Serving Central Oregon since1903 75
SATURDAY June 7,2014
ss ai seasonwi
a Win In~ide
Dean Guernsey/The Bulletin
The stained glass windows at the First United Methodist Church in Bend arefinally restored. PhotosonB2
Q Video sn theWeb:Watch the renovated windows come together at bentlbulletin.csm/stainedglass
Common Core tests' local dryrIJn
SeniOr gameS — Athletes 50 and older from across the country will compete in Bend later this month.D1
• Local veterans take atrip to dedicate Oregon's WWII memorial in the state capital Related
Talidan prisoners-
By Scott Hammers
diner's kitchen, around 50
Qatar, eager to be a diplomatic player, faces amajor test with their release.A4
The Bulletin
local World War II veterans
• D-Day commemorations,A2
Seventy years to the day afterAllied forceslaunched
filed into buses and private cars to make the trip to Sa-
flag-waving friends, family
the invasion of Normandy that broke Nazi Germany's
lem, where the state's World
and well-wishers.
War II memorial was dedicated Friday afternoon.
OSU tuitioll —It's rising in attheCascadescampus, but steady elsewhere.B3
And a Wed exclusiveNew evidence ononeof WWII's most notorious war crimes.
hold on Western Europe, Central Oregon's last living
Escorted by deputies from
day's dedication ceremony was important for him and others who served. While
By Tyler Leeds
some service members came home from World War II
The Bulletin
Friday's trip to Salem was organized by the Oregon
to parades and public adu-
tions surrounding the new standardized tests
Band of Brothers, a veterans
said. "This means a lot to me.
Oregon students will take
It's the only recognition a lot
Bend-La Pine Schools got an early look, the district has learned one thing for sure — they won't be using wireless keyboards. Beginning next spring, Oregon's current standardized tests, the Oregon
the Deschutes County Sher- group with more than 1,000 iff's Office and several dozen members based in Bend that leather-clad riders with the meets regularly at Jake's. Bathed in the smell of Oregon Motorcycle Veterans Red Zufelt, 87, who served motorcycle exhaust, a few ci- Association, the group was in the Navy in World War II, Korea and Vietnam, said Frigars, and pancakes from the sent off by a large crowd of links to World War II gathered at Jake's Diner in Bend for one more mission.
There are a lot of ques-
lation, most did not, Zufelt
next year, but after some
of us got," he said. "When I gotback from thewar, w e just got off the ship and left." See Vets /A5
R R R a
Assessment of Knowledge and Skills, better known
as OAKS, will be replaced with the Smarter Balanced
U.S. killed 4 million wild animals in'13
World War
Assessment. The new tests are aligned with the Com-
II veterans
mon Core State Standards,
and family
which sets benchmarks
members get ready
when students should ac-
Darryl Fears
to leave for Salem for the dedication of
The Washington Post
quire certain language arts and math skills. The standards were in-
tended to raise the rigor of state tests to a unified level and were widely adopted across the nation. See Common Core/A4
WWII memorial
years, the massive toll
aboard abuson
of wild animals exter-
minated by the federal government
as a service
Oll A4
to e verything from airports
outside Jake's Diner in Bend.
to ranches has bounced up
and down like a yo-yo. Near the turn of the
TODAY'S WEATHER Sunny High 79, Low42 Page Bg
Joe Kline The Bulletin
century, it hit a staggering 4 million. Two years later,
in 2001, it fell to about 1.5
Business C5-6 Crosswords F4 Calendar B3 Horoscope D5 Classified F1-8 Local/State B1-6 Comics F3-4 Obituaries B5 Comm. LifeD1-6 Sports C1-4
million and stayed relatively low for six years. But in 2008, the number of kills rocketed to 5 million
before trending downward to 3 million over the next four years.
Now it's back up, well past 4 million in the most recent count, and critics
are pressing the U.S. Department of Agriculture outfit that does the killing
to do a better job of explaining why. See Wildlife/A4
Bend man's sexabuse conviction overturned
The Bulletin
By Sheila G. Miller
John Albert Sines, 60, has
Sines, who owned a mu-
A Bend manconvictedof sexually abusing an 8-yearold girl in 2009 has had his conviction reversed and re-
been in prison since February 2010 after a Deschutes County jury found him guilty of sexually abusing the girl while she was in his care in 2005 and
sic-editing business and had an unsuccessful run for Bend-
manded back to the Deschutes
2006, but with his conviction
counts of sodomy and one
County Circuit Court by the Oregon Court of Appeals.
overturned he may soon be releasedfrom statecustody.
count of rape for allegedly abusing two children in his
The Bulletin
' .SM O L I C H
mo t o r<s~ "" ~ HY U n DRI
La Pine Schools Board, was
charged with nine counts of first-degree sex abuse, two
An Independent Newspaper
care in 2005 and 2006. The
Vot 112, No. 158, 32 pages, 5 sections
children were 6 and 8 at the time of the alleged abuse. At the end of his six-week trial in
Q I/I/e userecyclednewsprint
October and November 2009,
the jury convicted him on four
counts of first-degree sexual abuse. See Overturned /A5
8 8 267 02329
When the tent Ioes NI... JIK3Rl-SHI MIKIEC~l
I' I
The Bulletin
HOW to reaCh US Seattle ShOOting —Students at Seattle Pacific University gathered on campusFriday in prayer circles and atcandlelight vigils to mourn the violence that exploded when aman walked into a class with a shotgun Thursday afternoon. Onestudent was killed and two others remain hospitalized. But for some, therewas also atone of quiet celebration of the actions of people whothe Seattle police said helpedsubduethegunman ashestoppedtoreload.A 22-year-old engineering student namedJonMeis led the counterattack, students and responders said, blasting the gunmanwith pepper spray. Other people then joined in andheld thesuspect down until police arrived.
541-385-5800 Phone hours: 5:30a.m.-5 p.m. MoncFri. ,6:30a.m .-noonSat.-eun.
Gay marriage —Seven couples filed a federal lawsuit Friday challenging the constitutional prohibition on same-sexmarriage in North Dakota, making it the last state in the country with a ban to besued by gay couples seeking the right to wed in their homestate. A federal judge also struck downWisconsin's ban, ruling it was unconstitutional. The North Dakota lawsuit, filed in federal court in Fargo, challenges both that state's ban ongay marriage and its refusal to recognize the marriages of same-sex couples who legally wed in other states. That means casesare currently pending in all 31 states with gay marriage bans. Judgeshaveoverturned several state bans since the U.S. Supreme Court struck down part of the federal Defense of Marriage Act last year. Many of those rulings are beingappealed, andWisconsin Attorney General J.B.Van Hollen vowed to dothe same.
541-383-0367 NEW S R O O M FA X
GOvernment wiretaPS — Government snooping into phone
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CORRECTIONS The Bulletin's primary concern is that all stories areaccurate. If you knowof an error in a story,call us at541-363-0356
e 'Lw
Charles Dharapak1 The Associated Press
Russian President Vladimir Putin stands at right as President Barack Obama, left, and New Zealand's Governor-General Jerry Mateparse guide Britain's Queen Elizabeth II to her position for a group photo as part of commemorations for the 70th anniversary of D-Day, in Benouville, France. French President
Francois Hollande is talking with GermanChancellor Angels Merkel in the background.
Wor onors D-Da 's a en The Associated Press
The events spread across
COLLEVILLE-SUR-MER, the beachesand lush farmFrance — It was a day of pride, lands of Normandy, in westremembrance and honors for ern France, had an a dded those who w a ded t h rough sense of urgency this year: It blood-tinged waves, climbed would be the last grand comrazor-sharp cliffs or fell from memoration for many of the
etery and Memorial. It is the
site where 9,387 fallen soldiers rest under white marble tombstones on a bluff above Oma-
ha Beach, the bloodiest among five beach landings by U.S. and British troops.
"This wa s d emocracy's beachhead," he said, assuring lence or were among the some veterans that "your legacy is in Reich and the end of World 1,000 who crossed continents good hands." War II. to be present despite their frail The day of gratitude drew It was also a day of high di- age. royals including Queen Elizaplomacy for a Europe not comF or P r e sident Bar a c k beth II of England, who dined pletely at peace. O bama, transmitting t h e at th e F r ench p r esidential After 70 years, a dwindling memory of their "longest day" palace in the evening, and number of veterans, civilian means keeping intact the val- the king of the Netherlands, survivors of the brutal battle ues that veterans fought and Willem-Alexander, as well as for Normandy, and 19 world died for. political leaders from across "When the war was won, Europe. German Chancellor leaders and monarchs celebrated on Friday the sacrific- we claimed no spoils of victory Angela Merkel also joined in, es of D-Day, an assault never — we helped Europe rebuild," along with a small group of matched for its size, planning Obama said in a speech at the German soldiers, as a sign of and derring-do. Normandy American Cem- European unity. the skies, staring down death
veterans, whether they relived
or dying in an invasion that portended the fall of the Third
the anniversary at home in si-
networks is extensive worldwide, one of theworld's largest cellphone companies revealed Friday, saying that several countries demand direct access to its networks without warrant or prior notice. The detailed report from Vodafone, which covers the 29countries in which it operates in Europe,Africa andAsia, provides the most comprehensive look to date at howgovernments monitor mobile phone communications. Themost explosive revelation in Vodafone's report is that in six countries, authorities require direct access to anoperator's network — bypassing warrants and eliminating the need toget case-by-case cooperation from phone-companyemployees. It did not name thecountries for legal reasons and to safeguard employees working there. NOrth KOrea tOuriSt —North Korea hasdetained a 56-year old man from Ohio, accusing him of anunspecified crime after he traveled to the communist-led country as atourist, the nation's state news agency andthe man's family said Friday. TheNorth is now holding three Americans. Thestate Korean Central NewsAgency identified the latest detainee as Jeffrey Edward Fowle. It said hearrived in North Korea onApril 29 and authorities were investigating him for committing acts inconsistent with the purpose of a tourist visit. It did not give details. U.S. officials confirmed the detention but didn't identify the person for privacy reasons, nor comment on reports that he was held after leaving a Bible in his hotel room. Aspokesman for the family said Fowlewas not on amission for his church. Egyptian eleCtiOn law —The military-appointed interim president of Egypt on Friday issued anelection law that experts say all but eliminates the chance of parliamentary opposition to his successor, Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi, the former general who installed the interim government. "The members of Parliament are almost all definitely going to be loyal to the president in oneway oranother," said Zaid al-Ali, of the International Institute for Democracy andElectoral Assistance. "It will be a rubber stamp, instead of acheck on presidential power." The lawwas the most significant new measure in abarrage of seven decrees issued byAdly Mansour just two days before he was to leaveoffice. — Fromwirereports
Aw war i omae aS ea ers at er
R YU<ND A ' I i
• aa
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By Peter Baker
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New York Times News Service
Bymail in Deschutss County: One month: $14.50 By mail outside Deschutes County: Onemonth: $18 E-Editisn only: Onemonth: $13
BENOUVILLE, France As President Barack Obama
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All Bulletinpaymentsareaccepted at the drop boxat City Hall. Checkpayments may be converted toanelectronic funds transfer.TheBulletin, USPS A552-520, ispublished daily byWestern CommunicationsInc.,1777 S.W.Chandler Ave., Bend,OR97702.Periodicalspostage paid atBend,OR.Postmaster: Send addresschangesto TheBulletin circulation depart ment,Po.Box6020,Bend,OR 97706.TheBulletin retainsownershipand copyright protection ofall staff-prepared news copy,advertising copyandnews or ad illustrations.Theymay not be reproduced withoutexplicit priorapproval.
Oregon Lottery results As listed at and individual lottery websites
MEGA MILLIONS The numbers drawnFriday nightare:
02®Os7049072 OO The estimated jackpot is now $55 million.
The hope among U.S. and European leaders is that the election of Poroshenko, who
that the Russian president had
newly elected counterpart in
met with Poroshenko here for Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, about 15 minutes and talked and the two discussed the pos- about stopping the use of viosibility of a cease-fire in the lenceand forceon both sides. "They agreed on the need to eastern part of the country. After a ceremonial luncheon stop the violence," Peskov said in a chateau here, Putin also in a telephone interview from held an unscheduled conversa- Moscow. "It was a very brief tion with Obama in addition to conversation." more formal meetings with the No specific steps were leaders of Britain, France and agreed upon, and the two men Germany. did not go into details, Peskov The blitz of diplomacy may said. It was not dear whether presage a new stage in the cri- theyhad agreed to m eetagain, sis, and Obama left France on he said, adding that he could Friday evening more optimistic not go into any more detail at than whenhe arrived.Obama this time. "It is a positive step used the trip to shore up soli- — a very humble one, but it is darity with European allies, positive," he said. and U.S. officials said they The F r e nc h pr e s ident, hoped that despite differences Frant;ois Hollande, first decidof approach, there was enough ed to try to bring Poroshenko resolve to persuade Putin to and Putin together when he change course. They said they issued a last-minute invitation wanted to give him a way out
of the dash. "We have an opportunity to test whether" Russia is serious
about de-escalating the crisis, said a senior administration official, who insisted on ano-
to the D-Day commemoration to the newly elected Ukrainian
leader, a French official said. Hollande and other leaders of the Group of 7
i n dustri-
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al nations discussed it while meeting in Brussels, and the
nymity to discuss the private French president then raised it discussions among the leaders. with Putin. Chancellor Angela "The Russians will have to fol- Merkel of Germany, a key playlow through here. In the past, er in Russian relations, joined sometimes their words have not led to actions."
is to be inaugurated Saturday, creates what the official called
wrapped up a four-day European trip Friday, the violent "a natural point" to seek a conflict over Ukraine seemed peaceful resolution. "There is a to move toward a new phase window open here," the official of diplomacy, but it remained sald. unclear whether the Russian W hether that w i l l p r o ve president, Vladimir Putin, was overly optimistic was not clear. genuinely willing or able to Even as Wtin played the diplocall off a pro-Russian uprising mat here, Russian officials conacross his border. tinued to use language blamPutin used a trip to France ing the Ukrainian government commemorating the 70th an- for the crisis. Dmitry Peskov, niversary of D-Day to meet Putin's spokesman, confirmed f or the f i rst t ime w it h
the conversation with Poros-
henko and Putin.
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• Discoveries, breakthroughs,trends, namesin the news— the things you needto know to start out your day
It's Saturday, June 7,the158th day of 2014. Thereare207 days left in the year.
HAPPENINGS UkraIne —Petro Poroshenko will be sworn in as the country's new president.
Belmant StakeS —California Chromewill go for the Triple Crown.
HISTORY Highlight:In1939, King George Vl and his wife, Queen Elizabeth, arrived at Niagara Falls, N.Y., from Canada onthe first visit to the United States
imaec an e o s os: o eas an ou wes Warming across the continental United States isn't uniform. In fact, some placeshave seen no change. But notmany.
by a reigning British monarch. In1664, King Louis XIV,age 15, was crowned in Rheims, 11 years after the start of his reign. In1769, frontiersman Daniel Boone first began to explore present-day Kentucky. In1776, Richard Henry Leeof Virginia offered a resolution to the Continental Congress stating "That these United Colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent States." In1692, Homer Plessy, a "Creole of color," was fined for refusing to leave awhites-only car of the East Louisiana Railroad. (Ruling on his case, the U.S. SupremeCourt upheld "separate but equal" racial segregation, which it overturned in1954.) In1929, the sovereign state of Vatican City cameinto existence as copies of the Lateran Treaty were exchanged in Rome.
Nearly every part of the continental United States has seen annual average temperatures increase since 1984, according to an analysis of federal weather data.
In1942, the World War II
Cities with largest increase in annual average temperature since 1984
Battle of Midway ended in a decisive victory for American forces over the Imperial Japanese. In1964, British mathematician, computer pioneer and code breaker AlanTuring died at age 41, anapparent suicide. (Turing, convicted in1952 of "gross indecency" for a homosexual relationship, was posthumously pardoned in 2013.) In1972, the musical "Grease" opened on Broadway,having already beenperformed in lower Manhattan. In1961,Israeli military planes destroyed a nuclear power plant in Iraq, a facility the Israelis charged could have been used to makenuclear weapons. In1964, the occult comedy "Ghostbusters," released by Columbia Pictures, had its world premiere in Westwood, Calif. In1996, in a crime that shockedthenation,James Byrd Jr., a 49-year-old black man, was hooked by achain to a pickup truck anddragged to his death in Jasper,Texas. (Two white menwere later sentenced to death; oneof them, Lawrence Russell Brewer, was executed in 2011.A third defendant received life with the possibility of parole.) Ten years age:A steady, near-silent stream of people circled through the rotunda of the Ronald ReaganPresidential Library in Simi Valley, Calif., where the body of the nation's 40th president lay in repose before traveling to Washington two days later for a state funeral. Five years age:Extreme-right parties gained in European Parliament elections, including the first seats won bythe allwhite British National Party. One year age:President Barack Obamavigorously defended the government's just-disclosed collection of massive amounts of information from phoneand Internet records as anecessary defense against terrorism, and assured Americans, "Nobody is listening to your telephone calls."
BIRTHDAYS Singer TomJones is 74.Actor Ken Osmond ("Leave It to Beaver") is 71. Former talk show host Jenny Jones is 68. Actor Liam Neeson is 62.Actor William Forsythe is 59. Singer-songwriter Prince is 56. TV personality Bear Grylls is 40. Tennis player AnnaKournikova is 33. Actor Michael Cera is26. — From wire reports
Roadkill counter is
Change, in degrees Fahrenheit, of annual temperature since1984,hyclimate region PO
cooler so ahange ~
warmer ~ St. Lawrence Valley, N.Y.: +2.7'
an app forthat splat found. Researchers hope improved data will enable
By Geoff reyMohan Los Angeles Times
The dirty business of transportation planners to counting doe DOAs has gone construct fences and wildlife high-tech, courtesy of a Utah crossings where they do the State University team that
most good — both for motor-
developed a smartphone ap- ists and wild animals. "Fencing solves the probplication to chart collisions between motor vehicles and lem of vehide collisions, but it animals. doesn't solve the problem that The system could help re- our deer still have to be able duce collisions that cause an to cross the highways," Olson estimated 200 human deaths said. "They have to migrate and $8.4 billion in property seasonally." damage annually nationThe data also could further wide, not to mention a whop- research into wildlife popuping 1 million animal deaths lation and migration trends, per day, according to Daniel among other phenomena. "It's not only telling you a Olson, a Utah State wildlife biologist and lead author of lot about roadkill, but you're a study released this week in also finding out a lot about the online publication PLOS wildlife," said Fraser Shilling, One. an ecologist who is co-di"We wanted to call it the rector of the Road Ecology Roadkill Reporter, but since
etro , New
Franei co Ls Los • Angeles
Phoe x Daii
1. Carson City, Nev.
6. S ault Ste. Marie, Mich. 3.36' 11. Rochester, Minn. 7 .Minneapolis 3.16' 12. Amarillo, Texas
2 .62 '
2. Boise, Idaho
4. 1 1 ' 4.02'
3. El Paso, Texas
8. A l l entown, Pa.
4. Burlington, Vt. 5. Las Vegas
3.4 6 '
9. San Antonio
3.16' 13 . St. Paul, Minn. 3.12' 14. Albany, H.Y.
2.73' 2.70'
3 .39'
1 0 . Roswell, H.M.
2.6 7 '
Sources: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration; Economic and Social Research Institute
15 . Portland, Maine
2 . 7 3'
The Associated Press
Center at the University of
we were working with the California, Davis. He was not (Utah) Department of Trans- involved in the Utah study. portation, we thought WildThe Davis center houslife Vehicle Collision Reporter es the California Roadkill would be a more tactful way Observation System, which to put it," said Olson. "That's since 2009 has logged some what we came up with." 26,000 reports of a n imals Anyone who has hit a mule struck on the state's paved deer — the most common- thoroughfares, Shilling said. ly reported victim on high- The vast majority of the 1,000 ways in much of the Western or so users who have logged U.S. — probably remembers on to the system website are the time and place of the en- professional biologists or counter. But when Olson em- ecologists, and the data, as a barked ona doctoralthesison result, are highly accurate, he roadkill, he found that data said. was far less precise. But Shilling offered some "Everything was on paper sober warnings. In 2011, forms and was being collect- the center embarked on the ed by many different individ- c itizen-scientist route a n d uals," he said. launched its own app. It fizOlson's team, which in- zled — as a great many apps cluded state wildlife, trans- do. "We didn't have a lot of portation and mapping agen- customers for it," Shilling cies and fellow Utah State SRld. researchers, spent a b o ut The Utah test could at least $34,000 to develop the smart- be applied among California phone and desktop applica- transportation staff, he said. tion, linked to a database that And it could be time to give can update constantly. Then the citizen-scientist route an-
they took it on the road.
other spin, Shilling noted, since smartphones and apps
The state employees and
By Seth Borenstein The Associated Press
WASHINGTON The United States is warming fastest at two of its corners, in the Northeast and the Southwest,
an analysi soffederaltemperature records shows. Northeastern states — led by Maineand Vermont — have gotten the hottest in the last 30
years inannual temperature, gaining 2.5 degrees on average. But Southwestern states have heated up the most in the hottest months: The average
New Mexico summer is 3.4 degrees warmer now than in 1984; in Texas, the dog days are 2.8 degrees hotter. The contiguous United States' annual average tem-
perature has warmed by 1.2 degrees since 1984, with sum-
mers getting 1.6 degrees hotter. But that doesn't really tell you how hot it's gotten for most
Americans. While man-made greenhouse gases warm the world as a whole, weather is
supremely local. Some areas have gotten hotter than others because ofatmospheric factors
and randomness, climate scientists say. "In the United States, it isn't
Cutting emiSSienS —Thecries of protest have beenfierce, warning that President Barack Dbama's plan to cut greenhouse gases from power plants will bring soaring electricity bills and even plunge thenation into blackouts. Yet cuts on the scale Obama is calling for — a 30percent reduction in emissions from the nation's electricity industry by 2030 — havealready been accomplished in swaths of the country. At least10 states cut their emissions by that amount or more between2005 and 2012,and several other states werewell on their way, almost two decades before Obama's clock for the nation runs out.
still doesn't — but his children
the nearest highway marker do, he said.) "The smartphones are couldbe offby as much as 2,600 feet, the study found. where we're probably goReporting and uploading data ing, and this paper is a good also took half the time on the description of a system that smartphone system, the study could be used," Shilling said.
I All but one of the lower 48 Dickinson, North Dakota, has states have warmed since 1984. dropped the most, a bit more North Dakota is the lone out- than 2 degrees. lier, and cooled slightly. Ten The Southwest warming, esstates — Maine, Vermont, New pecially in the summer, seems Jersey, Massachusetts, New to be driven by dryness, beHampshire, Rhode Island, Del- cause when there is little water aware, New Mexico, Connecti- the air and ground warm up cut and New York — have got- faster, said Katharine Hayhoe, ten at least 2 degrees warmer a climate scientist at Texas in the past 30 years. Tech University in Lubbock. "Heat and drought are a viSince 1984, 92 percent of the more than 500 cities and small- cious cyde that has been hiter regions within states have ting the Southwest hard in rewarmed and nearly two-thirds cent years," Hayhoe said. of them have warmed by at And in the Northeast, the least a degree. The regions that temperatures are pushed up by have warmed the most have milder winters and warm wabeen New York's St. Lawrence Valley, northeastern Vermont, northern Maine, the northeast-
Center in Reno, Nev. "Be careful about extrapolating from your own backyard to the globe." For example, while people
more suspect because they at Atmospheric Research in are based on a single weather Pittsford, Vt. station and readings can be The Southeast and Northaffectedby urban heating and west were among the places
western Vermont, all of which
Cities — where data is a tad
development — see the greatest variation. Carson City, Nev.,
in the states. Climate scientists suggested 1984 as a starting date because 30 years is a commonly used time period
g $t:--g Yachats, Oregon . \
Aperfecttime to enjoy the coast beforethe summer surge.
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ir e s i d e
fir esisemaiel.jom
Alan Betts, a climate scientist
that warmed the least. In the Southeast and M id-Atlantic, industrial sulfur particle pollut-
Fore. Dad. • 0 •
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and 1984, which had an aver-
age temperature, is not a cherry-picked year to skew a trend
either way. The trend was cal-
SINCE 1980
culated by the NCDC using the least squares regression method, which is a standard statisti-
alyzed National Climatic Data the lower 48 states, 192 cities and 344 smaller regions with-
.' ge
complaining about a cold winter this year, Redmond's ¹ and Boise, Idaho, are the cities vada and neighboring Califor- that have seen the most warm- ants from coal burning may be nia were having some of their ing — both year-round and in reflecting sunlight, thus counwarmest winter months ever. summer — since 1984. Both tering heating caused by coal's To determine what parts of cities' average annual tempera- carbon dioxide emissions, said the country have warmed the tures have jumped more than 4 Pennsylvania State University most, The Associated Press an- degrees in just 30 years, while professorMichael Mann. Center temperature trends in
ter in the North Atlantic, said Kevin Trenberth, climate analysis chief at the National Cen-
the Western Regional Climate
in the East and Midwest were
the old method that relied on
— New Yorfr TimesNews Service
ern plains of New Mexico and ter for Atmospheric Research. And less snow on the ground have warmed by more than 2.5 over the winter often means degrees. warmer temperatures, said
warming equally," said Kelly Redmond, climatologist at
contractors mapped 6,822 now are virtually ubiquitous. animal carcasses with an ac- (Back in 2011, Shilling didn't curacy of about 15 feet, while have a smartphone, and he
Common Core
anced won't know how they boards when the test is admindid, but the tests did offer the istered next school year.
Continued fromA1
district a chance for a practice
run administering the comendured blowback on just how puter-based tests on multiple tough the standards and tests devices. Though OAKS was are, a trend that contributed to also administered on computthree states recently dropping ers, difficulties did arise as the Common Core.Oregon, the district experimented with which adopted the standards new devices. At Highland Elin 2010, plans to go ahead ementary, wireless Bluetooth with launching tests aligned keyboards routinely failed, to the tougher curriculum next stalling students attempting spring, despite a plea from the to complete the exam on the state's teachers union to back school's iPads. "They were losing connecoff. According to the union, the tests haven't been studied tion with the iPads and it took thoroughly enough and the maybe five minutes to get a expected rate of failure is too student back up and running," high. said Principal Paul Dean. The field tests administered "For kids to be successful, you last month at f ive Bend-La can't have them begin the test, Pine schools are meant to help start typing, and then all of a the state decide what consti- sudden the keyboard is unretutes a passing score, though sponsive. They lose momenthe cutoffscore forgraduation tum with their thinking and is expected to be lower than writing." that for passing. Although Shay Mikalson, the disnothing has been set, it is pos- trict's executive director of However, recently they have
ReleasedTaliban prisoners to bea newtestfor atar
the test, Holler said his stu-
dents gained an advantage
S chool, by taking it this year, noting, students who took the field "There's a reason we have stutest had no problem using dents take the PSAT before At Summit H igh
keyboards that could attach to the SAT — it prepares them iPads. For Reno Holler, Sum- for the real thing." mit's dean of students, the goal was to motivate his students to
where students used comput-
get the best score they could
ers and had no major tech-
Mi l l e r
Ele m entary,
nical issues, students were will never know if they passed mixed on the difficulty of the or failed. exam. "We just told them the truth, "Many students thought that this is going to be a test it was similar to OAKS, and mandated by law," Holler said. some said some questions "It's going to count for gradu- were more easy and others ation next year, and you can more hard," said Student Serget, even though the students
h elp the state, they will b e v ery interested in how y ou
By Rod Nordiand and Mark Mazzetti New York Times News Service
DOHA, Qatar — The five h ardened Taliban and momentum. militants were q uickly It was embarrassed a year whisked in a fleet of cars ago when an effort to open to the shoulder of a high- a Taliban office did not yield way on the outskirts of the peace talks with the United capital just as they arrived. States, as Qatar had hoped. There, out of the public The Taliban officials in Qatar eye and under the watch- hoisted a flag and started actful gaze of Qatari securi- ing like an embassy in exile. ty, they exchanged warm President Hamid Karzai of hugs with a welcome dele- Afghanistan was furious and gation and then once more publicly torpedoed any hopes were whisked off and into for the office to function as hiding. a place to begin peace talks. If Qatar holds to its And the Americans had to word, these men freed back down on their plans to
vices Coordinator J ennifer
do. We told them what you say is going to impact how it's rolled out next year. Once they caught on to the fact that they were part of this grand plan to help out, they were willing to focus."
Healy noted the test came
soon after other longtests, and some students seemed to get tired.
"The big piece we learned was that it takes perseverance from kids," Healy said. "StuHoller said th e f eedback dents need the ability to focus f rom s t udents w asn't t o o for a long period of time, and sible the state will attempt to curriculum and instructional surprising. we obviously have some teach"The biggest thing we heard ing to do for content on the correlatea graduating score technology, said multiple modon Smarter Balanced with a els of keyboards were tested, was that this is harder," he tests. We're still in the learning passing OAKS score. The Ore- and the district will not use said. "We had a very interest- process to figure out the best gon Department of Education wireless varieties when the ing comment from a foreign materials to use to teach the estimates that 35 to 40 percent tests count. exchange student from Swit- Common Core. But I think the "The idea was to pilot a zerland, who said this test is test is excellent, and that the of students will pass the tests thefirstyear. whole bunch of different op- almost exactly like the high questions were thoughtful and Despite the focus on scores, tions and see what worked," school entrance exam they meaty." the local students who got an Mikalson said, adding that all take in Switzerland." — Reporter: 541-633-2160, early peek at Smarter Bal- schools will have plug-in keyG iven the di fficulty o f tleeds®
Toll taken dyUSDAWildlife Services
Continued fromA1 Over 15 years, at least 40
In 2013, more that four million animals were MILLIONS OFANIMALS KILLED killed by a service of the USDAthat resolves • Invaslve specles 5 wildlife conflicts. Almost half of the killings were • N, . „ „ .„ of animals native to the United States. The killings were in response to avariety of complaints:
million animals have been
shot, poisoned, snared and trapped by Wildlife Services, which says only that the ex-
terminations are a service to those who "experience damage from wildlife each year." There's little data showing the cause for each killing, the exact methods used and the
reasons behind mistakes that lead to massive kills of ani-
from Guantanamo Bay in
or be drafted as a pow-
erful propaganda tool by
perception of a threat. Last year's toll of 2 million native animals included 75,326 coy-
W ILDLIFE KILLED, 2013 2,336,840 were invasive species
Sunday, Qatar promised
European starlings: feedlot pests, vectors of disease
lowed to shop in the emir-
ate's many tony malls). If they call home to Afghanistan, the Qataris prom-
ing calls for an investigation into how it operates. Wildlife Services says that
the numbers are high because it responds to requests by gov-
4,810 2,378 2,122 845 631
herring gulls white-tailed deer cliff swallows killdeers bobcats great blue herons
419 194 57
21 1 5
black bears barn owls ospreys eastern bluebirds snowy owls flying squirrel
tainees of Guantanamo."
There were no bellicose vows, however, in the song's
U.S. officials have not
visitors, the senior U.S. of-
and works to "resolve human/
"The restrictions have more to do with things that
gic way. "As wildlife damage increases,requests for assis-
we fear might threaten us and less to do with kind of the activities of daily life,"
tance also increase," said a 30,097 black-tailed
prairie dogs
red-tailed hawks
mountain lions
gray wolves
northern mockingbirds
This u l t r arich
d e sert
emirate, which has long aspired to be a global diplomatic heavyweight, has
mplements 'Htae '3n,l e~i,e~s
year, and 5 million the next. Birds that invade airports
Non-native European starlings, sparrows, pigeons and such accounted for 87 percent
of animals killed. Birds in general are singled out as a nuisance.
In spite of growing scrutiny and protest, the number of ex-
States where the five species pictured abovewere killed Sources:USDA,Center for Biological Diversity
At the time, a Wildlife Ser-
vices spokeswoman, Lyndsay nificantly last year. Cole, responded that it kills "We think i t's a c l ear birds at 800 airports nationdemonstration of the attitude wide so they won't gum up of this agency ... that they in- the works of airplanes. Cole creased the killing of native said the department kills some animals in spite of feeling this animals that are a threat to heat," said Amy Atwood, a endangered animals. Other logical Diversity. "These increases are a re-
Patterson Clark/The Washington Post
of a native animal, for whose D-Ore., has railed against the benefit and the methods used. secret methods of W i l dlife The petition called Wildlife Services, at one time calling Services "a rogue agency" that it "the most opaque and obwas "out of control." stinate departments I've dealt
terminated animals rose sig-
lawyer at the Center for Bio-
otherwise overheated rhet-
Denture 8 Implant Center
Call 541-388-4444 for $100 OFF your new denture
he said.
But the agency provided no explanation for why the kill total can be 1.5 million in one
contribute to the high totals.
five on their release. "This is dedicated to those
publicly discussed the re- oric, and there was nothing strictions that the five men said by the men themselves. will be under in Qatar. Asked whether they could meet friends and receive changingSmiles
wildlife conflicts" in a strate-
and swipe cattle feed at farms
ban already living in Qatar. It was uploaded on an Afghan, Pashto-language we b site called The video's soundtrack consisted of a song whose lyrics, apparently written for the occasion, congratulated the
sian Gulf nation for the next year.
ficial did not rule it out.
as a threat.
eo taken by one of the Tali-
confined to this tiny Per-
ernment agencies nationwide
spokeswoman, Carol Bannerman. Ranchers and farmers pay half the agency's costs of killing animals that they view
that brief reunion on the side
prisoners who have been in a ruthless foreign prison for a ised, it will be to their fam- long period of time," the Pashilies, not to their comrades to lyrics went. "Many hearts in arms. No fundraising, were thirsty to see them back, propagandizing or agitat- and many eyes were full of ing is allowed, and they're expectant tears, for you de-
574,390 others, from more than 600native species, including .. 75,326 coyotes 24,390 beavers 23,153 Canada geese 18,656 cormorants 9,121 co mmon ravens 6,498 vu ltures
e v en
make public appearances (although they will be al-
prairie dogs, 973 red-tailed hawks, 419 black bears and at least three eagles, golden and bald.
mation, and there are mount-
f r e e d T a l iban
o r i nterviews, o r
1,102,097 365,128redbrown-headed w i n ged blackbirds: cowbirds: feedlot pests of sunflower pesis, parasites of producers other birds' nests
otters, 3,700 foxes, 12,186
At least two members of
of the road was apparently captured on a cellphone vid-
would not make speeches, give news conferences 278,692 others, from more than 80 species
When the former prisoners
have the will to do so," a
that th e
gence Group. arrived in Qatar on Sunday,
tion official said. Even before they arrived
2,041,615 werenative species
the insurgents' website and monitored by the SITE Intelli-
implement those requirements and also that they senior Obama administra-
otes, 866 bobcats, 528 river
Congress have called Wildlife Services secret and opaque for failing to provide more infor-
Even the Taliban, in fact,
both have the capacity to
native to the United States. But Wildlife Services also sometimes based solely on a homeowner's or farm owner's
the past, some prisoners
"We have some confidence that the Qataris
ant swamp rats called nutria,
kills native animals en masse,
very concerned that a bunch of Taliban are not going to be able to run around, and they wouldn't screw that up."
sight and under control.
sive creatures introduced from
big aggressive Argentine lizards called tegus and swarms of hungry starlings that destroy the habitats of animals
der withering criticism by many who say he agreed to pay too high a price for the release of Bergdahl. In
discharged from Guanta- quickly and publicly pledged namo have ended up back that the freed prisoners would on the battlefield despite play by the new rules. "We reassure all sides that assurances from U.S. allies that they would be we are still holding to the covrestrained. enant which was agreed upon In this case, Qatar also between the Islamic Emirate has much on the line, hav- and the State of Qatar regarding wagered its already ing our release," the prisoners flagging reputation on said, in a statement attributed keeping these men out of to them that was posted on
other parts of the world. They include greedy feral hogs, gi-
Or, as Michael Stephens,
director of the Qatari branch next year. of the Royal United Services There is much at stake Institute, a British research f or Pr e sident Ba r a c k c enter, put i t , "The QatarObama, who has come un- is know the Americans are
mals that aren't targeted.
Wildlife Services' primary purpose is to eradicate inva-
wrong this time.
the Taliban, at least for the
Health and safety 5,611
swap the Guantanamo pris-
exchange for the release oners for BergdahL of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl will The Qataris are determined not return to the battlefield to make sure nothing goes
COMPLAINTS OFDAMAGE OR THREAT, 2013 Naturalresources —I 3,875
recently seen its r egional influence undermined as its allies in Egypt, Tunisia, Syria and Libya have lost power
animals, such as r accoons,
CROSSING Aauard-aeinning neighborhood on Bend's teestside.
whenever they want." Her organization's petition
called on the USDA and the Obama administration to de-
velop a policy based on ecowith." DeFazio has asked to logical science, showing how know what goes into poisons removing animals from the used by the agency that are a wild affects the natural baldanger to people and harm- ance of the habitats. less animals but hasn't gotten In the Northeast, for exan answer. "We're really not ample, the elimination of red sure what they're doing." wolves led to a proliferation Wildlife Services has been of coyotes, which the wolves around underdiff erent gov- rarely tolerate in their range. ernment names for more than Coyotes push away foxes, a century. It essentially cleared which prey on deer mice, away wildlife for America's which spread ticks. westward expansion. The execution of wolves and In a 2012 report, Wildlife other predators, such as bears, Services relied on a National allows deer to p r oliferate Agricultural Statistics Service across the country, destroying
are eliminated as part of the National Rabies Management sponse to special interests, Program. especially livestock raising in Cole said the agency is the American West," Atwood guided by a science-based said, reiterating the center's decision-making model. For call to the secretary of t h e example, wolves are killed to survey to show that wildlife USDA to reform Wildlife Ser- "lessen the negative impacts of caused $944 million in agrivices' procedures. expanding wolf populations," cultural damage in 2001. Last December, the Center even though those populations Atwood dismissed the "scifor Biological Diversity filed are still recovering from earli- ence-basedmodel" Cole mena petition demanding that the er governmentprograms that tioned as a document that "baagencyexplainthe exact rea- aimed to exterminate them. sically says they can use whatsons why it makes each kill U.S. Rep. Peter DeFazio, ever methods at their disposal
70 SW Century Dr., Ste. 145 Bend,OR 97702• 541-322-7337
trees that serve as habitat for
other animals. Atwood described Wildlife
Services' work as "a staggering killing campaign, bankrolled by taxpayers" and happening "beyond the view of most Americans."
"Nibei ..".Si'm~ the Be&"-' '
i '+ ~
e'glves a viA'iial llfetime of tasty j6tlirI9' ' W,. cheap stuff destined for 6 kndfill.Losfing,,' ,"',.; jjeIity is keeriri tfre beel vcdue.
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*'P$' p:, 0 ?"
4 Ã~I~! ! ~'+Q
"'"",-'Putiu-: l4orld,,- -".' hdinl4brld8eefcnm
the clothing.
Continued from A1
attorney, Lisa Maxfield, filed a motion to suppress evidence
Youths facing deportation to get legal counsel
Before the 2009 trial, Sines'
But it acquitted or could not
reach a verdict on eight other counts including all counts related to a 6-year-old boy. It is The Bulletin's policy not to identify alleged victims of sexual abuse.
By Kirk Sempie
from the underwear and othno state action had been in-
volved in getting the first pair of underwear, and that testing
In February 2010, Sines was sentenced to nearly 19 years in prison. Sines argued in his appeal that Circuit Judge Alta Brady erred in not suppressing evidence in the collection and testing of the girl's under-
of that underwear was not
wear; in ruling that a forensic
confirmation of that belief."
unlawful because based in part on looking at the underwear, law enforcement "had
an objectively reasonable belief that the underwear contained evidence of a crime
and the testing would provide
pathologist was not qualified In the appeal, Sines argued to testify where the sperm in any evidence that resulted the girl's underpants might from the initial unlawful seihave come from; and in ruling zure of the underwear should that a foster mother's hand- be suppressed. written notes related to con-
The state, in response to
versations with the kids could the appeal, claimed that even be admitted as evidence. if the underwear evidence The appeals court ruled had been suppressed, "The the seizure of the underwear jury still would have heard was unlawful and that the evidence of spermatozoa and evidence should have been semen found in (the girl's) suppressed, and reversed and nightgown, pajama bottoms, remanded theconviction.The bathing suit and jeans." appeals court did not address And the state also contendSines' other arguments. ed the jury didn't rely on the According to the court's sperm and seminal fluid on opinion, written by appeals the girl's clothing because the court Judge Rebecca Duncan, jury chose to acquit Sines of a housekeeper who worked counts that involved alleged in the Sines home contacted sexual intercourse. But the the Oregon Department of Court of Appeals disagreed Human Services with con- and ruled the evidence of cerns that Sines was sexual- sperm and seminal fluid was ly abusing the girl. She said relevant to the four counts she was planning to take the on which Sines was convictgirl's underwear from Sines' ed because it demonstrated home, and the DHS employee sexual contact and there is apparently told her he would no reason to believe the jury help her get in touch with law didn't consider it. enforcement to have the unOregonDepartment ofJusderwear tested and delayed a
the woman who worked in
er to try Sines before a new jury on the same charges.
Sines' home provided the girl's underwear to the DeOffice. The underwear was
partment of Corrections were
not returned. According to its website, as of Thursday
A search warrant based in part on the test results was
obtained and Sines was ar-
at Snake River Correctional
rested. Testing of a variety
of the girl's dothing found sperm or seminal fluid on all
have the right to counsel at the government's expense. But nothing in the law provides such a benefit in immigration court, not even for children, and immigration law in general provides few protections specifically for minors. According to a report released in February
by Kids in Need of Defense, a nonprofit group that matches unaccompanied minors with
volunteer lawyers, the majority of minors who appear in immigration court do not have law-
with the USS Harris, a trans-
way as the conflicts that fol-
port ship, when word came in
lowed. Concerns over mis-
of the attack on Pearl Harbor.
treatment of Vietnam veterans buoyed the effort to build Viet-
Within days the ship headed out for Hawaii, Harris said, a tension-riddled trip that cul-
minated with the "sickening" sight of more than a dozen sunken or disabled ships. Joe Kline/The Bulletin
ported by the American peo- Kalea Tidwell, 4, of Bend, waves es a bus of World Wer II veterans ple, simply faded into memory, departs for Salem for the dedication of Oregon's WWII memorial Tobiason said. on Friday morning outside Jake's Diner in Bend. "I blame it on my generation," he said. "Why did our country build a Korean War opened in 2004. never had the opportunity to memorial and a Vietnam war Cliff Owens, a Vietnam-era be recognized with a memorial," he said. memorial before a World War Naval vet who helped recruit II memorial? The younger the motorcycle escort for FriNearly 70years aftertheend veterans didn't honor their day's trip to Salem, said it of hostilities, the number of elders." W ith the opening of t h e
has been an honor for him to
get to know local World War Salem memorial, an obelisk II veterans through the Band ringed by black stone panels of Brothers. Having breakengraved with the names of fast with them is like "talking nearly 3,800 Oregonians who to history," he said, and they died in combat, Oregon be- d eserve a me m o rial t h a t comes the 45th state to erect will help tell their story after a World War II memorial. The they're gone. n ational World War I I
"It's way overdue. A lot of
morial in Washington, D.C., them who went through that
veteranswho served in World
War II is steadily shrinking. Tobiason said an estimated 20,800 World War II veterans
Aside from that first trip t o Pearl Harbor and a f ew beach assaults where "things
got kind of hairy," the war was good to Knox, he said. At the time, the gravity of the
war, turning points like the invasion of Normandy, and the sacrifices of the men who fought and died were just the stuff of day-to-day life, he said, nothing anyone expected would end up on a memorial seven decades later. "Probably the most import-
ant thing is, we had a job to do, live in Oregon, about 1,000 of we did our job, and then we them in Central Oregon. With the surviving veterans all at
went on with our lives," Knox
said. "We didn't feel we did so least in their late 80s, one in damned much. Just like any seven Oregonians who served other job, you do it." during World War II is likely to
— Reporter: 541-383-0387,
die in the next year, he said.
FiH Llg
' '
In criminal court, defendants who cannot afford a lawyer
build memorials in the same
to be recognized after so many years. Knox was in San Diego
morials. But World War II, as the last war to be widely sup-
— Reporter: 541-617-7831, smiller®
lax enforcement of immigra-
Andy Knox, 91, said while
support for Korean War me-
Sines remained in custody
the Obama administration's
the lack of a state memorial to World War II veterans hasn't bothered him, it's nice
as the Korean War's status as the "forgotten war" rallied
tested by the Oregon State state will appeal the decision Police crime lab in Bend, and tothe Oregon Supreme Court. sperm was found on them. No Calls to the Oregon Detests.
conservative critics have tied
nam memorials, he said, just
reviewing the court's decision and it's undear whether the
warrant was obtained for the
yers representing them.
ceedings but are not in the cus-
Dick Tobiason, a Vietnam veteran withthe Bend Heroes Foundation, said World War II didn't inspire Americans to
Edmunson said her office is
schutes County Sheriff's
of society," Attorney General
Continued from A1
visit to the house to give the woman more time to collect to the Deschutes County District Attorney's Office wheth-
the recent surge of young immigrants to what they view as
tice spokeswoman Kristina Edmunson said it will be up
the underwear. Ultimately,
Eric Holder said in a statement. tody of the federal government, "How we treat those in need, officials said. The Obama administration particularly young people who Since October, more than said Friday that it was starting must appear in immigration 47,000 children traveling witha program to help recruit law- proceedings — many of whom out parents have been caught yers for children facing depor- are fleeing violence, persecu- trying to cross the southwest tation as it scrambles to deal tion, abuse, or traffickingborder, a 92 percent increase with the soaring number of un- goes to the core of who we are overthe same period lastyear. accompanied Central Ameri- as a nation." Most are coming from El Salcan minors illegally crossing A dministration of fi c i a ls vador,Guatemala and Honduthe border from Mexico. have been trying to cope with ras, officials said. Under the plan, the federal a surge of unaccompanied The administration has orgovernment will issue $2 mil- children, mainly from Cen- dered federal emergency aulion in grants to enroll about tral America, that has over- thorities to coordinate amultia100 lawyers and paralegals whelmed border officials as gency response to the relief efto represent children making well as the nation's family and fort and officials have opened their way through the immi- immigration court s y stems. two emergency shelters on milgration court system. The initiative announced Fri- itarybasestohouseasmany as "We're taking a historic step day is intended to help children 1,800 youths. to strengthen our justice sys- under the age of 16 who have Immigrants' advocates said tem and protect the rights of already received a court notice the initiative was long overdue the most vulnerable members to appear for deportation pro- and extremely welcome. But New York Times News Service
er clothes from the laundry hamper, but the court ruled
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BRIEFING Man convicted of horse neglect A California manwas convicted Wednesday on10 of 11 second-degree animal neglect charges after a three-day jury trial in CrookCounty Circuit Court. Robert Gruntz, of Irvine, Calif., was charged in 2009 with animal neglect after Crook County seized14 lice-infested horses at a ranchat 12340 S.W.State Highway126. The horses, part of a group of about 80, were from afarm in California andwere among investments handled by theArlington Group, according to The Bulletin archives. The horses had lacerations, were losing hair and had other injuries. According to interviews in 2009, at the time it was the second-largest horse seizure in Oregon history. Gruntz is expected to be sentencedAug. 27.
ui ion eeze isn' or STATENEWS,B3
For some,out of school meansout of food By Megan Kehoe The Bulletin
Many Central Oregon students who eatfree orreduced-price meals during the school year may be going hungry during the summer, eventhoughfreelunches are available in Deschutes, Crook and Jefferson counties. "We know the need is there,
In Deschutes County, only about 12 percent of students
"We know the need is there, and it always makes us wonder where these kids are eating in the summertime.... Certainly more kids could
be eating — they'rejust not."
who get free and reduced-price meals during the school year received these free summer lunches last summer. Jefferson County faired better at 17
— Lesley Nelson, Partners for a Hunger-Free Oregon percent. Meanwhile, the report
showed that in Crook County, that's not the case. Certainly
and it always makes us wonder more kids could be eatingthey're just not." where these kids are eating in
m eals are free,a recentreport by the Partners for a Hunger-Free Oregon, which works
only 2 percent of the students who normally have these
the summertime," said Lesley
to identify and address the root
school year took advantage of the free lunches last year. This was down by a staggering 79 percent from the summer of 2012 in Crook County, accord-
Nelson, child hunger-prevention manager with nonprofit Partners for a Hunger-Free Or-
egon. "In a perfect world, they would be at home eating with their parents. But we know
The nationwide summer
meals program, funded
causes of hunger in Oregon,
through the U.S. Department
revealed there has been a 2
of Agriculture, offers free lunches for any child young-
percent drop statewide in the number of students who actually take advantage of these summer lunch programs.
er than 18 who shows up to a meal site. But while these
meals during the rest of the
ing to the report.
Another extension for LaPine biomass By Elon Glucklich The Bulletin
Deschutes County has granted a fourth extension to an energy company hoping to build a 25-megawatt biomass plant in La
Pine, potentially generating enough electricity to power 10,000 to
25,000 homes. For more than five years, St. Helens-based
Biogreen Sustainable Energy Co. has looked at land in the La Pine
Industrial Park east of U.S. Highway 97 as a location for its $75 million biomass project, taking advantage of the region's vast forest-
lands to harvest scrap wood and convert it to
electricity. But the economic
Roundadoutwork to cause delays
downturn, labor issues and an uncertain ener-
preparation work will take place from 7 p.m. to 6 a.m. Mondayand Tuesday at theNewport Avenue andCollegeWay roundabout, which may cause delays. Traffic will be allowed to move through the roundabout with the assistance of flaggers. The work comes ahead of a project to repair the roundabout. The project is scheduled to start June15, and the roundabout will be closed for as long asa week. Detour signs will be in place during the roadwork.
gy market have pushed the project further and further back.
Many of the project's long-standing land and building permits were set to expire soon, according to planning documents. But Deschutes County commissioners on
Wednesday granted the company a twomonth extension.
What's next
The short window
should give the company a chance to meet with La Pine officials and discuss just where
Fire seasonstarts early: Monday
the project stands, Deschutes County Ad-
Warm weather and dry conditions have prompted the Oregon Department of Forestry's Central Oregon District to declare Monday the start of wildfire season. The declaration means that starting Monday, the useof fireworks, exploding targets, tracer ammunition or any pyrotechnic charged bullet is prohibited. Openburning is also prohibited without a permit. Forest operators are required to have firefighting equipment on site during wildfire season. Recreationists planning to visit national forests, Bureau of Land Management or other federal lands should also check in with those offices for information on restrictions. This year's wildfire season has started nearly a weekearlier than last year's, and a full three weeksearlier than in most years.
derson said Friday La Pine City Manag-
— From staff reports
ministrator Tom An-
Ryan Brennecke/The Bulletin
Redmond's 2014 graduating class cheers during the commencement ceremony Friday evening at the Bank of the Cascades
Center at the Deschutes County fairgrounds.
Ryan Brennecke/The Bulletin
Members of Crook County's 2014 senior class mill about at school as they get ready to graduate Friday evening in Prineville.
er Rick Allen said those
discussions could take place within weeks. "We need to sit down
and talk about where they're at" with the
plan, Allen said. None of the current La Pine city councilors was on the council when the
city first approved the contract, he added, so
they need to be brought up to speed. Reached by phone Friday, Biogreen President Rob Broberg said the project is definitely alive but "still
a couple of years out, conservatively."
Biogreen seemed set to start construction in 2011. But Broberg said
the market for biomass unexpectedly cooled that year, as solar Joe Kline/The Bulletin
Joe Kline/The Bulletin
Sisters graduates march through the hallway on the way to their
La Pine graduates check out their new diplomas during their
school's commencement ceremonyFriday evening in Sisters.
graduation ceremony Friday evening in LaPine.
and wind power costs dipped below biomass. The price changes, and lower-than-expected demand for power in California, delayed the project, he said. SeeBiomass/B5
3 students' energyproject wins top award
By Tyler Leeds
Reader photos
• We want to see your photos for the next special theme ofWell shot! — "psyched about summer" — to run in the Outdoors section. Submit your best work at bendbulletin.cem/ summer2014and we'll pick the best for publication. • Email other good photos of the great outdoors to readerphetes© bentfbulletin.eem and tell us a bit about where and when you took them. We'll choose the best for publication.
The Bulletin
Three Oregon State Univer-
sity-Cascades students have earned statewide recognition
for their plan to help store and utilize clean energy that's being wasted at a facility in Washington state. Stephen MacDonald, Chazrick Branson and Daniel Shaw
were awarded the Student Project of the Year award from
"It had a good regional scope. It was a Pacific Northwest project that really could make a difference in today's energy industry. It was very creative and in-depth, and the analysis they had done was spot-on, which the members really appreciated."
Friday in Portland, a first for any OSU team from Bend or
Corvallis. The students are all enrolled in OSU-Cascades'
energysystems engineering program. As part of the program's capstone project, the
board, which was a humbling experience." Lauren Sternfeld, who works for Dent Instruments
in Bend, was one of the judges
really liked about it was that
it had a good regional scope," students addressed an issue that arises when energy production from the nuclear
Columbia Generating Station and NineCanyon Wind Project in Washington exceeds demand in the spring and fails to cover needs in the winter. To fix this, the team pro-
posed the creation of a hydrolysis storage facility, which could store energy produced by the turbines and the nuclear plant by converting energy produced in the spring into hydrogen gas for storage. In the winter, the gas could be com-
busted to produce additional
MacDonald, 31. "It was a unanimous decision by the
who selected the OSU-Cas— Lauren Sternfeld, a judge for the Oregon Association of cades proposal. Professional Energy Managers' Student Project of the Year award "I think one thingpeople
the Oregon Association of Pro-
fessional Energy Managers on
energy. "It's just awesome," said
Sternfeld said. "It was a Pacific Northwest project that really
could make a difference in today's energy industry. It was very creative and in-depth, and
the analysis they had done was spot-on, which the members
really appreciated." See Project/B5
• Pertlantl:Gang violence is up,B3 • State agency:The Departmentof Fish and Wildlife is on the hunt for cash to fill a big budgetgap,B3 • Also:TheEPArules on restoring buffer zones free of pesticides along salmon streams,B3 • Pendleton:AnAmber Alert drill gone bad: New hospital forgets to tell police it's not a real emergency,B3
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The First United Methodist Church in downtown Bend features some of the most interesting decorative architecture in Central Oregon: more than a dozen stained glass windows crafted by the famed Povey Bros. art glass studio in Portland in 1922. The windows, which line three sides of the church's sanctuary, feature biblical images as well as memorials to some of
From left, Michael Speyrer, Chad Pickering and Jacob Gilchrist, all with the Arizona company tasked with preserving the stained glass windows at First United Methodist, worked on the Bend church at the end of May. The team removed the old hazy plastic window covers, cleaning the glass and making
repairs as needed.
Bend's early prominent citizens. But for decades, their beauty was
After two weeks of work by professional glass workers from Associated
obscured by hazy, plastic protective
Crafts of Gilbert, Ariz., the antique windows have been restored and clear
coverings, and the mndows had
protective coverings installed, allowing the windows to be seen clearly from
started to fall into disrepair.
the outside of the church for the first time in years.
Photos by Dean Guernsey
< The problem: Protective plastic covers over the windows became hazy over time, obstructing the view
The Bulletin
of the glass from the outside and keeping daylight from fully illuminating the works of art.
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Jacob Gilchrist measures one of the windows. Window frames got a fresh
coat of paint as the protective panels were installed.
Chad Pickering works on a window outside the building so the stained glass canbe viewed easily from there, and so it brightens up the church inside, too.
Pickering puts the finishing touches on the last window.
u ionr eswi 0 By Steven Dubois
than $8,000 — far outpacing
The Associated Press
the rate of inflation. "In the '90s, the students ac-
PORTLAND — After years
of sharp tuition increases, Oregon undergraduates have finally gotten a break. The state Board of Higher Education on Friday officially
tually pushed a freezer down I-5 from Portland to Eugene,
requesting that the Legislature freeze tuition, which
approved a tuition freeze for
they did," said Jay Kenton, the interim president of Eastern
the upcoming academic year. The freeze for in-state un-
w ere anumber of years in the
Oregon University. "There
'90s where we had no tuition last fall's "grand bargain" be- increasesfor resident,underdergraduates resulted from
tween Gov. John Kitzhaber graduate students. But then and the Legislature. Kitzhaber we had large, double-digit tugot more money for education ition increases after that. It's
while lawmakers won pension cuts for government employees and a bill that restricted most Oregon counties from regulating genetically engineered crops.
been kind of cyclical." The meeting marked the beginning of the end for the higher ed board, which will eventually cease to exist amid Oregon's shake-up in higher
It's the first time tuition has remained incheck since 2001.
Back then, it cost less than
Oregon State University and Portland State University have
The University of Oregon,
$4,000 in tuition and fees to
Unlawful entry — Avehicle was reported entered at4:52 p.m. March 8, in the19500 block ofSunshine Way. Theft —Atheft was reported at 3:58 p.m. May28, in the300 blockof Northeast HawthorneAvenue. Criminal mischief —Anact of criminal mischief was reported at9:37 a.m. May 29, in the61000 block of Buckshot Place. Unlawful entry — Avehicle was reported entered at4:29 p.m. May29, in the 900 block ofSoutheast Airpark Drive. Criminal mischief —Anact of criminal mischief was reported at6:53 a.m. May 31, in the areaof Southwest Country Club Drive andSouthwest Butt Riggin Road. Theft —Atheft was reported at 12:19 p.m. June 2, inthe 600 block of Southwest Pelton Place. Theft —Atheft was reported at 3 p.m. June 2, in the61400block of Fargo Lane. Theft —Atheft was reported at12:29 p.m. June 3, inthe 20100 block of Pinebrook Boulevard. Theft —Atheft was reported at1:04 p.m. June 3, inthe 2700 block of Northeast 27th Street. Theft —Atheft was reported at 2:30 p.m. June 3, inthe 61200 block of Tam McArthur Loop. Burglary — Aburglary was reported at 12:14 p.m. June4, in the 2000 block of Northeast PurserAvenue.
ODFW dudget ShOrtfall —The Oregon Fish andWildlife Commission is hunting for revenue to help close aprojected $32 million gap in the 2015-17budget. At ameeting Thursday in Salem, agency officials discussed raising prices on licensesandtags, and asking for more money from the state's general fund. Theyalso talked about cutting staff and programs. Hunting and fishing participation is at its lowest levels in Oregon in 30years and operating costs are onthe rise. The commission will meet again in August to send thebudget to the governor's office and Legislature for approval.
next year. The higher ed board in the university system. "It's w ill approve tuition for t h e other four universities in June 2015. The institutional boards to be formed at those schools will take that responsibility in 2016.
worth noting that none of you
nor fired all of them; I'm sure
to stay on for 2014-15 as the
got fired for hiring my colleagues, so you obviously did a great job." Also Friday, the board extended Western Oregon Uni-
"I was hired by your pre- versity president Mark Weiss decessors on this board, and for one more year. He consix months later the gover- sidered retiring, but agreed
those are unrelated events," school establishes its institujoked OSU President Ed Ray, tional board. The new board will have the power to hire and
fire presidents.
ENm a
Unlawfulentry —Avehicle was reported enteredat12:41 p.m.June4, in the1300 block ofNortheast 27th Street. Burglary — A burglary was reported at 11:01 p.m. June4, in the1400 block of Southeast ReedMarket Road. Theft —Atheftwasreported at615 p.m. May30, in the2000 block of Northeast LinneaDrive.
PRINEVILLE POLICE DEPARTMENT Theft —Atheft was reported at 6:30 p.m. June 5, inthe areaof Northeast Third Street. Theft —Atheft was reported at 6:29 p.m. June 5, inthe areaof Northeast Third Street.
BEND FIRE RUNS Wednesday 10:43 a.m.— Brush or brush-andgrass mixture fire, in thearea of Ferguson Road. 1:28 p.m. —Brush or brush-and-grass mixture fire, 19548River WoodsDrive. 5:28p.m.— Natural vegetation fire, 20635 GrandviewDrive. 6:21 p.m.— Natural vegetation fire, 20420 Butt Riggin Road. 7:25 p.m.— Natural vegetation fire, 849 N.E. Third St. 14 —Medical aid calls. Thursday 1:34 p.m. —Building fire, 1615 S.E. BronzewoodDrive. 3:22 p.m.—Freight or transport vehicle fire, 61415 S.U.S.Highway 97. 23 —Medical aid calls.
CIVIL SUITS Filed May 16 14CV0381 —Brandy LeeMils v. Conor J. Olsen, complaint, at least
PeStiCide duffer ZOneS —The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has agreed to restore temporary buffer zones for spraying several agricultural pesticides along salmon streams in Oregon,California and Washington while it continues work on apermanent rule. The agreement with the Northwest Center for Alternatives to Pesticides was published Friday in theFederal Register. It stems from an injunction imposing the buffers that was issued by a federal judge in Seattle in 2004, but hadexpired before EPAimplemented permanent regulations. Federal biologists have found that the five broad-spectrum insecticides — carbaryl, chlorpyrifos, diazinon, malathion and methomyl — will harm salmonevenat very low levels.
AISO: HatChery SaimoudeCisien —Astate boardapproved a new salmonandsteelhead management plan Friday for the Oregon Coast that trims the introduction of hatchery salmonand steelhead on a few rivers to reducethe likelihood they will interbreed with wild fish. The OregonFish andWildlife Commission unanimously adopted the Coastal Multi-Species ManagementPlan at ameeting in Salem. State fisheries chief EdBowles saysthe plan madesome compromises to accommodate objections raised byanglers and county officials in the Tillamook Bayareaandthe southern coast. The plan opens upopportunities to harvest afew wild winter steelhead onsome rivers with healthy populations, andputs catch limits on some rivers on a sliding scale based onthe abundance of returning fish. The plan applies to coastal rivers from Port Orford to Tillamook Bay.
Amder Alert drill, Or not —Thenewhospital in Pendleton went
AUTHORPRESENTATION: Nathan Brown, poet laureate of Oklahoma, will present on his book of poetry "Less is More, More or Less"; $5; 6:30 p.m.; Paulina Springs Books, 252 W. Hood Ave., Sisters; 541-549-0866. "MIDSUMMERNIGHT'S DREAM, A MUSICALADAPTATION": A musical version of the Shakespeare classic with a Greek themed dinner; $30; 7 p.m., dinner at 6 p.m.; Sunriver Homeowners Aquatic 8 Recreation Center, 57250 Overlook Road; 541-598-7417.
on Amber Alert this week, but somebody forgot to tell police it was just a drill. Chief Stuart Roberts said that when thecall came from St. Anthony Hospital on Tuesdaythat a baby hadbeen snatched, four officers hit their lights and sirens andwent tearing off. As they neared the hospital, officers got word it wasn't the real thing. St. Anthony moved into the $70 million facility in December.Spokesman Larry Blanc said administrators decided the staff had gotten familiar with the building, so it was time for emergencyexercises. But, hesays, whoever made the call to dispatchers failed to say, "This is a drill." Fatal CraSh SentenCe —A Southern Oregonwoman who lost control of her pickup, killing herpassenger, has beensentenced to more than four years in prison. Debra Gibbs, 43, of ShadyCove, pleadedguilty Thursday to criminally negligent homicideanddrunkendriving. — From wire reports
Saturday, July 12th High Lakes Elementary School
NEws oF REcoRD
gang-related violence in Portland. Sofar this year, police said, they have responded to 52gang-related violent crimes, up from 35 through the same period of 2013.Police plan to step up patrols this weekend, noting that there was aspate of gang shootings exactly a year ago.
— Bulletin staff report
RECITALS:Students of Oregon STUDENTMUSIC ENSEMBLE Music Teachers Association teachers RECITALS:Students of Oregon perform; free; 9 a.m.; Central Oregon Music Teachers Association CENTRAL OREGONSUMMER Community College, Wille Hall, 2600 teachers perform; free; 10:30 a.m.; MARKET:Featuring a street fair, Central Oregon Community College, N.W. College Way,Bend; 541-312flea market, farmers market, live Wille Hall, 2600 N.W. College Way, 3130 or music and more; free; 8 a.m.-4 Bend; 541-312-3130 or hpjones54© CENTRAL OREGON SATURDAY p.m.; Deschutes County Fair & MARKET:Featuring local artists and Expo Center, 3800 S.W. Airport "TEAM HOTWHEELS, THE ORIGIN crafters; 10 a.m.-4 p.m.; parking Way, Redmond; 541-385-3364, OF AWESOME":An animated film lot across from Downtown Bend bill© or www. based on the toy cars; $10;11 Public Library, 600 N.W.Wall St.; a.m.; Regal Old Mill Stadium16 541-420-9015. DOG AGILITYEVENT: Dogs & IMAX, 680 S.W. Powerhouse maneuver through obstacle courses, CHILDREN'SBOOK SALE:Selection Drive, Bend; 541-312-2901 or varying from beginner to advanced; of fiction and non fiction teen and children's books for sale; 10 free; 8 a.m.-4 p.m.; Crook County team-hot-wheels. Fairgrounds, 1280 S. Main St., a.m.-3 p.m.; Deschutes Library THORN HOLLOW STRING Prineville; 541-280-4198 or www. Administration Building, 507 N.W. BAND:Listen to the music of Wall St., Bend; 541-617-7047, the1880s with this band formed foblibrary© or www.fobl. PLANT ANDGARDENSALE:A by the museum's Living History org. variety of perennial, annual, herb Department; free with admission; and vegetable plants for sale, CRUISE TOTHECENTEROF 11 a.m.-3 p.m.; High Desert proceeds to benefit the Central OREGON:HostedbytheCrook Museum, 59800 S. U.S. Highway Oregon Opportunity Foundation; County Rodders, open to vehicles 97, Bend; 541-382-4754 or www. 8:30a.m.-2:30 p.m.;Zion Lutheran 1987 and older; free admission; 10 Church, 1113 S.W.Black Butte Blvd., a.m., gatesopenat8a.m.;Crook CHIMPS INC. ANNUAL Redmond; 541-382-7044. County Fairgrounds, 1280 S. Main HOOTENANNY: Visit the chimp St., Prineville; 541-815-3320 or DESIGNERGARAGE SALE:Home sanctuary and meet staff, volunteers decor, furniture and design-related and animals; $25perperson, $75 items, proceeds to benefit the Bend LARKSPURPLANTSALEAND for a family of four, $12.50 for Ronald McDonald House; 9 a.m.-2 SENIORCENTER SHOWCASE: children, registration requested; p.m.; Ronald McDonald House, Veggie starts, plants, herbs and 1:30-3:30 p.m.; Hooker Creek 1700 N.E. Purcell Blvd., Bend; flower seedlings onsalefrom local Ranch, Chimps Inc.Sanctuary,5525 541-318-4950. nurseries and the Central Oregon Gerking Market Road, Bend; 541Master Gardeners; free; 10 a.m.-2 JUNE BUG FUNRUN: Fun run 410-4122 or p.m.; Bend Senior Center, 1600 S.E. open-house-hootenanny. or walk benefiting abused and Reed Market Road; 541-388-1133. neglected kids; $20, $25 with TUXES ANDTAILS: Dinner, drinks, T-shirt, registration requested; VINTAGEFLEAMARKET:Vintage to live and silent auctions; proceeds 9-11 a.m.; Lutheran Community re purposedgoods inthe gardens; will benefit the Humane Society of Services Northwest, 365 N. Court free; 10 a.m.-4 p.m.; Pomegranate Central Oregon;$100 perperson, St., Prineville; 541-323-5360, Home 8 Garden, 20410 N.E. Bend $900 per table, registration required; or Icsnw. River Mall Drive, Bend; 541-3836 p.m.; The RiverhouseConvention 3713, jantiques©bendcable.comor Center, 2850 N.W. Rippling River STUDENTMUSICENSEMBLE Court, Bend; 541-330-7096 or www.
The Bulletin will update items inthe Police Logwhensuch a request is received. Anynewinformation, such asthe dismissal of chargesor acquittal, must beverifiable. For more information, call 541-633-2117.
POrtland gang Vlelenee —Policesay2014hasseenaspike in
At OSU-Cascades, annual tuition and feeswill jump $777 from $7,023 to $7,800, an 11percent increase. Still, the University of Oregon will continue to bethe state's most expensive university, with tuition and fees rising $215to $9,918. Beginning next academic year, the state Board of Higher Education will no longer oversee thestate's three largest universities — OSU, UO and Portland State University. Instead, independent governing boards will be responsible for setting tuition and fees.
• .. but not necessarily for OSU-Cascades
attend one of Oregon's seven established their own institupublic universities. The aver- tional boards, and those pan- who was hired in 2003 and is age has since jumped to more els will approve tuition rates the longest serving president
THE RIDE -Join hundreds of other cyclists for the largest scenic
Filed May 19 14CV0383 —Melody Nelson, individually and aspersonal representative of the estate of Brian Nelson v. Kirby Nagelhout Construction, complaint, at least $500,000 14CV0384 — Wells Fargo Bank, National Association v. Lisa K.Bourne and Deschutes County, complaint, $1 54,953.55 Filed May 20 14CV0385 —Portfolio Recovery Associates, LLC v.Drusilla M. Carpenter andTim Carpenter, complaint, $23,735.36 14CV0386 —Portfolio Recovery Associates, LLC v.Phyllis Viola, $10,604.20 14CV0387 —Discover Bankv. Sebastian Tronolone Jr., complaint, $10,469.85
tour event jn the region, with five routes from 7 to 100 miles.
Filed May 23 14CV0390 —Matthew D.Cox v. Northwest Forest Service LLC and Scott L. Benedict, complaint, $225,160 Filed May 27 14CV0393 —Deutsche Bank National Trust Company, astrustee for Harborview Mortgage Loan Trust 2006 — 7v. Marcene Merlot, complaint, $189,005.47 14CV0394 —Nationstar Mortgage LLC v. CaseyCarnahan, Homecomings Financial, LLCformerly known as Homecomings Financial Network Inc., Shara LeeCarnahan, Bank ofAmerica National Association, Colonial Pacific Leasing Corporation, VanVorhees and Krider LLP,DanyaMarie Wood and Oregon Department of Justice, Division of Child Support, complaint, $317,230A3
THE RUN -New this year: COPA Family 5K through Northwest Crossing neighborhood, inspired by Johanna Olson. THE INSPIRATION -Founded by Gary Bonacker,the Tour des Chutes supports local children and adults with cancer by funding St. Charles Cancer Survivorship Programs and Pediatric Foundation. THE CELEBRATIONS -Cyclists and runners — before and after the event enjoy food, music and free beer.
TdC Has Caring Sponsors
Let'sturn the answers on.
s BR A I N
iVi EDlV4TION Driven by science. Focused on life
Central Oregon Radiation Oncology Assc., Clear 101.7, KOHD,LesSchwabTire Centers, Microsemi, Paul B. Leighton Design, REI, Robberson Ford-Mazda, Suntrack Sound Supporting cancer care and survivorship for children and adults in Central Oregon
For route maps, party info and registration, look online at TourdesChutes.or
EDj To
The Bulletin
airoa snee o iscose oi s i mens
'I|OU'l% Ngi"i@IN8
IltlBULANC <oull
ailroad companies that have already been slow to share information with Oregon first responders about oil train shipments now want to keep even more secrets. The state of Oregon should not let them get away with that. Burlington N o rthern S a nta Fe Railway Co. and Union Pacific have asked the state to sign an agreement that information about oil train shipments will only be released "for bonafide emergen-
The public should know what routes are used and the general overall volume of those shipments. The routes go through towns and there is a risk of accidents. We acknowledge there is a need to be careful about how much information should be pubcy planning and emergency re- licly available. Precise informasponse activities," according to The tion about individual shipments could be useful to terrorists. So Oregonian. In other words, first responders obviously there does need to be a A summary of the volwould be informed and the general balance. umes for the year along different public would be in the dark. That's routes through Oregon strikes us wrong. as one solution. The railroadcompanies made The Oregon Department of the same request of Washington Transportation — which is supstate officials. Washington refused posed to represent the interests of to sign. Oregon's Attorney Gener- Oregonians — dragged its feet earal Ellen Rosenblum is considering lier this year when it was asked by the request. The Oregonianfor records about Oregon should not let railroad dangerous substances moving companies dictate what is d i s- through Oregon, including oil. It closed to the public. took an orderfrom the DepartFirst responders should get ment of Justice for ODOT to remore complete information about lease those records. routes and volumes. They need Railroads and the state need to to be able to plan for accidents. be forthcoming to the public about But theyhave not even been get- the shipments moving through the ting that information from rail state. Railroads don't get to decide companies. what Oregonians know.
Eve our counts insovin VAcrisis inally, there's action that may break congressionalgridlock and right a grievous wrong. A deal announced Thursday seeks to provide medical care to veterans who have been victimized by a dysfunctional and dishonest Department of Veterans Affairs. It was brokered by political polar opposites in the U.S. Senate: Vermont independent Bernie Sanders and ArizonaRepublican John McCain. Despite numerous details to be resolved, both within the Senate and between the House and Senate, optimism abounds that the Sanders-McCain dealcan lead to meaningful change quickly. Speedy and effective reforms are the only acceptable response to the outrage of recent revelations about long and hidden wait lists of veterans seeking medical care, including some reports of deaths among those waiting. The Senate deal would allow veterans on long waiting lists, or those who live more than 40 miles
from a VA facility, to get care from privateor other government doctors. It would authorize opening 26 new VA centers and provide $500 million to hire more doctors and nurses. And it would make it easier to fire VA officials. Previous efforts at VA reform have suffered from the all-too-common ills of congressional dysfunction, including political posturing and filibusters. The current deal includes other provisions, such as expanded tuition assistance, GI benefits for spouses of troops killed in action, and more help for sexual assault victims. There will surely be legitimate disagreements on details and procedures and costs. The hope is that the overwhelming disgust about recent revelations will allow lawmakers to put aside political gamesmanship and find swift compromise to address the most immediate crisis: getting medical care for the thousands on waiting lists. Every hour counts.
M 1Vickel's Worth Bridges needed for campus commuters
students to attend OSU-Cascades. among us. What is our secret agenBend is a small community. Stu- da? What is our nefarious plot that dents who are attending OSU-Cas- we're plotting? The r e ntal h o u sing m a r k et cades for all Bend has to offer will Are you ready, Bend? around the proposed OSU-Cas- find that all of those things are easThere are those of us here in Bend cades campus is becoming more ily accessible from anywhere in the who don't watch Fox News! Who expensive and with fewer avail- community. knows how far the contagion has able units. It appears that many I attended a university of about spread? There could be someone OSU-Cascades students will have to
5,000 students and it was located
like that sitting next to you at work,
commute from the east side of Bend on about 50 acres of land. However, in church and in your very own or outlying communities. the difference was that it was also home! The Deschutes River provides a
within one mile of two major in-
Therefore, we should call in Alex
natural barrier and bottleneck for terstates and three major four-lane Jones to sniff out this dreadful auto traffic. The city of Bend needs highways, making the university conspiracy! to include in its infrastructure plans very accessible for many students Rod Lewis the need for expanding bridges or who chose not to live on campus. Bend building new bridges to accommo- The west-side location does not have date additional traffic from com-
the infrastructure to support the
muting OSU-Cascades students, amount of new traffic that would be faculty and staff. The funding of created by a new university. The Bulletin's editorial headlined additional bridge construction is not My 50-acre university al so "Jason Conger deserved better" was trivial and needs to be addressed by backed up to a very large neigh- as close to a sour grapes/crybaby rethe city. borhood of affordable housing and sponse to your endorsee losing the This would be in addition to a sig- many apartments that students uti- election as I have ever read. After nificant lack of funds to repair exist- lized. The west-side location also all, how dare the voters not follow ing deteriorated roads in Bend. It is does not have anything like this your advice! ironic that other sites for OSU-Cas- available for students. I have nothing against Conger, cades were notsuitable because OSU seems to be clinging to a who I am sure is a fine person. Howcostly roads would have to be built shortsighted vision of insisting that ever, for The Bulletin to begrudge to U.S. Highway 97. a university get squeezed into the Republican voters and "Republican Richard Morris west-side location when there are power brokers" for not being able to Bend other options available. Thank you, overlook his conservative stance on Eddie, for stating all of my thoughts "a few socialissues" or for not seeso eloquently. ing how much better is his grasp of juniper Ridge is better Tracy Farrell the issues than that of Monica WehBend by is a bit too whiny. When Bill Eddie wrote his comCome November, we'll see if The mentary on Juniper Ridge being Sniff out this conspiracy Bulletin is still able to "talk your talk" when you offer your endorsea better site for the new OSU camWith all this prevalent Republiment in the general election. Any pus, he hit the nail on the head. I agree with him fully that wherever can opinion running around here, I bets that suddenly you'll find Wethe campus is located will become feel I must confess. Yes, it's time to hby's grasp of the issues and her a new "district" within Bend that come clean. The truth must come candidacy much better when she's would represent an economic ben- out. running against a Democratic can-
for campus
efit for the city. You do not need
We meet in
to impede on an already thriving neighborhood and region to get
s ecret alleyways. didate? Count on it.
We have secret handshakes. Code words known only to the elite
Ted Owens Redmond
Letters policy
In My Viewpolicy How to submit
We welcomeyour letters. Letters should be limited to one issue, contain no more than 250words and include the writer's signature, phonenumber and address for verification. Weedit letters for brevity, grammar, taste and legal reasons. Wereject poetry, personal attacks, form letters, letters submitted elsewhereandthose appropriate for other sections of TheBulletin. Writers are limited to one letter or Op-Ed pieceevery 30 days.
In My View submissions should be between550 and 650 words, signed and Include the writer's phone number and address for verification. Weedit submissions for brevity, grammar, taste and legal reasons. Wereject those published elsewhere. In My View pieces run routinely in the space below, alternating withnational columnists. Writers are limited to one letter or Op-Ed pieceevery 30 days.
Please address your submission to either My Nickel's Worth or In My
View and send, fax or email them to The Bulletin. Email submissions are preferred. Email: Write: My Nickel's Worth / In MyView P.O. Box 6020
Bend, OR97708 Fax: 541-385-5804
Disunity could deny us a 4-year campus for years By Becky Johnson
hen I arrived at OSU-Cascades in 2009, it was to tem-
Board of Higher Education and Gov.
expansion of OSU-Cascades. The Oregon Legislature has allocated but what convinced me to stay was initial funding, and hundreds of Centhe incredible support I witnessed tral Oregonians have donated more from the Central Oregon community than $4 million to make it happen. for OSU-Cascades. Simply put, I was After consulting with c ommunity awed by our community's desire for real estate experts, OSU-Cascades higher education. purchased a site to develop the first F rom the m i nute I a r r i ved i n phase of our campus on a site alCentral Oregon, I was continually ready zoned appropriately for a colasked, "When is OSU-Cascades go- lege campus and served by needed ing to become a four-year universi- infrastructure. The site can be develty?" I did not come here to expand oped immediately, is an attractive loOSU-Cascades to a four-year uni- cation, and will be readily accessible versity, but I made it my top priority to our community, prospective stuwhen so many community members dents and faculty. No site is perfect, clearly stated this as one of their top but this is the only site that met these porarily lead the campus,
Central Oregonians have had a vision for a four-year university for more than three decades, and
we now are in a position to make this vision a reality. Oregon's State
John Kitzhaber have endorsed the
Across the nation, there isn't a site for a new university that doesn't
bers of this community, we are sensitive to these issues and committed
to address them. Because of this, we created a Campus Expansion Advisory Committee with representatives
from public agencies, private businesses, nonprofit organizations and the community.
We created 10 task forces around issues such as transportation, neigh-
borhood livability and housing. You can see the issues that were identified and follow recommendations com-
ing from these task forces online at Along the way, more than 80 community mem-
that Central Oregon has sought for We can make the proposed site for more than 30 years, concerns have OSU-Cascades work for the commuarisen. nity and the university, if we keep We sincerely respect our commu- our efforts focused on solving issues nity and its residents. That is why and achieving community-based outOSU-Cascades will always be Cen- comes and opportunities. tral Oregon's university and why There are nearly 80,000 residents in planning for the new campus we in Bend and more than 200,000in have had extensive citizen involve- Central Oregon. Each of us now ment. Yet, community leadership has an opportunity make what was should not be simply about what is- a dream into a full-fledged reality. I sues we agree with or are opposed urge everyone who supports highto, but instead about what we can er education for our communityachievetogether. and wants a f our-year university In this case, simply saying "I am established in the next decade — to for" higher education in Central Or- engage in the upcoming land use egon, "but not in west Bend," may process. A public hearing to review deny Central Oregon a university for the site application for the branch many years. I would ask all of uscampus is slated for Tuesday. Pub-
bers have participated in these task forces. The initial recommendations those in favor of OSU-Cascades' exhave been excellent, and we have pansion and those with concernsbeen incorporating them into our to take our considerable talents and planning. resources and bring them to bear to
come with challenges. Go to any university and you will hear concerns Now, as we are poised on the around traffic and parking. As mem- threshold to develop the university
listen, learn and work to achieve the
outcomes we all desire.
lic input is welcome via a letter or in
verbal testimony. For information, visit the city of Bend's website at — Becky Johnson is vice president of OregonState University-Cascades.
Pbituery poiicy
Kristin "Kris" E. Moore, of La Pine
Death Noticesarefree and will be runfor oneday,but specific guidelinesmust be followed. Localobituaries are paidadvertisements submitted byfamilies orfuneral homes. Theymaybe submitted by phone,mail, email or fax. TheBulletin reservesthe right to editall submissions. Please includecontact informationin all correspondence. For information onanyof these services orabout the obituary policy, contact 541-
Sept. 13, 1950 - June 3, 2014 Arrangements: Baird Memorial Chapel of La Pine is honored to serve the family. Services: The family will have a Celebration of Life for Kris on Saturday, June 28, 2014 starting at 3:OOPM at their home in La Pine. For more information email Contributions may be made tor
Partners In Care Hospice, 2075 NE Wyatt Ct., Bend, OR 97701
Carol Jean Sullenger, of Terrebonne
July 3, 1941 - June 4, 2014 Arrangements: Baird Funeral Home of Bend, 541-382-0903 Services: No formal services are planned. Contributions may be made
Deatiliaes: Death Notices are accepted until noon Monday through Fridayfor next-day publication andby 4:30 p.m. Fridayfor Sunday publication. Obituaries must be received by 5p.m. Monday through Thursdayfor publication on thesecond day after submission, by1 p.m. Friday for Sundaypublication, and by 9a.m. Monday for Tuesdaypublication. Deadlines for display ads vary; pleasecall for details. Email:
Partners In Care, 2075 NE Wyatt Ct., Bend, OR 97701
Fax: 541-322-7254
Mail:Obituaries,PO.Box6020 Bend, OR97708
DEATHS ELSEWHERE Mary Anthony, 76: Modern
Deaths of note from around theworld:
neath us from COCC, and I
Feuerbacher added he was proud of the recognition
wanted to combine everyone into one group to foster
Robin Feuerbacher, an
earned by his students, but
camaraderie and a sense of
assistant professor and program lead for the energy systems engineering program, said the project was the result of six months of
his main concern is getting
identity, to get us together and talking."
Continued from B1
"We have them focus on real problems that are proposed by the industry," Feuerbacher said. "The students work on collecting the requirements of the cli-
ent and researching how to meet them. There's a lot of heavy report writing, which is also done in the industry. In this case, they also created a computer simula-
tion model to evaluate their
his students jobs, noting that
in the previous year, all 11 of the program's graduates were placed. This has also been a focus of MacDonald's, who during
Biomass Continued from B1 The goal all along has been to connect the La Pine biomass plant with transmission lines east of the city, where the
MacDonald added that
the group should help with networking by creating a students and professionals. MacDonald, who gradu-
electricity could be delivered to a larger grid and sold in California. Broberg said the market has improved slightly, but not
ates this month, doesn't
to the point where construc-
yet have a job lined up, but he does have an interview
tion would be imminent.
with Energy
2011 complaint arguing Biogreen wants to avoid using
c onnection between t h e
his time at OSU-Cascades,
helped found a s t udent chapter of the Association of Energy Engineers, which was just recognized last
M eanwhile, Allen said a
N o rthwest,
which presented the challenge that became the winnomena, as OSU-Cascades ning project. "I guess we'll see what piggybacks on (Central Oregon Community College)," happens," he said. MacDonald said. "There's all — Reporter: 541-633-2160, these students coming up month. "There's this weird phe-
union workers to build the
plant still hasn't been resolved, further clouding the project's future. — Reporter: 541-617-7820,
Phone: 541-617-7825
dancer known since the 1940s
Peter Glaser, 90: A private for the lyricism and drama in engineering consultant who her choreography, but even in the late 1960s envisioned a
betteras a teacher of some of
way to harness limitless solar power in space and transmit it
Americandance'sleadingperformers and choreographers.
for use on Earth via invisible
Died Saturday in Manhattan.
microwaves — a notion so intriguing that the government spent $20 million studying it, only to conclude that it was too complex and expensive. Died May 29 in Lexington, Mass.
Rivers Patout, 97: Feisty Catholic priest who for four decades ministered to sailors at the Houston International Sea-
farer's Center. Died Monday. — From wire repor
Hunger Continued from B1
"We're not sure what hap-
Nelson said there are many
example, getting students to pened with (Crook County's) and from a meal site can be a program last summer," Nel- challenge for families — espeson said. "We never want to cially in a rural county. "Transportation can be a criticize anyone, but it's been very concerning to us that huge barrier," said Nelson. participation went down so "Kids, especially in rural much last year." communities, might not have The program was re-es- any way to get to a site. They tablished in Crook County might live too far away or in 2012. The Crook County their parents might be workSchool District initially end- ing, and they're just not able ed theprogram in 2007 af- to access these programs." ter federal reimbursements Nelson said programs that failed to cover the cost of it. are offered in multiple locaIn summer 2012, the pro- tions, and in locations where gram was offered at three students frequent the rest of
meals," said Schluter. "Sack
factors that contribute to low participation in summer. For
lunches are great, but when you offe rteriyaki chicken and
See a list of summermeal sites in the threecounties at
rice or tacos, it makes it more
inviting for kids to come in." Deschutes County is expanding to offer meals at three additional sites this summer,
bringing its total to 19. And although Crook County was also an increase in student had a low participation rate last participation from the year be- year, change may be ahead. fore. "Deschutes had a heck of The school district received a a year last summer," Nelson grant of $3,900 from the Partsaidof the 8 percent increase ners for a Hunger-Free Oregon in participation. "We were to improve the program and really impressed. They're a fund staffing, allowing the great model of how amazing- county to expand to a total of ly important it is to have these four sites in Prineville. programs at sites like the Boys Rudy, the Crook County sites in Prineville. Last sum- the year, tend to be the most 8 Girls Club where children district nutrition services manmer, it was offered at one. successful. already frequent." ager, said she hopes to signifi"From what I k now, noBut although the issue of Deschutes had 16 meal sites cantly increase the number of body was showing up," said transportation may exist in last summer. Garra Schluter, meals served this summer. She Dana Rudy, nutrition services Crook County, it also does in assistant supervisor of nu- said she's also brainstorming manager with the Crook Jefferson County, where the trition services for Bend-La ways to better reach children County S c h ool Di s t rict meals program has had more Pine Schools, said that aside and hopes to one day have a "We've been trying to find success. Last year, Jefferson from outreach efforts, the up- mobile summer lunch unit. "There aren'ta lot of remore sites this year where we County had eight meal sites, tick in participation may have think kids will come to." and there was a 53 percent had something to do with the sourcesout here forkids to get Rudy was hired by the increase in participation from types of meals served to stu- meals," Rudy said. "It makes district in February and will the previous year, accord- dents at some of the sites. this program really important." "The food is healthy and run the meals program this ing to the report. Nelson said — Reporter: 541-383-0354, summer.She saidtherewere part of this is because there's n utritious, and t h ey're h ot days last summer when only a higher need in Jefferson two or three students would County. About 75 percent of show up for a free lunch. students in the county qualify Comparatively, more than for a free and reduced-price I I ' I 60 percent of the district's lunch during the school year, EVERGREEN In-Home Care Servlces students qualify for free and and historically, the county 716 SW11th St. Care for loved ones. Comfort for all. reduced-price lunches. has had a higher turnout at 541-3S9-0006 Redmond 541.923.4732 the meal sites.
In Deschutes County, there
Mona Freeman, astar typecast as a teen in 'l950s-era film, dies at87
By Steve Chawkins Los Ange(es Times
LOS ANGELES — Mona Freeman, a film star of t h e
1940s and '50s who often played the spunky, wholesome girl next door but longed for roles as'wildcats,brazenwomen, the menacing side of the tri-
angle," has died. She was 87. Freeman also was a painter; her most
FEATURED w i d e I y ogjTUARy viewed work, a portrait of
k indly, b e spectacled candy matriarch Mary See, hangs in See's Candies shops across the U.S. Freeman, w h o
h ad
lengthy illness, died May 23 at her Beverly Hills home, said her daughter, Mona Hubbell. A teenage model in New York City, Freeman was named "Miss Subways" in
The Associated Press file photo
Marjorie Ramsay, a tutor on the set of the movie "Flesh and Fury" in 1951. Curtis starred as a deaf-mute prizefighter in the film. In
movie after movie, Freeman played a pretty blonde.
May 1941. She was 14 at the
"I didn't dislike acting,
but when I no longer needed the money I
Meet Again" (1944), she played a 15-year-old girl in wartime F rance. In film after film "Junior Miss" (1945), "Dear Ruth" (1947), "Dear W i fe"
lost all interest."
company's founder, has been displayed in the chain's shops for decades.
I' I
of role she really wanted, Free-
"The Millionaire." Her films
man, who was "curled up in a chair in (Hopper's) den, primly dressed in ayellowpleated skirt and angora sweater," replied: "There's a triangle love case
included "Streets of Laredo" (1949), "The Heiress" (1949), "Copper Canyon" (1950) and "Battle Cry" (1955). She also toured with Edward G. Robin-
son in a 1958 production of the the girl has to be an all-time Paddy Chayefsky play "Middilly. I'd like to play a charac- dle of the Night." in the courts right now — and
ter like her."
Born in Baltimore on June 9, Hopper w a s st u nned: 1926, Monica Elizabeth Free"'Mona!' I exclaimed." man was raised in Pelham, T hree y e ar s l a t er , t h e N.Y. Her marriage at 19 to Los 30-year-old Freeman was Angeles auto dealer Pat Ner-
Randy Tr ~dl
Freeman had an art studio
H. Jack Ellis and devoted her-
< h'
Revisif;ecg ribuf:e
told the Toronto Star in 1988. "I haven't even seen some of my
pictures." But as miscast as she some-
times felt, she could have a
r g
good time on the set. In a 2006 reminiscence, w riter an d
d i r ector L a r r y
Gelbart recalled Freeman bursting into laughter when he leaned over to kiss her during his audition for "Junior Miss." "He's just so funny-looking," she loudly whispered to director George Seaton. When she composed herself, they tried the scene again. "This time, being a pro, not wanting to waste any expensive camera time, Ms. Free-
man laughs out loud a whole lot faster," Gelbart wrote. The part went to Mel Torme.
wistful about her seemingly ney ended in divorce seven In addition to her daughendless adolescence. years later. In 1961, she mar- ter from her first marriage, "It was fine for a while," she ried Los Angeles businessman who starred under the name "Casting directors had only to self to painting portraits, many find my agent's number to fill of them on commission. that type of role. But just like Freeman's portrait of Mary driving the same road day af- See, the mother of the candy
ohk +j Ilto~
at home and owned a gallery. "I didn't dislike acting, but — Mona Freeman, in1988 when I no longer needed the money I lost all interest," she
(1949), "Dear Brat" (1951), she ter day, they've become a bore played blond, beautiful, wide- to me." eyed teens. F reeman appeared i n In 1953 — as a 27-year-old many TV productions, includmarried mother — she com- ing "The United States Steel plained to columnist Hedda Hour," "Playhouse 90," and Hopper about the burden of episodes of "Maverick," "Pereternal youth. Asked what kind ry Mason," "Checkmate" and
told the Los Angeles Times.
Mona Freeman, right, learns sign language with Tony Curtis from
time and was helping to put her brother through Yale. In her first film, "Till We
Monie Ellis in the 1972 TV film "Gidget Gets Married," Freeman's survivors include
six grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.
4 •
• •
W EAT H E R Forecasts andgraphics provided byAccuWeather,Inc. ©2014
HIGH 79' Sunshine
I f' I
SQ +Pfi+
Very warm with plenty of sunshine
EAST:Pleasant today TEMPERATURE with plenty of sunYesterday Normal Record shine. Clear tonight. 77 70 95' i n 1926 Sunny andwarm 41' 40' 27'in 1963 tomorrow.
Seasid 62/55
Cannon 61/55
co heoaa • W 8 4
Yesterday Today Sunday
Meac am Lost;ne 78/46 Enterprise
dleten 72/
u • 76/45 82/ 2 84/56 Mc innviu JosePh Goveu n t • u p i • He PPner Grande • Condon 1/48 uN 78 42 Cam union 44 66/ Sale pray Granite 78/5 • 2/53 a 'Baker C Newpo 74/43 ' SUN ANDMOON 9/50 64/50 • Mitch 6 77/39 CampSer an Red n WEST: partly sunny 78/46 Today Sun. u OIV Ilis uU Yach 78/43 • John Sunrise 5:23 a.m. 5: 2 2 a.m. today. Mostly clear 81/52 63/53 • Pwneville Osy 8/42 tario .Mostlysunny Sunset 8:46 p.m. 8: 4 6 p.m. tonight • Pa lina 78/46 8 56 Moonrise 2 :56 p.m. 4:01 p.m. and pleasant tomor- Floren e • Eugene o 'Be d Brothers 77 44 Valeu 65/53 Moonset 1:59 a.m. 2 : 2 6 a.m. row. 42 Stf Iver' • 79/42 85/54
Tdlamo •
24 hours through 5 p.m. yesterday 0.00" 0.44"in 1941 Record h h M onth to date (normal) O.o o (0.19 ) Year to date (normal ) 4.03h (5.21h) Barometric pressure at 4 p.m. 30 . 0 5"
CENTRAL: Nicetoday with plenty of sunshine. Clear to partly Lincoln cloudy tonight.Sunny 64/53 and warm tomorrow.
andy •
La s t
Firs t
i~. (ggi Jun 12 Jun 19 J un 27
High: N at Medford Low: 30'
J ul 5
6:06 p.m. 2:35 a.m.
10 a.m. Noon
5 NI~ B
Baker City Brookings
Bro ings
Wee d s
h i gh •
76'yo Wickiup 151965 Crescent Lake 7 6 5 08 66% Ochoco Reservoir 32636 74% Prinevige 140460 94% River flow St a tion Cu. ft.lsec. Deschutes R.below CranePrairie 346 Deschutes R.below Wickiup 645 Deschutes R.below Bend 115 Deschutes R. atBenhamFalls 1910 Little Deschutes near LaPine 140 Crescent Ck. belowCrescent Lake 59 Crooked R.above Prineville Res. 15 Crooked R.below Prineville Res. 196 77 Crooked R.nearTerrebonne Ochoco Ck.below OchocoRes. 0 In inches as of 5 p.m.yesterday
New snow Base
Timberline Lodge
Fields • 83/49
Yesterday Today Sunday Hi/Lu/Prec. Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lu/W 79/5 0/0.0078/55/pc79/56/ s 75/ 3 8/0.0081/46/s 81/47/s
79/ 36/0.0080/40/s 83/43/s 82 / 50/0.00 84/54/s 88/56/s 81/43/0.00 78/51/pc 81/52/s 76/35/0.00 80/42/s 84/44/s 85 / 55/0.0084/56/pc 86/57/ s
61- 1 30
96-1 1 0
10 6 -106
~ f es ~2 08 ~aos ~dos ~50s ~eos ~703 ~aos ~90s ~toos ~ffos h
48 contiguous states) National high: 116 at Death Valley,CA National low: 25 at Stanley, ID Precipitation: 2.53" at Valentine, NE
SKI REPORT Mt. HoodMeadows
• Burns Jun tion • 82/47 Rome 83/47 McDermi
Yesterday Today Sunday
~ fos ~os ~ o s WATER REPORT As of 7 s.m. yesterday NATIONAL Reservoir Ac r e feet Ca pacity EXTREMES (for the C rane Prairie 490 6 1 69% YESTERDAY
Ski resort Mt. Bachelor
hh t Source: OregonAllergyAssocistss 541-683-1577
• Lakeview
Jordan V gey
Eugene Klsmsth Falls Lskeview Weather(W):s-sunny,pc-psrtlycloudy, c-cloudy, sh-showers,t-thunderstorms,r-rsin, sf-snowflurries, sn-snowi-ice,Tr-frsce,Yesterday data ssof 5 p.m. yesterday
35 Moderate; 6-7 High;8-10 VeryHigh; 11+ Exirsms.
G rasses
H i/Lu/Prec. Hi/Lu/W Hi/Lo/W C i ty Hi/Lu/Prec. Hi/Lu/W Hi/Lu/W city 65/50/0.00 65/55/c 65/54/pc L s Grande 75/ 37/0.00 78/42/s 82/46/s Portland 76/36/0.00 77/39/s 81/43/s Ls Pine 76/30/0.00 76/41/s 81/43/s Prineville 87/68/0.00 72/53/pc 72/54/pc M edford 89/4 9/0.00 88/55/s 92/54/s Redmond 81/45/0.00 79/43/s 81/43/s Ne wport 59/4 1 /0.00 64/50/pc 66/51/pc Roseburg 79/41/0.00 78/47/pc 81/50/s N o rth Bend 6 3 / 46/0.00 66/53/pc 67/53/pc Salem 82/45/0.00 82/44/s 84/46/s O n tario 86/55/0.00 86/56/s 88/51/s Sisters 81/52/0.00 80/46/s 81/46/s Pendleton 82/45/0.00 82/52/s 85/55/s The Oslles
2 p.m. 4 p.m. Astoris
The higher theAccuWssurer.rxrmuvIndex number, the greatertheneedfor eyssndskin protscgon.0-2 Low,
Riley 79/43 79/42
Beaver Marsh
,sa/55 Klamath • Ashl nd Falls
Yesterday Today Sunday
~ B~ N 6
Ro seburg
Fort Rock
Cresce t • se/41
4: 1 3 a.m. 3 : 2 5 p.m.
Nyssa N / 55
• Burns Juntura 84/47
• Ch ristmas alley Silver 80/40 Lake 77/39 80/42 Gra • Paisley Chiloquin Gold ach • 53 Medfo d ' 81/43
THE PLANETS at Meacham T he Planets R i se Set Mercury 6:34 a.m. 9: 5 4 p.m. Venus 3:43 a.m. 5 : 3 6 p.m. 0 ' Mars 2:57 p.m. 2 : 3 1 a.m. Jupiter 7:58 a.m. 1 1 :10 p.m. Saturn Uranus
Ham ton
• La Pine
Grove Oakridge
• Billings
• I ulpeg T uderftf 6
sism k dd Ss/4 4 MOgt
Hi/Lu/Prec. HiRo/W 93/73/0.00 94nz/s 77/47/0.00 80/56/s 75/57/0.00 83/53/s 95/68/0.00 90/63/s 63/42/0.00 64/49/sh 86/66/0.04 88/70/I 73/60/0.00 77/60/s 92n3/Tr 94/73/pc 78/57/0.00 84/62/s 52/45/Tr 68/49/pc
Abilene Akron Albany Albuquerque Anchorage Atlanta Atlantic City Austin Baltimore Billings Birmingham 87/69/0.21 90/71/I Bismarck 60/51/0.19 69/44/pc Boise 81/51/0.00 82/54/s Boston 88/58/0.00 82/65/s Bridgeport, CT 77/58/0.00 79/60/s Buffalo 68/48/0.00 77/55/s Burlington, VT 71/56/0.08 83/53/s Caribou, ME 62/58/0.52 77/53/pc Charleston, SC 87n5/Tr 88/70/pc Charlotte 87/67/0.00 85/65/pc Chattanooga 85/66/0.02 sgnon Cheyenne 74/51/0.00 60/47/I Chicago 81/49/0.00 82/58/I Cincinnati 80/59/0.00 83/63/pc Cleveland 75/46/0.00 77/55/s ColoradoSprings 77/58/0.08 66/50/I Columbia, MO 79/64/0.00 77/61/I Columbia, SC 91n4/0.10 89/68/pc Columbus,SA 95/74/0.43 gonzn Columbus,OH 80/52/0.00 82/61/s Concord, NH 75/51/0.01 84/51/s Corpus Christi 93n5/Tr 91/76/s Dallas 94n5/o.oo 94/76/pc Dayton 79/55/0.00 81/61/pc Denver 80/57/0.00 68/51/I ues Moines 86/61/0.00 76/57/I Detroit 80/51/0.00 80/60/s Duluth 80/52/Tr 65/43/r El Paso 106/69/0.00 101/75/s Fairbanks 69/51/0.07 73/47/s Fargo 66/56/0.01 70/46/pc Flagstaff 83/43/0.00 80/42/s Grand Rapids 81/50/0.00 82/59/pc Greenesy 80/59/0.07 77/51/pc Greensboro 84/62/0.00 83/64/pc Harrisburg 77/55/0.00 83/57/s Hsrfford, CT 77/58/0.00 85/57/s Helena 70/45/0.00 74/46/pc Honolulu 86/75/0.00 87/74/pc Houston 92n3/0.00 92/74/s Huntsville 84/66/1.11 90/71/I Indianapolis 79/58/0.00 82/63/pc Jackson, MS 92/75/0.00 92/71/pc Jacksonville 94no/0.37 gonon
Juneau Kansas City Lansing Lss Vegss Lexington Lincoln
Amsterdam Athens
74/62/pc 87nf/s 61/54/r 110/85/pc
78/59/I 86/60/s
87/62/pc 63/49/sh 85nf/I
g> r unfo
94n4/pc 84/64/pc 71/53/pc
71/46/c 84/56/s 83/65/s 80/62/s 79/58/pc 85/58/s 85/57/s
87nO/pc 82/65/I 87/69/I 62/41/I 71/53/pc 81/61/I 75/56/I 65/46/I 78/62/c 86/69/I
gonz/pc 82/62/I 87/57/s
9Ons/s 92/72/I 79/60/I 73/47/I 76/59/pc 75/57/c 71/49/s
77/51/r 74/51/pc 83/44/s 76/56/c 70/48/pc 82/66/I 85/62/pc 87/60/s 78/50/pc
Tampa Tucson Tulsa W ashingt on,OC
92/71/pc 9OnO/pc
Yskims Yums
87nz/pc 93/75/pc
93/81/I 87/62/pc 78/66/s
9OnO/pc 67/48/c 89/62/pc 60/46/s 92/69/s
68/47/pc 88/77/sh 64/51/pc 67/50/pc 87/56/s 69/43/s 91/83/I 80/68/pc 77/61/s 62/37/s 71/61/pc 70/57/pc 74/58/pc 85/58/s 92/81/I
79/50/0.00 82/59/pc 76/54/c 104/77/0.00 103/80/s 104/79/s
82/56/0.00 84/63/pc 83/65/I 87/63/0.00 76/55/c 77/59/pc ssnz/0.66 90n2/I 84/71/I 75/60/0.00 77/60/pc 81/63/pc 85/61/0.00 86/67/pc 84/66/I 82/63/0.00 80/57/I 73/49/pc 89/71/0.30 89n4/I 89/71/I 91/73/0.00 89n6/pc 88/76/I Milwaukee 77/58/0.00 75/53/pc 64/51/pc Minneapolis 84/59/Tr 66/50/r 73/55/s Nashville 86/64/0.00 89n1/I 88/67/I New Orleans 91/74/0.00 90n3/s 89/72/s New YorkCity 76/61/0.00 82/67/s 84/68/s Newark, NJ 78/62/0.00 84/64/s 85/66/s Norfolk, VA 78/65/0.00 81/62/s 83/67/s OklahomaCity 85/68/0.79 86/69/I 81/66/I Omaha 87/66/0.00 75/55/I 76/59/pc Orlando 93/71/0.00 93//2/s 93/73/I Palm Springs fosnwo.oo105n9/s 109/83/s Psoris 84/57/0.00 82/62/I 79/57/pc Philadelphia 77/60/0.00 84/65/s 85/67/s Phoenix 107/75/0.00 104n7/s 1O5ng/s Pittsburgh 75/48/0.00 81/58/s 79/61/I Portland, ME 75/51/0.00 79/56/s 79/58/s Providence 76/54/0.00 82/61/s 85/61/s Raleigh 83/70/Tr 86/62/pc 86/64/I Rapid City 57/51/0.12 60/46/pc 59/42/I Reno 92/59/0.00 91/59/s 93/62/s Richmond 83/59/0.00 86/62/s 87/65/pc Rochester, NY 74/51/0.00 78/52/s 81/56/pc Sacramento 90/56/0.00 99/60/s 103/62/s SI. Louis 84/64/0.00 79/66/I 79/62/c Salt Lake City 88/55/0.00 81/56/s 78/55/s Ssn Antonio 93/75/0.00 95//5/pc 95/76/pc Ssn Diego 70/64/0.00 72/64/pc 76/65/pc Ssu Francisco 71/54/0.00 71/55/pc 75/57/pc Ssn Jose 77/53/0.00 83/57/s 89/59/s Santa re 90/61/0.00 85/55/s 82/50/pc Savannah 93/73/1.01 90no/I 88/70/pc Seattle 77/51/0.00 75/54/pc 75/54/pc Sioux Falls 84/56/0.00 65/45/r 71/53/pc Spokane 75/53/0.00 78/51/s 79/55/s Springfield, Mo 78/67/0.61 79/64/I 78/65/c
Hi/Lu/Prec. Hi/Lu/W HiRo/W 67/39/0.00 58/49/r 58/47/r 79/62/0.00 76/61/I 76/63/c
Litiie Rock Los Angeles Louisville Madison, Wl Memphis Miami
„, Ykh™it" h;
Yesterday Today Sunday
72/46/0.00 79/59/pc Boston 86/61/0.00 86/72/s Auckland 62/46/0.03 65/54/pc Baghdad 102/79/0.00 105/82/s d 2/67 Ch Bangkok 93/81/0.00 92/81/I s san Lkahni Sa/4 ~ ~ ~ <X , gc gu oi iladulphia eeijing 83n3/0.34 88/61/pc 81/56 82/SS • 'c Beirut 79no/o.oo 75/67/pc m Berlin 76/49/0.00 83/62/s ingfuu 71/55 Qoo pw w Q(p$ +0 u:%. Ishgl L sv as Bogota 64/52/0.09 67/48/c 10 81/57/0.00 85/59/s . eWW Budapest cV.X BuenosAires 61/39/0.00 61/44/sh Q Churlo o <khk~ h Los An les Lucss 93/73/0.00 92/68/s ec/83 <X< WWW + W + X X t w XXX> ' ~ %h Csbo Ssn IVS2 • e +WXXXX A h h h Cairo 84/68/0.00 88/69/s Phoeu x \ Auchorag '9 kl b nuiua ifyo x 1 • . + w+ wwh:ww++++'wmghh> Calgary 59/39/Tr 70/42/pc • 1 04/7 o• Aa u 0 R k Csncun 86n7/0.37 84/77/1 7 4 • 9 El Pas Dublin 61/37/0.00 64/49/r dd Dallas ofn Edinburgh 66/52/0.00 62/52/r d d d d d d d, 94/76 Geneva 79/48/0.00 84/54/s U ' • rla dq Hsrsre 77/49/0.00 67/40/s Orluuus gn4 9 Hong Kong 91/85/0.76 90/83/I Honolulu 90/73 Chihuahua c Istanbul 68/63/0.09 78/67/pc szn4 1oo/ss Jerusalem 73/58/0.00 74/59/s Monter ey 99/73 Johannesburg 49/30/0.00 58/34/s Lima 72/53/0.00 71/61/pc Lisbon 68/61/0.53 70/58/s Shown are today's noonpositions of weather systemsand precipitation. Temperature bandsare highs for the day. London 74/46/0.00 73/56/r T-storms Rain S h owers S now F l urries Ice Warm Front Sta t ionary Front Madrid Cold Front 86/55/0.02 82/57/s Manila 90/82/0.09 93/81/I
Breezy with a full day of sunshine
Partly sunny
lington 85/50
portland st/54
79' 42'
Sunny, breezyandwarm
Shown is today's weather.Temperatures are today's highs andtonight's lows. umatiaa Hood 86/52 RiVer Rufus • ermiston
Bend through 5 p.m.yesterday
87nz/0.00 9On4/s 9On5/pc 103/68/0.00 102/71/s 85/70/0.02 86/68/I 81/62/0.00 84/65/s 79/68/0.03 80/63/r 85/51/0.00 85/51/pc 106/74/0.00 1O5ns/s
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106/91/0.00 111/86/I 115/86/s 68/56/0.73 72/56/I 72/56/I Montreal 73/55/0.00 79/61/s 81/59/s Moscow 88/57/0.00 88/62/s 84/59/I Nairobi 79/61/0.13 72/62/I 74/57/c Nassau ssn7/o'.oo 87/77/pc 86/77/pc New Delhi 113/88/0.00 114/91/pc 113/89/pc Osaka 81/67/0.12 76/65/r 79/65/pc Oslo 66/55/0.03 73/54/pc 78/53/s Ottawa 73/52/0.00 84/56/s 82/57/pc Paris 82/50/0.00 81/63/pc 82/62/I Rio de Janeiro 82/72/0.00 88/76/pc 88/75/s Rome 77/59/0.00 85/64/s 88/64/s Santiago 55/37/0.00 45/34/r 50/37/r Sso Paulo 72/70/0.34 83/66/pc 82/62/pc Sspporo 70/58/0.04 73/59/c 71/60/c Seoul 84/63/0.00 81/60/pc 81/60/sh Shanghai 82/66/0.03 83/70/sh 84/67/pc Singapore 87/79/0.34 88n9/I 88/79/sh Stockholm 68/50/0.04 67/50/pc 74/59/pc Sydney 65/59/0.18 66/45/pc 66/46/sh Taipei 82/73/0.59 86/76/r 85/76/r Tel Aviv 80/68/0.03 80/65/s 81/65/s Tokyo 70/66/2.55 70/67/r 78/68/c Toronto 77/52/0.00 80/57/s 76/57/I Vancouver 64/50/0.00 69/55/pc 69/54/pc Vienna 77/46/0.00 81/61/s 85/62/s Warsaw 68/59/0.15 75/53/pc 82/57/pc
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Vijarro makescnt in Canada event VICTORIA, British
Columbia — AndrewVijarro shot a 4-under-par 66 Friday to get himself in the hunt at the Bayview Place Island Open on PGATour Canada. After shooting 71 in the first round Thursday at Uplands Golf Club, the 24-year-old BendHigh graduate appeared to be on the wrong side of the 36-hole cut (1 under) after he played the front nine at evenpar to start his second round. But Vijarro birdied three consecutive holes to start the back nine and tallied four birdies in all to move to 3under for the tournament and safely make it to the weekend. Vijarro's 66 is his best round in 10events played on PGATour Canada dating back to
"I looked at it as an answer to my prayers. Then somehow ... i saw dressage for the first time. And right then I knew that was for me."
• Outlaws to facedefending champ HenleyHornets, who knocked themout last year
2013. This is the third
time he hasmadea cut. Live scoring for the event can befound at
By Grant Lucas The Bulletin
— Bulletin staff report
If an author plotted out a sports novel,
this is how its climactic conclusion would be setup.
Beavers' Wetzler taken dy Marlins
As Sisters coach Steve Hodges observes, "It's kind of a movie ending, in a way." Just over a year ago, Hodges' Outlaws,
then the No. 2
Oregon State pitcher Ben Wetzler wasselected in the MLB draft for
OSAA Class4A ChampienShip
ley of Klamath Falls. But Henley tied the game in the fourth and scored the winning run in the fifth en route to a SISTERSVS. HENLEY 2 I victory in the Where:Volcanoes Stadium, Keizer semifinals of the Class 4AbaseWhe n:5 p.m. today bai»ta«P»yRadio:100.1-FM, 1110-AM offs. The Hornets Admission:$8 for adults, snaPPed Sisters' $5 for students school-record 24More streak, and they
the third time, and this time it will stick.
Wetzler was selected in the ninth round bythe Miami Marlins. Hewas drafted in the fifth round
last year by Philadelphia but opted to return to Corvallis for his senior season. Hewasalso selected in the15th round by Cleveland in 2010 after his senior prep seasonatClackamas High. The Beavers had three other players selected on the second day of the three-day draft. In the third round, junior pitcher JaceFry was taken by theChicago White Sox, and junior right fielder Dylan Davis was selected by San Francisco. Senior pitcher Scott Schultz was taken myArizona in the 10th round. Oregon junior pitcher Jake Reedwastaken in the fifth round by Minnesota, and theChicago Cubs selected Ducks pitcher TommyThorpe in the eighth round. Putnam High shortstop Trace Loehrwas taken by Oakland in the sixth round. Loehr signed with Oregon State in November. The draft concludes today with rounds 1140. Sisters High's Joey Morgan and Madras High grad Turner Gill could be selected today. — Bulletin staff reporl
CYCLING Wiggins to miss Tour de France LONDON— Former Tour de Francechampion Bradley Wiggins says he is likely to miss this year's race ashis team focuses on his bitter rivalanddefendingchampion Chris Froome's title defense. Wiggins, who became the first British rider to win cycling's showpiece two years ago, told the BBC Breakfast program on Friday "as it stands, I won't be there." He said TeamSky is focused around Froome and he feels "gutted." "I've worked extremely hard for this throughout the winter and upto the summer. I feel I am in the form I wastwo years ago," hesaid. — The Associated Press
'L-~f, ''
t -'4(t~ ' g ' - ~ "
'c 'c
"-4 +
went on to win the 2013 state title. Now, Sisters is back — back in the state Ryan Brennecke/Ttte Bulletin
championship for the first time since 2002, and back against Henley.
Eagle Point resident Gloria Bloomberg and her horse Hamlet will be competing this weekend in the Central
Oregon Dressage Classic at Bresede Ranch.
• Eagle Poinwoman, t who lost herright arm in a horseriding accident, takes upthe most challenging of equestrian disciplines By Emily Oller • The Bulletin
loria Bloomberg has a tendency to attract gazes during her dressage performances. Not just because she is skilled in the equestrian discipline, but because she is doing it all with just one arm.
Central Oregon Dressage Classic I 5 il Where:Rim Rock Rivers Event Center at Brasada Ranch, Powell Butte
The 62-year-old is set to compete in the Central Oregon Dressage Classic, being staged today and Sunday at the Rim Rock Riders Event Center at Brasada Ranch. But the road here for this Eagle Point resident was far longer than the drive
By Neile-Jeen Meyers
When:8 a.m.-5 p.m. today and Sunday Admission:Free
New York Times News Service
PARIS — Novak Djokovic knows that the road to his first French Open title goes
through Rafael Nadal. It is a road he has not
training level, first level, second level,
At age 10, Gloria Rossi was riding on her family's property in Eagle Point when the horse spooked. Young Gloria fell, resulting in a compound fracture of her right arm. SeeDressage/C4
level, a FEIclass, USDF musical freestyle, FEI musical freestyle class, USDF pas dedeux, USDF qudrille and USEF rider test of
crossed before, but one he knows he can. "I know what I need to do in order to
win," Djokovic said after defeating Ernests Gulbis, 6-3, 6-3, 3-6, 6-3, in a semifinal Fri-
third level fourth
to Powell Butte from Southern Oregon.
Seeking a first, Dokovicmust dethrone Nada
day. "It's easier said than done, of course, because we all know how good he is on this court. But he's not unbeatable."
Nadal looked unbeatable Friday, routing Andy Murray, 6-3, 6-2, 6-1, in the other semifinal to reach the final at Roland Gar-
ros for the fifth straight year. Nadal, the top seed, has lost one set in the tournament. SeeFrench Open/C3
Bend's Zach
Close gets a
Eks topdefending champsin opener
hit in the
second Innlng
By Grant Lucns The Bulletin
on Friday night in the Elks'
Marty Hunter spoke with his play-
ers before Friday night's West Coast
League opener. The Elks told their first-year coach
season opener
that Vince Genna Stadium was going
tobe rocking. Theytriedto prepare him for an atmosphere unmatched
et Gennn Stadium. Ethan Erickson / For The Bulletin
anywhere in the WCL. a
Afterthe Elks'5-2 season-opening win over the Corvallis Knights, the defending WCL champions, Hunter
was pleased his players'words proved right. "Gosh," Hunter said afterthevictory. "This is great." Hunter, a formerhead coach at Bend High who nowguides George Fox's baseball program, was not the only Elkfirst-timer impressedbythebaseball culture inside Genna Stadium. Nick Osuna, a first-year Elks player from Cal State Northridge, hadheard Elks fans "were pretty crazy." See Elks /C4
Nextup Corvallis Knights at Bend Elks When:6:35 p.m. today
French Open,women's final
NASCARSprint Cup: Pocono, practice NASCAR Sprint Cup: Pocono, final practice ARCA Series, Pocono Formula One,Grand Prix of Canada, qualifying IndyCar Racing, Firestone 600
6 a.m. FS1 8 :30 a.m. F S 1 10 a.m. FS1 10 a.m. NBCSN 5 p.m. NBCSN
ON DECK Today Baseball:OSAA 4Astatechampionship, Sistersvs. HenleyatVolcanoesStadiumin Keizer,5 p.m. Boyslacrosse:Cascade Cop, Sisters vs.Wilsonat LakeOswegoHighSchool,3p.m.
9 a.m. E SPN2 1 0 a.m. ML B 10 a.m. ESPNU 11 a.m. E S PN noon E S P N2 1 p.m. E SPNU 1 p.m. Roo t 1 p.m. FS1 4 p.m. Fox 4 p.m. E SPNU 5 p.m. 100.1-FM 1110-AM
5 p.m. E SPN2 7 p.m. MLB 7 p.m. E SPNU 1 0 a.m. Go l f noon CBS noon Golf 2 p.m. Golf 3:30 a.m. Golf
1:30 p.m. NBC 2:30 p.m. ESPN 7 p.m. Roo t 4 p.m.
6 a.m.
NCAA Tournament, Maryland vs. Virginia 9 a.m. E SPN2 MLB, Seattle at TampaBay 10:30 a.m. Root MLB, Oakland at Baltimore 10:30 a.m. MLB NCAA Tournament, Houston vs. Texas 11 a.m. E S PN NCAATournament, Stanford vs. Vanderbilt noon E S P N2 NCAA Tournament, College of Charleston vs. TexasTech noon ESPNU NCAATournament, KennesawState vs. Louisvil le 3 p.m. ESPN2 NCAA Tournament, Pepperdine vs. TCU 3 p.m. ESPNU MLB, Boston at Detroit 5 p.m. ESPN NCAA Tournament, La.-Lafayette vs. Old Miss 6 p.m. ESPN2 NCAA Tournament, OklahomaState vs. UCIrvin e 6p.m. ESPNU
Glide 7, CascadeChristian 2 Cascade Christian ab r hbi ab r hbi Freeman2b 5 1 1 0 Fergusonp/ss3 1 2 0 Shaddycf/1b 2 1 0 0 Clark2b 3 0 1 1 Finl ayss 4 2 3 2 Cogginsss/p 3 0 0 0 Duboisp/cf 4 1 2 1 Jonesc 2 0 0 0 Fricke1b/p 4 1 1 1 Weaverlf/rf 3 1 1 0 Begoir3b 4 1 2 0 Carpenterdh 2 0 0 0 W.Beardlf 3 0 1 0 Higday1b 3 0 0 0 K.Beardc 4 0 1 1 Sha3b/If 3 0 0 0 Hansonrf 3 0 2 2 Palmercf 3 0 0 0 Fozopr 0 0 0 0 Wagerrf/If 0 0 0 0 Totals 33 7 137 Totals 25 2 4 1 — 7 Glide 200 000 5 — 2 Cascade Christian 001 000 1 E— Freeman2, Finlay, Beffoir, Clark, Jones. DP — Glide1. LOB—Glide 9, Cascade Christian 4. 28 — Dubois, Begoir. 38—Finlay. SH—W. Beard. SB— Freeman,Finlay,Coggins.CS— Hanson. IP H R E R BBSO Glide Dubois,W 6 4 2 0 1 2 Fricke 1 0 0 0 0 0 Cascade Christian Ferguson, L 42- 3 7 2 1 1 3 Coggins 12-3 2 2 2 1 2 Weaver 2-3 4 3 2 0 1 Duboisfacedtwobatters inthe7th. HBP —byFerguson(Shaddy), byDubois (Carpenter). Glide
10 a.m.
1 1 a.m.
1 0 a.m. noon noon 2 p.m.
Go l f CBS Golf Golf
5 p.m.
10 p.m.
NBA finals, Miami at SanAntonio FOOTBALL
Australian, Melbourne vs. Collingwood
Coruallis Bend xlts„
"You notify the authorities. lrm golng to stay here and try to figure out why I have such a horrible slice."
Listingsarethe mostaccurate available. TheBulletin is not responsible for latechanges madeby TI/or radio stations.
SPORTS IN BRIEF BASKETBALL JaZZ hire Snyder as COaCh —TheUtah Jazz announced Friday that they hired Atlanta Hawksassistant coach Quin Snyder to replace Tyrone Corbin, who waslet go earlier this year after three-plus seasons in Salt LakeCity. Snyder most recently completed his first season as anassistant with Atlanta. He hasalso beenanassistant with the Los Angeles Lakers, the Philadelphia 76ers andthe LosAngeles Clippers. Hewasthe head coach at Missouri for seven season, from 1999 to 2006, leading the Tigers to four NCAA tournaments. That included anElite Eight appearance in 2002.
James dealingwith effects of cramping —If theNBA Finals resumedFriday, there would be noway LeBron James could play. There'snogameuntilSunday.AndJamesplansto bereadyby then. With his gait still affected by severecramping and dehydration, and feeling the effects of a sleepless night brought on byseveral trips to the bathroom — anunavoidable drawback of having his body filled with fluids — Jamesinsisted hewill play when the Miami Heat and San Antonio Spurs get together for Game2 of the finals. el'll be in uniform on Sunday," Jamessaid Friday. elshould be 100percent on Sunday. Obviously I'm going to take it light today. Training staff said I should take it light today. Givethe body another day to recover. Tomorrow I should beback on myfeet full go — and I got all day Sunday to get ready for Sundaynight. Jameshasdealt with cramps in big gamesbefore, including Game4 of the 2012 NBAFinals against Oklahoma City andGame3 of this season's Eastern Conference finals against Indiana. He's been tested as to why he cramps; doctors, he said, have noanswers. Heat trainers are typically not available to media, but Spoelstra said the teamtakes all necessary measures to keep James healthy.
HOCKEY PenguinS fire BylSma, hire Rutherfard aS GM —The Pittsburgh Penguins havefired coach DanBylsma and hired Jim Rutherford as their newgeneral manager. Bylsmawon afranchise-record 252 gamesbehind the bench but failed to produce abookend to the championship he captured with stars SidneyCrosby andEvgeni Malkin in 2009. The65-year-old Rutherford replaces RayShero, who was fired three weeksago. The move is ahomecoming for Rutherford, who playedgoalie for the Penguins in the1970s before spending 20 years with the franchise that began asthe Hartford Whalers, moved to North Carolina in1997and won theStanley Cup in2006. — From wire reports
SprintCup-Pocono400Lineup Weslon-McEw en Monroe Afler Fridayqualifying; raceSunday ab r hbi ab r hbi At PoconoRaceway McAgis ter2b 2 0 0 0 Shermanss 3 0 0 0 LongPond,Pa. Thackerss/p 1 0 0 0 Baker2b 3 0 0 0 Lap length:2.5 miles Crosweff1b 3 0 1 0 Murrayc 2 0 0 0 (Car num berin parentheses) Haffc 3 1 1 0 Crowsonp 3 0 0 0 1.(11) Denny Hamlin,Toyota, 181.415. Simmonsp/ss2 0 1 0 Renshaw1b 3 1 1 0 2.(41) KurtBosch, Chevrolet, 181.408. Burke3b 3 0 0 0 Hogenbeckcf 3 0 0 0 3.(2) Brad Keselowski, Ford,181.316. P atricklf 3 0 0 0 Boryckilf 2 0 0 0 4. (4)KevinHarvick, Chevrolet,180.832. DeDioscf 3 0 1 0 J.Bagarddh 2 0 2 0 5. (24)JeffGordon, Chevrolet,180.513. Yooncsrf 1 0 0 0 Batemanrf 2 0 0 0 6. (18)KyleBusch,Toyota,180.458. Albertph 1 0 0 0 K.Baffard3b 0 0 0 0 7. (22)JoeyLogano,Ford,179.827. Bagph 1 0 0 0 Gwiffimph 1 1 1 1 8. (88)DaleEarnhardt Jr., Chevrolet,179.565. Totals 25 1 4 0 Totals 24 2 4 1 9. (55)BrianVickers, Toyota,179.548. Weslon-McEwen 000 000 1 — 1 10. (99)Carl Edwards,Ford,179.383. — 2 Monroe 010 000 1 11. (3)AustinDilon, Chevrolet,179.326. Oneoutwhengameended. 12. (14)TonyStewart, Chevrolet,179.126. E— Thacker, Crosweff m K. Baff ard. LOB13. (16)GregBiffle, Ford,179.258. Weston -McEwen4,Monroe4.28— Crosweff .HR14. (42)KyleLarson, Chevrolet,179.229. Gwiff im.SB— Simmons.CS— DeDios,Hoff enbeck. 15. (31)RyanNewman, Chevrolet,179.072. IP H R E R BBSO 16. (10)DanicaPatrick, Chevrolet,179.051. Weston-McEw en 17. (78)MartinTruexJr., Chevrolet,178.976. Simmons 5 3 1 0 0 8 18. (1)JamieMcMurray, Chevrolet,178.919. Thacker,L 11-3 1 1 1 1 0 19. (15)Clint Bowyer,Toyota,178.777. Monroe 20. (48)JimmieJohnson,Chevrolet,178.678. 7 4 1 0 1 11 21. (47) A Crowson, W JAffmendinger, Chevrolet,178.288.
22.43Aric Almirola,Ford,178.144.
PB — Hal 7—1:40.A—NA
Today'sGames Class6A Sheldon (23 8)vs. NorthMedford(264),10a m. Class5A HoodRiver Valley(1416) vs.Sandy(21-9),130p m. Class4A Henley(28-1)vs.Sisters (25-4),5 p.m.
Softball OSAA Playoffs Finals atOregonState University
Friday'sGames Class3A
Rainier 5, Vale1 Vale
23. 27 PaulMenard, Chevrolet,178.031. 24. (51)JostinAffgaier,Chevrolet,177.288. 25.13CaseyMears, Chevrolet, 178.045. 26. 20 MattKenseth, Toyota,177.968. 27.(5) KaseyKahne,Chevrolet,177.908. 28.17) RickyStenhouseJr., Ford,177.83. 29. 9) Marcos Ambrose,Ford,117.162. 30. (7)MichaelAnnett, Chevrolet,176.308. 31. (40)LandonCassil, Chevrolet,176.025. 32. (34)DavidRagan, Ford,175.922. 33. (32)TravisKvapil, Ford,175.867. 34. (23)AlexBowman,Toyota, 175.675. 35. (38)DavidGiffiland,Ford,175.613. 36. (36)ReedSorenson,Chevrolet,174.958. 37. (98)JoshWise,Ford, Owner Points. 38. (44)J.J.Yeley,Chevrolet, Owner Points. 39. (66)Timm y Hil, Toyota, Owner Points. 40. (26)ColeWhitt, Toyota, Owner Points. 41. (83)RyanTroex, Toyota, Owner Points. 42. (33)AlexKennedy,Chevrolet, Owner Points. 43. (77)DaveBlaney, Ford,OwnerPoints.
ab r h bi ab r h bi Mulvaney3b 3 1 2 0 Gibsoncf 4 1 3 1 GOLF T renkel2b 2 0 0 0 Grayc 4110 Gregoryc 3 0 0 0 Probasco 3 0 0 1 LPGA Perrydp 3 0 1 1 Crape3b 3 1 2 2 Hawley1b 3 0 0 0 Sanchezss 3 0 0 0 Manulife Fia anma I Classic Reeverrf 3 0 0 0 Saylorsp/1b 3 0 1 1 Friday Mizutass 2 0 0 0 Clark2b 3 1 1 0 At GreySilo GolfCourse,Waterloo,Ontario Tolmancf 2 0 0 0 Schimmel1b 1 0 0 0 Purse:$1.5million Morcomp 1 0 0 0 Hackenberglf 3 1 1 0 yardage:6, 330;Par: 71 Cooperlf 0 0 0 0 Taylorpr/rf 0 0 0 0 Secon dRound a-denote Coffman ph 0 0 0 0 sam ateur Shanshan Feng 66-65—131 Totals 22 1 3 1 Totals 2 7 5 9 5 — 1 H ee Young P ark 65-66—131 Vale 100 000 0 — 5 Micheffe Wie 65-67—132 Rainier 010 031 x 69-64—133 E—Cooper, Gray. DP—Rainier 1. LOB —Vale 2, AnnaNordqvist 67-67—134 Rainier 6. 28 — Crape, Saylors. HBP—Schimmel. Xi Yu Lin I n bee Pa rk 69-66—135 SH — Trenkel. SB—Mulvaney. Choi 68-67—135 IP H R E R BBSO Na Yeon BelenMozo 68-67—135 Vale 68-67—135 Morcom, L 6 9 5 4 1 4 So YeonRyu 69-67—136 Caroline Ma s s on Rainier 68-68—136 Saylors,W 5 2 1 1 1 11 MarinaAlex 68-68—136 Probasco, 5 2 1 0 0 0 3 JacquiConcolino 68-68—136 JeeYoungLee HBP —byMormoc(Schimmel). 68-68—136 Kristy McPh er son 7—1:21.A—NA 67-69—136 CristieKerr 71-66—137 AnyaAlvarez Class2A/IA 70-67—137 Meena Lee SuzannPettersen 70-67—137 UniOn 2, Boi)a(IZG1 KatieFutcher 72-66—138 ThidapaSuwannapura 72-66—138 Bonanza union LydiaKo 71-67—138 ab r h bi ab r h bi CatrionaMathew 71-67—138 Yaryan2b 3 0 0 0 Wrightp 3 0 2 0 AngelaStanford 71-67—138 Andersonp 3 0 0 0 Robertsc 3 0 1 0 JayeMarieGreen 70-68—138 T yreecf 3 0 1 0 Moorelf 1 1 0 0 JenniferJohnson 70-68—138 McGeess 3 1 1 0 Sarmanss 3 1 2 1 CandieKung 70-68—138 L owry3b 2 0 0 0 Kohr3b 3 0 0 0 JanePark 70-68—138 B.Dirkc 3 0 2 0 Mccabe1b 2 0 0 0 AustinErnst 69-69—138 Mojicalf 3 0 0 0 Hoockcf 3 0 1 0 69-69—138 StacyLewis W.Dirk1b 3 0 1 1 Marriott2b 2 0 0 0 68-70—138 SarahKemp G rohsrf 2 0 0 0 Goodrl 2 0 1 0 HaruNomura 68-70—138 Shanksph 1 0 0 0 72-67—139 P.K.Kongkraphan Totals 25 1 5 1 Totals 23 2 7 2 71-68—139 Daniege Kang — 1 Bonanza 000 010 0 71-68—139 MorganPressel — 2 union 000 101 x 70-69—139 CheffaChoi E— Moore.LOB— Bonanza4,Union6.28— Mc- BrookePancake 70-69—139 Gee,Wright 2. HBP —Moore. SH—Lowry, Moore. LineVedel 69-70—139 SB — B.Dirk, W.Dirk, Moore,Sarman3, Good. MoiraDunn 68-71—139 IP H R E R BBSO PazEcheverria 68-71—139 Bonanza Alelandra Llaneza 68-71—139 Anderson,L 6 7 2 2 1 3 TiffanyJoh 72-68—140 Union Ji YoungOh 72-68—140 Wright, W 7 5 1 1 0 6 JoannaKlaten 70-70—140 WP — Anderson. HBP—byAnderson(Moore). KarineIcher 69-71—140 7—1:35.A—NA DewiClaireSchreefel 69-71—140 Mi JungHur 73-68—141 Today'sGames LouiseFriberg 72-69—141 72-69—141 Class6A JulietaGranada 71-70—141 SouthSalem(281) vs.NorthMedford(282),10a m Cydney Clanton 71-70 — 141 Class5A SueKim 71-70 — 141 Putnam (22-7) vs.Pendleton(23-6),4 p.m. JenniferKirby 71-70 — 141 Class4A GiuliaMolinaro 71-70 — 141 Henley(25-5)vs.McLooghlin (22-3), 1p.m. Reiff eyRankin a-BrookeM.Henderson 70-71 — 141 Mi HyangLee 70-71 — 141 Boys lacrosse MeganMcchrystal 70-71—141 SydneeMichaels 70-71—141 OHSLAStatePlayoff s JenniferRosales 69-72—141 Final atLakeOswegoHighSchool AyakoUehara 69-72—141 Perniffa Li n dberg 78-64—142 Today'sGame Katie M.Burnet 73-69—142 Lakeridge vs. West Linn AlenaSharp 73-69—142 71-71—142 LauraDavies 71-71—142 EricaPopson
Professional FrenchOpea Friday At StadeRolandGarros, Paris Purse:$34.12 million(GrandSlam) Surlace:Clay-Outdoor Singles Men's Semifinals RafaelNadal(1), Spain, def.AndyMurray(7), Britain, 6-3,6-2,6-1. NovakDjokovic (2), Serbia, def. ErnestsGolbis (18), Latvia6-3, , 6-3,3-6, 6-3.
Elks 5,Knights2 000 000 020 — 2 6 2 000 022 01x — 5 8 1
Monroe 2,Weston-MCE wen1
NASCARSprint Cup, Pocono 400 Formula One,CanadianGrand Prix GOLF PGA Tour, St. JudeClassic PGA Tour, St. JudeClassic LPGA Tour, Manulife Financial LPGA Classic Golf, Curtis Cup, Final Day
Friday'sGam es Klamathat Kitsap (n) Bend5,Corvaffis2 Cowlitz 3,Medford 2 Victoriaat Kelowna(n) Beffingham11,Walla Walla 3 Yakima Valley 4,Wenatchee3 Today'sGames Corvaff isatBend,6:35p.m. Medfordat Cowlilz, 6:35p.m. Klamathat Kitsap,6:35p.m. Victoria atKelowna,6;35p.m. Beffingham at Walla Walla,7:05p.m. WenatcheeatYakimaValley,7:05 p.m.
Friday'sGames Class3A
SUNDAY French Open,men's final
OSAA Playoffs Finals atVolcanoesStadiumKeizer
11:30a.m. NBCSN
NHL finals, N.Y.Rangers at Los Angeles
WestCoastLeague All TimesPDT
PGA Tour, St. JudeClassic PGA Tour, St. JudeClassic LPGA Tour, Manulife Financial LPGA Classic Golf, Curtis Cup,DayTwo European PGA,Lyoness Open EQUESTRIAN Ogden Phipps Handicap HORSE RACING Belmont Stakes SOCCER Friendly, United States vs. Nigeria MLS, Portland at RealSalt Lake
In the Bleachers O 2014 Steve Moore. Dlst. by Unlversal Ucnck
NCAA Tournament, Maryland vs. Virginia MLB, St. Louis at Toronto NCAA Tournament, College of Charleston vs. TexasTech NCAA Tournament, Houston vs. Texas NCAATournament, Stanford vs. Vanderbilt NCAA Tournament, Pepperdine vs. TCU MLB, Seattle at TampaBay MLB,ClevelandatTexas MLB, Oakland at Baltimore NCAATournament, KennesawState vs. Louisville Highschool,OSAA Class4A championship, Sisters vs. Henley NCAATournament, La.-Lafayette vs. OleMiss MLB, ChicagoWhite Soxat L.A. Angels NCAA Tournament, OklahomaState vs. UCIrvine
x-Stanfordvs.Vanderbilt, noon Collegeof Charlestonvs. TexasTech,noon x-Kennesaw Statevs. Loolsvlffe, 3p.m. Pepperdinevs. TCU,3p.m. Mississippivs.Louisiana-Lafayette,6 p.m. Monday'sGames x-Coff egeofCharlestonvs.TexasTech,10a.m. x-Maryland vs.Virginia,1 p.m. x-Mississippivs.Louisiana-Lafayette, 4p.m. x-Pepperdinvs. e TCU,7 p.m.
JeongJang I.K. Kim
fheeLee Mirim Lee Kris Tamoffs ChristelBoeljon NicoleVandermade FelicityJohnson GerinaPiler MariaHernandez BrittanyLang PaulaReto BeckyMorgan JackieStoelting SarahJaneSmith
70-72—142 69-73—142 69-73—142 69-73—142 69-73—142 75-68—143 75-68—143 74-69—143 73-70—143 72-71—143 72-71—143 72-71—143 71-72—143 70-73 — 143 69-74—143
PGA St. JudeClassic Friday AtTPCSouthwind,Memphis,Tenn. Purse:55.0illion Yardage:7,239; Par:70 (a-amateur) Suspended SecondRound 63-65—128 BenCrane 65-70 — 135 DavisLoveIII 67-68—135 Billy Horschel 66-70—136 J.J. Henry 67-69—136 ChessonHadley 67-70—137 GonzaloFdez-Castano 69-68—137 Matt Every 69-68—137 Graeme McDoweff 71-67—138 Jerry Kelly 69-69—138 George McNeiff 72-67—139 DannyLee 68-71—139 CharlieWi 67-72—139 LukeGuthrie 72-67—139 JohnDaly 65-74—139 StuartAppleby 69-70—139 BooWeekley 66-75—141 Joe Durant 68-73—141 AndresRomero 68-73—141 RickyBarnes 71-70—141 ChadCollins 70-71—141 TagRidings 69-72 —141 KyleStanley 72-70—142 RussellKnox 69-74—143 Joe Ogilvie 71-72—143 TroyMatteson 72-71 —143 Scott Langley 73-70—143 J.B. Holmes 71-73—144 Stephen Ames 71-73—144 MarkWilson 70-75—145 RusselHenl l ey 71-74—145 Steven Bowditch 76-74—150 JohnsonWagner 75-WD Kris Blanks 76-WD CameronBeckman 79-WD RobertGarrigus Leaderboard SCORE THRU - 12 F 1. Ben Crane -6 2. Jason Bohn 16 -6 2. CarlPettersson 17 -5 F 4. Billy Horschel -5 F 4. DavisLoveIII -5 DNS 4. PeterMalnati -4 7. Chesson Hadley F -4 7.J.J. Henry F -4 7. KevinKisner 13 -4 DNS 7. RetiefGoosen -3 11. Chad Campbell 16 -3 11. IanPoulter 17 -3 11. GraemM ecDoweff F -3 F 11. MattEvery 3 1 6 11. JeffOverton -3 11. Cam eronTringale 15 -3 11. TimWilkinson 15 -3 11. FredrikJacobson 1 -3 11. Gonzalo Fernandez-Castano F 11. TroyMerritt -3 DNS -3 DNS 11. PhiMi l ckelson -3 DNS 11. Hudson Swafford -3 DNS 11.BrooksKoepka Note:121golfersdid not complete thesecondround. Play will startat 8a.m.EDTtoday.
Champions Tour
(Best-of-7;x-if necessary) Thursday'sGame SanAntonio110,Miami95,SanAntonioleadsseries1-0 Sunday'sGame Miami atSanAntonio, 5p.m. Tuesday,June 10 SanAntonioat Miami, 6p.m. Thursday,June12 SanAntonioat Miami, 6p.m. Sunday,June15 x-MiamiatSanAntonio, 5p.m. Tuesday,June 17 x-San Antonioat Miami,6p.m. Friday,June20 x-MiamiatSanAntonio, 6p.m.
Friday'sGam es
Indiana64,Washington 61 Tulsa94,Phoenix 78 Los Angeles102,Chicago88 Seattle65,Minnesota62
ChicagoatAtlanta, 4p.m. Indiana atConnecticut, 4p.m. Phoenixat SanAntonio 5 pm
Washingtonat NewYork, noon MinnesotaatLosAngeles,12:30 p.m.
All TimesPDT FINALS (Best-of-7;x-if necessary) Wednesday'sGame LosAngeles3,N.Y.Rangers2,OT,LosAngelesleads series1-0 Saturday'sGame N.Y.Rangersat LosAngeles,4 p.m. Monday,June9 Los Angeleat s N.Y.Rangers,5 p.m. Wednesday,June 11 Los Angeleat s N.Y.Rangers,5 p.m. Friday,June13 x-N.Y.Rangersat LosAngeles,5p.m. Monday,June 16 x-LosAngelesat N.Y. Rangers, 5p.m. Wednesday,June 18 x-N.Y.RangersatLosAngeles,5p.m.
Friday'sGame SportingKansasCity 2,Houston0 Today'sGames SanJoseat Toronto, 1 p.m. Columbus at D.C. United 3;30p.m. Vancouverat Philadelphia, 4p.m. ColoradoatFCDallas, 5:30 p.m. Seattleat Chicago,5:30 p.m. Portlandat RealSalt Lake,7p.m. Sunday'sGames NewYorkat NewEngland,2p.m. Chiva sUSAatLosAngeles,5p.m.
Big CedarLodgeLegendsof Golf Transactions Friday Ridgedale,Mo. BASEBALL Attr-BigCedarLodgeResort, Topofthe Rock AmericanLeagu e B ALTI MORE O R I OL ES— PlacedRHPMiguelGon(2,940 yards,par54) At br-BuffaloRidge(5,845 yards, par71) zalezonthe15-dayDL, retroactive to May31.Recaled First Round RHPTimBerry fromBowie(EL). Selectedthecontractof FredFunk/JeffSloman 2 8 - 33 — 61 -10brRHPEvanMeekfromNorfolk(IL). OptionedRHPPreston RossCochran/KennyPerry 29-32 — 61 -10br Guilmet to Norfolk. Billy Andrade/T ommyArmour III 31-31 —62 -9br CLEVE LANDINDIANS—Activated INFCarlos SanJay Haas /PeterJacobsen 32-30 — 62 -9br tanafromthe 7-dayDL.Optioned INFJesus Aguilar to Bernhard Langer/TomLehman 30-33 —63 -Bbr Columbus (IL). CoreyPavin/DoffyWaldorf 32-31 — 63 -Bbr OAKLANDATHLETICS— AcquiredLHPJustinMarks MarkBrooks/TomPortzer 32-32 — 64 -7br from KansasCity forcashconsiderations. DesignatedOF Olin Browne /Steve Pate 3 2 -32 — 64 -7br KentMathesforassignment. JohnCook/JoeySindela r 3 1-34 — 65 -6br NationalLeague Mark Cal cavecchia/SteveLowery 32-33— 65 -6br COLOR ADOROCKIES—SelectedthecontractofRHP MichaleAllen/DavidFrost 31-34 — 65 -6br EddieButlerfrom Tulsa(TL). Bart Bryant/Brad Bryant 31 - 34 — 65 -6br LOSANGELESDODGERS— Optioned INFErisbel Steve Elkington/RoccoMediate 33-32 —65 -6br Arruebarrena toAlbuquerque(PCL).Selectedthecontract AndyNorth/TomWatson 2 5-24 — 49 -5tr of INFMiguelRojas fromAlbuquerque. TransferredRHP Nick Faldo/Ed wardoRomero 25-24 — 49 -5tr ChrisWithrowtothe60-dayDL LorenRoberts/Mark Wiebe 33-33 —66 -5br PHILAD ELPHIA PHILLIES — Recalled INFRonny CraigStadler/KirkTriplett 2 5 -24 — 49 -5tr CedenofromLehighValley (IL). Designated LHPCesar MarkO'Meara/Nick Pric e 3 4-33 — 67 -4br Jimenezforassignm ent. Larry Mize/Hal Sutton 33-34—67 -4br SANDI EGOPADRES— Placed2BJeddGyorkoon MorrisHatalsky/DonPooley 27-23 — 50 -4tr the15-day DL. TomPerniceJr/BobTway 26-24 — 50 -4tr SANFRANCISCOGIANTS— Activated RH P Matt BobGilder/BobbyWadkins 26-25 — 51 -3tr Cainfromthe15-dayDL. DesignatedLHPDavidHufffor JoeDaley/DougTewell 28-24 — 52 -2tr assignme nt. DanForsman/MikeReid 28-24 — 52 -2tr BASKET BALL Andy Bean/Mark McNult y 28-24 — 52 -2tr NationalBasketball Association Roger Chapman/HaleIrwin 26-27 — 53 -1tr MINNESOT ATIMBERWOLVES— NamedFlipSaonWayne Levi/Scott Simpson 28-25 —53 -1tr derscoach. BenCrenshaw/Jerry Pate 29-25 — 54 Etr UTAH JAZZ—Named QuinSnydercoach. JohnJacobs/FuzzyZoeger 27 -27 — 54 Etr FOOTBA LL Sandy Lyle/DenisWatson 30-25 — 55 +1tr NationalFoolball League TomKite/GilMorgan 29-26—55 +1tr CLEVELANDBROWNS — Rel eased LB Quentin Groves. HOUSTON TEXANS— SignedDEJadeveonClowney. HOCKE Y BASEBALL NationalHockeyLeague PRTSBURGHPENGUISN— FiredcoachDanBylsma. College NamedJimRolherford generalmanager. SOCCER NCAA Super Regionals MajorLeagueSoccer All TimesPDT SEATTL ESOUNDERSFC—Loaned GJosh Ford to Orange County(USLPro) until June14. (Best-of-3;x-if necessary) TORO NTOFc — AcquiredFDominic Oduro from Hostschoolis Game1home team;visiting C olumbus for FAlvaroRey. school is Game2 hometeam; coinflip determines Game 3 hometeam Friday'sGames FISH COUNT Vanderbilt11,Stanford6,Vanderbilt leadsseries1-0 Texas 4, Houston 2 Upstream daily movement of adult chinook,jack Louisville5,KennesawState3,Louisvile leadsseries1-0 chinook, steelheadandwild steelheadat selected Uc Irvine 8, OklahomaState4, UCIrvineleadsseries1-0 ColumbiaRiverdamslast updatedonFriday. Today'sGam es Chnk Jchnk Stlhd Wsllhd Maryland (3921)atVirginia (47-13),9am. Bonneville 3,059 35 8 1 7 1 35 College of Charleston (44-17)at TexasTech(43-19), The Daffes 1,821 22 7 33 7 10a.m. John Day 1,668 2 1 3 26 5 UC Irvine(39-23)vs.OklahomaState (48-17), 7p.m. McNary 1,481 2 0 3 21 7 Houston(48-17)vs.Texas(42-19),11 a m. Upstreamyear-to-date movement of adult chiStanford(34-25)vs.Vanderbilt (45-18),noon nook, jack chinook,steelheadandwild steelhead Pepperdin(42-16) e atTCU(45-15),1 p.m. at selectedColumbiaRiver damslast updatedon Kennesaw State(40-23)vs.Louisville (49-15),4 p.m. Friday. Mississippi(44-18) atLouisiana-Lafayete(57-8),5 p.m. Chnk Jchnk Stlhd Wstlhd Sunday'sGames Bonneville 230,051 28,145 6,438 1,654 Marylandvs.Virginia, 9 a.m. The Daffes168,976 21,804 1,091 252 x-UC Irvine vs. OklahomaState,11 a.m. John Day 143,995 19,316 3,307 1,162 x-Houstonvs. Texas11a.m. M cNary 120,401 15,643 96 1 36 0
American League
Toronto NewYork Baltimore Boston Tampa Bay Detroit
Chicago Cleveland Kansas City Minnesota
AMERICANLEAGUE East Oivision W L Pct GB 38 24 .613 31 30 27 24
29 29 33 38
.517 6 .508 6'/r .450 10 .387 14
32 25 31 31 30 31 29 32 28 31
Pct GB .561 .500 3'/r .492 4 .475 5 .475 5
Central Division W L
West Division W L 38 23
Pct GB .623
Astros 5, Twins 4
Rays 4, Mariners 0
MINNEAPOLIS —Dallas Keuchel shut out Minnesota for six innings, ST. PETERSBURG, Fla.— Erik Be- George Springer hit his 11th dard struck out eight in six innings home runandHoustonheldonto and TampaBaystopped a10win. Marwin Gonzalezand Matt game losing streak. Bedard scatDominguezalso homered off Phil tered four hits and walked onein Hughes, who lost for the first time ending a three-start losing streak. in nine starts. DannySantana After Jose Molina got his first RBI hit his first career home run, a this season on afourth-inning two-run shot in the seventh asthe sacrifice fly, TampaBaywent Twins tried to rally late. ahead 3-0 in the fifth on anRBI buntsinglebyDesmond Jennings Houston Minnesota ab r hbi ab r hbi and Yunel Escobar's run-scoring Fowlercf 4 1 1 0 DSantndh-cf 5 1 1 2 single off Chris Young. Altuve2b 4 1 1 1 Dozier2b 5 0 0 0
Angels 8, White Sox4
Giants 4, Mets 2
Pirates15, Brewers 5
ANAHEIM, Calif.— Kole Calhoun
SAN FRANCISCO — Buster Posey hit a tiebreaking two-run homer in the eighth and SanFrancisco won for the eighth time in10. The big blast off Carlos Torres capped a three-hit day for Posey, who entered the game with only four hits in his past 42 at-bats at home. Angel Pagan started the rally with a leadoff walk against Torres and advanced to second on agroundout. Posey followed with a long drive to left-center for his eighth homer of the season.
PITTSBURGH — Russell Martin
homered anddrove in three runs, and Albert Pujols also went deep for Los Angeles. Weaverwon for the sixth time in eight starts, allowing two runs, five hits and four walks in six innings. His teammates staked him to a7-1 lead through four. TheAll-Star right-hander, pitching at homefor the first time since his two-hit, 2-1 victory against Houston on May 21, struck out nine andimproved
had three hits, including a threerun double during aneight-run sixth inning as Pittsburgh handed nemesis Kyle Lohsehis first loss since April1. Martin's double keyed an inning that increasedPittsburgh's lead to 13-3andincluded Jose Tabata hitting two RBIsingles and reliever Tyler Thornburg issuing two bases-loadedwalks.
Milwaukee Pittsburgh ab r hbi ab r hbi Segurass 3 0 0 1 JHrrsnrf-If 5 2 1 1 .517 6'/z Braunrf 5 0 1 1 NWalkr2b 5021 against the White Sox. .508 7 Springrrf 4 1 1 2 Mauer1b 4 0 1 0 Lucroyc 4 1 1 0 AMcctcf 5 2 2 2 New York San Francisco ,435 I 1'/r Seattle Jcastroc 4 0 1 0 Wlnghff 5 0 1 0 Wangp 0 0 0 0 Sadlerp 0 0 0 0 TampaBay ab r hbi ab r hbi Chicago Los Angeles MDmn3b 4 1 3 1 Plouffe3b 4 0 1 0 Overayph 1 0 0 0 I.Davis1b 3 1 0 1 ab r hbi ab r hbi d nDkkrcf 4 1 1 0 Pagancf 3 1 0 0 ab r hbi ab r hbi Friday's Games S ingltn1b 4 0 0 0 Kubelrf 4 0 0 0 CGomzcf 3 2 20 GSnchzph-1b1 0 0 0 J.Jonescf 4 0 0 0 DeJessdh 3 0 0 0 D nMrp2b 4 1 1 2 Pencerf 4 0 0 0 Eatoncf 4 0 1 0 Calhonrf 4 1 2 3 Oakland 4, Baltimore 3,11 innings Carterdh 4 0 0 0 KSuzukc 4 1 1 0 LSchfrph-cf 1 0 0 0 RMartnc 3 3 3 4 MSndrsrf 2 0 0 0 Zobrist2b 5 0 1 0 D Wrght3b 3 0 0 0 Poseyc 4 1 3 2 G Bckh2b 4 1 0 0 Troutcf 4 1 1 0 Toronto3,St. Louis1 Grssmnlf 3 0 0 0 EEscorss 4 1 3 1 Ackleylf 2 0 0 0 Longori3b 3 1 2 0 Grndrsrf 2 0 0 0 Sandovl3b 4 0 0 0 ArRmr3b 3 0 2 1 PAlvrz3b 4 2 2 0 Gillaspi3b 4 1 2 0 Puiolsdh 4 1 1 1 Detroit 6,Boston2 MGnzl z ss 3 1 1 1 A.Hickscf 2 1 2 1 F alu3b 1 0 0 0 Tabatalf 4 1 2 2 Cano2b 4 0 2 0 Loney1b 4 1 2 0 ABrwnff 3 0 0 0 Morse1b 4 0 1 0 J Areu1b 4 0 1 0 JHmltnlf 4 1 2 1 Tampa Bay4,Seattle0 Arciaph 1 0 0 0 KDavislf 2 0 1 2 JGomzp 0 0 0 0 Buckc 4 0 0 0 DJnngscf 2 0 1 1 CTorrsp 0 0 0 0 J.Perezlf 4 0 1 0 A.Dunndh 5 1 3 3 Freese3b 4 1 1 0 Texas 6, Cleveland4 Guerrir p 0 0 0 0 Gennett2b 3 0 2 0 SMartecf 1 0 0 1 S eager3b 4 0 0 0 Joycelf 3 0 0 0 Duda1b 3 0 0 0 B.Hicks2b 3 2 2 0 AIRmrzss 5 0 2 0 J Mc D n l3b 0 0 0 0 Houston 5, Minnesota4 Smoak1b 3 0 0 0 SRdrgzph-If 2 0 0 0 Totals 3 4 5 8 5 Totals 3 84 104 Viciedorf 5 0 0 0 Aybarss 2 0 1 0 Teiadass 3 0 2 0 Bcrwfrss 2 0 1 2 Thrnrgp 0 0 0 0 Mercerss 5 2 2 3 N.Y.Yankees4, KansasCity 2 Houston 001 103 OOO — 6 Maldndc 1 0 0 0 Cumptnp 1 1 0 0 Romerdh 3 0 1 0 YEscorss 4 1 2 1 dArnadc 3 0 0 0 M.cainp 1 0 0 0 Los Angele8, s ChicagoWhite Sox4 M innesota 000 0 0 0 310 — 4 D eAzalf 2 1 1 1 Cron1b 4 1 1 2 MrRynl1b 3 1 1 0 JuWlsnp 0 0 0 0 Gigespilf-rf 3 0 2 0 Kiermrrf 3 1 2 0 Niesep 2 0 0 0 Ariasph 1 0 0 0 Today's Games E—M.Dominguez2 (5). DP—Houston1, Minne- Nietoc 3 0 1 0 Congerc 3 1 1 1 C Younglf 1 0 0 0 Affeldtp 0 0 0 0 Lohse p 1 0 0 0 Sniderph-rf 2 1 2 0 BMiller ss 3 0 0 0 JMolin c 2 0 0 1 St. Louis (S.Miler 6-5) atToronto(Buehrle 10-1), Totals 3 2 0 5 0 Totals Green2b 3 1 1 0 —Houston2, Minnesota9. 28—Plouffe RWeks2b 2 1 1 0 3 1 4 10 3 sota 1.LDB Romop 0 0 0 0 10:07a.m. Totals 36 4 114 Totals 3 2 8 118 Totals 33 5 115 Totals 3 9 151615 Seattle 0 00 000 000 — 0 (22), K.Suzuki(11), E.Escobar2 (18), A.Hicks(5). Totals 28 2 4 2 Totals 3 0 4 8 4 0 01 010 002 — 4 NewYork O O O OOO 200 — 2 Houston(Feldman3-3) at Minnesota (Gibson4-5), Tampa 38 — Fowler (3). HR—Springer (11), M.Dom inguez Chicago M ilwaukee 0 0 0 2 0 1 002 — 5 Bay 0 0 0 1 2 0 10x— 4 — 8 11:10p.m. Los Angeles 20 0 500 01x SanFrancisco OOO 010 12x — 4 Pittsburgh 201 0 2 8 0 2x — 15 LOB —Seattle 6, Tampa Bay 15. 28—Giffespie (2), (9), Ma.G onzalez(2), D.Santana(1). SB—Mauer(3). DP — Ch i c a g o 3 , L o s A n g e l e s 2 . L O B — C h i c a g o Cleveland(Tomlin 3-2) at Texas (Tepesch2-1), 1;05 Zobrist (9),Longoria(9), Loney(14), Kiermaier (3). IP H R E R BBSO DP — New York1, SanFrancisco 3. LDB —New DP — Milwaukee1, Pittsburgh1. LOB—Milwaukee p.m. 12, Los Angel e s 2. 28 — J.Ab reu (13), Cal h oun (8), Houston Y ork 0, San F r an ci s co 6. 28 — den D ek k er (1), J. P ere z 7, Pittsburgh 7. 28 — C.Gomez (17), R.Weeks (6), S—De.Jennings,J.Molina. SF—J.Molina. Seattle(Elias4-4) atTampaBay(Cobb1-3), 1:10pm. —A.Dunn (10), DeAza 2), B.Hicks(6). 38—B.Hicks(1). HR 5 0 0 2 6 J.Hamilton(3), Cron(8). HR —Dan.Murphy A.Mccutchen(16), R.Martin (4). HR —A.Mccutchen IP H R E R BBSO KeuchelW,7-3 6 Boston(Lester6-6) atDetroit (Scherzer6-2 415 p m. Seattle (4), Pulols (15). SB—Trout (6). Sipp 2 3 3 3 3 0 1 (5), Calhoun 4), Posey(8).SF—B.crawford. S —K.Davis (1). CS—Segura (7). 7), Mercer(3). SB N.Y.Yankees (Phelps1-3) at KansasCity I, Duffy3-5), C.YoungL,5-3 5 IP H R E R BBSO 1 2 1 1 0 0 IP H R E R BBSO Lohse.SF —Segura,K.Davis. 7 3 3 5 3 WilliamsH,2 4;15 p.m. 1 3- 0 0 0 0 0 Chicago New York IP H R E R BBSO Beimel 1 1 0 0 2 0 D.DownsH,3 Oakland (Gray6-1) atBaltimore(Gausman0-1), 4:15 Wilhelmsen 32 - 3 9 7 7 1 2 Niese 1 0 0 0 0 0 RienzoL,4-3 7 5 2 2 1 3 Milwaukee 2 2 1 1 1 1 QuaffsS,7-8 4 1-3 2 1 1 0 3 p.m. Carroll Minnesota C.TorresL,2-3 1 3 2 2 1 1 LohseL,7-2 5 9 8 8 1 1 TampaBay ChicagoWhite Sox(Sale5-0) at LA. Angels(Shoe- BedardW,3-4 6 6 5 5 0 7 Los Angeles San Francisco Thornburg 1 3 5 5 4 2 4 0 0 1 8 PHughesL,6-2 6 maker3-1), 7;05p.m. W eaver W ,7-4 6 5 2 2 4 9 M.cain 7 3 2 2 1 3 Duensi n g 1 0 0 0 0 1 Wang 2 4 2 2 1 1 McGee H,7 1 0 0 0 0 3 Sunday'sGames Jepsen 1 2 0 0 0 1 A ffeldt W,1-1 1 1 0 0 0 1 Guerri e r 2 2 0 0 0 1 Pittsburgh Jo.Peralta 1 0 0 0 0 1 St. LouisatToronto,10:07a.m. J.Smith 1 1 0 0 0 1 RomoS,19-21 1 0 0 0 0 0 CumptonW,1-2 51-3 8 3 3 2 3 Balfour 1 1 0 0 0 2 T—3:00.A—29,448 (39,021). Oakland atBaltimore,10:35 a.m. Frieri 1 3 2 2 0 0 HBP —byNiese(M.cain). WP—Niese. Ju.WilsonH,9 2 - 3 0 0 0 0 1 HBP—by Wilhelmsen (DeJesus). WP—C.Young, HBP — by C arr ol l (Aybar), by W ea ve r (G.B ec kh am ), by SeattleatTampaBay,10:40a.m. T — 2:1 7. A — 41,43 7 (41,91 5). J.Gomez 1 1 0 0 0 1 Wilhelmsen.PB—J.Molina. Rangers 6, indians 4 Houston at Minnesota,11:10a.m. J.Smith(DeAza,Nieto). Sadler 2 2 2 2 1 1 T—3;17. A—14,577(31,042). T—3:10. A—38,521(45,483). N.Y.YankeesatKansasCity,11:10 a.m. Lohse pi t ched to 3 ba t e rs in the6th. Cubs 5, Marlins 3 (13 innings) ClevelandatTexas,12:05 p.m. ARLINGTON, Texas— Michael HBP— byLohse(R.Martin).WP— Lohse,Wang. Chicago WhiteSoxat L.A.Angels,12:35 p.m. Yankees 4, Royais 2 T — 3: 1 1. A — 35,544 (38 , 3 62). Choice hit a tiebreaking homer in National League Boston at Detroit, 5:05p.m. CHICAGO — Anthony Rizzo hit a Monday'sGames the seventh after ace YuDarvish KANSASCITY,Mo. — Chase two-run homer in the 13th to give Dodgers 7, Rockies 2 Seattle atTampaBay,10:10a.m. blew a four-run leadandTexas Braves 5, Diamondbacks2 Whitley pitched seven innings Chicago the win. Rizzoalso had a Bostonat Baltimore,4:05 p.m. snappedCleveland'ssix-game MinnesotaatToronto, 4:07p.m. for his first career win and Brian double in the eighth as the DENVER — DeeGordon tripled Cleve landatTexas,5:05p.m. PHOENIX —Craig Kimbrel got the two-run McCann drove in three runs with a winning streak. Choice, who had final Cubs won their season-high fourth twice among his three hits and Detroit atChicagoWhite Sox, 5:10p.m. four outs to break theAtlanta N.Y.Yankeesat KansasCity, 5:10p.m. timely double. Whitley hadallowed an RBI single in afour-run second, record straight. Jason Hammel pitched drove in three runs asLosAngefor career saves. Kimbrel, Houston at Arizona,6:40p.m. went the opposite way just over five earned runs in his first four seven scoreless innings and Chris les handed Col o rado its eighth Oaklan datL.A.Angels,7:05p.m. with his 16th save of theseason the right-field wall with two outs Oakland
LosAngeles Seattle Texas Houston
32 28 31 29 31 30 27 35
533 51/2
to 8-2 with a1.70 ERA in11 starts
Atlanta Washington Miami NewYork Philadelphia Milwaukee St. Louis Pittsburgh Cincinnati Chicago SanFrancisco
LosAngeles Colorado SanDiego Arizona
NATIONALLEAGUE East Division W L Pct GB 32 27 .542 31 28 32 29 28 33 25 34
.525 .525 .459 .424
27 32 24 34
Pct GB .581 .500 5 .483 6 .458 7H .414 10
Central Division W L 36 26 31 31 29 31 West Division W L 40 21 32 30 28 32 27 34 26 37
1 1 5 7
Pct GB
.656 .516 Br/v 467 11'/2
.443 13 .413 15
Friday's Games Chicago Cubs5, Miami3,13 innings Pittsburgh15,Milwaukee5 Toronto3,St. Louis1 Philadelphi8, a Cincinnati 0 L.A. Dodgers 7, Colorado2 Atlanta5, Arizona2 Washin gton6,SanDiego0 San Francisco 4, N.Y.Mets 2 Today'sGames St. Louis (S.Miler 6-5) atToronto(Buehrle 10-1), 10:07a.m. Miami(Wolf1-1) atChicagoCubs (Samardzila1-5), 1:05 p.m. Milwaukee (Garza 3-4) at Pittsburgh(Volquez3-4), 1:05 p.m. LA. Dodgers (Greinke8-2) at Colorado (Chacin 0-4), 1:10 p.m. Philadelphia(R.Hernandez2-3) at Cincinnati (Simon 7-3),1:10p.m. N.Y.Mets(Colon5-5) at SanFrancisco(Hudson6-2), 7:05 p.m. Atlanta(ESantana5-2)atArizona(Miley3-6), 710pm. Washington (Treinen0-2) atSanDiego(Cashner2-5), 7:10 p.m. Sunday'sGames St. Louisat Toronto,10;07 a.m. Philadelphiaat Cincinnati,10:10 a.m. Milwaukee atPittsburgh,10:35 a.m. Miami atChicagoCubs,11:20a.m. N.Y.MetsatSanFrancisco, 1:05 p.m. AtlantaatArizona,1:10 p.m. L.A. Dodgers atColorado,1:10p.m. Washington atSanDiego,1:10 p.m. Monday'sGames ChicagoCubsat Pittsburgh, 4;05p.m. LA. DodgersatCincinnati,410 p m. AtlantaatColorado,5:40 p.m. Houston at Arizona,6:40p.m. WashingtonatSanFrancisco,7:15p.m.
starts, and left two of them with for a solo homer. Theshot made the lead, only for his team tosada winner of Darvish after the Japdle him with a series of no-decisions. McCannhelpedtake care of anese acegave up aseason-high that with one swing of the bat. His nine hits in seven innings. bases-loaded double in the third Cleveland Texas inning broke a1-all tie andgave ab r h bi ab r hbi B ourncf 5 0 0 0 Choolf 3010 New York the leadfor good. Acarerss 5 2 3 1 DRrtsnlf 0 0 0 0 Brantlylf 4 0 1 0 Andrusss 4 1 1 0 Kipnis2b 5 1 1 0 Morlnd1b 3 0 0 0 Chsnhll1b 3 1 1 3 ABeltre3b 3 0 0 1 D vMrprf 3 0 0 0 Riosrf 4110 YGomsc 4 0 3 0Gimenzc 3 1 1 0 CSantndh 3 0 1 0 LMartncf 1 0 0 1 Aviles3b 4 0 0 0 Choicedh 3 2 2 2 O dor2b 3 1 1 2 Totals 36 4 104 Totals 2 7 6 7 6 Clevel and 00 3 100 OOB — 4 Texas 040 BOO 11x — 6
in18 tries, has155 for his career, Coghlan had anRBIdouble. one more than JohnSmoltz. His Miami Chicago ab r hbi ab r hbi 155 saves havecome in172 opYelichlf 6 0 1 0 Bonifac2b-cf 6 0 1 0 portunities. Jason Hayward drove Lucas2b 6 0 2 0 Lakecf-If 6 2 1 0 Stantonrf 6 0 0 0 Rizzo1b 6 1 2 4 in three runs, two with a home 6 1 2 0 Scastross 5 0 0 0 run, and Andrelton Simmons dou- McGeh3b GJones1b 6 1 3 0 Valuen3b 5 0 1 0 Dzunacf 6 0 2 0 Schrhltrf 5 1 2 0 bled in a run for the Braves. Atlanta
Hchvrrss 4 1 1 0 Viffanvp 0 0 0 0 Mathisc 2 0 0 0 Coghlnlf-rf 4 0 2 1
straight defeat. Hanley Ramirez had two hits and stole two bases, and Justin Turner also hadtwo of Los Angeles'12 hits.
Los Angeles Colorado ab r hbi ab r hbi DGordn2b 4 2 3 3 Blckmnrf 4 0 1 0 HRmrzss 4 0 2 2 LeMahi2b 4 0 0 0 Roiasss 0 0 0 0 Tlwtzkss 5 0 2 0 Puigrf 5 1 1 0 Mornea1b 5 0 0 0
Bourph 1 0 0 1 JoBakrc 2 0 0 0 ab r hbi ab r hbi AdGnzl1b 4 0 0 0 Stubbscf 4 1 2 1 R ealmtc 1 0 0 0 Dltph 1 0 0 0 Kemplf 3 0 1 1 Dickrsnlf 3 0 0 0 Heywrdrf 4 3 3 3 Gregrsss 2 1 1 1 Eoval d ip 3 0 0 0 Schlittrp 0 0 0 0 ASmnsss 5 0 1 1 Owingsph-ss 1 0 0 0 Morrisp 0 0 0 0 Barney2b 1 0 0 0 E thiercf 5 1 1 0 McKnrc 3 1 2 0 FFrmn1b 5 0 1 0 GParrarf 3 0 0 0 JuTrnr3b 5 1 2 0 Culersn3b 4 0 2 1 RJhnsnph 1 0 1 2 Hammlp 2 0 0 0 J.uptonlf 5 0 1 1 Gldsch1b 4 0 0 0 uterac 3 1 1 1 EButlrp 2 0 0 0 M Dunnp 0 0 0 0 Wrghtp 0 0 0 0 B Gattisc 5 0 1 0 Prado3b 4 0 1 0 R yup 2 1 1 0 Kahnlep 0 0 0 0 ARamsp 0 0 0 0 NRmrzp 0 0 0 0 Mccnnc 4 0 1 3 Ciriacopr 0 0 0 0 C Jhnsn3b 4 0 1 0 Hill2b 4000 Leaguep 0 0 0 0 Barnesph 1 0 0 0 JeBakrph 1 0 0 0 Rugginph 1 1 1 0 Solarte3b 3 0 0 0 AGordnlf 3 2 2 0 L aStell2b 4 0 2 0 DPerltlf 4 1 2 0 Figginsph 1 0 0 0 Belislep 0 0 0 0 DJnngs p 0 0 0 0 HRndn p 0 0 0 0 ISuzukirf 4 0 1 0 S.Perezc 4 0 1 1 A.Woodp 0 0 0 0 Gswschc 4 0 0 0 BWilsnp 0 0 0 0Massetp 0 0 0 0 Sloweyp 0 0 0 0Whitsdc 2 0 0 0 B Rorts2b 3 0 1 1 Lcaincf 3 0 1 1 Smmnsp 0 0 0 0 Inciartcf 3 0 0 0 Totals 4 9 3 123 Totals 4 6 5 105 C.Perezp 0 0 0 0 RWhelrph 1 0 0 0 Ryanss 4 0 1 0 Mostks3b 3 0 0 0 E—A.cabrera(9). DP—Cleveland 1, Texas1. Kimrelp 0 0 0 0 Mccrthp 2 0 1 1 Hwknsp 0 0 0 0 Miami 0 0 0 000 003 000 0 — 3 AEscorss 3 0 1 0 LOB—Cleveland 9, Texas2. 2B—A.cabrera(13), J Schafrcf 4 2 3 0 Thtchrp 0 0 0 0 3 6 7 127 Totals 3 6 2 9 2 Chicago 0 0 0 010 020 000 2 — 5 Totals Totals 3 3 4 8 4 Totals 3 22 7 2 Gimenez (5). HR —A.cabrera (6), Chisenhag (4 Tehernp 3 0 0 0 Delgadp 0 0 0 0 Los Angeles 11 0 022 001 — 7 No outswhenwinning runscored. N ew York 013 0 0 0 0 0 0 — 4 Choice(5), Odor(2).SB—Andrus(14), L.Martin(13 . R.Pena2b 1 0 0 0 Erchvzph 1 0 0 0 000 0 0 2 000 — 2 DP — Chicago 1. LDB—Miami 9, Chicago 7. C olorado K ansas City 0 1 0 0 1 0 000 — 2 SF — A.Beltre, L.Martin. EMrshlp 0 0 0 0 E—Rolas (1), McKenry (3). DP—Los Angeles1. 28 — Yelich(Igg),GJones(15), Rizzo(6), Coghlan(1), LOB Los Angeles 9, Colorado 11. 28—Butera (3), E—Infante (2). DP—NewYork1. LOB—NewYork IP H R E R BBSO C ahillp 0 0 0 0 Ruggiano(4). 38—Schierholtz (2). HR —Rizzo (12). Ryu—(1), 6, KansasCity 4. 28—Mccann (7), B.Butler(11), Cleveland Stubbs(8), McKenry (3). 3B—D.Gordon 2 Totals 40 5 135 Totals 3 2 2 5 2 SB — Ozuna(2), Coghlan(1). S—Hechavarria. A.Gordon(17), Lcain (7), A.Escobar(17). SB—A. Bauer 61-3 5 4 4 2 6 Atlanta (1). HR —Stubbs (4). SB—D.Gordon OOO 020 102 — 5 IP H R E R BBSO (6), Culberson Gordon (4). CS—Ryan(1),Aoki (4). RzepczynskiL,0-2 2-3 1 1 1 0 2 Arizona (36), H.Ram irez 2 (7), Puig(6), Blackmon(12). S100 010 OOO — 2 Miami IP H R E R BBSO Atchison 13 1 1 1 0 1 LDB —Atlanta 9, Arizona5. 28—A.Simmons (6), —Kemp. Eovaldi 72-3 6 3 3 1 8 Ryu. SF New York Hagadone 0 0 0 0 1 0 Gattis (5),J.Schafer(3), D.Peralta(3). HR IP H R E R BBSO —Heyward Morris 1-3 0 0 0 0 1 WhitleyW,1-0 7 5 2 2 0 3 Axford 2-3 0 0 0 0 0 (6), Gregoriu(2). Los Angel es s SB—J.Schafer (5). M.Dunn 2-3 0 0 0 1 0 BetancesH,B 1 1 0 0 0 2 Texas 6 8 2 2 2 2 IP H R E R BBSO A.Ramos 11-3 0 0 0 0 3 RyuW,7-2 DavRobertsonS,14-161 1 0 0 1 2 DarvishW,6-2 7 9 4 4 3 8 Atlanta 1 0 0 0 1 2 Da.Jennings 1 1 - 3 2 0 0 0 2 League Frasor H,9 1 0 0 0 1 1 B.Wilson 1 1 0 0 0 2 KansasCity TeheranW,6-3 7 5 2 2 1 7 SloweyL,1-1 2-3 2 2 2 0 2 GuthrieL,2-6 7 6 4 4 1 2 Soria S,13-14 1 1 0 0 0 2 A.Wood C.Perez 1 0 0 0 0 3 H,2 1-3 0 0 0 1 1 Chicago Hagadone pitchedto1batter in the8th. Bueno 1 1 0 0 1 0 S.Simmons H,2 1-3 0 0 0 0 0 Hammel 7 6 0 0 1 8 Colorado Wi Rodriguez 1 1 0 0 1 1 WP — Darvish. 51 - 3 10 66 3 2 KimbrelS,16-18 11-3 0 0 0 0 1 WWrightH,4 13- 0 0 0 0 0 E.ButlerL,0-1 HBP —byGuthrie (Teixeira). T—3:01.A—38,348 (48,114). 2-3 0 0 0 0 0 Arizona N.RamirezH,6 2 - 3 0 0 0 0 2 Kahnle T—2:51. A—23,418(37,903). 1 1 0 0 0 1 MccarthyL,1-8 6 1-3 9 3 3 1 9 H.RondonBS,2-9 1 4 3 3 0 2 Belisle 1 0 0 0 1 0 Thatcher 1-3 0 0 0 0 1 Schlitter 2 2 0 0 0 2 Masset 1 1 1 0 1 0 Delgado 1-3 0 0 0 0 0 V iff anuevaW,2-5 2 0 0 0 0 3 Hawkins Athletics 4, Orioles 3 (11 tnn.) Tigers 6, Red Sox2 H BP — by C .P e rez (B lac km on). E.Marshall 1 0 0 0 0 1 Slowey pitchedto 2batters inthe13th. T—3:23. A—39,203(50,480). Cahill 1 4 2 2 0 0 WP — Morris. DETROIT —lan Kinsler andTorii BALTIMORE — Pinch-hitter WP — Kimbrel. TM:02. A —28,495(41,072). T—3:03. A—24,504(48,633). Hunter hit back-to-back homers Stephen Vogt singled in the tieInterleague New York
KansasCity ab r hbi ab r hbi E llsurycf 5 1 1 0 Aokirf 4010 Gardnrlf 4 1 2 0 Infante2b 4 0 0 0 Beltrandh 4 0 0 0 Hosmer1b 4 0 0 0 Teixeir1b 2 2 1 0 BButlerdh 4 0 1 0
breaking run in the11th, and the Oakland Athletics got home runs from Josh Donaldson andDerek Norris. John Jaso led off the11th with a pinch-hit double. With one out, J.J. Hardy botched agrounder, his fourth error in two games. Meek went to third on the playand scored whenVogt hit a liner to left.
Nationais 6, Padres 0 SAN DIEGO — Tanner Roark pitched three-hit ball for eight innings and struck out acareer-high 11, andAnthony Rendonhit a two-run homer.TheNationals won their fourth straight andfor the sixth time inseven games.The right-hander took aone-hitter into the eighth before ReneRivera hit a leadoff single andpinch-hitter Tommy Medica hadaone-outbasehit.
Phiiiies 8, Reds0
CINCINNATI —Left-hander Cole Hamels pitched into the eighth as he stayed unbeatenagainst Cincinnati, and JimmyRollins moved closer to the Phillies' hit record with a solo homer.Hamelsimproved to 10-0 in 13career appearances against the Reds,holding themto three runs or lesseachtime.
Blue Jays 3, Cardinats1 TORONTO —JoseBautistaand Brett Lawrie each homered, rookie Marcus Stroman won his second straight start and the Toronto won its sixth straight. Bautista hit a leadoff homer against Lance Lynn in the third and Lawrie hit a two-out drive off Lynn in the fifth.
Baltimore ab r hbi ab r hbi Gentrycf 3 0 1 0 Markksrf 5 0 2 0 Philadelphia Cin c innati Leaders St. Louis Toronto Crispph-cf 1 1 1 0 Machd3b 4 1 2 1 ab r hbi ab r hbi ab r hbi ab r hbi Lowriess 5 0 0 0 N.cruzdh 4 0 0 0 Roginsss 4 2 1 1 BHmltncf 4 0 0 0 ThroughFriday's Games Boston Detroit Mcrpnt 3b 3 1 0 0 Reyes ss 3 0 3 1 Dnldsn3b 3 1 1 1 A.Jonescf 5 0 1 0 Rcedenss 0 0 0 0 B.Penac 4 0 0 0 ab r hbi ab r hbi AMERICANLEAGUE Cespdslf 5 0 1 1 C.Davis1b 5 1 2 1 San Diego Ruizc 5 1 2 0 Phillips2b 3 0 1 0 Taversrf 4 0 0 0 Mecarrlf 5 0 1 0 Holt1b 4 1 1 0 Kinsler2b 4 1 1 1 Washington H ollidylf 2 0 1 0 Kralzc 0000 BATTING —Cano, Seattle, .333; VMartinez,De- DNorrsc 4 1 2 1 Hardyss 5 1 3 0 ab r hbi ab r hbi Utley2b 3 0 3 1 Frazier1b 4 0 0 0 B ogarts3b 4 0 1 1 TrHntrrf 4 2 3 1 4 0 2 1 Bautistrf 4 1 1 1 Spancf 4 1 0 0 Ecarerss 4 0 0 0 P apelnp 0 0 0 0 Brucerf 4 0 1 0 Craig1b troit, .332; Rios,Texas,.321; AIRamirez, Chicago, Jasoph-c 1 1 1 0 Pearcelf 5 0 2 0 Pedroia2b 4 1 0 0 Micarr1b 3 0 1 0 Y Molindh 4 0 0 0 Lind1b 2 000 Howard1b 4 2 1 1 Ludwcklf 4 0 1 0 Rendon3b 3 1 1 2 S.Smithrf 4 0 0 0 .321; Bautista,Toronto, .318;Altuve, Houston,.316; Mossrf-1b 5 0 1 0 Schoop2b 4 0 1 1 D.crtizdh 4 0 1 0 VMrtnzdh 3 1 1 2 4 0 1 0 Encrncdh 4 0 1 0 Byrdrf 4 1 1 0 Cozartss 4 0 2 0 Jaycf Callaspdh 5 0 0 0 Hundlyc 3 0 0 0 Micabrera,Detroit,.314. J Gomslf 2 0 1 1 Avilac 3 0 1 0 Frndsn3b 2 0 0 0 Quentinlf 4 0 0 0 JhPerltss 4 0 1 0 JFrncs3b 3 0 00 DBrwnlf 4 1 1 3 RSantg3b 1 0 0 0 RBI — Ncruz, Baltimore, 55; Micabrera,Detroit, Blanks1b 4 0 1 0 DYongph 1 0 0 0 Zmrmnlf 4 1 0 0 Headly3b 4 0 0 0 Navaph 1 0 0 0 Holadyc 1 1 1 0 s2b 4 0 1 0 StTllsnph-2b 1 0 0 0 M ayrrycf 5 0 1 1 Cuetop 1 0 0 0 Descal LaRoch 1b 3 1 0 0 Alonso 1b 4 0 1 0 50;Donaldson,Oakland,50;Encarnacion,Toronto, Vogt ph-rf 1 0 1 1 CJosph c 0 0 0 0 Przynsc 4 0 0 0 AJcksncf 3 0 1 1 T.cruzc 4 0 1 0 Lawrie2b-3b 4 2 2 1 Brignc3b 3 0 0 0 Heiseyph 1 0 0 0 WRamsc 4 1 2 1 Venalecf 3 0 0 0 50;Moss,Oakland,49;JAbreu,Chicago,47;Bautista, Punto2b 5 0 0 0 GSizmrrf 3 0 1 0 Cstgns3b 4 1 3 0 DNavrrc 4 0 1 0 Hamelsp 3 0 0 0 Dndrskp 0 0 0 0 Totals 4 2 4 104 Totals 4 1 3 133 JHerrrss 4 0 2 0 AnRmnss 3 0 1 1 D smndss 3 1 1 0 Riverac 3 0 1 0 Toronto,44. Pigarpr-If 0 0 0 0 MAdmsp 0 0 0 0 Mesorcph 1 0 0 0 110 OOO 010 01 — 4 Espinos2b 3 0 1 1 Petersn2b 3 0 0 0 HOMERUNS—Ncruz, Baltimore, 21; Encarna- Oakland BrdlyJrcf 3 0 0 0 RDavislf 3 0 0 0 G osecf 4 0 2 0 R evereph 1 1 1 0 MParrp 0 0 0 0 010 110 BOO BO — 3 Totals 3 3 2 7 2 Totals cion, Toronto,19;JAbreu, Chicago,17;Donaldson, Baltimore 3 16 136 M cLothrf 4 0 1 2 TRossp 2 0 0 0 Totals 33 1 7 1 Totals 3 4 3 11 3 CHrndz2b 0 0 0 0 Lecurep 0 0 0 0 E—Hardy (5). DP—Oakland 1, Baltimore 2. Boston Oakland,17; Bautista,Toronto,15; Moss,0akland,15; 100 001 OOO — 2 Roarkp 2 0 0 0 Qcknshp 0 0 0 0 St.Louis 1 00 000 000 — 1 Broxtnp 0 0 0 0 LOB —Oakland 8, Baltimore 7. 28—Crisp (11), Detroit H airstnph 1 0 0 0 Lanep 0 0 0 0 Puiols,LosAngeles,15. 001 120 02x — 6 Toronto 001 010 01x — 3 Totals 3 6 8 117 Totals 3 1 0 5 0 —DonaldSTRIKEOUT S—Price, Tampa Bay, 101; Kluber, Cespedes(16), Jaso(7), Hardy(14). HR E— An.Romine(7).DP— Boston4.LOB— Boston Detwilrp 0 0 0 0 Medicaph 1 0 1 0 E—Descalso (1), M.carpenter(7). DP —St. Louis Philadelphia OOO 310 004 — 8 Cleve land,99;Lester,Boston,95;Tanaka,New York, son (17), D.Norris(6), Machado(4), C.Davis (9). 6, Detroit 5. 28—Bogaerts(17), JGomes(6), JHerrePatton p 0 0 0 0 —St. Louis1. LOB—St. Lou>s9, Toronto12. Cincinnati OO O OOO 000 — 0 1. TP Gentry (11), Crisp(11). CS —N.cruz(4). S92; FHernandez,Seattle, 91; Darvish, Texas, 91; SB — ra(1), Casteano g s(10). 38—Holaday(1). HR—Kins- Totals 33 6 6 6 Totals 3 2 0 3 0 28 — Ho ffi d av (15). 3B — G os e (1). HR —Bautista E—Rogins (6), Frazier(9). LOB —Philadelphia 8, Scherzer, Detroit, 89. Machado. ler (6),TorHunter(9), VMartinez(14). CS—J.Herrera Washington 200 004 OOO — 6 (15),Lawrie(11). SB—Holliday(2), Reyes(12). Cincinnati 7. 2B — B yrd (1 8), D.Brown (7), Ludwi c k NATIONALLEAGUE IP H R E R BBSO ( 3). SF— J.Gomes,V.Mart inez,A.Jackson. SanDiego OOO OOO OOO — 0 IP H R E R BBSO (7). HR —Roffins (7). SB—Revere (16). S—R.SantiBATTING —Tulowitzki, Colorado,.359; Puig,Los Oakland IP H R E R BBSO E—Rendon2(7), T.Ross(3). LDB—Washington5, St. Louis —utley,D.Brown. Angeles,.336; MaAdams,St.Louis,.325; Lucroy,Mil- Milone 6 8 3 3 0 3 Boston SanDiego5.2B— W.Ramos(4),Desmond(7),Alonso ago. SF Lynn L,6-4 5 6 2 2 4 6 IP H R E R BBSO waukee ,.324;utley,Philadelphia,.320;Pagan,San Cook 1 1 0 0 0 0 R.De LaRosaL,1-1 52-3 9 4 4 2 5 (13). 38 —Espinosa(2). HR —Rendon(9). S—Roark. Philadelphia Maness 1 2 0 0 0 0 Francisco,.316;CG omez, Milwaukee,.311. Gregerson 2 2 0 0 0 3 Badenhop 11-3 1 0 0 0 0 IP H R E R BBSO HamelsW,2-3 2-3 0 0 0 1 0 7 2 - 3 50 0 2 7 Choate RBI — Stanton, Miami, 53;Goldschmidt, Arizona, AbadW,1-2 1 2 0 0 1 0 Capuano 0 2 2 2 0 0 Washington 2-3 3 1 1 0 2 1-3 0 0 0 0 1 Motte Mi.Adams 44; Howard,Philadelphia,41;Morse,SanFrancisco, DoolittleS,8-9 1 0 0 0 0 3 Mulica 1 1 0 0 0 0 RoarkW,4-4 8 3 0 0 0 11 Papelbon 1 0 0 0 0 0 CMartinez 23 0 0 0 0 0 41; Tulowitzki,Colorado,41; Puig,LosAngeles, 40; Baltimore Detroit Detwiler 1 0 0 0 0 1 Cincinnati Toronto 6 1-3 5 2 2 0 4 Black mon,Colorado,39;Ozuna,Miami,39. W.chen SmylyW,3-4 6 5 2 1 1 4 San Diego 7 1 1 2 7 CuetoL,5-5 5 6 4 4 1 5 StromanW,3-0 6 HOME RUNS —Stanton, Miami, 17;Tulowilzki, R.WebbH,B 2-3 1 0 0 0 0 Krol H,10 1 1 0 0 0 2 TRossL,6-5 5 1 - 3 5 6 5 3 7 Dndrusek 1-3 0 0 0 1 0 2 2 0 0 1 4 Cecil H,14 1 1 1 1 3 ChamberlainH,12 1 Colorado,16;Morse,SanFrancisco, 13; Reynolds, O'DayBS,3-5 1 0 0 0 0 0 Quackenbush 1 2 -3 0 0 0 0 1 M.Parra H,4 1 2 -3 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 McGowan Milwaukee,13;JUpton,Atlanta, 13. Z.Britton 2 1 0 0 1 3 Nathan 1 1 0 0 0 1 Lane 1 1 0 0 0 1 1-3 3 4 3 1 0 Janssen S,11-12 1 0 0 0 0 1 Lecure STRIKEOUT S—Strasburg, Washington, 101; MeekL,0-2 1 2 1 0 0 1 Capuano pitchedto 2batters in the8th. Patton 1 0 0 0 0 0 Broxton 2-3 0 0 0 0 0 Stroman pitchedto1 batterin the7th. Cueto,Cincinnati,97;Bumgarner, San Francisco, 90; HBP —byW.Chen(Donaldson). WP — R.DeLaRosa. HBP —byT.Ross(Espinosa).WP—T.Ross. HBP —byCueto(Utley, Byrd). WP —Hamels, Lecure. HBP—byStroman(Hogiday). WP—Stroman. Wainwright,St. Louis,89; Kennedy,SanDiego,88. T—3:36. A—28,076(45,971). T—2:49.A—39,762 (41,681). T—2:32. A—25,346(42,302). T—3:18.A—38,331 (42,319). T—3:12. A—33,528(49,282).
French Open
in the fifth and Victor Martinez cleared the fences in theeighth, helping Detroit end aseason-high five-game losing streak. Drew Smyly allowed two runs on five hits over six innings. Hestruck out four and walked only one. Rubby De La Rosagave up four runs, nine hits and two walks. Hehad five strikeouts over 5'/5 innings. Boston has lost four straight after winning seven in arow.
The No. 1 ranking will also be at stake in Sunday's final, which will
match he had played against NadaL "Today he was hitting extremely Continued from C1 be the 42nd meeting between Nadal clay-court season I was doing some- hard, extremely heavy, returning The French Open is the only Grand and Djokovic, adding to an Open era thing better." well, and was hitting it well on the Slam tournament Djokovic has not record for men. Djokovic has won the And he has not been better on clay run," said Murray, who will turn his won. Nadal, who has won it a relast four, including the final in Rome this season than he was Friday, de- focus to defending his Wimbledon cord eight times, defeated him in the on clay last month. feating the seventh-seeded Murray title six months after returning from 2012 final and in five sets in the 2013 Djokovic has been better recent- with ruthless efficiency. Nadal won back surgery. semifinals. ly on clay, where he is 14-1 this year, 91 percent of his first-serve points, In Sunday's final, Djokovic will be "Knowing that I was that close to and while Nadal has had some sur- and lost only 10 points on his own trying to win his seventh Grand Slam win against him the past two years prising losses this spring, he is still serve against one of the game's best title, and Nadal his 14th. It will be the gives me that reason to believe that 24-3 on the surface this season. returners. He also converted all six of sixth time they have met in a Grand "I lost a few matches, but playing his break-point opportunities. I can make it this time," the secSlam finaL ond-seeded Djokovic said. the way that I played today, probably Murray called i t t h e t o u ghest Djokovic dismissed the idea that I will not," Nadal said. "But another thing that is true is every week on the
he had the upper hand based on recent results, recalling that Nadal's
history at Roland Garros, where he has lost only once, makes him the favorite.
"He's been elevating his game
as the tournament progresses, and he's starting to feel at his best when
he needs to," Djokovic said. "It's not the first time that that happens in
his case. That's Nadal, and Roland Garros, he has been always playing his best towards the end of the tournament."
Bringingit home
Central Oregon teamsare 1-6 all Continued from C1 "I'm very excited," says Sis- time in state baseball finals. The region's lone win camein1987, ters senior Jardon Weems, when BendHigh beat Tigard 5-1 who was on the Outlaws' soc- to win the title in ClassAAA, at the cer team that defeated Henley time the highest school classificain the state final in the fall. tion in the state. "We played them in the (baseball) semis last year, and we 1956 Class B Glide2, beat them in the state chamSisters 1 pionship in soccer. I see a little 7, bit of an east Cascades rivalry 1968 Class A Hillsboro Bend 0 coming along." Class Sacred Heart This is the latest installA/B 3, Culver 2 ment of that rivalry. Today, at Volcanoes Stadium in Keizer, Bend 5, top-seeded Sisters will square 1 987 Class AAA Tigard1
off once more against No. 2 Henley for the title.
And in the eyes of some, it is a second straight state cham-
pionship matchup between the two programs. "Last year, after looking at
thatgame and how the bracket played out (Henley went on to drub Newport 12-5 in the
final), I think that really felt
2002 Class3A The Dalles17, Sisters 6 2012 Class 5A Summit 6 2013 Class 5A Sherwood Bend4 11, 2014 Ciass 4A Sisters Henleyvs.
like the state championship,"
Ethan Erickson /For The Bulletin
Bend's Jon Brooks is tagged out at second by Corvallis' Michael Lucarelli on Friday night at Genna Stadium in Bend.
Elks Continued from C1 He did not know what to expect.
Now he does. "It was pretty awesome," said the Bend shortstop who went 3 for 5 with three
As the sun set to close out a mid-70s day, the Elks (1-0) opened up the 2014 campaign in ideal fashion. An RBI double by Osuna was followed by Close's run-scoring single to put Bend
ly. It's a good momentum builder, and we've just got to keep building off it — a
in control 2-0 in the bottom of the fifth
Elks owner Jim Richards likes to say, it
inning. The next inning, Osuna's infield RBIs on Friday night. "It's pretty up there single brought in a run with another Elk forme. I've neverexperienced anything chugging in close behind to make the like this, to be honest." score 4-0. "All the fans come. They're loud. After the Knights (0-1) posted two runs They're happy to see baseball," added in the top of the eighth, Bend's Curtis Wilcenter fielder and Crook County alum dung doubled and later scored on a throwZach Close, who went 2 for 3 and drove ing error to provide the final score, 5-2. in a run to help kick off the Elks' 15th
season. "It's always a plus to get a win, especially against our rivals."
"That's big for us," Osuna said about the opening night win. "As a team, that's
huge. It's good to get the ball rolling ear-
good team win like that." More than 1,600 fans watched Bend
in its 2013 opener Friday night. But as is not just an organization beginning its schedule. It is a culture being revived. And many of the Elks experienced that
firsthand Friday. "It's an awesome atmosphere," Osuna reiterated. "The fans ... I've never been
here before, but it's a great city, it seems like. The fans are awesome. They get into it." — Reporter: 541-383-0307,
Dressage Continued from C1 "I was just a kid and we were riding out onto the road, and I never rode with
a saddle," Bloomberg recalls. "We had just immunized the horses and the horse I was
riding was notorious for spooking. We went through a gate and he bolted." Bloomberg says that she was rushed to a hospital,
"pleasant surprise"
for Hodges. "The state championship wasn't a part of that picture
come the 12th team in state history to
win back-toback championships. Overall, Central Oregon
for me at the beginning of the season," says the eighth-year Outlaws coach, who graduated five senior starters from last year's squad. "I thought possibly we could get a fourth (straight) league championship with the pitching that I had coming back. I was worried about our offense, putting the ball in play. It's just a tribute to our guys and their belief. We really had some guys grow up in the last couple weeks with the playoff experience they had. And you can't replaceplayoffexperience." That is the story of Henley, which graduated just two se-
teams are 1-6 in baseball state
niors from last season's state title team. Sisters, meanwhile,
ter defeat, all that matters for the Outlaws is this ride — this
finals. Henley is 7-0.
"They've been there before,"
Hodges says. "They know what it feels like. It's just an honor to be able to play them
in the big one." "Just being in the state championship, it's going to be as big as it gets," Morgan says. "Hopefully beating Henley will make it more sweet
because of last year. But if we come outand play our game, we can definitely beat those
guys." As sweet as the storyline is, as Hollywood as it would
be for Sisters to avenge a bit-
makes its third trip in school trek that has Sisters walking history to the big stage and where no Outlaw has stepped looks to follow in the footsteps in 12 years. "At this point, we don't care of its boys soccer team in posting its first-ever state titlewho we play," Hodges says. "We're just glad we're there." against Henley.
where doctors reset her arm,
then enclosed it in a plaster cast. The story would have
"I never talk about state
ended there, but she said the
wound had not been properly cleaned,and the combina-
championships, and I've rarely talked about league championships," Hodges says."We
tion of bacteria and a closed
cast had a horrific effectshe developed gangrene.
— Reporter: 541-383-0307,
just talk about how to grow as
a team and how to understand
"I was in the hospital for
the game better and how to get
six weeks," she remembers. "They tried to save the arm at
Weems says. "I think (the Hor- ley allowing just under two nets) could say that also. It was runspergame and Sistersgiva really close game, a tight ing up just over two runs per game." contest. "It was tough," Sisters senior More great numbers: For the Joey Morgan says of last sea- third straight year, a Central son's semifinal loss. "But we Oregon team will be in a basemoved on this year ball state championand made the plays ship. Sisters is the sev e nth Central Orwhen we needed At t~f S PPfflt, to. W e o v ercame Mrf. dp f)'g Cgf.f egon program ever that (semifinal loss) ®I7p to advance this far and have gotten to inthebaseballpostseaso n dating back where we need to W e r e gUSf: be." to th e OSAA's first glcid ~ g'f g The state's top title contest in 1946. two 4A teams wiII f h This will be the sevmeet in th e p osters coach enth triP to the state season for a second ve Hodges final f or H e n ley, straight year — a which looks to be-
Ryan Brennecke/The Bulletin
first, but they ended up am- Gloria Bloomberg of Eagle Point rides her horse Hamlet in one of the showarenas at the Rim Rock putating. It was an incredibly Riders Event Center in Powell Butte on Friday in preparation for this weekend's Central Oregon tough time in many ways. Dressage Show. Obviously emotionally for myself and my family. But even more was the financial loved to do, and something is scared, that's when I get cility located in Sherwood)," part of it. It was really hard that I c ould d o a t h o me," nervous." Bloomberg remembers, "and for my parents." Bloomberg says. "I had reAfter a few years of trav- the owner, Ginny, came up to By the time Gloria came ally been praying about it, eling from Eagle Point to m e andsaidshe saw me ride home from the hospital so when my granddaugh- Cedarwoods in the small Jo- and that she was impressed." her right arm amputated at ter wanted to take lessons, sephine County town of WilSnyder and Bloomberg about the elbow — the family and my husband was tell- liams — 86 miles round trip now have a new challenge on — up to six times per week, their hands. Bloomberg rehorse was long gone. ing me that I should do it, I "I did get back on a horse looked at it as an answer to Bloomberg began looking cently retired 24-year-old Inafterwards," she says. "To my prayers. Then somehow for adressage trainer located digo, and she is now riding a be honest, for my parents, I when I was on the computer, nearer to her home. That is Gypsy Vanner horse named think the thought of riding I saw dressage for the first when she found her current Hamlet. The breed is unconwas paralyzing for them. time. And right then I knew trainer in Eagle Point, Steph- ventional for dressage, as it is They got rid of the horse and that was for me." anie Snyder. a draught horse that is bred "I spent six years doing for pulling heavy objects. I went on to other things." The only problem with As a 10-year-old, she was dressage — a discipline de- therapeutic horse training," But, t ru e t o c h a r acter, resilient a n d tr a n sitioned scribed by the Internation- Snyder says. "When I met Bloomberg was up for the quickly to her new life al E q uestrian F e deration Gloria and saw the challenge challenge of training the a transition aided by h e r as "the highest expression she was up against, I was just 8-year-old horse. "He is a younger horse, parents. of horse training" — is that amazed by her." "When you're a kid, you i t requires the use of t w o The biggest challenges and the breed is new to dresjust kind of go through it," hands. But Bloomberg is not that Bloomberg has faced sage," Snyder says. "That Bloomberg says. "My parents the type of person to be told with dressage are balance makes things tough. He's just made me figure out how she cannot do something. and using one hand to hold also a b i g d r aught-type to do things on my own. I'm She sought out trainer the reins. horse, so he's really strong "Things like symmetry of and tends to pull her around not sure I would do the same Vicki Bauer, head t r ainer thing with my own kids, but of Cedarwoods Equestrian her body are really difficult sometimes. But he's smart it worked." Center near Medford, who forher because her leftside and willing, so he's coming She has gone on to live introduced her to dressage. is so much stronger than along." "For me, the most difficult what most would consider Bauer even sold Bloomberg her right," Snyder says. "In a normal life. She became the first horse she ever dressage we use a bridle that thing is to try to teach him an avid runner, got married bought, a Dutch Warmblood needs two hands as well, so with one hand," Bloomberg and spent her days raising gelding named Indigo who it's difficult to use one hand. adds. "It's been a lot of work two children. But equestri- was seasoned in the sport of For a long time she had been training him." an sport was certainly not dressage. using a two-reining system, Bloomberg will compete something Gloria considered Bloomberg's primary con- but recently, we found a rein this weekend at Brasada atop for a pastime. cern when she started in that was developed for the Hamlet in the training levAt least not u ntil seven dressage was the horse. Paralympics that is a one- el — the beginning level of "My first biggest fear was rein system. That has helped dressage. years ago, when her 12-year"I love c o mpeting," old granddaughter Brittni that I was riding a huge a lot." wanted to start riding. The dressage War m b lood," Bloomberg has been com- Bloomberg says. "Even grandmother and g r and- Bloomberg says. "And he peting in dressage around though I get scared going daughter duo got into West- was a great baby sitter for the Northwest for five years into the ring, I just love it. It's ern pleasure riding. Western me, very patient and loving, and has awed the region's a validation of all the hard work that I do. I try to ride made the most sense, be- but I was terrified. It took dressage community. "I remember riding at four or five days a week, and cause the discipline does not me six months just to work require the use of two hands. up to a canter. Most times DevonWood Eq u estrian I feel like I work really hard." "I had really been want- now, I don't get fearful. It's Center (billed as an interna— Reporter: 541-383-0375, ing to have something that I only when I know my horse tionally recognized show
better physically and mentally. The rewards will come from that."
The state championship will be a matchup between two of 4A's top run-producing lineups — Henley having scored more than nine runs per game against Sisters' nearly eight runs per contest — and the top two defensive teams — Hen-
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BIZ CALENDAR MONDAY • Find YourCareer in Real Estate:Seminar with Jim Mazziotti, principal managing broker at Exit Realty; RSVPvia email; free; 6 p.m.; Exit Realty Bend, 354 N.E.Greenwood Ave., No. 100; 541-4808835 or soarwithexit© TUESDAY • Membership 181, Driving Your Membership:Newand current Bend Chamber of Commerce members can connect and learn about benefits available through the chamber. RSVPs required; free; 10 a.m.; BendChamber of Commerce, 777 NW Wall St., Suite 200; 541382-3221 or shelley© • Women's Roundtable Series — Doingthe Juggling Act:Join a panel ofwomen astheytakean in-depth look at winning at the game of work andthe business of life. Register online; $25 chamber members, $30 community members; noon; Bend Golf and Country Club, 61045 Country Club Drive; 541-382-3221 or www. WEDNESDAY • Ribbon Cutting:Free; 4:30 p.m.; Wild Ride Brewing Co., 332 S.W. Fifth St., Redmond; 541-6 I 0-2520. • Young Professionals Network:Networking at the newly renovated hotel with CascadeLakes Brewery, NakedWinery and Hot BoxFoodCart. Register online; $7 Bend chamber members, $15 community members; 5 p.m.; Marriott TownePlace Suites, 755 S.W. 13th Place, Bend; 541-382-3221 or www. • Howto Select the Right Franchise:Is franchise ownership right for you? Learn to choose a franchise, arrange financing and other details; free; preregistration is required; 6-9 p.m.; COCC Chandler Building, 1027 N.W. Trenton Ave., Bend; 541-383-7290. • Illustrator, Create a CustomDesigned Water Bottle:Use Adobe lllustratorto create personalized vector artwork for a custom, laser-engraved Hydro Flask water bottle while learning the fundamentals of the software. Registration required; $125; 6-9 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, 2600 N.W.College Way, Bend; 541-383-7270. THURSDAY • State of theCommunity Address:Discuss how community stakeholders are managing tax dollars and preparing for the future. Bring questions or send them in advance to jamie©bendchamber. org. Registration 7 a.m. $25 Bend Chamberof Commerce members; $35 nonmembers; 7:45-9:15 a.m.; The Riverhouse Convention Center, 2850 N.W. Rippling River Court, Bend; 541-389-3111 or • For the complete calendar, pick up Sunday'sBulletin or
• Housing Works plans to build a 40-unit complex in east Bend "That hasn't been finalized
By Valerie Smith The Bulletin
yet," said Mclntosh. "The staff
Housing Works, Central Or-
egon's local housing authority, has been awarded funding from the state to build a 40-
unit apartment complex on Bend's east side. Alison Mclntosh, media
is working with them to find out how much they need, and
how much money we have available." She said approval of the final funding amount will be
amount Housing Works will receive has not been deter-
pates it will need about $7 mil-
Department, said the exact
mined, but the funding request lion to $8 million to complete has been approved. the project. Plans call for the project,
September of next year. That fierce competition for very
limited resources, but it's a great project. We know there is a huge need for affordable housing in Central Oregon." Keith Wooden, real estate
would mean starting constructionbefore the end of the year." There is a demand in Cen-
tral Oregon for affordable housing, he said, and Eastlake Village II will help meet it.
and facilities director at Hous-
made in August. Housing Works has applied in each of the past three years for funding but was unsuccessful. The agency antici-
contact with the Oregon Housing Community and Services
might be able to have buildings ready to go probably about
"The first time through we
known as Eastlake Village II, to be built at Northeast Forum
didn't haveenough money to
and Northeast Bellevue drives.
tosh. "This year there was
fund this project," said McIn-
The rent for Eastlake Vil-
ing Works, said, "We're just lage II is expected to be from happy that it came through, $100 to $300 below market and it's going to be an awevalue. "This is so needed in Bend," some asset for Bend." He predicted that construcWooden said. "I've been here tion may begin as early as for the past eight years to see this year, with the possibility the crash in the market. Rent of units being available for is now higher than it's been pre-leasing by fall 2015. since I've lived here, and we "We're really excited to have have a pulse for what's going beenselected forfunding," on in the rental market." Wooden said. "We are going — Reporter:541-383-0325 to crank as fast as we can. We
U.S. gains jobs, but recovery is incomplete Yian Q. Mui The Washington Post
America has finally recouped the nearly 9 million jobs lost during the recession, but the moment feels bittersweet.
New government data released Friday showed the economy added 217,000
jobs in May, sending total employment to a record high that eclipsed the previous peak reached just after the country went into recession.
The journeybackhas been longer and rockier than almost anyone ex-
1 U 1S|'1 m S 0
pected — and it is far from complete. Even though the
8 0
jobs have returned, the
nation's population has grown. The Economic Policy Institute, a left-leaning think tank, estimated that an additional 7 million
'>'t0 E'~A4i ' '~J
positions are needed to fill thatgap. "There's no victory laps being done around here," Labor Secretary Thomas
Iag I
Si '
Perez said in an interview.
"We have a lot of unfintshedbusiness."
That helps explain why the recovery still feels so sluggish despite more than four years of job growth. Many economists say the labormarket hasbecome increasingly polarized, with improvements skewed
./ 'c
toward workers with more skills and better education.
The unemployment rate for high school dropouts in May was 9.1 percent — tri-
ple the rate for college graduates. The national jobless rate was 6.3 percent.
But although the gains have come slowly, and often in fits and starts, they
have materialized nonetheless. The job growth in May marked the fourth
straight month that the economy has added at Photosby Dean Guernsey/The Bulletin
Employees, above,assemble the first Bend-madeEarthCruiser EXP slated for export — to Mongolia — onthe production line. EarthCruiser USAdelivered its first EXP to a U.S. customer, about two months ago, owner LanceGiiiies, right, said Friday. Theplant on American Lane hastwo or three in production now at anygiven time. "We'd like to get to the point wherewe've got 50 in production," he said. "But that might take awhile." The company builds EarthCruiser EXPs,priced on averageat $210,000, to cross deserts and travel onwashboard roads, or through places without roads. Equippedwith solar panels, diesel water heater, water-purification unit and other features, the vehicles canoperate for up to10 days without additional power. EarthCruisers will work well on fishing or mountain-biking trips, Giiiies said. As anexpeditionary vehicle, however, it's also used by companies scouting natural resources andpeoplewho needto work in remote locations. "It's not just for recreation," he said. "It's for commercial applications as well." preparing for production in Bend. An Australian, Giiiies originally foundedEarthCruiser Overland VehiAli the components are made inBendor Portland, he said, and the cies in Queensland, in 2009. Heand his wife, Micheile, moved to Oregon Bend plant currently employs eight people. "It's been anamazing adventure," he said. a couple years later to be closer to her family. — Tim Doran, TheBulletin He registered the business in Oregon in December2011 andbegan
(Irl&>< jtI|,
least 200,000 jobs, a key benchmark of a healthy economy. The biggest driver of jobs last month was the professional and business services sector, which includes positions such as architects, accountants and administrative assistants. It
created 55,000 net new jobs in May and has been a consistent source of growth. The health care industry added 34,000 jobs — double the average rate over the past year. Several industries that are key to
middle-class job growth also reported robust hiring. Manufacturing of durable goods,suchas cars,added 17,000 jobs, while the transportation industry filled
PEOPLE ONTHE MOVE • Lisa Graham was recentiyappointed to theState Board of Higher Education. Graham currently serves as CEO of BlackCanyonWo odworks of Bend, acompany she co-founded with her husband in 2011.Sheis also on the state STEMinvestment Council, a memberof Oregon institute of Technoiogy President's Advisory Council, a board member of the OregonUniversity System's Engineering and Technology industry Council and she is onthe Industrial Advisory Board for the Chemical, Biological and Environmental Engineering Department at OregonState University. She receivedher B.S. andPh.D.inChemical Engineering at OSU. • Robert Farrellrecently joined Coidweli Banker Morris RealEstate in Bend as a principal broker. Hehas
, •
Robert Farrell
13 years ofexperience asa licensed principal brokerand over 30 years ofexperience as a licensedgeneral contractor. • John L. Scott Real Estate in Redmondrecognized Everett Deckerasthetop sales agent for the month of May, andKent Estell as the top listing agent for the month of May. • Bank of the Cascades hiredRockland(Rocky) Dunnas its new senior vice president and mortgage production manager for Oregon and idaho. Prior to joining Bank of theCascades, Dunn ranhis own
Kent Esteii
mortgage companyand managed mortgagesales in Central and Eastern Oregon for U.S. Bank. Heserves as a city of Bendplanning commissioner and treasurer for the Central OregonBuilders Association. Hegraduated from OregonState University and lives in Bend. • TrygveBolkenhas been appointed to theOregon Workforce investment Board, which advises the governor on workforce issues. Boiken is also the human resources generalist for Bend Research. Hehas lived in Bendfor 24 years. He sits on the board of the
Jason Rogers
Central OregonEmployer Council, the BendEconomic Development Advisory Board and theMountain View Neighborhood Association board of directors. • Coldweii Banker Mayfield Realty in Redmond recognizedlarry Bailey as the top selling agent for the monthofMay,andJason antl Shannon Rogersas the top listing agents for the month of May. • Dennis Pahlischhas been appointed to the Housing Works board of commissioners. Pahiisch is the founder andpresident of Bend-basedPahiisch
Kiint O'Neai
Homes inc., with operations in Oregon, Washington and Arizona. • Sun Forest Construction recently announcedfour promotions.SamHouston was promoted to custom homes/pl annedcommunity sales manager.Klint 0'ileal was promoted to director of new construction.Mike Brownwas promoted to remodel general managerand JasonKalberg was promoted to remodel production manager. • Ryan McHugh recently became apartner with The Rivera Wealth Management Group, awealthmanage-
Ryan Ka i berg McHugh Jason
ment team atUBSFinancial Services inc. He is afinanciai adviser andportfolio manager andhas beenmanaging client investments and developing financial plans in Bend for the past four years. • Karnopp Petersen LLP recently announcedthe addition of its newestassociate attorney,NathanOrf. He focuses oncommercial transactions, including entity formation, buying and selling businesses, corporate financeandsecurities, contract drafting and review, and regulatory compliance. Prior to joining Karnopp Petersen, Orf workedfor a
Nathan Orf
regional firm in NewOrleans. • AndyGogginshasbeen hired as general manager for Pine Ridge inn Hotel and Suites in Bend. Hehas over 16 years of experience in the resort and ski industries and previously workedas the director of marketing and communications at Mt. Bachelor. • The National Association of Professional Women nominated Bendresident Sherry Raymond-Coblantz for Woman of theYearin the Cosmetic industry 2014. Raymond-Cobi antzfounded Sher-Ray Organic Cosmetics LLC in 2011.
IN THE BACK ADVICE Ee ENTERTAINMENT W Religious services, D2-3 Volunteer search, D4 Support groups, D2 THE BULLETIN • SATURDAY, JUNE 7, 2014
Ski safety group hosts fundraiser The FarWest Ski Association is hosting a silent auction and ATaste of Bend event Friday at The Riverhouse Hotel & Convention Center in Bend. The event is part of the organization's 82ndannual convention Thursday through June15.The Far WestSkiAssociation is a"nonprofit, volunteer organization with emphasis on skiersafety, ski travel, ski areadevelopment, communications, club programsandfamily ski involvement," according to its website. Free and open to the public, the silent auction and ATaste of Bend features wine andbeer tastings with samplings of Northwest cuisine, Olympic medalists and snowsport celebrities as well as more than $100,000 worth of travel-related packagesand sports gear to bid on. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. and the auction begins at 6:30 p.m. at The Riverhouse, 3075 N. U.S. Highway97. Contact: www.fwsa. org or 503-880-7383.
Replace old flags at Bend event Prestige Senior Living High Desert is celebrating National FlagWeek by giving members of thecommunityachance to exchange their old American flags for new ones free of charge. The retirement community (2660 N.E.Mary Rose Place, Bend) will accept donated flags from 9a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday next week. It will replace old flags with a limited supply of new ones. Contact: 541-3122003.
Eventfeatures historic aircraft The High Desert Flyers, EAAChapter1345, will host its "Wings and Wheels" event Friday through June15, in honor of Father's Day.The event will take placeat the Bend Airport, 63136 Powell Butte Road. A B-25 Bomber dubbed "Grumpy" will be available for tours and rides from the Historic Flight Foundation in Washington. The event will also feature classic airplane, motorcycle andautomobile displays, breakfasts, barbecuesand a '40s swing dance. To see afull schedule of events, visit www. facebook. com/HighDesertFlyers. To reserve a flight contact 425-348-3200 or visitorservices©
Cvt'1 00 0
By Jessica Ritz Los Angeles Times
When Alissa Haight Carlton and Latifah Saafir
• Athletes 50 and older get achanceto qualify for the National SeniorGames By Mac McLeans The Bulletin
arth Kleinschmidt has suffered from a hernia, prostate cancer and a stroke in the past 10 years. He's had both knees replaced in the past year, was left with 20-15 vision in his left eye after an operation and suffers from a clotting disorder that once caused him to lose seven of the 12 pints of blood that were pumping through his veins. But no matter how long this list of health problems gets, Kleinschmidt can say at least one thing about his 79-year-old body that keeps him going day to day:eMy arm still works."
quilters who wanted to get together. They weren't alone: The modern-quilting group today has more than 100 chapters and 5,000plus members nationwide. Thanks to a movement
that's putting a fresh
spin on an old craft, the
time-honored tradition of quilting is shifting. And in the process, it's attracting a
new generation of sewers. DIY culture got a big boost in the wake of the
2008 recession, but the And that means Kleinschmidt, a former track and field star at the University of M i ssouri, can still throw a javelin.
"Regardless of what happens, you've got to be positive," Kleinschmidt said as he practiced his javelin throw so he could compete
in the Oregon Senior Games when they come to Bend later this month (see "If you go"). More than 350 athletes 50 and
older will compete in the games June 18 to 22. The competition will
feature dozens of sporting events and give the state's oldest athletes a chance to compete in the ¹
tional Senior Games — an opportunity that has eluded them for
Ifyou go What:Oregon Senior Games When:June18 to 22 Where:Various locations in Bend. Trackandfield events will take place atSummit High School, golf at Lost Tracks and Widgi Creek golf courses, pickleball at Pine Nursery Park, the 5K run at Riverbend Park, and swimming at Juniper Swim and Fitness Center. For afull schedule, visit Bend Oregon Activities Recreation/Oregon-Senior-Games Contact:Visit Bend, 541-3828048
more than a decade — when it
takes place in Minneapolis next summer. "You don't lose your compet-
itive desire just because you get older," said A.J. Fraites, president of the Bend Pick-
rineverwon a conference championship during Kleinschmidt's time as a student, it often sent athletes to the Kansas Relays, a massive track and field competition hosted by the
University of Kansas that has hosted several Olympic athletes and an attempt to break the four-minute
mile during its 87-year run. Kleinschmidt looks fondly back
to find its way." Interest in modern quilt-
ing started to grow after
you about how he saw Al Oerter-
of Gee's Bend," a collection
a discus thrower with the Universi-
ty of Kansas who won a gold medal in the 1956, 1960, 1964, and 1968 Olympics — launch a toss over the stadium's fence five or six times. "All that I can say is that I've been
lucky," said Kleinschmidt, who after all of his health problems is grateful he can still throw the javelin and maintain a connection to
the University of Missouri's track and field team. It was 1955 and his
this part of his life. But thesedays weren't the end
college competed against the Uni-
of Kleinschmidt's athletic career.
leball Club, which plans to
lier. "Quilting is the new knitting," Carlton says, referring to the craft popular in the early aughts. "Sewing took a little longer
the 2002 debut of the museum exhibition "The Quilts
up his first javelin and threw it for
versity of Kansas, Iowa State, the
seeds had been sown ear-
on this part of his life and will tell
That's because he got a chance to take the field with Olympians one
University of Nebraska and other track and field powerhouses that more time in 1987 when he joined ment as part of the games. made up the Missouri Valley's Big 2,500 athletes at the first National "You don't just stop, ... Eight Conference. Senior Olympic Games in St. Louis. "It seemed like I had a natural You try your best and T his b i ennial e v ent, w h i c h y ou continue to i m - ability to throw this damn thing," changed its name to the National prove your skills." said Kleinschmidt, who had never Senior Games after a 1990 dispute really thrown anything before he with the U.S. Olympic Committee, The athlete got to college, outside of baseballs, has since grown to an event that K lei n s c h m i d t softballs, snowballs and the occa- now attracts more than 10,000 older was a sophomore sional mudball. athletes. when he picked Though the University of MissouSeeSenior Games/D4
host a three-day tourna-
"Quilting is the new knitting. Sewing took a little longer to find tts way." — Alissa Haight Carlton, Modern Quilt Guild
of stunning graphic designs by African-American quilters from a small Alabama community. Mod-
ern quilters like Denyse Schmidt began to publish books about the style, and
quilters linked up online to share ideas and work. That's where Carlton
and Saafir first connected. Both had regularly visited Rossie Hutchinson's pop-
ular Fresh Modern Quilts Flickr group, an early form of social media for quilters. Then in 2009, Carlton
Barth Kleinschmidt, 79, will throw this javelin during
Oregon Senior Games' track and field competition on June 21. Joe Kline/The Bulletin
wrote a blog post lamenting the lack of visibility for the burgeoning modern style at a Long Beach quilt convention. Saafir had
attended the same convention and suggested they meet and start a modern
quilting group. They did, and word of their group soon spread via the Web. Chapters formed across the country. "Mod-
ern quilters were already very eager to start meeting, since we were already talking online through our blogs and Flickr," Carlton says. Today, Carlton is execu-
Families andCommunities Together will hold its fifth annual
541-536-2049. — Fiom staff reports
organized the first Modern Quilt Guild meeting in Los Angeles in October 2009, they hoped they would find a few other like-minded
Rhudard Festival in La Pine
Rhubarb Festival from 9a.m. to4 p.m. June14 at L&S Gardens,50808 Huntington Road,La Pine. This year's festival will feature Dutchoven cooking demonstrations, vendors, hayrides, a yard sale, live music, a rhubarb dessert contest, a 5K run andother activities. Foodserving begins at11:30 a.m. All proceeds from the food court will benefit FACT,which offers parenting support and resources to La Pine area families. Contact: www. festival.html or
Putting a fresh spin on an old tradition
tive director of the national
Modern Quilt Guild. She has written two books
about modern quilting and last year released a line of
i%'I" F .
fabrics. Saafir,a m echanical engineer, has a website called the Quilt Engineer and teaches quilting classes atSew Modern in West
Los Angeles. Prachtioners say there's no cut-and-dried definition of modern quilting. But characteristics of a contemporary quilt can include an emphasis on solid colors and bold, Minimalist designs; experimentation with negative space; a reworking of traditional fabrication techniques; and an
improvisational approach to pattern making. SeeQuilting/D4
SATURDAY, JUNE 7, 2014 • T HE BULLETIN D 3 "Celtic Cross" Christianity
"The Wheel of Dharma" Buddhism 0
"Star of David" Judaism
RKAL LIFK CHRISTIAN CHURCH Like Hymns? We've Got 'em! at the RLCC Church, 2880 NE 27th Sunday Services 8 am
(No child care) 0
10:00 am Contemporary Worship Service (Full children's ministry) Sunday Night Church 6:30 pm For information, please call ... Senior Pastor - Mike Yunker-
You Are The ivtost Imfiortafit
Part ofOur Services
Associate Pastors Mike Sweeney 8 Jeff Olson "Loving people one at a time."
is a member of the Union for Reform Judaism. Our members represent a wide range of Jewish backgrounds. We welcome interfaith families and Jews by choice. Our monthly activities include: Services, religious education for children 8 adults, Hebrewschool, Torah study, social action projects and social activities Rabbilohanna Hershenson
BEND CHURCH OF THE NAZARKNK 1270 NE 27 St.• 541-382-5496 Senior Pastor Virgil Askren SUNDAY
9:00 am Sunday School for all ages 9:00 am Hispanic Worship Service 10:15 am Worship Service Nursery Care F Children's Church ages 4 yrs-4th grade during all Worship Services "Courageous Living" on KNLR 97.5 FM 8:30 am Sunday
"Omkar" (Aum) Hinduism
"Yln/Yang" Taoist/ Confuoanism
"Star 8 Crescent" Islam
Do we have your summer schedule? •
This Sunday at Faith Christian Center Pastor Brian Mercer- interim pastor, will share his message titled "Why is Lordship Necessary" Partll in the Sunday moming service beginning at 10:30 AM.
HOLY COMMUNION CHURCH "In the Evangelical Catholic Tradition" Rev. James Radloff, Pastor
"Special Evening of Information and Celebration" 7pm, Saturday, June 7th Riverhouse Convention Center
Moming Worship 8:30 am8 10:30 am Life groups 9 am Kidz LIVE ages 3-11 10:30 am Evening Worship 6 pm WEDNESDAYS FAMILY NIGHT 7 PM
Adult Classes Celebrate Recovery Wednesday NITE Live Kids Youth Group Pastor Duane Pippitt •
"Offering hope through the proclarnation
ofthe gospel" JOIN us for WORSHIP
Sunday (downtown at the Boys 8 Girls Club, 500 NW Wall St.) 9:30 AM — Bible Study 9:30 AM — Children's Class 10:30 AM — Worship Service 10;30 AM — Primary Class Wednesday (up the hill from the Old Mill, 500 SW Bond St.) 7:00 PM — Prayer Meeting & Growth Groups 7:00 PM — Kids 4 Truth 541-617.2814 EASTMONT CHURCH
"Displaying theReality of Christin UndeniahleWags" 62425 Eagle Road, Bend 541-382.5822
Sunday Services Classic (Blended) Service 9:00 am Contemporary Service 10:45 am Hispanic Service 6:0 0 pm For more information about weekly ministries for the whole family, contact 541-382-5822 or email FOUNDRY CHURCH (FORMERLY FIRST BAPTIST) "A Heart for Bend in the Heart of Bend" 60 NW Oregon, 541-382.3862 Pastors Mike Coughlin8 Al Hulbert
SundaySchoolclassesare at9:00am and our Worship Service at 10;15 am I AM Series — I Amthe Bread of LifeAl Hulbert teaching.
For Kidztown, Middle School and High School activities Call 541-382.3862 HIGHLAND BAPTIST CHURCH, SBC
3100 SW Highland Ave., Redmond• 541-548-4161 Sunday Worship Services: 8;00 am, 9:30 am, 11:00 am
Sunday Life Groups 9;30am F 11:00am Saturday Worship 7:00 pm Dr. Barry Campbell, lead pastor For complete calender:
CALVARY CHAPEL BKND 20225 Cooley Rd. Bend Phone: (541) 383-5097
Web site: Sundays: 8;30 8 10:30 am Wednesday Night Study: 7 pm Youth Group: Wednesday 7 pm Child Care provided Women's Ministry, Youth Ministry are available, call for days and times.
"Teaching the Word of God, Book by Book"
FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 1551 NW First St.• 541-382-6100
(South of Portland Ave.) Church Service F Sunday School: 10 am Wed. Testimony Meeting: 7:30 pm Childcare provided.
"Inaugural Opening Mass and Reception" with Bishop JamesWilkowski 9am, Sunday, June 8th Riverhouse Convention Center
Childcare is provided. FCC Youth Ministries and Family Night is on Wednesdays at 7 pm. A number of Faith Journey Groups meet throughout the Sunday Mass Schedule week in small groups, please contact the beginning June 15 church for details and times. The church is located on the comer of Greenwood 9am and 5pm at the Bend Senior Center 1600 SE Reed Market Road Avenue and NE 11th Street. 1865 W Antler• Redmond 541-548-4555
"Educating and Developing the Whole Child for the Glory of God" Pre K• 5th Grade 62425 Eagle Road, Bend• 541.382.2049 Principal Lonna Carnahan www.eastmontcommunityschooLcom
Reading Room: 115 NW Minnesota Ave. Mon. through Fri.: I I am - 4 pm Sat. 12 noon - 2 pm
Worship Service Listen to a reading, Experience a HUsong and quiet contemplation, followed by a talk and discussion, refreshments and fellowship
For More Information
16137 Burgess Rd Tuesday, Wednesday F Friday Mass 9:00 am Sunday Mass - 10:00am Confessions: Saturdays -3:00-4:00 pm
541-728-6476 •
541 NE DeKalb Ave., Bend 541-389-8888
near Christmas Valley 57255 Fort Rock Rd Sunday Mass - 3:30 pm Confessions: Sundays 3:00-3:15 pm
Rev. Joseph K. Thalisery 541-382-3631 NEW CHURCH 2450 NE 27th Street
Exposition 8 Benediction Monday-Friday after 7:00 AM Mass to 6:00 PM
Tuesday (Family Holy Hour) 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Reconciliation Tuesday 7:30 AM - 8:00 AM ST. THOMAS ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH 1720 NW 19th Street Redmond, Oregon 97756 541-923-3390 Father Todd Unger, Pastor
Mass Schedule: Weekdays 8;00 am (except Wednesday) Wednesday 6:00 pm Saturday Vigil 5:30 pm First Saturday 8:00 am (English) Sunday 8:00 am, 10:00 am(English) 12:00 noon (Spanish) Confessions on Wednesdays from 5:00 to 5:45 pm and on Saturdays from 4:30 to 5:15 pm
CHRISTIAN CHURCH OF RKDMOND 536 SW 10th, Redmond 541-548-2974 SundayWorship9:00am 8 10:45am Sunday School for all ages Kidmo• Junior Church Greg Strubhar, Pastor Darin Hollingsworth, Youth Pastor IvOWELL BUTTE CHRISTIAN CHURCH 8;30 Worship Center
I •
This service will be intergenerational: the children are invited to take part in the whole service.
provided downstairs. Meeting place:
Pastor Daniel N. LeLaCheur 21720 E. Hwy. 20 541.389.8241 concordialutheranmission Facebook: Concordia Lutheran Mission Phone: 541-325-6773
Maih PO Box 428, Bend OR 97709 (541) 385-3908 •
(In the Heart of Downtown Bend) COMMUNITY IvRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 529 NW 19th Street
(3/4 mile north of High School) Redmond, OR 97756 (541) 548-3367
2265 NW Shevlin Park Road, Bend 382-6862
9:00 am Contemporary Worship 9:00 am Nursery Care 9:15 am Children 8 Youth Sunday School 9:30 am Adult Education 11:00 am Traditional Worship
Men's Bible Study, Wednesday 7:30 a.m.
Worship in the Heart of Redmond
Youth Groups High School - Sunday I I:00am-12:30pm Middle School - Wednesday 6:00-7:30pm Mondays 6:30 pm Centering Prayer
Join us at our online campus where Pastor Evan Earwicker will share the m essage "Legacy: Facing Fire"at 6:30pmSaturday andat8,9and 10:45am on SundayatW estsideChurch,2051NW Shevlin Park Rd, Bend.
Rev. Thom Larson "Deliverance" 9:00 am Contemporary Service
Sunday School during 9:00 amservice I I:00 am - Traditional Service
Childcare provided *During the Week;
Youth Groups, Quilting, Crafting, Music 8 Fellowship Open Hearts. Open Minds.
Sunday Worship Services at 10:00 am
Children's Room available during services Come Experience a warm, friendly family of worshipers. Pastor Randy Myers Everyone Welcome - Always. A vibrant, inclusive community. A rich and diverse music program for all ages WESTSIDE CHURCH Coffee,snacksandfellowship invites you to join us at any of our after eachservice weekend services. No matter what your expectations are, we hope your time M-W-F Women's Exercise 9:30 am spent with us brings you a little closer to Wed. Bible Study at noon understanding, knowing and growing in a relationship with Jesus Christ. In our 3rd Th. Women's Circle/Bible Study opinion, that's what really matters. I:00 pm 3rd Tues. Men's Club 6:00 pm, dinner ** VACATION BIBLE SCHOOLYouth and Family Programs August 4-7, 2014. Registration is open at Active Social Outreach This is a FREE event. *' 1113 SW Black Butte Blvd. Redmond, OR 97756 - 541-923-7466 Contact us at 541-382.7504 Pastor Eric Burtness or June 7 8 8, 2014 at Westside ChurchWEST CAMPUS Pastor Evan Earwicker will share the HOUSE OF COVENANT m essage "Legacy: Facing Fire"at Messianic Synagogue 6:30pm on Saturday and at 8, 9 and Est. 1994 10:45am Sunday at Westside Church, We provide a congregational setting 2051 NW Shevlin Park Rd, Bend. for Jews and Christians alike. Ifyou're interested in learning the Bible from a Hebrew perspective, come join us at: June 8, 2014 atWestside ChurchSOUTH CAMPUS Bear Creek Center Pastor Evan Earwicker will share the 21300 Bear Creek Rd. m essage "Legacy; Facing Fire"at Bend, OR. 97701 10:30am on Sunday at the Westside Our Shabbat Services are on Church South Campus, Saturday mornings at 10:00 a.m. 1245 SE 3rd St., Bend. Our ministries include:
June 7 8 8, 2014 I, 2014 at Westside Church — ONLINE CAMPUS
Everyone isWelcome!
Women's Groups, Men's Groups,
Wednesdays 5:30 pm Prayer Service
Saturday 6:00 pm Sunday 9:00, 10:45 am,
June 8, 2014 atWestside ChurchSISTERS CAMPUS Jim Gurney will share the message "Legacy: Facing Fire" at 10:30am at the Westside Church Sisters Campus, 442 Trinity Way, Sisters.
680 NW Bond St. / 541.382.1672
Scripture: James I:12-18
Rev. Rob Anderson, Pastor
Sunday Worship 9:30 a.m. (Child Care Available) Education Hour 10:45 a.m.
interim ministry.
SundayMoming Worship 8:45 am 8 10:45 am
The Rev. Willis C. Jenson, Pastor 8286 11th St. (Grange Hall) Terrebonne, OR
Celebrate New Life at New Hope Church!
acknowledge the past two years of his
Childcare for infants and toddlers is •
Wednesday Mid-Week Service Children 8 Youth Programs 7:00 pm Nursery Care Provided for All Services
10 am Sunday School I I am Divine Service
Major's Robert 8 Miriam Keene
10:30 Contemporary Service Worship Center 10:30Traditional Service Historic Chapel Nursery F Children's Church June 8, 2014Westside ChurchPastors: Chris Blair, Trey Hinkle, ON THE RADIO and Ozzy Osbome Pastor Steve Mickel will share the 13720 SWHwy 126, Powell Butte message "Legacy: Sons of Thunder" on 541-548-3066 the Heirborne radio show at 8:30am Sunday morning on KBND — AM 1110
CHRISTIAN LIFE CENTKR 21720 E. Hwy. 20• 541.389.8241
MISSION (LCMS) ThemissionoftheChurch isio forgive sins through theGospelandthere&g grant eternal iife.
Pastor Joel LiaBraaten Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Saturday 8:00 AM Sunday 4:30 PM Monday- Friday 7:00AM812:15 PM
As Sunday will be Rev. Alex's final
• •
541 NE Dekalb Sunday School 9:45 am Children 8Adult Classes Worship Service —11:00 am
20080 Pinebrook Blvd.• 541-389.3436
Corner of NW Franklin 8 Lava
our uniqueness, our diversity, and
service with UUFCO, please join us in a Iight reception following the service to
Flower Celebration —riatual unique
Mag we haveeyestoseethat no visitor arriveswithout a gift and no guestleaveswithout a blessing.
120 Mississippi Dr Sunday Mass - 12:30 pm Confessions: Sundays 12:00• 12:15 pm
Reconciliation Saturday 3:00 PM - 4:45 PM
welcome to wear your favorite T-shirt to this service. It is also our annual
Meeting at the Golden Age Club 40 SE 5th St., Bend Just 2 blocks SW ofBend High School Sunday Worship 10:00 am Sovereign Grace Church is dedicated to worshiping God and teaching the Bible truths recovered through the Reformation. CaIl for information about other meetings 541-420-1667
Celebration Sunday. This morning
TRINITY KIvISCOIvAL CHURCH All arewelcomethroughourreddoors Sunday Services St. Helens Hall, 231 NW Idaho Ave 8 am and 10:15 am The Rev. Roy D. Green, Interim Rector I 541-382-5542 Mail:469 NW Wall St
Masses Saturday - Vigil 5:00 PM Sunday 7:30 AM, 10:00 AM Domingo 12:30 PM - Misa en Espanol
All services are held at the First United Methodist Church 680 NW bond Street 541-388-8826
- Rev. Alex Holt, Interim Minister
to Unitarian Universalism, celebrating
(St. John 20:22.23, Augsburg Confession Saturday, June 14 3pm-4:30pm at the East Bend Library 62080 Dean Swift Rd., Bend
18143 Cottonwood Rd. Thurs. Mass 9:30 am; Sat. Vigil Mass 5:30 pm Sunday mass 8:00 am Confessions: Thurs. 9:00 - 9:15 am
For the complete schedule of Services F Events go to;
June 8 at 11:00am: "Thank Youand We're All OK!"
Please visit our website for a complete listing of activities for all ages. •
Saturday, June 28 at 10:30 amTorah Service Bat Mitzvah of Abi Hershenson Congratulations to Abi and her family
Rellgien ef the Lightand Sound ofGed
Fr. Theodore Nnabugo, Pastor Parish ONce: 541-536-3571
Friday, June 27 at 7:00 pmErev Shabbat Service
We are a Welcoming Congregation
will be the second- and perhaps last —annual T-shirt Sunday. Please feel
Friday, June 20• 5:00 pmThanksgiving Shabbat At a private home; call for information Saturday, June 21 at 9:00 amTorah Study Saturday, June 21 at 10:30 amTorah Service
"Diverse Beliefs, One Fellowship"
WEDNESDAY 6:30 pm Ladies Bible Study THURSDAY 10:00 am 50+ Bible Study WEEKLY Life Groups
• Davidic dance and worship • Children's ministry and nursery • Hebrew classes • Home groups • Teaching from the Torah and the Brit Hadashah (New Testament) • Biblical Feasts • Lifecycle Events • End-times prophecy Visit us on the web at or contact us at 541-385-5439
Small Groups Meet Regularly (Handicapped Accessible) Please visit our website for a complete listing of activities for all ages. FIRST PRESBYTKRIAN CHURCH 230 NE Ninth, Bend
(Across Ninth St. from Bend High) All Are Welcome, Always!
It Boils Down To This: Act Justly Sunday, June 8 Pastor Steven Koski leads the service 9:00am contemporary 10:45am traditional 5:01pm peaceful F prayerful Nursery-care provided
4 Saturdays and TMC:
5:01 Evening Worship Summer Series In The Sanctuary June I - August 24 Encounter the mystery and beauty of God With a peaceful, prayerful worship. A space to carve out, create, to find, what is inside you. Dinner will not be provided during this summer series. Nursery care is provided. Vacation Bible School Time To Register! July 21-July 24, 9;00am — 12;00pm, This year's theme: Weird Animals Where Jesus' Love Is One-Of-A-Kind Registration is underway for kids age 4 through 5th grade Vacation Bible School/
$120 5 Saturdays and TMC:
$l44 The Bulletin: Every Saturday on the
church page. $24 Copy Changes: by 5 PM Tuesday
CO Marketplace: The First Tuesday of each month. $24 Copy Changes:
by Monday Youth Events bendyouthcollective
@ La RocaChurch 1155 SW Division, ¹D8, Bend Saturday 12:00 - 3:00 pm Worship/Dance - StudyFood/Fellowship Hebrew Roots Fellowship worshipping in Spirit and Truth
Call Pat Lynch
230 NE Ninth Street, Bend
Children Welcome
541 382 4401
1 Week PriOr to PubliCatiOn
Choirs, music groups, Bible study, fellowship and ministries every week
Lead Pastor: Steven Koski
Open Doors. Rev. Thom Larson
Senior Games
Phil McCage, of Sunriver,
Continued from D1
Continued from D1
e n deavors
generally aren't about efficiency, and quilting is particularly time-consuming. Design and technical mechanics require skill and patience, so getting feedback and occasional help from others is a part of the quilting experience. Being around like-minded people who share a passion for designing with fabric also is a big part of quilting culture. Though Carlton and Saafir achieved their goal of getting modern quilters to meet in person, guild members continue to connect digitally, too. Insta-
gram is now a popular forum for sharing work. And the Modern Quilt Guild website offers webinars and an online community. The definition of mod-
ern quilting may be fluid, but there is a common approach to the craft, guild founders say. "More than anything, the attitude of
the modern quilter is, 'I can dive in and try this,'"
Saafir says.
According to National Se-
part in the men's singles and doubles, women's singles and doubles and mixed doubles competitions. He said the top three indi-
with a pitch while playing over the line
nior Games A ssociation's website, the 2013 senior games
viduals or teams from each of
— a version
brought 10,881 older athletes to Cleveland and th e 2015
these events will get a chance to go to the 2015 National Se-
of softball that uses
senior games is expected to
nior Games, where they would
compete with pickleball playersfrom acrossthecountry. "All of the people in all of these sports would love to go to nationals," he said, adding that this idea of having a the Oregon level playing field — where a Senior Games person's age and the abilities
bring another 12,000 senior athletes to Minneapolis next
teams — at Skyliner Park in Bend. The sport will be featured at
summer. But before any of these ath-
letes could reach the top stage of their competition, they had
<RM gtgl h%' <
g %I
to qualify for the National Se-
nior Games by performing well at one of the NSGA's state senior game competitions.
on June 21.
or lack of abilities that comes with it does not matter — is probably the most attractive
Joe Kline Bulletin file photo
This is something Oregon's older athletes haven't had a
part of the senior games com-
chance to do since the Oregon
"We thought this would be able incomes, (is) willing to Amateur Sports Association decided it would no longer of- a great opportunity for Bend," travel and tends to be pretty fer the Oregon Senior Games said Kevney Dugan, the direc- competitive." — which it ran as part of the tor of sales and sports developHe said 360 athletes from 12 State Games of Oregon — in ment for Visit Bend. "There's a states, including Florida, Kenthe early 2000s because they very active and athletic senior tucky, Pennsylvania, Texas, weren't bringing in enough community here." South Dakota and Virginia, money to make it worthwhile. had registered for the compe-
track and field competition.
petition. "I know I would." Kleinschmidt also has his
Most athletes will compete in more than one event.
sights set on making it to the national games and knows
"Some people are signing up to do golf on Thursday (June 19), pickleball on Friday and Saturday (June 20-21),
to get a spot in his division. But his goal is to throw it for
another 12 yards beyond that line, because that's where the
and the 5K run on Sunday
(June 22)," he said, explaining ism group decided to fix this Dugan said Visit Bend start- expects that number will grow the only limiting factor is timsituation when it recognized ed talking to the NSGA about to more than 500 over the ing — many of these events the athleticism present among its plans to bring back the coming weeks. overlap. some of its oldest residents Oregon SeniorGames about Dugan said the games will Fraites said the pickleball and their willingness to com- five years ago because it is the feature 16 sporting events, tournament is going to be the pete on what could be a na- perfect opportunity to attract each of which has its own se- senior games' biggest event tional stage. a population that has "dispos- ries of smaller events, like the because 180 athletes will take One Central Oregon tour-
he'll need to throw the javelin at least 88 feet, 5/2 inches
tition as of Wednesday. But he
record stands, and r ecords
were meant to be broken, "For my personal ego," he said. "I want to break that damn record." — Reporter: 541-617-7816,
VOLUNTEER SEARCH Volunteer Search is compiled by the Department of HumanServices Volunteer Services. Theorganizations listed are seeking volunteers for a variety of tasks. Toseeafull list, and for additional information on the types of help needed, goonline to www. Changes, additions or deletions should besent to 1300 N.W.Wall St., Suite 103, Bend 97701, email Therese.M.Helton© or call 541-693-8988.
CHILDREM, YOUTH AND EDUCATION SERVICES ADULTBASICSKILLS DEPARTMENT (COCC):Margie Gregory, rngregory or 541-318-3788. AFS-USA: or Caitlin Krutsinger, 503-419-9514. ALYCE HATCHCENTER:Andy Kizans, 541-383-1980. BENDPARK& RECREATION DISTRICT:Kim, 541-706-6127. BIGBROTHERS BIG SISTERS OF CENTRALOREGON:541-312-6047 (Bendl, 541-447-3851,ext. 333 (Prinevillel or 541-325-5603 (Madras). BOY SCOUTSOF AMERICA:Paul Abbott, paulabbott© or 541-382-4647. BOYS 8t GIRLS CLUBS OF CENTRAL OREGON:, info@ or 541-617-2877. CAMP FIRE USA CENTRAL OREGON: cainPfirebbendcabl.cco or 54 I-382-4682. CASA(COURTAPPOINTED SPECIAL ADVOCATES): www. or 541-389-1618. CHILDREN'SVISION FOUNDATION: Julie Bibler, 541-330-3907. CIRCLE OFFRIENDS: Beth, beth© acircleoffriendsoregon.comor 54 I-588-6445. DESCHUTES COUNTYSHERIFF'8 OFFICE— CENTRAL OREGON PARTNERSHIPSFORYOUTH:, COPY© or 541-388-6651. FOSTERGRANDPARENTS PROGRAM: Steve Guzanskis, 54 I-678-5483. GIRL SCOUTS: 541-389-8146. GIRLSON THE RUN OF DESCHUTES COUNTY: www.deschutescountygotr. org or info© GRANDMA'SHOUSE:541-383-3515. HEALTHYBEGINNINGS:ww w.myhb. org or 541-383-6357. HIGH DESERTTEENS VOLUNTEER PROGRAM: www.highdesertrnuseu. org or 541-382-4757. IEP PARTNERS: Carmelle Campbell at the OregonParentTraining and Information Center, 888-505-2673. J BAR J LEARNINGCENTER: Rick Buening, rbuening© or 54 I-389-1409. JUNIPERSWIM & FITNESS CENTER: Kim, 541-706-6127. KIDS CENTER: Lisa Weare, Iweare@,541-383-5958.
LA PINEHIGHSCHOOL:Jeff Bockert, jeff.bockert© or 541-355-850 I. MEADOWLARK INDEPENDENT LIVING PROGRAM:TealBuehler, 541-617-9576. M OUNTAINSTARFAMILY RELIEF NURSERY: 541-322-6820. NEIGHBORIMPACT: 541-548-2380, ext.115. OREGON STATEUNIVERSITY EXTENSION SERVICE: 541-548-6088, 541-447-6228 or 541-475-3808. OREGON STATEUNIVERSITY MASTERGARDENERVOLUNTEER PROGRAM:http://extension. or 541-548-6088. READTOGETHER:541-388-7746. REDMOND HIGHSCHOOL: 541-923-4807. REDMOND LEARNINGCENTER:Zach Sartin, 541-923-4854. REDMOND YOUNG LIFE: 541-923-8530. SCHOOL-TO-CAREERPARTNERSHIP: Kent Child, 541-355-4158. SMART (STARTMAKING A READER TODAY) or 541-355-5600. TRILLIUMFAMILYSERVICES: 503-205-0194. VIMA LUPWA HOMES: www. or 541-420-9634. YOUTH CHOIROF CENTRAL OREGON: 541-385-0470.
ANIMALS AND ENVIRONMENT BENDSPAY8tNEUTER PROJECT: 541-617-1010. BRIGHTSIDEANIMAL CENTER: or 541-923-0882. CAT RESCUE,ADOPTION 8EFOSTER TEAM (CRAFT), 541-389-8420 or541-598-5488. CHIMPS, or 541-410-4122. DESCHUTESLANDTRUST: or 541-330-0017. DESCHUTES NATIONAL FOREST: Jean Nelson-Dean,541-383-5576. EASTCASCADESAUDUBO N or 541-241-2190. THE ENVIRONMENTALCENTER: or 541-385-6908. EQUINEOUTREACH HORSE RESCUE OF BEND: www.equineoutreach. com or joan@equineoutreach.comor 541-419-3717. HEALINGREINS THERAPEUTIC RIDINGCENTER:DarcyJustice, 541-382-9410. HUMANE SOCIETYOF CENTRAL OREGON: Jen, or 541-382-3537. HUMANE SOCIETYOFTHE OCHOCOS: 541-447-7178. JUNIPERGROUP SIERRA CLUB: 541-389-9115. PACIFICCREST TRAILANGEL: 541-604-4494. PRINEVILLE districts/prineville/recreation/host.php or 541-416-6700. STEWARDSHIPFOR SUSTAINABLE BAGGING: Lexa McAllister, Irncallieterccoc.eed or 541-914-6676. SUNRIVERNATURECENTERIt OBSERVATORY: 541-593-4442. VOLUNTEERCAMPGROUND HOST POSITIONS: TomMottl, 541-416-6859.
HEALTH AMERICAN CANCERSOCIETY: Charlie Johnson,541-434-3114. AMERICANREDCROSS: 541-749-411I. THE BLOOM PROJECT:www. or HeidiBerkman at h.berkrnantthebloomprOjeC.ooror 541-241-8845. HOSPICEOF REDMOND-SISTERS: orVolunteer Coordinator at 541-548-7483. MOUNTAINVIEW HOSPITAL:JoDee Tittle, 541-475-3882, ext. 5097. MOUNTAINVIEW HOSPITAL HOSPICE: 541-460-4030 or Tori Schultz, tschultz© or541475-3882, ext. 5327. NATIONALALLIANCE ON MENTAL
ILLNESS — CENTRALOREGON: Eileen White, narnicentraloregonggaai.cco. NEWBERRY HOSPICE:541-536-7399. PARTNERS IN CARE:www. orMelanie Price, 541-382-5882. RELAY FORLIFE: Stefan Myers, 54I-504-4920. ST. CHARLESIN BENDAND ST. CHARLESIN REDMOND: 54 I-706-6354. VOLUNTEERS IN MEDICINE:Kristi, 54I-585-9008.
ARTS, MUSIC, CULTURE AND HERITAGE 88.9KPOV, BEND'S COMMUNITY RADIOSTATION:info© or 54 I-322-0863. ART COMMITTEEOF THEREDMOND FRIENDSOFTHE LIBRARY:Linda Barker, 541-312-1064. ARTS CENTRALSTATION: 54 I-617-1317. CASCADES THEATRICALCOMPANY: 541-389-0803. CENTRALOREGON SYMPHONY ASSOCIATION: Julie, 541-383-7779. DES CHUTESHISTORICAL MUSEUM: 541-389-1813, 10 4:30 p.m. Tuesday throughSaturday. DESCHUTES PUBLIC LIBRARY SYSTEM: 541-312-1032. FRIENDSOFTHE BEND LIBRARIES: or Meredith Shadrachat 541-617-7047. HIGHDESERT CHAMBER MUSIC: www.highdesertchambermusic. com or IsabelleSengerat info© or 54 I-306-3988. HIGHDESERT MUSEUM: 54 I-382-4754. LA PINE PUBLICLIBRARY:Cindylu, 541-317-1097. LATINOCOMMUNITYASSOCIATION: Brad, or 541-382-4366. THE NATURE OFWORDS:www. or 541-647-2233. REDMOND FRIENDSOFTHE LIBRARY:541-3 I2-1060. REDMONDINTERCULTURAL EXCHANGE(R.I.C.E.):Barb, bonitodia© or541-447-0732. TOWER THEATREFOUNDATION: 54 I-317-0700.
HUMAN SERVICES ABILITREE: volunteer© or 541-388-8103, ext. 217. AMNESTYINTERNATIONAL:Philip Randall, 541-388-1793. ASSISTANCE LEAGUEOFBEND: 541-389-2075. BEND COMMUNITYCENTER: volunteer© or 541-312-2069. BETHLEHEM INN: www.bethleheminn. org or 541-322-8768. BRIDGING GAPS:bendbridginggaps@ or541-314-4277. CENTERFOR COMPASSIONATE LIVING(PREVIOUSLY PEACE CENTER OF CENTRALOREGON):ww w. orBeth Hansen,541-923-6677. CENTRALOREGON VETERANS OUTREACH: or 54 I-383-2793. DEPARTMENT OFHUMAN SERVICES/ VOLUNTEER SERVICES:Therese Helton, Therese.M.Helton@state, or 541-693-8988. DEPARTMENT OFHUMAN SERVICES/ VOLUNTEERSERVICES CROOK COUNTY: Valerie Dean, 541-447-3851, ext.427. DISABLED AMERICANVETERANS (DAV):DonLang, 541-647-1002. FAMILYKITCHEN:Cindy Tidball, cindyt@bendcable.comor 541-610-6511. FAMILYRESOURCECENTER: 541-389-5468. HUMAN DIGNITYCOALITION: 541-385-3320. HUNGER PREVENTIONCOALITION: Marie, info@hungerpreventioncoalition. org or 541-385-9227. LA PINE COMMUNITY KITCHEN: 54I-536-I3I2. NEIGHBORIMPACT: chrisq© or 541-548-2380, ext.106.
PEACEBRIDGES,INC., BEND: orJohn C. Schwechten at541-383-2646. PFLAGCENTRALOREGON: or 541-317-2334. RONALD MCDONALDHOUSE:Teresa, 54 I-318-4950. SAVINGGRACE:541-382-9227 or 541-504-2550. SOROPTIMISTINTERNATIONAL OF, president© or 541-728-0820. ST. VINCENTDEPAULSOCIAL SERVICES: 541-389-6643. VOLUNTEER CONNECT:www. or 541-385-8977. WINNINGOVERANGERIt VIOLENCE: or 541-382-1943. WOMEN'SRESOURCE CENTER OF CENTRAL OREGON:541-385-0750.
6131, ext. 208. LA PINERURAL FIREPROTECTION DISTRICT: Volunteer Coordinator, 541-536-2935. ORCHARDDISTRICTNEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION: www.orcharddistrict SCORE:Bruce Michalski, www. or 541-316-0662. SUNRIVERAREACHAMBEROF COMMERCE: 541-593-8149. VISIT BEND: or 541-382-8048.
THE CITIZENREVIEWBOARD(CRB): crb.volunteer.resources© or888-530-8999. CITY OF BEND:Cheryl Howard, or 541-388-5505. DESCHUTESCOUNTY VICTIMS' ASSISTANCEPROGRAM: Diane Stecher,541-317-3186or 541-388-6525. DESCHUTESRIVER WOODS NEIGHBORHOODASSOCIATION: orBarbaraat info© or 541-382-0561. JEFFERSONCOUNTY CRIME VICTIMS' ASSISTANCEPROGRAM: Tina Farrester, 541-475-4452, ext. 4108. JEFFERSON COUNTY VOLUNTEER SERVICES: ThereseHelton,541-475-
CENTRALOREGON LOCAVORE:ww w. orNiki at info@centraloregonlocavore.comor 541-633-0674. HIGHDESERT SPECIAL OLYMPICS: 541-749-6517. OREGON ADAPTIVESPORTS:, info© or 541-306-4774. SACREDARTOF LIVING CENTER: 541-383-4179.
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arrisisu or onorsa on TV SPOTLIGHT
w ar s
for "Bullets Over Broadway,"
68th Annual TonyAwards 8 p.m. Sunday,CBS By Jacqueline Cutler Zap2it
It's not as if the Tonys would
ever be confused with the Super Bowl, but this year expect
just abit more cross-dressing. CBS' presentation of the 68th Annual Tony Awards, live
from Radio City Music Hall Sunday, celebrates Broadway's
best, and this season features a
lot of men in dresses. The Associated Press file photo "It is a very draggy season," Neil Patrick Harris stars in "Hedwig and the Angry Inch" at the Neil Patrick Harris says. "I
can't wait to see which color lipstick Hugh is going to don."
"It is exciting," Harris says. "I havebeen accustomed to putting a lot of pressure on myselfto perform once—usually for an awards show, where we have censors and have to be choreographed and precise and big. And as soon as it is done, you move onto giving an award to someone else.
"I am enjoying the repetition actually, the hour-to-hour of it all," he continues. "Getting to
"I am a stocky brother. I am
the big guy who moves well." Another category with incredibly strong contenders is best performance by an actress in a featured role in
wear. Sutton Foster of "Bun-
a play. Sarah Greene of "The Cripple of Inishmaan," Celia Keenan-Bolger of "The Glass Menagerie," Mare Winningham of "Casa Valentina," and Sophie Okonedo and Anika
heads," who has two Tonys
Noni Rose, both of "A Raisin
and her sixth nomination for
in the Sun," give stunning performances. Keenan-Bolger says she's grateful her show was remem-
"Violet," was banking on Michael Kors dressing her.
Belasco Theatre in New York.
Foster's heart-rending per-
Harris refers to Hugh Jack- the theater early, the physical man, hosting for the fourth warm-up, the vocal warm-up, time. Harris, who also hosted the makeup and wigs — it bethe Tonys four times, is up for comes ritual. In past shows his first award for best perfor- I have done, it was a finely mance by an actorin aleading tuned machine, and when evrole in a musical for his amaz- erything was clicking it was ing turn in "Hedwig and the great. "With 'Hedwig' every show Angry Inch." Though Harris has three will be different," Harris conEmmys and hasbeen nomi- tinues. "And sometimes I am nated for many other awards, feeling sexier and sometimes this honor is special, he tells angrier, and all of this is alZap2it.
feet and knows how to rock purple and lame, Iglehart says,
in which Helene Yorke plays a terminally untalented chorus girl, and Vincent Pastore plays her gangster boyfriend. Long looks for ways to make the Tonys more popular. This year, the show features its first red carpet. A month before the big night, women who will be walking that red carpet were wondering what they would
"A Gentleman's Guide to Love & Murder." The latter, this season's most favored show with 10 nominations, is an o ld-fashioned
musical where a young man kills the eight heirs who stand betweenhim and becoming an earl. "Rocky" brings Sly Stallone's movie to the stage, and
Christopher Barreca's scenic design is rightly up for a Tony. He re-creates the iconic mo-
lowed in that show."
He plays a transgender man whose reassignment surgery
ment where Rocky climbs the stairs, as well as a boxing ring, was not a complete success, which requires moving the auand Hedwig, a performer who dienceout of orchestra seats never made it to the big time, and onto the stage, where the puts on a show and tells the
boxers pummel each other.
story of her life, which began
Though there are fun musicals and gripping dramas, In Harris' category are as American Theatre Wing R amin K a rimloo f o r "Les chair and 14-time Tony nomiMiserables," Andy Karl for nee William Ivey Long notes, "Rocky," and Bryce Pinkham there are no obvious sweeps. and Jefferson Mays, both for Long is nominated this season in East Germany.
formance as a white woman bered after it closed. "I thought with a terrible facial scar who there was a p r etty good in 1964 falls in love with a chanceitwould be overlooked black man (played by Joshua because it was an amazing Henry, also nominated), has season of shows," she says. garnered attention because As Rose shares the stage she plays the role without with Denzel Washington and makeup. LaTanya Richardson Jackson, "When it was done in '87, she says she does not think people's imaginations are about giving a Tony-caliber stronger than anything we performance. "I am thinking, could show," she says. "I am 'Anika, I can't believe you just a no-makeup kind ofgalany- ran into this couch.' I am harpway, and we got to this one ing on whether the audience point of, 'What am I doing? sees it or not. I am never thinkWhy am I putting on mascara ing (about awards). That's the or base or anything?' It didn't step just before you trip." make sense for her to wear Harris also says he does makeup. And for me as an ac- not focus on awards while tor, it didn't make sense. It was onstage. This Tonys show a gift. Woo-hoo!" will be very special for him. The day after the nomina- He'll "sit in a chair that is not tions were announced, some of backstage," Harris says. "As those honored were still reel- a host, you only get to sit in ing. The two most likely shoo- a cordoned-off booth backins are Harris' Hedwig and stage, quickly rewriting jokes. James Monroe Iglehart's genie It will be lovely to sit. I am so in "Aladdin." proud that 'Hedwig' got eight A big man who's light on his nominations."
e u wit a reeoa in rien
MOVIE TIMESTODAY • There may be an additional fee for 3-0and /MAXmovies. • Movie times are subject to change after press time. t
Dear Abby: I have been best friends with "Jean" ever since grade school. We get along great, except for one thing — she's a cheapskate! Jean is single and still lives with her parents; I am a single mother living on my own. We earn about the same amount of money. Whenever Jean DFP,R i s i nvited ou t
drinks, she brings only enough cash for
one drink, and then
comments loudly that she doesn't have enough money on her for another one and waits until someone offers to pay for it. When going out to eat, she eats at home first, and
then asks to "sample" everyone else'sfood. If she wants to see a movie, she makes sure to bring a
date to pay for her ticket. I think her stingy behavior is keeping her from having serious relationships because she expects to pay for nothing. It has reached the point where I don't want to
do anything with her because of her penny-pinching ways. Mutual fr iends have asked me to speak
to her. What can I say to keep my her, and that is what everyone has friendship intact? been doing. — Separate Checks, Please, Dear Abby:Because I'm a floin Ohio rist, my niece asked me to do the Dear Separate Checks:Because flowers for her wedding. I gladly you have reached the point that agreed. "Misty" put the priest through a your relationship with Jean is in jeopardy, talk with lot to make this a very special ocher about how her casion. She hadn't attended church behavior
h a s af-
fected you. But do not allow yourself s pokeswoman f o r anyone else. And unless you know
priest asked Misty for a contribution to the church for having her wedding there, she was miffed. I asked her, "Who do you think pays the utilities and upkeep for
for a fact that her stingy behavior
the church for one-time users like
is keeping her from having serious relationships with men, keep it to yourself. In the future, if you go out with Jean and she says she didn't bring enough money for a second drink, allow her to suffer the con-
you?" She hasn't spoken to me since! Was I wrong? — Miffed Myself in New York Dear Miffed:Wrong? You gave your niece a dose of reality, and
to be the appointed
sequences. And when she asks to
"sample" what you're eating, tell her calmly you'd rather she didn't.
you blaze a newpath, and you're more willing to take a gamble on your ideas. A partner, friend or associate supports
you, and heor shefeels asstrongly as you do about your decisions. If you are single, a romance could emerge from this association, and it is likely to become quite important to Stars showthe kind you. Expect things of day you'll have to heat up as soon ** * * * D ynamic
as summerstarts.
* Difficult
If you are attached, the two ofyou enjoy each other's
company alot. LIBRA loves to be
around you. ARIES (March21-April19) ** * * The presence of others inevitably involves you in their plans. If you don't want to head in this direction, buck the trend. Follow your chosen direction as politely as possible. Your thoughts and energy could be elsewhere; direct them accordingly. Tonight: Meet up with friends.
TAURUS (April 20-May20) ** * You deserve some time off from the overwhelming demands of others. If you want to cocoon at home, do. No onecan say anything abouttaking some personal time, as you give so much in general. Screen your calls, and do what you want. Tonight: Keep it easy.
stated it very well. It appears Misty
has some growing up to do. Perhaps when her "bridal fever" subsides, she will realize that life isn't
one freebie afteranother,and offer the apology she owes you. hersbecomes a pattern — and the P.S. I hope she thanked you for person is able to pay but is mooch- the flowers. I agree that when behavior like ing — that it's obnoxious. But it
won't be corrected by enabling
prior to the wedding. When the
— Write to Dear Abby at or P.o. Box 69440, LosAngeles, CA90069
night: Do not allow someone's comments to bother you.
could be sitting on some anger that might explode if it's not handled properly. Try to understand these feelings, and share them in a way that they can be heard. Caring grows because of your willingness to be vulnerable. Tonight: Don't ask, don't tell.
CANCER (June21-July 22)
SAGITTARIUS (Nov.22-Dec. 21)
** * * Keep communication flowing, even if you want to end the topic of conversation. You need to hear what someoneelse hasto say.Thisdoesn'tmean you have to agree. Avoid a disagreement by respecting the other party's feelings and ideas. Tonight: Do what you want.
** * * Your popularity and the demands of others could be overwhelming. You know how to multitask, but with this much going on, you might want to run away. Reach out to a close friend and make plans to visit. You need more relaxation in your life. Tonight: Where the
LEO (July23-Aug.22)
crowds are. CAPRICORN (Oec.22-Jan. 19)
YOURHOROSCOPE By Jacqueline Bigar
** * * You don't need to stretch far to find agreeable plans that you'll enjoy. In fact, you might already have several invitations that appeal to you. Accept the one where you will be most physically active. You could feel awkward with a loved one. Tonight: Dance the night away.
VIRGO (Aug.23-Sept. 22) ** * * Curb a need to be overly possessive and in control. That isn't how you
typically are, soaskyourself howyou can let go and head in a more positive direction. You might want to spend more than you should. Try to stay within your budget. Tonight: Accept a treat.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)
** * * Beam in what you want. Others can't resist you when you express the sunny side of your personality. A key lovedone wo n'tbeableto say "no"toyou. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) ** * * * You naturally choose fun plans. Let others figure out what they want to do; it could be amusing. Tonight: No matter Your unusually high energy needs to be funneled into something you enjoy. Make where you are, you will be noticed. choices that allow your self-expression to SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov.21) come through. Be direct with others. To** * Listen more and speak less. You
** * * * You might be involved with a project, or perhaps you have to deal with a parent or friend. Once you fulfill your obligations, you'll have every reason to relax. Allow your sense of fun to emerge. What a good time you will have! Tonight: Choose something different.
aouaRiuS(Jan.20-Feb.18) ** * * You have a way of letting go and escaping the here-and-now that others wish they could replicate. You are unlikely to be found at your normal haunts. Remember that you do not need to tell people where you are. A new friendship might be building. Tonight: Go with the moment.
PISCES (Fed.19-March20) ** * * Deal with a loved one directly. You will be far more successful if you relate on an individual level today. You'll seekonespecialpersonwhom you would like to spend time with. Nevertheless, you
can't just ignoreeveryoneelse. Tonight: Add someromance.
© King Features Syndicate
Regal Old Mill Stadium16 & IMAX, 680S.W. Powerhouse Drive, 800-326-3264 • BELLE(PG) 12: l5, 3:05, 6:20, 9: l0 • BLENDED(PG-13) 1:40,4:40, 7:30, 10:15 • CHEF(R)12:25, 3:15, 6:30, 9:20 • EDGEOFTOMORROW (PG-13) Noon,3,6,9 • EDGE OF TOMORROWIMAX3-D (PG-13) 1, 4, 7,10 • THE FAULT INOURSTARS(PG-13) 11:45 a.m., 12:55, 2:45, 3:55, 6:05, 6:50, 9:05, 9:45 • GODZILLA(PG-13) I:45, 4:45, 7:55 • MALEFICENT (PG) 12:05, 1:15, 4:15, 5:05, 7:15, 9:40, 10:15 • MALEFICENT3-0 (PG)2:35, 7:45 • MILLIONDOLLAR ARM (PG)12:30,3:25,6:45,9:50 • A MILLIONWAYSTODIEIN THEWEST(R) 1:20, 4:20, 7:20, 10:10 • NEIGHBORS (R) I:30, 4:30, 7:40, I0:05 • THEOTHER WOMAN (PG-13)12:45,3:30,6:25,9:25 • TEAMHOT WHEELS: THE ORIGIN OFAWESOME (no MPAA rating) 11a.m. • X-MEN:DAYS OF FUTURE PAST (PG-13)11:50a.m., 2:50, 6:15, 9:15 • X-MEN: DAYS OFFUTUREPAST3-D (PG-13)12:40, 3:40, 6:35, 9:35 • Accessibility devices are available forsome movies. •
McMenamins OldSt. Francis School, 700 N.W.Bond St., 541-330-8562 • CAPTAINAMERICA:THEWINTERSOLDIER (PG-13) 5:30,9 • RI02(G) 11 a.m.,2 • After 7 p m., shows afe 21andolder only. Youngerthan 21 mayattend scfeenings before 7p.m.ifaccompanied by a legal guardian.
5 p.m. on TCM, Movie: "On theWaterfront" —Marlon Brando became acontender in his own right as a longshoreman battling a ruthless racketeer in Elia Kazan's searing 1954 melodrama of political corruption and personal heroism. Filmed in Hoboken, N.J., this landmark film won eight Academy Awards, including best picture and best
supporting actress (EvaMarie Saint), as well as Oscars for Brando and Kazan. Karl Malden, Rod Steiger and Lee J. Cobb co-star. 9 p.m. on HALL, Movie: "Looking for Mr. Right" —Literary license, indeed. A struggling writer sells a novel featuring a character patterned on the man of her dreams. There's a catch, though: The publisher wants to market the book. as factual, not fictional, and send the author and her new love out together to promote it. Now all she needs to do is find herself a guy. Sarah Lancaster, Kip Pardue, Vivica A. Foxand Brandon Quinn star in this new romance. 9 p.m. on STARZ, "Power"Omari Hardwick ("Being Mary Jane") stars in this new drama series as James "Ghost" St. Patrick, a NewYork drug kingpin and nightclub owner whose carefully structured world threatens to come crashing down when his first love (Lela Loren) re-enters his life. Naturi Naughton ("Lottery Ticket") and Joseph Sikora ("Boardwalk Empire," "Banshee") also star. 10p.m.onMAX, Movie:"KickAss 2" —The self-styled, comic-book-inspired young heroes are back in this equally violent sequel, which co-star Jim Carrey disowned after being affected by real-world events. The title character's (Aaron Taylor-Johnson) efforts to lead a normal life don't go too smoothly, as is also the case for Hit-Girl (Chloe Grace Moretz, "Carrie"), and they ulti-
mately endupengagedagainin a ferocious battle with an old enemy lChristopher Mintz-Plasse). o zap2it
ON SALE E310 6512001
We er Genesis co
Tin Pan Theater, 869 N.W.Tin PanAlley, 541-241-2271 • DAMNATION(noMPAArating) 6 • ONLY LOVERS LEFTALIVE (R) 8 • THEUNKNOWN KNOWN (PG-13)3:30 I
Redmond Cinemas,1535S.W.OdemMedo Road, 541-548-8777 • EDGE OF TOMORROW(PG-13) 11:15 a.m.,1:45, 4:15, 6:45, 9:15 • MALEFICENT (PG) Noon, 2:15, 4:30, 6:45, 9 • A MILLIONWAYSTODIEIN THEWEST(R) 11:30 a.m., 2,4:30,7,9:30 • X-MEN: DAYS OFFUTUREPAST(PG-13) 1:15, 4, 6:45, 9:30 Sisters Movie House,720 DesperadoCourt, 541-549-8800 • BELLE (PG)2:45, 5, 7:15 • CHEF (R)2:45, 5:15, 7:30 • MALEFICENT (PG) 2:30, 4:45, 7 • A MILLIONWAYSTODIEIN THEWEST(R) 3, 5:15, 7:45 Madras Cinema5,1101 S.W.U.S.Highway 97, 541 -475-3505 • EDGEOFTOMORROW (PG-13)Noon,4:45,7:20 • EDGEOFTOMORROW 3-D (PG-13)2:20 • THE FAULT INOURSTARS(PG-13) 1:25, 4:10, 7, 9:45 • MALEFICENT (PG) 12:10, 2:30, 4:50, 7:10, 9:30 • A MILLIONWAYSTODIEIN THEWEST(R) I:40, 4:15, 6:50, 9:25 • X-MEN: DAYS OFFUTUREPAST(PG-13) 1,3:50, 6:40, 9:35 Pine Theater,214 N. MainSt.,541-416-1014 • EDGE OF TOMORROW(PG-13) 1,4, 7 • X-MEN: DAYS OFFUTUREPAST(Upstairs — PG-13) 1:10, 4:10, 7:15 • Theupstairsscreening room has limitedaccessibility.
1:30 p.m. on 5 8, "146th Belmont Stakes" —NewYork's Belmont Park is the setting for the third leg of Thoroughbred racing's Triple Crown — after the Kentucky Derbyand Preakness Stakes. The Belmont is run at a grueling 1 1/2 miles, a distance that has proven to be a deal breaker for many a hopeful. No 3-year-old has won the Kentucky Derby, Preakness and Belmont Stakes consecutively since Affirmed ran the gauntlet in1978.
Find a week'sworth of movie times plus film reviews in Friday's 0 GO! Magazine
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For homes online WWW b e n d h o m e S . C Om
Find Your New Hayden Home Today! Now is the time to own a home in our latest Bend community just one mile from the Old Mill area. This family-Iiiendly Gleneden II community currently has 5 homesites available starting atjust $237,990. Enjoy complementary design services to create your dream home by choosing &om one of our smart and spacious floor plan designs-but hurry, with only 5 lots remaining, these are sure to move quickly! Stop by our model home near the corner of 6th street and Reed Market, Thursday-Monday from I lam-5pm.
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Tripleknot Townhomes at Tetherow
These exquisite lo w m a i n t enance h omes offer exceptional style and design with many
amenities including a
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of the David McLay Kidd Golf Course. Open House on Sat-Sun 12-5. Priced from $529,750. Call Judy 541.390.1411 or Natalie 541.508.9581
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Courtesy Metro Editorial
g o urmet k i tchen,
m aster suite and office on th e m ain fl o o r
between the fl ashing an d t h e e x t erior
ummer party season is in full swing, wall of the home. Clear any such debris and that means scores of people will and then seal the overlapping areas with be relaxing with family and friends caulk. on their decks. But such gatherings are only as fun as they are safe, and Inspect support posts. responsible hosts and homeowners must Support posts should be firmly connected inspect their decks for signs of trouble to the beams below the deck floor. Loose before hosting their first summer soiree. connections between the support posts and Deck inspections can be relatively simple, beams should be tightened, and replace any especially for those homeowners whose bolts that need replacing. decks are newly built or recently refurbished. But even a new deck should be inspected at the start of the season to ensure the safety of all who will be spending time on the deck in
Inspect the surface. The elements can be harsh on a deck, so the surface to ensure there is no
the months to come. The following are a few buildup of mildew, power washing any areas tips to help homeowners spot trouble spots where mildew has ~ e d t o accumulate. on their decks.
Different deck materials may need certain
Check the wood.
types of deaners, so consult with the company who built your deck or speak to a local home
Split or decaying wood is a trouble spot that will need to be addressed. Such wood may feel spongy or break off without splintering, and those things are indicative of rot. Another sign of trouble to look for with regard to the wood is whether or not it
improvement sp~
to det e rmine which
type of deaningsolutionyour deckneeds.Once thedeckhasbeenpowerwashed,allowitto dry before applying any additional layers of finish.
Ensure railings are not loose.
has any holes. Holes may be a symptom of Grasp and shake the deck's railings to insect infestation, which can compromise ensure none are loose and all provide the safety of the deck over time. ample support for anyone who will be enjoying the deck. Balusters are the short Inspect the ledger board. pillars or columns that run perpendicular The ledger board is a weight-bearing to the railings and the walking surface of board that connects the deck to the house. the deck, and these should also be checked Over time, the gap between the ledger to ensure they are not loose. Youngsters board and the house may widen. In such may lean against the balusters when instances, simply tighten the bolts. When relaxing on the deck, so it's imperative inspecting the ledger board, examine that none are loose. the flashing that surrounds it. Flashing Deckinspectionsideallyshouldbeperformed prevents the b u i ldup o f m o i sture t h at inspringbeforehomeownershosttheirfirstgetcauses rot, and when there is an issue together, and if any problems are discovered, with th e f l ashing, it's o ften n oticeable everyone should steer dear of the deck until because mud and debris has become stuck those issues havebeen addressed.
++ Windermere ' Central Oregon Real Estate
1 ~
a=-i,..- a • .>sis
. Sl
Homeowners should periodically inspect their decks for signs of wear and tear to ensure their safety and that of their friends and family members.
$ 499 , 9 0 0
$ 250 , 0 0 0
Open living floor plan with 2209 SF., 3 bedroom, P.s bath. Youwill enjoyviewsofthe Cascadesfrom the large master bath with jetted tub.Huge entertainmentdeck with hot tub. Central vacuum, air conditioning. Neighborhood of private homes.
This immaculate & beautifully
$ 425,0 0 0
$ 389 , 0 0 0
$ 289 , 9 0 0
Redmond First time on themarket! OutstandingCascadeMtn. views and hugecoveredfront porch. Hardwood floors and slab granite counters .Masterand 2bedrooms are on mainfloor. 2 bedroomsup with large family roomand rooftop patio. Oversized tandem3-car garage. Fenced,alley access& RV parking.
appointed home, located in a quiet neighborhood,backs toa lovely community park. Anarbor
coveredpatio isthe centerpiece of the manicured backyard. Living room with gas fireplace,
wood floors and tile countertops Large master ensuite 2 bedrooms with full bath upstairs.
5 4 1 - 923-4663
695 SW Mill View Bend, OR 97702
10 2 0 SE Indian Ave Red m o nd, OR 97756
Remodeledin 2002.6 bedrooms, 3.5 baths. Second floor has huge master suite, large soaking tub
and walk-in double showerand private deck with hot tub. Main floor has a master bedroom with bath.Garage hast/2 bath.
Lotsofprivacy,waterfeatures and gardeningareas. Rockwall landscapi ng.Mustsee.
$ 154 , 9 0 0 Redmond Charming cottage, features living room with gas fireplace, kitchen with lots of cabinets andnice dining area. Slideris off dining to access the sidepatio/yard. Home and yard arewell caredfor andin move-in condition. Attachedsingle car garage.Community pool, park, and BBQarea.
Well maintained, energy efficient, 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath. Great room and kitchen made for entertaining.
Move-in ready,fenced yard, a/c, gas fireplace, hardwoodfloors. Large masterand bonus room have peak-a-boo mtn. views. Master bathwithsoakingtub. Backyard with maturelandscaping hottub,and garden.
603 - Rental Alternatives 604 - Storage Rentals 605 - Roommate Wanted 616- Want To Rent 627- VacationRentals & Exchanges 630- Rooms for Rent 631 - Condominiums & Townhomes for Rent 632 - Apt./Multiplex General 634- Apt./Multiplex NE Bend 636 - Apt./Multiplex NW Bend 638- Apt./Multiplex SE Bend 640- Apt./Multiplex SW Bend 642 - Apt./Multiplex Redmond 646 - Apt./Multiplex Furnished 648- Houses for Rent General 650- Houses for Rent NE Bend 652 - Houses for Rent NW Bend 654- Houses for Rent SE Bend 656 - Houses for Rent SW Bend 658- Houses for Rent Redmond 659 - Houses for Rent Sunriver 660 - Houses for Rent La Pine 661 - Houses for Rent Prineville 662 - Houses for Rent Sisters 663 - Houses for Rent Madras 664- Houses for Rent Furnished 671 - Mobile/Mfd. for Rent 675 - RV Parking 676 - Mobile/Mfd. Space 682 - Farms, Ranches and Acreage 687 - Commercial for Rent/Lease 693 - Office/Retail Space for Rent REAL ESTATE 705 - Real Estate Services 713- Real Estate Wanted 719 - Real Estate Trades 726 - Timeshares for Sale 730 - New Listings 732 - Commercial Properties for Sale 738 - Multiplexes for Sale 740 -Condominiums 8 Townhomes for Sale 744 - Open Houses 745 - Homes for Sale 746- Northwest Bend Homes 747- Southwest Bend Homes 748 - Northeast Bend Homes 749 - Southeast Bend Homes 750 - Redmond Homes 753 - Sisters Homes 755 - Sunriver/La Pine Homes 756- Jefferson County Homes 757 - Crook County Homes 762 - Homes with Acreage 763- Recreational Homes and Property 764 - Farms and Ranches 771 - Lots 773 - Acreages 775 - Manufactured/Mobile Homes 780 - Mfd. /Mobile Homes with Land 632
Apt JMultiplex General
.00 605
Roommate Wanted
Seeking roommate, $250/ mo. + y~ power. Have wdstove, Ig storage shed, $75 backgrnd chk reqd. Brian, 541-633-0613 630 Rooms for Rent
on the first day it runs to make sure it is correct. "Spellcheck" and human errors do occur. If this happens to your ad, please contact us ASAP so that corrections and any adjustments can be made to your ad. 541-385-5809 TheBulletin Classified
Furn. room i n q u iet home no drugs, alcoCall a Pro hol, smoking. $450 Whether you need a 1st/1st. 541-408-0846 fence fixed, hedges Just bought a new boat? trimmed or a house Sell your old one in the classifieds! Ask about our built, you'll find Super Seller rates! professional help in 541-385-5809 The Bulletin's "Call a 631 Service Professional" Condo/Townhomes Directory for Rent 541-385-5809
Fully furnished, GREAT location, $1000/mo. Please call 805-363-1117.
• H o mes for Sale Comm ercial/Investment Multiplexes for Sale Homes for Sale Homes for Sale Properties for Sale Newer 2 story duplex 80' RV pa r king! $110,000• Midcentury $215,000• Bend i 4.65 acre parcel in NE with attached Modern $179,900. 1616 sq. fgt. PUBLISHER'S 16629 Burgess Road, garages. Ad ¹2072 3 bdrm, 2 bath home •Bring back the sparkle Bend with 1936 sq.ft. NOTICE La Pine. 3820 sq. ft. 6 with dbl. garage, gas •2 Bdrm, 2 bath and mfg. home All real estate adver- rooms, 7 rest rooms. TEAM Birtola Garmyn •O utbuildings and m t High Desert Realty fireplace, pantry, split 1342 sq.ft. tising in this newspa- $579,000 High Lakes 541-312-9449 bedroom f l o orplan•Dbl commercial lot views per is subject to the Realty 8 Pr o perty •1.5 acre of COI irriga www. BendOregon with great room con- •20'x40' shop F air H o using A c t Management cept. ¹ 20 1 309527 Kathy Neal, Broker tion and sprinklers which makes it illegal 541-536-0117 541-420-4978 Pam Lester, Principal Bill Kammerer, Broker to a d vertise "any This is the only duplex Windermere 541-410-1200 preference, limitation 16480 William Foss, in Gilchrist townsite Broker, Century 21 Central Oregon Windermere or disc r imination O ffice b u ilding + and has been very Gold Country Realty, + shop. Inc. 541-504-1338 Real Estate Central Oregon based on race, color, home maintained. 4 Real Estate religion, sex, handi- $178,000. La P ine. well 1623 SE Bronzewood bdrms, 1 bath each $150,000 • Eagle cap, familial status, High Lakes Realty 8 side, plus living room, Ave. Peace and Se Watching $279,500 • Has it All Property Man a ge marital status or nakitchen, laundry area renity with this Clean i 5.89 acres on Crooked •2124 sq.ft. on 4 . 8 9 tional origin, or an in- ment 541-536-0117 acres. bonus room up a nd N e a t Ho m e River Canyon tention to make any PRIME COMMERCIAL and • Private well is installed •Great house with famstairs. Single car ga AD¹1582 such pre f erence, PROPERTY. Charm- rage, fenced back TEAM Birtola Garmyn •Septic approved ily room, 3 bdrm, 2 limitation or discrimi- ing updated Madras yard, covered patio High Desert Realty •House plans available bath, hardwood & tile. nation." Familial sta541-312-9449 building, located on Diana Barker, •Shop, barn and hay lan d scaping. tus includes children Hwy. 97, Cat 5 wire and www. BendOregon $179,999 Broker shed under the age of 18 system, h a r dwood 541-480-7777 Barbara Myers, Broker Realty, Den living with parents or floors & off s t reetCascade Windermere 541-923-4663 or nis Haniford, Pnnc. • 1.49 Acre legal cus t odians, Central Oregon 541-480-7183 $ 1 39,900. Broker 541-536-1731 $129,500 Homestead pregnant women, and parking. ¹ 201305319 Pam Real Estate Windermere Central people securing cus- Lester, Principal Bro- 2 Unit duplex in NW •3 Bdrm, 2 bath Oregon Real Estate •Private master bdrm tody of children under ker Century 21 Gold Charming Home in Bend. Ad ¹1332 • Wrap around decks 18. This newspaper Country Realty, Inc. TEAM Birtola Garmyn great neighborhood. $675,000• Sisters i Wonderful retreat will not knowingly ac- 541-504-1338 Ad ¹1002 High Desert Realty •Large kitchen and din ing area TEAM Birtola Garmyn •Open kitchen, large liv cept any advertising 541-312-9449 •Turn around driveways for real estate which is 14 acres zoned resiHigh Desert Realty ing room and deck www. BendOregon Dave Disney, Broker 541-312-9449 •Large barn/shop and in violation of the law. dential, divided into 4 541-410-8557 O ur r e aders a r e tax lots. Canyon City, www.BendOregon storage sheds Duplex! Convenient Windermere Central hereby informed that OR. $99,900. MLS Bill Kammerer, location. NE B end Oregon Real Estate all dwellings adver- 201207884 J u n iper Broker single level, 3 bdrm, 2 541-410-1200 tised in this newspa- Realty 541-504-5393 USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! • Turnkey bath, /2 bdrm, 2 bath. •2 $224,500 per are available on Windermere Bdrm, 2 bath, 1168 an equal opportunity Commercial Building, Fenced Yard and 2 Door-to-door selling with Central Oregon sq.ft. car tandem garages. •dbl basis. To complain of single level, no deReal Estate fast results! It's the easiest car garage, Eagle d iscrimination cal l ferred maint. Com- $309,900 Crest townhome way in the world to sell. m ercial building i n 36 Acre estate, Bend •9th fairway and mtn HUD t o l l-free at Cascade Nursery. heart of P r ineville. 51631 1-800-877-0246. The views. The Bulletin Classified Ad ¹1122 Kellie Cook, Broker toll f ree t e lephone Long term tenant in Jeanette Brunot, Broker TEAM Birtola Garmyn 541-408-0463 541-385-5809 number for the hear- place, possible terms. 541-771-1383 High Desert Realty John L. Scott ing i m p aired is Owner is an active Windermere Central 541-312-9449 Oregon realtor. Real Estate, Bend $205,000• Huge 1-800-927-9275. Oregon Real Estate Tom Roth, Broker www.BendOregon www.johnlscottbend. lot in Town 541-771-6549 com Roomy 1 bdrm house in $859,000 3158 Shevlin •3 Bdrm, 2 bath John L. Scott • Family room Culver. $500 mo. Meadows, Bend Look at: 740 Real Estate, Bend No smokers / no pets. •R.D. Building & design •Lots of storage www.johnlscottbend. 541-546-2221 or Condo/Townhomes •Newly completed con- • .44 acre lot with RV com parking for Complete Listings of 541-948-1890 struction for Sale •3553 sq.ft. & 42x16 RV Diana Barker, Broker Area Real Estate for Sale C ommercial Lots I n 541-480-7777 Crooked River Ranch: River's Edge, 1800+ sf, • garage Large custom home on Windermere 3 Bdrm, 2 full baths Houses for Rent Great opportunity to 2 bdrm, 2y~ bath overCentral Oregon 1+ acres, backing and 2 half baths, bostart a business or looking ponds & waterNE Bend private wildlife. Real Estate nus room plus office relocate an existing fall. $350,000. Adjoining Jake Ad ¹2042 Moorhead, Broker buildable lot available. business. Near res$1,890,000 TEAM Birtola Garmyn • rt 541-480-6790 By owner, 541-410-061 9 taurants, hotel and Elegant Craftsman High Desert Realty Loretta Moorhead, Home golf course. Owner 541-312-9449 744 Broker terms avail. Business • Extensive remodeled in www.BendOregon 541-480-2245 Open Houses Circle, Lot 82:- 1.05 2013 Windermere •4 ensuites, granite/ acres, $25,000. Lot 50 Central Oregon HouseSat. 12-2 marble countertops, $348,500 Stunning Charming 3 bdrm crafts- - 1.30 acres & Lot 51- Open Real Estate c ommercial g r a de views Redmond man w/ large bonus 1.23 acres, still avail- 19747 Aspen Ridge Dr., Bend stove and sweeping .2532 sq.ft on .23 acre, room. Updated appli- able at $35,000 each Stunning 4 b d r m/2.5 $145,000 - $160,000 Cascade views. private corner lot Coming Soon! ances & h a rdwood or purchase both for bath + Bonus room. •Surround sound on 3 • 3 bdrm, 2.5 bath, great floors. $1600. Small pet $60,000. Juniper Re- Modern open f loor •10 Bend w e s tside alty 541-504-5393 sides by deeded open room and bonus room considered w/deposit. condo's w/upgrades •Completely •500+ sq.ft. o u tdoor renovated space Alpine Property Mgmt Fully Rented, L ong- plan throughout! ar n /guest deck living with views 541-385-0844 bdrm, 1 bath, 680 •Historic b Term Leases - Great Directions: Br o ok- 2 house, sport court, •Fenced side yard, triple income pr o ducing swood, West on Mon- •Psq.ft. rec area garage/shop, l a r ge rofessionally m a n property. 2 buildings, trose, South on As- aged and maintained Cleme Rinehart, Broker driveway main b u i lding is pen Ridge. 541-480-2100 www.CentralOregonJake Moorhead, Broker 19,429 sq ft with very Beth Davies, Broker Patty Dempsey, Broker 541-480-6790 large parking lot. Sec541-771-6534 541-480-5432 Gail Rogers, Loretta Moorhead, 3 bdrm/ty~ bath home ond building is 6420 Andrea Phelps, Broker Broker Broker 541-604-1649 in country about 3 mi. sq ft. Great location. 541-408-4770 541-480-2245 f rom Madras on 1 $1,500,000. Windermere Windermere Windermere R s w| T o s S acre. A vail. 6 / 2 3. Call Candy Yow at Central Oregon Central Oregon Central Oregon 541-410-3193. $1000 mo, 1st/last. Real Estate Real Estate OPEN HOUSE Real Estate MLS201304214. 541-815-9254 SAT - SUN 1-4 Duke Warner Realty 20411 MAINLINE RD., 541-382-8262 TimberRidge. Completely remodeled Madras Industrial Site E3csnH ranch. $335,000 located close to air970-430-1503. IRP ©xh port with possible r ail access. O l d 745 wooden grain storHomes for Sale age building to CLA. Call for details. MLS 201401462 $50,000 $225,000• Dream Yard! Call Virginia, Princi- •1526 sq.ft. Broker •3 Bdrm, 2 bath pal 726 541-923-0855 Red- .Wonderful outdoor liv Timeshares for Sale mond Re/Max Land ing in a small space & Homes Real EsCarol Armstrong, $26,000 - 2 master tate. Broker suites with golf mem541-419-8758 bership for owners. Check out the Windermere Located on the ¹ 16 classifieds online Central Oregon green. Double car ga- www.bendbuletirLcom Real Estate rage with h igh-end Updated daily furnishings. Deeded Estate on 20 acres, five weeks a y ear. Own a Piece of History backs 20,000 acre Fire sale price on our Fort Rock Tavern and BLM land. Ad ¹1412 best unit! Grill - Recently re- TEAM Birtola Garmyn MLS¹201402819 High Desert Realty modeled. 4 poker maEagle Crest 541-312-9449 chines and lottery, full Properties www. BendOregon bar, pool table and 866-722- 3370 much more. 4 full RV hookups $200,000. Call The Bulletin At $5900-$35,900 Enjoy Call Candy Yow, Eagle Crest all year 541-385-5809 541-410-3193 as a fractional owner. Place Your Ad Or E-Mail MLS20'I 306884 Benefits of being an Duke Warner Realty At: Eagle Crest Owner at 541-382-8262 a "fraction" of the cost. $199,000• Quebec Home-ID FRAC Perfect for Owner User Court Eagle Crest Properties Total of 4 condo in- •One of the last avail• > • • i •• I 866-722-3370 dustrial units. Each able properties in • • i «I • • «s • unit is approx 2250 sq Sundance ft with 12x11 office & •Great price Commercial/Investment 12x12 overhead door. •Flat 3.65 acre Can be sold sepa- •Build your dream home • Properties for Sale • rately. Easy access to •On cul-de-sac f a i rgrounds Pam Bell, Broker 1352 NE 2nd St., Bend. airport, and Hwy 97. 541-848-7590 Beautiful commercial $499,000. Susan Pitarro, o ffice b u ilding i n Call Carolyn Emick at Broker Bend. $589,000 High 541-419-0717. 541-410-8084 Lakes Realty & PropMLS201309345 Windermere erty Man agement Duke Warner Realty Central Oregon 541-536-0117 541-382-8262 Real Estate Houses for Rent General
i •
AptJMultiplex NE Bend
Call for Specials! BULLETIN CULSSIFIEDS Limited numbers avail. 1, 2 and 3 bdrms. Search the area's most W/D hookups, patios comprehensive listing of or decks. classified advertising... MOUNTAIN GLEN, real estate to automotive, 541-383-931 3 merchandise to sporting Professionally goods. Bulletin Classifieds appear every day in the managed by Norris & Stevens, Inc. print or on line. Call 541-385-5809 People Lookfor Information About Products and Services EveryDaythrough The Bulletin Swwng CentralOregonsince 19l8 The Bvlletin Classiffeds
1 PM —4PM
1PN — 4PN
2.5 Hath, Great Itm Floor
1026 Niagara Falls Dr Dine50ns: West anCooper s Hawk,Righton Victoria Falls Dr, Righl on Niagara Falls Dr
Moulding, 22' Retraaable
Hosfed & Listed byr
Awning st SO MuchMore. Elevated Lot AboveGolf Course with SmithRock, Ochoco f4tnst City Views!!
LYNN JOHNS Principal Broker
Plan, LuxuryFinishes, Backs to Creekst Walking Path with Mountain Viewsl
Popular Pahlisch Homes community featuring resort-like amenities: pools, clubhouse, gym, hot tub, sports center, 5 miles 20878SEGolden GatePlace,Bend of walking trails. Tour a Direrfioes:From theParkway, east variety of single level and on Reed Market,south on 15th,then 2 story plans. follow signs.
3 bedroom, 2 bath, 1561 sq. ft. home. Butlt-Ins and gas fireplace in great room. Open floor plan with great layout of bdrms. Spacious backyard. Close 63247 NW Britta St., Bend to river, shopping and community park. Directiorrs:OB Riley to Halfway Road.
Hosted 6 Listed by Lynda Walsh BERKSHIRE HATHAWAY Broker
Hosted 6 Listed by:
Homes Starting Mid-$300s
prvncipa/ Broker
R E A L T 0
R 8
V i sta
Hosted by: MIKE JONES Broker
$469,900 Hostedbyr WES JOHNS
: .
%5 .:
Direc60ns:Wesl onCoopers Hawk, Right on Nukracker, Left onGdden Pheasant, Lelt on Eagle CrestBlvd, Left onWilliam Lyche, Left on 2ndHighlandViewLoop, Right an Trail cnek Dr LYNN JOHNI
Ph4clpal B(oke(
i l
Homes start>ng rn the Iow
$200,000s. Brand new homes m Bend with the quality
Directions: Xon Hwy 97, Won
pahlisch is known for stainless steel appliances, laminate wood floors, solid surface Chroma quartz counters (even in baths) with
Nrr QuinceAve., N on Nrr 10th st., tr on Nw spruceAve., N on Nw
under-mount stainless steel sink in kitchen, extra attention DirectiotrsrNorth on Boyd Acres,
17th, Past Teakuood lane, house at end of17th St. on right.
given ro allow for tons of Right on Sierra, Le f( on BlackPo~der, natural light R much more. Right on Cometlane.Lookfor signs. Come by the model home for starting in the low more information and plans.
3150 NW 17th St. Redmond
Prices start at
Hosted & Listed by:
541-350-2226 Listed by: J IM HI N T O N
Windermere Central Oregon Real Estate
Meadows! Three available homes to choose from and other lots/plans available.
The Davis:3 bd/3 bath, den, 1929 SF, 3-car garage. TheWindsor.3 bd/3 bath, den, 2235 SF, 3-car garage, Rv parking. Iheuncoln:4 bd/2.5 bath, den, 2410 SF, 3-car garage, single level.
$339,000• Ranch Home Bdrm, 2 bath, 1959 sq.ft. 9 acres •Craftsman, rustic design interior, 3 bay shop, lots of room Dave Disney, Broker i 3-4
Red m o n d ' s
neighborhood of
New construction. 3 br/2ba. 1705 sq. ft., on .23 acre lot, tile floors, tile backsplash, landscaped, fenced. $179,900. MLS 201209125 Pam Lester, Principal Bro ker Century 21 Gold Country Realty, Inc. 541-504-1338
1032 Trail Creek Dr
$429,000• Amazing Home •3224 sq.ft., 3 bdrm, 3 bath, 3 car garage i 2 Masters, office and bonus room •Kitchen with granite •041 acre lot with fenced backyard Pam Bell, Broker 541-848-7590 Susan Pitarro, Broker 541-410-8084 Windermere Central Oregon Real Estate
gfs r1
I •S
¹1242 TEAM Birtola Garmyn High Desert Realty 541-312-9449 www.BendOregon
Beautiful newSageBuilders home in EagleCrest Resort. 2681 Sq Ft, 3 Bedrm + OIIice st Formal Dining,
Spectacular home on 205 acres plus additional apartment. Ad
SAT. 8c SUN. 12PM - 4PM
Bend's exclusive mountain high community. Ad ¹1622 TEAM Birtola Garmyn High Desert Realty
out, Gourmet Kitchen, Hardwood Floon, Crown
AD¹1572 TEAM Birtola Garmyn High Desert Realty 541-312-9449 www.BendOregon
SAT sc SllM Stunning I level homein The Falls atEagleCresc,an active55+ adult community. 2381 SqFt, 3 Bednn + Olffcesr FormalDining, 2.5 Bath,Great Rm Floor Plan. LuxuryFinishesThru-
Builder's own custom single level h ome.
1 6755 Derringer D r .
Homes for Sale $214,900• One Level •Vaulted great r o om design •3 Brdm, 2 bath, 1450 sq.ft. home 'Tiled floors oversized garage, nver and forest lands. Dave Disney, Broker 541-410-8557 Windermere Central Oregon Real Estate
20781 NE Comet I,ane
a ~ am a
R E A L 7 0
Homes f or Sale
Homes for Sale
Homes for Sale
Homes for Sale
Ho m es for Sale•
Homes for Sale
Remarkable Deschutes 367 Kaehn Rd., Cres- 6 Acres In Tumalo l Aspen Rim l $509,900 Bend Golf & Country R iver 8 Can y o n cent. Exc. opportunity • 3056 sq.ft. Renais$660,000 Club l $475,000 • 3048 sq.ft., remodeled Views! AD¹1222 t o relocate to t h i s • 2594 sq.ft. custom sance built TEAM Birtola Garmyn charming 2200 sq.ft built • 4 bedroom, 3 bath • 3 bedroom, 3 bath • Chef's kitchen, out• .32 acre, golf course High Desert Realty home. Tucked away • 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath 541-312-9449 at the e n d o f a • Barn, storage building, door stone FP views cul-de-sac on the out• MLS 201402046 • MLS 201401501 www. BendOregon RV hook-up skirts of C r escent.• MLS 201400839 Matt Robinson, Broker Don Kelleher, Broker Pristine & pr i vate Debbie Hershey, 541-977-5811 The Kelleher Group stamps this property. Broker, CRS, GRI 541-480-1911 Get your F eatures an o p e n 541-420-5170 business floor plan with vaulted ceilings, gas fireplace, light Pergo flooring, MORRIS e ROW I N G upgraded counters & MORRIS REAL ESTATE flooring. Huge 4 car MORRIS REAL ESTATE ~ y~ ~ ay d detached garage, a with an ad in REAL ESTATE separate wood shop, Awbrey Glen l d~ A The Bulletin's RV parking and cov$549,000 Bend Park - 3 bed, 2 "Call A Service ered storage. A sepa- 70' RV parking! New 3 • 2474 sq.ft. bath, 2114y sf home r ate hot t u b r o om bdrm, 2 bath 1590 sq. • 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath Professional" in park-like setting. connects with master • Beautiful .31 acre lot Directory home coming soon! Main dwelling plus bedroom Must see! ft. • MLS 201403717 Pick your colors! Gas guest house/rental on Nothing nee d ed. fireplace, upgraded Jan Laughlin, Broker, total of 0.55 acre. $234,500 Single level Move in t o morrow! appliances and cabi- ABR, CRS, GRI, CSP a The 1440 N E 1 0 th •RV parking, open floor MLS 2014 0 3432 nets, t i l e flo o rs, 541-350-6049 dwelling has e n giplan, master bdrm $185,000Cascade enced an d l a n dneered har d wood separation Realty, Linda, Bro- fscaped, and more! floors in living, dining •Fenced garden and ker 1-541-815-0606 & bedrooms; Mitsub$259 900. too new for storage shed ishi electric heat & •MLS¹201401930 3 bdrm/2 bath, 2456 sq. MLS¹201400132 •Landscaped yard Pam Lester, Principal cool system (along MORRIS Debbie Tallman, ft. with 14.66 acre and Janelle Christensen, Broker, Century 21 with other heating opREAL ESTATE Broker 13.2 acre COI irriga Broker tions); and fantastic 541-390-0934 dy ~ ~ ~ d tion, bonus room with Gold Country Realty, 541-815-9446 cabinets w / C orian Windermere separate entry, solar Inc. 541-504-1338 Windermere Beautiful Lodge style c ountertops i n t h e Central Oregon design generates 20y% Central Oregon estate. 5 ares with kitchen. Adj a cent Real Estate electric. MLS 60 Acres l $775,000 Real Estate 201403830 $488,888. • 1939 sq.ft, 2 bedroom, Cascade Mt. views, guest house & main Energy efficient SE 5398 sq.ft., 6 bdrm, 4 home together f or Call Pam Lester, Prin 2 bath Find exactly what Bend Home on 3 bath, 3200 sq.ft. shop $510,000. cipal Broker Century • 4 stall barn, loafing you are looking for in the Acres. Ad ¹1142 w/ large office, 24'x36' MLS¹201309547 21 Gold Country Re sheds TEAM Birtola Garmyn John L. Scott Real CLASSIFIEDS alty, Inc. • Borders federal land to barn, 4 acres irrigaHigh Desert Realty tion. Granite, Traver- Estate 541-548-1712 541-504-1338 south 541-312-9449 tine, marble finishes. $575,000 • • MLS 201401359 www.BendOregon Shelly Arnold, Powell Butte BEND PARK Park-like Christy Broker 541-771-9329 •Panoramic views from Tick, Tock DeCourcey, setting. Main dwelling John L. Scott this country home Principal Broker plus guest 10 Acre, Gorgeous Mtn Real Estate, Bend •S pacious, light a n d Tick, Tock... 541-312-7263 house/rental on a toViews! www.johnlscottbend. made with quality tal of 0 .55y acres. ...don't let time get com •6.75 acre property, pri .30x60 insulated shop, Main dwelling floors with 4 bays workshop vately gated away. Hire a are engineered hardand office. Bill Kammerer, wood in living, dining, Need to get an professional out • Single level home built Broker & bedrooms. MitsubMORRIS ad in ASAP? in 2000, 1728 sq.ft. of The Bulletin's 541-410-1200 ishi electric heating & REAL ESTATE • 10 Acre, 6 i rrigated, You can place it Windermere c ooling syst e m. "Call A Service fully fenced 8 pasCentral Oregon online at: Kitchen has fantastic tures. Professional" Real Estate cabinets with Corian www.angecox.johnlscott Affordable bank-owned countertops. Adjacent Directory today! $359,000• Bend Cave .com/37392 home comingsoon! 3 guest house and main House Angie Cox, Broker 541-385-5809 40 Acres i n H arney br/2d/2 b a, built i n h ome together f o r •Private cave entrance 541-213-9950 2006, living and fam County 3 bedroom, 2 $510,000 •Koi pond, garden and John L. Scott rooms, located on Beautiful Log Home in MLS¹201309647 bath, 2384 sq ft home ily greenhouse Real Estate, Bend .97 acre lot, covered CRR - $370,000. 3 Bobbie Strome, vaulted ceiling, • 1960 sq.ft. on .52 acre. with sun room, kitchen with front porch, huge rear oversized bedrooms, Principal Broker Carol Armstrong, deck, double garage, 2.5 bathrooms, 2060 John L Scott Real Broker 541-419-8758 1.8 Acres with Cas- oak cabinets. Large 2 and und e rground sq ft, s everal out- Estate 541-385-5500 y metal shop with cade Mtn V iews Windermere sprinklers. MLS too buildings, main floor $ 189,900. 3 bed - bathroom, full shop Central Oregon new! Pre-listing sta master Ko i p o n d.Better Than New with rooms, 2 bathrooms, bay, apartment and tus. Real Estate Call Pam Lester, MLS¹201402993 1716 sq ft. New con- wood shop area. the U p g rades! Principal Broker Cen Call Jeanne Scharlund, All Awbrey Butte fine living struction, interior color Call Duke Warner 1120 sf, 3 br, 2 ba, tury 21 Gold Country and big Cascade 541-420-7978 Realty Dayville, finished garage and package options avail. Realty, Inc. Central Oregon Realty on a n views. Ad ¹1292 541-987-2363 ov e rsized, MLS¹201401007. 541-504-1338 TEAM Birtola Garmyn Group, LLC MLS¹201401285 Call Gail Day, fenced lot. $159,000. High Desert Realty 541-306-1018 MLS¹201402107 Beautiful & 541-312-9449 4.77 Acres in TumaloA LIFE IN Central Oregon Realty Pam Lester, Principal Green past u res, Spacious. www.BendOregon PARADISE! Broker, Century 21 Group, LLC mountain views, pond, 2 Bdrm, 1 bath, 800y Beautiful property with Gold Country Realty, barn 8 lovely home. Sq.ft., rustic cottage comfortable spaces Inc. 541-504-1338 190 Acre Horse PropPristine large family erty - Less than 1 mile Highly desirable loca- on a 2.99y acre par- for vaded family interhome on vacation from city limits. 2160 tion. $569,000. cel. Come view this ests. Exquisite teakBroken Top l getaway. AD¹1272 Call Kit Korish at sq ft 2 b edroom, 2 a mazing piece o f wood flooring in foyer, TEAM Birtola Garmyn $1,100,000 541-330-2120 living area and gour- • 3750 sq.ft. bath home. Several paradise on the outHigh Desert Realty MLS¹201308768 skirts of R edmond. met kitchen. Kitchen • Overlooks the 12th outbuildings including 541-312-9449 barn with o u tdoor Duke Warner Realty Built on the curve of has granite counter- fairway www.BendOregon 541-382-8262 arena. 3 tax lots, 120 the Deschutes River, tops, large i s land,• 4 bedroom, 4.5 bath acres in the Urban this p erfect s m all planning desk a nd 5 A cres w /Mountain home has amazing numerous oak cabi- • MLS 201403535 $284,000• Upgrades Reserve. $540,000. 3 b drm, 2 Views Call Kris Warner at views of the moun- nets. Master b e d- Bonnie Savickas, Galore bath, 1620 sq ft, irri- tains and the river. room on main level Broker, EPRO, SRES 541-480-5365 •Full of upgrades and 541-406-7537 gated, 36x40 shop, Detached garage has with luxurious bathMLS¹201206667 amenities fenced, ex t ensive a studio-type room room an d pr i vate ~2598 sq.ft. 3 bdrm, 2.5 Duke Warner Realty sprinkler sys t e m. with an extra bath and deck. Large 541-382-8262 bath M LS¹ 2809 2 2 5. shower •Family room and den att a ched. f amily/media r o o m 20085 Elizabeth. $265,000. Pam $425,000 and game/rec room. ~2 car garage. MORRIS $542,500 MLS¹ $184,000. 2 bdrm, 2 Lester, Principal Bro- MLS¹201309622 Barbara Myers, Broker REAL ESTATE bath, 1008 sq.ft., open ker, Century 21 Gold 201303078. 541-923-4663 or Bobbie Strome, floor plan, v aulted Country Realty, Inc. Bobbie Strome, 541-480-7183 Principal Broker ceilings. Fenced large 541-504-1338 Principal Broker John L Scott Real Windermere Central backyard and sprinJohn L Scott Real Oregon Real Estate Estate 541-385-5500 Broken Top l $749,500 5 Bedrooms in Riverrim! kler system. Estate 541-385-5500 • 2649 sq.ft. $442,000 • 2172 sq ft, main level Kathy Caba, Principal • See! Shows like Beautiful Views - Enjoy 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath Delightful Home master, den/office, 3 A nMust Broker ew. 4 B d rm , 3 . 5 summer in this beau- • Overlooks 12th green •Single level, open concar garage, A/C, stor541-771-1761 bath, new landscap- tiful cabin in Oregon • MLS 201401768 cept home age, shed/private paJohn L. Scott Bonnie Savickas, ~Wood floors, vaulted tio. Close to Brook- ing, interior paint, car- Water W o nderland Broker, EPRO, SRES Real Estate, Bend eting, 2 mas t er with your own dock ceilings, wood stove swood Plaza, river p www.johnlscottbend. 541<08-7537 •Dbl garage trail & parks. suites, theater, misc and canal leading to com studio. Kori Chinchen, the Deschutes River. •Shop and fenced $399,900. Broker Michelle Witt, 20 Acres for $180,000 Call Katrina Swisher, $340,000. e 541-788-6154 Broker East side of Bend. Big 541-420-3348 or Rob Call Terry Skjersaa, John L. Scott 541-974-4750 mountain views and Eggers, 541-518-9780 541-383-1426 Real Estate, Bend MORRIS Windermere wilderness area out MLS¹201403085 MLS¹201403452 www.johnlscottbend. REAL ESTATE Central Oregon your back door. Pos- Duke Warner Realty Duke Warner Realty com IA y A d y ~ M ~ Real Estate sible terms. Call Kit 541-382-8262 54'I-382-8262550 541-480-2335 Custom Home with Big Korish, Shop on Fenced 1.4 MLS¹201304808 Warner Realty Acres! $265 , 000 Duke 541-382-8262 AD¹1522 TEAM Birtola Garmyn 26695 Horsell RoadHigh Desert Realty Recently remodeled 541-312-9449 3bd, 2 bath, 2070ysf www.BendOregon farm house on 67.9y a cres w it h 39 . 7 y acres o f i r r igation. 16180 Lava Drive. 1344ysf building for Better than new c Office/Recreation/Sturaftsman home on dio, 4502y sf building 1+ acres. Ad ¹2062 with 12' door & man TEAM Birtola Garmyn door for shop/RV/Toy High Desert Realty /Boat storage & in541-312-9449 door gardening. New www.BendOregon 750y deep well being drilled to provide a 2545 SW 43rd. Luxuriyear-round source of ous home with stun- domestic water. New ning views. Ad ¹2102 gas log fireplace will TEAM Birtola Garmyn be installed. $625,000. High Desert Realty MLS¹201401400 541-312-9449 Bobbie Strome, www. BendOregon Principal Broker John L Scott Real $625,000 • Smith Rock Estate 541-385-5500 ~4 Bdrm, 3 bath, 3618 sq.ft. Garage Sales ~4+ acres near Smith GOLDENRETRIEVERPUPPIES,we QUAINT CABIN ON 10 ACRES! FORD F150 XL 2005.This truck Rock Garage Sales are three adorable, loving puppies Modern amenities and all the quiet can haul lt all! Extra Cab, 4X4, and •30'x48' dream shop looking for a caring home. Please youwlllneed. Roomtogrowinyour a tough VS engine will get the iob Garage Sales Diana Barker, Broker 3 Bdrm, 2 bath, Almost 1600 sq.ft. Nestled in the Pines, AD¹1672 TEAM Birtola Garmyn High Desert Realty 541-312-9449 www. BendOregon $575,000 Culver Acreage. •35 Acres with 27 acres of irrigation. •Cascade Mtn views .Two dwellings. •Multiple outbuildings. •Fenced and cross fenced. Barbara Myers, Broker 541-923-4663 or 541-480-7183 Windermere Central Oregon Real Estate $209,900 Country Home •3 Bdrm, 2 bath, plus den •Fenced and crossed fenced, horse ready, garage, bunk house
Count on our group of local real
estate professionalsto help you navigate.
NORTHWEST $395 QQQ$8299QQ 2182 NW Lolo Dr. • Unparalleled design • Master on main level • Superb kitchen features • Bonus roomw/wet bar • Priced at $829,900 DIRECTIONS: West on Skyliners Rd., right on NWMt. Washington Dr., right
on NW LoloDr.
1582 NW Erin Ct. • Two-story great room • Vertical grain floors • Hand texturedwalls • Four paver patios • Priced at $449,900 DIRECTIONS: West on Shevlin Park Rd., left on Silas Pl., right on BensCt., left on Erin Ct.
Bend R. Central Oregon H!D EN 20604 Cougar Peak Dr. t HILLS$ • Inviting great room • Secluded master suite • Den/3rd BR off foyer Rlmj • Outdoor living areas • Priced at $$24,900
DIRECTIONS: South on Brosterhous Rd., left on Marble Mountain Ln., left on
Ruby PeakLn., left on Cougar PeakDr.
In print and online with The Bulletin's Classifieds A dd c o l o r p h o t o s f o r p e t s , real e s t a t e , a u t o & m o r e !
Windermere Central Oregon Real Estate 2 Bdrm, 2 bath, duplex on large lot. Ad ¹1382 TEAM Birtola Garmyn High Desert Realty
call right away. $500
own little paradise! Call now.
20783 Hollis Ln. • Optional den or formal DR • Enclosed bonusroom • Open great room plan • Island kitchen • Priced at$$29,90D
OIRECTIONS:From Parkway exit Reed Market Rd. eastbound, right on SE15th St., right on SEHollis Ln.
19956 Brass Dr. • Spacious rooms • Formal LR & DR • Family room w/ fireplace • Tile countertops • Priced at $$89,900
DIRECTIONS: South on Brookswood Blvd.,
right on BronzeMeadowLn., continus right on BronzeMeadowat T,left on Brass Dr.
62938 Fresca St. • Fenced entry courtyard • Premium finishes • Open greatroom • Master on main level • Priced at $419,900 DIRECTIOMS:North on 0.8. Riley Rd., left on BronzeSt., left on Frssca St.
done on the ranch.
62712 Larkview Rd.
Find them in The Bulletin Classifieds
• Upstairs bonus room • Heat pump with AC • Hardwood floors • Deck with hot tub • Priced at $295,000
541-312-9449 www. BendOregon
26 acres with Timber - 4 b edroom, 2 ba t h , 2464 sq ft home with Bring Your horses! 3 4-car garage. bdrm, 2 bath, 1635 $419,000. sq. ft. home with in MLS20120827 credible mou n tain Call Duke Warner views, 9.74 acres with Realty Dayville at 6 acres of COI irriga 541-987-2363 tion, 2 2x48 s h o p, 24x24 garage, hot 2-Story on 13 Acres - 5 tub, and more. Call b edroom, 3 bat h , Pam Lester, Principal 2520 sq ft in Canyon B roker Century 2 1 City. $399,999. Gold Country Realty, MLS201305978 Inc. 541-504-1338 Call Duke Warner Realty at Dayville, 65174 76th Street. NW 541-987-2363 Bend home on 206 acres. AD¹1062 Good classified adstell TEAM Birtola Garmyn the essential facts in an High Desert Realty interesting Manner.Write 541-312-9449 from the readers view -not www. BendOregon the seller's. Convert the facts into benefits. Show River's Edge Golf the reader howthe item will Course backing 14th help them in someway. T-Box. Ad ¹9952 This TEAM Birtola Garmyn advertising tip High Desert Realty brought to you by 541-312-9449 www.BendOregon The Bulletin ddd 'dd Cdnl alOreganSinCe yddd
A dd c o l o r p h o t o s a nd s e l l y our s t u f f f a s t .
I '
DIRECTIONS:From Hwy. 20east, north on NE 27th St., right on NE Yellow Ribbon 0r., left on NEHawkview Rd., right on NE Larkview Rd.
• I I
19492 Century Dr. • Striking architecture • 11.5-ft great room ceiling • Master on main level • Frontage roadnewly paved • Priced at $547,900
*Specjal private party rates apply to merchandise and automotive categories.
DIRECTIONS:From Bend Parkway,exit Colorado Ave.wsstbound, lsft on SW Century Dr., continue toward Mt. Bachelor,
watch for frontage road onright past Campbell Way.
i ssi ie s To place your photo ad, visit Us online at WW W . b e n d b u l l e t i n . C O m Or Call With queStiOnS,
FIH glg
ttsddttor af the yesr
' •
5 41 -3 8 5 - 5 8 0 9 •
E4 SATURDAY, JUNE 7, 2014 • THE BULLETIN Homes for Sale
Homes for Sale
• H o mes for Sale •
Homes for Sale
Homes for Sale
Homes for Sale
• H o mes for Sale
Homes for Sale
Homes for Sale
Buildable lot in Wagon Custom Home in Can- Drake Park Neighbor- Full Cascade views- I ncredible Cus t o m Lava Ridgesj Living atits BestMirada j $279,900 New Custom Solar/ADA Trail Ranch. Almost yon City - 3 bedroom, hood - Feel the his- will never change, 3 Home on AcreageLocated in the heart of • Franklin Brothers new Home - 3 master $457,000 an acre, stick built or 2.5 bath, 2801 sq ft. tory in t hi s s tately b drm, 2 bath o n 1 This home is made • 3177 sq.ft. Tour of the Old Mill District. 3 construction suites, 3.5 ba, 3022 manufactured, home on a beautiful acre, 2-car + shop, with love and custom Homes winner m aster suites, 3 . 5 • 1541 sq.ft, 3 bedroom, s f, 0.5 A C i n g o lf $419,000. private little Deschutes Call Duke Warner double lot. Short stroll storage, and covered f eatures i n ev e r y • 5 bedroom, 3 bath baths, 3070 sq ft with 2.5 bath course comm., sunaccess,community Dayville, to downtown or Mirror RV parking. Many ex- r oom. Looking f o r • Private backyard, views of the river and • Mountain views, room, spa, wood & tile 541-987-2363 lodge-style home surcul-de-sac clubhouse and Pond. $998,500. tras! $169,900 MLS community pool mountains. S t a n dfloors, RV park, mtn swimming pool. MLS¹201304288 Call Kit Korish, 201402163 Call rounded by w ildlife • MLS 201404443 alone unit. $849,000. • MLS 201400412 view & more. 541-480-2335 Faye Phillips, Duke Warner Realty Nancy Popp, Princi- this is it. 4 bedroom, Rosemary Goodwin, MLS¹20'I 400102 Lisa McCarthy, $499,000. MLS Broker 541-480-2945 MLS¹201402653 Broker 2.5 bath, $899,900. Broker, Certified Call Jaynee Beck, Broker, ABR 201302802 pal TheBulletin 541-815-8000 541-480-0988 John L. Scott Duke Warner Realty Call Candy Yow, Negotiator 541-419-8639 Pam Lester, Principal Real Estate, Bend 541-382-8262 Crooked River Realty 541-410-3193 541-706-1897 Duke Warner Realty Broker, Century 21 To Subscribe call 541-382-8262 www.johnlscottbend. MLS 201304445 Gold Country Realty, 541-385-5800 or go to Elegant, Private Living- Go On Vacation! 5 bedtft com Duke Warner Realty Inc. 541-504-1338 Immaculately de- room home in Sunri541-382-8262 Location, Location, Advertise your car! signed an d m a i n- ver. G r eat r e n tal Location 2 bedroom Cascade Mtn Views j MORRIS Custom Home Add A Picture! tained 3 bedroom, 2.5 h isotry. Enjoy t h e In the Path of Progress home sits on large lot $600,000 Reach thousands of readers! w/Spectacular MORRIS REAL ESTATE b ath home sits o n SHARC pool and all in Prineville City Limin the coveted west • 3052 sq.ft. Iog home Call 541-385-5809 Cascade Mtn.Views! REAL ESTATE IM~ dy~ ~ ar t1 0.96 acres on Awbrey that Sunriver offers. its - 3 br/2ba home on • 3 bedroom, 3 bath side of Bend. Large, The Sulletin Classiffeds $729,000. 3 bedrooms, Butte. Spacious floor $399,000. Ie~ e ~ ~ ~ fully f enced y a rd. • 1.76 acres 1.29 acres zoned R2 Mirada j $339,900 2.5 bathrooms, 2583 plan is perfect for en- Call Jacquie Sebulsky New Home - 3 br, 2.5 • MLS 201402213 $259,000. • NEW Frankhn Broth (can be split into more LAZY RIVER SOUTH sq ft , 1 9 + a c res, tertaining. $750,000. at 541-280-4449 or ba + office, 1936 sq ft, Call Terry Skjersaa, Sue Conrad, ers built lots). Across f rom R emodeled 3535 y handsome fireplace, Call Terry Skjersaa, Michele Anderson at gas heat, gas range, Broker, CRS 541-383-1426 • 1990 sq.ft. model State Park and 2 min- Sq.ft. home with 4 rich wood tones, cus54'I -383-1426. MLS 54'I -633-9760. gas fireplace, fenced, MLS¹201403419 541-480-6621 home utes t o Mea d ow bdrm + offic e and 3 tom kitchen, expan201402446 MLS201310062 Duke Warner Realty • Quartz counters, lami- insulated garage door Lakes Golf Course. baths. Master bath s ive b a c k de c k . Duke Warner Realty Duke Warner Realty w/opener. $229,900 541-382-8262 nate floors $110,000 MLS with large jetted tub & MLS¹201403171. 541-382-8262 541-382-8262 MLS201309300 20'I42793 • MLS 201404627 new tile shower. MeCall Bruce Dunlap, Pam Lester, Princ. Kathy Janus, Broker Pam Lester, Principal dia room, family room, Energy Efficient HomeGreat Location 3 541-604-4200 Take care of Broker, Century 21 The Keller Group Located in the heart of Broker, Century 21 h uge kitchen w i t h Central Oregon Realty b edroom, 2 ba t h , MORRIS Gold Country Realty, your investments 541-728-8615 Bend's west side. 4 Gold Country Realty, handcrafted cabinets 1858 sq ft on almost Group, LLC REAL ESTATE Inc., 541-504-1338 bedroom, 2.5 b ath, 8 granite counters, an acre. Light & bright Inc. 541-504-1338 with the help from walk-in pantry, sunCute West Side Cot- 2219 sq ft with mas- single level. $319,900. Northwest Crossing j The Bulletin's tage Lots of opportu- t er o n m a in. T o o Call Carolyn Emick at r oom with hot t u b. $552,250 Need help fixing stuff? Have an item to Home has cedar eves to make this your many features to list 541-419-0717. "Call A Service • 2100 sq.ft. Call A Service Professional nity dream! Near down- here. $499,000. sell quick? with copper accents. Professional" Directory • 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath MLS20142321 MORRIS find the help you need. E xterior siding o n town and established Call Terry Skjersaa, Duke Warner Realty • Open floor plan, huge REAL ESTATE If it's under local bus i nesses. 541-383-1426 541-382-8262 h ome, garages & windows '500 you can place it in storage bldg have just Location Location, Lo$235,000. MLS¹201403715 • MLS 201402766 Home on 4.9 AcresCorner lot in Awbrey Call Terry Skjersaa, Duke Warner Realty been painted. Watch c ation! 5 B d rm, 2 Mountain Views - Per- Michael J Hopp, Broker The Bulletin Extremely well mainGlen. 3 Bdrm, 2 bath, 541-382-8262 the wildlife from the 541-383-1426 b ath, 1 6 0 0 sq. f t . fect Central Oregon 541-390-0504 tained 3 bdrm 2 BA1789 sq.ft., built in Classifieds for: wrap-around deck or manufactured home locationi Log h ome MLS201402153 bath s i ngle s t o ry 1998. Spacious mas- Duke Warner Realty FIND IT!i surrounded by views go to your private ac- with add-on's nestled h ome on 4 . 9 f l a t '10- 3 lines, 7 days ter suite, professionBtlg tTI 541-382-8262 c ess to 300y f t o f on 6.5 acres. Living of t h e Cas cade acres. 2208 sq. ft., ally landscaped. Little Deschutes River room, dining room, M ountain range 8 SELL IT! '16 3 lines, 14 days Danielle Snow, Broker Deschutes Riverfrontj The Bulletin Classifieds rock fireplace, dbl gafrontage for f ishing, kitchen and master Smith Rock. Very priMORRIS 541-306-1015 rage, gas fireplace, (Private Party ads only) swimming or floating. s uite h av e n e w er vate property is 2.65 $499,900 REAL ESTATE John L. Scott • 1652 sq.ft. Exquisite C r a ftsman central air & m ore. $495,000 laminate flo o ring. acres. Enjoy g o r201 3 10722 le~ ml y ~ ~ ~ Real Estate, Bend • 3 bedroom, 2 bath Bungalow - Brand MLS¹ MLS¹¹201309267 Ideal for starter home, geous sunrise and www.johnlscottbend. • .57 acre, 160 feet river new home in NWX - 3 $345,000. Pam Irrigated Mini F a rm. sunset from deck that Bobbie Strome, rental property, temirr i gated Principal Broker NOTICE: com frontage b edroom, 2.5 b a t h Lester, Principal Bro- Beautiful porary home, while surrounds every side All real 1584 sq.ft. estate adver• MLS 201403149 with open layout and ker, Century 21 Gold property. John L Scott Real building a new home. of the house. Follow tised here home, 3 bdrm, 2 bath, subCustom Built Home on Virginia Ross, Broker, designer fin i shing Country Realty, Inc. 3 6x32 s hop, l u s h Estate 541-385-5500 A great private county the sun or relax un- ject to th ein is F ederal 541-504-1338 69 Acres - 2692 sf, 4 der the 2 c o vered ABR CRS, GRI, Eco touches. $529,000. setting. Shared well, 2 outdoor F air Housing A c t , bed, 3 bath home with Broker, Previews Call Terry Skjersaa at Horse Property 3 bdrm, pasture, storage buildings, 400 porches. Outbuilding which Just too many a rena. Bring y o ur makes it illegal lots of windows pro541-383-1426. with power & water. 541-480-7501 AMP service to home 2 bath, 1823 sq. ft., animals! www.jacksoto advertise any prefcollectibles? viding great Cascade MLS201401609 P lenty of r oom f o r and 100 AMP service dbl garage on 2 .3 limitation or m ountain 8 Sm i t h Duke Warner Realty to pump house. This parking. 2 berms, 1 erence, acres, pellet stove, Barbara Jackson, discrimination based Rock views. Only 6 541-382-8262 Sell them in is a m us t p r eview bath (2nd bdrm is a l iving a n d bo n us Broker 541-306-8186 on race, color, relimiles from Redmond. The Bulletin Classifieds property, if you do, loft). This home sits gion, sex, handicap, r oom, central a i r , John L. Scott Fabulous Floor Plan40 acres of flood & on a cliff with an inMORRIS you will see its potenstatus or naL arge l iving a r e a 2-stall barn/tack room, Real Estate, Bend wheel line irrigation. tial. $195,000. MLS credible 360 degree familial REAL ESTATE tional origin, or inten2/open kitchen, maple hay storage, fenced www.johnlscottbend. 541-385-5809 All set up for cattle view and is minutes ¹201400038 IA~A e ~ ~ ~ d com tion to make any such cabinets & hardwood and cross fenced, RV w/cross fences & cora way from the f a Bobbie Strome, $29 9 ,900. preferences, l i mitarals. Private pond. DON"T MISS OUT! 654 floors. Gas fireplace, cover. mous Des c hutes Principal Broker Like New, U pgraded 201401392. P a m Just Completed - 3 Seclusion & privacy + Steven St., Crescent, A/C, large m aster ¹Lester, River. $349 , 900 tions or discrimination. John L Scott Real Home 3 bedroom, Princ. Broker, We will not knowingly bedroom, 2.5 b ath, wildlife on this prop- Great starter 3/2 1782 suite 2/tile counters. C entury 2 1 MLS¹20143'I47 Gol d 1 510 sq f t h o m e. 2.5 bath in Crescent Estate 541-385-5500 accept any advertiserty. $560, 0 00. sq. ft. home or vaca- 3rd room upstairs for Country Realty, Inc., John L. Scott Real Creek. C o mpletely ing for r eal e state D ouble Great room floor plan upgraded throughout. Looking for a home that Estate 541-548-1712 ¹201301950 tion property! Large office/extra. which is in violation of garage 2/opener. 541-504-1338 with laminate wood Hickory floors 8 cabi- has it all? Features John L. Scott Real bedrooms, a s epa- car New Construction this law. All persons owners' dues Impeccable C u s tom floors, crown molding nets, slate and SS Estate 541-548-1712 rate family & l iving Home great room layout w/ are hereby informed landscaping, Home on 23 Acresthroughout. Nice appliances, $219,000. vaulted sf, 3 br, 2 ba, ceih ngs, 1425 room. Breakfast bar include private neighborhood, that all dwellings adCustom Cra f tsman and a d ining area. water, sewer, outside NW Tuscan design master with full mtn hardwood floors, a Call Candy Yow, $219,900. with vertised are available Style Home - Large Vaulted ceilings make maintenance of t he l arge k i tchen w / landscaped, mountain views. views. 541-410-3193. on an equal opportuco m mon with Call Jaynee Beck, 1/4 acre corner lot in thishome seem even building, b reakfast ba r a n d sprinklers. $134,900. Great room, m a in MLS¹201402864 nity basis. The Bulle541-480-0988 MLS¹201402230 SW Redmond. 2200 more spacious. Plenty area and snow renook, formal dining Pam level master, wine Duke Warner Realty tin Classified Lester, Principal $12 9 ,900. cellar and more. Pond MLS¹201401864 sf home features 3 of room to build a de- moval. 541-382-8262 room, dow n stairs Duke Warner Realty Broker, Century 21 bedrooms, 3 baths, tached 2-car garage. ¹201400696 guest bedroom, main and irrigation comNW j $529,900 Gold Country Realty, • 2178Bend John L. Scott Real 541-382-8262 m aster o n mai n , Two separate decks Live in One, Rent the floor master suite w/ sq.ft. new conplete the p ackage. Estate 541-548-1712 Inc. 541-504-1338 beautiful custom me- attached to the home. Other! Two separate Travertine s h ower, struction $1,284,000. Knock your socks dallion t i l e en t r y, P artially fenc e d . Flat Yard on Awbrey Call Jaynee Beck, units on one tax lot. jetted tub, & private New Custom 3 BR/2.5 • 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath, off views! g ranite kitch e n $87,500 541-480-0988 Unique p e rsonality deck, two large up- BA, 2024 sq ft home den MLS Butte - 4 bedroom, 2 •38 acres, irrigated counters, slate floors, 201403646. Cascade bath home with office MLS 201310033 homes. Front home s tairs g u est b e d - on large lo t w / RV • Master on main, large Cherry cab i nets, Realty, Linda, Bro- bonus room and 2943 Duke Warner Realty •Beautiful 2600 s q .ft. has street access, 2 rooms, double vanity parking. Granite slab kitchen home stainless appliances, ker 1-541-815-0606 541-382-8262 b edroom and r e ar guest bath, a bonus sq ft. Fully remodeled tops, profes- • MLS 201400439 •120x64 barn with shop home is a one bed- room, private land- counter radiant floor h e at, Sue Conrad, kitchen. Lovely trim sions series SS appliand stalls media room w/sur- Down a Country Lane, details. Great f loor Where can you find a r oom. B ot h h a v e scaped and fenced ances, pantry, wood 8 Broker, CRS ~20 minutes to Bend round sound, over3+ acre, fenced with fenced y a rd s in back yard w/ irriga- tile floors, gas FP, 541-480-6621 helping hand'? plan, $529,900. sized 3-car garage, irrigation and barn. 3 Wiestoria A d d ition. tion, RV parking, & fenced & central air. Jacquie Sebulsky, From contractors to RV parking, and the Bdrm, 2 bath. Offered Call541-280-4449 510 play structure along $225,900 MLS¹ too $257,500. or Jean Nelsen, Broker list goes on! w/ a c overed Trex at $449,000. yard care, it's all here Call Jasen Chavez at new. Michele Anderson, 541-420-3927 $337,900. MLS¹ Cate Cushman, 541-891-5446. deck & paver patio. 541-633-9760 MLS in The Bulletin's Pam Lester, Principal John L. Scott 201402637 Principal Broker MLS 201400486 $465,000 ¹201400800 ¹201403637 Broker, Century 21 MORRIS "Call A Service John L. Scott Real Real Estate, Bend 541-480-1884 Duke Warner Realty John L. Scott Real Duke Warner Realty Gold Country Realty, REAL ESTATE Estate 541-548-1712 Professional" Directory Estate 541-548-1712 541-382-8262 541-382-8262 Inc. 541-504-1338 Ie ~ m lyo •
Excellent Service... I
• 3br+2.5ba, master main,den/4th bedroom • Canyon & pond views • .2 Iac w ith fenced yard • Brazilian Cherry wood floors • Great location / SW Redmond • theresaramsay
Theresa Ramsay, Broker 54I -8 I 5-4442 I
• 3 bedrooms,2.5 baths • Master on main level • 2588 SF • Parking for RV & Boat • Stainless steel appliances •
M aralin Baidenmann, Broker 54I-325- I096
' I ~f
• 40 acresw/ 39 irrigated • 7851 SF custom ICF built home • Chef'skitchen isentertainer'sdream • Guest quarters / 3 bedroom apt. • Private well • 20x60 shop with 14x60 covered area
Candice Anderson, Broker 54I-788-8878
Danielle Snow, Broker 54 l-306-I0I 5 I
• 3 bedrooms, 3baths • 3713 SF, lot 1.15 acres •Views of Cascades • Two bonus rooms • Wine Cellar
o • '
$3 I 5,000
i e
'g •
I Iit i
• 4 bed, 3.5 bath 1988 SF • 2 master suites, one on main level
• Stainless steel appliances Large deck off kitchen, gas fireplace • $3000 carpet allowance • NaralinBaidenmann, Broker 54 I-325-I096
• 56 premier lots in NW Bend • Lots range 0.12 - 0.25 acres • All utilities in Wide streets & nicely treed • Close to parks & river trails • Easy access to parkway • Kathy Denning, Broker 54 I-460-4429
aa ~ ~
• $315,000,3 bdrms/2.5 baths/2584 SF •C herryfloors,custom aldercabinetry,tile • Gas fireplace, bonus room, stone pillar • Fenced yard, large patio • Close to schools, medical & shopping • Peggy LeeCombs, Broker,GRI,CRS 54I-480-7653 '
$ i 30,000
• Stylish 3 Bdrm,2-1/2 bath • Quality wood floors, tile, stone • M astersuite,soaking tub,w alk-in • Privacy+ on this.25 acre lot • Peggy LeeCombs, Broker,GRI,I:RS 54 I-460-7653
e II
Priority Home Lendinff, LLC.
CONTACf MK FOR ALL OF YQUR HOME-FINANCIN6 NEEDS! 5 fenced acres/4 acres irrigation 5398 SF,6 bedrooms,4 baths 3200 SF 3-story shop 24'x36' barn with loft Granite, travertine, marble finishes 2 heat pumps,2 bonus rooms
ShelleyArnold, Broker 54I -77 I-9329
• Peace & quiet on this 0.28 acre lot • Easy drive from Cottonwood • This is a flat lot with pines •
CHARLES "CHARLIE" SANFORD Home Mortgage Consultant Branch Manager jNMLS 403898 Direct: 541.693.8786
• MLS 20 I401805 • 6.85 acres • Near Brasada • Panoramic Cascade views
Cell: 54'!.788.8870
Susanna Robinson, Broker 54I -6I 0-8039
Gary Fiebick, Principal Broker 54 l-390- I602
• '
Homes for Sale
Homes for Sale
• H o mes for Sale •
Homes for Sale
Homes for Sale
One Acre Buildable lot. P rivate 1 . 2 5 acr e Roomy Single Level in S unburst Park - I m - T he W i ndsor, N W B eautiful treed l o t cul-de-sac l o cation Stonehedge - Open maculate single level Redmond - Main floor ready to build. Newer with Cascade views. floor plan w/vaulted 3bd, 2ba, 1630 sq ft den/4th bedroom, lots septic and well. close Septic in with 100 gal. living room & family home on nearly 0.46 of natural light, eating to L a P i n e r ecre- tank Connection to room, kitchen feaacre featuring pan- bar in kitchen, landational areas, lakes, CRR water, 30x40 ga- tures plenty of cabin- oramic Cas c ade scaping, 3 bdrm, 2s/~ hunting and m oun- rage shop with con- etry, eating counter, views. Rear yard is bath, 2235 s q ft. tains. MLS crete floors, windows large pantry, dining fully fenced; includes $309,900. Call Jim 201401875. and 16x10 overhead area w/access to the a paved RV parking Hinton, 541-420-6229 Jayci Larson, Broker cloon MLS huge bac k d e c k. site with (2)-30-amp Central Oregon Re541-325-3955 201302066. $85,900. M aster bedr o om plug-ins & a sewage alty Group, LLC John L. Scott Nancy Popp, Princi- separation from addi- dump. Great room is o Be B uilt o n 2 . 5 Real Estate, Bend pal Broker tional two bedrooms. vaulted and light & T acres. 3 b drm, 2.5 www.johnlscottbend. 541-815-8000 Two offices or hobby bright with a wood3005 sq. ft. home com Crooked River Realty room. L a ndscaped stove (also plumbed bath front & back w/fenced for gas if a g aslog Daylight b a sement, Opportunity Knocks! 5 P rivate Broken T o p f amily/bonus backyard that has lots fireplace is desired). office, Estate Custom built upg r aded units on one lot, all of trees for privacy. Kitchen & utility room rooms, rented out. They are 3 bedroom, 3.5 bath, Forced air gas w/cen- are also plumbed for c abinets new n e w & more all manu f actured 3541 sq ft home with tral air conditioning. gas, if that is your H S. homes, on city ser- open great room floor $199,900. $349,000. MLS MLS preference for cookPam vices. $289 , 900. plan and radiant floor 201310177 ing or clothes drying. 201401392 heat. $949,900. Call ¹201403281. Jenn-Air range, May- Lester, Princ. Broker, John L. Scott Real Tammy S e ttlemier, C entury 2 1 Gol d John L. Scott Real Estate 541-548-1712 tag r efdgerator & 541-4'I 0-6009. Estate 541-548-1712 Realty, Inc., Amana d i shwasher Country MLS¹201300357 Serenity Now! Beautiful were 541-504-1338 installed in 2007. Panoramic C a scadeDuke Warner Realty custom home, approx Large walk-in pantry Turn-Key C r aftsman View - Beautiful & 541-382-8262 3 253 sq f t o n 4 . 5 too! MLS¹ 201401439 Home - Located in peaceful Powell Butte Rare Metolius River- acres 2/.5 acre irrigaone o f P r i neville's home on 10.36 acres front property w ith tion. P r ivate w e l l, $317,300. Bobbie Strome, premiere n e ighbor2/89.33 acres of irri- cabin in Camp Sher- pond, close in, priPrincipal Broker hoods. This h o me ation. Rebuilt in 2004 w/paved roads. vate and s ecluded John L Scott Real features a great room original house built in man, with too many extras Estate 541-385-5500 1 br/1ba plus loft, layout, kitchen pantry, 1975 pe r co u nty sleeps 6 , to mention. $672,900. gr a nite stainless appliances, records). Open loft counters, huge deck, Call Carolyn Emick at Sundance j $699,000 formal dining room den overlooks the liv- u nobstructed 541-419-0717. • 5004 sq.ft, 4 bedroom ri v e r main floor master & ing & dining areas views 8 access. Fully MLS 201304783 • Gourmet kitchen, theupstairs master suite. w/soaring va u lted furnished. $399,000. Duke Warner Realty ater room 2 downstairs guest ceilings. S p a cious MLS 201402947 541-382-8262 • 2.18 acres, Cascade b edrooms, do w n kitchen and utility/mud Pam Lester, Principal views Skyliner Summitj stairs guest bathroom, room with tile flooring. Broker, Century 21 • MLS 201400616 $735,000 Wrap-around porch, Gold Country Realty, bonus room, utility Jim Moran, Broker •Semi-custom 3637 r oom w / sink, a t detached 2-car Inc. 541-504-1338 541-948-0997 sq.ft. tached double garage, drive-through garage • 4 bedroom, 3.5 bath central gas heat & & 1008 sf barn/shop Find It in • .31 acre, two masters heat pump. Fenced, with a 720 sf lean-ton s prinkled 8 nic e ly fenced pasture, pond, The Bulletin Classiffeds! • MLS 201403988 David Gilmore, Broker, landscaped backyard l andscaped ya r d . 541-385-5808 CRS, E-pro, RSPS M ORRIS w/excellent privacy & $472,500. 541-312-7271 REAL ESTATE Red Rock R anch large patio, RV parkMLS¹201402783 l~ ~ d Op mB ing along with interior John L. Scott Real Spectacular s e tting with view of the Cas& e x t erior p a i nt. Estate 541-548-1712 Sunset View Estates j c ades an d S m i th $269,900. $1,395,000 Perfect Horse property Rock. 79.56 acres, ¹201400977 • 3175 sq.ft. custom or Private Sanctuary. 63.2 acres of irrigaJohn L. Scott Real MORRIS home Unique lodge style tion. 3502 sq ft 4 bedEstate 541-548-1712 REALESTATE • 2 master suites h ome w it h op e n room, 2.5 bath home • Overlooks Lost Tracks beams and a ggre- including guest quarWhat are you Golf Course gate entry. This pas- ters. G reat h o r se Just bought a new boat? • MLS 201404675 Sell your old one in the looking for? sive solar home is barn, hay barn & outAsk about our Christy Hartmanopen and bright w/lots door arena. $824,000. classifieds! You'll find it in Super Seller rates! of windows showcasCall Kris Warner, 541-385-5809 ing mountain views. 541-480-5365 The Bulletin Classifieds 3.33 Acres property South Deerfield Parkj MLS ¹201402156 has gate for easy ac- Duke Warner Realty $279,900 • NEW Franklin Brothcess to BLM and Na541-385-5809 541-382-8262 tional Forest w/neters built Contempo- • 1701 sq.ft. Turn-of-the-Century work of trails for miles Remodeled Charm - 3 bedroom, of riding, mountain rary Style - Located in • 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath biking o r hik i n g. the Old Mill District, 4 • MLS 201400531 2.5 bath, 2081 sq ft REAL ESTATE b edroom, 3 bat h , with special finishes to Beautiful high quality Kirk Sandburg, Broker d~ A 2098 sq ft. Custom 541-556-1804 complete this home. horse set up w/galvaSW Bend j $549,900 $45,000 theater/menized metal fencing $539,900. • 2464 sq.ft. dia/sound/lighting Call Tammy Settlemier, and posts, from free • 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath 541-410-6009 watering system, barn system, cooks delight • East access to Mt MLS201310532 w/box stall, tack room kitchen, open f loor Bachelor & trails Duke Warner Realty and m uc h m o r e. plan. $359,500. MORRIS • MLS 201404680 Call Aubre Chesire, 541-382-8262 $429,900. REAL ESTATE 541-598-4583 or Pat Palazzi, Broker Candy Woodbridge, 541-771-6996 Brook Criazzo at Broker 541-550-8408, Need to get an ad Spectacular home on 541-610-5876 MLS¹201403010 acreage. Total Property in ASAP? Duke Warner Realty •SE Bend on 4.81 acres Resources 541-382-8262550 - $519,900 Pick Your Colors - New River access property. •4 Bdrm, 3 b a th & M ORRIS Fax it tu 541-$22-7253 home on 0.15 AC in REAL ESTATE 3 tax lots = 1.5 acres. den/office private neighborhood. main , dOp ~ The Bulletin Classifieds 2392 sq.ft., 3 bdrm, •M aster on 1425 sf, 3 bdrm, 2 triple-car garage & 2 bath. Horses SW Redmond j bath & 2-car garage. barn/shop welcome, river $374,900 $139,900. Ultimate Home - 5 bedaccess across street. • 3540 sq.ft. MLS¹201402233 room, 6 bath with ofwww.jackson-anderson. 436 • 4 bedroom, 3 bath Pam Lester, Principal fice, family room, rec Kellie Cook, Broker com • Ochoco & Smith Rock Broker, Century 21 room and 2 master 541-408-0463 Candice Anderson, views Gold Country Realty, Broker 541-788-8878 suites. Other features John L. Scott • MLS 201402758 Inc. 541-504-1338 include sun r o om, Real Estate, Bend John L. Scott Lester Friedman PC, solarium and an aweReal Estate, Bend Picturesque Ponderosa Broker, ABR, CSP, some greenhouse all www.johnlscottbend. Setting - Beautifully on over 10 acres with Want to impress the com landscaped, RV mountain views. relatives? Remodel parking. 3 bedroom, River Canyon Estates $999,000. 2.5 bath, 2443 sq ft. your home with the j $639,000 MLS¹201403687. Offeredat$469,500. • 3419 sq.ft. upgraded help of a professional Call Candy Yow, Cate Cushman, home from The Bulletin's 541-410-3193 Principal Broker • 5 bedroom, 3 bath Duke Warner Realty "Call A Service 54'I -480-1884 • Paver patios, water 541-382-8262 REAL ESTATE Professional" Directory feature • MLS 201403859 The Bulletin's Powell Butte View Es- Karin Johnson, Broker Stonehaven j Tanglewood. 4 Bdrm, "Call A Service tate. 6.85 Acres, near $325,000 541-639-6140 on large lot, living Professional" Directory Brasada, Panoramic • 2220 sq.ft. Palmer room and family room, Cascade views. MLS construction deck off master bdrm. is all about meeting ¹201401805 • 3 bedroom + den, 3 Jim King, P rincipal yourneeds. Gary Fiebick, Principal bath Broker. 541-693-8761 Broker. 541-390-1602 Call on one of the • Near Bend Golf & John L. Scott MORRIS John L. Scott Country Club professionals today! Real Estate, Bend REAL ESTATE Real Estate, Bend • MLS 201400755 www.johnlscottbend. www.johnlscottbend. I&~ w~ ~ ~ d Al Eastwood, Principal com Unsurpassed Breathcom Broker, CCIM River Canyon Estates taking Views of Smith The Davis, NW Red- Rocks from a lmost 541-350-0987 j $640,000 Prineville - Build your • 3450 sq.ft. mond 3 bdrm (den or e very r oom. 4 b r / dream home! 1.76 ir- • 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath 4th bdrm), 2ya bath, 2.5ba, 2848 sq ft on rigated horse prop- • Cascade views & De1929 sq f t . h o me. 5.24 ac w/ 3.4 ac irrierty in Sunrise Acres. schutes sounds Open great r oom, gation. Spacious deck F enced w/ba r n , • MLS 201404027 tons of cabinet space to view stunning sunMORRIS lean-to and corrals. in kitchen, 2nd floor rises/sunsets. Horse Stone, Broker REAL ESTATE Only 2 m i nutes to Jerry laundry rm, $294,900. property. $ 3 99,888 541-390-9598 town. Cul-de-sac and ¹ 201307047. Jim MLS¹ Too new. great views. Stunning Awbrey Butte Hinton, 541-420-6229 Pam Lester, Principal Kathy Denning, Broker Central Oregon Realty Home. 3700 s q .ft. Broker, Century 21 541-480-4429 h ome, gour m et Group, LLC Gold Country Realty, John L. Scott k itchen w it h sl a b Inc. 541-504-1338 MORRIS Real Estate, Bend People Lookfor Information granite. Large master REAL ESTATE www.johnlscottbend. About Products and Updated Home on 4 bdrm, with spa style com IA p Mmly~ M O~ a Acres - 3 bed, 3 bath, bath, huge bonus/me- Services EveryDaythrough with 3 acres of priRoom for Everyone dia room, wine cellar. TheBulletin Classineds vate water r i ghts. Say "goodbuy" S pacious home i n Deck, water feature Eagle's Landing. 3 The Highlands Gated, 1680 sq ft shop, 1080 and fabulous mtn. to that unused mountain views. 2 sq ft barn, fenced 8 bedroom, 2~/a bath, views. 10-acre parcels. Of- cross-fenced. Underitem by placing it in 2387 sq ft. Offered at Colleen Dillingham, Broker 541-788-9991 fered at $550,000. ground sprinklers & The Bulletin Classifieds $329,500. Cate Cushman, more. $350 , 000. Cate Cushman, John L. Scott Principal Broker ¹201400236 Real Estate, Bend Principal Broker 541-480-1884 John L. Scott Real 541-480-1884 www.johnlscottbend. 541-385-5809 Estate 541-548-1712 com
•$ ~
4 $
FANTASTICSISTERSSETTING CLOSETO OLD HILLDISTRICT Custom 2,177sq. ft. 3 bedroom, 2 bath 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 1506sq.It. home. French
3 bedroom, 2 bath, 1431sq.ft. home on 6.9 acres. This wellmaintainedhomehas muitiple out buildingsandroom for your horses. $349,500 CALLjASENCHAVEZ
home on anacre lot wi th a 24x40 doors to privatediningroom. Custommoldings,
shop that includes a 600 sq. It. guest A/C, large master bedroom with Jacuzzi tub. quarters. $419,000 CALLKIMWARNER Beautiful landscaping. $260,000 CALLLARRV AT 541-410-2475.MLS:201404876 JACOBS AT 541-480-2329. MLS:201405037
AT 541-891-5446.MLS:201403555
PRIYATEBACKYARD AND RY PARKING! Conveni ent SE location nearKawanisPark shoppingandOld Mil. Excellent condition, 1377sq.Ib 3bedroom,2.5 bath. $219,000. CALL ROB EGGER S AT 541-815-9780. ML9:201405019
3bedroom , 1066 sq.R.cbse to shopssnI resuuratt Pnscy located in the OldMill District. 4 bedroom, landsc aping,numerousoutdoor livingan.ssHardwoodIoors,big 3 bath, 2098 sq. It. $344,000 CALL windows ed beamsinthelivingroomaddto thecharmofas AUI3RE CHESHIREAT 541-598-4583 OR
home$31916 CALLIACQuESEBUI5KYAT541-2804449 BROOK CRIAZZO AT 541-550-8408. OR H0IEL EAIIDERSONAT541-6339760. MI6:201105273 I4LS:201403010 SE ~
P F%+Sf
3 bedroom 2.5 bath in Crescent Creek. Beautiful customhome,approx. 3253sq.R.on Completely upgradedthroughout. Hickory 45 acreswith 8 acmimgation Privatewell pond, floors andcabinets,slate andSSappliances, close in, private andsecludedwith too many $219,000 CALL CANDY YOW AT extrastomentions.$672,900. CALLCAROLVN 541-410-3193. I4LS:201402864 EI4 ICKAT 541-419-0717 I4LS:201304783
Tucked in aquiet cul-de-sac,this 3 bedroomsuite Craftsman homehas3.5 baths with expansivemain level mastersuite. Seller is alicensedrealtor in the State of Oregon. $599,999 CALL HEAT HER
FREDR EICKSONAT541-639-9102. HLS:201404505
I ts'f+
5 bedroomhome in SunnvecGreat rental history. Two separate unitsononetax locUniquepersonality NW Tusc ign s ggl ntain views. Enjoy the SHARCpool and all that Sunnver homes Fronthomehasstreet access,2bedrooms Great room,mainlex~ r, wine cellar offers. $399,000CALLIACQUIESEBULSICYAT and rearhomeisaonebedroom. Bothhavefenced and more.Pondandirrigation completethe 541-280-4449 ORMICHELEANDERSON AT yards in WiestoriaAddition. $255000 CALLIASEN package.$1,284,000 CALLjAYNEEBECK
CHAVEZ AT541-891-5446. I4LS:201400486
AT 541-480-098&MLS:201310033
3 bedroom, 2 bath, 1850sq.R. home on 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 1344sq.ft. home on almost 5 acres. Irrigated pastures with 10 acreswith oversizeddeck in front and pond. Great horse property. $569,000 backandunderground spnnklers. $340,000 CALL KIT KORISI4 AT 541-330-2120. CALL KAROLYNDUBOISAT 541-390-
7863. ML9:201403958
REOROCKRANCH Spectaculasetting r with viewofthe CascadesandSmith
Rock.79.56acres,63.2acresof imgation. 3502sq.It., 4bedroom 35bathhomeincludingguestquarters. Great horse bam,haybarnandoutdoor arena.$824,I CALL KRSWA RhiERAT541-480-5365 ISLS;201402156
View all our listings, additional photos and more at
Custombui lt,3bedroom,3.5bath,3541sq.ft. home wit h open great room Iloor plan andradiant floorheat. $949,900 CALL TAI4I4Y SETTLEM IER AT 541-410-6009.
CREATHOMEONCLOSEINSMALLACREAGE Perfect location just east of town, 3 bedroom, 25 bathhomeis3897sqRwijh all ofthebedrooms on the mainlevel. Private lot is 2.19 acn.swith a large detached shop. $615,000 CALL KRIS WARNERAT 541-480-5365. MLS :201404757
Immaculatelydesignedand maintained 3bedroom, 2 bedroom located one block from the 2.5 bathhomesits on.96acresin Awbrey Butte. Deschutes River, 3 blocks from Drake Park Spacious floor plan is perfect for entertaining. footbridge. Corner loc Detachedgarage. It's $735,m CALLTE RRYSKIERSAAAT541-383-1426. all about location. $329,900 CALL LARRY MLS:20140 2446 JACOBS AT541-480-2329. MLS:201403862
DRAKEPARK NEIGHBORHOOD 5BEDROOMS IN RIYERRIMI Feel the history in this stately home on 2172sq,tt, mainlevel master, den/office, 3cargarage, a beautiful double lot. Short stroll to AIC,Storage shed,private patio.Closeto brookswood downtown or Mirror Pond. $968,000 plazzarivertrail andparks.$375,000 CALLKATRINA
CALL KIT KORISH AT 541-480-2335. SWISHER AT541-420-3348ORROBEGGERSAT I4LS:201402653 541-815-9780. MLS:20H03962
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BEAUTIFULEQUESTRIAN FACILITY LIKE NEW MT)f HIGH SINGLELEYEL Custom 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 1950 sq.R. Locatedon a dead end steet, 3 bedroom, Low maint enance, 2 bedroom, 2.5 bath, home on 4.36 acres. Barn, hay storage 1.5 bath refurbishedhomeon large loc Plenty 2043sqIt.,tuckedbeneathgraciousPonderosas. and 36x36 shop. $386,000 GALL of RV parking,fenced, landscaped. Pncedright! $299,500. CALL TAI4I4Y SETTLEMBR CANDY YOW AT 541-410-3193. Just waitingfor you.$259,900 CALLCAROLYN AT 541-410-6009 I4LS:201400240 P4ICKAT541-419-0717. I4LS:201404023 r4Ls:201306412
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541-977-7756 DEE BAKER BROKER
'M' f I '
4 .. 541-480-6790 JAKE MOORHEAD ' BROKER
$719,900 I 3316 NWFAIRWAYHEIGHTSDRIVE, BEND • Golf course home • 3 bed, 3.5 bath • Open floor plan • Gourmet kitchen • Wood floors • Outdoor kitchen
'+. '
20 4PO.I5 23 %
AC 'v
$189,000IFIELDSTONE CROSSING, REDMOND • Utilities at property • Close to schools
• 3 bed, 2.5 bath Pahlisch
• Easy accessto everything
• 1397 SF
home • Gas fireplace • 2-car attached garage • Community pool & park • Landscaping (front) by HOA
• 6500 SF
6 0
• 1.24 AC on channelof the Deschutes River • Community park & boat ramp (1 block) • Less than 4 miles to Sunriver Resort
• 4.9 buildable acres & horse friendly • 2.5 AC irrigation • Beautiful views of Smith Rock State Park • Powerat road & approved standardseptic feasibility • Property at end of a cul-de-sac
$90,000 I 56119-56135 SOLARDRIVE
• Custom built home 2802 SF • Fabulous rooftop patio to enjoy the mtn view • Large family room & large bedroom • 5 bed, 3 bath • Tandem 3-car garage with shop area • Alley access & RV parking
gg gg
• Amenities that will knock yoursocks offl • 4 bed, 2 bath & 2598 SF • Great room with fireplace, hardwood floors & granite • Big family room with wet bar • Corner lot, hot tub & nice patio • Double garagewith shop
• MLSYI201404080
• 19.55 AC property with 12 irrigated acres • Updated 2052 SF ranch style home • 3 bed, 2 bath
• True 4 bed, 3 bath home
• Wrap-around decks • Large kitchen & dining area • Turn around driveways • MLS&01403799
• Spacious kitchen, dining & family area • Huge master with jacuzzi, shower & fireplace • Private backyard with deck & greenhouse • Oversized 2-car garage & RV hookup
• 2110 SF
$215,000I2269 NW PUTNAM ROAD • Build your new custom home on this gently sloping, nearly oneacre lot in desirable Awbrey Glen • Nice and level for building • Enjoy the lush golf course viewandpond across the street
• 3bed,2bath &1008SF • Well maintained
• Open floor plan • Huge garage • Massive bonus room • Formal dining room • Office
• Built by award winning R.D. Building & Design • 2735 SF, 4 bed, 2.5 bath • Exceptional builder packa ge with designer finishes
• 3bed,2bath • Private master bed
• 3187 SF triple wide • 2.39 AC • Smith Rock views
• SS appliances, new furnace & newseptic • Horse property with indoor arena & 5/8 stall barn • Gorgeous mtn views
$599,000 I 3341FAIRWAY HEIGHTS
$129,500 I 1.49 ACREHOMESTEAD
• 5 acres, 3 bed, 2.5 bath • Great location & open living • Vaulted ceilings & great
room • 3-car garage with shop & storage • Professionally landscaped • Huge entertainment deck • MLS3'201405015
• Kitchen with granite • 0.41 AC lot with fenced
3.2 3 1.00 40.I
541-610-5672 VERONICATIIERIOT BROKER • 4 bed, 3 bath • 2628 SF • Backs to canal • Large lot with water feature • Quiet cul-de-sac • Minutes to Old Mill & downtown Bend
3-car garage • 2 masters, office & bonus room
—.-)ji 541-480-9883 AUDREYCOOK BROKER
• 3224SF,3bed,3bath &
• Northwest Redmond • 3 bed • 2 bath • Open floor plan • Gas fireplace • Landscaped & fenced
• One of the last available properties in Sundance • Great price • Flat 3.85 AC • Build your dream home
• Double car garage • Eagle Crest townhome • 9th fairway & mountain views!
.' 2' 541-480-7777 ' DIANA BARKER , BROKER
$179,900 I QUEBEC COURT • 2bed,2bath &1188SF
• Spectacular limitless views • 3400+ SF & quality throughout • Light, bright & beautiful • Low maintenance 6.76 AC • Gated & very private
~ ' 541-604-1649 GAILROGERS BROKER
• 2 bed • 1.5 bath • Open floor plan • Side patio area ' . • Forced air gas furnace • Fenced & landscaped
$224,500I TURNKEY
• Spectacular mtn & Smith Rock views • 39 AC fenced & cross fenced & 38 AC of irrig. • 3 bed, 2 bath home & 1530 SF • Six stall barn, hay loft, tack room & pasture • Ponds,green house, 541-306-0479 CHRISTIN HUNTER outbuildings & chicken coop BROKER
$154,900ICOZY COTTAGE WITH COMMUNITY POOL! • Spacious townhome • 2 bed, 2.5 bath • Light & bright • Double garage • Forced air gas with central air
541-891-9441 DON ROMANO BROKER
• R.D. Building & Design • New construction • 3553 SF & 42X16RVgarage • 3 bed (2 full) & 2.5 bath, bonus room plus office
• Amazing views • Separate bedrooms & bath room - • 3b ed,2bath . • Fireplace & gas stove .: • Mature pines & fruittrees • Separate shop & storage building
• Across from Hayden Park • Landscaped front yard • Freshly painted • 3409 SW Quartz, Redmond
• Downtown riverfront • 1883 SF, 2 bed, 2 bath • Vaulted ceilings& 2 balconies • Detached garage & carport • Lots of natural light • 15 NW Portland P15, Bend
• 3 bed, 2.5 bath • 3030 SF of living space • Large 7500 soft lot • Downstairs office or 4th bedroom
• 3 bed, 2.5 bath & 2075 SF • Beautifulfenced backyard with covered patio • Large master ensuite • Kitchen features wood floors & tile counters • Quiet neighborhood in NE Redmond
$179,999IGREAT INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY • 2 bed, 1 bath each • 1834 SF total • 0.36 AC lot • Fully rented duplex • 2731 SW Umatilla Court, Redmond
• 2910 SF
• Single level living • Stunning kitchen • Two master suites • 0.46 AC fenced lot • Gorgeous openfloor plan
JAKE MOORHEAD 541-480-6790 MICHELLE WHITE 541-390-5286 LORETTAMOORHEAD 541-480-2245
Rinehart, Dempseg EtPhelps E xp r t l s e
• Location, location! • Just off of Butler Market, corner lot small 'hood Close to PineNursery community park • 1559 SF, 3 bed, 2.5 bath with master on main level • You've gotta see this affordable onetoday!
• 4 bed • 2.5 bath • 2067 SF
• 2900 SF • 4 bed,4 bath
Y u T r u s t I c o m m l t m en t Yo u v a l u e
$215,000IA M UST SEE GEM
• Near the river and national forest • Formal living & dining • Sun room & family room • Art studio & RV garage • MLS4 201 402944
< • Bonus room • Triple car garage • 2917 SW Deschutes
Patty Dempsey 541-480-5432 Andrea Phelps • 541-408-4770 Cleme Rinehart 541-480-2100
For homes online WW W b e n d h o m e S . C o m
Homes for Sale
Homes for Sale
Homes for Sale
Nor t hwest Bend Homes Redmond Homes
Redmond Homes
Redmond Homes
Redmond Homes
Redmond Homes
Vista Rim a t E a g leWest Hills. 4 Bdrm, 3.5 Whispering Pines. 3 Amazing Entertaining in $275,000• NW $214,000 - F a bulous$599,000 - Breathtak- Custom Eagle Crest Single Level Charmer in Crest Resort. Perched bath, in 4040y sq.ft., bdrm, 2 bath property NWX! Beau t iful, Redmond furnished 3 bedroom, i ng views o f th e Home - 3245 sq ft, 3 NW R e dmond on the gentle slopes delighfful w e s tside has complete perim- well-appointed 2213 •3 Bdrm, 2 bath 2.5 bath on the fair- Ochoco, Smith Rock bedrooms, 3.5 baths, $ 315,000. 4 bed of Cline Butte, the up- home with panoramic eter fencing and is sq ft home overlook- •Open floor plan way in Forest Greens & C a scade M t n . double master suites, rooms, plus office/ • New paint inside and scale V i st a Rim C ascade an d c i t y neat and well main- ing Compass Park. at Eagle Crest! Great ranges! Fan t astic Smith Rock v iews, den, 2.5 baths, 2410 neighborhood offers views on a spacious tained with trees and Over $35,000 put into out room plan with gas g reen home to b e daylight b a s ement sq ft. Brand new conresidents spectacular lot with high desert shrubs. Home h as upgraded backyard. •3 car garage fireplace opens to ex- built. 4Bdrm, 2 ba, 3 w/bonus rooms. struction, fe n c ing, v iews of t h e s u r - natural landscaping. been lightly lived in •RV parking front la n dscaping, $590,000. pansive deck with hot car attached garage $449,900. rounding mountains, Two gas fireplaces, and has a wonderful Call Jacquie Sebulsky, ~XL paver patio tub. MLS ¹201402409 make up this Energy Lynn Johns, Principal custom tile. buttes and juniper for- one in living room and sunroom and appeal541-280-4449 or Cheryl Tanler, Broker Eagle Crest Properties Star r ated h o me. Broker, 541-408-2944 MLS¹201310781 541-4'I 0-7434 866-722- 3370 ests below. Just 68 one in master bed- ing floor plan with Michele Anderson at MLS¹20'I 309632 or Wes Johns, Broker Call Jim Hinton, home make up Vista room. Master bed- l arge deck, s h o p 541-633-9760. Windermere Eagle Crest Properties 541-408-2945 541-420-6229. 866-7223370 Rim, and when ready, room has c offered building is a p prox. MLS¹201403619 Central Oregon $218,500 - Outstanding Central Oregon Central Oregon Realty two builders special- ceiling and slider to 4000 sq.ft. w/ 4 12x12 Duke Warner Realty Real Estate Resort Realty Group, LLC location & views in 541-382-8262 i ze i n V i st a R i m upper deck with hot d oors and a man Creekside Village at $619,900 - Classic $194,500• NW Call The Bulletin At homes - Sun Forest tub. Master bath has door. The is a comEagle Crest Resort! beauty in Eagle Crest Eagle Crest Resort Redmond Construction and deep soak tub, large plete office w/bath, Brand new on market! Enjoy gorgeous views Resort, gated area on 4895 sq f t c u stom 541 -385-5809 • Open floor plan Wayne Semon cus- t iled s h ower a n d r ec, k i tchen a n d Custom craftsman 3 bd, 13th fairway - Resort of Smith Rock from .81 acre lot Place Your Ad Or E-Mail Course. 2 b eautiful home. tom Homes. Owners double sinks. Great m eeting roo m i n - 2.5 ba, extensive interior •Large kitchen with din the great room & w/golf course views, 5 At: ing bar may choose f r om room is light and airy cluded in the 4000 upgrades, granite slab in kitchen, views of the master suites, lots of bedroom, 3.5 b ath, built-ins, great pantry, custom iron & glass Well-Kept Home in SW multiple floor plans with expansive city sq.ft. This property is gourmet kitchen, hickory •Great room & gas fire Cascades from the place ranging in size from and Cascade views. a must preview, must flooring. Off Mt. Washs torage galore i n paver deck. door entry. Huge Redmond - $225,000. eaves & over garage. front 1800 sq. ft. to 3260 Kitchen is efficiently see facility. The shop ington Dr., borders Quail •1865 sq.ft., 3 bdrm, 2.5 MLS¹201402012 great room w/formal 3 bedrooms, 2.5 bathbath sq. ft. owners are also laid out with granite and dwelling have Park, adjacent to AwMLS¹201401488 Eagle Crest Properties gour m et r ooms, 2414 sq f t . Lori Schneringer, Eagle Crest Properties dining, welcome to custom- tile counters, newer separate electric brey Glen golf commu866-722- 3370 kitchen w/slab granite New carpet through866-722- 3370 ize the plans to their appliances, p a ntry m eters. Shop a n d nity. Fabulous Cascade Broker 541-280-1543 counters & Viking ap- out, large upstairs boWindermere desire. The commu- and hardwood floor- d welling share t he skyline view, private fully Large corner Lot in Large bo- n us r o om . ML S Central Oregon Adorable Cottage in the pliances. nity features spacious, ing. Triple garage with Avion water meter, fenced backyard. 2004 Redmond w / 4 nus room, amazing 201402581 Tour of Homes! Open Real Estate Heights. $ 1 2 4,900. common area, and Ultimate floor. Wired 2nd gar a ge/shop bdrm, 2 bath home. suite w/fire- Call Jeanne Scharlund, Arched e n tryways, master attractive water fea- for security system. 1025 sq.ft. $499,500. 1-4 Sat. & Sun. 2772 MLS 541-420-7978 place & outside acNW Rainbow Ridge Dr. $299,900• NW Canyon $229,000 oak hardwood floortures. all just 5 min- Wired for stereo with MLS ¹201400070 2 01310490. Call cess to hot tub, and Central Oregon $575,000. By owner, Drive utes from the Lake speakers on m a in Bobbie Strome, ing, large lot w/RV acDon Chapin, PrinciRealty Group, LLC MUCH MORE!! All 541-848-0040 .4 Bdrm, 2.5 bath cess, 3 bdrm, 1 bath, SO side p o ol , s p o rts f loor i n 4 zon e s . Principal Broker pal Broker, amenities are •3 car garage 1227 sq. ft., 500 sq. ft resort center an d t e n nis 5-zone heating sysJohn L Scott Real 541-350-6777 ~Warm finishes a nd Looking for your next basement. MLS ¹ included w/ownership. courts. home s ites tem. Two levels of ce- Estate 541-385-5500 Redmond RE/MAX Lynn open floor plan 201308245. Vicci Bo- $749,000. emp/oyee? starting at $55,907. d ar d ecking p l us L and & Hom e s Johns, Principal Bro.Vacation in your own Place a Bulletin help wen 541-410-9730 Eagle Crest Properties paver patio. Plumbed Real Estate ker, 541-408-2944 or backyard Call a Pro Central Oregon Realty Wes Johns, Broker wanted ad today and 866-722-3370 in humidification sysDiana Barker, reach over 60,000 tem. $599, 0 00 Whether you need a $334,950 Floor p l an Group, LLC 541-408-2945 Broker readers each week. West Hills - 4 bd, 3.5 ba MLS¹ 201301639 w/vaulted ceilings, 3 Central Oregon fencefixed,hedges 541-480-7777 Magnificent city views Your classified ad in 4040y sf delighfful Bobbie Strome, Co o pers BD, 2 B A , c o o ksCorner o f Resort Realty Windermere with Aubrey B u tte trimmed or a house Hawk & Harrier Ct. will also appear on westside home. Pan- Principal Broker kitchen w/refrig inCentral Oregon home situated in a oramic Cascade 8 city John L Scott Real built, you'll find cluded. Fireplace in 2681 sq ft w/RV bay! Forest Greens TownReal Estate quiet n e ighborhood .48 acre flat corner lot, which currently reviews on spacious lot. Estate 541-385-5500 great room, h uge professional help in with community tenceives over 2 gas fireplaces, 1 in perfect RV access, 3 home - 1536 sq ft, 3 master bdrm, 2 car nis courts. 4 Bdrms, 10085 Juniper G l en bdrm + office + for- bedrooms, 2~/~ bath, 1.5 million page living rm, 1 in master West Side Living - Light The Bulletin's "Call a garage, large back Circle Cline Butte w/ 2 master suites, 4 room floor plan, views every month b edroom that f e a- and bright great room Service Professional" a m ust s e e! mal dining, 2.5 bath. great baths, 4135 sq.ft., on views! .28 acre lot, deck, east-facing back deck at no extra cost. tures coffered ceiling with ec o b a mboo MLS 2014 0 1722 $513,380. 2321 sq ft, 3 bdrm, Directory .56 acres. Workshop w/ hot tub, main level Bulletin Classifieds & slide to upper deck flooring. 2 bedroom Eagle Crest Proper- Lynn Johns, Principal 2.5 bath, level lot on a and plenty of storage. m aster a n d gol f 541-385-5809 Broker, 541-408-2944 Get Results! w/hot tub. Light & airy with large bonus room For Sale by Owner. quiet street. $392,198. ties 866-722- 3370 setting. Call 385-5809 or or Wes Johns, Broker course great room, efficiently and single car garage. Lynn Johns, Principal 2.5% buyer's agent) 541-408-2945 $219,000. Lynn place your ad on-line l aid o ut kitc h en $339,000. Golf Broker, 541-408-2944 $374,900 - Absolute 649,000. 541-350-4312 Johns, Principal Broat w/granite c o unters, Call Jacquie Sebulsky, Woodlands Central Oregon Course; open great or Wes Johns, Broker gem on the 15th hole ker, 541-408-2944 or Resort Realty newer a p p liances, 541-280-4440 or of the Ridge Course room with mountain 541-408-2945 Wes Johns, Broker 748 pantry & h ardwood Michele Anderson, at Eagle Crest Resortl Creekside and lake views, 4 Central Oregon L a k efront 541-408-2945 f looring. Triple g a 541-633-9760. Northeast Bend Homes bdrm, 6 bath, 5,096 Resort Realty Gorgeous views of the Central Oregon rage w/ultimate floor. - 1419 sq MLS¹201403364 sq.ft., o ff ered at mountains and fair- Townhome Resort Realty Sunriver/La Pine Homesj Wired fo r s e c urity Duke Warner Realty Terrango Glen subdiviway greet you t he ft, 2 b e drooms, 2 $1,195,000. Find exactly what system & for stereo bath, awesome loca541-382-8262 sion in cul-de-sac. moment you walk in Cate Cushman, tion on the lake, Smith 15970 Old Mill Road, La with speakers on main Sale Fail! Eagle Crest 20974 Marsh Orchid Ct. you are looking for in the the door. Principal Broker Pine. $177,000. Refloor in 4 zones. 2 BULLETINCLASSIFIEDS Rock views, 1 level, C ustom hom e . 541-480-1884 $249,900 CLASSIFIEDS MLS¹201402627 modeled 3 bdrm, 2 levels cedar decking + Eagle Crest Properties immaculate condition. Gated community! 4 Search the area's most Immaculate 3 bdrm/2y2 b ath, 1844 s q . f t . $224,900. paver patio. comprehensive bdrm, 3~/~ b ath, bath, almost 1800 sq. 1850 Murrelet Drive 866-722- 3370 listing of Lynn Johns, Principal home. H i g h Lakes Plumbed-in humidifi3208 sq. ft. on 14th ft., freshly painted in Z oning A l lows fo r classified advertising... Ochoco Mtn Views! Realty & Pr o perty cation system. 541-408-2944 tee. Live year-round and out, family room, .42 acre lot, 2020 sq $549,000 - Stunning Broker, Working at Home 2 real estate to automotive, or Wes Johns, Broker o r p e r fect 2n d Management, $610,000. living room, fireplace, ft, 3 bdrm, 2 b ath, views from this pribr, 1 ba 792 sf, large merchandise to sporting 541-408-2945 541-536-0117 MLS¹201301639 home. $439,000 fenced backyard, goods. Bulletin Classifieds fenced lot & garage backs t o c o mmon vate golf course locaCentral Oregon John L. Scott Real MLS¹201305107 tion. Featuring great appear every day in the w/attached s t orage beautiful landscaping. area. $386,290. Cres t wood Estate 541-548-1712 Resort Realty Call Charlie or Vir- 11418 shed. $115,000. MLS Adjacent 0.15 acre lot Lynn Johns, Principal r oom, w it h ha r d print or on line. Place. $86,500. 1.28 avail. for $59,900. ginia, Principal Bro201401691 woods, dining area, Broker, 541-408-2944 acre, 2 bdrm home, Call 541-385-5809 Check out the Violeta Sdrulla, Broker kers 541-350-3418 TURN THE PAGE or Wes Johns, Broker wall to wall windows.. 3 0x40 shop. H i g h Pam Lester, Principal classifieds online Redmond RE/MAX 541-419-3522 MLS¹ 201401153 Broker, Century 21 541-408-2945 Lakes Realty & PropFor More Ads www.bendbulletirLcom L and & Hom e s John L. Scott Gold Country Realty, Eagle Crest Properties Central Oregon erty Man a gement The Bulletin The Bulletin Real Estate Real Estate Serving Central Orepn since f9IB Inc. 541-504-1338 866-722- 3370 Updated daily Resort Realty 541-536-0117 -
• 0
I •
irH lllilllllI
Walk/hike everywhere. Attached double garage/shop Newly finishedsinglelevel in Shevlin Pines. 3bd/3ba, formal area. Full basement. Updated kitchen and new master 8 informal DRs. 2 master suites/huge vaulted GR, wood window coverings, washer/dryer included. RV side yard suite. beam, chef's dream kitchen, den, low maint. yard, 3-car. access, adjacent to open space, 4 bds+ office. Upgrades. The Bridges in SE Bend. Better than new= landscaping,
Karen Malanga
J u l ie Burgoni
Updated 1 level with 4 bd 8 3 ba. Spacious great room, kitchen with tile counters 8 floor. Private master suite plus guest suite with full bath. Great outdoor living.
541-306-8927 Team Delay •Eddie Delay 541-420-2950 Cindy Berg-Wagner
54 1- 2 80-2580
' •
' •
@r .Iaj Bt"
' .
Spacious2084SF,4bd homein popular SunMeadow, backing green space, ready for your family to enjoy! Community pool, park & playground, 8 walk toJewell Elementary.
2382 NE Mary RosePl.Cute duplex in NE Bend near Pilot Butte, hospital 8 shopping. Professionally managed w/ tenants in place. Solid investment 8 excellent rental history!
Westside cotloge with lots of potential! Located on a large corner lot in o desirable neighborhood. 2 bd/jba. Storage shed. 1505 NW Baltimore Ave.
Home is 3 bd/2.5 ba w/loft 8 ready for move-in. Includes fridge, washer, dryer, A/C & blinds. This home sits on one of the larger corner lots in McCall Landing.
Valerie Nelson
R y a n Buccola
Ma r y Leagjeld
R h i a nna Kunkler
•I II $269,950
$209,950 3
Brand new master on themain. 2108 SFhomeoff SW 27!h 8 Xero in Parkland - Lot¹75. Large great rm w/gas fireplace, hw floors, 2 bd upand a loft. Model openSat 8 Sun12-4.
Wonderful single level home on large flat lot near the end of o cul-de-sac. Geot RV/boot parking. 1237 SF, 3 bd/1.5 ba, spacious kitchen. Fenced yard.
Brand new 1638 SF alley garage home off SW 27th 8 Xero in Parkland - lot ¹76. 3 bd/2.5 bo 8 loft, quartz counters, SSappl, ready in June! Open Sat & Sun 12-4.
Michelle Gregg
Me l ody Luelling
Mi c helle Gregg
• ' e
ES SATURDAY, JUNE 7, 2014 • THE BULLETIN Sunriver/La Pine Homes Sunriver/La Pine Homes Homes with Acreage
To PLAGE AN AD cALL CLAssIFIED• 541-385-5809 762
Homes with Acreage
Homes with Acreage
Two bdrm, 1 bath 720 52314 Ponderosa Way. $629,000• 39 Acre gem 16751 SW Dove Rd. Cinder Butte Estates sq.ft. frame home on 4 Bdrm, 2 bath, 1922 in Powell Butte Crooked River Ranch. on 4.9 acres with 1 a c re . D e tached sq.ft., 1 .1 3 a c r es.•Spectacular mtn and Beautiful custom log mtn views. S p lit 2-car garage, finished $249,000. High Lakes Smith Rock views home with many up level home with up•39 acre fenced and pump house for extra Realty & P r o perty grades ... floor to ceil per & lower living storage. Not far off of Management cross fenced and 38 ing windows with mtn. spaces. $389,776. 541-536-0117 Hwy 31. $ 105,000. acres of irrigation views, hickory hard MLS 201401983 MLS 201 4 0 1070. •3 bdrm, 2 bath home, wood & t ile f loors, Call Don Chapin, Whis p ering 1530 sq.ft. Cascade Rea l t y,52360 gourmet kit c hen, Principal Br o k er Dennis Han i ford, Pines 4 bdrm/2 bath, •Six stall barn, hay loft, cherry cabinets, and 541-350-6777 Princ. Broker 1755 sq. ft. on 1.27 tack room and pasture granite cou n t ers, Redmond RE/MAX acre. $79,900 High •Ponds, green house, wood burning stack L and & 541-536-1731 Hom e s Lakes Realty & Prop- outbuildings and rock fireplace. MLS Real Estate 16524 Charlotte Day erty Ma n agement chicken coop. 201208751 Dr., La Pine. 3bdrm, 541-536-0117 Great location w/unobChristin Hunter, Broker Juniper Realty, 2~/2 bath, 2139 sq. ft. structed view of 8 mtn 541-306-0479 541-504-5393 home, 3-car garage. La Pine Retreat. peaks. Nestled beWindermere 2.4 Acres with Cas$229,000. High Looks like a Park! tween Bend & RedCentral Oregon Lakes Realty & Propcade views in SW 52900 Bridge Rd. mond and only moReal Estate erty Man a gement Redmond. irrigated $120,000. MLS m ents away f r o m 541-536-0117 201401915 Call Don Hwy. 97 for an easy 1018 Chapman St., Gil- horse property, 4 Chapin Principal christ, OR, 4 Bdrm, 2 b drm, 2 ~/2 b a t h c ommute. Built i n 52251 Stearns Road. home. $344,500 Broker 1994 on 2.5 a cres bath 1836 sq.ft., on $99,500. Home, outCall Don Chapin, 541-350-6777 2.84 acres, s h op. w/2494 sq.ft. of living buildings fenced acre. Principal Br o k er space. Oversized liv$214,900. High Lakes High Lakes Realty & Redmond RE/MAX 541923-0855 RedLand & Homes Realty & P r o perty ing room 8 d i ning Property M a nageReal Estate mond RE/MAX Land room make comfortManagement ment 541-536-0117 & Homes Real Es541-536-0117 able environment for 16110 Alpine D rive, 756 tate family living & enter$109,900. 1120 sq. ft. Jeffer taining. New 5-panel son County Homes 1183 Crescent Cut- Off 57004 Arro w head home, 2 car garage Rd., 3 bdrm, 2 bath on fir doors 8 glass panel 2 bdrm, 2 acre. High Lakes Re- Want to move in and 6.48 acres, multiple $89,200. 2-car garage on front door. Oak lamialty & Property Man- enjoy life? This Ma- garages, $ 164,000. bath, 2.4 acres. High nate flooring in living agement dras home is loaded High Lakes Realty & Lakes Realty & Prop- r oom, hallways 8 541-536-0117 Property M a n agewith upgrades. Well erty Man agement baths. 4 bdrms, 3 are Sometimes you need a little more from your lender. ment 541-536-0117 master suites. New maint. and boasts a 541-536-0117 TURN THE PAGE Hardi-plank s i d ing, large tiled entry way, 14149 SW Stallion Rd. 15865 Yellowood Ct. Like how about being available? Here's your reminder r oof, t r im , wa t e r For More Ads ceiling fans, recessed CRR. Open floor plan $98,000. Cozy cabin, h eater an d la w n . that I work on the weekends and I can help you with all l ighting, large l o f t The Bulletin this 1907 sq. ft. 2 car garage, 1.78 $344,000. MLS area, a master bdrm from 2 bedroom, 2 bath, acres. High L akes ¹201400552. your client needs — from prequalification, to working out 1303 Elk Dr - $182,500. with w alk-in closet, home on 3.27 acres. Realty & P r o perty John L. Scott Real window co v erings Mtn. views from the Quality thru-out. 4 make-sense financing solutions, or just keeping you Management Estate 541-548-1712 bdrm, 2224 SF. High throughout. Garage is great r o o m an d 541-536-0117 Lakes Realty & Prop- finished with ceiling kitchen, oversized den company at that lonely open house. You'll find a lot more Lake Front P roperty erty Ma n agement storage rack and you could be a 3rd bed- 6661 S W Q u a rry, with Bre a thtaking have great views from from Evergreen too: 4.7 7 541-536-0117 room. Large deck with Redmond. Views! $79 5 ,000. the back deck. VA as- pergola, fenced back- acres with 1 acre irRemodeled in 2006. 145541 Birchwood sumable if e l igible. yard and patio area. rigation. Pond, shop • We'reGinnieM ae,FreddieM ac and FannieM ae approved Loft area, spacious $174,900 Triple wide, $124,900 MLS¹ Covered RV parking. a nd 1600 sq . f t . master suite, 3 fire3-car garage, 2 acres. 201304344 $ 3 2 0,000. places, 4 bedrooms, 2 MLS home. High Lakes Realty & Heather Hockett, PC, $279,000. Affordable loan programs and competitive rates MLS 201307143 201402268 bathrooms, 4500 sq ft Property M a n age- Broker, Century 21 Call Travis Hannan, Juniper Realty, on 6.8 acres. MLS¹ ment 541-536-0117 Gold Country Realty, PC, Principal BroFast, responsive service with status updates 541-504-5393 2 01400129. Da v i d 541-420-9151 ker 5 4 1-788-3480 Franke, 541-420-5986 146504 Bills Road. 2 Redmond RE/MAX when you need them 14198 SW Nine Peaks bdrm, 2 bath, 2-car Central Oregon Realty Look at: Ho m e s Pl., CRR Mtn. views L and 8 arage, 2.3 a c res, Group, LLC from this 1960 sq. ft., Real Estate 78,900. High Lakes • We originate, fund and service loans Realty 8 Pr o perty for Complete Listings of 3 bdrm., 2 bath home 8479 SW High Cone Large home with guest on 1.16 acre. 936 sq. quarters. 4bdrms, 3 Management Area Real Estate for Sale Drive. Large 4 bdrm, 2 541-536-0117 ft. garage has a shop bath located in t he baths, on 5.27 acre area plus 2 bays. RV property fenced Two locations serving all of Central Oregon 762 heart o f Cr o oked horse 146532 Old C abin and x-fenced, shop covered storage & River Ranch on 1.20 $160,000. 3 bdrm, 2 Homes with Acreage carport. $12 9 ,500 acre. Wonderful out- area with s torage. bath, heat pump, hot MLS 201208272 door area for enter- $349,900. Call Gail tub. High Lakes Re- Motivated Seller! Nice Juniper Realty, taining or r e laxing. ¹201401229 alty & Property Man- 3 bdrm ranch- style 541-504-5393 Day 541-306-1018 685 SE 3rd Street, Bend, OR 97702 Oversized 2-bay shop Central agement house with a nice floor Oregon Realty w ith s t orage a n d 541-536-0117 plan, country kitchen, 14482 SW Pony Trail in Group, LLC ML-3213-10 brick fireplace, CRR. U nobstructed plenty of room to keep 14695 S. Sugar Pine. nice the toys out of t he Near Smith Rocks, gornestled on 4+ acres mtn views, 2 bdrm, 2 $2116,500 2 bdrm, 2 Powell Butte q u iet $ 143,000. geous 3 bdrm, 3 bath, on 2.58 acres. weather. bath, 1256 sq. ft. on country lane. Fenced, bath mls 201300653 3880 sq.ft. $694,000 .96 acre. High Lakes corral, shed, s h op Master bath has garJuniper Realty, ¹ 201300784. Call tub and separate Realty & Pr o perty area, along with stor- den 220 NW Meadow Lakes Drive, Prineville, OR 97754 541-504-5393 Linda Lou Day-Wright. walk-in shower, New Management 541771-2585 Crooked age rooms. 2 acres ir- Pergo flooring and Beautiful 3/2 custom log ML-3213-5 541-536-0117 rig., mtn and Smith windows ins t alled home on 5 acres, all River Realty 14746 C a mbium Rock views. Local 2012. Large compos- set up fo r h orses. small Powell Butte ite decking, Hardi$94,900. 3 bdrm + 2-story, vaulted ceil- Need help fixing stuff? den, multiple o u t- Charter School. Cen- plank siding. ings, deck off master, Call A Service Professional buildings. High Lakes tral location commut- $110,000. Financing large windows, utility find the help you need. Realty & Pr o perty ing distance to Bend, Available. MLS room, security sys- Prineville 8 Redmond. ¹201008671 Management tem, covered f ront NMLS 3182 541-536-0117 Not a bad package at 10 Juniper Realty, d eck,. Also has 1 Powell B u tte! $ 279,900! 1052 5 541-504-5393 ACRES! Cascade bdrm/1 bath g u est 1 5924 Jackpine R d . F leming Rd. Cal l ©2014Evergreen HomeLoansisa registeredtrade nameof EvergreenMoneysourceMortgage Company with large liv- mtn views! 3863 sq. $40,000 2 bedrooms, Heather Hockett, PC, 1.56 acres, 1620 sq.ft. house ing room and kitchen, ft. custom home. NMLS ID3182.Trade/service marksarethe propertyof EvergreenHomeLoans. All rights reserved. near town on .94 acre. Broker, Century 21 Tastefully done spa- l arge barn with 3 Private office Licensedunder:OregonMortgage Lending LicenseML-3213.5/14. High Lakes Realty 8 Gold Country Realty, cious home sitting on s talls, t ac k r o o m, w/separate e n try, Property M a n age- 541-420-9151 the CR rim, dble ga- workshop and stor- shop/RV bldg and "Appliesto purchase loansonly Toqualify, buyer'sSecurity PlusApproval/Seller GuaranteeAddendummusthavebeen ment 541-536-0117 rage with a ttached age area for your hay. more! $75 4 ,900 issued by Evergreen andthe Seler shall haveexecutedtheaddendumwiththeir signature atthetimetheyexecute the 56066 Snow Goose. tack room and horse 16569 Beesley Pl Completely fenced, 3 MLS¹ 2 0 1303502. PurchaseAndSaleAgreement onsubject property. Certainloantypes do not qua1ifyfor thisoffer. Restrictionsapply. stall. Located off a $219,000. 4 bdrm, 2.5 $104,900. 3 bdrm, 2 corrals, full RV hook- Call Charlie or VirAskfor details. bath, 1 acre near Sunpaved road. $229,000 bath, 2154 sq.ft., gas river. High Lakes Reups. $395,000. MLS ginia, Principal BroMLS 201309151 kers 541-350-3418 fireplace. High Lakes 201402749 Cascade Realty & Pr o perty alty 8 Property Man- Linda Lou Day-Wright. Realty, Dennis Hani- Redmond RE/MAX agement 541- 771-2585 Hom e s Management ford, Princ. B roker L and & 541-536-0117 Crooked River Realty Real Estate 541-536-0117 1-541-536-1731
You need a lender that works when you do.
Bend l 541-318-5500
Prineville l 541 -416-7480
Time to declutter? Need some extra cash? Need some extra space the garage?
n se
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Homes with Acreage
Mfd./Mobile Homes with Land
Mfd JMobile Homes with Land
Ready for Your Toys! .64 Acre Lot in DRRH- Hager Mountain Estates Lot 16 SW Shad Rd., 320 Acres of Excep- B uild Y ou r Dr e a mW here Deer & El k 3 bdrm, 2 bath over Treed lot just a block 4 lots, $25,000 each lo- CRR. Level 2.7 acres tional Hunting Home Here - 10 acres Roam - 320 acres lo- 3 bdrm/ 2 bath manu Great little starter home. 2000 sq. ft. on 2 offFoster Road, close cated in Silver Lake. located on a paved Grounds - Located at the H ighland at cated u p B e lshaw factured home, 1248 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, acres. $ 1 8 5,000. to Deschutes River, Underground power street. Mt. Jefferson & south of Canyon City Broken ea s t of sq. ft. on 1 acre. Land 910 sq. ft. on 1.02 Top, Creek MLS 20 ' I 402162 skiing, fishing, La Pine and conduitfor phone Smith Rock v iews. in the Murders Creed $550,000. Dayville, OR and west is fenced, horse cor acres. 24x36 shop, Travis Han n an, State Park and recre- and internet. Views of $58,500. unit. Ti m ber, 2 Call Jacque Sebulsky, of Mt. Vernon, OR. MLS¹ ral, 2-car detached 10x16 studio. Nicely s pring-fed pon d s, 541-280-4449 or P rincipal Bro k e r ation. Full-time or va- Hager Mountain. Sep- 201208266 Water guzzler with and storage landscaped. 541-788-3480 cation living. $22,500. tic feasibility for stanJuniper Realty season creek, fenced Michele Anderson, 1000 gallon trough for garage, buildings. Very clean $115,000. MLS 541-504-5393 541-633-9760. Redmond RE/MAX Call Becky Ozrelic, d ard system. T h e on 3 sides, LOP tags. wildlife. Ad d i tional land and very well 201403644 Land & Homes 541-480-9191 area is a sportsman's MLS 201310547 acreages available. maintained. home has Linda Lou Day-Wright. $325,000. P rime p r operty a t Real Estate MLS ¹201403352 paradise. Call Duke Warner Duke Warner Realty Owner w il l ca r ry. updates throughout. broker 541- 771-2585 Duke Warner Realty Bobbie Strome, Crooked River Ranch Realty Dayville, 541-382-8262 $172,000. $85,000. Crooked River Realty Ultimate family home, 541-382-8262 with Cascade views! 541-987-2363 Principal Broker Call Duke Warner MLS201403175 4 bdrms, 3 baths on John L Scott Real P roperty i s com MLS¹201208906 Realty Dayville, Cascade Realty, L evel, u s able 5 . 6 4 over 7 acres, 20x40 541-987-2363 pletely fenced. CorDennis Haniford, Princ. Where can you find a with stunning heated pool. 4005 USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! Estate 541-385-5500 ner lot, near firehall. 32.42 Acres in Urban acres MLS¹201301683 Historic Van d evert views. Broker Cascade helping hand? NW Helmholtz Way, Growth B o u ndary, $79,900. MLS¹ Door-to-door selling with 1-541-536-1731 Ranch. Gated com- 20140064. Call Linda Adjacent t o Community/water, $430,000. MLS The From contractors to available. 10 2 01305932 Cal l fast results! It's the easiest munity, views of Mt. Lou Day-Wright. 541- Greens, kitty corner to power FIND IT! yard care, it's all here Bachelor across open minutes to T e r reb TRAVIS HANNAN, way in the world to sell. Ridgeview High onne shopping and Manufactured/ BI!Y ITr m eadow. Uni q ue 771-2585 C r o oked new in The Bulletin's Principal Br o k er School. $ 7 5 0,000. Mobile Homes acreage 2.02 acres. River Realty highway access. MLS SELL IT! 541-788-3480 "Call A Service The Bulletin Classified MLS ¹ 20 1 2 03193 Offered at $229,000. 201400715 Redmond RE/MAX The Bulletin Classifieds Professional" Directory 20+ ACRES in West Pam Lester, Principal Nancy 541-385-5809 63737 Cascade Village Cate Cushman, Popp Principal Land & Homes Powell Butte Estates, Broker, Century 21 Principal Broker Broker, 541-815-8000 Dr. Charming 2 bdrm, 50760 South Fawn, La Real Estate gated c o m munity, Gold Country Realty, Crooked River Realty 2 bath, 1450 sw.ft. Black Butte Ranch Pine. Top-of-the-line 3 541-480-1884 Inc. 541-504-1338 mtn. views, private 771 SilverCrest home. Sits bdrm 2 bath, 2100 sq. In quiet l ocation in Perfect location for well, paved roads with on large corner lot home with shop, Crescent is this 1976 your custom home. Ideal building location, access t o Lots The Bullefin Lot 21 SW Chipmunk with extra p arking. ft. BLM . Large wooded corner Broken To p n i n th $169,000. acres. Fleetwood 3 bdrm, 2 To Subscribe call Rd, CRR. 5.16 level Decorative t o uches High Lakes1.13 $169,000 MLS bath home with addi. 54 acr e s . fairway, natural terRealty & Serene setting on 1.386 lot, acres, with 2 storage 201305077. 541-385-5800 or go to throughout. Light and Property Ma n a ge tional tip-out space. acre lot, looking out $239,000 rain. .34 acres. OfPam Lester, Principal s heds. Partial m t n bright with nice open NG heat in tip-out and Cate Cushman, over 90 acre pasture, fered at $229,500. view. community wa- floor p l an . G r e at ment 541-536-0117 Broker Century 21 electric FA in home. Principal Broker walking trails, and rec Cate Cushman, Gold Country Realty, ter installed. $60,000 (3) 40-acre parcels near mountain views from Very clean and well 541-480-1884 r eational park. B e Principal Broker Get your Inc. 541-504-1338 Silver Lake, OR. two ¹201300800 taken care of. Many large front deck. A yond the park a re 541-480-1884 Juniper Realty fenced w/power, 1 must See! $61,500. business storage areas, large miles and miles of 16160 SW Dove Rd. w/well. Al l 541-504-5393 bo r der carport attached t o Cascade Village public land adjoining Breathtaking mtn views Homes, Bend. house for parking and from 2-acre lot short Mountain views from 6.1 acre corner lot w/ paved road. G reat the Deschutes with a ROW I N G entry to home, and a 1.4 acres located off a access from paved views. 541-576-2552 Views! Views! Views! 541-388-0000 views of snow-capped d istance from D e s st., power installed, large 22x40 detached $149,900. Flat, open, Cascades. Septic in chutes River, Steel paved road. Come terrific 5.17 acres. 65694 Old mtn. & green garage with w o od F a l l s and built that dream home, valley views, n ear buildable 9.7 acres in FACTORY SPECIAL with an ad in stalled. Underground head Bend/Redmond Hwy, stove. $42,000 MLS Powell Butte. power on l o t l i n e. world-renowned fish power and water at New Home, 3 bdrm, The Bulletin's mtn view, power, waSteelhead Falls and 201403137 Cascade ¹201310923. D a v id $67,500. MLS ing. Secluded build the road. $ 34,900. D eschutes $46,500 finished Riv e r . ter, septic approved. "Call A Service Realty, Dennis Haniing site. $79,900 MLS MLS 201206664 Franke, 541-420-5986 on your site. 201310707 $79,900 MLS $174,000 O.B.O. Call Central Oregon Realty Linda Lou Day-Wright. ford, Princ. Broker Professional" J and M Homes Nancy Popp Principal 201310710 201205646 Brad 5 4 1-419-1725, 1-541-536-1731 541- 771-2585 541-548-5511 Broker, 541-815-8000 Nancy Popp Principal Directory or Deb 541-480-3956. Group, LLC Juniper Realty Crooked River Realty Brokder, Crooked River Realty 541-504-5393 debraIbendbroad541-815-8000 Well maintained 1.42 lot EAGLE CREST LOTS Crooked River Realty with lots o f P o nde 16535 SW Chinook Dr. • .32 acre lot on a quiet rosa trees in beautiful 5.68 acre rim lot w/ 7.175 Unique acres lostreet, perfect site for Bring Y o u r Own Ponderosa P i n e s. amazing Smith Rock, cated on a paved road your dream home. B uilder! Lots a r e Septic added in 2002, Crooked River & mtn. Power and water at Territorial views to the available i ndividuwater hooked up as views Located on the the r oad. L o cated east buttes. MLS ally, utilities are in well as power. Has an pavement close to the near Steelhead Falls. 201401951; $65,000. a nd ready to g o! RV site and is backed e ntrance of C R R . $106,500. MLS •Stunning Cascade mtn Start now and move up to a common area. owner w il l ca r ry. 201106739 views!! Build your pal- in by summer! MLS $225,000. Lou Day-Wright. $55,000 MLS Linda ace on this gently 541- 771-2585 201403145. Cascade 201106408. Juniper sloped 1/2 acre lot Realty, Dennis Hani Crooked River Realty with backs to comCanyon Rim, a Big Mtn ford, Princ. B roker Realty 541-504-5393 mon area. It's like View, .82 ac. Sisters, 541-536-1731 SW R i ver R d . 16685 SW Chinook Dr. 7 965 walking up everyday open adjacent lot, power 2.79 a c res, g r e at on vacation. MLS & water to lot, prior ap- Stunning view acreage CRR. 6.9 acres with views near the Des201402584; $249,000 proved septic, $233,500. of surrounding buttes, Crooked River and River. and terCall Barry, 541-419-8007; Culver ag r i cultural Smith Rock views, all chutes • Spectacular views rific fishing at Steelor from this very buildfields, Crooked River util. installed. owner head Falls. $49,000 canyon. With water, will carry. $189,000 ¹201009429 able lot! Common Close to La Pine State power at paved road MLS 201008671. area on two sides Juniper Realty Juniper Realty Park & D e s chutes and septic approval. gives you the privacy 541-504-5393 541-504-5393 you want & deserve to River - Build your 1 .77 f l a t acr e s . dream home on this $59,900. MLS watch the plentiful Amazing Sunsets! Big nicely wooded l ot. 201402224 2 0.44 Acres - If y o u Cascade Mountain & wildlife & gorgeous Septic feasibility has Nancy Popp Principal want privacy and your D eschutes sunsets. MLS¹ Riv e r been approved. own get-away retreat, views. 5.89 acres with 201403070; $250,000 Broker, 541-815-8000 t his property is i t . $34,950. Crooked River Realty Eagle Crest Properties 2 a cres i r rigation. Call Jasen Chavez, Breathtaking views of 866-722-3370 Vacant Lot in Crooked the Cascade Moun- Property borders Tu541-891-5446. P a rk. River Ranch $34,500. tains. Electricity is on m alo S t at e 13601 SW Canyon Dr. MLS¹201403668 Room for everyone Level & treed build- the 1.13 acres in CRR, Duke Warner Realty property. and ever y thing! able lot, 1.44 acres. $144,000. Mt. Jefferson views, 541-382-8262 $1,350,000. Enjoy all the ameni- MLS¹201309974 Access to the propMLS¹201303572 erty from 2 streets ex- Cul-de-sac Lot in Bro- ties or ranch living. Call Karolyn Dubois, CallJaynee Beck, Gai l pands the possible ken Top - Just over ¹ 201309880. 541-390-7863 541-480-0988 building sites. owner h alf an a c re, t h is Day, 5 4 1-306-1018 Duke Warner Realty Duke Warner Realty will carry. $ 58,500 h eavily t r eed, e l - Central Oregon Re541-382-8262 541-382-8262 ¹201106385 evated lot f e atures alty Group, LLC Juniper Realty peek-a-boo mountain 3.18 acres g randfaB eautiful 20-A c r e Need to get an 541-504-5393 and golf course views. thered in. Septic and H omesite w i t h 1 0 • e • • ad in ASAP? street with tons w ater o n t h e l o t , acres irri g ation. 1.71 acres, septic ap- Quiet of privacy. $273,500. power at the road. $349,900. You can place it proved power and Call Tammy Settlemier, MLS 2012 0 8989 Call Tammy Settlemier, water at the street. online at: 541-410-6009 $79,900. Call Linda 541-410-6009 $39,900 ¹201307972 • • fteaftorof the yesr Lou MLS¹201403100 Day- W right MLS¹201401808 Linda Lou Day-Wright. Duke Warner Realty 541-771-285 Crooked Duke Warner Realty 541- 771-2585 541-382-8262 River Realty 541 -385-5809 541-382-8262 Crooked River Realty
L• •
• '
4 •
••• I I
l •
3678 SW Cascade Vista Dr • 2852 Square Ft • 4 Bedrooms, 2.5 Bath • Granite Counters
2989 NE HOPE • 3 Bedrooms, 2.5 Baths • Bonus Room • •
• g
Real Estate
9449 SW Happy Days Lane • 5004 Square Ft • 4 Bedrooms, 3.5 Bath
• Hard Wood Floors
• Solarium with Endless Pool
• Luxurious Master Suite with Private Patio
• Cascade Mountain Views
• Gourmet Kitchen • 4.75 Acres
• Triple Car Garage
Please Call Tarris Rogers,
Please Call Becky Breeze, Princi al Broker 541-408-1107 •
Broker 541-390-7878
Home will be similar to home pictured. • 3 Bedrooms, 2.5 Baths • Master On Main
• 6150 Square Ft
• 6 Bedrooms • 4.5 Baths
Property is approved for
Please Call Becky Breeze, Principal Broker 541-408-1107
• 3 Bedrooms, 2 Baths • 1407 Sq Ft
Mlf 0Orr140107$
Please Call Becky Breeze, Principal Broker 541-408-1107
proposed City Park.
$115,000 • 24865 Elk Lane, Bend 97701 • 3 Beds, 2 Baths • 1026 Square ft • 4. 9 Acres $121,000• 1334 Hackett Df',LaPine • 3 Bedrooms,2.5 Baths • 1782 Sq Ft
r '4
• ' > . •' t4r'
Home will be similar to home pictured. • 3 Bedrooms, 2.5 Baths • Bonus Room Upstairs
Please Call Becky Breeze, Principal Broker 541-408-1107
10 Lots Next to Mirada Subdivision Access from Jill Street Approx. 160 Ft from
Central Oregon Living at jts Finest.... Custom built luxury. Recently updated inside 5 out.. 300 manicured acres of common irrigated acres surrounded by National Forest. Community Clubhouse, Stables, Indoor and 2 outdoor riding arenas, paddocks,RV/Boat storage compound, and much more. Only 2 miles west of Sisters. Fire Wise neighborhood with highest rating. Possible owner carry. Home will be similar to home pictured.
62885 Daniel Rd
• 2.4 Acres • Gated Community • Huge Mountain Views
19270 Innes Market Rd • Epic Mountain Views • 6.37 Acres • Adjacent 20.48 Acre lot Available • 1657 Sq Ft • Well and Septic
$135,000 • 52674 SE Ammon Rd, LaPine • 4 Beds, 2 Baths • 1728 Square ft $141,500 • 16326 Carrington Ave, Bend, 97707 • 3 Beds, 2 Baths• 1404 Square Ft• 1.17 Acres Please V!s!t for more info and availability.
Please Call Donna Ramsay, Principal Broker 541-420-6267
Please Call Becky Breeze, Principal Broker 541-408-1107 • •
To PLAGE AN AD cALL CLAssIFIED• 541-385-5809
• •
II sl
• Only 7 minutes from downtown • Tetherow is a planned 700 acre community backing tonational forest and is the perfect home base for discovering the
best of Central Oregon from biking and hiking, rafting and kayaking, or dining and shopping Contact Brian for more information or a private tour. www.
New Master-Planned Townhome Development in Midtown!
• 3 bedroom townhomes starting at $252,500 • 4 units now under construction • Price includes custom level ffnlshes with full landscaping, slab quartz countertops and energyeff icientconstruction • Locationsupportsthe active Bend lifestyle witheasy accessto parks, trails, river and downtown
935/937 Hidden Valley Drive, Bend • .23 of an acre, fully fenced yard • 2 bedrooms, 1 bath on each side • Close to shopping
• 2 bedroom, 2 bath - each side • Single level living • Gas firplaces • Single car garages
• Never rented
• Great rental history
• Very well maintained MLS¹201402434
• Close to all medical facilities
Ca BrianLa , Principa Bro er, Directoro LotSaes
Call Brian Ladd, Principal Broker l 541-408-3912
541-408-3912 l brianc¹
II eum a nn, ro er or Lisa Lamberto, Broker 541-610-9697
Call Kelly Horton, Broker l 541-508-9163
• Build your dream on this 1.52 acre VVestside home site featuring mature landscape & impressive Cascade Mountain views • Generous oversized lot offers privacy & flexibility for many design options • Situated in a cul-de-sac location with expansive views • Close proximity to river trail, neighborhood park & downtown Bend
Call rian ad ,
Call Shelly Swanson, Brokerl 541-408-0086
• 53557 Kokanee$490,000 Stunning custom home and lot with panoramic/river views. Large shop. MLS¹201304072 • 53610 Brookie - $420,000 Mature forest setting, private river access. Eco-conscious, Scandinavian inspired home. MLS¹201303936 • 19234 Whitewater Lp - $425,000 Quality custom home with incredible workmanship: hickory cabinets, oak rails & floors. MLS¹201305640
r m a pal r o er l
8-391 2
19134 Chiloquin Drive • Desirable Westside single level home situated on one of the largest home sites in Shevlin Pines • Meticulously maintained with sleek high-end interior finishes throughout • Beautifully designed 3 bedroom plus den/office offering lots of light • Covered outdoor living spaces create a perfect area for entertaining • Close proximity to Shevlin Park, schools, shopping and downtown Bend
Call Shelly Swanson, Broker l 541-408-0086
' •8 •
• Cascade mtn vieww/building site • 19.9 acres with 5acresirigation • Equestrianfacility includes:trail course,paddocks • Indoor arena 80x160ft. w/12stalls, outdoorarena 180x250ft. • Barn - 4stal with finishedbonusroom,3/4 bath,tack room • Shop heat - ed,insulatedconcretefloor, equipmentpolebarn • Guestquarters/ranchoffice withbath, living area • Property is gated, fencedandprivate location MLS¹201405168 '-
Pam Mayo-Phillips, 541-480-1513 or rook Havens, 541-604-0788, Principal Brokers l
• 8•
w• •
• 3 bedroom, 3.5 bath, 3700 SF • Situated in large, private
media room • Bright kitchen with island & breakfast nook • Several outdoor living areas with golf course & lake views MLS¹201306464
• 4 bedrooms (2 main level suites), 3 baths • 3299 SF, .24 acre • One owner custom home with many quality features • Open, inviting great room, additional family room • 3-car tandem garage /2 with storage • Surround sound, radiant in-floor heat, heat pump, central A/C, wired for security. Call for more info! MLS¹201400474
Deb Tebbs, Broker/Presidentl 541-419-4553 debtebb l
Call Silvia Knight, Broker, ABR, SFR,Green l 541-788-4861 bendluxuryhomes@
'L9IR m'mf
cul-de-sac • Vaulted living room, great room, formal dining & family/
• 5 beds, 3.5 baths and self-contained guest suite
• 4100 SF on .29 acres • 2-car garage, fenced yard • Lightly lived in and directly across from neighborhood park and river trail access
MLS¹201403317 Call Silvia Knight, Broker, ABR, SFR, Green H 541-788-4861 l
. ~
• 3 bedroom, 3.5 bath, 3167 SF • Rooftop terrace Cascade View ) • Gourmet kitchen, built-ins • Walking access to town/trails • Upgrades throughout • 2-car garage, personal elevator MLS¹201311003 see video at
•stunningcascadeMountainviews • 5 acres, 4 acresirrigation • Custom home:5987SF,3bed, 4 bath • High qualityfinishes, 3 fireplaces,
III 5Illi
• Outdoor heatedpool, landscaped,greenhouse • Shop/RV garage- 2880SF,3doors, concrete floor • Barn, paddocks,fenced,gated MLS¹201309777
Call Brian Ladd, Principal Broker l 541-408-3912 ~
8• •
• Top quality 3600 SF,4 bed, 3 bath log 8i timber frame home • Huge shop/RVbarn with large guest quarters • 407 acres w/creek, 4 acrepond, trees & meadows • Borders thousandsof acresof USForest • popular hangout for deer, elk, antelope, and gamebirds MLS¹201305867
• • • • • •
7991 SF 2.8 acres with 400' of private river frontage 800 SF guest cabin 4 bedrooms, 5.5 baths, indoor lap pool River & golf front property Adjacent 3.49 acre lot available at $799,000
Call Pam Mayo-Phillips, or Brook Havens, Principal Brokers 541-923-1376 l
Call Ron Davis, Principal Broker l 541-480-3096
Call Brian Ladd, Principal Brokerl 541-408-3912
Widgi Creek Townhome ( $355,000
3185 NW Fairway Heights Dr. ( $749,000
Close to Town Country Living ~ $815,000
17940 Parkway Lane ( $335,000 • permitted Gp building w/living quarter/loft • Bath, laundry area, septic, well & pumphouse •Rv hookups inside & out,100 am p breaker in shop • Great location between Sisters Sr Bend • Build your dream home while you live in loft area or your Rv MLS¹201301490
• I
• Stunning Shevlin Ridge one level home, large 3-car garage • 4 bedrooms, 3.5 baths, 3456 SF • Mountain inspired custom home • Upscale popular neighborhood • Gorgeous craftsmanship • Large kitchen, living space • Expanded deck & landscaping for rear privacy MLS¹201310941 .R . R Call Brian Ladd, Principal Broker l 541-408-3912
' '~
, ' .
• 2 bedroom suites + powderbath • Excellent incomepotential or second home • Common area andexpansive outdoor decking • Marbled granite andstainless steel appliances • Dark slate tile floors • Vaulted ceilings • 2bedroom,2bath1703SF MLS¹201311091
• 3 beds, 3.5 baths, 3316 SF • .47 acre private lot • 3-car garage & 82 woodwrapped windows • TrueCraftsm an style • Incredible quality throughoutii
• 4 bed, 3 bath, 3381 SF • 10 irrigated acres w/wheel line • Cascade views • Shop, 1 - 2 cargarage+ office
• Shop, 2- 5 car garage • 2 pollds
Call Joanne McKee, Broker l 541-480-5159
Call The Norma DuBois and Julie Moe Team, Brokers
Call Jodl Kearney, Broker l 541-693-4019
Call Bobby Lockrem, Broker l 541-480-2356
541-3124042 l www
o I •
• •
4 •
~ •
3087 NE Weeping Willow Dr. l $264,900
Newer Acreage Property l $268,000
20366 (Lot 3) Chase Road, Bend l $269,900
• 3 bed, 2 bath, 1390 SF • Single level, 2-car garage • Open floor plan with vaulted ceilings • .87acre, fully fenced • Front & back landscape • Beautiful interiors and upgrades MLS¹201404532
Call Nicolette JonesI 541-241-0432
Call Melanie Maitre, Broker I 541-480-4186
612 S. Pine Meadow, Sisters( $362,000 shopping & dining • Main floor living with open kitchen flowing into family room, sunroom and master on main • Upstairs offers bed & full bath • Covered front porch and open deck for entertaining in backyard •Home ishandicapped equipped MLS¹201403342
• Custom built home • 3 bedrooms, 3 baths, 2903 SF • Updated kitchen • Mountain views • RV parking with hook ups • Great outdoor living!
19661 Harvard Place ( $479,000
Superb Sunriver ( $498,000
master •Upgradefinishesthroughout • 3-car garage MLS¹201404350 Call Rod Hatchell, Broker l 541-728-8812
Call Jordan Grandlund, Principal Broker 541-420-1559 or Stephanie Ruiz, Broker
Call Ken Renner, Principal BrokerI 541-280-5352
• Easy access to river trail • Spacious openfloor plan • 2110 SF, 3 bed, 2.5 bath • All bedroomsareupstairs • Model homequality • Breakfast bar island • 3-car garage
Call Melanie Maitre, BrokerI 541-480-4186
• Like new Renaissancehome in Aspen Rim, 5bedrooms, 3 baths • 3056 SF, beautiful hardwoods, slab granite, stainless steel appliances, mud room andopen floor plan • 1 block to pool and park Call Natalie Vandenborn, BrokerI 541-508-9581
hot tub
1649 NW Cliffside Way • 3 bed, 2 bath-OpenFloor Plan • Single level 2361SF"VIEWS" • 10' ceilings - CrownMolding • Fireplace in living room and
• New construction,luxurytownhome • 4bedroom,3.5bathroom • 2540 SF &2-carattached garage • Granite, hardwood &tile throughout • Easylivingin apark-like setting • OwnerprivilegesatSeventh Mountain Resort • Nextto WidgiCreek&t heDeschutes RiverTrail MLS¹201307670
• Plumbed for gas BBQ & :k
"The Cliffs" Gated Community-Redmond) $384,900 60826 Scotts BluffPl.,Bend l$385,000
Call Chris Sperry, Principal BrokerI 541-749-8479
60405 Snap Shot Loop l $469,750
• Master up or down • Gas fireplace
20755 Snow Peaks Dr. l $384,900
• Minutes to downtown for
61771 SW Metol!us Dr. • 3 beds, 3.5 baths, 1846 SF • Open floor plan • Light and bright
ffoors,engineeredwoodfloors • Fencedyard, landscaped, acrossthe street frompark • Additional homes &floor plansavail. MLS¹201310968
Call Bruce Boyle, BrokerI 541-408-0595
Broken Top Townhome l $354,500
construction • Master on mainlevel, vaulted ceilings, open floor plan • Quality finishes:tile countertops&
• 1552 SF, 3bed, 2.5 bath, new
19167 Pumice Butte Road
• 3 bed, 2.5 bath, 1835 SF • Super cute 8 move in ready! • Master on the main, large bedrooms, brand new carpet 8 pad •Deckshavejustbeenrefinished andlow maintenancebackyard landscaping
Call Brian Ladd, Principal Broker I 541-408-3912 brian¹¹
2968 Chianti l $519,000 • 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath, 2679 SF
26 Siskin Lane • 4 bed, 2 full baths, 2 half baths • 3346 SF • Gorgeous master • Near the river MLS¹201304990
L '
• Large bonus room • Meticulously maintained MLS¹201404719
Call Greg Barnwell, Broker I 541-848-7222
Call Greg Barnwell, Broker l 541-848-7222
Brand New Construction In Tetherow •Cascade Mountainviews!
•ChristianGladuDesignhomeand TimberlineConstruction collaborated to designthisspacious&efficient homeinTetherowGolf Club • Homepositionedfor passivesolar gainsand2ndIloor viewsof Cascades •Currentlyunderconstructionand slated tobecompletethissummer! Call formoredetails!
Call Shelly Swanson, BrokerI 541-408-0086
61463 Hackleman Ct.- Tetherow l $939,500 • Inspired mountain contemporary home • Master suite & junior master • Dramatic architecture
• High ceilings • COBA Tour-level finishes/ upgrades • Premium lot includes golf membership Call Brian Ladd, Principal Broker I 541-408-3912
• One of largest homesites in Brasada Ranch • Build your dream home later • Enjoy forever Cascade Mountain views and the privilege of a resort lifestyle • Just 20 minutes from Downtown Bend MLS¹201306999
19569 Salmonberry Ct. • 3 bed/2.5 bath plus loft • 1569 SF open floor plan • Quintessential Bend Neighborhood • Beautiful backyard for outdoor entertaining, pets & play • Steps from Elk Meadow Elementary & Hollygrape Park • Clubhouse with gathering space, pool and tennis courts MLS¹201404988
Call Robin Yeakel, Broker, CRSI 541-408-0406
Call Laura Blossey, BrokerI 949-887-4377
Resort Properties Specialist
e .
• •
• • • •
4 bed, 2.5 bath Large kitchen Main level master Outstanding Old Mill location!
Directions: Brookswood to McClellan to Sunny Breeze to Millcrest
Carmen A. Cook, LicensedOregon Broker I 541-480-6491 carmsells©
• '
20030 Millcrest Pl.
• • • 8
• • • • •
3512 SF - 4 bed, 3.5 bath On 1.38 acre w/2 private fenced backyard patio areas Remodeled with lodge accents Gourmet kitchen open to spacious great room Slab granite, hickory cabinets, wood burning 8< gas fireplaces • Nice separation of bedrooms with 2 master suites • Call Myra Girod, Broker I 541-815-2400 or R Pam Bronson, Broker I 541-788-6767
• Stunning views • 3 bed, 3.5 bath • Master, utility, kitchen, office on main level • Views of Smith Rockand City of Redmond • Wall of windows • Heated travertine floors • Knotty alder solid wood doors
• Backs Tetherow with views tothe south and west • Built in 2002, totally remodeled in '06/'07 • 4 bedrooms, office & bonus room • Lots of hardwoods and beautiful upgrades • 4 bed, 3.5 bath, 3250 SF MLS¹201405210
Call The Norma Du is an ulie oe eam, ro ers
Call Rhonda McHugh, Broker, 541-5504137
541-312-4042 I wwwTeamNormaAndJu!
m ra. amteam¹¹cascades!
60699 Golf Village Loop • 3672 SF on 1.04 acre • 4 bedrooms, 3 full & 2 half baths • Largeoffi ce,bonus room • Two living areas • Floor to ceiling stone fireplace, Persian carpets • Australian cypress hardwood flooring • Well maintained • 5-car garage MLS¹201400563 allsilvta ig t, ro er, 541-7884861 I bendluxuryhomesegma!
• • • 8 •
'. o
• •
• •
• • • a.
• Three-story, 3 beds, 3.5 baths • Views from every floor, 2 decks • FantasticDeschutes riverfront • Great accessibility to Old Mill • State-of-the-art security & lighting • Custom upgrades: wood & brick work MLS¹201404903
• 3 bed,2.5 bath plusof fice and mediaroom • 2865 SF, .29 acre • Completed in October of last year • Your opportunity to own a new Tetherow home without the wait! • 14 ft. ceilings, high end finishes • A MUST SEE! Call Silvia Knight, Broker, ABR, SFR, Green 541-788-4861 I
• e
Call Brian Ladd,Principal Broker I 541-408-3912 brian¹¹
• • s I
1625 NW Overlook Dr. • Northweststyle 4bed, 4t Bath on.71 acres • Open floorplan • Vaulted ceilings &exposed beams • Master andhomeoffice onmain • Large recroomaddition could alsobeguest suite withkitchen& bath •Bonusroom downwithbuilt-insandmurphybed • Mt. Jefferson viewsfrom master& homeoffice MLS¹201307593
• New construction on level 1+ Acre lot • Stunning Northwest style w/ high end finishes • Open great room floor plan, comfortable yet elegant • Master + Den on main level, 3 additional bedrooms up • Oversized 3-car garage & 3 outdoor living areas • Gated community w/tennis courts, clubhouse & trails
Call Laura Blossey, BrokerI 949-887-4377
+ Listed Sandy Kohlmoos, Broker I 541 4084309 Hosted by Geoff Groener, Broker I 541-390-4488
e s¹
• •
4 •
' l e
n$pm mmmlU
~i P '. ~
enrer '.' f ,
,c Pw&%(. vaG
II I I • -
1 in
') vy
m. AWBREY GLEN I $549,000
Exquisite, hom einAwbreyGlen. 3bedroo m25bath,refinishe doakfloorsI vaulted cei(ings. DIRECTIONS:Mt.Washington Puinm aRoad, toChampionCircletoMelville 541-350-6049 toDrive. 325 3HWMelvilleDrive.
1187 ACR ERANCHI $14195,000
• 142 acres rrngation, borders BIM • Year-roundBridge Creek • 2 homes, barn, newershop
• MLS 201404404
HILLSIDE PARK I $1,149,000
h CHRIST YHARTMAN 3175 qft t • 2 master suites DECOU RCEY, PRINCIPAL BROKER • OverlooksLostyracks Golf Course 541-312-7263 • MLS 201404675
COREY CHARpNpE • 3732 sq.ft. NormanBuilders built BROKER ~ •5 bedroom, + oSice,3.5 bath
39 62 sq.ft.,13e acres • 1437 ft. Deschutes River frontage
&hardwood floors 541-548-3598, • Cherry cabinets 541-306-9646 • MLS 201404263
~ • .88 acre, city views
541-280-5512 • MLS 201404977
. ) w'
• 5004 sq.ft., 4 bedroom
• Gourmet kitchen, theater room • 2.18 acres, extensive decking
541-948-0997 • MLS 201400616
SUNDANCE I $594,900
RIVER CANYONESTATESI $639$00 DIANE ROBINSON, • 3419 sq.ft. upgradedhome • 5 bedroom, 3 bath BROKER , ABR
541-419-8165 • MLS 201403859
541-322-2417 • MLS 201403618
• Paver patios, water feature
• Remodele3221 d sq.ft. • 4 bedroom, 3 bath
TUMALO RANCHI $549,000 DARRINKElEHER, • 2 homes, multiple outbuildings • 33.12 acres,fenced,cross-fenced BROKER
• 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath
• Open floor plan huge wmdows 541-390-9598 • MLS 201402766
• 4.14 acres
• Cascade Mountain views
541-788-0029 • MLS 201400239 . •
• i
)IJ „'t,! . ,.) ,
Rn •
t CUSTOMHOME I $536,000
NW BEND I $524,500
• Beautiful 3439 sq.ft. JANESTREll BRQKERABR GRI • 5 bedroom,3 bath
DEBBIJO E HNSON, • 2168 sq.h. Pahlischbu!It • 3 bedroom, 3 bath BROKER
541-948-7998 • MLS 201402295
541-480-1293 • MLS 201401052
• I acre
• Itardwood floors granite kitchen
SUNRIVER I $524,000
• 2264 sq.ft. • 4 bedroom,3.5 bath BROKER, GRI • .30acre 541-480-9300 • MLS 201400042
SUNRIVER I $479,900
MT BAC HELORVILLAGEI $515,000 • 1719 sq.ft. condo •3 bedroom,3 bath
GARYROSE • 2369 sq.R. EarthAdvantage home BRpKERMBA • e 4 bedroom, den, 3 bath
• MLS 201402488
541-588-0687 • MLS 201402327
• Deschutes River views
• e .22 acre, paver patio, hot tub
nnnv;.,-,.. mm
IEHD GOlf 6CDUHTLYCWI I SITSJN • 3048 sq.ft,, remodeled • 3 bedroom, 3 bath • .32acre, golf courseviews
541-480-1911 • MLS 201401501
• 3177 sq.ft. Tourof Homeswinner • 5 bedroom, 3 bath • Private backyard,commu nity pool
• MLS 201404443
1.31 ACRES I $425,000 JOHN SHIPPLH,BROKER, • 1303 sq.ft. MBA,ABR,CRS,GRI • 3 bedroom, 2 bath 541-312-7273 • Near schools &Hollinshead Park 541-948-9090 • MLS 201403362
Ih '
• )
NW BEND I $420,000 DEIORA HIEHSPHPC, • 1637 sq.ft. • 3 bedroom, 2 bath BROKER,GRI PREV IEWSPECIALIST • Paver patio, water feature 541-480-6448 • MLS 201405084
SOUTH DEERFEILDPARKI $279,980 KIRK SANDBURGi • New Franklin Brothers built • 1701 sq.ft. BROKER i • 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath 541-556-1804 • MLS 201400531 '
, F.
m• :
• 1763 sq.ft. townhome • 3 bedroom, 3 bath • Corner lot, fenced backyard
541-383-4334 • MLS 201403302
GREG FlpyD K BRQKER 541-390-5349 '
• New 1853 sq.ft. construction • 3 bedroom, 2 bath • .23acre, RVparking
• MLS 201404914
9.55 ACRES I $345,000
CJLR DITHPRBDRSKTPC • SE Bend BROKER ,ABR,CRS, • Cascade Mountain views • Close to BIM land GREEN 541-383-4350 • MLS 201404734
• 1579 sq.ft. Craftsman • 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath • Close to nver trads B parks 541-480-7647 • MLS 201404753
• 1978 sq It
2.5 bath BROKE RCSp Q • 3 bedroom,
• Corner lot, backs open space
41-410-5280 • MLS 201404391
I)' n
nnnn u
• 2 bedroom, I bath units • Washer & dryer hookups • Covered carport for each unit
541-322-1500 • MLS 201403568
TUMALO I $275,000
• 1120 sq.ft. • 2 bedroom, I bath • .41acre, fencedyard 541-788-3678 • MLS 201403890
SW REDMOND I $234,999
• 1728 sq.ft. • 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath
INDAMCKITRICK, • 2592 sq.ft. • 4 bedroom,2.5 bath BROKER , GRI
• .16acre corner lot
• Cascade Mountain views
541-280-6148 • MLS 201402402
541-410-9045 • MLS 201309188
• FOXBOROUGH I $229,900
1314 sq.ft. Craftsman GREG MILLERK Broker,CRS, Q • 3 bedroom, 2 bath GRI • + Cove red front porch, fencedyard 541.408.1511 • MLS 201404494
ir~5K, v' •
3.71 ACRES I $200,000 RA('HELLEMAS BROKER 541-383-4359 541-896-1263
• I 5 I 2 sq.ft. manufactured • 3 bedroom, 2 bath • Peeka-boo Mt. Jefferson view
• MLS 201404510
KELLY NEUMAN plghlCipAI BROKER 541-480-2102 '
NW RE DMONDI $199,000 • 1581 sq.ft. single level • 3 bedroom, 2 bath • Updated kitchen
• MLS 201404962
• 1255 sq.ft. townhome • 2 bedroom, 2.5 bath • Cascade Mountain views
541-480-8796 • MLS 201401764
DIANELOZITO, BROKER 541-548-3598, 541-306-9646
• 6.64 acres • Cascade Mountam vrews • Near Deschute Risver&BIM trails
• MLS 201403543
Betnd'sinventory is low,which is good news for sellers! Call me lo take «dvrcnttlogm esf Ihis mctrlcmR
Create or find Classifieds at THE BULLETIN • SATURDAY, JUNE 7, 2014 •
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w . Q hkag d l e
Pets & Supplies
Pets 8 Supplies
Pets & Supplies
Pets & Supplies
A v e .
Estate Sales
Estate Sales
rocker 8 bookcase, Mid Century tables, lots of old advertising, store items, political & military memorabilia, Roseville & Bauer pottery, paintings, trains, iron door stops, glass 8 china, lots of small collectibles, chauffer badges, more! FRl:SAT. 9-4, crowd control ¹'s Fri. @8 a.m. 126 NE Franklin, Bend For more info go to 541-350-6822
HUGE ESTATE SALE La Pine House/Sho /Gara e
Estate Sales
g < ~
9 7a •
Coins & Stamps
Golf Equipment CHECK YOUR AD
arecommends extra ' The Bulletin
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products or > I chasing services from out of I ~ the area. Sending ~ ' cash, checks, o r '
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information about an t I advertiser, you may I The Bulletin / call t h e Or e gon / Serving Central Oregonsince eag
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i General's O f fi ce i Consumer Protec- • h o t line a t i i 1-877-877-9392.
I tion
> TheBulletin > Serving Cernrai Oregon sincetgga
541-385-5809 241
Bicycles & Accessories Men's Huffy lllumina 18 speed bike, $ 100. 541-389-4079
on the first day it runs to make sure it isn corn rect. Spellcheck and human errors do occur. If this happens to your ad, please contact us ASAP so that corrections and any adjustments can be made to your ad. 541-385-5809 The Bulletin Classified 246
Guns, Hunting & Fishing
16 Mallard Decoys with Trek 2120 bicycles, (2) lines & weights in decoy 54cm and 58cm, car- baq, with 2 camo cloths, bon fiber, Shimano $1 f0 all. 206-714-9970 Antiques wanted: tools, 105, SP D p e dals, furniture, marbles,early $400 each. Miyata Bend local pays CASH!! B/W photography, kids Triathalon bike, for all firearms & beer cans, jewelry. $125. 541-410-7034 ammo. 541-526-0617 Antiques & Collectibles
The Bulletin reserves the right to publish all ads from The Bulletin newspaper onto The Bulletin Internet website.
The Buljetin
Exercise Equipment
CASH!! For Guns, Ammo & Reloading Supplies. 541-408-6900.
NautilusNS 200 like new! Pulley system with extra weights,$600! Will deliver! 541-388-2809
Ruger Mini-14, 3x9 Nikon, 6 mags, 500+ rds 8 case, $1000 obo. Ruger P345, 5 maas, 500+ rds, $750 obo. 541 -516-8695
Just bought a new boat? Wanted: Collector seeks Sell your old one in the high quality fishing items classifieds! Ask about our Pilates XP297 w/riser, 8 upscale bamboo fly Super Seller rates! Maitbu chair, fluidity bar, rods. Call 541-678-5753, 541-385-5809 like new, 541-408-0846 or 503-351-2746
I 282
Furniture 8 Appliances Furniture & Appliances
Donate deposit bottles/ POODLE,toys 8 minis, G ENERATE SOM E The Bulletin recomcans to local all vol., also rescued older pup EXCITEMENT in your mends extra caution non-profit rescue, for to adopt. 541-475-3889 neighborhood! Plan a when purc h asferal cat spay/neuter. garage sale and don't ing products or serCans for Cats trailer Queensland Heelers forget to advertise in vices from out of the Standard & Mini, $150 at Grocery Outlet, 694 classified! area. Sending cash, CAVALIER King Charles SE 3rd & Bend Petco & up. 541-280-1537 541-385-5809. checks, or credit in- Spaniels AKC, all shots, near Applebee's, do- www.rightwayranch.wor 202 f ormation may b e Champion lines, nate M-F a t S m ith NEED TO CANCEL Want to Buy or Rent subjected to fraud. GORGEOUS!! NewSign, 1515 NE 2nd; or YOUR AD? For more i nforma- borns (taking deposits)SHIH-TZU Mix PUPS CRAFT, Tumalo. Lv. The Bulletin Wanted: $Cash paid for tion about an adver- 7 mo, all colors. $1800. Avail 6-15-14 Male msg. for pick up large Classifieds has an vintage costume jew- tiser, you may call 541-848-7605 $350 Female $500 amt, 5 4 1-389-8420. "After Hours"Line elry. Top dollar paid for the O regon State 541-589-1124 Call 541-383-2371 Gold/Silver.l buy by the Attorney General's Chihuahua beautiful blossomhut© 24 hrs. to cancel Estate, Honest Artist Office puppies, 541-280-6262 / English Springer Spaniel C o n sumer your ad! Elizabeth,541-633-7006 541-233-8110; $150 & up Siamese kittens, raised Protection hotline at puppies. AKC, field 1-877-877-9392. in home. Gorgeous! champion blood lines, 203 USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! liver & white, avail. 7/1. Only $25. 541-977-7019 Where can you find a Holiday Bazaar helping hand? $800/ea. Beaver Creek Serving Centrai Oragon sinceiglg Door-to-door selling with & Craft Shows Kennels. 541-523-7951 Three 7 mo. old pups, From contractors to lots of snow white fast results! It's the easiest w/black hi g hlights, yard care it's all here Central Oregon A dog sitter in NE Bend. way in the world to sell. great family dogs, in The Bulletin's Saturday Market! Loving home w/no cages, parents on site. $150 Open Sat., 10am-4pm sm. dogs only. $25 day. "Call A Service The Bulletin Classified This Saturday6/7, Linda, 541-576-4574 ea. 541-447-1323 541 485-5809 Professional" Directory FREE Event! Hokule'a Ohana Central Oregon Adopt a rescue cat or 'l c Yorkie-mix puppies, Hula Dancers kitten! Altered, vacci- Chihuahua purebred, really cute! 2 @ $225. Sofa L-shaped, 2 reat 12:00 noon 541-977-0035 nated, ID chip, tested, healthy playful puppies, German Wirehaired cliners 8 hide-a-bed. Downtown Bend, more! CRAFT, 65480 $100 ea. 541-382-6905 Pointer Puppies 10 $200 541-389-2600. across from library. Yorkie pups AKC, 2 tiny 78th St, Bend, 1-5 PM weeks old. American Where the Maker Dachshund AKC mini pups baby doll girls, potty trainSat/Sun. 389 8420, Kennel Club Litter is the Seller!! Certificate SR821323. ing, shots, health guar., Twin E r go-motion 541-420-9015 All colors• 541-508-4558 One male $500, and 3 $A 00. 541-777-7743 500 automatic bed Adopt a rescue cat or females $600 each. with memory foam BULLETINCLASSIFIEDS kitten! Altered, vacci- Donate deposit bottles/ 210 Contact Gerri mattress, like new, Search the area's most nated, ID chip, tested, cans to iocal all vol., 541-413-0959. Furniture 8 Appliances only used for a short comprehensive listing of more! CRAFT, 65480 non-profit rescue, for t ime. $750 o b o . classified advertising... 78th St, Bend, 1-5 PM feral cat spay/neuter. Lab Pups AKC,black & 541-383-7603 real estate to automotive, Sat/Sun. 389 8420, Cans for Cats trailer yellow, Master Hunter A1 Washers&Dryers at Grocery Outlet, 694 sired, performance pedimerchandise to sporting $150 ea. Full warSE 3rd & Bend Petco ree, OFA cert hips & el- ranty. Free Del. Also goods. Bulletin Classifieds & dryer, KenBorder Collie pups, near Applebee's, do- ows, 541-771-2330 wanted, used W/D's Washer appear every day in the more, white, works good, nate M-F a t S mith $300 to best offer. 541-280-7355 print or on line. $100 both. 541-385-0126 memphis© Siqn, 1515 NE 2nd; or Call 541-385-5809 Tumalo. Lv. Min PinAKC fem. pups. Boxers AKC & Valley CRAFT, msg. for pick up large pottv trainina, shots, Couch loveseat set, Washer & Dryer, WhirlBulldogs CKC puppies. amt, 5 4 1-389-8420. heafthy/adorable $600 very gd. cond., $190 p ool, excellent cond. The Bulletin $125/ea. 541-510-6624 Serving Central Oregon sinceterg $700-800. 541-325-3376 ea. 602-284-4110, 541-7 7 7-7018
• J
• B e gd ~ o
Sales Northwest Bend Sales Northeast Bend Sales Southeast Bend Sales Redmond Area
Sales Redmond Area
Sales Other Areas
Spores's Moving Multi Family Sale, 2642 Estate Sale
2766 Century Drive, in Prineville Queen bed, dressers, sofas, coffee & end Friday-Saturday, 9-4 Everything must go! tables, china cabinet, dinette set, l a mps, Beautiful women's dep ictures & dec o r, signer clothing, household, garage and storkitchenware, lots of age shop, furniture, crystal & glassware, silver, dep r ession kitchen, antiques, flat screen TV, Honda air glass, china, mens & compressor, radial arm ladies clothing, lots of saw, power washer. jewelry, bookcases, Crafter's alert! This sale knick-knacks, tools of all k i nds, a n t ique has everything you could everneed, and wardrobe & tab l e , boxes and boxes of it! holiday items, o utmust see pictures door, snow blower, You and descriptions on Suburban/snow plow, boat & motor, utility trailer, much more! Vintage Flea FRI:SAT. 9-4, crowd control ¹'s Market Fri. OB a.m. at Pomegranate Hwy 97 to Burgess Saturday, June 7, Rd. right on Day 10am<pm Rd., left on SunVintage, antique venrise, right on dors in the gardens at Holiday to 53136 Pomegranate, 120 NE For more info go to River Mall Ave., just www.atticestatesannorth of Macy's.
ESTATE SALE Sat. 8-2 Multi-Family Sale! 9-6 F r i-Sat-Sun, June G-SALE: Fri & Sat, 8-4. Huge Camping & Yard Ct. Artwork,toys,furniture. Sat 8-3, 1018 SE Valley- 6-7-8 - 8450 NE 1st, St., F urniture, hou s e- Sale! Tons of camping, wood Place (15th to T e r rebonne. Household, wares, clothing, misc. fishing, household, collect(Aubrey Butte), Sat. 3011 NE Yellow RibBronzewood to Valleytools, books, knicknacks, ibles, more! Sat-Sun, 8-5, only 9-1. B aby/kid bon Drive, off 27th. 834 NW Negus LN. 603 SE Elm St. Prineville items, toys, clothes, wood). Antiques/vintage pick up trucks! HUGE Garage Sale items/ rock polisher/art & sports equip. &house- ** FREE ** Fri June 6, 9-2; Sat June Garage Salel Fri-sat, 6/6 frames/yarns & fabrics! hold items. Some7, 9-3. 927 NW Red& 6/7, 8-5, 2526 SW Garage Sale Kit thing for everyone. NEIGHBORHOOD Valleyview Dr. Rolls for wood Place. Large Multi-family Place an ad in The GARAGE SALES p layer piano, large keyvariety — come see us! moving, estate and NW Crossing Moving Bulletin for your gaSat. June 7, 9 A.M., board, ladies beginner garage SALE. Sale, Saturday and HUGE SALE - 734 NE Furniture, rage sale and reWindsor Drive, off A c c ordion, health books, tools, glass Sunday 6/7-8, 9-3pm. ceive a Garage Sale Quince PL. Redmond. Brosterhous/Knott Rd. Iike new couch, garden ware, dishes, kitchen, 2693 NW Shields Emptied Sto r age. Kit FREE! books, children books/ tools silk flowers fish Drive. Modern furniUnit. Aquariums games, clothes, Humpoles, and lots more! NW
Pi c ket t
ture. Shabby chic bedding and accessories. Updated kitchen items. On-trend clothing. Priced to sell!
• 4 Garage Sale Signs • $2.00 Off Coupon To Use Toward Your Next Ad
• 10 Tips For "Garage Sat. only 9-4. All the Sale Success!" typical hou s ehold stuff! 2301 NW Tower PICK UP YOUR Rock Road. GARAGE SALE KIT at 1777 SW Chandler 284
Sales Southwest Bend
Ave., Bend, OR 97702
The Bulletin
Serving Cenrral Oregon since 190S 6th Annual Pinebrook Neighborhood Sa le Good classified adstell SW near New Hope Garage Friday 8 Saturthe essential facts inan day 6/6 & 6/7 (50% off Church, Sat. 8-4. everything on Saturday!) interesting Manner. Write 2389 NE Lynda Lane Model home furniture from the readers view not 541-383-3713 541-350-6822 sale, 9-3 S aturday. Multi-Family Sale! Baby the seller's. Convert the 6 0403 Snap S h o t girl items, infant carseat facts into benefits. Show 282 Loop, turn left at 7th w/base, quality women's the reader howthe item will Just too many Mtn. Resort. clothing 8 shoes, stereo, help them insomeway. Sales Northwest Bend collectibles? 2 free-standing This "MOTHER" ofALL Sales furniture, closets w/shelves, houseBaby items 8 toys. dolladvertising tip Folks' EstateSell them in hold items. Fri-Sat, 8-3, house. tires, a d ult brought toyouby 4 Generations 1665 NE Shepard Rd. The Bulletin Classifieds clothing. Sat. 6/7, 8-3 and Neighbors, too. The Bulletin 63248 NW Britta St. HUGE — Priced to go! THE MAN SALE! Selvlflg Celevl Oleecvlslllce ieig 19888 Powers Rd. Lots of man stuff, plus 541-385-5809 Family Home for 74 Bright green signsbooks, movies, etc. Years Sale! Fri. & Sat., Fri-Sat. June 6-7, 7:55 am Sat., 8-4, Sun., 8-3 (6/7Estate Sale, Sat.. 9-4 9am-4:30 pm. PEDDLERS MARKET 6/8) 2576 NE Lynda Ln. 1395 Grosbeak Ct., Neighborhood Garage Too much to list! June 14, 8 -3 Redmond (cross st. 288 59 NW Shasta Place. Sale, Sat. 8-4 8 Sun. Tumalo Feed Co., Cinnamon Teal Dr.) 8-Noon. 56091 Snow Sales Southeast Bend Hwy 20. Antiques, Goose Rd., Sunriver. crafts, vintage, proHuge Multi-Family Yard duce, more. Sale - Something for ev- Everything from golf, 130 SE Airpark Drive, Estate Sale, Thurs-Sun, 6/5-6/8, 9-5. Furniture, Space rent $25 eryone! Furniture, deco- camping, tools, horse Sat 8 Sun, 8-2. tools, crystal vases, 8 (541) 306-8016 rator items, household, e quip., decor, a n - Shoes, clothes, lamps, many more nice things! copeddlersmarketO etc. Fri & Sat, 8-3, tiques, clothing, fur- furniture, TVs, Christmas 65260 94th St., in Bend. 1142 NW Knoxville Blvd. niture, No Junk! items, household goods!
supplies, Household, mels and more. Sat. C ollectibles, lots o f ts/7; 9-4. 20750 High fabric & crafts, much Desert Ln (off Empire) 10+ Family Garage Sale, Zion Lutheran Church Anna much more. Priced to 97701. Park-wide at Desert Ter1113 SW Black Butte 541-610-5031 sell! June 6&7 8-4. 5063 S Hwv 97 Blvd., in Redmond, Fri-Sat Jun. 6-7, 8-4 Ap Moving/Garage Sale! liances, tools, house- 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Furniture, many other old, kltchen, garden, Perennlals annuals. gar items. Sat. only, 9-4, Saturday June 7th VHS tapes/players, misc. den decor... Iow Prices! 1619 NW Hemlock (alley Madras Alpha Omicron John & Ginny Bednar behind house), Redmond Annual garage sale NW 17th St. MOVING SALE Moving Sale everything at 6690 Terrebonne. 60828 COBBLESTONE goes! 10-4 daily until 8:00 a.m.- 2:00 p.m. sold at 1515 NWHI Fir RIVER RIM AREA Household, yard and ¹9, Redmond. Make Friday June 6 • Saturday June 7 lots of misc. items us a bid on all of it! 9 5 p.m. only with low prices! (TAKE BROOKSWODD BLVD. SOUTH Neighborhood G-Sale TO AMBER MEADOW WAY(BYLOVEJOY MKT. June 7th; Sat 8am -3pm TURN WEST AND GO TO STOP S/GN. SW 37th 8 Valleyview Take care of PARKING ONLY ON ONE S/DE OF THE STREET) Crowd control admittance numbers 8 a.m. Fri. Off Wickiup, Redmond your investments Saturday June 7, 9-5, Nice Lane sofa; Ekornes stressless chair and with the help from Huge Sale in alley ottoman; Beechwood chair 8 ottoman; King bed behind 6-plex at 130 SW The Bulletin's - (Two twins) and headboard; 2004 projection Canyon Dr. (off Black TV; 2007 32" TV; O lder 1460 Model wood "Call A Service Butte), in Redmond. lathe; New Lawyerls style bookcase; Silverplate Silverware set; Wedgwood "Pacific Blue" dish Sprinq Cleaning - Huqe Professional" Directory set; 2 bar stools; 2002 Maytag washer & dryer; Yard Sale! Lots of stuff, Small electrical appliances; Cortland reel & fly some furniture. Sat. 8 fishing pole; GrillMasterBBQ /extra burner; Stor- Sun 6/7-6/8, 8am-? 807 NOTICE age bench; Small dresser; Handmade quilts; NE Nickernut Ave. Remember to remove Pressurewasher; ELECTRIC SNOWBLOWER!; your Garage Sale signs 292 Nice prints and watercolors; "Lost Tracks" golf (nails, staples, etc.) course watercolors by Kate Hiddleston; Gossip Sales Other Areas after your Sale event Bench; Few garden and hand tools; Nice patio is over! THANKS! set- 4 chairs and umbrella; LOTS of high-end BIG GARAGE SALE! From The Bulletin jewelry& watches; Books & puzzles; Books on Tools, books, c o land your local utility antiques & collectibles; Lamps 8 stands; linens; l ectibles a n d lo t s companies. Clothing; Lots of other items; more. June 6, 7, 8, Handled byDeedy's Estate Sales Co. 9-5. 14760 SW PenThe Bulletin Serving Central Oregon sincefgtg 541-419-4742 days • 541-382-5950 eves insula, Crooked River www.deeedysestatesales. com Ranch Sales Redmond Area
GARDEN 8c PLANT SALE - Sat., June 7
541-385-5809 Dr go to
AD PLACEMENT DEADLINES Monday • • • • • • • 5:00 pm Fri • Tuesday.••• • • • .Noon Mon. Wednesday •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Noon Tues. Thursday • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Noon Wed.
Building Materials REDMOND Habitat RESTORE Building Supply Resale Quality at LOW PRICES 1242 S. Hwy 97 541-548-1406 Open to the public.
INI] g s
Employment Opportunities
Employment Opportunities
r.=.-"-,.— .a
Mental Wellness Centers, Inc.
Employment Opportunities
chasing products or I Sales Support / services from out of Customer Service hensive outpatient / I the area. Sending (part-time) community-based c ash, checks, o r Employment m ental health/ s u b- Comejoinour team! I credit i n f ormation Opportunities stance abuse treatment Standard TV & Appli- • may be subjected to program in Bend, Or- ance is the largest, I FRAUD. egon. We are seeking independently owned For more informaCAUTION: tion about an adverAds published in an Executive Director to apphance retailer in the Pacific North"Employment Op- oversee the daily opI tiser, you may call Solid Marble west. We need prothe Oregon State porfunities" include erations of the facility. fessionals who have Columns They must hold an acI Attorney General's employee and indeBargain-priced deliver- a Office C o n s umer a pendent positions. tive masters-level li- experience columns that were Ads for p ositions cense in the State of ing excellent cus- I Protection hotline atI donated to Equine that require a fee or O regon such a s a tomer service both in I 1-877-877-9392. Outreach. Perfect for upfront investment LCSW or L PC, a nd person and on the a custom home or must be stated. With have clinical supervi- phone. Must have deck. Still in crates, any independentjob sion/ executive experi- strong ten-key and 1200 Ibs each. opportunity, please ence. We prefer some- data entry s k ills, TRUCK DRIVER $980 each; i nvestigate tho r - o ne wh o h o ld s a great attitude and WANTED $4900for all 5. professional appearoughly. Use extra certification in addiction Must have doubles Call 541-480-6130 Place a photo inyourprivate party ad PRIVATE PARTY RATES caution when ap- counseling along with ance. Varying shifts endorsement. nights and foronly $15.00par week. Starting at 3 lines Local run. plying for jobs on- the LCSW/ LPC, but it including 267 line and never pro- is not mandatory. The weekends. Apply in Truck is parked in *UNDER '500in total merchandise OVER '500 in total merchandise person a t 6 3 7 36 vide personal infor- position will be salary, Madras. 541-475-4221 Fuel & Wood 7 days.................................................. $10.00 4 days.................................................. $18.50 mation to any source DOE. In addition MWC Paramount D r ive, Bend, OR 97701 or you may not have offers a f u l l b e nefit online at 14 days................................................ $16.00 7 days.................................................. $24.00 All Year Dependable and package. Furthermore, ÃREIIII)(83 Firewood: Seasoned; researched *illiust state prices in ad 14 days .................................................$33.50 htt:// t d dt d ~ deemed to be repu- the person hired will reLodgepole, split, del, al iance. 28 days .................................................$61.50 ~ ceive growth incentives Garage Sale Special table. Use extreme B end, 1 f o r $ 1 9 5 a licant'obs/ 4 lines for 4 days ................................. $20.00 lcall for commercial line ad rates) or 2 for $365. Call for c aution when r e - in addition to their salary. If you are inters ponding to A N Y multi-cord discounts! online employment ested please email re- Teacher 541-420-3484. ad from out-of-state. sume to Eastmont Community A Payment Drop Box is available at CLASSIFIED OFFICE HOURS: 269 We suggest you call e ttin School, needs a full Bend City Hall. CLASSIFICATIONS MON.-FRI. 7:30 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. ax to 08-528-2945 or the State of Oregon Gardening Supplies t ime 2 n d gra d e for questions call 528 Consumer H otline teacher. Masters deBELOW M A R K E D W ITH AN (*) & Equipment 208-542-1026 and ask to gree, current teaching Loans & Mortgages at 1-503-378-4320 speak with Eric. REQUIRE PREPAYMENT as well For Equal Opportuhcense and 2 yrs elnity Laws contact ementary teaching exFor newspaper WARNING as any out-of-area ads. The Bulletin Oregon Bureau of erience required. PRODUCTION The Bulletin recomdelivery, call the bendbt reserves the right to reject any ad at Labor 8 I n dustry, ust be a Christian who Circulation Dept. at Leading manufacmends you use cauCivil Rights Division, regularly attends a any time. is located at: 541-385-5800 turerof Fishing and tion when you probible believing church. 971-673- 0764. Hunting waders is To place an ad, call vide personal 1777 S.W. Chandler Ave. seeking a Applications and job 541-385-5809 information to compaThe Bulletin description available Bend, Oregon 97702 or email Production nies offering loans or Sernng Central Oregonsince rgte online at w credit, especially Superyisor 541-385-5809 or call those asking for adfor immediate hire. The Bulletin (541) 382-2049. Job PLEASE NOTE: Checkyour ad for accuracy the first day it appears. Please call us immediately if a correction vance loan fees or Serving Central Ongonsince rggg MUST have signifiAdd your web address closes 6/13/14. is needed. We will gladly accept responsibility for one incorrect insertion. The publisher reserves the right companies from out of cant experience in to your ad and readto accept or reject any ad at anytime, classify and index any advertising based on the policies of these state. If you have Production and have 270 ers onThe Bulletin's newspapers. The publisher shall not be liable for any advertisement omitted for any reason. Private Party supervisory s k i lls. Good classified adstell concerns or quesweb site, www.bendthe essential facts in an Lost & Found Classified ads running 7 or moredays will publish in the Central OregonMarketplace each Tuesday. Hourly rate with bentions, we suggest you, will be interesting Manner.Write efits. consult your attorney able to click through Found girls' bicycle, in from the readers view not Mail resume to: or call CONSUMER 253 260 automatically to your NE Bend, call to idenSMI-Production the seller's. Convert the HOTLINE, Misc. Items website. • TV, Stereo & Video n tify. 541-389-8330 PO Box 1410 facts into benefits. Show 1-877-877-9392. Say ngoodbuy La Pine, OR 97739 BAKER NEEDED the reader howthe item will BANK TURNED YOU Meet singles right now! DirectTV 2 Year Sav- Is Your Identity Pro- Found keys,for house 8 to that unused Send resume to help them in someway. No paid o perators, ings Event! Over 140 tected? I t is our car? Corner of NE 10th 8 Erickson's DOWN? Private party Thriftway, This item by placing it in just real people like channels only $29.99 promise to provide the Greenwood. Call to iden- 725 NE Greenwood Ave., will loan on real esFind exactly what tify, 541-382-6482 advertising tip you. Browse greet- The Bulletin Classifieds a month. O nly Dimost comprehensive tate equity. Credit, no Bend, OR 97701 you are looking for in the brought to you by ings, exchange mesrecTV gives you 2 identity theft preven- FOUND:male brown & problem, good equity CLASSIFIEDS sages and connect YEARS of s a vings tion and r e sponse white terrier mix, cor- Banking is all you need. Call The Bulletin 541-385-5809 live. Try it free. Call and a FREE Genie products a v ailable! ner of Ice and Wimp Sengng crne I Oregongnce tgg Oregon Land Mortnow: 877-955-5505. upgrade! Call Call Today for 30-Day Way, 541-548-7137 gage 541-388-4200. QUALITY CONTROL: ) first communit 1-800-259-5140. (PNDC) FREE TRIAL Manufacturing comFound seating pad on 1-800-395-7012. (PNDC) pany seeks Quality General We are excited to Green Lakes Trail 6/1. Control Inspector. Re- The Bulletin Mailroom is hiring for our SaturDISH T V Ret a i ler. (PNDC) Call to ID, 360-689-7810 announce an sponsible for inspectday night shift and other shifts as needed. We Starting at available position for Found, tame Golden a Financial Services ing and p ackaging currently have openings all nights of the week. $19.99/month (for 12 • • Pheasant in field next product. Part time po- Everyone must work Saturday night. Shifts 1 mos.) & High Speed Representative in s ition, attention t o to 4211 Condor Drive start between 6:00 p.m. and 11:30 p.m. and I nternet starting a t Bend, Oregon. detail a must. If interend between2:00 a.m. and 3:30 a.m. Allpo(near Eagle C rest $14.95/month (where PATIO SET C all 54 j-385-58 0 9 condos). Been feedested, come to 537 sitions we are hiring for, work Saturday nights. available.) SAVE! Ask Glass table with 6 Salary Range: to r o m ot e o u r service ing for two weeks. S E G lenwood D r , Starting pay is $9.10 per hour, and we pay a About SAME DAY In- chairs and cushions, $10.00 - $19.00 minimum of 3 hours per shift, as some shifts (509) 531-0385. Bend, OR 97702 to fill stallation! CALL Now! umbrella & stand, out an application. are short (11:30 - 1:30). The work consists of $200. For more details Adult Care Landscaping/Yard Care 1-800-308-1563 Lost: Turqouise and silloading inserting machines or stitcher, stack(PNDC) ver ring, Sunday 6/1 please apply online: ing product onto palletsi bundling, cleanup Call 951-454-2561 Professional Caregiver NOTICE: Oregon Land- REDUCE READY MIX at concert at Mt. View YOUR and other tasks. For qualifying employees we (in Redmond) with 26+ yrs exp will pro- scape Contractors Law CABLE BILL! * Get EOE H igh. Please c a l l DRIVERS — WE a offer benefits i ncluding life i n surance, vide private care in your (ORS 671) requires all whole-home Satellite 541-389-1510 WILL TRAIN! short-term & long-term disability, 401(k), paid home. Disabled/elderly/ businesses that ad- system installed at Reduce Your Past Tax Cleaning team memvacation and sick time. Drug test is required hospice.541-279-9492 vertise t o pe r form NO COST and probers needed for priBill by as much as 75 prior to employment. Landscape Construcvate homes, w e ekramming starting at Percent. Stop Levies, tion which includes: REMEMBER: If you days on l y , no Building/Contracting Liens and Wage GarFRE E Please submit a completed application attenl anting, deck s , 1 9.99/mo. have lost an animal, w eekends, eves o r nishments. Call The tion Kevin Eldred. Applications are available ences, arbors, HD/DVR Upgrade to Tax don't forget to check h olidays. Call n o w! NOTICE: Oregon state DR Now to see if callers, SO CALL at The Bulletin front desk (1777 S.W. Chanand in- new The Humane Society 541-815-0015 law requires anyone water-features, you Qualify NOW dler Blvd.), or an electronic application may be repair of irBend who con t racts for stallation, 1-800-791-2099. 1-866-984-8515. obtained upon request by contacting Kevin systems to be 541-382-3537 construction work to rigation (PNDC) (PNDC) Eldred via email ( icensed w it h th e Redmond be licensed with the lLandscape No phone calls please. Only completed appliContracWould you like to 541-923-0882 Construction Contrac- tors Board. This 255 Swamp cooler, heavy cations will be considered for this position. No work with a team of tors Board (CCB). An number is to be4-digit Madras duty, like new, 3ft. x Computers in- • resumes will be accepted. Drug test is rehigh quality profes541-475-6889 Delivery Driver / active license cluded in all adver3 ft., p o rtable o r quired prior to employment. EOE. sionals? We are acmeans the contractor tisements which indi- T HE B U LLETIN r e - s tationary. Prineville Warehouse $ 3 75. cepting resumes' for is bonded & insured. cate the business has quires computer ad- 541-382-6773 541-447-7178 Worker polite p rofessional The Bulletin Verify the contractor's or Craft Cats Standard TV & ApSerringCenrrei Oregon sincerggg bond, insurance and vertisers with multiple drivers to deliver our CCB l i c ense at a 541-389-8420. pliance is looking for The Bulletin Offers workers compensaad schedules or those product to p r ivate www.hirealicenseda deliyery driyer This tion for their employ- selling multiple sys- FreePrivate Party Ads p arties and c o n position is full-time • 3 lines - 3 days ees. For your protectems/ software, to disstruction p r ojects. or call 503-378-4621. tion call 503-378-5909 close the name of the • Private Party Only and requires heavy General The Bulletin recom- or use our website: lifting, l e adership, Must have two years • Total of items adverCROOK COUNTY or the term class B CDL truck mends checking with to business professional appearEMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES tised must equal $200 driving experience the CCB prior to con- check license status "dealer" in their ads. or Less ance and ability to with an acceptable tracting with anyone. before contracting with Private party advertis- FOR DETAILS or to work Saturdays and Crook CountyLandfill Some other t rades the business. Persons ers are defined as Sundays. D r i vers DMV record. We are Landfill Equi pment Operator PLACE AN AD, those who sell one need recent experiready to train those also req u ire addi- doing Call 541-385-5809 $33,069.66 $41,843.67DOE land scape computer. tional licenses and maintenance ence driving a box who have high interTues. - Sat. do not Fax 541-385-5802 certifications. truck and must be inest in learning how Full time wlbenefits r equire an LC B l i 260 surable with no more to drive/operate a 306 Wanted- paying cash Closes:June 16, 2014 5r00 p.m cense. Illlisc. Items than 3 moving violaready mix truck proDebris Removal for Hi-fi audio 8 stuFarm Equipment tions. Must also pass viding y o u are Position Overview: This position operates all 20 Juniors summer tops, dio equip. Mclntosh, a background check, & Machinery a s uitable/qualified JUNK BE GONE a pplicable heavy equipment used in t h e JBL, Marantz, D ysize S-M, some new! lift test/physical and c andidate. Suc landfill operations. Must have or be willing to naco, Heathkit, San- Fuel tank, 300-gal die- drug screen. Apply in I Haul Away FREE $25 all. 541-318-4829 cessful candidates obtain a CDL endorsement and pass medical sui, Carver, NAD, etc. sel w/stand, filter, hose, For Salvage. Also erson at: 6 3 736 will maintain a qualAre you in BIG trouble Call 541-261-1 808 certification. aramount Dr., Cleanups & Cleanouts $750. 541-480-1353 ity, professional serwith the IRS? Stop Bend, OR 97701 or Mel, 541-389-8107 vice oriented attiwage & bank levies, WHEN YOU SEE THIS Applications and full job description can be online at tude while working in Call a Prc liens & audits, unfiled found at www.standardtv a fast, safe, efficient tax returns, payroll isGarage Sales ahda tisnce. Whether you need a ~ team manner. Bensues, 8 resolve tax M Please apply at the iXatBendtIIIletijl.COm fence fixed, hedges a licant'obs efits include medical, Garage Sales Yard Work debt FAST. Seen on OreP Crook CountyTreasurer's/Tax Office On a classified ad dental, 401k, paid trimmed or a house CNN. A B BB. Call 200 NE 2 St. People Lookfor Information go to vacation/holidays. Garage Sales Expert Lawns, shrubs, 1-800-989-1278. Prineville, OR97754 built, you'll find and Chainsaw work EOE/AAP. P lease About Products and (PNDC) 541-447-6554 to view additional professional help in Find them Services Every Daythrough fax r e sume to Master Gardener EOE Auto Accident Attorney: photos of the item. 541-749-2024 or The Bulletin's "Call a The Bulletin Classiweda in Bob Hanson INJURED I N AN email to: Service Professional" 262 The Bulletin AUTO A C CIDENT? hrmanagerO Human Resources Assistant Call InjuryFone for a Directory Commercial/Office DRIVERS Classifieds free case evaluation. Equipment & Fixtures 541-385-5809 The Bulletin is looking for a Human Resources Never a cost to you. Class A and Class 541-385-5809 Assistant. HR duties will include all areas of Don't wait, call now, 316 B CDL Drivers Get your Desks, metal, $25. pre-employment drug testing, preparing pa1-800-539-9913. needed. Z~aez Qartl/rep Wood, $75. Chairs, Irrigation Equipment business perwork for newly hired employees, orienta(PNDC) Domestic Services $5-$25. 541-647-2314 Must be able to tion; benefit enrollment and helping employZa~<C'a r,, Beige 4-drawer office work hard, pass Swalley Irrigation Water, ees keep t heir p ersonnel and b e nefit Full Service A ssisting Seniors a t 263 filing cabinet, $60 obo. U/A and back5ya acres. Going price e ROW I N G information current. Maintains personnel files Home. Light house Landscape Management 541-388-0865 Tools is $2000/acre; ground check. and records for the purpose of providing 541-390-1466 keeping & other ser QUICK SALE PRICE, up-to-date reference and audit trail compliNo experience with an ad in vices. Licensed Experienced Buying Dlamonds Muro screw gun, coil $800/acre. 541-383-0702 ance. Assist with payroll processing as the necessary. Bonded. BBB Certi Commercial & Residential /Gofd for Cash The Bulletin's back-up to the Payroll Manager. Provides adtype, w i t h 12 , 000 fied. 541-699-8129 or Saxon's Fine Jewelers 325 "Call A Service screws $650 vice to employees on matters in designated Aeration/Dethatching 541-460-9057 Call Bill, 541-389-6655 54r1'480 1353 Hay, Grain & Feed 1-time or Weekly Services human resources areas. Establish and mainProfessional" 541-383-3362 Ask about FREE added tain favorable working relationships within all BUYING Advertise your car! Directory for more info. svcs w/seasonal contract! Power Washer (com1st Qualilty mixed grass WesCom departments to assist in effectively Lionel/American Flyer Add APicture! Bonded & Insured. mercial) new in crate, hay, no rain, barn stored, achieving department objectives, while reReach thousands oi readers! trains, accessories. $250/ton. COLLINS Lawn Maint. Honda 13 hp - 4000 541-408-2191. sponding to requests for reports, records and Call 541-3S5-5809 Wildland Call 541-549-3831 psi, 4 gpm. Retails Ca/i 541-480-9714 information in a professional and timely manThe Bulletin Classifieds i Firefighters BVYfwe & SE LLING $1849, Sell $1349. Patterson Ranch, Sisters ner. Review, input and audit data in HRIS to To fight forest fires must Allen Reinsch Yard All gold jewelry, silver Steve 541-771-7007. support employee actions such as promotions, be 18yrs old & Drug andscaping/Yard Care Maintenance & Mowing and gold coins, bars, ALFALFA HAY transfers, hires and terminations while mainExcellent quality, free! Apply 9am-3pm (& many other things!) rounds, wedding sets, taining the highest level of data integrity. Other Mon-Thurs. Bring two Call 541-536-1294 or class rings, sterling sil3x4 bales, $165/bale Lariy's RV in duties include, processing paperwork for un541-548-3086 forms of ID fill out 541-815-5313 ver, coin collect, vinRedmond is hiring for employment and worker's compensation. Fill in Federal 1-9 form. tage watches, dental Feeder Hay for sale the full time energetic as a backup person for the Reception desk Maverick Landscaping gold. Bill Fl e ming, No ID = No Application in the barn. $200 per when necessary. Serving Central Sales Person. M owing, weedeating,yd 541-382-9419. Oregon Since 2003 ton. 541-480-4454 detail, chain saw work, Total Shop Sheet Residental/Commercial bobcat excv., etc! LCB Hovv to avoidscam Must have experience. Minimum two years human resources experiMetal Equipment 341 ence (payroll and benefits knowledge pre¹8671 541-923-4324 and fraud attempts 4' air shear; 6'x16ga Salary is commission Sprinkler ferred) in a support capacity. General knowlHorses & Equipment based. YBe aware of interna- Hand Brake; Pinspotter; Activation/Repair P ATR l c K edge of applicable state and federal laws. Pittsburgh 20ga w/Acme Painting/Wall Covering Benefits included. tional fraud. Deal loBack Flow Testing PatRick Corp. Working knowledge of HRIS/Payroll systems. Rolls', Manual Cleatcally whenever posEmail resume to: 1199 NE Hemlock, Strong computer skills with the ability to profibender 24nx20ga; Spot WESTERN PAINTING sible. resume© Maintenance Redmond ciently use Word and Excel. Strong attention to Welder w/24" arms; Slip CO. Richard Hayman, Y Watch for buyers eThatch & Aerate 541-923-0703 EOE detail. Strong interpersonal skills. Must be able roll (manual) 3'x2n dia; a semi-retired paint• Spring Clean up who offer more than Box to maintain highest degree of confidentiality, Pan Brake 48" x16 ing contractor of 45 REDUCED! .Weekly Mowing your asking price and ga; & SALES MANAGER discretion and tact. Easy Edger (Bench 3-Horse Trailer, 22' long, years. S m all Jobs Laborers & Edging who ask to have Leading manufactype)... will sell complete 7' wide, 2 rear axles, good •Bi-Monthly 8 Monthly Welcome. Interior 8 money wired or Needed! turer of Fishing and or by the piece. For qualifying employees we offer benefits inExterior. c c b ¹ 5184. handed back to them. Maintenance cond. Logan Coach Inc. Huntingwadersis Call 541-771-1958 cluding life insurance, short-term & long-term 541-388-6910 •Bark, Rock, Etc. Fake cashier checks $4500 obo. 305-794-0190 seeking a Must be dependdisability, 401(k)i paid vacation and sick time. and money orders Wildland Fi r efightingGood selection of AQHA Sales Manager able, have valid Drug test is required prior to employment. C & H Painting, LLC ~Lendede in are common. equip., new 8 u sed, for immediate hire. "For a SweetPaint Job" YNever give out perHorses, yearling to 5-yr ODL and good •Landscape MUST have signifihose, nozzles, wyes, EOE/Drug Free workplace Commercial/Residential well bred, exlnt concommunication Construction sonal financial inforcant experience in reducers, bladder bags. olds, Lic'd, bonded, insured. formation. 541-548-3086 oWater Feature skills. Wage DOE. mation. Steve 541-771-7007. Sporting Goods, sales Ccs1 70367 541-977-4360 ifinterested please submit resume Installation/Maint. Apply between s/Trust your instincts & management fields. 356 and salary expectations to •Pavers 2 p.m., Location open, but and be wary of 265 8 a.m. hrresumesOwescom a Tree Services Farmers Column •Renovations must be able to travel someone using an Mon. - Fri., at Building Materials No phone calls please. • Irrigations Installation when needed. Salary escrow service or MR. STUMP BUSTER Swalley Irrigation Water, with benefit package. agent to pick up your 2 Vinyl windows, trap- 5ya acres. Going price 63026 Lower Senior Discounts Professional Stump & Tree Mail resumeto: merchandise. e zoid, 7'x6'6", 3 0 ' , Bonded & Insured Removal• 24 yrs exp. is $2000/acre; Meadow Dr., SMI - PO Box1410 541-815-4458 Insured - Free estimates! b oth f or $300 . QUICK SALE PRICE, Serving Central Oregon since t903 Suite ¹200, Bend. La Pine, OR 97739 The Bulletin LCB¹8759 Call 541-213-9103 Serving Central Oregonsince fgle 541-480-1353 $800/acre. 541-383-0702 476
is in an evaluation stage of opening a compre-
Friday. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Noon Thurs. Saturday Real Estate.. . . . . . . . . . 1 1 :00 am Fri.
Saturday • • • Sunday. • • • •
• . 3:00pm Fri.
• • 5:00 pm Fri •
® Wz@zcen
The Bulletin
Thc Bullctin
C L U B s aturdaya June7,2014
Back-scratching deal
ACROSS 1 Is guilty of
31 David, e.g. 34 Fish also known as a blue jack 350ne with long,
disorderly conduct?
11 Not much
Tribune Content Agency
'The Cynic is such a typical man," Wendy, my club's feminist, fumed after a penny game. "His philosophy is, 'You scratch my back and ... I'll tell you when to stop.'" "I take it Cy l e d you astray on defense again," I sighed. Cy the Cynic seldom bothers to help his partners on defense especially his perennial adversary Wendy. In today's deal, with Wendy and Cy East-West, the Cynic led a trump against four spades. South drew trumps with the ace and queen and next let the queen of diamonds ride. Cy took the king and shifted to the three of hearts.
15Accompaniment for a 17-Across 16Film featuring Peter Sellers as a matador, with "The" 17Kid getting into treble 18Gym request 19Indication that you get it 20 & Wa tson (big name in deli meat) 22 Indication that you don't get it 23 Played a club, maybe 24What to call some femmes: Abbr. 26 Hand-held game davlca 28 Wedding gown accessory 30 1997 role for Will Smith
player bids two spades, preemptive. What do you say? ANSWER: Y o u h a ve t oo f e w values to bi d t h ree clubs, which might land you at a pushy game, but you need to show some values. Your best action is a n egative double, suggesting at least a fair hand with heart length and either club length or diamond support. Discuss negative doubles with your partner. North dealer E-W vulnerable NORTH
4Q J8 9875 () Q J1098
COMPLAINT "I took the ace," Wendy said, "and returnedthe jack. Declarer produced the king — and claimed. And when I complained about Cy's defense, he stated that partners are for guessing." W endy's return of t h e j ac k o f hearts was more than reasonable. For all she knew, South held A K 7 6 5 4, Q 9 2,A 5 4 , A . Since Cy wanted a club shift if E ast won a t r ick, he should have led the nine or queen of hearts to discourage a heart return. DAILY QUESTION
WEST 4109
EAST 432
9 A J106 032 A J6 4 3 2
0 K75
SOUTH 4 5 AK7 6 5 4
QK2 0A64 4K 10 North Pass 2 41 P
Ea s t Pass ass
Sou th 14 4 45
W es t Pass All Pas s
Y ouhold: 4 5 10 9 9 Q 9 4 3 Opening lead — 4 10 0 K75 4A Q 7 5. You r p a rtner opens one diamond, and the next (C) 2014 Tribune Content Agency, LLC
Seeking a friendly duplicate bridge? Find five gamesweekly at BIZARRO
Iuscious legs 38 Wagers 39Trall 40 Geek Squad selvlca 43 Internal development? 44 Many party hacks 46Word in the titles of six songs by the Beatles 47TV monitor, for short 50 Quantity that makes another quantity by adding an "m" at the front 51 Intimated 53 Sociologist Mannheim 54Teriyakigo-with 56 1971 song that was the "CSI: NY" theme 59Crythat makes children run away
60 Performed hits at a concert? 61 Some homeschoolers get them, briefly 62 19206 scandal
$0. 0503
1 Brand paired with On the Run convenience stores 2 Strike 3 Excited, with "up" 4 Source of the word "trousers" 5 Common word on a Portuguese map 6 Tour tote 7 Organized crime enforcers of the
24 28
43 45
8 Morales of film 9 Power cord? 10 Burns's land, to Burns 11 of s teel 12 First place 13 "Since you mentioned it..." 14Cut it 21Slalompath part 24 What some formulas are based on 25 24-Down producer, informally 27 Large magnets? 28One hanging by a thread? 29 Want from 31 Boston, Chicago or Kansas 32 Follower of the Sultan of Swat in career homers 33 Email attachment?
35 Warren Buffett's 45 Like some humor college fraternity, 47 "Nurse Jackie" informally star 36 Where to find 48 Bygone Edam and publication Gouda: Abbr. subtitled "America's Only 37 Bond film? Rock 'n' Roll 41 Tour part Magazine" 42 Moderator of 49 1967 title role Tribal Councils for Warren on TV Beatty
52 Rhyme pattern at the end of a villanelle 53 Clement
55 Coneheads, e.g., for short 57 Lead-in to meter 58 Singer
Annual subscriptions are available for the best of Sunday crosswords from the last 50 years: 1-888-7-ACROSS. AT&T users: Text NYTX to 386 to download puzzles, or visit for more information. Online subscriptions: Today's puzzle and more than 2,000 past puzzles, ($39.95 a year). Share tips: Crosswords for young solvers:
IEr5B95 BIZAIIIIOClstIICB.Cokt Fa59boog.zola/BisarrocoIai4 EIEOIR
It Wa© at a fayrtilBJ l arl edue iYL '88. Zmd of dtof sJ.
Complete the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 box contains everydigitfrom1 to9 inclusively.
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8 71 D
45 4I
'ARs You eLIrzs'msBE Aasms ghes7 YEAIZS OF MY LIFE''2"
43 o
LOS ANGELES TIMESCROSSWORD Edited by Rich Norrisand Joyce Nichols Lewis ACROSS
)W ALAPt)f IQC otWORAfe l ®l4PFII, lF I i'.OVl-ti
Cl-A)IA THIG Hi)g5S A6 Nl( q).AC+ OF gV5)AI,68
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FSIE~KPTl)/6 A5 Vt?i/ 4l5AlfI,
) s~
5l $U 6I 2014 by King Features Syndicate, Inc. World rights reserved
r E-maia bholbrook1@gmaiacom
Chilly Medium Lukewarm Ho t
Ridiculously hot
Before mixer taps
THAT SCRAaaBLEO WORD GAME 55 Unscramble these four Jumbles, one letter IO eaCh Square, to form four ordinary words.
by David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek
Nut vou can'I leavE YOu've 544h Wlth lls 40 10h
VoM~Ce best.
' :
; -
1 Nocturnal desert lizards 16 Column
opening 17 Gave everything to 18 Crew members 19 Actor Flynn 20 Demonstrate one's humanity 21 They're subject to inflation 22 On-call
accessory 23 Mid-sixthcentury year 24 Bug-eyed cartoon dog 2 5 "Yes ! " 26 Convey 27 Reactions to throat tickles 28 Carroll's caterpillar smokes one 29 Restaurant with an owl logo 32 Most like a slasher movie 33 They might be twisted 34 Sure competitor 35 The Renault 5, in North America 36 Common hymn woI'CI 37 Recipe meas. 40 Circulate 41 Martinique volcano 42 Rachel's sister 43 Nikon D3S, e.g., briefly 44 "The Heart of
3 Share knowledge of 4 Gratifies 5 Betting figures 6 Baja bear 7 Swingers with
WHEN 5HE CLNT HER JC8 A5 A Hcx25EKEEp558, 5HE MAPE ANow arrange the circled letters
to form the surprise answea as
41 It eats shoots and leaves 42 Comics daughter of Nancy and
Legend hit
Frank DeGroot
36 "Relax, dude" 44 Shake pickups 37 Frisbee golf alternative 8 Comes out 45 "99 Luftballons" starting point 9"You Gotta Be" 38 Helpless singer soul singer heroine's plea 47 Bhutto's 10 Show biz 39 Electric guitar overthrower sisters' surname effect 48 Unlike nerds 11 Biographer Leon 12 Walgreens rival ANSWER TO PREVIOUSPUZZLE: 13 Resembling a high flier B E L C H A M P S S P A Y 14 Egg-shaped A V E R T G A I T L I R E wind L O S E S A N N A P O L I S instruments S L I D V I A G R A S A M 15 Correct A V O I D I N G H E N N A 22 Docks M E N T O R I R A X E N A 23 iPhone L E G N U N P R A M competitor 25 Complete R I S I N G T I D E S 26 Rocky nemesis A D E N N E E L A D 27 Attorney R I M E S O D I D I D S O chaser? M E N S A I N N A T E L Y 28 Silver, e.g. AT A W E S T I E I N E S 29 Semitone D A N D E L I 0 N N 0 N E T 30 Nash priest, not A R T S E T R E S N I P E beast 31 Tombstone S Y S T C U S S A S S Y R location 06/07/14 2
29 32
30 34
40 43
19 21
Georgia" 45 New, in Nogales 46 Novel republished to commemorate its 2012 centennial 49 Text following
44014 THbune Content Agency,LLC All Righls Reeenred.
32 Pollution control assessment 34 2013 John
49 52
50 Appliance used in orthodontics
se 57
58 5 9
suggested by the above cartoon. HERIIAN~ 9 Lauahil9soak omnsing Inc., Dist. 57 Universal Udicx 90I4
Answer here: (Aoawers Monday)
"When we Bay 'parents invited,' we usually mean to sit and watch."
HOARD Z E ALOT ZO M B IE Answer. When they carved the Jumble into the side of the mountain, they made a — HARD puZZLE
y4514IUaya ~ Jumbles: UPEND
DOWN 1 Shrivel 2 Madden
By Steven Riley and Charlie tk Lauren Poliak (c)2014 Tribune Content Agency, LLC
06/07/I 4
SufIoku High Fives
5 4
2 7 3 5 4 1
6 9 9 6 5 9 3 2 16 4 1 9 6 1 9 5 9 1 3 2 7 3 6 3 6 8 9 3 4
3 6 2 7
How to play: Sudoku High Fives consists of five regular Sudoku grids sharing one set of 3-by-3 boxes. Each row, column and set of 3-by-3boxes must contain the numbers 1 through 9 without repetition. The num-
bers in any shared
8 5 2 7 1 5
set of 3-by-3 boxes apply to each of the individual Sudokus.
The Bulletin
6 7
4 2
1 3
34 6-1-14
Loans & Mortgages LOCAL MONEY:Webuy secured trust deeds & note,some hard money loans. Call Pat Kellev 541-382-3099 ext.13.
I!!Iotorcycles & Accessories Boats & Accessories
4 3
5 3 9 2 5
5 4 4 2
@ 20132013 UFS, Dist. b Univ. Uciick for UFS
National RV Tropical, 1997,
Boats & Accessories
Harley Davidson 2005 FLHRCI Road King Classic, less than 5,000 one-owner miles. Lots of extra chrome, just like 12' Aluminum boat new, never laid down, with trailer, 3hp motor, garage stored. Paid over good cond, $1200.. $20K; disability forces 503-307-6570 sale for$1 1,500. 541-546-8810 or cell, 206-790-7352 before 7pm. Seriousinquiriesonly. 12' aluminum fishing boat, t r ailer, motor, fish finder, Garage Sales accessories, $1200. 541-369-7234 Garage Sales
Garage Sales 15' fiberglas Sportsman, 75HP motor, trailer, good condition, $950. 541-369-1066 541-419-6034 15' tri-hull fiberglas fishing boat, 1971 walk-thru, fish finder, full top cover, 45 hp Evinrude, tr a i ler,
spare tire, access., good cond. $1200 obo. 541-406-36tt
gifNN 18'Maxum skiboat,2000,
inboard motor, g reat cond, well maintained, $6995obo. 541-350-7765
The Bulletin
35-ft, Chevy Vortec engine, new tires, new awnings, 12-ft slide-out, queen bed, Italian leather couch and recliner, excellent condition. Ready to travel„ towing hitch included. $19,900. 541-815-4811
(photo above is ofa similar model & not the actual vehicle)
6 8 4 9 1 3 7 2 5
1 7 5 8 4 2 6 9 3
9 3 2 7 5 6 8 1 4
Providence 2005 Fully loaded, 35,000 miles, 350 Cat, Very clean, non-smoker, 3 slides, side-by-side refrigerator with ice maker, Washer/Dryer, Flat screen TV's, In motion satellite. $95,000 541-460-2019
We Do The Work ... You Keep The Cash! On-site credit approval team, web site presence. We Take Trade-Ins! Free Advertising. BIG COUNTRY RV Bend: 541-330-2495 Redmond:
Powerglide Chassis / 425HP Cummings Engine / Allison 6 Spd Automatic Trans / Less than 40K miles /Offered at $199K. Too many options to list here! For more information go to ~ mne ce a~ or email trainwater157© g or call 858-627-8627
3 6 9 1 7 4 2 5 8 3
8 5 3 9 7 6 4 1 2
9 1 4 5 8 2 6 7 3
2 7 6 3 1 4 5 9 8
7 3 1 2 4 9 8 6 5
6 2 9 7 5 8 3 4 1
4 8 5 6 3 1 9 2 7
1 4 7 8 6 3 2 5 9
2 5 1 6 3 8 9 4 7 5 8 1 3 6 2 1 9 5 7 8 4
8 4 4 1 8 7 5 2 5 7 9 9 3 7 5 1 6 6 8 9 3 2 1 2 6 4 3 2 4 6 9 1 7 3 1 6 5 4 5 7 2 8 5 6 4 7 9 9 1 2 8 7 8 9 3 5 4 4 2 7 1 6 2 5 3 1 3 6 8 6-1-14
6 5 1 3 2 7 9 7 5 4 6 8 1 8 4 2 3 6 8 4 3 7 1 9 5 9 2 67 42 9 3 2 8 3 3 5 9 1 6 7 7 1 6 6 4 8 8 9 5 4 3 2 5 2 4 9 7 1
2 6 3 7 5 9 1 4 8
9 4 8 3 2 1 5 6 7
3 9 4 2 6 8 7 5 1
7 1 2 5 3 4 9 8 6
8 5 6 1 9 7 2 3 4
6 4 5 2 1 7 9 8 3
1 2 8 9 3 4 7 6 5
7 8 9 4 2 1 5 3 6
5 6 2 8 7 3 1 9 4
4 1 3 5 9 6 8 7 2
Travel Trailers
Travel Trailers
Fifth Wheels
KeystoneLaredo 31' RV 20 06 w ith 1 2' slide-out. Sleeps 6, queen walk-around bed w/storage underneath. Tub 8 shower. 2 swivel rockers. TV. Air cond. Gas stove & refrigerator/freezer. Microwave. Awning. Outside sho w er. Slide through stora ge, E a s y Li f t . $29,000 new; Askinq$18,600 541-447-4805
Orbit 21' 2007, used
Arctic Fox 29' 2003, covered storage, slideout, exc. cond inside & outside 2016 tags, $14,500. 541-678-1449 or 541-410-8649 CHECK YOUR AD
only 8 times, A/C, oven, tub shower, micro, load leveler hitch, awning, dual batteries, sleeps 4-5, EXCELLENT CONDITION. All accessories are included. $13,900 OBO. 541-382-9441
Pacific Ridge by Komfort 2011 Mfinnebago Aspect Mdl P 27RL 31', 15' 2009- 32', 3 slideSuper slide, power outs, Leather intejack, electric awning, rior, Power s eat, solar panel, 6-volt locks, windows, batteries, LED lightAluminum wheels. n ing, always stored 17 Flat Screen, inside. Must see to Surround s o u nd, appreciate.Asking camera, Queen bed, $26,500. Call Bill, Foam mattress, Aw541-480-7930 ning, Generator, Inverter, Auto Jacks, Air leveling, Moon RV roof, no smoking or CONSIGNMENTS p ets. L ik e n e w , Lance 2013 Model 2385 WANTED 24' w/large slide, 4-Sea$74,900 son, fully loaded & used We Do The Work ... 541 -460-6900 only 4 times. Has extra You Keep The Cash! On-site credit Trident surface protection coat, stinger w/sway approval team, Tick, Tock bars, electric tongue jack, web site presence. 6-volt batteries, queen We Take Trade-Ins! Tick, Tock... walk-around bed, large Free Advertising. front kitchen w/pantry, BIG COUNTRY RV ...don't let time get complete entertainment Bend: 541 -330-2495 system w/exterior spkrs, away. Hire a Redmond: power awning. Like new, 541 -546-5254 professional out $29,995. 541-480-41 48 of The Bulletin's TURN THE PAGE "Call A Service For More Ads Professional" The Bulletin Directory todayi
on the first day it runs to make sure it isn corn rect. Spellcheck and human errors do occur. If this happens to your ad, please contact us ASAP so that corrections and any adjustments can be made to your ad. 541-385-5809 The Bulletin Classified
Fleetwood Prowler 32' - 2001 2 slides, ducted heat & air, great condition, snowbird ready, Many upgrade options, financing available! $14,500 obo. Call Dick, 541-480-1687.
Holiday Rambler Alumascape 28' 2003, 1-owner. Self-contained, 13' slide, 80W solar panel, walkaround queen+ sofa/bed, loads of storage throughout. Excellent cond., licensed 2015. Must see!$15,700.
Like NEW! Trail-Lite 2011 Crossover, 21-ft. A/C, awning, AM/FM CD, custom queen bed, cus30' 2004 tom drawer pullouts. Dry Wind River 2011axle wgt 2,566; dry unloaded wgt 2,647. Equa- 27ORLDS (Four Sea26' by Outdoor RV with living r oom Flex suspension, exte- sons) in LaGrande, OR. slide, 46,000 miles, rior shower, indoor tub/ 2 Slides 541-389-9214 in living room, combo, stabilizer in good condition. shower separate bdrm, power iacks, 2 batteries, plus Has newer Mich- MORE!$12,995. jack,elect awning, solar elin tires, awning, Call 541-280-9516 for panel, flat screen, surblinds, carpet, new info, ortosee- in Bend. round sound, micro, air coach battery and cond, day/night shades, HD TV. $31,000 ext speakers,ext shower. Call Dick at Like new!$24,000. Kit Companion 1994, 541-406-2367 541-548-2109 good cond. 26' with 882 one slide, $4500 obo. 541-369-5766 Fifth Wheels Have an item to 2013 R-Vision 23RBS sell quick? Trail-Lite Sportby Moi -'Laredo 30'2009 naco• Expedition pkg• a aa at If it's under Sport Value pkg• Conve- "=::- ii6500you can place it in nience pkg• Elec. awning • ttt u • Spare tire• LED TV/ent. The Bulletin system • Outside shower • Elec tongue jack• Black Classifieds for: 5th Wheel Transflush sys • Beautiful inteport, 1990 rior • Huge galley• Great overall length is 35' '10 - 3 lines, 7 days Low miles, EFI 460, storaqe• 1/6 -Ton towable has 2 slides, Arctic '16 -3 lines, 14 days 4-spd auto, 10-ply • Alloys • Queen bed package, A/C, table tires, low miles, al8 chairs, satellite, (Private Party ads only) Like new,asking $22,900 most new condition, Gordon, 641-382-6797 Arctic pkg., power Sell for $3500. awning, in excellent 881 Call The Bulletin At OR For Hire r condition! More pix at Travel Trailers 541-3a5-5a09 Call for quote Ask for Theo, Place Your Ad Or E-Mail $28,000 541-260-4293 541 -41 9-3301 At: Fleetwood
Winnebago Sightseer
For Sale
KOUNTRY AIRE 1994 37.5' motorhome, with awning, and one slide-out, Only47k miles and good condition.
4 9 3 2 8 5 1 7 6
Komfort Ridgecrest 23', 2006,queen bed, sleeps 6, micro & Ac, full awning, living room slider, yule tables, outside shower, 4 closets, fiberglass frame, as new, $11,500. La Pine call 541-914-3360
Tioga 24' ClassC Wilderness NW Motorhome Edition 2002, 26' Bought new in 2000, 1 slide, electric currently under 20K tongue jack, stabilizmiles, excellent ers, new brakes, shape, new tires, waste tank heaters, professionaly winterducted heat/Ac, ized every year, cutmicro/stove/oven, off switch to battery, 2007 Winnebago FLEETWOOD tub/shower, couch, PACE ARROW, 1999 plus new RV batterOutlook Class"C" elec/gas hot water ies. Oven, hot water 31', solar panel, Cat. Updated interior, 36', 2 tank. Sleeps 6. heater & air condiheater, excellent sitdes, 42,600 miles, V10 Includes Eaz Lift tioning have never as, 5000 watt generator, condition, more exhitch, storage cover been used! ydraulic levelers, auto tras. Asking $58K. and accessories. steps, back-up camera, $24,000 obo. Serious Ph. 541-447-9268 inquiries, please. $10,500. washer/dryer, central vac, Can be viewed at 541-447-3425 l o aded, Stored in Terrebonne. Western Recreation ice m aker, 641-548-5174 excellent condition. (top of hill) $27,500 541-620-2136 in Prineville. (SeeCraigslist ¹4470374489) TOW EQUIPMENT Brake Buddy, $500; Guardian rock shield, $200; Roadmaster 5000 Forest River Salem tow bar, $450; T222006, Queen bed, OR $900for ALL. solar panel, sway bar, Alfa See Ya 2006 36' Call 541-548-1422 HOLIDAY RAMBLER bath with shower, awnExcellent condition, 1 VACATIONER 2003 ing,$8,900. owner, 350 Cat diesel, 6.1L V8 Gas, 340 hp, 541 -617-5775 51,000 miles, 4-dr frig, workhorse, Allison 1000 Just too many icemaker, gas stove, 5 speed trans., 39K, collectibles? oven, washer/dryer, TIRES, 2 slides, Check out the non-smoker, 3 sitdes, NEW Onan 5.5w gen., ABS classifieds online generator, invertor, brakes, steel cage cockSell them in leather interior, satel- pit, washer/dryer, e The Bulletin Classifieds lite, 7'4 ceiling. Updated daily lace, mw/conv. oven, Clean! $74,500. ree standing dinette, 641-233-6620 was $121,060 new; now, 541-385-5809 $35,900. 541-536-1008
Allegro 28' Class A 2008 Ford V10 gas, 60K miles, 2 slides, satellite, 2 TVs, Onan gen, rear & side cameras, hydraulic levelers, 300w solar panel with inverter. Oriqinal owner. $55,500. 541-420-4303
5 1 6 3 9 7 4 8 2
6 9
9 6
HDFatBo 1996
7 2 8 4 6 1 5 3 9
7 2 5
ghe Bulleti
Harley Davidson 2011 Classic Limited, Loaded! 9500 miles, custom paint "Broken Glass" by Nicholas Del Drago, new condition, heated handgrips, auto cruise control. $32k in bike, only $20,000 or best offer. 541-316-6049
7 1 2
20' Blue Water 1994 Pro Am Skier, $7950. Beaver Marquis, Business Opportunities Excellent condition, well Completely 1993 maintained, super clean, DID YOU KNOW 144 Rebuilt/Customized 40-ft, Brunswick always stored inside. 5.7 million U.S. A dults 2012/2013 Award floor plan. Many MeiCruiser Comp Skier, read a N ewspaper Winner extras, well mainprint copy each week? Showroom Condition 350 Chevy. Large capactained, fire supity fuel tank, mooring & Discover the Power of Many Extras pression behind trailering cover, ShorePRINT N e wspaper Low Miles. Land'r trailer, many ex- refrig, Stow Master Advertising in Alaska, $15,000 tras, qreat boat to ski be5000 tow bar, Idaho, Montana, Or541-546-4807 hind! $7950. $23,995. egon, U t a h and Call 541-639-7738 541-383-3503 Washington with just or 541-903-1130 one phone call. For a Honda Goldwing 1965 FREE adv e rtising Interstate Motorcycle. Ads published in the Need to get an about 6 5 ,000 "Boats" classificatio network brochure call Has ad in ASAP? 916-286-6011 or original miles. Runs include: Speed, fishreat still looks good. ing, drift, canoe, email You can place it 1 500. C a l l J o h n cecelia© house and sail boat . online at: 541-306-7615. For all other types of (PNDC) watercraft, please go Piaggio/Vespa 3-wheel DID YOU KNOW 7 IN to Class 875. 10 Americans or 156 MP3 scooter 2009 541-365-5609 541-365-5809 with only 400 miles. million U.S. A d ults Not a scratch! Like read content from erv/ng Cencral Oregon since 1 n ewspaper m e d i a brand new! $5900. each week? Discover 520-360-9300, owner the Power of the Pacific Northwest Newspaper Advertising. For Is a free brochure call Bigfoot Diesel 32' 916-288-6011 or 2006, Su per C email Duramax di e sel, Chaparral 2130SS Allison trans., only Clean, well m ain(PNDC) Triumph Daytona mi., do u b le tained 21 ' f a m ily 37K slide, 5500 Onan 2004, 15K m i l es, ski/wakeboard perfect bike, needs diesel gen., to many open-bow runabout nothing. Vin options to list. Vin¹ with new Barewest ¹201536. 534032, $79,995. tower/Bimini. Great Beaver Coach $4995 sound system, new Sales &Service, DreamCar dual battery system. Bend 541-914-8438 Auto Sales Stored under cover, DLR ¹3447 1801 Division, Bend fresh water use only, 2 nd o wner. J u s t 641 -678-0240 bought a lar g er Dlr 3665 Chaparral! $16,000. 850 541-419-9510 Snowmobiles ProMotion upholstered Arctic Cat 560 1994, free-standing swivel boat EXT, in good seat, very good cond, condition, $1000. $200. 541 -593-21 34 Dodge Located in La Pine. Brougham 1978, 876 Call 541-406-6149. 15', 1-ton, clean, Victory Tc 2 0 0 2, Watercraft 69,000 miles. 860 40K mi., runs great, $4500. Motorcycles & Accessories s tage 1 kit, n e w Ads published in nWa In La Pine, tires, rear brakes & tercraft" include: Kay call 541-602-6652 more. Health forces ks, rafts and motor *ed s ale. $4,50 0 . personal 541-771-0665 watercrafts. Fo 'boats" please s lass 670. 865 541 -365-5609 ATVs FXSTD Harley Davidson 2001,twin Aluminum ramps by Fleetwood Discovery cam 88, fuel injected, 5-star, 1500-Ib load cap., 17 canoe, Olto- 40' 2003, diesel, w/all Vance & Hines short $100. 541-546-0749 Penobscot nar/Royalex laminate, exc options - 3 slide outs, shot exhaust, Stage I with Vance & Hines A rcticcat AT V 7 0 0 cond, $875. 541-480-1248 satellite, 2 TV's, W/D, etc., 32,000 m i les. fuel management 2006 t w o-rider ve880 Wintered in h eated system, custom parts, h icle, EFI LE . L o w Motorhomes extra seat. shop. $84,900 O.B.O. hours, high perfor541-447-8664 $10,500OBO. mance. Nice wheels, Call Today winch, extra equip., 541-51 6-6684 $5000. Moving causes sale. 541-447-3342.
Find them in The Bulletin Classifieds
8 9
2 1 5 1 6 8 9 8 3 5 2 1 8 7 6 1 3 5 9
2 1 5 9 1
Serving Central Oregon since f903
4 7
Keystone Cougar 31' 2 004 2 sl i des, 2 bdrms, sleeps 7 with Winnebago Adven- r ear bunks, tub & turer 2005 351/s', gas, shower combo, elect. less than 20,000 miles, tongue jack, s o lar excellent condition, 2 pkg. all the bells & slide-outs, work horse whistles, and lots of chassis, Banks power storage, immaculate brake system, sleeps c ond., always g a5, with al l o p tions, raged. Great for famv a c ations or $62,000 / negotiable. ily Call 5 4 1-306-8711or part-time home. email a ikistu@bend$16,400 obo 541 -460-9676
y our next e m p l oye e is eeading Yhe Bulletin The Bulletin delivers your "HELPWANTED"ad to 70,000 print readers and20,000 online visitors a day. The Bulletin, local, hassle-free, worry-free advertising.
Get 7 consecutive days F OR O N L Y @2 1 .4 3 A D A Y ! ~ And get $33 in ad upgrades for FREE! BASED ONA 2" AD SPACE
Classifjeds 5 41 -38 5 - 5 8 0 9 The Bulletin offers both print adanddaily online accessfor our employmentneedshereat COCC.This reachesa large audience at agreat price. Data provesemployment seekers look to TheBulletin for available opportunities. In 2013 recruitment stats showed 51% of the online applications had identified The Bulletin as their source of advertisement notification." Chrjsta Gunnejj, Human ResourcesCentral OregonCommunity College t
Fifth Wheels
Canopies & Campers
Airc r aft, Parts 8 Service
Trucks & Heavy Equipment
Antique & Classic Autos
Sport Utility Vehicles
SNUG TOP Pickup canopy for F250 short bed,
MONTANA 3585 2008,
exc. cond., 3 slides, king bed, Irg LR, Arctic insulation, all options $35,000 obo. 541-420-3250
white in color, like new, $675. 541-416-9686
Qoo OPEN ROAD 36' 2005 - $25,500 King bed, hide-a-bed sofa, 3 slides, glass shower, 10 gal. water heater, 10 cu.ft. fridge, central vac, s atellite dish, 2 7 " TV/stereo syst., front front power leveling jacks and s cissor stabilizer jacks, 16' awning. Like new! 541-419-0566 Look at: for Complete Listings of Area Real Estate for Sale
1974 Bellanca 1730A 2180 TT, 440 SMO, 180 mph, excellent condition, always hangared, 1 owner for 35 years. $60K.
Financing available.
(located @ Bend) 541-288-3333
Big Tex
1976 Cessna 150M Just over 3000hrs, 600 hrs since out of frame major, Horton Stol Kit. Avionics: Apollo 65 GPS & additional radio (4 frequencies can be monitored at once). Transponder w/mode C, JPI Fuel Flow Monitor, digital density, temp 8 amp monitor. Nice paint & upholstery w/memory foam seat bottoms. Oil filter & block htr. 1 owner past 14 yrs; always hangared, no damage history. N9475U.$26,000. 541-480-4375
1/3 interest in wellRecreation by Design equipped IFR Beech Bo2013 Monte Carlo, nanza A36, new 10-550/ 3000 sq. ft. Han38-ft. Top living room, 2 prop, located KBDN. gar Bend Airport bdrm, has 3 slideouts, 2 $65,000. 541-419-9510 west side. 60' wide A/Cs, entertainment by 50' deep with 55' center, fireplace, W/D, wide by 16' high garden tub/shower, in Take care of bi-fold door, 14'x14' great condition.$36,000 door rear side. Upobo. Call Peter, your investments graded with painted 307-221-2422, with the help from floor, windows, sky ( in La Pine ) lights, 240V/50 amp WILL DELIVER The Bulletin's outlets. "Call A Service $195,000. RV (520) 360-9300, Professional" Directory CONSIGNMENTS Owner WANTED We Do the Work, HANGAR FOR SALE. You Keep the Cash! On-site credit 30x40 end unit T hanger in Prineville. approval team, web site presence. Dry walled, insulated, and painted. $23,500. We Take Trade-Ins! Free Advertising. 1/5th interest in 1973 Tom, 541.788.5546 BIG COUNTRY RV Cessna 150 LLC Bend: 541-330-2495 Hangar for sale at 150hp conversion, low Redmond: time on air frame and Redmond Airport - not a T Hangar -$39,000. 541-548-5254 engine, hangared in 541-420-0626 Bend.Excellent performance & afford885 able flying! $6,000. Canopies & Campers 541-410-6007
a - '8 t
Eagle Cap 850, 2005 with slideout, AC, micro frig, heater, queen bed, wet bath, exlnt cond, $16,900. 541-388-3477 leave message.
172 Cessna Share IFR equipped, new avionics, Garmin 750 touchscreen, center stack, 180hp. Exceptionally clean & economical! LEAR CANOPY 2003 $13,500. blue, fits Ford F-350 s hort b ox , $5 0 0 . Hangared in KBDN 541-410-4354. Call 541-728-0773
Utility Trailers
In Madras, call 541-475-6302
908 Aircraft, Parts & Service
Peterbilt 359 p otable water truck, 1 990, 3200 gal. tank, 5hp p ump, 4 - 3 e hoses, camlocks, $ 25,000. 541-820-3724
Save money. Learn to fly or build hours with your own airc raft. 1968 A e r o Commander, 4 seat, 150 HP, low time, full panel. $23,000 obo. Contact Paul at 541-447-5184.
T-Hangar for rent at Bend airport. Call 541-382-8998.
utility Trailer 5'x8', drop ramp. Perfect for hauling your motorcycle,jet skis, quads, etc!
Need help fixing stuff? Call A Service Professional find the help you need.
1 5 0 0 20 0 8 , Dodge Ram 3500 SLT Ford T-Bird, 1966, 390 Dodge 2012, 42K mi., engine, power every- Quad cab, CD, pw, pl. VIN ¹141720 4WD, diesel, thing, new paint, 54K Stock ¹43805B VIN ¹153770. $39,888 orig. miles, runs great, exc. $7500 $13,999 SMOLICH obo. 541-480-3179 m ot o r s
GMC Sierra 2500 HD BMW X3 2 0 07, 99K miles, premium pack2004, 97K mi. 4WD 6.0L V-8 cyl. age, heated lumbar VIN ¹366844. $21,888 supported seats, panoramic moo n roof, SMOLICH Bluetooth, ski bag, Xem ot o r s non headlights, tan & ® s u sAau H YUN D A I H YUN D A I black leather interior, 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. 541-749-4025 541-749-4025 n ew front & re a r 877-266-3821 brakes O 76K miles, Dlr ¹0354 one owner, all records, DLR ¹366 DLR ¹366 very clean, $16,900. Ford 3/4 ton F250 1993 Just bought a new boat? 541-388-4360 Power Stroke diesel, Sell your old one in the Plymouth B a r racuda turbocharged, S-spd, classifieds! Ask about our 1966, original car! 300 good runner & work Super Seller rates! hp, 360 V8, centertruck. $4500 obo. 541-385-5809 lines, 541-593-2597 Call 541-389-5353 WHEN ONLY THE Dodge Durango 2005, or 541-647-8176 BEST WILL DOI 4 x4, CD , p w , p l , moonroof, l e a ther, BMW X3 2008, DVD, limited. 3.0 si., 71,800 mi., I R ~ p VIN ¹534944 Premium, cold Stock ¹82764 weather, sports pkg. GNC Yukon XL 1500 All maintenance up $11,999 2013, 24K mi., 4x4. to date w/ records. Ford F150 LIGHTNING Buick Skylark 1972 VIN ¹201994. ® s u aAau 1993, 500 miles on reLots of extras - new 17K orig. miles. Please Call For Price! built engine. Clean intebrakes, new tires, see for 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. rior & new tires. $7000, SMOLICH new battery, winter 877-266-3821 details. $18,900. OBO. 541-647-8723 m oto r s mats, running Dlr ¹0354 541-323-1898 H YUN D A I boards, hitch-Must What are you 541-749-4025 The Bulletin see! $19,000 obo. 541-480-8815 To Subscribe call looking for? DLR ¹366 541-385-5800 or go to You'll find it in BMW X32011 X drive,
Featherlite a l uminum car hauler, 20'x8' with 7000¹ axles, electric brakes, winch, chrome wheels, spare tire, 4 extra tires, removable fenders, and rare air dam. V er y cl e an, $3900. 541-389-7329
m oto r s
Automotive Parts, Service & Accessories 1957 265 c.i. V8 Chev
engine, rebuildable, $200 obo. 541-408-1389 932
Antique & Classic Autos
Chevy C-20 Pickup 1969,was a special order, has all the extras, and is all original See to believe! 541-923-6049
2005 Diesel 4x4 Chev Crewcab dually, Allison tranny, tow pkg., brake controller, cloth split front bench seat, only 66k miles. Very good condition, Original owner, $34,000 or best offer. 541-408-7826
Chevy Ext. Cab 1991
with camper shell, good cond., $1500 OBO. 541-447-5504.
Roseburg, Oregon I
Chevy 1953 one-ton V-8 w/auto trans, new tires, good cond., $2500 obo. 541-516-8222 DLR ¹366
Dodge Ram 2500 2008 Diesel, exc. towing vehicle, 2WD, 55,000 miles. New batteries, rear air bags, Roll-n-lock bed cover, spray-in liner. 5th wheel hitch available, too. $19,000. 541-604-1285
541-385-5809 Ford F-250 1985 Diesel 2WD. 110,000 original miles. ATS Turbo, Gear Vendor Splitter Box overdrive, camper shell, tool box, trailer brakes. Excellent condition, $5500. Call Gary 208-720-3255
Chevy '/4 ton 1982, built 350 with 450 HP and $1000 tires. $3000 obo. 541-633-8951
Want to impress the relatives? Remodel your home with the help of a professional from The Bulletin's "Call A Service Professional" Directory
t e/ /
I nternational Fl a t Bed Pickup 1963, 1 ton dually, 4 spd. trans., great MPG, could be exc. wood hauler, runs great, new brakes, $1950. 541-419-5480.
s U B ARU ®
s u B A RIJ.
2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. 877-266-3821 877-266-3821 Dlr ¹0354 Dlr ¹0354 Ford F-350 4x4,
:=, jjNR~ •
Trailblazer LS 2004, Sport Utility Vehicles Chev AWD, 6 cyl, remote entry, clean title, 12/15 tags, $5995. 541-610-6150 VolvoS60T5 2013
2006 XLT 4-door Crew Cab 2008 6.7L 6 cyl. diesel, automatic, 81k miles, VIN¹191705 $30,977 ROBBERSON~ 541-312-3966 DLR¹0205
6.0L Turbo diesel, full power, a u tomatic, 6-disc CD, cruise, fog lights, running boards, tow pkg, bedliner, grill guard, folding rear seat. Tan cloth interior, metallic tan exterior. 91,400 miles. Pricereducedto $20,500 541-350-6925
AWD, less than 11k mi., auto, 6 spd. vin ¹202364 $30,977
541-312-3986 DLR ¹0205
In print and online with The Bulletin'5 Classifieds. A dd color photos for pets, real estate, auto 8 m o r e ! l
Chevrolet Trailblazer 2008 4x4 Automatic, 6-cylinder, fphoto forillustration only) Nissan Frontier 2013, tilt wheel, power windows, power brakes, Ford F-350 2006, bed SV model, Crew cab, air conditioning, keyliner, tow pkg, pre- 4x4, 5 speed trans., less entry, 69K miles. pw, pdl. mium wheels. Excellent condition; VIN ¹715664 Vin ¹B94205 tires have 90% tread. Stock ¹44326A Stock ¹43923A1 $11,995. $25,979 $16,499 Call 541-598-5111
Dodge Ram 3500 SLT QuadCab
Sat., July 12, 2014
Douglas County Fairgrounds Call to consign
The Bulletin cteeetfiede jI .' ei I
Dodge Ram 2500 2006, 82K mi., 4WD, 5.7L V-8 cyl. VIN ¹181839. $26,888 SMOLICH
are three adorable, loving puppies Modern amenities and all the quiet can haul jt all! Extra Cab, 4X4, and looking for 8 caring home. Please youwilln6ed. Roomtogrowinyour 8 t ough V8 engine will g6t the job call right away. $500 own little paradise! Call now. done on the ranch.
*Special private party rates apply to merchandise and automotive categories.
The Bulletin To place your photo ad, visit us online at ww w . b e n c l bu l l e t i n . c o m or c a ll with questions,
5 41 -3 8 5 - 5 8 0 9
Chevy Tahoe 2008, 75K mi., 4WD, 5.3L V-8 cyl. VIN ¹208610. $22,998 SMOLICH
m ot o r s
541-749-4025 DLR ¹366
Sport Utility Vehicles
V ehicle? Call The Bulletin and place an ad today! Toyota Sienna XLE fphoto for nluetretlon only) Ask about our 2004 7-pass., 75K mi, Ford Bronco II Hyundai Genesis2006, 'Wheel Deal"! well-maint., exc cond, VIN ¹063309. $27,998. l f o r private party 4x4, 1989loaded, priced below (exp. 6/1 0/1 4) advertisers Automatic, power KBB $12,500 SMOLICH steering, stereo 541-3'I 8-5666 m oto r s ServingCentral Oregon since tgle upgrade, set-up to H YUN D A I 541-385-5809 tow, runs good. 975 Q 541-749-4025 $1700. Automobiles 541-633-6662 Nissan Pathfinder LE DLR ¹366 2012 blck 19k mi. CHECK YOURAD Ford EscapeXLT Please check your ad USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! 2010 on the first day it runs to make sure it is cor- Door-to-door selling with rect. Sometimes in- fast results! It's the easiest 541-598-3750 s tructions over t h e www.aaaoregonautoway in the world to sell. phone are stood and an error The Bulletin Classified can occur in your ad. Moon roof, roof rack, Call a Pro If this happens to your 541 485-5809 l eather, pdl, p w . ad, please contact us Whether you need a vin¹C15393 the first day your ad fence fixed, hedges $16,997 appears and we will trimmed or a house be happy to fix it as ROBBERSON s oon as w e c a n . built, you'll find LINCOLN ~ tt te ge e Deadlines are: Weekprofessional help in days 12:00 noon for The Bulletin's "Call a 541-312-3986 next day, Sat. 11:00 Hyundai Sonata 2006, dlr ¹0205 a.m. for Sunday; Sat. 62K mi., 3.3L V-6 cyl, Service Professional" 12:00 for Monday. If VIN ¹092052. $10,998. Directory we can assist you, People Lookfor Information (exp. 6/1 0/1 4) 541 N385 N5809 please call us: About Products and SMOLICH 541-385-5809 Services EveryDsythrough m oto r s The Bulletin Classified The Bulletin ClessiBeds H YUN D A I Porsche 911 Carrera 993 cou 541-749-4025 Chevrolet Impala SS 2008 DLR ¹366
Porsche 911 Turbo
Subaru Forester X S Subaru Outback 2012 2003, p w , pl , til t 3.6R Limited, 6 cyl, 2003 6 speed, X50 wheel. Vin ¹761625 auto. trans., AWD, added power pkg., Stock ¹82964 leather heated seats, 530 HP! Under 10k AWD, power moon $9,999 miles, Arctic silver, r oof, a n d mor e ! gray leather interior, ® s u s A Ru. 25,600 miles. Below new quality tires, KB 0 $27, 5 00 and battery, Bose 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. 541-344-5325 877-266-3821 p remium so u n d annie2657© Dlr ¹0354 stereo, moon/sunroof, car and seat Where can you find a covers. Many extras. Just too many Garaged, p e rfect helping hand? collectibles? condition, $59,700. From contractors to 54'I -322-9647 Sell them in yard care, it's all here The Bulletin Classifieds in The Bulletin's "Call A Service 541 N385-5809 Professional" Directory
l The Bulletin l
Kia Soul 2012,60K mi., 1.6L 1-4cyl, FWD VIN ¹466413. $13,998. (exp. 6/10/14)
m oto r s H YUN D A I
541-749-4025 DLR ¹366 Hyundai Santa Fe 2013, 2K mi., auto. VIN ¹047385. $29,998. (exp. 6/10/14)
m oto r s
541-749-4025 DLR ¹366
Dave, 541-350-4077
Ford Fusion Sport Jeep Grand Cherokee 2011, 35K mi., FWD VIN ¹649605. $30,998. (exp. 6/10/14)
m oto r s H YUN D A I
541-749-4025 DLR ¹366 GIIIIC Envoy SLE
2011 - 2. 5 L 4 cyl., FWD, auto., 64k miles, Bordeaux Reserve vin¹324193
~tt eam e
541-312-3986 DLR ¹0205
2005 4.2L6cyl., 4WD, auto., 141k miles, 20 MPG Hwy,Vin¹303927 BARGAIN CORRAL! $8,977 ROBBERSON y LINcoLN ~
tM m e
541.312.3986 DLR¹0205
BULLETINCLASSIFIEDS Search the area's most comprehensive listing of classified advertising... real estate to automotive, merchandise to sporting goods. Bulletin Classifieds appear every day in the print or on line. Call 541-385-5809
The Bulletin ServingCentral Orcgon sincetete
Nissan II/iurano 2012, Ford Mustang 2004, S L m o del, A W D , V8, manual, RWD, moonroof, le a ther, p ower seats, r e ar spoiler, leather. navigation. VIN ¹232501 VIN ¹239271 Stock ¹82459A Stock ¹44263A
® s um a u ®
$12,979 S UBA R u .
2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. 877-266-3821 877-266-3821 Dlr ¹0354 Dlr ¹0354
Nissan II/Iurano SL 2011
black w/ leather seat trim, 3.4L V6, 27,709 miles. vin¹362484 6.977 ROBBERSON tteatete
Ford hlustang 1996 BASE
3.8L V6,, automatic, 53k miles, 30 MPG Hwy, vin¹189261 .998 ROBBERSON y LNICOL N ~
541-312-3986 dlr ¹0205
541-312-3986 dlr ¹0205
MR L~ Q Chrysler Town & Country LXI 1997, beautiful inside & out, one owner, nonsmoker,. loaded with options! 197,892 mi. Service rec o rds available. $4 , 950. Call Mike, (541) 8158176 after 3:30 p.m.
Ford Thunderbird 2004 Convertible
with hard & soft top, silver with black interior, all original, very low mileage, in premium condition. $19,900. 702-249-2567 (car is in Bend) H onda Civic EXL2012
fphoto for illustration only)
Toyota Sienna 2011, LE model, 7 passenger, stow-n-go seating, alloy wheels. Vin ¹019106. Stock ¹43981A
s u s aau
Need to get an ad in ASAP?
Fax il to 541-322-7253
2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. The Bulletin Classifieds 877-266-3821 Dlr¹0354
s u s A Ru
Legal Notices
Legal Notices
is subject to forfeiture under ORS 131.550-131.600 as proceeds and/or instrumentalities used in one or more of the following p rohibited conduct, and/or the solicitation, attempt, fna Tyler Wayne Ea- o r c o nspiracy t o gon, Dece a sed. commit the following CASE No. 14PB0045. prohibited c o nduct: NOTICE TO INTER- possession of a conESTED P ERSONS. trolled substance, deNOTICE IS HEREBY livery of a controlled substance, or manuGIVEN that the undersigned has been facture of a controlled appointed personal substance. representative. All persons having claims Forfeiture means that against the estate are the property will be the required to present transferred t o them, with vouchers government and persons with an interest attached, to the undersigned p e rsonal in the property will be deprived of that interr epresentative, c / o Andrew S. Mathers, est without compenPC, 250 NW Franklin sation because of the Ave., Ste. 401, Bend, use or acquisition of Oregon 97701, within t he property i n o r p r o hibited four months after the through date of first publica- conduct as defined in tion of this notice, or ORS 131.550-131.600. the claims may be barred. All p ersons LEGAL NOTICE whose rights may be The undersigned has affected by the pro- been appointed perceedings may obtain sonal representative additional information o f th e E s t ate o f from the records of Nicholas Richard Fethe court, the perhringer Deceased, by sonal representative, the Deschutes County or the lawyers for the Circuit Court of the personal representa- State of Oregon, protive, A n d re w S. bate number Mathers. Dated and 14PB0059. All perfirst published on May sons having claims 24, 2014. /s/ Jessica against the estate are Keinonen. J e s sica required to p resent Keinonen, Personal the same with proper Representative. vouchers within four (4) months after the LEGAL NOTICE date of first publicaSTATE vs. $15,020.00 tion to t h e u n derPERSON FROM signed or they may be WHOM PROPERTY barred. Ad d itional SEIZED: Michael Kohdy Storey i nformation may b e o btained from the NOTICE OF SEIZURE court records, the unFOR FORFEITURE You must "claim" an dersigned or the atinterest in the torney. Date first published: June 7, 2014. above-described seized property or you Joseph V. Fehringer, will automatically lose Personal Representaany interest you may t ive c/o R onald L. have. The deadline Bryant, Attorney at for filing is 21 days Law, Bryant Emerson, LLP, PO Bo x 4 5 7, from the date of the last publication of this Redmond OR 97756. notice. To "claim" you LEGAL NOTICE m ust file w it h t h e TO INTERESTED "forfeiture c o unsel" PERSONS listed below, a legal Craig G. Jones and paper called a "claim". Tami Hulsey have The claim must be been appointed signed by the claim- Co-Administrators of ant and sworn to un- the estate of Grant der penalty of perjury Jack Jones, Jr., debefore a notary public. ceased, by the Circuit The claim shall set C ourt, State of O rforth all of the follow- egon, Des c hutes ing: a ) Y o u r t rue C ounty, Case N o . name; b) The a d- 14PB0052. All perdress at which you will sons having claims accept future mail- against the estate are ings from the court or required to p resent forfeiture counsel; and them, with vouchers c) A statement that attached, to the you have an interest Co-Administrators at in the seized property. 250 NW Franklin AvFORFEITURE e nue, S uite 4 0 2 , COUNSEL: Bend, Oregon 97701, Deschutes County within four m onths DA's Off ice after the date of June 1164 NW Bond Street 7, 2014, the first pubBend, OR 97701 lication of this notice, CASE ¹: 13-002062 or the claims may be SEIZING AGENCY: barred. Ad d itional Oregon State Police information may be 255 Capitol St. NE, o btained from t h e Salem, OR 97310 records of the court, Phone: (503) 378-3720 the Co-Administrators, SUMMARY or the lawyers for the STATEMENT OF Co-Administrators, BASIS FOR Patricia Heatherman. CRIMINAL FORFEITURE xingstuff? On the 25th day of Needhelfip January, 2013, the above-described property was seized find the helpyouneed. by the Oregon State Police. The property ww)N. LEGAL NOTICE IN T H E CI R CUIT COURT O F THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF DESCHUTES. In the Matter of the Estate of TYLE R WAYNE KEINONEN,
Call AServiceProfessional
541-312-3986 DLR ¹0205
WHEN YOU SEE THIS VOLVO XC90 2007 AWD, 6-cyl 3.2L,
More PixatBerrdijoletirLcom On a classified ad
power everything, grey on grey, leather heated lumbar seats, 3rd row seat, moonroof, new tires, always garaged, all maintenance up to date, excellent cond. A STEAL AT$13,900. 541-223-2218
go to to view additional photos of the item.
Get your business
e ROW I N G with an ad in The Bulletin's
"Call A Service Professional" Directory
e• AWD
2oll Buick Regal CXL
VINI 100343
VINI 088431
2012Sllzllkl Klzashl
Bluetooth, pl, pw, manual trans. Vin¹108574 $18,977
OURCRUOURRND.OOU NE Hwy 20, Bend. VW Jetta GL 1988, 185K, 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. 2060 877-266-3821 5spd, AC, sunroof $1500/ 877-266-3821 ofr. 541-382-6258 Iv msg Dlr ¹0354 Dlr ¹0354
1996, 73k miles, Tiptronic auto. transmission. Silver, blue leather interior, moon/sunroof, new quality tires and battery, car and seat covers, many extras. Recently fully serviced, garaged, looks and runs like new. Excellent condition $29,700 541-322-9647
Corvette 1979
L82- 4 speed. 85,000 miles Garaged since new. I've owned it 25 years. Never damaged or abused.
Toyota Prius 2006 65K miles. Gets 42-46 mpg around Bend. Good condition. Has had all routine maintenance. $10 , 250
Saturn 2001 station wgn, dark blue, gray leather interior, V6, auto, exlnt mileage, great all-around vehicle or tow car! Subaru Legacy 2.5 GT Subaru Outback 3.6R $2950. 541-788-4844 Limited 2005, loaded, Limited 2011, moon leather, roof, a l loy roof, AWD, pw, pl, wheels. Need to get an leather, Vin ¹381548 Find exactly what VIN ¹210360 Stock ¹44184A ad in ASAP? you are looking for in the Stock ¹42935A $23,979 You can place it CLASSIFIEDS $14,979 online at: S UBA R U 54 1 N385
Ford Explorer 4x4 2001 2-dr Sport, V6, heater/AC works great, tags good 5.3L V8, auto., 52k 3/16, leather, qood tires, miles, 24 MPG Hwy everythinq woiks. $4800 vin¹123364 obo. 541-815-9939 $13,977 HONDA 2004 Pilot EX ROBBERSON AWD. 131k miles. One LINCOLN ~ I IH ROB owner. exc. c o nd., $7000. 541-617-8602 541-312-3986 eq DLR ¹0205
Vyy Jetta GLI2012
2007Toyota camry XLE
2010Toyota RAV4
2008Audi A4 Avant
2009Audi A4
VINI 068000
$18,975 VINtt129723
VINI 1281 1/
2008BMW 328i
2011 Audi A3 TDI
VIN¹ 289584
VINI 054187
2009Volvo XC90 AWD
Vl)II 510029
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2O14VW Tilllln
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2013VW Tollarel Sport
Vll¹t 818093
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2o14BNW Xl
2014BNW 328 X.Drive
VINI Y20346
VINI 541(ill
2012BNW X5 3.5i
2013BNW X5 3.5i
VINI 750027
SEE OUR COMPLETE INVENTORY OF OUALITY PR|-OWNED UNITS AT www.kendallcarrerabend.coml 1045 SE 3rd SI. Bend, OR 541-382-1711 www.kendal!
Covergge isIlleciiva forupto12monthsfromvahlclepurchasedais, or12,000miissfromtheodomeerat sale. Fortomplee information regardingspeti!it deiails, limitations gndrssponsibilities, refertotheLimitedPower Train Vehicle Service Contract. Pricesdonot ig<ludetitle, registration,licenseor$75gdmin!ee All financingonapprovedcredit, gotall will qualify. Subiecttoprior sale, see dealefor r details. Offersexpire06/30/14.
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NEW 2014 Ford Fusion SE
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MSRP $24,748. VIN: ¹EI303053 EDA-01 Cap reduction$3,750.Acquisition fee$595.Doc.Fee$75. 36 months, Based on10,000miles/year.Residual56%$13,879.04. No security deposit. Onapproved credit, Tier I lease, 720Beaconor higher. Due esign out-of-pocket: 1stpayment$199.58, title/lic. $273.00, down payment$2,500.Leasecashfrom Subaiu $1,250lrebate) only available when leasing, ifdecide tofinancewil lose $1,250 leasecash. Down paymentis tradeequity or cashdown.
$3 O9q n3 Due at
$2,972" s;";.",
2014 S u b a r u
201 4 S ub a r u B RZ L i m i t e d 6MT
L egacy 2 . 5 i P remium CV T
Must tradein a'95 or newer. *MustFinancethrough FMCC. OnApprovedCredit. VIN:D26596
MSRP $26,166. VIN: ¹E3266902 EDn-21 Cap reduction$4,048. Acquisition fee$595.Doc. Fee$75. 36months, Based on10,000miles/year. Residual57eb$14,914.62. No security deposit. Onapprovedcredit, Tier I lease,720Beacon orhigher. Due esign out-of-pocket: 1stpayment $218.85, title/lic. $273.00,down payment$2,798.Leasecashfrom Subaru$1,250 lrebate)only available when leasing, if decide tofinancewill lose $1,250 leasecash. Down paymentis tradeequity or cashdown.
$32 Q65 S I P
Option Package02. Heated FrontSeats, WindshieldWiper De-lcer, HeatedSide Mirrors, Rear BumperApplique, Auto-DimMirror/Comp/Homelink, FloorMats/All Weather/4, CargoTray
Popular Package ¹1 a. Auto-Dim Mirror/Comp/Homelink, Rear BumperApplique, WheelLocks - Alloy Wheels, CargoTray
MSRP......................... $46,720 TSS Discount .................-$3,749 $42,971 XLT Special Cash ............-$1,500 EcoboostChallenge ........... -$500 Retail CustomerCash....... -$2,000 Ford Credit* .................. -$1,000
Trade-iaassisiaase" ........-$7$0 I
XLTInt. Pkg,LongBox, Remote Start, 5th WheelPrep,6.7Diesel •I
MSRP......................... $57,185 TSS Discount ................. -$4,500 $52,685 Special CustomerCash..... -$1,000 Retail CustomerCash....... -$3,500
Fadtadii'..................-$1,000 $
= ='$10 ooo
47 $ 85 SaieP
*Must Finance throughFMCC. OnApprovedCredit. VIN:B42160
NEW 2014 Ford Expedition King Ranch Nav., SelfLevelingSuspension, Power RunningBoards
--- ""' $49,195 $alePrice .
$2 866 41 nueat 2014 S u b a r u O ut b a c k 2 .5 i P remium 6 M T OptionPkg02.All-Weather Package.HeatedFront Seats, WindshieldWiperDe-lcer, HeatedSide Mirrors.Rear Bumper Cover,SplashGuards,Auto-DimMirror/Comp
MSRP......................... $59,195 TSS Discount ................. -$4,000 $55,195 Retail CustomerCash....... -$3,500 Bonus Cash... -$750 .
M'o'nth Lease
MSRP $24,913. VIN: ¹E3030998 EAD-02 Cap reduction$5,000.Acquisition fee$595. Doc.Fee $75,42 months. Residual 51st $12,705.63.Basedon 10,000miles/year. Onapproved credit, Tier I lease,720Beaconor higher. Due0 signing leasecashof $286641 from Subaru,1stpayment $193.41,title/lic. $273.00ordownpayment $2,400.00,totalamountdueout of pocket $2,866.41.Leasecashbonus only available whenleasing. Ifyou decideto financeyouwil lose$2,600.00 in lease cash.Downpayment is either cashdown or tradeequity.
NEW 2014 Ford F350XLT4x4
Ford Credit* ..
$$ 934~
0 0 APR 7 Months FMCC© 4.49% 720~ 4 t ~S ~ I ~~Must tradeina'95or newer.~~OnApprovedCredit. VIN:B62082 *Must Finance through FMCC~ .**
Cash or Trade ~~) +ort tvtenp! 0 ~~ t~~SR~P1~
i ~ y~Ca ~~~~ Ca~~i~~ Ii~~
$298¹5 '"Lease "
MSRP $28,888. VIN: ¹E9602327 EZE-01 Cap reduction$3,800. Acquisition fee$595. Doc.Fee$75. 42 months. Based on10,000miles/year. Residual52eb$15,021.76. Nosecurity deposit. Onapproved credit, Tier I lease, 720Beaconor higher.Due esign out-of-pocket: 1stpayment $298.15, title/lic. $273.00, down payment$2,800.LeasecashfromSubaru $1,000(rebate) onlyavailable when leasing, ifdecide tofinancewil lose $1,000leasecash. Down paymentis trade equity or cashdown.
$3 37$ 15 03ueat lP 20 14 S uba r u
I m p r e z a 2 .0 i CVT
PopularPackage¹1.Auto DimCompass/Mirror/Homelink, BumperApplique5-Door, CargoTray5D,All-Weather Floor Mats, SeatBackProtector
*Must FinancethroughFMCC.OnApprovedCredit.VIN:F09495
NEW 2014 Ford F250 Lariat Nav., Moon Roof, RemoteStart, Heat/ACSeats
MSRP ......................... $62,720 TSS Discount .................-$5,000 $57,720 Retail CustomerCash.......-$3,500 * Ford Credit .$1,000
MSRP $27,352. VIN: ¹E1272914 EDC-02 Subaru of Bend Discount $2,353.
$9, 5 00
53,220 sale Price
*Must FinancethroughFMCC.OnApprovedCredit.VIN:826204
4 I
~19499 I I 0
1 ,
Sale endsJune10, 2014
MSRP $20,782. VIN: ¹E8275371 ELn-01 Subaru of Bend Discount $1,283.