Bulletin Daily Paper 10/07/12

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SUNDAY October 7,2012

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bendbulletin.corn CENTRAL OREGON VS. THE STATE

Vat= ELECTION 2012

Absentee voting rises

as does fear offraud By Adam Liptak New Yorh Times News Service

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — On the morning of the pri­ mary here in August, the local elections board met to decide which absentee ballots to count. It was not an easy job. The board tossed out some ballots because they arrived without the signature required on the outside of the return en­ velope. It rejected one that said "see inside" where the signa­ ture should have been. And it debated what to do with ballots in which the signature on the envelope did not quite match the one in the county's files. "This 'r' is not like that 'r,'" Judge Augustus D. Aikens Jr. said, suggesting that a ballot should be rejected. Ion Sancho, the elections supervisor here, disagreed. "This 'k' is like that 'k,'" he replied, and he persuaded his colleagues to count the vote. Scenes like this will play out in many elections next month, because Florida and other states are following the lead of Oregon and other Western states, swiftly mov­ ing from voting at a polling place toward voting by mail. Nationwide, the use of absen­ tee ballots and other forms of voting by mail has more than tripled since 1980 and now ac­ counts for almost 20 percent of all votes. Yet votes cast by mail are less likely to be counted, more likely to be compromised and more likely to be contested than those cast in a booth. See Mail /A5

Dree OSure ra eS are worS ere • In 2008-11, they weretwo to ninetimes oregon's rate — andwere likely higher

Q 0/ of all homes inBend(abouts,400 homes) were • V /0 foreclosed on between 2008 and 2011, according to Bulletin analysis of state data. In La Pine, that figure is13.1 percent.

For a chart oflocal communitiesversusothers in Oregon,seeA7 By Elon Glucklich The Bulletin

Central Oregon communi­ ties had foreclosure rates two to nine times higher than the state as a whole between 2008 and 2011, data released last week by the Oregon De­

partment of Justice show. Local real estate experts, state officials and housing ad­ vocates have long pointed to Central Oregon as one of the regions hardest hit by the eco­ nomic collapse. But the new data paint the clearest picture

to date of the scope of Central Oregon's housing bust. The nation's five biggest commercial lenders — Bank of America, Wells Fargo, JPMorgan Chase, Citibank


orses nee

By Zack Hall • The Bulletin

horoughbreds can be striking in their size and beauty.

miles fromland

But not long ago the 35 thoroughbreds at a Bend nonprofit horse rescue,Equine Outreach, were

New Yorh Times News Service


malnourishedand underweight — barely resembling the majestic breed most familiar on racetracks. The horses have bounced around several rescue organiza­ tions and temporary shelters in Central Oregon after Crook County sheriff's deputies seized

By Stacey Solie New Yorh Times News Service

Matthew Ryan Wttttamel New York Times News Service

Sophie McCoy and others who monitor Tatoosh Island, off the tip of Washington state's Olympic Peninsula, say they are seeing disturbing declines across species.

An Independent

Vol. 109, No. 281,

88267 02330


them from a Powell Butte ranch in 2009 as part of an animal neglect case. But they' re seem­ ingly healthy now on a pasture at Equine Outreach's ranch near

the Bend Airport. The thoroughbreds, though, have taxedEquine Outreach and its $400,000-a-year budget. So now that the thoroughbreds have recovered, the rescue is trying to find each a new home. "We' re just trying to deal with what is getting thrown at us," says Joan Steelhammer, the founder and president of Equine Outreach. "Every time somebody throws us a lemon, we seem to somehow make lemonade." With the influx of thorough­ breds in July, the Bend rescue has about 140 horses. See Equine /A7

EpuineOutreach Where:63220 Silvis Road,Bend Contact:541-41 9-4842 or www.equineoutreach.corn if you go:Bend O'Vine Chocolate Cafe 8 Wine Bar, 916 N.W. Wall St., hosts an fundraiser 5-10 p.m. Oct. 20 to benefit Equine Outreach. Tickets are $25 and available at benddvine.corn or by calling 541-323-3277. Purchase tickets by Monday and receive three free raffle tickets for gifts donated by local businesses. Livejazzby Groove Merchants, hors d'oeuvres and three pours of wine are included.

Tiny island is a warming bellwether

Weuse recycled newsprint Th e B ulletin


Trainer Ashley Hash­ emian pats the neck of former racehorse Summings Affair, aka Chex (be­ cause of the white check­ mark on her forehead), after a train­ ing session at Equine Outreach last week. The 12-year-old mare was rescued from a ranch in Powell Butte and is being retrained for regular riding. Pete Erickson The Bulletin

rebellion, 2,000 HANGA ROA, Easter Island — A rebellion in sim­ mering, and it's far from any geopolitical hotspot. Very far. Not long ago, as some elders of the Rapanui people wistful­ ly recall, a sense of profound isolation pervaded this wind­ swept speck of land in the Pacific. Horses were the domi­ nant mode of transportation, flights to the outside world were few and far between, and Easter Island's Polynesian language enjoyeddominance in most spheres of life. Now, so many cars roam the roads of this fragile island (it is smaller than Martha's Vineyard) that Rapanui grim­ ly joke how they may outnum­ ber the moai — those prized towering statues their ances­ tors carved from volcanic tuff, beguiling archaeologists. Spanish, the language of Chile, which annexed Easter Island in 1888, now prevails across much of the island. See Easter Island /A6


. Pi

A slow-burning By Simon Romero

and Ally Bank — foreclosed on 1,399 Bend homes from 2008 to 2011, according to the figures released by the Justice Department. To come up with a foreclosure rate, The Bulle­

tin tallied up the total number of foreclosures in each com­ munity and calculated the number as a percentage of to­ tal homes, based on data from the 2010 U.S. Census. Bend had 36,110 homes in 2010, so the data show that about 3.9 percent of Bend homes were foreclosed on during the period, according to The Bulletin's calculation. See Foreclosure /A7

7 e sct i ons

TATOOSH ISLAND, Wash. — From a stretch of rocky shoreline on this tiny island, one can, on any given morning, watch otters floating on their backs, elephant seals hauling out of the water and a bald ea­ gle flying past murres huddled along a cliff face. It appears as if the island's

INDEX Business G1-6 Community C1-8 Milestones C6 Oregon News B3 B ooks F4 - 6 C rosswords C7, E2 Obituaries B 4 S ports 01- 6 Classified E1-6 Local News B1-6 Opinion F 1- 3 TV & Movies C2

wildlife is thriving at this remote outpost, which is also a former Coast Guard station crowned by a decommissioned lighthouse. It was also once a whaling base for the Makah tribe, which main­ tains treaty rights to the land. But for more than four decades, with the blessing of Makah leaders, Tatoosh has been the object of intense biolog­ ical scrutiny, and scientists say

TODAY'S WEATHER Sunny High 67, Low 26

Page B6

they are seeing disturbing de­ clines across species — changes that could prove a bellwether for oceanic change globally. "We all agree, it just looks different," says Cathy Pfister, who with fellow University of Chicago biology professor Timothy Wootton has been trekking to the island since the 1980s. See Bellwether /A6

TOP NEWS GASOLINE: Record inCalifornia, A3 ELECTION:Romney'ssofter side, A4





Bulletin How to reach us


Most of theway, Obamahasled in the polls


541 -385-5800 Phone hours:5:30 a.m.—5 p.m. Moni-Pri., 6:30 a.m.-noon Sat.-Sun.


Except for brief periods in September and October 2011, Republican Mitt Romney has trailed President Barack Obama in polls averaged by Real Clear Politics. The numbers, and some events along the campaign trail:

Average of polls at roughly 15-day intervals



Sept.17:Video is released from a May fundraiser, in which Romney says "there are 47 percent who are with

Aug. 30: At the GOP Sept. 6: Romney's first TV than 1.3 million ' ,lead over Romney AP rll 3: Obanta co n vention, Obama upon government, who ads air; later than people had , 'in one poll stands o f ficially clinches Romney ac c epts the the Democratic a c cepts the Democratic believe they are victims ..." during2008 donated to Obama i ,at10 points. campaign since April 2011 I , i 49% n o m ination. nomination. nomination.


ByDec. 31,more , 'Feb. 22:Obama's



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541 -383-0348

45% --- June 2; tgttr--------­ Romneyformally announceshiscandidacy. 2 16 JUNE



15 3 1 JULY


- Sept. 6:Romney's poll aver age is higher than obama's foi the fi?st time; he leads again in early October.

15 31 15 305 15 AUG SE P T OCT


, Sept. 5. Tie at46.8/.

' ,

April 25:RNC says - --- - - - - - - - - - - - R omneyfstheGOP's----- - - - - - ­ presumptive nominee.--,



4 6-- - - ­






Discoveries, breakthroughs, trends, names in the news — things you need to know to start your day. Until Election Day, this page will focus on politics.


',Jau.10: ,'Romney ~% lwins the pnmary ln NewHampshlre

15 31I' DEC

15 30 NOV

15 3 1 JAN





-- - - - - - - -



.- .- - -.--a­


March 6: Romney wins six of 1 0 super Tuesdayraces

15 28 FEB


15 3 1 MAR

ELQQ]tte4ta trip-- sept: Tl'.RttrnTIBTrcTIYlcrtes­

to Lond J I andWarsaw 15 29 APR









Obama ior the response attackslnEgyptandLlbya

15 3 0 MAY

15 29 JUNE

15 30 J ULY

15 30 11 1 9 2 9 AUG SEP T

541 -385-5804 © 2012 Mcclatchy-Tnbune News Service

Source: Real Clear Politics, Reuters, Democratic National Committee, Republican National Committee, MCT Photo Service



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Oregon Lottery results As listed at www.oregonlottery.org

POWERBALL The numbers drawn Saturday night are:

g15as34gg36g59 I The estimated jackpot is now $50 million.

MEGABUCKS The numbers drawn Saturday night are:

17Q 15Q 23Q 27©8@1 Q The estimated jackpot is now $8.4 million.


It's Sunday, Oct. 7, the 281st day of 2012. There are 85 days left in the year.

HAPPENINGS • Venezuela's Hugo Chavez fights for his political life in today's presidential election, where the president faces a charismatic challenger who has energized the opposition.AS • Rocket maker SpaceX is poised to lift off on its way to the International Space Station with its Dragon spacecraft to carry out the first contracted cargo resupply flight in NASA's history. • The last beer of the 179th Oktoberfest will be served as Munich's storied multiweek festival closes.


i aseismicwee c an et eiace? By Oan Balz The Washington Post

I f you' re looking fo r a n answer to t h e q u estion of whether last week's events — Mitt Romney's strong de­ bate performance in Denver and Friday's jobs report that showed unemployment drop­ ping to 7.8 percent — change the trajectory of the presiden­ tial campaign, be patient and don't rush to judgment. There's a lot of noise in the system right now. National polls were already tightening before either of last week's events, after a September in which President Barack Obama appeared to be opening up a real lead over his challenger. By the day of the de­ bate, Obama and Romney were in a statistical tie nationally in almost all the new polls. Before the debate, however, Obama was looking strong in many of the swing states­ unusually strong, given what we know from past elections about how different states per­ form. Some state polls taken after the debate but before the jobless number showed move­ ment toward Romney. More evidence is needed to know what really may be changing.

nationally and the one waged in the handful ofbattleground states where most of the can­ didates' time and money has been invested. Has the 2012 election created a new model in which the bat­ tlegrounds perform differently rate peaked at 10 percent. The than the national numbers? big difference between Rea­ Ohio is the prime example gan's economy and Obama's this year. Until last week, the is that Reagan could point to polling there showed Obama growth rates in the year before with a substantial lead — at the election and in the first two least five or six points and in quarters of 1984 (when atti­ some polls, even higher. Obama tudes about the economy begin was enjoying a bigger lead in to harden in the minds of vot­ Ohio than he was nationally. ers) far above anything seen That's out of line with how Ohio during Obama's presidency. has generally performed in re­ The good news for Obama lation to the national numbers. is that even before Friday's The question is w h ether report there were signs that something is different about voters were beginning to feel Ohio this year than in past better about the state of the elections. States do change economy. The percentage say­ behavior. New Jersey is a clas­ ing the country is heading in sic example. It was once a true the right direction had risen in swing state, but in the 1990s it September, although a major­ became, presidentially at least, ity still took a negative view on a Democratic stronghold. Cal­ that question. More Americans ifornia and Oregon were once were expressing o p timism competitive battlegrounds but about how the economy would now are reliably Democratic. perform in the months ahead. There's no sign that Ohio is Will Friday's report acceler­ moving that dramatically. But ate those trends? Or are atti­ is Ohio now becoming more tudes on the state of the econ­ like Michigan and Pennsylva­ omy more orless factored into nia? Those two states are still the presidential campaign? It nominally considered swing will take some more time for states but tilt m ore toward the answer to that question to the Democrats, which is why become clear. Romney hasn't been able to put them into play this fall. 2012 changes the map Have the effect of the auto One thing worth watching bailout and now the drop in is whether there is a coming the national unemployment confluence of national polls rate given Obama a boost in and battleground state polls­ Ohio that changes the equation and whether it truly puts Rom­ there? Or will Romney's debate ney in a position to win the performance help to snap Ohio election. This year, perhaps back to its more traditional more than in any recent elec­ posture? Those are among the tion, there have been two cam­ answers that should become paigns: the one that plays out clearer in the days ahead.

One thing worth watching is whether there is a coming confluence of national polls and battleground state polls — and whether it truly puts Romney ina position to win the election. maybe no better a candidate on the stump than he was before the debate, but because of the debate he's seen through a new lens, particularly by supporters who badly want to see Obama become a one-term president. That enthusiasm should count for something between now and Election Day. Organizers in Colorado, for example, said the day after the debate that were seeing an immediate im­ pact in their volunteer enthusi­ asm. That is no doubt happen­ ing in every competitive state.

Unemployment impact

The impact of the jobless numbers is harder to measure. Breaking through the 8 per­ cent barrier is an enormous p sychological boost for t h e president, as it robs Romney of one good argument — that Obama was unable to get the unemployment rate below that level for 43 straight months. So the consecutive-months Re-energized for Romney streak is now over. But the un­ There's been a demonstra­ employment rate is still higher ble effect on Romney's cam­ at this point in a campaign paign since the debate. Repub­ than it has been since the days licans once again believe they of the New Deal. Reducing the can win this election. Through jobless rate to below 8 percent much of September, Repub­ is significant, but the economy lican morale was sinking al­ is still far from robust. most by the day, as one poll Ronald Reagan won re-elec­ after another seemed to signal tion in 1984 with a September that Romney's path to victory unemployment rate of 7.3 per­ was narrowing so rapidly that cent, after peaking at 10.8 per­ his chances of winning ap­ cent. His most famous ad from peared to be minimal. t hat campaign said i t w a s Since Denver, however, Re­ "morning in America, again." publicans are fired up. Romney In this recent recession, the


Highlights:In 1849, author Edgar Allan Poe died in Baltimore. In 1960, John F. Kennedy and Richard M. Nixon held their second televised debate. In 1982, the Andrew Lloyd Webber-Tim Rice m usical "Cats"opened on Broadway. (The show closed in 2000, after a record 7,485

performances.) In 1992, NAFTA was signed during a ceremony in San Antonio. In 2001, the war in Afghanistan started as the U.S. and Britain launched air attacks against military targets and Osama bin Laden's training camps in the wake of the Sept. 11 attacks.

Ten years ago:In anaddress to the nation, President George W. Bushlabeled Saddam Hussein a "homicidal dictator" and said the threat from Iraq was unique and imminent.

Five years ago:Nineskydivers and a pilot were killed in Washington when their plane crashed in the Cascades.

One year ago:The Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to three women: two Liberians and a Yemeni.

BIRTHDAYS Retired South African Archbishop Desmond Tutu is 81. Comedian Joy Behar

(of "The View" ) is70. Former National Security Council aide Oliver North is 69. Singer John Mellencamp is 61. Actress Christopher Norris is 59. Cellist Yo-Yo Ma is 57. Recording executive and TV personality Simon Cowell is 53. Rhythm­ and-blues singer Toni Braxton is

45.Rocksinger-musicianThorn Yorke (Radiohead) is44. Singer Taylor Hicks is 36. Actor Omar Benson Miller is 34. MLB player Evan Longoria is 27. Actress Amber Stevens is 26. — From wire reports

One month left President Barack Obama's campaign a n d De m o crats have posted an i m pressive fundraising haul, easing the party's concerns that he would face a significant money dis­ advantage against his well­ financed Republican rival in the crucial closing days. Mitt Romney is shrugging off a drop in unemployment — an issue at the heart of the race­ contending it's "crystal clear" a jobs crisis endures. It's Oct. 7, and the 30-day countdown to Election Day be­ gins now. The closing chapter of the race will be highlighted by a burst of trail action and a handful of marquee events that could change the dynam­ ic of the contest (if, as detailed above, the race isn't shaken up enough yet). Some key dates: Oct. S:Ballots are mailed to out-of-state Oregon voters. Oct. 11:First and only vice presidential debate, in Danville, Ky. Oct. 16:Voter registration deadline in Oregon. Also, the second presidential debate, in Hempstead, N.Y. Oct. 19-23:Ballots are mailed in Oregon (other than overseas, military and out-of-state voters). Oct. 22:Third and final presidential debate, in Boca Raton, Fla. Nov. 2:Unemployment data is released for October. Nov. 6:Election Day. Sources:New York Times, The Associated Press, Oregon Secretary of State website




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Terror suspectsappear in U.S.courts New York Times News Service NEW YORK — After a pro­ tracted battle in the British and European courts, Abu Hamza al-Masri, an incendiary Mus­ l im preacher with l i nk s t o al-Qaida, and four other ter­ rorism suspects implicated in an array of anti-U.S. terrorist plots, were extradited to the U.S. to face federal charges in Manhattan and New Haven, Conn., on Saturday. Appearing in U.S. District Court in Manhattan was al­ Masri, 54, who lost both hands and an eye in an explosion. Two other defendants in Manhat­ tan, Adel Abdul Bary, 52, and Khalid al-Fawwaz, 50, were ar­ raigned on charges including murder and conspiracy to use weapons of mass destruction in connection with the 1998 bombings of the U.S. Embas­ sies in Dar es Salaam, Tanza­ nia, and in Nairobi, Kenya, in which more than 200 people died. They pleaded not guilty. In New Haven, Syed Ah­ san, 33, and Babar Ahmad, 38, pleaded not guilty to charges that included conspiring to recruit fighters, raise money and gather equipment for ter­

"facilitating violent jihad in Afghanistan," according to a statement by the U.S. attorney in Manhattan. If convicted, al­ Masri could face life in prison. Last week, lawyers for al­ Masri said he was physically unfit and should stay in Brit­ ain, where he has been incar­ cerated since 2006. On Satur­ day, a court-appointed lawyer, Sabrina Shroff, asked that EltzabethWttttams/ The Associated Press the judge order "a full evalua­ tion" of his medical condition, A court drawing of Egyptian­ born Abu Hamza al-Masri, which hadyet to be conducted who on Saturday in New York at the time of his appearance. looked much thinner and British and U .S. officials more diminished in appear­ orchestrated the handover of ance than in recent photos. the suspects shortly after a He entered no plea to charges high court rejected a final ap­ of conspiring to set up a ter­ peal by the men to stay in the rorist training camp in Oregon. United Kingdom. The men ar­ rived in New York early Satur­ day, where they will remain in rorists on websites hosted out custody pending further court of Connecticut. appearances. Al-Masri is to be F ederal authorities in t h e arraigned on Tuesday. U.S. had long been seeking Manhattan's U.S. attorney, the extradition of al-Masri, an Preet Bharara, said, "It makes Egyptian-born cleric, for his good on a promise to the Amer­ involvement in a 1998 kidnap­ ican people to use every avail­ ping of U.S. citizens in Yemen, able diplomatic, legal and ad­ supporting the establishment ministrative tool to pursue and of a terrorist training camp in prosecute charged terrorists no Bly, in Klamath County, and matter how long it takes."


Scant oversight infatal outbreak By Denise Grady, Andrew Pollack and Sabrina Tavernise New Yorlz Times News Service

Eddie Lovelace, a Kentucky judge still on the bench into his late 70s, had a penchant for reciting Shakespeare from memory and telling funny sto­ ries in his big, booming voice. But a car accident last spring left him with severe neck pain, and in July and August he sought spinal injections with a steroid medicine for relief. Instead, Lovelace died in Nashville in September at age 78, one of the first victims in a growing national outbreak of meningitis caused by the very medicine that was supposed to help him. Health officials say they believe it was contami­ nated with a fungus. The rising toll — s e ven dead, 57 ill an d t h ousands p otentially exposed — h a s cast a harsh light on the loose regulations that legal experts say allowed a company to sell 17,676 vials of an unsafe drug to pain clinics in 23 states. Federal health officials said Friday that all patients inject­ ed with the steroid drug made by that company, the New England Compounding Cen­ ter in F r amingham, Mass., which had a troubled history, needed to be tracked down immediately and informed of the danger. "This wasn't some obscure procedure being done in some obscure hospital," said Tom Carroll, a close friend to the Lovelace family, an d t h eir lawyer, referring to the Saint Thomas Outpatient Neurosur­ gery Center. "They had sought out a respected neurosurgeon who had been referred by their family doctor, at a re­ spected hospital. How does this happen?" The answer, at least in part, is that some doctors and clin­ ics have turned away from major d ru g m a n ufacturers and have taken their business to s o -called c o mpounding pharmacies, like New England Compounding, which mix up batches of drugs on their own, often for much lower prices than m ajor m a n ufacturers charge — and with little of the federal oversight of drug safe­ ty and quality that is routine for the big companies. "The Food and Drug Ad­ ministration has more regu­ latory authority over a drug factory in China than over a c ompounding pharmacy i n Massachusetts," said K evin Outterson, an associate pro­ fessor of law at Boston Univer­ sity. "But that's not the FDA's fault." T he outbreak h a s a l s o brought new scrutiny to the widely used medical proce­ dure that Lovelace and mil­ lions of A m ericans receive each year. P atients most l i k ely a s ­ sumed there was strong evi­

Meningitis outdreakspreadsto 23states A steroid medication suspected in the outbreak of a rare fungal meningitis was shipped from Massachusetts to 23 states. Of the 47 cases reported in seven states, five people have died. ~ States with reported cases

Sta t es receiving suspected meds

a~z .

R. I.



a -ime

Bulletin wire reports It's a record, though just barely. The price of gasoline has hit an all-time average high in California o f $ 4 .6140 a gallon, fueled by a r e­ duced supply and a volatile market. A AA s p okesman M i ­ chael Green says Satur­ day's price set the record by a fraction of a penny. The previous high was $4.6096 on June 19,2008. P rices throughout t h e state are expected to in­ crease for several more days before leveling off, af­ ter a temporary reduction in supply triggered a price

spike. AAA's Daily Fuel Gauge reportreleased Saturday said the average price for a gallon of regular unleaded across California rose 12 cents from its Friday mark of about $4.49. The Golden State has leap­ frogged Hawaii as the state with the most expensive fuel. Reports surfaced Saturday of service-station owners who stopped selling f uel, w h i le economists pondered whether the price jump would affect consumers' holiday shopping plans. Gas pumps at some Costco Wholesale Corp. stores were shut down rather than pay high p r ices fo r w h o lesale

N. I(oreansoldier killssuperiors, defects The Associated Press SEOUL, South K o r ea — A North Korean soldier killed two of his superiors Saturday and defected to South Korea across the countries' heavily armed border in a rare crossing that prompted South Ko­ rean troops to immediately beef up their border patrol, officials said. The soldier shot his pla­ toon and squad leaders be­ fore crossing the western side of the Demilitarized Zone at around noon, a De­ fense Ministry official said, citing the soldier's state­ ment after he was taken into custody by South Ko­ rean border guards. T he official, wh o d e ­ clined to be named because questioning by authorities was ongoing, had earlier said one of the killed North Korean troops was a com­ pany commander but later

corrected it, saying the infor­ mation was m i shandled in the first couple of hours of the development. He said S o ut h K o r ean guards heard six gunshots be­ fore the North Korean soldier crossed the border. He also said the soldier used a loud­ speaker to let South Korean guards know his intention to defect after the killings. The official said the motive behind the defection was unclear. No unusual military move­ ment was detected from the North Korean side of the bor­ der after the c rossing, but South Korea immediately in­ structed its border troops to step up their guard, a South

A large demand Over the past two decades, pain control has become a growth industry, bolstered by the worn-out knees and ach­ ing backs of baby boomers. Pain clinics began popping up around the country. Starting in the 1990s, spi­ nal injections for back pain, known as lumbar epidural ste­ roid injections, skyrocketed. They have since leveled off, but the number remains high. In 2011, 2.5 million Medicare recipients had the injections, as did an equal number of younger people, according to Dr. Ray Baker, president of the International Spine Interven­ tion Society. In recent years, compound­ ing pharmacies have some­ times filled gaps left by short­ ages of drugs made by phar­ maceutical companies. "As drug shortages have be­ come more complex and com­ mon, pharmacies are turn­ ing to external compounding companies to help them," said Cynthia Reilly, of the Ameri­ can Society of Health-System Pharmacists, referring to hos­ pital pharmacies. Shortages may have played a role in the large purchases of the injectable steroid now u nder suspicion from N ew England Compounding. The two manufacturers of the ge­ neric version of the drug had stopped making it. Teva h a lted p r o duction in 2010 when it temporarily closed its Irvine, Calif., factory after receiving a warning let­ ter from the FDA about manu­ facturing quality problems.

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dence that the procedure itself works. But the Cochrane Col­ laboration, an i n t ernational group of medical experts, re­ viewed the data last year and found there was "no strong evidence for or against" the injections. Patients exposed to the tainted drug in this out­ break may have risked their health or even their lives for an elusive goal.

The other m a nufacturer, Sandoz, stopped selling the product in the U.S. this year, according to t h e c o mpany, which would not provide a reason. Sandoz has also been reprimanded by the FDA for manufacturing problems. While the FDA says the drug is not in short supply, the brand-name product still available may have been considered t o o e x p ensive, prompting some medical prac­ tices to turn to compounding pharmacists. PainCare, a medical prac­ tice with 12 locations in New H ampshire, turned to N ew E ngland Compounding f o r the injectable steroid now un­ der suspicion when its usual s upplier ran o ut , s aid t h e company's chief e x ecutive, Dr. Michael O' Connell. The company's two main locations alone do more than 100 injec­ tions a week. O' Connell said he also pre­ ferred compounding pharma­ cies because they could make the drug free of an alcohol often used as a preservative in drugs manufactured by big companies that he w o r ried could damage nerves. In addition, Medicare and many private insurers reim­ burse a fixed amount for the injections — about $300, giv­ ing doctors a financial incen­ tive to prefer the less costly c ompounded v e rsions, h e said. "If you are using a more ex­ pensive product, there would be less left over," O' Connell said. Compounding falls in a le­ gal no man's land, between the federal government and the states. The FDA regulates big manufacturers, but com­ pounders register as pharma­ cies, putting them under a patchwork of state rules. The FDA did develop a clear set of rules for compounding, but subsequent litigation that cul­ minated in a Supreme Court decision in 2002, struck them down.

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The Associated Press

Korean Joint Chiefs of Staff of­ ficial said. He also declined to be named, citing office rules. There wa s n o im m e di­ ate comment from commu­ nist North Korea's state-run media. Defections across the land border are rare, though North Koreans occasionally come to the South by boat. The last defection across the Demilita­ rized Zone by a North Korean soldier occurred in 2010.

Warehouse Prices •

Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

fuel. Prices were beginning to come down in some spots, but it wasn't clear whether that trend would continue. Economists are concerned that a sustained spike in gas prices would start to eat into other areas of consumers' bud­ gets. Esmael Adibi, a Chapman University economist, said, "If it continues into the holiday shopping season, it will defi­ nitely have a negative impact on discretionary spending." Prices were even higher in the San Francisco Bay Area, where a gallon of gas usually costs more than in the rest of the state. Prices touched $4.70 and in some places exceeded the $5 mark, the website says.

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ama r in s in By Nicholas Confessore New York Times News Service

President Barack Obama and the Democrats shattered the election cycle's fundraising record with a $181 million haul for September, the campaign announced Saturday. The amount, a mix of funds raised directly by th e cam­ paign and large checks taken in by the Democratic National Committee, was even more than some earlier reports had suggested. And while it did not quite match the roughly $191 million that Obama and the Democrats raised during the same month four years ago, the announcement offered a jolt of good news for Obama's

supporters after his lackluster debate performance Wednes­ day left many of them worried. The campaign beganemail­ ing supporters early Saturday and announced the news on Twitter shortly after 10 a.m. An email from Obama's cam­ paign manager, Jim Messina, with the subject line "This is big, big news," included testi­ monials from donors. Mitt Romney has not yet an­ nounced his fundraising totals for the month. But a Romney spokeswoman said the Re­ publicans had done well after Wednesday's debate, r a i s­ ing $12 million online in less than 48 hours, more than after Romney's selection of R ep.

m one

Paul Ryan of Wisconsin as his running mate in August. Sixty percent of the money came from first -time donors, accord­ ing to the campaign. September is often a strong month for presidential cam­ paign fundraising, as voters begin to focus on the race and candidates' devoted sup­ porters begin gearing up for the general election. Obama's September fundraising total included money contributed during the Democratic Na­ tional Convention in C h ar­ lotte, N.C., when the president, his wife, Michelle, and former President Bill Clinton all deliv­ ered major speeches. T he campaign said it r e ­

ceiveddonations from close to 4 million people since Obama announced his re­ election bid last year. Con­ tributions were received in September from 1,825,813 people,567,000 ofthem new donors, the campaign said. September was a second strong fundraising month in a row for Obama, at a time when his campaign is brac­ ing for an onslaught of late advertising from Republi­ can-aligned super PACs and other outside groups. In Au­ gust, Obama and the Demo­ cratic committee raised $114 million, more than the $111.6 million raised by Romney and the Republicans.

omne s owso isso ersi e Mitt Romney made an unscheduled trip to Flori­ da's Tampa Bay area late Friday. His demeanor of late has been looser and more relaxed, offering a counter to his reputation as a data-driven technocrat. Charles Dharapak The Associated


By Ashley Parker New York Times News Service

ST. PETERSBURG, Fl a. — Mitt Romney walked off the debate stage Wednesday night to find that his staff had al­ ready lined the hall backstage, greeting him with applause. Facing off against President Barack Obama i n D e nver, Romney had been the candi­ date they had longed to see all year: funny (joking about the "romantic" evening he and Obama were spending on the president's 20th wedding anni­ versary), commanding (chal­ lenging Obama on taxes and g overnment spending) a n d even warm (placing his right hand over his heart at the end of the debate, in an homage to his supporters in the crowd). On Friday night, at a rally here, his campaign seemed determined not to let that more emotive, t h r ee-dimensional Mitt Romney slip away. Before the crowd of several thousand, R omney shared stories o f friends who had died. Perhaps his most moving anecdote — about David Opar­ owski, a 14-year-old boy with leukemia to whom Romney had ministered — had f irst made an appearance at the Re­ publican National Convention in Tampa, Fla., when David's parents talked about how Rom­ ney had tended to their son, a member of his church ward in Belmont, Mass. But Romney had never before mentioned the experience on the stump. Romney recounted h ow, as he sat in David's hospital room, the teenager called him "Brother Romney" and asked him about "what's next." "I talked to him about what I believe is next," said Romney, recalling that a few days later, he got a call from David ask­ ing if he would help write his will. "So I went to David's bed­ side and got a piece of legal pa­ per, made it look very official," he continued. "And then Da­ vid proceeded to tell me what he wanted to give his friends. Talked about his fishing rod, and who would get that. He talked about his skateboard, who'd get that. And his rifle, that went to his brother." He concluded: "I loved that young man." Romney also talked about the recent death of a graduate­ school friend who had become a quadriplegic, and a sharp­ shooter killed in Afghanistan. An adviser said Romney decided on his own that he wanted to tell those stories on­ stage. But the move was also couched in a b r oader cam­ paign strategy to encourage Romney to reveal a more car­ ing, personal side of himself, a counter to his reputation as a data-driven technocrat. To that end, on Thursday,

O'Reilly, Stewart tangle in mock debate WASHINGTON — There were all the trappings of a high-octane presidential debate: the over-the-top declarations, the pre-prac­ ticed zingers and the schmaltzy appeals to America's truest val­ Ues. But the presidential candidates were nowhere to be found. In their place Saturday were two celebrity gabbers who have claimed their stakes to the polar opposite ends of the political spectrum: Bill O'Reilly and Jon Stewart. The political odd-couple came to Washington ready to tangle in an event mockingly dubbed "The Rumble in the Air-Conditioned Auditorium." Choice words not suitable for the faint of heart dotted the 90­ minute exchange between the Fox News anchor and the star of "The Daily Show," who bantered aggressively but good-naturedly over birth control, George W. Bush and the so-called "War on Christmas." Stewart, defending government involvement in social programs, said the U.S. has always been anentitlement nation. "We are a people that went to another country, saw other people on it and said, 'Yea, we want that.' Have you ever seen 'Oprah's favorite things' episode?" Asked who he'd like to see as president, O'Reilly dead-panned: "I'd have to say Glint Eastwood." Organizers said abouts,500 people attended the event, but the main audience was online, where the event was streamed for $4.95. — The Associated Press

Romney also appeared on Sean Hannity's Fox N ews show, where he seemed to repudiate his own comments about "47 percent" of Americans who, he saidat a secretly recorded fundraiser in May, considered themselves "victims" and were dependenton the government. "I said something that's just completely wrong," Romney said, referring to t h e c om­ ments and adding that, "my l ife has shown that I c a r e

about 100 percent." In recent weeks, the campaign has begun showing a 10-minute biographical video before ral­ lies and speeches. Romney is shown roughhousing with his young sons, encouraging his wife and following the public service footsteps of his father, George Romney, the former governor of Michigan. In one scene, Romney begins talking about his wife, gushing, "Ahh, she's gorgeous." Russ Schriefer,

the senior strategist charged with making the film, said he got that footage simply by showing Romney a picture of Ann as a teenager and asking him to reflect. Ann Romney, who has privately argued that the campaign should display the empathetic man she loves, has also become a vo­ cal public advocate for her husband's "extraordinary compassion for others," as she said Friday night. "I was so thrilled at the debate for people to see my husband unfiltered without any negative ads, without any media trying to inter­ pret what he says and what he feels in his heart," she said. Appearing buoyed by his widely acclaimed debate performance, the Romney on display this week was a looser, more relaxed one. The day after the debate, he could be seen joking with aides on his charter plane, and he made two unsched­ uled stops: one Thursday morning t o a d dress the Conservative Political Ac­ tion Conference in Denver, and another Friday evening, when he and Ann Romney stopped at La Teresita, a well­ known Cuban restaurant in Tampa, to greet diners.


Parties' shifting tactics

seen in 2swing states • Democrats bet on Hispanics inArizona

• Support for Akin worriessomein GOP

By Fernanda Santos

By john Eligon

New York Times News Service

New York Times News Service

TUCSON, Ariz. — The man who could be the first Latino to represent Arizona in the Senate, Richard Car­ mona, says he is not fooling himself."I want to be realistic on the expecta­ tions," he said last week at his office. The 62-year- C a rmona old, is an un­ tested candidate of vast expe­ riences with a made-for-Hol­ lywood biography. He was a high school dropout born into poverty in New York City to Puerto Rican parents who struggled with a l co­ holism and drug abuse. He served in Vietnam, earning Bronze Stars, Purple Hearts and other combat decora­ tions, and attended medical school before his eventual rise to surgeon general under President George W. Bush. He is running for public office for the first time, chal­ lenging a six-term congress­ man, Jeff Flake, 49,a Repub­ lican. Both are vying for the seat held by another Repub­ lican, Sen. Jon Kyl, who is re­ tiring. Though there is little reliable polling in the con­ test, both camps acknowl­ edged that the race is closer than they expected in such a heavily Republican state. Beyond the b alance of power i n t h e S e nate enough states are in play that Republicans could regain the majority — the race carries enormous significance for Arizona, whose shifts in de­ mographics threaten to upend its role as a GOP stronghold. Carmona was handpicked by President Barack Obama to run for the Senate because of his resume and his ethnici­ ty, which could help galvanize Latino voters. The Demo­ cratic Party then cleared the field for him, sparing him pri­ mary attacks but depriving him of the chance to test his skills before the big fight. All along, Carmona has courted Latino voters. He released his second Spanish­ language commercial Tues­ day, which introduces him as "uno de nosotros" — one ofus — while highlighting Flake's vote against the Dream Act, which would have given cer­ tain immigrants brought to the country illegally as chil­ dren a path to legalization. Flake has begun to make his case to Latinos as well. He has started running his first Spanish-language ad on television and radio, try­ ing to tap into whatever anti­ Obama sentiment there is in that community by referring to Carmona as "el hombre de Obama" — Obama's man.

KANSAS CITY, Mo. — For establishment Republicans, it is decision time in the Mis­ souri Senate race. Should they return t o R ep. Todd Akin's corner? Many quick­ ly wi t h d rew their s u pport for Akin weeks a go after h i s c ontroversial Ak i n remarks about abortion (and belief that vic­ tims of "legitimate rape" have a biological mechanism to

to forcehim aside so another Republican candidate could battle the Democratic incum­ bent, Sen. Claire McCaskill. But Akin called their bluff. He stayed in the race, reckon­ ing that election math would o blige them to s tick w i t h him. Now, with Akin's name legally bound to the ballot, the election approaching and new polling data presenting a cleareridea of his chances, Republicans are deliberating whether to renege on their reneging. Newt Gingrich, who at­ tended a fundraiser for Akin on Sept. 24, said Republicans who r ushed t o j u d gment needed to consider the error of their decision. "Akin's not the only one who made a mis­ take. Just as he had to eat a lit­ tle bit of crow, there are some other folks" who will, too. But Republicans should fo­ cus on more than the Senate math, said John Danforth, a former GOP senator from Missouri who distanced him­ self from Akin i n A u gust. "Akin has come to symbolize a version of the Republican Party that's just not accept­ able to an awful lot of people. I don't know if he can win or not in the election in the Sen­ ate race, but I think this is bigger than one Senate seat. I think it's the brand of the Re­ publican Party, and I think he taints the Republican Party." While Danforth is main­ t aining hi s o p position t o Akin, other Republicans are returning to his corner. Sen. Roy Blunt of Missouri and two other former senators from the state, Christopher Bond and Jim Talent, recent­ ly endorsed Akin. While he welcomes the re­ turn of deep-pocketed donors and believes that some will inevitably say, "Hey, I was too quick to judge," Perry Akin, Akin's son and c ampaign manager, said he believed the campaign was on the right track. "There's a lot of contrast between (the two campaigns') messages. We have adequate funding to be able to present that to the voters so they can make a decision on it."

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Voting with a postagestamp

Continued from A1 Election officials reject al­ most 2 percent of ballots cast by mail, double the rate for in­ person voting, statistics show. "The more people you force to vote by mail," Sancho said, "the more invalid ballots you will generate." Election experts say the chal­ lenges createdbymailedballots could well affect outcomes this fall and beyond. If the contests next month are close enough to be within what election law­ yers call the margin of litiga­ tion, the grounds on which they will be fought will not be hang­ ing chads but ballots cast away from the voting booth. In 2008, 18 percent of the votes in the nine states likely to decide this year's presiden­ tial election were cast by mail. That number will almost cer­ tainly rise this year, and voters in two-thirds of the states have already begun casting absen­ tee ballots. In four Western states, voting by mail is the exclusive or dominant way to cast a ballot. The trend will probably re­ sult in more uncounted votes, and it increases the potential for fraud. While fraud in vot­ ing by mail is far less common than innocent errors, it is vast­ ly more prevalent than the in­ person voting fraud that has attracted far more attention, election administrators say. In Florida, absentee-ballot scandals seem to arrive like clockwork a r ound e l ection time. Before this year's prima­ ry, for example, a woman was charged with forging an elder­ ly voter's signature, a felony, and possessing 31completed absentee ballots, 29 more than allowed under a local law. The flaws of absentee vot­ ing raise questions about the most elementary promises of democracy. "The right to have one's vote counted is as important as the act of voting itself," Justice P aul Anderson of the M i n ­ nesota Supreme Court wrote while considering disputed ab­ sentee ballots in the close 2008 Senate election between Al Franken and Norm Coleman.

The rise of voting by mail in the United States has been driven by several Western states, where supporters have argued that mail is a cheaper way to hold elections.

100%Percentage voting bymail Since 2000,Oregon Oregon: 97%" has sent ballots to Washington: 98% every registered voter about two weeks before Election Day. Only one county in Washingtonoffered in-person voting in 2010, and the entire state will be mail-only in 2012.



Ear voting restored inOhio Early voting in Ohio the weekend before the election was restored for all voters Friday by the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, giving President Barack Obama's campaign another victory in its legal battles with Republicans over voting issues. The state's Republican-led administration had imposed a measure that allowed voting that weekend only for members of the military and people living overseas, arguing that the state had to reduce the strain on the election system from statewide early balloting. Democrats and Obama's campaign had cried foul, arguing that the measure unfairly disenfran­ chised minorities and others who often wait until the last weekend. Those voters are considered likelier to back the Democratic candidates. Ohio is a critical state in the presidential cam­ paign.No Republican haswon thepresidency for more than 100 years without winning Ohio. Obama holds an edge in the state over Mitt Rom­

Colorado, Arizona, California, Montana Colorado: 66% andHawaiiallow permanent mail-in voting. Voters in these 60 states can sign up to automatically receive a ballot every election. Adzona: 52% In 2010, nearly 40 percent of registered voters in California California: 45% were permanent mail voters. ballot applications to every 40 Montana: 41% Michiganis the only registered voter in the state. And Republican lawmakers state that requires in Florida recently r evised voters to give a reason for casting an state law to allow ballots to be absentee ballot and mailed wherever voters want, Hawaii: 28% has a mail voting rather than typically to only percentage abovethe theirregistered addresses. ff.O.: 25% national average. "This is the only area in iowa: 24% Being age 60 or older Ohio: 21% Florida where we' ve made it is a valid reason, Florida: 20% though. easier to cast a ballot," Daniel Michigan: 19% Smith, a political scientist at the University of Florida, said U.S. average: of absentee voting. He posited a reason that Re­ publican officials in particular have pushed to expand absen­ tee voting. "The conventional wisdom is that Republicans 10% 18% '96 '00 '04 '08 '10 use absentee ballots and Dem­ U s average ocrats vote early," he said. * All percentages are based on survey responses, which n ay vary slightly from ofnaal totals. Republicans are in fact more Source: Current Population Survey New York Times News Service likely than Democrats to vote absentee. In the 2008 general lots received by voters did not and the elderly. It is cheaper to election in Florida, 47 percent make it back to election offi­ administer, makes for shorter of absentee voters were Re­ cials; and that election officials lines on election days and al­ publicans and 36 percent were rejected 800,000 ballots. That lows voters more time to think Democrats. suggests an overall failure rate about ballots that list many There is a bipartisan con­ of as much as 21 percent. races. By m a i l ing b a l lots, sensus that voting by m ail, Some voters presumably de­ those away from home can whatever its impact, is more cided not to vote after receiv­ vote. Its availability may also e asily abused t h a n o t h er ing ballots, but Stewart said increase turnout in local elec­ forms. Ina 2005 report signed many others most likely tried tions, though it does not seem by President Jimmy Carter to vote and were thwarted. to have had much impact on and James Baker, who served "If 20 percent, or even 10 turnout in federal ones. as secretaryofstate under the percent, of voters who stood Still, voting i n p erson is first President George Bush, in line on Election Day were more r e liable, p a r ticularly the Commission on Federal turned away," he wrote in the since election administrators Election Reform concluded, 27.9 million absentee votes study, published in The Jour­ made improvements to vot­ "Absentee ballots remain the Voting by mail is now com­ nal of Legislation and Public ing equipment after the 2000 largest source of potential vot­ mon enough and problematic Policy, "there would be nation­ presidential election. er fraud." enough that election experts al outrage." say there have been multiple The list of very close elec­ Who votes by mail? elections in which no one can tions includes the 2008 Sen­ There have been other and say with confidence which can­ ate race i n M i n nesota, in more controversial changes didate was the deserved win­ which Franken's victory over since then, also in the name of ner. The list includes the 2000 Coleman, the Republican in­ reliability and efficiency. Law­ presidential election, in which cumbent, helpedgive Demo­ makers have cut back on early problems with absentee ballots crats the 60 votes in the Sen­ voting i n p e r son, c r acked in Florida were a little-noticed ate needed topass President down on v oter r egistration footnote to other issues. Barack Obama's health care drives, imposed identification In the last presidential elec­ bill. Franken won by 312 votes, requirements, made it harder tion, 35.5 million voters re­ while state officials rejected for students to cast ballots and quested absentee ballots, but 12,000 absentee ballots. Re­ proposed purging voter rolls only 27.9 m i llion a bsentee cent primary elections in New in a way that critics have said votes were counted, according York i n volving R epublican would eliminate people who to a study by Charles Stewart, state senators who had voted to are eligible to vote. a political scientist at the Mas­ allow same-sex marriage also B ut almost n othing h a s sachusetts Institute of Tech­ hinged on absentee ballots. been done about the distinc­ nology. He calculated that 3.9 There are, of course, sig­ tive challenges posed by ab­ million ballots requested by nificant advantages to voting sentee ballots. To the contrary, voters never reached them; by mail. It makes life easier Ohio's Republican secretary that another 2.9 million bal­ for the harried, the disabled of state recently sent absentee

ney in most public polls. The decision by the appeals court Friday was just one of a series of victories for Obama's cam­ paign, which has been fighting legal battles in several states over the question of access to the ballot box in the election next month. In Pennsylvania, a judge this week temporarily blocked a state law that would have required the state's voters to provide a photo ID card to vote in the presidential election. This summer, a federal judge blocked a Florida law that would have made it harder for organizations to register people to vote. In that case, the law would have imposed penalties on groups that did not follow specific guidelines and timelines. Advocates said the laws are needed to combat voter fraud. Democrats see it as an effort to make it harder for Democratic constituencies to vote. Ohio election officials could appeal Friday's ruling. — New YorkTimesNews Service

On the most basic level, absentee voting replaces the oversight that exists at polling places with something akin to an honor system. "Absentee voting is to vot­ ing in person," Judge Richard Posner of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit has written, "as a take-home exam is to a proctored one."





Voting by mail also played a crucial role in the 2000 presi­ dential election i n F l o rida, when the m a rgin b etween George W. Bush and Al Gore was razor thin and hundreds of absentee ballots were count­ ed in apparent violation of state law. The flawed ballots, from Americans living abroad, included some without post­ marks, some postmarked after the election, some without wit­ ness signatures, some mailed from within the U.S. and some sent by people who voted twice. All would have been disquali­ fied had the state's election laws been strictly enforced. Election law experts say that pulling off in-person voter fraud on a scale large enough to swing an election, with scores if not hundreds of people com­ mitting a felony in public by pretending to be someone else, is hard to imagine, to say noth­ ing of exceptionally risky. There are much simpler and more effective alternatives to commit fraud on such a scale, said Heather Gerken, a law professor at Yale. "You could steal some ab­ sentee ballots or stuff a ballot box or bribe an election ad­ ministrator or fiddle with an electronic voting m achine," she said. That explains, she said, "why all the evidence of stolen elections involves ab­ sentee ballots and the like."

Why fraud is easier by mail Election administrators have a shorthand name for a central weakness of voting by mail. They call it granny farming. "The problem," said Murray Greenberg, a former county attorney in Miami, "is really with the collection of absen­ tee ballots at the senior citizen centers." In F l orida, people affiliated with political cam­ paigns "help people vote ab­ sentee," he said. "And help is in quotation marks." Voters in nursing homes can be subjected to subtle pressure, outright intimidation or fraud. The secrecy of their voting is easily compromised. And their ballots can be intercepted both coming and going. The problem is not limited to the elderly, of course. Absen­ tee ballots also make it much easier to buy and sell votes. In recent years, courts have in­ validated mayoral elections in Illinois and Indiana because of fraudulent absentee ballots.


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Bellwether Continued from A1 Often accompanying them is their former graduate advis­ er, Robert Paine, a nominally retiredzoology professor from the University of Washington. At 79, Paine still returns to Tatoosh several times a year to continue the ecological re­ search he began in the 1960s. Pfister and Wootton met while studying th e i sland's species with Paine. Now mar­ ried, they often bring their two c h ildren o n r e s earch trips, where the family sleeps in bunk beds in a one-room cabin, a former Coast Guard facility affectionately dubbed the "Winter Palace." On their frequent visits to the island, usually lasting sev­ eral days each, the research­ ers haul duffel bags of cloth­ ing and equipment up a steep path cut into the rock until the landscape plateaus into a field of salmonberry bramble. It is no quiet retreat. The dull roar of the surf, the screeching gulls, the groaning seals and a distant foghorn all layer into a cacophony on the island. Even the mussel beds creak and crackle. Among th e d eclines the researchers are noticing: His­ torically hardy populations of gulls and murres are only half what they were 10 years ago, and only a few chicks hatched this spring. Mussel shells are notably thinner, and recently the mussels seem to be detach­ ing from rocks more easily and with greater frequency. Goose barnacles are also s uffering, and s o a r e t h e hard, splotchy, wine-colored c oralline algae, which a p ­ pear like graffiti along rocky shorelines.

Easter Island Continued from A1 New luxury hotels catering to rich Chileans and moneyed foreign visitors charge $1,100 a night, accentuating a festering income gap. And there is yet another fea­ ture of life in Chile, a nation grappling with fierce anti-gov­ ernment protests by students and indigenous groups, which has made it here: violent clash­ es with security forces. Inspired by other parts of Polynesia that have obtained a considerable degree of po­ litical autonomy or are in the process of seeking indepen­ dence, leaders of the Rapanui people are mounting a slow­ burning r e b ellion a g a inst Chile. Their movement on the island — which they call Rapa Nui, not Easter Island — pres­ ents a unique test for a Latin American country: quelling a challenge to its rule in the mid­ dle of the South Pacific. "Our nearest border is with the Pitcairn Islands, not Chile," said Leviante Araki, 54, presi­ dent of the Rapa Nui Parlia­ ment, a pr o - i ndependence organization, referring to the British overseas territory more than 1,200 miles to the west. Newcomers from mainland Chile, which is almost twice that distance in the other di­ rection, are fueling a sharp increase in E a ster I sland's p opulation, increasing it by 54 percent to 5,800 over the last decade. Continentals, as mainland Chileans are called here, now slightly outnumber Rapanui on the island, at about 3,000to2,800,according to the mayor, Luz Zasso Paoa.

Stirring anger Protests here have crystal­ lized around the thwarted ef­ forts by one prominent Rapanui clan, the Hitorangi, to reclaim land on which a luxury hotel was recently completed. But other sources of ire among the Rapanui have also emerged, including bitterness over privi­ leges like subsidized housing that have been extended to some mainland Chileans, com­ petition for jobs in the lucrative tourism trade and the main­ land's control over the island's affairs. Security forces violent­ ly evicted Rapanui protesters in 2010 who had occupied build­ ings and other sites. Images captured on cellphone cameras showed bloodstained Rapanui, drawing admonition from the United Nations last year over the use offorce to resolve the island's problems. Though the situation has calmed somewhat since then, nonviolent protests by theRapanui have continued well into this year. Despite the agitation, Eas­ ter Island still awes. Nearly a thousand monolithic moai re­ main strewed around volcanic



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A few creatures rest at Tatoosh Island —sea lions off the coast, above, and a seagull in its nest, below, in August. Researchers who have studied Tatoosh for decades have noticed that the historically hardy populations of gulls, murres and other species are now only half what they were 10 years ago.


Photos by Matthew Ryan Wllhams / New York Times News Service

Cathy Pfister, part of the University of Chicago's biology school, heads back to camp after a day of work. Tatoosh Island is a former Coast Guard station crowned by a decommissioned lighthouse. It was also a whaling base for the Makah tribe, which maintains treaty rights to the land. While not entirely under­ stood, the declines are not en­ tirely mysterious. Biologists suspect that the shifts are re­ lated to huge declines in the water's pH, a shift attributed to the absorption of excess carbon dioxide being released into the atmosphere in ever­ greater amounts by the burn­ ing of fossil fuels for energy. As the carbon dioxide is absorbed, it alters the oceanic water chemistry, turning it in­ creasingly acidic. Barnacles, oysters and mussels find it more difficult to survive, which can cause chain reactions among the animals that eat those spe­ cies, like birds and people. During a research trip in 2000, Pfister and W o otton first began testing the pH of water samples. They found the water around Tatoosh and

along nearby coastlines to be 10 times as acidic as what ac­ cepted climate change models were predicting. Even after collecting seven years of data, when they p ublished their findings in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sci­ ences in2008, their data were met with skepticism. "People think we just don' t know how to use the instru­ ment — I still hear that," Pfis­ ter said. "Luckily for our repu­ tations, I guess, this has been corroborated by a lot of other people." It was on this island and a nearby mainland shore that Paine developed his keystone species hypothesis, which de­ scribes how top predators dom­ inate an ecosystem, often to the benefit of species diversity. Now, the island species are

once again helping to solve im­ portant biological questions. Mussels appear to b e s u c­ cumbing more easily to crash­ ing waves, with barren patches on the rocks growing larger and appearing with greater frequency, said Wootton, who carefully documents patch siz­ es at various island sites. "It just looks different," Pfis­ ter said, pointing to a weedy­ l ooking b arren a r e a n e a r where Paine conducted his studies. More research needs to be done to definitively explain what is happening, she added. While their parents are out counting barnacles or collect­ ing water samples, the chil­ dren, Anna, 9, and Ben, 12, lie in their bunks and read. Or they head out to try to catch a fish for dinner, hopping and skipping their way across slip­

pery rocks and past several dark caves to a perch on the island's north end. What the researchers call "happy time" comes in the af­ ternoon when the tides return and they gather — along with a rotating cadre of graduate students — outside the Winter Palace on an old dock laid out on the lawn to compare notes, gossip and have a snack. Everyone gets a brownie, courtesy of Pfister, but only one — and everyone keeps close watch. "Being a graduate adviser is like doing a second round of parenting," Paine said. Paine speaks of th e c al­ careous sponges that live in

the caves of Tatoosh and, like hard-shell species, use dis­ solved calcium carbonate, in this case to form their skel­ etons or spicules, thus mak­ ing them vulnerable in more acidic waters. "Almost nothing is known about this species," Paine said. "No one in their right mind has the time to sample calcar­ eous sponges, let alone recog­ nize them," he added. "They' re likely to disappear." While some species may be able to adapt to new oceanic conditions, many will not. nYou can predict change," Paine said, "and most of the changes are going to be in a direction we don't want."

boat to the Cook Islands, more than 3,200 miles away. Leaders of the Rapa Nui Parliament said they fully ex­ pect to lose the independence lawsuit on the mainland, view­ ing it as a step to pursue the claims in venues like the Inter­ national Court of Justice. They are drawing inspiration from similar movements elsewhere in Polynesia, which may seem far-fetched in mainland Chile but not in the shifting political winds of the Pacific. The Associated Press file photo One model under study here The land best known for its is the Cook Islands, a self-gov­ hundreds of monolithic stat­ erning parliamentary demo­ ues — known as moai, on an cracy in a "free association" island they call Rapa Nui — is with New Zealand. Another is about 2,000 miles from main­ New Caledonia, a French over­ land Chile, which annexed seas territory where France Easter Island in the 1800s. is grappling with an indepen­ dence movement. Still, pro-independence sen­ craters and sandy shorelines, timent, while supported by siz­ guarding the secrets of an is­ able factions of Rapanui, is by land settled more than nine no means unanimous. Alberto centuries ago by Polynesian Hotus, head of the Council of explorers. Clusters of horses Elders, from which the Rapa wildly roam the hills, as if Eas­ Nui Parliament splintered off, ter Island belonged to them. pointed out that the island still depends on Chile for its health 'Like a concentration camp' care, food, telecommunications But unresolved disputes over and flights to the mainland. "If we cut ties to Chile," he land and sovereignty, between the Rapanui and continentals said, "we will return to eating — and even among some of pasture." the Rapanui themselves — are clouding t h i s s u p erficially Local rule easygoing o u tpost. R a ther The authorities on the main­ than subjugating the autonomy land are cautiously following movement, the c r ackdowns the talk of independence. Car­ seem to have added to the re­ los Llancaqueo, President Se­ sentment here, with the Rapa bastian Pinera's commissioner Nui Parliament now taking its to Easter Island, said new legis­ fight to the courts by filing a lation governing migration and lawsuit on the mainland this residency is under preparation, year seeking independence. but Chile's Constitution requires The group says the island's the Rapanui people to be con­ annexation, under a n 1 888 sulted before the law is enacted, treaty, was made illegitimate by a process just getting under Chile's inequitable administra­ way. He said another proposal tion of it, including the removal would give Easter Island great­ of Rapanui f ro m a n cestral er control over its own finances, lands, their forced confinement though the idea has languished to the town of Hanga Roa and for years; as it stands, the island the leasing of almost the entire is a province of the Region of island for decades to the Wil­ Valparaiso, so decisions regard­ liamson-Balfour Co., a Scottish ing funds for everything from sheep-ranching concern. education to infrastructure are Some Rapanui contend that made on the mainland, a five­ their last king, Simeon Riro hour flight away. Kainga, was poisoned in 1898 While such divisions persist, during a visit to Chile's coast. the Rapanui have endured big­ The Rapa Nui Parliament last ger problems in the past. They year unilaterally declared Val­ grappled in th e 1870s with entino Riroroko Tuki, the 81­ the megalomaniacal rule of a year-old grandson of the last French mariner, Jean-Baptiste monarch, as the new king, a Dutroux-Bornier, a tyrant to step in its legal battle to void rival Conrad's Kurtz. Devas­ the annexation treaty. Still, tated by Peruvian slaving raids other Rapanui groups have and a smallpox epidemic, their t heir own a spirants to t h e population dwindled as low as throne, reflecting the island's 111 before Chile annexed the fractious internal politics. island in 1888, imposing aus­ "This island was operated tere military rule for decades. like a concentration camp," The movement here is un­ said Riroroko Tuki, a m i ld­ folding at a time when a major mannered farmer who gained rethinking of Easter Island's fame for resisting oppressive h istory i s e m e rging, w i t h rule in the 1950s, when Chile's scholars r ejecting t h eories navy prohibited Rapanui from that the ancient Rapanui over­ leaving the island and publicly exploited resources like trees, flogged islanders as punish­ suggesting instead that they ment. He escaped on a fishing pioneered sustainable fertil­

ization techniques in an island with poor soils. "Before the arrival of Euro­ peans, the Rapanui succeeded in total isolation in a highly challenging en v i r onment," said Terry Hunt, an anthropol­ ogist at the University of Ha­ waii. "Now, they are vulner­ able because the island is not

solving its problems locally." M aking ma t t er s mor e complex, disputes fester over squatting on ancestral land, and intermarriage is increas­ ingly common. "The Chileans treated us like dogs, and now we want what is ours," said Lorenzo Tepano, 58, a fisherman who

lives with his wife as squat­ ters in a wooden shack in the Rapa Nui National Park, just steps away from some of the monolithic stone figures lined up near the shore. As Tepano denounced Chile, his son-in­ law, a continental, sat next to him, gazing at the waves and quietly sipping a beer.

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Iran denies it has aplan to end nuclearstandoff Iranian officials on Satur­ day dismissed a New York Times report saying Iran had offered a "nine-step plan" for resolving a standoff with the U.S. and its allies over its nuclear program, calling the report "baseless." The Times,quotingunnamed senior Obama administration officials, reported Friday that Iran had quietly proposed a plan to European officials in July that called for Western oil and other economic sanc­ tions against their country to be lifted. In exchange, accord­ ing to the plan, Tehran would gradually suspend the produc­ tion of the uranium that would be easiest for it to convert into a nuclear weapon. The nuclear talks have been dragging on for several years now.

Pope's butler gets 18 monthsin theftcase A Vatican court Saturday sentenced the pope's former butler, Paolo Gabriele, to 18 months in prison for leaking confidential documents to a journalist in one of the most serious breaches of vaunted Vatican secrecy in m o dern history. The court found Gabriele guilty of theft and remanded him to house arrest. A Vatican spokesman, the Rev. Federico Lombardi, said Saturday that it was "very likely" that the pope would pardon Gabriele. Before the verdict, Gabriele told the court that "he felt the strong conviction deep inside to have acted exclusively for love, a visceral love, for the church" and the pope.

cois Molins, the Paris prosecu­ tor, at a news conference. The raids stem from the investiga­ tion into a grenade explosion Sept. 19 in a kosher market in the Paris suburb of Sarcelles, in the midst of a controversy and protests over the mock­ ing of Islam and the Prophet Muhammad in an anti-Islam video produced in the U.S. and cartoons published in a French satirical magazine.

Americansjoin protest over drones inPakistan ISLAMABAD — Local me­ dia say thousands of Pakistanis, joined by U.S. anti-war activists, are heading toward Pakistan's militant-riddled tribal region to protest U.S. drone strikes, de­ spite threats of suicide attacks by the Pakistani Taliban. After an overnight stay, the motorcade led b y c r i cketer turned politician Imran Khan departed for the town of Tank near the tribal belt. The U.S. says its drone strikes are aimed at militants, but Paki­ stan charges they violate its sov­ ereignty and kill civilians.

Filipino Muslim rebels agree to peace pact

MANILA, P h i lippines President Benigno Aquino III said earlier today his govern­ ment has reached a prelimi­ nary peace agreement with the nation's largest Muslim rebel group in a major breakthrough toward ending a decadeslong in­ surgency in the country's south. Aquino described the deal in a nationally televised an­ nouncement as a road map for establishing a new autonomous region to be administered by minority Muslims in the pre­ dominantly Roman Catholic Anti-terrorism raid nation's south. The deal marks the most turns deadly in France significant progress in 15 years French police officers fa­ of negotiations with the 11,000­ tally shot 33-year-old Jeremie strong Moro group on ending Louis-Sidney during an an ­ an uprising that has left more titerrorism raid in the north­ than 120,000 people dead and eastern city of Strasbourg Sat­ held back development in the urday, the police and judiciary south. Western governments officials said. have long worried that rebel O ther r a id s t o o k p l a c e strongholds c oul d b e come a round P a r is , N i c e an d breeding grounds for al-Qaida­ Cannes, and 11 other suspects affiliated extremists. had been arrested, said Fran­ — From wire reports

Equine Continued from A1 That is twice the number of horses than what would be con­ siderednormal at the 20-acre rescue. In addition to the thor­ oughbreds, Equine Outreach still has some 30 wild horses it rescued from slaughter in 2010 from the Warm Springs Indian Reservation. In addition, it has dozens of horses of various breeds that Equine Outreach has rescued from around Cen­ tral Oregon and beyond. "When we take in this huge amount, it makes us not be able to take in more individual cas­ es," said Steelhammer, a long­ time Bend real estate broker. The influx of horses could not come at a w o rse time, Steelhammer said. The rescue uses more than a ton of hay each day to feed the horses, not an i n significant amount for a nonprofit that survives entirely on donations and an army of v olunteers. The rescue can only afford the feed (hay can cost more than

$200 a ton) because of gener­ ous credit offered by Central Oregon feed companies, Steel­ hammer said. But with winter coming, a still sputtering economy, and hay prices near all-time highs — a combination Steelham­ mer calls "a perfect storm"­ finding homes for the horses has become more urgent. That is where people like A shley H ashemian, a 2 4 ­ year-old OSU-Cascades stu­ dent, come in. Hashemian, a former exerciserider at race­ tracks, began volunteering for Equine Outreach in July. And in August she used her back­ ground to begin training the thoroughbreds. The horses — the vast ma­ jority of which are mares with unknown bloodlines — have come a long way. "When we first got them they were all u n derweight; their hooves looked terrible," Hashemian says. "They were a mess." And now? "They' re all fat and their coat condition looks good,"


Continued from A1 Oregon's for e closure rate over that time was 1.4 percent, using the same method. Other smaller Central Oregon communities had higher r a tes. R e dmond saw 531 foreclosures, or 4.8 percent of all homes in that time frame. Prineville, with 209 foreclosures, had a 5 percent rate. Sisters and La Pine had rates of 6.8 percent and 13.1 percent, respectively. None of the lenders was willing to discuss the fore­ closure rates or what ac­ tivity the region might see moving forward. Officials with the Jus­ tice Department, which re­ ceived the data from lend­ ers and compiled them into a database, said the figures come with acaveat: Lend­ ersreported the foreclosure numbers by ZIP code, so Justice Department staff­ ers had to pore through the data to check for errors. The five lenders disclosed the numbers as part of their $25 billion settlement with the federal government and 49 states attorneys general in March over questionable foreclosurepractices. But the real foreclosure rates in C entral Oregon and across the state are likely higher. The five ma­ jor lenders hold about 70 percent of t h e c ountry' s m ortgages, according t o mortgagestats.corn, a web­ site that tracks mortgage lending and is owned by the publisher of American Banker, The Bond Buyer and other financial publi­ cations. Other homes were l ikely f oreclosed on b y smaller lenders, not includ­ ed in the report. Local real estate officials and housing advocates said the data just confirmed what they have seen and sensed over the last four years. "I'm not surprised at all to see data that says we have some of the highest foreclosure rates," said Laura Fritz, housing direc­ tor with the regional non­ profit NeighborImpact. When home prices start­

Hashemian says. "Instead of hanging around the pasture desperately searching for food, you' ll see them run back and forth, kicking up their heels, playing and zipping around the pasture. They are definitely in a lot better physical condition as well as a better mental state." That is important for Equine Outreach: The better condi­ tion a horse is in, the easier it is to find a good home. (Equine Outreach asks for a $500 do­ nation to adopt a horse.) Most of the thoroughbreds — some of which were actual racehorses — are ready for adoption, Steelhammer and Hashemian agree. And those interested won' t be disappointed. "These guys can be any­ thing," Steelhammer said of the thoroughbreds. "They can wear an English saddle or a Western saddle. Some of the finest trail horses around can be thoroughbreds. "It's all in what you like." — Reporter: 541-817-7888, zhallC<bendbulletin.corn

Foreclosure information bycity Data released by the Oregon Department of Justice show Central Oregon communities had foreclosure rates higher than the state average between 2008 and 201 t.

Foreclosures Total homes : 'Percentage foreclosed

City Bend




i +


Prineville Madras

I +





2L 94<

3 75


Salem •






t ,t 6 3








La Ping


6, 1 10 10,965




,27 6 32,430

chasing time, in 2005, '06 and '07," Burgess said. In Bend, the r eal estate boom was the subject of na­ tional attention from publica­ tions like the The New York Times and The Economist. Indeed, the median price of a Bend home shot up from $240,000 in April of 2005 to $396,000 in May of 2007, ac­ cording to figures compiled by the Bratton Appraisal Group.


By mid-2009, them edianwas


down to about $220,000. And it kept dropping, down to a low of $166,000 in November 2011, just 42 percent of peak value. Factor in huge job losses from the Great Recession­ Deschutes County lost nearly 10,000 jobs between 2007 and 2009, according to O r egon Employment Depa r t ment figures — and it's no wonder homeowners found they could no longer afford m ortgage payments, Burgess said. When home values dropped, "suddenly, people were being told that their property was worth $ 1 00,000, $ 200,000, even $300,000 less than what they owed on it," she said.


+ ~ . 9 7+ 1.2% 0.9%




sources: Bank of Amenca, wells Fargo, JpMorgan chase, ciebank and GMAc Greg Cross / The Bulletin

While no lenders wanted to comment on the foreclosure data, Wells Fargo spokesman To find information about Jim Hines said in an email, foreclosure prevention and "We can't speculate on future available programs, visit foreclosure activity or on rea­ www.oregonhomeowner sons why Central Oregon was support.gov so hard hit by th e housing crisis. In general, we' ve found that frequent causes for delin­ ed dropping in the second half quency and foreclosure are job of 2007and collapsed over the loss, illness, change in marital next year, "we just got hit really status and death." hard, really quickly. So many Officials w i t h B a n k of people lost so much value in America, JPMorgan Chase, their homes." Citibank and Ally Financial Even the state, when calcu­ did notrespond torequests for lating where to spend foreclo­ comment. sure-prevention funding, in­ The region's building and directly identified Deschutes homebuying frenzy between as the hardest-hit county in 2003 and 2007 may have Oregon, one of the nation's 17 played the biggest role in the area's crash. hardest-hit states. N eighborImpact, w hic h In 2006, the Bend Metro­ handled prevention in Central politan Statistical Area, which Oregon, provided foreclosure covers all of Deschutes Coun­ counseling an d p r evention ty, led the nation in home­ workshops for 420 Central value appreciation. Four years Oregon homeowners between later, the Bend MSA again July I, 2011, and June 30, 2012, led the nation — this time in Fritz said, down a bit from the home-value depreciation, ac­ 447 it saw from July 2010 to cording to Federal Housing June 2011. Finance Agency data. Central Oregon's foreclosure Megan Burgess, an attorney numbers stand in contrast with specializing in real estate and other cities around the state. foreclosure issues with Peter­ Portland saw 3,264 fore­ kin and Associates in Bend, closures from 2008 to 2011, or said she's noticed a common 1.2 percent of the city's total trend among the distressed ho­ homes. Medford had a rate of meowners coming to see her. "The foreclosures are com­ 2.5 percent. Salem of 1.9 per­ cent, and Eugene of 0.9 per­ ing largely from people who cent over the same time. bought around the peak pur­


With Redmond's popula­ tion doubling from 2000 to 2010, new subdivisions were popping up on the city's outer edges, said Kris Rees, a broker with Coldwell Banker May­ field Realty in Redmond. The city issued 778 permits for new single-family homes in 2005, according to Bratton figures, or about 65 new home permits per month. The demand from a grow­ ing population drove up prices: Medians rosefrom $166,000 at the start of 2005 to $289,000 by November 2006. B ut the swiftness of t h e c rash is e v ident f rom t h e drop in new building activ­ ity. Redmond issued 307 new home permits between Janu­ ary 2008 and August 2012. That 4'/2-year total equals 39 percent of the number record­ ed in 2005 alone. "Right at the height of the market, we had a number of subdivisions that had just been built, or were getting started," Rees said. When t he mom e n tum stopped, new buyers lost their homes to foreclosure just a few years later, she said. — Reporter: 541-817-7820, egluchlichC~bendbulletin.corn




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5 rianre es'Ara a ies imitai, chitin U.S. ears



By Robert F. Worth

hands," one Arab official said, speaking on the condition of RIYADH, Saudi Arabia anonymity in line with diplo­ — For months, Saudi Arabia matic protocol. and Qatar have been funnel­ U.S. support for such weap­ ing money and small arms ons transfers is unlikely to to Syria's rebels but have materialize any t im e s oon. refused to provide heavier President Barack O b ama's weapons, like shoulder-fired administration has made clear missiles, that could allow that it has no desire to deepen opposition fighters to bring its efforts, mostly providing lo­ down government aircraft, gistical support for the rebels. take out armored vehicles Administration officials would and turn the war's tide. not comment on what they are While they have publicly telling their Persian Gulf allies called for arming the rebels, about arming the rebels. "We are doing what we feel they have held back, offi­ cials in both countries said, is appropriate to help the un­ in part because they have armed opposition to be more been discouraged by the effective and working closely U.S., which fears the heavi­ with the opposition to prepare er weapons could end up in for a transition," the State De­ the hands of terrorists. partment said in response to a As a result, the rebels question on the subject. have just enough weapons to maintain a stalemate, the New action is unlikely war grinds on and more Backing from the U.N. Se­ jihadist militants join the curity Council, w here any fray every month. i ntervention i s b l ocked by "You can give the rebels the firm vetoes of Russia and AKs, but you can't stop the China, seems even less likely. Syrian regime's military Nor is the call for an Arab-led with AKs," said Khalid al­ military action in Syria, voiced Attiyah, a state minister two weeks ago by the emir of for foreign affairs in Qatar. Qatar at the U.N. General As­ Providing the rebels with sembly, expected to bear fruit. heavier weapons "has to Many Saudi and Qatari offi­ happen," he added. "But cials now fear that the fighting first we need the backing of in Syria is awakening deep the United States, and pref­ sectarian a n imosities a n d, erably the U.N." barring s uc h i n t ervention, S audi o f f i cials h e r e could turn into an uncontrol­ said the U.S. was not bar­ lable popular jihad with con­ ring them from providing sequences far more threaten­ shoulder-fired missiles, but ing to Arab governments than warning about the risks. the Afghan war of the 1980s. "If the killing continues, the The Saudis and Qataris said they hoped to convince their allies that those risks could be overcome. "We are looking at ways to put in place practices to prevent this type of weapon from falling into the wrong New York Times News Service





Ramon E splnosa / The Associated Press

Campaign posters for Hugo Chavez are pasted over — and later tom from — a mural of histori­ cal indigenous leaders in Caracas, Venezuela, on Saturday. Chavez, a former soldier turned politician, has been president of Venezuela since 1999. In those years, he has rebuilt the state to center around him, making himself the most polarizing figure in all of Latin America. Today, voters may give him the boot.


sa ein enezuea: avez's u a-ran axis By Alexander Cuadros Bloomberg News

SAO PAULO — V enezu­ elans voting whether to re­ elect Hugo Chavez today will also decide the fate of a regime that forms the linchpin of an alliance from Iran t o Cuba against U.S. policies. C havez has t a pped t h e world's largest oil reserves to provide about $7 billion an­ nually i n s u bsidized crude to Cuba and it s Caribbean neighbors, more than three times what the United States spends in aid in the Western Hemisphere. He ended anti­ d rug cooperation w it h t h e U.S. in 2005 and signed more than 100 accords with Iran even as President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's g o vernment faces growing isolation over its nuclear program. In the 58-year-old president's tightest election yet, challenger Henrique Capriles has blasted his rival for "exporting revolu­ tion" while failing to address a surge in crime and 18 percent inflation. W i t hout C h avez, countries such as Nicaragua and Bolivia would lose their "standard bearer," said Cyn­ thia Arnson, Latin America program director at the Wood­ row Wilson Center for Interna­ tional Scholars in Washington. "A Capriles victory would dramatically alter Venezuela's alliances," Arnson said in an interview. The loss of Chavez "could further isolate the small number of countries that have considered themselves part of that alternative political vision. Cuba would be a big loser." Venezuela receives thou­ sands o f C u b a n d o c tors, nurses and sports trainers in exchange for a daily supply of 100,000 barrels of oil that undermines the U.S. embargo against the 53- year-old gov­ ernment of Raul and Fidel Cas­ tro. Chavez bonded with Fidel after the Cuban revolutionary supported him during a failed 2002 coup. He has traveled to the Caribbean island to un­ dergo surgery for cancer three times since June last year. At a campaign event Oct. 2, Chavez said he'd received a letter of support from Castro. "Viva Fidel!" Chavez told thousands of supporters at the rally in Barquisimeto. "Viva Cuba!"

Iran is a 'holy matter' As U.S. and European sanc­ tions aimed at curbing Iran's n uclear program send t h e rial plunging and sow unrest, Chavez has remained a stead­ fast ally, saying that maintain­ ing ties with the Islamic Re­ public is a "holy matter." He' s visited Iran nine times during his almost 14 years in power and secured agreements to help build ca r a n d t r actor plants in Venezuela. The U.S. last year imposed sanctions on Petroleos de Ven­ ezuela, the state oil company,

Fernando Llano / The Associated Press

Henrlque Caprlles (whose campaign billboard was also defaced) has built a surpris­ ingly large following in what was once clear Chavez terri­ tory across Venezuela. The fervent support for the presi­ dent among the working poor he's graced with state lar­ gesse has eroded. Shouted one woman from her window in the sprawling Petare slum on Saturday: oEI Flaco owns the street!" (Flaco, or "Skin­ ny,o is Capriles' nickname.) in financing from Russia to buy military equipment. Chavez said in June that Venezuela would produce 25,000 assault rifles a year in addition to am­ munition, grenades and bullet­ proof vests with help from the U.S.'s former Cold War foe.

Aid to Latin America In Nicaragua, Venezuela's oil and aid program totaled $609 million last year, or almost 10 percent ofgross domestic product, according to the Cen­ tral American country's cen­ tral bank. That helped finance agricultural cooperatives and paid bonuses to 150,000 gov­ ernment workers, the bank said in a March report. U.S. aid to Latin America and the Caribbean totals about $1.9 billion annually, including counter-narcotics p r o grams for Central America, disaster assistance in Paraguay and education projects in Jamaica, according to the Congressio­ nal Research Service. W hen A r g e ntin a was blocked f ro m i n t ernational credit markets in the wake of its 2001 default on $95 billion of bonds, Chavez stepped in to buy more than $5 billion in debt, helping then-President Nestor Kirchner snub inves­ tors such as New York- based hedge fund Elliott Associates. Kirchner in 2007 let Chavez host an anti-U.S. rally at a Buenos Aires stadium. Chavez's defense of interna­ tional pariahs such as former Libyan leader Moammar Gad­ hafi and Zimbabwe's Robert Mugabe has drawn ridicule by Capriles. "Didn't we g ive Bolivar' s sword to Gadhafi two times?" Capriles said at a news confer­ ence Oct. I, referring to Latin American l i b erator S i m on Bolivar. "Who's going to want to invest in our country? We want relations with countries we have an affinity with."

his final campaign rally. "What has 21st-century so­ cialism done for you?" Capriles asked supporters. "He's given your resources to other coun­ tries. Electric plants in Nica­ ragua, tractors in Honduras, ambulances in Bolivia. He' s turned the lights on abroad while it's dark at home." Still, Capriles said in an Oct. 3 interview on Venevision that he'd maintain relations with countries such as Cuba and China.

Economic conditions Boosted by e l ection-year spending, Venezuela's econ­ omy will expand 5 percent in 2012, according to the median estimate of analysts polled by Bloomberg. The country's 18 percent inflation rate is the highest among 102 economies tracked by Bloomberg after Belarus, Iran and Argentina. It has the highest borrowing costs among major emerging markets, according to JPMor­ gan Chase indexes. Venezuela's ties with China, which has lent the govern­ ment $42.5 billion, may even improve in a Capriles admin­ istration, said Javier Corrales, co-author of "Dragon in the Tropics: Hugo Chavez and the Political Economy of Revolu­ tion in Venezuela." "You' re likely to see more attention to efficiency in oil production and ultimately the Chinese might welcome that," said Corrales, a political sci­ ence professor at A m h erst College in Massachusetts. "I would be surprised to see a major issue between them." Regardless of t h e r e sult, Chavez has changed the re­ gion's political dynamic by championing an alternative to U.S. power and economic poli­ cies, said Miguel Tinker Salas, a professor of Latin American history at Pomona College in Claremont, Calif., and author of "The Enduring Legacy: Oil, Culture and C i tizenship in Venezuela." "He blazed the trail," Tinker Salas said. "He's transformed the way that Latin America was viewed."

youth will not listen to wise voices," said Salman al-Awda, one of t hi s country's most prominent clerics, in an inter­ view. "They will find someone who will encourage them, and they will go." Already, there are signs of an uptick in the number of young men crossing illegally into Syria from Saudi Arabia and other Muslim countries, and of private fundraising ef­ forts across the gulf to help the rebels acquire heavier weapons. The f ighting h as also spilled into Turkey, which shelled Syria for four days last week after a Syrian shell killed five Turkish civilians. Saudi Arabia has long had an antagonistic relationship with the government of Presi­ dent Bashar Assad in Syria, and sees itself as the protector of Syria's Sunni majority in a country governed by Assad's Alawite minority. But the pros­ pect of an increasingly sectar­ ian civil war in Syria is deeply troubling to many here, where the Afghan j ihad spawned a generation of battle-tested zealots who returned home and waged a bloody insur­ gency that was brought under control only recently. "The g overnment r e ally doesn't want to repeat the ex­ perience we had with the guys who went to Afghanistan and Iraq," said Mshari al-Zaydi, a Saudi columnist and an expert on jihadi movements. "The damage from al-Qaida was worse in Saudi Arabia than it was in the USA."

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Turbulent times Venezuelans, whose oil-ex­ port driven economy produces little else, have become more dependent than ever under Chavez on state handouts and Capriles has expressed no in­ tention of weaning them from government aid. He has painted himself a c enter-leftist, p r omising t o keep the missions and not to thin public payrolls. Capriles is, however, solidly backed by Venezuela's right and that has stoked fears of a huge purge of Chavez loyalists if he wins. The fears have fueled spo­ r adic v i olence. L i t tl e h a s been lethal, but two Capriles supporters were shot d ead last weekend in t h e p r esi­ dent's home state of Barinas, and some b lamed Chavez

for working with Iran's energy

Relations up for review

i ndustry. According t o t h e State Department, it sent two cargoes of gasoline additives worth $50 million to Iran from December 2010 to March 2011. After the U.S. imposed an arms embargo on Venezuela in 2006, Chavez tapped $4 billion

I f elected, Capriles h a s vowed to review all of Venezu­ ela's international agreements, Opinion polls have varied saying the country shouldn' t widely and are largely consid­ be "giving away" its oil r e­ ered unreliable, so intuition is sources. Chavez's foreign proj­ getting a workout. ects are undermining develop­ — The Associated Press ment in Venezuela, he said at contributed to this report.




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Oregon news, B3 W eather, B6 Obituaries, B4

© www.bendbulletin.corn/local


LOCAL BRIEFING Fire south of Bend contained quickly A warming fire lit by an early morning canoe­ ist escaped Saturday, growing to 1t/2 acres be­ fore it was extinguished. The Central Oregon Interagency Dispatch Center said the canoeist called to report the fire on the lava flow side of the river near Aspen Camp, upstream from Lava Island Falls, at around 5 a.m. Water­ dropping helicopters, hand crews and an engine crew brought the fire under control, and it was declared contained at around 6:30 p.m. Because of the rocky terrain in the area sur­ rounding the fire, the potential for it to grow was limited, dispatchers said. — From staff reports

Pu ictomeet Re mon inaist By Ben Botkin The Bulletin

Before Redmond hires its next city manager, the public will have a chance to meet the finalist. The city has scheduled a public event Monday with its finalist, David Mickaelian, the current assistant city manager of Healdsburg, Calif. Mickaelian will par­ ticipate in a question-and-an­ swer session at the meeting,

which is planned for 5 to 6:30 p.m. Monday at Redmond City Hall, 716 SW Evergreen Ave. Mickaelian is the city's only finalist for the opening. Redmond Mayor George Endicott said Mickaelian's background meets what the city is seeking. That includes experience with an airport and its surrounding business development,managing a municipal golf system and col­

lective bargaining. "He was the guy who had all the major things we were looking for," Endicott said. Five candidates interviewed for the position with panels of city councilors, staff and the public. About 30 people applied. "In the final analysis, all of them could do basic city services," Endicott said. "But we' re going to have some things coming up or things

that we are dealing with that we think guidance from a real good, strong city manager will make a difference." The city hasn't yet offered a contract to Mickaelian, but could by the end of October, Endicott said. Mickaelian's contract with Healdsburg requires 60 days' notice. If the city hires him, the goal is to get him into the posi­ tion by Jan. I, Endicott said. See Redmond/B2


shoremen plan protest on Columbia River. • Salem:Inmates work on farm that provides for food banks. to build secure data facility.

Joe totnei Ttte Bulletin

Twenty-month-old Cash Hall, of Redmond,looks over as his dad, Brandon, sets a big pumpkin down in the stroller next to him Saturday. Hall bought the pumpkin at the Fall Festival in downtown Bend. The festival concludes today.

road closures


uo o

pa~i' " Greg Cross i The Bulletin


es iva in u swin um ins an ie

By Scott Hammers The Bulletin

Brandon Hall of Redmond grappled with a pumpkin as big around as a snow tire Saturday afternoon, hoist­ ing it on his hip to wrestle it into the double-wide stroller alongside his son, 20-month­ old Cash. "Every year, they have to get a big one," Hall said. The Bend Fall Festival, Cash said,maybethe best

The Bulletin

Reported for Central and Eastern Oregon. For the latest information, visit www.nwccweb .us/information/ firemap.aspx. =-­



pumpkin deal in Bend, just $3 forhis monster squash, compared to the $25 or so he'd expect to pay elsewhere in the area. Now in its 12th year, the Bend Fall Festival features much of the same music, art and street food found at any of the other festivals held throughout the year, but with a seasonal twist. Local home brewers will be showing off their best fresh hop or har­

vest-themed beers in a contest at 11 a.m. today, and kids can paint pumpkins through the end of the festival at 5 p.m. On Saturday, the annual pumpkin pie contest took center stage, with 19 local bakers serving up their best to a panel of judges. Kelsie Redington, 23, of Bend, spent much of the week fine-tuning her pie recipe. The pie she baked Saturday morn­ ing was her third of the week,

with the other two taken in to work to be devoured and cri­ tiqued by her co-workers. Redington said fresh ingre­ dients are the key to a flavor­ ful pie. She roasted multiple fresh pumpkins earlier in the week and experimented with her first two pies to find the right balance between the lighter fresh pumpkin and the more dense and flavorful canned variety. SeeFall/B2

Sisters Highgets hospital-grade air filter system By Lauren Dake


race for attorney general


Bend Fall Festival


runs 'Ist

E llen Jam e s Rosendlum Buchal

• Springfield:Symantec

Greenwoodtm ve.



• Portland:Long­


For our complete coverage, visit www.bendbulletin.corn/ elections.

In most political con­ tests, incumbent office­ holders have the benefit — or liability, as the case may be — of running on their records. But in this year's race for attorney general of Oregon, incumbent El­ len Rosenblum will have served only four months when voters choose who gets the next four-year term. Gov. John Kitzhaber appointed Rosenblum at the end of June after John Kroger resigned to become the president of Reed College. See Attorney/B5


I ~ Closedroads


The Bulletin


Oregon Avenue is currently closed. Parking lots close at 5:30 p.m., and remaining streets close at 10 p.m. All streets will reopen at 6 a.m. Monday.


By Andrew Clevenger


Stories on B3


SALEM — When the Pole Creek Fire raged through the Three Sisters Wilderness Area last month, the hallways in the local schools were filled with a haze. "It looked like the ocean on a foggy day," said Sisters School District Superinten­ dent Jim Golden. "I couldn' t see across the street."

The absenteeism rate spiked at Sisters High School. The number of students who called in sick more than dou­ bled from the school's aver­ age, from less than 5 percent of students to 12 percent. "The eyes were itchy and you felt lethargic, and some people had worse symptoms than others.... If you had asth­ ma, it was not the place to be," said Principal Joe Hosang.

This is what Julie and Ben­ ny Benson noticed when they spent time at their daughter' s school. The Sisters residents co-own ENERGY-neering Solutions and are engineers. The couple opened up their checkbooks, enlisted the help of their employees and helped the district install hospital­ grade air filters. The tab went up to about $10,000. But the filters

worked. "The normal filters you put in the system won't stop the particulate matter down as low as you need to go," said Leland Bliss, director of op­ erations for the district. Although it's not normal for smoke to fill the hallways to the extent it did, it's not unusu­ al for smoke to be a concern, Bliss said. SeeSisters/B2

Treasurer candidates push PERS reform By Andrew Clevenger The Bulletin

WASHINGTON — The 2013 legislative session looms large for the next Oregon state treasurer. The session represents the next opportunity for lawmakers to revise the Public Employee Retire­ ment System, or PERS. Under its current struc­ ture, employers, such as local school districts and county governments, will be required to increase their contributions to the retirement plan in order for PERS to meet its mounting obligation. This means there will be less public money to be spent on teachers, law enforcement and other emergency services. SeeTreasurer /B5

State treasurer

Thomas Cox

Ted Wh e eler

W.' MgrasI'g

Bend decides in1912 to useU.S. labor on sewer project 1. Pole Creek Fire • Acres: 26,510 • Containment: 85% Cause: Under investigation 2. Bald Mountain Fire • Acres: 1,009 • Containment: 0% • Cause: Lightning

Compiled by Don Hotness from archivedcopies ofThe Bulletin at the Des Chutes Historical Museum.

100 YEARSAGO For the week ending Oct. 6, 1912

Surprised at growth of neighboring town Monday afternoon Dr. U.C. Coe, Clyde McKay, O.C. Henkle and Vernon A. Forbes

YESTERDAY made a trip to Sisters. All those in the party had been to the neighboring town recently except Mr. Forbes whose last visit there was in August of last year. Speaking yesterday of the growth of the town, Mr. Forbes said: "I was certainly greatly surprised at the growth of Sisters since I was last there in August, 1911. I hardly knew

the place, it had grown so much. Along the main street I noticed a large number of new buildings, some of them of two stories. The town has spread out a lot, too, with new residences all about. It was a distinct surprise to me, and I must say that the conclusion which I was forced to draw is that Sisters has developed to the point where it is one of the leading towns of the county. Bend, the metropolis of Crook county[Deschutes County

was formed in 1916 from part of Crook County], must sit up and take notice of this com­ ing community at the foot of the magnificent Three Sisters mountain peaks."

Another well on Burnsroad Well drilling operations in the Hampton Valley continue with great success. The latest achievement is the sinking of a hole at the 62t/2 milepost on the Bend-Burns road, with water a-plenty at 160 feet.A.S.

Fogg, postmaster at Hampton, was here the first of the week and took out the casing. By the end of the week this will have been installed and the well will be ready for use. Water will be supplied to all travelers who wish it free of charge. In addition sheds have been constructed at the well for the convenience of the freighters and others who wish to camp there. Hay will be kept forsaleatreasonable prices. SeeYesterday /B2




The Bensons have started what they coined "Clean Air Continued from B1 for Kids" with the hopes that The U.S. Forest Service of­ funds collected can go toward ten burns the debris on the for­ the costs of the filters and any est floor in the winter. future filters. And when that happens, "a Rep. John Huffman, R-The lot of times we' ll get an inver­ Dalles, plans to get the state sion and it will get smoky," involved. He hopes to request Bliss said. funds — the amount hasn' t

Yesterday Continued from B1

Home labor to build sewer In order to keep at home as much as possible the money spent for the construction of the sewer system, the City Council last night adopted a resolu­ tion calling for the embodying of a provision in the contract calling for the employment of American l abor. Foreigners employed on public works have been found to send back to the old country a big per cent of their wages, to the detriment of the community where they la­ bor. The city is willing to pay a little more for the construction, knowing that a big part of it will not be sent across the Atlantic. City Attorney Forbes sug­ gested the resolution to t he council, stating that it was the idea of Dr. U.C. Coe, who, while he was mayor, took the first step toward having a sewer system.

75 YEARS AGO For the week ending Oct. 6, 1937

Black admits taking oath as Klansman Acknowledging a f o r m er membership in the Ku Klux Klan, Hugo L. Black prepared today to don the black robes of a high justice and to sit Monday for the first time as an associate justice of the United States Su­ preme Court. Speaking to an estimated 31,000,000 persons over the nation's combined radio net­ works last night, Justice Black set forth his former connection with the Klan, denounced, indi­ rectly, its creed and objectives, and pledged for religious toler­ ance and liberal principles. His speech ended all reports that he might resign or that he would accept any suggestion that he should resign. It was believed that he had endeav­ ored to close finally the public controversy growing out of a newspaper expose of his for­ mer Klan affiliation.

Congressmaybe called for extra session President Roosevelt said flat­ ly today that he had received no advance information on the subject matter of Associate Supreme Court Justice Hugo L. Black's Ku Klux Klan radio address. Roosevelt declared he had not communicated with Black about his broadcast last Friday night admitting one-time mem­ bership in the Ku Klux Klan. The president discussed the possibility of a special session of congress that he may call for between November 8 and 16.

Roosevelt's speech stirs muchdebate President Roosevelt's Chi­ cago speech on peace met with varied reaction in foreign countries today — unfavorable in Germany, Italy and Japan, hailed enthusiastically in China and with reserved approval in Great Britain and France.

The British attitude was one of curiosity over the extent of action Roosevelt might take to put his suggestions into ef­ fect. The cabinet discussed his speech but was not prepared to take any initiative towards a boycott of Japan, leaving such a decision to the League of Nations. Berlin was skeptical of the practical value of the presi­ dent's speech. A Japanese spokesman said that the Japanese, as "have nots," are entitled to equal status with the nations which "have."

50 YEARSAGO For the week ending Oct. 6, 1962

U.S. Officersescort James Meredith to classes James Meredith, 29, began his second day of classes today at a University of Mississippi campus tightly guarded by 15,000 U.S. troops. There were no incidents. Meredith was accompanied by Chief U.S. Marshal James M cShane and number a ofoth­ er officers. To reach the Gradu­ ate School Building for his 8 a.m. class in American colonial history he was driven past the debris of Sunday night rioting that left two dead, 75 injured and more than 200 arrested. Meredith left his first class at 8:55 a.m. and was driven to his next class. A few students glanced curiously as he passed but there were n o d erisive shouts as there were Monday. The car containing Meredith was followed by an Army truck containing si x r i fl e-bearing soldiers. Although the campus was quiet, there were reminders that it was the armed might of the federal government that kept it so. During the night, 27 persons armed with shotguns, baseball bats and lead pipes were ar­ rested at some of the numerous road blocks around the city. A machete was found in one car. Those arrested were taken to the airport and placed in a compound. The campus was anything but a typical college scene. Be­ sides the litter, includingburned out automobiles, and mounds of tear gas canisters, soldiers with rifles and combat fatigue uniforms lounged where coeds usually strolled. Many of the coeds were not around today. Many of them were taken from the campus by anxious parents.

Meredith sayshismorale remains high

been determined — to help cover the costs. "We put in a p l aceholder request ... to see if we can get money so the kids can go to school and actually breathe while they are there," Huff­ man said. — Reporter: 541-554-1182, IdalzeC<bendbulletin.corn

Going back to the question of whether he was discouraged by the climate on campus, Mer­ edith said: "I am absolutely in­ tent on seeing that every citizen is given a right to be something if he works hard enough. Ne­ groes in Mississippi are being denied many of the rights basic to American democracy."


community members through each of m y p r o g ressively Continued from B1 more-responsible positions," M ickaelian c o uldn't b e he wrote. reached for comment. In his Mickaelian started working cover letter to the city, Mick­ for Healdsburg in 2005 as the aelian stresses his ability to community services direc­ work closely with people of tor and became the assistant diverse backgrounds. He also city manager in 2010. As the wrote that his city's permit­ community services director, ting and development process Mickaelian restarted the city' s became more friendly to busi­ parks and recreation depart­ nesses under his leadership ment's operations after years of changing the culture of of inactivity, according to his departments. resume. He also opened the "I have been able to work city's first community center. with and develop teams of Healdsburg has a popula­ employees, volunteers, and tion of 11,000. Redmond's

Recovered artifacts include Indian work The cache of illegally exca­ vated artifactsrecovered on the Deschutes National Forest last month contains the largest number of Native American ob­ jects ever seized in a raid in the United States, a U.S. Forest Ser­ vice spokesman said last week.

Traces of early man destroyed by looters In the heat of an Indian sum­ mer afternoon, a cool breeze blew through the lava rock shelter on the edge of the High Desert. "It's like an oasis," Deschutes National Forest archaeologist Jill Osborn said, examining the area that thousands of years ago was a campsite for a family or small tribe. Game was plentiful near the lava flow and tribal members had an abundant supply of obsidian with which to make stone tools. When the heat of the day became unbearable families would gather in the shelter — a "cul-de-sac" in the lava flow — to keep cool. "I certainly would gather here," said Osborn, her face flushed from the exertion of ex­ amining the site during a warm afternoon last week. While Osborn is able to spec­ ulate on the prehistoric people who camped at the shelter, the picture of long-ago life at the site has been muddled by looters. 'You can see how they' ve just potted the thing out," said ar­ chaeologist Carl Davis, point­ ing to a patch of ground. Three or four thousand years ago the area probably had been used for storage of such things as baskets, rabbit snares and other primitive utensils, said Davis. Davis spent a few days last week helping Osborn launch a field investigation that will seek to match illegally exca­ vated artifacts seized in a raid near Sunriver last month with the sites from which they were taken. "The goal of a rchaeology is not to excavate every single site," Osborn emphasized. That's because excavation techniques are constantly be­ coming more sophisticated and leaving a site untouched will allow scientists of the future to glean more information.

Development Event

Presented by Nikki Nemerouf

Joe KIne/The Bulletin

Meyee Cha, right, of Portland, helps Dita Keith, of Bend, assemble a bouquet of flowers from her booth at the Bend Fall Festival on Saturday.

Continued from B1 The hazelnuts she pu­ reed into a paste to spread on the crust were roasted in her own oven, she said, and early Saturday morning, she started the preparation of her competition pie by hand-grinding her cinna­ mon, ginger, allspice and cloves. Baker Jeremy Hailer, 28, a student in the Central Or­ egon Community College culinary program, brought a double-layered pie, with a pumpkin cheesecake on the bottom and a more tra­ ditional pumpkin pie filling on the upper half. Good pie, Hailer said, starts with the crust — once you' ve found a crust you like, keep practicing with it. Once perfected, you can use it to make almost any pie. Any fall celebration con­ tains an element of grati­ tude for the harvest, and

for the family behind Severson Farms near Springfield, this year's growing season was a tense high-wire act from be­ ginning to end. Standing atop a fla t b ed trailer piled with sweet corn, Dick Severson said because of a cool spring, crops that would ordinarily be planted in May weren't in the ground until early July. Once the heat ar­ rived, a dry spell set in — 100 days with no rain, a mark not seen since 1942 — forcing his family to find ways to keep the crop irrigated during the hot­ test part of the year. "It's an interesting profes­ sion to be in; every year is a little bit different," Severson said. "In recent years we' ve had so many extremes, we don't even know what normal is anymore." Late in the season, Severson contemplated giving up on his

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crop and using the immature ears for cattle feed. But he hung on and September was unusually warm, and the corn came in. Farming, he said, can be an emotionally exhausting way to make a living. "It does make you worry," Severson said. "But it always seems to work out."


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— Reporter: 541-977-7185, bbotlzin@bendbulletin.corn Reporter Zaclz Hall contributed to this report.

For the week ending Oct. 6, 1987

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be ndbroadband" bendbroadband

Redmond's former city manager, David Brandt, left for a similar job in Cupertino, Calif., in August.


James H. Meredith, 29, first Negro ever admitted to the University of Mississippi, said today that hi s m orale was high and come what may he plans to finish his education here. "At this point it is more for America than it is for me," Mer­ Note to readers: Numerous edith said, as he sat in his bare interpretive signs have been white-walled room on the sec­ put in place at sites such as the ond floor of Baxter Hall. Lava Island Rock Shel ter.

C OCC L e a d e r s h i p

population is 27,000. Prior to working in Healds­ burg, Mickaelian was the sen­ ior parks and recreation su­ pervisor for Roseville, Calif., from 2001 to 2005. Mickaelian was the pro­ gram director for the Blaine County Recreation District in Idaho.


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nma eswor arm or oo an s Longshoremen

plan river protest

By Saerom Yoo The Statesman Journal

SALEM — M a r i on-Polk Food Share is continuing to build its partnerships with Oregon inmates to help pro­ vide food to hungry families — this time, in rural Marion County. The regional food bank has leased 123 acres of a state-owned farm near the Mill Creek Correctional Fa­ cility and began harvesting Sept. 28. It is expecting to get 300,000-400,000 pounds each of acorn squash and b utternut s q u ash, h a n d ­ p icked by a c r e w o f M i l l Creek inmates over the next six weeks. Chief Operating O f f icer Rick Gaupo said M a r ion­ Polk Food Share will be able to use about 30 percent of the acorn squash to distribute to local pantries. It will share the rest with Oregon Food B ank's network o f 2 0 r e ­ gional food banks. The but­ ternut squash will be sold to National Frozen Foods Corp. to help offset the logistics costs. Marion-Polk Food Share signed a n ine-year renew­ able lease with the Oregon Department of Corrections to use the land at $ 1 p er year. Iverson Family Farms is operating the farm, in ex­ change for crops produced on 103 acres. Inmates are also providing labor in ex­ change for 20,000 pounds each of corn and squash to help feed inmates across the state. The food share also re­ ceives produce from garden­ ing programs at state pris­ ons and the Marion County Work Release Center. Because this is the f i rst year of the agreement, the food share is still learning about farming and the po­ tential impacts t hi s c ould have on its work. It could be a game-changer. Starting with the in-house production of protein patties that began early this year, M arion-Polk F o o d S h a r e began challenging the tradi­

Kobbt R. Btatr/Statesman-Journal

inmates from Mill Creek Correctional Facility harvest acorn squash recently for the Marion­ Polk Food Share in Salem. tional route that begins with food and m onetary d ona­ tions to the food bank, which supplies the pantries, which then distribute the food in the community. Leaders at the time were asking, "Can we make our own product?" Gaupo said. The new project extends the question to "Can we grow our product?" Gaupo said that while food banks will always stay in the food donation business, it continues to add more tools that can mean more food for hungry families. The local partnership that will have statewide impacts is an example of how strong the Oregon Food Bank net­ work is, said Mike Moran, food resource manager. The network consists of 20 re­ gional food b a nk s a cross the state and Clark County, Wash. OFB will pick up squash twice a week for the next six weeks to distribute across the state. Paul Stanley, a p r o ject manager for the corrections

department, said the farm land had been left unused since the Legislature years ago shut down the p rison farm operation. Still, t ax­ payer dollars w ere b eing used to keep the land mowed and freeof insects. The agreement is freeing up those taxpayer dollars, he said, as well as lowering the cost of feeding inmates. The inmate crews are getting ex­ posure to farming and con­ tributing to the community. Food share president Ron Hays said that while the farm has great potential, there is a challenge to maximizing the amount of food that can go straight to the food bank. Without the ability to pro­ cess and preserve the mas­ sive amount of food, it won' t be able to use much. Squash was a good option this year because it stays fresh longer than other produce. "I don't know what the fu­ ture holds," he said. Moran said Marion-Polk Food Share's food-growing initiative is an example of how food banks can creative­

ly seek new food sources to keep up with demand. He said while other food banks across the country are ex­ ploring farming options, he likes that the Marion-Polk Food Share was able to get the land, farming expertise and labor at a low cost. "We have to find new re­ sources," he said. "This is a great way of learning how we can do that. It'd be great if we can replicate it in other counties across the state." The deal is also new ter­ ritory for commercial farm­ ers, which could be seen as a risk. Farmer Jon Iverson said the family business eased into the project starting with m any meetings last w i n ­ ter. In the end, the Iversons supported the food share's vision. "We kind of saw, if t h is w orks, h o w mu c h fo o d they' ll be able t o supply," Iverson said. "They get a lot of food and in return we get the acreage we were look­ ing for. It was kind of a great opportunity."

The Associated Press PORTLAND — Longshore­ men plan to take to the water if northwest grain terminal own­ ers decide to lock them out of their jobs, a U.S. Coast Guard official says. Capt. Bruce Jones, com­ manding officer for Oregon and southern W a shington, told The Oregonian that his agency has been meeting with representatives from the Inter­ national Longshore and Ware­ house Union. The longshore­ men said they intend to protest in boats on the Columbia and Willamette rivers if a lockout occurs. "They told us that at this time if it does become a protest, they do intend to have boats on the water," Jones said. "They as­ sured us they would not use their vessels to try to blockade the channel." The union contract between longshoremen and the compa­ nies that operate six grain ter­ minals in the Pacific Northwest expired Sept. 30, but the sides agreed to extend talks into mid-October. There's no indica­ tion that negotiations will fail,

but Coast Guard officials have been talking with union leaders and others along the rivers to lay plans in case they do. Jones said managers of a security company that would be hired by terminals in the event of a lockout told the Coast Guard they are considering hir­ ing some patrolmen in boats. Security boatmen, however, would haveno enforcement au­ thority on the water, where the Coast Guard and sheriffs' de­ partments have jurisdiction. Jones said Coast Guard offi­ cials will continue talking with the longshore union, terminal managers and others.


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Mayor of Bend, 1991, 2009, 2010 Bend City Councilor, 22 years Rotary Club of Bend, President 09 — 10

Symantec tobuid secure datafaci ity The Associated Press SPRINGFIELD — Symantec is building a security operations center at its Springfield facility to meet a growing demand for storing sensitive data, company officials say. The computer security and data storage company said con­ struction should be finished by November on the nearly 3,400­ square-foot center, The Regis­ ter-Guard newspaper reported Saturday. The center will be staffed by about a dozen employees who will work in shifts around the clock, 365 days a year. It's un­ clear whether those workers will be new hires. Symantec's I, 170-employee Springfield complex provides customer service support for large businesses, universities, government agencies and other organizations. The main function of the new security center will be to back up sensitive data for some of Symantec's biggest customers, said Paul Meijer, Symantec's senior director of infrastructure operations. The facility also

will be a backup for Syman­ tec's half-dozen other security operations centers around the world, including one at corpo­ rate headquarters in Mountain View, Calif. Employees who work in the new center will need to pass credit and criminal background checks, Meijer said. Symantec was founded in 1982 and built a name for it­ self with its Norton antivirus software. Cybersecurity is no longer just about keeping "something bad from happening," said Cris Paden, a company spokesman. "It's not about building up a brick wall around a building, or servers, to make sure nothing can get in," Paden said. "That' s part of it. But another part is, if you do get hit, have you backed up your information? And is it accessible in a quick and effec­ tive manner?" Paden said putting a secu­ rity operations center in the Eugene-Springfield area made sense because the company already has a strong presence there.

wANTED vENDQRS! New ven lors marLet openin) in Beni, Ore)on. Northwest Picl~ers O' Consig'nment, LLC. Great opportunity! Collectors, artisans anl craftsman who want to have a winter outlet for their quality merchan bise inloors Saturleys, Ocb throu)h March. $25 per Jay for 8'x10' space. Sell your wares in a warm comfortable space mth htt,h buyer traffic.

as: "We are the 99 percent­ ers." When they passed Wells Fargo, they yelled: "Banks got bailed out. We got sold out." There were no reports of trouble. The Oregonian newspaper reported that marchers polite­ ly stopped outside the Benson hotel to let newlyweds get pho­ tographs taken.

Bend-La Pine Public Schools, Human Resources Deschutes County Field Representative, US Senator Ron Wyden a

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OccupyPortandmarks anniversarywith march The Associated Press PORTLAND — A c t i vists marched through the streets to mark the one-year anniver­ sary of the Occupy Portland encampment. Roughly 300 protesters be­ gan the march Saturday af­ ternoon at Shemanski Park in Downtown Portland. They chanted slogans such

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BITIj ARIES Gary Soules


June 30, 1948 - Oct. 3, 2012

Benjamin "Darrell" Morganti, of La Pine

Terry Lee Makinson, of La Pine

Feb. 18, 1941 - Sept. 30, 2012 Arrangements: Baird Memorial Chapel, La Pine, OR 541-536-51 04 www.bairdmortuaries.corn Services: A Celebration of Life will be held at a later date.

Aug. 12, 1959 - Oct. 2, 2012 Arrangements: Baird Memorial Chapel, La Pine, OR 541-536-51 04 www.bairdmorfuaries.corn Services: A memorial service will be held at 1:00 p.m. Thurs., October 11, 2012, Pentecostal Church of God, 51491 Morson St., in La Pine.

Contributions may be made to:

South Central Oregon Outreach Toy Run (SCOOTR), P.O. Box 3291, La Pine, OR 97739; 541-536-2644; www.scootr.org

Craig Allen Bruce, of Bend May 7, 1953 - Oct. 4, 2012 Arrangements: Autumn Funerals, Bend. Please visit the online registry at www.autumnfunerals.net. 541-31 8-0842 Services: A Memorial Service will be announced at a later date. Contributions may be made to:

Central Oregon Veterans Outreach, 117 NW LafayetteAve., Bend, OR 97701, www.covo-us.org or Wounded Warrior Project, 4899 Belforl Road, Suite 300, Jacksonville, Florida 32256,


Emilie Sue Wilkins, of Bend Mar. 30, 1941 - Sept. 30, 2012 Arrangements: Autumn Funerals, Bend 541-31 8-0842 www.autumnfunerals.corn Services: A Memorial Service will be held on Wednesday, October 12, 2012 at 11:00 Am at the Sherwood Elks Lodge, located at 22770 SW Elwert Road, in Sherwood, Oregon. Contributions may be made to:

Humane Society of Central Oregon, 61170 SE 27th Street, Bend, Oregon 97702 www.hsco.org

George Allen Anderson, of Bend Jan. 9, 1949 - Oct. 1, 2012 Arrangements: Autumn Funerals, Bend 541-31 8-0842 www.autumnfunerals.corn Services: A Celebration of George' s Life lived will take place at a later date. Contributions may be made to:

Humane Society of the Ochocos, 1280 Tom McCall Road, Prineville, Oregon 97754, (541) 447-7178 or Equine Outreach, 63220 Silvis Road, Bend, Oregon 97701, (541) 419-4842.

Glenda Marie Kessell, of Redmond Nov. 4, 1937 - Oct. 2, 2012 Arrangements: Deschutes Memorial Chapel, 541-382-5592


Services: A memorial service may be held at a later date. Contributions may be made to:

Partners In Care 2075 NE Wyatt Court Bend, OR 97701 www.partnersbend.org

Gloria Ann Barkley, of Bend Feb. 14, 1943-Oct. 2, 2012 Arrangements: Deschutes Memorial Chapel, 541-382-5592 Sign the online registry at www.deschutesmemonalchapel.corn

Services: No services will be held.

Sharon Lee Melkonian, of Bend Oct. 16, 1932 - Sept. 30, 2012 Arrangements: Deschutes Memorial Chapel, (541)382-5592; www.deschutesmemonalchapel.corn

Services: Were held at 11:00 AM, Saturday, October 6, 2012; Memorial Mass at St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church (Historic), Franklin and Lava Ave., Bend.

Contributions may be made


Pentecostal Church of God, 51491 Morson St., La Pine, OR 97739 541-536-2940

Robert "Bob" Wade Newell, of La Pine Oct. 7, 1944 - Sept. 14, 2012 Arrangements: Baird Memorial Chapel, La Pine, 541-536-5104 www.bairdmorfuaries.corn Services: A private Memorial Service in Coos Bay for family and close friends will be held at a later date. Contributions may be made


Partners ln Care Hospice, 2075 NE Wyatt Ct., Bend, OR 97701, 541-382-5882, www.partnersbend.org.

William F. Barnett, of Bend Sept. 6, 1939- Sept. 30, 2012 Arrangements: Deschutes Memorial Chapel, (541)382-5592; www.deschutesmemonalchapel.corn

Services: A Private Gathering for Family and Friends will be held at a later time. Contributions may be made


Partners ln Care Hospice, 2075 NE Wyatt Ct., Bend 97701 or Newport Avenue Church of Christ, 554 Northwest Newport Avenue, Bend, OR 97701.

John Kevin Hartford Feb. 24, 1958 - Sept. 21, 2012 J ohn was b or n i n P o r t ­ l and, O r e gon, t o Ja m e s Hartford and Eunice (Nel­ s on) C u n n i n g ham. J o h n a ttended H i l l s bor o H i g h School, then went I on to graduate from Oregon State Uni­ v ersity i n 1984. John started his John Hartford career f irst a s a h igh scho o l sci en c e teacher an d g i r l s b a sket­ ball coach in St. Paul, Or­ egon, then Westview High S chool i n B e a v erton. H e went on t o e ar n h i s m a s­ ters degree in a dministra­ t ion a t G e o rg e Fo x C o l ­ lege. In 2003, he and his fam­ i ly moved to R edmond to b ecome Vice P r i ncipal a t Hartman M i d d l e S c h o ol, t hen P r i n cipal a t Ly n c h Elementary, and Pr incipal a t Elton G r e gory M i d d l e School. J ohn w a s a Ch r i s t i a n man who loved his family a nd c o m munity . H i s f a ­ vorite activities were fam­ ily ti me, anything i n v o lv­ ing t h e g r e a t o u t d o ors, c ooking, m e n t orin g c h i l ­ d ren, watching an d p l a y ­

ing sports an d

m a k ing

people laugh. He is survived by his wife of 2 5 y ea r s , M a r y a n n ; d aughter, Hal e y ; so n , K evin; an d m a n y f a m i l y and friends. D onations can b e m a d e to Hope for Hartford fam­ i ly f o u n d ation , c a r e o f Bank of Cascades in Red­ mond.

Garet (Gary) A. Soules of P rineville, O R, p a ss e d a way a t S t . Ch a r l e s i n Bend, Oregon, on October 3 , 2012, at the age o f 6 4 . He was born June 30, 1948, in Grand Forks, ND, to Ga­ ret J. Soules and Dacotah Swett Soules. Gary grew up in Billings, P,." MT, and $ Warm Springs, OR. He gradu­ ated from Gary Soules Madras H igh School i n 1 966 an d attended D i c k inson S t ate C ollege. I n 1 9 69, h e e n ­ l isted i n t h e U . S . A r m y . G ary served a s a s q u a d l eader f or a six -m a n long-range reconnais­ sance p l a toon w i t h the 101st Airborne Infantry in V ietnam, an d a s a d o o r gunner and crew chief on assault helicopters. After b e i n g ho n o r a b ly discharged from the Army, he returned t o D i c k i nson State and graduated with a degree in Biology in 1976. H e married his w ife of 40 y ears, Carol J. M a r t in, o f Valley City, ND, in 1972. Gary began his career as a Field B i o l ogist f o r t h e Oregon De p a r t men t of Fish and Wi l d life in 1978. He w o r k e d th r o u g h out Eastern Oregon during his 32 years wit h t h e d epart­ ment. In 1986, he settled in Prinevill e w h ere he w orked e x t e n sively on habitat projects on private and public lands, building p artnerships an d m a k i n g friends w i t h la n d o w ners and agency personnel. G ary wa s a n a v i d o u t ­ doorsmen who p assed on that love and respect to fu­ ture g enerations t h r ough h is mentoring of y o uth i n The Boy Scouts of A merica an d V en tu r e Scouts, Hunter Education, M t. J e f f erson R i fl e A r ­ chery and P i stol A s socia­ t ion, Cen t r a l Or ego n Schools, Rim Rock T r ails, and local conservation or­ g anizations. H e w a s a l so an advocate for v e terans, active in the VFW, Band of Brothers, the Vietnam Vet­ erans Association, and Or­ egon Veterans Motorcycle A ssociation. H e en j o y e d Dutch oven cooking, Har­ ley Davidson Motorcycles, and once rode a bear. H is special passion w a s w orkin g w i th Sav in g Grace in C entral O r egon, providing support and safe haven for victims of sexual a ssault and d o mestic v i o­ lence. He believed that ev­ eryone has the right to live life f r e e f r o m v i o l e n ce. G ary served a s a b o a r d m ember f o r e i g h t y e a r s a nd a s a vo l u n t ee r f o r many more. He is remem­ bered for his service to his c ountry, h i s c o m m u n i ty , and his giving heart. G ary is s u r v ived b y h i s wife, Carol Soules, daugh­ ters, Karen Soules and Di­ ana Johnson, daughter and s on-in-law, L aura an d J T Cray, and son and f i ance, J ohn Soules and Amy A b ­ bott. He is also survived by h is t w i n b r o t h er , G r e g S oules, his b r o t hers, Ji m S oules, Dick S o u les, an d sister, Becky Curnutt. Visitation i s sc h e d uled f or M o n d ay , O c t ober 8 , 2012, at Prineville Funeral H ome, 199 N E 1 0 t h S t . , Prineville, 3:00-7:00 p.m. T he funeral w il l b e h e l d Tuesday, October 9, 2012, at 12:30 p.m., at the Carey Foster Hall, Crook County Fairgrounds i n P r i n eville. A p r o cession t o J u n i p er Haven C e m etery f o r a graveside s e r v i c e w it h M ilitary H o n or s w i l l f o l ­ low at 2:00 p.m. There will be a p ot l u c k r e c e p tion following t h e i n t e r nment back at Carey Foster Hall. Memorial co n t r i b utions may be made to Saving G race or to th e y o uth o r ­ ganization of your choice.

DEATHS ELSEWHERE Deaths of note from around dents to voluntarily use bus­ the world: ing to end segregation in an Sam Steiger, 83:New Yorker urban school district, doing who transformed himself into so in White Plains, N.Y., in the a Western rancher, served 1960s to a positive commu­ five terms in the House as a nity response. Died Monday in Republican from Arizona and Sarasota, Fla. barged brashly through a se­ Howard Scott, 92:Part of the riesof scandals and controver­ team at Columbia Records that sies. Died Sept. 26 in Prescott, introduced the l ong-playing Ariz. vinyl record in 1948, he went Carroll Johnson, 99: South­ on to produce classical music. ern-born educator who was Died Monday in Sarasota, Fla. one of the f irst superinten­ — From wire reports

Venezia wrote

about horrors of Auschwitz By Dennis Hevesi New York Times News Service

Shlomo Venezia was one of the first Jews to climb out of the freight car when it came to the end of the line at the Aus­ chwitz-Birkenau c o n centra­ tion camp in Poland on April 11, 1944, his mother crammed behind him. Two blows from a German guard's baton struck him in the back of the neck. "When I t u r ne d a r ound to try to find my mother, she wasn't t h ere

FEATURED anym ore," recalled. OBITUARY he "I never saw her again, she wasn't there, and neither were my two little sisters ..." Venezia, an Italian Jew who died at 88 on Monday in Rome, would enter what Primo Levi, the writer and f ellow Aus­ chwitz survivor, called "the gray zone," where terrorized victims survived on the fringe of collaboration. A sturdy 20­ year-old, he was ordered into the Sonderkommando, a unit of prisoners forced to direct thou­ sands of other victims into the gas chambers and to bear their bodies into the crematories. For nearly 50 years he remained haunted and virtually silent about his role in the horror. "Not because I didn't want to talk," he said, "but because peo­ ple didn't want to listen, didn' t want to believe it." That changed in the early 1990s, when right-wing ex­ tremism reared again in Italy and, Venezia said, "swastikas began to appear on w a lls." He began to speak at confer­ ences,to reporters, to school­ children — and most notably to Beatrice Prasquier, a jour­ nalist with w hom, i n 2 007, he published "Inside the Gas Chambers: Eight Months in the Sonderkommando at Aus­ chwitz." The book offers a har­ rowingly matter-of-fact account in which he describes loading corpses into the ovens 12 hours a day, seven days a week. Origi­ nally published in French as an oral history in the form of an in­ terview with Prasquier, "Inside the Gas Chambers" has since been translated into nearly two dozen languages. About 500,000 people, 90 percent of them Jews, were killed during Venezia's nine months at Auschwitz, which ended on Jan. 18, 1945, when thousands of i n mates were forced into a "death march" to­ ward Germany.

Forest travel plan faces opposition By Susan Montoya Bryan

national grasslands. Recreationists have sued A LBUQUERQUE, N . M . over t r avel m a n agement — It was supposed to take the plans on the Clearwater Na­ U.S. Forest Service four years tional Forest in Idaho and on to decide which roads and forest lands in the Sierra Ne­ trails throughout the nation's vada range. vast network of forests should On the Wallowa-Whitman be designated for travel by National Forest in Oregon, of­ motorcycle s, fou r -wheel­ ficials withdrew their initial ers and other back country plans following public outcry vehicles. over the protection of tradi­ Seven years have passed, tional activities such as wood­ and forests from O r egon cutting, berry picking and south to Arizona and New mushroom harvesting. Mexico are still struggling to Elsewhere, ranchers have balance the demands of en­ fought to keep forest roads vironmentalists, off-roaders open so they can access their and ranchers. herds and watering holes, The battle has come to a while off-roaders have tried to head on one mesa in northern protect access to their favorite New Mexico where Hispan­ spots. ics have been ranching and From Oregon to New Mex­ collecting firewood and pinon ico, critics are accusing the for centuries. Forest Service of developing A state senator and resi­ travel plans that fail to ad­ dents of Glorieta Mesa are dress their concerns. "I think what a lot of people vowing to take their case to Congress and to federal court are feeling is that there's no after regional forest officials balance," said Karen Budd­ this week denied their appeal Falen, a Cheyenne, Wyo.­ of the Santa Fe National For­ based attorney who deals est's travel management plan. with environmental and prop­ They had complained the erty issues. plan was racially biased and On Glorieta Mesa, residents that an influx of off-roaders have long complained that would threaten their culture irresponsibleoff-roaders are and traditions threatening their livelihood "They have awoken a sleep­ by tearing up the forest they ing giant. This is not over. depend on. There are stories It's not over by a long shot," about livestock being chased, Democratic Sen. Phil Griego fences being cut, earthen of San Jose told The Asso­ stock tanks being used as ciated Press in a telephone ramps and windmill piping interview. being disassembled and used Across the country, simi­ for mud bogging. lar disputes are playing out Forest officials have denied as the Forest Service tries to the claims of discrimination implement a 2005 mandate and said the concerns of many aimed at curbing unrestricted groups were considered when travel on all 155 forests and 20 crafting the plan. The Associated P ress

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Obituary policy Death Notices are free and will be run for one day, but specific guidelines must be followed. Local obituaries are paid advertisements submitted by families or funeral homes. They may be submitted by phone, mail, email or fax. The Bulletin reserves the right to edit all submissions. Please include contact information in all correspondence. For information on any of these services or about the obituary policy, contact 541-617-7825. Deadlines:Death Notices are accepted until noon Monday through Friday for next-day publication and noon Saturday. Obituaries must be received by 5 p.m. Monday through Thursday for publication on the second day after submission, by 1 p.m. Friday for Sunday or Monday publication, and by 9 a.m. Monday for Tuesday publication. Deadlines for display ads vary; please call for details. Phone: 541-617-7825 Email: obits©bendbulletin.corn Fax: 541-322-7254 Mail:Obituaries

P.o. Box 6020 Bend, OR 97708

J ohn Ruble died Sunday, September 2, at h i s h om e i n B e n d , at the age of 89.

Jack was born Jan. 15, 1923 in Portland, Oregon, Ae son of Lloyd John and Margaret S. Ruble. He descends from several generauons of Oregon pioneers. After graduating from Grant High in Portland, he attended the University of Oregon, interrupting his educauon to enlist in A e A r my. He was a veteran of World War II , serving stateside. After Ae war, he returned to the University where he was a member of the Chi Psi Fraternity, graduating in 1947 with a B.S. in economics.

Eugene was Jack's home for m uch o f h i s working life. He was i nvolved i n t h e l u m b e r i n d u su y f o r m a n y y e ars, serving a s p rincipal at several lumber b r okerage firms before opening u p his own business, Ruble Forest Products, Inc., in 1964. Jack first married Diane Krieske with whom he had four sons and a daughter. In 1979, he married his wife, Mimi and, in 1986, they and Keir daughter Lindsay moved to Ceno al Oregon. During these years, Jack was a Real Estate broker. He retired in 1993 to enjoy a life filled with family and friends. Jack was a member of Sc Francis Church and was involved in that, and the broader Central Oregon community, serving on the Bend-La Pine School Board during the

early 199os. Jack is survived by hi s wife, M im i o f B e nd , h i s sons a nd t h e i r spouses, Steven Ruble of Bend, Craig Ruble and Mary of Portland, Jim Ruble andBrenda of Lake Oswego, Jeff Ruble of Sunriver; and his daughters, Nancy D'Urso of Lake Oswego and Lindsay Ruble of Bend. He is also survived by nine grandchildren. A funeral mass was held at 9:30 a.m. on saturday, sept. 8, 2012 at Sc Thomas More Church in Portland with interment at Mc Calvary Cemetery. There will be a brunch at a private home on October 14th following Ae 10 o' clock mass at Su Francis Church. Family and friends can gather to celebrate Jack's life. please contact Mimi at 541-788-1680 for more informauon. Memorial donations may be made to the HosPice of Piedmond. Please visit the online regs'stry at www.niswonger-reynolds.corn.


Oregon's pot measure not FedsbackingCowlitz reservation,casino drawing support, donations By Jonathan J. Cooper The Associated Press

P ORTLAND — A s m a r i­ juana legalization efforts in Colorado an d W a s hington pick up steam, a similar push in Oregon seems to be going up in smoke. More than $4 million has flowed to W a shington and close to a million in Colorado. Yet in Oregon — a state with one of the n ation's highest rates of pot use and a reputa­ tion for pushing the boundar­ ies on marijuana laws — orga­ nizers are looking at a bank account with just $1,800. M arijuana a ctivists w h o have ploughed big bucks into campaigns in the other two states complain the Oregon measure is poorly written and doesn't poll well. It didn't qual­ ify for the ballot until July, se­ verely limiting the time avail­ able to sway voters. They also don't care for the man with a blemished re­ cord who's pushing Oregon's measure. "That's just the hard, cold reality," said Allen St. Pierre, director of the National Or­ ganization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws. "They sim­ ply do not trust and will not work with the locals there." Paul Stanford, the 51-year­ old chief petitioner behind the O regon Cannabis Tax A c t , dismissed criticism and said the Legislature can clean up any issues with the law after

Treasurer Continued from B1 Both candidatesfortreasur­ er — incumbent Democrat Ted Wheeler and Republican chal­ lenger Tom Cox — believe it is important for the state's finan­ cial health that the Legislature take action. But they disagree on how drastic the current sit­ uation is. "The problem is that you have a large pension system, and a lot of promises have been made" based on assumptions that the plan's investments in financial markets would re­ turn around 8 percent, which they haven't in recent years, said W heeler, th e f o r m er chairman of the Multnomah County Commission who was elected to a shortened term as treasurer in 2010. Even so, the Pew Charitable Trusts, a W ashington-based public policy n onprofit, re­ cently recognized Oregon as having one of the best-funded PERS plans in the nation, he said. The state has an obligation to make sure the system is fair and viable long term, but also to ensure that the current costs don't outstrip the ability to fund it, he said. In addition to revising the 8 percent return to a m o re conservative r ate, W h eeler recommended cappingthe an­ nual cost of living increases so that it only applies to a portion of the retiree's income. Addi­ tionally, he would stop giving out-of-state retirees reimburse­ ments for Oregon taxes they don't actually pay. "I have confidence that the L egislature will act in a r e ­ sponsible manner in regards to maintaining the PERS situ­ ation," he said. Cox, a Portland-based man­ agement consultant, has made reforming PERS a cornerstone of his candidacy.

. Yi I , . Jonathan 3. Cooper / The Associated Press

Paul Stanford is the chief petitioner behind an initiative that would legalize marijuana in Oregon. it passes. As for funding ques­ tions, he said it's an advan­ tage that the Oregon measure isn't being pushed by distant interests. O regon has been on t h e leading edge of the decades­ long push to loosen marijuana laws. It was the first state to decriminalize sma l l -scale marijuana possession in 1973 and was also among the first t o allow m edicinal use o f marijuana. The state ranked seventh in the nation for marijuana use among people 12 and older, a ccording to data from t h e National Survey on Drug Use and Health. Colorado ranked third and Washington 11th. In both those states, lawyers

writing th e i n i tiatives took pains to incorporate lessons from earlier failures at the bal­ lot box. Based on the results of polling and focus groups, the measures were carefully written to close down criticism that resonates with voters­ both have a tough standard for stoned driving, for example, that's unpopular with some activists. Both measures in­ clude limits on the amount of marijuana a person can have. "I really think Colorado and Washington did an excellent job in how they set up their measures in a way that does appeal to m a instream vot­ ers," said Sam Chapman, the co-founder of Oregonians for Law Reform.

"The treasurer is uniquely positioned to influence PERS, which is probably the biggest governance issue we have," he said. "It's big and broken and ugly and expensive, and ex­ actly the kind of problem that I love." For years, politicians have made election promises to pub­ lic employees, pledging unsus­ tainable payouts in the future in exchange for today's votes, he said. Cox advocated transitioning PERS from a defined benefit plan, in which the plan's funds must be stretched to meet obli­ gated payouts to retirees, to a defined contribution plan, like a 401(k), in which employers contribute a specified amount to employees' individual retire­ ment accounts. Cox also agrees with the changes suggested by Wheel­ er, and would go even further and issue bonds to ease the ob­ ligation to local agencies and employers. " There's no q uestion w e have really good people work­ ing for state and local govern­ ment," he said. "The last thing we want to do is harm our re­ tirement system and lose our ability to attract and retain good people." Wheeler also hopes the Leg­ islature will approve his pro­ posal to borrow $500 million and sell bonds to provide more funds for scholarships. Over decades, the fund would grow as large as $6 billion, allowing the state to provide grants for more students earning two­ and four-year degrees. Oregon students who attend the state's university system pay about 20 percent more than th e n a tional average, while Oregon's contributions to students who can't afford the entire cost are around 18 percent less than the national average, and have been de­ creasing by about 5 percent a

year, he said. "We' re expensive on the cost side for students, and we' re stingy on the support side for students," he said. In the long term, a relative shortage of college graduates will hurt the state's workforce, he said. "It's tremendously impor­ tant to Oregon's economy that we do this. And I will work hard to make sure it passes the Legislature," he said. Wheeler said he also strong­ ly supports developing Oregon State University-Cascades into a four-year institution. As the state's top financial officer, Cox said he w ould look for ways to make sure the state's investment portfolio is properly managed. "I don't think we' ve done a good job of benchmarking our returns very well," he said. "I would want to (compare) our return results versus an index fund," an investment tool based on the overall performance of the market as opposed to an individual stock. Overall, his campaign will succeed or fail on voters believ­ ing his PERS reforms will fix the funds' problems, Cox said. "There's this hunger for poli­ ticians or statesmen who actu­ ally want to talk about details," he said, acknowledging that he couldn't outspend — or "out­ nice" — the incumbent during the campaign. "But I' ll get this thing fixed. And I' ll work with anyone to do it. I'm very good at coalitions." Wheeler said he hopes vot­ ers will re-elect him so he can continue to be a strong manag­ er forthe treasury and its core operations. "I' ve got the best team any elected official could hope for. I'm surrounded by people who are a lot smarter than I am, and they make me look good every day," he said.

The Associated Press eral court, or rescind a 2010 V ANCOUVER, Wash . Bureau of Indian Affairs de­ — Attorneys for the federal cision to allow the Cowlitz to government have reaffirmed take 152 acres near La Center the right of the Cowlitz In­ into trust. It chose to proceed dian Tribe to establish a res­ in court. ervation in Clark County and The tribe applied in 2002 build a casino. to establish the reservation The Columbian r e ports with the goal of building a the federal government had $510 million c a sino-hotel to decide by Friday whether complex. The Bureau of In­ it would defend itself in fed­ dian Affairs approved the

application in 2010. S everal o p ponents a p ­ pealed the decision, includ­ ing Clark County, the city of Vancouver, property owners, the operators of four La Cen­ tercardrooms, and a citizens'


ernment's forest fire policy with local governments ac­ tively reducing fuel buildup in federalforests if danger­ ous conditions are allowed to persist. A compelling ar­ gument could be made that overgrown forests create a public health emergency in terms of smoke and cata­ strophic fire, he said. " Is there any p ower i n the state at all? Where in the Constitution does it say the federal government has exclusive governance over 53 percent of the state of Or­ egon?" he asked. Buchal reiterated his de­ sire to debate Rosenblum, saying other elected offi­ cials submit to public scru­ tiny. So far, Rosenblum has declined. "I think it's an outrage that my opponent will not debate me at all," he said. "She' s getting a pass." R osenblum said she i n ­ tends to continue focusing on advocating for and pro­ tecting consumers, particu­ larly senior citizens and di­ verse communities, which can be more vulnerable to rip-offs and seams. " There's always kind of a 'scam of the week,'" she said. "We' ve done a great job of teaching our grand­ mas and our parents how to use the Internet, but that also makes them more vul­ nerable" by s haring m ore information online, expos­ ing them to t elemarketing seams, bogus Internet busi­ nesses and dubious invest­ ment opportunities.

Continued from B1 Rosenblum was a l ready a candidate f o r a t t orney general, and won the Demo­ cratic primary in May. Port­ land lawyer James Buchal, a Republican, won a write-in campaign in June after the GOP failed to field a candi­ date for the May primary. With only months in of­ fice, Rosenblum, a f ormer Multnomah County Circuit Judge and member of the Oregon Court of A p peals, said she has learned a great deal. "It's a combination of a law office (and) a consumer protection agency," she said. About half of t h e 1,300 employees of t h e O r egon Department of Justice are involved in collecting child support or establishing pa­ ternity at 12 offices around the state, she said. One of the Justice Depart­ m ent's important tasks i s to serve as general counsel for state agencies, she said. With Kitzhaber pushing ini­ tiatives in health care, edu­ cation and corrections, this role will be especially vital during the upcoming term, she said. "We need to do the best job that we can to provide excel­ lent counsel to these agen­ cies and the government," she said. "It's my job, I think, to ensure that we have great people, that we have really high morale." Buchal, who has practiced environmental and antitrust law in Oregon since 1991, said the government has be­

They challenged the tribe's ties to the parcel west of the Interstate 5 interchange in La Center.

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come too big, with too much overlap between the federal and state governments. As attorney general, he would not shy away fr om telling government agencies that what they propose to do is not allowed by law, he said. "We have what I regard as a total collapse of the rule of law in this country," he said. "From the legal perspective, we no longer have account­ a bility under la w f o r t h e rich, the powerful and the politically connected; they get away with anything. And people are pissed about it." Previous attorneys gener­ al have sacrificed the rule of law to their own ambitions, and invented legal reason­ ing to justify always win­ ning, he said. "You have the evolution of these doctrines that destroy accountability," he said. "I think an attorney general is out there to do justice, to get a just result, not to always win. Sometimes the state should lose." Buchal said th e f ederal government's powers should be limited to those enumer­ ated in the Constitution, and that Oregon should do more to resist federal overreach. "Oregon i s 5 3 p e r cent owned by the federal gov­ e rnment," h e s a i d . "I' ve been pushing very hard to try to educate people that Oregon is not a useless ap­ pendage" of the federal gov­ ernment, but a s o vereign state with its own authority and powers. Buchal suggested a legal challenge to the federal gov­


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W EA T H E R F O R E C A ST Maps and national forecast provided by Weather Central LP ©2012.



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Today: Sunny.

Tonight: Clear.









Mostly sunny.




26 WEST Partly cloudy to the south with abundant sunshine overthe north,

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Yesterday' s state extremes

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SUN AND MOON SCHEDULE Sunnsetoday...... 7:11 a.m Moon phases Sunset today...... 6:34 p.m Last Ne w F i r st Full Sunnsetomorrow .. 7:12 a.m Sunset tomorrow... 6:32 p.m Moonnsetoday... 11:43 p.m Moonset today.... 2:00 p.m Oct. 8 Oct. 15 Oct. 21 Oct. 29

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Tomorrow Rise Set Mercury....856 a.m...... 7:08 p.m. Venus......3:45 a.m...... 5:09 p.m. Mars......11:1 4a.m...... 8:24 p.m. Jupiter......918 pm.....1230pm. Saturn......8 25 am...... 71 5 pm. Uranus.....607 pm...... 629 am.

Yesterday's weather through 4 p.m. inBend High/Low.............. 59Q5 24hours ending 4p.m.'.. 0.00" Record high........ 90in1979 Monthto date.......... 0.00" Record low.........17 in1974 Average month todate... 0.07" Average high..............66 Y ear to date............ 6.74" Average low............... 35 Average yearto date..... 7.25" Barometncpressure at 4 p.m.30.16 Record 24 hours ...0.09 in 1963 'Melted hquid equivalent




Yesterday S u nday Monday Bend,westofHwy.97......Ext. Sisters................................Ext Hi/Lo/Pcp H i / Lo/W Hi/Lo/W Bend, east ofHwy.97.......Ext. La Pine................................Ext


Redmond/Madras.......High Prlnevlue...........................Ext

Preapitati onvaluesare24-hourtotalsthrough4pm Astona ........74/41/0.00 .....72/44/s... Baker City......61/15/0.00 .....64/25/s... Brookings......60/47/0.00 .....61/43/c... Burns..........55/19/0.00 .....64/22/s... Eugene........7802/0.00 .....76/38/s... Klamath Falls...71/40/0.00 .....70/30/s... Lakeview....... 70/41/0.00 .....69/32/s... La Pine........61/19/0.00 .....64/22/s... Medford.......81/43/0.00 .....78/44/s... Newport.......66/43/0.00 .....66/41/s... North Bend.....63/45/0.00 ....61/40/pc... Ontano........63Q6/0.00 .....61/27/s... Pendleton......65Q9/0.00 .....70/29/s... Portland .......75/41/0.00 .....75/44/s... Pnneville.......61Q3/0.00 .....64/27/s... Redmond.......63/16/0.00 .....67/26/s... Roseburg.......75/41/0.00.....70740/s ... Salem .........7907/0.00 .....77/40/s ... Sisters .........60/1 8/0.00 .....65/25/s ... The Dalles......7201/0.00 .....73/36/s...

The following was compiled by the Central Oregon watermaster and irrigation districts as a service to irrigators and sportsmen.

62/44/pc .70/26/s 60/47/pc .70/26/s .71/42/s 70/31/pc 65/34/pc .65/21/s .76/43/s .52/42/< 60/44/pc .66/37/s .70/32/s .72/47/s .69/30/s .66/28/s .73/43/s .74/43/s .67/25/s . 74/37/s

Med = Mederale,Exi. = Exlieme

Res ervo ir

Acrefeet Capacity Crane Praine..... . . . . . . . 33,692..... . 55,000 Wickiup..... . . . . . . . . . . 106,555..... 200,000 Crescent Lake..... . . . . . . 70,803...... 91,700 Ochoco Reservoir.... . . . . 17,743...... 47,000 Pnneville..... . . . . . . . . . . 86,477..... 153,777 R iver flow Stat i o n Cubic ft./sec Deschutes RiverBelow Crane Praine ...... . 313 Deschutes RiverBelow Wickiup .... . . . . . . 1,070 Crescent CreekBelow Crescent Lake ..... . . . 27 Littl e DeschutesNear La Pme............. 177 D eschutes RiverBelow Bend .... . . . . . . . . . . 73 Deschutes RiverAt Benham Falls ..... . . . . 1,490 Crooked RiverAbove PnnewHeRes. . ... . . . . . . 2 Crooked RiverBelow Pnneville Res. .... . . . . 178 Ochoco CreekBelow Ochoco Res. .... . . . . . 17.9 Crooked RiverNear Terrebonne .... . . . . . . . 177

To report a wildfire, call 911

ULTRAVIOLET INDEX The higher the UV Index number, the greater the need for eye and skin protection. Index is for solar at noo








POLLEN COUNT Updated daily Source pollen corn



Contact: Watermaster, 388-6669


or go to www.wrd.state. or.us Legend:W-weather,Pcp-preapitation, s-sun, pc-partial clouds,c-clouds, h-haze, sh-showers, r-rain, t-thunderstorms,sf-snowlurnes, sn snow, i-ice, rs-ram-snowmix,w-wind, f-fog, dr-dnzzle,tr-trace










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4 4 4

Cold Warm Stationary Shawerx T-xtarmx

4 e


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F l u r rtex S n o w

Yesterday Sunday Monday Yesterday Sunday Monday Yesterday Sunday Monday Yesterday Sunday Monday Gty Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pqi Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pqi Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pqi Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W Abilene,TX......56/48/0.00... 55/40/c. 70/57/pc Grand Rapids... 48/42/trace.. 50/35/pc .. 58/43/s RapidCity.......45/30/000... 59/39/s. 66/38/pc Savannah.......86/68/0 01.. 86/62/pc. 75/59/sh Akron..........55/43/0.35..50/34/sh.. 54/37/s GreenBay.......50/35/0.00...52/34/s. 62/46/pc Reno...........76/46/0.00 ..73/43/pc.68/43/pc Seattle..........75/46/0.00... 71/47/s .. 68/47/s Albany..........69/48/0.00..54/39/sh. 56/35/pc Greensboro......79/59/0.00..54/41/sh. 59/42/pcRichmond.......84/58/0.00..53/42/sh.. 59/37/c SiouxFalls.......48/24/0.00...58/35/s. 69/41/pc Albuquerque.....79/54/0.00..70/45/pc. 75/51/pc Harnsburg.......66/51/0.00..50/37/sh. 57/38/pcRochester,NY....57/45/084 .. 51/38/sh.56/41/pc Spokane........62/30/0 00... 66/36/s .. 66/39/s Anchorage......52/46/0.98... 54/42/r...51/41/r Hartford,CT.....77/57/0.00 ..52/40/sh. 57/40/pc Sacramento......75/53/0 00 .. 76/54/pc. 74/52/pc Spnngfidd MO .47/33/trace... 54/32/s .. 62/43/s Atlanta .........83/62/0 00 .. 67/49/pc.. 67/49/c Helena..........48/19/000... 62/35/s. 58/34/sh St Louis.........51/38/0.01... 56/36/s .. 64/45/s Tampa..........87/73/0.00... 89/73/t...90/73/t Atlanlc City.....79/61/0 00 .. 56/46/sh. 58/42/pc Honolulu........83/71/000... 84/72/s. 84/71/pc Salt Lake City....62/37/0.00... 64/40/s .. 70/46/s Tucson..........92/63/0.00 .. 91/62/pc. 90/61/pc Austin..........71/63/0.00...65/50/c. 72/59/pc Houston........86/63/0.00...69/55/c.. 77/59/c SanAntonio.....79/66/000... 65/52/c. 72/61/pc Tulsa...........50/39/0 02.. 59/35/pc.. 67/46/s Ballmore.......79/58/000..52/40/sh. 57/38/pc Huntsville.......63/51/012... 58/40/c. 65/42/pc SanDiego.......77/64/0.00 .. 71/63/pc.70/62/pc Washington,DC..80/59/0.00 .. 51/41/sh.. 57/39/c Billings .........49/24/0.00 ..64/38/pc. 58/37/pc Indianapolis.....53/35/0.00 ..52/32/pc.. 58/41/s SanFranasco....72/56/0.00... 66/53/c .. 63/53/c Wichita.........48/41/0.00 ..56/36/pc.. 66/47/s Birmingham.....70/58/0.01...63/45/c. 67/47/pc Jackson, MS.....68/56/0.00...67/47/c. 70/49/pc SanJose........71/51/0.00..68/52/pc.. 66/51/c Yabma.........70/27/0.00... 71/36/s .. 72/40/s Bismarck........49/28/0 00 .. 59/39/pc. 56/33/pc Jacksonvile......86/71/010 ..87/66/pc...82/68/t SantaFe........75/43/0.00 ..63/35/pc.. 69/41/s Yuma...........97/70/0.00 .. 94/66/pc. 91/66/pc Boise...........62/35/000... 57/30/s .. 65/34/s Juneau......... 57/47/trace.. 52/42/pc. 53/41/pc INTERNATIONAL Boston..........78/59/0.06..56/42/sh. 57/44/pc Kansas City......46/32/0.00...57/40/s.. 66/48/s Bndgeport,CT....78/57/0.00.. 54/42/sh. 58/46/pc Lansing........ 47/39/trace.. 52/32/pc .. 55/41/s Amsterdam......59/45/000... 55/48/c. 56/46/pc Mecca.........104/82/0 00 ..102/82/s. 102/81/s Buffalo .........55/46/0 66 .. 50/40/sh. 55/42/pc LasVegas.......89/69/0 00.. 88/64/pc. 89/64/pc Athens..........80/69/0.00... 83/67/s. 82/67/pc Meaco City......75/50/0.00... 72/46/t. 71/49/pc Burlington, VT....65/50/0.26 .. 54/35/sh. 55/36/pc Leangton.......58/41/0.04 ..55/38/sh.. 61/37/s Auckland........63/52/000... 60/58/c. 65/57/sh Montreal........61/48/000... 47/35/c. 53/42/pc Canbou, ME.....64/51/0.36... 55/37/c. 50/29/pc Lincoln..........48/32/0.00... 59/31/s .. 71/43/s Baghdad.......1 02/73/0.00..105/69/c. 106/69/c Moscow........50/45/0.00 .. 54/42/sh. 48/41/sh Charleston, SC...85/66/0.00.. 86/60/pc. 70/58/sh Little Rock.......51/44/0.31 ..62/41/pc.. 67/44/s Bangkok........88/81/0.00... 88/76/t...86/79/t Nairobi.........82/61/0.00..80/61/pc. 82/60/sh Charlotte........83/56/0 00 ..617467sh. 62/42/sh Los Angdes......76/62/0 00.. 70/62/pc. 66/60/pc Beiyng..........77/48/0.00 ..73/52/pc.77/52/pc Nassau.........88/79/0.00... 87/77/t...86/79/t Chattanooga.....64/59/0.07..59/44/sh. 65/44/pc Louisville........59/40/0.11..57/40/pc.. 62/39/s Beirut..........82/75/0.00...78/71/s. 77/72/pc NewDdhi.......95/72/0.00...96/72/s.. 96/72/s Cheyenne.......31/26/019... 43/28/s .. 62/33/s Madison, WI.....48/37/0 00... 52/33/s .. 63/45/s Berlin...........64/43/0.00..55/41/sh. 55/43/pc Osaka..........77/63/0.00..73/66/pc. 76/66/pc Chicago.........50/34/000... 52/38/s .. 61/46/s Memphis........59/46/015 ..61/44/pc.. 67/47/s Bogota.........64/54/0.00 ..61/48/sh. 67/49/sh Oslo............54/28/0.00... 48/37/c .. 50/35/c Cinannal.......58/41/0.16... 53/35/c .. 59/37/s Miami..........88/79/0.00... 88/77/t...88/78/t Budapest........73/46/0.00 ..65/41/sh.. 58/41/s Ottawa.........57/46/0.00 .. 48/32/pc. 54/36/pc Clevdand.......54/41/0.40..50/37/sh .. 55/42/s Milwaukee......47/38/0.00... 52/37/s.. 61/47/s BuenosAires.....72/61/000..64/56/sh. 62/56/sh Pans............66/55/000..59/47/pc. 60/53/sh ColoradoSpnngs.42/31/002.. 49/30/pc.. 65/38/s Minneapolis.....45/36/000... 55/38/s. 65/43/pc CaboSanLucas ..93/70/0.00 .. 92/75/pc.. 92/73/s Rio de Janero....88/70/0.00... 88/67/s. 88/68/pc ColumbiaMO...49/35/0.00... , 56/33/s .. 64/44/s Nashville........62/45/0.71 ..58/40/pc.. 64/40/s Cairo...........86/70/0.00 ..84/69/pc.. 84/71/s Rome...........77/54/0.00 .. 72/59/pc. 78/60/pc ColumbiaSC....88/60/0.00...777547t. , 64/48/sh New Orleans.....8616510 .00..75/58/pc. 75/62/pc Calgary.........57/37/000 ..66/36/pc..48/31/rs Santiago........52/48/0 00.. 56/40/pc. 58/45/pc Columbus GA....87/64/0.00..77/52/pc. 75/50/pc New York .......77/57/0.00 ..57/45/sh. 60/42/pc Cancun.........86/73/0.00... 86/77/t...86/78/t Sao Paulo.......86/66/0.00... 83/63/t...84/64/t Columbus OH....57/42/0.37.. 53/36/sh.. 59/39/s Newark,NJ......79/59/0.00 ..54/43/sh. 60/44/pc Dublin..........57/39/0.00... 51/46/c .. 56/48/c Sapporo........66/61/0.00 ..62/50/pc. 63/52/pc Concur/i NH.....78/53/0.00 .. 59/35/sh. 58/32/pc Norfolk,VA......84/61/0.00 .. 60/48/sh. 58/51/sh Edmburgh.......55/36/000..54/38/pc. 55/41/pc Seoul...........75/55/000..70/50/pc. 69/50/pc Corpus Chnsti....90/67/000... 67/59/c .. 74/68/c OklahomaCity...50/44/000... 56/35/c .. 68/52/s Geneva.........73/48/0.00..62/52/sh. 64/53/pc Shanghai........79/68/0.00..76/64/pc. 76/62/pc DallasFtWorlh...57/51/000... 58/47/c. 69/56/pc Omaha.........48/26/000... 58/34/s.. 70/43/s Harare..........86/59/0.00... 83/62/s .. 86/60/s Singapore.......90/79/0.00 .. 88/80/sh...89/79/t Dayton .........56/37/0.06..51/32/sh .. 56/38/s Orlando.........91/73/0.00... 89/71/t...89/71/t HongKong......88/79/0.00.. 84/72/pc.86/75/pc Stockholm.......55/36/0.00.. 50/41/pc.. 48/38/c Denver...........36/31/NA... 54/33/s .. 70/39/s PalmSpnngs.....96/66/0.00.. 93/64/pc. 88/62/pc Istanbul.........79/64/000..77/64/pc. 75/64/sh Sydney..........68/61/000..65/54/pc. 66/57/sh DesMoines......46/30/0.00... 57/37/s .. 70/45/s Peona..........47/30/0.00... 53/34/s .. 62/44/s Jerusalem.......78/62/0.01...77/60/s.. 75/61/s Taipe...........81/72/0.00..81/73/pc. 81/72/pc Detroit..........51/39/010...52/38/c.. 57/45/s Philadelphia.....78/62/000..52/41/sh. 59/38/pc Johannesburg....84/61/000... 86/61/s .. 81/61/s Tel Aviv.........84/72/000... 81/69/s. 80/70/pc Duluth......... 43/33/trace.. 51/35/pc. 52/36/sh Phoenix.........93/71/0 00 .. 92/69/pc. 93/70/pc Lima ...........66/61/0.00..68/61/pc. 69/61/pc Tokyo...........79/70/0.00..73/59/pc. 68/61/pc El Paso..........86/57/0.00... 74/50/s .. 80/56/s Pittsburgh.......57/46/0.1149/35/sh. .. 54/34/pc Lisbon..........75/59/0.00... 77/63/s. 81/66/pc Toronto.........50/45/0.00... 50/36/c. 54/43/pc Fairbanks........45/39/016...47/35/c...46/34/r Portland,ME.....71/57/018 ..57/40/sh. 57/36/pc London.........59/45/0.00 ..57/47/pc. 53/46/sh Vancouver.......63/43/0.00... 68/55/s .. 67/52/s Fargo...........48/26/0.00..59/39/pc.. 59/36/c Providence......78/56/0.0953/41/sh. .. 57/44/pc Madnd.........75/50/0.00..79/63/pc. 83/65/pc Vienna..........75/46/0.00..65/42/sh. 60/48/pc Flagstaff........69/38/0.00..68/34/pc. 66/38/pc Raleigh.........84/58/0.0060/43/sh. .. 58/44/sh Manila..........88/77/0.00... 89/75/t...90/75/t Warsaw.........70/52/0.00... 55/43/c. 51/40/pc

Washin on cattle predation compels wolf pack eradication By Nicholas K.Geranios The Associated P ress

SPOKANE, Wash. — It's no surprise to rancher Len Mc­ Irvin that a wolf pack preyed on his cattle. "Wolves do what wolves do," Mcirvin said. "They have al­ ways been killers." Mcirvin estimates the Wedge Pack of wolves has killed be­ tween 40 and 50 head of cattle on his Diamond M R a nch, located near th e C a nadian border north of Kettle Falls in northeastern Washington. That prompted a huge effort by the state Department of Fish and Wildlife to wipe out the pack, less than a year after adopting a plan to recover wolf popula­ tions in the state. The Wedge Pack needed to be wiped out because the w olves appeared t o ha v e switched from preying on deer, elk and moose and instead were focusing on cattle, state officials said. The expensive hunting ef­ fort — which included shooting wolves from helicopters — con­ cluded last week. "Of course, it's very bitter­ sweet," said Dave Ware, game

division manager for the agen­ cy. "We are in the first year of implementing our plan, and to have this level of conflict with a rancher was unacceptable." The hunt was expensive, al­ though the costs have not been tallied yet, Ware said. They include four days of helicopter use, plus weeks of overtime for various state employees, Ware said. He said any future wolf hunts will probably not have to be on this scale. The Wedge Pack of wolves, named for the area they inhab­ ited along the Canadian border near Laurier, was one of an estimated 12 wolf packs in the state. It was the only one that was creating problems, said Mitch Friedman of the envi­ ronmental group Conservation Northwest. "This rancher has politicized the situation, while many other ranchers recognize that wolves are part o f t h e l a ndscape," Friedman contended. While wolves will always get a few cattle, a problem of the scale in this case is likely to be rare, Friedman said.

But Mcirvin said the efforts to re-establish wolves in Wash­ ington have gone too far. "You can always have a wolf or two come into an area and it's no big deal," Mcirvin said. "But we have so many packs and so many wolves." The state announced in late September that the entire pack would be eliminated. But track­ ing the wolves proved difficult, even as cattle losses piled up. "They kill from midnight to 2 or 3 in the morning," Mcirvin said. "You don't see them in the daytime." Teams of hunters worked round the clock, but most of the pack remained at large un­ til a helicopter was brought in. Then it took only a few days to wipe out the pack, including the alpha male, officials said. Fish and Wildlife director Phil Anderson said the effort was necessary. "Lethal removal will remain a wolf management option, but we will use it only as a last re­ sort," Anderson said. "We are committed to the recovery and sustainability of the gray wolf in Washington, and its num­

bers are increasing rapidly." Friedman said t hat a fter spending 25 years working to recover wolves in the state, he was grief stricken by the elimi­ nation of the pack. "The Wedge Pack experi­ ence has been hard on every­ body, which makes it difficult but necessary to look forward," Conservation Northwest said in a press release. "We want

to see commitments from the state and cattlemen to expand early use of nonlethal efforts so we don't have to go through this again." Gray wolves were elimi­ nated by hunters as a breeding species in Washington by the 1930s, but they began returning to the state from Idaho, Oregon and British Columbia in the mid-2000s. The first confirmed

pack was found in 2008. They are listed as endan­ gered throughout Washington under state law and the western two-thirds of the state under federal law. A wolf management plan ap­ proved late last year required 15 successful breeding pairs for three consecutive years to remove endangered species protections.

As a family physician, I love caring for your entire family, from the childhood years into retirement. I also enjoy preventative m edicine and helping men and women plan to be their healthiest. I want you to leave each appointment feeling good about our plan to keep you at your best. - Audrey Davey, MD, Family Medicine





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O www.bendbulletin.corn/community

SPOTLIGHT Golden eagle lecture coming up

• s ++isa

The Oregon Eagle Foundation's Frank Isaacs will present a lecture,"Golden Eagle Nesting in Oregon," on Tuesday. The free presentation, spon­ sored by the Sierra Club and the High Desert Museum, will be in Father Luke's Room at McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend. Isaacs will discuss re­ cent research findings from golden eagle nest surveys about trends in the size of the nesting population. The pro­ gram runs from 7-8:30 p.m., and doors open at


6 p.m.

Contact: 541-389­ 0785.

Book fair supports

quilt group Barnes 8 Noble of Bend is hosting a book fair Oct. 13 to benefit the Mt. Bachelor Quilters Guild. As part of its Com­ munity Quilts project, the guild makes hun­ dreds of quilts each year to donate to other organizations (such as Partners in Care, the KIDS Center, Saving Grace and the Ronald



Photos by Barb Gonzalez/ For The Bulletin

A guide from the Northeastern Nevada Museum reflects upon the expanse of arid Clover Valley where it is crossed by the Hastings Cutoff south of Wells, Nev. The spur trail was an obstacle for emigrants such as the 1846 Donner Party, whose journey across the desert ended in tragedy.

• Northeastern Nevada rich in culture, rugged beauty



McDonald House), according to a news release. The book fair features a mini quilt show, quilt­ ing demos by guild members and a hands­ on quilt project for kids totakehome. The event runs from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Barnes 8 Noble, located at 2690 N.W. Highway 20 in Bend. A percentage of sales made in the store or online will also be donated to the guild Oct. 13 through Oct. 20. Cus­ tomers must mention that they want to sup­ port the Mt. Bachelor Quilters Guild during purchase. For online purchases, use the code 10873388. Contact: 541-388­ 8505.

Habitat benefit

coming up Tickets are available

for Art Round Up atthe Ranch, a benefit for the Bend Area Habitat for Humanity. The black-tie-op­ tional event kicks off at 6 p.m. Nov. 2. It fea­ tures cocktails, appetiz­ ers, dinner and music provided by the Central

Oregon Symphony, as well as a silent auc­ tion. Original artwork created on the spot by local artisans will also be available for sale at a live auction. The event will be at the Brasada Ranch barn, 16986 S.W. Brasada Ranch Road, Powell Butte. Tickets are $100 each. Reservations are requested.

By John Gottberg Anderson • For The Bulletin Lamoille


F.LKO, Nev. ­


orne people think Nevada is just one big desert," Denny Stanhope said. "That's fine. Let 'em think that way.

Ruby )/al e

We know different." Apologies to my friend Stanhope, but Nevada pretty much IS just



one big desert.

From one end to the other — from Lake Tahoe to the salt flats of western Utah, from the Oregon-Idaho border country south nearly to the Grand Canyon — the sparsely populated state of Nevada is the poster child for the Great Basin. This is an expanse where rivers are born merely to die. Natural highland springs nurture streams such as the Humboldt, the Reese and the White, which then irrigate the grazing country of lower elevations before disappear­ ing into sand and alkali far from any ocean. Back in the 1840s and '50s, pioneer wagon trains en route to California gold found this desert to be the most daunting episode of their westward journey. Some abandoned their wagons here and continued by foot and oxcart. Others,


Lake g




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A custom-made saddle bears the stamp of the J.M. Capriola Co., known nationwide for its craftsmanship in saddles, bits and spurs. The business is located in downtown Elko, Nev., just across the street from the Western Folklife Center. such as the ill-fated Donner Party of 1846, were misled by trailblazers into taking "shortcuts" that added weeks to their journey. Today the graves of travelers, marked

and unmarked, stand beside trailside flotsam that was long ago jettisoned. What the pioneers didn' t know is that there is more gold in these high-desert ba­

RubyLaka National Wildlif Refuge Greg Cross / The Bulletin

sins than was ever found in California. Today, with gold valued at about $1,800 an ounce, northeastern Nevada is the leading producer of gold in the United States, and is by some estimations No. 4 in the world after Australia, Russia and South Africa. To be sure, there is beauty in the Nevada desert, es­ pecially in its mountains — more than 300 short north-south chains, many with peaks over 10,000 feet, divide the basin country into one rangeland after another. It is here that Denny Stan­ hope feels most at home. A fourth-generation Nevadan, he spends weeks of his retire­ ment each summer wander­ ing alpine trails near his Wells home, marveling in the seasonal flush of wildflow­ ers, snacking on berries from streamside bushes, smiling at the mule deer and bighorn

NORTHWEST TRAVEL Next week: Oregon's pinot harvest sheep that watch him pass, and camping beside lakes named for his forbears. He is not alone in his pride for his native state. Wherever I traveled in northern Nevada last month, I encountered residents who embrace their semi-arid homeland with a fervor I have rarely seen in more heavily populated areas.

Exploring Elko I made my base in F.lko, Nevada's largest community east of Reno and north of Las Vegas. A city of about 18,000 people, its area population is nearer to 40,000, includ­ ing such suburbs as rapidly growing Spring Creek. See Elko /C4

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Contact: rcooper© bendhabitat.org or 541­ 385-5387.

Contact us with your ideas

Hundreds of wild horses have found a homeat Mustang Mon­ ument, Madeleine Pickens' 900-square-mile ranch property south of Wells. The businesswoman eventually hopes to have 30,000 horses in her sanctuary, which extends over two eastern Nevada mountain ranges.

Have a story idea or event submission? Contact us! • Community events: Email event information

to events©bendbul­ letin.corn or click on "Submit an Event" at www.bendbulletin.corn. Allow at least 10 days before the desired date of publication. Contact: 541-383-0351. • Story ideas: Email

communitylife© bendbulletin.corn. — From staff reports

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'Magnolias' among the week'sbestbets By Chuck Barney

O bama's early days in I n ­ donesia and Hawaii to Mitt Romney's missionary work "Steel Magnolias" in France. Hundreds ofhours 9 p.m. Sunday, Lifetime of research and dozens of Queen Latifah heads an original interviews went into i mpressive a l l ­ the tw o - hour b lack cast i n a d ocument ary Ty SpOTLIgHT with the goal lovingly f a i thful to remake of "Steel u ncover f r e s h Magnolias." Phylicia Rashad, i nsights not found i n t h e Jill Scott and Alfre Wood­ campaign narratives. ard also appear. Our advice: "Arrow" Bring your tissues. 8 p.m. Wednesday, CW "Curiosity" Hunky S t ephen A m ell 9 p.m. Sunday, Discovery hits the target in "Arrow," The Season 2 opener of a new action series about a "Curiosity" i s a c o m plete shipwrecked castaway who wreck. Seriously. Experts returns home after five years use a remote control system of isolation and takes on the to crash a full-sized passen­ persona of a vigilante crime ger jet in the desert to learn fighter. more about chances of sur­ "Nashville" viving a real air disaster. 10p.m. Wednesday, ABC "Upstairs, Downstairs" "Nashville" is a great new 9 p.m.Sunday, PBS drama with a twangy beat. "Downton Abbey" doesn' t Connie Britton shines as a return until J a nuary, but fading country star whose you can appease your appe­ throne is coveted by a cun­ tite for British period drama ning young phenom (Hayden with Season 2 of "Upstairs, Panettiere). D ownstairs." T h e a c t i on "Halloween Tricked Out" resumes in the year before World War I I. 8 p.m. Friday, HGTV "Halloween Tricked Out" "The Voice" is a fun special that features 8 p.m. Monday, NBC extravagant home and yard "The Voice" is about to d isplays from a c ross t h e get even more brutal as the country. Included: a West show's battle rounds begin. Virginia man wh o c arved And in a new twist, coaches 3,000 pumpkins. can steal a defeated singer "The Walking Dead" from a rival team. marathon "Frontline" 10 a.m. Saturday, AMC 9 p.m. Tuesday, PBS T here's no b e tter w a y I n the w eek w hen t h e t o p r epare y o u rself f o r vice presidential candidates Sunday's Season 3 of "The wage their only debate (9 Walking Dead" than with a p.m. Thursday), "Frontline" marathon gore fest of past opens its 3lst season with e pisodes that begins t h is rigorous profiles of the main morning and leads right up men in the race, from Barack to the premiere. Sounds epic.




McMenamins Old St. Francis School

BEND Regal Pilot Butte 6 2717 N.E. U.S. Highway 20, Bend,541-382-6347

Contra Costa Times


(R) 4 IN THE FAMILY(no MPAArating) Noon, 3:30, 6:55 LAWLESS(R) 1:15, 4:15, 7:05 THE MASTER(R) 12:15, 3, 6

700 N.W. Bond St., Bend,541-330-8562


(PG) 3 THE DARK KNIGHT RISES(PG-13) 5:30 SAFETYNOTGUARANTEED (R) 9:30 After 7 p.m., showsare21 and older only.Youngerthan21may attend screenings before 7 p.m. if accompaniedby a legalguardian.

Stadium 16 & IMAX 680 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend,541-382-6347

THE BOURNE LEGACY(PG-13) 11:30 a.m., 2:35, 6:20, 9:25 END OFWATCH(R) 1:25, 4:40, 7:45, 10:20 FINDING NEMO 3-D (G)1:10, 3:50, 6:35, 9:20 FRANKENWEENIE (PG) 11:45 a.m., 12:45, 3:15, 6, 6:45, 9:05 FRANKENWEENIE IMAX (PG) 12:10, 3:40, 7:20, 9:40 HOPE SPRINGS (PG-13)11:50 a.m., 6:50 HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA (PG) 11:35 a.m., 12:35, 2:30, 6:05, 7:30, 9:10 HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA3-D (PG) 3:25, 9:50 HOUSE ATTHEENDOFTHESTREET (PG-13) 1:30, 4:30, 7:35, 10:10 LOOPER(R) 12:30, 3:30, 7:10, 10 THE ODDLIFEOF TIMOTHY GREEN (PG) 1:20, 4:20 PITCH PERFECT (PG-13) 12:20, 3:10, 6:30, 9:30 RESIDENTEVIL: RETRIBUTION(R) 2:50, 10:05 TAKEN2(PG-13)Noon,1,3,4,6:15, 7, 7:50, 9:15, 9:45, 10:15 TROUBLE WITHTHE CURVE (PG­ 13) 12:50, 4:10, 7:15, 9:55

869 N.W. Tin Pan Alley, Bend, 541-241-2271


REDMOND Redmond Cinemas 1535 S.W. Ddem Medo Road,

Redmond, 541-548-8777

FRANKENWEENIE (PG)11a.m., 1, 3,5,7,9 HOTELTRANSYLVANIA(PG) 11:15 a.m., 1:15, 3:15, 5:15, 7:15, 9:15 HOUSE ATTHEENDOFTHESTREET (PG-13) 6:45, 9 TAKEN 2(PG-13) Noon, 2:15, 4:30, 6:45, 9 TROUBLE WITHTHE CURVE (PG­ 13) 11:15 a.m., 1:45, 4:15



HOPE SPRINGS (PG-13) 7:30 HOTELTRANSYLVANIA(PG) 2:45, 5,7 TAKEN 2(PG-13) 3:15, 5:30, 7:45 TROUBLE WITHTHE CURVE (PG­ 13) 2:30,5,7:30 WILD HORSE,WILDRIDE(PG) 3, 5:15

(ages 3to 11)andseniors (ages 60 andolder). • Movie times are subject to change after press time.

MADRAS Madras Cinema 5 END OFWATCH(R) 12:10, 2:30, 4:50, 7:20 FRANKENWEENIE3-D(PG) 12:05, 2:20, 4:35, 6:50 HOUSE ATTHEENDOFTHESTREET (PG-13) 1, 3:10, 5:20, 7:30 TAKEN 2(PG-13) 12:45, 2:50, 5, 7:10 TROUBLE WITHTHE CURVE (PG­ 13) Noon,2:15,4:40,7

room has limited accessibility.


Food, Home & Garden In AT HOME The BuIIetin

PRINE VILLE Pine Theater 214 N. Main St., Prineville, 541-41 6-1014

HOTELTRANSYLVANIA(UPSTAIRS — PG) 2, 4:15, 6:30, 8:15 TAKEN 2(PG-13) 1,4, 7 Pine Theater's upstairs screening


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720 Desperado Court,

Sisters, 541-549-8800

• Accessibility devices are available for some movies at Regal Old Mill Stadium 16<I /MAX • There may be an additional fee for 3-D movies. • IMAX films are $15.50 for adults and $13 for children

1101 S.W. U.S. Highway 97, Madras, 541-475-3505

Tin Pan Theater

Regal Old Mill

Sisters Movie House

Award-winning neighborhood on Bend's mes tside. tr


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*In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/Black Butte Di ital PM-Prineville/Madras SR-Sunriver L-La Pine

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KATU News I Foot ball Night Explore NW 0 KE ZI 9 News

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*A&E 130 28 18 32 Exterminator E xterminator

Extermina tor Exterminator Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty Into the West Casual t ies of War C uster' s death. (Part 5 of6) '14' Into the WestGhostDanceArmyslaughter of Indians. (Part 6 of 6) '14' «Hell on Wheels Blood Moon; BloodMoonRising Cullenprepares for battle. Hell on Wheels Cullenprepares for *AltflC 1 02 40 39 battle. (N) ' PG' *ANPL 68 50 26 38 Tanked Neil Patrick Harris. Call of Wildman Call of Wildman Call-Wildman Call-Wildman Drug Kingpin Hippos 'PG' « Eating Giants: Hippo 'PG' « Eating Giants: Elephant (N) 'PG' Eating Giants: Hippo 'PG' « BRAVO 137 4 4 Ho u sewives/NYC Housewives/NJ Housewives/NJ Housewives/NJ Housewives/NJ Housewives/NJ WhatHappens Housewives/NJ CMT 190 32 4253 Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders Dallas CowboysCheerleaders D a llas Cowboys Cheerleaders Extreme Makeover: HomeEdition Extreme Makeover: Home Edition Extreme Makeover: HomeEdition Extreme Makeover: Home Edition CNBC 54 36 40 52 J.Crewandthe Man Who American Greed: TheFugitives A merican Greed Trash Inc: TheSecret Life of Ultimate Factories 'G' American Greed Safe Chainsaw SuperFood CNN 55 38 35 48 Latino in America(N) Piers MorganTonight CNN News room (N) Latino in America Piers Morgan Tonight CNN Newsroom Latino in America COM 135 53 135 47 (3:00) SexDrive * "Grandma's Boy (2006) DorisRoberts, AllenCovert. ae Jeff Dunham:Controlled Chaos '14' ae Jeff Dunham:Minding Jeff Dunham: Minding Tosh.0 '14' So u th Park 'MA COTY 11 (4:30) City Club of Central Oregon Talk of the TownLocal issues. D e sert Cooking Oregon Joy of Fishing Adv Journal G e t Outdoors Visions of NWTheYoga Show The Yoga Show Talk oftheTownLocalissues. I GSPAN 61 20 12 11 Q&A Prime Minister Road to the White House Q&A Prime Minister Road to the White House Washington ThisWeek *DIS 87 43 14 39 Good-Charlie Good-Charlie Austin & Ally n Shake It Up! 'G' Good-Charlie Gravity Falls n Good-Charlie Austin & Ally n A.N.T. Farm 'G' Jessie n 'G' M y Babysitter My Babysitter A.N.T. Farm 'G' My Babysitter *DISC 15621 16 37 MythBusters SquareW heels'PG MythBusters Blue Ice 'PG' « Myth Busters n 'PG' ae MythBusters Titanic Survival 'PG' Plane Crash (N) n 'PG' « (11:01) MythBusters 'PG' « *E! 136 2 5 Ke e ping Up With the KardashiansKeeping UpWith the Kardashians ** "She's Outof MyLeague" (2010)Jay Baruchel, Alice Eve Jonas Jonas Jonas Keeping UpWith the Kardashians Jonas ESPN 21 23 22 23 Sportsoenter BCS Countdown MLS Soccer PortlandTimbers at Seattle Sounders FC(N) (Live) Sportsoenter (N)(Live) « Sportsoenter (N)(Live) « Sportsoenter « ESPN2 22 24 21 24 (4:00) NHRA DragRacing Auto-PlusNationaleFromReading, Pa.(N) 2012 World Series of Poker NASCARNow (N) « NASCARRacing Sprint Cup:GoodSamRoadside Assistance 500 (N) College Football ESPNC 23 25 123 25 *** "Harvard Beats yale 29-29" (2008,Documentary) ~c Hellfighters" (2007,Documentary) « NBA FromApril 6, 2010. (N) Ringside ae « ve) H-Lite Ex. H-L i te Ex. H-L i te Ex. H-L i te Ex. H-L i te Ex. H-L i te Ex. ESP NFC Press Pass ESPNN 24 63 12420 Stories of... S p o rtsoenter S portsoenter (N) (Li Sportsoenter (N)(Live) « *** "The Mummy"(1999, Adventure) BrendanEraser, RachelWeisz. Premiere *** "The Mummy" (1999,Adventure)BrendanEraser,RachelW eisz,JohnHannah. FAM 67 29 19 41 (4:30) ** "Prince of Persia: TheSands of Time" (2010,Adventure) FNC 57 61 36 50 Huckabee(N) Fox NewsSunday Geraldo at Large (N)'PG' « Huckabee Stossel Geraldo at Large n 'PG' « Fox NewsSunday *FOOD 17762 98 44 Halloween Wars Underworld D ine r s, Drive $24 in 24 The Great FoodTruck Race Cupcake WarsBigTime Rush(N) Halloween Wars Evil Clowns'G' Iron Chef America (N) Restaurant Stakeout *** "Taken" (2008,Action) LiamNeeson, MaggieGrace *** "Taken" (2008,Action) LiamNeeson,MaggieGrace FX 131 * BigDaddy ** " Eagle Eye" (2008, Action) Shia LaBeouf, Michelle Monaghan, RosarioDawson I HGTV 17649 33 43 Income property n'G' « House Hunters Hunters Int'I Million Dollar Rooms'G' ae Extreme Homes'G' se Buying and Selling 'G' se Property Brothers Olivia 'G' ae House HuntersRenovation (N)'G' *HIST 1554241 36 AmericanPickers'PG'ae American Pickers 'PG'ae American Pickers 'PG' « American Pickers 'PG'ae American Pickers 'PG'ae Pawn Stars 'PG' Restoration (11:02) American Pickers se LIFE 13839 20 31 (4:30)** "TylerPerry'stheFamilyThatPreys" (2008,Drama)cc Abducted: TheCarlina WhiteStory" (2012) AunianueEllis. 'PG' « Steel Magnolias" (2012)QueenLatifah. Premiere. 'PG' « Abducted: CarlinaWhite MSNBC 59 59128 51 Caughton Camera Caught on Camera Predator Raw:TheUnseenTapes Lockup InsideSanQuentin Lockup One ofthe largest jail systems inthe world Meetthe Press 'G' « MTV 192 22 38 57 (3:00) "IndependenceDay" n The Challenge: Battle of Seasons Teen MomTalk Teen Mom Farewell Special Thecast reflects. 'PG Jersey ShoreThegangreturns to the shore. n '14' « The Challenge: Battle of Seasons NICK 82 46 24 40 SpongeBob S p ongeBob S p ongeBob S p ongeBob ioarly iShockAmenca G « See DadRun Full House 'G Full House'G' Full House'G' The Nanny 'PG' TheNanny 'PG Friends n '14' Friends n '14 Oprah's Next Chapter 'PG' « Oprah's Next Chapter 'PG'ae Oprah's Next Chapter (N)n Oprah's Next Chapter '14' ae OWN 161103 31 10 Oprah's Next Chapter LadyGaga. n '14' « Oprahs Next Chapter PG « ROOT 20 45 28* 26 College Football MontanaState at UC Davis College Football BoiseState atSouthern Mississippi College Football SPIKE 132 31 34 46 Auction Hunters Auction Hunters Auction Hunters Auction Hunters Auction Hunters Auction Hunters Auction Hunters Auction Hunters Auction Hunters Auction Hunters Auction Hunters Auction Hunters Auction Hunters Auction Hunters *** "Primal" (2009,Horror) KrewBoylan, Ch'askaCubade Reed. "Wrong Turn4: Bloody Beginnings" (2011,Horror) SeanSkene. « ** "Leprechaun"(1992)« SYFY 133 35 133 45 (4:30) ** "Blade ii" (2002)WesleySnipes, KrisKristofferson. TBN 205 60 130 Joel Osteen K e rry Shook B e lievervoice Crefla Dollar * * * "Barabbas" (1962, Historical Drama)AnthonyQuinn, Silvana Mangano Petra: Secret Hiding Place Against All An Unconventional War *TBS 16 27 11 28 (4:00)MLBBaseballDivisionSeries: TeamsTBA(N)(Live) MLB Baseball DivisionSeries: TeamsTBA (N) (Live) Inside MLB(N) Seinfeld 'PG' ** "Headin' Home"(1920)BabeRuth.Silent. A baseball h vot Against the (6:45) ** "Night and Day" (1946, Musi c al) Cary Grant, Al e xis Smi t h, Monty Wool l e y. A romanti** "The Busher" (1919, Drama) TCM 101 44 101 29Alexis ** "The Doughgi (1944, Cornedy)AnnSheridan, Smi th,Janerls" Wyman. cized account ofthe life of composer ColePorter. « Charles Ray,Colleen Moore. player namedBabeimpressesthe masses. Flesh" *TLC 178 34 32 34 Island Medium Island Medium Island Medium Island Medium Island Medium Island Medium Island Medium Island Medium Long Island Medium: Onthe Bre aking Amish (N) n '14' « Lon g Island Medium:the On *TNT 17 26 15 27 Law &order Matrimony n'PG' L a w & order Take-Outn'14' Law & OrderSecondOpinion '14' Law & Order Sweetie n '14 Law & Order Humiliation n 'PG' L aw & Order Evil Breeds n '14' L a w & Order Hitman n '14 *TOO N 84 Regular Show Ed, Edd 'n Eddy Wrld, Gumball Dragons: Riders Open Season 3" (2010,Comedy) SteveSchirripa. B e n 10 Cleveland Show King of the Hill King of the Hill Family Guy '14' Family Guy '14' Black Dynamite *TRAV 179 51 45 42 Most Terrifying-America 4 Most Terrifying-America 6 Halloween Fright House Making Monsters (N) 'PG' « Mak i ng Monsters (N) 'PG' « Hall oween Crazier (N) 'PG' « Des t inatn Fear Destinatn Fear Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond KingofQueens TVLND 65 47 29 35 Andy Griffith A ndy Griffith * * * "J urassic Park" (1993)SamNeil. Cloned dinosaurs runamokat anisland-jungle theme park USA 15 30 23 30 Law&orden SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Pirates of theCaribbean: End Rehab With Dr. Drew(N) n '14' B e hind the Music (N) 'PG' « Rehab With Dr. Drew n '14' Behind theMusicn 'PG'ae VH1 191 48 37 54 Rehab With Dr. DrewDetox'14' R ehab With Dr. Drew n '14' Reh a b With Dr. Drew n '14' •

**** "Eee the Extra-Terrestrial" 1982HenryThomas. 'PG' « ** "Batman Forever" 1995,Action Val Kilmer. n 'PG-13' cc Jason and the Argonauts 'PG' « ENGR 106401306401 Jason and the Argonauts 'PG'ae ** "Li ttle Man"2006,ComedyShawnW ayans.'PG-13' « ** "Death at a Funeral" 2010, Comedy Keith David. 'R' « * "Are WeDone yet?" 2007, ComedyIce Cube. 'PG' « FMC 10420410412 (4:00) ** "Little Man"2006 Toro Off RoadJamPro4 (N) T h e Ultimate Fighter n 'PG' The Ultimate Fighter n '14' UFC Fight Night UFC:Brownevs. Silva UFC Tonight UFC Roundtable The Ultimate Fighter n 'PG' FUEL 34 PGA Tour Golf Justin TimberlakeShriners Hospitals for ChildrenOpen,Final RoundFromLas Vegas Golf Central (N) PGA Tour Golf Champions:SASChampionship, Final Round I GOLF 28301 27 301 PGATourGolf "Accidentallyin Love" (2010,Drama)Jennie Garth. 'PG' « "Undercover Bridesmaid" (2012)BrookeBurns. 'PG' « Frasier n 'PG' Frasier n 'PG HALL 66 33 175 33 "TheWishList" (2010) Jennifer Esposito, David Sutcliffe. 'PG' « * "BigMommas:LikeFather, LikeSon" 2011 Martin Lawrence. Malcolmand ** "Cowboys a Aliens" 2011, ScienceFiction DanielCraig. Extraterrestrials Boardwalk Empire Blue Bell Boy Treme MeDonkey Want WaterToni Boardwalk Empire Blue Bell Boy his stepson goundercover at agirls school. « attack a19th-century Arizonatown. n 'PG-13' « Nucky andOwenhide out. 'MA' searchesfor a kiler. (N) 'MA' Nucky andOwenhide out. 'MA' *** "Full MetalJacket" 1987, WarMatthew Modine, AdamBaldwin. 'R IFC 105 1 0 5 * * * " Full Metal Jacket" 1987, WarMatthewModine, AdamBaldwin. 'R Perkins'14" 2009,HorrorRichardBrake. Premiere. 'R "Underworld" 2003,Horror KateBeckinsale, Scott Speedman.A vampire ** "What'syour Number?"2011,Romance-ComedyAnnaParis. A woman wneyJr. A high-strungman **protects ltflAJC OO 508 50 (4: ** "Lake 15)**a"Due 201 0, Comedy RobertnDo Bill50) Pullman. n 'R'Pl«acid" 1999, Horror (6: takes road trip Date" with an annoying stranger. 'R' « a medicalstudentfromwerewolves. n 'R' « wonders if one of 20exescould be hertrue love.n 'R' ae NGC 157 15 7 A l aska State TroopersIntoxi Ancated miner blocks aroad. (N)'14 Alaska State Troopers (N) '14 Alaska State Troopers AnIntoxicatedminer blocks a road. '14 Alaska State Troopers '14' Alaska State Troopers '14' Wild Grinders Planet Sheen Robot, Monster Odd Parents Huntik: Secrets Huntik: Secrets Legend-Korra Legend-Korra Dragon Ball Z Iron Man: Armor I NTOON 89 11518911 Odd Parents Odd Parents H u ntik: Secrets Huntik: Secrets OUTD 37 307 43 307 Hunt Adventure Wildgame Ntn Realtree Road Truth Hunting BushmanShow Bone Collector Craig Morgan Red Arrow Hunt Adventure Realtree Road Live 2 Hunt W i ldgame Ntn Ult. Adventures The Season *** "A BetterLife" 2011, DramaDemian Bichir, Jose Julian. A day Dexter Are You...? Debtries to cover Homeland TheSmile Aformer asset Dexter MiamiMetrorehashesanold Homeland Beirut IsBack (N)n Dexter MiamiMetrorehashesanold S Hp 500 5 0 0 (5:15) 'MA' « 'MA' 'MA' cc laborer andhis sonsearchfor their stolentruck. 'PG-13' up involvement. threatensCarrie's peace. crime spree.(N) 'MA' « crime spree.n 'MA'« SPEED 35 30312530 NASCARVictory Lane (N ) Wind Tunnel With Dave Despain My Classic Car Car Crazy 'G Auto Racing AMA ProRacingNewOrleans (N) AMA ProRacingNewOrleans (N) NCWTSSetup NASCAR Racing ** "Colombiana" 2011,Action ZoeSaldana. n 'PG-13' « STARZ 30040830040 The Muppets (5:45) *** "Moneyball" 2011, DramaBradPitt, Jonah Hill. n 'PG-13'ae Boss Consequencen 'MA' « Boss Consequencen 'MA'se (4:00) *** "OnceAround" 1991 ** " Powder" 1995, DramaMarySteenburgen, LanceHenriksen. Analbino ** "Howto Lose aGuyin 10Days" 2003Kate Hudson.Awriter bets shecan "Finding Bliss" 2009LeeleeSobieski. A filmmakertakes a (11:40) "The • Richard Dreyfuss.'R' « outcast possessesamazingmental powers.n 'PG-13' « seduce amanandthen drive himaway. n 'PG-13' « job as aneditor of pornomovies. 'R' ae Fourth Angel" NBCSN 27 58 30 20 Bucks Tec. W h i tetail Revel. Gun It w/Spies Buck Elk Fever 'PG' Tred Barta Caught Looking 'PG Sports illustrated 'PG Dream On:Journey Caught Looking 'PG *WE 143 41 17411 Bridezillas Tabby 8 Christine '14' Bridezillas Tabby 8 Davina'14' P l at. Weddings Plat. Weddings B r i dezillas Cristal 8 Sherry '14' Bridezillas Tabby 8Christine '14' Bridezillas Tabby 8 Davina'14' B r idezillas Cristal 8 Sherry '14'




Aunt deniesdrug addiction

becausepills areprescribed Dear Abby: My Aunt "Bet­ ty," with whom I have always been close, is 68 and retired. She is abusing prescription drugs and spends several days a week passed out or confused sometimes hallucinating. I rarely call her anymore be­ cause all she does is mumble and make od d c o mments. Sometimes she passes out on the phone. My uncle is in denial. He comes from a ge n eration where family problems are kept within th e f amily. He refuses to seek professional treatment for her or get her into detox. Caring for Aunt Betty is affecting his health, but he refuses to budge. Please don't tell me to notify her doctor — I already tried. Aunt Betty is an accomplished manipulator and doctor shops until she finds new doctors who load her up when the old ones won't c ooperate. She does have genuine health is­ sues that require meds, but her doctors have said she would never be stoned if she used them properly. Confronting my aunt when she's coherent only makes her angry. She denies she's abus­ ing drugs because "they are all prescription." My mom is dead and I'm worried about my aunt and uncle's health. Help! — Desperate Niece in Florida Dear Desperate:Start calling your aunt more often, because addiction is an illness and de­ nial is one of the symptoms. Older people do r eact d i f­ ferently to medications than younger ones do, and a dose that might be tolerated when someone is middle-aged can be toogreat for a senior. Because your uncle i sn' t able to insist that your aunt get professional help, allow me to offer a suggestion. The next time she passes out during one of your phone conversations, do what you'd normally do if someone elselost conscious­ ness while talking to you. Call



Please email event information to communitylifeC~bendbulletin.corn or click on "Submit an Event" at www.bendbulletin.corn. Allow at least 10 days before the desired date of publication. Ongoing listings must be updated monthly. Contact: 541-383-0351.

TODAY ABBY 911. When she winds up in the emergency room, her doctor will be alerted about the over­ dose. It would be a first step in seeing her get the help she needs. P.S. There's a c o m m on misconception among older people that because a drug is "prescription" it's s omehow not addictive. And your aunt isn't the first person to fall into this trap. Dear Abby: Our w e dding plans have taken a sudden turn. My fiancee, "Carolyn," has a wealthy father with a reputation for being an ex­ treme tightwad. Carolyn was profoundly touched when he offeredto pay for most of the wedding expenses. Last night, Carolyn's moth­ er confessed to us that Caro­ lyn's father is not paying for the wedding. He is deducting the expenses from Carolyn's inheritance from her grand­ mother. (The father is executor of her grandmother's estate.) He has no idea that his wife told Carolyn, and we' re sworn to secrecy because she will get into "deep, deep trouble" if he finds out she told. To make matters worse, he has the gall to make demands about the wedding as if he was paying for it himself. Carolyn is so deeply hurt by this deception that she doesn' t even want her parents to at­ tend the wedding. All of the joy has gone out of the wed­ ding for her — and therefore, for me as well. Abby, how do you think we should handle this? — Flummoxed Fiance in New York Dear Flummoxed Fiance: I think you should elope. — Write Dear Abby at www.DearAbby.corn or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.

Horoscope:HappyBirthday for Sunday,Oct. 7, 2012 to be found. By Jacqueline Bigar This year you will assume a strong VIRGO (Aug.23-Sepb 22) leadership role and beable to handle ** * * Your ability to deal with it well. You haveunusually high someone difficult becomes even energy and drive. Curb anunexpected more obvious. This person is and sometimes combative style if you rebellious. Know that you cannot become frustrated. Have anoutlet, push him or her. Achild or loved one such as a sport or hobby, to help you throws a tantrum because he orshe release this unusual liveliness. If you needssomethingthatyou can choose are single, you will meet someone to provide. Tonight: Allow in more fun. special through your travels and/or LIBRA (Sepb 23-Ocb 22) an acquaintance. If you areattached, ** * * You have made plans with the two of you becomecloser if you a parent or older friend, but you' ll take up a mutual commitment. Your discover that neither of you wants sweetie could betaken abackby your to do what is planned; however, you high energy. CANCER enjoys seeing do still want to spend time together. you take the lead. Be spontaneous, andyou will enjoy The Stars Show the Kind of DayYou'l yourselves more. Tonight: A force to Have: 5-Dynamic; 4-Positive; 3­ be dealt with. Average; 2-So-so; 1-Difficult SCORPIO(Ocb23-Nov. 21) ARIES (March 21-April 19) ** * * Your perception could be ** * You might want to spend some way off when dealing with a difficult time at home and/or with family. neighbor or sibling. You could betoo This downtime will help you relax. A involved in the situation to respond difficult friend or loved onecould be in a neutral manner. Dosomething to far more challenging than you might distractyourself. Tonight: Followthe think. Your creativity surges in this music. conflict. Tonight: A must appearance. SAGITTARIUS(Nov. 22-Dec. 21) TAURUS(April 20-May 20) ** * * Decide to takeleisurely a ** * * You will take a step toward walk with a dear friend or close loved someone, which, at first, could feel one. The time will recharge your tenuous. You might find grounds energy and allow you to bond closer for this attitude, as the unexpected with this person. Every relationship occurs. Ultimately, it makes no needs special time — even difference if you handle it well. Know friendships. Tonight: Stick with the why you are irritated, and express togetherness theme. it. Don't play games.Tonight: Tell it CAPRICORN(Dec. 21-Jan. 19) like it is. ** * You might want to defer to GEMINI (May 21-June20) someone else's way of thinking, ** * You might want to deal especially if you are feeling testy. The differently with a difficult friend less you tryto be in control, the better or close loved one.Yougenuinely off you will be. Listen to what this understand this person's needs, but person shares, and try to get out of you can't always play into his or her your own head.Tonight: Sort through control games. Decide not to get invitations. involved. Your imagination could be AQUARIUS(Jan. 20-Feb. 18) a factor in a disagreement. Tonight: ** * * M ake this your day for some Your treat. R and R. Theactivities you choose CANCER(June21-July 22) could reflect your mental state. Easily, ** * * * P ut your best foot forward, a roommate or loved onemight andunderstandthatyoucanmakea decide to join you. Makesure that difference. You donot needto respond having this person comealong will to a close lovedone'stantrum. It not stress you out. Tonight: Start simply does not work for you —power thinking about tomorrow. plays are notyour cup of tea. Tonight: PISCES (Feb. 18-March19) You get what youwant. ** * * L isten to a child's plans. You LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) might decide to jump right in and go ** * Back away from a difficult along with them. Those of you who situation, which is being presented as are young at heart will mix romance "all or nothing." Takesometime off to with good times. Single Fish could indulge yourself. What comes from meet someone special, if they decide out ofleftfield actually will be good to go out with friends. Tonight: Curb news, once you recuperate from your your frustration. startled first response. Tonight: Not © 2012 by King Features Syndicate

PUMPKIN PATCH:Free admission; 9 a.m.-5 p.m.; DD Ranch, 3836 N.E. Smith Rock Way, Terrebonne; 541-548-1432 or www.ddranch.net. CORN MAIZE:$7.50, $5.50 ages 6-11, free ages 5 andyounger; 10 a.m.-6 p.m.; Central Oregon Pumpkin Company,1250 N.E. Wilcox Ave., Terrebonne; 541­ 504-1414 or www.pumpkinco. org. PUMPKIN PATCH:Free admission; 10 a.m.-6 p.m.; Central Oregon Pumpkin Company,1250N.E.W ilcox Ave., Terrebonne; 541-504-1414 or www.pumpkinco.corn. BEND FALLFESTIVAL:A celebration of all things fall featuring activities, a fashion show, contests, art and food; Five Pint Mary and Tony Smiley perform; free; Family Harvest Area closes at 4 p.m.; music at1 p.m.; downtown Bend; 541-389­ 0995 or www.c3events.corn/ events/Bend-Fall-Festival/. FALL BOOK SALE:The Friends of the Bend Public Library hosts a bag sale of books; free admission, $4 per bag; 1-4 p.m.; Deschutes Library Administration Building, 507 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-312­ 1021. KNIGHTS OFCOLUMBUS OKTOBERFEST: The eighth annual event features live music, food and more; $15, $5 ages 6-12, free ages 5 andyounger; 1-6 p.m.; St. Edward the Martyr Church, 123 Trinity Way, Sisters; 541-549-9391 or www. stedwardsisters.org. "WRONG WINDOW":Cascades Theatrical Company presents thecomedy aboutacouple who think they have witnessed a murder through a window; $24, $1 8seniors, $12 students; 2 p.m.; Greenwood Playhouse, 148 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-389-0803 or www. cascadestheatrical.org. AUTHOR PRESENTATION:Julia Kennedy Cochran presents her father's memoir, "Ed Kennedy's War: V-E Day,Censorship and the Associated Press"; free; 2 p.m.; Barnes & Noble Booksellers, 2690 E. U.S. Highway 20, Bend; 541-318­ 7242 or tinad@deschuteslibrary. org. NOTABLES SWINGBAND:The big band plays swing, blues, Latin, rock 'n' roll and waltzes; $5; 2-4 p.m.; Bend Senior Center, 1600 S.E. ReedMarket Road; 541-639-7734 or www. notablesswingband.corn. SECONDSUNDAY: Marjorie Sandor reads from a selection of her works; followed by an open mic; free; 2 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public Library, Brooks Room, 601 N.W.Wall St.; 541-312-1032 or www. deschuteslibrary.org/calendar. MUSICA MAESTRALE: The Portland-based early music ensemble featuring Hideki Yamaya, Adaiha Macadam­ Somer and NoahStrick performs; donations accepted; 7:30 p.m.; private residence, 67155 Sunburst St., Bend; 503-213­ 3144 or www.hyamaya.corn. SEAN HAYES: TheSan Francisco­ based indie-folk artist returns, with Birds of Chicago; $18;7:30 p.m.; MandalaYoga Community, tbd loft, 55 N.W.Minnesota Ave., Bend; 541-678-5183 or www. mandalayogabend.corn.

MONDAY No events scheduled.


The Bulletin file photo

MIke Duggan waves to people in his pumpkin patch while leading a 2007 hay ride at the DD Ranch, in Terrebonne. The pumpkin patch is open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Admission is free. THE GENERATORS: The Los Angeles-based punk band performs; $5; 8 p.m.; The Horned Hand, 507 N.W. Colorado Ave., Bend; 541-728­ 0879 or www.reverbnation.corn/ venue/thehornedhand.

THURSDAY PUMPKIN PATCH:Freeadmission; noon-6 p.m.; Central Oregon Pumpkin Company, 1250 N.E. Wilcox Ave., Terrebonne; 541-504­ 1414 or www.pumpkinco.corn. THE LIBRARYBOOKCLUB: Read and discuss "The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks" by Rebecca Skloot; free; noon; Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W.Wall St.; 541-617­ 7080 or www.deschuteslibrary. org/calendar. TUMALO FARMERS MARKET: Free admission; 3-6 p.m.; Tumalo Garden Market, off of U.S. Highway 20 and Cook Avenue; 541-728-0088, earthsart@gmail.corn or http: // tumalogardenmarket.corn. "B'AKTUN":A showing of the bilingual play about the end of the Mayan calendar; free; 6-8 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, Hitchcock Auditorium, 2600 N.W. College Way, Bend; 541-382-4366 or www.milagro.org. BAKESTARRBENEFIT CONCERT: Featuring a performance by Five Pint Mary; ages 21 and older; proceeds benefiBAKESTARR; t $5;6 p.m .; Silver Moon Brewing & Taproom, 24 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541­ 598-4483 or www.bakestarr.org. BENDFILM:The ninth annual independent film festival features films at McMenamins Old St. Francis School, the Tower Theatre, Tin Pan Theater, Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX, Cascades Theatrical CompanyandThe Oxford Hotel; $200 full festival pass, $125 full film pass, individual tickets $11 in advance, $12 at the door; 6-10:15 p.m.; 541-388-3378, info@bendfilm. org or www.bendfilm.org. FROM CHETO CASTRO: A discussion about building bridges with 21st-century Cuba; free; 6:30­ 8 p.m.; Nativity Lutheran Church, 60850 S.E. Brosterhous Road, Bend; 541-633-7354. JERRY JOSEPH ANDWALTER SALAS-HUMARA:Two roots­ rockers play acoustic sets; $5; 9:30 p.m.; Astro Lounge, 939 N.W.Bond St., Bend; 541-388-0116 or www. astroloungebend.corn.

FRIDAY BENDFILM:The ninth annual independent film festival features films at McMenamins Old St. Francis School, the Tower Theatre, Tin Pan Theater, Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX, Cascades Theatrical CompanyandThe Oxford Hotel; $200 full festival pass, $125 full

film pass, individual tickets $11 in advance, $1 2at the door; 9 a.m.-10 p.m.; 541-388-3378, info@bendfilm. org or www.bendfilm.org. PUMPKIN PATCH:Freeadmission; noon-6 p.m.; Central Oregon Pumpkin Company, 1250 N.E. Wilcox Ave., Terrebonne; 541-504­ 1414 or www.pumpkinco.corn. FROM CHETO CASTRO: A discussion about building bridges with 21 st-century Cuba; free; 1:30-3 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, Hitchcock Auditorium, 2600 N.W.CollegeWay, Bend;541-633­ 7354. "FINDINGFREMONT IN OREGON, 1843":A presentation and screening of the documentary by Shirley Morris about the 20th century cowgirl; free; 3-5 p.m.; Touchmark at Mt. Bachelor Village, 19800 S.W. Touchmark Way, Bend; 541-383­ 1414 or wwwtouchmarkbend.corn. CORN MAIZE:$7.50, $5.50 ages 6-11, free ages 5 andyounger; 3-7 p.m.; Central Oregon Pumpkin Company, 1250 N.E.W ilcoxAve., Terrebonne; 541-504-1414 or www. pumpkinco.org. AUTHORPRESENTATION:Teresa Irish and Linda Irish Larsen present their book, "A Thousand Letters Home: OneWWII Soldier' s Story of War, Love and Life"; free; 5-8 p.m.; Barnes & Noble Booksellers, 2690 E. U.S. Highway 20, Bend; 541-318-7242 or www. athousandlettershome.corn. LITERARYHARVEST:Featuring readings by winners of the Literary Harvest writing contest; $10, $5 for Central Oregon Writers Guild members; 6:30-8:30 p.m.; Comfort Suites, 2243 S.W.YewAve., Redmond; 541-408-6306 or www. centraloregonwritersguild.corn. "THE ARTIST":A screening of the PG-13-rated 2011 film; free; 7:30 p.m.; Jefferson County Library, RodriguezAnnex,134S.E. ESt., Madras; 541-475-3351 or www. jcld.org. "EVIL DEADTHEMUSICAL": Opening night of 2nd Street Theater's performance of the musical comedy about five college students who accidentally unleash an evil force; contains adult language; $21, $25 splatter zone, $18 students and seniors; 8 p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-312-9626 or www.2ndstreettheater.corn. KEATONCOLLECTIVE:The blues band performs, with All you All; $5; 8:30p.m.;Liquid Lounge,70 N.W . Newport Ave., Bend; 541-389-6999. ANDY HACKBARTH: The Denver­ based folk-pop artist performs; $3; 9:30 p.m.; Silver Moon Brewing & Taproom, 24 N.W.Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-388-8331 or www. silvermoonbrewing.corn. FRIDAY NIGHTFEVERDANCE PARTY:Featuring DJ Bryan Swett, with cocktails and food carts; part

SHAOLIN WARRIORS:Kung fu masters demonstrate martial arts associated with the Shaolin Monastery in "Voices of the Masters"; $35-$50 plus fees; 7:30 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-317­ 0700 or www.towertheatre.org. SWANSEA:The orchestral indie-pop trio performs, with Patrick Dethlefs; $5; 8 p.m.; The Horned Hand, 507 N.W.Colorado Ave., Bend; 541-728-0879 or www.reverbnat ion.corn/venue/ thehornedhand.

SATURDAY SKYLINERSWINTER SPORTS SWAP:Event features deals on new and used athletic gear, including ski equipment, winter clothing, ice skates and more; a percentage of the proceeds benefits the Mt. Bachelor Sports Education Foundation; $3; $6 per family; 8 a.m.-5 p.m.; 149 S.E. Ninth St., Bend; 541-388-0002 or www.mbsef.org. BENDFILM:The ninth annual independent film festival features films at McMenamins Old St. Francis School, the Tower Theatre, Tin Pan Theater, Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX, Cascades Theatrical CompanyandTheOxford Hotel; $200 full festival pass, $1 25full film pass, individual tickets $11 in advance, $12 at the door; 9 a.m.-11 p m ' 541-388-3378 info@bendfilm org or www.bendfilm.org. PUMPKIN PATCH: Freeadmission; 9 a.m.-5 p.m.; DD Ranch, 3836 N.E. Smith Rock Way,Terrebonne; 541­ 548-1432 or www.ddranch.net. THE GREATPUMPKIN RACE: 5K costume race to benefit Elk Meadow Elementary, with a1-mile kids run; races begin and end at the plaza; followed by a family fun fair and costume contest; registration requested; $20, $5 kids run, free for spectators; 5K race starts at 10 a.m.; Brookswood Meadow Plaza, 19530 Amber Meadow Drive, Bend; 541­ 279-1875 or www.greatraceofbend. corn. USED GEARAND TOOL SALE:Held on the baseball field, with a silent auction; proceeds benefit Heart of Oregon Corps; free admission; 9 a.m.; Marshall High School, 1291 N.E. Fifth St., Bend; 541-633-7834 or www.heartoforegon.org. "THE METROPOLITANOPERA, L'ELISIR D' AMORE": Starring Anna Netrebko, Matthew Polenzani, Mariusz Kwiecien andAmbrogio Maestri in a presentation of Donizetti's masterpiece; opera performance transmitted live in high definition; $24, $22 seniors, $1 8children; 9 55 a.m.; Regal Old Mill Stadium16 & IMAX, 680 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend; 541-382-6347. CORN MAIZE:$7.50, $5.50 ages6­ 11, free ages 5 andyounger; 10 a.m.­ 7 p.m.; Central Oregon Pumpkin Company, 1250 N.E.W ilcoxAve., Terrebonne; 541-504-1414 or www. pumpkinco.org.

East Cascade Women's Group is pleased fo welcome Lindy Vraniak, M.D. fo our practice. Dr. Vraniak loves all aspects

of obstetrics and gynecology with a special interest in

adolescent gynecology and obstetrics. Dr. Vraniak was recently married and is thrilled fo be living in Bend with her

WEDNESDAY PUMPKIN PATCH:Free admission; noon-6 p.m.; Central OregonPumpkinCompany,1250 N.E. Wilcox Ave., Terrebonne; 541-504-1414 or www. pumpkinco.corn. BEND FARMERSMARKET:Free admission; 3-7 p.m .;Brooks Alley, between Northwest Franklin Avenue and Northwest Brooks Street; 541-408-4998, bendfarmersmarket@gmail.corn or www.bendfarmersmarket. corn. PROJECTTRIO:The Brooklyn­ basedchamber musicensemble performs; $12; 7 p.m.; Mountain View High School, 2755 N.E. 27th St., Bend; 541-639-7734 or www.whatisproject.org.

of the BendFilm Festival; $10; 9:30 p.m.; Greenwood Playhouse, 148 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541­ 389-0803 or www.bendfilm.org. JONATHANWARREN5 THE BILLY GOATS: The roots-rock band performs; $5; 8 p.m.; The Horned Hand, 507 N.W.Colorado Ave., Bend; 541-728-0879 or www.reverbnation. corn/venue/thehornedhand.

husband, dog and caf. She and her husband are avid trail runners, mountain bikers, and skate skiers. You may see her

occasionally compete in one

L indy Vraniak , M . D .

of the local half marafhons.

6 East Cascade Women's Group Supporting the Health and Well-Being of VVornen of All Ages.




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Continued from C1 Founded on the Humboldt River as a railroad work camp in late 1868 when the transcon­ tinental line was being built, Flko grew as a center for gold shipments in the 1880s. But its population soon dwin­ dled, and only in the last 30 years has it doubled in size. Located on I n terstate 80 some three hours' drive from Salt Lake City, 4t/~ hours' drive from Reno, the city doesn' t position itself as a gaming des­ tination. There are ample casi­ nos, of course, as permitted by Nevada state law; I roosted in the Red Lion Hotel 8 Casino, which happens to be the only casino among the 47 hotels of the Spokane-based group. There are also several bor­ dellos. A highly visible quartet of these establishments cluster together barely a block from Flko's most popular Basque restaurant, The Star Hotel. But these are not the city's claim to fame. Instead, Flko is proud of its lengthy roster of festivals, in­ cluding the National Cowboy Poetry Gathering in January, the National Basque Festival in July and the Ruby Mountain Balloon Festival in September. Although smoke d r i fting south from Idaho forest fires affected visibility during this year' s balloon fest, I was pleased to join an early morning launch with balloon pilot Bryan Hill of Page, Ariz., allowing me an aer­ ial perspective of the city as we drifted above the rooftops. We took off from the city' s Main Park beside the conven­ tion center, barely a block from Flko's Northeastern Nevada Museum. The museum added an entire wing in 1999 to house the collection ofbig-game hunt­ er Jack Wanamaker, who donat­ ed more than 300 mounted ani­ mals from five continents. But it's the other side of the building that I find more interesting. Here I found display case after case of a rtifacts from Flko's colorful history, from the region's railroad days and its pioneer gold-mining settle­ ments. I found my favorite items near the gun exhibits — clogs designed with hooves on the soles. They were worn by the notorious rustler "Crazy Tex" Hazelwood, who in th e late 1920s eluded ranchers and law­ enforcement officials because they could never find any boot prints when cattle were stolen. From this museum, the New­ mont Mining Co. offers half-day tours of its underground gold mines, once a month from April to October. I would consider a return visit to Flko simply to join one of these tours.

California Hational Historic Trail lnterpre z .ls

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Gary Koy, chief of interpretationfor the California National Historic Trail Interpretive Center, outlines the branches of the trail west of Fort Bridger, in what is now Wyoming.

Photos by Barb Gonzalez/ For The Bulletin

A colorful hot-air balloon —an entrant in the annual Ruby Mountain Balloon Festival — drifts above the rooftops of Elko on an early September morning. Elko hosts a wide range of annual festivals, including the National Cowboy Poetry Gathering in January and the National Basque Festival in July.

travel time. By the time they arrived at the Humboldt River, it was mid-September. When the group forged ahead to the Sierra, they were caught in an October blizzard, during which some travelers were forced to eat the frozen flesh of fallencomrades merely to survive. '

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One of more than two dozen legal brothels in the state of Ne­ vada, Inez's place stands among a cluster of other bordellos on South Third Street in Elko. Like other Nevada cities, Elko also has numerous casinos, although the city does not promote itself as a gaming destination.

white Europeans may have come in late 1828, when Peter Skene Ogden of the Hudson's Bay Co. Ied a n e x pedition of fur trappers through the region. According to Gary Koy, su­ pervisory park ranger for the California National Historic Trail Interpretive Center, the flood of immigrants began in 1841 with the Bidwell-Bartles­ Westward ho! by P arty. T h ese p i oneers The original residents of the struggled through the desert Humboldt River region were after abandoning their wag­ nomadic Shoshone Indians. ons near the Utah border. T heir f i rst e n counter w i t h The trickle of traffic was

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This clog designed with hooveson its soles was once worn by "Crazy Tex" Hazelwood, who used these shoes while rustling cattle from ranches in the late 1920s. It is one of many intrigu­ ing historical exhibits in Elko's Northeastern Nevada Museum.

slow until 1849, after news of the gold discovery in the Sierra foothills had made its way back to the East Coast. But by 1869, when the railroad began to operate, an estimated 250,000 travelers had crossed through northern Nevada on what became known as the California Trail. Most of them were middle-class families, as poor people couldn't afford the investment in travel, while the rich had no need to leave their comfortable homes. Most emigrants r eached the Humboldt River by mid­ August and followed it west. By crossing the High Sierra in September, practical minds believed, b e t te r wea t h er would prevail. And that gener­ ally held true — for those who stayed to the main trail. That was where the 87­ member Donner Party went wrong. Leaving Missouri in May 1846, the wagon train led by George Donner and James Reed split from the main Ore­ gon Trail at Fort Bridger (now Wyoming), choosing to follow advice given in Lansford Hast­ ings' "The Fmigrants' Guide to Oregon and California." The route, which became known as Hastings' Cutoff, crossed the Great Salt Lake Desert and circled around the Ruby Mountains. It was an obstacle-riddled detour t hat cost the Donners a month of

tors how the structures were built. "We want to make the Sho­ shone camp appear lived-in," said Cook, who was clad in buckskin a n d moc c asins. " Gary (Koy) wanted a N a ­ tive American to tell her own story. I assisted in creating the program." "The California Trail was not a bright spot in the history of the native culture," Koy as­ serted. "We hope to demon­ strate a little of what it origi­ nally had been."

the last week of January each year, often extending into Feb­ ruary — the event has drawn writers and musicians together with ranchers and other folks who simply love the culture of Western Americana. "I' ve heard that these few days contain the highest con­ centration of lies in any one place at any one time," said California Trail founding director Hal Cannon. At the point where Hastings' That may or may not be true, Cutoff rejoined the main Cali­ but artistic license is definitely fornia Trail, eight miles west encouraged. of modern Flko, the Bureau of New Mexico writer Baxter Land Management has estab­ Black, is one of the most popu­ Cowboy poets lished the California National lar participants. The first few That's not so different from lines of his poem, "The Buck­ Historic T r ai l In t e rpretive Center at a cost of $8 million. what goes on at the Western skin Mare," set the mood for Formally opened only in June Folklife Center. Occupying the Gatheringverywell: "He was every burnt-out of this year, it operates under the 100-year-old Pioneer Hotel the direction of Koy, who un­ and Saloon in downtown Flko, cowboy that I'd seen a million til 2007 had worked at Baker it is a regional cultural center times / With dead-man penny City's Oregon Trail Interpre­ far different than what its red­ eyes, like tarnished brass, / tive Center. brick exterior might suggest. That reflected accusations of A wall-size map, marked Within are an exhibit gallery, his critics and his crimes /And with historic westward-migra­ a 300-seat theater, a more in­ drowned them in the bottom of tion routes, greets visitors, who timate theater and a gift shop a glass." are tempted with films, exhib­ — as well as fully operating Fifty-one weeks of the year, its and life-size dioramas of saloon that features a mahog­ however, the Folklife Center any-and-cherry back bar built focuses on contemporary life life along the California Trail — and plenty of information in 1890. in the Great Basin — music, It's hard to imagine a more dance, arts "and stories of how about the legendary Donner Party. f itting location for th e N a ­ life is today," said artistic direc­ Open daily i n s u m m er, tional Cowboy Poetry Gather­ tor Meg Glaser. closed Monday and Tuesday ing. Since 1985 — beginning Continued next page in winter, the interpretive cen­ ter welcomes dozens of guests each day at no charge. O ne of i t s h i g hlights i s a replica Shoshone village outside the m ain b u i lding. oct. 26-28 r79 PPDO Willow-frame houses made of sagebrush and r y egrass Package Includes: replicate th e t r i be's t r adi­ • Transportation to and from Winnemucca +z tional shelters. Shania Cook, • Deluxe Hotel Accommodations a young Shoshone woman studying education at Great • $12 in Food Credit tt $15 FREE Slot Play Must be 21 years old Basin College in F l ko, ex­ CALL CONNIEBOYLE(541-508-1 500) OR plained to a g r oup of v i si­ ANGELNEILSON (800-648-4770X2142)TO RESERVEASEAT! '



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I, Photos by Barb Gonzalez/ For The Bulletin

P M adeleine Pickens relaxes in a luxurious African safari tent, one of several that she is building at her Mustang Monu­ ment. The projected eco-resort is in the middle stages of development; Pickens envisions welcoming bus tours in 2013, but lodging might be a couple of years away.





g A u t umn color bedecks Lamoille Canyon, a 12-mile cut in the Ruby Mountains that begins about 20 miles southeast of Elko. Occasional turnouts lead to Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest picnic areas and campgrounds, and trails climb to numerous lakes at 10,000 feet elevation.

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From previous page She noted a traveling ex­ hibit of John J. Audubon bird paintings b e in g p r e sented now through Nov. 3, as well as upcoming presentations of regional photography and of ranch life in Italy. A group of Italian cowboys, she said, will be honored during the 2013 Po­ etry Gathering. Just across a square that extends outside the Folklife Center, modern cowboy life is alive and well at the J.M. Capriola Co. Renowned for its custom saddles, bits and spurs, the company also sells ranch wear. But its specialty is "mak­ ing and repairing gear for the working cowboy," as its web­ site states. I spoke with one employee, Armando Delgado, who has been making saddles here since 1988 — about 15 a year, or more than 300 saddles in all, he said.

Saving mustangs Delgado won't be styling any saddles for Madeleine Pickens. The businesswoman — owner of California's Del Mar Coun­ try Club and wife of Texas philanthropist T. Boone Pick­ ens — has a 900-square-mile ranch property east of Elko and south of Wells that she has dubbed Mustang Monument.





Pickens' horses — 548 of them, she said — are all wild mustangs. And they will re­ main unsaddled on this acre­ age, which extends over two mountain ranges to the crest of a third. She hopes to even­ tually accommodate 30,000 wild horses here. It is P i ckens' immediate goal to build an ecologically sensitive resort b eside the old Hastings' Cutoff, offer­ ing lodging in luxury tepees and African safari tents, ca­ tered meals and ranch trans­ portation i n h or s e-drawn carriages. "We think this will one day be as big as Disneyland," she said. "But it' ll be a natural Dis­ neyland. It's an opportunity to bring back the Old West." Pickens said she envisions welcoming bus tours as early as next year. But her ranch m anager, Southern I d a h o realtor Clay N a nnini, sug­ gested that might be wishful thinking: The installation of electric wiring and plumbing alone might take all of 2013. If Mustang Monument be­ comes as popular as Made­ leine Pickens hopes, it will be a welcome event for the town of Wells, whose 1,400 citizens were struggling through hard times even before a f r e ak

Expenses Gas, Bend to Elko (round-trip), 989 miles © $4/gallon............................ $158.24 Lunches en route ........................................... $20 3 nights, Red Lion Hotel 8 Casino.........$366.24 Dinner, Aspens, Red Lion .............................. $37 Breakfast, Coffee Garden, Red Lion ..............$12 Lunch, Bella's, Wells.......................................$14 Dinner, Luciano's, Elko..............................$26.70 Breakfast, Cowboy Joe, Elko............................$7 Lunch, 2 Dames and a Deli.............................$11 Dinner, Star Hotel...........................................$46 Breakfast, Coffee Garden, Red Lion ........ $13.65 TOTAL ....................................... $711.83

2008 earthquake — measured at 6.0 on the Richter scale­ destroyed much of its historic downtown. Heaps of b r i ck and lumber remain on back streets today. But Wells' townspeople are resilient. When I visited, the new Trail of the 49ers Inter­ pretive Center was welcoming visitors to study maps, photos and other exhibits in an in­ formation center and reading room in the heart of the city. And volunteers were distrib­ uting walking-tour maps for Old Town Front Street — yes, the historic downtown blocks — as well as the nearby ghost town of Metropolis.

shore for those who packed a lunch. But without doubt, the high­ light of the region is Lamoille Canyon, a cut i n t h e Ruby Mountains that begins about 20 miles southeast of Elko. While it's not worthy of the titles " America's A lps" o r "Nevada's Yosemite," as some tourism literature suggested, it is a beautiful scenic attrac­ tion well worth a detour for anyone traveling this corner of Nevada. A scenic drive of 12 miles begins where Nevada State Highway 227 enters Hum­ boldt-Toiyabe National Forest, climbing more than 2,500 feet into the Rubys. Following a The high country tiny brook that cascades be­ Desert? Earthquake? By tween canyon walls, the road this time, I was ready to take ascends beneath stark rock Denny Stanhope's advice and walls that tower high above it climb as high as I reasonably to the left, spindly aspen trees could into th e s u rrounding changing into fall colors as mountain chains. they follow an old avalanche In the East Humboldt Range, chute up a steep slope to the I discovered Angel Lake. A right. Occasional turnouts lead s cenic 10-mile d r iv e f r o m to viewpoints, picnic areas and Wells to an elevation of about campgrounds. 8,500 feet, the pretty lake rests But it's in the final few miles, in a natural pocket at the foot before the road ends at a park­ of lofty alpine peaks. It's fun to ing area and trail head, that keep an eye on hopeful trout L amoille's true b eauty b e ­ fishermen from a h a l f-mile comes evident. The cliffs open trail that circles the lake, and out into a sea of fl owering there are picnic tables by the shrubs, and trails can be spot­ ted leading several directions toward tiny alpine lakes hid­ den among the crags at 10,000 DINING feet. Bella's Espresso House and Diner. 143 Highway "Try the short, four-mile 93 N., Wells; 775-752-2226, www.bellasstoreus. hike to Liberty Lake," Stan­ corn. Three meals daily. Budget and moderate hope had recommended. "It's a beautiful three-hour hike up a Cowboy Joe. 376 Fifth St., Elko; 775-753-5612, very well-groomed forest trail, www.facebook.corn. Breakfastand lunch. just across Liberty Pass. There Budget are three lakes back to back. Luciano's. 351 Silver St., Elko; 775-777-1808, They are worth the trip." www.lucianosnv. corn.Lunchand dinnerMonday O kay, Denny, yo u w i n . to Saturday. Moderate Nevada is NOT just one big The Star Hotel. 246 Silver St., Elko; 775-738­ desert. 9925,www.elkostarhotekcom. Lunch and dinner — Reporter: janderson@ M onday to Saturday.Expensive bendbulletin.corn 2 Dames and a Deli. 28211th St., Elko; 775-753­ 9290,www facebook.corn.Breakfastand lunch weekdays only. Budget

ATTRACTIONS California National Historic Trail Interpretive

If YouGo


n I I b•


J.M. Capriola Company. 500 Commercial St.,


south of Wells; www.savingamericasmustangs

Centre Motel. 475 Third St., Elko; 775-738-3226. Rates from $42 Oak Tree Inn. 95 Spruce Road, Elko; 775-777­ 2222, 888-456-8733, www.oaktreeinnelko.corn. Rates from $69 Red Lion Hotel & Casino. 2065 Idaho St., Elko; 775-738-2111, 800-545-0044, http: //redlion.rdln .corn. Rates from $109

. Ol'g



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• •

Elko; 775-738-5816, www.capriolas.corn

Mustang Monument. U.S.Highway93,25miles

If you have these symptoms:

Northeastern Nevada Museum. 1515 IdahoSt., Elko;775-738-3418,www.museumelko.org

• Prominent or bulging veins

Trail of the 49ers Interpretive Center.

• Pain or swelling in legs, ankles or feet

436 Sixth St., Wells; 775-752-3540, www. trailofthe49ers.org Western Folklife Center. 501 Railroad St., Elko; 775-738-7508, www.westernfolklife.org

• Skin discoloration around the ankles • Discomfort or restlessness in legs

• Leg fatigue or heavy sensation • Itching along leg veins

Keep Your I"':ye

• Leg swelling


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Center. 1 Trail Center Way, Elko; 775-738-1 849, www.nps.gov/cali



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Travel A/I events are open to the public and free to attend, but spaceis limited. Please RSVP.







Milestones guidelines and forms are available at The Bulletin, or send a stamped, self-addressed envelope to: Milestones, The Bulletin, PO. Box 6020,Bend, OR 97708. To ensure timely publication, The Bulletin requests that notice forms and photos be submitted within one month of the celebration.





j,­ I



jv Herb Arathoon, left, and Mary (Moberg) Arathoon.

Arathoon f

Mark Whitney and Rachel Schwalk.

Schwalk — Whitney Brooke Mills and Adam Terrill.

Mills — Terrill B rooke Mills an d A d a m Terrill, both of Portland, were married July 14 at the Old Historic St. Francis Church in Bend, with a reception fol­ l owing at the VFW H all i n Redmond. The bride is the daughter of Marvin and Kristina Mills, of Bend. She is a 2007 graduate of Summit High School and a 2012 graduate of Portland State University, where she

studied accounting. She works in accounts payable at Colum­ bia Distributing in Portland. The groom is the son of Tod and K r i s M c Cormick, of Redmond. He attended Redmond High School and is currently attending IITR Trucking School in Portland. He served in the U.S. Army from 2007-2010 and is currently serving in the National Guard. The couple is planning a honeymoon for next year. They will settle in Portland.

Rachel S c h w a lk , of Killeen, Texas, and M a rk Whitney, of Bend, plan to marry Jan. 26 in Fort Hood, Texas. T he future bride is t h e daughter of Melissa Morri­ son and Terry Ledbetter, and James O' Neill, all of Killeen. She is a 2008 graduate of In­ dependence High School in

Glendale, Ariz. She works as a chiropractic and admin­ i strative assistant at M B S Wellness Chiropractic Cen­ ter in Killeen. The future groom is the son of Mike and Peggy Whit­ ney, of Bend. He is a 2009 graduate of Mountain View High School. He is serving in the U.S. Army as a cargo specialist, stationed in Fort Hood.

Estate Services in Bend as a commercial real estate broker Herb and Mary (Moberg) and property manager. He Arathoon, of Bend, celebrated was born and raised in Gua­ their 40th wedding anniver­ temala City. Mrs. Arathoon sary with a trip to Victoria, retired in 2008 from Macy's British Columbia, Canada. where she worked as Home The couple were married World Manager. The couple Oct. 7, 1972, at First Baptist are co-owners of three Taco Church in Bend. They have Del Mar restaurants in Cen­ three children, Leslie Arat­ tral Oregon. Both were 1972 hoon Chung (and Dr. Mike graduates of Oregon State Chung), of Boston, Chris (and University. They lived in Gua­ Anne), of Bend, and John (and temala City for 15 years and Grace Lee), of San Jose, Ca­ all of their children were born lif.; and three grandchildren. there. Mr. Arathoon works for The couple have lived in Compass Commercial Real Central Oregon for 25 years.

BIRTHS Delivered at St. Charles Bend Tyler and Britney Campbell,a boy,Weston LeeCampbell,6 pounds, 14 ounces, Sept. 17. Chancy andLashae Bowen, a girl, Maubry Ann Bowen, 7 pounds, 1 ounce, Sept. 21. Shawn andAshley Lovely, a girl, Nova Dawn Lovely, 6 pounds, 4 ounces, Sept. 28. Shawn andChelsie Waite, a girl, Tru Kennedy Waite, 6 pounds, 1 ounce, Sept. 30. Daniel Rogers andKrista Bull, a boy, Jeremy Tyler Bull-Rogers,6 pounds, 9 ounces, Oct.1. Jeffery and Stacy Carroll,a boy, Travis Levi Carroll, 7 pounds, 12 ounces, Sept. 27. Charlie and Brittini Tebbs,a girl, Mila Monroe Tebbs,5 pounds,9 ounces, Sept. 24.

Steeele and Kara Bailey,a boy, JamisonWoods Bailey,6 pounds, 12 ounces, Sept. 27. Aaron and Lisa StClair, a boy, Reagan Paul St Clair, 8 pounds, 1 ounce, Sept. 26. Ryan and Tia Steria,a girl, Katie Ann Steria, 6 pounds, 13 ounces, Sept. 25. Carlos and Mayra Benitez,a boy, Eli Jeremiah Benitez, 7 pounds,14 ounces, Sept. 27. Justin and JacqueWare, a boy, Ayden Mason Ware, 9 pounds, 2 ounces, Sept. 23. Brent and BrookRich, a girl, Hadley Drake Rich, 5 pounds, 8 ounces, Sept. 24.

Rosencrans Swartz, 5 pounds, 1 ounce, Sept. 24. Mia Eastburn,a girl, Lillyen Brook Eastburn,6 pounds,1 ounce, Sept. 19. DudleySteademan and Amber Searcy,a boy, Clayton Dudley Steademan, 6 pounds, 10 ounces, Sept. 19.


Delivered at St. Charles Redmond

If you would like to receive forms to announce your engagement, wedding, or anniversary, plus helpful information to plan the perfect Central Oregon wedding, pick up your Book of Love at The Bulletin (1777 SW Chandler Ave., Bend) or from any of these valued advertisers:

Andrew Swartz andSierra Kumma,a girl, Shade Marie

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English to speakers of other

Sarah A nd e r son , of The future groom is the son Redmond, and Brent Mosser, of Barry and Leslie Mosser, of Duncansville, Pa., were of Duncansville. He is a 2008 married Aug. 4 at Stack Park g raduate of C e n tral H i g h in Redmond, with a reception School in M artinsburg, Pa., following. and is studying pre-seminary The bride is the daughter of and pastoral studies at Lan­ Steve and Jenny Anderson, of caster Bible College; he plans Redmond. She is a graduate of to g raduate i n D e c ember Redmond High School and a 2012. 2012 graduate of Lancaster Bi­ The couple honeymooned ble College in Lancaster, Pa., in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. where she studied teaching They will settle in Albany.

Ryan Hunt and Tasha Eic hei.

Sisters 541-549-9388

The Bulletin

r Sarah Anderson and Brent Mosser.

Anderson — Mosser

Lavender 8 Blue Chalcedony 8 Sapphires

business administration. She works as the front desk man­ T asha Eichel an d R y a n ager at Collins Lake Resort in Hunt, both of Welches, were Government Camp. married Sept. 7 at "The Resort The groom is the son of Rod at the Mountain" in Welches, Hunt, ofBend, and Mike and with a n o u t door r eception Cathy Williams, of La Pine. following. He is a 2006 graduate of Sum­ The bride is the daughter mit High School and a 2009 of Dain and Melody Eichel, graduate of Mt. Hood Com­ of Damascus. She is a 2005 m unity C ollege, where h e graduate of Sam Barlow High studied hospitality and tour­ School, in Gresham, a 2009 ism management. He works graduate of Mt. Hood Com­ as a server and bartender at munity College, where she The Resort at the Mountain in studied hospitality and tour­ Welches. ism management, and a 2010 The couple are planning a graduate of Eastern Oregon honeymoon cruise in the Ca­ University, where she received ribbean in April. a bachelor of science degree in They will settle in Welches.

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What to doafter stepfamiliessplit? By Elissa Gootman New Yorie Times News Service

Here's a n ot - so-uncom­ mon predicament: A divorced man wit h k i d s m a r r ies a woman who also has chil­ dren. At the wedding, their respective constellations of relatives — siblings, parents — get to know one another. Over the years, they start to bond as an extended family. Homes are shared for week­ end and holiday visits. Gifts are exchanged, relationships forged. Then the couple splits. Suddenly these step-rela­ tives, unbound by biological or legal ties, are former step­ relatives, left to puzzle over the sorts of q uestions that can require a whiteboard to explain. D o you i n v ite y ou r e x ­ stepsister to your w edding, g iven that y o u s h a red a bunk bed with her for seven formative years? How long s hould yo u c o n t inue t e x ­ t ing your ex-stepson if h e doesn't text back? And what, if anything, do you call your ex-stepgrandmother? For thousands of people, such questions are not hypo­ thetical. While the number of people with former step-rela­ tives is not tracked, research­ ers agree that it is substan­ tial, with n o i n dications of shrinking. In a 2010 study by the Pew Research Center, 42 percent of adults surveyed said they had at least one step-rela­ tive. Studies have shown that second marriages are more likely to end in divorce than first marriages. And a rise in births a mong c o habitating couples could lead to more situations in w h ic h p eople are effectively ex-steps, even if their r e lationships were not legally sealed through marriage. There are books offering help adjusting to stepfamily life, with optimistic titles like "The Smart Stepdad," "The Happy Stepmother" and "The Step-Tween Survival Guide." But when s t epdads aren' t smart, s t epmothers a r en' t

happy and the marriages that brought them together do not survive, there are n o r o ad maps for the dos and don'ts of ex-step etiquette. "This is a new area, really on the frontier of American family life and kinship," said Andrew Cherlin, a professor of sociology and public policy at Johns Hopkins and author of the 2009 book "The Mar­ riage-Go-Round: The S tate of Marriage and the Family in America Today." "We don' t really know whether there is enough bonding to make a step-relationship survive the breakup of the family." In a r ecent study, Mari­ lyn Coleman and Lawrence G anong, professors at t h e University of Missouri, inter­ viewed 29 people ages 18 to 32 who have former stepparents. They found that relation­ ships fell into three categories: "never claimed" (those who never embraced their step­ parent as a family member), "unclaimed" (those who con­ sidered the stepparent to be a parent figure during the mar­ riage, but not afterward) and "claimed" (those who contin­ ued to consider their ex-step­ parent as a family member after the divorce). But how d o t h e d y nam­ ics play ou t w i t hi n t h o se categories?

Problem solved When parents divorce for the first time, they often try to reassure their children that they are not responsible for the breakup. When second marriages end, it can be hard to make such assertions with a straight face. "A lot of the ten­ sion may have been over the children," said Mary Kelly, a marriage and family therapist in Boulder, Colo., who leads "Married W i t h Bag g age" workshops f o r r em a r ried couples. When stepfamilies are rav­ aged by fights over how to disci­ pline the children (fathers tend to be more lenient than their new wives), or between teenag­ ers and their stepparents, those involved may be relieved to go


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so that every row, column and 3x3 box contains every digit from 1 to 9 inclusively.

THAT S C RAMBLED WORD GAME by bavid L. Hoyt and Jeff Knutek


When I was httle, we were taught that oui' solar sYstemhad nine plahme.

020t2 Thbuhe Med a Semess. Ihc Ail Rights Reserved

Were there peo le living

onears then, too?



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Now arrange the circled letters to form the surprise answer, as suggested by the above cartoon.





If you don't talk t o y our brother for 20 years, he's still y our brother. Don't talk t o your ex-stepbrother, and he becomes just another former acquaintance. Former s t ep-relationships t ake w o rk , p l a nning a n d juggling. Drop the ball, and there's no guarantee that any­ one else will pick it up. Many a stepmother would be thrilled to be described the way Graham McCaulley, a graduate student at the Uni­ versity of Missouri, speaks of his: as "one-third of my par­ ents" during the years she was married to his father. "Being in that stepfamily was a really positive experience," he said. Post-divorce, Mc C a ulley and his f ormer stepmother tried to get everyone together: there were monthly sibling dinners, annual family barbe­ cues, holiday reunions. "It went from every Christ­ mas, every birthday, to a little more sparingly, maybe just a call, and then everybody just kind of doing their own thing," he said. "With my mom, it was never in question: You' re go­ ing to go over there for Christ­ mas. But with this, there were no rules. It was: 'Oh, I guess we' re going to go over there. We need to talk about this and figure it out.' "We just kind of separated o ver time. There were n o heated words. You' re talking 10 years later under these am­ biguous circumstances."



Unscramble these six Jumbles one letter to each square, to form six ordinary words.

their separate ways. "It's the reality we d on' t like to talk about," Kelly said. "We' re very addicted to happy endings in this culture." P aul Hokemeyer, a N e w York City therapist, said he had seen plenty of "situations where the kids say: 'Get out of here! I don't want you here!'" to their stepparents. But haven't children been known to direct such com­ ments at their own parents? "They don't mean it," he said. With stepparents, apparently, they often really do.

Drifting Apart



Opening lead guesses By FRANK STEWART Tribune Media Services 0LI o

Most experts agree that opening leads are the most difficult part of the

diamonds,concede a diamond and discard his losing club on a good

game. Guesswork is involved as well

diamond. But to beat the slam, West as imagination and visualization, and had to lead the THREE o f c l ubs, no player can find the killing lead, if preserving his ten as an entry and one exists, in every deal. stopping South's end play. "The B r idge W o rld" m a gazine I t hink t h e w i n n in g l ea d w a s (bridgeworld.corn) poses an opening logical, and many experts would find lead problem in its "Master Solvers it. Did you? Club" feature. Only rarely is there a East dealer logically and demonstrably correct Neither side vulnerable answer. More often, any lead might NORTH be best, and the magazine's panel of experts is split six different ways. 4b Q J83 QA7 Look only at today's West cards 0 A K9 5 2 and the bidding. North's bid of five 494 spades told South to go on to slam if he had a c o ntrol i n c l u bs. What

opening lead would you choose against six spades? T he actual West led the ten o f clubs. South took the ace and drew trumps, but if he set up the diamonds next, the defense would cash a club. So South instead tried for an end play: He took the A-K of hearts and t he A- K of d ia m o nds a n d l e d dummy's nine of clubs. East had to win and return a heart or a club, and declarer discarded his last diamond, ruffed in dummy and claimed the rest. West's club lead was necessary for the defense to have a chance. If West led a major suit, declarer could win, d raw t r umps, t ak e t h e A - K o f

WEST 476 9 Q 1065 4 2


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0 J4

4 103

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SOUTH 4 b AK10 9 4 2


9KS 0763 4A6 East 34 P ass


Sou t h 3 4I 6 4b


West North Pass 5 4I All P a s s

Opening lead — Choose it (C) 2012 Tribune Media Services, Inc.



Get the best bird seed at the best prices, plus take advantage

of ourEQZQ.EhQQM3

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©2012Tribune Media Services,Inc.





Changes, additions or deletions should be sent to the above address, or email Lin.H.GardnerC~state.or us or call 541-693-8988.

Editor's note:The organizations listed below are seeking volunteers for a variety of tasks. For additional information on the types ofhelp they need, see a more detailed listing at www. bendbulletin


88.9KPOV, BEND'S COMMUNITY RADIO STATION:info@kpov.org or 541-322-0863. AARP:www.aarp.org/money/ taxai de or 888-687-2277. ABILITREE:541-617-5878. ALYCEHATCHCENTER:Andy Kizans, 541-383-1 980. AMERICANCANCER SOCIETY: Charlie Johnson, 541-434-3114. AMERICANREDCROSS: 541-749-4111. AMNESTYINTERNATIONAL:Philip Randali, 541-388-1793. ART COMMITTEEOF THE REDMOND FRIENDSOF THE LIBRARY: Linda Barker, 541-312-1064. ARTS CENTRAL STATION: 541-617-1317. ASPEN RIDGE ALZHEIMER' S ASSISTEDLIVINGAND RETIREMENTCOMMUNITY: 541-385-8500. ASSISTANCE LEAGUEOFBEND: 541-389-2075. BENDAREAHABITATFOR HUMANITY:541-385-5387. BEND LIBRARIES FRIENDS:www. fobl.org or 541-617-7047. BENDPARK5 RECREATION DISTRICT:Kim, 541-706-61 27. BEND'SCOMMUNITY CENTER: volunteer@bendscommunitycenter. org. BEND SENIORCENTER: Kim , 541-706-6127. BEND SPAY5 NEUTERPROJECT: 541-617-1010. BETHLEHEM INN:www. bethleheminn.org or 541-322-8768. BIGBROTHERS BIGSISTERS OF CENTRALOREGON:541-312­ 6047 (Bend), 541-447-3851, ext. 333 (Prineville) or 541-325-5603 (Madras). BOY SCOUTSOF AMERICA: Paul Abbott, paulabbott@scouting.org or 541-382-4647. BOYS 5GIRLS CLUBS OF CENTRAL OREGON: www.bgcco.org, info@ bgcco.org or 541-617-2877. CAMP FIREUSA CENTRAL OREGON:


campfire@bendcable.corn or DESCHUTESPUBLIC LIBRARY 541-382-4682. SYSTEM:541-312-1 032. CASCADESTHEATRICALCOMPANY: DESCHUTESRIVER CONSERVANCY: 541-389-0803. marisa@deschutesriver.org or 541.382.4077 x25. CASCADEVIEW NURSING AND ALZHEIMER'SCARECENTER: DESCHUTESRIVER WOODS 541-382-7161. NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION: www.drwna.org or Barbara at info@ CAT RESCUE,ADOPTION 5 FOSTER drwna.org or 541-382-0561. TEAM (CRAFT):www.craftcats.org, 541-389-8420 or 541-598-5488. DISABLEDAMERICANVETERANS (DAV):Don Lang, 541-647-1002. CENTRAL OREGONCOUNCIL ON AGING(COCOA)AND MEALS ON EASTCASCADESAUDUBON WHEELS:www.councilonaging.org SOCIETY:www.ecaudubon.org or or 541-678-5483. 541-241-2190. CENTRAL OREGONLOCAVORE: THE ENVIRONMENTALCENTER: www.centraloregonlocavore.corn or 541-385-6908. Niki at info@centraloregonlocavore. EQUINEOUTREACH HORSE RESCUE corn or 541-633-0674. OF BEND: www.equineoutreach.corn CENTRAL OREGONSYMPHONY or Cathi at catz66@gmail.corn. ASSOCIATION:Julie, 541-383-7779. FAMILY KITCHEN: Cindy Tidball, CENTRALOREGONVETERANS cindyt@bendcable.corn or OUTREACH:covo.org@gmail.corn 541-610-6511. or 541-383-2793. FAMILYRESOURCECENTER: CHILDREN'SVISION FOUNDATION: 541-389-5468. J ulie Bibler, 541-330-3907. FOSTERGRANDPARENTS CHIMPS, INC.:www.chimps-inc.org PROGRAM:Steve Guzanskis, 541-678-5483. or 541-385-3372. CIRCLE OF FRIENDS: Beth, beth@ FRIENDSOF THE BEND LIBRARIES: acircleoffriendsoregon.corn or www.fobl.org or Meredith Shadrach 541-588-6445. at 541-617-7047. THE CITIZENREVIEWBOARD(CRB): FRIENDSWITH FLOWERS crb.volunteer.resources@ojd.state. OF OREGON: www. or.us or 888-530-8999. friendswithflowersoforegon.corn or 541-480-8700. CITY OF BEND:Cheryl Howard, choward@ci.bend. or.us or GIRL SCOUTS: 541-389-8146. 541-388-5505. GIRLS ONTHE RUN OF COURTAPPOINTEDSPECIAL DESCHUTES COUNTY: www. ADVOCATE (CASA): www. deschutescountygotr.org or info@ casaofcentraloregon.org or deschutescountygotr.org. 541-389-1 618. GRANDMA'SHOUSE:541-383-3515. DEPARTMENTOFHUMAN HABITATRESTORE:Di Crocker, SERVICES/VOLUNTEERSERVICES: 541-312-6709. Lin Gardner, 541-693-8988. HEALINGREINSTHERAPEUTIC DEPARTMENTOFHUMAN RIDING CENTER:Darcy Justice, SERVICES/VOLUNTEERSERVICES 541-382-941 0. CROOK COUNTY: ValerieDean,541­ HEALTHYBEGINNINGS:www.myhb. 447-3851, ext. 427. org or 541-383-6357. DESCHUTESLANDTRUST: HIGH DESERTCHAMBER www.deschuteslandtrust.org or MUSIC:Isabelle Senger, www. 541-330-0017. highdesertchambermusic.corn, DESCHUTESCOUNTYHEALTH info@highdesertchambermusic.corn DEPARTMENT: Tuesday Johnson, or 541-306-3988. Tuesday Johnson@co.deschutes. HIGH DESERTINTERCULTURAL or.us or 541-322-7425. FESTIVAL:Barb, bonitodia@msn. DESCHUTES COUNTYSHERIFF'S corn or 541-447-0732. OFFICE— CENTRAL OREGON HIGH DESERTMUSEUM: PARTNERSHIPSFORYOUTH: www.deschutes.org/copy, COPY@ 541-382-4754. HIGH DESERTSPECIAL OLYMPICS: deschutes.org or 541-388-6651. 541-749-6517. DESCHUTESCOUNTY VICTIMS' HIGH DESERT TEENS ASSISTANCEPROGRAM: Diane Stecher, 541-317-3186 or VOLUNTEER PROGRAM: www. 541-388-6525. highdesertmuseum.org or 541-382-4757. DES CHUTES HISTORICAL HOSPICEOF REDMOND­ MUSEUM:541-389-1813, 10 a.m.to 4:30 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday. SISTERS:www.redmondhospice. org or Volunteer Coordinator at DESCHUTESNATIONALFOREST: 541-548-7483. Jean Nelson-Dean, 541-383-5576.


2IQMlhXX Answer

HUMAN DIGNITYCOALITION: 541-385-3320. HUMANE SOCIETYOF CENTRAL OREGON:Jen, jennifer@hsco.org or 541-382-3537. HUMANE SOCIETYOF CENTRAL OREGON THRIFTSTORE: Liz, 541-388-3448. HUMANE SOCIETYOF THE OCHOCOS:541-447-7178. HUMANE SOCIETYOF REDMOND: volunteer@redmondhumane.org or 541-923-0882. HUNGERPREVENTION COALITION:Marie, info@ hungerpreventioncoalition.org or 541-385-9227. IEP PARTNERS:Carmelle Campbell at the Oregon Parent Training and Information Center, 888-505-2673. JEFFERSONCOUNTY CRIME VICTIMS' ASSISTANCE PROGRAM: Tina Farrester, 541-475-4452, ext. 41 08. JEFFERSONCOUNTYVOLUNTEER SERVICES:Therese Helton, 541­ 475-6131, ext. 208. JUNIPERGROUP SIERRA CLUB: 541-389-9115. JUNIPERSWIM 5 FITNESS CENTER: Kim, 541-706-61 27. KIDS CENTER:Rachel Kane, 541­ 383-5958, ext. 274. LA PINECOMMUNITY KITCHEN: 541-536-1312. LA PINEHIGHSCHOOL:Jeff Bockert, jeff.bockert@bend.k12. or.us or 541-355-8501. LA PINEPUBLICLIBRARY: Cindylu, 541-317-1097. LA PINERURAL FIREPROTECTION DISTRICT:Volunteer Coordinator, 541-536-2935. LA PINESENIOR ACTIVITY CENTER: Pat Potter, 541-536-6237. LA PINEYOUTH DIVERSION SERVICES:Mary, 541-536-5002. LATINOCOMMUNITY ASSOCIATION:Brad, volunteer@ latca.org or 541-382-4366. LONG-TERMCARE OMBUDSMAN PROGRAM:NancyAllen, 541-312-2488. MEADOWLARKMANOR: Peggy Kastberg, 541-382-7025. M OUNTAINSTARFAMILY RELIEF NURSERY:541-322-6820. MOUNTAINVIEWHOSPITAL: JoDee Tittle, 541-475-3882, ext. 5097. MOUNTAINVIEW HOSPITAL HOSPICE:541-460-4030 or Tori Schultz, tschultz@mvhd.org or 541­ 475-3882, ext. 5327. NATIONALALLIANCE ON MENTAL ILLNESS— CENTRAL OREGON: Eileen White, namicentraloregon@ gmail.corn.

THE NATUREOFWORDS: www.thenatureofwords.org or 541-330-4381. NEAT REPEAT THRIFT SHOP:Peg, 541-447-6429. NEIGHBORIMPACT: chrisq@ neighborimpact.org or 541-548­ 2380, ext. 106. NEWBERRYHABITATFOR HUMANITY:541-593-5005. NEWBERRYHOSPICE: 541-536-7399. OPPORTUNITYFOUNDATION THRIFT STORE OFBEND: 541-389-0129. OPPORTUNITYFOUNDATION THRIFTSTORE OF REDMOND: 541-548-5288. OREGON ADAPTIVESPORTS: www. oregonadaptivesports.org or Kendall Cook at 541-848-9390. OREGON STATEUNIVERSITY EXTENSION SERVICE: 541­ 548-6088, 541-447-6228 or 541-475-3808. OREGON STATEUNIVERSITY MASTERGARDENERVOLUNTEER PROGRAM:http: //extension. oregonstate.edu/deschutes or 541-548-6088. PARTNERS IN CARE:www. partnersbend.org or Sarah Peterson at 541-382-5882. PEACEBRIDGES, INC., BEND:www. abridgetopeace.org or John C. Schwechten at 541-383-2646. PEACECENTEROFCENTRAL OREGON: www.pcoco.org or 541-923-6677. PFLAG CENTRALOREGON: www.pflagcentraloregon.org or 541-317-2334. PILOTBUTTE REHABILITATION CENTER:541-382-5531. PRINEVILLESOROPTIMIST SENIOR CENTER:Melody, 541-447-6844. READ TOGETHER:541-388-7746. REDMOND FRIENDSOF THE LIBRARY:541-31 2-1060. REDMOND HABITATFOR HUMANITY:Scott or Warren, 541-548-1406. REDMOND HABITATRESTORE: Roy, 541-548-1406. REDMOND HIGHSCHOOL: 541-923-4807. REDMONDINTERCULTURAL EXCHANGE (R.I.C.E.): Barb, bonitodia@msn.corn or 541-447-0732. REDMOND LEARNINGCENTER: Zach Sartin, 541-923-4854. REDMOND YOUNGLIFE: 541-923-8530. RELAYFORLIFE: Stefan Myers, 541-504-4920. RONALD MCDONALDHOUSE:

Mardi, 541-318-4950. SACRED ARTOF LIVING CENTER: 541-383-41 79. ST. CHARLESIN BENDAND ST. CHARLESIN REDMOND: 541-706-6354. ST. VINCENTDEPAULSOCIAL SERVICES:541-389-6643. ST. VINCENTDEPAUL— LAPINE: 541-536-1956. ST. VINCENTDEPAUL­ REDMOND:541-923-5264. ST. VINCENTDEPAULSOCIAL SERVICES:541-389-6643. SAVINGGRACE:541-382-9227 or 541-504-2550. SCHOOL-TO-CAREER PARTNERSHIP:Kent Child, 541-322-3261. SISTERSHABITAT FOR HUMANITY: 541-549-1193. SMART (STARTMAKING A READER TODAY):www.getsmartoregon.org or 541-355-5600. SOROPTIMISTINTERNATIONAL OF BEND:www.sibend.org, president@sibend.org or 541-728-0820. SUNRIVERAREACHAMBEROF COMMERCE: 541-593-8149. SUNRIVERNATURECENTER 8 OBSERVATORY: Susan, 541-593-4442. TOUCHMARK ATMT. BACHELOR VILLAGE:541-383-1 414 TOWER THEATREFOUNDATION: 541-31 7-0700. TRILLIUM FAMILYSERVICES: 503-205-0194. TUMALO LANGLAUFCLUB:Tom Carroll, 541-385-7981. UNITEDWAYOFDESCHUTES COUNTY:www.liveunitedco.org or 541-389-6507. VIMA LUPWA HOMES: www. lupwahomes.org or 541-420-6775. VISIT BEND: wwwvisitbend.corn or 541-382-8048. VOLUNTEERCAMPGROUND HOST POSITIONS:TomMottl, 541-416-6859. VOLUNTEERSINACTION: 541-548-7018. VOLUNTEERS IN MEDICINE: Kristi, 541-585-9008. VOLUNTEER CONNECT:www. volunteerconnectnow.org or 541-385-8977. WINNINGOVER ANGER 5 VIOLENCE: www.winningover.org or 541-382-1 943. WOMEN'S RESOURCECENTER OF CENTRALOREGON: 541-385-0750. YOUTH CHOIROF CENTRAL OREGON:541-385-0470.

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Royal Oaks wins OGA team title The foursome from Royal Oaks Country Club in Vancouver, Wash., won the 85th Oregon Golf Association Men's Team Champion­ ship Saturday at Prong­ horn Club's Nicklaus Course near Bend. The Royal Oaks team of Kasey Young, Gregg Guernsey, Brad Karns and Ty Chambers combined to shoot a10­ over-par 438. That was five shots better than second-placeColumbia Edgewater, which won the 2011 Team Champi­ onship. Tetherow Golf Club

• No. 23 Washington turns outto be nomatch for the Ducks asNo. 2 oregon rolls to a 52-21win

(+21), Pronghorn (+30) Golf Tour (+30) all

COLLEGE FOOTBALL TOP 25 N.C. State 3 Florida State

17 16

10 Florida 4 LSU

14 6

6 South Carolina 5 Georgia

35 7

7 KansasState Kansas

56 16

8 WestVirginia 11 Texas

48 45

9 Notre Dame Miami

41 3

12 OhioState 21 Nebraska

63 38

15 Clemson GeorgiaTech

47 31

iowa State 15TCU

37 23



and the Central Oregon missed the 18-hole cut. The Team Champion­ ship includes teams representing clubs from around the OGA's ter­ ritory. Each four-player team's score is calcu­ lated by taking the three lowest individual scores each round from each team. Steve Robinson, of Tualatin Country Club, and Young each were even par to share med­ alist honors. — Bulletin staff report

EUGENE­ his was supposed to be the defense that could actually contain Oregon. Former Duck safety and current Washington defensive coordinator Justin Wilcox figured to have the scheme that would find Oregon's weakness by forcing untested freshman quarterback Marcus Mariota to pass. And with the Ducks' affinity for letting inferior teams hang around in the first halfbefore blowing their doors off in the second half, many thought that Washington could still be in the game in the fourth quarter. But no, there was no stop­ ping the No. 2 Ducks on Sat­ urday night at raucous Autzen Stadium, as they claimed their ninth straight victory over their

Don Ryan /The Associated Press

Oregon running back De'Anthony Thomas,left, celebrates his touchdown with offensive lineman Hroniss Grasu during the first half of Saturday night's game against Washington in Eugene.

Northwest "rivals." Mariota ap­ peared a savvy senior in Oregon's 52-21 hammering of the No. 23 Huskies. After the first quarter, the score was 21-0 and the game was essen­ tially over. What a stark contrast it was to Oregon's previous games this season. The Ducks put away the Huskies early, never giving them a chance to makes things in­ teresting in the second half. Oregon did so with opportunistic play on special teams and defense, and yes, by some precision passing by Mariota. See Oregon/D4

Oregon State cornerback Jordan Poyer(1 4) runs after making one of his three intercep­ tions against Washington State during their game in Corvallis Saturday. Oregon State won 19-6. Doug Begh tel/


Associated Press via The Oregonian

Memoirs: Finding dinner with a bullet By Dwight Garner New York Times News Service

Who is the most famous hunter in America? If you' re over 30, the first names that come to mind are probably Sarah Palin, Ted Nugent and Dick Cheney. If you' re under 30, the answer is easier. The most famous hunter in Ameri­ ca is Mark Zuckerberg, the bil­ lionaire founder of Facebook. In May 2011 Zuckerberg made a pledgetoconsume, for one year, only meat he had hunted or slaughtered himself. He got a hunting license and shot a bison. "My personal challenge," he explained, is "being thankful for the food I have to eat." If four new books are any indication, Zuckerberg is the decidedly non-macho, non­ pickup-driving embodiment of a new breed of American hunter. These young memoir­ ists — including one from Central Oregon — have loaded their rifles and shot­ guns for complicated reasons, including culinary one-up­ manship. Nothing wows jaded dinner guests like a braised shank of calf moose that you have recently "harvested" and "dressed" — hunting eu­ phemisms for killed, skinned and disemboweled — before bringing it to the table. SeeMemoirs/DB


17 Oklahoma TexasTech



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41 20

t tttt/Tfi/ ri

'a L*ka ". .oruw I..

2 0 Mississippi State Kentucky

27 14

22 Rutgers Connecticut

19 3

Penn State 24 Northwestern

39 28

Pac-12 18 Stanford Arizona

54 48

California 25 UCLA

43 17

yahlanaaaunaniou .



• oregon State's defense bails out struggling offense in awin overWashington State CORVALLIS­ ometimes all anybody needs is a little help from a friend. In the case of Oregon State's of­ fense, which struggled so mightily in the first half Saturday, all it needed was a transcendent performance by corner­ back Jordan Poyer and a defense that gave quarterback Sean Mannion and his offense all the time they needed to get it right. The No. 14 Beavers, off to their best start in 10 years, beat Washington State 19-6 in front of a record crowd of 46,579

ZACIC HALL at sun-drenched Reser Stadium. Though the Cougars represented the potential for a classic letdown game for Oregon State, the result was expected for the heavily favored Beavers. But un­ like the past two wins — in which Man­ nion and company lit up UCLA and Ari­ zona — it was the OSU offense in need

of a bailout. Oregon State's sophomore quarterback threw for 271 yards and a touchdown, but he also threw three interceptions. And the Beavers struggled early to handle the blitzes of Washington State. But the defense came up with four interceptions and came up with big play after big play. "It was one of those games that were just hard," said Mike Riley afterward in the Valley Football Center. oYou can' t script these things. We knew (WSU) was going to be disruptive, play hard. SeeDefense/D4

Jeff Chtu /The Associated Press

Cincinnati Reds Xavier Paul, right, celebrates with team­ mate Joey Votto after he scored on a wild pitch in the ninth inning of Game 1 of the National League division baseball series in San Fran­ cisco, Saturday.

Reds hold off Mountain View goes OT to overtake Summit Giants PREP WATER POLO

N.C. St. knocksoff No. 3 Florida St. Fourth-down pass in final seconds leads Wolfpack over Seminoles. Top 25 roundup,D5 • Scoreboard,D4

MOTOR SPORTS Kahne takes pole for Talladega Driver set to start first in today's NASCAR Sprint Cup race after holding off Ryan Newman,D3

By Janie Mccauiey

Summit's Carson Brenda, left, looks for a shot as Mountain View's Joe Murphy de­ fends during the match on Saturday at Juniper Swim 8 Fit­ ness Center in Bend. aoe Kttne/ The Bulletin

Bulletin staff report Making a push for it s f i rst boys water polo state playoff appearance, Mountain View knocked off Summit 12-11 in sudden death overtime Satur­ day at Bend's Juniper Swim 8 Fitness Center. Noah Cox scored a team-high eight goals for the Cougars, including the game-winning shot that gave Mountain View its first win against the Storm in program history. "This is a big confidence booster," said Cougar coach Ryan Duffy, whose squad improved to 5-2 with the victory. "We know now that on any given day we can compete and play with best." SeeOT/DB

The Associated Press

SAN FRANCISCO — The Cincinnati Reds rode a patch­ work pitching staff to their first postseason win in 17 years­ after losing their ace, no less. Sam LeCure, Mat Latos and three other pitchers shut down San Francisco after Johnny Cueto went out in the first inning with a back injury, and the Cincinnati Reds were powered by home runs from Brandon Phillips and Jay Bruce to beat the Giants 5-2 in Game I of the NL division series Saturday night. SeeReds/DB





TELEVISION Today GOLF 4:30 a.m.:European Tour, Alfred Dunhill Links Championship, final round, Golf Channel. 10:30a.m.:Champions Tour, SAS Championship, final round, Golf Channel. 1 p.m.:PGA Tour, Justin Timberlake Shriners Hospital for Children Open, final round, Golf Channel. 4:30 p.m.:Web.corn Tour, Neediest Kids Championship, Golf Channel. BASEBALL 9a.m.:MLB Playoffs, AL Division Series, Oakland Athletics at Detroit Tigers, TBS. Noon:MLB Playoffs, NL Division Series, Washington Nationals at St. Louis Cardinals, TBS. 3 p.m.:MLB Playoffs, AL Division Series, New York Yankees at Baltimore Orioles, TBS. 6:30p.m.:M LB Playoffs,NL Division Series, Cincinnati Reds at San Francisco Giants, TBS. FOOTBALL 10 a.m.:NFL, Cleveland Browns at New York Giants, CBS. 1 p.m.:NFL, Denver Broncos at New England Patriots, CBS. 1 p.m.:NFL, Seattle Seahawks at Carolina Panthers, Fox. 5:20 p.m.:NFL, San Diego Chargers at New Orleans Saints, NBC. RODEO

11 a.m.:P BRTour (taped), NBC.

ON DECK Monday Volleyball: Elmira at LaPine, 6:45p.m.; Madrasat Estacada, 6p.m.; Culver atSantiam, 6p.m. Boyssoccer:MadrasatEstacada,6p.m.

Giris soccer: Estacadaat Madras, 430pm.


Cross-country: La Pinehoststhe La PineInvite,


East N.Y. Jets

NewEngland Buffalo Miami Houston Indianapolis Jacksonville Tennessee


San Diego Denver KansasCity Oakland

Championships (taped), NBC. 2 p.m.:Paris-Tours (same-day tape), NBC Sports Network. CRICKET 1 p.m.:ICC World Twenty20, Sri Lanka vs. West Indies, ESP N2. YACHTING 1:30 p.m.:America's Cup World Series, NBC. VOLLEYBALL 2 p.m.:Women's college, Oregon State at Stanford, Pac­ 12 Network. 4 p.m.:Women's college, Arizona State at USC, Pac-12 Network.

Monday SOCCER 1 p.m.:English Premier League, Chelsea FCvs.

Norwich City FC(taped), Root Sports. 7 p.m.:Men's college, Washington at UCLA, Pac-12 Network. BASKETBALL 5 p.m.:WNBA Playoffs, Connecticut Sun at Indiana Fever, ESPN2. FOOTBALL 5:30 p.m.:NFL, Houston Texans at New York Jets, ESPN. Listings are themost accurate available. TheBulletinis not responsible for latechanges made by T)Zor radiostations.

W 1 2

L 2 2 2 3

T Pct PF PA 0 .500 81 109 0 .500 134 92 0 .500 115 131 0 .250 86 9 0


Baltimore Cincinnati Pittsburgh Cleveland

SOCCER 11 a.m.:English Premier League, Newcastle United FC vs. Manchester United, Fox. Noon:Women's college, UCLA at Oregon State, Pac-12 Network. 6 p.m.:MLS, Portland Timbers at Seattle Sounders, ESPN. BASKETBALL 12:30 p.m.:WNBA Playoffs, M innesota Lynx atLosAngeles Sparks, ABC. CYCLING 12:30 p.m.:UCI World

New Yorkvs. Baltimore

Today,Oct. 7: NewYork (Sabathia 156) at Baltimore, 3:15 p.m.(TBS) Monday,Oct. 8: NewYork at Baltimore, 5:07 p.m.


Wednesday,Oct. 10:BaltimoreatNewYork, TBD(TBS or MLB) x Thursday,Oct. 11: Baltimore at NewYork, TBD

TBA (TBS) Volleyball: Redmondat Summit, 6:30 p.m.; Bend at Ridgeview,6:30 p.m.; Mountain Viewat Crook x Friday,Oct. 12:Baltimoreat NewYork, TBD(TBS) National League County, 6:30p.m.; SweetHomeat Sisters, 7 p.m.; Cincinnati 1, SanFrancisco 0 Trinity Lutheran at Gilchrist, 4 p.m.;Central Chris Today, Oct. 6: Ci n cinnati 5, SanFrancisco 2 tian atSouthWascoCounty, 5:30 p.m. Today,Oct. 7: Cincinnati (Arroyo 1210)at SanFran Boys soccer: CentralChristian at Riverside, 4p.m.; cisco (Bumgarner 16 11), 6:37p.m.(TBS) Elmira at Sisters, 4:30 p.m.; Crook County at Mountain View,4:30 p.m.; Summit at Redmond, Tuesday,Oct.9:SanFrancisco atCincinnati (Latos14 4:30p.m.;Ridgeview atBend,4:30p.m.;La Pine 4), 2:37p.m.(TBS) x Wednesday,Oct. 10: San Francisco at Cincinnati at SweetHome,4:30p.m. Girls soccer: Ridgeviewat Bend, 3p.m.; Elmiraat (Bailey 1310),TBD(TBSor MLB) Sisters, 4:30p.m.; CrookCountyat Mountain View, x Thursday,Oct. 11:SanFranciscoat Cincinnati, TBD 3 p.m.; Summiat t Redmond, 3 p.m.; SweetHome (TBS) Washington vs. St. Louis at La Pine,4:30p.m. Today, Oct. 7: Washington (Gonzalez218) at St. Wednesday Lours 1207pm (TBS) Volleyball: Gladstone at Madras, 6pm.; Kennedyat Monday,Oct. 8: Washington(Ztmmermann 128) at Culver,6 p.m.;Junction City at LaPine, 6:45p.m. St. Louis, 1:37p.m. (TBS) Wednesday,Oct. 10: St. Louis at Washington, TBD Thursday (TBS orMLB) Football: La Salleat Madras, 7p.m.; Sistersat Elmi x Thursday,Oct. 11: St. Louis at Washington, TBD ra, 7 p.m.; LaPineatSweet Home, 7p.m.; Central (TBS) Linn atCulver, 7p.m. x Friday,Oct. 12:St.Louis atWashington, TBD(TBS) Volleyball: Burnsat Ridgeview,6:30p.m. Boys soccer: Summiatt Ridgeview 430pm.; Crook Saturday's Boxscores County at Bend, 4:30 p.m.; Mountain View at Redmond, 4:30p.m.; Girls soccer: Summit atRidgeview,3 p.m.; Crook Tigers 3, Athletics 1 County at Bend, 3 p.m.; Mountain View at Oakland AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Redmond, 3p.m. Crisp cf 4 1 1 1 0 0 . 2 50 Drew ss 4 0 1 0 0 1 . 2 50 Friday lf 3 0 1 0 1 0 . 3 33 Football: Bend atRedmond, 7p.m.; MountainView Cespedes 4 0 0 0 0 3 . 0 00 at Summit, 7 p.m.;CrookCountyat Ridgeview, 7 Moss lb Reddick rf 3 0 0 0 1 3 . 0 00 p.m.; Gilchrist atNorth Lake,2p.m. Donaldson 3b 4 0 0 0 0 3 . 0 00 Volleyball: Gilchrist at NorthLake, 5p.m.; Triadat S.Smith dh 3 0 0 0 1 2 . 0 00 Trinity Lutheran, p.m. 5 D.Norris c 3 0 0 0 0 1 . 0 00 b Kottarasph 1 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 00 FOOTBALL Pennington2b 2 0 1 0 1 1 . 5 00 Totals 31 1 4 1 4 14

MOTOR SPORTS 11 a.m.:NASCAR, Sprint Cup, Good Sam Roadside Assistance 500, ESPN. 3 p.m.:NHRA, Auto-Plus

Nationals (same-day tape),

x Wednesday,Oct. 10:Detroit (Scherzer16 7)at Oak land, TBD (TBSor MLB) x Thursday,Oct. 11:Detroit at Oakland,TBD(TBS)

W 1 4

L 0 2 3 3

T Pct PF PA 0 1.000 126 56 0 .333 61 8 3 0 .250 62 9 7 0 .250 81 151

North W 1 3 0

L 1 1 2 4

T Pct PF PA 0 .750 121 83 0 .750 112 112 0 .333 77 75 0 .000 73 9 8

West L T Pct PF PA 1 0 .750 100 71 W 1 2 0 .500 114 83 2 3 3 0 .250 88 136 3 0 .250 67 125 NATI DNA L CONF ERENCE

East Philadelphia Dallas Washington N.Y. Giants

W 2 3

L 1 2 2 2

T Pct PF PA 0 .750 66 8 3 0 .500 65 8 8 0 .500 123 123 0 .500 111 84

South Atlanta

TampaBay Carolina NewOrleans Minnesota Chicago GreenBay Detroit

W 1 4 0

L 0 3 3 4

T Pct PF PA 0 1.000 124 76 0 .250 82 9 1 0 .250 80 109 0 .000 110 130

North W 1 2 3

L 1 1 2 3

T Pct PF PA 0 .750 90 7 2 0 .750 108 68 0 .500 85 8 1 0 .250 100 114

West Arizona San Francisco St. Louis Seattle

W 2 3 4

L 1 1 2 2

T Pct PF PA 0 .800 94 7 8 0 .750 104 65 0 .600 96 9 4 0 .500 70 5 8

Today's Games Baltimoreat KansasCity, 10a.m. Atlanta atWashington, 10a.m. PhiladelphiaatPittsburgh, 10a.m. GreenBayat Indianapolis, 10a.m. Clevelandat N.Y.Giants, 10a.m. Miami atCincinnati, 10a.m. Seattle atCarolina,1:05p.m. ChicagoatJacksonville, 1:05p.m. Buffalo atSanFrancisco, 1:25p.m. Tennessee at Minnesota, 1:25p.m. DenveratNewEngland, 1:25p.m. SanDiegoatNew Orleans,5:20p.m. Open:Dallas,Detroit, Oakland,TampaBay

Detroit AB R H Bl BB SO Avg. A .Jackson cf 4 1 1 0 0 1 .25 0 3 0 2 0 0 1 .66 7 Berry(i a A.Garcia ph rf 1 0 0 0 0 0 .00 0 M i.cabrera 3b 3 0 0 0 1 0 .00 0 Fielder lb 4 0 0 0 0 0 .000 D .Young dh 2 0 0 0 0 1 .00 0 Dirks rf lf 3 0 1 0 0 0 .33 3 J h.Peralta ss 3 0 0 0 0 2 .00 0 Avila c 3 1 2 1 0 1 .66 7 In(ante2b 3 1 1 0 0 0 .33 3 Totals 29 3 7 1 1 B Oakland 100 000 000 — 1 4 1 Detroit 101 010 00x — 3 7 0 a lined out for Berry in the 8th. b fouledout for D.Norris in the 9th. E J.Parker(1). LOB Oakland7, Detroit 4. 2B Drew (1),A.Jackson(1), In(ante(1). HR Crisp (1), off Verlander; Avila(1), off J.Parker. SB Berry(1). DP Oakland2. Oakland I P H R ER BB NP SOERA J.Parker L,01 613 7 3 2 1 5 9 6 2.84 Neshek 2 3 0 0 0 0 1 8 0. 0 0 Blevins 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0.00 Detroit IP H R ER BB SO NPERA VerlanderW,10 7 3 1 1 4 1 1 1211.29 BenoitH,1 1 1 0 0 0 1 14 0 . 00 ValverdeS,11 1 0 0 0 0 2 1 1 0.00 1 2:56. A 43,323 (41,255).

AB R H BI 5 1 3 3 4 0 1 0 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 1 2 1 4 0 0 0 4 1 1 0 4 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 35 5 9 4

B.Phigips2b Cozarl ss Votto lb Ludwick lf 1 Heiseypr lf Bruce rf Rolen 3b Hanigan c Stubbscf Cueto p


a H.Baileyph Latos p c Cairo ph Marshall p Broxtonp e Paul ph

A.chapman p Totals

San Francisco AB Pagancf 5 Scutaro2b 4 S andoval 3b 5 Poseyc 5 Pencerf 4

BB SO Avg. 0 0 0 2 1 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 9

. 6 00 . 2 50 . 0 00 . 0 00 . 5 00 . 0 00 . 2 50 . 2 50 . 0 00 . 0 00 . 0 00

Detroit 1, Oakland 0 Saturday,Oct.6: Detroit 3,Oakland1 Today,Oct. 7:Oakland(Milone1310) at Detroit (Fis ter 10 10),9:07a.m.(MLB) Tuesday, Oct.9: Detroit (Sanchez46) atOakland, 6:07

R H Bl BB SO Avg. 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

GOLF PGA Tour Justin Timberlake Shriners Hospital for Children Open


Las Vegas

Josh Teater

Ken Duke Bill Lunde Kevin Stree(man BobbyGates BlakeAdams RyanPalmer Nick Watney Chris Kirk Daniel Summ erhays Vijay Singh Rory Sabbatini Jeff Overton Camilo Vigegas Michael Thompson Patrick Reed Kevin Na John Huh Justin Leonard JhonattanVegas EdwardLoar Richard H.Lee StewartOink Bob Estes Angel Cabrera BrendanSteele RoberloCastro Kevin Stadler AndresRomero Scott Piercy RickyBarnes RobertKarlsson John Ma(linger VaughnTaylor MathewGoggin RobertGarrigus Chris Riley David Hearn Scott Brown Billy Mayfair John Merrick David Mathis SeanO'Hair Daniel Chopra Davis LoveIII HeathSlocum MareTurnesa Troy Kelly TommyBiershenk J.J. Kigeen Will Claxton SteveWheatcroft NathanGreen Harris English J.B. Holmes GeorgeMcNeil Rod Pampling Matt Bettencourt Gary Christian Erik Compton ChadCampbell HunterHamrick John Daly

64 64 66 194 62 66 66 194 61 68 65 194 67 66 66 199 63 68 68 199 68 67 66 201 69 68 64 201 71 66 64 201 66 67 68 201 70 65 67 202 66 68 68 202 67 69 67 203 68 67 68 203 70 67 66 203 65 70 68 203 67 70 66 203 66 66 71 203 64 68 71 203 68 63 72 203 66 66 71 203 65 71 68 204 70 66 68 204 70 66 68 204 70 66 68 204 65 69 70 204 68 66 70 204 63 69 72 204 64 69 71 204 68 68 69 205 67 68 70 205 66 68 71 205 68 69 68 205 69 68 68 205 68 70 67 205 69 67 70 206 69 66 71 206 66 68 72 206 68 66 72 206 67 66 73 206 68 69 70 207 69 68 70 207 70 65 72 207 65 72 70 207 68 69 70 207 66 68 73 207 68 70 69 207 68 70 69 207 69 67 72 208 70 66 72 208 69 67 72 208 68 68 72 208 67 70 71 208 68 67 73 208 68 67 73 208 67 67 74 208 70 68 70 208 68 70 70 208 68 70 70 208 66 68 75 209 70 68 71 209 69 69 71 209 68 68 74 210 71 66 73 210 70 67 73 210 70 68 72 210 70 68 72 210 68 70 73 211 68 68 76 212 66 71 75 212 73 65 74 212 69 69 77 215 69 63 86 218

Joe Daley

SAS ChampionshiP Saturday At PrestonwoodCountry Club

Cary, N.c. Purse: $2.1 million

Fred Funk StevePate Jay DonBlake AndrewMagee Larry Nelson Mark McNulty Mark O'Meara Mark Wiebe John Huston Bill Glasson Mike Reid KennyPerry Gary Hagberg RussCochran Craig Stadler SteveJones BernhardLanger D.A. Weibring Neat Lancaster

TommyArmourIII TomByrum LorenRoberts John Harris Bob Tway TomPurlzer Jeff Sluman TomJenkins Bob Gilder GeneSauers Jim Thorpe PeterSenior DuffyWaldorf John Cook RogerChapm an Chip Beck Willie Wood Bob Niger David Peoples DavidEger Ted Schulz Mike Goodes Allen Doyle Mark Calcavecchia Scott Simpson Brad Faxon PeterJacobsen Rod Spittle Hale Irwin Joel Edwards WayneLevi Ben Bates SteveLowery Mark Brooks Larry Mize Jim Rut(edge Bruce Fleisher BobbyWadkins FuzzyZoeger Dick Mast Kirk Triplett Olin Browne Gil Morgan CoreyPavin EduardoRomero Bobby Clampett Jim Gallagher,Jr. DanaQuigicy SandyLyte Curtis Strange ChienSoonLu Jeff Freeman Mike Hulbert GeneJones Rick Fehr Mike Mccugough David Frost Stan Utley Dan Forsman

67 69 136 67 69 136 67 70 137 67 70 137 72 66 138 70 68 138 69 69 138 69 69 138 71 68 139 70 69 139 69 70 139 68 71 139 68 71 139 66 73 139 70 70 140 73 67 140 68 72 140 71 70 141 72 69 141 71 70 141 71 70 141 73 68 141 69 72 141 72 70 142 71 71 142 70 72 142 69 73 142 69 73 142 74 68 142 68 74 142 72 71 143 72 71 143 71 72 143 72 71 143 72 71 143 73 70 143 69 74 143 69 74 143 70 73 143 73 70 143 69 74 143 73 70 143 68 75 143 71 73 144 72 72 144 72 72 144 71 73 144 72 72 144 70 74 144 73 71 144 69 75 144 74 70 144 75 69 144 75 69 144 70 75 145 72 73 145 70 75 145 73 72 145 74 71 145 75 70 145 72 74 146 73 73 146 74 72 146 74 72 146 75 71 146 76 70 146 73 74 147 73 74 147 73 74 147 74 73 147 70 78 148 74 74 148 72 77 149 72 77 149 76 73 149 74 76 150 71 80 151 77 74 151 72 80 152

78 75 153


Eastern Conference W L T PtsGF GA x Sporting Kansas City 17 7 7 58 39 25 Chicago 17 10 5 56 45 39 D.C. 16 10 6 54 49 40 New York 15 9 8 53 54 46 Houston 13 8 11 50 45 38 Columbus 14 11 6 48 39 39 Montreal 12 15 5 41 45 50 Philadelphia 10 15 6 36 35 37 NewEngland 7 17 8 29 37 44 Toronto FC 5 20 7 22 35 60

23. (11)DennyHam(in, Toyota, 189.748. 24. (1) JamieMcMurray,Chevrolet, 189.74. 25. (34)DavidRagan, Ford, 189.616. 26. (31)JeffBurton, Chevrolet, 189.552. 27. (42)JuanPabloMontoya, Chevrolet, 189.38. 28. (78)ReganSmith, Chevrolet, 189.316. 29. (51)KurtBusch,Chevrolet, 189.025. 30. (30)DavidStremme,Toyota, 188.947. 31. (32)TerryLabonte,Ford, 188.794. 32. (38)DavidGigiland, Ford,188.727. 33. (26)JoshWise, Ford, 188.649. 34. (98) MichaelMcDoweg,Ford, 188.638. 35. (97) TimmyHill, Toyota, 188.326. 36. (93)TravisKvapil, Toyota, 188.296. 37.(87)JoeNeme chek,Toyota,188.001. 38. (83) LandonCassill, Toyota, 187.986. 39. (36)DaveBlaney, Chevrolet, 187.46. 40. (47)BobbyLabonte, Toyota, 186.991. 41. (10)DavidReutimann, Chevrolet, 186.783. 42. (33)ColeWhitt, Chevrolet, 186.289. 43. (23)RobertRichardsonJr., Toyota, 185.942.

Western Conference

Formula 1


x San Jose 19 6 7 64 69 40 x RealSalt Lake 17 11 4 55 46 35 x Los Angeles 15 12 5 50 56 45 x Seattle 13 710 49 45 31 Vancouver 11 12 9 42 35 40 FC Dallas 9 12 10 37 38 41 Colorado 9 19 4 31 40 50 Portland 7 15 9 30 32 52 Chivas USA 7 17 7 28 21 53 NOTE:Threepoints for victory, onepoint for tie. x clinched playoff berth

Saturday's Games D.C. United 1,Toronto FC0 Chicago 2,NewYork 0 Philadelphia 1,NewEngland 0 Houston 1,Montreal 1,tie San Jose4, Colorado 1 Real Salt Lake 2, LosAngeles 1

1. Sebastian Vettel, Germany,RedBull, 1 minute, 30.839seconds. 2. MarkWebber,Australia, RedBull, 1:31.090. 3. KamuiKobayashi,Japan,Sauber,1:31.700. 4. RomainGrosjean, France,Lotus, 1:31.898. 5. SergioPerez,Mexico,Sauber, 1:32.022. 6. FernandoAlonso, Spain, Ferrari, 1:32.114. 7. KimiRaikkonen,Finland, Lotus, 1:32.208. 8. JensonButton, England, McLaren,1:31.290. 9. LewisHamilton, England,McLaren,1:32.327.

Eliminated after secondsession

Today's Games

Eliminated after first session

TENNIS Professional China Open Saturday At The Beijing Tennis Centre Beijing Purse: Men, $2.205million (WT500); Women, $4.Bmillion (Premier) Surface: Hard-Outdoor Singles Men Semifinals Jo Wit(riedTsonga(3), France,def. FelicianoLo pez, Spain,61,4 1 retired. Novak Djokovic (1), Serbia, def. Florian Mayer, Germany,61,64.



MariaSh , Li Na(7), China, arapov a (2), Russiadef.

6 4, 6 0.

Victoria Azarenka(1), Belarus, vs.MarionBarloli (9), France, 6 4, 6 2.

Japan Open Saturday At Ariake Colosseum Tokyo Purse: $1.41 million (WT500) Surface: Hard-Outdoor Singles

Semifinals Milos Raonic(6), Canada,def. AndyMurray(1), Britain,6 3,6 7(5),7 6(4). Kei Nishikori (8), Japan,def. MarcosBaghdatis, Cyprus,6 2,6 2.


Conference Finals (Best-of-3)

lx-if necessary)

Eastern Conference Connecticut1, Indiana 0 Friday,Oct.5: Connecticut 76,Indiana64 Monday,Oct.8: Connecticut at Indiana, 5p.m. x Thursday,Oct. 11: Indiana at Connecticut, 5:30


JapaneseGrandPrix Lineup After Saturdayqualifying; race today At SuzukaInternational Racing Course Suzuka, Japan Lap length: S.BOB miles Third Session

10. FelipeMassa,Brazil, Ferrari, 1:32.293. 11. Paul diResta,Scotland, ForceIndia, 1:32.327. 12. PastorMaldonado,Venezuela,Wiliams, 1:32.512. 13. NicoRosberg,Germany, Mercedes,1:32.625. 14. DanielRicciardo,Australia, ToroRosso, 1:32.954. 15. NicoHulkenberg,Germany, ForceIndia, 1:32.272.

Sporting Kansas City at Columbus, 1p.m. FC Dallas atChivasUSA,4 p.m. Portland atSeattle FC,6p.m.

Champions Tour

ael Allen 1.000 Mich

1 0 0 1 .20 0 0 0 1 0 .00 0 1 0 0 0 .20 0 2 1 0 2 .40 0 0 0 0 0 .00 0 Belt lb 2 0 0 2 0 .00 0 G.Blanco lf 3 2 0 1 1 .667 B .crawford ss 2 0 0 1 1 .00 0 (Ariasph 1 1 0 0 0 1. 0 00 M.cain p 1 0 0 0 0 .00 0 b A.Huff ph 1 0 0 0 0 .000 Kontosp 0 0 0 0 0 Monday's Game d Theriot ph 1 0 0 0 0 .00 0 Houston atN.Y.Jets,5:30p.m. Mota p 0 0 0 0 0 Affeldt p 0 0 0 0 0 S.casigap 0 0 0 0 0 0 Betting line g Nadyph 0 0 0 0 1 0 Totals 34 2 7 1 B 5 NFL Cincinnati 002100 002 — 5 9 1 (Home teams in Caps) Favorite Opening Current Underdog San Francisco 000 001 001 — 2 7 0 a struck out for Lecure in the3rd. b flied out for Today Falcons 3 3 REDS KINS M.cain in the 5th. c flied out for Latos in the 7th. STEELERS 3. 5 3.5 Eagles d groundedout for Kontos in the 7th. e singled for Packers 7 7 COLTS Broxton inthe9th. I singled for Bcrawford in the 9th. GIANTS 10 8 Browns gwalkedforS.casiga inthe9th. 1 ran forLudwickinthe 8th. VIKINGS 6 5.5 Titans E Rolen (1). LOB Cincinnati 6, SanFrancisco B ENGALS 5 3 Dolphi n s Ravens 5 6 CHIEFS 11. 2B Bruce (1), G.Blanco (1). HR B.Phigips PANTHERS 3 3 Seaha w ks (1), off M.cain;Bruce(1), off M.cain; Posey(1), off Bears 5.5 5.5 JAG UARS Latos. DP Cincinnati 1;SanFrancisco 1. P ATRIOTS 7 6.5 Bronc o s 49ERS 95 95 Bills C inc innati I P H R ER BB SO NPERA SAINTS 3 3.5 Char gers Cueto 13 0 0 0 0 1 8 0 . 00 Monday Texans 7 8 JETS LecureW,1 0 1231 0 0 2 1 2 5 0.00 Latos 4 4 1 1 1 1 5 7 2.25 Bye week:Cowboys,Lions, Raiders,Bucs. Marshall H, 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0.00 Broxton H,1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 9 0.00 A.chapman 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 8 9.00 BASEBALL San Francisco I P H R ER BB SO NPERA M.cain L, 0 1 5 5 3 3 1 4 7 5 5.40 MLB Kontos 2 0 0 0 0 1 2 4 0.00 Mota 13 1 0 0 0 1 6 0 . 00 MAJOR LEAGUEBASEBALL Affeldt 23 0 0 0 1 0 1 2 0.00 PostseasonGlance S.casiga 1 3 2 1 0 3 2 8 9.00 AU Times POT 1 3:27. A 43,492 (41,91 5). Divis(ON SERIES

(Best-of-5; x-if necessary) American League

Jonas Blixt BrendondeJonge RyanMoore Jim my Walker Tim Herron Colt Knost JasonDay JasonBohn Russell Knox

Yardage:7,212; Par 72 Second Round

Reds 5, Giants 2 Cinc innati

Purse: $4.5 million Yardage:7,243; Par 71 Thir

Western Conference Minnesota1, LosAngeles 0

Thursd ay,Oct.4:Minnesota94,LosAngeles77 Today, Oct.7:MinnesotaatLosAngeles,12:30p.m. xWednesday,Oct.10:Los AngelesatMinnesota,5



PreseasonSchedule AU Times POT

16. BrunoSenna,Brazil, Williams, 1:33.405. 17. HeikkiKovalainen,Finland, Caterham,1:34.657. 18. TimoGlock, Germany, Marussia, 1:35.213. 19. JeanEric Vergne,France, ToroRosso, 1:33.368. 20. Pedrodela Rosa, Spain, HRT,1:35.385. 21. CharlesPic, France,Marussia, 1:35.429. 22. VitalyPetrov,Russia, Caterham,1:35.432. 23. Michael Schumacher, Germany, Mercedes, 1:32.469. 24. NarainKarthikeyan,India, HRT,1:36.734.


Auto-Plus NHRA Nationals Saturday At Maple GroveRaceway Mohnton, Pa. First-round pairings for today's final eliminations. Top Fuel 1. DavidGrubnic,3.728 seconds,327.11mphvs. 16. IkeMaier,4.100, 267.37;2. MorganLucas, 3.733, 330.96 vs. 15.DomLagana, 3.922, 318.69; 3. Tony Schumacher,3.736, 325.14 vs. 14. Terry McMigen, 3.902, 312.35; 4. Doug Kalitta, 3.739, 331.45 vs. 13.Clay Migican,3.854,316.97;5.Shawn Lang don, 3.753, 328.38vs. 12. Bob Vandergriff, 3.824, 324.90; 6. BrandonBernstein, 3.758, 326.48vs. 11. Larry Dixon,3.818, 316.30; 7.Antron Brown, 3.758, 325.14vs. 10.SteveTorrence, 3.803, 321.04; 8.Spen cerMassey,3.763,326.08 vs.9.Khalid alBalooshi, 3. 776,327.03. Did NotQualify: 17.Rit Pustari, 4.109,269.35.

Funny Car

1. Jack Beckman,DodgeCharger, 3.989, 320.58 vs. 16. MikeSmith, DodgeStratus, 4.203, 276.58; 2. Cruz Pedregon,ToyotaCamry,3.997, 313.80 vs. 15. ToddLesenko,Charger,4.125,299.00;3.Mike Neff, Ford Mustang,4.017,318.84 vs. 14. TonyPedregon, Camry,4.116,306.05; 4.Johnny Gray,Charger, 4.028, 318.99 vs.13.BobTascaIII, Mustang,4.091,304.12; 5. Courlney Force,Mustang, 4.028, 319.60vs. 12. Matt Hagan,Charger,4.074, 311.92; 6.Alexis DeJo ria, Camry,4.032, 319.07 vs. 11. Jim Head,Toyota Solara, 4.063,307.37; 7.JohnForce, Mustang, 4.038, 317. 79vs. 10.Robert Hight,Mustang, 4.061,321.81; 8. Ron Capps,Charger,4.055, 317.64vs. 9. Jeff Ar end, Camry,4.057, 318.09. Did NotQualify: 17.TimWilkerson, 4.273,284.15; 18. BlakeAlexander, 7.239,299.93. Pro Stock 1. Jason Line,ChevyCamaro, 6.515, 212.36vs. 16.Shane Gray,Pontiac GXP,6.623,208.84;2.Erica Enders, ChevyCobalt, 6.538, 211.39 vs. 15. Kurt Johnson, GXP,6.621, 209.36; 3. Dave Connolly, Cobalt, 6.539, 211.76vs. 14. Frank Gugliotta, Ford Mustang, 6.596,209.04;4.V.Gaines,DodgeAvenger, 6.544, 211.00vs. 13. WarrenJohnson, GXP,6.595, 210.11; 5.GregAnderson, Camaro, 6.544, 200.38vs. 12. Larry Morgan,Mustang,6.574, 209.59; 6. Allen Johnson,Avenger,6.545,211.49vs. 11.Vincent Nob ile, Avenger,6.567,211.43; 7. JegCoughlin, Avenger, 6.552, 210.37vs. 10.RonKrisher, GXP,6.563, 210.57; 8. Mike Edwards,GXP,6.561, 211.79vs. 9. Ronnie Humphrey,GXP ,6.562, 210. 77. Did NotQualify: 17.LewisWorden, 6.681,207.05; 18. JohnGaydoshJ r,6.785, 203.68.

Pro StockMotorcycle

1. EddieKrawiec,Harley Davidson, 6.799, 196.56 vs. 16. CraigTreble,Bueg, 7.269, 191.13; 2.Andrew Hines,HarleyDavidson,6.824, 195.93vs. 15.Wesley Wells, Suzuki, 7.072,189.98; 3.HectorArana,Bueg, 6.834, 194.46vs. 14.Michael Phillips, Suzuki, 7.013, 189.82; 4. HectorAranaJr, Buell, 6.853, 195.70vs. 13. Shawn Gann, Bueg,6.967, 192.63; 5. LETong(et, Suzuki, 6.877,193.43vs. 12.John Hall, Bueg,6.963, 188.65; 6. Matt Smith, Buell, 6.885, 194.52 vs. 11. Scotty Pogacheck,Buell, 6.954, 188.99; 7.ChipEgis, Bueg, 6.898, 193.71vs. 10.SteveJohnson, Suzuki, 6.931, 192.63; 8.KarenStoffer, Suzuki, 6.902, 192.91 vs. 9. MichaelRay,Bueg,6.910, 191.76. Did NotQualify: 17.ConnieCohen, 9.365, 110.81.

Saturday's Games Dallas 89,AlbaBerlin 84 Memphis 105,Madrid 93 San Antonio 106,Siena77 Denver 106,L.A.Clippers 104

Today's Games

Boston at Milano, 9a.m. Washington atCharlotte, 10a.m. Miami at Atlanta, 11a.m. Orlando atNewOrleans, 11:30a.m. GoldenStateat LosAngeles Lakers, 7p.m.



NASCAR Sprint Cup Good Sam Roadside Assistance500Lineup After Saturdayqualifying; race today At TauadegaSuperspeedway Tauadega,Ala.

Laplength:2.BBmiles (car numberin parentheses)

1.(5) KaseyKahne,Chevrolet,191.455. 2. (39) Ryan Newman, Chevrolet, 191.145. 3. (15) GlintBowyer,Toyota, 191.119. 4. (14) TonyStewart, Chevrolet, 190.993. 5. (16)GregBit(le, Ford,190.955. 6. (24) JeffGordon,Chevrolet, 190.848. 7. (99) CarlEdwards,Ford, 190.784. 8. (21)TrevorBayne,Ford, 190.727. 9. (56) MarlinTruexJr., Toyota,190.662.

10. (22)SamHom ish Jr., Dodge,190.628.

11. (55) MichaelWaltrip, Toyota,190.465. 12. (88)DaleEarnhardtJr., Chevrolet, 190.427. 13. (18)KyleBusch,Toyota, 190.419. 14. (20)JoeyLogano,Toyota, 190.393. 15. (17)MattKenseth,Ford, 190.37. 16. (27)PaulMenard, Chevrolet, 190.332. 17. (48)JimmieJohnson, Chevrolet, 190.298. 18. (43)AricAlmirola,Ford, 190.298. 19. (13)CaseyMears, Ford, 190.177. 20. (9) MarcosAmbrose, Ford, 190.17. 21. (29)KevinHarvick, Chevrolet, 190.113. 22. (2) BradKeselowski, Dodge,189.778.

Transactions BASEBALL

American League CLEVELAND INDIANS Named Terry Francona



National Football League GREENBAY PACKERS Act ivated DE Mike Neat from exemptstatus. ReleasedDEPhilip Merling. INDIANAPO LIS COLTS Promoted OTTony Hils from thepractice squad.WaivedWRKris Adams.

FISH COUNT Upstream daily movementof adult chinook, jack chinook, steelheadand wild steelhead at selected Columbia Riverdamslast updatedon Friday. Chnk Jchnk Stlhd Wstlhd Bonneville 522 630 333 87 T he Dages 1,560 1,203 1,019 2 9 3 Upstream year to datemovement ofadult chinook, jack chinook,steelheadandwild steelheadat selected ColumbiaRiver damslast updatedonFriday. Chnk Jchnk Stlhd Wstlhd Bonneville 578,574 135,802 226,712 82,686 The Dages 400,395 116,519186,010 65,578 John Day 324,876 100,579 139,180 52,252 McNary 325,151 54,501 125,955 42,690


Baseball • Terry Franconahired as Cleveland manager:Terry Francona hasbeen hired as manager of the Cleveland Indians. Francona, who won two World Series titles with the Boston Red Sox, accepted the Indians' offer on Saturday and will take over a team that collapsed in the second half this season after a promising first four months. The 53-year-old will be introduced as Cleveland's 42nd manager during a Monday news conference at Progressive Field, the Indians said in a statement Saturday. Cleveland chose

Francona over Sandy Alomar Jr., who served as the club's interim manager for the final six games after Manny Acta was fired on Sept. 27. Francona and Alomar were the only candidates to interview for the Indians' opening.

Football • Coronersays SouthCarolina player died of heart condition:A coroner says a South Carolina high school football player died as a result of a sudden irregular heartbeat brought on by an enlarged heart. Darlington County Coroner J. Todd Hardee

said Saturday that an autopsy revealed 18-year-old Ronald Rouse suffered a fatal sudden cardiac arrhythmia resulting from a congenital enlarged heart. Rouse was a 6-foot-3, 320-pound lineman for Hartsville High School who collapsed during the second quarter of the team's homecom­ ing game Friday night against Crestwood. School officials say Rouse called time out and collapsed, and then collapsed again after being revived and trying to walk off the field. He was treated by four physicians and two athletic trainers, who used a de­ fibrillator to try shocking his heart. Rouse was pronounced dead at an area hospital.


• Djokovic to face Tsonga inChina

Open final: Top-seeded Novak Djokovic • Raonic onstsMurray inJapan Open will face Jo-Wilfried Tsonga in the final semifinal:Milos Raonic ousted top­ of the China Open in Beijing. Djokovic seeded Andy Murray 6-3, 6-7 (5), 7-6 beat unseeded Florian Mayer of Germany (4) Saturday to move into the final of the 6-1, 6-4 Saturday, while Tsonga led 6-1, Japan Open in Tokyo. Raonic will meet Kei 4-1 when Feliciano Lopez retired with a Nishikori today after he routed unseeded left wrist injury. In the women's event, Marcos Baghdatis 6-2, 6-2 in just over an top-ranked Victoria Azarenka beat ninth­ hour. The 17th-ranked Nishikori defeated seeded Marion Bartoli 6-4, 6-2 to set Baghdatis for the first time after losing up a final against Maria Sharapova. She three previous matches. Nishikori and Ra­ cruised to a 6-4, 6-0 victory over sev­ enth-seeded Li Na of China in the other onic will play for the first time in the final, with the Japanese player seeking his first semifinal. title of the season. — From wire reports




I(ahne takespoleat TalladegaSLiperspeedway





Joe Kllne/ The Bulletin

Mountain View's Noah Cox winds up for a shot on goalduring the match against Summit on Saturday at Juniper Swim 8 Fitness Center in Bend. Mountain View won 12-11 in double overtime. Related story on 01.


S isters irsta eei t Bulletin staff report ALBANY — Despite miss­ ing a handful of its top runners Saturday — whether it be to illness, injury or school activi­ ties — Sisters persevered at the Mizuno Harrier Classic. Three freshmen boys took on the challenge of the varsity cross-country meet to ensure the Outlaws a team score. Sis­ ters' top runner for the girls stumbled in the early stages. Yet the Outlaws pulled away en route to eighth- and 22nd­ place finishes for the girls and boys teams, respectively. "I think that overall the kids that showed up did fine, but it wasn't our strongest group," Sisters coach Charlie Kanzig said. "We' ll get better though. I was proud of them." Zoe Falk anchored Sisters' performance l i st, f i n i shing 14th overall on the girls side with a time of 20 minutes, de­ spite falling around 50 meters into the race. "Our girls team is pretty deep," Kanzig s aid. "Even without three of our runners, I thought the girls held their own." The boys ended the day with 544 points in the 24-team competition. Freshman Izaak K anzig led the way w ith a time of 18:14 and a 78th-place finish, soon followed by fresh­ men Gabriel Rice and Dyut Fetrow. "I thought they did great," Kanzig said of the freshmen.

inA an

"I could have put them in the r acked up 28 k i ll s an d 1 2 JV race, but they were willing blocks, and Lauren Simmons to jump in there and let us have chipped in with 56 digs. a varsity score. I thought those Madras continues confer­ guys were gutsy. They all ran ence play against Estacada on their best times of the year." Monday. Sisters competes in the Adi­ L a Pine compiled a 1 - 2 das XC Classic in Portland record in pool play, but the next Saturday. Hawks fell in the first round In other Saturday action: of bracket action to Cottage VOLLEYBALL Grove 25-12, 25-15. White Buffaloes take Holly J a ckson l e d the Junction City Tournament Hawks with 17 kills, seven digs JUNCTION CITY — Innear­ and six blocks on the day. Her ly flawless fashion, Madras five aces were matched by Kel­ cruised through pool play and ley Terrell, who also delivered powered through the bracket 20 assists. Kenzie Conard fin­ on its way to the Junction City ished with seven kills, seven Tournament championship. digs and one ace. The White Buffaloes de­ La Pine entertains Elmira feated Taft (25-10, 25-13) and on Monday. Douglas (22-25, 25-22, 15-II) Tigers, Grizzlies go two, three before putting Cottage Grove GILCHRIST — In the five­ away in the title bout (25-17, team, round-robin Gilchrist 25-18). Tournament, Central Christian Madras coach Jamie Smith and Gilchrist finished second praised Caitlin Hulsey and and third, respectively. First Natalie Martin, two players place went to Eddyville, which who may not have had the collected the most points on the flashiest of numbers but made day to earn top honors. Central l arge contributions t o t h e Christian visits Dufur on Mon­ team's run. day, while Gilchrist hosts Trin­ Hulsey stepped in for an in­ ity Lutheran on Tuesday. jured teammate and finished Prospect ...... . . . . . . 25-25-25 with 10 assists in th e t i tle Trinity Lutheran........ 8-12-15 match and 17 on the day. Mar­ PROSPECT — The Saints of tin totaled just five kills in the Bend fell to 7-3 in Mountain Val­ tournament, but most, Smith ley League play with the loss to said, were momentum-shifting the Cougars. Trinity Lutheran points. served well, according to coach Shelby Mauritson collected Greg Clift, but struggled with 42 kills on the day, while Alex­ serve receive. "We couldn' t is Urbach finished with 38 kills get into our offense at all," and 10 blocks. Sarah Brown Clift said. Sophomore Rachel

Spencer provided one of the few highlights for the Saints, "stepping in and giving a real good effort," said Clift. Trinity Lutheran continues league play on Tuesday at Gilchrist. BOYS SOCCER Crook County...... . . . . . . . . . 4 Sweet Home...... . . . . . . . . . . 2 PRINEVILLE — The Cow­ boys snapped a five-game los­ ing streak as Zane Abrams scored twice in the nonleague contest to help Crook County improve to 2-7 overall. The Cowboys h o st s M o u ntain View on Tuesday. I rrigon...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Central Christian...... . . . . . . 2 REDMOND — Caleb Reyn­ olds tallied a pair of goals in the second half, but a four-goal first half by lrrigon put the Ti­ gers away in the Class 3A/2A/ IA Special District 4 matchup. Bryson Eells was credited with an assist. Central Christian (0­ 5-1 SD4, 1-5-1 overall) contin­ ues conference play on Tues­ day, when the Tigers travel to Boardman to face Riverside. GIRLS SOCCER Sweet Home...... . . . . . . . . . . 3 Crook County...... . . . . . . . . . 2 PRINEVILLE — The Cow­ girls led 2-0 in the second half before the Huskies rallied late and scored the game's three f inal goals in th e 4A n o n ­ league matchup.Jena Ovens scored both of Crook Coun­ ty's goals. The Cowgirls (1-7 overall) are at Mountain View on Tuesday.


SISTERS(544) — 78,IzaakKanzig, 18:14; 118,Gabriel Rice,18:52; 119, Dyutretrow, 18:53;144,Kylet/an Krieken, 19:28; 147,RossDuncan, 19:41.

FOOTBALL Late Friday Nottcottferettce

Bryant Park, Albany 5,000 meters BOYS

Team scores —BattleGround(Wash.), 106;Westview, 119;Tualatin, 121; SouthMedford, 125;SheIdun, 162; Corvallis, 16/; McMinnville, 229; South Albany,248;EastLinn Christian,269;/tstoria, 275; Silverlon, 301; Lebanon, 346; thurston, 359;Springfield, 372; Sprague,37/; Marshfield, 381; Dallas, 382; SouthSalem, 433; WestAlbany, 464; McNary, 500; Woodburn,532; Sisters, 544;BlanchetCatholic, 550;McKay,575. Overall winner —SpencerBybee,West Salem, 17:13. Top 10 — 1, Bybee,west salem, 17:13.Z JacksonMestler, sheldon,

17:4z 3, Darbyrstes, westsalem, 1/:47. 4, Jacobshelton, sheldon, 18:00. 5,Malachi Seib,Tualatin, 18:Oz6, JasonKiff, McMinnville, 18:04. 7, scott oordt, westview,18:05. 8, Daniel cauvel, westview,18:tz 9, Tucker teneve,Tualatin, 18:18.10,BryceHaskin, Tualatin, 18:3Z

GIRLS Team scores —Corvallis, 62;SouthMedford, 104;Westview, 104;Shel don, 15/; South Salem, 189;West Salem, 199; CrescentValley, 203;Sisters, 288; Dallas,300;WestAlbany, 329; McKay, 331; Marshfield, 358; Lebanon, 359; SouthAlbany,375;/tstoria, 386;McMinnvile, 393;Silverton, 402;Blan diet Catholic,414;thurston, 424;East LinnChristian, 448;McNary, 476. Overall winner —JennaGross, Sprague,21:43.


Redmond 13 2 0 14 7 54 Crook County 0 7 8 7 22 R Cam Peters 78 run (kick failed) R Cody Simpson 45passfromAndrewteeland (J.D. /tbbeskick) R Gunnar Sigado31passfrom teeland (/tbbes kick) Top 10 — 1,Gross,sprague,21:43. Z Bethanyuewelyn, corvallis, R trevor Hindman 55run (kickfailed) 21:47. 3,MadeleineRosebrook,sheldon, 21:5Z 4,Ambertollerud, Churchil, R Peters 50run(/tbbas kick) 21:55. 5, CleaPoklembe,Corvallis, 22:00. 6, MirandaSdtiffer, Springfield, C BrandonZemp6 run(EdgarToledokick) 22:08. 7,/tmandaKeen, Tualatin, 22:13.8, Jordin towman,Westview, 22:40. R Mitch Dahlen4 passfrom teeland (/tbbas kick) 9, /tmyBloch,westview,22:4z 10,MayaArmour, corallis, 22:43. R Simpson 5run(/tbbas kick) SISTERS(288) — 14, Zoeralk, 20:00;61, MacadiaCalavan,22:16; C Collbran Meeker12run(JoeSaenzrun) 6z Natalie Marshall, 22:1/; 89, Betsy /tusman, 23:01; 90, Madison R Gabe Giacci 58run (/tbbes kick) Boettner,23:03; 97,Emily Ford, 23:15. C Zemp13 run(toledo kick)


Seattle living on the edge heading to Carolina By Danny O'Neil The Seattle Times

CHARLOTTE, N.C. — The Seattle Seahawks are not bad. That can be stated definitive­ ly after four games. Marshawn Lynch leads the league in rush­ ing, Seattle has allowed the sec­ ond-fewest points in the league and the team is 39 yards away from being 4-0. Of course, Seattle is also one controversial call from being 1-3, and the question of wheth­ er Seattle is actually good has yet to be answered, which is one reason today's game at


the Carolina Panthers is so important. "I think we' re close to being really good," coach Pete Carroll said. "We' ll see if we can make a turn here." In the first quarter of this sea­ son, Seattle flashed its ability to be outright dominant. Green Bay was able to cross midfield only once in the first half in Week 3, and Seattle's defense has allowed two touchdowns over the past 12 quarters. The Seahawks' running game has given the offense some resil­ iency, allowing the team to rally

from both the halftime deficits it has faced this year, tying the game in the fourth quarter. But Seattle also showed a ten­ dency to be derailed by the kind of pitfalls that sentence a team to mediocrity in this league. Good teams don't usually go two consecutive games without converting a third-down play with a pass as Seattle has. Good teams don't depend as heavily upon their special teams to help their offense in terms of field position. Of Seattle's 13 scoring drives this season, five started with a special-teams play that

gave the Seahawks the ball in the opponent's half of the field. And good teams find a way to finish off game-winning drives. Three times this season, Seattle has had the ball in the final two minutes, needing a touchdown to overcome a deficit. The only one of those opportunities that Seattle converted was courtesy of the controversial decision to award Golden Tate a touch­ down, a ruling that replacement official Wayne Elliott said was probably an error in an inter­ view that aired this week on Showtime.

The Associated Press TALLADEGA, A la. — Ride or race was the ques­ tion NASCAR's title con­ tenders are considering as they prepare for Talladega Superspeedway. T he fourth race i n t h e Chase for the Sprint Cup could be the one that shuffles the 12-driver championship field. The use of restrictor plates bunches the field, and the unpredictability of draft­ ing and relying on partners usually creates a chaotic race that can end a drivers' title hopes. So when qualifying ended Saturday, and Kasey Kahne sat on the pole for the first time at a plate race, drivers began discussing in earnest how they will attack the 500­ mile event. "We just really need to race and race hard," he said. "We' re a long ways back right now, and if we can't make up points at a track like this, we probably aren't going to make them up." Kahne's lap of 191.455 mph bettered Ryan N e w man's 1 91.145, putting a p ai r o f Chevrolets on the front row for today's race. Asked what it meant for Kahne's race, he didn't offer many details. "It means I'm going to start first, that's it," Kahne said. "I' ll try to lead that first lap. If we' re up there, we' ll try to stay up there." That's th e b i g de b ate among drivers who differ on strategy for Talladega. Some may ride around in the back

of the field waiting to make a late charge in an effort to avoid potential dicey situa­ tions, but some want to be ag­ gressive and be out front as much as possible. Kahne, who is sixth in the standings and trails leader Brad Keselowski by 32 points, insists he' ll race. Also on Saturday: Beckman sets national NHRA Funny Car record MOHNTON, Pa. — Funny Car title contender Jack Beck­ man set a national record en route to his fourth No. I quali­ fying position of the season in the Auto-Plus NHRA Nation­ als. After a dominating per­ formance Friday, Beckman powered his Dodge Charger to a time of 4.003 seconds in his first qualifying attempt Saturday. That was quick enough to certify his 3.989 ef­ fort from Friday as an NHRA

national record. Be ckman, who trails series points leader Ron Capps by 17 points, will earn a 20-point bonus if he hangs onto the record follow­ ing the completion of today' s eliminations. Vettel takes pole for Japanese GP SUZUKA, Japan — Red Bull driver Sebastian Vet­ tel claimed pole position for the Formula One Japanese Grand Prix, qualifying ahead of teammate Mark Webber. Vettel, a two-time winner in Japan, secured his f ourth consecutive pole at Suzuka and will be in a good posi­ tion in today's race to further erode the championship lead of Ferrari's Fernando Alonso.

Reinter Ehrhardt/The Associated Press

NASCAR driver Kasey Kahne standsnext to his car after his qualifying attempt at Talladega Superspeedway in Talla­ dega, Ala., Saturday. Kahne took to the pole with a speed of 191.455 mph. for today's NASCAR Sprint Cup Series race.


Blixt, de longe and Moore lead inVegas The Associated Press LAS VEGAS — J o n as Blixt, Brendon de Jonge and Ryan Moore left everyone else behind Saturday in the Justin Timberlake Shriners Hospitals for Children Open. Blixt birdied six of the last seven holes for a 5-under 66 and a share of the lead with Moore and de Jonge — five strokes ahead of their closest rivals in the Fall Series open­ er at TPC Summerlin. Moore had a bogey-free 65, and de Jonge birdied four of the last five for a 66 to match Blixt at 19 under. "Today was just a good sol­ id day," Moore said. "I didn' t do anything amazing, but at the same time, I just did what I' ve been doing this whole week, just put it in play, gave myself a bunch of wedges, 9-irons into greens, and was able to convert a bunch of my reasonable birdie chances." Moore, a former UN LV player who lives in Las Ve­ gas, won the 2009 Wyndham Championship for his lone PGA Tour title. Blixt, from Sweden, and de Jonge, from Zimbabwe, are winless on the tour. The three leaders played in the same group. "It was great today," Blixt said. "They' re both g reat guys, was very relaxed out there, and I just had a good time. Then they ran away a little bit, and then I got lucky, I got hot in the end and made some putts and was able to catch them in the end there. I'm really looking forward to tomorrow."

Moore shot a 61 to take the first-round lead, then slipped a stroke behind Blixt and de Jonge on Friday with a 68. "It's nice playing next to guys that are playing well and making putts," Moore said. "Sometimes it makes that hole look even bigger when you see them just keep dropping. That's what was h appening, especially o n the back nine today. Both of them got rolling and made a bunch ofbirdies in a row, and I kind of threw in a couple here and there and kind of stayed there with them. Also on Saturday: Pate,Funk top Champions Tour leaderboard CARY, N.C. — Steve Pate and Fred Funk and shot 3­ under 69 to share the sec­ ond-round lead at 8 under in the Champions Tour's SAS Championship. Funk, the In­ sperity Championship win­ ner in May for his seventh victory on the 50-and-over tour, birdied four of the last seven holes. He's eighth in the Schwab Cup standings, 1,130 points behind leader Tom Lehman. Grace leads by 4 strokes at Dunhill Links ST. ANDREWS, Scotland — Branden Grace shot a 3­ under 69 to take a four-stroke lead heading into the final round of the Dunhill Links Championship at Carnoustie. The South African is 20-un­ der overallafter a remark­ able 60 in the first round at Kingsbarns. Thorbjorn Ole­ sen of Denmark is second at 16 under after a 68.





No.2 re on e eats No.2 Was in ton



By Anne M. Peterson

yards, including touchdowns of 10 and The Associated Press 13 yards. EUGENE — Ma r c u s M a r i o ta Kenjon Barner, who went into the passed for 198 yards and four touch­ game ranked 10th in the nation with downs, including two scoring strikes an average of 121 yards rushing per to tight end Colt Lyerla, and No. 2 game, ran for 122 yards and the Ducks Oregon beat No . 2 3 W a shington built a 35-7 lead at halftime. 52-21 on Saturday night at Autzen Bishop Sankey ran for 104 yards Stadium. and two touchdowns for Washington. Mariota rebounded from an inter­ The two Pacific Northwest teams ception on the Ducks' opening series have a storied rivalry, but there was to complete 15 of 24 passes and Or­ little visible contentiousness between the two teams on Saturday night, ex­ egon (6-0, 3-0 Pac-12) won its ninth consecutive game overall dating back cept for a brief shoving match in the to last season, as well as its ninth third quarter. straight in the series against the rival De'Anthony Thomas opened scor­ Huskies (3-2, I-I). ing for the Ducks when he wove his Lyerla caught three passes for 71 way through several defenders for a

Oregon Continued from D1 Mariota was coming off an average performance against Washington State in which he threw two interceptions. After throwing an i n ter­ ception on a deflected pass on Oregon's first possession against Washington, Mariota settled down to complete 15 of 24 passes for 198 yards and four touchdowns. He also ran seven times for 40 yards. Not exactly video-game statistics, but Mariota appeared poised and unfazed all night as Wil­ cox threw different schemes at him. "The last few weeks I' ve been trying to do too much," Mariota said. "There were some throws I wish I could have back, I'm not going to lie. I wanted to make sure I took better care of the ball." Mariota showed on Satur­ day night that he has the "in­ tangibles," that favorite word of talking-head analysts, used and overused t o d e scribe positive quarterback charac­ ter traits that do not appear in the box score. He "feels" the defense. He "manages" the game. "He's a real thirsty kid," Or­ egon head coach Chip Kelly said of Mariota. "He always wants to get better. He's learn­ ing every day out there, and it's fun to watch him learn from mistakes and improve." On his second touchdown pass, a 10-yarder to t i g ht end Colt Lyerla that gave the Ducks a 28-7 lead in the sec­ ond quarter, Mariota was pa­

tient as he scrambled away from pass rushers and waited for Lyerla to break free in the end zone. A 34-yard touchdown pass to Josh Huff put Oregon up 35-7 at halftime, Mariota felt the Husky pass rush before seeing it, stepped up deftly in the pocket, and fired a laser to Huff, who used his speed to reach the end zone. Early in the fourth quarter, as Washington showed some faint signs of life trailing 38­ 14, Mariota again found Ly­ erla in the end zone on a 13­ yard touchdown pass. This time, Mariota faked a hand­ off, pumped to his right, then threw the ball high across the middle to where only the 6­ foot-5-inch Lyerla could snag it. Minutes l a t er , M a r i ota showed his running ability with a 31-yard scamper on which he nearly scored. "He showed improvement and that's one thing that' s awesome about M a r cus," Kelly said. "Very rarely does he make the same mistake twice. I think he played re­ ally well tonight, and if he can play at that level we' ll be re­ ally good." "I think it was just the prep­ aration and the work in prac­ tice all week," Mariota said of his performance. So now we know Mariota has the ability to lead Ore­ gon's vaunted spread attack on another special season. And we also know that Or­ egon can win with its defense — which forced five turnovers against the Huskies and, two

16-yard touchdown, set up when the Huskies fumbled on a punt return and Oregon's B.J. Kelley recovered on the Washington 20-yard line. Mariota found sophomore Keanon Lowe with a 21-yard scoring pass be­ fore Avery Patterson scored for the Ducks on a 43-yard interception re­ turn. It was Patterson's second straight game with an interception return for a touchdown. Sankey, who had also run for 100 yards in each of Washington's previ­ ous two games, had a I-yard touch­ down dive for the Huskies to make it 21-7 early in the second quarter. The Ducks answered with Mariota's 10-yard touchdown pass to Lyerla. A

short time later, a running Mariota hit Josh Huff with a 34-yard catch-and­ run touchdown. Rob Beard, who missed a 41-yard field-goal try in the first half, made a 28-yarder early in the second half to make it 38-7. Sankey ran for a hard­ fought 6-yard touchdown before the end of the third quarter. Lyerla opened the fourth period with a 13-yard touchdown pass from Mariota, and a short time later Byron Marshall ran for a score to make it 52-14. Erich Wilson had a I-yard touch­ down run for Washington with 32 sec­ onds left in the game to complete the scoring.

All Times POT

North Oregon OregonState Stanford Washington California WashingtonState South ArizonaState USC Colorado UCLA Utah Arizona



30 30 21 11 12 02

60 40 41 32 24 23



20 21 11 12 02 03

41 41 14 42 23 33

Saturday's Games

Stanford54,Arizona48(OT) OregonState19,Washington State6 California 43,UCLAf 7 Oregon52,Washington 21 Thursday, Oct. 11 ArizonaStateat Colorado, 6p.m. Saturday, Oct. 13 Utah atUCLA,noon x Stanford at Notre Dame,12:30 p.m. x Oregon Stateat BYU,12:30p.m. USC at Washington,4p.m. California atWashingtonState, 7:30p.m. x =nonconference

Saturday's Summaries

No. 14 OregonSt. 19, Washington St. 6 Washington Sf. Oregon Sf.

0 3 0 3 — 6 3 3 7 6 — 19

First Quarter

OrSt LG Romaine30, 11:49.


WSU LG Torney24,9:08. OrSt LG Romaine24,2:51.

Third Quarter OrSt Wheaton 12passfromMannion (Romaine kick), 9:17. Fourth Quarter WSU LG Torney32,9:33. OrSt Anderson 1run (kick tailed), 4:27. A 46,579.

W SU First downs Rushesyards Passing CompAtt Int ReturnYards Pouts Avg. FumblesLost PenaltiesYards Time ofPossession

Oon Ryan/ The Assocrafed Press

Oregon defender Avery Patterson runsfor a touchdown after intercepting a pass during the first half of Saturday night's game against Washington in Eugene. weeks earlier, shut out Ari­ zona 49-0. Still, at the halfway point of the season, do we really know just how good a football team the Ducks really are? Their most notable victories have come against the then-No. 22 and -No. 23 teams in the country. The Ducks' schedule is backloaded with four realistic threats to their fourth con­ secutive conference champi­

onship and a possible berth in the BCS title game in Mi­ ami: at Arizona State, at USC, Stanford at home, and then Oregon State in Corvallis. The Pac-12 this season is competitive and deep, with six teams ranked in the AP Top 25 coming into this weekend. "I don't think the confer­ ence got c redit fo r d e pth the last couple years," said Pac-12 commissioner Larry Scott, who answered ques­

tions from the media in the Autzen press box at halftime Saturday night. "This season is very different." If the Ducks run the table like they did two years ago to earn a trip to the national title will have game, theycertainly earned it. And if M ariota continues to play like he did Saturday night — welcome to Miami. Reporter: mmoricalC~ bendbulletin.corn, 541-383-0318.

14 14 20 207 20 37 4 53 4 38.3 11 6 40 2 0:45

Ors f 21 40 100 270 2 5 42 3 119 33 7 . 3 00 111 10 39: 1 5

INDIVIDUALSTATISTICS RUSHING —Washington Stc Winston 322, Caldwell 618, Torney 11, Barlolone 1(minus 3), Tuel 3 (minus 18). Oregon Stc Woods 15 54, Agnew 1044, Anderson 226, Wheaton 2 9,Ward 1 1, Cooks 1(minus5), Team4 (minus 6), Mannion 5 (minus23). PASSING —Washington Stc Hatttday 920 3 81, Tuel 11171126. Oregon Stc Mannion25 42 3 270. RECEIVING —Washington 8th Wilson 454, Barlolone 432, G.Simone383, Myers3 25,Caldwell 3 (minus 9), Marks 215, K.Wttttams 1 7.Oregon StcWheaton 9 95,Cooks5 82,Prince4 27,Woods 4 27, Jenktns 130,Ward1 6,Smith 1 3.

No. 2 Oregon52, No. 23 Washington 21 Washington Oregon

0 7 7 7 — 21 21 14 3 14 — 52

First Quarter

Ore D.Thomas16run (Beardkick), 7:28. Ore Lowe 21 passfrom Mariota (Beard kick), 4:01. Ore Patterson43interception return(Beardkick), 2:07.

SecondQuarter Wash Sankey run 1 (Coonskick),13:58. Ore Lyerla 10 passfrom Mariota (Beardkick),


Ore Huff 34 pass from Mariota (Beard kick), 8:04.

Third Quarter

Ore LG Beard28,9:13. Wash Sankey6run (Coonskick), 2:56.

No. 14 Oregon State downs Washington State

Fourth Quarter Ore Lyerla 13 passfrom Mariota (Beardkick), 14:54. Ore Marshall 4 run(Beardkick), 11:39.

Wash Lrtc.Wilson 1 run(Coons kick),:32. A 58,792.


The Associated Press CORVALLIS — C o n n or H alliday's s t r uggles h u r t Washington S t ate's u p set bid to upset Oregon State on Saturday. Halliday, t h e Co u g ars' sophomore quarterback, was pulled early in t h e second half of a 19-6 loss to the No. 14 Beavers after t hrowing his third interception. He was replaced by senior Jeff Tuel, who completed 11 of 17 passes for 126 yards. Halliday finished nine of 20 for 81 yards. Tuel briefly replaced Halliday in the sec­ ond quarter, but coach Mike Leach went back to Halliday to start the second half. After Halliday had a turn­ over on the second play, he was gone for the rest of the


game. "I thought he was going to settle down," Leach said. "He's going to b e a g r e at player, but he wasn't settled down this game." Tuel also struggled. He w as s acked t h r e e t i m e s by the Beaver defense and t hrew a n i n t e rception t o Jordan Poyer that ended the Cougars' hopes. Poyer also picked off Halliday twice. The Beavers (4-0, 3-0 Pac­ 12) needed the defensive ef­ fort,as their offense — and q uarterback S e a n Man ­ nion — struggled from the beginning. Mannion threw three in­ terceptions and finished 25 of 42 for 270 yards. He was sacked three times. Markus Wheaton had 95

yards receiving and a touch­ down fo r t h e u n d efeated Beavers. Oregon State has surpassed its win total for the entire 2011 season and is 4-0 for the first time since 2002. Marquess Wilson had four catches for54 yards to lead the Cougars (2-4, 0-3). Turnovers hurt Washing­ ton State, which continued to implement Leach's pass­ heavy offense. The Cougars had four in­ terceptions and a fumble. "(The Beavers) were jump­ ing routes because they were playing a lot of man cover­ age," Tuel said. "They were playing it tight, and honestly, it's just a small place to throw a football." Tuel began the season as

Washington State defenders to get inside the Cougars' 20. That led to a Continued from D1 Trevor Romaine field goal. "Our defense this week picked our As far as quality offense goes, that team up and made plays and really would be about it for the half. Oregon did the same thing to them." State's offense was abysmal near the Yes, a week after the Beaver de­ end zone. The Beavers made four first­ fenseallowed more than 500 yards of half trips inside Washington State' s total offense at Arizona, it held WSU 25-yard line — including their first to 227 yards and did not allow a single three possessions of the game — and touchdown. managed just six points in the game's Of course, it does not hurt to have first 30 minutes. Poyer on your side. The senior from Moments after the opening field Astoria intercepted three passes, in­ goal, Poyer stepped in front of a Wa­ cluding the game-clincher late in the zzu receiver t o i n t ercept Connor fourth quarter. Halliday's pass on the OSU 32. But A nd wit h a n o f f ense that w a s the Beaver offense was stymied on a struggling, Poyer's performance was fourth-down play. necessary. Worse yet, Mannion was perform­ "I go against him every day (in prac­ ing a spot-on impression of the 2011 tice) ... and he is real tough," said Bea­ version of himself. His two first-half ver wide receiver Markus Wheaton, interceptions were reminiscent of the who caught nine passes for 95 yards a puzzling decisions that helped him touchdown. "He makes me a lot better. lead the nation in interceptions as a So it doesn't surprise me at all that he redshirt freshman a year ago. did what he did." With 2:23 left in the first quarter, The Beavers' offense came out as if it Mannion lofted a ball to Cougar safety wanted to show its fans what they had Deone Bucannon on a curious throw been missing while OSU was away nowhere near an OSU receiver. In racking up big points and yards in road the second quarter and under duress, wins against in Pasadena and Tucson. Mannion appeared to throw directly Mannion hit Brandin Cooks, who to nose tackle Ioane Gauta, who lum­ ended up with f ive catches for 82 bered the gift 38 yards to the OSU 31. yards, on a gorgeous pass over two Thankfully for the Beavers, safety

the starter before giving way to Halliday, who has started the past four games. Leach said he m ight r eopen the competition for the job after looking at the film. "I'm ready to g o w h en­ ever, if it's off the bench, if it's starting," Halliday said. "Whatever the coach wants." Mannion was selected the Pac-12 offensive player of the week after passing for 433 yards last week in a 38-35 win over Arizona. But he was not sharp to start against Oregon State, missing receivers and throw­ ing two interceptions early. The Beavers had another d rive stopped w hen t h ey failed to convert a f ourth­ and-2 play at the Washington State 24. Oregon State had to

Anthony Watkins put a stop to the momentum with an interception of his own that led to another OSU field goal. In all, Mannion managed to com­ plete just 11 of 23 first-half pass at­ tempts for 140 yards and was sacked twice. That stat line would have meant doom last year. But this Beaver de­ fense was up to the challenge again and again. That was not lost on Riley. "It was just one of those games," Ri­ ley said, "Our kids fought through it and won it. And for right now that is good. And tomorrow we' ll talk about the rest of it." The defense provided Mannion enough time to get his act together, which happened on the Beavers' open­ ing drive of the second half. Mannion rolled out right and dropped a 12-yard touchdown pass to a crossing Whea­ ton. That capped an impressive 10­ play, 75-yard drive. After playing so poorly in the first 30 minutes, Mannion hit on all five of hispasses for65 yards to lead the Bea­ vers to a 13-3 lead. "They might have caught us off guard at the beginning, myself includ­ ed, but as the game went on we really settled down," Mannion said. "I'm re­

settle for Trevor Romaine's t wo field goals and a 6 - 3 halftime lead. M annion s h owed m o r e poise in the second half. He l ed the Beavers down t h e field for a 75-yard scoring drive to start the third quar­ ter, hitting Wheaton for a 12­ yard touchdown pass. In the fourth quarter, Man­ nion led a 13-play, 86-yard drive that Tyler A n derson c apped with a I - y ard r u n . The Beavers were three for three on third downs during the drive. "And two of those third­ d own c o n v ersions w e r e major league," said Oregon State coach Mike Riley, who b ecame the s chool's w i n ­ ningest coach in last week' s win at Arizona.

ally proud of the way our team came out in the second half. I think that says a lot about us." The Beavers sprang to life one last time to salt away the game, going 86 yards on 12 plays and ending with a I­ yard touchdown run by Tyler Ander­ son with 5:01 to play. For OSU's young quarterback and his team, it was a moment of growth made easier by a win. That offense had carried OSU to two Pac-12 wins. Now the defense has led the Beavers to a win over Wash­ ington State and, in the season opener, a 10-7 victory over Wisconsin. And the Beavers are salivating over the thought of both units playing well at the same time. "I can't wait to put together a total game," said freshman Oregon State running back Storm Woods, who struggled with 55 yards rushing and two missed blocks that led to two sacks. "I'm very happy to be 4-0, but I just know that even though we' re 4-0 there is a lot of work we can do. I think we' re a good team, but I think we can be a GREAT team." Maybe so. But even great teams need to be bailed out every once in a while. Reporter:541-617-7868, zhallC<bendbulletin.corn.

First downs Rushesyards Passing CompAtt Int ReturnYards Pouts Avg. FumblesLost PenaltiesYards Time ofPossession


23 32 46 208 5 2299 145 198 19 31 2 1 5 24 1 46 ( 12) 5 41.6 33 3 . 3 53 31 8102 7 74 3 5:18 24: 4 2

INDIVIDUALSTATISTICS RUSHING —Washington: Sankey 25 104,Petty 5 34, Taylor 529, Price5 24,Eric.Wilson 4 21,ttatu vei 1 0, Hall 1(minus 4). Oregon: Barner20122, D.Thomas1075,Marshall 8 59,Mariota 740, Lyerla 1 4, Bassett 1 2,Lorde 12, Team1(minus 1), Ben nett 3 (minus4). PASSING —Washington: Price 19 31 2 145. Oregon: Mariota15 24 1198. RECEIVING —Washington: Williams 6 48, Bruns 317, Taylor 317, SeferianJenktns 233, Campbell 213, Mickens 213, L.Hudson 1 4. Or­ egon: Murphy4 30,Lyerl a 3 71,Hawkins3 14,Huff 2 39, Lowe121, D.Thomas 1 12, Addison 1 11.

Scores Saturday's games EAST Army 34,Boston College31 Brown17,RhodeIsland 7 Harvard45,Cornell 13 PennSt.39, Northwestern28 Richmond 28, tttttanova f7 Rutgers19,UConn 3 Temple 37, SouthFlorida 28 SOUTH Arkansas 24, Auburn 7 Boise St.40, SouthernMiss. 14 Clemson 47, GeorgiaTech31 Duke42,tttrgtnta f 7 Ltortda14, LSU 6 LouisianaTech58, UNLtt 31 Maryland19,WakeForest 14 Memphis14,Rice10 Mississippi St.27, Kentucky 14 NC State17, LtortdaSt.16 North Carolina48,Virginia Tech34 South Carolina35, Georgia 7 TexasA8M30, Mississippi 27 MIDWEST Cincinnati 52,Miami(Ohio) 14 Kansas St. 56,Kansas16 Michigan44, Purdue13 MichiganSt. 31,Indiana27 Notre Dame 41, Miami 3

Ohio 38,Buffalo31 Ohio St.63,Nebraska38 Wisconsin31,illinois 14 SOUTHWEST Houston44, NorthTexas21 iowa St.37, TCU23 Oklahoma41,Texas Tech20 SMU17, UTLPO West Virginia48,Texas45 FAR WEST California43, UCLA17 E. Washington 55, North Dakota17 FresnoSt.28, ColoradoSt. 7 Idaho26,NewMexico St.18 Montana40,N. Colorado 17 MontanaSt.48, UCDavis 41 Navy28,Air Force21,0T Nevada 35,Wyoming 28,OT NewMexico35,TexasSt. 14 Oregon52,Washington 21 OregonSt. 19,Washington St.6 Pacific Lutheran 31, Lewis8 Clark14 Pacific 62,PugetSound21 PortlandSt. 77,IdahoSt. 10 SacramentoSt. 27,S. Utah22 San DiegoSt. 52,Hawaii 14 SouthernOregon68, Eastern Oregon22 Stanford54,Arizona48, OT WesternOregon42,Humboldt State 14 Willamette38,Whttwonh24




Stanford rallies past


Arizona in overtime

an eor iaa a The Associated PRess RALEIGH, N.C. — Third­ ranked Florida State spent the first half looking every bit like the team picked to win the At­ lantic Coast Conference, from a dominating defense to a run­ ning game that kept moving the chains to silence a hostile crowd. T hen No r t h Caro l i n a S tate figured out a w a y t o shake up the race for both the conference and national championship. Mike Glennon found Bryan Underwood for a 2-yard touch­ down pass on fourth down with 16 seconds left, helping the Wolfpack rally to beat the Seminoles 17-16 on Saturday night. On a night when the Semi­ noles (5-1, 2-1 ACC) appeared poised to strengthen their grip on their division, they instead found themselves struggling to figure out how N.C. State (4-2, I-I) had turned the game around and possibly ended FSU's hopes of contending for a BCS title. "We still control our own destiny in t h e A C C," FSU coach Jimbo Fisher said. "We have to refocus and not let this loss become two in a row. We let this one slip away from us." Florida State — carrying its highest ranking since 2003 — led 16-0 at halftime, but couldn't stop Wolfpack quar­ terback Mike Glennon in the fourth quarter and watched this one slip away in stunning fashion. Also on Saturday: N o.10 Florida ...... . . . . . . . . 14 N o. 4 LSU...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 GAIN ESVILLE, Fla. — Mike Gillislee ran for a ca­ reer-high 146 yards and two touchdowns, bringing Florida to life in the second half to beat LSU. Led by Gillislee and a dominant defense, Florida's grind-it-out victory provided a signature win for coach Will Muschamp in his second sea­ son in Gainesville. It was the program's first wi n a gainst a ranked team since beating rival Georgia in 2 010. The Gators (5-0, 4-0 Southeastern Conference) wore down the Tigers (5-1, I-I) in the second half — no surprise because Florida has been doing that all season. Florida, which trailed 6-0 at halftime, also came from behind to beat Texas A8M and Tennessee on the road last month. No. 6 South Carolina...... . . 35 No. 5 Georgia ...... . . . . . . . . . 7 COLUMBIA, S.C. — Con­ nor Shaw threw two touch­ down passes and ran for an­ other, and Ace Sanders had a dazzling 70-yard punt return touchdown. The Gamecocks (6-0, 4-0 Southeastern Con­ ference) won their school-re­ cord 10th straight game with a performance that certainly marked them an Eastern Divi­ sion front-runner — and may­ be showed they' re capable of even more. Those tests come soon as South Carolina travels to once-beaten LSU next week

The Associated Press STANFORD, Calif.— Josh Nunes bailed out Stanford's defense for a change and started to erase doubts about whether he's the right man to replace Andrew Luck after all. N unes threw fo r a c a ­ r eer-high 360 y a rd s a n d two touchdowns and ran for three more scores, rallying No. 18 Stanford from a two­ touchdown deficit to s t un Arizona 54-48 in overtime Saturday. Chase Thomas intercepted a tipped pass by Matt Scott in the extra period and Step­ fan Taylor ran for a 21-yard touchdown two plays later to end a week of second-guess­ ing Nunes with a wild cel­ ebration in the Cardinal (4-1, 2-1 Pac-12) side of the north end zone. "This is the kind of game that we needed," Stanford coach David Shaw said. "We needed to fight. We needed to battle. We needed to be into it in the fourth quarter. We needed to be down. We needed to fight back, just to test our character. We be­



r tl

Berry Broome/ The Associated Press

North Carolina State quarterback Mike Glennon,right, is congratulated following North Carolina State's 17-16 win over Florida State in a game in Raleigh, N.C., Saturday. and then to Florida on Oct. 20. It'd be hard to pick against the Gamecocks after this one. No. 7 Kansas State ...... . . . 56 K ansas..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 M AN HATTAN, K a n . John Hubert ran for 101 yards and four touchdowns on just 10 carries, and Collin Klein had two touchdowns running and throwing as Kansas State routed Kansas. Klein finished with 129 yards passing and 116 yards rushing to help the Wildcats (5-0, 2-0 Big 12) pile up more than 50 points for the third straight year against their biggest rival. They' ve won four straight against the Jayhawks (1-4, 0-2) since Bill Snyder re­ turned as coach. The longtime Kansas State coach probably had some choice words for his team at halftime, when a slew of mistakes resulted in a mod­ est 21-14 lead. But the Wildcats scored four touchdowns in the third quarter, three in a span of about 5 minutes, to put the game away. No. 8 West Virginia...... . . . . 48 N o.11 Texas ...... . . . . . . . . . 1 1 AUSTIN, Texas — G eno Smith passed for four touch­ downs, leading West Virginia to another wild shootout win in the Big 12. Smith, who has 24 touchdown passes this sea­ son without an interception, hit Stedman Bailey with a 6­ yard score with 10:50 left to play. Andrew Buie ran for 207 yards and two touchdowns, the second giving the Moun­ taineers a c r i tical 10-point lead late. West Virginia (5-0, 2-0) didn't seal the win until recovering an o n side k i ck with 14 seconds left after Tex­ as scored a touchdown on a pass from David Ash to Mar­ quise Goodwin. No. 9 Notre Dame...... . . . . . 41 M iami ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 CHICAGO — Cierre Wood and George Atkinson III gave Notre Dame its first 100-yard rushing duo in a decade, and Ev­ erett Golson came off the bench

I •


in what was a very tame sequel to the famed "Catholics vs. Con­ victs" rivalry. Wood rushed for 118 yards and two touchdowns, and Atkinson added 123 yards and another score. N o. 12 Ohio St...... . . . . . . . . 63 No. 20 Nebraska...... . . . . . . 38 COLUM BUS, Ohio — Brax­ t on Miller r u shed fo r 1 8 6 yards, zig-zagging 72 yards for one score and passing for an­ other, to lead Ohio State past Nebraska before the largest crowd ever at Ohio Stadium. Miller broke his own QB rush­ ing mark at Ohio State (6-0, 2­

12 title. M ississippi State..... . . . . . . 27 K entucky..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 4 LEXINGTON, Ky. — Tyler Russell passed for two touch­ downs and Mississippi State h eld Kentucky t o j u s t 2 2 8 yards on offense in the victory. LaDarius Perkins carried 25 times for 110 yards, including a 31-yard score, and Devon Bell kicked field goals of 20 and 37 yards as Mississippi State moved to 5-0 for the first time since 1999. N o. 22 Rutgers..... . . . . . . . . 19 Connecticut...... . . . . . . . . . . . 3 0 Big Ten). PISCATAWAY, N.J. N o.15Clemson ...... . . . . . . 47 — Jawan Jamison ran f o r Georgia Tech....... . . . . . . . . 31 110 yards and Wayne War­ CLEMSON, S.C. — Tajh ren returned an interception Boyd threw for a career high 25 yards for a scores as Rut­ 397 yards and DeAndre Hop­ gers suffocated UConn to re­ kins had 173 yards receiving main undefeated. The Scarlet to lead Clemson over Geor­ Knights (5-0, 2-0 Big East) gia Tech. The T igers (5-1, are off to their best start since 2-1 Atlantic Coast Confer­ 2007, and they avenged a bitter ence) gained 601 yards, while loss to the Huskies that ended the Yellow Jackets (2-4, 1-3) last season and kept Rutgers from sharing the conference gained 483. Iowa State....... . . . . . . . . . . . 37 title. N o. 15TCU...... . . . . . . . . . . . 2 3 P enn State...... . . . . . . . . . . . 3 9 F ORT W O R TH , Te x a s No. 24 Northwestern...... . . 28 — Jared Barnett threw three S TATE C O L LEGE, P a . touchdowns to Josh Lenz, who — Quarterback Matt McGloin later had a scoring toss of his scored on a 5-yard run with own on a trick play, as Iowa 2:37 left and Penn State rallied State ended TCU's FBS-best from 11 points down in fourth 12-game win streak. It was quarter to beat Northwestern. the first Big 12 home game for The Nittany Lions scored three conference newcomer TCU (4­ times in the final 9:49, starting I, I-I), which played without with McGloin's 6-yard touch­ suspended quarterback Casey down pass to Allen Robinson Pachall. Barnett was 12-of-21 as the receiver dragged along passing for 183 yards and ran the back line of the end zone. nine times for 30 yards in his first start this season for the Cyclones (4-1, I-I). No. 17 Oklahoma..... . . . . . . 41 T exas Tech...... . . . . . . . . . . . 20 L UBBOCK, Te x a s Landry Jones passed for two touchdowns, Blake Bell ran for two more and Oklahoma beat Texas Tech to avenge a home loss to the Red Raiders last season. The win was cru­ cial for Oklahoma to remain in the conversation for the Big

• ~~~>­

PAC-12 ROUNDUP lieve that we have that kind of character to be able to fight back even when we' re down, but it's great when you get tested and respond to that challenge." Maybe for nobody more than Nunes. The offense failed to find the end zone in a 17-13 loss at Washington last week. Also on Saturday: California..... . . . . . . . . . . . 43 No.25UCLA.... . . . . . . . . . 17 BERKELEY, Calif.— Zach Maynard matched his career high with four touchdown passes and added a fifth on the ground and California took advantage of six turn­ overs to stun UCLA. Coming off one of the worst games of his career, Maynard threw an interception on the first series of the game and re­ peatedly picked himself up off the turf at Memorial Sta­ dium after getting drilled by the Bruins defense to help the Golden Bears (2-4, 1-2 Pac-12) end their three-game losing streak.

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Ti erso enserieswit

3-1 victo ever At etics By Noah Trister The Associated Press

DETROIT — J ustin Ver­ lander allowed a home run to the first batter of the game — and quickly shrugged it off. T his h a r d-throwing a c e doesn't usually hit his stride until a bit later. Verlander shut down Oak­ land after that early slip, and Alex Avila homered in the fifth inning to lift the Detroit Tigers over the Athletics 3-1 Satur­ day night in the opener of their best-of-five AL playoff. Verlander allowed three hits in seven innings and matched his career postseason high with 11 strikeouts. As usual, he seemed stronger in the later innings, striking out the side in the sixth and the first two hit­ ters of the seventh. That made up for Coco Crisp's home run that quieted th e C o merica Park crowd just one batter into the game. "I was a little out of synch but was able to get some outs with guys on base and keep the score at one run," Verland­ er said. "The adrenaline got me a little bit early." Joaquin B e n oi t pi t c hed the eighth and Jose Valverde struck out two i n a p e rfect ninth for the save. Oakland's Jarrod Parker al­ lowed two earned runs in 6 N innings and took the loss. Game 2 is today, with Doug Fister taking the mound for Detroit and left-hander Tom­ my Milone for Oakland. It was only the second vic­ tory for Detroit in its past sev­ en series openers. The Tigers lost Game I to the Yankees in the division series last year before winning in five. Detroit then lost the opener of the AL championship series to Texas. After winning their final six games to take the AL West in shocking fashion, the A's made their presence felt right away in Detroit. The home crowd

Memoirs Continued from D1 What feels counterintuitive and new here though is this: These writers have largely taken to hunting, they say, for ethical reasons. They have read their Michael Pollan and Eric S chio sser, their P eter Singer and Jonathan Safran Foer, and are intimate with the horrors of industrial meat production. T hey no l o nger w ish t o have an anonymous hit man between themselves and sup­ per. They want to t hought­ fully stare their protein in the face, to take locavorism to blood-flecked new h e i ghts. What they desire, as Tovar Ce­ rulli puts it his new book "The Mindful Carnivore: A Vege­ tarian's Hunt for Sustenance" (Pegasus), is this: "To eat with my eyes wide open." The woods this fall, these books imply, will be crawling with iPad-owning, J. Crew­ wearing Natty Bumppos. Be prepared to duck. T ypical among t h e m i s Oregon's Lily Raff McCaulou, a columnist for The Bulletin newspaper in Bend and the author of "Call of the Mild: L earning to Hunt M y O w n Dinner" (Grand C e n tral). When she was in her mid-20s, her book explains, she lived in New York City and worked as a personal assistant to a movie director. She grew tired of ur­ ban life. Like a character in a Diane Keaton film she moved to rural Oregon. McCaulou had never hunt­ ed. Once in Oregon, she says, and wanting to feel more con­ nected to her meals and to the land, she purchased a Benelli Nova pump-action shotgun in the youth size for $419. She took a hunting safety course. She began shooting larger and larger game. "Elk guts," one hunter tells her, "are the real test."

Her friends and "hippie, b lue-state p a r ents" we r e dumbfounded. "Won't you be the darling of the right wing?" her father says. To her, it was "a bizarre version of coming out." The bulk o f M c C aulou's book combines hunting stories with entreaties to be thought­ ful about where dinner comes

Continued from D1 P hillips hi t a tw o - r u n h omer in t h e t h i rd , a n d Bruce added a solo drive leading off the fourth as the Reds overcame the depar­ ture of their 19-game win­ ner after just eight pitches. Aroldis Chapmangaveup a run in the ninth on a wild pitch but struck out Buster Posey with a 100 mph fast­ ball to end it with runners on second and third. S an F r a ncisco's M a t t Cain allowed his first ca­ reer p o stseason e a r n ed runs after going untouched during the Giants' improb­ able World Series season of 2010. That same year, Cincin­ nati was swept out of the f irst round b y t h e P h i l ­ lies, getting no-hit by Roy H alladay. This t i me, t h e

Reds clobbered Cain and played on with poise when Cueto got h u rt . P h i l lips, who made the final out of Halladay's no-no, added an RBI single in the ninth for his third hit and the Reds scored another on a passed ball. "I was just trying to make things happen for the team," Phillips said. "We really be­ lieve in our team. Johnny is the type of person that we really need." Reds skipper Dusty Bak­ er earned an emotional win in his return to AT8 T Park for the playoffs 10 years after managing the Giants within six outs of a World Series title before losing to the wild-card Angels. He' s also back on the top step of the dugout after rejoin­ ing the team this week fol­ lowing an 11-game absence w hile recovering f ro m a

mini-stroke a n d i r r e gular heartbeat. Game 2 is Sunday night, with r i ght-hander Bronson A rroyo ( 12-10) taking t h e ball fo r t h e R ed s a gainst San Francisco lefty Madison Bumgarner (16-1 I). LeCure did his part to calm the team. The right-hander earned the win with I 2-3 innings be­ fore Baker turned to 14-game winner Mat Latos, who was seemingly unfazed at being forced into early duty. He al­ lowed a home run to Posey during his four innings, but San Francisco managed little else against one of baseball's best bullpens. The Reds set a club record this year as al l f i v e start­ ers made it through the sea­ son without getting injured — and they used their sixth starterfora doubleheader.


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Carlos Osortoi The Associated Press

Detroit Tigers' Alex Avila rounds second base after hitting a solo home run during the fifth inning of Game 1 of the American League division baseball series against Oakland, Saturday in Detroit. The Tigers won 3-1.

greeted Verlander with a roar and a sea of twirling white towels when he popped out of the dugout and headed to the mound to start the game, but Crisp was unfazed. He pulled Verlander's two-strike fastball just inside the pole in right field to put Oakland on top. The AL Central-champion Tigers tied i t i m m ediately. Austin Jackson's hard-hit ball deflected off diving shortstop Stephen Drew and into short left field. The Detroit leadoff

from and grateful for nature' s bounty. After blasting that elk, she leans in and says, "Thank you. I'm sorry." Women are the only demo­ graphic of hunters still on the rise, McCaulou notes, and she champions killing ones own protein as "a final frontier of feminism." That's an idea the food writer and blogger Geor­ gia Pellegrini also picks up on in "Girl Hunter: Revolutioniz­ ing the Way We Eat, One Hunt at a Time" (Da Capo). Pellegrini's childhood was even more privileged than Mc­ Caulou's. Ivanka Trump was a classmate at her New York prep school. Pellegrini was as an analyst at Lehman Broth­ ers before the collapse. She then worked at r estaurants like upscale Gramercy Tavern until she became a writer. H er book h a s a C a r r i e Bradshaw meets Annie Oak­ ley vibe. (A better title might have been "Lead and the Sin­ gle Girl.") She buys her first guns and then flies around the country and to England to blow things away, mostly in the company of men and usually with aged Scotch and good cigars the night before. She's an exotic meats tourist. She repeats, without much analysis, hunting cliches about how being outdoors is more important than mowing down animals, cliches that the writer Joy Williams has tom apart in her Esquire essay "The Killing Game," collected in her book "Ill Nature" (2001). Pellegrini can also be ba­ nal. About t h e M i s sissippi Delta region she intones, "It is a place of such sweet sadness, of nostalgia, of blues pioneers and in some ways of hope for what could be." But I liked the way she pays attention to class issues, noting how expensive hunting has become and how much ofthe prime hunting land is avail­ able only to the wealthy. She is piquant too on sexism in hunt­ ing. When a married hunter snaps her on the bottom with a greasy dish towel, she re­ calls the misogyny of four­ star chefs and "the jacked-up Lehman Brothers traders giv­ ing me a little tap when they were feeling particularly high on life or a little lonely after a long day at the office."

man ended up with adouble and went to third when Quin­ tin Berry slapped a single to third off Donaldson, who also could only get a piece of the ball while diving for it. Triple Crown winner Miguel Cabrera, who w ent h i tless, grounded into a double play, but Jackson came home to make it I-all. At the plate, the A's made Verlander work, forcing him to throw 61 pitches in the first three innings.

P ellegrini w a nts t o p a y what she calls "the full karmic price" for her meals. In an ob­ servation few carnivores will protest, she says, "The duck you pluck will taste so much better than the one you don' t." The most touchy-feely of these memoirs i s C e r ulli's "Mindful Carnivore," which begins at a Buddhist retreat. Cerulli, who lives in Vermont, was a vegan for many years and thought that in being an herbivore he had found "the moral high road, the one true path to a harmonious, harm­ free relationship with my fel­ low creatures." But he comes to find that there is harm in industrial farming too, and he simply can't deny his own wild instincts. When his doctor tells him he needs more protein in his diet, he picks up a rifle. In a line that could have been written by any of these authors, Cerulli declares that hunting "would not put me on a new high road to moral cer­ tainty." He adds, "If this first experience of killing a deer was any indication, it would bring me face to face with am­ biguity every time." A c ounterpoint t o t h e se memoirs is "Meat Eater: Ad­ ventures From the Life of an American Hunter" (Spiegel 8 Grau) by a young writer named Steven Rinella. He grew up hunting, and on his television show, also called "MeatEater," on the Sportsman Channel, he comes off as equal parts Mark Wahlberg, Marlin Perkins and Ernest Hemingway. His book will not convert vegans. There are long de­ scriptions of his virile lifestyle, like how his house reeks of warm blood when he is mak­ ing jerky. But he arrives at many of the same conclusions the other three do, and he is persuasive about h u nting's upsides: " adventure, c o m ­ munion with nature, physical activity, a love of process and acquired skill, and a desire for an intimate connection to one's food." Does the kind of sensitive, ethical hunting explored in these books have, as they say, legs? Zuckerberg's personal year of slaughter ended in May. Hi s s e lf-improvement task for 2012, he has said, is to spend more time coding.

Mountain View goalkeeper Tracy Pitcher highlighted the Continued from D1 Cougars on defense, coming Kodiak Amdt added two up with several key stops at the end of the match. goals and Nate Cox and Tim Gorman scored one " He was great down t he goal apiece for Mountain stretch," Duffy said. "I don' t View, which faces Sum­ know how many saves he had, mit again o n T h u rsday. but he kept us alive in sudden The Cougars, who com­ death." pete in the Oregon Water Polo Committee's 5A/4A Northern Division, led 5-3 at halftime, but the Storm rallied in the second half and tiedthe game 9-9 by the end of regulation, send­ ing the game to overtime. Mountain View led 10-9 af­ ter the first overtime period — high school water polo's overtime consists of two three minute periods — but Summit again battled back and tied the game again 11­ 11 by the end of the second overtime. The Storm held a late 11-10 lead in the second OT, but a foul call as time expired gave Noah Cox a penalty shot, which he R R D connected on, to force the G D LF' game into a sudden death play smart period. "This is definitely some­ thing we can build off," Duffy said about the Cou­ I • •I' . • I gars, who are in their fifth season as a program.


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Items 30 lbs - $38 wanted, used W/D's the right to publish all 375 - Meat and Animal Processing 261 - Medical Equipment Lamb & Rice 541-280-7355 ads from The Bulletin 383 - Produce andFood 262- Commercial/Office Equip. 40 lbs - $25 newspaper onto The 263 - Tools Country Value Bulletin Internet web­ 40 lbs - $17 site. 208 Quarry Ave. Hay & Feed Pets 8 Supplies 541-923-2400 Bgcltrc Serwng Cent~at Oregons>nre 1903 www.quarryfeed.corn Visit our HUGE 0 Chocolate Lab AKC 10 home decor Traffic light and penny The Bulletin recom­ yrs, very nice, great Kittens/cats avail. thru consignment store. mends extra caution group. Tame, parking meter. with kids, moving and rescue New items 541-389-5226. shots, altered, ID chip, when purc h as­ c an't take w ith u s . arrive daily! more. Sat/Sun 1-5, call ing products or ser­ Free. 541-385-6232 215 re: other days. 65480 930 SE Textron, vices from out of the St., Bend, Bend 541-318-1501 area. Sending cash, Coins 8 Stamps Dachshund AKC minis 78th 598­ www.redeuxbend.corn checks, or credit in­ wheaton, red, choc, dpi 541-389-8420; 5488; photos, etc. at Private collector buying f ormation may b e parents here, vet check www.craftcats.org subjected to fraud. www.bendweenies.corn GENERATE SOME ex­ p ostage stamp a l ­ Want to Buy or Rent For more i nforma­ $375-425 541-508-4558 Lab Puppies, yellows & citement i n your bums & c o llections, and U.S. tion about an adver­ WANTED: RAZORS, b lacks, males & f e­ neighborhood! Plan a world-wide 573-286-4343 (local, garage sale and don' t Double or single­ tiser, you may call males, $200 ea., no DO YOU HAVE cell ¹) edged, straight the O r e gon State papers, 541-771-5511 forget to advertise in SOMETHING TO razors, shaving Attorney General' s classified! 240 SELL Labradoodles — Mini & 541-385-5809. To place your Bulletin ad with a photo, brushes, mugs & Office Co n s umer med size, several colors FOR $500 OR Crafts 8 Hobbies scuttles, strops, Protection hotline at Micro, large Panasonic, 541-504-2662 visit www.bendbulletin.corn, LESS? shaving accessories 1-877-877-9392. www.alpen-ridge.corn countertop, $50, Non-commercial & memorabilia. Crafters Wanted click on "Place an ad" 541-383-4231. Fair prices paid. advertisers may Open Jury Labrador AKC p u ps, Serlng Central Oregon s>nre 1903 Call 541-390-7029 place an ad with Tue. Oct 9th, 5: 30 p. m. choc/blk/yellow, males NEED TO CANCEL and follow these easy steps: between 10 am-3 pm. oui Highland Baptist & females, exlnt hunters/ YOUR AD? "QUICK CASH Aushihtz to y f e m ale Church, Redmond. family dogs. $500-$600 The Bulletin Just bought a new boat? puppy rare color with SPECIAL" Tina 541-447-1640 or Choose a category, choose a classification, each. 1st shots & dew­ Classifieds has an Sell your old one in the www.snowflakeboutiquc erg blue eye. K e lly 1 week 3 lines 12 ormed. In Lebanon, OR, "After Hours"Line classifieds! Ask about our one and then select your ad package. 541-604-0716. $600 2 k 2 0! ~ 1-707-775-5809 or Super Seller rates! Call 541-383-2371 242 Ad must include www.facebook.corn/ 24 hrs. to cancel 541-385-5809 AUSSIES, MI N I/TOY price of single item Exercise Equipment amandito.casteen Write your ad and upload your digital your ad! AKC, all colors, must of $500 or less, or see, parents on site. Labradors AKC: black & Photo. Refrigerator, 25 cf side x Treadmill, multiple items Pro F o rm 541-598-531 4/788-7799 Items for Free choc; dewclaws, athletic side w/icemaker, works whose total does Crosswalk w/ incline, parents; fern,$450; male good! $125. Barn/shop cats FREE, not exceed $500. $200, 541-706-1051 Create your account with any major $400. 541-410-9000 FREE Llama Manure 541-526-5854 some tame, some not. credit card. Shovel ready, you haul! We deliver! i=ixed, shots. 246 Call Classifieds at Labradors, quality! AKC, Vintage rattan loveseat, Call 541-389-7329 541 389 8420 541-385-5809 2 black, 2 choc; 1 white dk wood, new upholstery, Guns, Hunting www.bendbulletin.corn female. 541-536-5385 $199. 541-390-8720 All ads appear ln both print and online 8 Fishing BULLETINCLASSIFIEOS httP://WWW.WelddmelabS.Cdm Search the area's most Washer & dryer, stack­ Arisaka Model 99, 7.7, 2 Please allow 24 hours for photo processing before comprehensive listing of English Bulldog able, like new, $400 bayonets w/scabbards, your ad appears ln print and online. Puppies classified advertising... set. 541-593-1101 & 1 box ammo. $400. real estate to automotive, AKC registered, 1st away are advised to USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! 541-420-0065 merchandise to sporting Chihuahua Pupa, a s ­ shots & microchipped be selective about the Ready to go! To place your photo ad, goods. Bulletin Classifieds sorted colors, teacup, local pays CASH!! new owners. For the Door-to-door selling with Bend $2000. 541 416-0375 appear every day in the visit us online at for Guns, Knives & 1st shots, w o rmed, protection of the ani­ print or on line. fast results! It's the easiest Ammo. 541-526-0617 $250, 541-977-0035 www.bendbulletin.corn mal, a personal visit to People Look for Information Call 541-385-5809 the home is recom­ way in the world to sell. or call with questions CASH!! wwwbendbuttetin.corn About Products and www.bendbulletin.corn Chi-Pom Puppy, male, 541-385-5809 For Guns, Ammo & 17 weeks, all shots, Services Every Day through mended. The Bulletin Classified unaltered,tan & brown, The Bulletin Classi Reloading Supplies. Neds 541-385-5809 SCAlfl9Ctlltfa Of890II SIIKt SIB 541-408-6900. Servng Central Oregon s>nre l903 $150, 541-598-5076.

Poodle (Toy) Pup­ pies — 2 little black







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The Bulletin

SAT. 8c SUN.

NOON - 4PM Newport Landing. New construction in the heart

of Bend. Pahlisch Homes 8 floor plans, fabulous results. Newport Landing. 1800 Nrtt/ Element Over i8 sold! Enjoy our Directions: Neupor/ Ave, /o model this weekend & College Way,left on Rockwood. tour our new commu­ nity. Cool beverages and snacks.

LiSted byr



$255,000 to $355,000

IIR IIII Pdd' hH. ~





CAR TALK By Elayne Cantor and Victor Fleming / Edited by Will Shortz










46 Leon who won a P ulitzer for h i s biography of Henry James

I First name in t h e White Hou se

7 Old Nav y' s ow ner

4 7 Actor Patel of " T h e B est Exot i c M arigold Hot el "

13 Dandy 16 Like one battery t erminal: A b b r .

48 Dealy-bobs

19 Start of a seasonal song

5 1 Digit in mi l i t a r y lingo

20 Tribute

2 3 What K a ti e H o l m e s l ost in d i v o r c e court?

12 Genesis man who lived 239 years

104 Spot for a far m laborer's sunburn

15 Shade akin t o


109 Potentiall y slanderous remark

almond 16 Round entree

110 Smell of sour

1 7 Weavers' wi l l o w s

1 16 Suffix w i t h b a l l o o n

28 Commuter on a crowded bus, e.g.?


f ather

3 2 Throw in th e t o w e l and

76 Noise in a nest

t he ancient w ay s " : Yeats

36 Some modern memos 40 1946 Best S upporting A c t o r n ominee Wi l l i a m

7 8 Judea' s Great


7 9 Home for a Across


85 Programming behind computer pop-ups

For any three answers, call from a touch-tone hone: 1-900-285-5656, 1.49 each minute; or, with a credit card, 1-800­ 814-5554.

























65 70









68 73






Ha r v e y







37 Some sleepwear














38 Life after death? 97

39 Looney Tunes toon , i n f o r m a I yI










1 07 1 0 8


4 1 Restroom si g n 110

42 Preferred groups 4 4 "The L a d y ' s G o t P otential " m u s i c a l

49 Unglazed ceramic



83 Hero makers



1 13 11 4

1 11 1 1 2













1 20 1 2 1

50 Comprehended

over a meth bust ?

45 Beam of support

16 22





128 Picks up

80 Legal proceeding

43 Bro's greeting

122 Bleepers

35 Califo r n i a's

1 27 Feared folk l o r e figure

7 7 They tend IV s


32 Side of a road

126 ABC, e.g., in Variety-speak

75 Giggles




1 18 Bling-bl i n g ?

125 Word before sale or after sales

74 Family


2 9 lago, to O t h e l l o

31 Word before A or T

1 24 Company w i t h a 2004 I.P.O.

69 What " S end" triggers?

3 1 Knick s v enue, f o r short


24 Lock up

117 Harebrained

1 23 Wild equine of 79 ­ Across

6 8 Sholem A l e i c h e m




22 Circus employee

o r carto o n



1 8 Diary t i d b i t

62 Slaw, e.g.

66 "Dreaming of You"

2 7 Shoots in th e f o o t




107 Theologian Johann

the Peaceful

65 Preschooler


13 Tipped off 34

113 English king




14 Dual­





105 More l i g h t h earted

6 4 Strep treater, fo r

2 6 Money of L a o s

3 4 Prefix w i t h

103 TV excerpts

59 Some August newborn s

25 Unsteady

3 3 "Sing of ol d

11 Ancient assembly sites

55 Epiphany?

2 1 Source of so m e intoleran ce

3 0 Huck Fi n n ' s

101 Vice-presidential family


5 2 Scottish t u r n d o w n s

I Wrongful d i scharge award

53 Mozart s Donna

66 Lteu

84 Spanish direction

97 Whole

5 4 Synthetic fabr i c s

67 Odist's " b ef ore"

86 Dam that aids in

2 One-named Brazil i a n soccer star


70 One-sixth of a drachma

9 8 Dramamine user' s fear

3 Extended one's sti n t 4"

said ..."

5 8 "W e

6 Bases for boats

92 Gen. Robt.


93 Thickly c o v er

8 Practice, as skil l s

9 7 With one s heart nothing el se

9 911 V I P

M cA n s h o e s 9

1 0 Elongated swi m m e r

60 Viewed r e motely? 6 1 About 90% of i t s land is ow n ed c o m m u n a I Iy

63 Like dunderheads

fish-catching 87 Local council

71 Borgia enemy 72

G et O u t o f

This Place"

8 9 1950s coup si t e


56 Accustomed (to) 57 Coat and t ie , e.g.

5 Price abbr.



m ember: Ab b r .

Pe t


all -t i m e h i g h

Swiss canton of Val ai s

9 9 Oasis, oft e n

112 About

1 00

113 Nose out

90 Number-one

73 Greek archi t ectur al style

I I I Capital of t h e

L and i n g ( p a r t of Philadelphia)

101 Fit i n 1 02 One of the L e n n o n s

8 0 Northern Pl ai n s people 8 1 Facilit y

94 Pier group? 95 Pauline work

106 Company wit h a 1996 I.P.O.

82 Lenny's f r i end on "The Simpsons"

9 6 Ones reli ant on t h e

1 08 Rock-cl i m b i n g

local blood supply

114 Effectuates

115 Toy warnings? 1 19 It fit s in a l o c k

120 Skiing gold medalist Tommy 121 Almost forever

c h a I I e n g es


5 41-3 8 5 - 5 8 0 9 AD PLACEMENT DEADLINES


Monday.. . . . . . . . . . Tuesday. . . . . . . . . . Wednesday Thursday.. . . . . . . . . Friday.. . . . . . . . . . . Saturday Real Estate .. Saturday.. . . . . . . . . Sunday.. . . . . . . . . .

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I Musical Instruments

Misc. Items

Medical Equipment

Fuel 8 Wood

Lost 8 Found


• Hay, Grain 8 Feed

BUYING & SE LLING Custom made female ATTENTION DIABET­ Dry Juniper Firewood R EMEMBER: If you All gold jewelry, silver black-powder wool ICS with M edicare. $200 per cord, split. have lost an animal, and gold coins, bars, squaw dress & leggings, Get a FREE talking don't forget to check I/2 cords available. rounds, wedding sets, unadorned, with acces­ meter and d i abetic Immediate delivery! The Humane Society class rings, sterling sil­ sories. $150 obo. 541-408-61 93 testing supplies at NO in Bend 541-382-3537 541-280-0112 or ver, coin collect, vin­ C OST, plus F R E E Dry seasoned Juniper, Redmond, I Tr a vel/Tickets 541-536-241 2 tage watches, dental 541-923-0882 home delivery! Best $200/cord split; gold. Bill Fl e ming, Prineville, Extra large meat grinder, of all, this meter elimi­ $175/cord rounds. 541-382-941 9. UOFO 541-447-7178; mounted onblk ofwood, nates painful finger Call 541-977-4500 or HOMECOMING pricking! Call OR Craft Cats, $35. 541-385-8070 530-524-3299 TICKETS Car tent 10x20 888-739-71 99. 541-389-8420. Sat. 10/27 2 seats 269 new $120 obo. GENERATE SOME (PNDC) section 36 includes 541-389-9268 EXCITEMENT Medical Alert for Se­ Gardening Supplies guar. hotel resv. IN YOUR niors — 24/7 monitor­ 8 Equipment $150/ticket. g.green­ Cassette Mi x t a p es, NEIGBORHOOD. ing. FREE Equipment. bach©gmail.corn ( 120), $75 f o r a l l Plan a garage sale and FREE Shipping. Na­ Cinder Rock, trailer load don't forget to adver­ Larry, 541-706-1051 tionwide Ser v i ce. different sizes,$20 de tise in classified! $ 29.95/Month C A LL livered 541-388-1533 541-385-5809. Misc. Items Coleman RoadTrip BBQ, Medical Guardian To­ Garden Shelf,3/4 circular 5 grills, exc cond, $100 GET FREE OF CREDIT day 8 8 8 - 842-0760. 3 folding shelves, green obo. 541-924-1099 Buying Diamonds CARD DEBT NOW! (PNDC) $49. 541-330-9070 /Gold for Cash Cut payments by up Have Gravel, will Travel! Saxon's Fine Jewelers COWGIRL CASH to half. Stop creditors 308 Building Materialsg Cinders, topsoil, fill mate­ 541-389-6655 We buy Jewelry, Boots, from calling. rial, etc. Excavation & Farm Equipment Vintage Dresses & 866-775-9621. septicsystems. Abbas BUYING REDMOND Habitat 8 Machinery More. 924 Brooks St. (PNDC) Construction CCB¹7884O Lionel/American Flyer RESTORE 541-678-5162 CalII541-548-681 2 trains, accessories. www.getcowgirlcash.corn Highspeed Internet EV­ Building Supply Resale 541-408-2191. ERYWHERE By Sat­ Ford New Holland Quality at For newspaper ellite! Speeds up to Tractor, Di e sel, LOW PRICES 12mbps! (200x faster delivery, call the 2300, hours, 32HP, 1242 S. Hwy 97 Circulation Dept. at than dial-up.) Starting Incl. push hog, post 541-548-1406 541-385-5800 at $49.95/mo. CALL hole auger, blade, Open to the public. To place an ad, call $12,000, NOW & G O F A ST!

Fiddle/violin Stand, New Folds Flat $30. 541-330-9070


1-888-71 8-21 62.

(PNNA) Leather briefcase, soft black, pewter hardware, 286


Est ate Sales Look What I Found! You' ll find a little bit of everything in The Bulletin's daily garage and yard sale section. From clothes to collectibles, from housewares to hard­ ware, classified is always the first stop for cost-conscious consumers. And if you' re planning your own garage or yard sale, look to the clas­ sifieds to bring in the buyers. You won't find a better place for bargains! Call Classifieds: 541-385-5809 or


$45. 541-330-9070

organizer, 3-ring Sales Northeast Bend Leather binder & inserts, $20. 541-330-9070

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P iranha paintball r e ­ peater gun, $99. Lg mir­ ror, $99. 4 auto rims, $15 Moving to Smaller Home ea. Hampton Bay stand 284 & Shop Garage Sale! up fan, $99. Router, Sat & Sun 8-3 only, $125. 541-948-4413 Sales Southwest Bend 757 NE Majesty Lane. The Bulletin Offers Huge Garage Sale Multi-Family Yard Sale: Free Private PartyAds Downsizing after 50+yr, Sat-Sun, 9-3, 64100 N • 3 lines — 3 days big variety of stuff, new Hwy 97, Space 29, lots • Private Party Only stuff added daily, Fri.­ of great items! • Total of items adver­ Sun., 8-?, 19821 Pon­ tised must equal $200 derosa St, be t ween or Less Nugget 8 Poplar. Sales Southeast Bend u 41 d a tv • 3-ad limit for s a m e Garage Sale: Old tools, item advertised within clothes, antiques & much 3 months more! Fri-Sat-Sun, 9-5, Ca I I 541-385-5809 STUDIO SALE! 61445 SE 27th St. ¹123 Fax 541-385-5802 61061 Chuckanut Dr. Pottery, paintings, car­ 290 Wantedpa ying cash toons, books, tapes, Sales Redmond Area for Hi-fi audio & stu­ cabinets, ceiling fans, dio equip. Mclntosh, Skut kiln, potters wheels, tables, shelves, clays, Tools! Tools! Tools! Fri., J BL, Marantz, D y ­ S at., & S u n . 1 0 5, naco, Heathkit, San­ glazes, fans, heaters & more. Fri-Sat-Sun, 9am­ 1971 SW 2 3 r d o ff sui, Carver, NAD, etc. 4pm. No early sales! Quartz & Cash. Call 541-261-1808 classified@bendbulleun.corn

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ATTEND COL L EGE ONLINE from Home. DRIVERS *Medical, *Business, Substitute School Bus *Criminal Justice,Driver openings — Great *Hospitality. Job opportunity to supple­ 541-385-5809 541-41 0-0929 a ROW I N G placement assistance. ment y ou r in c ome. or email Heating 8 Stoves • Computer available. Redmond School Dis­ claaaified@bendbulletm corn Financial Aid if quali­ trict is seeking depend­ with an ad in IH1566, 180 hp, duals, NOTICE TO fied. SCHEV autho­ able flexible team play 3 pt., 540/1000 pto, The Bulletin's ADVERTISER Serene Central Oregon vnre l903 rized. Call ers w h o enj o ying cab, heat, a /c, t i lt, "Call A Service 866-688-7078 working with children. Since September 29, stereo, low hours www.CenturaOnline.c Flexible schedule — Sal­ 1991, advertising for Check out the Professional" $16,800. 541-419-2713 ary — $13.02/hr. used woodstoves has om (PNDC) classifieds online Directory Please visit the District been limited to mod­ www.bendbulletin.corn W anted Use d F a r m website at els which have been TRUCK SCHOOL Equipment & Machin­ Updated daily www.redmond.k12.or.us c ertified by the O r ­ www.IITFLnet ery. Looking to buy, or for job description & how egon Department of Redmond Campus Prompt Delivery Poultry, Rabbits, consign of good used to apply. For additional Environmental Qual­ Rock, Sand & Gravel Student Loans/Job 8 Supplies quality equipment. information, contact ity (DEQ) and the fed­ Multiple Colors, Sizes Waiting Toll Free Deschutes Valley michelle.rainville eral En v ironmentalInstant Landscaping Co. 1-888-387-9252 Equipment F ree C h ickens, 1 3 Oredmond.k12.or.us Protection Ag e n cy 541-389-9663 541-548-8385 L aying h e ns , c a l l (EPA) as having met 454 Florist, experienced 541-41 0-7075. SUPER TOP SOIL smoke emission stan­ wwwinerehe needed, part-time. eorrendberk.com Looking for Employment 325 dards. A cer t i fiedScreened, soil & com­ Fax resume to: Call The Bulletin At w oodstove may b e post Hay, Grain 8 Feed 541-647-6887 mi x ed , no Seeking Position as Pn­ 541-385-5809 identified by its certifi­ rocks/clods. High hu­ vate Caregiver, over Home Cleaning crew cation label, which is mus level, exc. f or 3A Livestock Supplies Place Your Ad Or E-Mail 10 yrs. exp. in medical/ member, w e ekdays permanently attached flower beds, lawns, • Panels eGates eFeeders At: www.bendbulletin.corn surgical floors, very No weekends, to the stove. The Bul­ gardens, Now galvanized! straight compassionate, p r o­ only. or holidays. letin will no t k now­ s creened to p s o i l . • 6-Rail 12' panels, $101 fessional c a r egiver, evening 541-815-0015. ingly accept advertis­ Bark. Clean fill. De­ • 6-Rail 16' panels, $117 • Farmers Column 514-294-5440 i ng for the sale o f liver/you haul. Custom sizes available Look at: uncertified 541-475-1 255 Long term lease on 40+ 476 541-548-3949. Bendhomes.corn woodstoves. irrigated acres in Alfalfa. Employment for Complete Listings of 270 Wheat Straw: Certified & Available now for fall Opportunities Bedding Straw & Garden Area Real Estate for Sale or spring planting. Lost 8 Found Fuel 8 Wood Straw;Compost.546-6171 541-548-0040 Caregiver Found Cat, really plain IT DIRECTOR Prineville Senior care See tabby, NW Bend. Call h t tp: I/jobs.ex­ WHEN BUYING h ome l o oking f o r presspros.corn/us/J to I.D., 541-382-0094 SOLD IN 30 DAYS!! FIREWOOD... Caregiver for multiple OB12431020/SRG­ Found keys near RV s hifts, p a rt-time t o To avoid fraud, DIRECTOR-OF-IT/ dump at RDM airport. "Please discontinue this full-time. Pass for details. For con­ The Bulletin Call to I.D.,541-520-9922 ( ad as the vehicle has criminal background beensold.Iam pleased fidential c o n sider­ recommends pay­ check. 541-447-5773. Lost Cat: 10/I, female to tell you that I had ation, please submit ment for Firewood Himalayan mix,cream, ( posted it on Craig's List only upon delivery resume to: Central Processing grey, white, has mi­ on 6 different locations karen.turnerO and inspection. Murano Technician crochip in neck, Britta J but it was the Bulletin ad Nissan expresspros.corn. • A cord is 128 cu. ft. SL-AWD 2004, 75k, 4' x 4' x 8' & Shetland Lp., Bend. that sold it!" all-weather tires, tow 541-382-0662. Bkin SURGERY ENGINEERING • Receipts should Lee, G. pkg, gold metallic, C • F. • N • T • s • R include name, Multiple o p portuni­ beige leather int., Lost earring, 3 wks ago, Ia lvr Cec ' trace IvrCaveat phone, price and moonroof ties. See www.ex­ Desch. River Trail, Bend. 40 Hrs/week, 4-10 hour kind of wood pur­ p resspros.corn f o r Sterling silver, pearl & shifts Mon.-Fri. Expe­ Want Results from qualified chased. details. F o r c onfi­ leaves. 541-593-5591 rience required, certi­ dential local buyers? • Firewood ads con s ider­ Lost Jezebel, a small fication preferred. Ex­ ation, please submit Call us at 541-385-5809 and ask MUST include spe­ scruffy female C hi­ cellent benefit cies and cost per resume to: about our Whee/ Deal special! huahua, brown, long­ package offered. karen.turnerO cord to better serve ish-hair, w e s t of Email r e sume to our customers. expresspros.corn The Bulletin Brookswood on trails jobs ©ends b urgery.corn north of main COI ca­ Include "Central Pro­ nal. $1000 r eward. cessing" in the subject Serene Central Oregonvnre l903 541-410-2887. line.

Get your business

The Bulletin







The Bulletin





I'Pf J7JJfl:: JJ~R ~[~JQJ




Employment Opportunities

Employment Opportunities

Employment Opportunities


Can be found on these pages

EMPLOYMENT 410 - Private Instruction 421 - Schools and Training 454- Looking for Employment 470- Domestic 8 In-Home Positions 476 - Employment Opportunities 466 - Independent Positions General

Jefferson Count Job 0

Medical Ass i stantMedical Sales Experience required. Hospital Buyer - FT Telephone prospecting We are looking for a position for important Whitefish, MT energetic dependable Now is the time to join professional services. and efficient person to North Valley Hospital's Income pote n tial join our team. We of­ (NVH) work f amily! $50,000. (average in­ fer a superior salary, Seeking Buyer with 1 come 30k-35k) op­ e xcellent bene f i t year purchasing expe­ portunity f o r ad­ package and a four rience, preferably in a vancement. Base & day work week. Typ­ hospital mat e r ials Commission, Health ing a n d co m puter management environ­ and Dental Benefits. skills beneficial. Der­ ment with experience Will train the right per­ Sell an Item matology experience in use o f M e ditech son. Fax resume to: a plus. Outstanding and/or McKesson. 541-848-6408. p atient care, t e a m ACT QUICKLY!This job The Bulletin player and attention to closes Mon. 10/6/12 at To Subscribe call detail a must. Posi­ 4 pm. Requires NVH tion involves a vari­ a pplication & If it's under $500 ski l l 541-385-5800 or go to ety of job duties in a testing results in order www.bendbulletin.corn you can place it in fast paced work envi­ to be considered. Visit The Bulletin r onment. Fax y o u r www.nvhosp.org and Security resume with a cover click on C areers & See our website for our Classifieds for: letter to 541-323-2174 Volunteers, and then available Security po­ or email click Employment Op­ sitions, along with the $10 - 3 lines, 7 days jodiOcentraloregon­ portunities to view full 42 reasons to join our dermatology.corn. $16 - 3 lines, 14 days details on j ob, s kill team! No phone calls please. testing and a pplica­ www.secuniyprosbend.corn (Private Party ads only) tion process. Excel­ Qe asasnewaos lent benefits include group h e a lth/dental Counselor and earned leave/re­ tirement plans. EOE Oregon State University North Valley Hospital —Cascades in Bend, Oregon 1600 Hospital Way Whitefish, MT 59937

FINANCEAND BUSINESS 507 - RealEstate Contracts 514 - Insurance 526 - Loansand Mortgages 543 - Stocksand Bonds 556 - Business Investments 573 - Business Opportunities

o r tunit

Corrections Officer - $2,845.00 to $3,046.00 per month DOQ — Closes October 15th, 2012 Current DPSST Corrections Officer Certification Preferred

For complete job description and application form go to www.co.jefferson. or.us; click on Human Resources, then Job Opportunities; or call 541-325-5002. Mail completed Jefferson County Application forms to: Jefferson County Human Resources, 66 SE D Street, Suite E, Madras, OR 97741. Jefferson Countyis an Equal Employment Opportuni ty Employer


• Education Coordinator • Program Secretary

(Bilingual Spanish/English) Year round full time positions with excellent benefits. Join our Head Start preschool educa­ tion program team providing school readiness to kids and families in Madras. Please visit our website www.ocdc.net for f ul l d escription, requirements and to apply online. Or mail resume, apply in person to: Oregon Child Development Coalition, ATTN: Human Resources 659 NE "A" St. Madras, OR 97741 Equal Opportunity Employer


Independent Contractor Sales We are seeking dynamic individuals.


Our winning team of sales & promotion professionals are making an average of $400 - $800 per week doing special events, trade shows, retail & grocery store promotions while representing THE BULLETlN newspaper as an independent contractor yyE OFFER:


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FOR THE CHANCE OF A LIFETIME, Call Adam Johnson 541-410-5521, TODAY! Sales

bendbroadband Business Be Our Next Solutions Sales Star!

Help grow one of Central Oregon's premiere technology companies BendBroadband i s e x p eriencing g reat growth potential in our area; this new Account Executive opportunity is key to realizing our f u ture e x pansion goals. Create solutions for our customers that only we have; y o u w i l l n o t be sel l ing pre-packaged solutions. BendBroadband is a respected technology company bringing technology solutions to businesses in the region. We provide everything from Data, Voice,Video, Data Center and Managed Services. The ideal candidate: • Has demonstrated outside sales success and follow through, acting as a consultant to find solutions for our business customers. • Succeeds in articulating highly technical products and services. • Has prior experience and knowledge representing transport and network services Is a great collaborator, able to pull people together to get the best results for our customers. • Will achieve sales goals and be rewarded; the moresuccess you have, the more money you earn. • Has a clean driving record and personal vehicle for travel in Central Oregon.

If this describes you and you are hungry for a change,apply online at www.bendbroad­ b and/careers. P l ease in c lude br i e f examples of your most significant sales accomplishments within your resume. BendBroadband offers a collaborative work e nvironment, training and development o p ­ portunities, competitive pay and excellent ben­ efits that include a 401k plan with company match and free broadband services. This posi­ tion is full-time; compensation is a base plus commission structure.

Instructor, part time/Sociology

For consideration to teach winter 2013, a pplications should b e re c eived b y 11/5/2012. For spring term 2013, applica­ tions will be accepted online throughout the academic year.

To review posting and apply to the pool to b e considered for this position, go t o w ebsite: http: //oregonstate.edu/jobs a n d review posting number 0009504. OSU is an AA/EOE.



Loans & Mortgages E ver Consider a R e ­ verse Mortgage? At least 62 years old? Stay in your home & increase cash f low! Safe & Effective! Call Now for your FREE DVD! C a l l Now


Loans & Mortgages

WARNING The Bulletin recom­ mends you use cau­ 888-785-5938. (PNDC) tion when you pro­ www.redmond.k1 2.or.us vide personal Minimum requirements include appropriate to review posting, job information to compa­ FIND IT! professional licenses in C ounseling or description & how to BVV IT! nies offering loans or Psychology and documentation of ongoing apply. Contact Carol credit, especially SELL IT! Gustaveson at c ontinuing education. Experience as a those asking for ad­ The Bulletin Classifieds school psychologist or experience as a vance loan fees or redmond.k1 2.or.us private p r actice p s y chologist/therapist/ companies from out of LOCAL MONEY:We buy for additional info. social worker. Experience organizing and state. If you have secured trust deeds & leading workshops and group sessions for concerns or ques­ Need help fixing stuff? some hard money students. Knowledge and understanding of tions, we suggest you note, Call A Service Professional loans. Call Pat Kelley local community resources and demon­ consult your attorney 541-382-3099 ext.13. strated professional oral and written com­ find the help you need. or call CONSUMER www.bendbulletin.corn munication skills. HOTLINE, Reverse Mortgages 1-877-877-9392. by local expert Mike For a complete position description view Remember.... LeRoux NMLS577fs A dd your we b a d ­ BANK TURNED YOU http: //oregonstate.edu/jobs and use post­ Call to learn more. dress to your ad and DOWN? Private party ing number 0009746 to apply on-line. The 541-350-7839 will loan on real es­ readers on The closing date is 10/15/12. Securitv1 Lending Bulletin' s web site tate equity. Credit, no NMLS98161 problem, good equity will be able to click For information regarding this position is all you need. Call through automatically please contact: Johannah Goodwin, to your site. 573 now. Oregon L and Human Resources, OSU-Cascades at Mortgage 388-4200. Business Opportunities

Johannah.Goodwin Oosucascades.edu, or Andrew Davis, Coordinator of Student Life, OSU-Cascades atAndrew.Davis@osucas­ cades.edu. OSU is an AA/EOE.

CITY OF REDMOND Employment Opportunities Wastewater Collec­ tions Utility Worker I $2971 - $3652 per month Non-Exempt, Represented

Performs a variety of unskilled, semi-skilled and skilled tasks in the Public Works Depart­ ment Wastewater Division and related work in the Public Works Department as required. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: High school diploma, or equivalent, plus a minimum one (1) year of experience and training in W a stewater Collection and/or Wastewater Treatment which has provided specific knowledge in the area assigned; or any equivalent combination of relative experi­ ence and training which demonstrates the ability to perform the above described duties. Ability to operate automobiles, pickup and util­ ity trucks, equipment, machines and tools safely and in conformance with applicable laws, regulations and work rules; understand and carry out written and oral instructions; work independently, or as part of a work crew, in performance of regular assignments; estab­ lish and maintain effective working relation­ ships with other employees, supervisors and the public. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS/LICENSES Possession of, or must obtain, a valid Oregon driver license within thirty (30) days from date of hire. Possession of, or must obtain within six (6) months from date of hire, a valid Oregon CDL license of the required classification to operate Public Works Department vehicles and equipment. Must have a s afe driving record. MUST obtain Wastewater Collection I Certificate within (1) year from hire date. Pos­ session of, or ability to obtain, any certifica­ tions or licenses required by City, State or Federal agencies to work in the position as­ signed. DESIRABLE REQUIREMENTS: Possession of current wastewater collections and/or wastewater treatment certificate at time of appointment. Current Oregon DOT or Des­ chutes County Flagging Certificate. Compe­ tent backhoe operator, with greater than six months experience operating a backhoe in a utility setting. Current NASSCO Pipeline As­ sessment Certification Program (PACP) certifi­ cation. More than one year experience work­ ing in Wastewater Collections or Treatment. Specifically, experience operating hydro-exca­ vators, CCTV equipment and operating lift sta­ t ions. Advanced c oursework specific t o Wastewater Collections or Treatment (ie, Uni­ versity of California Ken Kerri Wastewater Programs or equivalent). Experience using computers for mapping and/or work order ap­ plications. HOW TO APPLY: Request application packet from DeAnne Wakefield, City o f R edmond Human Re­ s ources Department, via e m a i l o n l deanne.wakefield Oci.redmond. or.us Presentation of materials submitted is taken into consideration when evaluating submis­

OSU-Cascades, in Bend, is recruiting for a sions. Complete application packets must be part-time Instructor in Sociology to teach on submitted per instructions by 5pm, Friday, a term by term basis for the 2012/2013 October 26, 2012. No email or fax submis­ academic year. T his i s a fi x e d-term t d. appointment, w/renewal at the discretion of the Dean. Courses to b e t a ught may include Sociology, Sociology of Family and LANDSCAPE Work, and/or Rural Sociology. Salary is MAINTENANCE/ commensurate with education and experi­ RANCH HAND ence. Required qualifications: MS, MA, Ph.D. or Terminal degree in Sociology (or closely related field) and evident commitment to cultural diversity & e d ucational equity. Preferred qualifications include teaching experience at the college or university level a nd a de m o nstrable c ommitment t o promoting and enhancing diversity.



OSU-Cascades is accepting applications for a 12-month, part-time (0.49 FTE), Counse­ Nutrition Services II lor with a full time salary range of $52,000­ Openings­ $63,000. Responsibilities include providing Redmond School personal counseling to students experienc­ District ing psychological, social, and/or other diffi­ 3.5 hrs/day; Start date: 10/22/12; Salary: $10.59 culties that negatively impact their student /hr; Approx. 130 days; success at OSU-Cascades. This resource Posting closes 10/12/12. provided by OSU-Cascades contributes to retention and the academic and personal Please visit the District success of students accessing this service. website at


Requires 2 years experience in land­ scape maintenance, wheel line irriga­ tion and operating all types of farm machinery. Must have some knowl­ edge of horse and cattle care. Experi­ ence in herbicide application, welding a nd repairs a p lus. Essential to be self-motivated and willing to work in a fast, s afe, e f f icient m a nner w h i le keeping quality, professionalism and confidentiality a t o p p r iority. Family housing available.Wage DOE. Ben­ efits include 401(k), medical, dental, paid ho l i day s and vaca t i ons. E OE/AAE. Please f a x r e s ume t o OI' 541-749-2024 email hrman ager© hookercreek.net

WARNING The Bulletin recommends that you investigate every phase of investment opportunities, e s pe­ c ially t h os e fr o m out-of-state or offered


Jefferson Count Job 0

o r tunit

Public Health Nurse -Home Visiting Programs $20 40 an hour to $26.52 an hour DOQ FIRST REVIEW DATE -10/29/2012


Central Oregon Community College has o p enings l i s te d b e l ow . Go to https://jobs.cocc.edu to view details & apply online. Human Resources, Metolius Hall, 2600 N W College W ay , B e n d OR 97 7 0 1; (541)383-7216. For hearing/speech impaired, Oregon Relay Services number is 7 -1-1. COCO is an AA/EO employer.

Assistant Director, Financial Aid

Provide overall administrative and supervisory support to the Student Financial Aid / Veter­ ans function. Oversee financial aid business process, scholarship activities, and act as pri­ mary resource for FrontLine and Financial Aid staff. B achelor's r eq . $ 3 , 781-$4,502/mo. Closes Oct. 7.

Campus Public Safety Officer f2 Part-Time)

Provide patrol services on campus to ensure the safety and security of staff, students, and the public. $ 12.38-$14.74/hr. both s h ifts 35hr/wk. Closes Oct. 7.

Biology/General Science Lab Tech (Part Time)

Prepare and set up equipment and supplies for student laboratory experiments in general biol­ ogy, anatomy and physiology and microbiol­ ogy courses. $14.70-$17.50 20hr/wk. Closes Oct. 17.

Part-Time Instructors

COCO is always looking for talented individu­ als to teach part-time in a variety of disciplines. Check our web site for instructor needs. All by a p e rson doing positions pay $500 per load unit (1 LU = 1 business out of a lo­ class credit), with additional perks. cal motel or hotel. In­ vestment of f e rings must be r e gistered with the Oregon De­ partment of Finance. Materials Services Specialist­ We suggest you con­ East Bend Public Library sult your attorney or call CONS U M ER Are you committed to providing HOTLINE,

For complete job description and application form go to www.co.jefferson. or.us; click on Human Resources, then Job Opportunities; or call 541-325-5002. Mail completed Jefferson County Application forms to: Jefferson County Human Resources, 66 SE D Street, Suite E, Madras, OR 97741.


Jefferson Countyis an Equal Employment

8:30-noon, Mon.-Fri.


PROVIDENCE Health & Services

Therapy is about the power of possibility. So is Providence.

excellent customer service by ensuring library materials are processedeffectively? Check this team-oriented opportunity. It's a greatchance to grow in a fun environment and tomake a difference in the lives of children, teens, and adults. Part time. Deadline: 2:oo on October u. http: //www.deschuteslibrary.org/ employment.asp for more details, application, and supplemental

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Materials & Process Engineers Structures Engineers

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Stress Engineers

Certification Engineers

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Technical Writers

Configuration Management Specialists A & P Mechanics Non-Destructive Inspection Engineers Manufacturing & Industrial Engineers Airframe Design Engineer

Duluth, MN is a four-season city that offers a multitude of outdoor activities and fun filled adventures. The splendor of Lake Superior, the largest freshwater lake in the world, will both relax and rejuvenate you. You are sure to enjoy our North Shore lifestyle with many biking and snowmobile trails, inland lakes, and opportunities for kayaking, rock climbing, hiking, golfing, sailing, cross country and downhill skiing. Come join our team of Visionaries today! •



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! L I B RA RY ones o o

' DESCHUTES COUNTY CAREER OPPORTUNITIES BEHAVIORAL HEALTH SPECIALIST II — Community Assessment Team (2012­ 00059) B ehavioral H ealth D i v ision. On-call position $23.57 - $ 32.29 per hour. De adline: S UNDAY, 10/21/12. BEHAVIORAL HEALTH SUPERVISOR Child 8 Family Programs (previously BH Specialist III, title change only) (2012­ 00023) — Behavioral Health Division. Full­ time position $4,851 - $6,517 per month for a 172.67 hour work month. DEADLINE DATE EXTENDED, OPEN UNTIL FILLED.

CIRRUS AIRCRAFT, located in Duluth, MN on the scenic shores of Lake Superior, is a general aviation industry leader. Our line of all composite personal aircraft — the SR20, SR22 and turbocharged SR22T — incorporate advanced performance, electronic and safety technologies, and the unique Cirrus Airframe Parachute System (CAPS™). Our upcoming Cirrus Vision SF50 jet will raise the bar higher by providing a new personal and regional business transportation solution: the "personal jet." We have immediate, full-time openings for experienced professionals in the following roles:




NURSE PRACTITIONER — School Based Health Centers (2012-00057) Public Health Division. On-call position $33.69 - $46.10 per hour.Deadline: SUNDAY, 10/21/12. PSYCHIATRIC NURSE P RACTITIONER (2012-00024) ­ Behavioral H ealth Division. Full-time position $6,303 $8,626 per month for a 172.67 hour work month. Deadline: OPEN UNTIL FILLED. TO APPLY ONLINEFOR THE ABOVE LISTED POSITIONS, PLEASE VISITOUR WEBSITE

AT www.deschutes.or g/jobs Deschutes County Personnel Dept., 1300 NW Wall Street, Suite 201, Bend, OR 97701 (541) 388-6553. Deschutes County provides reasonable a ccommodations f o r pe r sons w i t h disabilities. This material will be furnished in alternative format if needed. For hearing impaired, please call T TY/TDD 711. EQUAL OPPORTUNITYEMPLOYER

E4 SUNDAY, C 0 TO BER 7, 2012 • THE BULLETIN 573 •

TO PLACE AN AD CALL CLASSIFIED• 5 41-385-580 9 573




Houses for Rent General

Commercial for Rent/Lease

Homes for Sale

Business Opportunities Business Opportunities Meet singles right now! A Classified ad is an Advertise V A CATION No paid o p erators, EASY W A Y TO SPECIALS to 3 m il­ just real people like REACH over 3 million lion P acific N o rth­ you. Browse greet­ Pacific Northwestern­ westerners! 30 daily six ings, exchange mes­ ers. $52 5 /25-word newspapers, sages and c o nnect c lassified ad i n 3 0 states. 25-word clas­ live. Try it free. Call daily newspapers for sified $525 for a 3-day now: 8 7 7-955-5505. 3-days. Call the Pa­ a d. Cal l (916) cific Northwest Daily 2 88-6019 o r vis i t (PNDC) Connection (916) www.pnna.corn/advert 2 88-6019 o r em a i l ising pndc.cfm for the elizabeth rift cn pa.corn Pacific Nor t h west To the bicyclist who I for more info (PNDC) Daily Con n ection. invertantly cut off at (PNDC) the Mill Mall round­ Advertise your car! about last Saturday, Add A Picture! Extreme Value Adver­ Reach thousands of readers' my apologies. tising! 30 Daily news­ Call 541-385-5809 papers $525/25-word The Bulletin Classifieds classified, 3-d a ys. Reach 3 million Pa­ cific Northwesterners. For more information call (916) 288-6019 or email: elizabethrittcnpa.corn for the Pacific North­ C all 54 /-385-58 0 9 west Daily Connec­ to r o mote o u r service tion. (PNDC)








PUBLISHER' S Spectrum professional All real estate adver­ NOTICE building, 2 5 0 ' -500', tised here in is sub­ All real estate adver­ $1.00 per ft. total. No ject to t h e F e deral RENTALS 682 - Farms, RanchesandAcreage tising in this newspa­ N NN. C a l l An d y , F air H o using A c t , 603 - RentalAlternatives 687 - Commercial for Rent/Lease 541-385-6732. per is subject to the which makes it illegal 604 - Storage Rentals 693 - Office/Retail Space for Rent F air H o using A c t to advertise any pref­ 693 REAL ESTATE which makes it illegal erence, limitation or 605 - RoommateWanted to a d v ertise "any Office/Retail Space discrimination based 616 - Want ToRent 705 - Real Estate Services preference, limitation on race, color, reli­ 627 Vacation Rentals& Exchanges 713 - Real Estate Wanted for Rent or disc r imination gion, sex, handicap, 719 - Real Estate Trades based on race, color, Office space, high vis­ familial status or na­ 630 - Rooms for Rent 726 - Timeshares for Sale religion, sex, handi­ ibility on Highland Ave. tional origin, or inten­ 631 - Condos &Townhomesfor Rent 730 - New Listings cap, familial status, in Redmond. $425 tion to make any such 632 - Apt./Multiplex General marital status or na­ mo., incl. W/S/G, call preferences, l i m ita­ 634 - Apt./Multiplex NE Bend 732 - Commercial Properties for Sale tional origin, or an in­ 541-419-1917. tions or discrimination. 636 - Apt./Multiplex NWBend 738 - Multiplexes for Sale tention to make any We will not knowingly 638 - Apt./Multiplex SE Bend 740 - Condos &Townhomesfor Sale such pre f e rence, Where can you find a accept any advertis­ 640 - Apt./Multiplex SW Bend 744 - Open Houses limitation or discrimi­ ing for r ea l e s tate helping hand? 745- Homes for Sale nation." Familial sta­ which is in violation of 642 - Apt./Multiplex Redmond From contractors to tus includes children this law. All persons 646 - Apt./Multiplex Furnished 746 - Northwest BendHomes under the age of 18 yard care, it's all here are hereby informed 648 - Houses for Rent General 747- Southwest BendHomes living with parents or that all dwellings ad­ 650 - Houses for Rent NEBend 748 - Northeast BendHomes in The Bulletin's legal cust o dians, vertised are available 652 - Houses for Rent NWBend 749- Southeast Bend Homes "Call A Service pregnant women, and on an equal opportu­ 750 - RedmondHomes people securing cus­ Professional" Directory nity basis. The Bulle­ 654- Houses for Rent SEBend tody of children under tin Classified 656 - Houses for Rent SWBend 753 - Sisters Homes 18. This newspaper 658 - Houses for Rent Redmond 755 - Sunriver/La Pine Homes SOCIAL S E C U RITY will not knowingly ac­ FOR SALE 659 - Houses for Rent Sunriver 756- Jefferson County Homes ~ Building/Contracting Landscaping/Yard Care D ISABILITY B EN ­ cept any advertising 660 - Houses for Rent La Pine 757 - Crook County Homes EFITS. WIN or P ay for real estate which is When buying a home NOTICE: Oregon state N OTICE: ORE G O N Nothing! Start Y o ur 661 Houses for Rent Prineville 762 - Homeswith Acreage in violation of the law. 83% of Central law req u ires any­ Landscape Contrac­ Application In Under O ur r e a ders ar e 662 - Houses for Rent Sisters 763 - Recreational HomesandProperty Oregonians turn to one who co n t racts tors Law (ORS 671) 60 Seconds. Call To­ hereby informed that 663 - Housesfor Rent Madras 764- Farms andRanches for construction work r equires a l l bus i ­ day! Contact Disabil­ all dwellings adver­ 664 - Houses for Rent Furnished 771 - Lots Serwng cenr~al oregons>nre l903 to be licensed with the nesses that advertise i ty Group, Inc. L i ­ tised in this newspa­ 671 - Mobile/Mfd. for Rent 773 - Acreages C onstruction Con ­ to p e r form L a n d­ censed Attorneys & per are available on Call 541-385-5809 to tractors Board (CCB). scape C o n struction BBB Accredited. Call an equal opportunity 675 - RV Parking 775 - Manufactured/Mobile Homes place your 744 A n active lice n se which inclu d es: 888-782-4075. basis. To complain of 676 - Mobile/Mfd. Space 780 - Mfd. /Mobile Homeswith Land Real Estate ad. means the contractor p lanting, decks , (PNDC) d iscrimination cal l Open Houses i s bonded and i n ­ fences, arbors, 750 HUD t o l l -free at 775 s ured. Ver i f y t h e w ater-features, a n d 1-800-877-0246. The Redmond Homes Looking for your Manufactured/ contractor's CCB installation, repair of Open 12-3 toll f re e t e l ephone next employee? Mobile Homes c ense through t h e irrigation systems to 19159 Park number for the hear­ Redmond Worry Free Place a Bulletin help CCB Cons u m er be licensed with the Commons Dr. ing im p a ired is Certified Home $149,000 wanted ad today and Website Landscape Contrac­ FACTORY SPECIAL 1-800-927-9275. Superb New Home Huge Landscaped Lot reach over 60,000 www. hireahcensedcontractor. New Home, 3 bdrm, t ors B o a rd . Th i s readers in Shevlin Pines Move in Ready! corn each week. $47,500 finished 4-digit number is to be Near Bend High 3 bdrm, Phyllis Mageau, 800-451-5808 ext 819 or call 503-378-4621. included in all adver­ Your classified ad on your site,541.548.5511 2ys bath, 2 story town­ Broker The Bulletin recom­ tisements which indi­ will also appear on www.JandMHomes.corn hse, W/D hkup, garage. 762 541-948-0447 mends checking with cate the business has bendbulletin.corn No pets/smkg.$760/mo. Homes with Acreage the CCB prior to con­ a bond, insurance and which currently re­ In The Bulletin's print and Gael, 541-350-2095. Tick, Tock tracting with anyone. workers c ompensa­ ceives over 1.5 mil­ 10+ Acres, 7 irrigated, Rented your prop­ Some other t r ades tion for their employ­ lion page views 2200+srf.ff. up dated Tick, Tock... erty? The Bulletin also req u ire addi­ ees. For your protec­ every month at home, oversized de­ ...don't let time get C lassifieds tional licenses a nd no extra cost. tion call 503-378-5909 r QUAINTCABIN ON 10 ACRES!r tached garage,2 barns, has an "After Hours" certifications. Bulletin Classifieds or use our website: fenced & cross fenced, away. Hire a Line. Call Get Results! Call Modernamenitiesandall thequiet, www.lcb.state. or.us to beautiful setting, turn­ 541-383-2371 24 385-5809 or place professional out Debris Removal check license status key property, $525,000, ,'you Will need. ROOmto grOWin,' hours to your ad on-line at 541-771-3290. before con t racting of The Bulletin's « I ,'yOur OWnIittle Parad!SB! Call ROW.,' with t h e b u s iness. bendbulletin.corn www.thegarnergroup.corn "Call A Service 5 Acres, 2 irrigated, E. Persons doing land­ 650 side of Bend, 4 bdrm, Professional" scape m a intenance 2.5 bath, small shed, Houses for Rent do not require a LCB Directory today! GOLDEN RETRIEVERPUPPIES, Open 12-3 must be pre-qualified, r' NE Bend license. 19777 Chicory $350,000, 541-389-7481 We are three adorable, loving Fleetwood 1997, 14x60, Ave. 3B/office, garage/hobby 773 Will Haul Away 2 bdrm, 1 bath., well Spacious Home puppieslookingfor acaring home. shop, country home maint., $17,000 OBO, Acreages in SW Bend b eaut. m t n . vi e w . Please call rjght away.$500. must be moved from Suzanne Iselin, $1200 mo. No-smok­ For Salvage 0," Tumalo loca t ion, ~g©Sr Broker ing. 541-312-2224. 503-523-7908. Any Location ' CHECK YOUR AD 541-350-8617 FORD F1 50 XL 2005. This truck ,~~ygl ...*;„:. Removal Please check your ad Looking for your next Just too many on the first day it runs can haul it all! Extra Cab, 4x4, 605 Also Cleanups g,. SERVING CENTRAL OREGON employee? to make sure it is cor­ collectibles? Residential & Commercial L& Cteanouts' > Roommate Wanted Place a Bulletin help and a tough V8enginewill get rect. Sometimes in­ ReservingSpotsfor wanted ad today and s tructions over t h e the job dOne On the ranCh! Sell them in wanted to reach over 60,000 Sprinkler Winterization Housemate phone are misunder­ The Bulletin Classifieds share home w/owner, readers each week. stood and a n e r ror own bath, storage & &SnowRemoval Your classified ad can occur in your ad. garage, $350/mo+1/2 will also appear on If this happens to your 541-385-5809 a Sprinkler Repair utils, 541-420-5546 bendbulletin.corn, Handyman ad, please contact us e Back Row Testing currently receiving For an additional www.thegarnergroup.corn 630 the first day your ad Lot Cleaning M i R d over 1.5 million page ~ appears and we will s Fall clean up Rooms for Rent $19,900 2 bdrm, 2 bath '2.00 per day views, every month ERIC REEVE be happy to fix it as $23,900 2 bdrm, 1 bath s sark, Rock, etc. at no extra cost. s oon a s w e can . Open 12-3 s Senior Discounts NE Bend, private bath & $38,900 3 bdrm, 2 bath Bulletin Classifieds )% HANDY P Deadlines are: Week­ entrance, fenced pa­ 2343 NW Dorion 3 bdrm, 2 bath Get Results! Bonded and Insured days 11:00 noon for $39,999 SERVICES tio,new carpet & paint, Call 541-385-5809 or 541-548-551 1 Way 541-815%458 next day, Sat. 11:00 $495. 541-317-1879 www.JandMHomes.corn NorthWest Crossing place your ad on-line All Home & Lcs¹ 8759 a.m. for Sunday and Just Complete at Commercial Repairs Studios & Kitchenettes To place your ad, visit vvvvvv.bendbulletin.corn Monday. Movers! $7,999 2 bdrm Shelley Griffin, bendbulletin.corn Furnished room, TV w/ Carpentry-Painting 541 -385-5809 1 bath, $19,999 Office/ or call 385-5809 Broker MAVERICK cable, micro & fridge. Honey Do' s. Thank you! Studio, $32,900 3 bdrm 541-280-3804 Utils & l inens. New ANDSCAPING 656 The Bulletin Classified 2 bath, 541-548-5511 Small or large jobs, owners. $145-$165/wk tcB ttt!68 www.JandMHomes.corn no problem. Houses for Rent 541-382-1885 4 Licensed * Bonded 4 Insured Senior Discount SW Bend Specialiiing in •


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Apt./Multiplex NE Bend Clean 3 (could be 4) bedroom, on nearly 1 * acre, $1200 mo., 1 $299 1st mo. rent!! year lease required, GETTHEM BEFORE 541-390-4213 THEY ARE GONE! 2 bdrm, 1 bath 658 www.thegarnergroup.corn $530 & $540 Houses for Rent Carports & A/C included! Fox Hollow Apts. Redmond 745 (541) 383-31 52 Homes for Sale Cascade Rental Mgmt. Co 1600 sq ft 3 bdrm + den, Upstairs only with lease 1.75 bath, gas fireplace, 6/6, 4-car, 2-car garage, fenced 4270Sq.ft., c orner, .83 acre m t n 55+ Senior Housing backyard, great neigh­ 2 bdrm, 2 bath @$895 iew, by owne r . borhood, close to shop­ v 541-388- 1239. 541-390-0886 &schools.$895/mo $590,000 www.cascadiaproper­ ping See: bloomkey.corn/8779 + dep. Pets nego, avail tymgmt.corn 10/1/1 2. 541-504-4624, BANK OWNED HOMES! or 541-419-0137 FREE List w/Pics! Call for S eciais! Limited numIrers avail. 3 Bdrm + bonus room, www.BendRepos.corn bend and beyond real estate 1, 2 & 3 bdrms 2 bath, 1742 sq.ft., RV 20967 yeoman, bend or w/d hookups, parking, fenced yard. patios or decks. $ 1195/mo. + dep . Mountain Glen 541-550-7007. 541 -383-931 3

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Houses for Rent Sunriver

By owner 3 bdrm, 2 bath w/ charm, 1 story, V/LLAGE PROPERT/ES dbl. garage, heat pump LCB¹845t 1 B d r m Do w ntown Sunriver, Three Rivers, & A/C, .3 acre, La Pine. Great Redmond, remodeled gardener's paradise in Selection. Prices range duplex, W/ D i n c l ., peaceful Starwood. $425 — $2000/mo. COLLINS $450/ mo. Available Ready to buy only! View our full Now! 541-777-0028. $193,900. 541-410-8636 inventory online at Call Now to Schedule 2 Bdrm 1 bath, large unit, Viiiage-Properties.corn Garage Sales no smkg/pets. W/S/G & 1 -866-931 -1 061 Fall Cleanup gas paid; $550/mo. 358 an Aerate/Thatch, 660 Garage Sales NW 17th St. Call Gael, Weekly or one time 541-350-2095 Houses for Rent Garage Sales Grounds Keeping Service La Pine Duplex 3 bdrm, 2 bath, • Mowing • Edtpng Find them 1260 sq.ft., 1 story, ga­ • Hedge Trimming rage w/opener, fenced La Pine — Nice 3 Bd, 2.5 in • Pruning ~ Weedesting yard, RV/Boat parking, Ba, in Crescent Creek • Fertilizing • Hauling fridge, dishwasher, mi­ subdivision. Gas appli­ The Bulletin cro, walk-in laundry, ances & fireplace, dbl C lassifieds W/S/G paid, front gard­ garage, fitness center, ner paid, $775+dep., park. $800 mo; $900 541-385-5809 deposit. 541-815-5494 541-604-0338 BONDED & INSURED

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Boats 8 Accessories •



Mot o r homes

Travel Trailers •



Fifth Wheels

Canopies 8 Campers

Gulfstream S cen i c 2012 LANCE 27' 2285 Elkhorn 8 . 5 ' 199 8 , X-Cab, self contained, Cruiser 36 ft. 1999, TRAILER $26,950 (orig queen bed,elec. jacks, Cummins 330 hp die­ $32K) Looks/smells new; exc. cond., $ 6250, 20.5' Seaswirl Spy­ sel, 42K, 1 owner, 13 used 6 times. Loaded. 541-548-6330 in. kitchen slide out, Hunters, take your wife der 1989 H.O. 302, along in luxury! Owner: new tires, under cover, 285 hrs., exc. cond., Raider canopy, fits 6-ft stored indoors for hwy. miles only,4 door 541-383-4513 for details. Fleetwood Wilderness bed, fiberglass, perfect 36', 2005, 4 s l ides, fridge/freezer ice ­ life $11,900 OBO. hape, $ 6 00 . Cal l rear bdrm, fireplace, s541-388-4662; maker, W/D combo, 604-0116 • Le g al Notices otorcycles & Accessories 541-379-3530 AC, W/D hkup beau­ Interbath t ub & tiful u n it ! $ 3 0 ,500. shower, 50 amp pro­ LEGAL NOTICE Ads published in the CRAMPED FOR pane gen & m o re! IN T H E CI R C UIT "Boats" classification 0 CASH? C OURT FO R T H E include: Speed, fish­ $55,000. Use classified to sell 0 0 • 0 541-948-231 0 Pioneer Spirit 18CK, STATE OF OREGON ing, drift, canoe, those items you no 2007, used only 4x, AC, I N AND FO R T H E house and sail boats. longer need. electric tongue j a ck, C OUNTY OF D E S­ For all other types of Call 541-385-5809 $8995. 541-389-7669 CHUTES. O n eWest watercraft, please see Bank, FSB, its suc­ Class 875. K omfort 25' 2 0 06, 1 Hunter's Delight! Pack­ 541-385-5809 slide, AC, TV, awning. cessors i n i n t erest age deal! 1988 Win­ NEW: tires, converter, and/or assigns, Plain­ nebago Super Chief, Harley Davidson Soft­ batteries. Hardly used. 908 tiff, v. Unknown Heirs 3 8K m i l es , gr e a t Tail De luxe 2 0 0 7, $15,500. 541-923-2595 Of Barbara B. Dudley; Aircraft, Parts 1988 Bronco II white/cobalt, w / pas­ GENERATE SOME ex­ shape; Robert N . D u d ley; 4 x4 t o t o w , 1 3 0 K 8 Service senger kit, Vance & citement in your neig­ mostly towed miles, Springdale 2005 27', 4' Kimberly C. Dudley; Hines muffler system borhood. Plan a ga­ nice rig! $15,000 both. slide in dining/living area, United S t a te s Of & kit, 1045 mi., exc. rage sale and don' t 541-382-3964, leave sleeps 6, low mi,$15,000 America; State Of Or­ c ond, $19,9 9 9 , forget to advertise in egon; and Occupants msg. obo. 541-408-3811 .-ceF ar 541-389-9188. classified! 385-5809. of the Premises, De­ Naxzr fendants. Case N o. Itasca Spirit Class C MONTANA 3585 2008, Harley Heritage 11CV1049. SUM­ exc. cond., 3 slides, 2007, 20K miles, front Softail, 2003 serving central oregon smcer903 entertainment center, king bed, Irg LR, Arc­ 1/3 interest in Colum­ MONS BY PUBLICA­ $5,000+ in extras, lkr TION. TO THE DE­ tic insulation, all op­ bia 400, located at $2000 paint job, all bells & whistles, Used out-drive Sunriver. $ 1 38,500. FENDANTS: extremely good con­ tions $37,500. 30K mi. 1 owner, parts - Mercury UNKNOWN H E I RS 541-420-3250 Call 541-647-3718 For more information dition, 2 s l ides, 2 Springdale 29' 2 0 0 7, OMC rebuilt ma­ O F B A RBARA B . HDTV's, please call $48,500 slide, Bunkhouse style, 1 /3 interest i n w e l l ­ rine motors: 151 Nuyi/a 297LK Hitch­ DUDLEY; AND OC­ 541-385-8090 OBO. 541-447-5484 sleeps 7-8, excellent Hiker 2007, 3 slides, equipped IFR Beech C UPANTS OF T H E $1595; 3.0 $1895; or 209-605-5537 condition, $ 1 6 ,900, 32' touring coach, left B onanza A 36 , l o ­ 4.3 (1993), $1995. P REMISES: I n t h e 541-390-2504 kitchen, rear lounge, cated KBDN. $55,000. name of the State of 541-389-0435 many extras, beautiful 541-419-9510 HD FAT BOY Oregon, y o u are c ond. inside & o u t , Executive Hangar h ereby required t o 1996 875 $34,499 OBO, Prinev­ Completely rebuilt/ • if appear and answer at Bend Airport Watercraft ille. 541-447-5502 days customized, low the complaint f iled (KBDN) & 541-447-1641 eves. miles. Accepting of­ Jayco Seneca 2 007, 60' wide x 50' deep, a gainst you i n t h e fers. 541-548-4807 17K mi., 35ft., Chevy 2007 Sea Doo w/55' wide x 17' high above-entitled C ourt 5 500 die se I, t o y Sprinter 272RLS, 2009 2004 Waverunner, bi-fold door. Natural and cause on or be­ f.­ --I~ hauler $130 , 000. 29', weatherized, like excellent condition, gas heat, office, bath­ fore the expiration of I~~ ) • 30 days from the date Find It in 541-389-2636. LOW hours. Double n ew, f u rnished & room Parking for 6 ready to go, incl Wine­ c ars. A d jacent t o of the first publication The Bulletin Classifieds! trailer, lots of extras. ard S a t ellite dish, Open Road 2004 37' w/ $10,000 Frontage Rd; g reat of this summons. The 541-385-5809 il ir of first publica­ 26,995. 541-420-9964 541-719-8444 3 slides W/D hook-up, visibility for a viation date tion in this matter is Irg LR w/rear window bus. 1jetjock@q.corn HD Screaming Eagle O ctober 7, 2012. I f CAL LW & desk area. $19,750 541-948-21 26 Electra Glide 2005, Ads published in "Wa­ you fail timely to ap­ T ODAY % obo. 541-280-7879 tercraft" include: Kay­ 103" motor, two tone pear an d a n s wer, Viking Tent t railer aks, rafts and motor­ Immaculate! candy teal, new tires, Plaintiff will apply to personal Beaver Coach Marquis 2 008, c lean, s e l f 23K miles, CD player, ized the abo v e -entitled contained, sleeps 5, watercrafts. For hydraulic clutch, ex­ 40' 1987. New cover, court for t h e r e lief easy to tow, great " boats" please s e e cellent condition. new paint (2004), new cond. $5200, obo. prayed for in its com­ Class 870. Highest offer takes it. inverter (2007). Onan 541-383-7150. plaint. This is a judi­ 541-385-5809 541-480-8080. 6300 watt gen, 111K mi, ONLY 1 OWNERSHIP cial foreclosure of a Pilgrim 27', 2007 5th parked covered $35,000 SHARE LEFT! deed of trust in which Honda Elite 80 2001, obo. 541-419-9859 or wheel, 1 s lide, AC, Economical flying in the Plaintiff requests 1400 mi., absolutely 541-280-2014 TV,full awning, excel­ iia <I your ow n C e s sna that the Plaintiff be I/i ~~a = like new., comes w/ lent shape, $23,900. 172/180 HP for only allowed to foreclose I' carrying rack for 2" 541-350-8629 $ 10,000! Based a t y our interest in t he receiver, ideal for use BDN. Call Gabe at following d e s cribed Weekend Warrior Toy w/motorhome, $995, Professional Air! r eal property: L OT Hauler 28' 2007, Gen, 541-546-6920 ~ 541 - 388-0019 ~ TWO (2), BLOC K fuel station, exc cond. THIRTY-ONE sleeps 8, black/gray (31), Sea Kayaks - His & Monaco Dynasty 2004, DESCHUTES RIVER Softail Deluxe Hers, Eddyline Wind loaded, 3 slides, die­ i nterior, u se d 3X , Trucks 8 RECREATION $24,999. Dancers,17', fiberglass 2010, 805 miles, ct, Reduced — now HOMESITES, INC., Pilgrim In t e rnational Heavy Equipment 541-389-91 88 boats, all equip incl., Black Chameleon. 119,000, 5 4 1 -923­ UNIT 4, DES­ 2005, 36' 5th Wheel, paddies, personal flo­ $17,000 Model¹M-349 RLDS-5 CHUTES C O UNTY, tation devices,dry bags, 8572 or 541-749-0037 Call Don I O REGON . Com ­ Fifth Wheels • Fall price $ 2 1,865. spray skirts, roof rack w/ m only k n own a s : 541-41 0-3823 541-312-4466 towers & cradles — Just I 17007 Jacinto Road, Bighorn 2008 3400RL add water, $1250/boat '~7p­ 37' fireplace, 3 slides, Bend, Oregon 97707. Firm. 541-504-8557. r NOTICE TO DEFEN­ king bed, upgrades Sevylor Super Caravelle L~ Diamond Reo Dump DANTS: READ $30,000 /Boats 8 Accessories 6-person raft, high-pres­ Southwind 35.5' Triton, Truck 19 7 4, 12 -14 T HESE PAPE R S 541-81 5-7220 sure inflator, oars, etc. 2008,V10, 2 slides, Du­ yard box, runs good, CAREFULLY! A law­ $200. 541-593-3619 17' 1984 Chris Craft pont UV coat, 7500 mi. $6900, 541-548-6812 suit has been started Regal Prowler AX6 Ex­ — Scorpion, 140 HP Bought new at a gainst you i n t h e 880 treme Edition 38' '05, $132,913; inboard/outboard, 2 above-entitled c o u rt Motorhomes 4 slides,2 fireplaces, all asking $93,500. depth finders, troll­ by OneWest Bank, maple cabs, king bed/ Call 541-419-4212 ing motor, full cover, FSB, Plaintiff. bdrm separated w/slide ! EZ — Load trailer, Plaintiff's claims are glass dr,loaded, always Carri-Lite Luxury 2009 $3500 OBO. stated in the written , "@-NII by Carriage, 4 slide­ garaged, lived in only 3 541-382-3728. mo,brand new $54,000, Econoline t raile r complaint, a copy of outs, inverter, satel­ still like new, $28,500, 1 6- Ton 29 ' B ed , which was filed with lite sys, fireplace, 2 abo v e -entitled will deliver,see rvt.corn, w/fold up ramps, elec. the flat screen TVs. ad¹4957646 for pics. 17' Seaswirl 1988 Country Coach Intrigue brakes, P i n tlehitch, Court. You must "ap­ $60,000. Winnebago Class C 27' pear" in this case or Gory, 541-580-7334 $4700, 541-548-6812 open bow, r ebuilt 2002, 40' Tag axle. 541-480-3923 the other side will win 400hp Cummins Die­ 1992, Ford 460 V8,64K Chevy V6 e ngine, Roadranger 27' 1993, automatically. To ECK YO new uph o lstery, sel. tw o s l ide-outs. mi., good cond., $7000 A/C, awning, sleeps 6, G R E A T "appear" you must file 4 1,000 m iles, n e w OBO 541-678-5575 $4500 or best offer. exc. cond., used little, with the court a legal 707-688-4523 tires & batteries. Most $4,495 OBO. paper called a "mo­ options.$95,000 OBO 541-389-8963 Hyster H25E, runs • T r a vel Trailers • tion" or "answer." The 541-678-5712 well, 2982 Hours, "motion" or "answer" People Look for Information $3500, call Aljo 24' 1989, double must be given to the Please check your ad About Products and 541-749-0724 b unk + s o f a b e d , court clerk or admin­ on the first day it runs Services Every Day through $2900. 541-447-2222 istrator within 30 days to make sure it is cor­ The BulletinClassiNeds Qf of the date o f f i rst rect. Sometimes i~ publication specified structions over tha 18.5' '05 Reinell 185, V-6 herein along with the SPRINTER 36' 2005, Econoline RI/ 1 9 89, phone are mis­ Volvo Penta, 270HP, required filing fee. It understood and an error $10,500 obo. Two low hrs., must see, fully loaded, exc. cond, must be i n p r o per slides, sleeps 5, $15,000, 541-330-3939 35K orig. mi., $19,750. Arctic Fox 22-ft 2000, can occur in your ad. Peterbilt 359 p o table form and have proof queen air mattress, Call 541-546-6133. this happens to your ducted AC, Irg frig, roof Ifad, water t r uck, 1 9 9 0, o f service o n t h e small sgl. bed, couch please contact us rack, sofa, dinette, queen 3200 gal. tank, 5hp Plaintiff's attorney or, folds out. 1.5 baths, the first day your ad CAN'T BEAT THIS! bed, like new, $5500 pump, 4-3" h o ses, if the Plaintiff does not 541-382-0865, Look before you appears and we will obo. 541-419-4890 camlocks, $ 2 5 ,000. have a n at t o rney, leave message! 20.5' 2004 Bayliner be happy to fix it buy, below market 541-820-3724 proof of service on the 205 Run About, 220 value! Size & mile­ as soon as we can.• Plaintiff. If you have age DOES matter! If we can assist you, HP, V8, open bow, Take care of any questions, you Class A 32' Hurri­ exc. cond., very fast please call us: should see an attor­ cane by Four Winds, 541-385-5809 • your investments w/very low hours, n ey immediately. I f 2007. 12,500 mi, all lots of extras incl. The Bulletin Classified with the help from y ou need h el p i n amenities, Ford V10, tower, Bimini & finding an a t torney, Taurus 27.5' 1988 Ithr, cherry, slides, Komfort 20' Trailblazer, Just bought a new boat? The Bulletin's custom trailer, 2004, with all the extras, Sell your old one in the Everything works, you may contact the like new! New low $19,500. "Call A Service from new tires & chrome classifieds! Ask about our $1750/partial trade for Oregon State Bar's price, $54,900. 541-389-1413 Super Seller rates! wheels to A/C! $8495. car. 541-460-9127 Lawyer Referral Ser­ 541-548-521 6 Professional" Directory 541-447-3342, Prineville 541-385-5809 v ice onl i n e at www.oregonstatebar. org or by calling (503) 684-3763 ( in t h e Portland metropolitan area) or toll-free else­ where in Oregon at (800) 452-7636. This summons is issued pursuant to ORCP 7. ROUTH CRABTREE OLSEN, P.C. By Chris Fowler, O SB ¹ 052544, Attorneys for Plaintiff, 621 SW Al­ der St., S uite 8 00, Portland, OR 97205, (503) 459-0140; Fax

oQ00 OOO

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• i' a gg

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cfowler@rcolegal.corn LEGAL NOTICE IN T H E CIR C UIT COURT O F THE STATE OF OREGON C OUNTY OF D E S­ CHUTES I N THE M ATTER O F TH E ESTATE OF E STE­ L ENE G RAY, D e ­ c eased. Case N o . 12P B0099. NOT IC E TO INT E RESTED PERSONS. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Herbert L. Stigall has been appointed and has qualified as

Legal Notices •

Legal Notices

the personal repre­ sentative of this es­ tate. All pe r sons having claims against the estate are hereby required to p r esent t heir c l a ims, w i t h proper vouchers, within four (4) months after the date of the first publication of this notice, as stated be­ low, to the personal representative at: 545 NE Seventh Street, Prineville, Or e gon, 97754 or their claims may be barred. All persons whose rights may be affected by t he proceedings i n this estate may ob­ tain additional infor­ mation f r o m the records of the Court, the personal repre­ sentative, or the attor­ ney for the personal representative. DATED: October 3, 2012. PER S ONAL REPRESENTATIVE: Herbert L. Stigall, 911 NE Stoneridge Loop, Prineville, OR 97754. ATTORNEY FO R PERSONAL REPRE­ SENTATIVE: Carl M. Dutli, OSB No. 74085, 5 45 NE Sev e n th Street, Prineville, OR

(30) days from the date of first publica­ t ion of t h i s s u m ­ mons. If you fail to appear and defend, the plaintiff will ap­ ply to the court for the relief demanded in th e c o mplaint. The complaint filed a gainst you is f o r breach of contract, negligence, specific

p erformance a n d injunctive relief and for monetary dam­ ages. NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: READ THESE PA­ PERS CARE­ FULLY. You must "appear" in this case or the other side will win a u tomatically. To "appear" you m ust file with t he court a legal docu­ ment called a "mo­ tion" or "answer." The "motion" or "an­ swer" must be given to the court clerk or administrator within

thirty (30) days of the date of first pub­ lication sp e c ified herein along w ith the required filing f ee. It must be i n p roper form a n d have proof of ser­ 97754, 541-447-3910. vice on the plaintiff's First Published: Octo­ a ttorney or i f t h e ber 7, 2012. p laintiff does n o t have an a t torney, LEGAL NOTICE IN T H E CI R C UIT proof of service on COURT O F THE the plaintiff. If you STATE OF OREGON have any questions, you should see an FOR THE COUNTY attorney im m edi­ OF DESCHUTES. In the Matter of the Es­ ately. If you need help in finding an tate of: JAMES ROY you may TYE, Deceased. Case attorney, No. 12 PB 0098. NO­ contact the Oregon T ICE T O INT E R ­ State Bar's Lawyer Referral Service on­ ESTED P E RSONS. line at www.oregon­ NOTICE IS HEREBY s tatebar.org or b y GIVEN that the u n­ (503) dersigned has been calling 84-3763 (i n t h e a ppointed a s Pe r ­ 6Portland sonal Representative. tan area) metropoli­ or toll-free All persons h aving lsewhere i n O r ­ c laims against t h e e gon a t (800) estate are required to e DATE OF p resent them, w i th 452-7636. FIRST P U B LICA­ proper vouchers at­ tached, to the under­ TION: S e ptember signed Personal Rep­ 23, 2012. Steven E. Rich, OSB ¹80099, resentative in care of County Legal Coun­ Max Merrill of Merrill sel, Attorney for O' Sullivan, LLP, 805 Plaintiff, SW Industrial Way. S uite 5, B e nd, O R pellison @co.jose­ 97702, within four (4) phine.or.us months after the date LEGAL NOTICE of first publication of The regular meeting this notice, or t hey of the Board of Di­ may be barred. All rectors of th e D es­ persons whose rights chutes County Rural may he affected by Fire Protection Dis­ the proceedings may trict ¹2 will be held on obtain additional in­ Tuesday, October 9, f ormation from t h e 2012 at 11:30 a.m. at records of the court, the conference room the Personal Repre­ of the North Fire Sta­ sentative, or the attor­ tion, 63377 Jamison ney for the Personal St., Bend, OR. Items Representative. Dated on the a genda i n­ and first p u blished clude: t h e f ire de­ September 30, 2012. partment report, the M ICHAEL W. T Y E . Project Wildfire report, Personal Representa­ an update of the sta­ tive: Michael W. Tye, tus of an annexation 62465 Powell Butte feasibility study and a Highway, Bend, OR presentation o n a 97701, Phone (541) proposed c o n fined 389-1653. Attorney for space training prop. Personal Representa­ The meeting location tive: Max Merrill, OSB is accessible to per­ ¹71002, Merrill sons with disabilities. O' Sullivan, LLP, 805 A request for inter­ SW Industrial Way, preter for the hearing S uite 5, B e nd, O R impaired or for other 97702, Phone: (541) accommodations for 389-1770, Fax: (541) person with disabili­ 3 89-1777, Emai l : ties should be made maxcmernll-osullrvan.corn at least 48 hrs. before the meeting to: Tom LEGAL NOTICE Fay 54 1 - 318-0459. IN THE C I RCUIT TTY 800-735-2900. C OURT O F T H E STATE O F OR­ LEGAL NOTICE E GON FOR T H E The T i llicum V i llage C OUNTY OF J O ­ Homeowners A s so­ SEPHINE. J O S E­ ciation is required by PHINE COUNTY, a a greement with t h e political subdivision City of Bend to con­ of the State of Or­ vert its non-potable ir­ egon, Plaintiff, vs. rigation system to the PEPSI COLA BOT­ potable City w a t er TLING COM P A NY system by April 2015. OF MED F O RD, The Tillicum Village INC., now known as Board of Directors is P EPSI COLA O F s eeking b id s f r o m CORVALLIS, INC., qualified irrigation de­ an Oregon corpora­ sign and construction LAMP­ tion; contractors t o de­ LIGHTER L IGHT­ velop plans for this ING A N D S I G N, conversion complete INC., a n O r e gon with spe c ifications corporation; and and cost estimates. LED TEC H NOL­ The successful bider OGY USA, INC., a will also be required to Washington corpo­ provide installation of ration, Defendants. the approved plan. Case No. A pre-bid meeting will 1 2CV0551. S U M ­ be held for all inter­ MONS. TO:DUANE ested bidders at the CHRISTENSEN, Deschutes Downtown Registered A gent, Bend L i b rary on LAMPLIGHTER Wednesday, October LIGHTING & SIGN, 10, 2012. from 6:00 INC., a n O r e gon p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Site corporation, Defen­ visits are encouraged dant. IN THE NAME both prior and after OF THE STATE OF the pre-bid meeting. OREGON: You are Questions may be di­ hereby required to rected to the Chair­ appear and defend man of the Tillicum the complaint filed Village Water Conver­ against you in the sion Committee, Deak above-entitled P reble a t (541) cause within thirty 388-3366.







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The Bulletin


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Antique 6 Classic Autos





Sport Utility Vehicles •




Automobiles •

Automo b iles

Chevy custom conver­ Hyundai Elantra 2012, sion travel van 1994 Leather, moonroof, 128k, 5.7L, rear elect. Nav., Blue tooth. bed, 75% tires. a real Vin ¹217938. $21,995. International Fla t 60ATS 8 RVs AUTOS 8TRANSPORTATION beauty in & out! Travel VW Karman Ghia Bed Pickup 1963, 1 908 - Aircraft, Parts and Service in economy and style 805 - Misc. Items 1970, good cond., S UB A R U . ton dually, 4 s pd. new upholstery and miles. $12,000. and under $ 4 0000. W inter snow & ice i s 916Trucks and Heavy Equipment trans., great MPG, 850 - Snowmodiles 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend coming — you should 541-419-4890. Bob, 541-318-9999 convertible top could be exc. wood 860 - Motorcycles And Accessories 925 - Utility Trailers 877-266-3821 have this AWD 2006 $10,000. hauler, runs great, 927 - Automotive Trades Dlr ¹0354 865 - ATVs Subaru Outback! 4-cyl, 541-389-2636 new brakes, $1950. Hummer H2 2003, auto, 929 Automotive Wanted fully automatic, AC, CD, 870 - Boats 8 Accessories • Au t o mobiles 541-419-5480. 4X4, premium wheels, 931 - Automotive Parts, Service Have an item to cruise, elect. windows, 875 - Watercraft 3rd seat, leather, grill locks, mirrors, tilt, all op­ 54 Cabriolet 2005 and Accessories sell quick? guard, lots of extras. Audi 880 - Motorhomes tions except l e ather. 932 - Antique and Classic Autos Vin ¹113566. 49K mi, red w/charcoal Heated seats, low miles If it's under 881 - Travel Trailers interior, 2 sets tires, $17,988. 933 - Pickups (111K), garaged, used exc c on d $1 9 950 882 - Fifth Wheels '500 you can place it in International Fla t 935 - Sport Utility Vehicles S UB A R U . only to take her 80-year firm. 541-350-5373. 885 - Canopies and Campers Bed Pickup 1963, 1 old girls sightseeing in 940 - Vans The Bulletin VW Thing 1974, good ton dually, 4 s pd. 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend B MW 5 2 8 iT a 19 9 9 beautiful Tetons & Yel­ 890 - RV's for Rent 975 - Automodiles cond. Extremely Rare! trans., great MPG, Classifieds for: 877-266-3821 lowstone Park! New tires Sport Wagon — Fully Only built in 1973 & could be exc. wood Dlr ¹0354 & timing belt; perfect loaded. Call for de­ 932 1974. $8,000. hauler, runs great, condition, not a scratch. 51 0 - 909-8085 '10 - 3 lines, 7 days J eep L i b erty 2 0 0 7 , tails, Utility Trailers Antique 6 541-389-2636 new brakes, $1950. Nav., 4x4 , l e ather, cell (live i n B end). '16- 3 lines, 14 days $11,500. See & drive at Classic Autos 541-419-5480. 541-604-4494 $4,000 or best offer. loaded. Moonroof. (Private Party ads only) Vin ¹646827. $13,988. Subaru Outback Pickups Buicks! 1996 Regal, Call The Bulletin At 87k; 1997 LeSabre, Jeep Grand Cherokee W agon 2 0 07 , 2. 5 S UB A R U . Big Tex Landscap 541-385-5809 112k; and others! 1970 Ford pickup and Limited 2 0 05, fully manual, alloy wheels, ing/ ATI/ Trailer, You' ll not find nicer c amper, an d 1 9 9 0 Place Your Ad Or E-Mail 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend loaded, sunroof, AWD. Vin ¹ 3 35770. dual axle flatbed, 877-266-3821 Ford pickup. both 3/4 At: www.bendbulletin.corn Buicks $3500 & up. heated leather seats, $16,999. 7'x16', 7000 lb. Dlr ¹0354 One look's worth a ton, As is. Also 1980 new tires, G PS, al­ GVW, all steel, S UBA R U . Chevy C-20 P i ckup Ford Gaiaxi e 5001 963, thousand words. Call Yamaha 850 XS low ways garaged, 127K 1 $1400. 1969, all orig. Turbo 44; 2 dr. hardtop, fastback, miles. $650 E A CH! Bob, 541-318-9999. owner miles, maint. 2060 N E Hwy 20 • Bend 541-382-4115, or auto 4-spd, 396, model 390 v8,auto, pwr. steer & 541-389-5226 for an appt. and take a r ecords, $9900 , 877-266-3821 541-280-7024. CST /all options, orig. radio (orig),541-419-4989 drive in a 30 mpg. car 541-593-9908. Dlr ¹0354 owner, $24,000, Check out the Ford Mustang Coupe Cadillac CTS S e dan Lexus LS400 S edan classifieds online Continental Express 17' 541-923-6049 1966, original owner, RAM 2500 2003, 5.7L 2007, 29K, auto, exc. cargo trailer w /ramp, 1999, loaded leather, Toyota Camry's­ V8, automatic, great www.bendbuiietin.corn hemi V8, hd, auto, cruise, Jeep Willys 1947,custom, cond, loaded, $17,900 moonroof, p r emium 1984, 2007, g o o d sh a p e. small block Chevy, PS, OBO, 541-549-8828 Updated daily $ 12 0 0 shape, $9000 OBO. am/fm/cd. $8400 obro. wheels, lo w m i l es, $3500. 541-536-4299 530-51 5-81 99 541-420-3634 /390-1 285 OD, mags+ trailer. Swap OBO, 1985 $1400 very cl e an . Vin for backhoe. No am calls Cadillac Ei Dor a do OBO, 1986 parts S ubaru B aj a Tu r b o please. 541-389-6990 1994, T otal c r e a m ¹145798. $12,999. car, $500; call for Ford Ranchero Automotive Parts, Pickup 2006, manual, S UB A R U . puff, body, paint, trunk Lexus RX 350 2010 details, 1979 AWD, leather, pre­ AWD. Service & Accessories 1980 Chevy C30, 16K as showroom, blue Loaded, 25k mi. 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend 541-548-6592 with 351 Cleveland mium wheels, moon­ original miles, 400 cu in, leather, $1700 wheels ¹035773. $37,288 877-266-3821 modified engine. roof, tonneau cover. (2) studded tires used 1 auto, 4WD, winch. $7000 w/snow tires although Dlr ¹0354 Body is in 1999 Ford F250 XLT Vin ¹103218. season, LT235/75-15, obo. 541-389-2600 car has not been wet T oyota C a mry X L E excellent condition, Super Duty S u p er $1 4,788. $150. 5 4 1 -325-3451 in 8 years. On trip to Mitsubishi 3 00 0 1994 V6, 4 dr, leather GT Oregon $2500 obo. Cab. V10, 6.8L, auto, Warm Springs. Boise avg. 28.5 mpg., 1 999, a u to., p e a rl interior, AM/FM radio S UB A R U . ggSt • 541-420-4677 4x4, 90k miles, AC, Autogource $5400, 541-593-4016. CD/Tape player, sun­ w hite, very low m i . winch, grille, many ex­ 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend 541-598-3750 Find exactly what roof, a uto., p s / pb, $9500. 541-788-8218. tras, 2 extra tailgates aaaoregonautosource.corn 877-266-3821 c ruise, A / C , ver y you are looking for in the Cadillac Seville STS and 5th wheel set-up. Ford T-Bird 1966 Dlr ¹0354 N issan Armada S E 2003 — just finished clean, great condition, $9900 541-317-0554. CLASSIFIEDS 390 engine, power $3150. 541-593-2134 2 007, 4 W D , a u t o , $4900 engine work Chevy Wagon 1957, 935 Vehicle? everything, new 4-dr., complete, l eather, D VD , C D . by Certified GM me­ Call The Bulletin paint, 54K original L ike new, over 9 0 % $15,000 OBO, trades, Sport Utility Vehicles Toyotas: 1999 Avalon Vin¹700432. $14,788. chanic. Has every­ and place an ad to­ miles, runs great, tread, set of 4 tires on 254k; 1996 Camry, call thing but navigation. day! rims, Federal Formoza please excellent cond. in & @ggSUBARU. 98k, 4 cyl. Lots of 541-420-5453. Too many bells and Ask about our 205/65Rx15, $200. out. Asking $8,500. miles left in these 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend w histles t o l i s t . "Whee/ Deal" ! Excellent set of 4 stud­ Chrysler 30 0 C o u pe 541-480-3179 cars. Price? You tell bought a new one. 877-266-3821 for private party ded Goodyear t ires, me! I'd guess Ford 250 XL T 1 9 90, 1967, 44 0 e n g ine, $6900 firm. Dlr ¹0354 advertisers used 1 season, 175/70R auto. trans, ps, air, $2000-$4000. XTR, hyd. 6 yd. dump 541-420-1 283 — -I x13, $200 541-317-4803 Your servant, Bob at b ed, 1 3 9 k , Au t o , frame on rebuild, re­ Buick Enclave 2008 CXL 541-318-9999, no $5800, 541-41 0-9997 Snow tires,16" studded, painted original blue, AWD, V-6, black, clean, Chevy Aveo 2007, charge for looking. on 2007 Volvo wheels, original blue interior, mechanicall y sound, 82k Auto, A/C. $650, 5 4 1-382-4029 original hub caps, exc. miles. $23,900. Volvo V50 WGN 2006, Vin ¹055383. $8,175. chrome, asking $9000 or 541-408-2331, Call 541-815-1216 6-spd, T6 AWD, black, or ma k e offe r . GMC Vi ton 1971, Only Ford F250 XLT 4x4 S UB A R U . 90K m i . , $ 1 2 ,500, Winter is coming!! Porsche Cayenne 2004, 541-385-9350. $1 9,700! Original low L ariat, 1990, r e d , Chevy Tahoe 1500 LS 541-382-4675 86k, immac, dealer 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend We have 4 Hankook mile, exceptional, 3rd 80K original miles, 2 004, a u t o , 4X4 , 225/70R16 studded maint'd, loaded, now owner. 951-699-7171 4" lift with 39's, well Vin ¹216330. $9,999. 877-266-3821 Look at: $17000. 503-459-1580 snow tires mounted Dlr ¹0354 maintained, $ 4 000 Bendhomes.corn on spare rims. The ~ S U B A R U . obo. 541-419-5495 Porsche 911 1974, low for Complete Listings of Chrysler SD 4-Door tires are 2 seasons mi., complete motor/ 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend old and in great con­ 1930, CD S R oyal Mercury trans. rebuild, tuned Area Real Estate for Sale M o n terrey 877-266-3821 Standard, 8-cylinder, dition. Fits Toyota Toyota 4Runner suspension, int. & ext. 1965, Exc. All original, Dlr ¹0354 Highlander or like body is good, needs refurb., oi l c o o ling, VW Golf TDI 2001 4WD 1986, auto, some r e s toration, 4-dr. sedan, in stor­ vehicle. Asking $180 Chevy Tahoe LS 2001 2 dr., needs work shows new in & out, age last 15 yrs., 390 Silver, will go fast, runs, taking bids, (541) 480-4440 4x4. 120K mi, Power perf. m e ch. c o n d. great fuel economy, High Co m pression 541-383-3888, ChryslerSebring 2006 $995, Much more! seats, Tow Pkg, 3rd engine, new tires & li­ runs good 192,000 541-815-3318 Fully loaded, exc.cond, $28,000 541-420-2715 541-923-7384 c ense, reduced t o Ford Ranger 1999, 4x4, row s eating, e x tra miles. $5000. very low miles (38k), Antique 6 tires, CD, privacy tint­ $2850, 541-410-3425. 541-233-9517 always garaged, 7 1K, X- c a b , X L T, ing, upgraded rims. TURN THE PAGE Classic Autos 940 Redmond/Bend a uto, 4 . 0L , $ 7 9 00 Fantastic cond. $7995 transferable warranty For More Ads OBO. 541-388-0232 Vans incl. $8600 Contact Tim m at 541-330-4087 541-408-2393 for info The Bulletin WHEN YOU SEE THIS or to view vehicle. Chevy Astro Ford Focus 2008, SES, PORSCHE 914 1974, Cargo Van 2001, ~OO auto, cruise, pw/pdl. FIAT 1800 1978, 5-spd, Roller (no e ngine), pw, pdl, great cond., Vin ¹247127. $11,995. OrePiXatBendbuletii COm door panels w/flowers Plymouth B a r racuda lowered, full roll cage, M business car, well On a classified ad & hummingbirds, Chev Corvair Monza con­ 1966, original car! 300 5-pt harnesses, rac­ S UB A R U . Ford Exc u rsion m aint, regular o i l go to vertible,1964, new top & white soft top & hard hp, 360 V8, center­ Ford Super Duty F-250 ing seats, 911 dash & c hanges, $4 5 0 0 , 2005, 4WD, diesel, tranny, runs great, exlnt top. Just reduced to lines, (Original 273 2001, 4X4, $7900 OBO 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend instruments, d e cent www.bendbulletin.corn exc. cond., $18,900, please call to view additional cruising car! $5500 obo. $3,750. 541-317-9319 eng & wheels incl.) 877-266-3821 trades considered. shape, v e r y c o ol! call 541-923-0231. 541-633-51 49 541-420-5205 or 541-647-8483 541-593-2597 541-815-9939 photos of the item. Dlr ¹0354 $1699. 541-678-3249 •

GMC Denali 2003 loaded with options. Exc. cond., snow tires and rims in­ cluded. 130k hwy






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Editorials, F2 Commentary, F3 Books, F4-6 THE BULLETIN • SUNDAY, OCTOBER 7, 2012

Os www.bendbulletin.corn/opinion



Plans for the election ard as it is to imagine,


Campaign 2012 is in the homestretch. Historically, election campaigns be­ gan after Labor Day and ran for weeks. Now, they seem to run forever. One widely held view is that Presi­ dent Obama, if he wins re-election, will effectively secure a new, two-year term ofoffice. The thinking is that once the off­ year elect ions of2014 are over,w e will be in another presidential cycle and the Democrats, without a fore­ ordained standard bearer, will be joining the Republicans in a two-year, mad scramble for a nominee. Given that, the thinking goes, all real progress in our governmental lives will be on hold. After all, no viable potential can­ didate would, in that political Dodge City, dare to stick his issue head out the saloon door. That circumstance is real, sad and regrettable, but likely true. All this is prologue to a column I have written every election year, the theme of which is that, no matter how elongated or infuriating, national politics count, people with the best of intentions run for office, and we need to listen, con­ sider and vote. That's also true for the less glamorous, but no less important, local and state races. While The Bulletin will give you the major stories of the national election, our special province is state and local. So what are we going to do between now and Election Day? We have one overriding obligation. And that is to give you enough in­ formation to cast an informed vote. We started that process weeks ago, and have published campaign stories, sometimes several, every day since. And with good reason. Out-of-state ballots will be mailed tomorrow. The rest will be in the mail between Oct. 19 and Oct. 23. Election Day is Nov.6. Another important date to keep in mind is Oct. 16. It is the voter registra­ tion deadline. The Bulletin editorial board has been interviewing candidates and ad­ vocates ofballot measures, and we' ll publish endorsements in all contested races and recommendations on mea­ sures before Oct. 19. We' ll also publish responses from those we do not endorse and those measures we do not support. Our reporters will look at candidate backgrounds, campaign funds and expenditures, as well as positions on major issues. In addition, we' ll publish a cam­ paign calendar, a place for candidates to say where and when the public can meet and listen to them. To get in the calendar, however, the event must be free and open to the public. The questions most often asked con­ cern our editorial recommendations. We take them very seriously. By "we" I mean the editorial board, which has seven members. First, we interview the contesting candidatesand representatives of both sides of an issue. And then we measure their views against ours. Assuming no great personal flaw in the individual candidate, we endorse those who agree with us on our issues. I have been doing this for a long time and I don't know another intel­ lectually honest way. The alternative approach is to back a candidate or issue, not because she or it is consistent with our views, but because they simply represent a per­ sonal preference. The inevitable result of that is a brand of editorial schizophrenia not worthy of consideration. We also want to make sure that your voice is heard, so we will publish letters and commentaries from local citizens. We will do our level best, but space in the newspaper is not infinite and we cannot guarantee everyone will be published. First come, first served is the order of the day, so please abide by the rules published on the editorial page inside and submit your view as early as you can. And then make sure you vote. — John Costa is editor-in-chief of The Bulletin. Contact: 541-383-0337, jcostaC<bendbulletin.corn



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By William j. Broad • NewtYork Times News Service

or more than 50 years, physicists have been eager to achieve controlled fusion, an elusive goal that could potentially offer a boundlessand inexpensive source ofenergy. To do so, U.S. scientists have built a giant

far, it has not worked. Congress, which would need to allocate more money to keep the project alive, is going to want some explanations. '%'e didn't achieve the goal," said Donald

laser, now the size of a football stadium, that

Cook, an official at the National Nudear Security

takes target practice on specks of fuel smaller

Administration who oversees the laser project

than peppercorns.The device, operating since

Rather than predicting when it might succeed,

1993,has so far costtaxpayers more than $5

he said, "we' re going to settle into a serious

billion, making it one of the most expensive

investigation" of what caused the unforeseen snags.

federally financed science projects ever. But so

See Fusion /F6

Miniscule target This tiny capsule of hydrogen fuel is compressed, heated and ignited by blasts of concentrated light from the giant laser at the Lawrence Livermore Laboratory in California. Physicists are eager to achieve controlled fusion but have met with little success. They will have to offer Congress some explanations if they are to get more money to keep the project alive. INSIDE:How does the giant laser work? Find out onPage F6.


BOOKS INSIDE SCHWARZENEGGER:His memoir is not a 'tell-all,' F4

'SON': Lois Lowry returns to the ideas in 'TheGiver,' F4

BACH: Paul Elie attempts to tra ce composer's path, F5

HOMES: A sour and sweet story in suburbia, F6



The Bulletin


e oi


on el, o ne




Pah tither


Editor-in- Chief Edi tor of Edaori als





ne of the most significant economic and educa­ 0

tional changes for Bend's future is transforming


Oregon State University-Cascades Campus into a


four-year institution. There are many people responsi­ ble for how far the campus has come. But in the last legislative session, no­ body was more important than state Rep. Jason Conger. He is now seek­ ing the opportunity to return to Sa­ lem and fight to get the campus the money it needs to purchase buildings. Voters should re-elect Conger for another term. It's hard to find a sliver of day­ light between Conger, a Republi­ can, and his opponent, Democrat Nathan Hovekamp, in terms of sup­ port for the campus expansion. But one critical question is: Who has a proven track record of success for OSU-Cascades at the state level'J That's Conger. He got it done. Of course, the contest for the House District 54 seat is about more than OSU-Cascades. The overriding state issue is that it does not have enough money to do ev­ erything. Conger and Hovekamp offer competing approaches. Nei­ ther strikes us as a party ideo­ logue, but you can get a fairly clear sense of how they differ from the following issues. Conger fought to extend the state's enterprise zones, which gives businesses a tax incentive to expand or locate in Oregon. That program is part of the reason why companies such as Facebook and Apple decid­ ed to locate in Central Oregon. Hovekamp is not opposed to en­ terprise zones, but he believes their best use is to promote development infill and help distressed areas. Conger supports a gradual elim­ ination of the state inheritance tax as contained in Ballot Measure 84. Hovekamp does not — at this time. Conger says Oregon's relative­ ly high capital gains tax makes the state less competitive when compet­ ing for investments and business. Hovekamp does not favor reduc­

ing the tax — at this time. Hovekamp does support Ballot Measure 85, which says it would di­ vert the corporate kicker money to K-12 public education. Conger says he is "agnostic" on the issue and does not believe it would be much of a financial advan­ tage to schools. He would be sup­ portive of a more comprehensive tax effort, which would consider ways to provide more stable fund­ ing and incentives to make Oregon more competitive for businesses. So theConger/Hovekamp choice is in those ways a shading of the con­ ventional Republican/Democratic philosophical divide. They also have different professional backgrounds. Conger is an attorney. Hovekamp has been an instructor at the college level, including at Central Oregon Community College. Hovekamp has served the public before on the Bend Planning Com­ mission and on the school board of Bend-La Pine Schools. What does not speak well for him, though, is that he abruptly announced in June 2008 that he was leaving the school board at the beginning of a meeting and walked out. Board members were bewildered. It was a complete­ ly unprofessional exit. Conger, on the other hand, is a proven voice for Central Oregon. He has the political skill and the record in the Legislature to make things happen for this district. He has invaluable experience as a leg­ islator that Hovekamp does not. Conger showed a willingness to work across the aisle with Demo­ cratic Gov. John Kitzhaber on health care reform and education reform and now on medical mal­ practice reforms. He was one of the few legislators to show any sort of leadership in reform of the state' s pension system. Vote for Conger.

Noise ordinancechanges deserve another hearing o matter how Bend's noise ordinance is set there will be those who argue it goes a decibel too far. But since the or­ dinance just went on the books this summer, the City Council is certainly doing the right thing to give those concerned about the or­ dinance a hearing. The council adopted the new ordinance after the city received complaints about concerts and events. It then set up meetings with community representatives. The ordinance it came up with included a provision that protects the con­ certs at Les Schwab Amphitheater, raised permitted decibel levels for certain violations, and also includ­ ed an escalating penalty for repeat violator s.


If you happened to listen to the individuals who testified before the council Wednesday night, they raised what appeared to be valid questions. Should a decibel meter reading be required before a fine is issuedJ Is it right that the amphitheater, though not specifically named, gets a special privilege under the ordinances Does the cost of the violations escalate too quicklyD Is a requirement for a noise per­ mit 45 days in advance excessive' The council tried to find a bal­ ance in the new ordinance. It could use specific suggestions for how it should be changed before its Oct. 17 meeting.

M Nickel's Worth Causes of invasive weeds The Sept. 28 article in The Bulle­ tin titled "Spraying away" highlight­ ed efforts by the Deschutes National Forest to control invasive plants with herbicides. Invasive plants are among the biggest threat to our pub­ lic lands. However, weeds are not dropped from spaceships. Activities like road building, logging and livestock graz­ ing are among the major factors that contribute to the establishment and spread of weeds. Yet in the entire article there was not one mention of these factors that spread weeds. It is like writing an article about the growing problem of diabetes and never mentioning how obesity contributes to the epidemic. Road building to facilitate timber harvest, combined with th e d i s­ turbance of soil and native ground cover by logging equipment, creates perfect sites for weed establishment. Thus logging and thinning of our forestsis one of the major causes of the spread of weeds, but it is sel­ dom counted as a "cost" of logging activities. Cattle are yet another source of weed invasion. Hooves break up the soil crust that otherwise protect soils from invasive seed establish­ ment. Weed seeds are transported from place to place by cattle. And grazing b y l i v estock on more desirable native plants weak­ ens these plants, putting them at a competitive disadvantage against weeds. In any cost-benefit analysis of proposed activities on public lands, the Forest Service needs to include weed control costs, not only spray­

ing costs, but the loss of native veg­ etation, soil erosion, loss of forage for native animals and so forth that result from weeds. George Wuerthner Bend

Vote no on park bond I' ll vote no on the Bend Park 8 Recreation District's $29 m illion bond proposal. Here's why: First, the park district's argument for timing the proposal is problem­ atic. The economy is stagnant, says the park district, so the improve­ ments could be accomplished at relatively low cost. But the same forces making this a good time for bargains also make it a bad time for taxpayers. Paradoxically, the best time to undertake public projects is the worst time to bump property taxes. The proposal would increase the district's annual pay-in from taxpayers by about 16 percent for about 21 years, according to their calculations — $48 per year on a property with $200,000 assessed value or about $1,000 during the life of the bonds. Second, the park d i strict h as demonstrated that it can accomplish substantial projects within its statu­ tory assessment of $1.461 per $1,000 assessed value. Over time, the dis­ trict can reserve money for the bond issue's special purposes. Two examples of recent park dis­ trict projects that involved no bond issues: In 2004, the district began re­ serving funds to build its new offic­ es. Within five years, by July 2009, the agency had built the edifice for almost $7 million. Less than two years later, in March 2011, the dis­

trict was able to put together from its own reserve funds and from grants and contributions the $1.8 million needed to buy the Miller's Landing Park property. Taxpayers must live within their limited means. So must the park district. John Bowers Bend

Stuck with bad art Some worry about being stuck with certain politicians and their policiesfor a few more years. I worry that the people of Bend may be stuck with bad art for the rest of their lives. We were recently asked to select from three examples of "sculpture" for a new roundabout. I thought they all looked like the dog's dinner. Yesterday I read a caption below a picture of a large metal pipe holding up what appears to be a giant whisk welded to a pair of spring washers. According to the story it is called "Kickoff." This "exuberant sculp­ ture" is in Pine Nursery Park and is designed to "celebrate the start of the game." Is this art? Folks who live on the east side of Bend have commented that the west side has better stuff. West hills, fan­ cy houses, tony shops, roundabouts and exclusive grocery stores. No mention of the craptacular art. If the folks on the east side like this new "Springy Thingy," maybe they would like more? Would the west side trade the flaming chicken for a few statues that actually look like something, such as an elk or a horse? Ronald Webber Bend

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In My Viewpolicy How to submit

We welcome your letters. Letters should be limited to one issue, contain Ro more than 250 words and include the writer's signature, phone number and address for verification. We edit letters for brevity, grammar, taste and legal reasons. We reject poetry, personal attacks, form letters, letters submitted elsewhere and those appropriate for other sections of The Bulletin. Writers are limited to one letter or Op-Ed piece every 30 days.

In My View submissions should be between 550 and 650 words, signed and include the writer's phone number and address for verification. We edit submissions for brevity, grammar, taste and legal reasons. We reject those published elsewhere. In My View pieces run routinely in the space below, alternating with national columnists. Writers are limited to one letter or Op-Ed piece every 30 days.

Please address your submission to either My Nickel's Worth or ln My View and send, fax or email them to The Bulletin. Write: My Nickel's Worth / In My View P.O. Box 6020 Bend, OR 97708 Fax: 541-385-5804 Email: bulletin©bendbulletin.corn

Seriously, it will take more than 4 years to fix the economy By Sandy Johnson ven if you' re all-powerful, it' s hard to fix the economy. During this presidential elec­ tion cycle, perhaps the issue of great­ est importance to most voters is the unemployment rate. Since politicians of all stripes (es­ pecially presidents) are ea­ ger to claim credit when the economy isbooming and the unem­ ployment rate is low, they must also accept blame when the opposite is the case. Mitt Romney is running largely on the claim that Barack Obama has failed to boost the economy and re­ duce the stubbornly high unemploy­ ment rate, so Obama should be fired and he, Romney, should be hired to boost employment. Obama, as an ab­ ject failure, deserves the blame, and


Romney, with his business know­ how, will single-handedly turn things around — and pronto. Well, it turns out that individuals, even presidents (or would-be presi­ dents), have little direct control over the unemployment r a te.

challenged Zandi to use his computer model to get unemployment down to 5 percent within four years. The first thing Zandi did was to afix" the U.S. government. HRepubli­ cans and Democrats work together to agree on a long-term plan to deal QEW T h e following is a recap of with the country's debt through a an interview done by Da­ mix of tax increases and spending vid Kestenbaum with Mark cuts." Result: Unemployment drops Zandi for the program "This Ameri­ to 6.1 percent. can Life" on National Public Radio. Then he lowers the price of oil by Mark Zandi is the chief economist $20/barrel and gasoline to $3/gallon at Moody's Analytics (a leading pro­ in his computer model. Result: Unem­ viderof economic data and research), ployment goes down to 6.0 percent. and he has created a computer model Next he "fixes" Europe by mak­ (capable of taking into account 1,700 ing the euro survive and assuming variables) that is intended to show a higher rate of economic growth, so how the economy will perform un­ that Europeans can consume more der a number of different possible U.S. goods. Result: Unemployment is real-world conditions. Kestenbaum reduced to 5.9 percent.

Finally, he boosts home prices by 10 percent, has the banks lend more money, increases consumer outlook to "super confident," cuts the price of oil in half, and assumes dramatic growth in Europe, China and Africa. Result: Even with this "Super Crazy Good" s c enario, u n e mployment drops to 5.2 percent. H According to Zandi, We dug our­ selves a huge hole. It's gonna take a generation to get completely out of it." This is not an encouraging fore­ cast, to say the least, and a number of other economists have said that the type of recession we are in, and its severity, indicate that it will be a number of years before we return to full employment. The Fed, for exam­ ple, just recently predicted that there

would be no significant economic growth in the U.S. at least through nextyear. Of course the Democrats can't ad­ mit this because it would be charac­ terized by Republicans as evidence of Obama's inability to control unem­ ployment directly. And Republicans can't recognize every p r esident's limitations in controlling unemploy­ ment because Romney is promising to turn the economy around and re­ duce unemployment within his first four years in office. But, according to the computer model at Moody's Ana­ lytics, in the event that Romney wins in November, he had better bring a very large, very powerful magic wand with him to the swearing-in ceremony. — Sandy Johnson lives in Bend.




U ICU h e American Left u sed t o champion f r e e e x p ression. We were lectured — correctly — that the price ofbeing repulsed by occasional crude talk and art was worth paying. Only that way could Americans ensure our daily right to criticize those with greater pow­ er and influence whom we found wrong and objectionable. When 1950s comedian Lenny Bruce titillated his audiences with the F-word and crude sex talk, lib­ erals came to his defense. They re­ minded us that vulgar speech is not a crime: The First Amendment was not just designed to protect uplifting expression, but also rarer blasphe­ mous and indecent speech. For liberals, the burning of a flag on campus and the full frontal nudi­ ty of Penthouse magazine were also First Amendment issues. When artist Andres Serrano pho­ tographed a crucifix in a jar with his own urine (" Piss Christ" ), the avant­ garde Left not only protected Ser­ rano's constitutional right to offend millions, but also saw no problem in the U.S. government subsidizing the talentless Serrano's sophomoric obnoxiousness. But the worldview of the Left is s elf-contradictory. One of i t s p et doctrines is multiculturalism — or the idea that non-Western cultures cannot be judged critically by our

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United States — even when Barack Obama is president. And they did not want to admit that their own lax secu­ rity standards, not a film trailer, led to the horrific murders in Libya, or that in an election year their Middle East own i n herently b i ased W estern reset policy is in shambles. standards. No obnoxious American in the Female circumcision or h o n or last half-century — not Larry Flynt, killings in the Muslim world don' t not Daniel Ellsberg, not even Julian merit our attention in the way that Assange — has warranted so much a woman's right to free abortion condemnation for his antics from the pills from her Catholic employer president of the United States, the does in the West. When it comes to secretary of state and the chairman the Middle East, we neither criticize of the Joint Chiefs of Staff as have strongly enough the region's sex­ one crackpot preacher in Florida ism, homophobia or racism, nor do and an inept Coptic film producer. we defend without qualification our O utraged A r ab-Americans i n own notions of free expression as Dearborn, Mich., demonstrated in inherently superior to the habitual favor of anti-blasphemy laws last censorship abroad. week. They demanded an end to any Fear plays a role, too. Champi­ expression that they find religiously oning the right of Andres Serrano offensive — and thereby prove to be to show his degrading pictures of embarrassingly clueless as to why Christ wins liberal laurels. Protect­ many in their communities left their ing novelist Salman Rushdie's cari­ own homelands to come to America catures of Islam might earn death. in the first place. The Obama administration went to The new Egyptian president, Mo­ great lengths to blast — and even ar­ hamed Morsi of the Muslim Broth­ rest — an Egyptian-American Coptic erhood, recently lectured the U.S. Christian for posting on the Internet a on its decadence and wants a global juvenile movie trailer ridiculing Islam ban on the caricaturing of Islam. He, and offending Muslims. After riots too, forgot why he once fled to the across the Middle East and the mur­ United States to be educated, em­ der of the U.S. ambassador in Libya, ployed and to freely say things that American officials did not wish to would have gotten him killed in his concede that radical Islam hates the native Egypt.


Another Egyptian immigrant, fre­ quent CNN and MSNBC guest pun­ dit Mona Eltahawy, recently spray­ painted over a public anti-jihadist poster that she disliked. In her world, defacing public property is OK if by her own standards she judges it of­ fensive. Eltahawy, like the Dearborn protestors, is oblivious to the fact that her self-appointed censorship would soon turn her adopted coun­ try into just the sort of intolerant so­ ciety from which she, too, fled. It is past time for U.S. officials to insist that our traditions and laws apply equally across the board, re­ gardless of where we come from, or what we look like, or the anger and danger we incur from abroad. Schools could do better by cutting back on their multicultural classes and reintroducing study of the U.S. Constitution. All immigrants need to pass a basic test on the Bill of Rights as part of winning citizenship. "Speaking truth to power" is not Sandra Fluke grandstanding to ova­ tions at the Democratic convention on behalf of government-supplied free contraception. It is instead our elected officials reminding rampag­ ing Middle Eastern terrorists and bigots that they will not alter our Constitution — and better not try. — Victor Davis Hanson is a classicist and historian at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University.

Brain science has its day in court at last By Robert M. Sapolsky

aberrant things in the hypothetical criminal: "atypical function" of a cientists and social scientists brain region called the amygdala, and tend to avoid one another. But abnormally low activity of a brain en­ when they pool their exper­ zyme called MAO-alpha. This wasn' t tise, things can get interesting. One just make-believe science. Both ab­ case in point is the growing collabo­ normalities have been implicated by ration between neuroscience and neuroscientists as playing a role in criminology. aggression, and both have been cited This new field (currently referred in court during criminal trials (al­ to by the unfortunate name of "neu­ though at this point the science isn' t rolaw") is premised on a crucial fact: remotelyadvanced enough to accu­ abnormal behavior is the product rately predict violent behavior from of an abnormal brain, and thus if examining amygdaloid function or you are going to make an informed MAO-alpha activity). judgment about the former (espe­ Introducing neurological informa­ cially in the context of the criminal tion like this could potentially gener­ justice system), you'd better know ate two very different subtexts. The something about the latter. A recent first one is tailor-made for a prosecu­ fascinating paper presents a heart­ tor: "The guy's brain is broken and ening advance in this young field. no one can repair it, which means Writing in the journal Science, he is a continued threat and must Lisa Aspinwall and colleagues at the be isolated from society." The other University of Utah examined the ef­ is defense-friendly: "The guy's brain fects of neurobiological knowledge is broken; how can you hold him on sentencing decisions of judges. criminally responsible for behavior In the study, 181 judges were told he cannot control?" about a hypothetical case (based on R ecognizing th e p o tential f o r fact) involving a man convicted of an these divergent reactions, the scien­ appalling violent crime; the judges tists designed their experiment so were asked to decide on a prison that half the judges were told that term for him. the information about the amygdala The information they were given and MAO-alpha hadbeen presented came in two versions. One group in the trial by the prosecution, and of judges was told that the man had the other half were told the defense been diagnosed by a variety of ex­ had introduced it. perts as an incurable "psychopath" The study produced a variety of — a psychiatric label describing a findings. For example, judges were certain kind of predator who has a asked whether, in the process of de­ reptilian, remorseless indifference to ciding on sentencing, they took into the suffering of others. The second account any "aggravating factors" group was given that same informa­ (such as lack of remorse on the man' s tion plus information about what part) that had caused them to length­ specifically scientists had f o und en the sentence. Being informed when they studied the man's brain. that the criminal had something The brain studies turned up two wrong with a part of his brain and Los Angeles Times


with his brain chemistry, whether presented by the prosecution or de­ fense, caused a small increase in the percentage of judges who perceived aggravating factors. Something much more dramatic emerged when judges were asked whether they considered any "miti­ gating factors" (such as mental ill­ ness or lack of control on the man' s part) that led them to shorten the sentence. When the brain informa­ tion came from th e p rosecution, there was no effect on the percent­ age of judges who cited mitigating factors in their decisions (roughly 30 percent). But when the informa­ tion was presented by the defense, it more than doubled the percentage of those citing mitigating factors. In other words, the news that the crimi­ nal had something wrong with his brain had different effects on the judges depending on whether the news was presented by the prosecu­ tion or the defense. As would thus be expected, hear­ ing about brain abnormalities from the defense led toshorter recom­ mended sentences. But along with

that came a truly puzzling finding. Even though judges who were told that the information about the amyg­ dala and MAO-alpha came from the prosecution were less likely to say they were influenced by mitigating factors; those judges still shortened sentences just as much. The differences weren't huge. Without the neurological informa­ tion, the average sentence was 13.9 years; with it, 12.8, a mere 8 percent decrease. But lurking in the study was a truly important finding, a profound one, one that was largely ignored in media reports. When neuroscientific evidence of b r ain anomalies was introduced, judges were three times more likely to cite both aggravating and mitigating fac­ tors — but only when they were told the evidencehad been introduced by the defense. In other words, they grasped that the information was important and necessary to consider when facing the daunting task of making the punishment fit the crime. And they understood the nuance: that even if a crime was rooted in biology and the perpetrator might have commit­ ted acts he could not control, he is no less dangerous to society. It made judges more reflective; it made them think harder about the complexities. We can wish that the judges would have grasped the nuance regardless of which side presented the evi­ dence. But still, as a neuroscientist, I consider the findings an important achievement for my profession. — Robert M. Sapolshy is a professor of neuroscience at Stanford University and the author of "A Primate's Memoir," among other boolzs. He wrote this for the Los Angeles Times.

When CIA intel meets political debate By Michael V. Hayden Special to The Washington Post.

he intersection of intelligence reporting and policymaking is tricky. I' ve often likened the dynamic to a room in which intelligence and policy must meet, though each enters through different doors. Intelligence professionals bring to the conversa­ tion facts, data and evidence; think­ ing inductively, they try to use them to draw generalized conclusions. They should see the world as it is and, con­ sequently, find it hard to escape a gen­ erally pessimistic attitude. Policymakers, on the other hand, tend to be more optimistic, envision­ ing the world as we would want it to be, thinking deductively as they try to apply a set of generalized principles — the ones that got them elected — to specific situations. Even in the best of times, the bur­ den on intelligence is heavy, as it is the intelligence professional's task to get into the heads of policymakers and deepen the officials' understanding. That must be done without breaking the linkage to his fact-based, dark, in­ ductive, world-as-it-is roots. Often this means making life more difficult and more complicated for the policymak­


tng consumer. This is especially true when policy­ making blends into partisan electoral politics and the interpretation of intel­ ligence becomes part of the political debate. That's a minefield in which few in­ telligence professionals would want to wander, so many were surprised last week when the Office of the Di­ rector of National Intelligence (ODNI) seemed to voluntarily enter the fray with a news release broadly outlining the course of intelligence assessments of the Sept. 11 attack on two U.S. fa­ cilities in Benghazi, Libya, and the death of four Americans, including Ambassador Chris Stevens. It was an unusual step. To be sure, then-CIA D i rector George Tenet took public responsibility for allow­ ing President George W. Bush to ut­ ter the infamous "sixteen words" in his 2003 State of the Union address that repeated a British claim that Iraq was seeking uranium for its nuclear program. That instance was about a claim that the U.S. intelligence com­ munity could not support and, by its own admission, should have stopped. Last week's statement from the ODNI was public and — whatever its intent — seemed well-suited to give

the administration cover for its early claims that the Benghazi attacks were spontaneous and almost random, the product of rage over an Internet video rather than a targeted and purpose­ ful attack by a potentially resurgent al-Qaida. Having voluntarily stepped into this public furor, the ODNI is likely to face more questions. Some will deal with process. Did the idea for the statement originate with the ODNI? Would such a news release have gone forward absent White House approval of the con­ cept? Was the text shielded from White House review before publica­ tion? Was Congress consulted or even informed? If the answer to any of these questions is no, the document­ whatever its intrinsic merits — will be vulnerable to being labeled political. And how does spontaneity com­ port with the use of heavy weapons, indirect fire and sequential assaults against two separate installations? T hese circumstances ar e w h a t prompted House intelligence com­ mittee Chairman Mike Rogers, R­ Mich., to characterize the attacks early on as "a planned, coordinated event." It was probably these same circumstances — known soon af­

ter the attack — that caused White House spokesman Jay Carney to be­ latedly admit that it was "self-evident that what happened in Benghazi was a terrorist attack." The ODNI release noted that "as we learned more about the attack, we re­ vised our initial assessment." When? After attacks, there are usually com­ peting hypotheses about what hap­ pened. When did the case for "deliber­ ate and organized" begin to challenge and overtake "spontaneous"? What were the relative strengths of the arguments when U.N. Ambas­ sador Susan Rice appeared on Sun­ day talk shows, labeling the events as spontaneous and not premeditated, to be followed 72 hours later by the director of the National Counterter­ rorism Center unequivocally labeling them terrorist attacks? These are not unfair questions. As they are answered, it will be essential for intelligence officials — even af­ ter having publicly entered this fray — to keep in mind the "door" through which they still enter this process. — Michael V. Hayden was director of the CIA from 2006to 2009.Heis a principal at the Chertoff Group, a security and rislz-management firm, and an adviser to Mitt Romney's presidential campaign.


What China needs is its own dream n Nov. 8, China is set to hold the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party. We already know who will be the next party lead­ er: Vice President Xi Jinping. What we don't know is what matters: Does Xi have a "Chinese Dream" that is dif­ ferent from the "American Dream?" Because if Xi's dream for China's emerging middle class — 300 million people expected to grow to 800 mil­ lion by 2025 — is just like the Ameri­ can Dream (a big car, a big house and Big Macs for all) then we need another planet. Spend a week inChina and you'll see why. Here's a Shanghai Daily headline from Sept. 7: "City Warned of Water Resource Shortage." The article said: "Shanghai may face a shortage of water resources if the population con­ tinues to soar.... The current capacity of the city's water supply was about 16 million tons per day, which is able to cover the demand of26 million people. However, once the population reaches 30 million, the demand would rise to 18 million tons per day, exceeding the current capacity." Shanghai will hit 30 million in about seven years! "Success in the 'American Dream,'" notes Peggy Liu, the founder of the Joint U.S.-China Collaboration on Clean Energy, or Juccce, "used to just mean a house, a family of four and two cars, but now it's escalated to conspic­ uous consumption as epitomized by Kim Kardashian. China simply cannot follow that path — or the planet will be stripped bare of natural resources to make all that the Chinese consumers want to consume." Liu, an MIT graduate and former McKinsey consultant, argues that Chinese today are yearning to create a new national identity, one that merges traditional Chinese values, like bal­ ance, respect and flow, with its mod­ ern urban reality. She believes that the creation of a sustainable "Chinese Dream" that breaks the historic link between income growth and rising re­ source consumption could be a part of that new identity, one that could reso­ nate around the world. So Juccce has been working with Chinese mayors and social networks, sustainability experts and Western ad­ vertising agencies to catalyze sustain­ able habits in the emergent consuming class by redefining personal prosper­ ity — which so many more Chinese are gaining access to for the first time — as "moreaccess to better products and services, not necessarily by own­ ing them, but also by sharing — so ev­ eryone gets a piece of a better pie." That means, among other things, better public transportation, better public spaces and better housing that encourages dense vertical buildings, which are more energy efficient and m ake shared serviceseasierto deliver, and more e-learning opportunities that reduce commuting. Emphasiz­ ing access versus ownership isn't just more sustainable, it helps ease friction from the differences between rich and poor. Chinese are more open to this than ever. A decade ago, the prevailing at­ titude was, "Hey, you Americans got to grow dirty for 150 years. Now it is our turn." A couple of weeks ago, though, I took part in the opening day of Tongji University's Urban Planning and Design Institute in Shanghai and asked students whether they still felt that way. I got a very different answer. Zhou Lin, a graduate student study­ ing energy systems, stood up and de­ clared, with classmates nodding, "You can politicize this issue as much as you want, but, in the end, it doesn't do us any good." It is not about fairness any­ more, he said. It is in China's best inter­ est to find a "cleaner" growth path. To say China needs its own dream in no way excuses Americans or Eu­ ropeans from redefining theirs. We all need to be rethinking how we sustain rising middle classes with rising in­ comes in a warming world. So Xi Jinping has two very differ­ ent challenges from his predecessor. He needs to ensure that the Commu­ nist Party continues to rule — despite awakened citizen pressure for reform — and that requires more high growth to keep the population satisfied with party control. But he also needs to manage all the downsides of that growth. The only way to square all that is with a new Chinese Dream that marries people's expectations of pros­ perity with a more sustainable China. Does Xi know that, and, if he does, can he move the system fast enough? So much is riding on the answers to those questions. — Thomas Friedmanis a columnist

for The New York Times.

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Laurens' latest is

Lois Lowryjust keeps on giving in new'Son'


good if a

-x% I

bit verbose "The Lady Risks All" by Stephanie Laurens By Lezlie Patterson McCtatchy-Tribune Nevvs Service

BEST-SELLERS Publishers Weekly ranks the best-sellers for week ending Sept. 29. Hardcover fiction

1. "The CasualVacancy" by J.K. Rowling (Little, Brown) 2. "Winter of the World" by Ken Follett (Dutton) 3. "Gone Girl" by Gillian Flynn (Crown) 4. "The TimeKeeper" by Mitch Albom (Hyperion) 5. "A Wanted Man" by LeeChild (Delacorte) 6. "Low Pressure" by Sandra Brown (GrandCentral) 7. "Zoo" by Patterson/Ledwidge (Little, Brown) 8. "Severe Clear" by Stuart Woods (Putnam) 9. "Delusion in Death" by J.D. Robb (Putnam) 10. "Founders" by JamesWesley Rawles (Atria) Hardcover nonfiction

1. "No EasyDay" byMark Owen (Dutton) 2."Waging Heavy Peace"byNeil Young (Blue Rider Press) 3. "I Declare" by Joel Osteen (FaithWords) 4. "One Last Strike" by Tony La Russa (William Morrow) 5. "Guinness World Records" by GuinnessWorld Records (Guinness World Records) 6. "The Financial Crisis and the Free Market Cure" by JohnA. Allison (McGraw-Hill) 7. "Mugged" by AnnCoulter (Sentinel) 8. "The Price of Politics" by Bob Woodward (Simon & Schuster) 9. "Joseph Anton" by Salman Rushdie (RandomHouse) 10. "Killing Lincoln" by Bill O'Reilly (Henry Holt) — McClatchy-Tiibune NewsService

By Susan Carpenter Los Angeles Times

(Avon,461pgs., $7.99)

Stephanie Laurens' fans will savor "The Lady Risks All." Those who are not neces­ sarily enamored of the vet­ eran author can enjoy the book, with a bit of patience — or even better, with a willingness to skip through the unnecessary scenes and verbose descriptions that tend to bog down an otherwise engaging story. This story f ocuses on how Roscoe, the second son of a duke, becomes the gambling king of London, a man who demands awe and respect from u nderworld criminals as well as aristo­ crats. He sheds his identity as a member of the duke' s family to spare his sisters, mother, nephew and sister­ in-law from financial ruin, and keeps his true identity secret to spare them social ruin. Undertaking that respon­ sibility, Roscoe thinks he forfeits any chance he has at marrying and having his own family one day. Silly man. Of course he discov­ ers that love does conquer all. M iranda t eaches h i m that lesson. Miranda has spent her life thinking that respect­ ability is the most impor­ tant thing. Silly woman. Of course she discovers that love is the most important thing. Roscoe teaches her that lesson. The two become partners when Miranda's brother is mysteriously kidnapped. It takes way too long to res­ cue him, and even longer to solve the mystery as to who wanted him killed and why. But if you' re patient, and can muddle through pages of description and lingering scenes, you' ll be rewarded with a good story and even better happily-ever-after.

"Son" by Lois Lowry (Houghton Miff ti, $17.99)

Reed Saxon /The Associated Press

Former California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has written a memoir titled "Total Recall: My Un­ believably True Life Story."

e's ac u memoir isn' a 00 in

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"Total Recall: My Unbeliev­ ably True Life Story" by Arnold Schwarzenegger (Simon@, Schuster) By Mary McNamara Los Angeles Times

It's much too early to predict the nature of Arnold Schwar­ zenegger's final Wikipedia en­ try, much less his legacy. The former b o dy-builder-turned­ action-movie-star-turned-Cal­ ifornia-governor is still very much alive, having just started a new think tank at the Uni­ versity of Southern California. And Americans have an en­ dearing and frustrating habit of nostalgic reconsideration, especially when it comes to movie stars and politicians. ger over the years, he por­ C urrently, however, he i s trays himself as a reasonable, best known for the scandal­ earnest kind of guy who has ous betrayal of his wife, Ma­ merely made a few high-spir­ ria Shriver. Last year, after ited mistakes, none of which he S chwarzenegger ended h i s cares to discuss here. second term as governor of So it is difficult to read "To­ California, it w a s r e vealed tal Recall" without searching that he had fathered a child 14 for signs that would preface or years before with the family' s explain the sort of man who housekeeper, who r emained would betray his wife, whom employed by the family even as he claims to still love very he secretly supported their son. much, and his own son in such Shriver, who over the years had a manner. It is also difficult to steadfastly weathered numer­ have a lot of faith in much of ous reports of her husband's in­ what Schwarzenegger does fidelity, including accusations reveal, not only because he of sexual harassment, knew seems incapable of describing nothing about the boy's true any event without putting him­ parentage — until she did. And self in the best light possible then she left, eventually filing but because when he finally for divorce. addresses Shriver's discovery Not, perhaps, the best stage he offers, as an excuse, his life­ in one's personal mythology long tendency to keep secrets. "Secrecy," he writes, "is just to launch a memoir. But then S chwarzenegger, as h e r e ­ a part of me." peats ad nauseam throughout This is not what one wants to said memoir, "Total Recall: learn on Page 593 of an autobi­ ography — one might consider M y Unbelievably True L i fe Story" (written with Peter Pe­ it (to use a journalistic term) tre), doesn't believe in "can' t" "burying th e l e ad." People or "shouldn' t" except as ob­ are entitled to be secretive, of stacles to be overcome. With course, but it's not the ideal the equally well-documented characteristic of a civic leader pride he takes in his marketing or a memoirist. Neither is it the skills, it is quite possible that hallmark of most role models, he hopes the scandal will drive which Schwarzenegger clearly sales of the book, which is be­ considers himself to be. Why ing positioned as a "tell-all." else devote the book's final For the record, "Total Recall" chapter to "Arnold's Rules" for is about as far from a "tell-all" success? memoir as it gets. Although That success, however, is an exhaustive and at t imes u ndeniable. W h atever o n e exhausting documentation of thinks of Schwarzenegger as Schwarzenegger's unique and a person, an actor or politician, amazing career, it is a book al­ he is successful by most defini­ most completely devoid of self­ tions. Raised in an Austria still examination. Given the author, devastated by World War I I, he that is not nearly as surpris­ decided early on that he need­ ing as is its resolute PG rating ed to be where the action was — for all the salacious behavior — in America. Bodybuilding that has been attributed to and launched him into a life that admitted b y S c h w arzeneg­seemed to have no limits. With

the exception of his marriage and, of course, the California state budget, everything he touched seemed to go his way — bodybuilding competitions, film roles, real estate deals and political influence. It's difficult to imagine an activity more intimately and p owerfully o b sessive t h an bodybuilding, and the years Schwarzenegger spent bend­ ing his own physiology to his will appear to be his most for­ mative. (He also took steroids, when they were legal, which he has admitted and subse­ quently lobbied against.) He devotes almost 200 pages of the book to his bodybuild­ ing career, far more than he spends on either acting or governorship. A passage in w h ic h h e rather plaintively compares losing his first Mr. Olympia competition to losing the spe­ cial election he held in 2005 is unintentionally h i larious, but the importance he gives his bodybuilding is not. The ability to reconfigure his own flesh in such a spectacular way seems to have cemented S chwarzenegger's belief i n his own personal power. That c onfidence was — an d r e ­ mains — his greatest asset. "Total Recall" offers win­ dows on many worlds, from Hollywood behind the scenes "Control freaks like Jim (Cameron) are big fans of night shooting. It gives you total com­ mand over the lighting because you create it" — to descrip­ tions of Thanksgiving with the Kennedys. Read one way, it is the ulti­ mate b elieve-it-and-you-can­ be-it testimonial. Read another, it's a love letter to Shriver, who is portrayed from first to last as a beautiful, talented woman who was far too good for her husband. Either way, it evolves into a portrait of a man who defines himself by the goals he has reached, no matter the cost to those around him. At one point, he describes his decision to switch roles in "The Terminator" — he was origi­ nally up for the more romantic Reese. After meeting Schwar­ zenegger, Cameron believed he had agreaterfeelfor the robot, and Schwarzenegger agreed. "I had a very clear vision," he writes. "No thinking, no blink­ ing, no thought, just action." Which may wind up being a more telling tagline than even "I' ll be back." ­

It's been 19 years since the publication of Lois Lowry's pioneering Newbery Medal winner, "The Giver," which painted a bleak picture of a fu­ ture society in which color does not exist, love is s uppressed and sameness is re­ vered. No one would have guessed that ., N almost two decades later, "dystopian" would be its own genre in the young adult biblioscape, giving rise t o b l ockbuster franchises such as "The Hun­ ger G ames," "Divergent," "Matched" and now, a fol­ low-up from the author who' s credited with starting it. "Son" is the Rashomon­ s tyle conclusion t o "The Giver," told from the per­ spective of the young birth mother whose infant was saved in the original book. It's an intriguing premise t hat f i nally r e solves t h e question readers have long pondered: What happened to 13-year-old Jonas and his infant charge, Gabriel, after they fled their well-ordered community? The answer is presented in three sections, or "books," that read like i nterlinked individual n o ­ vellas — each of them tak­ ing place in different worlds with characters culled from other titles in what is now a literary quartet that also includes "Messenger" and "Gathering Blue." With "Son," Lowry ambi­ tiously, but not always suc­ cessfully, weaves together t he threads. Book I i s t h e flawless story o f 1 2 -year­ old Claire, a "vessel" who' s been selected for artificial insemination and eventually gives birth to the child first known as T h irty-Six and later, as Gabriel. The action takes place in the same ster­ ile, choice-less community as "The Giver" and is written to perfection by Lowry, who doesn't miss a beat when it comes to describing a life

devoid of human connection and history. Claire's birth experience helps to explain how Thirty-Six got to be so fussy that he was targeted for "release." It's postpar­ tum when Claire comes into contact with the nurturer of the child she was never sup­ posed to meet but neverthe­ lessseeks out in defiance of the rules. Book I of "Son" is a thrilling p arallel to "The Giver" that concludes at roughly the same spot, with the imminent release of Thirty-Six. Book 2, unfortunately, loses a lmost all t h e m o ­ mentum Lowry b uilt over the first 128 pages when she shifts the action to an entirely different com­ munity with new characters. Even Claire comes across as a different person since she's afflicted with a mne­ sia and has no memory of how she got to this strange land populated with folksy back-to-the-landers. Like a pos t -apocalyp­ tic "Wizard of Oz," "Son" starts in black and white but shifts to technicolor with this change of scene, though it' s difficult to immediately make the leap from the society de­ scribed in Book I to this sea­ side community that took in Claire after a storm hurled her ashore. Book 2 is a slow — but ulti­ mately satisfying — build that infuses Claire with feminist attributes common to more modern dystopian heroines. And that's when the ac­ tion takes a strange turn. For Book 3, Lowry relies on magic and the evil Trademas­ ter from "Messenger," who helps Claire reunite with her son for a terrible price. Book 3 is the most convoluted sec­ tion of "Son," taking place in yet another community and melding characters from the previous three books in "The Giver" series into an entirely new environment. Although the l ast p age of "Son" is heartwarming, readers of Book 3 in particu­ lar will be all too aware of the plot work required to get there.

'Live by Night' is a masterful novel "Live by Night" by Dennis Lehane

(Morrow,$27.99) By Oline H. Cogdill Sun Sentinel (Florida)

For some criminals, crime is a business that supports families and feeds a desire to lead unconventional lives. And that has made for some intriguing, iconic films and novels such as "Goodfellas," "Once Upon a Time in Ameri­ ca," "The Sopranos" and "The Godfather" saga. Add to that list the exqui­ sitely plotted "Live by Night." Like those other works, "Live by Night" goes beyond the life of crime, skirting that fine line between glorifying the illegal and showing the humanity behind even mobsters. In this 10th novel, Dennis Lehane

examines our history, moral­ ity in an amoral world and what motivates some people to "live by night," making up their own rules as one charac­ ter says. Lehane made his career writing a series about con­ temporary B oston p r ivate detectives Patrick Kenzie and Angie Gennaro, and the stun­ ning stand-alone novel, "Mys­ tic River." But he also has proved himself an astute his­ torian with the chilling "Shut­ ter Island" and "The Given Day," a saga that clocked in at 720 pages. The leaner, more focused "Live by Night" is no less an epic as it looks at Pro­ hibition and organized crime that flourished because of it. "Live by Night" is a master­ ful outing by an author known for superior storytelling.

'Black Fridays' is anintriguing look at greed, autism "Black Fridays" by Michael Sears (Putnam)

than 20 years on Wall Street, delivers But Jason didn't lose his soul or his a thoughtful, intricate cautionary tale sense of humor to either Wall Street or in his impressive debut about greed, the prison system. Although he can' t By Oline H. Cogdill mismanaged money and the thrill that legally handle accounts, Jason can take Sun Sentinel (Florida) the unscrupulous get from cheating the a two-week consulting job examining While the economy appears to be, we unsuspecting. the trading records of a young broker hope, rebounding, the financial thrillers Wall Street hotshot Jason Stafford who recently died in a mysterious boat­ thrive, illustrating how lives are devas­ never started out to be a criminal. A sim­ ing accident. The high pay will help him tated by careless greed. And greed, as ple accounting error snowballed into a regain custody of his 5-year-old autistic we all know, never goes out of style, de­ felony when his portfolio lost more than son from his alcoholic ex-wife who pre­ spite the economy. $500 million. Jason lost his career and fers to lock the boy away in his room. Michael Sears, who spent m ore spent two years in prison. But the consulting job isn't simple

as Jason finds too many discrepancies among several traders' work and resis­ tance from brokers who see him as an unscrupulous ex-con. Sears does a first-rate job in "Black Fridays" juggling the complex plot, explaining the financial markets so a novice can understand the intricacies but also appealing to the sophisticated reader. Sears shows how a broker can become intoxicated with each aspect of trading.




ome ownins ira ion Famedcomposerreverberates is e oau or's aes through centuries inbroadstory • Susan Straight tells a gripping and brutal tale in trilogy finale, 'Between Heaven andHere'

"Reinventing Bach" by Paul Elie (Farrar, Straus and Giroux, $30)

By jessica Gelt Los Angeles Times

film the "one work of his that is unquestionably a classic," Elie underestimates not only Stokowski's brilliance as an By Mark Swed arranger but his broad influ­ Los Angeles Times ence on musical culture. Halfway t h r ough r e a d­ The Bach cornucopia be­ ing Paul Elie's "Reinventing comes maze-like post-World Bach," I suddenly got dizzy. War II. He finds a new breath An earthquake? All-purpose o f fresh Bachian air w i t h angst? Or could it be that Bach a new generation of North was working as an agent of American performers who transcendence on me as he did were not dependent on Euro­ einventing on this sincere author? pean examples. And Gould The basic pillars of t h is p~„1 Erie gets the most credit for chang­ study are sturdy. Elie looks at ing the course of Bach discus­ how a composer influenced sions with hi s e lectrifying the outer and inner lives of yet s t ructurally i l l uminat­ four key 20th century Bachi­ ing pianism and eccentric ans — Albert Schweitzer, Pab­ covered a copy of these for­ personality. lo Casals, Leopold Stokowski gotten masterpieces as a teen­ But Elie also represents a and Glenn Gould — and how ager in Barcelona and gave revolutionary Bach r enais­ they then not only contributed their first public performance sance as part of the '50s cul­ to making Bach central to the 12 years later. tural, scientific and techno­ modern musical experience These old 78s are not a logical explosion. The big pic­ but also radicalized it. scratchy, churchy spiritual ex­ ture includes the discovery of Elie doesn't stop there. He ercise but for Elie something DNA, which might be a model weaves Bach's biography into new in music. The up-close for thinking about B ach's theirs. And into that he fur­ studio sound is much closer intricate strands of counter­ ther weaves his own fervent to the here and now, which point, the media theories of reactions. He excitedly traips­ Elie describes as the aural Marshall McLuhan (and, like es through central Germany equivalent of sculpture. This Gould, a Torontonian) and following Bach's footsteps. then means that listening has most of all the advances in And he sets this all against a become a solitary not social recording which allow for a century of vertiginous world pursuit, and that by playing much wider distribution of events and pop culture and the music over, a lay listener all kinds of music and a huge the advent of recording. Who can "enter into the experience broadening of popular tastes. wouldn't get a little woozy? of the musician." By the end of the book, it' s Elie begins by taking us In fact, any musician knows a big Bach party, with room into the church in L ondon a virtual experience is just for all. Yo-Yo Ma, Steve Jobs, where in 1 935 Schweitzer that. But it is true that Bach's Lorraine Hunt Lieberson are — the French organist, theolo­ keyboard works have an ex­ there. With digital downloads, gian and famed medical mis­ treme intimacy. we have shareable Bach, al­ Elie's prose is fl a mboy­ lowing the composer to enter sionary in Africa — recorded the Toccata and Fugue in D ant. Casals' "animal sound into our cultural bloodstream Minor. He shows Schweitzer all furred and tendoned" is like never before. to be a complicated and com­ likened to "a dinosaur's cry." In his quest for Bach, Elie promised revivalist, a doer Casals is "the mystic in the casts his net widely, seeking of good deeds but with old­ interior castle, the poet-pil­ from this one composer both fashioned, colonialist values. grim in a dark wood." He is spiritual transcendence and a "spelunker, cave crawling the connection with secular soci­ To listen to Schweitzer is to step back in history, his Bach dark." The sarabande of the ety and culture. being a representation of all Fifth Suite is "more a Kandin­ But no net catches it all, that was once good about sky than a Picasso." and a lot of music, especially civilization. It was only a few years af­ in North America, was no Around the same time Sch­ ter Schweitzer's and Casals' longer going B ach's w ay. weitzer recorded the D Minor recordings that S t okowski Transcendence is entirely a Toccata and Fugue, Casals relocated Bach's Toccata and personal matter, and "Rein­ made his classic recording Fugue in D Minor into popular venting Bach" is one musical of Bach's six solo cello suites. culture through Walt Disney's layman's approach to an enor­ The Spanish cellist had dis­ "Fantasia." But by calling the mous subject.


Susan Straight lives mere blocks from where she was born in the Inland Empire town of Riverside. She says there are two types of people — those who stay and those who leave. Straight has always stayed. "All I am is a writer and a mom," says Straight, the au­ thor of eight novels, divorced mother of three daughters and a professor of creative writing at UC Riverside. On a recent Monday after­ noon, just a few days before the release of her latest novel, "Be­ tween Heaven and Here" (Mc­ Sweeneys, $24), Straight feels she has failed at her second job by forgetting to pick up her 17­ year-old daughter for an SAT prep class. "I'm just a chauffeur and now I' ve blown my only assignment for the day," says Straight, grip­ ping her steering wheel and careening through heavy rush­ hour traffic toward home. She's tardy because she was giving a tour of spots around town that served as inspiration for her new book. The alley where her protagonist, a beau­ tiful, crack-addicted prostitute named Glorette, is found dead in a shopping cart. The sag­ ging stucco apartment building where she imagined Glorette lived with her son, Victor, eat­ ing 10-for-$1 ramen. The or­ ange groves where Glorette's father and uncle live, their ir­ rigation furrows glowing like silver stripes in the glaring late­ day sun. She also pointed out t he small house she recently put an offer on with the hopes of opening a b o okstore called Raincross Books. If her offer is accepted, she' ll segment the house as follows: the living room for fiction, a bedroom for nonfiction, a bedroom for chil­ dren's books, a room for used books and a small back room for baked goods. "I thinkmycommunityneeds a bookstore," says Straight, hopping up on a small brick wall surrounding bright pan­ sies and peering into the front window of the empty house. Straight is a mile-a-minute talker, zeroing in on an idea with razor-sharp precision, ar­ ticulating it quickly and mov­ ing on to the next with equal speed. She has spent the last 15 years writing about the same A frican-American family i n the fictional town of Rio Seco, based on Riverside. "Between Heaven and Here," which explores the aftermath of Glorette's death and how it affects her friends and family,

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Kirk McKoy/ Los Angeles Times / MCT

AuthorSusan Straight'snew book, "Between Heaven and Here," is the third in a loose trilogy examining the lives of poor African-Americans in fictional Rio Seco, Calif. is the final book in a trilogy that includes "A Million Nightin­ gales" and "Take One Candle Light a Room." (Straight has published eight books since her first, "Aquaboogie," in 1990.) Her latest book is her first to be published by Dave Eggers' McSweeney's imprint. Straight says she chose to publish with him because "I loved their joyful, o ld-fashioned books — books you can hold in your hands." With its off-kilter dia­ logue and compelling universe of rich and troubled person­ alities, "Between Heaven and Here" fits into McSweeney's vibrant catalog just fine. The gripping, sometimes b rutal book i s f i l led w i t h graceful details plucked from Straight's observations of na­ ture. She is a master of minu­ tiae, pointing out the way the backs of sunflower petals look in the sunlight and how baby bees cling to a flower's center or describing the way the fronds of a towering palm tree outside a kitchen window light up when the moon rises behind them so that the tree resembles a cos­ mic sparkler. This last detail is used to tear-inducing effect in "Between Heaven and Here." S traight's characters a r e bound by this landscape and the gritty taco shops, stuffy nail salons and run-down laundro­ mats that populate it. It is the landscape of her imagination made fertile by years of staying put and holding on. "It's the opposite of an exor­ cism," Straight says of her writ­ ing. "An exorcism means you don't have something with you anymore. When you spend 15 years writing three novels, you make that story and then you have it with you forever."

The stories Straight writes are inspired by real-life events and people she just can't get out of her mind. Like the pregnant black girl who was found dead in a shopping cart in Riverside in the 1990s, which inspired her vision of Glorette. "She sat at the table in the taqueria for a f e w m i nutes, feeling blood move and growl in her feet," Straight writes of Glorette in the book. "No socks. Sandals. Heels. The money not in her cleavage. No money yet tonight ... Chess would give her money. But most of the men just slid a rock into her palm." Readers are often surprised to discover that Straight is white. She married an African­ American man when she was 22. They divorced more than a decade later but remain close friends, and they have three daughters. In addition to being a crea­ ture of habit, Straight is driven and prolific. She wrote all three books in the trilogy by hand on legal pads while sitting in her car i n v a rious parking lots, orange groves and parks. She did this to snatch time be­ tween teaching and driving her daughters to and from their various activities. "They'd be watching skate videos at home and I'd say, 'I'm going to the store,' and I'd go and sit in a parking lot to write and then I'd get Baja fish tacos for everyone," says Straight. "Then later at night I'd type it into the computer." Sometimes she'd have to wait until midnight to get use of the family computer. "But look how lucky I was," Straight says in her excitable way. "I got to process it before I put it down."

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From laser light to a miniature star

Continued from F1 The failure could have broad repercussions not only for the big laser, which is based at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California, but also for federally financed sci­ ence projects in general. On one hand, the laser's de­ fenders point out, hard science is by definition risky, and no serious progress is possible without occasional failures. On the other, federal science initiatives seldom disappoint on such a gargantuan scale, and the setback comes in an era of tough f iscal choices and skepticism about science among some lawmakers. The laser team will have to produce a report for Congress about what might have gone wrong and how to fix it if given more time. "The question is whether you continue to pour money into it or start over," said Ste­ phen Bodner, a former direc­ tor of a rival laser effort at the Naval Research Laboratory in Washington. "I think they' re in real trouble and that con­ tinuing the funding at the cur­ rent level makes no sense." C hina i s st u d y in g t h e p rogram's m i stakes, B o d ­ ner added, perhaps with a goal of building an improved machine. "It's kind of a n a m azing device," said William Happer, a physicist at Princeton Uni­ versity who directed federal energy research for President George H.W. Bush. "Still, it' s not science if you don't fail now and then. But you do have to have some wins." Many s c i ence a n a lysts predict that the big laser will survive because its p ower­ ful beams can still squeeze materials to e x traordinarily high pressures, temperatures and densities that are useful in safeguarding the nation's nuclear arms — a goal that attracts bipartisan support. For instance, the laser might help engineers see if a particu­ lar metal part that had to be substituted in a class of aging nuclear arms would still work as needed. Even so, skeptics outside the government have l ong assailed the l a ser p r oject, known as the National Igni­ tion Facility, or NIF, as a co­ lossal waste of money. Just operating it, officials concede, costs roughly $290 million a year. Some doubters have ridiculed it as the National Almost Ignition Facility, or NAIF. Big science projects more costly than the la­ ser include NASA's

The National Ignition Facility in Livermore, Calif., is the largest laser ever built. The stadium­ size device has been used since 1993 to set off fusion reactions and study them.

100 FEET

"May We Be Forgiven" by A.M. Homes

characters have a similarly a ngular, opaque take o n (Viking, $27.95) the world. Often the book's humor comes from Harry's By Carolyn Kellogg d isconnected point of view Los Angeles Times he's not unkind, he's just "May We Be Forgiven" be- k ind of alien. gins at a Thanksgiving cel­ The story is so fast-moving e bration in an affluent New and pushes its characters to York City commuter commu- s uch extremes that it quickly n ity. It's Cheever country with moves into a zone that's a a black comedy upgrade. farcical hyper-realism. Har­ ry's assignations lead All this happens within the f irst 15 to a kidnapping, a May 4Ve3© p h y sical co l l apse pages: S u ccessful television executive F or g > v and a sub u r ban George gets into a swingers' party at a car accident, kill­ laser-tag emporium. ing t w o p a r ents George is sent to an and leaving their experimental t r eat­ son a n o r p h an. ment program that' s While George is es s o m ething out of sci­ away under obser­ ence fiction, there is a vation, his b r other drastic federal inter­ Harry consoles Jane, his sis- v ention, and a Nixon subplot ter-in-law; before you know seems to point to — what it, they' re sleeping together. else? — conspiracy. When George returns home That might be enough for to find the two of them in bed another writer, but Homes t ogether, he bashes Jane's takes the story even further. head in with a bedside lamp. She crams a t r emendous With Jane comatose in the amount of ambition into the hospital and George locked almost 500 pages of "May We up, Harry moves into their Be Forgiven," with its dark house to hold things togeth­ humor, its careening plot, er. His niece and nephew, 11­ its sex-strewn suburb and a year-old Ashley and 12-year- m assive cast of memorable old Nate, come home from characters t h a t in c l udes t heir boarding schools to sit g r andparents, lawy e r s , with their doomed mother. deli owners, secretaries, an A.M. Homes has special­ aunt, a gay son, a shrink, an ized in discomfiting visions academic, one Nixon family o f American suburbia: "The member and the leader of an E nd of Alice" paired a will- A frican village. ing coed with an imprisoned Its riskiest content, how­ pedophile; "The Safety of ever, is something different: Objects," which was made sentiment. This is a Tin Man into a film, included stories story, in which the zoned-out of erotic fascination with Harry slowly grows a heart. a child's doll and a crack­ I t happens through hi s smoking y u p pi e c o u ple. caretaking, which is pretty Homes' work is literary and a wful a t f i r st . H e m a n ­ prickly, featuring emotion­ ages to minimally tend to ally distant characters like his brother's house and the Harry. family pets, but he raids the H e moves through it all in medicine cabinet, ignores a daze. "I feel like I' ve fallen m essages f ro m se r v ice­ into a space between spaces, p eople and doesn't realize l ike I don't really exist — I'm that when he takes the dog always out of context," he for walks, he's dragging it e xplains. His brother calls through an invisible fence, h im a moron; one woman g iving it a shock. he's sleeping with calls him Once his heart starts to "charmingly out of it." w arm, it's like Harry can' t Bobbing along the bottom stop himself. The last third edge ofmiddle-class respect­ of the book is sweet, filled a bility, Harry is a university w ith more than one fam­ lecturer, but he hasn't got ily outing that's described as "magical." There is some­ tenure. He's been working o n a book, but it's an unfin- thing affirming about it. But "May We Be Forgiven" ished behemoth on the un­ beloved Richard M. Nixon. has me wondering where I He's not stupid, like Chance stand. I want this novel to be in "Being There," but t he 'ust a little more perfect.



The beams are further split into 192 beams and amplified in two bays, each longer than a football field, then routed toward the target.

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The target chamber is a 33-foot


Frozen, >hydrogefI


sphere surrounded by optics that convert the infrared laser light into ultraviolet beams and focus them at the target. The target, filled with frozen hydrogen, is a tiny sphere suspended inside a gold cylinder, known as a hohlraum, which is positioned in the center of the target chamber. The laser beams hit the walls of the cylinder and release a torrent of X-rays. The target is compressedand heated to more than 100 million degrees.


"m-® ® %rF o Hydrogen isotopes

Relative size of a dime

He l ium and a neutron

Nuclear fusion is ignited after about 20-billionths of a second. Hydrogen atoms fuse to form helium, releasing energy in the form of neutrons and X-rays.

sources: Naeonal lgmt>on Facaty; Department of Energy The New York T>mes News Serv>ce; bu>ld>ng rendenng by NIF

power at low cost. Hydrogen, they note, is the most abun­ dant element in the universe. " Bringing Star P ower t o Earth," read a giant banner that workers in 2009 unfurled on the newly inaugurated Na­ A tiny star, someday tional Ignition Facility. Over The sprawling laser com­ budget and behind schedule, plex, the o f f icials i nsisted, the construction had taken a would one day a chieve its decade. a dvertised goal: fusing t h e Today, the complex has mil­ hydrogen atoms in a speck of lions of parts and 192 lasers fuel into helium, and thus cre­ made up of 15 miles of mirrors ating what physicists liken to a and lenses, crystals and light tiny star. amplifiers. Its innards look " Contrary t o w h a t s o me something like a spaceship en­ people say, this has been a gine room from a science fic­ spectacular success," said Ed­ tion movie. ward Moses, the From the start, critics saw laser's di r e ctor. N IF's delays and s piraling newest space tele- I t S l i k6 tldVIAg Ev en so, he added, price tag as symptoms of over­ "science on sched­ reaching. In 2000, soon after s cope, whose price g C U i g for t ag now r u n s t o ule is a hard thing the start of construction, what by a more than $8 bil­ was then th e General Ac­ lion, and the Large CB I 'tBIAdate." What h as eluded counting Office questioned the Hadron C o l l ider, Moses and thou­ "independence" of ad hoc as­ se Albrlght, s ands o f o t h e r sessment panels and detailed a 17-mile circular director, Lawrence scientists over the a number ofmanagement and accelerator in Fu re National decades is a con­ oversight failures. rope that recently Laboratory t rolled h elped pin d o w n ver s i on t he elusive s u b ­ of nuclear fusion Plagued by delays — the process of a tomic par t i c l e By 2005, a panel of scientific known as the Higgs boson. It atomic merger that powers the experts judged the goal of ig­ cost about $10 billion. sun, the stars and hydrogen nition in 2010 during the initial In interviews, the laser's ar­ bombs. The laser uses blasts laser firings as unlikely and chitects and supporters at the of concentrated light to com­ faulted the project for what it Livermore lab defended the press, heat and ignite tiny cap­ called a lack of "standing ex­ device as working beautifully sules of hydrogen fuel smaller ternal oversight." and pointed to the challenge than match heads — hopefully, In July, a report to Cook, of planned breakthroughs as one day, setting them ablaze in the official in charge, called the fundamental problem. thermonuclear fire. i gnition by th e end of t h i s "It's like having a cure for The result, scientists hope, y ear "highly u n likely" and cancer bya certain date," said would include not just new sci­ recommended that the proj­ Penrose Albright, the labora­ ence but radically new kinds ect be "redirected towards a tory's director. "I understand of reactors to generate electric broader and more balanced

why people want to have mile­ stones. But when you' re deal­ ing with science and Mother Nature, all you really can do is agree on whether you' re on the right path."

• •

Stor o su ur ia is sour an sweet

A short, weak laser pulse is generated and split into 48 beams.

research program." Moses called many of the critics misinformed and de­ fended the project as funda­ mentally sound. He noted that China, France and Russia all have similar l aser projects under way that use N IF as a model. "They' re betting with their pocketbooks to re-create what we' re doing," he said. Albright, the l aboratory's director, insisted that the big laser would still end up being the first on the planet to make a tiny star. The question is when. " Everybody b e lieves w e can get there," he said. "But we' re exploring parts of physi­ cal space that no one has ever done before, and that's a hard problem."










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o ar ane u new es or ina By Keith Bradsher New Yorit Times News Service

BEIJING — China in recent years established global dominance in renew­ able energy, its solar panel and wind turbine factories forcing many foreign rivals out of business and its poli­ cymakers hailed by envi­ ronmentalists around the world as visionaries. But now China's strategy is in disarray. Although worldwide de­ mand for solar panels and wind turbines has grown rapidly over the past five years, China's manufactur­ ing capacity has grown even faster, creating enormous oversupply and a ferocious price war. The result is a looming fi­ nancial disaster, not only for manufacturers but for state­ owned banks that financed factories with approximate­ ly lt18 billion in low-rate

Don Barttettti Los Angeles Times file photo

An unmanned aircraft is shownon a training mission in January 2010. A recent­ ly released report from the U.S. Government Accountability Office highlights potential security and privacy concerns for unmanned aircraft systems.

• Testing unmanned aircraft in Central Oregon could createjobs locally, but technical problemsaffecting operations mustfirst be solved By Jordan Novet• The Bulletin conomic-development officials in Cen­

limit the uses of data that unmanned air­

tral Oregon and other parts of the coun­

craft systems, or drones, collect in the United

try see major job-creating potential


in the testing of unmanned aircraft systems. But federal transportation agencies must overcome manyobstaclesbefore unmanned

loans and for municipal and provincial governments that provided loan guarantees and sold manufacturers land at deeply discounted prices. China's biggest solar pan­ el makers are losing as much as Ill for every lt3 of sales this year, as panel prices have fallen by three-fourths since 2008. Even though the cost of solar power has fallen, it still remains triple the price of coal-generated power in China, requiring substantial subsidies through a tax im­ posed on industrial users of electricity. The outcome has left even the architects of China's renewable energy strategy feeling frustrated and eager to see many businesses shut down, so the most efficient companies may be salvage­ able financially. See Solar /G3

• The Transportation Security Adminis­ trationcan do more to make drone use more secure.

LP 'I' '

vehicles can safely fly with other aircraft

• Small drones remain vulnerable to GPS

in U.S. airspace, according to a recently re­

"jamming" and "spoofing" that could take

leased report.

away command abilities from ground-based

And some of those problems still exist four

operators. The report also notes that, even though

to thereport by the U.S. Government Ac­

Congress in February set deadlines for in­

countability Office, an independent nonpar­

corporating unmanned aerial vehicles into

tisan agency that investigates government

the national airspace, the Federal Aviation

spending of tax dollars.

Administration has acted slowly in the past,

found that:




Illus tration by Chrtsttna Song

years after first being identified, according

In the report released last month, the GAO

>o-DO L i'

New York Times News Service

n defense ofpaper • In a growing virtual world, someoffices have practical reasons for usingthe ol' notepad,pen

which could translate to more delays for the By Phyllis Korkki


New Yorit Times News Service

• Federal agencies ought to act quickly to

See Drones / G3

On theWed "Measuring Progress and Addressing Potential Privacy Concerns Would Facilitate Integration into the National Airspace System," a report the U.S. Government Accountability Report issued last month, can be found online at

http: //gao.gov/assets/650/648348.pdf

ui ar ma er aims 0 Sa u e i n

>• 0

A worker sands the neck of a Fender Pre­ cision bass in a factory in Corona, Calif.

Paper still matters. The frequent whirring of print­ ers in offices — despite the Internet, Microsoft Word, social media, scanners, smartphone apps and PDF files — attests to that. We may use less of it than we once did, but reading and writing on paper serves a function that, for many workers, a screen can' t replicate. Paper, says the produc­ tivity expert David Allen,

is "in your face." Its physical presence can be a goad to completing tasks, whereas computer files can easily be hidden and thus forgotten, he said. Some of his clients are returning to paper planners for this very reason, he added. Allen, the author of "Get­ ting Things Done," does much of his writing on a computer, but there are still times when writing with a fountain pen on a notepad "allows me to get my head in the right place," he said. See Paper/G3


Rivera Wealth Management Group

By janet Morrissey New Yorft Times News Service

In 1948, a radio repairman named Leo Fender took a piece of ash, bolted on a length of maple and attached an elec­ tronic transducer. You know the rest, even if you don' t know you know the rest. You' ve heard it — in the guitar riffs of Buddy Holly, Jimi Hendrix, George Har­ rison, Keith Richards, Eric Clapton, Pete Townshend, Bruce Springsteen, Mark Knopfler, Kurt Cobain and on and on. It's the sound of a Fender electric gui­ tar. Fender's company, now known as the Fender Musical Instruments Corp., is the world's largest maker of guitars. Its Stratocaster, which made its debut in 1954, is still a top seller. For many, the Strat's cutting tone and sexy, double-cut­ away curves mean rock 'n' roll. But this heart of rock isn't beating quite the way it once did. Like many other U.S. Monica Almeldai New York Times News Service manufacturers, Fender is struggling to Workers build Fender guitars ina factory in Corona, Calif. Fender Musical Instruments hold on to what it's got in a tight economy. Corp., made famous by musicians like Buddy Holly, Jimi Hendrix, Eric Clapton and Sales and profits are down this year. Keith Richards, is facing big challenges amid the fickle tastes of Wall Street and the See Fender /G5 music industry.

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If you have Marketplace events you would like to submit, please contact Ashley Brothers at 541-383-0323, email businessC~bendbulletin.corn or click on "Submit an Event" at www.bendbulletin.corn. Please allow at least IO days before the desired date of publication.

NEWS OF RECORD 15, Range 13, Section 3, $313,000 Helm Investments LLCto James D. Platt, East Bluff, Lot 3, Block1, Deschutes County $210,000 Kathleen A. and Frank H. Baker, Rivermark Community Credit trustees for Kathleen A. Baker Union to Shawna L.Johnson, Revocable Trust, to William L. Townsite of Hillman, Lots 8-11 and CarwileI I Iand Anne H. Carwile, 22-25, Block 119, $214,000 Plat of Orokla, Lots11-13, Block 7, $860,000 Regan and Denise Pollock to Gregory andBarbara Holcomb, JimE. and TammyM. Bell to Meadows, Phase3,Lot4, William V. Hill Jr. and KeHie D. Hill, Shevlin Township15, Range10, Sections11 $310,000 and14, Partition Plat 2005-5, Parcel William T. Slocum,who acquired 3, $795,000 title as William T. Slocom, to Robert M. and Nancy D.Jacobs,M ountain William H. CarsonJr. and PrisciHa Pines P.U.D., Phase 3, Lot17, W. Carson,trustees for William $200,000 H. Carson and Priscilla W. Carson 1997 Trust, to Osmond G. BatesIII Maryann K. Slocum toRobert M. and Kathleen A. Bates, trustees for and Nancy D.Jacobs, Mountain Bates Family Trust, Glaze Meadow Pines P.U.D., Phase 3, Lot17, Homesite Section, Eleventh $200,000 Addition, Lot 321, $680,000 Thomas W.Cendrowski, personal Fannie Mae aka Federal National representative for the Estate of Mortgage Association to Patrick Susan A. Solberg, to William F. and Anne M. Seile,Buena H. Scherrer Jr. and Deborah A. Ventura, Lot 16, Block 1, $241,000 Scherrer, trustees for Scherrer 1993 Family Trust, Caldera Springs, Fidelity National Title Insurance Phase 1, Lot 62, $700,000 Company to Vergent LLC,Quail Crossing, Phase1, Lot14, $157,000 William H. Scherrer Jr. and Norma R. Hodge,trustee for Hodge Deborah A. Scherrer,trustees for Scherrer1993 Family Trust, to Family Revocable Trust, to Donald Thomas W. Cendrowski, personal E. Rugg, Awbrey Glen Homesites, representative for Estate of Susan Phase 5, Lot 96, $575,300 A. Solberg, Township 20, Range10, Guy M. and NancyInglis to Andrew Section 24, $2,195,000 M. and Tracy Bloo,Crest Ridge Anh N. Whittyto Kasuna R. Duffey, Estates, Lot8,Block2,$500,000 Mountain Village East 2, Lot16, Tereza YonHurst to Tanya E. Block 12, $320,000 Bautista, Eaglenest,Phase 2,Lot Lambert Neighbour to Arthur B. 46, $159,900 and Cheryl M. Chase,Northcrest Julie A. Lowesto Kevin J. Dostal, Subdivision, Lot 14, $157,000 Highlands at Broken Top, Phase 1, Lot 21, $470,000 Bank of America N.A to Ryan and Ron Comingdeer,Silver Ridge Christine Platt and Brian Watts, P.U.D., Lot 8, $335,550 personal representatives for the Estate of Lyle George Watts, to Sean JACA Investments LLC,Danielle G. and Angela K. Hagen, Township C. Felder, trustee for the Danielle


Colette Felder Revocable Living Trust, and Mary Ann Sorric to Brian M. and Valerie J. Wing, Township 15, Range 12, Section 36, $294,000 Thomas E. andRosalee Bernhardt to Pennie L. and Michael E. Narver,Northwest Townsite Company's First Addition, Lots 6 and 7, Block10, Keystone Terrace, Lot1, Block11, $212,000 Stephen P. andJennifer A. Peterson to Betty J. Lynch,Paulina Peaks, Phase1, Lot7, $157,500 Bar O'RanchLLCto Dennis and Melissa Hruby,Revised Plat of Portion of Meadow Village, Lot 7, Block 4, $368,000 Federal HomeLoan Mortgage Corporation to Elizabeth R. Acarregui,Parks at Broken Top, Phase 4, Lot154, $300,500 New Era HomesLLCto Mark A. and ReginaS.Montgomery and Mary D. Morgan,McClellan Commons, Lot 4, $319,900 Randy P. Stewart to AaronJ. Beatty,Township18, Range12, Section 28, $285,000 Jimmy D.and ConnieA.Johnson to Chantal J.W. Rose,trustee for Chantal J.W. Rose Family Trust, River Bend Estates, Lots 26 and 63, $550,000 Bank of the West to Upper 40 LLC, Parkway Village, Phases 1-3, Lots 20,23-25,35,41 and42,55and 56, 62-64, Partition Plat 2008-12, Parcels 1 and 2, $400,000 Recontrust CompanyN.A. and Bank of NewYork Mellon to Bank of NewYork, Quelah Condominiums, Unit 3, $180,000 Recontrust Company N.A.to Bank of America N.A.,Canyon Points Estates, Phase 4, Lot129, $344,016 Patricia A. Larson trustee,for

Patricia Larson Trust, to Jacquline J. Newbill, Ridge at Eagle Crest 27, Lot 119, $195,000 Mary A. Hathaway,trustee for Mary Ann Hathaway Living Trust, to Dana L. Haldeman trustee, for Jess and Dana Haldeman Trust, Cascade Meadow Ranch, Lot 23, $600,000 Stanton S. andSandra J. Sherwood and Stanton S. SherwoodJr. to Judith A. Frisco,Township 17, Range 12, Section 5, $299,900 Thea Rhiannon toEric W. Coats, trustee for Joyce E. Coats Revocable Trust, Bonne HomeAddition, Lots 7 and 9, Block 22, $318,000 William M. and Sandra L. Weatherly,trustees for William M. Weatherly and Sandra L. Weatherly Revocable Trust, to John M. Barberich, Three Pines P.U.D., Phase 5, Lot 44, $535,000 Tetherow Investments LLC to Dennis R. Schaberg,Tetherow, Phase 1, Lot 270, $190,000 M arvin L.and Tammy S.Breach to Ronald J. andSharon B. Baranick, Ridge at Eagle Crest15, Lot 37, Township 15, Range 12, Section 22, $317,500 Beth C. Garshnick and Beatrice Felix to Kristy Lipp-Vanwoerkom, Deschutes River Recreation Homesites, Unit 6, Part 2, Lots17 and 26, Block 79, $217,000 Rockne B. andSandra D. Olds, trustees for Olds Family Revocable Living Trust, to Garrett and AnnMarie McLeod, Mountain Village East 4, Lot 3, Block 27, $240,000 Bank of NewYork Mellon fka Bank of New York to Scott and Joyce Paul,Phoenix Park Place, Phase 3, Lot 33, $220,000 Ryan D. andRebecca M. Coveyto Eric J. and Kina L. PoweH,Quail

Crossing, Phase 1, Lot 22, $261,000 Carolyn Schmidt,trustee for the Edgar M. Berg Revocable Trust, and Sheila Sohn to Joshua Shockey, Wiestoria, Lots1-5and12-19, Blocks 48 and 50, $350,000 Tetherow Glen 5BLLCto Timberline Construction of Bend LLC,Tetherow, Phase 2, Lot15, $159,000 SimmLLC toDana A. Mather, Center Addition to Bend, Lot 8, Block 50, $164,500 Hayden HomesLLCto Dale R. Breit,South Briar, Lot 20, $165,000 Pahlisch HomesInc. to Ronald G. Stevens,Bridges at Shadow Glen, Phase 1, Lot 21, $349,600 Peggy N. Carey to MichaelD.and Andrea L. Accardo,Township 17, Range 13, Section 33, $415,000 Brooks Resources Corporation to Robert A. and Molly B. LaCroix, trustees for LaCroix Family Trust, North Rim on Awbrey Butte, Phase 5, Lot 111, $170,000 HumaneSocietyofRedmond and HumaneSociety of Central Oregon,personal representative for Estate of Holly E. Davis, to Mary F. Carroll, Forum Meadow, Lot18, $154,900 Mare A. Fortier to Craig and Kristina K. Soderquist,Shevlin Ridge, Phase 2, Lot 59, $413,500 Aaron J. and Thea L. Belobraidic to Kristopher J. andSonya J. Davis, Skyline Ridge, Phase 3, Lot 13, Block 4, $210,000 Rita J. Kieninger to JosephA. Jasper and GregNaylor, Elkhorn Estates, Phase 1-3, Lot16, $180,000 Barbara S. Tyler to Robert G. Hall and Jessica L.Yankovich,West Hills, Lot14, Block 4, $290,000

James P. Miller to Michael A. and Carrie L. DiTuHio,Westside Meadows, Lot 4, $255,000 Crook County Buettner Development LLC to Zachary T. Lampert,Ironhorse 1, Phase 1, Lot 54, $185,000

Jack R. Niemela andSandra E. Niemela to David J. Karikas and Debra S. R. Karikas,High Desert Estates Subdivision, Phase 4, Lot 117, $245,000 Michael J. Tennant to Stanley and Susanne Penkin,Brasada Ranch 5, Lot 531, $342,000 Frederick E. Perrin to John C.and Deborah L. Miller,Township 15, Range 16, Section 26, $360,000 Quality LoanService Corporation of Washington to MetLife Home Loans a division of MetLife Bank N.A.,Meadow Lakes Estates, Phase 1, Lot 14, $175,147.51 Ted M. Grabe to Maria A. Maragni, Partition Plat 2007-08, Parcel1, $235,000 PNC BankN.A., successor by merger to National City Mortgage, a division of National City Bank, to Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, Prineville Lake Acres, Unit1, Lot 6, Block 1, $150,000 Cathy K. Sears to Myron L. and Beverly R. NeweH,Township 14, Range 15, Section 2, $394,500 Mel McConnell and Pam McConneH toJeanne M. Horner, trustee for Frank J. Horner and Jeanne M. Horner Revocable Living Trust, Ridgeview Estates, Lots1 and 5-6, $160,000


Women's in uence Some first-timers skipstarter home in a vertisin sti

a rowt in ustry By Tanzina Vega and Stuart EHiott New York Times News Service

A dvertising week in N ew York is, to borrow a concept from Forrest Gump, like a box of chocolates inside a box of chocolates. Nestled within the panel discussions,speeches and parties are seminars, presenta­ tions and events sponsored by a long list of organizations. For instance, the Radio Ad­ vertising Bureau and the Ra­ dio Creative Fund presented their 2012 Radio Me r cury Awards Wednesday as Adver­ tising Week continued. The National Advertising Division of the Council of Better Busi­ ness Bureaus held its annual conference on Monday and Tuesday. The Advertising Club of New York held its Multicul­ tural Summit on Thursday. And Advertising Women of New York marked the 100th anniversary of its founding, as the League of Advertising Women of New York, with two events on T hursday: a breakfast, attended by about 200 people, and a luncheon, attended by more than 500. "When AWNY was found­ ed, women could not vote," Laura Desmond, chief execu­ tive of the Starcom MediaV­ est Group unit of the Publicis Groupe, said in introductory remarks at the breakfast. The organization began in 1912 with 40 members, she said, growing to 550 in 1962 and more than 1,700 now. "I would like to s ee, 10 years from now, that number dou­ ble," Desmond said, to help AWNY "serve as a catalyst for women in the communica­ tions field." "The legacy, 10 years from now, 25 years from now, is in this room," she added."We have to keep paying it forward." Desmond then joined a panel discussing such questions as whether female executiveswere more reluctant to take prime roles in industry conferences than their malecounterparts. "I don't think there's a lot of patience for blah-blah" among women, Desmond said. And when it comes to talking about their achievements, she added, "women have a tendency to say, 'I didn't do that; I enabled the team."' Anne Finucane, global strat­

egy and marketing officer at Bank of America, looked at the other side of the coin. "I think men mostly want to be keynote speakers" at industry events, she said,rather than panelists. An unscientific sampling of the lineups of panels this week from the organizers of Advertising Week suggested that efforts were being made to recruit women to join the male panelists. For example, a panel on T hursday billed as a C E O Summit included Laura Lang, chief executive of the Time Inc. division of Time Warner, among its five members. Lang spoke about the c hallenges she faces in revamping the mainstay Time Inc. print pub­ lications for an increasingly digitally oriented audience. There need s tobe more inte­ gration of video and print ma­ terial, Lang said, to reflect the demand among consumers for content "anywhere, anytime." The advertising system of agencies, marketers and me­ dia is "underestimating the profound change" in m edia habits among consumers, she added, particularly as t h ey embrace mobility. And while print will "always be around," Lang said, "you' ll never know" what consum­ ers will choose as their next media must-have, "and we have to get really comfortable with that." She cited as an ex­ ample data gathered by Time Inc. showing that the website of Real Simple magazine now getsmore referralsfrom a so­ cial media newcomer, Pinter­ est,than from Facebook. Apropos of Facebook, and high-ranking female execu­ tives, Carolyn Everson, vice president for global marketing solutions at Facebook, took part in a panel Thursday about inno­ vation in digital publishing and advertising. The central themes were data, mobile devices and what is known as native adver­ tising, or improving the interac­ tion of ads and content. Of Facebook's I billion users, a milestone announced Thurs­ day, 600 million visit Facebook primarily through mobile de­ vices, Everson said. In some markets, like Southeast Asia and Africa, she added, mobile devices are the main way peo­ ple use Facebook.

By Jim Buchta Star Tribune(Minneapolis)

Joseph and Kayla Simons aren't your typical first-time home buyers. Armed with low interest rates, bargain prices and good income, the y oung couple sidesteppeda starter home and bought a 3,000­ square-foot house on a tree­ lined street in Maple Grove, Minn. "Since we knew we could easily afford to buy more than we were initially look­ ing to spend, the choice was quite simple," said Joseph Simons. "Why not buy a forever home with every­ thing we want?" Real estate agents say more tw en t y something, childless buyers are snap­ ping up sprawling homes instead of starting out small. It's a trend that's gaining momentum as young buy­ ers seizeon some of the best housing deals in history. While the shift is unlikely to kick-start construction of new subdivisions filled with McMansions, it's helping to revive sales of m idpriced and upper-bracket houses. The Simonses, for instance, initially planned to spend about $200,000 on a town­ house, but ended up spend­ ing tens of thousands more once they started shopping. "The more starter homes we saw, the less impressed we became," Joseph Simons said. Clearly, most f i r st-tim­ ers don't have the financial muscle to buy their dream house, but with rents on the rise, the Simonses and other young buyers face competi­ tion from investors who can pay cash for i nexpensive properties they can use for rentals. For the S i monses, in­ creasing their budget i n ­ creased their options, even though they bought a house that has far more spacethan they need.





'Ir l ill



gALE Thinkstock

Young homebuyers with good incomeare taking advantage of low interest rates and bargain prices to buy bigger homes the first time around.

pricesrange from $420,000 to more than $500,000. While they' re building a bigger house than they need, they say they' re not stretch­ ing their budget. They' ve even made sure that they can afford the house even if one of them wants to take a break from work after they start having children. "We don't ever want to be in a position where we feel strapped," said Mike Jewison. "Nor did we want to give up a ton of things to move into a house where we'd want to live for a long time."


"At this point the ho use ing a 4,500-square-foot house COVERINGS still feels a little big, but we in the Enclave, a new subdivi­ love it," Joseph Simons said. sion in Medina, Minn., where "And when we decide to start a family, we don't have to go anywhere." TRIPLE SAVINGS This shift to larger homes EVENT runs counter to buying trends in recent years that showed • Mail-In Rebates $ zp "~perfectcolorssince1975 higher demand for s maller • Matching Instant houses. When the recession 7:30 AM 5 :30 PM Rebates hit, many builders decreased MON-FRI square footage and t o uted • Free Lifting System their homes as more efficient 8 AM - 3 PM SAT. Upgrades and economical for buyers. 541-382-4171 5 4 1-548-7707 Sale Ends Oct. 31 But Wal t e r Ma lo n ey, 2121 NE Division 641 N W Fir spokesman for the National Ben d R ed m o n d Association of Realtors, said (541) 388-4418 many of today's buyers are realizing that it c ould take many years to gain enough equity to trade up to a costlier house, so many are planning to stay longer. Last year, the typical buyer expected to be in their house 15 years com­ Current Oregon law requires public notices to be printed in a newspaper whose pared with 10 years in 2010, readers are affected by the notice. Federal, state, and local government agencies he said. erroneously believe they can save money by posting public notices on their web Mike and A nn e J ewison sites instead of in the local newspaper. But who would haveaccessto those online notices? 62% of U.S, seniors learned that lesson the hard (65 and older) have no internet access, and a third of those whoDo have access way. Before they were mar­ are still limited to dialup.' ried, Anne Jewison bought a Besides, you'd have to know in advancewhere, when,and how to look,and what to look for, in order to be informed about government actions that could affect you townhouse near peak prices, directly. and now owes more on the Less than 10v6 of the U.s, population currently visits a government web sitedaily,' * but 80% or all Oregon adults read a newspaper at least once mortgage than the house is duringan averageweek,and 54% read publicnoticesprinted there."' worth. That's why when they decided to buy a ho use to­ gether, the twentysomething couple opted for a place they' d enjoy for years. They' re build­



Everyonehasarighttoknow whatthegovernment is doing..

... except15~loofseniors.

Keeppublic notices

in the newspaper!




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Continued from G1 Paper printouts also serve an important function, he said. For long texts, a print­ out can allow a reader to bet­ ter understand relationships between sections of writing. And paper handouts are still a presence at meetings partly because they are use­ ful for taking notes. Reading a l on g d o cu­ ment on paper rather than on a computer screen helps people "better understand the geography of the argu­ ment contained w i t hin," said Richard H.R. Harper, a principal researcher for Mi­ crosoft in Cambridge, Fng­ land, and co-author with Abigail J. Sellen of "The Myth of the Paperless Of­ fice," published in 2001. Today's workers are often navigating through multiple objects in complex ways and creating new d o cuments as well, Harper said. Using more than one computer screen can be helpful for

Continued from G1

all this cognitive juggling. But when workers are go­ ing back and forth between points in a longer document, it can be more efficient to read on paper, he said. A study released in 1997 showed that people's com­ prehension i s sup e r ior when they read texts on paper as opposed to online, Harper said. That finding, of course, doesn't consider the vast improvements in screen technology that have occurred since then, among them e-readers. He is doing research on e­ readers, which are now used mostly for leisure reading. In the future, office work­ ers might make more use of e-readers "alongside other devices for reading and cre­ ation, and this will add to the spread of screen collat­ eral on the desk" while not necessarily making reading more efficient, he said. Steve Leveen, co-found­ er and CFO of Levenger, maintains that digital tech­ nology is better for social­ izing and sharing, while pa­ per is best for quiet contem­ plation. His company is in the business of promoting paper as an aesthetic ex­ perience, offering high-end n otebooks, journals a n d pens, even as it expands to sell items like laptop desks and smartphone cases. Paper, Leveen said, "can be a luscious and beautiful thing — the way we savor fine food and wine, we can savor paper and ink and what it does for us." Paper reminds us that "we' re physical beings, despite having to contend with an increasingly virtual world," he said. People com­ plain that writing by hand is slow, but that can be good for thinking and creating, he said: "It slows us down to think and to contemplate and to revise and recast." Computer styluses, too, can " force you t o t h i n k more carefully about which words you put down and how to plan what you say," Harper said. But a stylus can't replace the physical experience of putting pen to paper, he said. A stylus has the advan­ tage of cutting down on the heedless use of paper, as does the use of screens. And that's good news for trees. As a nation, "we' re doing more with less paper, and recycling more of what we do use," said Joel Makower, chairman and executive ed­ itor of the GreenBiz Group, which aims to help busi­ nesses become more envi­ ronmentally responsible. Makower doesn't do a great deal of writing on pa­ per because he has trouble reading his own handwrit­ ing. And he is more orga­ nized with hi s c omputer files than with paper. "I don't know where to put things in the real world," he said, "but I know exactly where to put them on my computer." But, he said, he knows that some people are just the op­ posite and that there is still a place for paper in the of­ fice. Although he conducts almost all his work digitally, he still prints out his group's "State of Green Business" report — more than 80 pages this year — for proofreading. "I can do a pretty good job on the screen, but there' s something about reading it in hard copy," Makower said, that makes it easier for him to understand.

"While FAA has taken steps to meet them, it is uncertain when the national airspace system will be prepared to ac­ commodate UAS ...," the re­ port said. Going forward, the FAA's work should be monitored reg­ ularly, the report concludes. Congress has directed the FAA to choose six locations in the United States as UAS­ testing ranges, which will be reserved for research and de­ velopment to help i ntegrate unmanned aircraft safely into the airspace. That is expected to happen late this year, FAA spokesman A l len K e n itzer told The Bulletin last month. Advocates think land on the Warm Springs Indian Reser­ vation and elsewhere around Oregon could make the state a competitive candidate for a test range, which must have "geographic and climatic di­ versity," according to federal legislation. Previously, of ficials a l so i dentified par t o f t h e J u ­ niper mil it a r y-operations area, spanning nearly 5,000 square miles across Crook, Deschutes, Harney and Lake counties, as a candidate, when it was not being used. "We stand as good a chance as anybody," said C o l lins Hemingway, head of Fconom­ ic Development for Central Oregon's aviation-recruitment committee. But 30 states have shown in­ terest in securing test ranges, an online trade publication, Space Daily, reported Sept. 27. Another option for Central Oregon, and o ther r egions around the country, would be to get approval to perform spe­ cific kinds of tests with specif­ ic types of UAS. Businesses and universities want to create jobs and take part in research and develop­ ment of an industry with the potential to spend $89 billion worldwide over the next de­ cade, the report states. The GAO report highlights issues that could postpone or complicate UAS testing in ei­ ther scenario.

Solar Continued from G1 In the solar panel sector, "If one-third of them survive, that's good, and two-thirds of them die, but we don't know how that happens," said Li Junfeng, a longtime director general for energy and climate policy at the National Devel­ opment and Reform Commis­ sion, the country's top eco­ nomic planning agency. Li said in an interview that he wanted banks to cut off loans to all but the strongest solar panel companies and let the rest go bankrupt. But banks — which were encour­ aged by Beijing to make the loans — are not eager to ac­ knowledge that the loans are bad and take large write-offs, preferring to lend more money to allow the repayment of pre­ vious loans. Many local and provincial governments also are determined to keep their hometown favorites afloat to avoid job losses and to avoid m aking payments on l o a n guarantees, he said. Li's worries appear to be broadly shared in Beijing. "For the leading companies in the sector, if they' re not careful, the whole sector will disappear," said Chen Huiqing, the deputy director for solar products at the China Cham­ ber of Commerce for Import and Export of Machinery and Electronic Products. The Chinese government also wants to see the country' s more than 20 wind turbine manufacturers, many of which are losing money, consolidate to five or six. "Wind does not need so many manufacturers," said Li, who in addition to draft­ ing renewable energy policies is the president of the Chinese Renewable Energy Industries Association. Chinese solar company ex­ ecutives blame their difficul­ ties partly on U.S. decisions last spring to i m pose anti­ dumping a n d a n t i -subsidy tariffs on solar panel imports, and on the European Union's recent decision to start its own anti-dumping investigation. "It is not a Chinese industry problem. It is a global solar industry problem," said Rory Macpherson, a s p o kesman for Suntech Power, one of the largest Chinese solar panel

Rick Loomis/LosAngeles Times

The Predator drone has proven to be an effective weaponthat offers both real-time surveillance and offensive firepower for troops on the ground.

Safety issues With the on-the-ground op­ erator, or pilot, of a UAS, sepa­ rated from the aircraft, control of the vehicle is slightly de­ layed and th e s u rrounding view is diminished. Environmental c onditions or technical difficulties can cause a UAS to lose the signal from the operator. But UAS generally have sys­ tems in place to return to their o riginating spot o r "spiral down ... and come to a land­ ing" if a signal is lost, which can stop a UAS from stray­ ing outside the testing area, Hemingway said. The report points out that inexpensive devices controlled by a third party could "jam" the GPS signal running be­ tween the UAS and the opera­ tor, rendering the UAS unable to communicate its location and other information, while "spoofing" could enable a per­ son to take control of a drone by copying and then emulat­ ing its GPS signal. Jamming the GPS signal "is a very, very technical and difficult thing to do," though, Hemingway said. "It's a little bit like saying people might jam your c el l p h one. But you' ve got to know the right frequency, (and) you' ve got to

manufacturers. "It is primar­ ily the result of an imbalance between supply and demand and the U.S. and F U trade investigations." Li said the solar industry's problems were the result of overcapacity in China and not the fault of trade restrictions. Yet he insisted that if the Chinese government could turn back the clock and revisit past renewable energy deci­ sions, it would not do anything differently. The problem lies in the ea­ gerness of Chinese businesses to rush into any new indus­ try that looks attractive and swamp it w it h i nvestments, he said. Chinese companies and their bankers are then far more reluctant than Western companies to a dmit d efeat for investments that p r ove unprofitable. Li added that banking regu­ lators had not yet decided what to do about banks' exposure to the solar sector. The central government tried without suc­ cess to learn from local and provincial government agen­ cies how much of the solar in­ dustry's bank debt they have guaranteed, Li said. Chinese solar power com­ panies are making some cuts. S untech, based in Wuxi, i s temporarily closing a quar­ ter of its solar cell capacity. It will transfer a majority of the 1,500affected workers to other operations and provide s everance payments to t h e rest. Jiangsu province, w here Suntech has its headquarters and most of its factories, is­ sued an unusual appeal to state-owned banks s everal weeks ago to continue lending money to the company, a step that Li criticized. Macpherson of Suntech wrote in an email that the Jiangsu government had not guaranteed any of the company's debt, which totaled $2.26 billion at the end of the first quarter, including some convertible bonds in addition to bank loans. Trina Solar, one of its biggest rivals, also has said it w il l " streamline its operations" and shrink its workforce but did not provide details. Trina shares have dropped 85 percent in the past three years, and Suntech shares have fallen more than 98 per­ cent in the past five years.

know where the vehicles are. You' ve got to know a lot of stuff." Even so, the GAO believes UAS could be used as weap­ ons — the report cites a man who recently pleaded guilty to planning an attack on the Pentagon and the U.S. Capitol using explosives on a model aircraft — and states that the Transportation Security Ad­ ministration has not shown what it has done to prevent safety threats. That agency can, for ex­ a mple, make rules on w h o can work in g r ound-control stations, the report states, and can restrict airspace in certain areas.

Privacy concerns Members of Congress and others have said an increase in UAS use could bring more government surveillance and unreasonable search and sei­ zure, while the collection and use of data are additional con­ cerns, according to the report. Many stakeholders be­ lieve that there should be fed­ eral regulations for the types of allowable uses of (UAS) to specifically protect the privacy of individuals as well as rules for the conditions and types of data that (they) can collect,"

the report states. But the FAA has said pri­ vacy issues lie outside its mis­ sion, and Congress has not se­ lected a specific agency to deal with privacy issues, making it unclear who could enforce rules, the report notes. Rules put in place now could prevent a negative perception of UAS because of potential abuses by l a w-enforcement agencies, the report states. Nearly 60 percent of Ameri­ cans surveyed in an Associ­ ated Press and National Con­ stitution Center poll in August said they were somewhat con­ cerned, very concerned or ex­ tremely concerned that police use of UAS for surveillance will cause them to lose some of their privacy. Along with universities, po­ lice departments and sheriff's offices have received the most a pprovals fo r l i m i ted u n ­ manned-aircraft testing from the FAA, according to docu­ ments the agency has released over the past few months. UAS testing in Central Or­ egon or other parts of the state is on the radar at the non­ profit Portland-based Ameri­ can Civil Liberties Union of Oregon. "I think we would say there are some values to the use of

(UAS)," said Becky Straus, the group's legislative director. "But they also provide an un­ precedented ability for govern­ ment to engage in surveillance of law-abiding people, and so that's our strongest concern." Straus said she wants to look to the Oregon Legislature in next year's session for clear rules on the time limit for UAS users tostore data and other characteristicsofdrone use. Privacy is the biggest con­ cern among people Warm Springs Ventures CFO Jeff Anspach talks to on the reser­ vation, he said. "Usually the first question I get is, 'Are these things going to be an eye in the sky?'" he said. It's a legitimate concern, he said. But no one lives in the area on the reservation where he and others would like to conduct tests ­ about 12 square milesof desert range­ land east of U.S. Highway 26, he said. Aside from privacy, people often want to know if UAS will be assafe as manned aircraft, Anspach said. But that's why UAS testing is essential, before they get deployed over more densely populated areas, he said. Open rangeland would be a perfect place to see what happens when the signal between a ground-control facility and its UAS is lost, he said. With safety an d p r ivacy questions dealt with, people then tend to want to know how they can benefit from UAS re­ search capabilities, Anspach said. "That's where the excite­ ment comes in," he said. Despite the potential for pri­ vacy and safety complications the report highlights, some Central Oregon businesses see opportunities to capitalize on the possibility of UAS testing. "The (business-to-business) that could take place (as a re­ sult of a Northwest test range) would be huge," said Karla Cross,the director of market­ ing at Kawak Aviation Tech­ nologies, a Bend company that m akes components for t h e aviation industry. — Reporter: 541-633-2117, j novet@bendbulletin.corn

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Grth8,lncA p 33 33 + 09+142 +301 Grwth8,lncol 32 58 + 10+145 +311 Alger FundsA: CapApr 1 7 25 +19 +298 +472 GrowthA p 52 84 + 29+196 +367 SpectraN 1437 +18 +30 6 +540 GrowthCt 4721 +25 +187 +337 Growthl 5 8 03 +32 +199 +377 Alger Funds I: CapApprl 23 76 + 28+303 +475 MktNeutlr 1267 +01 +109 +190 SmCapGrl 2889 +07 +25 8 +458 MktNeutAp 1280 +01 +107 +181


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1 6 53 - 02 +64 +187 IntDurlnstl 16 35 - 04 +5 8 +23 7 Inca p ShDurlncAt 1645 +02 +6 0 +11 3 AllianceBern A: G loblBdAr 86 3 - 01 +7 6 +22 7 SocEqA p 38 91 + 43+22 9 +426 GrolncAp 40 8 +07 +32 0 +51 1 Causeway Intl: HighlncoAp 937 +04 +23 1 +438 Institutnl nr 12 93 + 32 +28 0 +259 LgCapGrAp 2963 +11+30 2 +484 Chpper 6 9 67 + 90+22 9 +415 InsltRlty n 43 89 - 08 +31 7 +724 RltyShrs n 6780 -13 +31 6 +71 5 HighlncoCp 947 +03 +22 1 +40 4 Columbia Class A: Acornt 302 3 + 18+25 3 +485 Allianz Admin MMS: NFJSmCpVlt 3011 +23+20 4 +487 AcornlntlA t 4013 + 45+22 0 +306 BldModAgg p 11 20 + 12 +193 +336 Allianz Fds Instl: NFJDivVal 1306 +15 +29 9 +495 DvEqlncA 1073 +21 +26 3 +369 D vrBd 52 4 +8 3 +22 8 SmCpVln 3170 +25 +20 8 +498 DvilncoA 1531 +25 +27 7 +488 Allianz FundsA: DvOpptyA 893 +1g +27 0 +560 NFJDivVal t 1296 +14 +294 +478 FocusEqAt 2351 i21 +23 7 +432 SmCpVA 3012 +23 +20 2 +48 1 HiYldBond 293 +01 +23 0 +409 Alpine Funds: LgCapGrAt 2771 +37 +31 2 +51 2 Tax0ptlnco 10 05 +10 +43 LgCorQAp 677 +11 +32 1 +554 AmanaGrthn 2730 +35+22 6 +409 MidCpValA 1444 +17 +27 5 +434 Amanalncon 3435 +44+19 3 +348 PBModA p 11 38 + 10+168 +315 Amer Beacon Insti: SelLgCpGrt 13 94 + 10+21 3 +530 LgCaplnst 2207 +45 +32 1 +426 S trtlncA 6 4 1+ 02+159 +301 SmCaplnst 2149 +24 +30 6 +467 TxExAp 1 4 31 +01 +111 +213 Amer Beacon Inv: SelCommA 4417 -35 +146 +315 LgCap Inv 2090 +42 +316 +410 Columbia Class Z: Ameri Century 1st: AcornZ 3 1 3 7 +20 +25 7 +499 Growth 2 9 1 0 +31 +28 2 +508 AcornlntlZ 4026 +45 +22 4 +319 Amer Century Adv: AcornUSA 3115 +09 +26 3 +469 EqIylncA p 8 05 + 08+24 1 +40 3 B ond 970 - 0 1 +7 1 +20 9 HentageAp 2267 +33 +27 1 +554 DvilncomeZ 1532 +26 +28 1 +500 Amer Century Inst: IntmBdZn 960 +01 +8 5 +24 8 E qlnc 805 + 0 8+24 4 +422 IntmTEBdn 1105 +01 +83 +172 Amer Century Inv: LgCapGr 14 10 + 10 +21 7 +54 1 AIICapGr 3210 +35 +29 3 +559 LgCapldxZ 2854 +42 +30 4 +489 CAlntTF 12 00 +86 +174 MarsGrPrZ 2346 +21 +252 +470 DivBondn 1127 -03 +6 7 +20 2 MidCapGrZ 2794 +27 +22 0 +529 DivBond 1127 -03 +65 +193 MidCpldxZ 1198 +09 +27 5 +527 EqGrolnvn 2500 +41 +31 0 +505 MdCpVal p 1446 +18 +27 9 +445 E qlnco 80 5 + 0 8+24 4 +41 4 STlncoZ 10 00 +3 0 +8 8 GNMAI 1 1 2 4 - 05 +3 5 +16 7 STMunZ 10 56 +18 +51 GovtBd 1 1 58 - 04 +28 +152 SmlCapldxZn 1809 +09+30 6 +560 Growthl 2 8 8 2 +30 +28 0 +499 SCValullZ 1497 +16 i' 1 i47 1 Hentagel 2339 +33 +275 +566 Stratlnco 6 3 2 + 01t160 t311 IncGro 2 8 1 1 +42 +29 1 +463 ValRestrn 5050 +83 +27 5 +332 InfAd]Bond 13 49 + 09 +8 7 +29 5 CRAQllnv np 11 26 - 03 +44 +149 I ntTF 117 6 +77 +159 CG Cap Mkt Fds: IntTF n 1 1 76 +79 +166 CoreFxlnco 892 -01 +8 4 +24 4 IntlGrol 1 1 1 5+ 27+23 3 +247 LgGrw 1 7 0 5 +22 +28 8 +502 MdCapVal 1316 +18 +269 +478 LgVal n 9 8 0 + 15 +25 6 +412 NT DivrBd n 1119 -03 +67 +199 Credit Suisse Comm Selectl 45 8 6+ 51+29 9 +522 CommRett 850 -06 +41 +185 Ultra n 2 7 0 0 + 26 +274 +540 Cullen Funds: V aluelnv 6 4 3+ 09+28 2 +41 1 HiDivEqlnr 1423 +21 +238 +476 Vista 1804 +24+25 0 +425 HilncmAdv 938 +04 +23 5 +452

AllianceBern C:

American FundsA: AmcapFAp 2164 +28+24 9 +429 AmMutlAp 2883 +48 +24 7 +448 BalAp 2 0 5 0 +27 +22 2 +416 BondFdA p 12 95 -02 +7 1 +214 CaplnBldAp 5366 +79+194 +310 CapWGrAp 3681 +79+24 7 +234 CapWldAp 2167 +04 +83 +175 EupacA p 40 46 + 76+20 7 +146 FundlnvAp 4084 +72 +28 3 +409 GlblBalA 2671 +37 +175 NS GovtA p 14 59 -04 +28 +154 GwthFdAp 3437 +51 +284 +376 Hl TrstA p 11 24 + 06+19 7 +38 1 HilncMuniA 1526 +01 +14 5 +266 IncoFdAp 1821 +23 +21 4 +40 8 IntBdA p 13 79 - 01 +3 3 +11 6 IntlGrlncAp 3033 +62 +191 +196 InvCoAA p 3113 + 48+268 +3 LtdTEBdA p 16 42 + 02 NwEconAp 2893 +40 NewPerAp 3096 +62 NewWorldA 5293 +63 STBFA p 10 09 - 01 SmCpWAp 3987 +60 TaxExA p 13 15 + 01 TxExCAAp 1761 +01 WshMutAp 3189 +58

American Funds B:

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Arbitrage Funds: Arbitrage ln 1309 +04 ArbitrageRp 1283 +03

Ariel Investments: Apprec Aneln

4 5 8 2 +69 505 3 + 86

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Aston Funds: FairMidCpN 3412 + 60

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BBH Funds: BdMktN 1 0 43 +01 CoreSelN 1780 +26

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Bernstein Fds: IntDur 142 0 - 04 C aMu 149 1 DivMun 1 4 92 NYMun 1 4 66 TxMgdlntl 1357 +24 IntlPort 1 3 4 7+ 24 Emg Mkts 26 87 + 15

Berwyn Funds: Income 1 3 46 + 13

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BlackRock B&C: EquityDivC 1996 +32 GlobAICt 1834 +14

BlackRock Fds Blrk: CapApprp 25 39 + 28

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BlackRock R: EquityDiv 2050 +33 GlblAlloc r 1905 +14

Brandywine Fds: Brandywme 24 69 + 08

Brown Advisory Fds: GroEqlnst 1490 +06 BrownSmColns5056 +39

Buffalo Funds: SmallCap 2952 +17

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DWS Invest A: DSmCaVal 3652 +43 EqtyDivdA 3611 + 48 H ilncA 493 + 0 3 MgdMuni p 9 56 + 01

StrGovSecA 8 91 - 01

DWSInvest InstI:

SmlCapTp 2165 +12+16 3 +24 1 TotMkldxF r 42 41 + 58+30 4 +503 StrlnT 12 75 + 03+126 +275 TotMktlndlnv 42 40 + 58+30 4 +50 1 USBond I 1200 -03 +51 NS Fidelity Freedom FF2000n 12 58 + 04+8 9 +20 2 Fidelity Spart Adv: FF2010n 14 44 + 10+15 8 +285 ExtMktAdvr 4066 +41 +29 6 +535 FF2010K 13 23 + 09+15 9 +287 500ldxAdvx 5179 +49+30 5 +494 FF2015n 12 08 + 09+16 1 +29 0 500lndexlx 5178 +47 +306 NS FF2015A 12 24 + 09+15 9 +289 IntlAdv r 33 49 + 64 t177 t121 FF2015K 13 30 + 09+16 2 +293 Intlldxlnst 3351 +65 +178 NS FF2020n 14 64 + 12+180 +313 TotlMktAdv r 42 40 + 58+30 4 +503 FF2020A 12 76 + 10+178 +313 USBond I 1200 -03 +50 NS FF2020K 13 75 + 11+182 +316 First Eagle: FF2025n 12 22 + 11+20 3 +326 GlobalA 4 9 9 4 +40 +16 0 +356 FF2025A 12 33 + 11+20 3 +33 1 OverseasA 2250 +14+118 +278 FF2025K 13 93 + 12+20 5 +330 SoGenGolpd3076 +24 +17 +353 FF2030n 14 56 + 13+21 1 +33 0 USValuAt 1855 +20 +20 6 +397 FF2030K 14 09 + 13+21 3 +336 First Investors A FF2035n 12 08 + 12+22 8 +33 1 GrolncAp 1695 +29 +32 1 +48 4 FF2035A 1221 +13 +22 8 +340 Forum Funds: FF2035K 14 20 + 14+23 0 +336 AbsolStratlr 1126 +01 +26 +111 FF2040n 8 43 + 08+23 2 +333 Frank/Temp FrnkA: FF2040K 14 25 + 15+23 3 +339 A diUS p 8 9 0 - 0 1 NA NA FF2045n 998 +10 +23 6 +335 AZ TFA p 11 50 - 01 +101 +187 FF2045K 1441 +16 +24 0 +34 1 Ball nv p 43 43 + 92+25 0 +354 FF2050n 9 84 + 11+24 4 +335 CAHYBd p 10 56 +16 0 +307 FF2050K 14 43 + 16+24 5 +338 CallnsAp 1299 +11 4 +20 3 FreelncKx 11 85 + 02+8 9 +19 9 CalTFrApx 752 -02 +12 4 +202 IncomeFdnx 11 84 + 03+89 +198 EqlncA p 18 40 + 29 NA NA Fidelity Invest: Fedlnterm p 1260 +01 +95 +188 AIISectEq 13 26 + 18+279 +439 FedTxFrA px 12 73 - 04 +10 3 +204 AMgr50nx 1647 +06+16 4 +309 FlexCapGrA 4988 +57+20 6 +383 AMgr70nr 1755 +17+20 7 +34 1 FIRtDA p 9 1 0 + 01 +1 0 3 +191 AMgr20nrx 1341 +02 +9 4 +22 1 FL TFA p 11 99 - 02 +82 +180 Balanc 20 50 + 18+20 3 +380 FoundFAI p 1118 +19 NA NA BalancedK 2051 +19+20 5 +387 GoldPrMA 3619 +32 -34 +254 BlueChipGr 50 98 + 49+279 +556 GrowthAp 5069 +56 +24 4 +44 1 BluChpGrF n 5107 +49+28 1 +566 HYTFAp 1091 +12 5 +248 BluChpGrK 51 03 + 50+28 1 +564 H ilncoAx 2 0 6 +22 7 +410 CA Munn 1294 +01 +10 3 +20 1 IncoSerApx 224 +01 NA NA Canadan 55 13 + 88+174 +246 InsTFA p 12 62 - 01 +91 +181 CapApp n 30 28 + 56+31 6 +552 MichTFA p 12 36 - 01 +68 +147 CapApprK 30 34 + 56+318 +560 MOTFAp 1275 -01 +86 +187 CapDevelO 12 22 + 18+271 +473 NJTFAp 1265 -01 +84 +173 Caplnconr 9 40 + 05+20 6 +417 NYTFApx 1215 -03 +80 +161 ChmaReg r 2818 +27 +20 4 +14 4 NCTFAp 1298 -01 +92 +184 Contra n 80 64 + 96+28 6 +52 1 OhiolTFA p 1313 +86 +166 ContraK 80 65 + 96+28 7 +527 ORTFAp 1262 -01 +89 +184 CnvSec x 25 05 + 16+19 0 +33 1 PA TFA p 10 96 +90 +192 DisEq n 25 20 + 34+28 9 +303 Ris DNA p 38 36 + 50+21 8 +504 DiscEqF 25 20 + 34+29 2 +31 1 SMCpGrA 3761 +37 +22 3 +479 Diverlntl n 29 54 + 53+219 +154 Stratlnc p 1068 +04 +15 0 +286 DiverslntK r 29 53 + 53+22 1 +16 0 TotlRtnA p 10 51 - 01 NA NA DivStk0 n 1781 +28+34 6 +537 USGovA px 6 87 - 04 +31 +153

CapA ppInst n 4380 +58 +25 8 +480

ShTmBdT 311 +01 +4 4 +9 4 Twenty T 63 41 + 84+32 1 +305

MCapGrP p 3388 -14 +9 6 +39 8 T R II n SmlCoGrl n 1462 -14 +26 4 +426 TRllln

Hartford HLS IA:

Legg MasonA:


CBEqBldrA 1505 +18 +27 9 +489 CBAggGrp 13121 +91+32 2 +619 CBApprp 16 38 + 23+30 7 +454 CBFdAIICVA 1445 +19+27 2 +298 WAlntTmMu 682 +01 +98 +180 WAMgMuAp 1719 +01+12 0 +208

Genesis n 5236 +59 +20 2 +496

HiYBdlnstr 1114 +04 +18 6 +354 Intllnvt 59 3 3 +119 +22 1 +21 7 Jensen Funds: Munder FundsA: IntlAdmm p 5953 +120+22 2 +22 1 QualGrowthl 2964 +40+21 5 +403 MdCpCGrt 3161 +35 +25 9 +524 Intlnr 600 2+121+22 5 +230 QuahtyGrthJ 2963 +39+21 2 +390 Munder Funds Y: Harding Loevner: John HancockA: MdCpCG rYn 3239 +36 +26 2 +535 EmgMktsr 4975 +85 NA NA BondAp 1 637 +02 +12 9 +339 Mutual Series: IntlEqty 1 5 3 5 +28 NA NA IncomeAp 670 +01 +15 1 +32 8 BeaconZ 13 43 + 27+26 7 +339 LgCpEqA 28 53 + 46+32 5 +330 EuropZ 2 1 1 1 +51 +212 +160 Hartford FdsA: BallncoAp 1231 +13 +21 2 +44 1 John Hancock Cl 1: GblDiscovA 3021 +63+23 5 +262 CapAppA p 33 28 + 76+23 8 +199 LSAggress 1295 +19 +24 1 +335 GlbDiscC 2983 +62 +22 7 +236 ChksEBalp 1005 +13 +19 5 +28 1 LS Balance 13 64 + 14+20 1 +329 GlbDiscZ 3065 +64 +239 +274 DivGthA p 2135 + 34+26 5 +398 LS Conserv 13 51 + 06+14 0 +28 4 QuestZ 1 7 9 1 +31 +211 +273 Eqtylnct 1 5 21 +29 +30 0 +507 LSGrowth 1363 i17 +228 +337 SharesZ 2285 +39 +273 +352 FltRateA px 8 94 + 01 +12 9 +259 LS Moder 1341 +10 +17 0 +322 Nationwide Instl: MidCapAp 2075 +25 +29 0 +438 John Hancock Instl: I ntldx I n 6 9 6 + 1 3+170 +109 Hartford Fds C: DispValMCI 1300 +18 +29 9 +552 NwBdldxl n 11 86 - 04 +48 +181 CapAppC t 29 37 + 67 +229 +173 Keeley Funds: SEP500lnstln1219 +18+30 4 +488 FltRateCtx 893 +01 +12 1 +23 1 SmCpValAp 2744 +43+31 9 +469 Nationwide Serv: Hartford Fds I: LSVValEqn 1541 +25 +33 4 +390 IDModAgg 974 +10 +20 6 +306 DivGthln 2 1 2 8 +35+26 9 +410 Laudus Funds: Neuberger&Berm Fd S: IntlMsterSr 1915 +33 +22 7 +326 EqlncA Hartford Fds Y: +21 1 +50 7 1 1 9 7 +09 CapAppYn 3625 +83 +24 4 +21 5 USLgCapGrr 14 94 + 12+29 0 +586 Eqlnclnst 1201 + 09+21 6 +524 CapAppl n 3335 +77 +24 2 +208 Lazard Instl: Genesis n 3595 +40 +20 3 +499 DivGrowthYn 2166 +35 +27 1 +41 6 EmgMktl 1 9 52 +04 +21 6 +236 Geneslnstl 5054 +57 +20 5 +508 F ltRatelx 8 9 5 + 0 1+13 1 +26 8 Lazard Open: HilncBdlnst 9 49 + 04 +214 +416 TotRetBdY nx 11 29 - 04 +8 1 +22 9 EmgMkt0pp 1993 +04+21 3 +224 LgCapV Invn 2789 +48 +25 1 +263

CapApp 42 90 + 75 +24 6 +298 Div8 Grwth 22 21 + 37+274 +421 Grwth0pp 3005 +47 +33 2 +495 Balanced 2166 +21 +22 0 +367 Stock 466 7 + 79+30 1 +44 5 Intl0pp 1 2 1 6 +29 +215 +198 MidCap 2 8 10 +34 +29 5 +454 SmallCo 1986 +06 +24 6 +506 TotalRetBd 11 85 - 03 +8 1 +23 7

Nicholas Group: Nicholas n 49 24 +1 01+29 3 +558

Northern Funds:

Henderson Glbl Fds:

Intl0ppAp 2036 +30 +162 +63 Partners 3 0 85 +73 +266 +408 Hotchkis & Wiley Intln 1366 +34+15 9 +79 MidCpVal 2788 +64 +50 5 +624 SmCap 3030 +33 +29 8 +623

Longleaf Partners:

Bondldx 1 1 08 - 03 EmgMEqldx 1147 +08 Fixln n 10 83 - 01 GlbREldxr 889 +07 HiYFxlncn 74 8 + 03 IntTaxEx n 11 00 IntlEqldx r 10 05 + 18 MMEmMktr 1835 +10 MMGlbRE r 1825 +13 MMlntlEq r 9 27 + 14 ShlntTaxFr 1068 SmlCapValn 1681 +19 Stockldxn 1813 +26 TxExpt n 11 31

Hussman Funds:

Loomis Sayles:

Nuveen Cl A:

Hartford HLS IB:

Leg g MasonC: WAlntTMuC 683 +01 +92 +159 WAMgMuC 1720 +11 4 +18 8 CMValTrp 4286 +84 +25 9 +234

CapApprecp 4248 +74 +24 2 +288 Legg Mason I: Heartland Fds: CBAggGrlt 140 59 + 99+32 7 +639 Valuelnv 4 3 02 +20 +24 0 +349 Litman Gregory Fds: ValPluslnvp 3069 +26 +24 9 +447 Intll 14 26 + 38+17 9 +15 0

StrTotRet r 1250 -01 +27 +132 StrGrowth 10 88 - 02 -170 -154 ICMSmlCo 2942 +17 +28 9 +418

ING Funds Cl A: GlbR E x 1754 +08 +29 4 +385


11 1 3 +9 6 +21 5 SAMGrAp 1502 +17 NA NA 102 0 + 01 +11 6 +24 2 Prudential Fds A: PIMCO FundsA: H iYldAp 5 6 6+ 0 2+20 3 +42 1 AIIAstAuth t 1116 + 05 +20 4 +293 MidCpGrA 3249 +31 +28 0 +546 AIIAssetp 1264 +07 +17 7 +31 9 NatResA 45 91 - 48 +97 +141 +13 6 +430 STCorpBdA 11 60 +65 +142 CommodRR p 700 H iYldA 956 + 0 4+20 8 +394 SmallCoAp 2182 +01+23 7 +457 LowDurA 10 65 - 01 +65 +128 TotRetBdA 1472 +01 +10 3 +307 RealRetAp 1265 +09 +10 6 +31 7 2020FocA 16 91 + 26+21 4 +336 ShortTrmAp 989 +3 3 +5 1 UtilityA 12 0 7 + 20+276 +541 TotRtA 1 1 5 9 +01 +11 7 +23 1 Prudential Fds Z&l: PIMCO FundsC: GrowthZ 2237 +30 +26 0 +486 AIIAstAutt 1105 +04 +19 5 +265 MidCapGrZ 3376 +33 +28 4 +56 1 AIIAssetCt 1250 +07 +16 9 +289 SmallCoZ 2286 +02 +23 9 +468 LwDurCnt 1065 -01 +6 2 +11 7 Putnam FundsA: RealRetCp 1265 +09 +10 1 +29 8 AAGthA p 1363 +16 NA NA TotRtCt 1 1 59 +01 +10 9 +203 CATxA p 8 34 +11 6 +20 3 D vrlnAp 7 6 4+ 05+111 +274 PIMCO FundsD: CommodRR p 702 +13 4 +43 1 EqlnAp 1 7 37 +36 +32 1 +400 LowDurat p 10 65 - 01 +66 +131 GeoBalA 13 40 + 14+20 5 +337 1 4 7 3 +26 +30 3 +352 RealRtnp 1265 +09 +10 6 +31 8 GrlnAp 7 8 8+ 0 4+22 6 +398 TotlRtn p 1159 +01 +11 8 +23 5 H iYdAp InvA p 1 4 92 + +31 26 5 +44 0 PIMCO Funds P: AIIAsset 1 2 7 4 +07 +18 3 +337 MultiCpGr 5593 +55 +272 +438 NYTxA p 8 98 -01 +92 +187 AstAIIAuthP 1122 +05 +20 9 +31 1 +10 6 +20 1 +13 9 +44 5 TxExA p 9 08 CommdtyRR 712 TFHYA 1 2 70 +01 +138 +278 EmgLocalP 1088 +02 +12 9 +31 3 NA NA IncomeP 1226 +04 +20 3 +557 USGvA p 13 69 VoyA p 2 2 51 + 32 +23 3 +236 LowDurP 10 65 - 01 +68 +137 RealRtnP 1265 +09 +11 0 +33 0 RS Funds: TotRtnP 1 159 +01 +12 0 +242 CoreEqVIP 3954 +49 +28 2 +295 RSNatResnp 3797 +36+20 9 +407 ParnassusFunds: Eqtylnco n 3019 +41 +27 3 +445 RSPartners 3373 +67 +28 1 +452

Pax World:

Rainier Inv Mgt:

Balanced 2374 +16 +178 +272 SmMCap0r 3632 +47 +29 2 +50 1 SmMCplnst3737 +48 +29 5 +512


731 +04 +21 7 +366 R>dgeWorth Funds: GS(UIISIIB(II 1019 - 01 +1 8 +5 3 H ighYldl 9 9 7+ 0 4+19 6 +384 Permanent 4964 +11 +9 7 +36 2 IntmBondl 10 64 - 01 +40 +151 Pioneer FundsA: InvGrTEBln 1286 +02 +86 +175 FundamVal 1923 +31 +238 +276 LgCpValEql 1415 +17 +28 3 +429 HighYldAp 1032 +09 +21 6 +399 MdCValEql 1134 +13 +317 +474 PionFdAp 4268 +61 +22 0 +348 SmCpVall 1378 +18 +22 4 +483 StratlncAp 1123 +02 +13 1 +29 3 TotRetBdl 1107 -02 +62 +217 ValueAp 1238 +23 +29 0 +298 Hilnc

Perm Port Funds:

Pioneer Funds C:

PioneerFdY 4283 +61 +22 4 +364 GlbBdR t 1725 + 05 +10 1 +20 1 HYldMuBdp 1700 +03 +20 9 +344 StratlncCt 1099 +01 +12 2 +266 LSBondl 1506 +07 i160 i377 AAMuBp 1170 +01 +136 +272 Pioneer Fds Y: LSGlblBdl 1742 + 06 +10 4 +21 2 LtdMBAp 1128 +01 +48 +119 StratlncYp 1123 +01 +13 4 +30 4 Strlnc C 15 49 + 10+14 5 +332 Nuveen Cl C: Price FundsAdv: LSBondR 1500 +07 +15 7 +366 HYMunBdt 1698 +03 +20 3 +322 BIChi Grn 4643 +45 +30 7 +55 1

Royce Funds:

Low P rSkSvcr 14 93 + 12 +9 5 +26 8 PennMulrn 1187 +09 +21 8 +392 Premierlnr 1983 +22 +170 +414 SpeclEqlnvr 2219 +13+24 3 +429 TotRetl r 14 03 + 15+23 5 +437 ValPlusSvc 1378 +07+24 1 +308

Russell Funds S: EmerMkts 1805 +13 +20 4 +204 G lobEq 9 0 0+ 1 8+19 5 +266 IntlDevMkt 3014 + 64+177 +95 RESecx 3869 +12 +32 3 +542 StratBdx 1148 -01 +90 +277

Russell Instl I: StratBdx 1 134 -01 +91 +278

Russell LfePts A:

BalStrat px 10 91 + 08+16 7 +283

Russell LfePts C: BalStrat

+15 9 +255 1 0 8 2 +10

SEI Portfolios: CoreFxlnAn 1162 -02 +8 9 +30 2 EmMktDbt nx 1205 -02 +20 9 +394 H iYldn 763 + 0 4+21 2 +49 1 IntMuniA 1186 +01 +80 +171 IntlEqA n 8 37 + 18 +179 +129 LgCGroAnx 2584 +27+29 8 +51 1 LgCValAnx 1831 +29 +30 4 +41 0 SE,P500E nx 40 21 + 42 +30 4 +489 TaxMgdLCnx 1407 + 19 +30 2 +446

SSgA Funds:

Eqty500IL 165 96 +2 40

EmgMkt 1967 +05 SP500 n 24 01 + 35

DWS Invest S:

Schwab Funds:

CoreEqtyS 1840 +39 GNMAS 1556 -01

NYVen C 35 33 + 59

CoreEqty 19 42 + 31 DivEqtySel 1497 +24 FunUSLlnstr 1100 +20 IntlSS r 1 6 45 +30 1000lnvr 4154 +59 SEPSeln 2311 +34 SmCapSel 2187 +14 TSMSelr 2662 +36

Davis Funds Y:

Scout Funds:

NYVenY 3726 +63

Intl 3196 +52 MidCapr 1410 +29

HiYldTx n 1311 + 03

MgdMumS 957 +01

Davis Funds A: NYVenA 3681 +62

Davis Funds C:

Delaware Invest A: Diver Inc p 9 44 - 03 LtdTrmDvrA 8 93 - 03

Selected Funds:

Diamond Hill Fds:

AmerShsD 4468 +71 AmShsSp 4460 +71

LongShortln 1857 +23

Sentinel Group:

Dimensional Fds:

ComStkAp 3554 +51 Sequoian 16628 +319

EmMkCrEqn 1929 +16 EmgMktVal 2879 +20 GlbRESecn 927 +05 IntSmVan 1525 +23 LargeCo 11 53 + 17 STExtQual n 10 98 STMuniBdn 1030 TAWexUSCrn 864 +14 TAUSCorEq2 10 00 + 16 TMUSSm 2557 +27 USl/ectrEq n 1186 +19 USLgVan 2279 +51 USLgVa3 n 1745 + 39

Sit Funds: USGovn 1138 -01

Sound Shore: SoundShore n 3437 +74

St FarmAssoc: Balann Gwthn

5 7 4 4 +36 5 7 5 0 +80

Sun Capital Adv: GSShDurltl 1033 IbbotsBalSvp 1216 +11 IbbotsModSvp1180 + 09

USMicron 1529 +14


USTgdl/al 1768 +30 US Small n 2366 +26 USSmVal 2727 +48 IntlSmCon 1540 +22 GlbEqlnst 1393 +21 EmgMktSCp n2062 +21 EmgMktn 2642 +21 F xd n 103 5 ST Govt n 10 88 IntGvFxlnn 1311 -04 I ntlREst 5 5 0+ 0 5 IntVan 1 5 8 5 +33 IntVa3n 1 4 81 +30 InflProSecs 1299 +08 Glb5Fxlnc 1127 LrgCaplntn 1850 +33 TMUSTgtV 2335 +41 TMlntlValue 1303 +27 TMMktwdeV 1708 +37 TMMIVa2 1644 +36 TMUSEq 1566 +22 2YGIFxd n 1013 DFARIEst n 2610 + 07

TCW Funds:

Dodge & Cox:

Balanced n 7736 + 79 GblStock 9 0 4 + 16 IncomeFd 1383 IntlStk 33 2 6 +81 Stock 1 2 0 72 +178

SmCapVal n 21 71 + 17 EmMktlnc 926 +09 TotlRetBdl 1026 +01

TCW Funds N: TotRtBdNp 1060 +01

TFS Funds: MktNeutral r 15 40

TIAA-CREFFunds: Bdldxlnst 11 01 - 03 Bondlnst 10 95 - 01 EnLCGlnstr 1010 +13 EnLCVlnstr 888 +16 Eqldxlnst 1118 +15 Gr8,lnclnst 1081 +18 HighYldlnst 1030 +03 InfLkdBdlnst 1259 +07 IntlEqllnst 1585 +29 IntlEqlnst 9 0 7 + 23 LgCGrlnst 1217 +16 LgCVllnst 1440 +23 MdCGrllnst 1357 +23 MdCVIRet 1870 +28 RealSeclnst 18 82 + 29 SE,P500llnst 1659 +24 SmCEqlnst 1513 +06

Templeton Class A: TGlbTRA 1356 +07

Templeton Instit:

DoubleLine Funds:

ForEqS 1 9 22 +52

CoreFxdlnc I 1138 -02 T RB(I I 11 3 9 - 0 1 TRBd N p 1139

Third Avenue Fds:


IntlVallnstr 1639 +19 REVallnstr 2655 +22 Valuelnst 4921 +53

Aprec 458 1 + 64 BasicSE,P 3005 +44 BondMktlnvp 1108 -04 CalAMTMuZ 1553 +01 Dreyfus 1 0 05 + 15 DreyMidr 2956 +22 Drey500lnt 4047 +59 IntmTlncA 1418 + 01 Intermnr 1 435 +01 IntlStkl 13 9 9+ 14 MunBdr 1 195 +01 NY Tax nr 15 64 OppMCValA 3085 +61 SmlCpStkr 2252 +12 DreihsAclnc 1051 +04

Thompson IM Fds:

Dupree Mutual:

LgCapStock 24 26 + 29

KYTF 8 11 EVPTxMEml 47 38 + 51

Eaton Vance A:

AtlCapSMID p 1673 +21 GblMacAbR p 1002 +05 FloatRate 94 0 +01 I ncBosA 5 9 2 + 01 LgCpVal 1992 +36 NatlMunlnc 1024 +04 StratlncomeCIA820 +02

Eaton Vance C: NatlMunlnc 1024 +04

Eaton Vance I: AtlCapSMID 1792 + 22 FltgRt 909 GblMacAbR 1001 +05 I ncBost 59 3 + 0 2 LgCapVal 1997 +36 NatlMunilnc 1024 +04 ParStEmMkt 1455 +15 E dgw dGInst n 13 95 + 18

FMI Funds:

CommonStk 2571 +28 LargeCapp 1762 +24

FPA Funds:

C apit 4324 - 1 7 Newl neo n 10 63 - 07 FPACres n 29 07 + 33 Fairholme 31 32 +1 29

Federated A: KaufmAp 5 4 6 +06 MuniUltshA 1005 StrValDivp 518 +06 TtlRtBd p 11 61 - 02

Federated Funds: TtlRtnBdSvc 11 61 - 02

Federated Instl: H>ghYldBd r 1017 + 04 KaufmanR 546 +05 MunULAp 1005 TotRetBond 11 61 - 02 UltShortBd 924 +01 StaValDivlS 520 +07

Fidel ityAdvisorA:

FltRateAr 9 9 6 + 01 FF2030A p 12 92 + 12 FF2040A p 13 04 + 14 LevCoStA p 3760 + 64 MidCpllAp 1825 +30 Nwlnsghtsp 2349 +28 SmallCapAp 2257 +13 StrlnA 12 75 + 03

Fidelity Advisor C: Nwlnsghts tn 2215 + 26 StratlncC nt 1272 +02

FidelityAdvisor I: EmgMktll n 1493 +11 EqGrl n 6 8 02 + 47 FltRateln 9 9 4+ 01 Grolncl 2 0 7 2 +36 LgCapln 2227 +41 MidCpllln 1855 +31 Newlnsightl 2382 +28 SmallCapl 23 85 + 14 S trlnl 1291 + 0 3

Fidelity Advisor T: EqGrTp 6 3 46 +44


118 4 + 02

Thornburg FdsC: InIValuCt 2487 +39

Thornburg Fds: IntlValAp 2650 +42

IncBuildA t 19 09 + 19 IncBuildCp 1909 +20 IntNalue I 2709 +43 LtdMunAp 1471 +01 LtdTlncA 13 72 LtdTmlncl 13 72 - 01 LtTMunil 14 71 + 01 Valuel 32 6 9+ 45

Thrivent FdsA: MuniBd 1 1 93

Tocqueville Fds: Delafield 3 0 1 2 + 24 G oldt 755 1 + 72

Touchstone Family: SandsCpGYn 1300 +10 SandsCapGrl 18 06 + 13 SelGrowth 1274 +09

Transamerica A: AsAIModGr p 12 61 + 12

Transamerica C: AsAIModGrt 12 53 + 12

TA IDEX C: AsAIMod t 12 37 + 09

Tweedy Browne: GbNalue 2523 +59

USAA Group: CornstStrn 2331 +21 Grwthn 1 6 8 7 +22 Gr8,Inc n 1652 +19 HYldlncon 868 +07 IncStk n 1393 +21 Income n 13 49 - 01 IntTerBd n 10 92 I ntln 2500 + 6 6 PrecMM 3185 +07 SE P Idx n 21 88 + 31 SEPRewrd 2189 +32 ShtTBnd n 927 TxEITn 1 3 7 4 +02 TxELTn 1 3 93 +02 TxESh n 10 86 + 01

VALI C: MidCapldx 2135 +16 Stocklndex 2750 + 40

1 yr 3 yr

NAY Chg %rt %rl

MCpAdmln 10191+1 36 +26 7+532 MorgAdm 63 70 + 68 +26 7 +494 MuHYAdmln 1127 + 01 +11 3 +215 NJLTAdn 1240 + 01 +101 +175 +92 +176 NYLTAd m 11 84 PrmCap r 73 21 +1 18 +23 7+409 PaafAdml 62 52 + 07 +10 0 +121 PALTAdm n 11 75 + 01 +90 +179 REITAdmlr 9233 + 25 +34 9 +804 STsryAdml 10 79 -01 +10 +56 STBdAdmln 10 67 -01 +2 4 +9 2 ShtTrmAdm 15 94 +14 +41 STFedAdm 10 89 -01 +19 +77 STIGrAdm 1087 +48 +131 SmlCapAdmln3873 + 33 +31 0 +537 SmCapGrth 3119 +16 +304 NS SmCapVal 31 26 + 37 +31 7 NS TxMCap r 73 44 +1 04 +30 4+492 TxMGrlnc r 6554 + 95 +30 5 +491 TtlBdAdml n 1117 -03 +4 9 +18 8 TotStkAdm n 36 34+ 49 +30 4 +503 ValueAdml n 23 33+ 41 +29 8 +426 WellslAdm n 5964 + 36 +16 9 +384 WelltnAdm n 59 80+ 69 +214 +372 WmdsorAdm n5046 + 94 +31 0 +404 WdsrllAdm 5325 +1 06 +31 8 +451 TaxMngdlntl rn1077 + 20 +170 +113 TaxMgdSC r 3112 +14 +305 +564

Vanguard Fds: D ivrEqn 2 3 4 3 + 32 +29 1 +462 C AIT n 1 1 7 6+ 01 +9 2 +18 0 CapOpp n 3382 + 61 +23 8 +330 Convt n 1 3 01 + 09 +20 1 +328 DvApplnvn 2420 + 32 +25 5 +461 DvidendGro 1719 + 29 +25 3 +496 E nergy 6 1 3 7 +14 +180 +251 Eqlnc n 24 77 + 46 +304 +574 Explorern 8041 + 52 +25 6 +504 GNMA n 11 07 -04 +3 6 +18 2 GlobEqn 1860 + 39 +24 9 +302 Grolnc n 3123 + 50 +31 9 +501 HYCorp n 6 05 + 03 +20 9 +416 HiDvdYldn 2030 + 34 +30 1 +540 HlthCare n 151 09+2 96 +26 3+503 InflaPra n 14 94 + 09 +8 6 +30 5 IntlExplr n 14 58 + 25 +166 +158 I ntlGr 187 1 + 34 +21 5 +216 IntlVal n 30 05 + 50 +192 +77 ITI Grade 10 46 +10 8 +298 ITTsry n 11 79 -04 +3 3 +19 0 LIFECon n 1735 + 08 +13 6 +266 LIFEGra n 23 81 + 26 +22 1 +350 LIFE Inc n 14 76 + 01 +9 2 +22 2 LIFEMod n 2112 +16 +177 +316 LTlnGrade n 1089 - 10 +13 0 +394 LTTsry n 13 23 -27 +3 4 +35 9 MidCapGro 21 53 + 07 +25 1 +558 MATaxEx 10 97 + 01 +9 0 +16 7 Morgann 2053 + 22 +26 5 +488 MuHYn 1 1 27 + 01 +11 2 +212 M ulntn 144 3 + 01 +8 4 +16 7 Mu Ltd n 11 20 +3 0 +8 1 Mu Long n 11 81 + 01 +100 +186 MuShrtn 1594 i 13 i 3 9 OHLTTxE n 1275 +02 +96 +177 PrecMtlsMin r 1775 + 30 -63 +156 PrmCpCorern 1526 + 28 +22 6 +408 Prmcp r 7053 +1 14 +23 6 +406 SeNalu r 2129 + 41 +29 6 +487 STAR n 20 85 +19 +192 +324 STIGrade 1087 +47 +128 STFed n 10 89 -01 +18 +74 STTsry n 10 79 -01 +0 9 +5 3 StratEq n 21 32 + 30 +30 3 +550 TgtRetlnc 12 28 + 05 +119 +273 TgtRet2010 24 60 +15 +151 +312 TgtRet2015 13 63 + 09 +172 +323 TgtRet2020 24 24 + 20 +18 9 +334 TgtRet2025 13 83 +13 +206 +348 TgRet2030 2376 + 25 +22 1 +360 TgtRet2035 14 32 + 17 +23 7 +371 TgtRe2040 23 55 + 29 +243 +373 TgtRet2050n 23 45 + 29 +244 +373 TgtRe2045 n 1479 +19 +244 +374 TxMBal n 22 48 + 17 +18 5 +32 1 USGro n 2149 + 23 +28 2 +426 Wellslyn 2462 +15 +168 +382 W elltnn 3 4 6 2+ 39 +21 3 +369 Wndsr n 14 96 + 28 +30 9 +400 Wndsll n 30 00 + 60 +31 7 +447

Vanguard Idx Fd S: DevMklnPlnr 9889 +182+175 NS EmMklnPlnr 8871 +68 +211 NS ExtMkt I n 112 67+1 15 +29 8 NS FTAI IWIPI nr 9102 +1 45 +18 4 NS MidCplstPI n 11105 +1 48 +26 8 NS STBdlnstPls 10 67 - 01 +25 NS SmCaplnPI n11181 +95 +311 NS TotlntAdm nr 2417 + 37 +181 NS Totlntllnstnr 9667 +147+181 NS TotlntllP nr 9668 +146+181 NS Tati ntSig nr 28 99 +44 +181 NS 500 n 1 34 78 +1 95 +30 4+490 Balancedn 2405 +18 +197 +378 DevMkt n 9 56 +18 +173 +116 E Mkt n 2 6 6 8 + 21 +209 +173 Extend n 45 59 + 46 +29 6 +525 Growth n 3767 + 40 +30 4 +561 ITBond n 1216 -04 +81 +277 LTBondn 1443 - 17 +9 5 +39 4 MidCap 22 44 + 30 +26 6 +526 R EIT r 21 6 4+ 06 +34 8 +797 SmCap n 3867 + 33 +30 8 +530 SmlCpGrow 2491 +13 +302 +594 SmlCapVal 1742 + 21 +31 5 +467 STBondn 1067 -01 +2 3 +8 9 TotBond n 1117 -03 +4 8 +18 4 Totllntl n 1 4 45 + 22 +180 +126 TotStk n 36 33 + 49 +30 3 +497 Value n 2 3 34 + 42 +29 7 +420

Vanguard Instl F ds: B allnstn 2 4 0 5+18 +199 +385 DevMktlnst n 9 49 +17 +174 NS EmMktlnstn 2667 + 21 +211 +180 Extln n 4 5 65 + 47 +29 8 +533 FTAIIWldl r 8594 +1 36 +18 3 +140 Growthlnstl 3766 + 40 +30 6 +569 InfProtlnstn 1195 + 07 +8 7 +31 1 Instldx n 133 89 +1 94 +30 6+495 Ins PI n 133 90+1 95 +30 6+496 InstTStldx n 32 89 + 45 +30 5 +504 InstTStPlus 32 90 + 46 +30 6 +505 LTBdlnstn 1443 - 17 +9 6 +40 0 MidCaplnstln 2251 + 30 +26 7 +533 REITlnstr 1429 + 04 +35 0 +804 STBondldxn 1067 - 01 +25 NS STIGrlnst 1087 +49 +132 SmCplnn 3873 + 33 +31 0 +538 SmlCapGrl n 2498 +13 +304 +602 T Blst n 111 7 -03 +4 9 +18 9 T Slnstn 3 6 3 5+ 50 +30 5 +503 Value lnstl n 23 33 + 41 +29 8 +427

Vanguard Signa BalancSgl n 23 79 +18 +199 +384 ExtMktSgl n 39 22 + 40 +29 8 +531 500Sgl n 111 34 +1 62 +30 5+495 GroSig n 34 88 + 37 +30 6 +567 ITBdSig n 1216 -04 +8 2 +28 1 MidCapldx n 3216 + 43 +26 7 +532 REITSig r 2465 + 07 +34 9 +803 STBdldxn 1067 -01 +2 4 +9 2 SmCapSig n 3489 + 29 +31 0 +537 TotalBdSgl n 11 17-03 +4 9 +18 8 TotStkSgnl n 35 08+ 48 +30 5 +503 ValueSig n 24 28 + 43 +29 8 +426

Vantagepoint Fd S: Aggr0pp n 10 56 +13 +236 +309 EqIylnc n 9 47 + 17 +26 4 +390 Growth n 9 83 +10 +267 +403 Grow8,Inc n 1116 +16 +298 +460 Intl n

947 +16 +197 +188

MPLgTmGrn 2283 + 24 +20 3 +309 MPTradGrthn 2385 + 21 +174 +280

V>ctory Funds: DvsStkA 16 81

Virtu s FundsA: M ulSStAp 4 9 4

Virtus Funds C: MulSStC p 4 99

Virtus Funds I: EmgMktl 1 0 00

WM Blair Fds In IntlGrwth 14 65

WM Blair Mtl Fd IntlGrowthl r 22 56

Waddell & Reed A ccumultv 8 3 8 AssetS p 9 67 Bond 666 CorelnvA 6 85 Highlnc 745 NwCcptA p 1011 ScTechA 11 22 VanguardA 9 31

Wasatch: IncEqty 1 4 54 LonglShort 1376 SmCapGrth 4403

Weitz Funds: Shtlntmlco I 1259

Wells FargoAdv AstAIIA p 13 00 EmgMktAp 2087 PremLgCGA 1107

GIHardA 4450 - 11 InlnvGldA 2046 +16

Wells FargoAdv Ass etAI I 13 11 Wells FargoAdv

Vanguard Admiral:

AstAIIC t 12 49

BalAdmln 2404 +17 CAITAdmn 1176 +01 CALTAdm 1200 +01 Cp0pAdl n 7814 +140 DevMktsAd 2752 + 50 EMAdmnr 3506 +27 Energy n 115 25 + 26 EqlncAdml 5191 +97 EuropAdm l 58 22 +1 59 ExplAdml 7489 +49 ExntdAdmn 4565 +47 FTAIMlxUS 2711 + 43 500Admln 13478 +195 GNMAAdmn 1107 -04 GrolncAdm 5100 +82 GrwthAdmln 3767 +40 HlthCare n 6377 +125 HiYldCpn 60 5 +03 InflProAdn 2934 +18 ITBondAdml 1216 -04 ITsryAdml n 11 79 - 04 IntlGrAdml 59 57 +1 08 ITAdmln 1 443 +01 ITCoAdmrl 10 46 LtdTrmAdm 11 20 LTGrAdml 1089 -10 LTsryAdml 13 23 - 27 LTAdmln 1181 +01

Wells FargoAdv

Van Eck Funds:

Growthlnv n 41 21 Opptntylnv n 4015 STMunlnvn 1004 SCapVallnvp 3474

Wells Fargo Ad T RB(IS 1 34 1 DJTar20201 14 71 DJTar20301 15 16 Growth 4 4 58 IntlBondl 11 87 ShDurGvBdl 10 37 UIStMulnc 483

Wells Fargo Ad Growth

4 3 36

Wells Fargo Ins UltSTMuA 4 83

Westcore: Plus Bd 1 1 27

Western Asset: CrPlusBdF1 p 11 65 CorePlus I 1166 C arel 123 6

William Blair N: IntlGthN 22 02 Wintergreent 1505



Fender has •I been making Continued from G1 its own line A Strat, after all, is what of inexpen­ economists call a c o nsum­ sive guitars er discretionary item ­ a overseas for nonessential. years, like More than macroeconom­ the $1,599 ics, however, is at work here. Fender Artist "Eric Clap­ Fender, based in Scottsdale, ton" Strat. A Ariz., is also being buffeted by powerful forces on Wall Fender tech­ Street. nician works A private investment firm, on a wooden Weston P r esidio, c o n trols body. nearly half of the company and has been looking for an exit. It pushed to take Fender public in M a r ch, t o h o w ls in the g u itar-o-sphere that Fender was selling out. But, to Fender's embarrassment, investors balked. They were -'rI worried about the lofty price 1. I and, even more, about how Fender can keep growing. And that, really, is the crux of the m atter. Times have ~i, changed, and so has music. ~- / In the 1950s, '60s and '70s, electric guitars powered rock and pop. Today, turntable rigs, drum machines and sampler synthesizers drive music like hip-hop. Electric guitars, huge as they are, have lost some of their old magic in this era of Jay-Z, Kanye West and "The /~,-/~,'. ­",a,.c' Voice." Games like Guitar H e ro have helped underpin sales, is;„ P..."i".%;-", but teenagers who once might have hankered after guitars now get by making music on Photos by Monica Almelda / New York Times News Service laptops. It's worth remember­ Workers build Fender guitars in Corona, Calif. The economic downturn of recent years has been ing that the accordion was hard on the company but it still has its loyalists and its executives are optimistic that the com­ once the most popular instru­ pany can turn around its fortunes — as it did in the 1980s. ment in America. Granted, Fender is such a "Fender and the whole music industry got hit powerful brand that it can ride billion, including debt. out the lean times. But sales Guitar Center has been los­ pretty hard. People were afraid to buy anything of all kinds of musical instru­ ing money since. Moody's is­ or do anything. They didn't know if they'd have ments plunged during the re­ sued a junk rating of B2 on cession, and they still haven' t Guitar Center's debt in Octo­ a job." recovered fully. Sales of all in­ ber 2007, and has since down­ — Bill Mendello, struments in the United States graded the company two more former chief of Fender and a member of its board totaled $6.5 billion last year, t imes, most recently in N o­ down roughly 13 percent from vember 2010, to Caal. theirpeak in 2005, according The change in A m erican to Music Trades, which tracks music is evident on West 48th many other Japanese compa­ were impressed with Fender's the industry. Street — the "Music Row" of nies," says Bill Mendello, the craftsmanship. Le o F ender Many of the guitars that Manhattan. The b lock j u st former chief of Fender and died in 1991 at the age of 82; are selling these days are east of T imes Square was today a member of its board. in 2001, Weston swooped in, cheap ones made in places once home to dozens of music "And they were, frankly, bet­ buying a 43 percent stake of like China — ones that cost a stores, practice studios and in­ ter made and a lot cheaper Fender for $58 million. small fraction of, say, a $1,599 strument repair shops. It was than U.S. manufacturing." Mendello says the recent re­ Fender Artist "Eric Clapton" the place to go to buy a Fender In the 1980s, Mendello, then cession was tougher on Fender Strat. Fender has been mak­ in New York. a top executive in CBS' musi­ than past downturns. " Fender an d t h e w h o l e ing its own line of inexpensive Now Music Row is being cal instruments division, and guitars overseas for years, but hollowed out by h igh rents Bill Shultz, then president of music industry got hit pretty the question is how the com­ and competition on the Web. Fender, developed a plan to hard," he says. "People were pany can keep growing and Even Sam Ash, which has save Fender. To make it hap­ afraid to buy anything or do compete profitably in a fast­ been there since the 1920s, is pen, they had to take on Wil­ anything. They didn't know if moving, global marketplace. moving to West 34th Street. liam Paley, the feared chair­ they'd have a job." Its margins are already under man of CBS. Their plan called Many in the industry praise Changing markets pressure. for CBS t o i n v est heavily Fender for branching out into "What possible niche is left Fender, too, has had to con­ — about $50 million over five other areas, including making unexploited by Fender?" asks tend wit h c h anging t astes years — in Fender and to re­ and selling steel-string acous­ Jeffrey Bronchick, founder of and markets. Once it looked vamp marketing. Paley signed tic guitars and cutting deals Cove Street Capital, an invest­ like the Pan Am of guitars, a off. with various other brands like ment advisory firm in El Se­ storied name that might sim­ Gretsch guitars and drums and gundo, Calif., and the owner ply vanish. Leo Fender sold Back in the black Sabian cymbals. But one of the of some 40 guitars, including his company to CBS for $13 B ut three years into t h e biggest competitors for new four Fenders. million in 1965, but Fender plan, Paley was out and new Fender guitars is old Fender Another big player on the struggled in the ensuing years management decided to sell guitars. Many players believe American music scene, Guitar to maintain its identity inside a the music division. With Fend­ — rightly or wrongly — that Center, has already had finan­ big corporation. Analysts said er losing money, there were the Fenders of the 1950s, the cial strains. Like Fender, Gui­ that Fender, under pressure to few buyers. CBS considered '60s and even the '70s, when tar Center, the world's largest meet quarterly earnings num­ liquidating the company. In­ analysts say quality suffered, chain of instrument retailers, bers,made a seriesofcostcuts stead, Schultz and Mendello have a special something. A is also involved with private that caused quality to suffer engineered a $ 12.5 million vintage Fender won't make a equity. It's controlled by Bain and sales to nosedive. leveraged buyout. Before long, novice sound like a Hendrix. Capital, Mitt R omney's old Yamaha of Japan, mean­ Fender was back in the black. But many pros say that at their firm. while, began grabbing mar­ Fender gradually clawed its level, the equipment matters. Analysts say Guitar Center ket share with inexpensive, way back up in the '80s and Prices of vintage Fenders have is crucial to Fender, account­ high-quality guitars. In 1980, '90s, beefing up quality, train­ soared accordingly. i ng for r oughly a s i xt h o f the problems came to a head ing and oversight, and, for the Fender's sales — and the ties when Fender posted a $10 mil­ first time, starting to manu­ 'Bleeding Fender' between the two ru n d eep. lion loss on only $40 million in facture guitars i n ternation­ Rick Barrio Dill, the bass­ Fender's c h i e f ex e c utive, sales. ally, especially in Japan and ist for the soul and rock band "In 1970, nobody wanted a South Korea. Restoring qual­ Vintage Trouble, was frantic Larry Thomas, used to be the chief of Guitar Center. He sold Yamaha musical instrument, ity was crucial, Mendello says. when his customized Fender the company to Bain at the top but by 1980 they were begin­ Artists like Clapton, who had Reissue Precision bass guitar of the market in 2007 for $2.1 ning to dominate, along with modified his Strat "Blackie," was stolen while his group


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Samples of custom Fender guitar necks built for Jeff Beck, Eric Clapton and John Mayer, at the Corona, Calif., factory.

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Div PE Last Chg%Chg


Div PE

Last Chg%Chg

AlaskAir s Avista BkofAm BarrettB Boeing CascdeBcp

13 36.52 +.23 -2.7 1.16 17 26.06 +.01 +1.2 .04 10 9 . 32-.09 +67.6 .44 38 2745 -.30 +37.5 1.76 13 70.89 +.95 -3.4 5.41 -.09 +23.5 1.40 11 55.04 +.05 +16.7 .88 18 54.25 +.22 +16.5 1.10 28 101.79 +.31 +22.2 53 z93 +.03 +31.7 .28 14 20.45 +.10 -18.4 .53 5 1 4 .73-.21 -42.8 .24f ... 1 1.62-.13 +11.7 .90 10 2z68 +.22 -6.5 . 20 9 8.8 8 -.03 +15.5 .60f 22 23.77 +.08 -1.9 9 3 . 80+.07 -36.0 13.61 +.41 +68.6 .67 19 2zoo -.01 +2.5 14 16.19 +.01 +19.4 .92f 15 29.85 -.18 +15.0

NikeB Nordstrm NwstNG Offi ceMax

1.44 21 1.08 18 1.78 21 .08 17 .80 12

95.22 -.67 -1.2 56.18 +.13 +13.0 50.18 +.18 +4.7 7.71 -.12 +69.8 41.39 -.24 +10.5 1.31 -.06 -31.4 42.60 +.21 +16.5 163.56 -.24 -.7 16.16 -.19 -23.2 27.03 -.26 -36.1 155.69 +1.33 +74.4 32.69 +.48 -11.0 48.74 -.36 +5.9 5.28 +.27 +8.4 12.74 +.12 +z8 34.92 -.27 +29.1 16.72 +.16 +19.5 35.84 -.13 +30.0 22.64 -.01 +45.1 26.64 +.18 +4z7

ColSprtw Costco CraftBrew FLIRSys HewlettP

Hmredlo Intel

Keycorp Kroger Lattice LaPac MDURes

Mentorsr Microsoft

1.68 39 .12 19 .70 9 .75 12 1.56 31 .89f 11 .68 27 .36 .78 .32 .88 .20 .60

16 13 13 12 14 41

Precious metals Metal NY HSBCBankUS NY MercGold NY MercSilver

was touring with the Cranber­ ries in May. Playing another brand was out of the question. "It put a feeling in my stom­ ach like someone had just died — I was a complete wreck," Dill remembers. He alerted his fans via Twit­ ter, and before long the story reached the Gibson Guitar Corp., Fender's big competitor, which offered a replacement. Dill turned i t d o wn . T h en Fender made a similar offer — and Dill pounced. "I kind of bleed Fender," he says. He, too, is chasing vintage Fenders. He bought a 1969 Tobacco Sunburst F e nder Jazz Bass in 1999 for $1,200 and sold it four years later for $2,500. "I'm trying to buy the exact bass now, and it's selling for $6,500 or $7,000," he says. Duff McKagan, the former bassist for Guns N' Roses and Velvet Revolver, grew up lis­ tening to Led Zeppelin, Aero­ smith and the Clash. He used to drop by the Guitar Center branch on Hollywood's Sunset Strip, when that company was independent, and dream about buying a Fender bass. "I'm sure they got sick and tired of me coming in," McKa­ gan says. He still plays the 1985 Fender Jazz Special he bought after Guns N' Roses landed its first record deal. He can attest to the durability of Fenders. Once he tried to imi­ tate Paul Simonon of the Clash by smashing his bass at the end of a show. "I took a f ul l s w ing and brought it down on this metal grate stage — and nothing happened," McKagan recalls. After 20or so tries,one shard of wood came loose. "That was enough for me," he says, adding that he never tried to smash a Fender again.

The next step Such testimonials a side, the question is where Fender will go from here. It has been hurt by the economic slump in Europe, a region that accounts for 27percent of net sales,and the situation there could hang over Fender for years. The company has also been criticized by Wall Street ana­ lysts for acquiring the Kaman Music Corp., a distributor of

Providing unparalled service across a variety of industries since 1983.

musical instruments and ac­ cessories, in 2008 for $117 million. The company, which it renamed KMC Music, is a low-margin business and has squeezed Fender's o v erall profit margins. Fender filed to g o p ublic in an initial stock offering in March, in a deal that would have valuedthe company at as much as $396 million. That is a pittance by Facebook stan­ dards. But the price was high for a c ompany of F ender's size. Bankers a n d i nv e stors scoffed. Fender, they s aid, was trying to go public as a "growth" company when its sales were declining. "It made no sense," says Ar­ nold Ursaner, president of CJS Securities in White Plains, N.Y. The talk o n W a l l S t reet was that Weston Presidio was pushing to sell at a high price. Weston executives declined to comment. "They saw a window and said let's try to hit it and may­ be no one will pay attention to the negative sales trends," Ur­ saner says. "It was banking at its worst." In documents filed in con­ nection wit h t h e p r oposed initial public offering, Fender outlined avenues that it con­ tended would bolster growth, such as sales to emerging mar­ kets like China and India, the addition of more licensing and co-branding deals, and strate­ gic acquisitions. Bronchick, the analyst, spec­ ulates that investment bankers didn't wanted to take the offer at such a high valuation. "Nobody wants to be em­ barrassed like Facebook," he says. At Fender, Mendello doesn' t rule out a future public offer­ ing. Fender might try again sooner rather than later, be­ cause about $237 million of its $246 million in long-term debt will be due in 2014. Mendello, who o wn s 4 .8 percent of Fender, says he isn' t looking to cash out personally. Neither are t h e c ompany's other shareholders, he says. "I love Fender — it's the greatest company i n the world," he says. "We' re here for the long-term, and we' re going to do what's right for Fender."

WILSONSof Redmond 541-548-2066



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Price (troyoz.)

Pvs Day

$1775.00 $1778.60 $34.516

$1791.00 $1794.10 $34.041



Vringo 2 1 3044 4.54 -.71 CheniereEn 31250 15.49 -.38 NovaGld g 31245 5.24 -.16 Neuralstem 29443 1.30 +.02 Sandstg rs 22363 14.73 +.50


Indexes Nasdag

Most Active (S1 ormore) Most Active (S1 or more) Most Active (S1 or more) Name Vol(00) Last Chg Name Vol (00) Lasl Chg Name Vol (00) Last Chg BkofAm 1960504 9.32 -.09 SKP500ETF1105710 146.14 +01 SprintNex 71 5493 5.20 +.11 SPDR Fncl 586586 16.06 -.01 iShEMkts 52M14 41.95 +.01

M ATTR E S S G allery- B e n d


Market recap

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• •




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Zynga n 1113677 2.48 -.34 SiriusXM 501158 2.69 -.01 Microsoft 406342 29.85 -.1 8 Facebook n 386365 209I -1.04 Intel 37II 1 8 22.68 +.22

Gainers (S2 ormore) Gainers (S2 ormore) Gainers (S2 or more) Name L a s t Chg %Chg Name L a s t Chg %Chg Name L a s tChg %Chg

52-Week High Lo w

Net Last Chg

N a me

13,653.24 10,404.49 Dow Jones Industrials 5,390J1 3,950.66 Dow Jones Transportation 499.82 40.54 Dow Jones Utilities 8,515.60 6,414.89 NYSE Composite 2,50z21 1,94t99 Amex Index 3096.93 2,298.89 NasdaqComposite 1,474.51 1,074.77 S&P 500 15,43z54 0,208.42 Wilshire 5000 868.50 60t71 Russell 2000

World markets

Primero g 7.37 +1.97 +36.5 Aerosonic 3.45 +.34 +1 0.9 LifePtrs 2. 5 9 + .36 +1 6.1 SinopcShng 28.18 +2.50 +9.7 Bovieued 3.78 +.23 +6.5 XenoPort 12.86 +1.71 +15.3 Edenor 2. 2 5 + .1 9 +9.2PowrREIT 7.61 +.45 +6.3 AtlCstFin 2 . 3 1 +.29 +1 4.4 Here is how key international stock markets GbXGreece 16.89 +1.1 9 +7.6 HMG 4.96 + . 2 8 +6.0 ColdwC rsh 4.36 +.43 +10.9 Avon 17. 3 9 +1.1 7 +7.2Barnwell 3 . 4 4 +.15 +4.6 Edwards n 7.37 +.71 +10.6 performed yesterday.

Market Losers (S2 ormore) Losers (S2 ormore) Losers (S2 ormore) Name L a s t Chg %Chg Name L a s t Chg %Chg Name L a s tChg %Chg Amsterdam LifeLock n 7.32 -.87 -10.6 PacBkrMg 3.30 -.75 -1 8.5 Iridium un 8.25 -1.55 -1 5.8 Brussels Paris iP LEVixut 9.99 -1.09 -9.8 SwGAFn 8.06 -1.44 -1 5.2 CacheInc 2.74 -.51 -1 5.7 London DB AgDS 12.66 -1.33 -9.5 Vringo 4.54 -.71 -1 3.5 Inteliquent 7.70 -1.36 -1 5.0 Frankfurt MonstrWw 7.30 -.75 -9.3 CT Ptrs 4.20 -.52 -11.0 MrcCmp 8.30 -1.34 -1 3.9 HangKong 7.43 -1.15 -13.4 JinkoSolar 3.97 -.34 -7.9 CGAInds 4.07 -.43 -9.6 Datalink Mexico Diary Diary Diary Milan NewZealand Advanced 196 Advanced 1,71 2 Advanced 1,114 Tokyo Declined 1,284 Declined 237 Declined 1,324 Seoul Unchanged 137 Unchanged 29 Unchanged 137 Singapore Totalissues 3,133 Total issues 462 Total issues 2,575 New Highs 317 New Highs 21 New Highs 156 Sydney Zurich New Lows 6 New Lows 4 New Lows 34

Close % Change 332.53 2,436.48 3,457.04 5,871.02 7,397.87 21,012.38 41,934.80 15,876.25 3,904.85 8,863.30 1,995.17 3,107.87 4,51 3.82 6,162.58

+1.49 s +1.18 s +1.64 s +74 s +1.27 s +50 s +1.24 s

+z35 s +59 s +44 s t.13 s t69 s t92 s

+62 s

13,610J 5 5,046.43 479.93 8,384.07 2,485.36 303609 1,460.93 15,248.45


YTD 52-wk % Chg %Chg % C hg

+34.79 +33.72 -t55

+.26 +1 t40 +.67 + . 53 -.32 +3.28


+.09 +1 z13 -J4 + 9.09 -.42 +20.38 -.03 +1 6.17 -.04 +1 5.61 -.21 +1 3.76

-3.52 -1 3.27 -.47 -6J1 -t79

+2z58 +1 5.76 +1 t26 +2t06 +1 8.67 +26.49 +26.44 +2608 +28.44

Currencies Key currency exchange rates Friday compared with late Thursday in NewYork.

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Nozzle fromplastic spraybottle unlikely to harmboat's engine


By Paul Brand


Star Tribune (Minneapolis)



Honda viaThe Washington Post

The 2012 Honda Civic LX compact sedanhas a plain, conservative styling, but the fuel-efficient small car excels in ride, acceleration and handling.

on a ivic

eservesana oo • Forget the model's decline in thesmall-car market; it's still the one By Warren Brown Special to The Washington Post

Sex sells. It a l s o d upes. When duped, yo u e r r one­ ously assess things, especially those, such as cars, requir­ ing some kind of intelligent commitment. Iwas duped. Imade a dumb mistake back in J une 2011 when I opined in this space that the 2012 Honda Civic HF sedan was symptomatic of Honda's slip from grace in the small-car market. Here's my recant, as upfront and as clear as I can make it: The Honda Civic


is s till the one.

I' ve come to that conclusion after 350 mostly commuter miles in a rented 2012 Honda Civic LX sedan — a close-to­ basic front-wheel-drive com­ pact sedan outfitted with an optional five-speed automatic transmission. In truth, I wanted to rent something snazzier — a Kia Optima or Hyundai Sonata, a Chevrolet Cruze or Ford Fo­ cus, a new Dodge Dart if pos­ sible, or a Volkswagen Jetta TDi — an automobile "with personality." H aving months ag o r e l ­ egated the Honda Civic to the "also-ran" files of my automo­ tive mind, I did not consider a Civic. But a Civic LX sedan, replete with cloth seats and industrial-grade vinyl, was all that remained in my weekly rental price range (up to $225) on a local Enterprise Rent-a­ Car lot. I took the deal. I'm glad I did. It turned out to be what I needed to regain perspective. Several months before driv­ ing the deliberately pedestrian Civic HF, I hadbeen stunnedby all of the neat stuff global auto­ mobile companies were install­ ing in their little cars. These wel­ come changes included super­ attractive styling inside and out. Finally, I thought, automobile manufacturers have learned that "compact" and "ugly" don' t mean the same thing. It was a fair assessment car­ ried too far, one that ignored the i n h erent, l o n g-lasting beauty of one of the world' s best-selling small c ars, t he

this week for the Paris Auto Show. I was pleasantly sur­ prised. In several runs up and down Interstate 66 in Virginia, the Civic LX's 1.8-liter four­ cylinder gasoline engine (140 horsepower, 128 foot-pounds of torque) performed beauti­ fully — very little downshift­ ing, no a sthmatic behavior in higher elevations, enough passing power when needed, and decentfuel economy at 28 miles per gallon in the city and 39 mpg on the highway. It was an economic blessing that the rented Civic LX was designed to do its best work on regular-grade gasoline. The more I drove that car, the more I loved it, and the m ore I u nderstood why so many peoplelove the Honda Civic even though, I still main­ tain, it has been surpassed by so many rivals in exterior and interior styling. Even after having been bat­ tered by multiple drivers over more than 17,000 miles, the Civic LX worked flawlessly. Fit and finish remained im­ pressive — no shakes, no rat­ tles and only one missing part (a piece of sound-deadening, wind-blocking rubber absent from under the right side of the hood). The Civic LX was a cinch to maneuver and park in tight urban traffic. Lastly, there was this: Like it or not, and I'm still trying to de­ cide, the quality of today's cars is determined almost as much by the quality of their infotain­ ment/communication systems as by anything else. In that re­ gard, Honda's patented i-MID (intelligent Multi-Information Display) system is at the top of its class. It is intuitive, easy-to­ use and truly informative. The rented Honda Civic LX did not come with the optional

2012 Honda Civic LX Base price:$18,005 with manual transmission, $18,805 with five-speed automatic transmission Type:Compact, front­ engine, front-wheel-drive sedan Engine:1.8-liter, 16­ valve in-line four-cylinder gasoline engine with variable valve timing (140 horsepower, 128 foot­

pounds of torque). A five­ speed manual transmission is standard; a five-speed automatic is optional.

Mileage:35 miles per gallon in mostly highway driving with three occupants and light loads

(100 pounds or less of cargo)

Honda Civic. In comparison with its sexier rivals, the 2012 Civic HF I drove in the sum­ mer of 2011 was dowdy. I was disappointed, and in my disap­ pointment I ignored the Civic HF's primary reason for be­ ing — to deliver its namesake "high fuel" economy, and to do so using the simplest styling and inexpensive but still high­ quality materials. The 2012 Honda Civic LX sedan renteda year later also came with lots of plastic — gen­ uine, plastic-is-plastic plastic that did little to lift the spirits, but made it exceptionally easy to lift stains and smudges with a little soap and water. The cloth seats were equally easy to clean. The entire interior, in fact, was expressly designed for hard use and easy maintenance. T he upshot: A fter a b i t more than 17,000 miles on the road and 10 months' use before coming into my hands, the interior of the rented 2012 Honda Civic LX still looked and felt new. That is the kind of stuff that high resale values are made of. Most of us don't rent com­ pact economy cars to set speed records. I rented the 2012 Civic LX to complete several region­ al errands before taking off

• I have a 1972 Sea Ray • boat with a four-cylin­ der GM engine, basically the one GM used in the Chevy II. While winterizing the boat, I started spraying fogging oil into the cylinders and when I looked up, the red plastic straw was gone! I assume it blew into the cylinder and have tried lots of things to fish it out. I' ve tried a bent wire with many differ­ ent bends, and angled twee­ zers, rotating the cylinder to top dead center in the hope it would bow out and I could grab it. I even used a vacuum cleaner nozzle in the hope that the suction would rotate the straw around so I could at least see it. I' ve had several people tell me to just fire it up because that small a piece of plastic would get hot and vaporize. I'm reluctant to do this, fear­ ing that the plastic will melt and either gum up the cylin­ der wall or rings or stay melt­ ed on the edge of a valve and hang it up. I suppose the safe thing to do would be to take off the cylinder head, but I want to avoid all that work if p os­ sible. Of course, if I fire it up and hang up a valve, I would end up taking it off anyway. What is your opinion of fir­ ing it up and hoping the plas­ tic would vaporize without creating any damage? • First off, you have no • absolute proof the noz­ zle went through the spark plug hole and into the cylin­ der. The fact that you were not ableto see,feelor remove


vehicle more and putting in fresh gas more often? Are there any fuel additives I wooden match, should be using? I' ve heard (the plastic nozzle) the term "sour gas" but I'm caught fire and, with not sure what that is. • The most common au­ the flame removed, • t omotive source of a continued to burn. varnish-like odor is stale gas­ The only residue was oline. As gas ages, some of the hydrocarbon molecules a light flaky ash. oxidize, creating a lacquer or varnish-like residue. Remove the fuel filler cap and take a anything with the piston at careful, small whiff. If you top dead center (TDC) lends smell that bitter, sour odor, it's the gas. credence to this possibility. Wouldn't you be, ah, an­ I f you c an't d r ain a n d gry if you were to pull off flush the tank, change the the cylinder head and find fuel filter, add Sea Foam Mo­ nothing?! tor Treatment to the gas and In my journalistic efforts at run the tank as near empty due diligence and accuracy, I as possible, then fill up with went out to the garage, picked fresh gas — non-oxygenated up a red nozzle from an aero­ if it's available — and more sol can and put it to the test. Sea Foam. With a simple wooden match, Also, make sure the evapo­ it caught fire and, with the rative emissions system and flame removed, continued to charcoal canister are work­ burn. The only residue was a ing properly and not leaking light flaky ash. any fuel vapors. If it were mine, I'd just fire it up! The plastic will liquefy, I recently purchased a b urn and v aporize in t h e • 2010 Mercedes ML 350 1,600-degree co m b ustion with a V-6 engine. The man­ heat. ual says it requires premium gas — 91 octane or higher. I'm the original owner What are the consequences • of a '92 5.0-liter Mus­ of using regular gas occa­ tang with 60,000 miles on it. sionally, given the 25-cent The car is driven maybe 200 pricedifference? miles a year. • All I can tell you is that • I' ve never had an issue Immediately after start-up and all the while it's driven, o perating my B M W s a n d there is an odor of varnish or VWs that "require" premium wood alcohol all around the on 89-90 mid-octane gas. car and not necessarily from — Brand is an automotive the tailpipes. It's not the rot­ troubleshooter and former race ten egg smell from a catalytic car driver. Email questions to converter. paulbrandC<startribune.corn. Should I b e d r iving the Include a daytimephonenumber.

With a simple




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onb oar d navigation system and backup camera. But the Enterprise people included a Garmin portable navigation system for a small fee. That worked perfectly. I love back­ up cameras and think they will become standard safety equip­ ment soon. But getting out and checking around the car be­ fore taking off, and checking the rear-view mirror before backing out, worked well, too.






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