Bulletin Daily Paper 04-07-14

Page 1

Q 20]4TheMasters

Serving Central Oregon since190375

MONDAY April 7,2014

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Including:Localslift curtain



bendbulletin.com HIT-AND-RUN


Boys who were hit still healing; SUVsought

NCAA iloops —Kentucky's freshmen take onConnecticut for the championship tonight. B1, B7.

HerOin hadit —Former pot growers in Mexico are increasingly fueling U.S. consumption.AS

By Dylan J. Darling

Bendhook sale —Books

By Dylan J. Darling

The Bulletin

by the bag go to benefit libraries.A7

The Bulletin

Apair of Bend middle school boys are still healing

Three popular disc golf courses in the Bend area

from injuries sustained in a March 21 hit-and-run while

have closed in the past six months, leaving only two

l.otterman's departure — What's CBS'nextstep?Ao

Deschutes County Sheriff's

nine-hole courses as offi-

detectives continue their

cial options. Members of the Central Oregon Disc Golf Club pulled up the posts serving as the combined

search for an SUV possibly involved in the Deschutes River Woods incident.

William Jackson Harris, 14, remains at St. Charles Bend while Maverick

37 holes at the Lost and

Found disc golf courses off Cascade Lakes High-

French, 12, ishome

way in late November.

hl worlll nsws —Asignal, possibly from the missing flight's black box, is located.A2

And a Wed exclusiveNew research finds that many Internet trolls are "everyday sadists." bendbulletin.cem/extras

The removal came after U.S. ForestService officials said they planned to close down the courses because of their proximity

campus course to make dormitory. Deschutes National

After small

say there could someday be new courses, but disc golfers say they could be years off. Derived from golf, disc golf is played by


Catherine Hayley is saving up for an important purchase: an updated version of

the tiny digitalpump at her waist that delivers lifesav-

ing insulin under her skin. Such devices, whichtailor insulin dosingmore precisely to the body's needs, have transformedthelives of people with Type 1 diabetes like Hayley. But as diabetics live longer, healthierlives and worries fade about dreaded complications like heart

attacks, kidney failure, amputations andblindness, they have been replaced by anotherpreoccupation: soaring treatment costs. "It looks like a beeper,"

said Hayley, a 36-yearold manager here for an environmental services

company, referring to the vintage2007pump on the waistband of her jeans. "It's made of plastic and runs on triple-Abatteries, but it's the

most expensive thing I own, aside from my house." A new model, along with related treatment supplies, prices out at tens of thou-

Myers of the Central Oregon Disc Golf Club leadership team.

mother of Will, a third-gen-


moved the baskets for its

Forest and COCC officials

New Yorh Times News Service

Cameron Sanford tees off Friday on the disc golf course at Pine Nursery Park while Jake Dudley looks on. Pine Nursery is one of two official courses left open in the Bend area, according to Jeff

wheelchair, Har r is relatives of the young friends said Sunday. "He got hit pretty bad," said Yvonne Drury, 66, of Fr ench Bend, grand-

March, Central Oregon Community College re-


By Elisabeth Rosenthal

around in a

to planned trails. In mid-

way for construction of a

advances, medical bils have soared

but moving

throwing discs toward a target rather than hitting

a ball with a club toward a hole. The disc targets are

still called holes and may be marked by a number of things, from tin cans to

metal baskets specifically designedfordiscgolf. For now, the disc golf options in Bend are courses at Seventh Mountain Resort and Pine Nursery

Andy Tuiiis/The Bulletin

eration Central Oregonian who is also known as Jack.

CentralOregondiscgolf courses While there are manydisc golf courses around Central Oregon, there are fewer than there used to be in and near Bend. In the past six months the Lost and Found courses, on Deschutes National Forest land west of town, and the Central Oregon Community College campus course have closed.

through nine holes in two

Location: Juniper Hills Park east of Madras on Ashwood Rd Amenities: 9 holes, woodchip tees, baskets

Amenities: 9 holes, concrete tees, baskets

el I

Drlf Canyon



Location: Antler Ave. in the

Dry CanyonPark Amenities: 9 holes,

concrete tees,baskets


Sisters and other towns in

said Seventh Mountain

Juniper Hllls

Black Butte Ranch

bers in Bend, Redmond,

has hazards in its first holes, including paths and a swimming pool, and Pine Nursery is busy, making for slow play. "If you go out to Pine Nursery on a Saturday, you will be looking to get

Hyzer Pines



Mt. Bachelor Alpine


course probably will get even busier with the clo-

The Washington Post

Claire Handscombe has


Location: Off of Hwy. 242 near Sisters High School Amenities: 18 holes, rubber tees, baskets

a commitment problem

online. Like a lot of Web surfers, she clicks on links

Pine Nursery Location: Pine Nursery Park off of Purcell Blvd. Amenities: 9 holes,


Location: At Mt. Bachelor ski resort off Century Dr. Amenities: 18 holes, rubber tees, baskets

concrete tees,baskets

SeventhMountain Resort

. Bend

Location: Century Drive Amenities: 9 holes, natural tees, baskets


Lost/Fonnll GLosED 0



reads a few sentences, looks for exciting words, and then grows restless, scampering off to the next page she probably won't commit to. "I give it a few seconds — not even minutes — and then I'm moving again," says Handscombe, a 35-year-old graduate stu-

She finds herselfbehaving

, C.*~

the same waywith a novel.


"It's like your eyes are passing over the words but

sure of the Lost and Found

and COCC courses. SeeDisc golf/A6

posted on social networks,

dent in creative writing at American University. But it's not just online. I

Location: Deschutes National Forest

Scientists track online readingshift By Michael S. Rosenwald

Prin 'lie


hours," he said. Normally a round on a nine-hole course should take 30 to 45 minutes, Myers said. The Pine Nursery

Maverick's father. SeeHit-and-run /A4


Amenities:18 holes, gravel tees, baskets Note: $3 donation requested from non-Crooked River Ranch residents

has about 50 active mem-

miles fvomthe Fvenchhouse Stoveon Baker Roadtoget a snack, said Vince Fvench,50,

Rlver Ranch

Location: RanchHouseRd.

andtheboys decided toride their skateboards about2 to the Riverwoods County


The Colfote's Den atCrooked

Park, said Jeff Myers, of the Central Oregon Disc Golf Club leadership team. The club, which costs $10 a year to join,

the region. Both courses have their limitations, though. Myers

.1 "t,<~

Itwas aFridayevening, the first night of springbieak,

you're not taking in what Source:Central Oregon Disc Golf Club

Greg Cross/The Bulletin

they say," she confessed. SeeReading/A5

sands of dollars for this

year and will cost her about $5,000, even with top-notch insurance. "It's great," Hay-

ley said, "but it all adds up." Traditionally, insurers lost money by covering people with chronicillnesses, because they often ended up hospitalized with myriad complications as their diseases progressed. Today, the routine care costs of

many chronicillnesses eclipse that of acute care

CIA turned 'Doctor Zhivago' into a cold warrior By Peter Finn andPetra Couvee

"not only for its intrinsic message and thought-provoking nature, but also for the circumstances of its publication: We

of the novel behind the Iron

CIAheadquarters in January

Russian-language novel titled "Doctor Zhivago." The book, bypoet Boris Pasternak, had been banned

1958. Inside were two rolls of film from British intelligence

from publication in the Soviet Union. The British were sug-

ganda value," a CIA memo to

allbranch chiefs of the agency's

have the opportunity to make Soviet citizens wonder what is

— pictures ofthepagesofa

gestingthat the CIA get copies

Soviet Russia Division stated,

wrong withtheir government,

The Washington Post

A secret package arrived at

Curtain. The idea immediately

gained traction in Washington. 'This bookhas great propa-

when a fine literary workby the m an acknowledged tobethe

greatest living Russianwriter is not even available in his own country in his own language for his ownpeopleto read." SeeZhivago/A4

because new treatments

thatkeep patients well have become a multibillion-dollar business opportunity for device and drugmakers and medical providers. See Medical bills/A5

TODAY'S WEATHER Sunny High 70, Low40 Page B10

INDEX Calendar A7 - 8 C rosswords C 4 L o cal/State A 7- 8SportsMonday 81-10 Classified C 1 - 6Dear Abby A9 Movies A9 Tee to Green B8-9 Comics/Puzzles C3-4 Horoscope A9 Na tion/World A 2 T elevision A9

The Bulletin AnIndependent Newspaper

Vol. 112, No. 97,

26 pages, 3 sections

Q tt/ire userecyc/ed newsprint


8 8 267 02329



The Bulletin



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i na

ADMINISTRATION Chairwoman Elizabeth C.McCool..........541-383-0374 Publisher Gordon Black .................... Editor-in-Chief John Costa........................541-383-0337

missin 'e

By Kirk Semple

ment offered the most hope

New York Times News Service

so far that after more than refined the search coordinates four w e ek s of fr ui t l e ss andinthe past weekand ahalf,


L U M PUR, M a -

laysia — The chief of the Aus- searching across vast areas tralian team coordinating the of sea and land in the Eastern search for Malaysia Airlines Hemisphere, officials might Flight 370 said early today that finally be zeroing in on conan Australian vessel had de- crete evidence of the plane tected "transmissions consis- and its fate. tent with" flight data recorder A discovery of the plane usand cockpit voice recorders, ing the sonic technology would possibly from the missing jet. be extraordinaryconsidering "Clearly this is a most prom- that the batteries in the black ising lead," the investigator, boxes are expected to expire Angus Houston, said at a news as soon as this week. Once the conference from Perth, Austra- batteries are dead, the boxes'

Further data analysis has

focused on an broad swath of

the Indian Ocean hundreds of miles off the coast of Western Despite these efforts, no confirmed debris has been found. Before the announcement

early today, searchers' hope had shifted over the weekend to a spot about 375 southwest

take some days to confirm that

ating, making the discovery of of Ocean Shield, and about undersea wreckage far more 1,000 miles northwest of Perth, difficult. where a Chinese ship in the Search forces deployed the search flotilla had reported underwater listening technolo- that it had captured two signals gy beginning only last Friday thought to be from the flight's in a last-ditch effort to try to black boxes. hearthe black boxes' signals A ship from the British navy before they faded. also equipped with sophistiThe Malaysia Airlines plane cated underwater sensors had disappearedMarch 8 with 239 been diverted from another people on board after it veered area in the Indian Ocean to off itsscheduled route from investigate the findings of the Kuala Lumpur to Beijing, dis- Chinese vessel, Haixun 0 1, appearing from civilian and which reported that its own military radar. Based on the underwater listening devices analysis of satellite data, offi- had picked up signals Friday cials concluded that the flight and Saturday that were consisended somewhere in the south- tent with the pings emitted by a plane's black boxes. ern Indian Ocean.

the missingplane. The Australian vessel, the Ocean Shield, had twice detect-

ed signals in the Indian Ocean thought to be from the plane's data and cockpit voice record-

black boxes." But he noted that might take officials several days to confirm that the acoustic noises were from the missing plane. "In deep oceanic water, noth-

ing happens fast," he added. Even with Houston's caveats, however, the announce-

RWaIIdan gSIIOCiIi8 —Stung by critical remarks from Rwanda's president that laid some of the blamefor that country's1994 genocide at the door of France, theFrench government has scaled back its planned participation in the 20th anniversary commemoration of the massacres. Christiane Taubira, France's justice minister, had been expected to attend the ceremonies today in Kigali, the Rwandancapital. But in a statement Sunday,the Foreign Ministry announced that "under these conditions," she would not take part. The statement was issued after comments by RwandanPresident Paul Kagame inan interview that will be published today in JeuneAfrique, a French-language magazine, becamepublic. According to Radio France International, Kagametold the magazinethat both France and Belgium (Rwanda hadbeen aBelgian colony) had adirect role in the "political preparation for the genocide."


sonicbeacons willcease oper-

the acoustic noises were from

EXeCutiVe Order — Lacking congressional support to raise wages or end gender paydisparities, President Barack Obamais again imposing his policies on federal contractors, in keeping with presidents' tradition of exerting their powers on afraction of the economy they directly control. Obama will sign an executive order Tuesdaybarring federal contractors from retaliating against employeeswho discuss their pay with each other. Theorder is similar to language in aSenate bill aimed at closing a paygapbetween menandwomen. That measure is scheduled for avote this week but is unlikely to pass.

the search, which has included a flotilla of ships and daily reconnaissancefl ights by aircraftfrom severalnations,has

lia. But he added that it might

The signals were "consistent with those emitted by aircraft Dtsouies rr

8 8CB ,


ers, Houston said. Si sil.rva

ROOIIeydeath — Mickey Rooney, a celebrated child actor who embodied the All-American boy in the "AndyHardy" films of the 1930s and '40s andbecameoneof the era's top box-office draws, has died. Hewas 93. TheLos Angeles coroner's office confirmed the death of Rooney,whose roller-coaster show-business career was marked by anoften-turbulent personal life. No other details were immediately available. One ofthe most enduring performers in show business, he madehis debut on thevaudeville stage in1922 as atoddler and toured into his late 80s in atwo-person stage show with Jan Chamberlin, his eighth wife. Theyhadbeen married since1978.

Jed BuShSPeCulatiOn —With eyes increasingly on him, Jeb Bush, the former two-term governor of Florida andthe sonand brother of former presidents, signaled in CollegeStation, Texas, onSunday the kind of campaign hewould mount if he runs for president, one arguing against ideological purity tests while challenging party orthodoxy on issues like immigration andeducation. Even as hecriticized President Barack Obamafor his handling of foreign affairs and health care, Bush madeclear that he would run against the style of politics that has characterized recent Republican nominating contests. Ukrainian tohSIOh —Hundreds of pro-Kremlin demonstrators have seized official buildings in Ukraine's eastern regions, whereseparatist unrest turned deadly last month, urging referendums onjoining Russia. Buildings in the cities of Donetsk, Kharkiv and Luhansk were occupied Sunday byprotesters with Russian flags whoalso called for a boycott of May 25 presidential elections. Amid the unrest, acting President Oleksandr Turchynov canceled a trip to Lithuania and convened aspecial meeting of law enforcement officials, according to the website of the Ukrainian parliament.

DEPARTMENT HEADS Advertising JayBrandt.....541-383-0370 Circulation Adam Sears...541-385-5805 Finance HollyWest..........541-383-032t HumanResources Traci Donaca.....................541-383-0327 Operations James Baisinger...............541-617-7624


MideaSt PeaCe talkS — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu broke his silence onthe collapsing peacetalks Sunday by blaming Palestinian leaders for the current crisis and threatening retaliatory steps. In remarks at his weekly cabinet meeting, Netanyahu said that just as the parties were nearing anagreement last weekto extend the U.S.-brokered negotiations through the end of2014, Palestinian leaders announced their decision to sign on to15 treaties and conventions under theauspices of the United Nations. "The Palestinians' threats to appeal to the U.N.will not affect us. ThePalestinians have much to lose bythis unilateral move," Netanyahu said. "These will only push apeace agreement farther away, and unilateral steps on their part will be met with unilateral steps on our part."

TALK TO AN EDITOR Business TimDoran.........541-383-0360 Cily Sheila G.Miler ..........541-617-7631 Community Life, Health JulieJohnson....................541-383-0308 Editorials RichardCoe.....541-383-0353 GO! Magazine Ben Salmon....................... Home, All Ages AlandraJohnson...............541-617-7860 NewsJanJordan..............541-383-0315 Photos DeanGuernsey.....541-383-0366 Sports Bill Bigelow............541-383-0359 State Projects Lily Raff Mccaulou...........541-410-9207

Syrian COnfliCt —Violence flared across Syria on Sunday,as an explosion killed more than two dozenanti-government fighters in the central city of Homsand shells struck areas of Damascus, the capital, killing at least two people. Theexplosion in the Old City of Homs occurred when acar bombthat rebels were preparing detonated prematurely. It killed 30 to 40 fighters, including two field commanders, according to insurgents reached by telephone andtext message in the area, which the government has blockaded.

TALK TO A REPORTER Bend Hillary Borrud..........541-617-7829

l o ,r

Business Joseph Ditzler...................541-617-7615 Rachael Rees ....................541-617-7616 Calendar...........................541-383-0351 Crook County....................541-363-0367 DeschutesCounty Elon Glucklich ...................541-617-7820

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— From wire reports Tamir Kalifa/The AssociatedPress

Kathy Abad, amilitary wife, prays for the victims and families affected by theFort Hoodshooting during a memorial service Sunday atthe Tabernacle Baptist Church in Killeen, Texas. "A lot of us, I think this morning, are asking the question, 'Why? Why would this happen? WhyFort Hood again? Why are these types of things allowed to happen?'" Pastor Robert Sperbeck told dozens gathered at Tabernacle, where 90 percent of the congregation is current or retired military personnel. "The devil is the author of what happened on Wednesday, but we do know the answer, we know there is hope."

Investigators saySpc. Ivan Lopez, anArmy truck driver from Puerto Rico, hadargued with soldiers in his unit moments before killing three peopleandwounding 16 others andthen fatally shooting himself. Base officials havesaid Lopez,who sawnocombat during a deployment to Iraq, wasbeing treated for depression and anxiety while beingassessedfor post-traumatic stress disorder. The shooting immediately revived memories of the November 2009 attack by Nidal Hassan, anArmy psychiatrist who killed 13andwounded morethan 30 people at the base. — The Associated Press



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Afghan electionhailed though dangersremain By Kim Gamel

all those who wanted to deter

The Associated Press

democracy by threats and vio-

KABUL, Afghanistan — Afghans and the i nternational

lence," said Thijs Berman, the

community hailed its presidential election as a triumph of democracy over violence Sunday, despite complaints about ballot shortages and sporadic fraud after millions of people braved a Taliban threat to vote for a new

head of the European Union's election assessment team in Electoral officials, meanwhile, urged patience, saying officials continued to log com-

plaints and tally ballots. The ballots were coming from more

hammad Noor, a spokesman

was that they largely passed, for the Independent Election though there was sporadic Commission, said preliminary violence.

final results will be announced May 14. boxes Sunday in the northern With a crowded field of eight province of Kunduz, killing candidates, nobody was exthree people, officials said. But pected to get the majority need"This in itself is a victory

over violence and a victory over

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results were due April 24 and

A roadside bomb hit a pickup truck transporting ballot

the major attacks that had been feared didnot materialize.

Is your pet happy, healthy and


president. But some cautioned than 20,000 polling stations dedaring a premature nationwide, some in extremely defeat of the Islamic militants. remote and rural areas. They Securing the vote was a test were being transported to tally forAfghan government forces centers in all 34 provinces beas they prepare to take full re- fore the results reach Kabul. sponsibility for their own secuSome candidate forecasts rity as the U.S. and allied forces andpartial results are expected end their combat mission at the in the coming days. Noor Moend of this year. The consensus


ed to win outright. That would

force a runoff between the top two vote-getters, which would

be held at the end of May.

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• Discoveries, breakthroughs,trends, namesin the news— the things you needto know to start out your day

It's Monday, April 7, the 97th

day of 2014. Thereare268 days left in the year.

HAPPENINGS JedleSSlleSS —TheSenate is expected to approve legislation restoring unemployment benefits to nearly 3 million people, sending the bill to a divided Housewhere Republicans favor starkly different approaches to the issue.

COllege dasketdall —It's the men's national title game, with Kentucky facing Connecticutat6:10 p.m. onCBS.B1


BIRTHDAYS Actor JamesGarner is 86. Movie director Francis FordCoppola is 75. Actor JackieChanis 60. Actor Russell Crowe is50. Actor Ed Speleers (TV: "Downton Abbey") is 26. — From wire reports

at frackingsitesfall short

In a world where our smartphones, tablets and computers are capable of spying on us — relaying personal information and habits to the prying eyes of our peers — news organizations are being pushed to encrypt their

The old-fashioned news-

paper, long maligned for its stodginess and sagging prof-

>m>wm><AO> s>~pn<as>aes><cx>m»ae>"vcro><rr>w<ac>ces>ucas>am>x<ca><cs><nn> <rc>gar><sr> w<srcu>B<se>sar>

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its, has one advantage over


high-tech alternatives: You read it. It never reads you.


The digital sources that in-

creasingly dominate our news consumption, by c o ntrast, transmit information across


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trails visible to anyone with

the right monitoring toolsbe it your employer, your Internet provider, your government or even the scruffy hacker sitting next to you at the coffee shop, sharing the WiFi signal. This is why privacy advocates have begun pushing news organizations, including The Washington Post, the New York Times and the

advocates, that The Post and other news organizations that


low international coverage of censorship is not a small conthe looming 25th anniversa- cern for news organizations. ry of the Tiananmen Square The Chinese government protests, that g o vernment's has blocked, to varying deInternet surveillance and cen- grees and for various lengths sorship system, known as the of time, some of the largest G reat Firewall, w il l k n o w . Western news organizations

broke these stories heed their key lesson: Online surveillance is pervasive and vora-

cious, especially when data is unprotected.

net without encryption, it's collect it and analyze it. The

fully understand the emis-

sions coming from natural gas facilities. Air pollutants ebb and flow based on equipt enance activities and t h e weather. They're r eleased

after the publication of unflat-

tering stories about that nation's leaders and their families. The New York Times and

Bloomberg News have been unavailable to online readers in China since 2012 and the

Guardian since January, according to GreatFire.org. The Wall Street Journal's Chi-

nese-language site has been intermittently blocked there as well.

The Times, the Journal, Bloomberg and the Guardian all declined to comment about

website encryption.


see every Web address ac-

you choose to read, advocates

say, are your health concerns, financial anxieties, sexual

nal. Government intelligence agencies such as NSA monitor

tially illuminated by what

said, because scientists don't

monitoring tools used by employers and universities can cessed by a user. Hackers, using free software, can see the sites viewed by anyone sharing an unsecured WiFi sig-

Among the issues poten-

But creating these programs is difficult, Batterman

from storage tanks, compressor stations and pipethe Southwest Pennsylvania lines during every step of the Environmental Health Proj- process: drilling, hydraulic ect, a nonprofit based near fracturing, production and Pittsburgh. processing. "Their programs have A health survey the group released last year found been cut back because most that people who live near legislatures are not funding drilling sites in Washington their environmental agencies County, Pa., in the Marcellus generously," Batterman said. Shale,reported symptoms The Pennsylvania report such as nausea, abdominal is the latest demonstration of pain, breathing difficulties how little is known about the and nosebleeds, all of which health impacts of unconvencould be caused by pollutants tional natural gas developknown to be emitted from ment, which uses hydraulic gas sites. fracturing to extract tightly While residents want to bound gas. In February, 190 know whether gas drilling experts from industry, govis affecting the air near their ernment and th e m e dical homes — where emissions community gathered in Philcan vary dramatically over adelphia to discuss major the course of a day — regu- data gaps. The condusions lators generally use methods they reached were almost designedto assess long-term identical to those in a recent regional air quality. study in Environmental SciThey're "misapplying the ence & Technology that cited technology," said lead author a lack of "comprehensive" David Brown, who conduct- public health research.

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possible for others to see it,

of Michigan, said the study underscores the need for specialized monitoring programs that target community health.

Reviews on Environmental Health, was conducted by

<Gl)%PA)<EA)" 5<B7>

Guardian, to encrypt their Closer to home, British intelwebsites, as many technology ligence reportedly has moncompanies increasingly do for itored visits to a website for emails, video chatsand search WikiLeaks, which while not queries. a traditional news site shares The growing use of encryp- enough similarities to illustion — signaled by the little trate risks to reader privacy. lock icon in your browser's address box — has emerged as Our devices'watchful eyes perhapsthe most concrete reOur stuff didn't always spy sponse to Edward Snowden's on us. But much of it now can: revelations about the ability of phones, computers, cable boxthe National Security Agency es, Internet-ready cars and, to collect almost anything that soon enough, glasses, watches exists in digital form, includ- and even household appliancing the locations, communi- es that continually track use cations and online activities of over a "smart" electrical grid. people worldwide. Whenever that information It's only fair, say privacy is transmitted over the Inter-

o d o rs, vironmental health sciences professor at the University

nosebleeds and other symptoms they fear could be caused by shale development are usually told by state regulators that monitoring data show the air quality is fine. But a new study suggests that the most commonly used air monitoring techniques often underestimate public health threats because they

the peer-reviewed journal

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mental Health Project. Stuart Batterman, an en-

study, reported this week in


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colleagues at the Environ-

People in natural gas drilling areas who complain

that spike at various points during gas production. The ment malfunctions, main-

>Bolt)<I6)SK1 )cF7)cF6>ISI<AA>

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ed the study with three of his


don't catch toxic emissions


the f undamentally public sphere of the Internet, leaving

By Lisa Song andJimMorris

about n a useating

websites, as many tech companies do for, say, emails or search queries.

The Washington Post

Highlight:In1922, the Teapot Dome scandalhadits beginnings as Interior Secretary Albert Fall signed a secret deal to leaseU.S. Navypetroleum reserves inWyoming andCalifornia to his friends, oilmenHarry F. Sinclair andEdward L.Doheny, in exchangefor cashgifts. In1788,an expedition led by Gen. Rufus Putnamestablished a settlement at present-day Marietta, Ohio. In1798,the Mississippi Territory was created by an act of Congress, with Natchezas the capital. In1862, Union forces ledby Gen. Ulysses S.Grant defeated the Confederates atthe Battle of Shiloh in Tennessee. In1927,the imageand voice of CommerceSecretary Herbert Hoover weretransmitted live from Washington toNewYork in the firstsuccessful long-distance demonstration of television. In1939, Italy invaded Albania, which was annexedlessthan a week later. In1949, the RodgersandHammerstein musical "South Pacific" opened onBroadway. In1953,the U.N.General Assembly ratified DagHammarskjold of Swedenasthe new secretary-general, succeeding Trygve Lie of Norway. In1964, IBM introduced its System/360, thecompany's first line of compatible mainframe computers that gavecustomers the option of upgrading from lower-cost models to more powerful ones. In1966,the U.S.Navy recovered a hydrogenbombthat the U.S. Air Forcehadlost in the MediterraneanSeaoff Spain following a B-52crash. In1978, President JimmyCarter announced he wasdeferring development of the neutron bomb, a high-radiation weapon. In1983,space shuttle astronauts Story Musgraveand Don Peterson went onthefirst U.S. spacewalk inalmostadecade as they worked inthe opencargo bay of Challenger for nearly four hours. In1984,the CensusBureau reported LosAngeles had overtaken Chicago asthe nation's "second city" in terms of population. Ten yearsaga:Mounir el-Motassadeq, convicted of involvement in the 9/11attacks, was freed less than2~/~years into a 15-year sentenceafter a court in Hamburg, Germany,ruled the evidencewastoo weak to hold him pending a retrial. (El-Motassadeqwasconvicted in 2006 of being amember of aterrorist group and anaccessory to the murder of the246 passengers andcrew onthe four jetliners used intheattacks on NewYorkand Washington.) Five yearsage: President Barack Obama capped his eight-day Europeantrip by addressing college students in Istanbul, Turkey; hethen made an unannouncedtrip to Baghdad, where hevisited with U.S. troops and Iraqi officials. One yearage:A fierce battle between U.s.-backedAfghan forces andTaliban militants in a remote corner of eastern Afghanistan left nearly 20 people dead, including 11 Afghan children killed in anairstrike and an American civilian adviser.

Study: Toxicemission tests

e us oenc By Craig Timberg



Web traffic on a massive scale ings. A single article might using equipment wired directmean little, but Big Data com- ly into the fiber-optic cables panies constantly collect and that form the essential artercrunch a broad range of per- ies of the Internet. sonal information to produce Journalists have been slow profiles of each of us. to understand the role we "You could paint a pretty have been playing in the surdetailed picture of a person veillance rising all around us. — their likes and dislikesBut the moment newspapers if you could see the articles put their work online — as they're reading," said Trev- this paper first announced or Timm, executive director plans to do in 1993, under the of the Freedom of the Press now-quaint headline, "Post to Foundation, one of several Launch Computerized Vergroups pushing for wider use sion of Paper; Service Will of encryption. Send Information, Ads and Sound Effects to PCs BeginEncryption and ning Next Summer" — readorientation and political lean-

press freedom

ers' choices became exposed

Encryption may seem a stretchas a press freedom issue, far from what con-

to potential collection and analysis.

A mendment in t h e B i l l o f

Internet. And while encryp-

It's clear now that anything

cerned the Founding Fathers that's potentially useful to when they enshrined the First anyone is vulnerable on the

Rights. Yet a free press oper- tion is not perfect, routine deates best when the public can ployment of this technology make reading decisions with- makes it far more difficult to out fear that their government conduct mass surveillance. — or anyone capable of doing It also complicates the work them harm — is looking over of censors in China, Vietnam, their shoulder. Iran, Saudi Arabia and elseEncrypting something as where because requests for complex as a news site is enor- articles, when encrypted, apmously difficult, according to pear to anyone monitoring the technical experts within the Internet as a jumble of numindustry. Several major news bers and letters. Governments organizations offered encryp- can block all the content flowtion for some elements of their ing from encrypted websites sites in recent years but largely but can't choose to allow stostopped when problems arose ries, for example, about Presin displaying content quickly ident Barack Obama's latest and cleanly to readers, said

p olitical drama but not t h e

Peter Eckersley,technology travels of the Dalai Lama. "All news websites should projects director for the Electronic Frontier F oundation, encrypt their content," said which tracks the use of the Martin Johnson, a founder of technology. GreatFire.org, which t r acks In an era when news zings China's Great Firewall. (Like acrosstheglobe atthespeed of others with the group, he uses light, making encryption work a pseudonym to evade detecproperly across an entire site tion by the government there.) is a challenge worth under- "Not encrypting your content taking, advocates say. "No one is like saying, 'We are happy has done it for real," Eckersley to allow censors around the sald. world to selectively filter our When a Chinese Internet user, for example, tries to fol-


The prospect of outright

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edition of "Doctor Zhivago" was up plans for a miniature paperlarge numbers of Sovietcitizens pressed into the hands of Soviet back edition. In a memo to the traveled to an event in the West. citizens. Soon the book's blue acting deputy director for plans, Belgium had issued 16,000 vi- linen covers were littering the the chief of the division, Maury, sas to Soviet visitors. fairgrounds. Some who got the said he believed there was "treAfter first attempting to arnovel were ripping off the cover, mendous demand on the part range a secret printing of the dividing the pages, and stuffing of students and intellectuals to novel through a small New them in their pockets to make obtain copies of thisbook." York publisher, the CIA con- the book easier to hide. Officials at the agency reof those rare occasions when

Continued from A1 The memo is one of more

than 130 newly declassified CIA documents that detail the agency's secret involvement in

the printing of "Doctor Zhivago" — an audacious plan that helped deliver the book into the hands of Soviet citizens

tacted the Dutch intelligence

who later passed it friend to friend, allowing it to circulate in

Moscow and other cities in the Eastern Bloc. The book's publication and, later, the awarding of the Nobel Prize in Literature

to Pasternak triggered one of the great cultural storms of the

Courtesy CIA via The Washington Post

Cold War. The CIA In1959 prlnted at least 9,000 copies of a mlnlature, RusBecause of the enduring ap- sian-language edition of "Doctor Zhivago," which had been banned peal of the novel and a 1965 film

based on it, "Doctor Zhivago" remains a landmark work of fiction. Yet few readers know

the trials of its birlh and how the novel galvanized a world largely divided between the competing ideologies of two superpowers. The CIA's rolewith its publication of a hard-

cover Russian-language edition printed in the Netherlands and

a miniature, paperback edition printed at CIA headquartershas longbeen hidden. The newly disdosed documents indicate that the operation topublish the book was run by the CIA's Soviet Russia Divi-

from publication In the Sovlet Unlon.

Hemingway, Eliot. Dostoevsky, crimes, and refusing to sign Tolstoy, Nabokov. trumped-up petitions demandBooks were weapons, and ing execution for those desigif a work of literature was un- nated enemies of the state. available or banned in the SoPasternak felt no need to viet Union or Eastern Europe, tailor his art to the political deit could be used as propaganda mands of the state. To sacrifice to challenge the Soviet version his novel, he believed, would be of reality. Over the course of the a sin against his own genius. Cold War, as many as 10million As a result, the Soviet literary copiesofbooks and magazines establishment refused to touch were secretly distributed by the "Doctor Zhivago." agency behind the Iron Curtain Fortunately for Pasternak, a as part of a political warfare Milan publisher had received campalgn. a copy of the manuscript from In this light, "Doctor Zhiva-

sion, monitored by CIA Direc- go" was a golden opportunity

an Italian literary scout working in Moscow. In June 1956,

Pasternak signed a contract by President Dwight D. EisenBoth epic and autobiograph- with the publisher, Giangiacohower's Operations Coordinat- ical, Pasternak's novel revolves mo Feltrinelli, who would resist ing Board, which reported to around the doctor-poet Yuri all efforts by the Kremlin and the National Security Council Zhivago — his art, loves and the Italian Communist Party to at the White House. The OCB, losses in the decades surround- suppress the book. tor Allen Dulles and sanctioned

which oversaw covert activities,

for the CIA.

ing the 1917 Russian Revo-

In November 1957, an Ital-

gave the CIA exdusive control lution. At t imes, Zhivago is ian-language edition of "Doctor over the novel's "exploitation." Pasternak's alter ego. Both the Zhivago" was released. The "hand of t h e U n ited character and the writer, who In Washington, Soviet exStates government" was "not to was born in 1890, were from a perts quickly saw why Moscow be shown in any manner," ac- lost past, the cultured milieu of loathed "Doctor Zhivago." cording to the records. the Moscow intelligentsia. In In a memo in July 1958, John The documents were provid- Soviet letters, this was a world Maury, the Soviet Russia Divied at the request of the authors to be disdained, if summoned sion chief, wrote that the book for a book, "The Zhivago Af- atall. was a clear threat to the worlfair," to be published June 17. P asternak knew t hat t h e dview the Kremlin was deterAlthough they were redacted Soviet publishing world would mined to present.

to remove the names of officers

recoil from the alien tone of

to determine what lay behind

ence to the demands of socialist

some of the redactions from

realism and the obligation to genuflectbefore the October

as well as CIApartner agencies "Doctor Zhivago," its overt reand sources, it was possible ligiosity, its sprawling indifferother historical records and interviews with current and

former U.S. officials. Those officials spoke on the condition of

anonymity to discuss material that remained classiTied.

Literaryweapons During the Cold War, the CIA loved literature — novels,


But Pasternak had long displayed an unusual fearlessness: visiting and giving money to the relatives of people who had been sent to the gulag when the fear of taint scared so many

others away, intervening with authorities to ask for mercy

short stor ies, poems. Joyce, for those accused of political

Hit-and-run Continued from A1 Maverick's skateboard lost a wheel so they began walking back from the store. At Baker Road and Lakev-

iew Drive the boys were hit from behind and then possibly run overbytwo separate SUVs, French said. The sun was setting and its glare may have causedthe drivers not to see the boys along the road, which has a 90-degree turn where the in-

cident occurred. Danny Gifford, 55, of Bend, hit the boys with hi s Jeep

Wrangler and stayed at the scene, according to the Deschutes County Sheriffs Office.

service, the BVD. Agency officials hadbeen followingreports of the possible publication of "Doctor Zhivago" in Russian by an academic publishing house in The Hague and askedwhether it would be possible to obtain an early run of copies. The two intelligence agencies were close. CIA subsidies

viewed all the difficulties with the Mouton edition published

No contract

There was only one problem: intheNetherlands and argued against any outside involvethe Dutch publisher would sign ment in a new printing. "In a contract with Feltrinelli, Pas- view of the security, legal and The CIA had anticipated that

ternak's Milan publisher, and

technical problems involved,

that the books handed out in it is recommended that a black Brussels would be seen as part miniature edition of Dr. Zhivaof thatprint run. go be published at headquarters The contract was never using the first Feltrinelli text in 1958 paid for about 50 of the signed, and the Russian-lan- and attributing it to a fictitious BVD's 691 staff members, and guage edition printed in The publisher." new Dutch employees were Hague was illegal. The Italian The agency already had its trained in Washington. Joop publisher, who held the rights own press in Washington to van der Wilden, a BVD officer,

to "Doctor Zhivago," was furi-

was dispatched to the U.S. Em- ous when he learned about the bassy at The Hague to discuss distribution of the novel in Brusthe issue with Walter Cini, a sels. The furor sparked press CIA officer stationed there, ac- interestand rumors, neverconcording to interviews with for- firmed, of involvement by the mer Dutch intelligence officials. CIA. Cini told him it would be a The spies in Washington rush job, but the CIA was will-

ing to provide the manuscript and pay well for a small print run of "Doctor Zhivago."

Through the Vatican

watched the coverage with some dismay, and on Nov. 15, 1958, the CIA was first linked to the printing by the National Review Bulletin, a newsletter

supplementfor subscrlbers to

In early September 1958, the the National Review, the confirst Russian-language edition servative magazine founded by of "Doctor Zhivago" rolled off William F. Buddey Jr. the printing press, bound in A writer using the pseudthe signature blue linen cover onym Quincy observed with of Mouton Publishers of The approval that copies of "DocHague. tor Zhivago" had been quietly The books, wrapped in shipped to the Vatican pavilion brown paper and dated Sept. 6, in Brussels: 'That quaint workweve packed into the back of a shop of amateur subversion, the large American station wagon Central Intelligence Agency, and taken to Cini's home. Two may be exorbitantly expensive hundred copies were sent to but fromtime to time itproduces headquarters in Washington. some noteworthy goodies. This Most of the vemaining books summer, for instance, (the) CIA weve sent to CIA stations or assetsin Western Europe — 200to Frankfurt, 100 to Berlin, 100 to Munich, 25 to London and 10 to

forgot its feud with some of our

print miniature books, and over

the course of the Cold War it hadprinted a small library ofliterature — each book designed to fit"inside aman's suit or trouser pocket." By July 1959, at least 9,000

copies of a miniature edition of "Doctor Zhivago" had been printed "in a one and two vol-

ume series," the latter presumably to make it not so thick and

easierto splitup andhide. The New York Times reported that some members

of the Soviet delegation to the 1959 World Festival of Youth and Students for Peace and Friendship in Vienna festival "evmced a great curtostty about Mr. Pasternak's novel, which is

available here." Occasionally it was not only available, but unavoidable. When a Soviet con-

voy of buses arrived in sweltering Vienna, crowds of Russian emigres swarmed them and tossed copies of the CIA's miniature edition through the open wllldows.

allies and turned on our eneOn another occasion, a Somies — and mirabile dictu, suc- viet visitor to the youth festival ceeded most nobly.... In Mos-

recalled returning to his bus

Paris. The largest package, 365 cow these books were passed and finding the cabin covered books, was sent to Brussels. from hand to hand as avidly as with pocket editions of "Doctor "Doctor Zhivago" could not a copy of Fanny Hill in a college Zhivago." Distribution be handed out at the U.S. pa- dorAlltory. Sovietstudentswerewatched As its main target for distri- vilion at the world's fair, but the The CIA conduded that the by theKGB, who fooled no one bution, the agency selected the CIA had an ally nearby: the printing was, in the end, "fully when these intelligence operfirst postwar world's fair, the Vatican. worth trouble in view obvious atives described themselves 1958 Brussels Universal and The Vatican pavilion was effect on Soviets," according to a as "researchers" at the festiInternational Exposition. For- called Civitas Dei, the City of Nov. 5, 1958, cable sent by Dull- val. The Soviet "researchers" ty-three nations were partici- God, and Russian emigre Cath- es, the director. proved more tolerant than pating at the 500-acre site just olics had set up a smaII hbrary mighthave beenexpected. Mini editions "somewhat hidden" behind a "Take it, read it," they said, northwest of central Brussels. Both the United States and curtain just off the pavilion's Prompted by t h e a t tacks "but by no means bring it the Soviet Union had built huge Chapel of Silence, a place to on Pasternak in Moscow and home." pavilions to showcase their reflect on the suppression of the international publicity sur— Adapted from "The Zhivago competing ways of life. What C~ com m unities aroundrounding the campaign to deAffair: The Kremlin, the CIA and was especially interesting to the world. monize him, the CIA's Soviet the Battle Over a Forbidden Book," the CIA: The fair offered one There, the C I A-sponsored Russia Division began to firm by Peter Finn and Petra Couvee.


Find It All Online

To donate The families of William Jackson Harris andMaverick Frencharetaking donations to helpdefer the medical costs. Donations to Harris' family may bemade to Columbia RiverBankat






Pat/o 5'or ld

1133 N.W. Wall St. or1701

N.E. Third St. or viaPayPal to willmdrury©gmail.com. Donations to French's family may bemadeonline at http://i.mp/1h5Lcd2.





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indicate any charges had been filed against Gifford. More than two weeks after the incident, detectives are still

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live a block fmm the Harris family in Bend, having only D e schutes River

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spent five days in the intensive

care unit and is still recovering from brain trauma and fracrecoveringfrom a concussion, a broken pelvis and a broken femur, as wellas road rash,

French said. He may be out of school for a few more weeks. Both of the families have

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incurred due to the hit-and-run. Anyone with i n f ormation about th e i n c ident s hould

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Ex-pot growers fuel heroinspike By Nick Miroff The Washington Post

recently, needle use for narcotics was rare or unknown.

H onduras made their

f i r st

discovery of a poppy farm in TEPACA DE BADIRAGUAFarmers in t h e s t oried the country, raiding a sophisTO, MEXICO — The surge of "Golden Triangle" region of ticated mountain greenhouse cheap heroin spreading in $4 Mexico's Sinaloa state, which as big as a soccer field. That hitsacross ruralAmerica can has produced the country's same week, soldiers and pobe traced back to the remote most notorious gangsters and lice in w e stern Guatemala valleys of the northern Sierra biggest marijuana harvests, came under attack by farmMadre. say they are no longer plant- ers armed with clubs and gas With the wholesale price of ing the crop. Its wholesale bombs when the security permarijuana falling — driven in price has collapsed in the past sonnel moved in to destroy 160 part by decriminalization in five years, from $100 per kilo- acres of poppy. sections of the United States gram to less than $25. Along the border with Mex"It's not worth it anymore," ico, U.S. authorities seized — Mexican drug farmers are turning away from cannabis said Rodrigo Silla, 50, a life- 2,162 kilos of heroin last year, and filling their fields with opi- long cannabis farmer who a record amount, up from 367 um poppies. said he couldn't remember the kilos in 2007. Mexican heroin is flooding last time his family and othThe needle habit in the Unitnorth as U.S. authorities trying ers in their tiny hamlet gave ed States has made a strong to contain an epidemic of pre- up growing mota. "I wish the comeback as heroin rushes scription painkiller abuse have Americans would stop with into the country. Use of the tightened controls on synthetic this legalization." drug in the United States inopiates such as hydrocodone Growers from this area and creased 79 percent between and Oxycontin. As the pills be- as far afield as Central Ameri- 2007 and 2012, according to come more costly and difficult ca are sowing their plots with federal data, triggering a wave to obtain, Mexican trafficking opium poppies, and large- of overdose deaths and an organizations have found new scale operations are turning "urgent and growing public markets for heroin in places up in places where authorities health crisis," Attorney Gensuch as Winchester, Va., and have never seen them. eral Eric Holder warned last Brattleboro, Vt., where, until In late January, police in month.


signed for reading. There are no genes for reading like there Continued from A1 are for language or vision. But "When I realize what's spurred by the emergence of happening, I have to go back Egyptian hieroglyphics, the and read again and again." Phoenician alphabet, Chinese To cognitive neuroscien- paper and, finally, the Gutentists, Handscombe's experi- berg press, the brain has adaptence is the subject of great edto read. fascination and growing Before the Internet, the brain alarm. Humans, they warn, read mostly in linear waysseem to be developing digi- one page led to the next page, tal brains with new circuits

for skimming through the

but there didn't tend to be many distractions. Reading in print reading is competing with even gave us a remarkable abiltraditional deep reading cir- ity to remember where key incuitry developed over sever- formation was in a book simply al millennia. by the layout, researchers said. "I worry that the super- We'd know a protagonist died ficial way we read during on the page with the two long the day is affecting us when paragraphs after the page with we have to read with more all that dialogue. in-depth processing," said The Internet i s d i fferent. Maryanne Wolf, a Tufts With so much information, hyUniversity cognitive neuro- perlinked text, videos alongside torrent of information online. This alternative way of

scientist and the author of

"Proust and the Squid: The Story and Science of the

Reading Brain."

Online rise If the rise of nonstop ca-

ble TV news gave the world a culture of sound bites, the Internet, Wolf said, is bring-

ing about an eye byte culture. Time spent onlineon desktop and mobile de-

vices — was expected to top five hours per day in 2013 for U.S. adults, according


to eMarketer, which tracks

digital behavior. That's up from three hours in 2010.

Word lovers and scientists have called for a "slow reading" movement, tak-

ing a branding cue from the "slow food" movement. They are battling not just cursorysentence galloping




and so on. Sure, there might be pictures mixed in with the text,

but the constant social network and email temptations

that lurk on our gadgets — the bings and dings that

formation about one particular aspect of the book, just as he might scan for one particular fact on his computer screen, where he spends much of his day. "When you try to read a novel," he said, "it's almost like we're not built to r ead

them anymore, as bad as that sounds."

No patience for the classia Ramesh Kurup n o ticed something even more troubling. Working his way recently through a number of dassic authors — George Eliot, Marcel Proust, that crowd — Kurup, 47,

discovered that he was having trouble reading long sentences with multiple, winding clauses fullofbackgroundinformation. Online sentences tend to be shorter, and the ones contain-

ing complicated information tend to link to helpful backwords and interactivity every- ground material. "In a book, there are no w here, our brains form shortcuts to deal with it all — scan- graphics or links to keep you ning, searching for key words, ontrack," Kurup said. It's easier to follow links, he scrolling up and down quiddy. This is nonlinear reading, and thinks, than to keep track of ithas been documented in aca- so many dauses in page after demicstudies.Some research- page oflongparagraphs. Kurup's observation might ers believe that for many people, this style of reading is be- s ound far-fetched, but t o l d ginningto invade when dealing about it, Wolf did not scoff. She with other mediums as well. offered more evidence:Sever"We're spending so much al English department chairs time touching, pushing, link- from around the country have ing, scrolling and jumping emailed her to say their stuthrough text that when we sit dentsare having trouble readdown with a novel, your dai- ingthe classics. "They cannot read 'Middlely habits of jumping, dicking, linking is just ingrained in march.' They cannot read Wilyou," said Andrew Dillon, a liam James or Henry James," University of Texas professor Wolf said. "I can't tell you how who studies reading. 'We're in many people have written to this new era of information be- me about thisphenomenon. havior, and we're beginning to The students no longer will or see the consequences of that." areperhaps incapable of dealBrandon Ambrose, a31-year- ing with the convoluted syntax old Navy financial analyst who and construction of George Ellives in Alexandria, Va., knows iot and Henry James." of those consequences.

interrupt"Call me Ishmael."

His book dub recently read "The Interestings," a best-sell-

Researchers are working

er by Meg Wolitzer. When the

to get a clearer sense of the

club met, he realized he had missed a number of the book's

differ ences between online and print reading — com-

4eaaa 30"Range

key plot points. It hit him that prehension, fo r s t a rters, he had been scanning for inseems better with paper — and are grappling with Luke Sharrett/ New York Times News Service

Catherine Hayiey, of Memphis, Tenn., uses an insulin pump to treat her diabetes. A new pump model, along with related treatment supplies, prices out at tens of thousands of dollars for this year and will cost her about $5,000, even with top-notch insurance. "It's great," Hayiey said, "but It all adds up."

Medical bills Continued from A1 The high price of new treatments for diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, colitis and other

and the need to recoup money

spent on research. But David Kliff, a financial analyst who is editor of Diabetic Investor,

That captive audience of 7ype 1 diabetics has spawned lines of high-priced gadgets and disposable accouterments, borrowing business models from technology companies like Apple: Each pump and monitor requires the sep-

arate purchase of an array of items that are often brand and

model specific. A steady stream of new models and updates often offer dubious improvement: col-

ored pumps; talking, bilingual meters; sensors reporting minute-by-minute sugar readouts.

Hayley's new pump will cost $7,350 (she will pay $2,500 under the terms of her insur-

insulin, which has been produced with genetic engineering and protected by patents, so that a medicine that cost a few dollars when Hayley was a child now often sells for more than $200 a vial, meaning some patients must

pay more than $4,000 a year. Other refinements have benefited a minority of patients

but raised prices for all. There are no generics in the United States.

Companies that produce the treatments say the higher costs reflect medical advances

bystander in this new world.

is rarely medically required. Also, the Affordable Care Act

It just reflects howwe live. "The brain is plastic its whole life span," Wolf said. "The brain is constantly adapting."

requires health insurers to

cover people with chronic disease, meaning they will have better access to treatments.

'Economic crisis' "This is not just a health c are crisis," said K liff, t h e n ewsletter editor, wh o h a s

Type 1 diabetes. "It's an economic crisis as welL" In the United States, each

patient with chronic disease must make the cost-benefit

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The high costs are taking


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in the skin, and a transmitter that attaches to the probe to


calculate the results and send to the pump. The probes retail for over $100 and must be

changed every six days; the cause 62 percent of that treat- transmitter costs about $600. ment money comes from gov- (Because such devices are not ernment insurers. The cumu- precise enough to adjust inlative outlays for treating Type sulin doses — they are meant 1 and Type 2 diabetes reached primarily to detect trendsnearly $200 billion in 2012, or Hayley will have to continue about 7 percent of America's pricking her finger for meter health care bill. measurements as well.) E xpenditures could w e l l She does not yet know how double by 2030, according to well her insurer will c over estimates by the CDC, in large those. "You want me to be able part because the number of to afford good treatment," she Americans found to have di- said. "Because otherwise I end abetes has been increasing up disabled."

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Wolf, one of the world's

foremost experts on the study of reading, was star-


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of deep reading skills. The brain is the innocent

monitoring, even though that

analysis of each new highpriced treatment, weighing symptoms, disposable income Even patients with i nsurand insurance coverage. They ance often feel squeezed by are often wrenching decisions. large out-of-pocket costs, and Changing drugs is not an many describe holding old option for patients with 7ype pumps together with duct 1 diabetes, like Hayley. They tape, rationing their test strips need insulin. and skimping on insulin. Dr. She is resigned to paying Jeoffry Gordon, a family prac- her share of the new Medtrontitioner in San Diego, said ic insulin pump. And she is he had patients with failing steeling herself for other new kidneys and others who had c osts that w i l l b r i ng. T h e ended up in emergency rooms pumps are designed to work because they could not afford with yet another new device their maintenance care. called a continuous glucose "From a guy on the front monitor — bought separately lines, the improvements have — that could be lifesaving for been miraculous," he said. some patients with unstable "But the acquisition cost is diabetes, because it sounds very high, and the pricing dic- an alarm and suspends insutates what treatment you get." lin flow if it detects that blood Complication rates from disugar has dropped dangerabetes in the United States are ously low, which can happen generally higher than in other during sleep. developed countries. That is This device has two parts: true even though the United a disposable probe, which States spends more per patient is attached to the body and and per capita treating diabe- measures the glucose level

ance). But she will also need to pay her part for supplies, including $100 monitor probes that must be replaced every week, disposable tubing that she must change every three days and 10 or so test strips tes than elsewhere, said Ping every day. Zhang, an economist at the That does not even include

could stunt the development

an independent newsletter on turers are encouraging to try the industry, points out: "Dia- insulin treatment and glucose

chronic diseases contributes betes is not just a disease state; mightily to the United States' it's a huge business, too." $2.7 trillion annual health care Those companies spend bill. millions of d o l lars r ecruitM ore t h a n 1 . 5 mi l l i on ing patients at health fairs, Americans have Type 1 diabe- through physicians' offices tes and cannot survive withand with aggressive advertisout frequent insulin doses, ing — often urging them to get so they are utterly dependent devices and treatments that on a small number of pro- are not necessary, doctors say. ducers of supplies and drugs, "They may be better in some which have great leeway to abstract sense, but the clinical set prices. (Patients with the relevance is minor," said Dr. far more common Type 2 di- Joel Zonszein, director of the abetes — linked to obesityClinical Diabetes Center at still produce insulin and can Montefiore Medical Center. "People don't need a meter improve with lifestyle changes and weight loss, or on oral that talks to them," he added. "There's an incredible waste of medicines.) money."

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is attributable to Type 2 diabetes patients, whom manufac-

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U.. tries to assure ina on erattac s usin can or

30 GRANDPARKNTS that want to hear their grandchildren

By David E. Sanger New York Times News Service

W ASHINGTON — I n t h e months before Defense Sec-

retary Chuck Hagel's arrival in Beijing on Monday, the

; p I)j 9~'

Obama administration quietly

held an extraordinary briefing for the Chinese military leadership on a subject officials have rarely discussed in public: the Pentagon's emerging doctrine for defending against cyberattacks against the United States — and for using its cybertechnology against adversaries, including t he Chinese. The idea was to allay ChiNew York Times News Service file photo nese concerns about plans to President Barack Obama shakes hands with Chinese President more than triple the number Xi Jinping in March at the nuclear security summit in The Hague, of American cyberwarriors

~p tf

Netherlands. After Chinese officials were briefed on American

to 6,000 by the end of 2016, cyberstrategy, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel planned to push a force that will include new during his visit for reciprocal openness. teams the Pentagon plans to

deploy to each military combatant command around the world. But the hope was to

first and foremost a military


stan and beyond — that buy

economic the Chinese-made equipment. prompt the Chinese to give weapon," said Laura Galante, Other cyberattacks revealed Washington a similar brief- a former Defense Intelligence in the documents focused on ing about the many People's Agency cyberspecial ist. She piercing China's major teleLiberation Army u n its t hat now works for the Mandiant communications companies are believed to be behind the division of FireEye, one of and wireless networks, parescalating attacks on U.S. the largest of the many cy- ticularly those used by the corporations and government bersecurity firms seeking to Chinese leadership and its networks.

weapon, it's an

neutralize attacks on corpo-

So far, the Chinese have not rations from China and other reciprocated — a point Hagel countries, as well as criminal plans to make in a speech at groups and hackers. the PLA's National Defense Administration officials acUniversity on Tuesday. knowledge that Hagel, on his first trip to China as defense Growing concern secretary, has a very diffiThe effort, senior Penta-

cult case to make, far more


most sensitive military units.

Difference of opinion Obama told the Chinese president that t h e U n i t ed States, unlike China, did not


use its technological powers to steal corporate data and give it to its own companies; its

gon officials say, is to head off what Hagel and his advisers fear is the growing possibility of a fast-escalating series

complicated than last year. spying, one of Obama's aides The Pentagon plans to spend later told reporters, is solely $26 billion on cybertechnol- for "national security prioriogy over the next five years ties." But to the Chinese, for of cyberattacks and counter- — much of it for defense of whom national and economic attacks between the United the military's networks, but security are one, that arguStates and China. This is a billions for developing offen- ment carries little weight. "We clearly don't occupy concern especially at a time sive weapons — and that sum of mounting tensions over does not include budgets for the moral high ground that China's expanding claims of the intelligence community's we once thought we did," said control over what it argues efforts in more covert oper- one senior a d m i nistration are exclusive territories in the ations. It is one of the few arofficial. East and South China Seas, eas, along with drones and For that reason, the discloand over a new air defense special operations forces, that sures changed the discussion zone. In interviews, U.S. of- are getting more investment between the top officials at ficials say their latest initia- at a time of overall Pentagon the Pentagon and the State tives were inspired by Cold cutbacks. Department and t heir C h iWar-era exchanges held with Moreover, di sc l o sures nese counterparts in quiet the Soviets so that each side about the United States' own meetings intended to work out understoodthe "red lines" for focus on cyberweaponrywhat one official called "an employing nuclear weapons including U.S.-led attacks on understanding of rules of the Iran's nuclear infrastructure road, norms of behavior," for against each other. "Think of this in terms of and National Security Agen- China and the United States. the Cuban missile crisis," one cy documents revealed in The decision to conduct a senior Pentagon official said. the trove taken by Edward briefing for the Chinese on While the United States "suf-

Snowden, the former agen-

fers attacks every day," he

cy contractor — detail the use of cyberweapons was a degree to which the United controversial one, not least States has engaged in what because the Obama adminthe intelligence world calls istration has a l most never "cyberexploitation" of targets done that for the U.S. public, in China. though elements of the docThe revelation by The New trine can be pieced together York Times and the German from statements by s enior magazine Der Spiegel that the officials and a dense "PresUnited States has pierced the idential Decision Directive" networks of Huawei, China's on such activities signed by giant networking and tele- Obama in 2012. (The White communications company, House released declassiprompted Xi to raise the is- f ied excerpts at t h e t i m e ; sue with Obama at a meeting Snowden released the whole in The Hague, Netherlands, document.) two weeks ago. The attack In Beijing, the defense secon Huawei, called Operation retary "is going to stress to Shotgiant, was intended to t he Chinese that we in t h e determine whether the commilitary are going to be as pany was a front for the army, transparent as possible," said but also focused on learning Rear Adm. John Kirby, the how to get inside Huawei's Pentagon press secretary, "and we want the same opennetworks to conduct surveillance or cyberattacks against ness and transparency and

said, "the last thing we would want to do is misinterpret an

attack and escalate to a real conflict."

Hagel's concern is spurred by the fact that in the year s ince

Pr e s ident Bar a c k

Obama explicitly brought up the barrage of Chinese-origin attacks on the United States

with his newly installed counterpart, President Xi Jinping, the pace of those attacks has

increased. Most continue to be aimed at stealing technology and other intellectual property from Silicon Valley, military contractors and energy firms. Many are believed to be linked to cyberwarfare units of the People's Liberation Army acting on behalf of state-owned, or state-affiliated, Chinese companies. "To the Chinese, this isn't

countries — Iran, Cuba, Paki-

U.S. military doctrine for the

restraint from them."

the Forest Service is trying to work with disc golfers to

There are o t her c ourses

disc golf courses in the De-

find a place to put a permitted

around Central Oregon, including the new Coyote's Den Course at Crooked River Ranch, but all are a 30-minute or longer drive from Bend. The Lost course was put in by disc golfers without planning or a permit about eight or nine years ago, said Kevin Foss,lead field ranger forthe

schutes forest, Foss said, with

Continued from A1

course. "This is a sport that is growup to 20 found and removed over the past five years. To ing by leaps and bounds," Foss make the courses, people clear said. "...There is no question out tee pads, and prune trees that there is demand out there and brush to make fairways. for it." The coursesranged inlocation



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s i t e s inc l u de

from Lava Lands to Skyliners W anoga Butte, China H a t Road. The problem with them Road and near Summit High is they could affect sensitive School. "We need three things to Deschutes National F orest. plantsand species, or create The course, inthe woods north dangersforotherforestusers. have a course," said Ryan of Widgi Creek Golf Club, The courses also could inLane, an organizer with the originally had 18 holes and clude people hanging their Central Oregon Disc Golf was increased to 19. About own signs and i n stalling Club. two yearsago,disc golfersput baskets for holes, said KevThose are changes in elein the 18-hole Found course, in Larkin, district ranger for vation, a variety of vegetation again without a permit, adja- the Deschutes National For- and a place to park. Lane said est's Bend-Fort Rock Ranger the club is becoming a noncent to the Lost course. Foss saidthe Forest Service District. profit and wants to cooperate "Obviously all those things with the Forest Service to crehad allowed the courses to remain until they came into require environmental analy- ate a legitimate course. "We are trying to work with conflict with another use for sis and a special-use permit to the section of forest — in this be installed legally," he said. them and try to f ind somecase, trails planned to connect People caught building an thing that would be a bit betto a nearby welcome station to unapproved disc golf course ter," he said. be built along Cascade Lakes in the forest could be ticketed, — Reporter: 541-617-7812, Highway probably starting with the fine starting at $250. ddarling@bendbulletirt.com

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ern, a evie ormmmiSSion


Bend-La Pine Schools —The school board is set to hold a meeting at 6 p.m. in room 314 of the Education Center at 520 N.W. Wall St. Superintendent RonWilkinson is expected to provide a financial update for the 2013-14 school year. The board is also likely to review a calendar for the 2014-15 school year.

RedmondCity CeunCil —The council plans to hold ameeting at6:30p.m.at777S.W . Deschutes Ave.The meeting should include an update onmajor streetconstruction projects. RedmondPolice Chief DaleTarbet is also expected to give anupdate on the city's security camera program.


• 3-term incumbent facesachallenger who thinks a changeis necessaryonthe board By Dylan J. Darling The Bulletin

Jefferson County voters

tnt= MAY 2014 ~


have the choice between a bentlbnuetin.com/electlons three-term incumbent and a longtime county worker for one of two county Board of voters will have their pick of Commissioner posts on the the political parties. Ahern upcoming May ballot. is a Democrat and Paye is a Mike Ahern, 57, faces Floyd Republican. Paye, 50, who has worked Ahern said he's running for the county Public Works

again to continue his efforts

Department since 1983. While the race is nonpartisan,

to improve public safety and health care in Jefferson County.

"The main reason is to keep

the good things going," he sard. Paye, who was a member of the Metolius City Council

from 1999 to 2001, said he's running to offer voters a switch in the current county

leadership. "I really think we need a change," he said. "I think we need a voice for the people." Jefferson County is still re-

covering from the economic downturn that made finding jobs even more difficult in the rural county. Ahern said he wants to ad-

ing ways to promote higher education. "We areone oftheleast-educated counties in the state,"

he said. Paye said he'd work to bring new businesses to the

county and be open-minded about the possibilities. "A job is a job," he said. Paye is serving his second term asrecording secretary for Laborers Local 121 and

has been on the Bierly Acres Water Board since 2003. He

lives in Bierly Acres, a subdivision near Madras with nearly 50 water users.

dress the jobs issue by find-

See Jefferson IA8


at16345 Sixth St., in


La Pine. Theagendaincludes potential approval of an agreementconcerning the city's walkway/bikeway project and a discussion of medical marijuana dispensaries in town led byRep.Mike McLane, R-Powell Butte.

w y~

r v, it

Crook CountyPlanning Commission

— The commission's meeting planned for Wednesday hasbeen canceled. Thenext meting will be at 7 p.m. Court St. in Prineville. Contact:541-383-0354, news@bendbulletin.com. In emails, please write "Civic Calendar" in the subject line.

Include a contact name and number. Submissions may be edited. Deadline for Monday publication is noon Thursday. Photos by Joe Kline/The Bulletin

Six-year-old Hiro Miyashita, of Redmond, watches as brother Kai, 5, pulls a book down from the shelf at the spring book sale Sunday at the Deschutes Library Administration Building in Bend.


TUESDAY SCALEHOUSE SESSIONS: Jesse Roberts(Rise Up), JasonGraham (Mosley Wotta) and Matt Nicholau (Nature of Words) will share their experiences working across the globe to help individuals find their voice through the arts; $10; 6-6 p.m.; Tin Pan Theater, 669 N.W.Tin Pan Alley, Bend; 541-241-2271 or www.j.mp/ScaleHouse. "RENEWAL": Ascreening of the 2006documentary about America's religiousenvironmental movement; $5 suggesteddonation; 6:30 p.m., doors open 6p.m.; Volcanic TheatrePub,70 S.W. Century Drive,Bend; 541-323-1661 orwww. volcanictheatrepub.com. INHALE:Thereggae band performs; $5; 9 p.m.; Volcanic Theatre Pub,70 S.W. Century Drive, Bend; 541-323-1881 or www. volcanictheatrepub.com. WEDNESDAY ART RENTEVENT: Featuring local and student artwork for rent, live music and cheesecake; proceeds benefit CascadeMiddle School and Marshall High School art departments; free; 6-6 p.m.; Silverado Gallery, 1001 N.W. Wall Street, Bend; 541-382-6544. "THE METROPOLITAN OPERA: LABOHEME" ENCORE:Puccini's story of young love starring Anita Hartig; opera performance transmitted live in high definition; $24, $22 seniors, $16 children; 6:30 p.m.; RegalOldMill Stadium16 & IMAX, 660

lem —Marion County officials saydecreasesin crime andrecidivism are responsible for asteady decline in thenumber of people supervisedby parole andprobation officers. Cmdr.Jeff Wood tells the SalemStatesman Journal that the division is seeinga10year low in supervised offenders. Statistics for the county that includes Salem showthe monthly caseload hasdecreased since at least 2010.

Springfield City Council pay — The

April 23 at 320 N.E.

TODAY AUTHORPRESENTATION: Author DianeHammond discusses herexperiences as killer whale Keiko'3 press secretary and how it inspired her novel, "Friday'3 Harbor"; free; 6 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-312-1034 or www.deschuteslibrary.org. 800K DISCUSSION: Discuss A Novel Idea'3 "The Dog Stars" by Peter Heller; free; 6:30 p.m.; Sunriver Books & Music, Sunriver Village Building 25C; 541-593-2525 or www.deschuteslibrary.orgl calendar.

I-S bridge funding — Federal dollars that would have helpedpay for a new Interstate 5 bridge over theColumbia River will be spent instead on avariety of highwaymaintenance projects in Oregon. Oregon state lawmakers approved $450 million in bonds in 2013, but the project fell apart when Washington lawmakers declined to match the funding. Potential projects include repaving roads and replacing or rehabilitating bridges throughout the state highway system. The projects total $116 million.

Crime rate inSa-

La Pine CityCouncil — The council plans to hold a meeting at 6p.m.

Portland Salem Springfield

city of Springfield is asking residents whether council members and the mayor should be paid. Springfield's city charter has bannedpay for elected officials for a century. But the Eugene Register-Guard reports that the city has posted an online survey seeking opinions about whether voters should beasked to reconsider that ban. — From wire reports

Well shot! Readerphotos

• Spring book sale attracts young and old to browse through thousands of titles By Dylan J. Darling


The Bulletin

azuya Miyashita's three kids kept filling up the family's reusable grocery bag with children's books Sunday, while he searched for some titles of his own. The family was among the couple hundred people who turned out Sunday for the Friends of the Bend Libraries book sale in


the basement of the Deschutes Library Administration Building in downtown Bend.


It was the second day of the sale, and the Three-year-old Veronica Schulze, of Bend, nonprofit volunteer group was selling books reads a book asothers browse the shelves at by thebag — $5 for a plastic grocery sack the spring book sale at the Deschutes Library and $6forasturdierreusablebag.Theevent Administration Building in Bend. was one of four book sales the group puts on each year, all of which are fundraisers to benefit the two libraries in town. 10-year-old daughter, as well as his sons, "It gets books into the hands of people at ages 5 and 6. a price they can afford," said Bruce Wulf, a Among the colorful kids books in the bag volunteer with the group. was a Stephen King novel and some fantaIt was the first time Miyashita, 42, of Red- sy books. While Miyashita was a book sale mond had come to one of the sales. rookie, there were veterans swarming the "I just want to get some books for the kids, and me, too," he said. He was there with his

S.W. PowerhouseDrive, Bend; 541-312-2901. WESTWATEROUTLAWS: The Boulder, Colo. rock band performs; free; 7 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W. BondSt., Bend; 541-362-5174 or www. mcmenamins.com. THURSDAY 25TH ANNUALCENTRAL OREGONRV DEALER SPRINGSHOWAND SALE:Free,opento the public ;9a.m.-6p.m.; Deschutes County Faiand r Expo Center, 3800S.W. Airport Way,Redmond; 541-546-27 I I. BOOK DISCUSSION: Discuss ANovelIdea's "The DogStars" by Peter Heller; free; noon; Redmond Public Library, 627 S.W.Deschutes Ave.; 541-312-1050 orwww. deschuteslibrary.org/ calendar.

BOOK DISCUSSION: Discuss ANovelIdea's "The Dog Stars" by PeterHeller; free; noon; DowntownBend Public Library, 601N.W. Wall St.; 541-617-7050or www.deschuteslibrary.org/ calendar. ELLIS PAUL: The Bostonbased "FlemingArtist" singer-songwriter performs at a houseconcert; bring dish or beverage toshare; $20 donation, reservation requested; 7 p.m.,doors open 6 p.m.for potluck; The Glen atNewport Hills, 1019 N.W.Stannium Drive, Bend; 541-460-8630 or houseconcertsintheglen© bendbroadband.com. TIM SNIDER: The Reno, Nev. violinist performs a live looping show; free; 7 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W.BondSt., Bend; 541-362-5174 orwww. mcmenamins.com. "HELEN ONWHEELS": Cricket Daniel's play

shelves around him.

about a gun-totin', whiskey-drinkin' granny in Oklahoma;$19,$16for students andseniors; 7:30 p.m.; 2nd StreetTheater, 220 N.E.Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-312-9626 or www.2ndstreettheater. com. "NFINITY CHAMPIONS LEAGUECHEERLEADING EVENT":Ascreening of the 2014film about cheerleading; $12.50; 7:30 p.m.; RegalOld Mill Stadium16 & IMAX,660 S.W. PowerhouseDrive, Bend; 541-312-2901. ZACH RYAN ANOTHE RENEGAOES: The Las Vegas Americanaband performs; $5; 9p.m.; Volcanic Theatre Pub,70 S.W. Century Drive, Bend; 541-323-1881 orwww. volcanictheatrepub.com. FRIDAY OREGONPOETRY ASSOCIATIONSPRING

The Friends ofthe Bend Libraries takes in book donations throughout the year for its four booksales. Donations may bedropped off at the BendFriends Book Cellar, belowthe Deschutes Library Administration Building (507 N.W.Wall St.) between1 and 3p.m. Wednesdays. Largedonations, of four or moreboxes, are best delivered directly to the group onWednesdays or to the DowntownBend Public Library or theEast Bend Public Library during business hours. For more information about the group, go to www.fobl. org or call 541-617-7047.


CONFERENCE: Featuring workshops, public readings, consultations, openmics andmore; visit website for schedule and free events; $65, $55 for members in advance, registration requested by April11;; The DoubleTree, 300 N.W. Franklin Ave., Bend; 503-916-3076 or www.oregonpoets.orgl category/conferences. 25TH ANNUALCENTRAL OREGONRVDEALER SPRINGSHOW ANO SALE:Free,open to the public ;9 a.m.-6p.m.; Deschutes County Fair and Expo Center, 3600 S.W. Airport Way, Redmond; 54 I-546-27 I1. MY OWNTWOHANDS: Afundraiser for the Sisters Americana Projectfeaturing an art stroll, parade and performing arts; visit website for schedule; free admission; 3:30 p.m .; downtown Sisters; www.

sistersfolkfestival.org. BENDSPRINGFESTIVAL: A celebration of the season with art, live music, food and drinks; free; 5-11 p.m.; NorthWest Crossing, Mt. Washington and Northwest Crossing drives; www.nwxevents. com. "RIVER OFNORETURN": A screening of the 2012 nature film about a couple who spent ayear in the wilderness; $5; 6 p.m., doors open 5 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W. BondSt., Bend; 541-382-5174 orwww. mcmenamins.com. INTERNATIONALDINNER FUNDRAISER:Information about various countries and an ethnic food dinner; proceeds benefit the school's Interact Club's International Service Project; $10, $7 for children ages12 and younger; 6-6 p.m.; Bend

High School, 230 N.E. Sixth St.; 541-363-6290 or www.j.mp/BHSinteract. AUTHORPRESENTATION: Phillip Margolin readsfrom his latest novel, "Worthy Brown'3 Daughter"; $5; 6:30 p.m.; Paulina Springs Books, 422 S.W.Sixth St., Redmond; 541-526-1491. TURTLEISLANO QUARTET: The San Francisco BayArea string quartet performs; $12, $6 children12 and younger, plus fees; 7 p.m., doors open at 6 p.m.;Tower Theatre, 635 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www.towertheatre.org. "HELEN ONWHEELS": Cricket Daniel'3 play about a gun-totin', whiskey-drinkin' granny in Oklahoma; $19,$16for students and seniors; 7:30 p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-312-9626 or www.2ndstreettheater. com.

• We want to see your photos showing "spring in full swing" for another special version of Well shot! that will run in the Outdoors section. Submit your best work atbendbnlletln.com /spring2014and we'll pick the best for publication. • Email other good photos of the great outdoors to readerpbotoso bendbulletin.com and tell us a bit about where and when you took them. We'll choose the bestfor publication. Submissionrequirements: Include as much detail as possible — when and where you took it, and any special technique

used — aswell as your name, hometown and phone number. Photos must be high resolution (at least 8 inches wide and 300 dpi) and cannot be altered.

"THE BUTLER":A screening of the 2013 film (PG-13) starring Forest Whitaker; free, refreshments available; 7:30 p.m.; Rodriguez Annex, Jefferson County Library, 134 S.E. E St., Madras; 541-475-3351 or www.jcld.org. KRAND ALEXWILEY: Underground hip-hop, with Chandler Pand Card1; $5; 9 p.m., doors open 6 p.m.; Domino Room,51 N.W. GreenwoodAve., Bend;541-406-4329 or www.facebook.com/ slipmatscience. SAMMY STEELE: The Tacoma, Wash. country artist performs; $5 plus fees; 9-11:30 p.m.; Maverick's Country Bar tj Grill, 20565 Brinson Blvd., Bend; 541-325-1666 or www. maverickscountrybar. com.

See Calendar /A8





Mudslidesurvivors sift through guilt and grief asthey struggle to start over

Continued from A7 K aisha K h alifeh, 31 ,


Bend, and he r d a ughter, Roux Jaques, 7, were another kid-parent team.

"We are getting a lot of books, aren't we mom?" Roux said to Khalifeh after bringing a stack of books about bugs, lizards and snakes for her mom to review.

I' th'

By Donna Gordon Blankinship The Associated Press i'tt,t!,

S EATTLE — It w a s a

Khalifeh said she and her kids are regulars at the sales. Saturday, when the group sold individual books for about a $1 each, she was there with her 8-year-old son, Oliver Jaques. Once she or the kids are done with the books, she said they add them toa neighborhood lending library box. "It seems like a good way to keep getting books out into the community," she said. "And,

sound like a jet engine. Then a forest of trees collapsed. A es,

And all was quiet except for

p ,rr/ e ,,)'if'I'Itil t,e.

the calls for help. LoAnna Langton ran out

of her house with her baby boy in her arms. Confused about what had just happened, she shouted for her

children and their friends. She knew she needed to have her all her babies dose

athand. "Larry, Larry, did you

that way our house isn't just overrun with books."

see those trees? There's a

Once she is done with her books, Rhoda Mayfield, 46, them back to be sold again.

hundred trees that just went down," she screamed to her neighbor, Larry Taylor, who opened his door and poked

The Friends of the Bend Libraries t a ke s d o n ations

his head out. About 150 feet away, the

of Sunriver, said she donates

of books from the public

Joe Klihe/The Bulletin

Debbie Foster, of Bend, reaches for a book as Benjamin Browning, bines them with books given 11, and sister Annie, 8, both of Bend, look through books below at up by the Deschutes libraries the spring book sale Sunday. The event is one of four put on each to stock the sales. There were year to benefit Bend libraries. thousands of books for sale Sunday. "It's primarily books from the Fourth of July, following a goes to improving literacy and people who are clearing their tradition that goes back before library services in Bend. "One hundred percent of shelves off," said Meredith the new d owntown l i brary Shadrach, volunteer coordi- was built 13 years ago, she what we make goes to the nator for the group. The event said. library," said Sue Hagner, took about 40 volunteers to Bag sales, like the one Sun- book sale chairwoman for the put on, and another 20 or so day, typically bring in $1,000 group. volunteers help through the to $1,500, Shadrach said. The She said popular books at year,sorting the books before individual book sales, like the the sales range from children's they're sold. one Saturday, typically bring books to books about Oregon, The sales — which also fea- in about $3,500. The group be it the history of the state or ture DVDs and CDs — are in also runs the Friendshop at travel guides. April, July, October and Jan- the downtown library. All the — Reporter: 541-617-7812, uary. The next sale will be on money raised by the group ddarIing@bendbulletirt.com throughout the year and com-


Along with his work for the Paye went to Portland State county, Paye runs a private Continued from A7 University for a year, where he weed-spraying business called Both candidates have been played football as an offensive Payes 2 Spray. He also has been in Jefferson County for de- tackle, before returning home awrestling refereefor28years. cades, and both graduated and taking a job with the Doing so, he has had to make from Madras High School county. He started as a labor- quick decisions about what he — Ahern in 1974 and Paye er and truck driver and is now sees on the mat and deal with in 1982. Ahern, who played in charge of the county's weed angry coaches and parents. " It has helped in l i f e i t football in high school before abatement program. His title discovering cross country his is weed lead. self," he said, "making those last year, went to the UniverVoters elected Ahern to the decisions." sity of Oregon and graduated Jefferson County Commission T he nonpartisan vote i s with a degree in political sci- in 1998, 2006 and 2010. He May 20. Ahern and Paye are ence in 1979. He is now a real lost the 2002 election by fewer vying for county commissionestate broker with Coldwell than 100 votes to Mary Zem- er position No. 2. The winner Banker Dick D odson Real- ke, a Republican who served of the May election will serve ty in Madras. Before that, one term and didn't run again. a four-year team, starting on Ahern owned Ahern's Gro- In 2008 he ran for the state Jan 1, 2015. cery and Deli. The market in

north Madras is still open but

has different owners.

House in District 59 and lost to John Huffman, R-The Dalles.

— Reporter: 541-617-7812, ddariing@bendbulletift.com

rest of their rural Washington neighborhood had disappeared in a massive tangle of mud and debris. The huge March 22 landslide in Oso killed more than two

dozen people and left many others missing. It was one of the worst natural disasters

DJANJALI:Portland-based DJSspin global dance musIc; free; 10p.m.; Doio, 852 N.W.Brooks St., Bend; 541706-9091 or www.dojobend.com.

'w"'f a

r I

fluke of circumstances.


THE KNOX BROTHERS: Six brothers sing Southern gospelmusIc; free, donati onsaccepted;6 p.m.;Redmond Assembly ofGodChurch,1865W. Antler Ave.;541-923-0898 Orsgm© bendbroadband.com. AUTHOR PRESENTATION: Philip

Margolin readsfrom hISlatest novel, "Worthy Brown's Daughter"; $5; 6:30 p.m.; Paulina SpringsBooks,252W. Hood Ave.,Sisters; 541-549-0866. BEND COMMUNITYCONTRADANCE: Featuring caller Chela Sloper, with music by DaveHamlin & Friends;$8at the door; 7 p.m.beginner's workshop, 7:30 p.m. dance;Boys 8 Girls Clubof Bend, 500 N.W .WallSt.;541-330-8943 or www.bendcontradance.org. JAZZ ATJOE'S VOLUME47 —THE DAVETULLTRIO:SOLD OUT;7p.m.; GreenwoodPlayhouse,148 N.W. GreenwoodAve., Bend;541-977-5637 or www.jazzatjoes.com. "HELEN ON WHEELS": Cricket DanIel's play about agUn-totin', whiskeydrinkin' granny InOklahoma; $19, $16 for students andseniors; 7:30 p.m.; 2ndStreet Theater, 220N.E. Lafayette Ave.,Bend;541-312-9626 or www.2ndstreettheater.com. BRITNEE KELLOGG:The Vancouver, Wash. country artist andformer "American Idol" contestant performs; $7 plus fees;9-11:30 p.m.; Maverick's Country Bar 8 Grill,20565 Brinson Blvd., Bend;541-325-1886 orwww. maverickscountrybar.com.

So DeLuca does his rescue

work with words instead. "My phone is ringing off the hook," he said. Weddings have been postponed to make room for funerals and grief counseling. DeLuca doubts they'll ever be able to forget that day.

is in the sixth grade in Darrington. She was a mentor to a

but he pushed on through the mud and over trees and other debris. He helped pull three adults and a baby out of the debris. By the time he


reached their house, it was

surrounded by water and his family was safely away. H ours l a ter,

L o A n na

half-joking. The Langtons and their friend and neighbor, Taylor, are trying to rebuild their lives and find meaning in

John Day

and blackened 36 square miles around them. "We figure that God has plans either for us or



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and a half ago, when they lived in her hometown of Ellensburg, the 2012 wildfire known as the Taylor Bridge Fire skipped their house and destroyed 61 other homes

Burns Lakeview

mplements trissoe J~ i e ~ f,s~J

with disaster. About a year

Athletes; $25, registration requested; 4 p.m.; EastmontChurch,62425Eagle Road, Bend;541-815-1274ordlegg© fca.org. TUMALO SCHOOLBOOTS AND BLINGAUCTION:Featuring raffles, live and silentauctions, bouncehouse and dinneravailable for purchase; proceeds benefit Tumalostudents; free admission; 4-9 p.m.;Tumalo Community School,19835 SecondSt.; 541-420-2588 or tNww.tumaloptc.com. POURINGCATSANDDOGS: Featuring an animal-themedraffle, wine wall and special winetastIngs andpairIngs; proceeds benefit BendSpayand Neuter Project; free, donationsaccepted; 5-9 p.m.; ChocolateElement,916 N.W. Wall St., Bend;541-617-1010or www. bendsnIp.org. SPRINGROUNDUP AND AUCTION: The adults-only eventfeatures music, silentauction, dinnerandmore; proceeds benefit ThreeRivers School; $20; 5-10 p.m.;SunrIver Homeowners Aquatic & RecreationCenter, 57250 Overlook Road;541-410-5129 or www. threeriverspta.org. MYOWN TWO HANDS:AfundraIserfor the Sisters AmericanaProject featuring an art stroll, paradeand performing arts; visit website for schedule; free admission; 6 p.m.;downtown Sisters; www.sistersfolkfestival.org. SOCIAL KARMA ROCKS:Featuring live music andsilent and live auctions; proceeds benefit theWaldorf School of Bend; $25; 6p.m.; Volcanic Theatre Pub, 70S.W.Century Drive, Bend; 541323-1881 orwww.volcanictheatrepub.

that a 71-year-old didn't belong in the search and rescue effort.

to stop Kristopher Langton,

This was the second time

Ryan Brennecke /The Bulletin file photo

His son-in-law reminded him

>j B~ do

her family had a dose call

"All Aboard! Railroads in the High Desert" exhibit opens at the High Desert Museum on Saturday.

later," DeLuca said. "I had this

ple who survived because of a

"When we go down that the muck to try to reach his road, we'll see that scar. We will family. kindergarten student who was remember," he said. "I was scared out of my killed in the slide. "When she found out her litmind," LoAnna Langton r ecalled days a f ter t h e tle friend was killed, she was Pa.rC 6md.6 f"O. landslide. She was worried devastated," DeLuca said. The about her husband and grandmother and DeLuca tried about getting her children to to help the girl process her grief safety. but nothing seemed to help unBend Emergency workers tried on the phone, he raced into

LoAnna Langton says, "Godprotected us." SALQDN

DeLuca said he needed help himself and has turned to his fellow religious leaders for counseling. "It hit me about three days

stories as well. A man who was

their survival. SATURDAY "ALLABOARD! RAILROADS IN THE HIGHDESERT"EXHIBITOPENING: Learn howthe railroad hasimpacted local life; included inthe price of admission; $12adults, $10 ages65 and older, $7ages 5-12, free ages4and younger;; HighDesertMuseum,59800 S. U.S. Highway97, Bend;541-3824754 or www.highdesertmuseum.org. OREGON POETRYASSOCIATION SPRING CONFERENCE:Featuring workshops, public readings, consultations, openmicsand more; visit website for scheduleandfree events; $65, $55for members In advance, registration requested by April 11;; The DoubleTree,300 N.W.Franklin Ave., Bend;503-916-3076 orwww. oregonpoets.org/category/conferences. MOVIN'MOUNTAINS MUDSLINGER: Featuring a 5K fun runor walk; $5, $10out of district, free for Movin' Mountains andFamily FitnessChallenge participants; 9 a.m.;MadrasAquatic Center, 1195S.E.Kemper Way; 541-475-4253. DAVID ROTH:Morning musicwith the Massachusettsfolksinger; bring brunch dlsh orbeverageto share; $15 donation, reservation requested; 10 a.m., doors open9:30a.m.; The Glen at Newport Hills, 1019N.W. Stannium Drive,Bend;541-4808830 or houseconceftsintheglen© bendbroadband.com. BENDSPRINGFESTIVAL:A celebration of the seasonwith aft, live music, food and drlnks; free; 11a.m.-11 p.m.; NorthWest Crossing, Mt.Washington and Northwest Crossing drives; www. nwxevents.com. WALK TO CURE DIABETES:A 2.4-mile family-friendly walkto raiseawareness of diabetes; free, registration required; proceeds benefitdiabetes research; donati onsaccepted;2p.m.,check-in 1p.m.; RiverbendPark,799S.W. Columbia St., Bend;503-643-1995 Or www.jdrforegon.org. A NOVELIDEAKICKOFF: An overview of events In the2014ANovel Idea.. Read Togetherprogram; free; 3p.m.; BrooksRoom,Downtown Bend Public Library, 601N.W.Wall St.; 541-3121032 oI www.deschuteslibrary.orgl calendar. "IT'S AGRANDSLAM":Featuring a dinnerand silentauction; proceeds benefit the Fellowship ofChristian

"someone else to take care of."

still alive — either by luck scheduled to work on a roof in or circumstance — they are Oso aroundthetime of the slide trying to make sense of the talked about his decision to not tragedy. go to that job because he wantLoAnna Langton's hus- ed to be at his son's wrestling band, Kristopher Langton, tournament in Anacortes. also lived. When the slide DeLuca said it's been hard struck, he had been on his for the survivors. way back home from an erA grandmother who belongs rand. After a few seconds of to his church was worried listening to his wife scream about her granddaughter, who

dained minister was only I

Taylor is thinking of building a meditation chapel in Darrington, where his friends and neighbors could find some peace and tranquility. He said he's heard probably a dozen stories of other peo-

And like others who are

"I bless my house every day," Taylor said. The ortt

til grandma adopted a puppy and the granddaughter had

her great aunt survived.

children, her mother and

survive that?"

Continued from A7

our children," she said in an interview.

sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach." Pastor Mike DeLuca of DarHe said that feeling was guilt rington's First Baptist Church fornotbeingout there andhelpsaid he's been hearing those ingpullpeople out of the debris.

in state history. Taylor, Langton, her four

Langton turned to Taylor and asked, "How did we


Sofia Jaramillo/The Herald via The Associated Press

LoAnna Langton is thrilled to receive diapers from Amanda Davidson in Darrington, Wash., just days after the March 22 mudslide. On the day of the disaster, Langton ran out of her house with a baby inher arms. Confused about what had justhappened, she shouted for her children and their friends.



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OREGON POETRYASSOCIATION SPRINGCONFERENCE:Featuring workshops, public readings, consultations, open mics andmore; visit website for schedule andfree events; $65, $55 for members in advance, registration requested by April11;; The DoubleTree,300 N.W. Franklin Ave., Bend;503-916-3076 or www.oregonpoets.org/categoryl conferences. Contact:541-383-0351, communitylife© hendhulletin.com or "Submit an Event" online at www.hendbutletin.com. Entries must he submitted at least tO days before publication.


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a'sne or


a e r e e rman?

Academy ofCountry


brought his Stupid Pet Tricks

(P' '

By Scott Collins and Meredith Blake


. '





Los Angeles Times

The scramble to succeed late-night host David Letterman has talent handlers and

Las Vegas oddsmakers shouting their picks from the sidelines. Politicians are squabbling over whether his replace-



had just taken over NBC's"The Tonight Show" after Johnny Carson, the undisputed king of late-night TV, retired. Last year, "Late Show" brought in about $130 million in ad revenue for CBS, according to a top rival producer and trade reports. (A CBS spokesman declined to comment).

ment should be based in Los

That's down from more than

Angeles or New York. But those issues may be the

$200 million as recently as 2007, according to Kantar

least of the worries for CBS,


which must program for a vastly different TV landscape than when it hired Letterman

Instead, popular speculation has centered on such names as Colbert (3-to-I odds, according to one bookmaker), Chelsea Handler (who looks

to CBS. At that time, Jay Leno

Jeffrey R Staab/ CBS via The Associated Press

David Letterman, who has hosted the "Late Show" on CBS since

unlikely to return to her E!

talk show) and even the Golden Globes hosting duo of Tina Fey and Amy Poehler (both have development deals with NBC). "I think they'll have to look

outside the network," Adgate said. "I don't know if anyone (at CBS) can take on the two Jimmys and Conan." But in one telling sign of the odds facing CBS — America's

"Ad revenue has been going down in the gate-night TV) category, but it remains really

m ost-watched network


away from NBC 21 years ago 1993, announced his retirement recently. Although no specific date profitable for the networks," to launch it s "Late Show" was announced, he told the audience that he will leave his desk said Deana Myers, principal

also its oldest-skewing — con-


subscribers. Fallon's "Tonight Show" feasts on skits and

sometime in 2015.

The late-night field is more crowded, profits aren't what they used to be, and the au-

dience is now a lot older. All that could lead CBS to take a

gamble and try something besides another show featuring a stand-up comic and celebrity interviews, analysts say. "CBS will look at a lot of

terman viewer is now a relatively hoary 58, while young adults raised on the Internet often don't even watch TV,

choosing instead to snack on

sider the number of YodIttbe

analyst for m edia research

firm SNL Kagan. In assessing their prospects, games that translate well onsoftened the numbers. The lon- CBS executives could decide to line and has been rewarded gest-running late-night host in ditch the crowded talk format. with nearly 3 million subthe history of television could

once count on bringing in around 4 million viewers per night but has lately sunk to less than 2.5 million, according to

Adult Swim — the late-night animated block from Cartoon

scribers on the online video platform. Letterman's "Late Show," by contrast, posts only brief snippets from interviews

Network — draws big ratings, especially among hard-toand other online platforms. reach young men. Then too, Letterman's iron- Nielsen. Then there is the succession "Late night is not what it possibilities post-'Late Show,'" ic mockery, groundbreaking problem. said Brad Adgate, analyst for when he started on N BC's was," said Gary Edgerton, Unlike NBC, which tapped ad firm Horizon Media. "They "Late Night" i n 1 982, now professor at Butler University its deep talent pool on "Saturtook that approach when Dan seems like just another voice in and author of "The Columbia day Night Live" to find hosts Rather left as anchor of the the vast media echo chamber. History of American Televi- Fallon and Seth Meyers, CBS 'Evening News' before picking Letterman inspired so many sion." "It's overpopulated; the has no bench to speak of, aside Katie Couric." imitators that the wee hours number of viewers is so m uch from Craig Ferguson, the Scottish-born host of the off-kilter He and other analysts be- are now choking on more than lower." lieve a priority will be attract- 20 talk shows, with his chief Indeed, though CBS has yet "Late Late Show" that follows ing younger viewers, who are rivals including Jimmy Fal- to announce a successor, it's Letterman. However, Ferguprized by advertisers but in lon, Jimmy Kimmel, Conan clear that the potential jackpot son is widely deemed too ecO'Brien and Stephen Colbert. increasingly short supply. in late night is much smaller centric to appeal to a broader video outtakes on YouTube

The median age of the Let-

All t hat

c ompetition has than it was when Letterman

and monologues and is just over 40,000.

Such a gulf creates obvious problems in today's media market.

"When the smoke cleared after Fallon's first couple of weeks, CBS realized it now

had these two really strong competitors" in Fallon and ABC's Kimmel, said Robert

Thompson, a media professor at Syracuse University. "CBS was going to want to get a little

bit of that energy."

audience at ll:35 p.m.

MuSiC —Miranda Lambert and Keith Urbantied for the most trophies at theshow, and George Strait won his second entertainer of theyear award25 years after hewon his first. • ENTERTAINER OFTHE YEAR: George Strait • MALEVOCALIST OF THE YEAR:Jason Aldean • FEMALEVOCALISTOF THE YEAR:Miranda Lambert • VOCALOUO OF THEYEAR: Florida Georgia Line • VOCALGROUP OF THEYEAR: The BandPerry

See a list of all winners at www.acmcountry.com. Source: www.acmcountry.com

TV TODAY 6 p.m. on 6, "2014 NCAABasketball Tournament" —It's down to the last two survivors of the NCAA Tournament as college basketball's national championship is determined tonight at AT8TStadium in Arlington, Texas. Jim Nantz provides play-by-play alongside analysts Greg Anthonyand Steve Kerr for CBS. 8 p.m.ou29 ,"DancingWith the Stars" —The jury is still out on whether thechanges madeto the dance competition this season — replacing co-host Brooke Burke-Charvet with Erin Andrews, jettisoning Harold Wheeler and his band — will translate to higher ratings. The season premiere apparently lost viewers in the coveted18-49 demographic to another competitive show, NBC's "The Voice." Onething is certain, though: The dancing is always fun to watch.

8 p.m. on(CW), "Star-Crossed"

Grieving mot ernee srig twor s

MOVIE TIMESTDDAY • There may be an additional fee for 3-0and IMAXmovies. • Movie times are subject to change after press time. I

Dear Abby:My I-year-old baby recently passed away. I have two other children, one with special

Dear Abby: My daughter was m arried for eightyears before divorcing her cheating husband. needs. I find it irritating and not at They havetwo children.When my all comforting when people tell me daughter found out about the affair, that "at least I have she was inconsolother children and able. The girlfriend that I should concenactually phoned her DPPR trate on them." and said, "Why are How can I politely you so upset? Everytell them that I have one cheats!" never stopped taking N ow, tw o y e a rs care of my other children, and that later, the girlfriend is pregnant. My nothing eases the pain of burying daughter would like a paternity your child? test done before the kids are intro—Mourning My Baby duced to this new child. She thinks in Puerto Rico it would be harmful if they are inDear Mourning: Please accept troduced to a new half-sibling who my deepest sympathy for the loss may later prove to belong to anothof your child. My heart goes out to er man. ("Everyone cheats"?) What do you think about this? you. While I can imagine that you Is it wrong for my daughter to might be tempted to lash out at want proof that this is her ex's these insensitive individuals, I baby? He feels certain he's the fa-

prevent him from being considered the father. Whileyour daughter has reason to be angry at her ex and

hope you realize their comments

asked, tell them you tried it in col-

ther, but he also knows the other

are madeoutofignorance. Some- woman has kept in touch with her times it isn't what you say as much ex-boyfriend. as how you say it. In a case like — Just Wondering in Connecticut this, exactly what you have written Dear Just Wondering: If your to me would be an appropriate re- daughter's ex wants to claim patersponse as long as it is said calmly nity without a paternity test, there and without anger. is no legal basis I can think of to

will have plenty of opportunities to deal with your anger. You will learn to turn this uncomfortable feeling into a positive one for you and those around you. Your willingness to look within yourself will be important. If you are single, you could be passionately drawn to a Libra. The fireworks will be Starssbowtbe kiud incredibie, but of dayyou'll have ighting also could be intense. ++++ positive

he cheated, she can't prevent her children from seeing the baby if he wants them to.

(P.S. You'd think her ex would WANT to know for certain, but it

takes all kinds ...) Dear Abby: What is t he b est

way to answer your children when they ask if you have taken drugs'? I smoked a little marijuana back in college, but stopped before graduation and I haven't done it since.

M y children are about ready to go to high school. I have avoided answering their questions in the

past, but I know I'll have to say something sometime. What? — Tongue-Tied in Anytown, USA

Dear Tongue-Tied:I don't believe in lying to children. When you are lege, didn't like it and considered it a waste of time. Then tell them that

as long as they are living under your roof, using ANY illegal substance will not be condoned. — Write toDear Abby at dearabby.com or P.O. Box 69440, LosAngeles, CA90069

tion. You might be angrier than you real-


to dislike the woman with whom

YOURHOROSCOPE By Jacqueline Bigar

in the future. Be more forthright in your dealings with others. A loved one could causesome problems. Tonight:Buya treat on the way home.

ize. Expressyour side of a disagreement by saying whatyou want. Afriend could be very difficult to deal with. Don't be petty. Tonight: Answer emails, then see what you feel like doing.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

** * * Your creativity will be pushed to the max when dealing with a changeCANCER (June21-July 22) ** * * You could be facing a problem able situation. The issue could involve a friend or loved one. You will need to you don't want to deal with, butyou will renegotiate what was previously thought have little choice. You might not be sure what to say. Honor a change with a friend to be written in stone. Tonight: With a really want a relaor loved one. You could find some of this favorite person. tionship like this. If person's views challenging at best. To* Difficult CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) you are attached, night: Do whatm akesyou happy. ** * * You defer to others easily and you could be forgLEO (July 23-Aug.22) ing a new path where both you and your probably too quickly. Honor a change ** You might be walking right into a sweetie expressyour deeper feelings. within yourself, and keep in mind that a hornet's nest without even realizing it. Rather than judge your partner, learn to situation could get better with time. You You could have very little to do with the empathize and understand where he or situation, yetyou could be the one being seem to be less attached to a personal she is coming from. CANCERcan drag matter than you realize. Let go and relax. blamed. Listen to your instincts. Use you down. Tonight: Join friends. care with flaring tempers. Tonight: CoARIES (March21-April 19) coon at home if possible. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) ** * * You could find others to be de** * Try to stay away from controversy. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) manding. Know thatyou can'tm ake everyone happy all the time. A loved one or ** * * Emphasize the positives, even if Buckle down and get your work done. associate will let you know this fact in no all you are hearing are the negatives. The Others might share a lot of their feelings. uncertain terms. Explaining can only go more you detach from this situation, the Detach and gain a new perspective. It so far with someone who does not want better your choices will be. Honor a need is important for you to stay neutral. Tofor a change, but know that you don't to listen. Tonight: Play it low-key. night: Jump on your computer and surf have to act just yet. Tonight: Escape the TAURUS (April 20-May20) the Web. ** * * * K eep communication flowing. tension around you. PISCES (Feb. 19-Marcb20) You might want to consider what is said LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) ** * * Your imagination and creativity without personalizing the comment. You ** * * You might want to try a new apwill take you to a new level. A partner proach or find a different way of handling could feel as if you have no say with a a problem. Clearly you do not have all the suddenly might be very short and irrivolatile person in your life. It might be table. Be smart and walk away from an good to go to the gym to work out some answers. Still, you must take a bigger stress. Tonight: Visit with a friend. role in what is going on. Be sensitive to argument. Understand that a money a boss who could be off-kilter. Tonight: matter needs to be handled. Realize GEMINI (May 21-June20) what you want here. Tonight: Add some ** * * Be open to a different method Vanish quickly. caring. of handling your finances. You might get SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov.21) some important tips that could help you ** * * D etach from any volatile situa© King Features Syndicate



Regal Old Mill Stadium16 & IMAX, 680S.W. Powerhouse Drive, 800-326-3264 • 300: RISE OF ANEMPIRE (R) 3:30, 9:30 • 300: RISE OF ANEMPIRE 3-O (R) 12:35, 6:45 • BAO WORDS (R) 1:35, 3:55, 7:30, 9:50 • CAPTAINAMERICA:THEWINTERSOLDIER (PG-13) Noon, 3:15, 4:15, 6:30, 9:50,10:10 • CAPTAINAMERICA:THEWINTERSOLDIER 3-O (PG-13) 1, 7:45 • CAPTAINAMERICA: THEWINTER SOLDIER IMAX3-O (PG-13j 12:30, 3:45, 7,10:05 • DIVERGENT (PG-13) 12:15, 3:40, 6:55, IO:05 • GOD'SNOT DEAD (PG)12:10,3,6:05,9:05 • THEGRANO BUDAPEST HOTEL (R)11:45 a.m .,2:45,6,9 • THE LEGO MOVIE(PG) 12:40, 3:25, 6:40, 9:15 • THE MONUMENTS MEN(PG-13) 12:55, 7:10 • MR. PEABODY rr SHERMAN(PG) 12:20, 3:10, 6:25, 9:10 • MUPPETSMOST WANTED (PG)1:20,4:35,7:20,10 • NEED FOR SPEED(PG-13j 3:50,9:55 • NOAH(PG-13) 11:50 a.m.,12:50, 2:55, 4:05, 6:15, 7:15, 9:20 • NON-STOP(PG-13) 1:45, 4:45, 8 • SABOTAGE (R) 1:I0, 4:25, 7:35, 10:15 • Accessibility devices are available forsome movies. •

his family, sheasksSophia (Brina Palencia) for advice on impressing her mother (SusanWalters

Ashby). Vega (Merle Dandridge) taps Drake (GregFinley) as the new undercover operative, but Roman wants her to reconsider. Eva (Stephanie Jacobson) makes Julia (Malese Jow) an offer in the new episode "AnOldAccustom'd Feast." 9 p.m.ou FOOD, "Kitchen Casino" —You gotta know when to hold 'em, when to fold 'em, when to slice 'em andwhen to dice 'em. Poker and other gambling challenges are part of this new cooking competition, in which the turn of a card or the pull of a slot machine handle determines what ingredients the contestants must use. Bill Rancic is the series' host. Cr Zap2it



McMenamins OldSt. Francis School, 700 N.W.Bond St., 541-330-8562 • HER(Rj 9 • JACKRYAN:SHADOW RECRUIT(PG-13)6 • After 7p.m.,showsare21andolderonly.Youngerthan 21 may attend screenings before7pm. ifaccompanied by a legal guardian. Tin Pan Theater, 869 N.W.Tin PanAlley, 541-241-2271 • THE ROCKET (no MPAArating) 6 • TIM'S VERMEER (PG-13) 8:30 I


Sisters Movie House,720 DesperadoCourt, 541-549-8800 • CAPTAINAMERICA:THEWINTERSOLDIER (PG-13) 6:15 • DIVERGENT (PG-13) 6 • MUPPETSMOST WANTED (PG)6:30 • NOAH(PG-13)6 Madras Cinema5,1101 S.W.U.S.Highway 97, 541-475-3505 • CAPTAINAMERICA:THEWINTERSOLDIER (PG-13) 6:20, 7 • CAPTAINAMERICA:THEWINTERSOLDIER 3-O (PG-13) 4:05 • DIVERGENT (PG-13) 3:40, 6:40 • GOD'SNOT DEAD (PG)4:35 • MUPPETSMOST WANTED (PG)4 • NOAH (PG-13)3:30, 6:30 • SABOTAGE (R) 7:10 •

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Redmond Clnemas,1535S.W.OdemMedo Road, 541-548-8777 • CAPTAINAMERICA:THEWINTERSOLDIER (PG-13) 3:45, 6:45 • DIVERGENT (PG-13) 4:15, 7:15 • MUPPETSMOST WANTED (PG)4:15,6:45 • NOAH (PG-13)4:30, 7:30

Pine Theater, 214 N.MainSt., 541-416-1014 • CAPTAINAMERICA:THEWINTERSOLDIER (PG-13) 6:15 • NOAH(Upstairs — PG-13)6:30 • Theupstairsscreening room has limitedaccessibility.


— After Roman (Matt Lanter) invites Emery (AimeeTeegarden) to celebrate anAtrian holiday with

Find a week'sworth of movie times plus film reviews in Friday's

0 Go! Magaznie



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IlV THE BACI4: WEATHER W MLB, B3 Community sports, B4 College hoops, B7 THE BULLETIN • M ONDAY, APRIL 7,2014

O www.bendbulletin.com/sports

The week ahea

A rundown of gamesandevents to watch for locally and nationally from the world of sports (all times Pacific):






College basketball, NCAA men's tournament final, UConn vs. Kentucky, 610 p.m. (CBS):It's a battle of both blue bloodsandbigunderdogsatAT&T Stadium in Arlington, Texas.TheHuskies, three-time national champions, areseeking to becomethefirst No. 7 seedto win the championship, while theWildcats, eight-time champions, hope tobecome the second No. 8seedto win thetitle.

College basketball, NCAAwomen's tournament final, UConnvs. Notre Dame, 5:30 p.m.(ESPN):As unpredictable as the men's tournament was, the women's tournament was predictable. The Huskies and Irish areeach undefeated heading into their final at Bridgestone Arena in Nashville, Tenn., for a championship contest anticipated since theend of last season.

NBA basketball, SacramentoKingsat Portland Trail Blazers, 7 p.m.(Comcast Sports NetNorthwest): With the playoffs on the horizon, the Blazers play three of their final four games of the regular season at home,starting with the lowly Kings. Portland will be looking to strengthen its position for the NBApostseason, which begins April19.

Golf, the Masters, noon-4:30 p.m. on ThursdayandFriday(ESPN); noon-4 p.m. on Saturday(CBS);11 a.m.-4 p.m. on Sunday(CBS):Goneare the days of having only a handful of golfers able to win the Masters. This year's field at Augusta National, with an astonishing number of quality first-time players, is oneof the most open in recent memory.

High schooltennis, BendInvitational girls tournament, SummitInvitational boys tournament:Both tournaments include top programs representing high schools from across Central Oregonand elsewhere around the state. TheBend Invite will be staged at Juniper Park and at Summit, BendandMountain View high schools; the Summit Invite will take place at the Athletic Club of Bend.



COLLEGE ATHLETICS NCAApresident against unions ARLINGTON, Tex-

as — NCAAPresident Mark Emmert said Sunday the unionization of college athletics would be "grossly inappropriate." "To convert to a unionized employee model is essentially to throw away theentire collegiate model for athletics," he said. "It would blow up everything about the collegiate model of athletics." Emmert and others on the panel said students already havea prominent voice in university decisions. "The reality is that every university president (is) very accustomed to having students involved in the governance at universities," Emmert said. "They participate with the board."

Chris Lee / St. Louis Post-Dispatch

Julius Randle is one of five freshman starters for Kentucky. Win or lose tonight, the ques-


tion is whether some(or all) of them will leave for the NBA.


UIC program is an NBA internsbip. So what'?


— Chicago Tribune

SOCCER U.S. soccer fires women's coach

By Blair Kerkhoff

U.S. Soccer saysTom Sermanni has beenfired as coach of the U.S. women's national team. The Americans beat China 2-0 in anexhibition gameSundayin Commerce City, Colo. Hours later, the U.S. soccerannounced the move in a newsrelease. Sermanni took over as coach of the U.S. women's national team in January 2013. He previously spent eight years coaching Australia's women's team.

The Kansas City Star

ARLINGTON, Texas — The Deal with it, America tournament tour concludes tonight

for Kentucky. Three weeks of an all-freshmen team taking down more

experienced squads reaches a climax when the Wildcats meet Connecticut for the

NCAA championship. It's not supposed to happen this way, winning a title with

rookies. It never has happened before. Michigan's Fab Five

ithout deep pockets, pure luck, or mind-bending golf talent,

lost in their title shot more

even the most passionate golf fans will likely spend their

than two decades ago. But here it is, a Wildcats ponents were playing prep or high school ball last year, bat-

Zack Swoffer

Augusta NationaL

tling for commemorative caps,

venerable tournament is considered the toughest ticket in sports. But Bob Garza, Bob Garza

are 19 years old, college becomes a pit stop on the way to

for his ticket. Neither will Caleb Anderson, a Bend real estate broker and former

out, but I'd like to thank

the director of golf at Brasada Canyons Golf Club in Powell Butte. &rns out that Caleb

College as an NBA internship, if you will. SeeKentucky/B7



• A lookat the course at Augusta National and the changesthis year (including the removal of a certain tree),Bg

spending a lifetime devoted to the game has one especially cool fringe benefit. SeeTickets /B9 u~

© 2+ 4


The Masters s e prMApn1 10.e

slsow «imws ra Pa "s sscN .g '13 I.W lag

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sninpa o+wyt es, a wwllhl ye

• With a crop of young players like Jordan Spieth, Patrick Reed, Victor Dubuisson andJimmy Walker, this year is the best chance since FuzzyZoeller in1979 to have afirst-time Masters player win,BS • Lexi Thompson outlasts Michelle Wie to win the Kraft Nabisco Championship, the first LPGAmajor of the year, BS

— TheAssociated Pess



Horse Butte kicksoff racing season


race Sunday in Bend. Bak finished first overall.

U.S. Soccerforthe opportunity to have coached this team and also the staff and players for all their hard work," Sermanni said in the U.S. Soccer statement. In the game, Lauren Holiday scored off a ricochet late in the first half and substitute Megan Rapinoe addedanother goal.


Ryan Bak runs the course of the Horse Butte 10-mile trail

day in San Diego.

"I'm disappointed that things didn't work

the NBA.

• A look at UConn's defense,B7 • Women's final four,Bl

of development for U.S. Soccer, will take over as interim coach. The women's team faces China again onThurs-

the director of instruction at Lost Tracks Golf Club in Bend, will not pay a cent head pro at Tetherow Golf Club in Bend, or Anderson's close friend Zack Swoffer,

turn professional until they

the final, B7

Jill Ellis, the director

Masters selling for nearly $4,000, it is clear why the

As if Kentucky needs it.

• Breaking down the matchups for

States, he went13-0-3 last season.


With a four-day admission ticket for the 2014

t-shirts and net necklaces. "We have a little swagger to us right now," freshman guard Aaron Harrison said. The program magnifies one of college basketball's biggest issues, something it is powerless to control.Because theverybestamateurs cannot

With the United

lifetime outside the gates of

team in which the key com-


.ee ™

Joe Kline/ The Bulletin 1

By Beau Eastes

ic Northwest.

The Bulletin

On Sunday, Brown was one of some 200 runners who

Bill Browne's second act is going quite nicely. The 64-year-old Santa Rosa, Calif., resident retired

tackled the ninth annual Horse Butte 10-mile Trail Run south-

earlier this year and since has

treated to spectacular race

embarked on a West Coast trail-running dream trip, including races all over the Pacif-

conditions, as temperatures reached the upper 50s.

east of Bend. Participants were

See Horse Butte/B4

Inside • Sports news from around thearea, B4

• Scoreboard,B4

Portland's Robin

Lopez up against New Orleans' Greg Stiemsma.

Blazers top Peiicans NBA roundup,B5






NASCAR,SprintCup,DuckCommander 500

Time TV/Radio 9a.m. Fox


MLB, Baltimore at N.Y.Yankees MLB, Cincinnati at St. Louis MLB, Texas atBoston College, North Carolina State at Clemson SOCCER EPL, TottenhamHotspur vs. Sunderland

1 0 a.m. ML B 1 p.m. MLB 4 p.m. E S PN 4 p.m. E SPNU noon


6 p.m.



NCAA Tournament final, Kentucky vs. UConn


MLB, Baltimore at N.Y.Yankees MLB, Cincinnati at St. Louis MLB, L.A. Angels at Seattle SOCCER UEFAChampions League, quarterfinal, Chelsea vs. Paris Saint-Germain UEFAChampions League, quarterfinal, Borussia Dortmund vs. RealMadrid CONCACAFChampionsLeague,semifinal, Deportivo Toluca vs LDAlajuelense

Time TV/Radio 1 0 a.m. ML B 5 p.m. FS1 7 p.m. Root, MLB 11:30 a.m. FS1 11:30 a.m. FS2 5 p.m.



NBA, Brooklyn at Miami Women's NCAA Tournament final, Notre Damevs. UConn NBA, Houston at L.A. Lakers

5 p.m.


5:30 p.m. ESPN 7:30 p.m. T NT


NHL, Washington at St. Louis

5 p.m. NBCSN

Listings are the most accurate available. TheBulletin is not responsible for late changesmadeby TV or radio stations.


ON DECK Today Baseball: CottageGroveat Sisters, 4:30p.m.;Junction City atLaPine, 4:30p.m.; MadrasatLaSalle, 5p.muWaldport atCulver(DH),2p.m. Soflball:MountainViewatTheDallesWahtonka/Duiur, 4 p.m.; Sistersat CotageGrove,4:30p,muLa PineatJunctionCity430 pmuLaSalle atMadras, 4:30 p.m.; Waldport atCulver(DH),2 p.m. Boys golf: Bend, Summit,Redm ond, Ridgeview, CrookCountyat Pronghorn,1 p.m. Girls golf: Bend,MountainView,Summit, Crook CountyatPronghorn, noon Boystennis:MadrasatCascade,4p.m. Girls tennis: Cascade at Madras,4p.m. Boyslacrosse:RedmondatSummit,8p.m.

Thursday Boys tennis: Bend at CrookCounty, 4 p.muRidgeviewat Summit, 4 p.m.; Redmondat Mountain View,4p.m. Girls tennis: Crook Countyat Bend,4p.muSummit at Ridgeview,4p.m.; Mountain Viewat Redmond, 4p.m. Girls golf: Bend,Mountain View,Summit, Redmond, Ridgeview,CrookCounty, Trinity LutheranatMeadow Lakes,noon


Saturday Baseball: Bend atHood River Valley(DH), noon Soflball:HoodRiverValleyat Bend(DH),noon Boystennis:Bend,Redmond,MountainView,Ridgeview, Summit, CrookCountyatSummit Tournament,TBD Girls tennis: Bend, Mountain View,Summit, Sisters, Ridgeview,CrookCountyat Bend Invite, TBD Track and field: Bend,Summit at JimRobinson Twilight Invitational inRoseburg, 10a.m.; Sisters, Culverat Meetof ChampionsatWilamette University in Salem,10:30a.mcMadrasat BurnsLions/ OsterMemorial Invitational, noon;CrookCountyat LowerColumbiaInvite inSt.Helens,12:30 p.m. Boys lacrosse:Roseburgat Bend, 11a.m.; Sisters atWestSalem,4 p.m4Thurston at Summit, 1 p.m. Girls lacrosse:Bendvs. Beavertonat University oi Oregon,10a.m4Bend vs. Carlsbad (Cali.) at University ofOregon,2p.m.

sweep of its three-gamePac-12Conference series with Stanford with a 2-1 win Sunday atGoss Stadium in Corvallis. Kavin Keyeshit a two-out, two-run single in the first inning, and threeBeaver pitchers made the leadstand as OSU(9-3 Pac-12, 25-6 overall) ran its winning streak to five games.Stanford (3-6, 10-14) managed10 hits, all against Oregon State starter JaceFry. But Fry, who struck out sixand walked none, allowed just one run over seveninnings, and relievers Zack Reserand Scott Schultz preserved the win for Fry (6-1). Keyes had tvvo of the Beavers' six hits. Oregon State returns to action Friday in the opener of athree-game series at Washington State; gametime at Bailey-Brayton Field in Pullman, Wash., is 6 p.m. tvvo-run leads getaway,the second time in the bottom of the10th inning as the Ducks lost 5-4 to Washington in the finale of aPac-12 Conference series at Husky Ballpark in Seattle. Andrew Elydrilled a bases-loaded triple down the right-field line with one out in the home half of the10th, scoring three runs to endthe gameafter Oregon had taken a 4-2 lead in thetop of the inning. Singles by Steven Packard and A.J. Balta accounted for the Ducks' runs in the10th. With the win, the Huskies (10-2 Pac-12, 22-6-1 overall) took the three-game series 2-1 andremain in first place in the conference standings. Oregon (7-5, 22-10) plays at homeagainst Portland on Tuesday; game time at PKPark is 6 p.m.

CanCellara rePeatS aSTOurOf FlanderS Winner —Fabian Cancellara of Switzerland won a four-way power sprint to the finish line in Oudenaarde, Belgium, to repeat asTour of Flanders champion and win one of theyear's toughest classics for the third time. In the sprint, Cancellara beat atrio of Belgians, with Greg VanAvermaet takingsecond placeaheadofSvenVanmarckeandStijnVandenbergh. Last year Cancellara won theclassic by relying on his overwhelming time trial talents, and this time hewon with an explosive finish that no one could match. It makesCancellara the likely favorite to also win the Paris-Roubaix World Tour classic next week.

TENNIS Ivanovic wins 2ndtitle of year at Monterrey OpenAna Ivanovic won anall-Serbian final at the Monterrey Open in Mexico on Sunday, beating Jovana Jaksic 6-2, 6-1 for her second title of the year. Ivanovic, the 2008 French Openchampion, also won the ASB Classic in Auckland, NewZealand, to start the year. It's the first time since 2010 shehascaptured multiple titles in a season. Jaksic, playing in her first WTATour final, started off strongly against the second-seeded Ivanovic, breaking her at love and winning the first six points of the match. But Ivanovic reeled off 16 of the next17 points to take control of the match and finish it off in one hour. — From wire reports

Mercedes driver Nico

Rosberg, left, sprays rose water oh wlnnlng teammate Lewis Hamilton on the podium after the Bahrain Formula One Grand Prix at the Bahrain International Circuit in Sakhir, Bah-

rain, Sunday. Luca Bruno/The Associated Press


EasternConference W L T P ls GF GA Columbus 3 1 0 9 7 4 TorontoFC 3 1 0 9 5 4 SportingKansasCity 2 1 2 8 5 4 Houston 2 2 0 6 7 6 Philadelphia 1 1 3 6 6 6 D.C. 1 2 1 4 4 6 NewEngland 1 3 1 4 2 8 Chicago 0 1 4 4 8 9 NewYork 0 1 4 4 6 9 Montreal 0 3 2 2 5 9

Wednesday Baseball: Bendat Dalas, 4 p.mcMountain Viewat NorthMediord,4p.m4Sweet Homeat Sisters,430 p.m.;CottageGroveat LaPine,4:30p.m.; LaSalle atMadras,4:30p,muDufur/SouthWascoCounty at Culver,4:30p.m. Soflball:Sistersat Sweet Home, 4:30p.muCottage Groveat LaPine, 4:30 p.m.; Madrasat Gladstone, 4:30p.m. Boys tennis:Madrasat North Marion, 4p.m. Girls tennis: NorthMarionat Madras,4p.m. Track and field: Redmondat Bend,3 p.m.; Ridgeview at CrookCounty, 3 p,m4MountainViewat Summit, 3 p.m. Boys lacrosse:Harneyat Bend, 5p.m. Girls lacrosse:Bendat Marist, 4:30p.m.

Ducks fall to Huskies in10 innings —oregontwice let

Beavers polish off Cardinal —OregonStatecompleted a

In the Bleachers O 2014 Steve Moore. Dist. by Universal Ucuck www.gocomics.com/inthebleachers

Tuesday Baseball: Hood River Valley at Redmond,4:30 p.m.; Mazama at Summit, 4:30 p.m. Sotlball:RidgeviewatGrants Pass(DH),2pm4Redmond atHoodRiver Valey, 4:30p.m.; Mazamaat Summit4:30 , p.m. Boystennis:BendatRidgeview,4p.m.;Redmondat Summit, 4p.m.;Klamath Union atSisters, 4 p.m.; MountainViewatCrookCounty, 4p.m. Girls tennis: Ridgeview at Bend, 4p.mcSummit at Redmond, 4p.muCrookCountyatMountainView, 4p.m. Track andfield: LaPine,CotageGroveat Sisters, 4 p.m.;Gilchristat Culver,4p.m. Boyslacrosse:SistersatMountainView,5:30p.m.

Friday Baseball:Sisters at Elmira,4:30p.m.; SouthMedford atRedmond, 3 p.mcSummit vs. SouthMedford atRedmond,5 p.m.; Sweet Homeat LaPine, 4:30 p.muEstacadaat Ridgeview (DH), 3 p.m.; CountryChristianatCulver,4:30 p.m. Sotlball: HoodRiverValleyat MountainView,4:30 p.m.;Redmondat South Medford(DH),3p.m.; Elmira atSisters,4:30p.m.; LaPineatSweet Home, 4:30 p.m.;CrookCounty atEstacada,TBD; Central Linn atCulver4:30p.m. Boys golf: Bend,Mountain View,Summit, Redmond, Ridgeview, CrookCountyat BrokenTop,10a.m. Boystennis:Bend,Redmond,MountainView,Ridgeview,Summit, CrookCounty at Summit Tournament,TBD;Blanchet Catholic atMadras,4p.m. Girls tennis: Bend Invitational: AtJuniperPark: Jesuit vs. Sisters, 11 a.m.; Jesuit vs. Summit, 1:30 p.m4Sistersvs.Summit, 4 p.m4At Summit High: Ridgeview vs. St. Mary's,11a.muRidgeview vs. OregonEpiscopal,4 p.mcAtBendHigh:Beaverton vs.Bend,11 a.m.; Bendvs. WestSalem, 4 p.m.; AtMountainViewHigh: Central Catholic vs. MountainView,11a.m.; Mountain Viewvs. Tualatin, 4 p.m. Boyslacrosse:RoseburgatSummit,8p.m.


6. SebastiaVe n ttel, Germany, RedBul, 23. 7.KevinMagnussen,Denmark,McLaren,20. 8. ValtteriBottas,Finland,Wiliams,18. 9. SergioPerez,Mexico, ForceIndia,16. 10. DanieRi l cciardo,Australia, RedBull,12. 11. FelipeMassa,Brazil, Wiliams,12. 12. KimiRaikkonen,Finland,Ferrari, 7. 13. Jean-EricVergne,France, ToroRosso, 4. 14. DaniilKvyat,Russia, ToroRosso, 3. ConstructorsStandings 1. Mercedes,111points. 2. ForceIndia,44. 3. McLaren,43. 4. RedBull, 35. 5. Ferrari33. , 6. Williams,30. 7. ToroRosso,7.


BASEBALL College Pac-12Standings All TimesPDT Washington Oregon State UCLA Washington State

Oregon Arizona State California Stanford USC Arizona Utah

Conferenc e Overall 10-2 9-3 6-3 6-3 7-5 7-5 3-6 3-6 4-8 4-7 1-11


Arizona5,Utah2 Washington State6, California 5 USC8, ArizonaState7 LongBeachState8, UCLA5 Oregon State2, Staniord1 Washington 5, Oregon4 (10 innings)

Tuesday'sGames USCat Pepperdine,3p.m. UC DavisatStanford,5:30p.m. WashingtonatSeattle, 6p.m. PortlandatOregon,6 p.m. UCLAatCalStateFullerton, 6p.m. BYUatWashington State,6:30 p.m.

22-6 25-6 18-12 14-13 22-10 17-12 14-15 10-15 15-15 14-19 10-19

WesternConference W L T P ls GF GA

FC Dallas RealSaltLake 2 Vancouver Colorado Seattle ChivasUSA Los Angele s 1 Portland

"Bean him ... But make it look like an accident."

13 13 6 9 8 4 8 8 5 2 1 1 7 7 5 2 2 1 7 9 8 1 2 2 5 6 10 1 1 4 4 2 0 2 3 3 7 10 0 2 1 1 4 6 4 0 1

0 3 2 1 2

SanJose NOTE: Threepoints forvictory, onepoint ior tie. Wednesday'sGames OregonatPortland, 3p.m. Arizona atArizonaState 630pm

BASKETBALL Men's college NCAATournament All TimesPDT

National Championship Today'sGame Uconn(31-8)vs.Kentucky(29-10), 6p.m.

Wo m e n's college NCAATournament All Times PDT National Semifinals Sunday'sGames

NotreDam e87, Maryland61 Uconn75,Stanford56 National Championship

Tuesday'sGame NotreDam e(37-0) vs.Uconn(39-0),5;30 p.m.


Suaday'sGame Los Angele3, s ChivasUSA0 Saturday'sGames RealSaltLakeat Philadelphia,1 p.m. ColoradoatTorontoFC,1p.m. ChicagoatMontreal,1 p.m. Housto natNewEngland,2p.m. NewYorkat D.C. United, 4p.m. Seattle FC atFCDallas,5:30 p.m. ChivasUSAat Portland,7:30 p.m. Vancouverat LosAngeles,7:30p.m. Sunday, April 13 ColumbusatSanJose,noon

Detroit atBuffalo4p m OttawaatN.Y.Islanders, 4p.m. Carolinaat N.Y.Rangers,4 p.m. Phoeni xatColumbus,4p.m. Toront oatTampaBay,4:30p.m. Philadelphiat a Florida,4:30p.m. WashingtonatSt. Louis, 5p.m. Bostonat Minnesota, 5p.m. Nashville atDallas,5:30p.m. Colorado at Edmonton 630pm



Professional WTAFamily Circle Cup Sunday At TheFamily CircleTennisCenter Charleston, S.C. Purse: $710,00B (Premier) Surlace: GreenClay-Outdoor Singles Championship AndreaPetkovic (14), Germany, def. JanaCepelova, Slovakia7-5, , 6-2. Doubles Championship AnabelMedinaGarrigues,Spain, andYaroslava Shvedova,Kazakhstan, def.ChanHao-chingandChan Yung-ian, Taiwan,7-6(4), 6-2.

WTAAbierlo Monterrey Sunday At Sierra MadreTennisClub Monterrey,Mexico Purse: SBO B,OBB(Intl. I EasternConference Surlace: Hard-Outdoor Atlantic Division Singles Championship GP W L OT Pts GF GA z-Boston 7 8 5 3 1 8 7 113251 167 AnaIvanovic(2),Serbia,def.JovanaJaksicSe , rbia, x -Montreal 79 4 5 27 7 9 7 212 199 6-2, 6-1. x -TampaBay 78 42 27 9 93 229 211 Doubles Detroit 78 37 2 7 14 88211 222 Championship T oronto 79 3 8 3 3 8 8 4 229 248 Dariia Jurak,Croatia, andMeganMoulton-Levy Ottawa 78 33 3 1 14 80226 261 (3), UnitedStates,dei. TimeaBabos, Hungary, and F lorida 79 2 8 4 3 8 6 4 188 258 DlgaGovortsova(1), Belarus, 7-6(5),3-6,11-9. B uffalo 78 21 4 8 9 5 1 150 234 Metropolitan Division MOTOR SPORTS GP W L OT Pts GF GA y-Pittsburgh 79 50 24 5 105 240 197 N .Y.Rangers 79 43 31 5 91 212 190 Formula One P hiladelphia 78 40 29 9 8 9 220 220 Bahrain GrandPrix C olumbus 78 40 31 7 8 7 219 207 Sunday NewJersey 78 34 28 16 84 191 200 At Bahrain International Circuit Washington 78 35 30 13 83 222 236 Sakbir, Bahrain Carolina 78 3 4 3 3 11 79196 215 Lap length: 3.36miles N.Y.Islanders 78 31 36 11 73 215 258 1. Lewis Hamilton, England,Mercedes, 57 laps, WesternConference 1:39:42.743,mph. Central Division .NicoRosberg,Germany,Mercedes,57,1;39:43.828. GP W L OT Pts GF GA 2 SergioPerez,Mexico, ForceIndia,57,1:40:06.810. x-St. Louis 78 52 19 7 111 245 177 3. Daniel Ricciardo, Australia, Red Bull, 57, x-Colorado 78 50 21 7 107 239 209 4. 1:40:07.232. x-Chicago 79 45 19 15 105 259 207 5. Nico Hulkenberg,Germany, Force India, 57, Minnesota 78 40 26 12 92 195 194 1:40:11.397. Dallas 78 38 29 11 87 227 221 6. Sebastian Vettel, Germany, Red Bull, 57, Nashville 78 35 32 11 81 198 231 1:40:12.622. Winnipeg 79 35 34 10 80 220 232 7. FelipeMassa, Brazil, Wiliams,57,1:40:14.008. Pacific Division 8. ValtteriBottas,Finland,Wiliams,57,1:40:14.619. GP W L OT Pts GF GA 9. Fernando Alonso,Spain, Ferrari, 57,1:40:15.338. x-Anaheim 78 50 20 8 108 251 202 10. KimiRaikkonen,Finland, Ferrari,57,1:40:16.205. x-San Jose 79 49 21 9 107 239 192 11. DaniilKvyat,Russia,ToroRosso, 57,1:40:24.085. x -LosAngeles 79 45 28 6 9 6 197 166 12. RomaiG nrosiean, France,Lotus,57,1:40:25.886. Phoenix 7 8 3 6 2 8 14 86209 221 13. Max Chilton, England,Marussia,57,1:40:42.652. Vancouver 78 3 5 32 11 81 187 210 14. Pastor Maldonado, Venez uela, Lotus, 57, C algary 78 3 3 3 8 7 7 3 200 228 1:40:45.546. E dmonton 7 9 2 8 42 9 6 5 197 261 15. KamuiKobayashi, Japan, Caterham, 57, NOTE: Two points for a win, onepoint for overtime 1:41:10.643. loss. 16.JulesBianchi,France,Marussia,56, +1lap. x-clinched playoffspot 17. JensonButton, England,McLaren, 55, +2laps, y-clinched division retired. z-clinched conference Not Classified Sunday'sGames 18. KevinMagnussen,Denmark, McLaren,40, retired. Pittsburgh3, Colorado 2,SD 19. Esteban Gutierrez, Mexico, Sauber,39, retired. Chicago4,St. Louis2 20. Marcus Ericsson, Sweden, Caterham,33, retired. Florida3, Dallas2 21. Jean-EriVe c rgne,France,Toro Rosso,18, retired. Columbus 4, N.Y.Islanders0 22. AdrianSutil, Germany, Sauber,17, retired. Philadelphia5, Bufalo 2 Drivers Standings Edmonton 4,Anaheim2 (After three of19 races) Today'sGames 1. NicoRosberg, Germany, Mercedes,61 points. Calgaryat NewJersey,4 p.m. 2. LewiHa s milton, England, Mercedes,50. Minnesota at Winnipeg,5 p.m. 3. NicoHulkenberg,Germany, ForceIndia, 28. AnaheimatVancouver,7 p.m. 4. Fernando Alonso,Spain, Ferrari, 26. Tuesday'sGames 5.JensonButton,England,McLaren,23.



Transactions BASEBALL


BOSTON REDSOX — Placed 38 Wil Middlebrooks onthe 15-dayDL, retroactive to Saturday. RecalledINFBrockHolt fromPawtucket (IL). HOUSTONASTROS— AssignedRHPChi a-JenLo outright toOklahomaCity (PCL). LDSANGELESANGELS—Sent RHPDaneDe La

RosatoArkansas(TL)forarehabassignment. OAKLAND ATHLETICS—SentOFCraig Gentry to Stockton(Cal)fora rehabassignment. TEXAS RANGERS—Announced CChris Gimenez refused outright assignment andelected freeagency. Optioned RHPNickMartinezto Frisco(TL). Reinstated RHPYuDarvish fromthe15-day DL. TORONTOBLUEJAYS— SentLHPJ.A.Happto Dunedin(FSL)for arehabassignment. National League CHICAGO CUBS—Sent RHPJakeArrietato Tennessee(SL)for arehabassignment. LOS ANGELESDODGERS — SentRHP Brian Wilson toRanchoCucamonga(Cal) for a rehabassignment. NEWYORKMETS—Dptioned INFWilmerFlores to LasVegas(PCL). Reinstated LHPJon Niesefrom the 15-dayDL PHILADE LPHIA PHILLIES— Sent LHP Cole Hamelsto Clearwater (FSL) forarehabassignment. PllTSBURG HPIRATES—Sent CChris Stewart to Bradenton(FSL) forarehabassignment. SANFRANCI SCOGIANTS— AssignedDFJavier Herrerato Fresno(PCL). WASHING TON NATIONALS— Placed DFScott Hairston on the15-day DL Recalled1B/OFTyler MoorefromSyracuse(IL). FOOTB ALL National Football League CHICAGO BEARS—Agreedto termswith CBrian de laPuenteonaone-year contract. CLEVEL ANDBROWNS— Agreed to termswith WRNateBurleson. HOCKEY

National HockeyLeague

DALLAS STARS—ReassignedFChris Mueller to

Texas(AHL). MONTREAL CANADIENS— ReassignedFStefan FournierfromHamilton (AHL)to Wheeling(ECHL).

TAMPA BAYLIGHTNING—Signed FHenri Ikonen to an amateurtryout contractandassigned himto Syracuse (AHL). SOCCER US SOC CER— Fired U.S.women'snational team coach TomSermanni. COLLEGE OHIOUNIVERSITY— Named Saul Philips mens' basketballcoach. SANTA CLARA— NamedJRPaynewomen'sbasketballcoach.

FISH COUNT Upstream daily movement oi adult chinookjack chinook,steelheadandwild steelheadat selected ColumbiaRiver damslast updated onSaturday. Cbnk Jcbnk Stlhd Wsllhd Bonneville 15 7 2 44 12 The Dalles 4 8 1 12 5 John Day 4 9 2 22 8 McNary 3 0 22 10 Upstream year-to-date movement oiadult chinook, jack chinook,steelheadand wild steelheadat selected ColumbiaRiverdamslast updatedonSaturday. Cbnk Jcbnk Stlhd Wsllhd B onneville 1,075 13 2, 778 8 8 2 The Dalles 304 1 67 28 J ohn Day 15 0 12 2, 4 5 8 91 6 McNary 8 0 93 51


Hamilton takesBahrainvictory The Associated Press SAKHIR, Bahrain

place but they were hurt by the Me and Nico haven't had a race timing of a late safety car and fin-

the knife-edge the whole time.... — Lewis

Hamiltonedged Mercedes team-

like that since back in our karting

mate Nico Rosberg after an intense

days. In our first (karting) race, he Ferraris of Fernando Alonso and led all day and I overtook him on Kimi Raikkonen filling the final

race-long duel to take victory by just one second at the Bahrain Grand Prix on Sunday. The two Mercedes were predictably in a different league to their

the last lap and won, and I thought

ished seventh and eighth, with the two points positions iyt ninth and

for sure he is going to do that to me 10th. today." Also on Sunday: Force India's Sergio Perez was Rain postpones NASCAR race:

rivals and recorded their second

third in hi s f i rst podium finish

one-two finish in eight days after Hamilton's victory last weekend in Malaysia.

since 2012 and his teammate Nico SprintCup Series race at Texas Hulkenberg fifth. Motor Speedway has been postDaniel Ric c iardo f in i s hed poned by rain. It will be run today fourth, getting the better of his Red at 9 a.m. PDT (Fox), nine hours be-

With no team orders, the two

were allowed to race for the lead

Bull teammate and defending four-

F ORT WORTH, Texas —


fore the start of the NCAA national

time Fl champion Sebastian Vettel, championship game in nearby Arwhen the pair came inches away who finished sixth. Vettel suffered lington. It's the third time in seven from colliding, providing a thrill- the ignominy of being ordered by Sprint Cup Series races this season ing spectacle under the lights at the his team to let the quicker Ricciar- that rain has hampered the event. Bahrain International Circuit. do pass when they were fighting The season-opening Daytona 500 "It was very, very fair and it was for position early in the race. was stopped for more than six very hard to keep him behind," Williams drivers Felipe Mas- hours, and the race at Bristol had Hamilton said. "He was very fast sa and Valtteri Bottas had looked two delays totaling more than five on the option tires and I was on poised to challenge for a podium hours. and there were several close calls




AH TimesPDT AMERICANLEAGUE East Division W L TampaBay 4 3 NewYork 3 3 Toronto 3 4 Baltimore 2 4 Boston 2 4 Central Division W L Detroit 4 1 Chicago 3 3 Cleveland 3 3 Minnesota 3 3 Kansas City 2 3 West Division W 4 3 3 3 2

Seattle Houston Texas Oakland LosAngeles

L 2 3 3 4 4

Pct GB

.571 .500 '/2 .429 1 .333 1'/t .333 1'/t

Pct GB .800 .500 1'/t .500 V/t

.500 P/t

.400 2

Pct GB .667 .500 1 .500 1 429 V/t

.333 2


Minnesota10,Cleveland7 N.Y.Yankees6,Toronto 4 Baltimore 3, Detroit1 Milwaukee 4,Boston 0 Texas3, TampaBay0 Chicago WhiteSox5, KansasCity1 Houston7,L.A.Angels 4 Oakland 6, Seatle 3


Today'sGames Baltimore (Jimenez0-1) atN.Y.Yankees(Kuroda0-1), 1:05 p.m. L.A. Angel(C. s Wilson0-1) at Houston (Cosart1-0), 2:10 p.m. Oakland(Kazmir 1-0) at Minnesota(Correia 0-0), 4:10 p.m. San Diego(Erlin 0-0)at Cleveland(Kluber 0-1), 7:05 p.m. Texas (Scheppers 0-0) at Boston(Lackey1-0), 7:10 p.m. Tampa Bay (Moore0-1) at KansasCity (Vargas0-0), 8:10 p.m. ChicagoWhite Sox(Paulino 0-0) at Colorado(Lyles 1-0),8:40p.m. Tuesday'sGames Baltimore atN.Y.Yankees,1:05 p.m. Texasat Boston, 6;10p.m. SanDiegoatCleveland,7:05p.m. Houston at Toronto, 7:07p.m. TampaBayatKansasCity,8:10p.m. ChicagoWhiteSoxat Colorado,8;40 p.m. Detroit atL.A.Dodgers,10:10 p.m. L.A. Angelat s Seatle,10:10 p.m.

Miami Atlanta

Washington Philadelphia NewYork Milwaukee Pittsburgh St. Louis Chicago Cincinnati SanFrancisco

NATIONALLEAGUE East Division W L 5 4 4 3 2

2 2 2 3 4

4 4 3 2 2

2 2 3 4 4

Pct GB .667 .667 .500 1 .333 2 .333 2

5 5 3 2 2

2 3 4 4 7

.714 .625 r/t .429 2'/r .333 3 ,222 4'/z

CentralDivision W L

West Division W L

LosAngeles Colorado SanDiego Arizona

Pct GB

.714 .667 r/t .667 r/t

.500 1r/t .333 2'/t

Pct GB


Cincinnati 2,N.Y.Mets1

Reds 2, Mets1

DENVER —Mark Trumbo homered for the fourth straight game, and Arizona averted a sweep. Wade Miley pitched eight strong innings and had acareer-best three hits, including an RBIsingle and benefited from a defensethat turned five double plays. Miley improved to 7-0 with a 2.52 ERA in10 career games (nine starts) against the Rockies. Addison Reed gave up aleadoff single to Carlos Gonzalez in the ninth andGonzalezstolesecondand went to third on catcher Miguel Montero's throwing error. Troy Tulowitzki walked to put runners on the corners.

NEW YORK — Cincinnati's Alfredo Simon pitched sevenimpressive innings in his first start in more than two years andbeganthe goahead rally with his second career hit. Joey Votto had a sacrifice fly and Ryan Ludwick a tiebreaking single off Jonathon Niese.


Colorado ab r hbi ab r hbi Pogockcf 4 1 1 0 Blckmnrf 4 0 1 0 Hill2b 5 1 2 0 Cuddyr1b 4 0 2 0 Gldsch1b 4 0 2 0 CGnzlzlf 4 1 1 0 Prado3b 5 1 2 0 Tlwlzkss 3 1 1 0 Trumolf 3 1 1 2 Rosarioc 3 1 2 0 Monterc 5 0 1 0 Arenad3b 2 0 0 1 Owings ss 4 1 1 0 Stubbscf 2 0 1 1 GParrarf 4 0 0 0 LeMahi2b 3 0 0 0 Mileyp 4 0 3 1 Andrsnp 1 0 0 0 A.Reedp 0 0 0 0 Barnesph 1 0 0 0 WLopezp 0 0 0 0 Culersnph 1 0 0 0 Belislep 0 0 0 0 Totals 38 5 133 Totals 2 8 3 8 2 Arizona 0 02 120 000 — 6 C olorado 000 0 1 0 101 — 3 E—Montero (3), Arenado(2). DP—Arizona 5, Colorado 2. LOB —Arizona 10, Colorado3. 28-


David Zarubowsrd/The Associated Press

Arizona'a Mark Trumbo watches a two-run home run Sunday against Colorado. Trumbo haa hit a home run in four straight games. The Diamondbacka beat the Rockies 5-3.

Twins10, lndians7

Astros 7,Angels4

Athletics 6, Mariners3

CLEVELAND —Chris Colabello drove in four runs and Brian Dozier scored three times for Minnesota. Colabello broke a 6-6 tie with a three-run double in the sixth inning off Blake Wood. The 30-year-old Colabello leads the AL with11 RBls after six games. Joe Mauer hadthree hits and scored twice for the Twins. Anthony Swarzak (1-0) picked up the win in relief of Ricky Nolasco. Glen Perkins worked a perfect ninth for his second save. David Murphy had four hits, Jason Kipnis had three RBls andYan Gomes hit a two-run homer for Cleveland.

HOUSTON —ScottFeldman threw seven strong innings, five Astros homered, andHouston snapped a three-gamelosing streak. Jason Castro, Matt Dominguez, JesusGuzmanand Alex Presley homered off Jered Weaver. Jonathan Villar added a two-run shot in the seventh.

OAKLAND, Calif.— Reigning AL

SanDiego4, Miami 2 Washington 2, Atlanta1 Milwaukee 4,Boston 0 Pittsburgh 2,St. Louis1 Chicago Cubs8, Philadelphia 3 Arizona5,Colorado3 LA. Dodgers 6,SanFrancisco2 Today'sGam es Milwaukee atPhiladelphia, ppd., rain Cincinnati (Cingrani0-0) at St.Louis (Wa cha0-0), 1:15 p.m. SanDiego(Erlin 0-0)at Cleveland(Kluber 0-1), 4:05 p.m. ChicagoWhiteSox(Paulino 0-0) at Colorado(Lyles 1-0), 5:40 p.m. Tuesday'sGames Milwaukee atPhiladelphia,1:05 p.m. Arizona at SanFrancisco, 1:35p.m. Miami atWashington, 4:05 p.m. SanDiegoatCleveland,4:05p.m. N.Y.MetsatAtlanta, 4:10p.m. PittsburghatChicagoCubs, 5:05p.m. Cincinnatiat St.Louis, 5:15p.m. Chicago WhiteSoxat Colorado, 5:40 p.m. Detroit atL.A.Dodgers, 7:10p.m.

Diamondbacks 5, Rockies3

saves leader Jim Johnson struck out two and closed it out this time after losing back-to-back outings to begin with his newteam to seal Oakland's win. Brandon Moss hit a three-run homer,Yoenis Cespedes connected in the eighth andJosh Donaldson beat out an infield single in the fifth to drive in the LosAngeles Houston go-ahead run. In the ninth, Moss ab r hbi ab r hbi C alhonrf 5 0 0 0 Villarss 3 2 1 2 tied the game at 3 on a threeTroutcf 4 0 0 0 Grssmnlf 4 0 0 0 run homer in the third. Erasmo Pujols1b 4 1 1 0 Jcastroc 4 1 1 2 Ramirez allowed sevenhits and JHmltnlf 4 1 2 0 Altuve2b 4 0 0 0 Freese3b 4 0 0 0 Guzmn1b 4 1 2 1 walked three in four innings. RobIbanezdh 3 1 1 2 Kraussdh 3 0 0 0 inson Cano's third-inning double HKndrc2b 3 1 2 0 MDmn3b 3 1 1 1 Congerc 4 0 1 0 Presleycf 3 1 1 1 gave him a14-game hitting streak A ybarss 3 0 1 2 Hoesrf 3 1 1 0 against the AL West. Right-hander Totals 3 4 4 8 4 Totals 3 17 7 7 Los Angeles 000 010 003 — 4 Dominic Leonemadehis major Houston 210 110 20x — 7 E—Weaver (1). DP—Houston1. LOB—LosAnge- league debut in the seventh for Seles 6,Houston1. 28—J.Hamilton (2). HR —Villar (1), attle after being promoted Friday. J.castro(1), Guzman(2), M.Dominguez(2), Presley The 201216th-round draft pick (1). SB —H.Kendrick2(2), Vilar (2). IP H R E R BBSD bypassed Triple-A. Heimmediately LosAngeles gave up Eric Sogard's double, the WeaverL,0-2 52 - 3 5 5 5 0 6 No. 9 batter's third hit of the day. Shoemak er 21-3 2 2 2 0 1

Cincinnati NewYork ab r hbi ab r hbi H eiseycf-If 5 1 1 0 EYonglf 3 0 1 0 Phillips2b 4 0 2 0 ABrwnph-If 1 0 0 0 Votto1b 3 0 0 1 DnMrp2b 4 0 0 0 Ludwcklf 4 0 2 1 DWrght3b 3 0 0 0 MParrp 0 0 0 0 Grndrsrf 4 0 0 0 Brucerf 2 0 0 0 I.Davis1b 4 1 2 0 Frazier 3b 3 0 1 0 Lagars cf 3 0 1 1 Cozartss 4 0 0 0 dArnadc 3 0 0 0 B.Penac 4 0 1 0 Tejadass 3 0 0 0 S imonp 3 1 1 0 Niesep 1 0 0 0 Berndncf 1 0 0 0 Germnp 0 0 0 0 Frnswrp 0 0 0 0 Dudaph 1 0 0 0 Valvrdp 0 0 0 0 T otals 33 2 8 2 Totals 3 01 4 1 C incinnati 000 0 0 2 000 — 2 N ew York 010 0 0 0 000 — 1 LOB —Cincinnati 8, NewYork 4.28—E.Young(1), I. Davis(1).SB—B.Pena(1). CS—Phillips (1), Lagares (1). SF —Votto. IP H


Cincinnati SimonW,1-0 7 4 1 M.ParraS,1-1 2 0 0 New York NieseL,0-1 52-3 6 2 Germen 11-3 0 0 0 Farnsworth 1 1 0 Valverde 1 1 0 HBP —bySimon(D.Wright). T—2:35. A—26,928(41,922).

1 1 0 0

6 2

2 1 1 0 1 0 0

4 2 1 2

Prado(3), Owings(1), Cudd yer (2), Rosario 2 (2). HR — Trumbo (5). SB—C.Gonzalez (2). S—Pollock. SF — Arenado, Stubbs.

Pirates 2, Cardinals1


hit a tiebreaking RBIdouble in the seventh inning and Pittsburgh edged St. Louis. Sanchez's double to deep center field with two outs came off Cardinals aceAdam Wainwright (1-1) andsnapped a

Miley W,2-1 A.Reed S,2-2

IP H 8 1


7 2 2 2 1 1 0 1

Colorado AndersonL,0-2 6 10 5 3 3 W.Lopez 2 2 0 0 0 Belisle 1 1 0 0 0 WP — Miley. T—2:29.A—29,779 (50,480).

2 0

1 0 0

Nationals 2, Braves1 WASHINGTON — lan Desmond led off the seventh inning with a home run — the only run of the game scored on a hit — and Washington and its makeshift lineup avoided a sweep. Desmond ripped a down-the-middle fastball from Alex Wood well into the left field bleachers, the Nationals' first hit since the first inning. But it was enough to win on adaywhenfourW ashington pitchers combined to allow eight hits. Taylor Jordan allowed one run over 6/s innings, working out of several jams along the way, and Jerry Blevins retired two batters in the seventh to get the win. Rafael Soriano pitched the ninth for his first save.

1-1 tie. St. Louis

Pittsburgh ab r hbi ab r hbi M crpnt3b 4 1 1 0 Martelf 4 0 1 0 J aycf 3 0 1 1 Tabatarf 4 0 1 0 Hogidylf 3 0 0 0 AMcctcf 4 1 1 0 MAdms1b 4 0 0 0 PAlvrz3b 2 1 0 0 YMolinc 3 0 0 0 NWalkr2b 2 0 1 1 Craigrf 3 0 0 0 GSnchz1b 3 0 0 0 JhPerltss 3 0 0 0 TSnchzc 3 0 1 1 Descals2b 3 0 0 0 Barmesss 2 0 1 0 Wnwrgp 2 0 1 0 Sniderph 1 0 0 0 Wongph 1 0 0 0 Melncnp 0 0 0 0 N eshekp 0 0 0 0 Grillip 0000 Volquezp 1 0 0 0 Watsonp 0 0 0 0 Mercerss 1 0 0 0 Totals 29 1 3 1 Totals 2 7 2 6 2 St. Louis 0 00 001 000 — 1 Pittsburgh 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0x — 2 DP — St. Louis2, Pittsburgh1. LOB—St. Louis 3, Pittsburgh 4. 28—A.Mccutchen (1), N.Walker (1), TSanchez (1). 38—Jay(1). CS—Marte(1). SVolquez. IP H R E R BBSD St. Louis WainwrightL,1-1 7 5 2 2 2 7 Neshek 1 1 0 0 0 1 Pittsburgh Volquez 52-3 3 1 1 1 4 WatsonW,1-0 1 1 - 3 00 0 0 3 Melancon H,2 1 0 0 0 0 0 Grilli S,1-2 1 0 0 0 1 0 T—2:29. A—25,704(38,362).

Minnesota Cleveland ab r hbi ab r hbi Dozier2b 2 3 0 0 Morgancf 3 1 0 0 Mauer1b 4 2 3 0 Acarerph 1 0 0 0 Wlnghlf 0 0 0 0 Swisher1b 4 1 2 0 Bartlettlf 2 1 0 0 Kipnis2b 5 1 2 3 EEscorph-If 1 0 0 0 Santan3b 3 0 2 0 C olaelldh 5 1 2 4 Brantlylf 5 1 3 1 Plouffe3b 3 2 1 1 Chsnhlldh 3 1 1 0 Atlanta Washington Kubelrf 4 1 2 1 Raburnph-dh1 0 0 0 Houston ab r hbi ab r hbi KSuzukc 2 0 1 1 YGomsc 5 1 1 2 Oakland FeldmanW2-0 7 3 1 1 2 1 SeatBe Heywrdrf 5 0 0 0 Rendon3b 4 1 1 0 A.Hickscf 4 0 0 1 DvMrprf 5 0 4 1 ab r hbi ab r hbi 11-3 4 3 3 0 0 Bass BUptoncf 4 0 0 0 Frndsnlf 3 0 1 0 Dodgers 6,Giants2 Flormnss 5 0 0 0 Avilesss 5 1 0 0 QuagsS,1-1 2-3 1 0 0 0 1 A lmontcf 4 0 1 1 Crispcf 3 1 0 0 F remn1b 4 1 1 0 Spancf 1 0 0 0 Totals 3 2 109 8 Totals 4 0 7 157 BMillerss 4 0 1 1 Dnldsn3b 4 1 1 1 HBP —byWeaver(Vigar), byFeldman(H.Kendrick). C Jhnsn3b 3 0 1 0 Werthrf 3 0 1 0 Minnesota 0 2 3 1 0 3 001 — 10 T—2:52.A—14,786 (42,060). Cano2b 4 1 1 0 Lowriess 1 1 1 1 LOS ANGELES — Matt Kemphit J.Uptonlf 3 0 1 0 LaRoch1b 3 0 0 0 C leveland 020 8 1 1 000 — 7 Smoak1b 3 0 1 1 Mossdh 4 1 1 3 JSchafrlf 0 0 0 0 Dsmndss 3 1 1 1 his first two home runs at Dodger E—YGomes(1). DP—Minnesota 2, Cleveland3. Morrsn dh 4 0 0 0 Cespds If 3 1 1 1 Uggla2b 3 0 1 1 Espinos2b 3 0 0 0 LOB —Minnesota 8, Cleveland 12. 28—Mauer (2), Yankees 6,BlueJays4 S eager3b 3 0 0 0 Jasoc 4 0 1 0 Lairdc 4 0 1 0 McLothcf-If 3 0 0 0 Stadium since late in 2012and Ackleylf 4 1 1 0 DNorrsc 0 0 0 0 Colabego(4), Kubel(3), Kipnis(2), Chisenhall (3), Hanley Ramirez slugged his first S mmnsss 4 0 2 0 Leonc 3 0 0 0 Dav.Murphy2 (2). HR —YGomes (2). SB—Dozier 2 TORONTO M Sndrsrf 4 1 2 0 Fuldrf 4010 — CCSabathia pitched A.Woodp 2 0 0 0 Jordanp 2 0 0 0 two homers this season for Los (3). S —K.Suzuki. SF—A.Hicks. Zuninoc 4 0 1 0 Barton1b 4 0 0 0 Schlssrp 0 0 0 0 Blevinsp 0 0 0 0 IP H R E R BBSD six innings for his first win of the Sogard 2b 3 1 3 0 Angeles. ZackGreinke pitched six Avilanp 0 0 0 0 Clipprdp 0 0 0 0 Minnesota season and Brett Gardner hit a Totals 34 3 8 3 Totals 3 0 6 9 6 Doumitph 1 0 1 0 Zmrmnph 1 0 0 0 innings, allowing two runs andsix Nolasco 4 7 5 5 4 1 two-run home run for NewYork. Seattle 0 21 000 000 — 3 Pstrnckpr 0 0 0 0 RSorinp 0 0 0 0 SwarzakW,1-0 1 1 -3 5 2 2 0 1 Oakland 003 020 01x — 6 hits — including Brandon Belt's Totals 33 1 8 1 Totals 2 9 2 4 1 2-3 1 0 0 1 0 Sabathia (1-1) allowed four runs E—Barton (1). DP—Oakland 1. LOB—Seattle 7, Atlanta ThielbarH,1 0 00 001 000 — 1 fourth homer leading off the sixth, Leaders FienH,2 1 0 0 0 1 1 and seven hits, walked none O akl a nd 5. 28 — C an o ( 2), M. S a unders (1), Soga r d and 10 0 0 0 0 10x— 2 AMERICANLEAGUE BurtonH,2 1 2 0 0 0 0 (1). HR —Moss(1), Cespedes (1). SB—Sogard(1). Washington E—Uggla (1), C.Johnson (1), Espinosa(1). and the first of the seasonby CS — Cespedes(1). SF—Lowrie. BATTING —JHamilton, LosAngeles, .500; So- PerkinsS,2-3 1 0 0 0 0 1 struck out six. DP — Washington 1. LOB—Atlanta 9, Washington 3. Hunter Pence three batters later. larte, NewYork, .471; AIRam irez, Chicago, .455; Cleveland NewYork Toronto IP H R E R BBSD 28 — C.Johnson(3). HR —Desmond(2). S—A.Wood. SPerez ,KansasCity,.438;KSuzuki,Minnesota,.429; Masterson 32-3 7 6 5 3 4 ab r h bi ab r hbi SeatBe Uggla. San Francisco L o s Angeles Joyce,TampaBay,.412; Cano,Seattle,.391; Colabel- Atchison 11-3 0 0 0 0 1 Gardnrlf 4 2 1 2 Mecarrcf 5 1 1 1 E.RamirezL,1-1 4 7 5 5 3 1 SF — IP H R E R BBSO ab r hbi ab r hbi lo, Minnesota,.391;Plouffe,Minnesota,.391. B.WoodL,0-1 2 - 3 1 3 3 2 0 Jeterss 5 0 2 0 Izturis2b 4 0 2 0 C.Young 2 0 0 0 0 2 Atlanta Paqancf 4 0 2 0 DGordn2b 4 0 0 0 RBI — Colabello, Minnesota,11;Smoak, Seattle, Rzepczynski 11 - 3 0 0 0 1 0 E llsurycf 5 0 1 1 Bautistrf 4 1 1 0 Leone 1 1 0 0 1 1 A.WoodL,1-1 7 4 2 2 0 4 B elt1b 4 1 2 1 Crwfrdlf 4 0 0 0 8; TorHunter,Detroit, 7; Napoli, Boston, 7; Plouffe, Shaw 1 1 0 0 0 2 Mccnnc 4 1 1 0 Encrnc1b 4 1 2 0 Medina 1 1 1 1 0 2 Schlosser 2-3 0 0 0 0 1 Sandovl3b 4 0 0 0 HRmrzss 4 3 3 2 Minnesota,7; Abreu,Chicago,6; Ackley,Seatle, 6; Axford 1 0 1 1 2 1 ASorin dh 3 1 1 0 Navarr dh 4 1 1 1 Oakland Avilan 1-3 0 0 0 0 1 Poseyc 4 0 0 0 AdGnzl1b 4 1 1 0 Brantley,Cleveland,6. Thielbarpitchedto1 batter inthe7th. K Jhnsn1b 3 0 1 2 Kratzc 4 0 1 2 GrayW,1-0 6 6 3 1 2 3 Washington P encerf 4 1 1 1 Ethierrf 2 0 0 1 HOME RUNS—Bautista, Toronto, 3; Mecabrera, HBP —by Masterson (Willingham, Plouffe), by Roberts2b 3 1 0 0 Lawrie3b 4 0 1 0 GregersonH,1 1 1 0 0 0 1 Jordan 61-3 6 1 1 2 3 M orself 4 0 2 0 Kempcf 3 2 2 3 Toronto,3; De Aza, Chicago, 3;TorHunter, Detroit, 3. B.Wood (Bartlett). I Suzukirf 4 0 1 0 Sierralf 3 0 0 0 Doolittle H,2 1 0 0 0 0 0 BlevinsW,1-0 1 0 0 0 0 1 Bcrwfrss 4 0 0 0 Unbe3b 3 0 0 0 STRIKEDUT S—FHernandez, Seattle, 19;Lester, T—3:55. A—13,104(42,487). S olarte3b 4 1 1 1 Lindph 0 0 0 0 Ji.Johnson S,1-2 1 1 0 0 1 2 ClippardH,2 2 3- 0 0 0 0 1 Adrianz2b 3 0 0 0 Buterac 3 0 0 0 Boston,14;Sale,Chicago, 14;Weaver, LosAngeles, Goinspr 0 0 0 0 E.Ramirez pitched to3 batters inthe5th. R .Sori a no S, 1 -1 1 2 0 0 0 2 HSnchzph 1 0 0 0 Greinkp 2 0 1 0 WP — E.Ramirez,Gray2. 12; SabathiaNew , York, 12; Price, TampaBay, 12; D iaz ss 3 0 0 0 M.cainp 2 0 1 0 Withrwp 0 0 0 0 T—2:44.A—34,327 (41,408). Buehrle,Toronto,11. Rasmsph 1 0 0 0 T—2:57. A—32,852(35,067). Blancoph 1 0 0 0 JuTrnrph 1 0 0 0 Rangers 3,Rays0 Totals 35 6 9 6 Totals 3 6 4 9 4 JGutrrzp 0 0 0 0 Howegp 0 0 0 0 NATIONALLEAGUE N ew York 300 3 0 0 000 — 6 Padres 4, Marlins 2 Huffp 0 0 0 0 C.Perezp 0 0 0 0 National League BATTING —Blackmon,Colorado, .542;Bonifacio, ST. PETERSBURG, Fla.— Yu Toronto 1 00 003 000 — 4 Jansen p 0 0 0 0 Chicago,.500;Utley, Philadelphia, .458;ArRamirez, DP — T oro nto 1. LOB — N ew Y ork 7, Toronto 6. Totals 35 2 8 2 Totals 3 06 7 6 MIAMI — Pinch-hitter Alexi 28 — K.Johnson (2), Solarte(4), Navarro (1). 38Milwa ukee,.440;Cuddyer,Colorado,.433;Freeman, Darvish allowed seven hits over S an Francisco 000 002 000 — 2 Cubs 8, Phillies 3 Amarista delivered a go-ahead, Atlanta,.421;DGordon, LosAngeles, .421. seven innings in his season Encarnacion (1). HR —Gardner (1), Me.Cabrera (3). LosAngeles 010 301 01x— 6 RBI — Trumbo, Arizona, 13; Stanton,Miami, 12; debut, Elvis Andrus hit a twoSB — Gardner (2), Roberts(2), I.Suzuki(1). LOB— SanFrancisco6,LosAngeles1.2B— H.Ramirez three-run homer in the seventh McGehee ,Miami,10;CGonzalez,Colorado,8;LaRoIP H R E R BBSD CHICAGO 3), zalez(3), — RyanKalish hit a ) Ad.Gon ( Greinke (1). (1) HR—Belt (4), Pence inning to lift San Diego. IanKenche, Washington,8;Pagan,SanFrancisco,8;Cuddyer, run homer, andTexasavoided NewYork 1), H.Ram irez2(2), Kemp2(2). SF—Ethier. two-run double and an RBI triple II' H R E R BBSD Colorado,7. SabathiaW,1-1 6 7 4 4 0 6 nedy allowed onerun andthree a three-game sweep. Darvish San Francisco HOME RUNS —Trumbo, Arizona, 5; Belt, San WarrenH,2 1 0 0 0 0 0 for Chicago. Cubs starter Carlos hits in six innings for the Padres. struck out six and walked one. M.cainL,0-1 6 6 5 5 0 3 Francisco,3; 17tied at2. KegeyH,2 1 1 0 0 0 0 Villanueva allowed a run in five J.Gutierrez 1 0 0 0 0 1 PITCHING —Fernandez, Miami, 2-0; Lee, Phil- Sidelined by neck stiffness, it RobertsonS,2-2 1 1 0 0 1 0 He struck out five. Huston Street innings in his first start and third Huff 1 1 1 1 0 0 adelphia,2-0; Machi,SanFrancisco, 2-0; Gallardo, was his first outing since a spring Toronto pitched the ninth for his second LosAngeles Milwaukee, 2-0; Miley,Arizona,2-1; 39tiedat1. HutchisonL,1-1 3 1-3 6 6 6 3 6 outing of the season.A.J. Burnett save. Amarista'shomeruncame GreinkeW,2-0 6 6 2 2 0 8 STRIKEDUT S—Fernandez, Miami, 17; Cueto, training game onMarch16. DarRedmond 32-3 3 0 0 1 5 WithrowH,2 1 0 0 0 0 3 Cincinnati, 17; Strasburg,Washington, 16; Wain- vish got his 500th career strikeDelabar 1 0 0 0 0 1 allowed eight runs, four earned, in off Nathan Eovaldi, who held the Howel H,2 l 2-3 1 0 0 0 1 wright,St. Louis,16;Miley,Arizona,15. Rogers 1 0 0 0 0 0 5 '/5 innings. He struck out three Padres scoreless through six. Eo- C.PerezH,2 1-3 0 0 0 0 1 out, coming in 401 '/5innings, HBP —byHutchison(A.Soriano). but walked six. The Cubs scored 1 1 0 0 0 3 T—2:57.A—34,067 (49,282). valdi struck out eight and allowed Jansen by fanning David DeJesus and T—2:51. A—48, 3 67 (56, 0 00). American League four runs in the first and sixth in-


Wil Myers in the first. According to the Rangers, it is the fewest White Sox 5, Royals1 innings for a starter to reach 500 strikeouts in major league KANSAS CITY, Mo.— Chris history. Andrus put the Rangers Sale gave upfour singles in eight scoreless innings for Chicago. Sale up 2-0 with his homer off Joel Peralta (0-1) in the eighth. Donnie struck out six andwalked one. Murphy made it 3-0 on an RBI Alexei RamirezandTyler Flowers infield during the ninth. each drove in apair of runs. Chicago

Orioles 3, Tigers1

nings. Kalish opened upthe scoring with an RBI triple in the first.

six hits. The Marlins completed their opening homestand with a 5-2 record.

DETROIT —Baltimore's Chris Chicago Tillman outpitched Detroit's Justin Philadelphia San Diego Miami ab r hbi ab r hbi r hbi ab r hbi Verlander, allowing one runwhile Reverecf 4 2 1 0 Bonifac2b-cf 4 2 1 1 Ecarerssab 4 0 0 0 Hchvrrss 4000 ollinsss 5 0 2 1 Kalishlf 3 2 2 3 working into the ninth. Tillman (1- R S .Smi t hrf-lf 2 0 1 0 Yelichlf 4 110 utley2b 3 0 1 1 Rizzo1b 3 1 2 1 0) gave up five hits, including Torii H oward1b 5 0 0 0 Schrhltrf 2 0 0 1 Denorfiph-If 1 1 1 0 Stantonrf 4 0 1 1 4 0 1 0 Valuen3b 3 1 0 0 Headly3b 4 0 1 0 GJones1b 4 0 0 0 Hunter's solo homer in the fourth, Byrdrf Gyorko2b 3 0 0 0 McGeh3b 4 0 0 0 4 0 2 0 Scastross 4 0 1 1 in 8'/5 innings. Tommy Hunter en- DBrwnlf Ruizc 4 0 0 0 Sweenycf 3 1 0 1 Alonso1b 3 0 0 1 Sltlmchc 2 1 1 0 ecf-rf 4 1 1 0 Dietrch2b 1 0 0 0 tered with one out in the ninth and Asche3b 3 1 1 0 Barney2b 0 0 0 0 Venal Medicalf 3 1 1 0 JeBakrph-2b 1 0 1 1 A Brnttp 2 0 0 0 JoBakrc 3 1 0 0 Victor Martinez on secondbase ATorrsp 0 0 0 0 Ozunacf 3 0 1 0 Lincolnp 0 0 0 0 Villanyp 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Eovaldip 2 0 0 0 and retired the last two batters for CHrndzph 1 0 0 0 Rugginph 1 0 0 0 Thayerp Benoitp 0 0 0 0 DJnngsp 0 0 0 0 Manshpp 0 0 0 0 Schlittrp 0 0 0 0 his second save. Nadyph 1 0 0 0 Dobbsph 1 0 0 0 GwynJph 0 0 0 0Oltph 1 0 0 0


Brewers 4, Red Sox0 BOSTON —YovaniGallardo made his second straight scoreless start and Milwaukeecompleted athreegamesweep.JonLesterpitched well for his second straight start but received little support again.

KansasCity Texas TampaBay ab r hbi ab r hbi ab r hbi ab r hbi Eatoncf 5 0 1 0 Infante2b 4 0 1 0 Choolf 4 1 1 0 DeJessdh 5 0 2 0 Milwaukee Boston Semien2b 5 0 1 0 Valenci3b 4 0 1 0 A ndrusss 4 1 1 2 Myersrf 4 0 0 0 ab r hbi ab r hbi Fielder1b 4 0 0 0 Zobrist2b 4 0 2 0 Abreu1b 3 0 0 0 Hosmer1b 4 1 0 0 C Gomzcf 5 0 0 0 Navarf 4 010 A.Dunndh 4 0 1 0 BButlerdh 4 0 1 0 ABeltre3b 3 1 0 0 Longori3b 4 0 1 0 S treetp 0 0 0 0 Marmlp 0 0 0 0 HRndnp 0 0 0 0 Weeks2b 4 0 0 0 Pedroia2b 4 0 1 0 Rios rf 4 0 1 0 Loney 1b 4 0 1 0 Baltimore Detroit LGarcipr-dh 0 1 0 0 Dysonpr 0 0 0 0 Grandlc 4 0 1 0 Lake ph 0 0 0 0 Gennett2b 1 0 0 0 D.crtizdh 4 0 1 0 Viciedolf 3 0 0 0 AGordnlf 4 0 1 1 Morlnd dh 4 0 1 0 DJnngs cf 3 0 1 0 ab r hbi ab r hbi Kenndy p 2 0 0 0 Veras p 0 0 0 0 Braunrf 4 1 2 0 Napoli1b 4 0 1 0 D Mrph 2b 4 0 2 1 Joycelf 4 000 Loughlf 5 0 0 0 Kinsler2b 4 0 0 0 DeAzapr-If 0 1 0 0 S.Perezc 3 0 0 0 Amarstph-cf 2 1 1 3 S tropp 0 0 0 0 ArRmrdh 4 0 1 1 Bogartsss 4 0 1 0 LMartncf 4 0 0 0 Hanignc 3 0 1 0 Gillaspi3b 4 1 2 0 Maxwgrf 3 0 0 0 M arkksrf 4 1 2 0 TrHntrrf 4 1 1 1 Totals 35 3 8 2 Totals 2 8 8 6 8 Totals 3 3 4 7 4 Totals 3 02 5 2 Lucroyc 3 1 1 0 JGomslf 4 0 1 0 Arenciic 3 0 1 0 YEscorss 4 0 0 0 AGarcirf 2 1 0 0 Lcaincf 3 0 2 0 A.Jonescf 3 1 1 1 Micarrdh 4 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 810 — 4 KDavislf 4 2 2 0 JHerrr3b 4 0 1 0 Philadelphia 000 010 002 — 3 S an Diego AIRmrzss 4 1 2 2 AEscorss 3 0 1 0 Totals 34 3 7 3 Totals 3 5 0 8 0 C.Davis1b 4 0 1 0 VMrtnz1b 4 0 2 0 Miami 0 00 100 100 — 2 MrRynl3b 3 0 1 1 BrdlyJrcf 4 0 1 0 Chicago 400 004 00x — 8 Texas 0 00 000 021 — 8 Flowrsc 4 0 1 2 N.cruzdh 3 0 1 1 AJcksncf 4 0 0 0 E—Saltalamacchia (1), Dietrich (3). DP—San Overay1b 4 0 0 0 D.Rossc 3 0 1 0 E—Reyere (1), S.castro(2). DP—Chicago 1. Bay 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 — 0 Wietersc 4 1 1 1 Tycllnslf 3 0 0 0 T otals 3 4 5 8 4 Totals 3 21 7 1 T ampa Diego 1, Mi a mi 1. LOB —San Diego 5, Miami 3. Bianchiss 4 0 2 1 Przynsph 1 0 0 0 LOB —Philadelphia 10, Chicago6. 2B—Utley (3), E—Longoria (1). DP—Tampa Bay1. LOB—Tex- Lmrdzz2b 4 0 1 0 Cstllns3b 3 0 1 0 Chicago 000 000 104 — 6 Je.Baker (1). 3B—Yelich (1). HR—Amarista Totals 36 4 9 3 Totals 3 6 0 9 0 Kalish(1),S.castro(1). 38—Kalish (1). SB—Revere 28 — aBay10.28—DeJesus(2), Longoria (2), Flahrtyss 3 0 1 0 Holadyc 3 0 0 0 K ansas City 0 0 0 0 0 0 001 — 1 as 5,Tamp 1). SB—Denorfia (1), Stanton ((2). S—Dietrich. M ilwaukee 0 2 0 0 0 0 110 — 4 (4), Rogin(1). s SF—Schierholtz, Sweenev. E—AI.Ramirez (1), Gigaspie (1), S.Perez(1). Hanigan(1). HR —Andrus(1). Schoop3b 4 0 0 0 AnRmnss 3 0 0 0 IP H R E R BBSD F—Alonso. Boston 0 00 000 000 — 0 DP —Chicago2.LOB— Chicago6,Kansas City5. IP H R E R BBSD Totals 34 3 8 3 Totals 3 2 1 5 1 IP H R E R BBSO Philadelphia E—Weeks (1), D.Ross (1), Nava(1). LOB —Mil28 — Gilaspie 2 (3), AI.Ram irez (2). SB—L.Garcia Texas B altimore 000 0 0 1 011 — 3 A.BurnettL,0-1 5 2 - 3 5 8 4 6 3 Ban Diego waukee7, Boston9. 2B—Lucroy (3), K.Da vis (4), DarvishW,1-0 7 7 0 0 1 6 Detroit (2). CS— Eaton(1), Hosmer(1). 000 100 000 — 1 1-3 1 0 0 0 0 KennedyW,1-1 6 3 1 1 1 5 Nava(1), BradleyJr. (1). SB—Braun (2), Mar.ReynLincoln 2-3 1 0 0 1 0 LOB —Baltimore 7, Detroit 5. 2B—A.Jones (1), Manship IP H R E R BBSO OgandoH,1 H,1 2-3 2 1 1 0 1 olds (1). 2 0 0 0 1 2 A.Torres 1-3 0 0 0 0 1 N.cruz(1),V.Martinez (1). 38—Markakis (1). HRChicago Cotts H,1 ThayerH,1 1-3 0 0 0 0 0 Chicago IP H R E R BBSD SaleW,2-0 8 4 0 0 1 6 SoriaS,1-1 1 0 0 0 0 0 Wieters(1), Tor.Hunter (3). SF —A.Jones. Villanueva W,1-2 5 6 1 1 0 3 BenoitH,1 1 0 0 0 0 1 Milwaukee Lindstrom 1 3 1 1 0 0 TampaBay IP H R E R BBSD SchlitterH,2 1 0 0 0 0 0 StreetS,2-2 1 0 0 0 0 1 Gall ardoW,2-0 62-3 7 0 0 0 3 KansasCity Cobb 7 3 0 0 1 6 Baltimore H.Rondon 2 2 0 0 0 2 Miami DukeH,1 1-3 0 0 0 0 0 ShieldsL,0-1 7 5 1 1 0 6 Jo.Peralta L,0-1 1 2 2 2 0 1 TillmanW,1-0 8 1 - 3 5 1 1 1 5 Veras 2-3 0 2 2 4 1 EovaldiL,1-1 7 6 3 3 0 8 Thornburg 2 2 0 0 0 3 2-3 2 1 0 0 0 Tom.HunterS,2-2 2-3 0 K.Herrera 1 0 0 0 0 1 Lueke 0 0 0 1 Strop 1-3 0 0 0 0 0 Da.Jennings 1 1 1 0 1 1 Boston 1-3 0 0 0 0 0 Detroit Ti.cogins 1-3 1 3 3 2 0 C.Ramos HBP—by A.Burnett(Jo.Baker), byVilanueva(utley). Marmol 1 0 0 0 0 1 LesterL,0-2 71 - 3 7 4 2 1 6 Strop. Bueno 2-3 2 1 1 0 0 WP—Darvish. VerlanderL,0-1 8 5 2 2 2 3 WP—Veras, HBP —byEovaldi (S.Smith). Mujica 2-3 1 0 0 1 1 HBP —byShields (A.Garcia, Abreu). T—3:01. A—22,569(31,042). Alburquerque 1 3 1 1 0 2 T—3:14. A—26,712(41,072). T—2:44.A—22,496 (37,442). A.Miller 1 1 0 0 0 1 T—2:49.A—29,760(37,903). T—2:34.A—34,261(41,681). T—2:57. A—35,958(37,071).





Driveto Belknap HotSprings; June22, 49-mile ride from Belknap Springs up Three Creeks Sno-park; $375; full supported, cost includes lodging, meals and transportation;

ALPIME SKIIMG/ SMOWBOARDING FREESKIERAND SNOWBOARD PROGRAMS:MBSEFfull-time program for freeskiers and snowboarders;through April; www.mbsef.org. SPRING SKIING:Spring skiing for high school and middle school students; earlyrelease Wednesdays; transportation from school provided;April 9, 16, 23, 30; $80; www.bendenduranceacademy.org.

BASKETBALL SUMMIT GIRLSCLINIC: Summit High youth clinic for girls;June16-19;girls entering grades 2-9; 9-10:30 a.m. for grades 2-4 and 9 a.m.-noon for grades 5-9; $55 for younger

grades and$85 for older girls; ryan.cruz© bend.k12.or.us.

CLIMBING MIDDLE &HIGH SCHOOL PROGRAMS: Bend Endurance Academy;Wednesdays, through April 23,1:30-6 p.m.; $200; designed for beginners to intermediate levels; transportation to school and back provided by BEA; www. bendenduranceacademy.org.

CYCLING YOUTH PROGRAMS:After-school program; Wednesdays,beginning April 9;elementary school kids, 2-5 p.m.; middle school kids, 1-4:30 p.m.; MBSEF;$75; molly©mbsef.org, 541-388-0002. CASCADE TRIPLE CHALLENGE:Three-day weekendofroad cycling,hosted by Bowen Sports Performance;June 20-22; June 20, 50-mile ride on Crater Lake Loop; June 21, 73-mile ride on Aufderheide Scenic

bowensportsperformance.com or

Email events at least 10days before publication to sports@bendbulletin.com or click on "Submit an Event" at www.bendbulletin.com. For a more complete calendar, visit www.bendbulletin.com/comsportscal.



MIDDLE ANDHIGH SCHOOL PROGRAMS: Bend Endurance Academy;Wednesdays in April,1:30-4:15 p.m.; transportation to school and back provided by BEA; $80; www.bendenduranceacademy.org.

STRENGTHCLASSFOR RUNNERS: Beginner/Intermediate class,Thursdays, 6:30 p.m.; Intermediate/advanced class, Thursdays,5:30 p.m.; through May 29; $96; at Rebound Physical Therapy's Bend Westside Clinic; 541-419-8208.


ADVENTURERUNNING: Runs from 3.5 to 5 miles long over trails, roads, parks at10- to12-minute-mile pace;first and third Wednesdays of eachmonth,6 p.m.; run location changes, email laura© footzonebend.com. for locations; dress warm and bring a headlamp.

541-977-1321. WOMEN'S CYCLINGGROUP: Bend Bellas, a women's cycling group, holds its spring kickoff meeting;April10, 6:30 p.m.; at Pine Mountain Sports; www.bendbellacyclists.

com. WOMEN'S RIDES:Road rides;Thursdays; meet at Sunnyside Sports; casual pace, 25 miles to start; led by Wenzel coaches Karen Kenlan and Anne Linton.

EQUESTRIAN BIOMECHANICAND POSTURE CLINIC: Finding Neutral: Improving Horseand Human Posture for Increased Performance clinic;April 26-27; $300; at Weston Equine Services in Sisters; Weston Equine Services, LLC on Facebook. STILL MEMORIALWEEKEND:Three days of equestrian events,May 2-4; Events include American Endurance Ride Conference rides, an American Competitive Trail Horse Association trail challenge, an Equine Trail Sports trail challenge, an Obstacle Horse Association of North America in-hand obstacle challenge, a poker rider, a mounted archery demonstration; at Skull Hollow-Crooked River National Grasslands in Lone Pine; www.


PPP TRAINING:Specific training for the Pole Pedal Paddle; Wenzel Coaching; www.wenzelcoaching.com/ pole-pedal-paddle-training-program/. LEADMAN TRI:85-, 125-or 250-kilometer triathlons; prices start at $110;Sept. 20, Race starts at Cultus Lake and finishes at Northwest Crossing; www.leadmantri.com.

RUMMING MOM'S RUNNINGGROUP: Rain or shine, 3-4.5-mil eruns;Thursdays,9:30a.m.; outside FootZone; lisa.nasreme.com,

angela©foot zonebend.com. MADRAS MUDRUN: Movin' Mountains Mudslinger 5K fun run or walk;April 12, 9 a.m.; starts at the Madras Aquatic Center; free for Movin' Mountains and Family Fitness Challenge participants, $5 for indistrict residents and $10 for out-of-district competitors; 541-35-5001 ext. 4200. ROBE RUN:Bath robe/pajama costume fun run;Thursday, April 24, 5:30 p.m.; free; leave from FootZone and finish at Crow'sFeetCommons; freedoughnuts and chocolate milk for participants; RSVP at


SISTERS "BETTERHALF" MARATHON:Third annual half marathon and quarter marathon;April 26, 9 a.m.; COMPETITIVE NORDIC PROGRAM: For in Sisters; $25 for quarter marathon, athletes14 and over; five or six days a week; $40 for half marathon, $60 for relay teams; www.sistershalfmarathon.com, $2,200; or $1,500through May1;www. bendenduranceacademy.org. ruandracesisters@gmail.com.


GROWLERRUN:Group run of 3-5 miles; Thursdays,6 p.m.; leave from Fleet Feetand finish with a shared growler of beer from Growler Phil's; free; 541-389-1601. CORK WEEKLYPERFORMANCE RUN: Thursdays;5:30 p.m.; locations vary; call Roger Daniels at 541-389-6424 for more information. WEDNESDAY RUNS: Fleet Feet"s 3-5 mile "Run this Town" run, everyWednesday, 6 p.m.; free; 541-389-1601.


REDMOND OREGON RUNNINGKLUB (RORK):Weekly run/walk; Saturdays at 8 a.m.; all levels welcome; free; for more information and to be added to a weekly email list, email Dan Edwards at rundanorun19©yahoo.com; follow Redmond Oregon Running Klub on Facebook.

LOCAL YOUTHLEAGUE: Bend FC Timbers spring developmental league; school-based, divided by ageand gender;games Saturdays and Sundays;mid-March-May19; www. BendFCTimbers.com or 541-749-0462.


REDMOND RUNNINGGROUP:Weekly runsonTuesdays at6:30 p.m.;m eetat314 S.W. Seventh St. in Redmond for runs of 3-5 miles; all abilities welcome; free; pia© runaroundsports.com; 541-639-5953.

BEND TABLE TENNIS CLUB: Evening play Mondays;6-9 p.m. (setup 30 minutes prior); beginner classes available, cost $60; at Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Oregon; drop-in fee,

PERFORMANCE RUNNINGGROUP: 5:30p.m.on Tuesdays;with Max King; locations vary; interval-based; all ability levels; max©footzonebend.com; 541-317-3568.

club membership available to those who donate $100 or more; Jeff at 541-480-2834; Don at 541-318-0890; Sean at 267-6146477;bendtabletennis©yahoo.com; www. bendtabletennis.com.

$3 for adults, $2 foryouths andseniors;

MOVE ITMONDAYS: Mondays at5:30 p.m.; carpool from FootZone to trailhead when scheduled (first and third Mondays of each month); all other runs start and finish at FootZone, downtown Bend; 3-5 miles; paces 7-12 minutes per mile; melanie© footzonebend.com; 541-317-3568.

TENNIS MIXED DOUBLESTOURNEY: SageSprings Club and Spa Mixed Doubles Tournament; April 26-27;NTRP com bined7.0,8.0 and 9.0; bharringtonINdestinationhotels.com, 541-593-7890. SUMMIT CLINIC:Youth clinic for ages 6-14; at Summit High tennis courts;July7-10; 8:30-9:45 for ages 6-9and10-11:45 for ages 10-14; coed; $65; ryan.cruz©bend.k12.or.us.

NOON TACO RUN: Wednesdays atnoon; meet at FootZone, downtown Bend; order a Taco Stand burrito before leaving and it will be ready upon return; teague© footzonebend.com; 541-317-3568

COMMUNITY SPORTS IN BRIEF CYCLING Tour desChutes addsSK ftflt — The Tour des Chutes,

a cancer benefit bike tour, has added a 5,000-meter run to its schedule to honor Bendrunner JohannaOlson,whodied of cancer in 2012 atthe ageof 37. The 2014 Tourdes Chuteswill be held July12 with route options between 7and100 miles. For more information, go to www.tourdeschutes.org.

Bend cVclists win

Gorge Roubaix —Atl'IO of Bend cyclists finished first in their classification at the twoday Gorge Roubaix on March 29 and 30 that took place in and around TheDalles. Stephen Bedford won the men's Cat1/2 division, Andrew Sargent was the top master's men Cat1/2/3 rider, and Nicole Pressprich claimed top honors in the women's Cat 4 division. Riders rode between 33and 70 miles eachday, including a 2.5-mile gravel section. Joe Kline 1The Bulletin

Runners navigate a rocky downhill section near the finish of the Horse Butte10-mile course on Sunday in Bend.

Horse Butte

Oregon for the Dirty Half

ern shirt and a cowboy hat.

half marathon in June and

Middle-schooler Alisa Fox, of La Grande, made her trail

Continued from B1

was toying with the idea of doing next week's Peterson first weekend of April as Ridge Rumble in Sisters. "If a n unofficial kickoff to t h e I was younger, I'd consider spring race season, the Horse moving up here." Bend's Ryan Bak was the Butte 10-miler loops runners clockwise around the Arnold top overall finisher Sunday, Ice Cave and Coyote Loop and fellow Bend resident H eld most years on t h e

trails. " Great

cou r se ,

wel l -

marked and great views," said Browne, who said he expects to be back in Central

running debut on Sunday, completing the race with her father, D.J. Fox.

annual Sisters Rodeo, June13-15, are now on sale. Rodeoweek kicks off on June11 with an Xtreme Bulls bull riding competition. For more information, go to www. sistersrodeo.com or call the ticket hotline at 541-549-0121.

MOTORCYCLERACES Steel Stampedeset for

May —The Steel Stampede Vintage Motorcycle Rally trail race series is set to take placeMay 3 and 4 at Crooked River Ranch. General admission is $10 aday per person. For more information, go to www.steelstampede.org or call 541-548-8939.

RUGBY Blues roll iit Clackamas

— The BendBlues high school rugby team cruised past host North Clackamas onSaturday, 36-10. Tanner Russell, BenKlein, Nolan Holmgren, Jeff Durante, Lane Crismon andKeeganBloss all scored tries for the Blues, who are now 3-1.


— Bulletin staff report

Youth officials needed

La Grande in the small town of Union, used the race as a

celebration of sorts. Daggett, 38, said he lost 50 pounds over the last 10 months. He

competed in a half mara"The longest she had ever thon last fall "and didn't finran before was probably 4 or ish last" but had not run in a 4 ~/~ miles," Fox, 34, said about timed race since then. "We're already looking at his 12-year-old daughter. "It was good, but hard," Al- coming back next year," said Max King took second. The 34-year-old King, o verall isa said in between bites of a Daggett, who raved about the winner of this race each of well-earnedpost-race cookie. course and conditions. the past four years, ran the Fred Daggett, a friend of — Reporter: 541-383-0305; entire course in jeans, a west- the Fox family who lives near beastes@bendbulletin.com.

—The Bend Parkand Recreation District is in needof officials for its boys and girls spring youth leagues. Games are Monday through Friday between 4:30 and 6:30 p.m. The leagues run from April 23 to May 30. A mandatory meeting for officials will be held April 8, 7-8:30 p.m. at the BPRD office on SW Columbia. For more information, call Rich Ekman

Find It All Online bendbulletin.com

at BPRD at 541-706-6126.


WILSONSof Redmond 541-548-2066

SiSterS Rodeo tiCketS On


Sale —Tickets for the 74th




wins FamilyCircleCup By Pete lacobelli

and because I love the sport,"

The Associated Press

said Petkovic, whose pro-

CHARLESTON, S.C. gresses was slowed by severAndrea P e tkovic r e m em- al injuries that cost her much

bered why she started playing tennis and along the way gave everyone else a reminder about how talented she is when she's at her best. The 26-year-old from Germany, who fell from ninth in

of 2012. Cepelova led 5-4 and was a point away from capturing

the world in 2011 to 177th two years later, capped a stun-

"I have to let loose and play like I can," she told herself.

the first set. But Petkovic rallied to win that game and be-

gin a run of eight in a row to take control of the match.

ning run to the Family Circle Petkovic was energized afCup title on Sunday, Petkov- ter winning the crucial game ic's first win in three years. and quickly broke serve to She outlasted Jana Cepelo- move in front. She took the va 7-5, 6-2 in the finals. "I just wanted to get back to

set a game later and continu ed her ntn to b uild a 5 - 0

why I started playing tennis, lead that Cepelova could not because I had fun playing it overcome.


sey Alvarez 201/537

Leagueleadersandhigh scores Lava Lanes,Bend March17-23

RimrockLanes, Prlnevllle


Grizzly MountainMen'sLeague CASINOFUN— TheGang;MikeyMoldenhauer Teamhighs —Scratch series: KBWEngi258/708;LareeWiliams 158/464 neering,3084;Scratchgame: NoBoundries, 1055; HIS AND HERS— I Can't believeit's notGutter; andicap series: CarsonOil,3434; Handicapgame: DaveGrimes265/735;HeatherDaggett245/649 H UdderGuys,1180. GUYSAND GALS— TheWeakestLink;Tobycun- The M en's highs —Scratchseries; JamesGregdell 250/718;Kimberlysoto 201/566 ory, 757; scratchgame:JakeMcclennen, 267; LAVA LANESCLASSIC—Leprechans; Terry LussiHandicapseries: Kurt Waterman, 756; Handicap er 254/717;MoniqueMccleary 266//10 game:Geoff Jones,281. TEATIMER S—BendVFW; Shari Hamel 211/568 LATECQMERS— No Threat;shannon Grimes Week 29 235/576 50+ FREEBREATHERS — MixedNuts;Jim Whitson 268g70;Suesnedden215/526 S«ame: HotushotI,~677;~H~an~d~iIap GREASE D LIGHTENING— Mark it Dude'Kevin 1966; Baessle252/619; r vonnieGreen178/489 REJECTS — WildBunch;DougGray225/600;JaMen's highs —Scratchseries: MattHawes, mie Filipeli193/521 wEDNE sDAY INC—split Hap pens;Joshcurley series: PaulAsm an, 610;Handicap game: Chris 298//69 ;BobMeek266//81 TNT — Davi dJohns 277/642;ShannonGrimes Worthington,229. 221/548 Women'shighs—Scratchseries: Stela Oia, PROG RESSIVE — Hil's Horseshoeing; Bryan 496; Scratchgame: Martha Collins,166; Handicap s eri es:RubyGroshong,631;Handicapgame:DoMeeker 289g67 TG.I.F.—RedHots; Derick Gatchet267//00; Lind- loresKoivisto, 225.

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azersc inc a o e , ea e icans The Associated Press PORTLAND — Given an

opportunity to clinch a postseason berth, the Trail Blazers made the most if it.

LaMarcus Aldridge had 25 points and 18 rebounds and Portland earned a playoff spot

v ','.At~A~~ Pqpv

for the first time in three seasons with a 100-94 win over the New Orleans Pelicans on

Sunday night. Wesley Matthews added 21 points, Damian Lillard 20 and

Nicolas Batum had 16 points and 12 rebounds for Portland (50-28). The Blazers are in fifth place in the Western Conference with four games remaining. "Fifty wins is always a big honor in this league," Aldridge said. "Especially being in the West with so many good


Eastern Conference W L Pct GB y-Miami 53 23 697 y-Indiana 53 25 679 1 x-Toronto 45 32 584 8'/r x-Chicago 45 32 584 8'Iz x-Brooklyn 42 34 553 11 x-Washington 40 37 519 13'Iz x-Charlotte 39 38 506 14'/r Atlanta 34 42 447 19 NewYork 33 45 423 21 Cleveland 31 47 397 23 Detroit 28 49 364 25'/v Boston 23 54 299 30r/r Orlando 22 55 286 31'/r Philadelphia 17 60 221 36'/r Milwaukee 14 63 182 39'/r WesternConference W L Pct GB y-SanAntonio 60 17 779 y-Dklahoma City 55 21 724 4'/z y-L.A.Clippers 55 23 705 5'/r x-Houston 51 25 671 8'/z x-Portland 50 28 641 10'/v GoldenState 48 29 623 12 Dallas 47 31 603 13'/v Phoenix 46 31 597 14 Memphis 45 32 584 15 Minnesota 38 38 500 21'/r Denver 33 44 429 2 7 NewOrleans 32 45 416 28 Sacramen to 27 50 351 33 L.A. Lakers 25 52 325 35 Utah 24 53 312 36 x-cl inchedplayoffspot y-clinched division

cleared the way for Portland to clinch. It appeared the Trail Blazers might fumble the chance when New Orleans took a 10-point second quarter

43-7717-18 112.

Memphis 1028 29 25 — 92 Sen Antonio 2 6 2 8 27 31 — 112

OKLAHOM ACITY (115) Durant13-288-1038,Ibaka3-55-611, Perkins 2-3 0-2 4,Westbrook12-267-833, Roberson0-0 DALLAS (93) 0-00, Fisher2-30-05,Coff ison3-30-06,Jackson Marion 3-8 0-2 7, Nowitzki 5-17 3-4 15, 3-8 4-411,Butler1-62-25, Lamb1-2 0-02. ToDalembert3-6 0-06, Calderon5-100-014, Ellis tels 40-8426-32115. 9-193323, Blair 3 60 26, Carter6131-117, PHOENIX (122) Harris1-61-2 3, Crowder 0 0 0-0 0, Wright1-4 Tucker7-9 4-622, Frye1-5 0-02, Plumlee3-5 0-0 2, Ellington0-0 0-0 0. Totals 36-89 8-14 2-2 8, Bledsoe 6-13 6-1118, Dragic11-192-326, 93. Mark.Morris4-6 2-210, Green7-115-7 24, RanSACRAM ENTO(91) dolph1-2 0-02, Marc.Morris5-60-010, Smith0-1 Gay12-18 7-932, Evans1-2 0-02, Cousins12- 0-00.Totals45-7721-31 122. 234-428, McCallum4-120-08,McLemore2-90-1 Oklahoma City 25 28 38 24 — 115 5, Outlaw 2-50-06, Thompson2-31-45, Wiliams Phoenix 2034 32 28 — 122 1-32-25,Cunningham 0-10-00.Totals36-76 14-20 91. Dallas 2916 23 25 — 93 Leaders Sacramento 2 424 17 26 — 91 ThroughAPRIL5

Hawks107, Pacers 88


Miller1-3 0-0 3,Davis6-183-315, Stiemsm a 2-4 0-0 4,Roberts6-171-2 13,Evans 4-9 2-3 10, Morrow6-123-317,Rivers5-113-414, Withey0-1 1-21, Ajinca6-111-1 13, Aminu2-40-04. Totals 38-9014-18 94. Don Ryan I The Aeeocrated Press

on 6-of-18 shooting.

Portland guard Damian Liiiard scores on a fast break during

New Orleans got within 9794 with 35.9 seconds left when

the second half of Sunday night's game against New Orleans in Portland. Liliard scored 20 points as the Trail Biazers defeated the Peiicans100-94.

Morrow nailed a jumper, but Lillard scored on a driving layup andthen made one of two free throws. ond, going up 39-29 as reserve "They made runs — that's big men Al-Farouq Aminu what they do," said Morrow, and Alexis Ajinca combined who is averaging 19.4 points for 10 points in a 14-4 run. in his last seven games."We Portland trailed 55-48 at the know when this team is at half. home they are going to make Severalplayers scoffed at runs, they are going to hit suggestions that the Blazers shots." rest some starters with the Portland had won four in a playoffs in hand, and coach row before running out of gas Terry Stotts indicated there Friday and losing 109-93 in were no plans to change focus. "We're not prepping for the Phoenix. Clinching a playoff spot at home was an import- playoffs," he said. "We want ant step for a team that won to keep going in the right just 33 games last season, but direction." the Blazers weren't whooping Also on Sunday:

was held to a franchise-low

23 points in the first half of an embarrassingperformance on its home floor.

Rockets 130, Nuggets 125: HOUSTON — James Harden had 32 points and Chandler

Clippers120, Lakers 97

PORTLAND (100) Batum7-120-016, Aldridge11-253-425, LoL.A. LAKERS (97) pez 2-20-0 4, Lilard 9-192-320, Matthews7-13 Bazemore1-3 0-02, Kely3-110-06, Hil 10-14 4-4 21, Williams3-9 2-2 8, Robinson0-1 0-00, 2-2 22, Marshal4-102-510, l Meeks6-15 3-317, Barton0-10-00, Wright1-42-24, Leonard1-I 0-0 Johnson3-8 2-210, Sacre3-83-49, Young5-15 2. Totals 41-8713-15100. 6-718, Brooks1-20-03.Totals36-8610-23 97. New Orleans 2 5 30 14 25 — 94 LA. CLIPPERS (120) Portland 2523 29 23 — 100 Barnes4-6 0-09, Griffin 7-149-13 23, Jordan 3-Point Goal— s New Orleans 4-12 (Morrow 5-61-511, Paul8-103-423, Redick 7-110-015, 2-5, Rivers 1-1, Miller 1-1, Roberts0-5), PortCollison 7-17 0-014, Dudley1-22-2 5, Davis3-5 land 5-22(Matthews3-7, Batum2-7, Lilard 0-2, 1-27, Green 0-00-00, Turkoglu4-80-010, Bullock Wright 0-3,Wiliams0-3). FouledOut—None. Re- 1-40-03.Totals47-0316-26120. bounds —NewOrleans47 (Aminu 9), Portland57 L.A. Lakers 22 2 7 23 25 — 9 7 2 5 32 3726 — 120 (Aldridge18).Assists—NewOrleans21(Evans8), L.A. Clippers Portland20(Liffard 5).Total Fouls—NewOrleans 19, Portland17. Technicals—Lopez. A—20,036 (I9,980). Heai102, Knicks 91

Rockets130, Nuggets125 (OT) DENVER (125)

74 774 646 2373 32.1 74 724 440 2052 27.7 72 710 397 1922 26.7 72 611 474 1872 26.0 67 508 514 1694 25.3 76 682 451 1826 24.0 73 594 285 1709 23.4 65 613 283 1512 23.3 75 582 485 1709 22.8 66 530 405 1465 22.2 77 558 386 1677 21.8 68 647 179 1476 21.7 75 591 324 1627 21.7 67 516 274 1428 21.3 77 528 356 1618 21.0

Rebounds G OFF DEFTOT AVG 77 314 751 1065 13.8 76 402 582 984 12.9 72 215 691 68 226 613 66 206 562 75 266 569 65 152 567 57 185 441 68 137 582 66 207 461

Assists Paul, LAC Lawson,DEN Wall, WAS Rubio,MIN Curry,GO L Jennings,DET Lowry,TDR Nelson,DRL Teague,ATL James,MIA

NEWYORK(91) Anthony4-17 4-5 13,Stoudemire 5-9 2-2 12, Chandle4-72-210, r Felton6-121-215, Smith11-

G 58 62 77 76 73 75 74 66 72 72


Golden State 130, Jazz 102: OAKLAND,

C alif.

Klay Thompson scored 33 points, Stephen Curry added 31 points and 16 assists, and

38 points, Mario Chalmers


five minutes," Batum s aid.

added 15 and Miami survived

and then the playoffs start." T he Pelicans, last in t h e Southwest Division and out of the playoff race, have lost five

York's J.R. Smith on the way

Leonard matched his career high with 26 points, Manu Ginobili had a season-high 26 and San Antonio eased past Memphis after losing Tony Parker to injury. Clippers 120, Lakers 97:



Golden State rolled past Utah

to keep pace in the Western Conference playoffrace. Spurs 112, Grizzlies 92:

to dealing the Knicks' playoff hopes a big blow. Chris Bosh added 14 points and Ray Allen

Jordan,LAC Drummond,DET Love,MIN Howard,HOU CousinsSAC Noah,CHI Aldridge,PDR Vucevic,DRL Jefferson,CHA Davis,NOR


Parsons scored eight points in overtime to lift Houston over

Heat 102, Knicks 91: MIAMI — LeBron James scored

"But we have four more games a 3-point barrage from New

Durant,OKC Anthony,NYK James,MIA Love,MIN Harden,HOU Griffin, LAC Curry,GO L Aldridge,PDR DeRozan, TDR Cousins,SAC George,IND Jefferson,CHA Nowitzki,DAL Irving,CLE Lillard,POR

ATUINTA (107) Carroll 2-3 0-0 5,Miffsap8-14 0-2 17,Antic 7-81-218, Teague 9-17 5-5 25,Korver5-7 0-0 11, Brand1-30-02, Mack4-74-413, Scott 3-6 0-0 7, Martin 2-8 3-4 9. Totals41-73 13-17 107. INDIANA (88) George 6-175-918, West5-103-413, Hibbert 0-5 0-0 0,G.Hiff3-104-612, Stephenson1-61-2 3, Butler2-30-05, Mahinmi3-34-610, Scola4-7 2-210, Sloan2-5 0-0 4, Turner3-70-0 6, Allen 1-2 0-0 2, Copeland2-30-1 5. Totals 32-781930 88. Atlanta Indiana

Blazers100, Pelicans 94

Anthony Davis had 15 points

Suns122, Thunder115

Mavericks93, Kings91


quarterrun and never trailed again. Reserve Anthony Morrow scored 17 for New Orleans and

UTAH (102) Jefferson1-20-2 2, Wiliams2-52-2 7, Favors 5-11 0-010,Burke10-212-224, Hayward4-92-2 10, Burks5-1014-1624, Garrett 0-20-0 0, Kanter 4-110-28,Evans4-80-28,Clark3-6007,Gobert 1-1 0-02.Totals39-8620-28102. GOLDEN STATE(130) Iguodala4-6 2-211, Green5-6 0-011, Bogut 3-4 0-0 6, Curry12-182-2 31, Thom pson11-20 4 433, O'Neal3 71-1 7, Barnes5 8 0010, Blake 1-3 0-0 3,Crawford4-8 0-010, Speights4-9 0-0 8, Armstrong 0 I 0 0 0. Totals 52 90 9 9130. 2230 21 29 — 102 Uiah Golden State 3531 35 29 — 130

MEMPHIS (92) Alle2 n-70-04,Randolph3-92-38,Gasol3-7 0-0 6, Conley8-130-218, Lee1-7 2-2 4,Miler 0-2 0-0 0,Johnson7-114-4 20, Davis3-53-6 9, Calat hes2-60-04,Koufos4-90-08,Udrih3-60-0 6, Leuer 0-20-00, Franklin 2-20-05. Totals 388611-17 92. SANANTONIO(112) Leonard12-130-0 26, Duncan5-10 3-3 13, Splitter0-32-22, Parker4-42-210, Green4-80-1 9, Diaw0-2 0-0 0, Ginobili 8-116-6 26,Belinelli 1-52 25, Mills 3 5 007,Ayres1-2 2 2 4,Joseph 4-60-08, Bonnerg-20-00,Daye1-60-02.Totals


lead. But the Blazers blew past the Pelicans with a 25-6 third

Warriors130, Jazz102

Spurs112, Grizzlies 92

Today'sGames No games scheduled Tuesday'sGames Detroit atAtlanta,4:30 p.m. SanAntonioatMinnesota, 5p.m. Brooklynat Miami,5 p.m. Dallasat Utah,6p.m. Oklahoma City atSacramento, 7p.m. Houstonat L.A.Lakers, 7:30p.m.

tonio earlier in the evening

280-032, Prigioni0-1 0-00, Shump ert3-71-29, Hardaway Jr.0 7000, Brown0 00 00, Murry0 0 0-0 0, Tyler0-0 0-0 0, Aldrich 0-0 0-0 0.Totals 33-88 10-1391.

MIAMI (102) HOUSTON(130) James13-229-12 38, Haslem2-4 2-26, Bosh Parsons5-113-515, Jones6-162-214, Asik 5-73-414, Chalmers4-75-615, Douglas2-51-2 6-116-1118, Lin7-124-419, Harden9-2311-12 5, Battier2-20-26, Allen4-100-012, Cole1-20-0 32, Motiejunas0-30-2 0, Garcia5-110-211, Ca- 2, Lewis1-22-24.Totals 34-61 22-30102. naan5-81-215, Casspi2-30-0 6. Totals 45-98 New York 2624 14 27 — 91 27-40130. Miami 2523 25 29 — 102 Denver 27 25 36 29 8 — 125 Houston 22 4 7 19 29 13 — 130


thing to take for granted. Guys are happy about it and we're definitely happy to be locked into the playoffs." Memphis' loss to San An-

the game. "We were happy for about

Miller 8-140-019,Faried7-172-216, Mozgov 6-9 2-4 15,Brooks11-240-0 24,Foye4-11 1-2 11, Fournier9-16 2-226, Arthur 3-9 1-2 7,Vesely 2-4 1-1 5,Randolph 1-30-02. Totals 51-107 9-13 125.


Miami102,NewYork91 LA. Clippers120,LA.Lakers97 Dallas93,Sacramento 91 Atlanta107,Indiana88 Houston130,Denver125r OT SanAntonio112,Memphis 92 Phoenix122,Oklahom aCity115 GoldenState130,Utah102 Portland100,Ne wOrleans94

teams. It's definitely not some-

it up in the locker room after

' •

K awhi











straight games. had 12 for the Heat, who are Davis started the game de- a full game ahead of Indiana L OS A NGELES — B l a k e spite back spasms that kept and two up in the loss column Griffin and Chris Paul scored him out for long stretches of in the East race. 23 points apiece, and the Los the past two games. He limited Suns 122, Thunder 115: Angeles Clippers hung anothAldridge to 6-of-16 shooting in PHOENIX — Kevin Durant er rout on the Lakers to take the first half. scored 38 points, his 41st con- three of four games this sea"He's just trying to do every- secutive game of 25 or more, son from their beleaguered thing he can to help his team but Phoenixgot 26points from Staples Center co-tenants. and tonight was no different," Goran Dragicand 24 from Mavericks 93, Kings 91: coach Monty Williams said. "That's why we love him."

Gerald Green to beat Oklaho-


Davis had 11 points in the

ma City. Hawks 107, Pacers 88: IN-

first quarter, but the Pelicans went on a run with their All-

DIANAPOLIS — Jeff Teague scored 25 points in Atlanta's

Monta Ellis scored eight of his 23 points in the fourth quarter and Dallas kept its playoff position by beating Sacramento

Star on the bench in the sec- rout of reeling Indiana, which

for its third straight win.


Rookie leadsBlackhawksover Blues ly. We're battling hard. The Associated Press "Usually when you battle CHICAGO — The Chicago Blackhawksaretaking am ore hard individually and as a direct approach to generating team, good things happen. offense without injured star

We've raised our battle level

forwards Jonathan Toews and lately, but we're just keeping Patrick Kane. things simple. Getting pucks So far, it's working. in, getting pucks out." R ookie Jeremy M o r i n And some younger players, scored and set up Patrick such as Morin, are getting Sharp's go-ahead goal in the more ice time and showing second period, and injury-de- just how deep defending Stanpleted Chicago held on to de- ley Cup champion Chicago is. "I'm just taking it day by day feat the St. Louis Blues 4-2 on Sunday afternoon for its third every time I'm in the lineup, straight win.

The Blackhawks ground out the victory despite playing without Toews' powerful skating and Kane's puck-handling skills for the third game. Forward Brandon Saad was a last-minute scratch.

"We've simplified our game quite a bit," said Sharp, who scored his team-leading 33rd goal. "We're not trying to make as many plays offensive-


trying to make the most of it,"

COLUMBUS, Ohio — Boone Jenner and M a r k L e t estu

each had a goal and an assist, and Sergei Bobrovsky stopped 31 shots for his second shutout of the week to


lead Columbus past the New

heim scored with 4:31 left to

scored two goals, and Phil- break a third-period tie, and adelphia broke a four-game Florida snapped a five-game losing streak with a win over losing streak in a win over lowly Buffalo. Dallas.


Reach more than 70,000 CentralOregon readers in the official Home at Garden Show guide.

DENVER — J ussi Jokinen skated acrossthe front of the

crease and roofed a shot over sprawling goalie Semyon Varlamov to give Pittsburgh a shootout win over Colorado. Oilers 4, Ducks 2: EDMON-

N AY 2, 3 5 4

For show information visit: wwraconnect(ondepot.com

York Islanders. Penguins 3, Avalanche 2:

Morin said. "We're comfortable out there. TON, Alberta — Taylor Hall "I'm just playing the game had a goal and two assists, right now and letting things and Edmonton beat Pacific Dicome." vision-leading Anaheim. Also on Sunday: Panthers 3, Stars 2: SUNFlyers 5, Sabres 2:PHILA- RISE, Fla. — Sean BergenDELPHIA — Brayden Schenn


Blue Jackets 4, Islanders 0:

Official Show Guide Publishes: in The Bulletin Saturday, April 27 Advertising Deadline: Wednesday, April 9

The Bulletin c 'c



' •

906 12.6 839 12.3 768 11.6 835 11.1 719 11.1 626 11.0 719 10.6 668 10.1

AST AVG 629 10.8 543 8.8 668 8.7 655 8.6 612 8.4 579 7.7 560 7.6 458 6.9 496 6.9 466 6.5



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Connecticut defense takes after its coach

Continued from B1 Kentucky has cornered the market on

these players. Forward Julius Randle and guard JamesYoung pop up on mock draft boards operated by draft analysts, and

with high-level performances in the tournament run, the draft stock of others such as Harrison may be peaking. Nobody has taken greater advantage of the rule than Kentucky coach John Calipa-

• ' (

ri, who has won with such one-and-dones

as Derrick Rose, John Wall and Anthony Davis, and he doesn't apologize for recruiting top talent and bidding the player farewell after one year. "There's a lot of different ways to play this game and there's a lot of d i fferent

ways to teach it," Calipari said. "My whole thing is, I'm coaching the hand that's dealt. This is what we have."

It's been enough to push a team that lost

10 games entering the tournament through an amazing run that started with a sev-

By Shannon Ryan Chicago Tribune


ARLINGTON, Texas — Kevin Ollie would

wake up at 4 a.m. on summer mornings before the blazing Texas sun would bake the ground and sear the skin. Rising that early to mow lawns for his father was the only way

Omen se The Wildcats, averaging 75.3 points, hit oppo- ~ nents in waves. Their dominant Inside presence ~ overwhelms teams, led byJulius Randle's15.1 points and 10.5 rebounds. Kentucky embarrassed Wisconsin 46-24 in the paint and 23-10 onsecond-chance points in the semifinals. Undersized Connecticut doesn't have enough in this area to counterpunch. Advantage:Kentucky

to beat it.

"He didn't pay me a lot," Ollie said of his "Pops." "I come see some of these apartments I used to cut and I know he got me. He got me all my life. But it really taught me how to

work hard." That grind helped Ollie at every stage of his life, especially now as he leads Connecticut in his second season as head coach into tonight's NCAA tournament championship game against Kentucky near his birth city of Dallas.

en-point victory over Kansas State. Turns out, that's been the Wildcats' largest victo-


ry margin in the five-game run. Kentucky survived top-seeded Wichita

Connecticut's tournament run can bepinned to its defense. The Huskies forced Michigan State into ill-advised jump shots and held the Spartans to atournament-low 54 points. They kept point guard Scottie Wilbekin out of the lane to hold Florida to aseason-low 53. Guards RyanBoatrIght and ShabazzNapier are standout defenders for the Huskies, who held their five tournament opponents to 65.8 points. The Wildcats are beasts on the boards, beating tournament opponents

State when Shockers guard Fred VanVleet missed a 3-pointer at the buzzer. Region-

al victories over Louisville and Michigan were heavyweight battles, with Harrison

delivering the decisive blow with go-ahead 3-pointers. Harrison did the same thing Saturday

But are they supposed to be in school for only one year? Remember, the 19-year-old age limit isn't a college rule. The NBA Players Association established the guideline in 2006, as Kevin Durant was entering Texas. He

and Ohio State's Greg Oden were the first high-profile players under the new order. The next year, Rose and UCLA's Kevin

Love followed. With nearly a decade of one-year wonders as the sample size, college officials have grown louder expressing their frustration with the rule.

Colleges as a pro sports training ground is a concept Big 12 commissioner Bob Bowlsby would like to change, and he called the NBA "irresponsible in not pro-

viding other legitimate opportunities for

Scouts and general managers understood his worth wasn't necessarily tied completely to the skill set he brought as a 6-foot-2 point

guard but rather the example he would set. "We were a real young team and we were struggling," Bulls general manager Gar Forman said. "Kevinbrought aveteran presence every day to practice. You got a real base of who he was. Rock, rock solid. Those kinds of guys are invaluable " While he averaged only 3.8 points per game forhisNBA career, which spanned

There's no denyIng KevinOllie is making his mark in his second season in charge at Connecticut. But this is familiar territory toKentuckycoachJohnCalipari.Hehasbeen in five Final Fours andwonthe title at Kentucky in 2012. TheWildcats rely mostly on freshmen, but Calipari's experience at this stage is valuable. Ollie has done atremendous job of getting his players to buy into defense. Advantage:Kentucky

from 1997 with the Mavericks to 2010 with the Thunder, he commanded respect.



The Wildcats don't get rattled. In all five NCAAtournament victories, they have trailed and rallied to win. Theycamebackfrom 13 down against Louisville and trailed Michigan by10 with a little more than five minutes to play. Wichita State andWisconsin each had nine-point leads before Kentucky camebackfor last-minutes victories. Advantage:Kentucky


coming a professional out of high school, if that option was available.

"I probably still would have gone to college," Randle said. "It's what I needed as far as a maturity level. A lot of people think

they're ready, but they're not."

The idea that something's wrong with collecting this much young talent under one program rankles Calipari. "The issue of one-and-done has now become a bad connotation," Calipari said. "So, we're going to break out something new this week to get you guys off this one-

sideline. He has carried with him strategies from his years of tutelage from Larry Brown, Chuck Daly and former Connecticut coach

Aaron Harrison, Kentucky: Three straight games, three straight winning shots. The freshman is clutch. If he hasthe ball as the clock winds down, it's over. Shadazz ffapier, Connecticut:The senior guard has led the HuskIes Inscoring with 21 points in tournament games, andhis defense is becoming just as valuable.

and-done, so that we can think about it another term."

game to Robert Morris. But with three Final Fours in four years

and an opportunity to win a second national title since 2012, Kentucky has hit on the

formula that allows teams to succeed and proceed in the NCAA Tournament.

neyman that resonate strongly with players. They picked up the energy he brought as an assistant for two seasons and when Calhoun passed the torch in September 2012 to take over at his alma mater. While Calhoun

was the taskmaster, Ollie was the confidant. Huskies star guard Shabazz Napier called Ollie the father figure he never had in his life. "He'll sit us all down and we'll talk," Napier said. " 'Guys, you've got to work for everything.' He wasn't given much. But it was the belief that he could make an impact on the knows a lot about what it takes to overcome a lot of obstacles." His Connecticut team has become an ex-

pert at plowing through adversity. A No. 7 seed, the Huskies were considered an early-exit team, even more so than No. 8


comes its own recruiting tool.

more. In fact, last year was a disaster. Ken-

Jim Calhoun. But it's Ollie's lessons as a jour-

bench or in the game or in someone's life. He

And Calipari came up with one. "You cannotproceed untilyou succeed," Calipari said. Undoubtly, Calipari's success at the oneand-done atKentucky and Memphis be-

tucky was relegated to the NIT after a scuffling regular season and dropped its first

"This guy was willing to do anything to be successful," said Bill Cartwright, who coached Ollie on the Bulls. "He'd get here early, stay late. He was the ultimate team guy. That's just part of his character. I think it's really hard, maybe impossible, to find someone who doesn't like this guy." Ollie, 41, looks like he could play now, coaching from a low defensive stance on the

Players towatch

would have attended college instead of be-

ing one year. He didn't develop as quickly and now comes off the bench as a sopho-

and one-year deals — when he was lucky. He lasted 13 seasons, playing with 11 organi-


But Randle, seen as the top pro prospect of the Wildcats' freshmen, said he likely

Poythress arrived with the idea of remain-

ciation, making the most of 10-day contracts zations — including a 2001-02 stint with the Bulls — and switching teams 15 times.

kids that really don't want to go to college."

It doesn't always work. Last year, Alex

sociation and the National Basketball Asso-


in a 74-73 survival. this.

That work ethic translated into a hustler's mentality in the Continental Basketball As-


against Wisconsin, only more dramatically, throwing in a deep 3 with 5.7 seconds remaining to provide the winning margin Freshmen aren't supposed to play like


UCann 31-8 7 2.1

seed Kentucky. Connecticut is just a season removed from its NCAA-ordered ineligibili-


ty from the tournament.

Re c ord 29 - 10

During the regular season, the Huskies

Av g . Pts. 75. 3

finished in a three-way tie for third with Southern Methodist and Memphis in the

63.5 Opp. Avg. Pts. 66.8 .450 .389 . 774

FG P c t. .455 3 - Pt. FG Pct..333 FT P c t . .684

AAC. They suffered a 33-point loss on March 8 at Louisville. "I thought we built on a lot of ups and

downs throughout the season," Ollie said. "That's what great teams do. They take the challenge and they get better from it." Like their coach, the Huskies keep working.

0.4 Rebound Margin 9.7 1.5

7 .0 5 .8

TOD i f f.


A v g Steals 4 . 7 A v g Blocks 5 . 9

— Chicago Tiibune


No surprise: UnbeatenHuskies, Irish to meetfor championship By Doug Feinberg

Notre Dame's

bounds in a game of 25 set by Minne-

The Associated Press

Jeweil Loyd, right, and

sota in 2004. Notre Dame also befuddled Mary-


land on defense, forcing them into turnovers and poor shots with ever-changing defenses. Terps' star Alyssa Thomas was constantly double-teamed and rarely got a good

NASHVILLE, Tenn. — Kayla McBride wouldn't let Notre Dame's pur-

suit of a perfect season end. The All-American senior guard had one of

Lexie Brown

vie for a loose

t h e m ost i m pressive

ball during the first half

games of her career in Sunday night's national semifinal, scoring 28

of Sunday's game.

points to lead Notre Dame to an 87-61

win over Maryland. She seemingly did whatever she wanted, shedding defenders with behind-the-back dribbles and quick cross-overs before scoring. She set the tone for Notre Dame and her Irish



John Bazemore I The Associated


look at the basket. She finished with

14 points. Thomas ended her career as the school's all-time leading scorer and rebounder.

In the other Sunday semifinal: Connecticut 75, Stanford 56: NASHVILLE, Tenn. — Breanna Stewart scored 18 points and un-

teammates followed her lead into Tuesday night's championship game. The Irish (37-0) will play fellow undefeated team Connecticut for the championship Tuesday. It's the third

defeated Connecticut continued its march toward an unprecedented

time in four years that Notre Dame

gish start. Stewart, the Associated

has been in the title game. The Irish

Press player of the year, missed her first four shots and UConn was up

are looking for their first title since winning it all in 2001.

Notre Dame played without senior

ninth national championship. The Huskies also won their 45th straight

game after overcoming another slug-

just 28-24 at halftime. But Connecti-

cut settled down and outscored the Cardinal 47-32 in the second half. ing the ball and offering words of against the bigger Terrapins without the offensive end. It was the widest Stanford (33-4) lost its third nationry over Baylor. The entire team wore encouragement. Achonwa. It proved to be no problem rebounding margin ever in a Final al semifinal since reaching the 2010 shirts in warmups with Achonwa's M uffet McGraw, who was T h e for the Irish, who dominated the Ter- Four game shattering the previous championship against UConn, which No. 11 and the 6-foot-3 forward's Associated Press coach of the year, rapins (28-7) on the boards. mark of 19 set by Louisiana Tech in the Huskies also won. All-American nickname "Ace" on the back. She was concerned coming into the game The Irish outrebounded the Terps 1989. Maryland broke the nation- Chiney Ogwumike finished with 15 helped her team warm up, pass- about her team's ability to rebound 50-21, including a 19-4 advantage on al semifinals record for fewest re- points and 10 rebounds.

Natalie Achonwa, who suffered a torn ACL in the regional final victo-





Jordan Spieth


Patrick Reed



gqggS Ir®®~

• Lexi Thompson takes the victory as MichelleWie claims second

4r' '4s

The Associated Press RANCHO MIRAGE, Calif. — Lexi Thompson left

Michelle Wie behind Sunday — off thetee and on the

Harris English

leaderboard in the Kraft Nabisco Championship. The 19-year-old Thompson beat Wie into Poppie's Pond, too, capping the breakthrough major vic-

Jimmy Walker

tory with th e t r aditional

victory leap into the water near the 18th green. "It's

just adream come true," Thompson said. Thompson closed with a

bogey-free 4-under 68 for a three-stroke victory. She birdied four of the first nine

holes to open a five-stroke lead and parred the final nine. Augusta National Golf Club • Augusta, Georgia

By Doug Ferguson The Associated Press

Fuzzy Zoeller has lost track of how many in-


terviews he's given before the Masters, surpris-

ing for a guy who plays a limited schedule on the Champions Tour and stopped competing at Augusta National five years ago. He doesn't need to follow golf to figure out what's going on. Jordan Spieth started his rookie season with-

out a card, finished at No. 10 on the money list, became the youngest American to play in the Presidents Cup and ended his remarkable year at No. 22 in the world. This will be his first Masters. Patrick Reed won three times in seven months,

including a World Golf Championship, and told a national television audience he felt he was among the top five in the world. This will be his first major. They are joined by plenty of others, most of them in the top 50 in the world, who until now have only seen the Masters outside the ropes or in front

of a television. And that's why Zoeller's phone keeps ringing. "I think I've done a hundred interviews now,"

Zoeller said with a laugh. "Hell, I don't have any answers."

There's really only one question: Why has it been 35years since a Masters rookie left town with a green jacket? That was Zoeller in 1979. He leapt in the air

when his birdie putt dropped on the second playoff hole at No. 11 to join Gene Sarazen (1935) and inaugural winner Horton Smith (1934) as the only players to win at Augusta on their first attempt. "All the talent that has gone through that mar-

velous place, it's kind of weird that it hasn't happened," Zoeller said. Spiethand Reed are among 23 players in the Masters for the first time, which accounts for nearly 25 percent of the field. That includes six ama-

a s ers

Atlanta Augusta



The 77th Mastersis scheduled to be played April10-13.

all the history behind the tournament." Wie was second, birdie-

AI .

PreViOuS WinnerS '14 A.scott 13 B. Watson '12 C. Schwarlzel Hole Par Yards 1 4 455 5 575 4 350 3 240 4 455 3 180 4 450 5 570 4 460 Out 36 3,735 4 495 4 505 12 3 155 13 5 510 14 4 440 15 5 530 16 3 170 17 4 440 1g 4 4 6 5 In 36 37IO Total 72 i7,445

To par -9 -10 -14

Amen cornerStarts at 'hesecon s 11th, all of the12th and theteeshotatthe 13th



NandinaPresident Dwight D. Eisenhower requested a tree be cut down after hitting it so many times; club named tree after him instead; tree removed this year after damage during ice storm

Camellia A huge drop after the tee makes it the, most difficult hole on the course

way it is for the Masters — better than most rook-

ing the final hole for a 71. She used her driver only four times, choosing to

hit fairway-metal stingers on the other 10 driving holes — leaving her as much as 60 yards behind Thompson. When both hit 3-woods, Thompson also

had the advantage. "I stuck with my game p lan and I t h in k i t w a s


Flowering crab apple A sloping green .. e ma kes for a difficult hole; Jeff Sluman s hole-in-one in 1992 is the only ace at the hole Flowering peachShortest par in Master's history four on the course; but don't be fooled, the green has a steep slope making for a tricky play © 2014ucr I

Carolina cherryTee pushed back 30 yards in 2002; green is protected by two bunkers

Source: Augusta

National Golf Club

teurs, as always. It also includes 20 percent of the

world's top 50 players. "I don't think it's out of the question to win," said Spieth, who doesn't turn 21 until July. "If my game stacks up and I catch the right breaks, then sure. I don't see why not. I've been playing against these guysforayearnow, so Ifeelcom fortable." Harris English is getting as much attention as anyone, and knows the course — maybe not the

"This is what I've worked so hard for," Thompson said. "This was one of my goals coming into the year, to win a major. I've always seen myself winning a Kraft Nabisco. It's such a huge honor with

when Graeme McDowell walked to the back of Of the 17 professional rookies, 11 of them won the 17th green at Bay Hill, nodded toward English, on the PGA Tour last year. Among the exceptions raisedhiseyebrows and said,"Thisboy can play." were VictorDubuisson of France and Stephen The 24-year-old English drips with Southern Gallacher of Scotland, who had two of the biggest manners,pays due respect to stars on tour and

wins on the European Tour. Dubuisson won hand-

then sets a high standard for himself. It helped, no ily in the 'Ilrrkish Airlines Open last year, where doubt, watchingcollege teammates Russell Henley Tiger Woods finished third. Gallacher won the win in his rookie debut on the PGA Tour, and Reed take on the world in winning a World Golf Cham-

ies. He played college golf at Georgia, so the Bull- pionship at Doral. "I don't know if this group knows how to win dogs played Augusta National once a year. Englishwon a Web.com Tour event when he more," English said of his fellow Masters rookies. was still in college. He has won twice since the "I don't know what it is. It just seems like guys Masters last year, at the St. Jude Classic and in coming out of college are more prepared. All these Mexico at the end of last year. The highest praise guys know how to win and seem to not be scared comes from other players, so it was intriguing of the veterans."

Dubai Desert Classic, a tournament that featured

Woods and Rory McIlroy, bymaking sevenbirdies and an eagle on the back nine Saturday to take the lead. "I think the learning curve at Augusta is steep — always steep," Justin Rose said. "I think the gen-

the right play," Wie said. "Who knows? In hindsight you would do something here or d o s o mething there, make a putt there. That's the way golf is. I just couldn't get anything going today." Thompson became the

second-youngest m a j or winner in LPGA Tour his-

tory at 19 years, 1 month, 27 days. Morgan Pressel set the record in her 2007 victory at Mission Hills at

18 years, 10 months, 9 days. Thompson finished at 14-under 274 for her fourth LPGA Tour victory. She opened with a 73, shot a tournament-best 64 on Fri-

day and had a 69 on Saturday to tie for the lead with Wie at 10 under.

Also on Sunday: Jones' playoffchip-in wins Houston Open:HUMBLE, Texas — Matt Jones earned his first trip to the Masters with a remarkable

42-yard chip-in on the first playoff hole, outdueling

eral rule is you make the cut the first time going to

M att Kuchar. The win i s the first on the PGA Tour for the A u stralian, who

Augusta, that's a successfulperformance. Certain-

made a 46-foot birdie putt

ly that's how it was framed in my mind in 2003."

on the 72nd hole to reach

the playoff. He ended it one hole later, chipping over the right front bunker on the 18th and watched it roll in.

'Arnie': Go C anne ro ucesserieson T e I(in By Doug Ferguson

out when I was watching it. It

The first part is called "Ar-

The Associated Press

dearing figure. "Arnie" will be that even three hours were not shown on three consecutive enough to squeeze them all in. ORLANDO, Fla. — Arnold nights beginning this Sunday Palmer already has seen Palmer watched a sneak pre- after the final round of the excerpts, some of which were

brought me back of my world of so many years ago. I real-

nie and his Army." The second part is "Arnie and his Majors."

view of a m ovie that about

made him cry. It was about his own life.

ly can't even think about it. It s hown during t h e A r n o ld made me think and get pretty Emmy Awa r d-winning Palmer Invitational. emotional." "I've been watching a little producer Israel DeHerrera The people more than the Masters.

of it recently, and of course, trophies are what stirred the more than a year producing touch on the documentary this I have some very emotion- emotions, which was only fitwhat might be the most im- week, an exhausting process a l thoughts about i t," t h e ting. That is what got his projportant project in its 20-year after spending a year traveling 84-year-old Palmer said last ect started. history — a three-part doc- with Palmer and collecting so week during a conference The documentary is split umentary on golf's most en- many stories and interviews call. "I had to get the Kleenex into three sections. Golf Channel ha s

s pent was still putting the finishing

The third part is "Arnie and

his Legacy," which shows his influence on pop culture. The last part includes clips that

show the charm and allure. "What we set out to do was really tell the definitive story

on the life and legacy of Mr. Palmer," McCarley said. It will be shown at 7 p.m.

Chris Carlson/TheAssociated Press

Lexi Thompson holds up the trophy after winning the Kraft Nabisco Championship Sunday in Rancho Mirage, Calif.



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• I'




Sunny, south wind 5-10 mph

Mostly clear, light






Lincoln Ci 61/45

72/47 •



59/46 •



• Spray •

Mitchell 61/41

• 72/40

Granite • 61/36


p .

Oakridge 65/36 68/41




HamPton 7 2/45


eluntura 70/38

• Riley 67/3 6

4Christmas Valley 70/29 ilver Lake 65/25 70/29 • Paisley Chiloquin 70/38 ' 67/31

Pass 81 40

• M edford




Yesterday's stateextremes

63/38 •


Sunny Highs 64 tp 70. Calm wind southwest S mph.

Jordan Valley



• 72/38

• 71'

Rome 63/38

Roseburg ' 36p

• 76/43

Broo ngs 61/ 3


• Lakeview 67/32

Klamath Fal s



McDermitt • 61/41

Fields 63/47


Asioria Baker City Brookings Bums

Eugene K lamaih Falls

~SPS 6PS [jg

[gg ~gP5 ~IPP

Calgaiy . ' i4 ap261 5'as~katoon

68/Sp: Portlandl

• 91o



LBillings 58 / 3 9


Bi ' smarck 53/27'


Green o m Bay •

(-- - 6694~

Thermal, CA

, '.".-r--"....RaPidlCity"

• 7p MountWashington


' -

" rge«Pt

6 / r28 -








I ~e

w Y ork


:, c.hI„' bu ."..., '!.~ 52/50 0 h ',i P c h l ' go """;: 61/38~ tI'""P'"(".4773 5'al tLakeCity 63M/43 ' Il Washington, DC H 62 penver, Kaiisas Ci'tyj, IJ 0'v'.,„St ILko -„'ls ~", Lpulsville Las Vegas , ~0 Chgari( ~~ > 54/51 (tte ,'83'/59>. v/.7 "" - - -.... 15 3/ 31J ,I t 61I/43 62/43'p p """,-'-OR1ahoma City-~ c . P' • LIos'ATng'Bles I ., t, 'I

67'eJ ' I': $ >

Vlcksburg, MS



Honolulu 79/68


' "

I, I: I I '"




$• CJ





Jrnehorag ge

Miami 86/75



Montetr ey

Mazatlan 4





Juneau 4'4'/38





56 / 4 5 r 7 2 /35 pc 5 9/44 pc 7 2 8 4p c 67 / 47 pc 75 3 8 p c 68 / 3 6 s 68 / 3 8 s 77 / 4 5 f 56 / 46 pc 6 3 /47 r 76 / 44 pc 7 3 /46 pc 67/ 4 8 Pc 72 / 3 8 s 72/39 pc 72 / 4 9 f 68 / 4 6 pc 68 / 3 8 s 7 3/45 pc

Ski report from around the state, representing conditions at 5 p.m. yesterday: Snow accumulati ons in inches Ski area Last 24 hours Base Depth Amlony Lake .....................4"......................63" Hoodoo................................ 0" ...................... 48" Mt. Ashland......................... 0" ...................... 66"




* ** * * 4 d 8 ' * *** * *

x4 x

Cold W arm Stationary

: u r+


Showers T-storms Rain Flurries Snow

Yesterday Monday Tuesday Hi/Lo/Pcp Hilto/yy Hilto/yy City

Yestenlay Monday Tuesday Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/LolWHi/Lo/W City

5546 0.1 7 68/41 ii 74/46 pc Grand Bapidi, IA 56/28 5584 r 5ZIZ9 r 55/25 53I38 r 50/33 ih Green Bay,Wl 57/33 5434 ih 51/31 pc Albany, NY 55/Z9 55/43 r 60/36 r Greensboro,NC 59/43 57/49 r 63/42pc Albuquerque,uhs63/34 65/42 pc 72/44 s Harrisburg, PA 57/Ze 52/48 r 6OI38 sh Anchorage,AK 4882 4ZIZ5 sn 37/19 sn uarlfonL Cr 60I30 55/46 r 63/39 r Aiunia,6A 59I52 0.10 67/53 is 63/49 rir Helena,h4 5689 62/37 pc 71/44 ic Aiuhiic rzty, NI sme 55/47 r 66/41 sh Honolulu, ui BZI66 79/68 pc 78I67 pc Austin, TX 60520.20 7551 pc 74/49 s Houston,Tx 63I57 0.04 7455 pc 74/53 pc Baltimore, MO 5983 52/49 r 63/42 sh Huntsville, AL 64I42 0.1 8 68I41 is 62/42 sh Billings,rur 57/36 58I39 pc 69/45 pc Indianapoliciu 5685 5189 r 5434 sh Birmingham,AL 59/50 0.42 68I43 is 61/43 sh Iarkwn,hzs 59I50 3.80 68I44 sh 66/43 is Blrlluick, NP 60/25 53IZ7 ih 6437 pc Iackio nviae,rt 78I65 0.38 83/58 ii 76I51 ii Boise, iu 62/44 0.04 67/4S i 75/46 pc Juneau,Ax 4437 0.18 4438 r 45/35 r Borion MA 58/35 55/45 pc 61/44 ir KansasCity, Mo 64I46 61/41 sh 6538 pc Buralo, NY 49/27 55I38 r 5182 r lansing, hzl 55/26 51/35 r 52/28 r 53/34 57/40 pc 5485 sh mr VvuasNV 7869 83/59 s 88/62 s Burii~,Vr Caribou, ME 41 /30 0.10 47/34 pc 47/31 r lexington, KV 6ZI37 65/41 is 58/38 is casper,wv 55/24 53/32 pc 67/39 i lincoln, NE 64I47 6187 ih 65/38 pc Charleston,sc 66I60 77/58 u 73/49 ih i uk Rock, AR 53/45 0.16 63/44 is 64/41 u Charlotte, NC 59/48 63/53 is 67/43 ch los Angeles,CA zusz BZI59 r 83/59 s czwrtanoouaTN 66I44 71/4i u 62/45 sh louisville,KV 62/39 63/41 is 59/39 is Cheyenne,WY 5530 49/32 pc 6ZI38 s Madison, Wi 59/32 57/36 is 52/32 sh Chicago,ic 57/31 4787 r 5M4 ih Memphis,TN 61 /44 0.01 61/4i ih 62/43 is Cinrinnaii, OH 59I35 61/43ii 55I36 ii hziami, rc 84I69 86/75 pc 89/62 is ClevelanriOH 54/ZB 53/39 r 4il33 ch Milwaukee,Wi 56/33 4il37 cri 5537 sh Colo. SPBs,CO 5381 0.02 53/19 pc 65/34 pc Minneapolis, Mu62/40 55/34 pc 5285 pc Columbia, MO 6389 57/42 r 58I37 sh Nashville, Tu 6689 65/42 is 6539 sh Columbia,sc 63/54 73/54 ii 67/46 ih New Orleans,IA 75I60 0.01 77/57 is 69/51 is Columbus,GA 63/50 1.74 7451 u 67/45 ih New YoriCNV 59/36 5448 r 6444 pc 63/43 ii 55/36 u Newark, ui Columbus,OH 6530 61/35 53/49 r 65/43 pc Concord, NC 53/33 55/38 pc 58I37 r Nor/vlk, VA 52/44 67/58 r 69/47 r CorpusChristi, 1X 75/63 0.10 BZI54 pc 82/58 r Okla. City, OK 52/43 0.13 62/41 rh 69/45 pc Oazas1X 53/47 0.58 6444 is 70/46 pc Omaha NE 63/46 6V38 sh 63/37 pc Daylon, OH 57I32 58I41 ih 56/35 1s Orlando, FL 87/67 87/63 1s 77/59 is Denver,Cp 56/34 53/31 il 6889 i PalmSprings,CA 88/55 90/64 s 94/69 s Oer Moines,14 59/43 0.01 61/39is 59/37 pc Peoria,it 5982 54/40 r 56I35 sh Detroit Ml 55/28 47/37 r 5282 rh Philadelphia, PA 5985 55/49 r 64/43 pc Pvlvlh, MN 52/34 4il30 pc 45/27 pc Phoenix, AZ 83/57 87I62 s 94/64 s zi Paso,1X 72/47 73/45 s 78/50 i Pittsburgh, PA srrz6 54/42 r 52/35 ih raiihhnki, AK 32/26 0.05 31/9 in Zz/4 sn Porllanri Mz 53/31 51/43 pc 57/38 r Fargo, up 58IZB 52/32 pc 55/37 pc Providence,al 59/30 56I47 pc 61/41 u Flagstaff, AZ 57/1 9 0.03 60/25 s 66I30 r Raleigh, NC 6544 65I52 is 67/44 pc

uoionto', 8'pstoni T <~ 9- —I 51/43 M


• 5.4$u

5 5/4! 0.58 59/47 f 5987 0.01 6 78 3 p c 61/48 61/43 pc 62/36 6 9/32 s 66/49 0.01 71/45 f 6 5 3 9 0.03 7 534 s 5 8/39 0.07 68/34 s 62I38 6 7/32 s 70/50 7 8I43 f 53/50 0.11 59/46 f - 6 7/43 f -/64/46 0.01 69/40 s 67/45 0.07 69/46 pc 64/48 0.04 73/41 f 6 443 0.06 72/40 s 63/37 71/41 pc 71/50 7 6I45 f 64/50 0.02 73/46 f 6 1/43 0.02 68/48 s 66I50 73/48 pc

Akron, Pu

lflalif ~3

Thunder Bay r3g/Z28>



: .



4 'Vanc'o~uver ~

(in the 48 contiguous states):

May 6


Pg ~Ps ~IP5 ~PPS ~3P ~ P s 5 5/46


Mt. HoodMeadows.............2"....................131 Snow level and road conditions representing condiM t. Hood Ski Bowl............... 0" ...................... 26" tionsat5 pm. yesterday. Key: TT. =Traction Tires. T i m berline............................0"......................73" Willamette Pass....................... NA pass Cpndjtjpns 1-5 at Siskiyou Summit..............Carry chains, T. Tires 1-84 at CabbageHill................. Carry chains, T. Tires p" Aspen Cp Hwy. 20 at Santiam Pass..........Carry chains, T. Tires Mammpth Mtn CA p' sp Hwy.26 atGovernmentCamp. Carrychains,T.Tires ParkCity, UT........................I".................--.88 Hwy. 26atOchoco Divide........Carrychains, T. Tires S q uawValley, CA.................p"......................29" Hwy. 58 atWillamette Pass......Carry chains, T. Tires S u n Valley, ID.......................P"......................35" Redmond Roiehurg Hwy.138atDiamond Lake......Carrychains,T.Tires Taos, NM.............................8".................„„,58" Sale Hwy.242 atMcKenziePass..........Closedforseason Vail, CO................................I "...................... 71" Sisters For up-to-minute conditions turn to: For links to the latest ski conditions visit: The Dages www.tripcheck.com or call 511 www.onthesnow.com Lcgend:W-weather, Pcp-precipitation,s-sun, pc-partialclouds,c-clouds,h-haze,shehowers,r-rain,t-thunderstorms,sf-snowflurries,sn-snow, i-ice, rs-rain-snowmix,w-wind,f-fog, dr-drizzle, tr-trace Ia Pine Iakeview Medford Newport North Bend Onianp Pendleton Pprihnd Prinevige


Yesterday's extremes


Tomorrow Rise Set Yesterday through 4 p.m. at BendMunicipal Airport Mercury..... 859Pm..... 858a m. High/Low..............60'/37' 24hoursendingripm*.. 0PP" Venus......... 7:43p.m..... 6:32a.m. Remrdhigh....... 80'in1966 Monthiodate.......... 0.14" Mars.........1018a m..... 943pm. Remrdlow.........16'in2012 Averagemonthtodaie... 013" Jupiter........ 2:ppa.m..... 5:21 p.m. Averagehigh.............. 58' Yeariodate............ 3.68" Saturn........1:11p.m....11:07p.m. Averagelow............... 28' Averageyeartodate..... 2.41" Uranus....... 9:16 p.m....10:02 a.m. Barometricpressure4 p.m. 30.26" Remrd 24hours .. 0.19 in 1978 *Melted liquid equivalent

Yesterday Monday Tuesday The higher the UVIndex number, the greater City Hi/Lo/Pcp H i/Lo/W H i /Lo/Wthe need for eyeand skin protection. Index is for solar at noon. Precipitationvaluesare24-hour totalsthrough4 p.m.





Vale 67/43 •


Moonrisetoday...12:31 p.m. Moonsetteday....2:25 a.m. Apr is Apr 22 Apr29

Ontario EAST 68/38



Sunsettomorrow... 7:40 p.m.

Mostly sunny. Highs 61 tp 66. South wind 5 to 10


John Da


68/34 rescent 70/31 Fp Rock

Port rfor • 61 45

61 31


' Baker City

• 61/38

63/38 • edmond 70/40 • Sunrivere Ben • ,pthe/5

Joseph 63/36

Grande • . Ulllo SMp 40


4Coos y 67/ • Bandon 61/41


63 32

Sunsettoday...... 7:39 p.m. Full Sunrise tomorrow .. 6:33 a.m.

• 63/36


• 72/45 Condon


FS • 68/40


Gold 8 h ' 58/



68/38 •



Willow le

4/43 72/43 Camp Sherman

Yachats 61/49

e+ Q Wco


Sale 72/45

• 68/45


7 0/45 Ma u p i Government amp63/4

McMi nville 70/45


63 34

Sunrisetoday...... 6:35 a.m.MOOh phaSeS

Decreasing clouds. Patchyfpg inthe morning. Highs 70 • EnterPrise to 75.



74 /47 The Dalles 7no/45Arlington


65/47 •

Hood River ortland

Hi oro



70 38



• Astoria 72/47 Hermiston 72/47

Mostly sunny






FORECAST:5TATE Seaside 63/47 •Cannon each

Mostly sunny

Ic e

YesterdayMonday Tuesday Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/WHi/Lo/W City

YesterdayMonday Tuesday Hi/Lo/Pcp Hilto/yy Hilto/yy

Rapid Chy, su 57I32 0.03 55/31 pc 71/43 pc svhulu Wa 57/47 0.06 68/50 pc 61/45 r R enu NV 67 / 36 75/43 s 79/43 i SiouxFalls,sp 68I31 5 5 8 2 u 56/38 Pc Richmond, VA 62/37 66I58 r 69/44 pc Spokane,WA 6538 0.01 64/44 pc ziil42 pc Rochester, NY 53/25 55/48 r 5284 r Spri nuaeld,MO 59/44 54 3 9 i s 56I36 sh sacramenta, CA 79/45 84/52 s 85/55 s St Louis, MO 6539 554 3 r 5 7/39 sh saiiiakeCiir, Ur 60I41 0.02 62/43pc 7050 s Tampa,FL BZI67 B Z /70 pc 71/59 ic san Antonio, 1X 65/56 0.03 76I52 pc 7551 i rvrsoli AZ 76/47 8 3 /53 s 90/55 s 5an Diego, CA 73/54 77/58 s 7561 i Tulsa, OK 55/45 0.08 63/44is 64/39 pc san Francisco,CA 74/50 72/54 s 6ZI53 r Wwhinuivn, OC 61/39 54 5 1 r 6 4/43 pc San Jose, CA 76/4i 82/54 r BZI55 s Wichila, KS 5aola Fe, NM 53/26 61/31 pc 7O86 i Yahimh WA Savannah, 64 69/61 0.30 77/58 1s 73I50 ih Yuma,AZ

59I46 0.02 5987 sh 65/42 s 71/38 7 3 /44 pc 76/42 pc


91/ 6 2 s 97/65 s

INTERNATIONAL Arruurriam Athens A udruhd B aghdad B angkok Beijinp

71/ 6 2 BZ I 59 95/ 7 5 77/37 Beirut 8489 Buiio 64/41 Bouvu 66I41 B udapest 62 / 4 8 BuenosAires 73/71 Caho sanLvcas BOI62 Cairo 91/57 Calgary 48/35 Chhcuh 86/77 Dublin 68/48 E dinburgh 654 4 Geneva 66I48 Harare 71/59 Hong Kong 7 5 /66 I stanbul 66/5 0 i ervsalem 87 I 5 3 -IIohanneshuru lima 75/ii4 Lisbon 6960 Ihhrihh 59/55 Madrid 73/46 Manila 93/77

64I53 r 66I46 r Mecca 66I57 pc 6553 r Mexico Cilr 71I60 s 71/59 pcMontreal

84/60 pc 91/68 s hzosmw 96/80 is 96IBZ pcNairobi 78/44 pc 78I46 pcNassau 78I66 pc 77/59 pc New Delhi 64I48 s 68/51 pc Osaka 66I41 is 66/48 ii Oslo 66/48 pc 68/44 i ocuwa 78/71 pc 77I62 ii Pans 78I66 pc 8469 pc Riodelaneiro 91/60 pc BZI62 cd Rome 46IZ6 r 5580 pc 5aoriauo 84/77 1s Brr/7 pc sho paulo 55/42 r 51/37 r sapporo 55/41 r 48I37 r Seoul Q/46 pc 69/50 pc Shanghai 73/53 is 75/51 pc Singapore 73I66 r 75I68 is Stockholm 59/46 al 53/48 pc Sydney 89/64 i 84/55 pc Taipei 73/51 pc 73/41 s rel Aviv 71/62 pc 71/64 pc Tokyo 69/50 f 69/53 s vahmuver 6$53 r 5842 r Vienna 7050 i 77/50 s Warsaw

96IBO 82/60 4430 4IIZB BOI59 84/71 98I68 53/41 4il44 46IZ6 64/55 8471 73/44 60/46 86/64 37/33 53/35 6444 91//5 5537 6562 77/62 87/53 51/44 53/44 6848


100/80 s tm/88 pc 8453 pc 82/55 pc 4$33 s 53/39 pc 48I33 pc 42/Za r 78I60 is 77/59 u 82/73 pc BB73 pc 98I77 pc 93I69 pc 6OI41 s 6$44 s 57I51 pc 59/48 cd 41/32 s 53/39 pc 68I55 pc 69I48 pc 82/69pc 8468 pc 71/46 s 75/48 s 69/42 s QV44 s BZ/62 pc 8462 pc 42/30 s 42/30 s 6541 cri 66I41 s 6550 pc 66I41 pc 89/71 pc 93/73 pc 53I32 pc 5035 r 69/66 r 73/62 pc 78I64 pc 71/66 pc 86I60 pc 89/57 al 57/46 s 66I51 s 55/46 pc 59/50 r 71/44 r 71/48 pc 57/39 pc 62/50 pc

91/75 P 93/75 s





See Store for Details

M See Store for DetailsM

0 •8









, '9










I l z


Create or find Classifieds at www.bendbulletin.com 24-hour message line: 541-383-2371 Place, cancel, or extend an ad

Classified telephone hours:

Fax an ad: 541-322-7253 Subscri b er services:541-385-5800 Include your name, phone number Subscribe or manage your subscription and address

Monday - Friday 7:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. To place an ad call 541-385-5809


Furniture & Appliances 0









Guns, Hunting & Fishing


Misc. Items

Fuel & Wood

Hay, Grain & Feed

Employment Opportunities

Employment Opportunities

Couch sli p -covered $125; black k itchen table w/4 chairs & leaf, IOI IT NISSTAI $150; 2 bikes $35 ea. (239) 877-1550 DO YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO Dining table SELL Beautiful round FOR $500 OR oak pedestal table LESS? with 4 matching Non-commercial chairs, table is 42" advertisers may in diameter and in place an ad brand new condiwith our tion, as are the "QUICK CASH chairs. Priced at SPECIAL" $300. 541-447-3342 1 week3lines 12 or G ENERATE SOM E ~2e eks atn Ad must EXCITEMENT in your include price of neighborhood! Plan a te 'te ot keoo garage sale and don't n~ or less, or multiple forget to advertise in items whose total classified! does not exceed 541-385-5809. $500. Just bought a new boat? Sell your old one in the Call Classifieds at classifieds! Ask about our 541-385-5809 Super Seller rates! www.bendbulletin.com 541-385-5809

reBUYING Looking for your WHEN BUYING quires computer ad- Lionel/American Flyer next employee? trains, accessories. vertisers with multiple FIREWOOD... 541-408-2191. Place a Bulletin ad schedules or those To avoid fraud, help wanted ad selling multiple sys- BUYfHG & SE L LIHG The Bulletin tems/ software, to dis- All gold jewelry, silver recommends paytoday and close the name of the and gold coins, bars, ment for Firewood reach over 202 business or the term rounds, wedding sets, only upon delivery 60,000 readers "dealer" in their ads. class rings, sterling sileach week. Want to Buy or Rent and inspection. Private party advertis- ver, coin collect, vin- • A Your classified ad cord is 128 cu. ft. ers are defined as tage watches, dental Wanted: $cash paid for 4' x 4' x 8' will also those who sell one gold. Bill vintage costume jewFl e ming, • Receipts should appear on computer. 541-382-9419. elry. Top dollar paid for include name, bendbulletin.com Gold/Silver.l buy by the phone, price and which currently FAST TREES 257 Estate, Honest Artist kind of wood receives over Grow 6-10 feet yearly! Elizabeth,541-633-7006 Musical Instruments purchased. $16-$21 dehvered. 1.5 million page • Firewood ads www.fasttrees.com 205 views every MUST include or 509-447-4181 month at no Items for Free species & cost per extra cost. How to avoid scam cord to better serve Bulletin Free beautiful Oak TV and fraud attempts our customers. cabinet, on wheels w/22" Classifieds YBe aware of internaTV, 58x59x21. You haul. Results! tional fraud. Deal loThe Bulletin CallGet 541-330-7369 Sarefns Central O~ srnca Iatta 541-385-5809 cally whenever posBeautiful Lowrey or place your ad 208 sible. Adventurer II Organ on-line at Y Watch for buyers Aii Year Dependable Absolutely perfect Pets & Supplies condition, not a who offer more than Firewood: Seasoned; bendbulletin.com scratch on it, about your asking price and Lodgepole1 for $195 The Bulletin recom4-feet wide, does who ask to have or 2 for $385. Cedar, mends extra caution money wired or everything! Includes split, del. Bend: 1 for when purc h asa nice bench, too. handed back to them. $175 or 2 for $325. Fishing camp on North IINila o ing products or serFake cashier checks 541-420-3484. $1600 obo. 10 Mile Lake. See ad vices from out of the and money orders 541-385-5685 +4I in Recreation Properarea. Sending cash, are common. USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! ties .541-404-7595. checks, or credit inYNever give out performation may be Door-to-door selling with sonal financial inforDRUM SETS: subjected to fraud. ExR E A T mation. LEATHER CHAIR fast results! It's the easiest Ludwig drum set, For more informaI %%JT ! Espresso brown d rums only, n o VTrust your instincts way in the world to sell. tion about an adverin very good condiand be wary of hardware, 26" base tiser, you may call Large amount of 470 tion, less than 2 someone using an The Bulletin Classified drum, 13", 16", the O r egon State 12-gauge reloadn and escrow service or years old. $250. 18 n toms, 14 snare, Domestic & 541-385-5809 Attorney General's ing equipment, In SE Bend agent to pick up your $500. REMO MasIn-Home Positions Office C o n sumer including: 541-508-8784 merchandise. ter Touch drum set, Dry split Juniper Protection hotline at MEC 9000G drums o nl y no $190/cord. Multi-cordLooking for home health 1-877-877-9392. The Bulletin reloader, lead, powhardware, 22" base SerotngCenrral Oregon ttnre l903 discounts, & ~/~ cords aide, part time. No der, primers, hulls, The Bulletin drum, 8", 10", 12", avail. Immediate deexperience n e cesThe Bulletin recommends extra ' wads & electric 13", 16 n and 18" Sersinrr Central Oregonslnce r%8 livery! 541-408-6193 sary. 541-647-1276 scale. Retail for over n f caution when purt oms, 1 4 snare chasing products or • $2000; Seasoned Juniper drum, $800. Both in Adopt a rescued cat or services from out of I selling for $1200. 476 $150/ cord rounds; excellent condition. teen k itten! F i xed, the area. Sending ~ 541 -420-3474 $170/ cord split. Employment 541-410-4983 shots, ID chip, tested, cash, checks, or • Delivered in Central Opportunities more! 55480 7 8 th, Sunvision Pro OR, since 1970! Call i n f ormation Tumalo, T h urs/Sat/ f credit USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! 28LX Tanning Bed eves, 541-420-4379 may be subjected to Sun 1-5, 3 8 9-8420 258 Has only 300 hours, / FRAUD. For more Door-to-door selling with CAUTION: www.craftcats.org 269 Travel/Tickets (lamps have average information about an g Ads published in hfe of 800-1000 hours African gray red-tail par- advertiser, you may I fast results! It's the easiest Gardening Supplies "Employment O p of effective tanning rot, very t a lkative,I c all t h e Oregon $ way in the world to sell. portunities" include & Equipment Bid Now! usage). 1 owner, $500, huge cage in- State Attor ney ' www.sulletinSidnSuy.com employee and indegreat condition, cluded. 541-279-6459 / General's O ff ice The Bulletin Classified pendent positions. includes manual BarkTurfSoil.com Consumer Protec- • Ads fo r p o sitions 541 485-5809 goggles & head tion h o t line at I that require a fee or pillow. $900. i 1-877-877-9392. upfront investment PROMPT DELIVERY Call tosee! Aussie, Mini/Toy pup, must be stated. With 54i-389-9663 541-385-931 8in Bend tri-color, first shot, $320 > TheBulletin > any independentjob Zerrlng Central Oregonzrnre 1909 cash. 541-678-7599 Bvy Hew...Bvy Local opportunity, please Wanted- paying cash You Can Bid On: i nvestigate tho r For newspaper Bow front fish tank, 42" for Hi-fi audio & stu212 Two Night Stay oughly. Use extra delivery, call the w/ stand, pump & dio equip. Mclntosh, Antiques & in a Restless c aution when aph eater, $250 o b o. Circulation Dept. at JBL, Marantz, D yNew 70-pound Waters Room plying for jobs on541-408-0846 541-385-5800 Collectibles naco, Heathkit, SanRetail Value $550 line and never proCompound place an ad, call sui, Carver, NAD, etc. To541-385-5809 Chihuahua puppies, very Dark oa k Overieaf Lodgevide personal inforLiberty Bow 2 - d rawer Call 541-281-1808 tiny, 1 male, 1 female, Yachats, Oregon mation to any source or email dresser, curved front, with 29.9 draw and $250. 541-420-1068 clannified@bendbulletin.com you may not have (Bidding closes 261 $250. White wicker case. Asking $400. Tues., April 15, researched and baby crib, u n ique Call 541-771-2070 Medical Equipment The Bulletin deemed at 8:00 p.m.) to be repuSereinv Central Cuegonsince Iktts $250. Large dark oak if interested. table. Use extreme roll top desk, $800. c aution when r e Surveryor's tr a nsit ew Winchester 9 4 270 259 s ponding to A N Y 1930-1940, orig. box NTrapper .357; WeathLost & Found online employment Memberships $350. C ASH erby Mark V, 7mm Dachshund, mini male, ad from out-of-state. 541-923-5960 mag, exc. cond.; Near 9 weeks, pick of the litter, Lost Cat gray/white tabby We suggest you call k new S&W 9mm pistol; Bid Now! The Bulletin reserves 15¹ male, collar & tag $275. 541-447-4490 State of Oregon Flatscreen Magni- NW Bend. 541-385-5614 the www.sulletinsidnsuy.com the right to publish all S&W 38 SPL revolver; Powell Butte Consumer Hotline fier Optlec Clearads from The Bulletin Weatherby 300 mag at 1-503-378-4320 view+ viewer, mag Donate deposit bottles/ newspaper onto The ammo. 541-815-0911 For Equal Opportucans to local all vol., Bulletin Internet webnifier for reading, nity Laws c ontact non-profit rescue, for site. Private party wants to writing and viewing REMEMBER: If you Oregon Bureau of buy WWII 1911 pistol, feral cat spay/neuter. for those who have have lost an animal, Labor & I n dustry, Cans for Cats trailer at The Bulletin S&W Victory, M1 carvision loss. $900 don't forget to check Civil Rights Division, Bend Pet Express E; Sersrng Central Oregon sincefma bine. 541-389-9836 obo. (other items Buy Hew...Buy Local The Humane Society 971-673- 0764. or donate M-F at Smith listed previously You Can Bid On: Bend RIA 1911, $450. Mini 14, 241 Sign, 1515 NE 2nd; or have been sold) One Year Couples 541-382-3537 The Bulletin extras, $600. 1 0 / 22 at CRAFT, Tumalo. Serving CennnlOreyon «nce rat8 Bicycles & In Bend, call Non-Tennis Redmond Mannlicher, extras, $500. Call for us to pick up 541-385-5809 541-480-6162 Accessories Membership 541-923-0882 Glock 23 w/laser & light, large quan t ites, Retail Value $1,836. $650. 541-610-3287 Pttne ttte 541-389-8420. 24" Free Spirit boys' 10 Athletic Club of ect-447-ztra; 263 www.craftcats.org Add your web address Bend s peed, $ 3 0 ob o . Ruger ¹1 30-06, 3x9 o C attnsts to your ad and readTools Leupold,dies, ammo 541-408-8346 (Bidding closes German Shepherds ect -aae-aczo. ers onThe Bulletin's $950; Marlin 99 semi Tues., April 15, www.sherman-ranch.us Bosch router w/extra web site, www.bend242 22LR $90; CVA 50 at 8:00 p.m.) 286 $1700+ 541-281-6829 motor/bit set/parts, $20. bulletin.com, will be cal. with powder horn Exercise Equipment Sales Northeast Bend 541-408-8346 able to click through Labrador Puppies, $300 $150. RWS model 48 automatically to your & $350. 1st shots. vet ProForm Treadmill, .177 pellet 4x scope 260 265 website. checked. 541-416-1175 $150; Remington 870 excellent condition, Misc. Items ** FREE ** Building Materials W ingmaster 12 g a . Norwich rare AKC male $110. 541-610-9184 Garage Sale Kit $300; 80 rds 30-06 Need to get an pup, 11 wks, house MADRAS Habitat 245 AP in M1 clips, $120 2012 Place an ad in The Sim p licity raised; 3 ys-year-old ad in ASAP? RESTORE 541-804-0380 Bulletin for your gaGolf Equipment Gusto Hepa canis- Building Supply Resale rage sale and reNorwich male, house You can place it ter v acuum with r aised & g ood o n Swiss 1889 SchmidtQuality at ceive a Garage Sale leash. $1800 each. attachments, extra online at: Rubin sporter rifle in LOW PRICES Kit FREE! Bid Now! 541-487-4511, or filter and bags, exc. 7.5 x 53.5 mm, very www.bendbulletin.com 84 SW K St. www.sulletinsidnsuy.com sharonm@peak.org cond. Retail $1500, good cond i t ion, 541-475-9722 KIT INCLUDES: $700 . comes with 84 rounds A sking • 4 Garage Sale Signs Open to the public. POODLEpups,toys or 541-385-5809 971-221-8278 (cell) custom ammo, $350 • $2.00 Off Coupon To sml mini. also 'rescued Prineville Habitat firm, 541-233-9936 Use Toward Your pup'. 541-475-3889 ReStore Auto Parts Next Ad Wanted: Collector seeks Building Supply Resale • 10 Tips For "Garage CounterpersonQueensiand Heelers high quality fishing items Bid Now! 1427 NW Murphy Ct. Sale Success!" Some automotive and Standard & Mini, $150 Buy He|N...Bsy Local www.sulletinsidnsuy.com & upscale bamboo fly 541-447-6934 computer experience & up. 541-280-1537 You Can Bid On: rods. Call 541-678-5753, Open to the public. required. We can train www.rightwayranch.wor Widgi Golf Pass or 503-351-2746 PICK UP YOUR from there. Starting dpress.com Retail Value $79 GARAGE SALE Kll at pay based on experiUSE THE CLASSIFIEDS! M/idgi Creek Golf 247 1777 SW Chandler ence. Send resume to 210 Ciub Sporting Goods Ave., Bend, OR 97702 Door-to-door selling with PO Box 960, La Pine, Furniture & Appliances (Bidding closes OR 97739. Ordrop off - Misc. fast results! It's the easiest The Bulletin Tues., April 15, Buy Hew...Buy Local Zering CentralOregonsince fnlB at Napa Auto Parts, at 8:00 p.m.) way in the world to sell. You Can Bid On: A1 Washers8 Dryers Coleman Catalytic 51477 Hwy97, in La $150 ea. Full warcamping heater, $15 obo $100 Gift Certificate Pine. The Bulletin Classified CHECK YOUR AD Toward any Repair ranty. Free Del. Also 541-408-8346 541-385-5809 wanted, used W/D's Retail Value $100 541-280-7355 248 ~ S U BA R U. The iPhone Guy 266 (Bidding closes Health & Auto Sales Tues., April 15, Heating & Stoves Bid Now! Sales professional to Beauty Items at 8:00 p.m.) www.sulletinsidnSuy.com Join Central NOTICE TO on the first day it runs Oregon's l a r gest ADVERTISER to make sure it is corBid Novv! new ca r de a l er www.sulletinsidnsuy.com nSpellcheck n and Since September 29, rect. Bid Now! Subaru of B e nd. www.sulletinsidnsuy.com human errors do oc1991, advertising for Offering 401k, profit 308 cur. If this happens to used woodstoves has sharing, m e d ical f'~eg M been limited to modyour ad, please conFarm Equipment plan, split shifts and Buy Hew...Buy Local els which have been tact us ASAP so that paid vacation. Expe& Machinery You Can Bid On: certified by the Orcorrections and any rience or will trail. 90 $2,000 Gift egon Department of (4) 5'x12' horse panels, day $1500 guaranadjustments can be Certificate Environmental Qual- $75/ea. Assorted wa- tee. Dress for sucmade to your ad. Bvy Hew...Bvy Local Retail Value $2,000 541-385-5809 ity (DEQ) and the fed- ter and feed tubs, call cess to work in our You Can Bid On: Bvy Hew...Bvy Locsl M. Jacobs Fine eral E n v ironmental The BulletinClassified $250 Gift Card You Can Bid On: prices. d rug f r e e wo r k Furniture Protection A g e ncy for Retail Value $250 $1000 Flooring place. Please apply 541-923-9758 246 (Bidding closes Tues., (EPA) as having met Exhale Spaand Voucher at 2060 NE Hwy 20, April 15, smoke emission stan- Heavy Duty 6' 3 pt. Guns, Hunting Laser Center Retail Value $1000. Bend. See Bob or at 8:00 p.m.) dards. A cer t ified blade, $450. (Bidding closes interior ideasNyf/Devon. & Fishing w oodstove may b e 541-771-1852 Tues., April 15, Redmond identified by its certifi• Chandelier, at 8:00 p.m.) (Bidding closes 45 ACP (FMJ) ammo 325 cation label, which is Caregiver 22" diameter x 17n Tues., April 15, 600+ rnds, $276 obo Prineville Senior care permanently attached Hay, Grain & Feed at 8:00 p.m.) high, 12 lights, 541-510-6329 or 253 to the stove. The Bulh ome l ooking f o r bronze & crystal, Ihans89@yahoo.com letin will not knowCaregiver for multiple • TV, Stereo & Video Mixed Grass Hay, 1st has 6 arms (2 lights Buying Diamonds ingly accept advertis- quality, big bales, 3'x3'x8', shifts, part-time to CASH!! on each arm), /Gofd for Cash ing for the sale of full-time. Pass For Guns, Ammo & Pioneer bookshelf barn stored, $230/ton. $300 obo. Reloading Supplies. speakers, barely used, Saxon's Fine Jewelers uncertified Patterson Ranch Sisters, criminal background 541-923-7491 541-408-6900. 541-389-6655 woodstoves. 541-549-3831 check. 541-447-5773. $20 obo. 541-408-8346



/! 0





I f /






I t


Caregivers Needed - S panish speakers, E s tablished, c o ntracted in-home care agency is looking for Spanish speaking caregivers. No experience required. Must posses the following: 1. 18 years of age or older. 2. Must pass a criminal background check. 3. Have a valid ODL and insurance. 4. High school diploma or GED. Call Kim Mon.-Fri., 9am-3pm at 541-923-4041. Advancement

opportunity. Great work environment. Se habla espanol.

Customer Relations

Northern Energy / Amerigas, the nation's largest propane distributor, has an immediate opening for a customer focused, detail oriented customer r e lations representative for our Redmond, OR location. We offer competitive wages, paid time off, propane discount, 401(K) savings lan, paid holidays, enefits package, and a team environment. Customer service experience, strong computer skills and a high school diploma or GED required. Please submit resume' to Bce.Lenzie ~ ameri as.com EOE/A M/F/D/V DELIVERY

Concrete Finishers DEX Wanted! Phonebook Delivery Roger L a n geliers HIRING Const. Co is looking IMMEDIATELY for experienced cein Bend. ment finishers. Full You must be 18+, benefit pa c kage, have a valid driver's EOE. We E-Verify, license, reliable d rug screen r e - transportation and proof quired. Applicants of valid insurance. m ay come bythe ofPaid by the stop and fice at 62880 Merbook delivered. cury Place to fill out Please call an application, or (425) 736-7927 call Steve 9am - 4:30pm 5 41-318-6200, o r Monday - Saturday 541-948-0829 to set up an informative orientation. ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT

Operations Administrative Assistant Hours: Mon:Fri., 8:00 am-1/30 pm The Bulletin is seeking an energetic, dynamic individual to fill a vital role within the operations department. The Operations Administrative Assistant provides an administrative link between a number of departments, including Commercial Print, Press, Pre-Press, Mail Room, Digital Imaging, Advertising and Accounting. Responsibilities include ad insert order-entry, collecting production-related data from the above departments, organizing, maintaining and delivering it to the appropriate personnel within the company in a timely fashion. Will work with personnel within The Bulletin as well as with its Commercial Print customers. The ideal candidate will be computer literate, have experience with detailed data entry, outstanding customer service skills, the ability to multi-task, and a desire to work for a successful company. To apply, submit a resume by Friday, April 11, 2014 to The Bulletin, attention: James Baisinger, PO Box 6020, Bend, OR 97708-6020. Pre-employment drug screening is required prior to hiring. The Bulletin is a drug-free workplace and an equal opportunity employer.

The Bulletin

Serving Cenrral Oregon since 1903

General The Bulletin Mailroom is hiring for our Saturday night shift and other shifts as needed. We currently have openings all nights of the week, everyone must work Saturday night. Shifts start between 6:00 p.m. and 11:30 p.m. and end between2:00 a.m. and 3:30 a.m. Allpositions we are hiring for work Saturday nights. Starting pay is $9.10 per hour, and we pay a minimum of 3 hours per shift, as some shifts are short (11:30 - 1:30). The work consists of loading inserting machines or stitcher, stacking product onto pallets, bundling, cleanup and other tasks. For qualifying employees we offer benefits i ncluding l if e i n surance, short-term & long-term disability, 401(k), paid vacation and sick time. Drug test is required prior to employment. Please submit a completed application attention Kevin Eldred. Applications are available at The Bulletin front desk (1777 S.W. Chandler Blvd.), or an electronic application may be obtained upon request by contacting Kevin Eldred via email (keldred@bendbulletin.com). No phone calls please. Only completed applications will be considered for this position. No resumes will be accepted. Drug test is required prior to employment. EOE.

The Bulletin

sereintrcentral rr epon since rana

The Bulletin Serving Central Oregon since 1903

Home Delivery Advisor The Bulletin Circulation Department is seeking a Home Delivery Advisor. This is a full-time position and consists of managing an adult carrier force to ensure our customers receive superior service. Must be able to create and perform strategic plans to meet department objectives such as increasing market share and penetration. Ideal candidate will be a self-starter who can work both in the office and in their assigned territory with minimal supervision. Early a.m. hours are necessary with company vehicle provided. S t rong customer service skills and management skills are necessary. C o mputer experience is required. You must pass a drug screening and be able to be insured by company to drive vehicles. This is an entry-level position, but we believe in promoting from within, so advancement within company is available to the right person. If you enjoy dealing with people from diverse backgrounds and you are energetic, have great organizational skills and interpersonal communication skills, please send your resume to:

The Bulletin

c/o Kurt Muller PO Box 6020 Bend, OR 97708-6020 or e-mail resume to: kmullerobendbulletin.com No phone calls, please. The Bulletin is a drug-free workplace. EOE



541-385-5809 or go to www.bendbulletin.com

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Garage Sale Special

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PLEASE NOTE: Checkyour ad for accuracy the first day it appears. Please call us immediately if a correction is needed. We will gladly accept responsibility for one incorrect insertion. The publisher reserves the right to accept or reject any ad at anytime, classify and index any advertising based on the policies of these newspapers. The publisher shall not be liable for any advertisement omitted for any reason. Private Party Classified ads running 7 or moredays will publish in the Central OregonMarketplace each Tuesday. 476




Employment Opportunities

Employment Opportunities

Employment Opportunities

Employment Opportunities

Executive Director

Housekeeper wanted art time, apply at he Pines at Sunriver.

TRUCK DRIVER WANTED Must have doubles endorsement. Local run. Truck is parked in Madras. 541-475-4221


CDL Driver

Kids Club National wholesale disJeffersonCounty 541-593-2160. tributor of w aterworks (Madras) products in Redmond is Responsibihties seeking motivated and include overseeing hard working part time/ J~ourne man operations, supervisseasonal indwidual with a Millwright. 4+ yrs ing staff, managing ood attitude. C andiheavy industrial exp Looking for your next resources, working ate must have good req., carded preemployee? with board, communication skills, be ferred. Send rePlace a Bulletin help fundraising/events. professional, punctual, a sume to: wanted ad today and For more info, visit self starter, and work as thaakinson@sierreach over 60,000 a team player. Primary www.'ckidsclub.com rapine.com readers each week. job duties are driving and Submit resume, cover Your classified ad letter, and 3 referall warehouse functions. ences by 5 PM on will also appear on Secondary duties i n4/11/14, to timC! bendbulletin.com volve counter sales, anLog Truck which currently swering phones, and madrasattorne s.com receives over 1.5 various other d uties. Drivers Class A CDL is required. million page views (Long & Short) for Ability to operate a fork- FIRE/PARAMEDIC every month at logging company lift, climb a ladder, mano extra cost. Establishment of in Florence, OR. n ipulate t o ol s an d Employment Bulletin Classifieds List for Experience e quipment, lift u p t o Firefighter/Paramedic Get Results! 100lbs, and type a mini- Crook County Fire and required, CDL, Call 385-5809 mum of 20 words per Rescue is establishing an current medical or place minute is a must. We are employment list for Fireyour ad on-line at card. Great pay looking to fill this position fighter/Paramedic. Indibendbulletin.com and benefits. very quickly so please viduals who meet the email your resume to minimum qualifications Year-round, aaron.bondiigfer ueon.com long-term invited to apply and if you are interested. The are the examination for employment. RMli989 Company is an equal op- take A Caii portunity employer as Firefighter/Paramedic. job description 541-997-8212 well as a government complete Firefighter/Paramedic contractor that s h a llfor is posted on the district's abide by the require- website. Th e sa l ary ments o f 41 CFR is from $4,248- SALES 60-300.5(a), which pro- range per month. Appli- Daytime Inside Sales hibits dis c rimination$5,002 cations will be accepted against qualified proMonday, April 14, Will hire two sales tected Veterans and the until 528 people to work from 2014. Contact: requirements of 41 CFR the B en d B u l letin Loans 8 Illlortgages Crook County 60-741.5(A), which pronewspaper office for Fire & Rescue hibits dis c rimination t he Newspaper i n WARNING Belknap Street against qualified indi- 500 NE Education sales cam- The Bulletin recomPrineville, OR viduals on the basis of 97754-1932 paign. This is soft, mends you use caudisability. relaxed business-to(541) 447-5011 tion when you probusiness sales. We vide personal fireandrescue.com Where can you find a offer a s h ort p aid information to compatraining program. The nies offering loans or helping hand? salesperson credit, especially From contractors to Housekeeper - Private average earns $400 to $700 those asking for adhomes cleaning team yard care, it's all here per week, for a 2 7 vance loan fees or member needed, week hour work week. The companies from out of in The Bulletin's days only, no week- dress code is very state. If you have "Call A Service ends, eves or holidays. relaxed and casual. concerns or ques541-815-0015 Professional" Directory We prefer a b ack- tions, we suggest you ground in ebusiness-to consult your attorney -business" s e l ling. or call CONSUMER HOTLINE, This is not ad or subClerical/Office 1-877-877-9392. scription sales, howWe are looking for a full-time employee that is ever if you have preresourceful and self-motivated to assist a vious experience in BANK TURNED YOU large staff and write daily clerical reports. This advertising sales, I will DOWN? Private party person should like working in a fast-paced give you priority con- will loan on real esenvironment and be able to meet tight deadsideration. I'm looking tate equity. Credit, no lines on a daily basis. Prior writing or editorial for motivated, ener- problem, good equity experience preferred. articulate is all you need. Call getic, Oregon Land Mortpeople, with excellent Organization, flexibility and a high level of communication skills. gage 541-388-4200. computer proficiency are essential. A solid Call M e l anie at knowledge of keyboard short-cuts and a typLOCAL MONEY:We buy 330-605-6767. ing speed of at least 50 WPM is required. secured trustdeeds & note,some hard money *This is not an emAbility to work for long periods of time doing loans. Call Pat Kellev ployee position with 541-382-3099 ext.1 8. detail-oriented work is necessary. This perThe Bulletin but an son must understand the importance of acI ndependent C o n Real estate investor loan curacy and thoroughness in all duties. tractor position with needed. Investor will Mid South Circulation pay 7% on a $40,000 Excellent customer service and interpersonal Sales. to $60,000 loan seskills are required. Must enjoy working with cured by First Trust the public. College degree or previous office deed. 541-771-4414 experience preferred. Pre-employment drug '~ S U BA R U . screening is required prior to hiring. Sales To apply, please send a resume to: Sales professional to Box 20473443, c/o The Bulletin, Join Central PO Box 6020, Bend, OR 97708 Oregon's l a rgest EOE new ca r de a ler Subaru of B e nd. Offering 401k, profit Customer Service Representative sharing, m e d ical Midstate Electric Cooperative, located in La Pine, plan, split shifts and Oregon, is seeking a qualified applicant for the paid vacation. Expeosition of customer service representative. rience or will trail. 90 632 ust be a high school graduate or equivalent. $1500 guaran- Apt JMultiplex General One year of office expenence is required. Must day tee. Dress for sucbe reliable, motivated, creative, self-starter, to work in our team player, goal oriented, personable, well-or- cess CHECK yOUR AD wo r k ganized with ability to work under high stress d rug f r e e place. Please apply situations. Must exhibit proven problem-solving and decision-making skills. Previous public at 2060 NE Hwy 20, contact experience is preferred. Must have abil- Bend. See Bob or ity to establish sound customer relations while Devon. working effectively with customers and the pubon the first day it runs lic, and promoting a pleasant working atmoto make sure it is corsphere among associates. Ability to indepenrect. eSpellcheckn and dently estabhsh files and maintain records accurately and efficiently. Possess working caution when purhuman errors do ocknowledge of personal computer (current vercur. If this happens to I chasing products or I sion of MS Office), word processing and your ad, please conspreadsheet capabilities. Profictent with 10-key • services from out of • tact us ASAP so that and data entry. Must possess valid Oregon l the area. Sending corrections and any c ash, checks, o r driver's license. adjustments can be l credit i n f ormation This position is an Hourly/Non-Exempt made to your ad. Bargaining Unit Position — 1BEW Local 125. l may be subjected to 541-385-5809 FRAUD. For more informa- I The Bulletin Classified Submit resumewith a cover letter to: Human Resources 4/1 4/2014 tion about an adver- • Just too many Midstate Electric Cooperative, Inc. l tiser, you may call P 0 Box 127, La Pine OR 97739 the Oregon State collectibles?

® l3zkam



Houses for Rent General

Boats & Accessories


All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the F air H o using A c t 850 which makes it illegal to a d vertise "any Snowmobiles preference, limitation or disc r imination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, marital status or national origin, or an intention to make any such pre f erence, 1989 Yamaha Exciter, limitation or discrimi2,000 miles, nation." Familial status includes children original owner, under the age of 18 always garaged, living with parents or $600. legal cus t odians, 541-480-7517 pregnant women, and

people securing cus-

tody of children under Arctic Cat 580 1994, EXT, in good 18. This newspaper condition, $1000. will not knowingly accept any advertising Located in La Pine. for real estate which is Call 541-408-6149. in violation of the law. 860 O ur r e aders a r e hereby informed that gotorcycles & Accessories all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of d iscrimination ca l l HUD t o l l-free at 1-800-877-0246. The 2005 HD Super Glide toll f ree t e lephone custom, fuel injected number for the hear- 7k mi, new tires, like new cond. $9500 ing i m p aired is 541-639-9857 1-800-927-9275.

ds published in the "Boats" classification include: Speed, fishing, drift, canoe, house and sail boats. For all other types of watercraft, please go to Class 875. 541-385-5809

he Bulletin

erein Central Ore on since 1903

Bid Novv!


Buy New...auy Local

You Can Bid On: 1994 Alumacraft 16n Aluminum Boat Retail Value $4,995 AffSeasons RV & Marine (Bidding closes Tues., April 15, at 8:00 p.m.)

Fenced storage yard, building and o ffice trailer for rent. In convenient Redmond location, 205 SE Railroad Blvd. Reduced to $700/mo. Avail. now. 541-923-7343.

aks, rafts and motor Ized personal watercrafts. Fo "boats" please se Class 870. 41-385-5809

The Bulletin

Bsnl &RmRs VcF MQ


Homes for Sale

People Look for Information About Products and Services Every Daythrough

The Bulletin ClessiBerfs FXSTD Harley Davidson 2001,twin cam 88, fuel injected, Vance & Hines short shot exhaust, Stage I with Vance & Hines fuel management system, custom parts, extra seat. $10,500 OBO. Call Today 541-516-8684 Harley Davidson 2009 Super Glide Custom, Stage 1 Screaming Eagle performance, too many options to list, $8900. 541-388-8939


Redmond Homes Looking for your next employee? Place a Bulletin help wanted ad today and reach over 60,000 readers each week. Your classified ad will also appear on bendbulletin.com which currently receives over 1.5 million page views every month at no extra cost. Bulletin Classifieds Get Results! Call 385-5809 or place your ad on-line at bendbulletin.com

BULLETINCLASSIFIEDS Search the area's most comprehensive listing of classified advertising... real estate to automotive, merchandise to sporting goods. Bulletin Classifieds appear every day in the print or on line. Call 541-385-5809 www.bendbulletin.com

The Bulletin Serving CentralOregon sincetetu


Recreational Homes & Property


Harley Davidson 2011 Classic Limited, Loaded! 9500 miles, custom paint "Broken Glass" by Nicholas Del Drago, new condition, heated handgrips, auto cruise control. $32k in bike, only $20,000or best offer. 541-318-6049

HDFat Bo 1996

Completely Rebuilt/Customized 2012/2013 Award Winner Showroom Condition Many Extras Low Miles.

Bigfoot Diesel 32' 2006, Su per C Duramax di e s el, Allison trans., only 37K mi., do u b le slide, 5500 Onan diesel gen., to many options to list. Vin¹ 534032, $79,995. Beaver Coach Sales & Service, Bend 541-914-8438 DLR ¹3447

l l l


l l


refrig w/icemaker, micro/convection oven, water purifier, hydraulic jacks, power pilot seat+ more options. Exceptionally clean.$59,900/make offer.541-504-1008

Forest River Sunseeker Class C, 24-ft -Double bed, roomy bath/shower, lots storage, oak wood, dining area slide-out w/ new awning. Micro, air, new flat screen TV & RV batt. On-board gen/low hrs, arctic pkg, full cover. Ford 450 V10, 36,300 mi, tow pkg, leather seats, no smoking/pets, sleeps 5-6 $31,500. 541-419-6176 Generator Kubota 3500 as, 60 h rs, $ 1000 ASH. 541-923-5960

couch and recliner, excellent condition. Ready to travel„ towing hitch included. $19,900. 541-815-4811

Navion IQ Sprinter chassis RV 2008, 25' Mercedes Benz diesel, only 24k miles, excellent condition, automatic rear slide-out w/queen bed, full bath w/shower, deluxe captain swivel front seats, diesel generator,

awning, no pets/ no smoking.$69,500. 541-382-2430

Gulfstream S u nsport 30' Class A 1988 new f r idge, TV, solar panel, new refrigerator, 4000W generator, w h eelchair lift avail. Good cond. $11,500 obo 541-447-5504

Take care of your investments with the help from The Bulletin's "Call A Service Professional" Directory


1994 37.5' motorhome, with awning, and one slide-out, Only 47k miles and good condition.


541-548-0318 (photo above is of a

similar model & not the actual vehicle)

Providence 2005 Fully loaded, 35,000 miles, 350 Cat, Very clean non-smoker 3 slides, side-by-side refrigerator with ice maker, Washer/Dryer, Flat screen TV's, In motion satellite. $95,000 541-480-2019 RV CONSIGNMENTS WANTED We Do The Work ... You Keep The Cash! On-site credit

approval team, web site presence. We Take Trade-Ins! Free Advertising. BIG COUNTRY RV

Bend: 541-330-2495 Redmond: 541-548-5254 •




Seeking attorney to sue Pacific Power Corp. 541-526-5664

Call54I 3855809tsprsmO teyaurterriCe• AdVertiSefOr28 daySStOrting dt tl4iftfatfretatfrecteg isetttrrtttteuetn wr rrefetaf

Building/Contracting LandscapingNard Care Landscaping/Yard Care


NOTICE: Oregon state law requires anyone who con t racts for Zoeed gua//eI construction work to be licensed with the Zacv< gify e I,. Construction Contrac- More ThanService tors Board (CCB). An Peace Of Mind active license means the contractor is bonded & insured. Spring Clean Up •Leaves Verify the contractor's Triumph Daytona •Cones l i c ense at 2004, 15K m i l e s, CCB •Needles www.hirealicensedperfect bike, needs • Debris Hauling contractor.com nothing. Vin or call 503-378-4621. ¹201536. Need Free Bark The Bulletin recom$4995 & FlowerBeds mends checking with Dream Car the CCB prior to conAuto Sales tracting with anyone. Lawn Renovation 1801Division, Bend Some other t rades Aeration - Dethatching DreamCarsBend.com also req u ire addiOverseed 541-678-0240 tional licenses and Compost Dlr 3665 certifications. Top Dressing 541-548-4807

Custom Remodel & Tile T. Schellworth, Gen. Contractor/Builder CCB ¹t 88631


Debris Removal

NOTICE: Oregon Landscape Contractors Law (ORS 671) requires all businesses that advertise t o p e r form Landscape Construction which includes: p lanting, deck s , fences, arbors, water-features, and installation, repair of irrigation systems to be l icensed w it h th e Landscape Contractors Board. This 4-digit number is to be included in all advertisements which indicate the business has a bond, insurance and workers c ompensation for their employees. For your protection call 503-378-5909 or use our website: Landscape www.lcbtstate.or.us to Maintenance check license status Full or Partial Service before contracting with •Mowing Edging the business. Persons •Pruning eWeeding doing lan d scape Sprinkler Adjustments maintenance do not r equire an LC B l i Fertilizer included cense.

V ictory TC 9 2 ci 2002, runs great, with monthly program JUNK BE GONE 40K mi., Stage 1 I Haul Away FREE BULLETINCLASSIFIEDS Weekly,monthly Performance Kit, For Salvage. Also Search the area's most n ew tires, r e a r Cleanups & Cleanouts or one time service. comprehensive listing of brakes. $ 5 0 0 0. Mel, 541-389-8107 classified advertising... EXPERIENCED 541-771-0665 real estate to automotive, Commercial

Fishing camp: d ock, wave breaks, electric Domestic Services to dock, f ully f u rnished, extra bunks 870 in pump house, by Boats & Accessories Home is Where the Dirt Is 9 yrs exp. in housekeepwater only on North ing. Refs & rates to fit 10 Mi l e Lake . 12'1969 Searsalumiyour needs. Julie & 541-404-7595. num fishing boat, Hovana, 541-4100648 low hours on new 8 or 541-728-1800 771 hp engine, with trailer Lots and extras. Good Handyman shape!$1600. 541-382-2599 Bid Novv! I DO THAT! www.auttetinatdnauy.com Home/Rental repairs 1 Small jobs to remodels Honest, guaranteed work. CCB¹151573 Dennis 541-317-9768 18'Maxum skiboat,2000, REEVE HANDY Buy New...auy Local inboard motor, great ERIC Home & You Can Bid On: cond, well maintained, SERVICES. Repairs, Lot 22 at Yarrow in $8995 obo. 541-350-7755 Commercial Carpentry-Painting, Madras Pressure-washing, Retail Value $23,000 Honey Do's. On-time SunForest promise. Senior Construction Discount. Work guar(Bidding closes anteed. 541-389-3361 Tues., April 15, or 541-771-4463 at 8:00 p.m.) Bonded & Insured 2007 Winnebago CCB¹f 81 595 Outlook Class uc w 775 31', solar panel, Cat. Manufactured/ USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! heater, excellent Mobile Homes condition, more exDoor-to-door selling with Fax No. 541-536-1423 l Attorney General's tras.Asking $58K. E-Mail:smiesenomidstateelectric.coo fast results! It's the easiest BOffice C o n s umer B FACTORY SPECIAL Ph. 541-447-9268 Sell them in l Protection hotline at l New Home, 3 bdrm, Can be viewed at way in the world to sell. The Bulletin Classifieds NO TELEPHONE CALLS WILL BEACCEPTED. I 1-877-877-9392. $46,500 finished Western Recreation on your site. (top of hill) The Bulletin Classified Al/ resumes must be received by 12:00 noon J and M Homes LThe Bull<in g 541-385-5809 /n Prlneville. 541-385-5809 on Monday, April 14, 2014. EEOE 541-548-5511

r.=.-"-,.— ..a

horse 8.1l Less than 18,000 mi, 5.5 Onan genl, 2 slides, 4 dr.



Beaver Marquis, 1993 40-ft, Brunswick floor plan. Many extras, well maintained, fire suppression behind refrig, Stow Master 5000 tow bar,

2002, 34'10n - Work-

R U V ! Fleetwood Discovery National RV 40' 2003, diesel, w/all options - 3 slide outs, Tropical, 1997, satellite, 2 TV's, W/D, 35-ft, Chevy Vortec etc., 32,000 m i les. engine, new tires, Wintered in h eated new awnings, 12-ft shop. $84,900 O.B.O. slide-out, queen 541-447-8664 bed, Italian leather




All real estate advertised here in is subject to th e F ederal Fair Housing A c t, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or intention to make any such preferences, l i mitations or discrimination. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of this law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis. The Bulletin Classified

Monaco Lapalma,

Dodge Brougham 1978, 15', 1-ton, clean, 69,000 miles. $4500. In La Pine, call 541-602-8652


ds published in eWa tercraft" include: Kay



ra KII



Commercial for Rent/Lease


Moto r homes

merchandise to sporting goods. Bulletin Classifieds appear every day in the print or on line. Senior Discounts Call 541-385-5809 541-390-1 466 Same Day Response www.bendbulletin.com & Residential

The Bulletin Serving Central Oregon sincaSe

Serving Central Oregon Since 2003 Residental/Commercial

Sprinkler Activation/Repair Back Flow Testing Maintenance

eThatch & Aerate

• Spring Clean up .Weekly Mowing & Edging •Bi-Monthly 8 Monthly Maintenance •Bark, Rock, Etc. ~Lendeoe in •Landscape Construction

eWater Feature Installation/Maint.

•Pavers •Renovations •Irrigations Installation Senior Discounts Bonded & Insured 541-815-4458 LCB¹8759

Aeration/Dethatching 1-time or Weekly Services Ask about FREEadded svcs w/seasonal contract! Bonded & Insured. COLLINS Lawn Maint. Ca/l 541-480-9714

Allen Reinsch Yard Maintenance& Mowing (& many other things!) Call 541-536-1294 or 541-815-5313 Villanueva Lawn Care. Maintenance,clean-up, thatching + more! Free estimates. 541-981-8386

Painting/Wall Covering WESTERN PAINTING CO. Richard Hayman,

a semi-retired painting contractor of 45 years. S mall Jobs Welcome. Interior & Exterior. c c b¹51 84. 541-388-6910











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DAILY BRI DG E C LU B Monday,Apri17,2014

Cy's sarcastic comment

ACROSS 1"America'sMost Wanted" host John 6 Bedwear, informally 9 Meager 14 Prized violin 1STriumphant cry 16"Yup" 17Operaticsinger on a sofa? 19"I for animals" (bumper sticker) 20Takencare of 21 Curved path 23 Mountain goat 24 Kooky 26 Ins' partner 28 Chitchat about a dressmaking template? 33"May excused?" 35 Former part of Portuguese India 36 Set of keys?

37 Complimentary 68 "Pasted" or road service in "wasted," for Sierra Leone's "drunk" capital? 69 "Balderdash!" 42 Like Dylan 70Art Deco, for one Thomas, by birth 43Oozystuff DOWN 44 180' from WNW 1 Money rolls 45 Egg-hunting time 2 Parisian girlfriend in the Orient? 3 Wash 50" Man," 4 Lyric unit Emilio Estevez 5 Insinuate film 6 Bet a Kappa 51 Former capital of 7 Software Italy? plafform suitable 52 Pizazz for Starbucks? 55 Many a C.E.O.'5 8 Actress Stone of deg. "Casino" 57 Broadway's 9 Easily pranked O'Neill Theater teacher, maybe 10 New Jersey 61 Sheriff's star governor whose 63 Memorize first name starts lines for a his last name Shakespearean 11 "Moby-Dick" king? captain 65 Evil character in 12Zap in the "Snow White" microwave 66 Mess up 13TV's " Factor" 67 Superman's 18 "Please stay!" adoptive parents 22Quarterof a quart ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE 25 "Man, that hurts!" LA B A MB A A T A V I S T I PA D A I R 5 I S E N O R 27 Reel-to-reel RET W EE T K T H X B Y E 28 Banana skins 29 Mountain chain ASE A N E B U L A R EV OP E N T O P 30 T ot s SUP E REG O T A B L E 31 Son of Seth NNE S N A K E B I T T E N 32 Investment firm T. P r i ce ACR E U N C LE S A D D Never Meet GOO G L E G L A S S I T O 33" Again" (Elvis 5 I N G E U N T ILN O W song) L I O NCU B D R E 34 La T a r Pits S EN S O R F OW L 38 Hormone in the PA J A MA S P A D T H A I pill DVD C AS E T M O B I L E 39 Quaker pronoun F IS H NE T S A M E O L D 40 Baby horse

By FRANK STEWART Tribune Content Agency Cy the Cynic entered the club lounge looking glum. " Wendy a n d I need an understanding," Cy said, and for once he sounded sincere. "If I m ake a comment that can be taken two ways, and one way upsets her, then I meant the other one." Cy, a shameless chauvinist, and Wendy, a feminist, are always at odds. Wendy was declarer at today's slam. She won the first spade with the ace, drew trumps, pondered, took the ace of diamonds and led the five to dummy's jack.

opens one heart, you raise to two hearts and he bids three diamonds. What do you say? ANSWER: Your partner has tried for game and asksyou to decide a close case based on your holding in his second suit. You would bid four hearts with a fair raise containing help for the diamonds. Since your values are minimum, your trumps are p oor and y ou r q u eens may b e worthless, sign off at three hearts. South dealer N-S vulnerable NORTH 49AK J 9 K1073 (7 J96 2 A94

DOWN ONE East took the king and led a club, and Wendy won and cashed the queen of diamonds. East discarded, so Wendy had to lose a spade to East. Down one. "I was dummy," the Cynic told me. "I said 'Well played.' Wendy got mad and told me to keep my sarcasm to myself." Say South starts the diamonds by leading low to her queen. If West won and led a second spade, South would have to decide whether to finesse or try f o r t h ree diamond tricks. Wendy's play failed but was well conceived; i t o f f ered more options.

WEST 4110832

EAST 4 IQ9 6 9842 () K7

Q96 0 10843 iOi J87

4Q 10532 SOUTH 4754

9AQJ5 O AQ 5 AAK 6 S outh 2 NT P 39

W est as s P ass

Nor t h 34 69

Eas t Pass A ll P ass

DAILY QUESTION Opening lead — 49 2 Youhold: 4 Q 9 6 9 8 4 2 0 K7 4 Q 10 5 3 2. Y o u r partner (C) 2014 Tribune Content Agency, LLC

Seeking a friendly duplicate bridge? Findfive gamesweekly at www.bendbridge.org. BIZARRO









~o. 0303 8


















28 34





















52 5 3










58 5 9










58" meeny 52 Outdoor meals with hamburgers miney mo" or hot dogs, say, in brief 59The "N" of N.A.A.C.P.: Abbr. 53 Fidel Castro's brother and 60 Scottish Gaelic

41 More optimistic 4633~/3, for a record album: Abbr. 47 More highminded


48 Elephants' feelers

62 Coll. major of many writers

54 Notion

56 Commercial 6 4Pa i ntings, prefix with postale s c ulptures, etc.

49 "Bald" baby bird

Annual subscriptions are available for the best of Sunday crosswords from the last 50 years: 1-888-7-ACROSS. AT&T users: Text NYTX to 386 to download puzzles, or visit nytimes.com/mobilexword for more information. Online subscriptions: Today's puzzle and more than 2,000 past puzzles, nytimes.com/crosswords ($39.95 a year). Share tips: nytimes.com/wordplay. Crosswords for young solvers: nytimes.com/learning/xwords.



849)4ek,49m/Riaarrocemi41 W.O II75f99r41

8' 8 t ree fallc in the {ere©t g k no oneputC it on Fadeloolc,

Complete the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 box contains everydigitfrom1 to9 inclusively.

doea it YILake a doLLnd'? I ii



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LOS ANGELESTIMES CROSSWORD Edited by Rich Norrisand Joyce NicholsLewis I k/ANTMy f2 SACK



SAFE HAVENS 6AMII(9'QA? ft(E jy)SW FOLIC -AIII) QAT 8'! Fi<<. 1 l4()14'T 56AT A I865+A&F- THAT COIIif Ljtl)I& OP <Ot)IZ. S)(f<IIP f'IILIIif()f"5 VO I T E)(P&glMEC'5 (4)llH Oi)g

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III gg.


E-m8il: bholbrookI Ogm8II.Com

httP;i hVWW.98 eh8V80800miC.Com

1 Theater attractions

6 Big fusses 11 Gallery display 14 Taxpayer'8 worry 15 Real estate offering 16 Sinking ship signal 17 Takeout option 19 Wash. neighbor 20 Personal IDS

21 Ambulance


© 2014 by King Features Syndicate, Inc. World rights reserved



destinations, for

short 22 Comfy shoe 24 Biblical pronoun

26 Bic products 27 Subject for a meteorologist 33 Ross of the Supremes


34 "

8 CI

s 53 5 5

SAc.k wo H UhJTI hj 6






: 8




0 Z

I&A5/AIEFE/7t AP/ I5




l(656I65 WcNLP

won't be

afraid": "Stand By Me" lyric 35 French lady


4 -Salem, N.C. 5 Fr. holy woman 6 1994 Denis Leary film about

standard 10 Spiritual Arizona

resort 11"Keep dreaming" 12 Came by horse 13 Old Russian royal

18 Flower starter 23 Nick and Nora'8

dog 25 Former Congressional gp. concerned


45 Bernese Alps


peak 47 Bill Gates or Paul

53 All for : avail


THAT SCRAIIIBLED WORD GAME by David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek


Unscramble these four Jumbles, 009 letter to each square, to form four ordinary words.


3 1 E

Whal are you doing here? You're supposed to be m school. irs Monday!



was mi11the ; weekend.

99014 THbune Content Agency,LLC All Ri9hls Reeenred.



t o no

56 Co. that merged into Verizon 57 Gas company with toy trucks 61 Egyptian snake 62 Summoned up 65 Curtain support 66 Shed: cry

a k i nd: unique 2

Allen, vis-a-vis Microsoft

51 Those, to Tomas 52 On an ocean liner, say





C. 7 THE STUDENT FORGOl TO &0 TO 5CHOOISECALISE HE WA5 —Now arrange the circled letters

to form the surprise answs0 as

69 Requirements 70 Aggravate

suggested by the above cartoon.


f Animal pouches


(Answers tomorrow)

9 lau98ng8tack Inlernational Inc., 044 by Universal UClick for 058,2014

"Whaddya making?"

Satudays ~

E VENT F E I SY Y HAI R DO J umbles:The KOALA Answer. horse wasn't feeling well because oiHAY FEVER


32 Pretly close

58 Emerald Isle 59 Normandy battleground

60 One-horse carriage 63 Dixie general

48 Trash bin

64 St. Pete'8 state


L I N G D A R T R A R T H E C S C E Z O O B A R R A M A D E G O O D A K I N S M E I RA N C A N N OM E I N T N E T W T R O T T E R D A C H E B O A F M I R M E N T P O S D N A A xwordeditor@aol.com








24 27







11 1 2







26 29







37 43









53 5 4

N A B O 0 L A B T FR 0 B R A T E Y E R S C OT E A M A T S N E R T S TO R E R S S RC A O H O S T H E R S I MAG E L Y S I S 04/07/14



boxing daughter 4„3

49 Old cowboy movies 50 Previously owned 53 Drug cop 54 Dating from 55 High hairstyle 56 Happy

31 Persian Gulf


67 Muhammad Ali's 68 Exec. moneyman, and a hint to 17-, 27-, 37-, 47- and 62Across

30 Mental picture

33 Checker, e.g. 38 Provide critical a crook who acts comments for 39 Curious George as an arbiter 7 Gut-punch creators Margret and H.A. reactions 40 Actress Russo 8 Batman and Robin, e.g. 43 Video file format 46 Boise resident 9 Italian tenor

with Communist 36 Jerusalem'8 land: infiltration Abbr. 26 Univ. teacher 37 Look after 2 7 "The K i d " : 41 Chicken king '508 TV Western 42 Swindle 28 Former Calif. 44 Prefix with



3 Supreme Norse god








57 5 e









5 9 eo


2 Comments from

the confused

By Jack McInturff (c)2014 Tribune Content Agency, LLC













Travel Trailers

Fifth Wheels

Aircraft, Parts 8 Service


Sport Utility Vehicles





Powerglide Chassis / 425HP Cummings Engine / Allison 6 Spd Automatic Trans / Less than 40K miles /Offered at $199K. Too many options to

list here( For more information go to ~ mce ~cee cece.ccm or email trainwater157O


Orbit 21' 2007, used

only 8 times, A/C, oven, tub shower, micro, load leveler hitch, awning, dual batteries, sleeps 4-5, EXCELLENT CONDITION. All accessories are included. $14,511 OBO. 541-382-9441

I em

++L.. K

or call 858-527-8627

Tioga 24' Class C Motorhome Bought new in 2000, currently under 20K miles, excellent shape, new tires, professionaly winterized every year, cutoff switch to battery, plus new RV batteries. Oven, hot water heater 8 air conditioning have never been used! $24,000 obo. Serious inquiries, please. Stored in Terrebonne. 541-548-5174

Pacific Ridge by Komfort 2011

Mdl P 27RL 31', 15'

Super slide, power jack, electric awning, solar panel, 6-volt batteries, LED lighting, always stored inside. Must see to appreciate.Asking $28,000. Call Bill,

We Do The Work ... You Keep The Cash! On-site credit approval team, web site presence. We Take Trade-Ins! Free Advertising. BIG COUNTRY RV Bend: 541-330-2495 Redmond:

central air, awning, 1 large slide, $12,000. 541-260-2547 or

Winnebago Aspect 2009- 32', 3 slideouts, Leather inteLooking for your rior, Power s eat, next employee? locks, win d ows, Place a Bulletin help Aluminum wheels. wanted ad today and N 17 Flat Screen, reach over 60,000 Surround s o u nd, readers each week. camera, Queen bed, Your classified ad Foam mattress, Awwill also appear on ning, Generator, Inbendbulletin.com verter, Auto Jacks, which currently reAir leveling, Moon ceives over 1.5 milroof, no smoking or lion page views evp ets. L i k e ne w , ery month at no extra cost. Bulletin $74,900 541-480-6900 Classifieds Get Results! Call 365-5809 or place your ad on-line at bendbulletin.com

• 34D, 2 slides • Tires 80% • Just completely serviced • 39,000 miles • No trades • $48,000 firm 541-815-3150

Winnebago Sightseer 30' 2004

For Sale with living r oom slide, 46,000 miles, in good condition. Has newer Michelin tires, awning, blinds, carpet, new coach battery and HD TV.$31,000 Call Dick at 541-408-2367 881

Travel Trailers AIRSTREAM 2010 25' FB, Int'I-

Forest River 27' by Wildwood 2004, winter pkg, slide, AC, oven, tub-shower, outside shower, micro, awning, always stored. $12,500. Prineville, 541-447-9199


22,900. 541-410-1312

Bid Novr!

www.BulletinsidnBuy.com I / e~


Buy NeM/...Buy Local

You Can Bid On: 2001 Gench Citation Truck Camper Retail Value $10,995. All Seasons RV8 Marine (Bidding closes Tues., April 15, at 8:00 p.m.)

O 0 0


1/3interest in

Columbia 400,

Financing available.


(located I Bend.) 541-288-3333

on the first day it runs to make sure it is correct. NSpellchecke and human errors do occur. If this happens to your ad, please con1/3 interest in welltact us ASAP so that equipped IFR Beech Bocorrections and any nanza A36, new 10-550/ adjustments can be prop, located KBDN. made to your ad. $65,000. 541-419-9510 541-385-5809 www.N4972M.com The Bulletin Classified

Fleetwood Prowler 32' - 2001 2 slides, ducted heat & air, great condition, snowbird ready, Many upgrade options, financing available! $14,500 obo. Call Dick, 541-480-1687.

• p'" Keystone Laredo31'

en., exlnt, reduced to

8 Service


with camper shell, ood cond., $1500 BO. 541-447-5504. //cc //s/'

Dodge Ram 1500

SLT uadcab 1999

Save money. Learn to fly or build hours with your own airc raft. 1 96 6

A ero Commander, 4 seat, 150 HP, low time, full panel. $23,000 obo. Contact Paul at 541-447-5184.

1/5th interest in 1973

Cessna 150 LLC 150hp conversion, low time on air frame and engine, hangared in Bend. Excellent performance & affordable flying! $6,000. 541-410-6007

IIj 172 Cessna Share IFR equipped, new avionics, Garmin 750 touchscreen, center stack, 160hp. Exceptionally clean & economical! $13,500. Hangared in KBDN Call 541-728-0773

overall length is 35' queen walk-around has 2 slides, Arctic bed w/storage underpackage, A/C,table neath. Tub 8 shower. & chairs, satellite, 2 swivel rockers. TV. Arctic pkg., power Air cond. Gas stove & awning, in excellent refrigerator/freezer. condition! More pix Microwave. Awning. at bendbulletin.com Outside sho w er. $28,000 Slide through stor541-419-3301 a ge, E as y Li f t . $29,000 new; 1974 Bellanca Asking$18,600 Monaco Lakota 32' 2002, 541-447-4805 1730A 2 slides, AC, recliners, walk-around queen bed, mlmNNC sliding glass door closet, 2160 TT, 440 SMO, new tub & 10-gal water 180 mph, excellent heater, good tires. Brand condition, always new 20' screen room hangared, 1 owner available. Super clean, 1 for 35 years. $60K. owner, n o n-smokers. Komfort 23' 2010su- $11,999. 541-447-7968 In Madras, per clean low miles, call 541-475-6302 road ready!Exc. cond., full slide, Irg cap. tanks, Thermal Max all Weather pkg, elect. awSay Ngoodbuy" ning, elect. tongue to that unused jack, adjustable stabiMONTANA 3585 2008, lizer hitch, 25" flat item by placing it in exc. cond., 3 slides, screen TV, custom The Bulletin Classifieds king bed, Irg LR, queen bed. Many more Arctic insulation, all options,$14,795 Call 541-639-7738 options $35,000 obo. 5 41-385-580 9 or 541-903-1130 541-420-3250

L82- 4 speed. 85,000 miles Garaged since new. I've owned it 25 years. Never dam-

aged or abused. $12,900.

Dave, 541-350-4077 'm

2.5S 4cyl., FWD, CVT, 76k mi., 32 mpg„Tuscan Sun Metallic, vin¹443778 $11,997 ROBBERSON LINCOLN~


541-312-3986 DLR ¹0205

5 .2L V8 1 43,659 mi. Vin ¹628726

auto . , RWD


Ford Bronco II 4x4, 1989Automatic, power steering, stereo upgrade, set-up to tow, runs good. $1700. 541-633-6662

Grand Sport - 4 LT loaded, clear bra hood 8 fenders. New Michelin Super Sports, G.S. floor mats, 17,000 miles, Crystal red. $42,000. 503-358-1164.

Olds 98 Regency 1990 exc. shape, runs as new, one owner, 20 mpg in town. New battery, stud snow tires. $2000. 541-389-9377 Pontiac Grand AM SE1 2003

Bargain Corral. $5,977 ROBBERSON m ce. ~

Recreation by Design 2013 Monte Carlo, 36-ft. Top living room, 2 International Harvester bdrm, has 3 slideouts, 2 TD6 Bulldozer, older A/Cs, entertainment model, has logging center, fireplace, W/D, winch in back for garden tub/shower, in skidding or dragging. great condition. $36,000 $3500 obo. obo. Call Peter, Call 541-369-5353 or 307-221-2422, 541-647-8176 ( in La Pine ) WILL DELIVER

2009 9 i/~' Arctic Fox,

Corvette 1979

Chevy Ext. Cab 1991

Trucks & Heavy Equipment


BIIIIW X3 2011black on black, sport/prem packs, leather, 3.5i turbo, nav., 20k miles, 19Nwheels, cold weather pkg, Xenons, warranteed to 9/2015. $38,000 One owner, 503-769-9401 (Portland)




Aipenlite 29' 1993, with goo s eneck. $3500 OBO. Needs new ref r igerator 541-306-1961. Leave message.

Chev Crewcab dually, Allison tranny, tow pkg., brake controller, cloth split front bench seat, only 66k miles. Very good condition, Original owner, $34,000 or best offer.

T-Hangar for rent at Bend airport.

Canopies & Campers

Nissan Aitima 2010


2005 Diesel 4x4 Cessna 182Q, 1977, mid-time engine/ prop, custom panel, S-Tec 30+ altitude hold, Garmin 430, GPSS, oversized tires, digital fuel flow, excellent paint & interior. Must see to appreciate. Asking $68,000. Bill, 541-480-7930

Call 541-382-8996.

Aircraft, Parts

Laredo 30' 2009

RV 20 06 with 1 2' slide-out. Sleeps 6,

OPEN ROAD 36' 2005 - $25,500 King bed, hide-a-bed sofa, 3 slides, glass shower, 10 gal. water heater, 10 cu.ft. fridge, central vac, s atellite dish, 2 7 " TV/stereo syst., front front power leveling jacks and s cissor stabilizer jacks, 16' awning. Like new! 541-419-0566

Fifth Wheels

Serenity, like new, only used 4x. Originally $75,000; asking $59,500. Call for details, 541-593-0204

,>I =w






Bend: 541-330-2495


Winnebago Adventurer 2005 35i/2', gas, 541-548-5254 less than 20,000 miles, excellent condition, 2 slide-outs, work horse chassis, Banks power brake system, sleeps 5, with al l o p tions, $62,000 / negotiable. Call 5 4 1-306-6711or email a i kistuobend- Tango 29.6' 2007, cable.com Rear living, walkaround queen bed,


You Keep the Cash! On-site credit approval team, web site presence. We Take Trade-Ins! Free Advertising. BIG COUNTRY RV

t i,



541.312.3986 DLR¹0205

Ford Escape Ltd 2012 Exc. cond! Silver gray m e tallic, loaded, flex f u e l, Bluetooth, le a ther int., ski rack, keyless entry, back-up sensors. new all season tires, Ext. warranty. Great all weather vehicle! $22,000 Call or text Sandy at

Ford Thunderbird 2002 c o nvertible with brand new tonneau cover, white with grey i nterior, loaded, 88,600 low miles, choice condition, everything works. Great fun car to d r ive. I l l ness

FWD, V6 auto., 90k mi., 29 mpg Hwy, Vin¹572987 Bar ain Corral 6,977 ROBBERSON LINCOLN~


000 1000


Bid. Mortenson is requesting sealed bids for Bid Package No. 302 Concrete Structures for the Water Filtration Facility. This package consists of: Concrete Structures (Inclusive of e n g ineered form systems, rebar supply and install, concrete pumping, hoisting, supply place and finish concrete, crack repair, water testing, miscellaneous m a t erials (curing c o mpound, water stop, expansion joints, )etc. for a complete c o ncrete structure sy s tem). Sealed bid must be received prior to 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, May 5 th, 2014 at :


Mortenson Construction, C/o City of Bend 16600 Skyliners Road Bend, OR 97701 At-

tention: Tony Copley, Project Manager. Bids forces sale. price reDodge Ram 2500 must be physically reduced to $13,250. 2008 Diesel, ceived at the location Call Bill Call The Bulietin At exc. towing vehicle, 541-604-9307 listed by the deadline. 541-480-4778 N N 2WD 55000 541 385 5809 No faxed o r e l ecmiles. New batterPlace Your Ad Or E-Mail tronic (email) submisies, rear air bags, At: www.bendbulletin.com s ions will b e ac ToyotaLandcruiser Roll-n-lock bed cepted. There will be VX 1999 cover, spray-in a formal bid opening Porsche 911 in t h e M o r tenson liner. 5th wheel Peterbilt 359 p otable Carrera 993 cou e Construction trailers water truck, 1 990, hitch available, too. immediately following 3200 gal. tank, 5hp $19,000. Ford Thunderbird N the submission deadp ump, 4 - 3 hoses, 541-604-1285 2004 line. Bids will not be camiocks, $ 25,000. Convertible 541-820-3724 a ccepted after t h e Ford 3/4 ton F250 1993 4.7L V8, 4WD, auto., with hard & soft top, stated opening date 16 mpg Hwy, Vin¹ Power Stroke diesel, silver with black 931 and time. Late bids 66902 Bargain Corinterior, turbocharged, 5-spd, 1996, 73k miles, will be returned unAutomotive Parts, all original, good runner & work ral $11,977 Tiptronic auto. opened. The invitaService & Accessories truck. $4500 obo. Call very low mileage, transmission. Silver, tion to bid, addenda, ROBBERSONi in premium condition. 541-389-5353 or blue leather interior, and notification of bid $19,900. American Racing wheels 541-647-8176 m moon/sunroof, new ~ mama results for this b id 702-249-2567 (4), cast aluminum dish quality tires and may be viewed, and style, 15x7, 5 lug, 4.5 BULLETINCLASSIFIEDS 541.312.3986 (car is in Bend) battery, car and seat p rinted v i a M.A . spacing. $250. Search the area's most DLR¹0205 covers, many extras. Mortenson 541-604-0963 comprehensive listing of Recently fully serCompany's FTP site: Kia Soul+ 2012 classified advertising... viced, garaged, 940 ftp://ftp2.mortenson.co real estate to automotive, Bid Now! looks and runs like m /12050018 W h e n Vans www.Bulletinsidnsuy.com merchandise to sporting new. Excellent conthe login a ppears, goods. Bulletin Classifieds dition $29,700 enter the f ollowing: appear every day in the 541-322-9647 User Name print or on line. 12050018FTP: PassCall 541-385-5809 word NEW B 2957. 2.0L 4 cyls, FWD, Porsche 911 Turbo www.bendbulletin.com Mandatory p r e -bid automatic, 43k meeting is scheduled miles, 28 MPG Hwy, The Bulletin Buy New...Buy Local for Thursday, April Serving CentralOregonsince 50/ Chrysler Town & vin¹436072 You Can Bid On: 1 7th, 2 0 14 , fr o m Country LXI 1997, $12,977 $200 Automotive 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 beautiful inside 8 Ford F-250 XLT Shop Labor ROBBERSON p.m. and will be held out, one owner, non2006 SuperCab Retail Value $200 m ce ~ at the City of Bendsmoker,. Ioaded with mam a 2003 6 speed, X50 Advanced Auto Outback Facility Conoptions! 197,892 mi. added power pkg. Repair 541.312.3986 struction Trailers. AdService rec o rds 530 HP! Under 10k (Bidding closes DLR ¹0205 dress 16600 Skylinavailable. $4 , 950. miles, Arctic silver, Tues., April 15, ers Rd., Bend, OR Call Mike, (541) 615gray leather interior, at 8:00 p.m.) 97701. Please con8176 after 3:30 p.m. new quality t ires Mazda3 2012 tact Tony Copley for 6.0L V8, auto.,diesel, and battery, Bose New 1000 CCA battery 4WD Vin¹D74407 p remium sou n d directions. All questions should be sent used 2 wks, pd $100 Bargain Corral Find exactly what stereo, moon/sunto the a ttention of $75 obo. 541-408-8346 $18,977 roof, car and seat you are looking for in the Tony Copley Project covers. Many extras. 932 CLASSIFIEDS ROBBERSON i M.A. Garaged, p e r fect Manager m Mortenson CompaAntique & o. ~ na aaa condition, $59,700. Sport, 5 spd, leather nies at Classic Autos 541-322-9647 seats, hatchback, 541.312.3986 Honda Odyssey tony.copleyomortenFWD. 68,396 mi. DLR¹0205 son.com. BOLI Pre1999.Very good vin¹532262 cond. Runs well, vailing Wage Rate Porsche Carrera 911 $17,977 Two sets of tires on p ublications ap p l i2003 convertible with Ford F-350 4x4, rims - summer and hardtop. 50K miles, cable to this contract ROBBERSON new factory Porsche are: Prevailing Wage winter. $2500. m ~c ea m e e motor 6 mos ago with 541-593-2312 Rates (PWR) for PubFord T-Bird, 1966, 390 I • 18 mo factory warlic Works Contracts in or 541-977-7568 engine, power every541.312.3986 ranty remaining. Oregon, dated Januthing, new paint, 54K DLR ¹0205 $37,500. a ry 1, 2 0 12, P W R orig. miles, runs great, 541-322-6928 975 exc. cond.in/out. $7500 Amendments to t he 2006 XLT 4-door Check out the Determination obo. 541-480-3179 Automobiles Crew Cab classifieds online 2012-01 dated April 1, Toyota Celica www.bendbulletin.com 2012 and the PWR Want to impress the 6.0L Turbo diesel, full Convertible 1993 Apprenticeship Rates Updated daily relatives? Remodel power, a u t omatic, A mendment d a t e d 6-disc CD, cruise, fog your home with the A pril 1, 2 0 12. B i d lights, running boards, help of a professional d ocuments can b e tow pkg, bedliner, grill from The Bulletin's viewed on the M.A. guard, folding rear Mortenson ftp s i te, "Call A Service Corvette Coupe seat. Tan cloth inteMortenson Construc1996, 350 auto, Professional" Directory rior, metallic tan exteGT 2200 4 cyl, 5 tion Trailer, and Cenrior. 91,400 miles. 135k non-ethanol speed, a/c, pw, pdl, tral Oregon Builder's fuel/synthetic oil, Mazda Miata 1997 nicest c o nvertible Exchange "COBE" Priced to sell $21,500 garaged/covered. M-Editlon around in this price 1902 NE 4th Street 541-350-6925 Bose Premium Gold Mica Green, 5-spd, range, new t i res, Bend, O R 97 7 0 1. system. Orig. owner All power options, wheels, clutch, timM.A. Mort e nson manual. Stock! leather, convertible ing belt, plugs, etc. Ford Ranger 1990 Company r e serves boot, Tonneau $10,500 OBO. 111K mi., remarkthe right to reject any ing Cab, g o o d Cover, synthetic Retired. Must sell! Plymouth B a r racuda K able cond. i nside or all bids not in comnew motor, 541-923-1781 oils, small alum. 1966, original car! 300 cond, and out. Fun car to windows, bed pliance with bid packtrailer, extra set hp, 360 V8, center- tinted drive, Must S E E! liner, 2 sets tires, age procedures and tires and rims lines, 541-593-2597 $5995. R e dmond. dual pipe. Must see Audi A4 2 011, 3 4 Kmi . per ORC 279B.100. $5995. 541-504-1993 Call to appreciate. $4000 $ 22, 0 0 0 . P ublished: April 7 , 541-548-5648 541-389-8181 obo. 541-948-9061 2014. Tony Copley, Project Manager, M.A. Mortenson Company, Mercedes Benz BuickLacrosse CX tony.copleyomortenC220 1996 2008 son.com / Rolls Royce 1992 Sil425.736.4343. ver Spur II,excellent! Toyota Matrix 2010, 1.6L, LEGAL NOTICE Midnight Blue exterior, 51K miles, Yakima rack, NOTICE OF SEIZURE Parchment leather inteFORD XLT 1992 hitch, tint, garage kept, 1 FOR CIVIL rior, 15-inch chrome RR owner, 31mpg, exc cond, FORFEITURE TO ALL 3/4 ton 4x4 wheels, Alpine Sirius 2.2L 4 cyl. auto, $12,350. 541-410-2678 matching canopy, FWD automatic, POTENTIAL DVD/CD/AM/FM/GPS 104k miles, 29 MPG 30k original miles, 4-Spd, 75,999 mi. naviqation system, CLAIMANTS AND TO Hwy, Gray, possible trade for Vin¹343933 ALL UNKNOWN 77,200 miles, dealerVin¹391666 classic car, pickup, ship maintained, al$9,977 PERSONS READ THIS $5,998 ways garaqed. New, motorcycle, RV CAREFULLY ROBBERSON y about $250,000; sell $13,500. ROBBERSON m ~ eemmea $19,500.541-480-3348 In La Pine, call If you have any interLINCOLN ~ I M ROR V olvo S40 T 5 2 0 0 5 est i n t h e s e i zed 926-581-9190 WHEN ONLY THE 541.312.3986 AWD, sunroof, lux/winter 541-312-3986 property d e s cribed BEST WILL DO! DLR ¹0205 kgs, new tires, more! below, you must claim DLR ¹0205 6775 obo.541-330-5818 that interest or you will automatically lose that interest. If you do not I nternational Fla t Bed Pickup 1963, 1 file a claim for the ton dually, 4 spd. property, the property trans., great MPG, may be forfeited even Buick Skylark 1972 if you are not con17K orig. miles. Please could be exc. wood hauler, runs great, victed of any crime. see Bend Craiglist for new brakes, $1950. To claim an interest, details. $18,900. 541-419-5480. you must file a written 541-323-1896 claim with the forfei933 ture counsel named 935 below, The w r itten Pickups Sport Utility Vehicles claim must be signed by you, sworn to under penalty of perjury before a notary public, and state: (a) Your true name; (b) The I I / address at which you will a c cept f u ture I • I BMW X3 2 0 07, 99K / m ailings f ro m t h e 2012 Chevrolet miles, premium packcourt and forfeiture Silverado LT 4x4age, heated lumbar I I / counsel; and (3) A 5.3 V8, Flexfuel, 14K supported seats, pans tatement that y o u miles, Extended oramic moo nroof, have an interest in the Cab, tow pkg, PerBluetooth, ski bag, Xeseized property. Your formance 20" non headlights, tan & deadline for filing the wheels, Sirius XM, black leather interior, claim document with n ew front & re a r OnStar, bedliner, forfeiture cou n s el Snug Top, brakes I 76K miles, named below is 21 one owner, all records, like new! $28,500. very clean, $16,900. days from the last day 541-923-8868 541-388-4360 of publication of this 541-312-3986 DLR ¹0205




















Legal Notices

Legal Notices

Legal Notices

Legal Notices

Legal Notices

Legal Notices

Legal Notices

Legal Notices

notice. Where to file a claim and for more i nformation: D a i n a Vitolins, Crook County District Attorney Office, 300 N E T h ird Street, Prineville, OR

OR 97756

The undersigned Trustee d i sclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the a bove street o r other common designation. By 97754. Notice of reasons reason of said default, th e b e nefifor Forfeiture: The property d e scribed ciary has declared below was seized for all sums owing on forfeiture because it: the obligation sesaid (1) Constitutes the cured by proceeds of the viola- Trust Deed immedition of, solicitation to ately due and payv iolate, attempt t o able, said sums beviolate, or conspiracy ing the following, to Principal to violates, the crimi- wit: nal laws of the State $290,517.06, toof Oregon regarding gether with interest the manufacture, dis- as provided in the tribution, or posses- note or other insion of controlled sub- strument s e cured 04/1 3 /12, stances (ORS from Chapter475); and/or plus subsidy recapture in the sum of (2) Was used or int ended for us e i n $23,126.76 and fees committing or f acili- a ssessed i n th e of tating the violation of, amount solicitation to violate, $3,984.99, plus acattempt to violate, or crued interest due conspiracy to violate thereon, and such other costs and fees the criminal laws of the State of Oregon are due under the regarding the manu- note o r o t her infacture, distribution or strument secured, possession of con- and as are provided statute. trolled su b stances by WHEREFORE, no(ORS Chapter 475). tice is hereby given IN THE MATTER OF: t hat t h e und e r signed trustee will, (1) US Currency in on May 2, 2014, at the am o un t of the h o ur of 10:00 A.M. in accord with 2 ,190.00, Case N o 1 4-074508 sei z e d the Standard Time, March 12, 2014 from as established by ORS 187.110, INJames Shank. SIDE T H E M A IN LEGAL NOTICE L OBBY O F T H E OREGON DESCHUTES T RUSTEE'S N O COUNTY COURTTICE OF SALE T.S. HOUSE, 1164 NW N o: L544262 O R B OND, B END Unit Code: L Loan C ounty o f DE S No: CHUTES, State of 80280108/HALE OREGON, (which is A P ¹ 1: 257 1 7 2 new date, time Title ¹ : 83 9 0204 the a nd place set f o r Reference is made said sale) sell at to that certain Trust public auction to the D eed made b y highest bidder for M ICHELLE H A LE cash the interest in as Grantor, to RUsaid described RAL HOU S ING the real property which SERVICE OR ITS the Grantor had or SUCCESSOR had power to conAGENCY as vey at the time of Trustee, in favor of execution by him of UNITED S T ATES the said T r ust OF AMER I C A Deed, together with ACTING THROUGH any interest which THE RURAL the Grantor or his H OUSING S E R successors in interV ICE O R SU C acquired a f ter CESS A G E NCY, est t he execution of UNITED STATES said Trust Deed, to DEPARTMENT OF satisfy the foregoAGRICULTURE as ing obli g ations Beneficiary. Dated thereby secured and June 9, 2008, Rethe c o sts and exc orded June 1 3 , penses of sale, in2008 as Instr. No. cluding a r eason2008-25474 in Book able charge by the -- Page -- of Offitrustee. N o t ice is cial Records in the further given that o ffice of th e R e any person named c order o f DE S in O.R.S.86.753 has CHUTES C ounty; the right, at any time O REGON REAMprior to f i ve days ORTIZATION before the date last AGREEMENT set for the sale, to WITH EFFECTIVE have this f orecloDATE OF 4/1 3/1 2 sure p r oceeding covering the followdismissed and the ing described real Trust Deed r einproperty situated in stated by payment s aid county a n d to the beneficiary of s tate, to wit: L O T entire amount ONE H U N DRED the then due (other than SIXTY SIX (166), such portion of the DIAMOND BAR principal as would RANCH, PHASE 4, not then be due had RECORDED MAY no default occurred) 1, 2007, IN CABIand by curing any NET H, PAGE 317, other default comDESCHUTES plained herein that COUNTY, ORcapable of being EGON. B o t h the is cured by tendering beneficiary and the the performance retrustee have elected quired u n der the to sell the said real o bligation of t h e property to satisfy Trust Deed, and in the obligations seaddition to paying cured by said Trust said sums or tenDeed and a Notice dering the p e rforo f D e f ault ha s mance necessary to been recorded purthe default, by suant to O r egon cure all costs and Revised S t a tutes paying expenses actually 86.735(3); the deincurred in enfault for w hich the forcing the obligaforeclosure is made tion and Trust Deed, is Grantor's failure together with to pay when due, trustee's and the following sums: attorney's fees not 20 PYMTS FROM exceeding the 05/1 3/1 2 TO amounts provided 12/1 3/1 3 @ by sa i d ORS 1,203.95 86.753. I t w i ll be $24,079.00 TOTAL necessary for you to LATE C H ARGES contact the under$345.96 Sub-Total signed prior to the of Amounts in Artime you tender rerears:$24,424.96 instatement or Together with any payoffso that you default in the paymay be advised of ment of r ecurring the exact amount, obligations as they including t rustee's become due. costs and fees, that ALSO, if you have y ou wil l b e r efailed to pay taxes uired t o pay . on th e p r operty, q Payment must be in provide insurance the full amount in on the property or the form of cashier's pay other senior certified check. liens o r en c u m- or T he effect of t h e brances as required sale will be to dei n the n ot e a n d prive you and all T rust Deed, t h e those who hold by, beneficiary may through and under insist that you do so you of a l l interest in order to reinstate in the property dey our account i n scribed above. I n good standing. The construing this nob eneficiary ma y tice, the masculine require as a condiincludes the tion t o r e instate- eender minine and t h e ment that you proneuter, the singular vide reliable written includes the plural, evidence that you the word "grantor" have paid a l l seincludes any sucnior liens or encumcessor in interest to brances, property the grantor as well taxes, and hazard as a n y other perinsurance p r emison owing an obliu ms. These re gation, the perforquirements for reinmance of which is statement should be s ecured by s a i d confirmed by conT rust Deed, a n d tacting the underwords "trustee" signed Tru s tee. the and "beneficiary" inThe street or other clude their respeccommon designative successors in tion if any, of the i nterest, i f any . real property deThe Beneficiary may s cribed above i s b e attempting t o purported to be: collect a debt and 2718 NE 6TH any information obDRIVE, REDMOND, tained may be used

$746.52 each lender w ho is place and giving you Deed of Trust, which ment quotes received $9,704.76 (02-05-13 f oreclosing on t h i s the n e w ow n er's provides that, "Lender less than six d ays through 0 3 - 19-14) property is paid before name and c ontact may require immedi- prior to the date set Late Charges: t he sale date, t he information. You ate payment in full of for the trustee's sale $852.89 BEN E FI- f oreclosure will g o s hould contact t h e all sums secured by will be honored only at CIARY A DVANCES through and someone n ew owner i f y o u this Security Instru- the discretion of the Suspense Cr e dit: n ew will ow n t h i s would like to stay. If ment if... .Borrower beneficiary or if re$0.00 TOTAL: p roperty. After t h e t he n ew owne r dies and the Property quired by the terms of $11,190.25 ALSO, if sale, the new owner is accepts rent from you, is not the principal the loan documents. you have failed to pay required to p rovide signs a new residence of at least In construing this notaxes on the property, you w it h co n tact r esidential ren t a l one surviving Bor- tice, the singular inprovide insurance on information and notice agreement with you or rower". Default date of cludes the plural, the the property or pay that the s ale t o ok does not notify you in 09/26/2013 and pay word "grantor" inother senior liens or place. The following writing within 30 days the following sums: cludes any successor encumbrances as re- information applies to after the date of the principal balance of i n interest t o t h e quired in the note and you only if you are a foreclosure sale that $123,372.60 with acgrantor as well as any d eed of t r ust, t h e bona f i d e te n a nt you must move out, crued interest from other person owing an beneficiary may insist occupying and renting t he n e w own e r 08/26/2013; together obligation, the perforthat you do so in or- this property as a becomes your new with title e x pense, mance of which is seder to reinstate your residential d w elling l andlord and m u s t costs, trustee's fees cured by said trust a ccount i n goo d under a l e g itimate maintain the property. and attorney's fees deed, and the words "trustee" and "benefistanding. The benefi- rental agreement. The Otherwise: o You do i ncurred herein b y you may access ciary may require as a information does not not owe rent; o The reason of said default; ciary" include their resales information at c ondition t o rei n - apply to you if you new owner is not your any further sums ad- spective successors salestrack.tdsf.com s tatement that y o u own this property or if landlord and is not vanced by the benefi- in interest, if any. The DATED: 1 2 /1 9/1 3 provide reliable writ- you are not a bona responsible for ciary for the protec- trustee's rules of aucCHRISTOPHER C. ten evidence that you fide residential tenant. maintaining the tion of t h e a b ove tion may be accessed D ORR, OSBA ¹ have paid all senior If the foreclosure sale p roperty o n you r described real prop- at ww w . northwest992526 By l iens o r enc u m- goes through, the new b ehalf; and o Y o u erty and its interest trustee.com and are CHRISTOPHER C. brances, pr o perty owner will have the must move out by the therein; and prepay- incorporated by this D ORR, AT T O R- taxes, and hazard in- right to require you to date the new owner ment penalties/premi- reference. You may N EY AT LAW D I surance p r emiums. move out. Before the specifies in a notice to ums, if applicable. By also access sale staRECT INQUIRIES These requirements n ew o w ne r ca n you. The new owner reason of said default, tus a t ww w .northTO: T.D. S E Rfor rein statement require you to move, may offer to pay your the beneficiary has westtrustee.com and VICE C O M PANY should be confirmed the new owner must moving expenses and d eclared all s u ms www. USA-ForecloFORECLOSURE by contacting the un- p rovide y o u wit h any other costs or owing on the obliga- sure.com. For further DEPARTMENT dersigned Trustee. By written notice t h at amounts you and the tion secured by said information, p l ease 4000 W. Metropolireason of said default, specifies the date by new owner agree on trust deed i mmedi- contact: Bre a non tan Drive Suite 400 the beneficiary has which you must move in exchange for your ately due and pay- Miller Nort h west Orange, CA 92868 d eclared al l s u m s o ut. If yo u d o n o t agreement to l eave able, said sums being Trustee Services, Inc. (800) 843 - 0260 owing on the obliga- l eave b e fore t h e the premises in less the following, to wit: P.O. Box 997 BelleTAC¹ 968117 PUB: tion secured by said move-out date, t he than 9 0 d a y s o r principal balance of vue, WA 98009-0997 425-586-1900 R u s03/1 7/1 4, 03/24/1 4, trust deed immedi- new owner can have before your fixed term $123,372.60 with in03/31/14, 04/07/14 ately due and pay- the sheriff remove you lease expires. You terest thereon at the sell, Frederick R. (TS¹ able, said sums being from the property after should speak with a note rate o f 1 . 130 7827.20557) LEGAL NOTICE a court hearing. You lawyer to fully percent per annum 1002.265379-File No. The regular meeting the f ollowing: U NPAID PRI N CIPAL will receive notice of understand your rights beginning 08/26/2013; of the Board of DiLEGAL NOTICE BALANCE OF the c ourt h e aring. before making any together with title ex- TRUSTEE'S rectors of the DesNOTICE 41,427.89, PL U S PROTECTION FROM decisions regarding pense, costs, trustee's OF SALE File No. chutes County Rural $ i nterest thereon a t E VICTION IF Y O U your tenancy. IT IS fees and attorney's Fire Protection Dis9047.20032 R e f er4.500% per annum ARE A BONA FIDE UNLAWFUL FOR fees incurred herein ence is made to that trict ¹2 will be held on from 2/5/2013, until TENANT A NY PERSON T O by reason of said deT uesday, April 8 , c ertain t rust d e e d together with O CCUPYING A N D TRY TO FORCE YOU fault; any further sums made by Stephen M 2014 at 11:00 a.m. at paid, escrow a d v ances, RENTING THIS T O L EAVE Y O UR advanced by the benthe North Fire Station Schlam and Carol A c o s t s, P ROPERTY AS A D WELLING UNI T eficiary for the protecc onference ro o m , foreclosure as Husband W ITHOUT FI R S T tion of the above de- Schlam, 63377 Jamison St., trustee fees, attorney RESIDENTIAL and Wife and Jeffery sums required DWELLING, YOU GIVING YOU scribed real property W Rank and Carol L Bend, OR. Items on fees, i ts inte r est Rank, as H usband the agenda include: for the protection of HAVE THE R I GHT WRITTEN N O T ICE and property and addi- T O CONTI N UE A ND G O ING T O therein; and prepay- and Wife, as grantor, the fire d epartment the THIS COURT TO E V ICT ment penalties/premi- to Western Title, as report, the P r oject tional sums secured LIVING I N by the Deed of Trust. PROPERTY AFTER Y OU. FOR M O R E ums, if a p plicable. Wildfire report, an up- W in favor of HEREFORE, n o - THE FORECLOSURE INFORMATION W HEREFORE, n o - trustee, date on the May levy Mortgage Electronic • TH E ABOUT tice hereby is given SALE FOR: YOUR tice hereby is given and a discussion of that the undersigned REMAINDER Systems OF RIGHTS, YOU MAY that the undersigned Registration Inc. solely as nomipolicy update. The trustee, will on July YOUR FIXED TERM WISH TO CONSULT trustee will on July 2, nee for Group One meeting will be imme- 22, 2014, at the hour LEASE, I F YOU A LAWYER. If y o u 2014 at the hour of diately followed by a Lending, a Division of 11:00 AM, in ac- HAVE A FIXE D believe you need legal 10:00 o'clock A.M. in Northwest Mortgage Budget C o m mittee of cord with the s tanTERM LEASE; • A T assistance, c o ntact accord with the stanmeeting to receive the Inc, as benefiof time estab- L EAST 9 0 DA Y S the Oregon State Bar dard of time estab- Group, budget f or the dard ciary, dated 12/13/06, lished by ORS F ROM TH E D A T E at 800-452-7636 and lished by ORS 2014-2015 fiscal year. recorded 12/15/06, in 87.110, a t MA I N YOU ARE GIVEN A ask for the l awyer 187.110, at the folThe purpose of the 1 mortgage records referral service. If you lowing place: inside the meeting will be to re- ENTRANCE TO THE WRITTEN of Deschutes County, TERMINATION do not have enough the main lobby of the Oregon, ceive t h e bu d g et DESCHUTES as message and to re- COUNTY J U STICE NOTICE. If the new m oney to p a y a Deschutes C o u nty 2006-82029 and subCENTER, 1100 NW owner wants to move lawyer a n d are Courthouse, 1164 NW ceive comment from B OND sequently assigned to ST RE E T, i n a n d u s e thi s otherwise eligible, you Bond, in the City of the public on the budWilmington Savings BEND, County of DEproperty as a primary may b e a b l e to Bend, County of Desget. The meeting lo- SCHUTES, State of Fund Society, FSB, residence, the new receive legal chutes, State of Orcation is accessible to Not In Its Individual O REGON, sel l a t owner can give you assistance for free. egon, sell at public persons with disabili- public auction to the w ritten notice a n d I nformation But Solely abo u t auction to the highest Capacity ties. A request for inAs Trustee Of The ighest bidder f o r require you to move whom to contact for bidder for cash the Primestar-H Fund I terpreter for the hear- h cash, the interest in out after 9 0 d a ys, free legal assistance i nterest in t h e d e - Trust by Assignment ing impaired or for said d escribed even though you have may b e ob t ained scribed real property recorded other a c commoda- the as a fixed term lease with through Safenet at which the grantor had 2014-004723, covertions for person with p roperty which t h e 800-SAFENET. grantor had, or had more than 90 days or had power to condisabilities should be the power to convey, l eft. You m ust b e Without limiting the the following devey at the time of the ing made at least 48 hrs. scribed real property at the time of the exprovided with at least trustee's disclaimer of execution by grantor before the meeting to: ecution by him of the 90 days' written notice representations situated in said county or of the trust deed, toTom Fay and state, to wit: Lot said trust deed, to- after the foreclosure warranties, O r egon gether with any inter- 2, Block1, Long Butte 5 41-318-0459. T T Y gether with any intersale before you can l aw r e quires t h e est which the grantor 800-735-2900. Tracts, D e s chutes est which the grantor be required to move. trustee to state in this or grantor's succes- County, Ore g o n. LEGAL NOTICE or his successors in A bona fide tenant is a n otice t ha t so m e sors in interest acPROPERTY ADTRUSTEE'S NOTICE interest acquired after residential tenant who residential p r operty quired after the exDRESS: 4752 SouthOF SALE Pursuant to the execution of said is not the borrower sold at a trustee's sale ecution of the trust west Quarry Avenue O.R.S. 86.705 et seq. trust deed, to satisfy (property owner) or a may have been used deed, to satisfy the OR 97756 and O.R.S. 79.5010, the foregoing obliga- child, s p ouse or in manufacturing foregoing obligations Redmond, Both the beneficiary et seq. Trustee's Sale tions thereby secured parent of the methamphetamines, thereby secured and and the trustee have No. 0 9-XFH-130012 and the costs and ex- borrower, and whose the chemical t he costs an d e x N OTICE TO B O R - penses of sale, in- rental agreement: o Is components of which penses of sale, in- elected to sell the real to satisfy the ROWER: YOU cluding a reasonable the r esult o f an are known to be toxic. cluding a reasonable property obligations secured by SHOULD BE AWARE charge by the trustee. arm's-length Prospective charge by the trustee. the trust deed and a THAT THE UNDERNotice is further given transaction; 0 purchasers of Notice is further given SIGNED I S AT- that a n y pe r s on Requires the payment residential p roperty that for reinstatement notice of default has been recorded pursuTEMPTING TO COL- named in ORS 86.753 o f rent that i s n o t should be aware of or payoff quotes reant to Oregon ReLECT A DEBT AND has the right, at any substantially less than this potential danger quested pursuant to Statutes THAT ANY INFOR- time prior to five days fair market rent for the b efore deciding t o O RS 8 6 .757 a n d vlsed MATION OBTAINED before the date last property, unless the place a bid for this 86.759 must be timely 86.735(3); the default which the forecloWILL BE USED FOR set for the sale, to rent is r educed or property at the c ommunicated in a for s ure i s m a d e i s THAT PU R POSE. have this foreclosure subsidized due to a trustee's sale. written request that failure to pay Reference is made to roceeding dismissed federal, state or local DATED: 3 / 1 9/2014 c omplies with t h a t grantor's when due the followthat certain Deed of and the trust deed subsidy; and o Was REGIONAL statute addressed to ing sums: m onthly Trust made by, TROY reinstated by payment entered into prior to TRUSTEE the trustee's "Urgent of R B E TCHER, a s to the beneficiary of the d at e of the SERVICES CORPO- Request Desk" either payments beginning grantor, to FIDELITY the e ntire a m ount foreclosure sale. RATION Trustee By: by personal delivery $4,347.75 12/01/09; and monthly NATIONAL TITLE IN- then due (other than ABOUT YOUR MELANIE BEAMAN, to the trustee's physi- payments of SURANCE CO., as such portion of the TENANCY AUTHORIZED cal offices (call for ad- $4,386.18 beginning Trustee, in favor of principal as would not BETWEEN NOW AGENT 6 1 6 1st dress) or b y f i r st 06/01/2010; FIRST TENNESSEE then be due had no AND THE Avenue, Suite 500, class, certified mail, monthly paymentsand of BANK NA T I ONAL default occurred) and FORECLOSURE Seattle, WA 9 8 104 r eturn receipt r e - $,464.93 b e ginning A SSOCIATION, a s by curing any other S ALE: RENT Y O U Phone: quested, addressed to 12/01/2010; and b eneficiary, da t e d default complained of SHOULD CONTINUE (206)340-2550 Sale the trustee's post ofof 3/24/2003, recorded herein that is capable TO PAY RENT TO Information: fice box address set monthly payments beginning 5/12/2003, under Inof being cured by YOUR L A NDLORD http://www.rtrustee.co forth in this notice. $4,386.51 plus pnor strument No. t endering th e p e r - UNTIL THE m A-4448637 Due to potential con- 12/01/2011; accrued late charges 2003-31518, records formance r e q uired PROPERTY IS SOLD 03/31/2014, flicts with federal law, of $6,667.68; plus adof DESC H UTES under the obligation or OR UNTIL A COURT 04/07/2014, persons having no vances of $138.05; County, O R EGON. t rust deed, and i n TELLS YOU 04/1 4/2014, record legal or equi- together with title exThe beneficial inter- addition to paying said OTHERWISE. IF YOU 04/21/2014 table interest in the costs, trustee's est under said Trust sums or tendering the DO NOT PAY RENT, subject property will pense, LEGAL NOTICE and attorney's Deed and the obliga- performance YOU CAN BE TRUSTEE'S only receive informa- fees NOTICE fees incurred herein tions secured thereby necessary to cure the EVICTED. BE SURE O F SALE File N o . tion concerning the reason of said deare presently held by default, by paying all TO KEEP PROOF OF 7827.20557 R e f e r- lender's estimated or by fault; any further sums FIRST TENNESSEE costs and expenses ANY PAY M ENTS ence is made to that actual bid. Lender bid advanced by the benBANK NA T I ONAL actually incurred in YOU MAKE. c ertain trust d e ed i nformation is a l s o eficiary for the protecASSOCIATION. Said enforcing the SECURITY DEPOSIT at the by Frederick R. available of the above deTrust Deed encum- obligation and t rust You may apply your made trustee's web s ite, tion scribed real property bers the following de- deed, together with security deposit and Russell, as grantor, to www.northwestAmerititle, as trustee, and st inte r est scribed real property trustee's and any rent you paid in in favor of Financial trustee.com. Notice is therein; iand prepaysituated in said county attorney's fees not advance against the F reedom further given that any Seni o r person named in ORS ment penalties/premiand state, to-wit: LOT exceeding the current rent you owe SEVEN (7), BLOCK I, amounts provided by y our l a ndlord a s Funding Corporation, 86.753 has the right, ums, if applicable. By of Indyreason of said default DESCHUTES RIVER said ORS 86.753. In provided i n ORS a subsidiary Bank, F.S.B., as at any time prior to the beneficiary has WOODS, DES- construing this notice, 90.367. To do t his, Mac five days before the eneficiary, da t e d date last set for the d eclared al l s u m s CHUTES COUNTY, the masculine gender you must notify your b10/12/07, r e c orded owing on the obligaOREGON. The street includes the feminine landlord in writing that s ale, to h av e t h is tion secured by the 10/18/07, in the morta ddress o r ot h e r and the neuter, the you want to subtract foreclosure proceedrecords of Des- ing dismissed and the trust deed immedicommon designation, singular includes the the amount of your gage chutes County, Or- trust due and payif any, of th e r eal p lural, t h e wor d s ecurity deposit o r deed reinstated ately as 2007-55707 b y payment able, said sums being property d e scribed "grantor" includes any prepaid rent from you egon, to t he subsequently as- beneficiary of the en- the following, to wit: above is purported to successor in interest rent payment. You and to OneWest with mb e: 5 9 9 3 4 MIN - to the grantor as well may do this only for signed amount then due $540,000.00 B ank, FSB b y A s - tire thereon at the NETONKA CIRCLE as any other person the rent you owe your signment (other than such por- terest recorded as rate of 7.375 per BEND, OR 97702 The owing an obligation, current landlord. If you 2013-48374, covering tion of the principal as undersigned Trustee the performance of do this, you must do t he f o llowing d e - would not then be due disclaims any liability which is secured by so before the forec- scribed real property had no default ocfor any incorrectness said trust deed, and l osure s a le . Th e situated in said county curred) and by curing of the above street the words "trustee" business or individual o t her d e fault state, to wit: Lot any a ddress o r ot h e r and "beneficiary" who bu y s this and complained of herein Two (2), The Willows common designation. include their property a t the Phase I, Deschutes that is capable of beBoth the beneficiary respective successors foreclosure sale is not County, Ore g o n. ing cured by tenderand the trustee have in interest, if a n y. responsible to you for the performance AD- ing elected to sell the said Anyone having any any deposit or prepaid PROPERTY r equired under t h e real property to sat- objection to the sale rent you paid to your DRESS: 2438 North- o bligation o r tr u st Snow W i llow deed, and in addition isfy the o bligations on a n y gro u nds l andlord. ABOU T east Court B e nd , OR secured by said trust w hatsoever will b e YOUR TE N ANCY 97701 Both the ben- to paying said sums deed and a notice of afforded an AFTER THE eficiary a n d the or tendering the perdefault has been reopportunity t o be FORECLOSURE necessary trustee have elected formance corded pursuant to heard as t o t h o se SALE The new owner to cure the default, by Oregon Revised Stat- objections if they bring that buys this property to sell the real prop- paying all costs and utes 86.735(3); the a lawsuit to restrain at the foreclosure sale erty to satisfy the obli- expenses actually insecured by default for which the the same. NOTICE may be willing to allow gations in enforcing the trust deed and a curred foreclosure is made is TO RE S I DENTIAL y ou to s tay a s a the obligation and t rust notice of default has grantor's failure to pay T ENANTS: The t enant i n stead o f together with recorded pursu- deed, when due, the follow- property in which you requiring you to move been trustee's and ing sums: Amount due are l i ving i s in out after 90 days or at ant to Oregon Re- attorney's fees not vlsed Statutes as of March 19, 2014 foreclosure. A the end of your fixed exceeding the Delinquent Payments f oreclosure sale i s term lease. After the 86.735(3); the event amounts provided by default under the said OR S 8 6 . 753. from February 05, scheduled for July 22, sale, y o u sh o u ld of n ote and deed o f 2013 1 payments at 2014. The date of this receive a wri t ten rust, p u rsuant t o Requests from per$632.60 each $632.60 sale may be notice informing you tSection 9(a)(i) of the sons named in ORS 1 3 p a yments a t postponed. Unless the that the s ale t o ok 86.753 for reinstate-

for t h a t purpose. If the Trustee is unable to convey title for any reason, the successful bidder's sole and exclusive remedy shall be the return o f m o nies paid to the Trustee, and the successful bidder shall have no further recourse. If available, the e xpected opening bid and/or p ostponement in f o rmation may be obtained by calling t h e following telephone number(s) on the day b efore th e s a l e: (714) 480-5690 or

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