of residence and contact information, and a few words about what makes your pet special. Send photos to pets©bendbulletin.
hat does an author do aftershe's closedthe chapter, as it were, on the last installment in a six-book series she worked on for more than 30 years'? Well, if that author is Jean M. Auel, creator of the Earth's Children series, she takes aneeded break — a break from writing, that is. At 76, the Portland author may have temporarily put down her pen, but she still makes appearancesatliterary events such as The Nature of Words Festival in Bend. The five-dayseries of workshops, readings and more gets under way Wednesday evening. Auel is scheduled to do a reading Thursday at the Tower Theatre and give a Saturday lecture at Hitchcock Auditorium at Central Oregon Community College. She'll also be on hand for a short reading
com, drop them off at 1777 S.W. Chandler Ave. in Bend, or mail them to The Bulletin
Pets section, P.O. Box 6020, Bend, OR 97708. Contact: 541-3830358.
at Saturday evening's author dinner (see
"If you go").
While at the festival, Auel will receive the Caldera Special Recognition Award. Previous winners of the award include Barry Lopez and William Kittredge. "Well, she's only sold 40 million books worldwide," says a c h uckling Robert McDowell, executive director of The Nature of Words. "I can't think of a single author I know who wouldn't give some part of their anatomy" for those kinds of numbers. "Forty million?" he adds. "That's a lot. So it's going to be fantastic to host her and have her here, and celebrate her life as an Oregonian and the contribution she's made to the literary life of the state and the Northwest. Very exciting to have somebody of that caliber." SeeAuel/B6
If yougo What:Author Jean M. Auel at The Nature of Words
• 11 a.m. Saturday-
• 5:30-9:30 p.m. Saturday-
•7 p.m. Thursday-
Jean M. Auel lectures on "Thirty Thousand Years Ago" at Hitchcock Auditorium, Pioneer Hall, Central Oregon Community College, 2600
Gala author dinner, Century Center, 700 S.W. Century
Guest author reading with Sherwin Bisui, Thor Hanson,
Tracy Daugherty and JeanM. Auel at the Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; $25
Submltted photo
Contact:www.thenature or 541-647-2233
Drive, Bend; friends table, $75 per person; author table, $110 per person.
N.W.CollegeW ay;$40
Adore Joshua and Isadora Meet Joshua, left,
and Isadora. They are 3 months old and
went to foster care after being found
abandoned. Theyare social, altered, microchipped and readyfor new homes. If you would like to visit Joshua and
Isadora or any other pet available for adoption through the Cat
Rescue, Adoption and Foster Team,contact the organization at 541-389-8420 or
info©craftcats .org, or visit www
Bomb-sniffing dogsare U.S.troops'best friends The kennel at the Masum Ghar Operating Baseis dedicated to Petty Officer 2nd Class Sean Brazas, from Naval Base Kitsap. Brazas, a dog handler, died after being shot in May. His dog mourned him. Hal Bernton Seattle Times
By Hal Bernton The Seattle Times
FORWARD OPERATING BASE MASUM GHAR, Afghanistan — Dinomt, a 90-pound German shepherd trained to detect the scent of explosives, could grow edgy in a firefight. Whenever the shooting started, Petty Officer 2nd Class Leroy Williams would strive to keep his 90-pound
canine partner calm by maintaining his own cool. "There is something that all the dog handlers say. 'Your emotions go down the leash,'" Williams said. "Your dogs feel everything you are feeling. And when you are nervous and afraid, your dogs know it." In Afghanistan, dog handlers and their military working dogs help find
IEDs, improvised explosive devices, that have repeatedly killed and maimed U.S. troops. On foot patrols, soldiers wielding metal detectors and other devices locate most of the IEDs. But the dogs' ability to find these bombs makes them a valuable addition to foot patrols. SeeTroops/B6
a M O V I ES
I'll take mycable with a
side of violence,please startle even the investigators from "CSI," where only four In a recent episode of "Fam- people get knocked off every ily Guy," Peter Griffin uses hour. his power as a newly minted Those interested in b ody Nielsenviewer to force some counts best stay at home on the changes on "Mad Men." In his holiest day of the week. HBO's version, the usually unruffled "Boardwalk Empire," about a Don Draper reacts to critiruthlessgangster who doesn't cism from a client by picking hesitate to kill his right-hand up a light saber man; S h o w time's "Dexter," which asks and doing battle Ty SpoT while the " Star us to root, root, root W ars" the m e for a s erial k i l ler, and "Walking Dead" all air on plays in the background. That's ridiculous. Sunday bloody Sunday. A real Nielsen viewer would I suppose this is the point be more likely to have Draper at which a responsible citizen wield a machete to pounding should climb up on the bully rock music and not rest until pulpit and r ail a t h e artless the client's skull was hanging Hollywood for subjecting us to from a hat rack. all this — but I can't do it. "Mad Men" may be a critiSure, any parent who allows cal smash, but its 3.5 million young children to watch these fans pale in comparison to an- shows should get a late-night other AMC series, "The Walk- visit from Dexter Morgan, but ing Dead" (14 million weekly for grown-ups with the right viewers), and FX's "Sons of c onstitution, v i o lence c a n Anarchy" (5.3 million), two make for killer drama. ultraviolent series that live off Consider "The Sopranos," mayhem, not martinis. arguably the most acclaimed In "Anarchy," a motorcycle seriesofthe past 20 years.The club attempts to maintain its first things you think of aren't illegal weapons trade by pum- Tony's heart-to-hearts with his meling enemies to death, run- shrink, his marital infidelities ning people over on the street or his hankering for a second and shooting anyone who gives plate of pasta. It's the time he took a break them so much as a dirty look. In a harrowing scene earlier from touring colleges with his this season, one gang members daughter to off an informant. is forced to watch as a rival Or maybe it's the m oment douses his daughter with gaso- when he left his nephew to line and burns her alive in a pit bleed to death after a car acfilled with corpses. cident. Or perhaps you'll flash " Walking Dead" i s even on Adriana's infamous trip to more gruesome. the woods where she pleaded Plague survivors ward off for her life until Silvio put her zombies by sticking knives in out of her misery. their heads, jamming screwAs long as we can separate drivers into their eyes and reality from fantasy, this kind of slicing them into pieces. Ac- creative carnage has raised the cording to, a stakes in what has to be called a website that helps people pre- golden age for TV dramas. pare for the inevitable, "Dead" You can have your nostalaverages 17 dead bodies an gia. I'll take more "Sons of episode, a statistic that would Anarchy."
By Neal Justin
Regal Pilot Butte 6
(Minneapolis) Star Tribune
2717 N.E. U.S. Highway 20, Bend,541-382-6347
ALEX CROSS(PG-13) 1, 4:15, 6:45 ARGO (R) Noon, 3, 5:45 FRANKENWEENIE(PG) 1:15, 3:45, 7 LOOPER(R) 12:15, 3:15, 6 THE PERKSOFBEINGA WALLFLOWER(PG-13) 12:45, 4, 6:30 TROUBLEWITH THECURVE (PG-13) 12:30, 3:30, 6:15
Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX 680S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend,541-382-6347
ALEX CROSS(PG-13) 12:25 ARGO (R) 12:10, 3, 6, 9 CHASINGMAVERICKS(PG) 12:40, 3:40, 6:55, 9:35 CLOUDATLAS(R) Noon, 4, 7:45 FLIGHT (R) 12:05, 1:05, 3:20, 4:20, 6:35, 7:35, 9:50 FUN SIZE(PG-13) 1:40, 4:10 HERE COMESTHE BOOM (PG)2, 4:45, 7:25, IO:05 HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA(PG) 1:30, 6:15 HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA3-D (PG) 3:55, 9:10 THE MANWITH THE IRON FISTS (R) 1:20, 4:30, 7:15, 9:45 PARANORMAL ACTIVITY4 IMAX (R) 1:45, 4:50, 7:50, 10:10 PITCH PERFECT(PG-13) 12:20, 3:05, 6:05, 9:05 SEVENPSYCHOPATHS(R) 7:10, IO
Joseph Gordon-Levitt stars in cpremium Rush," playing at McMenamins Old St. Francis School in Bend.
EDITOR'S NOTES: Accessibility devices are
available for somemovies at Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 tI /MAX. • There may be an additional fee for 3-Oand IMAX films. • Movie times are subject to change after press time.
Columbia Pictures via The Associated Press
MADRAS SILENT HILL: REVELATION(R) 3:25, 10:10 SILENT HILL: REVELATION3-D (R) 12:55, 7:40 SINISTER (R) 3:10, 6:25, 9:20 TAKEN 2 (PG-13) 1:55, 4:35, 7:20, 9:55 WRECK-IT RALPH(PG) 12:30, 3:30, 6:45, 9:25 WRECK-IT RALPH3-D (PG) 12:45, 3:45, 7, 9:45
McMenamins Old St. Francis School 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend, 541-330-8562
THE CAMPAIGN(R) 9 PREMIUM RUSH(PG-13) 6 After 7 p.m., shotrvsare 21and older only. Younger than21 may attend screenings before7pm.if accompaniedby a legalguardian.
REDMOND Redmond Cinemas 1535S.W. DdemMedo Road, Redmond, 541-548-8777
SISTERS Sisters Movie House 720 Desperado Court, Sisters, 541-549-8800
As of press time, complete movie times were unavailable. For more information, visit trvirvw.tinpan
WILSONSofRed mond 541-548-2066
PRINEVILLE Pine Theater 214 N. Main St., Prineville,541-416-1014
TROUBLEWITH THECURVE (UPSTAIRS — PG-13) 6 WRECK-IT RALPH(PG) 3:40, 6:10 Pine Theater's upstairs screening room has limited accessibility.
t •
l- o •
neighbOrhOOd on Bend's wuson's
869 N.W. Tin PanAlley, Bend, 541-241-2271
1101 S.W. U.S.Highway 97, Madras, 541-475-3505
Tin Pan Theater
Madras Cinema 5
M ATTRES S G allery- B e n d 541-330-5084
44iestside. www.northwestcrossin)".com
*In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/BiackButte Di ital PM-Prineviiie/Madras SR-Sunriver L-LaPine
tRRRX~RKHK~RKR2RRRK~RRK~RREK~RKR2RREI~~RRKREEK~XKEHt EHK~RDiRH t 1RK KATU News(N) o « ABC NewsYour Voice YourVote 2012Presidential election coverage. KATU News (4:00) ABCNewsYour Voice Your Vote 2012Presidential election coverage. (N) n (Live) (11:35) Nightline
News Election Night KOIN Local 6 at 5Election Campaign 2012:CBSNews Coverage of Election Night Coverageof election nightfromaroundthe country. (N) n (Live) ac News TBA KEZI 9 News ABC News YourVoice YourVote 2012Presidential electioncoverage. (N) n (Live) KEZI 9 News (11:35) Nightiine (4:00) ABCNewsYour Voice Your Vote 2012Presidential election coverage. (N) Videos Two/Half Men Two/Haif Men Big Bang Big Bang FOX News Election Special: You Decide2012 (N) n (Live) News KFXO IDi IEI IEIIEI America's Funniest Home TMZ (N) n 'PG' The Simpsons Family Guy '14' Woody Allen: American Masters Woody Aiien's life and career. '14' Woo dy Allen: American Masters Koae O B Q B PBS NewshourElection Night 2012: ASpecial Report Gavei-to-gaveicoverageof election results. (N) n (Live) « KGW 0 (4:00) 2012Election Night Coverageof the election. (N)(Live) Emi l y Owens, M.D. n 'PG' « Sei n feld 'PG' S einfeid 'G' 'Tii Death 'PG' 'Tii Death '14' KTVZDT2IEI 0 B lH We ThereYet? We There Yet? King of Queens King of Queens Engagement Engagement A r row An innocent Man'14' « Mexico/Bayless Simply Ming 'G' New Tricks TigerTiger n cc Gal l ery: Nat'I P OV Chile's remote AtacamaDesert. n '14' cc World News Tavis Smiley (N) Charlie Rose(N) n cc PBS NewsHourElection coverage. OPBPL 175 173
KTvz 0 0 0 0 (4:00) 2012Election Night (Left in Progress) Coverageof the election. (N)(Live)
KBNZ 0 KOHD Q 0 0 0
Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars (3:00) *** "Crim** "Four Brothers" (2005,CrimeDrama)MarkWahiberg, TyreseGibson, Andre Benjamin. Sib- *** "The Fifth Element"(1997,ScienceFiction) BruceWilis, Gary Oidman,ian Holm.A NewYork cabbytries to * "Mission toMars" (2000)Gary • *AMC 102 40 39 son Tide" ling s seek revenge for their adoptive mother's murder. « save Earth in 2259. « Sinise, TimRobbins. « *ANPL 68 50 26 38 Monsters Inside Me 'PG' cc North Woods Law: Onthe Hunt Finding Bigfoot n 'PG' cc Finding Bigfoot n 'PG' Finding Bigfoot: Further Evidence Finding Bigfoot n 'PG' cc Finding Bigfoot n 'PG' BRAVO1 37 4 4 The Real Housewives of Miami The Real Housewives of Miami The Real Housewives of Miami The Real Housewives of Atlanta Real Housewives/Beverly Start-Ups: Silicon Valley What Happens Housewives/Ati. *** "AnyGivenSunday" (1999)AlPacino. Afootball coachcopeswith crises onandoff thefield. n CMT 190 32 42 53 Roseanne 'PG' Roseanne 'PG' Reba 'PG' cc R eba 'PG' cc R eba 'PG' cc R eba 'PG' cc R eba 'PG' cc R eba 'PG' cc CNBC 54 36 40 52 CNBC Reports Executive Vision On the Money Mad Money Fast Money Executive Vision John Denver Zumba Dance CNN 55 38 35 48 2012: Election Night in America 2012: Election Night in America 2012: Election Night in America 2012: Election Night in America 2012: Election Night in America 2012: Election Night in America 2012: Election Night in America COM 135 53 135 47(4:57) Futurama Always Sunny South Park '14' Tosh.0 '14' Co l bert Report Daily Show D a ily Show Co i bert Report Tosh.0 '14' To s h.0 '14' Tos h.0 '14' Bri c kleberry D a ily Show Co i bert Report COTV 11 Dept./Trans. C i ty Edition P a i d Program Kristi Miller R e dmond City Council Kristi Miller Ci t y Edition CSPAN 61 20 12 11 Election Night Live victoryandconcession speechesfrompresidential and Senatecandidates; viewerreactions. (N) (Live) Capitol Hill Hearings *DIS 87 43 14 39 Shake It Up! 'G' Shake it Up! 'G' Phineas, Ferb Good-Charlie Wizards.Place Jessie 'G' cc Good.Charlie * * "Princess Protection Program" (2009) n 'G' (10:10) Jessie Phineas, Ferb Austin 8 Ally n Gravity Falls n *DISC 156 21 16 37 I (Aimost) Got AwayWith it '14' A l aska: The Last Frontier n '14' Alaska: The Last Frontier n '14' Alaska: The Last Frontier n 'PG' Alaska: The Last Frontier (N) '14' Fighting Tuna George's Bank'14' Alaska: The Last Frontier n '14' *E! 1 36 2 5 * "Georg iaRule"(2007,Drama)JaneFonda,LindsayLohan. Sex and the City 'MA' cc Nicki Minaj: My Ice Loves Coco E! News (N) Fashion Police '14' Chelsea Lately E! News Aii-Access Kent Ail-Access Kent Sportsoenter (N) (Live) « ESPN 21 23 22 23 Sportsoenter Special (N) « NFL Alumni Skills Chaii. Sportscenter (N)(Live) « Sportscenter (N)(Live) « Sportsoenter (N)(Livei « AII.Access Kent All-Access Kent NFL Live cc ESPN2 22 24 21 24 College Football Ball State atToledo(N) (Live) NBA Tonight (N) Best of the NFL College Football ESPNC 23 25 123 25 Bay City Blues « Boxing « Boxing From Dct. 30, 1974. « Bay City Blues « AWA Wrestling « College Football FromSept. 29,2007. « H-Lite Ex. H-L i te Ex. H-L i te Ex. H-L i te Ex. H.L i te Ex. H-L i te Ex. ESP NFC Press H-Lite Ex. ESPNN 24 63 124203Sportscenter (N)(Live) cc Sportscenter (N)(Live) cc Sportscenter (N)(Live) « in,BonnieHunt. ** "ThePacifier" (2005,Comedy)Vin Diesel, LaurenGraham. FAM 67 29 19 41 Reba'PG' «Reba 'PG' «Melissa &Joey Meiissa&Joey ** "CheaperbytheDozen2"(2005)SteveMart The 700 Club n 'G' « FNC 57 61 36 50 (3:00) America's Election Headquarters ElectionNightAnchoredby Bret Baier andMegynKelly. (N) (Live) America's Election Headquarters *FOOD 177 62 98 44 Best Dishes Pauia's Cooking Chopped PiggingOut Chopped SpoutingDff Chopped Fourfirefighters battle. Chopped YuzuNeverKnow'G ' C hopped Unsung Heroes(N) Ch o pped i'm Your Huckleberry FX 131 How I Met Ho w I Met How I Met Two /Half Men Two/Half Men ** "Takers" (2010)MattDilon. Skiled thievesplan thebiggest heist of their careers. Sons of Anarchy(N)'MA' (11:13) Sons ofAnarchy 'MA' HGTV 176 49 33 43 Hunters int'I H u nters Int'I H u nters Int'I H u nters int'I H u nters int'I H o use Hunters Love it or List It 'G' « Property Virgins Property Virgins House Hunters Hunters Int'I M i l lion Dollar Rooms (N)'G' « *HIST 155 42 41 36 (4:00) It's Good to BePresident The President's Book of Secrets 'PG' cc American Pickers 'PG' cc American Pickers 'PG' cc American Pickers 'PG' cc (11:02) AmericanPickers 'PG' Abby's Ultimate Dance LIFE 138 39 20 31 Wife Swap n 'PG'« Wife SwapMartinNallone n 'PG' Wife Swap Bonnett/Linkins n 'G' A bby's Ultimate Dance Prank MyMom Prank My Mom Prom Queens Prom Queens MSNBC 59 59 128 51 Place for Politics: 2012 Place for Politics: 2012 Place for Politics: 2012 Place for Politics: 2012 Place for Politics: 2012 Place for Politics: 2012 Place for Pohttcs: 2012 MTV 192 22 38 57 (4:50) ** "Maiibu'sMost Wanted"(2003)JamieKennedy.n Totally Clueless Pranked (N) '14' Jersey Shore n '14' « Jersey Shore n '14' « Underemployed (N) n '14' « (1t:01) Underemployed '14' « NICK 82 46 24 40 SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob Spongesob Drake & Josh Figure ItOut'Y' FullHouse'G' Full House'G' Full House'G' Full House'G' TheNanny'PG' TheNanny'PG' Friendsn 'PG' (11:33) Friends OWN 161103 31 103Call 911 n 'PG' Call 911 n 'PG' Call 911 n 'PG' Call 911 n 'PG' Oprah: Where AreThey Now? n Oprah: Where AreThey Now? n Dprah: Where Are They Now? n Oprah: Where Are They Now? n Dprah: Where AreThey Now?n ROOT 20 45 28* 26 Boat Racing Bensinger Ma r k Few Show UEFA ChampiLeague ons Soccer ManchesterCity FCvsAFCAjax (N) Mark FewShow Griot's Garage Performance TV Race Freaks The Dan Patrick Show SPIKE 132 31 34 46 ink Master n '14' « Ink Master SemiNude911'14' I n k Master n '14' « ink Master TattooHerWhat? '14' Ink Master Trick or Freak n '14' i n k Master (N) n '14' « Tattoo Night. T attoo Night. ** "Cyc/ops" (2008,Fantasy)Eric Roberts, FridaFarrell. '14' SYFY 133 35 133 45(4:00) ** "Ogre"(2008) « WWESuper SmackDown! (N) n (Live) cc Total Blackout Viral Video To t al Blackout Viral Video TBN 05 60 130 BehindScenes JoyceMeyer J osephPrince RodParsley P r aisetheLord'Y'« ACLJ Full Flame S e c rets Crefio Dollar P r aise the Lord 'Y' cc *TBS 16 27 11 28 Friends n '14' Friends n '14' King of Queens King of Queens Seinfeld 'PG' Seinfeld 'PG' Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Con a n (N) '14' cc **"LadyWitha Past"(1932, RomanceComedy)Con- **"Sin Takesa Holiday"(1930, Drama)ConstanceBen- **"The Easiest Way"(1931, Drama)Constance Bennett, *"The CommonLaw" (1931)Constance Bennett. Ro- **" Son ofthe Gods"(1930,Drama) TCM 101 44 101 29 stance Bennett,BenLyon,DavidManners. nett, Basil Rathbone,Kenneth MacKenna. AdolpheMenjou, RobertMontgomery. mance blossomsin a French art colony. atj Richard Barthelmess. *TLC 178 34 32 34 Extreme Cou Extreme Cou Extreme Cou Extreme Cou Extreme Chea. Extreme Chea. Extreme Chea. Extreme Chea. Extreme Chea. Extreme Chea. Extreme Cheapskates 'PG' « Ext r eme Chea. Extreme Chea. *TNT 17 26 15 27 Bones n '14' cc The Mentalist Scariett Fever '14' The Mentalist Bloodshot n '14' R i z zoli & Isles Living Proof '14' R i zzoli 8 Isles '14' « Rtzzolt & Isles 14 ~c Leverage 'PG' cc 'TOON 84 Adventure Time Adventure Time Adventure Time Wrld, Gumball Wrld, Gumbaii Level Up 'PG' Looney Tunes Adventure Time King of the Hill King of the Hill American Dad American Dad Family Guy '14' Family Guy '14' 'TRAV 179 51 45 42 Bourdain: NoReservations Biz a rre Foods/Zimmern Man v. Food'G' Man v. Food 'G' Bizarre Foods America 'PG' Dan gerous Grounds Haiti 'PG' B i zarre Foods/Zimmern Bourdain: NoReservations M'A'S*H 'PG' M*A'S*H 'PG' DarkPast 'G' « M*A*S'H 'PG' CosbyShow Cosby Show Cosby Show Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond King ofQueens KingofQueens TVLND 65 47 29 35 B onanza The Law & Order: SVU Law 8 Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Covert Affairs (N) 'PG' Law & Order: SVU USA 15 30 23 30 Law & Order: SVU Chrissy & Jones Chrissy & Jones Chrisay & Jones T.i. and Tiny T .l. and Tiny B e hind the Music T.i. T.i. rt '14' R ehab With Dr. Drew o '14' Bas k etball Wives LA rt '14' VH1 191 48 37 54 Couples Thr. Basketball Wives LA rt '14' *ASIE 130 28 18 32 The First 48 '14' atj
Moby Dickrt (Part2of2) 'PG' « Lord of-Rings ENCR 106401 306401"Lordofthe Rings: TheReturn" (8:05) **** "E.T.the Extra-Terrestrial" 1982 HenryThomas. o (9:35) **** "AmericanGraifiii"1973 Richard Dreyfuss. 'PG' « FXM Presents ** * " The CuriousCaseof BenjaminButton" 2008, Fantasy BradPitt, Cate Bianchett. 'PG-13' « FXM Presents FMC 104204104120***"The CuriousCaseof BenjaminButton" 2008, Fantasy BradPitt, Cate Bianchett. 'PG-13' « TheUltimateFightern'14' TrainingDay UFCTonight(N) UFCPrimetime UFC:Valasquezvs.DosSantos UitimateMattHughes'14' UFC Unleashed UFC Tonight FUEL 34 Big Break Greenbrier Chasing Long est Drive Big Break Gol f Central B i g Break Greenbrier Chasing Long est Drive Learning Center Inside PGA GOLF 28 301 27 301Big Break Greenbrier ** "101 Dalmaiians" (1996)GlennClose, Jeff Daniels. « ** "youLucky Dog"(2010, Drama)Natasha Henstridge. 'PG' « "Puppy Love"(2012,Romance)CandaceCameronBure. 'G' « HALL 66 33175 33 The Waitons TheSecret 'G' « ** "Arthur" 2011,Romance-ComedyRussell Brand. Anirresponsible playboy REALSports With Bryant Gumbei ** "Sucker Punch" 2011, Action EmilyBrowning. Agirl's dreamworld pro- Treme PromisedLandTonifinds (11:10) BoardwalkEmpire Nuckyand HBO 25501 425501 n'PG' cc must choosebetweenloveandmoney.n 'PG-13'cc vides anescapefroma dark reality. n 'PG-13' cc Judge Gatling atGalatoire's. 'MA' Owen shop for apony. 'MA' I FC 105 1 0 5 *** "StarTrekiy: TheVoyage Home" 1986Wiliam Shatner. Premiere. 'PG' (7:45) *** "Creepshow"1982, HorrorHaiHoibrook, AdrienneBarbeau. 'R' (10:15) *** "StarTrekiy: TheVoyageHome"1986 'PG' ** "TheRunningMan" 1987,Science Fiction Arnold inBoots"2011,AdventureVoicesofAntonio ** stnchorman:TheLegendoiRonBurgundy"2004, (11 45) Hunted (8 40) ** "In Time"2011Justin Timberlake, Cilian Murphy.Timeis thecur- *** "Puss M AX 00508 5 0 8Schwarzenegger,RichardDawson,rt'R' « rency in aworld wherepeople no longer age. rt 'PG-13' « Banderas. Premiere. rt 'PG' « ComedyWill Ferrell, Paul Rudd. rt 'NR' « Hourglass 'MA' Lockdown Newbies'14' Hard TimeTruth andLies (N) '14' Lockdown Chaos Control n '14' H ard Time Truth and Lies '14' Loc kdown Newbies '14' Lockdown ChaosControl n '14' L o ckdown First Timers n '14' N GC 157 1 5 7 A v atar: Air. Pl anet Sheen Planet Sheen SpongeBob S p ongeBob A v atar: Air. Av atar: Air. Dr agon Ball Z Iron Man: Armor NTOON 89 115189115Planet Sheen Planet Sheen Ddd Parents Odd Parents A vatar: Air. T e d Nugent H u n t., Country Outdoors TV Wildlife Dream Season Hunting TV M i chaeis MRA Truth Hunting Wildlife The Hit List B o w Madness Legends of Fall SOLO Hunters OUTD 37 307 43 307The Hit List *** "Primary Colors" 1998,Comedy-DramaJohnTravoita, EmmaThompson, Billy BobThorn- ** "Bruno" 2009 SachaBaronCohen. The gayAustrian Homeland A GettysburgAddress rt «Dexter Debra meetswith alocal crime S HO 00 5 0 0 (4:15) ** "Cocktail" 1988, Romance Tom Cruise. n 'R' « ton. A smooth-talkingSoutherngovernor runsfor president. n 'R' « fashionista bringshis showto America. 'R' writer. n 'MA' « SPEED 35 303125303Dumbest Stuff Dumbest Stuff Hard Parts Ha r d Parts My Ride Rules My Ride Rules Dumbest Stuff Dumbest Stuff Hard Parts Ha r d Parts My Ride Rules My Ride Rules Unique Whips '14' *** "21JumpStreet" 2012, ComedyJonah Hil. n 'R' « "The TexasChainsaw Massacre" STARZ 00408 00408TakeShelter 'R' *** "Bad Boys"1995, Action Martin Lawrence. n 'R' « * NVyBoss's Daughter" 2003 AshtonKutcher. n "TheConArtist" 2010 Rossif Sutherland. Anex-convict ** "TheLast International Playboy" 2008,ComedyJason ** "AngelsCrest" 2011Thomas Dekker. A child's death (9:35) ** "Redemption Road"2010, DramaMichael (11:15) **"TheLuckyOnes"2008g TMC 2 5 25 takes onelast heist from aloanshark. 'R' throws a towninto turmoil. o 'R' « Clarke Duncan n 'PG 13' cc Rachel McAdams. rt 'R' Behr, MonetMazur. rt 'R' « Sports iiiustrated 'PG' Triathlon ironmanWorld Championship FromKaiiua-Kona, Hawaii. Red Bull Signature Series 'PG' P oker After Dark Charity in Mind NBCSN 27 58 30 209Triathlon ironmanWorld ChampionshipFromKaiiua-Kona, Hawaii. *WE 143 41 174118Wedding. Dav.:Unveiled WeddingDav.:Unveiled W eddingDav.:Unveiled W eddingDav.:Unveiled WeddingDav.:Unveiled My Fair Wedding My Fair Wedding
Woman'sgifts of friendship are now beingsold online Dear Abby: I have a close friend who is obsessedwith selling "finds" on eBay. I often give her little items that she has mentioned she liked — or outright asked for. I always thought she wanted to keep them for herself. Recently I saw some of the things I gave her for sale under her eBay account. I am dismayed that she is
takingadvantage ofmy generosity to make a few bucks. No, she is not desperate. And no, I don't feel comfortable saying something unless it's clever and I won't appear to be jealous or petty. — Traci in Pennsylvania Dear Traci:You don't have to say anything clever. What you should do is tell your friend that you were hurt when you saw theitems she had requested up for sale on her eBay account. Period. And in the future, be a little less generous about providing stock for her retail venture. Dear Abby: Over the years, I haveseen many letters from soon-to-be-brides a s king i f they should include their husband's sister or other female friend in th eir bridal party, even if they don't know them. There is a solution. This summer, I was honored to be the best man at the wedding of a close friend. He had a femalefriend, "Liz," whom he wanted in the wedding party. Liz didn't know the bride, so instead of having her be a bridesmaid, Liz was agroomswoman. She stood in photos with the groomsmen, and even wore a matching outfit — alovely gray dresswith a red ribbon to match our gray suitsand red ties. — Best Man in Redmond, Wash. Dear Best Man: That is certainly an appropriate solution to something that shouldn't be a problem in the first place. Women have also occasionally served in the capacity of "best man." I'm glad you mentioned it.
DEAR ABBY Dear Abby: I have seen letters in your column referring to not being invited to children's birthday parties and the hurt that follows. It's amazing to me that some adults have alsonever learned the importance of being sensitive to the feelings of others. We re cently mo ved i n t o an established neighborhood where a group of adults go on trips, out to dinner, etc. I am old enough to realize that my husband and I will not be invited to everything. But I am not "old enough" not to feel a stab of pain and isolation
when group plans are discussed in my presence and we are not invited. Somewhere along the line, people need to learn not to discuss group activities i n front of those who are not included. No one wants to feel left out. — Newcomer to Minnesota Dear Newcomer:You've said it well. While I don't think the offenders are being deliberately cruel, if people would think before opening their mouths, a lot of hurt feelings could be avoided. Dear Abby:I'm just wondering what you and your readers think about this: If you see your doctor only once a year
(orlessif you are well), but you have been going to that doctor for five years or so, should that doctor remember you? — Louise in Arizona Dear Loulse: It depends on the volume of patients the doctor has in his (or her) practice. However, before seeing you, the doctor should certainly familiarize himself (or herself) with your file so you are not being seen "cold." — Write Dear Abby at or P.O. Box 69440,Los Angeles, CA 90069.
Horoscope:HappyBirthday for Tuesday,Nov.6, 2012 By Jacqueline Bigar Do not expect to be secretive and get away with it this year. In fact, since all eyes frequently will be onyou, it will be close to impossible. You become a leader, whether you're at work, in your immediate circle or elsewhere. Use care with your finances, because misunderstandings and problems could stem from there. If you are single, try to be out andabout as m uch as possible,asyou'llhaveno problem meeting people. Takeyour time getting to know someone. If you are attached, the two of you benefit from sharing a social commitment together. LEOoften admires you. The Stars Showthe Kind of DayYou'll Have: 5-Dynamic; 4-Positive; 3Average; 2-So-so; 1-Difficult ARIES (March21-April19) ** * * Afriend whispers in your ear; listen to what he or she has to say.Others find you to be extraordinarily dynamic. Communication comes to the forefront. You might need to get moving with a key project. Be careful, as youcould getm ixed messages. Tonight: Have fun wherever you are. TAURUS(April 20-May 20) ** * K eep your homelife a priority, and do not let others distractyou. Some of you will beinvolved in real estate, whether it is sprucing upyour home or making aninvestment. Rethinka decision involving apartner. Tonight: Your instincts guideyou with apartner. GEMINI (May 21-June20) ** * * Mercury, your sign's ruling planet, is about to do a backward jig. As a result, you might sense a difference in your moodandothers' as well. A friend continuesto act in themost unexpected manner. Be optimistic about a situation that involves apartner, and put your best foot forward. Tonight: Speakyour mind. CANCER(June21-July 22) ** * * Your more possessive side emerges, despite everything that is going on around you. Aboss orsomeoneyoulookuptocould be quite reactive. Becareful with your word choice; many people are oversensitive. You might want to revisit a recent decision involving your daily life. Tonight: Your treat. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) ** * * You are full of personality andfun.Othersdonotknow how to take your words andactions. A misunderstanding could happenas a result of their assumptions. Know what you want. Rethink what is going on with a situation that involves a
romance and/or a child. Tonight: Let the fun begin. VIRGO (Aug.23-Sept. 22) ** * K now when to pull backand simply listen. A partner's unexpected actions could be problematic. You might feel cranky becauseof everything you have to deal with. Opportunities occur naturally for you, butyou might not be in the moodto jump on them. Tonight: Get some extra R and R. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) ** * * E mphasize what imis portant, andfollowthroughaccordingly.A meeting providessupport asyou continue downyour chosenpath. You might worry too muchandwonder what is going on.Also, information coming in might not be accurate. Trustyour instincts. Tonight: Where friends are. SCORPIO(Oct. 23-Nov. 21) ** * Take charge of a situation — don't act as if you have nochoice. You are heading in anew direction despite the comfort of staying in what is known. You might decide thatyou need feedback from avery gracious partner. Tonight: On top of your game. SAGITTARIUS(Nov. 22-Dec. 21j ** * * L isten and reach out to someone at adistance who means a lot to you. Donot stand on ceremony if your calls aren't returned. You are entering a period when misunderstandings could happen with greater frequency. Tonight: Detach and tap into your imagination. CAPRICORN(Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
** * * *
Relate on one-on-one a
level to someone. Listen to whatyou are saying and also to what is being shared. You could beoverwhelmed by everything that is happening around you. Delegate responsibilities to a trusted associate or loved one. Tonight: Make it romantic. AQUARIUS(Jan. 20-Feb. 18) ** * * G ive upa need to have power. If you just go along with a situation, you will be much happier. Listen to your instincts regarding a personal matter. Do not test others. Let them run the showandexpress their true colors. Tonight: Say "yes." PISCES (Fed.19-March 20) ** * * * Y ou could be overwhelmed by everything that is happening in your immediate circle. Start crossing things off your to-do list — it will help eliminate this feeling of heaviness. Youwill feel better as a result. You also will be able toextend yourself more fully. Tonight: Putyour feet up. © 2012 by King Features Syndicate
Please email event information to or click on "Submit an Event" at Allow at least 10days before the desired date of publication. Ongoing listings must be updated monthly. Contact: 541-383-0351.
TODAY "FOODANDTHE PARADOX OF PLENTY":Learn about food production and pathways and howthey impact the developmentofhuman civilization, world exploration and society; free; 2 p.m.; Bend Senior Center, 1600 S.E. Reed Market Road; 541-617-4663, or http:// "THE CRISIS OFCIVILIZATION": A screening of the film about the six global crises facing mankind, and how they are related; free; 6:30 p.m.; First Presbyterian Church, 230 N.E. Ninth St., Bend; 541-815-6504.
WEDNESDAY VETERANSCELEBRATION: With a luncheon and live music; free; 10:30 a.m.; Eastmont Community School,62425 Eagle Road, Bend; 541-382-2049. KNOW HUMOR:THE FUN 8 ART OF IMPROVCOMEDY: Learn about improvisational comedy from the local improv troupe Triage; free; 4:30 p.m.; La Pine Public Library, 16425 First St.; 541-312-1032 or www "THE METROPOLITANOPERA: L'ELISIR D'AMORE": Starring Anna Netrebko, Matthew Polenzani and Mariusz Kwiecien in an encore performance of Donizetti's masterpiece; opera performance transmitted in high definition; $18; 6:30 p.m.; Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 8 IMAX, 680 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend; 541-382-6347. AUTHORPRESENTATION: Randall Shelton talks about life's big questions and his book, "Life on Earth: The Game"; free; 6:30p.m.;Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541-312-1050. FEMALES IN COMEDY: Sam Albert, an alumnus of The Second City in Chicago, shares her experience of trying to make it as an actress and comedian in Los Angeles; free; 6:30 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-312-1032 or calendar. LESSONS FROMLINCOLN: A presentation titled, "Is Political Bipartisanship Possible?"; with author and historian Dick Etulain; free; 6:30-8 p.m.; Crook County Library, 175 N.W. Meadow Lakes Drive, Prineville; 541-447-7978. THE NORTHSTARSESSION: The California-based roots-rock band performs; free; 7 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or www "IT'S ONLY MONEY": Cascades Theatrical Company presents the musical comedyabout mixing loveand money;$24,$18 seniors, $12 students; 7:30 p.m.; Greenwood Playhouse, 148N.W.
Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-3890803 or THE NATUREOFWORDS: TheRising Star Creative Writing Competition awards ceremony and reception; free; 7:30 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, Library, 2600 N.W.CollegeW ay,Bend;541-6472233, or
THURSDAY THE LIBRARYBOOKCLUB: Read and discuss "The Sojourn" by Andrew Krivak; free; noon; Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541-312-1055 or THE LIBRARYBOOKCLUB:Read and discuss "State of Wonder" by Ann Patchett; free; noon; Downtown Bend Public Library, Brooks Room, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-617-7080 or VIOLATION:The punk-rock group performs, with High Desert Hoooligans, The Confederats and Bastard Cat; $5; 6 p.m.; Domino Room, 51 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-788-2989. KNOW HUMOR:ISLAUGHTER THE BEST MEDICINE?:Carol Delmonico discusses the power of laughter and how it can reduce stress, boostyour immune system and helpyou enjoy life; free; 6:30 p.m.; East Bend Public Library, 62080 Dean Swift Road; 541-312-1 034. THE NATUREOF WORDS: Featuring author readings by Sherwin Bitsui, Thor Hanson, Tracy Daughertyand Jean Auel; $25; 7 p.m.; TowerTheatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-3170700, info© or "IT'S ONLY MONEY": Cascades Theatrical Company presents the musical comedy about mixing love and money; $24, $18 seniors, $12 students; 7:30 p.m.;Greenwood Playhouse, 148 N.W.Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-389-0803 or www THE ASCETIC JUNKIES: The Portland indie-pop band performs, with The Horde and TheHarem; $5; 8 p.m.; The Horned Hand, 507 N.W. Colorado Ave., Bend; 541-728-0879 or venue/thehornedhand.
$15-$20 suggested donation; 7-10 p.m.; Back BendYoga, 155 S.W. Century Drive; 541-322-9642 or THE NATURE OFWORDS: Featuring author readings by Ayad Akhtar, Aimee Nezhukumatathil, Brian Doyle and Michael Meade;$25; 7 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700, info© or "ASSASSINS":Opening night of the dark musical comedy portraying history's most famous presidential assassins; witha champagne reception; $21, $18 students and seniors; 7:30 p.m., 7 p.m. reception; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-312-9626, 2ndstreettheater© or "IT'SONLY MONEY": Cascades Theatrical Company presents the musical comedy about mixing love and money; $24, $18 seniors, $12 students; 7:30 p.m.;Greenwood Playhouse, 148 N.W.Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-389-0803 or "KING OF MASKS": Ascreening of the unrated 1997 film; free; 7:30 p.m.; Jefferson County Library, Rodriguez Annex,134 S.E. E St., Madras; 541475-3351 or MONSTER TRUCKNATIONALS: Monster trucks compete in avariety of trick styles; $12 in advance, $15at thegate;7:30p.m .,gatesopen at5:30 p.m.; DeschutesCounty Fair& Expo Center, Hooker CreekEvent Center, 3800 S.W. Airport Way, Redmond; GREATAMERICANTAXIAND POOR MAN'S WHISKEY: The jamgrass bands perform; $12 plus fees in advance, $15 at the door; 8 p.m.; Domino Room, 51 N.W.Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-788-2989 or www PIGEONJOHN AND SUNSPOT JONZ: California hip-hop, with Mosley Wotta and The Hard Chords; free; 8:30p.m.;Liquid Lounge,70 N.W . Newport Ave., Bend; 541-389-6999. TONY SMILEY: Theone-man rock band performs, with Keez;$6; 9:30 p.m., doors open at8:30 p.m.; Silver Moon Brewing 8 Taproom, 24N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend;541-388-8331 or
GARAGE SALEFUNDRAISER: Proceeds benefit the High Desert AUTHORPRESENTATION:Lily Raff Droids robotics team; freeadmission; McCaulou reads from her memoir 9 a.m.-3 p.m.; Mountain View High "Call of the Mild"; free; 6:30 p.m.; School, 2755 N.E.27th St., Bend;541Paulina Springs Books, 252 W. 389-7904 or Hood Ave., Sisters; 541-549-0866. MARINE CORPSBIRTHDAY RUN/ MOMS INC.DESSERT DASH AND WALK:Run 5K or walk one mile in AUCTION:A fundraiser for Moms honor of the Marine Corps; race Inc., with dessert, music and a begins outside city hall; registration silent auction; free; 6:30-8:30 p.m.; required; proceeds benefit Disabled Westside Church, 2051 Shevlin Park American Veterans' Portland shuttle Road, Bend. van; $21 with a shirt, $14 without; FREAK MOUNTAINRAMBLERS: The 9 a.m.; City Hall, 710 N.W.Wall St., Portland-based Americana group Bend; 541-383-8061 or www performs; free; 7 p.m.; McMenamins .vetsdayrun. Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W. "THE METROPOLITANOPERA:THE Bond St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or TEMPEST": Starring Audrey Luna and Isabel Leonard in a presentation KIRTAN MANTRAMUSIC: Healing of Shakespeare's masterpiece; musicbyJaya Lakshmiand Ananda; opera performance transmitted
live in high definition; $24, $22 seniors, $18 children; 9:55 a.m.; Regal Old Mill Stadium16 & IMAX, 680 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend; 541-382-6347. SENSATIONALSATURDAY:Learn about how Native peoples of the High Desert prepared for winter, depended on seasonal foods and supported and sustained the ecostystem; included in the price of admission; $12 adults, $10 ages 65 and older, $7 ages 5-12, free ages 4 and younger; 10 a.m.-3 p.m.; High Desert Museum, 59800 S. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; 541-382-4754 or THE NATUREOFWORDS: Featuring a lecture by Jean Auel; $40;11 a.m.noon; Central Oregon Community College, Hitchcock Auditorium, 2600 N.W. CollegeW ay,Bend;541647-2233, info@thenatureofwords. org or THE NATUREOFWORDS: Featuring a lecture by Michael Meade; $40; 12:30-1:30 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, Hitchcock Auditorium, 2600 N.W. College Way, Bend; 541-647-2233, info© or www THE CALDECOTT AWARD: Learn about the process and criteria for selecting the annual award recipient; free;1 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public Library, Brooks Room,601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-617-7099 or www "ASSASSINS":Thoroughly Modern Productions presents a dark musical comedy portraying history's most famous presidential assassins; $21, $18 students and sen>ors, 2 p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-312-9626, 2ndstreettheater© or BECOMING A HUMORIST: Joel Clements talks about what it takes to become a humorist; free; 3:30 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public Library, Brooks Room, 601 N.W.Wall St.; 541-312-1032 or www.deschutes AUDUBONFUNDRAISER: Featuring a membership drive, silentauction, presentations, live music andmore; proceeds benefit the EastCascades Audubon Society birding projects; free; 5:30-8:30 p.m.; BendSenior Center, 1600 S.E ReedMarket Road;541-3173086 or THE NATUREOF WORDS: Gala author dinner with a wine reception and author readings; with keynote speaker Dan Wieden; $75 or $110; 5:30 p.m.; Century Center, 70 S.W. Century Drive, Bend; 541-647-2233, or "SLEDFILM12":A screening of the snowmobile film festival; $6 plus fees; 6 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or BENDGAMENIGHT: Play available board games or bring your own; free; 6 p.m.-midnight; East Bend Public Library, 62080 Dean Swift Road; 541-318-8459. AUTHORPRESENTATION:Lily Raff McCaulou reads from her memoir "Call of the Mild"; free; 6:30 p.m.; Paulina SpringsBooks,422 S.W . Sixth St., Redmond; 541-526-1491.
EVENTS WHY OUR DOGSDO WHAT THEY DO: Seminar with a talk on essential oils for pet behavior, by Bernadette Hartman; free; 10 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Nov. 17; preregister; Friends for Life Dog Training, 2121 S.W.Deerhound Ave., Redmond;Dennis Fehling at 541-350-2869 or www.friends
GROUP CLASSES BASICCOMPANIONSHIP CLASS:$120 for six weeks; 6-7 p.m. Thursdays, starts Thursday; Dancin' Woofs, 63027 N.E. Lower Meadow Drive, Suite D, Bend; MareShey at541-3123766 or BEGINNEROBEDIENCE:Basic skills, recall, leash manners; $110-125; 6 p.m. Mondays or Tuesdays; preregister; call for directions; Meredith Gage, 541318-8459 or www.Pawsitive COMBINATIONBASIC LEVEL AND PUPPY CLASS: Basic commandsand puppy social skills; $75; 1:30-2:30 p.m. Mondays,starts Monday; register by Nov.10; La Pine Training Center, Diann Hecht, 541-536-2458 or or INTERMEDIATEOBEDIENCE: Includes off-leash work and recall with distractions; $110; 6 p.m. Wednesdays; preregister; call for directions; Meredith Gage, 541-318-8459 or www
K9 NOSEWORK: Drop-in class for advanced students; $15 per session; 6 p.m. Fridays; preregister; Friends for Life Dog Training, 2121 S.W. Deerhound Ave., Redmond; Dennis Fehling at 541-350-2869, Pam Bigoni at 541-306-9882 or www MUTTSABOUTYOU: Positive methods for basic training, all agegroups; $115 for five weeks;class sizelimited; call for class hours; TheDogPatch Boutique, or 541-678-5640. OBEDIENCE CLASSES:Six-week, drop-in classes; $99.95; 4 and 5 p.m. Mondays, 4 and 5 p.m. Fridays, and 12 p.m. Saturdays; Petco, 3197 N. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; Loel Jensen at 541-382-0510. OBEDIENCEFORAGILITY:Sixweeks; $120; 4 p.m.Saturdays; Desert Sage Agili ty,24035 DoddsRoad,Bend; Stephanie Morris at541-633-6774or OBEDIENCE FORAGILITY: $120 for six weeks; 7:15 p.m. Tuesdays; Desert Sage Agility, 24035 Dodds Road, Bend; 541-633-6774, www OFF-LEASHPLAYCLASS: Learn about off-leash recalls and manners, for nonaggressive dogs; $10 per session; 10:30-11:30 a.m. Saturdays; preregister; La Pine Training Center, Diann Hecht, 541-536-2458 or diannshappy tails© or www.dianns PUPPY101:Puppies ages 8to 13 weeksoldma yjoinany week;$85 forfour weeks; 7-8 p.m. Tuesdays; Dancin' Woofs, 63027 N.E.Lower Meadow Drive, Suite D,Bend; Mare Shey at 541-312-3766 or www PUPPYKINDERGARTENCLASSES: Training, behavior and socialization classes for puppies10 to 16weeks old; $80; 6:30 p.m. Thursdays; preregister; call for directions; Meredith Gage, 541-318-8459 or PUPPY LIFESKILLS: $120 for six weeks;5 p.m.;Tuesdays; Desert SageAgility,24035 Dodds Road, Bend; Jan at 541-420-3284 or www. PUPPY MANNERS CLASS: Social skills for puppies up to 6 months; $110 for seven-week class,cost includes materials;6-7 p.m. Mondays; preregister; Friends for Life Dog Training, 2121 S.W.Deerhound Ave., Redmond; Dennis Fehling at 541350-2869 or www.friendsforlife PUPPYOBEDIENCE:Six-week, drop-in classes; $99.95; 10 a.m. Saturdays; Petco, 3197 N. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; Loel Jensen at 541-382-0510. TELLINGTONTTOUCH: Learntools to reduce stress and reactivity, help your dog become more confident and improve social skills; cost by quotation; times by appointment; Kathy Cascade at 541-516-8978 or kathy© TREIBALLCLASS:$120 for six weeks; 7 p.m. Tuesdays; Desert SageAgility,24035 Dodds Road, Bend; Jan at 541-420-3284 or www.
PRIVATK TKVQNHUG AND BOARDEIG ANNEGESER:In-home individual marker training with positive
reinforcement; 541-923-5665. CASCADEANIMALCONNECTION: S.A.N.E. Solutions for challenging dog behavior, private lessons; Kathy Cascade at 541-516-8978 or kathy@ DANCIN' WOOFS:Behavioral counseling; 63027 Lower Meadow Drive, Suite D, Bend; Mare Shey at 541-312-3766 or www.dancin DESCHUTES RIVERDOGS:Private training; Chris Waggoner at 541633-0446 or www.Deschutes DIANN'S HAPPY TAILS: Private training, day care, boarding/board and train; La PineTraining Center, Diann Hecht at 541-536-2458 or or DOGS LTD & TRAINING: Leash aggression, training basics, day school; 59860 CheyenneRoad,Bend; Linda West at 541-318-6396 or FRIENDSFOR LIFE DOG TRAINING: Private basic obedience training and for aggression/serious behavior problems; 2121 S.W.Deerhound Ave., Redmond; Dennis Fehlingat 541-350-2869 or www.friendsfor LIN'SSCHOOL FOR DOGS: Behavior training and AKCring-ready coaching; 63378 Nels Anderson Road,Suite7,Bend;Lin Neumann at 541-536-1418 or www PAWSITIVE EXPERIENCE: Private training and consulting; Meredith Gage, 541-318-8459 or www
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Tribune MediaServices
When I watched today's deal in a money game, South was Tom Webb, known to us all as "Tangle" because he encountersmore blocked suits and entry woes than anyone else in my club. West led a spade against 3NT (North's double was "negative") and Tangle won with the queen. He took the A-K of diamonds and then the ten and nine, but the suit was blocked. So Tangle tried to return to his hand by leading a heart to his king. West took the ace and riskily led the deuce of clubs, but East won with the nine and returned a club to the king and ace. Declarer next l ed dummy's jack of hearts, but West won, and the defense got two more clubs for down one.
u%., oK. TIIANKQ, I C UEW...
Tangle got tangled up, as usual. To make 3NT he can lead the six of spades at Trick T wo , p i tching a diamond from dummy. If West returns the king of spades (no other lead is b etter), Tangle discards another blocking diamond from dummy and takesthe ace. He can cash theK-A of diamonds and four more diamonds to l and the contract. DAILY QUESTION
SAFE HAVENS Of'f'o5(fiofl'5 ATf6MPT5 AT 85AIIIII6, IIIlTH TH5 PCE Id A CAHitl& A SAWoT DSDU Cf6 D6AD H6P1',6I/Sic',(fHIA& DGPEFID5 5UPE'Ic'655IAI & TH& I/PT65 OF (OI)II& PQOPLg,' A PPIAlf Ff',olII OII g6ffiAI& OUR 6t)PPORfgt25 To gOI/g g.P A. 1'HE PoLl.g. II o
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SIX CHIX 5.2ooNaossR/roHoto/K o
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oy David L Hoyt and Jeff Knurek
(JLl ~vQpQQ Unscramble these four Jumbles one letter Io eachsquare, Io form four ordinary words.
I really want to be up front with you Irow' from the start. My That'I oassion is io reiresiong Qeip poopie, to hear. ~
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©2012 TribuneMedia services, Inc. All Rights Reserved
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THE POLITICIAN5POKB FRANKLY TO HI5PINNFR COMPANIONeECALI5e HE WA5 A —Now arrange the circled letters Io form the surprise answer, as suggested bytheabove cartoon.
© Laughingstock International Inc Dist oy Universal Uclok for UFS 2012
"Room service."
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East Pass Pass
You hold: 4 K 10 8 7 4 3 9 A Q 8 Opening lead — 4 7 0 J 4 K 8 2 . You open one spade, your partner bids two hearts, you (C) 2012 Tribune Media Services, Inc.
Answer here: (Answers tomorrow) Jumbles: HEAVY RELIC APIECE POISON Yesterday's Answer: After sinking the shot from off thegreen, he was — CHIPPER
LOS ANGELESTIMES DAILY CROSSWORD Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Nichols Lewis
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raise to three hearts and he tries four clubs. What do you say? ANSWER: You raised to three hearts because partner's response promised five or more hearts. His four clubs shows the ace and slam interest, and since you have good trumps, you can encourage. Bid four diamonds. To cue-bid a singleton is unusual but is an economical call here. South dealer Both sides vulnerable
ACROSS DOWN 1 Things to wear 1 Emulate a 5 Chemists' rooms beav e r 9 One who askstoo 2 P lay beginning many questions 3 Fa r m butters 14 Campus sports 4 Big party gp. 5 Beatles tune that 15 Irish name for starts, "When I Ireland find myself in 16 Christina of times of trouble" "Speed Racer' 6 Like some Navy 17 Dough dispens rescues 18 Real attitude 7 Champagne underlying a designation facade 8 Set eyes on 20 Letter to Santa 9 "Ignorance is essentially bliss," e.g. 22 Pennsylvania i 10 Upset Washington, fo 11 Clickable pic one 12 Sandy-colored 23 Summer in Lyo 13 Levitate 24 Sent a quick no 19 Humped beast online 21 Sidelong look 25 The Hulk's alte 24 Mid. name ego substitute 30 Barnyard braye 25 Anoint 33 Woman in Poe 26 Put the check in "The Raven" the mail 34 J. Paul Gettyo 27 Bring together J.R. Ewing
28 Veggie on a cob 36 Dubai bigwig 29 Pride and 37 "... to i t mild prejudice, e.g. 38 Piece of ice 39 Revolutionary toy 30 Caribbean resort 2 3 4 of the '70s-'80s? I 42 "Boyfriend" singer 14 Justin 44 Fr. holy woman 17 45 Song covered by Michael Buble,
31 Like a teetotaler 4 9 Atkins of country 32 Bergen'sdummy 50 Silence Mortimer 51 Pro debater 35 Scored 100 on 52 A u ntie of the 37 Domino dots stage 40 Practiced in the 5 3 4 5 minutes, in
soccer games
41 Art of verse 54 Sco t t Turow 42 Thailand's work capital 55 Roman robe 43 QB'smistakes 56 Smooch, in 46 "Well said" Staffordshire 47 African river 58 -dandy
P E E P S J P A N EL A F O R Y O U R B O A P R E 8 L A W L P S P D C A K E C A E T I A C A N K K O F F H A N D 0 E R K I N E R R A PA R T M T A S L U R I N I T I A T E H I R I N G T H E D O O R B A N T I O D D L Y E S E L F E G A DS S 5
I M U 8
11/06/1 2
say 47 Glasgow vetoes 48 Toronto's prov. 49 Dining room
necessities 52 Photos at the precinct 57 Aunt Jemima competitor 59 Auth. unknown 60 Perfumer Lauder F 61 As I see it," online 62 Maker of Duplo toy bricks 63 Just behind the
23 25
30 3 i
37 40
45 47 49 5 0
53 5 4
64 Overly compliant 65 Flier on a pole, 63 64 and at the ends of 18-, 25-, 45- and By Neville Fogarty 57-Across (c)2012 Tribune Media Services, Inc.
11/06/1 2
Troops Gerbils are ideal pocket pets for kids
Continued from 61 The dogs and their handlers often are assigned to difficult missions that s tretch several d ays o r more, and require navigating through trails and fields planted with lots of bombs. Williams arrived in Af-
ghanistan last spring along
By Marc Morrone Newsday
• My d aughter is 8 a nd • she wants a small furry kind of pet to call her own. I am not a fan of rodents, but she really wants something. I was wondering what species you would recommend to be the best one'? • What is a great pet to • one person is not a great pet for another. Realistically, all the rodent pets thatare offered for sale here are all domesticated and selectively bred to be gentle and trusting of humans. They were originally bred to be laboratory rodents, and the labs only wanted gentle animals. Thus, any that showed aggression orextreme fearwere not bred to ensure that this trait would not pass on to the next generation. That said, the only difference in the pocket pets that we keep is the amount of work that is needed to keep them. With this in mind, I would advise a pair of same-sex gerbils to be the best. They are diurnal animals that are awake and active during the daylight and are desert animals that have evolved to drink very little water. Thus they urinate very little, so the cage will stay cleanerfor a longer period of time than it would with some other pocket pets, such as
guinea pigs. I have owned and bred gerbils for the last 43 years, and I still find them interesting and easy to keep.
with three other Navy colleagues and their canine partners. Since then, two of those dog handlers have died from combat wounds. Petty Officer 2nd Class Sean Brazas, from Naval Base Kitsap Security Detachment i n B r e merton, W ash., was shot i n l a t e May, while assisting a soldier wounded in a firefight. Petty Officer 2nd Class Michael Brodsky, from a San Diego base, stepped on an IED in early July, and died of his injuries two weeks later. Williams served as a dog handler on previous tours of duty in Kuwait and Iraq, but says nothing compares to Afghanistan. "This is the hardest by far. I lost two really, really g ood friends," said W i l liams in a September interview from the base in Panjwai District. "We encounter so much, and we are out there a lot." At the base in Masum Ghar, Williams lived with half a dozen other Navy, Air Force and Army handlers in a plywood bunkhouse just a short distance from the kennels. The handlers feed their dogs, exercisethem, check forbumps and bruises, and offer rub d owns. Every once in a while, Dinomt would sleep on Williams' bed. "We take them out and play with them," said Staff Sgt. Gabriel Travers, an Air Force handler. "But we have to walk a fine line to where the dog is going to
was different. "I didn't even know it was Continued from 61 going to be pre-history until I Depending on your reading started doing some research interests, you may or may not and realized, yes, there was a instantly recognize the Earth's time when both Neanderthals Children b r a nd . H o w ever, and Cro-Magnon shared the chances are very good you'll same territory," she said. "It recognize the title of the book was Ice Age Europe. I thought, that launched it: "The Clan of 'Hey, that's fascinating. That the Cave Bear," published in could make for a very exciting 1980. The book fell into the work of fiction.'" genre of speculative period Auel began researching and fiction, that period being about writing at her k itchen table 30,000 years ago. late at night. " The Clan o f t h e C a v e "I tend to be a night writer," Bear," which was made into a Auel said. "I really am a night 1986 film (Auel is not a fan), person. Oftentimes, I'd see the introduced readers to a young sun come up, and then go to C ro-Magnon g i r l n am e d bed. I'd write all night long. It's Ayla, taken in by a group of comfortable for me. I can be Neanderthals, a subspecies on a day schedule, if I have to that overlapped with e arly be, like when I was getting my modern humans before going kids off to school or doing proextinct. motion for the books." The next fewbooks followed However, give her 48 hours in quick succession: "The Val- off from daylight demands, ley of Horses" in 1982, "The "and I'm right back on nights Mammoth Hunters" in 1985 again," she said. and "The Plains of Passage" in Auel raised three girls and 1990. Twelve years would pass two boys. "You know, families don't before"The Sheltersof Stone" was published in 2002. Finally, get smaller," she said. No kid"The Land of Painted Caves," ding: In addition to her five in which Ayla has reached her adult children, she now boasts mid-20s, saw the light of day 1 5 grandchildren and n i n e in 2010. great-grandchildren. "It's wonderful, but while I When she began writing "The Clan of the Cave Bear," love to hold babies in my lap, she told The Bulletin, "I just I am not good for baby-sitstarted out with the idea for ting. I don't have the energy a story. It's always just been anymore," she said. "I love to story-driven. It's the story of be around them. I love to look a girl who's living with peo- at them. I love to hold them ple who are different. They once in awhile, but I'm not thought she was the one who into changing diapers. It's like,
Hal Bernton / Seattle Times
Petty Officer 2nd Class Leroy Williams worked closely with Dinomt, a90-pound German shepherd. In September, on a patrol, Dinomt stepped on a bomb and was killed. respect you and do what you tell him, and the dog is going to work for you." In Afghanistan, the handlers patrol w i t h G e r man shepherds, Dutch shepherds and a slendersmaller breed, the Belgian Malinois, that Williams says can be very hyper. "All they want to do is work." The dogs are trained to display what the handlers call a "passive response" when they find bombs. They do not bark or paw at the ground. When they pinpoint a site, they sit, stop and stare in the direction of the bomb. Williams says that long be-
fore Dinomt would "go final" withthat routine, he would display subtler signs that a bomb was near. If his tail was swaying back and forth, it might go still, or his nose would work the ground more intently. During a summer patrol, when Dinomt appeared to be getting close to an IED, Williams quickly called the dog over to his side to try to ensure the dog didn't trigger the bomb. "I just loved him up, and we got out of there," Williams recalled. The bomb was then detonated by a demolition team.
'Been there, done that.'"
my children and grandchildren, 32 of us, to Africa to see the animals," she said. "And I tell you, when you see those lions' faces, it's the same as what's in that cave." Rather than write six books back to back — some of them were 650, 700 pages long — Auel said she would take time betweeneach forrestand research. "I tend to take breaks. Let's face it, I have long books. They take a bit of time to do," she said. "I've been taking a break since the last book. I just feel like it's time. I spent 30 years to do six books. But it's more than just six books, because, my husband figured out, It's a bout a million and a h a lf words."
'Crown Jewels' of caves Auel has had the privilege of going inside a few of what she calls the "Crown Jewels" of caves in France and Spain: Chauvet, Lascaux and Altamira. The three contain paintings tens of thousands of years old. "Those are the three most beautiful, decorated caves," she said. They're caves "that I go in, and I start to look, and I start to cry," Auel said. "That's some of the most accomplished art you'll ever see." Experts, she said, used to associate the quality of the drawings with certain dates and groups that may have lived or traveled through the regions. "They'd say if it was not as well done, if it was more crude, then it was (from) earlier," she said. "My feeling was, 'No, people have different levels of skill.' I never did go along with that particular idea." T ravel for r e search w a s standard during much of her career, and she's spread the wealth with her family and friends. Last Christmas, Auel took 49 family members and friends on a Caribbean cruise. On one trip to A f r ica, she brought along 32 loved ones: "I brought
her Earth's Children series, Auel allows for the possibility that she's just on another break. "In my head, I'm still think-
ing about (the series)." Completing it was not "joyful," she said. "It was in a sense; it was a relief, because I spent so much time at it. But there's still so much more I could do. "And I may. I just may decide it's time. I'm 76, but I'm still there.I may just decide to write some more since I have quite a bit more material that I
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the mortally wounded handler as he was put into a helicopter for medical evacuation. Finally, the dog was pulled away. After Brazas' death, Williams spent four days caring for Sicario. Williams recalls that the dog, normally so hyper and alert, was listless and just wanted to lie around. Upon returning to Washington, Sicario appeared to continue to mourn. "He was pretty torn up. He had his tail between his legs. He didn't bark. Clearly, something was wrong. He knew what had happened," said Allie Brazas, the widow of Sean Brazas. At Naval Base Kitsap, Sicario is now assigned to a new handler. It has been a difficult adjustment, but he i s u ndergoing daily training and is expected to be able to "get back to performing at the high level he is known for," said Chief Petty Officer Allan McGathey, the kennel master for the 10 military working dogs at the base. Back at Masum Ghar, the base kennel is dedicated to the memory of Brazas. A photo of the Navy handler - and Sicario - is posted on the plywood door that serves as its entry. In late September, the Masum Ghar kennel suffered yet anotherloss. On an overnight patrol, Dinomt, after traversing some 10 kilometers, stepped on an I ED and was killed by t he blast. Williams was a few feet away and suffered bruises and a traumatic brain injury that ended his tour in Afghanistan. A soldier also was injured. Recovering from hi s wounds, Williams grieves for Dinomt. "He somehow took most of the blast, saving my life," Williams said. "I am eternally grateful..There has not been a night go by yet that I don't miss him and even cry for him. He will forever be in my heart, loved and missed."
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Williams and Dinomt rotated through four bases, ending up in late summer at Masum Ghar in the Panjwai District. During 1,700 hours of foot patrols in August, dog teams working out of that base found four IEDs. But Afghanistan also has helped define the limitations of these working dogs. During the i ntense summer heat, temperatures may soar above 120 degrees. The handlers do not let their dogs drink water from i r r igation canals. So to keep Dinomt hydrated, Williams must pack several cases of bottled water on his back in addition to all his combat gear. Some dogs, even if well hydrated, eventually lose focus in the heat and are unable to hunt for bombs without a break. The larger German shepherds, with their thick coats of fur, appear to be at a bigger disadvantage in the heat than the smaller Belgian Malinois, according to dog handlers. And Dinomt had another quirk. He couldn't swim. So on occasion, Williams would have to hoist the dog on his back to ford an irrigation canal. In recentyears, some veterinarians also have begun to speak about military dogs, like their human counterparts, suffering from post-traumatic stressdisorder.That diagnosis came as no surprise to the handlers. "They are f i nally, finally saying that dogs are having it — PTSD," Williams said. "It's been around for a while." One stressed-outdog in Afghanistan would lose control of his bowels, and shake and cry when exposed to shooting or loud noises. That dog had to be sent home. A nother dog beca m e spooked by loud noises and would try to run away from the base when mortars were fired. When Brazas, from Naval Base Kitsap, was struck by enemy fire, his dog, Sicario,
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News of Record, C2 Obituaries, C5 Editorials, C4 Weather, C6 THE BULLETIN • TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 2012
VOTER TURNOUT All ballots for the Nov. 6 general election must be returned by 8 p.m. today. Voter turnout as of Monday,
For our complete coverage, visit
Posta eecomescam ai nissue Road,
bycounty: Crook........... N/A Deschutes...... 54% Jefferson....... 62%
• Brown, Buehlewei r gh in on Postal Servicedirective about ballots By Laureu Dake The Bulletin
SALEM — If re-elected, Secretary of State Kate Brown said Monday she will push to change state law so postage on ballots is no longer required. Her Republican challenger Knute Buehler's campaign asked why the issue is coming up in the midst of an election. It started with an Oct. 23
LOCAL BRIEFING California man jailed in drug case A California man was
arrested nearMadras Sunday after police found 56 poundsof marijuana in his pickup
directive from the U.S. Postal Service stating ballots without postage should be delivered to county clerks' offices. The Postal Service declined to comment on why it issued the directive now, but said the nationwide policy has been on the books since 2008. The directive, however, contradicts state law, which forbids county clerks to accept mail-in ballots lacking
sufficient postage. Voters may place their ballots in drop-off boxes, of course, which do not require stamps. Brown made clear that in this election, all ballots received by county clerks, with or without postage, will be counted. At first, the Postal Service directive caught some county clerks by surprise; they were concerned about who would be on the hook to pay for the
postage. In an email to the Postal Serviceon Oct. 24 ,Stephen Trout, director of elections for the Secretary of State's Office, wrote, "While we appreciate that this policy is well intentioned, it is in direct conflict with Oregon state law and the practices we have had in place
for years." Local postal offices have had varying policies over the years to deal with ballots that don't have postage. SeePostage /C2
truck, the Oregon State Police said. John Stonebarger, 54, of Fall River Mills, Calif.,
was arrested onsuspicion of possession, distribution andmanufactureof marijuana,andsuspicion of possession ofacontrolled substance —Oxycodone —after police found asmallamount of the drug inhis vehicle, the
Scholarship gives Bend High grad a new perspective
OSP reported.
A trooper stopped Stonebarger for aspeeding violation eight miles south of Madras on U.S.
Highway 97,according to the OSP. In a search of worth of marijuana and Oxycodone tablets in the
County jail. The incident is under investigation.
Showshoe tour volunteers sought The Deschutes National Forest is seeking volunteers to help
'vj M~P
this winter. Volunteers will act as interpretive rangers at Mt. Bachelor from December through March. Duties will include
r-' '(~'
Submitted photos
safely guiding up to 50 people on aone-mile snowshoe walk, helping
Skyler Nelson, top, a 2009 Bend High School graduateand a senior at Colorado Mesa University, spent a week in October flying in an aircraft like this one over the American Southwest as part of a scholarship environmental education program through EcoFlight.
visitors put on show-
shoes and occasionally removing snow from
By Megan Kehoe
the trail. Volunteers should
The Bulletin
have goodcommunication skills, be willing to
wear a ForestService uniform and have the physical ability to snowshoe in varied conditions. Volunteers must also be able to commit to at least
.m nom
four snowshoewalks per month. All training will be pro-
vided free ofcharge. For more information,
./v t*
contact Karen Gentry at 541-383-4771 or karen.
„"in 'i
A photo taken by Skyler Nelsonduring a weeklong environmental education program in the Southwest shows man-made potash (fertilizer) ponds near Canyonlands National Park.
gentry© — Bulletin staff reports
his October, college student Skyler Nelson spent an entire week staring out the window. But Nelson wasn't just another college student sitting in a classroom and spacing out during a lecture. Nelson was staring out the window of a small aircraft, gazing at the rich landscape of the American Southwest below her. "Before you fly over it, you don't realize how massive those wildernesses are," Nelson, 21, said. "You don't understand how little you really are until you're up there." Nelson, a 2009 Bend High School graduate, is now a senior majoring in environmental science at Colorado Mesa University. Recently, she was selected to participate in Flight Across America 2012, a scholarship program offered by EcoFlight, an organization based in Aspen, Colo., that works to protect wild lands and educate students on environmental issues. See Environment/C2
Octoder2012weatherfor Bend H H KR H H KI E SEREHRREHEHKRERESKIKIKRKIKRKRKIKIKRKIKIKIIII 56 57 59 69 69 72 69 74 72 6 7 67 67 6 5 57 61 73 59 48 61 46 46 47 48 5 5 60 60 6 2 6 6
Il I
r I
26 25 23 26 23 27 35 38 38 44 46 41 4 8 29 29 36 39 30 30 30 32 27 26 3 7 49 37 4 6 43
PRECIPITATION TOTAL: 1.94" Historical average precipitation for the month: .72" I«RR R R R R R R R R R R R R R D K RR R R
T= Trace
Highest recorded
Lowest recorded temperature
forthe month:
for the month:
on Oct. 6, 1979
on Oct. 31, 2002
* Monthly averages calculated from 1928 through 2005, Western Regional Climate Center Sources: NOAA, Western Regional CItmate Center, Bend Public Works Department
Following up on Central Oregon's most interestingstories, even if they've been out of the headlines for a while. Email ideas to neLvs@bendbulletirLcom. To follow the series, visit
By Scott Hammers
National Association of Broadcasters, and The last Repubjust signed a contract lican to win a stateextension that will wide race in Oregon, tie him up for two former U.S. Sen. Gor- Sm i th more election cycles. "My wife's thrilled don Smith, insists he's the wrong man to lead about that," he laughed. his party out of the political A Pendleton native, wilderness. Smith ran his family's froFour years after narrowly zen foods packing business losing his seat to Democrat in nearby Weston before Jeff Merkley, Smith, 60, said entering politics by winning he's turned the page on elec- a seat in the state Senate in toral politics. He's loving his 1992. new job as president of the SeeSmith/C5 The Bulletin
Lowest temperature
Commissioners Tony DeBone and Tammy Baney also thanked those involved in the contract bargaining. "I think that there's a place for unions, but they only need to be as strong as they have to be," Baney said. "And I think that comes down to leadership in the organization, and I think it comes down to the culture in the organization, and I see this as a reflection of really good work." Nelda Wilson, assistant business manager for the union, did not return a call forcomment on Monday. Deputy County Administrator Erik Kropp said the new contract "maintains the county's current operations and how we use contract labor and contract out certain parts of the work." For example, it maintains the county's ability to contract with seasonal workers in order to avoid the cost of unemployment insurance during periods when they are not needed, Kropp said. SeeContract/C5
Staying in the lobby
The Deschutes County Commission voted unanimously Monday morning to approve a new three-year contract with the union that represents approximately 65 employees in the Road Department and Department of Solid Waste. Under the contract, employees represented by the International Union of Operating Engineers Local 701 will get a 2.9 percent cost-of-living raise retroactive to July 1, when their previous contract expired. The union is one of several county unions that made concessions during the current economic downturn
The Bulletin
DAILY HIGHS AND LOWS Average temperature:48.8' (1.4' above normal)
38 42 3 6
By Hillary Borrud
Unger said.
guide showshoetours
raises for at least a year. Nonunion employees also went without a cost-of-livingraise.Employees were still eligible for merit raises. Commissioner Alan Unger said Monday that he appreciated the employees' help in keeping down costs. "I want to thank them and the (management) team for coming together and creating a contract that helps recognize our situation,"
car, according to anOSP news release. Stonebarger was taken to theJefferson
78 81 7 8
workers get new
by forgoing cost-of-living
his Ford Rangerpickup, police found $43,000
Average high
Average low
Monthly average high temperature through the years:
Monthly average through the years:
low temperature
Greg Cross/The Bulletin
Environment Continued from C1 This year's program centered on waterconservation and pollution concerns in the Upper Colorado River Basin, and allowed students to see the impact of those practices from an aerial perspective. Along with six other students from Colorado colleges, Nelson spent about t hree hours a day in a small aircraft over the varied landscape of the Southwest. There were several legs to the trip, with students traveling from Aspen to Grand Junction in Colorado, from Farmington, N.M., to Page, Ariz.; from Page to Craig, Colo.; and then from Craig back to Aspen. Nelson observed winding canyons, immense forests and vast deserts during the journey. "Everything looks a lot differentwhen you're 10,000 feet up in the air than when you're on a commercial flight," Nelson said. Jane Pargiter, the vice president of EcoFlight, said the organization is in its ninth year of the Flight Across America program. She said the idea behind the program is to allow students to view the land and environmental i ssues from different perspectives. "We want to empower students to find their voice about an issue and to not be apathetic," Pargiter said. "We try to allow the land to speak for itself." Nelson said she was initially stunned by the beauty of the landscape, but that it wasn't too long before she became concerned withsome of what she saw. "We were flying over Cany onlands N a tional P a r k , and it was just this gorgeous area," she said. "Then after not too long, we saw a bunch of these fertilizer ponds that are just so unnatural-looking in the landscape. They're all geometrical and bright blues and greens, and not even close to the natural colors of thelandscape." Nelson said seeing how
"Everything looks a lot different when you're 10,000 feet upin the air than
when you're on a commercial flight." — Skyfer Nelson, on the Flight Across America scholarship program
close these man-made, polluted ponds were to the national park made her feel uncomfortable. She said all across the Southwest, potash ponds and oil and gas pads bordered pristine wilderness areas. During the Flight Across America trip, students also got the chance to meet with environmental organizations and with locals who lived on the land. T he students toured a power plant near Farmington on the Navajo reservation. Nelson said that while on the tour, she suddenly felt something grimy in her mouth. She spit it out and realized it was a sliver of coal. The air was so thick with the fossil fuel, she said, you'd inhale pieces of it while breathing. "I couldn't b elieve that work conditions exist like that," she said. Students also got a chance to meet with some Navajo coal plant workers and their families. "It was devastating to hear how much the land means to them, yet there's all this mining on it," Nelson said. "I just broke down at one point. It was really sad. " When Nelson graduates from Colorado Mesa University this school year, she's planning to study hydrology in graduate schooL She says what she saw from the air has inspired her to pursue a career in water issues. " It's delightful to see a young adult so thrilled and moved by a n e x perience," Pargiter said. — Reporter: 541-383-0354,
Canyouwork a camera, and capture a great picture? And canyou tell us a bit about it? Email your color or blackand-white photos to and we'll pick the best for publication in the paper and online. Submission requirements:Include as much detail as possible — when and where you took it, and any special technique used — as well as your name, hometown and phone number. Photos must be high resolution (at least 6 inches wide and 300 dpi) and cannot be altered.
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BUILDING UP STEAM David Beck, of Culver, took this "shot of (Engine) ¹4449 as she passed through Culver" on a recent afternoon. Beck captured the image of the steam train with his Canon Rebel XT.
Postage Continued from C1 Secretary ofstate spokeswoman Andrea Cantu-Schomus said postal workers often take ballots without postage to drop-off boxes, although she had no statistics showing how many ballots may go uncounted because of lack of postage. The 2008 election, she said, however had a 85.7 percent turnout rate. "To be clear, the Oregon law about postage and ballots does not pertain to whether or
not a vote is counted; it only pertains to the delivery of the ballot," Cantu-Schomus wrote in an email Monday. "As you know, counties accept ballots without postage from the drop box locations around the state." In a response to Trout's letter, U.S. Postmaster General Patrick Donahue on Oct. 31 wrote:"The Postal Service has receivedyour communications regarding the Postal Service's policy to deliver election ballots even if they lack sufficient postage. You request that the
Postal Service cease this practice, claiming that its continuance conflicts with O regon law, as well as unspecified provisions of the United States Constitution. W e di s a gree with those assertions." On Oct. 26, Trout had already, per Brown's request, directedcounty clerks throughout the state to accept ballots for the Tuesday election that are delivered without proper postage. He assured the clerks they would not have to pay the postage due on ballots without stamps.
In an email Monday, Buehler said Brown should "explain why there has not been a consistent policy for this situation across all county election offices ..." Buehler pointed to the current allegations of a temporary election worker in Clackamas County tampering with ballots and said the two together "further underscores the need for greater oversight and review of our elections, which Kate Brown has refused to do." — Reporter: 541-554-1162,
NEws OF REcoRD 8:46 a.m. Nov. 1, in the100 block of Northwest Oregon Avenue. DUff —James Grant Johnson Jr., The Bulletin will update items in the Police Log when such 25, was arrested on suspicion a request is received. Any of driving under the influence of new information, such as the intoxicantsat6:05p.m. Nov.1, in dismissal of charges or acquittal, the area of Southeast Ninth Street must be verifiable. For more and Southeast WilsonAvenue. information, call 541-383-0358. Theft —A theft was reported at Bend Police Department 1:02 p.m. Nov.1, in the 2600 block of Northeast U.S. Highway 20. Theft —A theft was reported at 4:41 p.m. Oct. 28, in the 61500 block Criminal mischief —An act of of South U.S. Highway 97. criminal mischief was reported at 1:14 p.m. Nov. 1, in the 2400 block Theft —A theft was reported and an arrest made at1:06 p.m. Oct. 22, of Northwest Lolo Drive. in the 600 block of Northeast Third Theft —A theft was reported at Street. 2:29 p.m. Nov. 1, in the 2400 block of Northeast Ocker Drive. Theft —A theft was reported and an arrest made at 3:44 p.m. Oct. DUff —Russell Cameron Bauer, 53, 23, in the 20100 block of Pinebrook was arrested on suspicion of driving Boulevard. under the influence of intoxicants at 8:06 p.m. Nov.1, in the1500 block Theft —A theft was reported at 11:17 a.m. Sept. 19, in the 400 block of Northeast Third Street. of Northwest Riverfront Street. DUff —Ryan Douglas Rein, 42, was arrested on suspicion of driving Theft —A theft was reported at under the influence of intoxicants 3:16 p.m. Oct. 24, in the area of at10:55 p.m. Nov. 1, in the area of Southwest Columbia Street and Northwest Newport Avenue and Southwest Shevin Hixon Drive. Northwest College Way. DUfl —Michelle Lynn DeAvila,22, was arrested on suspicion of driving Criminal mischief —An act of under the influence of intoxicants at criminal mischief was reported at 2:49 a.m. Nov. 1, in the 21200 block 2:54p.m.Nov.2,inthe800 blockof Northeast Third Street. of Hurita Place. Theft —A theft was reported and Theft —A theft was reported at 9:23a.m. Nov.1, inthe19900block an arrest made at 6:09 p.m. Nov. 2, in the 300 block of Southwest of Alderwood Circle. Century Drive. Theft —A theft was reported and Theft —A theft was reported at an arrest made at 6:53 p.m. Oct. 8:49p.m.Nov.2,inthe800 blockof 11, in the 300 block of Southwest Northwest Wall Street. Century Drive. DUff —Barry Clark Roberts, 52, Unlawful entry —A vehicle was was arrested on suspicion of driving reported entered at10:37 p.m. Oct. under the influence of intoxicants 26, in the 3000 block of North U.S. at 8:54 p.m. Nov. 2, in the area of Highway 97. Empire Avenue artd U.S. Highway Theft —A theft was reported at 97. 10:12 a.m. Oct. 29, in the 1200 block Theft —A theft was reported at of Northeast Medical Center Drive. 9:25 p.m. Nov. 2, in the 3100 block Theft —A theft was reported and of Northeast Wells Acres Road. an arrest made at11:44 a.m. Oct. DUff —Nathaniel Jacob Fischer 29, in the 300 block of Southwest Glov,27, was arrested on suspicion Century Drive. of driving under the influence of Theft —A theft was reported at intoxicants at10:46 p.m. Nov. 2, 7:52a.m.Oct.30,inthe2800 block in the area of North U.S. Highway of Northwest Clearwater Drive. 97and Northeast Bend River Mall Criminal mischief —An act of Avenue. criminal mischief was reported at Burglary —A burglary was 10:57a.m. Oct. 30, in the1700 block reported at 2:16 a.m. Nov. 3, in of Southwest Simpson Avenue. the 400 block of Northeast Revere Theft —A theft was reported and Avenue. art arrest made at 3:29 p.m. Oct. 31, Unlawful entry —A vehicle was irt the 600 block of Northeast Third reported entered at 9:34 a.m. Nov. 3, Street. in the 900 block of Southeast Third Theft —A theft was reported and Street. an arrest made at1:55 a.m. Nov. DUff —Michele Ann Hamilton, 44, 1, in the100 block of Northwest was arrested on suspicion of driving Newport Avenue. under the influence of intoxicants Grimfnaf mischief —An act of at 7:49 p.m. Nov. 2, in the area criminal mischief was reported at of Northeast Second Street and
Northeast Hawthorne Avenue. Unlawful entry —A vehicle was reported entered at1:46 p.m. Nov. 3, irt the 2500 block of Northwest Awbrey Road. Unlawful entry —A vehicle was reported entered at12:51 p.m. Nov. 4, in the 20600 block of Redwing Lane. Theft —A theft was reported at 1:03 p.m. Nov. 4, in the 500 block of Northwest Newport Avenue. Prineville Police Department
Vehicle crash —An accident was reported at 9:52 a.m. Nov. 2, in the area of Northwest Tom McCall Road. Vehicle crash —An accident was reported at11:42 a.m. Nov. 2, in the area of Northeast Third Street. Jefferson County Sheriff's Office
Burglary —A burglary, theft and an act of criminal mischief were reported Oct. 29, in the 300 block of Southwest Dover Lane in Madras. Burglary —A burglary, theft and an act of criminal mischief were reported Oct. 30, in the 300 block of Southwest Merritt Lane in Madras. Burglary —A burglary apd theft were reported Oct. 30, in the14500 block of Southwest Peninsula Drive in Crooked River Ranch. Theft —A theft was reported Oct. 31, in the area of Skull Hollow Campground. Theft —A theft was reported at 3:42 p.m. Nov. 2, in the are of Southeast Ramms and Grizzly Mountain roads in Madras. Oregon State Police Vehicle crash —An accident was reported at 7:15 a.m. Nov. 2, in the area of West U.S. Highway 20 near milepost 81. DUlf —Eric J. Van Dyke, 42, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at 11:03 p.m. Nov. 2, in the area of East state Highway126 near milepost 2. DUlf —Courtney Nichole Allen, 23, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at1:55 a.m. Nov. 3, in the area of Southwest Canal Boulevard and Southwest Timber Avenue in Redmond. DUlf —Eric Robert Foreman, 25, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at 3 a.m. Nov. 3, in the area of South Canaland Obsidian Avenuein Redmond. DUlf —Matthew Steven Aminoff, 26, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of
intoxicants at12:30 a.m. Nov. 3, in the area of Southwest Timber Avenue and Southwest Canal Boulevard. DUII —Brandee B. Brown, 24, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at 8:10 p.m. Nov. 3, in the area of U.S. Highway 97 near milepost136. Dfjll —Patricia Ann Lydick, 50, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at 12:10 a.m. Nov. 4, in the area of U.S. Highway 97 near milepost123. DUII —Dana L. Ludwig, 26, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at 1:48 a.m. Nov. 4, in the area of U.S.
Highway 97 near milepost129. Vehicle crash —An accident was reportedat6:53p.m. Nov.2, in the area of U.S. Highway 97 near milepost 170. DUfl —Chris Timothy Green, 51, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at 5:35 p.m. Nov. 4, in the area of Hackett Drive in La Pine.
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Portlan womangets 6years in pe estrian's eath, cover-up The Associated Press PORTLAND — A Portland woman has been sentenced to more than six years in prison for killing a pedestrian with her car and then enlisting the help of five other people in a two-month cover-up. Ashley Chavez, 23, sobbed through a hearing Monday,
said in a soft voice, turning to look at the family. Schoeffler's family declined to speak during th e h earing, but her adult daughter gave a thumbs-up to Portland p olice officers sitting in the courtroom. The officers tracked down Benjamin Brink/The Oregonian Chavez and five other co-depleading guilty to manslaugh- Ashley Chavez appears in fendants. Police said they got a t er, dr unken d r i v in g a n d court for her sentencing hear- tip about a car with a shattered hit-and-run, The Oregonian ing Monday in Portland. window and damaged front reported. hood in a parking lot near the In March, she was d rivcollision. ing a Honda in west Portland replacement parts and fixing Prosecutor Chuck Sparks that killed 63-year-old Nancy the car. said a passenger in the car, Schoeffler. Police say Chavez Chavez initially declined to Angela Kaps-Collins, cooperand a co-worker were drink- make a statement and instead ated extensively once she was ing at a P o r tland Timbers had a judge read an apology caught. She pleaded guilty to game and were on their way letter to the family and friends hindering prosecution and got home. Schoeffler was out for a of Schoeffler. Bu t C h avez 40 days in jaiL "The thing she did and the late evening walk. changed her mind just before Five co-defendants got jail she was led out of the courtfollow-up to it was terrible," s entences ranging fro m 1 0 room by deputies. Sparks said. "But she also "I just want to tell you I am days to 60 days for the coverhelped us make a very strong up, which included buying so sorry for your loss," Chavez case."
Man hit, killed after walking into I-5 traffic
48-year-old Troy Duane Tribby, of Ashland.
AURORA — A ma n Or egon State Police were seeking in a d o mestic assault case was reported walking in Interstate 5 traffic Sunday night and was later struck and killed. The police said Monday the man's wife had called for help after leaving her husband at a rest area south of Wilsonville. Officers said that as they investigated, they got a report a man ran after a car leaving the rest area, and numerous driverscalled about a man "walking in and out" of southbound lanes. Finally, officers said, they found a C o rvallis woman parked beside the interstate who said she'd struck a pedestrian in the traffic lane. Police said she was able to drive away after cooperating with officers. The man was identified as
Bicyclist firebombs Portland police car
The Oregonian reports that Juan Carlos Lagunas-Garcia pleaded no contest to two counts offirst-degree sexual abuse and one count of firstd egree burglary i n M u l t nomah County Circuit Court. He was sentenced Monday. Court documents say the victims were ages 14, 17 and 31. In each case, the windows were unlocked or left ajar.
PORTLAND — Police say a man on a bicycle threw a Molotov cocktail at a police cruiser about I:30 a.m. Monday in Portland. It was parked across the street from the North Precinct, and officers spotted the man and caught Tale oflostcat him a l m ost i m m e diately. There was no one in the car. Firefighters put out the fire A cat lost for five months before it caused any damage. during a family move from Oregon to L o u isiana h as Man gets17 years been found in New Mexico. KRQE-TV reports that the in break-in attacks cat, Meeko, was found by PORTLAND — A 35-year- Gallup resident Helen Moold man who terrorized three rales outside her yard. separate female victims in Kenneth Harris, Meeko's the Portland area by climb- owner, says the family lost ing through their bedroom the cat after making an emerwindows has been sentenced gency stop on the side of Into more than 17 years in pris- terstate 40 on the border of on. Two of the victims were Arizona and New Mexico. sexually assaulted. — From wire reports
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Brent Wejahn /The Oregonian
Protesters gather on Mondayoutside Oregon City election offices where Clackamas County ballots are being counted in response to an investigation of ballot tampering by an election worker.
Extent of vote tampering remains a mystery for now By Steven Dubois
the system has been used. This is believed to be the first O REGON CITY — W i t h incident in which an election the election heading into its fi- For our complete coverage, visit worker has been seen marknal hours, the extent to which ing choices. a Clackamas County election County Counsel Stephen worker p o ssibly t a m pered Madkour said the worker alwith ballots remains a mys- pering was more widespread. legedly used a pencil she had tery, potentially casting doubt He said the suspect ballots carried in her purse to fillon the legitimacy of the out- are evidence and will not be in the blanks left by a voter comes in close races. released in time to be counted who used pen. He told comThe temporary employee, for today's election. missioners there is no video identified Monday as Deanna County Chairwoman Char- available. Swenson, 55, of Oregon City, lotte Lehan, a Democrat in a County lawyers told comreportedly filled in Republi- heated race with Republican missioners at t h e m e eting can ovals on ballots where John Ludlow, convened an that ballot envelopes are prop references had b een l e f t emergency meeting Monday. cessed at tables in which there empty by voters. The miscon- She received few answers as are three people — a captain duct was seen and reported C ounty Clerk S herry H a l l and two workers who do not Wednesday afternoon, trig- declined an invitation to apbelong to the same party. The gering a criminal investiga- pear. Hall released a state- workers have pens to log bartion by the state Department ment in which she said she code numbers and to fill-in can't discuss an open police duplicate ballots in case a cofof Justice. Swenson, who did not im- investigation. fee stain or other problem pre"It may turn out it was one vents a ballot from being read mediately return a phone call seeking comment, hasn't been or two ballots, it may turn out by the counting machine. charged. Tim Heider, a coun- it was more," Lehan said. Clackamas County, home ty spokesman, said Swenson Jeff Manning, a spokesman to 10 p ercent o f O r egon's has worked for the county in for the Oregon Department registered voters, is almost prior elections, but he could of Justice, said it's early in evenly split between Republinot say for how many. the investigation and authori- cans and Democrats, and is a A county lawyer, Scot Sid- ties aren't prepared to release swing county that is pivotal in e ras, said tw o b a l lots a r e details. deciding close statewide rachighly s u spect, an d s t a te Oregon was the first state to es. Three neck-and-neck legi nvestigators a r e loo k i n g conduct elections exclusively islative races could be decisive through other ballots Swen- by mail, and this the fourth in determining which party son handled to see if the tam- presidential election in which controls the state House. The Associated Press
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hanks tothe voters of Central Oregon who, in fall2009, passed a bond measure that helped fund construction of five new buildings for the students of Central Oregon Community College. The Health Careers Center, opening this fall, will house programs in nursing, medical assistant, dental assisting, massage therapy, and pharmacy technician.
MEDICAL ASSISTANT The COCC Medical Assistant program would like to thank the following doctors and their staff for their participation in the Medical Assistant program for allowing COCC students to rotate through their offices as part of theireducation:
Asher Community Health Center Bend Dermatology Bend Memorial Clinic Bend VA Clinic The Center Central Oregon Pediatric Associates Chiropractic Associates Crook County Health Department Desert Orthopedics Deschutes Rheumatology Endocrinology Services Northwest High Lakes Health Care Internal Medicine Associates Johnson and Cade Family Practice Juniper Ridge Clinic MiChael E.Villano, MD Mosaic Medical St. Charles Family Care, Prineville
Medical pot grower sentenced in black-market case
St. Charles Family Care, Redmond
By jeff Barnard
St. Charles OB/GYN, Redmond
van, 48, of Central Point to 37 months in prison on one count GRANTS PASS — A South- of conspiracy to manufacture e rn Oregon man wh o w a s and distribute marijuana. registered to grow for mediThe case illustrates how cal marijuana patients was even registered medical marisentenced Monday to t h ree juana growers who follow state years infederal prison after guidelines of six plants per pleading guilty to conspiring patient can produce amounts to grow more than 200 pounds far inexcess ofthe 1.5 pounds to sell on the black market. that a patient is entitled to for a A federal judge in Medford year, and how legal and illegal sentenced Donald James Gal- marijuana are intertwined. The Associated Press
According to court records, Galvan's a r r est s t e mmed from an April 2011 traffic stop in Texas that turned up 43 pounds of marijuana. T he driver, identified i n court documents as H.J., told them he was taking it to Florida to sell, and about half if it came from Galvan in Oregon. Galvan had supplied him three previous times, for a total of 72 pounds of marijuana. 541.383.7700
community college
The Bulletin
an ormore ores axes, ees isn' 'innova ive'
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BETsY McCooc
Goaoott BEAEE
Fditur in-Clnrf Editorof Edttorials
group of Yale University students has won an award for the "innovative" idea that more property taxes and user fees are the answer to cleaning up
the Deschutes National Forest. The funds would support businesses that would use forest materials to make products, but need financial help because those products aren't commercially viable. That would in turn make forest cleanup financially attractive, the students report. The students won the Barrett competition for their plan to create the Deschutes Collaborative Conservation Fund to support companies to thin the forests and turn the material into products such as wood chipsand animal bedding. The money would come from an additional property tax, surcharges on water bills and added fees for hikers, bikers and beer drinkers, among others. J ust how t a x a n d s p e nd is "innovative" escapes our understanding. And we're also not clear on why local residents should pick up this tab when they have no controlover what happens on the vast tracts of federal land that dominate the region.
But the real issue is timber. Some true innovation might have come from a focus on how to restore that once-highly successful industry, which for decades poured money into the local economy, not drained it out. Rather than ask taxpayers to finance a new type of industry, how about taking the restraints off the one we already know, the one crippled by environmental regulation? There is broad understanding that some timber practices — like those in many early 20th-century industries — caused unacceptable environmental damage. It should be equally obvious that overzealous regulation and environmental extremism are preventing the industry's recovery. The students' efforts might have led to some real innovation if they had focused on finding the right compromises that would protect the environment while breaking the grip of government control and letting the power of private enterprise flourish.
Emnomic issues behind today's vote By Roy Fullerton anet Stevens recently wrote a column on Wal-Mart in which she lamented not supporting Wal-Mart's new investment in Central Oregon. She'd heard the allegations about the nation's biggest retailer and thought, "Bend would be better off without such an economic Goliath in our midst." However, over time, she learned that Wal-Mart is competitive with other big-box stores in pay and benefits, plus provides those on limited budgets access to less-expensive products and services. Stevens' column is instructive in several ways. First, her initial "good intentions" to safeguard Central Oregon from Wal-Mart had real-life adverse consequences on p eople and the local economy. These consequences didn't come to light until she drilled down on the facts that, when taken as a whole, clearly showed Wal-Mart's positive contributions to Central Oregonians. Second, Wal-Mart is an icon of the power ofthe free market — and capitalism. It provides goods, services and employment opportunities to all levels of our society. It is a diverse commercial entity. Regardless of one's age, race or level of wealth, Wal-Mart provides "upward mobility" with employment opportunity for
A government-centered economy where bureaucrats pick and choose winners with
taxpayer money is far different than the land
of free choice seen in capitalism.
plan was to rescue GM, it cost taxpayers — and worse,itsmacks of "crony capitalism," which is all too common in today's government. Finally, doesn't Stevens' column underscore what today's election is all about — a choice between a centrally controlled market of "good intentions" versus a privately funded, free market economy? A government-centered economy where bureaucrats pick and choose winners with taxpayer money is far different than the land of free choice seen in capitalism. One only needs to examine Europe and its crumbling welfare state to see how central planning brings out the worst in society while leaving future generations broke under the promise of government-inspired entitlement giveaways. teens, single parents, college grads, Granted, the free market is much seniors or anyone looking to better like the Wild West and scares the themselves through hard work and heck out of those who desire to see initiative. Like many corporations, more government involvement in our Wal-Mart is deep-rooted in the local economy. It' s a fact:The free market economy, supporting charities and punishes failure and rewards sucevents that we all use or attend. cess. The Wal-Marts of the world Third, contrast Wal-Mart with the force small businesses to innovate, government's involvement with Gen- become more efficient or find niches eral Motors. As GM teetered on the that will sustain or grow their busibrink of bankruptcy, our government nesses. As Stevens writes, HWal-Mart rewrote the rules on the treatment of is the kiss of death for many small, creditors and put taxpayers on the locally owned businesses" when it hook for 60 percent of a failed busi- moves into a local economy. Yet we ness model.Rather than restructure can look to Newport Market, Strictly GM's labor costs, the governmentpro- Organic Coffee, Deschutes Brewery vided special tax breaks and allowed and Les Schwab as just a few exGM to partially repay a portion of the amples of locally owned businesses bailout with TARP funds (a program successfully competing with l arge to fix our mortgage crisis) rather than national competitors. It's a win for through earnings gained from sell- consumers, a win for the local econing cars. GM now produces cars, like omy and a win for the risk-taker or the Volt, that are heavily subsidized, entrepreneur.A growing free market with a growing portion of their auto economy lifts all boats in the harbor sales going to our government's fleet — historically, it's why we have had of cars. As with the U.S. Post Office, a large, prosperous middle class in Amtrak and other government enti- America. "One of the great mistakes ties, the smothering hand of govern- is to judge policies and programs by ment stifles innovation and produc- their intentions rather than their retivity within the workplace. Frankly, sults.n — Milton Friedman. no matter how "well-intentioned" the — Roy Fulierton lives in Bend.
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M IVickel's Worth Don't believe anti-Obama bias In his letter Oct. 13, Stan Steiben makes certain claims about President Barack Obama: "elite Leninist," disrespectful toward I srael, appointing "czars," disavowing the Constitution, etc. Steiben advises us to take the time to look honestly at the facts and not be swayed by media bias. However, as good as that advice is, all of Steiben's "facts" come from a movie that is so clearly biased as to be ridiculed by all fact checking, and then from some talk-show host in Los Angeles whose website is called "The Daily Rant." If these people do not represent the biased media, then there is no such thing. I believe if you are telling people to do one thing and then doing the exact opposite thing, you are a hypocrite. Alan Pachtman Bend
Vote for Romney: It's common sense With the economy struggling, soaring deficit, nervous stock mar-
ket, high unemployment and uncertain tax policy, it seems to me that investing in someone like Mitt Romney would be a common-sense choice, especially with his considerable knowledge in business. What this country needs at this point in time is more jobs and a g rowing economy. We h ave a l l heard about the deficits our schools, police and fire are experiencing with our PERS problem. We see and hear how retirement savings accounts are only producing minimal results. Why not cast your vote for someone who would movethiseconomy, the stock market and investments in a direction that might actually help PERS and individual portfolios, and help stop many of the cuts we face today? Why not give this man a chance to prove himself again'? We all have a lot to lose if we have to face another four years of slow growth and more dismal performance. Will another four years of the same change how investments in this country grow or reduce gas prices? Probably not! Vote with your pocketbook. Vote Romney. Alex Skarbek Bend
Bowing to change, but missing print media I read and heard over the media that Newsweek will no longer publish its printed copy. Although I haven't subscribed to the magazine in a few years, I occasionally buy a copy. I read so much about the difficulties news organizations are having with their printed subscriptions. As a senior, I'm very disappointed but understand their dilemma. We have to remember that published newspapers have been in print since the Boston Globe continuously published its first newspaper in 1704. Over the years, I've enjoyed holding either a book or newspaper in my hand while it's read. I realize that progressive technology has slowly, but more recently, trended towards electronic versions of published ink print. This will continue to be the case as we go forward. I love to read novels; have a Kindle reading tablet, but have yet to use it. There's something missing from the experience of not reading paper print. I guess it shows my age, and sentiment as time passes. Terry Brown Bend
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Balance budget by ending subsidies By Floyd Dominick alancing the budget is simple — stop ALL subsidies. Subsidies are constitutionally justified as "for the general welfare." Saddling the unborn with this debt is for the general welfare? The foreseeable financial crisis is good for the general welfare? When the interest rates rise to the Jimmy Carter level, it will take all current taxes to just pay the interest — nothing left for anything else. The most important thing f or most politicians is re-election. They buy votes and contributions with these subsidies. The large contributor makes a good bet, investing thousands to get millions. In recent years,we the people have pressured the politicians to reduce earmarks 90 percent. However, earmarks are usually one-time expenses; much larger expenses are in the continuing programs. Congress finally did one of the few things it does well — nothing. It let the 30-plus-year subsidy for ethanol expire. Now it should repeal its mandate to put food in our gas tanks. Ethanol has increasingly been recognized as bad for nearly everything, including the environment. Farm subsidies have become an entrenched slush fund to buy votes and contributions. All agribusiness subsides should be phased out over the next two years. Another slush fund is the federal
gas tax. It was instituted to build the interstate highway system, and was to expire three years after completion, 20 years ago. The main argument against expiration was that the disparate state legislative schedules could not adjust their taxes for maintenance of the system. The solution is that all federal fuel taxes should be returned to the states from which they are collected for three years and then cease. It is estimated that removing the top layer of bureaucracy would double the effectiveness of the money and cut implementation time in half. RecentlyRonald Reagan and Tip O'Neill were lauded for their cooperation on tax simplification. Reagan is quoted as saying that the key was to be satisfied with 80 percent of what he wanted. It's time for the last 20 percent. Allpoliticians are callingfor "tax simplification" of the mess they created. We the people should demand that it be simplified to the extent it is no longer subject to their continual manipulation for political benefit. Income tax should be used solely for the operation of the government and paying down the debt, with no subsides for any group. ALL income should be taxed the SAME, only ONCE. Stock options and insurance subsidies should be considered income. Corporate dividends should be taxed only at the individual level, and there should be no death tax. There should be one standard deduc-
tion at two to three times the poverty level. Mortgage interest deductions for second homes should cease now. Primary home interest and charitable deductions should be phased out over five years. The only itemized deduction should be for catastrophic medical or other legitimate loss at a high threshold. Business income tax should be as similar to personal tax as practical — it is a continuum from the selfemployed up to public corporations. It should be based on yearly income minus expenses, with as few accounting gimmicks as possible. I favor a 15 percent base tax rate for everyone with a progressive higher rate to a maximum of 30 percent until the debt is retired. Congress should be permitted (by us) to only two tasks: set next year's tax ratesby September 30 and complete tax simplification. This largest slush fund accounts for most of the deficit. History shows that socialist governments fail in decades after they run out of other people's money. D emocratic governments fail i n a few centuries when the people learn they can vote themselves free money. We have been the former for seven decades and the latter for two centuries. We are near a tipping point now with half the people paying taxes and half receiving government checks. There is little time left to change the government's ways. — Floyd Dominick lives in Bend.
BITUARIES DEATH NOTICES Ervin Remick Epping, of Bend Sept. 18, 1931 - Nov. 2, 2012 Arrangements: Autumn Funerals, Bend. 541-318-0842, Services: Public viewing/visitation will take place on Wed., Nov. 7, 2012 at 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m., at Autumn Funerals, Bend, 61555 Parrell Rd., Bend. A graveside service will follow at 1:00 p.m., at Tumalo Pioneer Cemetery, off Cline Falls Rd, Tumalo, OR.
Jesse 'Ross' Holt, of Bend March 18, 1932 - Nov. 3, 2012 Arrangements: Niswonger-Reynolds Funeral Home, Bend 541-382-2471. www.niswonger-reynolds. com Services: No service is planned at this time. Contributions may be made to:
Partners In Care Hospice, 2075 NE Wyatt Ct., Bend, OR 97701.
Rodge F. Butler, of Redmond Mar. 23, 1938 - Oct. 26, 2012 Arrangements: Deschutes Memorial Chapel, 541-382-5592 www.deschutesmemorial Services: No services are currently scheduled.
Dawn Renee
Gregg (Wells) Aug. 16, 1931 — Nov. 2, 2012 Dawn w as bo r n in K etchikan, A K , t o E . C. 'Slim' and Helen T. Wells. The f a m i l y l iv e d i n A laska f o r m a n y y ea r s then moved to V ashon Isl and, i n t he sta t e of W ashington, t h e n o n t o C orvallis, OR, w h er e s h e completed her schooling. She mar r i e d Or l ey 'Junior' G r egg, D ecember 18, 1948, and was blessed with four children. She is survived by Bobbi Brantley of Redmond, OR, Rick and Kathy Gregg of A nchorage, AK , To ni Shoemaker an d Rob Parker of Kelso, WA, Ron Gregg and Deena Clay of E ugene, O R . T h e r e a r e also 14 gr andchildren, 17 great-grandchildren, on e great-great-grandchild, a nd a s i s t er, J oa n N e m chick of Stayton, OR. A fter w o r k in g f o r m a n y y ears as t h e s e r v ice d e partment m an a g e r at M ontgomery W a r d s a n d Sears, i n Ben d , D aw n l onged t o b e back i n Alaska, and returned there in 1979, where she continued working for Sears unt il retiring m 1 9 95. O n c e a gain D aw n r e l o cated t o Central Oregon in 2000, to be closer t o h e r c h i l d r en and grandchildren, wh ere she spent h e r r e m a i ning y ears spending t im e w i t h family, playing bridge, and attending w a t e r e x e r cise classes. A M e m o r ia l s e r v ic e i s p lanned f o r 1: 0 0 p .m . , Thursday, N o v e m be r 8, 2012, at 1 8 331 P i nehurst Drive, Bend, OR. In lieu of f l owers, please d onate t o t h e B o y s a n d G irls C l u b o f Re d m o n d , OR. For m o r e i n f o r m a t ion, p lease call R o n , a t 5 4 1 206-3709 o r B ob bi at 541-610-3100. To leave an o n l in e c ond olence f o r th e fa m i l y , please visi t w ww. d
DEATHS ELSEWHERE Deaths of note from around the world: Roger Wood, 87: Former executive editor of The New York Post who promoted a feisty, titillating portrayal of New York City that helped more than double the paper's circulation. Died Friday of cancer at his home in Manhattan. Teri Shields, 79: Stage mother who began promoting her daughter, Brooke, as a modeV actress when she was an infant. Died Wednesday in Manhattan of dementia-related illness. — From wire reports
John L. Fournier Jr. March 23, 1937 - October 1, 2012 John L. Fournier Jr., entered into rest on October 1 , 2012, probably fo r t h e first time in his life. The esteemed p u b lisher of Th e Prosser Record -Bulletin and Grandview Herald as w ell as former publisher John Fournier o f m a n y weekly and t h re e d a il y n e w s pap ers including t h e N o r t h C entral W a s h ington a n d C entral O r e g o n Ni c k e l A ds, t h e V al l e y D ai l y News in Kent passed away i n hospice near hi s h o m e o f Freeland, W h i dbey I s l and, W A aft e r a fi ve month battle w it h c a ncer. He was 75. He wil l b e r e m e mbered b y hi s w i f e , C h r i s ; c h i l dren, Suzette Nordstrom (Bill) o f Sp o k a ne , W A , J ohn L . I I I ( L u c i n da) o f B end, O R , D an i e ll e of F reeland, W A a nd Mat t hew of S a cramento, CA ; as a man of vision, humor a nd fortitude. H e w a s a s committed to h i s c o m mun ities a s h e w a s t o h i s family. He i s s u r v ived by his stepmother, Jean Morg an ( J immy ) o f S w a i n s boro, GA; sister, Gail Dallas of Redmond, WA ; and b rother, Charles (Gay) of Saint Simon's Island, GA . H e i s s u r v i ved b y e i g h t nieces and nephews. F ournier w a s a lov i n g father who taught his child ren t o r e v e r e t h e o u t d oors, r esp e c t oth er people's opinions, and fost er g o o d w i l l w he r e v er they went. He i n fused every situation with his sense of humor and ability to tell a g r ea t s t o r y - a n y t i m e , anywhere. Fournier remarried the love of hi s l i fe, Ch ristine, i n 2005, after w h ic h t h ey d evoted their t i m e o f t h e s emi-retired l if e o f r e v e l ing in their grandchildren, A ngela, E m i l y , TJ and Chas, while catching up on t heir y e ar s s p en t a p a r t . T he t w o h ad r em a i n e d f riends t hr o u g hou t th e years as they r aised their children and kept partnerships i n s e v eral n a t i onal champion sn af f l e b it horses. As p u b l i sher, F o u r n i er w as p r ou d t o s e r v e h i s b irthplace o f K en t , by b ringing M e d i c O n e to Valley G e n eral H o s p ital, as a member o f K i w a n i s, t he Cit y C o u n ci l a n d i t s committees, an d th e Chamber o f Com m e r c e. On the state level, he had a lifelong commitment to the W ashington S t at e N e w s p aper A s s ociation, a s a trustee, past president and active member from whom h e r e c eived t he M i l e s T urnbull Ma s t e r E d i t o r / Publisher lifetime achievement award. He was also a m ember o f t h e N a t i o n al Newspaper and Suburban Newspaper Associations of America. He developed his love of hot air ballooning when he became a y e a rl y s p onsor o f th e P r o s ser H o t A i r B alloon R a ll y u p o n p u r chasing the paper there in 1 986. He d e d i cated o v e r fifty years of his life to the newspaper business. Born March 23, 1937, in K ent, WA , h e f e l t a l i f e l ong a t t a chment t o h i s birthplace. His early life as a Boy Scout, a K en t M e ridian High School varsity f ootball p l a y er , a nd a m ember o f t he U ni t e d States Marine Corps influenced Fournier's l i f e long interest i n t h e o u t d o ors, sports and civic r esponsib ilities. He l o ved t o f i s h , possessed a mean rollcast, a nd spent h i s l i f e o n o r near the water. He shared fond memories o f p h e asa nt and d u c k h u n t in g i n the Green River Valley and a cross th e p l a in s o f t h e Palouse often. While attending U n i v ers ity o f W a s h i ngton a s a Sigma Phi Epsilon brother, he enjoyed his summers as a l i f e g u ar d o n L ak e W ashington. Un t i l h i s death, he would look up to i dentify a n y ai r c r af t b y wing shape and sound, rec ounting hi s m a n y m i l e s a cross the sky. He w ill b e missed. Where Buyers And Sellers Meet
Composer Elliott Carter's
complexworks won renown (and PLilitzers) By Deepti Hajela The Associated Press
NEW Y OR K — Cl a ssical composer Elliott Carter, whose challenging, rhythmically complex works earned him widespread admiration and two Pulitzer Prizes, died Monday at age 103. His music publishing company, Boosey & Ha w k e s, called him an "iconic American composer." It didn't give the cause of his death. In a 1992 Associated Press interview, Carter described his works as "music that asks to be listened to in a concentrated way and l i stened to with a great deal of attention." "It's not music that makes an overt theatrical effect," he said then, "but it assumes the listener is listening to sounds and making some sense out of them." The complex way the instruments i nteract i n h is compositions created drama for listeners who made the effort to understand them, but it made them difficult for orchestras to learn. He said he tried to give each of the musicians individuality within the context of a comprehensible whole. "This seems to me a very dramatic thing i n a d e m ocratic society," he said. While little known to the
general public, he was long respectedby an inner circle of critics and musicians. In 2002, The New York Times said his string quartets were among "the most difficult music ever conceived," and it hailed their "volatile emotions, delicacy and even, in places, plucky humor." Carter had remained astonishingly active, taking new commissions even as he celebrated his 100th birthday in December 2008 with a gala at Carnegie Hall. "I'm always proud of the ones I've just written," he said at the time.
Obituary policy Death Notices are free and will be run for one day, bot specific guidelines must be followed. Local obituaries are paid advertisements submitted by families or funeral homes. They may be submitted by phone, mail, email or fax. The Bulletin reserves the right to edit all submissions. Please include contact information in all correspondence. For information on any of these services or about the obituary policy, contact 541-617-7825. Deadlines:Death Notices are accepted until noon Monday through Friday for next-day publication and by 4:30 p.m. Friday for Sunday and Monday publication. Obituaries must be received by 5 p.m. Mondaythrough Thursday for publication on the second day after submission, by 1 p.m. Friday for Sunday or Monday publication, and by 9 a.m. MondayforTuesday publication. Deadlines for display ads vary; please call for details. Phone: 541-617-7825 Email: obits© Fax: 541-322-7254 Mail:Obituaries P.O. Box 6020 Bend, OR 97708
Continued from C1 Named Senate president three years later, he challenged Democrat Ron Wyden in a race to replace Republican Bob Packwood, thelongtime U.S. senator who resigned in the faceof sexual harassment allegations. Wyden narrowly defeated Smith in a J a nuary 1996 special election, but Smith prevailed that November, winning a Senate seat opened by Sen. Mark Hatfield's retirement that year. Smith cruised to re-election in 2002, but found himself facing a much more challenging environment as he sought a third term in 2008. The presidentialrace drew enormous numbers of voters to support Barack Obama, then a colleague of Smith's in the Senate, and Smith went down to defeat by a margin of less than 3 percentage points. "When I lost to Jeff Merkley, Obama was riding a tidal wave and he rode it alltheway to the Pacific Ocean," Smith said. "I think he won Oregon by 17 percent; that was too big a millstone around my neck to be able to win a third time statewide in a place like
.r<~ ii/~ Submitted photo
Former U.S. Sen. Gordon Smith, left, unveils his name on the Umatilla County Public Health building, with help from Umatilla County Commisioner Bill Hansell, during a ceremony in Pendleton in June. The building was dedicated in Smith's honor for his work on health care issues. frastructure doesn't exist to handle to level of traffic in an emergency." Though Smith i s a n ticipating a more Republicanfriendly electorate than the one he faced in 2008, both in Oregon and around the country, he said he thinks the state has shiftedto such a degree that any Republican seeking statewide office is f ighting an uphill battle — himself included. " I was running for a n d serving in public office in Oregon 18 years, and in that time I saw Oregon go from a centrist state, a purple state, to a navy blue leftist state," he said. "I love campaigning, but I don't love it enough to do it m a losing cause." Republicans will eventually make a comeback in Oregon, Smith said, as he anticipates the "big-government, low-growth, high-tax" policies of the Democrats will eventually turn off O r egon voters. A good messenger for the Republican philosophy is essential, he said, but since leaving the Senate, he's less in tune with Oregon politics and unsure who that messenger might be. Smith said he was "very impressed" when he spoke to Bend resident and Republican secretary of state candidate Knute Buehler by phone earlier this year, though he admitted he does not know Buehler welL Thursday, Smith was predicting his personal friend and fellow Republican Mitt Romney will win the presidency tonight. T hough Romney i s , "a man of enormous ability, a good heart, and a ferocious work ethic," Smith doubts the Republican has much of a chance of winning Oregon. He is, however, encouraged by a recent poll putting Romney just six points behind Obama in the state. If the poll is accurate and Romney can run that close to the president in a state as favorable to Democrats as Oregon, Smith said, Romney could pull off upset wins in states across the country. R omney and Smith a r e both high-ranking members of the Mormon church, and he said he's watched with interest as Romney's campaign has put their faith in the national spotlight like nothing before it.
"There've been plenty of distortions about the (Mormon) church, but I think it's been a net positive to have one of its members demonstrate the kind of qualities that Mitt Romney has," he said. Smith remains active in advocatingfor improved access to mental health services, an issue that found him when his adopted son, G a rrett, committed suicide in 2003. In recognition of his work on the issue in the Senate, Obama appointed him to serve as the private sector co-chair of the National Alliance for Suicide Prevention. Smith said the group created a coordinated suicide p r evention p o l icy that was integrated into the president's 2010 health care reform bill, and will ensure mental healthresources are available for people across the country. The issue, Smith said, cuts across party lines. "If you don't have mental health, I don't care how otherwise healthy you are, you're not healthy," he said. "You have to have mental and physical health. It keeps people out of our jails and off our streets wandering homelessly, and provides a way for the mentally ill to find hope and healing and a future." T hough his j o b a t t h e NAB keeps Smith close to Washington, D.C., most of the time, his family still runs the frozen food plant, and he still visits Pendleton when he can. In June, he was back in his hometown for the dedication of the newly completed Umatilla County Health Department building, n amed after him in recognition of his efforts to secure financing for the facility during his years in the Senate. Compared to t h e w a ter f ountain named after h i m shortly after his f i rst successful S enate c a mpaign — which, he said, has been known to double as a urinal during the annual Pendleton Round-Up — seeing the health department building named after him was a great honor, Smith said. Even so, he's certain he's run his last campaign. "Life is good, and so is Oregon," he said. "No matter what I think of its political direction, it's still home, and I love it."
for insurance now, and will
sumers increases, accord-
Continued from C1 Under the new contract, road and solid waste employees will pay a percentage of the cost of their health insurance next year, instead of a set dollar amount. The employees each pay $65 a month
cent of the cost of health insurance in July 2013. On July I, 2013, the employees will receive a costof-living raise of 1.5 to 3.5 per cent, depending upon how much the U .S. Consumer Price Index for all urban con-
Oregon." A year after l osing h i s Senate seat, Smith signed on to head up the National Association o f B r o adcasters, advocating for approximately 5,000 radio stations and 1,500 t elevision st ations, as well as the major networks. He acknowledges the connections he m a de over 12 years in Washington won him the job, and that he could be described as a lob-
byist. Though he suggests that politicians who can't say no to interest groups have given "lobbyist" its negative connotations. In recent months, Smith and the NAB have been active battling t h e t e lecomm unications industry, t r y ing to persuade the major cellphone carriersto reverse their policy of turning off the chip included in nearly every smartphone that allows it to receive AM/FM radio signals. In most countries around the world, carriers are required to enable the chips, Smith said, but in the U.S., carriers turn them off. A radio signal is free to the listener, he said, but carriers can bill their customers listening to the radio through the Internet on their phones. Hurricane Sandy, the storm that hit the East Coast early last week, may prove to be a turning point, Smith said, if it opens the public's eyes to the role radio can play in broadcasting critical information during a crisis. "As we speak, I b elieve we're getting a lot of converts of members of Congress in the N o r theastern U n i t ed States, because whether the emergency is a man-made one like 9/11, or a hurricane, or an earthquake or a tornado, when areas of the country experience those things, the first thing they realize is their cellphones don't work," Smith said. "It's a one-to-one communication, and the in-
— Reporter: 541-383-0387,
begin paying up to 9.5 per- ing to a county staff report. The employees will receive a raise based on the same parameters in July I, 2014. Kropp said the IUOE members already voted to approve the contract. — Repor ter: 541-61 7-7829, hborrudC<
~ •
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F O R ECAST Maps and national forecast provided by Weather Central LP ©2012.
I I 4
Today:The last sunny
Tonight: Increasing clouds through the night.
and warm day for a CHANNE
d d d d,x x x x x x x x x x 3 d dn/46 d Seasideo d d 9 odannM' achh',xx x x x x ' dfjy erx'
Dages 6»as •
Tigamook•xx .iimtxT'x ' xi xx x wx~xsw x a y end t / 46 63/aa
A r l ington
oW asco 6 Iaa
• Hermiston 63/aa
Wa owa 59/38 • Enterprise • Meacham 66/38
• Pendleton 67/as
64/3 7
65/42 Unio~
5 1.' i i i i da m p 62/38
Willowdale 73/39
Mild temperatures with increasing clouds expected today.
Baker City
xCOJyalli( '
Sunriyer Bend 6 7/32
Chemult 66I29
• Brothers 68/31
•B Riley
Frenchgle 73/41
Falls 66/36
• 27o
• Lakeview
lgary A Vancouver arP 40/27 saskatoon 8 39 / /46
Sea lew 5 /43
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Angel Fire, N.M.
• 0.84
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Los Angelesx
Oklahoma City
Little Rockr
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xx x x
• 51/35
.x x x s x
58/4t:i~ Fi~i~x~i~~
New Orleans
79 53,o;
Anchorage I 24/9
La Paz 86/66
• Miami 82/63 Monterrey
Mazatlan • 91/68
• Loulsvllle~
44/34 Buffalo ~ e w York 47/39 41/29 c 4 7/3 8 iladelphia Columbus jca 0, • , 48/38 48/@ $$5 • 49/37
( Detroit )'~
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Lake Charles La
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green Bay xx' 41/33 ~
City JRapi • 57/39
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Halifax 38/29 o ortland
~i Bismarck 305 Thunder Bay
• 98o
• 11
Quebec 33/2
Camarillo, Calif.
53 32
44 2 6
39 22
Yesterday Hi/Lo/Pcp
40 23
Tomorrow Rise Set Mercury....8:38 a.m...... 5:27 p.m. Venus......3:53 a.m...... 3:34 p.m. Mars......10:05 a.m...... 6:45 p.m. Jupiter......613 p m...... 9 24 am. Satum......5:45 a.m...... 426 p.m. Uranus.....3:07 p.m...... 3:25 a.m.
Yesterday's weather through 4 p.m. inBend High/Low.............. 68/39 24 hours endmg 4 p.m.*. . 0.00" Recordhigh........74m1980 Monthtodate.......... 0.01" Record low.......... 9 in 1971 Average month todate... 0.1 6" Average high.............. 52 Year to date............ 7.04" Averagelow ..............30 A verageyeartodate..... 7.93"
Barometricpressureat 4 p.m30.25 Record24 hours ...1.04in1973 *Melted liquid equivalent
Tuesday Hi/Lo/W
City Precipitationvaluesare24-hour totals through 4 pm.
Wed. Bend,westofHwy 97.....Low Hi/Lo/W Bend,eastof Hwy.97......Low
sisters..............................Low The following was compiled by the Central La Pine...............................Low Qregon watermaster and irrigation districts as Redmond/Madras........Low Prineviue..........................Low
a service to irrigators and sportsmen.
Astoria ........ 58/46/0.26.....61/46/r. ...52/37/sh Mod. = Moderate; Exi. = Extreme Reservoir Acre feet C a pacity Baker City...... 64/28/0.00....65/42/pc. ...54/29/sh To report a wildfire, call 911 Crane Prairie...... . . . . . . 35,586...... 55,000 Brookings......81/54/0.00....62/50/pc. ...57/43/sh Wickiup...... . . . . . . . . . 133,038..... 200,000 Burns..........67/28/0.00 65/35/s ...56/24/sh Crescent Lake..... . . . . . . 72,876.... . . 91,700 Eugene........ 64/51/0.00.....60/44/c . ...55/38/sh Ochoco Reservoir..... , , , 16,579 ,, , 47,000 Klamath Falls .. 68/33/000 ....66/36/s ...54/29/pc The higher the Uy Index number, the greater Prineville...... . . . . . . . . . 82,154..... 153,777 Lakeview.......72/27/0.00 ....66/39/s . ...56/32/sh R iver flow St at i on Cubic ft./sec La Pine........70/30/0.00.....68/31/s . ....52/24/( the need for eye and skin protection. Index is Deschutes RiverBelow Crane Prairie ...... . 168 Medford....... 69/44/0.00.....70/46/s . ...57/39/pc for sol t noon. Deschutes RiverBelow Wickiup .... . . . . . . . 248 Newport....... 63/54/0.01....61/48/sh . ...53/38/sh Crescent CreekBelow Crescent Lake ..... . . . 23 LD MEDIUM HIGH gggg North Bend..... 64/55/0.00.....64/51/c . ...55/42/sh Little DeschutesNear La Pine ...... . . . . . . . 144 Ontario........64/35/0.00.....63/41/s . ...61/35/pc 0 2 4 6 8 10 Deschutes RiverBelow Bend .... . . . . . . . . . 687 Pendleton...... 70/47/0.00....67/48/pc . ....57/33/c Deschutes RiverAt Benham Falls ..... . . . . . 818 Portland .......64/57/0.04....61/48/sh . ...55/39/sh Crooked RiverAbove Prinevige Res.. .. . . . . . . 3 7 Prineville....... 71/40/0.01.....68/36/s . ....56/29/( Crooked RiverBelow Prineville Res..... . . . . 65.6 Redmond....... 73/37/0.00....69/43/pc . ...58/27/pc Ochoco CreekBelow OchocoRes. .... . . . . . 6.65 Roseburg....... 66/51/0.00....67/47/p< ....55/38/sh Updated daily. Source: Crooked RiverNear Terrebonne ..... . . . . . . 144 Salem ....... 63/57/trace ...60/44/sh ...54/38/sh ~~ Sisters.........68/37/0.00.....69/34/s......52/25/c ~YLDIN Contact: Watermaster, 388-6669 MEDIUM The Dages......72/47/0.00....65/47/pc.....58/37/pc • or go to
o www m (in the 48 contiguous states):
snow, temperatures will be
Legend Wweather,Pcpprecipitation, s sun,pcpartial clouds,c clouds,h haze, shshowers,r rain,t thunderstorms,sf snowflurries,snsnow, i-ice,rs-rain-snowmix, w-wind,f-fog, dr-drizzle,tr-trace
Yesterday's extremes
Another chilly day, drier conditions overall.
Rain will
• 81'
• Klamath
Yesterday's state extremes
Jordan Valley
• 70/46
• Brookings
Ontario Sunny to partly 63/41 cloudy skies with • mild temperatures Nyssa today. 62/41
rants Pass
M • Beach 62/52
• Chr i 1 5jlver Lake
Port Orfor
• Fort Rock 69/33
o paulina 64/32
La Piness/31
Crescent• • Crescent Lake
63/51 •
68/ 4 3
Oa k ridge
Coos Bay
Mitchell 70/37
6 3 / 37
Oran'te rani e
Warm Springs• ~
Moonsettoday 12.42 pm
xx 60/aa • .xxk -6 x» >/ Albany NeWpnr~~» M, . ~~~
through the
SUN AND MOON SCHEDULE WEST today...... 649 a.m. MOOn phaSeS Areas of fog early Sunrise todaY...... 4 48 P.m. I.ast hl ew Fi rst Full today, with periods Sunset Sunrise tomorrow 6 51 a m of rain likely to the Sunset tomorrow... 4:47 p.m. north. Moonrisetoday...11:36 p.m. Nov. 6 Nov.13 Nov. 20 Nov. 28
, Astoria 4 d
Lincoln Ci i
Off and on rainfall, much cooler.
Morning showers, cloudy skies
a4 * * * * * d d d '* ** * *
t 4 >
W ar m Stationary Showers T-storms Rain Flurries Snow
Yesterday Tuesday Wed. Yesterday Tuesday Wed. Yesterday Tuesday Wed. Yesterday Tuesday Wed. City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/LolW City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W Abilene,TX ......75/50/0.00...79/50/s.. 81/56/s Grand Rapids....40/24/0.00..46/36/sh.. 47/34/c RapidCity.......58/24/000...57/39/s. 66/40/pc Savannah .......67/52/0.00..57/40/sh.. 62/41/c Akron ..........38/34/001...44/33/s..46/33/c Oreen Bay.......40/29/0.00..41/33/sh.44/28/pc Reno...........74/36/0.00...74/38/s. 70/39/pc Seattle..........59/52/0.27...55/43/r. 50/40/sh Albany..........42/30/000...43/24/s. 44/33/sh Greensboro......56/36/0.00..50/35/pc. 51/36/sh Richmond.......52/34/0.00 ..52/37/pc. 53/35/sh SiouxFalls.......39/34/0.00..53/28/pc. 53/35/pc Albuquerque.....69/41/000...71/43/s.. 72/46/s Harusburg.......45/38/000...47/32/s..45/35/rs Rochester, NY....37/33/0.05... 41/28/s. 45/32/pc Spokane ........57/52/0.00..63/43/pc. 49/31/pc Anchorage ......25/12/0.00...24/9/sn.. 23/12/s Hartford,CT .....44/35/0.00...44/29/s...45/35/r Sacramento..... 79/48/trace...81/52/s. 76/50/pc Springfield, MO ..54/45/0.06.. 56/36/pc.. 58/37/s Atlanta .........64/40/0.00..53/42/sh.. 56/40/c Helena..........67/47/0.00..65/43lpc..59/34lc St.Louis.........45/43/0.08..52/37/sh.. 52/33/s Tampa..........82/68/0.00...75/56/t. 71/50/pc Atlantic City.....47/34/0 00...51/42/s...52/44/r Honolulu........85/67/0 00..85172/sh.. 85/73/sSaltLake City ....66/40/0.00...70/45/s.. 70/49/s Tucson..........89/52/0.00...90153/s.. 89/54/s Austin ..........87/53/0.00...75/49/s.. 82/52/s Houston ........85/62/0.05...75/52/s.. 81/Sa/sSanAntonio .....86/57/0.00...77/53/s.. 81/54/s Tulsa ...........65/52/0.00..65/39/pc.. 70/43/s Baltimore ......48/39/000...4705/s. 46/36/sh Huntsville.......60/34/000...56/40/c. 58/36/pcSanDiego.......86/59/0.00...79/56/s.. 76/57/s Washington, OC..50/42/0.00...48/36/s. 47/38/sh Billings.........69/46/000..63/42/pc. 66/38/pc Indianapolis.....46/25/0.00..48/39/sh.. 48/34/c SanFrancisco....79/56/0.00...77/56/s.65/53/pc Wichita .........58/46/0.00..69/40/pc.. 70/46/s Birmingham .. 64/37/0.00 ..58/41/pc. 60/38/s Jackson, MS.... 54/44/022 61/41/pc 66/38/s SanJose........84/52/000.. 77/51/s 68/49/pc Yakima .........66/40/0 00 60/39/pc.. 54/32/s Bismarck........43/33/004..45/27/pc.51/33/pc Jacksonvile......74/57/000..65/43/sh.65/43/pc SantaFe........66/33/0.00...66/38/s.. 66/39/s Yuma...........93/64/0.00...93/61/s.. 91/63/s Boise...........67/42/000...69/42/s.. 64/39/c Juneau..........44/37/042 .. 41/28/rs.34/18/sn INTERNATIONAL Boston..........45/36/000...44/34/s...47/44/r Kansas City......50/42/019... 60/34/s .. 61/39/s Budgeport,CT....46/36/0.00...45/35/5...48/39/r Lansing.........40/21/0.00..45/35/pc .. 46/32/c Amsterdam......50/37/000 51/46/sh 51/46/pc Mecca.........1 00/77/000 . 96/75/pc.. 95/73/s Buffalo.........36/31/000...41/29/s. 46/31/pc LasVegas.......83/57/000...83/57/s .. 83/60/s Athens..........73/55/0.00.. 77/62/pc.. 77/64lc Mexico City .....68/52/000 .66/46/pc 68/45/pc BurlingtonVT....37/30/002 ..38/24/pc.. 43/33/s Lexington.......48/25/000...54/38/c. 50/34/sh Auckland........63/54/000.. 61/51/pc. 61/52/pc Montreal........36/30/0.00 ..35/26/pc. 39/30/pc Caribou,ME.....33/29/000 ..36/19/pc.. 37/29/s Lincoln..........45/39/0 00... 57/25/s .. 60/40/s Baghdad........99/61/000 ..85/60/pc. 85/59/pc Moscow........48/39/0.00 ..48/38/sh.. 39/35/c Charleston, SC...65/50/000 ..54/40/sh.. 60/44/c Little Rock.......56/43/0.02 .61/43/pc .. 65143/s Bangkok........95/82/0.00 ..95/76/pc...95/79/t Nairohi.........75/59/0.00... 78/57/t...78/57/t Charlotte........60/39/000 ..51/35/sh .. 56/37/c LosAngeles......91/61/0 00... 78/59/s .. 71/58/s Beiling..........52/39/000...55/38/s. 57/41/pc Nassau.........79/66/0.00 ..83/70/pc. 80/65/pc Chattanooga.....62/36/000...56/40/c. 57/38/pc Louisvile........51/31/0.00 ..56/40/pc.. 52/37/c Beirut..........86168/0.00..81/69/pc .. 81/68/s New Delhi.......82/59/000...80161/s.. 79/59/s Cheyenne.......62/29/0.00 ..63/41/pc.. 70/39/s Madison,Wl.....44/21/0.00 ..47/30/sh. 46/29/pc Berlin...........52143/0.00...44/39/c.49143/sh Osaka..........64/54/0.00 ..64/48lsh. 62/48/pc Chicago.........44/33/000 ..48/38/sh.47/39/pc Memphis....... 53/43/001 . 59/44/pc .. 62/43/s Bogota.........64ISOIO 00 . 66/48/sh. 69146/sh Oslo............37/25/000...36/31lc..41/36/c Cincinnati.......50/26/000 ..51/38/pc.. 51/35/c Miami..........81/68/0 00..82/63/pc. 77/58/pc Budapest........59143/0.00... 53/35/c .. 50/38/s Ottawa.........34/27/000...36121/s.38/30/pc Cleveland.......40/36/0.00...46/40/s.. 48/38/c Milwaukee......42/29/0.02 ..45/36/sh. 45/33/pc Buenos Aires.....88/70/0 00..89/70/pc . 91/68/pc Paris............52/43/0.00..48/40/pc.54/46/pc ColoradoSpnngs.60/30/000...68/39/s .. 74/39/s Minneapolis.....43/38/000...49/33/c. 46/33/pc CaboSanLucas ..90/66/0.00... 89/68/s. 88/66/pc Rio deJaneiro....82/73/0.00... 80/68/t...82/6it Columhia,MO...45/42/012 ..55/34/pc.. 54/34/s Nashville........54/35/000...57/44/c. 55/36/pc Cairo...........82/72/0.00 .. 84/63/s 82/62/s Rome...........72/61/0.00..64/52/pc. 59/45/sh ColumhiaSC....66/50/000 ..51/36/sh.. 59/42/c New Orleans.....75/59/0 36... 70/50/s .. 70/52/s Calgary.........50/39/000..40/27/pc. 39/25/pc Santiago........88/54/0.00..85/59/pc.. 81/54/s Columbus, OA...71/46/000 ..58/43/sh.. 62/41/s NewYork.......45/37/0.00...47/38/s...49/41/r Cancun.........86/66/0 00 .. 82/68/pc. 78/65/pc SaoPaulo.......79/63/0.00..78/59/pc...83/60/t Columbus, OH....48/29/0.00...49/37/s.. 49/35/c Newark, Nl......48/39/0.00...48/36/s...49/39lr Dublin..........48/34/0.00 ..50/44/pc.51/46/pc Sapporo ......notavailahle..57/53/sh. 55/51/sh Concord,NH.....42/31/000...44/21/s. 43/33/sh Norfolk VA......50/42/0 00..53/43/pc. 52/37/sh Edinhurgh.......48/28/0.00 .. 50/46/sh. 51/46/sh Seoul...........52/43/0.00..51/43/sh.. 54/42/s Corpus Christi....89/62/000 ..77/56/pc.. 78/63/s OklahomaCity...66/47/000 ..71/aa/pc .. 75/49/s Geneva.........52/41/0.00... 46/36/r. 50/40/pc Shanghai........63/46/0.00...62/51/s.. 65/56/s Dallas Ft Worth...77/52/000...73/48/s .. 81/50/s Omaha.........47/41/0 00... 56/28/s.. 57/39/5 Harare..........86/57/0.00... 87/59/s .. 89/62/s Singapore.......86/75/0.00...89/79/t...88/79/t Dayton .........46/25/000 ..49/37/pc. 49/34/pc Orlando.........80/62/0 00..79/53/sh. 72/48/pc Hong Kong......81/72/0.00 .. 78/73/pc.80174/sh Stockholm.......41/32/0.00..37/31/pc.. 38/33/c Denver....... 67/35/0.00... 71/39/5 .. 73/38/s Palm Springs.... 96/67/0.00... 95/58/s .. 92/56/s Istanbul.........70/63/0.00 71/61/sh. .. 66158/sh Sydney..........81/63/0.00...82/57/c...81/61/t Des Moines......45/41/017..55/34/pc.. 52/36/s Peoria..........48/34/0 00..49/34/sh. 49/31/pc lerusalem.......78/67/0.02 ..79/61/pc.. 78/59/s Taipei...........75/66/0.00..76/66/pc.77/69/pc Detroit......... 44/30/000 ..47/39/pc.. 49/36/c Philadelphia.....46/39/000...48/38/s...47/38/r Johannesburg....82/66/0.00..86/59/pc.84/59/pc TelAviv.........86/66/0.00..83/64/pc.. 82/62/s Duluth..........39/23/000 ..44/33/sh. 42/31/pc Phoeaix.........91/59/000... 92/61/s .. 90/63/s Lima ...........70/63/0.00..72/62/pc.. 71/62/s Tokyo...........61/52/0.00... 63/55/r. 65/52/pc El Paso..........78/44/0.00...78/47/s .. 80/52/s Pittsburgh.......39/35/0.00...45/30/s .. 48/32/c Lisbon..........61/48/000 62/48/pc 58/49/c Toronto.........36/32/0 00 41/33/s 41/29/pc Fairhanks........ 0/18/000 .. 2/14/pc .. -3/25/s Portland,ME.....40/27/000...43/28/s .. 45/36/c London.........50/32/0 00 .. 46/46/sh. 48/40/pc Vancouver.......54/46/0.00...50/46/r. 50/43/pc Fargo...........45/33/000 ..43/29/pc.44/32/pc Providence......46/34/0.00...45/33/s...49/41/r Madrid .........57/36/000..60/40/pc.54/40/sh Vienna..........57/39/0.00...45/32/c.. 45/39/c Flagstaff........65/31/000...68/29/5 .. 66/33/s Raleigh.........55/37/0 00 ..50136/sh.. 50/37/c Manila..........90/77/000 ..87/76/pc. 88/76/pc Warsaw.........48/43/0.60..44/35/sh. 44/37/sh
At polluted labsite, sacredcave draws abidfromthe Chumash
By Steve Chawkins
ow •
Show your appreciation to your customers by them in a group space ad
Los Angeles Times
L OS ANGELES — T h e Chumash tribe has expressed interest in buying a 450-acre slice of a contaminated nuclear research facility in the hills between California's Simi and San Fernando valleys, hoping to preserve a cave that its members consider sacred. The tribe's inquiries about acquiring part of the 2,849acre Santa Susana Field Laboratory have stirred concern among some residents who fear thepurchase might be a back door to building a casino. "I very much respect their desire to protect sacred sites, but I want to make sure any such action precludes the establishment of a casino," Ventura County Supervisor Linda Parks said. Sam Cohen, government affairs and legal officer for the Santa Ynez Band of Chumash, said there is no possibility of a casino on the property. The tribe wants to protect a swath of land that includes the Burro Flats Painted Cave, which is decorated with some of the best-preserved NativeAmerican pictographs in California. "If the tribe owns the land, we'll be in the best position to protect sacred sites," Cohen said Parks questioned whether the Chumash, a sovereign nation like other federally recognized tribes, would be bound by t h e e l a borate c l eanup agreement orders that apply to the portion of the sprawling facility that they are seeking. Most of the lab site is owned by Boeing, which purchased it when the company acquired Rocketdyne in 1996. Boeing has not signed on to a 2010 cleanup plan with state regulators, but under th e p l an, NASA and the U.S. Department of Energy have promised to remove tainted soil and pollutants from the areas they control by 2017. T he Painted Cave i s o n
t P
that vvill run NOV. 22nd, ThankSgiVing Daya
the most-rend peper of the yenr! This special one page group ad will showcase Los Angeles Times file photo
your business along with a message of thanks to your customers.
A space shuttle test site sits inactiveat the Santa Susana Field Laboratory property in California. The Chumash want to buy part of the property to protect a sacred cave, but some residents worry the purchase could lead to the development of a casino.
Ad sizes are 3.33" x 2.751" and are only 8 9
NASA land. Listed in 1976 on the National Register o f H i s toric Places, Burro Flats has long b een recognized for it s a r chaeological si g n i f icance. Perhaps as long as 1,000 years ago, Native American groups used the cave for rituals. Its walls are lined with paintings, including stick-figure animals and cornstalk-like plants. On the first day of winter, a shaft of light illuminates a design resembling a target; some researchers believe it was used in a ceremony marking the winter solstice. Established in 1947, the secretive lab tested liquid propellants for rocket engines. In 1957, one of America's first commercial nuclear power plants was built at the site, generating electricity for nearby Moorpark. In 1959, that plant was also the site of America's first partial nuclear meltdown — an accident revealed only decades later. Over the years, the lab generated toxic and radioactive wastes that neighbors blamed for cancer and other illnesses. Even amid testing of about 30,000 rocket engines, the area around the cave was
not damaged. Tight security kept visitors away. Over the years, NASA has admitted closely escorted groups of Native Americans "for ceremonial purposes," but such treks have become i n creasingly rare, said Merrilee Fellows, a NASA spokeswoman. Although decades of securityhave helped preserve the cave's painted images, Cohen said, the tribe fears the effects of possiblecleanup measures, includingone he described as "scraping the site clean." Officialssay such fears are unfounded. uWe've heard h y p erbole being kicked around about scraping the top off the mountain, and it's not remotely accurate," said Rick Brausch, who is directing the cleanup for the California Department of Toxic Substances Control. Scientists are still gauging the scope of contamination on the NASA-controlledproperty, he said. Some of the cleanup will involve carting off truckloads of soil. Other methods have not yet been determined. R egardless o f w he t h er the land changes hands, the cleanup will proceed, officials sard.
in cl u d ing full colof".
ONLY 18 SPOTS WILL BE AVAILABLE! Deadline for ad. spaceand. copy: Thursday, November 15, 2012 Publishes on Thursday, November 22nd
Contact your Bulletin Advertising Representative for more information Tonya McKiernan: 541-617-7865 email:
Nena Close: 541-383-0302 email:
Scoreboard, D2 Motor sports, D2
Football, D3 Community Sports, D5
PREP SOCCER Local teams set for state playoffs Seven area high school soccer teamsare alive and kicking as the Oregon School Activities Association playoffs
get under wayaround the state today. First-round matches include five here in Cen-
tral Oregon, featuring a Class 5A doubleheader at Bend's Summit High, where the Storm boys will entertain Franklin of Portland starting at 3 p.m. Following that contest at 5:30 p.m., the Summit girls will take on Cleveland of Portland. According to Summit athletic director Gabe Pagano, the stadium will not be cleared between
games, so asingle admission — $6for adults, $4 for students, as set by the OSAA for all first-round contests — will be good for both matches. Also in Bend today, the Bend High girls will host West Albany in a 5A playoff match at the 15th Street Field, where game time, originally set
Nelson ready
UO's E.j. Singler
Roberto 4t~
to take over at '
cap legacy
Oregon State
at Oregon
By Anne M. Peterson
By Anne M. Peterson
The Associated Press
The Associated Press
CORVALLIS — Roberto Nelson is looking forward to his chance to guide the Oregon State Beavers now that Jared Cunningham has moved on to the NBA. "When Jared washere Ihad a smaller role because he was so good and doing so much," Nelson said. "But now I have a different role >igg and get to play a little more freely." ( ' rb The Beavers went 21-15last season for their first 20-win season since 1989-90. They led the Pac-12 in scoring with an average of 78.9points per game, a school record. SeeOSU/D4
The Oregon Duckswilldepend on dependable E.J. Singler even more this basketball season. The 6-foot-6 forward, a mainstay as a starter for the past two seasons, is one of just three returning seniors on a Ducks team that features nine newcomers — six of them freshmen. Singler, who came to the Ducks from Medford, where he was the Oregon prep player of the year at South Medford High in 2009, averaged a career-high 13.6 points and 5.6 rebounds per game last season. He led the conference in free-throw percentage, hitting 110 of 121 attempts. SeeOregon /D4
,:4 tyt
Across town at Mountain View High, the
5eats are getting hot for coaches and GMS
Cougar boys will take on Wilson of Portland in a 5A game scheduled to start at 2 p.m. At Sisters today, the Outlaws entertain Ontario in a Class 4A boys contest scheduled to start at 2 p.m. On the road for first-
'' 4
round playoff matches
By Barry Wrrner
this evening are the Mountain View and Sisters girls. Mountain View plays at Putnam of Milwaukie in a 5A game starting at 6:30 p.m. In a Class 4A match, Sisters travels to Molalla for a game starting at 5 p.m.
The Associated Press
to play in the state
quarterfinal round on Saturday. — Bulletin staff report Rob KerrI The Bulletin
Shar Tobin, with her running partner Leo,runs at her home in Bend last week. Tobin is 75 and has been running for 42 years.
Local official gets state assignment A longtime local high school volleyball official
has been selected to
Culver, has beenchosen to represent the Central Oregon Volleyball Officials Association as an official at the Class 4A and 3A championships, set for this Friday and Saturday at Lane Community College in
Kelly Able, COVOA
commissioner, confirmed on Monday that Dubisar had been selected for the state
FLORHAM PARK, N.J. itans owner Bud Adams laid down the challenge to his entire organization after Tennessee's brutal loss to Chicago, creating the latest NFL hot seat for coaches and general managers. Things aren't any more comfortable in Kansas City, San Diego, Cleveland, Buffalo, Jacksonville and Dallas halfway through the season. And, of course, in Philadelphia, where there always seems to be a campaign to get rid of Andy Reid, and the shouting has become louderthis year. Although Adams may have gone overboard by saying in his 50 years as a team owner hecouldn't remember a worse home loss, his message rang loud and clear: everyone is on the clock. Nowhere is the clock ticking louder than in the AFC West, particularly in K.C. Romeo Crennel inherited the head coaching spot on an interim basis in 2011 when Todd Haley was firedafter13 games and the Chiefs won two of their last three, handing Green Bay its only loss of the season, falling in overtime to Oakland, then beating playoff-bound Denver on the road. See NFL/D4 -
Winners of the firstround contests advance
help officiate an Oregon School Activities Association state tournament this week. Gail Dubisar, of
AP File
for 1:30 p.m., hasbeen changed to 1 p.m.
• sr r
• At the age of 75,Bend'sSharTobin keepshitting the road mainly for half marathons family dog (a different dog back then)
orty-two years is a long time to do
Especially an activity as physically demanding as running. But that is exactly how many years Bend resident Shar Tobin says she has been running, and at 75 years of age, she has yet to kick the habit. "I can't imagine not running, or at least being out," says Tobin, who lives in a Widgi Creek townhouse with her husband, Toby, and their Labrador, Leo.
needed some exercise in addition to what she was already getting. So Tobin started going for short runs — barefoot in those days — with the dog in a grassy
park. A dog, in fact, is what played a significant role in Tobin taking up running in the first place. All those years ago, when the Tobins were living in Hawaii, Shar decided the
"I was doing it purely because I loved being outside with my dog, and I just grew to really love running," explains Tobin, a petite, youthful-looking woman and a former kindergarten teacher. SeeRunning /D5
assignment by avote of the Central Oregon association. — i3ulletin staff report
Oregon assistant coachstaying put, and happyabout it By Greg Bishop
Portland's LaMarcus
Aldridgeshoots on Monday night.
Blazers can't stop Mavericks Portland falls to Dallas 114-91,D3
New Yorh Times News Service
EUGENE — Gary Campbell is the longesttenured assistant coach at one university in major college football, at least as far as the Oregon Ducks can tell. He arrived here in 1983 with an itinerant reputation, yet he has stayed, not for one, not for two, not for 10 seasons, but for 30. This makes Campbell an anomaly, rarer still in the current climate. In an era when coaches jump teams every few seasons, when entire staffs are fired and when loyalty is often voiced but rarely practiced, Campbell is at once a coach and a contradiction. In an era of spread offenses,he leads the nation's third-ranked rushing attack, and at Oregon, of all places, in this small college town known for track and field. Over Campbell's 30 years with the university,
• The four undefeated teams survive, but they aren't out
of the woods yet, Commentary,D3 • Saturday night's Oregon State summary,D2
thingshave changed around him. Oregon added practice fields, renovated the football stadium and partnered with Nike, and the football program rose from putrid to formidable to regular national championship contender. The team changed coaches, and the university changed athletic directors. The Ducks swapped uniforms, itseemed, every couple ofweeks. Everything changed at Oregon. Except its running-backs coach. SeeAssistant /D4
Ivar Vongi The New York Times
Gary Campbell, the running backs coachat Oregon, has been with the football program for three decades.
TELEVISION Today SOCCER 11:30a.m.: UEFA Champions
League, Schalke vs. Arsenal, Root Sports. FOOTBALL
5 p.m.:College, Ball State at Toledo, ESPN2.
12:30p.m.:W omen'scollege, Stanford at Cal, Pac-12 Network. VOLLEYBALL
3 p.m.: W omen'scollege,USC at Arizona, Pac-12 Network. BASKETBALL
5 p.m.:NBA, Philadelphia 76ers at New Orleans Hornets, ESPN. 7:30p.m.: NBA, San Antonio
Spurs at Los Angeles Clippers, ESPN.
SOCCER 11:30e.m.:UEFA Champions
League, Celtic vs. Barcelona, Root Sports.
Sp.m.:College, Bowling Green at Ohio, ESPN2.
Listingsare the mostaccurate available. TheBulletinis not responsible for late changes made by Tll or radio stations.
Girls soccer Class 5Aplayoffs, first round: Cleveland atSummit, 5.30p.m.; WestAlbany at Bend, 1p.m; MountainViewat Putnam, 6:30p.m Class 4A playoffs,first round:Sisters atMolala, 5 p.m. Boys soccer: Class 5Aplayoffs, first round:Wilson at Mountain View, 2 p.m.; Franklin at Summit, 3 p.m. Class4Aplayoffs, first round: Ontarioat Sisters, 2p.m.
• Ducks finish exhiditien
season with victory:The OregonDucksmen'sbasketball team closed out its exhibition slate by defeating Southwestern Oklahoma State 82-65 in front of 5,448 at Matthew Knight
Arena on Monday night in Eugene. Oregon had five players score in double figures as
freshman Dominic Artis led the way with15, followed by fellow
freshman DamyeanDotson and seniors E.J. Singler, Tony Woods and Carlos Emory, who scored12 points each. Junior Waverly Austin led the way for the Ducks on the boards with
11 rebounds, four of them offensive. • NBA handsoutfirst flopping warnings:TheNBAissued flopping warnings to Minnesota's JJ Bareaand Cleveland's Donald SloanonMonday,the first two under a newpolicy designed to end theact. Barea threw his upper body backward after contact while defending Sacramento's Jimmer Fredette in the fourth quarter on Friday. Sloan tumbled wildly to the court a few feet from contact after a pick set against him against Chicago on Saturday. The NBA
the focus to player evaluation. Several players were perplexed by the coach's remarks. • Chiefs' Crenuel removes himself as D-coerdiuator: Chiefs coach RomeoCrennel relieved himself of duties as de-
fensive coordinator on aday of massive changes that included the waiving of cornerback Stanford Routtand the signing of defensive tackle Shaun Smith.
Crennel had beenjuggling head coaching and coordinator duties since taking over on aninterim basis when ToddHaleywas fired last December. Gary Gibbs will take over as defensive coordinator and Crennel plans to spend more time with the rest of the team. The Chiefs fell to1-7 with Thursday night's 31-13 loss at San Diego, their fifth straight defeat.
Tennis • Murray, Djekovic win at
ATP finals:Novak Djokovic and Andy Murray won their opening matches Monday at theATP
finals in London, setting up a showdown between two of the announced anewpolicy in pretop three players in the world. season to stop the act of players The top-ranked Djokovic beat dramatically overselling contact Jo-Wilfried Tsonga 7-6 (4), 6-3 in hopes of tricking referees into in Group A, hours after thirdcalling fouls. League officials ranked Murray rallied to defeat
review plays and inform players if something they did falls under the league's definition of a flop.
Tomas Berdych 3-6, 6-3, 6-4. Djokovic and Murray will play
for the top eight players in the world. Fourth-ranked Rafael Nadal, however, pulled out be-
Video of the plays are posted on Wednesday. The ATP finals is the season-ending tournament
• K-State hopingKleiu plays vs. TCU:Kansas State coach Bill Snyder is hopeful injured quarterback Collin Klein will be available for Saturday's game at TCU. TheHeismanTrophy candidate was hurt during
cause of injury. Group B,which includes six-time champion Roger Federer, will play today at the 02 Arena.
the third quarter of the No. 3
bargaining table:The NHL and the players' association are returning to the bargaining
Wildcats' 44-30 victory over Oklahoma State on Saturday. Snyder did not discuss the
Hockey • NHL, union te return te
table today, hoping momentum nature or severity of the injury, generated over the weekend but all indications point toward a possible concussion. Klein lay can lead to a long-awaited labor deal. The sides held negotiaon the turf for several seconds tions Saturday, the first since after scoring his 50th career Oct. 18, in an undisclosed locarushing touchdown. He spent tion and madeenough progress several minutes talking with to want to talk again just days trainers before his helmet was later. They will get back togethtaken away, which usually siger today in New York. It wasn't nals that a player has sustained n determinedyeton Monday who some type of head injury. He would take part in the talks.
obviously was injured or wen wouldn't have taken him out,
Snyder said. • WashingtonState suspends WR: Washington State
star receiver Marquess Wilson was suspended onMonday for an unspecified violation of team rules, and will miss Saturday's game against No. 17 UCLA.
Cougars coach Mike Leach declined to say why Wilson was suspended,although he said the punishment would last at least a week. The Moscow-Pullman Daily News reported Monday that Wilson stormed out of a
team practice early Sunday evening. Washington State (2-
Saturday's were conducted by just NHL deputy commissioner counsel Steve Fehr. Today could involve a larger group, including Commissioner Gary Bettman and NHLPA executive director Donald Fehr. The lockout entered its 51st day
Monday. So far, 327 games — including the outdoor Winter
Classic — have beencalled off, andtheNHL saysafullseason won't be played.
Golf • Famed instructor Flick diesat 02:Jim Flick, a golf in-
structor for more than 50years whose clients included Tom Lehman andJack Nicklaus upon
of his players was "bordering on cowardice." • Redskius' Sheueheuputs new spin ou comments: Wash-
died Monday of pancreatic can-
Shanahan is putting a newspin on his comment that he'll use n the rest of the season to see
joining the Champions Tour, cer, his family said. He was 82. Flick taught golf in 23 countries
and directed programs such as Golf Digest's Schools and ESPN Golf Schools. He was director of instruction at Desert Mountain
in Scottsdale, Ariz., for 20 years
who obviously is going to be on and wrote five books, the most your football team for years to
come." A clearly agitated Shanahansaid on Monday thathe probably didn't give "the perfect quote" after the Redskins fell to 3-6 with Sunday's 21-13 loss to
the Carolina Panthers. Shana-
W L T P c t PF PA Denver 5 3 0 . 6 25235 175 San Diego 4 4 0 . 5 00185 157 Oakland 3 5 0 . 3 75171 229 Kansas City 1 7 0 . 1 25133 240 NATIONALCONFERENCE East W L T P c t PF PA N.Y.Giants 6 3 0 . 6 67254 185 Philadelphia 3 5 0 . 3 75133 183 Dallas 3 5 0 . 3 75150 181 Washington 3 6 0 . 3 33226 248 South W L T P ct PF PA Atlanta 8 0 0 1 000220 143 TampaBay 4 4 0 . 5 00226 185 NewOrleans 3 5 0 . 3 75218 229 Carolina 2 6 0 . 2 50149 180 North W L T P c t PF PA
Chicago GreenBay Minnesota Detroit
7 6 5 4
SanFrancisco Seattle Arizona St. Louis
W 6 5 4 3
1 3 4 4
0 0 0 0
. 8 75236 120 . 6 67239 187 . 5 56204 197 . 5 00192 188
L 2 4 5 5
T 0 0 0 0
P c t PF PA . 7 50189 103 . 5 56170 154 . 4 44144 173 . 3 75137 186
Monday's Game NewOrleans28,Philadelphia13 Thursday's Game IndianapolisatJacksonvile, 5.20p.m.
Atlantaat NewOrieans, 10a.m. Detroit atMinnesota,10a.m. Denverat Carolina, 10a.m. SanDiegoatTampaBay,10am. Tennessee atMiami,10 a.m. Buffalo atNewEngland,10a.m. OaklandatBaltimore,10 a.m. N.Y.Giantsat Cincinnati,10 a.m. N.Y.JetsatSeatle, I:05 p.m. St. LouisatSanFrancisco, 1:25p.m. Dallas atPhiladelphia,1:25p.m. Housto natChicago,5:20p.m. Open:Arizona,Cleveland,GreenBay,Washington Monday, Nov.12 KansasCityat Pittsburgh,5:30p.m.
First Quarter NO — Robinson 99 interception return (Hartley kick), 2:36. SecondQuarter Phi — FGHenery22,12:03. NO — Ivory22 run(Hartley kick), 8:33. NO — Colston I passfromBrees(Hartleykick), I:13. Third Quarter Phi Jackson 77passfromVick (Henerykick), 8:42. Phi —FGHenery37,7:00 NO — Graham6passfromBrees(Hartley kick),1:20. A—73,099.
First downs
Total Net Yards
Rushes-yards Passing PuntReturns KickoffReturns InterceptionsRet. Comp-Att-Int
Sacked-YardsLost Punts Fumbles-Lost Penalties-Yards Time ofPossession
7-46 2-8 4-44.5 3-49.7 2-1 3-2 7 -58 4 - 35 33:30 26:30
INDIVIDUALSTATISTICS RUSHING —Philadelphia: Mccoy19-119, Vick 6-53, Brown 4-49. NewOrleans: Ivory10-48 Ingram 7-44, PThoma s6-44,Cadet1-5, Brees1-(minus1). PASSING —Philadelphia: Vick 22-41-1-272 New Orleans:Brees21-27-0-239 RECEIVING —Philadelphia: Avant 6-56, Celek 5-47, Jackson3-100,Harbor3-20,Maclin2-28,McCoy 2-14,Havili1-7. NewOrleans: Graham8-72, Colston 4-46,Moore2-61, PThomas2-26, Ingram 2-23, Henderson1-8,Ivory1-2, Cogins1-1. MISSEDFIELDGOALS—New Orleans: Hartley 52 (WL)
College The APTop26 The Top 25 teamsin TheAssociated Presscollege football poll, withfirst-placevotes inparentheses, records throughNov.3, total pointsbasedon25points fora first-place votethrough onepointfor a25th-place vote, andpreviousranking:
1. Alabama (60) 2. Oregon 3.KansasSt. 4. NotreDame 5. Georgia
R ecord Pts P v
9 -0 1,500 I 9 -0 1,421 2 9 -0 1,395 3 9 -0 1,318 4 8 -1 1 ,198 7 5. OhioSt 1 0-0 1,198 6 7. Florida 8 -1 1,112 8 8. FloridaSt. 8 -1 1 ,057 9 9. LSU 7 -2 1,029 5 10. Clemson 8-1 9 3 1 10 11. Louisville 9-0 8 6 2 12 12. SouthCarolina 7-2 8 3 6 11 13. Oregon St. 7-1 7 9 6 13 14. Oklahom a 6-2 7 6 5 14 7-2 7 0 0 16 15. TexasABM 7-2 16. Stanford 655 15 7-2 4 4 6 25 17. UCLA 18. Nebraska 7-2 4 4 1 21 19. LouisianaTech 8-1 3 5 5 22 19. Texas 7-2 355 N R 6-3 2 3 7 18 21. SouthernCal 22. MississippiSt. 7-2 1 8 7 17 8-1 1 4 6 NR 23.Toledo 24. Rutgers 7-1 9 9 NR 25. Texas Tech 6-3 9 7 20 Othersreceivingvotes: N. Illinois 64,KentSt. 61, Michigan53,TCU38 Northwestern32, Oklahom a St. 27,Ohio22, UCF15, Boise St.11, Washington 9, Penn St 8,SanDiego St.7, Tulsa6, Arizona5, Utah St. 4, FresnoSt.2.
Arizona St. OregonSt.
0 3 10 0 — 1 3 7 14 7 0 — 2 8
16 3 0 7 — 26 1 0 9 10 7 — 3 6
First Quarter ASU —Onyeali 1 fumbe return (Garoutte kick),
14:39. OrSt—FGRomaine41,11:21.
ASU —C.Marshall 1run(Garoutte kick), 844. OrSt—Wheaton50 passfromVaz(Romaine kick),
ASU—Safety, 1:27 SecondQuarter ASU—FGMora31, 12:56. OrSt—Ward53run (kick failed),11:35. DrSt—FGRomaine45,:00. Third Quarter OrSt—Wheaton17 passfromVaz(Romaine kick),
4 47 37 1 29-221 25-140 226 231 1-20 1-5 1-13 4 -118 0 -0 1- 9 9 22-41-1 21-27-0
Idaho 14.5 16.5 Massachusetts 3.5 2. 5 BUF FALO 13.5 13.5 T e xas A8 M 15 15 7 7 18.5 1 9
y4rS fkR.
zQ $~IIW
TENNIS ATP WorldTourFinals Monday At The 02 Arena
No. 13 OregonState 36 Arizona State 26
Saints 28, Eagles13
Saturday's Summary
Monday's Summary
Philadelphia New Orleans
NotreDame USC
2 2.5 6 6.5 37 38
OrSt — FG Romaine33,3:02. Fourth Ouarter OrSt—Cooks 49 passfrom Vaz(Romaine kick), 10:54. ASU —Grice2passfrom Kelly (Garouttekick), 22. A—45,979.
First downs
ASU O r St 19 19
London Purse: $8.11 million (TourFinal) Surface: Hard-Indoor RoundRobin Singles 32-150 39-157 Group A 1 53 26 7 Andy Murray (3), Bri tain,def.Tomas Berdych (5), 22-41-1 14-33-1 Czech Re publ i c , 3-6, 6-3, 6-4. 28 17 NovakDiokovic (1),Serbia,def.Jo-Wilfried Tsonga 9 45 8 6-37 7 0-0 2-1 (7), France,7 6(4), 6-3. Standings:Diokovic1-0(sets 2-0), Murray1-0(23 -30 6 - 55 1), Berdych 0-1(1-2), Tsonga0-1(0-2). 26:30 33:30
Rushes-yards Passing Comp-Att-Int ReturnYards Punts-Avg. Fumbles-Lost Penalties-Yards Time ofPossession
INDIVIDUALSTATISTICS RUSHING —Arizona State: Keliy 10-80, C.Marshag10-42, Foster5-22, Grice4-14, Eubank 3-(minusBi OregonState: Ward19-146,Wheaton 3-57, Agnew 7-21, Cooks3-5, Team1-(minus2),Vaz 6-(minus70). PASSING —Arizona State: Kelly 22-41-1-153. Oregon St.: Vaz14-33-1-267. RECEIVING —Arizona State: Grice6-43, Coyle 5-28, Miles 5-26,Agwuenu 3-26,Foster2-9,Ross 1-21. OregonState: Cooks6-116 Wheaton4-108, Prince2-13, Hamlett1-16, K.cummings1-14.
Pac-12 Standmgs All TimesPacific North
Oregon Oregon State Stanford Washington California Washington State
UCLA USC ArizonaState Arizona
Conf. 6-0
Overall 9-0
5-1 5-1 3-3 2-5 0-6
4-2 4-3 3-3 2-4 2-4 1-5
7-2 5-4 3-7 2-7 7-2
6-3 5-4 5-4
Semifinals O.c. United vs.Newyork Saturday,Nov.3: NewYork1, D.C.United1 Wednesday,Nov.7: D.C.United atNewYork, 5 p.m. KansasCity vs. Houston Sunday,Nov.4: Houston 2, KansasCity 0 Wednesday,Nov.7: Houston atKansas0ity, 6 pm. WESTERN CONFERENCE
Semifinals San Josevs. LosAngeles Sunday,Nov.4. SanJose1, LosAngeles0 Wednesday, Nov7 LosAngelesatSanJose,Bp.m. Seattle vs. Real Salt Lake Friday,Nov.2: RealSalt Lake0, Seatle 0 Thursday,Nov.8: Seattle atReal Salt Lake,6:30pm.
DEALS Transactions
BASEBALL COMMISSIONE R' S OFFICE — Suspended L.A. DodgersRHPJose Dominguez 25 games and free Saturday'sGames agent RHPEmerson Martinez and free agent SS Coloradoat Arizona,10:30a.m. Luis Valenzuela 50gamesfor violations of theMinor Oregon StateatStanford, noon LeagueDrugPrevention andTreatmentProgram. ArizonaStateatUSC,12:30 p.m. American League Oregon at Cal,7:30p.m. BOSTON RED SOX— Agreedto termswith DH Utah atWashington, 7:30p.m. David Orti z on a two-yearcontract. UCLAatWashington State, 730p.m. HOUSTON ASTROS — Named Dennis Martinez bullpencoachandEduardo Perezbench coach. Betting line KANSAS CITYROYALS Named Terry Bradshaw minor league hitting coordinator,JoseCastro assistant NFL minor league hitting coordinator, MiltThompsonout(Hometeamsin Caps) buntingandbaserunningcoordinator andFelix Favorite Open Current Underdog field, Franciscospecial assignment scout/international and Thursday Colts 3 3 JAGIJARS pro scouting. NEWYORKYANKEES Claimed CEli Whiteside Sunday PATRIO TS 12 11 Bills off waiversfromSanFrancisco. SEATTLE MARINERS— Agreedto terms with LHP Giants 4 .5 4 BENGALS BUCS 3 3 Chargers OliverPerezonaone-yearcontract National League Broncos 4 .5 4 PANTHE RS LDSANGELES DODGERS— Named PatCorrales DOLPHINS 6 6 Titans RAVENS 7 75 Raiders specialassistanttothegeneral manager. MILWAU KEEBREWERS— Agreed to terms with Falcons NL N l. SAINTS Jairo Asencio onaminor leaguecontract. Lions I 15 VIKINGS RHP ST. LOUIS CARDINALS—Promotedassistant hitSEAHAW KS 6 .5 6 . 5 Jets EAGLES NL NL Cowboys ting coachJohnMabry tohitting coachandMemphls 49ERS 12 11.5 Rams (PCL)pitchingcoachBlaise lsley to bullpencoach. FOOTBALL BEARS 15 1 Texans National Football League Monday CAROLINA PANTHERS— ClaimedLB JasonWilSTEELE RS 12.5 12.5 Chiefs liams offwaiversfrom Philadelphia. WaivedCBRon Parker. College CINCINNAT I BENGALS—SignedLBJ.K. Schaffer Today practicesquad. TOLEDO 6 6. 5 Ball St to the JACKSONVI LI.E JAGUARS — Signed OL Steve Wednesday OHIOIJ 3 .5 3 BowlingGreen Vallos.WaivedRBKeith Toston. SignedLBBrandon M arshal l to the practicesquad. Thursday KANSASCITYCHIEFS— Announced coachRoFloridaSt 13.5 14 VA TECH meoCrennelrelievedhimself ofdefensivecoordinator Friday Pittsburgh 3 .5 3 . 5 CONNEC TICUT duties.WaivedCBStanford Routt. SignedDTShaun Smith. NamedGaryGibbsdefensivecoordinator. Saturday NEWYOR KJETS— SignedLBD.J. BryantandRB MICHIGAN 11.5 11 Northwestern CLEMSON 31 3 1.5 Maryland John Griffin tothepractice squad TAMPA BAYBUCCANEERS—Traded CBAqibTaNc STAT E 9 9. 5 WakeForest England for a2013fourth-round draft pick. RUTGE RS 17.5 18 Army ib to New OLYMPICSPORTS Louisville 2 25 SYRACU SE USAGYMNASTICS— Named Vaeri Liukin eite VIRGINIA 2(M) 1 Miami-Fla Minnesota 3 3 ILLINOIS athletedevelopmentcoordinator andStephenRybacki Wisconsin 5 .5 7 INDIANA director ofelite athleteprograms. COLLEGE IOWA 3 .5 4 . 5 Purdue WASHINGTONSTATE — Suspended WR MarMISSISSIPPI 2 .5 2 . 5 Vanderbilt quessWilsonindefinitely.
4-5 18
Bill Daly and union special
7, 0-6) was blown out 49-6 at Utah on Saturday for its sixth consecutive loss. Afterward, Leach complained that the effort
ington Redskins coach Mike
EKeOUr Y@R ~
PennSt B OSTON COLL 10 9 Ariz ona St Utah PK 1.5 WASHINGTON Wyoming PK 1 NE W MEXICO SanJoseSt 22.5 22.5 NEW MEXICOST Oregon 28 28 CAL IFORNIA OKLAHOM AST 7.5 7. 5 WVi rginia KansasSt NL NL TC U Cincinnati 11 11 TEMPLE TENNES SEE 3 35. Miss ouri TEXAS 10 10 lowaSt SANDIEGOST 9 95. Air Force SMU 12.5 13 So Miss Marshal 3 3 UAB Tulsa 2.5 2. 5 HOUSTON Unlv 2.5 2 CO LORADO ST BoiseSt 28 5 29.5 HAW AII Ucla 15 14.5 WASHING TONST C Florida 12 13 UTEP ARIZONA NL Nl . Coio rado SCAROLIN A 14 1 4 Arka nsas TEXASTECH 25 25 Kansas La Tech 20 20 TEX AS ST OKLAHO MA 20 2 0.5 Baylor Tulane 1.5 1. 5 MEM PHIS STANFO RD 5.5 5. 5 Ore gon St LSU 14.5 14 Miss St FresnoSt 2 5 3 NEVADA NEBRAS KA
F~h ~~
AMERICANCONFERENCE East W L T P c t PF PA NewEngland 5 3 0 . 6 25262 170 Miami 4 4 0 . 5 00170 149 N.Y.Jets 3 5 0 . 3 75168 200 Buffalo 3 5 0 . 3 75180 248 South W L T P ct PF PA Houston 7 1 0 . 8 75237 137 Indianapolis 5 3 0 . 6 25159 191 Tennessee 3 6 0 . 3 33182 308 Jacksonville 1 7 0 . 1 25117 219 North W L T P c t PF PA Baltimore 6 2 0 . 7 50199 176 Pittsburgh 5 3 0 . 6 25191 164 Cincinnati 3 5 0 . 3 75189 218 Cleveland 2 7 0 . 2 22169 211
hanhadproclaimedthegamea "must-win" to stay in the playoff hunt. His postgame remarks implied that he was giving up on the postseason chase to turn
In the Bleachers © 2012 Steve Moore. Dist. by Universal Ucrick www
Friday Football: Class 5Aplayoffs, first round:Churchill at Redmond, 7 p.m.; MountainViewat Wilsonville, 7 p.m. Class4Aplayoffs, first round: Madrasat Scappoose,7p.m. Volleyball: Class5Aquarterfinals, Bendvs. Summit at Liberty High in Hillsboro, 10a.m.;Class5A semifinals,Bendor Summit vs. TBAat Liberty High in Hillsboro, 6:30 p.m.; Class 4Aquarterfinals, Madrasvs.LaGrandeat LaneCommunity College in Eugene,1:15p.m.;Class4Aquarterfinals, Crook Countyvs. Elmiraat LaneCommunity Collegein Eugene,1:15p.m.; Class4Aquarterfinals, Sisters vs. AstoriaatLaneCommunity Colegein Eugene, 3:15 p.m.;Class2Aquarterfinals, Culvervs. Kennedy atRidgeviewHighinRedmond,1:15p.m. Water polo: Class574Astate championships at Tualatin Hills AquaticCenterin Beaverton, semifinal round: Madrasgirls vs. Parkrose, 10:10 p.m.; Summigirls t vs. WestAlbany,I:20 p.m.; Summit boysvs.MountainView,2:30p.m.
recent one titled, "Jack Nicklaus, Simply the Best." Lehman
spoke to Flick on Sundaybefore winning the Charles Schwab
Cup Championship at Desert Mountain. — From staffand wire reports
ina inis save su is race By jenna Fryer
The Associated Press
CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Brad Keselowski held off Kyle Busch on one late restart, and Jimmie Johnson on another. Doing it a third time was just too much to ask during a tense closing sequence at Texas Motor Speedway. It was Johnson who won that final frantic battle to the finish line, holding steady as Keselowski slammed into the side of his car. Keselowski took it all the way to the edge — refusing, though, to cross a line and wreck the competition — and Johnson never blinked. The five-timechampion nudged ahead, got some separation and pulled away for the win. Johnson now holds a sevenpoint lead over Keselowski in the standings with two races remaining in the Chase for the Sprint Cup championship. Those three restarts over the closing 19 laps on Sunday will go down as some of the most memorable racing of the Chase. It also saved a race that would have been memorable for being largely forgettable up to that point. It took over three hours Sunday to get
to the good stuff, and it's clearly not cutting it with fans. ESPN drew a 2.5 overnight rating, down ll percent from a 2.8 in 201L Texas owner Bruton Smith alluded to the issues this weekend, when he said NASCAR needs to work at "making the racing more exciting." Because, Smith said, races with long green-flag runs that are decided by fuel mileage are "boring, boring, boring." And that's what Sunday was shaping up to be as Johnson, who started from the pole, shot out of the gates and jumped out to a sizeable lead. He led the first 48 laps, stopped for gas and tires, then led 51 more laps before NASCAR called its first caution of the race, for debris. In fact, of the nine cautions on Sunday, five of them were for debris. And one of them may have set the tone for the finish that had everyone talking on Monday. Keselowski was leading with Johnson
in third when NASCAR called caution for debris 58 laps from the scheduled finish and teams in various stages of fuelmileage strategy. Keselowski went on to pit road as the leader, but locked up his brakes and slid deep into his stall, a miscue that dropped him to eighth when he got back onto the track. Cautions breed cautions, and there were three more ahead. It set the sequence for Keselowski to take two tires during the final pit stops when everyone else took four tires so he could reclaim the lead, then try to hold off the field over those three final restarts. After successfully getting past Busch on the first restart, Johnson cried foul and argued Keselowski had gone too
early. "Come on, NASCAR,n Johnson complained over his r adio. " Look at t h e tape." Ironically, it was Johnson who many believe went early on the third and final restart, the one that got him past Keselowski for the victory. But NASCAR made no call in either case, reiterating Monday neither case warranted a penalty.
Unbeaten teams
,,„i '>~gpjjl~ e~)p« '
survive scares but all have issues
By Chris Dufresne
Jones said of his team's lastminute win. "Sometimes you LOS ANGELEShave to win them like this, nly the p residential especially in a place like this. c andidates ha d t o This is a great environment. make their closing ar- What a night, something I'll guments over the weekend. never forget." For the four undefeated L SU needed on e f i r s t college football teams vying down to put Alabama away, for this year's national title, yet the Crimson Tide woke winning for now was good up Sunday to find it was still enough. everybody's sweetheart. It won't be like this in two Kansas State's v i ctory or three weeks, when more over Oklahoma State was microscopic analysis may the most emphatic of the four be required to separate this contenders, but the Wildcats year's winners and losers. have a more pressing issue: The Bowl Championship the possible injury to quarSeries standings S u nday terback Collin Klein. gurgled out the same Fab It would be sad if Kansas Four, with Oregon jumping State, facing a tough trip to into the No. 3 spot ahead of Texas Christian, would lose Notre Dame. Klein in the midst of a title Alabama, despite its near- run while he was also the loss experience at Louisiana leading H eisman T r ophy State, remained a solid BCS candidate. No.l, followed by K a nsas I t would be creepy if i t State, Oregon and Notre helped Oregon, denied a Dame. legitimate BCS title shot in Let'sbreak from serious 2007 after a knee injury to BCS news, however, to ac- quarterback Dennis Dixon. knowledge a major ripple at This year's BCS title race border-skirmish level, with is hurtling toward a thrilling UCLA springboarding to No. conclusion as coaches scour 18 ahead of ... No. 19 USC. history for inspiration. This was about as thinkAlabama coach Nick Saable in August as Stephen ban raised motivation to the Colbert becoming president. nextlevelwhen he compared UCLA, the first No. 1 in his team's resolve against BCS history back in 1998, is LSU to the raid in Pakistan leading USC by the margin to kill Osama bin Laden. of .2533 to .1706. Saban last week showed In the BCS, that's almost his team a video about the like 50-0. SEAL Team 6 assault on bin Only a few weeks ago, Laden's compound. USC (6-3) was a national title He figured it might come contender. Now the Trojans in handy if hi s team ever are trying to hold off Louisi- found itself d o wn , 1 7-14, ana Tech. in the last minute at LSU's Three of the four national "Death Valley." title contenders — Alabama, Saban's message was that Oregon and Notre Damethings don't always go as all survived and advanced. planned, and preparation is All w ere p oked, prodded the key to avoiding disaster. and tested in some form or In Pakistan, a helicopter fashion. crash almost derailed the N otre Da m e nea r l y mission to get bin Laden. flunked its low bar exam. In Baton Rouge, it was a T he I r is h n e eded t h r ee freshman tailback fumbling o vertime periods t o o u t - deep in enemy territory. "They had trained to be last Pittsburgh, a team that lost to Youngstown State in adaptable," Saban said of September. SEAL Team 6. "I think there This was th e w eekend, was a lot of that out there tothough, to get away with it. day for us." Notre Dame paid a BCS poll Thank goodness Saban tax, but it was still way better had the decency not to say "both teams got out alive." than losing to Pitt. Oregon scored 62 against It is acceptable to suggest USC but gave up 51, spark- Alabama "survived" at LSU ing the old "they-don't-play- and understandable Saban defense" refrain. is so focused right now he Even almighty Alabama probably doesn't know the was not immune to c r iti- price of gasoline. cism after nearly blowing a Football isn't war, but it 14-3 halftime lead in Baton can seem that way when you Rouge. are so embedded in a cause The Crimson Tide clearly and your sport has verbiage did not know how to react to that emphasizes counterattrailing in the second half for tacks and territory seizing. It's o nly th e B C S , o f the first time in two seasons. "We didn't execute any- course, but also the time of thinguntilthe last 50 seconds year when our football gets of the game," center Barrett dangerously serious. Los Angeles Times
Tony Gntterrez/ The Associated Press
Portland Trail Blazers' Damian Lillard,center, goes up for a shot as the Dallas Mavericks' Chris Kaman (35) defends during the first half of Monday night's game in Dallas.
avssur e ae, ea azers The Associated Press DALLAS — O.J. Mayo is feeling right at home with the Dallas Mavericks. Mayo celebrated his 25th birthday with 32 points, his second consecutive 30-point home game to start the season, and the Mavericks used a fourth-quartersurge to beat the Portland Trail Blazers 11491 on Monday night. Chris Kaman and Darren C ollison are also fitting i n with the Mavericks, who are still without injured star Dirk Nowitzki. Collison had his second consecutive double-double with 14 points, 13 assists and only one turnover. Kaman scored 16 points on eight-of-10 shooting. "In the offseason, the Maverickslostsome good players, but we also got some good players. I think some underrated players," Kaman said.
a running dunk with 1:18 left. After shooting seven for 22 in his first two Dallas games on the road,he is 22 of35 athome with 13 three-pointers. The Trail Blazers, coached by Terry Stotts, a Mavericks assistant the past four seasons under Rick Carlisle, were within 85-83 with 10:17 left. But Kaman made a 17-foot jumper. That was the sixth consecutive shot he made Monday, and it started a gameending 29-8 run. "Obviously, we didn't do a
good enough job defensively.
I think Dallas put on a flow clinic in the second half," said Stotts, who was the Mavs' primary offensive coach. "The ball was moving, they were setting good screens. They made their shots, got to the rim." LaMarcus Aldridge, a Dallas native, and Wesley Mat"Some guys can really score thews had 20 pointseach for the basketball on this team Portland. Nicholas Batum had and are very creating, starting 14 points, while J.J. Hickson with Darren and O.J." grabbed 11 rebounds. Asked about the fast-paced Rookie point guard DamiMavericks offense, which has an Lillard had 13 points and shot at least 60 percent from five assists in his fourth NBA the field in consecutive games game. He had two quick fouls for the first time in team his- and missed extending some tory, Mayo described it as or- historic achievements. ganized street balL Lillard had matched Geoff "We have spots to fill, but Petrie as the only players in we just c o ntinue moving," Blazershistory to score 20 or Mayo said. "It's kind of hard to more points in his first three guard. We don't do something games. He had joined Oscar constant or something you can Robertson as the only players scout. We pretty much ready in NBA history with at least 20 the defense and work off that." points and seven assists in his Mayo made six three-point- first three career games. ers and capped his night with Also on Monday:
Knicks..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 7 6ers..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 8 P HILADELPHIA — C a r m elo A n t hony s c ored 2 1 points and JR Smith had 17 to lead New York to a win over Philadelphia. Raymond Felton scored 16 points and Tyson Chandler had 14 to lead the Knicks to their first 3-0 start since the 1999-2000 season. Heat..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 S uns.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 9 MIAMI — L eBron James had 23 points and 11 rebounds, Dwyane Wade scored 22 points and Miami beat Phoenix. Chris Bosh finished with 18 points and Ray Allen had 15 for the Heat, who are averaging 111.8 points in their first four games. Allen became the 24th player in NBA history to eclipse the 2 3,000-point mark when he made a free throw with 1:01 left in the third quarter. Grizzlies.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 J azz..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 4 MEMPHIS, Tenn. — Zach Randolph had 16 points and 18 rebounds, Marc Gasol added 22 points and Memphis beat Utah. Mike Conley added 16 points, Rudy Gay had 15 and Quincy Pondexter 14 for Memphis, which won its second straight this season after opening up with two games in California.
Spurs ......... . . . . . . . . . ..101 P acers...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 SAN ANTONIO — G ary Neal scored 17 points and San Antonio set a f r anchise record forbest start to a season with its fourth straight win. Tim Duncan added 14 points
and 11 rebounds for the Spurs (4-0). DeJuan Blair added 14 points, Stephen Jackson 12 and Danny Green 10. K ings..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 4 W arriors.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 S ACRAMENTO, Cal i f . — DeMarcus Cousins scored 23 points and grabbed 15 rebounds, and Sacramento held off Golden State to avoid an 0-4 start. Cousins outworked slow-footed Andrew B o gut and every other Warriors big man to help Sacramento score 16 straight points during the third quarter and bust open a tie game. Cavaliers ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 Clippers.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 LOS ANGELES — Rookie Dion Waiters hit seven threepointersand scored 28 points, helping Cleveland stave off a fourth-quarter rally by the Los Angeles Clippers. Kyrie Irving added 24 points, Tyler Zeller had 15 points and Anderson Varejao had 15 points and 15 rebounds as the Cavs snapped a two-game skid. Timberwolves..... . . . . . . . . 107 N ets..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 6 N EW Y ORK — R o o k i e g uard A l exey S h ved a n d Chase Budinger led a furious rally from 22 points down, and Minnesota stunned Brooklyn. Shved made the go-ahead basket with 2:35 remaining and had a pair of three-pointers in the fourth quarter after going scoreless for the first three. The Timberwolvesscored the final ll p oints in an impressive rally on the second night of back-to-back games.
ConferenceGlance All Times PST EASTERNCONFERENCE tN L Pct GB 3 0 1000 d-Milwattkee 2 0 1000 I/2 d-Orlando 2 0 t 000 I/2 Miami 3 t 750 I/2 2 1 667 t Chicago Charlotte 1 1 500 1'/t Brooklyn t 1 500 t'/r Indiana 2 2 500 t t/r 2 2 500 tt/r Cleveland Atlanta 1 1 500 t t/r Boston 1 2 333 2 Toronto t 2 333 2 Philadelphia t 2 333 2 000 2t/r Washington 0 2 Detroit 0 3 000 3 WESTERN CONFERENCE tN L Pct GB d-SanAntonio 4 0 t 000 Dallas 3 t 750 1 d-Minnesota 2 1 667 1'it d-GoldeitState 2 2 500 2 Memphis 2 1 667 1'ir Houston 2 1 66r t t/r 667 t t/r NewOrleans 2 t L.A. Clippers 2 2 500 2 Portand 2 2 500 2 333 2'/r Qklahoma City t 2 Sacramento t 3 250 3 IJtah 1 3 250 3 Phoenix t 3 250 3 LA. Lakers 1 3 250 3 Denver 0 3 000 3 1/2 d-divisionleader
d-New York
Brooklynat Miami,4:30 pm. DenveraiHouston, 5p.m. Orlandoat Minnesota, 5 p.m. PhiladelphiaatNewOrleans,5 p.m. Memphisat Milwaukee,5p.m. Torontoat Dallas,5:30p.m. LA. Lakers ai Utah,6 p.m. Detroit atSacramento, 7 p.m. Clevelandai GoldenState,7:30 p.m. SanAntonioat LA. Clippers,7:30 p.m.
Summaries Monday'sGames
Mavericks 114, Blazers 91 PORTLAND (91) Batum 6-132-214, Aldridge9-192-320 Hickson 3-10 1-2 7,Lillard 2-I3 8-8 13 Matthews8-151-3 20, Price2-40-04, Pavlovic1-50-03, Leonard3-7 0-06,Jeffries1-30-02, Freeland1-20-02, Smith01 0-0 0,BartonO-t 0-00. Totals 36-9314-18 91. DALLAS(114) Marion4-60-08, Brand4-70-08, Wright5-70-0 t0, Col isoit 5-8 4-514, Mayot2-18 2-2 32,Carter 3-9 0-0 8, Murphy1-4 t-2 3, Kaman8-10 0-0 16, Do.Jones3-40-2 6, Crowder3-51-2 9, DaJones00 0-0 0 James0-0 0-0 0, Cunningham0-0 0-0 0. Totals 48-78 8-13114. Portland 27 28 24 12 — 91 Dallas 31 26 26 31 — 114 3-PointGoals—Portland5-22 (Matthews3-4, Pavlovic 1-3, Lillardt-8, PriceQ -i, AldridgeO-t, Battm0-5), Dalas 10-20(Mayo6-8, Crowder 2-3, Carter 2-5, Do.JotIes 0-1, Murphy0-3). FouledOut—None. Rebounds—Portland 53 (Hickson 1t), Dallas43(Marioit 7).Assists—Portland13 (Lillard5), Dallas29(Collison13). Total Fouls—Portland 13, Dallas15.Techmcals—DallasdefensivethreesecondZ A—19,521(19,200).
NewYork00, Philadelphia88 Minnesota107,Brooklyn96 Miami124,Phoenix99 Memphis103,Utah94 Dallas114,Portland9t Sait Antonio101,Indiana79 Sacramento 94,Golden State 92 Cleveland108, LA.Clipperstot
Orando atChicago,5p.m. TorontoatOklahomaCity, 5p.m. Detroit atDenver,6p.m. Wednesday'sGames PhoenixatCharlotte, 4p.m. Washington at Boston,4:30p.m. IndianaatAtlanta, 4:30 p.m.
Grizzlies 103, Jazz 94 UTAH(94)
MaWillems 25 2-2 6,MilisaP5-132214, Jefferson5-101-211, M.Wiliams8-190-017, Hayward 9-171-1 19, Favors6-122-414, Foye4-91-211, Kanter 1-30-0 2 Burks0-20-0 0, Evans0-0 0-0 0. Totals 40-90 9-1394. MEMPHIS(103) Gay3-178-B15, Randolph 8-190-016, Gasol6n t0-1022, Conley7-101-2 16,Allen4-130 0 8, Pottdexter 5 82-314, Speights3-51-2 7, Ellington 1-5 0-0 2, Bayless1-3 0-0 3.Totals 38-91 22-25 103. uiah 25 25 18 26 — 94
18 29 27 29 — 103
Heat124, Suns 99
Spurs101, Pacers 79 INDIANA(79) Young 1-21-23, West4-92-210,Hibbert1-70-0 2, Hill5-153-315,George5-133-3I4, GGreen4-10 0-0 9, Mahinmi2-32-2 6, THansbrotIgh 1-7 7-99, Attgttstitt 2-6 1-1 7, Stephenson 0-3 0-0 0,Johnson
0-1 0-0 0 B.HansbIottght-t 0-02, Plumleet-2 0-0 z Totals 27-7919-22 79. SAN ANTO NIO(101) Leonard3-93-3 9,Duncan 7-16 0-014, Diaw2-3 0-0 5, Parker3-t 30-0 6, D.Green4-80-0 10, Blair 6-8 2-2 14,Ginobili 1-4 1-2 3,Jackson3-7 4-412, Bonner2-3 0-0 6,Neal8-100-0 17, Splitter 2-3 1-2 5, Mills 0-10-00, DeColo0-20-00. Totals 41-87 11-13 101. Indiana San Antonio
PHOENIX (99) Beasley3-130 07, Scola5-1t 56 t5, Gortat6-10 0-2 12, Dragic3-95-6 13,Dudley3-9 2-28, Morris 4-101-2 9, Brown5-12 5-7 t8, Johnson 0-20-00, Tucker1-52-2 4,Telfaii 1-3 2-2 4, Marshall 0-00-0 0, Garrett 1-10-0 2, Zeller 3-30-0 7. Totals 35-88 22-29 99. MIAMI (124) Battier 2-6 0-0 5, James10-t7 1-3 23, Bosh710 4-4 18,Chalmers3-50-0 9, Wade9-14 3-3 22, Allen 4-94-415, Haslem 5-82-312, Lewis2-80-0 6, Cole2-3t-26, Miller0 00-00, Harris1-20-02, Anthony 0-1 0-0 0, Jones2-30-0 6. Totals 47-86 15-19 124. Phoenix 25 28 21 25 — 99 Miami 34 31 33 26 — 124
Knicks 110, 76ers 88 Kings 94, Warriors 92 GOLDEN STATE(92) Barnes 3-80-06 Lee 6-138-820, Bogttt 5-72-3 t2, Curry3-154-5 t2, KThompson7-t75-622, Ezeli 1-41-2 3,Jack3-6 0-06, Landry 2-42-26,Jefferson 1 32 25,Jettkins0-00-00,Green0-1 000. Totals 31-78 24-2892.
Johnson2-83-6 7,J.Thompson 1-24-4 6, Cottsitts10-163-523, Thomas 4-81-1 10, Evans1-91-2 3, Thornton6-15 2-216, Hayes2-3 0-0 4, Brooks 5-81-212, Robinson 3-60-06, Otttaw 1-40-02, Fredette2-21-1 5.TotaIs 37-8116-23 94. Goldenstate 2 2 22 20 28 — 92 Sacramento 21 31 23 19 — 94
Cavaliers108, Clippers101 CLEVELAND (108) Gee 2-84-4 8, Thompson 0-61-41, Varejao 7101-215, Irving8-234-524, Waiters10-171-1 28, Gibson1-5 0-03, Zeller 6-t 0 3-615, Miles 4-7 0-0 10 Sloan1-4 0-0 2,Samttels 1-20-0 z Totals 4092 14-22 108. LA. CLIPPERS (101) Butler 49 0011, Griffin 9 t4 22 20,Jordan57 O-t 10, Paul6-104-4 17, Green3-4 2-2 9 Bledsoe 31056 u, Crawford 7131-1 19, Barnes0 40 00, Hollinst-1 0-02,Turiaf0-00-00,0dom1-20-02. Totals39-7414-16101. Cleveland 31 26 27 24 — 108 L.A. Clippers 28 2 228 23 — 101
Brewer5-8 0-0 13, Anthony7-16 6-6 21, Chandler 5 94 4 t4 Kidd I-t 00 3, Felton6-132216, Smith 7-15 t-t 17, Thomas 0-20-00, Prigioni 3-5 4-411, Novak0-30-00, Wallace4-9 0-010, White 0 t 000, Copelattd1-22-25 Totals 39-841919 110. PHILADELPHIA (88) Wright 4-144-5 14,TYoung7-12 0-0 14, Brown 2-3 0-0 4, Holiday4-126-6 t7, Turner 3-95-511, Hawes1-40-2z N.Youttg4-152-2 tz Ivey 1-42-2 5, Wilkins t-41-23, Allen1-72-24, Moultrie 1-1002, Wayns0-1 0-00. Totals 29-86 22-26 88. New York 25 31 33 21 — 110 Philadelphia 21 2 720 20 — 88
Timberwolves107, Nets 96 MINNESOTA (107) Kirilenko 7-111-216, DerrWilliams3-122-28, Pekovic9-153-3 2t, Ridnottr 2-43-4 9, Roy3-8 0-
06,Barea3-80-06,Stiemsma2-30-04,Budinger 7-10 0-0 16,Amuttdson0-0 0 0 0, Shved3 8 2 2 10, Cunningham 5-101-2 t1. Totals 44-89 12-15 107.
BROOKLYN (96) Bogans3 5 00 9, Humphries1 2 0-1 2, Lopez515 3-513,Dero.Wiliams5-125-618, Johnson8-19 0-019, Watson 4-8 0-010,Blatche1-2 2-2 4,Brooks 4-72-20, Evans1-1 t-23, Taylor 1-10-02, Teletovi c2-30-05.Totals 35-75 13-1896. Minnesota 27 20 28 32 — 107 Brooklyn 31 31 24 10 — 96
Saints roll pastEagles By Paul Newberry
are at the midway point. It's
The Associated Press
gone by fast.
NEW ORLEANS — Drew Brees and the New Orleans Saints are having fun again. They hope it's a sign of things to come in the second half of the season. Michael Vick kept picking himself up off the Superdome turf, the recipient of an awful beating. The Philadelphia Eagles are down — and nearly out. Brees threw two t ouchdown p a sses, e x tending his NFL record streak to 51 games, and Patrick Robinson returned an interception 99 yards for a score to lead the Saints past the reeling Eagles 28-13 Monday night. New Orleans (3-5), which bounced back from a dismal 34-14 loss at Denver, also got a 22-yard touchdown run from Chris Ivory. "There are defining moments throughout a season," Brees said. "Big plays, big wins, that kind of bring you together and let you see a vision of what you can be, what you can accomplish. Here we
"This," he added, "is the type of momentum we want going into the second half of the season."
The Eagles (3-5) lost their fourth straight, which is sure to keep the heat on Vick and embattled coach Andy Reid. Vick threw a 77-yard touchdown pass to DeSean Jackson in the third quarter, but that was about the only highlight for the visiting team. T he elusive V ic k w a s sacked seven times. Even so, Philadelphia had its chances. Four times the Eagles were staring at firstand-goal,but only managed two field goals by Alex Henery. In fact, they were outscored in those situations, w ith Robinson going t h e other way for a touchdown just when it looked like Philadelphia was on the verge of scoring. P hiladelphia f in is h ed with 447 yards — the eighth s traight team t o p u t u p more than 400 yards on the Saints.
the team has had since the AFL
Continued from 01 General manager Scott Pioli, r easoning the t eam w a s r a v aged by injuries to key starters throughout th e s e ason, g ave Crennel the full-time job. Now, with most of t h ose important players back,the Chiefs are I7, ranking at the bottom of the
Mularkey benefited from new ownership in Jacksonville when S had Khan h i red h i m . N o w , with a 1-7 mark and an abysmal o ffense (117 points, by far t h e
league for good reason. They are last in the NFL in turnover margin at a ludicrous minus-20, with 29 giveaways, including 15 lost fumbles. And get this: Kansas City has not led in regulation all season. Not for one tick of the clock. Crennel, who fired himself as defensive coordinator Monday, has little chance of keeping his coaching position. Th e s ame, perhaps, for GM Pioli. "Well, hey, I grade my performance by the record, and the record's not very good, so you'd have to say I haven't been very good," Crennel said. San Diego is 4-4 and only one game behind Denver in the division. But does anyone give the Chargers a reasonable shot at beating out the Broncos? More likely is yet another mediocre record, just bad enough to miss the postseason. With that could be the end for Norv Turner as coach, despite a 56-38 record w ith th e C h argers, and A . J . Smith as GM. One major problem with the Chargers is their talent base has been eroded in recent years. Once considered on a level with New England, Pittsburgh, Baltimore and Indianapolis, the Chargers no longer keep company with the most skilled rosters of the AFC. Offseason moves seemed to upgrade the talent level in Buffalo, but that hasn't materialized. The defense, even with M a rio Williams, is a sieve under new coordinator D a v e W a n n stedt
Wade Payne/TheAssociated Press
Tennessee Titans head coach Mike Munchaktalks with side judge James Coleman in the third quarter of a 51-20 loss to the Chicago Bears onSunday. Munchak is one of several coaches around the NFL that is on the hot seat. — only the Titans' historically bad numbers are w orse, and they haveplayed one more game. The offense is sporadic despite a solid running game. That falls on coach Chan Gailey, considered an offensive wizard. G M Buddy N ix , w h o g a v e Gailey a vote of confidence last w eek, signed Williams to t h e richest contract in NFL history for a defensive player. Few of his other moveshave panned out,either, and the Bills have that embarrassing string of non-playoff years, 12 and counting, longest in the league. "I hope I can put that to rest," Nix said of supporting his coach. "It'stheage-oldthing, andthey've done it around here for years. They startover about every three years. What that does is make sure that you don't make it." Nix might not be around to protect Gailey or Wannstedt if the losing continues. Some progress has occurred in Cleveland, but the Browns have a new owner, new president and, in
2013 likely a new coach. It might be unfair to Pat Shurmur, who in his third season in charge has a roster filled with youngsters, some of them very promising: Trent Richardson, Joe Haden, Brandon Weeden, Josh Gordon. Barring a second-half surge into contention — two matchups with Pittsburgh and one with Denver say it won't happen — a whole new management team will be hired. The same thing could happen in Tennessee and Jacksonville, even though Mike Munchak is in only his second season as coach of the Titans, and they went 9-7 in 2011. Mike Mularkey is in his first season at the Jaguars' helm, but they could be headed for their worst record since entering the NFL in 1995. Adams has quickly forgotten the work Munchak, one of the franchise's greatest players and a Hall of Famer, did last year for Tennessee. He's the same owner who prettymuch forced out Jeff Fisher, the most successful coach
league's lowest) he was supposed to fix, Mularkey could have a very short tenure. And Khan might sweep GM Gene Smith out the door, too. Perhaps the diciest situation is in Dallas, where prevailing opinion is the Cowboys have tons of ability on the field, very little of it away from the field. Owner Jerry Jones comes under fire every year for also acting as general manager, whether it concerns his draft picks or his coaching choices. The draft selections in recent years don't look so bad: DeMarco Murray, Sean Lee, Bruce Carter, Dez Bryant (if he ever matures). The coaching decisionsare getting the most attention and pretty much have since Jimmy Johnson feuded with Jones and left — with the exception of Bill Par-
cells' four-year reign. Now, as Dallas does all the l ittle things — an d p l enty o f
big ones — to lose close games, there's extra attention on Jason Garrett's sideline decisions, es-
pecially clock management and play calling. The owner won't be going anywhere, which leaves Garrett on shaky ground. Maybe not as shaky as Reid's status. Of all the management folks mentioned here, no one has a track record close to Reid during his 13-plus years in Philadelphia. But this season's struggles have a different feel to them, almost as if Reid himself is befuddled by such a talented group being muddled in mediocrity. Maybe, like Fisher two years ago in Nashville, he senses it's time to move on. And don't think some of the clubs looking for head coaches in January won't pursue him.
semifinals of the league tournament, defeating both WashingContinued from 01 ton and Washington State before Nov. 9 Niagara Jan. 19 atuSC A big reason for their offensive falling to Arizona. Nov. 11 New Mexico State Jan. 23 Washington success was Cunningham, who The Beavers played in the Collast spring was the 24th overNov. 15 Alabama (at New York) Jan. 26 Washington State lege Basketball Invitational tourall pick in the NBA draft by the nament last season for the third Nov. 16 Purdue/Villanova (at N.Y) Jan. 31 at California Cleveland Cavaliers before he time in four years, advancing to Nov. 25 Montana State Feb. 3 at Stanford was traded on draft night to the the semifinals, where they fell to Nov. 30 Kansas (at Kan. City, Mo.j Feb. 6 Utah Dallas Mavericks. He was the Washington State. Dec. 8 Grambling State Feb. 10 Colorado first Oregon State player to be This season, Oregon State has Dec. 12 at Portland State Feb. 13 at Washington State drafted in 14 years. been selected to finish eighth in Cunningham, who had a year the Pac-12, behind Oregon, in the Dec. 16 Chicago State Feb. 16 at Washington of college eligibility remaining, annual poll of media members Dec. 19 Howard Feb. 21 Stanford averaged 17.9 points and 3.8 rewho cover the conference. Dec. 22 San Diego (at LasVegasj Feb. 23 California bounds, and he had a total of 91 The Beavers open the season Dec. 29 Towson Feb. 28 at Oregon steals. at Gill Coliseum with Niagara on Dec. 31 T e xas-Pan American March 7 at Utah "The fact that Jared went from Nov. 9. It is a regional game of the an unknown to a first-round draft Jan. 6 Oregon March 9 at Colorado 2K Sports Classic, which benefits pick was what a lot of people I the Wounded Warrior Project. Arizona State March 13-16 Pac-12 Tournament Jan. 10 ran into on the recruiting trail Oregon State will also host New (at Las Vegas) Jan. 12 Arizona wanted to talk about. It is one of Mexico State before traveling to Jan. 17 at UCLA those things that makes people New York for the final round of sit up and take notice of a place the tournament, wherethe Bealike Oregon State," coach Craig vers will face Alabama and either Robinson said of Cunningham's — at the Democratic National g uard, an d f o r w ards A n g u s Purdue or Villanova at Madison impact onthe program. "You can Convention in 2008. Brandt, a 6-10 senior, and Eric Square Garden. "It's definitely going to be tough Moreland, a 6 - 10 sophomore. be apro coming out of here,even O regon State wil l p lay N o . if you come in not being consid- because Jareddid a lotfor us,of- Senior Joe Burton and j u nior 7 Kansas, which played in the ered one." fensively and defensively, as well Devon Collier will both vie for NCAA title game against KenNelson replaces Cunningham as being a leader for us out there," the third spot up front. tucky last season, at the Spring at shooting guard in th e BeaNelson said. " It's going to b e The Beavers have four fresh- Center in Kansas City, Mo., on vers' starting lineup. The 6-foot- tough trying to step up in that role men who will also see playing Nov. 30. 3 junior played primarily off the and do it. We have a great team time: 6-6 guard Victor Robbins, The Beavers open the Pacbench last season, averaging 9.3 and a great supporting cast." 6-5 guard L a n gston M o r r is- 12 schedule at home on Jan. 6 points and 2.6 rebounds. Nelson averaged 15 points dur- Walker, 6-7 forward Jarmal Reid, against the rival Ducks. "We don't expect to lose the Nelson was a highly touted re- ing a four-game exhibition trip and 6-10 forward Olaf Schaftecruit out of Santa Barbara, Calif., to Spain and France over the naar, younger brother of former small games and we don't exwho made his decision to play summer. Beaver Roeland Schaftenaar. pect to lose even the big games," forthe Beavers after seeing RobHe will be joined in Oregon Oregon State went 7-11 last Moreland said. "We have a nice inson introduce his sister — MiS tate's starting l i neup by 5 - 9 season in the Pac-12 conference. team and the sky is the limit for chelle Obama, now the first lady junior Ahmad Starks at p oint T he Beavers advanced to t h e us.
Oregon Continued from 01 For hiscareer at Oregon, Singler has 1,114 points and is the Pac-12's scoring leader among active players. He has started the past 79 games for the Ducks dating back to his freshman season. "E.J.'s been an anchor for us the last two years," Oregon coach Dana Altman said. "He's done a great job of stabilizing our team. His work ethic is really good. Two years ago he was a sophomore withsome experience,but he had a great year and really helped our team last season." It is only natural that Singler would be compared to his big brother Kyle, who is considered one of the best prep basketball stars ever from the state of Oregon. Kyle was heavily recruited out of South Medford and ended
Nov. 10 Nov. 12 Nov. 16 Nov. 19 Nov. 23 Nov. 24
Northern Arizona Portland State Vanderbilt Jacksonville State at UNLV Cincinnati/lowa St.
Nov. 29
(at Las Vegas) Texas-San Antonio Arkansas-Pine Bluff
Dec.1 Dec. 8 Dec. 15 Dec. 19 Dec. 22
Idaho State at Texas-El Paso Houston Baptist
Dec. 31 Jan. 6
Nevada at Oregon State
Jan. 10 Jan. 13
Arizona Arizona State
up playing for legendary coach Mike Krzyzewski at Duke. He was the 2010 Final Four MV P with the Blue Devils before becoming a second-round pick in the NBA draft. Kyle Singler now plays for the Detroit Pistons. But the younger Singler long ago established his own identity as the "anchor" with the Ducks. He joins 6-11 center Tony Woods and 6-5 wing Carlos Emory as returning seniors on the roster. While Singler has been bat-
F reshman Dominic A r ti s i s also getting a lot of a ttention. The 5-11 guard from Nevada led Jan. 17 atuSC Findlay Prep of Henderson, Nev., Jan. 19 at UCLA to a 32-1 record and a national title in his senior season. Jan. 23 Washington State " D.A., because we lost t w o Jan. 26 Washington senior guards, will have an opJan. 30 at Stanford portunity to play a lot early," AltFeb. 2 at California man said. "He's really worked Feb. 7 Colorado hard this summer and he had a Feb. 9 Utah great fall." alAnother n ewcomer Feb.13 at Washington though not right away — is Arik Feb. 16 at Washington State Armstead, a 6-foot-8, 260-pound Feb. 21 California forward wh o p l ay s d efensive Feb. 23 Stanford tackle on the Oregon Ducks' No. Feb. 28 Oregon State 2-ranked football team. "Hopefully our football team March 7 at Colorado will be playing way into JanuMarch 9 at Utah ary," Altman said. "So we don't March 13-16 Pac-12 Tournament a nticipate g etting h i m un t i l (at Las Vegasj s ometime m i d - January. B u t Arik's big. He'll be physical." Meanwhile, Oregon was awaiting word from the NCAA on the the preseason to finish seventh in status of senior forward Arsalan the Pac-12 by the reporters who Kazemi, who transferred from regularlycover the conference. Rice in September. The Ducks Oregon added nine newcom- submitted a waiver request to alers, i n c luding j u n i o r-college low him to play immediately, but transfer Waverly Austin, a 6-11, a decision may not come until 275-pound center who averaged mid-November. 18 points and 10 rebounds last Oregon opens itsregular seayear at Palm Beach State College son on Nov. 10 at home against to earn Florida JC player-of-the- Northern Arizona. The Ducks year honors. Oregon hopes the open the Pac-12 portion of their junior wil l b r in g s ome i nside schedule on Jan. 6 at rival Orscoring and rebounding. egon State.
Univer sity ofOregonregularseasonschedule
tling tendinitis in his knees and sat out the Ducks' first exhibition game against Concordia of Portland, heisexpected to be ready to go when the season opens at home on Nov. 10 against Northern Arizona. Oregon went 2 4 -10 overall last season, finishing 13-5 in the Pac-12 andtiedfor second place. The team's 24 wins were its most since the 2006-07 season. The Ducks have been picked in
Assistant Continued from D1 When other assistants took jobs elsewhere and then returned here, they all told Campbell that they never should have left, that other schools in other towns failed to compare. "All I tell them is, 'I knew that in the beginning,' " Campbell said. "My house is seven minutes from here, and I'm not leaving. If I wanted to, I could walk home for lunch." Campbell said this in his office, surrounded by his life's work: hundreds of photos of backs who went tothe NFL and backs who became coaches and teachers and doctors, who had families and scattered across the country and never forgot their coach. At 61, he looks closer to 41, dresses more like 31, and sometimes acts like 21. His players tease him all the time, about the late-night radio voice ("Coach G.C. Smooth, coming to you live"); about the sound system in his car; about all the jewelry, the gaudy ring and the diamond-studded watch. Mostly, though, they take aim at his suits. Oh, those suits. Campbell wears the suitsall custom-made Italian ensembles, shipped from Los Angeles — on trips and on game days. At a family reunion, he donned a blackand-white number with polka dots and checkers. At a recent game, he went light blue, with a matching fedora. He rarely wears the same one twice. "I don't know why he hasn't had a story in GQ yet," linebacker Michael Clay said. "When he goes blue, we know he means business. And don't get me started on those matching
Yet underneath all that flash, a wardrobe more suited for Milan than Eugene, is a guy described by his daughters and his players as a gentle, warm and charming man — a grandfather both literally and in temperament. One former UO running back, LaMichael James, now with the San Francisco 49ers, went heavy on sentiment when he called Campbell "the best person I've ever met in my life." A current Oregon back, Kenjon Barner, said: "He's been coaching longer than I've been alive. The only way he's leaving is if they fire him. And that ain't happening. He is the Oregon tradition." So why stay? For the community, Campbell said. For the tradition, built from the ground up. For familiarity. And for Bryan. Yes, Bryan. Bryan Campbell, the coach's son, was born with Werdnig-Hoffman Disease,a severe type of spinal muscular atrophy. It left him paralyzed from the neck down. Doctors,Campbell said, routinely saved Bryan from what they called "dying spells" as an infant. At one point, Campbell said, the doctors asked the family if they should continue to save the boy. They did not expect him to live through his first birthday. Bryan is 28 now, and he lives with his parents, who built a room on the first floor of their house that can hold all his medical equipment. He breathes through a respirator and is fed through a tube and requires 24-hour care. He has never spoken a word. The air in Eugene, with minimal pollution, is good for him. So is staying in the same place. So is a father who decided that becoming a head coach would require too many hours spent away. "He goes out of his way to make Bryan feel like he doesn't have any limitations," said Phillis McKinney, one of Campbell's three daughters. "You can tell that when Bryan reacts when my dad comes into the room. His
eyes light up." Campbell grew up in Ennis, Texas, his father an auto mechanic, his mother someone who worked at a dry cleaning business and as a substitute teacher, who knitted hats and remade old shoes. In those days, segregation was still common in much of Texas, and Campbell helped to i n tegrate Ennis High School, just south of Dallas. He was at first the only black player on the team. He setseveral school records, carried the team into the playoffs and became the first black player from his hometown to go to a Division I university. "It was an experience, believe me," Campbell said. "I got called a lot of names." He landed at UCLA, as a fullback, near two siblings who lived in Los Angeles. His new school, it seemed, had more residents than Ennis, where the population sign read 10,200 when he left for good. After college, Campbell worked at his alma mater as a graduate assistant. He went to Southern University for two years. He went to Howard University for a few months. He went to Pacific for a year. He took the job at Oregon in 1983, and it rained for the first three months, and after two years there his friends started to ask, "When are you leaving?" Never, it turns out. In his office last month, Campbell gestured at Oregon's sprawling football headquarters. The site had been a parking lot when he first arrived at the university. The team used to practice on its stadium field, the lines painted over so many times they felt like concrete; players lost skin every time they fell. The assistants shared an office in the old basketball arena, McArthur Court. The dungeon, Campbell called it. He had a peg for his jacket, a little stall, and that was it. Yet Campbell said he never came close to leaving. "I remember a couple times where it felt like a possibility," another daughter, Traci Campbell, said. "You always knew there was a chance. But the years went by so fast." The longer Campbell stayed, the m ore Oregon became known as a destination for tailbacks, for Reuben Droughns and Maurice Morris, for Jonathan Stewart and Onterrio Smith, for LeGarrette Blount and Jeremiah Johnson and James and Barner and De'Anthony Thomas. In each of the past six seasons, Oregon led what is now the Pac-12 Conference in rushing. The Ducks have also ranked in the top six nationally since 2007. Campbell has worked for all of three head coaches at Oregon — Rich Brooks, Mike Bellotti, and current coach Chip Kelly.
"We've had great running-back play for 30
years," said Kelly, "because we've had a great running-backs coach for 30 years."
Football • Brawl of the Wild viewing on tap: University of Montana and Montana State University alumni and friends will be gathering in Bend on Saturday, Nov. 17, to watch the112th Brawl of the Wild
football game between those two schools. Thegame isscheduled to be broadcast at the Summit Saloon & Stage, located at125 N.W. Oregon Ave. in downtown Bend. Kickoff is slated for12:30 p.m. Pacific time.
For questions, contact Jim and Joan Hinds for the Grizzlies at 541-420-5696 or Todd and Candy Peplin for the Bobcats at 541923-9695.
Gymnastics • Youth qualifies for national competition:Blaine Davis is competing this week in the USA Gymnastics Future Stars Pro-
gram national competition for the third consecutive year. Blaine, who trains at Bend's Acrovision Sports Center, qualified for the national event at a Future Stars regional meet staged on Oct. 5 in Seattle. Blaine, who
is12 and lives near Sunriver, was one of three12-year-old boys from the region — consisting of Oregon, Washington, Alaska, Montana and Idaho — who advanced. The national Future Stars event begins Thursday at
the U.S. Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs, Colo., and concludes on Sunday. Blaine's competition is scheduled for Friday evening. Future Stars is a USAG de-
velopmental program for boys ages 8 through 13. Participants
compete in nine events — the six standard men's events and three others — against other gymnasts of the same age,and top finishers at the national level can qualify for the Junior National Development Team. Videos of two of Blaine's routines from the Future
CO M M U N ITY SPORTS CALENDAR MAX KINGNIGHT:Thursday; 7 p.m.; FootZone, downtown Bend; Central Oregon BEND ELKS CAMPS: Second of eight winter running standout will recap his 2012, camps(mostl y one-day camps) is Sunday, including the trackand field Olympic trials, Nov.18; Bend Fieldhouse, Bend; 9a.m.-noon multiple race wins, and his training schedule; for players12andyounger,12:30 p.m.-3:30 free; 541-317-3568. p.m. with University of Oregon assistant coach Dean Stiles; camp will be staged VETERANS DAY/MARINECORPS BIRTHDAY outside, weather permitting; $75; bendelks. RUN: Saturday;9 a.m.; City Hall, 710 N.W. com/Fieldhouse/Upcoming+Camps/default. Wall St., Bend; 5K run and 1-mile walk; aspx. fundraiser for Disabled American Veterans; $15-$21;; PEE WEE T-BALLLEVELI: Ages 3-5; 541-350-8512; entry form available at Wednesdays, Nov. 28-Dec. 12; 11 a.m.vetsdayrun. 11:30 a.m. or12:20 p.m.-1 p.m.; RAPRD Activity Center, Redmond; work on throwing, FOOTZONE/SUNNYSIDESPORTS COTA catching, base-running and hitting off of a tee; TRAILWORK PARTY: Saturday;9a.m .; HORSES glove not needed; 541-548-7275; meet at Sunnyside Sports, Bend; work is scheduled for the Funner trail; for a list PEE WEE T-BALLLEVELII: Ages 3-5; CHARLEYSNELL HORSEMANSHIP CLINIC: of required items to bring to the work Thursdays, Nov. 29-Dec. 13; 11a.m.-11:30 Friday, Nov. 16-Sunday, Nov. 18;Weston party, go to; footzonebend. a.m. or12:20 p.m.-1 p.m.; RAPRDActivity EquineServices,LLC,68810 Holmes Road, com/events/footzone-cota-trail-work-party. Center, Redmond; prerequisite is Level I class Sisters; $50-$125 per day and $15 haul-in (see above); work on throwing, catching, NUTRITIONFOR ATHLETES CLINIC: fee, $20 per person to audit; Alison Weston; hitting off of a tee and base-running; glove not 541-728-7004;; Wednesday, Nov. 14;7 p.m.; FootZone, needed; $17; 541-548-7275; downtown Bend; presentation presenting nutrition guidelines for before, during and after competition; with Bend BASKETBALL MISCELLANEOUS cross-country skier and ultrarunner Stephanie Howe;footzonebend. PANTHERGIRLS YOUTH HOOPS: For DESCHUTESMAT CLUB WRESTLING: AII com/events/nutrition-for-athletes-clinic. girls in grades five through eight living youths in grades on through eight welcome; COCC TURKEYTROT: Saturday,Nov.17;13th in the Redmond High School attendance through Saturday, Feb. 2;agedivisions annual event; 10 a.m.; 3-mile run/walk starts boundaries; tryouts for teams that will for kids in grades one through three and at COCCtrack; registration begins at 9 a.m. at compete in Central Oregon Basketball four through eight; $115-$165 for season; Foundation; Organization and other select tournaments; registration is ongoing throughout the season; Mazama Gym; benefit for COCC free for COCC and OSU-Cascades students, todayandWednesday; Redmond High online registration and more information $10 otherwise; Bill Douglass, bdouglass© School, Redmond; gradesfiveand six,6 p.m.- available at 7 p.m.;grades sevenand eight,7 p.m .-8 p.m.; YOUTH WRESTLING:For kids in grades players expected to attend both dates; $150 I LIKE PIE:Thursday, Nov. 22; 9 a.m.; start three through eight;Tuesdays, Thursdays (for season), includes new uniform; Angela is directly behind FootZone in downtown and Fridays throughJan. 29; 5:30-7:30 Capps,541-923-4800,ext.2175,angela. Bend,on BrooksAlley;untimed 2K,5Kand p.m.; Bend High School; $99 for park capps©; Shonette Benso, 10-mile runs; recommended $5 cash or check district residents, $134 otherwise; Bend 541-788-2846,; and five cans of food for Neighbor Impact; Park & Recreation District, 541-389-7275, pie for participants;; 541-317-3568. RIDGEVIEWHIGH SCHOOL GIRLS COBO ACROVISIONTAEKWONDO: Age6 andolder; TRYOUTS:For girls in grades five through BGCCO TURKEY TROT:Thursday, Nov. 22; Tuesdays andThursdays, Nov. 13-Dec. 11; eight who are scheduled to attend Ridgeview 9 a.m.; Les Schwab Amphitheater, Bend; 5K 7-8 p.m.; RAPRDActivity Center, Redmond; High School;Wednesday andThursday; and10K runs/walks, 1.5-mile trotter's walk; students will train in a complete martial arts 6 p.m.-7:30 p.m.; Ridgeview High School, benefitfor Girls onthe Run and Boys8 Girls system; uniforms are required and will be Redmond;seasonschedule is12 games available for purchase; $69; 541-548-7275 or Clubs; $15-$25, technical T-shirts available plus league tournament; $110, Randi Davis, for $20; 541-617-2877;; MOUNTAINVIEW GIRLS CENTRAL OREGON BENDTURKEYTROT:Thursday, Nov. 22; BASKETBALLORGANIZATION TRYOUTS: For RUNNING Bend; 5K and 10K runs/walks, 1-mile walk; girls in grades five through eight who live in donation of one bag of nonperishable food CORK YOUTHCROSS-COUNTRY: For the Mountain View High School attendance encouraged; $15 for 5K, $20 for10K, $7 for youths in grades two through12;Mondays, boundaries;Tuesday, Nov.13, and Thursday, Wednesdaysand Fridaysthrough the end walk; Nov.15; 6 p.m.-8 p.m.; Mountain View High of November; 4:45 p.m .-6 p.m.;Drake Park, SISTERSTURKEYTROT: Saturday, Nov. School west gym, Bend; $150-$180 for COBO Bend; training for Junior Olympics races; 24;11 a.m.; Sisters, 5K and 10K runs/ season, includes uniform; Steve Riper,541coaches are Max King, Kevin Cornett, Kari walks,1-mile walk; donation of one bag 355-4527, mvgirlsjuniorcougars© Strang and Andrew Jensen; free; 541-389of nonperishable food encouraged; free; FITKIDS AMERICATHANKSGIVINGPRE9199;;
Stars regional competition can be accessed at Acrovision Sports Center's Facebook page.
TURKEYBASKETBALLCAMP: Monday, Nov. 19-Wednesday, Nov. 21; 9 a.m.-10:30 a.m. for grades one through five; 10:30 a.m.-noon for grades sixthrough10; Athletic Club of Bend, Bend; work on passing, catching, shooting and rebounding skills, as well as positioning, ball handling, team concepts and tactics; $69athletic club members, $79 otherwise; full-day camp also available 9 a.m.-3 p.m. each day; $150 for athletic club members, $180 otherwise; registration deadlin eisM onday;Jason Lawrence,541977-1923, Jason©; Sue Brown, 541-322-5800, ext.120, susan©
SNOW SPORTS BEND SKI CLUB MEETING: Thursday;7 p.m.; Pappy's Pizzeria, next to Bend Fred Meyer; all alpine enthusiasts welcome, membership encouraged; discussion and presentations about upcoming season; free, including food and drink; 541-382-1772; SLEDFILMSNOWMOBILE FILMFESTIVAL: Saturday;6 p.m.; Tower Theatre, Bend; more information at; tickets $7, available at towertheatre. org/tickets-and-events/Sledfilm 12. MIDDLESCHOOL NORDIC DEVELOPMENT TEAM:For middle schoolers ages 11-14; Wednesdays, Saturdays andSundays, Nov. 14-March10;participants to ski in small groups based on abilityand improve classic and skate techniques in a fun, friendly atmosphere; includes camps during Thanksgiving and winter breaks; transportation provided; HIGHSCHOOL NORDIC DEVELOPMENT TEAM: For high schoolers ages14-18; weekday or weekend enrollment options, Nov. 14- March10;improve skiing efficiency by working with coaches and teammates in small group; participants are encouraged to fully participate in their high school nordic teams; includes camps during Thanksgiving and winter break; transportation provided;
SOFTBALL CASCADE ALLIANCESOFTBALL: Cascade Alliance and Summit High School are teaming up to hold winter pitching and catching practice at the Summit High Gym in Bend; Sundays, Nov.11and18, Dec. 2and 9, Jan. 8 and 27, Feb. 3, 10 and24, and March 3 and17;girls12 and younger,4 p m.-5 p m.; older girls, 5 p.m.-6 p.m.; pitchers must bring their own catchers and own "softie" softball; tennis shoes appropriate for gym use are required;
VOLLEYBALL OREGON VOLLEYBALLACADEMY INFORMATIONAL MEETING:Sunday,6 p.m.-7 p.m., Pappy's Pizzeria, Bend; for the 2012-13 season; parent meeting for local and travel U18 andU16teams for high school-age players that will cover tryouts, schedule and costs, and will include question-and-answer period; 541-419-1187; turner©;
Miscellaneous • Snowball event en tap:Tickets are still available for the 26th
annual Snowball, which serves as a fundraiser for the Mt. Bachelor Sports Education Foundation's athlete scholarship fund. The event, which includes a dinner,
an auction and adance, is slated for this Friday, starting at 5:30
p.m. in the Great Hall at Sunriver Resort. This year's Snowball will include silent and live auctions of more than 100 items, a gourmet meal and entertainment. Tickets
cost $100. For more information or to purchase tickets, call MBSEF at 541-388-0002 or email
Molly Cogswell-Kelley at molly©
Running • Lord's Acre recap:Rigo Ramirez, Tawnie McDonald, Nic Ballard and Hannah Summers were the winners Saturday at the annual Lord's Acre Run in Powell Butte. Bend's Ramirez was the top finisher in the10-kilometer
race with a time of 39 minutes, 12 seconds. McDonald, also of Bend, was the first woman and sixth participant overall to cross the finish line; her time was 45:05. Ballard, yet another Bend resident, won the 5-kilometer race in18:19, while Summers
(hometown not available) was the first-place woman in 24:45. A total of 36 participants finished the10K race, and107 completed the 5K. Complete results from the Lord's Acre Run are available in
Community Sports Scoreboard, above, right. • Volunteers neededfor upcoming races:The Smith Rock
Race Group is seeking volunteers for its upcoming turkey trot
races. Volunteers are neededfor both the third annual Bend Turkey
Trot, scheduled for Thanksgiving Day, and for the Sisters Turkey Trot, which will take place two days later on Nov. 24. For the Bend race, volunteers are asked to arrive at 7 a.m. to assist in setting up for the event,
which will begin at 9 a.m. on Skyline Ranch Roadwest of Bend. For the Sisters race, volunteers are asked to arrive at 9 a.m. for the11 a.m. race, which will start at Village Green Park. Proceeds and food donations from the Bend race will benefit La Pine
Community Kitchen, while monetary and food donations from the free Sisters race will go to the Sisters Kiwanis Food Bank. To sign up to volunteer at either
race, contact Rosemary Douglass at rosemary© — Bulletinstaff reports
Basketball Bend Park &Recreation District Adult leaguestandings andscores Week1 Men's A standings — 1, Fum>sh /zenith Auto, Knightryderz, and TumaloStore, 1-0. 4, 7'sDeli, BradleyHaynesTeam, andMoney Gang,0-1. Scores —TumaloStore 84, MoneyGang54; Knightryderz 70, BradHaynesTeam54;Furnish/Zenith Auto81,7's Deli 50. Men's B standings —1,541Threads, BendbroadbandBus,Jim's Rats, NTheZone,OneEyed Shooting MatiaandWidgi Creek,1-0. 7, Athletic Clubot Bend,BlueCollar Ballers, PeoplesInsurance, Ravens, Rigoberto'and s Scientific, 0-1. Scores — N TheZone62,Scientific 54;Jim'sRats90,Athletic Club ofBend71,Widgi Creek79,Rigoberto's 45; 541Threads81, PeoplesInsurance58; OneEyed Shooting Mafia76, BlueCollar Ballers52;BendBroadbandBus83,Ravens30.
Bowling Leaguestandingsand highscores Lava Lanes, Bend Oct. 22-28
casinoFun— AllInTheFamily;Raycamacho,224/607; TeresaMcDonald,160/461. His And Hers — GoDucks; KrisStil, 257/693; BrandiMcclennen,211/499. Guys AndGals — Downtown Ornamental Iron; BurtGettling, 241/639;MichelleSmith,216/623.
Rejects — Ifn'sDoug ; Gray, 226/653; suesnedden,16B/461. LavaLanesClassic— Team12;Norm Edmunson,247/695;
DebbieSmith,180/520. WednesdayInc —Thirsteam;Wil Piland,288/679;Travis l-lolmes,2B7/716. Tea Timers —Ball Breakers;DebbieSmith, 246/560.
Latecomers — HighCountry Disposal;ShannonGrimes,
231/597. TNT —TopKnotchTalent; Brian Best, 256/662, SydneyBarr, 172/4II8
Progressive —Boneyard Boyz; Al Larson,259/616. Free Breathers — pinHeads; Jimwhitson, 278/677;Sandi
Davis, 213/535. T.G.LF.— One BalTen l Pins; DerekKelley, 299/732; Patti
sundita,228/619. Have-A-Bau — Team 6;Ryanpierce,199/562;Miranda Baglien,170/452. Draft — comingForYou;shawnRippy, 241/574; KarenDougan, 163/449. Rimrock Lanes,Prineville
(Team scratch game; teamscratch series; men's scratch game; men's scratchseries; women'sscratch game;women's scratch series) Week 8 Rimrock — OregonVision Center,956;TheGray-Mayers, 2,776; Gene McKenzie,225;Jim Gregory,665;AriMayers,200; Chris Gray,603. Week 9 Grizzly Mountain Men's —KBWEngineering, 1,012; Prineville ReservoirResort, 2,938;GrantBenton,263; Charles Beck,681.
Running CORKCross Country Series Oct. 30, Bend Approximately 3.7 miles 1, shrek, 19:27. 2,RyanBak, 19:37. 3, santi ocariz, 21:25. 4,sam Bedell,2145.5,MichaelDennis,2216.6,Andy Young, 22:19. 7,LarsElletson,22:34.8,Andrew Jensen,22:36.9,Monty Gregg,22:39.10,DuncanHendrick,22:53. 11, SeanMe< ssner, 22:57. 12,DakotaBlackhorse, 22:59. 13, Reitler Hodgert,zaez 14, Johncraft, 23:30. 15, Javierocariz, 23:31. 16, BryanHitchcock, 23.43. 17, Natalie Bak,24n0. 18, Chris Askew,24n4. 19,RyanSt. Clair, 24:22.20,RigoRamkez, 24:23. 21, NicBallard,2448. 22,Zita Bauge,2451.23,JimmieClarke, 25:05. 24, Allie Brosh,25:16.25, NathanielWarner, 25:56.26, RyanAltman,26:27. 27, Jacksvang, 26:28.28, Martin Marquez,
26:37.29,zachKirkand,26:42.30, Davewebster, 26:4a 31, HunterHassell, 27:15.32, Jakevossler, 27:21. 33, Rod Thompson,27:29. 34, Chris Chang, 28.1a 35, Kari Strang, 2835. 36,CarolynDaubeny,29:06. 37,AspenHassell, 2909. 38, SommerVanIjerckelaer, 29:17.39,Petter Hatton, 29:31.40, Pat creedican,29:35. 41, Amanda Uri, 29:53. 42, Daviduri, 29.53.43 GrantLulich, 3017.44,Elivossler,3022.45,chassenJanson,3051.46,steve vossler,30:53.47,samvosser, 30:53.48, LizFancher, 31:30.49, Ben caba, 32:02. t0, Jeff caba,3203. 51, JefferyChavez, 32:13.52, LeahNeil, 33.29.53, Jessicacz-
in two orthree shorter races during that time, though that Continued from 01 was about it, as far as racing From those modest begin- went. But while still living in nings, Tobin has gone on to Virginia, the seed of one day run seven marathons and 26 possibly running a marathon half marathons — often plac- was planted, when Tobin witing high in her age division nessedthe firstMarine Corps — and all of them have been Marathon, whose inaugural since the turn of this century, running was staged in 1976. when she was already in her A quarter century would 60s. She ran her most repass before Tobin f i n ally cent marathon, the Portland completed that f irst m araMarathon, in 2008, and her thon, th e 2 0 0 1 P o r tland most recent half marathon Marathon. It was one of her was the half marathon in the three children, oldest daughKauai Marathon this p ast ter Mari Peterson — who folSeptember. lowed her mother's footsteps N oting that h e a n d h i s into the sport and who Tobin wife — the Tobins have been says has now finished more married for 52 years — have than 50 marathons — who fia lways been active in t h e nally talked her into training outdoors, Toby says running for one. was a natural fit for Shar. Peterson h e r sel f h ad "I've always thought that just run the New York City women can do whatever they Marathon. "As soon as she got back, want to do," he says. During the 1970s, the To- she said, 'Mom, I know you b ins moved from Oahu i n could do a marathon,' Tobin Hawaii to Monterey, Calif., recalls. "She said, 'You just and then to V i r ginia near come over here to the Seattle W ashington, D . C . (Toby area, and I'll train you with a worked in various capacities long run.' " for the U.S. Navy.) While livAt thetime,the Tobins were ing in Virginia, Shar earned living in the small Washingher masters degree in early ton town of Poulsbo, at that childhood s p ecial e d u ca- time, across the Puget Sound tion. She c r edits r u nning from Seattle. While training with helping her making it for Portland, Shar ran her through school. She did run first half marathon in Mercer
mowski,34:11.54, ForrestHassell. 35:43.55, Chisel McFarland, 35:46. 56,ElisaCarroll, 3601 Lord's AcreRun Sunday,PowellButte 5 kilometers L Nic Ballard,1816. 2, ChuckCoats, 18.26. 3,AlecCarter,
19:za 4, sam verdusco, 20:24.5, chadJohnson,20:39. 6, sam Santiago,21:23 7, JohnHolland, 2151. 8, TedWolfe, 22:06. 9, Stephen Dalton,22:37 10, RodThompson, 22:42 11, ChadwickJohnson,23:05. 12, KevinHarris, 23:52. 13, DwightJohnson,24:11. 14, Russell Mahaney,24:38. 15, Hannah Summers,24:45. 16,NoelStringer,24:51. 17,SheaBolton, 24:5L 18, Jay Stringer,25:13. 19,RandyStutzman,26:07. 20, Dalen Buckley-Moonan, 26:15. 21, KarolinaJohnson,2617.22, JulietRobinette,2622. 23,Jenise Johnson,26:31.24, BethPengra, 26.31. 25,ChuckAlexander, 26:52. 26,MikeBurleigh, 26:54. 27, MarkPaladijczuk, 26:55.28, AmandaMahaney,27:55.29,Sharon Frantz,27:57.30,Thomas Burle>gh, 28:02. 31,Kimmy Johnson,2804.32,BurnellJohnson,2806.33, DaleBurton,28:15 34 Spencer Stegman,28:22.35,MaryAnn
Queen,2824. 36,RandyQueen, 28:26. 37,MaureenAnderson, 28:32. 38,AngelaOstrander,28:39. 39, Kerri vansise,28:39 40, cody Degraw, 28:50. 41,Casey Westlake, 2852.42, Rich Lohman, 28:53.43, Amanda Noland,29:13. 44, BarringtonJohnson, 29n5. 45,orin Johnson, 29:17.46,Kloe Johnson,29:18.47, Linda Holland, 29:23. 4t,Mileschaney,30:36.49,ChanceJohnson,30.51.50, shelbi vansise, 30:52. 51, ChrisBlair, 31:04.52, VendaFrank, 323L 53, NateKidwell, 32:34. 54,KathrynBottoms,32:53. 55, EricaTraylor, 33:18.56, Lori Hurworth,33:53.57,BeckiDoden,33:54. 58, SarahTeskey, 35:11.59,NathanielRobinette,37:16.60, Keith corbett, 37:56. 61,AlissaJensen,37.58.62,TinaKatzenberger,37:59.63,B J. Allen, 38.04.64,JaniceAlexander,3812. 65, KeelieUsher,38:34. 66, TracyPorter,38:35. 67,NevaAllen, 38:46. 68,DanFrantz, 39:36. 69,MadisonMahaney,39:37.70,MakaylaBenson,39:38. 71,ZableThomas,40:02.72,LaceyThomas,40:03.73,Rachel wente-chaney,40:04. 74,KathleenBurleigh, 42:41.75, cheryl Lohman,42:43. 76,Brandiswindle, 43:15.77,carlaRice-smith, 44:Oa78,LaurieJarvis, 44:10.79, vallerieGoodman, 44:29.80, BrysonTraylor,45:00. 81, Ty Johnson,45:17. B2,Debrapeterson, 4c:4a 83,John Gautney, 47:13.84, AudreyGautney 47:13.85, JakeTraylor, 51:11. 86, JimSwindle,51:47. 87, LindaSwindle, 51:50 88,PamLundy,
Island, Wash., in 200L Tobin particularly enjoys the 13.1-mile half-marathon distance. "That's what I really like," she says. "I'm just naturally trained basically for a half marathon all the time. So if one comes up andI'm somewhere, and it works, I'll do it
Tobin describes her first marathon experience as a "great" one, and after that, she set the goal of running marathons located in or near the areasshe has lived since she first took up r u n ning. Besides tw ice c o mpleting the Portland Marathon, she has covered 26.2-mile races in Seattle, i n S a cramento and along the central coast of California, and in Honolulu. And she r eturned to the Washington, D.C., area Lt 2005 to run the Marine Corps Marathon, which had piqued her interest so many years before. That's a lot of miles traveled since her days running barefoot in H a w aii, w h en the women's running movement was still in its infancy. In fact, when Tobin was still living in Oahu, she decided to start running in shoes but could not find any women's running shoes, so she had to
51:5L 89,D.C.Lundy,52:07. 90, RonSloper, 52:Oa 91, MarcyMarshall, 5635. 92,HopeBurke, 56:36. 93, Cindy zalun ardo,56:36.94,AmberHumphreys,57:18.95,staceyLaBare, 57:19.96, KarenBerg,57.20. 97, KimPearcy,57:31. 98, Danaporch,57:32. 99,GeorgeMccart, n00:13. 100,Kris williams, 101:20. 101, WendyMcFarland, 1:01:21. 102 Sean Scma muzzo, 1:01:24. 103, MelissaWilliams, 1:01:25. 1II4, QuintonQueen, 1:02:25. 105,JodiNewhall, 1:03:50.106, AnnetteGreis, 1:06:57. 107, AdrianaBlake,1:06:58. 10 kilometers 1, RigoRamirez,39:12. 2, JamesBlanchard, 40:38. 3, Randy Mcclellan,42:25.4, LeifGi bertson,4338. 5, Jimperry, 43:4a6, TawnieMcDonald,45:05. 7, TyDunaway,45:34. 8, Natalia Martin, 45:39. 9,CharlesPratt, 46:12.10, BrianLuther,48.20. 11, AaronMccay 49:08. 12,JosephRingo, 50:10. 13, Misha Therrian,50:33. 14,wayneGoodman, 50:54. 15, connorchaney, 52:09. 16,KenBrimich, 52:26. 17,Michelle Hanus,52:29.18, Deb Badger ,53:53.19,MickeyMcDonald,55:02.20,Holly Rossie, 55:26. 2L CharlieRingo,55:44.22,Daniele Thomas,56:50. 23,Sheley McFarl ane,5743.24,Murphy McFarland,5855.25,chericook, 59:00.26,BarbaraDalton,59:26. 27,Debbie Totaro, 60:02.28,Faith Wiles ,60:09.29,WendyMahane,1:02:04.30,Josticka,1:03:10. 31, Peggy Goodman,1:03:21.32, CarolynJackson,1:03:22. 33, Lew Hollander,107:03. 34, Garywilliams, 1:07n7. 35,Jessica Williams,1:07:17.36, CynthiaHumble, t:11:19.
VolleybaII Redmond Volleyball Association standings as ofFriday Women's — 1, Hit List, 33-3-0. 2, JustLucky, 25-10-1.3,
PurpleBandAid, 24-12-0. 4, VolleyGirls, 21-13-0. 5,Muffin Tops, 18-16-0. 6,SettingDucks,14-22-0. 7, Chatter Boxes,13-22-1. 8, TheOtherGuys,6-30-0.9,SnapCracklePop,5-31-0.
Tuesdaycoed —1, penguins,31-050.2, chets Electric,306-0. 3, Hot chilis, 27-7-0. 4,Acers,26-10-0. 5, Dysfunctionals, 18-17-1. 6,ToeGoods, 12-24-0. 7, All Stars,8-28-0. 8, Drywall Specialties,7-28 1.9, Bros8 Hoes,0-34-0. Thursday Coed—1,@1st W3Tryd, 26-2-0. 2, NetResults, 23-5-0. 3, Peak Performance, 19-8-L 4, t X Chilis, 17-0-0. 5, NumberOne,14-13-1. 6, SuperAwesomes, 10-19-L 7, Call A Code, 8-22-0. 8, LeagueOtLegends, 5-22-1. 9, The Beans, 424-0.
wear small men's sizes. More than three decades later, in 2008, when Petersen ran in the Boston Marathon — an iconic race for long-distance runners — Tobin went along t o M a ssachusetts. W h i l e there, she watched the U.S. Olympic Team Trials for the women's marathon staged the day before, and she met women's r u nning p i oneer Kathrine Switzer, who became the first woman to officially run Boston in 1967, despite the attempt by a race official to physically remove her from the course. These days, Tobin is still at it. "She just loves running, just really loves it," Toby says. "I'm just really proud of her." She usually does a harder run once a week and a longer run on weekends. She now does more walking than she used to, interspersing short walking breaks — of maybe 30 steps or so at a time — into her runs. She has yet to qualify for Boston and may not. Her marathon personal-best time of 5 hours, 13 minutes, was clocked back in 2002, and the Boston qualifying standard for women ages 75 to 79 is 5:10. She may do another marathon yet, she says, given the right motivation.
But if Tobin's track record is any indication, her running and racing seem to be more about experiences than times. She can be social with other participants during races, she notes, and she has run various races with her husband, daughters, d a ughter-in-law, and several women she describesas members ofher "extended Hawaiian family." And dogs have continued to be her running companions over the years — not just her own dogs, but those of her kids and even those of friends. After running for 42 years, it's just part of her life. Says Tobin: "It isn't always easy to get out, but you know, something's missing when I don't." — Reporter:541-383-0393, • •
9 Holes
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pa-'" pa
Pa N
Stock listings, E2-3 Calendar, E4 News of Record, E4
NA~D <QCHANGE'+17.53+.59% IN BRIEF Stateeconomic indicators down Oregon's economy continues to move ata pace slightly below the state's historical growth
average, according to a report of economic
indicators released this week by the University
of Oregon. The indicators for
September weredown slightly from August's figures, with economic activity measured at -0.66. Under the university's formula, a
measurement of zero represents average
~ttl'MII CHANGE'+3.06+.22%
orm- a ere SU c ain rea ens oi a s 0 In By Stephanie Clifford and Nelson D. Schwartz New York Times News Service
The economic effects of Hurricane Sandy are reverberating beyond areas hit by the storm as businesses warn customers of delays, try to get merchandise out of closed ports and face canceled orders. In addition to shutting
down shipping terminals and submerging warehouses, the storm also tangled up deliveries because of downed power lines, closed roads and scarce gasoline in parts of New York and New Jersey.
holiday shopping season, which retailers depend on for annual profitability. "Things are slowing down," said Chris Merritt, vice president for retail supply chain solutions at the trucking company Ryder. "This whole part of the
The supply chain is backing
supply chain is clogged up."
up at a crucial time, just as retailers normally bring their final shipments into stores for the
FedEx, for example, has rented fuel tankers to supply its
deliverytrucks as commercial gas stations run dry. Ryder has been hunting down rental trucks to add capacity. CSX, the major railroad company, was continuing to advise customers to expect delays of at least 72 hours on shipments. SeeSupply /E3
growth. August's rate was -0.36.
The drop was based on OregonEmployment Department reports showing a reduction in
state payroll, which off-
setsome gainsinhome building activity.
The -0.66 measurement is improved from the depths of the recession, when the measurement bottomed out at
-4. And it's possible for September's rating to be
revised upward, pending revisions to recent Employment Depart-
ment figures, according to the University of Or-
egon report's author.
HSBCmay face criminal charges The U.S. government is likely to file criminal
charges related to money-laundering against HSBC Holdings, the international banking giant said in its third-quarter
t L
financial report. London-based HSBC,
Europe's largest bank, reported Monday that it set aside an additional $800 million to cover its liability in the case, bringing the total so far to $1.5 billion. The potential penalties could be "significantly higher," it said. Banks have fallen under heightened scrutiny amid evi dence they have
Photos by Andy Tullisi The Bulletin
David Crosier shows a finished iPhone casemade out of titanium at his metal shop based in Sisters. Crosier started Element 22 with his brother-in-law, Robert Jeffrey, hoping to find a niche in the growing iPhone accessories industry.
one nic; e
BI VlIl BI l j.
been used to funnel funds to terrorists and
process dirty money for drug lords. Previ-
ous money-laundering
Dreamliner praised in
inaugural United flight By Gregory Karp Chicago Tribune
ABOARD UA1116 — In a trip that was years in the making, United Airlines
passengers Sunday got their first chance to experience the Boeing 787 Dreamliner, which made its inaugural voyage for the airline on a scheduled flight from Houston to Chicago. The twin-aisle plane, which made its debut three years late because of production problems at Boeing, is said to be far more fuelefficient and less costly to maintain for airlines, while offering a new level of incabin comfort for passengers. Instead of being made mostly of metal, half of the plane, including the fuselage and wings, is made of strong, light composite materials. "If you want to be the world's leading airline, you need to have the world's leading airplane, and we have that today in the new Boeing 787 Dreamliner," said United CEO Jeff Smisek, who said he hadn't flown on one until the flight Sunday to Chicago O'Hare International Airport. United is the first North American airline to receive a 787. The start of Dreamliner service is a big deal for airline enthusiasts and also for the two companies, United Continental Holdings and Boeing Co., whose headquarters are a few blocks apart in downtown Chicago and who once were part of the same company. Michael Phillips, 38, a meteorologist from New Jersey, spent $1,900 to fly first-class on four legs on the 787 starting with the Houston-Chicago segment. "It was a great flight," he said after landing in Chicago. "It was a very quiet cabin. The quietness really stood out for me." See Dreamliner/E4
settlements involved
Wachovia Corp. of Charlotte, N.C., and Britain's Standard Charter, both
of which agreed to pay multimillion-dollar
amounts. HSBC's self-described liability of more than $1.5 billion dwarfs those civil cases, which did not include criminal
charges. — Siaffand wire reports
Holidayspending What shoppers plan to buy Clothing ~ Giftcards ~ Electranics ~ Books ~
Where they plan to shop Qiscount ~ Internet ~ Department ~ Electronics* ~
By Elon Glncklich
The basics
The Bulletin
avid Crosier and Robert Jeffrey never want to see a broken iPhone again. The Sisters residents and brothers-in-law have been working for more than a year on their new prototype: an iPhone case made out of titanium, one of the world's strongest metals, which they call a TiPhone case. Their cases, made to fit the iPhone 4 and iPhone 5 devices, attach carefully around the phones, without actually touching them. Crosier uses what is called a solid billet chunk of 99 percent pure titanium for each case, using a specialty "diamond-like carbon" machine to make precision cuts out of
What:Element 22 Where:Sisters •
Phone:541-241-1727 Website:www. O toy
David Crosier uses 99 percent pure titaniumto make his iPhone cases at the metal shop he runs in Sisters.
By David Streiffeld Chiropractic in Bend and Sisters. Crosier works as a machinist in Sisters, operating Mountain EDM machine shop near Sisters Eagle Air Airport, making small parts for a medical equipment
company. the titanium. Small bits of silicon inside the metal case keep the phone and metal from making direct contact and potentially
disrupting the phone's signal. The brothers-in-law are crunchedfortime: Jeffrey has a full-time job as a chiropractic physician with Westside
But they've started a new company, Element 22, to sell their product. (Titanium's atomic weight is 22 on the period table of elements.) See Element 22/E3
*Electronics, office supply and computer stores
of consumers saythey plan to pay withcash,debit cardsandchecks, not credit caKls
58% say the often-stressful seasonremains oneof the happiest times of theyear
C CCQ 3 OiOOOO Source: Deloitte online survey of 5,089 people nationally, Sept. 14-24; margin oferron+I1 percentage point © 2012 McClatohy-Tnbune News Service
Apple's tablet market share dropsto50 percent • ...but the iPadMini could help it rebound By Anick jesdannn The Associated Press
NEW YORK — Apple's share of the market for tablet computers fell to 50 percent in the third quarter as the iPad faced more competition from Android devices such as Samsung's Galaxy tablets and Google's Nexus 7. Apple still had a solid lead
and shipped more iPads worldwide than a year earlier, according to Mon-
day's study by IDC.
last Friday's release of new iPad devices, including the iPad Mini. Apple said Monday that it sold 3 million iPads of all kinds through
TECHFOCU5 the weekend, double
Apple had no new tablets out in the third quarter. It also might have seen salesslow amid expectations of a smaller iPad.
Apple could regain share in the holiday quarter with
the 1.5 million iPads sold in the first three days after Apple launched the third-generation iPad in March and cut the price of the iPad 2. However, the company will
Shunning Amazon, booksellers resist a shift
face competition from new devices from Amazon, Google and others over the next few weeks. In the July-September period, Apple shipped 14 million devices,up 26 percent from 11 million a year ago. Its market sharefellfrom 60 percent in the third quarter of 2011 as the overall tablet market grew by 50 percent to nearly 28 million. See Tablets /E3
New York Times News Service
SAN FRANCISCO — Amazon prides itself on unraveling the established order. This fall, signs of Amazon-inspired disruption are everywhere. There is the slow-motion crackup of electronics showroom Best Buy. There is Amazon's rumored entry into the wine business, which is already agitating competitors. And there is the merger of Random House and Penguin, an effort to create a mega-publisher sufficiently hefty to negotiate with the retailer on equal terms. Amazon inspires anxiety just about everywhere, but its publishing arm is
getting pushback from all sorts of booksellers, who are scorning the imprint's most prominent title, Timothy Ferriss' "The 4-Hour Chef." That book is coming out just before Thanksgiving into a fragmented book-selling landscape that Amazon has done much to create but that eludes its control. See Books/E4
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Element 22 Continued from E1 Jeffreyand Crosier see their venture into iPhone cases as an opportunity to fill a huge market forsmartphone accessories, and to make some extra money, as well. Crosier makes the cases,while Jeffrey handles sales and marketing. With a p r ice tag around $300, the cases aren't cheap. But Jeffrey said they are the last cases anyone will have to buy. While the screen is unprotected, the solid titanium case will make broken phone bodies a thing of the past. They are also working on some custom cases, with logo designs and different colors besides the basic metallic tint.
ounce of weight to the phone, but that's not as much as some of the other cases out there. And it basically makes your iPhone break-proof. People's cellphones are one of t heir most important accessories these days, with all the functions they have now. This case is made out of a block of 99 percent pure titanium. This case will last forever, there's no way it is going to break. Your phone is going to die before that happens.
• H ow a r e you get• ting the product out to customers'? • Jeffrey: We've sold around • a dozen at this point in time, selling mainly online. We're just getting started, so
word of mouth is playing a big • How did the two of you • get the idea for a titanium iPhone case? • Jeffrey: It w a s a r o und • Christmas of 2010. I had gotten an iPhone and, of course, trying to save money, I didn't buy the protection or anything like that. I'm a pretty rough guy on my phone, and I kept breaking it. I bought a case, but ended
role. We got started with a website and a Facebook page. Crosier: A lot of it i s just getting people to see the product in action. So if we go to a restaurant, I'll put my phone down on the table instead of in my pocket.We gave away a free case to someone who "liked" our Facebook page. We're planning on going to the up dropping and breaking that, Consumer Electronics Show too. So I went to my brother-in- next January in Las Vegas, law, David, and half-jokingly trying to sell some there. We're told him he needed to build me just trying to get it into the puba case with something stronger lic eye, and create a little buzz. than plastic. • Where do you see the Crosier: It was Robert's idea. • business going f r o m But I'm pretty clever with ma- here? chines, so I started looking at • Jeffrey: At this point in all of the available materials • time, we are just makand tools out there, and it just ing cases by order. But in the evolved from there. I thought future, if we get more sales we about titanium, and, just kind would love to sort of stockpile of messing around, drew up a them, if you will, or look at some model. distributorships. Another family member of mine is in the imHow much trial and error port-export business in China • did it take before you got and Japan. I have family on my wife's side in Holland, I've been a working model? • Crosier: It took a lot of dif- talking with them about it. Of • ferent prototypes. I made course we have our main jobs, 15 or 20 different models using so I would say only about 10 peraluminum to try and get some- cent ofour workday isdevoted thing small, that an i Phone to this right now. But we would would fit into. It took almost love to get bigger. We would love a yearfor me to get one made. to spend more time marketing it But eventually I came up with a little more effectively. a model that was very strucCrosier: I have more than turally sound. I call it a piece of 400 hours of development on jewelry — it's not waterproof it, figuring out the look and or anything, but it's incredibly how to make titanium work efsturdy. fectivelyas an iPhone case. So Jeffrey: Titanium has the yeah, I would absolutely love to best strength-to-weight ratio see it keep growing. — Reporter: 541-617-7820, of any metal. The titanium case adds a little more than an
dled $208 billion in cargo. As a result of the closings,
board tubes from China with a merry design, intended to
Continued from E1 And retailers ranging from Amazon to Diane von Furstenberg havetold customers to expect delays on shipments. Many economists expect the storm to shave up to half a percentage point from growth in the fourth quarter. That is a big reduction, with growth estimated to reach an annual rate of I to 2 percent before the storm, and the economy facing other significant headwinds, including fiscal uncertainty in Washington. While e c onomic l o sses from the storm are expected to be significantly lower than thosefrom Hurricane Katrina in 2005, this storm's impact has been intensified because the Northeast is densely populated. The region is responsible for about $3 trillion in output, or roughly 20 percent of the country's total gross domesticproduct, said Gregory Daco, a senior economist with IHS Global Insight. "Part of what was lost will be delayed, but part is lost forever," Daco said.
delays may ripple through
hold popular holiday dog
the holiday season, according to Paul Tsui, chairman of the Hong Kong Association of Freight Forwarding and Logistics. As of Sunday, almost all rail service from the ports was suspended, terminals were damaged and much of the ports' equipment was being reviewed to see if it still worked. Several customers with facilities in the New York area told him "their warehouses are totally damaged, and presume the merchandiseinside will have to be reported lost to insurance companies," Tsui said. "We are now coming into the cutoff for seasonal orders for the T h anksgiving and Christmas holidays," he added, and companies that missed shipment deadlines must either send products by expensive airfreight, pay a penalty to retailers for late shipments or face canceled orders. Merritt of Ryder said he expected that s ome i t ems that have already been advertised for sales on the day after Thanksgiving — traditionally the busiest shopping day of the year — would not get to stores in time.
treats. The products represent about 15 percent of sales at the company. But the New York Container Terminal in Staten Island, where the tubes arrived shortly before the storm, w as devastated, and V a n Sickle's freight forwarder has been unable to track down the containers. It is too late to reorder the tubes from China in time for the holidays, and Van Sickle has tens of t h ousands of baked dog treats piled up at his Boston headquarters. Insurance will cover the cost of the cardboard tubes, but not the finished products, and those payments will not come close to making up for lost revenue. Last week, he was forced to call customers like L.L. Bean and tell them he p robably could not fulfill their orders. "Without this product, we're in trouble," Van Sickle said. "I am a business owner and this is pretty much my year." W, a n o n l ine h ome-goods r etailer, s a i d about 1,300 of its 4,000 suppliers were hit by everything from loss of power to flood-
Trouble at the ports Last week, the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey reported that all of its major marine terminals were closed by the storm. While parts of the system have started to reopen, delays persist. The New York area's port system is the largest on the East Coast, and the third largest in the nation. Last year, it han-
Tablets Continued from E1 Samsung's market share grew to 18 percent, from about 7 percent, as it more than quadrupled the number of tablets shipped to 5.1 million. The quarter saw the release of the Galaxy Note 10.1, a device built for use with a stylus. Inc. was in third w it h i t s K i n dle Fire, which had a 9 percent market s h are. A m a zon didn't release a new version until late in the quar-
Heir Cevter
l ase r
Furnifure and8esji n
AlaskAisr Avista BkofAm BarrettB Boeing CascdeBcp CascdeC p
Colsprtw Costco
CrattBrew FLIRSys HewlettP HmFedlD Intel
Keycorp Kroger Lattice LaPac MDURes MentorGr Microsoft
YTD Div PE Last Chg%Chg
10 40.13 +1.09 +6.9 NikeB 1.16 16 24.81 -J7 -3.7 Nordstrm .04 26 9 .75 -JO +75.4 NwstNG .44 28 31.57 -.41 +58.2 OfficeMax 1.76 13 70.41 +.36 -4.0 Paccar 5.26 +.32 +20J PlanarSy 1.40 13 65.19 +.29 +38.2 PlumCrk .88 20 56.38 +.31 +21.1 PrecCastpt 1.10 25 97.73 +1.61 +17.3 Safeway 50 7.43 +.01 +23.4 Schnitzer .28 14 19.35 +.02 -2z8 Sherwin .53 5 1 4.01 +.25 -45.6StancrpFn .24f 56 11.27 -.34 +8.4 Starbucks .90 10 21.84 -.22 -9.9 TriQuint .20 10 8 .46 +.09 +10.0 Umpqua .60f 23 24.93 .. . +z9 US Bancrp 14 4.03 +Jo -3z2 WashFed 16.05 +J4 +98.9 WellsFargo .67 19 21.16 -.06 -1.4 WstCstBcp 13 15.35 —.07 +13.2 Weyerhsr .92f 16 29.63 +.13 +14J
Preeious metals
1.68 38 .12 19 .70 8 .75 30 1.56 26 .89I 11 .84f 28 .36 14 .78 12 .32 13 .88 11 .20 13 .687 48
8 wash cyc/es 4 dry cyc/es
C T otalCare
44.91 -.01 -6.3 7.44 -.07 t63.9 45.05 +.04 +20.2
1.32 +.01 -30.9 43.07 -.04 +17.8 175.38 +z44 +6.4 16.71 - J 2 -20.6 29.31 +.09 -30.7 144.00 +Z00 +6t3 34.53 +.13 -6.0 51.01 +.17 +10.9 4.73 +.07 -z9 1z25 +.03 -1.1 33J4 -.29 +2z5 16.92 -.07 +20.9 34.02 +.28 +23.4 21.84 -.05 +40.0 27.64 -.09 +48.0
NY HSBC BankUS NY Merc Gold NY Merc Silver
$1684.00 $168z20 $31 J13
$1677.50 $1674JO $30.835
Last Previousday Aweekago
3.25 3.25 3.25
400 SW Bluff Dr Ste 200 Bend, OR 97702
Indexes Nasdag
Most Actlve (sc or more) Most Acttve (ss or more) Most Acttve (st or more) Name Vol (00) Last Chg Name Vol (00) Last Chg Name Vol (00) Last Chg BkofAm 1176747 9.75 -.1 0 SB P500ETF 915924 141 85 +.29 SPDR Fncl 428504 15.97 -.03 FordM 3 7 3084 11.25 +.08 SprintNex 357061 5.75 +.05
Vringo 1 59569 3.95 +1.18 CheniereEn 76713 15.76 -.42 Walterlnv 29784 4z72 -3.41 NwGold g 27540 10.50 -.28 Rentech 1 8828 2.77 +.03
SiriusXM 557508 2.83 -.07 Intel 473 967 21 84-.22 Microsott 372709 29.63 +J3 Yahoo 3 1 5276 17.37 +.26 Facebookn 308689 21.25 +.07
GainerS (S2ormore) GSlneIs (S2 or more) Gainers IS2or more) Name L a s t Chg %ChgName L a s t Chg %ChgName L a s t Chg %Chg 3. 9 5 +1J8 +4z6BioMarin 49.07+0.66 +31.2 NamTai 15J2 +4.41 +4t2 'jtringo CSVlnvCpr 56.80 i7.80 +15.9 Novacpp n z90 +.35 i13.7 Oceanpw h 2.95 +.55 +2z8 EqualEn g 3.59 +.49 +15.8 SalisbryBc 28.25 +z20 +8.4 CharmCom 4.45 +.60 +15.6 HealthNet 25.71 +3.03 +13.4 eMagin 4 . 8 0+.34 +7.6 BrukerCp 14.50 +1.91 +15.2 StratHotels 6.31 +.74 +1 3.3 LongweiPI z23 +J5 +7.2 InterMune 8.98 +t13 +14.4 LOSerS (S2ormore) Losers (S2or more) LOSerS (S2or more) Name L a s t Chg %ChgName L a s t Chg %ChgName L a s t Chg %Chg 3.05 -.36 -10.6 Ebix Inc 3.01 -.28 -8.5 Synacorn RadianGrp 4.83 -.55 -10.2 IntTowerg 2. I8 -.18 -7.6 CorinthC -94 Cemigs 1 025 -1.06 Walterlnv 4z72 -3.41 -7.4 Comprssco Nationstr n 30.20 -z91 -8.8 HMG 5.30 -.32 -5.7 Fst M&F
BarcshtC 15.00 -z98 -16.6 FABUniv FSPBIUSDBr 20.74 -2.74 -11.7 Aerosonic
P r i me rate
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Market recap 95.26 t.72 -1.2 57.62 +1.14 +15.9
of its tablets this month. The Kindle Fire and Nexus 7 both have had screens measuring 7 i n ches diagonally. Google's Nexus 10 will be 10.1 inches, while Amazon's will be 8.9 inches. By comparison, the regular iPad is 9.7 inches. S amsung is m a k ing t h e larger Nexus t ablet, w h ile AsusTek will continue making the 7-inch one.
YTD Div PE Last Chg%Chg 1.44 21 1.08 18 1.827 19 .08 16 .80 14
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the Nexus 7 for Google Inc., saw its shipments more than triple to 2.4 million. It had a share of8.6 percent, up from 3.8 percent. "Competitors are t u r ning up the pressure on market leader Apple," said Ryan Reith, a program manager for mobile devices at IDC. Amazon and Google will start shipping larger versions
„.ti,gl'r' OHOt Oint
cen t er
Northwest stoeks Name
ter, but it had nothing in the third quarter of 2011 because the Fire wasn't released until last November, after the quarter ended. Amazon managed a 9 percent worldwide share even though the Fire was available only in the U.S. during the third quarter. No. 4 tablet maker AsusTek Computer Inc., which makes
Headachesfor retailers
Retailers are facing smaller headaches, too. At REI, whose SoHo store lost power last Monday night, employees tookgroups of customers around in the dark last week, a ided by h e adlamps a n d flashlights. While the store was able to accept payments, its regular flow of merchandise was thrown off. Once power was restored Friday, employees had to manually count and order merchandise, said Les Hatton, northeast retail director for REI. Grocery stores and others that depend on p erishable items are facing trouble, as delays of several days in meat or produce deliveriescan mean ruined products. "They get impacted by the ability to access the stores because the roads are not repaired yet, the traffic, the ability to get even a truck driver to drive to the stores," said Kumar Venkataraman, a partner at the consulting firm A.T. Kearney. ing. Niraj Shah, Wayfair's As for Van Sickle of Polka chief executive, said his site Dog Bakery, he has been adjusted, removing two-day struggling with a s ense of Small businesses hit shipping offers for affected guilt for worrying about his The delays ar e h i t t i ng products and t aking some dog food containers at a time smaller merchants like Robert merchandise off the site. when the storm has destroyed Van Sickle particularly hard. F or suppliers wh o c a n - homes and killed people. He His pet supply company, not get up and running soon, is considering repackaging Polka Dog Bakery, was rely- Shah said, "at this point, it is the biscuits and donating proing on a shipment of cardtoo late to get more inventory ceeds to storm relief efforts.
SelfReferrals Welcome
in for the holidays. If inventory'sgotten ruined because of flooding or they're closed for two weeks, to be honest, it's a tough time of year for that."
Advanced Declined Unchanged Totalissues NewHighs NewLows
Diary 1,541 Advanced 1,462 Declined 127 Unchanged 3J30 Total issues 79 New Highs 34 New Lows
19.26 -3J5 -14.1 4.87 -.57 -10.5 2.48 -.26 -9.5 16.35 -1.64 -9 1 7.56 -.74 -8.9
Diary 187 245 33 465 3 13
Advanced Declined Unchanged Total issues New Highs New Lows
1,471 970 117
2,558 36 42
52.Week High Lo w
Net Last Chg
N ame
13,661.72 11,231.56 Dow Jones Industrials 5,390.0 4,53t79 DowJonesTransportation
499.82 42z90 8,515.60 6,898.12 2,509.57 2,IOz29 3196.93 2,44t48 1,474.51 1,158.66 15,43z54 12,158.90 868.50 666.16
DowJonesUtilities NYSE Composite AmexIndex Nasdaq Composite
13,0 z44 5,123.86
+19.28 +13.69
+J5 +7.32 +.27 +z08
+8.65 +4.36
-7.35 +5.34
-1.56 -.48 +.06 +1 0.21
+1.99 +8.56
+.54 +4.08 +.59 +1 5J 4
8,240.25 2,371.40 2,999.66 1,417.26 14,829.46 819.54
S&P 500 Wilshire5000 Russell2000
World markets
YTD 52-wk % Chg %Chg % Chg
+1 7.53 +3.06 +34.94 +5.17
+.22 +1 z70 +.24 +1 z43
+11.75 +9.97
+.63 +1 0.61
Here is how key internationalstock markets Key currency exchangerates Friday compared with late Monday inNewYork. performed Friday. Market Close %Change Dollarvs: E x changeRate Pvsoay Amsterdam Brussels Paris London Frankfurt HongKong Mexico Milan NewZealand Tokyo Seoul Singapore Sydney Zurich
335.08 2,376.99 3,448.50 5,839.06 7,326.47 22,006.40
41,72z14 15,544.40 3,914.08 9,007.44 1,908.22 3,031.69 4,493.57 6,184.96
-.75 t -.97 -1.26 t -.50 -.51 t -.47 t -.09 -1.43 t -.45 t -.48 t -.55 t -.30 t +.23 s +.15 s
AustraliaDollar BritainPound CanadaDollar ChilePeso ChinaYuan EuroEuro HongKongDollar
Japan Yen MexicoPeso RussiaRuble So. KoreaWon SwedenKrona SwitzerlndFranc TaiwanDollar
1.0360 1.5972 1.0032 .002076 .1602 1.2792 .1290 .012459 .076670 .0316 .000916 J494 1.0598 .0342
1.0346 1.6021 1.0044 .002080 .1601 1.2829 .1290 .012435 .076731 .0318 .000916 J491 1.0626 .0342
Selected mutual funds YTD Equityov 19.88 -0.01 i11.1 GblMacAbR 9.88 -0.01 +4.0 DivGth 29.86 +0.12 +16.2 500ldxAdv50.28 +0.12 +14.7 CpAppA p 32.93 +0.07 +14.3 BdoebAp 8.07 + 11.2 GlobA p 61.87 -0.03 +14.5 Price Funds: Sequoia 164.57 +13.1 TStkAdm 35.37 +0.09 +14.6 VanguardIdx Fds: Name NAV Chg%Ret GlbAlloc r 19.55 +0.02 +8.0 FMI Funds: Eq Inc 46.94 -0.04 +15.9 TotMktAdr41.27 +0.12 +14.6 Harlford HLSIA: S hourlncA p4.65 + 6 .0 GblstrlncA 4.32 NA BIChip 45.00 TCW Funds: Wells lAdm59.50+0.06 +9.7 ExtMktI 110 98 +0 57+14.3 aYldBd 7.99 +1 4 .1LgCap p 16.91 +0.06 +13.1 EQII 1 9.54 +1 4.2USBond I 11.96 +0.02 +4.3 CapApp 4217 +0.10 +134 Lord Abbelt C: IntBdA p 6.54 NA CapApp 23.23 EmMktln 9.31 i0.01 NA WelltnAdm5921 +005 +11.7 M>dCplstPI109.52 Amer Centuy Inv: >0.54 w12.8 FPA Funds: Steers: Fidel 3568 +016 +152 First Eagle: IVA Funds: S hourlncCt468 + 5 . 4MnStFdA 37.02 +0.02 +15.1 EmMktS 32.59 TotRetBdl 10.28+0.01 +11.8 Windsor 5000+019 +172 E qlnc 7 .9 0 +1 0 .7Cohen & + 2 . 1FltRateHir 994+001 +59 GlblA 49 18 -0 08 +9 0 Wldwide Ir1622 -002 i56 Lord Abbelt F: Templelon Inslit: RisingavA17 26 +0.05 +11.1 Eqlnc 26.18 WdsrllAd 5226+003 +156 TotlntAdmr2397+0 01 +11.6 Gro|Nthl 27.67 +0.12 +126 RltyShrs 6753 -044 +127 N ewlnco 10 63 FPACres 28 62 +0 02 +7.8 GNMA 1184 +001 +33 OverseasA A: ForEqs 18.98 -0.13 +11.6 VanguardFds: Totlntllnst r95.87 +0.03 +11.6 22.19 -0.04 i9.0 Invesco Funds ShtDurlnco 4.65 +6.1 S&MdCpVI31 53 +0.16 +6.4 Eqlndex 38 23 Ultra 25.88 i0.13 +12.9 ColumbiaClassZ: CmstkA 1748 -0.02 +16.2 MFS FundsA: Thornburg Fds: Acom Z 31.00 +0.30+13.9 Fairholme 3132 +0.03 +353 Go|Nnc 1064+001 +28 Forum Funds: OppenheimerB: Growlh 31 10 CBPOPP 3358 +048 +138 TotlntllPr 9589+003+11.7 American FundsA: IntValAp 26.36 -0.13 +10.8 DivdGro 1670+001 ig5 500 1 30.85 +0.30 +14.6 AmcpAp 21.21 >0.10 i13.1 AcomlntZ 40.10+0.09+17.5 FederatedInsll: GroC0 94.42 +063 +167 Absstrlr 11.17 -0.01 +1.1 EqlncA 919 -0.01 +120 TotRA 15.15 +0.03 +10.2 RisingoivB'I560 +0.05 +i0.3 HlthSci 42 00 TotRetBd 11 65 +0 01 +6.4 Grolnc 21.03 +0.01 +16.9 Frank/Temp Frnk k IncBuildC p18.81 -0.08 +9.5 Energy 60.43 +0.20 +2,5 AMutlA p 28.33+0.02+11.4 Credit SuisseComm: GrlncAp 2092 -0.03 +13.7 ValueA 25.34 +0.05+14.6 S&MdCpVI2664+0.13 +5.7 HiYield 6 91 -1.1 StrValDvlS 5 04 -0 02 +7.0 GrowCoF 94.46 +0.63+16.9 FedTFAp 12.75+0.01 +84 HYMuA 10.12 +0.01 +1 2.9 MFS FundsI: OppenheimerC&M: IntValue I 26.96 -0.13 +11.2 Eqlnc 24.18 +0.03 +12.8 TotBnd 11.19 +0.01 +4.1 BalA p 20 22 +0.04 +1 2.7 ComRett 809 InstlCpG 1847 Fidelity Advisor A: Groe(hCOK 94.44 +0.63+16.9 GrwlhAp 49.55 +0.18 +11.0 Ivy Funds: Valuel 25 46 +0 05 +14.9 RisingovC p15.54+0.05 +105 IntlBond 1007 Tweedy Browne: Explr 79.08 i0.66+107 Totllntl 14 33 +0 01 +11.5 BondAp 1298+0.02 +57 DFA Funds: + 1 2.9HYTFAp 10.96 <0.01+10.6 AsseISCt 2464 409 +13.9 MFS FundsInsll: OppenheimerRoch: Intl G&l 12.56 GblValue 24.91 -0.09 +14.0 G NMA 11.05 +2. 4 Totstk 35.36 +0.10 +145 CaplBAp 5265 403 +100 IntlCorEq 10.08 -0.01 +11.4 Nwlnsgh p2250 +009 +141 Highlnc r 9.30 'I'l.17 +0.01 +4 8 Vanguard Admi r al: USCorEq1 12.' l 9 +0 05 +' l 45 StrlnA 1272+001 +8.7 IntBd IncomA p 2.21 + 1 1.6 AsseIStAp2552 409 +146 IntlEq 18.20 -0.05 +14.3 RI:NtMuA 7 60 +0.01 +17.4 IntlStk 13 93 HYCorp 606+001 +12.4 Vanguard Insll Fds: CapWGA p3617 -002 +15.0 BalAdml 23.70 +0.05 +1 0.5 HlthCre 14790+0.22 +150 12.07 +0.05 +15.2 Fidelity Advisor I: I ntmMU 10.67 +4 . 6 R>sovAp 37.50 +0.10 +7.8 AssetStrl r 2578 -009 +148 MainStay Fundsk OppenheimerY: MidCap 58 67 CapWAp 21.50+0.01 +6.8 USCorEq2 Nwlnsgtl 22 82 +0.09 +14.3 IntlDisc 31.87 -017 +154 Stratlnc p 10.69 + 10.6 JPMorgan AClass: C AITAdm 11.76 +6 . 4 InflaPro 1492+0.01 +67 Ballnst 23.70 +0.05 +10.5 aYldBA 6 09 +1 1 .3DevMktY 3400+0.05+17.4 MCapVal 2500 EupacAp 39.87 -0.04 i13.4 Davis FundsA: + 1 1.8 CpopAdl 7760 +1.11 +13.8 I ntlGr 185 7 InvGrBd 1170 +001 +55 USGovAp 685 +17 CoreBd A 12.13 +0.01 +4.7 ManagersFunds: IntlB IY 654 NA N Asia 16 32 +13 . 6 DevMklnst 941 FdlnvA p 40.11 +0.08 i14.4 NYVen A 36.28 +0.14 +11.6 Fidelity Freedom: FF2010 14.25 +0.01 +9.1 InvGB 8 02+001 +62 Frank/TmpFrnkAdv: EMAdmr 34.94 r +0.11 +11.7 IntlVal 29.85 -0.03 +12.1 Extln 4 4.96 +0.23 +14.3 Y: JP MorganInsll: Yacktman p18.94 + 9 .5 IntGrowY 29.56 -0.18 +15.8 NewEra 43 33 GovtA p 14.59 +0.01 +2.2 Davis Funds Energy 113.49 +0.36 +2.5 ITIGrade 10.51 +0.01 +9.0 Grwthlst 36.36 +0.15 +155 + 8 . 9PIMCOAdmin PIMS: N Honz 35.1 5 GwthAp 33.65+0.10 +17.1 NYVenY 36 73 +014 +11.9 FF2010K 13.06+0.02 +9.2 LgCapVal 11.36 +0.02+12.8 GlbBdAdv13.47 -0.01 +13.2 MdCpVal 2826+0.07 +190 Y acKIFoc 20.34 A: FF2015 11.92 +0.02 +9.4 LowP r 39.06 +0.08 +14.4 IncmeAd 2.19 -0.01 +11.8 JPMorgan R Manning&Napier Fds: EqlnAdmn5068 +005 +12.8 LifeCon 17.25 +0.04 +8.1 Cl: T otRtAd 11.59 +9. 3 N Inc 9 . 97 HITrAp 1125 +1 2 .1 Delaware Invest Diverlnc p 9.46 i0.01 +6.5 FF2015K 13.12 +0.01 +9.4 Wld0ppA 749 +001 +130 PIMCO Instl PIMS: ExtdAdm 44.96 +0.23 +14.3 LifeGro 23.43 +0.05+11.9 InfProlnst 1194+001 +6.8 LowPnK r39.04 +0.08 +14.5 Frank/Temp Frnk C: CoreBond12.13 +0.01 +5.1 QverS SF 8.24 IncoAp 1798 -001 +103 Dimensional Fds: FF2020 14.42 +0.02 +10.2 MergerFd 15.8I -0.0I +1.4 AIASetAut r11 23 -0 01 +14.6 500Adml130.86 +0.29 +14.7 LifeMod 2089+004 +10.0 Instldx 130.00 +0.30+14.7 Magelln 73.25 +0.26 +16.5 IncomCt 2.23 -001 +109 ShtourBd 11.02 +0.01 +1.9 R2010 16.62 IntBdAp 1379+0.01 +27 JPMorganSelCls: Metro West Fds: AIIAsset 12 69 -0 01 +12.5 R2015 12.93 G NMA Ad 11.05 + 2 . 5LTIGrade 1111 +003 +127 InsPI 130 01 +0 30+14.7 ICAAp 3049+0.04 +140 EmMCrEq19.19 +0.06 +12.8 FF2020K 13.54+0.01 +10.3 MidCap 29.53 +0.18 +13.1 Frank/Temp Mll A&B: GrwAdm 36.36 +0.15 +15.4 Morg 1973 +009 +129 InststPlus3202 i009 i147 NECOAp 28.54 +0.12 +20.0 EmMktV 2851 +008 +112 FF2025 12.00 +0.02+11.3 M unilnc 13.57 + 73 SharesA 22.21 -0.01 +12.9 CoreBd 1212 +001 +50 TotRetBd 11.08 +0.01 +10.5 ComodRR 674 -001 +5.5 R2020 17.90 tntSmVa 1515 402 +13.4 FF2025K 13.68 +0.02 +11.4 NwMktr 17.78+005 +17.' I Frank/Temp Temp k H ighYld 8.12 + 1 2 5 TotRtBdl 11.08 +0 02 +1 0. 7 Divlnc 12 25 +0.01 +13.0 HlthCr 62.42 +0.09 +1 5.1 Mulnt 1442+001 +5.5 MidCplSt 22 NPerAp 30.31 +0.04 +15.9 R2025 13.11 EmgMkCur1047 -0.02 +69 R2030 18.83 HiYldCp 6.06 +0.01 +12.5 PrmcpCor15.05+0.07 +11.6 NwWrldA 52.82 +0.07 i14.5 USLgVa 2242+003 +186 FF2030 14.29 +0.02+11.6 OTC 5894+065 +78 GIBdAp 13.51 -001 +13.0 ShtDurBd 11.02+0.01 +1.7 MorganStanleyInst InfProAd 29.31 +0.03 +68 Prmcp r 69.52 i0.35 +12.6 SmCpAp 39.11+0.06 w17.9 USSmall 2320+015+138 FF2030IC 13.82+0.01 +11.7 100lndex 1019+002 +155 GrwthAp 18.79 -008 +153 USLCCrPls22.96+006 i163 MCapGrl 34.38 +0.12 +4.4 EmMkBd 12.38+0.01+14.3 R2035 13.31 Mutual Series: HiYld 9 .56 -0.01 +12.1 R2040 18.93 ITBdAdml 1221 +0.02 +6.9 Seljtalur 21.20 i0.04 +14.0 T xExA p 13.17 + 8 . 4US SmVa26.16 +018 +16.1 FF2035 11.82 +0.02+12.2 Puntn 1945+005+127 WorldAp 1562 -005 +137 Janus TShrs: IntlsmCO 15.26 -0.02 +12.2 FF2035K 13.89 +0.02 +12.3 PuntanK 19.45 +0.06 +12.9 F rank/Temp Tmp B&C: PrkMCVal T21 90+006 +85 GblD>scA 2968 -008 +11.0 InvGrCp 11.34 +0.01 +13.6 ITsryAdml 11.79+0.02 +2.7 STAR 20.70 +0.04 +11.5 WshA p 3117 +0.02 +11.6 Shed 4.86 F ixd 1 0.35 +0. 9 FF2040 8.24 +0.01 +12.2 SAIISecEqF12.92+0.02 +15.0 GIBdC p 13.54 -0.01 +12.6 John HancockCI1: GlbDiscZ 3012 -008 +11.3 L owou 10.65 +5 . 7 SmCpStk 35.72 IntGrAdm 59.12 +0.01 +137 STIGrade 10.89 +0.01 +4.3 Arlisan Funds: LSBalanc 13.49+0.02+11.8 SharesZ 2243 -0.01 +132 RealRtnl 12.63 +0.01 +8.9 SmCapVal ITAdml 14.42 +0.01 +56 StratEq 21.05 +0.11 +14.8 Intl 23 .56 -0.07 +18.8IntVa 15.66 -0.02 +9.1 FF2040K 13.93+0.02 +12.4 SCmdtystN8.90+0.01 -0.7 GMO Trusl III: 3907 Fidelity Invest: ITGrAdm 10.51 +0.01 +91 TgtRetlnc 12 23 +0 SCmdtyStrF8.92 -0.6 Quahty 23.24 +004 +114 LSGrwth 13.41 +002 +126 Neuberger&BermFds: ShortT 9.90 +0.01 +3.2 Specln 1299 02 +7 5 IntlVal r 2915 404 +162 Glb5Fxlnc 11.29 i0.01 +4.5 AIISectEq 12.90 +0.02 +14.9 LtdTrAd 11.1 9 +0.01 +1 9 TgRe2010 2YGIFxd 10.14 +0.01 +1.0 SrslntGrw 11.56 -001 +14.3 GMO Trusl IV: Lamrd Instl: Genesl n st 50.35 +0.25 +8.4 T otRt 11.59 + 9. 5 2442 +005 +8 9 MidCap 3780+0.32 +148 Value 26.25 AMgr50 16.30 +0.02 t9.8 SrslntVal 9.15 -0.03 +132 IntllntrVI 20.19 -0.09 +8.0 EmgMktl 1938+003 +154 Northern Funds: LTGrAdml 11.11 +0.03 +12 S TgtRe201513.50 +0 PIMCOFundsA: Principal Inv: 03 +9 8 MidCapVal2130+014 +81 Dodge&Cox: HiYFxlnc 7.48 NA RealRtAp 1263+001 +85 LgCGI In 1014 +0 05 +142 LTAdmI 1183+0.01 +78 TgRe202023.95 +0.05 +104 Baron Funds: Balanced 7673+006 +15.3 AMgr20r 13.35 +0.01 +6.2 SrlnvGrdF11.71 +001 +56 GMO Trusl Vl: Longleaf Partners: Balanc 20.10 +0.05 +11.9 Partners 30.74 +0.09 +15.3 Oakmark Funds I: MCpAdml 1 0050+0.49 +127 Growth 5825 +0.41 +142 Income 1395+002 +78 STBF 8 6 0 +2 2 EmgMktsr11.31 +003 +10.0 T otRtA 11 59 +9. 2 PutnamFundsA: tgtRe202513.64 +0.03 +11.2 Eqtylncr 29.28+0.14 +8.2 PIMCOFundsC: +88 TgRe2030 23.39 i0.05 +11.8 Bernstein Fds: intlStk 3299 -004 +128 BalancedK20.10+0.05 +12.1 Stratlnc 1139+001 +90 Quahty 2325 +004 +115 Loomis Sayles: GrlnAp 14.59 +0.02 +16.1 MuHYAdm1129 LSBondl 1506+0.02 +127 Intllr 1 9 31 -002 +167T otRtC t 11.59 PrmCap r 72.17 +0.36 +12.7 TgtRe203514.07+0.03 +12.5 IntDur 14.27 +0.02 +5.4 Stock 118.94 +0.05+18.6 BlueChGr48.99+0.24 +15.5 TatalBd 1105 +001 +64 GoldmanSachsInsl: +8 . 5 Royce Funds: CapAp 2941 +0.16 +195 USBI 11.96 +0.02 +4.2 HiYield 7.36 +1 3 .3StrlncC 1542+002 +10.2 Oakmark 4956+015 +18.9 PIMCOFunds 0: 05 +12.7 DivMu 14.91 +0.01 +3.1 DoubleLine Funds: PennMul11.86 r +0.09 +10.2 ReitAdmr 91.72 -0.58 +14.4 TgtRe204023.11 +0 TRBd I 11.37 Cplnc r 9.36 +0.01 +13.2 Value 74.74 +0.22 +17.8 HarborFunds: LSBondR 14.99+002 +123 Old Weslbury Fds: T Rtn p 11.59 +9. 3 Premierl r 20.22+0.12 +9.2 STsyAdml 10.79 +0.01 +0.7 TgtRe20451451 +0 03 +127 BlackROckA: Contra 77.19 +0.27 +14.4 Fidelily Sparlan: BOnd 13.04 +0.02 +8.7 StrlncA 15.33 +0.02 +10.9 Glob0pp 7.52 + 1 1.9PIMCOFunds P: Schwab Funds: S TBdAdml10.66 +1 . 8 USGro 2088+0.07 +157 Eqtyoiv 19.84 -0.01 +10.9 TRBdNp 11.36 GIAIA r 19.45 +0.03 +7.8 Dreyfus: ContraK 77.21 +0.27 +14.5 500ldxlnv 50.28 +0.12 +14.7 CapAplnst 41.87+0.17 +135 Loomis Sayles Inv: GlbSMdCap14.80+002 +11.9 AstAIIAuthP11 22 -0 01 +14.5 1000lnvr 40.43 +0.11+14.3 S htTrAd 15.93 +1. 0 Wellsl y 2456+003 +9.7 BlackRockB&C: Aprec 4416+003 +10.3 DisEq 24.51 +0.05 +13.9 500ldxI 50.28 +0.12 +14.7 Intllnvt 5877 +009 +130 InvGrBdY 1277+001 +110 LQCapStrat 971 +001 +10.7 T otRtnP 11 59 +9 . 5 S&P Sel 22.44 +0.05 +14.7 STIGrAd 10.89+0.01 +4.4 Welltn 34.28 +0.03 +11.7 GIAICt 18.07 +0.02 +7.1 EatonVanceI: Divlntl 29.07 -0.11 +13.9 Fidelily Sparl Adv: Intlr 5 9 48 +0.10 +134 Lord Abbetl A: OppenheimerA: Perm PortFunds: ScoutFunds: SmCAdm38.06 +0.22 +14.0 Wndsr 14.82 +0.06 +17.1 BlackRockInsll: FltgRt 9.1 0 +7. 3 DivrslntK r29.06 -0.11 +14.1 ExMktAd 40.03 r +0.21+14.2 Harllord FdsA: AffilA p 11.87 +0.01 +13.9 DvMktA p 34.31>0.05 +17.0 Permannt 48.77 +0.14 +5.8 I ntl 31 .6 4 +1 4 .0TtlBAdml 11.19 +001 +4.2 Wndsll 29.44 +0.02 +15.5
If you have Marketplace events you would like to submit, please contact Ashley Brothers at 541-383-0323,email or click on "Submit an Event" at Pleaseallow at least 10days before the desired date of publication.
TODAY BUSINESSNETWORK INTERNATIONALHIGH DESERT CHAPTER WEEKLYMEETING: Visitors are welcome and first two visits are free; 7:15 a.m.; Bend Honda, 2225 N.E. U.S. Highway 20; 541-420-7377. KNOW DIGITALDOWNLOADS: Reservations recommended; free; 10:30 a.m.-noon; Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-617-7050 or www. KNOW WORD II: Reservations recommended; free;2-3:30 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-617-7050 or www. OPEN COMPUTER LAB: Reservations recommended; free; 34:30 p.m.; Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541-6177050 or AFFORDABLEHOUSING INTEREST SESSION:For families interested inbecoming homeowners;Bend Habitat only offers these sessions twice a year; families must attend a session to receive a homeownership application; 5:30 p.m.; Habitat for Humanity, 1860 N.E.Fourth St., Bend;541-385-5387. SMALL-BUSINESSCOUNSELING: SCOREbusiness counselors will be available every Tuesday for free one-on-one small-business counseling; no appointment necessary; free; 5:30-7:30 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-617-7080 or www. YOUNG PROFESSIONALS NETWORK:5:30 p.m.;Seventh Street Brew House, 855 S.W. Seventh St., Redmond; 541-9239151.
309 to reserve a seat; 5:30-7:30 p.m.; Neighborlmpact, 20310 Empire Ave., Suite A110, Bend; 541-318-7506. HELPINGBUSINESSES MAKE INFORMED TECHNOLOGY DECISIONS: Troy Ford, owner of 5Ts Computer Repair and Surveillance, will present information on Microsoft Office 365 for professionals and small businesses; free; 6:30 p.m.; Crooked River Ranch Administration Building, 5195 S.W.Clubhouse Drive; 541-9232679 or www.crrchamber.colm.
BUSINESSNETWORK INTERNATIONALDESCHUTES BUSINESSNETWORKERS CHAPTER WEEKLYMEETING: Visitors are welcome and first two visits are free; 7 a.m.; BendSenior Center, 1600 S.E.ReedMarket Road; 541-6 I0-9125. GETTINGTHE MOST OUT OF SCHWAB.COM:Free; noon-1 p.m.; Charles Schwab & Co.,777 N.W .Wall St., Suite 201, Bend; 541-318-1794. OPEN COMPUTER LAB: Reservations recommended; free; 1:30 p.m.; La Pine Public Library, 16425 First St.; 541-617-7050 or OPEN COMPUTER LAB: Reservations recommended; free; 2-3:30p.m.;Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W.Wall St.; 541-6177050 or PUBLICMEETING OF THE CENTRAL OREGON AREACOMMISSION ON TRANSPORTATION:Free; 3-5 p.m.; City of Redmond Public Works Training Room, 243 East Antler Avenue; for more information, contact Andrew Spreadborough at 541-504-3306. BUSINESSNETWORK INTERNATIONAL WILDFIRE CHAPTER WEEKLYMEETING: Visitors are welcome and first two WEDNESDAY visits are free; 3:30 p.m.; Bend Honda, 2225 N.E. U.S. Highway 20; BUSINESSNETWORK 541-480-1765. INTERNATIONALBENDCHAPTER WHO WILLMAKE DECISIONS WEEKLYMEETING:Visitors are welcome and first two visits are free; FOR YOU?:Estate planning and 7 a.m.; Bend Senior Center, 1600 S.E. elder law attorneys RyanCorrea and Linda Ratcliffe will discussthe Reed Market Road; 541-749-0789. many planning options available OREGON ALCOHOLSERVER and the potential consequences of PERMITTRAINING:Meets the failing to plan ahead for a time when minimum requirements by the you maynotbeableto makeyour Oregon Liquor Control Commission own financial or medical decisions; to obtain an alcohol server permit; registration required; free; 6 p.m.; registration required; $35; 9 a.m.; Hurley Re, 747S.W.Mill View Way, Round Table Pizza, 1552 N.E.Third Bend; 541-317-5505. St., Bend; 541-447-6384 or www. OPEN COMPUTER LAB: FRIDAY Reservations recommended; free; 9:30-11 a.m.; Sisters Public Library, COFFEECLATTER:8:30-9:30 a.m.; 110 N. Cedar St.; 541-617-7050 or RedmondProficiencyAcademy,657 S.W. Glacier Ave.; 541-526-0882. BANKSANDOTHERFINANCIAL CENTRALOREGONREALESTATE SERVICES:Call 541-318-7506, ext. INVESTMENTCLUB:Free; 11a.m.;
ServiceMaster Clean,20806Sockeye Place, Bend; 541-610-4006 or KNOWWORDIII: Reservations recommended; free; 1-2:30 p.m.; Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541-617-7050 or FREE TAX FRIDAY: Freetax return reviews; schedule anappointment at 541-385-9666 or www.myzoomtax. com; free; 2-4 p.m.; ZoomTax, 963 S.W. Simpson Ave., Suite100, Bend; 54 I-385-9666. KNOW DIGITALBOOKS: Reservations recommended; free; 3 p.m.; Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541-617-7050 or
SATURDAY HOMEBUYINGCLASS: Registration required; free; 9 a.m.-5 p.m.; Neighborlmpact, 20310 Empire Ave., Suite A110, Bend; 541-318-7506, ext. 309. NEILKELLY DESIGN WORKSHOP: Topics include kitchen design, new products, energy solutions, a cooking and appliance demonstration and bath remodeling; free; 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.; Neil Kelly, 190 N.E. Irving Ave., Bend; 541-3827580. COFFEEWITH SOROPTIMIST INTERNATIONALOFBEND: Get to know Soroptimist and how to become an actively involved woman in the community; free; 11:30 a.m.12:30 p.m.; East Bend Public Library, 62080 Dean Swift Road; 541-3828608 or
MONDAY KNOW WORD FORBEGINNERS: Reservations recommended; free; 10:30a.m.-noon; La Pine Public Library, 16425 First St.; 541-6177050 or
TUESDAY Nov. 13 BUSINESSNETWORK INTERNATIONALHIGH DESERT CHAPTER WEEKLYMEETING: Visitors are welcome and first two visits are free; 7:15 a.m.; Bend Honda,2225 N.E. U.S. Highway20; 541-420-7377. MEMBER SUCCESSBRIEFING: RSVP required;10-11 a.m.; Bend Chamber of Commerce, 777 NW Wall St., Ste 200; 541-382-3221 or shelley©bendchamber. KNOWWORDIII: Reservations recommended; free;2-3:30 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-617-7050 or www.
NEWS OF RECORD Pamela E. Soth Trust, to Michael S. and Anne M. Sall,Quail Ridge, Lot 4, Block1, $379,950 Deschutes County Choice OneBuilders LLCto Gilbert and JudyHammack MichaelH.and LisaS.M cGean, to Daniel and Marci Drum, Renaissance at Shevlin Park, Lot 32, Summerhill, Phase1, Lot 2, $487,500 $200,000 Peter G. and Diane S.Holcombto Philip J. and Heidi T. Daunt to Robert P. and Janerrie O'Donnell, Jeffrey Valadez,Westpine, Lot 7, River Meadows Second Addition, Block 2, $310,000 Lot15, $340,000 J & K Partners LLC to Christopher Al ZemketoGary P.,Suzanne M., R. and Bonnie A. Marantette,Mill Steven G. andJennifer E. LaCross, Ridge, Lot 5, $334,900 Awbrey Butte Homesites, Phase 13, Old TownProperties Inc. to Ross Lots 5 and 6, Block10, $403,000 T. and Deanna L. Chambers, Recontrust CompanyN.A. to Tanglewood, Phase 7, Lot 29, Patrick L. and Darcy L. Davidson, $389,900 trustees for DavidsonFamily Stephen E. andPatricia A. Trust,Highlands at Broken Top, McCarty, trustees for McCarty Phase1, Lot 4, $319,501 Family Living Trust, to Roger M. and Clerese C. Ostrander, trustees Pasco Pacific LLC toColcha Family Partners Investments LLC, for Ostrander LovingTrust, Oregon Triangle Center, Lot 5, $200,000 Water Wonderland Unit No.1, Lot Roger H. andBardara T. Steudle 20, Block1, $251,000 to Joseph T. andSusan P.Keenan, Scott G. and Darcy R. Pentzer Fairway Point Village 5, Lot1, Block to Andrew andRachel Heyer, 21, $379,000 Foxborough,Phase 6,Lot291, Wells Fargo BankN.A. to Watercup $196,000 Ministries Inc.,Taylors Addition, Bryan W. andChristina K. Griset, Lots 7 and 8, Block 5, $161,000 trustees for Bryan W. Grisetand Christina K. Griset Revocable Trust, Lambert Neighdour to Rita E. to Marcelle M. Bouchard and Joseph Boggess,Northcrest Subdivision, Lot15, $187,400 Ortner, Second Addition to Bend Park, Lot 4, Block151, $227,900 Cal-Western Reconveyance Corporation to U.S. Bank N.A., Pam Warren andShaun O'Reilly, Township 14, Range 13, Sections fka Shaun Hall, trustees for the O'Reilly Family Trust, to Timothy J. 1-3, 9-11, Arrowdale, Lots 5 and 6, Block1, $945,000 and Kira L. Marchant,River Bluff, Lot 5, Block 4, $325,000 Maureen D. andJacob Barteling Andrew Spittle to Rodert Gilbert to Jason D. HughsonandMegan K. Dukovcic,Wilderness West, Lot2, and Daniel Stafford,Summit Block1, $330,000 Ridge, Lot10, $155,500 Joel A. and Arianna Moore to Jaken LLC toGentral Oregon Jefferson W. andKatherine M. Gonstruction Services LLC, Riverside, Block13, $500,000 Tilley,Shevlin Ridge, Phase 2, Lot 63, $575,000 Steve L. and Linda D.Williams to Michael R. Kochand Karen Green HoldingsLLCto Scott and E. Davis,Township17, Range13, Sharon Hammons,Forum Meadow, Lot 46, $154,900 Section 27, $360,000 Gary I. Nickerson andJudith A. Andrejs Auskaps to James L. and Burseth to Scott Pratt and Teresa Dana E. Moody,Awbrey Highlands, Browning,South Half of Lot12, Lot 7, $390,000 Lots11 and12, Block 29, $275,000 Bank of America N.A. to Neil and W LLC toHighliner Properties LLC, Debra Wold,Poplar Park, Lot 2, Highland Addition, Lot 9, Block12, $279,000 $215,000 Raymond J. andBetty P. Cyphers, Phillip G. and Pamela E. Soth, trustees for Cyphers1998 trustees for Phillip G. Soth and Revocable Trust, to Mark J. and
Amy E. Mathews,Fairway Crest Village 4, Lot12, Block18, $685,000 Joseph B. Shearer to Gary A. Jones,Brentwood, Lot 25, $155,000 TinaK.Oakleyto Jason P.and Shannon R. Magenheimer, Stonehaven, Phase 2, Lot 62, $299,900 Adam R. Koberna andSuzanne M. PatontoWang C.A.Guand TsuiFL T. Hung,Providence, Phase 8, Lot 48, Block 4, $150,900 Alan Gianotti and Valerie Sarma, trustees for Valerie Sarma Family Trust, to Mark and JeanW. Farmer, trustees for 1999 Farmer Family Trust,Partition Plat 200920, Parcels1 and 2, $369,600 David C. and Sally G. Cancilla to James A. Summers,South Heights Addition, Lot13, Block4, $195,000 Lawrence G. andLinda L. Martin to James A. Diebley,Skyliner Summit at Broken Top, Phases 7 and 8, Lot 130, $315,000 David W. andGolleen O. Roath to Mark Land Jolynne M. Grove, Stonehaven, Phase 1, Lot31, $197,285 Isis Oasis LLCto Douglas R. and Jane T. Brockbank,Partition Plat 1993-64, Parcel 1, $520,000 ATC Realty Sixteen Inc. to Bend Apartment Investors LLC,Reserves at Pilot Butte Condominiums, Stage 1, Building 1, Units101, 102, 201-204, Township 17, Range 12, Section 35, $6,500,000 louis R. Giottonini III and Mary A. Giottonini, trustees for Giottonini Family Trust, to Daniel S. and Stephanie S. Brown,Mountain Village East III, Lot 3, Block18, $440,000 Relaxing Investments LLC to Erik B. and Lora S.Gentzkow, Overlook Park2, Lot4, Block10, $600,000 Kurt and Mollie Jurgenson trustees for Kurt and Mollie JurgensonFamilyRevocable Trust to Columbia State Bank, Township15, Range13, Section 21, $1,585,000 Donald H. andBetty D. Schaefer to Donald E. andLeslie Wagner, Ridge at Eagle Crest 55, Lot 76, $190,000
Dreamliner Continued from E1 He also liked the tall cabin ceilings. "It was like I could jump up and not hit my hand on the ceiling," he said. Phillips also found several "hidden gems," like the way the air nozzles worked, the functionality of the seatback entertainment system and the hands-free features of the bathroom, such as the faucets. He said he was impressed by the lavatory doors, which rotate inward, away from people in the aisle. "It was not a very airplaney experience," he said. The flight was important for United, which has had a rough year, with widespread delays and cancellations after a reservations system switchover in March and intermittent strife with its unions, especially pilots — although both of those problems have abated in recent weeks. The airline is stillworkingthrough merger hassles, months after United and Continental combined. Some observers say the halo effect of being the first North American carrier to fly the Dreamliner is a muchneeded boost to the reputation of the world's largest airline. More tangibly, the plane is far more fuel-efficient than planes it will replace — Boeing claims 20 percent more efficient for some replacements. Fuel is a huge cost for airlines, so that's savings that can fall to the bottom line for United. For Boeing, Sunday's flight represents another step toward repairing its reputation surrounding the 787, which started deliveries more than three years late due to design
to Chicago on Sunday. "It's a big deal for United and Boeing and, absolutely, for consumers," said Aaron Gellman, professorof transportation a t t h e Ke l l ogg School of M a nagement at Northwestern University. "I think it's well on its way to meeting all its guarantees." Aviation analysts had their criticisms however. "The planeismore a gamechanger for United and the airlines that run the 787 than it is for passengers," said HenTouchscreen entertainment ry Harteveldt, cofounder of on the seatbacks is featured Atmosphere Research Group. "Only the most frequent of fliin the Boeing 767's cabin. ers will really notice and care about this." and production problems. The For example, people care near-constant delays were so about their seat space, and rampant the plane earned the United chose to install nine snarky nickname "7-late-7." seats across i n e c onomy But Boeing may have the class, instead of eight, as Boelast laugh. Dreamliners have ing envisioned and other 787 sold like hotcakes, and early owners, such as All Nippon reviews are glowing f r om Airways, use. "It will be a nice plane, but customers who have flown the plane on foreign airlines it's not going to blow anyone's over the past year and from socks off , un f o r tunately," those who flew from Houston Harteveldt said.
emphatic that it will not carry its competitor's books. Other
Continued from E1 Ferriss' first book, "The 4Hour Workweek," sold nearly a half-million copies in it s original print edition, according to Nielsen BookScan. A follow-up devoted to the body did nearly as w ell. Those books about finding success without trying too hard were a particular hit with young men, who identified with their quasi-scientific entrepreneurial spirit. Signing Ferris was seen as a smart choice by Amazon, which w anted books that would make a splash in both the digital and physical worlds. When the seven-figure deal was announced in August 2011, Ferriss, a former nutritional supplements marketer, said this was "a chance to really show what the future of books looks like." Now that publication is at hand, that future looks messy and angry. Barnes 8 Noble, struggling to remain relevant in Amazon's shadow, has been
large physical and digital
n „„Ra
Photos by Eric Kayne/ Houston Chronicle
A United Airlines Boeing 787 takes offSunday for its first scheduled commercial flight from Houston to Chicago, with more than 200 passengers on board.
stores seem to be uninterested or even opposed to the book. Many independent stores feel betrayed by Ferriss, whom they had championed. They will do nothing to help him if it involves helping a company they feel is hellbent on their destruction. "At a certain point you have to decide how far you want to nail your own coffin shut," said Michael Tucker, owner of the Books Inc. chain here. "Amazon wants to completely control the entire book trade. You're crazy if you want to play that game with them." Bill Petrocelli, co-owner of Book Passage, a large store in suburban Marin County, expressed similar reservations. "We don't think it's in our best interests to do business with Amazon," he said. Crown, a division of Random House, took on Ferriss in 2007, after more than two dozen publishers said no to him. "Crown put in a lot of ef-
fort to promote those books," Petrocelli said. "He decided to walk away. That's his decision to make but I can't say I applaud it. I think writers should be supportive of publishers that are supportive of them." This isn't a f u l l-fledged boycott. Books Inc. and Book Passage said they would special order "The 4-Hour Chef" for anyone who wanted one. And some independent stores w ill even display it, if n o t enthusiastically. Green Apple, another big independent San Francisco store, said it would stock the book, figuring that if t here was money to be made on its sale, better Green Apple make it than Amazon. But Kevin Ryan, the store's buyer, said there were limits. "We're not going to go out of our way to promote something from Amazon," he said. "We're not going to stretch." A Google spokeswoman referredcallsto A mazon. "We're going t o d e cline to participate," an Amazon spokeswoman said.
Buy thiS StiCk-built garage fOr WaydelOWretail! Bidding starts at just 50% of the retail value - 824,850 This could beyours for just S12,425!
For illustration purposesonly
22' X 22' StiCk-built garage With 36' X 7' OVerhead door, 1 mafl door,
3 -4' x 4' window. Upgrades are available, including changing dimensions, COmPOnentS and layOut Of garage.
K~QE r
Food, F2-3 Home, F4
Ask Martha, F6
Recipe Finder, F6
A blueprint for living Editor's Note: The At Home section features a profile of a local home each month. To suggest a home, email By Penny Nakamura For The Bulletin
When Craig Frey bought his lot on Awbrey Butte, he knew he wantedto make the house a blueprint for the way his family really lived. As a licensed architect, he could literally do just that. He drew up the blueprint plans to focus on what living areas his family would need and then he studied the site to see how to situate the house to best harness the sun's energy, for both heat and natural light. "Because the house slopes uphill, I could take advantage of the sun, and I had it laid out to be a T shape to take advantage of the passive solar heating," explained Frey, while pointing to his architectural drawings. See Blueprint /F4
Howto use hazelnuts By janRoberts-Dominguez For The Bulletin
Did you know that the Willamette Valley and surrounding region grows 99.9 percent of the nation's domestic hazelnut crop? It began at the turn of the 20th century with George Dorris, who
jumped in with both feet. And that, of course, is a story all unto itself — how the hazelRyan Brennecke The Bulletin
Oregon began.
An even earlier grower was Ferd Groner. In 1880, at the age of 17, Groner helped his family build a grand Victorian-style house, one brick at a time. The historic estate still stands where Scholls Ferry Road and River Road intersect about 20 miles southwest of Portland. See Hazelnuts /F2
TODAY'S RECIPES • Spinach Salad with Brown Sugar Vinaigrette and Roasted Hazelnuts, F2
•W armRoastedBeetand Portobello Salad, F2 • Triple Ginger Cookies with Hazelnut Back, F2 • Leeks with Barley and Wild Rice Pilaf, F3 • Mixed Greens with Fuyu
Persimmonsand Roasted Hazelnuts, F3 • Roasted Hazelnut Slaw, F3 • Spice-Rubbed Jerky, F3 • Charles Phan's Beef
Jerky, F3
• Making the harvestlastgets aboost from ourCentral Oregonsoil — 'root cellar wonderland,' according tooneexpert By Marielle Gallagher The Bulletin
Making the late-harvest fruits and vegetables last is possible. Try tucking them into a cool, dry place like a root cellar in order to enjoy them all winter long. "My contention is ... east of the Cascades, you're in root cellar wonderland," said Chris Bubl, agricultural extension agent at Oregon State University. "(Central Oregon) soil drains well and it's very easy to take advantage of the insulating effect of burying something in the ground." At Rainshadow Organics farm in Terrebonne, which is owned by the Lawrence family, farmer Sarahlee Lawrence says she stores much of her fall harvest in the farm's large root cellar. This includes winter squash, onions, garlic, shallots, beets, turnips, rutabaga, parsnips, leeks, potatoes and cabbage. She also dries and storesherbs like coriander, sage and thyme. Storing large quantities of the harvest
in the root cellar enables Lawrence to keep the produce all winter and sell it year-round in a Community Supported Agriculture format.
utrpr i
What is a root cellar The Lawrences' root cellar was built into a hill with only the face of the building exposed to open air. "The ground was excavated and all the moved ground is now here on the side, and the (root cellar) is backed up into the hill," said Lawrence. "The ground is 52 degrees Fahrenheit all the time so that means that that's what
your cellar is going to be."
Root vegetables and fruit do best when stored at 45 to 55 degrees Fahrenheit, which makes the below-ground temperature an ideal location for food storage. Lawrence explained that if Central Oregonians don't have a root cellar they can use an insulated garage or basement. See Storage/F5
PHOTO AT TOP: Onions dry in the root cellar at Rainshadow Organics farm in Terrebonne, where Sarahlee Lawrence also stores winter squash, garlic, shallots, beets, turnips, rutabaga, parsnips,leeks, potatoes and cabbage. TOP RIGHT: The root cellar is built into a hill with only the face of the building exposed. MIDDLE RIGHT: Winter squash being prepared for storage at Rainshadow Organics. BOTTOM RIGHT: Onions hang in bunches. Marielle Gallagher /The Bulletin
• Grilled Dried Beef (Thit Bo
Kho), F3 • Chocolate Cherry Macaroons, F6
ea inetore ister OI coo Iecontest Do youmake greatcookies?TheBul-
Cookies will be divided into categories:
letin wants to know. The At Home section is hosting a cook-
• Chocolate chip • Bar
ie contest to determine the best cookies
• Decorated
in Central Oregon. Grand prize is a stay at Elizabeth Street lnn at Newport; must be
used by Dec.30. The winners will be determined by a
• Traditional (This category will include
cookies suchassnickerdoodle,peanut butter, oatmeal raisin and other cookies that people are familiar with.)
for youth participants.
recipe. Cookie submissions will be ac-
In order to register, email the following
cepted the evening of Nov. 15 (up until 7:30
information to athome© Name, type of cookieandcontact informa-
p.m.) or the morning of Nov. 16(between 8 and 10 a.m.).
tion. Registration can also be mailed to: The Bulletin, Cookie Contest, PO Box6020, Bend, OR 97708. Registration must be
All of the winning recipes will be published, alongside photos of the winning
received byFriday.
• Nontraditional/wacky (For cookies Those entering the competition must panel of judges onNov.16. Those interested in entering the com- with unusual ingredients or preparations.) bring a dozencookies, covered, on aplate There will also be aseparate category to The Bulletin for judging along with the petitionmust register by Friday.
cookies, in the At Homesection. Bulletin employees and family members are not eligible to enter the contest. Questions? Contact Alandra Johnson at 5416f7-7860 or ajohnson©bendbt/ Thinkstock
Next week: Thanksgiving appetizers
Hazelnuts Continued from F1 After taking over the family business at age 28, when his father died, Groner soon built a farming empire around hay and walnuts. Somewhere along the way he also put in a hazelnut orchard, which grew to 200 acres. It wasn't until 1943, when he was 80, that Groner decided he needed some help with the orchard. His ad in The Oregonian was answered by Andrew Loughridge, who had a wife and infant son to support and needed the work. To the questions posed by Groner, "Do you smoke? Do you drink?" Loughridge was able to answer in the negative. Groner took a shine to him and even invited the family to move into living quarters on the lower level of his brick mansion. The Loughridge family lived in the main house for about a year before moving to another house on the estate. A few short years after that, Groner died. In his will, he bequeathed half of the hazelnut orchard — 100 acres! — to Loughridge. And so, for the next 60 years, Loughridge grew hazelnuts. It was a life that suited a man with such a strong work ethic, with the consistency of its yearround demands. His barn-like red nut dryer, with its iconic cupola,drew customers from near and far. Others came to Loughridge Farmtobuyhisnuts. And after Loughridge filled up their bags and weighed them, he always topped off the purchase with a few extras — just in case there were some bad ones. Up to the age of 89, he was still farming the entire orchard on his own, with only one hired hand. Then he leased out all but 5 acres, which he kept working. In November of2005,atthe age of 94, Loughridge suffered a debilitating stroke. That previous October, however, he had participated in the harvest one last time. He'd raked the end rows in the orchard, run the sweeper and even driven the tractor pulling the harvester that picked up the wind-rowed nuts. Before his death, he was told that the price for nuts had hit a
/ I
l •
Photos by Ryan Brennecke/The Bulletin
Roasted hazelnuts are at homein this spinach salad, which goes well with a variety of entrees.
Makes 6 to 8servings. Don't let the title confuse you. This is not a sweet salad. It's got just enough zip to go along with a wide range of entrees, from grilled salmon to roast turkey. 1 Ib tender young spinach, trimmed of coarse stems 10 slices bacon, snipped crosswise into julienne strips before cooking 'rrs C red or white wine vinegar
Roasting hazelnuts Three things happen when you roast a hazelnut: it gets more flavorful, it blushes from the inside and it takes on a pleasing crunch. So you definitely want to roast them in most cases. Another way to look at it is that roasting almost always improves howhazelnuts
perform in a given recipe. This is simple stuff, roasting hazelnuts. There is no absolute rightwayto do it. The pendulum swings from "low-and-slow" all the way over to "high-and-fast.n I tend to go for the middle range, 350 degrees. At that temperature you have quite a bit of control over the outcome. A medi-
1 firmly packed TBS golden brown sugar 'y2 tsp salt '/4 tsp freshly ground black pepper 'y2 C extra-virgin olive oil
10 mushrooms, washed, dried and sliced thin 'h C chopped roasted and skinned hazelnuts 2 hard-cooked eggs, peeled and diced Freshly grated Parmesan cheese
Wash spinach well in several changes of cold water, spin dry, then bundle in paper towels and refrigerate. When ready to proceed, moundspinach in alarge, heat-proof salad bowl. Brown bacon in a large, heavy skillet over moderate heat for 3 to 5 minutes, until golden and crispy. Drain the
crisp brown bacon bits on papertowels and set aside. Drain off all but 2 tablespoons of the bacon drippings. Stir in the vinegar, scraping up all the cooked-on bits of bacon. Whisk in the brown sugar, salt and black pepper. Add the olive oil, then adjust the seasonings; set the
dressing aside while youassemble thesalad ingredients. Tear the spinach into bite-sized pieces, discarding tough stems. For individual servings, divide the spinach
new high, $1 a pound. His eyes Most of the nation'sdomestic hazelnut crop comes from Oregon. lit up: "I'll have to tell the bank to get a bigger box to put my money in." You'll begin to notice lots of markets rejoicing in the fact that the harvest has just been completed,and they can now boast "new crop" hazelnuts. Here are a few ways to relish their goodness.
Spinach Salad with Brown Sugar Vinaigrette and Roasted Hazelnuts
between 6 to 8 salad bowls or plates. Overeachbowl, layer the mushrooms, hazelnuts, and some of the dressing. Sprinkle each serving with some of the egg, crumbled bacon and Parmesan cheese. For one large bowl, prepare as above and toss the salad at the table, right before serving.
um roast only takes about 15 to 20 minutes. At higher temperatures, things move a bit quicker, and it's easy to overshoot your desired endpoint. When you begin to smell the delicious toasty aroma, it's time to start check-
darkened more and cracked on the majority of the nuts; surfaces will have darkened to a pale tan. Centers will be very dark (and getting darker faster at this point, so get those nuts out of the oven; they're done!).
ing the roasting progress.The
Skinning hazelnuts
longer you roast hazelnuts, the richer their flavor. You have to decide how deep of a roast you want based on how you're planning on using them. Light roast: The skins have cracked on the majority of the nuts, and the surface of the nut will still be a creamy-ivory color. Break into one of the nuts (careful, they're hot!). Its center will be a slightly darker color, a sort of beige. Medium roast:The skins will have cracked on the majority of the nuts and surfaces will still be a creamy-ivory color (just about the same color as the light roast). Centers will be notably darker than the surface color. Darkroast:Theskinswillhave
The time-honored approach to skinning involves roasting and then rubbing them around inside a towel. But this method produces only a 40-60 percent success, depending on the variety of hazelnut. Another method is to simply throw the cooled roasted hazelnuts into a plastic container with a tight lid and simply shake them very violently. The skins will literally peel away from the abrasion. Then tumble the nuts onto a baking sheet, walk outside and blow awaythe papery skins! — Jan Roberts-Dominguezis a Corvallis food writer, coolzbook author and artist. Contact:janrd@
Warm Roasted Beet and Portobello Salad Makes 4 servings. 3 med beets 3 portobello mushroom caps 2 TBS olive oil Salt and pepper to taste 'j2 C plus 2 TBS extra-virgin olive oil 3 TBS red wine vinegar
2 TBS balsamic vinegar 1 tsp Dijon mustard Additional salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste 5 oz baby arugula 5 oz baby spinach
sy2 C coarsely chopped roasted and skinned hazelnuts 2 shallots, sliced into thin rounds '/4 C fresh parsley leaves About 4 oz goat cheese
Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Scrub the beets and place on a large sheet of aluminum foil. Drizzle with1 table-
spoon of the olive oil and fold the sides up tomakea sealed pouch. Washanddry the mushroom caps, then place them on another largesheet offoil or in a baking pan.Drizzle themushrooms with another tablespoon ofolive oil and season with salt and pepper. Do not cover the mushrooms; you want them to become a little richly colored. Place the beets and mushrooms in the oven. Bake the mushrooms for approximately 20 minutes, or until cooked through and
darkened incolor. Bakethe beets for approximately 45 minutes, or until they aretender whenpierced with a knife. Meanwhile, whisk together the vinegars, mustard and remainingt/~ cup of olive oil. Whisk in salt and freshly
ground blackpepper to taste, then setaside. When thebeetsandmushrooms arefully cooked, removefrom the oven. Slice the mushroomsinto strips andplace them back onto the foil or roasting pan. Toss the warm mushrooms with some of the vinaigrette and then cover with foil to stay warm. With a knife, remove the tops from the beets and slide the skins off by hand. While the beets are still warm,
slice themanddrizzle lightly with someof the vinaigrette, then cover inthe foil to keepthemwarm until serving. In a salad bowl, toss together the arugula, spinach, hazelnuts, shallots, parsley and enough of the dressing to thoroughly moisten the ingredients.
To serve:Arrange aserving of the arugula mixture onto each plate andtop eachonewith a portion of the beet and mushroom mixture. Add a portion of the goat cheese, then drizzle a little more of the vinaigrette over the beets and
Offering Fut ll
Bathroom Remodelingg
Foley Station Triple Ginger Cookies with Hazelnut Back Makes about 3 dozencookies. Whenever we're about to start a big hike into the Wallowas (Oregon's answer to the Swiss Alps!), we generally spend a night in La Grande. For many years on such stopovers, we would plan a visit to Foley Station, where
• Walk In Tubs
no matter what time of day, the food was always creative and smashing, thanks to the restaurant's owner/chef Merlyn Baker. Sadly, Baker retired just last year, so the experience is to be no more.
• Tub-To-Shower Conversions
But happily, I was able to wrangle somewonderful recipes out of Baker before his departure. One such gemis this cookie. So the Hazelnut Back portion of this recipe was my idea, not Baker's. But I wanted to find a way to incorporate my favorite nut into his delightful cookie recipe. And Baker did give it his approval. The original recipe
• Durabath® SSP Tub 6 Shower Bases with Lifetime Warranty • Replacement Bathtubs • Variety of Styles 6 Colors
(without hazelnuts) is my sonBrandon's FAVORITEcookie. In fact, he's the one whosuggested I try to talk Baker out of it several years ago. True to form, Baker didn't disappoint. So Brandon and I have been able to duplicate this marvelous treat ever since. 'h C unsalted butter 1 C packed brown sugar 4 TBS dark molasses 1 Ig egg 2~/4 C all purpose flour 1'y2 tsp baking soda
Schedule now and have a new bathroom before holiday guests arrive!
'h tsp salt 2 tsp ground ginger 2 TBS grated fresh ginger 'h C chopped crystallized ginger (see note)
'h C finely chopped roasted and skinned hazelnuts About 36whole hazelnuts, lightly roasted and skinned
Using an electric mixer, cream the butter and brown sugar together until smooth and fluffy. Add the egg and
molasses, blending well.
Central Oregon
In a separate bowl, combine the flour, baking soda, salt and ground ginger. Blend the flour mixture with the grated fresh ginger, crystallized ginger and chopped hazelnuts, then blend with the butter mixture. Chill the
' •
Locally Owned and Operated \
C+A>LIL( TJ'O ~rDrA)Yjfj
' •
" •
dough for about1 hour. When ready to bake, preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Portion the dough into desired size cookies (Baker recommendst/~cup-sized scoops) onto a lightly greased
baking sheet, leaving at least a1-inch spacearound eachcookie. Press awhole hazelnut into the center of each cookie, then sprinkle each portion of dough with the reserved granulated sugar. Bake for10 to14 minutes, de-
pending on the size of the cookies andthedesired level of crispness. Note on crystallized ginger:Look for crystallized ginger in well-stocked bulk food sections and Asian mare
kets. To easily chop, sprinkle the ginger with some granulated sugar while chopping to keep it from sticking to your knife, then sift the ginger out of the sugar. Reserve the sugar to coat the cookies before baking.
FOO D Leeks with Barley and Wild Rice Pilaf Makes 4 servings. 1 C uncooked wild rice 4 TBS butter s/4 tosh Ib pancetta, thinly sliced, then minced (see note) 2 leeks, washed and thinly sliced (white and pale green portions, about 2 C) 1 bunch of red chard, if available (if not, use regular), chopped 4 ribs celery, coarsely chopped 1 C uncooked barley 1 bay leaf 'y2 C dry sherry 7 C homemade or canned chicken broth Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste Minced fresh or dried thyme to taste 1 C coarsely chopped roasted and skinned hazelnuts Rinse the wild rice in a strainer under cold running water several times.
Heat the butter in a large saucepan and saute the pancetta, leeks, chard and celery over low heat for 15 to 20
minutes. Stir inthe riceandbarleyand cook for several minutes, stirring, until the barley turns slightly golden. Add
the bay leaf, sherry, broth, salt, pepper and thyme; bring to a boil, then
cover, reducethe heatto lowand cook for about 40 minutes, or until the rice and barley are tender. If there is unabsorbed liquid, boil until it is gone. Stir
in the hazelnutsjust beforeserving. This dish can be prepared up to 2
days in advance(without adding the hazelnuts), covered, and refrigerated. Reheat in a microwave at high
power or in apreheated350-degree oven, covered, for 20 to 30minutes, adding more liquid if necessary, stirring in the nuts just before serving.
Note onpancetta: If unavailable, consider using a good-quality ham. You could alsouseregular bacon.
i s er a —even
on e so By Tim Carman The Washington Post
To anyone who has pulled back theprotective wrapper on a rubbery Slim Jim after a late-night run to the convenience store, the 21 plastic bins inside the Phu Quy Deli Delight in Falls Church, Va., must seem as alien as fermented fish sauce to an A.l. man. Each of those 21 bins is filled with jerky made by Vua Kho Bo, a California-based dried snack company whose name translates into, more or
less, the "king of beef jerky." There are pieces of dehydrated beef flavored with chili flakes, curry powder, lemon
grass, sugar, black pepper, orange juice and barbecue seasonings. There are jerkys cut into cubes, sliced into strips or even shredded and laced with cashews. All of t hem, collectively, fall under the deliciously addictive, difficult-to-define category ofVietnamese jerky. I say"difficult to define" because the more I learn about
the (generally unsmoked) V ietnamese subset of t h e jerky industry, the less I seem to understand it . C h arles Phan, th e J a mes B e ard Award-decorated chef and owner of the Slanted Door in San Francisco, theorizes that the chewy cured beef has its origins in China, whose influence has been felt on Vietnam for centuries. There are certainly plenty of recipes for A s ian-style
jerky at your fingertips, many buried deep in the bowels of the Internet. But two new cookbooks offer more homestyle recipes to test your skill at jerky-making. One that I tested was tucked into Phan's debut cookbook, "Vietnamese
Home Cooking" (Ten Speed Press). Phan's version of beef jerky calls for, essentially, braising top round in a soy-water-scallions mixture before cooling the meat, slicing it and coating the thin slices in a cooking liquid comprising fish sauce, water, soy sauce, honey, garlic, roasted chili paste, Thai chili peppers and crushed red pepper flakes. Despite the heavy presenceofpeppers,the resulting slices are decidedly savory andumami-rich, not spicy. Nor are they dehydrated and satisfyingly chewy. They remind me more of Korean bulgogi than Vietnamese jerky. Still, they are, without question, succulent and delicious. Am I d i sappointed with Phan's interpretation? On somestriving-for-authenticity level, sure, but then the chef tells me he prefers to taste the beef in his jerky, not drown the meat under heat, aromatics and sugar. He also mentions that his jerky petfectly complements his green papaya salad recipe, which comes with a "very spicy" dressing. He seems to be implying that I should not judge his chefdriven jerky in the context of those commercial strips available here in the States.
Deb Ltndsey/ For The Washington Post
This Vietnamese-style beef jerky is served with drinks and eaten as a snack.
Grilled Dried Beef (Thit Bo Kho) Makes 8 servings. This Vietnamese-style beef jerky is served with drinks and eaten as a snack with glutinous rice. It's also an in-
gredient in Vietnamesegreen papayasalad. 1 Ib bottom round or sirloin 2 stalks lemon grass (may substitute 2 TBS dried lemon grass)
2 sm red chili peppers, stemmed, seeded and minced 2% TBS sugar or honey
1 TBS Vietnamese fish sauce (nuoc mam) 3 TBS low-sodium soy sauce
Cut the beef across the grain into very thin 3-by-3-inch slices. If you are using fresh lemon grass, discard the outer leaves and upper half of the stalk. Cut the remainder of the stalk into thin slices, then finely chop. Ifyou are using dried lemon grass, soak it in warm water for1 hour,
then drain and finely chop. Combine the chilies and sugar or honey in a mortar and pound to a fine paste. Add the chopped lemon grass,
Mixed Greens with Fuyu Persimmons and Roasted Hazelnuts
Makes 8 servings.
Makes 10 to 12 servings.
This Burmese jerky is eaten as a snack with drinks or as part of a
Spread out each slice of beef on a large, flat wire rack or baking sheet. Let it stand in the sun until both sides are completely dried, about12 hours; or place the rack on a rimmed baking sheet and let the beef air-dry in the
meal. Meat — beef or pork — is rubbedwith a spice blend, then dried.
refrigerator for 2 days.
s/4 C fresh orange juice 1 TBS grated orange peel 3 TBS white balsamic vinegar 'ys C canola oil 2 TBS hazelnut oil 'y2 tsp salt '/4 tsp freshly ground black pepper '/4 tsp vanilla extract ~/4tsp ground cinnamon Pinch ofnutmeg About 6 C of mixed salad greens, torn into 2-inch pieces About 10 oz total of baby spinach and baby arugula 1 Ig bunch watercress, stemmed (about 6 C) 3 Fuyu persimmons, peeled, halved, thinly sliced 1 red onion, thinly sliced into rings 2 C coarsely chopped roasted and skinned hazelnuts
Traditionally, that would mean air-drying for 2 or 3 days, but you can If cooking in the oven, preheat to 400 degrees. Transfer the rack with the beef from the refrigerator to the oven take a shortcut and dry it in a low oven for several hours. Just before and bake for about10 minutes, until the beef is browned and crisp.
Boil orange juice and orange peel in heavy small saucepan over medium-high heat until reduced to t/4 cup, about 5 minutes. Transfer to medium bowl. Whisk in the balsamic vinegar, canola oil, hazelnut oil, salt, pepper, vanilla extract,
Spice-Rubbed Jerky
serving, the meat is sliced and lightly fried. 2 TBS coriander seed 2 tsp ground turmeric 3 TBS peeled, minced ginger root (from a 4-inch piece) 2 tsp cayenne pepper 1TBS salt
2 Ibsboneless beefsteak, such as flank or skirt steak, or boneless pork shoulder Peanut oil, for frying
meric, ginger, cayenneand salt. Pound or process to a paste. Cut the meat thinly across the grain into strips just under 1 inch wide and about 4 inches long. Transfer the strips to a large bowl, add the spice paste and use your hands to rub it thoroughly into the meat.
(If using both beef and pork, place them in separate bowls and use half of the spice paste for eachmeat.) To air-dry the meat, hang it in a spot out of direct sunlight for1/~ to strip onto a long metal skewer, leavingt/~ inch between the individual
crispy, about 3 minutes, then transfer to a paper towel to drain. Add the
garlic and onion tothepanandsaute in the bacon grease over mediumhigh heat for about 2 minutes. Add
the balsamic vinegar and deglaze the pan by stirring and scraping the bottom to release the cooked-on bits
To dry the meat in the oven, lay the strips on a rack set over a roasting pan so the air can circulate. Bake at the lowest possible tempera-
eai o n anZa
ture (usually 170 degrees). Turn the meat after 1/2 to 2 hours, then bake for1 hour. The dried meat will be lighter in weight but notcom-
pletely dry. It can bewrapped and refrigerated for up to 3 days. When ready to cook, cut the meat strips crosswise into bite-size pieces. Line a platter with several layers of paper towels. Heat a large wok or skillet over medium-high heat and pour in oil to a depth of /~
Friday I Saturday - Nov. 9-10th
inch. When the oil shimmers, slide in a handful of the meat pieces Repeat to cook all of the meat. Serve hot or at room temperature.
— Adapted from "Burma:Rivers of Flavor,"by Naomi Ouguid(Artisan,2012)
Charles Phan's Beef jerky Makes 8 servings. This is jerky in name only: The slices are moist, savory and umamirich. They're delicious, but they're not jerky in the traditional sense of
dehydrated meat. Jarred, roasted chili paste is available at Asian gro-
bean paste or sate paste. 2 C light soy sauce 8 scallions, trimmed and cut into 3-inch lengths 2 Ibs beef top round 1 C water 3 TBS honey 1 TBS plus 1 tsp roasted chili paste (see headnote) 1 TBS plus 1 tsp fish sauce
Combine1/~ cups of thesoy sauce,the scallions and 8cups of water in a large pot. Add thebeef and bring the liquid to a boil over high heat. Reduce the heat to low, and cook uncovered for1/~ hours, adjusting the heat so the liquid is barely bubbling at the edges. Transfer the beef to a
Pork Sirloin Roasts Fresh, Southern Grown
Boneless, Skinless
Chicken Breasts
heat to medium-low and cook, stirring occasionally, until the liquid has es on the rack in asingle layer. Let the meat cool to room temperature. The meat will be moister than American beef jerky but still chewy. Wrap tightly and refrigerate for up to 4 days.
Nutrition information perserving: 250 calories, 27 g protein, 9 g carbohydrates, 11 g fat, 2 g saturated fat, 60 mg cholesterol, 1,530
mg sodium, 0 g dietary fiber, 7 g sugar
per lb.
Boneless Beef Ribeye
per lb.
Tender Trimmed Bacon Wrapped
Beef Tenderloin Fillets
One Package
Boneless Pork Loins
per lb.
Frozen JMPork Sausage Rolls
In the Bag,
Pork Bady Back
Cut for Free
00 "'" S 99
Raw Shrimp 31/40
per Ib
Cooked Shrimp
each 5 lb.
o ai n
Into One Package Whole, Boneless
per lb. Sli IOllls
Heat the oil in a largesaute pan or skillet over mediumheat. Addthe
completely evaporated and the beef is glazed with the marinade. Set a wire rack on a rimmed baking sheetand arrange the beef slic-
YOrk StriP
per Id.
Signature Angus U.S.D.A. Choice
Cut for Free lnto
remaining 1 teaspoon garlic and cook, stirring, for15 seconds, until the garlic is fragrant. Pour the beef and its marinade into the pan, reduce the
reduced by half, 3 to 4 minutes. Add the cabbage and cook until wilted but slightly crunchy, about1 minute. Remove from heat. Add the wine vinegar, olive oil, thyme, and hazelnuts
Boneless Pork Tenderloins
per lb.
Combine the 1 cup of water, the remainingt/~cup of soy sauce,the When the beef has cooled, cut the meat with the grain into '/s-inchthick slices. Add the slices to the mixture in the bowl and toss to coat.
Into One Package
per lb.
Boneless Beef New
Ground Fresh Daily per lb.
cutting board tocool to room temperature. Discard thecooking liquid. honey, chili paste,fish sauce, 2teaspoons ofthe garlic, crushed redpepper flakes, Thaichili pepperandsalt to taste in alarge bowl. Whisk tomixwell.
Bag, Cut For Free
Whole ln the Bag 3 tsp minced garlic (from 3 med cloves) 1 tsp crushed red pepper flakes 1 tsp seeded, minced Thai chili pepper Kosher salt 3 TBS canola oil
VALUE PACK Whole ln The
Fresh 93%
pA ~CK Super Lean
cery stores and Whole Foods Markets. It is sometimes labeled chili
of food. Add thebeer andcook until
and season to taste with salt and pepper.Tossin the bacon (crumbled) and keepwarm until ready to use.
+ rrrrrd tr $r Ceent trryrrert snrt rrrrrrdred since rrrry
strips, and suspend the skewers so the meathangs freely. You'll need about six skewers.
sodium, 0 g dietary fiber, 0 gsugar.
pan andcook over mediumheatuntil
Serving the community since 1915
2 days, or longer if the air is very humid. Threadoneend of eachmeat
coat. Divide salad among plates.
Placethe baconin a medium saute
Nutrition informationperserving: 100 calories, 14 g protein, 6 g carbohydrates, 2 g fat, 1 g saturated fat, 25 mg cholesterol, 430 mg sodium, 0 gdietary fiber, 5 gsugar.
Use a spice grinder to grind the coriander seed to apowder. Trans-
Nutrition information per serving:260 calories, 23 g protein, 2 g carbohydrates, 17 g fat, 5 g saturated fat, 55 mg cholesterol, 950 mg
8 slices thick-cut smoked pepper bacon, diced 3 cloves garlic, chopped 1sh C chopped onion 'y2 C balsamic vinegar '/4 C Rogue Hazelnut Brown Nectar (or another amber or brown ale) About 'h head green cabbage, shredded to measure 5 to 6 C 2 TBS wine vinegar 1 TBS olive oil 2 tsp chopped fresh thyme 1 C chopped roasted and skinned hazelnuts Saa Black pepper
Grill beef slices until the beef is browned and crisp, about10 minutes.
fer the powder to a mortar or small food processor along with the tur-
half of persimmon slices in large bowl. Add dressing and toss to
Makes 4 servings.
the cooking area. For amedium-hot fire, you should be able to hold your hand about 6 inches abovethe coals for about 4 or 5 seconds.
— Adapted from "TheFoodsof I/ietnam,"by Nicole Routhier(Steyyart, Taboit & Chang, f989)
without crowding them. Cook the meat, turning it frequently, until it is tender, 3 or 4 minutes, then transfer it to the paper towels to drain.
Roasted Hazelnut Slaw
If grilling, prepare the grill for direct heat. If using a gas grill, preheat to medium (375 degrees). If using a charcoal grill, light the charcoal or wood briquettes; when the briquettes are ready, distribute them evenly under
cinnamon and nutmeg. Season dressing with pepper. (Can be made1 day ahead;cover, chill.) To serve:Place all greens and
Top each with remaining persimmon slices and hazelnuts.
fish sauce andsoy sauce, stirring to incorporate. (Alternatively, use ablender and blend to afine paste.) Coat both sides of the beef pieces with the paste andallow the meat to marinate for 30 minutes.
ec s •
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Next week: Setting a Thanksgiving table
Craig Frey walks through a roomin his Bend home. Frey says he was able to build the custom home for about $85 per square foot.
Brooke Frey, 14, plays the pianoin her family's home. During daylight hours, natural light from a large side window helps in reading music.
See additional photos
Continued from F1 "With laying this home out in a T shape, it also enabled every room to have views." Upon entering the main living room, one can see large views of the River's Edge Golf Course, along with views of Powell Butte and Pilot Butte. To take nothing away from the views, simple contemporary furnishings in black and white grace the living room. F rey says hi s w i f e , L a i Chan, is responsible for the interior decorating. As a professional interior d ecorator for Cascade Design, Chan has impeccable taste. She mixes a fewgreat pieces of designer furnishings with
on The BLllletin's website: bendbulletin.cnm/athnmetnur some "garage sale finds" that work beautifully together. "This piece of metal artwork is something I found at a garage sale here in Bend for $55," said Chan. "It's by Javier Ramales." Next to th e Ramales art piece is a book of Frank Lloyd Wright designs, which Chan loves. "I find his lines and work to be very organic," explained Chan. "(Wright) doesn't just build something on the site, he sets it into the site so it works organically." Frey appeared to have tak-
en his planning lessons right
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out of the Frank Lloyd Wright school of design, because he wanted the house to be perfectly situated for this specific site, and he didn't want any wasted space in this 2,860square-foot home. H owever, b u i l ding th i s three-bedroom, t w o - and-ahalf bath home wasn't always
j ~
easy. "We had to do a lot of excavating," said Frey, laughing at the memory. "All the landscaping rocks you see on the outside of the house and that rock wall was made from the rocks we dug out for the foundation, and we still hauled tons and tons of rocks away in trucks." Though this is a c u stom home, Frey says he was able to build it for about $85 per square foot, which is a lower cost than what many people pay for their homes. u I was able to k eep t he costs down two ways: I used the prefab trusses for all the
Photos by Andy Tulns / The Bulletin
The interior of the home designed by Craig Freyshows how he planned it to take advantage of natural light. "We put in these three square cutouts in the wall, so all the natural light ... flows through into the living room above the fireplace," Frey says. roofs, and this saves time," explained Frey. "And I built this house with the three-car garage underneath us." Frey pointed to the exposed beams in the entryway, and explained that they spent most of their money in the open-air design of the large living room and kitchen area. Using beautiful p o lished Braziliancherrywood on the floors gives this open plan dramatic impact along with the exposed entry beams, and millwork around the fireplace, where familydog Joey can be Craig Frey, Brooke Frey and Lai Chanwith their dog Joey on a found most afternoons resting couch at their Bend home. comfortably. If you were to turn r ight from the front entryway and ascend two steps, you would be in the office area. Banks of w indows embrace three ofthe four walls. "We put i n t h ese t h r ee square cutouts in the wall, so all the natural light from this room flows through into the living room above the fire-
place," says Frey. 4
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From the office, views of Pilot Butte would make for great fireworks viewing on the Fourth of July. Even the office has nice interior design. A rust-colored antique Chinese armoire sits against one wall, and a postmodern display cabinet in the same color is underneath a window. Both pieces were brought from San Francisco, where the family lived before finding Bend. Frey said the display cabinet survived an e a rthquake in San Francisco. Frey is attuned to surviving homes and furnishings, since he works with the Federal E m ergency M a n agement Agency in various disaster zones throughout the country. Next to the living room is the polished kitchen with a rounded front island, which could best be described as sleek, with dashes of whimsy. Chan explained how she took the backsplash tiles and randomly popped in differentcolored glass tiles between the black and neutral tiles. Just off the kitchen area is a nook, but it wasn't built for a kitchen table — this nook was built for a baby grand piano.
The kitchen has a rounded front island. Lai Chan added her own touch to the backsplash behind the sink. F ourteen-year-old Br oo k e Frey practices piano whenever she's stressed, according to her parents. Natural light from a large side window also floods this small musical nook area, which allows the musician to read music without reaching
for a light during the day. Fortunately, the piano nook is just below the small eightstep stairway that leads to Brooke's room, which looks like it's out of a Pottery Barn catalogue. Having a mother who's an interior designer may h elp any teenage girl who wants to paint her room a vibrant turquoise. Chan took this very bold color and was still able to make the room look calm with accessories and bedding. A white coral-like branching sculpture almost runs the length of one wall and looks like a designer touch. "Actually, I found that piece at another garage sale; it was
used in a wedding," explained Chan, with a soft laugh. Brooke seems happy with her room, though she does warn us that turquoise used to be her favorite color a few years ago, but now it's purple, so the wall color may change soon. Adjacent to Brooke's room is a spacious guest bedroom, decorated in more subdued colors. Down the steps and right b ehind the k i t chen i s t h e workout room and another office area, where Frey has his architectural drafting desk. A large window in this room
brings in ample daylight when Frey is working at the drafting board. The far wall also incorporates another wall cutout into the kitchen, high above the
sink area. Again, Frey says he was trying to create a flow of light from one room to the next.
Frey designed the homewith a T shape to take advantage of natural light. Chan opened up a seem-
ingly large closet; behind those doors are the w ashing machine and dryer. Just above the washer is a wellthought-out c l o thes s h o ot — well-thought-out because right behind the wall of this s mall laundry a rea i s t h e master bathroom. The couple loves the convenience. "One of the things I really like about our home is that we use every single space of it," commented Chan. "There's not a room we don't use." Leaving this r o om, Frey pointed to the left, where another small staircase leads down into the garage area. Walking between the openair kitchen and living room, we passed the formal dining room. Off this area is the sliding glass door that leads to an outside deck. Outside, the family has a surprisingly large lot, not apparent from the front entryway. They own the entire side of this slope down to another road. In order to make the hillside usable, Frey used the rocks he excavated and tiered the backyard and landscaped it. Back inside, the master bedroom features a soothing slate blue-gray color on the walls. The simple space exudes a contemporary sophistication. An avant-garde newspaper artwork on c anvas created by Brooke graces her parents' bedroom wall. Frey and Chan proved they could build and decorate a custom house that could be both practical and lovely without the price tag being out of reach. — Reporter: pnakamura@
Next week: Considering garden improvements
ARDEN Storage Continued from F1 Bubl added that Central Or-
egon air is perfect for drawing in cool air to a garage or basement as needed. "Put in some kind of method that can draw air — a fan that can push air from the cellar out or cold air in artificially. So on a 20-degree cool Bend night you may want to bring the cool air in," said Bubl.
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Why it works Temperature, humi d i ty, darkness and ventilation are the key elements to control when storing fruits and vegetables. If vegetables are properly stored and temperature and humidity are controlled, e verything sh o u l d kee p through to spring. In order to prevent rot, adequate air movement is imperative. "Ventilation and being able to retain a little moisture but staying dry are the keys," said Bubl. "Basically the concept is keeping them cool, but not cold. They can be somewhat moist. But you want to keep them dark with an air flow around them," said Bubl. Lawrence, who stores much of her produce in plastic milk crates, suggests only filling the crates about a quarter full. That way, in the event that something rots, it won't ruin the whole batch. If produce is stored in boxes, they need to have holes in the side for breathability. Bubl suggested storingpotatoes
in burlap bags. When Lawrence prepares w intersquash for storage, she separates each squash from the next with cardboard to prevent the spread of any rot. Bubl explained that, as with all living things, there are still living organisms on the skin of the produce. "If they're all jumbled together you get a diseaseprogression that goes from squash to squash." Bubl recommended storing the squash inside for a week in order to create a protective rind on the skin. "Let them
,A " ..
Adrian Higgins/The Washington Post
High school seniors Anthony Brown, left, and Lindsey Joinerjoin other volunteers for an October bulb planting in Rock Creek Park in Washington, D.C. Many city beautification efforts began with Lady Bird Johnson.
Marielle Gallagher /The Buttet>n
Sarahlee Lawrence divides potatoesinto milk crates where they will be stored through the winter.
By Adrian Higgins cure for a little bit and then put them in a 45- to 55-degree location," said Bubl. Before storing squash, Bubl advised clipping the stem to prevent it from breaking off, which creates a point of entry for organisms.
bles." It can cause sprouting in potatoes and onions, and it will turn carrots bitter, according to Bubl. Conversely, potatoes can make apples taste musty. Even odors can be transferred to other vegetables. According to a W a shington State Separation University Extension report, of veggie and fruit "Storing Vegetables and Fruits Bubl s u ggested s t o ring At Home": "Cabbage and turfruits and vegetables in sepa- nips can give their odors to rateplaces.One of the reasons celery, pears, and apples. Cabfor this is because of ethylene bage, kale, rutabagas, turnips, gas put off by apples. This is and winter radishes give off another reason why proper strong odors that could spread ventilation is helpful for stor- through a house, and, thereing fruits. "(The ethylene gas) fore, should be stored in outwill start building up in the door storage areas only." room and cause physiological — Reporter: 541-383-0361, responsesin the other vegetamgallagherC<
Fallen leaves a backyard gold mine By Adrian Higgins •a
W~t4g L
Washington Post gardening columnist Adrian Higgins answered questions recently in an online chat. Here is an edited excerpt:
• I have been reading a • lot l a tely a b out l e aving rather than raking leaves from garden areas as a way to enrich the soil and not use so muchmulch. Doyouthinkthis rr'] » works equally well in shade and sun, and is it necessary to shred the leaves'? The leaves are a mixture of oak, maple and sweet gum mostly. I like t o s h red them; • they break down much quicker and don't mat. I use a lawn mower set at its highest setting. This sometimes means r a kin g t h e l e a ves Thinkstock onto th e l a w n , s h r edding Once shredded, backyard leaves provide a valuable resource.
l l'grfr-+
them and raking (or blowing) them back. It's a chore, but it's worth it. Bagging leaves is such a waste of a valuable resource.
astersand abelias.However, I am concerned about their survival after this winter. Is there anything that I can do now to • Last winter I planted tu- help them endure the upcom• lip bulbs in clay soil, wa- ing weather? tered once a month, covered • Now is the best time to with newspaper and placed on • plant shrubs and perena shelf in the garage. The foli- nials. The soil warmth will enage was wonderful, but there courage root growth, and the were no flowers! What did I do transplant shock is minimized wrong? by the cooling temperatures. I think your garage was Just make sure they are well • too warm. Tulips need ll watered (but not flooded), and weeks oftemperatures below mulch them after the ground 45 degrees for the flower to freezes. This will m i n imize develop. the risk of freeze-thaw exposing the roots. • What's the best way to • enrich garden soil over • I bought (I think on your the winter? • advice) a sharp, thin hoe You can grow a green for weeding (mine is a collin• manure such as vetch, ear hoe from Lee Valley). I was clover or rye. Or you can lay a out using it last weekend, gettwo-inch layer of leafmold or ting after all the cool-weather rotted compost. Incorporate weeds thatseem to spread a it into the soil in February or foot a day this time of year. March. If you do this every Anyway, after slicing under year, your soil will turn from the weeds, I'm left to wonder heavy clay to beautiful loam in whether I need to gather up about three to five years. all the bits and pieces. Or is simply cutting them off at the I had some impromptu roots good enough? • l andscaping done l a s t So glad you are using a week. I live in Maryland and • hoe and not chemicals. we planted yuccas, nandinas, Thank you. Keep a file handy
organized by the Rock Creek The conservancy organizes Conservancy, a group estab- many volunteer events, and Lady Bird Johnson has lished (under a different name) much of the focus since it was to be considered a rare fig- in 2005. formed has been on removing ure in the political realm of Park Service crews culti- trash. "We have worked the Washington, a l o ng-term vated and amended the soil, entire 33 miles of Rock Creek at thinker who understood the and MichaelMcMahon, a Park 50 locations," said Beth Mullin, enduring value of beauty. Service landscape architect, the conservancy'sexecutive diThe former first lady, who devised the planting plan. For rector. "The park is measurably died in2007, is remembered anyone wanting to plant a large and noticeably cleaner. We feel as the driving force behind area for beauty, low mainte- now we can move out to other the 1965 Highway Beauti- nance and long season of inter- areas." fication Act and by Wash- est, it's a model scheme, relying This means a more concerted ingtonians of a certain age on the device of mass-planting effort to remove invasive weeds as the founder of the Society just a few varieties. that have smothered much of for a More Beautiful NaIt uses two varieties of daf- the natural flora. The top three tional Capital. Its members fodil. St. Keverne is an all-yel- culprits are English ivy, oriental transformed many pockets low, large-cupped narcissus bittersweet and porcelainberry. of the city, conspicuously that blooms early and peren- The conservancy is going to be along Pennsylvania Avenue nializes better than others of its working "more systematically" and in Rock Creek Park, type in the heat of Washington. against them, Mullin said, with where they planted 200,000 Bravoure is a white and yellow an initial mission to attack Engspring bulbs. trumpet daffodil that blooms lish ivy, the easiest weed for volWay back then, she told later. They were planted amid unteers to identify. audiences that "I am quite blocks of two native perennials, The bulb a n d p e rennial sure that ugliness ... has the wild blue indigo (Baptisia plantings were just the first contributed to riots, to men- australis) and a variety of the beautification project. tal ill-health, to crime." The purpleconeflower called Ruby You can't watch young folks need for beauty might have Star, valued for its intense, pur- like Brown and Joiner on their been more dire then — it was ple-magenta blooms. knees in the dirt without thinka period of trashed rivers, Together, the four plants will ing that Lady Bird Johnson rank pollution and urban provide months of bloom: As knew that she was planting a decay and restlessness — but the first daffodil fades, the sec- seed that she might never live we still have the ugliness of ond will flower. A month later, to see germinate. The principle decay and, worse, a return the Baptisia will begin its long at play is a simple one: Beauty to the indifference to it. All season of bloom. Upright and begets beauty; ugliness begets too often, our public build- shrublike, the perennial has ugliness. ings and green spaces are attractive, deep blue, pea-like After she left Washington, not fixed until they are on flowers. As the blooms recede, Johnson and the actress Helen the verge of collapse. Think the coneflowers will start their Hayes founded an organization of the Smithsonian's Arts long season. "We'll have sec- in Austin to promote the plantand Industries Building, or tions of color from April to ear- ing of native flora there and the Lincoln Memorial Re- ly fall," said McMahon, and the everywhere else. It's now called flecting Pool, or the U.S. Bo- perennial foliage will hide the the Lady Bird Johnson Wildtanic Garden. declining leaves of the daffo- flower Center. "I'm such an admirer of her," Almost half a century on, dils. The perennials are closely even Johnson's plantings planted and should shade out Mullin said. "Of both her beauhave run their course. The the weeds once established, tification efforts and what she National Park Service has though volunteers will weed went on to do after she left the been doing some planting and mulch twice a year until White House." of daffodils in recent years then. next to Rock Creek ParkWhether t h ese h o r ticulway. The effort got a big tural nuances were discerned boost, literally and symboli- by all of the volunteers who cally, on a recent Saturday planted them is unlikely, and I I when dozens of volunteers beside the point. Many of them showed up to plant a grassy were young, which is hugely PROMPT DELIVERY slope in one of the most encouraging. 541-389-9663 heavily traveled sections of the parkway: the cloverleaf embankment where southAre you passionate about gardening bound trafflc exits to Pennsylvania Avenue NW, below in Central OregOn? Willing to Share the Four Seasons Hotel. your time 6, knowledge locallyP In a kidney-shaped bed about 120 feet by 30 feet, the workers installed 1,500 The 05U Master Cardener Volunteer perennials and 4,500 daffodil bulbs. The effort was program targets individuals interested in The Washington Post
The Washington Post
nt eca ita, a II s eauti ication e orts en ure
to keep it sharp. If the weeds are not flowering and seeding, you can let them lie on the ground; they will enrich the soil as they decay. Loads of weeds are now germinating for the winter. Don't wait until April to attack them.
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Macaroons a sweet memory By julie Rothman The Baltimore Sun
Fran Merkley, of Baltimore, was looking for a recipe for making coconut macaroons that she thought may have been published in this column around 15 years ago. The cookies were made with f l aked coconut and sweetened condensed milk,and could be made in chocolate or vanilla flavors. What stuck with her about the recipe, aside
• Every time I bake a pie, the • bottom crust does not get done. Do you have any tips or
a spoon. If there are any lumps remaining, microwave for another minute. Scrapemelted chocolate into large
• There are a few strategies • that will h elp c rispen the bottom of single- and double-crust pies. First, try placing the pie in the lower third of the oven — on the bottom rack, or the one just above it. This puts the pie closer to the heat at the base of the oven, which will cookthe bottom layer. You can also use a clear glass pie dish so that you can see when your crust is completely golden on the bottom. When making a single-crust pie, be sure to follow the recipe instructions for blind baking, or baking the crust before fillingit. This method is used when the filling doesn't need to be baked at all, or baked as long as the crust, or when the filling will cause the crust to become soggy. The most important thing is that the crust is baked before adding the filling or it will not cook through completely. Before a crust is blind baked, prick the dough all over with the tines of a fork; this prevents the dough from puffing up as it bakes. Then line the dough with parchment paper andtop with a weighty substance, such as dried beans. (Store-bought ceramic or metal pie weights are also an option.) The weight of the beans helps the dough bake evenly. For a single-crust pie with a baked filling, blind bake the crust until the edges are pale gold and look set. Remove beans and parchment, and continue to bake until edges are golden and bottom is set and golden; with a no-bake filling, continue to bake until edges and bottom are deep golden-brown. For double-crust pies, the filling must be fully baked and bubbling in the center. In all cases, monitor the crust carefully and place aluminum foil around the edges if they're darkening too quickly.
bowl. Add condensed milk, coconut, vanilla and salt. Mix with large spoon. Mixture will be very thick and sticky.
Pre-vacation cleaning
RECIPE from how delicious the cookies FINDER were, was that the woman who
sent it in said it was the job of her younger sibling to put the cherry on each cookie. We searched The Baltimore Sun's archives and locateda recipeforchocolate cherry macaroonsthatappeared inpaper in December 1992 in a column called Kids in the Kitchen written by Beth Hillson. Hillson wrote that she had been making these cookies since her childhood and they are a holiday tradition in her family. When her little sister was a toddler, she was given the job of plunking a cherry down on each circle of cookie dough.
Requests Jackie Pitchford, of St. Albans, WVa., is looking or a recipe for Grape Nut pudding (not custard). She said her mother made it frequently in the 1950s on the stovetop. Sue Pierce, of South Bend, Ind., is looking for a recipe for making elephant ears, like you can get at local fairs. — Looking for a hard-to-find recipe or can answer a request? Write to Juiie Rothman, Recipe Finder, The Baltimore Sun,501N. Calvert St., Baltimore, MD 21278,or email baltsunrecipe Names must accompanyrecipesforthem to bepublished.
Chocolate Cherry Macaroons Makes 24 cookies. 2 squares unsweetened chocolate 1 can sweetened condensed milk zh Ib sweetened flaked coconut 1 tsp vanilla 'k tsp salt 12-14 Ig maraschino cherries 1 TBS vegetable shortening 2 TBS flour
Heat oven to 375 degrees. Set the chocolate in a bowl and microwave for on high for 1 minute. Stir with
Drain cherries andcut each inhalf. Set aside. Using a paper towel, lightly coat bottoms of cookie sheets with vegetable oil. Sprinkle a tablespoon of flour
I am going south for the Q•• winter. Do I need to throw
Suzanne Dechillo /New York Times News Service
Many single-crust pies need to be blind baked before they're filled.
g l~ c e
Tony Cenicola /New York Times News Service
Double-crust pies aren't doneuntil the filling is fully cooked through and bubbling in the middle. If the edges of the crust start to brown too quickly, shield them with aluminum foil. out everything in the refrigerator and pantry? Most of what's in your freez• er will be safe to use when you return, as long as it's properly sealed, but some items will have deteriorated in quality. According to JaniceRevell,a co-founder of the food-safety website stilltasty. com, the quality of smaller cuts
of meat or ground meats will start to diminish after a few months. Cooked dishes, such as stews and sauces, should be used within six months. Refrigerated condiments, such as mustard, ketchup, soy sauce and Worcestershire sauce, will stay fresh for six months or longer. While refrigerating commer-
cially produced peanut butter is unnecessary forshort-term use, you will want to do so during your trip to keep the oils from going rancid. Freshly ground nut butters from the health-food store, however, should be used before you go. Commercially packed olives and pickles submerged in brine will last for a year. After being opened, store-bought salad dressing will last several months in the refrigerator. In the pantry, put any opened items in sealed plastic containers, airtight glass jars or resealable plastic bags. Cooking oils, such as olive and safflower, will keep for 12 to 18 months in a dark spot, but moving them to the refrigerator will lengthen their shelf life. Double-wrapping baking items such as flour and sugar in plastic wrap or transferring them to airtight containers will p r otect against humidity and pests. — Questions of general interest can be emailed to msllet ters@ For more information on this column, visit
over each sheet. Standing over the sink, tilt and gently tap each pan until it's white with flour. Tap loose flour off sheets into sink.
Using tablespoons, drop spoonfuls of the batter onto the cookie sheets. Leaveabout 1 inchbetweenthe cookies. Put a cherry, cut side down, in the center of each cookie.
Bake10to12 minutes oruntil the edges ofthe cookies
Bitter goodness: hard to swallow, but often healthy By Bill Daley
start to brown. Remove from oven and allow cookies to
Chicago Tribune
cool on thepan, andthen useaspatula to removethem. Store in anairtight container. Thesemaybefrozen.
Bitter foods areusuallygood-foryou foods; a proverbial pill of truth many people may find hard to swallow. But Barb Stuckey would like people to give them a try. For bitter foods can contain
Variation:To make vanilla macaroons, replace the chocolate with '/z cup flour or potato starch. Bake 10
minutes or just until edges ofcookiesare golden brown.
"The taste of bitter is the taste of health," she said, zeroing in on such foods as greens (think kale, radicchio, collards), coffee and tea, wine and fruit (try citrus, pomegranates, cranberries,
many compounds that in small doses can stimulate you, fight colds and even help the battle against aging, said Stuckey, a San Franciscobased food developer and author of "Taste What You're Missing: The Passionate Eater's Guide to Why Good Food Tastes Good."
blueberries). There are steps you can take
B dCeledrateStheSeaSOn I~a
to mitigate the bitterness, said Stuckey, who is executive vice president of marketing and sales at Mattson, a food and beverage developer in Foster City, Calif. Hate Brussels sprouts? Balance the bitter flavor with a little salt, sugar, lemon juice or vinegar.
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264-Snow RemovalEquipment 265 - Building Materials 266- Heating and Stoves 267- Fuel and Wood 268- Trees, Plants & Flowers 269- Gardening Supplies & Equipment 270 - Lost and Found GARAGESALES 275 - Auction Sales 280 - Estate Sales 281 - Fundraiser Sales 282- Sales Northwest Bend 284- Sales Southwest Bend 286- Sales Northeast Bend 288- Sales Southeast Bend 290- Sales RedmondArea 292- Sales Other Areas FARM MARKET 308- Farm Equipment and Machinery 316 - Irrigation Equipment 325- Hay, Grain and Feed 333- Poultry, Rabbits and Supplies 341 - Horses and Equipment 345-Livestockand Equipment 347 - Llamas/Exotic Animals 350 - Horseshoeing/Farriers 358- Farmer's Column 375- Meat and Animal Processing 383 - Produce andFood
Holiday Bazaar & Craft Shows
S . W .
C h a n d l e r
A v e .
• B en
O r e g o n
9 7 7 0 2
Pets & Supplies
Pets & Supplies
Furniture & Appliances
Ski Equipment
Guns, Hunting & Fishing
Art, Jewelry & Furs
Large Pet Porter, $60. Large fully insulated dog house, $50. Avery boaters hunting dog parka, lovable puppies! $300. $20. 2 Avery dog training bumpers, $10. Avery 541-306-7784 dry storage dog food bag, $10. 541-504-7745 DO YOU HAVE Lionhead baby bunnies, SOMETHING TO variety color, $10 ea. SELL 541-548-0747 FOR $500 OR LESS? Non-commercial advertisers may place an ad with DACHSHUND mini long-haired, 6 weeks, only 1 male left from a litter of 6
"QUICK CASH SPECIAL" 1 week 3 lines 1 2 k 20! 2~ Ad must include price of single item of $500 or less, or multiple items
whose total does not exceed $500. Call Classifieds at 541-365-5609
Bid Now!
Bid Now!
with 4 nine round clips in like new condition, Glaco leather holster, $540. 541-610-9616
Buy New...Buy Local
Buy New...Buy Local
You Can Bid On: $2500 Gift Certificate M. Jacobs Fine Furniture (Bidding ends Nov. 13, at Spm)
You Can Bid On: Family Season Pass HooDoo Ski Area (Bidding ends Nov. 13, at Bpm)
USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! Maltese, 25 wks, shots/ Cherry table 8 matching Door-to-door selling with wormer UTD, h o use hutch w/glass, 6 chairs 8 brkn, crate trained, 4lb 9 table protectors, beauti- fast results! It's the easiest oz. Purebred w/o papers ful s e t , $450. Large way in the world to sell. $475. 541-504-5509 solid oa k b o okcase, The Bulletin Classified Maremma Guard Dog $150. 541-610-6797 pups, purebred, great 541-385-5809 d ogs, $ 35 0 e a c h , 541-546-6171.
Papillon P u p s,A K C Reg, 3 males left! Parents on site, $350. Call 541-460-2466
Glock 27 in case
RB BLLsc Drtvttr"
Visit our HUGE home decor
Go l f Equipment
Bid Nowl
consignment store. New items arrive daily! 930 SE Textron, Bend 541-316-1501
English Bulldogs AKC POODLE pups, AKC toy Registered, white fac- POM-A-POO pups, toy. tored, $2500, r eadySo cute! 541-475-3669 around Christmas. Leave POODLE TOY PUPPIES message, 541-728-6533 Parents on site, $300$350 ea. 541-520-7259 GENERATE SOME exi n your PUPPIES: s/4 Maltese t/4 citement neighborhood! Plan a Poodle, 1 female b&w garage sale and don't $300; 3 males b8w, 1 forget to advertise in w hite m a l e $ 2 5 0 classified! CASH! 541-546-7909 541-365-5609. Frenchton pups, ready Queensland Heelers now! Registered parMattress/boxsprings, ents on site. Puppy standard 8 mini,$150 & queen, pillowtop, bamup. 541-280-1537 http:// package incl. $700- boo fabric, used 9 mos, $750. 5 4 1-546-0747 $699 new;make off er! or 541-279-3588 SE Bend. 541-506-6764
Buy New...Buy Local
You Can Bid On: Complete set of Ladies Cleveland
GUN SHOW Nov. 10 & 11th, 2012 Deschutes Fairgrounds Buy! Sell! Trade! SAT. 9-5 • SUN. 10-3 $6 Admission, 12 & under free. OREGON TRAIL GUN SHOWS 541-347-2120
Bid Now!
Buy New...Buy Local
You Can Bid On: $500 Toward Hearts on Fire Diamond Jewelry Saxon's Fine
(Bidding ends Remington 670 Nov. 13, at Spm) Wingmaster 12 Ga. 2-3/4, recently refininshed stock, I've h ad it f o r 3 y r s , Computers hardly use it. $250 obo - call or t ext T HE B U LLETIN r e 541-460-3331 quires computer advertisers with multiple Ruger Mini 14 semi auto ad schedules or those rifle, $700. A uto-Ord. selling multiple sysColt style 1911 45acp tems/ software, to disGold USMC C omm., close the name of the $1275. Colt M4 AR-22, business or the term $550. 541-647-6931 "dealer" in their ads. Private party advertisCall The Bulletin At ers are defined as 541-385-5809 those who sell one Place Your Ad Dr E-Mail computer. At: 257
Musical Instruments
Health &
Beauty Items Bloom (Berry), Adult companion cats 14 piece set. FREE to seniors, disPro Golf of Bend abled & veterans! Tame, Bid Now! BeeCrafty (Bidding ends www Buttetinsidnsuy com altered, shots, ID chip, Holiday Show Nov. 13, at Bpm) more. Will always take Nov. 9: 10am-5pm back if circumstances c Nov.10: 10 am-5 pm change. 369-6420. Visit Piano, Steinway Model South Sister 0 Baby Grand 1911, Sat/ Sun 1-5. Photos, w Conference Hall, BtcCBMorePix at Bendbulletirt.o Guns, Hunting info: gorgeous, artist qualDeschutes County 0 I Want to Buy or Rent 0 & Fishing ity instrument w/great Fairgrounds, Redmond German wir e -haired Aussie Mini/Toy AKC, all p ointer puppy for sale, action 8 S t einway's Buy New...Buy Local local artisans 8 Wanted: $Cash paid for 50 colors, starting at $275. 2010 H&R Handi-Rifle, You Can Bid On: warm, rich sound. Will will be sellBorn July 1st vintaqe costume jew- crafters Parents on site. Call $200. .243 Win., syn stock, One Cool Sculpting adorn any living room, their handcrafted 541-596-5314/766-7799 541-306-7306 Shih-Tzu puppy 10 wks elry. Top dollar paid for ing mount & rings in box, Treatment church or music stuA d m ission: old, shots, wormed, Gold/Silver.l buy by the items. $250. 541-749-0636 dio perfectly. New reQueen-size Canopy Central Oregon donation to be Aussie-Shepherd puppies AKC parents. $400. Estate, Honest Artist $1.00 tail $69,000. Sacriiven to The Kid's L og Bed $ 5 00. 1 bakpaknbow© Dermatology 541-260-6069 Elizabeth,541-633-7006 1st shots/dewormed, screw stripped, easy (Bidding ends fice at $26,000 OBO, enter & CASA of $150. 541-771-2606 Shih-tzu purebred male, fix. 541-550-6567 Nov. 13, at 6pm) call 541-363-3150. Central Oregon Bid Now! Find exactly what 10 weeks old, $475. Information: Washer: Maytag front Call 541-766-0326 you are looking for in the 541-536-5655 B ew 44I load, cherry red, 3 yrs HAVANESE P U PPIES CLASSIFIEDS Siberian Husky, AKC! $350. 5 41-923-7394 Aussies, Mini 8 Toy AKC, Dewclaws, UTD Beaut, sweet female, 1yr, or 205 sizes, all colors, 7 shots/wormer, nonshed, $500. 541-977-7019 WANTED: RAZORS, weeks $300 cash. h ypoallergenic, $ 8 5 0 Items for Free Check out the Double or single541-676-7599 541-460-1277. classifieds online edged, straight Buy New...Buy Local FREE m obile home ItocnMore Pix at Bendbul l etin.o razors, shaving You Can Bid On: trusses. After 3 p.m. brushes, mugs & Kittens/cats avail. thru Updated daily $200 Fishing Gear call 541-325-3114. In The Bulletin's print and scuttles, strops, rescue group. Tame, & Tackle shaving accessories shots, altered, ID chip, online Classifieds. Gift Certificate Horse Manure, large The Bulletin & memorabilia. more. Sat/Sun 1-5, call Springer Spaniel pupKen's Sporting loads, perfect for garFair prices paid. recommends extra re: other days. 65460 pies, AKC, ready 12/6! l caution when purGoods Call 541-390-7029 d ening, w i l l lo a d , Aussie Z u pu p pies, 76th, Bend. 1st shots, dewormed, & (Bidding ends FREE. 541-390-6570. between 10 am-3 pm. products or 541-369-6420 or born September 11th, dewclaws removed. l chasing Nov. 13, at Bpm) services from out of ready for new homes. 541-596-5466; Info at $500 ea. 541-771-6221 20e l the area. Sending Great family pets, first GOLDEN RETRIEVERPUPPIES, c ash, checks, o r Big Game Rod 8 Reel, Holiday Bazaar Pets 8 Supplies shots and worming in~Qo We are three adorable, loving credit in f ormation with Penn SW-30 Int. 2 cluded. Free delivery Kittens, very loving 7 wk & Craft Shows M ore P ixa t B e n d b u lle ti n .c o m speed reel. Ex. Cond. to Bend. $600 Kelly females, black 8 white, Vizsla AKC puppies from may be subjected to puppies lookingfor acaring home. The Bulletin recomfree to g oo d h ome. l FRAUD. For more $500. (541) 369-9302. 541-604-0716 Please call right away.$500. Newcomers Club active hunting 8 show mends extra caution 541-504-4400 after 3pm about an Buy/Sel!/Trade all firelines. 6 wks, 3 fems, 2 l information FINEST Craft Fair when purc h asadvertiser, you may ~OO arms. Bend local pays Labradoodles - Mini & males, 1st shots 8 dew- call t h e ing products or serThis Year! Or e g on cash! 541-526-0617 MOrePiXatBendbi)lletin.CO m med size, several colors ormed, happy, healthy! l State vices from out of the Atto rney Sat., Nov. 10, 10-3 541-504-2662 $950. 541-367-8622 CASH!! area. Sending cash, Barn/shop cats FREE, BEND ELKS LODGE l General's O ff i ce FORD F150 XL 2005. This truck For Guns, Ammo 8 • Santa on-siteali day! checks, or credit in- some tame, some not. Yorkie AKC 2 male pups, l Consumer ProtecReloading Supplies. • ATM available f ormation may b e tion ho t l in e at can haul it all! Extra Cab, 4x4, We deliver! Fixed, shots. small big eyes shots 541-406-6900. • ElksLodge sells lunch subjected to fraud. FIND YOUR FUTURE 541-369-6420 health gua r antee,l 1-677-677-9392. and a tough VB engine will get Beautiful gifts, wreaths, For more i nforma$650+, 541-316-0005. HOME INTHE BULLETIN the job done on the ranch! swags,garden art, cards, tion about an adverDON'TMISS THIS goat milk soaps, loomtiser, you may call Your future is just a page Yorkie purebred male 8 woven jewelry, scarves, the O r egon State away. Whether you're looking female puppies, 9 wks, $500. 541-460-3684 red, purple hats, jewelry, Attorney General's for a hat or a place to hangit, 212 DO YOU HAVE rings, stunning artisan The Bulletin Classified is SOMETHING TO Office C o n sumer 210 Antiques & jewelry,quiltings, knitted Protection hotline at u your best source. SELL QUAINT CABIN ON 10 ACRES! socks, jams, jellies, Furniture & Appliances Collectibles 1-677-877-9392. Boxer Pups, AKC / CKC, FOR $500 OR Every day thousandscf Modern amenities and all the quiet chutneys, baked goods. 1st shots, very social LESS? Unique, artisan gifts! buyers and sellers of goods The Bulletin reserves $700. 541-325-3376 you will need.Roomto grow in your Non-commercial The Bulletin A1 Washers&Dryers and services do busi n ess in Boyd Acres at Empire Serwny Central Oregon anre 19ts the right to publish all advertisers may own little paradise! Call now. $150 ea. Full warAve., in Bend these pages.They know ads from The Bulletin Chihuahua pups, very place an ad ranty. Free Del. Also you can't beat The Bul l etin newspaper onto The tiny, 1st shots/dewormed. with our Add wanted, used W/D's BEND'S HOMELESS NEED OUR HELP! Classified Section for 2 I $250. 541-977-4686 Bulletin Internet web"QUICK CASH 541-280-7355 The cold weather is upon us and sadly there are selection and convenience site. Attention-Getting SPECIAL" still over 2,000 folks in our community without - every item isjust a phone CORGI PUPSI 1 week3lines 12 permanent shelter, living in cars, makeshift call away. The Bulletin Graphics AKC 3F $600. Champ 8 OI' Wwing Central Oregon «nw 1903 Get your camps, getting by as best they can. Obed lines, ready Nov 24 ! The Classified Section is ~2 k For an additional The following items are badly needed to business 12. Vax/ Micro/Vet check easy tc use. Every item 242 Ad must help them get through the winter: '3 per week RogueAcres© is categorized andevery include price of Exercise Equipment 541-604-4656 @ CAMPING GEAR of any sort: @ '10 for 4 weeks cartegory is indexed onthe r f $50 0 G ROW I N G New or used tents, sleeping bags, tarps, blankets. or less, or multiple section's front page. e WARM CLOTHING: Rain Gear, Boots, Gloves. Dachshund AKC mini items whose total Total Gym XL in Whether youarelooking for with an ad in does notexceed great condition with PLEASE DROP OFF YOUR DONATIONS AT a home cr need aservice, $375. 541-506-4558 $500. The Bulletin's attachments. Do not THE BEND COMMUNITY CENTER your future is in the pagescf have any room for it. 1036 NE 5thSt.,Bend, Mon.-Sat.9 a.m.-5 p.m. Dachshund male,9 wks "Call A Service The Bulletin Classified. Call Classifieds at Paid $1700; sell $500. To place your ad, visit For Special pick up please call old, 1st shots, ador541-365-5609 Professional" y Call Pam or Mathias or call 365-5809 Ken @ 541-369-3296 able. $300 to good The Bulletin 541-923-6303 Directory PLEASE HELP, YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE. home. 541-447-0113. 0
Show Your Stuff. Sell Your Stuff.
l l l l l l l l
CircleThis •
LThe Bulleting
$ Prke Lowered$
541-385-5809 or go to
Edited by Will Shortz Across 1 Like the people on the Forbes 400 list 5 Mountains out of molehills 10 fa c t o 14 Restatement? 15 First group to get invites 16 Like an "Open 24 hours" sign,
35 Crosswise, at sea 36 Some genetic coding, for short 37 Dramatic cry 38 Sneaked 39 Do some post office work 40 Crony 41 Wipe the board clean 42 Possible result of doing questionable accounting 43 NASA launch of 1990 46 Untreated 47 Cricket World
61 Programme shower 62 Operating system since 1969 63 Leave rolling in the aisles 64 Witchcraft trials city 65 John, Paul or John Paul
Musical Instruments
To ols
Technics piano k e yboard perfect cond. Was $1500 new; sell $425 obo. 541-388-2706
22 24
45 46
'UNDER '500in total merchandise
OVER '500in total merchandise
7 days.................................................. $10.00 14 days ................................................ $16.00
Garage Sale Special
4 days .................................................. $18.50 7 days .................................................. $24.00 14 days .................................................$33.50 28 days .................................................$61.50
4 lines for 4 days..................................
(call for commercial line ad rates)
Starting at 3 lines
*Must state prices in ad
Puzzle by Ethah Cooper
31 Tortellini in
(Italian dish) 32 Tearopen 33 Not glossy, as a photo
42 e x a mple 44 Light, as a conversation 45 Louis Braille or Louis Chevrolet
51 Most eligible for service 52 Grinding place
54 "What were you 48 Joins as a couple thinking?!" 49 Word repeated 55 Common game 39 Was obsequious, before "the 38 Army barber's specialties
show prize
Bid Novv!
IVtORNINlf STAR [zuuu1 1nIIu
1-Year Middle SchoolTuition
PLEASE NOTE:Check your ad for accuracy the first day it appears. Please call us immediately if a correction is needed. Wewill gladly accept responsibility for one incorrect insertion. The publisher reserves the right to accept or reject any ad at anytime, classify and index any advertising based on the policies of these newspapers. The publisher shall not be liable for any advertisement omitted for any reason. Private Party Classified ads running 7 or more days will publish in the Central OregonMarketplace eachTuesday. 476
Split, Dry
>QO rj0rj
$20 / ord, Delivery included! 541-923-6987, Iv msg.
Farm Equipment • & Machinery • For newspaper delivery, call the Circulation Dept. at 541-385-5800 To place an ad, call 541-385-5809 or email
3S~.3~ +~/ JV Jiff J~)'ll JJ~
Employment Opportunltles
Buy New...auy Local
You Can Bid On: 1 Week Rental 331 Mini Excavator Bobcat of Central Oregon (Bidding ends Nov. 13, at Bpm)
Fuel & Wood
A Payment Drop Box is available at CLASSIFIED OFFICE HOURS: Bend City Hall. CLASSIFICATIONS MON.-FRI. 7:30 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. BELOW M A R K E D W ITH AN ( * ) REQUIRE PREPAYMENT as well as any out-of-area ads. The Bulletin The Bulletin reserves the right to reject any ad at bendbuueun,com any time. is located at: 1777 S.W. Chandler Ave. Bend, Oregon 97702
53 Firehouse fixture
informally gang's all here" 22 fo l d er 5 0 "Como ? " 59 Guitar, slangily 25 Kind of infection 41 Israeli carrier 26 Pacific island For answers, call 1-900-285-5656, $1.49 a minute; or, with a credit card, 1-800-814-5554. nation Annual subscriptions are available for the best of Sunday 27 Toothbrush brand crosswords from the last 50 years: 1-888-7-ACROSS. 28 "The H o me,"AT&T users: Text NYTX to 386 to download puzzles, or visit for more information. 1996 Emilio Online subscriptions: Today's puzzle and more than 2,000 past Estevez film puzzles, ($39.95 a year). 29 Carrying a lot? Share tips: Crosswords for young solvers: 30 Push away
Place a photoin your private partyad for only$15.00 per week.
Misc. Items
Bid Novv!
Thursday • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Noon Wed. Fr i d ay. . . .. . • • • • • • . • • • • • • . • • Noon Thurs. Saturday Real Estate.. . . . . . . . . . 1 1 :00 am Fri. Saturday • • • •. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3: 0 0 pm FrI • Sunday. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 5500 pm FrI •
Tuesday•••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Noon Mons Wednesday •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 5 Noon Tuess
23 25
Monday • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 5 5:00 pm Fris
18 20
1 One who knows what it means to travel 2 Cake decorator 3 Spiced Indian tea Cup powerhouse: 4 Feedback producers Abbr. 5 Add for good 48 Beginning of 20-, measure 25- or 43-Across 6 Oil of 56 Minimal resistance 7 Straight-bladed dagger 57 Coupling 58 Spanish-speaking 8 Home for Ibsen explorer 9 Observed intently 60 Airhead 10 Locked up 11 Furtivelook ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE 12 Nothing to write M EC C A R A ) A S A B E home about A T L A S A L A S A N O N 13 Airing F L I T F O B S S C E NT 21 Went80or90,
17 It's impressive 18 Former French first lady Bruni-Sarkozy 19 "Surely you 20 "The Tsar's Bride" composer 23 N.Y.S.E, debut 24 Prefix with -logue 25 It has its own Grammy category 34 Taken into account in terms of a container's weight
W anted Used F a r m Equipment & Machinery. Looking to buy, or consign of good used quality equipment. Deschutes Valley Equipment
Schools 8 Training
TRUCK SCHOOL www. Redmond Campus Student Loans/Job Waiting Toll Free 1-888-387-9252
Can be found on these pages:
Food Service Waitresses, bartenders and line cook for busy country-style restaurant in Redmond. Min. 2 years exp. Please send resume to 1greatseat4u2@gmail .com
EMPLOYMENT 410 - Private Instruction 421 - Schools andTraining 454- Looking for Employment 470 - Domestic & In-Home Positions 476 - EmploymentOpportunities 466 - Independent Positions
Livestock Truck Driver Must have CDL,2yrs exp, progressive co., 401k, $50,000/yr, insurance NW only. 541-475-6681
Employment Opportunities
Employment Opportunltles
Sales Consultant Have an item to ROBBERSON 4 Buildlng Materlals 541-548-8385 You Can Bid On: sell quick? The Bulletin One Year Middle School Tuition If it's under Bid NotN! Robberson Ford do housecleaning in Morning Star Hay, Graln & Feed5 Will Pre-Owned Sales, '500 you can place it in Terrebonne & Crooked SUPER TOP SOIL Christian School home of Bend's best www.haraha aoaandbartccom River Ranch. Have (Bidding ends Good horse hay, barn The Bulletin Screened, soil & com- stored, no rain, $225 openings Tues, Wed. warranty, is seeking a Nov. 13, at Bpm) Classifieds for: top producing experipost m i x ed , no ton, and $8.25 bale. Thurs. 541-379-1741 rocks/clods. High hu- Delivery enced sales profesava i lable. 476 m us level, exc. f o r sional. We are locally Need to get an '10 - 3 lines, 7 days 541-410-4495. flower beds, lawns, Employment owned and recently ad in ASAP? Buy New...auy Local '16 - 3 lines, 14 days straight Wanted: Irrigated farm won both the gardens, Opportunities You Can Bid On: You can place it s creened to p s o i l . ground, under pivot ir(Private Party ads only) President's Award for $2500 Bathtub or Bark. Clean fill. Decustomer service and online at: riqation, i n C e n tralCaregiver Shower Makeover liver/you haul. OTL 541-419-2713 the Chamber of Prineville Senior care Gift Certificate 541-548-3949. Commerce Large h ome l o oking f o r Machinist Re-Bath of Central Wheat Straw: Certified& Business of the Year for multiple KEITH Mfg. Co. 541-385-5809 Oregon Bedding Straw 8 Garden Caregiver Award. s hifts, part-time t o has an opening for a (Bidding ends Straw;Compost.546-6171 We offer competitive Lost & Found full-time. Pass CNC Mac h i nist. Buying Diamonds Nov. 13, at Bpm) pay, and outstanding criminal background Perform setup and /Gold for Cash benefits including emAttn: archery hunters Looking for your check. 541-447-5773. operate a variety of Saxon's Fine Jewelers ployee medical, dencamped at L o okout next employee? Mazak CNC lathes, Bid NotN! 541-389-6655 tal, and supplemental Mtn. just outside Praii ncluding live t o ol Place a Bulletin DO YOU NEED insurance, vacation, BUYING rie City... they l e ft and fourth axis, to help wanted ad A GREAT Lionel/American Flyer 401k 8 profit sharing. something at camp, I make prec i sion today and EMPLOYEE Clean driving record trains, accessories. found it and would like parts. Maintain rereach over RIGHT NOW? 541-408-2191. required. to return it. Call Dave quired tooling sup60,000 readers Call The Bulletin 541-643-5990 plies. Inspect parts Apply in person at BUYING & SE L LING each week. before 11 a.m. and and adjust programs Robberson Ford All gold jewelry, silver Your classified ad get an ad in to pubBuy New...auy Local F ound c a mera a n d Pre-Owned and gold coins, bars, and tools to conform will also lish the next day! You Can Bid On: charger unit, vicinity of to prints. Minimum 2 Ask for Tony or Greg rounds, wedding sets, appear on 541-385-5809. VA Clinic and old C.O. class rings, sterling sil- 22' X 22' Stick Built years e x p erience 2770 N.E. 2nd Street, VIEW the Garage Audiology Clinic. ver, coin collect, vinCNC Lathe Set Up, Bend, OR 97701. Classifieds at: 541-382-1560 which currently tage watches, dental HiLine Homes with an emphasis on Robberson Ford is a receives over gold. Bill Fl e ming, (Bidding ends Mazak lathes and drug free workplace. 541-382-9419. Found Chainsaw, call to Nov. 13, at Bpm) 1.5 million page Mazak pr o g ramEOE. identify: 210-749-9198 views every Emergency ming software. Must COWGIRL CASH (in Bend). REDMOND Habitat month at no b e able t o l if t 5 0 Medical We buy Jewelry, Boots, RESTORE extra cost. pounds. C o mpetiVintage Dresses 8 Technician Found ring at Tumalo The Bulletin tive wage and benBulletin More. 924 Brooks St. Building Supply Resale Falls trail head. Email: efit package. Send I Recommends extra Quality at Classifieds 541-678-5162 Jefferson County EMS gbquissell © caution when purLOW PRICES letter and Get Results! District has an open- cover chasing products or I 1242 S. Hwy 97 sume to: Call 541-385-5809 ing for a full-time EMT services from out of 541-548-1406 KE!TH Mfg. Co. MOVING SALE or place your ad position. JCEMSD, loGood classified ads tell I the area. Sending Open to the public. Human Resources, Leather divan, chair, oton-line at cated in Madras, Orthe essential facts in an c ash, checks, o r PO Box 1, toman $500. High-end 266 egon, is a 911 serinteresting Manner. Write Madras, OR 97741 I credit i n f o rmation wicker patio set, $500. vice that provides ALS Heating & Stoves from the readers view - not I may be subjected to Rocking chair, $75. Poror fax to ambulance coverage FRAUD. celain top table/4 chairs the seller's. Convert the 541-475-2169 to a large rural comFor more informaNOTICE TO $135. Landscape tools, facts into benefits. Show Poultry, Rabbits, munity. Closing date I tion about an adver- I king down c omforter, ADVERTISER the reader how the item will for applications is on- Remember.... & Supplles I tiser, you may call $75. Inflatable pontoon Since September 29, help them in someway. November 23. 2012. A dd your we b a d - the Oregon State boat $295. Front load 1991, advertising for This Call 541-475-7476 for dress to your ad and I Attorney General's washer/dryer set $300. used woodstoves has FREE CHICKENS advertising tip applications. Titleist irons/bag $125. been limited to modOffice C o n sumer s A VARIETY readers on The brought to you by Calloway driver/fairway els which have been 541-923-5066 Look at: Bulletin' s web site Protection hotline at I metals $25/ea. SS gas c ertified by the O r The Bulletin will be able to click I 1-877-877-9392. grill $150, misc items. egon Department of TURN THE PAGE through automatically for Complete Listings of Call 520-232-3272 LTh t.; Bulletin Environmental Qualto your site. For More Ads Area Real Estate for Sale Found woman's wedPfaff Model Quilt Expres- ity (DEQ) and the fed- ding ring outside Fred The Bulletin E n v ironmental sions 4.0, l ike n ew, eral A g e ncy Meyers' Call to ID and Automotive Sales sewing, quilting, $1200 Protection Need help fixing stuff? firm. 541-777-0101 (EPA) as having met claim. 541-388-4453. 341 Call A ServiceProfessional smoke emission stanS olid cherry desk & dards. A find the help you need. ASTART YOUR NEW CAREERA cer t ifiedLost man's gold Harley Horses & Equipment chairs top, need reDavidson ring in area w oodstove may b e done $50 0 ;Crosley identified by its certifi- of Northside Bar 8 Abandoned rescue 10-yr Central Oregon'5 Largest Auto Group of New and stereo stackable record cation label, which is G rill on 10/25 . quarter mare, s ound, pre-owned automobiles, Sm ollch H y u n dal changer AM/FM CD/ free to l oving home. Store, is looking to fill positions within our expandattached 541-497-0224. 541-318-4829 Independent Contractor Cass, matching stand, permanently ing auto network. Smolich Motors is an industry to the stove. The Bul$385. 10k Btu window REMEMBER: If you leader with 8 new car franchises and Central letin will no t k n owA/C used 1 mo. $375; have lost an animal, Oregon'5 finest choice of pre-owned vehicles. We ingly accept advertis45 rpm record coll. don't forget to check Farmers Column • offer the opportunity for you to achieve the levels over 1800 1950s-70s ing for the sale of The Humane Society of success and job satisfaction. We are looking for $2000. All prices firm, uncertified in Bend 541-382-3537 Wanted: Irrigated farm highly motivated individuals to join our team of procash only. A n ytime woodstoves. Redmond, ground, under pivot irfessionals. You must have excellent verbal skills, 541-316-1265. 541-923-0882 rigation, i n C e n tral display a professional and positive demeanor, sales 267 OR. 541-419-2713 Prineville, S TUDDED TIRE S , experience is helpful, but not necessary. We proFuel 8 Wood halepa9 adlylaea IWahOawnlee aaaa
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concerns or questions, we suggest you consult your attorney or call CONSUMER HOTLINE, 1-877-877-9392.
BANK TURNED YOU DOWN? Private party will loan on real es-
tate equity Credit no problem, good equity is all you need. Call now. Oregon Land Mortgage 388-4200.
We are seeking a full time Sales Rep to Ioin our successful LOCAL MONEYrWe buy team of i n depensecured trustdeeds & dent con t ractors. note,some hard money loans. Call Pat Kelley Must be goal o riented, m o t ivated, 541-382-3099 ext.13. e nthusiastic, p e r sonable, outgoing, 573 optimistic and good with people. Sales Business Opportunities
experience is preferred, positive attitude required! Must have a valid driver's license, insured vehicle and cell phone. We offer a complete training program, all tools and supplies needed for success, generous commission, d a il y an d weekly bo n uses, cash incentives and unlimited in c o me potential. Email resume to m i
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Looklng for your next employee? Place a Bulletin help wanted ad today and reach over 60,000 readers each week. Your classified ad will also appear on which currently receives over 1.5 rnilion page views every month at no extra cost. Bulletin Classifieds Get Results! Call 385-5809 or place your ad on-line at
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185/70 R14 F a lken Euro Winter Model HS4044, 4 for $125 OBO. 541-390-7159.
OR Craft Cats,
WHEN BUYING FIREWOOD... To avoid fraud,
Wanted- paying cash for Hi-fi audio & stuThe Bulletln dio equip. Mclntosh, recommends payJ BL, Marantz, D y ment for Firewood naco, Heathkit, Sanonly upon dellvery sui, Carver, NAD, etc. and inspectlon. Call 541-261-1808 • A cord is 128 cu. ft. 4' x 4' x 8' WHEN YOU SEE THIS • Receipts should include name, ~OO phone, price and MOre PiXatBendbiletin,COm kind of wood purOn a classified ad chased. go to • Firewood ads MUST include speto view additional cies and cost per photos of the item. cord to better serve our customers. I Commercial/Office Equipment 8 Fixtures
The Bulletin
File cabinets: letter size, locking, no dents or scratches, 4 - drawer,
Dry Juniper Firewood $200 per cord, split. 1/2 cords available. Immediate delivery! 541-408-6193
$70, 2 drawer, $45. 541- 389-6167
serwng Central Oregonznce a03
Your future is just a page Sales Northeast Bend away. Whether you're looking for a hat or a place to hangit, The Bulletin Classified is ** FREE ** your best source. Garage Sale Kit Every day thousandsof Place an ad in The buyers and sellers of goods Bulletin for your gaand services do business in rage sale and rethese pages.They know ceive a Garage Sale you can't beat TheBulletin Klt FREE! Classified Section for selection and convenience KIT I NCLUDES: - every item isjust a phone • 4 Garage Sale Signs call away. • $2.00 Off Coupon To Use Toward Your The Classified Section is Next Ad easy to use. Every item • 10 Tips For "Garage is categorized andevery Sale Success!" cartegory is indexed onthe section's front page. Whether youarelooking for PICK UP YOUR GARAGE SALE KIT at a home orneed aservice, 1777 SW Chandler your future is in the pagesof Ave., Bend, OR 97702 The Bulletin Classified.
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vide all of the tools you need to succeed, including 8 professional training program that will give you the knowledge and confidence to maximize your potential.
We Provide: • Guaranteed Income While Training • Paid Medical Insurance • 401K Retirement Plan
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apply via email at online© Smolich Motors - Hyundai Store 2250 NE Hwy 20 Bend, OR 9770Z 54Z-749-4025
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RENTALS 603 - Rental Alternatives 604 - Storage Rentals 605 - RoommateWanted 616- Want To Rent 627-Vacation Rentals& Exchanges 630- Rooms for Rent 631 - Condos &Townhomes for Rent 632 - Apt./Multiplex General 634 - Apt./Multiplex NEBend 636 - Apt./Multiplex NWBend 638 - Apt./Multiplex SEBend 640 - Apt./Multiplex SWBend 642 - Apt./Multiplex Redmond 646 - Apt./Multiplex Furnished 648 - Houses for RentGeneral 650 - Houses for Rent NE Bend 652- Housesfor Rent NWBend 654- Houses for Rent SEBend 656- Housesfor Rent SWBend 658 - Houses for Rent Redmond 659 - Houses for Rent Sunriver 660 - Houses for Rent LaPine 661 - Houses for Rent Prineville 662 - Houses for Rent Sisters 663 - Houses for Rent Madras 664 - Houses for Rent Furnished 671 - Mobile/Mfd. for Rent 675 - RV Parking 676 Mobile/Mfd.Space
f • •
Rooms for Rent
Apt./Multiplex NE Bend
Studios & Kitchenet!es Call for Specialsl Furnished room, TV w/ Limited numbers avail. cable, micro & fridge. 1, 2 and 3 bdrms. Utils & l inens. New W/D hookups, patios owners.$145-$165/wk or decks. MOUNTAIN GLEN, 541 -383-9313
Professionally managed by Norris & Stevens, Inc. Apt. / Multiplex NE Bend
NE Bend: private bath/en- $299 1st mo. rent!! * try/patio; internet/cbl svc; GET THEM BEFORE laundry. No smkg. $575 THEY ARE GONE! incl utils. 541-317-1879 2 bdrm, 1 bath $530 & $540 Carpor!s & A/C included! Room with a view in SW Fox Hollow Apts. Bend! Own bath, healthy f541) 383-3152 lifestyle preferred; ga- Cascade Rental Mgmt. Co raqe. $500 includes most *Upstairs only with lease ut'ilities. 541-905-9247
Property Management, Inc.
AVAILABLE BEND AREA RENTALS •2 Bdrm, 1 Bath Apt. Near Hospital - Private setting. On site laundry. New carpet. Lots of storage. No Pets. $625.00 yyST •2 Bdrm, 1 Bath SE Duplex - Single garage. Small fenced, natural back yard. Fireplace. W/D Hookups. New carpet & paint. No Pets.
• Furnished 1 Bdrm/2 Bath Condo - next to Pioneer Park. Laundry facilities. Indoor Pool. Murphy bed. Gated community. No pets. $675.00 (All Utilities included except cable) •Furnished 1 Bdrm/1 Bath Condo - Mt. Bachelor Village. Murphy bed, too! Great place to transition or relax. Access to pool & Jacuzzi. Free Wi-Fi. No pets.$675.00 yyST •Open, bright, cheerful 2 Bdrm, 1.5 Bath House - Central location. Huge yard. Single garage.W/D Included. Gas FP. $825.00 WS •Lovely Condo on the River - 2 Bdrm, 2 Bath. Gated community. Single garage. Extra storage room. Gas FP. Vaulted ceilings. W/D Hook-ups. Great Floor plan.$1000.00 VyS •Nice 3 Bdrm/2 Bath off OB Riley Rd. - Extra room for RV behind fence. Large back deck. Open spacious great room feeling. 1674 sq. ft., double garage. $1100.00 •Open spacious 3 Bdrm/2.5 Bath SW Home Near schools. Office at entrance. Hardwood floor. Lots of built-ins & pull outs. Large gas fireplace. Vaulted ceilings. Large upstairs laundry room. Fruit trees. Pets? $1450.00 AVAILABLE REDMOND AREA RENTALS 3 Bdrm/2 Bath SW Home - Fenced back yard with large patio. Dbl. garage. New paint, carpet, appl., EFA+ A/C. 1120 sq.ft. $825.00 *'* FOR ADDITIONAL PROPERTIES ***
CALL 541-382-0053 &lor Stop By the Office at 587 NE Greenwood, Bend
Apt./Multiplex Redmond
SERVICES. Home 8 Commercial Repairs, Carpentry-Painting, Pressure-washing, Honey Do's. On-time promise. Senior Discount. Work guaranteed. 541-389-3361
1550sq ft 3 bdrm 2 bath,
W/D hkup, gas frplce, close to RHS, fenced yd w/garden, 2-car garage. $925. 541-604-4694 854
Houses for Rent SE Bend 20257 Knights Bridge Place, brand new deluxe 3 bdrm, 2t/s bath, 1880 sq. ft. home. $1195. 541-350-2206
Where can you find a helping hand? From contractors to yard care, it's all here in The Bulle!in's "Call A Service Professional" Directory
Houses for Rent Redmond 4 bdrm 2t/g bath, 3-car
garage, fresh paint, 2640 NE 9th. $1250/mo.; $1500 security dep.; no pets. Call 503-804-5045 676
Mobile/Mfd. Space • Space rent $180 mo. • Homes for rent $350 - $495 mo. • Large treed lots • J.D. Riverfront lots • Playground and Community Center • Next to Thriftway • RVs Welcomed, Riverside Home Park 677 W. Main, John Day, Oregon Call Lisa 541-575-1341
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Same Day Response
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1/3 interest in Columbia 400, located at Sunnver. $ 1 38,500. Call 541-647-3718
The Bulletin
CHECK YOUR AD Please check your ad on the first day it runs to make sure it is correct. Sometimes ins tructions over t h e phone are misunderstood and a n e r ror can occur in your ad. If this happens to your ad, please contact us the first day your ad appears and we will be happy!o fix it as s oon as w e c a n . Deadlines are: Weekdays 11:00 noon for next day, Sat. 11:00 a.m. for Sunday and Monday. 541 -385-5809 Thank you! The Bulletin Classified
ge ~
g Wg r r
17' 1984 Chris Craft - Scorpion, 140 HP inboard/outboard, 2 depth finders, trolling motor, full cover, EZ - L oad t railer, $3500 OBO. 541-382-3728. 17' Seaswirl 1988
open bow, rebuilt Chev V 6 e n g ine, new uph o lstery, $3900 obo. Bend. 707-688-4523
low hrs., must see, $15,000, 541-330-3939
9-wQ-44-(I20.5' 2004 Bayliner 205 Run About, 220 HP, V8, open bow, exc. cond., very fast w/very low hours, lots of extras incl. tower, Bimini 8 custom trailer, $19,500. 541-389-1413
20.5' Seaswirl Spyder 1989 H.O. 302, 285 hrs., exc. cond., stored indoors for life $11,900 OBO. 541-379-3530
i ~i
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Pilgrim 27', 2007 5th wheel, 1 s lide, AC, Econoline R V 1 989, TV,full awning, excelfully loaded, exc. cond, lent shape, $23,900. Peterbilt 359 p o table 35K m i. , R e duced 541-350-8629 $17,950. 541-546-6133 water t ruck, 1 9 90, 3200 gal. tank, 5hp slide,Bunkhouse style, r' sleeps 7-8, excellent pump, 4-3" h oses, CAN'T BEAT THIS! camlocks, $ 2 5,000. condition, $ 1 6 ,900, L ook before y o u 541-820-3724 541-390-2504 buy, below market vafue! Size & mileage DOES matter! Utility Trailers Pilgrim In t e rnational Class A 32' Hurrir~ cane by Four Winds, 2005, 36' 5th Wheel, 2007. 12,500 mi, all Model¹M-349 RLDS-5 amenities, Ford V10, Fall price $ 2 1,865. Ithr, cherry, slides, 541-312-4466 Big Tex Landscaplike new! New low Sprinter 272RLS, 2009 29', weatherized, like ing/ ATV Trailer, price, $54,900. n ew, f u rnished 8 dual axle flatbed, 541-548-5216 7'x16', 7000 lb. ready!o go, incl Wineard S a tellite dish, GVW, all steel, Gulfstream S cen i c )26,995. 541-420-9964 $1400. Cruiser 36 ft. 1999, 541-382-4115, or Cummins 330 hp dieRegal Prowler AX8 Ex541-280-7024. sel, 42K, 1 owner, 13 treme Edition 38' '05, in. kitchen slide out, 4 slides,2 fireplaces, all '
So~ &sr/
new tires,under cover, hwy. miles only,4 door fridge/freezer ice- Weekend Warrior Toy maker, W/D combo, Hauler 28' 2007, Gen, Interbath t ub 8 fuel station, exc cond. shower, 50 amp pro- sleeps 8, black/gray pane gen 8 m o r e! i nterior, u se d 3X , $55,000. $24,999. 541-948-2310 541-389-9188
Hunter's Delight! Package deal! 1988 Winnebago Super Chief, 3 8K m i l es , gr e a t shape; 1988 Bronco II 4 x4 t o
tow , 1 3 0K
mostly towed miles, nice rig! $15,000 both. 541-382-3964, leave
msg. Itasca Spirit Class C 2007, 20K miles, front entertainment center, all bells 8 whistles, extremely good condition, 2 s l ides, 2 HDTV's, $45,000 OBO. 541-447-5484
Ads published in the "Boats" classification include: Speed, fishing, drift, canoe, house and sail boats. For all other types of watercraft, please see FIND ITl Class 875. SUY IT! 541-385-5809 SELL IT! The Bulletin Classifieds
maple cabs, king bed/ What are you bdrm separated w/slide looking for? glass dr,loaded,always garaged,lived in only 3 You'll find it in mo,brand new $54,000, still like new, $28,500, The Bulletin Classifieds will deliver,see, ad¹4957646 for pics. Cory, 541-580-7334 541-385-5809
nd goLd coatrd v'tntage 8 gala sirr e r» tr wedd't g Cageve. ZUKE rt tw'tce, atche ' DES-BE lurnbr de'« ' ssor s wls«'P 2003 g g rror rrp' ,;or arror ' ~ <S. grr nr paio 2 btack tn ' ()0 tkm. B> s. cream 7)t mL $24,0 ent neW, sunro 1' entertain 0 ' 200q HP tchbng D Q AK td $42 tc 50 Cag $75 SOLID 3 TV Pa) e new 3 ev ' center,' f)tsCag g 5,' DESiGNE 2yt. $500. e seat, CR, t seg ~ $25, bo> Iov 200, , b)cyc)e $ ' „se ptart DDP boY's rn(sc, ho r. ~ S $5 many Make 0"" ~ f rnatt
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The Bulletin
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18.5' '05 Reinell 185, V-6 Volvo Penta, 270HP,
Manufactured/ Mobile Homes
There's good stuff in here. Shouldn't YOU be looking.
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Bonded 8 Insured CCB¹181595 I DO THAT! Home/Rental repairs Small jobs to remodels Honest, guaranteed work. CCB¹151573 Dennis 541-317-9768
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Bend, 206-915-1412. 1 /3 interest i n w e l lBig-Foot motorcycle lift, NOTICE equipped IFR Beech Bofo r Ha r l eys.GENERATE SOME exAll real estate adver- ideal nanza A36, new 10-550/ citement in your neigtised here in is sub- $275. 541-788-4844 prop, located KBDN. borhood. Plan a gaject to t h e F e deralHarley Davidson Soft$65,000. 541-419-9510 rage sale and don't F air H o using A c t , Tail D e luxe 2 0 0 7, forget to advertise in Monaco Dynasty 2004, Executive Hangar which makes it illegal white/cobalt, w / pas- classified! 385-5809. loaded, 3 slides, dieat Bend Airport to advertise any pref- senger kit, Vance 8 Carri-Lite Luxury 2009 sel, Reduced - now (KBDN) erence, limitation or Hines muffler system by Carriage 4 slide$119,000, 5 4 1 -92360' wide x 50' deep, discrimination based & kit, 1045 mi., exc. gerr>ng Central Oregon rinre r903 outs, inverter, satel8572 or 541-749-0037 w/55' wide x 17' high on race, color, reli- c ond, $19,9 9 9 , lite sys, fireplace, 2 bi-fold door. Natural gion, sex, handicap, 541-389-9188. flat screen TVs. Used out-drive gas heat, office, bathfamilial status or nar parts - Mercury $60,000. Harley Heritage ILII g room. Parking for 6 !ional origin, or inten541-480-3923 Softail, 2003 OMC rebuilt mac ars. A djacent t o tion to make any such in extras, rine motors: 151 Frontage Rd; g reat preferences, l i m ita- $5,000+ L rea'» $2000 paint job, $1595; 3.0 $1895 visibility for a viation tions or discrimination. 30K mi. 1 owner, bus. 4.3 (1993), $1995. Southwind 35.5' Triton, We will not knowingly For more information 541-948-2126 541-389-0435 accept any advertis2008,V10, 2 slides, Duplease call pont UV coat, 7500 mi. ing for r ea l e s tate 541-385-8090 Want to impress the Bought new at which is in violation of 875 or 209-605-5537 $132,913; Fleetwood Wilderness relatives? Remodel this law. All persons Watercraft asking $93,500. 36', 2005, 4 s l ides, are hereby informed your home with the HD FAT BOY Call 541-419-4212 rear bdrm, fireplace, that all dwellings adhelp of a professional AC, W/D hkup beau1996 vertised are available Completely rebuilt/ tiful u n it ! $ 3 0 ,500. from The Bulletin's on an equal oppor!u541-815-2380 "Call A Service customized, low nity basis. The Bullemiles. Accepting ofProfessional" Directory tin Classified fers. 541-548-4807 2007 SeaDoo Just too many 2004 Waverunner, HD Screaming Eagle ~ljcollectibles? excellent condition, Electra Glide 2005, LOW hours. Double 103" motor, two tone K omfort 25' 2 0 06, 1 Sell them in trailer, lots of extras. candy teal, new tires, AC, TV, awning. Pioneer Spirit 1 8CK, slide, $10,000 The Bulletin Classifieds 23K miles, CD player, 2007, used only 4x, AC, NEW: tires, converter, 541-719-8444 hydraulic clutch, exelectric tongue j ack, batteries. Hardly used. ONLY 1 OWNERSHIP cellent condition. $15,500. 541-923-2595 SHARE LEFT! 541-385-5809 Highest offer takes it. Ads published in "Wa- $8995. 541-389-7669 Economical flying in Advertise your car! 541-480-8080. tercraft" include: Kayyour ow n C e ssna 750 Take care of Add A Picture! aks, rafts and motor172/180 HP for only Honda Elite 80 2 001, Reach thousands of readers! Redmond Homes rzed $ 10 000r Based a t personal your investments 1400 mi., absolutely Call 541-385-5809 watercrafts. For The Bulletin Ctassifieds BDN. Call Gabe a t like new., comes w/ with the help from " boats" please s e e Professional Airi carrying rack for 2" Looking for your next The Bulletin's 541-388-0019 receiver, ideal for use Class 870. emp/oyee? 541-385-5809 w/motorhome, $995, "Call A Service Place a Bulletin help 541-546-6920 wanted ad today and Professional" Directory Trucks & reach over 60,000 Heavy Equipment readers each week. Softail Deluxe ROUA Digorgio 1971 Your classified ad 880 3585 2008, 2010, 805 miles, fridge, heater, propane MONTANA will also appear on exc. cond., 3 slides, Motorhomes & elec. Iights, awning, Black Chameleon. king bed, Irg LR, Arc2 spares, extra insu$17,000 which currently re!ic insulation, all oplation for late season Call Don O ceives over tions $37,500. hunting/cold weather 1.5 million page 541-410-3823 541-420-3250 camping, well maint, views every month very roomy, sleeps 5, Nuyya 29 7LK Hi t c h- Diamond Reo Du mp at no extra cost. reat f o r hu n t ing, 870 Bulletin Classifieds Hiker 2007, 3 slides, Truck 19 7 4, 1 2 -14 W~yjg 2950, 541-410-6561 32' touring coach, left yard box, runs good Get Results! Boats & Accessories Country Coach Intrigue kitchen, rear lounge, $6900, 541-548-68121 Call 385-5809 or 2002, 40' Tag axle. many extras, beautiful place your ad on-line 13' Smokercraft '85, 400hp Cummins Diec ond. inside & o u t , G K E A T at sel. tw o s l ide-outs. good cond., 15HP $34,499 OBO, 4 1,000 miles, n e w gas Evinrude + ille. 541-447-5502 days tires & batteries. Most Minnkota 44 elec. & 541-447-1641 eves. options.$95,000 OBO Hyster H25E, runs 773 motor, fish finder, 2 541-678-5712 S pringdale 2005 27', 4' well, 2982 Hours, Acreages extra seats, trailer, slide rn dining/living area, $3500, call sleeps 6, low mi,$15,000 extra equip. $3200. 541-749-0724 t
NOTICE: Oregon state Kelly Kerfoot Const. N OTICE: O RE G O N on your site,541.548.5511 law req u ires any- 28 yrs exp in Central OR! Landscape Contrac- one who co n t ractsQuality 8 honesty, from tors Law (ORS 671) for construction work carpentry & handyman r equires a l l bu s i - FIND YOUR FUTURE to be licensed with the jobs, to expert wall cov- nesses that advertise HOME INTHE BULLETIN C onstruction Con - ering install / removal. t o p e r form L a n dtractors Board (CCB). Sr. discounts CCB¹47120 scape C o n struction Your future is just a page A n active lice n se Licensed/bonded/insured which includes: away. Whetheryou're looking means the contractor 541-389-1413 / 410-2422 p lanting, deck s , for a ha! or a place!o hang it, i s bonded an d i n fences, arbors, The Bulletin Classified is s ured. Ver if y t h e Just bought anewboat? w ater-features, a n d your best source. contractor's CCB installation, repair of Sell your ol d one i n the Every day thousandsof c ense through t h e irrigation systems to ASkabOut OI!r be licensed with the buyers andsellers of goods CCB Cons u m er CIBSSifiedS! Website Landscape Contrac- and services do business in SuperSellerrates! www.hirealicensedcontractor. t ors B o a rd . Th i s these pages.They know com 541-385-5809 4-digit number is to be you can't beat TheBulletin or call 503-378-4621. Classified Section for included in all adverThe Bulletin recom- Landscaping/Yard Care tisements which indi- selection and convenience mends checking with cate the business has - every item is just a phone the CCB prior to concall away. a bond,insurance and trac!ing with anyone. workers c ompensa- The Classified Section is Some other t rades tion for their employeasy to use. Every item also req u ire addi- Z~r/dd zQuaEiip ees. For your protec- is categorized andevery tional licenses a nd tion call 503-378-5909 cartegory is indexed onthe Za~<0a ~r,. certifications. or use our website: sec!ion's front page. to More Than Service I De b ris Removal check license status Whether you are looking for Peace Of Mind before co n t racting a home orneed aservice, JUNK BE GONE with t h e bu s iness. your future is in thepagesof I Haul Away FREE The Bulletin Classified. Fall Clean Up Persons doing landDon't track it in all Winter For Salvage. Also scape m aintenance •Leaves Cleanups & Cleanouts do not require a LCB The Bulletin •Cones rrrrt g Central Orrgar rmrr 19tg Mel, 541-389-8107 license. • Needles
perience, references, Senior discounts!
FACTORy SPECIAL New Home, 3 bdrm, $48,900 finished
Professional housecleaning: 25 yrs. ex-
Travel Trailers • 0t
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Looking for your next employee? I YOURBOAT ... i Place a Bulletin help with o u r spec i al wanted ad today and rates for selling your I reach over 60,000 ] boat or watercraft! readers each week. Jayco Seneca 2 007, 17K mi., 35ft., Chevy Your classified ad 745 850 I Place an ad in The will also appear on 5500 d i e sel, to y Homes for Sale Snowmobiles B ulletin w it h ou r hauler $130 , 000. I 3-month package 541-389-2636. which currently reBANK OWNED HOMES! S nowmobiles (2) o n which includes: ceives over 1.5 miltrailer, s n o wmobiles FREE List w/Pics! lion page views n eed s o m e wor k ] *5 lines of text and ery month at no bend and beyond real estate $1500. 541-312-9292 a photo or up to 10 extra cost. Bulletin 20967 yeoman, bend or I lines with no photo. Classifieds Get ReNo Reserve *Free online ad at sults! Call 385-5809 Timed Online I bendbulle! or place your ad AUCTION *Free pick up into on-line at Snowmobile trailer Immaculate! ~ The Central Oregon ~ Ends Nov.14th Beaver Coach Marquis 2002, 25-ft InterBuilding Lot in ProngI Nickel ads. 40' 1987. New cover, state & 3 sleds, h orn S u b . 23 0 1 3 new paint (2004), new $10,900. Canyon View Loop I Rates start at$46. I inverter (2007). Onan 541-480-8009 Fifth Wheels • Selling to the Highest 6300 watt gen, 111K mi, Call for details! Bidder 28 Properties parked covered $35,000 541-385-5809 in 5-States! 880 obo. 541-419-9859 or 28' HR Alumascape 1998 with slider, very Motorcycles & Accessories 541-280-2014 208-377-5700 LThe Bulleting nice, clean. $6500.
Call54!3855809topromoteyagrservice Advertisefor28daysstartingat'If(I(rlrrsrperrorpsrkat irnorsrariableonaurwerrrirrt
I Domestic Services
Boats & Accessories
682- Farms, RanchesandAcreage 687- Commercial for Rent/Lease 693- Office/Retail Space for Rent REAL ESTATE 705 - Real Estate Services 713 - Real Estate Wanted 719- Real Estate Trades 726 - Timeshares for Sale 730- New Listings 732- Commercial Properties for Sale 738 - Multiplexes for Sale 740- Condos &Townhomes for Sale 744 - OpenHouses 745- Homes for Sale 746- Northwest BendHomes 747 -Southwest BendHomes 748- Northeast BendHomes 749- Southeast BendHomes 750- RedmondHomes 753 - Sisters Homes 755- Sunriver/La Pine Homes 756- Jefferson CountyHomes 757- Crook CountyHomes 762- Homes with Acreage 763- Recreational HomesandProperty 764- Farms andRanches 771 - Lots 773 - Acreages 775 - Manufactured/Mobile Homes 780- Mfd. /Mobile Homes with Land
Rooms for Rent
Classifj.eds Cla.s'sifieds
Sp o rt Utility Vehicles Sport Utility Vehicles •
Aut o m obiles
Automobiles •
Chevy Silverado 1500 LTE 2009, crew cab.
Toyota Camry's: 1984, $1200 obo; 1985 SOLD; 1986 parts car, $500. Call for details, 541-548-6592
¹145111. $ 2 3 ,995
BOATS &RVs 805 - Misc. Items 850 - Snowmobiles 860 - MotorcyclesAndAccessories 865 - ATVs 870 - Boats & Accessories 875 - Watercraft 880 - Motorhomes 881 - Travel Trailers 882 - Fifth Wheels 885 - Canopies andCampers 890- RVsfor Rent
AUTOS &TRANSPORTATION 908 - Aircraft, Parts andService 916- Trucks andHeavy Equipment 925 - Utility Trailers 927 - Automotive Trades 929 - Automotive Wanted 931 - Automotive Parts, Service and Accessories 932- Antique andClassic Autos 933 - Pickups 935- Sport Utility Vehicles 940 - Vans 975 - Automobiles
liQli S
Buick Enclave 2008 CXL Porsche Cayenne 2004, Chrysler Sebring2006 AWD, V-6, black, clean, 86k, immac, dealer Fully loaded, exc.cond, 541-598-3750 m echanicall y sound, 82k maint'd, loaded, now very low miles (38k), miles. $21,995. $1 7000. 503-459-1 580 always garaged, Call 541-815-1216 transferable warranty Toyota Corolla 2004, Chevy y2-ton 1992, PS, 940 incl. $8600 auto., loaded, o rig. PB, AT, new plates, runs Chevy Tahoe LS 2001 541-330-4087 owner, non smoker, Vans grt, $1500. 541-923-4338 4x4. 120K mi, Power exc. cond. $7000 firm seats, Tow Pkg, 3rd Ford Crown Vic. Prineville 503-358-8241 row seating, e xtra 1997 4 door, 127k, Toyotas: 1999 Avalon tires, CD, prNacy tintd rives, runs a n d 254k; 1996 Camry, ing, upgraded rims. 98k, 4 cyl. Lots of Fantastic cond. $7995 looks great, extra miles left in these set of winter tires on Contact Tim m at 541-408-2393 for info cars. Price? You tell Ford 250 XLT 1990, rims, only $3000. 932 Chevrolet G20 Sportsme! I'd guess 6 yd. dump bed, or to view vehicle. 541-771-6500. man, 1993, exlnt cond, Antique & $2000-$4000. 139k, Auto, $5500. $4750. 541-362-5559 or Classic Autos Your servant, Bob at 541-410-9997 541-663-6046 Ford Explorer 4x4, People Look for Information 541-318-9999, no 1991 - 154K miles, charge for looking. 4 Studless winter tracAbout Products and Ford F250 2002 rare 5-speed tranny tion tires on wheels, Chevy Astro Services Every Day through Volkswagen Jetta SE, Supercab 7.3 diesel, & manual hubs, 225/60R-16, $350. Cargo Van 2001, The Bulletin Classitieds 2008. 40,500 mi, Great 130,000 miles, great Mercury M o n terrey Chrysler SD 4-Door clean, straight, ev541-410-0886 pw, pdl, great cond., condition, FWD, ABS, 1965, Exc. All original, shape with accessoeryday driver. Bring 1930, CD S R oyal business car, well automatic, AC, moonries. $14,900. 4-dr. sedan, in stor2200 dollar bills! Infinity G35 Coupe NEED HOLIDAY $$$? Standard, 8-cylinder, maint'd, regular oil roof, CD/MP3 8 much 541-923-0231 day or We pay CASH for age last 15 yrs., 390 Bob, 541-318-9999 2004, B l a ck , 1 body is good, needs changes, $4500. more! $12,950 C o m pression 541-923-2582 eves. owner, no accidents, Junk Cars & Trucks! some r e s toration, High Please call 541-771-2312 Iso buying batteries & runs, taking bids, engine, new tires & limanual trans., great 541-633-5149 Just bought a new boat? catalytic converters. c ense, reduced t o cond., n a vigation, WHEN YOU SEE THIS 541-383-3888, Sell your old one in the Serving all of C.O.! 541-815-3318 $2850, 541-410-3425. 74K m i . , $ 6 2 00. classifieds! Ask about our Chevy G-20 c u stom Please call Call 541-408-1090 ~ OO Ford F250 XLT 4x4 Super Seller rates! conversion travel van 541-593-2321 or L ariat, 1990, r e d , 541-385-5809 1994 128k, 5.7L, rear Tires (4) LT265/70R17 email 80K original miles, elect. bed, 75% tires. a On a classified ad on Ford 8-hole wheels johnmason2280O 4" lift with 39's, well real beauty in 8 out! go to 4 0% t r ead, $ 4 0 0. maintained, $ 4 000 Travel in economy and 541-480-9277 style and under $4000. obo. 541-419-5495 to view additional Bob, 541-318-9999 M itsubishi 300 0 G T photos of the item. B a r racuda FIAT 1800 1978, 5-spd, Plymouth 1 999, a u to., p e a r l door panels w/flowers 1966, original car! 300 Antique 8 Find It in w hite, very low m i . hp, 360 V8, centerLooking for your 8 hummingbirds, Need to get an ad $9500. 541-788-8218. Classic Autos lines, (Original 273 The BuBetiu Classifiedsf GMC Yukon XL S LT next employee? white soft top & hard 2004, loaded w/faceng & wheels incl.) in ASAP? Place a Bulletin help 541 385 BBtIB top. Just reduced to tory dvd, 3rd s eat, 541-593-2597 wanted ad today and $3,750. 541-317-9319 $7100. 541-280-6947 reach over 60,000 or 541-647-8483 PROJECT CARS: Chevy Fax it to 541-322-7253 readers each week. 2-dr FB 1949 8 Chevy 1921 Model T Your classified ad Coupe 1950 - rolling The Bulletin Classifieds Delivery Truck will also appear on chassis's $1750 ea., Nissan Sentra, Restored & Runs Chevy 4-dr 1949, com12,610 mi, full warranty, which currently re$9000. piete car, $1949; Ca975 PS, PB, AC,8 more! ceives over 1.5 mil54'I -389-8963 dillac Series 61 1950, 2 Ford Ranger 1999, 4x4, Automobiles $16,000. 541-788-0427 X- c ab , X L T , Jeep Willys 1947,custom, lion page views dr. hard top, complete 7 1K, Ford Galexie 500 1963, every month at w/spare front c l i p., auto, 4 . 0L, $ 8 4 00 small block Chevy, PS, 2 dr. hardtop,fastback, OBO. 541-388-0232 Buick Lucerne CXL no extra cost. BulleOD, mags+trailer. Swap 390 vo,auto, pwr. steer & $3950, 541-382-7391 Call a Pro 2009, $12,500, low tin Classifieds for backhoe.No am calls radio (orig),541-419-4989 Whether you need a low miles; 2000 Buick Get Results! Call please. 541-389-6990 DOH'TMISSIHIS Ford Mustang Coupe Century $2900. You'll fence fixed, hedges 385-5809 or place 1966, original owner, not find nicer Buicks your ad on-line at trimmed or a house I nternational Fla t V8, automatic, great VW Karman Ghia One look's worth a Bed Pickup 1963, 1 Chevy C-20 Pickup built, you'll find shape, $9000 OBO. 1970, good cond., thousand words. Call ton dually, 4 s pd. new upholstery and 1969, all orig. Turbo 44; 530-515-81 99 Bob, 541-318-9999. professional help in trans., great MPG, convertible top. The Bulletin's auto 4-spd, 396, model for an appt. and take a The Bulletin's "Call a could be exc. wood CST /all options, orig. $10,000. drive in a 30 mpg. car "Call A Service Ford Ranchero owner, $22,000, 541-389-2636 hauler, runs great, Lincoln Navigator 2005 Service Professional" Professional" Directory 1979 541-923-6049 new brakes, $1950. great cond., 124k mi., Directory Cadillac Seville STS is all about meeting with 351 Cleveland 541-419-5480. 3 rows seats, DVD 2003 - just finished modified engine. 541-3B5-5B09 Chevy flatbed pickup yourneeds. player, $11,500 cash $4900 engine work Body is in 1969, 3 2 7 en g i ne, only. 541-475-3274 Call on one of the excellent condition, by Certified GM me$4000. 541-388-3029 chanic. Has every$2500 obo. professionals today! ~ Oo 541-420-4677 thing but navigation. Too many bells and VW Thing 1974, good The Bulletin recoml whistles to l i s t. cond. Extremely Rare! mends extra caution I Ford T-Bird 1966 bought a new one. RAM 2500 2003, 5.7L Sell an Item Only built in 1973 8 when p u r chasing 390 engine, power $4900 hemiV8, hd, auto, cruise, Porsche 911 1974, low 1974. $8,000. or services everything, new 541-420-1283 am/fm/cd. $8400 obro. mi., complete motor/ f products 541-389-2636 Chevy Wagon 1957, from out of paint, 54K original 541-420-3634 /390-1285 trans. rebuild, tuned f S ending cthe area. 4-dr., complete, , miles, runs great, suspension, int. & ext. checks, or creditash $7,000 OBO, trades, inexcellent cond. in 8 BULLETIN CLASSIFIEDS Garage Sales refurb., oi l c o o ling, Tick, Tock please call formation may be I out. Asking $8,500. Search the area's most shows new in & out, If it's under$500 541-389-6998 541-480-31 79 subject toFRAUD. Garage Sales comprehensive listing of p erf. m ech. c o n d.I For TiCk, TOCk... more informayou can place it in classified advertising... Much more! Chrysler 300 C o upe Garage Sales real estate to automotive, ...don't let time get $28,000 541-420-2715 f tion about an adverThe Bulletin 1967, 44 0 e n g ine, tiser, you may call merchandise to sporting away. Hire a auto. trans, ps, air, Find them Classifieds for: PORSCHE 914 1974, I the Oregon State I goods. Bulletin Classifieds frame on rebuild, reRoller (no engine), S Attorney General's I professional out appear every day in the in painted original blue, lowered, full roll cage, I Office C o n sumer I print or on line. of The Bulletin's $10-3 lines, 7 days original blue interior, The Bulletin 5-pt harnesses, rac- f Protection hotline at Call 541-385-5809 "Call A Service original hub caps, exc. GMC V~ton 1971, Only ing seats, 911 dash 8 1-877-877-9392. Classifieds $16 • 3 lines, 14 days chrome, asking $9000 $19,700! Original low instruments, d e cent Professional" or make offer. shape, v e r y c o ol! mile, exceptional, 3rd (Private Party ads only) 541-385-5809 Directory today! 541-385-9350 $1699. 541-678-3249 Serving Cenfral Oiegonsince 1903 owner. 951-699-7171 SemtngCentrai Oregon r>nce f903
f J
f f
The Bulletin
The Bulletin
o are or n em"
N ATURE OF T H E APPLICATION Transportation S y st em P l a n (TSP) amendment to address financing portion of 2 002 D LCD remand. APP L ICABLE C R ITERIA: Bend D e v elopment Code Section 4.6.200 and March 1, 2001 DLCD Remand of per iodic review w o r k program task 1 available in City Hall or at the Community Development D e p artment portion of t he City's website. PROPERTY LOCATION : Cityw i d e DATE, TIME, PLACE
AND LOCATION OF THE HEARING: Nov ember 26 , 2 0 1 2 , 5:30 p.m. at 710 NW Wall Street, B e nd, O R, i n Ci t y Ha l l Council C h ambers. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: T he application, all documents and evidence s ubmitted by o r o n behalf of th e a pplicant and the application criteria are available for inspection at City Hall at no cost and will be provided at a r easonable cost. Seven days prior to the hearing a copy of the staff report will be similarly av a i lable. CONTACT PERSON: Rick Root at ( 541) 388-5576,
rrootOci bend or us Send written t e stimony to Rick Root, CDD, 710 NW Wall St. 97701, or attend the meeting and state your views. The ~ hearing will be conducted in accordance with BD C Sec t i on 4.1500. Get your business
a RO W I N G with an ad in The Bulletin's "Call A Service Professional" Directory
a s"-
and yOur adaPPearSin PRINTand ON-LINEat denddulletin.Com
g M
ALL 541-385-5809 F R Y URFREE LA IFIED AD *Excludes all service, hay, wood, pets/animals, plants, tickets, weapons, rentals and employment advertising, and all commercial accounts. Must be an individual item under $200.00 and price of individual item must be included in the ad.
The Bulletin
Ask your Bulletin Sales Representative about special pricing, longer run schedules and additional features. Limit1 ad per item per 30 days.
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9 10
11 12 13 Ad Items Subject To Availability
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POTATO ROLLS Franz 12 Count Pkg Old Fashioned
ggeo = ; . 0
gonnet-~",;'Half the price'
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U.S. ¹1, 5 lb Bag
GREEN BEANS Western Family 14.5 oz Can
One Package Western Family Turkey or Brown
"t ", TURKEY .
.l 0-12 Ib
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Western Family 15 25 oz Can
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63455 Hwy. 97 N. 541-388-2100
We reserve the right to limit quantities • iwiot all items availadle at all locations
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BEER 18 Pack, 12 Oz Cans & Bottles
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CREAMER 16Oz Selected Varieties
Oper 1,OOO NEW Chech Out Our Hem
PROGD0Ut E Department
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$8 LB
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1 Lb Bag
Boneless Whole In Bag
New Crop
$98 LB
QUARTERS Southern Grown
rC '
1 Lb
Red Ripe Best Flavor
Summer Sausage
27 Oz
Y our L o c a l l y O wne d Ad Items Subject To Avoilobility PAGE 4 I TUESDAY, NOV 06,2012 IFOOD 4 LESS - BEND
$3455 Hwy. 97 N., Bend • 541-388-2100
11 12 13
9 10