Bulletin Daily Paper 10-17-13

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Serving Central Oregon since1903 75l t

THURSDAY October 17,2013

ans o ui u or


e s rossinPrep preview FOOTBALL• C1



No DEFAULT —Wednesday's deal meansthat federal services are resuming andhundreds of thousands of federal employeeswill return to

work. It also raises the debt ceiling, meaning that the

Treasury Department can continue to borrow money in order to pay thegovernment's current bills.

OBAMACARE STAYS —Thedeal avoids any


major changes to the Affordable Care Act, a repudia-

— Votes in both cham-

tion to Republicans who for weeks tried to usethe

bers late Wednesday

line sets up another potentially bitter

showdown over spending cuts anden-

threat of a shutdown and potential default to force changes in the health care law. In a small Democratic concession, Re-

approved the deal. The Senate passed the plan 81-18,and the

titlement programs that will unfold in the halls of Congress over the next four months.

publicans got additional safeguards to ensure that people who

House approved it 285-144. All opposed wereRepublicans.

Full coverage, includinganalysis, onA3

receive subsidies to buy health insurance are in fact eligible.

Source: The Washington Post

THE NEXT FIGHT —The bill's time-

?' •



Figuring out how schools match up

Fighting cancer —yoga has many benefits with medical

evidence tobackthem up.E1

Plus: Poop pills? —Fecal bacteria cure gut infection.E3 Fall TV —Which shows are canceled, and which havebeen renewed?E7

Legal pOt —Washington OKs rules for retail sale.A4 Iren —Nuclear negotiations

ByLeslie Pugmire Holee The Bulletin

By Tyler Leeds

major changes if city planners, business owners and neighbors — along with the Oregon Department of Transportation — can agree on what the busy thoroughfare should look like.

Health care law is a hard sell

among Native Americans. bendbulletin.com/extras


Holding onto our nukesto target stray asteroids? By Douglas Birch The Center for Public tntegrity

WASHINGTONWhen geophysicist H. Jay Melosh attended a meeting of U.S. and ex-Soviet nuclear weapons designers in May 1995, he was surprised by how eager the Cold Warriors were to work together against an unlikely but dangerous extraterrestrial threat: asteroids on a collision course with Earth. After Edward Teller, the father of the hydrogen bomb, urged others meeting at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California to consider build-

ing and orbiting huge, new nuclear weapons for planetary protection, some top Russian weapons experts lent their support. "It was a really bizarre thing to see that these weapons designers were willing to work together — to build the biggestbombs ever," said Melosh, an expert in space impacts who has an asteroid named after him. Ever since, he has been pushing back against scientists who still support the nuclear option, arguing that a non-nuclear solution — diverting asteroids by hitting them with battering rams — is both possible and far less dangerous. But Melosh's campaign suffered a setback last month when Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz signed an agreement with Russia that could open the door to new collaboration between nuclear weapons scientists in everything from plutonium-fueled reactors to lasers and explosives research. See Nukes/A4

A design for the stripmall-and-big-box-strewn section of highway was finished in 2010 using a Transportation Growth Management grant from ODOT. But putting the South 97 Corridor Plan into action stalled before it reached Redmond City Council. "There wasn't enough buy-in for the plan as it was, so the planning commission opted to shelve it until we could addressallofthe concerns," said Heather Richards, Redmond Community Development director. The goals laid out in the plan include increasedsafetyformotorists, pedestrians and bicyclists, along with improved economic viability. The design includes elements such as shared highway entrances and parking, as well as frontage and rear access roads. Sidewalks, trees and landscaped medians are also in the plan. SeeRedmond/A5




New York Times News Service

The $25 billion national mortgage settlement, intended to help homeowners affected by thehousing crisis,appears to be running ahead of schedule, according to a new report

"From a general public and parent standpoint, being ableto compare schools with similar de-


- South city limits

levels the

• A break- p l a ying field down of

and g ives everyone a school cl ea r er piccompares, ture of how A4 a school is doing," said ODE Communications Director Crystal Greene. "It takes out factors not in the school's control, so what you're left with is the impact of a school's instructional program, leadership, and all the things they're dolng. A new ratlng system on the redesigned Oregon Department of Education report card compares performance among schools and districts with similar populations. To compare

how each

OpenHouse: If yougo


What:South 97

Open House •

When:6:30-8 p.m., Oct. 28 and 29


Where:Redmond City Hall 716SW

Evergreen Ave.


South 97CorridorPlan Project planners have agoal of improving the south Redmond stretch of U.S. Highway 97. Theimageabove shows Highway 97 as seen from the north. An early plan was to make Veterans Way the northern boundary of any improvement project, but the city may extend that boundary to Highland Avenue. City limits (parallel

with Elkhorn Avenue)would form the southern boundary. Theidea is to add landscaping (like trees) along new or redone sidewalks and consider other changes to not only provide beautification but also to help slow down traffic. Not

all of the elements considered are popular, however. Images courtesy city of Redmond

David Wray / The Bulletin

Mortgage settlements helpe ew By Shaila Dewan

Central Oregon schools performed wellcompared to schools across the state with similar demographic


set to resume next month.A2

And a Web exclusive-

The Bulletin

The 3-mile stretch of U.S. Highway 97 that transects Redmond's south end may be up for some

by the monitor of the program. But the number of households helped by the settlement has fallen far short of the original predictions, and more people gave up their homes in short sales than received debt reduction that would have

allowed them to stay in their homes. Early last year, five banks signed on to the settlement over their use of mass-produced, faulty documents to evict homeowners. As of Dec. 31, they had provided $38.7

billion in relief in raw dollar terms, the report said. But because not every type of relief is counted the same way under the settlement's terms, they had fulfilled only about 80 percent of their total obligation. SeeMortgage/A5

schools, a demographic index is created based on the percent of students identified as economically disadvantaged, English language learners and those in an underserved racial or ethnic group. The index also includes student mobility, the percent of students who attended more than one Oregon public school during the school year, entered a school late, exited a school early or who had significant gaps in enrollment during the year. Taken together, these figures provide an indication of how disadvantaged a school or district's population was in the 2012-2013 school year. SeeSchools/A4

Soldiers race toget tattoos before Pentagoncracksdown By Martha Quillin The News4 Observer (Rateigh, N.C.)

FAYETTEVILLE, N.C. — Pfc. Thomas Linton walked into the Ink Well tattoo shop on Bragg Boulevard on Friday afternoon with cash in his pocket and a mission on his mind. Before the ink dries on new

TODAY'S WEATHER Sunny High 60, Low 32

Page B6

Army rulesthat are expected to ban tattoos below the knee or elbow, Linton plans to get some more ink on himself. "I want a half-sleeve, for sure," he said,using a finger to mark the distance down from his shoulder he'd like to have completely covered with

etchings. "I just love ink. It's an expressionofyourself." But as commanders used to say about spouses, if the Army wanted its soldiers to have portraits of mothers, names of girlfriends or drawings of Mickey Mouse on their exposed skin, it would issue them.

Until now, it has tolerated tattoos, if they weren't obscene, extremist, racist or gang-related, banning only those on the head, neck and face. Enforcement of the policy has varied, slackening at the height of the war in Iraq when the Army needed more soldiers.

e P We userecycled newsprint

INDEX E1-8 Obituaries Business/Stocks C5-6 Comics/Puzzles D3-4 Health Calendar B2 Crosswords D 4 H o roscope E7 Sports Classified D1 - 6 D ear Abby E7 Lo c al/State B1-6 TV/Movies

With that war over and cuts ln troop strength expected as the U.S. withdraws from Afghanistan, Sgt. Maj. of the Army Raymond Chandler said last month a new, stricter policy is in the works and could take effect in 30 to 60 days. See Tattoos/A5


B5 C1-4

Vol. 110, No. 290,


s sections


88267 0232 9



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Oregon Lottery results

As listed at www.powerhalt.com and www.oregontottery.org

POWERBALL The numbers drawn

Wednesday night are:

ranta s'su stantive'; wi re urnne mont

NeWeSt Senatar —Mayor Cory Booker of Newark easily won New Jersey's special Senateelection Wednesday, rising to anoffice that

By Michael R. Gordon

so much, New Jersey, I'm proud to be your Senator-elect."

measures up to his national profile. He will arrive in Washington one of the country's most prominent Democrats, and its best-known black

politician other than President BarackObama,who backedhim aggressively. Booker's fundraising prowess puts him oncourse to lead his party's campaign efforts in the Senate, and he has been mentioned

as a possible vice presidential pick for 2016. The first reaction from the social-media savvy victor came, of course, on Twitter: "Thankyou

New York Times News Service





QzQzsQ zs Q z4Q4z The estimated jackpot is now $186 million.

MEGABUCKS The numbers drawn

Wednesday night are

0308017030031040 The estimated jackpot is now $2.3 million.

G ENEVA — I r a n a n d a group of si x w o rld p owers said Wednesday that they had engaged in "substantive" and "forward-looking" discussions on the disputed Iranian nuclear program and that they would reconvene in early November. The account of the two days of talks in Geneva came in a rare joint statement from Iran's foreign minister, Mohammad Javad Zarif, and C atherine Ashton, the foreign policy chief for the European Union, who is the lead negotiator with Iran. Representatives fromthe two sides are to meet again in Geneva for talks on Nov. 7 and 8. Nuclearand sanctions experts from the two sides are to meet before then to discuss technical issues. The meeting was the first between Iranand the six powers since the newIranianpresident, Hassan Rouhani, took office in August and vowed to resolve longstanding concerns about the Iranian nuclear program, which Iran says is peaceful but many nations suspect is a guise for developing the ability to make weapons. In a news conference, Zarif said that the meeting had been "fruitful" and w ould " hopefully be the beginning of a new phase in our relationship." He said that he hoped the West would take a "balanced" approach, an apparent allusion to Iranian demands for an easing of the tough economic sanctions that have hurt Iran. Neither Western nor Iranian officials provided any concrete examples of m easures that might have been agreed upon. Nor did Iran say it had taken any steps to pause its program to enrich uranium or expand its nuclear infrastructure.

HSBlth CBfa SigIIIIpS — For the first month alone, the Obama administration projected that nearly a half million people would sign up

for the new health insurance markets, according to an internal memo. But that was before the markets opened to a cascade of computer problems. If the glitches persist and frustrated consumers give up

trying, that initial goal, described asmodest in the memo, could slip out of reach. The Sept. 5 memo, for Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, lists monthly enrollment targets for each

state through March 31, the last day of the initial open enrollment period under President Barack Obama's health care overhaul.

Syrian redels —Several dozen rebel groups in southern Syria have broken with the main political opposition group in exile, a local Mart>at Trezz>ni /The Assoaated Press

Swiss Foreign Minister Didier Burkhalter, left, speaks with Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif in Geneva on Wednesday. Iran will meet again with six world powers in early November to discuss ways to ease fears that it may want atomic arms, Iranian officials said, reflecting signs of progress at the current talks.

commander said in avideo posted Wednesday, dealing apotential new setbackto Western efforts to unify moderates battling President Bashar Assad's regime. The Turkey-based Syrian National Coalition, the political arm of the Free Syrian Army rebel group, has long strug-

gled to win respect and recognition from the fighters. It is widely seen as cut off from events on the ground and ineffective in funneling aid

and weapons to the rebels. MiChigan marriage —A federal judge ruled Wednesdaythat a

Zarif statedthat Iranplanned to continue with its nuclear enrichment program while trying assuage Western concerns. But he declined to say whether or when Iran might accept extensive monitoring provided for by a protocol that allows inspections to be carried out when prohibited activity is suspected. Earlier, before the discussions had officially adjourned, Zarif had signaled that both sides would meet again soon. "The talks will continue in a few weeks in Geneva and during this period the members of the P5+I will have a chance to acquire the necessary readiness regarding the details of Iran's plans and the steps that they must take," the foreign minister wrote on his Facebook

page. Zarif was referring to the five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council — Britain, China, France, Russia and the United States — plus Germany, the six big powers who have engaged inon-again, off-

again talks with Iran for years. There was no indication of any breakthrough, and the U.S. has repeatedly said that it was important for Iran to take steps to pause or even reverse its nuclear program while negotiations continue. Iran has sought assurances that it would have the right to enrich uranium as part of any comprehensive agreement and has pressedfor the removal of sanctions on its banking, oil and other industries, which have deeply hurt its economy. Zarif's Facebook message appeared to be signaling that Iran believed there were steps the West needed to take for the negotiations to be productive. During their visit to the U.N. last month, both Rouhani and Zarif repeatedly emphasized Iran'seagerness to move forward on the nuclear issue. But they have also said the country must be allowed to enrich its own nuclear fuel, a right it claims as a signatory to the Non-Proliferation Treaty.

case contesting Michigan's ban on same-sex marriage will go to trial

early next year, oneamong some 30 such challenges playing out around the nation. Advocates for same-sex marriage andeven some opponents had speculated that the judge, Bernard Friedman, might

go further, and overturn the state's 9-year-old constitutional amendment. In the end, Friedman instead suggested that a trial, set for Feb. 25, would examine a central legal question surrounding the issue in

Michigan, but also elsewhere: whether the rationales for a banon same-sex marriage serve a legitimate state interest.

i.AX dry-ice domds —Los Angeles police Tuesdayarrested an employee of Los Angeles International Airport for a series of dry-ice bombs that rattled public confidence. One bomb went off inside an

airport employee bathroom Sundaynight. Another was discovered on the tarmac Monday. A third device was found unexploded, the police said. Police arrested Dicarlo Bennett, a contract employee police

described as "a prankster," at the airport on suspicion of possessing and exploding a destructive device near an aircraft.

Dutch diplomat —Dutch officials were demanding an investigation Wednesday after the beating of a senior diplomat in his apartment in Moscow. Two men forced their way into the apartment of

Onno Elderenbosch, the Netherlands' deputy ambassador to Russia, and attacked him late Tuesday, said Friso Wijnen, a spokesman for the Dutch Foreign Ministry. Elderenbosch sustained minor injuries,

he said. TheRussian Foreign Ministry on Wednesdaytried to head off any political fallout from the attack, deploring the episode and promising to take steps to detain the two unidentified attackers.

LaOS plane CraSh —A LaoAirlines flight crashed into the Mekong River in southern Laos on Wednesday, killing all 49 people

onboard, according to a statement from the Laotian government. The statement did not specify the nationalities of the passengers, but a spokesman for Thailand's foreign ministry said the airline had told

Facebookeasesprivacyfor teens By Vindu Goel New York Times News Service

SAN F R A N C ISCO Facebook has l oosened its privacy rules for teenagers as a rising debate swirls over online t h reats t o c h i l dren from online bullies and sexual predators. The m o v e , an n o unced Wednesday, allows teenagers to post status updates, videos and images that can be seen by anyone, not just their friends or people who know their friends. While Facebook described the change as giving teenagers more choice,big money is at stake for the social network and its advertisers. Marketers are keento reach impressionable young consumers, and the more public information they have about those users, the better they are able to target their pitches. "It's all about monetization and being where the public dialogue is," said Jeff Chester, executive director of the Center for Digital Democracy, a group that lobbies against marketing to c h i ldren. "To the extent that Facebook encourages people to put everything out there, it's incredibly attractive to Facebook's advertisers." But that interaction with advertisers now includes youths who are growing up in a world of social media and, often, learning the hard way that it can be full of risks. Parents, too, are trying to help their children navigate the raucous online world that holds both promise and risk. "They're hitting kids from a neurological weak spot. Kids don't have the same kind of impulse control that adults do," said Emily Bazelon, a journalist and author of the book "Sticks and Stones: Defeating the Culture of Bullying and Rediscovering the Power of Characterand Empathy." Facebook said n u merous other sites and mobile apps, from big players like Twitter and Instagramto lesser-known ones like ask.fm and Kik Mes-

senger,allowed teenagers to express themselves publicly. "Across the Web, teens can have a very public voice on those services, and it would be a shame if they could not do that on Facebook," said Nicky Jackson Colaco, Facebook's manager ofprivacy and public policy, in an interview. But unlike those other services, Facebook requires users to post under their real identities, which some privacy advocates said would make it much more difficult to run away from stupid or thoughtless remarks. "Kids need to be able to mess up," Bazelon said. "Kids who are talking trash on Twitter don't use their real names." Facebook also said it had made the change to let socially activeteenagers like musicians and humanitarian activists, people the service has often called its savviest users, reach a wider audience the way they can on blogs and rival services like Twitter. Facebook drew praise for one other change it made to the rules for teenagers. By default, new accounts for teenagers will be set up to share information only with friends, not friends of friends as before. Colaco said the company would alsoeducate teenagers about the risks of sharing information and periodically remind them, if they make public posts that everyone can see what they are sharing. But fundamentally, Facebook wants to encourage more public sharing, not less. The company, which has about its 1. 2 b i l lion u sers worldwide, is locked in a battle with Twitter and Google to attract consumer advertisers like food, phone and clothing companies. Those brands want to

reach people as they engage in passionate public conversation about sports, television, news and live events. Twitter, which has been emphasizing its virtue as a realtime public platform as it prepares to make a public offering of stock next month, has been

particularly effective at persuading marketers that it is the best way to reach audiences talking about the hottest television show or the week's National Football League games. Online bullying is also a growing concern. In September, a 12-year-old Florida girl, Rebecca Ann Sedwick, committed suicide after extensive online bullying on Facebook, Kik Messenger and ask.fm. This month, Florida authorities charged two youngsters with aggravated stalking in the case. Gov. Jerry Brown of California recently signed a law that allows residents to erase online i ndiscretions posted while they w ere teenagers. And European lawmakers are preparing to vote on changes that would g iv e E u ropean residentsfarmore control over their online privacy.

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TOP TORY: LS. fiscal showdown

It's Thursday, Oct. 17, the

290th day of 2013. Thereare 75 days left in the year.

HAPPENINGS WindOWS —Microsoft will release its long-awaited 8.1

upgrade. MeteOr ShOWer —The Orionids begin, but don't expect them to peak until early next week.

HISTORY Highlight:In1777, British forc-

es under Gen.John Burgoyne surrendered to American troops in Saratoga, N.Y» in a turning point of the Revolution-

ary War.


own ea: a 's nex In as in By Zachary A. Goldfarb

ly beaten up in the polls. P rognosticators now s a y Since the government's that Republicans could have a partial shutdown more than hard time winning the Senate two weeks ago, it has been a in 2014, even though the elecroller coaster in Washington. toral map is stacked against There was impasse after im- the Democrats. But the House passe,heated rhetoric on both still looks safe for the GOP. sides and talk of an economic Meanwhile, Obama and felcatastrophe. On Wednesday, low Democrats stuck to their things finally settled down view that they would not pay with a bipartisan deal. Here a "ransom" to accomplish the are some basic questions and basic tasks of keeping the govanswers about what's going ernment open and raising the on: debt limit. • What's happened? • H old u p — w asn ' t • Obama forced to com• On Wednesday, Demo- promise to raise the debt ceil. crats and Republicans ing and open the government? in the Senate reached a deal . Not r e a l ly . Ob a m a to open the government and to . gave the f l i msiest of raise the debt ceiling through fig leaves to the Republicans: early next year. The House a promise to do a better job and Senate approved the bill ensuring that people who reWednesday night, to be folport their income to get help lowed by a promised signa- buying health insurance are ture from President Barack reporting their income propObama — ending a two-part erly. There were already some crisis. assurances inthe health-care The first part started Oct. law, so all the president promI, when the government par- ised was an additional layer of tially shut down, closing fed- scrutiny. eral agencies and furlough• So is i t al l w o n d ering hundreds of thousands of • f ul f o r Ob a m a a n d workers. Democrats? The second part was the • Again, not really. For all fight over raising the debt ceil• the drama, they got little ing, a legal limit on how much out of this deal. They won't be the government can borrow. rolling back the deep spendIf the limit is not raised in a ing cuts known as the sequestimely fashion, the govern- ter that took effect earlier this ment can default on its obliyear and are eating away at gations, which include Social domestic priorities, including Security payments and pay- education and research and ments to investors in govern- development. They won'tbe ment debt. getting new money to spend . Whatwill t hedealdo? on jobs or a n i m m igration bill. • The deal has five main They just got a political win. • parts: And they avoided an econom• I mmediately r eop e n s ic disaster. the government and funds it • What happens next? through Jan. 15. • Raises the debt ceiling • Per the outlines of the through Feb. 7 but allows fed• agreement, R ep u b lieral borrowing to continue for c ans and D e mocrats w i l l a few weeks longer, using spe- assign lawmakers to a comcial accounting measures. mittee to hash out a broader • Requires additional mea- budget plan for the coming sures, favored by Republicans, year. These joint efforts have to ensure that people who not had success in the recent receive financial help to buy past. medical insurance under the But hope dies hard. For new health-care law are being Democrats and Republicans honest about their income. alike, the basic question in the • Sets up a neg o t iating committee will b e w h ether committee to try to come up they can find a way to roll with a l o n ger-term budget back the sequester, which is plan so we don't go through due to launch a new round of this again early next year. The budget cuts in January. committee is expected to issue D emocrats hate t h e s e budget recommendations by quester because it's basically Dec. 13. the opposite of their vision of • Provides back pay to fur- domestic investment. Republoughed federal workers. licans are more ambivalent, • When will federal agen- but there are many in the GOP • cies reopen? who don't like how deeply it • A s e arly as t o day i n cuts Pentagon spending. • most cases. T he most l ikely p ath t o . When wi ll fed e r al replacing part of the seques. workers get back pay? ter is to instead make cuts to • Uncertain, but as soon mandatory spending, such • as possible. as health care programs or • So with Obama's signa- farm subsidies. On a practi• ture, is this truly over? cal level, Republicans and YRE Democrats agree that mandatory spending is better to • Why has this taken so cut, because it's the long-term • long? driver of debt. But it also has • There are two reasons. entrenched c o n stituencies, such as the elderly or farmers, 1. Democracy. which makes such cuts diffi2. A group of conservative cult to achieve. tea-party Republicans in the A bigger budget deal — the House wanted to halt or delay elusive "grand bargain" t he Affordable Care Act i n could also be considered as exchange for keeping the gov- part of the committee's talks. ernment functioning. But any discussion of signifi• But there won't actually cant changes to mandatory • be major changes to the spending usually leads Demhealth care law in the deal? ocrats to insist on new taxes, • Right. which has been a deal-breaker for the GOP. . Who w on , a n d w h o . What happens if t h e . lost? . committee f a i l s to • It seems pretty clear in come to an agreement and • this round of the budget we're back in January with wars, Obama and the Demo- new deadlines? crats outmaneuvered t heir • There could be a b ig, Republican opponents. • new fight — like we've House Republicans decided just experienced — or neither to shut down the government side will want another fight in hopes of major changes to with the m idterm elections the health-care law, but none fast approaching. So they'll were in t h e o f f ing. Senate just extend everything once Republicans reluctantly went again, leaving sequester cuts along with that strategy — at in place, and the voters will least for a while. In the mean- decide what they want come time, the GOP brand was bad- November. The Washington Post

In1610, French King Louis XIII,

age 9, wascrowned at Reims, five months after the assassination of his father, Henry IV. In1711, Jupiter Hammon, the first black poet to have his work

published in America, wasborn on Long Island, N.Y., into a lifetime of slavery. In1807, Britain declared it would continue to reclaim British-born sailors from

American ships and ports regardless of whether they held U.S. citizenship.

In1912,Pope John Paul I was born Albino Luciani at Forno di Canale, Italy. In 1931, mobster Al Capone

was convicted of incometax evasion. (Sentenced to11 years in prison, Caponewas released in1939.) In1933, Albert Einstein arrived in the United States as a refu-

gee from NaziGermany. In 1941, the U.S. destroyer

Kearny wasdamagedby a German torpedo off the coast of Iceland; 11 people died.

In1961, French police attacked Algerians protesting a curfew in Paris. (The resulting death

toll varies widely, with some estimates of up to 200.) In 1973, Arab oil-producing

nations announcedtheywould begin cutting back oil exports to Western nations and Japan; the result was a total embargo that lasted until March 1974. In1987, first lady Nancy Rea-

gan underwent a modified radical mastectomy at Bethesda Naval Hospital in Maryland. In1989, an earthquake measuring 7.1 on the Richter scale struck northern California, kill-

ing 63 people andcausing $6 billion worth of damage.

In1992,Japaneseexchange student Yoshi Hattori was fatally shot by Rodney Peairs in Baton Rouge, La» after Hattori

and his American host mistakenly knocked onPeairs' door while looking for a Halloween

party. (Peairs wasacquitted of manslaughter, but in a civil trial

was ordered to paymorethan $650,000 to Hattori's family.) Ten yearsago: Fire killed six people in a high-rise county building in Chicago.

Five yearsago:Wall Street ended a tumultuous week that turned out to be its best in five

years. The DowJones industrial average lost127 points, closing at 8,852.22, but turned in the strong week because of

two huge days ofgains — a record 936-point jump the previous Mondayand anincrease of 401 points on Thursday.

One yearago: Federal authorities in NewYorksaid a Bangladeshi student was arrested in an FBI sting after he tried to

detonate a phony1,000-pound truck bomb outside the Federal Reserve building in Manhattan.

(Quazi MohammadRezwanul Ahsan Nafis later pleaded guilty to attempting to use a

weapon of massdestruction

and attempting to provide material support to al-Qaida and

was sentenced to 30years in prison.) Nike said it was cutting its ties with Lance Arm-

strong, citing insurmountable evidence that the cyclist participated in doping and misled

the company for more than a decade.

BIRTHDAYS Singer Jim Seals (Seals 8 Crofts) is 71. Actor Michael

McKean is 66. Actress Margot Kidder is 65. Astronaut M ae Jemison is 57.M ovie

critic Richard Roeper is 54. Animator Mike Judge is 51. Actor-comedian Norm

Macdonald is 50. Reggae singer Ziggy Marley is 45. Golfer Ernie Els is 44. Rapper

Eminem is 41.Singer Wyclef Jean is 41. — From wire reports





e era overnmen oes ac owor By JonathanWeisman and Ashley Parker New York Times News Service

WASHINGTON — Congressional Re p u blicans conceded defeat Wednesday in t h eir b i tter budget fight w it h P r esident Barack Obama over the n ew health care law a s the House and Senate approved l a st-minute l e gislation ending a disruptive 16-day g overnment shutdown and extending federal borrowing power to avert a financial default with potentially worldwide economic repercussions. With the Treasury Department warning that it could run out o f m oney to pay U . S . o b ligations within a day, the Senate voted ove r w h elmingly Wednesday evening, 8116, to approve a proposal h ammered ou t b y the chamber's Republican and Democratic leaders after the House on Tuesday was unable to move forward with any resolution. The House followed suit a few hours later, voting 285144 to approve the Senate plan, which would fund the government through Jan. 15 and raise the debt limit through Feb. 7. Most House Republicans opposed the bill, but 87 voted to support it. The breakdown showed that Republican leaders were willing to violate their informal rule a gainst advancing b i l l s that do not have majority Republican support in order to end the shutdown. All 198 Democrats voting supported the measure. President Barack Obama signed the bill early today. The White House told fed-

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J. Scott Applewhite/The Associated Press

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., speaks with reporters after voting to reopen the government Wednesday at the Capitol in Washington, with Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash., chair of the Senate Budget Committee and Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y. eral employees to expect to return to work this morning. While he praised Congress for action and said the vote had cleared the way for substantive budget negotiations. "We've got to get out of the habit of governing by crisis," said Obama, who urged Congress to proceed not only with new budget negotiations, but with i m m i gration c h anges and a farm bill as well. "We could get all these things done even this year, if everybody comes together in a spirit of, how are we going to move this country forward and put the last three weeks behind us." Obama's remarks came before the House vote.He said he would have more to say today, declaring, "There's a lot of work ahead of us, including our need to earn back the trust of the American people that's been lost over the last few weeks." The result of the impasse that threatened the nation's credit rating was a near total

defeatfor Republican conservatives, who had engineered the budget impasse as a way to strip the new health care law of funding even as registration for benefits opened Oct. 1 or, failing that, to win delays in putting the program into place. The shutdown sent Republican poll ratings plunging, cost the government billions of dollars and damaged the nation's international credibility. Under the a greement to reopen the government, the House and Senate are directed to hold talks and reach accord by Dec. 13 on a long-term blueprint for tax and spending policies over the next decade. For hundreds of thousands of federalworkers across the country furloughed from their jobs, the legislative deal meant an abrupt end to their forced vacation as the government comes back to life beginning today. — McClatchy Newspapers contributed to this report.





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Was in ton state a roves rues or newmarijuana in ust By Gene Johnson The Associated Press

SEATTLE — Washington adopted rules Wednesday for the recreational sale of marijuana, creating what advocates hope will be a template for the drug's legalization around the world. Mexico, Uruguay, Poland and other countries and states a lready ar e r e viewing t h e new regulations, which cover everything from the security at and size of licensed marijuana gardens, to how many pot stores can open in cities across the state, said Alison Holcomb, the Seattle lawyer

who d r afted W a shington's marijuana initiative. W ashington wil l t a x p o t highly and cap total production in the state at 80 metric tons.Sales are expected to begin by the middle of next year. "We feel very proud of what we're doing," said Sharon Foster, chairwoman of the Washington Liquor Control Board, as she and her two colleagues approved the rules. "We are making history." Washington and Colorado last year legalized the possession of up to an ounce of pot by adults over 21, with voters deciding to set up systems of

state-licensed growers, processors and sellers. The measures put state officials in the difficult position of crafting rules for a fledgling industry barred byfederal law for more than seven decades. The board devised Washington's regulations after nearly a year of research, debate and planning, including public hearings that drew hundreds of people around the state. Supporters hope taxed pot will bring the state tens or hundreds of millions of dollars, with much of the revenue directed to public health and drug-abuse prevention.

Colorado approved its pot industry rules last month, and sales are expected to start in some cities there at the beginning of 2014. The two states' laws are largely similar, although Colorado voters are considering whether to tax marijuana at a much lower rate, with no limit on total production. Colorado also will let stores sell both r e creational a nd m edical m a r i juana. B o t h states will require such measures as seed-to-store tracking, background checks for license applicants, and childresistant packaging.

Washington liquor b oard members said they tried to make marijuana accessible enough that legal pot would undermine the black market, but not so accessible that it would threaten public health or safety. The board hopes the sale of legal marijuana will capture about one-quarter of the state's total pot market, for starters. Under the rules, the board will issue licenses for up to 334 marijuana storesacross the state, with 21 of them in Seattle — a figure some have questioned as too low, considering the city estimates about

200 medical marijuana dispensaries already are operating there. The City Council has passed zoning regulations for pot businesses that would require medical m a r ijuana dispensaries to obtain a state license or stop doing business by 2015. The rules limit the number of licenses that anyone can hold to three — an attempt by the board to stamp out any monopolies before they start. They also prohibit out-of-state investment in pot businesses and require q uality-control testing of marijuana by thirdparty labs.

Area districts' OAKS scores comparedto districts with similar demographics

2012-13district report cards

Oregon districts had their OAKS scores compared to the average score of a set of "like districts" with similar demographics. Below are the

All Oregon schools were compared with a set of 20 other schools

differences betweenareadistricts scores and the like districts scores. For example, Bend-La PineSchools' "average percentage met" score for grade 3-5 reading scores was 71 percent above the average of like districts. In the table, blue indicates that the district was above average; red indicates that it was below. School district Bend-La Pine Schools

Grade 3-5 Grade 6-8 Grade11: :Grade 3-5 Grade 6-8 Grade11 Grade11 Grade 3-5: :Grade 8 Grade11 reading r eading r e ading : 'math math math writing science : 'science s cience


3 .5V

3.1 0 ::

9. 3 D~

2.5 0 :



Crook County




Jefferson County


Redmond Sisters

.00 P8.70 P0.80:P . 60 ~ . 6 0


) Q 2.20 ~ 4

9.10: ~ 6 . 80: ~

90 ~


I0.10 ~

.80 ~ 2. 8 0 : :~ 12.60Q






0.50 'I 14.60 .6 • 2 .0 0Q 2.20 • -0.30 32 L-2.20 ~ 8.40: ~ 1 5.50: :~ 13.40: ~ 8. 4 0 :


Source: Oregon Department of Education


"above average" rating. District-level test scores were also Continued from A1 higher than the average test Greene emphasizedhow the scores from "like districts" in "like school" rating is meant 10 out of 10 areas. to complement a s c h ool's "We really appreciate the level 1 through 5 overall rat- effort by the state to show us ing, which compares schools how our schools are doing statewide regardless of their compared to l i k e s chools," demographics. said Bend-La Pine SuperintenTo compare "like schools," dent Ron Wilkinson. "But I am institutions are divided bytheir not positive that they yet have instructional level and then a perfect formula." ranked based on their demoWilkinson also noted that graphic index, a single value some of the district's lowest incalculated by a statistical pro- come schools were ranked as cedure called principle compo- less disadvantaged than other nent analysis. All schools are schools with fewer low-income evaluated against the average students but more English lanperformance ofthe 10 schools guage learners. "I'm not sure r anked above and t h e 1 0 that's the best way to do this, schools ranked below the sub- but it does provide a new perject schools' demographic in- spective for schools," he said. dex. Performance is measured Sisters School District also by a w e ighted combination scored higher than "like disof achievement, achievement tricts" in all categories, though growth, subgroup growth, its three schools were split begraduation rates and subgroup tween being "above average," graduation rates — the same "about average," and "below factors used to provide overall average." Redmond outperschool ratings. formed "like districts" in six Schools that fall below the out of 10 test areas and also 33rd performance percentil e had more "above average" are designated "below aver- than "below average" schools. age" while those above the "The nice thing about this 66th percentile are "above av- is that it helps you to move erage." Schools that fall in the beyond comparing schools in middle are "about average." your district or neighboring Due to the nature of this pro- districts, but really it helps to cedure, there will always be do apples to apples comparithree tiers of schools. sons," said L i nda Seeberg, T wenty-seven of t h e 5 8 Redmond's executive direcschools in C e ntral O r egon tor of academic achievement. large enough to be evaluated "Schools with higher poverty were rated as "above aver- rates face different kinds of age." Twenty were "about av- challenges than schools with erage," while 11 were "below lower rates. In higher poverty average." schools, resources are going In Bend-La Pine, a major- to be spent on filling in some ity of the schools received an of the gaps students may have


Bong Wie, the director of Iowa State University's AsterContinued from A1 oid Deflection Research CenA Sept. 16 Department of ter, said he has a three-year, Energy announcement cited $600,000 grant from NASA to "defensefrom asteroids"asone design a "hypervelocity nuclepotential area of study. ar interceptor system," basiPresident BarackObamahas cally an ICBM-borne warhead committed the United States fitted with a battering ram. to seeking a w orld w ithout The ram w o uld separate nuclear weapons. But NASA from the bomb before impact, is spending hundreds of thou- gouging a crater in the asteroid sands of dollars a year to study so the bomb could then blast it their use against asteroids, and tobits. the U.S. nuclear weapons labs Keith Holsapple, an engiappear to be itching to work neeringprofessor at the Univerwith their Russian colleagues sity of Washington, said NASA on the problem. has given him a five-year, $L25 Moreover, weapons experts million research grant to study in both countries are citing the how either an impact device or asteroid threat as a reason to a nuclear explosion could dehold onto — or to build — very flect an Earth-bound asteroid large-yield nuclear explosives, from its path. which have declining terresThe leading supporter of the trial justification. nuclear solution in the United David Wright, co-director of States is probably David Dearthe Union of Concerned Scien- born, a research physicist and tists' Global Security Program, weapons designer at Lawrence said he hoped any joint aster- Livermore who i s p resently oid defense work would not helping refurbish the U.S. nubecome a "jobs program" for clear arsenal. weapons scientists. Wie calledDearborn a sen"When you've got the weap- ior figure among scientists ons labs sort of pushing for this studying the nuclear option. "I inthevarious countries, it starts am just following in his footto make me feel a little uneasy," steps," he said. he said. "Which doesn't mean Dearborn said that he was it's not a legitimate thing to do, offended years ago when othbut you want to know it's being er researchers told reporters done for legitimate reasons." that nuclear weapons simply

with similar demographics. Schools were rated in three groups: above, about the same,and below, compared with the average academic performance of theseschools. • Adove average • Be l ow average • Adoot average N ot r ated

• Amity Creek Elementary • Bear Creek Elementary

• Culver Elementary

• Bend High

• Culver Middle

• Culver High

• Buckingham Elementary

• Cascade Middle

due to their disadvantage." Seeberg noted how Lynch Elementary, which has a high poverty rate, typically does not perform as well as other Redmond schools. However, Lynch was rated as "above average" compared to similar schools. "It clarifies th e p i cture, and it is certainly something they're celebrating at Lynch," Seeberg said. T he inclusion of a " l i k e s chool" comparison i n r e port cards was suggested by the Oregon Schools Report Card Steering Committee, a group tasked with r evising the manner in which ODE releases school data. While the committee recommended the comparison be based on demographics, ODE determined which factors to use. "We looked ata number of various factors that correlate with outcomes and then narrowed down the list based on those that were significantly correlated," sai d J o n athan Wiens, ODE accounting and reporting education specialist. "Poverty is pretty widely accepted to c o rrelate w i th performance. Percent ELL is also strongly correlated with outcomes. We choose mobility rate within the school year because we thought that would be one that would impact classrooms the most. It's kids coming and going in the school year, which is likely to cause a disruption." One of the factors considered but not included in the calculation was school size. "It's interesting when you think a b out s c hool s i ze,"

couldn't work against asteroids. "That's just not true," he said, calling these claims scientifically "indefensible." For years, Dearborn worked to refute the skeptics on his own time. Since 2012, he said, he and a colleague have had a grant from Lawrence Livermore worth several hundred thousand dollars to work on the project part time, he said. He estimated that about a dozen other scientists have studied aspects of the approach at U.S. weaponslabs. Nuclear w e apons c o u ld be used in two ways, he said. When the collision is still a decade or longer away, a "standoff" nuclear blast could knock the asteroid off course. When the time to impact is short, he said, defenders would try to blow up the asteroid. "You f ragment i t w it h enough force so that the pieces spread out," and most miss the Earth, he said. Small bits of rock would burn up in the atmosphere. There would be no need to build new weapons or test old ones, he said. But shattering a large asteroid close to hitting Earth probably would require a weapon with a yield of about a megaton, or 1 million tons of TNT, he said, which is roughly the power of the largest in the

Wiens said. "People have this feeling that school size should matter, but when we look at correlations we find little or no correlation between size and how they're doing, especially when controlled for the factors we did include." Based on the demographic index, Central Oregon's least d isadvantaged schools a r e l ocated in B end. Both t h e Highland Magnet School and Amity Creek Magnet School were among the state's 25 least disadvantaged el e m entary schools. The Rimrock Expeditionary Alternative Learning Middle School, a charter school located in Bend, is the state's least disadvantaged middle school, though they did not submit data for all four components. Cascade Middle School is the state's seventh least disadvantaged middleschooL On the high-school level, Summit is the state's eleventh least disadvantaged school. Jefferson County S chool District's Warm Springs Elementary, Jefferson County Middle School and M adras High School were all among the 10 most d isadvantaged schools on t heir r espective levels. On the district level, BendLa Pine is the 63rd least disadvantaged district out of 178 districts. Districts with similar demographics include Corvallis, Eugene and O regon City. Statewide, Sisters was the 17th least disadvantaged, Redmond 121st, Culver 151st, Crook 127th and J efferson County 174th. — Reporter: 541-633-2160, tleeds@bendbufletin.com

current U.S. arsenaL Mark Boslough, a physicist at Sandia National Laboratories in New Mexico, another weapons lab, has worked part time in the past on modeling the effects of nuclear blasts on asteroids. He agrees that, on short notice, nuclear "really is the only option." Melosh disagrees. He was c o-investigator o n a 200 5 N ASA m i ssion k n ow n a s Deep Impact, which launched an 820-pound copper-covered battering ram that gouged a crater out of the comet Tempel 1 in 2005. He says that 90 percent of the biggest asteroids already have been found and ruled out as a near-term threat, demonstrating there is time for finding suitable, non-nuclear alternatives — such as hitting asteroids with rams, zapping them with lasers, tugging them off a kamikaze trajectory, or deflecting them w i t h s o lar sails. Even as a last-ditch effort, he said, nuclear weapons can't work using existing warheads but only with new, even larger nuclear explosives than exist in any arsenal. "A lot more people have been recorded to have died from nuclear weapons than have been recorded to have died from asteroid impacts," he warned.

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• La Pine Elementary



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• Redmond High

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Source: Oregon Department of Education

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traffic m ore effectively than increase aesthetics along the speed limits. highway corridor, including "Medians tend t o b e a architectural Continued from A1 r e q u i rements "It is a very ambitious plan c hallenge for e v eryone i n- for new buildings, positionbut still w o r t hwhile," said volved," he said. "We can pres- ing new buildings close to the Charley Miller, p resident of ent options, but there has to be sidewalks, side or rear parkMiller Lumber on South 97 public acceptance. ing and r e duced and a member of the Redmond We're hoping evsign clutter. .. PIeVIOUS "It seemed like Development C o m m ission. eryone can come "It's not going to happen all together and be d e y e / ppment w e w e r e f a c ed at once. The area has tremen- suPPodive of the with a mountain of SoiUtlOnS Qgye dous potential, but w i thout project." difficult questions a plan it won't work as well. The highway is be e n O n a in the beginning, Previous development solu- bordered by a rail- C>Se by CgSe like it m i ght n ot tions have been on a case-by- wayandirrigation b be an achievable d case basis and it's created a canal on its east g oal, bu t w e ' v e hodgepodge." and west sides. Its it ' S Creat66 8 addre s sed a lot of The commission, a citizen role as both a state i7OdgepD dge " the m and I think advisory group, dusted off the freight route and people realize not — Charle y Miller, everyone can get plan and made agoal of movlocal traffic coring it forward. Advisory com- ridor complicates Redmond everything they mittees for the overall project the plan goals. Deve lopment w a n t," s ai d L o r i and its technical aspects were Lack of fundCommission M c Coy,aRedmond reformed this spring. ing i s an o t h er planning commis"The idea was to go through complication. The s ioner and a d v i the components of the plan plan could cost from $26 milsory committee member. and ask what we were com- lion to $40 million, dependBalancing ODOT's need f ortable with and w hat w e ing upon what the committee for safety and uncomplicated weren't c omfortable w i t h ," recommends. traffic movement, the need of said Richards. "Rules have Richards said the city could businesses to be both visible changed with ODOT (since the create an urban-renewal dis- and accessible, and the city's plan was finished) and the city trict along South 97, which needs to increase viability and has a better idea of the needs would provide some funding livability along the corridor is involved." through increased property a tall order. A team of consulAdvisory committee mem- values within the district. She tants from SERA Architects ber Paul Rodby does not sup- also thinks some state funds Inc., will be in town Oct. 28 port medians for the area, but may be available if O D OT and 29 to lead advisory team he's all for any changes that steps back from a long-term members ina design charette, will slow down motorists. goal ofbuilding a second phase with an open house to follow "Lower speeds are safer for of the Highway 97 reroute. both evenings for public input. "The second phase is such "We want to know if there pedestrians and drivers, better for business," said Rodby, who a large project, the feasibility are tools out there to achieve owns the McDonald's restau- of achieving it in the next 20 all of ou r g oals that we're rant on South 97. years is minimal," she said. not aware of," said Richards. "There aren't a lot of success ODOT Spokesman Peter "Instead of partnering with Murphy said that "urbanizing" ODOT on a $250 million proj- stories because it's a tough isthe area with sidewalks, closer ect, it might be better to exsue but we hope for the best." buildings and landscaping is a plore local routes." — Reporter: 541-548-2186; systemic change that can slow The highway plan c ould lpugmire@bendbulletin/com "



were required to use debt reduction for 60 percent of their Continued from A1 consumer relief. In this report, Before Wednesday, banks they were at 56 percent. had self-reported their progSince the period covered ress in raw dollar terms. The by the report, all of the banks new report is the first in which have said that they have comthe monitor, Joseph Smith, has pleted their financial obligadisclosed the amount of credit tions under th e settlement, they have earned toward the helping almost 650,000 bors ettlement o b ligation. T h e rowers as of June 30, with an report credited them $4.1 bil- averagebenefitof$80,000 per lion for p r incipal reduction household. Federal officials on primary mortgages, $5.4 had predicted that I m i l lion billion in short sales or deeds borrowers wouldsee relief. in lieu of foreclosure, in which The banks frequently porthe homeowner is allowed to tray settlement-related activisell the house for less than it ties as only a fraction of their is worth or simply hand it over broader efforts to modify to the bank. It also credited troubled loans. "It's important $2.6 billion for allowing peo- to note that the modifications, ple who owed more on their other consumer relief options mortgage than their home was and refinances for which the worth to refinance at lower in- company hasrequested credit terest rates. under the settlement represent A ll told, th e b a nks h a d slightly less than 2 percent of earned $15.4 billion in credit our total consumer relief and toward the $19 billion total refinance activity since 2009," they must reach in the con- said Vickee Adams, a spokessumer relief part of the settle- woman for Wells Fargo Home ment. The rest of the $25 bil- Mortgage. lion was made up of cash payUnder the settlement, short ments to states and individu- sales are worth only 20 to 45 als who had already lost their cents on the dollar, compared homes toforeclosure. with p r i n cipal r e d u ction, Debt reduction was a cen- w hich earns from 55 cents to a terpiece of t h e a g reement. dollar on the dollar. The banks — Citigroup, Wells But Smith said they were Fargo, Bank of America, JP- still a valuable form of relief. Morgan Chase and f ormer "Short sales benefit some dismortgage branches of Allytressed borrowers and play a

significant role in improving our housing market. They allow people to get out of bad situations, move for a new job, or take other needed action that not being able to get out of the home would preclude." Kevin Whelan, the national c ampaign director fo r t h e Home Defenders League, an organization that is seeking a "just resolution to the foreclosure crisis," said the new report did nothing to dispel his fears that the settlement was giving banks credit for measures they would have taken anyway, that the aid was not focused on low- or moderateincome families, and that it was not stabilizing communities. "What's being counted as relief under this settlement has more families being put out of their homes," he said. The monitor, who tests random samples ofloans to ensure that the settlement criteria are being met, has flagged several serious servicing issues, ranging from the banks' failure to provide a single point of contact to lost paperwork and flawed financial calculations, but does not address individual cases. A final report on consumer relief will most likely be released early next year, and the monitor will continue to oversee the servicing requirements through early 2015.

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Jill Knight/ Raleigh News 6 Observer

Tattoo artist Brad Armstrong, right, shades in a tattoo of a cross on Pfc. Kevin Nixon's shoulder recently at Ink Well in Fayetteville, N.C.

Tattoos Continued from A1 C urrent s oldiers w h o have tattoos that violate the new regulations would be "grandfathered," but new recruits would have to remove skin art that stretches onto the extremities before they would be allowed to join. The changes have created a tick in business at some of the two dozen or so tattoo shops in Fayetteville whose customers include soldiers at Fort Bragg. James "Vinny" Vinson, who manages the Ink Well shop in a small retail center a few miles from post, said he's seen a lot of soldiers coming in to get new tattoos while they still can. He's also had an increase in tattoo removals, nearly

all of them among young, aspiring soldiers who had paid for artwork that will cost twice as much or more to burn off with a laser. "I just got this a couple of months ago," said Travaris Brinson, 26, whose etching of his baby daughter's name on his left forearm is still so fresh it looks like a decal. When he went to talk to his recruiter last week, the m an showed him a d i a-

gram of a human body with the parts that can't be used as a canvas marked off-limits. It cost Brinson $40 to have "Valayah" etched on. It'll cost him $100 to get it taken off. A century ago, tattoos were permanent souvenirs U.S. sailors brought back from distant ports. They're now a m ainstream accessory, available to anyone over 18. D esigns can c ome f r o m anywhere. Ink W ell's three tattoo artists can do original work, copy images off the Internet or from photographs or drawings customers bring in, or combine what the customer has in mind with their own ideas. Often, customers have little idea what they want when they walk in and choose a design from one of the artists' portfolios or by looking at Google images of tattoos on the shop's computer. Skulls, dragons and menacing animals still proliferate, along with hearts, floral motifs and beloved cartoon characters, but customers also ask

for favorite poems, portraits of loved ones and religious images. Jesus in a crown of thorns is popular. Once they've settled on a design,customers take a seat on the bench that runs the length of the red-and-black themed store, waiting for their turn in one of the attists' booths. Artist Brad Armstrong said when people sit down in his chair ask, "Does it hurt?" he tells them straight up. "Yeah, it hurts. It's kind of like if I just took your skin and scraped it on the concrete." The pain lingers for just a day or two, said Armstrong, who has tattoos of his own. Then it scabs over, itches for a while and heals. For soldiers, whose lives are built around the concept o f uniformity, it's a s m a l l price to pay for a glimpse of individuality.



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LEATHER SECTIONALS ........Starting at 8 8 3



DINING ROOM SETS . .......Starting at M


CASUAL CONTEMPORARY SOFAS ........Starting at 3 9 9




........Queen Pillo~ Top Set

........ 10Y ear 5'arranty at 37 7



[. - m ~


A i





740 NE 3RD ST. (SAFEWAY PLAZA) • 541-34 8-9001 Merchandise displayed may differ from items in showroom or by location. Illustrations are for style only. Actual items may differ in style and color. Quantities are limited. All items subject to prior sale. Intermediate mark downs may have been taken. Regular prices are offering prices only and may not have resulted in sales. SPCI COMPANIES.

Calendar, B2 Obituaries, B5


O w w w.bendbulletin.com/local

Well shot!


reader photos Portland Salem

• We want to see your foliage photos for

another special version


of Well shot! that will run in the Outdoors section. Submit


your best work at • Salem:A report from


the OregonDepartment

/foliageand we'll pick the best for publication.

of Forestrystatesthat this past summer of wildfires has resultedin

• Email other good

photos of the

more state landbeing

great outdoors to

setablazethan any other

readerphotosO beudbulletiu.com and

season datingbackto 1951. • Reedsport:After

tell us a bit about where

and when youtook them. We'll choose the

aboutadecadeof operation, aReedsport manufacturing plant is preparing toclosein

best for publication. e-'

Submission requirements: Include as much detail as possible — when and where you took it, and any special technique used — as well as your name, hometown and phone number. Photos must be high resolution (at least 6 inches wide and 300 dpi) and cannot ba altered.

December, which would

leave about 50people without work.



• Medford:Inresponse to having its business

license revoked because ofcitycodes, a marijuanadispensary is appealing thedecision,

Have astoryidea or submission? Contactus!

citing state law. • Portland:City Council

The Bulletin

has delayedadecision regarding the removal

Gall a reporter:

of a homelesscampto let an advocacygroup find a solution other than shuffling the people

from place toplace. Stories on B3

Ryan Brennacke/The Bulletin

Construction crews in late July began to fill in a former pumice mine, which could be the site of Discovery Park, pending an agreement between the Bend Park & Recreation board of directors and West Bend Property Co. By Shelby R. King

there, we want to make sure that settlement won't occur, and we don't end up in the same situation." Summit High school athletic fields were built on land that was once apumice mine. Large amounts of material were used to fill depressions where pumice had been removed. And in 2006, a storm created large sinkholes in the Summit High School fields due toimproper compaction during the fill-

The Bulletin

NOV. 5 ELECTION • Ballots mailed:Friday • Election Oay:Nov. 5

ON THE BALLOT City of Bend

• Measure 9-94: Increase the temporary lodging rate from 9 to

10 percent, then to 10.4 percent.

Oeschutes County • Measure 9-96: In-

crease the transient room tax outside incorporated areas by 1 percentage point, from 7to 8 percent.

Bend ...................541-617-7829 Redmond ...........541-548-2186 Sisters ................541-548-2186 La Pine...............541-383-0367 Sunriver.............541-383-0367

The Bend Park 8 Recreation board of directors is inching closer to adevelopment agreement forBend's newest park, and the property developer, West Bend Property Co., is busy on site, laying and compacting inches of new dirt in preparation. "We're hoping that by thenext board meeting we'll be ready to enter into a development agreement," said Jim Figurski, landscape architect with the district. "The park is being built in the same quarry area as Summit High School, and because of thecircumstances

ing process. Bend-La Pine Schools spent $7 million to have the fields fixed. SeeDiscovery/B5

Deschutes.........541-383-0376 Crook.................541-383-0367 Jefferson...........541-383-0367


State projects ....541-410-9207 Salem .................541-554-1162 D.C.....................202-662-7456

The proposed 32acres for Discovery Park includes a12-acre parcel to be developed, including a three-acre pond.

Business ...........541-383-0360 Education...........541-633-2160 Health..................541-383-0304 Public lands..........541-617-7812 Public safety........541-383-0387 Special projects... 541-617-7831

QaD ~~"""

Submissions: • Letters and opinions:

aO Summit High ShI

Mail:My Nickel's Worth or In My View P.O. Box6020 Bend, OR97708 Details on theEditorials page inside. Contact: 541-3830358, bulletin©bendbulletin. com

Parjt g~


B D $ep///C ap are


• Civic Calendarnotices:

Sk liners Rd


Email eventinformation to news©bendbulletin.com, with "Civic Calendar" in thesubject and includeacontact name and phonenumber. Contact: 541-383-0354


Andy Zeigert/The Bulletin

Oeschutes audCrook counties • Measure 9-95: Form Alfalfa Fire District and

create a permanent taxing district at a rate

of $1.75 per $1,000 assessed property value. Oeschutesaud Jefferson counties • Measure 16-69: Re-

new operations levy for Crooked River Ranch Rural Fire Protection District at a rate of 69

cents per $1,000 assessed property value. Jefferson County • Measure 16-70: Levy a

five-year jail operations tax of $1.24 per $1,000 assessed property value.

• Measure 16-71: Approve $8 million

in bonds for repairs and improvements to

• School newsand notes:

Truc erca e an' onora e'man By BrandenAndersen

Recycling Inc., pulling two trailers laden with crushed cars, rolled over on U.S. Highway 20 near Millican, about 20 miles east of Bend. He died at thescene.Wurdinger Recycling did not return calls for comment. "He was a fine, honorable man with very high moral standards," Ketchum said. "It's a hard thing to find these days." According to Kerrie Combs, a public service representative for the Oregon Department of Motor Vehicles, Collver had a commercial driver's license, valid until July 2015. He last renewed it in 2007, Combs said. As a requirement for holding

The Bulletin

Edgar Collver was always doing something, said Pete Ketchum, Collver's neighbor in Otis, Lincoln County. The two not only lived across the street from one another, but alsoserved together in 2009 on the Bear Creek Hideout special road district board. "He would go out to the roads around our area with his own tractor and clean the whole place up," Ketchum said. "He was just a very, very productive person — always doing something." Collver, 80, died Sunday when the Freightliner tractor he was driving for Wurdinger

a commercial driver's license, drivers must hold a medical card stating their medical condition. Drivers over age 50 must pass an eye exam with each license renewal. "He kept up with everything

as far as keeping himself eligible to drive," Combs said. According to online court records, Collver had three driving infractions and two driving violations over a 21year span. Oregon State Police Lt. Carl Rhodes said his department did not order an autopsy on Collver's body because the incident was not a criminal matter. SeeTrucker /B5

Adangerousstretch An 80-year-old Otis mandied Sunday when his truck overturned on U.S. Highway 20 east of Bend.

According to OregonState Police Lt. Carl Rhodes, the area, marked

on the map below, is prone to crashes and rollovers. Redmond Prieeviilile~ Mn Ee 0




Millican Brothers DESCHUTES Co.

Email newsitemsand notices of generalinterest to news©bendbulletin.com. Email announcementsof teens'c aademicachievements to youth@bendbulletin.com. Email collegenotes, military graduations andreunion info to bulletin@bendbulletin.com. Contact: 541-383-0358

• Obituaries, Death Notices: Details on theObituaries page inside. Contact 541-617-7825, obits©bendbulletin.com

• Community events: Email eventinformation to communitylife@bend bulletin.com orclick on "Submit an Event" atwww .bendbulletin.com. Allow at least10 daysbefore the desired date ofpublication. Details: Thecalendar appears inside this section. Contact: 541-383-0351

Andy Zaigert/The Bulletin

schools in the Culver School District.

Read ourstories Coverage leading up to the election is at

bendbulletin.com/ electiou2013

Authorities searchingfor answers inwild horse shooting ")ee

st' j;:

By Dylan J. Darling The Bulletin





In a story about

Jason Congerand House District 54 that

appeared Wednesday, Oct. 16, on Page B1, the

headline andaccompanying caption were misleading. Because Congeris notrunning for his state House seat,

an election to replace him will be held in 2014

regardless of the outcome of his U.S.Senate race. The Bulletin regrets the error.

Submitted photo

Members of the Big Summit herd of wild horses walk through Ochoco National Forest. The three horses shot on Sunday are said to have been part of the herd, which includes about 100 horses, according to a recent census. Members of the U.S. Forest Service and the Crook County Sheriff's Office are seeking information in the shootings, which bear some similarities to an incident in 2011.

Deer hunters made the grisly discovery Saturday evening of three wild horses that had been shot in the Ochoco National Forest. Two of the animals, an adult and young horse, were already dead when a U.S. Forest Service law enforcement went to check on the report early Sunday morning, said Capt. Dan Smith, of the U.S. Forest Service in Bend. The third, another adult, wasn't moving and was barely alive. "So he had to put the animal down," he said. Initial reports Tuesday had all three animals found dead. The Forest Service and the

Tip line If you haveanyinformation about therecent shooting ofwild horses in the Ochoco National Forest, call U.S. Forest Service law enforcement at 541-383-5798 or the Crook County Sheriff's Office at 541-447-

6398. Tocontribute to the reward beingoffered for information in the case, call the Central Oregon Wild Horse Coalition at 541-447-8165.

Deschutes County Sheriff's Office are seeking information about who might have shot the horses, which were found north of Big Summit Prairie. They were likely shot about a week earlier. The shooter or shooterscould face felony animal cruelty charges, as well as other federal charges. Authorities were at a loss to explain why someone would

shoot a wild horse. "It is just an absolutely horrible thing," said Crook County Sheriff' sSgt.James Savage. The scenario bears similarities to a 2011 case in which six wild horses were found shot dead, four adults and two young animals, he said. That case remains open, but has

gone cold. SeeHorses/B5



E VENT TODAY PUMPKIN PATCHANDMARKET: Pick a pumpkin or visit the market; free admission; noon-6 p.m.; Central Oregon Pumpkin Co.,1250 N.E. Wilcox Ave., Terrebonne; 541-5041414 or www.pumpkinco.com. "MOONSHINE8[M ASON JARS": The Distiller's Choice Dinnerfeatures Southern style cuisine paired with "moonshine" cocktails and live music; $75, $60 for members, reservation requested; 5:30 p.m.; Oregon Spirit Distillers, 490 N.E. Butler Market Road, Ste.120, Bend; 541-382-0002 or www. oregonspiritdistillers.com. KNOW CULTURA:MAKING MOLE: Learnhowto make moleathome; free; 6 p.m.; East Bend Public Library, 62080 Dean Swift Road; 541-3121034 or tinad©deschuteslibrary.org. SUSTAINABLERESOURCE LECTURE SERIES: Former archaeologist and Sierra Club activist, Courtney White, talks about building economic and ecological resilience on working landscapes; free, reservation requested; 6 p.m.; High Desert Museum, 59800 S. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; 541-382-4754 or www.highdesertmuseum.org. TONY SMILEY:TheWashingtonbased alternative-loop ninja singer performs; free; 7 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or www.mcmenamins.com. "DOUBT: APARABLE": A staged reading of John Patrick Shanley's play featuring Derek Sitter as Father Flynn; $5;7:30 p.m.;Volcanic Theatre Pub, 70 S.W.Century Drive, Bend; 541-323-1881. PUKE 'N RALLYAND NEUTRALBOY: The California and Washington rock bands perform, with The Hooligans and The Beerslayers; $3; 8 p.m.; Big T's, 413 S.W. Glacier Ave., Redmond; 541-504-3864 or www.revernation. com/venue/bigts. "TRANSITION2:'CROSS THE POND": A screening of the cyclocross film for Central Oregon Trail Alliance Movie Night; $5 cash only; 9 p.m.; McMenamins Old St.


Email events at least 10 days before publication date to communitylifeibendbulletin.com or click on "Submit an Event" at v[[v[[v[[.bendbulletin.com. Ongoing listings must be updated monthly. Contact: 541-383-0351.

Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or www. mcmenamins.com.

FRIDAY COMMUNITY RUMMAGESALE: Featuring gently-used items, door prizes, face painting, live radio broadcast and more; proceeds benefit Beulah's Place; free admission; 7 a.m.-7 p.m.; Highland Baptist Church, 3100 S.W. Highland Ave., Redmond; 541-548-4161. ( CORN MAIZEAND PUMPKIN PATCH:An eight-acre corn maze with pumpkin patch and market Courtesy Anna Hoychu[[ featuring pumpkin cannons, zoo Red Jacket Mine, a Seattle-based soul and rock band, performs train, pony rides and more; $7.50, free at 9 p.m. Friday at the Blue Pine Kitchen and Bar, located at 25 $5.50 ages 6-11, free ages 5and S.W. Century Dr. in Bend. younger for corn maze; $2.50 for most other activities; noon-7 p.m., pumpkin patch open until 6 p.m.; 408-4949 or www.angelglow.org. www.journeyinbend.com. Central Oregon Pumpkin Co.,1250 CENTRALOREGON WRITERS THE SCAREGROUNDS:A haunted N.E. Wilcox Ave., Terrebonne; 541GUILD ANNUALLITERARY house; recommended onlyforages 504-1414 or www.pumpkinco.com. HARVEST:The top ten winners of 12 and older; $12 for one haunt, $20 KNOW CULTURA:TRADITIONAL thisyear's Literary Harvest Writing for two haunts, $25 for three haunts; MUSIC ANDINSTRUMENTS Contest will read their entries; 7 p.m.,gatesopen at6:30p.m .;old OF LATINAMERICA:Assistant refreshments; $5 for members, Parr Lumber buildings, 443 S.W. professor Freddy Vilches performs $10 for non-members; 6:30Evergreen Ave., Redmond; 541-548and explores the musical traditions 8:30 p.m.; Comfort Suites, 2243 4755 or www.scaremegood.com/. and instruments of Latin America; S.W. YewAve., Redmond; www. "BUTTERFLY":A screening of free; noon; Central Oregon centraloregonwritersguild.com. the1999 film originally titled, "La Community College, Campus Center, OPEN MICNIGHT & SPOKEN Lengua de las Mariposas"; free; 7:30 2600N.W.CollegeW ay,Bend; WORD:Featuring poetry, music, p.m.; Rodriguez Annex Jefferson 541-318-3726. comedy, short stories and more; County Library, Rodriguez Annex, "THE PERFECT PAIR": The free; 6:30-8:30 p.m.; Barnes 8 Noble 134 S.E. ESt., Madras; 541-4759th annual fundraiser pairing Booksellers, 2690 E. U.S. Highway 3351 or www.jcld.org. handcrafted beer with culinary 20, Bend; 541-318-7242. RED JACKETMINE:The Seattle creations from local chefs; proceeds "THE PEOPLINGOF THE soul and rock band performs; free; benefit the Bethlehem Inn; $45, AMERICAS" SERIES: Archaeologist 9 p.m.; Blue Pine Kitchen and Bar, registration requested by Oct. 16; Tom Connolly presents "The Sandals 25 S.W. Century Dr., Bend; 541-3895-8 p.m.; Deschutes Brewery & That Changed the World"; free, $5 2558 or www.bluepinebar.com. Public House, 1044 N.W.Bond day-usepasspermit;7-8:30 p.m .; St., Bend; 541-322-8768 or www. Smith Rock State Park Visitor bethleheminn.org. Center, 10260 N.E. Crooked River ANABELLE'SANGEL GLOW 5K: SATURDAY Drive, Terrebonne; 541-923-7551 An evening 5K run and 2Kfun ext. 21 or www.oregonstateparks. walk through the Old Mill District; COMMUNITY RUMMAGESALE: Ol'g. wear bright neon colors and bring Featuring gently-used items, door THE CITY HARMONIC: The flashflights; starts in the west prizes, face painting, live radio Canadian Christian group performs, broadcast and more; proceeds lot across the foot bridge from with Shawn McDonald and The Anthony's; proceeds benefit the benefit Beulah's Place; free Royal Royal; $25 in advance, $30 MLD Foundatio nand Anabelle's admission; 8 a.m.-4 p.m.; Highland at the door; 7 p.m., doors open at Fund;$25,$15forteenagers,free Baptist Church, 3100 S.W.Highland 6 p.m.; Journey, 70 N.W.Newport for 10 and younger; 6 p.m., 5:30 Ave., Redmond; 541-548-4161. Ave., Ste. 100 (below Liquid registration; Old Mill District, 661 NATIONALSKIPATROL ANNUAL Lounge), Bend; 541-647-2944 or S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend; 541-


GEAR SALE: Sale of winter clothing and gear; raffle; proceeds benefit the Mt. Bachelor National Ski Patrol; location is east side of building at 1310 S.E. ReedMarket, Bend; park on north end; free admission; 8 a.m.-6 p.m.; info©mtbachelornsp.org. BOOKFAIRFUNDRAISER:Featuring a mini quilt show (including quilts about children's books), demonstrations and guild members on-hand for discussions; free admission; 10 a.m.-4 p.m.; Barnes & Noble Booksellers, 2690 E. U.S. Highway 20, Bend; 541-388-8505. CARVINGFORKIDS: Kids can design and carve their own jack-o-lanterns with the help of trained volunteers; live music; proceeds benefit MountainStar programs; $15 for clean pumpkins, $20 for basic design, $25 or more for custom design; 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; Newport Market, 1121 N.W. Newport Ave., Bend; 541-3900590 or www.webfootpainting. com/webfoot painting's carving for kids-029.mhtml. CORN MAIZEAND PUMPKIN PATCH:Aneight-acre corn maze with pumpkin patch and market featuring pumpkincannons,zootrain,pony rides and more; $7.50, $5.50 ages611, free ages 5andyounger for Corn Maize; $2.50 for most other activities; 10 a.m.7 p.m.,pumpkin patch open until 6 p.m.; Central Oregon PumpkinCo.,1250 N.E.W ilcoxAve., Terrebonne; 541-504-1414 or www. pumpkinco.com. JEWELRYSALEFUNDRAISER: Featuring gently used jewelry; proceeds benefit Philanthropic Education Organization (PEO) women's scholarship programs; free admission; 10 a.m.-4 p.m.; Housing Works, 405 S.W.Sixth St., Redmond; 541-548-9839. U.S. KARATEALLIANCE OREGON STATEMARTIALARTS CHAMPIONSHIPS:All ages and ranks from all traditional martial arts systems compete; qualifier for national championships; concession proceeds benefit the local Sparrow Club; $5, seewebsite for participant cost;10a.m.; 8a.m. checkin andday of event registration; Cascade Middle School,19619 S.W.Mountaineer Way, Bend; 541-241-6777 or www.

cascadeskarate.com. KNOW CULTURA:TRADITIONAL MUSIC ANDINSTRUMENTS OF LATINAMERICA:Assistant professor Freddy Vilches performs and explores the musical traditions and instruments of Latin America; free;11 a.m.; East BendPublic Library, 62080 DeanSwift Road; 541312-1032 or www.deschuteslibrary. OI'g.

"GET SQUASHED":A pumpkin fest featuring five different10 Barrel beers to taste, live music, kid's corner pumpkin coloring and more; free admission; noon-9 p.m.; 10 Barrel Brewing Co., 1135N.W.Galveston Ave., Bend; 541-678-5228 or www.10barrel.com. KNOW CULTURA:TRADITIONAL MUSIC ANDINSTRUMENTS OF LATINAMERICA:Assistant professor Freddy Vilches performs and explores the musical traditions and instruments of Latin America; free; 3 p.m.; Sunriver Area Public Library, 56855 Venture Lane; 541312-1032 or www.deschuteslibrary. OI'g.

25TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION:Celebrate the sustainability movement in Bend with live music, food and beverages, and a raffle; $50; 4-7 p.m.; The Environmental Center,16 N.W. Kansas Ave.,Bend;541-385-6908 ext. 10 or www.envirocenter.org. "INTO THEMIND": A feature film by Sherpa Cinemapresented by the Central Oregon Avalanche Association; $13; 6:30 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W.Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www.towertheatre. ol'g. KATHY BARWICK 8 PETE SIEGFRIEDHOUSE CONCERT: The Californiaacoustic bluegrass duo performs; $15, reservations requested; 7 p.m.; RunwayRanch, 22655 Peacock Lane, Bend;www. hadbf.com. THE SCARE GROUNDS:A haunted house; recommended only forages 12 and older; $12 for one haunt, $20 for two haunts, $25 for three haunts; 7 p.m.,gatesopenat6:30p.m.;old Parr Lumber buildings, 443 S.W. Evergreen Ave., Redmond; 541-5484755 or www.scaremegood.com/.

PUBLIC OFFICIALS For The Bulletin's full list, including federal, state, county and city levels, visit www.bendbulletin.com/officials.



U.S. Senate


• Sel[. Jeff Merkley, D-Ore. 107 Russell SenateOffice Building Washington, D.C. 20510 Phone: 202-224-3753 Web: http://merkley.senate.gov Bend office: 131 N.W. Hawthorne Ave., Suite 208 Bend, OR97701 Phone: 541-318-1298 • Sen. RonWyden, D-Ore. 223 Dirksen SenateOffice Building Washington, D.C. 20510 Phone:202-224-5244 Web: http://wyden.senate.gov Bend office: 131 N.W. Hawthorne Ave., Suite107 Bend, OR97701 Phone: 541-330-9142

• Sen. TedFerrioli, R-District 30(includes Jefferson, portion of Deschutes) 900 Court St. N.E., S-323 Salem, OR97301 Phone:503-986-1950 Email: sen.tedferrioli@state.or.us Web: www.leg.state.or.us/ferrioli • Sen. Tim Knopp,R-District 27 (includes portion of Deschutes) 900 Court St. N.E., S-423 Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-986-1727 Email: sen.timknopp©state.or.us Web: www.leg.state.or.us/knopp • Sen. DougWhitsett, R-District28 (includes Crook, portion of Deschutes) 900 Court St. N.E., 8-303 Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-986-1728 Email: sen.dougwhitsett©state.or.us Web: www.leg.state.or.us/whitsett

U.S. House ofRepresentatives • Rep. GregWalden, R-HoodRiver 2182 Rayburn HouseOffice Building Washington, D.C. 20515 Phone: 202-225-6730 W eb: http://walden.house.gov Bend office: 1051 N.W. BondSt., Suite 400 Bend, OR97701 Phone:541-389-4408 Fax: 541-389-4452

STATE OF OREGON • Gov. John Kitzhaber, D 160 State Capitol, 900 Court St. Salem, OR97301 Phone:503-378-4582 Fax:503-378-6872 Web: http://governor.oregon.gov • Secretary ofState KateBrown, D 136 State Capitol Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-986-1616 Fax: 503-986-1616 Email: oregon.sos©state.or.us • Treasurer Ted Wheeler, D 159 OregonState Capitol 900 court st. N.E. Salem, OR97301 Phone:503-378-4329 Email: oregon.treasurer©state.or.us Web: www.ost.state.or.us • Attorney General Ellen Rosel[blllm, D 1162 Court St. N.E. Salem, OR97301 Phone:503-378-4400 Fax:503-378-4017 Web: www.doj.state.or.us • Labor CommissionerBradAvakian 800 N.E. OregonSt., Suite1045 Portland, OR97232 Phone:971-673-0761 Fax:971-673-0762 Email: boli.mail@state.or.us Web: www.oregon.gov/boli

House • Refl. JasonConger, R-District 54 (portion of Deschutes) 900 Court St. N.E., H-477 Salem, OR97301 Phonel503-986-1454 Email: rep.jasonconger@state.or.us Web: www.leg.state.or.us/conger • Refl. JohnHuffman, R-District 59 (portion of Jefferson) 900 Court St. N.E., H-476 Salem, OR97301 Phonel503-986-1459 Email: rep.johnhuffman@state.or.us Web: www.leg.state.or.us/huffman • Rep. Mike McLane, R-District55 (Crook, portion of Deschutes) 900 Court St. N.E., H-385 Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-986-1455 Email: rep.mikemclane@state.or.us Web: www.leg.state.or.us/mclane • Rep. GeneWhisrlant, R-District 53 (portion of DeschutesCounty) 900 Court St. N.E., H-471 Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-986-1453 Email: rep.genewhisnant@state.or.us Web: www.leg.state.or.us/whisnant

DESCHUTES COUNTY 1300 N.W.Wall St., Bend, OR97701 Web: www.deschutes.org Phone: 541-388-6571 Fax: 541-382-1692

County Commission • Tammy Barley, R-Berld Phone:541-388-6567 Email: Tammy Baney©co.deschutes .Qcus • Alan Unger,D-Redmond

Phone: 541-388-6569 Email: Alan Unger©co.deschutes. or.us • Tony DeBone,R-La Pine Phone: 541-388-6568 Email: Tony DeBone@co.deschutes. Or. US

CROOK COUNTY 300 N.E. Third St., Prineville, OR97754 Phone: 541-447-6555 Fax: 541-416-3891 Email: administration@co.crook.or.us Web: co.crook.or.us

•CrookCountyJudgeMike McCabe Phone: 541-447-6555 Email: mike.mccabe@co.crook.or.us

County Court • Kel[ Fahlgrel[

Phone: 541-447-6555 Email: ken.fahlgren©co.crook.or.us


Phone: 541-480-8141 Email: srussell@ci.bend.or.us

CITY OF REDMOND 716 S.W.EvergreenAve. Redmond, OR 97756 Phone: 541-923-7710 Fax:541-548-0706

City Councll • Mayor GeorgeEndicott Phone: 541-948-3219 Email: George.Endicott@ci.redmond .OI.US

• Jay Patrick Phone: 541-508-8408 Email: Jay.Patrick©ci.redmond.or.us • Tory Allmal[ Phone: 541-923-7710

• Joe Centanni

Phone: 541-923-7710

Joe.Centanni@ci.redmond.or.us • CamdenKing Phone: 541-604-5402 Email: Camden.King@ci.redmond .Or.us

66 S.E. 0 St., Madras, OR 97741 Phone: 541-475-2449 Fax:541-475-4454 Web: www.co.jefferson.or.us

• Ginny McPherson Phone: to bedetermined Email: Ginny.McPherson@ci.redmond

County Commission

• Ed Onimus Phone: 541-604-5403 Email: Ed.0nimus©ci.redmond.or.us

• Mike Ahern, JohnHatfield,

Wayne Fording Phone: 541-475-2449 Email: commissioner©co.jefferson .Qr.us

C1TY OF BEND 710 N.W. Wall St. Bend, OR97701

Phone: 541-388-5505 Web: www.ci.bend.or.us • City ManagerEricKing Phone: 541-388-5505 Email: citymanager@ci.bend.or.us

City Council • Jodie Barram Phone: 541-388-5505 Email: jbarramOci.bend.or.us • Mark Capell Phone: 541-388-5505 Email: mcapell@ci.bend.or.us • Jim Clirlterl Phone: 541-388-5505 Email: jclinton@ci.bend.or.us • Victor Chudowsky Phone: 541-749-0085 Email: vch[jdowsky@ci.bend.or.us. • Doug Knight Phone: 541-388-5505 Email: dknight©ci.bend.or.us • Scott Ramsay Phone: 541-388-5505 Email: sramsay[eci.bend.or.us • Sally Russell

• Jason Beebe Email: jbeebe@cityofprineville.com • Gall Merrltt Email: gmerritt@cityofprineville.com • JasonCarr Email: To be determined

gjones©ci.la-pine.or.us • Ken Mulenex Email: km[jlenex@ci.la-pine.or.us • St[l Martinez Email: smartinez©ci.la-pine.or.us • Karen Ward kward@ci.la-pine.or.us



71 S.E. 0 Street, Madras, OR97741 Phone: 541-475-2344 Fax: 541-475-7061

387 N.E. Third St., Prineville, OR97754 Phone: 541-447-5627 Fax: 541-447-5628 Email: cityhall@cityofprineville.com Web: www.cityofprineville.com

City Council

• Mayor Melanie Widmer Email: mwidmer@ci.madras.or.us • Tom Brown • Betty Roppe Email: thbrown@ci.madras.or.us Email: broppe©cityofprineville.com • Walt Chamberlain • Jack Seley Email: wchamberlain@ci.madras.or.us Email: jseley©cityofprineville.com • RoyceEmbanksJr. • Stephen Uffelman Email: rembanks@ci.madras.or.us Email: suffelman@cityofprineville. • JimLeach com Email: Ileach@ci.madras.or.us • Richard Ladeby • Dean Noyes Email: dnoyes@cityofprineville.com Email: rladeby@ci.madras.or.us • GordonGillespie • Charles Schmidt Email: ggillespie©cityofprineville.com Email: cschmidt©ci.madras.or.us

City Gouncll


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City Council • David Asson Phone: 503-913-7342 Email: dasson@ci.sisters.or.us • Wendy Holzman Phone: 541-549-8558 wholzman@ci.sisters.or.us • Brad Boyd Phone: 541-549-2471 Email: bboyd@ci.sisters.or.us • Catherine Childress Phone: 541-588-0058 Email: cchildress@ci.sisters.or.us • McKibben Womack Phone: 541-598-4345 Email: mwomack©ci.sisters.or.us



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New Patients

NEWS OF RECORD POLICE LOG The Bulletin will update items in the Police Log when such a request is received. Any new information, such as the dismissal of charges or acquittal, must be verifiable. For more information, call 541-383-0358.

BEND POLICE DEPARTMENT Theft —A theft was reported at 7:50 a.m. Oct. 10, in the 63300

block of North U.S. Highway 97. Theft —A theft was reported at4:43 p.m. Oct.14, in the 3100 block of North U.S. Highway 97. DUII —Michelle Lyn Bean, 44, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at 9:19 p.m. Oct. 14, in the 1700 block of Southeast Tempest Drive. Unlawful entry —A vehicle was reported entered at 9:48 p.m. Oct. 14, in the 21300 block of Oakview Drive. DUII —Antonio Armando

Sanchez, 50, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at 2:18 a.m. Oct. 15, in the area of Northeast Fourth Street and Northeast Marshall Avenue. Criminal mischief —An act of criminal mischief was reported at6:45 p.m. Oct.14, inthe 2000 block of Northeast Linnea Drive.

PRINEVILLE POLICE DEPARTMENT Vehicle crash —An accident was

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Tuesday 11:14 a.m.— Smoke odor reported, 63950 Tyler Road. 2:03 p.m.— Unauthorized burning, 19053 Baker Road. 10:57 p.m.— Smoke odor reported, 21114 Tumalo Road. 18 —Medical aid calls.


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Re ort:Wi ire u By Jeff Barnard

overall in Oregon. The last The Associated Press time so much state-protected Lightning a n d dr o u g ht land burned was at the end of spread wildfire to more state- the two-decade period known protected land in 2013 than as the Tillamook Burn. "This is the shape of things any year since 1951, and sent spending $30 million over rev- to come, based on everything enues, according to a report we know about potential clifrom the Oregon Department mate change fluctuations and of Forestry. energy in t h e a t mosphere," The 162 square miles that said John Bailey, an associate burned on state, private and professor of forestry at Oregon U.S. Bureau of Land Manage- State University. "This is going ment lands protected by the to become more the norm than Oregon Department of Forest- the unusual." ry was eight times the 10-year The National Climate Asaverage, and nearly half the s essment issued t hi s y e a r 325 square milesthat burned predicts the area burned by

e t excee e

wildfires will double nationwide over the next 25 years, as global warming increases temperatures, lengthens wildfire seasons and generates more droughts. Oregon spent $122 million on large fires, which burned an estimated $370 million in timber on state, private and BLM lands, the report said. After reimbursements from federal agencies, the state is liable for $75 million. That is $30 million over the amount covered by landowner assessments, the state general fund, and a $25 million insurance

AROUND THE STATE YOuth priSOn riOt —Damageis estimated at about $100,000 from rioting at the Rogue Valley Youth Correctional Facility. Superintendent

Ken Jerin said computers and furniture were trashed. Jerin also said

policy. The department will have to go to the Legislature to ask for the extra money, spokesman Rod Nichols said. Oregon typically sees far fewer homes burn than California, Colorado and Arizona, said Andy Stahl, director of Forest Service Employees for Environmental Ethics. That is because the state adopted laws in the 1970s that slowed the spread ofhomes into forests, and because most people live in the northwestern corner of the state, where the wetter climate makes fires less common.

about nine students involved in the incident have been moved out. They might face charges of riot and criminal mischief. Rioters report-

edly barricaded themselves in aday room on Oct. 6 at the Grants Pass prison. They surrendered after police SWAT teams arrived.

Ex-detective pleads guilty —Anex-OregonState Police detective accused of having sex with a prostitute while on duty pleaded guilty on Monday to official misconduct and was sentenced to seven

days in the MultnomahCounty Jail. 50-year-old Richard Narvaez worked for Oregon State Police for 23 years and resigned in September. He was assigned to the Tribal Gaming Section and was on duty,

but not in uniform, last August when hewas reportedly seen having sex with a woman in an empty lot in southeast Portland. The woman in the case was arrested on suspicion of prostitution and public inde-

cency charges andfor violating probation. AShland hOmiCide arreSt —A Medford man wasarrested Tuesday on suspicion of robbery andmurder in the death of a manat his home in Ashland. 34-year-old Merlin Elmo Bound is held without bail in the death of 62-year-old Frank Ronald Damiano, also known as

Tony Della Penna.Sheriff's deputies said they were conducting a wel-


farecheck on Damiano'shome Thursday when they found his body.

Cattle settlement —A Klamath Falls rancher and the Union

Immigration activists hold

Pacific railroad have settled a legal battle over 24 cattle of an ancient breed that were hit by a train and killed. The terms were not disclosed

a banner Tuesday while protesting in Portland. Activists asked the city to stop buying bonds from Wells Fargo, a major investor in a group that operates multiple immigration detention centers. The protest was part of a nationwide campaign to convince investors to divest from

on Tuesday; andthe railroad didn't admit any wrongdoing. Whenthe

prison compa-

65 passengers. Baldridge said he did not know the train's speed.

suit was filed, 71-year-old rancher Bruce Topham valued the Salers herd at several hundred thousand dollars. Images of the breed have

been discovered oncavewalls in France dating back about 7,000 years. The cattle died in 2011 when they escaped a field. Topham said it was the railroad's job to maintain fences along the track and

received a settlement offer in September when acourt date was set. A railroad statement acknowledged the settlement.

Train death —A sheriff's officer says a13-year-old Gervais boy has been struck and killed by an Amtrak train. Marion County sheriff's Sgt. Chris Baldridge said Diego Rodriguez was killed on

Tuesday evening as he walked with another boy along a double set of railroad tracks between Woodburn and Gervais. The other boy, 14, was not injured. Baldridge said deputies think the boys saw the train

coming from the north, but didn't clear the tracks completely, misjuding which trackthe train was on. The sheriff's spokesman says an engineer on the train traveling from Seattle to Eugene saw a shadow

on the tracks andbegansounding the horn. Whenthe engineer saw it was a person, hebegan emergency braking. The14-car train carried


Homeless decision delayed —ThePortland city council hasdelayedforupto60daysadecisiononmovingahomeless camp, so leaders of the Right 2 DreamToocamp can negotiate with developers, businessesand residents who areresisting their move

GosiaWozniacka TheAssociated Press

to the Pearl District. Mayor Charlie Hales said there may be a better

solution than just moving tents from one place toanother. ThePearl District location is still on the table but the council may consider other options. Commissioner Amanda Fritz announced the move a month

ago, hoping to end alawsuit after the camp for about 70 people was labeled illegal at its Chinatown location. — From wire reports

Reedsport manufacturing dosure to leave 51 without employment By Christian Hill The (Eugene) Register-Guard

REEDSPORT — After a decade of operation, American Bridge will close its Reedsport manufacturing plant and lay off its remaining 51 employees in December. The news is a blow to the Oregon Coast community, located in a county with one of the highest unemployment rates in the state. "We've seen this before with the International Paper property (closure in 1999) and other employers on the South Coast ... so it's another kick to the ribs," Reedsport Mayor Keith Tymchuk said. But Tymchuk said the community's focus has been on "'how do we move forward,' rather than 'Oh, woe is me.'" The mayor said local and regional leaders have pledged to work with American Bridge to market the property and find another employer. Severalemployees were laid off Monday, said Susan Buell, president of Umpqua Training and Employment in Roseburg, a private nonprofit group that is mobilizing to help retrain the displaced workers. Other employees will be able

to stay on the job until projects exemptionvalued at$750,000. in the pipeline are completed. The following year, the comBuell agreed the pending pany was hit hard by the abrupt closure is another economic closure of the rail line connectsetback for the community. ing the coast to the Williamette "They haven't had g r eat Valley, a crucial link for movnews," she said. ing its steel components. The Pe n n sylvania-based The plant manager at the company made the disclosure time said the company's workon Tuesday in a federally reforcedropped from about 100 quired notice that provides em- to 10. ployees advance word of mass The rail line reopened in layoffs. 2011. But the local plant never Phone calls to the plant Tues- recovered. day were not answered. Its parent company led the American Bridge Manufac- joint venture that is buildingthe turing, a subsidiary of Ameri- new $1.7 billion eastern span can Br idge, a lso o p erates of the Bay Bridge, connecting another plant in Coraopolis, Oakland and San Francisco. Pa. Tymchuk saidcompany of- The new span opened to trafficials told him that plant also fic last month, after 24 years of will close. planning and construction. When the company broke The warn notice indicated ground on the Oregon plant in the layoffs would begin Dec. 9 2002, it was front-page news and last several weeks. and an economic shot in the The employees are not reparm for a c o mmunity that resented by a union. three years earlier had lost 400 Last month, the state Departjobs with the closure of a paper ment of Environmental Qualmill. ity levied fines totaling about The company saw the Reed- $11,500 against the Reedsport sport plant as providing it a plant, alleging the improper better edge in competing for handling of hazardous waste. smaller projects in the West. The fine is being appealed. American Bridge pledged to A DEQ representative said deliver 120 jobs by 2005 and re- the agency would carry on ceived a five-year property tax with the appeal.

Marijuanadispensaryappealslicenserevocation By Damian Mann (Medford) Mail Tribune

MEDFORD — A M edford marijuana dispensary that had its business license revoked has sent an appeal to the city, setting the stage for a potential legal showdown that could have statewide ramifications. MaryJane's Attic and MaryJane's Basement, located in Medford, sent a certified letter to Finance Director Alison Chan appealing Deputy City Manager Bill Hoke's revocation of its business license because of unlawfully dispensing medical marijuana.

The city has yet to receive a copy of the letter in the mail, officials said. The owners of t h e b usinesses, Richard and Marlene Nuckols, have hired Portland attorney Leland Berger, who has defended other high-profile marijuana cases in the state. Berger has asked the city to provide any information that w as gathered as the basisto revoke the business license. The city is relying on city code, which states that an existing licensed business that engages in illegal activity will have its license revoked. The

ban on conducting business lasts for one year. Berger said it's too early to say whether he would appeal this case to the courts if the city upholds the revocation. Rep. Peter Buckley, D-Ashland, who sponsored House Bill 3460, which provides a framework for establishing medical m arijuana d i spensaries throughout the state, said it is still unlawful to run a dispensary until the bill takes effect next March. "There's nothing in the bill that grandfathers in these places," he said.

OREOON Oregon Production Investment Fund

Tax Credit Auction October 21-25


The Department of Revenue will be conducting a tax credit auction to benefit the Oregon Production lnvestment Fund. This fund is a key tool in recruiting film and television production to Oregon like the recent Fox Searchlight film "Wild."

Details of the auction: The DOR Websjte http:I/www.oregon.gov/dor/PERTAN pages/creditauction-info.aspx js now open Auction begins: Mon. Oct. 21, 2013 - 9 AM Auction ends: Fri, Oct. 25, 2013 - 5pm Bidder must submit payment along with Form TCA by Friday, November 1, 2013, at 5:00 PM There will be $4 million in tax credit certificates available for the auction The credit certificates will be in $500 increments and the minimum bid will be $475

For more details, please call or email

Vince Porter at the Oregon Film and Video Office (503) 229-5832 or vince@oregonfilm.org



The Bulletin



i ewou air roun s an usinesses

A student who can't read at the end of third grade faces an "oh s-moment," he said, giving educators a "hair-on-fire emergency." Later in the speech, the superintendent was talking about the need for administrators to engage all ideas when forming their plans, but then enforce them vigorously. He recalled a f ellow Rotarian telling him years ago that he'd make a good education leader, because he was an "S.O.B. with a kindly manner." Being kind matters, he said, but a principal needs to be forceful and demanding to make sure everybody is carrying out the plan without exception. Saxton's speech was masterful, full of p ersonal anecdotes, perfectly addressing the crisis for every child who doesn't progress and the need for educators to fully own their responsibility to those students. We can onlyhope the misplaced criticism will bring more attention to an excellent speech, which is posted in full at bendbulletin. com/saxton.

Fditur in-Clnrf Editor of Edttorials



p I





P qgrPI"

isn't attached to a motel or other lodging.

e veral news r eports t h i s week have described Oregon educationleader Rob Saxton "cursing" or using "salty language" during a speech to school administrators earlier this month. One of the reports criticized the deputy superintendent for using words that would get a student in trouble at school. But despite being offensive to some,the speech was a passionate exhortation for school administrators to put a laser focus on the "life and death moment" students face if they can't read by the end of third grade. Saxton was speaking to educators from so-called "focus" and "priority" schools that received low ratings and are working on improvement plans with extra help from the state. Using stories to make his points, Saxton recalled a rafting trip in the Whitehorse Rapids of the Deschutes River, where the risk of collision with "Oh S-- Rock" (as it's commonly called) created for him the kind of clarity of focus that educators need every day.

Jotttt Cosmn


isn't a destination resort, it's not a museum, and it

Saxton speech acall to arms,notcrassrant

Chairaomnn Palll&lter


ame the largest visitor facility in Central Oregon. It

Rather, it's t h e D e schutes to increase to at least 70 percent. County Fair & E x p o C e nter, Large motorhome conventions which has about 114,000 square like those held in 2001 and 2004 feet of meeting space, a 95,000- draw as many as 4,000 vehicles square-foot barn, banquet facili- and last for several days, during ties and a building that can house which attendees shop, dine and everything from rock concerts tour in Central Oregon — and ofto wrestling matches and horse ficials would like to draw more of shows. them to the area. So, too, do they If voters approve an increase hope to bring in more sporting in the county's transient room events. tax in the Nov. 5 election, the Currently, events at the fairfairgrounds expects to receive grounds pump roughly $30 milroughly $350,000 in tax receipts lion annually into the region's that will go toward a variety of economy, according t o L o n gmarketing efforts. Among them: a spruced up, interactive website, woods International, a travel and updated marketing materials and tourism research firm. a beefed-up advertising budget. In a r egion that sometimes struggles to bring visitors outFunds likely are to be used to side of summer months, the fairmake the Middle Sister building, which contains a kitchen and can grounds is critical. It is large, its seat banquets of 1,200 guests, buildings are heated, and the RV more easily dividable into smaller park attached to it makes it atspaces. That, too, will make at- tractive to a variety of groups. tracting events easier, officials Additional money for marketbelieve, as will other efforts to ing should help improve that atspruce up the now 14-year-old tractiveness, and that, in turn, is fairgrounds. good for businesses across the reToday, the fairgrounds is in gion. Increased room taxes, which use about half the time, a num- local residents are unlikely to pay, ber officials say they would like will make that effort possible.

BETsY McCooc Gottoott Bcnctt




Post-fire timber sale misguided IN MY VIEW

By George Wuerthner he Forest Service is under extreme political pressure to log our national patrimony, whether it makes any economic or ecological sense. A good example of a needless, ecologically damaging,


in snags, and the minimum amount of snags that are proposed to remain will not close this gap, significantly reducing the recruitment of future snags. Removal of larger dead trees known as legacy trees will also reduce the potential for future spotted owl habitat — since dead logs on the ground are home to many wildlife species, including the owls' prime prey. Logging removes biomass and the nutrients they hold, which are an investment in the next generation of trees, from pollinating native bees and larger mammals like the Pacific fisher. Though the fire has

and economically wasteful logging proposal is the proposed $1.4 million Pole Creek post-fire logging sale. Pole Creek is a good example of privatized profits and socialized costs. According to the Forest Service,

Logging can disturb soils, reducing carbon storage and moisture retention, an important factor for dry eastside forests.

$1.4 million could be spent on, which would create local jobs and enhance public lands, including the removal of old logging roads, the only purpose for this logging restoration of trails, weed control, proposal is to provide logs to lowildlife surveys and many other cal mills. Unfortunately, this will projects that the Forest Service descost an estimated $1.4 million to perately needs to do. implement, and even subtracting Even the excuse that we need any payment for the timber cut, the to cut public forest trees to obtain service estimates that it could lose reduced big-game habitat, logging wood for home construction does as much as $866,000 of taxpayer will only make the losses worse, not hold up to scrutiny. The vast funds. since retention of snags do pro- m ajority of all t imber cut in t h e Worse, any logging has addi- vide some security cover. Logging U.S. comes off of the more productional ecological costs that the For- can disturb soils, reducing carbon tive private lands. est Service is forced to ignore or storage and moisture retention, an Even during the heyday of pubdownplay. important factor for dry eastside lic lands logging in the 1980s and Forest ecologist Jerry Franklin, forests.Even closed logging roads 1990s, less than 4 percent of the as well as many other scientists, become vectors for illegal ORV and nation's wood came from public has repeatedly stated that there is mountain-bike access. The list of lands. Yet this logging is nearly no ecological benefit to post fire impacts is long. always subsidized by t axpayers, logging. Forests do not need to be In addition to facilitating this log- u ndercutting the p r ofitability o f logged to be reforested,nor does ging, theForest Service proposes private timber owners, making it logging "improve" the recovery. amending its own forest plan, almore difficult for them to log in susThere are, h o wever, ecological lowing logging in scenic corridors. tainable fashion because they must costs. Worse, the justification for this compete against subsidized timber Logging operations can intrologging project is to create jobs, but coming off of public lands. duce weeds which will need to be we do not need to impoverish the The Pole Creek timber sale is controlled forever (another cost forest to create jobs. The Valdez a waste of tax dollars, and has no borne by taxpayers, not the timand Deep Water Horizon oil spills public benefits. It is corporate welber companies). Logging removes both created jobs, too. Ultimately, fare. It should be abandoned. — George Wuerthner lives in Bend and snags important for many wildlife that is a loser strategy. species from birds to bats. The proThere are dozens of forest projis the author of "Wildfire: A Century of posed logging will cause a decline ects in need of funding that the Failed Forest Policy."

Letters policy

In My Viewpolicy How to submit

We welcome your letters. Letters

In My View submissions should be between 550 and 650 words, signed and include the writer's phone number and address for verification.

should be limited to one issue, contain no more than 250 words and include the writer's signature, phone number

and address for verification. Weedit letters for brevity, grammar, taste

We edit submissions for brevity, grammar, taste and legal reasons.

and legal reasons. Wereject poetry, personal attacks, form letters, letters

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In My View pieces run routinely in

Please address your submission to either My Nickel's Worth or ln My View and send, fax or email them to The Bulletin. Write: My Nickel's Worth / In My View P.O. Box 6020 Bend, OR 97708 Fax: 541-385-5804 Email: bulletin©bendbulletin.com

limited to one letter or Op-Ed piece every 30 days.

Citizens can impact climate change daily, at the polls By Helen Seidler n Sept. 27, the Intergovernmental Panel o n C l i m ate C hange, for th e f i ft h t i m e since its founding in 1988, issued a review of the current state of the world's climate and what science is telling us about the future. The IPCC, a United Nations body created and funded by governments, reviews the scientific research conducted worldwide and makes the conclusions available to policymakers and the public. It has been understood since the early 20th century that carbon pollution in the earth's atmosphere is growing due to the burning of fossil fuels. Carbon, the basic building block of life, is stored in plants, animals, soils and deep in the ocean, and isgradually released and re-stored as living things are born and die. When we burn fossil fuels, we are releasingcarbon that has been stored for eons both prematurely and quickly, adding carbon in its form


of carbon dioxide molecules to the atmosphere. Much of that extra carbon stays in the atmosphere for long periods of time, while some of it combines with oceans, increasing acidity beyond the tolerance of some marine animals. The extra carbon in the atmosphere alsoabsorbs the infrared energy from the sun's rays bouncing off the surface of the earth; energy that would otherwise escape into outer space. The result is a warming planet. The consequences of this warming are severe for plants and animals whose natural habitats are changing. This, by the way, includes human animals whose modern industrial economies areresponsible forthe changes. The litany of worries has been often recited: sea level rise, drought, flooding, wildfire, disease transmission and extreme weather events. These worries are not just future worries. They are present realities playing out around the world, and stand to become much more severe

IN MY VIEW unless something is done. For those who take the concept of stewardship of our planet's environment to heart, action is needed to combat andreversethe effectsofclimate change. Starting at home, we can take personal responsibility for how we consume energy, how we transport ourselves, what we do with the waste we generate and what businesses we support with our purchases. Next, we can work to spread the word by increasing popular knowledge about climate change — how it is happening, why it is happening and what can be done about it. Finally, we can demand a political response onthe part of elected officials at all levels to establish policies that will lead to a reduction of carbon in the atmosphere. Voters can make sure that the position on climate change of everyone running for of-

Human psychology tells us we are likely to get the response we want if we tax the behavior we want to

stop and reward the behavior we want to encourage. Funds collected through a carbon fee could be distributed back to households to cover the increased costs that will be passed along due to the fee. fice is on the record, as well as what they will do specifically to address it. Climate change deniers and those without opinions are not the kind of leaders we need today. On the political front, a good start will be the imposition of a fee on carbon at its source (such as a well or mine) or in the case of trade, applied at the border when non-carbon taxed goods are imported. Human psychology tells us we are likely to get the response we want if we tax the behavior we want to stop and reward the behavior we want to encourage. Funds collected through a

carbon feecould be distributed back to householdsto cover the increased costs that will be passed along due to the fee. And over time businesses will invest in alternatives to fossil fuels in order to stay competitive with those that use renewable energy and are not taxed. Make it personal. Make it popular. Make it political. All are important. But we can take major strides in the political arena as we move into the 2014 campaigns. Let's take the opportunity to let candidates know climate change is a top priority. — Helen Setdler lives in Bend.


BITUARIES DEATH NoTIcEs Lois jnetta Bodenhamer Alvin LaRue Gitchell, of Redmond Dec. 16, 1938 - Oct. 12, 2013 Arrangements: Autumn FuneralsRedmond, (541-504-9485) www.autumnfunerals.net Services: A private Celebration of Alvin's Life will take place at a later date.

Lovie Marie Chandler, of Crooked River Ranch Oct. 20, 1921 - Oct. 8, 2013 Arrangements: Redmond Memorial Chapel 541-548-3219 please sign our online guestbook www.redmondmemorial.com Services: No services will be held.

Shelly (Schifano) Miller, of La Pine April 28, 1949 - Oct. 11, 2013 Arrangements: Baird Memorial Chapel, La Pine, 541-536-5104 www.bairdmortuaries.com Services: A Memorial Service will be held on Friday, October 18, 2013, at 1:00 PM, at Baird Memorial Chapel, located at 16468 Finley Butte Road in La Pine. Contributions may be made to:

Moose Lodge, 525'I 0 Drafter Road, La Pine, Oregon 97739, 541-536-3388 or American Heart Association, www.heart.org

Margaret B. Robinson Sept. 19, 1932- Oct. 8, 2013 M argaret B . Rob i n s o n passed away at the age of 81 at her ranch October 8, 2013. She was born in Upper Lake, C A S e pt . 19, 1 932 to Ro y a n d M a r i o n B ucknell. M ar g a re t w a s p receded in d eath b y h e r h andsome c o w b oy , W i l l iam J . R o b inson. Sh e i s survived b y h er th r ee daughters, Judy Robinson, Terri Gentry and Pat Hannen. She was also blessed with three granddaughters, three g r a n d s ons , on e r eat-grandson a n d her eloved dog, Buck. M argaret w a s an emp loyee of U S B ank an d a long-time volunteer at Des chutes C o u nt y L i b r a r y and St . C h a r les M e d i cal Library, w h er e sh e a c cumulated over 4000 hours of volunteer time. Everyone w ho k n ew M argaret loved he r k i n d n ess and strength . M ar a ret e n j o y e d r ea d i n g , eeding her birds, and she n ever s t o p pe d l e a r n i n g . Her love of life and ability to see the good side of eve rything w a s a n i n s p i r ation to us all. A celebration of l if e w i l l be held 2:00 p.m. Saturday Oct. 19, 2013, at the H i gh D esert M u s e um , Cl a s s room A. Contributions c an be made in her name to Partn ers I n Ca r e , 2 0 7 5 N E W yatt C o u rt , B e n d , O R 97701; or t h e D e s c hutes C ounty L i b r a ry , 60 1 N W Wall St., Bend, OR 97701. A rrangements h an d l e d by A ut u m n Fu n e r a l s , 541-318-0842; www.autumnfunerals.net

DEATHS ELSEWHERE Deaths of note from around the world: Lt. Gen. Elvin Heiberg, 81: The former chief of the Army Corps of E n g ineers made public declarations stating that he failed to fight hard enough for the i n stallation of floodgates that could have spared New O r leans f r om the flooding devastation of Hurricane Katrina in 2005. Died Sept. 27 in A r l ington, Va. Tatiana Kudriavtseva, 93: A pre-eminent Russian translator of English-language literature who exposed Soviet-era bibliophiles to contemporary American masters,such as William Styron, and waged a successful 18-year battle with the Communist Party's cultural gatekeepers to publish Margaret M i tchell's "Gone With the Wind" in Russian. Died Sept. 29 in Moscow. — From wire reports

Oec. 14, 1928- Oct. 11, 2013 Lois was born December 1 4, 1 9 28 , i n M oun t a i n H ome, A r k a n s as , th e daughter of Sterling Price Biggers an d S a ra h J o s ephme (Crawford) Biggers. She at tended schools in Arkansas, Kansas, a nd M i s souri. Lois m oved t o I daho i n 1950. She Lois Jnetta arried Bodenhamer B odenhamer o n J u l y 2 0 , 1 951, i n El k o , N e v a d a . T hey l i ved i n B u r l e y f o r the first two years of their m arriage, m o v in g t o t h e H azelton a r e a i n 195 3 , w here t h e y f a r m e d a n d owned a feedlot until they r etired. H er l if e- l o n g hobby was gardening. F rank p r e ceded h e r i n death Ma y 5 , 1 9 93, after which she resided in Twin F alls a n d A r i z o n a u n t i l moving to Madras in 2006. S he is s u r vived b y o n e son, Mike and wife, Janell of Marysville, Washington; one daughter, Jan Bodenh amer M u r ph y a n d h u s b and, R y a n of Boi se , I daho; g r a n dson, A a r o n B odenhamer a n d gr a n d daughter, K i r sten B o d enhamer, both o f W a s h i ngton. Sh e was preceded in death b y t h r e e b r o t h ers and two sisters. S ervices will b e h e l d a t 1 1 a.m., O ct . 1 9 , a t t h e R edmond G r a n g e Ha l l , Redmond, Oregon. A rrangements are in t h e care of P r ineville Funeral Home, 541-447-6459.

Obituary policy Death Noticesare freeand

will be runfor oneday,but specific guidelines must be followed. Local obituaries

are paidadvertisements submitted by families or

funeral homes.Theymaybe submitted byphone,mail, email or fax. The Bulletin reserves the right to edit all

submissions. Pleaseinclude contact information in all

correspondence. For information onanyof these services orabout the obituary policy, contact 541617-7825. Deadlines:Death Notices are

accepteduntil noonMonday through Fridayfor next-day



Rare whale found dead in Southern California The Associated Press LOS ANGELES — A rare whale that has a d o lphinshaped head and saber-like teeth has been found dead on Los Angeles' Venice Beach, despite the mammal preferring frigid subarctic waters. The roughly 15-foot-long female Stejneger's beaked w hale washed ashore o n Tuesday night. A truck hauled away the mammal, which was to be examined at the Los Angeles County Natural History Museum to determine the nature of its death. The Stejneger's beaked

whale is rarely seen in the wild. The species typically dives deep in subarctic waters to feed on squid and small fish. It is believed to migrate as far south as Northern California. How the whale ended up so far south could remain a mystery. "This is the best," said Nick Fash, an education specialist for the Santa Monica-based environmental group H e al the Bay. "(Previous finds) aren't anything like this. This is a treat." Males are known for their protruding teeth that stick up

Wild horsesshot Summit Prairie along Forest Road22. Two of the horses werealready dead and the third was killed due to mortal wounds. WHEELER Co.





42 Q Three horsesshot



Post Paulina

Wrineville Bend.





Source: U.S. Forest Service, Crook County Sheriff's Office

Horses Continued from B1 "We haven't been ableto come up with a suspect yet," Savage said. The horses found dead in 2011 were about 10 to 15 miles from the latest discovery, he said. The wild horses discovered over the weekend were along Forest Road 22, which he said is a remote but welltraveled road. Th e h o r ses were about 100 feet from the road and near the junction with Forest Road 500. "It is right (near) the Wheeler County line," Savage said. "Way up in the forest." For the 2011 shooting and for the new case, the Central Oregon Wild Horse Coalition is offering rewards for information that leads to an arrest and conviction. There is still about $2,500 being offered for information in the 2011 case, and the reward forthe new case started at $1,100, but will likely go up as people offer money to add



— Nick Fash, education specialist with the Santa Monica-based Heal the Bay

midway from each side of the lower jaw. However, the teeth of females and their offspring remain hidden beneath the gum tissue. The whale was alive when it washed ashore, said Pet er Wallerstein of M a r i n e A nimal R escue. It s b o d y was covered in bites from so-


Three wild horses were found shot over the weekend north of Big


"This is the best. (Previous finds) aren't anything like this. This is a treat."


Andy Zeigert /The Bulletin

to it, said Gayle Hunt, president of the nonprofit group based in Prineville. The horses shot in both cases belonged to the Big Summit herd of wild horses, also known as the Ochoco Mustangs. A census of the hors-

es last spring by the group showed more than 100 horses in the herd. She said the reasons why someone might shoot a wild horse could be rooted in the ongoing debates about the animals. People could be mad, and willing to shoot a wild horse, she said because they feel they are taking forage from deer orelk, or grazing on land suited for cattle. Although they are called wild, she said wild horses are naturally trusting of people and won't run away, so whoever shot the horses in the Ochoco likely didn't have to contend with a moving target. "It's not a great feat to shoot one," Hunt said. — Reporter: 541-617-7812, ddarling@bendbulletin.com

Continued from B1 "West Bend P roperties has been very open in their process and have been answering all our questions," said Michelle Healy, director of strategic planning and design for the district. "At a staff level, we feel pretty good about the due diligence process, and we hope things are moving toward a positive resolution — though it will be up to the board to make that decision." Board Chairman Scott Wallace said at a September work session that he wanted further studies conducted on the land to address all issues that could affect the sitebefore the board entered i nto a n a g reement w i th developers. At a Tuesday work session, Wallace said the board was ironing out the final details with West Bend Property Co. and expects an agreement will be reached soon. Discovery Park, located to the northwest of the intersection of Mt. Washington Drive and Northwest Crossing Drive, will eventually include a 34-acre park, including 12 acres of developed park land, a 3-acre pond and 19acres of undevelopedland. Surrounding the park will be 172 single-family housing lots and three additional lots for multi-family units. The park district intends to purchase the 12 acres; the

property company plans to donate the remainder. C onstruction crews i n late July began filling in the former pumice mine. David Ford, general manager of West Bend Property Co., said 565,000 cubic yards of

called cookie-cutter sharks

that feed by gouging round pieces of flesh from larger animals. Because the species isn't seen much anywhere, the autopsies of washed-up carcasses are regarded as the best sourcefor scientists to gather information.

"We have done over 500 compaction tests, and the

average compaction rate is exceeding requirements." — David Ford, West Bend Property Co.

loose fill will be removed and replaced, and 200,000 cubic yards of additional fill will be added to the site. "We can laydown the layers as thick or thin as needed," he said. "Typically, we lay down between 12 and 18 inches of material that will be compacted down to between nine and 12 inches." After each layer is placed, a compaction test is done, Ford said. "Thus far, we have done over 500 compaction tests, and the average compaction rate is exceeding requirements," he said. "The chance of there being any significant failure is minimal. In essence, the material will be as resilient as the bedrock beneath it." Ford said they hope to start construction of Discovery Park in the spring and expect completion by next fall. The development company hopes to have the residential lots platted and sold by next summer and Ford said builders could start home construction as early as winter 2014. " Fortunately, w e h a v e demand for new home sites right now," he said. "So we'd like to get th e c onstruction underway as soon as

possible." — Reporter:541-383-0376, skingC<bendbulletin.com

publication and by4:30 p.m. Fridayfor Sunday publication.

Obituariesmust bereceived by 5 p.m. Monday through Thursday for publication

on the seconddayafter submission, by1 p.m. Friday

for Sundaypublication, and by9a.m. MondayforTuesday publication. Deadlines for

displayadsvary; pleasecall for details. Phone: 541-617-7825

Email: obits©bendbulletin.com Fax: 541-322-7254 Mail:Obituaries P.O. Box6020 Bend, OR97708


"If he has the credentials to do it; then he can do it," Continued from B1 he said. "I don't think you "At this point, it's probably can stamp a n 8 0 -year-old irrelevant how he crashed," as not being able to drive a Rhodes said. "Could it have commercial truck, because been medical? Sure, but he's been doing it for 40 to there wasn't anybody else in- 50 years. Some of these guys volved, so we don't have a lot are in incredible shape, wellof interest into the reason." minded and better drivers Rhodes said he understood than 20-year-olds." people question why an 80That stretch of U.S. Highyear-old man was allowed way 20 east ofBend is freto drive a semi-truck. In his quently the scene of vehicle opinion, though, the man's rollovers, he said. " That's around the m i l e age has nothing to do with it, the lieutenant said. post where you start to get

Safi spreadLebanesevernacular in songs intonedwith his 'golden voice' By Bassem Mroue The Associated Press

BEIRUT — Lebanese singer and composer Wadih Safi, whose strong, clear voice propelled him to fame throughout the Arab world, has died at the age of 92, officials said Saturday. Safi, whose real name was Wadih Francis, helped spread colloquial Lebanese Arabic outside his country, becoming known to many Arabs as "the man with the golden voice." D uring a car e e r t ha t spanned seven decades, he worked with a string of legendary Arab composers and singers such as Egypt's late Mohammed Abdul-Wahhab, the l a t e Sy r i a n-Egyptian Farid al-Atrash and L e banon's Fayrouz. The s t ate-run N a t i onal News Agency s ai d S atur-

FEATURED OBITUARY day Safi fell ill while staying with his son, Tony, the night before. He was immediately rushed to a nearby hospital where he died late Friday. "His passing is a loss to the nation and every Lebanese home," President Michel Suleiman said in a statement on Saturday. "He embodied the nation through his art." The ProfessionalMusicians Syndicate called on Suleiman and outgoing Prime Minister Najib Mikati to declare a day of national mourning to mark Safi's death. Mikati posted on his Twitter account that he was "lucky to have lived during an age Wadi Safi left his mark upon." The son of a policeman and the second of eight siblings,

Safi was b o rn in the mountain village of Niha. He lived in near p overty i n t h e village until his Sa fi family moved to Beirut when he was nine. T here, he enrolled i n a Catholic school and began singing with its choir. At the

age of 12 he dropped out and began working and singing in order to help the family make ends meet. When he turned 17, his elder brother Toufic showed him an announcement about a s igning c o mpetition a t state-run Lebanon Radio. He placed first out of 40 contestants and began working at the station. He later travelled to Brazil where he spent some years beforereturning to Lebanon.

tired or distracted because there isn't anything going on," he said. "Every vehicle incident out there, I can stereotype what happened." Rhodes said most of the crashes he's seen east of Bend occurred because a driver for some reason lost attention, fellasleep, drove offthe road, swerved and over-corrected to roll the car or a combination of the factors. "We have crashes out on Highway 20 involving a lot

of diff erent age groups," he said.

Ketchum said he has seen Collver's family, his wife and two daughters, since the accident. Ketchum said they were doing well, considering the circumstances. Attempts by T h e B u l letin to reach Collver's family were unsuccessful. "It was very sad to see this happen because it happened so suddenly and violently," Ketchum said. "It was really

good to give (Collver's wife) a hug." — Reporter: 541-383-0348, bandersen@bendbulletirLcom

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W EAT H E R Maps and national forecast provided by Weather Central, LP ©2013.









• n

j SW W W

Today:1 Sunny.

Tonight: Clear.


WEST Coastal fog early; otherwise, mostly sunny skies today.

As t oria 66/45



Seasideo 65/51 • CannonPeach


68/37 72/42


Lincoln City 65/45

6 4/46 ~


Eugene •

Chemult 57/23




Riley 58/30

Yesterday's state extremes

Jordan Valley 56/25

Frenchgle 63/34


• 74'




• Klamath






• 73/39

• Brookings

• 18'


• Lakeview

FallS 63no








Vancouver 60/45

• Seattle 61/45

(in the 48 contiguous states):

ortland 68/43

• 94'

«Calgary Saskatoon


Winnipe 46/32

45 / 3 4

Thunder Bay,tv s 48/32






Ouebecx' 5 x /5 xs ss s c c c v v v x s s s,• ,

s ss s c v vx x s s s

Hahfax 64/54 o ortland


48 / 3 5

To onto

green St. Paul.~~ sp/39Ba

vvx' '/



67/So 'tp Il



Harlingen, Texas

ew York

• 10'



Berthoud Pass, Colo.

City 57/39


Mc Gregor, Texas





ngton, D.C.

as Pity

• ',

68/45 St.Louts t


x .di~kouisvitfe'4







San Francisco

• 1.50 w

PjQ PhoenixI


Honolulutmb, 85/71





74/54 i

,New Orleaqk.t~





75/59 ~


lando 9/69 • Miami 88/75

30 Monterrey

La Paz 84/71

Anchorage 49/42



Juneau 51/40



SUN AND MOON SCHEDULE Sunrisetoday...... 7:23 a.m Moon phases Sunsettoday.... 617 p.m F ull L ast N e w First Sunrise tomorrow .. 7:24 a.m Sunset tomorrow... 6:16 p.m l• Moonrisetoday.... 5:36 p.m Moonsettoday .... 6:00 a.m Oct. 18 Oct. 26 Nov. 3 Nov. 9

• Pl



Tomorrow Rise Set Mercury....9:34 a.m...... 6:53 p.m. Venus.....11:41 a.m...... 8:10 p.m. Mars.......2:43 a.m...... 424 p.m. Jupiter.....11:05 pm...... 2;1 7p.m. Satum......8:47 a.m...... 7;05 p.m. Uranus.....5:36 p.m...... 6:10 a.m.

Yesterday's weather through 4 p.m. inBend High/Low.............. 63/23 24 hours endmg 4 p.m.*. . 0.00" Recordhigh........83m1991 Monthtodate.......... 0.06" Record low......... 11 in 1949 Average month todate... 0.23" Average high.............. 62 Year to date............ 4.07" Average low .............. 33 Average year to date..... 7.41"

Barometricpressureat 4 p.m30.10 Record24 hours ...0.68 in1947 *Melted liquid equivalent



Friday Bend,westofHwy97.....Low Hi/Lo/W Bend,eastof Hwy.97......Low

Sisters..............................Low La Pine...............................Low Redmond/Madras........Low Prineviae..........................Low

66/42/s Mod. = Moderate; Exi. = Extreme 60/29/s To report a wildfire, 71/45/s 61/27/s

Klamath Falls .. 67/24/0 00 ....63/30/s Lakeview...... 64/19/0.00 ....59/31/s.... La Pine........69/21/0.00.....60/26/s.... Medford.......72/34/0.00.....73/39/s.... Newport.......55/41/0.00.....65/46/s.... North Bend.....63/41/0.00.....65/46/s.... Ontario........63/30/0.00.....64/35/s.... Pendleton......62/34/0.00.....63/35/s.... Portland .......65/41/0.00.....68/43/s.... Prineville....... 62/43/0.00.....62/30/s.... Redmond.......63/25/0.00.....62/29/s....

67/29/s 64/30/s 64/23/s 74/39/s 65/43/s 69/45/s 62/36/s 63/35/s 68/41/s 64/29/s 64/29/s Roseburg.......68/40/0.00....68/41/pc.... 71/41/s Salem ....... 67/38/000 ....69/39/s 67/37/s Sisters.........64/26/0.00.....60/29/s.... 63/27/s The Dages......66/34/0.00.....66/39/s.... 67/40/s

The following was compiled by the Central Oregon watermaster and irrigation districts as a service to irrigators and sportsmen.

Reservoir Acre feet C a pacity Crane Prairie...... . . . . . . 32,821...... 55,000 Wickiup...... . . . . . . . . . . 62,708..... 200,000 Crescent Lake..... . . . . . . 57,290...... 91,700 Ochoco Reservoir..... . . . . 9,901...... 47,000 The higher the UV Index number, the greater Prineville...... . . . . . . . . . 82,525..... 153,777 the need for eye and skin protection. Index is R iver flow St at i on Cubic ft./sec Deschutes RiverBelow Crane Prairie ...... . 218 for solar at n. D eschutes RiverBelow Wickiup .... . . . . . . . . 32 C rescent CreekBelow Crescent Lake ..... . . . . 9 L OW DIUM HIGH gg g Little DeschutesNear La Pine ...... . . . . . . . 155 0 2 4 6 8 10 Deschutes RiverBelow Bend .... . . . . . . . . . 388 Deschutes RiverAt Benham Falls ..... . . . . . 532 Crooked RiverAbove Prineville Res.. ... . . . . . 27 Crooked RiverBelow Prineville Res.... . . . . . 74.2 Updated daily. Source: pollen.com Ochoco CreekBelow OchocoRes. .... . . . . . 2.53 Crooked RiverNear Terrebonne ..... . . . . . . 155 Contact: Watermaster, 388-6669 ~vV• ME DI UM or go to www.wrd.state.or.us

call 911







o www m •

60 33

Legend Wweather,Pcpprecipitation, s sun,pcpartial clouds,c clouds,h haze, shshowers,r rain,t thunderstorms,sf snowflurries,snsnow, i-ice,rs-rain-snowmix, w-wind,f-fog, dr-drizzle,tr-trace


Yesterday's extremes


62 33

Eugene........ 66/34/0.00.....67/36/s.... 66/35/s


•B •




65/52 x5



rants Pass

W • Beach


65 34

Astoria ........64/43/0.00.....66/45/s.... Baker City......61/25/0.00.....59/29/s.... Brookings......74/48/0.00.....73/49/s.... Burns..........62/18/0.00.....60/27/s....


• Chr i stmas Vagey Silver l.ake


Port Orfor

• 67/47


City Precipitationvaluesare24-hour totals through4 p.m.



• Fprt Rpck 60/23






63 33

Yesterday Thursday Hi/Lo/Pcp H i/Lo/W



• Brothers 58/28

La Pine 60/26

68/46 •



60/ 3 2

• • Crescento Crescent Lake


Coos Bay

•John Day




EAST Sunny skies and pleasant today.

Baker City

paulina 6o/26


Oa k ridge

pleasant today.

55 / 29


Redmand •

5 8/26




Prin vill 62/30


CENTRAL Sunny skies and


58/32 Unjp ~ 60/30

• 5 „,

Sunriver Bend

67/3 6

5 5Q9

n Madra

Cam Sherman



La Grande


Warm Springs ~



• 59/36


68/41 •


Condon Wlllpwdale



Camp 54/ai





Wa llowa • Pendleton 54/28 • Enterprise 63/35 • Meacham 56/28


6 /3 6


• Hermiston " ' " 63/36

Arlington ,

nWasco 1


S~l~m Sa em


66/35 •




Da l les 64/ap

HjgsbprpPOrtland • x68/43 6 • Sandy













Mazatlan TOS 'a'~'t'a'a"~ • 89/76





W a r m Stationary Showers T-storms

* * * * * +


' ** * * *

.++++x 3 d 44 xd ++


Rain F l urries Snow


Yesterday Thursday Friday Yesterday Thursday Friday Yesterday Thursday Friday Yesterday Thursday Friday City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W Abilene TX......61/50/000...71/51/s. 67/48/sh Grandllapids....57/50/011...54/41/c. 57/41/pc RapidCity.......56/26/000..44/30/sh. 46/33/pc Savannah.......83/59/0 00..84/66/pc. 82/63/sh Akron..........64/61/069..58/41/sh. 59/44/pc GreenBay.......54/48/0.00..55/39/pc. 52/36/pc Reno...........68/30/0.00...64/33/s.. 66/36/s Seattle..........55/48/0.00...61/45/s.. 62/45/s Albany..........63/54/000..69/50/sh.. 65/43/c Greensboro......75/60/000..75/53/sh .. 70/50/s Richmond.......76/60/000 ..78/57/sh.. 71/46/s Sioux Falls.......55/32/000 ..55/31/pc. 52/35/pc Albuquerque.....62/43/0.00...63/40/s .. 63/39/s Harnsburg.......66/57/0.00 ..69/50/sh.. 63/44/s Rochester, NY....66/58/006 ..60/48/pc. 57/43/pc Spokane........59/40/000... 59/34/s .. 60/33/s Anchorage......57/53/000... 49/42/r...47/42/r Hartford,CT.....62/48/000 ..72/50/pc. 66/45/pc Sacramento......81/45/000...81/50/s .. 80/50/s Springfield, MO ..58/41/000...67/42/s. 63/41/pc Atlanta.........74/58/000 ..72/55/sh.73/56/pc Helena..........44/28/0.03 ..49/31/pc .. 56/33/s St. Louis.........60/47/000.. 66/46/pc .. 66/44/s Tampa..........82/70/0 00.. 88/72/pc.. 87/72/s Atlantic City.....70/56/000 ..72/58/pc.67/51/pc Honolulu........87/70/000...85/71/s .. 85/72/s Salt Lake City....59/35/000 .. 57/39/pc.. 56/42/s Tucson..........80/50/000...81/47/s .. 80/53/s Austin..........61/55/093 ..74/53/pc .. 70/58/c Houston ........73/64/0 01 ..75/59/pc. 75/61/sh SanAntonio.....6457/079..74/57/pc .. 75/60/c Tulsa...........61/42/000... 72/44/s. 60/42/pc Baltimore .......69/57/000 ..75/52/sh.. 68/44/s Huntsville.......70/63/0.30..69/47/sh. 70/50/pc SanDiego.......84/58/0.00... 75/60/s.. 74/62/s Washington, DC..73/63/0.00.. 76/56/sh.. 6I44/s Bigings.........54/35/0.00 ..49/33/pc. 56/33/pc Indianapolis.....63/50/0.00.. 58/42/sh.. 64/45/s SanFrancisco....80/53/0.00... 71/52/s.. 71/53/s Wichita.........$6/38/0.01... 68/42/s. 54/40/sh Birmingham.....74/63/000... 71/52/t. 73/56/pc Jackson, MS.... 77/67/018 74/51/sh75/57/sh SanJose........82/50/000.. 78/52/s .. 79/54/s Yakima.........66/34/000 64/37/s .. 65/38/s Bismarck........61/30/000..48/35/pc.. 46/33/c Jacksonvile......83/63/000..86/66/pc.87/68/pc SantaFe........56/36/001... 57/29/s. 55/31/pc Yuma...........85/64/000...86/59/s .. 87/60/s Boise...........64/38/000...61/34/s .. 61/35/s Juneau..........50/44/003...51/40ls...48/42/r INTERNATIONAL Boston..........62/51/000 ..71/56/pc. 66/49/sh Kansas City......59/45/0 00... 68/45/s. 56/41/pc Bndgeport,CT....64/53/0.00..72/54/pc. 67/50/pc Lansing.........61/49/0.00..55/39/sh. 58/41/pc Amsterdam......59/39/001 ..55/46/sh.. 59/49/c Mecca.........106/81/000 . 98/77/s ..97/77/s Buffalo.........69/57/051 ..59/47/pc. 56/43/pc LasVegas.......72/54/000...76/55/s .. 76/54/s Athens..........72/64/0.38... 71/56/s .. 70/58/s Mexico City .....79/52/0.00... 73/52/t .. 72/52/t BurlingtonVT....66/55/000 ..64/50/pc. 60/45/sh Lexington.......66/59/018 ..61/42/sh .. 66/45/s Auckland........63/52/000..64/51/pc. 68/51/pc Montreal........64/57/003... 59/52/c...57/48/r Caribou,ME.....57/39/000..60/47/sh. 57/38/sh Lincoln..........58/40/000...64/38/s. 56/37/pc Baghdad........95/62/0.00..95/70/pc .. 97/72/s Moscow........48/39/0.19...39/29/s .. 43/35/c Charleston, SC...76/64/000 ..83/67/pc. 80/63/sh Little Rock.......66/55/0.13 ..70/44/pc. 72/50/pc Bangkok........86/75/6.72... 88/75/t...93/74/t Nairobi.........82/59/0.00... 79/55/s...79/58/t Charlotte........74/51/000..73/54/sh.73/49/pc Losnngeles......86/63/000...76/58/5.. 76/60/s Beiyng..........70/36/000 ..61/44/pc. 62/47/pc Nassau.........86/77/000 ..83/75/pc.82/77/pc Chattanooga.....72/61/000 ..67/45/sh.. 70/50/s Louisville........68/58/001..62/44/pc.. 68/48/s Beirut..........77/68/000 .. 78/68/pc. 79/63/sh New Delhi.......91/70/000...96/75/s .. 97/74/s Cheyenne.......49/22/000..41/28/sh.41/32/pc MadisonW1.....55/48/000..56/41/pc. 53/36/pc Berlin...........52/41/000..52/48/sh.53/39/pc Osaka..........63/52/106 ..70/50/pc.. 73/60/c Chicago...... 54/47/trace..57/43/pc.59/43/pc Memphis....... 69/57/06269/47/pc.73/54/pc Bogota.........64/45/0.01... 66/43/t...70/46/t Oslo............43/39/0.00 .. 35/25/pc.. 40/30/s Cincinnati.......66/58/013 ..60/41/sh.. 65/45/s Miami..........87/74/000...88/75/s .. 88/75/s Budapest........52/43/050..55/42/pc.56/41/sh Ottawa.........64/52/005..57/48/sh.57/43/sh Cleveland.......70/58/034 ..58/45/sh. 60/48/pc Milwaukee......55/46/001..55/43/pc. 55/41/pc BuenosAires.....82/66/000... 81/60/t. 82/60/pc Paris............$7/39/024... 57/52/c .. 63/52/c Colorado Spnngs..51/31/NA..50/29/pc. 46/31Ipc Minneapolis.....55/45/0 01 .. 55/38/sh. 52/38/pc CaboSanLucas ..88/73/0.00..88/68lpc. 91/70/pc Riode Janeiro....75/72/0.02... 84/68/t...91/70/t Columbia,MO...58/40/000 ..65/42/pc. 63/40/pc Nashvige........70/61/0.21..66/45/sh. 70/47/pc Cairo...........81/64/000.. 89/67/s. 85/61/pc Rome...........75/59/000...68/53/s. 71/61/pc Columbia,SC....79/53/000...83/63/c. 74/55/pc New Orleans.....84/71/0.00..80/64/sh. 79/68/sh Calgary.........45/37/045 ..48/32/pc .. 57/37/s Santiago........82/46/0.00 82/45/s .. 81/50/c Columbus, GA....82/58/000 ..81/61/sh. 76/60/pc New York.......67/56/0.00 ..73/60/pc. 72/51/pc Cancun.........86/70/000..82/73/pc.85/75/pc SaoPaulo.......66/63/055... 72/61/t...69/60/t ColumbusOH....67/64/022 ..58/40/sh.. 63/45/s Newark,Hl......68/54/000..75/59/pc. 71/50/pc Dublin..........55/50/1.96...51/49/c. 59/56/sh Sapporo ........45/45/133 ..54/34/sh. 53/34/pc Concord,NH.....64/50/000 ..69/45/sh. 64/40/sh Norfolk VA......70/65/0 00 ..79/62/sh. 71/53/pc Edinburgh.......52/32/000..51/38/sh.50/46/sh Seoul...........50/39/000...58/45/s.62/48/pc Corpus Christi....85/71/000 ..74/67/sh. 80/65/sh OklahomaCity...59/46/0 00... 70/48/s .. 64/40/c Geneva.........63/52/0.06 ..57/40/sh.64/49/pc Shanghai........68/54/0.00... 69/63/c. 72/63/pc DallasFtWorth...66/54/0.22... 74/54/s. 73/52/pc Omaha.........58/45/0.00... 63/40/s.56/38/pc Harare..........82/57/0.00...84/52/s .. 84/52/s Singapore.......90/79/0.52... 90/78/t...89/78/t Dayton .........68/52/025 ..58/39/sh.. 63/44/s Orlando.........87/71/0.00..89/69/pc. 89/70/pc HongKong......86/75/000...75/70/c. 79/71/pc Stockholm.......46/36/000 ..43/31/pc.. 40/28/s Denver..........53/27/000..53/31/pc..50/31/rs Palmsprings.... 85/60/000. 87/62/s.. 88/62/s Istanbul.........72/55/001 ..61/53/sh...61/55/r Sydney..........81/54/000 ..86/57/pc.. 68/52/s DesMoines......52/47/000...63/39/s. 55/37/pc Peoria..........53/46/0.00..61/42/pc. 60/41/pc lerusalem.......82/60/0.00... 79/64/s. 77/59/pc Taipei...........73/68/0.00 ..77/71/pc. 81/70/sh Detroit..........63/54/001 ..58/43/sh. 62/45/pc Philadelphia.....72/57/0.00..76/56/pc.. 69/49/s Johannesburg....84/55/000... 81/55/t...77/53/t TelAviv.........81/63/000...84/66/s. 83/65/pc Duluth..........55/41/005 ..51/33/sh. 47/33/pc Phoenix.........83/58/000... 84/57/s .. 85/Sls Lima...........64/59/000...66/59/c.. 66/59/c Tokyo...........63/61/000..64/5ipc.72/57/sh El Paso..........76/56/000...77/50/s .. 76/47/s Pittsburgh.......65/41/027 ..59/44/sh. 59/43/pc Lisbon..........75/63/000 74/59/pc 71/62/c Toronto.........70/59/054 .59/48/sh. 57/45/pc Fairbanks........53/39/000..47/29/pc.47/26/pc Portland,ME.....58/54/0.00..67/50/sh. 64/44/sh London.........61/39/026 ..61/46/pc. 61/53/sh Vancouver.......54/41/000... 60/45/s.. 59/45/s Fargo...........60/29/000 ..50/34/sh. 48/33/sh Providence......63/47/0.00 ..71/54/pc. 69/47/sh Madrid .........75/52/000..78/50/pc.79/54/pc Vienna..........55/48/007..53/47/sh.60/43/sh Flagstaff........58/34/000...60/27/5 .. 57/27/s Raleigh.........70/62/0 00 ..78/57/sh. 71/52/pc Manila..........84/75/1.56..85/76/pc. 88/74/pc Warsaw.........52/39/000...54/43/c. 52/36/sh




Secon suit evie a ainst EPAover ' I ocean aci i ication





• '

By DonnaGordon Blankinship The Associated Press

"They haven't taken

SEATTLE — Th e Center action. We're really for Biological Diversity filed a federal lawsuit against the concerned. Now Environmental Pr o t e ction it's the oysters, but Agency on Wednesday over it really affects the the threat it says ocean acidification poses to oysters and entire ecosystem, other sea life off the coasts of from the smallest Oregon and Washington. It's the second time in four plankton to the years the environmental non- biggest whale." profit has sued the EPA over— Miyoko Sakashita, the issue. Its previous lawsuit, spokeswoman for the Center filed in 2009, was settled out for Biological Diversity of court in 2010 after the EPA agreed that ocean acidification should b e a d d ressed through the federal Clean WaIn early 2 0 12, scientists ter Act. from Oregon State University A spokeswoman for t h e reported ocean acidification Center for Biological Diver- caused oyster larvae to die in sity said scientific research 2005 at Whiskey Creek Shellsince that decision has broad- fish Hatchery in Netarts Bay. ened understanding a b out Other researchhas chronicled the impact of rising acidity in the impact of ocean acidificaoceans, and the Tucson-based tion on other sea life up and environmental group still says down the food chain. the EPA isn't doing enough to Fast action by the EPA could protectthe ocean ecosystem. turn things around, Sakashita "They haven't taken action. said. We're really concerned," said "If we stand by and wait for Miyoko Sakashita. "Now it's things to get worse, it'll be too the oysters, but it really affects late," she added. the entire ecosystem, from the Sakashita commended the smallest plankton to the big- state governments for doing gest whale." more than the federal governA cidification i s cau s e d ment on this environmental when oceans absorb human- issue. generated carbon d i o x ide, The lawsuit asks the judge mostly from the atmosphere, to declare that the EPA violatbut also from nutrient runoff ed its duties under the Clean and other sources. Water Act and acted in a manStudies have shown that ner that is arbitrary, capricious corrosive water has a dramat- or unlawful. iceffecton oysters, clams and A request to the EPA for corals It could also potentially comment o n t he l a w s uit affect the broader marine food wasn't immediately answered web. Wednesday.

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Bend Elkstap Marty Hunter Marty Hunter, whose ties to Bend include a

successful four-year stint as head baseball coach at Bend High

School, has beennamed head coach of the Bend Elks for 2014. Elks owner and

Grayson Munn completes the first lap for Crook County while competing in the Central Oregon Relays at Pine Nursery Park on Wednesdayin Bend.

Linin Li oi isti.icts

Ryan Brennecke/ The Bulletin


general managerJim Richards confirmed on Wednesday that Hunter, who currently is


head baseball coach at George FoxUniversity in Newberg, would replace Joe Dominiak at the helm of Bend's entry in the summer collegiate

West Coast League. Under Dominiak in 2013, the Elks finished

with a league record of 30-24 and missed the WCL playoffs in a tiebreaker.

Hunter served asa member of the Bend High baseball coaching

• Cross-country teams take part in ararerelay event beforethe endof the seasongets serious


something fun and put together a reIay format, which is not typical crosscountry. More of a, 'Hey, let's go out there and have fun, and we'll go out there and do a tuneup and not just try to kill each other in a 5K.' " By Grant Lucas Fun was evident throughout the The Bulletin meet. Several Bend H igh r u n ners By now, prep cross-country runners wore capes that flowed behind them are accustomed to competitive 5,000- as they cruised the course. There were meter races. Lava Bears invintage jerseys circa O n W ednesday a f ternoon, b e 1985. Then there were the runners neath clear skies and in temperatures from Crook County, two clad in wresaround 60degrees, there was a differ- tling singlets, another in chaps and a ent feel. cowboy hat, and one in more formal District meets await, just more than attire. a week away. So at Bend's Pine Nurs"Every year, we've kind of taken ery, Mountain View hosted a competi- this as running serious but dressing fun," said Crook County's Grayson tive training opportunity: the Central Oregon Cross-Country Relays. Munn, dressed down in a button-up "This is just a fun tuneup before the white shirt, suspenders and a black district meet is what it is," said Cougars bow tie. "It's like a fun way to get coach Don Stearns, who also served as through a workout to sharpen up for race director for the fifth installment districts." of the Relays. "Get teams together, do SeeDistricts /C3

staff for seven years, the last four of which — 1991 through 1994

— as the LavaBears' head coach. His teams


won Intermountain Conference titles in 1991 and 1992. "We are thrilled that coach Hunter is able to coach for the Bend Elks next summer," Richards said in a statement. "Marty brings structure, significant collegiate

head coaching experience, is well connected in the Northwest for re-

cruiting players, andhas roots both in Bend and at this stadium (Vince

Genna Stadium). Having


someone of Marty's stature to carve out the time to coach in Bend next

summer is atremendous lift for the Bend Elks Baseball Club." Hunter has been at

George Foxsince 2003, serving first as anassistant. He took over as head coach of the Bruins in 2008, and in 2009

he was namedco-coach of the year in the North-

west Conference. The Elks also an-

nounced Wednesday that assistant coaches Alan Embree and Aaron Mathews will return to the team in 2014. — Bulletin staff report Ryan Brennecke/The Bulletin


Ridgeview's blockers, from left, Chris Steffey, Daniel Major, Alex Lochner, Cole Johns, Tim Liebrenz and Sam Hester.

Bend golfer still alive at Q-School DAYTON, Nev.— An-

drew Vijarro, a professional golfer from Bend,

lost ground Wednesday but remains in position to advance after the second round of the first

stage of the Web.com Tour's National Qualify-

ing School. The 24-year-old former Bend High School golf standout shota

3-over-par 75 at Dayton Valley Golf Club to fall from a fourth-place tie

into a five-player tie for 26th place at 2 over par.

Vijarro is seven shots behind leaderTyler

• Ridgeview's offensive line has played amajor part in the team's powerful runninggame By Grant Lucas The Bulletin

They call themselves "the Hogs." Simply put, as Ridgeview's Sam Hester points out, it is because they are offensive linemen. They like to eat a Iot. The Ravens do not boast the largest offensive front around, averaging just 5 feet 11 inches tall

Inside • A look at this week's football games involving Central Oregon teams,C3 and 218 pounds. But that line and a blocking fullback have played much larger than their roster measurements. They have dominated defenses and opened up lanes, helping the Ravens to morethan 350 yards rushing per game and the No. 5 spot in the latest Oregon School Activities Association Class 4A football rankings. Seniors Hester, Tim Lieberenz, Alex Lochner and Daniel Major and sophomore Chris Steffey have been at the forefront. And senior

fullback Cole Johns (labeled as a "glory hog" because he occasionally gets his number called to carry the ball) has only added to a potent flysweep offense this season. "When he's out in front, he's the point person on sweeps most of the time. He's leading blocking up the middle a lot of the time, too," Ridgeview coach Andy Codding says, referring to Johns. "His blocks are regularly right in front of the ball carrier — point of attack. They're really important in what we do, but the linemen working as one are also just as important opening up the holes." SeeAttack/C3

Weworski, of Carlsbad, Calif., but still within the cut to advance into Q-

School's second stage. Playing in a 75-golfer

field, Vijarro is vying to be among the top 32 golfers and ties after 72

OSU's Mannionranksamongtop Bs

holes. After Friday's final round, those players will

advance to the second qualifying stage in November. Q-School players must play 252 holes over three stages to qualify for the Web.com Tour, the PGA Tour's main developmental circuit. The top 50 golf-

ers in the final qualifying stage in Decemberbecome full-time Web.com

Tour members in 2014. — Bulletin staff report

By Anne M. Peterson


The Associated Press

There is some unexpected alliteration among the top quarterbacks in the nation: Heisman Trophy hopefuls Johnny Manziel and Marcus Mariota have been joined by Oregon State's Sean Mannion. The 6-foot-5 OSU junior has passed for 2,511 yards with 25 touchdowns and just three interceptions. He is averaging

an eye-popping 418.5 yards passing per game to lead all FBS quarterbacks, and he is the leader in total offense with an av-

erage of 406.3 yards per game. A more traditional drop-back passer,

Mannion iscompleting 32.3 passes per game (fourth nationally) and has a quarterback rating of 166.6 (llth) while leading a team that is ranked No. I in passing offense. "I think he's a g r ounded guy that doesn't lose sight of why this is happening," Beavers coach Mike Riley said. "It's not an accident. He's well prepared, he's got experience and he's got the talent. He understands that preparation is the key." For comparison's sake, Manziel has 1,835 yards passing with 14 touchdowns

and five interceptions for No. 7 Texas A8 M, but he has also run for 438 yards and five scores and has repeatedly shown that he can take over games — with last Saturday's 41-38 come-from-behind victory over Mississippi a case in point. Mariota has passed for 1,724 yards and 17 touchdowns for second-ranked Oregon, and he has yet to throw an interception. The unflappable sophomore is also capable on his feet, with eight rushing touchdowns. As with Manziel, Mariota benefits from a higher national profile than Mannion. SeeMannion/C4


,( '

Dean Hare/The Associated Press

Oregon State quarterback Sean Mannion, left, attempts a pass against Washington State on Saturday in Pullman, Wash.



SPORTS ON THE AIR TODAY GOLF Time PGA Tour, Shriners Hospitals for Children Open 2 p.m. European Tour, Perth lnternational 9:30 p.m. VOLLEYBALL Women's college, Michigan St. at Minnesota4 p.m. FOOTBALL

Golf Golf ESPN2

College, Miami at North Carolina

4:30 p.m.

NFL, Seattle at Arizona BASEBALL MLB, ALCS, Boston at Detroit BASKETBALL

5:25 p.m.

NBA, preseason, Miami at Brooklyn

5 p.m.


7 p.m.



5 p.m. F ox, 940-AM


Women's college, Oregon atWashington

FRIDAY Time NBA, preseason, L.A. Lakers at GoldenState 4:30 a.m. NBA, preseason, Indiana atChicago 5 p.m.

TV/ Radio


7:30 p.m.


Champions Tour, Greater Hickory Classic

8 a.m. 11 a.m.

Golf Golf

PGA Tour, Shriners Hospitals for Children Open

2 p.m.

European Tour, Perth lnternational

9:30 p.m.

Golf Golf

NBA, preseason, Portland at L.A. Clippers GOLF LPGA Tour, Hanabank Championship

MOTOR SPORTS NASCAR, Camping World Truck,

Fred's 250, qualifying

8:30a.m. FoxSports2

NASCAR, Sprint Cup, Camping World RV Sales 500, practice

11:30 a.m. Fox Sports1 4 p.m. NBCSN

IndyCar, Mav TV500, practice, qualifying SOCCER

Men's college, UCLAat Oregon State Women's college, Arizona atUSC



1 p.m. 3 p.m.

ON DECK Today Boys soccer:BendJVat Redmond,4:30p.m.; Crook County atRidgeview,4:30p.m.; Sisters atCottage Grove, 7 p.m.; LaPlneat Junction City, 4 p.m.; MountainViewatSummit, 7p.m. Girls soccer: CrookCountyat Ridgeview,3 p.m., CottageGroveat Sisters, 4 p.m.;Junction Cityat La Pine,3p.m.; MountainViewat Summit, 5p.m.; Bend atRedmond,3 p.m. Volleyball: Ridgeview at Mountain View,6:30 p.m., La PineatSisters, 6:45p.mzMadrasat LaSale, 6 pm.; Redm ondat CrookCounty, 6:30 p.m.; Regis at Culver, 6p.m. Boys water polo: Summiat t Madras, TBA Girls water polo: Summiat t Madras,TBA

Boys (top five) — 1, Mountain View(Dakota Thornton,DaienGardner, ImranWolfenden, Adi Wolfenden),46:46.2, CrookCounty (l.iamPickhardt, Nathan Carma ck, Blake George, GraysonMunn), 47:51. 3, MountainView(Christian Vansise, Hunter Hassell, MattShiling, DylanGilespie), 50:11.4, Ridgeview(Richard Kirtley, JacobKinzer, Payton McGuire, SamWalker), 51:53.5, Summit (ScottKinkade,Camden Ham mer,AndyJones,BenJohnson),51:54. Girls (top five) — 1, Bend(Sophia Burgess, SarahCurran,AllexandraRockett, RyleeKing), 58:02. 2, Bend(GracePerkins, HannahAnderson, Ashley Bruce, SarahPerkins), 58:26. 3, Mountain View (Shelby Tiller, AmeliaCarmosino, HaffeyGlanviffe, MaidsonLeapaldt), 59:25. 4, Summit(IzzyBarrett, AutumnLayden,Claire Parton, Hayley Poliffo), 59:36 5, MountainView(Hilary Wyffie,KennedyThompson, CiaraJones,SidneyDoyle),59:47. Coed(top five) — 1, MountainView(Tia Hatton, SageHassell, SamKing, GabeWyffie), 49:45 2, Ridgeview(Dakota Steen,AlyssaShafer, James Seeley,BrennanBuckley-Noonan),53:49. 3,Redmond (AndreaBroyles, MakennaConley, MatthewStewart, RemingtonWiliams), 54:59.4, Summit (CaseyShannon, OliviaMoehl,Emily Hyde,ZebMiffslage), 55:24 5, Bend (CalebHoffmann, JenaeaSchaumloeffel, CaseyCollier, McK ennaCampbell),56.22.


College, Central Florida at Louisville High school,

Don Bosco Prepvs. ParamasCatholic High school, Mountain View at Redmond

CFL, Calgaryat Edmonton (taped) SOCCER MLS, D.C. United at Sporting Kansas City BASEBALL M LB, NLCS, L.A. Dodgers atSt.Louis VOLLEYBALL Women's college, Utah at Oregon State Women's college, USC at Arizona State

4 p.m. 5 p.m.

F o x Sports1 ESPN

5 p.m. ESPN2 7 p.m. COTV, 100.1-FM, 1110-AM 9 p.m NBCSN 5 p.m.


5:30 p.m. TBS, 940-AM

6 p.m. 8 p.m.

Pac-12 Pac-12

Listings are themostaccurateavailable. The Bulletinis not responsible for late changesmade by TVor radio stations.

PostseasonGlance All Times PDT


(Best-of-7; x-if necessary) AmericanLeague All gamestelevised byFox Boston 2, Detroit 2 Saturday,Oct.12.Detroit1, Boston0 Sunday, Dct.13 Boston6,Detroit5 Tuesday, Dct.15: Boston1,Detroit 0 Wednesday, Oct. 16:Detroit 7, Boston3 Today,Oct.17:Boston(Lester 15-8)at Detroit (Sanchez15-9),5:07p.m. Saturday,Dct.19: Detroit atBoston,1:37 p.m. x-Sunday, Dct.20: Detroit atBoston,5:07 p.m. National League AH games televisedbyTBS St. Louis 3, LosAngeles2 Friday,Dct.11:St. Louis3, LosAngeles2, 13innings Saturday,Oct.12:St.Louis1, LosAngeles0 Monday, Oct.14:LosAngeles3,St.Louis0 Tuesday, Dct.15: St.I.ouis4. I.osAngeles2 Wednesd ay,Oct.16:LosAngeles6,St.Louis4 Friday,Oct.18: LosAngeles(Kershaw16-9) at St. Louis (Wacha 4-1), 5:37p.m. x-Saturday, Dct.19: LosAngelesatSt. Louis,5:37 p.m. Boxscores Wednesday'sGames


letic directors, including Long, former Notre Dame, Stanford

Suh fined $31,500 —A

and Washington coachTyrone

person familiar with the decision tells The Associated Press the NFL has fined Detroit Lions defensive tackle Ndamukong Suh $31,500 for a hit on Cleveland

Willingham, and former Big East

Browns quarterback Brandon Weeden. Theperson spoke Wednesday onconditionofanonymity because the fine hadnot

Commissioner MikeTranghese.

BASEBALL Angels hire hitting coach — Don Baylor is returning to

the Los AngelesAngels to be

been announced. Earlier in the day,Ndamukong Suh insisted

their hitting coach. The Angels hired Baylor on Wednesday to

he was unawarethe NFLwas

replace Jim Eppard, whowasn't

reviewing his hit on Weeden on

retained by manager Mike Scioscia. The 64-year-old Baylor had

Sunday. Suhwasn't penalized for the play.

Seattle tight endexpected to Play —The Seattle Seahawks expect to see the return of starting tight end Zach Miller to the lineup tonight against the Arizona Cardinals. Miller has missed the past two games with

been Arizona's hitting coach for the past three years. He is the

former manager of the Rockies and Cubs.

GOLF SCOtt winS grand Slam

a hamstring strain suffered in

— Masters champion Adam

practice. Coach Pete Carroll said Miller was close to returning last

Scott broke the course record Wednesday at Port Royal in

week against Tennessee, but

Southampton, Bermuda, with

decided to give him a few more

a 7-under 64 to win the PGA Grand Slam of Golf by two shots

days to recover.


COWdoyS releaSe Ratllff — The Dallas Cowboys have

Rose. Trailing by four shots with 10 holes to play, Scott pulled

released defensive tackle Jay

ahead of his good friend for

Ratliff, saying he failed a physical after spending the first six

the first time with a 6-iron that settled inches from the cup on

weeks of the season on the physically unable to perform

the par-517th for a tap-in eagle. Rose pulled his approach and

list. Ratliff missed the last six

had to settle for par. Rose, who openedwitha 67,had a 69 inthe 36-hole exhibition for the four

games of the 2012seasonwith a sports hernia injury and never made it on the field this year

major champions of the year.

after getting injured during the conditioning test before training

camp in July.

Playoff selection panel

MOTOR SPORTS BourdalS SignSdeal with

KVSH —Four-time series unVeiled —Former Secretary of State Condoleezza champion Sebastien BourRice, former Nebraska coach dais has signed a two-year deal Tom Osborne andHall of Fame with KVSH Racing to replace quarterback Archie Manning are Indianapolis 500 winner Tony among the13 people who will be part of the College Football Play-

Kanaan. The contract confirmed to The Associated Press on

off selection committee in 2014. Wednesday gives teamprinciThe selection committee was officially unveiled Wednesday,

pals Kevin Kalkhoven, Jimmy Vasser and JamesnSullin Sul-

though the names of the members were reported last weekby

livan hope that KVSHcan com-

The Associated Press and other

pete for titles going forward now that it has a driver that is tied

media outlets. Earlier this week,

for second with Mario Andretti

Arkansas Athletic Director Jeff

and Dario Franchitti for series

Long was announced asthe chairman of the first committee for the new playoff system that starts next year. The committee

also includes five current ath-

championships. Kanaanwon

the Indianapolis 500 in May with KVSH, but decided to leave for

Chip Ganassi Racing nextyear.

— From wire reports


Cross-country Central OregonCrossCountry Relays Wednesday Pine Nursery, Bend 8.2 miles


Cypress Bay (Fla.) at St. ThomasAquinas

In the Bleachers © 2013 Steve Moore. rhst. by Umversal Uclick wwwvgocomics.com/inthebleachers

Anaheim 3, Calgary2 Today'sGames Vancouverat Bufalo, 4 p.m. CarolinaatToronto, 4 p.m. Edmonton atN.Y.Islanders, 4 p.m. Pittsburghat Philadelphia,4pm. Columbus at Montreal, 4:30 p.m. NewJerseyat Ottawa, 4.30p.m. MinnesotaatTampaBay,4:30 p.m. BostonatFlorida, 4:30p.m. St. LouisatChicago,5p.m. Los Angeleat s Nashvile, 5 p.m. SanJoseatDallas,5:30p.m. Detroit atColorado,6p.m.


Pac-12 Pac-12

FOOTBALL High school,


Dodgers 6, Cardinals 4 Los Angeles ab r hbi ab r hbi M crpnt2b 4 1 2 0 Crwfrdlf 4 1 1 1 St. Louis

Beltran rf 3 1 1 1 M.Ellis 2b 4 0 1 0 Hoffidy f 4 1 3 1 HRmrzss 3 0 0 0 M Admslb 4 I 2 I Puntoss I 0 0 0 YMolinc 4 0 0 0 AdGnzl1b 4 3 3 2 J aycf 4 0 1 0 Ethiercf 4 0 0 0 F reese3b 4 0 0 0 Puigrf 3110 K ozmass 4 0 I I Uribe3b 3 0 I I J .Kellyp 2 0 0 0 A.Ellisc 3 1 1 1 C hoatep 0 0 0 0 Greinkp 2 0 1 1 Mujicap 0 0 0 0MYongph 1 0 0 0 Siegristp 0 0 0 0 BWilsn p 0 0 0 0 Descalsph I 0 0 0 Jansenp 0 0 0 0 Axfordp 0 0 0 0

Eastern Conference

"OK! OK! Our timnig's off! So, you need to turn and look for the ball sooner."


3 I

3 0 500 118 125 Pittsburgh 4 0 .200 88 116 West W L T Pct PF PA KansasCity 6 0 0 1.000152 65 Denver 6 0 0 1.000265 158 San Diego 3 3 0 500 144 138 Oakland 2 4 0 .333 105 132 NATIONALCONFERENCE East W L T Pct PF PA Dallas 3 3 0 500 183 152 Philadelphia 3 3 0 500 166 179 Washington I 4 0 .200 107 143 N.Y.Giants 0 6 0 .000 103 209 South W L T Pct PF PA NewOrleans 5 1 0 833 161 103 Carolina 2 3 0 400 109 68 Atlanta I 4 0 .200 122 134 TampaBay 0 5 0 .000 64 101 North W L T Pct PF PA Detroit 4 2 0 667 162 140 4 2 0 667 172 161 Chicago GreenBay 3 2 0 .600 137 114 Minnesota 1 4 0 .200 125 158 West W L T Pct PF PA Seattle 5 1 0 833 157 94 4 2 0 667 145 118 SanFrancisco St. Louis 3 3 0 .500 141 154 Arizona 3 3 0 .500 111 127

Today'sGame Seattle atArizona,5:25p.m.


TampaBayatAtlanta, 10a.m. ChicagoatWashington,10 a.m. Dallas atPhiladelphia,10 a.m. NewEnglandat N.Y.Jets,10 a.m. Buffalo atMiami,10a.m. St. LouisatCarolina,10a.m Cincinnati atDetroit, 10a.m. San Diego at Jacksonville 10 am SanFranciscoatTennessee 105pm Houstonat KansasCity,1:25 p.m. Clevelandat GreenBay,1:25 pm. Ba timoreatPittsburgh,1:25 pm. Denverat Indianapolis, 5:30p.m. Open:NewOrleans, Oakland Monday's Game MinnesotaatN.Y.Giants, 5:40p.m.

College Schedule All Times PDT

Moscow Purse: Men,$823,550(WT250);Women, $795,000 (Premier) Surface: Hard-Indoor Singles Men First Round Denis Istomin (5), Uzbekistan, def. Andrey Kuznetsov,Russia, 6-0, 2-6,6-1. TeymurazGabashvili, Russia, def. AdrianMannarino (8),France,3-6,6-4, 6-4. Ivo Karlovic, Croatia, def. Denis Kudla, United States,6-2,6-3 SecondRound AndreasSeppi (2), Italy, def.PaoloLorenzi,Italy,

Wednesday'sGames Los Angeles1,Montreal0 Friday's Game D.C. United atSporting KansasCity, 5p.m. Saturday's Games PhiladelphiaatMontreal,11 a.m. Seattle FCatFCDalas,11:30 am. Vancouverat Colorado, 3 p.m. Columbus at NewEngland,4.30 p.m. TorontoFCatChicago 530p m RealSaltLakeat Portland, 7:30p.m. Sunday'sGames NewYorkatHouston,1 p.m. SanJoseat LosAngeles,6p.m.


6-3, 6-2.

AndreyGolubev,Kazakhstan,def. HoracioZebalos (6), Argentina,63, 6-4. EdouardRoger-Vasselin, France,def. Sergiy Stakhovsky,Ukraine,7-5, 7-5. KarenKhachanov,Russia,def.Janko Tipsarevic (3), Serbia6-4, , 6-4. Women First Round SamanthaStosur(7), Australia, def.KaiaKanepi, Estonia,6-3,6-1. SecondRound Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova,Russia, def. Maria Kirilenko(3), Russia,6-3, 6-3. Alisa Kleybanova,Russia, def. CarlaSuarezNavarro(6),Spain,7-6(2), 6-4. Svetlana Kuznetsova(8), Russia, def.SofiaArvidsson, Sweden, 6-2, 7-5. RobertaVinci (2), Italy, def.ElenaVesnina, Russia, 2-6, 6-1,6-4.

LuxembourgOpen Wednesday At CK Sportcenter Kockelsheuer Luxembourg Purse:$236,000(Intl.) Surface: Hard-Indoor Singles First Round AndreaPetkovic, Germany, def. EugenieBouchard (7), Canada, 2-6, 7-5,6-1. TerezaSmitkova, CzechRepublic, def. Kristina MladenovicFrance, , 7-5, 6-1. SecondRound Bojana Jovanovski (8), Serbia,def. Su-WeiHsieh, Taiwan,6-1 6-4. KatarzynaPiter, Poland, def.YaninaWickmayer, Belgium,3-6,6-1, 6-4. AnnikaBeck,Germany, def. Lucie Safarova(5), CzechRepublic,6-2, 4-6, 6-4.

Erste BankOpen Wednesday At Wiener StadthaHe Vienna, Austria Purse: $776,000(WT260) SOUTH Chamrsph 1 0 0 0 Surface: Hard-Indoor Miami(5-0)at NorthCarolina (1-4), 4:30p.m. T otals 3 5 4 104 Totals 3 2 6 9 6 Singles St. Louis 0 02 000 002 — 4 First Round Los Angeles 0 2 1 0 1 0 1 1x 6 Betting line LukaszKubot, Poland, def. FlorianMayer, GerDP — St. Louis1, LosAngeles2. LDB—St. Louis many, 7-6 (1), 6-4. NFL 5, Los Angele2. s 2B Hoffiday 2 (2). 38 Beltran VasekPospisil (7), Canada,def. GaelMonfils (6), teams in CAPS) (1). HR —C.crawford (1), Ad.Gonzalez 2 (2), A.Elis Favorite (Home 7-6(0), 7-5. Opening Current Underdog France, (1) SecondRound Today St. Louis IP H R E R BBSO R adek Stepanek (5),Czech Republic,def.Lukas CARDINALS 45 65 J.Keliy L,0-1 5 7 4 4 0 3 Seahawks Lacko, Sl o vaki a , 7-6 (4), 5-7, 7-6(5). Sunday Choate 2-3 0 0 0 0 0 LukasRosol (8), CzechRepublic, def.MirzaBasic, 4.5 4 JETS Mujica I I I I 0 0 Patriots 7.5 7.5 JAGUAR S Bosnia-Herzegovina,6-3,7-5. Siegrist 1-3 0 0 0 0 1 Chargers CHIEFS 5.5 6.5 Texans Axford 1 1 1 1 0 2 Stockhol m Open LIONS 25 3 Bengals Los Angeles Wednesday DOLPHINS Bills 8 8 GreinkeW,1-0 7 6 2 2 I 4 At Kongliga TennishaHen 1 1 S Bears B.WilsonH,2 1 0 0 0 0 1 REDSKIN Stockholm, Sweden EAGLES 3 3 Cowboys Jansen 1 4 2 2 0 3 Surface: Hard-Indoor PANTHE RS 6.5 6 Rams T 3:10. A 53,183(56,000). Purse: $814,400(WT250) 7 .5 7 Buccaneers FALCON S Singles 4.5 4.5 TITANS 49ers First Round PACKER S 1 0.5 10 Browns Tigers7, Red Sox3 Fernando Verda s co, Spain, def. IvanDodig(8), STEELE RS 15 1. 5 Ravens Boston Detroit Broncos 6.5 6.5 COLTS Croatia,6-7 (2), 6-1,6-4. J arkko Ni e mi n en, Fi n land, def. BenjaminBecker, ab r hbi ab r hbi Monday 6-3,3-6, 7-6(3). 3 3 Vikings Germany E llsurycf 5 1 4 1 TrHntrrf 5 1 1 2 GIANTS KennyDeSchepper, France,def. MarkusEriksson, Victomrf 5 0 I 1 Micarr3b 4 0 2 2 Sweden,6-4,5-7, 7-5. Pedroia2b 4 0 1 0 RSantg3b 0 0 0 0 College SecondRound D.Ortizdh 5 0 0 0 Fielder1b 4 0 0 0 Today BenoitPaire(6), France,def. Pablo CarrenoBusta, Napoli1b 4 1 2 0 VMrtnzdh 4 1 2 0 Miami-Fla 8 8 N. CARO LINA Spain,6-4, 6-4. N avalf 3 0 I 0 JhPerltlf 2 I 0 0 Friday JerzyJanowicz(3), Poland,def. GuiffermoGarcia13 C. Florida J Gomsph-If 1 0 0 0 D.Keffylf 1 0 0 0 LOUISVILLE 10.5 Lopez,Spain,6-2,6-1. S ltlmchc 4 0 2 1 Avilac 1100 Saturday VIRGINIA 25 2.5 Drewss 4 0 0 0 Infante2b 4 1 1 0 Duke TEMPLE 25 2.5 Army Mdlrks3b 2 0 0 0 AJcksn cf 2 1 2 2 HOCKEY Ohio 1 8 1 7 E . MICHIGA N Carpph I 0 0 0 Iglesiasss 3 1 I I Bogarts 3b 1 1 1 0 Ball St 19 1 9 . 5W.MICHIGA N NHL N. Illinois 17 16 . 5 C. MICHIG AN Totals 3 9 3 123 Totals 3 0 7 9 7 MICHIGAN ST 2 5.5 2 7 .5 Purdue Boston 0 00 001 101 — 3 NATIONALHOCKEY LEAGUE LINA 2 0.5 2 2 S. Mississippi Detroit 050 200 Ogx 7 E. CARO All Times PDT DP — Boston 2. LOB—Boston 10, Detroit 6. FloridaSt 3 3 CLEMSD N 2B — Effsbury (1), Victorino(1), Napoli(1), Bogaerts Maryland 6 6 WAKEFO REST Eastern Conference 8 6.5 W. VIRGINIA (1), TorHunter (2), Infante(1). 38 Effsbury (1) TexasTech Atlantic Division NORTH WESTERN 12 12 Minnesota SB — Mi.cabrera(1), A.Jackson(1). S—Iglesias. GP W L OTPts GF GA 7 7 Navy Toronto Boston IP H R E R BB SO TOLEDO 7 6 1 0 1 2 27 16 TI 15 14 Connecticut Detroit PeavyL,0-1 3 5 7 7 3 1 CINCINNA 7 5 2 0 1 0 18 16 3 3.5 Smu Montreal Workman 2 1 0 0 1 2 MEMPHIS 6 4 2 0 8 20 10 6.5 7 ColoradoSt TampaBay Dempster 1 1 0 0 0 0 WYOMING 6 4 2 0 8 23 15 ABM 13.5 1 3 .5 Auburn Boston F.Morales I I 0 0 0 0 TEXAS 5 3 2 0 6 12 8 3 8.5 3 8 WashingtonSt Ottawa ON Doubront 1 1 0 0 1 1 OREG 6 2 2 2 6 15 19 MICHIGAN 1 0.5 8 . 5 Indiana Florida Detroit 7 2 5 0 4 16 28 GEORGIATECH 8 .5 8 Syracuse FisterW,1-0 6 8 1 1 1 7 Buffalo 8 I 6 I 3 11 21 10 105 California Coke 0 I 1 1 0 0 OregonSt Metropolitan Division 1 6.5 17 lowa Alburquerque 1 - 3 1 0 0 0 0 OHIOST GP W L OTPts GF GA 12-3 0 0 0 0 1 ALABAMA 28 28 Arkansas Pittsburgh Smyly 6 5 1 0 10 23 15 7.5 7.5 T ENNES S E E S. Carol i n a Benoit 1 2 1 1 0 2 Carolina 7 2 2 3 7 15 21 ARIZONA ST 3 3 Washington N.Y.Islanders 6 Cokepitchedto1batter in the7th. 2 2 2 6 19 17 N. Texas TECH Columbus 5 65 6.5 LDIJISIANA Peavypitchedto 2baters inthe4th. 2 3 0 4 12 12 HBP —by Doubront (Avila). S. ALABAM A 65 6.5 KentSt N.Y.Rangers 6 2 4 0 4 11 25 T—3:27.A—42,765(41,255). UtahSt NL NL NEWMEXICO Washington 7 2 5 0 4 17 24 Florida 3 3 MISSOUR I NewJersey 6 0 3 3 3 11 21 Lsu 7.5 8.5 MISSISSIPP I Philadelphia 7 1 6 0 2 10 20 FOOTBALL Byu 9.5 9.5 HOUST ON Western Conference BUFFALO 20.5 2 0 5 Massachusetts Central Division TEXASST 18.5 17 GeorgiaSt NFL GP W L OTPts GF GA Akron 7.5 7.5 MIAMI-DHID Colorado 6 6 0 0 1 2 21 6 NATIONALFOOTBALL LEAGUE 31 3 3 l o wa St BAYLOR Chicago 6 4 1 1 9 18 15 All Times POT Oklahoma 24 23 . 5 KANSAS St. I.ouis 5 4 1 0 8 21 13 OKLAHOM AST 7 75 Tcu Minnesota 7 3 2 2 8 17 17 AMERICANCONFERENCE STANFO RD 65 6 Ucla Nashville 6 3 3 0 6 13 18 East NOTRE DAME 3 3 Usc Winnipeg 7 3 4 0 6 17 19 W L T P c t PF PA Rice 1 8.5 1 8NEWMEXICOST Dallas 5 2 3 0 4 11 14 NewEngland 5 I 0 .8 3 3125 97 BOISEST 2 1.5 22 Nevada Pacific Division Miami 3 2 0 .6 00114 117 Wisconsin 10.5 13 ILLINOIS GP W L OTPts GF GA N.Y.Jets 3 3 0 . 5 00104 135 Georgia V ANDER B IL T 9.5 7.5 San Jose 6 6 0 0 12 30 9 Buffalo 2 4 0 . 3 33136 157 ARIZONA 55 4 Utah Anaheim 6 5 1 0 1 0 21 14 South FRESNO ST 21.5 2 4 5 Unlv Phoenix 7 4 2 1 9 20 21 W L T P c t PF PA Calgary 6 3 1 2 8 20 20 Indianapolis 4 2 0 .6 6 7148 98 Vancouver 7 4 3 0 8 20 22 Tennesse e TENNIS 3 3 0 . 5 00128 115 Los Angele s 7 4 3 0 8 17 19 Houston 2 4 0 33 3 106 177 E dmonton 7 I 5 I 3 21 32 Jacksonvile 0 6 0 .0 0070 198 Professional NOTE: Two poi n ts for a wi n, onepoint for overtime North loss. Kremlin Cup W L T P c t PF PA Wednesday'sGames Wednesday Cincinnati 4 2 0 66 7 121 111 N.Y.Rangers2,Washington0 At Olympic Stadium Batimore 3 3 0 .5 00134 129

(Subject tochange) Today'sGame

W L T Pts GF GA x-NewYork 1 5 9 8 5 3 50 39 x-Sporting KansasCity 15 10 7 52 44 29 Houston 13 10 9 48 39 37 Montreal 13 12 7 46 48 47 13 12 7 46 44 47 Chicago Philadelphia 12 10 10 46 40 40 NewEngland 12 11 9 45 45 36 Columbus 12 15 5 41 40 42 TorontoFC 5 16 11 26 29 46 D.C. 3 22 7 16 21 56 Western Conference W L T Pts GF GA Portand 13 5 14 53 49 33 R ealSaltLake 15 1 0 7 5 2 55 40 LosAngeles 15 11 6 51 52 37 Seattle 15 11 6 51 41 39 Colorado 13 10 9 48 42 33 SanJose 13 11 8 47 33 41 Vancouver 12 11 9 45 48 42 FC Dallas 10 11 11 41 45 50 ChivasUSA 6 18 8 26 29 60 NOTE: Threepoints forvictory, onepoint for tie. x- clinchedplayoffberth


PreseasonGlance All Times PDT

Wednesday'sGames Toronto99, Boston97 Dallas92,Indiana85 Chicago 96,Detroit 81 Houston108, Drlando104 Portland99,Utah92 Today'sGames PhiladelphiaatCharlotte, 8a.m. NewYorkvs. Washington atBaltimore, MD,4p.m. Detroit atCleveland,4 p.m. SanAntonioatAtlanta, 4:30p.m. NewOrleansvs. OklahomaCity atTulsa, DK,5 p.m. Miami atBrooklyn,5p.m. Phoenixat Sacramento, 7p.m. Friday's Games L.A. Lakersvs. GoldenStateat Shanghai, China,4:30


Memphiat s Orlando,4 p.m. Indiana atChicago, 5p.m. PortlandatL.A.Clippers, 7:30p.m.


Blazers 99, Jazz92 PORTLAND (99) Wright1-2 0-0 3,Aldridge7-132-5 16,Lopez6111-413, Lillard7-2010-1024, Matthews3-113-6 11, Leonard0-10-0 0, Robinson0-2 0-0 0, M.Williams 8-13 0 017, Barton4-10 2 410, Claver0 21 2 1, Freeland 2 50 04. Totals 38 90 19-31 99. UTAH(92) Jefferson1-20-02, Favors4-72-210, Kanter1017 3-4 23,LucasIII 2-5 3-3 8, Hayward51610-14 20, Burks1-132-4 4, Hudson3-7 0-19, Evans2-6 3-47, Holiday2-6 3-4 7,Biedrins1-1 0-0 2.Totals 31-80 26-3692. Portland 24 17 32 26 — 99 utah 27 22 23 20 — 92 3-Point Goal— s Portland 4-19 (Maffhews 2-5, Wright1-2, M.Wiffiams1-4, Barton0-1, Leonard0-1, Claver0-2, Lilard 0-4), Utah4-10(Hudson3-4, Lucas III 1-2, Burks0-1, Hayw ard 0-3). FouledOut—None. Rebounds —Portland 69 (Lopez13), Utah54 (Favors 17). Assis— ts Portland 18 (Matthews5), Utah 16 (Hayward 7). Total Fouls—Portland30,Utah26.Technicals — Porganddelayofgame2, Portlanddefensivethree second2,Utahdelayofgame2 A—19,127(19,911).


American League

CHICAGO WHITESOX—Acquired LHPSeanBiermanandINFBen Kline fromTampa Bay to complete an earliertrade. LOS ANGELES ANGELS— Named DonBaylorhitting coach TEXASRANGERS—ClaimedLHPEdwarCabreraoff waiversfromColorado andplaced himon60-dayDL. BASKETBALL National Basketball Association NEWOR LEANS PELICANS—Exercised thethirdyearoptionsonCAnthony Davis andGAustin Rivers. PHILADE LPHIA76ERS—SignedCDaniel Orton. WASHING TONWIZARDS WaivedCD'Or Fischer. FOOTBALL National Football League NFL —Fined Chicago WR Brandon Marshall $10,500forwearinggreenfootball shoesinanDct. 10 gameagainstthe NewYorkGiants. CAROLINAPANTHERS— Signed LB Jason Williams.PlacedGAmini Silatolu oninjuredreserve. DALLAS CDWBDYS—Released DTJayRatliff. GREENBAY PACKERS— SignedWRTyroneWalker to thepracticesquad. HDUSTDN TEXANS—PlacedCBA.J. Bouyeand S DaniealManningoninjured reserve.SignedCBElbert MackandLBMikeMohamed. NEW ENGLANDPATRIOTS— Placed LB Jerod Mayo on injured reserve. Re-signed DTAndreNeblett. SignedCBTravis Howardtothepractice squad. NEW YORKGIANTS—SignedRBPeyton Hilis. TAMPA BAY BIJCCANEERS— Signed WR Skye Dawsonfromthe practicesquad. Activated CBDanny Gorrer injuredreserve/return andassignedhimto the practicesquad.SignedOTEmmettClearyandDBNick Saenztothepracticesquad.ReleasedDT RandyRichards from the practice squad. TENNE SSEETITANS—SignedLBZacDiles.Waived WR MichaelPreston. HOCKEY NationalHockeyLeague ANAHEIM DUCKS —Reassigned RW Devante Smith-Peffyto Norfolk (AHL). DETROITREDWINGS—AssignedGPetr Mrazek and CLandonFerraroto GrandRapids(AHL). TAMPABAY LIGHTNING—Recalled F Brett Connolly fromSyracuse(AHL). COLLEGE CLEMSO N—NamedJonathanGant director ofnew mediaforathletics. DKLAHDM A—Announced WRTrey Metoyer has left thetootball team.

FISH COUNT Upstream daily movem ent of adult chinook, jack chinook,steelheadandwild steeheadat selected ColumbiaRiverdamslast updatedonTuesday. Chnk Jchnk Stlhd Wstlhd McNary 4 , 723 6 0 9 508 170 Upstream year-to-date movement of adult chlnook, jack chinook, steelheadandwild Fridayatselected ColumbiaRiverdamslast updatedonTuesday. Cbnk Jcbnk Sflhd Wstlhd Bonneville 1,098863 166,633 230,476 97,864 The Daffes 724,181 135,854 185,782 78,605 John Day 541,312 132,711 145,416 61,405 McNary 560,606 89,100 139,856 53,975




Cuverwins ea uetite Bulletin staff report LEBANON — In recent weeks, Culver had been in a bit of a lull, notably in the Bulldogs' energy levels and in their defensive play. That changed onWednesday night. The Bulldogs excelled all around, specifically on defense, chasing down balls and making digs. That execution translated into a 25-14, 25-19, 25-19 Tri-River Conference volleyball victory over East Linn Christian to clinch the league championship. "This was our focus in practice," Viggiano said. "This is what we talked about. This is what our pregame plan was, knowing that we were going into a gym that was always loud. We knew that we needed to come fired up and ready to go. I felt like they did that." Shealene Little posted 17 kills and seven

finished with nine kills, eight digs and three aces.Lynze Schonneker was credited with three kills, three digs and two aces, Emma Hoke had seven digs and two aces, and Kaylee Aldrich chipped in with four aces. In other Wednesday action: BOYS WATER POLO Mountain View15, Madras 4:MADRASThe Cougarsseta team record with 24 steals to push Mountain View to 16-7 overall. Noah Cox led Mountain View (6-0 Central Valley League) with six goals, Nate Cox scored four times, and Quinn Corrigan and Kade Bachman each netted two goals. Joe Murphy also scored,and Tracy Pitcher was credited with eight saves. On Tuesday, the Cox brothers, Corrigan and Bachman were joinedin the scoring by Alyssa Cannon, Abby Andresen digs for Culver (15-0TRC), Hannah Lewis had and Brandon Decker in a 13-5 road win over 30 assists and five digs, and Gabrielle Alley Ridgeview.

Districts Continued from C1 Dakota Thornton, Dalen Gardner, and Imran and AdiWolfenden made up the Mountain View relay team that took the boys division, with Cougars Tia Hatton, Sage Hassell, Sam King and Gabe Wyllie teaming up to win thecoed race. Bend High — composed of Sophia Burgess, Sarah Curran, Alexandra Rockett and Rylee King — claimed the girls title. Runners who stood side by side at the starting line on Wednesday were shoulder to shoulder at the finish as teammates funneled in. Those same runners aspire to medal and trophy in the upcoming district meets, and at state in Eugene come Nov. 2. Several have already made names for themselves.

Storm strong Matthew Maton, to quote Summit coach Carol McLatchie, has made "a big, huge jump" over the past year. Whatever the Storm junior is doing, it is working. Maton, runner-up at the Class 5A boys state championships in 2012, clocked in at 14 minutes, 32.7 seconds at the George Fox XC Classic in Gervais last week. For a brief time, it was the fastest reported 5K prep time in the nation, according to athletic.net. (A few days later, a time of 14:25.1 was posted for an Oct. 10 race and was credited to Shane Ensz of South Dakota's West Central High.) Still, Maton holds the top time in Oregon and is the fastest at the 5A level by some 54 seconds. None of which surprises McLatchie. "He'sjust stronger, he's a year older,so he can train harder," McLatchie said, noting that she noticed Maton's potential when he was in seventh grade. "Because he's getting stronger, he can run faster." Maton is not the only Summit runner at the top. Sophomore Hannah Gindlesperger and freshman Olivia Brooks have paced the Storm girls all season, logging the state's top two times in 5A. "Physically, they're just able to handle it," McLatchie said of her young guns. Gindlesperger, who took second at state last season, and Brooks are poised to contend not only for the championship at the Special District I meet in Redmond next Saturday, but also at state. "I hope they do (finish 1-2 at state). I know they want it," McLatchie said. Does the coach expect such a finish at the state championships? "Yeah," she said. "It's a distinct possibility."

Challengers loom Summit is the odds-on favorite to take the girls and boys state titles for the sixth and third straight years, respectively. But do not count out the Cougars. Mountain View has made vast improvements over the last year, both the boys and the girls. But with a core group of runners back from past season's fourth-place state trophy squad, the girls are looking to end the Storm's five-year reign. "We expect a lot more out of ourselves," said Mountain View sophomore Sage Hassell. "The whole competition field has risen to this whole new level. Our team this year would have crushed our team last year."

The Cougars' top four r u nners from 2012 — Rylie Nikolaus, Hassell, Madison Leapaldt, Tia Hatton — all placed in the top 27 at last year's state championships. Nikolaus has been sidelined with a hip injury since Mountain View's meet in Seaside in late September. But Hassell, Hatton and Leapaldt have all finished 12th or better in the past two meets, including the Sandelie Golf Course XC Classic in Wilsonville, a 26team meet at which the Cougar girls claimed first place.

"We are so far ahead (of last year), and we

have such a different mindset, it is crazy," Hatton said. "We go into every race definitely faster, but we have a completely different mindset that when we step out there, we can take that pain and just use it. It's a completely different mindset from last year." The Cougars' goal is to knock off Summit at state. Hassell is hopeful. The pieces, according to Hatton, are there. "It's just that we really stepped it up this year," Hatton said. "We had that goal in mind, like, we're viewing first place. Obviously, Summit's really good, and we have to train really, really hard. But we're going to

keep believing until something happens."

Rising star Five years ago, Grayson Munn never would have pictured himself to be a runner. Munn would not call cross-country his favorite sport — it ranks third behind wrestling and track, two sports at which he believes he is better than he is at cross-country. Funny, since the Crook County senior owns the sixth-best time in Class 4A this season and is in position to improve on his secondplace finish at the Greater Oregon League championships last season as well as a 15thplace showing at state. He got into cross-country, Munn said Wednesday, to stay in shape for soccer, wrestling and track. Gradually, he developed a passion — not for the sport, but for the work that goes into being a successful cross-country runner. "It's more of just what you have to do to be good," Munn explained. "It's like, if you really want to be good at long distance in track, this is what you have to do. Just kind of the whole process. It's not just like, 'Oh, well I'll just take the fall off.' You have to do something to just keep getting better." Munn broke the school record at the George Fox XC Classic last week, logging a 5K time of 16:05.3 that currently ranks as the sixth-best mark in 4A. "He's got all the tools," Crook County coach Tracy Smith said. "He's very efficient the way he runs, and he's got really good speed. And, he's starting to gain more confidence." In the 16 years Smith has coached the Cowboys, he said Munn is the only runner who has trained twice a day, three days a week. That training, and with a full season of 2012 competition in his pocket, has put Munn in a position to achieve his goal of cracking the top six at state — and possibly, Smith said, finishing even higher. "All of a sudden," Smith said, "people are starting to see we have a guy who could potentially win state.... He's got the base that he needs, and he always has the speed." — Reporter:541-383-0307; glucas@bendbulletirLcom.

Continued from C1 Behind the tenacious offensive front, Ridgeview has put together five straight wins and compiled a 6-1 mark — matching last year's win total with two regular-season games left to play in 2013, including Friday night's matchup against 5A Cleveland of Portland. "We're not the biggest offensive line, but we're really strong and r e ally e x plosive off the ball," Hester says. "If anything, that's probably the biggest factor for us, is just our execution." The five seniors in the group are all buddies who have been playing football together for years, Codding says. That familiarity has helped develop on-field camaraderie, and it has translated into a dominant offensive force. The Ravens have become one of the hottest Class 4A teams in the state, and it is because of the Hogs, who allow Ridgeview to attack four different points on the field: around both edges, up the middle and, every now and then, on deep passes. "It's hard for a defense to defend all four points that we're trying to attack," Codding says, noting that the Ravens tend to spread defenses both horizontally and vertically to create open lanes. "It's our job to find a point that they're not defending and go after it. There's always


Prep footballthisweekend,at aglance Here is a quick look at the games involving area teams on Friday and Saturday, with records in parentheses: Bend (1-6) at Eagle Point (4-3), Friday, 7 p.m.:Last week, with Hunter McDonald breaking out for his best rushing performance of the season, the Lava Bears tallied their first win in a 34-30 Intermountain Conference home victory against Redmond High. McDonald ran for 124 yards in that contest, smashing his previous

seasonhighof77yardsinBend'sseasonopener.LedbyCreighton Simmonds, who in the past three games has completed 40 of 65 passes for 503 yards and six touchdowns, the Bears head into a

nonconference matchup against the Eagles. EaglePoint haswon three in a row, including a 56-35 Midwestern League road win against Willamette last week. Mountain View (1-0 IMG, 5-2 overall) at Redmond (0-2 IMG, 1-6

overall), Friday, 7 p.m.:TheCougars racked up 292 yards on the ground and limited visiting Summit to just 93 yards of total offense last week to open IMC play with a 42-7 victory. Behind the 1,016

yards and11 touchdowns passing by quarterback Conor Nehl, and with tailback KeenanSpringer coming off a season-high156 yards rushing, Mountain View visits the Panthers on Friday. Redmond, which ended the Cougars' string of six straight IMC titles last season, has dropped five straight, including last Friday's 34-30 loss at Bend High. But the Panthers look to continue last week's strong

rushing performance, which produced 302yards, led by Riley Powell with110.

Crook County (3-4) at Summit (4-3), Friday, 7 p.m.: Winning streaks for both the Cowboys (three games)andthe Storm (two games)came toanend lastweek,andeachwasheldtoaseason low in points. Crook County looks to rebound from a three-turnover performance in its12-3 Class 4A Special District1 home loss to Ridgeview, while Summit comes off a 42-7 lntermountain Conference defeat at Mountain View, during which the Storm accumulated just 93 yards of total offense. With10 touchdownsfive passing and five rushing — QB Mike lrwin leads the Cowboys into a nonconference clash against the Storm and Tyler Mullen, who

has piled up atotal of1,002 yards passing, rushing and receiving while accounting for 15 touchdowns.

going to be something." R idgeview's success is n o surprise to Codding. Four of the five offensive linemen are returning starters, as is Johns at fullback. They understand their assignments, and Steffey, the newcomer, has quickly adapted. All six players have, really. This season, Codding and his coaching staff i m p lemented new terminology and placed higher expectations on the Ravens. And they have answered the call. "I think they have the most stout offensive line and have run the most crisply executed offense that we have played in Central Oregon," says Bend High c o ach M a t t C r a v en, whose Class 5A team was the victim of Ridgeview's secondhighest rushing attack of the

season (450 yards) in a 3533 loss to the Ravens in late September. "I want them to see us as really tenacious, strong guys," Lieberenz says. " We'll d o anything, given the c ircumstances, to set our team up to be successful." With the m isdirection the offense displays and the solid blocking up front, Ridgeview has risen to prominence not only in Central Oregon, but in all of Class 4A. "They look like a very wellcoached, seasoned C e ntral Oregon football team," Craven says. "When I say that, I mean a blue-collar, play-hard, not-su-

per-flashy (team), but they line up and know what they're doing and get off the ball well." Because of the Hogs, Boomer Fleming, the Ravens' standout senior running back, has rushed for 181 yards per game this season and a total of 10 touchdowns. Tanner Stevens has 106 yards per contest, and Cody Simpson has averaged 70 yards. Even Johns, the glory hog, has totaled 286 yards rushing through seven games. The offensive linemen will rarelysee their names in box scores. But they k now, and theirteammates and coaches

recognize, those gaudy offensive numbers are because of the Hogs.


Cleveland (2-5) at Ridgeview (6-1), Friday, 7 p.m.:After their 12-3 Class 4A Special District1 road win against Crook County last week, the Ravens have peaked at No. 5 in the latest DSAA 4A rankings.

Ridgeview hasaveraged more than 350 yards rushing this season, led by Boomer Fleming's181 yards per game and a total of10 rushing touchdowns in five contests. Tanner Stevens has rushed

for106 yards per gameand three scores. The Ravens put their five-game winning streak on the line against the 5A Warriors from Portland, who snapped a four-game skid with a 26-22 Portland Interscholastic League victory over visiting Madison last week.

Cottage Grove (3-0 Sky-Em,5-2 overall) at Sisters (0-3 SkyEm, 0-7 overall), Friday, 7 p.m.:The Outlaws tied a season high in points last Thursday, but they were handed a 33-20 Sky-Em League loss by visiting Elmira. Things get no easier for Sisters this

week, when theOutlaws pick up conference play byhosting the 4A second-ranked Lions. LoganSchutte comesoff a100-yard rushing performance to lead Sisters into its matchup against Cottage Grove, which has reeled off five straight wins — including last week's 35-6 victory against Junction City. The Lions have averaged more than 440 yards of total offense during that stretch. La Pine (0-3 Sky-Em, 0-6 overall) at Elmira (2-1 Sky-Em, 4-3 overall), Friday, 7 p.m.:The Hawks were dealt their first shutout in three games with a 55-0 Sky-Em League loss to Sweet Home last Thursday. La Pine looks to earn its first win of the season against the Falcons, who defeated Sisters 33-20 on the road last week for their fourth victory in the past five games.

Kennedy(2-1 TRC,3-3 overall) at Culver (1-2 TRC,2-3 overall), Friday, 7 p.m.:Jaidon Jones,Tom McDonald and Juan Diaz each rushed for more than 80 yards and a touchdown to help the Bulldogs pick up a 48-14 Tri-River Conference victory against visiting Santiam last week. The Bulldogs, who have won two of their past three, continue league play against the seventh-ranked Trojans from Mt. Angel. Kennedy secured a14-7 win over Central in Halsey last Friday, the Trojans' third win in four games.

North Lake(1-4 SD2,2-4 overall) at Gilchrist (2-4 SD2), Friday, 4 p.m.:The Grizzlies have dropped four straight, including the past two to Camas Valley and Klamath Falls' Triad, both of which rank in the top five of Class1A. Gilchrist looks to rebound with a Special District 2 matchup against the Cowboys from Silver Lake, who fell to Prospect lastweek40-28 and have accumulated thesecondfewest points in 1A.

Gladstone (3-0 TVG, 5-2 overall) at Madras (0-3 TVC,2-5 overall) in Cnlver, Saturday, 1 p.m.:The White Buffaloes were held to just 159 yards of total offense in a 29-0 Tri-Valley Conference loss to La Salle last Thursday. In its third and final "home" game in Culver, Madras takes on the Gladiators, whose 42-7 TVC win at Molalla last week gave them a third straight victory and put Gladstone in a tie atop the conference standings with North Marion.

"You don't have a team that averages 350 yards rushing without a f antastic offensive line and lead blocking from the fullback," Codding says. "They get a whole lot of credit around here. U n fortunately, they don't see too much of the

glory. They're not in too much of the highlights, but we try to letthem know every chance we get that they're the reason why we're able to have those yards for these guys." — Reporter: 541-383-0307; glucas®bendbulletirLcom.

Duckscontinue hot start

Li ar ea s B azers over Jazz withvictoryover Flames The Associated Press SALT LAKE CITY — D amian Lillard scored 22 points and Mo Williams came off the bench to add 17 to help the Portland Trail Blazers rally from a 12-point secondhalf deficit for a 99-92 victory over the Utah Jazz in a preseason game Wednesday night. LaMarcus Aldridge added 16 points for th e Blazers (2-2) and Robin Lopez had D points and D rebounds. Both of the team's preseason victorieshave come against Utah. Enes Kanter scored 23 points and Gordon Hayward added 20 to lead the Jazz (1-3), who have lost three straight. The Blazers outrebounded the Jazz 57-43. Utah also struggled to find consistency on offense against

Portland's defense. The Jazz shot 31 of 80 from the field (38.8 percent) and had only two players shoot better than 50 percent from the floor. Kanter turned the first quarter into a personal layup drill. He made eight straight baskets in the quarter before missing a shot. Kanter's 16 first-quarter points helped shore up

again when Lester Hudson made back-to-back 3-pointers to give the Jazz a one-point lead. Hayward followed up with a pair of baskets and three free throws during the final two minutes of the quarter to give Utah a 49-41 halftime lead. The Jazz carved out their largest lead at 64-52 on back-to-back jumpa sagging offensive effort from the ers from Richard Jefferson and Derrick Favors midway through the rest of Utah's starters. It helped the Jazz keep pace with third quarter. That's when things Portland even after th e B l azers began to unravel. Lillard and Williams took turns jumped out to a 16-11 lead behind three early baskets from Aldridge. making plays to rally the Blazers. The Jazz rallied and finally took a Lillard put Portland ahead 71-70 27-24 lead when Hayward converted on a driving layup with I:00 left in a fast-break layup and a freethrow in the third quarter. Williams put the the final second of the first quarter. Blazers ahead for good by closing Portland went back ahead 37-32 the third quarter with a long jumper in the second quarter on Aldridge's and opening the fourth quarter with shooting. Utah overtook the Blazers a layup.

The Associated Press ANAHEIM, Calif. — Teemu Selanne scored the first goal of his 22nd NHL season, and Anaheim extended the best start in f r anchise history with its fifth straight victory, topping

NHL ROUNDUP period for Calgary.

Joey MacDonald stopped 19 shots for the Flames, who had four days off before opening a five-game trip. Calgary's 3-0-2 start was the franchise's Calgary. Dustin Penner and Kyle Palmieri best since the Atlanta Flames went scored first-period goals, and Viktor unbeaten in their first 12 games of the Fasth made 33saves for the defend- 1978-79 season. ing Pacific Division champions, who Calgary has lost 26 of it s past have won five of their first six games 27 road games against Anaheim, for the first time in the club's two-de- its new division rival under NHL cade history. realignment. Selanne's 676th career goal late in Also on Wednesday: the second period ended up providing Rangers 2, Capitals 0: WASHINGthe winning margin for the Ducks, TON — Henrik Lundqvist earned who have won 17 consecutive home his 46th NHL shutout, Brad Richards games against Calgary since Jan. 19, assisted on two New York goals less 2004. than two minutes apart in the second Lee Stempniak scored a short- period, and the Rangers beat familiar handed goal and Jiri Hudler got credit postseason foe Washington to end a for a deflected goal early in the third three-game losing streak.




next two g ames, giving the Beavers their best start Continued from C1 since they also went 6-0 in Other quarterbacks in 1907. the national conversation Mannion finished with include C l emson's T ajh 2,446 yards and 15 touchBoyd, UCLA's Brett Hund- downs, with eight starts in ley, Florida State's Jameis 10 appearances. Vaz, hamWinston and L ouisville's pered late in th e season by an injured left ankle, Teddy Bridgewater. H owever, Mannion i s passed for 1,480 yards and starting to generate more 11 touchdowns in s even buzz, including a fledgling games and five starts. "HeisMannion" hashtag on Riley settled on Mannion Twitter. a week before this season's His ac c omplishments opener against E a stern come despite an offensive Washington. "Sean's attributes are obline that has been in flux. He has also been lauded for viously his ability to get the carrying the Beavers while ball just about wherever their running game has you want on the field," Rifaltered. In Oregon State's ley said at the time, "along 52-24 victory over Wash- with his knowledge about ington State this past Sat- where we're going and urday, Mannion passed for what he should do with the 493 yards and four touch- ball." downs. The Beavers rallied Oregon State was ranked from the third-quarter defi- No. 25 in the preseason, but cit with five unanswered the opener was a disaster touchdowns. as the Beavers fell 49-46 to B randin Cooks, M a nthe lower-division Eagles. nion's f a v orite target, They have rebounded since caught 11 passes for 137 then, winning five straight yards and two touchdowns, and going undefeated so far raising th e t o tal t o uch- in three conference games. downs between the two to The Beavers travel this 18, a new school record. Saturday to California (I"Have we? Oh geez. I 5, 0-3), which is adjusting didn't even know," Man- under new coach Sonny nion said of the new mark. Dykes. The Golden Bears In equally humble fash- are certainly wary of Manion, Mannion is all about nion because they rank last in the Pac-12 in pass dehis teammates. "We feel good about our fense, allowing opponents team," he said. "We feel an average of 321.8 yards we're getting better and per game. "He's just a good player," better each week. Honestly, from our perspective, we let Dykes said of M a nnion. our play take care of itself. "He makes good decisions, If we can continue to play he's very, very accurate, good football, only good and he gets the ball out on things are going to happen time. They execute their offor us." fense very well." Oregon State was undeDykes should probably cided at quarterback head- confer with Colorado coach ing into the season. Riley Mike MacIntyre. Mannion was evaluating both Man- passed for six touchdowns nion and senior Cody Vaz, in a 44-17 victory over the both of whom saw success Buffaloes late last month. " He's kind of a d a r elast season when the Beavers went 9-4 after winning devil when he throws it," just three games in 2011. MacIntyre said. "He threw Mannion started Oregon into double coverage three State's first f ou r g a mes times against us and three last season but injured his times Cooks came up with leftknee and required ar- it. We should have had three t hroscopic surgery. V a z picks, but Sean Mannion s tepped in and won t h e can throw the football."

Dodgersstayalive with win overCards By Beth Harris The Associated Press

LOS ANGELES — It took the Dodgers five games to hit a home run in the NL championship series. Once Adrian Gonzalez powered up for the first one, their dormant offense broke loose. Gonzalez homered twice and Zack Greinke came through with the clutch performance Los Angeles needed ina 6-4 victory over the Cardinals on Wednesday that trimmed St. Louis' lead to 3-2 in the best-of-seven playoff. "Guys weren't ready to lose today," said Carl Crawford, who also went deep to help the Dodgers save their season. Los Angeles held on in the ninth, when St. Louisscored twice offcloser Kenley Jansen before he struck out pinch-hitter Adron Chambers with two on to end it. The series shifts back to St. Louis for Game 6 on Friday night, with ace Clayton Kershaw scheduled to start for Los Angeles against rookieMichael Wacha. When those two squared off in Game 2, the Cardinals won 1-0 on an unearned run. "We've kind of become America's team because everyone wants to see a seventh game," Dodgers manager Don Mattingly said. "Probably even the fans in St. Louis would like to see a seventh game, so I figure that everybody's for us to win on Friday night." The Cardinals also led last year's NLCS 3-1 before losing three straight games to the eventual World Series champion San Francisco Giants. "We're looking to do the same thing," Gonzalez said. Desperate to avoid elimination, the Dodgers brought in some Hollywood star power for pregame introductions. Will Ferrell announced their lineup and lent a comic spin to each player's name, capping it by introducing Greinke as "today's winning pitcher." Ferrell knew what he was talking about. Greinke got into a bases-loaded jam with none out in the first but escaped with no damage. From there, he pitched seven strong innings and even delivered an RBI single. "That was big. I was real nervous out there with that situation," Greinke said. A.J. Ellis also homered at Dodger Stadium, where it is tougher to clear the fences in the heavy night air.

Paul Sancya/The Associated Press

Boston Red Sox second baseman Dustin Pedroia coiiides with Detroit Tigers' Jose lglesias as Pedroia tags lglesias out during a double play in the sixth inning during Game 4 of the American League championship series on Wednesday in Detroit.

Tigers alter lineup, roll to victory over Red Sox MLB: ALCS

By Noah Trister The Associated Press

bay Wednesday.

DETROIT — Austin Jackson was dropped from first to eighth in the batting order, and suddenly the Boston Red Sox couldn't get him out. A revitalized Jackson delivered in manager Jim Leyland's revamped lineup as the Detroit Tigers built a big lead and held on this time, beating the Red Sox 7-3 Wednesday night to even the AL championship series 2-all. Torii Hunter had a two-run double and Miguel Cabrera drove in two runs

Game 5 is tonight in Detroit. The Tigers' Anibal Sanchez faces Boston's Jon Lester in a rematch of Game 1, which was won by Detroit 1-0. Jackson finished with two singles and two walks. Jacoby Ellsbury had four hits for the Red Sox, finishing a homer shy of the cycle. The Tigers lost Games 2 and 3, wasting gems by Max Scherzer and Justin Verlander. Jackson was 3 for 33 with 18 strikeouts in the postseason before Wednesday, and although Leyland left him in the lineup, he changed the batting order. Jackson hit eighth, and with others moving up a spot, it made for an odd-looking order. Hunter hit leadoff for the first time since 1999 and Cabrera was second for only the third time in his career — first since 2004. "That was pretty good. He switched things up, kinda shake it up a little bit," Hunter said. "It gave us a different mindset. Miggy hitting second, me leading off. It gave us a different mindset to make things happen."

after Leyland dropped the slumping Jackson to eighth in the order and moved almost everyone else up a place following the Tigers' 1-0 loss in Game 3. Jackson drew a bases-loaded walk off Jake Peavy for the first run of Detroit's five-run second inning. "I think it j ust helped me relax," Jackson said. "That was the goal. To get me to relax a little, be patient get a good pitch and let the rest take care of itself." Doug Fister allowed a run in six innings, and after blowing a 5-0 lead in Game 2, Detroit kept the Red Sox at

Helped by playing in 82-degree heat on a sunny afternoon, the Dodgers rediscovered their power stroke just in time to extend the series. They hit .274 in three games at home after batting .184 during the first two games in St. Louis.



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• s •



• •

5 •





C5 © To look upindividual stocks, goto bendbulletin.com/business. Alsoseearecapin Sunday's Businesssection.






S&P 500 Close: 1,721.54

Ad pricing problem? Google's latest quarterly earnings should provide insight into the

company's bid to reverse a decline in ad prices. The Internet search leader, due to report third-quarter results today, has been grappling with a troubling decline in its advertising prices as more digital activity shifts to mobile devices. The average price that Google has been getting for the ads that appear next to its search results has fallen from the previous year in the past seven quarters.

• 1,640 '

Change: 23.48 (1.4%)

1 0 DA Y S


800 1

600 I



Close: 15,373.83

Change: 205.82 (1.4%)

1 0 DAY S

15,200 14,800

1,550 00 'A' ''" 'M' " ' "


StocksRecap NYSE NASD


S. .



DOW DOW Trans. DOW Util. NYSE Comp. NASDAQ S&P 500 S&P 400 Wilshire 5000 Russell 2000


. 0 . 1 4 400 A ' " M '

HIGH LOW CLOSE CHG. 15374.15 15170.70 15373.83 +205.82 6741.67 6652.50 6736.87 +93.69 487.60 482.75 487.60 +5.03 9845.83 9765.98 9845.00 +118.38 3840.48 3814.15 3839.43 +45.42 1721.76 1700.49 1721.54 +23.48 1269.34 1256.41 1269.17 t-f 5.73 18380.94 18132.77 18378.98 +246.21 1092.91 1085.01 1092.42 +12.80



%CHG. WK MO OTR YTO +1.36% T $-17.32% +1.41% L +26.95% +1.04% L T T +7 . 62% +1.22% L +16.60% +1.20% L +27.15% +1.38% L +20.71% +1.25% L +24.38% +1.36% L +22.57% +1.19% L +28.62%

Verizon Communications' latest quarterly results come only a few weeks sincethe company moved to buy back a 45 percent stake in Verizon Wireless held by British cellphone company Vodafone for $130 billion. The deal is expected to boost Verizon's earnings because it will no longer have to share its wireless profits with Vodafone. $47.25

VZ $60

$44.50 50



ALK 36.59 ~ AVA 22 78 ~ BAC 8. 9 2 ~ BBSI 26 40 — BA 69 . 30 ~

Dividend Footnotes: 2 Extra - dividends were paid, ttut are not included. tt - Annual rate plus stock c - Liquidating dividend. 6 - Amount declared or paid in last12 months. 1 - Current annual rate, wh>cttwas mcreased bymost recent diwdend announcement. i - Sum ct dividends pwd after stock split, nc regular rate. I - Sum of Wvidends pwd tns year. Most recent awdend was omitted cr deferred k - Declared cr pwd tns year, a cumulative issue with dividends marrears. m - Current annual rate, which was decreased by most recent dividend announcement. p - Imtial dividend, annual rate nct known, y>eld nct shown. r - Declared cr paid in precedmg 12 months plus stock dividend. t - Paid in stock, apprcxroate cash value cn excustributicn date. FeFootnotes:q - Stock is a clcsed-end fund - no P/E ratio shown. cc - P/E exceeds 99. dd - Loss in last12 months

l„'.;l;",lBarbie boosts Mattel earnings Barbie, the No. 1 doll brand, helped lift Mattel's third-quarter results. The largest L.S. toy maker reported that its net income rose 16 percent. Its performance beat Wall Street expectations. The stock rose 1 percent Wednesday. For the three months ended Sept. 30, Mattel earned $422.8 million, or $1.21 per share. That's up from $365.9 million, or $1.04 per share, in the prior-year period. Removing a tax benefit of 5 cents per share, earnings were $1.16 ,9

I • '


3 Q '12

Price-earnings ratio:

3Q ' 1 3


based on trailing 12 month results

Dividend: $2.12 Div. yield: 4.5% Source: FactSet







CQB Close $11.40 V-1.20 or -9.5% One of the worst performers in the S8 P 500 after the retailer reported a decline in comparable stores sales and falling traffic. $14

Stanley Black & Decker SWK Close:$76.75 V-12.76 or -14.3% The tool company lowered its outlook for the year, citing slower growth in emerging markets and the government shutdown. $100






A S 52-week range


0 $13.68

Vold2.1m (3.8x avg.) Mkt. Cap:$530.4 m

PE: .. Yield: ..


Close:$96.16 A13.66 or 16.6% The company will spend $2.04 billion to buy General Parts Int'I, creating the biggest automotive parts provider in North America. $100 90 80


A S 52-week range

$66.18 ~

0 $92.76

Vol313.7m (11.4x avg.) PE : 27.4 Mkt. Cap:$12.29 b Yiel d : 2. 6%

Green Dot GDOT Close:$20.67V-0.94 or -4.3% Janney sees intensifying competition for the financial technology company, and from companies with a lot more resources. $30 25 20


A S 52-week range


0 $99.30


A S 52-week range

$9.61 ~

$26.6 1

Vol.:7.3m (10.1x avg.) PE: 1 8 .1 Vol.:3.1m (6.6x avg.) Mkt. Cap:$7b Yield: 0.2% Mkt. Cap:$676.49 m


AAPL Close:$501.11 A2.43 or 0.5% The tech giant crossed back up above $500 per share and Canaccord raised its price target by $20, citing strong iPhone 5s sales. $550 500


PE: 24.0 Yield: ...

Kroger KR Close:$41.87%0.86 or 2.1% The largest supermarket chain hit an all-time high after BMO Capital Markets began coverage with a "Market Perform" rating. $42 40




A S 52-week range

$386.10 ~

0 $662.79


A S 52-week range


0 $41.94

Vol.:8.9m (0.7x avg.) P E: 12 . 5 Vol.:2.8m (0.8x avg.) P E: 13 . 9 Mkt. Cap:$455.26 b Yi e l d: 2.4% Mkt. Cap:$21.79 b Yiel d : 1. 6%


YHOO Close:$33.09 V-0.29 or -0.9% A lackluster quarter was overlooked because of the Internet company's 24 percent stake in China's high-flying Alibaba Group. $35 30

Intel INTC Close:$23.70 %0.30 or 1.3% The chipmaker topped Wall Street's expectations for the third quarter, which had been lowered because of weak PC sales. $24 23 22


A S 52-week range



A S 52-week range

$19.23 ~




Vol.:44.8m (2.4x avg.) Mkt. Cap:$33.76 b

PE: 9 . 3 Vol.: 47.5m (1.4x avg.) PE: 1 2 . 8 Yield: ... Mkt. Cap:$118.05b Yi e l d:3.8%



SOURCE: Sungard


NET 1YR TREASURIES YEST PVS CHG WK MO OTR AGO 3-month T-bill 6-month T-bill 52-wk T-bill

The yield on the 10-year Treasury note fell to 2.67 percent Wednesday. Yields affect rates on mortgages and other consumer loans.

. 1 0 .13 . 1 1 .16 .15 .14

-0.03 L L -0.05 L L +0. 0 1 L L

2-year T-note . 3 3 .36 -0.03 T 5-year T-note 1 .39 1 .43 -0.04 T 10-year T-ttote 2.67

2 .73 -0.06 -0.07 T

30-year T-bond 3.72 3.79




.09 .15 .17


.27 .69 1.72 2.92


Barclays LougT-Bdldx 3.51 3.56 -0.05 T L Bond Buyer Muni Idx 5.21 5.21 . . . L L L 48 $35 Barclays USAggregate 2.40 2.38 +0.02 L T L Price-earnings ratio (Based on trailing 12 month results):17 PRIME FED Barclays US High Yield 6.01 6.06 -0.05 T T T 3-YR*: 29% An n . dividend: $1.44 D i v . yield: 3.4% Total return YTD: 18% 10-YR *: 12% RATE FUNDS Moodys AAACorp Idx 4.62 4.58 +0.04 L T L *Annualized AP Total returns through Oct. 16 Source: FactSet YEST 3.25 .13 Barclays CompT-Bdldx 1.61 1.64 -0.03 T L 6 MO AGO 3.25 .13 Barclays USCorp 3 .31 3.29 +0.02 L T L 1 YR AGO3.25 .13 FundFocus SelectedMutualFunds ~


per share. Analysts predicted earnings of $1.11 per share. Revenue rose 6 percent to $2.21 billion from $2.08 billion. Wall Street expected $2.175 billion in revenue. The quarterly results come as toy makers gear up for the holiday season, which can account for up to half of their annual revenue. Mattel's smaller rival Hasbro reports its quarterly financial results on Monday.


q ' 08

Stocks jumped Wednesday on optimism that the federal government will avoid a default on its debt. The Standard 8 Poor's 500 index closed at its highest level since Sept. 19, a day after it set its record high. Stocks have stalled in recent weeks on rising and falling hopes that politicians will reach a deal to allow the government to borrow more. Without an increase, the government may default on its debt in coming weeks, which economists say would lead to a recession. The Senate reached a bipartisan agreement Wednesday to raise the borrowing limit, and the White House said the president hopes to sign it into law.

Advance Auto Parts


68.00 64.32 +1.62 $-2.6 +49.3 +69.5 8 6 4 1 5 0. 8 0 29 26 26.66 +.16 +0.6 L L +10 6 +7 0 176 18 1 22 Source: FactSet 15.03 14.56 +.32 $.2.2 T L +2 5 . 4 + 5 1.313832726 0. 0 4 0 7349 78.70 +. 98 +1.4 T T L + 85. 6 + 1 53.3 2 4 34 0.52 1 20.38 120.34 +2.16 +1.8 L + 59.7 +66.2 3985 2 2 1 . 94 CascadeBancorp CACB 4.65 II— 7.18 5.76 +.88 +1.4 L T T -8.0 + 2 . 3 5 5 Betting on housing Columbia Bukg COLB 16.18 — 0 25.59 25.15 +.25 +1.0 L L + 40 . 2 + 3 6 .1 17 7 2 0 0. 4 0 Capital One Financial sees an Columbia Sporlswear COLM 47.72 ~ 66.69 61.87 +33 + 05 L + 15.9 +16.7 26 20 0. 8 8 opportunity for profits in mortgage Costco Wholesale COST 93.51 ~ 1 20.2 0 117.36 +2.00 +1.7 T L +1 8 . 9 + 2 8.0 1799 2 5 1 . 24 lending. Craft Brew Alliance BREW 5 62 — 0 1487 14.77 +.12 +0.8 L +127.9 + 85.0 4 2 cc The company, best known for its FLIR Systems FLIR 18 58 ~ 33 82 28.37 -.22 -0.8 T T T +27 . 1 +4 8. 4 2 677 1 8 0. 3 6 credit card business, has taken steps Hewlett Packard HPQ 11.35 ~ 27.78 23.28 +.49 +2.2 L L +63 . 4 +6 1 .3 17224 dd 0 . 5 8 in recent years to increase its profile Home Federal BucpID HOME 10.26 ~ 14.81 12.77 +.04 +0.3 T L L + 2.7 +18 . 7 74 cc 0.2 4 a as a national bank. Most recently, it Intel Corp INTC 19.23 ~ 25.98 23.70 + .31 $-1.3 T L +1 4 . 9 + 1 1.8 45613 13 0 .90 acquired Beech Street Capital, a Keycorp KEY 7. 8 1 ~ 1 2.63 12.1 4 +. 2 8 +2 .4 L L L +44.2 +44 .6 17484 14 0 . 2 2 national originator and servicer of Kroger Co KR 231 3 — 0 41 72 41 . 87 + , 8 6 +2 1 L L L +60 9 +77, 6 2 7 54 1 4 0 , 6 6f commercial real estate loans. Lattice Semi L SCC 3 48 ~ 5 71 4 55 + 84 + 0 9 T T L +14 0 +2 5 3 2 277 d d Investors will be looking for an update LA Pacific LPX 14.17 II— 22.5 5 1 7. 2 4 -.20 -1.1 T T T -10.8 +21.5 3133 1 1 on that today, when Capital One MDU Resources M DU 19 . 59 ~ 30.21 28. 2 4 +. 3 8 +1.4 T L L +33. 0 + 32 .5 3 6 2 c c 0. 6 9 MentorGraphics M EN T 13.21 ~ 23.77 2 2. 6 3 -.05 - 0.2 T T T + 33.0 +4 4 .7 41 8 2 4 0. 1 8 reports third-quarter earnings. Microsoft Corp MSFT 26.26 ~ 3 6.43 34.6 4 +.1 5 +0 .4 L L L +29.7 +20 .0 34065 13 1 .12f Nike Iuc 8 NKE 44 83 — 0 75 25 74 .52 +. 8 1 +1 ,1 L L L + 44,4 +55 ,9 4 3 20 2 6 0, 8 4 NordstromIuc JWN 50.94 ~ 6 3.34 58.2 1 +1 .27 +2.2 L L L +8.8 +4.3 18 1 2 1 5 1. 2 0 Nwst NatGas NWN 39.96 II— 49.8 4 42. 1 1 + . 6 8 +1 .6 L L L -4.7 -12.3 128 2 0 1 .84f OfficeMax Iuc OMX 6.22 13.39 14 .43 +1.20 +9.1 +67.4 +103.4 3963 3 0. 0 8a PaccarIuc PCAR 39.55 60.00 56 .95 + . 99 +1.8 T L +2 6 . 0 + 4 2.9 1174 20 0.80a Planar Systms PLNR 1.12 2.36 2.0 3 +. 8 2 +1 .0 +42.0 +48.9 17 dd Plum Creek PCL 40.60 54.62 48 .53 +1.12 +2.4 L L +9.4 +12 . 8 1 0 07 3 3 1. 7 6 Prec Castparts PCP 161.00 270.00 239.80 +1.75 +0.7 T L L +26 6 +4 31 58 1 2 3 0 1 2 Safeway Inc SWY 15.50 33.91 33 .88 + . 34 +1.0 T L L +82 9 +1 13 7 2455 18 0 8 0 Schuitzer Steel SCHN 23.07 32.99 28 .50 -.13 -0.5 -6.0 + 5 .9 189 CC 0 . 7 5 Sherwin Wms SHW 138.36 194.56 181.44 +1.36 +0.8 T T + 18 0 +2 0 1 8 3 5 2 6 2 0 0 Staucorp Fucl SFG 32.14 57.61 59 . 13 + 2.86 +3.6 +61.2 +78.9 2 6 5 1 4 0 . 93f StarbucksCp SBUX 44.27 78.32 78 .84 +1.33 +1.7 L L + 45 . 5 +6 2 .7 4 831 3 7 0. 8 4 Triquint Semi TQNT 4.30 8.68 8 .3 8 -.01 -0.1 L L +73 . 4 +6 9 .0 2 528 d d UmpquaHoldings UMPQ 11.17 17.48 16 .75 + . 17 +1.0 +42.1 +40.2 2059 18 0.60a Buyback impact? US Baucorp USB 30.96 38.23 3 7 . 24 + . 3 6 F LO T L +1 6 . 6 + 1 2.2 1290213 0 . 9 2 The country's largest cellphone WashingtonFedl WAFD 15.64 22.78 22 .83 + . 79 +3.6 L L L + 35. 3 +3 4 .7 7 2 3 1 6 0. 4 0f carrier is due to report Wells Fargo &Co WFC 31.25 44.79 42 . 21 + . 6 7 $ -1.6 + 23.5 $-25.7 25326 11 1 . 20 third-quarter earnings today. Weyerhaeuser WY 2 4.75 33.24 29 .40 + . 62 +2.2 L L L +5.7 +8.2 35 5 3 2 7 0. 8 8

Dividend: none

CRUDEOIL $102.29 +


NorthwestStocks Alaska Air Group AvistaCorp Bank of America Barrett Business Boeing Co


Dow jones industrials



based on trailing 12 month results





3 Q' 1 3


' ,


GOLD $1,282.00 ~



3 Q '12

Price-earnings ratio:



Vol. (In mil.) 3,478 1,683 Pvs. Volume 3,262 1,694 Advanced 2473 1827 Declined 6 14 71 7 New Highs 2 70 2 2 3 New Lows 46 18


15 040




Operating EPS

1 0YRTNOTE ~ 2.67%

23 48



Thursday, October 17, 2013



N ASDAO ~ 4 5 4 2



Mattel (MAT)

Wednesday's close: $41.97


25 . 9

4.14 1.66 6.3 7 3.41 .97

2 67 .


PERCENT RETURN Yr RANK Steve Rocco replaced a longtime FAMILY FUND N AV CHG YTD 1Y R 3 Y R 5YR 1 3 5 manager of the fund in DecemMarketSummary American Funds BalA m 23.16 + . 24+15.0 +15.4 +12.6+12.9 A A 8 ber 2010, and Morningstar says Most Active CaplncBuA m 57.14 +.45 + 11.2 +11.2 +9.0+10.8 8 A C the current team has maintained CpWldGrlA m 43.26 +.43 +18.5 +21.0 +9.9+12.9 C C D NAME VOL (Ogs) LAST CHG continuity to post solid results. BkofAm 1383268 S&P500ETF 1340632 SPDR Fncl 740839 Barc iPVix 667439 iShEMkts 634182 PlaittsGP tt 526572 Facebook 521824 SiriusXM 490131 MicronT 473834 Intel 456133

14.56 +.32 172.07 $-2.37 20.69 + . 43

13.77 -1.79 43.00 +.34 22.00 51.14 +1.64 3.95 + . 05 16.96 +.04 23.70 + . 31

Gainers NAME WPCS rs SwedLC22 ZuoattFash GerottCp DehaierMd

GulfRes ChiYida rs Receptos tt ChiCmCr n


LAST 2.68 52.00 3.50 4.36 3.29 2.47 6.90 33.22 12.18 2.15

CHG %CHG +.96 $-17.75 +1.10 +1.24 $..93 +.67 +1.41 +6.22 +2.23 +.39

+ 5 5 .8 + 5 1 .8 + 4 5 .8 + 3 9 .7 + 3 9 .4 + 3 7 .2 + 2 5 .7 + 2 3 .0 + 2 2 .4 + 2 2.2

Losers NAME L AST iP LXRf K 105.01 PrUVxST rs 28.87 CSVxSht rs 13.00 Highpwrlnt 2.30 HK Tv 4.98

CH G -33.99 -8.31 -3.26 -.51 -1.08

%CHG -24.5 -22.4 -20.0 -18.1 -17.8

Foreign Markets LAST CHG %CHG -12.30 -.29 4,243.72 London 6,571.59 + 22.48 + . 34 Frankfurt + 41.56 + . 4 7 8,846.00 Hong Kong 23,228.33 -108.19 -.46 Mexico 40,355.27 $.136.95 $ . .34 Milan 19,275.04 +275.82 +1.45 Tokyo + 25.60 + . 1 8 14,467.14 Stockholm 1,266.01 + .55 + . 0 4 Sydney + 5.20 + . 1 0 5,264.40 Zurich 7,981.87 -2.48 —.03 NAME Paris

Lord Abbett HiYldA m


U.S. stock 1.92% Cash 1.39% Non U.S. stock 0.10%

Dodge 8 Cox Fidelity


The price of crude oil rose after the Senate EurPacGrA m 47.18 +.48 +14.5 +18.9 +6.2 +12.3 C C 8 FrtlovA m 49.3 4 + .63+ 22.0 +23.2 +14.4 +15.5 8 C 8 reached a deal GrthAmA m 42.83 +.59 +24.7 +26.3 +15.0+15.5 A C C to avert a IrtcAmerA m 19.94 +.17+ 13.3 +13.6 +11.2+13.1 8 A A default on the IttvCoAmA m 36.56 +.41 + 22.7 +22.1 +13.7+13.8 C D D federal NewPerspA m 37.02 +.38 + 18.4 +21.1 +11.4+15.0 C 8 8 government's WAMutlttvA m 37.63 +.48 + 22.4 +21.4 +16.1+14.2 C 8 C debt. The Income 13.54 + . 03 -0.1 + 0 .3 + 4 .2 +8.5 A 8 A IntlStk 41.65 +.45 + 20.2 +26.6 +7.8+14.5 A 8 A wholesale price Stock 155.6 7 + 1.98 +29.2 +30.4 +17.9+16.6 A A A of gasoline rose Cotttra 95.26+1.42 +23.9 +21.8 +15.1+15.8 C C C for the first time in four days. GrowCo 120. 4 4+2.17+ 29.2 +25.4 +18.8+20.0 8 A A

LowPriStk d 47.87 +.42 +27.2 +30.6 +17.3+20.2 8 B A Fidelity Spartan 500 l dxAdvtg61.06 +.84+22.7 +20.9 +16.0+15.2 C 8 8 FrankTemp-FraukliuIncome Cm 2.37+.01 +9.4 +10.0 +9.3+14.6 A A A IncomeA m 2. 3 5+.02 +10.0 +10.6 +10.0+15.2 A A A FrankTemp-Templetou GIBondAdv 13.17 +.06+2.0 +4.8 +5.1+10.7 A A A Bonds Oakmark Irttl I 26.15 -.07 $.24.9 +37.3 $.13.1 $.18.7 A A A 89.00% Oppeuheimer RisDivA m 28. 51 +.25+18.8 +17.8 +13.7+12.3 E D E RisDivB m 18. 57 +.23+17.9 +16.7 +12.7+11.3 E D E RisDivC m 18 . 47 +.22 +18.1 +16.9 +12.8+11.5 E D E SmMidValA m42.04 +.55 +29.7 +33.7 +13.0+16.0 A E E as of 6/30/13 SmMidValB m35.26 +.46+28.8 +32.5+12.0+15.1 8 E E CATEGORY High Yield Bond PIMCO TotRetA m 18 . 84 +.03 -1.9 -0.9 +3.2 +7.8 C C 8 MORNINGSTAR T Rowe Price Eqtylnc 31.78 +.35 +21.8 +22.0 +15.5+14.5 C 8 8 RATING™ * ** * f r GrowStk 4 7.81 +.69 +26.5 +24.9 +16.9 +18.5 8 A A ASSETS $805 million HealthSci 58.08+1.31 +40.9 +37.0 +30.1+25.2 8 A A EXP RATIO 0.96% Vanguard 500Adml 158.86+2.19 +22.7 +20.9 +16.0+15.3 C B 8 5001ttv 158.85+2.18 +22.6 +20.8 + 15.8+15.1 C 8 8 MANAGER Steven Rocco CapOp 45.04 +.59 +34.0 +37.8 + 17.6+18.4 A A A SINCE 2010-12-08 Eqlnc 28.76 +.31 +21.5 +20.0 $ .17.5 $.15.1 D A 8 RETURNS3-MO +2.0 StratgcEq 28.04 +.39 +30.7 +34.7 + 19.9+18.9 A A 8 YTD +6.6 TgtRe2020 26.64 +.23 +11.8 +12.4 + 96+119 A A 8 1-YR +9.3 Tgtet2025 15.42 +.14 +13.5 +14.1 + 10.4+12.5 8 8 8 3-YR ANNL +9.3 TotBdAdml 10.66 +.03 -1.8 -1.6 + 2.8 +5.7 D D D 5-YR-ANNL +17.0 Totlntl 16.47 +.12 $-12.1 +17.4 + 5.1+11.0 D D C TotStlAdm 43.63 +.59 $-24.1 +23.1 + 16.5+16.2 8 A A TOP 5HOLDINGS PCT TotStldx 43.62 +.68 +24.0 +23.0 + 16.3+16.1 8 A A Alliance Data Sys 144A 6.375% 0.88 USGro 26.33 +.33 $-23.8 +23.5 + 16.6+15.3 8 A C First Data 12.625% 0.88 Welltn 37.96 +.36 $-14.3 +14.0 $ -11.6 $-1 3.4 8 A A Lbg Cap1 8% 0.76 Fund Footnotes. b - ree covering market costs 1spaid from fund assets. d - Deferred sales charge, cr redemption Amc Networks 7.75% 0.73 fee. f - front load (sales charges). m - Multiple feesarecharged, usually a marketing feeand either asales cr Sprint Nextel 7% 0.72 redemption fee. Source: Mcrn1ngstac

Foreign Exchange The dollar rose against the Japanese yen, at one point hitting its highest level

since Sept. 27. The dollar also rose against the British pound but dipped modestly against the euro.

h5N4 QG

CLOSE PVS. %CH. %YTD Crude Oil (bbl) 102.29 101.21 +1.07 +11.4 Ethanol (gal) 1.81 1.78 -0.17 -17.6 Heating Oil (gal) 3.04 3.02 +0.74 -0.2 Natural Gas (mm btu) 3.77 3.79 -0.55 + 12.5 Unleaded Gas(gal) 2.70 2.66 $-1.59 -3.9 FUELS


Gold (oz) Silver (oz) Platinum (oz) Copper (Ib) Palladium (oz)

CLOSE PVS. 1282.00 1273.00 21.32 21.15 1395.20 1380.40 3.30 3.30 712.55 705.30

%CH. %YTD +0.71 -23.5 +0.82 -29.3 +1.07 -9.3 -0.11 -9.4 + 1.03 + 1 . 4

CLOSE PVS. %CH. %YTD -0.5 1.29 1.29 +0.62 1.16 1.16 -0.52 -19.4 4.43 4.43 -0.17 -36.6 Corn (bu) Cotton (Ib) 0.83 0.84 -0.66 +10.7 Lumber (1,000 bd ft) 343.60 337.60 +1.78 -8.1 Orange Juice (Ib) 1.24 1.24 - 0.12 + 6 . 6 Soybeans (bu) 12.77 12.67 +0.75 -10.0 Wheat(bu) 6.82 6.86 -0.62 -12.4 AGRICULTURE

Cattle (Ib) Coffee (Ib)

1YR. MAJORS CLOSE CHG. %CHG. AGO USD per British Pound 1.5950 —.0046 —.29% 1.6113 C anadian Dollar 1.0 3 30 —.0049 —.47% .9871 USD per Euro 1.3532 +.0014 +.10% 1 .3043 Japanese Yen 9 8.75 + . 4 4 + . 45% 78 . 90 Mexican Peso 12. 8 739 —.1296 -1.01% 12.8529 EUROPE/AFRICA/MIDDLEEAST Israeli Shekel 3.5416 —.0080 —.23% 3.8123 Norwegian Krone 5.9981 —.0320 —.53% 5.6694 South African Rand 9.8660 —.0925 —.94% 8.7257 6.4828 —.0222 —.34% 6.6133 Swedish Krona Swiss Franc .9134 +.0005 +.05% .9270 ASIA/PACIFIC Australian Dollar 1.0468 -.0050 -.48% . 9 742 Chinese Yuan 6.1000 -.0029 -.05% 6.2645 Hong Kong Dollar 7.7546 -.0001 -.00% 7.7514 Indian Rupee 61.455 -.405 -.66% 52.885 Singapore Dollar 1.2440 +.0004 +.03% 1 .2202 South Korean Won 1066.55 -.35 -.03% 1107.25 Taiwan Dollar 29.45 $ -.09 $-.31% 2 9 . 25

© www.bendbulletin.com/business



EDCOhires La Pine manager Economic Development for Central Oregon has hired a former Mi-

crosoftsenior program manager to head up economic development in La Pine andsouthern Deschutes County, the

agency announced on Wednesday. Gerry Albert, who started work at his new

post on Monday, will manage the recruitment

of new companies and help existing ones grow, according to a news release from EDCO.He will work with business

owners and government officials in the south-

county area.

ewme ica cam us ro OSe • NorthWest Crossingconsidered By Elon Glucklich The Bulletin

Two Bend developers have proposed an 11-building medical campus on the edge of Bend's NorthWest Crossing neighborhood. Planning documents and blueprints submitted to the city lastweek say the developers are considering a medical and dental office campus on a nearly 5-acre parcel at NorthWest Crossing Drive and Shevlin Park Road. The documents, which requested a pre-application

meeting to discuss the project, list DevTech Engineering as the project applicant, and Todd Taylor, president and CEO of Taylor Northwest, as the potential property owner. NorthWest Crossing owners are working on a deal to sell the piece of land to Taylor, said David Ford, general manager of West Bend Property Co., NorthWest Crossing's develop-

cording to blueprints filed with the city. New parking lots and access to the lots would also be created. If the plan goes through, it w ould mean61,000square feet of new office space. Taylor is set to discuss the project with Bend Community Development Department staff on Oct. 24, accordingto Brian Harrington, Bend's associate

ment group.


Taylor said on Wednesday that it would be premature to discuss the project while the groups were working on the transaction. The office buildings would range from about 4,250 square feet to 7,500 square feet, ac-

The medical campus, if it does move forward, would join several other big projects that are in various stages throughout NorthWest Crossing. West Bend Property recently started site preparation for 175 home lots and a 34-acre park

west of Mt. Washington Drive in the northwest portion of the development. It's also looking to add new home lots and roads near Skyliners Road and NW. 17th Street in the southeast portion. A Bend homebuilder is considering building 24 condominiums on a vacant piece of land north of High Lakes Elementary, on N.W. Shields Drive between Lewis and William Clark streets. The Bend-La Pine School Board, meanwhile, voted last week to purchase land just west of Summit High School to build a new middle schooL

Proposed project Two developers want to build a

series of office buildings for medical and dental companies in Bend's NorthWest Crossing

neighborhood. ~ ~





<Propose office buildings-

— Reporter:541-617-7820 egluchlich@bendbulletin.com

Andy Zeigert / The Bulletin

Albert, who has also

worked for Macromedia, Unisys and ComputerLand, and his wife

eara etec settoemer e

recently boughta home in the Three Rivers area north of La Pine,

according to the news release. — Bulletin staff report

Music imprint turns to

BEST OF THE BIZ CALENDAR TODAY • Prospects for Collaboration:Building a Better Bend's fall lecture series presents architect David Bagnoli in a discussion of opportunities for a small-city campus, and potential effects; free; 6:30 p.m.; Central Oregon Association of Realtors, 2112 N.E. Fourth St., Bend; 541-382-3452. http:// buildingabetterbend.org FRIDAY • Bookkeepingfor Business:Learn entry-level accounting concepts to keepbooks using QuickBooks Pro; registration required; $199; Fridays through Dec.13,9 a.m.-noon; Central Oregon Community College, 2600 N.W. College Way,Bend; 541-383-7270. • Bend Venture Conference:Earlystage companies seek investment; keynote speaker: Steve Blank; registration required, advance registration available online; $209 plus fees for EDCO members; $229 plus fees for nonmembers; $99 plus fees for students; 7:30 a.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St.; 541-3883236, EReilly@edcoinfo. com or www.bendvc.com/. • Updates ontax assessments:Presented by Deschutes County Assessor Scot Langton; Women's Council of Realtors, Central Oregon Chapter; 8:45 a.m. networking and breakfast; RSVP to phyllis.mageau@ gmail.com; $15 for first time guests and members, $20 for nonmembers; 9:15-10:30 a.m.; St. Charles Bendconference center, 2500 N.E. Neff Road; 541-382-4321. • Flow to Start a Business: Registration required; $29; 11 a.m.-1 p.m.; COCC,Redmondcampus, 2030 S.E.College Loop, Redmond; 541-383-7290. • Startup Weekend:Build products, launch startups; registration required; $99; 6 p.m.; G5,550 N.W. Franklin Ave., Suite 200, Bend; 541-848-1707, bend©startupweekend. org or www.bend. startupweekend. com/. TUESDAY • MS Project Basics: Learn to use MSProject Basics; registration required; $159; Tuesdays and Thursdays through Oct. 29, 8:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m.; COCC Chandler Building, 1027 N.W. Trenton Ave., Bend; 541-383-7270. • Economics101 - Fine Tune YourVocabulary: Bend Chamberof Commerce Professional Enrichment Series; registration required; $20 for members; $30 nonmembers; 7:30 a.m.; Volcanic Theatre Pub, 70 S.W. Century Drive, Bend; 541-323-1881 or www. bendchamber.org. For the complete calendar, pick up Sunday's Bulletin or visit bendbulietin.comjbizca/




By Dawn C. Chmielewski Los Angeles Times



<I il"ll

Alberto Martinez i Austin American-Statesman

C.K. Sample, left, wearing an Oculus Rift, a virtual reality headset, reaches for an object envisioned by William Hurley, who is wearing an Emotive EEG Brain Computer Interface. The system — developed at Chaotic Moon, a company that designs wearable technology — enables Hurley to envision an object into Sample's 3-0 environment and to manipulate objects he's thinking about in that space.

By Brian Gaar

phone revolution did a few

Austin American-Statesman

years ago.

The digital domain is creeping off our desktops and onto our bodies; from music players that match your tunes to your heart beat and mood sweaters that change color depending on your emotional state. At Chaotic Moon Studios, an Austin, Texas, mobile softwarefirm, developers and engineers are working on a way to compete with Google G lass —eyewear thatcan log onto the Internet. And they'redesigning otherwearable projects for several other customers. ChaoticMoon co-founder William Hurley said wearable technology will have as much of an impact as the smart-

"I think we're about to enter a whole new phase in the next 12 months — 16 months probably on the outside," he said. "There's going to be a whole new phase. It's just like when the iPhone came out, and there was this mad gold rush. " Another Austin mobile developer, Mutual Mobile, is working on Google Glass applications for a variety of clients. They include doctors who might use the glasses to pull up patient information, and warehouse employees who could use them to look at real-time inventory or scan bar codes. "People are starting to get into it," said Sam Gaddis, the company's chief mar-

keting officer. Gaddis says connected devices of all types are the future — because sensors that can measure a variety of data are becoming so cheap. Mutual Mobile has hosted "hackathons" to encourage its developers to see what they can invent. After one recent event, its developers created a football with a sensor that can detect the quality of the throw and a boxing game that measures how you've hit the target. Adding sensors to everyday objects "is just adding this new layer of data that didn't exist before," Gaddis said. Experts say that wearables are the next big thing in tech. "Everyone agrees the race

is just beginning, and Ithink we're going to see some very, very big leaps in just the next year," tech entrepreneur Manish Chandra said at a wearable technology conference and fashion show in San Francisco that was buzzing with hundreds of developers, engineers and designers. Wearable technologies have long been a sideshow to mainstream laptop and smartphones, but this year Google's glassesand rumors ofApple's iWatch are popularizing the field. Analysts forecast swift growth. Last year the market for wearable technology totaled almost $9 billion. That should climb to $30 billion by 2018, said analyst Shane Walker at IHS Global Insights.

Market for usedelectronics matures By Claudia Buck The Sacramento Bee

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Standing in a mall food court, Marcellus Lang slipped a used cellphone into an ecoATM kiosk. Instantly, the machine scanned hisphone, assessing its condition. Separately, it also snapped his photo, scanned his driver's license and recorded his electronic fingerprint. For Lang's old Evo phone, he was offered$4.Repeating the process with an iPod Touch, he landed a $55 offer. Without pausing, the 25-year-old punched in his acceptance. Within minutes, the machine spit out $59 in cash, which Lang folded into his jeans pocket.

"It's cool. You dump your old phone for quick cash," said Lang, a security guard who said he has used the sellyour-electronics kiosk at Sacramento's Downtown Plaza Mall several times and likes the walk-up convenience. For consumers, using an ecoATM is just one of a growing number of options for getting rid of old digital devices, particularly cellphones. With the average consumer getting a new smartphone every 18 months, Americans are sitting on an ever-growing heap of digital discards. And many of those abandoned phones retain value, either as recycled donations or cold, hard cash. Plenty of major retailers, such as

Amazon, Best Buy, Target, Radio Shack and Wal-Mart, will take your old cellphones and give you gift cards toward a store purchase. "Ifyou have a phone in good condition, this could go toward a substantial dent in the cost. (The trade-in payments)are worth more than ever before,because every store wants to get your business," said Jeanette Pavini, consumer savingsexpert with Coupons.com, based in Mountain View, Calif. With so many big-box retailers dangling trade-in incentives, "there's this great competitive environment that consumers can take advantage of," she satd.

To promote its new song from platinum-selling country music artist Hunter Hayes and Grammy winner Jason Mraz on Tuesday, Warner Music Group didn't book its stars on "Good Morning America" or "Late Night With Jimmy Fallon." It made a videos for YouTube. YouTube has elbowed out radio, MTV, Yahoo and Myspace as the leading way to reach young music listeners, and some of its personalities have emerged as tastemakers. "For teens through age 24, YouTube is where people listen to the most music," said David Bakula, a senior vice president at audience measurement firm Nielsen. "It's ahead of radio; it's ahead of things like Pandora ... or any other apps that they might use." For the record company, the value of the music video is largely promotional, much like traditional radio. Although YouTube doesn't sell music, it can expose a song to its I billion monthly users. If the song is a hit, some portion of the viewers will spring for a download from iTunes, Amazon or a similar service. And even if they don't buy the song, YouTube and the record company share in the revenue from ads that accompany each video. The idea for the collaboration was hatched at a dinner last March attended by executives of Warner Music and YouTube, a unit of Google Inc., who were attending the South by Southwest music and media conference in Austin, Texas. Warner Music executives were looking for ways to reach consumers known as Generation C — a term Google usesto describe people ages 18 to 34 who watch online video, visit social networks and blogs, and use tablets and smartphones. The resulting musical collaboration served as the soundtrack for "The Hunter Hayes YouTube Orchestra featuring Jason Mraz," which debuts exclusively on YouTube, before the anticipated release of the official music video this month.

PERMITS Permits City of Bend • Signature Homebuilders LLC, 20031 Sorrento Place, $226,652 • FC FundLLC,3019 N.E. Red OakDrive, $220,986

• Greg Welch Construction Inc., 813 N.W.Yosemite Drive, $423,149 • FC FundLLC,3058 N.E. Red OakDrive, $214,239 • Brookswood Bend LLC, 61150TetonCourt,

$229,452 • FC FundLLC,2962 N.E. Dogwood Drive, $211,857 • Hidden Hills Bend LLC, 61050 S.E. RubyPeak, $162,837 • Brookswood BendLLC,

61166 Snowbrush Drive, $203,924 • FC Fund LLC,3026 N.E. Red OakDrive, $214,239 • Dennis L. Pahlisch, 2384 N.E. Debron Lane, $298,943

• Hidden Hills Bend LLC, 20624 S.E.Cougar Peak, $302,426 • Gary J. Jones Living Trust, 1608 N.W.Wild Rye Circle, $383,068 • RD Building andDesign

LLC, 3157 N.W.Shevlin Meadow Drive, $425,842 • Michael C. Knoell, 62938 N.W. FrescaSt., $296,519 • Greg Welch Construction Inc., 2227N.W .Lemhi Pass Drive, $205,726

• John G. Thelen,2333 N.W. Lolo Drive, $220,594 City of Redmond • Wolfbuild LLC, 1920 S.W. Reindeer Ave,$178,161 • CPT LegacyLLC,250 N.W. Sixth St., $150,000

ON PAGES 3&4. COMICS & PUZZLES ~ The Bulletin

Create or find Classifieds at www.bendbulletin.com THE BULLETIN • THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2013 •



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Recumbent bike, FREE, you haul. Heavy. Call Adopt a buddy! Adult c ats/kittens over 6 541-330-5972. Bird Cage: Almost mos., 2 for just $40! new Double Bird October only. Fixed, Cage - Dimensions: USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! shots, ID chip, tested, 72" high, by 64" more! Nonprofit group long, by 32" deep. a t 65480 7 8th S t . , Door-to-door selling with Pull-out divider for 1 fast results! It's the easiest Bend, open Sat/Sun big cage or 2 smaller 1 -5; other days b y way in the world to sell. cages. 4 feeder appt. Photos & info: doors, breeder box www.craftcats.org. The Bulletin Classified door, and lots more! 541-389-8420, or like $500. 541-389-9844 541-385-5809 us on Facebook.

Puppies! maltese poodle G ENERATE SOM E - also 1 female yorkie/ EXCITEMENT in your maltese. Male $ 2 50 neighborhood! Plan a Female $300. Cash garage sale and don't only. 541-546-7909. forget to advertise in classified! QueenslandHeelers 541-385-5809. Standard 8 Mini, $150 & up. 541-280-1537 Queen size Sleigh bed www.rightwayranch.wor style frame, like new, dpress.com m ahogany col o r . Do w nsizing, St. Bernard Puppies, $375. need to sell. 1st shots, wormed. 541-317-8985. $400. 541-977-4686

Weimaraner Pups, exlnt temperament, great family & companion dogs. ' tgtFlllillfEi," ,g Parents ranch-raised; iike Chihuahua puppies, tea- water 8 hunt. Females, cup, shots & dewormed, $350. Please leave mes$250. 541-420-4403 sage, 541-562-5970. Chi Pom mix puppies, ready now: 1 female $200; 3 males $175 cash only. 541-480-2824. Donate deposit bottles/ Whoodle puppies, 10 cans to local all vol- wks, 1st shots, wormed, unteer, non-profit res- 3 males, $ 1050 e a . cue, for feral cat spay/ 541-410-1581 neuter. Cans for Cats trailer: Grocery Outlet, Yorkie pups AKC, sweet, 694 S. 3rd until 10/18; adorable, potty training, 2 then to Bend Pet Ex- boys, 2 girls, $450 & up. press E, o r d onate Health guar.541-777-7743 Mon-Fri at Smith Sign, 1515 NE 2nd; or anyYorkie pups, female, time - CRAFT,Tumalo $650, male, $550, 8 wks, AKC. 541-241-0518 www.craftcats.org

Doxie mix puppies, 8 210 weeks, 1st shot, very Furniture & Appliances cute. $175. 541-390-8875

A1 Washers&Dryers 288

Est ate Sales

Radtke Estate Sale 20649 RedWing Lane Bend, Fri-Sat, 9-4. Entire household, quality flyfishing rods and reels, camping gear, beautiful bistro dining set, oak bedroom set, office supplies, coffee tables, treadmill, freezers This sale given by Farmhouse Estate


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Lots of tools, automotive, tires, household, bikes, baby items, clothes &

Sales Redmond Area



Dressers, dining set, fridge, wicker chairs, never used w ood oui' stove,beautiful Ori"QUICK CASH Huge Sale - Oct. 18ental dresser 8 wood SPECIAL" 20 (Sam - 4pm) hibachi/ cooker, Ori1 week 3 lines 12 2902 SW Cline Falls ental items, Victoo ~ga aka g ot Hwy. Tools, tools, rian d r esser & Ad must include tools. Busi n ess needlepoint chairs, price of single item closing. Everything antique glassware 8 of $500 or less, or f rom spatulas t o china, silver, vintage multiple items c lassic cars. 5 4 1 & silver jewelry, sm. whose total does 420-5365 for details. furniture pcs, housenot exceed $500. hold 8 outdoor items, sewing ma c hine, Call Classifieds at LAST CHANCE paintings & artwork, MOVING 541-385-5809 SALE! House misc. Fri.-Sat .9-4full of items MUST go! www.bendbulletin.com numbers Fri., 8 a.m. This is all NICE stuff, Neff to Shepard to no junk. Here are just English Bulldog, 3 yr old 1654 NE Meadow a few of the items: Lane, Bend female, $500. f ramed a rt , sm a l l spayed Attic Estates & 541-382-9334 appl., dishes, glassAppraisals ware, stainless steel Free 5 female kittens, 541-350-6822 flatware, super cute all fixed w/shots to www.atticestatesand aybed with all t he good h o mes. dappraisals.com trimmings, b e autiful very 541-536-4440 SOLID birch bedroom SOLID oak glider French Bulldogs, 1-yr People Look for Information set, and ottoman. Fri. 9-4, male; 1-yr & 2-yr females, About Products and Sat. 9-noon. Located $1 000 ea. 541-382-9334 Services Every Day through in Tetherow Crossing The Bulletin Classifieds in N W Re d mond. ngoodbuy n

Sat. only 8-2! Antiques, tons of desi gner clothes, purses, shoes, 2 DVD players, tons of DVD movies, make-up, linens and household goods, lots of g reat stuff. 1812 NW E l ement Pl., address off Newport Ave. at t he new Pahlisch Homes subdivision.

9 7 $0 2

, • Bg n d • O g e g g n



The Bulletin I t e ms for Free


Pets & Supplies

Protection hotline at 1-877-877-9392.




Adopt a rescued baby Black Lab AKC pupkitten! F ixed, shots, pies, born Aug. 18th ID chip, tested, more! $300.00 12 or more avail. Call 541.508.0429 Bend rescue group kitten foster mom to Cat, adult female beauarea. Sending cash, visit/adopt. 815 7278 tiful Calico-Tortie, free to checks, or credit ingood home; incl toys & f ormation may b e American Bullies UKC blue accys, 541-660-6772 subjected to fraud. For more i nforma- nose, male/female, 8wks, Chihuahua & Pomeranian 9 wks, 1st shots, tion about an adver- $800 & up. 541-704-8000 puppies $200. 541-815-3459 tiser, you may call the O r egon State A ussie, M i n i AKC , red/black Tri, shots, Attorney General's Office C o n sumer wormed, parents on

Wanted: $Cash paid for vintage costume jewelry. Top dollar paid for Gold/Silver.l buy by the Estate, Honest Artist

C h a ng

Pets 8 Supplies The Bulletin recommends extra caution when purc h asing products or services from out of the

Want to Buy or Rent

: Monday- Friday 7:30a.m. -5p.m.

On the web at: www.bendbulletin.com

Place, cancel or extend an ad


Place an ad: 541-385-5809

24-hour message line: 541-383-2371


1777 SW Chandler Ave., Bend, OR 97702


to that unused Moving Sale, 5135 NW item by placing it in Lone Pine Rd., Terrebonne, Sat. 8 Sun., The Bulletin Classifieds 8-4. Covered if rains.

Yard sale: 1 mile north 541 3B5.BBOg of highway at Eagle Crest exit, follow the Havanese puppies AKC, signs. P h 5 4 1 -410 Dewclaws, UTD shots/ -2946 Fri.-Sat., 9- 4 wormer, nonshed, hyp oallergenic, $85 0 541-460-1277.

• Sales Other Areas •

Heeler Puppies! Adorable red and blue, males PRINEVILLE SELF and females!! More info STORAGE - 2 UNITS and pictures available. 8 1350 NW Harwood. @ $50 ea. Please call Oct. 19 8 20, 9-5. Diana (541) 977-2591


Remember to remove The Bulletin your Garage Sale signs (nails, staples, etc.) after your Sale event 288 is over! THANKS! From The Bulletin Sales Southeast Bend and your local utility companies. Garage Sale, Sat., 10/19, 9-1. No cheap junk! FurBulletin niture, s ports e q uip, The SererngCentral Oregon rt re tggg home dec, holiday items, 60083 Ridgeview Dr. W. www.bendbulletin.com

Labrador AK C b l a ck male pups, e xcellent bloodlines, written guarantee on hips & elbows, $600 ea. 541-459-9798 Oriental shorthair female, $100 obo; exotic shorthair female $25 541-279-3018

$150 ea. Full warranty. Free Del. Also wanted, used W/D's 541-280-7355

Ant!que Dining Set 18th century legs, mahogany top95"x46nx29"; 6 Chippendale style chairs, $2770. 541-639-3211


Wanted: Collector seeks high quality fishing items. Call 541-678-5753, or

BUYING Lionel/American Flyer trains, accessories. 541-408-2191.

503-351-2746 Good classified ads tell on the first day it runs Winchester pre-64 model the essential facts in an to make sure it isn cor- 12, 20 ga deluxe wood, interesting Manner. Write n from the readers view - not rect. Spellcheck and $500. 541-548-3408 human errors do octhe seller's. Convert the cur. If this happens to facts into benefits. Show your ad, please conthe reader how the item will Computers • tact us ASAP so that help them in someway. corrections and any T HE B U LLETIN r e This adjustments can be advertising tip quires computer adThe Bulletin made to your ad. brought to youby vertisers with multiple recommends extra 541-385-5809 schedules or those n. — I The Bulletin Classified ad The Bulletin selling multiple syschasing products or a tems/ software, to disservices from out of I close the name of the BUYING & SE L LING the area. Sending [I business or the term All gold lewelry, silver Largest 3 Day cash, c hecks, o r • "dealer" in their ads. and gold coins, bars, GUN & KNIFE I credit i n f o rmation Private party advertis- rounds, wedding sets, may be subjected to SHOW ers are defined as rings, sterling silI FRAUD. For more October 18-29-20 those who sell one class ver, coin collect, vininformation about an s Portland Expo computer. tage watches, dental advertiser, you may I Center gold. Bill Fl e ming, call t h e Or e gon / 1-5 exit ¹306B 541-382-9419. State Attor n ey ' Get your Admission $10 I General's O f fi c e Fri. 12-6, Sat. 9-5, business Consumer Protec- • Sun.10-4 Home Security t ion ho t l in e at I I 1- 8 00-659-3440 I System 2GIG I 1-877-877-9392. a ROW I N G I ColiectorsWest.com~ Brand new installed by AbbaJay inwith an ad in cludes 2 hour installation and one The Bulletin's Guns, Hunting year basic security "Call A Service BULLETIN CLASSIFIEDS & Fishing service. $375. Search the area's most Professional" (Valued at $850) comprehensive listing of ATTN ELK HUNTERS: 541-382-3479 Directory Riley Tent Stove, classified advertising... real estate to automotive, $150. 541-548-3408 257 merchandise to sporting Bend local pays CASH!! Hovv to avoidscam Musical Instruments goods. Bulletin Classifieds and fraud attempts for all firearms & appear every day in the ammo. 541-526-0617 YBe aware of internaprint or on line. tional fraud. Deal loBrowning Citori 12 ga Call 541-385-5809 cally whenever poswww.bendbulletin.com engraved w/ pheasants & sible. ducks, new unfired in vt' Watch for buyers case, $ 2450. J e rry, who offer more than geenng Central 0 egon rmretggt 541-480-9005 your asking price and Piano, Baldwin upCASH!! who ask to have 212 right, with b e nch, For Guns, Ammo & money wired or Antiques & exc. cond. $ 6 00. Reloading Supplies. handed back to them. 541-410-4087 Collectibles 541-408-6900. Fake cashier checks and money orders Double TaP Firearms 240+ Piayboy magazines, are common. 2075 NE Hwy. 20 no duplicates, exc cond, YNever give out perMisc. Items 541-977-0202 $200. 541-389-5989 sonal financial inforBuy/Sell/Trade/Consign mation. Bend Indoor Swap Collectible Disney artMeet - A Mini-Mall full VTrust your instincts work oWalt's Music MakDON'TMISS THIS of Unique Treasures! and be wary of ers" numbered print with 3rd St. & Wilson Ave. someone using an certificate of authenticity, 10-5 Thurs-Fri-Sat. escrow service or excellent cond. N o w, DO YOU HAVE agent to pick up your $275 obo. 541-620-1461 SOMETHING TO Buying Diamonds merchandise. SELL /Gold for Cash Just bought a new boat? FOR $500 OR Saxon's Fine Jewelers Sell your old one in the LESS? 541-389-6655 classifieds! Ask about our Non-commercial Super Seller rates! advertisers may 541-385-5809 place an ad with our "QUICK CASH SPECIAL" A 0'qngn a c n"Pt 1 week3lines 12 D,siga OI' Visit our HUGE k gtl ! home decor ~g AD RUNS UNTIL THESOFA SELLS! Ad must consignment store. include price of New items t t gan n arrive daily! or less, or multiple 930 SE Textron, items whose total Bend 541-318-1501 does notexceed www.redeuxbend.com $500. The Bulletin reserves Call Classifieds at the right to publish all 541-385-5809 ads from The Bulletin www.bendbulletin.com newspaper onto The u Bulletin Internet webIver-Johnson Skeeter, 12 Dary iialiaa soft leather site. at o ttgmgtt gg ga SxS double barrel couch get. Excellent shotgun (project), $300. cgndtvgn. no tears,







LThe Butleting


The Bulletin

The Bulletin

A rustic, solid oak coffee tableyou won't worry about damaging! For domestic harmony, big enough for both of you to put your feet up! Large enough for family games. Shortened from antirjue kitchen table, 39' x42" xt 6t/gn high. $250 cash 541-322-0682

Drexel Heritage couch. 7 feet long. Very good condition, $400. Call 503 781 5265



The Bulletin

gerring Central Oregon rtnre 1903


Coins 8 Stamps S ILVER FO R

S A L E.


Remington 760 30-06 with Redfield 2x7 scope, exceptional c o ndition,

$420. 541-419-9961

Commercial upright Delfield 6000 Series freezer, 20 cubic feet, stainless, $1200. 541-325-2691

POODLE puppies, AKC Frigidaire range, good ALSO - 7 mo. M, $200; sh a pe , 30nWx36 nH F,$250.541-475-3889 $ 2 0 . 541-504-0707

Call a Pro Whether you need a fence fixed, hedges trimmed or a house built you'll find professional help in The Bulletin's "Call a Service Professional" Directory 541-385-5809



$425. 541-318-2219

100 oz. bars, 1 oz. Remington 870, 12 ga, r ds. $ 1 o v e r s p o t Mod VR, 2'/4", 28 inch price. 541-408-7888 barrel, excellent.


siatns. Very comfortable Was $16tl new, oifenng for only

Ruger 10/22 rifle, $150. Gamo Hunter 220 .177 cal. pellet rifle, scope. $150. 541-647-7479

Savage 110 left hand 243, $300. 541-647-7479

Thompson Center Arms muzzleloader, 50 cal New Englander, exclnt shape, $295. 541-419-1604

Item Priced af:

• • • •

Y o ur Total Ad Cost onl:

Under $500 $500 to $999 $1000 to $2499 $2500 and over

$29 $39 $49 $59

Includes up to 40 words of text, 2" in length, with border,full color photo,bold headline • The Bulletin, • Central Oregon Marketplace

• The Cent ral OregonNickelAds n bendbulletin.com

541-385-5809 "Privateparty merchandiseonly - excludespets& livestock, autos, Rvs, molorcycles,boats, airplanes,andgarage salecategories.



541-385-5809 or go to www.bendbulletin.com


Lost & Found

oa ll- ij(gl(G gfNLPgP(

Found cell phone near intersection of Brinson and Layton Ave.


Place a photoin your private party ad foronly $15.00 perweek.

Starting at 3 lines

OVER '500in total merchandise

7 days.................................................. $10.00 14 days................................................ $16.00

Garage Sale Special

4 days.................................................. $18.50 7 days.................................................. $24.00 14 days.................................................$33.50 28 days.................................................$61.50

4 lines for 4 days .................................

(caii for commercial line ad rates)

Lost female cat Sept. 20, area of NE Nates Place near Healey Heights, Bend. White paws & belly her name is "Cricket." Please call with any info. 541-318-1040

A Payment Drop Box is available at Bend City Hall. CLASSIFICATIONS B ELOW MARKED WITH A N (*) REQUIRE PREPAYMENT as well as any out-of-area ads. The Bulletin reserves the right to reject any ad at any time.


CLASSIFIED OFFICE HOURS: MON.-FRI. 7:30 a.m.- 5:00 p.m.

Medical Equipment

MISSING: Tan/White Chihuahua since 8/2 in Crooked River Ranch. Male,8

The Bulletin bendbulletimcom is located at: 1777 S.W. Chandler Ave. Bend, Oregon 97702

gMedical Equipment •

Minolta SR, 35mm camera w/standard, zoom, w-angle lenses. $100 obo. 541-548-7137

Building Supply Resale Quality at LOW PRICES

Go-Go Elite Traveller 3-wheel scooter, Model SC40E, under warranty, like new condition, used 2 times. Health forces sale. Purchased from Advanced Mobility W eber Natural G as BBQ Summit g o ld July, 2013 for $1295; 4-burner, s t a inless selling for $795 obo. 541-480-2700 steel with new heavy pattym51@Q.com d uty c over. O v e r $ 1000 n e w , sel l $300. 541-389-6167.


Door-to-door selling with ~Oo fast results! It's the easiest MOre PiXatBelidbijletin,COm way in the world to sell. On a classified ad

go to www.bendbulletin.com to view additional photos of the item.

The Bulletin Classified 541-385-5809

(Similar to illustration) Pride Go-Go 3-wheel scooter with upgrades, absolutely like brand new, hardly used $495. 541-548-5667


Johnson Brothers TV & Appliance. The Builder's Choice.

Bend Heating 8 Sheetmetal, lnc. CCB¹08653

740 NE 1st 541-312-6709

REMEMBER: Ifyou have lost an animal, don't forget to check The Humane Society Bend 541-382-3537


Open to the public. Sisters Habitat ReStore Building Supply Resale Quality items. LOW PRICES!



oet-447-rtrg; or Craft Cats


150 N. Fir. 541-549-1621

Open to the public.

Heating & Stoves Generator, 3KW, Sport-n-Home, $100. 541-815-3520 Metal tool shelf; wood tool drawers; work table with vise; misc. tools, some electrical; tool box cabinet with screws, nuts & bolts. $350 all, or make offer. 541-280-2538

Call54I 3855809topromote yaur servci e Advertisefor28daysstartingct tIfoiriristpettgtpotkggeisnot gtgtobteonogrwebtttet

Appliance Sales/Repair

years old, about 6 lbs. There have been a couple of sightings of him with a man in his late 50s, black hair, mustache & glasses in CRR. $5,000 cash reward. No questions asked! Call 541-325-6629 or 503-805-3833

Building Materialsg Bend Habitat RESTORE

Wanted- paying cash for Hi-fi audio & studio equip. Mclntosh, J BL, Marantz, D y naco, Heathkit, Sansui, Carver, NAD, etc. Call 541-261-1808

Landscaping/Yard Care



Since September 29, 1991, advertising for 308 used woodstoves has Farm Equipment been limited to models which have been & Machinery c ertified by the O r egon Department of 16' portable hay bale Environmental Qualelevator, electric ity (DEQ) and the fed- motor, minimal use, eral E n v ironmental excellent condition, Protection Ag e n cy $500. 541-549-1747 (EPA) as having met 325 smoke emission standards. A cer t i fied Hay, Grain & Feed w oodstove may b e identified by its certifi1st Class Grass Hay cation label, which is Barn-stored, permanently attached $230/ ton. to the stove. The BulPatterson Ranch Sisters, 541-549-3831 letin will no t k nowingly accept advertis3rd CUT ALFALFA ing for the sale of Nice & green, mid-sized uncertified bales (800-lb.+) woodstoves. $210 per ton.

NOTICE: Oregon LandCall 541-480-8264 scape Contractors Law (ORS 671) requires all Fuel & Wood • Orchard grass hay mix, businesses that a d541-382-6223 541-382-1231 second cutting, 90 lb. www.tottnsonbrottterstv.com www.bendheating.com vertise t o pe r form bales, no rain, barn Landscape ConstrucWHEN BUYING stored. $225 / ton. Building/Contracting tion which includes: Prineville, FIREWOOD... p lanting, decks , Landscaping/Yard Care 541-788-4539 NOTICE: Oregon state To avoid fraud, fences, arbors, The Bulletin law r equires anyone water-features, and inBULLETIN CLASSIFIEDS who con t racts for stallation, repair of irrecommends paySearch the area's most construction work to rigation systems to be ment for Firewood comprehensive listing of be licensed with the Zor/ftz gaa8rip licensed w i t h the only upon delivery classified advertising... Construction ContracLandscape Contracand inspection. Zacug gu e. I,. real estate to automotive, tors Board (CCB). An tors Board. This 4-digit • A cord is 128 cu. ft. merchandise to sporting 4' x 4' x 8' active license n umber is to be i nManaging goods. Bulletin Classifieds means the contractor cluded in all adver- • Receipts should Central Oregon appear every day in the is bonded & insured. tisements which indiinclude name, Landscapes print or on line. Verify the contractor's cate the business has phone, price and Since 2006 Call 541-385-5809 CCB li c ense at a bond,insurance and kind of wood www.hirealicensedworkers c o mpensawww.bendbulletin.com purchased. contractor.com Fall Clean Up tion for their employ- • Firewood ads Don't track it in all Winter or call 503-378-4621. ees. For your protecMUST include Seneng Ce «el Oregon smce tggg •Leaves The Bulletin recomtion call 503-378-5909 species & cost per •Cones mends checking with or use our website: cord to better serve • Needles Looking for your the CCB prior to conwww.lcb.state.or.us to our customers. • Debris Hauling tracting with anyone. check license status next employee? Some other t rades before contracting with Place a Bulletin also req u ire addi- Winter Prep the business. Persons Ser ing Central Oregon nnce lggg help wanted ad •Pruning tional licenses and doing land s cape today and certifications. •Aerating maintenance do not All year Dependable reach over •Fertilizing r equire an L C B Firewood: Seasoned 60,000 readers I D e bris Removal cense. Lodgepole, Split, Del. each week. ComPOSt Bend: 1 for $195 or 2 Your classified ad Nelson JUNK BE GONE for $365. Cash, Check AyPliCationS will also Landscaping & I Haul Away FREE or Credit Card OK. se Less Water appear on For Salvage. Also Maintenance 541-420-3484. bendbulletin.com $$$ SAVE $$$ Serving Central Cleanups & Cleanouts Juniper or Lodgepole or which currently Improve Plant Health Oregon Since 2003 Mel, 541-389-8107

The Bulletin

The Bulletin


Domestic Services

A ssisting Seniors a t Home. Light housekeeping 8 other serv ices. L icensed & Bonded. BBB Certified. 503-756-3544 Prestige Housekeeping Housecleaning, Vacation Rentals, Move-ins/Outs Licensed & Insured. 541-977-2450

$10 oll 1st Cleaning!


Floo r ing Prestige Hardwood Flooring, lnc. 541-383-1613

www pregttgehardwoodstte.com


Handyman I DO THAT!

Home/Rental repairs Small jobs to remodels Honest, guaranteed work. CCB¹151573 Dennis 541-317-9768 ERIC REEVE HANDY SERVICES. Home &

Commercial Repairs, Carpentry-Painting, Pressure-washing, Honey Do's. On-time promise. Senior Discount. Work guaranteed. 541-389-3361 or 541-771-4463

Bonded & Insured CCB¹181595

2014 Maintenance Package Available Weekly, Monthly & One Time Service EXPERIENCED Commercial & Residential Senior Discounts

Sprinkler BlotNouts

Sprinkler Repair Maintenance

There's a whole pile of "treasure" here!



Gardening Supplies & Equipment


al »

receives over 1.5 million page views every month at no extra cost.

Bulletin Classifieds Get Results! Call 541-385-5809 or place your ad on-line at bendbulletin.com 341

BarkTurfSoil.com •



Senior Discounts Bonded & Insured 541-815-4458 LCB¹8759

For newspaper delivery, call the Circulation Dept. at 541-385-5800

Painting/Wall Covering WESTERN PAINTING CO. Richard Hayman,

To place an ad, call 541-385-5809

or email classifiedcbendbulletin.com

Horses & Equipment ASPC Pinto s hetland colt, 4 m o nths old, Flashy. Lots of trot. $495 5 4 1-788-1649,

leave a message 383

Produce & Food THOMAS ORCHARDS Kimberly, Oregon

541-934-2870 APPLES OUT OF BIN:

a semi-retired paint- The Bulletin 65e per pound. gervrng Central Oregon srnce 1903 ing contractor of 45 Red Delicious, Golden years. S m a l l J o bs Delicious, Cameo, SUPER TOP SOIL Welcome. Interior & www.hershe Pinata, Ambrosia, sotlandbark.com Exterior. c c b ¹ 5184.Screened, soil & com- Granny Smith. Fuji's by 541-388-6910 Sat., Oct. 19th. post m i x ed , no rocks/clods. High hu- BRING CONTAINERS! Tile/Ceramic mus level, exc. f or • NEW FALL HOURS! flower beds, lawns, Closed Tues. & Wed. straight open Thurs. thru Mon. Baptista Tile gardens, & Stone Gallery s creened to p s o i l . 10 a.m.-4 p.m. only. CCB¹19421 Bark. Clean fill. De- See us on Facebook 541-382-9130 liver/you haul. & Bend Farmers Marwww.baptistatile.com 541-548-3949. ket on Wed., 3-7p.m. •

Thousands ofadsdaily in print andonline.


~Lnndeoe in Same Day Response •Landscape Construction •Water Feature Installation/Maint. •Pavers •Renovations •Irrigations Installation

You know what they say about n one man's trash".



Where buyers meet sellers

Pine (some Hemlock)Cut, split & delivered, $200/cord (delivery included). 541-604-1925 Pine & Juniper Split

• Fall Clean up •Weekly Mowing & Edging •Bi-Monthly & Monthly Maintenance •Bark, Rock, Etc.

00 528

Loans & Mortgages WARNING The Bulletin recom-

mends you use caution when you production Supervisor "Employment Opvide personal portunities" in clude you will ensure information to compalines run efficiently, employee and indenies offering loans or maintain quality, pendent p o sitions. credit, especially Call 385-5809 Ads fo r p o sitions and mentor staff. those asking for ador place that require a fee or For job details and to vance loan fees or your ad on-line at upfront i nvestment apply, please visit companies from out of bendbulletin.com must be stated. With http://www.treetop.co state. If you have any independentjob m/JobSearch.aspx concerns or quesopportunity, please tions, we suggest you i nvestigate thor Get your consult your attorney oughly. Use e xtra or call CONSUMER c aution when a p business HOTLINE, plying for jobs on1-877-877-9392. line and never prochasing products or I services from out of • vide personal inforBANK TURNED YOU mation to any source I the area. Sending DOWN? Private party c ash, c hecks, o r you may not have will loan on real esresearched and I credit i n f o rmation tate equity. Credit no With an ad in deemed to be repu- I may be subjected to problem, good equity table. Use extreme FRAUD. is all you need. Call The Bulletin's For more informac aution when r e Oregon Land Morts ponding t o A N Y tion about an advergage 541-388-4200. "Call A Service online employment I tiser, you may call ad from out-of-state. the Oregon State LOCAL MONEyrWebuy Professional" We suggest you call I Attorney General's secured trustdeeds & the State of Oregon Office C o n sumer a note,some hard money Protection hotline at l Consumer H o tline Directory loans. Call Pat Kelley at 1-503-378-4320 I 1-877-877-9392. 541-382-3099 ext.13. For Equal Opportunity Laws c ontact LThe Bullctin Oregon Bureau of Registered Nurses Labor & I n d ustry, Civil Rights Division, Get your Community Counseling Solutions is accepting 971-673- 0764. business applications for Registered Nurses to work at Juniper Ridge located in John Day, OR. The Bulletin

r.=.-"-,.— .a I I I I I I




PLEASENOTE:Checkyour ad for accuracy the first day it appears. Please call us immediately if a correction is needed. We will gladly accept responsibility for one incorrect insertion. The publisher reserves the right to accept or reject any ad at anytime, classify and index any advertising based on the policies of these newspapers. The publisher shall not be liable for any advertisement omitted for any reason. Private Party Classified ads running 7 or more days will publish in the Central Oregon Marketplace each Tuesday.

Misc. Items

Production Supervisor Tree Top has an opportunity for you at our Prosser plant. As Pro-

CAUTION: Ads published in

® Umtham

Looking for your next employee? Place a Bulletin help wanted ad today and reach over 60,000 readers each week. Your classified ad will also appear on bendbulletin.com which currently receives over 1.5 million page views every month at no extra cost. Bulletin Classifieds Get Results!


*UNDER '500 in total merchandise

*Must state prices in ad


Employment Opportunities


Employment Opportunities



German ShepMonday • • . • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • . • • 5:00 pm Fri • Found herd, female, Deschutes River Woods, Thurs., Tuesday. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . Noon Mon. 10/10. Call to i dentify, 541-408-6113 Wednesday • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Noon Tues. Found pair o f h i king boots, fairly new, Mt. Park parking Thursday • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Noon Wed. Jefferson lot, Sat. 10/5. Call to identify, 541-647-1958. Friday. • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Noon Thurs. Found set of keys at Hayden Park, Redmond 4.Call 541-504-2898 Saturday RealEstate.. . . . . . . . . . 1 1 :00 am Fri. 10/1 to describe car key. bought a new boat? Saturday • . • .. 3:00 pm Fri. Just Sell your old one in the classifieds! Ask about our Seller rates! Sunday.. • • • • • 5:00 pm Fri • Super 541-385-5809


Employment Opportunities



gererng Central Oregon since iggg


Add your web address to your ad and read-

ers on The Bu//etin's web site, www.bendbulletin.com, will be able to click through automatically to your website.

Call a Pro Whether you need a fence fixed, hedges trimmed or a house built, you'll find professional help in The Bulletin's "Call a Service Professional" Directory

e ROW I N G with an ad in The Bulletin's "Call A Service Professional" Directory

TRUCK DRIVER CDL needed; doubles endorsement 8 good driving record required. Local haul; home every day! Truck leaves 8 returns to Madras, OR. Call 541-546-6489 or 541-419-1125.

Good classified ads tell the essential facts in an interesting Manner. Write from the readers view - not 541 -385-5809 the seller's. Convert the facts into benefits. Show Landscapers the reader how the item will Seeking individuals to help them in someway. perform yard mainteThis nance and/or handyadvertising tip man work. For more brought to youby information, p l e ase call C h r istina at The Bulletin 714-334-2725.


Night Supervisor The Bulletin, located in beautiful Bend, Oregon, is seeking a night time press supervisor. We are part of Western Communications, Inc. which is a small, family owned group consisting of seven newspapers: five in Oregon and two in California. Our ideal candidate will manage a small crew of three and must be able to l e ar n o u r e q uipment/processes quickly. A hands-on style is a requirement for our 3 t/s tower KBA press. Prior management/ leadership experience preferred. In addition to our 7-day-a-week newspaper, we have numerous commercial print clients as well. Besides a competitive wage and benefit program, we also provide potential opportunity for advancement. If you provide dependability combined with a positive attitude, are able to manage people and schedulesand are a team player, we would like to hear from you. If you seek a stable work environment that provides a great place to live and raise a family, let us hear from you. Contact Al Nelson, Pressroom Manager at anelson@wescompapers.com with your complete r e sume, r e ferences a n d sa l a ry history/requirements. No phone calls please. Drug test is required prior to employment. EOE.

Regional Convenience Store Manager Fast Break of Oregon has an immediate opening for a professional, energetic, selfmotivated leader to manage several of our Eastern Oregon locations. Applicant should have retail management experience, with proven leadership and customer service skills. This position will require preparing marketing plans for your region, formulating pricing policies, coordinate sales promotion activities, supervise employees, vendor relations, conduct regular inventory counts, and will responsible for the profitability of each location The successful applicant will be experienced managing multiple retail locations, customer service orientated, comfortable multi-tasking and detail oriented. Experience working with computers and some knowledge of inventory would be helpful. Must pass a background check and drug screen. This is a full-time salaried position and is eligible for benefits. Please e-mail inquires or resume to: employement@edstaub.com, or mail to P.O. Box 850, Klamath Falls, OR 97601 or fax to 877-846-2516.


The Bulletin

Juniper Ridge is a Secure Residential Treatment Facility providing services to individuals with a severe mental illness. These positions provide mental health nursing care, including medication oversight, medication related treatment, follows physician's prescriptions and procedures, measures an d r e cords patient's general physical condition such as pulse, temperature and respiration to provide daily information, educates and trains staff on medication administration, and ensures documentation is kept according to policies. This position works with the treatment team to promote recovery from mental illness. This position includes telephone consultation and crisis intervention in the facility. Qualified applicants must have a valid Oregon Registered Professional Nurse's license at the time of appointment, hold a valid Oregon driver's license and pass a criminal history background check.

W ages dependent upon education and experience, but will be between $48,000 to $72,000. Please visit t h e C o mmunity C ounseling Solution website for an application or contact Nina Bisson at 541-676-9161 or P.O. Box 469, Heppner, OR 97836-9161.

Supervising Public Health Nurse Grant County Public Health is seeking a full-time Supervising Public Health Nurse.

Major responsibilities include providing public health nursing services; assessing public health needs within the community; planning and developingprograms focused on prevention and health promotion; ensuring standards and practices provide a high quality of professional service and compliance with the Nurse Practice Act, planning and directing work of professional technical and support staff; representing agency to community groups and the public; and providing community education. Requires Oregon registered nurse licensure, degree in nursing from an accredited university, and progressively responsible experience in a public health agency. Salary range is $53-$79,000/yr. Excellent benefits. Position may transition to 32 hours per week in the future. If interested, please submit cover letter and resume to NinaBisson, CCS, P.O. Box 469, Heppner, OR 97836. Please contact Nina at 541-676-9161 with question or to request an application.

The Bulletin Advertising Account Executive Rewardingnew business development

The Bulletin is looking for a professional and driven Sales and Marketing person to help our customers grow their businesses with an expanding list of broad-reach and targeted products. This full-time position requires a background in c onsultative sales, territory management and aggressive prospecting skills. Two years of media sales experience is preferable, but we will train the right candidate. The p o sition i n c ludes a comp etitive compensation package including benefits, and rewards an a ggressive, customer focused salesperson with unlimited earning potential.

Email your resume, cover letter and salary history to: Jay Brandt, Advertising Director brandt@bendbulletin.com OI'

drop off your resume in person at 1777 SW Chandler, Bend, OR 97702; Or mail to PO Box 6020, Bend, OR 97708. No phone inquiries please. EOE / Drug Free Workplace

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Accounting Position Available Reports to the Controller


Reception/Accounts Receivable Clerk The right person for this position will be the initial face and voice of The Bulletin for employees and customers coming into the building or calling by phone. This accounting department position includes various administrative duties as well as the posting and reporting of a c counts receivable, deposit preparation and management of the cash register. T hi s p o s ition r e quires experience in basic accounting, Excel and general office functions.

We are looking for a team player with a positive, professional attitude and strong customer service skills. The right person will be detail oriented, great at multi-tasking, and able t o a d apt t o u s in g m u ltiple computer software applications as well as the web. Must be able to communicate well both verbally and in writing with customers and co-workers. This is a full-time position with benefits. Mon.-Fri., 7:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. If you are interested in joining our accounting team, please e-mail your resume tohwestObendbulletin.com prior to Oct. 31, 2013. No phone calls or resume drop-offs please. EOE/Drug Free workplace


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Accounting Specialist Responsible for accounting and reporting duties such as posting invoices and journal entries, assisting with financial statement preparation, preparing monthly and quarterly reports, assisting with month end and year end closing, issuing v endor p ayments, m aintaining 1099s an d o t her d uties a s assigned. Requires high school diploma or equivalent, basic accounting skills and experience, proficiency with Microsoft Word and Excel and excellent phone and customer service skills.

Les Schwab has a reputation of excellent customer service and over 400 stores in the Northwest. We off e r c o mpetitive pay, e xcellent benefits, retirement, and c a s h bonus. Resumes will be accepted through October 23, 2013. Please send resume and salary requirements to: ZYLSHuman.Resources@lesschwab.com. Emails must state "Store Accounting Specialist" in the subject line. No phonecall s please. EOE



Counting caories may not

be simpe ca cu ation By Stacey Burling The Philadelphia Inquirer

an esa ea orwe ness ro rams By Tara Bannow The Bulletin

John Thelen wouldn't be running three laps around St. Charles Bend each week if it weren't for a $500 light at the end of the tunnel. It was that up-to-half-agrand bonus St. Charles offers employees who meet certain wellness goals that finally got the seniorWeb developer out of his chair. "The whole weight loss thing is just something that, until you get that last motiva-

PHILADELPHIA — Richard Wrangham, a primate expert at Harvard University, discovered an interesting thing when he tried to eat like the chimpanzees he was studying. Their raw diet was

tor, it just doesn't happen," he said. St. Charles, Bend's largest employer, is in its first year of offering its well-


ne ss program,

called Healthy Lives, and it's among the local companies that will need to take a good look attheirprograms before the start of 2014 to ensure they comply with new Affordable Care Act rules. Employer-sponsored well-

ness programs generally

work by collecting health information on employees and offering incentives — money, usually — to stay healthy. The hope is that the programs will drivedown health care costs by decreasing the amount of claims filed, cutting absentee-

ism and keeping employees energetic. The new federal guidelines are designed to strengthen such programs, thereby improving Americans' health and reducing the overall cost of health care. The rules ap-

ply to what the Department of Labor calls "health-contingent wellness programs," those that, like St. Charles' program, requireemployees to meet certain fitness goals in order to earn incentives. Starting Jan. 1, companies that offer wellness programs will have to make them available to all of their employees,the programs must be clearly communicated and enrollment must be offered annually. SeeWellness/E2

Learnmore Wellness@Work, a program of the Oregon Public Health lnstitute,

offers a free online assessment of your office's health in areas like culture, healthy eating, movement and

tobacco. For more information, visit: www.

wellnessatworkoregon. org/waws/progress.php

Taking a closer look at



O www.bendbulletin.com/health


He was so hungry he had to return to human foods. The experienceled him to propose that cooked food played a pivotal role in human evolution, helping us diverge from other primates. He theorized that humans — the only animals that can't live on a raw, wild diet — could extractmore usable energy from cooked foods because they were easier to digest. That would have allowed us to feed bigger brains. Also, chimpanzees spend six or seven hours a day chewing, so we were able to do more civilized things with our time. His hypothesis is still under debate, but Rachel Carmody, who was a researcher in his lab, lent support with a finding that lab mice did indeed become heavier on cooked than on raw food although they took in the same number of calories. Separately, a study by the U.S. Department of Agriculture last year found that the typical calorie-measuring technique overestimates how many calories people get from an ounce of almonds, which are difficult to digest. Instead of 170 calories, they concluded, the nuts have 129. These are among many new lines of research that call into question our long-standing comprehension of food energy. Calories are starting to look a lot more complicated. Some of us — we won't say who — have figured that 500 calories of cake were the same as 500 calories of cauliflower when it came to dieting (not nutrition). We may have to rethink. "A calorie is a calorie from an energy balance point of view, but, from an effect on the body, there m ay be di a fference," said Dale Schoeller, a professor of nutritional sciences at the University of Wisconsin and an officer of the Obesity Society. See Calories/E6

• A condition that haslong baffled the medical community is now beIng consideredfor coverageunderOregons Medicaid program

l C =- -


The Bulletin

ust by looking at Carol Foster, you wouldn't be able to tell that her fingernails hurt. That her eyelashes hurt. Her teeth. She looks perfectly normal, but says she's "very >II" on the



myalgia prevents the 61-year-old Bend resident from being able to work and — on really bad days — from doing most anything. The excruciating pain, coupled with crippling fatigue and depression, have all but consumed Foster for more than a decade. But what makes the whole thing really unbearable, Foster said, is when doctors tell her that her condition is not reaL "I've had doctors, three or four at least, tell me that fibromyalgia does not exist, that it isn't even a disease," she said. Fibromyalgia, a complex condition with physical and mental components, has baffled the medical community for decades, with some arguing it's solely in the minds of its sufferers and others saying it should be treated like any other chronic condition. Advocates for the latter w ere afforded some hope last week when a subcommittee potentially opened the door for coverage of fibromyalgia under Oregon's Medicaid



program. Fibromyalgia is a disorder characterized by widespread pain, trouble sleeping, fatigue and psychological distress,

according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It affects about 5 million Americans, with women seven times more likely to be diagnosed than men, according to the CDC. The Oregon Health Evidence Review Commission, a group made up mostly of medical professionals, ranks conditions on a prioritized scale to determine what is and is not covered under Medicaid, known here as the Oregon Health Plan. Anything above 498 in the ranking — 498 included — is covered, anything below is not. Moving fibromyalgia above 498 wouldn't necessarily mean another condition would no longer be covered under OHP, as some lines encompass severalconditions. At its meeting Oct. 10, a HERC subcommittee — after hearing from fibromyalgia doctors, researchers and patients — postponed its decisionover whether to recommend that the full commission raise fibromyalgia from its current spot at No. 634. The subcommittee likely will make a recommendation at its next meeting in January. In the meantime, its members have pledged to review the latest medical literature on fibromyalgia. Ariel Smits, HERC's medical director, said the commission's prioritized list is meant to pair diagnoses with treatments. For a condition to be covered, it must be associated with a treatment or medication that's been proven to be effective. SeeFibromyalgia/E3

Carol Foster, 61, of Bend, said the chronic fatigue and pain she experiences due to fibromyalgia prevent her from working. She sees separate doctors for her pain, supplements and primary care, and she hopes coverage under the Oregon Health Plan would encourage doctors to coordinate across specialties. Rob Kerr/The Bulletin

Yoga helps cancerpatients in spiritual, physical, emotional ways By Leslie Barker The Dallas Morning News

DALLAS — Dr. Jaya Juturi prescribes plenty of medications for her cancer patients, but she would be remiss,she says,ifshe stopped there. Which is why the Dallas oncologist also suggests a treatment not found

in any pharmacy: yoga. "We'resupposed topracticea certain way and tell people what's proven to help them," says Juturi, who is on the medical staff at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Dallas. "If we didn't bring up yoga in the context of emotional or physical distress, we're not doing our job. "If we said, 'See a counselor

and take medicine,' that might be meaningful, but we need to create an empowering long-term strategy that will b r ing t hem everlasting results." field FITNESS The medical has been " late i n catching on to" such complementary treatments, Juturi says. Now data has begun backing up the effectiveness of yoga, and doctors, she says, "are all about data." Medically proven benefits include these: • Yoga helps ease stress. Research from the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center showed,

among other benefits, yoga's ability to regulate the stress hormone cortisol. • Yoga helps cancer patients sleep better. A study published in Journal of Clinical Oncology reported improved sleep quality in cancer survivors and thus, fewer sleep medications needed. • Yoga can help improve quality of life. On its website, the Stanford Cancer Centerreports that yoga "as a complementary therapy" has also been shown to relieve various symptoms associated with cancer. Nancy Scholberg can attest to that. SeeYoga/E5

Nancy Scholberg, front, regularly

does yoga to help her deal with lingering effects from a double mastectomy

11 years ago. She says yoga brings her

to a "place

of peacefulness." Nan Coulter Dallas Morning News



Doctors ignore advice on prescriptions for sore throats and bronchitis don't work for most sore throats and

The findings show reducing inappropriate prescribing "is frustratingly, disap-

bronchitis have failed to stop overuse:

pointingly slow," said Dr. Jeffrey Linder, a

Repeated warnings that antibiotics

Doctors prescribed these drugs for most adults seeking treatment ata rate that remained high over more than a

decade, researchers found. The results are in two analyses of 't ~

l r

ear infections and sometypes of food poisoning. Patients' demands and doctors' time

treat. The second analysis found antibiotics

physician-researcher at Harvard Medical School and BrighamandWomen's Hos-

pressures also play arole: It's often easier to prescribe anantibiotic than to

pital. He did the research with Brigham colleague Dr. Michael Barnett.

take time to explain why they don't work

for bronchitis in 2010, a rate that didn't

for some illnesses, Blackwelder said. "We've all done it," he said.

change from1996. Only rare casesof bronchitis are caused bybacteria.

Dr. Reid Blackwelder, president of the

national health surveys from the late 1990s to 2010, representing more than

10 percent of sore throats are causedby strep bacteria — which antibiotics can

American Academy of Family Physicians, said part of the problem is old prescribing

One analysis found that antibiotics

from viruses. Illnesses antibiotics can

practice also cancause drug-resistant germs.

treat include bacterial pneumonia, most urinary infections, some types of eyeand

Bronchitis "just needs to take its time

were prescribed at 60 percent of primary- to run its course, which can be frustratcare and emergency room visits for sore ingly long," sometimes threeweeksor

2 million annual visits to doctors' offices habits that didn't changewhenevidence or emergency rooms. emerged showing most sore throats Antibiotics can have bad side effects, and bronchitis are caused byviruses; including stomach pain andsevere antibiotics only treat infections caused by diarrhea, and inappropriate prescripbacteria, not colds, flu and other illness tions put patients at needless risk. The

were prescribed at 73 percent of all visits

throats in 2010, a rate that didn't budge over10 years but was down from about 70 percent in the1990s. That study was published online in JAMA Internal Medi-

more, Linder said.

Some over-the-counter cough medicines can help bronchitis; gargling with salt water can help sore throats, and rest and fluids can help both, he said. — Lindsey Tanner, The Associated Press

cine. In an editorial, Dr. Rita Redberg, the journal's editor, noted that only about


Pi sma e rom eca acteria cure utin ections By Marilynn Marchione The Associated Press

Hold your nose and don't spit out your coffee: Doctors have found a way to put bacte-

ria from healthy people's poop into pills that can cure serious gut infections — a less yucky way to do "fecal transplants." Canadian researchers tried this on 27 patients and cured them all after strong antibiotics failed to help. It's a gross topic but a serious problem. Half a mi llion Americans get C l ostridium difficile, or C-diff, infections each year, and about 14,000 die. The germ causes nausea, cramping and diarrhea so bad it is often disabling. A very potent and pricey antibiotic can kill C-diff but also destroys good bacteria that live in the gut, leaving it more susceptible to future infections. R ecently, s t u dies h a v e shown that fecal transplants — giving infected people stool from a healthydonor — can r estore t ha t b a l ance. B u t they're given through expensive, invasive procedures like colonoscopies or throat tubes. Doctors also have tried giving

— no one else has done this," he said. "I am optimistic that this type of preparation will C-diff. make these procedures much "It lasted for two years. It e asier for p atients and f or was horrible. I thought I was physicians." dying. I couldn't eat. Every The treatment now must be time I ate anything or drank made fresh for each patient so water I wa s i nto the bath- the pills don't start to dissolve room,"she said."I never went at room temperature,because anywhere, I stayed home all their w ater c ontent w o uld the time." break down the gel coating. With her daughter as the Minnesota doctors are testing donor, she took pills made by freezing stool, which doesn't Louie two years ago, and "I've kill the bacteria, so it could be been perfectly f i n e s i nce," stored and shipped anywhere Corbin said. a patient needed it. Dr. Curtis Donskey of the Cleveland Veterans A f fairs Medical Center, who has done vPurr &oct 6 &o. fecal transplants through colonoscopies, praised the work. "The a pproach that D r . Bend Louie has is completely novel Redmond John Day Burns AIS ZX2VBVg ,ot s» «sIO, I~ s Lakeview r x e r r c rf e iy ( e La Pine

gel capsules so they won't dissolve until they reach the intestines. "There's no stool left — just stool bugs. These people are not eating poop," and there are no smellyburps because the contents aren't released until they're well past the stomach, Louie said. D ays before starting t h e treatment, patients are given an antibiotic to kill the C-diff. On the morning of the treatment, theyhave an enema so "the new bacteria coming in Jeff Mclntosh /The CanadianPress have a clean slate," Louie said. Dr. Thomas Louie, an infectious disease specialist at the UniverIt takes 24 to 34 capsules to sity of Calgary, holds a container of stool pills in triple-coated fit the bacteria needed for a gel capsules in his lab in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Studies have treatment, and patients down shown that fecal transplants — giving infected people stool from a them in one sitting. The pills healthy donor — can restore balance to a person's gut bacteria. make their way to the colon and seed it with the normal variety of bacteria. the stool through enemas but Dr. Thomas Louie, an infecLouie described 27 patients the treatment doesn't always tious disease specialist at the treated this way recently at IDtake hold. University of Calgary, devised Week, an infectiousdiseases There even are YouTube a better way — a o ne-time conference in San Francisco. videos on how to do a simi- treatment custom-made for All had suffered at least four lar treatment at home via an each patient. C-diff infections and relapses, enema. A study in a medical Donor stool, usually from but none had a recurrence afjournal of a small number of a relative, is processed in the ter taking the poop pills. these "do-it-yourself" cases lab to take out food and exsuggeststhe approach is safe tract the bacteria and clean it. and effective. It is packed into triple-coated

Margaret Corbin, 69, a retired nurse's aide from Calgary, told of th e m isery of

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Fibromyalgia Continued from E1 "We try to really look at where there'sevidence of effectiveness,"she said. "We're looking out for th e public's interest. We're trying to give them more bang for their buck with state Medicaid." For people like Kim Dupree Jones, an associate professor of nursing at Oregon Health and Science University and advocate for fibromyalgia patients, the commission's openness to learning more felt like a victory. "It's a good day," she said.

'There are a million paths' Last week wasn't the first time the HERC has taken a closer look at fibromyalgia. It did the same in 2008, a meeting that drew similar passionate testimony from experts and patients. At that time, commission members decidedthere wasn't enough evidence that the available treatments were effective. The Food and Drug Administration has since approved two more drugs to treat fibro-

myalgia (there are three in all), more evidence has been published on the effectiveness of gentle exercise and other therapies and the World Health Organization gave the disorder its own code in its updated International Classification of Diseases, said Robert Bennett, a professor ofmedicine and nursing at Oregon Health and Science University. Fibromyalgia patients need family doctors to guide them through the medical system and refer them to p hysical therapists, neurologists, counselors and so forth, said Bennett, a retired physician who testified at both last week's meeting and the 2008 meeting in support of covering fibromyalgia under OHP. But that all requires regular doctor visits, which OHP currently does not pay for if the patient's diagnosis is fibromyalgia. That means fibromyalgia patients can end up in the ER or developing other costly health problems with the fi-

nancial burden shifted onto to taxpayers, Bennett said. "It really costs the state and government a lot of money if these people aren't dealt with in the ways that we now know can help them," he said. The evidence and feedback are indeed mixed on whether the three FDA-approved drugs actually work. Pfizer originally made Lyrica to treat seizures, and the drug is associated with side effects such as blurred vision and trouble concentrating. T h e FDA originally approved Eli Lilly's Cymbalta to treat anxiety and depression. For Foster, the side effects of Lyrica and Cymbalta were "horrific." She said she quickly quit Lyrica when it caused her to start losing her eyesight, a nd Cymbalta after i t h a d damaging effects on her heart, kidneys and liver. In reality, fibromyalgia sufferers — many of whom have multiple medical conditions — often try t o r elieve their symptoms with opioid pain medication, sleeping pills and antidepressants. That's been the case for fibromyalgia patient Tracy Lasseter. The 28-year-old Portland resident has been on so many m edications, she can'teven remember them all. "If someone tells you 'You have this disease,' usually you have a clear-cut path to take," she said. "With fibromyalgia, there are a million paths, and you just kind of try them, one after the other."

'It's not all in your head' Even if OHP did cover fibromyalgia, social worker Mary Wells said she's not convinced it would do much good in the current medical paradigm. Primary care doctorstend not to incorporate things like mental health and physical therapy into their care regimens, and fibromyalgia is a complicated disorder t h at's directly connected to patients' mindsets, she said. "Mental and physical health are on the opposite sides of the world," Wells said. "Mind and body — one is here, the other

in Timbuktu." Wells is currently leading a pilot study at The Center: Orthopedic,Neurosurgical Care and Research in Bend to learn whether Medicaid recipients with chronic pain can improve their quality of life using a multidisciplinary program that encompassesself-care,a healthy diet, counseling and yoga. She said she believes fibromyalgia patients need to practice movement and m e ditation, and directs them to "retrain their brains" to get rid of the pain. Allison Suran, the owner of Healing Bridge Physical Therapy in Bend, said most fibromyalgia patients she sees have been shuffled around within the medical system for years, and many doctors have told them it's all in their heads. "My line is 'It's not all in your head, but there's a lot going on in your brain,'" she said. Research ha s id e ntified changes inthe central nervous system that are visible on MRIs in fibromyalgia patients, showing that it's more than just a mental condition, Suran said. Suran's method of treatment i nvolves starting with v e ry small amounts of movement and increasing that over time. Fibromyalgia instills patterns of bracing and muscle tension, and therapy involves learning to relax the muscles, she said. The physical therapy should also coordinate with counseling that emphasizes stress reduction, Suran said. Such therapy has been invaluable for Foster, but her private insurance plan allows only a limited number of visits. It also doesn't cover alternative medicine like acupuncture or supplements. If fibromyalgia is covered under OHP, Foster said she hopes it encourages doctors to coordinate across specialties. She sees separate doctors for her pain, supplements and primary care. "Ifthe resources we already have would pull together instead of pulling apart, the fibromyalgic would be so much better off," she said.

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— Reporter: 541-383-0304, tbannow@bendbuiietin.com


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QUEsTloN: I spent the weekend raking pine needles and now it hurts to lift my arm away from my side. What can I do to fix this? ANswER: The shoulder is c omplex and susceptible to overuse injuries. The joint is like a golf ball sitting on a tee. It has a large mobile ball sitting in a little socket. The Siiri Berg shoulder gets most of its stability through a MPT, OCS web of muscles that surround the joint and shoulder blade. Common imbalances in these muscles cause abnormal stresson the joint which can lead to an injury.

In an acute bout of shoulder pain, start with rest and ice. If you experience frequent pain with activity, a physical therapist can determine the underlying causes contributing to added stress on the joint. A weak muscle, tightness in the joint, abnormal posture, or a combination of all three leads to excessive stress on the shoulder. Your physical therapist can develop a customized plan to address your specific needs. They will help monitor your progress to ensure that you can return to all of your desired activities without return of symptoms and guide you on a path to wellness.

~ II


QUEsTtoN:My husband and I are thinking about having a baby in the upcoming year. What happens in a pre-pregnancy or preconception consultation? ANswER: It is so great that you are asking this question! The ideal time for a couple to examine their health and readiness for Mary Huntsman, a p re g nanc yi s months before concePtion. Many parents to be have questions about occupational or environmental exposures, whether they have vitamin or mineral deficiencies, how their daily habits can affect a pregnancy, or if they should worry about diseases that may run in the family. What is great about developing a plan to address all of these areas is that often the recommendations not only help prevent problems and promote a healthy pregnancy, they can also improve fertility. There is so much new research showing that the "environment" during the time of pregnancy has a big impact for years to come. There are many ways that this impact can be a positive one.

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QUESTioN: I start my day with a quick breakfast

of coffee and doughnuts. Is that okay? ANSWER:For a couple of reasons, coffee and

doughnuts is not the best combination for giving your day a kick start. The best way to start the day is with a nutritious breakfast; you won't find much nutrition in a sugar-laden Carlo Arredond doughnutand a sip ofcoffee.The combination can also be harmful to y our teeth. The sugar in the doughnuts —and perhaps in your coffee? —is a key contributing factor to the process that leads to cavities and gum disease. And if there's cream in the coffee, that also contributes to the proliferation of the bacteria that cause cavities. In addition, the tannins contained in coffee can work their way into tooth grooves mid fissures, giving your teeth a dull, stained look If you simply can't resist or avoid that morning doughnut, eat it quickly and don't linger over it. The less time your teeth are exposed to sugar, the less time the bacteria have to create the harmful acids. If you're drawn to coffee and doughnuts because you're on the run in the morning, try switching from a doughnut to a piece of fruit. Some nutrition experts advise that you buy some fruit every time you go grocery shopping. The ideal scenario, of course, is to allow time in the morning to sit down for a nutritious breakfast of, say, cereal and fruit, and leave a couple of minutes for a thorough brushing and flossing before heading off for work. Talk to your dentist about a healthy morning start.

D r. Dondo D e n t a l E x c e l l e n c e D r. Carlo A r r e d o n d o , D D S 660 NE 3rd Street, Suite 3,


Bend, OR 97701 541-241-1299 www.DrDondoBend.com

QUESTtoN:I have a red flaky rash on my face that has been there for 6 weeks. I tried some cortisone cream but it still didn't go away. Should I be concerned?

ANswER: It would certainly be a good idea to have this checked out.

My suspicionwould be fora pre-cancerous lesion called an Actinic Keratosis (AK). This is from excessive sun exposure over a lifetime, and presents as a pink scaly patch or bump that does not go away. These can be treated with liquid nitrogen, or at times with prescription creams, or even a "blue" light treatment called Photodynamic Therapy. Mark Hall, M.D.

Slowly these AK's may grow and approximately 10-20% of the time they may develop into a non-melanoma skin cancer, either Basal Cell Carcinoma or Squamous Cell Carcinoma. This would be more concerning and may require a biopsythough both are very treatable if caught early.

QUESTtoN: What is the best age for a woman to have a face lift?

A NswER: There isno ideal age for a face lift. Itdepends on the degree ofaging (skin laxity), genetics, individual anatomy and when the persons appearance concerns them enough to do something about it. Adam Angeles, Generally, patients who have a face lift in M.D. Board Ceitified their 40's or 50's get a better long lasting ' "" ' " 'g e » result than those who wait until later in life, although older patients can still get great results. Sometimes, a lesser procedure like fillers or fat injections can give a significant improvement, if there is minimal skin laxity, to delay the need for a facelift. It is best to see a board certified plastic surgeon for a consultation, so that you can be examined and your areas of concern and options discussed accordingly.

Of course, your rash could also be a dermatitis that might just need a different type of cream or stronger cortisone. It would be a good idea to be evaluated by a Dermatologist, especially since it has been there for longer than a month.


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541-678-0020 www.centraloregondermatology.com

QUESTIDN:What treatments are available for

Accidental Bowel Leakage? ANSWER:Accidental Bowel Leakage (ABL) also known as Fecal Incontinence is not a part ol the aging process. Many common causes include inappropriate diet, frequent diarrhea/constipation or damage to Jana VanAmburg, the rectum or surrounding nerves. ABL is a complex M.D., PACS medical issue and there are avariety of therapy options available to help control bowel leakage.

Typically treatment begins with conservative therapy. Dietary changes such as adding fiber or avoidingcoITee,tea, and chocolatecan help regulate the digestive tract. Medications can be taken to assist in regulating bowel movements. There are also bowel training exercisessuch asbiofeedback as well as kegel or pelvic floor exercises that may be tried. If conservative therapy is mildly effective or ineITective, there is now a bulking agent called Solesta that can be injected into the anal walls to thicken the tissues and prevent stool from passingthrough unintentionally. This is a painless procedure that can be done in the office without anesthesia. It is a safe option to surgical intervention. Surgery should be reserved for patients with ABL when other conservative treatments have failed. Fecal Incontinence is not a natural part of life. Don't let ABL control your life. Call your doctor today to ask about treatment.

J ana M . V anAm b u rg , M D , F A C S V anAm b ur g S u r g e r y C a r e 2275 NE Doctors Dr., Bend OR 97701 541-323-2790 Offices in Bend & Redmond

QVESTfON: Q. I am trying to lose weight

hardly eating anything and exercising like crazy. Why can't I lose weight? ANswER: Weight management can be a tricky business, with problems due to many reasons. First would be to ensure that there is not any chronic disease or medical Dr. Kerie Raymond reaSOnS SuCh aS mSulm reSIStanCe; thyrOid, "" " .P" . " adrenal or sex hormone imbalance. Next Physician

would be a liver detox or metabolic cleanse. We tend to store our toxins in fat tissue and it is difficult to lose the fat until we lose the toxins. Then there are a few myths we need to bust. Metabolism is set and can be reset by a variety of mechanisms. If we "fast" by not eating, our metabolism slows deliberately to compensate for the lack of fuel. To lose weight we need to eat, especially a breakfast high in protein, low in sugars. Coffee is our enemy here also by stimulating insulin and cortisol. "The Weight Loss Cure" book re-popularized Dr. Simeon's HCG protocol which we utilize here in ourclinic along with other medically supervised weight management programs. We can provide all hormone testing, programs and tools to get you started looking and feeling better.


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FITNESS Work yourupperarms, shoulders, back andchest with tricep dips resting, slowly straighten the arms until

to your body, making theexercise easier

to tone and tighten the back of the upper arms, while indirectly working stabilizing muscles including the shoulders, back and chest. Starting position: Seated on a stable

Tricep dips areoneof the bestways

you are back tostarting position.

to do. If bending the knees, try not to use

elevated surface such asa bench or

the muscles becomestronger, add sets or reps.

chair, place hands shoulder width apart and keep the arms straight. Carefully bring the rear end off the edge, heels resting on the floor and legs straight. Lowering Phase: Bend the elbows and slowly begin to lower the body toward the floor until a gentle chest stretch is felt, as shown in the photo. Depending on flexibility and surface height, the rear end may or may not touch the floor. Without

0 By Leslie Barker The Dallas Morning News

DALLAS — Picture yourself as a cartoon character, looking earnestly at a whistle-necked, c l ipboard-carrying fitness professional. Your mouth is open, spewing into a text balloon the reasons you simply can't exercise that day. She has to focus her eyes on your forehead so they won't start rolling. That's because she has heard protestations galore — yours, and countless variations on the theme. Here are some of the most c ommon e x c uses, la m e brained and otherwise, and ways trainers suggest you talk yourself out of them. Whine No. 1: I don't have time. The t r ainer's c omeback: Make time. "Wake up a l i t tl e earlier than normal a few days per week and get it done," says Jeremy Allen, a certified personal trainer at Baylor Tom Landry Fitness Center. "If you plan ahead, you can find the time."

Beginners should start with one to two sets of eight to12 repetitions, or

the leg muscles to pushyourself back up. To maketheexercise more challeng-

simply complete asmanyrepetitions as

ing, elevate the feet using another chair

you are able to with current strength. As

Tips Ideally, the height of the surface you

are pushing against should allowfor complete range ofmotion, without overstretching.

Tricep dips can beperformed by bending the kneesinstead of keeping legs straight. Doing so brings the feet closer

inin ! Katie Brumley, fitness coordinator at Landry, says fitness takes less time than you might think. A half-hour will suffice. If that's too big a chunk, break it up. She suggests two ways to use that time: Circuit training: Alternate one minute of c ardiovascular activity — running stairs

or jumping rope, for example — with one minute of bodyweight activity such as squats or push-ups. Interval training: Incorporate high-intensity bouts into y our regular workout. Mi x

jogging with walking, for e xample, or s printing w i t h

jogging. Whine No. 2: I'm too tired. The t r ainer's c omeback: You won't be for long. "Studies show that regular exercise can improve mood, boost energy levels and enhance your sense of well-be-

ing," Brumley says.

If you schedule your workout as you do other parts of y our life, eventually it w i l l become a habit. So tie your

Tricep dip lowering phase: Bend the elbows and slowly lower the body toward the floor until a gentle chest stretch is felt.

or bench. Doing sowill increase resis-

tance significantly. Not all exercises are right for everyone. Those with rotator cuff, elbow, wrist or shoulder problems should check with their doctor before attempting this

Cox Newspapers

exercise. Keep shoulders down,and donot bend the elbows lower than 90 degrees. Avoid fully locking out the elbows. — Majrie Giiiiam, Cox Newspapers


no-exerciseexcusess 0 own shoes, adjust your cap and get by credible sources. Workgoing. You look the part, so you might as well live it. Whine No. 3: I'm not fat, so I

don't need to exercise.

The t r ainer's c omeback: Yes, you do. This excuse "makes me cringe," says Mallory Mans our Dubuclet, owner a n d head trainer at Positively Fit Lake Highlands. "Weight loss is primarily about diet; exercise is about internal health and fitness." Studies show l if e e xpectancy is not necessarily correlated with low body weight, she says, "but is definitely connectedto cardiovascular exercise and resistance training." Whine No. 4: I don't know where to start. The trainer's comeback: At

the very beginning. Educate yourself, says Kerry Little, Dallas running coordinator for Luke's Locker. Ask fit friends, who might have been waiting for you to join them. Brumley suggests starting with exercise videos put out

ing with a p ersonal trainer can help you identify areas of weakness and help you develop them so you won't get injured. "Many gyms offer complementary orientations to the equipment, where a f i t ness p rofessional will s how y o u how to adjust and properly use the machines," she says.

think your priorities. When Allen hears that excuse, he asks, "Are there expenses you can cut? Going out to eat? Drinking?" "The answer is usually yes," he says. "You can usually cut out one bad habit in order to

make a gym membership affordable. You can also exercise at home." Whine No. 7: I don't want to

Whine No. 5: My (name of mess up myhair body part) hurts. The t r ainer's c omeback: The t r ainer's c omeback: Avoid th e m o vement t h at brought on the pain. Dubuclet ack n o wledges that some people are in constant pain with such limiting conditions as knee or shoulder trouble, or plantar fasciitis. "I try to remind them that they are still blessed with the ability to move," she says, "and should consult a p e r sonal trainer for alternative ideas, or to strengthen the areas around the injured body part." Whine No. 6: I can't afford a

gym membership. The trainer's comeback: Re-

Mussed hairis easier tended than a messed-up body. "If you're comparing the importance between ahairdo and a healthy lifestyle, you need to prioritize better," Allen says. "Bring toiletries and a change of clothes to your workout. Planning is key." Or work out when you have more time afterward to primp a little.

Brumley says clients often think they have to look good to even step foot inside a gym. She assures them that most people are at the gym for the same reasons — to take care of themselves, not be critical of others. Adds Little: "We are all wrapped up in our own worlds, so get over thinking others may notice and do something to make them notice!" Whine No. 9: I'm too old. The t r ainer's c omeback: Probably not. "If you can breathe," says Jill Murawski, instructor at Fit Yoga in Richardson, Texas,

"you can do yoga."

Says Gwen Flood, adjunct physical education professor at Richland College. "You're never too old and you're never too old to start." She teachesemeritus classes for older adults and tells those Whlne No. 8: I'm too embar- students what she also stresses rassed to work out at a gym (or to her younger ones: "The key join a class or running group). is to never stop moving, really The t r ainer's c omeback: and truly. Ever. There's always People are more concerned something you can do. You with how they look, not you. can modify any exercise." S

Yoga Continued from E1 A dozen years after her double mastectomy, followed by chemotherapy and breast r econstruction, t h e Da l l a s woman relies on yoga to keep at bay the side effects no one told her about. "You go through this stuff, and a lot of times the side effects don't hit till years later," says Scholberg, 54. Her toes tingle almost constantly. She doesn't have a lot of use of her thumbs. Physicians constructed her breasts from muscles in he r b ack, leading to "so much scar tissue and so little movement," says Scholberg, an avid runner and walker. "Yoga helped with stretching and making me feel so much better." Her one regret? That she didn't practice yoga while undergoing treatment. No one thought about it then, she says. "Yoga is all about mind, spirit and body. When you're going through chemo, it's such a traumatic time. Your body changes. You lose your hair. What yoga does is bring me to a place of peacefulness a person going through that needs." Plus, yoga helps patients deal with the stress of recurrence, Juturi says. At Dallas Yoga Center, owner and director David Sunshine says clients at all stages of cancer ask about yoga. "I tend to tell people that yoga doesn'tnecessarily heal cancer, but it is scientifically proven to help in many ways getting through the process of recovery," Sunshine says. "It's about making the body a safe place to feel comfortable and return home to, so one is able to soften and relax and let go of a lot of the stressors and feel normal once again." Peace of mind is the first phrase that comes to mind when Jenny Parum, Scholberg'sinstructor and owner of the newly opened Yoga Movement studio, names the benefits of yoga for people dealing with cancer. "It's the mental aspect," Parum says, "the healing that's necessary in the mind. The focus and therelease are the main aspects. You have to nurture yourself on a completely

Ready to start? If you havecancer and want to try yoga, hereare some suggestions from the experts. • Consider yoga a complementary therapy, used in addition to medications. • Get medical approval, says Dr. Jaya Juturi. Your

doctor can tell you what precautions to take. • Ask around about finding a class. Juturi tends to

recommend those that are more about poses than cardio workouts. "I'm not saying that's bad," she

says, "but we're doing it for the mind, body and spiritual benefits." The hospital or clinic where

you're treated mayoffer some. • Tell your instructor

you have cancer,says David Sunshine of Dallas

Yoga Center. "That way, the teacher canadapt accordingly and give proper variations."

"(Yogais) about making the body a

safe place to feel comfortable and return home to, so one is able to soften


ing knee surgery, decided to try yoga when her company offeredclasses twice a week. "Because of my mentality, I really like the physical challenges," she says. "It's still hard for me, and I've been doing it almost four years." Parum has taught her to modify certain poses that she either can't do or are too painfulbecause of her chemotherapy. Some days, for instance, her fingers and hands hurt. "So instead of s preading them on the mat, I put them in a fist. Jenny knows the limitations I have, and if something is hard for me, she'll remind me, 'Do it this way.'" The breathing and meditation inherent to yoga help strengthen muscles, says Bonnie Lucio. She's a rehab supervisor and physical therapist for Baylor's rehabilitation outpatient oncology clinic, which has free yoga classes for cancer patients three Fridays a month. "Yoga can help a lleviate symptoms of pain, insomnia, fatigue," says Lucio, who recommends it to all her patients. "Cancer-related fatigue is re-

its various aspects of yoga with helping her deal with her breastcancer — the diagnosis, the lumpectomy and the radiation she had almost eight years

taught me to step back and look at it as what it really is. There's so much more to life than whatever is causing stress."


"It's the Zen experience you have in the class, the camaraderie, the community you have with fellow yogis," she says. "The b reathing t e chniques


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ally big. Yoga is also good for flexibility and balance, plus


it helps psychological health


a nd r educes a nxiety depression."



It helps people escape from

what they're dealing with, says Leslie Storms. The registered nurse, yoga instructor and and relax and let go of former family therapist used to teach a yoga class in Plano, a lot of the stressors Texas, to cancer survivors, and feel normal once their families and caregivers. again." "For amoment,they're focusing and thinking about some— David Sunshine, thing that's not the illness," Dallas Yoga Center Storms says. "It's a moment of freedom from the mind, from their 'oh-I'm-sick' story and different level." getting to focus on their breathShe credits yoga with turning and their intention. To me, ing her own life around after that's the sweetness of someher doctors diagnosed rheu- one struggling with that." matoid arthritis at age 19, so Yoga is empowering, she she understands its transfor- says, a notion that comes up mative power. f requently wit h t h ose w h o Cancer is a fearful time for work with yoga practitioners who have cancer. people, she says. Yoga is all "It's seeing how people can about "getting them to a place where they feel sure of them- o vercome limitations of t h e selves, developing i n t ernal mind and what their doctor strength, keeping their bodies told them, limitations of what active and moving." society tells them and what Scholberg, who stopped run- their illness tells them." ning marathons after undergoJennifer Trimmer, 51, cred-


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Attitude keeps the poundsoff • It seems like all . my friends are trying one of the trendy

diets — one's on a juice cleanse, another's going gluten-free (but doesn't need to be); is all of this safe and healthy? • We constantly A • hearaboutthe latest, greatest diet sure

to, once andfor all, help you shed unwanted pounds forever. The allure of quick fixes is hard to resist. They're

espousedbycommercial weight-loss programs, movies, music or TV stars, celebrity chefs and

even health care providers. Eachnew"trendy diet," as you call them, aims to hookyou with

a story line concocted around a brand-new discovery about human metabolism that holds

the promise of permanent weight loss. You ask whether these trendydiets are safe and healthy. It de-

pends on howextreme the approach is, along with your health risks and medical conditions.

"Most people whogo on an endlessarray of

fad diets lose weight in the short term, but odds

are the poundsmake a comebackand then

some. Thesediets are often so restrictive in calories, certain nutrients, and/or foods that

Frozenor res, is isasim e, eat u o tion By Susan Selasky Detroit Free Press

I f you're t r y ing t o e a t h ealthier, don't r u l e o u t s hopping the f r ozen f i sh aisle. Many sources say that's where you're more apt to buy fish that was frozen at its freshest. And fish that are high in omega-3 fatty acids are thought to lower health risks. According to the American Institute fo r C a n cer Research (AICR) website, a diet incorporating lean meat like fish an d p l ant-based foods as well a s l i m iting red meat can reduce one's chances of getting cancer. With the spotlight on raising awareness about breast cancer, which took my mother, Mary Selasky, 29 years ago, eating good-for-you foods like some fish is a simple choice. And those fish can be a great dinner option. Fish

typically cooks

q u ickly,

needs little fuss and takes to a variety of flavors. B ut i t ' s i m p o rtant t o choose your fish wisely. W hile sources such as the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend eating at least two servings of fish per week, others urge caution. Some fish such as King Mackerel have high mercury levels, while others such as salmon have very little. For those with higher

levels, moderation is k ey. This recipe features mahimahi, which falls in the middle. Also known as dolphinfish, mahimahi is a firm fish with a pinkish hue. It has a mild flavor with a hint of sweetness. Moderately fatty, mahimahi is a good source of protein, Vitamin B6 and selenium. And if you're concerned about our oceans' health, y ou'll be h appy t o k n o w that mahimahi is listed both as a Best Choice or Good A lternative on t h e M o n terey Bay A quarium Seafood Watch list www.mon tereybayaquarium.org. T o me, mahimahi i s a treat (most people I know don't eat it on a weekly basis). And, because it's on the fir m s i de, m a himahi holds up well to all cooking methods. W hat also m a kes t h i s dish terrific is the addition of lightly sauteed zucchini ribbons and grape tomatoes. Slicing the zucchini into thin ribbons — a good vegetable peeler works just fine — makes for an elegant presentation. Adding the tomatoes and briny capers serve to brighten the dish. This recipe does include butter — it's a small amount per serving — but you can leave it out if preferred. And, if you like, it works just as well with salmon.

Mahimahi with skillet-sauteed zucchini ribbons and grape tomatoes Serves: 4; Preparation time: 15 minutes; total time: 40 minutes BASIL BUTTER (OPTIONAL) '/4 cup fresh basiI leaves, torn 2 tablespoons butter, softened 1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice '/4 teaspoon salt 1 garlic clove, minced, optional FISH 4 mahimahi pieces, about 5 ounces each

1 teaspoon Morton Nature's Seasons seasoning blend ZUCCHINI ANDTOMATOES 1 tablespoon olive oil 2 shallots, peeled, sliced (about 1/3 cup) 2 garlic cloves, minced 3 cups grape or cherry tomatoes, halved

/2 cup dry white wine 2 tablespoons capers, welldrained 2 tablespoons white or dark balsamic vinegar 2 medium zucchini, sliced lengthwise into ribbons '/4 cup chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley

Preheat the broiler.

To prepare basil butter: In a small bowl, stir together all the ingredients and set aside. Lightly coat a broiler pan with cooking spray. Place the mahimahi on the pan and sprinkle with the seasoning

blend. Cook 4-5 minutes oneachside or until desired degree of doneness. To make thezucchini and tomatoes: Meanwhile, in a large skillet heat the oil over medium-high heat. Add shallots and garlic cloves and saute 3 minutes. Add tomatoes and saute 2 minutes. Stir in the wine, capers and vinegar. Bring to a boil. Add the zucchini ribbons; reduce the heat and simmer about 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. Stir in

parsley. Set aside. When the fish is done, arrange a few zucchini ribbons on each plate. Top with a piece of fish. Scatter the remaining tomatoes and skillet ingredients on top of the fish and garnish with a teaspoon or so of the basil butter.

Nutrition information perserving: 286 calories (34 percent from fat),11 grams fat (5 grams sat. fat),11 grams carbohydrates, 36 grams protein, 688 mg sodium, 148 mg cholesterol, 3 grams fiber. — From and tested hySusan Setasky for the Free Press TestKitchen. Analysisincludes basil butter.

Broiled mahimahi with basil butter and lightly sauteed zucchini ribbons and grape tomatoes is a good source of protein, Vitamin B6 and selenium. JessicaJ. Trevino Detroit Free Press

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they're impossible to follow for extended periods and in real life, which for

most people includes restaurant foods, special occasions, family gatherings andmore," Faye BergerMitchell, a registered dietitian and eating-disorders expert in Bethesda, Md., said in

an email. It's time to halt your

quest for the magic weight-control formula. "Evidence showsno one diet is better than another for weight loss,

especially keeping it off," Sherry Pagoto said in

an email. Pagoto is alicensed clinical psychologist, associate professor of medicine at the University of Massachusetts

Medical Schoolandcoauthor of a recentarticle in the Journal of the American Medical Association, "A Call for an End to the Diet Debates."

Pagoto's papernotes that studies repeatedly

show low-carb, low-fat and Mediterraneandiets help people losesimilar amounts of weight. But what's more important is behavioral adherence. The

best indicator of success for any eating plan is whether you can stick to it forever. Your task: find an eating plan that best

matches your current and desired way ofeating thatyou canadhere to in the long term. "The 'diet' mentality

focuses onchanging habits temporarily to lose weight.... Transition, instead, to a 'lifestyle' mentality to achieve a healthy weight for the long haul," Pagoto said. To do this,

you will have toaccept two harsh realities: 1)

Going on andoff diets will not result in longterm weight loss, and2) keeping lost weight off is hard workand a lifelong

endeavor. Lastly, don't shoot for

your ideal bodyweight, particularly if you haven't seen that weight on the

scale for years. Research continually shows that

shaving 5 to 7percent from your starting weight and keepingthat weight off offers a host of health benefits, such

as lowering blood pressure and glucoselevels, improving lipids and sleep, andmore. — Hope Warshaw,Special To TheWashingtonPost


"Acalorie ts a calorie from an energy balance

eat less, exercise more — still makes sense. "It works every time," Nestle said. She agrees that calorie measurement is inaccurate. Instead of calorie counting, she recom-

Th e Bulletin

Are your hearing aids working properly?

point of view, but, from an effect on the body, Continued from E1 Researchers like Carmody there may be a difference." question whether the c alo— Dale Schoeller, professor of nutritional sciences at the ries you see on food labels University of Wisconsin and an officer of the Obesity Society accurately reflect how many calories your body actually mends weighing yourself reguuses.Others are studying the larly. If you're gaining weight, complex chain of signals that light on the nation's obesity ep- measure what happens to their you're eating too much. foods trigger, telling the brain idemic. But there are no simple weight, metabolism and gut Charlene Compher, a Penn you'rehungry or fullorneed to answers as science progresses bacteria. n utrition p r o fessor, t h i nks store fat. The calories may be in its maddening, inconsistent Marion Nestle, a nutrition whatever may be wrong with We will clean and the same, but some foods, like way. Earlier studies found that professor at New York Univer- the way w e c ount calories check your hearing cake, make not eating more people fed diets with the same sity and author of "Why Calo- pales in comparison with eraids for FREE, difficult. calories but different types of ries Count," is looking forward rors in portion size. regardless of make It might also matter whether food lost the same amount of to the results. She still thinks there's value or model. you eat at night or in the morn- weight. In the meantime, she and in using numbers that help us "It's complex inside of you. other experts said, it's still a ing. A University of Pennsylsee the relative energy content vania study last year found It's complex outside of you," safe bet people will lose weight of foods. "I feel like at least that mice that ate when they said Robert Post, who leads if they eat fewer calories than having a sense of what kind of ordinarily would have been the U.S. Department of Agritheir body needs to maintain foods are loaded, if you will, is sleeping gained more weight culture's Center for Nutrition its weight. For most overweight important information for me than mice that ate at the regu- Policy and Promotion. to have," she said. s Li mit one per customer. people, the standard advicelar time. An Israeli study pubHe said the USDA, which lished recently in the journal reports the caloric values of Obesity found that overweight foods, still believes a gram of women lost more weight when carbohydrates or protein has breakfast, rather than dinner, four calories whether the food was their biggest meal of the is cooked or raw. day, even when the day's total Carmody disagrees. She fed calorieswere the same. lab mice raw and cooked orThen there's the effect of ganic sweetpotatoes or beef. the 2 to 4 pounds of microbes They maintained their weight that live in our guts. They also on cooked sweet potatoes, but use the food we eat and send lost on the raw. They lost about signals to our brains. A recent twice as much weight on raw study compared what h apmeat as on cooked. Carmody, pened when mice raised in a who is now at Harvard Universterile environment were giv- sity, studying gut bacteria, said en transplants of gut bacteria cooking increasedthe effective from obese and thin humans. caloric value of the meat by 10 Those who got microbes from percent to 15 percent and the heavy people gained more potatoes by 30 percent. weight. Kaplan suggests another And we don't all burn calo- explanation. It's not just how ries at the same rate. A thou- many calories we eat. It's also sand calories don't have the how many we use. Foods may same effect in a guy who has change that. "They may not always been thin as in one have gotten more energy," he who just lost 100 pounds. Life's said. "They may have burned not fair. Once a body estab- more energy." lishes what Michael Schwartz, Carmody doesn't r ecoman endocrinologist at the Uni- mend an all-raw diet — it's Drs. Ida Alul and Patricia Buehler are always available for you, versity of Washington, calls a not healthy — but says eating providing quality vision care right here in Central Oregon. "defended body weight" at an more raw food could help. She obese level, it's a lot like a set agrees with most weight experts that the real drivers of point, and the body fights to maintain it. obesity are too much food and We are the only LASIK provider in CentralOregon Last year, Eric Ravussin, di- too little exercise. with a permanently-based laser that never leaves our clinic. rector of the Nutrition Obesity The Nutrition Science IniResearch Center at the Pen- tiative, a nonprofit whose goal nington Biomedical Research is to improve obesity science, Center in L ouisiana, helped has just begun a study it hopes Infocus is the first to offer Bladeless LASIK in Central Oregonstudy contestants from The will add more facts — from Biggest Loser who had lost an humans, not mice — to the dethe very best LASIK technology available anywhere. average of 120 pounds. Even bate. One huge problem with with vigorous exercise, which diet studies involving people should maintain muscle mass is that dieters cheat. This lland rev up metabolism, their week study will work with inmetabolic rates had slowed. patients. They'll be fed a stanRavussin said they needed to dard (healthy) American diet take in about 500 fewer calories of 35 percent fat, 50 percent a day to maintain their weights carbs, and 15 percent protein than someone of th e same or a ketogenic diet consisting eye care weight who had not dieted. of 5 percent carbohydrate, 15 ca t a rac t • Ia si k • v isio n "We have to start thinking percentprotein and 80 percent that calories are not every- fat, said Ravussin, one of the thing," said Lee Kaplan, direc- investigators. tor of the Obesity, Metabolism The overweight participants and Nutrition Institute at Mas- will be fed enough calories to sachusetts General Hospital. theoretically keep their weight I • • • ' ' I All of this is slowly shedding stable. Researchers will then




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oware in ss a in ou? TV SPOTLIGHT

promos reminding viewers "it's not too late" to catch up with "Hostages." • It really isn't too late to catch up with "Hostages": Yes, it's serialized, but it's Jerry Bruckheimer-style serialized. All you need to know is that McDermott's playing a rogue FBI agent who's apparently being coerced into coercing the president's surgeon (Toni Collette) into killing the president, using the threat that otherwise he'll kill her whole family and

By Ellen Gray Philadelphia Daily News

The fall TV season's still rolling out, but with broadcasters already canceling and renewing shows, it's not too soon for a look at how things are going sofar: • Keeping itshead:Yes,there's a guy riding around without his, but "Sleepy Hollow" is one show that need not fear the network's ax. The Washington Irving-meets-the-apocalypse drama was renewed for Season 2 after it drew Fox's best numbers for a drama debut in six seasons.

Nicole Beharie, left, and Tom Mison star in "Sleepy Hollow," which has been renewed for a second season on Fox.

What might have seemed like a good idea — limiting this season of "Sleepy Hollow" to 13 episodes — might look less smart now that it's found an audience. • Losing the jackpot: ABC's "Lucky 7." The drama about a group of co-workers in Queens who strike it rich in the lottery deliverednumbers so unfortunate it was yanked after two episodes, becoming the firstshow of the season to be canceled. You'd think that after HBO's "Luck" an d " L ucky L o uie" and FX's "Lucky" all tanked, programmers would become superstitious. • Still winning: Kerry Washington, whose addictive "Scandal" returned for its third season with its best ratings yet

and also snagged the top spot in Nielsen's new list of shows most talked about on Twitter. No wonder reruns of the show have replaced "Lucky 7" on Tuesdays. • Showkiller on the loose?We hate to even think such a thing about Jerry O 'Connell, but CBS' quick dismissal of "We Are Men" isn't the "Jerry Maguire" star's first Cancellation Rodeo. Besides some pilots that never made it to series ("Mockingbird Lane," "Rex Is Not Your Lawyer"), O'Connell starred in the CBS-canceled "The Defenders," with Jim Belushi; the Fox-canceled"Do Not Disturb," with Niecy Nash; and the ABCcanceled "Carpoolers." In O ' C onnell's d e fense,

• Not-so-winning strategy:

had this technology available, there'dbe less demand for extensions. And baseball caps. • Rolling toward cancellation? NBC's"Ironside," starring Blair Underwood as the detective in a wheelchair, debuted Oct. 2 with what were reported to be the network's lowest ratings ever among advertiser-targeted 18- to 49-year-olds for a fall drama debut,before dropping further in the second week. (You know how Eskimos are said to have dozens of words for snow? There are at least that many categories to describe ratings failures.) Barring a Nielsen miracle, this one's headed for the NBC Remake Trash Heap to join "Knight Rider," "The Bionic

maybe even her dog. (So maybe it is complicated. But I think Brownie Harris/ Fox via The Associated Press

the dog will be fine.)

• Marvel-ous: T h ough i t s numbers have dropped since its much-hyped premiere, ABC's "Marvel's Agents of SHIELD," "The Defenders" wasn't bad. which has been picked up for And O'Connell's presence on the rest of the season, is still "Crossing Jordan" didn't seem holding its own against CBS' "NCIS" and doing particularly to hurt it any. • Battle of the former David E. well, according t o V a r iety, Kelley lawyers: James Spader among the male viewers that ("Boston Legal") pulled ahead ABC had hoped to attract. of Dylan M cDermott ("The Starting thi s week , Practice") in t h e v er y f i r st "SHIELD" faces not N BC's head-to-head meeting of their "The Voice," but the premiere respective Monday-night thrill- of "The Biggest Loser" (with ers, NBC's "The Blacklist" and "American I dol" r u n ner-up CBS' "Hostages," and hasn't Ruben Studdard among those


looking to shed pounds).

Suspect." • Learning nothing: NBC's looking to bring back that '80s show "Remington Steele" as a half-hour comedy, Deadline. com reportedlastweek. • Not sorWonder'-ful:Spin-off "Once Upon a Time in Wonderland" opened lower than last season's canceled "Last Resort," burnishing the reputation of 8 p.m. Thursdays as an ABC death slot.

Because the rich only get richer, "The Blacklist" is also winning the race to the DVRs, picking u p mo r e v i e wers in the following week than "Hostages." NBC's already picked up "Blacklist" for the rest of the season, while CBS is running

• Gone but not forgotten: Maybe I'm theonly one who liked Mindy Kaling's season finale pixie in Fox's "The Mindy Project," but thanks to a flashforward, the cut (it was a wig all along) was gone in record time, with the star now sporting a bob. If only more women

ordered 22 episodes of "The Michael J. Fox Show" before it even aired. So maybe it's timeto move it to a night where someone might see it? Because with all due respect to "Parks and Recreation," NBC Thursdays have become must-flee TV.

ime eas aino osin a et Dear Abby: You gave some nice advice to "Afraid of the Loss" (June 25), who wrote concerning the impending death of a beloved pet. I think your suggestion of a support group is helpful, but having lost a pet I had for 16 years, I have experienced the deep pain this DEAR man will feel. ABBY Adding a second pet to his home while his pet is still alive oftenenergizes an older pet.When the time comes, it will help the human to have another loving pet to help with the grieving. As I learned, only time was able to take the deep hurt to a place where I could think of him without tears.Keeping the ashes of a pet can be comforting, whether you choose to bury them later or tuck them away inyour home. Most important is having a plan for when that moment comes so y ou automatically k n o w w h a t needs to be done. It really helped to have all the details of his final moments thought out so I felt in control. I wouldn't have missed the love of my dog evenknowing the pain

Woman" and (alas) "Prime

that has to come in the end. It's something that should be on everyone's bucket list. — Cathy in California Dear Cathy: My thanks to you and all the readers who sent heartfelt letters supporting "Afraid." It's easy to see why dogs are c alled m an's b e st friend because of all the love, affection, e ntertainment a n d companionship they give us, and why we only want the best for them in this life and after. Read on: Dear Abby:Your pet is your child. Anyone who doesn't understand that isn't worth worrying about when the loss occurs. Will it hurt? Of course.But the pain does ease intime. When my first dog died, I spoke with a grief counselor at the local veterinary college. It didn't make my pain disappear, but it helped me to understand it more. Your pet does not live in the future, but in the moment. Enjoyevery moment you have together and accept the unconditional love your pet has given you. You WILL get through it. — Deb in Belmont, Mich.

Dear Abby: Having shared the love of many pets over the years, I have found that dealing with the loss of our furry friends never gets easier, no matter how many times you go through it. I just reflect on all the cherished times I shared with them, and I know I did my best to make their lives grand. I know I'm better off for having shared their

company. Having rescued all of my past and current pets from shelters, I saved them from an uncertain life. I gave them a loving home with affection, stability and a warm bed. While they all leave us at some point, their memory lives on in our hearts. I think I r ving Townsend said it best: "We who choose to surround ourselves with lives even more temporary than our own, live within a fragile circle, easily and often breached. Unable to accept its awful gaps, we would still live no other way. We cherish memory as the only certain immortality, never fully understanding the necessary plan." — Four Paws Father — Write to Dear Abby at dearabby.com or P.O. Box69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069

• Just a suggestion: NBC

MOVIE TIMESTODAY • There may beanadditional fee for 3-D and IMAXmovies. • Movie times aresubject to change after presstime. I



Regal Old Mill Stadium16 8, IMAX,680 S W.Powerhouse Drive, 800-326-3264 • CAPTAINPHILLIPS(PG-13) 12:05, 1:30, 3:10, 4:35, 6:I5, 8, 9:20 • CLOUDYWITH A CHANCE OF MEATBALLS 23-D (PG) 12:20, 2:40 • CLOUDYWITH A CHANCE OF MEATBALLS 2(PG)1:05, 3:40, 6:05, 9:05 • DON JON (R) 12:40 • ENOUGH SAID (PG-13) 12:55, 4, 6:20, 9 • GRACEUNPLUGGED (PG)1:20,3:55,6:55,9:30 • GRAVITY(PG-13) 12:25, 7:30 • GRAVITY 3-0(PG-13) 2:45, 5:05, 4:20, 6:45, 9:15, 9:50 • GRAVITY IMAX3-0(PG-13) Noon, 2:30,4:50, 7:10, 9:30 • INSIDIOUS:CHAPTER2(PG-13) 1:25, 4:05, 7:40, 10:15 • INSTRUCTIONS NOTINCLUDED (PG-13) 12:15, 3:05, 6:30, 9:25 • MACHETE KILLS (R) I: IO, 3:50, 7:20, 10 • PRISONERS (R) 6, 9:25 • ROMEO &JULIET (PG-13)12:30,3:30,6:40,9:40 • RUNNERRUNNER(R) l2:35, 2:55, 6:50, 9:15 • RUSH(R) 12:50, 3:45, 7, 9:55 • WE'RE THE MILLERS (R) 1, 3:55, 7:25, 10:10 • Accessibility devices are available for some movies. I


McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W.Bond St., 541-330-8562 • PACIFIC RIM(PG-13) 6 • 'Yransition 2 'Crossthe Pond"screens at 9 tonight. • After 7p.m., shows are 21 andolder only. Youngerthan 21 may attend screenings before 7p.m.ifaccompanied by a legal guardian.

TV TODAY Sp.m. onH f3, "Parksand Recreation" —Leslie (Amy Poehler) tries to keep a minor scandal that's been blown out of proportion from becoming any bigger. Tom (Aziz Ansari) tries to impress his new girlfriend (Tatiana Maslany). Ben (Adam Scott) urges Ron (Nick Offerman) to draw up a will in the new episode "Gin It Up!" Aubrey Plaza and Rob Lowe also star. 8:31 p.m. on H C3, "Welcome to the Family" —They played spouses on "Desperate Housewives," and Ricardo Chavira and Eva Longoria are together again in this new episode. Longoria plays Ana Nunez, anold flame of Chavira's character, Miguel, who's now Demetrio's (Fabrizio Guido) teacher. Needless to say, Lisette (Justina Machado) isn't happy to discover this. Danny (Mike O'Malley) makes a big purchase, and Caroline (Mary McCormack) struggles with pregnancy symptoms in "The Big RVAdventure." 9 p.m. on (CW), "Reign" — It's a teen soap; it just happens to be about royal teens in the 1500s. Australian actress Adelaide Kane stars in this new period drama as Mary, QueenofScots.Here,she's 15 and has just arrived in France to formalize her engagement to Prince Francis (Toby Regbo). Obstacles await — including the prince's mother (Megan Follows) and his illegitimate half brother (Torrance Coombs), who's interested in her. Rossif Sutherland also stars. 9:01 p.m. on H f3, "Sean Saves the World" — Robert Gant ("Queer asFolk") guest stars in this new episode as Sean's (SeanHayes) blind date, a periodontist named Chase.Sean agrees to let Ellie (Samantha Isler) go to a party while he's out on the date, buthe spendsthe evening worrying about her. Max (Thomas Lennon) thinks Seanhas acrush on him in "Date Expectations." Linda Lavin also stars. 10:01 p.m. on H A, "Parenthood" —Kristina's (Monica Potter) campaign challenges Adam (Peter Krause) to step out of another comfort zone. Sarah and Amber (Lauren Graham, Mae Whitman) have a hard time discussing the wedding. Drew (Miles Helzer) tries to get closer to his new friend Natalie (Lyndon Smith). Zeek (Craig T. Nelson) has some lessons to impart to Sydney and Victor (Savannah Paige Rae, Xolo Mariduena) in the new episode "In Dreams Begin Responsibilities." ©zap2it

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Tin Pan Theater, 869 N.W.Tin Pan Alley, 541-241-2271 • No films are scheduled to screen today.

HAPPY BIRTHDAYFOR THURSDAY,OCT. 17,2013: This year you will be heard, and others will respond to your messages. Come summer 2014, you will start noticing that your life works in a most unprecedented way. If you are Stars showthe kind single, you could of dayyou'll have ha ve difficulty ** * * * Dynamicseparating one ** * * P ositive a d m irer from the ** * Average next. Make no ** So-so commitments yet. * Difficult If you are attached, your sweetie is likely to be unusually dominant. Know that this need to be a strong force in the relationship might die down once you give him or her some space. You certainly realize thatyou can't control anyone but yourself. ARIES is full of surprises!

ARIES (March21-April19) ** * * You could push someone into doing what you want, but it would be even better if the choice came from this person him- or herself. Even if the first reaction is not whatyou want, give it time to be processed. You might be surprised by what happens. Tonight: Expect the unexpected.


SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov.21)

** * * L isten to news openly. You might make some radical changes to your By Jacqueune Bigar schedule or health program that will have long-term implications. Be sure thatyou are ready for this transformation. Check the two. Be ready to change plans at the very last minute. Always visualize the end in with a doctor before doing anything result, and you will discover thatyour path drastic. Tonight: Run errands on the way home. is easier. Tonight: Join friends.

CANCER (June21-July22)

SAGITTARIUS (Nov.22-Dec.21)

** * * You could be in a leadership position and not want it. Think carefully before you throw away your crown and free yourself of those responsibilities. A change could occur that you might think you'll like. Tonight: Start the weekend early.

** * * No one can stop your creativity from flowing. It's as if it is a part of your body. Your ingenuity peaks, and your imagination goes wild. Keep anotebook beside you to jot down some of your better ideas. Tonight: Go for something naughty.

LEO (Jnly23-Aug. 22)

** * You could be in a position of giving theOK on a majorchange.Onceyou give the go-ahead, it won't be possible to revert back to this point in time. Of course,you need to take risksin orderto make your life dynamic. Weigh the pros and cons carefully. Tonight: Order in.

** * * A call from a friend who is often full of mischief will make you smile. Call this person if he or she does not call you first. Being with this individual gives you a new perspective on life. The two of you have a grand old time, no matter what you do. Tonight: Togetherness isthetheme.

CAPRICORN (Dec.22-Jan. 19)

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Fed.18)

** * * You are likely to say what you ** * * A partner or an associate knows think, regardless of the outcome. You'll get what he or she wants or needs, and won't a surprise when someone decides to react. hesitate to let you know what that is. You You could be more set on your preference not to change course than you realize. could feel pressured and/or cornered. TAURUS (April 20-May20) You might not have a choice right now. Your reaction might be very differentfrom ** * * * Y ou will want to rethink a Tonight: Hop on the Ferris wheel of life. your normal response, which will shock personal matter and work on visualizing this person. Tonight: Justbeyourself. PISCES (Fed. 19-March20) a positive change. Understand thatyou ** * * Be aware of the cost of continuing LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) might not get immediate results, butyou will gain an insight that will help fulfill your ** * * A p proach an important person inon your present path. You might be very your life without using manipulation. Even uncomfortable with a decision, but you desires. Let more romance in. Tonight: wantto changecourses.Counton if he or she is difficult, the results could be won't Not to be found. theunexpected wreaking havocandthe excellent in the long run. Touch base with GEMINI (May 21-June20) your inner feelings. Anger could be closer situation rectifying itself. Tonight: Treat a ** * * * E mphasize what is possible, loved one to munchies and adrink. to the surface than you think. Tonight: as opposedto whatyou believeyou can Sort through invitations. do, especially if there is a schism between ©20t3 by King Features Syndicate




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• CLOUDY WITH A CHANCE OF MEATBALLS 2(PG)5,7 • GRAVITY(PG-13)5:30, 7:30 • MACHETE KILLS (R) 4: I5, 6:30 • RUNNER RUNNER(R) 5:15, 7:15

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