Bulletin Daily Paper 12-07-12

Page 1

Serving Central Oregon since1903 75$

FRIDAY December7,2012










rents drive boomin bLiiding apartments

aimsto restore un s

By Shaifa Dewan and Nelson D. Schwartz

• Merkley helps local agenciesget more caseworkers

New Yorh Times News Service

Houston is better known for urban sprawl than dense apartment living. But as part of a national rush to capitalize on rising rents, developers there are building thousands of apartments like those south of downtown at Camden City Centre, where 268 units will open early next year in a complex that also has two swimming pools, billiards tables, a coffee bar and a fitnesscenter. As residential building recovers from a near standstill after the housing crisis, much of the momentum is coming not from subdivisions with green lawns and two-car garages but from rental apartments. Multifamily construction nationwide is twothirds of the way back to its prerecession peak, while single-family home construction is still only about a third of the way back to its peak, said David Crowe, the chief economist of the National Association of Home Builders. See Building /A5

• Bend's Jack Grimmstill has vivid memories ofthe Sunday when war cameto Hawaii

By Scott Hammers The Bulletin

By Ben Botkin • The Bulletin

Federal funding mistakenly cut from a program

ack Grimm was roused

designed to help people get off public assistance is likely to be restored due to the intervention of Sen. Jeff Merkley, D-Ore., Kenny LaPointof Redmondbased HousingWorks said Thursday. HousingWorks is one of five local housing authorities in Oregon that saw their funding for caseworkers in the Family Self-Sufficiency Program cut due to an apparent mistake by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. LaPoint, director of the

from bed on the morning of Dec. 7, 1941, by the sound of the bombs falling and low-flying aircraft. Inside • A reporter's story ofthe Pearl Harbor attack was

Grimm, a freshly minted second lieutenant in the

deemed too U.S. Army Air graphic to

publish, until C O r pS, WaS Still neW now,A2

program locally, said his

to the 78th Fighter

office had applied to HUD to receive three caseworkers serving 129 families in Crook, Deschutes and Jefferson counties. HUD announced in September that it would fund only one caseworker. See Error /A7

Squadron at Wheeler Field, about 16 miles north of Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. Grimm had joined the service in March 1941, well before the surprise

New drugs aimed at helping kids withcancer

attack on Pearl Harbor that drew

Mushroom looks good, tastesogod, often kiIs

the U.S. into World War II. Now living in Bend, the 92-yearold has a sharp memory of the day. He was 21 years old during the attack. Today, he is one of a dwindling number of surviving

By Anna Edney B(oomt/erg News

WASHINGTON — Four experimental cancer treatments that may one day help gravely ill children are facing review by U.S. pediatric advisers who have been working for years to find ways to develop more drugs for this underserved population. The medicines from GlaxoSmithKline, Amgen, Threshold Pharmaceuticals and Boehringer Ingelheim have the potential to treat children with a variety of tumors and fastspreading leukemia. The pediatric advisers to the Food and Drug Administration met Wednesday to discuss how best to test the medicines in sophisticated clinical trials in kids that may eventually lead to marketing approval.


By Cynthia Hubert


World War II veterans who were

The Sacramento Bee /'

present that day. See Survivor/A4

Pearl Harbor survivor Jack Grimmholds up his uniform at his home in Bend. Grimm was stationed at Wheeler Field during the attack 71 years ago.

mushroom poisonings

Vintage photos show Jack Grimm before and after he entered the military in March 1941.

Companies typically gain clearanceforcancer medicines in adults first and then take the time to learn more about the drugs' potential in younger patients, a smaller and less profitable market. See Cancer/A7

8 .4 We userecycled newsprint


88267 02329

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — It ls a klller d>sgu>sed tn a luscious package. Amanita phalloides, the mushroom suspected of fatally poisoning four elderly people at a Loomis, Calif., care home, is commonly called the death cap. The death cap draws in mushroom hunters with its sturdy stem and smooth, bald top, ranging in colorfrom bronze to greenish yellow, and then kills — it is almost singularly responsible for fatal

Photos by Rob Kerr • The Bulletin Some of the medals earnedby retired Air Force Lt. Col. Jack Grimm during his service. The circular medal in the middle denotes his status as a Pearl Harbor survivor.

The Bulletin AnIndependent Newspaper

Vol. 109,No. 342, 78 pages, 7 sections

INDEX B usiness E1-4 Comics B 4 - 5 Family B1 - 6 S ports D1- 6 C alendar B 3 C r osswords 85, F2 Local News C1-8 Stocks E 2 - 3 Classified F1-4 Editorials C 6 M o vies GO! 39 TV B2


worldwide. "These mushrooms are very, very sexy," said Dr. Todd Mitchell, a Santa Cruz physician who is leading a national study of an antidote to toxic mushroom poisoning. "They look very attractive in the field. They grow virtually side by side to chanterelles, and they look very robust. They smell quite sweet, and by all accounts are quite delicious." See Mushrooms /A5


Light snow High 39, Low 29

EGYPT:Turmoil deepens, A3

Page GS

TYPHOON: Death toll at 420, A3


The Bulletin




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Discoveries, breakthroughs, trends, names in the news — things you need to know to start your day.



e orter's account o ear ai OI ina its rintears ater

It's Friday, Dec. 7, the 342nd day of 2012. There are 24 days left in the year.

By Elizabeth P. Mclntosh

of attack in the dark. Sirens

Special To The Washington Post

shrieking, sharp, crackling

On Dec. 7, 1941, when Japanese planes attacked Pearl Harbor, I was working as a reporter for the Honolulu Star-Bulletin. After a week of war, I wrote a story directed at Hawaii's women; I thought it would be useful for them to know what I had seen. It might help prepare them for what lay ahead. But my editors thought the graphic content would be too upsetting for readers and decided not to run my article. It appears here for the first time:

police reports and the tension of a city wrapped in fear. Then, in the nightmare of Monday and Tuesday, there was the struggle to keep normal whenplanes zoomed overhead and guns cracked out at an unseen enemy. There was blackout and suspicion riding the back of wild rumors: Parachutists in the hills! Poison in your food! Starvation and death were all that was left in a tourist bureau paradise.

Photos byThe Washington Post

Elizabeth P. Mclntosh, 97, worksat the typewriter at her home in Westminster, Va. She was a reporter in Honolulu when Pearl Harbor was attacked in 1941. Her written account of the attack and aftermath was deemed too graphic to run in the Honolulu Star-Bulletin. It is published this week for the first time, in The Washington Post.


HAPPENINGS • A state environmental panel will decide whether to force oil

producers to report pollution levels from their fuels.C3

IN HISTORY Highlights:In 1941, Japan launched a surprise attack on the U.S. Navy base at Pearl

Harbor in Hawaii as part of its plan to conquer Southeast Asian territories; the raid,

which claimed some 2,400 American lives, prompted the United States to declare war

against Japan the next day. In 1787, Delaware became the first state to ratify the U.S. Constitution. In1796,

electors chose John Adams I t a lked w i t h e v acuees. to be the second president of For seven ghastly, confused From Hickam, a nurse who the United States. In1909, days, we have been at war. had dropped to the floor in the chemistLeo H. Baekeland To the women of Hawaii, it hospital kitchen as machine received a U.S. patent for has meant a total disruption gun bullets dotted a neat row Bakelite, the first synthetic of home life, a sudden acof holes directly above her; plastic. In1946, fire broke climation to blackout nights, from Schofield, a woman who out at the Winecoff Hotel terrifying rumors, fear of the wanted me to send word to in Atlanta; the blaze killed unknown a s p l anes drone her sweetheart "somewhere 119 people, including hotel overhead and lorries shriekin Honolulu" that she was still founder W. Frank Winecoff. ing through the streets. alive; from Pearl Harbor, a In1972, America's last moon The seven days may stretch nurse who wanted scraps of mission to date was launched rl') tr to seven years, and the women paper and pencil stubs to give as Apollo17 blasted off from of Hawaii will have to accept a to the boys in the hospital who Cape Canaveral. new routine of living. It is time, had last messages they wanted Ten years ago:Iraq handed now, after the initial confusion sent home; a little girl named over its long-awaited arms and terror have subsided, to T heda who had a b i g d o ll declaration to the United sum up the events of the past named Nancy and who told Nations, denying it had week, to make plans for the me in a quiet voice that "Daddoomsday weapons. future. dy was killed at Hickam." It would be well, perhaps, to Elizabeth P. Mclntosh interviews a U.S. sailor in Honolulu in this At the office, there were Five years ago:Twowindow review the events of the past undated photograph. frantic calls from al l s orts washers fell 47 stories from a seven days and not minimize of women — housewives, Manhattan skyscraper when the horror,to better prepare stenographers, de b u tantes their scaffolding failed; Edgar for what may come again. arrival), trundled off to make first story, alone remained — wanting to know what they Moreno was killed, but his I have a story to tell, as a re- room for victims who were to give any h int o f w h e re could do during the day, when brother, Alcides, miraculously porter, that I think the women still breathing. t he store had been. At t h e husbands and brothers were survived. of Hawaii should hear. I tell it There was blood and the smashed soda fountain was away and there was nothing One year ago:Rod because I think it may help fear of death — and death it- a half-eaten chocolate sunleft but to listen to the radio Blagojevich, the ousted lllinois other women in the struggle, self— inthe emergency room dae. Scorched bonbons were and imagine that all hell had governor whose three-year so they will not take the past as doctors calmly continued scattered on t h e s i dewalk. broken out on another part of battle against criminal charges events lightly. to treat the victims of this new There were odd pieces lying the island. became anational spectacle, I reported for work imme- war. Interns were taping up in the wreckage, half-burned It was then that I realized was sentenced to14 years in diately on Sunday morning windows to prevent them from Christmas cards, on one, the how important women can be prison. when the first news — Oahu crashing into the emergency words "Hark the Herald" still in a war-torn world. is being attacked — crackled area as bombs fell and the visible. There were twisted There is a j o b fo r every BIRTHDAYS over the radio, sandwiched in dead and wounded continued bedsprings, half-burned mat- woman in Hawaii to do. a church program. to arrive. I had never known tresses,cans of food, a child's I discovered that when I Actor Eli Wallach is 97. Linguist Like the rest of Hawaii, I re- that blood could be so bright blackened bicycle, a l u n ch visited the Red Cross centers, and political philosopher Noam fused to believe it. All alongthe red. box, a green raveled sweater, canteens, evacuee districts, Chomsky is 84. Bluegrass sunny road to town were peoa Bang-Up comic book, ripped the motorcorps headquarters. singer Bobby Osborne is 81. In the city ple just coming out of church, awnings. There is g r eat o rganizaActress Ellen Burstyn is 80. dogs lazy in the driveways, Returning to the city, I felt I ran out of notepaper and tion in Honolulu, mapped out Sen. Thad Cochran, R-Miss., is mynas in noisy convention. a mounting sense of fear as reached down and picked up thoughtfully and competently 75. Broadcast journalist Carole Then, from the neighbor- Honolulu began to realize that a charred batch of writing pa- by women who have had exSimpson is 72. Baseball Hall hood called Punchbowl, I saw more was in the air than an per, still wet from a fire hose. perience in World War I, who of Famer Johnny Bench is 65. a formation of black planes Army alert. There was, too, the irony of have looked ahead and foreActor-director-producer James diving straight into the ocean I went to a bombed store on Christmas tinsel, cellophane, seen the carnage of the past Keach is 65. Singer-songwriter off Pearl Harbor. The blue King Street, where I often, in decorations. A b u rned doll, seven days and planned. Tom Waits is 63. Sen. Susan sky was punctured with anti- times past, stopped for a Coke with m o ving e y es, s inged — After herjournalism career, Collins, R-Maine, is 60. aircraft smoke puffs. Sudat the cool drug counter. curls and straw bonnet, like Mclntosh, now 97,served in the Basketball Hall of Famer Larry denly, there was a sharp whisSeven little stores, including a miniature corpse, lay in the Office of Strategic Services and Bird is 56. Actress Priscilla tling sound, almost over my my drugstore, had nearly com- wreckage. the Central Intelligence Agency Barnes is 55. shoulder, and below, down on pletely burned down. Charred, That Sunday after d u sk before retiring to Lake Ridge,Va. — From wire reports School Street. I saw a rooftop ripply walls, as high as the there was the all-night horror She is the author of four books. fly into the air like a pasteboard movie set. For the first time, I felt that numb terror that all of London has known for months. It is the terror of not being able to do anything but fall on your ,'' g stomach and hope the bomb won't land on you. It's the helplessness and terror of sudden visions of a ripping sensation E3 in your back, shrapnel coursV ERY PRIVATE SETT I N G WEST SIDE CH A R M ERS ing through your chest, total on an RM zoned lot. Two adorable cottages in across the streetfrom the Deschutes River. blackness, maybe death. fantasticlocation. Very easy to rent and close Over /tacres,light and bright home with many




At the hospital The vision of death became reality when I was assigned to cover the emergency room of the hospital. T he first v i ctims o f t h e Japanese-American war were brought there on that bright Sunday morning. Bombs were still dropping over the city as ambulances screamed off into the heart of the destruction. The drivers were blood-sodden when they returned, with s t ories of streets ripped up, houses burned, twisted shrapnel and charred bodies of children. In the morgue, the bodies were laid on slabs in the grotesque positions in which they had died. Fear contorted their faces. Their clothes were blueblack from incendiary bombs. One little girl in a red sweater, barefoot, still clutched a piece of jump-rope in her hand. Firefighters from the Hickam Air ForceBase carried the victims in. The men had a red T marked on their foreheads, mute testimony of th e efficiency of first-aiders in giving tetanus shots to ward off lockjaw. The body of a man with a monogrammed shirt, H.A.D., was marked DOA (dead on

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Le a otma mean e aaction U.N. envoyseeksdeal By Charlie Savage New York Times News Service


WASHINGTON — Senior White House and Justice Department officials are consid-

• A crowd turned out at Seattle's Space Needle to light up in

ering plans for legal action

legalization of marijuana,C5

against Colorado and Washington that could undermine voter-approved initiatives to legalize the recreational use of marijuana in those states, according to several people familiar with the deliberations. Even as marijuana legalization supporters are celebrating their victories in the two states, the Obama a d m inistration has been holding high-level

celebration of Washington's

meetings since the election to debatethe response of federal law enforcement agencies to the decriminalization efforts. Marijuana use in both states continues to be illegal under the federal Controlled Substances Act. One option is to sue thestates on the grounds that any effort t o r e gulate

marijuana is pre-empted by federal law. Should the Justice Department prevail, it would raise the possibility of striking down the entire initiatives on the theory that voters would not have approved legalizing the drug without tight regulations and licensing similar to controls on hard alcohol. Some law enforcement officials, alarmed at the prospect that marijuana users in both states could get used to flout-

ing federal law openly, are said to be pushing for a stern response. But such a response would raise political compli-

cations for President Barack Obama because marijuana legalization is popular among liberal Democrats who just turned out to re-elect him. Federal officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the matter. S everal cautioned that t h e issue had raised complex legal and policy considerations — including enforcement priorities, litigation strategy and the impact of international antidrug treaties — that remain unresolved, and that no decision was imminent.


Governor won't succeed DeMint C OLUMBIA, S . C . South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley says she will not appoint herself to replace outgoing Republican U.S. Sen. Jim DeMint. The Republican governor took questions from callers on WORD-FM on Thursday. She promised to appoint someone who would fight for conservative ideas. Haley says she had no timetable to announce her pick to r e place DeMint, but says she will not drag the decision out. She also didn't m e ntion w h ether she is supporting anyone

specifically. DeMint anno u n ced Thursday he will resign at the end of theyeartobecome president of the conservative Heritage Foundation.

Police think remains are missing cousins E VANSDALE, Iowa Investigators are confident that human remains found by hunters are those of two young Iowa cousins who vanished in July, authorities said Thursday. Autopsies by the state medical examiner's office were still under way, but the remains are believed to be those of Lyric Cook and Elizabeth Collins, who were 10 and 8 when they did not come back from riding their bikes July 13, Black Hawk County sheriff's Capt. Rick Abben said. Hunters found the bodies Wednesday in a rural wildlife area in northeastern Iowa, about 25 miles from Evansdale, the city of 4,700 where the girls were last seen. Authorities found their bikes and a p u r se near a recreational lake in the city, and their disappearance sparked a mas-

sive search and kidnapping investigation involving the FBI, state and local police. Abben said i n vestigators were leaning toward reclassifying the case as a homicide investigation, but would wait for information from the autopsies before


Guatamala denies asylum to McAfee G UATEMALA CITY Software company founder John McAfee was hospitalized briefly T h u rsday after being denied political asylum in Guatemala, and his lawyers said they were making a last-ditch effort to keep him from being flown back to Belize for questioning about the killing of a fellow American expatriate. M cAfee told Th e A s sociated Press that he sufferedchestpains overnight but didn't believe he had a heart attack. McAfee was moved from an immigration center to a police-run hospital Thursday afternoon after Guatemalan authorities said his request for asylum had been denied. He was released from the hospital and taken back to the detention center Thursday night. — From wire reports

to oust Syjia's Assad By Michael R. Gordon and Ellen Barry

to see if they can agree on specifics of a negotiating apNew York Times News Service proach that might end the DUBLIN — With the sup- 2 0-month conflict, w h i ch port of the United States, the has killed more than 40,000 U.N. special envoy on Syria Syrians. is mounting a d i p lomatic With A s sad's f o r tunes push for a brokered agree- looking bleaker and persisment that would lead to the tent worries that the Syrian ouster of the country's presi- leader is considering using dent, Bashar Assad, and the his chemical arsenal, the installation of a transitional hope on the U.S. side was government. that th e R u ssians m ight The envoy, Lakhdar Bra- throw their weight behind himi, convened an unusual Brahimi's effort. three-way meeting ThursThe United States is tryday night at a Dublin hotel ing to shape and broaden with U.S. Secretary of State the Syrian opposition so that Hillary Clinton and the Rus- it can play a major role in a sian foreign minister, Sergey political t r ansition should Lavrov. Assad be driven from power. After the 40-minute meet- Clinton has hinted that the ing, Brahimi said his goal United States will recognize was to "put together a peace the Syrian opposition as the process" that would build on legitimate political represendiscussions that the United tative of the Syrian people States and Russia had in at a meeting next week in June but w h i c h q u i ckly Marrakech, Morocco — ascollapsed. suming that the opposition Brahimi and senior U.S. c ontinues to f lesh out i t s and Russian officials plan to organization and p o litical meet again in several days structure.


Typhoon's toll rises: 420 dead, 400 missing say, 'We are better off here.

By Bnllit Marqnez Hassan Ammar The / Associated Press

Egyptian protesters stand behind barbed wireon a road leading to the presidential palace during a protest Thursday against Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi in Cairo. The Egyptian army has deployed tanks outside the presidential palace following clashes between supporters and opponents of Morsi that left several people dead and hundreds wounded.

The Associated Press

At least we have food to eat or NEW BATAAN, P h il- money to buy food, even if it is ippines — The Philippine risky.' "But somehow we w ould government's geological h azard maps show w hy like to protect their lives and this farming community if possible give them other was largely washed away sources of livelihood so that by a strong typhoon: "high- we can take them out of these ly susceptible to flooding permanent d anger z o nes," and landslides." That didn't Paje said. stop some villagers from Nearly 400 p eople were rebuilding even with bodies m issing today after the t y still lying under the mud. phoon struck th e s outhern Most of the about 420 Philippines this week. people confirmed dead After a night of pounding from Typhoon Bopha were rain, floodwaters started rising killed in the steep valley around4a.m. Tuesday, trapping that includes New Bataan, farmer Joseph Requinto, his a town c r i sscrossed by wife and two young children in rivers and cleared from their house near a creek. " After that I s a w some lush hillsides by banana, coconut, cocoa and man- people being swept away," he go farmers in 1968. Flood- toldThe Associated Press.He ing was s o w i d espread climbed up a h i ll, carrying here that p laces people his children, and the f a mthought were safe, includ- ily found shelter behind bouling two emergency shel- ders that shielded them from ters, became among the coconut trees rolling down deadliest. the hill. "The water was as high as In the impoverished Philippines, the jobless risk life a coconut tree," he said. "All and limb to feed their fami- the bamboo trees, even the big lies and the government ones, were all mowed down." can do little beyond warning of the danger. "It's not only an environmental issue, it's also a poverty issue," said Environment SecretaryRamon COVERINGS Paje. "The people would

orsi een sau ori as ur m oi ee ens By David D. Kirkpatrick New York Times News Service

CAIRO — Egypt descended deeper into political turmoil on Thursday as the embattled president, Mohammed Morsi, blamed an outbreak of violence on a "fifth column" and vowed toproceed with a referendum on an Islamist-backed constitution that has prompted deadly street battles between his supporters and their secular opponents. As the tanks and armored vehicles of an elite military unit ringed the presidential palace, Morsi gave a nationally televised address offering only a hint o f c ompromise, while preserving his assertion of sweeping authority. His opponents quickly rejected, even mocked, his speech and vowed continued protests ahead of a planned Dec. 15 vote on the draft constitution. Many said the speech had echoes of h i s p r edecessor, H osni Mubarak, wh o s a w conspiracy in the unrest that

brought hi m d o w n . M o r si said that corrupt beneficiaries of Mubarak's autocracy had been "hiring thugs and giving out firearms, and the time has come for them to be punished and penalized by the law." He added, "It is my duty to defend the homeland." Morsi, a former leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, spoke a day after the growing antagonism between his supporters and the secular opposition had spilled out into the worst outbreak of violence between political factions here since Gamal Abdel Nasser's coup six decades ago. By the time the fighting ended, six people were dead and hundreds wounded. The violence also led to resignations that rocked the government, as advisers, party members and the head of the commission overseeing a planned vote on a new constitution stepped down, citing the bloodshed and the president's management of the political crisis.

Morsi also received a phone call from President Barack Obama, who expressed his " deep concern" a bout t h e deaths and injuries overnight, the White House said in a statement. "The president emphasized that all political leaders in Egypt should make clear to their supporters that violence is unacceptable," the statement said, chastising both M orsi and the opposition leaders for failing to urge their supporters to pull back during the fight. Prospects of a political solution also seemed a casualty, as both sides effectively refused to back down on core demands. The hostilities have threatened to undermine the l egitimacy of the constitutional referendum with doubts about political coercion. The feasibility of holding the vote also appears uncertain amid attacks on party offices around the country and open street fighting in the shadow of the presidential palace.

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Little movement reported in 'fiscal diff' budget talks By Christi Parsons and Lisa Mascaro Tribune Washington Bureau

W ASHINGTON — C ongress and the White House appear nocloser to an agreement on theyear-end budget crisis, although House Speaker John Boehner and President Barack Obama have opened lines of communication that could produce a deal later this month. The president on Thursday enlisted a Virginia family to humanize his effort to preserve tax rates for low- and middle-income h o u seholds w hile raising them o n t h e wealthiest 2 percent of Americans. Republicans are fighting to keep the lower rates for everyone. The Santana-Massenburg family of Falls Church, Va., would be snared if Washing-

ton failed to find agreement. All lower tax rates are set to expire Dec. 31, resulting in a $2,200 tax increase for average Americans. "They're keeping it together, they're working hard," Obama said of the family. "For them to be burdened unnecessarily because Democrats and Republicans aren't coming together to solve this problem gives you a sense of the costs involved in very personal terms." The president sat around the family's dining room table with Tiffany Santana, a high school English teacher, and her husband, Richard, who works at a Toyota dealership. They and their 6-year-old son share thespacious apartment with Tiffany's parents, Velma and Jimmie Massenburg, who work a s a c h i l d-care

provider and postal worker, respectively, to help pay the $2,000 monthlymortgage. Because the family has two sets of working adults as income earners, they can expect to lose about $4,400 next year if the tax cuts, first enacted in the George W. Bush administration, expire.

Congress was wrapping up other business this week as negotiations produced little movement toward c ompromise on the looming fiscal cliff of tax hikes and across-theboard spending cuts that lawmakers originally mandated as incentive to find a better way to trim the budget. "It's primarily a BoehnerObama negotiation, but that

doesn't appear to be going very well," said Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas.

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sa>d. When the veterans of any war pass away, they take with them the firsthand accounts and emotions that w r i tten historical records cannot replicate, said Murray Godfrey, a history professor at Central Oregon Community College in Bend. As a result, it's important to document their experiences andmemories, he said. "Once they're gone, you never have that firsthand account and younever have the emotion attached to it," he said. "You always have a separation. You can't remember how it feels."

Continued from A1 "I was lucky I d i dn't get killed because I was sleeping," he said "I got up out of bed and went down to the flight line, which is just exactly what I shouldn't have done, and there was still some strafing going on." Japanese planes were flying at 100 feet or less above the

ground. By then, the Japanese had already made the first run, destroying many U.S. airplanes. Grimm got to thinking: "What am I doing here? This is the most stupid thing to do." Wheeler Field had little in the way of protection. But a guard made a valiant yet futile attempt to discourage the Japanese attackers. "Single a i r planes w o uld come by," he said "Even the guard at the gate was shooting a shotgun at him. That was doing no good, but at least he was shooting." The devastation was widespread, wiping out most of the aircraft at the field. "They tried to get us all together, but there was nothing to fly," Grimm said. During the attack, guns and ammunition were locked up in the armory. A sergeant broke the locks off. G rimm r e m embers t h e squadron putting a couple of aviators up against the Japanese. As a recent graduate of flight school, Grimm said, his flying skills at the time were basic: He was not prepared to fly combat missions. "We did absolutely no good because nobody expected it," he said. "They had free rein." Pearl Harbor immediately started the shift to a wartime mode. As wives and children of troops were sent stateside, the service members remaining at Pearl Harbor moved into empty homes as rebuilding and war preparations moved forward. Despite t h e de v astation of aircraft at Pearl Harbor, Grimm was soon flying again in a P-40 fighter. His flight log shows he flew for about a halfhour on Dec. 11, 1941. That may have been a test flight, he sard. Grimm would get plenty of

Getting to Pearl Harbor

Rob Kerr/The Bulletin

Pearl Harbor survivor Jack Grimm,at his home in Bend, looks over his World War II flight log.

Grimm's path to Pearl Harbor started i n S acramento, Calif. He wasn't looking for a war, just a better job. A newspaper advertisement for cadets in the Army Air Corps caught

airplane," he said. "Of course, $205 back then was a pile of

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L OS ANGELES — I n just over seven minutes, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt gave voice to a nation's outrage, branding Dec. 7 as a "date which will live in infamy" for Japan's attack on the Pearl Harbor Naval Base. Within an hour, Congress had voted for a declaration of war. President Barack Obama on Thursday proclaimed Dec. 7 as "National Pearl Harbor Rem e m brance "I encourage all Americans to observe this solemn day of remembrance and to honor our military, past and present, with appropriateceremonies and activities. I urge all federal agencies and interested organizations, groups, and individuals to fly the flag of the United States at halfstaff this Dec. 7 in honor of those American patriots who died as a result of their service at Pearl Harbor," the proclamation notes. R oosevelt's speech i s consideredone ofthe masterpieces of political action of the 20th century and its luster has grown brighter. T he actual m emory o f World War I I m a y h ave dimmed, but the A mericans of that era have more r ecently been hailed as "the greatest generation" in books, film and television for their public service during an event that redrew the nation's social mores. "In his address to the Congress, President Franklin D. Roosevelt affirmed that 'with c onfidence in our Armed Forces — with the unbounding determination of our people — we will gain the inevitable triumph,'" says the proclamation signed by Obama.


S20 I .

Los Angeles Times


Documents from hisscrapbook show the journey that took him to the threshold of World War II. His certificate, gatteluie S1sr-Qulhibcl-" EIrilIA showing his graduation from flight training at Luke Field, Ariz., is dated Oct. 31, 1941. One week later, he headed for Pearl Harbor. The $125 ticket stub for his commercial voyage from San Francisco to HonoSubmitted photo lulu shows that he left on Nov. 7, Planes and hangars burn at Wheeler Fieldin Hawaii shortly 1941, aboard the S.S. Matsonia. after it was attacked. This photo was taken from a Japanese Pearl Harbor was a stopping plane. point at the start of the warnot the final destination. After Rob Kerr/The Bulletin six months at Pearl Harbor, Grimm holds a framed front about 28,000 — not every vet- Harbor. He was a 19-year-old Grimm headed to New Guinpage of the Honolulu Stareran who survived — joined private first class in the Army ea, where he flew 158 missions Bulletin headlining the attack the organization. Air Corps during the attack. and shot down tw o enemy on Sunday, Dec. 7, 1941. The association disbanded Yet the memories of Pearl planes in November 1943. in 2011, but about 1,800 former Harbor remain. After seeing combat, Grimm members remain, said the last R emaining v eterans a r e went to Redmond, where he chances to serve in battle as president of the organization, still encouraged to gather and trained pilots in 1944. His warthe war progressed. William Muehleib, of Virginia meet as groups throughout the time service was the start of a Beach, Va. U.S. as they can. Requests still career in the Air Force, and he Dwindling ranks Muehleib estimates about come from civic organizations retired as a lieutenant colonel Precise numbers of surviv- 7,000 total Pearl Harbor veter- and schools for survivors to in 1961. ing Pearl Harbor veterans are ans survive, although the Vet- talk. In their final years, some He still remembers the sacdifficult to come by. erans Administration puts the still have the energy to do so. rifices of Pearl Harbor and " The fact t hat w e h a v e those that followed, when he But the passage of time puts figure at less than 3,000. "Age and health is against closed down the organization lost fellow aviators. Each misthe youngest of them at nearly 90 years old. Some 84,000 ser- us when you consider that 71 officially has not in any way sion had a risk, he said. "Every day you took off, you vice members were onthe is- years have passed," Muehleib closed th e c o m munication land during the attack. When said in a telephone interview. b etween survivors and t h e could have got hit," he said. the Pearl Harbor Survivors A t 90, he i s a m ong t h e people who have an interest — Reporter: 541-977-7185; Association formed in 1958, younger veterans o f P e arl in what happened," Muehleib bbotkin@bendbulletin.com


By Michael Muskal

"I was making $70 a month in a gas station and they were



remembers Pearl Harbor

his eye. going to pay me $205 to fly an






Comparin gmushrooms

Continued from A1 In Northern California, they grow abundantly during the fall and early winter, typically sprouting beneath live o ak trees. The fungi, which contain a toxic protein that can cause permanent liver and kidney damage, sicken hundreds of people a year in California. On average, a half-dozen people suffer serious poisonings from the mushrooms annually and one or two die, said Dr. Kent Olson, executive medical director of the California Poison Control System. Death caps are the primary suspects in the illnesses last month of six people at the Gold Age Villa in Loomis, four of whom have died. Lilia Tirdea, a caregiver who cooked mealsfor residents of Gold Age Villa, picked wild mushrooms on the grounds of the care home, then cooked and served them in a gravy for dinner on Tuesday evening, Nov.6. By Thursday, nearly everyone who lived at the care home was terribly ill.

The poi sonous death cap mushroom is

Amanita velosa

often mistaken for edible varieties due

• Also known as the springtime amanita • Pale apricot, salmon or tan cap • As it matures, produces a fragrance of fish or shellfish • Highly perishable; should be eaten within a day or two of picking • Taste: sweet, slightly nutty

Building Continued from A1 The multifamily construction recovery, fueled by young people who are striking out on their own, is strongest in the South and West, particularly in markets where job growth is picking up. Last month, the C ommerce Department r e leased data on new construction that showed apartment complexes were going up at the fastest pace since July 2008. That has led to a fear of overbuilding. While rents are still rising, analysts say the steep increases between 2011 and 2012 are unlikely to be repeated asa surge of units are completed in the latter part of this year and will continue to come on the market early next year. Nationally, residential rents rose 4.2 percent in 2011, but only 3.6 percent so far this year, according to A xiometrics, a Dallas-based apartment market research firm.

Job market is key Much depends on the fortunes of the job market, which industry analysts said will determine whether higher rents are sustainable. "The real test is going to be what happens between now and April or May as we see all these new units introduced to the market," said Jay Denton, the vice president for research at Axiometrics. Still, vacancies remain extremely low and the pace of building in recent years has not been quick enough to replace obsolete, decrepit or demolished units, Crowe said. He projected that it would be several years before supply was back to normal. In Houston, from January to September, construction permits for multifamily housing increased by more than 70 percentover the same period a year earlier, according to data compiled by the homebuilders group. Permits for singlefamily homes, by contrast, increased by 25 percent. Shares of Camden Property, the real estate investment trust that is building Camden City Centre, were up about 20 percent over a year ago.

'Pent-up demand' "The demand for building is all over the country, really," said Ric Campo, Camden's chairman and chief executive. "We're seeing higher rents, faster lease-ups,lower construction costs — everything you want to see. Part of it is there's just a pent-up demand for new product because we didn't build anything during the downturn." In Houston, where low housing prices have traditionally kept the cost of living down, Camden can rent a one-bedroom apartment for $1,450. Houston is far from the only market where demand f or rentals is at a fever pitch. Denver, Oakland, Seattle, Miami and Charlotte, N.C., where many of the condo projects that went bust have been converted to rentals, also appear at the top of lists by data collectors like Trulia, Zillow and Axiometrics. The bulk of the apartments are not going to families who lost their homes to foreclosure,

to their similar appearance.

Killer mushroom A manita phalloides — - ~ •Known asthe death capmushroom

• Initial symptoms include abdominal pain, vomiting and severe diarrhea


Edidle look-alike Amanita calyptroderma • Also known as coccora • Golden brown color in fall; in spring, a cool-toned yellow or white Photos • Fall version is one of the courtesy of Debbie Viess most commonly eaten and Ron amanitas (in spring, it Pastorino closely resembles the poisonous forms)

Source: BayArea Mycological Society (bayareamushrooms.org) The Sacramento Bee/© 2012 Mcclatchy-Tribune News Service

At first the home's owner, Raisa Oselsky, who was not home when T i rdea served the mushrooms, suspected a rampant case of the flu. But after speaking with T i rdea,

she realized that of the home's six residents, only one had not eaten the mushroom dish. That person was fine. Everyone else, i n cluding Tirdea, ended up in area emer-

gency rooms. Barbara Marie Lopes, 87, a spirited woman who raised three daughters on her own and worked for decades as an aircraft mechanic at the for-

Sutter Roseville hospital who said Lopes was near death from wild mushroom poisoning. "It was just a sad mistake. A lapse in judgment," St. Urbain said ofthe circumstances of her mother's death. nI feel terrible for everyone." Oselsky declined to talk to a reporter when approached at the care home last week. "We are having a hard time here," she said,and referred allquestions to her attorney. nShe is very, very distraught about the whole situation, very concerned foreveryone affected and their families," said the lawyer, James Hazen. The California Department of SocialServices has determined that the poisonings were accidental. Even so, Tirdea no longer is allowed to work in care facilities licensed by the state. Regulators have d eemed Tirdea a "threat to the health and safety" of clients, accordingto a report issued last week. But she will not face criminal charges. A police investigation concluded that "this was an accident," said Placer County Sheriff's Lt. Mark Reed.

many of whom are renting single-family houses. Instead, the apartments are being rent-

ed by young people who had moved in with their parents during the recession, or simply had not yet moved out. People in their early 30s, the age when many might look to buy a first home, are renting for longer periods of time, partlybecause mortgages are difficult to come by and partly because they have been unnerved by the turmoil in the housing market. "That portion of the population is starting to grow again, but I think a lot of them, seeing what has happened, are not particularly enthralled with the idea of going out and buying a house," said Steve Blitz, the chief economist at ITG Investment Research. New household creation, for example when people move out on their own, slowed to a virtual halt during the recession, but it has begun to grow once more. Even so, there are still roughly the same number of homeowners as there were in 2004, Crowe said.

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Some units 500 square feet nAII of the net addition to households since 2004 has been in rentals," he said. To cater to younger customers, Camden and other apartment builders are developing smaller apartments in buildings with more lavish social spaces, Campo said. Where once 60 percent of the units in a given complex had two bedrooms, now 80 percent have one bedroom, and some units are as small as 500 square feet, he said. Cities like New York and San F rancisco ar e g o in g e v en smaller, experimenting with microapartments be t w e en 200 and 300 square feet in an attempt to meet demand and curb rents. Singles represent a large slice of new demand, said Doug Bibby, president of the National Multi Housing Council, which represents owners and developers. "They don't want a singlefamily home with a p i cket fence in the suburbs," he said. In fact, Bibby said, married couples with children make up under I i n 4 h ouseholds today and will be less than I in 5 h ouseholds by 2020. Experts estimate that rental growth will continue to drive construction for a t l e ast a couple of y e a rs, a l though those increases will be tamed a bit as more supply becomes available. Andy McCulloch,the head o f r esidential r e search a t Green StreetAdvisors, a real estate analysis firm, said it was a misconception that growing momentum in the single-family housing market would hurt the rental market. nIf the single-family market gets better it could help jobs, it could help incomes and you could see rent continue to rise," he said. Constraints on lending, McCulloch said, will also keep a lid on the number of new homeowners. nIf I was an apartment landlord, the only thing that would really freak me out from the buying side is the return of easy credit," he said. nBut that doesn't seem to be coming back anytime soon."

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• No. 1 cause of fatal mushroom poisonings worldwide • Grows throughout U.S. and Europe; usually found beneath live oak trees • Most abundant during fall and early winter, but can appear in late spring •Maturemushrooms have a bald, greenish yellow or bronze cap, and a pleasant odor and taste • Can cause liver failure and death if eaten

mer McClellan Air Force Base, died Nov. 9. So did Teresa Jania Olesniewicz, 73, who was a physician in her native Poland beforeshe came to the United States in the 1970s. A w eek a f te r t h e t w o women's deaths, officials announced a third fatality tied to the mushroom gravy: Frank Warren Blodgett, 90. L a st Thursday, Dorothy Mary Hatt, 92, was the fourth to die. Tirdea and one other person were recoveringfrom the poisonings as of late last week, officials said. In t h e q u a in t c o n f ines of Gold A g e V i l la, L o pes — whose memory was fading but who otherwise was fairly healthy — enjoyed watching TV, playing cards and keeping company with other residents and staffers, said her daughter Annette St. Urbain. On the Thursday evening after Lopes ate the p oison mushrooms, St. Urbain got a call from Oselsky, telling her that Lopes was ill with what appeared to be the flu. Early the next morning, she heard from an emergency room doctor at

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Cancer Continued from A1 That approach, though, has led to only 15 such medicines being allowed for use in children since 1998. C hildhood c a n cers a r e "therapeutic orphans," said Richard O'Reilly, chairman of the Department of Pediatrics at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York. "We have long wanted to have access to promising drugs earlier in their development for kids." About 10,000 children develop cancer over the course of a year, O'Reilly said, or less than I percent of the 1.6 million people in the United States who the American Cancer Society estimates will develop the disease this year. The new focus on getting adult cancer drugs to youngsters will be aided by legislation taking effect in January that requiresdrugmakers to discuss pediatric studies earlier than normal for appropriate populations of y o unger patients. Now, pharmaceutical companiesare required by law to study their products in children if the disease exists in the pediatric population. Children don't get breast or lung cancer that affect large groups of people. Instead, they suffer from their own deadly malignancies i n re l a t ively small numbers, O'Reilly said. An incentive that gives companies six additional months to market their treatment free from generic competition may help coax them into studying their drugs in cancers for younger patients. The population of pediatric cancer patients is so small that researchers have one shot at studying a particular cancer because trials for a single drug will use up all the children with a targeted disorder, said Susan Weiner, president of the Washington-based Children's Cause for Cancer Advocacy. "We have to pick the best bets," she said. Acute lymphoblastic leukemia is the most common cancer in children, representing about 23 percent of pediatric cancer diagnoses, according to the National Cancer Institute. About 2,900 children and adolescents younger than 20 in the U.S. are diagnosed with the disease each year, which causes unformed blood cells and peaks among 2- to 3-year-olds. The doctors and academics conveningtoday are members of a subcommittee of the FDA's oncology advisory panel. They will advise the agency on helping drug companies advance their understanding of h ow their medicines might work in children. Prior m e e tings h a v en't borne f r ui t a s r e g u lators learned how to r efine their approach, though New Yorkbased Pfizer's Xalkori, discussed at the 2010 meeting, is being studied by the Children's Oncology Group inyoung patients with solid tumors resistant to treatment, according to ClinicalTrials.gov. Children's Oncology Group, which said it's the world's largest organization devoted exclusively to childhood and adolescent cancer research, has almost 100 clinical trials open at any time and is supported by the Bethesda, Md.-based National Cancer Institute, which is part of the National Institutes of Health. Each of the four experimental drugs under d iscussion — trametinib from Londonbased Glaxo, blinatumomab from Thousand Oaks, Cal if.-based A m g en , So u t h San Francisco, Calif.-based Threshold's TH-302, and volasertib from closely held Boehringer of Ingelheim, Germany — has garneredinterestfrom pediatric oncology d octors, O'Reilly said. Weiner didn't want to comment on specific

drugs. O'Reilly is part of a trial that just began Amgen's blinatumomab for acute lymphoblastic leukemia that he expects will study patients in early phase trials over two years. " Pediatric l egislation, i n cluding a combination of incentives and r e quirements, has significantly i n creased pediatric drug research and development and led to a substantial increase in products with new pediatric information in labeling," according to an FDA staff report. Drugmakers ar e t e s ting 981 medicines and vaccines to fight cancer, according to a May report from the Pharmaceutical Research and ManufacturersofAmerica.

Michigan lawmakers pass right-to-work legislation ByJohn Flesher and jeff Karoub The Associated Press

LANSING, Mich. — Republicans slammed right-towork legislation through the Michigan House and Senate on Thursday, drawing raucous protests from throngs of stunned union supporters, whose outnumbered Democratic allies were powerless to stop it. Just hours after they were introduced, both chambers approved measures prohibi ting private u nions f r om requiring that nonunion em-

ployees pay fees. The Senate quickly f ollowed by voting to impose the same requirement on most public unions. Although rumors had circulated for weeks that right-

t o-work m e asures m i g ht surface during the session's waning days, the speed with which the GOP-dominated Legislature acted Thursday caught many onlookers by surprise. Details of the bills weren't made publicly available until they w ere read aloud on both floors as de-

bate began. The chaos drew raucous protestsfrom hundreds of union supporters, some of whom were pepper-sprayed by police when they tried to storm theSenate chamber. Because of rules requiring a five-day delay between votes in the two chambers on the same legislation, final e nactment could not t a k e place until Tuesday at the e arliest. Republican G o v. Rick Snyder, who previous-

Man pleads guilty in Seattle plot The Associated Press SEATTLE — A man pleaded guilty Thursday to plotting an attack on a Seattle military complex with

machine guns and grenades.

ly had said repeatedly that r ight-to-work was "not o n my agenda," told reporters Thursday he would sign the measures. Democrats denounced the bills as an attack on worker rights, but the GOP sponsor insisted they would boost the economy and j obs. A House vote on public-sector unions was expected to come later. A v i ctory i n Mi c h i gan would g iv e t h e r i g h t-towork movement its strongest foothold yet in the Rust Belt region, w h ere o r ganized labor already has suffered several body blows. Republicans in Indiana and Wisconsin recently pushed through legislation curbing union rights, sparking massive protests.

Abu Khalid Abdul-Latif, 35, agreed to a prison sentence between 17 and 19 years, the U.S. attorney's office in Se-

attle said. He pleaded guilty to conspiracy to murder U.S. officers and conspiracy to use weapons of mass destruction. Abdul-Latif was arrested June 22, 2011, along with an acquaintance from Los Angeles, when authorities said they arrived at a Seattle warehouse to pick up weapons.

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a government website made a mistake," Merkley said in Continued from A1 the release. "There's nothing LaPoint brought the issue more frustrating than when to Merkley's attention. HUD you have to pay the price for a has funded three casework- government agency's screwers for H ousingWorks for up, and to their credit, HUD seven years, LaPoint said. fixed this problem promptly." H ousing a u thorities i n The Family Self-SufficienY amhill C o u nty, M a r i o n cy Program assigns caseCounty, Northeast Oregon workers to the client famiand Linn-Benton also saw lies enrolled in the program, their staffing levels reduced L aPoint said. T hey w o r k due to the error. closely with the families to Merkley spo k eswoman develop goals on how they Courtney Warner Crowell said c an work their way off of it appears to be the result of public assistance. The caseHUD using outdated informa- workers help th e f a milies tion on the number of clients sign up for housing vouchers served by each program on a and other forms of assistance website the housing authori- and enroll in school or job ties used to apply for funding. training programs, and they She said it's not clear if hous- work closely together for as ing authorities in other states long as the families are rehave had similar problems. ceiving aid. "It helps them to get back on In a news release issued Thursday, Merkley's office their feet so they can basically said HUD has acknowledged releasethe need forassistance the error, and is encourag- and go back out into the coming housing authorities to re- munity and work a regular apply for funding. job and not need public assis"No Oregonians should tance at all," LaPoint said. lose their jobs or lose the LaPoint s a i d Ho u singroof over their head because Works has been using a re-

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serve fund to pay for a third caseworker for most of this year in order to meet the expanding number o f c l i ent families in the Family SelfS ufficiency Program, a n d has used itsreserves to fund both the second and third caseworker since HUD withdrew a portion of their funding in September. HousingWorks may not be able to get its third federally funded caseworker during the r eapplication p r ocess, he said, but trying to run the program with a single caseworker would be impossible. "It would be absolutely absurd, and it would harm the families we're working with incredibly," he said. F amilies i n th e Fa m ily Self-Sufficiency Program




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typically get off public as-


sistance in about four years, LaPoint said, as opposed to nearly eight years for families receiving more traditional public assistance. That's a savings of around $30,000 for each family.

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IN BRIEF Grandparents may needsafetytips

Seniors can get


Many grandparents are unaware of someof

free ega

the latest safety guide-

lines regarding sleeppositions for infants, crib

safety, car seats anduse of walkers, according to


research presented during the fall conference of the American Academy of Pediatrics.

• Low-income residents canattend one of threesessions

The study, "Grandparent Caregiver Knowledge of Anticipatory

Guidance Topics," asked grandparents, who reg-

By Mac McLean

ularly cared for children,

The Bulletin

a series of questions

Low-income Central

about child safety. A third of those sur-

Oregon seniors can get their questions about wills, collection calls, government health benefits and other legal issues answered by attending one of three free legal aid sessions across the region next week. "It can kind of run the gamut," Erika Hente, regional director for Legal Aid Servicesof Or egon, said when asked what types of questions are asked. Legal clinics will be held in Prineville on Tuesday and in Bend and Redmond on Thursday (See "Legal Aid Services

veyed said it was best for a baby to sleep onhis or her stomach, 23 percent said on thebaby's side. About 44 percent said on the baby's back,

which is the position recommended by the AAP to prevent sudden

infant death syndrome. Abouta quarter of

grandparents surveyed said a 9-month-old infant should sit facing forward in his or her car

seat, although recommendations call for a child to sit facing the

rear until age 2.

schedule," Page B6).

About half of grandparents felt that sleeping with a blanket or stuffed animals was OK for an infant, but the AAP

Hente said Legal Aid Serviceshosts these free advice sessions every quarter so low-income individuals can ask questions about any civil, non-

recommendsagainst it. About 74 percent of

criminal legal proceedings

grandparents surveyed also agreedthat using a walker was agood way

or problems during the half-hour appointment. Though the topics can vary from session to session, Hente said the attorneys will hear from at least one or two people who receive health benefitsfrom the Oregon Health Plan and have a question about a denied claim. See Legal /B6

to teach a child to walk, although pediatricians have urged against their

use, citing safety concerns.

Study examines scam vulnerability Older adults may be

more vulnerable toscams than youngeradults because of their brain chemistry, according to a pair of studies conducted

• Understanding,support from lovedonescanhelp seniorsstrugglingwith loss

by University College of Los Angeles'Social NeuroscienceLaboratory and Ahmanson-Lovelace Brain Mapping Center. The first study

found people between

By Mac McLean

the ages of 55 and 84

The Bulletin

missed more facial cues

ess than a w eek before Christmas, Pastor Steven Koski will light candles in the sanctuary of First Presbyterian Church of Bend to create the perfect setting for a special service that features long pauses between scripture readings and soft music. The calm, reflective atmosphere of Koski's "Longest Night" service, which is held close to the winter solstice, is a sharp contrast to the normally joyous atmosphere that fills the church as he and his congregation celebrate the birth of their savior on Christmas Day. It's an atmosphere that Koski said gives people who have lost a loved one, orsuffered another loss,a place where they can mourn when everyone

signalling untrustworthy behavior than younger adults. Brain imaging conducted during the second study identified

a possible explanation for this reaction when it found the anterior insula — a part of the brain

that causes people to be cautious — in younger adults had a stronger reaction to the untrustworthy faces than it did in the older adults.

Pediatric group offers baby classes Central Oregon Pediatric Associates is parents infant care,

called "Baby CareABCs for Expectant Parents."

The classes are

classes will focus on things such asburping, diapering, dressing and swaddling. How to bathe

a newborn and howto cut fingernails will also be included. Participants will practice infant CPR for choking (it is not a CPR certification

class). Car seats and family pets will also be

discussed. The class will take place from noon to 4:30

p.m. Sunday atCOPA's west Bend location, 1820 N.W. Monterey Drive, Bend. Cost is $49

per couple. Contact: www.copa kids.com or www .birthingandbeyond.com. — From staff reports

Wintry tales to warm up your heart Kid Culture features fun and educational boolzs and toys for kids. It's a winter pleasure to cuddle up with books about snow on cold, blustery days. Whether this is your first winter or you are excitedly anticipating the chance to make that first snowman of the season, books with a winter theme will put you in the mood for the snowy days ahead.

else is happy.

offering a newseries of classes to help teach

taught by longtime local childbirth educator Anne Carlson. The


Photos by Andy Tullis i The Bulletin

Ruth Locke, 80, plays one of her late husband's favorite songson the piano. She keeps his picture and a miniature Christmas tree he kept in his room at the nursing home on the piano as reminders of him.

"We want tocreate a space where it's OK for people to be sad and acknowledge their grief," Koski said as he explained the creation of his church's "Longest Night" service five years ago. "This time of year is just tough for some people ... we want them to know they are not alone." Death and loss are a natural part of the aging process, said Tim Malone, a psychiatric social worker with Deschutes CountyMentalHealth Services. He said older people often go through an "ongoing experience of death" as they ageand see their friends, neighbors and acquaintances die. "That keeps (a loved one's death) current and a makes the feelings more raw," he said. Malone said there is no set time frame for grief; he has a few clients who still mourn spouses they lost in World War II. The circumstances surrounding a person's loss and their relationship to the deceased vary widely from individual to individual. But there is one common theme to this emotion: "Grief rears its ugly head

during the holidays," he said. See Grief /B6 lllustration by Greg Cross / The Bulletin


Submitted photos

"Snowmen at Work," by Caralyn Buehner My favorite snowmen are back in the newest picture book by Caralyn Buehner, "Snowmen at Work." While we are tucked in at night, snowmen are up working away in various jobs. Rhyming words and secret objects to discover on every page make this winter book entertaining for a cold evening.

"Sneezy the Snowman," by Maureen Wright Sneezy is so cold; he'd do anything to get warm. See Books/B6




Find local movie times and film reviews inside today's GO! Magazine.

Betyour chamomiletea, Peter, you're a television star now "Peter Rabbit" March, Nickelodeon

warm and fuzzy. " That would s c are a 4-year-old witless, and it By Amy Chozick similar approach with older wouldn't get past standards New York Times News Service viewers in September when it and practices these days," In Beatrix P o tter's f i r st introduced an updated "Teen- said Waheed Alli, the Britversion of "The Tale of Peter age Mutant Ninja Turtles." ish media mogul whose SilRabbit," a menacing Mrs. McBut redoing "Peter Rabbit," vergate Media bought the Gregor leans over a kitchen one of the most popular and rights to "The World of Beatable and presented a steam- beloved children's properties, trix Potter," which includes ing-hot pie to Mr. McGregor, comes with potential pitfalls. Potter's library of animals, who holds a knife and fork at Change too much, and audi- and is a co-producer of the the ready. The pie, of course, ences who loved the original Nickelodeon version. is stuffed with the remains of will c r i nge. D o n't c h ange The series instead porPeter's father. enough, and it could come off trays a fatherless Peter and Potter's publisher, Freder- looking like a stale imitation a cruel Mr. McGregor but ick Warne & Co., said the im- of the idyllic original. doesn't go into gory detail. "You can't f undamentally In "Peter Rabbit's Christage was too horrific for young children. She protested, and mess with something that has mas Tale," a holiday special the publisher decided to keep been around for that long," having its premiere Dec. the story line but remove the Cyma Zarghami, president of 14 on Nickelodeon, Peter's i llustration f ro m t h e 1 9 02 Viacom's Nickelodeon Group, mother passes down his edition. said. "It was about freshening father's journal, filled with Y ou might t h i n k y o u n g up his look." chronicles of adventures, viewers today would be much The new "Peter Rabbit" and several empty pages harder to shock. But Nick- features computer-animated for Peter to fill in. elodeon, which is remaking imagery in soft pastel hues. Peter and his risk-averse Potter's books as a " P eter Peter and his friends get into buddy Benjamin get into Rabbit" animated series, con- the same type of outdoorsy outdoor mischief similar to cluded that the death by pie adventures as they used to, what was in the books. The was still too horrific for chil- set against the backdrop of only rule the Potter estate dren even 110 years later. But the sweeping landscapes of insisted on was that Peter executives did want the story the Lake District in England, wear his royal-blue coat, a to be set up around a single which Potter devoted her later hand-me-down from his famother, which appealed to life to preserving. Animators ther, in the television series. test audiences. visited the district and took Nickelodeon added a char"Here's a single mom raising more than3,000 photos before acter Lily BobtaiL four bunnies," said Teri Weiss, embarking on recreatingthe Lily, a city rabbit whose executive vice president of scenery. doctor f a t he r r e c ently production and development A team of animators worked m oved the family to t h e for N i ckelodeon p reschool. exclusively on the fur of the rural Lake District, has a "That's an important element bunnies, foxes and badgers. pet ladybug and a "just-inwe thought kids could connect They made sure it blew in the time" pouch that stores an with." wind realistically as the char- array of helpful items that Nickelodeon emb a r k ed acters slid down a frozen lake get the bunnies out of probo n "Peter Rabbit" with t h e or looked sufficiently damp lematic situations. hopes that the series, regular after a snowball fight. " Capturing t ha t w a r m t h episodes of which are to go on the air in March, would have in CGI is really important," built-in appeal to parents who Weiss said. "You want to feel HAVEN HOME STYLE grew up with the blue-coated l ike you're holding a f u r r y anthropomorphic bunny. The bunny in your hands." 'Furniture nnd Gesi jn network, which has seen its B ut showing P eter's f a 856 NW Bond• Downtown Bend• 541-330-5999 ratings decline recently, took a ther's death didn't seem so www.havenhomestyle.com


PARENTS GUIDE TO MOVIES This guide, compiled by Orlando (Fla) Sentinel film critic Roger Moore, should be used along with the Motion Picture Association of America rating system for selecting movies suitable for children. Films rated G, PGor PG-13 are included in this weekly listing, along with occasional R-rated films that may have entertainment or educational valuefor older children with parental guidance.



Rating:PG-13 for some sexual

situations, languageand abrief intense image. What it's about:A divorced and retired soccer star tries to "settle down" by coaching his kid's

soccer team, anddiscovers the temptations of "soccer moms."

The kid attractor factor:Gerard Butler, Jessica Biel, youth soccer.

Goodlessons/bad lessons: "Always respect your coach." And when it comes to parenting, "You just have to be there."

Violence:A shove-fight, played for laughs.

Film District via The Associated Press

Jessica Biel, from left, Noah Lomaxand Gerard Butler star in the romantic comedy "Playing for Keeps." See the full review in today's GO! Magazine.

Language:Scattered profanity,

lewd suggestions.

survive a shipwreck andarestuck

Sex:Nothing graphic. Drugs:Alcohol.

Parents' advisory:There's a lot

on the same lifeboat together. The kid attractor factor:Critters and a kid in a survival story.

of kids' soccer mixed in with the

Goodlessons/bad lessons: sexy women throwing themselves "Hunger can changeeverything at the sexy Gerard Butler. An odd you ever thought you knew about mix, but appropriate for13 and yourself." older. Violence:Animal-on-animal

attacks, graphic enough to scare off the very young. Language: Quiteclean. Sex:Perfectly chaste. Drugs:None at all.

Parents' advisory:Asreligious parables go, this one's too long and entirely too dense for the very

young. Suitable for13 and older.

'LIFE OF PI' Rating:PG for emotional thematic

content throughout, and some scary action sequencesand peril. What it's about:A teen, a tiger, a

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t'j Nightly News Newsohannel 21 at 6 (N) « Jeop ardy! 'G' Wheel Fortune Saturday Night Live SNL Christmas popular holidaysketches. n '14' D ate line NBC (N) n « News Jay Leno KTVZ 0 0 0 0 News News Evening News Access H. O l dChristine H ow I uet 3 0 R ock '14' Und ercover Boss PostNet(N)n CSI: NY The Real Mccoy (N)'14' Blue Bloods SecretsandLies'14' News Letterman KBNZ 0 K EZI 9 News KEZI 9 News Entertainment The Insider (N) Last-Standing Malibu Country Shark Tank n 'PG' « KEZI 9 News (11:35) Nightline KQHD Q 0 0 0 KEZI 9 News World News (10:01) 20/20 (N) n « Videos Two/Half Men Two/Half Men Big Bang B ig B ang K itch en Nightmares'1(N) 4' F rin g e The Human Kind (N) '14' News KFXO ioi fEIfEItEI America's Funniest Home TMZ (N) n 'PG' The Simpsons Family Guy '14' Bus i ness Rpt. pBS NewsHour (N) n « Washington W'k Muddy Waters & theRolling Stones Live n 'pG' T' a i Chi, Health & Happiness Vict orBorge: Comedyin Music! Koae O B Q B Wild Kratts Y Electric Comp. Travel-Kids Newsohannel 8 NightlyNews Newsohannel 8 News Live at 7 (N) I nside Edition Saturday Night Live SNL Christmas popular holidaysketches. n '14' Dat e line NBC (N) n sc Newsohannel 8 Jay Leno KGW 0 Seinfeld 'pG' Seinfeld 'pG' 'Til Death 'pG' 'Til Death 'pG' KTVZDT2tEI 0 B lH We ThereYet? We There Yet? King of Queens King of Queens Engagement Engagement N i kita Alex begins to unravel. '14' Arrow Vendetta n '14' « Ciao Italia 'G' Hubert Keller Casebook of Sherlock Holmes Ma s terpiece Mystery! n 'PG'cc On Storyn 'G' world News Ta vis Smiley (N) Charlie Rose(N) n cc pes NewsHour n cc OPBPL 175 173

*ASIE fao 28 18 32 The First 48 '14' cc TheFirst48 10pounds'14' «Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty Duck oynasty Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty ouck Dynasty Duck Dynasty Duck oynasty Duck Dynasty (4:00) **"Hannibap'(2001) Anthony Hopki ns,JulianneMoore.Adisfigured ***"The Fifth Element"(1997, ScienceFiction) BruceWilis, Gary Oldman,lan Holm.A NewYorkcabbytriesto The Walking Dead A newthreat The Walking Dead A newthreat *AMC 102 40 39 victimoicannibalistic Dr. Lecterseeksrevenge. « save Earth in 2259. « arisesat the prison. '14' « arisesat the prison. '14' « *ANPL 68 50 26 38 MonstersInside Me 'PG'cc MonstersInside Me 'PG'cc MonstersInside Me 'PG'sc MonstersInside Me (N)n 'PG' Adr ift: 47 Days With Sharks '14' Back to the Wild (N) n 'PG' MonstersInside Me 'PG' cc BRAVO1 37 4 4 Shahs of Sunset Waitingfor MJ Shahs of Sunset '14' Shahs of Sunset '14' Shahs of Sunset The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Real Housewives of Atlanta Shahs of Sunset CMT 190 32 42 53 Roseanne 'pG' Roseanne 'G' Reba 'pG' cc R eba 'pG' cc R eba 'pG' cc R eba 'pG' cc R eba 'pG' cc R eba 'pG' cc T h e 46th Annual CMA Awards n 'pG' cc CNBC 54 36 40 52 How I, Millions How I, Millions Crime Inc. DeadlyPrescriptions A m erican Greed Mad Money 'MA' Crime Inc. DeadlyPrescriptions A merican Greed paid program Supersmile 'pG' CNN 55 38 35 48 AndersonCooper360(N) cc pier sMorgan Tonight (N) Ander son Cooper360cc Erin Burnett OutFront PiersMorgan Tonight AndersonCooper360 cc Erin Burnett OutFront CQM 135 53 135 47(4:57) Futurama Always Sunny South park '14' (6:28) Tosh.0 Colbert Report Daily Show (7:59) Tosh.0 (8:29) Tosh.0 Kevin Hart: Grown Little Man C h r is Rock: Never Scared 'MA' K att Williams: pimp Chronicles CQTV 11 Dept./Trans. C i ty Edition P a i d Program Kristi Miller Des e rt Cooking Oregon Joy of Fishing Journal Get Outdoors Vi sions of NW The Yoga Show The Yoga Show KristiMiller C i t y Edition cspAN 61 20 12 11 Politics & Public Policy Today Politics & Public Policy Today *DIS 87 43 14 39 "Good LuckCharlie" A.N.T. Farm'G' Jessie'G' cc Dog With a Blog Good-Charlie Austin 8 Jessieh Ally All Star P h i neas, Ferb Gravity Falls n A.N.T. Farm 'G' Good.Charlie Good.Charlie Shake It up! 'G' *DISC 156 21 16 37 Gold Rush SecretWeapons'PG' Gold Rush n 'PG' « Gold Rush TheUltimatum n 'PG' Gold Rush (N) n 'PG' « Gold RushRoadto Gold (N)'PG' (10:01) JungleGold(N) '14' « (f1:01) Gold Rush n 'PG' « *E! 1 36 2 5 ** "Sweet Home Alabama" (2002)ReeseWitherspoon. (3:30)"Blue Crush2" I2011) LoveYou T he S oup '14' E! News (N) FashionPohce(N) '14' Chelsea Lately E! News ESPN 21 23 22 23 NBA Basketball:Celticsat 76ers NBA Basketball LosAngelesLakers at OklahomaCity Thunder (N)(Live) Sportsoenter (N)(Live) « Sportsoenter (N)(Live) « Sportsoenter (N)(Live) « ESPN2 22 24 21 24 College Football NCAAFCSDivision I, Quarterfinal —SamHouston State at MontanaState (N)sc Sportsoenter (N)(Live) cc NBA Tonight (N) SportsNation cc NBA Tonight NBA Basketball: Celtics at 76ers EspNG 23 25 123 25 Friday Night Lights Swerve'14' F r iday Night Lights '14' « 30 for 30 cc 30for30 cc The Dotted Line « Sportsoentury « H-Lite Ex. H-L i te Ex. H-L i te Ex. H-L i te Ex. H.L i te Ex. H-L i te Ex. ESP NFC Press H-Lite Ex. ESPNN 24 63 124203sportscenter (N)(Live) cc sportscenter (N)(Live) cc sportscenter IN)(Live) « ***"TheSanta Clause"(1994) TimAllen, JudgeReinhold. *"TheSantaClause3: TheEscape Clause" (2006) TimAllen. FAM 67 29 19 41 **"Disney's AChristmasCarol" (2009)Voicesof Jim Carrey. The700Club n 'G' « FNC 57 61 36 50 The O'Reilly Factor (N) cc Hannity (N) on Record,Greta van susteren The O'Reilly Factor cc Hannity on Record,Gretavan susteren The Five *FOOD 177 62 98 44 Restaurant: Impossible Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Restaurant: Impossible Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Di n ers, Drive Diners, Drive Mystery Diners Health Inspect Diners, Drive Diners, Drive **"Predators"I2010) FX 131 Howluet How l u e t Two / Halfuen T wo/Halfuen Two/Halfuen Two/Halfuen * * " Predators"(2010)Adrienerody,TopherGrace,Aliceeraga. TheultimateFighter(N)n'14' HGTV 176 49 33 43 Property Bro Property Bro Hunters Inri H u nters Inrl H u nters Inrl H u nters Inrl C e lebrity Holiday Homes'G' C e l e brity Holiday Homes(N) 'G' Ho use Hunters Hunters Inrl H u n ters Inri H u n ters Inri *HIST 155 42 41 36 Pearl Harbor: 24HoursAfter 'PG' sc Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' ww2 From SpaceIN)'PG' cc 10Things About 10Things About *** "The Christmas Blessing" (2005)Neil Patrick Harris. 'PG' "Under theMistletoe" (2006,Drama)Jaime RayNewman. 'PG' « "Finding Mrs. Claus"(2012)MiraSorvino, Will Sasso.'PG' « LIFE 138 39 20 31 "Very MerryDaughter" MSNBC 59 59 128 51 The Ed Show(N) TheRachelMaddow Show (N) The Last W ord The Ed Show The Rachel MaddowShow The Last Word Hardball withChris Matthews MTV 192 22 38 57 Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness (7:45) Jersey ShoreShoreShower n '14' « (8:55)JerseyShoreAwkward!'14' ** "Notorious" (2009,Biography)AngelaBassett, Derek Luke.n NICK 82 46 24 40 spongeeob spongeaob spongeeob Spongeeob Drake & Josh Drake &Josh *** "A FairlyoddChristmas"(2012)n 'PG' Full House 'G' TheNanny'pG' TheNanny'pG' Fri ends'pG' (u:33)Friends OWN 161103 31 103Operation Homecoming n 'PG' Po l ice Women of Memphis 'PG' Po l ice Women of Memphis 'PG' Po l ice Women of Memphis '14' M a rried to the Army: Alaska 'PG' Married to the Army: Alaska '14' Po lice Women of Memphis '14' ROOT 20 45 28* 26 The DanPatrick Show(N ) High School Football WIAA Class 3AChampionship: Bellevuevs. EastsideCatholic Mariners B e nsinger S eahawks S e ahawks T he Danricpat kShow SPIKE 132 31 34 46 Ink Master BlowingChunks'14' VGA Ten (N) n (Live) '14' VGA Ten n '14' Gangland BikerWars2 '14' « Gan gland n '14' « SYFY 133 35 133 45Starship Troop ** " C onstantine" (2005, Fantasy) KeanuReeves,RachelWeisz, ShiaLaeeouf. cc wwE Friday Night smackoown!(N)n cc Haven LastGoodbyes(N ) Deal -Dark side Deal.Dark side TBN 05 60 130 BehindScenes Hal Lindsey 'G' The Harvest P e r ry Stone P r a ise the Lord 'Y' « Ever Increasing Israel: Journey of Light « Creflo Dollar The Christmas Child *TBS 16 27 11 28 Friends n 'pG' Friends n '14' King of Queens King of Queens Seinfeld 'pG' Seinfeld 'pG' Be t ter Worse Better Worse Better Worse Better Worse ** "Tyler perry's Why Did I GetMarried Too?" (2010)Tyler perry. **"Lovesof pharaoh"(1922)EmilJannings, Harry Liedtke. premiere. Silent. *** "The Smiling Lieutenant"(1931)MauriceChevalier, Claudette Colbert. *** "The Shop Around the Corner" (1940)Margaret Sullavan. Bickering ** " B elow the Belt"(1980, Comedy) TCM 101 44 101 29 Egyptian kingrejects princessandgoesto war. An Austrianarmyofficer isforced tomarrya princess. « Budapestco-workers fall in love assecret pen pals. Regina Baff. Premiere. *TLC 178 34 32 34 Four Weddings n 'PG' cc Four Weddings n 'PG' « *TNT 17 26 15 27 Law & Order '14' cc(DVS ) The Mentalist Red Alnert'14' 'TOON 84 scooby-Doo * * * "Chill Out, scooby-Doo!" (2007, Comedy) A

Four Weddings n 'PG' « Say Yes: Bride Say Yes: Bride Say Yes: Bride Say Yes: Bride Brides-Hills B r i des-Hills S a y Yes: Bride Say Yes: Bride The Mentalist n '14' « ***%ception"(2010)LeonardoDicaprio. A thief enters people's dreamsandsteals their secrets. (11ds) ** "U.S.Marshals" bom i nable Christmas 'Y7' Smurfs-Carol Dragons: Riders King of the Hill King of the Hill American Dad American Dad Family Guy '14' Family Guy '14' 'TRAV 179 51 45 42 Man v. Food'G' Man v. Food 'G' Bizarre Foodslzimmern Ghost Adventures '14' cc Ghost Adventures 'PG' cc Ghost Adventures (N) 'PG' sc T h e Dead Files (N) 'PG'c~ The DeadFiles 'PG' c~ *A*S*H CosbyShow Cosby Show Cosby Show Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond King ofQueens KingofQueens TVLND 65 47 29 35 Bonanza 'PG' « (6da) M'A'S*H 'PG' « (6:52) M Law &order: svu Law 8 order: svu Law &order: svu Law &order: svu Law 8 order: svu BurnNoticeBestLaid Plans'PG' USA 15 30 23 30 Law &order: svu Marrying, Game Evening Buzz ** "Miss Congeniality" (2000, Comedy)Sandra Bullock, Michael Caine. n 40 Greatest Pranks 3 'PG' 40 Greatest Pranks 3 'PG' VH1 191 48 37 54 T.l. and Tiny B asketball Wives LA n '14' *** "Moneybail"2011 Bradpitt premiere. n 'pG13' « ENCR 106401 306401(430) *"TexasRangers" 2001 (60 5 ) ** "Daylight"1996Sylvester Stallone.n 'pG13' « (10ds) ** "Heartbreak Ridge"1986Clint Eastwood. n 'R' cc FantasyDennisQuaid,Jim Caviezel.'pG-13' « ***"Fre quency"2000,FantasyDennisQuai d,Jim Caviezel.'pG-13'« *** "Cast Away" 2000, DramaTomHanks. 'PG-13' « FMC 104204104120***"Frequency"2000, ** "The Big Boss" (1971, Action) Bruce Lee,Maria Yi. *** "Fist of Fury" (1972,Adventure) BruceLee, MiaoKerHsiu. Benson HendersonSpecial UFC Unleashed UFC Road to theOctagon FUEL 34 Golf ThailandGolf Championship,Third Round(N) (Live) GOLF 28 301 27 301Golf EmiratesAustralian Open,Third RoundFromSydney, Australia. (N) (Live) "The ChristmasHeart" (2012)Teri Polo, PaulEssiembre. 'G' « "Santa Jr"(2002)LaurenHolly, Judd Nelson,Nick Stabile. 'G' « HALL 66 33175 33 (4:00)"NovemberChristmas" 'G' ** " ASeason for Miracles" (1999,Drama)Carla Gugino.'G' « ** "RedTails"2012CubaGoodingJr., TerrenceHoward.TheUS. military (11d s) *"YourHighness"2011 (4ds) *"Glitter"2001, Drama Mari a h WeighIn Live: 24/7 Pacquiaoi 24/7 Pacquiaol 24/7 Pacquiaol 24/7 Pacquiaoi WeighIn Live: HBO 25501 425501 Carey. n 'PG-13' cc Pacquiao Mar quez 4 'PG' Marquez 4 'PG' Marquezn4 Ma rquez'PG' 4 Pacquiao f orm s the first all-black aerial-combat unit. n 'PG-13'cc Danny McBride. n 'R' cc I FC 105 1 0 5 (445) **"BachelorParty"1984TomHanks.Premiere.'R' Whisker Wars Portlandia'14' * "F riday the 13th Part3"1982, Horror DanaKimmell.'R' Whisker Wars Portlandia '14' * "Friday the 13th Part 3" 1982 (4:30) **"Mr. Baseball"1992TomSelleck. AgingNew (6:20) ** "Alien Resurrection"1997, ScienceFiction (8ds) ** "Wanderlust" 2012 PaulRudd. Premiere. Stressed-out NewYorkers Hunted SnowMaiden Samis exposed Lingerie Double Hunted Snow M AX 00508 5 0 8York Yankeegets traded toJapan. 'PG-I3' SigourneyWeaver,WinonaRyder. rI 'R' « embrace acounterculture lifestyle. n 'R' « as a spy.(N) 'MA' « Double n 'MA' Maidenn 'MA' Vegas Mafia '14' (DVS) Tijuana DrugLords '14' Miami Drug Cartel '14' Vegas Mafia '14' (DVS) Tijuana DrugLords '14' Miami Drug Cartel '14' Indestructibles Indestructibles N GC 157 1 5 7 A v atar: Air. Av atar: Air. Av atar: Air. N F L Rush Zone NFL Rush Zone Planet Sheen Planet Sheen Planet Sheen Dragon Ball Z Iron Man: Armor NTOON 89 ff5189115Planet Sheen Planet Sheen NFL Rush Zone Avatar: Air. Dri ven Tv Sav age Wild Y o ur Weapon Jimmy Big Time Hunt., Country Bone Collectorprofess. Flyrod The Flush Hun tin' World OUTD 37 307 43 307L.L. BeanGuide Fear No Evil O uffitter Boot Sasquatch "SexyBaby"2012, DocumentaryPremiere. A cultural shift ** "Drive Angry" S HO 00 5 0 0 (4ds) * "Brake"2012,Action Stephen** "Real Steel" 2011,Action HughJackman, Evangeline Lily. A boxing pro- War Horse:The (8:25) ** "The Mechanic"2011,Action JasonStatham, 200 'R' Dorif.n 'R' cc moter andhis sonbuild arobot fighter. n 'PG-13' « Journey Home Ben Foster.n 'R' cc in the sexual landscape.'NR' UFC's Road to theOctagon (N) Barrett.Jackson Special Edition Unique whips '14' SPEED 35 303125303Road Champ. Road Champ. Road Champ. Road Champ. ** "View From the Top" 2003Gwyneth Paltrow. STARZ 00408 00408(4:35) *** "21Jump Street"2012JonahHil. 'R' Magic City n 'MA' « BossThe Conversation n 'MA' S p a rtacus: Vengeance n 'MA' C a m elot The LongNight n 'MA' ****"Five Fingers"2006LaurenceFishburne. Terrorists *"Twisted" 2004Ashley Judd.Aninspector investigates (11d e) **"BodyguardsandAssas(4:35) "Love' s Ki t chen" 2011 Cl a i r e (6:05) *** "Little Fish" 2005 Cate Bl a nchett. Premi e re. An ex-beau compl i TMC 2 5 25 Forlani. n 'pG-13' cc catesthe life of a reformeddrug addict. n 'R' « kidnap aDutchrelief workerin Morocco. the deaths ofherex-lovers. n 'R' « sins"2009 DonnieYen. NFL Turning Point 'PG' Fight Night 36 Still Standing: Earl Campbell Po k er After Dark NBCSN 27 58 30 209College Hockey (eds) College Basketball VirginiaCommonwealthat Old Dominion(N) ** "You'v e GotMail"I998,Romance-ComedyTom Hanks,Meg Ryan.'PG' *WE 143 41 174118** "You'veGotMail" 1998, Romance-ComedyTomHanks, MegRyan. 'PG' WeddingDav.:Unveiled W eddingDav.:Unveiled



Family treats retiredteacher like free baby-sitting service Dear Abby: I never had a desire to have kids. I married a man, "Harry," who had four, and did my duty being with them on holidays, birthdays and vacations. I never enjoyed it, and I h ave always been honest regarding my feelings about baby-sitting. Now that Harry's children are grown and have children of their own, they think my husband and I should give up our weekends and holidays to baby-sit their children. Harry and I have had several serious arguments about this. I have told his kids I do not want to watch their children. Harry will tell me at the last minute that one of them is being dropped off because the father and his girlfriend are going out. When the grandchild arrives, Harry d i sappears because he doesn't want to be bothered. I served my time when my stepchildren were small and have looked forward to the day I'd no longer have to share my down time with kids. T hree months ago I w a s "surprised" with the 7-yearold so her dad and his honey could go to Atlantic City for a great time. I told them I had a political function to attend at 1:30 the next day; they didn't return until 3:30 in the afternoon. My husband thought it was fine to go without me! I would never have done that. I love Harry, but this is causing me major g rief. Please tell me what you think about this. Oh — and did I mention they think because I was an elementary school teacher I should WANT to sit and play with their kids? It's comparing

apples to oranges. — Nearing Wits'End in New Jersey

Dear Nearing Wits' End: What I think is that you are beingtaken advantage of,and it will continue as long as you allow it, however unwillingly. The next time Harry informs you at the last minute that a





off, grab your coat and purse and tell him you are going

shopping, visiting a friend, seeing a movie or anything else that will get you out of the house. If you do, perhaps the next time his kids need a babysitter, he will suggest that they hire one. Oh — and did I m ention that when you were a teacher, you were COMPENSATED for your labor'? You are being used, and I hope you draw the line before you really arrive at wits' end. Dear Abby: I am a 70-yearold man. Many people tell me I look much younger because I have my hair colored

professionally. I started dyeing my h air about 16 years ago because my children are much younger than those of most people my age. They wanted me tocolor my hair so that I didn't look like theirfriends' grandparents. Now friends and new acquaintances make comments about me not having any gray hair at my age. So, what do I say? Should I tell them that I have my haircolored'? Should I just laugh? Please advise. — To Dye or Not to Dye Dear T.D.O.N.T.D.:Many men have their hair professionally colored these days and others do it themselves at home. It is nothing to be ashamed of. You neither have to laugh nor to divulge the secret of your eternal youth. However, since

you are beginning to feel selfconsciousbecause you feelthe color of your hair isn't age-appropriate, discuss it with your colorist. It may be time to let a little bit of gray come through at the temples. — Write Dear Abby at www.DearAbby.com or P.O. Box 69440,Los Angeles, CA 90069.

Tonight: Share with a special friend. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) ** * * L isten to your sixth sense when dealing with funds, asyou easily could make amistake thatyou'll later regret. A friend maintains nearly the opposite perspective from you on a money issue. Stay grounded when dealing with this person. Tonight: Togetherness works. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) ** * * * B e am in more of whatyou want. A partner could be rebellious and disruptive. Know whenyou have had enough, and claim your power. Once your boundaries are set, you will be muchhappier.Givesomeonethe freedom he or sheneeds. Tonight: Do your thing. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) ** * You need time away from others. You could be incrediblytired, and this fatigue might come across in your reactions. If you can take the day off, do. You'll be able to catch up on your rest and get everything done that you need to. Tonight: Not to be found. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) ** * * * A meeting could be instrumental. You might have a jolting realization when listening to others that allows your creative juices to flow. Be open with those who care aboutyou. Their sharing will guide you down the right path. Tonight: Where the action is. CAPRICORN(Dec. 22-Jan. 19) ** * * You might want to rethink a decision far more carefully. You could draw quite a reaction from a family member or roommate. Be aware of what you are asking from this person. A discussion helps ease the tension. Tonight: A force to be dealt with. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) ** * * Keep reaching out to someone at adistance. You will get through tothis person ifyou remain persistent. A conversation could remind you of how important a certain friend is to your life. An element of the unexpected runs through your day. Tonight: Try anewspot. PISCES (Fed. 19-March 20) ** * * * Y ou could be questioning a partner's actions andwhat he or she really means. Youmight want to pull back someandrelax. You'll bring someoneout of his or her shell without any effort at all. Beobservant and tryto lookat the big picture. Tonight: Enjoy afavorite person. © 2012 by King Features Syndicate

A weekly compilation of family-friendly events throughout Central Oregon.

Pleaseemail event information to communitylife@bendbulletin.com or click on "Submit an Event" at www.bendbulletin.com. Allow at least 10days before the desired date of publication. Ongoing listings must be updated monthly. Contact: 541-383-0351.

Find afull community eventscalendar insidetoday's GO!Magazine.

grandchild is being dropped

Horoscope:HappyBirthday for Friday,Dec.7, 2012 By Jacqueline Bigar You could enjoy immense popularity the first half of the year. At times, you could be very intense andsometimes stressed out. What anexcusefor a vacation! Exciting news comes in that involves those at adistance and/or travel plans. A sudden insight could impact your life positively. A friendship will evolve, which creates more caring and acceptance. If you are single, you could become involved in a deeply emotional relationship the second half of the year. If you are attached, you seeyour bond become much closer this year. LIBRA demonstrates his or her caring in very special ways. The Stars Showthe Kind of Day You'll Have: 5-Dynamic; 4-Positive; 3-Average; 2-So-so; 1-Difficult ARIES (March 21-April 19) ** * * D efer to others, as the power lies with them. Your bright demeanor and high energy set the tone despite some unpredictable elements. There is more confusion around you than there has been in the recent past. At leastyou are clear and direct. Tonight: Say "yes." TAURUS (April 20-May 20) ** * Pace yourself, as you have a lot of work to get done. You want to make a difference, no matter what. Just when you feel everything is A-OK, an unexpected misfortune occurs. You might feel as if you are treading into dangerous territory. Tonight: A must appearance. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) ** * * Y our creativity is marked by many changes. A loved one adds his or her two cents. You could be overwhelmed by everything that comes upin a meeting.Besides being surprised, you also might have even more to think about. Tonight: Where the gang is. CANCER(June 21-July 22) ** * * Express your feelings more directly. Schedule sometime to make a dentist's or a doctor's appointment. Respond to suggestions from a parent, boss or older friend. You'll feel better if you keepyourself in good shape. Tonight: Sip somehot apple cider, and enjoy a lazyevening. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) ** * * Keep communication flowing. You have alot to say, and you want to share more of what you're thinking with a friend. You might be wondering which way to go on a certain issue. No matter what, you know that you are cared for.



TODAY I'LL BEHOME FOR CHRISTMAS HOMETOUR: Seea home decorated in holiday style; proceeds benefit the Children's Vision Foundation, Deschutes County Historical Museum, Williams SyndromeAssociation and BendHeroes Foundation; $5 in advance, $6at the door;10a.m.-4 p.m.; tour home,21163Clairaway Ave., Bend; 541-389-1813or www.deschuteshistory.org. BELLS OF SUNRIVER: Ring in the season with handbell choir the Bells of Sunriver as they play familiar holiday tunes; free; 1 p.m.; Sunriver Area Public Library, 56855 Venture Lane; 541-312-1034 or www.deschutes library.org/calendar. GRIMESCHRISTMAS SCENE:A display of lighted and mechanical Christmas decorations; open through Dec. 24; free; 2-7 p.m.; Crook County Fairgrounds, 1280 S. Main St., Prineville; 541-447-5006 or grimes© crestviewcable.com. BRANDI CARLILE:The rootsy singer-songwriter performs a Christmas show; $43 in advance, $48 at the door, plus fees; 6 p.m. and 9:30 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W.Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www.towertheatre.org. COMMUNITYCRECHE EXHIBIT: Featuring Nativity displays from around the world and live music; free; 6-9 p.m.; Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 333 S.E. Idlewood St., Prineville; 541-233-3633. HUCKLE: Theroots-rock act performs with Grant Farm; with a food drive; donations accepted; 6:30p.m.;BrokenTopBottleShop & Ale Cafe,1740 N.W.Pence Lane, Suite 1, Bend;541-728-0703 or www.btbsbend.com. "FLOWERS FORALGERNON": The Crook County High School drama department presents the David Rogers play about a man who participates in an experiment to enhance his intellect; $5; 7 p.m.; Crook County High School, Eugene Southwell Auditorium, 1100 S.E. Lynn Blvd., Prineville; 541-416-6900. "IT'SA WONDERFUL LIFE": The Bend Experimental Art Theatre presents the classic holiday tale about George Bailey and his guardian angel; $15, $10 students ages 5-18; 7 p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-4195558 or www.beattickets.org. HOLIDAYCONCERT:Featuring the Cascade Brass Quintet and jazz singer Michelle Van Handel; free; 7 p.m.; Community Presbyterian Church, 529 N.W. 19th St., Redmond; 541-548-3367. "E.T. THEEXTRATERRESTRIAL":A screening of the PG-rated1982 film; free; 7:30 p.m.; Jefferson County Library, Rodriguez Annex, 134 S.E. E St., Madras; 541-4753351 or www.jcld.org.

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Joe Kline /The Bulletin

Tiny houses make up part of the Grlmes Christmas Sceneon display at the Crook County Fairgrounds in Prineville through Dec. 24.

SATURDAY I'LLBEHOME FOR CHRISTMAS HOMETOUR:Seeahome decorated in holiday style; proceeds benefit the Children's Vision Foundation, Deschutes County Historical Museum, Williams Syndrome Association and BendHeroes Foundation; $5 in advance, $6 atthe door; 10 a.m.-4 p.m.; tour home, 21163 ClairawayAve., Bend;541-3891813 or www.deschuteshistory.org. INDOORSWAPMEET: Featuring 70 local vendors, with new and used items, antique collectibles, crafts and more; free admission; 10 a.m.5 p.m.; 694 S.E. Third St., Bend; 541-317-4847. SENSATIONALSATURDAY: Learn about multicultural holiday traditions celebrated throughout the West with a holiday hunt and crafts; included in the price of admission; $12 adults, $10 ages 65 and older, $7ages 5-12, free ages 4 and younger; 10 a.m.-3 p.m.; High Desert Museum, 59800 S. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; 541-382-4754 or www.highdesertmuseum.org. MOTORCYCLISTSOF CENTRAL OREGON TOYRUN: Toy drive featuring a chili contest, live music, a raffle, games, a motorcycle ride through Bend and more; donations benefit the Bend Elks' Christmas charity food baskets; donation of new unwrapped toy requested; 11 a.m.-4 p.m.; Cascade HarleyDavidson of Bend, 63028 Sherman Road; 541-280-0478. GRIMES CHRISTMASSCENE:See "Today's" listing; 541-447-5006 or grimes©crestviewcable.com. THE WRONG HEROES:Dr.Elizabeth Daniels discusses how to teach girls to critique media content, titled "Helping Young People Navigate Beyond Naked Royals, Lindsay's Arrests and Snooki's Baby"; free; 2 p.m.; Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541-3121034 or www.deschuteslibrary.org/ calendar. BEND GAMENIGHT:Play available board games or bring your own; free; 6 p.m.-midnight; East Bend Public Library, 62080 Dean Swift Road; 541-318-8459. COMMUNITY CRECHE EXHIBIT: Featuring Nativity displays from around the world and live music; free; 6-9 p.m.; Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 333 S.E. Idlewood St., Prineville; 541-233-3633. SMALLTOWN POETSCHRISTMAS: A performance by the Christian rock act, proceeds benefit Kilns College; $12; 6:30 p.m., doors open at 6 p.m.; Kilns Bookstore, 550 S.W. Industrial Way, Suite180, Bend; www.kilns

college.org. "FLOWERS FORALGERNON": The Crook County High School drama department presents the David Rogers play about a man who participates in an experiment to enhance his intellect; $5; 7 p.m.; Crook County High School, Eugene Southwell Auditorium, 1100 S.E. Lynn Blvd., Prineville; 541-416-6900. "HIGH DESERTNUTCRACKER": RedmondSchoolofDancepresents the classic holiday ballet, in a style inspired by present-day Central Oregon;$11, $5ages10and younger; 7 p.m.; Ridgeview High School, 4555 S.W. Elkhorn Ave., Redmond; 541-548-6957 or www .redmondschoolof dance.com. "IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE":The Bend Experimental Art Theatre presents the classic holiday tale about George Bailey and his guardian angel; $15, $10 students ages 5-18; 7 p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-419-5558 or www.beat tickets.org. HOLIDAYCONCERT: Featuring the Cascade Brass Quintet and jazz singer Michelle Van Handel; free; 7 p.m.; First United Methodist Church,680 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-382-1672. CENTRALOREGON MASTERSINGERS: The47-voice choir presents "Ring Noel" under the direction of Clyde Thompson, with the Bells of Sunriver; $16 plus fees; 7:30 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www.towertheatre.org.

SUNDAY "WE GREW WINGS": A screening of the documentary about the University of Oregon women's track and field team, and the progression of women's sports over the last 40 years since Title IX's passing; $10; 1 p.m.; Sisters Movie House,720 Desperado Court; 541-549-8800. GRIMES CHRISTMASSCENE:See "Today's" listing; 541-447-5006 or grimes@crestviewcable.com. OREGON OLDTIME FIDDLERS: Fiddle music and dancing; additional jam format from 12-1 p.m. includes junior, adult and senior fiddlers from the region; informal acoustic jam for nonperforming musicians in the Auxiliary room of the VFWhall from 1-3 p.m; donations accepted; 1-3:30 p.m.; VFW Hall, 1836 S.W.Veterans Way, Redmond; 541-647-4789. "HIGH DESERTNUTCRACKER": RedmondSchoolofDancepresents the classic holiday ballet, in a style inspired by present-day Central

Oregon; $11, $5 ages10 and younger; 2 p.m.; Ridgeview High School, 4555 S.W. Elkhorn Ave., Redmond; 541-548-6957 or www .redmondschoolof dance.com. "IT'SA WONDERFUL LIFE": The Bend Experimental Art Theatre presents the classic holiday tale about George Bailey and his guardian angel; $15, $10 students ages 5-18; 2 p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-419-5558 or www.beat tickets.org. CENTRALOREGON MASTERSINGERS: The47-voice choir presents "Ring Noel" under the direction of Clyde Thompson, with the Bells of Sunriver; $16 plus fees; 2 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www.towertheatre.org. MENORAHLIGHTING: A lighting of a giant menorah; followed by music, crafts and more; free; 5 p.m.; Center Plaza, the Old Mill District, Southwest Powerhouse Drive between The Gapand Anthony's, Bend; 541-633-7991. FOUNTAINVIEWACADEMY ORCHESTRAAND SINGERS: The group from British Columbia performs "0 Holy Night"; free; 7 p.m.;BendSeventh-dayAdventist Church, 21610 N.E.Butler Market Road; 541-647-1726 or www.fountain ofmusic.com.

MONDAY BELLS OF SUNRIVER: Ring in the season with handbell choir the Bells of Sunriver as they play familiar holiday tunes; free; 11 a.m.; La Pine Public Library, 16425 First St.; 541-312-1034 or www.deschutes library.org/calendar.

TUESDAY CASCADE HORIZONBAND:The senior band performs their annual Christmas concert with popular holiday music; free; 11:30 a.m.; Bend Senior Center,1600 S.E. Reed Market Road; 541-639-7734, cascadehorizonband©aol.com or www.cascadehorizonband.org. ADVENTLECTURE:A presentation by author, scholar and theologian Marcus Borg, titled "The Birth Stories — What Are They About?"; free; 7 p.m.; St. Helens Hall, Trinity Episcopal Church, 231 N.W. Idaho Ave., Bend; 541-382-5542.

WEDNESDAY GRIMES CHRISTMASSCENE:See "Today's" listing; 541-447-5006 or grimes@crestviewcable.com. KNOW HEROES: Wiliam Akin discusses "From 4-Color to 3D: A History of the American Superhero"; free; 6 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-3121034 or www.deschuteslibrary.org/ calendar.

THURSDAY GRIMES CHRISTMASSCENE:See "Today's" listing; 541-447-5006 or grimes@crestviewcable.com. "IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE": The Bend Experimental Art Theatre presents the classic holiday tale about George Bailey and his guardian angel; $15, $10 students ages 5-18; 7 p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-419-5558 or www .beattickets.org.

S TORY TIMES AND LIBRARY YOUTH EV EN T S For the week of Dec. 7-13

Story times are freeunless otherwise noted. Barnes & Noble Booksellers 2690 N.E. U.s. Highway 20, Bend; 541-318-7242

ONCE UPONA STORY TIME: All ages; 11 a.m. Friday. C.E. Lovejoy's Brookswood Market 19530 Amber MeadowDrive, Bend; 54t-888-1188

STORYTIME:All ages; 11 a.m. Thursday. Crook County Public Library 175 S.W. MeadowLakesDrive, Prineville; 541-447-7978

PRESCHOOL STORYTIME: Ages 3 and older; 6:30 p.m. Tuesday and 11 a.m. Thursday. WEE READ: Ages 0-3; 10 a.m. Monday and Wednesday.

11:30 a.m. Wednesday and1:30 p.m. Thursday. TODDLIN' TALES: Ages 18-36 months; 10:15 a.m. and 11 a.m. Tuesday and10:15 a.m. Wednesday. PRESCHOOL PARADE: Ages 3-5; 10:30 a.m. Friday and 1:30 p.m. Tuesday. BLOCKPARTY:Ages 6-11: LEGO Universe; 2 p.m. Saturday. LAB RATS:Age 6-11; Bend Research works with kids on science subjects; 3 p.m. Wednesday. East Bend Public Library 62080 Deanswift Road; 541-330-3760

TODDLIN'TALES:Ages 0-3; 9:30 a.m. Wednesday. PRESCHOOL PARADE: Ages 3-5; 9:30 a.m. Thursday. SATURDAYSTORIES:Ages 0-5; 10 a.m. Saturday. MUSIC 8 MOVEMENT:Ages 3-5: 9:30 a.m. Friday. H>gh Desert Museum

Downtown Bend Public Library 601 N.w. wall st.; 541-617-7097

BABYSTEPS:Ages0-18 months;

59800 S. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; www. highdesertmuseum.org; 541-382-4754; unless noted, events included with

admission ($15adults, $12ages 65 and older, $9ages 5-12, freeages4and


WILD WEDNESDAYS: Ages 7-12; treasure hunt; 12:30 p.m. to close Wednesday. BACKPACK EXPLORERS: Ages 3-4; explore museum's animal habitat, share stories and songs; 10 to11 a.m. Thursday; $15 per child nonmembers, $10 per child members. TOTALLYTOUCHABLETALES:Ages 2-5; storytelling about animals and people of the High Desert; 10:30 a.m. Tuesday. Jefferson County Public Library 241 S.w. seventh st., Madras; 541-475-3351

BABIESANDTODDLERSSTORY TIME:10:10a.m. Tuesday. PRESCHOOL ANDOLDER STORY TIME:Ages 3-5; 10:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. Tuesday. SPANISH STORYTIME:All ages; 1 p.m. Wednesday.

KNOW ORIGAMI:Ages 10-17; 2:30 p.m. Wednesday. Redmond Public Library 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541-312-1054

BABYSTEPS:Ages 0-18 months; 11 a.m.Thursday. PRESCHOOL PARADE: Ages 3-5; 10:15 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Wednesday. TODDLIN'TALES: Ages18-36months; 10:15 a.m. Thursday. TEEN TERRITORY: Ages 12-17; 2:30 to 4 p.m. Wednesday. KNOW ORIGAMI:Ages 10-17; 2:30 p.m. Wednesday. Sisters Public Library 110 N. Cedar st.; 541-312-1070

FAMILYFUN STORY TIME: Ages 0-5; 10:30 a.m. Thursday. Sunriver Area Public Library

La Pine Pubhc Library 16425 First st.; 541-312-1090

FAMILY STORY TIME: All ages; 10:30 a.m. Thursday. TECH LAB: Ages12-17; 3 p.m. Monday.

56855 Venture Lane; 541-312-1080

FAMILYFUN STORY TIME: Ages 0-5; 10:30 a.m. Tuesday. KNOW ORIGAMI:Ages 10-17; 5 p.m. Wednesday.








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Tribune MediaServices

A s econdary i s sue o f sui t preference signalsis whether they can be used to show strength in trumps. Most experts would say yes — in unusual situations. Today's West leads the eight of hearts against four spades, and East wins and returns a heart. South leads a club next, and West grabs his ace as East signals "count" with the nine. W est wonders how t o p u t h i s partner in to get a heart ruff. If West l eads a d i a mond, w h ic h l o o k s attractive, South will win, pitch his last heart on a high club, and make his game thanks to the friendly lie in trumps.


Asking for trumps



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What do you say? ANSWER: You have 11 points a nd balanced distribution, but to invite game with 2NT when you have n either m ajo r s u i t s t o pped i s unattractive. Raise to three diamonds. S ince y o u ha v e no ace s , a conservative pass is an option, but your partner might easily hold a hand s uchasA4 2 , 9 8 , A J 1 0 7 6 4 , A 3 . East dealer Both sides vulnerable




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HIGH HEART East helps West by leading the TEN of hearts at Trick Two. If West gets in, his possible leads would logically be trumps or diamonds; it's unlikely East would want West to lead clubs. When East leads his highest heart at Trick Two, he directs West's attention to trumps. Even without East's signal, West might reason that East has the ace of trumps. If South had it, he might have started the trumps at the third trick.



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LOS ANGELESTIMES DAILY CROSSWORD Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce NicholsLewis ACROSS 1 Family nickname 5 Wharton hero 10 Crude letters 14 One of five Norwegian kings 15 Trapper's tool? 16 Roast, in Rhone 17 Eye sore 18 Invierno month 19 Nicole's "Moulin

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Unscramble thesefour Jumbles one letter Io eachsquare, to form four ordinarywords.


by David L Hoyt and Jeff Knurek Peoole will be able to read a book on a device like this. It could hold thousandsoftitles. Il

Where's the keyboorda< /

©2012 TribuneMedia Services, Inc. ~~ All Rights Reserved







—:I ' 'I

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"I can't find Australia. Are you sure it's on here?"

Now arrange the circled letters Io form the surprise answer, as suggested bythe above cartoon.


© LaughingstockInte<naoonaiInc., • <s<by Universal Ucl<ckfor UF$, 20<2


Answer here: y I d

(Aoowerotomorrow) Jumbles: DAZED IVORY COPPER FAMOUS Answer: His desire Io ownthe biggest plumbing company in town wao —A PIPEDREAM

68 Heraldry border 69 Furthest from the hole,in golf 70 Big key 71 Fade, maybe DOWN 1 Israel's Dayan 2 Letout, say 3 Builders of ,

55 Gay leader? 56 Triple-A, at times 57 Software product with a cup-and-



58 All over again 60 "Categorical imperative" philosopher 61 Slurpee alternative 63 Come out with

50 Boost, with "up" 52 Front-end alignment 54 "New" currency

replaced by the Congolese franc


B S S H O T S O area B A G E R 26 Compass hdg. S M E A 28 Bars at the end E E RO S 29 Latish lunch hr. 31 "Because A L I G N E D freedom can't RA C E D I protect itself' org. T H E R 0 S E T 32 "Come Sail Away" S R S S T R O band CR E E 33 Solstice month H E R O S W E L 34 Doing the job P L U 35 Spot a flamboyant O L A Y singer? L I P B O W A 37 Bygone blade E T E S T E N 40 Rockefeller D E R A S S N Center statue xwordeditor@aol.com




27 Some of its ads feature a pig named Maxwell 30 Prima 33 Cuban patriot Marti 36 Ages 38 Fight back, say 39 Aussie's school 40 Contract extras, and read differently, a hint to this puzzle's theme 42 Layer 43 Time to retire I 2 45 Copycat 46 Vichy waters 14 47 Kennedy and Waters 17 49 Like old apples 51 Character piece? 20 53 "Pork and Beans" 24 band 57 Binge 59 Whomping actor Eric? 33 3 4 62 Literary collections 64 Amity 39 65 Knee-slapper 66 Star in Lyra 67Topofaform,


41 Approach 44 Every other hurricane 46 One may be penciled in 48 Like a piece of


9Ate at 10 Tram load 11 Supply electricity to a California Rouge!" co-star city? 20 Enjoying "0 patria 12 Weather may mia"? delay them: Abbr. 23 Legal title: Abbr. 13 Half of dix 24 Artificial 21 Samson's end? 25 "Night Moves" 22 Ancient assembly

singer oE 5<o<N

4 Nothing special 5 Frantic 6 Signaled one's arrival 7 Ancient theaters 8 1961 record











19 22

25 28








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A L E R O W N S E E E R 12/07/1 2 12





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12/07/1 2


Grief Continued from B1 The intimacy and the familyoriented traditions and events that accompany the holiday season often remind people of the loved ones they've lost. These activities can also physically wear them out, he said, which makes the sadness much harder to deal with. "The holidays are a difficult time for anyone who is grieving," said D iane Kellstrom, bereavement coordinatorfor the Hospice of Redmond. "The table has one less person. The c onversation ha s o n e l e s s voice.... For some people it can be overwhelming just to make it through the end of the day." But rather t ha n p r etend these feelings don't exist, Kellstrom said, it's important to recognize them and include room for them in a person's holiday plans.

Ruth Locke, 80, lost her husband Joe thls summer, so this will be her first holiday season without him. Playing his favorite songs on the piano helps her stay connected to him. Andy Tnllie

The Bulletin

"It's just family communication," Kellstrom said, addingthat the buildup to a holiday is often more stressful than the holiday itself. "Family members have to figure out what everybody needs and how they can help each other through the process." People can also find help with their grieving process by

"He didn't know who I was, but he did know I w a s the piano lady," she said, rememberingher last experiences with Joe before he died in late July. "I loved that man more than life itself ... It was very hard to see him die so slowly like that." She usually sang during Locke found a lot of help these performances while her dealing with her h usband's Room for grief joining a support group like husband read poetry and act- death when she took part in Kellstrom has a few simple the Soup and Support group ed as their sound man. the Hospice of R e dmond's "Once in a while, he'd sing Transitions program earlier rules families can follow to the Hospice of Redmond holds help make room for a griev- on the fourth Tuesday of ev- with us," she said. this year. She keeps in touch ing family member and enjoy ery month. Much like Koski's During t h e s e c o n certs, with some of the people she "Longest Night" service, these Locke and her band members met through this program and their holiday celebrations. Families should be flexible m eetings create a n a t m o - made sure they played at least may also attend a luncheon with their holiday traditions sphere where mourners can one song the audience could her churchishosting for peoand be willing divvy up respon- be with others who share their relate to. She said that faces ple who suffered a loss. sibilities so the person who is experience. would light up, no matter what For th e h o l iday s eason, "They feel safer," Kellstrom their condition, whenever they Locke is planning to ceremogrieving is not overburdened with chores at a time when they said, adding that her agency's heard a tune they knew from niously mark Joe's absence are emotionally exhausted. grief support calls typically childhood or that gave them a by placing a miniature Christ"Maybe we go out to dinner pick up in October as people special joy. mas tree he kept in his nursing thisyear so nobodyhas to cook," struggle with spending anIn 2008, a hurricane ripped home room on the piano she she said, offeringone suggestion other holiday season without a the roof off the couple's home plays at home. But she's also families could consider. loved one. "They feel support- in Florida. They left the Sun- remembering a promise she She also said its important ed and they don't stand out as shine State at their children's made to herself right before to make sure th e g r ieving being different (because they insistence, taking r esidence his death. "When I knew Joewas leavloved one has an escape plan are sad)." in Locke's daughter's second from activities like church serhome in Redmond. ing me," she said. "I decided vices or Christmas parties just 'More than life itself' The couple stayed in this I was still going to be alive, in case their emotions get the Ruth Locke will grieve this house, where Locke said they because that's what he would best of them or they need time holiday season, her first since played the piano and sang to- have wanted." to be alone and rest. her husband, Joe, died this gether often, until she couldn't To that end, Locke said she Most importantly, Kellstrom summer after a 12-year battle careforJoe by herself and put has started playing the piano said, people need to realize that with Alzheimer's disease. him in a nursing home. Locke after taking a break from it af"There's not really a lot to seniors often suffer many losses then moved in with her daugh- ter her husband's death. She's when a spouse dies. They may celebrate about the holidays ter and son-in-law. also picking up an old holiday "I would suffer all sorts of experience a significant reduc- this year," she said in a frank tradition and giving perfortion in their income, loss of a interview about her feelings agony and guilt for what I had mances at area nursing homes crucial part of the support sys- since her husband's death. "To done, but I knew it was for the like the one where Joe lived tem that helped them live inde- be honest with you, there's no best," Locke said. before he died. "They are always happy to pendently and the difficult tran- way to make grief any better." She visited her husband as sition from being part of couple The 80-year-old Terrebonne often as she could and would hear the music," she said. "And to being on their own. resident said she loved her play piano for him whenever I'm happier when I come back All of these issues, especial- husband with all of her heart she had a chance. These experi- (from these concerts) than ly the financial one, only add — even though he could not encescreated amemory inJoe's I have been for quitesome stressto the sadness someone remember her name when he mind that stuck even as his dis- time." feels when a loved one is not died — and will cherish every ease reached its final stages and — Reporter: 541-617-7816, there. minute of the 24 years they started erasing his identity. mmclean@bendbulletin.com spent together. Before they moved from Florida to Central Oregon four years ago, Locke and her husband spent their holidays working with a harmony group that did shows at nursing homes i n t h eir community.

Legal Continued from B1 "A lot of the time people aren't aware their benefits have been reduced," she said, adding that because of budget issues, the health plan may cover some expenses one year and not cover them the next. These changes a r en't e x a ctly clear, Hente said, referring the plan as "a very complicated bureaucracy." Hente said there's little an attorney can do if the health care expense is no longer covered, but some claim denials may be overturned with an a dministrative hearing, she said, which is why it's important to ask a lawyer for advice. Legal Aid Services attorneys also hear from seniors who are having problems

paying debts and are facing numerous collection calls. Hente said many people don't understand that they are not required to t alk with a creditor and there are ways to stop the calls altogether. " People also w an t t o know how to change their will or whether they even need one," said Bob Turner, an attorney with the Progressive Law Group who will b e r u n n ing B end's senior legal aid session on Thursday. Turner said most people, especially those 60 or older, will find they may not need a will. Unless they have a

Legal AidServices schedule Legal Aid Services of

Central Oregon is hosting a series of free legal clinics for seniors next week at the following locations: • Prineville: 10 a.m. to

1 p.m.Tuesday atthe Soroptimists Senior Center, 180 N.E. Belknap St. Call 541-447-6844 to schedule an appointment. • Bend: 9 a.m. to noon Thursday at the Central

Oregon Council on Aging, 373 N.E. Greenwood Ave. Call 541-678-5483 to

schedule anappointment. • Redmond: 8 a.m. to noon Thursday at the Redmond Senior Center, 325 N.W. Dogwood Ave. Call 541548-6325 to schedule an appointment.

complicated portfolio of a ssets, are part of a mixed family or have children and stepchildren, Turner said, people are generally fine without a will because statelaw transfers belongings to their spouse, their children, their p arents and their siblings, in that order. Turner said he's happy to help seniors answer these basic estate planning questions during the session because he's done a lot of estate planning work as part of his private practice. — Reporter: 541-617-7816, mmciean@bendbulletin.com


young children. Simple words tell the story of two bright-red Continued from B1 birds playing in th e f alling The children try to help snow. The birds discover that him, but they can't keep no two things are alike, not h im f ro m m e lting. T h e snowflakes,fences, leaves or children must keep putting even themselves. Sneezy back together until Enjoy! For more books to finally, they figure out what cuddle up and read during will work perfectly. This the winter, please visit your hilarious picture book fea- local Deschutes Public Library tures vibrant illustrations branch(www.deschuteslibrary that just might have you .org). reaching for the hot cocoa. — Recommendationsfrom "No Two Alike," Sheila Grier, Community by Keith Baker Librarian, Deschutes Public This is a sweet book for Library system

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Search for ci manager reboots

Hoodoo set to open today Hoodoo Ski Area will

be open from 9a.m. to

4 p.m. today, the start of the resort's 75th season

in operation. Chief Marketing Officer Leif Williams said there is about two feet of

snow on theground at Hoodoo, with forecasts

showing snowshould continue falling for the

By Leslie Pugmire Hole

next ten days.

The Bulletin

The Big Greenand Hodag lifts will remain closed for now, Williams

said, as many ofthe trails on the upperslopes of the mountain require

more snow to besafe for skiing and snowboarding. Cross-country trails

will also opentoday, though the ski resort's tubing park is closed

until more snowaccumulates. Night skiing on Fridays andSaturdays is currently scheduled to

begin on Dec.21. Poor early season snowfalls plagued Hoodoo last year.The ski area openedover the Thanksgiving weekend but then shut down and remained closed until Dec. 30.

Stateto get$20M for education The state ofOregon recently received a federal grant of $20 million to strengthen its early childhood system. The"Racetothe Top-

Photos by Ryan Brennecke/The Bulletin

Photographer Loren Irving works on positioning the Fremont Cannonfor a series of photos Thursday morning in Shevlin Park. The photos will be part of an exhibit about explorer John Fremont and his expedition to Oregon in the 1800s.

is oric cannon is ac i n e v i n a r o ra a

Early LearningChallenge" grant was issuedthrough the U.S. Department of Education and the U.S. Department of Health

and HumanServices, and will be distributed to the state over the course of

four years. Thegrant is designed tohelpensure Oregon children reach school ready tosucceed by funding high-quality

early learning programs for young children. "This is a welcome endorsement of

Oregon's focus on improving early learning and school readiness," said Gov.John Kitzhaber. "Success in school starts long before school. This federal investment in our efforts will help to improve results for children and families and contributes to our efforts to trans-

form Oregon education at all levels." Recipients ofthe

grant moneyarechosen based on their ability to implement compelling

and comprehensiveearly education reform.

Man arrested after car chase A Prineville man was

By Ben Botkin The Bulletin

An historic cannon made an appearance Thursday in Shevlin Park after a 169-year absence. Volunteers with the Des Chutes Historical Museum packed up the 223-pound brass cannon, taking it to Shevlin Park for photographs. The cannon was with John Fremont, a famous Oregon explorerofthe 1800s. The group took photos of the cannon in preparation for an exhibit about Fremont and his expedition at the Nevada State Museum in Carson City, Nev. The cannon and the photos showing the weapon in its historic setting will be part of the exhibit when it opens in October 2013. The exhibit will come to Bend in November 2014, said Kelly Cannon-Miller, executive director of the Deschutes County Historical Society, which operates the museum. Fremont'sjournal records point to Shevlin Park as the location he passed through and spent a night in on Dec. 4, 1843. At the time, he was with a party that included Kit Carson and two Klamath Native American guides. Earlier that year, he had finished

surveying the Oregon Trail with an expedition. After finishing his mission and arriving in The Dalles in November 1843, Fremont opted to head south with a party of 25 men, said Loren Irving, a Bend resident whose photography will be part of the exhibit. Fremont's journal, map and measurements of latitude coordinates all point to where he traveled, Irving sa>d. In Fremont's journal entry, he writes about taking a trail into a pine forest, later descending into a valley with spaces of open pines with scattered grass meadows. He also writes about a 40-footwide stream, and 140-foot larches. The cannon tube is the only original part — a replica of the carriage was made later. The cannon was discovered after the expedition by a miner in Nevada. Newspaper accounts show that Fremont, when passing through Virginia City, Nev., in his later years, saw the cannon and indicated he recognized it. That's a strong part of the evidence indicating that the

Dean Finelli, left, and Pete Cecil push the Fremont Cannon down a path Thursday morning in Shevlin Park. cannon is the same one Fremont took on his expedition, Cannon-Miller said. The cannon is on loan to

the Bend museum from the Nevada State Museum. — Reporter: 541-977-7185, bbotkin@bendbulletin.com

arrested Wednesdayevening after committing a traffic violation and lead-

The cityofRedmond on Nov. 30 kicked off round two of a nationwide hunt for a city manager. The first round began in September —aftertwo-year City Manager David Brandt resignedto accept another position — but the only candidate the city seriously considered declined the post. In an effort to get different results, the city hired Taylor Protocols, a Washingtonbased firm that interim City Manager Sharon Harris called "not your typical headhunters." While as before the job will be posted in various places, including online, two things will differ this round: Prospective candidates will be required to complete a personality profile with their resume and they will be notified that the job requires living within the 97756 ZIP code. The profile is a specialty of Taylor Protocols, a short survey it calls a Core Values Index that was developed to determine whether candidates possess various strengths that a company or public entity might be interested in. They will be used to winnow down the applicants in phase one of the process, before finalists are chosentobe interviewed. "We might have two resumes that look very similar but these profiles will tell us if the applicants are, for example, very detail-oriented or community-minded," said Harris. The last city manager search, which was posted for one month, cost the city just over $7,800. The new search is expectedtocostabout $8,700. Harris said applicants who were a bit late to be considered forthe firstround have been notified the position is being readvertised. She told the council the city expects to pay a new city manager about $125,000, depending on experience. Until City Council action in October, Redmond had no city charter or council mandate on where city managers resided. Brandt lived in Bend, while his predecessorMike Patterson lived in Redmond. The council decision came during the selection process earlier this fall, when it heard from some city residents that living in or near Redmond was an important attribute in a city manager, but it was not a unanimous vote. See Redmond /C2 /r' r l ( I~KXXXW

ing police onacar chase,


Prineville police said.

Lawrence Mark Stroud, 31, was arrested

on suspicion of reckless driving, recklessly endangering another person, eluding in avehicle, attempted assault, parole violation and for

possessin gmethamphetamine. At around 8:30 p.m.,

police reported officers tried to stop a white Chevrolet pickup driven by Stroud for a traffic violation in the area of Northeast Hudspeth Lane in Prineville. Stroud did not stop the car when signalled to, and attempted to flee, police said. Officers pursued his carthroughthe

Ochoco Heights area, and eventually wereable to stop him by using spike strips to deflate his vehicle tires. — From staff reports More briefing, C2

Telephone town hall allows constituents to quizWalden Bulletin staff report The "fiscal cliff," timber sales and "Obamacare" were on constituents' minds when they phoned in to U.S. Rep. Greg Walden's telephone town hall Thursday. Two callers detailed concerns that they would lose coveragefora family member or face rising premiums as a resultofmandates under the Affordable Care Act, otherwise known as Obamacare. The act, when it takes full effect, will require everyone to obtain health insurance but also mandates coverage for individuals with pre-existing conditions, among other provisions. A caller named John told Walden, a Republican from Hood River, that his son, dis-

abled due to a work injury, recently learned from his provider that he'll lose his Walden in sur a nce coverage. Walden said he'd look into the case. But, he added, he expects health insurance premiums to rise once provisions of the act come online. In 2014, for example, anyone who cannot obtain insurance through an employer should be able to find it through an Affordable Insurance Exchange. Nonetheless, "in part, you'll see a dramatic change in rates," Walden said. Young

people may pay as much as 300 percenthigher premiums; just over a third of small busi-

nesses will pay 70 percent more to provide health insurance for their employees, he sa>d. "Premiums are going to go up," Walden said. "Be on the lookout for that, as well," Another caller, Preston, asked Walden whether federal resources in Oregon, such as national forests and their timber under the U.S. Forest Service or land under the Bureau ofLand Management and the resources on it, might be auctionedoffto pay down the national debt, now approaching $16 trillion. "We might be able to make use of those resources, put them up for auction, put people back to work," he said. See Walden /C2



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tional assets and decide "do we need everything we have?" Continued from C1 Some might be disposed of in W alden replied t hat t h e the manner in which the U.S. "short answer is yes," and in has closed and t r ansferred some cases he's been involved ownership of military bases in smaller-scale transfers of forcommercial purposes. federal resources, such as a Walden heard from 10 callformer Forest Service facility ers in the hourlong session. in Wallowa County and 750 The first, Kate, of M adras, acres deeded to La Pine. urged him to "hold the line" But states east of the Mis- on refusing to raise taxes as sissippi River have far less part of any plan to address property in federal hands, so the so-called fiscal cliff. The transferring property in t he metaphor describes a loomWest is a hard sell, he said. ing deadline for automatic tax The 2nd Congressional Dis- increases and spending cuts trict of Oregon, which Walden should the f ederal governrepresents, w o ul d s t r e tch ment fail to reach some agreefrom the A t lantic Coast to ment to rein in the national Ohio. His congressional col- debt. "Do not give in to the deleagues are often surprised by that fact, he said. mands of President Obama," On the other hand, Con- who proposes raising taxes gress needs to look at all na- on individuals with incomes

of $250,000 and greater, Kate said. The next c aller, Janette, said: "My question is, why go for shutting down no tax increases at all? Let's be reasonable. Two hundred and fifty thousand is ridiculous. That does entail a lot of small businesses."

She suggested a higher income level, $5 million or more, for example. "Go for all the Hollywood people that are making a hundred million on a movie," she said. Another caller, Jim, asked whether Walden planned on taking a Christmas break if s ome agreement were n o t reached by year's end to avert the fiscal cliff. "I'm prepared to stay as long as i t t a k es," Walden replied.


Continued from C1 Some councilors felt that the requirement had the potential to limit the pool of candidates. The 97756 ZIP code encompasses Redmond and Eagle Crest and extends toward Tumalo and parts of rural Terrebonne. About 30 resumes were received during the f i r st search, said Harris. The application period will remain open until Feb. 1. By Feb. 18, it is hopedthat a small group of finalists will be available for Skype interviews, with in-person interviews with up to three candidates beginning in early March.

Continued from Ct

Bend poli ce:W oman sold pot to minors A Bend womanwasarrested Tuesdayevening on the suspicion of selling

said she wasdealing the drug out of a residence on Tuscany Drive in southwest

Bend, after executing a search warrant there. She

was subsequently arrested marijuana, some ofwhich and taken to the Deschutes she also sold to minors, the County jail. Bend Police Department

sa~d. Jennifer Harrison, 41, is facing charges of the delivery of a controlled

substance andchild neglect in the first degree. Police

A15-year-old female,

who police said wasalso involved with the drug distribution, was issued a citation

for delivery of a controlled substance to a minor. — From staff reports

— Reporter.541-548-2186 Ipugmireho ~ mpa p ers.com

PUBLIC OFFICIALS For The Bulletin's full list, including federal, state, county and city levels, visit www.bendbulletin.comlofficials.

NEWS OF RECORD reported entered at10:30 a.m. Nov. 29, in the 61500 block of Oakwood Place. The Bulletin will update items in the Police Log when such Theft —Atheft was reported and a request is received. Any an arrest made at 5:21 p.m. Nov. 29, new information, such as the in the1200 block of Southeast Third dismissal of charges or acquittal, Street. must be verifiable. For more Theft —Atheft was reported and information, call 541-383-0358. an arr estmadeat5:44 p.m .Nov.29, Bend Police Department in the 600 block of Northeast Third Criminal mischief —An act of Street. criminal mischief was reported and DUII —Brian Earl Mickey, 42, was an arrest made at 2:51 a.m. Nov. arrested on suspicion of driving 21, in the1000 block of Northwest under the influence of intoxicants Saginaw Avenue. at10:38 p.m. Nov. 29, in the areaof Burglary —A burglary was reported Brosterhous RoadandNews Lane. at3:02a.m. Nov.16, in the100 block Theft —Atheft was reported at of Southeast Third Street. 10:55 a.m. Nov. 30, in the 19900 Theft —Atheft was reported at1:51 block of Powers Road. p.m. Nov. 24, in the 1100 block of Unlawful entry —A vehicle was Northwest Farewell Drive. reported entered at11:21 a.m. Nov. DUII —Rachel Leanne Warrenburg, 30, in the1800 block of Northeast 20, was arrested on suspicion Butler Market Road. of driving under the influence of Criminal mischief —An act of intoxicants at11:48 p.m. Nov. 24, criminal mischief was reported at in the area of Blakely Roadand 1:03 p.m. Nov. 30, in the1500 block Southwest Silver Lake Boulevard. of Hill Street. Theft —A theft was reported at 2:58 Criminal mischief —An act of p.m.Nov.25,inthe63400 blockof criminal mischief was reported and North U.S. Highway 97. an arrest made at 2:23 p.m. Nov. Burglary —A burglary was reported 23, in the1500 block of Southeast at 5:12 p.m. Nov. 26, in the 200 block Tempest Drive. of Northeast Fifth Street. Theft —A theft was reported at 3:08 DUII —Teigan Elaine Veit, 23, was p.m. Nov. 23, in the 1000 block of arrested on suspicion of driving Southeast15th Street. under the influence of intoxicants at Theft —Atheft was reported and 12:27a.m. Nov.27,inthe800 block arrests made at 6:09 p.m. Nov. 27, of Northeast Greenwood Avenue. in the 600 block of Northeast Third Theft —A theft was reported and an Street. arrest made at1:01 p.m. Nov. 27, in DUII —Robert Henry Schinbine, 68, the 300 block of Northeast Second was arrested on suspicion of driving Street. under the influence of intoxicants at Theft —A theft was reported and 5:15 p.m. Nov. 30, in the 600 block of an arrest made at 5:38 p.m. Nov. Southeast Third Street. 27, in the 61500 block of South U.S. Criminal mischief —An act of Highway 97. criminal mischief was reported at DUII —Peter Eggers Palmer,37, 12:27 p.m. Dec. 1, in the1500 block was arrested on suspicion of driving of Northwest Healy Court. under the influence of intoxicants Criminal mischief —An act of at 7:34 p.m. Nov. 27, in the area criminal mischief was reported at of Empire AvenueandNorth U.S. 3:44 p.m. Dec.1, in the1500 block of Highway 97. Northwest Healy Court. DUII —Juan Carlos Razo Noriega, Criminal mischief —An act of 33, was arrested on suspicion criminal mischief was reported at of driving under the influence of 9:37 p.m. Dec.1, in the1500 blockof intoxicants at12:28 a.m. Nov. 28, in Northwest Healy Court. the area of Northeast Studio Road and Northeast Vail Avenue. Theft —Atheft was reported at 2:09 p.m. Dec. 2, in the 61100 block of Unlawful entry —A vehicle was Ladera Road. reported entered at 8:11 a.m. Nov. 28, in the1900 block of Northeast Burglary —A burglary was reported PurserAvenue. at10:04 a.m. Nov. 24, in the 61400 block of U.S. Highway 97. Criminal mischief —An act of criminal mischief was reported at Theft —Atheft was reported at 2:26 12:40 p.m. Nov. 28, in the100 block p.m. Nov. 28, in the 200 block of of of Northwest Minnesota Avenue. Northwest Colorado Avenue. Theft —A theft was reported at 2:41 Unlawful entry —A vehicle was p.m. Nov. 28, in the 3100 block of reported entered at 9:22 a.m. Nov. Northeast Wells Acres Road. 29, in the 2900 block of Northeast Deborah Court. Unlawful entry —A vehicle was reported entered at 5:39 p.m. Nov. Unlawful entry —A vehicle was 28, in the 2004 block of Northeast reported entered at 8:14 a.m. Nov. Cradle Mountain Way. 30, in the 63000 block of Marsh Orchid Drive. Unauthorized use —A vehicle was reported stolen at10:31 a.m. Nov. Unlawful entry —A vehicle was 16, in the area of Southeast Azalia reported entered at 9:04 a.m. Nov. Avenue and Southeast Daily Estates 30, in the 63100 block of Desert Sage Drive. Street. Unlawful entry —A vehicle was Theft —Atheft was reported and reported entered at 7:12 a.m. Nov. 17, an arrest made at10:15 a.m. Nov. in the 900 block of Northwest Albany 30, in the 61200 block of South U.S. Avenue. Highway 97. Unlawful entry —A vehicle was Burglary —A burglary was reported reported entered at1:11 p.m. Nov. at3:20 p.m.Nov.30,inthe900 block 19, in the 300 block of Southwest of Southeast Polaris Court. Garfield Avenue. Burglary —A burglary was reported Unlawful entry —A vehicle was at11:45a.m. Dec.1, in the 61500 reported entered at 8:09 a.m. Nov. block of Alstrup Road. 22, in the1500 block of Northeast Criminal mischief —An act of Fourth Street. criminal mischief was reported at Theft —Atheft was reported at 3:30 p.m. Dec.1, in the 300 blockof 12:12 p.m. Nov. 23, in the 3000 block Northwest Riverfront Street. of Northeast Saber Drive. DUII —Juan Miguel SanchezUnauthorized use —A vehicle was Martinez, 24, was arrested on reported stolen at 7:20 a.m. Nov. 26, suspicion of driving under the in the 20800 block of Lupine Avenue. influence of intoxicants at12:55 DUII —Paul Martin John Latham, 47, a.m. Dec. 2, in the area of Northeast was arrested on suspicion of driving Greenwood Avenueand Northeast under the influence of intoxicants Fifth Street. at12:29 p.m. Nov. 26, in the 61100 DUII —Zachary Bray Young, 24, block of South U.S. Highway 97. was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at Unauthorized use —A vehicle was reported stolen at11:09 a.m. Nov. 27, 1:07 a.m. Dec. 2, in the1000 block of in the 2500 block of Northeast Neff Northwest Brooks Street. Road. Unlawful entry —A vehicle was Theft —Atheft was reported and reported entered at 9:09 a.m. Dec. 2, an arr estmade at3:37 p.m.Nov.27, in the 61200 block of Sarah Drive. in the 2600 block of Northeast U.S. Unlawful entry —A vehicle was Highway 20. reported entered at10:47 a.m. Dec. Unlawful entry —A vehicle was 2, in the 600 block of Northwest


Sonora Drive. Unlawful entry —A vehicle was reported entered at11:44 a.m. Dec. 2, in the 61200 block of Sarah Drive. Unlawful entry —A vehicle was reported entered at1:24 p.m. Dec. 2, in the 2400 block of Northwest Hemmingway Street. Unlawful entry —A vehicle was reported entered at 3 p.m. Dec. 2, in the 20900 block of Miramar Drive. Unlawful entry —A vehicle was reported entered at 3:15 p.m. Dec. 2, in the 61000 block of Sky Harbor Drive. Unlawful entry —A vehicle was reported entered at 6:32 p.m. Dec. 2, in the1500 block of Northwest Kingston Avenue. Unlawful entry —A vehicle was reported entered at 9:02 a.m. Dec. 3, in the 63000 block of Desert Sage Street. Unlawful entry —A vehicle was reported entered at 9:22 a.m. Dec. 3, in the 20700 block of Wishing Well Court. Unlawful entry —A vehicle was reported entered at 9:40 a.m. Dec. 3, inthe20800 blockofNova Loop. Criminal mischief —An act of criminal mischief was reported at 11:38 a.m. Dec. 3, in the 20900 block of Sedonia Lane. Criminal mischief —An act of criminal mischief was reported at 12:45 p.m. Dec. 3, in the100 block of Northwest Oregon Avenue. Criminal mischief —An act of criminal mischief was reported at 2:33p.m.Dec.3,inthe63100 block of Eastview Drive. Criminal mischief —An act of criminal mischief was reported at 3:04p.m.Dec.3,inthe62900block of O.B. Riley Road. Unlawful entry —A vehicle was reported entered at 4 p.m. Dec. 3, in the 61200 block of Ridgewater Loop. Burglary —A burglary was reported at7:36 a.m.Nov.26,inthe400 block of Northeast Third Street. Theft —A theft was reported at 4:33 p.m.Nov.27,in the62000 blockof Northeast Nates Place. Criminal mischief —An act of criminal mischief was reported at 8:11 p.m. Nov. 27, in the100 block of Northwest Greenwood Avenue. Burglary —A burglary was reported at 9:33 p.m. Nov. 27, in the 61100 block of South U.S. Highway 97. Unlawful entry —A vehicle was reported entered at 7:06 a.m. Nov. 28, in the 63000 block of Marsh Orchid Drive. Criminal mischief —An act of criminal mischief was reported at 12:04 p.m. Nov. 28, in the1100 block of Northwest Wall Street. Criminal mischief —An act of criminal mischief was reported at 3:09p.m.Nov.29,inthe20000 block of Pinebrook Boulevard. DUII —Megan Leigh Forbes, 30, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at1:25 a.m. Dec. 1, in the area of Northeast Eighth Streetand Northeast Greenwood Avenue. Unlawful entry —A vehicle was reported entered at 3:36 p.m. Dec. 3, in the 600 block of Northwest Sonora Drive. Theft —A theft was reported at 8:21 p.m. Dec. 3, in the 200 block of Northeast Sixth Street. Unlawful entry —A vehicle was reported entered at11:02 p.m. Dec. 3, in the 20900 block of Miramar Drive. DUII —William Shawn Veitch, 38, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at 12:48 a.m. Dec. 4, in the 200 block of Northeast Second Street. Theft —A theft was reported at 7:23 a.m. Dec. 4, in the 61000 block of Sky Harbor Drive. Unlawful entry —A vehicle was reported entered at 2 p.m. Dec. 4, in the100 block of Southwest Hayes Avenue. Unlawful entry —A vehicle was reported entered at 3:20 p.m. Dec. 4, in the1000 block of Northwest Hillside Park Drive. Unlawful entry —A vehicle was reported entered at 8:52 a.m. Nov.

21, in the 3100 block of North U.S. Highway 97. Burglary —A burglary was reported at10:34 a.m. Nov. 23, in the1600 block of Northeast Third Street. Criminal mischief —An act of criminal mischief was reported at 10:36 a.m. Nov. 24, in the 3100 block of North U.S. Highway 97. Theft —A theft was reported at 9:03 a.m.Nov.26,in the20600 blockof Boulderfield Avenue. Burglary —A burglary was reported at10:47 a.m. Nov. 26, in the1600 block of Northeast Third Street. Theft —Atheft was reported and an arrest made at 3:53 p.m. Nov. 29, in the63300 blockofU.S.Highway20. Theft —A theft was reported at 10:13 a.m. Dec. 4, in the 2600 block of Northeast Mary Rose Place. Theft —A theft was reported at 3:01 p.m. Dec. 4, in the 20700 block of Patriot Lane. Criminal mischief —An act of criminal mischief was reported at 4:58 p.m. Dec. 4, in the area of Southeast Third Streetand Brosterhous Road. Theft —A theft was reported at 5:01 p.m. Dec. 4, in the 200 block of Southeast Logsden Street. Unlawful entry —A vehicle was reported entered at 9:56 a.m. Dec. 5, inthe20200 blockofReedLane. Criminal mischief —An act of criminal mischief was reported at 11:38 a.m. Dec. 5, in the 500 block of Northwest Wall Street. Theft —A theft was reported at 10:41 p.m. Nov. 25, in the 61100 block of South U.S. Highway 97. Theft —A theft was reported at 11:53 a.m. Nov. 21, in the 61200 block of South U.S. Highway 97. Burglary —A burglary was reported and an arrest made at12:46 a.m. Nov. 23, in the1000 block of Southeast Paiute Way. Unauthorizeduse —A vehicle was reported stolen at 2:21 p.m. Dec. 2, in the 700 block of Southeast Ninth Street. Theft —Atheft was reported and an arrest madeat4:46 p.m. Dec. 2, in the 300 block of Northeast Isaiah Drive. Theft —A theft was reported at 4:51 p.m. Dec. 2, in the 500 block of Northeast Emerson Avenue. Criminal mischief —An act of criminal mischief was reported and an arrest made at1:32 a.m. Nov. 30, in the1000 block of Northwest Roanoke Avenue.

Web: www.leg.state.or.us/ferrioli


Sen. Jeff Merkley, D-Ore.: 107 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510 Phone: 202-224-3753 Web: http://merkley.senate.gov Bend office: 131 N.W.HawthorneAve., Suite 208 Bend, OR 97701 Phone:541-318-1298 Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore. 223 Dirksen SenateOffice Building Washington, D.C. 20510 Phone: 202-224-5244 Web: http:I/wyden.senate.gov

Bend office: 131 N.W. Hawthorne Ave., Suite 107 Bend, OR 97701 Phone: 541-330-9142 U.S. House of Representatives

Rep. GregWalden, R-Hood River 2182 Rayburn HouseOffice Building Washington, D.C. 20515 Phone:202-225-6730 Web: http:I/walden.house.govl

Bend office: 1051 N.W. Bond St., Suite 400 Bend, OR 97701 Phone: 541-389-4408 Fax: 541-389-4452


Sen. TedFerrioli, R-District30 (includesJefferson, portion of Deschutes) 900 Court St. N.E., S-323 Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-986-1950 Email: sen.tedferrioli©state. or. Us

Sen. Chris Telfer, R-District27 (includes portion of Deschutes) 900 Court St. N.E., S-423 Salem, OR 97301 Phone: 503-986-1727 Email: sen.christelfer@state.or.us Web: www.leg.state.or.us/telfer Sen. Doug Whitsett, R-District 28 (includes Crook, portion of Deschutes) 900 Court St. N.E., S-303 Salem, OR 97301 Phone: 503-986-1728 Email: sen.dougwhitsett©state.or.us Web: www.leg.state.or.us/whitsett House

Rep. Jason Conger, R-District 54 (portion of Deschutes) 900 Court St. N.E., H-477 Salem, OR 97301 Phone: 503-986-1454 Email: rep.jasonconger©state.or.us Web: www.leg.state.or.us/conger Rep. John Huffman, R-District 59 (portion of Jefferson) 900 Court St. N.E., H-476 Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-986-1459 Email: rep.johnhuffman©state.or.us Web: www.leg.state.or.us/huffman Rep. Mike McLane, R-District55 (Crook, portion of Deschutes) 900 Court St. N.E., H-385 Salem, OR 97301 Phone: 503-986-1455 Email: rep.mikemclane©state.or.us Web: www.leg.state.or.us/mclane Rep. Gene Whisnant, R-District 53 (portion of Deschutes County) 900 Court St. N.E., H-471 Salem, OR 97301 Phone: 503-986-1453 Email: rep.genewhisnant©state.or.us Web: www.leg.state.or.us/whisnant

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Theft —Atheft was reported and an arrest made at 6:10 p.m. Dec. 5, in the area of Northeast Third Street.



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Man cleared in shooting of robber HILLSBORO — Washington County authorities say a 41-year-old man who fatally shot a would-be robber in Aloha acted in self-defense and won't be charged. The Oregonian reports that investigators found that two men stalked Galen Griffin for more than 10 blocks on Oct. 2, intending to rob him at knifepoint. He was on the way to the grocery store. He told 911 dispatchers one threatened to cut his heart out. Investigators say that when 2 4-year-old Forest A l ig, o f Beaverton, caught up to Griffin, Griffin warned him and fired a shot at his feet, but Alig continued to advance. Griffin, who has a concealed handgun permit, fired his 357 caliber revolver again, striking Alig in the chest. The second man, 40-yearold Steven Rhee, of Beaverton, faces attempted robbery and methamphetamine charges.

Corrections officer convicted in shooting S ALEM — A m a n w h o worked as an Oregon Department of Corrections officer was found guilty Wednesday in Salem of shooting at two police officers. Michael Wilson Yann was taken into custody in Marion County Circuit Court. The Statesman Journal reports the 40-year-old Turner man will be sentenced Dec. 11 for attempted aggravated murder and unlawful use of a firearm. Yann had been drinking April 14 when the two officers responded to a report he was staggering down a road. Police say he ran inside his house and firedseveral shots at theofficers.He surrendered after a four-hour standoff.

Stalled clean-fuel efforts moving forward inSalem By Jonathan J. Cooper

any legislative oversight,'" said Brian Doherty, a lobbySALEM — Oregon's stalled ist for the Western States Peeffortto reduce greenhouse troleum Association, a coaligases from cars and trucks tion of oil companies. could get new life soon, as the Oregon was one of the first state pushes for a new pollu- states to adopt a low-carbon tion-reporting mandate for fuelstandard in 2009, requirfuel providers and the Leg- ing fuelproducers to reduce islature prepares to take a the carbon content of their fresh look at the program. fuel by 10 percent from their The first test comes today, 2010 levels. It was one of the when a state environmental top environmental achievepanel will decide whether to ments for former Gov. Ted forceoilproducers to report Kulongoski, but it has yet to the amount of carbon emis- be implemented. sions associated with their Now, the Oregon Departfuels. ment o f Envi r o nmental A bigger fight will come Quality has come up with a next year, when environmen- two-phase approach begintal groups and others will ask ning with today's meeting of the Legislature to extend the the Environmental Quality life of the Oregon Clean Fu- Commission. els Program beyond its curI f th e c o m mission a p rent expiration in 2015. The proves, fuel companies would move would allow the state have to track and report polto go beyond a reporting re- lution associated with their quirement and begin forcing fuel based on a carbon intenfuel providersto reduce the sity score. The metric meaamount of g r eenhouse-gas sures pollution from a fuel's emissions. entire life cycle, including the "We're seeing the impacts electricity used to produce it of climate change now," said and the fuel used to transport Jana Gastellum, climate pro- it to Oregon. tection program manager at Then, if t h e L e gislature the Oregon Environmental reauthorizes the clean-fuels Council. "We have an eco- program next year, the state nomic need to spur invest- would come up with a new ment in our state, and this set ofrules to force fuel supprogram is a great opportu- pliers to begin reducing the nity to address both issues at amount of pollution. once." F uel c o mpanies c o u l d Oil companies, truckers, comply by blending in more farmers and otherlarge-vol- renewable fuels or by substiume fuel users say the state tuting alternative fuels with is moving way too fast and lower carbon intensity. Comrisks raising fuel costs signif- panies producing low-carbon icantly. They're warning leg- fuels would be able to sell polislators that eliminating the lution credits to higher-polprogram's expiration date, or luting fuel producers. "sunset," would remove the Proponents hope the reLegislature's power to influq uirements will s pur n e w ence the process. clean-fuel innovations and "They're just saying, 'Trust speed the adoption of alternaus, so we can getrid of the tive-fuel technologies. That's a business opportusunset and go do it without The Associated Press

nity for Blue Star Gas, a propane supplier that operates in Northern California and Oregon and converts fleet vehicles to run on propane autogas. Full adoption of the low-carbon f ue l s t a ndard would create an incentive for companies to convert fleets to run on propane, generating pollution credits that could be sold to high-polluting fuel suppliers, said Darren Engle, the company's m a rketing director. Electric utilities or owners of electric-vehicle charging stations also could generate credits based o n e l ectricity used to p ower electric vehicles. Critics have a number of concerns, chief among them that gas and diesel prices would rise significantly — a claim proponents dispute. They also say it would be impossible to meet the 10 percent reduction targets based on the fuels and technologies currently available. Under Oregon law, 10 percent of retail gasoline already must be ethanol, and 5 percent of diesel must be biodiesel. "We're an industry that's very heavily regulated," said Debra Dunn, president of Oregon Trucking Associations, and industry g roup. "Our profitmargins are very narrow. So any added cost really has a much greater impact on our bottom line than most people realize." Critics also say Oregon should wait for courts to sort out whether a similar law in California is unconstitutional. A federal judge ruled earlier this year that the California law illegally discriminates against out-of-state fuel producers. The case is now pending before the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.

Fairview girl's death ruled a homicide PORTLAND — A w oman arrestedafter the death of a 10-year-old Fairview girl could face additional charges after the medical examiner ruled the death was a homicide. Larry Lewman determined W ednesday t h a t Mi r a n d a Crockett was drowned at her apartment Nov. 24 in the Portland suburb. Police arrested 34-year-old Chandra Ilene Rose the next day on criminal mistreatment and reckless endangerment charges. Rose is the girlfriend of Crockett's father, who was w orking at the time of t h e death. Rose is due in court Dec. 19.

Salem officer cleared in fatal shooting SALEM — A grand jury has cleared a Salem police officer in the fatal shooting of a man described in a 911 call as suicidal and armed. The Salem Statesman Journal reported the grand jury found that 27-year-old Chase Hammer ignoredpolice orders to stop and show his hands on Oct. 21. Instead, authorities said, he reached behind his back to pull out a gun and raised it toward officers. Police Cpl. Ryan Demmer fired twice at Hammer from 10 to 15 feet away, hitting him both times. The district attorney's office says atoxicology report showed Hammer under the influence of alcohol and other drugs.

Eugene man invents doggy doorbell EUGENE — Keith Jin got tired of his dog Pebble scratching the door when he wanted to go out or come back inside his home in Eugene.

So Jin installed a doggy doorbell. There's one inside and one outside, just the right height for Pebble to push with his nose. Jin told KVAL friends and relatives liked the idea. So he's started a business, selling the Pebble Smart Doggy Doorbell. He thinks cats might be trained to use the doorbells, too. — From wire reports

Pot raids will target trafficking, not patients, U.S.attorney says The Associated Press PORTLAND — The federal government pursues outlaw drug traffickers in Oregon, not patients in the state's medical marijuana program, U .S. A t t orney Amanda Marshall has told medical pot advocates. A m e eting s h e h a d W ednesday marked t h e first time an Oregon U.S. attorney has met with the advisory committee to the state's marijuana program, The Oregonian reported. Marshall's a p pearance drew outspoken advocates: lawyers, c l i ni c o w n ers, growers and dispensary operators. One, Portland lawyer Leland Berger, called it remarkable. "The U.S. attorney is under no obligation to meet with an advisory committee to a state agency or submit herself to questions from the committee," Berger said. But he was blunt about recent raids o n m e dical m arijuana grow s ites i n SouthernOregon:"Afterthe federal government steals the patients' medicine, how is the patient supposed to get their medicine?" M arshall c ouldn't s ay how U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder would respond to votes in Colorado and Washington t o le g a lize marijuana, and she declined to offer an opinion on how to dispense medical mari-

Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife /The Associated Press file photo

Blghorn sheep are flown by helicopterout of the Deschutes River canyon in 2005 as part of a relocation program to boost genetic diversity in herds in Eastern Oregon. The department trapped 50 sheep this year for relocation.

State relocates bi h g OrnS

to boost genetic diversity The Associated Press LAKEVIEW — Fifty bighorn sheep have been relocated to Hart Mountain National Antelope Refuge and other locations in Eastern Oregon as part of a regular program to boost genetic diversity. District Biologist Craig Foster said Thursday the bighorns were trapped in the Deschutes, John Day and Owyhee river canyons, in the last week of November and released to join herds around Hart Mountain, S t eens M o u ntain, Abert Rim and the AdelePlush area.

He says bighorn sheep are trapped and relocated around Oregon nearly every year to be sure herds have enough food, and toincrease genetic diversity. The last native bighorn was killed in Oregon in 1941. Herds were re-established starting in 1954 with stock from British Columbia. Oregon has about 3,500 of the California bighorn subspecies, and 800 Rocky Mountain


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"After the federal government steals the patients' medicine, how is the patient supposed to get their medicine?" — Leland Berger, Portland attorney

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"I don't like calling them medical m a r ijuana c a ses," she said. "I believe they are criminals." Southern Oregon has many patients and good growing conditions for l a rge plants. Marshall called Southern Oregon pot growers "brilliant

gardeners." But Marshall also said the region is "a magnet" for people who want to exploit the medical marijuana program. She said U.S. attorneys in

medical marijuana states talk regularly. Federal officials see similarities in trafficking operations from medical marijuana grows and other trafficking cases, including illegal weapons and tax evasion, she said "The concern isn't that people are smoking marijuana," she said. "Not to say there aren't c oncerns a ssociated with that, but that is not what is driving it. The concern is, we see some patterns that develop as part of drug trafficking."

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juana legally in Oregon, reminding the group that the drug remains illegal under federal law. She did talk about outlaw

growers. Marshall cited a Grants Pass grower who claimed he was following the medic al marijuana law: E v idence at trial indicated the grower was selling pot for up to $2,700 a pound, and he was sentenced to a decade in federal prison.

YOII haVearight to knOW W hat yOur gO Vernment iSdOing. Current Oregon law requires publicnotices tobeprinted in a newspaper whosereaders are affected by the notice. But federal, state, and local governmentagencieserroneously believe they can save money byposting public


noticeson their web sites instead of in the local newspaper.

If they did that,yott'1 have to know in advance where, when, and howto look, and what to look for, in order to be informed about governmentactions that could affect you directly.

Lessthan 10% of the U.S. population currently visits a government website

daily,* but 80% of all Oregon adults read a newspaper atleast onceduring an * average week, and 54% read publicnotices printed there."










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BITUARIES DEATH NOTICES Elsie Rosina Wutzke, of Bend Mar. 26, 1924 - Dec. 3, 2012 Arrangements: Autumn Funerals, Bend 541-318-0842 www.autumnfunerals.net Services: A Memorial Service will take place Sunday, December 9, 2012 at 3:00 PM at Tri-City Baptist Church, located at 158 Crest Drive in Myrtle Creek, Oregon.


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Niemeyer's designsinspired generations ofarchitects




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By Nicolai Ouroussoff New York Times News Service

Oscar Niemeyer, the celebrated Brazilian a r chitect whose flowing designs infused Contributions may be made modernism with a new sensuto: ality and captured the imagiNewberry Hospice nations of generations of ar51681 Huntington Rd. chitects around the world, died La Pine, OR 97739 Wednesday in Rio de Janeiro. (541) 536-7399 He was 104. lowa Adell Roberts, of The medical staff at the HosRedmond pital Samaritano in Rio, where July13, 1916- Dec. 4, 2012 he was being treated, said on Arrangements: national television that he died Redmond Memorial of a respiratory infection. Chapel 541-548-3219 Niemeyer was among the please sign our online last of a long line of modernguestbook ist true b elievwww.redmondmemorial.com ers who stretch Services: from Le CorbusMemorial Service will be ier and Mies van held December 8, 2012 at der Rohe to the 11 am at Redmond a rchitects w h o Memorial Chapel. Niemeyer def i n ed the postJulia "Pat" Wainright, war architecture of Redmond of the late 1940s, '50s and '60s. Aug. 23, 1918 - Dec. 5, 2012 He is best known for designing Arrangements: the government buildings of Baird Funeral Home Brasilia, a sprawling new capi(541) 382-0903 tal carved out of the Brazilian www.bairdmortuaries.com savanna thatbecame an emServices: blem both of Latin America's No services will be held. leap into modernity and, later, Contributions may be made to: of the limits of modernism's Partners In Care utopian aspirations. 2075 NE Wyatt Court His curvaceous, lyrical, heBend, Oregon 97701 donisticforms helped shape a www.partnersbend.org distinct national architecture and a modern identity for BraTrinity Miracle Smith, zil that broke with its colonial of Bend and baroque past. Yet his inDec. 28, 2009 - Dec. 2, 2012 fluence extended far beyond Arrangements: his country. Even his lesser Autumn Funerals, Bend 541-318-0842 works were a counterpoint to www.autumnfunerals.com reductive notions of modernist architecture as b l andly Services: Funeral Services were functional. held Thursday, December "Brazil lost today one of its 6, 2012, at 1:00 p.m., geniuses," Dilm a R o usseff, Autumn Funerals, 61555 Brazil's president, said in a Parrell Road, Bend, statement issued Wednesday Oregon 97702. A night. "Few dreamed so inGraveside service tensely, and accomplished so followed at Pilot Butte much, as he did." Cemetery. Allied with the far left for Vera Mae Hampton, of most ofhis life,he suffered caLa Pine reer setbacksduring the rule Passed Away Dec. 1, 2102 of Brazil's right-wing military Arrangements: dictatorships of the 1960s and Deschutes Memorial '70s, and he was barred from Chapel, (541)382-5592; working in the United States www.deschutesmemorialchape during much of the Cold War I.com era. As modernism later came Services: under attack for its sometimes Mrs. Vera Hampton has requested no formal dogmatic approach to history, services. his works were marginalized. S till, Nie m eyer ne v e r stopped working; he churned out major newprojects through his 80s and 90s. And as the Death Notices are free and Cold War divide and architecwill be run for one day, but ture's old ideological battles specific g Uidelines must be faded from memory inrecent followed. Local obituaries years, a younger generation are paid advertisements of architects began embracing submitted by families or his work, intrigued by the confuneralhomes. They may be sistency of his vision and his submitted by phone, mail, ability to achieve voluptuous email or fax. The Bulletin effectson a heroic scale. reserves the right to edit all For hispart,N iemeyer never submissions. Please include wavered from a c o nviction contact information in all that, as he once put it, "Form correspondence. follows beauty." For information on any of Oscar Ribeiro de Almeida these services or about the Niemeyer Soares Filho was obituary policy, contact born in Rio de Janeiro on Dec. 541-617-7825. 15, 1907, one of six children of a Deadlines:Death Notices typographer and his wife. His are accepted until noon father owned a graphic arts Monday through Friday for business, and a grandfather next-day publication and by was a judge on the country's 4:30 p.m. Friday for Sunday Supreme Court. and Monday publication. Aprecocious talent, NiemeyObituaries must be received er was trained at the National by 5 p.m. Monday through School of Fine Arts, where he Thursday for publication soon drew the attention of its on the second day after dean, Lucio Costa. Costa was submission, by at the center of a small group 1 p.m. Friday for Sunday or of architects working to bring Monday publication, and by the message of modernist ar9a.m. Mondayfor Tuesday chitecture to Brazil. publication. Deadlines for The timing was ideal. Costa display ads vary; please call was then designing the Minisfor details. try of Education and Health's Phone: 541-617-7825 headquarters in Rio, and inEmail: obits@bendbulletin.com vited Niemeyer to join his firm Fax: 541-322-7254 as a draftsman. In 1936, the ministry hired the Swiss-born Mail:Obituaries architect Le Corbusier to conP.O. Box 6020 tribute ideas for the design. Bend, OR 97708 Le Corbusier was already a legend in architecture, and the building would become the ELSEWHERE first major public project by a modernist architect in Latin Deaths of note from around America. theworld: One of several draftsmen asJonathan Harvey, 73: British signed to the project, Niemeyer modernist composer whose absorbed Le Corbusier's vision o peras an d o t h e r w o r k s of a modern world shaped by reflected a d eep engage- the myth of the machine, and ment with spirituality. Died drew on the master's belief Tuesday. in an architecture of abstract — From wire reports forms enlivened by a sensitive

Obituary policy


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Eraldo PeresI The Associated Press file photo

Brazll's Natlonal Congress, deslgned by Brazlllan archltect Oscar Niemeyer,was inaugurated in 1960 in Brasilia. Niemeyer died Wednesday at 104. use of light and air.

A vision emerges But Niemeyer was also a selfconfident apprentice with a vision of his own; under Costa's supervision, he made significant changes to Le Corbusier's scheme. The columns supporting the building's main office block weremore than doubled in height, giving the structure a more slender profile. An auditorium that L e C o rbusier had envisioned as a separate structurewas tucked under the office block, creating a more compact urban composition. Shielded from the sun behind rows of elegant baffles, the building ha d a c l e an, stripped-down style that made it a sparkling example of classical modernism while heralding Brazil' semergence as a vibrant center of experimentation. Niemeyer's name soon became synonymous with the new Brazilian a r chitecture. In 1939, he collaborated with Costa on the Brazilian Pavilion for the New York World's Fair. Three years later, he completed his first house, a simple, modern box resting on slender columns on a m ountainside overlooking the magnificent Rodrigo de Freitas lagoon. In these and other early projects, Niemeyer was beginning to develop a distinctive architecture of flowing lines, structural lightness and an open relationship to natural surroundings. At the same time, he was becoming politically outspoken. Reared in a quiet upper-middle-class Rio n e ighborhood by his maternal grandparents, Niemeyer joined the Communist Party. When the Brazilian government released hundreds of political prisoners, including Communists, as a gesture of good will in the 1940s, Niemeyer turned over to the party the first floor of his Rio office for use as a headquarters. To him, architecture's social impact had its limits. "Architecture wil l a l w ays express the technical and social progress of the country in which it is carried out," he once said. "If we wish to give it the human content that it lacks, we must participate in the political struggle."

museum soon after gambling was outlawed by the Brazilian government in 1946. And the Roman Catholic authorities were offended by the church's unusual curvedconcrete form and refused to consecrate it until 1959. The complex's bold, sweeping lines and snaking walkways, gently echoing the surrounding hills, suggested a subliminal hedonism that was at odds with the public's image of mainstream modernism as determinedly functional and emotionally cool. The design also heralded Niemeyer's war against the straight line, whose rigidity he saw as a kind of authoritarian constraint. Niemeyer's in t e rnational status was confirmed by the Brazil Builds exhibition at the M useum of Modern Ar t i n New York in 1943, a show that also introduced his work to a U.S. audience. Four years later, he joined Le Corbusier again, this time as an equal, when the two were selected to take part in designing the United Nations complex in New York. Supervised by Wallace Harrison, the U.N. design was a collaboration that also included international l uminaries like the Soviet architect Nikolai Bassov and Max Abramovitz of New York. The final design was a compromise of sorts between Niemeyer's concepts and those of his aging idol Le Corbusier. Set amid gardens and plazas, the slim, glass-clad Secretariat tower and the sculptural concrete General Assembly building remain testaments to the belief in rationalism as a means to resolve international disputes and disparities.

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Harmony meets dissonance

In his designs for Brasilia, the capital city built in the vast undeveloped lands of the Brazil's central region, Niemeyer got the opportunity to create his own poetic vision of the future on a monumental scale. The c i t y' s c r o ss-shaped master plan, with r epetitive rows of housing set around a formal administrative center, was designed by Costa, Niemeyer's old mentor. But it was Niemeyer who gave Brasilia its sculptural identity. The speed with which the city was created, between 1956 Bucking constraints and 1960, reinforced its image Yet the project that estab- as a utopian dream that had lished him as a major archi- sprouted magically out of a tectural force was essentially primitive landscape. Its crisp, a playground for the nouveaux abstractforms seemed to sum riches in a w e althy suburb up the aspirations of much of on the outskirts of Belo Hori- the developing world: the bezonte, an industrial city. Com- lief that modern architecture missioned in 1940 by a local and the faith in technologimayor, Juscelino Kubitschek, cal progress that it embodied who later, as president of Bra- could help create a more egalizil, would hire Niemeyer to de- tarian society. sign Brasilia's major buildings, A rranged along a va s t , the project included a casino, a grassy esplanade, Niemeyer's yacht club, a dance hall and a buildings acquire a c e rtain church arrayed around an ar- grandeur in their isolation. The tificial lake. most spectacular is the MetroThe casino was particularly politan Cathedral, a circular, striking. A concrete-and-glass crownlike structure that splays shell, it was conceived as part open at the top to let light spill of a n a r c hitectural p r om- into the main sanctuary. enade that fused the complex Yet much of Brasilia's beauty with the n atural l andscape lay in an architectural balancaround it. The dance hall was ing act. The simple twin towers distinguished by its free-form of its secretariat, for example, canopy made of cast concrete, play off the geometric bowlits contours meant to suggest like forms of the Senate and the flowing movements of the Chamber of Deputies. The ensamba. tire complex suggests a world That project never func- in perfect harmony, even if the tioned as planned. The casino politicians and b u reaucrats was transformed into an art who work there are not.

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oost ex orts on West oast By Matthew Brown

domestic market and also is exploring possibilities for a BILLINGS, Mont. — A pair coal-to-liquid fuels plant, Fullof coal companies have struck er said. a deal on a disputed Montana However, production at the mine that both sides said could mine is expected to remain boost Asian exports through relatively flat at just under 3 the West Coast, but w o n't million tons in 2013, she said. prevent up to 75 layoffs in the Decker was once one of the short term. largest surface mines in the The deal calls for Australia- U.S., producing more than 10 based Ambre Energy to gain million tons of coal annually. full control of the Decker mine A supply contract with major near the Wyoming border for customer Detroit Edison Com$57 million. Th e c o mpany pany expires next year, acwants to r amp u p p r oduc- cording to court documents. tion and ship fuel overseas The 75 layoffs announced through a pair of Columbia last month were part of what River ports. Decker's owners referred to Cloud Peak Energy would as "ongoing expense managesell its stake in Decker and ment activities." receive 1,200 acres of nearby The mine operated at a $21.1 land and rail easements to million loss in 2011, according help developa new Wyoming to court documents. Yet, Ammine. bre contendsthere are tens of Cloud Peak also gets an millions of tons of coal still in option to move 5 million tons place at Decker that could be of coal annually through the economically mined. expanded Millennium Bulk Fuller indicated the comTerminal port p r oposed in pany remains optimistic about W ashington state, which i s future growth. I t c o - owns co-owned by Ambre and Arch with Anadarko Petroleum a Coal Inc. second mine, Black Butte, in The Decker deal is expected W yoming, and in A p ril a nto close in early 2013. nounced a deal to supply up "I think that it's really a to 5.5 million tons of coal per good deal for both sides," said year to a pair of utilities in A mbre s p okeswoman L i z South Korea. "There's an opportunity to Fuller. "For us, this is a really great step in the direction of i ncrease production (at t h e being able to export coal." Decker mine) in the future, T hose export p l an s a r e and of course we'd like to hire being fiercely fought by con- folks back," Fuller said. s ervation groups an d o t h Ambre said it s p r oposed ers in Montana, Oregon and Morrow Pacific port along the Washington. They warn that a Columbia River near Boardspike in coal train traffic could man, Ore., could be operationincrease rail congestion and al as early as 2014, with the disrupt communities across larger Millennium port ready the Pacific Northwest and that by 2016. burning coal will worsen cliCloud Peak president and mate change. CEO Colin Marshall said in a Coal companies and their statement the deal with Ambackers contend the claims bre "positions both our comare overstated. The industry is panies to meet anticipated fucounting on exports as a life- ture growth in Asian thermal line in the face of a domestic coal demand." market that's on the decline Cloud Peak spokesman Bob as many coal-burning power Green said the land and rail plants are shut down. easements in the agreement Cloud Peak and Ambre cur- would give the company betrently each have a 50 percent ter access to the Young's Creek stake in the 162-worker Deck- coal tracts just across the borer mine. They had been fight- der in Wyoming. ing over control of the operaThose were bought in July tion through dueling federal for $195 million and contain lawsuits. an estimated 450 million tons The newly announced deal of coal. Regulatory filings inincludes a settlement of those dicate Young's Creek is perclaims and provides for dis- mitted for mining of 14 million missal of pending litigation, tons annually by 2019. the companies said. The company is still workDespite the uncertain out- ing on a d evelopment plan look for U.S. coal consump- for mining that coal and no tion, Ambre hopes to continue timeline has been established, selling Decker's coal into the Green said. The Associated Press

Washington'ssame-sexmuples line upto wed By Brian M. Rosenthal and Alexa Vaughn

movement in the state, West Seattle residents Pete-e PetersThe Seat tle Times en and Jane Abbott Lighty. "It's very humbling to be SEATTLE — Hundreds of King County residents made c hosen first. We f eel l i k e w e're representing a lot of history early T hursday by getting some of Washington people in the state who have state'sfirst-ever marriage liwanted this for a long time," censes for same-sex couples. said Petersen, 85, who has Lined around the county's been with Lighty for 35 years. "It's hard to explain the thrill downtown Seattle administration building, snaked through that we are really going to get 'F a winding queue and, finally, married." crammed into a pr o cessWashington is now one of ing room, the couples cried, seven states that allow sameshared love stories and passed sex marriage. The District of around flowers. Columbia does, too, and Maine Just after midnight, they Tony Overman I The Olympian and Maryland will soon, after rejoiced. Rory Smallwood, right, of Olympia, Wash., wipes away tears also approving it last month. "I am so glad this night Thursday after he and his new husband Joey Summerson Same-sex couples here can't has finally arrived," County took their oath to receive their marriage license shortly after legally exchange vows until Executive Dow Constantine midnight at the Thurston County Courthouse. Sunday, because state law said of Washington's official mandates a three-day waiting recognition of same-sex marperiod after a marriage license riages. "This has been a long dum 74 formally took effect More than 2 0 0 c o uples ts tssued. struggle nationally and in our around the state. Recorder's were in line to get licenses at But many of those who got state." Office staffers planned to stay midnight. the state's first same-sex liConstantine, alongtimegay- open throughout the night and The first to actually receive censesThursday saidthe wait m arriage supporter,signed the until 6:30 p.m. Thursday to ac- them was a group of commu- will seem like nothing comfirst license at 12:01 a.m., when commodate asmany gay and nity leaders, including the ac- pared with the wait they have the voter-approved Referen- lesbian couples as possible. knowledged matriarchs of the already endured.

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Pot fans inWashington celebrate legalization By Kim Murphy Los Angeles Times

S EATTLE — M o r e t h a n 100 hard-core tokers gathered under theSpace Needle atthe stroke of midnight to light one up in celebration of Washington state's new marijuana law, which made it legal on Thursday for those 21 and older to possess an ounce or less of pot. Voters in Washington and Colorado approved the n ation's first recreational marijuana laws in November. The Colorado law doesn't take effect until January. The Washington initiative allows for pot possession, but it's still illegal to buy, sell or grow marijuana.

take no enforcement action, other than a verbal warning, against those violating the new law, known as Initiative 502. "We had a cityordinance prior to this that said marijuana enforcement was our lowest enforcement priority," said police spokesman Jeff


The state's Liquor Control Board, tasked with setting up regulations to carry out the law, will draft a f r amework for licensing growers, handlers and retailers that initiative supporters hope will put black-market drug dealers out of business. The state's existing medical marijuana law r emains Although smoking publicly unchanged. "I think we have some abilremains against the law, that didn't stop t h e b a ndanna- ity to use our experience in clad crew puffing on pipes r egulating liquor, which i s and joints under a chilly night to me a similar public safety sky early Thursday. And it kind of product," the control appeared the Seattle Police board's administrative direcD epartment was not in t h e tor, Pat Kohler, said in an inmood to arrest anyone on a terview. "You want to ensure night most seemed to take as it doesn't get in the hands of celebratory. minors, and you want to make The department issued a sure it doesn't get in the wrong bulletin to officers directing hands, where it can be used them "until further notice" to improperly."

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ometimes a proposed change to Oregon law has everything to recommend it and still fails to see the light of day. That was the case two years ago when a bill to tighten rules on charities in Oregon sailed through the state Senate only to die a slow death in the House. Lawmakers will have a sec- p o int would be figured on a threeond chance when they meet next y ear rolling average, so an agency faced with extraordinary circumyear. The measure aims to assure stances for a single Year would that money given to charities ac- not suffer as a result. tually goes to the good works the Sec o nd, charities targeted by charities espouse. It the attorney general's would give Oregon's atoffice would have a torney general the pow- Til< m<>su<< right to appeal any deer to end a charity's taxcision to remove their deductible status if less deductibility. At t h at than 30 percent of what dS S ure that time, p r e sumably, they it spends actually goes mprlpy gilfprI could make a case for to the cause it supports why their spending is to Charities Thirty p e r cent i s aCtuagy gOeS not a high bar. Charity Finally, nothing in N Navigator, the counthe bill would affect a try's largest evaluator wO r k S the charity's endowment, of charities, says that Charities if it is lucky enough to any charities spending have one. As proposed, less than 33 percent of the law would apply their budgets on their only to money spent, causes "are simply not living up n o t to money set aside to assure to their missions." It notes that 7 f i n ancial stability in the future. of 10 of the charities it rates spend Giving money to a cause is an at least 75 percent that way, while 9 of 1.0 spend at least 65 percent Americantraditionthatthiscountry could not live without. Giving on their missions. the state's taxpayers another tool Meanwhile the bill contains to make giving more effective safeguards that should Protect cannotbeabadthing. Withluc a charity's deductibilitY under nextyear'sattempttodojustthat some circumstances. will be more successful than the First, the 30 p ercent cutoff 2 0 11onewas.

HN/AIDS hotline shows diminishing returns n 1994, Oregon's HIV/AIDS hotline received 10,219 calls. Last year the number dropped to 882, and this year it's even lower. As a r e sult, state officials may shut the hotline down when funding runs out in March, according to a report in Willamette Week. The theory is that there are better ways to reach the target population. The change reflects two important realities. First is the fact that improved drugs mean HIV/AIDS is no longer the death sentence it once was. Second is that officials must assure every expenditure is costeffective in this time of exploding health care costs. Critics say Oregon is too slow to diagnose HIV/AIDS, falling behind the national average. Mic hael Anderson-Nathe, of t h e Cascade AIDS Project, also told Willamette Week the shutdown will affect the hotline's website and eliminate an anonymous way for people to get information. No


doubt there are some for whom the hotline and its website are an important entry point for getting help. But officials make a convincing argument that maintaining the hotline is a case of diminishing returns. Ruth Helsley, HIV preventionprogram manager for the Oregon Health Authority, told Willamette Week the hotline isn't leading to increased testing numbers, and funds can be used more effectively to pay for condom distribution, needle exchange, HIV testing and connecting patients with health care. It's a triumph of modern medicine and improving social acceptance that the hotline is less critical than in years past, and officials must make tough choices about the best way to spend limited dollars. But if the hotline is shut down, health officials will need to watch the numbers carefully to assure progress continues, and make adjustments if evidence shows otherwise.

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M Nickel's Worth Democracy requires educatedmiddle class

empty out. Wouldn't it be nice to support our local businesses, which are the bread and butter of our community, all month long on every Saturday during the holiday season? They deserve another opportunity for a Small Business Saturday when a major competing event is not held on the same day. Please consider shopping local this holiday season and perhaps make Saturdays a day to do that all month long.

I appreciated Kay Bondurant's thoughtful response to Andy Niedzwiecke's opposition to the proposed school bond. I would add one other point for consideration: A democracy requiresan educated middle class. In "Thoughts on Government," written in 1776, John Adams wrote that "Laws for the liberal education of youth, especially of the lower class of people, are so extremely wise and useful, that, to a human and generous mind, no expense for this purpose would be thought extravagant." In 1818, Thomas Jefferson wrote, "If the children are untaught, their ignorance and vices will in future life cost us much dearer in their consequences than it would have done in their correction by a good education." A good public education has value beyond the individual child or family. Niedzwiecke apparently had the means to send his son to private school, but such an education should not be available only for those who can afford it. We not only all benefit from an educated citizenry, our system of government requires it. Janice Adair Bend

Susie Stevens Bend

Bike helmets are critical I harangued my daughter forever to get her to wear a bike helmet. I knew I had to do something severe to get her attention. I was able to have her visit a patient with a severe head injury in the ICU at our local hospital. This patient was on an inflatablebed, she wore diapers,she had a catheter and tubes, she was on a ventilator — but most ghastly of all was the "bolt" in her head to measure brainpressure. This looked like a giant syringe stabbing straight into the top of her head. Children and parents must ride with helmets. I met a woman once whose husband suffered a severe head injury in a bicycle accident. He could not work, had severe personality disturbances and couldn't take care of himself. She confided to me that it would have been better for him to have died as he wasn't "him" any longer, just a shell. He had been riding without a helmet with his boys, who were both wearing helmets at the time of the accident. We have to go to any lengths for

Shop local for holidays The Saturday after Thanksgiving, my husband and I made a point to visit downtown and the Old Mill District to shop local stores to support Small Business Saturday. The only problem was, once noon came, most people settled in to watch the Civil War game and thestores seemed to

the safety of our children. We have to lead by example; we have to talk about dying or having a disability; we have to restrict bicycle usage if they won't strap that helmet on. We have to make sure they understand how much we love and care for them and that we will to go to any lengths to get the point across. Aii Cockeriii Bend

Stop campaigning and start governing How can President Barack Obama have the nerve to demand more taxes on "the rich" without offering one penny in spending cuts? This is a vindictive man who has decided to make the Republicans eat it and like it,to paraphrase his words. There must be trillions of dollars that could be cut, starting with eliminating many of the duplicated departments in the federal government, not to mention the trillions that are spent in waste and fraud. Now we're getting TV commercials paid for by unions that say Republican "obstructionism" threatens Social Security and Medicare. Obama, you won! You can stop campaigning now and try to figure out how to govern. As a side note, I am a single retiree on a pension, but with my home and my pension money, I am considered "rich" by Obama.

I'm already paying my fair share.

How about asking the whole country to pay a fair share by throwing out the insane 73,000 page IRS tax code and going for a flat tax? That's the only way it'll ever be "fair."

Maraiyn Thoma Bend

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Republicans must remain united to win future elections ByJonathan M. Kahnoski t hers h av e o ff e re d t h e i r thoughts after this year's presidential election. Here are my observations. First, full disclosure: I voted for the other guy. No surprise, I don't

nail for what they believe is best for the country. Finally, remember: no political victory is permanent, so drop the nonsense about moving on. Did you move on after two George W. Bush victories? Political parties rise, fall, and rise again. We'll be back. have high hopes for the next lN My QEI/ go i ng or should go. Obama To my Republican friends: As a four years. President Barack did what was necessary to party, we nominated moderates and Obama appears hell-bent on get re-elected, but nothing to chased afterthe independent voters, higher taxes for everybody (not just unite us and a lot to divide us. and lost — George HW. Bush, Bob the rich), continued high deficits and Thus, Democrats should not expect Dole, John McCain and now Mitt stifling regulations. His foreign policy any cooperation from Republicans. In Romney. Let's try something new, will remain "lead from behind" while 2009 and 2010, the president had an starting with Romney's advice about he cuts the U.S. military. The result overwhelming majority in the House firing people. Let's fire the campaign will be a stagnant economy, high un- of Representatives and a filibuster- professionals who lose elections and employment and a more dangerous proof majority in the Senate. He ig- then blame their fellow Republicans world. nored Republicans when he wasn't for the loss. Going forward, let's quit To my Democrat friends: You have insulting them. After almost two years being ashamed of our values and prinno mandate. The vote margin of vic- of this abuse, Mitch McConnell hoped ciples. Margaret Thatcher said it best: tory was small. Obama received nine for something better. The president You win the argument before you win million fewer votes than he did in 2008. has made our politics personal and elections. We Republicans keep tryRonald Reagan and George W. Bush ideological, a nasty fight to the death. ing to win elections while avoiding the increased their vote totals to get re- Republicans should fight tooth and argument. Our ideas work. We should


elected. Obama ran a micro-focused campaign appealing to i n dividual special interest groups, spending hundreds of millions of dollars demonizing hisopponent. He offered no overarching positive vision of who we as a nation are and where we're

promote them vigorously and tirelessly to everyone. Democrats' ideas don't work and yet they promote them without shame. Finally, Republicans must unite and remain united. No more bashing members of the base — conservatives,the Christian right, the tea party. Democrats don't banish left-wing kooks like Michael Moore — they invite them to their conventions. Republicans need every vote. We must mobilize all of our supporters and welcome new people of every raceor class,persuading them to become Republicans because our ideas will keep them free and provide them opportunity. To my Independent friends: Obama ran acynical,negative campaign and he won. Quit pretending no one likes negative ads. Negative campaigns work, and you will be seeing a lot more of them in the future. Also, recognize that early voting, in-

cluding Oregon's vote by mail, means political campaigns will start earlier and earlier. Example: Obama started negative advertising against Romney last May. You may not like these political trends, but you elect the people who use them. Today, government is involved in everything — business, health care, the environment, education, energy, everything. This makes government important to everyone — teachers wanting more money forschools, farmers wanting help in bad crop years, manufacturers seeking protection from foreign competition and businesses trying to protect themselves from excessive taxes and regulation. Government means politics. It's becoming all politics all the time, because there is so much at stake, politically. Until government is smaller, less involved, there is no escaping the politics. — Jonathan M. Kahnoski lives in Sunriver.




pushes for new marine sanctuary

Feds pledge to improve protection of tribal sacred sites The Associated Press WASHINGTON — Protection of sites held sacred by American Indians and Alaska Natives will be bolstered under a memorandum of understanding signed Thursday by four federal agencies and the Advisory Council on His-

toric Preservation. foster American Indian and The memo signed by the Alaska Native cultural and departments of Agriculture, religious heritage, and today's Defense, Energy and Interior agreement recognizes that also calls for improving tribal important role," Interior Secaccess to sites that are on fed- retary Ken Salazar said in a eral land. statement. "We have a special, shared The agencies plan to work responsibility to respect and during the next five years to



24.99. From our Alfani & Geoffrey Beene. S-XXL.

From Elementz,

SELECT SWEATERS Reg. $49-$65, afterspecial

By Paul Rogers San Jose Mercury News

SAN JOSE, Calif. — Calif ornia lawmakers ar e q u i etly mounting a campaign to persuade President B arack Obama to protect a 50-mile stretch of C a l ifornia coast along Sonoma and Mendocino counties by the end of this month — a move that would permanently ban offshore oil drilling there and create California's largest ocean preserve in 20 years.

raise awareness about sacred sites. That includes developing a website, a training program for federal employees

cred site in California's Sierra Nevada. The site on the Volcanic Tableland north o f B i shop, Calif., was what land managers called one of the most significant rock art sites in the region. The local Paiute tribe usesthe site forceremonies.

and guidance for managing sacred sites. The agreement comes just weeks after thieves made off with rock carvings from a sa-

SWEATERS Special 19.20-27.60. Reg. $48-$69, after special 28.80-41.40.

NY Collection, Grace Elements & AGB. Misses & petites. Women's prices

slightly higher.


The group, led by Rep. Lynn




Woolsey and Sen. Barbara Special 22.50-27.50. FOR HER Reg. $45-$55, after Reg.$34, Boxer, both Democrats, is askspecial 31.50-38.50. afterspecial ing Obama to sign an executive From Kenneth , „:~i', i,,+:':.::::" ' /+gl... its>., 23.80. Woven order establishing a new offi styles from ijf 1 ! ':::::r' ' 'I ,,' : :,:.":' I iii.i.i;:::::;.::,:; i : :::I',ll' shore national monument ex& Van Heusen Cejon. tending from Bodega Bay near the M a ri n C o u nty-Sonoma :,,:;:,;.::;Iiil I :iii :iiiil' County border north to Point slc s SPECIAL 89.99 SPECIAL 79.99 Arena in Mendocino County. 4lt ACTIVE 3-IN-1 JACKETS WINTER COATS luii The areaison e ofthe West's ,',!ll Reg. $195-$250, after special $125. Reg Jorig.*$175, afterspecial $105. From most scenic coastal landscapes, From London Fog~, Weatherproof', Nautica, Tommy Hilfiger and more. Misses. s Hawke & Co. and Calvin Klein. S-XXL. famous for its steep cliffs, rug*WeblD 706934. ged, wind-swept bluffs and long, sandy beaches. In the late 1970s and early 1980s, oil companies showed interest in sinking new rigs off the area. The proposed monument, which Obama could create without a vote of Congress, would effectively enlarge the Gulf of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuary and the adjacent Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary by adding 2,771 square miles of newly SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL 49.99 SPECIAL DRESS SHOES protectedocean — more than 39.99 50% OFF BUY 1, Reg. $59-$69. From Chinese Laundry doubling the 1,811 square miles DESIGNER LUXURIOUS & our Style & Co. GET 1 FREE DRESS CASHMERE of waters the two sanctuaries JUNIORS' SHIRTS Special 47.50. now encompass. SWEATERS Reg.$65, Reg.$95, "This is one of th e most Special afterspecial afterspecial 24.50-34.50 pristine areas in the world," 54.99. From 69.99. Only at + 1 free. Calvin Klein, Macy's. Men's Woolsey said. "It isn't only the Reg. 24.50-34.50 ea. DKNY & Club Room romantic part of it; it's about From Energie, mufflers. Planet Gold, protecting fishing and tourism. Sweater Project Those industries depend on the and more. coast." At a White House Christmas party this week, Woolsey SPECIAL • SPECIAL SPECIAL $249 SPECIAL discussed the issue with Vice DIAMOND EARRINGS 65% OFF $79 55% OFF President Joe Biden and briefly Reg. $600, after special $378. 1/2 ct.t.w 2 2-PC. SET 10K & 14K GOLD DRESSES in 14k white gold.*WeblD 590445. with the president as he was EARRINGS Reg. $300, Special Special afterspecial 21.60-35.10. posing for photos with mem52.50-$560. $135.Topaz Reg. $48-$78, bers of Congress. Last month, /, Reg. $150& diamond after special I she talked with U.S. Interior earrings & 28.80-46.80. $1600, after Secretary Ken Salazar about special 67.50Ii By Rare Editions, pendantin $720. Shown: sterling silver. Bonnie Jean, the issue when he visited Marin j 14k gold hoops. *WeblD Sweetheart Rose County. *WeblD 337674. and more. Meanwhile, 12 C alifornia 18445. Girls' 2-16; House members sent Obama infants' 3-24 mos. a letter last week seeking the new preserve. SPECIAL 40% OFF 199 AFTER SPECIAL EXTRA SPECIAL BUY 1, GET 2"' "Unfortunately, the hazards MASSAGERS & GROOMERS 30 REBATE, 20% OFF 50% OFF faced by our coast area are real Special 8.99-269.99. ALL COMFORTERS ALL THROWS and imminent," the letter said. Reg. 14.99-449.99, after SPECIAL Special 43.99-383.99. Reg. $110-$960, Special 14.99-99.99 ea.+ 2nd at50% off. special 9.99-279.99. "That is why we respectfully $229 after special 54.99-479.99. Twin-king. Reg. $30-$200 ea., after speaal 14.99-99.99 Shown: Homedics request that you create a maReg. 349.99, ea. From our Charter Club, Martha Stewart massager, ¹HHP-350 after special 279.99. Collection™ & more. rine monument that includes + WeblD 713683) KitchenAid Classic the expanded boundaries of and Norelco shaver, stand mixer. ¹AT814 the Gulf of the Farallones and ¹KSM75ER. (+WeblD the Cordell Bank sanctuaries." *WeblD 666148). 713855. Woolsey has tried to pass bills in Congress since 2004 with the same goal. But her most recent effort, HR 192, has OR, USE YOUR MACY'S CARD OR THIS PASS OR, USE THISS10 SAVINGS PASS been blocked by House Repub' T IL 1PM, SAT.'TIL 1PM OR SUN.'TIL 1PM ANYTIME NOW THROUGH MONDAY FRI. lican leaders who oppose new limits on oil and gas produc'i • • tion. And Woolsey is retiring • • g • from Congress when the curk rent session ends Jan. 3. I 1 ' I I White House spokesman Brandon Lepow declined to I I ' I I comment on t h e s anctuary I' I ' I I proposal. 'I I I ' I I '1 'I I I ' Oil industry officials downI I I I ' II I I I I I ' I I ' ' I played the issue. "I know there were some prior assessments that suggested there might be a small amount of oil there," said Tupper Hull, a spokesman for the Western 00034505100318536118 00034403107518026114 States Petroleum Association. But "it has never been an area SAVINGS PASS DISCOUNTS DO NOT APPLY TO SPECIALS to my knowledge that has been considered a significant source • > of energy." Still, he said, "we do ask that the nation's energy security and energy future get careful the magic of and thoughtful consideration whenever there are proposals like this." The creation of the new protected area has been endorsed by Gov. Jerry Brown, along .com with fishing groups. EnvironB EN D RIV ER P RO M EN A D E, B EN D • 5 4 1 . 3 17 . 6 0 0 0 mentalists say Obama could use the 1906 Antiquities Act, Fine jewelry specials are only available at stores that carry fine jewelry. Free YE 5 V R I 0 INIA 0 N C B5 TV F RIDAY NI0 HT 0 ECEMBER 14 9PM ET f p u rhcase cust ome rs may mIx or mat ch by mf r f ree It e mmust which allows presidents to creDon tmissthe season'5tradltions— NationalBelieve Dayand the ~ :. beofequalorlesservaluethan purchasedltem; returnsmustincludePurchased BLOG ~ ~ ate national monuments by exaward-winning animated feature based on the timeless true story that ancI free items. «REG.JpRIG.* FRICES ARE OFFERING FRICES & SAVINGS MAY inspired a whole new spirit of believing! Check your local listings. ecutive order, to help boost his NOT BE BASED ON ACTUAL SALES.SOME ORIG. PRICESNOT IN EFFECT DURING THE PAST90 DAYS. EXTRA SPECIALSALE conservation legacy. PRICES IN EFFECT 12/6 THROUGH 12/10/2012. MERCHANDISE WILL BE ON SALE ATTHESEAND OTHER SALEPRICES NOW THROUGH 1/1/13, EXCEPT AS NOTED. **May contain rose-cut diamonds. tAII carat weights (ct. t.w) are approximate; variance may be.05 carat. Jewelry photos may be enlarged or enhanced to show detail. Fine jewelry at select stores; log on to macys.com for locations. Almost all "This is a national treasure gemstones have been treated to enhance their beauty & require special care, log on to macys.com/gemstones or ask your sales professional. Rebate is a mail-in offer; allow 4-6 weeks for delivery; in CT, Rl & that needs to be protected," PR, & in Dade & Broward Counties, FL, rebate is given at the register. Extra savings taken off already reduced prices, "special" prices reflect extra savings. Specials & clearance items are available while supplies said Richard Charter, a senior last. Advertised merchandise may not be carried at your local Macy's & selection may vary by store. Prices may be lowered as part of a clearance. Prices & merchandise may differ at macys.com. Electric items fellow with the Ocean Foundashown carry warranties; to see a mfr's warranty at no charge before purchasing, visit a store or write to: Macy's Warranty Dept., PO Box 1026, Maryland Heights, MO 63043, attn: Consumer Warranties. N2100624.*Enter the WeblD in the search box at MACYS.COM to order. tion in Washington, D.C. '





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m M Mm






• • I







F O R ECAST Maps and national forecast provided by Weather Central LP ©2012.


• .

I B'



Today: Very light snowfall is expected, no significant

CHxtNNE Krvz.cow


Tonight: More light snow overnight, very little accu-




mul ation.



WEST Mostly cloudy with a chance of showers. Snow above 3,000 feet.



Asto r i a x x x x x x x xxxxxxx xx s

axxxxx x xxx fI OOcl 5easjde!xaax .Cannon Beachi«xx xxxx xRIVer




44/34!x' ! x x x g a n dv ax x x x ! x 4 N38



«xxx J ~ Governmenta xxx'Camp 35u4h


Lincoln Cityx'



~+ » Al bany ~i » ~ & ar m springs • NeWpns,a, 6 45/35 W X «C N ~ 47/33


aaua 46I35.aaaaa Yachats ~ x i~ i i 8 '

51/42 xxx x x x x x M i



' •


« ug ".. « x x

Florence! x' 52/43 x ssc 48I38 CCxxxx g



g~ • BratherS 36/24



• Bandon', 8 xq3oseburg 6 'u a Chemult ' 7 xs



Frenchglen Rome


• Brookings ~

North Bend

41/27 38/27



• 54o




Yesterday's state extremes

Jordan Valley






Chr i stmas Valley

5i' Iver


• eaC


44/28 • 52/42

alls 4u4 i

• 21


• Lakeview





o www m '"vs

' Wancouver / 641/35 . + +»" +,

Igary 'rs S askatoon Winnipe /9 ' 16/S



u e bec 33/2

Thunder Bay



(in the 48 contiguous states):

• 84'

• Boise 46/28

Tampa, Fla. •8


a pi i t y



44/24 •

Alamosa, Colo.

• 0.54"



Quillayute, Wash

Los Angeles 69/52

v' C>

Honolulu ~ 82/70





~ klahomaCit — 58/40

Sos Phoenix Albuquerque 74/SJ 61/34

Yhi N+LOuisvsne 58/55


Kansas Cjty



a' a ax x x

" " 'h H • 2 Nashville

L — I es/s4

Little Rock





60/51 • Dallas $<-' 6LVS4 Birmingham



lando 0/56

Chihuahua 77/43

Ct! Miami 80/69

-20 -10s

La Paz 81/54

Anchorage 14/11

39 29

Juneau 26/20


Monterrey 81/62•

Mazatlan • 85 /62





Sunsettoday...... 4 27 p.m N ew First F ull Sunrise tomorrow .. 7:28 a.m Sunset tomorrow... 4:27 p.m Moonrise today...12:40 a.m Moonsettoday ... 12:37 p.m Dec. 13 Dec. 19 Dec. 28




Tomorrow Rise Set Mercury....5:42 a.m...... 3:27 p.m. Venus......5:11 a.m...... 3:05 p.m. Mars.......9:42 a.m...... 6:30 p.m. Jupiter......3 57 p m...... 7 03 a.m. Satum......4:01 a.m...... 2;33 p.m. Uranus.....1:04 p.m...... 1:21 a.m.

Yesterday's weather through 4 p.m. inBend High/Low.............. 37/25 24 hours endmg 4 p.m.*. . 0.00" Recordhigh........66m1937 Monthtodate.......... 0.40" Record low.......... 4 in 1972 Average month todate... 0.46"

Average high.............. 40 Year to date............ 8.09" Average low .............. 23 Average year to date..... 9.62" Barometricpressureat 4 p.m30.11 Record 24 hours ...2.26 in1981 *Melted liquid equivalent



F r i day S a turdayThe higher the UV Index number, the greater Ski report from around the state, representing H i / Lo/W H i /Lo/Wthe need for eye and skin protection. Index is conditions at 5 p.m. yesterday:

Astoria ........49/42/0.26....49/39/sh.....47/36/sh Baker City......39/22/0.00.... 41/25/rs.....33/15/sn Brookings......52/41/0.00....53/42/pc.....55/43/pc Burns..........41/29/0.00.....40/22/c.....34/11/sn Eugene....... 49/34/trace....48/38/sh.....44/35/pc Klamath Falls .. 42/28/0 00 ....41/24/c ...40/23/pc Lakeview.......45/30/0.00 ...39/26/pc.....40/22/pc La Pine........39/26/0.00....36/24/sn.....34/21/sn Medford...... 49/42/trace.....47/35/c.....45/32/pc Newport....... 46/37/0.15.... 50/40/sh.....48/36/sh North Bend.....54/39/0.00.....52/41/c.....50/40/sh Ontario........47/33/0.00.....46/29/c..... 38/21/rs Pendleton......46/34/0.00.....44/33/c......39/29/c Portland ...... 49/36/trace....48/40/sh.....44/35/sh Prineville.......38/26/0.00.....36/29/c......38/25/c Redmond.......40/23/0.00.....41/30/c......37/24/c

for solar at noon.


Snow accumulation in inches








ROAD CONDITIONS Snow level androadconditions representing conditions at 5 p.m. yesterday. Key:TT. = Traction Tires. Pass Conditions 1-5 at Siskiyou Summit........ Carry chains or T. Tires 1-84 at Cabbage Hill....... .. . Carry chains or T. Tires

Ski area Last 24 hours Base Depth Anthony Lakes ...... . . . . . . . . 0 -0 . . .no report Hoodoo..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0... no report Mt. Ashland...... . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0.. . . . .24-55 Mt. Bachelor..... . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0.. . . . .45-61 Mt. Hood Meadows..... . . . . . 0 .0 . . . . . . . . 36 Mt. Hood Ski Bowl..... . . . . . . 0 .0 . . .no report Timberline..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0.. . . . .45-47

Warner Canyon....... . . . . . . . 0.0... no report Wigamette Pass ........ . . . . . 0.0...no report

Aspen, Colorado...... . . . . . . . 0.0. . . . . .19-20 Mammoth Mtn., California...... 2 . . . . . . 60-70 P arkCity, Utah ...... . . . . . . . . . 1 .. . . . . . . 2 1 Squaw Valley, California..... . .0.0.. . . . . .0-62 Sun Valley, Idaho....... . . . . . . 0.0.. . . . .11-51 Hwy. 58 at Wigamette Pass.... Carry chains or T.Tires Roseburg...... 46/38/trace....50/38/sh......49/37/c Hwy. 138 at Diamond Lake.... Carry chains or T.Tires Taos, New Mexico...... . . . . . . 0.0. . . . . .11 12 Salem ....... 49/36/0 01 ...48/37/sh ...46/34/pc Hwy. 242 at McKenzie Pass........ Closed for season Vail, Colorado...... . . . . . . . . . . 1 .. . . . .18-20 Sisters.........40/24/0.00.... 37/27/rs.....37/21/sn For up-to-minute conditions turn to: For links to the latest ski conditions visit: The Dages...... 53/31/0.00.....45/36/c......44/31/c www.tripcheck.com or call 511 www.skicentral.com/oregon.html l.egend:tsFweather, Pcp-precipitation, s-sun,pc-partial clouds,c-clouds, h-haze, sh-showers,r-rain,t-thunderstorms,sf-snowflurries, snsnow,i-ice,rs-rain-snowmix,w-wind, f-iog, dr-drizzle, tr-trace

Hwy. 20 at Santiam Pass...... Carry chains or T. Tires Hwy. 26 at Government Camp.. Carry chains or T. Tires Hwy. 26 at Ochoco Divide..... Carry chains or T. Tires



Yesterday's extremes


40 27

City Precipitationvaluesare24-hour totals through4 p.m.




,%62/46 x xx ~ x sg38



9 9 29/18

» a



Mostly cloudy with a few rain Ontarlo and snow showers 46I29 northeast. Vale!

A few clouds, still

38 27




Coos Bayx x x x '46/36 ~x x x c Crescent• • La Pine 36/24 34/25 $ somi • x x x x Lake aW Crescent • Fort ltock 37ize • i

Baker Ci

Mostly sunny to paniy cloudy skies


SUN AND MOON SCHEDULE Sunrisetoday...... 7:27 a.m Moon phases

Yesterday Hi/Lo/Pcp


sunshine, staying dry.

Mostly cloudy skies.


• Mitchell 38oo

' SunriVer. Bend

x xxx x ( ottago x ' oakridg


•John • PrineVille 36I29 Day Redrn " • Pau l ina 32/2540/33

34I2 5


40/34 Umon




i» a t

La Grande• Granite


66xx xC



Willowdale 41/32


• Meacham



5I «»48/37 • ssx 'CCC '


I s

A bit more


%%%49/39xxhh x x x x

TBlamook•' .iig


Snowfall coming to an end in the morning, dry in the afternoon.

34 24


: +++ + 30 44 3• .* *** * * * • ++++' 1 4 4 4 ' * * * * * + +>

s 4 >

W ar m Stationary Showers T-storms Rain

* +

F l urries Snow


Yesterday Friday Saturday Yesterday Friday Saturday Yesterday Friday Saturday Yesterday Friday Saturday City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W Abilene TX......78/50/000..69/43/pc.. 75/48/s Grandiapids....41/27/0 00..45/34/pc.. 41/32/c RapidCity.......47/36/000 ..35/23/sn.33/I4/sn Savannah.......66/56/000..71/53/sh.. 73/56/c Akron......... 44/26/000 ..50/45/sh. 48/42/sh Green Bay.......41/32/0.02..36/30/pc.. 36/28/c Reno...........53/39/000...50/28/5 .. 51/27/s Seattle..........45/42/011 ..44/36/sh. 43/34/sh Albany..........35/21/000..42/34/sh. 49/38/sh Greensboro......49/38/000...53/48/c.. 66/50/c Richmond.......4861/000... 59/50/c .. 69/50/c Sioux Falls.......52/37/000 ..32/19/sn. 33/22/sn Albuquerque.....62/34/0.00 ..61/34/pc. 56/32/pc Harnsburg.......41/31/0.00 ..46/38/sh. 55/43/sh RochesterNY....38/24/000..47/38/sh.47/36/sh Spokane.......36/32/trace.. 38/23/rs.. 31/19/c Anchorage........9/2/000 ..14/11/pc. 22/14/sn Hartford,CT.....41/28/0.00..42134/sh. 49/35/sh Sacramento......60/53/0.00... 59/43/s .. 62/41/s Springfield, MO ..60/39/0.00... 58/43/c. 56/45/sh Atlanta.........64/56/000...60/51/c .. 68/54/c Helena..........36/27/0 00 .35119/sn.. 2618/sn St.Louis.........53137/000..57/45/sh.. 54143/c Tampa..........81/64/000 ..80/63/pc. 80/64/sh Atlantic City.....42/24/000..53/48/sh. 59/50/sh Honolulu........82/67/000...82/70/s. 82/71/pc Salt Lake City....48/38/000...45/33/c .. 39123/c Tucson..........78/49/000...73146/s.. 73/46/s Austin..........74/4010.00 ..76/61/pc. 80/60/pc Houston ........69/58/0.00...79/63/s .. 79/63/c SanAntonio.....74/46/000..75/61/pc.78/60/pc Tulsa...........63/43/000..60/38/pc.. 62/47/c Baltimore .......42/27/000...51/42/c ..62/43/c Huntsville.......70/50/0 00...66/54/c .. 6I54/c SanDiego.......66/59/000...67/55/s .. 67/55/s Washington DC.44/35/000...53/46/c.. 63/48/c Billings.........40/31/000..36/21/sn.31/12/sn lndianapolis.....47/29/000..54/46/sh..51/42/c SanFrancisco....6053/0.00...61/48/s .. 61/50/s Wichita.........54/42/0.00..56/34/pc.. 56/39/c Birmingham.....72/52/000...67/54/c.. 70/55/c Jackson, MS.... 72/60/0.00. 72/54/pc.. 75/56/c SanJose........59/55/001 .. 63/45/s 62/46/s Yakima.........49/27/000...41/30/c38/28/c .. Bismarck........43/27/000 ..32/20/sn.. 28/7/sn Jacksonvile......72/59/005..76154/sh .. 77/57/c SantaFe........58/29/000 .. 55/28/pc 51/26/pc Yuma . . . . .80/54/000... 78/53/s .. 76/51/s Boise...........45/35/000...46/28/c .. 37/18/c Juneau..........27/21/017..26/20/sn. 28/27/sn INTERNATIONAL Boston..........41/30/000 ..47/40/sh. 52/40/sh Kansas City......52/43/0 00... 54/32/c .. 51/37/c Bndgepoit,CT....42/28/000 ..46/39/sh. 52/41/sh Lansing.........39/26/000...45/35/c...42/31/r Amsterdam......37/28/004 37/34/rs 37/32/pc Mecca..........95/75/000 .91/73/pc .. 90/73/s Buffalo.........42/22/000 ..46/39/sh. 46/36/sh LasVegas.......69/48/000... 67/43/s .. 64/45/s Athens..........58/55/000...57/44/s..57154/c MexicoCity .....72/39/000...73/41/s. 71/45/pc Burlington,VT....33/26/000.. 39/30/rs..40/31/rs Lexington.......52/29/006..61/53/sh. 61/51/sh Auckland........72/63/000 ..64/52/sh.67/55/pc Montreal........30/21/000... 34/32/c..37/29/rs Caribou,ME.....27/191000...30/23/c. 32/27/sn Lincoln..........51/39/0.00...48/23/c. 46/26/sh Baghdad........68/48/000 ..70/53/pc.68/53/sh Moscow........27/21/000 ..27/23/sn.. 28/24/c Charleston, SC...67/53/000 ..68/55/sh.. 72/57/c Little Rock.......64/53/0.00 ..68/54/pc. 70/56/sh Bangkok........95/81/000 ..92/76/pc. 93/76/pc Nairobi.........79/63/000... 77/56/t...77/57/t Charlotte........52/46/000...58/46/c .. 67/48/c LosAngeles......68/57/0 00... 69/52/s .. 66/52/s Beiling..........28/12/000 ..29/11/pc... 24/9/s Nassau.........77/63/000 ..80/68/sh...82/70/t Chattanooga.....64/51/000...64/51/c .. 67/50/c Louisville........52/33/0 04 .. 58/55/sh. 61/50/sh Beirut..........70/59/014... 65/58/r.66156/sh New Delhi.......77/46/000 ..79/54/pc .. 78/52/s Cheyenne.......46/30/0.00...44/24/c. 34/11/sn Madison,Wl.....45/33/0.00 ..42/29/pc.. 41/32/c Berlin...........30116/000 ..27/20/pc.. 27/21/c Osaka..........50/37/001 ..48/36/sh. 46/31/pc Chicago.........45/32/000...45/38/c.. 42/37/c Memphis....... 63/48/0.0172159/ . sh.70/58/sh Bogota.........70143/006..67/51/sh. 65149/sh Oslo............16/10/000..18/13/pc.16/10/pc Cincinnati.... 49/25/000 ..57/50/sh. 55/48/sh Miami . . . . 81/68/0 00 80/69/sh 81/69/sh Budapest........28/12/002 ..32/22/pc .. 26/16/c Ottawa.........28/14/000...34/31/c ..35/26/ss Cleveland.......43/27/0.00 ..49/45/sh.. 47/41/c Milwaukee......44/33/0.00..43/35/pc.. 42/34/c BuenosAires.....75/70/1.25...77/57/s.. 83/60/s Paris............39/30/000...37/34/r.. 36/30/c ColoradoSpnngs.55/39/000..51/25/pc.. 47/12/c Minneapolis.....46/39/000...34/24/c.. 34/25/c CaboSanLucas ..84/59/000..85/57/pc. 82/56/pc Riode Janeiro....93/75/000..92/7ipc...92/75/t Columbia,MO...54/38/000...54/40/c. 53/41/sh Nashville........61/41/0.00..65/54/sh. 67/55/sh Cairo...........68/55/0.00... 70/53/s.69/56/pc Rome...........52/34/0.00.. 49/35/sh. 43/36/sh Columbia,SC....61/54/000...62/48/c .. 71/50/c New Orleans.....74/62/0 00..76/55/pc .. 74/62/c Calgary.........32/19/0.00... 21/9/si... 14/4/c Santiago........70/50/0.00... 67/58/s .. 74/61/5 Columbus GA....72/53/000... 69/52/c. 73153/pc New York.......40/29/0 00..47/44/sh. 56/46/sh Cancun.........81/61/0.00... 82/68/s .. 82/71/s SaoPaulo.......91/72/0.00... 89/71/t...82/70/t Columbus, OH....46/271000..55/48/sh. 54/45/sh Newark, Nl......42/30/0.00..46143/sh. 58/46/sh Dublin..........43/32/030..45/33/pc. 43/43/pc Sapporo........41/28/000 .. 25/19/pc..30/21/si Concord,NH.....39/241000..42/29/sh. 47/31/sh Norlolk VA......46/39/000...61/54/c .. 69/51/c Edinburgh.......39/23/000 ..39/30/pc .. 37/33/c Seoul............27/7/000 ..32/20/sn. 27/I0/pc CorpusChristi....78/48/001 ...77165/s. 78167/pc OklahomaCity...70/45/000..58/40/pc. 64/42/pc Geneva.........37/27/0.54 ..35/30/sn..32/22/si Shanghai........50/32/0.00... 52/39/s .. 47/35/s DallasFtWonh...70/47/000 ..70/56/pc.. 74/59/c Omaha.........50/43/0 01...46/26/c. 44/27/sh Harare..........75/64/000... 77/62/t...73/59/t Singapore.......90/77/069... 86/78/t...88/77/t Dayton ........ 44/26/000..55/47/sh. 53/45/sh Orlando.........81/60/0.00..80/56/sh. 81/63/sh HongKong......68/55/000... 66/56/s .. 67/58/s Stockholm.......32/25/000 ..22/15/pc..24/16/si Denver..........52/38/000 ..53/26/pc. 38/15/c Palm Springs.... 82/55/0.00. 81/52/s .. 79/52/s Istanbul.........52/45/0.65... 49/41/r ..48146/c Sydney..........70/59/0.00 .. 79/64/pc. 85/62/pc DesMoines......52/45/000...45/25/c .. 42/28/c Peoria..........49/35/000... 50/37/c. 47/37/sh lerusalem.......59/51/001..61149/pc.60147/sh Taipei...........66/59/000..68/58/sh.. 65/57/c Detroit..........40/27/0.00 ..46/39/sh.. 44/36/c Philadelphia.....43/30/0.00..50/44/sh. 60/46/sh Johannesburg....72/55/000... 78/58/t. 80/59/pc TelAviv.........68/59/031 ..69/5ipc. 67/54/sh Duluth......... 40/28/000..28/19/pc. 31/22/sn Phoenix.........77/53/000...74/52/s.. 73/50/s Lima...........73/66/000..74164/pc. 76/65/pc Tokyo...........64/46/000 ..52/42/pc. 54/38/pc El Paso..........74/37/0.00 ..72/46/pc.. 68/45/s Pittsburgh.......45/24/0.00 ..49/46/sh. 54/43/sh Lisbon..........59/52/000 ..63/52/sh 63/47/s Toronto.........34/21/000 .36/35/sh 38/31/sh Fairbanks...... -16/-29/000-18/-30/pc.-ll/20/s Portland,ME.....41/26/0.00..45/34/sh. 48/38/sh London.........43/27/0.00.. 40/34/rs .. 37/33/c Vancouver.......45/43/0.32..41/35/sh.. 39/35/c Fargo...........39/25/000...28/16/c.27/14/sn Providence......41/28/0.00..47138/sh. 53/40/sh Madrid .........48/28/000... 50/38/c .. 53/33/s Vienna..........39/28/003 ..30/25/pc. 26/I5/pc Flagstaff........56/28/000...53/25/s.. 52/25/s Raleigh.........51/37/000...55149/c.. 69/52/c Manila..........90/77/000..90/76/pc. 88/74/pc Warsaw.........28/23/000...29/24/c.. 25/18/c

,ae ~




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Scoreboard, D2

Basketball, D4



Prep sports, D3 College football, D3

Baseball, D5 Adventure Sports, D6

© www.bendbulletin.com/sports




Silver Gloves event set for Bend

Culver player an coachtake top state honors

The Oregon State Sil-

ver Gloves boxing tournament is scheduled for this Saturday at Bend's Midtown Ballroom, 51 N.W. Greenwood Ave.

Doors open at6:30 p.m., and tickets are $10 at the door. The tournament will include fighters age

15 and younger from throughout Oregon, fea-

Bulletin staff report Culver is enjoying the spoils of its epic volleyball season even after the final match. The Bulldogs, who last month won the Class 2A state championship with a thrilling five-set victory over Days Creek, dominated the 2A all-state awards, which were announced Thursday. Culver sophomore outside hitter Shealene Little was named the 2A player of the year, and Bulldog coach Randi Viggiano received 2A's coach of the year award. Joining Little on the 2A allstate first team was team-

turing five from Bend's

Deschutes County Rocks Boxing Club.

If necessary to ac-


commodate weight divisions with more entries, bouts will also be staged on Sunday starting at

noon. The Oregon State

Silver Gloves is aqualifier for the Northwest Silver Gloves Regionals, scheduled for Jan. 4-6 in Hillsboro. The regionals will include boxers from

Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana and

Wyoming. Central Oregon is also slated to host the Oregon State Golden Gloves

tournament (for ages16 and older) at the Bend

Armory, Jan. 25-26. For more information, call Deschutes County Rocks coach Richard Miller at 541-678-2286. — tsuiietin staff report

COLLEGE FOOTBALL Notre Dame'sTe'o wins Maxwell LAKE BUENA VISTA, Fla.— From Notre

Dame's unbeaten regular season to col-

lege football's biggest awards, Manti Te'o just

keeps winning. Now the linebacker needs two more victo-

ries to cap anunforgettable senior season. Te'o was honored three times at the 22nd

Home Depot College Football Awards show Thursday night at Disney World, including the Maxwell Award for the nation's most outstand-





Adventure Sports will no longer publish on Fridays in The Bulletin. Instead, look for it as

or them, running on a treadmill or joining a gym are the least acceptable options. They are ultrarunners. They must run. They will run. And they will do most of their running — as much as 70 miles per week — in the outdoors. Even in the bitter cold, rain, snow and wind of a Central Oregon winter. "Running, for me, i s m ore about getting out there and enjoying being outside, rather than a workout," says Bend's Stephanie Howe, who this past weekend finished second at the North Face 50 Miler, staged on trails near San Francisco. Conditions for the North Face race, which Howe finished in 6 hours, 41 minutes, 41 seconds, included horizontal rain, mud and flooding — about the harshestweather the 29-year-old Howe

says she has faced in any race. "That, to me, is worse than snow," says Howe, an exercise movement science professor at Central Oregon Community College. "When it's raining and you get wet, you get a lot colder than when it's snowing." Still, Howe calls her performance "the best race I've ever had." Bend's Jeff Browning says only one

type of day can keep him from his daily run — those soggy, slushy days after a recent snowfall in which seemingly every step is in ice water. That is when he resorts to a treadmill. But that is not often, he insists. SeeRunning/D6

became the first defensive player to win the Maxwell Award since 1980, ending a string of nine straight quarter-


backs. Next up is the Heis-

man Trophy ceremony on Saturday night, with Te'o and Texas A& M

quarterback Johnny Manziel considered the favorites. After that it's the BCS national cham-

pionship gameagainst Alabama in January. Notre Damecoach Brian Kelly was presented

Kin Man HuiI San Antonio Express-News via The Associated Press

Texas coach Mack Brown, left, and Oregon State coach Mike Riley laugh during a news conference for the Alamo Bowl at Sonterra Country Club on Thursday in San Antonio, Texas. The game will be played at the Alamodome on Dec. 29.

Oregon State reaps recrui ting benefits from Alamo Bowl Recruiting is a year-round endeavor,but some times are busier than others. Oregon State's football coaches plan to take advantage of the week off and this whole month to the fullest. All coaches who are allowed by NCAA rules to be out this week are making home visits to recruits each night. The families they are meeting include players that have already committed. Others

are still being pursued. "It's a great time to meet the family for the first time," receivers coach Brent Brennan said. "It's fun." The No. 15 Beavers are also using their upcoming appearance in the Dec. 29 Alamo Bowl against Texas as another key selling point. OSU is returning to the postseason for the first time since 2009. The team is young and expects to be a fixture in the bowl scene in the near future. SeeBeavers/D6

Culver's Mote takessixth in bareback on first day of NFR

Year award. While Te'o and Notre Dame certainly had a big night, so too did Texas A&M. Manziel won the Davey O'Brien National

Quarterback Award, and junior offensive lineman Luke Joeckel took home


the Outland Trophy for

jlN. gV

the nation's best interior lineman. Other players


, «

,f' r

' "


~ . I. c- ~w.+,

Southern California's Marqise Lee (Biletnikoff

Award for top receiver), Tulane's Cairo Santos

— The Associated Press

Mll<r Rlrr'r


with the Coach of the

(Doak WalkerAward for top running back).

r 1'

Corva1lis Gazette-Times

tion player of the year award on Thursday. He

Wisconsin's Montee Ball


By Cliff Kirkpatrick

Walter Camp Founda-

(Jim Thorpe Award for top defensive back), and



top defensive player and

State's Johnthan Banks



part of our more comprehensive Outdoors sectiononWednesdays beginningnext week.

the Bednarik Award for

(Lou GrozaAward for top kicker), Louisiana Tech's RyanAllen (Ray Guy Award for top punter), Mississippi


• For some elite Central Oregon distance runners, training in tough conditions in the winter months is not an obstacle

ing player. Te'o also took home

honored Thursday were

mate Gabrielle Alley, a junior outside hitter. Little and Alley were instrumental in Culver's 13-25, 25-22, 16-25, 25-22, 15-11 win over the Wolves, the 2011 state champs, in November. Little ended the championship final with a match-high 16 kills, and Alley recorded 11 kills and a teambest 13 digs. The othermembers of the 2A all-state volleyball first team were: Days Creek's Isabel Golemon, Heppner's Bailey Bennett, Molly von Borstel of Weston-McEwen, Caitlyn Robison of Myrtle Point, and Grant Union's Hailey McConnell.

Top photo, Thmkstock; bottom photo, Rob Kerr /The Bulletin

Ellte ultra-distance runner Jeff Brownlng,running along the Deschutes River in Bend on Wednesday, says that he really likes his wind vest by Patagonia for keeping himself warm in the winter months. He says that between too warm and too cold, he likes to err on the side of dressing a bit warm.

Bulletin staffreport LAS VEGAS — Culver's Bobby Mote was the only Central Oregon competitor to get off to a good start at the National Finals Rodeo. Out of the six competitors with local ties competing at the 10-day NFR, Mote was the only one to earn a check on Thursday night at the Thomas 8 Mack Center. The four-time bareback world champion finished sixth in the first go-round with a ride of 83.5 points, good for $2,944.71. Wes Stevenson, of Lubbock, Texas, won the round with an 87-point ride. Redmond's Steven Peebles finished just out of the money in bareback with a ride of 82.5 points, while Culver's Brian Bain posted a 75.5-

point ride. Also on Thursday, a pair of Central Oregon cowboys nearly opened the NFR with checks in team roping. Terrebonne's Russell Cardoza and teammate Colby Lovell finished seventh and one spot out of the money with a time of 6.5 seconds. Prineville's Charly Crawford placed eighth with partner Jim Ross Cooper, posting a time of 11.3 seconds. Two teams tied for first place with times of 4.7 seconds. Terrebonne barrel racer Brenda Mays also finished out of the money, taking 14th place in a time of 14.4 seconds. Mary Walker, of Ennis, Texas, won in 13.75 seconds. For results from Thursday's go-round, see Scoreboard, 02.





TELEVISION 5 p.m.:Men's college, Arizona at


Clemson, ESPN2. 5p.m.: Men's college, Villanova at Penn, NBCSN.


3:30 a.m.:European Tour/ SunshineTour,Nelson Mandela

5 p.m.:Men's college, Nevadaat Washington, Pac-12Network. 6 p.m.:Men's college, Valparaiso

Championship, second round, Golf Channel.

7:30a.m.:Ladies European

at New Mexico, Root Sports. 7 p.m.: Men's college, lllinois at Gonzaga, ESPN2.

Tour, Dubai Ladies Masters, third round, Golf Channel. 10 a.m.:PGA Tour, Franklin

p.m.: NBA,SacramentoKings Templeton Shootout, first round, 7 at Portland Trail Blazers, Blazer Golf Channel. Network (Ch. 39). 5 p.m.:PGA Tour of Australasia, 7:30 p.m.:Men's college, Australian Open, third round,

Golf Channel. 10 p.m.:Asian Tour, Thailand Golf Championship, third round, Golf Channel. BASKETBALL 4p.m.:NBA, Boston Celtics at Philadelphia 76ers, ESPN. 6:15p.m.:College, VCU at Old

Dominion, (joined in progress), NBCSN.

6:30 p.m.:NBA, LosAngeles Lakers at Oklahoma City Thunder, ESPN. HOCKEY 4 p.m.: College, Michigan State at Notre Dame, NBCSN. FOOTBALL 5p.m.:College, NCAA FCS

playoffs, quarterfinal, Sam

Minnesota at USC, Pac-12 Network. FOOTBALL

9a.m.:College, NCAAFCS playoffs, quarterfinal, Georgia Southern at Old Dominion, ESPN.

Noon:College, Army vs. Navy, CBS.

5 p.m.:College, Heisman Trophy presentation, ESPN. MIXED MARTIALARTS 2p.m.: UFC: Henderson vs. Diaz,

preliminary bouts, FX. 5p.m.:UFC:Henderson vs. Diaz, main card, Fox. BOXING

7 p.m.:Bryant Jennings vs. Bowie Tupou, heavyweights, NBCSN.

Houston State vs. Montana State, ESPN2.

6 p.m.: LuisRamosvs.Ricardo Williams, welterweights (same-

day tape) Root Sports.




2:30 a.m.:European Tour/ Sunshine Tour,NelsonMandela Championship, third round, Golf

Channel. 1 p.m.:PGA Tour, Franklin Templeton Shootout, second round, NBC. 12:30 p.m.:Ladies European Tour, Dubai Ladies Masters, final round, Golf Channel. 5 p.m.: PGA Tour of Australasia, Australian Open, final round, Golf Channel.

10 p.m.:Asian Tour, Thailand Golf Championship, final round, Golf Channel. SOCCER


2:30 a.m.:European Tour/ SunshineTour,Nelson Mandela Championship, final round, Golf Channel.

Noon:PGATour, Franklin Templeton Shootout, final round, NBC. FIGURE SKATING 10a.m.: ISU Grand Prix Final

(taped), NBC. BOWLING

10a.m.:Professional Bowlers Association, World Tour Finals (taped), ESPN. FOOTBALL

10a.m.: NFL,DallasCowboysat 6:55a.m.:English Premier League, Sunderland vs. Chelsea, Cincinnati Bengals, Fox. ESPN2.

1 p.m.:NFL, Miami Dolphins at

San Francisco 49ers, CBS.


9 a.m.:Men's college, Arkansas at Michigan, CBS.

9 a.m.:Men's college, Portland

1 p.m.:NFL, Arizona Cardinals at Seattle Seahawks, Fox. 5:20 p.m.:NFL, Detroit Lions at

at Kentucky, ESPN2.

Green BayPackers, NBC.

10a.m.: Men'scollege,TCU at Tulsa, Root Sports.

SKIING Noon:Deer Valley Celebrity

11 a.m.:Men's college, Colorado

Skifest (taped), CBS.

at Kansas, ESPN2.


11 a.m.: Men's college, CalState Noon:Men's college, Fresno Northridge at Arizona State, Pac- State at Washington State, Pac12 Network.

12 Network.

11:30 a.m.:Men's college, Kansas State atGeorge Washington, CBSSports



12:15 p.m.:Men's college, Duke vs. Temple, ESPN. 1 p.m.:Men's college, Virginia Tech at West Virginia, ESPN2. 1 p.m.:Men's college, Grambling State at Oregon State, Pac-12 Network. 2:15p.m.:Men'scollege,UCLA at Texas, ESPN.

3 p.m.:Men's college, Wisconsin at Marquette, ESPN2.

3 p.m.:Men's college, Northern lowaatGeorgeMason,NBCSN. 3 p.m.: Men'scollege,Idaho State at Oregon, Pac-12 Network.


1 p.m.:Men's college, Grambling State at Oregon State, KICE-AM 940, KRCO-AM 690.

3 p.m.: Men'scollege,Idaho State at Oregon, KBND-AM 1110. 7 p.m.: NBA, Sacramento Kings at Portland Trail Blazers, KBNDAM 1110, KRCO-AM 690. Listings are the most accurate available. TheBulletinis not responsi bleforlate changesmade b)/7V or radio stations.


Labor talks back at stalemate New York Times News Service Donald Fehr, the executive director of the players union, had just finished a news conference Thursday in which he described the union's latest offer to end the NHL lockout, and how it put the two sides close to an agreement. Players were expressing guarded optimism to reporters about returning to the ice. That wa s w h e n F ehr's brother Steve, the union's special c o unsel, c h ecked his voice mail. It was NHL Deputy Commissioner Bill Daly, rejecting the union's

proposaL " We were advised in a voice mail message that the moves the players made were not acceptable," Donald Fehr said a few minutes later after reconvening the news conference, "and that something, everything — that's not clear — was off the table." It was the latest twist in what Commissioner Gary

Bettman later described as the "emotional roller coaster" of the 82-day lockout, and a sour end to a week that started with optimism on both sides that a settlement was within reach. Now the stalemate and rancor that have marked thesetalks have returned, stronger than ever. Bettman and Daly l ater saidthere would be no further talks on Thursday or today so the two sides could "take a breath," but the language they used intheirnews conference later Thursday was charged with bitter disappointment. "This is not the first time he describedthings as close when they weren't,n Bettman said of Fehr. nI don't know why he did that. I find it almost incomprehensible that he did that." Bettman added that the optimism that prevailed on Tuesday an d W e d nesday "almost inexplicably disappeared" Thursday.

ON DECK Today Boys basketball: North Medford at Bend, 7 p.mz SouthMedford at Summit, 7 p.mz Crook County vs Ontario at BurnsToumament, 4:30 p.mz Madrasat Banks,7 p.m.; Cascadeat Ridgeview, 5 p.m.;MountainViewat Sisters, 7:15 p.mz SweetHomeat Redmond, 7 p.m., LaPine at MyrtlePoint, 7p.mcLaPine JVvs. Gilchrist in Gilchrist Invitational, 8p.mcCentral Christianat North LakeToumament, TBD; Girls basketball: Bendat North Medford, 7p.m.; MountainViewvs. Siiverton at WilametteTournament, 6 p.mzSisters at Churchill, 5:15 p.m., Cascadeat Ridgeview, 7 p.mzSweetHomeat Redmond,5p.m.; LaPine vs. Brookings-Harborat 8-H Invitational, 6p.mzLaPine JVvs. Gichrist at Gilchrist Invitational,6:30p.m.; Central Christian vs.BonanzaatNorthLakeTournament,2 p.mz Wrestling: MountainViewat GlencoeTournament, TBD;Redmond, CrookCounty at Coast Classic in North Bend,1 pm.; Ridgeview,Sisters, Gilchrist, Madras,CrookCountyJVat CulverTournament, 2 p.m. Saturday Boys basketball: NorthMedfordat Summit,12:45 p.m.; Henleyat Madras,5 p.m.; Central Christian at North Lake Tournament, TBD;Trinity Lutheran at Fils City/Kings Valley Charter, 3:30 p.m.; SweetHomeat Ridgeview, noon; MountainView atCrater,6p.m.;CascadeatRedmond,2 p.m., La Pine atAshland, 2 p.m.; Gilchrist hosts GHS tourney,TBA Girls basketball: Cascade at Redm ond, noon; Madras at Henley, 5 p.m.; Central Christian at North LakeTournam ent, TBD;Trinity Lutheran at Falls City/KingsValley Charter, 2 p.mzSweet Home atRidgeview, 2p.mz MountainViewat WillametteTournam ent, TBD;La Pineat Brookings-Harbor Invitational, TBD;Gllchrist hostsGHS tourney,TBA Wrestling: Bend,Summit atSpringfield Tournament, TBD,Redmond, CrookCounty at Coast Classic in North Bend,9a.m.; Ridgeview,Sisters, Gilchrist, Madras,CrookCountyJVat CulverTournament, 9 a.m. Swimming: Summit at North BendHigh School Invitational,TBD

1(R) 1

Air Force

IN THE BLEACHERS In the Bleachers © 2012 Steve Moore. Dist by Universal Ucrrck www.gocomiCS com/inthebleachers






Pinstripe Bowl 4 4 Alamo Bowl OregonSt I 2 Buffalo Wild WingsBowl Tcu 2 25 Mic higan St Monday, Dec.31 Music City Bowl Vanderbilt 6 6 Sun Bowl Usc 10 1 0 Ge orgia Tech Liberly Bowl Tu sa 2 .5 P K Chick-Fil-A Bowl Lsu 4 4 Clemson Tuesday,Jan. 1 Heart of DallasBowl Oklahoma St 18 17 Gator Bowl Mississippi S t 2 2 Northwestern OutbackBowl S. Carolina 4 5 4.5 Michigan Capital OneBowl Georgia 9 10 Nebraska Rose Bowl Stanford 6 65 Wisconsin OrangeBowl FlorrdaSt 14 14 N. Illinois

Wednesday,Jan.2 SugarBowl


1 45 14 5



and give him lots of attention and clean up all of the messes he makes in his personal life."


Alabama Cleveland

4 8 0 .333 229 265 West W L T Pct PF PA RODEO y-Denver 10 3 0 .769 375 257 San Diego 4 8 0 .333 258 257 Professional Oakland 3 10 0 .231 248 402 KansasCity 2 10 0 .167 188 322 National Finals Rodeo Thursday NATIONALCONFERENCE East At Thomas &Mack Center W L T Pct PF PA Las Vegas N.Y.Giants 7 5 0 .583 321 243 First Round Bareback Riding Washington 6 6 0 .500 312 301 Dallas 6 6 0 .500 280 295 1.Wes Stevenson, Lubbock,Texas,87 points 3 9 0 .250 217 320 on J Bar J, Inc.'s FreckedDoll, $18,257. 2. Winn Philadelphia South Ratliff, Leesvile,La.,85.5,$14,429.3. CaseyColletti, W L T Pct PF PA Pueblo ,Colo.,85,$10,895.4.Kaycee Feild,Payson, 11 1 0 .917 317 229 Utah, 84.5,$7,656. 5 CalebBennett, Morgan,Utah, y-Atlanta 6 6 0 .500 333 285 84,$4, 712.6.BobbyMote,Stephenviiie,Texas,83.5, TampaBay 5 7 0 .417 321 327 $2,945. 7(tie)r StevenPeehles, Redmond, Ore., and NewOrleans Carolina 3 9 0 .250 235 292 Justin McDaniel, Porum,Oka., 82.5 each. 9. Wil North Lowe,Canyon,Texas, 82. 10(tie), J.R.Vezain, CowW L T Pct PF PA ley, Wyo.,andMatt Bright, Azle,Texas,77each.12. 8 4 0 .667 296 259 StevenDent,Muiien,Neh.,76 13.BrianBain, Culver, GreenBay 8 4 0 .667 294 198 Ore., 75.5. 14.JessyDavis, Power,Mont., 75. 15. Chicago Minnesota 6 6 0 .500 262 272 JaredKeylon, Uniontown,Kan., 745. Detroit 4 8 0 .333 300 315 Steer Wrestling West 1. Casey Martin, Sulphur, La., 3.4 seconds, W L T Pct PF PA $18,257. 2. Dean Gorsuch, Gering, Neb., 3.5, 3 1 .708 289 171 $14,429. 3. EthenThouvenell, Napa, Calif., 3.6, San Francisco 8 7 5 0 .583 242 202 $10,8 95.4.LesShepperson,Midwest,Wyo.,3.7, Seattle 5 6 I .458 221 267 $7,656 5 (tie), BeauClark, Belgrade,Mont., and St. Louis 4 8 0 .333 186 234 TomLewis, Lehi,Utah,3.8, $3,828each. 7 (tie), K.C Arizona x-clinched pl a yoff spot Jones,Deca tur, Texas, andBrayArmes, Gruver,Texas, y-clincheddivision 4.1 each.9.TrevorKnowles, MountVernon,ore.,4.2. 10. GabeLedoux, Kaplan, La., 4.7. 11.ToddSuhn, Thursday'sGame Hermosa,S.D., 7.6. 12. MattReeves, CrossPlains, Denver26, Oakland13 Texas,13.3. 13(tie), WadeSumpter, Fowler, Colo. Sunday'sGames Luke Branquinho,LosAlamos,Calif., and Billy BuChicagoatMinnesota,10 a.m. genlg, FerndaleCa , if., NT. BaltimoreatWashington,10 a.m. Team Roping 1 (tie), KalebDriggers, Albany,Ga./JadeCork- KansasCityatCleveland,10a.m. ill, Fallon, Nev.,andBrock Hanson, CasaGrande, San DiegoatPittsburgh,10am. Ariz./RyanMotes,Weatherford, Texas,4.7seconds, Tennessee at Indianapolis, 10a.m. N.Y.Jetsat Jacksonvile, 10a.m. $16,343each.3. TrevorBrazi e, Decatur, Texas/PatAtlanta at Carol ina,10 a.m. rick Smith, Lipan, Texas,4.8, $10,895. 4. Chad Masters, Cedar Hill, Tenn./Clay O'Brien Cooper, PhiladelphiaatTampaBay,10 a.m. Gardnervige,Nev., 5.1, $7,656. 5. Derrick Begay, St. LouisatBuffalo,10a.m. SehaDalkai, Ariz./Cesardela Cruz,Tucson,Ariz., Dallas atCincinnati,10 am. 5.8, $4,712.6 Keven Daniel,Franklin,Tenn./Chase Miami atSanFrancisco, I:05 p.m. Arizonaat Seatle, I:25 p.m. Tryan,Helena,Mont., 5.9, $2,945. 7 Colbyl.ovell, Madisonvi e, Texas/Russell Cardoza,Terrebonne, NewOrleansat N.Y.Giants,1.25 p.m. Ore., 6.5. 8. Charly Crawford,Prineville, Ore./Jim Detroit atGreenBay,5:20 p.m. Monday,Dec.10 Ross Cooper,Monument, N.M., 11.3. 9 (tie), Luke natNewEngland,5:30p.m. Brown,Stephenviie, Texas/MartinLucero,Stephen- Housto ville, TexasClayTryan,Bilings, Mont./TravisGraves, Thursday's Summary Jay, Dkla..DustinBird, CutBank,Mont./Paul Eaves, Millsap, Texas.Travis Tryan, Billings, Mont./Jake Long, Coffeyviile, Kan..Erich Rogers,RoundRock, Broncos 26, Raiders13 Ariz./Kory Koontz,Sudan,Texas.Spencer Mitchell, Colusa,Calil./DakotaKirchenschlager,Stephenvile, Denver 10 3 13 0 — 26 Texas,andTurtle Powell, Stephenvile,Texas/Dugan Oakland 0 7 0 6 — 13 Kelly, Paso Robles, Calif. NT First Quarter Saddle BroncRiding Den—Dreessen 6 pass from Manning(Prater 1. TaosMuncy,Corona,N.M.,87points onAn10:30. drews Rodeo'sFire Lane,$18,257. 2 (tie), Jesse kick), Den—FGPrater 43, 509. Wright, Milford,Utah,andJakeWright, Milford,Utah, SecondDuarter 84.5, $12,662each.4. CodyWright, Milford, Utah, Den FG Prater34, 1339 83.5, $7,656 5 JacobsCrawley,CollegeStation, Oak —McFadden 6 passfrom Palmer(Janikowski Texas 83,$4,712 6.Tyrell Smith,Cascade,Mont., kick), I:59. 82.5, $2,945. 7. Cody Taton, Corona, N.M., 82. 8 Third Quarter (tie), CodyDeMoss, Hefiin, La., andBradley Harter, Den—FGPrater 20, 7:30. Weatherford,Texas,81.5 each. 10. CortScheer, ElsDen—Moreno1 run(Prater kick), 5:07. mere, Neb.,80. 11 WadeSundeii, Boxholm, lowa, Den FG Prater33,:19 77. 12. ChadFerley,Oelrichs, S.D., 75.5. 13 Cole Fourth Duarter Elshere,Faith,S.D.,67.5. 14(tie), SterlingCrawley, Oak —Heyward-Bey 56 passfrom Palmer(pass CollegeStation, Texas,andIsaac Diaz, Desdemona, failed), 5:36. Texas,NT. A—53,807. Tie-DownRoping 1 Tuf Cooper, Decatur, Texas, 7.4 seconds, D en Oak $18,257. 2. Shane Hanchey,Sulphur, La., 7.6, First downs 30 14 $14,429. 3. Houston Hutto, Tomball, Texas, 8.1, Total NetYards 4 28 32 4 $10,895. 4.AdamGray, Seymour, Texas, 8.2, $7,656. Rushes-yards 39-140 16-61 5. Ryan Jarrett, Comanche,Okla., 8.7, $4,712. 6. Passing 2 88 26 3 Monty LewisHereford, , Texas,8.8, $2,945. 7 (tie), PuntReturns 1-0 1-8 Fred Whitfield, Hockley,Texas,and Matt Shiozawa, KickoffReturns 1 -33 2 - 34 Chubbuck,Idaho, 8.9each.9. Clif Cooper,Decatur, Interceptions Ret. 1-18 1-0 Texas 9.2.10. Cody Ohl, Hico,Texas,9.6 11. Jus- Comp-Att-Int 26-36-1 19-30-1 tin Maass,Giddings,Texas,9.9. 12. Clint Robinson, Sacked-YardsLost 3 -22 1 - 10 SpanishFork, Utah,10.8.13. BradleyBynum,Sterling 2-44.5 5-43.4 Punts City, Texas,10.9. 14.HunterHerrin, Apache,Okla., Fumbles-Lost 1-0 1-1 13.5.15. Cory Solomon,Prairie View,Texas,13.7. Penalties-Yards 3-25 1 1-94 Barrel Racing Time ofPossession 37;19 22:41 1. Mary Walker,Ennis, Texas, 13.75seconds, $18,257. 2. Kelli Tolhert, Hooper, Utah, 13.77, INDIVIDUALSTATISTICS $14,429. 3. BrittanyPozzi, Victoria, Texas,13.86, RUSHING —Denver: Moreno 32-119, Hillman $10,895.4. LeeAnnRust, Stephenvile, Texas,13.99, 4-24,Manning 3-(minus 3).Oakland: McFadden $7,656 5 Christy Loflin, Franktown,Colo., 14.03, 11 52,Reece4 10,Palmer1-(minus1) $4712 6SherryCervi,MaranaAriz.,1404 $2945 PASSING —Denver: Manning 26-36-1-310 7. TrulaChurchill, Valentine,Neb., 14.09. 8. Benete Oakland: Palmer19-30-1-273. Barrington-Little, Ardmore,Okla., 14.11. 9. Kaley RECEIVING — Denver: Decker8-88,D.Thomas Bass,Kissimmee,Fla.,14.20.10. Nikki Steffes Vale, 5-83, Dreessen5-30, Moreno4-48, Tamm e 2-24, S.D., 14.23.11.Christina Richman,Glendora,Calif., Willis1-19, Caldwel1-18. l Oakland: Heyward-Bey 14.30. 12. LisaLockhart, Oelrichs, SD., 14.35. 13 Streater4-100, Moore4 43, Criner 2-24, McBrendaMays,Terrebonne Ore., 14.40 14. Lindsay 5-82, Fadden2-12,Myers1-7, Reece1-5. Sears,Nanton,Alberta, 18.99.15. CarieePierce, SteMISSEDFIELDGOALS—None. phenville,Texas,29.11 Bull Riding 1. J.W.Harris, Mullin, Texas,90.5 pointson Four College Star Rodeo'sStink Eye,$18,257. 2. CodyWhitney, College Football AwardWinners Sayre, Okla., 86.5, $14,429. 3. BeauSchroeder, Winners ofthe2012coliegefootball awards,preChina,Texas,83.0 $10,895.4. CodyTeel, Kountze, Texas,74.5,$7,656.5. TreyBenton III, RockIsland, sentedThursdayfromtheWalt DisneyWorld Resort: CampNational Playeroftheyear—Manti Te'o, Texas,73.5,$4,712. 6(tie), ArdieMaier,TimberLake, Walter NotreDame S.D.. TrevorKastner,Ardmore,Okla.. SethGiause, Maxwel Award l (bestall-aroundplayer) Manti Te'o, Cheyenne, Wyo.. TateStratton, Kellyville, Okla..Cody NotreDame Samora,Cortez,Colo.. ShaneProctor, GrandCoulee, Davey O'BrienNational Quarterback Award —Johnny Wash.. ClaytonSavage, Casper, Wyo.. KaninAsay, Manziel,TexasA8M Powell, Wyo..TagElliott, Thatcher, Utah, and Brett Doak Walker Award (outstanding running back) Stall, DetroitLakes,Minn., NS. —MonteeBal, Wisconsin Fred BiietnikoffAward(outstanding receiver) Marqise Lee, SouthemCa FOOTBALL Chuck Bedarnik Trophy (best defensive player) —MantiTe'o,NotreDame NFL OutlandTrophy(outstanding collegiateinterior lineman) —LukeJoeckel, TexasA8M NATIONALFOOTBALL LEAGUE Jim Thorpe Award (hest defensiveback) Johnthan AH TimesPST Banks,MississippiState Lou Groza Award (outstanding place-kicker) —Cairo AMERICANCONFERENCE Santos,Tulane East Ray Guy Aw ard (best punter)—RyanAllen, Louisiana W L T Pct PF PA Tech y-NewEngland 9 3 0 7 50430 260 N.Y.Jets 5 7 0 4 1 7228 296 SportsSpirit Award Nate Boyer,Texas Bullalo 5 7 0 4 1 7277 337 CoachoftheYear —BrianKelly, NotreDame Miami 5 7 0 4 1 7227 249 NCFAAContribution to CollegeFootball Award—Ara Parseghian South W L T P ct PF PA NCAAFootball Championship Subdivision x Houston 11 1 0 .917351 221 Playoffs Indianapo is 8 4 0 . 667265 306 Duarterfinals Tennessee 4 8 0 3 3 3248 359 Today, Dec. 7 Jacksonville 2 10 0 .167 206 342 SamHoustonState(9-3) at MontanaState(11-1), 5 North p.m. W L T Pct PF PA Saturday, Dec. 8 Baltimore 9 3 0 . 750303 242 Pittsburgh 7 5 0 5 83254 230 GeorgiaSouthem(9-3) atOldDominion(11-1), 9a.m. Cincinnati 7 5 0 5 83302 260 Wofford(9-3) atNorthDakotaState(11-1), noon

lginois State(9-3) at EasternWashington (10-2), 3 p.m.


W. Virginia


"Remember, Jimmy, you've got to feed him


Fight HungerBowl


Thursday, Jan.3 Fiesta Bowl 8 8 Cotton Bowl 3 5 4.5 Saturday,Jan. 5

CompassBowl 2 3 Sunday,Jan. 6 Go Daddy.com Bowl 2 45 Monday,Jan.7 BCSChampionship 8 .5


Pitts burgh

NotreDam e

BASKETBALL Men's college

Bowl Glance Sublectto Change AH TimesPST Saturday, Dec.15 New MexicoBowl At Albuquerpue Nevada(7-5) vsArizona(7 5),10 a.m.(ESPN) FamousIdaho Potato Bowl At Boise, Idaho Toledo(9-3)vs.UtahState(10-2), I:30 p.m.(ESPN) Thursday,Dec.20 Poinsettia Bowl At SanDiego San DiegoState(9-3) vs.BYU(7-5), 5p.m.(ESPN) Friday, Dec.21 Beef 'O' Brady'sBowl At St. Petersburg, Fla. Bail State(9-3)vs.UCF(9-4),4:30 p.m.(ESPN) Saturday,Dec.22 New OrleansBowl East Carolina(8-4) vs. Louisiana-Lalayette(7-4), 9

a.m. (ESP N)

Las VegasBowl BoiseState(10-2) vs.Washington (7-5), 12:30p.m. (ESPN) Monday,Dec.24 Hawaiigowl At Honolulu SMU(6-6)vs.FresnoState(9-3), 5 p.m.(ESPN) Wednesday,Dec.26 Little CaesarsPizzaBowl At Detroit Central Michigan(6-6) vs.Western Kentucky (7-5), 4:30 p.m. (ESPN) Thursday,Dec.27 Military Bowl At Washington BowingGreen(8-4) vs.SanJoseState(10-2), noon (ESPN) Belk Bowl At Charlotte, N.C.

Duke(6-6)vs.Cincinnati(9-3),3:30p.m.(ESPN) Holiday Bowl At SanDiego Baylor(7-5) vs.UCL A(9-4), 6:45p.m.(ESPN) Friday, Dec.28 IndependenceBowl At Shreveporl, La. Louisiana-Monroe(8-4) vs Ohio (8-4), 11 am.


Russell Athletic Bowl At Orlando, Fla. VirginiaTech(6-6) vs. Rutgers(9-3), 2:30p.m.(ESPN) MeinekeCarCareBowl At Houston Minnesota (6-6) vsTexasTech(7-5) 6p.m.(ESPN) Saturday, Dec.29 ArmedForcesBowl At Fort Worth,Texas Rice(6-6)vs.Air Force(6-6), 8:45a.m.(ESPN) Fight HungerBowl At SanFrancisco Arizona State (7-5) vs. Navy (7-4), 12:15 p.m. (ESPN2) Pinstripe Bowl At Newyork Syracuse(7 5) vs. WestVirginia (7-5), 12:15 p.m.


Alamo Bowl At SanAntonio Texas(8-4) vs.OregonState(9-3), 3.45p.m.(ESPN) Buffalo Wild WingsBowl At Tempe,Ariz. MichiganState(6-6) vs.TCU(7-5), 7:15p.m.(ESPN)

Betting line

Thursday's Games EAST AmericanU.73,UMBC70, 20T Maine97, Fisher42 Providence 72, RhodeIsland 57 Syracuse 84,LongBeachSt.53 SOUTH Boston U.69, Coastal Carolina 63 FAU88, Stetson78 Tennessee Tech74,GreenBay68 William 8Mary78,Howard69 MIDWEST Cincinnati87,UALR53 Creighton 64, Nebraska42 Oakland 88,Rochester (Mich.) 77 S. DakotaSt.83, DakotaSt.52 Vanderbilt 66,Xavier64, OT YoungstownSt.93, Geneva50 FAR WEST CS Bakersfield72 CalSt.-Fullerton 70 FresnoSt.84, SanDiegoChristian 49 Idaho81, E.Washington 79,OT Montana St78,MontanaTech54 San DiegoSt.84,UCSanta Barbara 70

Wom en's college Thursday'sGames

EAST Lehigh 47Fairlield 42 Rutgers58,LIUBrooklyn 32

Uconn67,PennSt. 52 SOUTH Duke85,Georgia Tech52 Maryland79,Virginia55 Middle Tennessee63,Xavier48 Tennessee Tech65,Samford56 UT-Martin78, SaintLouis 62 Vanderbilt 67,Hartford45 W. Kentucky62,MoreheadSt 38

MIDWEST Bail St. 73,Detroit 64, OT Drake 62, N.DakotaSt. 50 lowa50,lowaSt.42 KentSt.71,Temple 62 Missouri91,Missouri St.77 Ohio 69,E.Kentucky 58 Purdue69, IPFW54 SouthDakota90, DakotaSt.35 SOUTHWES T

Arkansas64 Kansas56 Oklahoma71,North Texas68 Oklahoma St.85,StephenF. Austin 41 Texas St.93,Huston-Tigotson42 FAR WEST S. Utah71, UtahValley66 SaintMary's(Cal)75, UCDavis56 Wyoming 58,Montana56

DEALS Transactions BASEBALL American League BOSTONRED SOX— AcquiredRHPKyleKaminska from Pittsburghto completeanearlier tradeandassigned him toPawtucket(IL). Agreedto termswith RHPKoli Uehara. DETROITTIGER S—Acquired 28 Jeff Kobernus from BostonRed Soxfor INF-DFJustin Henry. MINNESOTA TWINS— Acquired RHP Vance Worley and RHPTrevor Mayfrom Philadelphia for OFBen Revere. Agreedto termswith RHPJaredBurton ona two-yearcontract. SEATTLE MARINERS—Named Darrin Garnerman-

ager fortheMariners(Arizona),JamesHorner manNFL ager forHighDesert (Cai) andChrls Prieto manager (Hometeams in Caps) Puiaski(Appalachian). Favorite O p e n CurrentUnderdog forTAMPA BAYRAYS Agreed to terms with 18 Sunday Ravens 2 .5 2 . 5 REDSKINS JamesLoneyonaone-yearcontract. TEXASRANGERS—Sent RHP Wilfredo Boscan BROWNS 5 6 STEELERS 7 7 CDLTS 5 5 Jets 2 2. 5 Bears 2 .5 3 Falcons 3 .5 3 . 5 BUCCANE ERS 7 7 BILLS 3 3 BENGALS 3 3 49ERS 10 5 10 GIANTS 5 5 S EAHAWKS 10 10 . 5 PACKERS 7 7

Chiefs SanDiegoto completeanearlier trade.Agreedto Chargers to Titans termswith18-DHBrandonAllen, RHPJakeBrigham, JAGUARS RHPEvanMeekand RHPRandy Wels on minor contracts. VIKINGS league National League PANTHER S ARIZONA DIAMO NDBACKS—Agreed to terms Eagles with C Wi l Ni e ves andINF-OFEric Hinskeonone-year Rams Cowboys contracts. ATLANTABRAVES— AgreedtotermswithOFReed Dolphins Saints Johnsonona one-yearcontract. NEW YORKMETS—Traded LHPKyle Lobstein to Cardinals Lions Detroit forcash.

BASKETBALL National Basketball Association TORONT ORAPTORS—AssignedFQuincy Acyto Bakersfield(NBADL). College Women's National Basketball Association Saturday MINNES OTA LYNX—Signed coach Cheryl Reeve p-Navy 7 .5 7 Army to a multiyearcontractextension. p-Philadelphia,Pa. FOOTBALL National Football League Saturday,Dec.16 BUFFALO BILLS—Signed OT ChnsScott from New MexicoBowl Arizona 7.5 9 5 Nevada Tennessee'spracticesquad. PlacedOTChris Hairston on injuredreserve. FamousIdahoPotatoBowl CINCINNATI BENGALS— Signed K Josh Brown. Utah St 8 10 Toledo WaivedCJeff Faine Thursday,Dec.20 KANSAS CITY CHIEFS—Placed DL Allen Bailey Poinsettia Bowl 2.5 3 SanDiego St on injuredreserve.SignedLBLeonWilliams. NEWYOR K GIANTS—Placed DTSean Locklear Friday, Dec.21 on injuredreserve. SignedOLSelvish Capers from Beef 0 Brady'sBowl the practice squad. SignedOLPaul Fenaroli to the C. Florida 7 8 Ball St practicesquad. Saturday,Dec.22 NEW YOR KJETS—Signed SAntonio Allenlrom New OrleansBowl UL-Lafayette 4.5 55 E.C arolina the practicesquad. SignedCBDonnie Fetcherto the Las VegasBowl practicesquad. Boise St 6.5 5 5 Was hington SEATTI. E SEAHAWKS— Signed CB Chandler Monday,Dec.24 Fennertothe practicesquad. HawaiiBowl SOCCER F resno St 1 1 5 1 1 5 Smu Major League Soccer Wednesday,Dec.26 COLORADORAPIDS Signed MF Pablo MasLittle CaesarsPizzaBowl troeni toaone-year contract. W. Kentucky 6 6 C. Mic higan NEWYORKREDBULLS—Acquired FJosueMarThursday,Dec.27 tinez andalocation moneyfrom Philadelphiafor F Military Bowl SebastienLeToux. SanJoseSt 75 7.5 Bowling Green PORTLAND TIMBERS— SignedG JakeGleeson,D Belk Bowl RyanKawuiokand MF/D RodneyWallace.Exercised Cincinnati 10.5 8 Duke their 2012contractoptionson GJoe Bendik, DFuty Holiday Bowl Danso, DChris Tayor,MFEric Alexander, MFKalif Ucla 1(B) 1 Baylor Alhassan, MFSal Zizzo, F Bright Dikeand FBrent Friday, Dee.28 Richards.Declinedthe2012contract option for D IndependenceBowl StevenSmith. UL-Monroe 6 7 COLLEGE Russell Athletic Bowl AUBURN —Named Ellis Johnsondefensive coorVirginia Tech 1 2 Rutgers dinator. MeinkeCarCareBowl CARTH AGE—NamedMikeYeager footba I coach Texas Tech 1 3 13 Minn esota FAIRFIELD —Signed men's basketball coach Saturday,Dec.29 SydneyJohnsonto acontract extensionthroughthe ArmedForcesBowl 2018-19season. PATRIOTS 5

Monday 3






How Northern Illinois joine BCS clu


By Ben Strauss

month after Chris McGowan became the new team president. Chief financial officer Gregg Olson had been with the Blazers for 10 years. Michele Daterman, who was the senior vice president of tickets and marketing,

New York Times News Service

DEKALB, Ill. — A few hours b efore Sunday n i g ht's B o w l Championship Series selection show, Northern Illinois athletic director Jeff Compher sent an intern to buy 100 oranges at a nearby grocery store, then made sure they stayed hidden. "I got the call, so I knew we were going to the Orange Bowl," Compher said, "but I couldn't tell anyone." Throughout the afternoon players monitored the news on Twitter, reading reports about their possible bowl game destinations. "I wanted to believe them, but I tried not to," quarterback Jordan Lynch said. When the official announcement came, the oranges were unveiled — and some quickly became projectiles. That came after the euphoria on campus was tempered by the negative reaction from some college football p u ndits. ESPN's Kirk Herbstreit called the inclusion of Northern Illinois in the Bowl Championship Series a "sad state for college football." Lynch


and Traci Reandeau,formerly the senior vice president of human resources, both hadbeenwith the teamfor some18 years. Datermanhelped develop Portland's


"New Team, New Dream" slogan. Chief operating officer Sarah Mensah resigned last week.

Football • Gal introduces new coach:At the urging of athletic director Sandy Barbour, Sonny Dykes pulled out a white California cap from underneath the podium and popped it on his head to accent his blue-and-gold tie and dark suit, drawing cheers from department staff who filled the Memorial Stadium room. On his

first day asCal's coach, Dykesdefinitely looked the part. The GoldenBears just hope hecan garner the same reaction on gamedays. Calformally introduced Dykes as its football coach Thursday, replacing the fired Jeff Tedford after three years at Louisiana Tech.

Dykes takes over aproud program with a refurbished stadium and training facilities, but also one that has

failed to make abowl in two of the past three seasons and has the lowest graduation rate (48 percent) in the Pac-12 Conference. "We will turn it around," Dykes

said. "It's going to be along, arduous process. How Carlos Osorio/The Associated Press file

Northern Illinois players celebrate after defeating Kent State 44-37 in double overtime in the Mid-American Conference championship game at Ford Field in Detroit last week. The Huskies, a rni-maajo school some 60 miles west of Chicago, are headed to the Orange Bowl.

responded by hurling an orange at the television. "I feel like we're all Division I kids and wealldeserve the same shot," Lynch said. "If they don't want to see us in there, then why give us a shot? Why come out with the rules that we can be in there?" Northern Illinois is one of the most unlikely teams to reach a BCS game, and the first from the Mid-American Conference. The Huskies' ascent, by virtue of a 12-1 season and the MAC championship, was aided by a series of BCS accounting quirks that kept out some traditional powers like Georgia, Louisiana State and Oklahoma — all ranked higher than Northern Illinois in the BCS standings. That serendipity has seemed to follow the Huskies all season. In his first year as a starter, Lynch set the Football Bowl Subdivision record for rushing yards by a quarterback with 1,771. Then came last weekend, when Northern Illinois won the MAC championship game against Kent State in double overtime Friday night, but found out Saturday that coach D ave Doeren was l eaving t o take over North Carolina State's


• Blazers lay off executives:The Portland Trail

Blazers havelaid off three longtime executives. The Blazers announcedthe layoffs on Thursday, about a

The next day, Compher named Rod Carey as the new coach. Hours later came the official announcement that t h e H u skies were going to the Orange Bowl in Miami Gardens, Fla., where they will face Florida State on Jan. 1. In Carey, Northern Illinois has a coach whose meteoricrise mirrors its own. Carey began the season as anassistant in charge o f the offensive line. He w a s promoted to offensive coordinator after the first game when his predecessor, Mike Dunbar, left the team because he was battling cancer. "I think it's safe to say we've been riding a r o l ler c oaster," Lynch said. "But right now, it's the good kind of head spinning." The Huskies opened the season with an 18-17 loss to Iowa, one of two teams from a BCS conference on their schedule. They have won 12 straight since, behind an offense that averages 40.8 points, ninth best in the FBS. Lynch, a junior, is the team's catalyst. He drew limited interest from recruiters coming out of high school in Chicago, and his only scholarship offer to play quarterback came from Northern Illinois. Beyond his rushing yard-

age, he has scored 19 touchdowns on the ground and passed for another 24. In late October, Northern Illinois unveiled a Heisman campaign for him that included the slogan, "Jordan Lynch for 6." The Huskies own the nation's longest home w i n ning s treak (21 games), have won 21 of their past 22 overall, and are headed to their seventh bowl game in nine seasons. "Justabout every one ofthese guys was told he wasn't good enough, that he wasn't wanted by one of the bigger schools," Carey said. "That creates that chip, and they come here to work." The Northern I l l inois campus here is an hour and a half west of downtown Chicago. The highway traces its way from skyscrapers to suburbia to farmland. A giant water tower with t h e Huskies' logo overlooks the football stadium. Northern Illinois, though, is not quite a complete outsider when it comes to big-time football. The program's renaissance came under Joe Novak, who took over as coach in 1996. Novak endured a 23-game losing streak t h at spanned parts of his first three seasons but soon had NFL-level

prospects like the future Atlanta Falcons running back M ichael Turner coming to play for him. "It took patience," said Novak, who retiredin 2007. "We focused on character guys who lived within five hours of us. You know, I never dreamt it would come to this." In 2007, the university unveiled the Yordon Center, a $14 million building that houses training equipment, a weight room, a tutoring center and the team's locker room. A $9.5 million indoor practice facility is expected to open next year. To Compher, a BCS game is not just about visibility or money. It also helps legitimize how the program was built. " This proves we've done i t right," he said. On Monday night, a single orange was lying on the Yordon Center parking lot, a remnant of the celebration tinged by national skepticism. Lynch was not sure what had become of the piece of fruit he tossed at the TV, but when asked what he might say to Herbstreit should he run into him, Lynch said: "I'm not worried about what I would say. I just want to play this game."

many years is it going to take? I don't know. Is it going to be nextyear? I don't know. What's the future hold? I can't answer that question. But I do know that's what's

going to drive usevery day. Every single day weget in our car and come towork, our goal is going to beto get to the Rose Bowl."

• Strong staying asLouisville coach: Charlie

Strong's decision to stay at Louisville is the second major coup for the Cardinals in eight days. After re-

ports linking Strong to several openings in theSoutheastern Conference, hesaid Thursday that he wasn't goinganywhere.Keepingthecoachhadbecome a priority for Louisville after announcing last week it will join the Atlantic Coast Conference in 2014. "I knew this would be a big opportunity," Strong said during a press conference at the Cardinals' football stadium. "It was the best decision to stay here, continue to build a

program andfulfill our dreams on the football field and in the classroom." Strong turned down anoffer from Tennessee onTuesdaynighttoreplaceDerekDooley, who was fired on Nov. 18.

• Alvarez to coachWisconsin inRoseBowl:Wisconsin is going retro for the Rose Bowl. Left without a coach when Bret Bielema bolted for Arkansas, the

Badgers asked former coach and current athletic director Barry Alvarez to leadthemwhenthey face No.8 Stanford on New Year's Day. "We wouldn't want anyone else but coach Alvarez to coach us in this game," linebacker Mike Taylor said Thursday. "Kids like me,

growing up in Wisconsin, youwatchedhim onthe sidelines andyou always dreamed of playing for him." The return is for onegameonly, Alvarez said. He's already started the search for anewcoach and plansto begin interviewing candidates next week. • NFLmay help fund Oakland stadium: NFL Com-

missioner RogerGoodell said Thursday the leagueis willing to contribute funding to help build a stadium in Oakland to keep the Raiders in town. Goodell said it is crucial that the Raiders improve their stadium

situation. Theycurrently play in the outdated Oakland Coliseum and have said they would like a more modern facility at the same location. There have been talks between the team and city officials, but nothing con-

crete hashappenedasofyet.Theleaguealreadycontributed $200 million to help fund a new stadium for the San Francisco 49ers in Santa Clara. Also Thurs-


day, Goodell said the league's competition committee

Madras wrestling defeatsSummit in dual meet Bulletin staffreport MADRAS — Madras High won nine of 14 matches against Summit on Thursday and rolled to a 51-30 wrestling victory over the Storm ina nonconference dual. White B u f f al o s o p homore Jared Dupont recorded a 41-second pin against the Storm's Reid Yundt at 126 pounds to jump start the night for Madras. The Buffs won three of the dual's first four matches en route to the home victory. "We wrestled tough, even the kids that lost," Madras coach Ron Oliver said. "Jared started us off with that pin and that kind of kicked the other guys along." Oliver also pointed to a win by Anthony Allbritton at 220 pounds as a key match for the White Buffaloes. The Madras senior and first-year wrestler pinned Summit's Christian Spear in I minute, 18 seconds. The White Buffaloes compete today and Saturday at the Culver Tournament while t h e S t o rm travel to the one-day Springfield Tournament on Saturday. In other Thursday action:

WRESTLING B end.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Ridgeview ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 The host Lava Bears saw Kas-

ey Beuschlein (126 pounds), Nico Spring (138), Tanner Hanson (170), Tyler Vanhoose (195) and Drue

Bernstein (285) pin opponents en route to defeating the Ravens in a dual meet at Bend High. Conner

Sperling (220) and Trent Pickett (120) each recorded pins for Ridgeview, but it wasn't enough to overcome 10 match wins by the Lava Bears. "We have a pretty young team this year," Bend coach Luke Larwin said. "Those kids stepped up and competed well and competed aggressively." Bend competes in the Springfield Tournament on S aturday and Ridgeview wrestles in the Culver Tournament today and Saturday. Hawks, Grizzlies compete

against Cougars JV LA PINE — La Pine's Chris Love went 2-0 with wins at 145 a nd 152 pounds t o p ace t h e Hawks in a n o nscoring threeteam meet with G i lchrist and Mountain View's junior varsity. Louden Oleachea went 1-0 at 113

pounds for La Pine, as did Joseph

compared tothe Ravens' nine and the Panthers' six. Markland (182), both of whom The B en d b o y s de f eated won by fall. The Hawks are at the Ridgeview 124-24 and swam past Culver Tournament today and Redmond 136-6. The Lava Bears' Saturday. girls squad was just as dominant, GIRLS BASKETBALL topping Ridgeview 100-58 and Banks... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 Redmond 127-28. The Ridgeview M adras.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 boys defeated their R edmond BANKS — The White Buffa- counterparts 30-13, and the Raloes fell to 1-2 on the season af- ven girls bested the Panthers 127-28. ter a lopsided defeat against the Braves. Madras is on the road Jennifer Robeson paced the again Saturday at Henley. Bend girls with wins in the 200BOYS BASKETBALL meter individual medley and 100 Ridgeview freshmen.... . . . . . . 67 butterfly. The Lava Bear freshTrinity Lutheran .... . . . . . . . . . . . 31 man also swam on Bend's 200 The host Saints dropped their medley and 400 freestylerelay third game in a row after winning squads that took first place. their season opener against ChilFellow freshman Ben Brockoquin's junior varsity last Friday. man and Cole More highlighted Trinity Lutheran of Bend plays at the meet for the Lava Bear boys. Falls City on Saturday. Brockman won the 200 IM and SWIMMING 1 00 freestyle and M o r e t o ok Bend boys and girls cruise first in the 100 butterfly and 100 to wins in double dual backstroke. Both swimmers also REDMOND — B end H i gh's competed on two relay teams that boys and girls teams easily won placed first. a pair of duals against Redmond Haley Houghton stood out for and Ridgeview at the Cascade the Ridgeview girls with victoSwim Center as the Lava Bears ries in the 200 and 400 freestyle brought 43 swimmers to the meet, races.

Swayze (160 pounds) and Tyler

PREP SCOREBOARD Wrestling Thursday's Results Madras 51, Summit 30 106 — lancppenlander,M,pinsAlecDoan, s, 2:29. 113 samuel Flores,M, pinsTommyBrown, s, 53 120 —srycevincent, M,winsbyforfeit 126 — JaredDupont, M, pinsReidYundt, S,:41.132 — BrasdosHawes, M,def. patrick Leiphart, s, 8-a138 —GabeThompson, s, pins LaneMcDonald,M,2.4z145 — Miguelvasquez,M,pins Juanzacarias,S,:59. 152 — JacobThompson, S, pins, Joe Hisatake,M,:56. 160 Brandon Katter, s, wins by forfeit. 170 — EthasShort, M,pins, HayesJoyseI S,2:09. 182 —Joaquin Reyes, S,winsbytorfe>t 195— Michael Bauman,M,pins, MaxBurbidge, s, 3:01.220—Anthony Allbriton, M,pins christianSpear, S, 1:1a 285—Miguel savia ,M,pinsJohnMurphy,s,3:30. Bend High49, Ridgeview14 106 — Lara, B,def. Stewart, R,bytech fal. 113Doubleforfeit. 120 — pickett, R,pinsBales,B c3z 126 —Besschlein, B,pinsCarpenter,R, 1:40. 132—Haines, B, det Rodman,R, 9-3. 138 — Spring B, pins Rago, R, 1:08 145 Prescott, R, def Crane, B, 12-6. 152 —Vintos, B,def. Paniagua,R, 12-7. 160 — Durante, B,

def. stone,R,0-z 170 — Hanson,B, pinswolford, R, I:sz 182 —Gentner, B def. Co.Christiansen, R,8-0. 195 —vanhoose,B, pinsHancock, R, 3:2a 220 —sperling, R, pins 0'conner,B,3:42. 285 —Bernstein, B,pins cr. Christiasses,R,1:24

Swimming Girls Thursday'sresults REDMOND/RIDGEVIEWDOUBLE DUAL MEET AI CascadeSwimCenter, Redmond

Teamscores Bend100, Ridgevi58; ewBend127, Redmond28; Ridgeview67,Redmond39 200 medley relay — I, Bend A(BrookMiler, Mattea Dean,JenniferRobeson,ChynaFish), 2:16.57.2, Ridgeview A2:17.1. 3,RedmondA,2:59.46 200 freestyle — 1,HaleyHoughton, RV,2:21.3. 2, chysa Fish,B,223.67;3,MatteaDean,B,2:26.01. 200 individual medley — 1,Jennifer Robeson, B, 2:3z882,RachelHaney,RV,2:36.85.3,Brooke Miller,B, 2:4a06

50 freestyle — 1,CasseLantz, Rv,3zu. 2, Kyrie prescott,Rv,3a38 3,Ellie Garling, B,3asz 100 butterfly — 1, JenniferRobeson,B, 1:13.07. 2, chynaFish,B,1:15.88.3, FrankieBosacker,B,1:34.35 100 freestyle 1, ciara Hogue,B,1n469. 2, Kylee Johnson,R,1:1588. 3,AlyssaBiork, B,1:16.19. 400 freestyle — I,HaleyHoughton, RV,5:OZ 2, Alex Winslow,B,5:31sz 3, Aislin Goldrick,6:17.0a 200 freestyle relay — 1,RidgeviewA(Kyrie Prescott, Randi Holland,HaleyHoughton,RachelHaney),2:06.69.2, Bend A,2:09.91.3, RedmondA, 2:26.10. 100 backstroke — 1,RachelHaney, RV,1:0918 2, BrookeMiler, B,1n5.01. 3,Elizabeth Moss, R,1:2943. 100 breaststroke — 1,CasseLantz, RV,1:29.61 2, Kyrie prescottRv,1.35.7t 3, AislinGoldrick, B,1:4z59..

400 freestyle relay — 1,BendA(Jennifer Robeson, MatteaDean,chynaFish, Frankie Bonacker), 4:41.97. 2, Bend B,5:18.87. Boys Teamscores— Ridgeview 30,Redmond1a Bend 124, Ridgeview 24. Bend136, Redmond6 200 medley relay 1, Bend A (coleMore,paul Rogers,BesBrockman, Garrett Ross),2:07.33. 2, BendB, 2:21.86.

200 freestyle — I, Nathan Brown,B,2u5.78. 2,Jaden Boehme, B,2:4z85.3,MattAustin,B,2:50.84 200 individual medley — 1, Ben Brockman,B, 2:23.6z 2, PaulRogers,B, 2:30.61. 3, Garrett Ross,B, 2:44 68

50 freestyle —1, conorMccreary,Rv,2r.ez 2,owen

HsckeRV,28:4z 3,Jsstin Gilette,B,29.16. 100 butterfly — 1, ColeMore, B, 1:11.43.2, Austis Snyder-Jewsbury, B, 1d1.8a 3, BrandonBrown,B, 1:20.88. 100 freestyle 1, Bes Brockman,B,58.76.2, Conor Mccreary,RV,1:Oa66. 3, BrettKelly, RV ,1:07.69. 400 freestyle — 1, Austin Snyder-Jewsbury, B, 4:5z3a 2, NathanBrown,B,4:54.84. 3, Justin Gilette, B, 4:55.61.

200 freestyle relay — 1,BendA(cole More,Garret Ross,AustinSnyder-Jewsbury,NathanBrown),156.46. 2, BendB,? 1546 100 backstroke —ColeMore, B,tu1.25. 2, Christian Offenhauser,B,c20.64. 3, AaronHaertle, R,1:29.52. 100 breaststroke — 1, paulRogers,s, 1:19.4a 2,

owenHucke,Rv,1:2zsz 3, BrettKelly, Rv,1:22.7a 400 freestyle relay 1, BendA(Nathan Brown,Austis Snyder-Jewsbury,paulRogers, BenBrockman),4:15.95. 2, BendB,4:50.08.

would consider in the offseason replacing the kickoff. The league previously had moved the kickoff from the 30 to 35-yard line to cut down on violent collisions.

• Steelers' Roethlisherger tostart: The Pittsburgh

Steelers aren't taking any chances with their franchise quarterback's sprained right shoulder and dislocated

rib. Though theSteelers confirmed BenRoethlisberger will return to the starting lineup on Sunday against San Diego after missing three weeks due to injury, Roethlisberger will take the field with a little extra protection. Roethlisberger will play with a custom fit rib/chest compression shirt and a layer of Kevlar-lined composite in his shoulder pads to help absorb hits to

his clavicle andshoulder joint regions.

Mixed martial arts • IIFC to holdfirst women's fight: Former Olympic judo bronze medalist and rising mixed-martial arts

star RondaRouseywill fight in the main event at UFC 157 on Feb. 23 inAnaheim, Calif., where shewill face Liz Carmouche in the first women's fight in UFC history. UFC President Dana White announced the fight on Thursday. Rousey signed with the UFC in November after winning the bantamweight championship with Strikeforce, and White presented her with a title belt as

theUFCwomen's135-pound classchampion.

Golf •Fenginfront:China'sShanshan Feng openeda four-stroke lead in theDubai Ladies Masters in United Arab Emirates, shooting a 7-under 65 in thesecond roundThursday.Feng,theLPGA Championship winner in June, had a13-under131 total at Emirates Golf Club. England's Felicity Johnson was second after a 67, and American Cindy Lacrosse had a 69 to top the

group at 8 under in theLadies EuropeanTour's season-ending event.DefendingchampionLexiThompson was 7 underafter a 68. • Schwartzei leads in Thailand:South Africa's Charl Schwartzel shot a 7-under 65 to take a onestroke lead after the first round of the Thailand Golf Championship on Thursday. Winless since the 2011 Masters, Schwartzel had seven birdies in a bogeyfree round atAmata Spring. Thailand's Thitiphun

Chuayprakong wassecond.MasterschampionBubba Watson openedwitha68,anddefendingchampion Lee Westwood had a 70.

• Sendentops field in Sydney: Australia's John Sendenshota6-under66onThursday incalm morning conditions at The Lakes to take a two-stroke lead in the Australian Open. Englishman Justin Rose was

second along with Australians KimFelton, Brendan Jonesand RichardGreenandNew Zealand'sGareth Paddison. • South African event raineduut:Rain washed out play Thursday in the inaugural Nelson Mandela Championship. The event opens the 2013 European Tour

seasonandalsoissanctionedbytheSunshineTour. — From wire reports



No slow start for Grizzlies,



Computer has

who lead

low regardfor oregon's foes


NBA at 13-3 By Clay Bailey The Associated Press

MEMPHIS, Tenn. — Sitting atop the NBA standings is new territory for Memphis. Getting off to a winning start is just as unusual for the Grizzlies. M emphis, w h i c h te n d s to stumble out the gate, is a league-best 13-3. The Grizzlies never have had a better record at this point of the season. They were 11-5 in 2005-06 and 10-6 last season, the only other times they have had a winning record after 16 games. Coach Lionel Hollins and his Grizzlies list several reasons for this great start, ranging from scheduling to preseason preparation to better chemistry. Point guard Mike Conley said it started with the way the Grizzlies approached the beginning o f t r a i n ing camp. "Guys were already shape, using training camp to g et ready forthe first preseason game," Conley said. "We were just taking it step-by-step. But the first game, I thought guys' minds were i n m i d -season form, and we were clicking in so many different areas as opposed to the past seasons where we started out sluggish and slow."

So far, so good. The Grizzlies are the NBA's best after a 108-98 overtime win over Phoenix on Tuesday night. That's a stark contrast to some of t heir o ther starts. Some of the worst included a l-ll start in 2001 and losing the first D to open the 2002-03 season. Chemistry has been a big key. The starting group was set at the end of last season when the Grizzlies finished with the No. 4 seed in t he Western Conference. Forwards Zach Randolph and Rudy Gay an d c enter Marc Gasol have been intact for more than t hree years, though injuries have caused first Gay, then Randolph to miss significant time the past two seasons. Gasol and Randolph give Memphis one of the NBA's more potent big-man combos. Conley has improved, and guard Tony Allen provides the defensive mindset that created the Grizzlies' grit and grind mantra. "We didn't have too much to learn, and our bench came off great early, which we haven't had in the past," Gay said. Jerryd Bayless, in Toronto last season, ha s p r ovided sound help backing up Conley, allowing Hollins to play his starter fewer minutes. Wayne Ellington, a trade pick-up from Minnesota in July, hit a career-high seven of 11 3-pointers against Miami to lead the Grizzlies to a win. That started a week where they not only d efeated the defending NBA champs, but Oklahoma City, last y ear's other NBA finalist, and handed the New York Knicks their first loss this season. Quincy Pondexter and Marreese Speights return f r om last year, and Memphis finally got forward Darrell A r thur back recently from a broken bone in his leg he suffered in September after missing last season with a torn right Achillestendon. "At every single position, they're a challenge," Detroit coach Lawrence Frank said before the Pistons' 90-78 loss at Memphis last Friday. "There's a reason why these guys are the best team in the league record-wise. There's a reason why over the last, basically going on a year and a half, why they are one of the better home teams in the league." The Grizzliesnow are a league-best 9-1 at home this season, the only loss coming to Denver 97-92 on Nov. 19. That snapped a 15-game regular season home winning streak for Memphis dating to last season. T he schedule a ls o h a s helped because the Grizzlies haven't had to take a long road trip yet. No matter the reason, the Grizzlies ar e e njoying themselvesafterso many losing starts. "We've been good at that for the last five years," Gay said. "Now, we don't have to do it. It's a lot easier."



GeraldHerbert/The Associated Press

Fans greet Los Angeles Lakers shooting guard Kobe Bryant as he walks off the court after Wednesday's game against the New Orleans Hornets in New Orleans. Bryant became the youngest player in NBA history to surpass 30,000 points.

e meanin 0 reac in ,

0 e oin s

By Beckley Mason

played so many games at such a high level. f yo u r e a d t h e h e adlines, The crazy truth is that at 34, you know that Kobe Bryant with all those games on his knees became the youngest NBA and ankles, Bryant is not only player to score 30,000 points after leading the NBA in scoring this dropping 29 Wednesday night in season, he is also enjoying the a victoryover the New Orleans most efficient scoring season of Hornets. Only four other players his career. Bryant's true shooting — Michael Jordan, Karl Malone, percentage (which incorporates Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and Wilt the value of 3-pointers and free Chamberlain — hit that mark, so it throws) is 61.1. Previously, his is a meaningful accomplishment. best TS percentage was 58.0, in The funny thing is, while Bry- 2006-07. ant was the youngest to do it, So Bryant might be a better aided by going to the NBA direct- scorer today than when he was ly out of high school, he needed 28 — when athleticism and exmore games to reach that mark perience often combine to prothan any of the others, who are all duce peak years for NBA wings — which would be an accomplishHall of Famers. Malone,who entered the league ment that speaks as much to what at age 22, needed 28 fewer games. Bryant has done off the court as to (Bryant started only seven of what he has done on it. Even for his first 150 games in the NBA, all of Jordan's veteran guile, his whereas Malone was starting, TS percentage declined steadily and playing 30 minutes a night, after he won his second title with from almost the moment he en- the Bulls as a 28-year-old in 1991. tered the league.) Any profile you read of Bryant Jordan entered the league at 21 will make mention of his intense and left twice, in 1993 and 1998, preparation — not just in thoudespite leading the league in scor- sands of jump shots but in thouing the previous season. He did sands of minutes with his feet not hit 30,000 points until he was in ice baths. In 2009, Rick Reilly 38 and playing with the Wash- followed Bryant around on game ington Wizards. Still, he needed day forESPN the Magazine, and 220 fewergames — almost three noted that Bryant travels in a cusseasons' worth — than Bryant to tomized van that allows him to ice reach the milestone. his feet and knees (which he does T hat B r y ant n e eded m o r e three times a day without fail) games than any of these other while he watches game video. players might, in the eyes of some, Earlier this year, when Chris mute the accomplishment. But it Ballard profiled Bryant and his also serves to frame the achieve- basketball star father, Jelly Bean m ent in a d i f ferent light: It i s Bryant, for Sports Illustrated, he downright incredible that he has included this description of BryNew York Times News Service


ant's world of personal trainers, massage therapists and ice baths: "He travels with his own trainer, Tim Grover,and he persuaded the team to hire his longtime physical therapist, Judy Seto, so he could receive treatment at al l h ours. When the Lakers held a Super Bowl party in February at the Ritz-Carlton in Philadelphia, all but one of the players relaxed and watched the game. Bryant sat in a corner with his ankle in a bucket of ice and directed Seto as she worked on his limbs." There is no such thing as "off time" for Bryant. Whereas most players will be remembered for their exploits on the court — and Bryant, with the five rings he has won in Los Angeles, will certainly be a legend for his footwork, his fadeaways and his snarl — Bryant's most enduring impact might be the example he set off the court. For goodness' sake, the man went to Germany to have an operation he could not have in the United States, so that his knees, worn thin from so many seasons and postseasons, would potentially have a bit more life. Even if he did not change the game on the court the way, say, Jordan or Chamberlain did,he has done as much as anyone else to push the limits of off-court dedication. No one has taken better care of his body (even Jordan

The Register-Guard Oregon could lose even if the Ducks win, as expected, on Saturday against Idaho State. The setback would come from the computer rankings, with Idaho State (1-5) listed as the nation's 307th best team in the Sagarin rating, of 347 teams in Division I. Though Oregon (7-1) is off to its best start in five seasons and edging closer to a ranking in the top 25 of the polls voted on by the media and coaches, the Ducks aren't seen so highly by computer rankings. That will matter at the end of the season when the NCAA tournament selection committee looks at computer rankings and considers strength of schedules in evaluating at-large teams. The Sagarinranks the Oregon men 65th in the country, largely because the strength of schedulefor the Ducks is ranked the 322nd most difficult by that computer system. It's similar at KenPom.com, where Oregon is 72nd (one spot behind North Dakota State) with a strength of schedule that ranks 297th. Why so low? While the Ducks have played a pair of top 25 teams (ranked by humans or computers) in Cincinnati and UNLV, most of Oregon's wins have come over teams in the bottom 100 nationally, in Portland State (No. 257 by Sagarin), Texas-San Antonio (258), Northern Arizona (260), Jacksonville State (262) and Arkansas-Pine Bluff (338). Even Vanderbilt, a perennial NCAA tournament team, is only No. 153 in the Sagarin rankings. Can that strength of s chedule improve? Maybe only marginally. After Idaho State, the Ducks have Nebraska (113), UTEP (145), Houston Baptist (337) and Nevada (183) left on their nonleague schedule. Some ofthe strength of schedule for Oregon is the doing of the Ducks, and some of it is circumstances. Earlier this season, UO coach Dana Altman acknowledged hehad scheduled what he termed "developmental" games, knowing his team would be heavily stocked with freshmen, to balance more difficult opponents. When the schedule was made, Oregon didn't know it was going tohave transfers such as senior Arsalan Kazemi and junior Waverly Austin added to the roster. There is also the matter of some unknowns in scheduling. Vanderbilt "wasn't quite" what the Ducks expected when the schedule was made up. "They're having more of a struggle than I thought," Altman added of the Commo-

dores (2-4). As for the difficulty of the rest of the schedule, Altman said "those things are hard to gauge. All I know is our team needs a lot of work, so any game we have is important to us."

drank and smoked cigars), which is why perhaps no one else has played at Bryant's level so many games, minutes and dunks into his NBA career. Julie Jacobsoni The Associated Press


Knicks beat Heat again The Associated Press MIAMI — Raymond Felton scored a season-high 27 points, and the New York Knicks connected on 18 3-pointers tomore than offsetthe absence of Carmelo Anthony while topping Miami for the second time this season, beating the Heat 112-92 on Thursday night. Steve Novak scored 18 points, J.R. Smith added 13 and Tyson Chandler scored 13 for the Knicks, who won their fifth straight and moved I'/2 games clear of Miami for the best record in the Eastern Conference. The Knicks made eight 3-pointers in the third quarter alone, the most by any NBA team in any quarter so far this season. Anthony sat out, one night after needing five stitches to close a cut on the middle finger of his left hand. LeBron James nearly picked up his second straight triple-double — 31 points, 10 rebounds, nine assists — in Miami's second straight loss. Dwyane Wade scored 13 points, Chris Bosh had 12 and Udonis Haslem added 10 for the Heat, who fell to 8-1 at home. Rasheed Wallace scored 12 and Jason Kidd added 11 for the Knicks, who finished 18 for 44 from 3-point range. Also on Thursday: Mavericks...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97

Suns......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 PHOENIX — O.J. Mayo scored 23 points, including the go-ahead jumper with 35 seconds to go, and Dallas beat Phoenix, the Suns' fifth loss in a row.

Oregon's E.J. Singler, right, drivesduring a win against UNLV last month. The victory was the Ducks' best so far this season.


ConferenceGlance All TimesPST EASTE RN CONFER ENCE W t Pct GB d-NewYork 778 14 4 d-Miami 706 t'/2 12 5 66t 2'/2 Atlanta 10 5 d-Chicago 9 8 529 4'/~ Brooklyn u 6 647 2'/z Philadelphia 10 8 556 4 Boston 10 8 556 4 Indiana 10 9 526 4 i/z Milwaukee 8 9 471 5'/z Charlotte 7 10 412 6'/2 Orlando 7 1 1 389 7 Detroit 6 1 4 300 9 Cleveland 4 1 5 20 10'/z Toronto 4 1 5 20 10'/2 Washington 2 1 3 133 10i/p INESTE RN CONFE RENCE W L Pct GB d-Memphis 13 3 813 '/2 d-Oklahoma City 15 4 789 SanAntonio 15 4 789 d-LA. Clippers 12 6 667 2'/2


Golden State Houston

9 10 9 9

Utah LA. Lakers

Denver Dallas Minnesota Portland Phoenix Sacramento NewOrleans d-divisionleader

9 8 8 7 5 5


8 10 10 10 10 9 11 13 12 12

611 3'/2

529 5 500 5'/z 474 6 474 6 474 6 471 6 421 7

350 8'/~ 294 9 294 9

Dallas at Houston,5p.m. AtlantaatMemphis, 5p.m. Sacramento atPortland, 7 p.m

Summaries Knicks112, Heat 92 NEw Y0RK (112I

Brewer 0-30 00,Thomas2 20 04, Chandler4 7 5-813, Kidd 4-120-011, Felton10-201-127, Smith 4-152-413,Novak7-130018,Wallace4134-612, White3-30-07,Prigioni3-30-0 7,Copeland0-00-0 0. Totals41-91 12-19112.


James11-206-931, Haslem5-6 0-010, Bosh312 6-6 z1Chalmers 2 53-4 7 Wade3-13 6-6 13, Allen 4-81-1 9,Battier 0-0 0-0 0, Miler 2-5 0-0 6, JAnthony2-40 04, Cole0-30 20,Jones0-00-00, Harris 0-0 0-00. Totals 32-76 22-28 92. New York 23 30 37 22 — 112 Miami 26 27 27 12 — 92

Mavericks97, Suns94 DALLAS(97) Da Jones0-10-00, Marion 5-90-010, Brand370-06,Fisher0-32-42, Mayo9-172-223, Carter 2-9 4-4 9, Collison3-610-12 16, Kaman7-12 1-2 15, Crowder0-2 0-0 0,Wright 8-12 0-0 16.TotaIs


PHOENIX (94) Beasley3-12 2-2 9, Morris 6-12 2-3 15, Gortat 1-81-2 3, Dtagic 5-143-415, Brown4-9 2-2 0, Dudley 3-53-4 u, Scola6-101-213, Tucker2-5ij-0 5, Telfair 2-83-4 7,O'Neal2-21-2 5. Totals 34-85 18-25 94. Dallas 23 17 29 28 — 97 Phoenix 23 21 18 32 — 94

Thursday's Games

NewYork112,Miami 92 Dallas97,Phoenix94


BostonatPhiladelphia, 4p.m. DenveratIndiana,4p.m. Washington at Atlanta, 4:30p.m. Golden Stateat Brooklyn, 4:30p.m. Chicago at Detroit, 4:30p.m. Clevelandat Minnesota,5 p.m. Memphisat NewOrleans, 5p.m. Housto natSanAntonio,5:30p.m. Charlotteat Miiwaukee,5:30p.m.

TorontoatUtah,6 p.m. LA. LakersatOklahomaCity, 6:30p.m OrlandoatSacramento, 7p.m. Saturday's Games Phoenixat LA. Clippers,1Z30p.m. SanAntonioat Charlotte, 4 p.m. Golden Stateat Washington,4 p.m. PhiladelphiaatBoston,4:30p.m. DetroitatCleveland,4:30p.m. NewDrleansat Miami,4:30p.m. NewYorkatChicago,5 p.m.


Leaders ThroughWednesday's Games SCORING G FG FT PTS AVG Bryant,LAL 19 179 139 532 28.0 Durant,OKC 19 162 149 503 26.5 Anthony,NVK 17 155 98 448 26.4 James,MIA 16 158 59 397 24.8 Harden,HOU 17 120 130 401 23.6 Westbrook,OKC 19 143 84 397 20.9 Aldridge,POR 18 150 72 372 20.7 Mayo,DAL 18 123 59 354 19.7 Bosh, MIA Lillard, POR

Pierce, BOS Curry,GOL Duncan,SAN Ellis, MIL Gay,MEM Howard,LAL

Parker,SAN Anderson,NO R Deng,CHI

16 112 82 309 193 19 126 69 366 19.3 18 108 97 344 19.1 18 117 63 344 19.1

18 136 17 119 16 03 19 126 17 127 17 117 17 117

65 339 18.8 68 319 18 8 52 297 18.6 99 352 18.5 51 30 18.3 20 311 18.3 60 310 18.2

No. 4 SQMcllse

stays undefeated The Associated Press SYRACUSE, N.Y. — C.J. Fair had 16 points and a career-high D rebounds, Michael CarterWilliams added 15 points and 10 assists, and No. 4 Syracuse beat Long Beach State 84-53 on Thursday night.

Syracuse (7-0) upped its home winning streak to 27 games, tops in the nation, and has won 49 consecutive regular-season nonconference games. Long Beach State (3-5) had a twogame winning streak snapped. Brandon Triche had 11 points and five assists,Trevor Cooney matched his career high with ll points, and Rakeem Christmas had a career-high 11 points for the Orange. Dan Jennings had a career-high 20points a nd Peter Pappageorge added l l f o r L o n g Beach State. James Ennis, the 49ers' leading scorer and rebounder, had 10 points and seven boards. Also on Thursday: No.11 Cincinnati ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 A rkansas-Little Rock ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 3 CINCINNATI — Sean Kilpatrick scored 10 of his 18 points in the second half, and Cincinnati (8-0) set a school record with 23 steals. N0.16 Creighton ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Nebraska..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 LINCOLN, Neb. — Doug McDermott scored 27 points and Gregory Echenique had 12 points and 12 rebounds for Creighton (8-1). No.17 San Diego State...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 UC Santa Barbara ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 SAN DIEGO — Chase Tapley scored 23 points, going six of eight from behind the 3point line, to lead the Aztecs (7-1).





Broncos ease past Raiders Meetings end with few fireworks By Josh Dubow

By Tyler Kepner

The Associated Press

New Vorh Times News Service

a long period of time. We've to look at it, and we show them been able to accomplish that what it's going to look like. We N ASHVILLE, Tenn . forthree years,but our goal is have some renderings, just to — Last year, as baseball to keep that window open." give them the complete picture executives left the winter Levine added: "In years past and the reasons we decided to m eetings in D a l las, t h e we were more targeted because do it. "As we said all along, we landscape of their game we had not as many holes to had just changed. The Mifill. We lost Cliff Lee and we want to be a f ai r b allpark, ami Marlins, strutting like signed Adrian Beltre. We lost that's the biggest thing. We b ig-market b u l lies, h a d C.J. Wilson and we signed Yu have been an outlier in terms snapped up three major Darvish. We've always been in of the difficulty hitting in our free agents, and the Los the market for impact players, ballpark. What we really want Angeles Angels had just but we've done it in different to be is a fair ballpark for pitchsigned Albert Pujols away ways each offseason. I would ers and hitters." from the St. Louis Cardiexpect that we're thoroughly The Los A n geles Dodgnals, the reigning World versed in all the different ways ers shouldhave less problem Series champions. we can do it this offseason. We a ttracting p l a yers, w h o se As those same officials haven't engaged in a path yet, agents have understandably left the Opryland hotel here but we hope to soon." flocked to them as team revon Thursday, not much had The notion of Hamilton de- enues explode from an influx changed from four d ays fecting to Seattle is intriguing. of cable money. Ned Colletti, ago. Only two teams trotted The Mariners have finished the Dodgers' general managup to the podium in the in- last in the AL West in seven er, has a Sunday deadline for terview room, and neither of the past nine years, and at- signing the Korean left-handto add a player. The New tendance plunged last season er Ryu Hyun-jin, and has been York Yankees spoke about to 21,258 per game, its lowest strongly linked to Greinke. Alex Rodriguez's latest hip point in 20 years. Signing JaGreinke is believed to be injury, and the New York son Bay, who was a bust as a holding up the rest of the pitchMets f i nally a n n ounced Met for three seasons, will not ing market, which has been their contract extension for enticenew customers. sluggish. Colletti tried to play David Wright. Desperation tends to f uel down reports of hi s team's "There hasn't been a lot major free-agent signings, aggressiveness. "We've signed one player of trade activity," Mets gen- and the Mariners would seem eral manager Sandy Alder- eager to be relevant again in this winter — we signed Branson conceded after the Rule a city once so enthusiastic for don League, our own guy," Col5 draft, "other than Wilton baseball. The team has ranked letti said. "There's a perception Lopez." last in the league in runs in that we're in on a couple thouWhen the m ajor d eal each ofthe past four seasons sand starting pitchers, three of the meetings is a relief and has already moved in the dozen outfielders and infieldpitcher going from Hous- fencesat Safeco Field. ers, 17, 18 catchers. People like "I don't know if it'll help at- to have us in. I guess it doesn't ton to Colorado, then, yes, it has been a slow news week. tract them; I think it's gotten hurt to have us in, even though The Philadelphia Phillies their attention," general man- we're not in." soon made a trade on their ager Jack Z duriencik said, Once Greinke signs, whethway out the door, acquiring referring to free-agent hitters. er in Los Angeles or elsewhere, center fielder Ben Revere "It's a question that comes up the rest of the industry can from the Minnesota Twins a lot when you talk to agents, proceed to other options. A they'll bring it up: 'My guy's Hamilton decision would have for pitcher Vance Worley and a prospect. Revere has an offensive player. I see you're similar ripple effects. For now, speed and plays strong de- movingthe fences in.'They like the industry is stalled. fense, but he has no career homers in more than 1,000 trips to the plate. The high-impact moves, alas, will come after the teams head home. Outfielder Josh Hamilton and starter Zack Greinke did not find new contracts in Nashville. Neither did Michael Bourn, Kyle Lohse, Anibal S anchez, R afael Soriano or Nick Swisher. Popular trade targets like the Mets' R.A. Dickey, Arizona's Justin Upton, Tampa Bay's James Shields and Cleveland's Asdrubal Cabrera stayed put. Some of the stalled market seemsto revolvearound the Texas Rangers, Hamilton's team for th e past five seasons. Hamilton has I I I been linked to the Boston Red Sox and the Seattle Mariners, and the Rangers appear poised to make a major move if they lose him. They have been interested in Upton and Greinke, and also could trade longtime infielder M i chael Y oung to Philadelphia, where he would play third base. "We're a very creative group, so we're exploring all the different options we Central Oregon communities continue to grow due to a nationallycan," said Thad L evine, recognized appreciation for the region's quality of life. From the Rangers' assistant genprovidin g the most basic needs offood,shelter and security,to eral manager. "Our goal is creating and maintaining positive social, educationaL, recreational to stay very competitive, stay at a very high level for and professional environments, Central Oregon's nonprofit community is a foundation for our area's success and sustainability. Hundredsoforganizations and thousands of volunteers make up this

OAKLAND, Calif. — Everyone on the outside might be focusing on Peyton Manning settingmore records and the Denver Broncos getting an eighth straight win to move a step closer to a first-round bye. Manningis focused on much

smaller goals — showing improvement week to week. The Broncos managed to do just that in a short week as Knowshon Moreno sparked

a struggling running game with 119 yards and a touchdown and Manning threw for 310 yards and another score to help Denver roll past the Oakland Raiders, 26-13 on Thursday night. "We talk about getting better," Manning said. "All the other stuff, that's not what we talk about. If we get better each week, we'll see what happens from there." Manning extended his franchise record with h i s 3 0th touchdown pass on the game's opening drive, became the fastestquarterback to reach 5,000 careercompletions and earned his record 12th 10-win season as a starter. That helped the Broncos (10-

Marcio Jose Sanchez/The Associated Press

Denver Broncos running back Knowshon Moreno(27) carries the ball past Oakland Raiders cornerback Michael Huff (24) during the first quarter of Thursday night's game in Oakland, Calif. for thesecond-best record in the AFC. Denver visits Baltimore next week in a game that will help decide who gets a first-round playoff bye. "That would be great but we can't really concentrate on that," said cornerback Champ Bailey, who intercepted a pass. "We need to concentrate on what we need to do to get bet-

ter. Just keep plugging along 3) move a half-game ahead of and that thing will take care of New England and Baltimore


Carson Palmer threw one interception that thwarted a possible scoring chance for the Raiders (3-10) and lost a fumble that set up a touchdown for the Broncos as Oakland lost its sixth straight game. It is the team's longest skid since also losing six in a row in 2007. T he Raiders played t h e game with heavy hearts as coach Dennis Allen's father, Grady, died earlier in the week from cardiacarrest.


Falcons arecontent just winning, baby By Paul Newberry

tation as chokers? For one, the Falcons have ATLANTAdisplayed impressive versatilI Davis would've loved ity. Some weeks, quarterback these Atlanta Falcons. Matt Ryan has carried the FalAll they do is win, cons on his sturdy right arm, baby. taking advantage ofperhaps Sure, it's rarely with a lot of the game's most impressive flare. Who cares? trio of receivers (Roddy White, There are novoters to imJulio Jones and Hall of Famerpress or computers to win over to-be Tony Gonzalez). Other in the NFL. times, it's the defense that pro"Style points don't get you a vides the big plays, as was the ring," linebacker Mike Peter- case in Atlanta's most recent son was saying the other day, victory over Ne w O r l eans. holding court beside his locker With Ryan and the offense before practice. "Our goal is struggling, the defense picked way bigger than pleasing the off Drew Brees a career-high media or winning with style five times and ended his repoints. We've got some hefty cord touchdown pass streak at goals. Everyone knows about 54 consecutive games. "You've got to find a way to them." For this team, it's Super get it done," Ryan says. "That's Bowl or bust. one of the reasons we've had a With each grind-it-out win lot of success this year. We've — seven of the triumphs on found a lot of ways to get it their 11-1 mark have been done. It hasn't always shaken by seven points or less — the out the same way. It's a difFalcons are looking more and ferent person, a different unit, more like a team that can fi- stepping up week in and week nally bring the A-T-L its first out." Super Bowl c h ampionship. Another thing to like about Don't listen to the skeptics, this team i s t h e c l ose-knit who seem to think the inabil- locker room. A lot of the credit ity to blow out teams is a sign for that must go to general of vulnerability. manager Thomas Dimitroff, The Falcons are perfectly who factors character into the content to win by one or two or evaluation process, and coach three points, as they should be, Mike Smith, who leaves little especially when they see what doubt he's the boss but is willhappened this past week. The ing to listen to his players, es49ers losing at St. Louis. The pecially the veterans. " I love the unity o f t h i s Super Bowl champion Giants falling to W ashington. The locker room," Gonzalez said. "There's no jerks on this team. Bears getting tripped up at home by Seattle. T here's no cancers on t h is Just win, baby. team. Guys love to come to "There's no doormats in this work, love to compete, love to league," offensive guard Justin get better." Blalock points out. "If you're Rest assured, getting on not playing well, you can be the F a l con s ba n d wagon made to look pretty stupid in goes against everything I've any game. They're not all go- learned over a lifetime. ing to be pretty. But we do our Full disclosure: I grew up best to make sure we come i n Atlanta cheering for t he out on top. At the end of the Falcons. It was a largely an day, hardly anyone is going exercise in f r ustration, one remember any games inSep- losing season running into antember orOctober." other, the slightest bit of hope What they will remember is always snuffed out quickly. January. They weren't lovable like the The playoff-bound Falcons Chicago Cubs, either. No, they are carrying a troublesome were just bad. Turnovers and monkey on theirback; actu- missed tackles. Poor coaching ally, more like a gorilla. At- and botched draft picks. Gallanta has made the postseason lows humor was about the only three of the past four years. All thing that got you through. three times, they lasted about Hey, did you hear about the as long as Snooki at a Mensa guy who left two season tickmeeting, including a blowout ets on the windshield of his loss at home to Aaron Rodgers car, hoping someone would and the Green Bay Packers as take them'? When he got back, the NFC's top seed during the he had four. 2010 season. The Falcons reached their In all likelihood, the Falcons only Super Bowl during the (11-1) will be in that No. I spot 1998 season with an entertainagain, even if hardly anyone ing group that called itself the seems to think t h ey're the "Dirty Birds." Of course, they NFL's best team. They've al- found a most unique way to ready locked up their division snatch defeat from the jaws of and holda 2'/~ game lead over victory. The night before the the next-best team in the con- big game in Miami, safety Euference with just four weeks gene Robinson, probably their to go. most respected player, was So, why should people be- arrested for trying to buy sex lieve this team — with many from a woman who turned out of the same guys from the past to be an undercover cop. three playoff flops — is sudRobinson played anyway. denly going to shake its repu- Not surprisingly, he got beat The Associated Press


for a long touchdown pass on the game's most crucial play, the Denver Broncos romping to their second straight championship. But, truth be told, things have changed over the last decade, ever since Arthur Blank bought the team. Three of the five division titles in f r anchise's 46-year history have come during the Blank era. Most impressively, the team bounced right back a fter star q u arterback M i chael Vick went to prison for

running a dogfighting ring. Dimitroff, Smith and Ryan arrived the following year; since then, the Falcons have strung together five straight winning seasons. Not bad, considering they had gone through their entire history, which begins in 1966, without putting together two in a row. Now, there's only one thing left. J ust win , b a by, i n th e

playoffs. "We can't steal that from Oakland. That's their thing," Peterson says, when reminded of the late Davis' famous mantra as owner of the Raiders. But he can't help himself. "Just win, baby," Peterson repeats, mulling it over for just a second. "That's nice. I like it."


Tuesday, December 25, 2012 in The Bulletin

— Paul Newberry is a national writer for The Associated Press. Write to him at pnewberryC<ap.org.





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Lige emerges ascontender for World Cup'soverall title By Pat Graham

going to be near impossible t0 The Associated Press beat," sa>d Ltgety, who won BEAVER C REEK, C o l o. Olympic gold in the combined — So efficiently, Ted Ligety at the 2006 Winter Games in weaved his way through a giTurin, Italy. ant slalom course filled with Then again, if Ligety maindeep ruts ready to swallow up tains what he's doing in the his skis. GS, he could be as welL He's tve%10 And so effortlessly, the U.S. certainly been the quickest to skier gained speed with each master the new skis. g<+>QI'E. gate he buzzed by on his way to The International Ski Fedthe finish line at Beaver Creek. eration changed the hourglass Lately, it's not a matter of shape of the GS skis this seaw hether he will w i n a G S Nathan Bilowi The Associated Press son to make the discipline safrace, but by how much. That's Ted Ligety reacts after winer. And no one has taken to the how dominant he's been in the ning the World Cup giant slanew setup better than Ligety, discipline, winning S u nday lom ski race in Beaver Creek, who has won both GS races by a massive margin of 1.76 Colo., on Sunday. this season by a c o mbined seconds. margin of 4.51 seconds. That's This was his second straight a landslide in skiing. "Ted is on another level," lopsided GS victory, too, leav- though, Ligety i s r a pidly ing the field to wonder how changing that notion. He now said Italy's Davide Simoncelli, to catch him — or even if they trails overall leader Aksel Lund who finished third in the GS can. Svindal of Norway by only 80 on Sunday. "We just hope that he'll make mistakes." W ait, there's more. T h e points. Ligety's supremacy in the technical specialist k n o w n No one really figured he as "Shred" has been swift in would be this close after seven giant slalom is almost to be exspeed events, too. races. pected. He did win two straight So much so that all eyes are No one except for himself, of disciplinetitles, before Hirscher on him as he'ssteadily emerged course. A rigorous offseason snapped the string last season. What's different, though, as an overall title contender. fitness program and plenty of Keep this up and the crown be- training passes on the slopes in is Ligety's increased speed in longing to reigning champion Chile put him on this path. other events. He took fourth "Winning the overall has Marcel Hirscher of A u stria in a super-G race at L a ke may be in jeopardy. been a big goal of mine since I Louise, Alberta, and matched "At the moment, it is very, started ski racing," the 28-year- that inBeaver Creek over the very hard to beat Ted," said old from Park City, Utah, said. weekend. Hirscher, who finished runner- "And it is attainable." This has caught Svindal's up Sunday on the tricky Birds But it won't be easy with the attention. "I think he's starting to look of Prey course. way Svindal's skiing right now. To think, t h e p r evailing The powerful Norwegian is al- more and more like one of perception of Ligety coming ways nearthe top ofthe leader- those three or four guys who into the season was this: Ex- board inevery race. So farthis will be there all the way until ceptional giant slalom tacti- season, Svindal has won two the end," Svindal said. "He's cian. But hardly a realistic title competitions and placed in the a good skier and good skiers contender. top 10 in three more. tend to also be able to ski fast in "If he keeps that up, Aksel's all events." With every run he t akes,


you can connect them up for a pretty good trail run with Continued from 01 good climbing. There's only a "In my opinion, those are few times when you can't run the days you should go snow- on that stuff. Most of the time shoe or go cross-country ski- there's enough traffic that it ing, if you need a workout," stays packed down." Howe — a three-time chamsays Browning, a husband and father and full-time graphic pion of the popular annual Pole designer. "Those days aren't Pedal Paddle multisport race even worth the effort (to run), in Central Oregon — says that in my opinion." the Phil's Trail network, the Both Howe and Browning Deschutes River Trail through believe that warmer, rainier Bend, and Shevlin Park west days are less favorable than of Bend canoffer decent runcooler, snowier days. Lucky ning conditions throughout for them, they will likely have most of the winter. " It doesn't snow in t o w n many of those snowy days to come. very often," Howe says. "So B rowning, 41, h a s w o n most of the time the trails are many high-profile ultra events just really nice, because there's — trail races of 30 miles or not a lot of people on them." more — and he is currently On days when the snow is training for t h e 2 013 USA just too deep or slick to run 100-kilometer Trail Champi- on trails i n B e nd, r unners onships in Bandera, Texas, on frequently will head east to Jan. 12. Browning studs his the Badlands, Horse Ridge or running shoes with sheet-met- Horse Butte, or north to Smith al screws for those particularly Rock State Park. The winter slick days on local trails. conditions in those areas are Yes, many runners try to t ypically m i lder, w it h l e s s stick to trails in the winter, snow. Browning says he can even when the only option usually run in the Badlands would seem to b e r u n ning throughout the winter. Runon streets or roadways that ners oftenhead to those areas have been cleared by plows. for longer weekend outings. "On the weekends, I drive Browning says he can usually run about 80 percent on trails out east if it's crappy weather," when he links up short, undes- Howe says. "It could be snowy ignated trails in between Bend or rainy here, and sunny there. neighborhoods, such as those And those are places I don't go on and around Awbrey Butte. in the summer because it's too "There's only a few snow hot." days we have where trails No matter where they run in aren't r e all y a n opt i o n," the wintertime, clothing must Browning n otes. "I pretty always be taken into careful much know where all the 'pi- c onsideration. As f o r m o st rate' trails are around town. If wintertime activities, dressyou know where they all are, ing in layers is the preferred

strategy for runners. A combination of layers is essential to be prepared for changing conditions. "There could be a 25-degree difference from a ridgeline to a canyon on the same run," Browning says. "You've got to be able to shed layers (of clothing) and tie them around your waist." Browning adds that he typically wears tights, two thin, long-sleeved non-cotton shirts, along w it h a lig h t weight, breathable wind vest and thin but warm gloves. For head protection,he wears a beanie with a billed visor beneath. Headlamps are also helpful, or sometimes necessary, if running in the early morning or in the evening.


are getting more and more of a foothold with guys from Oklahoma, Texas and Louisiana. Before and after the game we'll see guys we are recruiting." Running backs coach Chris Brasfield, a native of San Antonio has ties to the state's sports scene. He has been recruiting Texas high schools the past two years and has been visiting families all week. The Beavers have gone a long way in their recruiting for the 2013 class that will be signed in February. There are 11 known verbal commitments with four defensive backs and three receivers. One recruit is running back Damien Haskings from New Boston, Texas. L i nebacker X 'Zavier P reston i s fr o m Shreveport, La. The Beavers must replace 15 scholarship seniors and four others who left the team this season for various reasons. The number they are looking to sign is around 20.

roads in Texas starting with recent stars James and JacContinued from 01 quizz Rodgers from the Hous"We will be more visible, for ton area. sure, because ofthis game," Current starting r u nning coach Mike Riley said. "I think back Storm Woods is from it's positive. Th e n o toriety P flugerville n e a r A us t i n . He's been an impact player from this game will be good." T he Beavers will b e e x - with 98.9 all-purpose yards a posed to the Texas market for game. a month because of the Alamo Three others on the rosBowl. ter arefrom Texas: defensive T he region's media w i l l end Rudolf Fifita from Eube reviewing th e B e avers' less, safety Peter Ashton from turnaround from 3-9, Riley's Keller and safety Kendall Hill coaching connections to the from La Marque. San Antonio Riders and local Ashton and Hil l ar e still ties on the roster. young and in development, Playing t h e L on g horns but Fifita has been an impact helps drum up interest. They pass rusher off the bench. are the most prominent colThe Beavers also recruit lege football team in the state, neighboring states Oklahoma so fans want to know about and Louisiana with linebacker the opponent. Michael Doctor from Tulsa The Beavers were in line for and safety Tyrequek Zimmerthe Holiday Bowl and could man from Lawton, Okla. "It would have been good have had the same impact in Southern California, a corner- either way," Riley said of the stone of their recruiting areas. bowl game exposure. "We reHowever, they've made in- cruit California hard and we

participants improve skiing efficiency by working with coaches and teammates in small groups; includes camp during winter break; transportation provided; contact ben© bendenduranceacademy.org, SNOW SPORTS www.BendEnduranceAcademy. org or 541-678-3864. DIRKSENDERBY SNOWBOARD BENDENDURANCEACADEMY RALLYRACE:Dec. 14-16 at NORDICMASTERS:For adults; Mt. Bachelor's Sunrise Lodge; Tuesday,Thursday orSunday fundraiser for Tyler Eklund, snowboarder who was paralyzed in morningenrollment options; Dec. 11-Feb. 17; skate technique; an accident; format is snowboard improves skiing efficiency parallel banked slalom; seven divisions offered to all ages; Friday through successful technique progressions; contact ben@ will be a practice day and racing bendenduranceacademy.org, www. will be held Saturday and Sunday BendEnduranceAcademy.org or from10a.m.to 2 p.m. each day; entry fee is $35; online registration 541-678-3864. at www.mtbachelor.com; contact: DAWN PATROLNORDIC SKIING www.facebook.com/dirksen.derby. FOR WORKING PARENTS:Join local nordic ski meister Dave BEND ENDURANCE ACADEMY Cieslowski for this popular morning NORDICCOMPETITION ritual on the trails of Mt. Bachelor PROGRAM:Tuesdays through Nordic Center; sessions offer a Sundaysthrough May1, 2013, times vary; ages14-23; athletes are daily technique theme; 10-week program; limited to 10 advanced instructed in varying activities to skiers;Wednesdays from10 a.m. improve their strength, technique, to11:30a.m., through Feb.14; coordination, agility, aerobic and www.mtbachelor.com. anaerobic capacities with the end goal being to successfully SHE'S ON SKIS:For women who apply these skills to ski racing; want to nordic ski one day per week transportation provided; contact with an experienced and cheerful ben©bendenduranceacademy.org, coach; open to beginner level skate www.BendEnduranceAcademy.org skiers and above; at Mt. Bachelor or 541-678-3864. Nordic Center;Wednesdays or Saturdays, throughFeb. 9; www. BEND ENDURANCE ACADEMY mtbachelor.com. NORDICYOUTHCLUB:Ages 7-11; Saturdays and/or Sundaysfor INTRO TO SKATESKIING/INTRO 10 weekends, Dec. 8 through TO CLASSICSKIING: Ideal for Feb.24;includesacamp during beginner skiers, these programs winter break; introduces basic offer a four-week progressive skate and classic techniques introduction to the sport of skate through games and adventures; and classic skiing;new sessions transportation provided; contact begin the first week ofeachmonth ben©bendenduranceacademy.org, throughout the winter at the Mt. www.BendEnduranceAcademy.org Bachelor Nordic Center; www. or 541-678-3864. mtbachelor.com. BEND ENDURANCE ACADEMY BABES IN SNOWLAND NORDIC MIDDLESCHOOL NORDIC SKIING:Eight-week series of oneDEVELOPMENTTEAM:For hour classes for tots ages 4-5; middle schoolers ages11-14; at Mt. Bachelor Nordic Center; Wednesday/Saturday/Sunday, classes are designed to introduce through March10;allows youngsters to nordic skiing through participants to ski in small groups creative learning in a fun, safe based on ability and improve their environment;Sundays from11:30 classic and skate techniques; a.m. to 12:30 p.m, Dec. 16 to Feb. includes camp during winter break; 24;www.mtbachelor.com. transportation provided; contact K'S FORKIDSNORDICSKIING: ben©bendenduranceacademy.org, Eight-week series of one-hour www.BendEnduranceAcademy.org classes for youth ages 6 to 8; or 541-678-3864. clinics will focus on exploration of BEND ENDURANCE ACADEMY the Mt. Bachelor trail system and HIGH SCHOOLNORDIC logging K's; skiers should be able DEVELOPMENTTEAM:For to ski 5 kilometers in one hour; high schoolers ages14-18; Sundays from10:15 a.m. to11:15 weekdays or weekend enrollment a.m., Dec. 16 to Feb. 24;www. options;through March10; mtbachelor.com.

Please email Adventure Sports event information to sportsc'bendbulletin.com or click on "Submit an Event" on our website at bendbulletin.com. 1tems are published on a space-availability basis, and should be submitted at least 10 days before the event.

CLIMBING BEND ENDURANCEACADEMY COMPETITIONTEAM: Mondays, Wednesdays andThursdays, 4 to 6 p.m., through June 27, 2013; ages10-18; focuses on bouldering with opportunities to compete in USAClimbing's Bouldering Series; contact mike© bendenduranceacademy.org or www.BendEnduranceAcademy. org. BEND ENDURANCEACADEMY DEVELOPMENTTEAM: Mondays and Wednesdays,4 to 6 p.m., through Jan. 30, 2013; ages 10-18; for the climber looking to develop a solid foundation of movement and technical climbing skills; contact mike@ bendenduranceacademy.org or www.BendEnduranceAcademy. org.

MULTISPORT THE URBAN GPSECOCHALLENGE: Trips on paths and trails along Deschutes River through Old Mill District shops and Farewell Bend Parkdaily at 9 a.m. and1:30 p.m.; like a scavenger hunt with clues and checkpoints; $65, includes guide, GPSand instruction, water, materials; 541389-8359, 800-962-2862; www. wanderlusttours.com.

PADDLING KAYAKINGCLASSES:Sundays, 4-6 p.m.; for all ages; weekly classesand open pool;equipment provided to those who preregister, first come, first served otherwise; Cascade Swim Center, Redmond; $3; 541-548-7275; www.raprd. org KAYAK ROLLSESSIONS: At Juniper Swim & Fitness Center in Bend;every Sunday afternoon from 4:15 to 6 p.m, through the end of May; fee is $12 per boat for in-district residents and $16 for out-of-district residents; preregistration is available beginning the Monday prior to each roll session and can be done online at register.bendparksandrec.org; contact www.bendparksandrec. org or call 541-389-7665.




Howe employs a get-up similar to Browning's, with the addition of a Buff neck warmer which she claims is more effective than wearing another shirt and is easy to remove if she becomes too warm. A former distance runner at Northern Michigan University, Howe will remember the words of a former mentor when she is suffering through

t r


Win and IISB jt fpy..

a particularly challenging run

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in winter's nastiest elements. "My coach in college used to say, 'There's no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing,'" she recalls. "We trained through everything. If you are prepared, it can be kind of fun. If it's muddy and rainy out, you just have to change your clothing. As long as you can stay warm, you can still run."


One WinterWinner One SpringWinner One Summer Winner One Fall Winner Giftcard will be activated at the beginning of its season. The winter gift card will beactivated on January 31,2013.

— Reporter: 541-383-0318, mmoricafC<bendbufletin.com

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IN BRIEF Websitenames Bend top ski town

nee ai ou, o icia warns

Travel website TripAdvisor on Thursday

named Bendone of the nation's best ski towns, the second publication

to bestowthe honor in recent weeks. Bend rankedsecondto Durango, Colo., inTripAdvisor's Triplndex Ski,

a costcomparison of25 popular ski destinations

are the goals for Bend woman's clients

throughout the U.S. and

Canada,according to a news release."Bend

• But HUD secretaryadvisesagainst any hasty changes to 'fragile' housing agency By Jim Pnzzanghera Los Angeles T«mes

... is the second most

WASHINGTON — A top Obama administration official said Thursday that he could not guarantee that efforts to shore up a key government

affordable spotand also represents theleastexpensive ski destination in the Northwest," the news

releasesaid. The website for Travel

+ Leisure also named Bend as one ofthe12

housing agency won't

best ski towns in the nation as part of its De-


save it from needing a taxpayer bailout next

Room-tax collections rise Lodging taxes collected in the city of Bend in October increased 21.5

percent over October 2011, according to Visit Bend, the city's tourism

promotion agency.For the fiscal year to date,

transient room tax collections have increased 7.3 percent over the

previous year, according to figures released Thursday. Theagency's fiscal year begins July1 and ends June30. Lodging taxes serve as a gauge ofactivity I


Retailers' Line of Macs new strategy: to be made Keep shoppers in the U.S.A. entertained

.« p«

which employed more than 9,500 people in Deschutes County in October.

Jobless claims drop sharply New jobless claims last week fell much more

sharply than expected, a sign that the labor mar-

ket is recovering from Hurricane Sandy.The Labor Department said Thursday that 370,000 people filed initial claims

for unemployment insurance in theweek ended Saturday, down from a revised 395,000 in the prior week. — Staffand wire reports

CentralOregon fuel prices Price per gallon for regular unleaded gas and diesel, as posted Thursday at AAA Fuel Price Finder

(www.aaaorid.com). GASOLINE • Space Age,20635

fund, by going too

But Housing and Donovan far a nd stopping that Urban Development recovery." Secretary Shaun Donovan But several senators were cautioned senators worcritical of the way the FHA ried about the increasingly operatesand the steps taken precariousfinances ofthe over the past four years Federal Housing Adminisby HUD, which oversees tration that making hasty the agency, to stabilize its changes to its operations finances. could endanger the housing The FHA, for example, recovery. insures mortgages with as Sharp revisions to the little as 3.5 percent as a down FHA's standards for insuring payment and has backed mortgages — often for firstloans for people who went time, lower-income homethrough foreclosures as rebuyers — could dampen the cently as three years earlier. recovery and lead to more See Housing /E3

cember content.

in the tourism industry,

foreclosures that further reduce the size of the fund the agency uses to cover its losses. "We are seeing a recovery, but it is still fragile," Donovan told the Senate Banking Committee. "We don't want to hurt the market, and in turn the FHA

Andy Tullisi The Bulletin

Cathy Pollock performs the Alexander Technique,a physical movement education process, on Jeff Neeley during a lesson at her home studio in Northwest Bend. By Rachael Rees The Bulletin

n 1996, Cathy Pollock left Bend for Salt Lake City, taking her physical movement education business with her. In August, more than 15 years later, she returned with her company, Alexander Technique of Central Oregon. "We go off in search of something; we go in all of these directions, just to realize what we originally wanted, we already had," she said, referring to her move back to Bend. Pollock, 56, teaches the Alexander Technique, a more than 100-year-old method of teaching people how to perform everyday activities, like washing

dishes and turning off lights, in ways that reduce tension in the body that can lead to pain. Pollock said chronic pain prompts most of her clients to seek her out. Athletes, singers and others also turn to the technique to improve their performance and to feel more connected to their bodies. "If we were born with a user manual, it would have been more helpful to figure out 'what's the best way to use myself when I'm riding a horse or playing my violin?'" she said."We can use ourselves poorly and create tension or pain, or use ourselves well and have comfort and balance." See Movement/E3

Grandview Drive,

By Bree Fowler and Peter Svensson

By Joyce Smith

The Associated Press

Just putting a price on a product and sticking it on a shelfis so old schooL And with consumers buying more each year online, brick-and-mortar retailers are working harder to add entertainment to their mix — from American Girl' s scavenger hunts to the Art of Shaving's product demonstrations. These experiences are something consumers can't get from online shopping, so they drive traffic to the stores and keep customers there longer. They also build brand loyalty. "They are trying to add a different element so it is not just about the product," said Wendy Liebmann, chief executive officer of WSL/Strategic Retail, retail strategists and futurists based in New York. SeeShoppers/E4

NEW YORK — Apple CEO Tim Cook says the company will move production of one of its existing lines of Mac computers to the United States next year. Industry watchers said the announcement is both a cunning public-relations move and a harbinger of more manufacturing jobs moving back to the U.S. as wages rise in China. Cook made the comments in part of an interview taped for NBC's "Rock Center," but aired Thursday morning on "Today" and posted on the network's website. In a separate interview with Bloomberg Businessweek, he said that the company will spend $100 million in 2013 to move production of the line to the U.S. from China. See Apple/E3

The Kansas City Star

Bend.............$3.19 • Ron's Oil,62980 U.S. Highway97, Bend ..$3.27 • Chevron,61160 LI.S. Highway97, Bend $3.39 • Chevron,1095 S.E. Division St., Bend. $3.39 • Texaco,2409 Butler Market Road,Bend ..$3.46 • La Pine Mini Mart, 52530 U.S. Highway 97, La Pine.......... $3.49

ConsumerReports castsdoubt on Ford hybridsmileageclaims

• Safeway,80 N.E Cedar

By Jerry Hirsch

St. Madras .......$3.49 • Chevron,1210 U.S. Highway 97,

Los Angeles Times

Madras ......... $3.54 • Chevron,1501S.W.

Highland Ave., Redmond ....... $3.39 • Texaco,539 N.W. Sixth St., Redmond.... $3.39 • Chevron,2005 U.S. Highway 97,

Redmond ....... $3.39 • Chevron,1001 Railway, Sisters .. $3.49

DIESEL • Chevron,2005 U.S.

Highway 97, Redmond ....... $3.99 AshleyBrothers i The Bulletin


Ford Motor Co. has been crowing about the huge fuel economy ratings of its Fusion and C-Max hybrids. Consumer Reports did its own tests and said it couldn't replicate the 47 miles per gallon Ford is claiming for the city, highway and combined ratings for the vehicles. "After running both vehicles through Consumer Reports real-world tests, CR's engineers have gotten very good results. But they are far below Ford's ambitious triple-47 figures," the magazine said Thursday. In the tests, the Fusion hybrid delivered 39 mpg overall and 35 and 41 in city and high-

Ford says its Fusion, left, and C-Max hybrids get 47 mpg, but independent tests couldn't replicate that. Ford wa The Associated Press

Know who you bank with. way conditions, respectively. The C-Max hybrid achieved 37 mpg overall, with 35 and 38 for city and highway. "These two vehicles have the largest discrepancy between our overall mpg results and the estimates published by the EPAthat we've seen among any current models," the magazine said.

Ford responded in a statement, saying that "customers praise the vehicles and report a range of fuel economy figures, including some reports above 47 mpg. This reinforces the fact that driving styles, driving conditions and other factors can cause mileage to vary." SeeFord/E3

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Schedule of events The U.S. Gran Prix of Cyclocross Deschutes Brewery Cup begins with activities today,

and races areset for Saturday and Sunday. Here is alook at the schedule of events: TODAY • Course preview from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m., weather permitting, Old Mill District, Bend • Kids clinic, 4 p.m., free

SATURDAY SUNDAY • Deschutes Brewery Cup • Deschutes Brewery Cup races, first race begins races, first race begins at 8 a.m. and last race begins at 3:30 p.m.

at 8 a.m. and last race begins at 3:30 p.m.

for junior riders, Old Mill

• End-of-season party, Summit Saloon & Stage,

District, Bend • Number presentations

125 N.W. Oregon Ave., Bend

I ® e ~er I e I y

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and packet pickup, 5 p.m. to 7 p.m., Deschutes

Brewery warehouse,Bend Riders negotiate an obstacle while competing in last year's U.S. Gran Prix cyclocross event in Bend. Ryan Brennecke / The Bulletin file


Saturday and Sunday (times are the same both days); in Bend's Old Mill

District; with time, class, race duration (course map,back page): 8 A.M.


* (USAC USG P/UCI Junior17-18

OBRA Category 4 men, 35 minutes

international license required), 8:45 A.M. OBRA Category 3/4 womenand OBRA Women (Category 2/3) 35 minutes; 1 P . M. OBRA single speed,40 m inutes

USGP Masters 35+ (USAC

9.30 A M

Category 1-3), 45 minutes

OBRA Category 2/3 men, 40 minutes 2 : 1 5 P.M. UCI Elite women,40 minutes 10:20 A.M. OBRA Masters men 55+ and OBRA 3 :30 P.M. USGP Masters 45+, 40 minutes UCI Elite/U23 men, 60 minutes 11'15 A M

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OBRA Junior boys and Junior girls

10-14, 20 minutes; OBRAJunior boys

I y

and Junior girls15-16, 30 minutes


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Race schedule


• Hundredsareexpected to raceasthe USGP comes toBendfor asecondstraight year Cyclocross: thedasics

By Amanda Miles The Bulletin

A form of bike racing that generally takes place

The U.S. Gran Prix of Cyclocross is back in Central Oregon for a second consecutive year. By the skin of its teeth. This weekend, Bend is p l aying host to the Deschutes Brewery Cup, the two-race finale event of the eightrace Gran Prix series that began in September in Wisconsin. But there almost was no USGP series this year, USGP regional director Brad Ross says, after former title sponsor Exergy Development Group withdrew its sponsorship. Last week, the Boise, Idaho-based company also announced that it w a s a lso ceasing sponsorship ofits men's professional cycling team. USGP event organizers, Ross says, "were getting ready to button up the whole thing and call it quits" when other companies stepped in to prop up the event. Now, Trek is the USGP's title sponsor, and other sponsors include WD-40 Bike and Greenware. "Basically saved the event from death, so it's pretty cool," Ross notes. About 650 riders participated on each day of the 2011 Deschutes Brewery Cup, Ross says, and he expects a similar turnout this year. As with last year's format, the citizens races will kick off the cyclocross action on both Saturday and Sunday, beginning at 8 a.m. See USGP /Back page

during the fall and winter, cyclocross consists of multiple laps on a short course that typically

includes pavement, dirt, mud and grass. Most races feature steep hills, stairs and/or barriers that racers must clear by dismounting their

bikes and carrying them. Racedurations range from 20 minutes for the youngest juniors to 60 minutes for elite competitors.

The bikes Cyclocross bikes are much like road bikes but with treaded tires. For the most part, they ride similar to a road bike. The bikes of some elite

cyclocross racers are made ofcarbon fiber — weighing as little as16 pounds — and cost

as much as $10,000.

The weather Because cyclocross is mostly a fall and winter sport, inclement weather is a keypart of the competition. Races take place rain, shine — or

snow. See theback page for a weather forecast for this weekend.

Watching theraces Because cyclocross racing typically takes place on ashort, looped course — as it will during the USGP — spectators can watch the action unfold all around them. Hundreds of

spectators are expected to cheer on racers this weekend. You can also watch at


The Center proudly welcomes the cyclists of ~

the 2012 US Gran Prix of •


Cyclocross. Whether you're in the thick of it or



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just clanging the cowbell,


5i Il

The Center has been keeping patients strong For over 50 years with the best orthopedic, neurosurgical and rehabilitative



care available. Cyclocross




in Central Oregon:


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• • •



• •

-'- Qe-'

Friday, December 7, 2012 • The Bulletin • U.S. Gran Prix of Cyclocross Deschutes Brewery Cup preview

2012 U.S.GranPrix DeschutesBrewery Cup

USGP Continued from D1 The higher-level races begin at noon each day with the USGP/UCI (International Cycling Union) Junior 17-18 race, followed by the USGP Masters 35+ race at 1 p.m., the UCI elite women's race at 2:15 p.m., and the UCI elite/U23 men at 3:30

• Drug control • Bike wash

Deschutes Brewery

Team and Expo < •

Deschutes River

g St ar t Amphitheater Pitarea




Pedestrtan watfiNlatt~., "., f r Faad & beer


p.m. And that means that Central Oregon cycling fans will get the chance to watch some worldclass talent race this weekend at the Old Mill District course in Bend. "It's a fun spectator sport and a lot of people that race in those age-group races, we want them to stick around and drink beer and have fun and contribute to the whole vibe of the day and cheer on the pros," Ross says. And the pros have a bit more riding on this weekend than those competing in the citizens races. UCI points — which contributeto the riders'world rankings — will be on the line both days. Those points, Ross says, influence the "start money" the riders are paid for showing up to race an event and dictate which cyclists start at the front of the field. And, USGP event director Joan Hanscom says, UCI category I points, which are available in S a turday's race, are one selection criterion for the cyclocross world championships, which will be staged in the United States for the first time — in Louisville, Ky.— this

0 0


Event parking

Old Mii

r Columbia Street u

Greg Cross/The Bulletin



i .

• What's the weather?:Riders and spectators alike should take note to bundle up this weekend. As of the middle of this week, the forecast for Saturday and Sunday calls for high temperatures in the 30s or 40s and lows below freezing, making for chilly racing

no matter what time of day.Saturday also offers the possibility of some snow showers, while Sunday's forecast is for partly cloudy conditions. The good news is that the winds should be fairly mild. • Adam Graig watch:Bend professional mountain bike pro Adam Craig has been dabbling in cyclocross this fall and is expected to race in the Deschutes Brewery Cup. He sits outside the top10 in the series standings heading into the weekend, but a top-five

performance this weekendshould not come as total surprise for the 2008 mountain bike Olympian: Craig was fourth behind Jeremy Powers, Ryan Trebon and Danny Summerhill in the Nov. 10 elite

coming February. "Points are very important for these pro cyclocross racers," Ross observes. In addition, the pros will earn separate points that contribute toward their USGP series standing. Points are determined by finishing placements, and the rider who accumulates the most points over the course of the series is named the series champion. On the w omen's side, a new USGP champion will be crowned this year. The reigning champ, Katerina Nash of the Czech Republic, is expected to race in Bend this weekend, but she has contested only the fifth and sixth races of the series and mathematically cannot earn enough points to repeat. The Team Luna Chix rider finished 14th in the women's mountain biking race at the Olympic Games in London this past summer. She also has a bronze medal from the 2011 cyclocross world championships to her credit. One of Nash's Luna teammates, Georgia Gould, still has a shot to win the series, a feat she accomplished in 2010. Gould, of Fort Collins, Colo., came home from those London

• I i y • a a a

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men's race at theDerby City Cup.

• Kids clinic on tap:Junior riders can get a chance to brush elbows with the cyclocross pros during a free clinic today on the Old Mill District course. The clinic begins at 4 p.m., after the twohour course pre-ride. The pre-ride will be held weather permitting, while the clinic will take place no matter the weather. — Bulletin staff report

And Hanscom says Julie Krasniack (third in USGP stand-

ings), Caroline Mani (eighth)

Andy Tullis /The Bulletin file

Racers ride down a flyoverin the elite men's race of the U.S. Gran Prix of Cyclocross event in Bend's Old Mill District last December.

games with a bronze medal in mountain biking. She sits second in the USGP series standings after finishing second in the first four races of the series and third in each of the other two thus far. Currently, she trails by a margin of 300-228 to USGP leader Katie Compton, who has won all six USGP races in 2012 but who Ross says will not be racing in Bend this weekend. "They're the real deal," Ross says about Gould and Nash. "Neither of them are quite what you'd call quite the cyclocross specialist that Katie is. Katie Compton, cyclocross is her

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gig. Top to bottom, that's all she does. That's all she concentrates on." And right now Compton, an American, is concentrating on cyclocross in Europe, where she has been tearing up the World Cup, one of the highest levels of cyclocross racing. Compton finished second in the first World Cup race of the 2012-13 season in October before rattling off three consecutive wins, including this past Sunday in France. As with the USGP, series standings are maintained for the World Cup, and Compton, a t h ree-time medalist at the world cham-


and Nicole Duke (14th) will be in the field. As with the women's field, the standings leader among the men will not be racing this weekend. Jeremy Powers, the reigning national champion and 2010 and 2011 USGP winner, has been almost as dominant as Compton in this year's USGP. The Rapha-Focus rider has won five of the six USGP races to date and finished third in the only one he did not win. Also similar to C ompton, Powers has been racing in the World Cup. He took seventh place in the first World Cup and was 23rd on Sunday. Unlike Compton, though, Powers has the USGP series locked up, as he has a 101-point lead over Bend pro Ryan Trebon, who

pionships, has a 50-point lead over the second-place rider with four races remaining. "For her to win the World Cup is a really freakin' big deal," Ross says. "And so even though Trek is her title sponsor and is also the title sponsor of this event, she's not coming. But that's OK.... It's going to be, I think, a race of the Luna Chix." Ross also mentions Kaitlin Antonneau, who placed ninth behind Compton in the first World Cup race of the season, and Meredith Miller, who placed fourth and fifth in the first two USGP races this year.









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USGP), Tim Johnson (fourth), Chris Jones (fifth), Danny Summerhill (sixth) and Jamey Driscoll (seventh) as standouts he expects to race this weekend. Also racing, Hanscom says, is Todd Wells, who won the elite men's race at the 2010 cyclocross national championships staged in Bend. Notes Ross: "There's five or six guys that could win each


— Reporter: 541-383-0393, amites@bendbulletin.com.

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is currently second with 183 points. A rider earns 50 points for winning a series race. "Now that he's not there, it really is kind of anybody's game," Ross says about Powers' absence. So for the men's field, Ross expects wide-open races. Besides Trebon, he mentions Ben Berden (currently third in the


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Photos courtesy of the U.S. Gran Prix of Cyclocross

Katerina Nash

Georgia Gould


Ben Berden

Danny Summerhill

Gzech Republic

Fort Collins, Colo.



The champ is back. Theelite women's

Gould's namemay sound familiar,


The 37-year-old Berdenhasbeen

Englewood,Colo. Summerhill enters the Deschutes

particularly to mountain biking fans,

field is a local one. Trebon, 31, missed out on racing the USGP Deschutes

steady and consistent in the USGP this

series winner in 2011, Nash, who turns 35 on Sunday, has taken part in just two

USGP racesthis season — both in last

as the 32-year-old picked up abronze medal in mountain biking at the 2012

month's Derby City Cup in Louisville, Ky. — but two runner-up finishes to Katie

Olympic Games in London. Gould has lost only to Nash, her Team Luna Chix

Compton propelled her to seventh in

teammate, andCompton in this year's

national champion rebounded from

this year's standings. With Compton not scheduled to race in Bend this weekend,

USGP races. She trails the absent Compton by 72 points heading into this weekend. With two solid results, Gould could find herself at the top of the series standings by the end of the weekend.

that injury to place18th at the world

look for Nash, aformer Olympian in cross-country skiing i1998, 2002) and mountain biking (1996, 2012j and the

Brewery Cup in2011 after injuring a knee during the circuit's prior stop in Louisville. The two-time cyclocross

championships in Belgium earlier this year. Heading into this weekend's races, Trebon sits second in the overall

2011 cyclocross world championships

standings and hehasfinishedsecond in three of the six USGP races to date in

bronze medalist, to be in the running


to sweep the Deschutes Brewery Cup races, as shedid in 2011.

year, finishing betweensecond place and sixth place in all six races. That runner-up finish, to series leader Jeremy Powers, is Berden's most recent result, from the Nov. 11Derby City Cup.

Brewery Cup sixth in the overall standings, but he has contested only

four of the series' six races thus far — two fewer than the five riders ahead of him. The23-year-old has shown solid form in the USGP with two fourthplace finishes and then a third before settling for10th in the most recent

race. Summerhill is the 2007 junior world championships silver medalist in cyclocross and was third in the first

Deschutes Brewery Cuprace in 2011.

i l




Continued from E1 "This doesn't mean that Apple will do it ourselves, but we'll be working with people and we'll be investing our money," Cook told Bloomberg. T hat suggests th e c o m -

Continued from E1 While living in Salt Lake City, she continued teaching the Alexander Technique on her own and at the University of Utah's theater department. She also went back to school to be a radiologic technologist. After working in the field, however, Pollock said she realized that wasn't her calling. And when she moved back to Bend, she decided to focus on her Alexander business. "I've been settling in and reorganizing everything, doing workshops for vocalists in the community, offering free lectures (and) trying to establish myself again on so many levels," she said. Ironically, she said, she's ended up right where she was when she left: working out of her home in northwest Bend. Pollock charges $75 an hour, and recommends students meet with her once a week for a total of 10 lessons. Since her return to Bend, she's noticed people seem busier and move faster than

pany could be helping one of its Taiwanese manufacturing partners, which run factories in China, to set up production lines in the U.S. devoted to Apple products. Research firm IHS iSuppli noted that both Foxconn Technology Group, which assembles iPhones, and Quanta Computer Inc., which does the same for MacBooks, already have small operations in the U.S. Apple representatives had no comment Thursday beyond Cook's remarks. Like most consumer elec-

tronicscompanies,Apple forges agreements with contract manufacturers to assemble its products overseas. However, the assembly accountsfor a fraction of the cost of making a PC or smartphone. Most of the cost lies in buying chips, and many of those are made in the U.S., Cook noted in his interview with NBC. The company and Foxconn have faced significant criticism this year over working conditions at the Chinese facilities where Apple products are assembled. The attention prompted Foxconntoraise salaries. Cook didn't say which line of computers would be produced in the U.S. or where in the country they would be made. But he told Bloomberg that the production would include more than just final assembly. That suggests that machining of cases and printing of circuit boards could take place in the U.S. Analyst Jeffrey Wu at IHS iSuppli said it's not uncommon for PC makers to build their bulkier products close to their customers to cut down on delivery times and shipping costs. Apple is latching on to a trend that could see many jobs move back to the U.S., said Hal Sirkin, a partner with The Boston Consulting Group. He noted that Lenovo Group, the Chinese company that's neck-and-neck with Hewlett-Packard Co. for the title of world's largest PC maker, announced inOctober that it will start making PCs and tablets in the U.S. Chinese wages are raising 15 to 20 percent per year, Sirkin said. U.S. wages are rising much more slowly, and the country is a cheap place to hire compared to otherdeveloped countrieslike Germany, France and Japan, he said.

"I think Alexander Technique is gaining popularity as complementary health care.

There's more awareness, acceptance and looking to it instead of regular medicine." — Cathy Pollock

they did 16 years ago. That usually leads to more stress. But, she said, she has also seen an increase in businesses that help people develop healthy ways of dealing with stress,such as chiropractic clinics and yoga studios. "I think Alexander Tech-

nique is gaining popularity as complementary health care," she said. "There's more awareness, acceptance and looking to it instead of regular medicine." Federal agencies consider the Alexander Technique a complementary and alternative medicine, similar to acupuncture, biofeedback and others. However, it's been a featured topic in a Mayo Clinic podcast. T o be c e rtified b y t h e American Society for the Alexander Technique, a teacher


ance premiums it charges to homeowners, had 830.3 billion Continued from E1 in cash reserves as of Sept. 30 The agency said l a st to cover $46.6 billion in promonth that its reserves to jected losses in coming years. cover losses dropped into The shortfall could force it n egative territory for t h e to tap the U.S. Treasury, as it fiscal year that ended Sept. is legally allowed to do, for the 30. first time in its 78-year history Under law, the FHA's net to shore up its finances. worth must not drop below Democrats an d R e publi2 percent of the outstand- cans said they were concerned ing balances of the loans about that p o ssibility. But it guarantees. But with the while Republicans pushed for collapse of t h e h o using quicker action by the FHA, market, the agency's "reDemocrats cautioned that the serve ratio" has been drop- FHA plays a key role in the ping since 2006 and ended housing market. the 2012 fiscal year at miThe agency insures more nus-1.44 percent. than $1 trillion worth of mort"Hopefully, th e s h ock gages and has backed about 14 produced by these latest percent of new loans made this projections will finally be a year. It played a critical role wake-up call for everyone," in keeping the housing marsaid Sen. Richard Shelby, ket afloat after the subprime R-Ala. "It is time for serious bubble burst and is paying the reform of the FHA before it price for loans it backed beneeds a taxpayer bailout, if tween 2007 and 2009. "There is a clear case to be it isn't too late already." T he agency, which i s made in my mind that but for funded by mortgage insur- FHA in the midst of this hous-

YTD Div PE Last Chg%Chg

AlaskAirs 10 42.52 +.05 +13.3 Avista 1.16 16 23.85 +.06 -7.4 BkofAm .04 28 10.46 -.01 +88.0 BarrettB .52f 31 34.14 -J1 +71.0 Boeing 1.76 13 73.98 +J1 +.9 CascdeBcp 5.06 -J4 +15.5 CascdeC p 1.40 14 64.91 +.01 +37.6 ColsprtjN .88 20 57.00 +.52 +22.4 1.10a 25 98.47 —.48 +18.2 Costco CraftBrew 48 6.20 +.01 +3.0 FLIRSys .28 14 20.02 +.15 -20.1 HewlettP .53 13.83 +.01 -46.3 HmFedlD .24a 56 11.18 -.27 +7.5 Intel .90 9 20.16 +.31 -16.9 Keycorp .20 9 7.93 +.01 +3J Kroger .60f 22 26.90 +J9 +ud Lattice 14 3.79 -.08 -36.2 LaPac 17.10 +.12 +111.9 MDURes .69f 32 20.77 +.05 -3.2 Mentorsr 13 16.00 +.51 +18.0 Microsoft .92 14 26.73 +.06 +z9

ing crisis, we would have a far greater crisis on our hands," said Sen. Robert Menendez, D-N.J. Donovan said the FHA has been raising the i n surance premiums it charges to homeowners and plans another increase, by an average of about $13 a month, for new loans it backs. The agency also plans to sell at least 40,000 delinquent loans a year and streamline short sales to reduce losses fromforeclosures. The changes "have significantly decreased" the chances of a bailout, Donovan said. But when pressed by Sen. David Vitter, R-La., Donovan would not predict the likelihood the FHA would need to draw taxpayer money. A determination would not be made until the end of the

WILSONSofRed mond 541-548-2066 Adjustable

— Reporter: 541-617-7818, rrees@bendbulletin.com

2013 fiscal y ear, D onovan said. Some Republicans pushed the administration to act more quickly to make changes at the FHA. Sen. Bob Corker, R-Tenn., said he did not understand why the FHA was backing loans for homeowners who recently went through foreclosure. Donovan said the agency was considering revising its standards for people who have undergone foreclosures. But he stressed that, in some cases, those were responsible borrowers who simply lost their jobs during the recession. "We believe if somebody can show they are back at work and are a responsible borrower again, that's somebody we should work with," he said.


Ford Continued from E1 A Lo s A n geles Times test-drive and review of the C-Max also found the fuel economy was lower than what was claimed — 37.5

mpg. Fuel economy claims are facing greater skepticism as automakers make them the centerpiece of their advertising campaigns. Consumer complaints to the Environmental Protection Agency, which monitors the fuel-rating system, prompted regulators to test Hyundai and Kia vehicles. T he agency s aid l a st month that Hyundai and K ia overstated th e f u e l economy on more than onethird of the vehicles they've sold in recent years. The South Korean automakers issued an apology and said they would give special debit cards to nearly a million owners to make up for th e d i fference in the lower miles per gallon

logged by the vehicles. Automakers me a s ure the fuel economy of their own vehicles according to a standardized test regime overseen by the EPA. They submit their results to the agency, which then approves the ratings for the window sticker that goes on new cars. The EPA also conducts its own t e sts fo r a b out 15 percent of the models annually. But the EPA's auditing of mileage claims by automakers rarely turns up misrepresentations. It has h appened only two other times since 2000, once with a 2012 BMW 328i and once with a 2001 Dodge

Ram pickup.

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Preeious metals P r ime rate Metal

Price Itroy oz.)




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$1699.00 $1700.30 $33.039

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Market reeap NYSE


Indexes Nasdag

Most Actlve (sc ormore) Most Acttve (ss or more) Most Acttve (st or more) Name Vol (00) Last Chg Name Vol (00) Last Chg Name Vol (00) Last Chg BkofAm 1703749 10.46 -.01 CheniereEn 125712 18.00 +1.23 NokiaCp 848n3 3 75 -.13 NAPallg 2 2896 146 +.06 FMCG 832741 30.81 -t35 DenisnM g 22051 1.15 +.05 S&P500ETF 831646 141.98 +.48 rM B>og 18590 1.65 +.04 Citigroup 436276 37.02 +.56 Rentech 18346 2.89 +.02

SiriusXM 891035 2.79 +.tj2 Intel 454 758 2016 +.31 Facebook n 449582 26.97 -.74 AppleInc 405893 547.25 +8.45 PwshsQQQ 394994 65.32 +.42

Gainers (S2ormore) Gelllers (S2 ormore) Gainers iS2ormore) Name L a s t Chg %ChgName L a s t Chg %ChgName L a s t Chg %Chg RuckusWn 16.40 +1.77 +12J SED Intl 2 . 1 1 +.21 +u.1 Metabolix z1 6 +.67 +45.0 Cemigs 11.03 i1.u +11.2 Sifco 16. 08 +1.60 iu.0 EpOCh 2 7 .69 +5.78 +26.4 MGMRsts 10.97 +1.00 +10.0 AmDGEn 2.20 +.17 +8.4 Bcomm 5 . 89 +1.17 +24.8 Natuzzi 2. 0 0 + .18 +9.9 CheniereEn 18.00 +1.23 +7.3 Net1UEPS 4.96 +.91 +22.5 Amrep 8. 5 3 +.73 +9.4Arrhythm 2.53 + J 3 +5.4 CmtyWest 3.45 +.50+16.9 LOSerS (S2ormore) Losers (S2or more) Losers (S2or more) Name L a s t Chg %ChgName L a s t Chg %ChgName L a s t Chg %Chg

FdAgricA 25.72 -3J6 -10.9 PacBkrMg 5.33 -.62 -10.4 Cyclacelrs 6.53 -t06 n4.0 Emulex 6.39 -.63 -9.0 CmtyBkTr 2.31 -.20 -8.0 SecNtl If 7.38 -1.03 n 2.2 CtBMYcld 25.55 -2.26 -8. I SDgopfC 22.80 -1.92 -7.8 VBradley 23.14 -3.07 -11.7 -79 CSVLgBrnt 3798 -3.25 eMagin 322 -J8 -53 TranS1 259 -.30 -10.4 ChinZenix 2.71 -.20 -6.9 Revettuin 3JO -J6 -4.9 AutoNavi 10.47 -t19 -10.2

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must perform 1,600 hours of trainingover a 3-year period through an approved course, Pollock said. In 1995, Pollock was the only c e r t ified A l e x ander Technique teacher in Central Oregon, and one of seven in the state, according to The Bulletin's archives. Now, the number has doubled, with two certified instructors in the region and about 15 in the state, according to the website for t h e A m e rican Society for t h e A l exander Technique. While the Alexander Technique may be considered a complementary activity like yoga, Pilates or m a ssage, she said, it's not considered a therapy or relaxation technique, but a n e d ucational process. "I'm not working on some-

one," she said. "I'm facilitating their learning process." She said a lot of that facilitation is done through touch, that helps guides her students' bodies. "The purpose of that touch is to inform and educate both their physical sensory self ... but also that the mind is recognizing, 'Oh, that feels different than my usual way of carrying myself ...'" she said. "We're trying to give options to people t h rough t o uch, through sensory choices on how to organize the way they use themselves." The root problem of pain is often too much or not enough tension, she said. Pollock strives to teach people the right amount of tension for the activity they are doing. "My goal as a teacher is not to keep people coming back for years and years, but to pass on skills so that they become self-sufficient with the information and they can use forthe rest oftheir lives," she said. "This is a long-term thing."


Diary 218 219 28 465

Advanced Declined Unchanged Total issues 9 New Highs 5 New Lows


1,220 147 2,584 45 37

52.Week High Lo w

Net Last Chg

N ame

13,661.72 11,735.19 Dow Jones Industrials

5,390.u 4,750J2 DowJonesTransportation 499.82 435.57 DowJonesUtilities 8,515.60 7,129.84 NYSE Composite 2,509.57 2,I64.87 AmexIndex 3196.93 2,518.01 Nasdaq Composite 1,474.51 1,20z37 S&P 500 15,432.5412,618J1 Wilshire5000 868.50 705.78 Russell2000

World markets


5,u 5.57 453.47 8,280.93 2,401.15 2,989.27 1,413.94

14,816.22 821.79

+39.55 -4.74 -1.22 +16.13 +3.83 +15.57 +4.66 +43.02 +1.19

YTD 52-wk % Chg %Chg % Chg +.30 +7.01 -.09 +1.91 -.27 -2.41

+8.97 +5J7

+2.83 +12.37 +5.63 +15J3 +14.55 +14.41 +1 3.71

+.20 +1 0.75 +.16 +5.39 +.52 +14.74 +.33 +1 z43

+.29 +1 z33 +.14 +10.91


Here ishow key international stock markets KeycurrencyexchangeratesThursday compared with late Wednesday inNewYork. performed Thursday. Market Close %Change Dollarvs: E x changeRate Pvsoay Amsterdam Brussels Paris London Frankfurt HongKong Mexico Milan NewZealand Tokyo Seoul Singapore Sydney Zurich

341.29 2,417.07 3,601.65 5,901.42 7,534.54 22,249.81 42,590.44 15,835.22 4,023.36 9,545.16 1,949.62 3,078.20 4,515.73 6,358.44

+.72s -.93 +.31s +.16s +1.07s -.09 +.41s -.75 t +.40s +.81s +.13s +.07 s -.27 t +.84 s

AustraliaDollar BritainPound CanadaDollar ChilePeso ChinaYuan EuroEuro HongKongDollar

Japan Yen MexicoPeso RussiaRuble So. KoreaWon SwedenKrona SwitzerlndFranc TaiwanDollar

1.0473 1.6048 1.0085 .002089 .1605 1.2964 .1290 .012142 .077542 .0324 .000923 J506 1.0718 .0344

1.0466 1.6099 1.0088 .002088 .1606 1.3079 .1290 .012143 .077465 .0325 .000925 J517 1.0797 .0344

Selected mutual funds YTD HiYldBd 8.05 t0.01 +156 FMI Funds: EQII 1 9.56 +0.07 +14.3 500ldxAdv 50.33 +0.18 +14.8 CapApp 42.89 +0.19 +15.4 AtfilAp 11.84 >0.03+13.6 MnstFdA 36.80+Oss +15.5 CapApp 23.40+0.03 +13.5 Name NAV Chg%Ret Cohen &Steers: Lgcap p 17.03 +0.02+13.9 Fidel 35.67 +0.12 +15.2 TotMktAdr41.36 +0.14 +14.9 IVA Funds: BdoebAp 8.10 i0.01 +12.2 RisingoivAx1730i002 +11.7 EmMktS 33.04+0.11 +15.9 Rltyshrs 6762+064 +129 FPA Funds: FltRateHir 9.95+0.01 +6.4 USBondI 11.97 +001 +46 Wldwide ln629 +61 S hourlncA p4.65 + 6 .3 S&MdcpVI31.85+0.09 +7.5 Eqlnc 26.18+0.05 +15.3 Amer Centuy Inv: Newlnco 10.64+0.01 +2.2 GNMA 'I'I IIO -0.01 +3s First Eagle: InvescoFundsA: Lord Abbelt C: Oppenheimer8: Eqlndex 38.26+0.13 +14.5 Eqlnc 7 .91 +0.01 +10.8 ColumbiaClassZ: +32 GlblA 49 74 +0.15 +10.2 CmstkA 17.51 +0.06 +16.4 S hourlncCt468 +5 . 6 RisingavB x1 5 66+006 +108 Growlh 37.40+0.21 +17.5 Growthl 27.78 +0.12 +13.1 AcomZx 2959 -1 52+146 FPACres 28.91 +0.04 i8.9 Govtinc 1067 AcomlntZx40.11 -0.4jj +19.3 Farholme 30.16 -0.21 +30.3 Groco 9504 +049 +175 OverseasA 22.60 i0.07 +11.0 EqlncA 9.18 +0.02 +11.9 Lord Abbelt F: S&MdcpVI2690 +009 +67 Hlthsci 42.73+0.05 +31.1 Ultra 25.94 i0.11 +13.2 DivlncoZ 14.85 +0.05+1t2 Federated Insll: Grolnc 21 05 +008 +17.0 Forum Funds: GrlncAp 20.84+006 +133 ShtDurlnco 4.65 +6.4 OppenheimerC&M: HiYield 6.94 +0.01 +14.0 American FundsA: TotRetsd 11.67 +0.01 +6.9 GrowCOF9509 +049 +17.7 Absstrlr 1116 +001 +10 HYMuA 1030 +0.01 +15.5 MFS FundsA: AmcpAp 21.41 +0.03+14.2 Credit SuisseComm: RisingDvcpx1559i005+11.0 InstlcpG 18.63+0.13 +15.6 ComRett 8.22 -0.04 +0.5 StrVal D vls 5.04 -0.01 +7.6 Frank/Temp Frnk A: Invesco Funds Y: TotRA 15 15 +0 02 +10.4 Oppenheimer Roch: AMutlAp 2834 +0.06 +1t5 GroeChCK9 O5.07 +0.49 +17.6 IntlBond 10.14-0.02 +6.4 Fidelity Advisor k Highlnc r 9.34 +0.01 +13.9 FedTFA p 12.97 +10.6 BalRiskY 13.19 +0.03 +10.8 ValueA 2540+005+14jj RcNtMuA 7 78 + 2 0 7Intl G&l 1292+002 +122 BalAp 2033+0.04 +133 DFA Funds: +5. 2 HYTFA p 11.1 7 +1 3s Ivy Funds: MFS FundsI: OppenheimerY: BondA p 13 00 +61 IntlcorEq 1036+002 +14.5 Nwlnsghp2265 +010 +149 I ntBd 11.19 Intlstk 14 22+004 +15.7 12.24+004 +15.0 strlnA 12.85 +1 0 .1 I ntmMu 10.78 + 6 . 0IncomA p 2.20 + 1 1.6Asselsct 2483+0.14 +14.8 Valuel 25.53 i0.05 +15.2 DevMktY 33.97 +0.05+17.3 Midcap 58 II6+0.21 +11.6 CaplBAp 5322 -003 +11.2 USCorEq1 USCorEq2 12.12 +003 +15.7 Fidelity Advisor I: IntlDisc 32II5+003+190 R>sDvAp 37.56 +Oss +95 AsselstAp2573+Oss +156 MFS Funds Insll: IntlB IY 6 60 N A CapWGA p36.86 +0.04 +17.2 MCapVal 25.14+008 +17.5 Nwlnsgtl 2297+Oso+15s InvGrsd i'l.73 +60 stratlncp 10.73 +001 +n 7 Assetstrl r 2600+Oss+158 IntlEq 18 86 +0 06 +1 8.5 IntsrowY 30.53+0.03+19.6 NAsia l675 +003 +204 CapWAp 21.64 -0.02 +7.5 DavisFundsA: InvGB 805 +001 +68 U SGovA p 6 jj2 +15 JPMorgan AClass: Managea Funds: PIMCOAdmin PIMS: NewEra 42 66 -0 01 +1.5 EupacAp 41.11+0.16 n6.9 NYVen A 35.83 +0.07 +10.2 Fidelity Freedom: FF2010 1436 +002 +9.9 LgcapVal 1134 +003 +126 Frank/rmp FrnkAdv: Y: Coresd A 12.16 +0.01 +5.2 Yacktman p19.22 +0.11 +n.2 TotRtAd 11.65 + 1 0 .2N Horiz 3526+009+136 FdinvAp 404jj+0.09+15.5 Davis Funds FF2010K 1316 +002 +10s NYVenY 3628 +007 +10.5 LowP r 3951 +0.16 +157 GlbsdAdv 13.58 + 14.5 JP Morgan Insll: YacKIFoc 20.65 +0.11 +10.5 PIMCO Instl PIMS: N Inc 9 9 8 +61 G ovtA p 14 61 +4 2 A: FF2015 1201 +002 +10.2 LowPnK r 3949 +0.15 +15.9 IncmeAd 2.19 + 1 2.4MdcpVal 2833+0.09 +193 Manning&Napier Fds: AIAsetAutr'I'I 43 +001 +166 OverS SF 8.43 +152 GwthAp 3412 +007 +188 Delaware Invest Wld0ppA 768+001 +15.9 AIIAsset 12 89 +0.02+14.2 R2010 16.73+003 +n 4 Frnk C: JPMorgan RCl: HlTrAp 1132 +0.01 +13.5 Diverlnc p 9.47 +0.01 +7.0 FF2015K 1323 +002 +103 Magelln 73.27 +0.23 +16.6 Frank/Temp FF2020 1454 +0.03 +11.1 Midcap 29.38 +0.08 +12.5 Incomc t 2.23 +0.01+n.5 C oreBond 12.16 + 5 . 6MergerFd 1599+002 +2.6 ComodRR 693 -0.03 +85 R2015 13.02+003 +124 IncoA p 18.12 + 1 1.2Dimensional Fds: EmMCrtq 19.66 +0.10 +15.6 FF2020K 13 65 +0.02 +11.2 Metro WestFds: Munilnc 13.79 +0.01 +9.4 Frank/Temp Ml l A&B: s htoursd 11.01 + 1 . 9 Divlnc 12.37 +0.03 +14.6 R2020 18 05+004 +135 I ntsdA p 13.80 +2 . 9 TotRetsd 11.13 i0.01 +11.3 EmgMkcun055 +0.01 +78 R2025 13.22+003 +142 ICAA p 30.55 +0.02 +14.3 EmMktV 29.20 +0.21 +13.8 FF2025 12.11 +0 02 +12.3 NwMktr 18.07+0.05 +19.5 sharesA 22.28 i0.03 +13.2 JPMorganSelCls: CoreBd 1215 +001 +55 TotRtBdl 11.13 +0.01 +11.5 EmMkBd 12.54+0.04 +16.2 R2030 19 00+006 +149 NEcoA p 28.79+0.11+21.1 Intsmva 1560+007+168 FF2025K 13 80 +0 02+12.3 OTC 5969+os9 +91 Frank/Temp Tempk aYld 9 . 65 +0.01 +13.8 NPerAp 31.06+O.ojj +1II7 USLgVa 2253 +008 +192 FF2030 14.42 +0.03 +12.6 100lndex 1016+004+152 GIBdAp 13.63 +001 +143 HighYld 8.17 +001 +138 Mutual Seiies: R2035 13 43+004 +152 NwWrldA 5376+Oss +166 USSmall 2337+003+14.6 FF2030K 13.95 +0.03 +12.7 Puritn 1950+005 +130 GrwthAp 19.30+003 +1II5 LgcpGr 23.94 +0.10+11.6 GblDiscA 2989+003 +11.8 InvGrCp 11.44 +0.02 +15.0 R2040 19 n +005 +153 +62 S MB[I 4 8 5 SmcpAp 3939+Os0 +187 USSmVa 2706+001 +17.4 FF2035 11.93 +0.02 +13.3 PuntanK 1949+005 +131 WorldAp 15.99 i0.04 +16.4 S htoursd 11.01 + 1 . 7GlbDiscZ 3034+0.03 +12.1 Lowou 1067 +27 USLCCrPls23.01+0.10 +166 SharesZ 22.51 +0.03+13.6 RealRtnl 1280+0.02+10.5 smcpstk 3577+004 +145 TxExA p 13 38 + 1 t.s Intlsmco 15.56 +0.04+144 FF2035K 14.03 +0.03 +13.5 SAIISecEqF1302+004 +15.9 Frank/TempTmp8&C: F ixd 1 0.35 + 0 . 9 FF2040 8.32 +0.01 +13.2 SCrdtrstN 9.02 -0.05 +0.7 G IBdtp 1365 +1 3 9 Janus T Shrs: Neuberger&Berm Fds: ShortT 99 1 + 3.4 WshA p 31.19 +0.07 +11.6 smcapval39n +009 +134 IntVa 16.09 i0.03 +12.0 FF2040K 14.07 +0.03 +13.5 SCmdtystrF9.05 -0.05 +0.9 GMOTrusl III: PrkMCVal T21I37+0.07 +8.3 Geneslnst 5071 +012 +9.2 T otRt 11 65 +1 0 .4 Specln 1303 Arlisan Funds: +97 G lb5Fxlnc 11.33 + 4 . 9 Fidelity Invest: Srslntsrw 11.83 +0.02+17.0 Quahty 23.41 +0.06+12.2 John HancockCI1: Northern Funds: PIMCOFundsA: Intl 24 . 34 +0.09 +22.7 Value 26 42 +005 +172 AllsectEq 13.00 +0.04 +15.8 +1 . 0 SerlntlGrF11.87 +0.02+17.3 GMO Trusl IV: LSBalanc 13.59 +0.03 +12.6 HiYFxlnc 7.51 NA AIIAstAut t 11.36+0.01 +16.2 Principal Inv: IntlVal r 30.18 +0.02 +20.3 2 YGIFxd 10.14 AMgr50 16.40 +0.02 +10.5 SrslntVal 945 +001 +17.0 IntllntrVI 20 66 + 1 0 5LSGrwth 1352+003 +13.5 OakmarkFundsl: RealRtA p 12.80+0.02 +10.1 LgGGlln 1022+007 +151 Midcap 38.49 +0.1jj +16.9 Dodge&Cox: E qtylnc r 29.27 +8 . 2 TotRtA 11.65 MidcapVal21.60+0.07 +96 Balanced 7725+023 +166 AMgr20r 13.41 +0.01 +6.7 S erlntlValF 9.4II + 1 7 2 GMO Trusl Vl: Lazard Instl: +1 0 .0 Putnam FundsA Bernstein Fds: Income 1397+001 +80 Balanc 20.19 +0.05 +12.4 SrlnvGrdF 11.74 +001 +61 EmgMktsr11.45 +0.04+11.3 EmgMktl 1951 +007 +16.1 Intl I r 20 39 +0 08 +23.2 PIMCOFundsC: GrlnA p 14.55 NA BalancedK 20.19 +0.05 +12.6 Oakmark 4949+013 +1S.7 Intour 14 29 Intlstk 3407+017 +165 STBF 8 6 0 +2 3 GoldmanSachsInsl: Longleaf Partners: T otRtC t 11 65 +9. 3 RoyceFunds: avMu 15 01 Stock n995+04ji +196 BluechGr 49.58 +0.20+16.9 Stratlnc 1151 +001 +105 H>Yield 7.42 +0.01 +14.9 Partners 26.39 +0.11 +15.3 Old Weslbury Fds: PIMCOFunds 0: pennMulrxn 16 073 +108 DoubleLine Funds: CapAp 29.67 +0.1 3+20.5 TotalBd 1108+0.01 +69 Harbor Funds: Loomis Sayles: Globopp 7.64 +0.01 NA TRtn p 11.65 BlackRockA: + 1 0.1Premierl rx1883 'I 41 +92 Cplnc r 9.48 +0.02 +15.2 USBI 11.97 +9 3 LSBondl 15s7+0.01 +14.0 GlbSMdcap1 513i0.04 n43 PIMCOFunds P: Eqtyoiv 1987 +003 +111 TRBd I 11.38 +4. 5 Bond 13 n Schwab Funds: TRBdNp 11.37 Contra 77.74 +0.36 +15.2 CapApl n st 42.05 +0.16 +14.0 Strlnc C 15.51 +0.02 +11.3 Lgtapstrat 9.91 i0.03 +130 AstAIIAuthP11.42 +0.01 +1 6 6 1000lnvr 40 50+014 +14.5 GIAIAr 1958+0.04 +S5 Value 75.32 +0.21 +18.7 BlackRock8&C: Dreyfus: ContraK 77.77 +0.36 +15.4 Fidelily Sparlan: Intllnvt 60.85 -0.02 +17.0 LSBondR 15.11+001 +137 Oppenheimerk TotRtnP 11.65 + 1 0 .3S&P Sel 2246+008 +14.8 GIAICt 18.18 +0.03 +7.7 Aprec 4404 +017 +100 avlntl 29.89 +0.06 +17.1 500ldxlnv 50.32 +0.18 +14.8 Intlr 6 1 .59 -0.02 +17.4 strlncA 15.42 +0.02 +12.0 DvMktAp 3427+005 +16.9 Perm PortFunds: ScoutFunds: BlackROck Insll: EatonVanceI: DivrslntKr 29.88+0.06 +17.3 500ldxI 50.33 +0.18 +14.8 Harllord FdsA: Loomis SaylesInv: GlobAp 6377+0.24 +1II.O Permannt 4844+007 +6.5 Intl 3 2 . 89 +0.05 +18.5 EquityDv 19.92 +0.03 +11.3 FltgRt 9.1 1 +7. 8 Divsth 29.90 +0.07 +16.4 Fidelily Sparl Adv: CpAppAp33.59+Os9+166 InvGrBdY 1285+001 +121 GblRrlncA 4.35 NA Price Funds: Sequoia 165.19-0.10 +13.5 GlbAlloc r 19.69 +0.04 +8.8 GblMacAbR 9.82 +0.01 +3.7 Eqlnc 47.07+0.13 +16.3 ExMktAd r 40.35 +0.11+15.1 Harllord HLSIA: Lord Abbetl A: IntBdA p 6.60 NA BIChip 4534 +024 +173 TCW Funds:

EmMktln 9.42+0.01 +20.5 WellslAdm 59.75 +0.06 +10.2 TotRetBdl 10.31+0.02+13s WelltnAdm59.39+0.09 +12.1 TIAA-CREFFunds: Windsor 50.4II +0.20 +18.4 Eqldxlnst 10.91 +0.03 +14.8 WdsrllAd 5216 +os2 +15.3 Templelon Inslst: VanguardFds: ForEqs 19.54 +0.01 +14.9 Capopp 3437+015 +165 Thornburg Fds: Divdsro 1676+004 +99 IntValAp 26.96 +0.06 +13.3 Energy 5983+010 +1 5 IntValue I 27.58 +0.06 +13.7 Eqlnc 2424+006 +13s Tweedy Browne: Explr 79.92 +0.22 +11.9 GblValue 25.63 +0.03 +17.3 GNMA 11.02 -0.01 +2.3 HYCorp 6.09 +0.01 +13.5 BalAdml 23.77 +0.05 +1 08 Hlthcre 148.47 +0.18+15.5 CAITAdm 11.93 +0.01 +8.2 InflaPro 15.12 +0.02 +8.1 CpQpAdl 79.42 +0.34 +16.5 IntlGr 1jj 99 +003 +16.1 EMAOmr r 35.71 +0.16 +14.2 IntlVal 3094+007 +162 Energy 112.37 +0.19 +1.5 ITIGrade 1052+001 +94 EqlnAdmn5082+0.12 +13.2 Lifecon 1734+002 +86 ExtdAdm 45.37 +0.12 +15.3 LifeGro 2362+006 +128 500Adml131.00 +0.47 +14.8 L>feMod 21.04 +0.04 +10.7 GNMA Ad 11.02 -0.01 +2.4 LTIGrade 11.12 +0.01 +13.2 GrwAdm 36.61 +0.16 +16.2 Morg 19.90 +0.06 +13.9 Hlthcr 62.66 +0.07 +15.5 M ulnt 14.59 +7. 0 HiYldCp 6.09 +0.01 +13.6 Prmcpcor 15.2jj +0.04 +13.3 InfProAd 29.71 +0.05 +ji.2 prmcpr 70.44 +os 7 +14.1 I TBdAdml 1226 +7 . 6 SelValur 21 27+004 +144 I TsryAdml 11 jj5 +3, 3 STAR 2090+0.04 +126 IntGrAdm 60.46+0.10 +16.3 STIGrade 1088 A4 ITAdml 14.59 +71 StratEq 21 30 +007 +16s ITGrAdm 10.52 +0.01 +95 TgtRetlnc 12.31 +0.02 +8.2 L tdTrAd 11.20 +22 TgRe2010 24.59 +003 +96 LTGrAdml 11.12 +0.01 +133 TgtRe201513.59+0.02 +1t.s L T Adml 12 02 +99 TgRe2020 24.12 +0.04 +11.2 McpAdml101 19 +042 +135 TgtRe202513.74+0.03 +12.0 MuHYAdm11.48 + 1 1.0 TgRe2030 235jj +006 +12.7 prmcap r 7313 +017 +142 TgtRe20351419+004 +13 4 ReitAdmr 92.08 +0.88 +14.8 TgtRe204023 31 +006 +137 S TsyAdml 10.80 +0 . 8 TgtRe204514 64 +004 +13 8 S TBdAdml 10.67 + 2 . 1USGro 21.16 +006 +17.2 S htTrAd 15.94 +1. 2 wellsly 24.66 +0.03 +10s S TIGrAd 10.88 +4 . 5 Welltn 34.38 +0.05 +12.0 SmCAdm38.31 +0.08 +14.8 Wndsr 14.96 +0.06 +18.2 T tlBAdml 11.20 + 4 . 5Wndsll 29.38 +0.07 +15.2


TstkAdm 35.46+0.12+14.9 Vanguard IdxFds:

ExtMktI 112.00 t0.31 +15.4 MidCplstPm027+046 +136 TotlntAdmr24.59+0.05 +14.5 Totlntllnst r98.34+0.1Ij +14 5 TotlntllPr 98 36 +0.18 +14.5 500 130.97 +0.46 n4.7 TotBnd n 20 A.4 Totllntl 14.70 +0.03 +14.4 TotStk 3544 +Os2 +14jj Vanguard Insll Fds: Ballnst 23.77 +0.05 n0.8 DevMklnst 972 +0.01 +154 Extln 45 37 +0.12 +1 5.4 Grwthlst 36.60 +0.15 +162 InfProlnst 1210+002 +S.2 Instldx 130.13 +0.46 n48 Inspl 130s4 +0.46 +14.jj InsTStPlus3210+011+150 Midj:plst 22.35 >0.09 n3.5 S TIGrlnst 10 SS + 4 . 5 SClnst 38.31 +0.07 +14.8 T Blst 11.20 +4. 5 Tslnst 3546+0.12 +149 Valuelst 22.79 +0.07 +13.5

VanguardSignal: 500Sgl 108.21 +0.39 +14.8

MidCpldx 31.93+0.13+13.5 STBdldx 10 67 +2 s T otsdsgl 11.20 + 4 .5 TotStksgl 34 22 +012 +14.9 Virlus FundsI: EmMktl 10.25 i0.06 n8.7

WeslemAsset: CorePlus I n.71 +0.01 +8.6



1f you have Marketplace events you would like to submit, please contact Ashley Brothers at 541-383-0323,email business@bendbulletin.com or click on "Submit an Event" at www.bendbulletin.com. Pleaseallow at least 10days before the desired date of publication.




TODAY OREGON CATTLEMEN'S ASSOCIATION CONVENTION:The convention will feature information and updates on production, conservation and sustainability practices, regulation challenges and new information on animal nutrition and health for higher profit margins; registration required; $15-155; The Riverhouse Hotel & Convention Center, 3075 N. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; 503-361-8941 or www.or cattle.com. COFFEECLATTER: 8:30-9:30 a.m.; Healing Arts North, 555 N.E. Hemlock Ave. Suite 102, Redmond; 541-526-5856. OREGON ALCOHOLSERVER PERMIT TRAINING:Meets the minimum requirements by the Oregon Liquor Control Commission to obtain an alcohol server permit; registration required; $35; 9 a.m.; Round Table Pizza,1552 N.E. Third St., Bend; 541-447-6384 or www .happyhourtraining.com. CENTRALOREGONREALESTATE INVESTMENTCLUB:Free; 11 a.m.; ServiceMaster Clean, 20806 Sockeye Place, Bend; 541-610-4006 or bobbleile©windermere.com. KNOW EMAILFOR BEGINNERS: 12:30 p.m.; Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541-3121050. FREE TAXFRIDAY: Freetax return reviews; schedule an appointment at 541-385-9666 or www.myzoomtax .com; free; 2-4 p.m.; Zoom Tax, 963 S.W.Simpson Ave.,Suite100,Bend; 541-385-9666. KNOW EXCELFOR BEGINNERS: 34:30 p.m.; Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541-3121050.

BUSINESSNETWORKERS CHAPTER WEEKLYMEETING: Visitors are welcome and first two visits are free; 7 a.m.; Bend Senior Center, 1600 S.E. ReedMarket Road; 541-610-9125. KNOW EXCELFOR BEGINNERS: 1:30 p.m.; La Pine Public Library, 16425 First St.; 541-536-0515. OPEN COMPUTER LAB: 2-3:30 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-6177080. BUSINESSNETWORK INTERNATIONALWILDFIRE CHAPTER WEEKLYMEETING: Visitors are welcome and first two visits are free; 3:30 p.m.; Bend Honda, 2225 N.E. U.S. Highway 20; 541-480-1765. HOT MARKET,SELLER'SMARKET: An overview of selling your home in Central Oregon's real estate market, with speaker Peggi Schoning; RSVP requested; two cans of food per person; 6-7 p.m.; Deschutes County Title Co., 397 Upper Terrace Drive, Bend; 541-788-4100.

FRIDAY Dec. 14

BUSINESSHOP:Business showcase and networking event; Chamber businesses will have tabletop space to display their products and services, and enjoy the opportunity to make newCentral Oregon business contacts; free; 810 a.m.; Juniper Golf Course, 1938 S.W. Elkhorn Ave., Redmond; 541923-5191 or www.visitredmond oregon.com. CENTRALOREGONREALESTATE INVESTMENTCLUB:Free; 11 a.m.; ServiceMaster Clean, 20806 Sockeye Place, Bend; 541-610-4006 or bobbleile@windermere.com. TECHNOLOGYAND SATURDAY COLLABORATION —THE BEST OREGON CATTLEMEN'S OF BOTH WORLDS:COBEN ASSOCIATION CONVENTION:The December meeting with A. Lynn convention will feature information Jesus presenting; lunch provided; and updates on production, registration requested; $5; 11:30 conservation and sustainability a.m.-1 p.m.; Central Oregon practices, regulation challenges and Community College, 2600 N.W. new information on animal nutrition College Way, Bend; 503-805-6524, and health for higher profit margins; Lynn©ALJ-LLC.com or www registration required; $15-155; The .meetup.com/COBEN12. Riverhouse Hotel & Convention KNOW MORE EMAIL:1-2:30 p.m.; Center, 3075 N. U.S. Highway 97, Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. Bend; 503-361-8941 or www.or Deschutes Ave.; 541-312-1050. cattle.com. FREE TAXFRIDAY:Freetax return reviews; schedule an appointment at 541-385-9666 or www.myzoomtax MONDAY .com;free;2-4 p.m.;Zoom Tax,963 TECHNOLOGY PETTINGZOO: noon; S.W. Simpson Ave., Suite100, Bend; 541-385-9666. Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. KNOW EXCEL BUDGETS: 3-4:30 Deschutes Ave.; 541-312-1050. p.m.; Redmond Public Library, 827 PUBLICOUTREACH MEETING: S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541-312-1050. AltaRock Energy is nearing completion of hydroshearing at the Newberry Geothermal MONDAY demonstration project to create geothermal reservoirs at the site; meeting will have a presentation on Dec. 17 this phase of the project, as well as OREGON ALCOHOLSERVER an open forum to discuss questions PERMIT TRAINING:Meets the and concerns; free; 6 p.m.; Bend minimum requirements by the Senior Center, 1600 S.E. Reed Oregon Liquor Control Commission Market Road;855-872-4347,info@ to obtain an alcohol server permit; altarockenergy.com or www.alta registration required; $35; 9 a.m.; rockenergy.com. Round Table Pizza, 1552 N.E. Third St., Bend; 541-447-6384 or www .happyhourtraining.com. TUESDAY OPEN COMPUTER LAB: 10:30 a.m .; La Pine Public Library,16425 First BUSINESSNETWORK St.; 541-536-0515. INTERNATIONALHIGH DESERT FORECLOSURE PREVENTION CHAPTER WEEKLYMEETING: CLASS:Learn about Visitors are welcome and first two Neighborlmpact's Housing Center visits are free; 7:15 a.m.; Bend Honda, 2225 N.E. U.S. Highway 20; tools and services, which can assist individuals struggling to pay 541-420-7377. their mortgages; free; 5:30-7:30 VISITBEND BOARD MEETING: p.m.; Neighborlmpact, 20310 Open to the public; email Valerie© visitbend.com to reserve a seat; 8 a.m.; Bend Visitor Center, 750 N.W. Lava Road; 541-382-8048. GETTINGTHE MOST OUT OF SCHWAB.COM:Free; noon-1 p.m.; Charles Schwab 8 Co.,777 N.W .W all St., Suite 201, Bend; 541-318-1794. KNOW DIGITALDOWNLOADS: 1:30 p.m.; Sunriver Area Public Library, 56855 Venture Lane; 541-312-1080. OPEN COMPUTERLAB:2-3:30 p.m.; NOW East Bend Public Library, 62080 Dean Swift Road; 541-330-3760. THROUG H JANUARY OPEN COMPUTERLAB:3-4:30 2Ild p.m.; Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541-312-1050. SMALL-BUSINESSCOUNSELING: SCORE business counselors will be available every Tuesday for free oneon-one small-business counseling; no appointment necessary; free; 5:30-7:30 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W.Wall St.; cg. 541-617-7080 or www.score centraloregon.org.

Continued from E1

Empire Ave., Suite A110, Bend; 541-318-7506, ext. 309, karenb@ neighborimpact.org or www .homeownershipcenter.org.

"They are giving people

TUESDAY Dec. 18 BUSINESSNETWORK INTERNATIONALHIGH DESERT CHAPTER WEEKLYMEETING: Visitors are welcome and first two visits are free; 7:15 a.m.; Bend Honda, 2225 N.E. U.S. Highway 20; 541-420-7377. HOW TO STARTA BUSINESS: COCC's Small Business Development Center workshops for people contemplating business ownership; registration required; $15; 11 a.m.-1 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, Redmond campus, 2030 S.E. College Loop, Redmond; 541-383-7290. WHAT ARETHE LEGALITIES INVOLVED?:Registration required; $15; 11 a.m.-1 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, Redmond campus, 2030 S.E. College Loop, Redmond; 541-383-7290. EXPLORETHE BENEFITS OF WORKING WITHSCHWAB:Free; noon-1 p.m.; Charles Schwab 8 Co., 777 N.W. Wall St., Suite 201, Bend; 541-318-1794. BUSINESSAFTERHOURS: 4:305:30 p.m.; Ambiance Art Co-op, 435 Evergreen Ave., Redmond; 541-5488115. OPEN COMPUTERLAB:5:30-7 p.m.; Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541-312-1050. SMALL-BUSINESSCOUNSELING: SCORE business counselors will be available every Tuesday for free oneon-one small-business counseling; no appointment necessary; free; 5:30-7:30 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-617-7080 or www.score centraloregon.org.

WEDNESDAY Dec. 19 BUSINESSNETWORK INTERNATIONALBENDCHAPTER WEEKLYMEETING:Visitors are welcome and first two visits are free; 7 a.m.; Bend Senior Center, 1600 S.E. Reed Market Road; 541-749-0789.

a reason to play — like Converse, where you can customize your sneaker — making it worth it to go into the store," Liebmann said. Retailers have been using entertainment to attract shoppersforyears, from mall carousels to the Great Mall of America's whole amusement park. But with advances in t echnology a n d gr o w i n g pressure from online competition, more retailers are adding interactive attractions inside their stores. Savvy r e tailers e n gage customers wit h e n t ertainment options, from watching to fully participating. For 40 years, Bass Pro Shops has stayed open on Thanksgiving Day, drawing customers out after they have downed their Thanksgiving dinner fo r f a m i ly-friendly attractions — free photos in Santa's Wonderland, aquariums that re-create scenes from a local lake and free rides. Or as one customer put it, a "few free hours of entertainment." A n d the shops holdfree special events year-round. Bass Pro Shops customers enter through a turnstile, just as they do for attractions. "We're the Disney World of outdoor stores ... a natural history museum of the area they are in, an aquarium, an art gallery with all the beautiful murals, antiques and conservation education. And oh, by the way, we do retail," said Larry Whiteley, spokesman for Bass Pro Shops. Build-A-Bear W o r k shop was one of the innovators in "experiential" mall retailing 15 years ago, having children choose and name their bears — and later other animals — as the huggable toys were put together and stuffed.


Now it is starting to roll out new designs with several new interactive experiences, including putting the stuffed animals at children's height so they can touch and play with them, and digital screens where children can add more personalized sounds and music to their stuffed toys. Five Build-A-Bear stores have been converted to the new concept, and one new store has opened. Interactive experiences are a key way American Girl sets its14 stores apart from other toy stores. "In terms of the retail environment, it's what w e've come to b e k n own for," said Stephanie Spanos, s pokeswoman fo r A m e r i can Girl. "At American Girl, it doesn't just start and end with just a purchase." The American Girl events — some free, others with a fee — create memories and build brand loyalties with its young customers. On Jan. 1, for instance, it will have interactive events to introduce its 20D Girl of the Year doll, the name a closely guarded secret until it is announced in late December. Girls will get to go on a scav-

enger hunt through the store, visiting an area for a f r ee craft and getting a gift to take home. A dozen ofthe American Girl stores have cafes where c ustomers can d i n e w i t h their dolls sitting in a "Treat Seat" with their own tiny cup and saucer. They also have little interactive Table Talkers, conversation starters that the girls can use to start discussions with their mothers and grandmothers: What's your favorite movie'? Favorite memory from childhood? Some of the Art of Shaving stores have barber spas forstraight-razor shaves and haircuts. The shop's shaving experts will t a k e c u stomers through the process for a "perfect shave." That makes a more intimate connection than if they just bought a can of shaving cream off the shelf at their local discount store. "When they can see that shaving brush in action, the rich warm lather, the sensation of the aftershave balm, the aromas of the gloves, the peppers — it lends to the interactive experience as well," said Cari White, regional director at the Art of Shaving.


THURSDAY Dec. 20 BUSINESSNETWORK INTERNATIONALDESCHUTES BUSINESSNETWORKERS CHAPTER WEEKLYMEETING: Visitors are welcome and first two visits are free; 7 a.m.; Bend Senior Center, 1600 S.E. ReedMarket Road; 541-610-9125. OPEN COMPUTERLAB: 2-3:30 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-6177080. BUSINESSNETWORK INTERNATIONALWILDFIRE CHAPTER WEEKLYMEETING: Visitors are welcome and first two visits are free; 3:30 p.m.; Bend Honda, 2225 N.E. U.S. Highway 20; 541-480-1765.

FRIDAY Dec. 21 REDMOND CHAMBER CHRISTMAS PARTY:8:30-9:30 a.m.; Redmond Senior Center, 325 N.W. Dogwood Ave.; 541-923-5191.

Central Oregon Pediatric Associateshas reopened its facility in east Bend. The facility recently was expanded and remodeled to streamline patient care, increase efficiency of the medical team, save energy and integrate a new electronic health-records system. BLRB Architects in Bend and SunWest Builders in Redmond completed the project. To learn more about COPA, call 541-389-6313 or visit www.copakids.com. Sunnyside Sports in Bend is celebrating its 40th anniversary from 6 to 9 p.m. today. The party will include a display of Central Oregon

est" contest. To learn more, visit w w w.sunnysidesports. com or visit the store at 930 N.W. Newport Ave. Full Access has received the Alfred P. Sloan Award for Excellence in Workplace Effectiveness and Flexibility. There were 25 recipients of this award, which recognizes employers' flexibility programs and practices. Full Access is a Eugene-based organization with o perations in Bend. To learn more, visit www.fullaccess.org. The Unitarian Universalist

ist Fellowship currently meets in the Old Stone Church in Bend. For more information, visit www.uufco.org. BBT Architects is pleased to announce the completion of Mt. Bachelor ski area'snewest building, the Mountain Gateway. The building is located near the West Village Lodge and will temporarily house employee lockers, but will eventually be used for administrative pur p o ses. F inal i m p r ovements a r e scheduled for next summer. The Ski and Sport building, Fellowship of Central Oregon also in the West Village, has has selected THA Architecture been renovated and now conand Kirby Nagelhout Con- solidates season pass, snow cycling and sports memo- struction Co. for its planned sports school, ski rental and rabilia, sculptures by Chris church construction in Bend. lift ticket sales in one locaCole and music by Wild Rye, The building is planned to be tion. To learn more about Quincy Street an d m o r e. a model of sustainability and BBT Architects, visit www. Guests are invited to bring community access and is ex- bbtarchitects.com. To learn gear purchased at Sunnyside pected to be complete by 2015. more about Mt. Bachelor, visit for an "oldest, coolest, funki- The localUnitarian Universal- www.mtbachelor.com.

TRUELUNURY WITH NOTHINGDUEATSIGNING Be Free To Spend On Loved Ones This HolidaySeason Because You Spend Nothing Upfront On A New Volvo.


WEDNESDAY BUSINESSNETWORK INTERNATIONALBENDCHAPTER WEEKLYMEETING:Visitors are welcome and first two visits are free; 7 a.m.; Bend Senior Center, 1600 S.E. ReedMarket Road; 541749-0789. KNOW DIGITALBOOKS: 9:30 a.m.; Sisters Public Library, 110 N. Cedar St.; 541-3 I2-1070. KNOW DIGITALDOWNLOADS:11 a.m.; La Pine Public Library,16425 First St.; 541-536-0515.

Jill Toyoshiba /Kansas City Star

Cliff Smith, left, a fudge makerat Chip's Chocolate Factory at Crown Center in Kansas City, Mo., demonstrates to potential customers how the treat is made. More retailers are offering entertainment in hopes of luring customers in the door.


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Want to Buy or Rent Wanted: $Cash paid for vintage costume jewelry. Top dollar paid for Gold/Silver.I buy by the Estate, Honest Artist Elizabeth,541-633-7006

WANTED: RAZORS, Double or singleedged, straight razors, shaving brushes, mugs 8 scuttles, strops, shaving accessories & memorabilia. Fair prices paid. Call 541 -390-7029

between 10 am-3 pm. WANT TO BUY: Trager smoker/ BBQ made in Mt. An g el , OR. 541 -536-1 572.


Holiday Bazaar & Craft Shows

HOLIDAY FAIRE New items arriving dai/y!

Now thru Dec. 16, Mon-Fri 10-2; Sat-Sun, 10-5 - 445 W. Hwy 20 (3 Wind Shopping Plaza by Btmart), tn Sisters.

Unique hand-crafted gifts: Wooden toys, bowls, cabinets, clocks, jewelry, tutus, Duck/Beaver items & much more! All profits to fund Three Sisters Lions Club charities.


A Christmas Bazaar, Dec. 8, 8 to 5 Crescent Community Center, Crescent Cut-off road. Crafts, art, and food! Come help support the Community. HOLIDAY ART SHOW Sat.-Sun. Dec. 8 & 9 10 a.m. -4 p.m.. 60121 Sweetgrass Ln. Original & affordable gifts directly from local artists-photography, watercolors, fine silver jewelry, journals 8 cards. Holiday Craft Bazaar Saf., Dec. 8, 1:30-4:30 at High Desert Assisted Living 2660 NE Mary Rose Pl. Featuring unique handcrafted items by a variety oi local artisans. Come visit us!

Cowboy Christmas Gift Show! Riverhouse, Dec. 7-8, 9am-6 pm, FREE! orcattle.com or 503-361-8941

C h a n d Ie r

u I l~ ~ t i ~ n : ~ 1 ~ 7 ~7g~ S ~ W . 205





Items for Free

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Pets & Supplies

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St. Bernard-Chesapeake Bay Retriever The Bulletin reserves mix, 2 boys, 4 girls. the right to publish all $225M, $275F, 1st ads from The Bulletin shots, dewormed. newspaper onto The Ready 12/23! Bulletin Internet web541-595-6970 site. Women's 3-spd bike, 26" Wolf-Husky Pups,$400! new chrome Bulletin whitewalls, 35 years exper. Can text The Sernng Central Oregan srncel903 fenders, gel seat, basket, pics. Call 541-977-7019 like new! $ 200 OBO. 240 Yorkie AKC pups, small, 541 -549-1 1 57 ready now! Health guar., Crafts & Hobbies shots, potty training, pixs 245 avail,$650. 541-316-0005 Rockhound EquipmentGolf Equipment grind, sand 8 People Look for Information saw, p olish. L o rtone & Clubs 8 cart, Spalding 3 About Products and Highland Park Bend. woods,5 irons, Titleist putServices Every Daythrough Info 541 280-5574 ter, $75. 541-617-1225 The Selletin Classifieds 241


Bicycles & Accessories


Guns, Hunting & Fishing

.45ACP Hi-Point pistol with laser, NIB, $229. 541 -788-6365 50 cal Thompson Renegade Muzzleloader, left hand, $250. 541-788-6102



Guns, Hunting & Fishing

Guns, Hunting 8 Fishing EGYPTIAN AK-47, Red Dot Sight, 570 rounds. SPRINGFIELD XDM


9mm with S pringer Precision, 850 rounds. Each include access ories. LIK E N E W condition. $900 each. (541 )678-5334


9mm H i-Point p i stol w/Kershaw knife 8 case, NIB, $199. 541-788-6365 advertisers may place an ad 9mm Kel-Tec P-1 1 or with our SCCY CPX2CB pis"QUICK CASH t ols, NI B , $24 9 . SPECIAL" 541 -788-6365 1 week 3 lines 12 OJ' 9mm Ruger LC9 w/La2tk sermax laser, N I B, ~2 " k Ad must $419. 541-788-6365 include price of Buy/Sell/Tradeall firelt

H & H FIREARMS Buy, Sell, Trade, Consign. Across From Pilot Butte Drive-In 541-382-9352

H&R pump shotgun, 12 ga, new in box, $175. 541-788-6365

l $ 500

H&R pump shotgun, 20 Guns, Hunting arms. Bend local pays r or less, or multiple ga, new in box, $175. & Fishing cash! 541-526-0617 Yorkie/Chihuahua items whose total 541-788-6365 tiny female, $220 Huffy Bike, use twice, CASH!! does not exceed 22LR revolvers, 4" bbl cash. 541-678-7599 For Guns, Ammo 8 l ike n e w ! $12 5 . S/S, Taurus or Char $500. Kel-tec .380 P3AT semiReloading Supplies. Yorkie mix 2 m a l es. 541-678-5605 auto pistol w/1 m ag, ter Arms, NIB, $375 541 -408-6900. Ready 1 2/1 0. $350 Call Classifieds at $200. 541-647-8931 541-788-6365 541 -385-5809 ea. 541 -977-2223 Find exactly what Colt 44 New Service, www.bendbu!Iet!n.com Mossberg Maverick 88 you are looking for in the .357 mag RossJ, lever $1500. Marlin 44mag le210 Serving Central Oregon srnce 19tB camo h ome defense, action rifle, 20" bbl, NIB, ver rifle, $625. S8 W 9 French Bulldog puppies, Furniture & Appliances CLASSIFIEDS $200. 541-647-8931 $449. 541-788-6365 mm, $400. 541-647-8931 AKC B o rn Adult companion cats adorable 10/18. Great C hristFREE to seniors, dis- mas present! Please A1 Washersa Dryers abled 8 veterans! Tame, call 541-410-1299 $150 ea. Full waraltered, shots, ID chip, P O INTER, ranty. Free Del. Also more. Will always take GRIFFON wanted, used W/D's back if c ircumstances g ood h unter, n e u 541-280-7355 change. 389-8420. Visit tered male, 5 yrs. old. Sat/ Sun 1-5. Photos, $250. 541 -389-0268. info: www.craftcats.org. Kittens/cats avail. thru rescue group. Tame, Aussie Mini/Toy AKC, shots, altered, ID chip, all colors, starting at more. Sat/Sun 1-5, call $250. Parents on site. The Bulletin Clasre: other days. 65480 Call Call 541-598-5314, sifieds today and have 7 8th, B e n d . Cal l 541-788-7799 541-389-8420 or this attention getter in your classified ad. Barn/shop cats FREE 541-598-5488; Info at 541-385-5809. some tame, some not www.craftcats.org. We d e liver! F i xed Lab Pups AKC, black C omputer desk, L shots. 541-389-8420 8 y ellow, Mas t e r shaped, call for details, Border Collie/New Zeal- Hunter sired, perfor- $50. 541-633-7017 bella CLI-ET.E ... na and Huntaways, male mance pedigree, OFA Couch, Stanton, tan, cert hips 8 e l bows, 84" wide, great cond, pup. Wonderful dog, Call 541-771-2330 working parents, $250. www.kinnamanretrieverg.com $200. 541 -389-7968 541-546-6171 SOME exC Labradoodles - Mini & GENERATE your med size, several colors citement i n I ALL PHASES neighborhood! Plan a 541 -504-2662 C ONCR E T E www.alpen-ridge.com garage sale and don't forget to advertise in • Flatwork Labrador, 4-yr old AKC classified! • Foundation y ellow intact m a l e , 541 -385-5809. -•'' reat d uc k h u nter, W e Ca n H e l p ! Boxer Pups, AKC / CKC, • Stamped 1000. 541-388-5050 Headboard queen size, 1st shots, very social • Pressure washer wood, great c o n d, $700. 541-325-3376 $25. 541-389-7968 Cairn Terrier Stud M attress se t : t w i n wanted for Cairn-Poo poster head/footboard, Seal your concrete fo litter in Bend. $100 or dresser wit h m i rror, P pick of the litter. Must be protect against the Service nice! Reduced to $300. available between harsh winter elements! Manx/Scottish Fold cats. 541-549-2253 12/7-12/12. NicoleI have a long tail male, 541.788.3894 54 1 -350-61 20 b/w for $25; I have a F Microwave/over-range fan, Maytag, white, Chihuahuas min. 1 M, Scottish Fold and a M hood 1 F, 82 /2wks, $ 300 Fold with a half tail for $40. 541-633-7017 2 • a each. 541-279-5859 $100.These cats are NEED TO CANCEL about 5 months old YOUR AD? and have been inThe Bulletin C doors only. Litter box Classifieds has an 's>4'~~M~M~ 9 trained and very lovt "After Hours"Line 9 • 9 ing. 541 -81 5-1 629 text n Call 541-383-2371 2 Taste of the Wild 99 or leave message. 24 hrs. to cancel s 2 DOG FOOD 38 5 0 Ls . your ad! I Chihuahuas, multi-col ors, 1 st shots/dewormed Oak dining table with M ore Pi x a t B e n d b u l e ti n . c o m $250. 541-977-4686 leaf & 4 oak chairs, 3" O F F AII Flavers Maremma Guard Dog $75. 541-633-7017 Dachshunds Choc. pups, purebred, great Blue Buffalo mini long-haired pup- dogs, $300 e a ch,Queen bookcase headRE-ROOFSPECIAllSTSI pies. AKC. M$500, F 541-546-61 71 . board. Dark w o od, DOG FOOD $600. 541-598-7417. Roof Repairs, mirror, very nice. $85. qg

The Bulletin

Need to get an ad in ASAP? You can place it Items for Free online at: Cat 8 kit t ens aban- www.bendbulletin.com doned, w i l d but healthy. to good home 541 -385-5809 541 -548-871 8

0W I8'S '...




", Art's


Newfoundland Pup- 541 -475-3889 pies, purebred black & Landseer puppies ready Upright freezer, 13.7

to go home in Feb. Born cu.ft., exc. cond. inNov 29th, $900-$1 1 00. d oor only, 5 yr s . Call Jill to come pick out $1 50. 541 -550-0994 your puppy. $300 deposit. 541-279-6344 The Bulletin Pomeranian - Happy, recommends extra • healthy, ou t g oing,l caution when pursmart pup, $300. Call chasing products or • BEND'S HOMELESS NEED OUR HELP! o r text a f te r 9 a m , services from out of I The cold weather is upon us and sadly there are Becca, 541-279-4838 I the area. Sending I still over 2,000 folks in our community without POODLE PUPS, AKC l cash, checks, or ' permanent shelter, living in cars, makeshift i n f o rmation toys. Small, friendly, 8 l credit may be subjected to camps, getting by as best they can. loving! 541-475-3889 The following items are badly needed to l FRAUD. For more Queensland Heeler help them get through the winter: information about an I puppies 6 wks, 1st advertiser, you may I @ CAMPING GEARof any sort: @ shots, wormed. $200 I call t h e Ore g onI New or used tents, sleeping bags, tarps, blankets ea. Just in time for • State A ttorn ey• S WARM CLOTHING: Rain Gear, Boots, Gloves Christmas! l General's O f f i c e 541 -639-7282 PLEASE DROP OFF YOUR DONATIONS AT Consumer P rotec- • THE BEND COMMUNITY CENTER t ion ho t l in e at I Queensland Heelers 1036 NE 5thSt.,Bend, Mon.-Sat.9 a.m.-5 p.m. standard & mini,$150 & l 1-877-877-9392. up. 541-280-1537 or For Special pick up please call Ken @ 541-389-3296 http://rightwayranch. PLEASEHELP, YOU CAN MAKEA DIFFERENCE. wordpress.com




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Contact your Bulletin Advertising Regresentative for more information or Nena Close: 54I -383-0395 • email: nclose@wescompapers.com Tonya MCKiernan: 54I -6I7-7865 • email: tmckiernan@wescompapers.com



wwgbgndbglletig.tom The

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541 e385-5809


Edited by Will Shortz ACROSS 1 & 10 "Down, boy!"

41 Like many batters

DOWN 1 "1st and 10"

42 Neighbor of Lat. 15 Something that's 43 Place to get hardly fitting? clean 16 High-culture 44 leg s work 45 Western 17 Crush, say phenomena 18 Drive home 47 Barrio kinsman 19 Grp. organizing 48 Very short note booster shots 50 Bogus 20 Like some 52 1990s girlgroup sweaters member with a 22 Very insignificant tongue piercing 24 Have legs 56 dix i t 25 Leather variety 60 Voiced 28 Piranhas admiration 31 No-goodnik 61 They're measured in 34 Model quality 55-Downs 36 "Paint the Sky With Stars" 63 Astrologer Dixon singer 64 Be extremely 37 "Written in the conspicuous Stars" musical 65 & 66 Like water that's behind 38 Battle of good versus evil, e.g. you?




S O X S A 5 E L R O N I L A D G E














Guns, Hunting & Fishing











airer 2 44-Across shade 3 Doesn't merely snack 4 Lecture, say





5 Whirl


6 Capital along


Interstate 1 5 7 It forms a strong

bond 8 Topic de Freud 9 Hungarian city that has hosted two World Puzzle Championships 10 "This Boy's Life" author Wolff 11 "Not for me"

12 Not make a mistake on something 13 Land o' blarney 14 Was like a bell 21 Like a bell 23 Drink brand with a polar bear mascot 25 Equipment for pentathletes 26 Eraser head? 27 1962 film starring Elvis Presley as a boxer 29 R&D locales: Abbr. 30 In droves 32 Estes was his 1956 running mate



22 26



















Monday • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • u 5:00 pm Friu

Tuesday•••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Noon Mons Wednesday •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • u Noon Tuesu



50 54









23 28







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Thursday • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Noon Wed. Fr i d ay. . . .. . • • • • • • . • • • • • • . • • Noon Thurs. Saturday Real Estate.. . . . . . . . . . 1 1 :00 am Fri. Saturday • • • •. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3: 0 0 pm FrI • Sunday. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 5$00 Pm FrI •


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Puzzle by Derek Bowman

33 Once-faddish aerobics regimen 35 Apt to artifice 37 It's aiways

increasing 39 Turns sharply 40 Constellation animal 45 Tom of


46 What's used for site-seeing? 49 The "you" in the lyric "I'll see you in my dreams" 51 Heat source? 52 Korean liquor similar to sake 53 Either director of 2010's "True Grit"

54 Nudge alternative

55 See 61-Across

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Art, Jewelry & Furs

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Misc. Items


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Fuel 8 Wood

Lost 8 Found


Employment Opportunities

• Hay, Grain & Feed

The Bulletin Offers FOUND gold wedding Looking for your WHEN BUYING Free Private Party Ads bank in North Raginq Judge Magnum 2ct Euro-cut diamond Administrative • 3 lines - 3 days FIREWOOD... Albertson's p a r king next employee? S/S w/holster & ammo, men's ring, serious only, Klamath County F i re Place a Bulletin • Private Party Only lot. C a l l to ID $850/obo. Bond Arms $12,000 obo. District No. 1 has a To avoid fraud, • Total of items adver541-693-4063. help wanted ad derringer, .45LC & .410 541-788-5343 career e m ployment The Bulletin tised must equal $200 today and S/S, w/holster, $475. opportunity fo r an recommends payF ound m a n' s pl a i n 541-383-3029 M ikimoto 22 " Pe a r l Piano, SteinwayModel or Less reach over Administrative Assisment for Firewood t-shirt on 33rd near Necklace, $999 OBO. 0 Baby Grand 1911, 0 t t t d g th 421 60,000 readers tant II / Lead Ambuonly upon delivery Ruger LC9 (9mm) laser. Cash, 503-338-9945 Umatilla, Redmond on gorgeous, artist qual- • 3-ad limit for s a m e each week. Schools & Training lance Billing Specialinspection. Purchased new two the Nov. 28t h. ity instrument w/great item advertised within • and Your classified ad A cord is 128 cu. ft. i st. T he hour l y months ago, n e ver 541-923-6908. 253 action & S teinway's 3 months 4' x 4' x 8' will also A IRLINES ARE H I Rc ompensation r a t e shot. Box of ammo. TV, Stereo & Video warm, rich sound. Will Call 541-385-5809 ING Train for hands • Receipts should appear on range i s $14 . 7 0R EMEMBER: If you $400. 541-404-2826. adorn any living room, Fax 541-385-5802 on Aviation Mainte- $18 99 per hour with a include name, bendbulletin.com have lost an animal, church or music stuRuger Vaquero 44 mag, D VD/CD A M /F M H T , don't forget to check nance Career. FAA generous ben e f it phone, price and which currently Flatware, 65stainless, 7yz" brl, new. Samsung Red TOC sys dio perfectly. New re- Vermeil approved p r ogram. package For a com kind of wood purThe Humane Society receives over piece service for 10, tail $ 6 9 ,000. Sacri$200 541-280-3493 $495. 541-815-4901. Financial aid if qualipiete Iob descnption chased. in Bend 541-382-3537 1.5 million page $350. 541-330-8177 fice at $26,000 OBO, fied - Housing avail- and application, visit • Firewood ads Redmond, views every Wanted: Collector Speakers, Creative 6.1 call 541-383-3150. www.kcfd1.com. ApWanted- paying cash MUST include speable. Call Aviation In541-923-0882 month at no seeks high quality Megaworks 650 700w Yamaha P-140 stitute of plications due D e c. E e l c for Hi-fi audio & stucies and cost per Prineville, fishing items. extra cost. $120 541-280-3493 tronic piano. Features: 8 dio equip. Mclntosh, cord to better serve Maintenance. 1 4, 2012 b y 1 2 0 0 541-447-7178; Call 541-678-5753, or Bulletin voices, reverb, effects, J BL, Marantz, D y 1-877-804-5293. our customers. p.m.(noon). OR Craft Cats, 503-351-2746 255 Classifieds adjustable key t o u ch naco, Heathkit, San(PNDC) 541-389-8420. Get Results! Computers sensitivity, record and sui, Carver, NAD, etc. The Bulletin ATTEND COL L E GE Automotive Call 541-385-5809 playback, 2 headphone Call 541-261-1808 275 Sporting Goods ONLINE 100%. Servlce & Parts T HE B U LLETIN r e - jacks and midi in-out or place your ad Auction Sales *Medical, *Business, - Misc. quires computer ad- ports. Includes music 261 on-line at advlsor needed 1 cord dry, split Juniper, *Criminal Justice, vertisers with multiple stand, owner's manual, Medical Equipment bendbulletin.com $200/cord. Multi-cord PUBLIC AUCTION *Hospitality, *Web. We are looking for Atlas 833 snowshoes ad schedules or those sustain p e da l and discounts, 8 1/2cords The Estate of Mike Job placement assisan energetic, exused twice, now 1/zprice selling multiple sys- matching bench. Ebony Medical Alert for Seavailable. Immediate Where can you find a stain, excellent condition. Konovalov, Carson tance. Comp u ter tems/ software, to dis$62.50 541-549-6036 perienced parts 8 delivery! 541-408-6193 niors 24/7 monitorPaving, Douglas $700 (541) 593-2828. helping hand? available. F i nancial close the name of the service advisor. ing. FREE Equipment. Snow boots, A ltimate business or the term County and More! Aid if qual i fied. Versality and exFrom contractors to FREE Shipping. Na- All Year Dependable Black Hawk, sz 11, new "dealer" in their ads. SCHEV a u thorized. Sunday, Dec. 9, at10 tionwide Ser v i ce.Firewood: Sp lit, Del. yard care, it's all here $130, 541-280-3493 Misc. Items Call 866 - 688-7078 cellent customer Private party advertis- • a.m., 121 Deady Lod g epole, $29.95/Month CALL Bend. service skills are a Crossing in Sutherlin. in The Bulletin's www.CenturaOnline.c ers are defined as Pine: 1 for $180 or 2 Snow boots, new Altimust! 5-piece brass fireplace Medical Guardian To- for $350. Cash, Check om (PNDC) those who sell one Heavy equip., trac"Call A Service mate Escape II, sz11 day 8 8 8 -842-0760. or Credit Card OK. tools. $12. computer. tors, trucks, trailers, $115. 541-280-3493 (PNDC) 541-678-5605 Professional" Directory Sendresume tor 541-420-3484. Just too many farm equip., guns, PO Box 6676 9-piece quilted comvehicles, automotive collectibles? DRY JUNIPER $185/ Bend OR 97708 forter floral, $50. shop, and more! Building Materials Horses & Equipment split, or $165 rounds 541-678-5605 For details see Sell them in per cord. Delivered. www.1-5auctions.com Caregiver —All Shifts ACME Supreme MADRAS Habitat Call 541-977-4500 or A BIT LESS The Bulletin Classifieds avail. Apply in person. Juicerator, good cond, RESTORE 541-678-1590 EquineConsignment Good classified ads tell Interviews this week. $35. 541-383-3918 Building Supply Resale Holiday shopping for all the essential facts in an Apply in person at Quality at 269 541-385-5809 your good quality Black metal 3 - tiered 1099 NE Watt Way, interesting Manner. Write LOW PRICES basket stand, 50" tall, Gardening Supplies from the readers view - not gently used horse and Bend. 84 SW K St. rider needs at TRUCK SCHOOL $25. 541-389-7968 8 Equipment the seller's. Convert the 541 -475-9722 offerable prices. www.llTR.net 286 Bluetooth hea d s et, Open to the public. facts into benefits. Show Open Tues.- Fri. 10-5, TURN THE PAGE Redmond Campus Estate Sales Sales Northeast Bend Motorola H670, $30. the reader how the item will Sat. 10-5. Windy Knolls, Student Loans/Job For More Ads BarkTurfSoil.com 541-280-3498 Check out the help them in someway. Off Hwy 20, Waiting Toll Free The Bulletin ESTATE SALE classifieds online This behind LaZBoy, Bread Maker, Zojirushi, 1-888-387-9252 pictures, kitchen items, ** FREE ** D E LIVERY advertising tip Call 425-323-3262 d eluxe, n ea r n e w , www.bendbufletin.com PROMPT 54X-389-9663 furniture, tools, colGarage Sale Kit FB A Bit Less $100. 541-383-3918 brought to youby Updated daily lectibles, pool table Place an ad in The Buying Diamonds and much more. The Bulletin Bulletin for your gaPrineville Habitat Have Gravel, will Travel! Fri. Sat. Sun. 9-4, /Gold for Cash Ad Services Admin Cinders, topsoil, fill mate• Farmers Column rage sale and reReStore The Bulletin is seeking an individual to play a 4 NE 13th St., Bend. Saxon's Fine Jewelers Building Supply Resale rial, etc. Excavation & ceive a Garage Sale vital role on the Ad Services team. The Ad Ser541-389-6655 septicsystems. Abbas 1 OX20 STORAGE Look What I Found! Kit FREE! 1427 NW Murphy Ct. vices Admin position is 32 hours per week and Construction CCB¹78840 You'll find a little bit of 541-447-6934 BUILDINGS BUYING is eligible for benefits. An Ad Services Admin Calff541 -548-6812 KIT INCLUDES: for protecting hay, everything in Open to the public. Lionel/American Flyer works closely with others on the Ad Services • 4 Garage Sale Signs firewood, livestock The Bulletin's daily trains, accessories. team to coordinate and track ads though our • $2.00 Off Coupon To 541-408-2191. etc. $1496 Installed. For newspaper garage and yard sale production system. At times taking corrections Use Toward Your 541-617-1133. delivery, call the section. From clothes Heating & Stoves • BUYING & S ELLING from customers via phone, faxing ads to cusNext Ad CCB ¹173684. Circulation Dept. at to collectibles, from tomers, and ensuring all corrections have been • 10 Tips For "Garage All gold jewelry, silver 541-385-5800 kfjbuilders©ykwc.net housewares to hardand gold coins, bars, Heritage Bay n a tural made prior to printing. In addition, this position Sale Success!" To place an ad, call ware, classified is rounds, wedding sets, gas fireplace insert, Wanted: Irrigated farm will include training for a path to page compos541-385-5809 always the first stop for class rings, sterling sil- 4 0,000Btu/HR, e x c . ground, under pivot ir- ing responsibilities. The ideal candidate will be cost-conscious or email 308 PICK UP YOUR ver, coin collect, vin- cond., Can convert to classifiedobendbulleun.com rigation, i n C e n tral computer literate, have outstanding customer consumers. And if GARAGE SALE KIT at tage watches, dental propane, $500. Farm Equipment OR. 541-419-2713 service skills, above average grammar skills, you're planning your 1777 SW Chandler gold. Bill Fl e ming, 541-728-1123. the ability to multi-task and a desire to work at a The Bulletin 8 Machinery own garage or yard 541-382-9419. Ser wg Central Oreahh t hte l903 Ave., Bend, OR 97702 successful company. Garage Sales NOTICE TO sale, look to the clasADVERTISER sifieds to bring in the The Bulletin To apply,submit a resume by Tuesday, DeSUPER TOP SOIL Garage Sales Since September 29, www.herahe buyers. You won't find cember 11th, with qualifications, skills, experiaoilandbark.com 1991, advertising for Screened, soil 8 coma better place ence and a past employment history to The Garage Sales used woodstoves has post for bargains! Bulletin, attention: James Baisinger, PO Box m i x ed , no Call The Bulletin ClasBULLETIN CLASSIFIEDS been limited to modCall Classifieds: 6020, Bend,OR 97708-6020. Pre-employment High huFind them sifieds today and have els which have been rocks/clods. 541-385-5809 or Search the area's most drug screening is required prior to hiring. The mus level, exc. f or Maschio 7-ft rotary tiller, this attention getter in in comprehensive listing of c ertified by the O r - flower beds, lawns, virtually new, less than 5 Bulletin is an equal opportunity employer. email your classified ad. classifiedObendbulletin.com egon Department of classified advertising... gardens, straight hrs. $7500 new; asking The Bulletin 541-385-5809. real estate to automotive, Environmental QualSaturday only, 10-4 - any s creened to p s o i l .$5000. 541-421-3222 Classifieds weather! Oil paintings Ig merchandise to sporting Eelskin high skin size ity (DEQ) and the fed- Bark. Clean fill. Degoods. Bulletin Classifieds eral En v i ronmental BB used once. $25. 325 & sml, sml wood dining liver/you haul. 541-385-5809 Protection Ag e n cy 541-548-3949. appear every day in the 541-678-5605 set, bdrm set, portable Hay, Grain & Feed print or on line. (EPA) as having met hair wash chair 8 basin, Eight piece cookware smoke emission stanwheelchair 8 ramp, 270 Call 541-385-5809 Wanted: Irrigated farm Independent Contractor set, $35. dards. A cer t i fied walker, cedar chest, www.bendbulletin.com Lost & Found 541-678-5605 ground, under pivot irw oodstove may b e lamps, chairs, Indian riqation, i n C e n tral pots, LOTS more. 741 Fitz & F l oyd d ishes, identified by its certifi- Found Border Collie mix OR. 541-419-2713 The Bulletin 1ervthg Ce tral Owgoh twte 1903 NE Ute Ct., Redmond. "Gold Mandarin Crest" cation label, which is 1-yr old (?) male on HillCan take credit cards. service for 8, + e xtra permanently attached top of Juniper Canyon. Wheat Straw: Certified 8 ONE MORE SUPER serving pieces, $500. to the stove. The Bul- 541-447-9866 Bedding Straw 8 Garden 284 541-330-8177 letin will no t k nowSALE! Sat., 9-1 Straw;Compost.546-6171 Sales Southwest Bend New Christmas items, ingly accept advertis- Found Cat, young longGENERATE SOME sheet music/magazines, i ng for the s ale of haired Siamese, vi- Wheat Straw in shed, EXCITEMENT Christmas Light/ + miscellaneous. uncertified cinity 1st/Greenwood, $2 bale. After 6 p.m. IN YOUR Garage Sale! 2556 NE Lynda Ln. 541-546-9821 Culver. woodstoves. 11/25. 541-389-1740 NEIGBORHOOD. Chasers. Clothes, ++++++++++++++++++ Plan a garage sale and shoes, knick-knacks. Just bought a new boat? don't forget to adverSwap meet between Sell your old one in the tise in classified! Grocery Outlet and classifieds! Ask about our 541-385-5809. RiteAid, south off of I II I 'I I I Super Seller rates! 1 I 1 ' l t l l l 1 Wilson and 3rd. Sat541-385-5809 GET FREE OF CREDIT urday, Dec. Sand 15. CARD DEBT N OW! Cut payments by up HUGE ESTATE SALE Broyhill bedroom set, queen poster bed 8 Tem- to half. Stop creditors calling. purpedic mattress, quality living room furn, oak from Make yourad We are looking for independent contractors to dining set, lots quality kitchen, 100's books/ 866-775-9621. service home delivery routes in: dvds/cds. 10 Xmas trees, totes full of Hallmark (PNDC) stand out and ornaments & Dickens Village, lots of holiday, Highspeed Internet EVSpode "Italian" dishes, lamps, art 8 decor of all ERYWHERE By SatIet greater 0 h ; »,„„„ „ Cadnjac CTS kinds, Pfaff sewing machine & surger, loads of ellite! Speeds up to craft /office/ sewing. COLLECTOR'S DREAM 12mbps! (200x faster response! Con ANTIQUES include: Brass bed, roll top desk, 2 than dial-up.) Starting Ready 1 thePpfes! uto eXC. Y or Hoilsmall desks, collection of old kitchenware, tin at $49.95/mo. CALL Must be available 7 days a week, early morning hours. fiays I F dition, lrst shpf> ware & tole, enamelware, crocks, lots of primi- NOW & G O F AST! Must have reliable, insured vehicle. $25Piea 000tives & yard art, oil lamps, Heisey, wooden 1-888-718-2162. $17,900 -000' ware, old tools & fishing, fridge, Whirlpool Duet (PNDC) 0000 000-000-0000. W/D set, large house 8 triple garage packed to Please call 541.385.5800 or 800.503.3933 gills! Fri., Sat., 8 SUN. 9-4. Numbers issued Men's Pendleton wool during business hours fingertip-length top coat, FRI. 7 a.m. GARAGE OPENS FRI. 8 a.m. apply via email at online©bendbulletin.com size 42. $150 new; sell 2168 Sterling Avenue, in Redmond, ttwwdtetulbullt tiu.nom $50 cash. 541-382-1867 off 19th and Maple. Call The Bulletin ClaSSifielI DeParlmenIat Attic Estates & Appraisals New mens' boots, 3 pr 91/2EE 91/2E $50 ea. www.atticestatesandappraisals.com 541-385-5809 or541-382-1811 for ratestodaV! 541-350-6822 541-678-5605


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Employment Opportunities


r.=.-"-,.— .a

City of Klamath Falls Marketing and Donor Journeyman RelationsSpecialist Maintenance Worker for Healthy Beginnings HVAC Certified with High Desert Educhasing products or I Primarily r e sponsibili- cation Service District; services from out of ties are to maintain, 3 0 h r s/week a n d I the area. Sending troubleshoot and rep ro-rated bene f it c ash, checks, o r pair city heating and package, starting pay c ooling syst e ms no less than PINE GRADERS I credit i n f o rmation I may be subjected to equipment, typically $14.12/hr. Seeking Certified FRAUD. HVAC "hot", "cold" or Responsibilities: Lead Pine Gradersfor our For more informaindoor air quality re- organization in develGilchrist Location. tion about an adverports. Also required to oping a n d im p l ePlease apply to I tiser, you may call help with other main- menting a s u s tain- debb.kraft@interfor.com the Oregon S tate tenance division duable fund - raising by 12/31/2012. Interties. Appl i cation model with measur- for offers a competi- I Attorney General's Office Co n s umert tiye salary and benpackets and full job able outcomes. Protection hotline at I d escription ca n b e Q ualifications: B a c h - efits package. We the inter- I 1-877-877-9392. obtained from HR by elors degree in busi- appreciate calling 541.883.5317 ness Administration, est of all applicants, however, only LThe Bulletin or on the City's web- c ommunications o r selected for anthose site a t w w w .ci.kla- related f i eld, s o l id v iew will b e interc o nmath-falls.or.us/jobs. c ommunication a n d All applicants Looking for your next Position is open until presentation s k i lls, tacted. offered a p o sition employee? filled, with the first re- grant writing and remust s u ccessfully Place a Bulletin help view of a pplications porting e x perience, complete a pre-emwanted ad today and o n D ecember 2 0 , ability to work as part ployment drug test. reach over 60,000 2012. Salary of a team or indepenEqual Opportunity readers each week. $3854.80/mo. EOE dently, organizational Employer Your classified ad skills, ability to work will also appear on with DonorPerfect or bendbulletin.com DO YOU NEED comparable database Need help fixing stuff? which currently A GREAT software, M i c rosoftCall A Service Professional receives over 1.5 EMPLOYEE Office and other Win- find the help you need. million page views RIGHT NOW? dows-based software, www.bendbulletin.com every month at Call The Bulletin willingness to work a no extra cost. before 11 a.m. and flexible schedule, in- Remember.... Bulletin Classifieds get an ad in to pubcluding evenings and A dd your web a d Get Results! dress to your ad and lish the next day! weekends. Call 385-5809 For job details, contact readers on The 541-385-5809. or place Holly Remer, hollyre- Bulletin' s web site VIEW the your ad on-line at mer@hdesd.org. For Classifieds at: will be able to click bendbulletin.com www.bendbulletin.com application c o n tact through automatically www.hdesd.org or to your site.






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away. Hire a professional out of The Bulletin's "Call A Service Professional" Directory today!

Take care of your investments with the help from TERMINIX The Bulletin's Service "Call A Service Technician Competitive pay, medi- Professional" Directory cal 8 retirement program. Must h a v e:SALES clean driving record; Growing dealership seekability to pass drug ing salespeople looking test, back g round for a performance-based check, and state pay p l an, p o tential censing exams. Will commissions of up to train right candidate. 35% equaling $100,000 Drop off resume or plus, Retirement Plan, Paid Vacation, and a pickup application at med i cal 40 SE Bridgeford Blvd, competitive benefit package. LookBend. 541-382-8252 ing for a team player with a positive attitude, to operate with energy Look at: and to be customer serBendhomes.com vice oriented. Will profor Complete Listings of vide training. Area Real Estate for Sale Send resume' to: bcrvhire@ mail.com


I 605 745 I Roommate Wanted • Sn o wmobiles Homes for Sale I Sharecozy mobile home OWNED HOMES! I in Terrebonne, $275+ yg BANK FREE List w/Pics! utils. 503-679-7496 www.BendRepos.com Arctic Cat (2) 2005 F7 I bend and beyond real estate 20967 yeoman, bend or Firecats: EFI SnowI Rooms630for Rent pro 8 EFI EXT, exlnt cond, $3700 ea; I Studios & Kitchenettes All real NOTICE $7000 both. estate adver-


TiCk, TOCk TiCk, TOCk...






Furnished room, TV w/ cable, micro & fridge. Utils & l inens. New owners. $145-$165/wk 541-382-1885 634

Apt./Multiplex NE Bend 8 GREATWINTER 8

DEAL! 2 bdrm, 1 bath, $530 & $540 w/lease. Carports included! FOX HOLLOW APTS.

(541) 383-31 52

Cascade Rental Management. Co. Call for Specials! Limited numbers avail. 1, 2 and 3 bdrms. W/D hookups, patios or decks. MOUNTAIN GLEN, 541-383-9313 Professionally managed by Norris & Stevens, Inc. 636

Apt./Multiplex NW Bend




Loans & Mortgages

LIVE ON THE RIVER WALK DOWNTOWN 1 bdrm. apt. fully furnished in fine 50s style. 1546 NW 1st St., $800+ $700 dep. Nice pets

Boats & Accessories

Used out-drive parts - Mercury OMC rebuilt marine motors: 151 $1595; 3.0 $1895; 4.3 (1993), $1995. 541-389-0435

Trav e l Trailers

Springdale 2005 27', 4' slide in dining/living area, sleeps 6, low mi,$15,000 obo. 541-408-3811



2007 SeaDoo 2004 Waverunner, excellent condition, LOW hours. Double trailer, lots of extras. $10,000 541-719-8444


Springdale 29' 2 0 07, slide,Bunkhouse style, 541-410-2186 tised here in is subsleeps 7-8, excellent ject to t h e F e deral condition $ 1 6 900 F air H o using A c t , 541-390-2504 which makes it illegal Ads published in aWato advertise any prefWhat are you tercraft" include: Kayerence, limitation or Snowmobile trailer aks, rafts and motorlooking for? discrimination based 2002, 25-ft InterIzed personal on race, color, relistate & 3 sleds, You'll find it in watercrafts. For gion, sex, handicap, $10,900. "boats" please see The Bulletin Classifieds familial status or na541-480-8009 Class 870. tional origin, or inten541-385-5809 tion to make any such 541-385-5809 preferences, l i m ita- FIND IT! tions or discrimination. BUY IT! Itfr ng~ nrnal onegan~ m l We will not knowingly SELL IT! accept any advertis- The Bulletin Classifieds ing for r ea l e state Motorhomes • which is in violation of Snowmobile trailer fits this law. All persons t wo sleds o r tw o are hereby informed 4-wheelers, has new Sprinter 272RLS, 2009 bearings, tires, hitch, that all dwellings ad29', weatherized, like vertised are available and complete re-wire. n ew, f u rnished & on an equal opportu- $800. 541-382-3409 ready to go, incl Winenity basis. The Bulle- YAMAHA 500 VMAX, ard S a t ellite dish, tin Classified 2043 mi, 1e7g" track, Country Coach Intrigue 26,995. 541-420-9964 $1500. 541-419-2268 2002, 40' Tag axle. 400hp Cummins DieFOR SALE 860 sel. two slide-outs. !it I,.~>i I I I Motorcycles 8 Accessories 41,000 miles, new When buying a home, tires & batteries. Most 83% of Central A erostich Kane t s u options.$95,000 OBO Oregonians turn to Weekend Warrior Toy 541-678-5712 e lectric vest, n e w , Hauler 28' 2007,Gen, $200. 541-280-3493 een ng Cenrrai Oregon ancergaa fuel station, exc cond. OO ~ CRAMPED FOR sleeps 8, black/gray Call 541-385-5809 to M ore P i x a t B e n d b u l e ti n , ( , o m i nterior, u se d 3X , CASH? place your Q $24,999. Use classified to sell Real Estate ad. 541-389-9188 those items you no


The Bulletin

The Bulletin

longer need.


Call 541-385-5809

Redmond Homes

gThe Bulletin

Looking for your next employee? Place a Bulletin help Small studio close to liEconoline R V 1989, wanted ad today and Gorgeous home & mends you use caubrary, all util. pd. $550, landscaping, large lot, Harley Davidson Soft- fully loaded, exc. cond, Information Technology reach over 60,000 tion when you pro$525 dep. No pets/ R e duced readers each week. 3 car garage. 2 Bdrm Tail De luxe 2 0 0 7, 35K m i. , Looking for an vide personal smoking. 541-330$17,950. 541-546-6133 w/den, 1758 sq.ft. white/cobalt, w / pasYour classified ad IT Manager information to compa- 9769 or 541-480-7870 $199,900. Call senger kit, Vance 8 will also appear on to oversee and mannies offering loans or Virginia at RE/MAX CAN'T BEAT THIS! Hines muffler system bendbulletin.com age hardware & soft648 credit, especially 541-350-3418 & kit, 1045 mi., exc. Look before you which currently reware systems for a KlaHouses for those asking for adc ond, $19,9 9 9 , buy, below market ceives over 1.5 milmath Falls company. vance loan fees or Rent General 541-389-9188. value! Size & mileRelated Bachelors delion page views evLooking for your next companies from out of age DOES matter! gree or ten years expeery month at no emp/oyee? state. If you have Harley Heritage PUBLISHER'S Class A 32' Hurririence required. Send extra cost. Bulletin Place a Bulletin help Softail, 2003 concerns or quesNOTICE cane by Four Winds, resume or request a full Classifieds Get Retions, we suggest you All real estate adver- wanted ad today and $5,000+ in extras, 2007. 12,500 mi, all job description to sults! Call 385-5809 reach over 60,000 $2000 paint job, consult your attorney tising in this newspaamenities, Ford V10, careers© or place your ad readers each week. 30K mi. 1 owner, or call CONSUMER Ithr, cherry, slides, sim lexit health.com per is subject to the on-line at Your classified ad For more information HOTLINE, like new! New low F air H o using A c t bendbulletin com please call will also appear on 1-877-877-9392. Press Supervisor price, $54,900. which makes it illegal Call The Bulletin At 541-385-8090 bendbulletin.com 541-548-5216 The Bulletin is seeking a night time press su"any to a d v ertise 541-385-5809 TURNED YOU or 209-605-5537 which currently repervisor. We are part of Western Communica- BANK DOWN? Private party preference, limitation Place Your Ad Or E-Mail ceives over tions, Inc., which is a small, family-owned group or disc r imination HD Screaming Eagle G ulfstream Fifth Wheels Sce n i c will loan on real es1.5 million page At: www.bendbulletin.com consisting of seven newspapers, five in Oregon based on race, color, Electra Glide 2005, Cruiser 36 ft. 1999, tate equity. Credit, no views every month n and two in California. Our ideal candidate will 103 motor, two tone Cummins 330 hp dieproblem, good equity religion, sex, handiat no extra cost. manage a small crew of three and must be able candy teal, new tires, sel, 42K, 1 owner, 13 is all you need. Call cap, familial status, Bulletin Classifieds to learn our equipment/processes quickly. A 23K miles, CD player, in. kitchen slide out, now. Oregon Land marital status or nahands-on style is a requirement for our 3 i/g Get Results! tional origin, or an inhydraulic clutch, exnew tires, under cover, Mortgage 388-4200. Call 385-5809 or tower KBA press. Prior management/leadertention to make any cellent condition. hwy. miles only,4 door ship experience preferred. In addition to our E ver Consider a R e place your ad on-line such pre f e rence, Highest offer takes it. fridge/freezer ice 7-day a week newspaper, we have numerous at verse Mortgage? At limitation or discrimi541-480-8080. maker, W/D combo, Carri-Lite Luxury 2009 INTERFOR commercial print clients as well. In addition to a bendbulletin.com by Carriage, 4 slideleast 62 years old? nation." Familial staInterbath t ub & competitive wage and benefit program, we also Nelson-Riggs TRI-1000 shower, 50 amp proouts, inverter, satelStay in your home & tus includes children provide potential opportunity for advancement. Triple tank bag, $130. Job Openings increase cash f low! under the age of 18 pane gen & m o re! lite sys, fireplace, 2 773 If you provide dependability combined with a 541-280-3493 Gilchrist, OR flat screen TVs. Safe & Effective! Call living with parents or $55,000. positive attitude, are able to manage people and Acreages $60,000. Now for your FREE 541-948-2310 legal cus t o dians, schedules and are a team player, we would like • Sawmill Superintendent 541-480-3923 DVD! C a l l Now pregnant women, and to hear from you. If you seek a stable work enSoftail Deluxe • Sawmill Supervisor OWNER 20.6 acres 888-785-5938. people securing cus- BY vironment that provides a great place to live and 2010, 805 miles, CHECK YOUR AD • Maintenance river in Redmond, (PNDC) tody of children under on Superintendent raise a family, let us hear from you. Contact eiBlack Chameleon. on 83rd St. owner will 18. This newspaper • Kiln Supervisor ther; Keith Foutz, Corporate Circulation & OpHunter's Delight! Pack$5 9 5 ,000. $17,000 n will not knowingly ac- finance. erations Director at kfoutzOwescompapers.com Say ngoodbuy age deal! 1988 Win541-421-3222. CallDon O cept any advertising View openings & or anelson Owescompapers.com with your nebago Super Chief, to that unused 541-410-3823 for real estate which is apply online at complete resume, references and s a lary 3 8K m i l es , gr e a t www.interfor.com/careers in violation of the law. CHECK YOUR AD history/requirements. Prior press room experiitem by placing it in shape; 1988 Bronco II check your ad ence required. No phone calls please. Drug The Bulletin Classifieds O ur r e aders ar e Please check your ad V-Strom front f e nder 4 x4 t o t o w , 1 3 0 K Please on the first day it runs Equal Opportunity Employer hereby informed that on the first day it runs Xtender, test is required prior to employment. EOE $25 mostly towed miles, to make sure it is corall dwellings advernice rig! $15,000 both. make sure it is cor- 541-280-3493 rect. Sometimes intised in this newspa- to 5 41-385-580 9 541-382-3964, leave Have an item to rect. Sometimes instructions over the per are available on s tructions over t h e V-Strom r e placement msg. phone are missell quick? an equal opportunity phone are misunder- halogen h e adlights, LOCALMONEY: We buy understood and an erro basis. To complain of $20. 541-280-3493 If it's under secured trust deeds & stood and a n e r ror can occur in your ad. discrimination cal l Sales note,some hard money HUD occurin your ad. V-Strom ste e l-braid '500you can place it in If this happens to your t o l l-free at can loans. Call Pat Kellev If this happens to your brake lines, Fr & rear, ad, please contact us 1-800-877-0246. The 541-382-3099 ext.13. The Bulletin Independent Contractor Sales the first day your ad toll f re e t e l ephone ad, please contact us $140. 541-280-3493 We are seeking dynamic individuals. first day your ad Classifieds for: appears and we will 573 number for the hear- the 870 appears and we will Jayco Seneca 2007, be happy to fix it im p aired is Business Opportunities ing DOES THIS SOUND LIKE YOU? be happy to fix it as Boats & Accessories 17K mi., 35ft., Chevy as soon as we can. '10 - 3 lines, 7 days 1-800-927-9275. • OUTGOING & COMPETITIVE s oon as w e c a n . 5500 d i e sel , t oy If we can assist you, '16 - 3 lines, 14 days A Classified ad is an • PERSONABLE & ENTHUSIASTIC Deadlines are: Week- 73' Smokercraft '85, hauler $130 , 000. please call us: Want to impress the EASY W A Y TO • CONSISTENT & MOTIVATED days 11:00 noon for (Private Party ads only) 541-389-2636. 541-385-5809 good cond., 15HP REACH over 3 million relatives? Remodel next day, Sat. 11:00 The Bulletin Classifie Evinrude + Pacific Northwesternyour home with the a.m. for Sunday and gas Our winning team of sales & promotion Minnkota 44 elec. ers. $52 5 /25-word • • I I help of a professional Monday. professionals are making an average of c lassified ad i n 3 0 motor, fish finder, 2 541-385-5809 from The Bulletin's $400- $800 per week doing special daily newspapers for extra seats, trailer, Thank you! "Call A Service events, trade shows, retail & grocery 3-days. Call the PaThe Bulletin Classified extra equip. $2900. 74 year old widow store promotions while representing cific Northwest Daily Professional" Directory 541-388-9270 would like to meet Connection (916) THE BULLETIN newspaper Immaculate! Fleetwood Wilderness widower b e tween 2 88-6019 o r e m a i l Rented your prop775 as an independent contractor Beaver Coach Marquis 36', 2005, 4 s l ides, 17' 1984 Chris Craft the ages of 60 and elizabeth Ocnpa.com erty? The Bulletin 40' 1987. New cover, Manufactured/ - Scorpion, 140 HP rear bdrm, fireplace, 7 0. I en j o y t h e for more info (PNDC) Classifieds yI/E OFFER: new paint (2004), new AC, inboard/outboard, 2 W/D hkup beau* Mobile Homes nudist lifestyle and has an "After Hours" • Solid Income Opportunity inverter (2007). Onan The Bulletin depth finders, trolltiful u n it i $ 3 0 500 live in Sacramento. * Line. Call 6300 watt gen, 111K mi, *Complete Training Program ing motor, full cover, parked covered $35,000 541-815-2380 916-822-4630. To Subscribe call 541-383-2371 24 FACTORY SPECIAL * *No Selling Door to Door EZ - L oad t railer, New Home, 3 bdrm, 541-385-5800 or go to hours to 541-419-9859 or *No Telemarketing Involved* $3500 OBO. obo. $46,900 finished c~a cel a ad . 541-280-2014 Meet singles right nowl www.bendbulletin.com * on you site,541.548.5511 541-382-3728. *Great Advancement Opportunity No paid o p erators, 650 Advertise V A CATION www.JandMHomes.com * Full and Part Time Hours * just real people like SPECIALS to 3 m ilHouses for Rent you. Browse greetNEW HOME BUILT lion P acific N o rthK omfort 25' 2 0 06, 1 FOR THE CHANCE OF A NE Bend ings, exchange mes$87,450! westerners! 30 daily slide, AC, TV, awning. sages and c o nnect LIFETIME, Includes, garage, founnewspapers, six NEW: tires, converter, live. Try it free. Call 3 Bdrm, 2 Bath, new carCall Adam Johnson a p p liances, states. 25-word clas- pet/vinyl/deck & fixtures, dation, Hardly used. now: 8 7 7 -955-5505. 541-410-5521, TODAY! Monaco Dynasty 2004, batteries. sified $525 for a 3-day beautifully landscaped. central heating, heat $15,500. 541-923-2595 (PNDC) a d. Ca l l (916) Dishwasher & W/D incl; pump ready. call to- 18.5' '05 Reinell 185, V-6 loaded, 3 slides, die2 88-6019 o r vis i t water pd. No smoking, no day to schedule your Volvo Penta, 270HP, sel, Reduced - now www.pnna.com/advert dogs. $900/mo. $1100 personal appointment. low hrs., must see, $119,000, 5 4 1-923541-548-5511, ising pndc.cfm for the deposit. 541-617-1101 $15,000, 541-330-3939 8572 or 541-749-0037 541-350-1782 Pacific Nor t hwest l i i l t t i i t www.JandMHomes.com Daily Con n ection.Fresh paint, updated sa ra 3/1, hardwood floors, (PNDC) MONTANA 3585 2008, fenced back yard, Own your own home for Call54I 385 5809topromoteyour service Advertisefar 28 daysstarting at'I40 Irbrr pe rretperkafeaneravariabteeaearwettetet less t ha n r e n ting. 20.5' 2004 Bayliner Extreme Value Adver- woodstove, dw, Ref. exc. cond., 3 slides, 205 Run About, 220 tising! 30 Daily news- $775. 541-390-8774. Centrally located in king bed, Irg LR, ArcMadras. In- h ouse HP, V8, open bow, tic insulation, all oppapers $525/25-word 658 Southwind 35.5' Triton, f inancing opti o ns exc. cond., very fast tions $37,500. c lassified 3 day s 2008,V10, 2 slides, DuBuilding/Contracting Handyman Landscaping/Yard Care Reach 3 million Pa Houses for Rent available. Call now at w/very low hours, 541-420-3250 pont UV coat, 7500 mi. 541-475-2291 lots of extras incl. cific Northwesterners. Redmond Bought new at NuWa 29 7LK Hi t chNOTICE: Oregon state ERIC REEVE HANDY tower, Bimini & For more information $132,913; Hiker 2007, 3 slides, law req u ires any- SERVICES. Home & Rent /Own custom trailer, call (916) 288-6019 or Newer 2326 sq.ft. deluxe asking $93,500. 32' touring coach, left one who co n t racts Commercial Repairs, N OTICE: 3 bdrm, 2 bath homes $19,500. email: home, 3/3, gas fireORE G O N Call 541-419-4212 kitchen, rear lounge, for construction work Carpentry-Painting, $2500 down, $750 mo. 541-389-1413 elizabeth I cnpa.com Landscape Contracplace, 7500' lot, fenced many extras, beautiful to be licensed with the Pressure-washing, OAC. 541-548-5511, for the Pacific North- yard, 1655 SW Sarators Law (ORS 671) c ond. inside 8 o u t , C onstruction Con Honey Do's. On-time 541-350-1 782 west Daily Connec- soda Ct. $ 1195/mo. r equires a l l bu s i $32 900 OBO Prinevtractors Board (CCB). promise. Senior www.jandmhomes.com 541-350-2206 that advertise tion. (PNDC) ille. 541-447-5502 days An active lic e n se Discount. Work guar- nesses t o p e r form L a n d& 541-447-1641 eves. means the contractor anteed. 541-389-3361 scape C o n struction 8 20.5' Seaswirl Spy- Winnebago Suncruiser34' i s bonded an d i n or 541-771-4463 • Advertise your car! which incl u des: der 1989 H.O. 302, s ured. Ver if y t h e Bonded & Insured 2004, only 34K, loaded, Add A Picture! p lanting, deck s , 285 hrs., exc. cond., too much to list, ext'd Reach contractor's CCB CCB¹181595 thousands of readers! fences, arbors, on your General Merchandise stored indoors for Call 541-385-5809 c ense through t h e warr. thru 2014, $54,900 I DO THAT! w ater-features, a n d life $11,900 OBO. Dennis, 541-589-3243 The Bulletin Classifieds CCB Cons u mer Home/Rental repairs installation, repair of classified ad. 541-379-3530 Website Small jobs to remodels irrigation systems to www.hireaticensedcontractor. Place an ad in the Honest, guaranteed be licensed with the com Ads published in the Travel Trailers • work. CCB¹151573 or call 503-378-4621. Landscape Contrac"Boats" classification Bulletin Classifieds and t ors B o a rd . Th i s The Bulletin recom- Dennis 541-317-9768 include. Speed fish4-digit number is to be mends checking with for only $2.00 more COACHMAN 1979 ing, drift, canoe, included in all adverthe CCB prior to con- Home Improvement 23' trailer house and sail boats (t) Pilgrim 27', 2007 5t h tracting with anyone. tisements which indiyour ad can run in the Fully equipped. For all other types of wheel, 1 s lide, AC, cate the business has Ig Some other t rades Kelly Kerfoot Const. $2000. atercraft, please see TV,full awning, excelalso req u ire addi- 28 yrs exp in Central OR! a bond,insurance and Class 875. 541-312-8879 Quality & honesty, from lent shape, $23,900. New Today workers c ompensational licenses a nd 541-385-5809 or 541-350-4622. 541-350-8629 carpentry & handyman certifications. tion for their employClassification jobs, to expert wall cov- ees. For your protecering install / removal. tion call 503-378-5909 Sr. discounts CCB¹47120 Call today and speak with ~ g The8 Iieting or use our website: GENERATE SOME exLicensed/bonded/insured ra• www.lcb.state.or.us to our classifiedteam eo citement in your neigDebris Removal 541-389-1413 / 410-2422 check license status www.bendbuttetin.com borhood. Plan a gaplace your ad before co n t racting Autumnridge Const. rage sale and don't JUNK BE GONE Private art ads onl with t h e bu s iness. Pilgrim In t e rnational Quality custom home forget to advertise in I Haul Away FREE improvements. No job Persons doing landPioneer Spirit 18CK, 2005, 36' 5th Wheel, • 6 • classified! 385-5809. For Salvage. Also too big or small. Ver & Sr. scape m aintenance 2007, used only 4x, AC, Model¹M-349 RLDS-5 Cleanups & Cleanouts Discounts! CCB¹198284 do not require a LCB electric tongue j ack, Fall price $ 2 1,865. Mel, 541-389-8107 Call 541-300-0042 license. Serving Cenrnar Oregonsince rggg $8995. 541-389-7669 541-312-4466 WARNING The Bulletin recom-



The Bulletin


The Bulletin


The Bulletin


Antique & Classic Autos

908 Aircraft, Parts

& Service


Antique & Classic Autos

Sport Utility Vehicles S p ort Utility Vehicles

Au t o mobiles

GMC Yukon Oenali 2003, leather, moonroof, premium wheels, 3rd row. Very nice.

1921 Model T Delivery Truck Restored & Runs $9000. 541-389-8963

Autom o biles

Toyota Camrys: 1984, $1200 obo; 1985 SOLD; 1986 parts car, $500. Call for details, 541-548-6592

Vin ¹128449.

Was $15,999. Now $13,799. VW Thing 1974, good + © S U B A R U. cond. Extremely Rare! Only built in 1973 8 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend 1 974. $8,000 . 877-266-3821 541-389-2636 Dlr ¹0354 GMC Yukon XL 1500 2007, l eat h e r, 4 Pickups • bucket seats, 3rd row seat, moonroof. BUBABUOBBBND COM

Toyota 4-Runner Limited, Chrysler Sebring2006 2011, V6, shoreline blue, Fully loaded, exc.cond, excellent cond., never very low miles (38k), off-road, very low miles, always garaged, fully loaded! $36,900. transferable warranty Gloria, 541-610-7277 incl. $8100 obo 541-848-9180

Legal Notices

Legal Notices

LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE ADOPT-Abundance NOTICE OF AUCTION of love to offer a One(1) storage unit 940 child in stable, se¹0213, Emily Swope, Vans DON'TMISSTHIS cure & nu r turing tenant, will be a uchome. Contact Jen tioned on Sat., Dec. (800) 571-4136. 15, 2012 at 11:00 AM, Ford Crown V i ctoria Vin ¹305958. Call on one of the at All Star Storage, 1995, LX sedan, 4 dr., Was $29,999. LEGAL NOTICE 136 S W Cen t ury V 8, o r i g . own e r , professionals today! Now $26,888. IN T H E CIR C U IT Drive, B e nd , OR 70,300 mi., studs on, C OURT FO R T H E 97702, 541-382-8808 S UB A R U . reat condition. Toyota Camry XLE STATE OF OREGON 1998, Auto, loaded, 3000. 541-549-0058. Ford 250 XLT 1990, LEGAL NOTICE 2060 NE Hwy 20• Bend Chevrolet G20 SportsI N AND FO R T H E Vin ¹297437 man, 1993, exlnt cond, H onda A ccord E X NOTICE TO 6 yd. dump bed, 877-266-3821 C OUNTY OF D E S$4750. 541-362-5559 or $5295 139k, Auto, $5500. INTERESTED Dlr ¹0354 2009 2.4 l itre eng., C HUTES, WEL L S 541-663-6046 541-410-9997 PERSONS loaded, 52k, $13,000. FARGO BANK, NA, Honda CRY 2005, The undersigned has 541-408-3114. O F B E M O its successors in in4WD, moonroof, alloy -:. • *-- ". l Chevy Astro terest and/or assigns, been appointed Perwheels, very clean. 541-647-2822 1 /3 interest i n w e l l - Chevy C-20 Pickup sonal Representative Cargo Van 2001, Plaintiff, v. DEANNA Vin ¹027942. Honda Civic LX HertzBend.com equipped IFR Beech Bo- 1969, all orig. Turbo 44; Es t at e o f pw, pdl, great cond., SILSBEE; NEW- of t h e Was $12,799. 2008, like new, DLR4821 nanza A36, new 10-550/ auto 4-spd, 396, model business car, well PORT HILLS HOME- Wanda Eva Savage, Now $10,988 always garaged, prop, located KBDN. CST /all options, orig. Deceased, by the Cirmaint'd, reqular oil Toyota Corolla 2004 OWNERS ASSOCIA$65,000. 541-419-9510 loaded 27k mi owner, $22,000, cuit Court, State of Ford F150 Lariat 4x4 + © S U B A R U. changes, $4500. auto., loaded, 204k TION, I N C . , AND 541-923-6049 one owner. O regon, County o f 2010, tow pkg, chrome Please call miles orig owner non OCCUPANTS OF Executive Hangar $13,500. Deschutes, P r obate pkg + run brds, Ithr, ga- 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend 541-633-5149 smoker, exc. c ond. at Bend Airport THE PREM I SES, tr 541-550-0994. 877-266-3821 raged,1 owner,35,600 mi, $6500 Prin e ville Defendants. Case No. No. 12-PB-0114. All (KBDN) persons having claims $25,500 firm. Call after 6 Dlr ¹0354 503-358-8241 60' wide x 50' deep, 11CV0901. SUMJust bought a new boat? pm,541-546-9821 Culver. w/55' wide x 17' high MONS BY PUBLICA- against the estate are Jeep Li b erty 20 0 7 , Sell your old one in the Hyundai Sonata 2012, VW Beetle, 2002 required to p r esent bi-fold door. Natural TION. TO THE DENav., 4x4 , l e ather, classifieds! Ask about our Sedan, 4 d r., auto, t heir c l a im s wi t h silver-gray, black FENDANTS: Super Seller rates! gas heat, office, bathCD, bluetooth, pw, pl, 5-spd, loaded. Moonroof. leather, moonroof, CD, proper vouchers Chevy Wagon 1957, DEANNA S I LSBEE; room. Parking for 6 541-385-5809 Vin ¹646827. crus, tilt, low mi. Must loaded, 115K miles, Ford F250 XLT 4x4 4-dr., complete, AND O C C UPANTS within four m o nths c ars. A djacent t o See! Vi n ¹ 3 2 2715. Was $16,999. well-maintained Chev 1994 G20 cusfrom this date, to the L ariat, 1990, r e d , Frontage Rd; g reat $7,000 OBO, trades, OF THE PREMISES: Now $13,488. $19,999. Now tomized van, 1 2 8k, Was (have records) undersigned, or they 80K original miles, please call In the name of t he visibility for a viation $17,988. extremely clean, 4" lift with 39's, well 3 50 motor, HD t o w may be barred. AddiS UB ARU. 541-389-6998 bus. 1jetjock@q.com State of Oregon, you tional BUBABUOBBKNO COM $4850 obo. e quipped, seats 7 , ~4j@I SU B A R U . information may maintained, $4000 are hereby required to 541-948-2126 541-546-6920 2060 NE Hwy 20• Bend sleeps 2. comfort, utilBUBABUOBBBNDCOM Chrysler 300 C o upe obo. 541-419-5495 be obtained from the appear and answer 877-266-3821 ity road ready, nice 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend court records, the un1967, 44 0 e n g ine, cond. $4000?Trade for BULLETIN CLASSIFIEDS the c omplaint f i led dersigned, or the atDlr ¹0354 877-266-3821 auto. trans, ps, air, a gainst you i n t h e torneys named below. mini van. Call Bob, Dlr ¹0354 Search the area's most frame on rebuild, reJeep Liberty, AWD 2005, 541-318-9999 above-entitled C ourt comprehensive listing of Dated and first pubpainted original blue, 63,508 miles, a s king and cause on or beMitsubishi 3 00 0 G T classified advertising... lished: November 30, original blue interior, I 9 $10,750. 541-389-1135 Chevy Lumina 1 9 95 1999, a uto., p e a rl IP„ fore the expiration of estate to automotive, 30 days from the date 2012. IOLA JOLLEY, original hub caps, exc. 7 -pass. v a n wit h w hite, very low m i . real Jeep Wrangler X 2008, merchandise to sporting ONLY 1 OWNERSHIP chrome, asking $9000 the first publication PERSONAL REPREower c h a i r lif t , $9500. 541-788-8218. goods. Bulletin Classifieds of SHARE LEFT! or make offer. Ford F350 2008 Crew unlimited, 4 dr., run- p of this summons. The SENTATIVE c/o LEV $1500; 1989 Dodge ning boards, premium 541-385-9350 appear every day in the Economical flying in Cab, diesel, 55K miles, date of first publica- S TEVEN H . Turbo Va n 7 pass. wheels, hard top, very print or on line. your ow n C e ssna fully loaded, $32,000. ENTHAL, OSB tion in this matter is ¹023653, clean. Vin ¹ 572535. has new motor and 541-480-0027 ATTOR172/180 HP for only Call 541-385-5809 November 16, 2012. t rans., $1500. I f i n Was $25,999. Now NEY-AT-LAW, 855 $ 10,000! Based a t www.bendbulletin.com If you fail timely to apterested c a l l Ja y $22,999. BDN. Call Gabe a t Chrysler SO 4-Door Find It in pear an d a n swer, SW YATES DRIVE, 503-269-1 057. SUITE ¹104, Bend, Professional Air! The Bulletin Classifieds! Plaintiff will apply to S UB A R U . 99r Dg Central OregOn BDCA99|K 1930, CD S R oyal 541-388-0019 g BUBABUOBBKNO COM Chrysler T & C 2005, MMyLittle Red Corvette" the abo v e -entitled OR 97702. Standard, s-cylinder, 541-385-5809 2060 NE Hwy 20• Bend Auto, Mini-Van! 1996 coupe. 132K, court for t h e r e lief body is good, needs LEGAL NOTICE 877-266-3821 Looking for your Vin ¹90105A 26-34 mpg. 350 auto. prayed for in its comsome r e s toration, FORD RANGER X LT Public Auction Dlr ¹0354 next employee? $7995 $12,500 541-923-1781 plaint. This is a judi1995 Ext. cab 2WD 5 Public Auction to be runs, taking bids, Place a Bulletin help cial foreclosure of a 541-383-3888, speed, with car alarm, Lexus RX350 2010, held on Saturday, Dewanted ad today and deed of trust in which cember 8th, 2012 at CD player, extra tires 541-815-3318 AWD, ¹027076 OF BENO reach over 60,000 the Plaintiff requests on rims. Runs good. 11:30am at A-1 West$34,995 Vehicle? 541-647-2822 readers each week. that the Plaintiff be Clean. 92,000 miles Call The Bulletin side Storage, 317 SW HertzBend.com Your classified ad allowed to foreclose Columbia St., Bend, o n m o t or . $2 6 0 0 and place an ad toDLR4821 will also appear on y our interest in t he OBO. 541-771-6511. day! Oregon 97702. (Units Oregon bendbulletin.com following d e scribed A-019 8 E-074). Ask about our SIENNA Limited 2011 GMC 1978 4x4 Heavy AnteSenree which currently rereal property: LOT 83 "Whee/ Deal"! AWD, 9,690 miles, Diamond Reo D ump Duty Camper Special ceives over 1.5 mil541-598-3750 OF FOREST HILLS for private party USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! 2500, 3 5 0 e n gine, aaaoregonautosource.com $37,900. 541-350-8778 Truck 19 7 4, 12 -14 lion page views PHASE I, DESadvertisers FIAT 1800 1978, 5-spd, auto., 40k miles on every month at yard box, runs good, CHUTES C O UNTY, 975 Door-to-door selling with door panels w/flowers new eng., brakes & Mercedes Benz C230 $6900, 541-548-6812 no extra cost. BulleO REGON . C om - fast results! It's the easiest & hummingbirds, tires good. $2995 firm. 2005, Auto, l e ather, Automobiles tin Classifieds monly known as: 1234 tinted windows, RWD, white soft top & hard 541-504-3833 Get Results! Call Northwest 18th Street, way in the world to sell. G K E AT Vin ¹656660. Call for Acura Vigor 1994, good top. Just reduced to 385-5809 or place Bend, Oregon Price. Was $16,999, cond., A/C, eng. good. $3,750. 541-317-9319 Plh your ad on-line at The Bulletin Classified 97701-0000. NOTICE Now $13,999. or 541-647-8483 $1800. 541-350-9148, bendbulletin.com TO D E F ENDANTS: 541-385-5809 Hyster H25E, runs I nternational Fla t R EAD THESE P A S UB A R U . well, 2982 Hours, Buick Lucerne CXL PERS CAREFULLY! LEGAL NOTICE Bed Pickup 1963, 1 $3500,call 2009, $12,500, low The Bulletin recoml t on dually, 4 s p d. 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend A lawsuit has been USDA Forest Service 541-749-0724 low miles; 2000 Buick 877-266-3821 mends extra caution ~ started against you in Deschutes National trans., great MPG, Century $2900. You'll Nissan Sentra, 2012Dlr ¹0354 p u r chasing ~the abo v e -entitled Forest could be exc. wood not find nicer Buicks 12,610 mi, full warranty, when f products or services court by Wells Fargo Bend-Fort Rock hauler, runs great, One look's worth a PS, PB, AC, & more! from out of the area. Ford Galaxie 500 1963, new brakes, $1950. Bank, NA , P l aintiff. Ranger District thousand words. Call $16,000. 541-788-0427 Need to get an ad 2 dr. hardtop,fastback, f S ending c ash , Plaintiff's claims are C. 541-419-5480. Notice of Decision Bob, 541-318-9999. 390 vs,auto, pwr. steer 8 in ASAP? stated in the written Soda Creek for an appt. and take a People Look for Information checks, or credit inradio (orig),541-419-4989 formation may be I complaint, a copy of Restoration Project drive in a 30 mpg car! About Products and to FRAUD. which was filed with Int. 1981 Model DT466 Ford Mustang Coupe Services Every Daythrough ( subject Fax it te 541-322-7253 For more informathe abo v e -entitled O n N ovember 1 4 , dump truck and heavy 1966, original owner, U The Bulletin Classitteds CHECK YOUR AD f tion about an adverCourt. You must ap- 2012, District Ranger duty trailer, 5 yd box, V8, automatic, great The Bulletin Classifieds tiser, you may call Please check your ad pear" in this case or Kevin Larkin made a e verything wor k s , shape, $9000 OBO. on the first day it runs Pontiac Vibe Sport I the Oregon State I the other side will win decision to implement $8000. 541-421-3222. 530-515-81 99 2005, ~ Attorney General's ~ automatically. RAM 2500 2003, 5.7L make sure it is corTo the Soda Creek ResEndeaver to Nicely priced. I Office C o n sumerI "appear" you must file toration Project Decihemi Vs, hd, auto, cruise, Mitsubishi rect. Sometimes inI LS 2007, AWD, 3.8L Vin ¹425113 am/fm/cd. $8400 obro. s tructions over t h e f Protection hotline at with the court a legal sion Memo. The Ford Ranchero V6, nice and afford$7995 541-420-3634 /390-1285 1-877-877-9392. phone are misunderpaper called a Umo- p roject area i s l o 1979 able. Vin ¹72795A tion" or "answer." The stood and an e rror cated a pproximately with 351 Cleveland 935 $12,259 can occur in your ad. "motion" or "answer" south of Forest SerOF BENO modified engine. 59n«og central oregon since ntu Sport Utility Vehicles If this happens to your must be given to the vice road 46 (CasPeterbilt 359 p o table Body is in 541-647-2822 water t ruck, 1 9 90, excellent condition, ad, please contact us court clerk or admin- cade Lakes Highway) OF BEND HertzBend.com 3200 gal. tank, 5hp the first day your ad within 30 days a nd n o rtheast o f +I. -9$2500 obo. 541-647-2822 DLR4821 HertZGarOASal es istrator p ump, 4 - 3 U hoses, appears and we will BEND of the date o f f i rst Sparks Lake. The le541-420-4677 HertzBend.com camlocks, $ 2 5 ,000. be happy to fix it as publication specified g al d escription i s : DLR4821 I 541-820-3724 s oon as w e c a n . herein along with the Township 18 South, 9 required filing fee. It Range 8 East, SecNissan A rmada S E Deadlines are: Weekdays 12:00 noon for must be i n p r o per tions 11 and 12, WilBuick Enclave 2008 CXL 2007, 4WD , a u t o , next day, Sat. 11:00 Utility Trailers Ford T-Bird 1966 form and have proof lamette Meridian, Deeather, DVD, C D . 1998 Toyota CamrySLE AWD, V-6, black, clean, lVin¹700432. 390 engine, power Was a.m. for Sunday; Sat. o f service o n t h e s chutes Coun t y , AT,Loaded mechanicall y sound, 82k everything, new paint, miles. $20,995. Plaintiff's attorney or, Oregon. $16, 99 9 . Now 12:00 for Monday. If Porsche 911 1974, low f/297437...................$5,295 54K original miles, we can assist you, if the Plaintiff does not $14,788. miM complete motor/ 2007 Mitsubishi Call 541-815-1216 runs great, excellent please call us: have a n at t orney, This project will retrans. rebuild, tuned Endeavor LS - Awo,3.8L Big Tex Landscap4j@i S U B A R U . cond. in & out. Asking Chevy Suburban LTZ 541-385-5809 suspension, int. & ext. V6, nice & attordable proof of service on the store the natural hyBUBABUOBBKND COM ing/ ATV Trailer, $8,500. 541-480-3179 2007, 4x 4 , l e a ther, 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend The Bulletin Classified refurbM oil c ooling, f/072795A ..............$1 2,259 Plaintiff. If you have drology of Soda Creek dual axle flatbed, shows new in & out, 2011 Suzuki SX4 moonroof, ba c k up any questions, you and Sparks Meadow 877-266-3821 7'x16', 7000 lb. • I Chrysler PT C ruiser sensors, 3rd row seat, p erf. m e ch. c o n d. should see an attorwhich will enhance riDlr ¹0354 4 Dr Sedan, auto, low miles, GVW, all steel, 2006, au to, pw, pl, Much more! running boards, low n ey immediately. I f parian veg e tation, great fuel saver! $1400. crus, tilt, tinted win- $28,000 541-420-2715 mi., V in ¹ 22 8 9 19 y ou need h el p i n wildlife habitat, aesr/302264 .. .. $12,777 541-382-4115, or dows, Vin ¹ 2 24778. Was $30,999. Now finding an a t torney, thetics, and r educe 2010 Chevy Cobalt1tT 541-280-7024. W as $ 7,999. N o w PORSCHE 914 1974, you may contact the d amage t o So d a $28,788. 4-Dr Sedan,AT,PL Pw, CD, Roller (no engine), $5,999. the Pumps Oregon State Bar's Creek C ampground GMC V~ton 1971, Only 4 I+ S U B A R U . lowered, full roll cage, Skip Lawyer Referral Ser- a nd a c cess r o a d. $19,700! Original low 5-pt harnesses, rac- f/224786...........$1 2,995 vice onl i n e at Implementation will be Kia Rio LX Automotive Parts, mil e , ex c e ptional, 3rd2060 NE Hwy 20• Bend Porsche Cayenne 2004, 4 @ S U B A R U. ing seats, 911 dash & 2011 877-266-3821 4-Dr Sedan, AT, Super Fuel www.oregonstatebar. divided i n t o two Service & Accessories owner. 951-699-7171 86k, immac, dealer 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend instruments, d e cent Saver andpRICEDro MOUE! Dlr ¹0354 org or by calling (503) phases. Phase one 877-266-3821 shape, v e r y c o ol! f/960522 ............ $1 3,235 maint'd, loaded, now 684-3763 ( in t h e will focus on restoring Dlr ¹0354 $1699. 541-678-3249 2005 Pontiac Vibe Sport 1 994 H o nd a Ci v i c Chevy Tahoe LS 2001 $17000. 503-459-1580 Portland metropolitan the natural alluvial fan 4x4. 120K mi, Power owner's manual, $15. Nicely Priced area) or toll-free else- hydrology by lowering seats, Tow Pkg, 3rd 541-280-3493 f/425113 ..............$7,995 where in Oregon at the e levated f l oodrow seating, e xtra 2005 Chrysler T&C (800) 452-7636. This plain and berms to re1997 Toyota Tacoma tires, CD, pnvacy tintAT, Minivan summons is issued connect ch a nnels. owner's manual, $15. ing, upgraded rims. MOTORCYCLE: Custom Harley f/590105A ............$7,995 pursuant to ORCP 7. Phase two, occurring Plymouth B a r racuda Fantastic cond. $7995 541-280-3493 2011 Hyundai Accent GLS 1966, original car! 300 Contact Tim m Davidson 1997 Sportster 1200 XL. ROUTH CRABTREE downstream of phase at 4-Dr Sedan,AT,SuperFuel Saver (4) 195/75-14 studded hp, 360 V8, center- 541-408-2393 for info O LSEN, P .C . E r i k one, 5000 Miles. Lots of chrome. $10,000. wit h i n t he tires, used 1 s eason, lines, (Original 273 f/615414............$13,995 Wilson, O SB ¹ m eadow an d wi l l or to view vehicle. Great ride, but noroom for the softball $200/obo. 541-408-1389 2011 Mazda 3 !Sport 095507, Attorneys for lower berms and fileng 8 wheels incl.) team. Contact Cheryl at 000-0000. 4 cyk auto Plaintiff, 511 SW 10th ing in old ditches to 4 Studded tires on S10 541-593-2597 Ford Explorer 4x4, r/422170 .. .. $14,259 Ave., Ste. 400, Portrestoring natural hywhls, good cond., $200 PROJECT CARS: Chevv 1991 - 154K miles, 2012 Nissan Versa 4-Dr YCLE:Gently s land, OR 97205, (503) drology. obo. 541-408-1389 2-dr FB 1949-(SOLD) & rare 5-speed tranny Sedan, AT,CVTTransmission, 459-0140; Fax 8 manual hubs, 1.6 It, Super FuelSaver! NEED HOLIDAY $$$? Chevy Coupe 1950 4 25-974-8190, e w i l- The Decision Memo is clean, straight, evrolling chassis's $1750 f/816523 ............$1 49259 We pay CASH for son@rcolegal.com available at t he eryday driver. Bring 2011 DodgeCaliber Sport Junk Cars & Trucks! ea., Chevy 4-dr 1949, Bend-Fort Rock 2200 dollar bills! complete car, $ 1949; AT, Pw, PL CD, Alloys Iso buying batteries & LEGAL NOTICE Ranger Stat i o n, f/173075 ............$1 4,595 catalytic converters. Cadillac Series 61 1950, Bob, 541-318-9999 NOTICE IS HEREBY 63095 Des c h utes 2 dr. hard top, complete 2012 Subaru Outback2.5 Serving all of C.O.! GIVEN that the unMarket Road, Bend, cl i p ., Premium AT,AWO Call 541-408-1090J w/spare f r on t dersigned intends to Oregon and on the $3950, 541-382-7391 t217592.............. $26,995 sell personal property Forest Service webPickup bed protector, 2011 ToyotaCorolla LE from unit(s) listed be- site: h t tp://data.ecoFord/Mazda, new $70 4-Dr Sedan, AT, Power Options, DON'TMISS THIS low to enforce a lien system-management. 541-280-3493. Great on Fuel, Solid, Reliable i mposed o n sai d org/nepaweb/nepa pr ¹606419.............. $14,995 p roperty under t h e Sliding glass window for VW Karman Ghia oject exp.php?project 2009 Chevy HHR GMC Envoy 2002 4WD Oregon Self Storage =39037. Toyota pickup, new, 1970, good cond., 4-0r, AT,Very LowMiles new upholstery and $6,450. Loaded, F acilities Act ( O RS $130 541-280-3493 f/517726 .............$14,995 Leather, Heated convertible top. 87.685) This decision is not 2010 Kia SedonaLX Toyota Camry owner's $10,000. seats, Bose sound The undersigned will subject to appeal purAuto, nice van, sporty manual case, n ew, 541-389-2636 system. Ext. roof rack sell at public sale by suant to 36 CFR 215. r/5133401.. .. $1 69495 $15. 541-280-3493 (218) 478-4469 competitive bidding on No substantive or un2012 Mitsubishi Eclipse the 29th day of Desupportive comments 9 Mf < A , A GS Sport - Auto converlible cember at 11:00 a.m., were received, only fuel efficient 2A 4 cyk on t h e pre m ises comments supportive o f/002210.................$1 7,995 where said property i n nature were r e 2008 Subaru Tribeca LTD has been stored and c eived d uring t h e AWD, Auto, Fully loaded ~ iiQ i which are located at comment period for f/412244 ..., ........$19,495 Bend Sentry Storage, this project. 2008 Jeep Wrangler X 1291 S E Wil s o n, 4x4, auto, hard top, nice Oo Bend, Sate of Oregon, For additional inforf/616638.................$23,259 the following: mation contact: Tom 2011 NissanArmada Unit 297 Randy Peters Walker, Fisheries BiNicely Epuipped AT Unit 494 Chris Scott o logist, a t AWD ¹L607645. .. $36,995 (541) Unit 558 Luci Hirsh in classified advertising! 383-4787 or by email 2010 Nissan Maxima unit 379 Andrew Welcome at tawalker©fs.fed.us. AT, Leather '55 Chevy 2 dr . w gn PROJECT car, 350 small block w/Weiand dual quad tunnel rim with 450 Holleys. T-10 4-speed, 12 volt posi, 1/3 interest in Colum- Weld Prostar whls, ex tra rolling chassis + bia 400, located at Sunriver. $ 1 38,500. extras. $6000 for all. 541-389-7669. Call 541-647-3718

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er orms e Christmasclassic onstage, PAGE 6 I. 'I



MUSIC: Current Swell is at The Horned Hand, PAGE 3 I


"• .X Lg '~ ,t

MOVIES: 'Playing for Keeps' and two others open, PAGE 31




insi e



Cover photo by Rob Kerr/The Bulletin

Ben Salmon, 541-383-0377 bsalmon I bendbulletin.com

REPORTERS Elise Gross, 541-383-0351 egross@bendbulletin.com David Jasper, 541-383-0349


djasperObendbulletin.com Jenny Wasson, 541-383-0350 jwassonObendbulletin.com

,, / /g'

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• ReviewofClockTowerPub in Redmond

• Learn something new



• Buy some Christmas stuff!

• Portland theaters stage holiday favorites • A guide to out of town events

DESIGNER Althea Borck, 541-383-0331 aborck©bendbulletin.com


• Current Swell visits The Horned Hand • Finn Miles plays album-release show • New venue The Belfry opens in Sisters • Z-Trip headlines Slipmat Science party • Ho, ho, ho! Brandi Carlile plays twice • McMenamins hosts the Rainbow Girls • Huckle and Grant Farm visit Bend • Deana Carter comes to Maverick's

GO! MAGAZINE is published each Friday in The Bulletin. Please submit information at least 10 days before the edition in which it is printed, including the event name, brief description, date, time, location, cost, contact number and a website, if appropriate. Email to: events O bendbulletin.com Fax to: 541-385-5804, Attn: Community Life U.S. Mail or hand delivery: Community Life, The Bulletin 1777 S.W. Chandler Ave. Bend, OR 97702

• The Hoot Hoots come to Bend • What's up at area nightspots



Take advantage of the full line of Bulletin products. Call 541-385-5800. ull



• Green Day, Brian Eno,OneDirection, Pitbull and Iris DeMent and more


• I

• COVER STORY: Bend Experimental Art Theatre stages "It's a Wonderful Life" • It's First Friday Gallery Walk time again • Central Oregon Mastersingers present "Ring Noel" holiday concert • Art by Knight hosts open house • Get tix for High Desert Chamber gala • Art Exhibits lists current exhibits




ARTS • 16


• Great ways to enjoy the outdoors

CALENDAR • 20 • A week full of Central Oregon events



• A review of "Far Cry 3

•W hat's hotonthegaming scene


• "Playing for Keeps,""Smashed" and "Holy Motors" open in Central Oregon • "Beasts of the Southern Wild,""The Dark Knight Rises,""Hope Springs,""The Odd Life of Timothy Green,""Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry," "Last Ounce of Courage," "Wild Horse, Wild Ride" and "Butter" are out on Blu-ray and DVD • Brief reviews of movies showing in Central Oregon

PLANNING AHEAD • 22 • Make your plans for later on

It's a perfect match for any business looking to reach this hungry market. The Book of Love is a handy reference guide for the perfect Central Oregon wedding. Engagement, wedding and anniversary forms for your special event for announcement in The Bulletin can be found in this signature-size book. This publication also includes the Official Guide to the Central Oregon Wedding and Event Show. Available in The Bulletin, at the Wedding and Event Show, at wedding-related businesses and at The Bulletin's front desk throughout the year.





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PUBLISH DATE:Friday, January 9 ADVERTISINGDEADLINE: Friday, December 21


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The Bulletin bendbulletin.com




Courtesy Mike Pepperdine

Current Swell is, from left, Ghosty Boy,Chris Petersen, David Lang and Scott Stanton. The band released its fourth album, "Long Time Ago," in October. By David Jasper The Bulletin


urrent Swell makes you want to quit your job and go on an "Endless Summer"-like trek surfing and playing music. However, since you presumably lack their talent and surfing ability, you're probably better off just living vicariously through the Victoria, B.C., band's music, a catchy roots-rock that would not offend the ears of Jack Johnson fans. The group — Scott Stanton (vocals, guitar), David Lang (vocals,

guitar), Ghosty Boy (bass) and Chris Petersen (drums) — fell to-

• Canadian roots-pop band Current Swell Stanton moved to Canada's West Alberta. glides into TheHorned Handin Bend c oastfrominterior "One day I went to visit a friend

If you go What: Current Swell, with Wilderness

When: 8 p.m. Thursday Where: The Horned Hand, 507 N.W. Colorado Ave., Bend

Cost:$5 Contact: www.facebook.com/ thehornedhand out on the coast, and (I) called my dad and I was like, 'Dad, I think I'm going to stay here, because I really like it,' and he's like, 'All right.'" Stanton said. "Life just suitedme more." Though he'd miss his friends back home, he says, he was different from them, more into folk

while his friends were into rap and metal. At the coast, he met more musically like-minded Canadians: People with whom to write music. People with whom to

jam. "From there, we're just sharing songs, very casually," he said. "And then ... (someone was) like, 'You guys want to play a show?' "We're like, 'What? Sure, like an open mic'?' They're like, 'No, no, no.' And then we just started getting press really quickly," Stanton said. By that point, they knew they'd need a name. "We had to come up with a name, and we'd never had one," he said, though the origin story becomes fuzzy at that point. Continued Page 5




• Paul Gratton, aka Finn Miles,celebrates his new albumtonight at Silver Moon inBend By Ben Salmon The Bulletin

inn Miles is a band name, not a man's name. And it is a band. A one-man band. The one man in Finn Miles is not named Finn, or Miles, for that matter. His name is Paul Gratton, and thanks to the modern technology that allows musicians not only to layer sounds atop one another in the studio, but also live on stage, his band sounds like three, or four, or five people, working at once toward a common sound. That's another way of saying that Finn Miles' new album "Winteresque" sounds far more lush and expansive than any one man should sound. Centered around Gratton's melodic folk tunes, the songs on "Winteresque" burst and bloom into vivid — if somewhat bleak — works of ambitious, orchestral pop-rock. Strings swell and swoop across these songs. Keyboard tones pulse and decay. Horns enter the fray, bleating, just when you t h i nk you've heard it all. Some songs — "The Firing Line," for example — mosey along in a perfectly conventional manner before descending into a noisy, ambient coda. Others, like "The Good L ife," bounce along atthe pace of neosoul music. "We kind of threw everything we could at it," Gratton, 34, said in a telephone interview. "It's just a lot of fun to put in all these different parts." The "we" in that statement refers to both Gratton and his brother Scott, also a musician, recording engineer and producer. The two recorded and played nearly all of "Winteresque" themselves in Paul's garage, completing the bulk of the work in mid-2011, when they were both living in Des Moines, Iowa. Both Grattons are home-studio rats, and it shows in the anythinggoes sound of the album, which Gratton will celebrate with a show tonight at B end's Silver Moon

Submitted photo

Paul Gratton performs music underthe "band" name Finn Miles. He'll celebrate the release of his new album tonight in Bend. monica.' And before you know it, you've got this orchestral pop thing." What:Finn Miles album release Gratton has lived in Prineville When:9tonight for a year and a couple months, arWhere:Silver Moon Brewing 8 riving after his wife got a job there. Taproom, 24 N.W. Greenwood But he has been playAve., Bend ing under the name Finn Miles for about Cost:$5 fiveyears. In Iowa, the Contact:www.silvermoon band included "five or brewing.com six" people, he said, and released three EPs. ("Winteresque" Brewing 8 Taproom (see "If you is Gratton's first fullgo"). length album.) " Yeah, we l i k e l a yers a n d H is p ar en t s parts," Paul Gratton said, as if raised him on classic oldies: Elvis he had just been caught with his Presley, the Beatles, the Beach hand in t h e b leeps-and-bloops Boys and so on. In high school, he jar. "I keep telling myself that I'm turned to the blues, and in college, going to do a bare-bones, singer- he learned to play guitar, which songwriter thing, but it inevitably led to a "very Pink Floyd stage," ends up where you listen and say, Gratton said. 'Oh, this could use some bells and Other influences include Nick some tambourine and some har- Drake, Tom Petty, Sufjan Stevens,

If yougo

AndrewBird, NeilYoung, Led Zeppelin and Wilco. Gratton's parents play in a Bob Dylan tribute band that performs in the Midwest. Basically, Gratton g r avitates toward artists who do things the old-school way. T hey write songs, fit them together in a way that m akes s ense, a n d present that cohesive work to the portion of the public with the patience for a full listen~ ing experience. "I love concept albums. I love when you put in an album and listen to it straight through," he said. "I know there's kind of a shrinking subset of people who feel that way, but I think they'll always be out there, the people that want to hear a comprehensive piece of work that's more than three minutes long."

It's probably a stretch to call "Winteresque" a concept album, but there is a concept: "It has a sort of autumnal, winter feeling, and a lot of the ideas stem around the question of 'Will we bloom again?' and trying to find the hope of light in winter," Gratton said, "of find-

ing hope in despair, or pushing through depression." Sounds l i k e the per f e ct soundtrack for early December in Central Oregon. Toward that end, Gratton hopes you'll join him tonight to watch him make "Winteresque" come alive. "For me it really is about the creation process and trying to both push yourself ... and explore new areas of your musicianship and artistry," he said. "And to be able to share that in ways that you can let other people into. Otherwise, it's just a private affair." — Reporter: 541-383-0377, bsalmon@bendbulletin.com




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.4H~M4-~'0' • Matt the Electrician andMosleyWotta check in for this week's schedule ith a s t eady stream of shaky n ew s s u r r ounding the Bend music scene, here's some good stuff coming out of Sisters: Angeline Rhett (owner of

and other events. Oh, and concerts! (Rhett is a longtime supporter of live music; Angeline's Bakery has been a Sisters Folk Festival venue

her own popular, namesake bakery)

Tonight, The Belfry will host Bend hip-hop pied piper Mosley Wotta at 7 p.m. Cover is $7. And on W e dnesday, the new stage will welcome the return of Austin, Texas, folk singer (and folk fest alum) Matt the Electrician, he

has converted an old church into a new music venue and pub called The Belfry. The placeholds 200 to 275 people, Rhett said, and is open for weddings,workshops, classes,meetings

for years.)

of the catchy banjo-driven songs, the impressive beard, and the background as an actual electrician. An excellent catch for The Belfry's first week! Keep up with The Belfry's goingson at www.belfryevents.com or seek it out on Facebook. Mattthe Electrician; 7p.m.Wednesday; $10; The Belfry, 302 Main Aven Sisters; www.belfryevents.com.


The ami ytra ition


— Ben Salmon


DECEMBER From Page 3 "'Let's call ourselves Current Swell from now on.' We were like, 'All right. Sweet.' It just happened from there," Stanton continued. Current Swell landed a weekly live gig for free beer and food and a few hundred dollars. "We were ... broke little dudes just hanging out and trying to get money any way we could, just because we weren't killing it or anything like that," he said. They used the money to make a record, 2005's "Trust Us n Now. After that, the four moved to Australia — with some side trips to Indonesia — to surf and play guitar for about six months. "Music was not our main focus. Having fun was our main focus," Stanton said.

Nevertheless, in t heir absence, Current Swell's fan base grew stronger, thanks to the Internet and iTunes. They've opened for The Beach Boys and The Tragically Hip, and headlined a Canada Day show before a crowd of 45,000. That's a lot more people than will fit inside The Horned Hand, where Current Swell will play Thursday (see "If you go,n Page 3). What are they like live? "It's a show. We like to go through a roller coaster," Stanton said. "We like to come out blazing gunfire. And then somewhere in the set, we'll ... do two or three mellow songs without drums, and then bring it back up for the last (part). Our live show is very different from our album, because it's justfull on. We liketo give her 110percent ... we love to rock out and have

as much fun as we can on stage." T he band's new album i s i t s fourth, "Long Time Ago,n which came out on Nettwerk Records in October. Though they now have an agent and manager and label support, Current Swell are still about having fun. "I don't think it's a matter of (being) 'important.' It just is," he said of the quartet's emphasis on good times. "We love performing and we love writing music. If anything we're now in a situation where good opportunities are coming our way, and we don't really have to work for them, because we have other people working for them. So it's just, like, a really big win-win." — Reporter: 541-383-0349, djasper@bendbulletin.com

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Dec. 14 —Blackalicious (hiphop),Liquid Lounge, Bend, www.liquidclub.net. Dec. 14 —The Lacs (hfckhop),The Annex, Bend, www. midtownbend.com. Dec. 15 —The Autonomics (bluus-rock),The Old Stone, Bend, www.bendticket.com. Dec. 18 —SnoopDogg(hiphop),Midtown Ballroom, Bend, www.bendticket.com. Dec. 22-23 —Patrick Lamb's Holiday Soul (jazz),The Oxford Hotel, Bend, www. jazzattheoxford.com. Jan. 12 —David JacobsStrain (bluus),HarmonyHouse Concerts, Sisters, 541-548-2209. Jan. 15 —LoudouWainwright (folk),Tower Theatre, Bend, www.towertheatre.org. Jan. 18-19 —Karriu Agyson (jazz),The Oxford Hotel, Bend, www.jazzattheoxford.com.

e, II


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ne of the most welcome developments on the Central Oregon music scene in 2012 was the surge in events put on by Slipmat Science, a collective of local DJs and electronicmusic heads who've been throwing shows 'round here for a decade. For years, Slipmat's parties featured mid-profile DJs, and the locations of those parties sometimes shifted around, giving them an under-theradar feel. But over the past year, the crew brought its events into the heart of Bend — Midtown Ballroom, Century Center — and headlined them with legitimately big names like Beats Antique, Tipper, Papadosio, Filastine and Heyoka. (It helps that, with the explosion of electronic dance music worldwide, big-name DJs are now huge, arena-packing superstars and the mid-profile artists are still drawing record numbers.) On Saturday night, Slipmat will kick off another season of shows with a pioneer of electronic music: DJ Z-

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Trip, the mashup master who was blending disparate sounds — Rush vs. the Beastie Boys, Pat Benatar vs. The Pharcyde — back before the new generation of song-splicers had even fired up their first laptops. These days, Z-Trip — aka Zach Sciacca — hops all over the planet to play for thousands of people per night, while cranking out albums, mixtapes and singles in between gigs. His most recent project, a collaborative mixtape with rapper Talib Kweli (among others) called "Attack the Block," came out in September. The best way to keep up with the prolific Z-Trip is at his website, www. djztrip.com. And the best way to keep up with Slipmat Science is at www .slipmatscience.com or ww w . facebook.com/slipmatscience. U p coming Slipmat events include Blackalicious on Dec. 14, a New Year's Eve party with NastyNasty and Samples, OTT in February and the return of Papadosio in ApriL RoboLiquidpop, with Z -Trip, DJ Wicked, Woody McBride, Mosley Wotta, Alatin and Christafari; 9 p.m. Saturday, doors open 8 p.m.; vt20, available at the door; Domino Room, 51 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; www.slipmat science.com. — Ben Salmon

Jan. 19 —Claire Lynch Baud (bluugrass),Sisters High School, www.sistersfolkfestival. Org. Jan.23— Red W antingBlue (iudiurock),McMenamins Old St. Francis School, Bend, www. mcmenamins.com. Jan. 24 —Hot Buttered Rum (bluugrass),Domino Room, Bend, www.randompresents. com. Jan. 25 —Slightly Stoopid (ruggau-rock),Midtown Ballroom, Bend, www. randompresents.com. Jan. 26 —Jackie Greene (folkrock),Tower Theatre, Bend, www.towertheatre.com. Jan. 28 —Masters of Motown (soulrevue),Tower Theatre, Bend, www.towertheatre.org. Feb. 6 —The Hulio Sequence (iudiu rock),Tower Theatre, Bend, www.towertheatre.org. Feb. 7 —Cultic Crossroads (lrish), Tower Theatre, Bend, www.towertheatre.org. Feb. 8 —ShookTwins (quirky folk),Tower Theatre, Bend, www.towertheatre.org. Feb. 10 —Shawu Mugius (folkrock),Tower Theatre, Bend, www.towertheatre.org. Feb. 13 —You, Me 8 Apollo (iudiu-rock),McMenamins Old St. Francis School, Bend, www. mcmenamins.com. Feb. 22-23 —Mul Brown Septet (jazz),The Oxford Hotel, Bend, www.jazzattheoxford.com.



Merry Christmas from Brandi Carlile Talented singer-songwriter, tremendous performer, Northwest gal and Bend fave Brandi Carlile returns to town tonight for not one but two shows at the Tower Theatre. And get this: They are "very special" Christmas shows! Brandi and Christmas! What? Were cute, fuzzy puppies not available as an opening act? Anyway, i t 'l l b e gr e a t, surely, to hear Carlile and her crack band play holiday tunes in their rootsy meets poppy style. As of Thursday morning, tickets were nearly sold out, so move fast if you want one. Brandi Carlile;6 and 9:30 tonight, doors open 30 minutes beforeshowtime; $43 plus fees in advance, $48 at the door, tickets available through the venue; TowerTheatre,835N W. sail, a Song & C ider Fest, Wall St., Bend; www.tower which means beer and citheatre.org or 541-31 7-0700. der tastings tonight through Sunday, plus Greg Botsford Broken Tophosts and 2nd Hand Soldiers rocking out on Saturday and Bill Huckle, Grant Farm Valenti playing Sunday. Bend's Broken Top Bottle Tonight, though, is when Shop 8 Ale Cafe is becom- the touring bands stop in. ing quite the hotspot for live Huckle, from California, feamusic. tures Simon Kurth (formerly Its Brews 8 Bands series of Poor Man's Whiskey) on features (mostly) local bands guitars and vocals and plays on (most) Sundays, and the groove-based jam-rock, a la place seems to be hosting Ben Harper or John Butler. They'll play at about 6 p.m. other shows on other nights more and more often.Keep And at 8 p. m., it's time up with the happenings at for Grant Farm, a Colorado www.btbsbend.com. band featuring former memThis weekend, the shop is bers of Leftover Salmon and the site of the Westside Was- t he E m m itt-Nershi B a n d



their music for free, but they encourage independent artists to make and sell their own Rainbow Girls merch at shows. They've got p s ychedelic colors and eyeballs all over their Bandcamp site. At least one cover features the fivepiece band in front of what looks like the multihued Taj Mahal of buses. And their Facebook bio features a radioactive crater, colorful nicknames, voodoo being practiced in a b a r n, a trip to Joshua Tree, and a squatting and couch-surfing trip through Europe. The Rainbow Girls are, in fact, females. Female hippies, to be more precise. They are female hippies who know how to find an eclectic, acoustic groove, tack on some unconventional instrumentathat keeps its rock 'n' roll solL ane, B e n d ; ww w . b t bs tion (kazoo, sitar, etc.), and idly rooted in the worlds of bend.com or 541-728-0703. harmonize tightly over it all. country and blues. They call it " psychedelic s tomp-folk," and t hey a r e Tonight's show will double Rainbow Girls as a food drive for a local folk-stomp into Bend right. food bank. Donate two items RainbowGirls;7p.m.Wednesand you get a free CD! The Rainbow Girls busk day; free; McMenamins Old St. Huckle and Grant Farm; at the Santa Barbara FarmFrancis School, 700N W. Bond 6 t o n ight; fre e ; B r o k e n ers M arkets o n T u e sday St., Bend; www.mcmenamins Top Bottle Sh op 4 A le afternoons. .com. They'll not only give you — Ben Salmon C afe, 1 740 N . W . P e n c e


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• Maverick's hosts Deana Carter and atoy drive ountry singer Deana Carter is more than just her breakthrough hit song "Strawberry Wine" and the 1996 album from whence it came, N Did I Shave My Legs For This?" More than adecade and a half have passed since those two works made Carter a rising star, and it's true that commercially speaking, she has not quite reached those heights again. But Carter is an excellent example of the kind of artist that traditionally (and inexplicably) has had trouble getting a fair shake from the mainstream-country machinebecause she incorporates folk, pop and rock into her country music, thanks in part to the influence of her fatherFred Carter,Jr.,w ho played guitar with everyone from Willie Nelson to Simon 8c Garfunkel. Carter's independent streak is also rooted in her own Nashville struggles. At 17, even her father's connections couldn't help her land a record deal, so she bailed on music and entered a career in health care. But Carter's voice, songs and general musical acumen would not be denied, and years later, when Nelson heard her demo, it sent her on a fast track to "Strawberry


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Wine" and a catalog with more great songs than most artists you'll hear on country radio. O n Wednesday, Carter will s i ng some of those songs at Maverick's Country Bar in Bend, and there'll be a collection of Christmas toys for needy children. Bring a toy, get a discounted ticket, help a kid, enjoy the music! Deana Carter, with Aaron Benward and Brian McComas; 8 p.m.Wednesday; $20, or $15with adonation for the toy drive, available with feesin advance at the website below; Maverick's Country Bar & Grill, 20565Brinson Blvd., Bend; www.maverickscountrybar com or 541-325-1886. — Ben Salmon



going out Looking for something to do? Check out our listing of live music, DJs, karaoke, open mics and more happening at local nightspots. Find lots more at www.bendbulletin.com/events.

UHAVE FUN WITHTHE HOOT HOOTS oesn't take long to recognize that The Hoot ots get it. And by "it" I mean that music is

supposed to befun. For proof, seek out photos of the Seattle-based band, wherein you'll find them 0

playing in various costumes, wigs, masksand other sartorial wackiness. (Their current cover photo on Facebook shows the band performing in what looks




TODAY SCOTT WYATT:Rock; 6 p.m.; Cross Creek Cafe, 507 SW 8th St., Redmond; 541-548-2883. TEXAS HOLD'EM:$40; 6 p.m.; Rivals Sports Bar, Grill & Poker, 2650 N.E. Division St., Bend; 541-550-7771. BARE ROOTS: Americana, folk and bluegrass; 6:30 p.m.; Dudley's BookshopCafe,135 N.W.Minnesota Ave., Bend; 541-749-2010. NIGHT UNDER THE COVERS: Locals cover Canadian artists; 6:30 p.m.; Hola!, 920 N.W. Bond St., Bend; www. holabend.com. BRYAN BRAZIER:Country; 6:30 p.m.; River Rim Coffeehouse, 19570 Amber Meadow Drive,Bend;541-728-0095. HUCKLE:Roots jams, with Grant Farm and afood drive; 6p.m.; Broken Top Bottle Shop 8 Ale Cafe,1740 N.W. Pence Lane, Bend; 541-728-0703 or www.btbsbend.com. (Pg. 7) MOSLEY WOTTA:Hip-hop;$7;7 p.m.; The Belfry, 302 E. Main Ave., Sisters; 541-815-9122. (Pg. 5) PAUL EDDY: Twang-pop; 7 p.m.; Niblick and Greene's, 7535 Falcon Crest Drive ¹100, Redmond; 541-548-4220. BOBBY LINDSTROM BAND: Rock and blues; 7:30 p.m.; Checkers Pub, 329 S.W.6thSt.,Redmond; 541-548-3731. DA CHARADUO:Jazz, Celtic and world music;7:30 p.m.;Black Butte Ranch, milepost 93, U.S. Highway 20, Sisters; 541-595-6211. BURNIN' MOONLIGHT: Acoustic roots; 8 p.m.; Kelly D's, 1012 S.E. Cleveland Ave., Bend; 541-389-5625. DJ CHRIS:8 p.m.; Checkers Pub, 329 S.W.6thSt.,Redmond; 541-548-3731. KARAOKE:8 p.m.; Sandbagger Dinner House, 5165 Clubhouse Drive, Crooked River Ranch; 541-923-8655. THE HOOTHOOTS: Power-pop;$5; 8 p.m.; The Horned Hand, 507 N.W.

Colorado Ave., Bend; www.facebook. com/thehornedhand. FUN BOBBY:Rock and pop; 8:30 p.m.; Northside Bar 8 Grill, 62860 Boyd Acres Road, Bend;541-383-0889. FINN MILES:Pop-rock; album release; $5; 9 p.m.; Silver Moon Brewing & Taproom, 24 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-388-8331. (Pg. 4)

SATURDAY FREE POKERTOURNAMENT: 1 p.m.; Rivals Sports Bar, Grill & Poker,2650 N.E. Division St., Bend; 541-550-7771. GREG BOTSFORD: Jam-pop;5:30-7 p.m.; Broken Top Bottle Shop & Ale Cafe,1740 N.W. Pence Lane, Bend; 541-728-0703. LISADAEANDROBERTLEE:Jazz; 6 p.m.; Scanlon's, 61615 Athletic Club Drive, Bend; 541-382-8769. TEXAS HOLD'EMTOURNAMENT: 6:30 p.m.; Rivals Sports Bar, Grill & Poker, 2650 N.E. Division St., Bend; 541-550-7771. TRIPLE SEC:Light rock; 6:30 p.m.; River Rim Coffeehouse, 19570 Amber Meadow Drive, Bend; 541-728-0095. CASEYPARNELL:Rock and pop; 7 p.m.; portello winecafe, 2754 N.W. Crossing Drive, Bend; 541-385-1777. DMX:Rap, with Killa E, Jagi Blanco and a taping of the "Latin Goddesses" TV show; $20; 7 p.m.; Liquid Lounge, 70 N.W. Newport Ave., Bend; 541-3896999 or www.liquidclub.net. LINDY GRAVELLE: Country and pop; 7 p.m.;Niblickand Greene's,7535 Falcon Crest Drive¹100, Redmond; 541-548-4220. THE QUONS:Folk-pop;7 p.m.; Parrilla Grill, 635 N.W. 14th St., Bend; 541-617-9600. 2ND HANDSOLDIERS:Reggae; 7:309:30p.m.;BrokenTop BottleShop & Ale Cafe, 1740 N.W.Pence Lane, Bend; 541-728-0703.

like Joseph's AmazingTechnicolor Bathrobes.) Be serious about your music, but don't take yourself

BOBBY LINDSTROMBAND:with Scott Foxx; rock and blues; 7:30 p.m.; Checkers Pub, 329 S.W. 6th St., Redmond; 541-548-3731. FOODANDTOY DRIVE: with A.M. Interstate, High Desert Hooligans, Confederats and more; 8 p.m.; Big T's, 413 S.W. Glacier Ave., Redmond; 541-504-3864. KARAOKE: 8 p.m.; Sandbagger Dinner House, 5165 Clubhouse Drive, Crooked River Ranch; 541-923-8655. KARAOKE WITH BIGJOHN: 8 p.m.; Rivals Sports Bar, Grill 8 Poker, 2650 N.E. Division St., Bend; 541-550-7771. LOST BAYOURAMBLERS: Cajun rock, with Pheasant and Bitterroot; $5-$10; 8 p.m.; The Horned Hand, 507 N.W. Colorado Ave., Bend; 541-728-0879 or www.facebook.com/thehornedhand. DAVIDBOWERS COLONY:Rootsrock; 7 p.m.; GoodLife Brewing Co., 70 S.W. Century Drive, Bend; www. goodlifebrewing.com. FUN BOBBY: Rock and pop; 8:30 p.m.; Northside Bar & Grill,62860 Boyd Acres Road, Bend; 541-383-0889. DJ Z-TRIP:Electronica, with DJ Wicked, Woody McBride, Mosley Wottaand more; $20; 9 p.m.; Domino Room, 51 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; www. slipmatscience.com. (Pg. 6) SOL SEED:Reggae, with Strive Roots; $5; 9 p.m.; Silver Moon Brewing & Taproom, 24 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; www.silvermoonbrewing.com.

tooseriously,youknow?Yeah,TheHootHoots get that, and in this case, the sound matches the

style; the quartet plays fuzzy synth- and singalongfriendly power-pop packedwith more hooks than a tackle shop. Visit www.thehoothoots.bandcamp .com and listen to the Mates of State meets New

Pornographers swagger of the band's new"Feelthe Cosmos" EP. Then see 'em tonight at The Horned Hand. Details below. — Sen Salmon

5 Fusion & Sushi Bar, 821 N.W.Wall St., Bend; 541-323-2328. BILL VALENTI:Folk; 7 p.m.; Broken Top Bottle Shop 8 Ale Cafe,1740 N.W. Pence Lane, Bend; 541-728-0703.

MONDAY TEXAS HOLD'EMOR OMAHA: 4 p.m .; Rivals Sports Bar, Grill 8 Poker, 2650 N.E. Division St., Bend; 541-550-7771. KARAOKE: 6:30 p.m.; Northside Bar & Grill, 62860 Boyd Acres Road, Bend; 541-383-0889.

TUESDAY UKULELEJAM:6:30 p.m .;Kelly D's, 1012 S.E. Cleveland Ave., Bend; 541-389-5625. THE RIVERPIGS: Rock and blues; 7 p.m.; GoodLife Brewing Co., 70 S.W. Century Drive, 100-464, Bend; 541-728-0749. BEATS & RHYMES: Local hip-hop; 9 p.m.; Liquid Lounge,70 N.W .Newport Ave., Bend; 541-389-6999.


HILST & COFFEY: Chamber-folk; 5:30 p.m.; Flatbread Community Oven, 375 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, ¹130, Bend; 541-728-0600. ACOUSTICOPENMIC: with Bobby Lindstrom; 6 p.m.; Taylor's Sausage Deli & Pub, 913 N.E. 3rd St., Bend; 541-383-1694. SUNDAY TEXAS HOLD'EMOR OMAHA: 6 p.m .; POKER TOURNAMENT: 1 p.m.; Rivals Rivals Sports Bar, Grill 8 Poker, 2650 Sports Bar, Grill & Poker, 2650 N.E. N.E. Division St., Bend; 541-550-7771. Division St., Bend; 541-550-7771. OPENMIC:6:30p.m.; M & JTavern,102 LISA DAE ANDROBERT LEETRIO: Jazz; N.W.Greenwood,Bend;541-389-1410. 5 p.m.; Northside Bar 8 Grill,62860 ARRIDIUM:Rock; 7 p.m.; Northside Bar Boyd Acres Road, Bend; 541-383-0889. & Grill, 62860 Boyd Acres Road, Bend; TEXAS HOLD'EMTOURNAMENT: 5 p.m .; 541-383-0889. Rivals Sports Bar, Grill 8 Poker, 2650 DJ ANDKARAOKE:7 p.m.; Sandbagger N.E. Division St., Bend; 541-550-7771. Dinner House, 5165 Clubhouse Drive, HILST& COFFEY: Chamber-folk;6 p.m .; Crooked River Ranch; 541-923-8655.

MATT THEELECTRICIAN: Folk-pop; $10; 7 p.m.; The Belfry, 302 E. Main Ave., Sisters; 541-815-9122 or www. belfryevents.com. (Pg. 5) RAINBOW GIRLS: Folk-stomp;7 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or www.mcmenamins.com. (Pg. 7) DEANACARTERBENEFIT CONCERT: Country, with Aaron Benward and Brian McComasand atoy drive;$15-$20;8 p.m.; Maverick's Country Bar & Grill, 20565 Brinson Blvd., Bend; www. maverickscountrybar.com. (Pg. 8) KARAOKE: 9 p.m.; Liquid Lounge, 70 N.W. Newport Ave., Bend; 541-389-6999. REGGAE NIGHTWITH MC MYSTIC:9 p.m.; Astro Lounge,939 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-388-0116.

THURSDAY TEXAS HOLD'EMBOUNTY TOURNAMENT:6 p.m.;RivalsSports Bar, Grill & Poker, 2650 N.E. Division St., Bend; 541-550-7771. OPEN MIC:6:30 p.m.; River Rim Coffeehouse, 19570 Amber Meadow Drive, Bend; 541-728-0095. THE ROCKHOUNDS:Acoustic; 7 p.m.; Kelly D's, 1012 S.E. Cleveland Ave., Bend; 541-389-5625. CURRENT SWELL:Roots-pop,with W ilderness; $5;8 p.m.;The Horned Hand, 507 N.W. Colorado Ave., Bend; 541-728-0879 or www.facebook.com/ thehornedhand. (Pg. 3) OPEN MIC:8 p.m.; Northside Bar 8 Grill, 62860 Boyd Acres Road, Bend; 541-383-0889. DISCOTHEQUE NOUVEAU: Altelectronica; 9 p.m.; The Blacksmith Restaurant, 211 N.W.Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-318-0588. • TO SUBMIT: Email eventS@bendbulletin.Com.

Deadline is 10 days before publication. Please include date, venue, time and cost.



musie releases Brian Eno ((

How To Destroy Angels



War p Records Is Brian Eno's ambient music pure bliss or pure tension'? You can definitely hear it as tension — not so much music's usual tension of harmonic relationships, of development and resolution, but the listener's tension of taste and judgment, between recognizing what is beautiful and what is vaprd. This is my problem, or yours, but probably not h is, because "Lux," his new album — one 75minute track with 12 sections, and Eno's first ambient record in seven years — is complete in itself. It is killingly beautiful, and doesn't do any more than it sets out to do, which is, in a sense, very little. "Lux" can be background music, yes, especially for an activity you aren't invested in. It can be foreground music, too, perhaps until you lose patience with it. Eno is interested in any means of perceiving music outside of how it is normally consumed: We tend to look for controlled narrative, clear hooks and signposts and signifiers, and some sort of emotional

path to learn more about its creator,whereas he likes to suppose that none of this matters. There are moments oftensionin each section of "Lux" — possibly accidental in composition, probably intentional in postproduction. But these sounds are ravishing: piano notes rich in reverb and overtones with hail-drop hammer strikes and deep burgundy finishes;ice-pop synthesizer tones;and, at points, a strangely distressed and chipped-up little sound, like air whistling through a keyhole, or a furious and quiet violin pizzicato. It's hard to tell if it's real or digital. — Ben Ratliff, The New York Times

One Direction

ride to stardom will continue is if they keep things fun. So that's what they go for on "Take Me Home." T he fizzy single "Live L i k e We're Young," with it s co-opting of The Clash's "Should I Stay or Should I Go?" for its opening and its poppy, sing-along chorus, is right on t arget. They strike again with "Heart Attack," which grooves like Miley Cyrus' "Party in the U.S.A." and has loads of goofy "ow!" screams and vocal tics. And when they really let

"TAKE ME HOME" Columbia Records This quintet is the only act from the United Kingdom ever to debut at No. 1 on the charts with its first album. That's right — not The Beatles, not the Stones, but the Simon Cowell-created boy band One Direction. The group's popularity has translated into massive tours sold out well into next year, as well as a new album, "Take Me Home," that has plenty riding on it. But the only way their rocket

party "I Would," only the hardhearted would be able to stifle a smile when they declare, "I can't compete with your boyfriend; he's got 27 tattoos!" Sure, it's a manufactured good time, but their target demographic doesn't know any better, and who wants to ruin that party before it's necessary? One Direction is harmless fun — the musical equivalent of one of those cute kitten videos. Nothing wrong with that. — Glenn Gamboa, Newsday

tH pN

loose on the playful, jangly guitar

"AN OMEN" EP Columbia Records One of the prettiest songs of the year, How to Destroy Angels' "Ice Age" was in part crafted by an artist best known for his tense discomfort. Trent Reznor, whose early career was spent in a testosterone swirl of machine-gun rhythms but who over the years developed a way to wallow in a slower, creepier kind of misery, has let in some sunlight. "Ice Age" is one of six songs on the group's fantastic new EP, and it stands out for singer Mariqueen Maandig's wisp of a voice. Known around L.A. as the former vocalist of West Indian Girl, her work

Green Day cc


Warner Bros. Records What a difference a year and an o n stage outburst — make. Near the beginning of 2012, the commercial rock world was abuzz with news of Green Day's forthcoming trio of studio albums, called "Uno!" "Dos!" and "Tre!" What once felt like the beginning of a new Green Day now seems like something it just wants to get over with. Into this chaos comes "Dos!" The good news is that it's a far better record than "Uno!" In fact, it's an excellent Green Day album — one of its best — a catchy, revealing work t hat surprises with its willingness to explore

Judy Garland "THE AMSTERDAM CONCERT — DECEMBER 1960" First Hand Records You might call this "The Road to Carnegie Hall Part 2." After a near-death experience from hepatitis late in 1959, Garland decamped to London, where a seriesof recording sessions and concerts led up to her return to New York in her famous "Live at Carnegie Hall" concert and album. Thislive setwas recorded by Dutch radio four months before New York with Garland in

throughout "An Omen" offers a brand of texture otherwise unavailable to deep-voiced Reznor. But that stands to reason: How to Destroy Angeles is its own beast, a collaboration among Reznor, Maandig (who is Reznor's wife), Atticus Ross and Rob Sheridan. Taken together, "An Omen" draws onturn-of-the-centurytriphop — slow, syrupy rhythms with space for breathing and post-hiphop beat — as well as the 1980s electronic experiments of Throbbing Gristle and its many offshoots ("How to Destroy Angels" is the title of a Coil song). "Hold It Together" is a feast of synthetic frequencies and rubbery beats, warm with energy despite voices whispering, "I don't believe in

IIi ff I , tr~kg '.;:

ideas that the band members may not h ave i n vented, but which, fed through Green Day's filter, become theirs. The adventure on "Dos!" is great news, considering that when "Uno!" was released on Sept. 25, it landed with a thud. The record felt l ik e a b o t tle

excellent voice and sounding incredibly relaxed and playful. T he repertoire i s c l ose t o "Carnegie Hall," but tempos are less driven. After an uncertain beginning, there are superior readings of such songs as "You Go to My Head" and "Come Rain or Come Shine." During the latter, she runs out of breath on the final note (as at Carnegie Hall) but later explains how she usually disguises such things. It's all very candid and homey, especially during encores. — David Patrick Stearns, The Phi ladel phia Inquirer

anything." And "The Sleep of Reason ProducesMonsters" feels like a 1970s experiment in synthesizer programming, like Conrad Schnitzler or Tangerine Dream taken to another realm. — Randall Roberts, Los Angeles Times

rocket when we were promised Roman candles, a work whose biggest surprise was how unsurprising it felt. If "Uno!" seemed to be a closed system, with Green Day working to flex its '90s punk muscles, on

No. 2 the group has gone opensource, allowing in a much wider range of sounds and styles. All the songs might sound a little like something else, and the result is a record that jumps around like a mixtape of undiscovered hits. And unlike its predecessor, which just wasn't all that fun, the chords on "Dos!" levitate Billie Joe Armstrong's personality while pushing Mike Dirnt and Tre Cool in surprising directions. — Randall Roberts, Los Angeles Times

a •


musie releases


Bad Brains

"GLOBAL WARMING" RCA Records Last year this Cuban American MC installed himself as the commander ofa worldwide dance-rap scene with "Planet Pit," which spawned a series of club-ready hits featuring the likes of Marc Anthony ("Rain Over Me"), Chris Brown ("International Love") and Ne-Yo (the Hot 100-topping "Give Me Everything"). Having evidently found leadership to his liking, Pitbull is now seeking a second term. "Don't stop the party!" he barks not long into his new album, and the rest of " G lobal Warming" gives you little opportunity to consider other options. It's an allnight rager as envisioned by the planet's best-dressed autocrat. What makes Pitbull's rule tolerable is his goofy shamelessness. Though the approach here precisely mirrors that on "Planet Pit" — think big beats and bigger cameos — he'susing his in-

"INTO THE FUTURE" Megaforce Records There's a sample on the new Bad Brains album, "Into the Future," that perfectly captures the influential D.C. punk band's early contact with audiences: "We figured if they didn't mind us being black, we didn't mind them being white." The statement, like the band, is an incitement, an acknowledgment of the occasionally uneasy relationship among punk, m etal and race in the genre's formative years. It didn't hurt that Bad Brains was one of the most incendiary of the first-generation hardcore punk bands, and that the group went on to influence a wealth of

creased power to venture even more daringly beyond the limits of good taste. In "Have Some Fun" he and guests the Wanted riff on "All I Wanna Do" by Sheryl Crow, while "Feel This Moment" (with Christina Aguilera) turns A-ha's '80s synth-pop curio "Take on Me" into the stuff of a Las Vegas bachelorette bash. The title track is bolder still: It opens the album with the unmistakable keyboard pulse of Los del Rio's 1996 novelty smash "Macarena." — Mihael Wood, Los Angeles Times

manac of shaky romance, nearly every song a first-person narraIi Ii tive with gnarled details, endlessly recombining data about suspicion, jealousy, pride, punishment, self-respect, the leadup, the aftermath. The thing i tself, the h appiness, the ecstasy? It shows up in "Wonderland," a duet with Elijah Blake, and "Hey Sexy," a sly ,AOVISORI and generous song written with Terius Nash and Carlos McKinney. But they seem like patch-ins Keyshia Cole from otherrecords, maybe even her last one, the happier "Calling "WOMAN TO WOMAN" All Hearts." "Woman to Woman" Geffen Records is for the anxious stat-crunchers The cover of "Woman to Wom- of emotional sport, those markan" shows a glamorous Keyshia ing up their box scores instead of Cole removing a less glamorous watching the game. Keyshia Cole mask. The first half of the record has The mask has n o m a keup; about half a narrative. It presthe woman u nderneath does. ents different aspects of what a You might f i n d t h i s m i slead- woman thinks during the period ing — shouldn't it be vice versa? between the first suspicion of Isn't the genuine self usually the malfeasance and the end of, say, one without blue l ipstick and the first month of living alone. eyeliner? (And it) ends with "Signature," a You have asked the right ques- song for a man to be trusted, and tion, the one with no solution. the anxieties dissolve: "I can't beCole is interested in complex and lieve I found love, I finally have unresolvable emotions, pretty peace," she sings. much for their own sake. She's T he softer beats carry t h e still working off th e model of information that this is a song Mary J. Blige as a powerful sing- of happiness, but her delivery er in hip-hop soundscapes and across the record makes all situas a proponent of relationship ations sound the same: peace, realness. "Woman to Woman," war, passive aggression. Cole's fifth album, is an R&B al— Ben Ratliff, The New York Times


later acts, including the Beastie Boys, TV on the Radio and the Mars Volta. Formed in 1977, Bad Brains — singer H.R., guitarist Dr. Know, bassist-producer Darryl Jeniferand drummer Earl Hudson — offers a heavy blend of riffage and Rastafarianism on its

first studio album in five years. As on the band's classic selftitled debut and its oft-overlooked '86 metal-punk-reggae album "I Against I," the four musicians on "Into the Future" present brutal songs that often travel on meandering paths. "Youth of Today" starts hard and ends dubby, and "Come Down" is as ferocious a hardcore wind sprint as anything the band's ever done. As always, singer H.R. is as much a preacher as a singer, and the constant proselytizing about Jah gets a little old, but complaining about it is like knocking Kirk Franklin for singing about Jesus. It's best to sit back and let the power of visionary punk rock wash over you. — Randall Roberts, Los Angeles Times

Iris DeMent

gospel, with DeMent's churchy piano underpinning most of the "SING THE DELTA" tracks. The vividly drawn songs Flariella Records bring striking depth and n uIris DeMent certainly takes ance to familiar country themes, her time making albums. "Sing whether she's singing movingly the Delta" is her first in eight about Mom and Dad, missing a years and her f i rst collection loved one, or delivering a love of new original material in 16. song to her native South (the title When the results are this sub- track, a stately ballad caressed limely good, however, it's hard to by Stax-like soul horns). complain. Perhaps nowhere does DeThe 51-year-old A r k ansas- Ment cut closer to the bone than born singer may h av e b een on the songs that grapple with raised in Southern California, faith. It still exerts an ineluctable but her voice still possesses an pull on her: On "If That Ain't industrial-strength nasal twang, Love," she sings about being one that radiates both frailty and overcome when Aretha comes resolve and is as real and unvar- on her car radio singing "Prenished as the portrait of her on cious Lord, Take My Hand." But the cover. The music, likewise, in "The Kingdom Has Already is still rooted in country and Come," sheconfesses: "Istopped

Led Zeppelin "CELEBRATION DAY" Atlantic Records Why won'tLed Zeppelin commit to a reunion tour and cash the biggest unsigned check in the music business? Partly because Robert Plant has better things to do (and new music to make). And partly because, in their heart of hearts, the band members know that, over the long slog of a world tour, sustaining the thrilling excellence demonstrated throughout this document of a one-nightonly get-together would be no easy business. " Celebration Day" w a s r e corded at London's 02 arena in 2007 in honor of-then recently deceased AtlanticRecords ex-

in the church to pray/ It was the middle of the day/ And I don't even know if I believe in God." And that is followed by her devastating story about "The Night I Learned How Not to Pray." — Nick Cristiano, The Philadelphia Inquirer

Bonham, whose death in 1980 led to the band's breakup), and leonine frontman Plant are in commanding form t h roughout the two-hour set. Crisp, thunderous and relaxed, the defining architects of heavy rock move from strength to strength, from intoxicating jams like "No Quarter" to the controlled fury of "Rock & Roll," with Plant paying tribute to revered if uncredited blues forebears like Robert Johnson and Blind Willie Johnson along the ecutive Ahmet Ertegun. "Ahmet, way. "Celebration Day" comes we did it!" Plant shouts skyward in a variety of configurations; it's after the band performs "Stair- worth getting one that includes way to Heaven." the D ic k C a r r uthers-directed Guitarist Jimmy Page, bass/ performance film for a fully satisk eyboard p l ayer J oh n P a u l fying Led Zep redux experience. — Dan DeLuca, Jones, drummer Jason Bonham (son of original member John The Phi ladel phia Inquirer



restaurants •






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Andy Tulde/The Bulletin

Clock Tower Pub server Charity Kenny, left, waits on patrons at the bar of the Redmond pub.

•Redmond's ClockTowerPubofersgames,greatgrubandabevyofbeers


By John Gottberg Anderson

Location:2757 N.W. Seventh St., Redmond Hours:11a.m.to11p.m. Mondayto Thursday, 11 a.m. to midnight Friday

For The Bulletin


would never have guessed it before dining there, but some of the best fish and chips in Central Oregon — and some of the tastiest sandwiches — may be found at an off-the-beaten-track sports bar at the north end of Redmond. The Clock Tower Pub opened in the early spring of 2010 in the Seventh Street Plaza and has quickly become a "go-to" spot for locals. One full room of owner Dan Pearson's pub is devoted to games, with three pool tables and a shuffleboard setup. The other is lined

with booths and barstools where a couple of dozen patrons may dine surrounded by televisions tuned to sports channels. Banners supporting the Seattle Seahawks, the Oregon State UniversityBeavers and other teams adorn the walls. A busy bartender scurries between tables and the back bar, taking and delivering orders at a rapid pace.

Good sandwiches My first meal at the Clock Tower was a sign of things to come. The Philly was not perhaps a Philadelphia cheesesteak sand-

wich in the most traditional sense, but it blended the key ingredients on an excellent hoagie roll. Finely chopped beef steak was sauteed with onions and red and green bell peppers, scooped onto the soft bread and smothered in Swiss cheese. A pulled-pork sandwich at a subsequent visit was equally delicious. The meat was blended with a rich barbecue sauce and served upon a bed of coleslaw within a sesame-seed bun. House-cut fries, which accompanied the sandwich, were also very good.

Continued next page

and Saturday,11 a.m. to10 p.m. Sunday Price range:Appetizers $2.50 to

$10.50, salads $4.25 to $8.50, burgers and sandwiches $4.50 to $8.75 Credit cards:Discover, MasterCard, Visa Kids' menu:No

Outdoorseating: No Reservations:Not accepted Contact:www.facebook.com or 541-526-1871

Scorecard OVERALL:B+ Food:B+.Excellentsandw iches,

good fish and chips, but disappointing salads. Service:A-. Bartender does her best to serve both tables and the back bar. Atmosphere:B. Basic two-room

Vegetarian menu:The Caesar

sports bar with TVsand aspacious area for table games.

salad is the only offering for non-

Value:A-. Prices of burgers and

carnivores Alcoholic deverages:Full bar

sandwiches are lower than many similar establishments.




From previous page

Next week:Noi

And the halibut fish and chips w er e a r e v e lation. Dressed in a tempura-style beer batter, the tw o f i l ets (there's an option for three) had a dry and crispy outside, and light and flaky interior. There was no grease in the serving, and the house-made tartar sauce provided additional flavor. A Redmond friend, who has become a Clock Tower regular,raves about the fried clams. I have yet to sample them. She insists both the hot dogs and chips are outstanding, as well.

Visit www.bendbulletin

e o;,:oe • "~

.cnm/restaurants for readers' ratings of more than 150 Central Oregon




y ears, including th e M u stard Seed, Cafe A l f resco and Crave. The new restaurant serves breakfasts and lunches, with nearly everything priced under $10; the only exception i s h a l ibut

fish and chips ($13.95). 614 N.W. Cedar Ave., Redmond; 541-923-8878.

Mediocre salads

Kim and Karla's Spuds

Not everything at the Clock Tower was wonderful, however. In contrast to the sandwiches and fish, the pub's salads need a lot of work. An o l d-fashioned C obb salad was, to be blunt, boring. In part, I'm sure, that was because it was made with just iceberg lettuce, which adds crunch but is relatively tasteless in itself. Better the chef had mixed the iceberg with other lettuces, such as the romaine employed in Caesar salads. F inely c h o pped ha r d boiled egg and bacon, crumbled blue cheese and sliced avocado filled out the Cobb salad. There was also a handful of unseasoned and highly forgettable croutons. On the positive side, the salad was offered with a choice of eight home-made dressings.I selected the honey mustard and was duly pleased. That quintet doesn't i n-

& Suds is offering stuffed baked-potato meals and other self-designed tater dishes in d o w ntown R e d mond, w ith p r ices b eginning a t $5, in the former location of O'Gannon's. Open 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Tuesday to Saturday. 514 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Redmond; 541 - 504-4556, www.facebook.com.

Andy Tullin i The Bulletin

A Tower Burger with onionrings at the Clock Tower Pub in Redmond. clude coleslaw, which was similarly uninspired. Totally lacking in the sweet-and-sour, sugar-and-vinegar balance of good slaw, it was moist but flavorless.

How to get there The Clock Tower pours a nice selection of beers but a very limited choice of lowend wines. But being situated closer to Central Oregon "wine country" than most of the region's establishments, it would be nice to see offerings from Terrebonne's Faith, Hope 8 Charity Vineyards, as well as Culver's Maragas Winery. Still, I'm happy to give the

pub my stamp of approval for

anyone craving a good sandwich, a burger or a beer. Once you find the Clock Tower — which, indeed, has a small tower rising above its roof — you won't forget the route. But the first time may be a little confusing. Turn west off Business Highway 97 at Northwest Quince Avenue, opposite the entrance to Home Depot. Take an almost immediate right on Seventh Street, which winds through

a couple of blocks of undeveloped real estate to the tiny plaza, which also includes a liquor store and fitness gym. — Reporter: jandersonCm bendbuiletin.corn

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holi ay a zaars ONGOING HUMANE SOCIETYCHRISTMAS BOUTIQUE:Decorations, holiday clothing, ornaments and more; 9 a.m.-5 p.m.Monday-Saturdaythrough Dec. 24; Humane Society of Redmond Thrift and Gifts, 1568 S. U.S. Highway 97, Redmond; 541-823-0882. SATURDAY MARKET:Handcrafted gift items, antiques, art and more; 10 a.m.-4p.m. Saturdaythrough Dec.29; Bend Masonic Center, 1036 N.E. 8th St.; 541-977-1737. ST. VINCENTDEPAULCHRISTMAS BAZAAR:Trees, ornaments, books, clothing and more: 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Monday-Saturday through Dec. 24; St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store, 1616 S.W. Veterans Way, Redmond; 541-504-9840. HOLIDAY FAIRE:Local handcrafted gift items; 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Monday-Friday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday through Dec. 16; Three Wind Shopping Center, 445 W. U.S. Highway 20, Sisters; 541-595-6967. REDMOND'SBAZAAR:Handcrafted items, pet items, car items, home decor and more; 11 a.m.-6 p.m. TuesdaySundaythrough Dec.23;531 N.W .Elm Ave.; 541-604-1367. ART SALE:Works of student art; 1-4 p.m.Wednesday-Saturdaythrough Dec. 14; Central Oregon Community College, Pence Gallery, 2600 N.W. College Way, Bend; 541-383-7511. HOLIDAY QUILT BAZAAR:Handcrafted quilts and quilted gifts by local artisans, wall hangings and more; proceeds benefit Quilts for Kids;11 a.m.-3 p.m. Wednesday-Thursday through Dec. 22; The Porch, 243 Elm St., Sisters; 541-410-4273. ARTSALE:Original oil paintings, bronze sculptures and giclee prints; 10 a.m.-7 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays through Dec. 31; Art by Knight Studio/Gallery, 1665 S.E. Ramsay Road, Bend; www. artbyknight.com or 541-633-7488. CHRISTMAS IN THECOUNTRY: Fresh Christmas trees, wreaths, a holiday market and more; 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday through Dec. 16; Smith Rock Ranch,1250 N.E. Wilcox Road, Terrebonne; www.pumpkinco. com or 541-504-1414.


Submityourbazaar This is a list of holiday bazaars submitted to The Bulletin. A

list of each week's bazaars will appear in Friday's GO!

Magazine. • To submit a bazaar that

does not already appear, send information to communitylife© bendbulletin.com or mail it to The Bulletin, Holiday Bazaars, P.O. Box 6020, Bend, OR 97708.1nformation must be received no later than a week

before eachFriday's list.



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1113 S.W. Black Butte Blvd., Redmond; 541-306-9957. CENTRAL OREGONLOCAVORE GIFT FAIRE:Handcrafted items from local artisans and more; 10 a.m.-6 p.m.; East Bend Plaza, 910 S.E. Wilson Ave.; 541-633-0674. EVERGREENBOUTIQUE:Food,art, handcrafted items and more; 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; La Pine Square, 54538 N. U.S. Highway 97; 541-536-2170. POWELL BUTTEART SHOW AND SALE:Handcrafted items, art and more;10a.m.-4 p.m.; Powell Butte Community Charter School,13650 S.W. Highway126; 541-419-9252. SWEETGRASS LANEHOLIDAY ARTSHOW:Jewelry, art, journals and more; 10 a.m.-2 p.m.; 60121 Sweetgrass Lane, Bend; 54 I -536-5682.


EVERGREENBOUTIQUE:Food,art, handcrafted items and more; 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; La Pine Square, 54538 N. U.S. Highway 97; 541-536-2170.

CHRISTMASBAZAAR:Jewelry, stitchings, decorations and more; 9 SATURDAY a.m.-5 p.m.; Westside Church, 2051 CRAFT FAIR: Handcrafted Shevlin Park Road, Bend; 541-382-7504. A BIG DEAL items, childcare available; proceeds HOLIDAY BAZAAR: Decorations, benefit the Deschutes County 4-H wreaths, pottery, candles, scarves, Program; admission $1 or one can of baked goods, hats, jewelry and more; 9 a.m.-3 p.m.; 2632 N.W. Ordway Ave., food;9 a.m.-7 p.m.;DeschutesCounty Bend; 541-598-4617. Fair 8 Expo Center, North and South

Sister buildings, 3800 S.W. Airport Way, Redmond; 541-548-6088. HOLIDAYBAZAAR: Decorations, wreaths, pottery, candles, scarves, baked goods, hats, jewelry and more; 9 a.m.-3 p.m.; 2632 N.W. Ordway Ave., Bend; 541-598-4617. MADRASHOLIDAYMARKET: Produce, meats and cheeses, baked goods and handcrafted items; 9 a.m.-4 p.m.; Jefferson County Fair Complex, 430 S.W. Fairgrounds Road, Madras; 541-489-3239.

ONE STOPCHRISTMAS SHOPPING: Tastefully Simple, rustic furniture, Christmas decor, silverware windchimes and more; 9 a.m.-3 p.m.; 5624 S.W. Reif Road, Powell Butte; 541-923-9614. A BIG DEALCRAFT FAIR: Handcrafted items, childcare available; proceeds benefit the Deschutes County 4-H Program; admission $1 or one can of food; 10 a.m.-3 p.m.; Deschutes Thinkstock County Fair & Expo Center, North and South Sister buildings, 3800 SCANDINAVIANCHRISTMAS BAZAAR: S.W. Airport Way, Redmond; Lefse, jams, special cookies and Scandia 541-548-6088. items; 9 a.m.-3 p.m.; Sons of Norway SWEETGRASS LANEHOLIDAY ART Hall, 549 N.W. Harmon Blvd., Bend; SHOW:10a.m.-2 p.m.; Jewelry, art, 541-447-3816. journals and more; 60121 Sweetgrass VINTAGEATBEND BAZAAR: Lane, Bend; 541-536-5682. Handcrafted items, baked goods and more; 9 a.m.-3 p.m.; 611 N.E. Bellevue DEC. 15 Drive, Bend; 541-389-0952. ZION HOLIDAY BAZAAR:Homemade CRAFT-0:Handcrafted items from local crafts and gifts, baked goods and more; artisans; 10 a.m.-6 p.m.; Old Ironworks, proceeds benefit community projects; 50 S.E. Scott St., Bend; www.tinyurl. 9 a.m.-3p.m.;Zion Lutheran Church, com/ironwurk.




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RobKerr/The Bulletin

Christian George, center, holding a book, stars as George Baileyin Bend Experimental Art Theatre's production of the holiday classic "It's a Wonderful Life."

• The young actors of BEAT stage the timeless story of GeorgeBailey in 'It's a Wonderful Life' By David Jasper The Bulletin


or the next tw o w eekends, Bend Experimental Art Theatre is offering visits to the world of Bedford Falls circa 1945, via its production of "It's a Wonderful Life." The trips depart from 2nd Street Theater starting tonight and continuing through Dec. 16 (see "If you go"). University of Kentucky professor James W. Rodgers adapted the scriptfrom Frank Capra's classic

1946 film, which starred ever-likable everyman Jimmy Stewart as George Bailey, a father and banker who comes very publicly unglued over the loss of $8,000. The film itself was adapted from a short story called "The Greatest Gift," written by Philip Van Doren Stern. As Wikipedia tells it, Stern, because no publisher would touch it, opted to release his story as a Christmas card. The card made its way into the hands of a Hollywood producer, rights to the story were

purchased for $10,000, and after three unsuccessful stabs at a script, the rights were eventually sold to Capra. Given its holiday ubiquity, you may think you know the stuff of "It's a Wonderful Life," but to review: Bailey, played in BEAT's all-youth production by 13-year-old Christian George, is a beloved figure in Bedford Falls. He's a small-town hero whose good deeds seem to come at some expense tohimself.He saves his little brother Harry's life but, in the process,loses hearing in one

bad turn when, as an adult running the family building and loan company, his forgetful Uncle Billy

(Cameron Kelley, 11) loses $8,000.

The desperate George goes to see the town's richest person, a Mrs. Potter instead of th e t r aditional Mr. Potter, played by Camilla Mae Knoop, 12, who loathes the Baileys, cruelly turns him down and threatens to get him arrested. As things go from bad to worse, George's life insurance policy and suicide seem his only way out, until an angel named Clarence (Sandro ear. Harry (Luke Mocke, 11) goes Ditta, 11) intervenes and grants on to win a Medal of Honor for his George his wish of never being own heroic actions in World War II. born. However, George's life takes a Continued next page

Ifyou go What: "It's a Wonderful Life"

When:Opensat 7 tonight, shows at 7 p.m. Thursdaysthrough

Saturdays, 2 p.m. Sundays,through Dec. 16 Where:2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E.

Lafayette Ave., Bend Cost:$15, $10 for

students ages 5-18 Contact:www.beat tickets.org or 541-4195558


From previous page We wouldn't want to ruin the surprises in store for those who have somehow never seen the source film, but let's just say that Bedford Falls would be nothing without its favorite son.

Once George gleefully returns to reality, the townspeople just as gleefully come to his financial rescue. There may b e n o s i ngle thing that better expresses the old saw about how it's better to give than to receive. This concluding scene comes off, just as it is in the film, like a pushbutton independently operating one's tear ducts. Let's just say that at a rehearsal earlier t h i s w e e k, this reporter was glad he was seated in a darker part of the theater, where there must have been some dust or other irritants in the air. But you're not a grizzled reporter, so don't you be afraid to cry in public. It's Christmas! If you can't be a sentimental crybaby at the good-natured denizens of Bedford Falls this time of year, well, maybe you should try out for a future production as Mr. or Mrs. Potter. D avid DaCosta of T h o roughly Modern Productions serves asdirector of the play, which has a running time of about an hour and 45 minutes. A ssistant d i r ector L e i l a Smith-Daines tells GO! Magazine that, collectively, the kids in the cast have a sort of cultural clean slate, lacking preconceived notions of what life in 1945 must have been like. "They're very teachable," she said. However, just as a parent must repeatedly ask children to clean their rooms, she said, "You have to use repetition, but repetition is the key to learning. They get it." Smith-Daines a n t icipates that some people might say, "'Man, I've seen it on TV a million times. Why would I want to go see it?' "I think because of how it's staged, it brings to light something you might have missed from the movie. It's kind of a new perspective. And the little people — they're adorable." — Reporter: 541-383-0349, djasperC<bendbulletin.com

Food, Home 8r Garden In AT HOME -


I • Th e Bulletm


Gallery Walk is tonight in Bend

Poetry reading set at NOW office

Take in a r t , a ppetizers, wine and live music from 5 to 9 tonight at First Friday Gallery Walk, when galleries and cafes around downtown Bend and the Old Mill District stay open late for the free monthly event. New exhibits will open tonight at the following galleries, among others: • Atelier 6000, 389 S .W. Scalehouse Court, in the Old Mill district, will display small handmade pieces in "Objects," and works exploring the theme "Branching Out." • Townshend's B end Teahouse, 835 N.W. Bond St., will exhibit works by Atelier 6000 members. • Karen B a n dy D e s i gn Jeweler, 25 N.W. Minnesota Ave., in the atrium adjacent to Bandy's shop, will host a reception from 6 to 8 p.m. for "The Memory Project," featuring painted portraits Summit High students painted using photos of orphans from Rwanda, one of the poorest regions in the world. The paintings will later be sent to the orphans.

Bend poet John Schwechten will read at The Nature o f Words (224 N .W. O r -

egon Ave., Bend) at 6 p.m. Wednesday. Schwechten, a psychotherapist in private practice, is co-founder of Peace Bridges Inc., a nonprofit with projects in Central Oregon and eastern Kenya. His poetry reflects his work in Africa, peace advocacy and his work treating people with sexual deviance disorders. The event is free and open to the public. Contact: w w w .thenature ofwords.org or 541-647-2233.

Art by Knight artists host open house The Bend artists behind Art by Knight are holding an open house from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. every Friday and Saturday through Dec. 29. Husband and wife artists Stephen and Laurel Knight — Stephen's a sculptor, Laurel a painter — will host the event at their home studio and gallery at 1665 S.E. Ram-


say Road, near Bear Creek Elementary in Bend. Their w orks are offered in a variety of sizes and prices, with giclee canvas prints starting at $45. Contact: info@artbyknight .com or 541-633-7488.

HDCM Gala tickets are a hot commodity

Tickets are $85. Contact: www.highdesert c hambermusic.com, i n f o @ highdesertchambermusic .com or 541-306-3988.


Mastersingerspresent holidayconcert

Central Oregon Mastersingers will p erform " Ring Tickets are going fast for Noel!" with special guests the High Desert Chamber Mu- Bells of Sunriver at 7:30 p.m. sic's Fifth Annual Gala com- Saturday and 2 p.m. Sunday ing up at 6 p.m. Dec. 15 at the at the Tower Theatre (835 Oxford Hotel in downtown N.W. Wall St., Bend). B end, according t o H i g h U nder th e d i r ection o f Desert C h amber M u s ic's Clyde Thompson, the MasIsabelle Senger. tersingers will sing traditionSenger will perform at the al holiday music, according to event along with two other a press release. The concert members of the Crown City will feature Benjamin Britten's "A Ceremony of Carols," String Quartet. The gala, which also in- and concertgoers will also cludes a dinner and silent hear "0 M agnum Mysteriauction, benefits H D CM's um" by Tomas Luis de VictoEducational Outreach, which ria. The Bells of Sunriver will provides studentswithaccess present selections ranging from "Jazzy Jingle Bells" to to guestperformers through performances and Q8rA ses- "What Child is This." sions at local schools, tickets Tickets are $16 plus a $1 to performances, and mem- historic restoration fee and bership in Spotlight Cham- are available at www.tower ber Players, a program that theatre.org or 541-317-0700. provides regular chamber Contact: w w w.co-master music instruction and per- singers.com. — David Jasper formance opportunities.



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in the OldMill District Choose an original, dynamic, compelling gift for the ones you love.

ATE1IER 6000 Studio Workshop 8 Gallery

ate lie r 6000.0r g 1541.330.8759

I.UBBESMEYER Studio 8 Gallery

Iub bes meyer. to m 1541.330.0840

MAPPING CONTEMPORARY A Contemporary Pop-up Gallery

thruJan 1 in the Lahaina Gallery space

TUMAI.O ART CO. A Fine Art Gallery

tumaloortto.tom I 541.385-9144





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ALLEDAREALESTATE: Featuring works by Pam Jersey Bird; through December; 25 N.W. Minnesota Ave., Suite 1, Bend;541-633-7590. AMBIANCEARTCO-OP: Featuring gallery artists, reception from 4-8 tonight; 435 S.W. Evergreen Ave., Redmond; 541-548-8115. ARTISTS' GALLERYSUNRIVER: Featuring local artists, reception from 4-7 p.m. Saturday; 57100 Beaver Drive, Building 19; www. artistsgallerysunriver.com or 541-593-4382. ATELIER 6000:Featuring "Branching Out" and "Objects" by local artists, reception from 5:30-8 tonight; through Jan. 28; 389 S.W. Scalehouse Court, Suite 120, Bend; www.atelier6000.org or 541-330-8759. BEND CITYHALL:Featuring "UNSEEN::WORLD," works exploring how Bend's unseen world inspires community; through March 29; 710 N.W.Wall St.; 541-388-5505. CAFE SINTRA:Featuring "3 Points of View," a continually changing exhibit of photographs by Diane Reed, Ric Ergenbright and John Vito;1024 N.W. Bond St.,Bend; 541-382-8004. CANYONCREEKPOTTERY: Featuring pottery by Kenneth Merrill; 310 N. Cedar St., Sisters; www.canyoncreekpotteryllc.com or 541-549-0366. COWGIRLCASH:Featuring works

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Renne Brock Mixed Media dventures in Change'

Submitted photo

"Poppy Fields Forever," by Bonnie Junnell,is part of the ongoing exhibit of local artists featured at the Artists' Gallery Sunriver. by Maya Moon, reception from 6-9 tonight; 924 N.W. Brooks St., Bend;541-678-5162. CROW'S FEETCOMMONS: Featuring cyclocross photography by local artists; today through Sunday; 875 N.W. Brooks St., Bend; 541-728-0066. DON TERRAARTWORKS: Featuring more than 200 artists; 222 W. Hood Ave., Sisters; 541549-1299 or www.donterra.com. DOWNTOWN BENDPUBLIC LIBRARY:Featuring "Art of Photography"; through Feb. 4; 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-312-1037. FRANKLINCROSSING:Featuring "Oregon Wine in Art," woven paper designs by Alice Van Leunen, reception from 5-8 tonight; through December;

550 N.W. Franklin Ave., Bend; 541-382-9398. FURNISH.:Featuring works by Sue Smith; 761 N.W. Arizona Ave., Bend; 541-617-8911. GHIGLIERI GALLERY:Featuring original Western-themed and African-inspired paintings and sculptures by Lorenzo Ghiglieri; 200 W. Cascade Ave., Sisters; www.art-lorenzo.com or 541-549-8683. HELPINGYOUTAX & ACCOUNTING:Featuring paintings by Carol Armstrong; 632 S.W. Sixth St., Suite 2, Redmond; 541-504-5422. JENNIFER LAKEGALLERY: Featuring paintings by Jennifer Lake; 220 W. Cascade Ave., Sisters; www.jenniferlakegallery.




Join us on First Friday




834 NW Brooks Street Bend, Oregon 97701 Behind the Tower Theatre



com or 541-549-7200. JILL'S WILD (TASTEFUL) WOMEN WAREHOUSE: Featuring works by Jill Haney-Neal; Tuesdays and Wednesdays only; 601 North Larch St, Suite B, Sisters; www.jillnealgallery.com or 541-617-6078. JOHN PAULDESIGNS: Featuring custom jewelry and signature series, reception from 5-9 tonight; 1006 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-318-5645. JUDI'S ARTGALLERY:Featuring works by Judi Meusborn Williamson; 336 N.E. Hemlock St., Suite 13, Redmond; 360-325-6230. KARENBANDYDESIGNJEWELER: Featuring fine custom jewelry and abstract paintings by Karen Bandy, reception from 6-8 tonight; 25 N.W. Minnesota Ave., Suite 5, Bend; www.karenbandy.com or 541-388-0 I55. LUBBESMEYER FIBERSTUDIO: Featuring fiber art by Lori and Lisa Lubbesmeyer; 450 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Suite 423, Old Mill District, Bend; www. lubbesmeyerstudio.com or 541-330-0840. MAPPING CONTEMPORARY:An Old Mill pop-up gallery featuring works by regional artists; through Dec. 30; 425 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend; 541-330-8759. MARCELLO'SITALIANCUISINE AND PIZZERIA:Featuring several local artists; 4 Ponderosa Road, Sunriver; 541-593-8300. MOCKINGBIRDGALLERY: Featuring "Impressions of Nature," works by Troy Collins and Bart Walker, reception from 5-9 tonight; through December; 869 N.W. Wall St., Bend; www.mockingbirdgallery.com or 541-388-2107. MOSAIC MEDICAL:Featuring mixed-media collage paintings by Rosalyn Kliot; 910 S. U.S. Highway 97, Suite101, Madras; 541-475-7800. PATAGONIA O BEND:Featuring photography by Mike Putnam; 1000 N.W. Wall St., Suite 140; 541-382-6694. PAUL SCOTTGALLERY: Featuring patinaed steel and reclaimed wood art by Mytchell Mead and "Small Works" by Julee Hutchinson, Ned Mueller and Daniil Volkov, reception from 5-9 tonight; through December; 869 N.W. Wall St., Bend; www.paulscottfineart.com or 54 I -330-6000. PRONGHORN CLUBHOUSE: Featuring watercolor and acrylic paintings by Jerome Gaston; through Jan.15; 65600 Pronghorn Club Drive, Bend; 541-693-5300. QUILTWORKS: Featuring works by Alice Pedersen and "Favorite

Children's Book" by local quilters, reception from 5-7 tonight; through January; 926 N.E. Greenwood Ave., Suite B, Bend; 541-728-0527. RED CHAIRGALLERY: Featuring "Ice Blue," works by gallery members, reception from 5-9 tonight; through December;103 N.W. Oregon Ave., Bend; www. redchairgallerybend.com or 541-306-3176. RUUD GALLERY:Featuring works by local and regional contemporary artists; 50 S.E. Scott St., Suite 2, Bend; www. ruudgallery.com or 541-323-3231. SAGE CUSTOM FRAMINGAND GALLERY:Featuring "Adventures in Change," works by Renne Brock, reception from 5-9 tonight; through Jan. 26; 834 N.W. Brooks St., Bend; 541-382-5884. SAXON'S FINEJEWELERS: Featuring jewelry by Mary Wildman, reception from 6-8 tonight; 520 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend; 541-389-6655. SISTERSAREACHAMBEROF COMMERCE:Featuring fiber art by Rosalyn Kliot; 291 E. Main Ave.; 541-549-0251. SISTERSGALLERY& FRAME SHOP:Featuring landscape photography by Gary Albertson; 252 W. Hood Ave.; www.garyalbertson.com or 541-549-9552. SISTERS PUBLICLIBRARY: Featuring works by Charlotte Milam and Annie Painter; through December; 110 N. Cedar Ave.; 541-312-1070. ST. CHARLESBEND: Featuring "Arts in the Hospital"; through December; 2500 N.E. Neff Road; 541-382-4321. SUNRIVERAREAPUBLIC LIBRARY:Featuring works by Nancy Becker and Cheryl Griffiths; through Jan. 26; 56855 Venture Lane; 541-312-1080. SUNRIVERLODGE BETTY GRAY GALLERY:Featuring "Two Rivers, Three Sisters," a quilt by local artists; through December; and "Going to the Dogs," works by Kathy Deggendorfer and Tonye Belinda Phillips; through Jan. 5; l7600 Center Drive; 541-382-9398. TOWNSHEND'SBENDTEAHOUSE: "Inked Surface," featuring original prints and mixed media; through Jan. 2; 835 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-312-2001 or www. townshendstea.com. TUMALOARTCO.: Featuring "Little Delights," art ornaments by gallery artists, reception from 5-9 tonight; through December; 450 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Suite 407, Bend; www.tumaloartco.com or 541-385-9144.



out oorS Outing shorts are trimmed versions of stories published in The Bulletinin the past several weeks. For the complete stories, plus more photos, visit www.bendbulletin.com/outing.



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eterson Ridge Trail begins just a few blocks south of downtown Sisters, and offers miles

of well-maintained singletrack and several trail and loop options, allowing riders to adjust their ride distance accordingly. Watch for runners,


walkers and dogs sharing the trail. — Bulletin staff

I /

l L

If yougo

parking is limited to eight vehicles. Difficulty:Moderate, with rocky

Getting there:From Bend, take

U.S. Highway 20 to Sisters. Turn left at Elm Street/Forest Road 16 and proceed two blocks to Village

Green Park. There's also asmall, informal trailhead farther south, at the corner of East Tyee Drive, but

Anne Aursnd /The Bulletin

The oval — a large, flat, immaculately groomed track — is a great place to learn how to cross-country ski or to practice technique. The views aren't bad either.


technical sections and increasing difficulty as trail climbs to higher elevation

Cost:Free Contact:www.sisterstrails.com

Five Pin ilhead

Peterson Ridge trailhead

To Redmond

or cross-country skiers anxious to get on their skis when snow conditions are still

To Bend


tenuous, it's a safe bet to go to higher elevations. For skate skiers especially, that

means Mt. Bachelor's Nordic Ski Center, which includes 56 kilometers of well-groomed


trails. Check www.mtbachelor.com — Nordic Ski Center info is under drop-down


menu labeled "The Mountain" — for trail condition updates. Day passes cost $17 for

Mountain Bike — Featured ride — Mountain bike trails

Spirit Circle

view ont

adults on weekends and holidays, and $14 midweek. Pick up a trail map in the lodge. — Bulletin staff

Peterson Ridge Trail East Eagle Rock


,n<' 16

eterson Bidge Trail West

Double Ditch


Peterson Ridge Overlook

Deschutes National Forest

Far overlook

Ifyou go


Getting there:TakeCascadeLakes

in Mt. Bachelor's parking lot and use Mt. Bachelor Nordic Center's

Highway southwest from Bend about 17 miles to Mt. Bachelor's main

parking lot Cost:$17 for adults on weekendsand holidays; $14 midweek Contact:www.mtbachelor.com, 800-

Note:Cross-country skiers who park "common corridor" trail to access the backcountry are now required to first stop in the lodge and pick up a free

passbeforeheading out.Thecommon corridor trail, which leads from the

cross-country lodge to Century Drive, is often used by skiers who want to

access backcountry ski trails such as those leading to ToddLake. Unlike the rest of the groomed nordic trails, it

does not require a paid permit to use. This is the first year the resort has required users to obtain a free permit.


To Forest Rd. 16






Greg Cross/The Bulletin


classic holiday tale about George Bailey and his guardian angel; $15, $10 students ages 5-18; 7 p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, 220 I'LL BE HOME FOR CHRISTMAS HOME N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-419-5558 TOUR:See a home decorated in holiday or www.beattickets.org. (Story, Page 16) style, with more than 40 decorated Christmas trees, wall hangings and more; HOLIDAYCONCERT:Featuring the Cascade Brass Quintet and jazz singer proceeds benefit the Children's Vision Foundation, Deschutes County Historical Michelle Van Handel; free; 7 p.m.; Museum, Williams Syndrome Association Community Presbyterian Church, 529 N.W.19thSt.,Redmond; 541-548-3367. and Bend Heroes Foundation; $5 in advance,$6 atthe door;10 a.m.-4 p.m .; "E.T. THEEXTRA-TERRESTRIAL":A tour home, 21163 Clairaway Ave., Bend; screening of the PG-rated1982 film; 541-389-1813 or www.deschuteshistory. free; 7:30 p.m.; Jefferson County Library, org. Rodriguez Annex, 134 S.E. ESt., Madras; 541-475-3351 or www.jcld.org. BELLS OF SUNRIVER: Ring in the season with handbell choir the Bells of Sunriver, THE HOOTHOOTS:The Seattle-based as they play familiar holiday tunes; free; 1 power-pop act performs; $5; 8 p.m.; The p.m.; Sunriver Area Public Library, 56855 Horned Hand, 507 N.W. Colorado Ave., Venture Lane; 541-312-1034 or www. Bend; 541-728-0879 or www.facebook. deschuteslibrary.org/calendar. com/thehornedhand. GRIMES' CHRISTMASSCENE:A display of lighted and mechanical Christmas SATURDAY decorations; open through Dec. 24; free; 2-7 p.m.; Crook County Fairgrounds, 1280 Dec. 8 S. Main St., Prineville; 541-447-5006 or "THE METROPOLITANOPERA: UN grimes@crestviewcable.com. BALLO INMASCHERA":Starring Sondra CHRISTMASKAYAKERSFLOAT:Kayaks Radvanovsky, Marcello Alvarez and and canoes decorated with lights paddle a Stephanie Blythe in a presentation of loop beginning at Tumalo Creek Kayak & Canoe; free; 3:30 p.m. participants gather, Verdi's masterpiece; opera performance 4:15 p.m. float; Old Mill District, 661 S.W. transmitted live in high definition; $24, $22 seniors, $18 children; 9:55 a.m.; Regal Powerhouse Drive, Bend; 541-317-9407 Old Mill Stadium16 & IMAX, 680 S.W. or www.tumalocreek.com. Powerhouse Drive, Bend; 541-382-6347. FIRSTFRIDAY GALLERY WALK: Event (Story, Page 34) includes art exhibit openings, artist talks, I'LL BE HOME FOR CHRISTMAS HOME live music, wine and food in downtown TOUR: 10a.m.-4 p.m. at the tour home in Bend and the Old Mill District; free; 5-9 Bend; seeToday's listing for details. p.m.; throughout Bend. (Story, Page 17) INDOORSWAPMEET: Featuring 70 BRANDI CARLILE: The rootsy singerlocal vendors, with new andused items, songwriter performs a Christmas show; $43 in advance, $48 at the door, plus fees; antique collectibles, crafts and more; free 6 and 9:30 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. admission; 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; 694 S.E.Third St., Bend; 541-317-4847. Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www. SENSATIONAL SATURDAY:Learn about towertheatre.org. (Story, Page 7) multicultural holiday traditions celebrated COMMUNITYCRECHEEXHIBIT: Featuring throughout the West, with a holiday Nativity displays from around the world huntand crafts; included in the price and live music; free; 6-9 p.m.; Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 333 S.E. of admission; $12 adults, $10 ages65 and older, $7 ages5-12, free ages 4and Idlewood St., Prineville; 541-233-3633. younger; 10 a.m.-3 p.m.; High Desert HUCKLE:The roots-rock act performs, Museum, 59800 S. U.S.Highway 97, Bend; with Grant Farm; with a food drive; 541-382-4754orwww.highdesertmuseum. donations accepted;6 p.m.;BrokenTop OI'g. Bottle Shop 8 Ale Cafe, 1740 N.W.Pence MOTORCYCLISTSOF CENTRAL OREGON Lane, Suite1, Bend; 541-728-0703 or TOY RUN: Toydrive featuring a chili contest, www.btbsbend.com. (Story, Page 7) live music, a raffle, games, amotorcycle "FLOWERS FORALGERNON": The Crook ride through Bendand more; donations County High School drama department benefit the BendElks' Christmas charity presents the David Rogers play about a food baskets; donation of new unwrapped man who participates in an experiment toy requested;11 a.m.-4 p.m.; Cascade to enhance his intellect; $5; 7 p.m.; Crook Harley-Davi dsonofBend,63028Sherman County High School, Eugene Southwell Road; 541-280-0478. Auditorium, 1100 S.E. Lynn Blvd., GRIMES' CHRISTMAS SCENE:Adisplay Prineville; 541-416-6900. of lighted and mechanical Christmas "IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE":The Bend decorations; open through Dec.24; free; Experimental Art Theatre presents the 1-7 p.m.; Crook County Fairgrounds, 1280



S. Main St., Prineville; 541-447-5006 or grimes@crestviewcable.com. THEWRONG HEROES:Dr. Elizabeth Daniels discusses how to teach girls to critique media content, titled "Helping Young People NavigateBeyond Naked Royals, Lindsay's Arrests and Snooki's Baby"; free; 2 p.m.; Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541-312-1034 or www. deschuteslibrary.org/calendar. BENDGAMENIGHT: Play available board games or bring your own; free; 6 p.m.midnight; East BendPublic Library, 62080 Dean Swift Road; 541-318-8459. COMMUNITYCRECHEEXHIBIT: Featuring Nativity displays from around the world and live music; free; 6-9 p.m.; Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 333 S.E. Idlewood St., Prineville; 541-233-3633. SMALLTOWN POETSCHRISTMAS: A performance by theChristian rock act, proceeds benefit Kilns College; $12; 6:30 p.m., doors open at 6 p.m.; Kilns Bookstore, 550 S.W. Industrial Way, Suite180, Bend; www.kilnscollege.org. "FLOWERS FOR ALGERNON": 7 p.m .at Crook County High School; seeToday's listing for details. "HIGH DESERT NUTCRACKER": Redmond School of Dance presentsthe classic holiday ballet, in a style inspired by present day Central Oregon; $11, $5ages10 and younger; 7 p.m.; Ridgeview High School, 4555 S.W. Elkhorn Ave., Redmond; 541548-6957 or www.redmondschoolofdance. com. "IT'SAWONDERFUL LIFE":TheBend Experimental Art Theatre presents the classic holiday tale about GeorgeBailey andhis guardian angel; $15, $10 students ages 5-18; 7 p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-419-5558 or www.beattickets.org. DMX:The rapper performs, with Killa E, JagiBlanco,DJ Pacman andataping of the"LatinGoddesses"TV show;$20;7 p.m.; Liquid Lounge, 70 N.W.Newport Ave., Bend; 541-389-6999 or www.liquidclub. net. HOLIDAYCONCERT: Featuring the Cascade Brass Quintet and jazz singer Michelle Van Handel; free; 7 p.m.; First United Methodist Church, 680 N.W.Bond St., Bend; 541-382-1672. CENTRALOREGON MASTERSINGERS:The 47-voice choir presents "Ring Noel" under the direction of Clyde Thompson, with the Bells of Sunriver; $16 plus fees; 7:30 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W.Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www.towertheatre.org. (Story, Page17) TRIAGE: The comedy improvisational troupe performs; $5; 7:30 p.m.; Greenwood Playhouse, 148 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-389-0803 or


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Brand! Carllle:Bend's sweetheart performs a holiday concert. Twice!

SAT., WED. & THURS. 'Heroes' L!drarySeries: Subjects range from sandwiches to Springsteen.

SATURDAY & SUNDAY Central OregonMasters!ngers: "Ring Noel" with skilled singers.

WEDNESDAY Operation Elf Bash: Raising money for Christmas toys. Mission accomplished.

WEDNESDAY Deana Garter concert andtoy drive: Helpaneedychildandhavesome "Strawberry Wine."

www.cascadestheatrical.org. LOSTBAYOU RAMBLERS:TheCajuninfluenced rock band performs, with Pheasant and Bitterroot; $5 plus fees in advance, $10at the door; 8p.m.; The Horned Hand, 507 N.W.Colorado Ave., Bend; 541-728-0879 or www.reverbnation. com/venue/t hehornedhand. Z-TRIP:The DJperforms at Slipmat Science's RoboLiquidPop party, with DJ Wicked, Woody McBride, Mosley Wotta and more; $20; 9 p.m., doors open at 8 p.m.; Domino Room, 51N.W.Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-788-2989 or www. slipmatscience.com. (Story, Page6) SOL SEED: The reggae-rock act performs, with Strive Roots; $5; 9 p.m.; Silver Moon Brewing 8 Taproom, 24 N.W.Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-388-8331 or www. silvermoonbrewing.com.

SUNDAY Dec. 9 "WE GREWWINGS": A screening of the documentary about the University of Oregon women's trackand field team, and the progression of women's sports over the last40yearssince Title IX's passing; $10;1 p.m.; Sisters Movie House,720 Desperado Court; 541-549-8800. (Story, Page35) GRIMES' CHRISTMAS SCENE:A display of lighted and mechanical Christmas decorations; open through Dec. 24; free; 1-7 p.m.; Crook County Fairgrounds,1280 S. Main St., Prineville; 541-447-5006 or grimes©crestviewcable.com. OREGON OLDTIME FIDDLERS: Fiddle music and dancing. Additional jam format from12-1 p.m. includes junior, adult and


tY, DECEMBER 7, 2012

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band performs its annual Christmas concert with popular holiday music; free; 11:30 a.m.; Bend Senior Center,1600 S.E. Reed Market Road; 541-639-7734, cascadehorizonband©aol.com or www. cascadehorizonband.org. ADVENTLECTURE:A presentation by author, scholar and theologian Marcus Borg, titled "The Birth Stories — What Are They About?"; free; 7 p.m.; St. Helens Hall, Trinity Episcopal Church, 231 N.W. Idaho Ave., Bend; 541-382-5542. HISTORYPUB:A presentation by Dr. David James on the declining monarch butterfly populations in California and the Pacific Northwest; free; 7 p.m., doors open at 6 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or www.mcmenamins.com.

senior fiddlers from the region; informal acoustic jam for non-performing musicians in the Auxiliary room of the VFWhall from1-3 p.m; donations accepted; dance program1-3 30 p.m.; VFWHall,1836 S W. Veterans Way, Redmond; 541-647-4789. "HIGH DESERTNUTCRACKER": RedmondSchoolofDance presentsthe classic holiday ballet, in a style inspired by present day Central Oregon; $11, $5 ages10 and younger; 2 p.m.; Ridgeview HighSchool,4555 S.W .ElkhornAve., Redmond; 541-548-6957 or www. redmondschoolof dance.com. "IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE":The Bend Experimental Art Theatre presents the classic holiday tale about George Bailey and his guardian angel; $15, $10 students ages 5-18; 2 p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-419-5558 or www.beattickets.org.

CENTRALOREGON MASTERSINGERS:The 47-voice choir presents "Ring Noel" under the direction of Clyde Thompson, with the Bells of Sunriver; $16 plus fees; 2 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W.Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www.towertheatre.org. SECOND SUNDAY:Kristy Athens reads from a selection of her work; followed by an open mic; free; 2 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W.Wall St.; 541-312-1032 or www.deschuteslibrary. org/calendar. MENORAHLIGHTING: A lighting of a giant menorah; followed by music, crafts and more; free; 5 p.m.; Center Plaza, the Old Mill District, Southwest Powerhouse Drive between TheGapand Anthony's, Bend; 541-633-7991. FOUNTAINVIEWACADEMY ORCHESTRA AND SINGERS: The group from British

Columbia performs, "0 Holy Night"; free; 7 p.m.; Bend Seventh-dayAdventistChurch, 21610 N.E. Butler Market Road; 541-6471726 or www.fountainofmusic.com.

MONDAY Dec. 10 BELLS OF SUNRIVER: Ring in the season with handbell choir the Bells of Sunriver, as they play familiar holiday tunes; free;11 a.m.; La Pine Public Library, 16425 First St.; 541-312-1034 or www. deschuteslibrary.org/calendar.






performs, with Aaron Benward and Brian McComas; with a toy drive; $20, $15 with an unwrapped toy, plus fees; 8 p.m.; Maverick's Country Bar & Grill, 20565 Brinson Blvd., Bend; 541-325-1886 or www.maverickscountrybar.com. (Story,

Page 8)


GRADUATION AUCTION: Silent auction to benefit Summit High School's graduation party; free admission; 8 a.m.-8 p.m.; Athletic Club of Bend, 61615 Athletic Club Drive; 541-408-0344 or www. summitstormboosters.com. GRIMES' CHRISTMASSCENE:A display of lighted and mechanical Christmas decorations; open through Dec. 24; free; WEDNESDAY 2-6 p.m.; Crook County Fairgrounds, 1280 S. Main St., Prineville; 541-447-5006 or Dec. 12 grimes@crestviewcable.com. GRIMES'CHRISTMAS SCENE:A display SCIENCE PUB:Melissa Cheyney talks of lighted and mechanical Christmas about maternal health in "The Politics and decorations; open through Dec. 24; free; Science of Being Born: Location, Location, 2-6 p.m.; Crook County Fairgrounds,1280 Location"; registration requested; free; S. Main St., Prineville; 541-447-5006 or 5:30-7:30 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. grimes©crestviewcable.com. Francis School,700 N.W .BondSt.,Bend; 541-322-3152 or www.mcmenamins.com. OPERATION ELFBASH:A holiday party with food, live music, a DJ and araffle and KNOW HEROES: Peter Ames Carlin, the a toy drive; new, unwrapped toy donations author of the biography, "Bruce," gives a benefit Operation Elf Box; $15 in advance, lecture about the rock icon titled, "Bruce $20 at the door; 5-10 p.m.; Century Springsteen: An American Musical Hero"; Center, 70 S.W. Century Drive, Bend; 541- free; 6:30 p.m.; East Bend Public Library, 383-3300 or www.bendradiogroup.com. 62080 Dean Swift Road; 541-350-3537 or AUTHORPRESENTATION:John http://j.mp/brucereading. Schwechten recites a selection of his "IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE":TheBend poetry, followed by a Q8A; free; 6 Experimental Art Theatre presents the p.m.; The Nature of Words, 224 N.W. classic holiday tale about George Bailey Oregon Ave., Bend; 541-647-2233, and his guardian angel; $15, $10 students info@thenatureofwords.org or www. ages 5-18; 7 p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, 220 thenatureofwords.org. (Story, Page 17) N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-419-5558 KNOW HEROES: Wiliam Akin discusses, or www.beattickets.org. "From 4-Color to 3D: A History of the AUTHOR PRESENTATION:Michael Stevens American Superhero"; free; 6 p.m.; talks about his book, "Being an Ordinary Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 Buddha: Practicing the Natural Mind"; N.W. Wall St.; 541-312-1034 or www. with an art sale benefiting the TenFriends deschuteslibrary.org/calendar. Relief Center and the Natural Dharma STORIESFROM TERRA MADRE AND Center; free; 7-9 p.m.; TheOld Stone, 157 POTLUCK:Hear stories from delegates N.W. Franklin Ave., Bend; 541-388-3352 or who recently returned from Italy, with a www.naturalminddharma.org. potluck; free; 6:30 p.m.; Cascade Culinary POETRYREADING:Creative writing Institute, 2555 N.W. Campus Village Way, students from Kilns College share their Bend; 541-279-0841. poetry, with an open mic; free; 7-9 p.m.; Crow's Feet Commons, 875 N.W. Brooks MATTTHE ELECTRICIAN:The roots-pop artist performs; $10; 7 p.m.; The Belfry, St., Bend; 541-728-0066. 302 E. Main Ave., Sisters; 541-815-9122 CURRENT SWELL: The Canadian rootsor www.belfryevents.com. (Story, Page 5) rock act peforms; $5; 8 p.m.; The Horned RAINBOWGIRLS:The CaliforniaHand, 507 N.W. Colorado Ave., Bend; based folk act performs; free; 7 p.m.; 541-728-0879 or www.facebook.com/ McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 thehornedhand. (Story, Page 3) N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or • SUSMIT AN EVENTat www.bendbulletin. com/submitinfo or email events@bendbulletin.com. www.mcmenamins.com. (Story, Page 7) Deadline is 10 days before publication. Questions? DEANACARTER:The country artist Contact 541-383-0351.



planning ahea DEC. 14-20 DEC. 14-15 — HOLIDAYMAGIC CONCERT: The Central Oregon Community College Cascade Chorale performs holiday songs under the direction of James Knox; with soloist Lindy Gravelle; proceeds benefit Abilitree; $17; 7 p.m. Dec. 14 and 4 p.m. Dec. 15; Summit High School, 2855 N.W. Clearwater Drive, Bend; 541-7716184 or www.bendticket.com. DEC. 14-16, 19-20 — GRIMES' CHRISTMAS SCENE: A display of lighted and mechanical Christmas decorations; open through Dec. 24; free; 2-7p.m. Dec.14,1-7 p.m. Dec. 15-16 and 2-6 p.m. Dec. 19-20; Crook County Fairgrounds, 1280 S. Main St., Prineville; 541-447-5006 or grimes© crestviewcable.com. DEC. 14-16 — "IT'S AWONDERFUL LIFE":The Bend Experimental Art Theatre presents the classic holiday tale about George Bailey and his guardian angel; $15, $10 students ages 5-18; 7 p.m. Dec. 14-15 and 2 p.m. Dec.16; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-419-5558 or www. beattickets.org. DEC. 14 — LUNCH AND LECTURE: Learn about how the Pole Creek Fire in Sisters will encourage a healthy ecosystem; bring a sack lunch; included in the price of admission; $12 adults, $10ages65and older, $7ages5-12, free ages 4 and younger; noon-1 p.m.; HighDesertMuseum, 59800 S.U.S. Highway 97, Bend; 541-382-4754 or www.highdesertmuseum.org. DEC. 14 — DIRKSENDERBYKICKOFF PARTY:Featuring live music, an art auction, a raffle and more; proceeds benefit Tyler Eklund; $5 suggested donation; 6-11 p.m.; Century Center, 70 S.W. Century Drive, Bend; 541-480-1414. DEC. 14 — "BELLS & BELLOWS":A Christmas concert featuring organist Mark Oglesby and the Bells of Sunriver; free; 7 p.m.; St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church & School, 2450 N.E. 27th St., Bend; 541-382-3631. DEC. 14 — BILLKEALEHOLIDAY CONCERT:Featuring a performance by the local Hawaiian folk-pop artist; $20;7-9 p.m.;TheOld Stone,157 N.W . Franklin Ave., Bend; 541-408-0561 or www.billkeale.com. DEC.14— SUNRIVER MUSIC FESTIVAL CHRISTMASCONCERT:The Chuck Israels Jazz Orchestra performs classical and Christmas music; $30, $10ages18and younger; 7 p.m.; Sunriver Resort, Homestead Room, 57081 Meadow Road;541-593-9310, tickets©sunrivermusic.org or www. sunrivermusic.org. DEC. 14 — BLACKALICIOUS: The






Ryan Brennecke /The Bulletin file photo

Cllnt Clark stars as Crumpet the elf in "The Santaland Diaries," opening Dec. 19 at 2nd Street Theater. California-based hip-hop duo performs; $10;9 p.m.;Liquid Lounge,70 N.W . Newport Ave., Bend; 541-389-6999 or www.liquidclub.net. DEC.14 — THE LACS:The Georgiabased country rap and Southern rock duo peforms; ages 21 and older; $10; 9 p.m., doors open at 8 p.m.; The Annex, 51 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541788-2989 or www.midtownbend.com. DEC. 15-16 — BEND FESTIVAL NOEL: Featuring local vendors, art, a giving tree, performances by the Portland Cello Project and Tom Grant and more; free admission; 11 a.m.-8 p.m. Dec. 15 and

10 a.m.-8:30 p.m. Dec. 16; Athletic Club of Bend, 61615 Athletic Club Drive; 541385-3062 or www.c3events.com. DEC. 15 —TOYSALEFUNDRAISER: Gently used toys, games and children's books; proceeds benefit First United Methodist Church's overseas missions; free admission; 9 a.m.-noon; First United Methodist Church, 680 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-382-1672 or www.bendumc. ol'g. DEC.15— "THE METROPOLITAN OPERA:AIDA": Starring Liudmyla Monastyrska, Olga Borodina and Roberto Alagna in a presentation of

Verdi's masterpiece; opera performance transmitted live in high definition; $24, $22 seniors, $18 children; 9:55 a.m.; Regal Old Mill Stadium16 & IMAX, 680 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend; 541-382-6347. DEC.15— INDOOR SWAP MEET: Featuring 70 local vendors, with new and used items, antique collectibles, crafts and more; free admission; 10 a.m.-5p.m.;694 S.E.Third St.,Bend; 541-317-4847. DEC. 15 — KNOW HEROES:Learn how to cookthe perfect muffuletta sandwich from Chef Bette Fraser in a class titled,

"The 'Hero' of New Orleans"; free; 2 p.m.; Sunriver Area Public Library, 56855 Venture Lane; 541-312-1032 or www.deschuteslibrary.org/calendar. DEC. 15 — KNOW HEROES:M aggie Triplett discusses the roles of heroes, specifically those of the American West, in "Heroes and Why WeNeed Them."; free; 2 p.m.; Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541312-1032 or www.deschuteslibrary. org/calendar. DEC. 15 — KNOW HEROES:Learn abouthow dogs help humans witha lecture titled, "Four-Legged Heroes: From Protection & Detection to Search & Rescue"; free; 4 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public Library, Brooks Room, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-312-1034 or www. deschuteslibrary.org/calendar. DEC.15— "FACING THE STORM: STORY OFTHE AMERICAN BISON":A screening of the documentary about the history of bison as a Western symbol of abundance; $3,freem useum members; 6 p.m.;High DesertMuseum, 59800 S. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; 541-382-4754, ext. 241. DEC. 15 —ACROVISIONHOLIDAY SHOW:Featuring skits from Acrovision's preschool, recreational and competitive programs; $9, $7 children, plus fees; 6 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W.Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www. towertheatre.org. DEC. 15 — HIGHDESERTCHAMBER MUSIC BENEFITGALA:Includes live music, dinner and a silent auction; registration recommended; proceeds benefit High Desert Chamber Music programs; $85; 6 p.m.; The Oxford Hotel, 10 N.W. Minnesota Ave., Bend; 541-306-3988, info© highdesertchambermusic.com or www. highdesertchambermusic.com. DEC. 15 — "BELLS & BELLOWS": A Christmas concert featuring organist Mark Oglesby and the Bells of Sunriver; free; 7 p.m.; Zion Lutheran Church, 1113 S.W. Black Butte Blvd., Redmond; 541-923-7466. DEC.15— THE AUTONOMICS: The Portland-based rock'n' roll act performs, with A Happy Death and The RumandtheSea;$5 plus feesin advance, $10 at the door; 8 p.m.; The Old Stone,157 N.W. Franklin Ave., Bend; www.bendticket.com. DEC. 15 — HANDBELL CHOIR CONCERT: A performance of Christmas music; donationsaccepted;2 p.m .; Madras United Methodist Church, 49 N.E. I2th St.; 541-475-2 I50. DEC.15— HOLIDAY CONCERT: "On a Lite Christmas Nite" featuring jazz performances by Jeff Lorber and Jeff Kashiwa; $30-$52; 6 p.m.; Athletic Club of Bend, 61615 Athletic Club Drive; 541385-3062 or www.c3events.com.

planning ahead





Submitted photo

The Moscow Boys Choir will perform Dec. 17 at the Tower Theatre in Bend. DEC.17— THE MOSCOW BOYS CHOIR:The 25-voice choir presents a blend of Christmas standards and Russianfolksongs;$25-$45 plus fees; 7:30 p.m.; TowerTheatre, 835 N.W.Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www.towertheatre.

St., Prineville; 541-447-5006 or grimes@ crestviewcable.com.

DEC. 21-27

DEC. 21-23 — "A CHRISTMASCAROL": Cascades Theatrical Company presents an adaptation of Charles Dickens' classic holiday tale; $24, $14 students and children, plus fees; 7 p.m. Dec. 21-22 and 2 p.m. Dec. 23; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W.Wall St., Bend; 541-3170700 or www.towertheatre.org. DEC. 21-23 — "THESANTALAND DIARIES": A presentation of the humorous story of David Sedaris' stint as a Christmas elf at Macy's; $12; 8 p.m. Dec. 21-22 and 3 p.m. Dec. 22-23; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-312-9626 or www.2ndstreettheater.com. DEC. 21 — "FLOW STATE": A screening of the Warren Miller film about skiing and snowboarding; $10; 7:30 p.m.; Sunriver Resort, 17600 Center Drive; 800-486-8591 or www. sunriver-resort.com. DEC. 22-23 — JAZZ AT THE OXFORD: Featuring "Patrick Lamb's Holiday Soul"; $39 plusfees in advance;5 p.m .and8 p.m .Dec. 22and6:30p.m. Dec.23;TheOxford Hotel,10 N.W.MinnesotaAve.,Bend;541-382-8436 or www.jazzattheoxford.com. DEC.24— COMMUNITY CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICE: With food, carols, a choir performance and aperformance by Grace Laxson, Jena Rickardsand Annie Bethancourt; $6 plus fees, free for ages11 and under; 3, 5 and 7 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W.Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www.towertheatre.org. DEC.24— 'TWAS THE NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS: Featuring holiday trivia, caroling and a live reading of the holiday poem; free admission; 7-8 p.m.; Sunriver Resort, Homestead Room, 57081 Meadow Road; 800486-8591 or www.sunriver-resort.com. DEC.26-27— SURVIVOR: ANIMALS ADAPT!: Learn about animal adaptations to dramatic environmental shifts in the High Desert, featuring live animals; $6 plus museum admission, $4 for members plus museum admission; 11 a.m. and1:30 p.m.; High Desert Museum, 59800 S. U.S. Highway 97,Bend; 541382-4754orwww.highdesertmuseum.org.

DEC.21-24 — GRIMES' CHRISTMAS SCENE: A display of lighted and mechanical Christmas decorations; open through Dec. 24; free; 2-7 p.m. Dec. 21 and1-7 p.m. Dec. 22-24; Crook County Fairgrounds,1280 S. Main

DEC. 27 — "MADAGASCAR 3: EUROPE'S MOST WANTED": A screening of the PG-rated 2012 film; free; 2 p.m.; Jefferson County Library, Rodriguez Annex, 134 S.E. E St., Madras; 541-475-3351 or www.jcld.org.


DEC.18— "GENEALOGY SHOW 8[TELL: SHARINGOURSTORIES": Bend Genealogical Society presents a program with a holiday potluck and awhite elephant sale; free; 10 a.m.noon; First Presbyterian Church, 230 N.E.Ninth St., Bend; 541-317-9553 or www.orgenweb. org/deschutes/bend-gs. DEC.18 — SNOOP DOGG:The hip-hop icon performs; SOLDOUT;8 p.m., doors open at 7 p.m.; Midtown Ballroom, 51 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-788-2989 or www. randompresents.com. DEC.19— "THE METROPOLITAN OPERA: LA CLEMENZADlTITO": Starring Lucy Crowe, Barbara Frittoli and ElinaGaranca in anencore performance of Mozart's masterpiece; opera performance transmitted in high definition; $18; 6:30 p.m.; Regal Old Mill Stadium16 8, IMAX,680S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend; 541-382-6347. DEC. 19 — "THE SANTALAND DIARIES": A presentation of the humorous story of David Sedaris' stint as aChristmas elf in Macy's; $12; 8 p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-312-9626 or www.2ndstreettheater.com. DEC. 20 —BISONEXHIBITTOUR: Explore the significance of bison on aguided tour of the exhibit, "Bison: American Icon"; $3, free for museummembers;11 a.m. and1 p.m.; High Desert Museum, 59800S.U.S.Highway 97, Bend; 541-382-4754. DEC. 20 — KNOW HEROES: Maggie Triplett discusses the roles of heroes, specifically those of the American West, in "Heroes and Why We NeedThem."; free; 6 p.m.; East Bend Public Library, 62080 Dean Swift Road; 541-312-1032 or www.deschuteslibrary. org/calendar.








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talks, elasses, museums 5 li raries EDUCATION HOLIDAYBAKINGDAY:Bake, make holiday candy, share recipes and methods and watch holiday movies; registration requested; free; 9 a.m.4 p.m. today, Dec.14and Dec. 21; Central Oregon Community College Crook County Open Campus, 510 S.E. Lynn Blvd., Prineville; 541-447-9233. ELEVATOR SPEECHWORKSHOP: Learn how to craft a brief, informative speech, with feedback; registration required; $20; 10 a.m.-noon Saturday; register for Bend location; www.eloquentexpression.com or 541-617-0340. COOKING CLASSWITH CHEF BETTE FRASER:Learn how to use mushrooms in a variety of dishes; registration required; $50; 6-9 p.m. Wednesday; registerfor Bend location; www.welltraveledfork.com, chefbette©welltraveledfork.com or 541-312-0097. AARP DRIVERSAFETY PROGRAM: Through senior centers; Bend, 541388-1133; Redmond, 541-548-6325. CENTRAL OREGON COMMUNITY COLLEGE: www.cocc.edu or 541-383-7270. COMPASSIONATECOMMUNICATION: www.katyelliottmft.com or 541-633-5704. KINDERMUSIK:www.developmusic. com or 541-389-6690. LATINOCOMMUNITY ASSOCIATION: 541-382-4366 or www.latca.org. MOTORCYCLE SAFETY: http:// teamoregon.orst.edu. NEILKELLY CO. REMODELING SEMINARS:541-382-7580. PARTNERS INCAREPRESENTATIONS: loriew©partnersbend.org or 541-382-5882. SPIRITUALAWARENESS COMMUNITY OF THECASCADES:www. spiritualawarenesscommunity.com or 541-388-3179. THE STOREFRONTPROJECT: 541-3304381 or www.thenatureofwords.org. WOMEN'S RESOURCECENTER CLASSES:www.wrcco.org or 541-385-0750.

PARKS L RECREATION BEND PARK& RECREATION DISTRICT: www.bendparksandrec.org or 541-389-7275. BEND SENIOR CENTER:541-388-1133. CAMP TUMALO: www.camptumalo.com or 541-389-5151. REDMONDAREAPARKAND RECREATION DISTRICT: www.raprd.org

or 541-548-7275. SISTERSORGANIZATION FOR ACTIVITIES AND RECREATION: www. sistersrecreation.com or 541-549-2091

Hummingbirds," through April 7,"Pervasive lnvasives: Animals" through Jan. 6,"The Bison: American Icon" through Jan. 6 and more; 59800 S. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; www.highdesertmuseum.org or 541-382-4754. THE MUSEUMATWARMSPRINGS: Cultural, traditional and artistic heritage of the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs; 2189 U.S. Highway 26, Warm Springs; www. museumatwarmsprings.org or 541-553-333I. SUNRIVER NATURE CENTER & OBSERVATORY:Featuring live birds of prey, hands-on exhibits, nature trail, telescopes, night sky viewing and more; 57245 River Road, Sunriver; www.sunrivernaturecenter.org or 541-593-4394. PINE MOUNTAINOBSERVATORY: Featuring lectures, star gazing, instructional sky navigation demonstrations and sci-fi movie nights; 541-382-8331.

OUTDOOR RECREATION DESCHUTESLANDTRUST: www.deschuteslandtrust.org or 541-330-0017. THE ENVIRONMENTAL CENTER: www. envirocenter.org or 541-322-4856. OREGON PALEOLANDS INSTITUTE OUTDOOR EXCURSIONS: www. paleolands.org or 541-763-4480. OUTDOORS SKILLS WORKSHOPS: 800 720-6339, ext. 76018. PINEMOUNTAIN OBSERVATORY: pm osun.uoregon.edu. SUNRIVERNATURECENTER & OBSERVATORY: www. sunrivernaturecenter.org or 541-593-4442. TRADITIONALMOUNTAINEERING MAP, COMPASSAND GPS SKILLS: 54 I-385-0445.


WANDERLUST TOURS: www. wanderlusttours.com or 541-389-8359.

ARTS 8E CRAFTS WINTER FLORALPAINTING CLASS: Learn how to paint winter florals with acrylics; registration required; $45; noon-3 p.m. Dec. 14; Art Station, 313 S.W. Shevlin Hixon Drive, Bend; www. artscentraloregon.org or 541-617-1317. CITY LIGHTSPHOTOGRAPHY: Learn how to take stunning dusk and night photos during the Christmas season; registration required; $59; 4-7 p.m. Dec. 15; Cascade Center of Photography, 390 S.W. Columbia St., Suite110, Bend; www.ccophoto.com or 541-241-2266. ART IN THEMOUNTAINS: www. artinthemountains.com or 541-923-2648. ART STATION:www.artscentraloregon. org or 541-617-1317. ATELIER 6000:www.atelier6000.org or 541-330-8759. CINDYBRIGGS WATERCOLORS: www. cindybriggs.com or 541-420-9463. CREATIVITYRESOUCE FOUNDATION: 541-549-2091. DON TERRA ARTWORKS: 541-5491299 or www.donterra.com. JENNIFERLAKEGALLERYART ACADEMY:541-549-7200. KEN ROTH STUDIO: www. kenrothstudio.com or 541-317-1727. KINKERARTSTUDIO: 541-306-6341. SAGEBRUSHERS ART SOCIETY: http://sagebrushersartofbend.com or 541-617-0900.

Submitted photo

Learn how to paint winter fioraisat the Art Station with Barbara Berry. See the Arts 8 Crafts section for details.

PERFORMING ARTS WEST COASTSWING WORKSHOP: Focusing on intermediate technique, styling, partner connection and more; registration required; $32; 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Dec. 15; Redmond Area Parks and Recreation District Activity Center, 12433 S.W. Canal St.; 541-548-7275 or www.raprd.org. ACADEMIE DEBALLET CLASSIQUE: 541-382-4055. ACTOR'S REALM:541-410-7894 or volcanictheatre@bendbroadband.com. AN DAIREACADEMY OF IRISH DANCE: www.irishdancecentraloregon.com. BEND EXPERIMENTAL ARTTHEATRE: www.beatonline.org or 541-419-5558. CASCADE SCHOOL OFMUSIC: www.ccschoolofmusic.org or 541-382-6866. CENTRALOREGON SCHOOL OF BALLET: www. centraloregonschoolofballet.com or 541-389-9306. CHILDREN'SMUSIC THEATRE GROUP: www.cmtg.org or 541-385-6718. DANCECENTRAL: danceforhealth. dance©gmail. com or541-639-6068.

BEND GENEALOGICALSOCIETY LIBRARY:Williamson Hall at Rock Arbor Villa, 2200 N.E. U.S. Highway 20, Bend; 541-317-9553 or www. orgenweb.org/deschutes/bend-gs. DOWNTOWN BEND PUBLIC LIBRARY:601 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-617-7040.

GOTTA DANCESTUDIO:541-322-0807. GYPSY FIREBELLYDANCE: 541-420-5416. JAZZ DANCECOLLECTIVE: www.jazzdancecollective.org or 54 I -408-7522. REDMONDSCHOOLOFDANCE: www. redmondschoolofdance. com or 541-548-6957. SCENE STUDYWORKSHOP:541-9775677 or brad@innovationtw.org. TERPSICHOREAN DANCESTUDIO: 541-389-5351.

CROOK COUNTYLIBRARY:175 N.W. Meadow Lakes Drive, Prineville; 541-447-7978. EAST BEND PUBLIC LIBRARY: 62080 Dean Swift Road; 541-330-3760. FAMILYHISTORY LIBRARY: 1260 N.E. Thompson Drive,Bend;541-382-9947. LA PINE PUBLICLIBRARY: 1642 51st St., La Pine; 541-312-1091. JEFFERSONCOUNTYLIBRARY: 241 S.E. 7th St., Madras; 541-475-3351. REDMOND PUBLICLIBRARY: 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave., Redmond; 541-312-1050.


ROBERT L. BARBER LIBRARY: 2600 N.W. College Way (COCC), Bend; 541-383-7560. SISTERS PUBLICLIBRARY: 110 N. Cedar St., Sisters; 541-312-1070. SUNRIVERAREAPUBLIC LIBRARY: 56855 Venture Lane, Sunriver; 541-312-1080.

A.R. BOWMANMEMORIALMUSEUM: Exhibits about Crook County, the City of Prineville Railroad and the local timber industry; 246 N. Main St., Prineville; www.bowmanmuseum.org or 541-447-3715. DES CHUTESHISTORICAL MUSEUM: Explores the history, culture and heritage of Deschutes County; 129 N.W. Idaho Ave., Bend; www. deschuteshistory.org or 541-389-1813 HIGH DESERT MUSEUM: Featuring exhibits, wildlife and art of the High Desert, plus "Butterflies and

Find It All Online

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outo town The following is a list of other events "Out of Town."

CONCERTS Through Dec. 9 —Holidays with the Trail Band,Aladdin Theater, Portland; TF*

Courtesy Dale Beyer

Dixie Deberry (Jeffrey Jason Gilpin) and Pearl Burris (Alan King)try to kill bluejays in Oregon Repertory Theatre's production of "A Tuna Christmas." The play runs Dec. 13-23 at the Dolores Winningstad Theatre in Portland.

Dec. 7 —Blood on theDance Floor, Wonder Ballroom, Portland; TF* Dec. 7 —Marv Ellis/Shook Twins, * McDonald Theatre, Eugene; TW Dec. 7 —Sara Watkins/Aoife D'Donovan,WOWHall, Eugene; www. wowhall.org or 541-687-2746. Dec. 8 —Atlas Genius, McMenamins * Crystal Ballroom, Portland; CT Dec. 8 —Kix Brooks, Roseland Theater, Portland; TW* Dec. 8 —Sara Watkins/Aoife D'Donovan,Mississippi Studios, Portland; www.mississippistudios.com or 503-288-3895. Dec. 8 —The Tragically Hip, Wonder Ballroom, Portland; TF* Dec. 9 —"Let it Snow": Presented by A Jazz Kings Christmas; The Shedd Institute, Eugene; www.theshedd.org or 541-434-7000. Dec. 10 —The Shins, McMenamins Crystal Ballroom, Portland; SOLDOUT; *


• Stages in Oregon bring back perennial Christmas favorites By Jenny Wasson The Bulletin

t's beginning to look a lot like Christmas at

organizations across Oregon. A good sign tof some the holiday season has arrived is the return perennial favorites to the stage. Back by populardemand, "Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Christmas Carol," "The Santaland Diaries," and "A Tuna Christmas" are playing at various theaters in Portland this December. Blending the worlds of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Charles Dickens, "Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Christmas Carol" is running now through Dec. 30 at the Artist Repertory Theatre's Alder Stage. Written by Seattle playwright John Longenbaugh, the play premiered at Seattle's Taproot Theatre Company in 2010. Ticket prices range from $40 to $50, depending on the day of performance. Student tickets are available for $25. To purchase tickets, visit www.artistsrep.org or call 503-241-1278. Based on David Sedaris' experience play-

ing an elf in a Macy's department store's Santaland display, "The Santaland Diaries" is on stage now through Dec. 30 at the Portland Center Stage's Ellyn Bye Studio at the Gerding Theater at the Armory in Portland. Actor Darius Pierce plays Crumpet the elf in this one-man show. Ticket prices are $44 to $59, depending on day of performance. Tickets are available for $30 for students and youth. To purchase tickets, visit www.pcs.org or call 503-445-3700. Finally, the O regon Repertory T heatre brings back "A Tuna Christmas, the hit comedyby Jaston Williams, Joe Sears and Ed Howard, Dec. 13-23 at the Dolores Winningstad Theatre in Portland. Comedians Jeffrey Jason Gilpin and Alan King portray 22 different characters during the course of the play. Ticket pricesrange from $20 to $42.50,depending on seat location and day of performance. To purchase tickets, visit www.oregonrep.org or call 503-946-7272. — Reporter: 541-383-0350, jwasson@bendbulletin.com

Dec. 12 —fun., McMenamins Crystal Ballroom, Portland; NEWDATE;SOLD OUT; CT* Dec. 13 —BoysNoize/American Girls,McMenamins Crystal Ballroom, Portland; CT* Dec. 13 —Kreayshawn, Roseland Theater, Portland; TW* Dec. 13-14 —Portland Cello Project Beck the Halls Holiday Spectacular, Aladdin Theater, Portland; TF* Dec. 14 —Horse Feathers/Frank Fairfield,WOW Hall, Eugene; www. wowhall.org or 541-687-2746. Dec. 14 —SunnD))), Roseland Theater, Portland; TW* Dec. 15 —Horse Feathers/Frank Fairfield,Aladdin Theater, Portland; TF* Dec. 15 —The Mother Hips/The Parson RedHeads, Doug Fir Lounge, Portland; TF* Dec. 16 —Blind Pilot, Roseland Theater, Portland; TW* Dec. 16 —The DandyWarhols, Doug Fir Lounge, Portland; TF* Dec. 16 —The Mountain Goats, Aladdin Theater, Portland; TF* Dec. 18 —Pentatonix, Aladdin Theater, Portland; SOLD OUT;TF* Dec. 19 —Kinky Friedman,Aladdin * Theater, Portland; TF Dec. 20 —2 Chainz, Roseland Theater, Portland; TW*

Dec.20 — KinkyFriedman,WOW Hall, Eugene; www.wowhall.org or 54 I-687-2746. Dec. 22 —Con BroChill, Wonder Ballroom, Portland; TF* Dec. 27-28 —Beats Antique, McMenamins Crystal Ballroom, Portland; CT* Dec. 28 —Cherry Poppin' Daddies, WOW Hall, Eugene; www.wowhall.org or 541-687-2746. Dec. 29 —Supersuckers, Doug Fir * Lounge, Portland; TF Dec. 29-31 —Railroad Earth, McMenamins Crystal Ballroom, * Portland; CT Dec. 30-31 —Storm Large, Aladdin * Theater, Portland; TF Dec. 31 —Floydian Slips, McDonald Theatre, Eugene; TW* Dec. 31 —New Years Evewith Pink Martini,Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; www.pcpa.com or 503-946-7272. Jan. 4 —Jenny Scheinman, Bill Frisell 8 Brian Blade,The Shedd Institute, Eugene; www.theshedd.org or 54 I-434-7000. Jan. 5 —The Jenny Scheinman Trio,McMenamins Mission Theater, Portland; CT* Jan. 8 —KEANE/Youngblood Hawke, McMenamins Crystal Ballroom, Portland; CT* Jan. 11 —Floater, McMenamins Crystal Ballroom, Portland; CT* Jan. 11 —Monterey Jazz Festival 55th Anniversary Tour,Hult Center, Eugene; www.hultcenter.org or 541-682-5000. Jan. 12 —Hell's BeHes/Zepparella, McDonald Theatre, Eugene; TW* Jan. 13 —LoudonWainwright HI/Dar Williams,Aladdin Theater, Portland; TF*

Jan. 13 —Tribal Seeds, Wonder Ballroom, Portland; TF* Jan. 15 —Lady Gaga, Rose Garden, Portland; www.rosequarter.com or 877-789-7673. Jan. 16 —Chris Botti, Craterian Theater at The Collier Center for the Performing Arts, Medford; www. craterian.org or 541-779-3000. Jan. 16 —Dar WiHiams/Loudon Wainwright HI,The Shedd Institute, Eugene; www.theshedd.org or 54 I-434-7000. Jan. 18 —Sum41, Roseland Theater, Portland; TW* Jan. 19 —Jackson Browne, Keller Auditorium, Portland; www.pcpa.com or 800-273-1530. Jan. 19 —Quicksand, Wonder Ballroom, Portland; TF*


Jan. 19 —Slightly Stoopid/Karl Denson,McDonald Theatre, Eugene; TW* Jan. 20 —Slightly Stoopid/Karl Denson,McMenamins Crystal Ballroom, Portland; CT* Jan. 23 —Down,Roseland Theater, Portland; TW* Jan. 23 —TommyEmmanuel, * Newmark Theatre, Portland; TW Jan. 24 —Pinback, Wonder * Ballroom, Portland; TF Jan. 24 —Solas, The Shedd Institute, Eugene; www.theshedd. org or 541-434-7000. Jan.25—PortlandSoundcheck, Aladdin Theater, Portland; TF* Jan. 25 —School of Rock — Portland,McMenamins Crystal Ballroom, Portland; CT* Jan. 26 —Hot Buttered Rum/ Fruition,WOW Hall, Eugene; www. wowhall.org or 541-687-2746. Jan. 26 —Marc CohnTrio, Aladdin Theater, Portland; TF* Jan. 26 —The Walkmen, Roseland Theater, Portland; TW* Feb. 1 —Black Prairie, The Shedd Institute, Eugene; www.theshedd. org or 541-434-7000. Feb. 6 —EHieGoulding, McMenamins Crystal Ballroom, Portland; CT* Feb. 6 —Soundgarden,Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; TW


Feb. 7 —The WoodBrothers, WOW Hall, Eugene; www.wowhall. org or 541-687-2746. Feb. 8 —Super Diamond, McMenamins Crystal Ballroom, Portland; CT* Feb. 8 —The WoodBrothers, Aladdin Theater, Portland; TF* Feb. 9 —Mark Kozelek, Aladdin Theater, Portland; TF* Feb. 9 —RaRa Riot, Wonder * Ballroom, Portland; TF Feb. 11 —ShawnMullins, Aladdin * Theater, Portland; TF Feb. 12 —Graveyard, Wonder * Ballroom, Portland; TF Feb. 16 —Afro-Cudan AHStars, The Shedd lnstitute, Eugene; www. theshedd.org or541-434-7000. Feb. 16 —Leftover Salmon, McMenamins Crystal Ballroom, Portland; CT* Feb. 16 —Victor Wooten, Aladdin Theater, Portland; TF* Feb. 17 —Coheed & Camdria, Roseland Theater, Portland; TW* Feb. 22-23 —SaHie Ford & The Sound Outside,Wonder Ballroom, Portland; TF* Feb. 23 —Galactic, McMenamins Crystal Ballroom, Portland; CT* Feb. 28 —Toro y Moi, Wonder * Ballroom, Portland; TF

out of town


*Tickets TM: Ticketmaster, www

.ticketmaster.com or 800745-3000 TW:TicketsWest, www .ticketswest.com or 800992-8499 TF:Ticketfly, www.ticket fly.com or 877-435-9849 CT:Cascade Tickets, www

.cascadetickets.com or 800-514-3849

Courtesy Michael Durham/Oregon Zoo

Rose-Tu's week-old calf stays warm in the elephant barnat the Oregon Zoo in Portland. The female calf was born at 2:17 a.m. Nov. 30and weighed 300 pounds. The zoo is currently seeking help in naming the baby elephant. Votes will be accepted online at www.oregonzoo.org through Sunday. The choices are Jaidee, Sirikit, Rakhi, Lily and Siddhi.

LECTURES 5 COMEDY Dec. 11 —Popovich ComedyPet Theater,Aladdin Theater, Portland; *


Jan. 11 —"An Evening of Sit Down Comedywith Robin Williams and DavidSteinderg," Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; www.pcpa.com or 503-248-4335. Jan. 12 —"An Evening of Sit Down Comedywith Robin Williams and DavidSteinderg," Hult Center, Eugene; www. theshedd.org or541-434-7000. Jan. 18 —Paula Poundstone, McDonald Theatre, Eugene; TW* Feb. 2 —Lewis Black, Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; www.pcpa.com or 503-248-4335. Feb. 5 —The Moth, Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; www.pcpa.com or 503-946-7272.


Choir and theOregon Symphony; Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; www.orsymphony.org or 800-228-7343. Dec. 15 —"Fiesta Navidad". Featuring Mariachi Los Camperos de Nati Cano;Oregon Symphony; Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; www.orsymphony.org or 800-228-7343. Dec.16 —"Cirque de Noel": Combines aerial feats, mind-

boggling contortionists and juggling acts with holiday favorites performed by the EugeneSymphony; HultCenter, Eugene; www.hultcenter.org or 541-682-5000. Dec. 22 —"Christmas with JohnnyMathis":Oregon Symphony; Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; www. orsymphony.org or 800-228-7343. Dec. 23 —"Comfort & Joy":The OregonSymphony and Pacific Youth Choir perform holiday favorites; Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; www.orsymphony. org or 800-228-7343. Dec. 28-31 —"The Pirates of Penzance":Eugene Opera; Hult Center, Eugene; www.hultcenter. org or 541-682-5000.

Jan.6 —"Inspector Crescendo": Kids Series Concert; Oregon Symphony; Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; www. orsymphony.org or 800-228-7343. Jan. 12-14 —"Andre Watts & Beethoven's Emperor":Featuring pianist Andre Watts; music by Hindemith, Schumann and Beethoven; Oregon Symphony; Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; www.orsymphony.org or 800-228-7343. Jan. 17 —"Mozart's Piano Concerto":Featuring Alessio Bax; music by Mozart, Rossini and Prokofiev; Eugene Symphony; Hult Center, Eugene; www.hultcenter. org or 541-682-5000. Jan. 19 —"Ellis Hall: Ray Charles":Oregon Symphony; Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; www.orsymphony.org or 800-228-7343. Jan. 20 —"Swing, Swing, Swing!":Featuring Norman Leyden; Oregon Symphony; Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; www.orsymphony.org or 800-228-7343. Jan. 26-28 —"Strauss' Four Last Songs":Music by Strauss and Mozart; Oregon Symphony; Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; www.orsymphony.org or 800-228-7343.

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out of town

PAGE 28 • GO! MAGAZINE From previous page



Feb. 1 —The Canadian Tenors: Oregon Symphony; Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; www.orsymphony.org or 800-228-7343. Feb. 1, 3, 7, 9 —"Tosca": Opera by Puccini; Portland Opera; Keller Auditorium, Portland; TM* Feb. 9-7 —"Beethoven's Ninth Symphony": Musicby Hindemit h, Britten and Beethoven; Oregon Symphony; Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; www. orsymphony.org or 800-228-7343.

Hindemith; Oregon Symphony; Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; www.orsymphony.org or 800-228-7343.

THEATER 5 DANCE Through Dec. 8 —Camille A. Brown & Dancers:Part of the White Bird Dance Series; Portland State University, Portland; www. whitebird.org or 503-245-1600. Through Dec. 8 —skinner/kirk DANCEENSEMBLE,The BodyVox


A •

Feb. 14 —"A Roderta Flack Valentine":Oregon Symphony; Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; www.orsymphony.org or 800-228-7343. Feb. 16-17 —"Ballroom with a Twist":Created by four-time "Dancing with the Stars" pro Louis van Amstel; Oregon Symphony; Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; www.orsymphony.org or 800-228-7343. Feb. 23, 25 —"HoughPlays Liszt":Featuring pianist Stephen Hough; music by Weber, Beethoven, Liszt and

A •


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Dance Center, Portland; www. bodyvox.com or 503-229-0627. Through Dec. 9 —"It's a Wonderful Life":Featuring vintage radio scripts performed in the manner of a live radio broadcast from a 1940s network studio sound stage; Fred Crafts' Radio Redux; Wildish Theater, Springfield; www.wildishtheater. com or 541-868-0689. Through Dec. 16 —"Singin' in the Rain":1983stage adaptation of the beloved1952 MGM musical comedy; 2012 Shedd Theatricals; The Shedd Institute, Eugene; www. theshedd.org or541-434-7000. Through Dec. 23 —"A Midsummer Night's Dream":Play by William Shakespeare; Portland Center Stage; Gerding Theater at the Armory; Portland; www.pcs. org or 503-445-3700. Through Dec. 30 —"The Santaland Diaries":Play by David Sedaris; Portland Center Stage; Gerding Theater at the Armory, Portland; www.pcs.org or 503-445-3700. Through Dec. 30 —"Sherlock Holmesandthe Case of the Christmas Carol":Artist Repertory Theatre; Alder Stage, Portland; www.artistsrep.org or 503-241-1278. Dec. 8-23 —"GeorgeBalanchine's The Nutcracker":Oregon Ballet Theatre Company; Keller Auditorium, Portland; www.obt.org or 888-922-5538. Dec. 13-23 —"A Tuna Christmas":Oregon Repertory Theatre; Winningstad Theatre, Portland; www.oregonrep.org or 503-946-7272. Dec. 21-23 —"The Nutcracker": Eugene Ballet Company; Hult Center for the Performing Arts, Eugene; www.hultcenter.org or 541-682-5000. Jan. 1-6 —"The Bookof Mormon": Tony Award-winning play by Trey Parker, Robert Lopezand Matt Stone; Keller Auditorium, Portla nd;SOLD OUT; FEWTICKETS AVAILABLETHROUGH A TICKET LOTTERY;www.pcpa.com or 503-946-7272. Jan. 3-5 —"All in the Timing": A collection of one-act plays by David Ives; Next Stage Repertory Company; Craterian Theater atThe Collier Center for the Performing Arts, Medford; www.craterian.org or 541-779-3000.

1 992 — 2 0 1 2

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Jan. 8-Feb. 3 —"I Love to Eat". New play celebrates the life and talent of chef JamesBeard; Portland Center Stage; Gerding Theater at the Armory, Portland; www.pcs.org or 503-445-3700. Jan. 8-Feb. 10 —"The LostBoy": World premiere; play by Susan Mach; Artist Repertory Theatre; Morrison Stage; www.artistsrep.org

or 503-241-1278. Jan. 12 —"Neil Berg's101 Years of BroadwaySong& Dance," Craterian Theater at TheCollier Center for the Performing Arts, Medford; www.craterian.org or 54 I-779-3000. Jan. 16-Feb. 9 —"Next to Normal": Tony Award-winning rock musical and winner of the 2010 Pulitzer Prize for Drama; Lord LeebrickTheatre, Eugene; tickets onsaleJan.3;Jan. 16and17arepreviews; www. lordleebrick.com or 541-465-1506. Jan. 24 —"Nunset Blvd.": Starring Cindy Williams; Craterian Theater at The Collier Center for the Performing Arts, Medford; www.craterian.org or 541-779-3000. Jan. 24-Feb. 3 —Fertile Ground Festival:Featuring world premiere projects, staged readings, developing works and other arts events; various locations in Portland; www.fertilegroundpdx.org. Jan. 29-March10 —"Venus in Fur":Play by David Ives; 2012 Tony Award nominee for Best Play; Portland Center Stage; Gerding Theater at the Armory, Portland; www.pcs.org or 503-445-3700. Jan. 31-Feb. 2 —Compagnie Marie Chouinard:The dance company will perform Igor Stravinsky's"Le Sacre de Printemps ("The Rite of Spring)"; part of the White Bird DanceSeries; Portland State University, Portland; 503-245-1600. Feb. 15-Nov. 3 —"The Taming of the Shrew":This production of Shakespeare's play is part of "Shakespeare for aNewGeneration"; OregonShakespeareFestival;Angus Bowmer Theatre, Ashland; www. osfashland.org or 800-219-8161. Feb.16-July 7 —"TwoTrains Running":August Wilson's searing portrait of African-American life in the1960s; OregonShakespeare Festival; Angus BowmerTheatre, Ashland; www.osfashland.org or 800-219-8161. Feb. 17-Nov. 3 —"My Fair Lady": Lerner and Loewe's adaptation of George Bernard Shaw's "Pygmalion" ;OregonShakespeare Festival; Angus BowmerTheatre, Ashland; www.osfashland.org or 800-219-8161.

EXHIBITS Through Dec. 9 —Jordan Schnitzer Museum ofArt: The following exhibits are currently on display: "Lesley Dill: Poetic Visions: From Shimmer to Sister Gertrude Morgan" (through Dec. 9), "Good Grief! A Selection from 50 Years of Original Art from Charles M. Schulz's Peanuts" (through Dec. 31) and "The History of Photography" (through Jan. 10); Eugene; jsma.uoregon.edu or 541-346-3027.

out of town


Through Dec. 16 —Portland Art Museum:The following exhibits are currently on display: "APEX: Anna Fidler" (through Dec.16), "Cindy Sherman" (through Dec. 30), "The Body Beautiful in Ancient Greek" (through Jan. 6), "Flesh& Bone: Photography and the Body" (through Jan. 6), "Mythologia: Gods, Heroes and Monsters" (through Jan. 27) and "NOH: Dance Drama of the Samurai" (through Feb. 24); Portland; www. portlandartmuseum.org or 503-226-2811. Through Dec. 31 —"Timberrr! A Nostalgic Look Back at Working in the Woods":Featuring vintage photographs and rare motion picture films; World Forestry Center Discovery Museum, Portland; www. worldforestry.org or 503-228-1367. Through Dec. 31 —ZnnLlghts, Oregon Zoo, Portland; www.oregonzoo.org or 503-226-1561. ThroughJan.1 — Oregon Museum ofScience and Industry: The following exhibits are currently on display "RACE: Are WeSo Different" (through Jan. 1), "Grossology: The (Impolite) Science of the Human Body" (through Jan. 6) and "Simply Beautiful: Photographs from National Geographic" (through Feb. 10); Portland; www.omsi.edu or 800-955-6674. Through Jan. 5 —Museum ofContemporary Crafts: The following exhibits are currently on display: "Design with the Other 90% Cities" (through Jan. 5) and "Reflecting on Erik Gronborg" (through Feb. 16); Portland; www.museumofcontemporarycraft.org or 503-223-2654. Through May — "Noise!": Featuring interactive stations on sound, music and hearing; Science Factory Children's Museum 8 Exploration Dome, Eugene; www. sciencefactory.org or 541-682-7888. Through December 2013 —"The Sea & Me": A new children's interactive exhibit; Oregon Coast Aquarium, Newport; www.aquarium.org or 541-867-3474. Dec. 22-23 —Presents for Primates, Oregon Zoo, Portland; www.oregonzoo.org or 503-226-1561. Feb. 2-May19 —"Carrie Mae Weems: Three Decades of Photography and Video": Exhibit presents more than 200 photographs, videos and installations tracing the evolution of Weems career; Portland Art Museum, Portland; www.portlandartmuseum.org or 503-226-2811. Opening Feb. 8 —"MythBusters: The Explosive Exhibition": Exhibit is based on the popular Discovery Channel show "MythBusters," starring Jamie Hyneman, Adam Savage, Tory Belleci, Kari Byron and Grant Imahara; Oregon Museum of Science & Industry, Portland; www.omsi.edu or800-955-6674.



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isis e

u n e o r Sure

TOP 10 ACROSSTHEBOARD The editors of Game Informer

Magazine rank the top10 games for the holidays

• A compelling story and thrilling gameplay give 'FarCry3' some recognition at last

1. "New Super Mario Bros. U"

(Wii U) 2. "Halo 4" (X360) 3. "Far Cry 3" (PS3, X360, PC) 4. "Mass Effect Trilogy" (PS3, X360, PC) 5. "XCOM: Enemy Unknown"

By Matt Bertz Game Informer Magazine



he idyllic b eaches, lush jungles and warm weather / make the South Pacific islands intriguing vacation destinations, but the region also has a darker side. From blackbirding in the 19th century to seedy drug and human trafficking operations in modern times, visits to these remote locations aren't always memorable for the right reasons. When a group of trust-fund kids :t unknowingly parachute onto an island inhabited by pirates, their McClatcby-Tribune News Service "Far Cry 3" returns to a lush jungle settingwith a variety of compelling characters and activities. sheltered, picture-perfect life is given a cruel dose of reality. After escaping pirate captivity, Jason Brody vows to drop hi s sil- o f w h ich make sense (relics) and rior is chronicled by a tribal tat'FAR CRY 3' ver spoon and pick up an A K-47. o t h ers that seem baffling (drug too on his arm. By completing 9 (out of10) With the help of the island na- recipes). missions and side activities, you tives, he starts down the pat h of The p i r ates represent the gravearn XP that can unlock new the warrior, taking over en emy e s t threat on the island, but they PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PC special abilities like more health, encampments, learning to live a r e n't the only danger Brody facimproved shooting accuracy, or Ubisoft off the land, and trying to fin d his e s . The wild is filled with deadly cinematic takedown moves. "Far ESRB rating: M for Mature Cry 3" offers a wealth of options, friends before they are sold into p r e dators l ik e t i gers, Komodo slavery. This sudden transfor ma- d r a gons, and sharks. If you don't but you don't need to be picky. If tion from harmless party bo y to p a y c lose attention to your suryou tackle a fair amount of side savage killer feels implausible, r o u ndings, you may meet your suppressedlong-range rifle.My activities you will unlock most of but "Far Cry 3 " i n t roducesso u n t i mely demise like a f oolish favorite approach is introducing them before you reach the end of many other compelling Steve I r w i n wa n n abe. the chaos of the wildlife into the the story. REVIEW K i l l ing them and gather- encampment. Driving K omodo "Far Cry 3" also features a fullcharacters (especially the t ribal leader Citra a n d ing their hides allows you dragons into the bases or letfledged multiplayer mode comthe madman Vaas) and to construct new pouches ting caged tigers loose helps you plete with player progression, unthrows so many activities at play- f o r carrying more weapons, am- even the odds. While the pirates lockable w e apons/attachments, ers that you find yourself invested m u n i tion, syringes, and money. desperately try to subdue the ani- and four game modes. The slugin the world nonetheless. It doesn't make sense to force a mals, you can open fire with their gish movement and questionable When you're not searchin g for p l a yer to find a rare animal just backsturned. hit detection keep this game from your fellow one-percenters, you t o craft a new wallet that can hold This kind of freedom is exhila- competing against the top online can participate in r aces, c om- m o r e cash, but it encourages you rating; I only wish the AI posed shooters, but if the community pete in shooting challenges, hunt t o explore the rich and varied is- more of a challenge. They too embraces the map editor, it could down wanted islanders, cl imb l a n d terrain, which includes an- frequently pour into the same still find a niche in the overcrowdtowers to reveal more of the map, c i ent ruins, huge waterfalls, and positions where their friends just ed space. or capture pirate camps to free w r e cked ships. died, and can't discern elevation After two uneven but intriguthe surrounding territory of t heir L i ke t he best open-world shoot- changes. Rather than work their ing offerings, "Far Cry" finally influence. This ability to recl aim e r s , "Far Cry 3" excels because it way up a cliff to attack after spot- finds its footing in the third inareas of the map isa w elcome ad- l e t s you approach objectives in ting me, for instance, they just stallment. Th e d i v erse o pendition to the series, since the infi- a n y way you see fit. For some mis- stood at the base of the incline, world action, compelling story, nite enemy respawns of "Far Cry s i o ns I would sneak in tothe base, making it extremely easy to take and an alluring environment that 2" and unforgiving checkp oint t u r n of f the alarms, and stealth them all out with one well-placed begs exploration are all high wasystem derailed the experience. k i l l as many people as possible. In grenade. ter marks for the series. This is an The island also has several types o t h ers I would use an overlook to As you hone your killing skills, island vacation all shooter fans of collectibles to search for, some s n ipe unsuspecting pirates with a Jason Brody's growth as a war- should take.


(PS3, X360, PC) 6. "Need ForSpeed:Most Wanted" (PS3, X360, PC)

7. "Borderlands 2" (PS3,X360, PC) 8. "Dishonored" (PS3, X360, PC) 9. "PaperMario: Sticker Star" (3DS) 10. "Skylanders Giants" (Wii U, PS3, X360, PC, Wii, 3DS) Game lnformer Magazine

In thenews XBOX 360 SYSTEM UPDATE Microsoft has just rolled out a

system updatefor Xbox360, correcting issues with the Xbox Smart-

Glass "secondscreen"application that provides pleasuressomewhat akin to the new Nintendo Wii U. But for Apple phone or tablet users, this

Xbox update's got nothing for you. Next time Xbox Live users sign on, they'll be forced to update their

game console's operating system. ImprovementsaddressXboxMusic, Xbox Videoclosedcaptioning and the new XboxSmartGlass"second screen" enhancements— butonly to a degree. SmartGlass aims toturn a smartphone or tablet into an Internet

video andmusic remotecontrol, Internet search tool, message spreader and an additional game playing device. So what's wrong with this picture? At the moment, the software works best with the new Microsoft

W indows 8 phones,tabletsand computers. A recent Xbox 360 upgrade brought some of this fun, but not

an all accesspass, toGoogle Play devices. But the most recent Smart-

Glass updatestill does nothing to address the needs of the huge Apple

iOS customer base.The Grinch says, "ask again,next year." — Jonathan Takiff Philadelphia Daily News



movies L~ /

Date Robtnette/ Film District via The Associated Press

Jessica Biel, from left, Noah Lomaxand Gerard Butler star in the romantic comedy "Playing for Keeps."

H.SCS 1ll • 'Playingfor ICeeps' has afairly decent set of characters for a mostly recycledstory line laying for Keeps" tells the story of a has-been soccer star whose career is foundering and w hose income has hit rock bottom, but who is a completely nice man with none of the character flaws that soccer stars, even Scottish ones, have been known to possess. He doesn't drink too much, his temper is under control, and

he's not a skirt-chaser anymore. That's for sure. The plot sets him up for one beautiful woman after another to hurl herself at him. George (Gerard Butler) has settled in V i r ginia to b e n ear his former wife, Stacie (Jessica Biel), and their son, Lewis (Noah

Lomax). One thing leads to another, and George, who we learned in the

opening credits was a bona fide international star player, ends up as the coach of Lewis' soccer team. If his life was eventless before, after he finds himself coaching he finds himself all too busy. The g randstands contain not o n l y Stacie but a number of sexy divorcees and unhappy wives, and consider this all-star lineup: Uma Thurman, Catherine Zeta- Jones and Judy Greer. These women are all so sexstarved they prowl after George with a number of strategies, in-

cluding straight-out stalking and, in thecase of Zeta-Jones, career counseling. She thinks her conn ections i n C o n necticut w i t h ESPN could land George a tryout and maybe a sportscasting job — which would have the benefit of relocating him to another state and clearing the field of her rivals. What feels decidedly odd during the course of the picture is that George has noapparent response to these repeated seduction attempts.

Continued next page



"Playing forKeeps" 105 minutes

PG-13, for somesexual situations, language and abrief intense image




I • • This limousine ride has somelaughsand won't bore you,but you will grow restless o nsieur Oscar has h i s work cut out for him, and it takes on ever so much variety because he seems to live entirely within the cinema. OK, I grant you that all movie characters live inside the cinema, but not many live inside ll different scenarios during the same day, shuttling between one "appointment" and another in the back of a white stretch limousine. We know he lives in movies because we literally find him in one. Leos Carax's much-debated "Holy Motors" begins with a man (Carax himself) asleep in bed, then waking and approaching a wall of the room that looks like a forest. Knowing just where to look among the trees, he unlocks a door using a key growing from his finger. Well, isn't that what artists do? Unlock doors with their fingers'? Now this man is inside a cinema, and w e m e et M o nsieur Oscar (Denis Lavant), who lives in a house thatseems designed by the same architect employed in Jacques Tati's "Mon Oncle." He gets into the waiting limo, driven by a taciturn woman, and we see that the back of the limo, seemingly much l a rger i n side than outside, is a dressing room filled with costumes and props. When he gets out the first time, he has transformed himself into a wretched beggar woman. This will be the first of his many roles,or assignments, or embodiments. He performs in bizarre and mysterious ways, linked only by the desire of a mime or come-

dian to entertain and amaze us. His appointments take him into personas so diverse itwould be futile to try to link them, or find a thread of narrative or symbolism. If there is a message here, Walt

From previous page

on the three most important sup-


The film m a kes the r eason for that obvious in the fullness of time, and it should be obvious to you as you're watching, but I suppose it ventures into spoiler territory. One thing it isn't is a surprise. That leaves room for comment


Courtesy tndomnia Releasing

Denis Lavant, left, and Kylie Minogue starin the French film "Holy Motors


"Holy Motors" 116 minutes No MPAA rating.

porting performances. Young Noah Lomax is solid and capable as George's son, joining the apparently limitless ranks of gifted child actors. Is there a cutoff age after which young actors lose the gift of seeming spontaneous and natural?

Whitman put it into words: "I am large. I contain multitudes." Here is M. Oscar as a madman wandering street markets and eating flowers or whatever else he can snatch up. M. Oscar in the most famous cemetery in Paris, Pere Lachaise, occupied by the dead and famous (Moliere, Chopin, Jim Morrison, Colette, Oscar Wilde). In "Holy Motors" the cemetery'stombstones carry no names, however, requesting us, "visit my website." Here isM. Oscar transforming a fashion model (Eva Mendes) into a Muslim woman concealed within her costume. And that's not all that happens to her, although she adheres to the model's

code and never betrays emotions or opinions. Her job is to embody a beautiful object for the purposes of others. Their travels through the city lead to the roof of the Samaritaine department store, producing stunning vistas of Paris. Celine (Edith Scob), his reserved chauffeur, seems long accustomed to her role. Once she expresses concernthatM. Oscar hasn't eaten all day. Their day began at dawn and lasts far into the night, one appointment after another.

Jessica Biel all but steals the show as Stacie, the former wife, now engaged to an apparently swell guy named Matt (James Tupper), who at one point makes a surprisingly generous and kind statement. Stacie is the one character who doesn't seem largely on autopilot, and manages to leave

room for doubt in a film without much room for that. Andthen we cometo Carl (Dennis Quaid), husband of one of the women in George's fan club, who qualifies as a millionaire bully. He also has a son on the team, gets all puffed up about the fact that his son has an ex-star for a coach,

This has been a year of leading roles for limousines. M. Oscar's car upstages the limousine in David Cronenberg's "Cosmopolis," and the journeys of both cars seem to be odysseys through their

cities for purposes not very clear to the audience. "Holy Motors" is the more entertaining and funny of the two, although some of it's not funny at

all, and many laughs are of disbelief or incredulity. Both end with their limousines going home for the night, answering a question asked in "Cosmopolis," although when the limo in "Holy Motors" gets home, its day is far from over. Here is a film that is exasperating, frustrating, anarchic and in a constant state of renewal. It's not tame. Some audience members are going togrow very restless. My notion is few will be bored. — Roger Ebert isa film critic for The Chicago Sun-Times.

and tips George with a red Ferrari convertible. Quaid uses his sneaky, too-sincere smile, and his wealth for leverage and is a genuine jerk. So that's good for something, in a film that's pretty much from the assembly line. — Roger Ebert isa film critic for The Chicago Sun-Times.




• Alcoholism is nota joke so muchasa life lesson in aplot that doesn't rush things h e first objective in t h e m orning i s t o t r e a t t h e hangover with a l i ttle judicious maintenance drinking. "Smashed" shows that it knows that in its opening minutes. Alcoholism doesn't require the kind of flamboyant craziness we see in movies like "The Hangover," but it does seem to require an introverted monitoring of whether you



e tlf


2 .-'

feel as good (or well) as you think you should. Why do alcoholics begin down the same hazardous road day afterday? They are in search ofthat elusive window of well-being that opens when you drink your way out of a hangover and aren't yet drunk all over again. The alcoholic's day consists of trying to keep that window open.Kate Hannah, the heroine of "Smashed," finishes yesterday's beer while she's brushing her teeth. In the parking lot at her job, she commences the new day's self-medication with a swig from a flask. K ate (Mary E l izabeth W i n stead) teaches the third grade, and we see her doing a pretty good job of it until she is overtaken with a sudden spasm of vomiting. One thing seasoned drinkers learn isthat your "recovery drinking" involves making peace with your stomach. She tried to rush things. What do you say after you hurl infront of a classroom of children'? They think they understand: "Mrs. Hannah, are you pregnant?" Yes! Yes! That's it! Kate agrees almost thankfully. I nevitably that l eads t o m o r e problems at school, and then the assistant principal, Dave Davies ( Nick Offerman), asks her t o come into his office. He is a member of A l coholics Anonymous, saw her drinking in her car and can add two plus two. James Ponsoldt's "Smashed" knows a lot about alcoholism, and it also knows about the good times that can go along with it. This is a serious movie about drinking, but not a depressing one. You notice

' APr


Oana Marian/Sony Pictures Classics via The Associated Press

Mary Elizabeth Winstead stars as Kate Hannah, left, and Octavia Spencer stars as Jenny in "Smashed." Kate gives AA a try. Dave from school takes her to a meeting and ROGER she quickly acquires a sponsor, Jenny (Octavia Spencer from EBERT "The Help"). Charlie continues to drink, and he misses his wife, but he isn't angry; he's more puzzled. He wants her to return to the party. They say the most dangerous "Smashed" words a drunk can hear are, "A little drink won't hurt you." 85 minutes Mary Elizabeth Winstead is R, for alcohol abuse, language, some sort of wonderful in this movie, sexual content and brief drug use worn and warm. She doesn't play a victim. She has that courage that in the way it handles Charlie an alcoholic requires to persist in (Aaron Paul), Kate's husband. He the punishment of getting drunk is also her drinking buddy. When every day. Life is a toboggan run two alcoholics are married, they into uncertain d arkness. One value each other's company be- night she passes out and sleeps all cause they know they can expect night in the open air. She accepts forgiveness and understanding, this as part of the game. Many a while a civilian might not choose puzzling dawn has the practicing to share their typical days. alcoholic experienced.

Mary Elizabeth Winstead is sort of wonderful in this movie, worn and warm. She doesn't play a victim. She has that courage an alcoholic requires to persist in the punishment of getting drunk every day. The success of " S m ashed" comes in the way it embraces Kate's life force. It's filled with strong supporting c h aracters, including Principal Barnes (Me-

gan Mullally), who doesn't understand the disease very well, and Dave Davies, who gets her to a meeting and then wants to hurry her through the 12 Steps so they can arrive at the 13th, if you know what I mean. Mary Kay Place plays Rochelle, Kate's mother, who has no idea she's an alcoholic herself. Jenny is a

firm and sturdy sponsor who has been there, done that and can't be fooled. The movies have a way of presenting alcoholism and drug addiction as titanic struggles. So indeed they can be. But for Kate, who no doubt classified herself as a "functioning alcoholic," sobering up can be easy and even kinda fun. That's until she figures out that "being dry" and "being sober" are not the same thing. — Roger Ebert is a film critic for The Chicago Sun-Times.








Two Days Only!

Friday, December 7th Saturday, December 8th 8am-7pm

Claire Folger /Warner Bros. Pictures via The Associated Press

Bryan Cranston, left, stars as Jack O'Donnelland Ben Affleck stars as Tony Mendez in "Argo," a thriller based on the 19791ranian hostage crisis.







On ALLOther Regularly PricedMerchandise 62256thSt. r KLAMATHFALLSr (541) 882-5548 31 41 SHwy97. r REDMONDr (541) 548-4095 7303CraterLakeHwy. r WHITECITYr (541) 830-3713 L imited to s t oc k o n h a n d .

No price adjustments on previous sales. Excludes gift cards.

the Rings" trilogy returns to the silver screen. See "The Fellowship of the Ring," "The Two Towers" and "The Return of the King" backto back for one price. The trilogy kicks off at11:15 Here's what's showing on Central Oregon Saturday at the Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 movie screens. For showtimes, see listings a.m. 8 IMAX in Bend. Cost is $30. (PG-13) on Page 39. "The Metropolitan Opera: UnBallo in Mashera" —Accompanied by a thrilling score, Verdi's vivid characters grapple with life and love, betrayal and death. Director Reviews by RogerEbert unless otherwise noted. David Alden's dreamlike setting provides a compelling backdrop for this dramatic story of HEADS UP jealousy and vengeance. Marcelo Alvarez stars "Balto" —A half-wolf, half-husky named Balto as the conflicted king; Sondra Radvanovsky getsachanceto become aherowhenanoutbreak is Amelia, the object of his secret passion; of diphtheria threatens the children of Nome, and Dmitri Hvorostovsky is her suspicious Alaska, in the winter of1925. Heleads adog team husband. Kathleen Kim is the pageOscar, on a 600-mile trip across the Alaskanwilderness and mezzosoprano powerhouse Stephanie to get medical supplies. The1995 film is basedon Blythe sings the fortuneteller Ulrica. Fabio a true story which inspired the Iditarod dog sled Luisi conducts."The Metropolitan Opera: Live race. "Balto" screens at 3 p.m.Saturday, Sunday in High-Definition" series features12 opera and Wednesday atMcMenamins OldSt.Francis performances transmitted live in high-definition School in Bend.Cost is $3. 78 minutes. (G) to movie theaters around the world. The event — Synopsis from McMenamins' website screens at 9:55 a.m. Saturday at the Regal Old Mill Stadium16 8 IMAX in Bend. Tickets "The Hobbit: AnUnexpected Journey"are $24 for adults, $22 for seniors and $18 for From Academy Award-winning filmmaker Peter children. 240 minutes. (no MPAArating) Jacksoncomes "The Hobbit:An Unexpected — Synopsis from National CineMedia Journey," the first of a trilogy of films adapting egigur Ros:Valtari Film Experiment" — The the enduringly popular masterpiece "The Hobbit," by J.R.R. Tolkien. The film stars program collects 16 commissioned "official" Martin Freeman as Bilbo Baggins. Fans can and fan-created short films created to coincide catch a late night screening Thursday at local with Sigur Ros' album "Valtari." Among the theaters. The film will be available locally in 3-D filmmakers are Alma Har'el, Andrea Arnold, and IMAX. 169 minutes. (PG-13) and Floria Sigismondi. The films will screen at — Synopsis from film's website 8:30p.m.Saturdayand SundayattheTin Pan Theater in Bend. (no MPAA rating) "The Lord of the Rings" Trilogy Marathon — Synopsis from Sigur Ros — In celebration of the Dec.14 release of "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey," "The Lord of Continued next page




From previous page "We Grew Wings" —This documentary film chronicles the untold story of the championshiplevel University of Oregon women's track and field teams. The movie encompasses personal interviews, never-before seen event footage and a historical view of the Women of Oregon. "We Grew Wings" is a story of camaraderie, teamwork, personal struggles and personal triumphs. The film showcases the differences and similarities between two generations of athletes. These women faced it all to be champions — often in the shadowsofthe men's programs. The documentary screens at1 p.m. Sunday at Sisters Movie House. Cost is $10. — Synopsis from fiim's Mretrsite

WHAT'S NEW "Holy Motors" —An exasperating, frustrating, anarchic film about an unexplained man (Denis Lavant) who spends a long day in the back of a white stretch limousine, being driven from one "appointment" to another. In each appointment he embodies a different bizarre character, linked only by the desire of a mime or comedian to entertain and amaze us. His personas are so diverse it would be futile to try to link them, or find a thread of narrative or symbolism. The first film in 13 years from Leos Carax, who maybethenew JacquesTati. This film opens at Tin Pan Theater in Bend. Rating: Three and ahalf stars. 116 minutes. (no MPAA rating)

"Playing for Keeps" —Tells the story of George (Gerard Butler), a has-been soccer star whose career is foundering but who is a completely nice man with none of the character flaws that soccer stars have been known to possess. Moving to Virginia to be near his ex-wife (wonderful Jessica Biel) and young son (Noah Lomax, a natural), he finds himself a seduction target for all the trophy wives and divorced moms in the grandstands. Unreels pretty predictably. Rating: Two stars.105 minutes. (PG-13) "Smashed" —Kate Hannah (Mary Elizabeth Winstead) is an alcoholic who teaches the third grade, and we see her doing a pretty good job of it, until she is overtaken with a sudden spasm of vomiting."Mrs. Hannah," one of her students asks, "are you pregnant?" "Smashed" knows a lot about alcoholism and also knows about the good times that can go along with it. This is a serious movie about drinking, but not a depressing one. You notice that in the way it handles Charlie (Aaron Paul), Kate's husband, who is also her drinking buddy. Good supporting work by Octavia Spencer as Kate's AA sponsor and Mary Kay Place as her alcoholic mother. Rating: Three and a half stars. 85 minutes. (R)

GO! MAGAZINE PAGE 35 the country. With lots of tension andalsosome humor from John Goodmanand AlanArkinasthe Hollywood pros involved. Rating: Four stars. 120 minutes. (R) "Cloud Atlas" —One of the most ambitious films ever made. Over a period of centuries, six stories wend their way toward visionary truths. The same actors appear in different roles, playing characters of different races, genders and ages. Some are not even human, but fabricants. The acting and makeup were so effective that often I had no idea if I was looking atTom Hanks, Halle Berry or Jim Broadbent. It's probably futile to try to extract a logical meaning from the film, written and directed by Lana Wachowski, Tom Tykwer and Andy Wachowski. Allow your imagination to play. Rating: Four stars. 172 minutes. (R) "The Collection" —"The Collection" is bloody, disgusting and ridiculous, but the one thing it's not is horror, not real horror, not in the sense of tense or scary. It's not cinema, either. It's not even fun. In "The Collection" — from director Marcus Dunstan (he wrote "Saw IV") — there is a serial killer in a black mask who has been staging mass murders but also abducting individuals to add to his collection.





Courtesy Warner Bros. Pictures

Tom Hanks, left, and Jim Sturgess star in "Cloud Atlas," an epic drama spanning centuries.

STILL SHOWING "Anna Karenina" —Joe Wright's daringly stylized new version of "Anna Karenina" is staged largely within an actual theater, and uses not only the stage but the boxes

and even the main floor — with seats removed — to present the action. Keira Knightly, almost distractingly beautiful here, stars as Tolstoy's heroine. Jude Law is her dry and proper husband, a government minister, and Aaron Taylor-Johnson plays Vronsky, the young military officer with whom she begins a disastrous affair. A sumptuous film, extravagantly staged and photographed, perhaps too much so for its own good. There are times when it is not quite clear if we are looking at characters in a story or players on a stage. Rating: Two and a half stars. 129 minutes. (R) "Argo" —Ben Affleck directs and stars in the incredible true story

of how, at the height of the lranian hostage crisis, a CIA agent and a couple of Hollywood professionals dreamedup acockamamie scheme to free six Americans who were not being held in the American Embassy but had found refuge with theCanadianEmbassy. Kepttop secret for18 years, the operation created a fake sci-fi production named "Argo," convinced the Iranians it was real and used it to spirit the Americans out of

Continued next page


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Michael Pena, left, and Jake Gyiienhaai staras police officers in "End of Watch."

From previous page


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One day Elena (EmmaFitzpatrick) and her friends go off to an underground dance club and the night takes an unfortunate turn. Most of her friends are liquefied. The rest are rendered two dimensional. But Elena, the lucky one, ends up in a trunk in the maniac's house. The rest of the movie is about a rescue team's misguided attempt to rescue the young woman from this horrible nest of death and doom. It's just a small handful of people, because a SWAT team or the National Guard would just get in the way, what with all their guns and all. And that's the whole movie: People in a house coming across disgusting things while trying to avoid booby traps. About an hour of screen time is spent in that house, and the effect isn't terrifying or claustrophobic, just numbing and disheartening. In "The Collection," modern horror comes to the end of a decade-long dead end. Rating: A half of star. 83 minutes.



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*Drawing on 12/31/12 - You do not need to be present to win.


— Mike LaSalle, SanFrancisco Chronicle "End of Watch" —One of the best police movies in recent years, a virtuoso joining of performances and startling action. It stars Jake Gyllenhaal and Michael Pena asTaylor and Zavala, two Los Angeles street cops who bend a few rules but must be acknowledged as heroes. They're transferred to a tough district, where their persistence leads them to a Mexican drug cartel operating in L.A. This is really an assignment for a detective, but they don't avoid risk, and eventually become so dangerous to the cartel that a hit is ordered against them. Rating: Four stars. 109 minutes.

(R) "Flight" —After opening with one of the most terrifying flying scenes I've witnessed, in which an airplane is saved by being flown upside-down, Robert Zemeckis' "Flight" segues into a brave and tortured performance by Denzel Washington — one of his very best. Not often does a movie character make such a harrowing personal journey that keeps us in deep sympathy all of the way. Washington

plays a veteran commercial pilot who has built up a tolerance for quantities of alcohol and cocaine that would be lethal for most people. Rating: Four stars. 138 minutes. (R) "Frankenwaenie" — Young Victor Frankenstei nloves hisdog,Sparky,andwhen the mutt runs into traffic and is blindsided, Victor takes inspiration from a science class and re-animates his pet using lightning bolts. Tim Burton's stop-action b8 w comedy takes its inspiration from "The Bride of Frankenstein" and other horror movies, and the character of Mr. Rzykruski, the science teacher, is certainly modeled on Vincent Price. With the voices of Martin Landau, Catherine O'Hara, Martin Short, Charlie Tahan and Winona Ryder. Rating: Three stars. 87 minutes. (PG) "Killing ThemSoftly" — Set in a dreary and barren post-Katrina New Orleans, a cruel drama about organized crime with a cast much better than it deserves. After an ill-advised stickup of a high-stakes moborganized poker game, a series of mob executions threatens to pretty much wipe out the local syndicate. OK. But no suspense, romance or humor? Only dry, weary dialogue, suffering and blood? Afraid so. Starring Brad Pitt, Ray Liotta, James Gandolfini, Richard Jenkins. Rating: Two stars. 97 minutes. (R) "Life of Pi" —A miraculous achievement of storytelling and a landmark of visual mastery. Inspired by a worldwide best-seller that seemed unfilmable, it is a triumph over its difficulties. It is also a moving spiritual achievement, a movie whose title could have been shortened to "Life." The story involves the 227 days that its teenage hero (Suraj Sharma) spends drifting across the Pacific in the same lifeboat as a Bengal tiger. The movie quietly combines various religious traditions to enfold its story in the wonder of life. How remarkable that these two mammals, and the fish beneath them and birds above them, are all here. One of the year's best. This film is available locally in 3-D. Rating: Four stars. 125 minutes. (PG)

Continued next page





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Disney via Mcclatchy-Tnbune News Service

Ralph (voiced by John C. Reilly)enters the gaming world of "Hero's Duty" in the film "Wreck-It Ralph."

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From previous page

be vanquished by the members of the team and their girlfriends, using mostly automatic weapons stolen from the North Koreans themselves. They're all instinctive combat fighters, even a cheerleader. Light on dialogue, heavy on mindless action. Rating: One and a half stars. 93 minutes. (PG-13) "Rise of the Guardians" —Hyperactive 3-D animated fantasy regarding the plight of JackFrost,who nobodyseems ableto see. Called upon in a crisis to help the Guardians (Santa, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy, etc.), he saves the day. Younger children like the breakneck action, magical ability to fly, and the young hero who has tired of being overlooked. Their parents and older siblings may find the (PG-13) 97-minute running time quite long enough. "Looper" —A smart and tricky sci-fi story This film is available locally in 3-D. Rating: that sidesteps the paradoxes of time travel Three stars. 97 minutes. (PG) by embracing them. The movie takes place "The Sessions" —Mark (John Hawkes) in 2044 and 2074. Although time travel is is 38 years old and after contracting polio, declared illegal once it has been discovered, he has spent most of those years in an iron a crime syndicate cheats and uses it as a lung. He believes his time is running out. He method for disposing of its enemies. Joseph would like to experience sexual intercourse Gordon-Levitt plays Joe, the triggerman in with a woman at least once before he dies. He 2044. Bruce Willis plays Old Joe, sent back contacts Cheryl (Helen Hunt), a sex surrogate from the future. Emily Blunt lives on the who explains the ground rules to Mark: They Kansas farm where they coincide in time. will have six meetings, no more. They are not "Looper" weaves between past and present in working together in order to fall in love, but a way that gives writer-director Rian Johnson to achieve a specific physical purpose. She and his actors opportunities to create a is kind and tactful, and so is Mark's parish surprisingly involving narrative. Rating: Three priest (William H. Macy), who guides him with and a half stars. 119 minutes. (R) compassion through this process. Astonishing "The Perks of Being aWallflower" — Logan performances, and not without humor. Rating: Lerman stars as an alienated freshman in high Three and a half stars. 95 minutes. (R) school who sees himself as a chronic outsider, "Skyfall" —"Skyfall" triumphantly reinvents and is befriended by a group of older kids who 007 in oneofthebestBondsevermade. embrace their nonconformist status. The group This is a full-blooded, joyous, intelligent is led by half-siblings Sam andPatrick, played celebration of a beloved cultural icon, with by EmmaWatson inherown coming-of-age Daniel Craig taking full possession of a role after the Harry Potter movies, and Ezra Miller, he earlier played unconvincingly. The film at who was remarkable as analienated teenager last provides a role worthy of Judi Dench, in "We Need to Talk About Kevin." They're artsy returning as M, who is one of the best actors outsiders and teach Charlie it's OK to bewho he of her generation. She is all but the co-star, is. Written and directed by Stephen Chbosky, with a lot of screen time, poignant dialogue, basedon his own novel.Rating:Threeand a and a character who is far more complex half stars.103 minutes. (PG-13) and sympathetic than we expect. In this "Red Dawn" —Opens with a hard-fought 50th year of the James Bond series, with the high school football game before the next dismal "Quantum of Solace" (2008) still in our minds, I don't know what I expected in day in Spokane, Wash., is interrupted by the thud of bombs. The young gridiron stars of Bond No. 23, but certainly not an experience this invigorating. If you haven't seen a 007 for the Wolverines race outside to see enemy aircraft flying overhead in formation, dropping years, this is the time to jump back in. This film is available locally in IMAX. Rating: Four stars. paratroopers from the skies. An alarming sight, but the movie reassures us that an 143 minutes. (PG-13) invasion by communist North Korea can Continued next page "Lincoln" —Steven Spielberg's new film focuses on only a few months of Lincoln's life, including the passage of the13th Amendment ending slavery, the surrender of the Confederacy and his assassination. Rarely has a film attended more carefully to the details of politics. Daniel Day-Lewis creates a Lincoln who is calmly self-confident, patient and willing to play politics in a realistic way. Not about an icon of history, but about a president who was scorned by some of his opponents asa hayseed from the backwoods. He understood them better than they did him. Sure to win many Academy Award nominations. Rating: Four stars. 149 minutes.

• '



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The following movies were released the

week of Dec. 4.

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"Beasts of the Southern Wild" —Cut off from the Louisiana mainland, surrounded by rising waters, the Bathtub is a desolate wilderness of poverty where a small community struggles to survive. A small girl named Hushpuppy (QuvenzhaneWallis) fiercely asserts herself in this wasteland, in a film of great imagination and beauty. One of the year's best films. Directed by Benh Zeitlin. DVD Extras: Behind-the-scenes featurette; Blu-ray Extras: Four additional featurettes and deleted scenes. Rating: Four stars. 93 minutes. (PG-13) "The Dark Knight Rises" —Leaves the fanciful early days of the superhero genre far behind and moves into a doomshrouded, apocalyptic future that's close to today's headlines. As urban terrorism and class warfare envelop Gotham, and its infrastructure is ripped apart, Bruce Wayne (Christian Bale) emerges reluctantly from years of seclusion in Wayne Manor and faces a soulless villain named Bane (Tom Hardy), as powerful as he is. The film begins slowly with a murky plot and too many new characters, but builds to a sensational climax. It lacks the nearperfection of "The Dark Knight" (2008); it needs more clarity and a better villain, but it's an honorable finale. DVDExtras: One featurette; Blu-ray Extras: Additional production, characters and "The Endof a Legend" featurette and "The Batmobile Documentary." Rating: Three stars. 164 minutes. (PG-13)

From previous page r


MCMGll8mlllS presents...r 0

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"Starlet" —A story about two women, one 22, the other 85, who are linked by one of those accidental plot twists explaining why they come together. Jane (Dree Hemingway) is a leggy 22-yearold blonde. Sadie (Besedka Johnson) is plainspoken, no-nonsense, with not a shred of "sweet little old lady" about her. They meet through Sadie's yard sale, and Jane is compelled to befriend Sadie. Oh, but there's a lot more to it than that, which you'll probably enjoy more while watching the film without knowing. "Starlet" screens at Tin Pan Theater in Bend. Rating: Three stars. 103 minutes. (no MPAA rating) "Tai Chi Zero" —The first in a trilogy, this droll, enjoyable, if not altogether successful, stylized comic bookfantasy set in 19th century China stars Wushu champion Jayden Yuan as akung fu prodigy in search of an elusive tai chi teacher. His search ends at a secluded village which is besieged by a heavily armed Western-educated radical who wants to bring the railroad to town. Made in the spirit of "Kung Fu Hustle," the pic mashes together elements from manga,

Ron Phillips /Warner Bros. Pictures via The Associated Press

Christian Bale stars as Batmanin the superhero thriller "The Dark Knight Rises." "Hope Springs" —Tommy Lee Jones and Meryl Streep play a couple whose marriage has frozen into a routine. Every day starts with his nose buried in the newspaper and ends with him asleep in front of the Golf Channel. They haven't slept in the same room for years. She convinces him over his own dead body to attend a couples therapy session at a Maine clinic run by Steve Carell. The movie contains few surprises, but one of them is Jones' excellent performance — vulnerable, touching and shy. DVD Extras: Two featurettes, audio commentary and a gag reel; Blu-ray Extras: Four additional featurettes. Rating: Three stars. 100 minutes. (PG-13) "The Ddd Life of TimothyGreen" — A warm and lovely fantasy, the kind of fullbodied family film that's being pushed aside in favor of franchises and slam-bang confusion. On a picture-postcard farm in the middle of endlessly rolling hills where

it is always Indian summer, a lovable boy comes into the life of a childless couple and brings along great joy and wisdom. Jennifer Garner, Joel Edgerton, young CJ Adams and a rich supporting cast. Written and directed by Peter Hedges ("What's Eating Gilbert Grape"). Accessible for all but the youngest children, and I suspect their parents will enjoy it, too. DVD Extras: Deleted scenes and music videos; Blu-ray Extras: Two additional featurettes and audio commentary. Rating: Three and a half stars. 104 minutes. (PG) ALSOTHIS WEEK:"Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry," "Last Ounce of Courage," "Wild Horse, Wild Ride" and "Butter." COMINGUP:Movies scheduled for national release Dec. 11include "The Bourne Legacy," "Ice Age: Continental Drift" and "Ted.

steampunk animes and the Western. It won't please some hardcore fight fans, but it's a hoot. Rating: Two and a half stars. The film screens at Tin Pan Theater in Bend. 100 minutes. (no MPAA rating) — Tirdad Derakhshani, The Philadelphia Inquirer "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn — Part 2" —Fifth and final installment of the "Twilight" series, beginning where the previous one ended, asBella Cullen (Kristen Stewart) gives birth to little Renesmee, and is introduced by her husband, Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson), to her new life with vampire powers. In the process Bella has also been miraculously transformed into a much more interesting character, physically superb and emotionally uninhibited. The birth of the infant leads to a sensational climax involving the Washington state vampires and the Volturi of Italy, selfappointed rulers of vampiredom. I suspect "Twilght'sFaudience, which takes these films very seriously indeed, will drink deeply of its blood. Rating: Two and ahalf stars. 115 minutes. (PG-13) "Wreck-It Ralph" —The new Disney animated feature for families takes place

inside several arcade-style video games, providing an excuse for the backgrounds, ground rules and characters to constantly reinvent themselves. Its hero is one of those clumsy, misunderstood big guys who dream only of being loved. Ralph (voice by John C. Reilly) spends every day knocking down an apartment building, which is constantly repaired by Fix-It Felix Jr. (Jack McBrayer). Lively, endlessly colorful nonstop action, also with Jane Lynch andSarah Silverman. Rating: Three stars.101 minutes. (PG) "Wuthering Heights" —In this roughhewn new film version by the British director Andrea Arnold, gone is the stylized elegance of William Wyler's1939 version. This adaptation for the first time makes something evident that is strongly implied in the novel: Heathcliff, born as aslave, is an Afro-Caribbean. Arnold probably correctly depicts Yorkshire in the late1700s as amore brutal and savagesociety, especially among such as the struggling Earnshaw family. A more compact, tougher "Wuthering Heights" than we've seenbefore, slow-paced, heavy on atmosphere, introverted. This film screens at Tin PanTheater in Bend. Rating: Three stars. 128 minutes. (no MPAArating)


— F DIfD and Blu-rayExtras" fromwir eandonlinesources





Fo r the meekf Dec. o 7 time, the Western film has not been selected. No films are scheduled to screen on Monday and Tuesday.

BEND Regal Pilot Butte 6 2717 N.E. U.S.Highway20, Bend, 541-382-6347

Stadium 16 & IMAX 680 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend, 541-382-6347

CLOUD ATLAS (R) Fri, Sun-Thu: 12:30, 4:15, 8 Sat: 4:15,8 THE COLLECTION(R) Fri, Sun-Thu: 1:45, 4:45, 7:55, 10:10 END OFWATCH(R) Fri, Sun-Thu: 12:50, 3:55, 7:10, 9:50 Sat: 10:10 a.m., 12:50, 3:55, 7:10, 9:50 FLIGHT(R) Fri-Thu: 12:35, 3:45, 6:55, 10:05 THE HOBBIT:ANUNEXPECTED JOURNEY(PG-13) Thu night/Fri morning: 12:01 a.m., 12:02 a.m. THE HOBBIT:ANUNEXPECTED JOURNEY3-D(PG-13) Thu night/Fri morning: 12:01 a.m. THE HOBBIT:ANUNEXPECTED JOURNEYIMAX (PG-13) Thu night/Fri morning: 12:01 a.m. KILLING THEM SOFTLY(R) Fri-Thu: 1:35, 4:35, 7:15, 9:40 LIFE OF PI(PG) Fri, Sun-Thu: 1:25, 7:25 Sat: 10:20 a.m., 1:25, 7:25 LIFE OF PI 3-D (PG) Fri-Thu: 12:10, 3:10, 4:30, 6:10, 9:25, 10:20 LINCOLN (PG-13) Fri, Sun-Thu: Noon, 1, 3:20, 4:20, 6:40, 7:45, 10 Sat: 9:40 a.m., noon, 1, 3:20, 4:20, 6:40, 7:45, 10 THE LORDOF THE RINGS TRILOGYMARATHON(PG-13) Sat: 11:15 a.m.

movies at Regal Old Mill Stadium 168 /MAX.



Redmond Cinemas 1535 S.W.DdemMedo Road, Redmond, 541-548-8777

John Bramley/ Summit Entertainment via The Associated Press

Logan Lerman, from left, Ezra Millerand Emma Watson star in "The Perks of Being a Wallflower." THE METROPOLITANOPERA: UN BALLOIN MASHERA(no MPAA rating) Sat: 9:55 a.m. PLAYINGFORKEEPS(PG-13) Fri, Sun-Thu: 1:05, 3:50, 6:30, 9:15 Sat: 9:45 a.m., 1:05, 3:50, 6:30, 9:15 RED DAWN (PG-13) Fri, Sun-Thu: 1:50, 4:50, 7:35, 10:I5 Sat: 10:40 a.m., 1:50, 4:50, 7:35, 10:I5 RISE OF THEGUARDIANS(PG) Fri-Thu: 12:25, 3, 6 RISEOF THEGUARDIANS 3-D


Fri-Thu: 9 SKYFALL(PG-13) Fri-Thu: 12:05, 3:15, 6:25, 9:35 SKYFALLIMAX(PG-13) Fri-Wed:12:15, 3:30, 6:45, 9:55 Thu: 12:15, 4, 7:40 THETWILIGHTSAGA:BREAKING DAWN —PART2 (PG-13) Fri, Sun-Thu: 1:15, 4:05, 7, 9:45 Sat: 10:30 a.m., 1:15, 4:05, 7, 9:45 WRECK-ITRALPH(PG) Fri, Sun-Thu: 12:45, 3:35, 6:15, 9:10 Sat: 10:05 a.m., 12:45, 3:35, 6:15, 9:10

McMenamins Old St. Francis School 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend, 541-330-8562

BALTO(1995 — G) Sat-Sun, Wed: 3

FRANKENWEENIE (PG) Sat-Sun: Noon LOOPER (R) Fri-Sun, Tue-Thu: 9 THE PERKS OFBEINGA WALLFLOWER (PG-13) Fri-Sun, Tue-Thu: 6 Due to Monday Night Football, no movies will be shown Monday. After 7 p.m., showsare21 and older only. Younger than 21 may att end screeningsbefore 7 p.m. ifaccompanied bya legal guardian.

Tin Pan Theater 869 N W Tin PanAlley Bend, 541-241-2271

HOLY MOTORS(noMPAA rating) Fri:8 Sat-Sun: 6 Thu: 8:30 SIGUR ROS: VALTARI FILM EXPERIMENT (no MPAA rating) Sat-Sun: 8:30 STARLET (no MPAA rating) Fri-Sun:1 TAI CHI ZERO (PG-13) Fri:10:30 WUTHERING HEIGHTS(no MPAA rating) Fri-Sun: 3 Thu: 6 Tin Pan Theater will host "Spaghetti Western Wednesdays"thi s Wednesday. Theeventbeginsat6p.m .and includes an all-you-can-eat spaghetti dinner. As of press

RED DAWN (PG-13) Fri: 5:15, 7:15, 9:15 Sat-Sun: 11:15 a.m., 1:15, 3:15, 5:15, 7:15, 9:15 Mon-Thu: 5:15, 7:15 RISE OF THEGUARDIANS (PG) Fri: 4:45, 7, 9:15 Sat-Sun: 12:15, 2:30, 4:45, 7, 9:15 Mon-Thu: 4:45, 7 SKYFALL(PG-13) Fri: 5:45,9 Sat-Sun: 11:15 a.m., 2:30, 5:45, 9 Mon-Thu: 3:45, 7 THE TWILIGHTSAGA: BREAKINGDAWN— PART2 (PG-13) Fri: 4, 6:45, 9:30 Sat-Sun: 1:15, 4, 6:45, 9:30 Mon-Thu: 4, 6:45

SISTERS Sisters Movie House 720 Desperado Court, Sisters, 541-549-8800

FLIGHT(R) Fri: 4:15, 7:15 Sat: 3:45, 6:45 Sun: 3:15, 6:15 Mon-Thu: 6:15 LINCOLN (PG-13) Fri: 3:45,7 Sat: 3, 6:30 Sun: 3, 6:15 Mon-Thu: 6 PLAYINGFORKEEPS(PG-13) Fri: 5:15, 7:45 Sat: 3, 5:15, 7:30 Sun: 2, 4:15, 6:45 Mon-Thu: 6:45 SKYFALL(PG-13) Fri: 4, 7:15 Sat: 3:30, 6:45 Sun: 2:45,6 Mon-Thu: 6:15 WE GREW WINGS (no MPAA rating) Sun:1

MADRAS Madras Cinema 5 1101 S.W.U.S. Highway97, Madras, 541-475-3505

• ws n

The Dark Knight Rises Dec. 4

subject tochangeafter press time.


~IN ~HD ih


PRINEVILLE Pine Theater 214 N. Main St., Prineville, 541-416-1014

CLOUDATLAS(R) Fri: 3:30,7 Sat-Sun: Noon,3:30,7 Mon-Thu: 6 THE HOBBIT:AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY (PG-13) Thu night/Fri morning: Midnight RISEOF THE GUARDIANS (UPSTAIRS — PG) Fri: 4:10, 7:10 Sat-Sun: 1:10, 4:10, 7:10 Mon-Thu: 6:15

THE HOBBIT:ANUNEXPECTED JOURNEY(PG-13) Pine Theater's upstairs screening Thu night/Fri morning:12:01 a.m. room has limited accessibility.

Hope Springs Dec. 4 AVAILABLE

~!N HD~

TheOddLife of Tim othy Green


Fri: 5, 7:10, 9:25 Sat: 12:20, 2:40, 5, 7:10, 9:25 Sun: 12:20, 2:40, 5, 7:10 Mon-Wed: 7:10 Thu: 7:10, 9:25 THE TWILIGHTSAGA: BREAKINGDAWN— PART2 (PG-13) Fri: 4:35, 7, 9:30 Sat: 2:10, 4:35, 7, 9:30 Sun: 2:10, 4:35, 7 Mon-Wed: 7 Thu: 7, 9:30 WRECK-IT RALPH(PG) Fri: 4:30 6:50 9:10 Sat: Noon, 2:15, 4:30, 6:50, 9:10 Sun: Noon, 2:15, 4:30, 6:50 Mon-Wed: 6:50 Thu: 6:50, 9:10

e • s t ~


additional fee for 3-D and /MAX films. • Movie times are

THE HOBBIT:AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY 3-D (PG-13) Thu night/Fri morning: 12:01 a.m. PLAYINGFORKEEPS(PG-13) Fri: 4:50, 7, 9:05 Sat: 12:40, 2:45, 4:50, 7, 9:05 Sun: 12:40, 2:45, 4:50, 7 Mon-Wed: 7 Thu: 7, 9:05 RED DAWN(PG-13) Fri: 5:15, 7:20, 9:35 Sat: 1:05, 3:10, 5:15, 7:20, 9:35 Sun: 1:05, 3:10, 5:15, 7:20 Mon-Wed: 7:20 Thu: 7:20, 9:30 RISEOF THE GUARDIANS 3-D

• ~

Now Avai lableonVideo on Demand

• There maybean


ANNA KARENINA (R) Fri-Sat: 12:30, 3:45, 7, 9:55 Sun-Thu: 12:30, 3:45, 7 ARGO (R) Fri-Sat: 1, 4:15, 7:15, 9:50 Sun-Thu: 1, 4:15, 7:15 LINCOLN (PG-13) Fri-Sat: Noon, 3:15, 6:30, 9:40 Sun-Thu: Noon, 3:15, 6:30 THE SESSIONS(R) Fri-Sat: 1:15, 4, 6:15, 9:30 Sun-Thu: 1:15, 4, 6:15 SKYFALL (PG-13) Fri-Sat: 12:15, 3:30, 6:45, 9:45 Sun-Thu: 12:15, 3:30, 6:45 SMASHED(R) Fri-Sat: 12:45, 3, 6, 9:35 Sun-Thu: 12:45, 3, 6

Regal Old Mill

EDITOR'S NOTES: • Accessibility devices areavailableforsome

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