Serving Central Oregon since1903 75l t
FRIDAY February 8,2013
~ggl I'-
our ui e o ewee<en
Planning tobuild
Partial win for Wyden on targeted
Mammals' common anCeStar? —Probably, say scientists who havespent six years tracing the many branches of the mammalian
tree to find the source.A3
Strategy payS Off — How a military-style approach
helped authorities rescue a kidnapped Alabamaboy from an underground bunker.A6
g Gameover — Central
Dregon's sports bars get a little less crowded when football
By Hillary Borrud • The Bulletin
The water project was a major issue in the November election, in which three new city councilors were elected and Mayor Jim Clinton was re-elected. "Prior to (Wednes-
day night's) meeting,
party immigration lawyer in
Chudowsky) might lis-
Congress, which makeshim a central figure in the immigra-
ten a little more to the people that voted for him, but I guess not." Chudowsky said he did consider alternatives to the current pipeline plan and asked city staff to respond to questions that would determine whether his ideas were feasible. "From my point of view, I did my homework, I investigated the options I was interested in," he said. Some of the other city councilors presented ideas without researching the legal and fiscal implications, Chudowsky said. "We're under time constraints. The timeforthese vague ideas is over." He still hopes to reduce the overall price of the project by reevaluating options for the water treatment and hydropower facilities. See Council /A4
how to make your end-of-life wishes known by filling out a
simple form that canavert lots of trouble later.D1
And a Web exclusiveRaul Labrador is the only
tion debate.
Payroll tax puts pinch on low-paid By Nelson D. Schwartz New York Times News Service
Jack Andrews and his wife no longer enjoy what they call date night, their once-a-month outing to the movies and a steak dinner at Logan's Roadhouse in Augusta, Ga. In New York's Harlem, Eddie Phillips' life insurance payment will have to wait a few more weeks. And Jessica Price is buying cheaper food near her home in Orlando, Fla., even though she worries it may not be as healthy. Like millions of other Americans, they are feeling the bite from the sharp increase in payroll taxes that took effect at the beginning of January. There are growing signs that the broader economy is suffering, too. Chain-store sales have weakened over the course of the month. And two surveys released last week suggested thatconsumer confidence was eroding, especially among lower-income Americans. See Tax/A4
Correction In a story headlined "Arrest made in fatal shooting," which appeared Tuesday, Feb. 5, on Page Al, Delores Groves' name was spelled incorrectly. The Bulletin regrets the error.
WASHINGTON — The Obama administration's release of two legal opinions justifying the targeted killings of American citizens to selectmembers ofCongress is a good first step, but the administration needs to be more forthcoming about the parametersforthose strikes, Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., said Thursday. "Taking the fight to
existing plan for a new pipeline and intake facility.
Puerto Rican, Mormon, tea-
last wishes —Learn
The Bulletin
disappointed that a majority of the City Council decided this week to move ahead with the
there was a lot of talk about how do we put this out for a public process," said Eileen Woodward, who served as committeetreasurer for Stop SWIPing Ratepayers, a political action committee that formed to support City Council candidates who wanted to re-examine the water project. "I thought that (Councilor Victor
season ends.C1
By Andrew Clevenger
Critics of Bend's $68 million Bridge Creek water supply project said Thursday that they were
How theyvoted,what theysaid
What's next
Dn a motion by City Councilor Scott Ramsay, to proceedwith
February:TheForest Service
the water project in accordance with a March 2012 resolution but reword part of the resolution to call for more discussion of
expects to issue a draft
environmental assessment of the city's latest proposal for the
the treatment facility and hydropower options.
new Bridge Creek pipeline and intake facility by the third week
Councilor Scott Ramsay: Yes. "The opponentshave stated they ...want us to go to allgroundwater, which is something I would never support."
al-Qaida is
of February. Then, there will be a 30-day public comment period. The Forest Service will make any
necessary changesand sign a Mayor Pro Tem Jodie Barram: Yes. "I thinkit is fiscally responsib/e toput the pipein the road andtimeit with the county. Everything I've seen and gathered has not convinced me otherwise." Councilor Mark Capell: Yes. "What we're talking aboutis giving thosepeople that we will never satisfy anopportunity to delay the project further. I think a majority of the communityis not in favor of that."
Record of Decision. A45-day appeal period will follow.
August:If there are no appeals or litigation, the Forest Service anticipates it will issue a special-use permit for the Bridge Creek project to the city of Bend in early to midAugust. The city could then begin construction on the pipeline. September:There will be a sixweek window in which the city can
build two pipeline crossings at Councilor Victor Chudowsky: Yes. "Myhope was wecould save money using a smallerpipe It turned outit would cost $1 million more ... $14 million hasbeen spent. For me, the thing left... is to try to save money onthe back end." Mayor Jim Clinton: No. "Ithink the City Council owesit to the community to reconsider this project. It has been a subject of great interestin the community." Councilor Sally Russell: No.Russell said the councilmight ultimately proceed with the pipeline anyway, but more discussioncould minimize thechance thatopponentswouldsue."Thenifit saves us timeand money,isn'tit worthit?"
Bridge Creek, one of which will go under the creek. Construction will
stop in winter. Spring 2014:The city hopes to resume construction and finish
by summer. Deschutes County must begin a project to rebuild Skyliners Road between spring 2014 and spring 2015. Construction must begin in this window for the county to receive federal funding for the $10 million project. The pipe must be installed before road
construction becausethe county has indicated it will not allow the city to cut into the new road. Sources: Deschutes National Forest, city of Bend, Deschutes County
Councilor Doug Knight: No."I thinkit's the will of thevoters to consider more than just treatment optionsin apublic forum."
Ryan Brennecke/The Bulletin
Pipe for the Bridge Creek project is stored at the Outback water treatment facility off Skyliners Road.
something every member ofthis Wyden committee feels strongly about," Wyden said to John Brennan, Obama's nominee to h ead the CIA, Bren n an during his confirmation hearing before the Senate Intelligence Committee. "It is the idea
of giving any president unfettered power to kill an American without checks and balances that's the problem. Every American has the right to know when their government believes it has the right to kill them." Brennan, a 25-year CIA veteran who has served as Obama's chief homeland security and counterterrorism adviser since 2009, tried to assure Wyden that drone strikes were authorized only as a last resort, after much agonizing over whether it was the right decision. "I think there is a misconception on the part of some of the American people," he said. "We only take those actions as a last resort, to save lives, when there is no other alternative to taking action that is going to mitigate that threat." For years, Wyden has been pressing the administration to clarify its justification for lethal drone strikes. On Wednesday, two days after a Department of Justice "white paper" summarizing legal discussions of the government's authority to use lethal force was leaked to NBC News and made public, Obama called Wyden personally to assure him that the opinions referred to in the memo would be turned over to members of the Senate Intelligence Committee. See Hearing /A4
Some driverstake too muchlicense onvani plates By Erik Lacitis The Seattle Times
SEATTLE — When Tony Cava got a letter from Washington state about somebody complaining that his personalized license plate came across as "vulgar, profane or offensive to good taste and decency," he was, well, "pretty befuddled." The plate on his white 1989 BMW
TODAY'S WEATHER A few clouds, dry High 42, Low 18
Page B6
says, "GOES211." He thought, what's so vulgar about that'? Cava, 53, is a fan of "This is Spinal Tap," the 1984 mockumentary about a fictional heavy metal group. The license plate is a homage to the classic scene in which band member Nigel explains that while other amps go to 10 on the volume control, theirs goes to
11, "if we need that extra push over the cliff." A man identifying himself as Johnny Dixon wasn't thinking "Spinal Tap" when he spotted the plate. Last October, Dixon emailed the Department of Licensing: "I find it in poor taste that the great state of Washington would issue a plate that allows a driver to insinuate in public that his
INDEX All Ages D1- 6 C lassified E1 - 6 D ear Abby D6 Obituaries B 5 C1-4 Busines s/Stocks C5-6 Comics/Puzzles E3-4 Horoscope D6 Sports Calendar I n GO! Crosswords E4 L o cal & StateB1-6 TV/Movies D6, GO!
penis grows to l l i n ches in length. The rest of the citizens of Washington should not be subjected to this vulgarity." And so the case of GOES211 ended up before something called the DOL's Personalized License Plate Committee. Bureaucracies like committees, and lists. See Vanity/A6
4 P We userecycled newsprint AnIndependent
Vol. 110, No. 39, 6 sections
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r anre'e s .. a s By Thomas Erdbrink TEHRAN, Iran — I r a n 's supreme l eader, A y atollah Ali Khamenei, rejected any idea of bilateral talks with the United States on Thursday in a speech in which he scoffed at Iranian officials who might consider such negotiations. A staunch ideologue who has often rejected dialogue with America, Khamenei was a pparently responding to a United States offer of o n eon-one negotiations between the two countries on a range of topics, including Iran's disputed nuclear program, a suggestion that Vice President Joe Biden reinforced last week during a security conference in Munich. The Iranian foreign minister said then that he was open to such talks, although Biden noted that they could proceed only if the ayatollah showed serious interest. The ayatollah's objection is an edict to which other Iranian officials, including President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, must adhere, and it comes after several high-ranking Iranian officials, including Ahmadinejad and Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi, had said the Obama a d m inistration
footage allegedly extracted
from the advancedCIAspy drone captured in 2011,the
efforts to ensure the safety of passengers and return these aircraft to service."
latest in a flurry of moves from Iranian authorities
Student pleads guilty in terror domdplot — Bangladeshi
meant to underline the
student and al-Qaida aspirant Quazi Mohammed Nafis pleaded guilty on Thursday in federal court in Brooklyn to attempting to bomb
nation's purported military
and technological advances.
the Federal Reserve bank in Manhattan last year. Nafis came tothe United States on a student visa. He allegedly sought partners on the Internet to join in a terrorist act and then began planning an attack
The video aired late
Wednesday on Iranian TV shows an aerial view of an
with an undercover FBIagent, eventually driving a truck he believed was filled with a live, 1,000-pound bomb into Manhattan and trying to detonate it remotely with a cellphone. Nafis faces a prison term of 30
airport and a city, said to
be a U.S. dronebaseand Kandahar, Afghanistan.The TV also showed images
had been taking positive steps toward Iran. Khamenei was straightforward in his speech on Thursday before air force commanders in hi s Tehran office, which was reported on his website. He said that while some "simple-minded people" might be happy about the prospect of bilateral talks, Iran h ad seen nothing f r o m W a shington other than the same conspiracies. "The Iranian nation will not negotiate under pressure,"
batteries on Boeing's new787jets. Deborah Hersman, chairwoman
cells. But she said Boeing's tests showed no indication that the new lithium-ion batteries on its 787 planes could erupt in flame. Late Thursday, the FAA said it would allow Boeing to conduct test flights with its 787 to collect data on the batteries and the plane's electrical system. The agency said the flights "will be an important part of our
state TV hasbroadcast
Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, speaks to a group of air force officers Thursday in Tehran.
tion Administration accepted test results from Boeing in 2007 that failed to properly assess the risks of smoke or fire leaking from the
eight cells had ashort circuit and the fire spread to the rest of the
TEHRAN, Iran — Iran's
Office of the Supreme Leader via The Associated Press
transportation safety official said Thursday that the Federal Avia-
of the National Transportation Safety Board, told reporters that the problems seemed to have originated in the battery, when one of the
Iran claims video is from U.S. drone
New Yorh Times News Service
Official rips faulty tests un Boeing 787 —Thenation's top
years to life.
Tunisian political crisis deepens — Tunisia's governing
purported to be the Sen-
tinel landing at a basein
Islamist-led party on Thursday rejected a proposal by the prime min-
eastern Iran, but it was unclear if that footage meant to depict the moment of the
political crisis a dayafter a leading opposition politician was assassinated outside his home.Theannouncement by the party, Ennahda,
ister to form a government of national unity, deepening the country's revealed growing strains within a movement that has promoted its blend of Islamist politics and pluralism as a model for the region. As it
drone's seizure. — The Associated Press
he said. Noting the international sanctions against Iran, Khamenei said: "The U.S. is pointing a gun at I ran and wants us to talk to them. The Iranian nation will not be intimidated by these actions."
rejected the proposal by the prime minister, Hamadi Jebali, a member of Ennahda, the group also publicly rebuked one of its most senior leaders. Cellphoue betrays burglar —Authorities in Sidney, Ohio, say a pocket-dialing prowler got himself arrested after his cellphone
turned informant. Twice. Investigators say an emergency operator traced an accidental 911 call on Tuesday night to a home in Sidney, about 60 miles northwest of Columbus. Shelby County sheriff's
deputies dispatched to check on the house found awindow forced open. Theyarrested Douglas Wolaver, of Piqua, inside. The sheriff's office says Wolaver was found in a bathroom after his phone's low-
battery alert led deputies to his hiding place. Wolaver is charged
with breaking and entering. A phone listing for him was disconnected.
Accused witch durned alive —A mob stripped, tortured and Kelly Pomerleau of Andover
bound a woman accused of witchcraft, then burned her alive in front
Small Engine Service repairs a
of hundreds of witnesses in aPapuaNewGuineatown, police said
snow blower for a customer in An-
today in the latest sorcery-related murder in this South Pacific island nation. Hundreds of horrified bystanders, including many children,
dover, Mass., on Thursday. A blizzard of potentially historic
watched and sometook photographs of Wednesday's brutal slaying.
proportions threatened to strike the Northeast with a vengeance today, with up to two feet of snow
Grisly pictures were published on the front pages of the country's biggest circulating newspapers, The National and Post-Courier, while
feared along the densely popu-
rural Papua New Guinea, witchcraft is often blamed for unexplained
lated Interstate 95 corridor from
misfortunes. Kepari Leniata, a 20-year-old mother, hadbeenaccused of sorcery by relatives of a 6-year-old boy whodied in the hospital the day before.
the prime minister, police and diplomats condemned the killing. In
the New YorkCity area to Boston and beyond. From Pennsylvania to Maine,
Islamic summit dacks Syrian dialogue —Leadersatan
people rushed to stock up onfood, shovels and other supplies, and road crews readied salt and sand. Boston, Providence, R.l., Hart-
Islamic summit on Thursday urged a dialogue between the Syrian opposition and regime just as a new initiative for talks proposed by
(/ .
ford, Conn., and other New Eng-
land cities canceled school today, and airlines scratched more than 1,700 flights, with the disruptions certain to ripple across the U.S.
an anti-government leader appeared to beunraveling. Like previous diplomatic initiatives on Syria, opposition chief Mouaz al-Khatib's call
for talks made less than aweek agoappeared doomed to failure. And with troops and rebels clashing for a seconddayaround Damascus, frustrated Syrians dismissed the calls for dialogue as empty talk.
Forecasters said this could be oneforthe record books. "Thisonedoesn'tcomealong every day. This is going to bea
California seeks nation's toughest gunlaws —Weeks
dangerous winter storm," said Alan Dunham, meteorologist for
school massacre. Democrats who control the state Legislature revealed10 proposals that they said would make California the
the National Weather Service in
most restrictive state for possessing firearms. They were joined at a Capitol news conference by SanFrancisco Mayor Ed Leeand
after New York enacted the nation's toughest gun laws, California lawmakers said Thursday they want their state to do even more in
response to recent mass shootings, particularly the Connecticut
Taunton, Mass. Snow is expected to start this
Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, along with several police
morning and wind gusts could
reach 65 mph. — From wire reports
Elise Amendoia/The Associated Press
Police hunt ex-cop after 3 shot dead By Tami Abdollah The Associated Press
LOS ANGELES — A fired police officer who threatened to bring "warfare" to the Los Angeles Police Department went on a shooting rampage that left a policeman and two others dead and setoffan extraordinary manhunt Thursday. The search for Christopher Dorner was focused on the area around Big Bear Lake, about 80 miles east of Los Angeles,where police found his burned-out pickup. San Bernardino C o unty Sheriff John McMahon said officers were going door to door looking for him. Schools were put on lockdown. Throughout the day, thousands of heavily armed officers p a t rolled h i g hways throughout Southern California, while some stood guard outside the homes of people police say Dorner vowed to attack in a rant posted online. Dorner,33, was fired from the LAPD in 2008 for making false statements. The search began after he was linked to a weekend killing in which one of the victims was the daughter of a former police captain who had represented him dur-
ing his disciplinary hearing.
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TART • Discoveries, breakthroughs, trends, namesin the news— the things you needto knowto start out your day
It's Friday, Feb. 8, the 39th day of 2013. There are 326 days left in the year
HAPPENINGS StOrm Warning — Asevere winter storm is expected to slam into the Northeast and
ur mmn n
Blocking a protein may ease depression
some forecasters are predicting as much astwo feetof
After a six-year study, scientists have identified and reconstructed what they say is the most likely
snow will be dumped on New England.A2
common ancestor of humankind and other mammals — a half-pound, rodent-like creature that had a
Panetta formally retires
long, furry tail and subsisted on insects.
— The Defense Department
By Elizabeth Lopatto
will bid farewell to retiring
By John Noble Wilford
Secretary Leon Panetta in a
New York Times News Service
ceremony at the Pentagon. President BarackObamahas
Humankind's common ancestor with other mammals may have been a roughly ratsized animal that weighed no more than a half a pound, had a long furry tail and lived on insects. In a comprehensive six-year study of the mammalian family tree, scientists have identified and reconstructed what they say is the most likely common ancestor of the many species on the most abundant and diverse branch of that tree — the branch of creatures that nourish their young in utero through a placenta. The work appears to support the view that in the global extinctions some 66 million years ago, all non-avian dinosaurs had to die for mammals to flourish. Scientists had been searching for just such a common genealogical link an d have found it in a lowly occupant of the fossil record — Protungulatum donnae, which until now has been so obscure that i t l a c k s a c o l l oquial nickname. But as researchers reported Thursday in the journal Science, the animal had several anatomical characteristics for live births that anticipated all placental mammals and led to some 5,400 living species, from shrews to elephants, bats to whales, cats to dogs and, not least, humans. A team of researchers described the discovery as an important insight into the pattern and timing of early mammal life and a demonstration of the capabilities of a new system for handling copious amounts of fossil and genetic data in the service of evolu-
nominated former Sen. Chuck
Hagel to succeedPanetta.
HISTORY Highlight:In 1973, Senate
leaders named sevenmembers of a select committee to investigate the Watergate scandal,
including its chairman, Sen. Sam Ervin, D-N.C. In1587, Mary, Queen of Scots
was beheaded atFotheringhay Castle in England after she was implicated in a plot to murder her cousin, Queen Elizabeth I.
In1693,a charter was granted for the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg in the
Virginia Colony. In1862, the Civil War Battle of Roanoke Island, N.C., ended in victory for Union forces led by
Gen. Ambrose Burnside. In1904,the Russo-Japanese War, a conflict over control of Manchuria and Korea,began as Japaneseforces attacked Port Arthur. In1910, the Boy Scouts of
America was incorporated. In1922, President Warren G. Harding had a radio installed in the White House. In1942, during World War II,
Japaneseforces beganinvading Singapore, which fell a week later. In1963, members of the Baath Socialist Party overthrew Iraqi
Prime Minister Abdel-Karim Kassem, whowas executed the nextday. In1968, three college students were killed in a confrontation with highway patrolmen in
Orangeburg, S.C., during a civil rights protest against a whites-
tionary biology.
Carl Buell via The New York Times NewsService
Researchers say this small, insect-eating animal — Protungulatum donnae, shown in an artist's rendition — is the most likely common ancestor of the species on the most abundant and diverse branch of the mammalian family tree, one that includes mankind. The formidable new technology is expected to be widely applied in years ahead to similar investigations of plants, insects, fish and fowl. Given some belated stature by an artist's brush, the animal hardly looks the part of a progenitor of so many mammals (which does not include marsupials, like kangaroos and opossums, or m o n otremes, egg-laying mammals like the
duck-billed platypus). Maureen O'Leary of Stony
B rook University o n N e w York's Long Island, a leader of the project and the principal author of the journal report, wrote that a combination of genetic and anatomical data established that the ancestor emerged within 200,000 to 400,000 yearsafter the great dying at the end of the Cretaceous period. At the time, the meek were rapidly inheriting the Earth from hulking predators like T. rex. Within another 2 mi llion
to 3 million years, O'Leary said, the f irst members of modern placental orders appeared i n s u c h p r o f usion that researchers have started to refer to the explosive model of mammalian evolution. The common ancestor itself appeared more than 36 million years later than had been estimated based on genetic data alone. Although some small primitive mammals had lived in the shadow of the great Cretaceous reptiles, the scientists could not find evidence supporting an earlier hypothesis that up to 39 mammalian lineages survived to enter the post-extinction world. O n ly the stem lineage to Placentalia, they said, appeared to hang on through the catastrophe, generally associated with climate change after an asteroid crashed into Earth. The research team drew on combined fossil evidence and genetic data encoded in DNA in evaluating the ancestor's standing as an early placental mammal. Among characteristics associated with f u ll-term live births, the Protungulatum species was found to have a twohorned uterus and a placenta in which the maternal blood came in close contact with the membranes surrounding the fetus, as in humans. The ancestor's younger age, the scientists said, ruled out the breakup of the supercontinent of Gondwana around 120 million years ago as a direct factor in the diversification of mammals, as has sometimes been speculated. Evidence of the common ancestor was found in North America, but the animal may have existed on other continents as well.
Bloomberg News
SAN FRANCISCO Blocking a protein in the brain that prevents neural stem cells from maturing may lead to a potential new way to t r eat depression, one of the most common m ental disorders in t h e United States. After the gene that makes the protein, called sFRP3, was deleted in mice, their brains behaved as though they were on antidepress ants, researchers f r om Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore found. When sFRP3 is overactive, neural stem cells can't mature into neurons, a process that's been linked to the success of antidepressant treatments, according to the study published Thursday in the journal Cell Stem Cell. R esearch ha s s h o w n that drugs that regulate the brain chemical serotonin, such as the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, a class that includes Eli Lilly & Co.'s Prozac, also work by removing the inhibition on neuron growth. That's part of the reason it can take as long as a month of treatment for patients to feel relief after they begin treatment, said Hongjun Song, a study author and director of the stem cell program at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. The findings suggest the protein could be targeted by either medications or electroconvulsivetherapy. Aprevious paper from the group published online in the journal Molecular Psychiatry showed that mice that had been treated with ECT had less of this blocker protein than those not treated.
only bowling alley. In1971, NASDAQ, the world's first electronic stock exchange, held its first trading day. In1989, 144 people were killed
when an American-chartered Boeing 707 filled with Italian tourists slammed into a
fog-covered mountain in the Azores. In1993, General Motors sued NBC, alleging that "Dateline NBC" had rigged two car-truck crashes to show that1973-to-
1987 GM pickups wereprone to fires in side-impact crashes. (NBC settled the lawsuit the
following day andapologized for its "unscientific demonstra-
tion."l Ten years ago:The chief U.N. arms inspectors arrived in Baghdad for a newround of crucial talks with lraqi officials. Five years ago:Scotland Yard investigators concluded that Pakistani opposition leader Benazir Bhutto died on Dec. 27, 2007, as the result of a bomb blast, not a gunshot, a finding disputed by Bhutto supporters.
Oneyearago:Washington state lawmakersvoted to approve same-sexmarriage. Kyle Dyer, ananchor for Denver station KUSA-TV, was seriously injured when she was bitten in
the face by an85-pound Argentine mastiff while conducting a live studio interview on the
dog's rescue from anicy pond.
BIRTHDAYS Composer-conductor John Williams is 81. Newscaster Ted Koppel is 73. Actor Nick Nolte is 72. Comedian
Robert Klein is 71.Actor-rock musician Creed Bratton is
70. Singer RonTyson is 65. Actress BrookeAdams is64. Actress Mary Steenburgen is 60. Author John Grisham
is 58. Actor Henry Czerny is 54. Environmental Protection
Agencyadministrator Lisa Jackson is 51.Actress Mary McCormack is 44. — From wire reports
Earth-like planetnearby, incosmicsense By Eryn Brown
are going to b e E a r th-like planets nearby, we don't have Scientists at the Harvard- to look so fa r a w ay," said Smithsonian Center for Astro- Harvard astronomer David physics in Cambridge, Mass., Charbonneau. said Wednesday morning that But theywill still have to look. an "Earth-like" planet — that Dressing's analysis identified is, a small rocky planet warm three Kepler planet candidates enough to have liquid water that might, upon further analyon its surface and potentially sis, be confirmed to be Earthcapable of hosting life — could like planets. To find any of the be as close as 13 light-years statistically probable Earth-like away. planets orbiting red d warfs It's hardly "next door" (as a closer by, scientists will need to news release touting the an- conduct additional searches. nouncement put it), in any traSpeaking t o rep o r ters, ditional sense: 13 light-years Dressing and Charbonneau is something like 76 trillion noted that while it seems red miles away. But across the dwarfs do host many planvast distances of the Milky ets that are similarly sized Way, said Harvard astrono- to Earth and warm enough mer Courtney Dressing, 13 to have liquid water on their light-years amounts to "a stroll surface — two factors thought in the park." essential for a planet to harTo arrive at the estimate, bor life — the planets would Dressing conducted an analy- be very different from Earth sis of public data from NASA's in many ways. Because red Kepler telescope, which stares d warfs are small and d i m , at about 150,000 target stars in the habitable zones around one swatch of the Milky Way, them form a tight circle, and searching for telltale fluctua- any Earth-like planet would tions in their light that sug- have to orbit "tucked in close," gest a planet may orbit around Charbonneau said. them. That might mean that such Concentrating on stars in a planet would be subjected to a sample of small red dwarfs intense radiation, or might be — about a quarter the mass of "tidally locked" to its star, with our sun, and about 0.2 percent one side always in the dark as bright — she calculated that and the other always in the 60 percent had planets smaller light. But while such condithan Neptune orbiting them, tions aren't what we see here and 6 percent had planets that on Earth, it doesn't mean that could be considered Earth-like life couldn't necessarily thrive because of their size and their inthem. "It could have interesting efdistance from their host star. Since red dwarfs are about fects for the evolution of life," 10 times more common than Charbonneau said. sun-like stars, the discovery California Institute of Techsuggests that there should be nology astronomer John Johnmany, many Earth-like plan- son, who was not involved in ets lurking within telescopes' the work but also spoke with reach. reporters Wednesday, added "Now that we know there that scientists don't fully unLos Angeles Times
derstand conditions on habitability on Earth. "Is it important to have a moon'? Do we need a Jupiter-sized planet nearby? Do we need plate tectonics'? This study will drive forward the study of habitability on our own planet and gives us a target to aim for," he said. "This puts us hot on the trail of finding planets that host life."
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Panetta: Pentagon backed sending armsto Syrian rebels By Michael R. Gordon
ments during testimony with Panetta on the Sept. 11 attack on a U.S. compound on Benghazi, Libya, which led to the deaths ofChristopher Stevens, the U.S. a mbassador, and threeother Americans. Discussing steps to improve security at U .S. compounds abroad, Panetta said that it would take two to three years to add the 35 new Marine security guard detachments that the United States plans to deploy to improve the security of U.S. diplomatic compounds abroad. The Marines have guard units at 152 diplomatic compounds, but did not have one in Benghazi when the assault occurred. Panetta said that the role of the M arine detachments would be expanded beyond protecting classified information at the compounds. "This could include expanded use of nonlethal weapons, and additional training and equipment, to support the Em-
bassy Regional Security Officer's response options when host nation security force capabilities are at risk of being overwhelmed," Panetta said. Panetta said that the Pentagon was not able to respond more quickly to the Benghazi episode because it had n ot received an intelligence alert about an impending attack. When the attack began, the Pentagon had no forces that could be rapidly sent to Benghazi or to protect diplomatic outposts in Tunisia, Egypt or Algeria that might also have come under assault on the anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. The closest AC-130 gunship was in Afghanistan. There are no armed drones thought to be within range of Libya. The A f r i c a Co m m and, whose area of operation includes North Africa, also did not haveon hand a force able to respondrapidlyto emergencies — a Commanders' In-Extremis Force, or CIF, as it is known.
carried out lethal operations. "It's a matter of public reContinued from A1 cord, Mr. Brennan, that the The memo states that the raid that k i lled Osama bin p resident is justified in a u - Laden was carried out under thorizing lethal force when the authority of CIA director an "informed, high-level of- Leon Panetta," he said after ficial" has determined that a Brennan demurred. "That tells proposed target poses an "im- you right there that the intelminent threat of violent attack ligence community's l ethal against the U n ited States," authority has been used in at capture is "infeasible" and the least one country." operation can be carried out in Wyden further questioned a manner consistent with the what amount of evidence the law of war. administration required beDuring the hearing, com- fore authorizing a lethal strike, mittee chairwoman Sen. Di- whether A m erican c i tizens anne Feinstein, D-Calif., indi- could be targeted while in the cated that two opinions, one U.S. and whether possible tarshort and one long, had in fact gets should be afforded the opbeen turned over, but the com- portunity to surrender before mittee still wanted to see eight they are unilaterally executed. "We have routinely said, more. Wyden said he has "con- openly and publicly, that we cerns" that the Department are war with al-Qaida," Brenof Justice was not following nan said. "Any American who through on Obama's commit- joins al-Qaida will know full ment, which could hold up well that they have joined an Brennan's confirmation. o rganization that is at w a r "I made it clear that we've with the United States." got to see any and all of those Any member of a l-Qaida legal opinions, the ones a bi- who wants to can surrender partisan group o f s enators at any time, anywhere in the asked for, before the (confir- world, he said. "And they should do so bemation) vote," he said, referring to a letter — signed by fore that organization is deWyden and seven other Dem- stroyed. We will destroy that ocrats, i n cluding O r egon's organization," Brennan said. Sen. Jeff Merkley, and three Several committee memRepublicans — to Obama re- bers, including Sens. Feinstein questing all the relevant legal and Angus K i ng, I - Maine, opinions. suggested that a secret court Wyden made it clear durcould be established to evaluing Thursday's hearing that ate the cases against potenhe intends to keep demanding tialtargets before a final orinformation about the targeted der is given, similar to FISA killing program, including a courts that review requests list of all countries where the from the i n telligence comi ntelligence community h as munity to monitor electronic
communications. Brennan shied away from committing to a proposal that would take the final decision away from the president. Other senators bemoaned the CIA's lack of cooperation and forthrightness with the Intelligence Committee. Sen. Jay Rockefeller, DW.Va.,noted that a 6,000-page report prepared by the committee found that, contrary to public assertions by the Bush administration, the CIA's controversial " enhanced i nterrogation techniques," which included waterboarding captives in secret prisons, were ineffective. Brennan ha d p r e viously said that torture had produced intelligence that saved lives, but conceded Thursday that he was no longer convinced that was true after reviewing a 300-page summary of the report. "You told me (in a private meeting last week) you were shocked," Rockefeller said. "There should never be that s ituation again, w h ere w e have to tell you what is wrong
New Yorh Times News Service
WASHINGTON — Defense Secretary Leon Panetta told Congress on Thursday that the Pentagon had supported a plan to arm Syrian rebels that was developed last year by David Petraeus, the CIA director at the time, and backed by Hillary Clinton, who was then serving assecretary of state. Testifying before the Senate Armed Services Committee, Panetta and Gen. Martin Dempsey, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, were asked by Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., if they had supported the recommendation that weapons be provided to the Syrian resistance. "We did," Panetta said. "You did support that?" McCain asked again. "We did," Dempsey added. The White House, however, was worried about the risks of getting more deeply involved in the crisis in Syria. Dempsey made his com-
in your agency." During Brennan's opening statement, protesters with the group Code Pink interrupted him repeatedly, forcing Feinstein to clear spectators from the room. "Stop b etraying d e m o cracy!" one yelled as he was led out by police. "Assassinating su s p ects is always w rong!" shouted another. — Reporter: 202-662-7456,
half a percentage point from b u t the weekly data already e conomic growth in the first a v a i lable f o r l a s t m o n t h Continued from A1 quarter — asignificantblow s h o wed a steady deterioraWhile these data points given that the economy is ti o n i n shoppingactivity. "There is something going are preliminary — more de- expected to expand only I to tailed statistics on retail sales 2 percent in the first half of o n , " said Chris Christopher a nd other trends will n o t 2013. Jr., senior principal econo"If you wanted to design a m i s t at IHS Global Insight. be available until later this month — at street level, the policy to squeeze the spend- "The payroll tax seems to be pain from the expiration of ing of lower- and middle- c u t t i ngintothings." a 2 percentage point break in income households, raising That p attern was apparent Social Security taxes in 2011 the payroll tax is the way to i n a T h omson Reuters/Uniand 2012 is plain to see. do it," said Ian Shepherdson, v e rsity of Michigan survey of "You got to stretch what chief economist at Pantheon c o n sumer sentiment released you got," said Phillips, 51, a M acroeconomic A d v i sors. l a s t F r i day, according t o "It's very regressive." front-desk clerk and mainRichard Curtin, who directs tenance man for a nonprofit surveys of consumers at the housing group who earned Easier on high earners university. $22,000 last year. "That little Retailing a n alysts a n d W hen as k e d h o w t h e ir $20 or $30 affects you, espe- economists sa y h i g h -end f i n a ncial sit u ation had cially if you're just making earners will largely be changed in January,32 perenough money to stay above spared. cent of people with incomes "I wouldn't expect it to have below $75,000 said their pay water." So Phillips has taken to much of an effect on BMW h a d dropped, compared with juggling bills, skipping a pay- consumption," said Richard 1 3 p ercent who said it had ment on one this month and T haler, a p r o increased. By conanother next month. fessor of behavtrast, 38 percent "I'm playing catch-up each ioral s c ience / cfdded >t UP of people earning more t han $75,000 month," he said. "You go to and economics — it'S gtJ pUt t he supermarket and y o u at the Univer- $75 g mpfft/1 said their wages can't spend what you used sity of Chicago's had gone up last to." Booth School of Th a t ' S nPt a month, an d 23 Jack Andrews has it slight- Business. "The /pt fpr Spme perce n t said they ly better than Phillips. He people who will p e p p / e QU t had g o ne down. "We rarely see earns a bit more than $40,000 notice i t the a year manufacturing ce- m ost ar e t h e m~fle IS t/Ie such div e rgent ramics in a local factory, but ones making p f l /y pcfyp/7eck. t r e nds," C u r t in because his wife, Cindy, is the least said. " Mostly i t / gpf1 t /1gye disabled, he is the sole breadIn M e dford, was the p a yroll winner. Something had to Ore., Darchelle e<t"cI mp/7ey t ax h u rting t h e give now that he is earning S kipwith h a d Cpmjrlg jff," lower in c o mes, about $800 less a year, or $66 t o s c rap h e r while h i g her-in— Darchelle come folks had a a month, and it was the cou- monthly budget Skipwith, boost from things ple's monthly night out. and start over "It's just g otten out of of Medford, on l i k e dividends." w hen the l a w how 'the payroll lax reach," Andrews said. changed. In fa c t , as increase has forced c ompanies p a i d She is buying Little debate Onissue less meat; drivher t o chsnge her o u t d i v idends to spendlngheblts shareholdersearly The tax break, which was ingless often to pushed by the White House see her sister, to avoid the higher to stimulate spending in 2011 w ho l i ves 1 2 tax rate for 2013, and extended in 2012, was al- m iles away i n personal dividend ways supposed to be tempo- Eagle Point; and putting less i n c ome increased at a searary. But with pressure build- away in savings. In August, s o n ally adjusted monthly rate ing in Washington to reduce Skipwith, 42, hopes to get a o f 34.3 percent in December, the deficit an d p o liticians raise of50 cents an hour at compared with a 4.5 percent fighting bitterly over wheth- her job stacking shelves at r i s e i n N ovember. But t h a t did little to help er to raise taxes on the very Wal-Mart,whichshouldhelp rich, the question of how the make up the difference. Jessica Price, wh o h o l ds increase in Social Security For now, she has no choice d ow n two jobs in Orlando. taxes would affect the poor- but t o c h ange he r d a il y Mo s t weekends she works at est workers did not seem to routine. a clothing store in a shopping "I added it up — it's about c e nter near th e U n iversal garner much debate on either side of the aisle. $75 a month," Skipwith said. S t u dios theme park, within "I don't see any reason to "That's not a lot for some sight of the roller coasters, consider supporting its ex- people, but mine is the only a n d s h e spends weekdays tension," Treasury Secretary paycheck. I don'thave extra c o l lecting tolls on a l o c al Timothy Geithner said in tes- money coming in." expressway. timony last year. Even Nancy Price, 20, whose annual Retail sales affected Pelosi, a reliable liberal who income is $15,000 to $16,000, leads the Democratic minorOf course,taxes are go- prefers shopping at Whole ity in the House of Repre- ing up on wealthier AmeriF o o ds, the upscale supermarsentatives, was for letting it cans, too, with a rise in mar- k e t chain, which is healthier expire. ginal rates on income above b u t m o r e e x p ensive. But The higher rate applies $400,000 for individuals and s i nce the payroll tax went up, to all earned income up to higher taxes on capital gains s h e has been going more of$113,700. For a h o usehold and dividends. But millions t e n to Publix and Wal-Mart. "The food that has a lot earning $100,000 a year, the of individual decisions by 2 percentage pointincrease poorer Americans in Med- o f f a t an d food coloring is means an additional $2,000 ford, Augusta, Harlem and c h e aper," she said."It's a a year in payroll deductions. elsewherearequicklyadding l o t m o r e expensive to eat Economists estimate that the up. healthier. But now I'm actupayroll tax increase will reComplete monthly data for a l l y looking at the price tag duce disposable income by retail sales in January wil l on t h i ngs rather than grababout $120 billion and shave not be released until today, b i n g t hem."
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Council Continued from A1 Chudowsky and three other councilors voted late Wednesday night to move ahead with the existing plan for a new pipeline and intake facility on Bridge Creek, the source of much of the city's water. Mayor Jim Clinton and councilors Doug Knight and Sally Russell voted against it. City officials have said the existing pipelines, installed in the 1920s and 1950s, have deteriorated to the point where they should be replaced. The
new pipeline is part of a larger water project that has an estimated price tag of $68 million, of which more than $14 million has already been spent. Other components include a water treatment facility, which the city is supposed to build by 2014 to meet federal regulations, and a h y droelectric facility. On Wednesday night, councilors discussed whether to change course from a March 2012 City Council resolution that set out the approach to the water project. The 4-3 vote was on a motion to keep most of the resolution as it is, and add language to require more discussion of the treatment and hydropower. The council will hold a Feb. 20 public hearing on the amended resolution. Some opponents of the water project said city officials reneged on a promise to reexamine the entire project, but the city officials involved said that was false. Paul Dewey,
a lawyer with the nonprofit Central Oregon LandWatch, said Mayor Pro Tem Jodie Barram broke a commitment to reconsider the entire water project which Barram made during meetings with an opponent of the project named Peter Schneider, Clinton and City Manager Eric King. Schneider could not be reached for comment on Thursday. "(Mayor Jim Clinton) and I were very clear in the meetings that we didn't speak for the whole council," Barram said. "We were very open that we were open to talking about it and taking it to council for consideration, but we never could make a promise as to what council would decide." Clinton had a similar recollection of the meetings. "Jodie was in those meetings,but she never promised that she would support such a r econsideration," Clinton said. "She was part of the discussion, but I think it was Eric and Peter and I who kind of informally agreed that if the council wanted to do a reconsideration, these are the things that should be included ... I think Eric kind of left it up to the council to either open it up or not." King said he discussed how the city might organize public meetings to re-examine the water project, but the decision on whether to hold such meetings was up to the City Council. "I'm not able to make promises about where council might land ontheir policy," King said. "That wouldn't be appropriate
for me to do that." Bill Buchanan, a l a w yer who has been critical of the p roject, said that t h e C i t y Council's decision not to reexamine the entire water project will put the city at risk for more litigation. "They're in such a rush to get that money spent, put that pipe in the ground and bind the city for the next 200 years," he said. "By rushing, it's just going to result in more delays because I don't see how this is any different than the first time they went to court." Dewey agreed. "If you go ahead and do what has been sued upon before and an injunction granted on before, there probably is a high likelihood that will hap-
pen again," he said. Central Oregon LandWatch obtained a federal court injunction to stop construction of the pipeline and intake facility portion of the water project last fall. The city dropped that particular plan, which would have increased the amount of water it could withdrawfrom Tumalo Creek and Bridge Creek, and submitted a different plan to the Forest Service that would stick with the current amount of water withdrawn from the creeks. City councilors did agree on one thing Wednesday night: all seven said the city should keep a dual-source water system, with groundwater wells and surfacewater from Bridge Creek. — Reporter: 541-617-7829, hborrudC<bendbuiieti
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arms, 8 I CS osa e
Heavily armed men come back down the hill from the direction of the
By Jay ReeveseThe Associated Press
suspect's home at the Dale County hostage scene near Midland City, Ala. Officials say the use of military arms and tactics and federal assistance paid off in a successful rescue of the young hostage.
Within hours after an armed, angry man shot a school bus driver and kidnapped a 5-year-old boy, workers feverishly unloaded boxes packed with
• i
percussive grenades, military C-4 explosives and an array of guns from
a windowless DC-9 that had landed just miles from the suspect's isolated
compound. Helmeted officers decked out in tan f atigues, camouflage and body armor, many carrying long guns, rumbled in rented cargo trucks to and from the property in southeastern Alabama where 65year-old Jim Lee Dykes and his young captive were hunkered down in a roughly 6-by8-foot hand-dug bunker with only one small hatch for an entryway. Two Humvees belonging to the Dale County Sheriff's Department and a tan, military-style personnel carrier were parked in a field beside the bunker throughout much o f the o r deal, along w i t h sport-utility vehicles. Officers dressed incombat-style gear could be seen watching the bunker from an opening in the roof of the tan personnel vehicle. And a s the sta n d off stretched into days, drones
not authorized to release the information. But authorities' d ecision to rely on every tool at their disposal paid off: Dykes had planted an explosive device in a ventilation pipe he'd told negotiators to use to communicate with him on his property in the rural A labama community of Midland City, and also placed another explosive device inside the bunker, the FBI said. Dykes appeared to have "reinforced the bunker against any attempted entry by law enforcement," FBI agent Jason Pack said.
the FBI said. "As an elite counterterrorism tactical team for law enforcement, the HRT is one of the best, if not the best, in the United States," Sean Joyce, deputy FBI director, said in a statement released during the Alabama standoff. In addition to e mploying its counterterrorism unit, the FBI brought out a full array of military-style equipment, including armored personnel carriers and combat r i fles. Many were visible at the scene during the standoff.
Mickey Welsh The Associated Press
all part of the agency's tools, said Van Zandt. He saw nothing unusual in the agency's tactics or the methods it used in ending the standoff. "I don't want to say t h is was routine, but this is what negotiators and team members train to do all the time," A replica of the bunker added Van Zandt, president of According to a U.S. official, Van Zandt Associates, Inc., a Elite teamresponds about a d o zen a ctive-duty Virginia-based company that The raid on the bunker was Navy Seabees — sailors who profiles and assesses threats carried out by the FBI's hos- belong to special naval con- for corporate clients. "To me, there was nothtage response team, which struction units — helped lawserves as the agency's fullenforcement authorities build ing unique in this other than time counterterrorism unit, a mock-up of the bunker that it played out in front of the Pack said. Trained in military was used to plan the FBI as- world." tactics and outfitted with com- sault. The official, who was flew large, lazy circles high bat-style gear and weapons, not authorized to discuss the The aftermath above the scene at night. the group was formed 30 years rescue effort, spoke on condiFBI and other officials said In many ways, the scene ago in preparation for the 1984 tion of anonymity. the team exchanged gunfire "This was a classic, text- with Dykes and killed him resembled more of a war- Olympics in Los Angeles. time situation than a domestic Composed of FBI agents, book situation," said Clint Van before rescuing the little boy, crime scene as civilian law some of whom have prior Zandt, a former FBI negotiator whom law e nforcement ofenforcement relied heavily on military experience, the team who worked with the hostage ficials have only identified by military tactics and equipment is deployed quickly to trouble rescueteam repeatedlybefore his first name, Ethan. Dykes' body was removed to end the six-day ordeal. spots andprovides assistance retiring in 1995. No military combat person- to local FBI off ices during Building a replica of Dykes' from the bunker Wednesday nel were at the scene, accord- hostage situations. It has par- bunker, practicing an assault, night after law enforcement ing to a law enforcement of- ticipated in hostage situations negotiating Dykes into a sense officers had swept the 100ficial who spoke on condition more than 800 times in the of security and even sneaking acre propertyfor more exploof anonymity because he was U.S. and elsewhere since 1983, a camera into the shelter are sive devices, said Dale County
Coroner Woodrow Hilboldt. He said the body was taken to a state forensics laboratory in Montgomery for an autopsy. FBI Special A gent P aul Bresson said in an email late Wednesday that e v i dencereview teams w ere s i fting through the crime scene, a process that could take two to three more days. Military tactics and clandestinehostage-rescue methods werefarfrom the minds of regular folks in Midland City on Wednesday, Ethan's sixth birthday, as they tried desperately to return to normal life while giving thanks for the heart-wrenching event's joyous outcome. "We need aday ortwo to get our minds around what happened," said an aunt, Debra Cook.
The boy, who has Asperger's syndrome and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, was said to be acting like a normal kid despite his nearly w eeklong captivity a f ter a man police identified as Dykes took him off a school bus Jan.
29 and fatally shot the driver. Officials hope to eventually throw a party to celebrate Ethan's birthday and to honor the memory of the slain driver, Charles Albert Poland Jr. Hundreds of miles away, a woman who knows all too well what Ethan may have gone through expressed her own thanks for the boy's safety. Katie Beers, who was kidnapped as a 9-year-old in 1992 and kept in an underground b unker i n s u b urban N e w York for 17 days before her captor surrendered to police and showed them where she was hidden, said she was "ecstatic" that Ethan was rescued
safely. Beers, who now l i ves in Pennsylvania, said it was likely that not only Ethan, but his family, would need counseling. "He's so young that hopefully he won't remember a lot," she said. "But (the) family is also going to need counseling so they know how to deal with Ethan a nd help hi m t h r ough t he ordeal."
Vanity Continued from A1 State law gives the agency authority to determine what is and isn't offensive in a personalized plate. But even if the DOL approves a plate, anyone who spots a plate on the road and takes offense can make a complaint. Then, the agency investigates. There are plenty of terms that can offend. The agency has compiled a list of 654 "do not issue" terms for vanity plates since the state began issuing them in 1975.
CetatNaY ~I
Ken Lamhert/ Seattle Times
Fred Talbot, of Sammamish, Wash., was initially denied the personalized plate "ELKNIJT." He appealed and won.
Using everything from Google searches that include foreignlanguage and slang dictionaries to asking translators to explain what something means in Russian, the c o mmittee decides what crosses the offensive line. The committee, made up
of six people ranging from a State Patrol representative to a DOL administrator, is the last resort of appeal for questionable plates, and it's where complaints from th e p ublic about a specific plate usually
end up. In the case of GOES211, the committee let Cava keep his plate. "The complaint was, pardon my pun, a stretch," says Brad Benfield, a DOL spokesman who's served 10 years on the committee. Asked to comment about his complaint, Dixon emailed back, "What exactly is it that you want to know? I find it disturbing that you can access my emails to the DOL." Publicrecords for the story w ere first acquired by t h e nonprofit. The c o mmittee h a n dles about 12 cases a year, which is obviously a minuscule fraction of the 84,000 vanity plates out there.
tee: "This is a very well-known name in elk hunting circles as it is the name of an Internet company called Elknut Productions which sells products to help elk hunters. I did not ask for ' E LKNUTS' or ' ELKSNUT,' even I w o u l d agree that might be taken the wrong way." The agency then found that it had issued 60 personalized plates with "NUT" as the last three characters — DUKNUT, PIGNUT, HOGNUT. So the committee allowed Talbot his personalized plate that had cost him $69.75. He now diplomatically says about it all, "I thought they were a little too conservative."
But it is in the documents from the committee that you see the emotions involved. In the case of "JUGALET," for four years it had adorned a 2003 Chevy Cavalier driven by Lisa Kleiner, 42. She works at a P uyallup hospital as a representative for cancer patients. She's also a big fan of Insane Clown Posse, the Detroit hiphop duo whose fervent fans are known as Juggalos. Kleiner says she has ap'ELKNUT' preciated how the duo, whose Then there was the case of lyrics are often violent but Fred Talbot, a Sammamish combined w it h s p i r ituality, account manager who likes to reaches out to those who've hunt. had troubled lives. In 2010, he was denied the liO fficer Mike Lusk of t h e cense plate "ELKNUT" for his Puyallup Police Department Dodge Ram pickup. thought otherwise. He remembers the DOL callO n F ebruary 2 0 10, h e ing him: "The lady said people emailed the DOL about not might think you're referring only JUGALET, but another to an elk's testicles," Talbot re- plate, JUGGALO: "Regardless of t h e p l ate calls. "I said, 'You've got to be kidding! This is silly!' " holder's activation in the gang Talbot wrote the commit- the plate still refers to a known
r ecognized gang in WA . I t would be no different if DOL issued a plate titled Blood or Crips." Kleiner wrote the committee, "I am a law-abiding citizen and I have devoted the last 15 years of my life to helping others. I was shocked and offended that someone would make a complaint." But, unanimously, the committee pulled both plates. Says Kleiner, "What happened tofreedom of speech?"
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'THE BOP' Finally, we come to the case of "THE BOP." Roger Baker, 68, used to be police chief in Des Moines. He and his w i fe, Shirley Baker, 60, now run Business
For complete rules and regulations, visit or stop by The Bulletin at1777 SW Chandler Ave., Bend. Additional entry forms are available in newspapers for sale across Central Oregon and in the lobby of TheBulletin. Entry forms should be delivered or mailed to TheBulletin. Last day to enter is March 22, 2013 at noon. Winner will be drawn March 25, 2013.
*Winner is responsible for transportation fo LOS ANGELESand Transfers from Bora Bora airport fo resort and return. Passport valid for more than 6 months affer the start of the trip is required.
of Policing (BOP), a consulting firm. So theywere quite surprised when in September 2010, the state rejected their application to have "THE BOP" as their vanity plate. It turned out the agency's staff had gone to Wikipedia and the Urban Dictionary. It takes work, trying to figure out hidden meanings. They found "BOP" could mean everything from "early m odern jazz" t o "Sexually
suggestive." Says Shirley Baker, "Our circle of friends, even cops, were clueless about any kind of negative connotation." Roger Baker wrote the committee, " My wife and I a r e members of the 'senior community' and the plates, 'THE BOP,' on our Ford Explorer s hould certainly a l lay a n y question of sinister meaning to anyone." The committee allowed the plate.
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Editorial, B4 Obituaries, B5
Weather, B6
Chili cook-off to benefit schools The Athletic Club of Bend will host a chili
cook-off Sunday to benefit The Education Foundation for Bend-La
Pine Schools. The cook-off will take place from12:30 to 4:30 p.m. at the Athletic Club
of Bend, and will feature chefs from several Central Oregon restaurants competing for best chili bragging rights. Tickets for the event will be sold at the door and will cost $10 for adults and $5 for chil-
Compost plan riles Crescent residents
Hu man ac s tuition e ui • Bill would benefit students whoarein the country illegally By Lauren Dake The Bulletin
SALEM — It was after holding town halls in Madras that Rep. John Huffman, RThe Dalles, decided to take a second look at legislation that would make attendance at state universities more afford-
able for students living in the country illegally. The issue had surfaced duringboth the 2009 and 2011 sessions and Huffman said he was vocal in his opposition. But this legislative session, which kicked off in earnest this week, the lawmaker has signed on to co-sponsor a bill that would grant what's being called "tuition equity" for students in the country without legal documentation. "Is it going to make people
unhappy that I'm a chief sponsor?" Huffman said. "Absolutely." But, he said, there are too many misperceptions about thebill. "I want to put the truth out there," he said. "This does not provide free college education for anyone." Instead, Rep. Michael Dembrow, D-Portland, another chief sponsor and long-time ardent supporter, said the bill would give students the ability
to pay in-state tuition. Students would not be eligible for federal or state grants or scholarships and so would likely have to pay cash. Other provisions of House Bill 2787 include ensuring that students are eligible only if they have lived in the U.S. for five years or more, have attend-
ed an Oregon high school for
By Dylan J. Darling
three years and attend a state university within three years of high school graduation. SeeTuition/B2
The Bulletin
CRESCENT — Bruce Hall says visitors to his RV park in Crescent often remark about the peaceful community and the clean air. Like many others who live in the small town along U.S. Highway 97 south of Bend, he is worried that a
dren between theages of 6and11. Children
under 5 years old can attend for free. There
esson in ris
will also be an inflatable bounce house for kids at the event, which will
planned composting operation just south of town could taint those precious traits, as well as possibly pollute the groundwater used for drinking. "That is what we have here and they are going to take that away," said Hall, who owns Big Pines RV Park. Crescent-area residents are fuming that the compost would be coming from a couple of hundred miles away and include food scraps from Portland homes and restaurants. Morrison Trucking, a Tualatin company, has applied to the state Department of Environmental Quality for a permit to ship compost from North Plains and Aumsville to an old mill site just south of Crescent. The operation is called Klamath Soil Amendments, according to the permit application. After locals got wind of the plan on their own, the DEQ acknowledged it did a poor job of posting the proper notice in Crescent. The department promised a hearing and extended the period in which residents have the opportunity to comment on the permit application. For the last year, disgruntled North Plains residents, who formed a group called Stop the Stink, have been trying to keep the smell of compost from overwhelming the town. While some of the same material would be composted near Crescent, it won't put off the same odor in the dry High Desert, said Todd Christopherson, a partner in Klamath Soil Amendments. "Water is what is making the odor," he said. The other partner in the venture is Larry Morrison, owner of Morrison Trucking. The company plans to take measures, such as lining the ground with carbon, to keep water from the compost pile from leaking into the soil or nearby surface water, Chri stopherson said. SeeCompost/B2
cost $5 per child. The proceeds from the event will benefit the Education Foundation's Activity Fee Scholarship
Fund, which provides financial aid for students participating in after-
school sports and club programs. — From staff reports
UPCOMING Sound theAlarmfor Climate Change:A local rally to coincide with the national event to ad-
dress the issue of global warning; 12:30 p.m., Troy Field, N.W.Bond St., Bend; some signs will be provided, but
participants are encouraged to bring their own; 541-322-9702. — Contact: 541-383-0354, In emails, please write "Civic Calendar"in the subject line. Include a contact name andnumber.
Ryan Brennect'e/The Bulletin
Members of the Celtic Crossroads cast demonstrated a variety of songs and dances for more than 400 fourth-graders from Bendarea elementary schools as part of Tower Theatre Foundation's LessonPLAN (Performing Live Arts Now) outreach on Thursday. The students were taught about the instruments used during the performance and about the impact of Irish music and culture around the world. The LessonPLAN program aims to bring students, teachers and parents a greater understanding of curriculum topics through the performing arts.
Man shot inapparent accident at McDonald's By Scott Hammers The Bulletin
• Salem:Gov.Kitzhaber sends Congress aplan for struggling timber
counties. • Willamette Valley: State permits canola to be grown for food and fuel.
• Elsewhere:Trucker convicted of multiple murders to bereleased; school enrollment shows changing demographics, and more.
A Bend man shot in the stomach with his wife's gun in an apparent accident at a McDonald's was hospitalized Thursday afternoon. Richard Lee Cooper, 47, and wife Barbara Annette Masters, 48, were at a table inside the McDonald's on Bend's north side shortly after 1:15 p.m. when Cooper was struck by a round fired from his wife's pistol. Cooper was taken by ambulance to St. CharlesBend fortreatment of his injuries.
Lt. Chris Carney said the initial investigation by Bend Police suggests Masters was leaning forward when her gun, a.22-caliber derringer, fell out of her pocket and hit the floor. The gun discharged on impact, firing a round into Cooper's abdomen. Cooper was listed in serious condition as of 7 p.m. Thursday, according to a nursing supervisor at the hospital. None of the other 12 to 15 customers in the restaurant at the time of the incident were injured, Carney said.
"Everything looks like it's probably accidental," he said. "There's no reason for us to think there was any argument or anything like that
going on." Masters cooperated with officers, Carney said, and was cited and released on charges of third-degree assault, a felony, and reckless endangering, a misdemeanor. Carney said Masters told investigators she has a license to carry a concealed
handgun. If convicted of either charge for which she was
cited, Masters' concealed carry privilege could be in
jeopardy. Under Oregon law, any person convicted of any felony, or convicted of a misdemeanor within the last four years, may not be issued a license to carry a concealed handgun. Any "act or condition" that would prevent the issuance of a license is cause for the revocation of a license, the law states, although revocation is at the discretion of the issuing sheriff' s department. — Reporter: 541-383-0387,
Sfories on B3, B5
Have astoryidea or sudmission? Contactus! The Bulletin Call a reporter: Bend................541-617-7829 Redmond........541-977-7185 Slsters.............541-977-7185 La Pine...........541-383-0348 Sunrlver .........541-383-0348 Deschtutes ......541-617-7837 Crook..............541-633-2184 Jefferson ........541-633-2184 Salem..............541-554-1162 D.C..................202-662-7456 Business........541-383-0360 Education .......541-977-7185 Public lands .....541-617-7812 Public safety.....541-383-0387 Projects ..........541-617-7831
Legal opinions divided over Kitzhaber's pension reform By Lauren Dake
John Kitzhaber's proposed
The Bulletin
SALEM — Foreshadowing what could be a bruising debate over the state's pension system this legislative session, lawyers representing state lawmakers said the governor's
Both legislative counsel's opinion and the Justice Department's analysis are in response to Kitzhaber's efforts to limit the cost-ofliving adjustment to the first $24,000 in retirement income proposed changes for members of the Public to the pension sys- Employees Retirement System would not be tem, or PERS. Kitzhaber is upheld in court. hoping the move could save IN The l e gal opin- more than $800 million and 5ALEM io n was requested has built the assumption into by Speaker of his budget. "Our opinion shows the the House Tina Kotek, D-Portland, and specific proposal the govercomes on the heels of the nor made around the COLA state Department of Justice's (cost-of-living adjustment) analysis, outlining three is problematic," Kotek said. "It doesn't mean there aren't legal arguments that could be made to support Gov. other ... options."
Kotek said she's still in the information-gathering stage, which she said is crucial to
good policy.
"It's pretty clear one element of a balanced budget is around PERS, but how large that is and what you're able to do that is fair and legal and saves money is an ongoing conversation," Kotek said. The pension system is facing an unfunded liability of $16 billion. Public employers, such as school districts, pay into the system to fund pensions for their retirees. Both analyses use the same court case, Strunk v. Public Employees Retirement Board, tohelp them reach their conclusions. SeePension/B2
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1548 S. HWy 97, Re d m On d (Across fromthe Redmond Inn)
Composting near Crescent
A Tualatin trucking company
plans to build acomposting operation nearCrescent, where waste — including foodscraps from Portlandhomesand
restaurants — fromanother composter in North Plains would
be hauledandprocessed. The plans havedrawn complaints from neighbors inCrescent, who saythecompostcoulddegrade air and water. rpl
Gii rist
Proposed ompostingg operationi
jN rtlt Pla ' Parttaad, >~gPQ + '~ 0R E G+ON Newport
+Q+ ~ + ~ ~~
Kfamath Falls
Source. Oregon Department of Environmental Quality Andy Zeigert/The Bulletin
Tuition Continued from 61 Students would also be on the hook to sign an affidavit showing they want to be legal citizens and will take steps toward citizenship. It will be up to the state's university system to craft the rules surrounding the affidavit, Dembrow said. But if a student doesn't follow through, the understandingishe or she would be charged out-of-state tuition. The bill is aimed at students who were brought into the country at a young age through no fault of their own, Dembrow added.Itmakes more sense to educate the students, he said. "We should be investing in those kids, they are a needed resource," he said. Although he's pushed similar legislation in past sessions, this session there seems to be the necessary momentum to make it happen, he said. It helps that the governor has signaled his support and Democrats control both chambers of the Legislature. Federal law mandates that
this," said Karen Shaw, who lives in Crescent and helped Continued from 61 plan the community meeting. And Klamath Soil AmendThe DEQ poorly notified m ents plans t o p u t p i p es the public about the planning through the compost to keep composting operation, said Suthe smell down. The three-acre san Christiansen, solid waste composting operation would manager at the DEQ office in be at the center of the 70-acre Bend. She said the department Glanville Box Co. lumber mill, only notified neighbors within atop a small rise. a mile of the old mill and a The finished compost will public notice was published be sold for agriculture and for- in the Klamath Falls Herald estry use, Christopherson said. and News newspaper, which What it will sell for hasn't been doesn't deliver to Crescent. "And, you w ere m issed," determined. "We have to make our first she told the crowd Monday. "I batch before any of that kind apologize." of discussion goes on," he said. The comment period was The DEQ permit would al- originally set to close today. low the processing of up to Christensen said she didn't 36,000 tons per year. While know the new deadline. The the DEQ put out a notice about agency wil l a l s o s c hedule the project in early January, a public meeting about the many Crescent residents didn't project. learn of it until last week; they Jim Bellet, just one month quickly put together a public into his first term as Klamath meeting. County commissioner, said More t h a n 1 0 0 p e o ple h e hadn't heard about t he showed up Monday night at composting project until last the Crescent Community Cen- week. He said it would creter. There to answer their flood ate seven jobs, but, like the of questions were Christoresidents at the meeting, he pherson, a DEQ official and a said he's had a crash course Klamath County commission- in composting and the controer. Crescent is on the northern versy over the odor in North fringe of Klamath County, just Plains. "What I've read about it is south of the Deschutes County line. not good," Bellet said. "None of us k new about The Deschutes County Com-
missionalso decided Wednesday that it will weigh in on the topic by sending a letter to the DEQ, said Tony Debone, a Deschutes County C ommissioner from La Pine. The letter won't address any odor concerns; rather, it will focus on groundwater and what will be done to keep anything from the compost from seeping into the aquifer or nearby Little Deschutes River. Debone said much has been done in recent years to study and improve water quality around La Pine. Putting a composting operation in C r escent "seems counterintuitive," he said. Crescent business owners like Hall are already rallying to stop the composting operation before it starts. They are concerned that runoff from the composting site could seep into the shallow aquifer around Crescent and that the compost could put off a pungent stench. W inds often come f r om the south in Crescent, and the old mill sits on the southern edge of town, said Chuck Defoe, owner of Ken's Sporting Goods. "It's going to take all that odor and b low i t t h r ough town," he said.
children in the U.S. be educated from kindergarten through 12th grade. Students may not legally be asked their immigration status, so estimating how many illegal-immigrant students are in the school system is difficult. Students who live in Oregon illegally are considered out-ofstate residents, which means they pay about $20,000 more per year at the University of Oregon than in-state students
they are going to slide it down the panel," he said. H uffman said h e k n o w s people will disagree with his new position. But he hopes it's because they have the right factsand not because they are misinformed. Huffman said there is no evidence that allowing illegal immigrants to attend school would strain state resources. Proponents have pointed to the fact that there are no enrollment caps at universities, so the move would only add students and create revenue. Huffman said he believes students who were brought here at a young age by their parents should have a shot at higher education. But if people can't get past that, he said, and only see that the person is in the country illegally, he understands. It's the myths, he said, that bother him, pointing to the belief that some hold that it would strain state resources or waive tuition for students. "If you disagree with tuition equity, fine," he said. "But disagree for the right reasons."
eral government should first tackle i m migration reform. He's concerned, he said, Huffman that e ven if students are given a chance to attend a state university, they won't be able to work legally when they graduate. Sen. Tim Knopp, R-Bend, said he's open to supporting the idea but it will depend on the final policy. He wants to ensure that allowing undocupay Democratic House leader- mented students would not disship has noted its support for place any legal residents in the the legislation. university system. "We're focused on improvJim Ludwick, communicaing access to quality education tion director with Oregonians and creating a w e ll-trained for I m m i gration R e f orm, workforce. Tuition equity will doesn't believe the state would help achieve these goals we all give "an illegal alien a $20,000 share," said Jared Mason-Gere, per year benefit denied to House Speaker Tina Kotek's American citizens who graduspokesman. ated from high school in WashHouse Republican Leader ington or California or Idaho." Mike McLane, R-Powell Butte, He maintained that "rewardsaid the caucus hasn't taken a ing people here illegally" is the stance on the legislation yet. wrong approach. Assistant House Republican But unlike in past sessions, Leader Jason Conger, R-Bend, he noted that he might not said previously he b elieves be on the winning side of the tuition equity fails to address argument. "The skids are greased and a larger problem and the fed-
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20536 Gloucester Ln. $179,950 • Green building features • Open great room • Convenient island kitchen Directions:From Bend Parkway, east on Empire Are., left on Boyd Acres Rd., left on Gloucester Ln.
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1496 NE Saddle Rock Ct. • Freshly painted inside $236 5M • Den/office & flex room • Vaulted ceilings, skylights Directions:From NE3rd St. (Business 97),easton NE Olney Ave.(becomes NE Penn Ave., then NENeff Rd.), left on NE Parkridge Dr., left on NEDaphne Dr., right into NE Saddle RockCt.
I Pension Continued from 61 Dexter Johnson, with legislative counsel, was blunt, "Based on a recent Oregon Supreme Court precedent, we conclude that an attempt to limit the COLA in this way would be found to be a violation of the contract rights of members." In a 10-page memo prepared for the governor, Keith Kutler, the attorney for t he DOJ's Tax and Finance Sec-
tion, also makes it clear that ultimately there are no guarantees until the changes are challenged in court. However, Kutler outlines three possible legal arguments for making the changes, including overturning the court's 2005 opinion that said the COLA was part of the contract with state
in an email in response to legislative counsel's take. "The real question is how we boost funding for education and balance our budget if we're unwilling to discuss cutting costs like PERS. No one has been able to answer that one." House Republicans have made it clear they want to employees. make changes to the PERS "It's a q uestion best ansystem and have said they swered b y the Su p r eme don't think the governor's proC ourt," Ti m R a p hael, t h e posals go far enough. "The cost of PERS is keepgovernor's spokesman, wrote
ing our local school districts from h i r ing n e w t e achers and reducing class sizes. In 2003, legal opinions said the same thing, that all PERS reforms were unconstitutionaL Fortunately, legislators had the courage to move forward and the Supreme Court upheld many of those reforms," House Republican L e ader Mike McLane, R-Powell Butte, said in a statement. — Reporter, 541-554-1162; IdaheC<
63410 Overtree Rd. • 5 BR home,2.5acres $579,000 •Cascademountainviews • Two master suites Oirections:From BendParkway exit Empire Ave.eastbound, left on NE Purcell Blvd., right on YeomanRd., left on Overtree Rd.
20125 Cirrus Ct. •Largeden/ofice $279,500 • Two gas fireplaces • Superb features & finishes Oirectiontgl From Bend Parkway, west on Powers Rd., right on elakelyRd., right on Reed Ln., right on DuncanLn., right on Cirrus Ct.
NEws OF REcoRD POLICE LOG The Bulletin will update items in the Police Log when such a request is received. Any new information, such as the dismissal of charges or acquittal, must be verifiable. For more information, call 541-383-0358. Bend Police Department Criminal mischief —An act of criminal mischief was reported at 3:11 a.m. Dec. 26, in the area of Northwest Broadway Street and Northwest Kansas Avenue. Burglary —A burglary was reported at 7:36 p.m. Jan. 20, in the 21000 block of Thomas Drive.
Theft —A theft was reported at 2:12 p.m. Jan. 24, in the 2700 block of Northeast 27th Street. Theft —A theft was reported at 6:48 a.m. Jan. 28, in the 2500 block of Northeast Studio Road. Theft —A theft was reported at 7:46 p.m. Jan. 28, in the 300 block of Southwest McKinley Avenue. Crlmlnal mischief —An act of criminal mischief was reported at 9 a.m. Jan. 31, in thearea of Northeast Butler Market andNortheast Wells Acres roads. Criminal mischief —Anact of criminal mischief was reported at 1:01 p.m. Jan.31, inthe I00blockof Northeast Franklin Avenue. Theft —A theft was reported at1:25
p.m. Jan. 31, in the1300 blockof Northeast Third Street. Theft —A theft was reported at 2:42 p.m. Feb. 2, in the62000 block of Dean Swift Road. Theft —A theft was reported at 1:22 p.m. Feb. 4, in the 300 block of Southeast Third Street. Burglary —A burglary was reported at 8:06 a.m. Feb. 6, in the 300 block of Northeast Third Street. Unauthorized use — Avehicle was reported stolen at 8:47a.m. Feb. 1,in the63000 blockofSherman Road. Burglary —A burglary was reported at7:31 a.m.Feb.4, inthe500blockof Northeast Azure Drive. Prineville Police
Department Theft —A theft was reported at 5:09 a.m. Feb. 6, in the area of Southeast Third Street. Vehicle crash — Anaccident was reported at 7:38 a.m. Feb. 6, in the area of Northeast Third Street. Burglary —A burglary, theft and an act of criminal mischief were reported at 8:53 a.m. Feb. 6, in the areaof Northeast Knowlege Street.
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(Crook, portion of Deschutes) 900 Court St. N.E., H-385 Salem, OR97301 Phone:503-986-1455 Email: rep.mikemclane© Web: www.leg.state.or.tfs/mclane • Rep. GeneWhisnant, R-Disfrict53 (portion ol Deschules County) 900 Court St. N.E., H-471 Salem, OR97301
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InCreaSe in K-12 enrOllment —Oregon's changing demographics are evident in the latest student enrollment numbers re-
leased by the state Department of Education. Whites were 79percent of the K-12 population a decade ago and account for 65 percent in 2012-13. Deputy Superintendent Rob Saxton said Thursday that the
state's future depends onclosing the achievement gap, and educators must adapt to the demographic changes to ensure instruction is relevant to all students. Overall, there were 563,714 students enrolled
By Jeff Barnard The Associated Press
G RANTS PASS — G o v . John Kitzhaber on Thursday gave members of Congress a menu of options for increas-
ing logging on the so-called 08cC timberlands in Western Oregon to help rural counties shore up cash-strapped budgets and produce logs for local mills. The governor said he hopes Oregon's congressional delegation will use the options to produce legislation resolving the funding problem for Oregon timber counties. They have struggled for nearly two
decades since logging cutbacks were adopted on federal lands to protect the northern spotted owl and salmon. Kitzhaber said he thinks options from the report can be put together that respect conservation values and still produce more than $70 million for the 08 C counties. That amounts to about double their last payment under a safety net that is expiring, and about 10 times the amount they would get from a direct sharing of federal timber revenues. It is far short of the $110 million the counties have been shooting for. T he 94-page report w a s the product of three months of work by a task force put together by Kitzhaber that included representatives of timber counties, the timber industry, and conservation groups. The report did not reach consensus on aspecific proposal for the 2.5 million-acre patchwork of federal timberlands in Western Oregon and Klamath County. But it did offer various options, including variations on a plan from three Oregon congressmen that would split
Jed Burns of Grayback Forestry thins timber on BLM land outside Ruch. Gov. John Kitzhaber has given members of Congress a menu of options for increasing logging on timberlands managed by the BLM to help rural counties shore up
"To get the counties the revenue they need, you need to drive species into extinction and you need to pollute a lot of streams," said Kerr, who was not on the task force. "You cash-strapped also need a huge increase in budgets. funding from Congress to log Jeff Barnard / rhe at those levels. You need to Associated Press file photo
the lands in two, with half going to a trust dedicated to timber harvest and half to be managed for fish and wildlife habitat and clean water. Members of Oregon'scong ressional d elegation w e l comed the report as useful. "After looking over the materials, I'm optimistic," Democratic Rep. Peter DeFazio said in a statement. "The report confirms that there are shared goals and there is common ground among Oregon counties, environmentalists and the timber industry." Douglas County Commissioner Doug Robertson, who served on the task force and is president of the Association of O&C counties, said he was happy that the report included all options considered by the task force, including those that would produce $110 million for the counties while waiving environmental laws such as the
fairly, and lay the foundations for growth in Oregon's 08cC counties," Wyden spokesman Tom Towslee said in an email. "The governor's efforts have helped move the ball forward." Andy Kerr, a conservation consultant and veteran of the 1990s court battles over the spotted owl, said there was no way to solve the funding problems faced by rural timber counties by i n creasing
Endangered Species Act. "If these lands are not exempt in some way from some of the federal rules and regulations, the status quo will remain in place," he said. "The only meaningful change is going to be some modification that provides an opportunity to manage these lands for their stated purposes." A bill on the 08 C lands is likely to be attached to legislation being put together by Rep. Doc Hastings, R-Wash., to increase logging on national forests nationwide. Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., a key player as chairman ofthe Energy and Natural Resources Committee, has said any bill would have to comply with existing environmental laws. "A successful solution will balance economic,recreation and environmental interests, treat federal taxpayers, counties and private landholders
in Oregon's public schools last fall. The increase of 2,768 students from 2011-12 reverses a four-year streak of falling enrollment. Portland remains the largest district with 46,581 students, followed by
Salem-Keizer, Beaverton andHillsboro. ROSe Garden hit-and-run —Portland police have arrested a Tigard man accused in ahit-and-run crash that seriously injured a pedestrian leaving a Portland Trail Blazers game. Sgt. Pete Simpson said 28-year-old Ronald Jacko turned himself in Thursday and was
booked into the MultnomahCounty Jail. Thevictim, 32-year-old Ryan Hendryx, was crossing a street after Portland's Dec. 13 victory over San Antonio when he was hithard enough to go up onto the hood and shatter the windshield. Officers with the traffic division followed up on the initial report and eventually found the car; it already had a new windshield. Jacko has been charged with felony hit-and-run and
tampering with physical evidence. Stl'BIf ShOt hl'tS SChOOIbllS — Marion County authorities say what was likely a stray shot hit a school bus, but nobody wasinjured. The sheriff's department said two children were aboard Wednesday afternoon when the shot cracked the glass about10 inches above the
driver's head. Theshot didn't go through. Deputies said they couldn't be sure, but they suspect it came from a.22-caliber weapon or a
resume logging old growth
pellet gun. They doubt it was aimed at the bus, which was traveling
foreststo generate enough revenues. Those things aren't go-
through an open, flat area.
ing to happen."
POSSible tSunami debriS hauled Off —A 27-foot boat that washedup nearGlenedenBeachandmaybetsunamidebrishas
Five conservation groups that did serve on the task force said in a joint statement that while all sides moved closer together, they failed to agree on important issues, such as protecting old growth forests, designing timber sales to improve ecological conditions, protecting key salmon habitat, complying with th e E ndangered SpeciesAct and protecting clean drinking water. The American Forest Resource Council, a timber industry group, said the O&C lands have the potential to sustainably produce five times the timber they do now. Since 1937, the 18 0 8 cC counties have received half the revenues from timber cut on a patchwork of federal lands in Western Oregon thatreverted to the federal government after the bankruptcy of the Oregon and California railroad.
been taken to a landfill. State parks officials say the boat resembles debris from the 2011 tsunami in Japan, but they haven't pinpointed
the vessel's origin. It washedashore Tuesday. Acontractor hauled it away Wednesday.The parks department says scientists found specimenssuchasanon-nativeJapaneseacorn barnacle.It'sexpectedto be weeks before other organisms arepositively identified. WOman SentenCed fOr embeZZling —Federal prosecutors say a woman who wasonthemanagementteam ofaLebanoncompanyhas been sentenced to two years in prison for embezzling $848,000 from it. The U.S. attorney's office said Thursday that 42-year-old Rhonda Milli-
ganwasalsoorderedtopaybackthemoneyshe tookfrom EntekManufacturing from 2005 through 2011. Prosecutors and court documents said Milligan made more than $540,000 in payments through an online
system to payherpersonal credit card expensesanddiverted another $293,000 by forging the name of Entek's president on checks.
NBkOd bl'88k-Ill —Officers say a womanwho broke into a Corvallis hair salon caused substantial damage before they found her naked and hiding in a closet. The Gazette-Times reported an officer
who responded to aburglar alarm saw wet footprints leading to a broken window in the front door, and he heard someone inside The Rage shop yelling and breaking things. After a search, Lt. Ben Harvey
said, officers found the woman. Hesaid shewas"unclothed, and it was appar entshewashighonanamphetamine." — From wire reports
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ne powerful argument against reforming Oregon's state pension system is that the courts won't allow it. For legislators hesitant about making changes, it's a reason not to try. That's a convenient excuse, but it's short-sighted and mistaken. The OregonDepartment ofJustice has prepared a legal analysis detailing arguments to support Gov. John Kitzhaber's proposal to limit cost of living increases to the first $24,000 of income for retirees in the Public Employees Retirement System. The analysis concludes there are no guarantees, but there are reasonable arguments that have a chance of success. Meanwhile H ouse S peaker Tina Kotek, D-Portland, has asked legislative counsel for an opinion on the issue, and PERS Coalition lawyer GregHartman has argued the change would be illegal. Two things are fo r c ertain amid all this legal maneuvering: 1) There's no way to know for sure what the courts will allow until legislation is passed and challenged; and 2) Oregon desperately needs PERS reform. That said, it's an essential exercise to consider possible legal arguments and to design legislation with the best chance of passing legal muster. The DOJ analysis,
for example, suggests that some different ways to structure PERS COLA limits might have a better chance of gaining approval. That could be critical information for legislators as they consider various proposals this session. The governor's COLA proposal is designed to save $810 million every two years, almost enough to compensate for the expected increase in employer payments starting in July. It's only a piece of the reforms needed to properly balance the state's obligations to its retirees with its obligations to education, public safety, health care, infrastructure and many others. Without it, serious cuts will be needed. For example, Bend-La Pine Schools estimates it will lose 96 teachers or cut an additional 16 days from the school year if the governor's budget is approved without the savings he seeks from PERS. Lawmakers need to work diligently to overcome legal limitations to PERS reforms, not use them as a justification for neglecting the state's critical needs.
Governor's timber panel leaves problemunsolved
ome of Oregon's most struggling Western counties are no closer to a solution to their financial problems. The 18 so-called 08l C Railroad Company counties have taken it on the financial chin in recent years. As timber harvests have dwindled, so have their revenues, and in the hardest-hit counties, government has been cut. The most recent failure came this week from a panel formed by Gov. John Kitzhaber's office. The special panel created to find answers to the problem was unable to reach consensus on the issue. The 14-member panel included timber industry executives, environmentalists and representatives from the counties hardest hit by the timber payment decline. The 08 C Act of 1937 set aside roughly 2.4 million acres of federal forests in the 18 counties for the counties' financial benefit. The lands were originally given to the O&C Railroad Company by the government in 1860s; when land sales failed to materialize, the government reclaimed the land in 1916. The 1937 act was passed to compensate the counties for loss of
property taxes and private, developable land. It gives 50 percent of timber receipts from the land to the counties. The law worked well when timber was being harvested in great enough amounts to balance the counties' budgets. Today, when there's almost no timber being harvested, not so much. And nothing else has filled the gap. That the Kitzhaber panel failed to come up with answers palatable to all probably should have been expected. The various parties couldnot agree on such things as streamside protection and the actual volume of timber that should be cut, according to The Oregonian newspaper, and there was a feeling among some members that county residents aren't doing enough for themselves through property tax payments. In the end, the failure means the problem is back in the lap of Congress, where even among members of the Oregon delegation there has been little agreement on a potential solution. Lack of consensus on the state level makes the task even more difficult.
'THe ®7ATe + TH e %TATe t®.."
New Mirror Pond attraction could be Bend's gold mine By Bob VancII he city of Bend looks at the silting of Mirror Pond as a major problem. Bend needs to turnthis around and discuss how it might be a gold mine. At some time in the near future, you will have to dredge the pond, as it is too valuable to not dredge or eliminate it. Here might be one solution: Begin looking for an old gold dredge. The town of Mt. Vernon used to have one. Track it down o r maybe purchase the one i n Sumpter. Maybe thereare others out there, waiting to b e s old an d m oved. Right now, with the price of gold where it is, these may be difficult to purchase at a cheap price. But find one! Move it and set it up on Mirror Pond. Now you will need to be creative. Create at least two condos on the upper floor ofthe dredge. These condos could have a n o l d-time flair and be available for rental. Make them quite high-end affairs, as they will be in a super prime location as they will slowly move as you dredge the material in the pond. On the roof you could put a
dining area, perhaps not reaching the height of the Space Needle in Seattle or other unique locations, but no one else would have the Mirror Pond view that would look back into the city or the park. I re-
IN MY VIEW alize this might be only a summer and early fall endeavor. Now think of the value of the home sites along the pond. Maybe if this worked out you would add a barge, to be towed, with a number of condos sitting on the barge. This might be so successful that property taxes might start falling. The gold dredge will not be a fast-moving enterprise, as it needs to complete Mirror Pond dredging every twenty years or so. So it would be a long-term project that would just continue and continue. It might just create enough activity that the geese are disrupted and take their business elsewhere. Now the dredge material has to be dealt with, so again, get a little creative. Salt the pond with small
gold nuggets, maybe purchased from Sumpter or some other gold area, orreally go big and maybe Baker City might sell some of their gold nuggets or even rent them out. Put them on display to show what the condo renters might find. When you stay in the condo, you have to agree to take all metals that become part of the tailings, including the salted gold or any other strange metals. As the tailings come out of the dredge, separate the metal from the silt. Now dealing with the
At some timein the near future, you will have to dredge the pond, as itis too valuable to not dredge or eliminate it. silt needs to be a moneymaker also. Here I am kind of shaky on ideas, maybe places with c onsiderable wind erosion might purchase this silt, or make it part of the deal with Sumpter and it could go back to replace thedamage of bygone years when they dredged for gold; or, we have many dry canyons around, fill one up and sell the filled area as land for development. Of course, you would need an environmental study to make sure no endangered species of rattlesnakes or scorpions would be involved. I could see this now, all over social media of all kinds. Think of the additional tourists who might come to view this lasting impression of the frontier. You could have stagecoach rides to go along with the beer/bike rides to see the community. With deeper water, you might have water shows or even parades along Mirror Pond. Imagine Christmas lights reflected on the pond. What a sight! — Bob VanciI lives in Redmond.
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Boy Scouts duck a mmplicated situation, but at what cost'? LIIIIan CunnIngham The Washington Post
s this leadership or a major lack thereof? The Boy Scouts of Amer-
ica (BSA) is considering lifting its
nationalban on gaymembers andleaders, leaving that choice to local troops. Yet the decision from headquarters, which was expected Wednesday, has now been delayed until the organization's annual meeting in May. Whether you support the ban or oppose it, this is not an effective way to implement change. In their forthcoming book "Decisive,n authors Chip and Dan Heath write that, while organizations benefit from gaining distance on big decisions, "getting distance doesn't require delay." Instead what it requires is a willingness to strip away all but your core values, deciding essentially from the gut of the organization. But it seems the BSA has confused delay and distance. Why? Perhaps becausethe very question up for debate
is, "What are our core values?" If you no longer know what you believe, ethics can't guide your decision-making. That is why the leadership problem here isn't just the delay, it's the debate itself. In 2000, the BSA won a Supreme Court case upholding its national ban on gays, the organization's reason for exclusion being that"homosexual conduct is inconsistent with the values it seeks to instill." And instilling values, the court confirmed, is the BSA's main mission. That is what binds a troop in Indiana with a troop in Hawaii. That is what it means to be a Boy Scout. By decentralizingthe decision about gays, the BSA would dismantle the ideathat values — whether of inclusion or exclusion — are a central and unifying part of the organization. If the BSA wishes to hold onto its core mission, which is precisely to instill common values, then it needs to decide on those values at a national leveL As Michael Useem, the head of lead-
ership studies at the Wharton School of Business, put it to me, "In the context of an organization that has put a huge emphasis on what it means to be a responsible young person, this can look like a very weak measure at most." What's driving the consideration to decentralize, it seems, is the BSA's desire to retain the most money possible and the most people possible. Between 2000 and 2011, the BSA saw the number of traditional scouts drop from 3.3 millionto 2.7 million. The organization has alsoseen severalhigh-profilecompanies and some United Way chapters step back their donations in the past year because of the controversy. Now the BSA finds itself doing triage to stop those numbers from bleeding further. Rather than take a stand on one of the most important values questions in America today, the organization appears to be orchestrating na complex compromise to all the conflictingdemands and pressures," as Useem says. That is, the conflicting
demands of religious conservatives, liberal activists, corporate donors and troops themselves. The BSA is u sing a l o gic that wouldn't hold around a c a mpfire — keeping up numbers for the sake of keeping up numbers. Is that the core Boy Scout value? Bigger? More? The organization has fallen prey to the tyranny of spreadsheets. It is forgetting a key point: In the long run, no one will want to invest in or be part of a values-based organization that won't take a stand on values. There is a common adage that you can't have leadership without followers. Unfortunately this has too often prompted leaders to ask, "So then how do we make a change whilekeeping our followers marching in line behind us'?" But the better question is not "How do we keep those followers?" It's "Do we still want those followers?" The BSA has focused too much on its followers of the moment, not its followers of the future. This holds wheth-
er you believe they should keep or lift the ban on gays. Do you want followers who are anti-gay? Then keep the national ban, and be willing to give up money from companies that don't share your view. But do you want followers who are inclusive? Then you need to have a national policy of tolerance and be brave enough to let those people and organizations walk away who don't want the future you want. In the short term, the BSA may have found a wayto duck out of a complicated situation, but at what cost? This lack of leadership, whether by delaying the decision or pushing the decision down the organization, says the BSA is willing to cut out its own heart. And what is that heart'? It's the belief that we should teach America's youth that there are, indeed, some common values that define good citizens, good leaders and good human beings. — Lillian Cunninghamis the editor of the on Leadership section of The Washington Post.
BITUARIES DEATH NoTIGEs Betty Joan Kregar Anthony Michael Maess, of Bend Dec. 26, 1990 - Feb. 3, 2013 Arrangements: Baird Funeral Home (541) 382-0903 Services: Services will be held at a later date in Idaho. Contributions may be made to:
Central Oregon Humane Society, 61170 SE 27th Street, Bend, Oregon 97701,
Betty Jane (Westphal) Loeffler, of La Pine April 4, 1929 - Jan. 28, 2013 Arrangements: Baird Memorial Chapel, La Pine, 541-536-5104 Services: Funeral Services were held on Monday, February 4, 2013, at Holy Redeemer Catholic Church in La Pine. Contributions may be made to:
Holy Redeemer Catholic Church, 16137 Burgess Road, La Pine, OR 97739; 541-536-3571.
Joseph Leon Jackson, of Bend July 5, 1924 - Feb. 1, 2013 Arrangements: Baird Funeral Home (541) 382-0903 Services: A Grave Side Service will take place at Willamette National Cemetery on February 8, 2013, at 12:00 PM. Contributions may be made to:
Partners In CareChaplain's Fund 2075 NE Wyatt Court Bend, Oregon 97701
Pat Persons, of Culver Feb. 19, 1924 - Feb. 1, 2013 Arrangements: Deschutes Memorial Chapel, 541-382-5592 www.deschutesmemorial Services: A private family service was held.
Gwen Roth Dec. 17, 1911 - Feb. 2, 2013 Gwen Roth, 101, passed away on Saturday, February 2 , 20 1 3 , p e a c efully surrounded by family. Gwen w as bo r n o n December 1 7 , 19 1 1 , i n Laurens, Iowa. She an d h e r hu s b a n d, Chet wer e l o n gtime r e sid ents o f Pr i n e v i ll e a n d enjoyed remodeling houses, traveling, gardeni ng a n d p l a y i n g ca r d s . Gwen also enjoyed sewing and quilting. S he is s u r vived b y t w o s isters an d o n e b r o t h e r , two grandsons, four greatg randsons, o ne gr ea t granddaughter, two g r eatgreat-grandsons and nieces. S he w a s pr e c e ded i n d eath b y h er hu s b a n d , Chet; son, Richard; grandson, Doug; and two brothers; and two sisters. She requested no funeral services, but there will be a C elebration o f L i f e th i s spring. C onvey c o n d olences a t
David J • Gordon
Feb. 8, 1931 - Jan. 30, 2013 B etty J o a n K r e g a r of B end passed away J a n u ary 30, 2013 at the age of 81 in the peaceful hands of H ospice H o us e i n t o th e welcomi ng a r m s of h er Lord Savior. S he w a s an active member o f T r i n i ty Lutheran Church Betty Kregar for nearly a h alf c entury. Th e A l t a r G u i l d , t raining o f ch u r c h a c o l ytes, Head t o H e a r t f o r y oung g i r l s, Sun da y S chool, V a c a t io n B ib l e S chool, a Gr i e f Sh a r e Chapter, feeding the paroc hial school staff, and th e L utheran W o m e n' s M i s sionary L eag u e w er e among her m an y f a v orite mission outreaches. Born Feb. 8, 1931, to Glen D onald & Hen ri et t a (Claussen) St u m p f f i n Dodge City, KS, she married Harry Edmund Kregar at H ol y C r o s s L u t h e r an Church„ D o dge City, Sept. 2 , 1 9 51 . H a r r y p as s e d away in 2003 in Bend. T hey w er e a v e r y w e l l known Bend couple, having o w ne d a n d o p e r ated the Country S t or e H e alth Foods, first in the Safeway M all, t h e n o n 3r d and G reenwood, m oving l a t er a to South 9 7 " a t t h e u n derpass." Harry and Betty, a c e r t i f ie d Nu t r i t i o nist, were loved by m a ny , d i sp ensing health an d n u t r i t ion counseling. They r e mained outstanding l o c al merchants in th e c o mmunity for five decades. With Harry's passing, Betty and h er sons continued to op erate the Country Store for three years. S he is s u r v ived b y h e r son, David (Linda) Kregar, B end, OR ; s i ster, D o n n a ( Chuck) B o y d , Ca ma s , W A; granddaughter, Am y ( Josh) S n y d er , B e v e r l y Hills, CA; g r a ndson, K .C. (Tara) Kregar, Manokotak, AK; g r e a t -grandchildren, B oaz Snyder an d A u r o r a D awn K r e g ar ; n e p h e w , M ark ( T r i c ia ) B o y d , F t . Worth, T X) ; n i e ce, C arolyn Wagner, Portland, OR; great-nephews and nieces, J ake, Joseph a n d G r a c e Wagner, Alicia and Spenc er Boyd. Blessed by h e r enormous f ait h a r e h er g odchildren, B r ya n R e ck , Bend; Mark & Kevin Boyd, a nd Belinda W i l m a rt h o f Boise, ID. S he w a s p r e c e ded i n death by beloved husband, H arry; s o n , S c o t t A l l e n K regar; n e p h e w K evi n Boyd, and his wife, Catherine; an d n e p h ew-in-law, Mike Wagner. Our grateful thanks to St. C harles M e d i ca l C e n t e r and Partners In Care Hospice House for their loving and compassionate care to h er an d o u r f a m i l y a n d friends. A H o megoing M e m orial S ervice and luncheon will be held Sunday, Feb. 10, 1 :00 p.m., at Trinity L u t h eran C h u r ch , 2 5 5 0 NE Butler M a r ket R d. , B end. Memorial r e m e m b rances may be sent to the Trinity B uilding F u n d , T h e Or e gon D i strict L W M L , o r Lutheran B r a i ll e S o c i ety Workers, mail to: 2550 NE Butler M a r ket R d . , B end, OR 97701.
May 31, 1923 - Jan. 19, 2013 Dave grew up in California, and was a proud 1948 graduate of Cal Berkeley. Most of D a v e's business career was spent at Butler M fg. Co., w h er e h e w o n many awards in sales and marketing. H e a lso was a VP of Pascoe Steel. D ave retired t o B en d i n 1990 and resided here until2000. He became a very active v o l u n teer i n t h e community, se r v i n g as h ead o f th e A dv is o r y Board of the Deschutes Ltb rary System. H e w a s a SMART v o lunteer, as well as a member of The Bend Golf and CC. This kin d a n d g e n erous spirit is missed by his wife, B etty; s o n , L a n c e ; a n d g randdaughter, D a r cy, a s well a s n u m e r ous n i eces and n e p h ews, i n c l u d ing Bend residents, Lisa Leary a nd hu sband S t eve, a n d t heir c h i l d r en , Br i a n n a , McKenzie, and Nicolas. Donations in D av e' s m emory may b e m a d e t o the Deschutes Co. Library S ystem o r t o Th e Hi g h Desert Museum.
DEATHS ELSEWHERE Deaths of note from around the world: Cardiss Collins, 81: Illinois Democrat w h o r e l u ctantly filled her late husband's seat in Congress in 1973 and over the next quarter-century became one of the most prominent black women on Capitol Hill. Died Feb. 3 at a hospital in Alexandria, Va. Asbury Sallenger, 63: Leader in the nation's research on the causes andeffects of sea level rise, storms and other coastal hazards at the United States Geological Survey. Died Tuesday at his home in Oldsmar, Fla. Guy Tozzoli,90: Leader of the team that built the twin towers of th e W orld Trade Center. Died Saturday in Myrtle Beach, S.C. — From wire reports
Dr. Thomas Jerry 'Pop' Walker Aug. 28, 1922 - Jan. 27, 2013 'Pop' O ur p r ec i o u s p assed very p eacefully at h is h om e i n Be n d , O R , January 27, 2013, with his b eloved Margie an d c h i l d ren at his side. B orn to Elza Jesse Walker and Grace (Henson) W alker i n Riddle, O R, a n d @% Ia , having Thomas J. lived most Walker o f his l i f e in Co os County, OR, he served in t he A i r Tr a n s por t c o m mand of the United States A rmy during WWII . H e married M a r j or y E . H aile o f D e n a ir , C A , i n 1949. He earned a b a c h elor's d egree in e d ucation f r o m Pasadena College in 1950, and subsequently earned a m aster's degree fro m t h e University of Or egon, and a doctorate i n e d u c ation and eco n o m ic s f r om Oregon State University. After 27 y ears of t e aching a nd a dmi n i s t rative positions i n c l u d in g Sue rintendent o f Sch o o l s or Coos and Curry Counties (Intermediate E d ucat ion D i s t rict), h e r e t i r e d from education in 1977, to p ursue o t h e r eco n o m i c endeavors. His m e m b e r ship s i n cluded Or eg on an d N ational A s s ociations o f School A d mi n i s t r ators, L ions Club, Church of th e Nazarene and Assembly of God. His contributions to multiple organizations and the l ives o f o t h e r s a r e t o o numerous to m ention, yet of particular significance is the 5 01 ( c) 3 n on - p r o f it entity he created in 1989, the Quadriplegic Foundation. He i s s u r v i ved b y hi s beloved wife o f 6 3 y e ars, 'Margie'; s on , T o m an d Susan of Bend; daughters, L inda an d K y l e o f P o r t l and and D i an e o f B e n d ; daughter-in-law, G a i l of Nampa, I D; h i s n i ne g randchildren , N ath a n , S arah, R a c h el , Dar r e n , G regory, G r a n t , Em i l y , Kort and Kyle Jr; his four g reat-grandchildren, C a l ais, B e ckett, R i l e y an d C ormac. A dau gh t e r , Karen (age 3) passed away i n 1 9 5 6 ; a nd a son , .-
Wayne (age 49)
p assed
away in 2001. A C e l ebration o f L i fe s ervice w i l l b e a t Ben d Church o f t h e N a z a r ene (Foyer) at 2:00 p.m., Saturday, Feb. 9, 2013. In lieu of flowers, contrib utions may b e m a d e i n Tom's m e m o r y to t he Quadriplegic F o u n d ation (PO Box 832, Winchester, OR 97495) or the charity of one's choice.
Beth Nakamura/The Oregonian file photo
The Willamette Biomass Processors plant in Rickreall crushes canola and other seeds to make biofuel and food-grade canola oil. Oregon has decided to allow canola to be grown on up to 2,500 acres in the Willamette Valley.
Statewi a owcanoato e rown in Wi amette Vaey By Jonathan J. Cooper
canola will still be excluded from areas with the most inSALEM — Oregon will al- tense concentrations of veglow canola to be grown in the etable-seed fields. The rules Willamette Valley for the first include restrictions designed time despite objections from to prevent conflicts between organic seed farmers con- canolafields and seed farms. "I think it is a good comcerned that canola production will harm their delicate crops. promise considering we've The state Department of Ag- been at zero acres of canola," riculture issued a rule Thurs- said Kathy Hadley, a Rickreday allowing up to 2,500 acres all farmer who would like to of the yellow-flowering cano- grow canola on some of her la, which can be pressed to fields. "It feels like progress at extract oil for food or fuel. The least." agency's decision attempts to The conflict may not be bridge a bitter divide between over. State lawmakers have the interests of renewable fuel introduced separate bills in and organic foods in a state the House and Senate that that cherishes both. would make it illegal to grow Canola is in the same plant canola, undermining the Agfamily as vegetables like broc- riculture Department's rule. coli, c abbage, c auliflower Neither bill has had a public and Brussels sprouts. Farm- hearing scheduled, the first ers who grow seeds for those step of legislative action, and vegetables fear g enetically it's not clear whether they'll go modified canola pollen will anywhere. contaminate their o r g anic George Kimbrell, a lawyer product and bring new pests for the Center for Food Safety and diseases. who led a successful lawsuit Farmers interested in grow- to block an earlier version of ing canola have until July 15 the rule, said he hasn't had each year to apply for a permit time to review the state's final for faII planting. decision. "We'regoing to be reviewAgriculture officials say The Associated Press
Murderous trucker to be released The Assocfated Press PORTLAND — An Oregon man who was convicted of two murders in the 1990s and is a person of interest in other killings is set to be released from prison in two weeks. Scott William Cox, 49, will return to Yamhill County for post-prison supervision after his Feb. 22 release, the De-
Jernstedt was veteran,
businessman,state official The Associated Press PORTLAND — Ken Jernstedt, a famed World War II aviator, suc c essful
where he was a two-term mayo r . He was elected to the Oreg o n House in 1966 and served five terms in the state
Hood River business- FEATURED Senate. man and l ongtime O B p U AR y The a irfield at Hood public Oregon official, River and the m ain has died at 95. gate at the Portland The Oregonian reports that A i r N a tional Guard Base are Jernstedt, who died Tuesday, n a m edforhim. "He was really, genuinely a was a flight leader for the Flying TigerswhofoughtforChi- f i n e h uman being," said forna against Japan before the m e r G ov. Vic Atiyeh, a longU.S. entered the war. time friend. "He was the perAfterward, he ran the Coca- f ect guy for his district. ActuCola plant i n H o o d R i ver, a l l y , f orOregon."
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ing the rule to ensure that it protects the farmers in the valley and that it complies with the law," Kimbrell said. The adopted rules are more restrictive than two earlier proposals,but seed farmers fear the 2,500-acre cap will eventually be raised. Seed farmers describethe expansion of canola as a Pandora's box that, once opened, will destroy their industry. Wind can carry pollen for miles,and seed farmers worry that genetically modified canola plants will pollinate with organic brassicas, producing seeds with no value. They also worry about cabbage maggots and white mold, a fungus that can destroy root vegetable crops. Canola proponents argue that with the right controls, the plant can coexist without harming other brassicas. Some wheat and grass seed farmers are eager to use canola as a rotational crop to interrupt diseaseand pest cycles. They used to burn their fields at the end of the season, but recent pollution controls have limited that option.
partment of Corrections said Thursday afternoon. The long-haul truck driver pleaded no contest in 1993 to two counts of murder. He was sentenced to 25 years in prison but is leaving early because of good behaviorand creditfor time served in a county jail beforehis conviction, agency spokeswoman Liz Craig said.
Cox was convicted before the statepassed tougher sentencing laws. At the time of his arrest, police agencies in cities along his routes examined the unsolved deaths of y o u n g w o m en who frequented truck stops. The trucker had been in cities where 20 similar crimes occurred.
Find It All Gnline
Lloyd C. "Mack" McAdams of Congress, Arizona
September 29, 1929 - January 23, 2013 Lloyd C. "Mack" McAdams passed a w a y pea c efully Wednesday, January 23, 2013 in Surprise, Arizona, at age 83. Lloyd was born in Sherman County, Kansas, to Charles T. and Mary J. ( Glasnapp) McAdams. He served in the Navy on the Battle Cruiser lowa from 1947 -1951. Lloyd and Joan L. Deter were married November 1950, in Portland, Oregon. joan predeceased him January 1, 1997, at age 63. They lived in Sisters, Oregon, until they traveled full-time in their RV in 1984. Lloyd is survived by his companion and friend, Penny Vogan of Congress, Arizona; daughter, Viki (Mark) McConnell of Bend, Oregon; son, Chuck (Kathie) McAdams of Lebanon, Oregon; siblings, Frances Svendson, of Newberg, Oregon; George (Jennifer) McAdams of Sherwood, Oregon; Harry (Donnette) McAdams of Newberg, Oregon; John (Sharon) McAdams of Albany, Oregon; brother-in-law, Joe Jackson of Las Cruces, New Mexico. Grandchildren, Craig (Sarah) McConnell, Kari McConnell, Rita (Brandon) Ritchey and great grandson, Toben Boadway McConnell. Predeceased by parents, Charles T. and Mary J. (Glasnapp) McAdams, half-sister, Ruth (Glasnappl Jackson; brother, James W. McAdams; sister, Stella Ring. Lloyd was an adoring partner, incredible father, loving grandfather and great-grandfather, amazing brother and devoted friend. He will be missed.
W EAT H E R Maps and national forecast provided by Weather Central LP ©2013. • •
Today: A few clouds
Tonight: Partly cloudy skies through the night.
to end the workweek, CHANNE
much drier
18 WEST Partly cloudy and cool condltions
As t oria 46/3
Seasideo oCannon Beach
30 •
• Hermiston 46/25 •
WalloWa • Pendleton 30/ii• Enterpris 43/25
Tigamook• 47/35
McMinnville 43/32
Lmcoln C/ty 46/35
Sa n dy
• John
• Paulina 35na
Partly to mostly cloudy with a chance of snow south.
• Pnnevllle 39/22
Sisters •
Nyssa Coos Bay
Ham ton
a ine39nz 37n8 Crescento • Lake g Cr escent • Fort Rock 4009
Yesterday's state extremes
Jordan Valley 3205
Frenchglen 38/15
Port Orford
• si/38
33n i
• Chr i stmasva ey silver 41/20
Chemult 3705
Grants Pass
• 51 0 The Dalles • 27 0 Ontario
• 43/25•
• Brookings 9 ~
,'„ ," ~
• Lakeview
alla » ~
'" '
3507 ~
o www m Vancouver 1 o • C a9Iary 5 asIraI oon • 43 / 3 7 30/388 2 5 /12
Winnipe 21/16
• Seattle
(in the 48 contiguous states):
• -17'
aPid city
3osvevt xt
Frenchville, Maine
• 3.22
' d hiladelphisr 3 40/27
' Des Moines~
San Francisco ''54/44
Pensacola, Fla.
o, I
Kansas City
t54/39 i
~ C3 Tijuaria 55/39
Oklahoma City 56/38 •
phoenix A l buquerque 67/44 60/36
I • 9 At l anta~ ( Birmingham' 61/36
' 63/45 I
New Orleans Houston
La Paz 75/55
• Miami 84/67
Monterrey Mazatlan • 82/68
77/5S •
( 71/53 •
73/55 o
Nashville ' 3.4 50/3tva d a%
Little Ro('k 57/35
Anchorage 32/26
1 &48 a4.4.4„
Los 'n'g'eles '
Halifax 14/9 ortland
27/tBL I
Killeen, Texas
Honolulu ~ 79/66
Bismarck 45/34
Quebec 7/7
• 86'
Warming up,a staying sunny.
Another day of sunshine, warm.
41 20
39 21
45 2 3
49 25
SUN AND MOON SCHEDULE Sunrisetoday...... 714am Moon phases Sunsettoday...... 5 26 p.m New First F u ll Sunrise tomorrow .. 7:1 a.m 2 Sunset tomorrow... 5:27 p.m Moonrise today.... 5:48 a.m Moonsettoday .... 4:04 p.m Feb.9 Feb.17 Feb.25 Mar. 4
Pi •
Yesterday F r iday Hi/Lo/Pcp H i/Lo/W
Tomorrow Rise Set Mercury....7:55 a.m...... 6:48 p.m. Venus......6:47 a.m...... 4:22 p.m. Mars.......7:55 a.m...... 6:41 p.m. Jupiter.....11 34 a.m...... 2 36 a.m. Satum.....12;14 a.m.....10:37 a.m. Uranus.....8:59 a.m...... 9:17 p.m.
Yesterday's weather through 4 p.m. inBend High/Low.............. 37/32 24 hours endmg 4 p.m.*. . 0.00" Recordhigh........63m1987 Monthtodate.......... 0.00" Recordlow........ -16in1929 Average monthtodate... 029" Average high.............. 43 Year to date............ 0.70" Average low .............. 24 Average year to date..... 1.82"
Barometricpressureat 4 p.m29.91 Record24 hours ...1.01 in1938 *Melted liquid equivalent
S aturdayThe higher the UV Index number, the greater Ski report from around the state, representing H i /Lo/Wthe need for eye and skin protection. Index is conditions at 5 p.m. yesterday:
City Precipitationvaluesare24-hour totals through4 p.m.
for solar at noon.
Astoria ........48/36/0.08....46/34/pc.....46/35/pc Baker City...... 34/30/0.16....37/20/pc.....35/17/pc Brookings......41/37/0.20....50/38/pc.....52/38/pc Burns.......... 36/27/0.09....36/12/pc.....34/1 4/pc Eugene........47/32/0.03....44/33/pc......45/33/c Klamath Falls .. 36/28/0 11 ....35/4/pc ...36/1 3/pc
Snow accumulation in inches
Ski area Last 24 hours Base Depth Anthony Lakes ...... . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . .61-66 Hoodoo..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0.. . . . .70-75 Mt. Ashland...... . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 . . . . . 71-109 Mt. Bachelor..... . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . .101-117 Mt. Hood Meadows..... . . . . . . 2 . . . . . . . . 99 Mt. Hood SkiBowl............ 3......58-59 Timberline..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0.. . .122-126
Newport....... 45/37/0.12....47/35/pc.....47/36/sh North Bend.....43/37/1.06....48/39/pc.....48/42/pc Ontario........44/27/0.00.....43/26/c......39/21/s Pendleton......46/38/0.00....43/25/pc.....44/24/pc Portland .......50/40/0.02....45/34/pc......44/35/c Prineville.......39/31/0.00....39/22/pc.....42/21/pc Redmond.......43/31/0.00....37/16/pc.....44/20/pc Roseburg.......48/35/0.04....45/33/pc......48/35/c Salem ....... 49/36/000 .45/34/pc ... 44/33/c Sisters.........44/28/0.00....40/20/pc.....41/20/pc The Dages...... 51 /34/0.01 ....46/29/pc.....49/28/pc
Pass Conditions 1-5 at Siskiyou Summit........ Carry chains or T. Tires 1-84 at Cabbage Hill....... .. . Carry chains or T. Tires
Warner Canyon....... . . . . . . . 0.0... no report Wigamette Pass ....... . . . . . . . 4 . . . . . .42-92
Aspen, Colorado...... . . . . . . . . 3 . . . . . .24-28 Mammoth Mtn., California..... 0.0... . .90-180 Park City, Utah ...... . . . . . . . . 0.0. . . . . .48-61 Squaw Valley, California..... . .0.0.. . . . .22-95 Sun Valley, Idaho....... . . . . . . 0.0.. . . . .24-47 Hwy. 58 at Wigamette Pass.... Carry chains or T.Tires Taos, New Mexico...... . . . . . . 0.0. . . . . .45 55 Hwy. 138 at Diamond Lake.... Carry chains or T.Tires Hwy. 242 at McKenzie Pass........ Closed for season Vail, Colorado...... . . . . . . . . . . 3 . . . . . .31-33 For up-to-minute conditions turn to: For links to thelatest ski conditions visit: or call 511 Legend:W-weather, Pcp-precipitation,s-sun, pc-partial clouds,c-clouds, h-haze,sh-showers,r-rain, t-thunderstorms,sf-snowflurries, sn-snow,i-ice,rs-rain-snowmix, w-wind,f-fog, dr-drizzle,tr-trace
Hwy. 20 at Santiam Pass...... Carry chains or T. Tires Hwy. 26 at Government Camp.. Carry chains or T. Tires Hwy. 26 at Ochoco Divide..... Carry chains or T. Tires
Yesterday's extremes
Lakeview..... not available..... 30/-2/c......31/9/pc La Pine........39/29/0.00....39/17/pc.....38/11/pc Snow level androad conditions representing condiMedford.......48/34/0.04....43/25/pc.....45/32/pc tions at 5 p.m. yesterday. Key:TT. = Traction Tires.
• BUI'ns
• Bandon
More sunshine is expected.
Baker Ci
• Mitchell 42/23
EUgene •
• Madras
Camp Sherman
44/25 •
Warm Springs•
3509 Union
on on
Partly cloudy and cool conditions.
• 34ni
La Grande•
Governmentx CamP 33/26h
• Meacham
• 44/32
A sunny day, a a degree or two below
.++++ . . ++t < ++
* *
a4 a
* +
3 4 3" , * * * J d a d * * *
W ar m Stationary Showers T-storms Rain
a af
F l urries Snow
Yesterday Friday Saturday Yesterday Friday Saturday Yesterday Friday Saturday Yesterday Friday Saturday City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/LolW City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W Abilene TX......69/56/000..65/45/pc...68/48/t Grand Rapids....34/27/025...30/9/pc. 28/15/pc RapidCity.......51/23/000 ..50/27/pc.35/25/sn Savannah.......62/51/0 88..66/44/pc .. 6442/s Akron..........43/20/000 ..36/16/sn. 28/18/pc GreenBay.......31/22/0.08..27/10/pc. 31/20/pc Reno...........48/29/000 ..36/19/sn.. 39/20/s Seattle..........49/41/007 ..45/35/pc...47/33/f Albany..........26/11/000 ..28/19/sn ..25/-1/sn Greensboro......42/34/0.30 ..54/29/pc .. 51/28/s Richmond.......4761/0.00... 52/29/r .. 46/26/s Sioux Falls.......32/25/0.00 .. 37/26/pc. 41/31/sh Albuquerque.....56/30/000...60/36/s. 47/24/pc Harusburg.......36/20/0 00 .. 40/26/rs .. 34/17/s Rochester, NY....31/18/000 .. 33/17/sn.. 22/6/pc Spokane........40/33/001 ..38/25/pc. 38/25/pc Anchorage......28/24/002..32/26/sn. 35/27/sn Hartford,CT.....33/20/0.00..32/21/sn. 24/10/snSacramento......57/38/0.02 ..55/34/sh.. 57/33/s Springfield, MO ..53/44/0.25... 51/30/5...54/42/t Atlanta.........53/45/0.46...61/36/r.. 59/40/s Helena..........40/23/0.00...35/21/c. 35/23/pc St. Louis.........52/36/023 ..45/26/pc.51/38/pc Tampa..........78/64/000 ..76/57/pc .. 78/58/s Atlantic City.....40/18/0.00...45/30/r ..38/24/s Honolulu........82/69/0.00... 79/66/s.. 80/67/s Salt Lake City....34/16/000 .. 40/24/rs. 29n8/sn Tucson..........70/44/000...69/40/s. 52/32/pc Austin..........82/60/0.00 ..73/51/pc...70/62/t Houston........73/57/0.00 ..73/55/pc...70/63/t SanAntonio.....78/59/000 ..74/52/pc...72/63/t Tulsa...........59/50/005... 56/34/s...57/49/t Baltimore .......38/24/000... 45/29/r.. 37/23/s Huntsville.......60/48/003..56/31/pc.. 57/41/s SanDiego.......60/50/0.00.. 57/46/sh.. 58/46/s Washington,DC.41/32/0.00... 47/30/r.. 3I27/s Bigings........ 44/24/000..42/21/pc. 39/23/pc Indianapolis.....53/28/0.00..3I22/pc .. 39/30/s SanFrancisco....55/43/003..53/42/sh.. 55/40/s Wichita.........$5/45/021...57/35/».53/43/sh Birmingham.....58/49/016 ..60/36/pc. 60/45/s Jackson, MS.... 69/57/0.00. 66/40/pc 65/49/pc SanJose........55/36/002..54/35/sh 56/35/s Yakima........ 53/28/trace 43/24/pc 46/25/pc Bismarck........25/17/000 ..27/16/pc.. 27/11/c Jacksonvile......78/54/000..71/48/pc.. 67/44/s SantaFe........51/26/000..49/30/pc. 42/18/sn Yuma...........75/50/000..66/45/pc. 64/44/pc Boise...........46/32/000 ..39/24/sn. 38/19/pc Juneau..........38/33/0.06... 38/33/r...40/34/r INTERNATIONAL Boston..........30/18/000 ..33/19/sn. 23/12/sn Kansas City......52/39/0 34...45/31/s. 52/42/pc Budgeport,CT....31/23/000 .. 36/24/rs. 29/14/sn Lansing.........36/26/0.00...28/8/pc. 27/13/pc Amsterdam......41/32/017.. 38/31/sf 33/23/pc Mecca..........93/70/000 .91/73/pc.. 93/73/s Buffalo.........31/16/000 ..33/16/sn... 23/6/s Las Vegas.......68/44/0 00 ..54/39/pc. 53/37/pc Athens..........62/50/0.02..59/47/sh. 56/47/pc Mexico City.....79/48/000...76/45/s .. 74/45/s Burlington, VT.....12/2/000 ..22/11/sn..18/2/sn Lexington.......63/36/0 00 ..46/24/pc .. 43/31/5 Auckland........72/59/000 ..79/61/pc.77/61Ipc Montreal......... 3/ 6/000...12/7/sn ..12/6/pc Caribou, ME.....0/ 13/000.... 9nIsn..16/4/sn Lincoln..........42/32/0 00...44/28/s. 52/36/sh Baghdad........66/57/000... 73/59/s. 76/57/pc Moscow........34/28/000 .. 33/30/sf.. 31/26/c CharlestonSC...61/45/080 ..64/41/pc.. 62/38/s Little Rock.......64/46/0 06... 57/35/s .. 58/45/c Bangkok........99/81/000 ..96/78/pc. 95/78/pc Nairobi.........79/61/000... 78/57/s.. 80/56/s Charlotte........50/39/015 ..60/33/pc .. 57/30/s LosAngeles......59/47/0 00 ..55/42/sh .. 58/45/s Beifng...........25/3/000... 21/9/pc .. 27/5/pc Nassau.........81/64/000 ..77/68/sh. 74/66/sh Chattanooga.....53/43/001 ..55/31/pc.. 57/38/s Louisville........67/34/0 00..46/27/pc .. 45/35/s Be/rut..........64/57/0.47 ..68/56/pc.. 66/53/s New Delh/.......66/48/0.00...70/49/s.. 72/53/s Cheyenne...... 44/15/000 ..49/20/pc. 32/17/sn MadisonWl.....34/28/045 ..29/14/pc.. 32/23/s Berlin...........39/27/000...32/29/c .. 33/27/c Osaka..........48/37/000 .. 38/34/sf. 42/36/pc Chicago.........34/31/091 ..33/25/pc.. 34/30/s Memphis....... 68/47/0 00 54/32/pc.58/43/sh Bogota .........68/52/000... 66/46/t...68/43/t Oslo............27/12/000 ..24/15/pc.. 15/7/pc Cincinnati.......61/30/000..41/21/pc.. 39/26/s Miami..........80/67/000..84/67/pc..79/67/s Budapest........34/28/078... 35/23/s ..32/23/c Ottawa.......... 5/ 4/000...14/7/sn....8/5/s Cleveland...... 44/22/000 ..38/15/sn. 26/19/pc Milwaukee......34/32/049..31/18/pc.. 32/25/s BuenosAires.....86/68/000 ..91/69/pc. 93/74/pc Paris............43/34/001...40/31Ic ..36/34/rs ColoradoSpnngs.43/21/000..51/26/pc. 43/23/sh Miuneapolis.....25/18/0.00 ..28/18/pc. 35/26/pc CaboSanLucas ..81/59/0.00... 73/64/s .. 72/61/s Rio deJaneiro....84/73/0.00... 83/70/t. 83/73/sh Columbia,MO...49/44/028... 44/27/5...53/40/I Nashvige........64/41/000 ..50/31/pc .. 55/39/s Cairo...........72/54/000... 72/53/s .. 69/49/s Rome...........50/37/000... 48/34ls .. 48/33/s ColumbiaSC....52/39/036 ..63/36/pc.. 62/32/s New Orleans.....70/59/1 10 ..71/53/pc. 69/57/pc Calgary.........41/23/000..30/18/pc .. 27/9/sn Santiago........88/66/0.00..83/6epc.. 83/62/s Columbus GA....57/51/148..65/37/pc.. 63/41/s NewYork.......32/26/000...40/27/r.33/17/sn Cancun.........84/75/000..82/71/pc. 81/73/pc SaoPaulo.......72/66/000... 73/64/t. 73/65/sh Columbus OH....49/25/000 .. 38/21Irs.. 34/26/s Newark Nl......33/24/0 00... 40/27/r .34/16/sn Dublin..........4502/026 ..41/38/sh .. 46/42/c Sapporo........28/12/000 ..27/14/sn..26/10/sf Concord,NH.....25/11/000 ..25/17/sn..20/3/sn Norfolk VA......47/38/000... 55/33/r .. 45/28/5 Edinburgh.......39/28/000 ..37/32/pc .. 38/36/c Seoul............28/7/000 ..19/11/pc .. 25/10/c Corpus Christi....77/63/000 ..71/59/pc...71/66/t OklahomaCity...66/50/002...56/38/s...57/48/t Geneva.........37/28/000... 31/22/c..29/21/sf Shangha/........39/28/003 ..35/32/sn.. 39/38/c DallasFtWorth...80/59/000...63/45/s...63/55/t Omaha.........37/32/0 00...43/27/s .. 50/35/c Harare..........73/63/000...72/62/t...74/56/t Singapore.......88/77/047... 84/77/t...86/76/t Dayton .........51/28/000 ..37/20/pc.. 36/27/s Orlando.........83/66/0 00..79/55/pc .. 76/54/s Hong Kong......77/66/000...68/61/c. 67/63/pc Stockholm.......36/30/000.. 29/23/sf.. 25/19/c Denver..........49/25/000..57/28/pc.38/19/sn Palmsprings.....74/46/0.00. 60/39/sh.61/40/pc Istanbul.........63/48/002 ..52/48/sh. 52/46/sh Sydney..........84/68/000 ..84/68/pc. 84/66/pc Des Moines......43/31/030...37/25/s. 43/34/pc Peoria..........37/35/0.53..37/25/pc..43/32/rs lerusalem.......58/48/000 ..65/51/pc.. 62/48/s Taipei...........73/61/000 ..55/57/sh.. 61/62/c Detroit..........38/25/000 ..32/13/sn.. 26/16/s Philadelphia.....37/25/0.00... 44/28/r .. 37/19/s Johannesburg....81/56/0.00... 79/60/t...79/60/t TelAviv.........66/55/0.00..73/56/pc.. 69/53/s Duluth..........23/19/000..24/14/pc.. 32/23/c Phoeuix.........74/51/000..67/44pc. 58/39/pc Lima...........82/72/0.00... 81/68/c .. 81/69/s Tokyo...........59/37/0.00.. 38/30/pc. 41/33/pc El Paso..........65/46/0.00 ..70/46/pc. 63/38/pc Pittsburgh.......41/15/0.00 .. 38/17/rs .. 30/17/s Lisbon..........55/45/000..59/44/pc 58/44/c Toronto.........28/19/000 25/14/sn..14/8/pc Fairbanks........ 1/-13/000...13/0/sn .. 25/11/c Portland,ME.....25/11/0.00..25/16/sn.. 21/5/sn London.........43/34/000...40/32/c .. 45/38/c Vancouver.......48/43/018... 43/37/c .. 43/32/c Fargo............22/9/000 ..26/20/pc.28n4/pc Providence......33/19/0.00 .. 34/20/rs. 23/12/sn Madrid .........48/36/0.00... 52/31/s.47/30/pc Vienna..........41/32/0.00..36/25/pc.. 31/21/c Flagstaff........48/19/000 ..37/20/pc. 29/11/sn Raleigh.........48/36/0.00... 55/31/r .. 51/27/s Manila..........90/77/000..83/74/pc. 86/74/pc Warsaw.........32/28/012...32/25/c.. 29/23/c
Global warmingbringing
7 Ae;
big changes to U.S.forests By Jeff Barnard The Associated Press
G RANTS PASS — Bi g changes are Ln store for the nation's forests as global warming increases mldfires and insect infestations, and generates morefrequent floods and droughts, the U.S. Department of Agriculture warns Ln a report released this week. T he compilation of m o r e than 1,000 scientific studies is part of the National Climate Assessment and will serve as a roadmap for managing national forests across the country in coming years.It says the area burned by wildfires is expected to at least double over the next 25 years, and insect infestations often will affect more land per year than fires. Dave Cleaves, climate adviser to the chief of the U.S. Forest Service, said climate change has become theprimary driver for managing national forests, because it poses a major threat to their ability to store carbon and provide clean water and wildlife habitat.
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$17,995 72 months @ 3.99% on approved credit plus Title and License. 740 & above credit score.
Vin¹ 125600. Stk.¹U6766A Jen Chase / Colorado State Forest Service
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Pine trees have been killed by beetles near Grandby, Colo. The U.S. Department of Agriculture warns in a report that big changes are in store for the nation's forests as global warming increases wildfires and insect infestations, and generates more frequent floods and droughts.
fidence in the current report's predictions. The report said the increasing temperatures will m ake trees grow faster in wetter areas of the East but slower in drierareas of the West. Trees will move to higher elevations "One of the big findings and more northern latitudes, of this report is we are in the and disappear from areas on process of managing multiple the margins of their range. risks to the forest," Cleaves said Along with more fires and during a conference callon the insect infestations, forests will report. "Climate revs up those see more flooding, erosion and stressors and couples them. We sediment going into streams, have to do a much better job of where it chokes fish habitat. applying climate smartness ... More rain than snow will fall in to how we do forestry." the mountains, shortening ski The federal government has seasons but lengthening hiking spent about $1 billion a year in seasons. More droughts will recent years combating wild- make wildfires, insect infestafires. Last year was the warm- tions and the spread of invasive est on record in the lower 48 species even worse. states and saw 9.2 million acres The nation's forests currently burned, the third-highest on re- store 13 percent of the carbon cord, according to the National generated by burning fossil fuOceanic and Atmospheric Ad- elsevery year,and losing trees ministration's website. to fire and insects makes it likeInsect infestations widely ly in coming years that forests blamed on warming tempera- in the West will start giving off tures have killed tens of mil- carbon as they decay, the report lionsofacres oftrees. said. It suggested that burning Forest S e r vice s c i entist the trees cut during thinning James Vose,the report's lead operations in bioenergy plants author,said the research team to generate electricity would found that past p redictions help reducethe carbon emisabout how forests will react to sions from burning fossil fuels. climate change largely have Beverly Law, professor of come true, increasing their con- global change forest science at
Oregon State University, said in an email that her research in Oregon showed that despite more fire, the amount of carbon stored in forests continues to increase. Tara Hudiburg, a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Illinois, said there is little conclusive evidence that burning trees for bioenergy helps reduce overall carbon emissions. Andy Stahl of Forest Service Employees for Environmental Ethics, a watchdog group, said the agency traditionally has
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been guided by political pres-
sures, and he has seen no evidence that concern over climate change is now playing a role. Cleaves said climate coordinators are stationed at every national forest across the country, every regional headquarters and at each research station. The threat of future flooding has prompted the Olympic National Forest in Washington state to start upgrading the culverts that carry storm water
72 months O3.99% on approved credit plus Title and License. 740 & above credit score. Vin¹ A33733 Stk.¹U6784A
runoff on logging roads. The Forest Service has struggledto pay for thinningprojects that don't generate revenue. Gov. John Kitzhaber has been exploring the idea of tapping state lottery funds to pay the Forest Service to plan timber salesin fire-prone areas.
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IN THE BACI4: BUSINESS Ee MARIKT NE%S > Scoreboard, C2 Golf, C2 Sports in brief, C2 On the air, C3
Basketball, C3 Hockey, C4 Prep sports, C4
Summit squadto compete at state For the third year in a row, Bend's Summit High School will be
represented at thestate cheerleading championships. The Storm areone of more than 70 teams that will be at Portland's
Memorial Coliseum on Saturday for the 2013 Oregon School Activities
Association cheer championships. Members of the
Summit team include senior co-captains Caroline Nybergand
Districtmeetstartsto a in Ben Bulletin staff report Berths at the Class 5A state swim championships are on the line today and Saturday at Bend's Juniper Swim 8t: Fitness Center, the site of the 5A Special District I swim meet. Summit — the reigning boys and girls 5A state champions — Bend High, Mountain View, Redmond and Ashland make up 5A's Special District 1. The meet's preliminary round starts this evening at 4:15 p.m., with
the event's finals scheduled to start at 1:15 p.m. on Saturday. Having won both the boys and girls City of Bend meet two weeks ago, the Storm roll into the district championships as favorites in both the boys and girls competitions. Summit sophomore John Hartmeier won the 100- and 200-meter freestyle races at the City meet and helped the Storm's 200 medleyand 200 free relay squads take first place. Fellow
sophomore Tommy Brewer, the defending 5A state champion in the 50and 100 freestyle races, also looks to be a major force for the Summit boys, as does Marshall Allen, who claimed victory in the 100 butterfly and 100 backstroke at the City meet. Mountain View and Bend also have several boys looking to earn spots at next week's 5A state meet in Gresham. See Swim /C4
If yougo When: Today, 4:15 p.m.; Saturday, 1:15 p.m.
Where: Juniper Swim & Fitness Center, Bend Who:Summit, Bend, Mountain View, Redmond and Ashland high schools
Cost:$5 for adults, $3 for students
Shae Himsworth, both of whom return from
last year's Storm squad, which competed in the
6A/5A Large Division (for teams with13 to 20
members) and placed
ninth out of 13 entries. Other returning team
members are junior Haylee Hansenand sophomores Morgan Stewartand MaceyCon-
i il~s l l
nors. Rounding out the
squad are seniors Natalie Robbins andRachelle Burnham, sophomore Sydney Green,and freshmen LaurenElliotMullens, Leia Watson, Mikaela Peters and
Mikayla Spencer.The Storm are coachedby Shaylynn Maier. Summit is one of12
Lava Bears join Idaho women's program Bulletin staff report Bend High seniors Edna Ibarra and twin sisters Alyssa and Amanda Pease all signed National Letters of Intent on Wednesday to play soccer at the University of Idaho. The three players helped the Lava Bears go 11-4 last fall and propelled Bend into the quarterfinal round of the Class 5A state playoffs. Ibarra expects to play forward for Idaho, Alyssa Pease could see time at both forward and midfielder, and Amanda Pease looks to be a defender with the Vandals. The Bend trio who all played club soccer with Oregon Rush, hope to help turn around an Idaho program that went 6-13-1 overall and 3-4-1 in Western Athletic Conference play in 2012.
teams entered in the 5A
Small Division (12 members or fewer). That division also includes Cres-
cent Valley, Dallas, Hood
River Valley, Lebanon, Milwaukie/Milwaukie Academy of the Arts,
North Eugene,Putnam, Silverton, Springfield,
West Albany, andreigning champion Wilson of Portland. Earlier this season,
Summit participated in the required two qualify-
ing competitions, placing second in its division
Joe Kline / The Bulletin
Patrons filling the inside of Sidelines Sports Bar and Grill watch the Super Bowl on Sunday afternoon in downtown Bend. After football season is over, sports bars in Bend and beyond often see a substantial downturn in business.
in one event and third in the other. Summit is the lone
By Karen Crouse New York Times News Service
in which 72 teams — nearly1,000 cheer-
leaders in all — will compete for state titles in seven divisions. The
Storm are scheduled to perform in the morning
session, which begins at 9 o'clock. — Bulletin staff report
M's, Hernandez near $175M deal SEATTLE — Felix Hernandez and the Seattle Mariners are working on a $175 mil-
lion, seven-year contract that would make him the highest-paid pitcher in
baseball, according to a person withknowledge
• With the SuPer BOWI OVer, lOCalSPOrtS barS look fOr Other meanSOfdraWing CuStOmerS By Zack Hall The Bulletin
No Niners, Ravens, Seahawks, Ducks or Beavers. For football fans, February brings a harsh reality: Fall is a long way away. But for Central Oregon's sports bars, many of which have catered to a packed house most every weekend since Labor Day, Saturdays and Sundays without football leaves a void.
"I'm not gonna lie, it's tough initially after football," says Paul Conroyd, co-owner and general manager of Bend's Rivals Sports Bar and Grill. Football's offseason officially began Sunday after the Baltimore Ravens edged the San Francisco 49ers in Super Bowl XLVII. For the establishments that draw in customers with countless flat-screen televisions tuned to football games from around the country, February marks the
beginning of their own offseason, too. Even in a region known for its eccentric taste in sports, when it comes to spectator sports, football is still king. When the University of Oregon opened the 2012 season on Sept. 1 against Arkansas State on the fledgling Pac-12 Network, not a single seat was available at any of Cascade Lakes Brewing Company's five pubs inBend, Redmond and Tumalo. See Sports bars/C4
of the deal's details.
The person spoketo The Associated Press Thursday on condition
ofanonymitybecause the agreement hasnot been completed. Seattle would add $134.5 million of guaranteed
money over five years to the contract of the 2010 AL Cy Young Award winner, whose current agreement calls for him to receive $40.5 million over the next two
seasons. Hernandez, who is 26, is 98-76 with a 3.22 ERA in eight seasons with the Mariners. He won a
career-high 19games in 2009 when he finished
second in the CyYoung voting then won the
award a yearlater when he went just13-12 but had a 2.27 ERA and 232 strikeouts. Last season he went13-9 with a 3.06 ERA and 223 strikeouts. — The Associated Press
its own
way to top
Central Oregonschool represented in the daylong state event,
Cal men's team plays and pays
Last year's top teams find it tough to repeat as elite By Dan Gelston The Associated Press
They made up three teams of the NHL's version of the final four last season. This season, the Los Angeles Kings, New York Rangers and Phoenix Coyotes are playing like teams that won't get to enjoy the final round of the conference playoffs. All three teams have failed to build on their postseason runs
of a year ago — and sky-high preseason expectations. The Kings, the defending Stanley Cup champions, and the Rangers won't even make the playoffs at this rate. And amid complicated ownership issues, the Coyotes are just hanging on.
In this lockout-shortened season, where slow starts could prove costly, all three are in a rush to recapture what made them so special last May. This trio o f u n d erachievers has company when it comes to slow-starting teams, however. The Minnesota Wild, Philadelphia Flyers, Washington Capitals and Detroit Red Wings are all among a group lacking that extra spark. And just like that, folks, 20 percent of the season is already in the books. But it's the Kings, Coyotes and Rangers that are the most puzzling. They should all have that fire to get back to where they were. See NHL/C4
ID ~ ~, t t
Rick ScuteriI The Associated Press
The defendingStanley Cup champion Los Angeles Kings, behind center Mike Richards (10) and goalie Jonathan Quick (32), have gotten off to a slow start this season.
TUCSON, Ariz. — The spring semester started at the University of California the week before the Arizona Intercollegiate tournament, whichpresented a problem for two of the top players on the Bears' No. 1ranked men's golf team. Brandon Hagy and Joel Stalter wanted to take an improvisation and leadershipcourse, offered through the Haas School of Business. They attended the first week of the classes, but they could not make the first class of the second week because they were at The Golf Club of Vistoso in Tucson, trying to help the Bears to their sixth team victory in as many starts. Students who miss any of the improvisation and leadership classes in the first three weeks of the semester are automatically dropped. The Cal coach, Steve Desimone, whose career has been a case study in improvisation and leadership, sent an email appeal to the professor to make an exception for Hagy and Stalter, to no avaiL For the better part of four decades, Desimone has been devoted to putting the student back in studentathlete. He has succeeded at Cal despite receiving no direct funding from the university, turning the lack of financial support into a golden opportunity to fix a college model he considered broken. The team's budget for coaches' salaries, scholarships, recruiting and travel comes entirely through benefit events and fundraising and endowment drives. See Golf /C4
FOOTBALL Titans hire suspended COOrdinatOr —Gregg Williams knows he's got to prove himself every day. The former Saints defensive coordina-
tor said he received a"great rebirth" Thursday when he was reinstated by the NFL and
hired bythe TennesseeTitans after serving a nearly yearlong suspension for his role in the
New Orleans bounty scandal. But now that he's back in the
league, he'll have to change the way he's donethings in the past. "I've got a very positive outlook on things," Williams
said. "I understand and respect the game an awful lot, and the past is the pastand
what I'm talking about doing right now is creating a resume from this day forward."
Eagles to hire defensive head — The Philadelphia Eagles will hire Cleveland linebackers coach Billy Davis to be their defensive coordina-
tor, a person familiar with the decision told The Associated
Press. Davis previously served as defensive coordinator in Ar-
Boys basketball: Ridgeview at Bend,7 p.mJCrook County at Mountain View, 7 Molalla at Madras,7p.m.;Sistersat JunctionCity, 7:15p.m.; Elmira at LaPine,7:15 p.m.; Culver at EastLinn Christian, 8p.m.;Trinity LutheranatGilchrist, 5:30 p.m.; loneat Central Christian, 5:30p.mxSummit at Redmond, 7p.m Girls basketball: Bend at Ridgeview,7p.m.; Mountain View at CrookCounty, 7 Madrasat Molaffa, 7p.m.;Sistersat JunctionCity, 5:45p.mJ Elmira at LaPine,5:45 p.m.; Culver at EastLinn Christian, 6:30p.m.; Trinity Lutheranat Gilchrist, 4 p.m.; lone at Central Christian, 4p.m; Redmond at Summit, 7p.m. Swimming: Bend, Redmond,Summit, Mountain View regionalsatJuniper Swim8 FitnessCenter, 4:15 p.m.;Sisters, Ridgeview atregionals in Albany,TBD;Madrasat regional in LaGrande,TBD Wrestling: Redmond,Mountain View,Bendand SummitatRegionals in Eugene,TBD
Saturday Boys basketball: Gilchrist atTriad,5:30 p.m.; Central Christian atSouthWascoCounty, 3:30 ProspectatTrinity Lutheran,4p.m. Girls basketball: Gilchrist atTriad, 4p.m.; Centra Christian atSouthWascoCounty, 2 p.m.; Prospect at Trinity Lutheran,5 30p.m
Swimming: Bend,Redm ond, Summit, Mountain View regionals in Bendat Juniper Swim 8 FitnessCenter,1:15p.m.;SistersandRidgewew at regional inAlbany,TBD;Madrasat regional in La Grande,TBD Alpine skiing: OSSA at Mt. Bachelor, Giant Slalom, Ed'sGarden,TBD Nordic skiing: OISRA classic and biathlon racesat Walt HarinSno g -park nearChemult,1130a m. Wrestling: Redmond,Mountain View,Bendand Summit at Regionals in Eugene,TBD; Gilchrist, Culver atPre-District in Culver,9 a.m.; Madrasat Ridgeview,1p.m.
jzona and San Francisco. The
person spoke oncondition of anonymity becausethe team isn't announcinganycoaching
Men's college
hirings until new coach Chip
Kelly completes his staff. Davis spent two seasons with the Browns.
BASEBALL Early drug judgments?Baseball union head Michael
Weiner said it would be unfair to make judgments about play-
ers and agents before evidence is sorted out in the sport's latest drug investigation. Alex
Rodriguez, GioGonzalez, Melky Cabrera, Bartolo Colon and Nelson Cruz ofTexaswere among those implicated last
week by the alternative weekly Miami New Times, which published documents it alleged
showed they received performance-enhancing substances from a Florida anti-aging clinic. "This investigation that MLB
is running hasyet to produce any evidence that any player has violated the program, m uch less thananyagent has violated the program," Weiner
said Thursday.
HOCKEY Bruins trade GThomas
— Veteran goalie TimThomas, who has said he won't play
this season, was traded by the Boston Bruins to the New York Islanders on Thursday for
a conditional second-round draft choice either nextyear or in 2015. Thomas chose to take this season off following
the NHL lockout andwassuspended by the Bruins after he didn't report to training camp
Thursday's Games East Bryant84,St.Francis(NY)77 Fairfield 61,St. Peter's44 LIU Brooklyn81,CCSU75 Manhattan67, Canisius54 Marist105, lona104,20T Old Dominion78, Drexel66
Stetson73, SC-Upstate 66 Tennessee St.88,Austin Peay82, DT UALR70,Louisiana-Monroe60 UNCGreensboro88, Furman 65 Virginia 78,Clemson41 Wofford60, Elon50 Midwest Detroit 82,Milwaukee74 f linois 74,Indiana72 Oaklan d 66,N.DakotaSt.63 S. DakotaSt.80, IPFW74 SE Missouri76,SIU-Edwardsviffe67 W.Illinois68,Nebraska-Omaha50 Wright St.70, GreenBay68,20T Youngs townSt.60,LoyolaofChicago 59 Southwest Lamar67, TexasA8M-CC63 McNeese St.59,Sam HoustonSt.58,OT Stephe nFAustin72,Cent.Arkansas36 Texas A8M 70,Missouri68 Texas-Arlington75,TexasSt. 50 W. Kentucky70, NorthTexas59 Far West ArizonaSt.66, California 62 CS Northridge70, UCIrvine 61 Cal Poly67, Pacific 62 Colorado48,Oregon47
Pacific-12 Conference All Times PST
UCLA Colorado
CYCLING Armstrong sued — ADallaspromotionscompany sued Lance Armstrong on Thursday, demanding he repay$12 million in bonuses and fees it paid him for winning the Tour de
France. SCAPromotions had tried in a 2005 legal dispute
over the bonuses to prove Armstrong cheated to win
Stanford Ca ifornia Washington SouthernCal OregonSt. WashingtonSt. Utah
Johnson3-70-0 8, Roberson5-100-1 10, Scott 3-7 1-2 7, Booker 3-13 1-2 8, Dinwiddie3-92-3 8, Talton 1-10-0 2, Harris-Tunks0-0 0-0 0 Chen0-2 0-0 0, Adams1-3 2-25 Totals 19-52 6-10 48.
OREGON (18-5) Kazemi3-60-06, Singler6-130-014, Woods2-4 0-0 4, Loyd0-70-00, Dotson2-80-0 5,Austin 0-2 0-00, Moore 1-20-02, Carter1-30-02, Emory6-13 2-214. Totals 21-58 2-2 47. Haftime—Oregon28-23. 3-Point Goals—Colorado 4-12 (Johnson2-3 Adams1-2, Booker1-3, Dinwiddie0-2, Roberson0-2), Oregon3-15 lSingler 2-5, Dotson1-4,Emory0-2, Loyd0-4). Fouled Out — None. Rebounds —Colorado 32 (Roberson 13), Oregon37 (Kazemi 11). Assists—Colorado 9 (Dinwiddie4j, Oregon9 (Emory, Singler 3) Total Fouls—Colorado 7, Oregon14. A—8,862.
Women's college Thursday's Games East BowlingGreen61,Bufalo 56 Delaware77,Towson55 Duquesne 61, St. Bonaventure 33 Marist 63,lona40 Niagara 58, Loyola(Md.) 47 NorthCarolina80,BostonColege 52 Northeastern 59, Hofstra57
Thursday's Summaries
Celtics 116, Lakers 95 L.A. LAKERS (95) World Peace 2-131-2 5, Clark 2-61-2 5, Howard 4-8 1-6 9,Nash4-9 0-09, 8ryant 9-159-9 27, Jamison 4-92-411,Blake2-52-47,Meeks5-122 2 13, Duhon1-2 0-02, Morris 0-0 0-0 0,Ebanks2-6 0-05, Sacre1-20-1 2.Totals 36-8718-30 95. BOSTON I116) Pierce10-173-424,Bass4 50-08, Garnett6-10 3-4 15, Lee6-12 0-0 13, Bradley4-112-2 10, Collins 1-1 0 0 2,Green6 136 619, Terry5 63 515, Wilcox 3-42-48,Barbosa0-60-00,Melo1-20-02. Totals 46-8719-25116. L.A. Lakers 23 21 25 26 — 95 Boston 27 31 37 21 — 116
Nuggets128, Bulls 96 CHICAGO (96)
Rider 55,Fairfield 44
St. Peter's74, Canisius 65 South Campbell 66Radford52
CharlestonSouthem54, UNCAsheville 48 Gardner-Webb 55, Presbyterian 38 Georgia61,Auburn58 GeorgiaSt.57,Wiliam 8 Mary52 High Point79, Longwood72 JamesMadison74, UNCWilmington 43 Miami 62,Clemson46 Northwestem St.67, Oral Roberts 63 SouthCarolina65, Alabama53 Tennessee 64,LSU 62 Tulane56,UTEP49
Deng4-133-411, Boozer9-15 0-018, Noah1-5 0-0 2, Robinson5-8 1-2 14, R.Hamilton 1-7 0-02, Butle r2-6 3-3 9,Gibson 3-6 0-26,Cook6-16 3-3 19, Teague 5-8 0-010, Radm anovic 2-50-0 5, Mohammed0-20-00 Totals38-91 10-14 96. DENVER(128) Gallinari 4-9 6-615, Faried9-103-421, Koufos 2-2 0-0 4, Lawson5-11 6-8 16,Iguodala6-9 1-2 14, Chander 8-9 3-324, Brewer3-80-0 6, A,Miffer 1-4 0-0 2, McGee 5-100-010, Fournier 0-2 0-00, J.Hami lton3-6 0-0 8,Mozgov 3-30-0 6,Randolph 1-30-02. Totals 50-8619-23128. Chicago 25 33 16 22 — 96 Denver 33 30 37 28 — 128
L 2 3 3 3 5 5 5 5 5 8 7 8
Thursday'sGames UCLA59, Washington 57 ArizonaState66,California 62 Colorado48, Oregon47 SouthernCal72, Washington St. 68 Saturday's Games Stanford atArizonaState, 4 p.m. Utah atOregon,5 p.m. WashingtonStateat UCLA, 7p.m.
Midwest Ball St. 68,Cent.Michigan61 Butler 60,RhodeIsland45 ClevelandSt. 68,Wright St.63 Dayton78,Xavier68 Green Bay65 LoyolaofChicago62 Rl.-chicago84,Milwaukee67 Michigan72, fflinois 69 Minnesota72,lowa60 N.DakotaSt.73,Oakland68 Nebraska 55,Northwestern50 Nebraksa-Omaha 63,W ff linois55 North Dakota 62, MontanaSt.55 Ohio St.65, Wisconsin59, 20T PennSt.76, Indiana54 S. DakotaSt. 72, IPFW62 Saint Louis59,UMass50 W. Michigan 58, KentSt.40 Youngstown St. 58, Detroit 53 Southwest EastCarolrna68,Houston59 Kentucky80, Arkansas74,OT Lamar68 TexasABM-CC46 LouisranaTech79, UTSA73 SMU94, UAB92, 30T SamHoustonSt.60,McNeeseSt.53 Stephe nF.Austin53,Cent.Arkansas45 Texas-Arlington73, TexasSt. 72, OT W. Kentucky 76, North Texas62 Far West BYU53, SanDiego 48 CS Northridge 68, UCIrvine 52 Cal Poly62, Pacrtic59 E. Washington 63, Sacramento St.49 Gonzaga 84, SanFrancisco 46 Hawaii61,LongBeachSt. 54 Idaho 72,NewMexico St.53 LoyolaMarymount71, SantaClara50 N. Colorado 54, Montana41 PortlandSt. 66,N.Arizona61 S. Utah72, WeberSt. 54 SaintMary's(Cal)58, Portland53 Seattle63,Denver 53 UC Santa Barbara60, UCDavis 52
Eastern Conference Atlantic Division
GP W L OT PtsGF GA Pittsburgh 1 1 8 3 0 16 39 26 NewJersey 10 6 I 3 15 27 22 N.Y.Rangers 10 5 5 0 10 24 26 NY. Islanders 10 4 5 1 9 30 34 Philadelphia 11 4 6 1 9 25 30 Northeast Division GP W L OT PtsGF GA Boston 9 7 1 1 15 26 20 Dttawa 11 6 3 2 14 31 22 Montreal 10 6 3 I 13 31 24 Toronto 11 6 5 0 12 28 31 Buffalo 11 4 6 1 9 35 41 Southeast Division GP W L OT PtsGF GA TampaBay 10 6 4 0 12 42 27 Caroina 9 5 4 0 10 25 26 Florida 10 4 5 I 9 25 35 Winnipeg 1 0 4 5 1 9 29 37 Washington 11 2 8 1 5 25 41
SaintMary's(Cal)84,SantaClara63 SanDiego74, BYU68 SouthernCal72, Washington St. 68 UC Davis64, UCSanta Barbara56 UCLA59,Washington 57
Arizona Oregon ArizonaSt.
Colorado 48, No. 19Oregon47
Denver72, Seatle 55 Gonzaga82,Pepperdine56 Montana73,N. Colorado63 N. Arizona 79, PortlandSt.72 NewMexico St76 Idaho74 NorthDakota82, MontanaSt. 73 Portland69, LoyolaMarymount60 S. Utah81,IdahoSt 79,0T Sacramento St. 61,E.Washington 55
W 8 7 7 7 5 5 5 5 5 2 2 2
Thursday's Summary
L A. Lakers at Charlotte, 4 p.m. Torontoat Indiana,4 p.m. BrooklynatWashington,4 p.m. NewOrleansatAtlanta, 4:30 p.m. Drlandoat Cleveland, 4:30p.m. San Antonioat Detroit, 4:30p.m. Portlandat Houston, 5p.m. GoldenStateat Memphis, 5 p.m. NewYorkatMinnesota 5 p.m PhoenixatOklahomaCity, 5 p.m. L.A. ClippersatMiami,5 p.m. Chicagoat Utah,7:30p.m.
UCF67, Marshall52
E. Illinois 93,UT-Martin65 FIU 84,FAU65 FloridaGulf Coast67, ETSU43 Hampton71,SavannahSt 68,OT Louisrana Tech74, UTSA49 Maryland60,Virginia Tech55 Mercer67, Jacksonville 64,OT Middle Tennessee73,ArkansasSt.60 MurraySt.79, Belmont74 North Florida60, KennesawSt. 52 Northwestem St. 85,Oral Roberts 73 SouthAlabama65, Troy 62
goalie is in the final season of a four-year deal that counts for
California atArizona,4 p.m. Colorado at OregonState,6p.m. Washingtonat USC,7 p.m.
UALR 69, Louisiana-Monroe62
Quinnipiac79,Monmouth(NJ) 63 Rider72,Niagara69 SacredHeart77, Fairleigh Dickinson70 South AppalachianSt.91, Georgia Southern 86, OT Chattanooga 89,TheCitadel 76 Coll. of Charleston69,Samford 65 Davidson73,W.Carolina 59 Duke98,NcState85
last month. The38-year-old $5 million against the salary cap.
Overall W L 20 2 18 5 18 5 17 6 15 7 14 9 13 9 13 10 10 13 12 11 11 12 10 12
Eastern Conference W L d-Miami 32 14 d-NewYork 31 16 d-Indiana 31 19 Chicago 29 20 Brooklyn 29 20 Atlanta 27 21 Boston 26 23 Milwaukee 25 23 Philadelphia 21 27 Detroit 18 32 Toronto 17 32 Cleveland 15 34 Orando 14 35 Washington 13 35 Charlotte 11 37 Western Conference W L d-SanAntonio 39 11 d-Oklahoma Ctry 37 12 d-L.A. Clippers 35 16 Denver 32 18 Memphrs 30 18 GoldenState 30 19 utah 28 22 Houston 27 24 Portland 25 24 L.A. Lakers 23 27 Dallas 21 28 Minnesota 18 28 Phoenix 17 33 Sacramento 17 33 NewOrleans 16 33 d-division leader
Thursday's Games
Boston116,L.A. Lakers95 Denver128,Chicago96
Today's Games
Pct GB 696 660 tr/z
620 3 592 4rl~ 592 4r/z
563 6 531 7'/~ 521 8 438 12 360 16 347 IBr/z
306 18'/~ 286 tgr/~ 271 20 229 22 Pct GB 780 755 tr/~ 686 4r/z
640 7 625 8 612 Br/z
560 11 529 12r/z 510 13'/z
460 16 429 17r/z
391 19 340 22 340 22 327 22'/z
RussellKnox HunterMahan Matt Every Seung-YulNoh TedPotter,Jr. GregOwen Ryuji Imada Scott Langley LeeWestwood Kevin Na PatrickReed LeeWiliams John Merrick PatrickCantlay BrandtSnedeker LukeGuthrie A istarrPresneff KevinStadler Bob Estes Jeff Gove Jeff Maggert BrendondeJonge BenKohles MattJones HeathSlocum CharlieBeljan CamiloViffegas Neal Lancaster KevinStreelman DougLaBeffe0 Dicky Pride Arjun Atwal Brian Stuard AaronBaddeley Tim Petrovic Vaughn Taylor JasonDay MorganHoffmann BrendonTodd Eric Meierdierks Alex Cejka Nick Watney JimmyWalker Bily Horschel CaseyWittenberg
First Round
D.A. Points
JasonKokrak CameronBeckman ChezReavie Nick O'Hern JohnMaff inger RichardH.Lee SeanO'Hair StuartAppleby KevinSutherland BrianHarman JasonBohn HenrikNorlander Joe Durant RobertoCastro FredrikJacobson TommyGainey Pat Perez Justin Hicks JohnsonWagner Chris Kirk ToddHamilton
KenDuke Kelly Kraft Jim Herman Cameron Tringale RetiefGoosen Bill Lunde Phil Mickelson
TagRidings JamesHahn JasonGore Brad Fritsch AlexandreRocha Vijay Singh WilliamMcGirt Western Conference Shawn Stefani Central Division David Lingmerth GP W L OT PtsGF GA Chris DiMarco Chicago 11 9 0 2 20 39 25 Scott Brown Nashville 1 0 5 2 3 13 23 21 PadraigHarrington St. Louis 1 0 6 4 0 12 33 30 DarronStiles Detroit 10 5 4 1 11 28 29 JordanSpieth Columbus 11 3 6 2 8 23 36 J.B. Holmes Northwest Division Justin Boffi GP W L OT PtsGF GA J.J. Henry Vancouver 10 6 2 2 14 28 23 Charie Wi Edmonton 1 0 4 3 3 11 24 27 NathanGreen Minnesota 10 4 5 I 9 22 28 Josh Teater Calgary 8 3 3 2 8 24 28 FabianGomez Colorado 1 0 4 6 0 8 21 26 RobertGarrigus Pacific Division MichaelLetzig GP W L OT PtsGF GA GeoffOgilvy Anaheim 9 7 1 1 15 32 23 WebbSimpson San Jose 1 0 7 2 1 15 34 21 Matt Bettencourt Dallas 11 5 5 I 11 23 27 TomGiffis Phoenix 11 4 5 2 10 31 33 RobertStreb Los Angeles 9 3 4 2 8 20 28 PeterTom asulo NOTE:Twopoints for a win, onepoint for overtime NrcholasThompson loss. RickyBarnes Thursday's Games RafaelCabreraBelo Buffalo 5,Montreal4, SO BryceMolder Florida 3,Philadelphia2, SO D.J. Trahan NewJersey4,TampaBay2 BrianDavis N.Y.Rangers4, N.Y.Islanders1 Scott Gardiner Pittsburgh5,Washington 2 Billy Mayfair Calgary 4,Columbus3, OT RodPamplrng Carolina 3Ottawa2, OT Troy Kelly Toronto3,Winnipeg2 Erik Compton Detroit 5,St. Louis1 RorySabbatini Nashville 3,LosAngeles 0 DerekErnst Vancouver4, Minnesota1 RyanPalmer Chicago6, Phoenix 2 CameronPercy Today's Game SteveLeBrun Anaheimat Dallas,5:30 p.m. JamesDriscoll Saturday's Games KevinChappeff TampaBayatBoston, 10a.m. AndresRomero PittsburghatNewJersey,10a.m. RobertKarlsson Carolina atPhiladelphia, 10a.m. DonaldConstable Edmontonat Detroit, 11 a.m. Chris Riley WinnipegatOttawa,11a.m. Scott McCarron PhoenixatSanJose, 1 p.m. Si WooKim Buffalo atN.Y.Islanders, 4p.m. MikeWeir Florida atWashington, 4p.m. Jim Furyk Torontoat Montreal, 4pm. MichaelBradley Anaheimat St.Louis, 5 p.m. GaryChristian Nashville atMinnesota,5p.m. DustrnJohnson CalgaryatVancouver, 7p.m. SteveFlesch Jerry Kelly WoodyAustin GOLF Luke List Jin Park PGA Tour DanielSummerhays Pebble BeachNational Pro-Am Joe Ogilvie Thursday StevenBowditch Pebble Beach, Calif. Bret Nutt Purse: $6.5 million BobbyGates p-Pebble BeachGL; 6,816 yards; par 72 Tim Clark m-Monterey PeninsulaCC,Shore Course SamSaunders 6,838 yards; par70 SteveMarino s-Bpyglass Hill GC;6,953yards; par 72 Harris English
31-33 — 64m 31-35—66p 32-35—67p 34 33 67s 32-35—67p 31-34—65m 31-34—65m 32-33 65m 35-33—68p 33-35—68s 36-32—68s 33-33 66m 35-33 —68p 32-34 — 66m 31-35—66m 34-34 68p 34-34—68s 35-34—69p 32-37—69s 34-35 69p 33-34—67m 32-35—67m 34-35—69p 34-35 69s 32-37—69p 35-34—69s 31-36 — 67m 31-36 67m 34-35—69p 36-33—69s 34-35—69p 34-35 69p 34-35—69p 33-36—69s 34-34—68m 35 35 70s 34-34 — 68m 37-33 —70p 32-36—68m 31-37 — 68m 32-38 —70p 35-33 — 68m 33-35—68m 35-35—70s 36-34—70s 33-35—68m 36-34—70p 35-35 —70p 35-35 —70p 35-35 —70p 32-36 68m 32-36 — 68m 36-34 —70p 34-36 —70p 36-34—70p 35-33 — 68m 34-37 —71p 39-32 —71p 33-38—71p 36-35 —71p 36-35 — 71s 36-35 — 71s 34-35—69m 36-35—71s 34-37 — 71s 35-36 — 71s 34-37 — 71s 36-35 — 71s 35-34 — 69m 35-36 — 71s 36-35—71s 36-35—71s 35-36 — 71s 32-37 — 69m 35-34—69m 35-36 —71p 36-35 — 71s 32-37 — 69m 33-39—72p 35-37 —72p 36-36—72s 36-36—72p 33-37—70m 35-37—72p 36-36—72p 38-34 — 72s 35-37 —72p 34-36 — 70m 37-35 — 72s 34-36 — 70m 37-35—72s 33-37—70m 38-34 — 72s 34-36 — 70m 34-39—73p 34-37 — 71m 38-35 — 73s 36-37 — 73s 37-34 — 71m 36-35 — 71m 36-35 — 71m 35-38 — 73s 37-34 71m 36-37 — 73s 34-37 — 71m 38-35 — 73s 36-35 71m 36-37 —73p 37-36 —73p 37-36 — 73s 38-35 73s 35-36—71m 35-38 —73p 34-37 — 71m 37-37 74s 38-36—74s 34-38—72m 35-39—74p 36-38—74s 35-37—72m 37-37—74p 34-40—74p 40 34 74p 37-37—74s 36-37 — 73m 38-37 — 75s 38-37 75s 35-40—75p 38-37 — 75s 35-38 — 73m 38-37 75p 37-36—73m 34-41—75p 36-37 — 73m 39 36 75s 35-38 — 73m 33-40 — 73m 36-38 — 74m 39-37 76p 37-39—76p 35-39 — 74m 40-36—76s 37 39 76s 40-36—76s 37-40—77p 38-37—75m
LeeJanzen AndresGonzales John Daly
39-38—77s 38-39—77p 42-35 — 77p 38-39 — 77p 37-38 — 75m 39-39 — 78s 39-39—78s 39-39—78p 38-41—79s 39-40—79s
Mitch Lowe
AndrewSvoboda Paul Hale0 y
AaronWatkins Chris Stroud DavidDuva Billy Andrade
TENNIS Professional VTR Open Thursday At Club Naval deCampoLasSalinas Vina del Mar, Chile Purse:$467,800(WT250) Surface: Clay-Outdoor Singles
Horacio Zeballos,Argentina,def. PabloAndujar (4), Spain,6-3, 6-3. Albert Ramos(5), Spain, def. Filippo Volandri, Italy, 6-7(5), 6-3,7-5. Paolo Lorenzi (6) Italy, def. TommyRobredo, Spain,6-4, 6-4. DanielGimeno-Traver(7), Spain,def.Albert Montanes,Spain,6-4,6-4. JeremyChardy(3j, France,def. ChristianGarin, Chile, 4-6,6-3,6-2.
OpenSuddeFrance Thursday At ArenaMontpellier Montpellier, France Purse:$638,050(WT250) Surface: Hard-Indoor Singles SecondRound Jan Hajek,CzechRepublic, def ViktorTroicki (7), Serbia,6-0, 4-2, retired. Giffes Simon(4), France, def AmauBruguesDavi, France, 7-6(5), 6-2. Sergiy Stakhovsky,Ukraine,def. TatsumaIto, Japan,6-7(4),6-4,7-6(3). MichaelLlodra,France,def.Janko Tipsarevic (2), Serbia,6-3, 7-6(4). RichardGasquet(3), France,def. GaelMonfils, France, 6-3,2-6, 6-3. Ju ienBenneteau(6), France,def.Victor Hanescu, Romania6-4, , 6-4. Zagreb Indoors Thursday At Dom Bportova Zagreb, Croatia Purse:$638,050(WT250) Surface: Hard-Indoor Singles
Robin Haase, Netherlands, def. Martin Klizan(5), Slovakra,6-2,4-6, 6-4.
BlazKavcic,Slovenia, def. MarcosBaghdatis (6), Cyprus,3-6, 7-6(2), 6-4. Jurgen Melzer(4j, Austria, def. SomdevDevvarman,India, 1-6,7-6(5), 6-2. LukasRosol, CzechRepublic, def.FlavioCipoffa, Italy, 6-4,2-6,6-3.
Philipp Petzschner,Germany def. DinoMarcan, Croatia,6-3, 6-4. Marin Cilic (1), Croatiadef. , GregaZemlja, Slovenra,6-2, 6-3. Ivan DodigCroati , a, def.Ivo Karlovic, Croatia,7-6
(2), 6-7(2),6-3.
American League BALTIMOR EDRIDLES—Agreedto termswith RHP Joel Pineiroonaminor leaguecontract. CLEVEL ANDINDIANS—Agreedto termswith INF MikeAvilesonatwo-year contract. SEATTLE MARINERS—Agreed to terms with C Kelly Shoppach on a one-year contract. Designated RHPShawnKeffeyfor assignment. National League CHICAGO CUBS—Promoted Alex Sugarmanto senior vicepresidentof strategyanddevelopment. COLOR ADO ROCKIES—Agreed to terms with CGustavoMolinaandCYorvit Torrealbaon minor league contracts. SANDIEGOPADRES—Designated2BJeudy Valdez forassignment. BASKETBALL National Basketball Association PHILADEL PHIA76ERS—SignedGJeremy Pargo to a10-daycontract. FOOTBALL National Football League NFL —Named Dean Blandino wcepresident of officiating. ReinstatedcoachGregg Wiliams from
suspension. BUFFALO BILLS—Announcedtheywilnottender WRDonaldJones. CLEVEL AND BROWNS—Named Chris DiSanto assistantstrengthandconditioning coach,KenFlajole inside linebackerscoach, SteveGeraspecial assistant to the headcoach, Derik Keysassistant strengthandconditioning coachandJohnSetle running backscoach. JACKSONVILL E JAGUARS— Named RonMiddleton tightendscoach, Terry Richardsonrunning backs coach, MatthewSmiley special teamsassistant and Mike Rutenberg defensive backsassistant NEW YORKGIANTS— Re-signed DT Shaun Rogers. NEW YOR KJETS—Named Brian VanGorder linebackerscoachandBobbyApril ffl defensive qualitycontrolcoach. TENNES SEE TITANS NamedGregg Williams seniorassistant defensivecoach. HOCKEY National HockeyLeague BOSTONBRUINS— Traded G Tim Thomas to the N.Y. Islandersfora2014or 2015second-rounddraft pick. COLUMBUS BLUEJACKETS—Activated DNikita Nikitin from injuredreserve. NEWYOR KRANGERS—ReassignedDJyri Niemi from Greenviffe(ECHL) toConnecticut (AHL) PHILADELPHI A FLYERS— SignedD KimmoTimonen on aone-yearcontract extensionthroughthe 2013-14season. COLLEGE WESTER NATHLETICCONFERENCE—Announced Mrssouri-Kansas City hasaccepted an invrtation to Iorn theconference,effective July1. OKLAHOMASTATE— Named MikeYurcich otten-
sive coordinatorandquarterbackscoach.
before it ultimately settled and paid him. Armstrong recently
acknowledged using performance-enhancing drugs after the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency in 2012 detailed a sophisti-
cated doping program byArmstrong's teams. Armstrong
was stripped of his sevenTour de France victories and given a lifetime ban from sports.
Now, the companycontends in its lawsuit, Armstrong and agent Bill Stapleton lied and
conspired to cheat SCA out of millions.
BASKETBALL One more year for Irish — Notre Dame will stay in the Big East for at least one more
season. Athletic director Jack Swarbrick said Thursday the university would like to leave the Big East for the Atlantic Coast Conference before the required 27 months' notice for
departing members, but was unable to reach anagreement to do so before next season. — From wire reports
Mahan shares first-round lead at Pebble Beach The Associated Press PEBBLE BEACH, Calif. — Hunter Mahan was bracing for the worst of Pebble Beach, his golf bag weighed down with rain gear and everything else to handle nasty weather. Instead, he was reminded how much he loves this place. It helps that Mahan drilled a 3-wood onto the 18th green for a t w o-putt birdie that gave him a 6-Under 66 and a share of the lead to par with Russell Knox in the Pebble Beach National Pro-Am. Better yet, the rain everyone was expecting early in the afternoon never showed up. So when Mahan was asked about the most interesting part of the day, all he could think of was that it was bor-
ing — in a good way.
"I had a good time with my partner. The pace was great. The weather was good," he said. "I think the most interesting thing was we had perfect weather when it was supposed to rain
the top 125 on the money list last year as a rookie, so his opportunities will be limited this year. "I came in here with a lot of confiat noon. We were all expecting rain. The bag probably weighs 100 pounds dence because I feel like I've been playright now." ing very well," Knox said. "Just haven't Mahan took advantage of a gor- had the chance to play. It was nice to geous day byattacking Pebble Beach, get off to a good start." the place to be when the conditions The best round might have belonged are calm. He missed only two greens to Seung-yul Noh of South Korea, who — one of those on the edge — and only played at Spyglass Hill. It's typically had one birdie attempt longer than 20 the toughest of the three courses when feet. conditions are benign, and such was It was a good start, but nothing the case on Thursday. more. Withthree very different coursPebble and M o nterey Peninsula es in the rotation, weather than can played nearly a half-shot under par, change without notice and one course while Spyglass was almost a half-shot with a different par, no one has a good over par. idea where they stand until after three Noh reached 7 under until making rounds on Saturday. bogeys on the last two holes for a 5Knox, who grew up i n n o rthern under 67, which only slightly soured Scotland and has family roots in Cali- his day. He still had the best score at fornia, made the most of his limited Spyglass. "Still a good score. I'm really happy starts on the PGA Tour. He had a 6under 64 on the Shore Course at Mon- with that," Noh said. terey Peninsula. Knox finished out of Even more impressive is that he felt
half-asleep. Noh played in Dubai last week and is still coping with jet lag. Also at 5 under were Scott Langley (65 at Monterey Peninsula) and Matt Every, who had a bogey on his final hole at Pebble Beach for a 67. Phil Mickelson, going after a r ecord-tying fifth wi n i n t h i s tournament, couldn't make as many putts at Monterey Peninsula as he did in his wire-to-wire win a t P hoenix Open last week. He opened with a 69. Vijay Singh had a 72at Pebble Beach, evidence that the PGA Tour still has not decided whetherhe will be suspended for usingdeer-antler spray, according to a Sports Illustrated report and later confirmed by Singh's statement last week in Phoenix. Also on Thursday: Two tied at Joburg Open JOHANNESBURG — G e rmany's Maximilian Kiefer and South Africa's Richard Sterne shot 8-under 63s to share the lead after the first round of the European Tour's Joburg Open.
ON THE AIR: TELEVISION TODAY GOLF 8 a.m.:European Tour, Joburg Open,second round,Golf
11 a.m.:Men's college, North
Open, final round, Golf Channel.
Carolina at Miami, ESPN. 11 a.m.: Men's college, St.
10 a.m.:PGA Tour, Pebble Beach National Pro-Am, final round, Golf Channel. Noon:PGA Tour, Pebble Beach National Pro-Am, final round, CBS.
Joseph's atMassachusetts, ESPN2.
11 a.m.:Men's college, Delaware at George Mason, CBSSN. Noon:Men'scollege,South 4 p.m.:Champions Tour, Allianz
Channel. Noon:PGATour, Pebble Beach National Pro-Am, second round,
Florida at Villanova, ESPNU.
Golf Channel. 3:30 p.m.:Champions Tour, Allianz Championship, first
1 p.m.: Men'scollege,Kansasat Oklahoma, ESPN.
Championship, final round, Golf Channel.
round, Golf Channel.
1 p.m.:Men's college, Valparaiso at Cleveland State, ESPN2.
LACROSSE 2 p.m.:Men's college, Siena vs.
BASKETBALL 8:30a.m.:W omen'scollege, North Carolina at GeorgiaTech,
1 p.m.: Men'scollege,
Johns Hopkins, ESPNU.
Pepperdine at Portland, Root
Sports. 1 p.m.:Men's college, Memphis
10 a.m.:NBA, Los Angeles
BASKETBALL 4 p.m.:Men's college, UNC-
Clippers at New York Knicks, ABC.
at Southern Miss, CBSSN.
10 a.m.:Men's college, Indiana
Asheville at VMI, ESPNU.
2 p.m.:Men's college, Texas
at Ohio State, CBS.
5 p.m.:NBA, Los Angeles
AB M at Georgia, ESPNU. 3 p.m.: Men's college, Pittsburgh at Cincinnati, ESPN. 3 p.m.: Men's college, lowa State at Kansas State, ESPN2.
10 a.m.:Women's college, Houston at Rice, Root Sports. 10:30 a.m.:Women's college,
Clippers at Miami Heat, ESPN. 5 p.m.:NBA, Portland Trail Blazers at Houston Rockets,
Georgia at LSU, ESPNU.
Comcast SportsNet Northwest. 6 p.m.:Women's college, 3 p.m.:Men's college, Idaho at Oregon State at Colorado, Pac-12 Denver, Root Sports. Network. 3 p.m.: Men'scollege,Fresno 6 p.m.:Men's college, Siena at State at San Diego State, CBSSN. Loyola (Md.), ESPNU. 4 p.m.:Men's college, Stanford 6:50 p.m.:Boys high school, at Arizona State, ESPNU. Ridgeview at Bend, COTV. 5 p.m.: Men'scollege,LSUat
11 a.m.:Women's college,
7:30 p.m.:NBA, Chicago Bulls at Utah Jazz, ESPN.
Alabama, ESPN2. 5 p.m.: Men's college, Utah at Oregon, Pac-12 Network.
at Tulsa, Root Sports.
5 p.m.: Men'scollege,Loyola Marymount at Gonzaga,Root Sports. 5 p.m.:Women's college, San
12:30 p.m.:Women's college,
Diego State at Fresno State, CBSSN. 6 p.m.: Men's college, Louisville at Notre Dame, ESPN.
2 p.m.:Women's college,
6 p.m.:Men's college, New 6 p.m.:Men's college, Penn
Oklahoma State at Oklahoma, Root Sports. 3 p.m.:NBA, Portland Trail
State at Nebraska, ESPNU.
Blazers at Orlando Magic,
7 p.m.:Men's college, lllinois
Comcast SportsNet Northwest.
State at Creighton, ESPN2.
3 p.m.:Men's college, Dukeat
7 p.m.: Men'scollege,
Boston College, ESPNU.
8 p.m.:Women's college, Arizona State at Cal, Pac-12 Network. 10 p.m.:Men's college, Stanford
at Arizona (taped), Pac-12 Network.
BOXING 6 p.m.:Friday Night Fights, Kevin Biezier vs. John O'Donnell, ESPN2.
Mexico at UNLV, NBCSN.
HOCKEY 4:30 p.m.: College, North Dakota
at Nebraska-Omaha,NBCSN. 7 p.m.:Western Hockey League, Portland Winterhawks at Kelowna Rockets, Root Sports.
Michigan State at Penn State, ESPN2.
Noon:Men'scollege,St.John's at Syracuse, ESPN. Noon:Women's college, Oregon State at Utah, Pac-12 Network.
Noon:Women's college, Tulane 12:30 p.m.:NBA, Los Angeles Lakers at Miami Heat, ABC. DePaul at Connecticut, ESPNU.
1 p.m.:Women's college, Kentucky at Vanderbilt, ESPN2. Arizona State at Stanford, Pac-12 Network.
2 p.m.:Women's college,
3 p.m.:Boys high school, Chester (Pa.) at Neumann-Goretti (Pa.), ESPN2. 8 p.m.: Men'scollege,Fresno State at San Diego State, ESPNU. 4 p.m.:Men's college, Calat Arizona, Pac-12Network. WINTER SPORTS 10 a.m.:Luge, World Cup, Lake 5 p.m.:Men's college, Drake at Evansville, ESPNU. Placid, N.Y., teamrelay (taped), 5 p.m.:NBA, SanAntonio Spurs NBCSN. Washington State at UCLA, Pac12 Network.
9:30 p.m.:College, Colorado College at Denver (same-day tape), Root Sports.
SATURDAY SOCCER 4:30 a.m.: English Premier
11 a.m.:Skiing, USSA Freestyle
League, Tottenham Hotspurvs.
at Brooklyn Nets, ESPN.
International (taped), NBC.
6 p.m.:Men's college, Colorado
Newcastle United, ESPN2.
Noon:Skiing, alpine world
at Oregon State, Pac-12 Network.
GOLF 6 a.m.:European Tour, Joburg
championships (taped), NBC.
Open, third round, Golf Channel. 10a.m.:PGATour, Pebble Beach
Moguls (taped), NBCSN. 3 p.m.:Biathlon, world
National Pro-Am, third round,
championship, men's sprint
Golf Channel.
(same-day tape), NBCSN.
1 p.m.:Skiing, International Dual
Noon:PGATour, Pebble Beach
National Pro-Am, third round, CBS.
11:30 a.m.:Sevens World
Series: Las Vegas,NBCSN. 1 p.m.:Sevens World Series: Las Vegas, NBC. 4 p.m.:Sevens World Series: Las
3:30 p.m.:Champions Tour, Allianz Championship, second round, Golf Channel.
BASKETBALL 8 a.m.:Men's college, Temple at
Vegas, NBCSN.
SWIMMING Noon:Women'scollege,USCat Cal (taped), Pac-12Network. WRESTLING
Dayton, ESPNU.
9 a.m.:Men's college, Michigan at Wisconsin, ESPN.
9 a.m.:Men's college, Florida
1 p.m.:College, Arizona State at Oregon State, Pac-12 Network.
State at Wake Forest, ESPN2.
9 a.m.:Women's college, Nova Southeastern at Florida Southern, CBSSN.
10 a.m.:Men's college, Mississippi at Missouri, CBS.
GOLF 6 a.m.:European Tour, Joburg
10 a.m.:Men's college, Akron at Miami (Ohio), ESPNU.
7 p.m.: Men'scollege, Washington at USC, Root Sports.
HOCKEY 9:30 a.m.:NHL, Los Angeles Kings at Detroit Red Wings, NBC. 4:30p.m.: NHL, New Jersey Devils at Pittsburgh Penguins, NBCSN.
WINTER SPORTS 10 a.m.:Snowboarding, Air and Style, Innsbruck (taped), ESPN2. Noon:Skiing, alpine world
championships (taped), NBC. 2p.m.:Luge, World Cup, Lake Placid, N.Y.,women (taped), NBCSN.
3 p.m.:Biathlon, world championship, men's pursuit (same-day tape), NBCSN. RUGBY 11 a.m.:Sevens World Series: Las Vegas, NBCSN. 1 p.m.:Sevens World Series: Las Vegas, NBC.
ON THE AIR:RADIO TODAY BASKETBALL 5 p.m.:NBA, Portland Trail Blazers at Houston Rockets, KBND-AM 1110, KRCO-AM 690.
SATURDAY BASKETBALL 5 p.m.: Men's college, Utah at Oregon, KBND-AM 1110.
SUNDAY BASKETBALL 3 p.m.:NBA, Portland Trail Blazers at Orlando Magic, KBNDAM 1110, KRCO-AM 690.
6 p.m.:Men's college, Colorado at Oregon State, KICE-AM 940, KRCO-AM 690. Listings are the mostaccurate available. TheBulletinis not responsible for late changes made by TV or radio stations.
Ducks' losingstreak hits three with loss toColorado The Associated Press EUGENE — Th e o ffense turned the ball over late and the defense couldn't get a stop in the final minutes. With the game on the line, No. 19 Oregon wilted as Colorado rallied to upset the Ducks 48-47, despite not leading until the final basket. Andre Roberson scored off his own miss with 29 seconds left and Colorado recorded the final eight points of the game. "Disappointing," Oregon coach Dana Altman said with a shake of his head. Carlos Emory and E.J. Singler scored 14 points to lead the Ducks (18-5, 7-3 Pac-12), whose third consecutive loss snapped a 20-game home winning streak. Singler had a c h ance to win it for Oregon, but his long jumper was tipped by Spencer Dinwiddie and fell into Roberson's hands under the basket with 1.1 seconds left. "The final play was designed for me to get a drive, but they
played really good defense and blocked," Singler said. "After that 1 just tried to get a good shot." Arsalan Kazemi had 11 rebounds and six points for the reeling Ducks, who are 1-3 without starting point guard Dominic Artis, who missed his fourth straight game with an undisclosed foot injury. "Dominic spreads the floor," Altman said. "The floor has shrunk and it's been hard to drive to the hoop." Roberson finished with 10 points and 13 rebounds for the Buffaloes (15-7, 5-5), who trailed 47-40 with just under four minutes to play when they rallied for their lowest scoring victory of the season. "We're just trying to get back on track, trying to get where we want to be," Roberson said. "This was one step forward." "Huge win," said Colorado coach Tad Boyle, whose team was coming off a 58-56 loss to lowly Utah, the Buffaloes' only blemish in their past five games. "That was a h e adscratcher. But w h e n w e ' re dialed in, we're pretty good." They were certainly that a gainst Oregon late in t h e
game. The Ducks led 28-23 at halftime and never trailed until Roberson's last basket on a possession that was set up by Oregon's fourth straight turnover, an offensive foul called on Singler at the other end. Roberson took a pass from Dinwiddie underthe basket but had his first attempt blocked from behind by Kazemi. "'Go get it, go get it,'" Roberson said he told himself. "'If you want to win this game, put it all on the line.'" He got it, and went back up for the basket. "Andre can get it to the rim awfully quick," Boyle said. Colorado had 17 secondchance points altogether, including two more by Roberson with 2:12 to play that made it 47-46. Dinwiddie scored seven of the Buffaloes' first 10 points in the second half as they cut their halftime deficit to 35-33 with 14:19 to play. Ben Carter answered for Oregon with a jumper from the baseline and Emory followed with a pair of free throwsthe Ducks' first trip to the foul line in the game — to extend
Brian Davies/The Associated Press
Oregon's Waverly Austin (20) blocks a shot by Colorado's Jeremy Adams during the first half of Thursday night's game in Eugene.
Illinoisknocksoff No.1 Indianaatduzzer CHAMPAIGN, III.— Tyler Griffey made anuncontested layup at the buzzer off a baseline inbounds pass and lllinois beat No. 1 Indiana 74-72 on Thursday night, the fifth straight week the nation's
top-ranked teamhas lost.
The lllini (16-8, 3-7 Big Ten) trailed 41-29 at halftime and by double digits for most of the second half before closing the game
on a13-2 run over the final 3:36. With the score tied, Indiana's Victor Oladipo turned the ball over and recovered to block a breakaway layup by D.J. Richard-
son out of bounds with less than asecond to play. Griffey, who was open after setting a screen, took the inbounds pass from Brandon Paul with.9 seconds left and gently laid the ball into the basket. Richardson had 23 points for lllinois. Cody Zeller led Indiana (20-3, 8-2) with14 points. — The Associated Press
the lead to 39-33 with 11:02 to
Coast) pounded Pepperdine
for its 24th consecutive victory over the Waves. Texas A&M ....... . . . . . . . . . 70 No.21 Missouri....... . . . . . . 68 COLLEGE STATION, Texas — Fabyon Harris had 17points, including the game-winning 3-pointer with 12 seconds left, as Texas A&M beat the Tigers (16-6, 5-4 Southeastern
Oregon's lead grew to 4740 on a dunk by Emory with 4:26 to play. But those were the Ducks' final points as they went zero for three from the field the rest of the way. "1 definitely sensed a little panic when we started making a little comeback," Roberson said. "You could definitely sense they werefeeling pressure to score the ball." Oregon shotjust 36.2 percent from the field and had seven of its 12 turnovers in the final 7:39. Colorado also had 12 turnovers and shot just 36.5 percent, but the Buffaloes got hot at the end of the game, going three for five from the field in the final four minutes. "I'm more disappointed with our defensethan our offense," Altman said. "We didn't get stops and gave up too many second-chance points." Also on Thursday: No.4Duke..... . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 N.C. State...... . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 DURHAM, N.C. — Mason Plumlee scored 30 points, Seth Curry had 26 and Quinn Cook added 21 for Duke (20-2, 7-2 Atlantic Coast Conference).
UCLA ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Washington....... . . . . . . . . . 57 LOS ANGELES — Larry Drew II h i t t h e g ame-winning jumper at the buzzer and Shabazz Muhammad had 22 points and eight rebounds for UCLA (14-9, 6-4 Pac-12). Aziz N'Diaye had 11 points and a career-high 18 rebounds for Washington (13-10, 5-5), which has lost six of its past seven. Arizona State ...... . . . . . . . . 66 California...... . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 TEMPE, Ariz. — Evan Gordon scored 23 points as Arizona State (18-5, 7-3 Pac-12) held on to beat Cal. Allen Crabbe and Tyrone Wallace had 16 points apiece to lead the Bears
(13-9, 5-5). USC...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Washington....... . . . . . . . . . 68 LOS ANGELES — Byron Wesley scored 20 points as USC (10-13, 5-5 Pac 12) held off Washington State. Davonte Lacy led all scorers with 21 points for the Cougars (11-12,
No. 6Gonzaga............. 82 Pepperdine............ . ... 56 SPOKANE, Wash. — Kevin Pangos scored 14 points and Gonzaga (22-2, 9-0 West
CeltiCSrOut Lakers 116-95 fOrSiXth Straight Win The Associated Press BOSTON — The rivalry between the Celtics and Lakers keeps rolling even if they no longer dominate the NBA. And that brought some extra satisfaction to B o ston's Paul Pierce after he led a 11695 rout of Los Angeles with 24 points on Thursday night. "It always feels good when you can give them a little oldfashioned beatdown in your house, no matter what direction these teams are going," he said. "It'll always be a rivalry.
Everybody's always going to watch." It was even more special, and perhaps surprising, that the win gave the Celtics a 6-0 record since losingpoint guard
NBA ROUNDUP Rajon Rondo for the season with a torn knee ligament. "We're in a rhythm. We're moving the ball," said Kevin Garnett, who had 15 points and became the 16th player in NBA history to reach the 25,000-pointmark. "Some day when I'm rocking in a rock-
ing chair having a cigar and thinking what I've done I'm sure it'll make some sense to me, (but) the first priority was the Lakers." The teams have met a record 12 times in the NBA Finals, the last in 2010 when the Lakers won in seven games. Only four players on those teams were
active Thursday — Kobe Bryant and Metta World Peace for Los Angeles and Pierce and Garnett for Boston. Pau Gasol and Rondo also played in that seriesbut missed Thursday's
game. In 2008, the Celtics beat the Lakers in six games for the
championship. "You can feel the energy every time the Lakers come into the building," Pierce said. "There's always a little extra mustard you're going to try to put out there when this type of setting is set up for you." T he Lakers played w i t h D wight H o w ar d a f te r h e missed three games with a sore right shoulder but without Gasol, who is out indefinitely
with a torn plantar fascia in his right foot. Bryant scored 27 to lead the Lakers, who had won their previousthree games but suffered their worst loss of the s eason. Howard h a d n i n e points and nine rebounds in 28 minutes before fouling out with 5:07 left. "There were acouple times where 1 f elt ( th e s houlder pain)," he said, "but 1 just tried not to think about it. " Also on Thursday:
Nuggets......... . . . . . . . ..128 B ulls.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 6 DENVER — Kenneth Faried finished with 21 points and 12 rebounds in 26 minutes as Denver won for the 15th time in 18 games since Jan. 1.
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PD500V "Golf For Everyone!"
Sports bars
Pro golf can also be an attraction. "If Tiger (Woods) is in the Continued from C1 final round, then we get a pretty "We were standing room only good crowd for that," says Kelly at all of our locations because Davidson, who owns Kelly D's. we had it (on TV)," says Chris At R i vals, Portland T r ail Justema, president and part- Blazers games, Major League ner at Cascade Lakes. "Oregon Baseball and National Hockey Duck football ha s d efinitely League games are all occasional been a spike in our sports view- attractions. But those sports are ing, even over the Super Bowl, not nearly as reliable as football. "There's nothing that conbecause it is specific to us. "When they're good, people sistent from week one to the fiwill (watch). And both the Or- nal week where we're packed," egon Ducks and the Beavers Conroyd says. "The closest that were good this year.... We were comes to it is March Madness kind of a divided house." (the NCAA m en's basketball Rivals racks up about 60 per- tournament), N B A pl a y offs, cent of its annual business be- NHL playoffs and MLB playtween Labor Day in early Sep- offs, pretty much in that order. tember and the Super Bowl in Any of those sporting events we early February, Conroyd says. will be packed with customers In more glaring terms, he says watching." he expects about half the cusFor a sports-themed bar and tomers this Sunday compared restaurant to thrive, even withwith Super Bowl Sunday. out football, owners have to foFor a business that makes cus on more than just televised a living off serving food and sports, says D avidson, who drinks to a captive audience, touts the quality of his Reuben that draw can be tough to re- sandwiches. place at certain times. Cascade Lakes considers its "There are not any (food or craft beer and food its top atdrink) specials that I've figured tractions, Justema says. out that will bring 150 people Rivals has added an outdoor into Rivals at 10 a.m. every deck, a full court for the popular Saturday or Sunday morning," beanbag toss game of cornhole, Conroyd says. and a fire pit to entice restauThere is a r eason why so rant-goers, even if they are not many sports bars invest often interested in sports. "We're hoping that this will thousands of dollars each year for the NFL's satellite TV pack- continue to help the business age, which gives an establish- grow and make up for the abment accessto every game each sence of football in the spring Sunday. and summer months," Conroyd It's not just that football long says. ago surpassed baseball as If all goes right, such moves America's favorite pastime that will keep a bar and restaurant draws sports enthusiasts into a profitable until September, when bar on a weekend. fans again begin to pour into lo"The viewership for the NFL cal establishments in search of has been heightened by the suc- food, drink — and football. "You have college football cess of fantasy football," Justema says. "People aren't watch- (each week) from really Thursing just t heir t eam. They're day on, and you throw in an watching all the games because NFL game (on Thursday nights), they have players in their fan- then Sunday with the pro game," tasy leagues that play on every Davidson says. "It's perfect." different team." There will s t il l b e s p orts But neither sports nor the bars shown the rest of the year on the that cater to their fans shrivel up six big-screen TVs that line the once the Super Bowl ends. walls in Kelly D's 1,500-squareAfter football season, sports foot bar. But odds are there will bars lookto othermeansto draw not be masses of sports fanata consistent customer base. At ics turning their eyes to those Cascade Lakes Lodge in west screens on any given Sunday Bend, international soccer can morning. be a draw. At Kelly D's Sports Says Davidson: "I miss footBar 8z Grill off Third Street in ball already." Bend, NASCAR often fills the — Reporter: 541-617-7868, seats.
Golf Continued from C1 As Desimone darted from hole to hole in a golf cart last week, monitoring his players'
progress and delivering sandwiches, snacks and suggestions on club selection during the final round, he kept returning to this classroom defeat. The professor's refusal to budge weighed moreheavilyon Desimone than did the Bears' firstloss of the school year, a third-place finish behind New Mexico and Texas Christian in the 54-hole event. "Isn't the essence of teaching finding a way to help the best students?" Desimone said. "When you have special kids like these, it kills you when they can't find a way to make this work." Stalter, who is from France, finished as the tournament comedalist wit h h i s t e ammate Michael Kim, which at least provided Desimone with his punch line: Who needs a leadership course when you are the leader of the pack? "Part of the way we get past life's difficulties is by finding the humor in them," Desimone said. Desimone, a 64-year-old married father of two, was on the Cal basketball team in the late 1960s, an experience that afforded him a window into the murkier side of college athletics. He said some of the best and brightest football and basketball stars were either unprepared or unmotivated to carry their academic weight. "I swore I'd never get involved in intercollegiate athletics, that it was the dirtiest thing going," said Desimone, whose disillusionment with the political and social unrest at Berkeley in the late 1960s led him to drop out of college and join the Navy. Desimone returned to Cal in 1972 and completed his double major in physical education and history, then earned his master's degree in physical education. He accepted a job as the athletic director and basketball coach at the College Preparatory School in Oakland, an institution geared toward high-achieving students. In November 1979, Desimone was approached to coach the Cal golf team. It was a club sport after having been dropped as an intercollegiate program the previous spring by Dave Maggard, the athletic director at the time.
The pitch to Desimone rev olved around returning the sport to varsity status. He said he was inclined to reject the offer,but in the week he was given to mull the decision, a vision took root in his mind. What if he were able to bring the College Preparatory School's focus on academics and embrace ofathletics to Cal'? "That became the challenge, to be the beacon on the hill," Desimone said. "I wanted to build a program based on honesty and integrity and academic excellence." He started as a v o lunteer coach with a $ 2 ,500 budget, which he quickly managed to double not long after joining forces with Frank Brunk, a wellconnected former Cal football
player. In 1982, men's golf was reinstated as an intercollegiate sport at Cal after demonstrating it could be self-sufficient. Desimone kept his job at the College Preparatory School until 1988, when he became Cal's full-time
coach at $35,000 a year (his salary has since tripled). Under Desimone, the team now has a budget of $525,000, culled in part from the interest from a $3.75 million endowment raised by Desimone and company and managed by university regents. They have enough money tofinance three scholarships (the maximum allowed under NCAA rules is 4'/2). C al has p roduced 13 a l l Americans and 17 all-American scholars, capturing the NCAA team title in 2004 and coming tantalizingly close last year, advancing to the team semifinals. Reached by telephone, Maggard said: "I think it's great what he's done. That was the intent all along, for the so-called Olympic sports to become endowed.
Were all the golf people happy about it'? No. But now you see where they are." Four golfers on this year's team, including Hagy and the U.S. Amateur finalist Michael Weaver, are on the watch list for the Ben Hogan Award, presented to the nation's top male
college golfer. What ma k e s De s i mone prouder is that three of his players are in the prestigious Haas business school, and that his team's cumulative grade-point average is above 3.1.
Hawks top Honkers in wrestlin Bulletin staff report LA PINE — La Pine trailed by 12 points midway through its wrestling dual against Lakeview, but thanks to three wins by forfeit and three victories in the other four matches, the Hawks eventually topped the visiting Honkers 45-30. A win by forfeit at 106 pounds started La Pine's rally, which was followed by a 12-6 victory by Louden Oleachea at 113 to get the Hawks to within three points at 24-21. A pin by Lakeview extended the Honkers' lead to nine, but the Hawks picked up 24 straight points to close the dual, capped by a Chris Love fall in 4 minutes, 34 seconds, at 145 pounds to seal the win. "It's always good to be positive go-
ing into the regional meet," said La Pine coach Gary Slater, whose team heads to the Class 4A Special District 2 regional meet in La Grande next Friday. "We're going in w it h s ome momentum." In other Thursday action: GIRLS BASKETBALL C uiver..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 8 E ast Linn Christian ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 9 LEBANON — S ar a M c K i nney scored a game-high 17 points and grabbed nine rebounds to lead the Bulldogs to victory in their final regularseason game of the year. With the win, Culver finishes fifth in the Tri-River Conference with a 6-8 record and will host East Linn Christian on Tuesday in a league playoff game. Hannah Lewis
added seven points and Chantelle Seehawer contributed five points and nine rebounds forthe Bulldogs (8-16 overall). Lori Sandy chipped in nine boards to go with her one point. BOYS BASKETBALL E ast Linn Christian ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 3 C uiver..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 8 LEBANON — The Bulldogs led 21-14 at the end of the first quarter but scored just 17points the rest of the wayin their Tri-River Conference regular-season finale. Clay Gibson led Culver with 11 points, 10 rebounds and four steals. Gerson Gonzalez and Ryan Fritz added nine points each for the Bulldogs (59, 10-14 overall). Culver, which finished sixth in the TRC, plays at Waldport on Monday in a league playoff game.
PREP SCOREBOARD Girls basketball Thursday's results Class 2A Tri-River Conference
EastLinn 9 10 8 2 — 29 Three-pointgoals— CulvecMcKinney4; East Linn Christian,Berretto.
Boys basketball
CULVER (38) — SaraMcKinney17, Lewis 7, Slaght 6,Seehawer 5, Hoke2, Sandy1, Fritz. Totals 1112-21 38. EAST LINNCHRISTIAN(29) — Berretto 9, Taylor 6,Lindville 6, Homer4,Femwalt2, Grove2, Bates, Burkey,Beghly Totals11 6-1229. Culver 11 11 9 7 — 38
CULVER (38) — ClayGibson11, Gonzalez9, Fritz 9, Slaght 7,McDonald2, l.oftin, Daugherty,
100 back. Summit's
Thursday'sresults Class 2A Tri-River Conference
LeQuieu. Totals153-638. EASTLINNCHRISTIAN(53) — JakeBates 26, Warren9, PojNell 8, C. Horner8, A. Horner2, Messmer, Becteer, Gerig. Totals 199-15 53. Culver 2 1 4 9 4 — 38 East LinnChristian14 20 11 8 — 53 Three-pointgoals Culver: Fritz 3, Gibson; East LinnChristian:Bates2, C. Horner2, Powel 2.
Wrestling Thursday's results
Bears this weekend. Bend Mack e n zie sophomore Bella W i ener Continued from C1 Halligan (200 IM, 100 fly) won the 50 free at the City Cougar junior B r andon and Madi Brewer (500 free, meet and took second by Deckard won the 200 in100 breast) each won two less than half-a-second in d ividual medley an d 1 0 0 events two weeks ago when the 100 free. Her teammate b reaststroke at t h e C i t y the Storm took the City of and fellow sophomore Jenmeet, and Lava Bear fresh- B end crown, but th e d e - niferRobeson was the vicman Austin Snyder-Jews- fending state champs could tor in the 200 free and both bury hopes to qualify in the be challenged by the Lava Bend swimmers helped the
La Pine45, Lakeview30 At La PineHighSchool 106 —Wilson, LP,winsbyforfeit 113 —Oleachea,LP,def. Ward, LV,12-6 120 —Crandall, LV, pins Brantley,LP,.37. 126 — C. Swayze, LP, wins byforfeit. 132 Knabe, LP, pinsHedlund, LV,2:50. 138— Macy,LP,wins byforfeit. 145 — Love,LP,pinsMungarro, LV,4:34. 152 —Warner,LV,wins bytorfeit 160 — J. Swayze, LP, pinsAlexander,LV,5:27. 170 — Harlan, LV, def Markland,LV,6-5. 182 Hargis, LV,wins by torfeit195 —Ballaine, LV,det Bryant, LP,7-6. 220 —Jaynes,LP,pins Murrietta, LV,:45. 285 Amerson, LV,pins Duley, LP,1:56.
Bears to runner-up finishes in the200 free and 400 free relays. Mountain View expects junior Phoebe Weedman to lead the Cougars today and Saturday. Weedman is a three-time state placer, twice in the 500 free and once in the 200 free.
Crosby lifts Penguinspast Capitals, 5-2 The Associated Press PITTSBURGH — Sidney Crosby extended his points streak to six games with a goal and two assists and the Pittsburgh Penguins pounded the lifeless Washington Capitals 5-2 on T hursday night. Evgeni Malkin also added a goal and two assists while Pascal Dupuis, James Neal and Matt Cooke scored for the Penguins, who have won five straight. Pittsburgh's
revamped power play produced three goals, while Marc-Andre Fleury stopped 23 shotsfor the Penguins, who moved atop the Eastern Conference standings by beating Washington at home in regulation for the first time in more than five
pulled for Braden Holtby, who promptly let in t hree goals in his first seven minutes on the ice. Also on Thursday: Blackhawks..... . . . . . . . . . 6
Flames.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Blue Jackets.... . . . . . . . . . 3 C OLUMBUS, O h i o Alex Tanguay scored on a one-timer I:07 into overtime to lead Calgary to victory in a battle of Western Conference cellar-dwellers. Panthers..... . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Coyotes ........ . . . . . . . . . 2
Flyers ........ . . . . . . . . . . . 2
GLENDALE, Ariz. — Patrick Kane had two goals and an assist, and Chicago remained the only NHL team without a loss in regulation this season.
PHILADELPHIA — Jonathon Huberdeau and Peter Mueller both scored goals in a shootout to lead Florida to the win. Sabres..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Canadiens.... . . . . . . . . . . . 4 BUFFALO, N.Y. — Thomas Vanek scored twice in regulation, including the tying tally with two seconds left, and added a shootout goal to rally Buffalo past Montreal. Predators.... . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Kings..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 NASHVILLE , Tenn . — Pekka Rinne made 32 saves for his first shutout of the season and C olin Wilson scored two goals to lead Nashville to its fourth straight win.
Rangers....... . . . . . . . . . . 4
I slanders..... . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 NEW YORK — Teenage rookie J.T. Miller scored his first two NHL goals in his second career game to lift the Rangers to their second win in three games. years. Devils ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Alex Ovechkin and Mike Lightning ..... . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Ribeiro scored for WashNEWARK, N.J. — Ilya ington but couldn't stop the Kovalchuk broke a tie with NHL's worst team from los- a short-handed goal late in ing for the fifth time in its the second period and New last six games. Michal Neu- Jersey won its third straight virth made nine saves for game by beating slumping the Capitals before getting Tampa Bay.
NHL Continued from C1 After all, the Eastern Conferencechampion New Jersey Devils — the other team from the 2012 final four — are fourth in the East and are only a point behind Pittsburgh for the top spot in the Atlantic Division after Thurs-
day's games.
So it's not like there has to be a postseason hangover. But whatever the Devils (6-1-3) have right now, the Rang-
Rangers in a 3-1 loss to New Jersey on Tuesday night. Tortorella said changes could be coming, notably on the special teams unitwhere the Rangers are an abysmal four for 36 on the power play. The Rangers went zero for five on the power play against the Devils and New York had allowed a power-play goal in eight straight games before Thursday night's victory over the New York Islanders. Time is growing short for the Rangers to pick up their special teams
piay. "I'm not waiting," Tortorella said. ers (5-5), Kings (3-4-2) and Coyotes (4"We have some guys that are very ten5-2) simply don't. Let's start in New York. The Rangers can probably forget about earning the top seed in the conference forthe second straight season. New York has little depth and no scoring punch outside of the top line. The Rangers frontloaded that first line — M arian Gaborik, Brad Richards and Rick Nash — and that's worked. They've combined for 10 goals and 24 points. It's the rest of the team that's
tative, very careful. We don't play careful hockey." Out in the desert, essentially the same roster that won the Pacific Division has been unable to ride much of a hot streak. They hit a rough patch off the ice when Greg Jamison was unable to pull together the funds and investors he needed topurchase the team before a deadline with the city of Glendale exstruggled. All the young players who pired. The Coyotes, with their long-term were supposed to be dynamite on the future now uncertain, are slowly turnsecond line, like Carl H agelin and ing around their season and had points Chris Kreider, have been anything but. in fivestraight games before Thursday That's the price the Rangers have paid night's loss to Chicago. "I think we're just getting a rhythm," for dealing several "depth" players like they did to get Nash. The Rangers have Coyotes generalmanager Don Maloscored 24 goals, the lowest total in the ney told the team's website. "You hate East. to make any excuses, but we played 10 Goaltender Henrik Lundqvist can't games in 17 nights without basically save 'em all for New York. any camp. The first five, six were a "We have some guys that are really whirlwind. We were trying to sort ourplaying hard," Rangers coach John Tor- selves out." torella said, "and we've got some guys Goalie Mike Smith had rounded into that look scared and tentative." form and stopped 38 of 39 shots to win Kreider scored the only goal for the two starts before giving up six goals
Canucks........ . . . . . . . . . 4 W ild.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ST. PAUL, Minn. — Cory Schneider made 22 saves and Mason Raymond had a power-play goal and an assist in the second period to lead Vancouver past sputtering Minnesota for its fourth straight win.
Maple Leafs........ . . . . . . 3 Jets ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 WINNIPEG, ManitobaPhil Kessel scored his first goal of the season late in the third period to lift Toronto to victory. Red Wings..... . . . . . . . . . . 5 B lues..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ST. LOUIS — Petr Mrazek made 26 saves in his NHL debut and D etroit h alted a two-game skid with the victory, beating St. L ouis for the second time in three games this season.
Hurricanes........ . . . . . . . 3 Senators........ . . . . . . . . . 2 OTTAWA — Cam Ward made 45 saves and Jay Harrison scored 2:19 into overtime to r a lly C arolina to victory.
and getting chased Thursday. The injury-riddled team is getting healthy and depth on all four lines has helped keep them stay afloat. The Kings may be the most disappointing of them all. The defending champs are in the midst of a rugged schedule of playing eight of nine games on the road. They hope they can ride out the rough patch without falling much more behind, before opening a stretch of five straight home games and 10 of 12 overall starting March 4. Like the Rangers, the Kings simply can't score.Toss out JeffCarter's four goals, and the Kings only have 15 this season. Mike Richards only has one goal and the Kings also are struggling on the power play. Through Thursday, Los Angeles was tied for last in the Western Conference with eight points. "It's the time where we have to put together a string of wins," Richards said, "and more or less build confidence." Where the teams finish, of course, doesn't really matter, as long as they make the playoffs. That's the w ay hockey is these days. The Kings were the No. 8 seed last season, after all, and the Devils were No. 6 in the East. The Flyers, back in 2010, knocked out the Rangers for a playoff spot on the last day of the 2010 season, then went all the way to the Stanley Cup finals as a No. 7 seed. So, if you make it in, there's always a chance things can turn. And there's certainly enough talent on all t hree teams to do so. But something needs to change soon, or they'll continue to be on the outside looking in.
C5 © To look upindividual stocks, goto Alsoseearecapin Sunday's Businesssection.
S&P 500
NASDAO 3,165.13
Friday, February 8, 2013
You've got earnings
Operating EPS
13,920 "
1 0 DA Y S
Change: -42.47 (-0.3%)
1 0 DAY S
13,600 1,450 13,200 1,400
12,800 A
StocksRecap Vol. (In mil.) 3,487 1,902 Pvs. Volume 3,418 1,946 Advanced 1 289 9 2 5 Declined 1728 1514 New Highs 2 26 142 New Lows 11 14
DDW DDW Trans. DDW Util. NYSE Comp. NASDAQ S&P 500 S&P 400 Wilshire 5000 Russell 2000
1 2 400
13988.06 13852.20 13944.05 5893.99 5846.63 5887.34 476.74 472.27 474.53 8931.61 8843.79 8893.74 3170.42 3135.98 3165.13 1512.90 1498.49 1509.39 1105.51 1095.58 1102.62 15983.08 15832.52 15941.08 911.49 902.82 908.10
CHG. -42.47 +14.07 +1.14 -40.50
-3.35 -2.73 -1.70 -33.26 -3.19
-0.30% +0.24% +0.24% -0.45% -0.11% -0.18% -0.15% -0.21% -0.35%
+6.41% +10.94% +4.73% +5.33% +4.82% +5.83% +8.05% +6.31% +6.92%
SNE Close:$15.13 V-0.69 or -4.4% The Japanese electronics maker posted a $115 million loss during its October to December quarter as television sales fell. $20
Price-earnings ratio:
D J F 52-week range $9.57~ $22.55
Vol.:7.7m (2.1x avg.)
ALK 31 29 — A VA 2278 ~ BAC 6 . 72 — BBSI 15.68 — BA 66. 8 2 — CascadeBancorp CACB 4.23 CascadeCp CASC 42.86 Columbia Sporlswear COLM 45.37 Costco Wholesale C OST 81.98 ~ Craft Brew Alliance BREW 5.62 ~ FLIR Systems FLIR 17.99 ~ Hewlett Packard HPQ 11.35 ~ Home Federal Bucp ID HOME 8.67 ~ 1 Intel Corp INTC 19.23 ~ Keycorp K EY 6 . 80 — Kroger Co KR 2 0 98 — Lattice Semi LSCC 3 17 ~ LA Pacific L PX 7 , 66 —
Power meter Electric power company Entergy reports fourth-quarter earnings today. Wall Street anticipates the utility will report an increase in earnings and revenue for the quarter compared to a year earlier, when a mild winter reduced demand for heatingin homes and businesses. This winter has been mixed, with temperatures below freezing as well as record warmth, torrential rains and tornadoes in the South and Midwest.
0 0 0 0
0 0
P E: .. . Yie l d: 2. 0%
Alaska Air Group AvistaCorp Source. Factset Bank of America Barrett Business Boeing Co
based on past 12 months' results
4783 47 8 0 + 3 8 +0 8 L L 2805 2604 + 08 +0 3 L 12.20 11.84 -.09 -0 8 L L 4202 40.18 +.53 t1 .3 w v 78.02 77.43 +1.14 $.1.5 L L 7.18 6.83 -.27 - 3.8 V L 65.45 64.66 +.03 . . . L L 58.47 49.54 +.86 +1.8 V V 105. 9 7 101.85 +.15 +0.1 w L 8.92 6.65 -.15 -2.2 w v 26.65 26.03 +2.35 $.9.9 30.00 16.44 25 -1.5 V L 4.0 0 11.55 -.25 -2.1 w w 29.27 2 0. 8 1 -.18 -0.9 V V 9.57 9 .5 0 -.03 -0.3 L L 28 00 28 . 02 + , 1 6 +0 6 L L 705 4 60 ... ... w L 21,60 20 .49 + . 2 5 + 1,2 L V 23.76 2 3. 3 1 -.06 -0.3 W L 17,50 17.19 + .01 +0,1 L L 32.95 2 7.2 8 -.06 -0.2 W L 57.41 54.6 8 +.5 2 +1 .0 L L 5 8.44 5 4.9 1 -.36 -0.7 W L 50.80 4 5. 4 9 -.20 -0.4 v L 1145 1 0 7 2 -.45 -40 w L 48.75 4 7. 1 6 -.65 -1.4 V L 2 60 2.05 +.36 +21.3 L L 49.69 48.20 -.34 -0.7 ~ L 94.9 5 187.61 +.75 +0.4 L w 23 16 20.34 +.95 +4.9 L L 47.45 29.50 29 -1.0 w w 16 7 ,24162.89 12 -0.1 V L 41.99 38.24 20 -0.5 w L 62.00 55.86 19 - 0.3 W L 7.26 4.67 67 -12.5 w w 13.88 12.82 01 -0.1 V L 35.46 3 3. 5 4 .07 -0.2 L w 18.42 17 . 68 .03 -0.2 w L 6.6 0 34.66 .31 -0.9 w w 23,97 23 .84 .08 -03 V L 31.74 30 . 0 8 .89 -2.9 w w
+10 9 +80 +2 0 t 5.5 $.2.7 +9.1 + 0.6 -7.2 +3.2 t2 6 +16.6 L +15.4 w -7.1 L +0.9 L +12.8 L + 77 L +15 3 L +6,1 L +9.7 L +1,0
+22 5 359 11 +4 8 126 18 1 16 +50 2 1 41498 46 0 0 4 t t 13. 1 55 36 0.5 2 f +3.4 76 4 9 1 5 1. 9 4f +15 . 3 3 dd +15. 6 90 14 1.40 - 1.1 23 0 1 7 0 . 88 +29 . 4 2 9 82 2 5 1 .10a $5 4 31 51 -8.0 2993 18 0 . 2 8 -40.2 16101 dd 0 .53 +12.9 10 89 0. 2 4a -18.1 40532 10 0 .90 +19 . 4 7 7 72 1 1 0. 2 0 +17, 9 30 2 4 2 3 0, 6 0 -331 4 8 9 d d +12 7,9 3 993 d d +12 . 0 78 2 0.69f +18, 3 77 4 14 -6.7 36784 15 0 . 92 +6.1 26 8 7 2 3 0 . 84f +13 . 2 2 0 37 1 7 1. 0 8 -3.3 7 8 20 1.8 2 +100 9 18 02 2 0 08 +12. 7 2 2 62 1 5 0 .80a - 25.6 256 d d +25 .9 61 3 3 9 1. 6 8 +10.2 4 7 6 2 0 0. 1 2 -7.6 12707 10 0 .70 -32.7 158 4 3 0. 7 5 +68. 4 53 8 2 5 1.5 6 -1.0 14 7 1 2 0 .93f +17 . 6 4 5 29 3 0 0. 8 4 -18.5 12053 +1.5 488 14 0.3 6 +17. 9 7 3 68 1 2 0. 7 8 +11 . 8 24 0 1 3 0. 3 2 +19. 1 26813 10 1 .00f +43 5 16 21 0 20 +52 . 6 6 369 42 0 .68f
Cato CATO Close:$25.99V-1.57 or -5.7% The retailer said that a key revenue figure fell 12 percent in January. It blames the drop on delays in shoppers' tax refunds. $30
Mkt. Cap:$15.18 b
4Q '11 4 Q '12
Stocks fell Thursday on concerns about the strength of the economy and corporate earnings. The Dow Jones industrial average followed global markets lower after the head of the European Central Bank said that he would keep a close eye on the rising euro. The currency's climb has made it more difficult for European exporters already struggling amid the region's weak economy. In the L.S., technology provider Akamai Technologies reported weaker revenue for the last quarter than financial analysts expected, media conglomerate News Corp. cut its forecast for annual earnings growth and retailer Ann said that its fourth-quarter revenue was below expectations.
, C lose: 13,944.05
'12 l
GOLD ~ $1,670.40
Dow jones industrials
Close: 1,509.39
Change: -2.73 (-0.2%)
1,480 '
$17.81 30
10-YR T-NOTE 1.96%
S&P 500
AOL's advertising revenue has grown for six quarters in a row. Wall Street finds out today whether the streak continued in the October-December period. AOL is expected to report improved earnings, but investors will have their eye on the Web pioneer's dial-up Internet business, which has been in decline as more households turn to broadband Internet service.
DV Close:$30.41 A4.29 or 16.4% The struggling for-profit education company, which owns DeVry University, reported better-than-expected second-quarter earnings. $35 30
D J F 52-week range $25.54 ~ $32.32
Vol.:161.5k (1.2x avg.) PE: 11.9 Mkt. Cap:$715.79 m Yi e ld: 3.8%
New York Times NYT Close:$8.51 %0.27 or 3.3% A rise in revenue from digital subscriptions helped the news company post a rise in its fourth-quarter net income. $10 8
D J F N D J F 52-week range 52-wcek range $18.15~ $99.80 $5.88~ $11.87 Vol.:6.4m (6.4x avg.) P E: 17 . 4 Vol.:6.0m (6.0x avg.) Mkt. Cap:$1.93 b Yiel d : 1. 1 % Mkt. Cap:$1.26 b
BG Close:$72.12 V-7.26 or -9.1% The agribusi ness and food company posted a loss for the fourth-quarter and said that its CEO plans to retire in June. $80
Gt'eetl M'ttl. Coffee
Close:$46.32 V-2.62 or -5.4% The maker of Keurig brewers said that its first-quarter net income rose 3 percent, but its revenue forecast
0 missed expectations. MDU Resources MDU 19 . 59 ~ $50 Mentor Graphics ME N T 12,85— o 40 Microsoft Corp M SFT 26.26 ~ L +2.1 75 30 Nike Iuc 8 NKE 4 2.55 ~ L +6.0 NordstromIuc JWN 46.27 ~ L +2.6 N D J F N D J F Nwst NatGas NWN 41.01 ~ L +2.9 52-week range 52-week range OfficeMax Iuc DMX 4 10 — 0 L +9 8 $57.15~ $89.99 $17.11~ $71.15 PaccarIuc PCAR 35.21 ~ L + 4.3 Vol.: 5.9m (6.7x avg.) P E : 11 .6 Vol.:18.4m (3.1x avg.) PE : 20.3 4y Planar Systms PLNR 1.12 L +43.4 Mkt. Cap:$10.52 b Yiel d : 1 .5% Mkt. Cap:$6.89 b Yield:... Plum Creek PCL 35.43 ~ L + 8.6 Prec Castparts PCP 1 50.53 ~ 1 w -1.0 True Religion TRLG Akamai AKAM •7 Safeway Iuc SWY 14 73 ~ L +12.4 Close:$29.00 X5.25 or 22.1% Close:$35.26 %-6.32 or -15.2% Schuitzer Steel SCHN 22.78 w -2.7 The company, which sells designer The company, which helps websites Sherwin Wms SHW 96.96 — 0 L +5.9 deliver content, said its fourth-quarjeans and other clothing, reported results for the fourth quarter that ter net income rose 14 percent, but Staucorp Fucl SFG 28.74 L +4.3 beat expectations. revenue missed forecasts. StarbucksCp SBUX 43.04 L +4.2 $30 $45 Triquiut Semi TQNT 4.30 w -3.3 UmpquaHoldings UMPQ 11.17 L +8.7 40 25 US Baucorp USB 2 8.26 ~ L +5.0 35 W ashington Fedl W A F D 14.30 ~ L +4.8 WellsFargo& Co WF C 2 9.80 ~ 3 L +1.4 N D J F N D J F More Actonel woes? 52-week range 52-week range WestCoastBcp OR WCBD 15,90 — o L +7 6 Warner Chilcott has been struggling Weyerhaeuser $20.22~ $97.82 $25.99 ~ $42.59 W Y 1 8.60 ~ L +8.1 with weakening sales of one of its DividendFootnotes: a -Extra dividends werepaid, ttot are not included. b - Annual rate plus stock c - Liquidating dividend. e - Amountdeclared or paid in last t2 months. f - Current Vol.:2.7m (7.0x avg.) P E: 15 . 5 Vol.:27.2m (9.1x avg.) PE: 32.7 key drugs, Actonel. annual rate, wtt>ctt wasmcreased bymost recent diudend announcement. i - Sum ot dividends pud after stock split, no regular rate. j - Sum of uvidends pud tus year. Most recent Mkt. Cap:$747.79 m Yi eld: 2.8% Mkt. Cap:$6.26 b Yield:... uudend was omitted or deferred k - Declared or pud tu$ year, a cumulative issue with dividends marrears. m - Current annual rate, which was decreased by most recent dividend Sales of the Irish drug maker's announcement. p - Imtial dividend, annual rate not known, y>eld not shown. 7 - Declared or paid in precedmg t2 months plus stock dividend. t - Paid in stock, apprcx>matecash AP SOURCE: Sungard osteoporosis treatment have been value on ex-distribution date.PE Footnotes:q - Stock is 8 closed-end fund - no PiE ratio shown. cc - P/E exceeds 99. dd - Loss in last t2 months declining since generic versions of the drug became available in InterestRates NET 1YR Western Europe. But sales of the TREASURIES YEST PVS CHG WK MO OTR AGO drug also have fallen in the U.S. January was good for most retailers as its fourth-quarter adjusted earnings forecast due. 3-month T-bill . 07 .07 L w .08 Warner Chilcott's latest quarterly Even Gap,the owner ofthe G ap,Old Navy and Banana shoppers seemed to focus more on signs of the 6-month T-bill . 11 .11 .10 earnings are due out today. Will the economic recovery, particularly the improving Repu b lic chains, that has struggled to regain its relevance in report show further weakness in 52-wk T-bill .14 .14 L L T .14 housing, stock and job markets. the past couple of years, said its January Actonel sales? Macy's, which runs Bloomrevenue rose 8 percent on strength in its North 2 -year T-note . 25 .25 ... V T .26 The yield on the ingdale's and Macy's stores, said American stores. 5 -year T-note . 83 .83 ... V L L .83 1D-year Treasury revenue rose 11.7 percent, nearly Meanwhile, Target reported a solid 3.1 1 0-year T-ttote 1.96 1 .9 6 ... W L L 1.99 note held steady doubling the 6.4 percent increase percent increase in revenue, helped by strong , ~ l' ~ 30-year T-bond 3.17 3.17 ... - L L 3.15 at 1.96 percent analysts polled by Thomson Reuters sales of clearance items. That beat the 1.7 Thursday. Yields had expected. And the retailer raised percent estimate from Wall Street.
',".'";;"Retail sales report
150 8
$32 ~
$ 32.23
$21 W W
$52 &
P/E RATIO trailing 12 months
Total returns through Feb. 7
5 10 SOURCES: Morningstar; FactSet
PERCENT RETURN Yr RANK N AV CHG YTD 1Y R 3 Y R 5YR 1 3 5 21.18 -.04 t 3.8 +12.5 t12.2 +5.6 A A A BondA m 12.86 - 0.5 +4.1 +5.7 +3.8 D C E CaplncBuA m 54.12 -.09 + 2.6 +11.7 +10.3 +3.1 A 8 C NAME CpWldGrlA m 38.42 -.24 + 3.3 +14.1 +10.1 +2.1 8 C C BkofAm EurPacGrA m 42.34 -.33 + 2.7 +11.4 +8.1 +1.4 8 8 A S&P500ETF 1361074 150.96 -.20 FnlnvA m 42.85 -.10 + 5.1 +14.1 +13.2 +3.9 8 C C SpritttNex 847589 5.74 -.03 Janus EutrprsT JAENX GrthAmA m 36.02 -.12 + 4.9 +14.8 +12.5 +3.8 A D D RschMotn 730263 16.96 + . 91 IncAmerA m 18.59 -.06 t 2.9 +11.5 t12.1 t5.1 A A B SiriusXM 611010 3.15 —.01 VALUE BL EN D GR OWTH InvCoAmA m 31.52 -.07 + 4.5 +12.8 +11.4 +3.4 C D D MicronT 577440 7.73 -.22 NewPerspA m 32.65 -.19 + 4.4 +14.9 +12.0 +4.2 A 8 B Dell Ittc 554486 13.53 + . 01 cC o AlcatelLuc 537509 1.59 —.12 59 WAMutlnvA m 32.58 -.67 + 4.4 +12.4 +14.0 +4.1 D 8 B Zyoga 513737 3.09 + . 10 $o $L Dodge &Cox Inc o me 1 3.86 -.01 0 . 0 +5 . 7 + 6.2 +6.8 8 C 8 BariPVix rs 486530 23.46 -.09 Intlstk 35.88 -.33 + 3 .6 + 13.5 +8.5 +1.4 A 8 A Stock 129.79 -.74 + 6 .5 + 18.8 +13.5 +2.9 A 8 C Gainers Fidelity Contra 81.40 -.03 + 4 .9 + 13.0 +14.7 +5.7 8 8 8 NAME L AST C H G %C H G GrowCo 97.40 - . 28 + 4 . 5 +9 . 9 +16.9 +7.4 D A A LowPriStk d 41 . 65 -.10 + 5 .4 + 13.6 +15.6 +7.5 C C 8 Fst MBF 1 1.70 +3 . 2 5 +38 . 5 Fidelity Spartan 50 0ldxAdvtg 5 3 . 54 -.07 + 6 .0 +14.6 +14.7 +4.7 B A B ViaSat 4 9.29 +9 . 5 5 +2 4 . 0 «C TrueRelig 2 9.00 +5 . 2 5 +2 2 . 1 59 FraukTemp-Fraukliulncome A m 2.2 8 - .01 +2 .8 + 12.4 +11.4 +5.7 A A 8 Vipshop n 2 5.11 +4. 5 5 +22 . 1 «C Oppeuheimer RisDivA m 18.4 3 - .03 +5 .9 + 11.0 +13.2 +4.2 D C C PlanarSy 2 .05 +.36 +21 . 3 RisDivB m 16.6 9 - .03 + 5 .8 + 9 . 9 +12.2 +3.3 E D D 4o Caesars 1 0.07 +1 . 5 8 +1 8 . 6 RisDivC m 16.6 1 - .03 + 5 .8 + 10.1 +12.3 +3.4 E D D Mornittgstar Ownership Zone™ ArkRst 2 1.22 +3 . 1 8 +1 7 . 6 SmMidValA m 35.29 -.01 + 8 .9 + 11.0 +11.6 +1.2 E E E GeospacT s 1 10.20 + 1 6.38 +1 7 . 5 O o Fund target represents weighted SmMidVal8 m 29.77 -.01 +8.8 +10.0+10.6 +0.3 E E E DeVry 3 0.41 +4. 2 9 +16 . 4 average of stock holdings TotRetA m 11.1 9 - .01 -0.3 + 7 .1 + 6 .6 +7.1 A 8 A Dxigene rs 5 .04 +.65 +14 . 8 • Represents 75% of futtd's stock holdings PIMCO T Rowe Price Eqt y l nc 28.06 -.06 + 6 .1 + 15.7 +14.0 +4.1 8 8 8 Losers CATEGORY Mid-Cap Growth GrowStk 39.43 - . 0 7 + 4 . 4 + 12.9 +15.6 +6.2 8 A B NAME LAST CHG %CHG MORNINGSTAR HealthSci 44. 5 8 - .2 3 + 8.2 +26.2 +23.1+13.0 A A A RATING™ * * * * y $ -.74 -19.8 Vanguard 500Adml 139.31 -.20 +6.0 +14.6 +14.7 +4.8 8 A 8 P rimaBio n 3 . 00 RaodLogist 5. 62 -1.14 -16.9 ASSETS $853 million 500lnv 139.30 -.19 +6.0 +14.5 +14.6 +4.7 8 A 8 —.86 -16.1 AmbassGp 4 . 49 CapDp 36.63 -.17 +9.0 +17.7 +12.2 +6.0 A D 8 EXP RATIO 0.94% CSVlnvBrnt 30.80 -5.85 -16.0 Eqlnc 25.59 -.06 +6.0 +15.4 +16.8 +5.8 8 A A MANAGER Brian Demain -2.10 -15.3 B onTon 11. 6 2 GNMAAdml 10.86 -.01 -0.2 +1.8 +5.0 +5.7 C A A SINCE 2007-11-01 MulntAdml 14.41 +.01 +0.5 t4.3 +5.6 +5.3 8 8 8 RETURNS 3-MD +11.4 Foreign Markets STGradeAd 10.83 +0.2 +3.6 +3.5 +3.8 8 8 B YTD +5.8 StratgcEq 23.17 -.03 +8.0 +15.0 +18.5 +5.6 8 A C NAME LAST CHG %CHG 1- YR +12.7 -0.6 t3.1 +5.3 $5.5 D D C TotBdAdml 11.00 Paris -41.85 -1.15 3,601.05 3-YR ANNL +17.0 Totlntl 15.31 -.10 t2.2 +8.9 +7.5 -0.1 D C 8 London 6,228.42 -66.92 -1.06 5-YR-ANNL +6.6 TotStlAdm 37.92 -.06 +6.4 +14.4 t15.3 t5.4 8 A A Frankfurt + 9.67 + . 1 3 7,590.85 TotStldx 37.91 -.06 +6.4 +14.3 t15.1 t5.3 8 A A Hong Kong 23,177.00 -79.93 -.34 TOP 5HOLDINGS PCT Mexico USGro 22.59 -.07 +6.3 +13.3 +14.4 +6.1 8 8 B 45,020.00 -550.71 -1.21 Crown Castle International Corp 4.04 Milan 16,400.56 -202.29 -1.22 Welltn 35.13 -.10 +3.8 +11.4 +11.4 +6.1 A A A Dresser-Rand Group,lttc. 3.04 Tokyo -106.68 —.93 11,357.07 WelltnAdm 60.67 -.17 +3.8 +11.5 +11.5 +6.2 A A A 2.9 Stockholm 1,165.71 -9.08 -.77 Verisk Attalytics, Ioc. Fund Footnotes. b - ree covering market costs 1$paid from fund assets. d - Deferred sales charge, or redemption Sydney $ .15.25 t .3 1 MSCI, Inc. 2.65 fee. f - front load (sales charges). m - Multiple feesarecharged, usually a marketing feeand either asales or 4,955.77 Zurich 7,337.05 -96.42 -1.30 Solera Holdings, Ittc. 2.53 redemption fee. Source: Mornugsta7.
Morningstar analysts give this fund a bronze-medal rating, citing its appealing strategy and modest Most Active fees. The fund takes a buy-andVOL (Ogs) LAST CHG hold approach, with portfolio —.09 turnover at just 14 percent. 1414983 11.84
FUND American Funds BalA m
affectinterest rates on consumer loans.
Barclays LoogT-Bdldx 2.75 2.77 -0.02 W L BondBuyerMuni Idx 4.02 4.02 ... L W Barclays USAggregate 1.90 1.93 -0.03 W L PRIME FED Barclays US High Yield 5.97 5.96 +0.01 L L RATE FUNDS Moodys AAA Corp Idx 3.90 3.94 -0.04 W L YEST 3.25 .13 Barclays CompT-Bdldx 1.10 1.12 -0.02 W L 6 MO AGO 3.25 .13 Barclays US Corp 2 .82 2.85 -0.03 W L 1 YR AGO3.25 .13
The price of natural gas rose on worries about a glut of supply. A government report showed that the nation's inventories contained more gas last week than analysts expected.
Exchange The euro fell against the dollar after the head of Europe's central bank said he would keep a
close eye on
the currency. The euro's rise since last summer could hurt European exporters.
h5N4 QG
2.62 4 .59 2.10 7.35 3.92 1.05 3 4.0
CLOSE PVS. %CH. %YTD Crude Dil (bbl) 95.83 96.62 - 0.82 + 4 . 4 Ethanol (gal) 2.41 2.43 +10.0 Heating Dil (gal) 3.20 3.19 + 0.43 + 5 . 1 -2.0 Natural Gas (mm btu) 3.29 3.42 -3.89 Unleaded Gas(gal) 3.00 3.04 - 1.31 t 6. 7 METALS
Gold (oz) Silver (oz) Platinum (oz) Copper (Ib) Palladium (oz) AGRICULTURE
CLOSE PVS. 1670.40 1677.70 31.39 31.86 1722.30 1736.50 3.72 3.73 750.05 764.40
%CH. %YTD -0.44 -0.3 - 1.49 + 4 .0 -0.82 +11.9 - 0.36 + 2 . 2 - 1.88 + 6 .8
CLOSE 1.28 1.40
PVS. %CH. %YTD -1.8 1.27 +0.24 -2.4 1.42 -1.27 7.11 + 1 .8 Corn (bu) 7.23 - 1.63 Cotton (Ib) 0.81 0.82 - 0.39 + 8 . 3 Lumber (1,000 bd ft) 382.80 389.00 - 1.59 + 2 . 4 Orange Juice (Ib) 1.21 1.20 + 0.92 + 4 . 4 Soybeans (bu) 14.87 14.88 - 0.05 + 4 . 8 Wheat(bu) 7.56 -2.8 7.62 -0.72
Cattle (Ib) Coffee (Ib)
1YR. MAJORS CLOSE CHG. %CHG. AGO USD per British Pound 1.5713 +.0047 +.30% 1 .5893 Canadian Dollar . 9983 +.0023 +.23% .9 9 58 USD per Euro 1.3401 —.0124 —.93% 1.3248 Japanese Yen 9 3.52 +. 1 4 + . 15 % 76 . 7 6 Mexican Peso 12.7 504 + .0595 +.47% 12.6862 EUROPE/AFRICA/MIDDLEEAST Israeli Shekel 3.6981 +.0064 +.17% 3.7143 Norwegian Krone 5.5192 +.0190 +.34% 5.7707 South African Rand 8.9159 +.0068 +.08% 7.5760 6.4128 +.0500 +.78% 6.6623 Swedish Krona Swiss Franc .9181 +.0086 +.94% .9125 ASIA/PACIFIC Australian Dollar .9724 + .0030 +.31% .9 2 67 Chinese Yuan 6.2370 +.0005 +.01% 6 .3015 Hong Kong Dollar 7.7551 +.0011 +.01% 7 .7533 Indian Rupee 53.226 +.100 +.19% 4 9 .214 Singapore Dollar 1.2395 +.0013 +.10% 1 .2468 South Korean Won 1090.30 +1.00 +.09% 1119.77 Taiwan Dollar 29.65 + .02 +.07% 29 . 55
CentralOregon fuel prices
own omesin ewor s
Price per gallon for regular unleaded gas and diesel, as posted Thursday at AAA Fuel Price Finder
( GASOLINE • Ron's Oil,62980 U.S. Highway 97, Bend .. $3.47 • Chevron,61160 U.S. Highway 97, Bend ..$3.56 • Chevron,2100 N.E.
U.S. Highway20, Bend............ $3.67 • Safeway,80 N.E.Cedar St. Madras .......$3.59 • Texaco,178 Fourth St.,
Madras ......... $3.59 • Chevron,1210U.S. Highway 97,
Madras ......... $3.58 • Chevron,398 N.W. Third St., Prineville........ $3.59 • Texaco,539 N.W. Sixth St., Redmond.... $3.59
• Chevron,1501S.W. Highland Ave., Redmond ....... $3.56 • Chevron,2005 U.S. Highway 97, Redmond ....... $3.56
• Chevron,1001 Railway, Sisters .. $3.59 DIESEL • Fred Meyer,61535
By Elon Glucklich The Bulletin
A local development group plans to build more than twodozen townhomes in an undeveloped subdivision about I t/~ miles from downtown Bend. Brian Ladd, a principal broker with Cascade Sotheby's International Realty, wants to build the townhomes on an empty, 26-lot subdivision on Northeast Vail Lane, between Northeast Sixth and Northeast Eighth streets. He's partnering with Pahlisch Homes, of Bend. Ladd and his father, Colorado homebuilder Roger Ladd, purchased the lots out of foreclosure in 2011, paying $235,000 for the 26 lots, according to Deschutes County property records. They were valued at $790,000 in 2008, records show.
Brian Ladd said the property's former ovtmers had envisioned larger, cottage-style homes in the $600,000 price range. But Ladd proposes smaller homes, between 1,600 and 1,800 square feet, in the mid-$200,000 price range. "I think there are a lot of people who want to live (near) the downtovtm area, but don't want a fixer-upper home. We think we're going to be well-positioned for that buyer," he said. Ladd and Pahlisch Homes filed an application with the city of Bend late last month. Pending approval, Ladd hopes to start construction on four of the tovtmhomes later this month andhave them ready for owners by midsummer. He hopes to develop the entire subdivision within two years. Hundreds of new subdivi-
Development planned
sionswere platted across Bend during the real estate boom years between 2000 and 2007. When the real estate crash hit, dozens of subdivisions readyforconstruction — some complete with new streets and sewage infrastructure — stalled. Developers lost lots to foreclosure and bankruptcy, and some of the lots have stood empty forseveral years. Ladd looked at other open lots before picking the Northeast Eighth Street neighborhood. He said its location, closer to downtown than most available properties on the far east side, was the biggest factor. "I just love the location," Ladd said. "Long-term, it's going to be a good-value property."
Brian Ladd, a local real estate agent, is working with Pahlisch Homes to build townhomes on 26 vacant lots off of Northeast Eighth Street, near
Cascades Academy ofCentral Oregon in Bend.
Roomtaxesrise in Deschutes DeschutesCounty room tax collections for
December increased about14 percent over December 2011, according to figures from the
Central OregonVisitors Association, and about
12 percent sofar year over year. Lodging rented in
Decembergenerated Butler Market Rd.
$252,250 in transient room taxes in Deschutes County outside the city
of Bend. Thatcompares to the $221,146 in De-
cember 2011,according
Site of planned towffhomes reen oodAv .
— Reporter: 541-617-7820,
Greg Cross / The Bulletin
to COVA. So far this fiscal year,
room taxcollections have beenabout $2.8 million, compared to about $2.5 million for the
same period in the201112 fiscal year.
Bend firm tooffer employmenthelp NextJob, a Bend-
based nationwide re-employment firm, hasjoined
On the job and
U.S. Highway 97, Bend ....... . . . . $3.85
with Fifth Third Bancorp
to provide job search help to unemployed mortgage borrowers, according to anewsrelease from both companies. The program, which
• Chevron,3405 N. U.S. Highway97, Bend $3.99
• Chevron,1210U.S. Highway 97, Madras ......... $4.04
operated on apilot basis last year, aims toreduce mortgage delinquencies, about half of which stem
from unemployment, according to the news
• Texaco,178 Fourth St.,
release. Fifth Third Bancorp,
Madras ......... $3.99 • Safeway,80 N.E.Cedar
based in Cincinnati, is the
St. Madras .......$3.99
• Chevron,2005 U.S.
parentcompany ofFifth Third bankand operates
Highway 97, Redmond ....... $4.09
in the East and Midwest.
For more information, visit
Ashley Brothers/The Bulletin SCH
Apple facessuit from investor
E o E
With its annual meeting looming and its stock
on the decline, Appleis facing a rebellion from an
influential investor who TODAY • Business start-up workshops:Forpeople contemplating business ownership; registration required; $15; 11a.m.-1 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, Redmond campus, 2030 S.E. College Loop, Redmond; 541-383-7290. SATURDAY • Oregon alcohol server permit training: Meets the minimum requirements by the Oregon Liquor Control Commission to obtain an alcohol server permit; registration required; $35; 9 a.m.; RoundTable Pizza, 1552 N.E. Third St., Bend; 541-447-6384 or www. MONDAY • Are You Smarter Than the Experts?: CAI-CORC annual kickoff event; CAICORCprovides educational opportunities throughout the year for homeowner association volunteers and managers; registration was required by Thursday; free;5:30 p.m.; The Oxford Hotel, 10 N.W. Minnesota Ave., Bend; 541-382-8436 or • Downtown Urban Renewal Advisory Committee: Overview of the renewal plan and project; free;6 p.m.; Redmond City Hall, 716 S.W. EvergreenAve.; 541-923-7710. TUESDAY • How to Take Control of Your Time andGet More Out of Life!: Online webinar with strategies and solutions to boost productivity and efficiency.; hosted by SIMPLIFY; registration required; $65; 8-9:30 a.m.; Camp Sherman; 503-2608714 or info@simplifynw. com. • Central Oregon Irrigation District board meeting: Free; 9 a.m.; Central Oregon lrrigation District Office, 1055 S.W. Lake Court, Redmond; 54 I -548-6047.
To find freeincome tax preparation help, visit the Events Calendar at t/t/t/l/t/tt
For the complete calendar, pick up St/nday's Bulletin or visit
wants the companyto stop stockpiling cashand give it to shareholders instead.
Greenlight Capital said Thursday that it is suing Apple in a New George Frey/ Btoomberg News
Truckers fill up their rlgs in Evanston, Wyo. Trucking companies are seeing a wave of job growth amld a national driver shortage. "There's a constant demand" for drivers, said Joseph lannetti, director of the Western Area Career & Technology Center.
• Need a job,or achangeof pace?Trucking companieswant youfor the long haul By Jeff Keams Bloomberg News
obert Boyd quit his job as a bank assistant branch manager to start truck-driving school in September. He graduated in December and landed work behind the wheel of a rig at twice the pay. Boyd saw opportunities in driving school ads on television, articles in the paper and trucks filling the roads. He enrolledat the Western Area Career 8 Technology Center, about 25 miles from his Pittsburgh, Penn., home. Demand for its graduates has climbed amid a national driver shortage and a local shale-gas drilling boom that are both boosting competition for drivers. "Trucks are everywhere, especially on the main highways around here," Boyd said after earning his Class A commercial driver's license. "I'm 38
and this is it for me. This is how I'm going to retire." Boyd is riding a wave of job growth at trucking companies as they post payroll increases at more than double the pace of the nation's workforce since the end of 2010. Demand is being driven by theeconomic expansion, new regulations that cap driver hours and rising turnover caused by long days and time away from home. The job-placement rate for the school in Canonsburg, Penn., has never been higher, according to Joseph Iannetti, the center's director. "There's a constant demand," said Iannetti. "We place everybody wetrain,and it'sneverbeen like that before." The average annual wage for U.S. heavy truck and tractor trailer drivers rose to $39,830 in 2011, up 9.7 percent from five years before, according to the
most recent data available from the Labor Department.Average hourly wages increased the same amount during the period to $19.15. From theend of 2010 through January, trucking companies have boosted payrolls by 8.1 percent, or 102,900 jobs, more than twice the 3.4 percent gain in overall employment, according to Labor Department data released Feb. 1. During the 18-month recession that ended inJune 2009,trucking jobs declined at about double the rate of total payroll losses. And the industry is still more than 125,000 drivers short of what it needs to meet demand, according to FTR Associates, a Bloomington, Ind.-based freight data and f orecasting firm. The shortfall probably will more than double at the end of this year to 259,000 drivers, according to an FTR forecast.
Fewer workersfile claimsfor unemployment benefits Bloomberg News WASHINGTON — Claims for unemployment insurance payments fell last week, returning to levels seen in the second half of 2012. Applications for jobless benefits dropped 5,000 to 366,000 in the week ended Feb. 2, Labor Department figures showed Thursday. Economists
forecast 360,000 claims, according to the median of 53 estimates in a Bloomberg survey. Claims, after see-sawing in prior weeks as the government had trouble adjusting the data for seasonal swings, are settling at a level that signals there is little change in the pace of firings from last year.
The data come after a report last week indicatedemployers are boosting payrolls at a faster pace as demand holds up. "It could be better, but you're still seeing improvement in other labor market data," Daniel Silver, an economist at JPMorgan Chase in New York, said before the report.
York federal court over the company's proposal to make it more difficult
for it to issue preferred stock David Einhorn who heads the invest-
ment fund, said theproposal would closedown one avenuefor Apple to reward shareholders with more cash. Apple is still the
world's most valuable company, but its stock has lost 35 percent of
its value sinceSeptember, as it's become obvious that its once-
rapid growth hasslowed down.
Draghi's words drag downeuro The president of the
EuropeanCentral Bank on Thursday cited the rising value of the euro as a possible threat to the
region's economic recovery, comments that immediately sent the euro down sharply against the
dollar andyen. "The exchangerate is not a policy target, but it is important for growth and price stability," Mario Draghi said at a news conference after the
regular monthly policy meeting of the bank's governing council, which left the bank's main interest rate at 0.75 percent,
as expected. — Staffand wire reports
DISPATCHES • listed Bend as one of its Top10 Romantic Cities andThe Riverhottse Hotel & ConventionCenter was named in the "Whereto Stay" section. To learn more about The Riverhouse, call
541-389-3111 or visit www. • BBT Architectsin Bend has completed aschematic design for the WarmSprings K-8 School. Construction is set to begin this summer, with
completion anticipated prior to fall 2014. To learn more, call 541-382-5535 or visit www. • All Natural Pest Elimination of Oregon in Redmond is now All Natural Pest Elimination
Hlgh Desert.The pest control company is ownedand operated by Michael and Laura Stanley, of Redmond. Tolearn more, visit • CompassCommercial Real Estate Servicesin
Bend has beenselected as the real estate consulting firm forthe proposed Oregon State University-Cascades Campus expansion. Compass Commercial will be identifying properties that will serve as
classroom facilities, student housing and supporting services for the growth and development of the satellite campus. To learn more, visit www.compasscommercial. com.
IN THE BACI4: ADVICE 4 ENTERTAINMENT > 50-Plus, D2-3 Parents & Kids, D4 Pets, D5 THE BULLETIN • FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 2013
When parents fight, kids suffer
When couples bicker around the time of a child's birth, the effects
can be long-lasting. A study from the University of Oregon found
that aggression between partners when achild is born dictates how the mother will parent
for the next three years. The study involves 400 moms in high-risk fam-
ily environments, based in part on socioeconomic status. The researchers
' t~r %
found that aggression
suchasslamming doors, name-calling and arguing as well as physical abuse between partners was linked to a mother who used
harsh parenting later. Even when researchers controlled for factors
like mothers' depression and a history of abuse,
ttlustration by Greg Cross/The Bulletin
they found that partner
aggression still strongly predicted harsh parent-
By Mac McLean• The Bulletin
ing techniques in moms three years down the
road. Harsh parenting,
or the past 20 years, receptionists at St. Charles
in turn, related to behavior problems in the
Bend and other hospitals have handed out forms
giving their patients a chance to dictate how they
While similar studies have found that these
environments can be
want to die, the types of life-sustaining medical treatments
damaging to children, this is one of the first
they want their doctors to perform and who will make the
studies to examine the
ultimate call regarding life support. Inside Even with these efforts, a recent
effect on babies. The re-
searchers want to look into whether partner aggression affects how mothers see their babies
or if the babies show signs of processing the negative environment, such as noticing angry tones of voice.
Suicide rates high among oldervets Older veterans are twiceif notthree or
four times more likely to commit suicide than
non-veterans in their age group, according
• Many adults avoid the 'elephantin the room' concerning end-of-life care.Experts offer advice on how to discuss the issuewith family, andthe importance ofcompleting anadvancedirective, which spellsout a patient's final wishes.
to a study the U.S. De-
partment of Veteran's Affairs released Feb.1.
study has found less than a third of Oregon's adults and less than a fourth of its oldest residents had completed an advance directive, a physician order for life-sustaining treatment form (POLST), or any other document that spells out final wishes. "Our mortality is at stake," said Dr. Laura Mavity, the medical director of St. Charles Health System's advanced illness management program. "It's hard for people to talk about these things, to carve out the time and think about 'what if'?'" But unless someone takes these steps, she argued, it's almost impossible for health professionals to
• Less than 25% of Oregon adults have an advance directive completed,D2
determine what patients want. Their families could spend thousands of dollars a day on medical treatments, and that may be the exact opposite of what was wanted during the patient's final days. For many older adults, death has become the elephant in the roomthey know it's coming, but haven't taken the steps required to make surethey have some controlover
potentially life-prolonging medical interventions. See End /D2
The study analyzed cir-
cumstances surrounding 147,763 suicide deaths that had been reported in 21 states
and found18.3 percent of the reported suicide victims had a history
of U.S. military service. More than 69 percent of all veteran suicides were
among those age 50or older, compared to 378
percent among non-veterans, according to the study. By agegroup, the study found:
• People between age 50 and 59 accounted
for18.2 percent of nonveteran suicides and 20 percent of veteran suicides;
AARP vounteers offer free tax services tion's Tax Aide program. By Mac McLean The Bulletin "It's a fun and interesting thing When he worked as a profes- to do and it lets me give back to s ional tax p r eparer i n t h e l a t e the community," said Berry, who 1990s, Jim Berry c h arged anyhas volunteered with the program where from $60 to $150 to comfor 10 years. He is one of about 15 plete an average return. But his volunteers who set up shop at Bend services are now available to lowSenior Center, one of four Tax Aide and moderate-income seniors for program sites in Central Oregon (see "Find help"). free as part of the AARP Founda-
Findhelpwithyourtaxes Call these numbers to schedule an
appointment at aTaxAide center near you:
Since 1968, the AARP Foundation's Tax Aide program has dispatched an army of trained volunteer tax preparers across the country as part of an effort to make sure its clients pay exactly what they owe in taxes — nothing more and nothing less — and receive the maximum refund available. See Tax/D3
• Bend Senior Center:541-706-6234 • Redmond Senior Center:541-548-6325
• La Pine Pentecostal Church ofGod: 541-536-6237
• Warm SpringsCommunity ActionTeam: 541-553-3148 Source: AARP Foundation Tax Aide program
• People between age 60 and 69 accounted
for 8.1 percent of nonveteran suicides and 16.5 percent of veteran suicides;
• People between age 70 and 79 accounted
for 4.6 percent of nonveteran suicides and 18.6 percent of veteran suicides; and,
• People who were 80 or older accounted for 3.7 percent of nonveteran suicides and 14.2 percent of veteran sulcldes. In light of these facts, and a recent finding that 22 veterans killed
themselves eachday during 2010, the Department of Veterans Affairs
is asking people to visit its Veteran's Crisis Line website, www.Veterans, call 800273-8255 (push 1), or text 838255 if they need
help. — From staff reports
Help your pre-teennavigate middle school friend drama
Good Question is a monthly feature in which a local expert in a particular field answers a question related to families. Have a question? Send it to farnily@
By Megan Kehoe The Bulletin
My middle schoolercame home Q ..crying last w eek because her friends at school stopped talking to her and she's no longer part of the "group." How can I help her through this, and at what point should I intervene? . Tami Warren is the counselor at . La Pine Middle School. Warren said friend drama is common for students in middle school, as the pre-teenyears are a time when students start to truly develop and refine friendship and relationship skills. "It's an age where they're learning to
be social and they're figuring out how to navigate friendships," Warren said. "They're learning the tools and skills to communicate." Warren said the first thing parents should do is to listen to their child and to validate the child's feelings. Parents should communicate that they understand where he orshe iscoming from, and that their feelings matter. Warren said it's easy for parents to get caught up in their child's emotions and to get upset, but it's important to stay calm and to realize there may be more to why your child is no longer accepted as part of her social group. "During adolescence, their reality isn't necessarily the truth, but it is their reality," Warren said. "In the back of your mind, remember that there's always two sides to every story." See Question /D4
an age where they're
learning to be
and they're
Valentin e's Day becomes an ent ir e weekend at
out how to
Pronghorn. J oin us for a Pri x F ixe di n n e r i n
and make it extra special by staying overnight.
friendships." — Tami Warren, La Pine Middle School counselor
C hanterelle, available February r4-r 7 , Extended stays and Romance Packages are available.
P RO N G H O R N A n A ub erge R esort
6s6oo Pronghorn Club Dr. I 5 4 ,t-693-5300 I
Reservations Required. Please call 54t —693 — 5$00.
Email information for the 50-Plus Activities Calendar at least 10 days before publication to, or click on "Submit an Event" at Ongoing listings must be updated monthly. Contact: 541-383-0351.
Whymenareturne o y Dear Lisa:Why are men so quick to want a relationship with you if they like you? — Ellen A man has this ability to see the woman he thinks is right for him, and once he finds her, he goes afterher. Men don't analyze like we do. It's very black and white for a man and if, in his mind, you are the one he wants to be with, he's going to pursue you. You see, a man's only emotional connection in his life is with a woman. Think about it, men talk sports — not feelings — with other men. Men not only miss an emotional c onnection with a w o m an after a relationship has ended, they yearn for it and need it in their lives again. So when a man f i nds a woman he thinkshe can emotionally connect with, he will pursue her in the hopes of having that missing piece come
End Continued from D1
NancyCruzan When she flipped her car coming home from work on Jan. 11, 1983, Nancy Cruzan become the central figure in the national debate surrounding a person's "right to life" and their right to choose how they die. Paramedics were able to restart her heart when they found her in a ditch next to her car, but they weren't abletoprevent her from devel-
oping brain damage, because s he stopped breathing f o r 10 minutes. Doctors a t t h e h o s pital diagnosed the then-24-yearold woman as being in a persistent vegetative state and hooked her up to a feeding tube for almost eight years. Her treatments cost the state of Missouri$125,000 a year, according to a 1990 New York Times article. Four years after her accident, Cruzan's family decided it was time to have her feeding tube removed so she could die with dignity. A judge refused this request because there was no "clear and convincing proof" Cruzan wanted to die. The case went to the U.S. Supreme Court, which sided with the state of M i ssouri and against Cruzan's family's wishes in a 5-4 decision in June 1990. Cruzan was taken off her feeding tube the following December, but only after a few of her friends testified they once heard her say she did not want to live "like a vegetable." The debate s u rrounding Cruzan's death prompted the U.S. Congress to pass the Patient Self-Determination Act, a piece of legislation that has required any health care facility that receives Medicare or Medicaid funding to inform patients about t heir s t ate's laws regarding "right to life" issues and, if possible, give them an advance directive or a POLST form so they can put their wishes down on paper. Under Oregon law, p hysicians must either comply with the wishes a patient has spelled out in his or her advance directive or transfer the patient to another physician or another health care facility if they deem the patient's wishes to be morally objectionable or medically i n appropriate. Physicians who do follow a patient's advance directive are also shielded from any lawsuit that could result from their decision to discontinue his or her care. More than 25 years after Cruzan was laid to r est, a U.S. Department of H ealth and Human Services report found only 18 to 36 percent of the country's adults had filled out an advance directiveor a similar document. It delivered a stunning conclusion about the hundreds of thousands of
LISA COPELAND back into his life once again. Dear Lisa: When looking at men's profiles online, I often see them write something similar to: "I don't do drama w ell so be sure you are able to move on from your past relationships." When I see this, it suggests to me that those who include that are not emotionally intelligent and may tend to be conflict avoiders. I also think it's highly unrealistic for guys 50 and over to expect that the women they will meet now should not have any unresolved pain or need to talk about what went wrong in their marriages. What do you think, Lisa? Is this a red flag? — Nancy
Let's start b y i d e ntifying what drama means to a man, and this will help answer some of your concerns. In a man's mind, the drama a woman brings to the table means she is constantly talking about her past and problems with her ex, her children or her friends. From time to time, most of us have some amount of residual drama with an ex, but when an entirefirstor second date is devoted to a woman's issues with her world, it turns a man off. Why? Because a man feels he has to fix your problems. It is literally in his DNA to help you as a "damsel in distress." Yet, deep down, he knows when it comes to exes, he can't fix this for you. So he thinks this is going to set him up as a failure in your eyes — before anything even can get started between
r ama the two of you. You, on the other hand, might be bringing him your "drama" to get a man's perspectiveon the situation. But as you can see, he doesn't view it the same
way you do. It's always good to make sure the majority of issues in your lifeare cleaned up before you start dating. When something comes up that is troubling you, call a friend or your sister to help you work it out. If you are in a relationship with a good man and issues with your world come up, he will be there to support you and help you find solutions to fix what's wrong. But in the world o f f i r st, second and third dates, it's better to go elsewhere for advice on what's troubling you. — Lisa Copeiand is "The Dating Coach Who Makes Dating Fun and Easier after 50!"
Lessthan 25 percentofOregon's adultshaveanadvance
Questions to consider
directive or another document that spells out what level of
The KeyConversations
Advance directive medical treatment they want during their final days.
Planning Guide includes
Percent of age group with advance directive 24.6%
16% 15%
to get people thinking about end-of-life issues before they fill out an advance directive form. It has been distributed at hospitals and other medical facilities since 2008.
• Would being aware, free of pain, remaining independent or other issues about quality of life play a part in your decisions about medical
a series of discussion questions designed
1 7'/ Age 28-36 37-45 46-54 55-63 64-72 73 and 19-27 older
care? How?
• Would your age matter in how far you
Source: Oregon Health lnsurance Survey
Greg Cross/The Bulletin
was presented to the U.S. Con- it with their friends and famgress in August 2008. "Too of- ily members. People may also ten individuals (without an ad- think they ar e " too y oung vanced directive) receive more to die" and because there is a ggressive care t ha n t h ey no rush,often set the forms desire ... Individuals' prefer- aside even if they are given ences for where they want to one at the hospital or another die (at home or in a hospital) environment. "The message we want totell are also often not met." people is that whether you are Dodging the conversation 18 or 80 it is important to comOregon residents fall near plete your advance directive," the middle of the range quoted saidLapp. She says it'sbestfor in the Health and Human Ser- people to have these convervices Department's r eport, sations before they "reach a according to the 2011 Oregon certain age" or face a medical Health I n s urance S u r vey, crisis so they have plenty of which found only 23.7 per- time to think it while avoiding cent of the state's adult popu- the emotional turmoil. lation has completed an adLapp said people also don't vance directive (see "Advance fill out their advance directive directive"). because they don't understand These statistics worry Mav- the form, which asks a numity because doctors and phy- ber of questions about when a sicians have many different person would be placed on life ways they can treat a patient's support or a feeding tube, and illness, extending lives if need the medical situations they apbe, or, at the opposite end of ply to. It's also a common misthe spectrum, giving a chance belief that people need a docto have a quiet and peace- tor, a lawyer or a notary to fill ful death without aggressive out the form, she said, adding medical care. all they need is a pair of wit"We're at a real weird time nesses, one of whom cannot in our country right now," she be a relative. Lapp's o rganization h a s said, explaining why it's important for people to have an sought to combat these issues advance directive or a similar with its "Key Conversations document. "Our health sysPlanning Guide," a 31-page tem's really complicated and booklet that includes a copy of it's really important to know the state's advance directive, a what someone wants." series of discussion questions A dvance directives are also and a worksheet people can important because they can use to detail their final wishes. save a person's family memOregon Health D ecisions bers agreat dealofstress,said has distributed this packet, Kelly Lapp, executive director w hich can be found on i t s of Oregon Health Decisions, website w w w . oregonhealth a nonprofit organization that, since 2008. Espublishes the state's current tate and financial planning advance directive guide. professionals, church groups "By completing their adand long-term care facilities vance directive and having have also been handing the these discussionsin advance, packet out, Lapp said, because (people) are really giving a gift people are often in an uncomto their loved ones by making fortable and scary situation their wishes clear and known," when they check into a hosLapp said. "Many times (the pital and that may not be the opposite) happens and people best time to talk about their experience great grief and mortality. guilt over not knowing what Lapp said once people have their loved ones wanted." made these decisions, it's also people who had been placed But Lapp also understands important for them to put their on a ventilator or a feeding one of the main reasons peo- advance directive in a place tube sinceCruzan's accident: ple don't want to fill out these where it' s accessible and easy "There is substantial evi- forms. to find — he r o rganization dence that the treatment peoAccording to Oregon Health recommends people do not ple would choose to receive at Decisions, many people don't put them in a safe because the end of their lives is differ- have an advance directive be- someone may lose their key or ent from the treatment they re- cause theyare afraid of death forget the combination — and ceive," reads the repott,which and do not want to talk about give a copy to their doctor so
want to go to prolong your life, or do you feel that age should
not be considered when making these decisions?
• If you were found unconscious in your home, would youwant to receive CPR? • Can you think of any situations when it would be important/
when you would not want to receive food and water through a tube? What situations? • Would you want to be
placed permanently on a breathing machine?
Why or why not? • Would you want to receive medical
treatment (for an illness) ifyou had another illness that could cause your death? Is there any medical treatment that you would not want to
receive? • If you had severe pain that could not
be managedby medication, would you want to be sedated so
that you were not aware of your distress?
• Have you considered being an organ donor? • Where do you picture yourself dying? Why? • Would you want
someoneto bewithyou when you die?Who? • Who would you want to make decisions
for you if you were unable to makethem for yourself? Why would this person be
a good choice to make decisions for you? Source: Oregon Health Decisions
it can be included in their medical record. Her organization also includes wallet cards in its advance directive packet that let people know an individual has an advance directive, where it can be found, and how they can reach the person who has been chosen to serve as the individual's medical representative. — Reporter: 541-617-7816,
7-9p.m.;SonsofNorway Hall,Bend; 541-549-7311 or541-848-7523.
BEND KNIT-UP:$2; 10 a.m.-noon; Rosie Bareis Community Campus, Bend; 541-728-0050. BINGO:6 p.m.; American Legion Post¹44,Redmond;541-548-5688. THE GOLDENAGE CLUB: Pinochle; 12:45-4 p.m.; 40 S.E. Fifth St., Bend; 541-389-1752.
SATURDAY BINGO:Noon Bend's Community Center; 541-323-3344. DAR BEND CHAPTER: 1 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public Library; 541-322-6996. WRITE NOW:Creative writing group;1 p.m.; Sunriver Area Public Library; 541-312-1055.
BEND KNIT-UP: 6-8 p.m.;Gossamer The Knitting Place, Bend; 541-728-0050. THE GOLDENAGE CLUB: Canasta; 9:45 a.m.-2 p.m.; 40 S.E. Fifth St., Bend; 541-389-1752. PFLAG CENTRALOREGON: 6:30 p.m.; Nativity Lutheran Church, Bend; 541-317-2334 or www.pflag
BINGO:6 p.m.; American Legion Post ¹44, Redmond; 541-548-5688. CASCADESMOUNTAINEERS: 7 p.m.; Crow's Feet Commons, Bend; 541-549-1028. SUNDAY THE GOLDEN AGECLUB: Pinochle; 12:45-4 p.m.; 40 S.E. Fifth St., Bend; BINGO:12:30 p.m.; American 541-389-1752. Legion Post¹44, Redmond; 541-548-5688. KIWANISCLUB OF REDMOND: Noon-1 p.m.; Juniper Golf and THE GOLDENAGE CLUB: Pinochle; 12:45-5 p.m.; 40 S.E. Fifth St., Bend; Country Club, Redmond; 541-5485935 or 541-389-1752. QUILTERSOF JEFFERSON COUNTY: 6:30-8:30 p.m.; Jefferson County MONDAY Library, Madras; 541-325-3996. THE GOLDENAGE CLUB: Double deck pinochle; 11 a.m.-4 p.m.; 40 THURSDAY S.E. Fifth St., Bend; 541-389-1752. AMERICAN LEGIONMEMBERSHIP MT. BACHELORQUILTERS GUILD: MEETING:7 p.m.; American Legion 6:15 p.m.; Partners in Care, Bend; mbqginfo© or www.quilts Post ¹44, Redmond; 541-548-5688. BINGO:6 p.m.; Elks Lodge, Bend; 541-382-1371. SWEETADELINES: 6:30 p.m.; Redmond Senior Center; THE GOLDEN AGECLUB: Pinochle; 541-447-4756. 12:45-4 p.m.; 40 S.E. Fifth St., Bend; 54 I-389-1752. SCOTTISH COUNTRYDANCE:
Builders hope tolure boomers, seniorsas home valuesrebound By Steve Brown
home and move equityto buy a new home." Seniors who have been itchHome starts for 55-plus buying to trade the old home place ers should total about 150,000 for some new digs may get the units this year, the builders chance now that the housing predict. market is recovering. The recession froze sales At least that's what builders of homes to seniors in many hope. areas of the country, builders They are ready to build a and economists say, and there new generation of h o using is pent-up demand. "We have had a delay of sevaimed at seniors and aging baby boomers — not the huge eral years where boomers and retirement golf course devel- seniors didn't move," said Bob opments of y esteryear, but Karen, a M aryland builder. smaller, age-restricted subur- "In our sales offices, we now ban subdivisions. see an absolute change in this During the economic crash, consumer's behavior. "They are coming in with many of these potential buyers put their plans on hold when lots more optimism and not their houses wouldn't sell or as depressed about selling the they lost equity. homes they have," Karen said. But with housing values on Now that older buyers are the rebound, h omebuilders thinking about moving again, are sharpening theirmarket- builders are trying to figure ing efforts aimed at buyers out what type of housing they older than 55. want. "We think this is the housNew research shows that ing segment that is going to most still want to live in the lead usout of recession,"Don suburbs, with few opting for Whyte, a Utah builder, said central city locations. recently at the housing indusBut they are less interested try's annual meeting in Las in the huge "retirement" comVegas. munities that were developed "We are seeing the traffic in past decades. " The days o f t h e m e g a from these buyers is up, and shoppers are coming around master-planned c o mmunity looking at houses again," he with four clubhouses and 27 sard. golf courses are dead," said The National Association of Sheleimer. Home Builders is predicting Instead, the 55-plus buyers an almost 25percent increase are looking at smaller age-rein home starts this year for stricted subdivisions close to properties targeted at 55-plus traditional housing. buyers. And next year, conMost of those buyers also aren't interested in drastically struction for this market will jump almost a third. downscaled h ousing, S h e"This is a growing share of leimer said. "Many 50-plus buyers do the market, just in terms of the underlying de m o graphics," not want to downsize to 1,500said Paul Emrath, an econom- square-foot or 1,200-squareics researcher with the build- foot homes," he said. "We have ers association. lots of stuff." Currently, about 42 percent While aging buyers may not of U.S. households are made want golf courses, that doesn't up of 55-plus residents. By mean they aren't interested in 2020, that number is forecast community amenities. to grow to almost 47 percent. Developers ar e b u i l ding John Sheleimer, a housing walking trails, fitness centers, researcher f r o m N o r t hern swimming pools and c lubCalifornia, said there are 79 houses inmost ofthe successmillion U.S. baby boomers, ful projects. "The exterior amenities are and almost80 percent already own a home. just as important as the inte"We are the wealthiest con- rior," said Andrew Wong, of sumer segment in the housing Pulte Homes, one of the counmarket," Sheleimer said. "We try's largest builders of homes have money to buy homes if for 55-plus buyers. we can sell our home at what Wong said Pulte's homes we think it is worth, and that is aimed at boomers and seniors also improving. are as large as 3,000 square "We are starting to see the feet. "These buyers might still be home equities come back," he said. "We are starting to see working, or they could be repeople feel they can sell their tired," he said. The Dallas Morning News
5 0-PLU S
Tax By Stephanie Rosenbloom
New York Times News Service
Big f o n t . Ea s y -to-print pages. Luxury hotels that can be sorted by amenities like cooking lessons and connecting suites. If you find yourself enjoying the carefully planned features on Preferredfamily .com, you have the baby boomer generation to thank. From new hotel websites to shorter cruises and smaller tours, the travel industry is redoubling its efforts this year to win the hearts and wallets of peoplebetween the ages of 49 and 67. It's a generation that, given its size (about 26 percent of the population) and its collective wealth (it controls the lion's share ofthe country's dispos-
able income), has been shaping the nation's travel choices fordecades.Your lost summer backpacking through Europe? Thank the boomers who in the 1960s and '70s made shoestring student trips to Europe de rigueur. Your naughty romp at Club Med? It was the boomers who propelled the singles resort scene to its apotheosis in the 1970s. Your posh room at the Copacabana Palace in the 1990s? Fueled by boomers' appetite for luxury hotels. Yet when t h e e c onomy tanked in 2008, boomers began snapping their w a llets shut and stowing their luggage in their closets instead of airplane bins, helping to send the travel industry into a tailspin. Now, five years later, with the economy showing signs of recovery and the first wave of boomers retiring, many travel companies have declared a New Year's resolution: Seduce
the boomer. (Again.) Whether it's a yen for Wi-Fi in the Serengeti or a disdain for bustours,boomers' latest needs, whims and aspirations are determining 2013's large and small v acation trends. Some are new. Others have been around but will become more prevalent. Having studied the predilections of people born between 1946 and 1964 as if they were a tribe recently discovered by anthropologists, travel companies are rolling out servicesdesigned to woo and recapturea generation of travelers. Boomer or not, here's what all of us will be seeing more of in the months to come, and
Shorter itineraries Bon voyage lengthy cruises and tours. Boomers are the most likely of all age groups to say that they have lost money on investments and that their h ousehold f i n a nces h a v e worsened since the recession, according to Pew Research. Among boomers ages 50 to 61, 6 in 10 said they might have to postpone retirement. That has tour companies — which for decades haveoffered lengthy trips for retirees with time on their hands — making sweep-
ing changes. "Speaking from a boomer who feels like I'm going to be working until I' m 70," said JoAnn Bell, v ice p resident
of programming for Road Scholar, a nonprofit organization that leads educational tours around the world, "we're very conscious of the fact that so many more people are still
working." To cater to boomers postp oning r e t i r ement, R o a d Scholar has shortened the length of some tours. While the organization has international trips that can be 21 days or longer, "we have more and more programs thatare seven to 10 days," Bell said. For instance, a traditional program is Road Scholar's "Survey of France: Paris, Provence, the Wine Regions and more" — an 18-night tour. A new program for boomers? The seven-night "Allure of France: Paris and Normandy." With working boomers in mind, Road Scholar has also changed the days of the week that its tours begin and end. Its domestic programs used to begin on Sunday and conclude on Friday; now it's scheduling programs that begin Thursday or Friday and end on Monday. For international trips, the company originally planned its 10-day programs with midweek flights because they are less expensive than weekend flights — bu t t h e s chedule was not ideal for most working people. Now trips depart Friday or Thursday night and return on Sunday.
Road Scholar via New YorkTimes News Service
A participants takes e shot of two birds during a digital photography trip in the Costa Rican rainforest led by Road Scholar.
Continued from 01 The program's volunteers also w or k c l osely with the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program, w hich o f f er s f r e e t a x help to people who earn $51,000 or less and might need assistance preparing their personal income tax returns. Berry said there are a few items seniors tend to m iss when they f il l o u t their tax returns that can make a huge difference in what they pay. He points out that people who are 59 or older can deduct any medical e xpenses incurred f r om t heir i n comes o n t h e i r Oregon state tax returns. People can only d educt these expenses on their federal taxes if the amount they paid is more than 7.5 percent of their adjusted gross income; for example, they would have had to spend$3,000 on medical bills if their total income for that year was $40,000.
tor coach programs," Bell of Road Scholar said. This desire for enrichment that's personalized led Road Scholar last year to introduce "flex programs": international Bumps for Boomers via New York Times News Service In Aspen, Colo., a ski program called Bumps for Boomers is thriving because it's teaching skiers of a certours that provide travelers with tain age how to escape crowded, groomed trails and ski off-piste terrain without exhaustion or knee pain. free time to pursue their own interests. The company said the programs were so successful and storytelling for children. that this year it's rolling them Meanwhile, at Road Schol- out domestically as well. Berry also said people ar, families are c h artering In Aspen, a ski p rogram can be c o nfused about entire 16-person boats in the called Bumps for Boomers is whether they need to pay Galapagos that the company thriving because it's teaching taxes on their Social Secuuses for its natural- and cul- skiers of a certain age how rity benefits. The answer is "no" if those benefits were tural-history group tours. to escape crowded, groomed Of course,boomers are not trails and sk i m o guls and their only source of income, off-piste terrain without exstrictly grandparents. Plenty he said, but could be "yes" are starting second or third haustion or knee pain. The in cases where the individfamilies. program's founder, Joe Nevin, ual had another source of "They a r e g r a n dparents does this by emphasizing baltaxable income, such as a even as they are parents," said ance and control instead of pension plan. Art Webb,president and chief speed, fast reflexes and brute W hile h e l pin g s t e er ' iki~ssar g executive of the travel market- strength. someone through the tax Preferred Hotel Group via New York Times News Service ing agency BCF in Virginia O ne take-away from h i s code can be confusing, the is designed to create destinations for families Beach, Va., which uses the surveys of boomer travelers: work of AARP's Tax Aide and boomers, like the Sanbona Wildlife Reserve in South Africa, tag line, "boom your brand." They don't want to wear hats volunteers pays off. "The stereotypical progres- that say"Bumps for Boomers." where guests sleep "in a nice, cozy bed" in "luxury tents" with According to a report the minibars, electronic safes, showers, heating and air-conditioning, sion of life stages goes out the The company's tag line — "ski agency issued, since 2010 decks and plunge pools. window." for life" — on the other hand, the program's 35,000 volunTake, for example, what goes over like a beautiful coat teers helped clients across happened at Road Scholar, of snow. Nevin said that's bethe U.S. receive $1.2 billion A multiwhich offers specialized tours cause "ski for life" sounds fun in tax refunds and qualify generation- for grandparents and t heir and broadcasts longevity, "as for $233 million in earned al family grandchildren to places like opposed to stereotyping me as income tax credits the clivisits the Ireland and Grand Canyon an older boomer circling the ents may have missed if Galapagos National Park. In recent years, drain." they didn't have help with with Road boomers have been calling to Plenty of travel professiontheir taxes. Scholar, an say, "I'm grandparent age, but als are invoking the w o rd The agency also found educational my child is 16. Can I go onthat "boomer," though. Last year, 98 percent of the people travel proprogram?" Denver's convention and visiwho used the program in gram. But that would change the tors bureau issued a news re2011 thought the service dynamic of the tour, said Bell. lease entitled "Boomers do was excellent or good, 96 Road Scholar And so those parents were more in Denver," while the percent said they w ould via New York told they could not participate. Bermuda department of tourrecommend it to someone Times News Yet Road Scholar received so ism heralded a spring-breakneeding help and 16 perService many of those calls that it ulti- for-grown-ups pr om o t ion cent said they liked it so mately created an "exception" with the words, "Calling all much that they have used Cruise lines are also adjustGlamping, for the uniniti- tour for grandparent-age par- boomers!" the tax aide service for at ing their schedules. Crystal ated, is camping minus the ents and their young children. Whatever you call t h em, least seven years. — Reporter: 541-617-7816, Cruises, known for its cruises sleeping bag and dome tent. S till, even that w a s n o t veteran marketers say the of 10 days or longer, has inParticipants need not h ave enough. The number of people key to a successful seduction creased the number of shorter the faintest idea of how to rig who wanted t o p a r ticipate is neverto stereotype boomer i tineraries it i s o f f ering i n a tarp or build a fire. Rather, in the "exception" tour kept travelers, particularly when 2013, making almost half of glampers enjoy gourmet food, growing. it comes to aging. After all, "Now," said Bell, "we have Webb said, " They may b e its cruises 10 days or less. Last private bathrooms, even "spa rockers in a cover band that year, only three of Crystal's tents" in which the only knots a whole seriesthat was based European cruises were shorter discussedarethose that can be on our exceptions." are just starting a new family than 10 days. In 2013, 22 of its worked out during a massage. and have new earrings danEmphasis on local color cruises in Europe are 10 days Michelle Woodley, senior gling off their lobes." "It used to be that when or less. Its Crystal Getaways, vice president of distribution 5- to 11-day itineraries that and revenue management for Americans w er e t r a veling it set up last year have been the Preferred Hotel Group, abroad they were looking for so successful among t ime- which c r e ated Pr e f erred something that they were fastrapped working b o omers with boomers in miliar with," Lassers of Aberthat this year the company is mind, said that one of its popu- crombie 8 Kent said. introducing 26 new segments lar destinations is Sanbona To paraphrase the saying, Bend Park p for Europe. Wildlife Reserve in South Af- familiarity ca n b r eed c onRecreation rica, where guests sleep "in tempt. Today, Lassers said, D I S T R I C T Exotic locations a nice, cozy bed" in "luxury boomers preferan "authentic Boomers continue to be in- tents" with m i n ibars, elec- hotel that reflects the local trepidexplorers,even as many tronicsafes,showers, heating character of the destination." express a desire for creature and air-conditioning, decks Woodley of the Preferred comforts. and plunge pools. There's also Hotel Group agreed, explainLast month, I invited boom- Wi-Fi — for when you tire of ing that many boomers have ers to share their travel habobserving the white lions and traveled extensively for work The Bend Park 8 Recreation District Board of Directors its and plans on Th e New riverine rabbits. and slept in chain hotels that will appoint a board member to serve in a vacant position York Times Travel blog and While m any v a cationers make one city feel indistinFacebook page. A man from strive to get away from email g uishable f ro m t h e n e x t . until June 30, 2013. Seattle noted that he and his and smattphones, tour opera- " Now t h ey're l o oking f o r The Board is composed of five memberswhoserve four-year wife will go on a safari in Bo- tors say boomers are telling more unique e xperiences," tswana this year and, in 2014, them they no longer want to she said. terms. Each member represents the district at-large rather than visit Hong Kong, Vietnam and be out of touch with their ofThat not only applies to separate precincts. Thailand. " Working on o ur fices and families. where they sleep but also to "The core of our business what they do. Industry profesbucket list," he said. A couple Position Requirements: in their 60s from Delaware used to be the get-away-from- sionals say boomers do not said, "since we are not sure it-all and have no contact," want to be isolated from the lo1. Reside within the district boundaries. when our legs will give out, we said Pamela Lassers, a spokes- cal culture. They want to prac2. Be a registered voter. enjoy active trips with compa- woman for A b ercrombie 8r tice digital photography in a nies such as Backroads." An- Kent, which caters to more af- Costa Rican rain forest or to 3. Attend regularly scheduled and other periodic meetings. other couple, from New York, fluent travelers. volunteer at a Haitian orphan4. Candidates must be willing to run for the seat in the plan to climb Mount KilimanAnd now? age. Abercrombie 8 K e nt's "Safari lodges in Africa now new Connections tour, "East jaro with their son for the first May 2013 election for the term ending June 30,2015. time this summer. are installing Internet connec- Africa: Tanzania and Kenya," 5. This is a volunteerposition anddoesnot receive The research company Eu- tions," she said. "They're in the for instance, includes a visit to romonitor International premiddle of the Serengeti," she a local school, a meeting with compensation. dicts that boomers will "lead said ofboomers, "and they want a Maasai village elder and a To apply, submit a letter of interest to: the way" to places that were to updatetheirFacebook page." dance performed bymembers not always possible to visit, inof a local tribe. Chairman ScottAsla cluding Myanmar and Cuba. Multigenerational travel Bend Park & Recreation District And American Express Travel Marketing studies have long Customized travel options Insiders said boomers are purported that boomers, the If travel c ompanies had 799 SWColumbia,Bend,OR 97702 heading off to destinations like "me generation," have a fasci- to write a boomer operating Or email to Machu Picchu and Patagonia nation with themselves. And manual, they would include before they reach an age when the travel industry is finding this warning: Do no t h erd they can't handle the physical that this fascination extends to them. As one boomer sucEpplication deadline: demands that may come with their families, fueling a surge cinctly put it on The Times's Friday, February 1$, 2013 visiting such places. in multigenerational travel. travel blog: "No interest in beYet researchers also note As boomers join the ranks ing with 'a group.'" Applicants to answer questions and make that boomers do not want to of grandparents, many are Travel companies, in turn, rough it once they arrive. In financing vacations for their are making their tours more a 3- 5 minute presentation to the Board at the a study of the impact of the children and grandchildren. intimate, which boomers say Tuesday, February 19th,4:00 pm board meeting. economy on vacation travel Preferred Family was de- they prefer because there are a mong boomers, the m a r - signed to make booking those fewer stragglers to slow them Board appointment effective immediately on February 19th. ket research company Minmultigenerational t r i p s to down and it's easier to develop tel posited that boomers are places like Morocco and India a relationship with the guide Contact Paula Lowery at (541) 706-6110 or "ideal candidates" for upscale easier: Users can search for orlecturer. "Most o f o u r bo o m ers camping,fondly referred to as hotels with amenities like formore information. glamping. necting rooms, kitchenettes a re not really buying m o -
Find It All
Position Open: Board of Directors
"THE REDVELVETCAKEWAR": The Ridgeview High School theater department presents a comedy as its premiere performance; reservations for Feb.14 show requested; $5; 7 p.m.; Ridgeview High School, 4555 S.W. Elkhorn Ave., Redmond; 541-504-3600. AUTHOR PRESENTATION: Gregory Martin reads from his book"Stories for Boys"; free; 7 p.m.; Barnes 8 Noble Booksellers, 2690 E. U.S. Highway 20, Bend; 541-318-7242. "TWELFTHNIGHT": Cascades Theatrical Company presents Shakespeare's comedyabout mistaken identities and merry rogues; $24, $18 seniors, $12students; 7:30 p.m.; GreenwoodPlayhouse,148 N.W. GreenwoodAve., Bend;541-3890803 or ARCHAEOLOGYFESTFILM SERIES: A screening of the best films from the 2011 Archaeology Channel International Film and Video Festival, including "The Lord of Sipan"; $6; 7:30p.m.,doorsopen 7 p.m.;Central Oregon Community College, Boyle Education Center, 2600 N.W.College Way, Bend; 541-345-5538 or www
CHILI COOK-OFF:Eatchili and watch competitors compete for the best recipe; proceedsbenefit The Education Foundation for Bend-La PineSchools; $ IO, $5ages6-11, free ages 5and younger; 12:30 p.m.; Athletic Clubof Bend, 61615Athletic Club Drive; 541-355-5660 or OREGON OLDTIME FIDDLERS: Fiddle music and dancing; donations accepted; 1-3:30 p.m.; VFWHall, 1836 S.W. Veterans Way, Redmond; 541-647-4789. "TWELFTHNIGHT": Cascades Theatrical Company presents Shakespeare's comedyabout mistaken identities and merry rogues; $24, $18 seniors, $12 students; 2 p.m.; Greenwood Playhouse,148 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend;541-3890803 or SPAGHETTI FEED:Proceeds will send World War II veterans to W ashington, D.C.;$10;4 p.m .; Jake's Diner, 2210 N.E. U.S. Highway 20, Bend; 541-382-0118.
No Family event listings.
SENSATIONALSATURDAY: Learn about hummingbirds and discover how their body parts are designed for an active lifestyle; included in the price of admission; $12 adults, $10 ages 65 and older, $7 ages 5-12, free ages 4 and younger; 10 a.m.-3 p.m.; HighDesertM useum, 59800 S.U.S. Highway 97, Bend; 541-382-4754 or WRITE NOW!: Brainstorm, play word games and more in acasual setting, to help creative writing; free; 1 p.m.; Sunriver Area Public Library, 56855 Venture Lane; 541-312-1081 or www CHINESENEW YEAR CELEBRATION: Featuring a live performances, traditional Chinesegames, ping-pong and dumplings; free admission; 4-7 p.m.; OregonTai ChiWushu, 2115 N.E. Highway20, Bend;541-639-8898 or VALENTINESPAGHETTI DINNER: A meal of spaghetti, salad and bread; proceeds benefit youth camps and conferences; $5, $20 per family; 4:30-7:30 p.m.; Holy Redeemer Catholic Church, 16137 Burgess Road, La Pine; 541-536-1992. BEND GAMENIGHT: Play available board games or bring your own; free; 6 p.m.-midnight; East Bend Public Library, 62080 Dean Swift Road; 541-318-8459. "TWELFTHNIGHT": Cascades Theatrical Company presents Shakespeare's comedyabout mistaken identities and merry rogues; $24, $18seniors, $12students;7:30p.m.; Greenwood Playhouse, 148N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend;541-3890803 or ARCHAEOLOGYFESTFILM SERIES: A screening of the best films from the 2011 The Archaeology Channel International Film and Video Festival, including "The Fate of Old Beijing" and "Bitter Roots"; $6; 7:30 p.m., doors open 7 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, Boyle Education Center, 2600 N.W. College Way, Bend; 541-345-5538 or
Continued from Dl In some cases, Warren s aid, the a r gument b e tween friends may be temporary and they may iron things out themselves. If, however, your child is upset about it for more than a few days, Warren recommends contacting either a counselor or teacher at school about the problem. T his usually leads to a c ounselor talking t o t h e kids involved and trying to mediate c ommunication between them. Warren said s t udents don't necessarily need to know that their parents called t he counselor, and t h at oftentimes, it doesn't really matter. What matters is getting the students to communicate with one another and to get the problem resolved. Warren said the mediation s essions g o a
long way toward helping friends who may be upset with one another. She said many problems between middle schoolers arise from social media such as Facebook, Twitter, or t e x ting, avenues o f c ommunication t h a t leave plenty of room for miscommunication. "It'sso much easier for kids to be mean and nasty when they're not face-toface with somebody," Warren said. "Social media can really fuel the misunderstanding. Nothing t a kes the place of face-to-face communication." With a counselorpresent at a mediation session, students are also more likely to be on their best behavior and to be more willing to work the problem out. Warren also said mediation sessions teach students that everyone make mistakes, and to treat others the way they want to be treated. "It's something that kids are taught when they're t oddlers: If yo u m ake a mess, you should clean it up," Warren said. "That can be applied to relationships, too." While friend drama can be hard on kids, it also can offer learning opportunities for them. Most of the time, students are able to work out their problems in a mediation session and can become friends again, Warren said. At the very least, students are able to move past the issue. "Kids are going through a lot o f t h i n g s d u r i ng middle school, and they're not their best self at times," Warren said. "It's part of learning and growing. It can be painful, but they learn a lot along the way.
SHROVE TUESDAYCOMMUNITY PANCAKESUPPER: Featuring pancakes, ham, eggs, applesauce and drinks; proceeds benefit the St. Andrew's Discretionary Fund for community outreach; donations accepted; 5-7 p.m.; St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, 807 E. First St., Prineville; 541-447-5813.
WEDNESDAY "THE LASTPIRATEOFTHE CARIBBEAN": Children's Theater Company presents a murder mystery dinner theater; registration requested; $15; 6:30-9 p.m.; TheBridge Church of the Nazarene, 2398 W.Antler Ave., Redmond; 541-460-3024 or www
THURSDAY "THE LASTPIRATEOFTHE CARIBBEAN": Children's Theater Company presents a murder mystery dinner theater; registration requested; $15; 6:30-9 p.m.; TheBridgeChurch of the Nazarene, 2398 W.Antler Ave., Redmond; 541-460-3024 or www. "THE REDVELVETCAKEWAR": The Ridgeview High School theater department presents a comedy as its premiere performance; reservations for Feb. 14 show requested; $5; 7 p.m.; Ridgeview High School, 4555 S.W. Elkhorn Ave., Redmond; 541-504-3600. HIGH DESERTCHAMBER MUSIC — CROWN CITYSTRING OUARTET: String musicians play selections of chamber music, with pianist Bryan Pezzone; $35, $10 children and students; 8 p.m.; The Oxford Hotel, 10 N.W. Minnesota Ave., Bend; 541-382-8436, info© or www.highdesertchambermusic .com.
— Reporter: 541-383-0354, mkehoeC<
Latest and greatest of toys By Armin Brott, Paul Banas
and Samantha Feuss
McClatchy-Tribune News Service
Well, it's that time of year a gain. Hundreds of t o y manufacturers and game publishers from around the world are converging on New York to show off their latest products to retailers, buyer, the media, and, of course, reviewers like us. The 2013 Toy Fair, organized by the Toy Industry Association, wil l f e ature roughly 100,000 products, including 7 , 000 d e b uts
Each Dino Dig kit includes tools, a brush and safety glassestoexcavate the bones of a to-scale dinosaur. ,'>lIAt
Also comes with great learning materials.
— everytype oftoy,game, electronic e ntertainment, and indoor or outdoor activity imaginable. Here are some of our favorite new products from 2012.
young girls get (and if you've Brobo Ages 2and older
got a tween or teen daugh-
ter, you should be), you'll love these adorable dolls. To start with, they're dressed in
Billed as"huggable nightlight toys,"theseplush robot friends are designed to help young children learn to be brave in the dark. Kids take
2690 N.E. U.S. Highway 20, Bend; 541-318-7242 • ONCE UPON ASTORYTIME: All ages; 11 a.m. Friday. I
f' ll
19530 Amber MeadowDrive, Bend; 541-388-1188 • STORY TIME: All ages; 11 a.m. Thursday. 'll
• r
175 S.W. Meadow Lakes Drive, Prineville; 541-447-7978 • PRESCHOOL STORYTIME: Ages 3and older; 6:30 p.m. Tuesday and 11a.m.Thursday. • WEE READ: Ages 0-3; 10 a.m. Monday andWednesday. I I
I '
f '
' '
601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-617-7097 • BABY STEPS: Ages 0-18 months; 11:30 a.m. Wednesday and 1:30 p.m. Thursday. • TODDLIN' TALES: Ages18-36 months; 10:15 a.m. and 11 a.m. Tuesdayand10:15 a.m. Wednesday. • PRESCHOOL PARADE:Ages 3-5; 10:30 a.m. Friday and 1:30 p.m. Tuesday. • 800K ENDS: Ages6-11; Stories and gamesabout "Fancy Nancy"; 2:30 p.m. Wednesday.
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62080 DeanSwift Road; 541-330-3760 • TODDLIN'TALES:Ages0-3;9:30a.m.W ednesday. • PRESCHOOL PARADE:Ages 3-5; 9:30 a.m. Thursday. • SATURDAY STORIES: All ages; 10 a.m. Saturday. • OLD FASHIONED FAMILY GAMEDAY:All ages; 2 to 4 p.m. Saturday. I
59800S. U.S. Highway97, Bend;www.highdesertmuseum .org; 541-382-4754 • Vnlessnoted, eventsincluded withadmission($12adults, $10ages 65 arrdolder, $7 ages5-12, free ages4arrd younger)
• WILD WEDNESDAYS: Ages 7-12; treasure hunt;12:30 closeW ednesday. • BACKPACK EXPLORERS:Ages3-4;explore museum's
•• r • I I 241 S.W. Seventh St., Madras; 541-475-3351 • BABIESAND TODDLERS STORY TIME: 10:10a.m. Tuesday. • PRESCHOOL ANDOLDER STORY TIME:Ages3-5; 10:30 a.m. and6:30 p.m. Tuesday. • SPANISH STORY TIME: All ages; 1 p.m. Wednesday. ••
• r
I '
827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541-312-1054 • BABY STEPS: Ages 0-18 months; 11 a.m. Thursday. • PRESCHOOL PARADE: Ages 3-5; 10:15 a.m. and1:30 p.m. Wednesday. • TODDLIN' TALES: Ages18-36 months;10:15 a.m. Thursday. • TEEN TERRITORY: Grades 6-12; anti-Valentine's Day party; 2:30to4 p.m.W ednesday. • KNOW CIRCUS: Ages10-17; Bend Circus Center visits; 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Tuesday.
r •
110 N. Cedar St.; 541-312-1070 • FAMILY FUN STORY TIME: Ages 0-5; 10:30 a.m. Thursday. • r •
r •
your daughter emulate — not the typical half-naked, overly sexy b o d y-disproportionate dolls that many feel encourage eating disorders and self-image issues. Yes, their heads are out of scale, but their chests aren't, which is something else moms and dads will appreciate. Plus, they're pretty, stylish, fun, glittery, and colorful, which the girls will appreciate. These dolls also encourage travel and learning about new cultures.
Brobo (or one of his many pals) to bed and can control the light themselves: Touch Brobo's hands to his chest and he glows with a soft, comforting light (with a 5-minute auto shutoff feature). As with so many toys these days, parents and kids can extend the Brobo experience with animated webisodes, games, and books that encourage friendship, family, adventure and learning.
can even use the Descender in the mud and snow. One of the nicest features is that it holds up to 200 pounds, so dad can get out there and make a fool of himself. Don't forget to wear a helmet.
Dino Dig unclemil Ages 6and older Education meet, fun and dinosaurs. National Geographic h as partnered w it h U n c l e Rockboard Descender Milton to create an absolutely wonderful way for parents and Ages 6and up kids to spend quality time toWho says you have to gether. Each kit lets kids (and shred on a smooth surface? their parent-assistants) excaRockboard's Descender is vate — and assemble — the a true all-terrain board that bones of a very accurate scale uses h ig h -performance model of a dinosaur. Tools, a tank-like treads to make brush and safety glasses ins kateboarding a year - cluded (no batteries required!), round experience. Yes, you but you'll make a real mess.
/ II
Incredible Creatures Ages 4and older These amazingly realistic models area great way to have fun and learn a ton about animals. There are a few dozen o ptions, ranging f ro m s e a otters and pufferfish to bald eagles and honeybees. Some are larger-than-life-size (Iike the bee), others are smaller (like the otter), and some are exactly the right size.
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g INSIQE: REDMOND ngOB HtldayVllart.MarI
CNVRl»t ruStlll rrRlllll
RedwndHolrteshG de
W HEN TO LOOK FOR IT: pudlishing four editions ayear Wednesdays: April 17, June 19, August 28, November 13
DISCOVER EVERYTHINGTHISCHARMING TOWNHASTOOFFER From itsheritage tothearts, there's somethingfor everyonein Redmond. Four times a year, Redmond Magazine is published to highlight the businesses and individuals vvho work to build a strong community. The publication features a calendar of community events, personality features and insight into "hidden treasures" around Redmond.
16425 First St.; 541-312-1090 • FAMILY STORY TIME: All ages; 10:30 a.m. Thursday. • TECH LAB:Ages12-17; 3 p.m. Monday. • BLOCK PART Y:Ages6-11: Lego Universe; 3:30 p.m.Thursday. • GAME DAY: Ages1-17; play computer and board games; 1 to 3 p.m. Wednesday. I
a way you'd be happy to see
Photos via McClattry Tribune News Service
La Dee Da Dolls present a good body-image messagefortween or pre-teen girls.
and libraryyouth events animal habitat, share stories andsongs;10to11 a.m. Thursday; $15 perchild nonmembers, $10 perchild members. • TOTALLY TOUCHABLE TALES: Ages 2-5; storytelling about animals andpeople of the High Desert; 10:30 a.m. Tuesday.
La Dee Da Dolls Ages 5 and older If you're concerned about the b o dy-image m e ssages
STORY TIMES • For the vrreekof Feb. 8-14. Story timesare free unless othenvise noted.
Incredible Creatures are realistic models that are a great way to learn about animals, including a bat, sea otter and honeybees.
• •r •
56855 Venture Lane; 541-312-1080 • FAMILYFUN STORYTIME: Ages 0-5; IO:30a.m. Tuesday. • BLOCK PARTY: Ages 6and older; Lego Universe; 2:30 p.m. Tuesday.
Sisters Magazinehonorsthe uniquenessof this mountaintown. Sisters Magazine is the area's foremost resource for events, activities, artists and businessesthat make up the backbone of this small mountain town. In the coming year, each edition will highlig ht Sisters' events that draw thousands to the area.
. ~/J
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W HEN TO LOOK FOR IT: pudlishing four editions ayear
Fridays. March 29 (My OwnTwo Hands), May 24 (Sisters Rodeo), June 28 (Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show), August 23 (September in Sisters), November 15 (A Cowboy Christmas)
u c asses e new owners Cratescan • First-time owners learn about the importance of supervision, praise and consistency By Kathy Antoniotti Akron Beacon Journal
be helpful to dogs
AKRON, Ohio — The first
Submitted photo
Monty the cat rewards with love Say hello to Monty, a 6-yearold cat. He lives near Sunriver with his fellow pets Sammy,
Bootsie, Deannieand Sophie, and humansTomand Nancy Foote, who adopted him after
he was left on avet's counter at 4 weeks old with a damaged
eye. He isquite acharacter — into everything andvery loving. • Tell us aboutyour pet: To
submit a photo for publication, email a high-resolution image
along with your animal's name, age and species or breed,your name, age, city of residence and contact information, and a few words about what makes your pet special. Sendphotos to pets©, drop them off at1777 S.W. Chandler Ave., Bend, or mail them to The Bulletin Pets section,P.O.Box 6020,Bend,OR 97708. Contact: 541-383-0358.
Submitted photo
Recent mommy wants to loveyou Meet Vixen, a 2-year-old pit bull. She came to the shelter while pregnant, had her babies
and was agreat mommy. She is now ready for adoption. Vixen is great with other dogs and OK with cats. She loves to just wag her tail and be with
her people. If you would like to visit
Vixen or anyother animal available for adoption through Jef-
ferson County Kennels & Dog Control, call 541-475-6889, or visit www.jeffersoncounty
night of a puppy class can be
By Lisa Moore
hectic as excited little ones age 8 weeks to 4 months begin to learn acceptable behavior and how to properly socialize with other dogs. But for t w o 1 0 -week-old pups, it was a night of redis-
The Modesto Bee
Using a crate as part of a management and teach-
ing program for puppies ' 1.
tt:t rttrnta'.
covering the kinship of being
littermates. The owners of two Labrador retriever-mix pups were shocked at the resemblance of the two canines when they arrived at Papp's Dog Services in Akron, Ohio, recently for their first puppy class. "They have to be brother and sister," remarked Papp's owner Susan Jenkins, who has more than 30 years of experience in animal obedience training. After a little sleuthing, pet parents Naomi an d J a mes Bryant and Pat Doane realized that little Maxx and Roxie came from the same Barberton, Ohio, home within the last month. The other remarkable thing is that both sets of owners realized their puppies needed a few training sessions to learn how to behave. While getting some "grownup" help from Jenkins' dog Caleb, who has been ranked one of the top obedience Labrador retrievers in the nation, i nstructor J e n nifer Du r s t began the class by t alking to owners about what is considered acceptablebehaviors and what they could expect to learn in the four-week, hourlong sessions. "Supervision is t h e k ey," Durst told them. When not supervised, puppies should be in a totally empty crate to prevent them from choking on toys, blankets or chew strips. " Treats ar e a n ea r n e d privilege," said Jenkins. Toys should be given only while the puppy is supervised to make sure it can'tbreak offpieces of rubber or fabric, she said. During the first class, puppies andtheirowners focused on behavior issues they are dealing with, such as house-
' "
Photos by Michael Chritton /Akron Beacon Journal
Ben-G, left, and George get acquainted in a socialization exercise during a basic puppy training class for beginner owners and their dogs at Papp's Dog Services in Akron, Ohio. Kelsey Simmons, left, coaxes Roxie through a tunnel held by instructor Jennifer Durst during
a puppy training class. "One of our goals here is to make your
puppy comfortable in any situation and help you learn to be comfortable, too,n Durst sald.
Maxx, left, and Roxie reunite during class. The owners were surprised by the resemblance of the two puppies and came to the conclusion that they must be siblings.
Durst said. breaking and biting, a puppy's Durst, a mem b e r of way of communicating. The Cuyahoga County, Ohio's Pubjoyful pups were having a lic Animal Welfare Society, exgreat time and had no idea plained that getting angry or they were actually absorbing frustrated with a misbehaving new lessons. puppy is counterproductive. "One ofour goals here is to Most owners in the class said they were having issues make yourpuppy comfortable w ith h o u sebreaking t h e i r in any situation and help you pups. learn to be comfortable, too," "If yo u a r e s u p ervising Durst said. your puppy properly, you will The four-week curriculum pick up on the signals when is geared to helping owners they need a p o tt y b r eak," raise the ideal pet. Jenkins has
worked w it h v e terinarians, vet assistants,groomers and therapy dog testers for the Delta Society, the largest national group that certifies therapy dogs in the U.S., to develop her curriculum. Jenkins insists puppies begin learning limited recallto come when calledeach and every time they are called. "In my opinion, (it is) one of the most important things you can teach a dog," Jenkins said. It wasn't long into the ses-
sion that Durst and Jenkins thought it was time for the puppies to take a break from the classroom and expend some pent-up energy by introducing them to a strange new game of walking through a tunnel. Starting with encouragement from their owners and a treat waiting at the end of the opening, some of the pups were chasing each other through the tunnel on their own by the end of the class. Throughout each session, puppies will continue to learn how to get along with each other as well as the manners they need to keep their fami-
lies happy. Dogs who get a good foundation wit h e a rl y t r a i ning stand a better chance of a good life. Trained dogs are more welcome in homes and don't end up abandoned in a shelter for bad behavior, Jenkins said. "I've gotten a 5-year-old shepherd that was a biter that would probably never have gotten to that point if they had brought him to me sooner," Jenkins said. "It's much more difficult to recondition that behavior after an animal has been doing it for a long time," she said.
and young adult dogs is not a new concept. But like any training tool, it can be misused and end up doing more harm than good. When introduced and used properly, the crate is a terrific aid for potty training and general house training. But for Sadie, one little terrier, the crate was used as punishment, and Sadie was banished to the crate as a way to address any and all behavior that was deemed undesirable by her owners. Sadie's owners a r en't bad people; they're just first-time dog owners who received some bad information, and as a r esult, now have a serious behaviorproblem. Because ofthe negative association with the crate, Sadie doesn't see it asa refuge, or a safe and relaxing place to be. Her owners must forcibly put her in the crate, and she snarls and snaps if anyone reaches for her while in the crate. Obviously for this dog, the crating concept has been poisoned to the extent that it can no longer be used. Sadie's owners have made many drastic changes in the l ast f ew weeks, and are now using a small pen, erected in the kitchen, with a comfy bed, as a place for Sadie to be when she can't be closely watched. And the pen has been introduced as a happy place, where toys and chewies are, so Sadie has no qualms about going in on her own, and remaining there in between bouts of exercise. When her owners are prepared to monitor her behavior, she is loose in the house, and they are now focusing on guiding Sadie into behaving in acceptable ways, instead of waiting for mistakes and then punishing. Yes, harm can be done to your dog with a crate. Also with a buckle collar. And a pillow. But if common sense prevails, and information i s g a t hered from professionals, the results yielded are positive and beneficial for both dog and owner.
PETS CALENDAR Society of Central Oregon; pup crawl pint glass; $10; 4-8 p.m. Feb. 20; 10 Barrel Brewing Co., ANIMAL CARE CLINIC: Animal 1135 N.W. Galveston Ave., Bend; chiropractic seminar, dental Lynne at 541-330-7096. health screening and meet retired greyhounds; $10 dental screening;11 PUP CRAWL:Mingle with fellow a.m.-2 p.m., seminar11 a.m.-1 p.m., animal lovers; benefits Humane Society of Central Oregon; pup crawl Saturday; Eastside Bend Pet pint glass; $10; 4-8 p.m. Feb. 21; Express, 420 N.E Windy Knolls Worthy Brewing, 495 N.E Bellevue Drive; 541-385-5298. Drive, Bend; Lynne at 541-330-7096. ANNIVERSARYANDGRAND SPAY-GHETTI DINNER:Dinner with OPENING:The Reptile Zone is music and pastry auction to benefit holding a five-year anniversary BrightSide Animal Center's (formerly event and grand opening of its new Humane Society of Redmond) location with activities, giveaways low-cost spay and neuter program; and educational presentations; $15 adults, $10 age10 and younger; free; 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Saturday; 5-8 p.m. Feb. 23; VFWPost 4108, 542 N.E Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-728-0620. 1836 S.W. Veterans Way, Redmond; 541-923-0882, hsracctg© PUP CRAWL:Mingle with fellow or animal lovers, benefits Humane Society of Central Oregon; pup UNLEASH YOURLOVE:Pick crawl pint glass; $10; 4-8 p.m. your "purrfect" price on all cat Tuesday; GoodLife BrewingCo.,70 adoptions, special promotions for S.W. Century Drive, Bend; Lynne at dog adoptions; through Feb.16; 541-330-7096. open house 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Feb. 16; Humane Society of Central Oregon; PUP CRAWL:Mingle with fellow 541-382-3537 or animal lovers, benefits Humane Society of Central Oregon; pup crawl pint glass; $10; 4-8 p.m. Wednesday; Deschutes Brewery, GROUP CLASSES 1044 N.W. Bond St., Bend; Lynne at 541-330-7096. BASICCOMPANIONSHIP CLASS: PUP CRAWL:Mingle with fellow $120 for six weeks; 6-7 p.m.Tuesdays, starts March 5; Dancin' Woofs, animal lovers, benefits Humane Society of Central Oregon; pup 63027 N.E Lower Meadow Drive, crawl pint glass; $10; 4-8 p.m. Feb. Suite D, Bend; MareShey at 541-3123766 or 19; Cascade Lakes Brewing Co., 1441 S.W. Chandler Ave., Bend; BEGINNEROBEDIENCE:Basic Lynne at 541-330-7096. skills, recall, leash manners; $110PUP CRAWL:Mingle with fellow 125; 6 p.m. Mondays or Tuesdays; animal lovers, benefits Humane preregister; call for directions;
Meredith Gage, 541-318-8459 or INTERMEDIATEOBEDIENCE: Off-leash work and recall with distractions; $110; 6p.m.Wednesdays; preregister; call for directions; Meredith Gage, 541-318-8459 or OBEDIENCE CLASSES: Six-week, drop-in classes; $99.95; 4 and 5p.m. Mondays, 4 and 5 p.m. Fridays, and 12 p.m. Saturdays; Petco, 3197 N. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; Loel Jensen at 541-382-0510. OBEDIENCE FORAGILITY: Six weeks; $120; 5 p.m. Mondays; Desert Sage Agili ty,24035 Dodds Road,Bend; Stephanie Morris at 541-633-6774 or PUPPY KINDERGARTENCLASSES: Training, behavior and socialization classes for puppies10 to16 weeks old; $80; 6:30 p.m. Thursdays; preregister; call for directions; Meredith Gage, 541-318-8459 or PUPPY LIFESKILLS:$120 for six weeks;5 p.m.;Tuesdays; Desert SageAgility,24035 Dodds Road, Bend; Jan at 541-420-3284 or PUPPY MANNERSCLASS: Social skills for puppies up to 6 months; $110 for seven-week class, cost includes materials; 6-7 p.m. Mondays; preregister; Friends for Life Dog Training, 2121 S.W. Deerhound Ave., Redmond; Dennis Fehling at 541-350-2869 or www TREIBALLCLASS:$120 for six weeks; Saturdays, call for times;
Desert Sage Agility, 24035 Dodds Road, Bend; Jan at 541-420-3284 or ANNE GESER:In-home individual training with positive reinforcement; 541-923-5665. CASCADE ANIMALCONNECTION: S.A.N.E Solutions for challenging dog behavior, Tellington TTouch, private lessons; Kathy Cascade at 541-516-8978 or kathy@sanedog DANCIN'WOOFS: Behavioral counseling; 63027 LowerMeadow Drive, Suite 0, Bend;MareSheyat 541312-3766 or DIANN'S HAPPY TAILS: Private training, day care, boarding/board and train; La PineTraining Center, Diann Hecht at 541-536-2458 or or DOGSLTD5 TRAINING: Leash ag gression, training basics, day school; 59860 CheyenneRoad, Bend; Linda West at 541-318-6396 or FRIENDSFOR LIFEDOG TRAINING: Private basic obedience training and training for aggression/serious behavior problems; 2121 S.W. Deerhound Ave., Redmond; Dennis Fehling at 541-350-2869 or www LIN'SSCHOOL FOR DOGS: Behavior training and AKCring-ready coaching; 63378 Nels Anderson Road,Suite7,Bend;Lin Neumann at 541-536-1418 or www.linsschool ZIPIDY 00 DOG:Daycare, boarding, groomingand dogwalking;675
N.E HemlockAve, Suite112, Redmond;, 541-526-1822 or zipidydodog@
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econ-season remiere o TV SPOTLIGHT
OLlc ':
her lost daughter. What does
giant energy company Aster "Touch" 8 tonight, Fox
By Verne Gay Newsday
What It's About: There are 36 "righteous" people in the world, and little Jake Bohm
(David Mazouz) is one of them. He can read the future (and much else) and has led his father, Martin (Kiefer Sutherland), to Los Angeles to locate Fox via The Associated Press file photo another of the righteous, now David Mazouz portrays Jake Bohm, left, and Kiefer Sutherland missing. They meet up with portrays his father, Martin Bohm, in "Touch," which is returning for her mother, Lucy (Maria Belits second season tonight. lo), who is also searching for
Corp. have to do with this, and why does it want to gather all the righteous ones? There's your second season ... My Say: We are all connected. Where you begin, I end (and vice versa). No matter how hard we try to control it, nothing is really what it appears to be. And finally, "Touch's" Martin Bohm is a much cooler dude when he channels Jack Bauer, which he does on a few occasions Fri-
day night. Buy all this stuff, and you'll buy the two-hour second-sea-
ac IS ac
son launch of Fox's smart but still-struggling-to-find-a-consistent-tone drama about a father with an autistic son who has a whole lot to say but refuses to say it. (Those first three statements? Jake's grand philosophy, spoken in voice-over,
though he'd probably prefer his dad to be the same old dull Martin from last season.) "Touch's" move this season to L.A. should also be a welcome venue change for viewers, if only for subliminal reasons — wasn't that building in the second actthe same one that blew up in the third season of "24"? In fact, this week's
two-part opener is much more action-adventure, much less back-story mythology, about numbers and Far Eastern philosophicaldiversions concerning red strings of fate, and how we're all interconnected, etc. Instead, you have plain old smash-mouth elemental TV
story devices — good guys, bad guys, evil corporations, a family unit, and a headlong rush toward the Truth, whatever that may be. Plus this special bonus: Intimations of Jack Bauer. So far, it all makes the second season of "Touch" — what's the word that was missing last year'? — fun.
PARENTS'GUIDE TO MOVI ES This guide, compiled by Orlando Sentinel film critic Roger Moore, is published here every Friday It should be used with the MPAA rating systemfor selecting movies suitable for children. Films rated G, PG or PG-13 are included, along with R-rated films that may have entertainment or educational value for older children with parental guidance.
'IDENTITY THIEF' Rating:R for sexual content and language. What it's adout: Jason Bateman has his identity stolen by loose cannon/credit card hijacker Melissa McCarthy. The kid attractor factor:Adults behaving badly. Goodlessons/dadlessons:There's no such thing as a"victimless crime." Violence:Fights, shootings — a little blood. Language:Melissa McCarthy is
rated R, with or without a movie. Sex:Yes, loud, crude and rude. Drugs:Booze andpills. Parents' advisory: A comedy in the "Hangover" tradition — raunchy and violent. Suitable for15 and older.
'SIDE EFFECTS' Rating:R for sexuality, nudity, violence and language. What it's adoot:Adepressed woman is medicated for her condition and commits a crime. Whosefault is it? The kid attractor factor:Channing
Tatum, and that woman (Rooney Mara) without a dragon tattoo — this time out. Good lessons/dad lessons:Doctors have more power over our lives thanwe know,and don'tbelieveTV prescription drug commercials. Violence: Yes. With blood. Language:Some profanity. Sex:Yes, explicit. Drugs:Alcohol, and prescription drugs. Parents' advisory:Too adult and intense for anybody younger than 15. Takethe R rating seriously.
Open Road Films via The Associated Press
Jude Law and Catherine Zeta- Jones star as two psychiatrists in "Side Effects." See the full review in today's GO! Magazine.
Gran a tire o hoveringparents Dear Abby:When my 9-monthold grandson, "Eli," comes to visit, I become frustrated to the point of leaving the room, if not my house. Not only must we put away things he shouldn't get into, we must tape shut every d r awer and cabinet, block access behind couchDEAR es and chairs to keep Eli from e l ectrical cords, then constantly be on guard for the "unexpected." Eli is never restricted in any way, and would never be confined to an "inhumane" playpen for even a few minutes. At the slightest whimper, he is picked up. He's walked to sleep (or taken on car rides to "soothe" him), and his parents literally run to him whenever he awakens. I'm reluctant to criticize because I know they'll be offended, but I'm aching to suggest they teach the child about limits and restrictions and correct him when he misbehaves. Let him experience being in his playpen or even allow him to whine a little before jumping at his every whim. We're not allowed
MOVIE TIMESTOOAY • There may be an additional fee for 3-0and IMAXmovf'es. • Movietimes are subject to change after press time. I
to say "no-no" — the preferred response being to distract Eli and let him go about doing as he pleases. By the way, both parents are pro-
daughters — who treat them badly. I can't help but wonder how they treat their mothers in private since they are so insensitive in public. I'm grateful to have a daughter fessional psycho-babble people. Am I unreasonable to think my who puts up with my occasional grandson is capable crankiness and complaints. She o f l e arning l i m i t s loves me unconditionally and takes with a simple "no-no" wonderfulcare ofme when needed. I'd like to ask sons and daughters and, perhaps, a little smack on his hand? to be kinder and more patient with Or should I keep my their elderly moms. They won't be mouth shut? around forever. — Well-Meaning Grandpa — Grateful Mom in Phoenix Dear Grandpa: Well-meaning as Dear Grateful: I wish you had you are, I doubt that you will be described more clearly the interacable to convince two "professional tions you observed. What you saw psycho-babble people" that by not may not havebeen a lack of devogiving their little one limits, they're tion to their mothers, but signs of creating a monster. Rather than al- caregiver stress or burnout. low his visits to upset you, I suggest Daughters (and sons) caught in you visit this family in their OWN the sandwich generation — earnhome. ing a living and caring for their Dear Abby: I am shocked at the children as well as their aged parrude treatment I see many older ents — are not always at their best. mothers receive from their chilHowever, you are correct. These dren. I spend considerable time frail, elderly parents need comat various doctor appointments. passion and patience because they Fortunately, I can drive myself, but won't be around forever. — Write to Dear Abby at many senior women must depend on their caregivers — often their or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles,CA 90069
Regal Old Mill Stadium16 8, IMAX,680 S.W.Powerhouse Drive, 541-382-6347 • BULLET TO THEHEAD(R) 1:45, 4:35, 7:15, 10:20 • DJANGOUNCHAINED (R) I2:45,4:25,8 • GANGSTER SQUAD(R) 12:05, 3:35, 7, 9:50 • HANSEL8 GRETEL: WITCH HUNTERS (R)3:50,IO:IO • HANSEL 8GRETEL:WITCHHUNTERS3-D (R) 1:20, 7:45 • THE H088IT: ANUNEXPECTEDJOURNEY3-D (PG-13)6 • THE H088IT: ANUNEXPECTEDJOURNEY(PG-13) 2, 9:40 • IDENTITYTHIEF(R) I2:25, 3:20, 4:45, 6:25, 7:25, 9: I5, 10:15 • LES MISERABLES (PG-13) 12:40, 4:05, 7:35 • LIFE OF PI(PG)12:15 • LIFE OF Pl3-D (PG)3:40, 6:40, 9:35 • LINCOLN (PG-13) 11:50 a.m., 3:10, 6:40, 9:55 • MAMA(PG- l3) 1:10, 4:20, 7:55, 10:25 • MOVIE43(R)I 55 • PARKER (R) 12:20, 3:05, 6:10, 9: IO • SIDE EFFECTS (R) 1, 3:45, 7:10, 9:45 • TOP GUN IMAX (PG) 12:30, 3:15, 6:30, 9:15 • WARM BODIES (PG-13) 1:25, 3:55, 6:45, 9:20 • ZERO DARK THIRTY (R) 11:45 a.m., 3:15, 6:40, 10:05 • Accessibility devices are available for some movies. '
FEB. 8, 2013:This yearyou wil alternate between being reclusive and being open and friendly with others. During the times you spend alone, you will center yourself and become more grounded. When Stars showthe kind you finally emerge, of day you'll have yo u will be a force ** * * * D ynamic to be dealt with. ** * * P ositive Y o ur personality ** * A verage and charisma also ** S o-so will come out. If * Difficult you are single, you could change that status quo, if you so choose. Use care as you get to know someone new. This person might not be everything that he or she appears to be. If you are attached, your sweetie finds you to be unusually magnetic and caring this year. At times, you will have a tendency to be me-oriented. Remember, a partnership consists of two people. AQUARIUS is unique in his or her own way.
ARIES (March21-April19) ** * * H andle all professional matters, or any matters having to do with the public. By afternoon, you'll want to schedule meetings and intense discussions. You will see a totally different attitude come forward. Could this be a Friday mood? Tonight: Out with friends.
TAURUS (April 20-May20) ** * * D o a little more research and/or have achatwithsomeone you respect in the morning. Take the lead in the afternoon, and set the standard for what's expected on an important project. Others naturally will follow your example. Tonight: A force to be dealt with.
GEMINI (May 21-June20) ** *
* * A negotiation with a key
SCORPIO (Dct. 23-Nov.21)
YOURHOROSCOPE By Jacqueline Bigar
partner could take you until midday to finalize. Even if you haven't come to a decision or a point of action, start returning calls. Seek feedback from trusted sources should you find a situation to be problematic. Tonight: Listen to some great music.
** * * C ommunicate any reticence you have over a personal matter early on. Feel your way through this situation. Someone might surprise you with an invitation. Your initial reaction is probably the right one. Return calls later in the day. Tonight: Home is where the fun is.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov.21-Dec.21)
** * * You could be overserious in the morning. Once more, you might take a hard look at your budget and see how m uch you can push it.You know thereare CANCER (June21-July22) ** * * C o ntinue to defer to others. The limits to everything. Others come forward late in the day. You'll feel more at ease responses you get could floor you. Note with them. Tonight: Can anyone hold you thatyou are gaining some interesting insights from others, and you might want back? to write them down. A discussion on a CAPRICORN (Dec.22-Jan.19) one-on-one level is inevitable. Tonight: ** * * Use the morning to the maxfor How about dinner for two? any crucial ventures. Your finances, your budget and how much you are willing to LEO (July23-Aug. 22) spendcould become hotissues inthe ** * * R evisit a project that is evening. Know what works, and do not completed. You might opt to revise the hesitate to ask for more of whatyou want. message from this work or redo it in a meaningful way. Discuss this change with Tonight: Treat a friend to munchies. colleagues or those you consider to be in AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Fed.18) the know. Tonight: Tryto clump all ofyour ** * * L isten to news carefully. It might invitations together, if possible. not be as difficult as you believe it is. Give yourself a little time to rethink all the VIRGO (Aug.23-Sept. 22) ** * * You have no doubt in your mind information. You'll laugh at your initial reaction once you turn the corner on this thatyou are more than ready for the matter. Honor your feelings. Tonight: next few days. You even might decide Speakyourmind,and useyourcharisma. to make some plans in the morning. By midafternoon, last-minute problems PISCES (Fed.19-March20) could arise. Stay focused. Tonight: Out ** * Your high energy attracts many with your colleagues and friends. people. You have pushed so hard that you might want to rethink your schedule. LIBRA (Sepf23-Dct. 22) Don't put off an important matter that has ** * * You might be unsure about been on the back burner any longer. If you which way to go with a personal matter. can chill in the afternoon, by all means, Your ingenuity will kick in during the do. Tonight: Something just for you. evening, and it will provide an answer regarding what path to take. Tonight: You know how to wow others. ©20t3 by King Features Syndicate
8 p.m. on E3, "The Jod" —It's not "The Apprentice," although they share a producer. In this new competitive reality series, candidates compete for real jobs with major employers including Cosmopolitan magazine, Major League Soccer and Live Nation. Some may beentry-level positions, but if the new hires do well, they won't be dead-end jobs. In the premiere, five people compete for the position of assistant manager with the Palm Restaurant Group. 9 p.m. on STARZ,"Spartacus: War of the Damned" —Spartacus (Liam Mclntyre) needs food and supplies for his people, and a deal with a band of marauders appears to be the best option for meeting those needs. ©zap2it
Regal Pilot Butte 6, 2717N.E.U.S. Highway 20, 541-382-6347 • ARGO (R) 12:15,3,6,9 • HYDE PARK ONHUDSON(R) 1:15, 7 • THE IMPOSSIBLE (PG-13) 12:30, 3:30, 6:15, 9:15 • LES MISERABLES (PG-13) 3:45 • QUARTET(PG-13) 12:45, 4, 7:15, 9:25 • SILVERLININGS PLAYBOOK (R)Noon,3:15,6:30,9:20 • STAND UP GUYS(R) 1,4:15,6:45,9: IO I
5 p.m. on ESPN,"NBA Basketdall"— NBA Finals preview, anyone? Tonight at Miami, a clash of two of the game's top teams is in the offing as Dwyane Wade and the Heat play host to Chris Paul and the Los Angeles Clippers. 8 p.m. on H C), "Last Man Standing" —Doesn't every dad want his daughter to date a football hero? OK,maybe not every dad, but Mike (Tim Allen) is definitely thrilled when Mandy (Molly Ephraim) starts dating Greg (Bryce Durfee), the school's star quarte rback.He'sso im pressed,in fact, that he gets Greg ajob working under Kyle (Christoph Sanders) at Outdoor Man — where subsequent developments have Mandy rethinking things.
I •
• •
McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W.Bond St., 541-330-8562 • THE MAN WITHTHEIRONFISTS (R) 9:15 • SKYFALL (PG-13) 5:30 • After 7 p.m., shows are 2f and older only. Youngerthan 2f may attend screenings before 7 p m. ifaccompanied by a legal guardian. Tin Pan Theater, 869 N.W.Tin PanAlley, 541-241-2271 • CHASING ICE(PG-13) 4, 6 • A ROYAL AFFAIR (R) 8 I
Redmond Cinemas,1535 S.W.OdemMedo Road, 54 I -548-8777
• HANSEL &GRETEL:WITCH HUNTERS(R) 4:30, 6:45, 9 • SILVER LININGSPLAYBOOK(R) 4, 6:30, 9 • WARM BODIES (PG-13) 2:30,4:45, 7, 9:15 • ZERO DARK THIRTY (R) 2:45, 6:05, 9:15
E LEVATIO N Elevation Capital Strategies 400 sw BluA Drive suite 101 Bend Main: 541-728-0321
Sisters Movie House,720 Desperado Court, 541-549-8800 • HYDE PARK ONHUDSON(R) 4:30 • LINCOLN (PG-13) 6:30 • SIDE EFFECTS (R) 5, 7:30 • SILVER LININGSPLAYBOOK(R) 4:30, 7 • ZERO DARK THIRTY (R) 6:30 Madras Cinema 5,1101 S.W. U.S. Highway97, 541-475-3505 • HANSELffrGRETEL:WITCH HUNTERS3-D (R) 5:25, 7:30, 9:35 • MAMA(PG-I3) 5:05, 7: IO,9:20 • SIDE EFFECTS (R) 4:45, 7, 9:25 • SILVERLININGSPLAYBOOK(R) 4:15, 6:50, 9:15 • WARM BODIES (PG-13) 5:20, 7:25, 9:30 •
Pine Theater, 214 N.MainSt., 541-416-1014 • ARGO (UPSTAIRS — R)4:10, 7:10 • GANGSTER SQUAD(R) 4, 7 • The upstairs screeninroom g haslimited accessibility.
neighborhood on Bend's westside.
DOUBLE SAVINGS NOW! $25-50 rebafes on select Hunter Douglas products, and matching instant dealer rebates (thru 4/2/1 3)
• Find a week's worth of movie times plus
film reviews inside today'sGD!Magazine.
ON PAGES 3&4. COMICS & PUZZLES ~ The Bulletin
Create or find Classifieds at THE BULLETIN • FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 2013
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Guns, Hunting 8 Fishing
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WHEN BUYING FIREWOOD... To avoid fraud,
$7~ K(ku8@R
The Bulletin reserves Wanted: Collector Cut payments by up For newspaper seeks high quality the right to publish all delivery, call the to half. Stop creditors fishing items. ads from The Bulletin from calling. Circulation Dept. at newspaper onto The Call 541-678-5753, or The Bulletin 866-775-9621. 541-385-5800 503-351-2746 Internet webrecommends payChesapeakeAKC pups, Springer Spaniel Pups Bulletin (PNDC) To place an ad, call site. ment for Firewood shots, good lines/hips ready2/17,Champion 541-385-5809 255 only upon delivery Highspeed Internet EVparents on site $500, lines, $400. Now taking or email Computers J Want to Buy or Rent and inspection. Hay, Grain & Feed classified I 541-259-4739. dep, 541-604-6232 ger ag CentralOregea t are lgln ERYWHERE By Sat• A cord is 128 cu. ft. ellite! Speeds up to 4' x 4' x 8' Wanted: $Cash paid for Dachshund, AKC mini T HE B U LLETIN r e - 12mbps! (200x faster 1st quality qrass hay, vintage costume jew- black/tan female, $250. quires computer ad70- Ib bales, barn stored, Coins & Stamps • than dial-up.) Starting • Receipts should elry. Top dollar paid for 541-633-3221 vertisers with multiple $250/ ton. Also big bales! Yorkie/Chihuahua puppy, include name, at $49.95/mo. CALL Gold/Silver.l buy by the Diamond Lamb & Rice P oulan rider 42" c ut Patterson Ranch, 1st shots, $180, cash. Private collector buying ad schedules or those NOW & G O F A ST! phone, price and Estate, Honest Artist 18'/g hp, $650 obo. Sisters, 541-549-3831 541-678-7599 selling multiple syskind of wood pur1-888-718-2162. 40 lbs. - $26.99 p ostage stamp a l Elizabeth,541-633-7006 541-389-9268. chased. Quarry Ave. Hay 8 bums & c ollections, tems/ software, to dis- (PNDC) Yorkie pups AKC, 1 girl, • Firewood ads world-wide and U.S. close the name of the Just bought a new boat? People Look for Information Feed. 541-923-2400 2 boys, potty training, About Products and 573-286-4343 (local, business or the term Pots, pans 8 k itchen- MUST include speSell your old one in the health guar., pixs avail, Items for Free "dealer" in their ads. w are, 10 p i eces I cies and cost per classifieds! Ask about our Services Every Day through $550 8 up. 541-777-7743 cell ¹) Donate deposit bottles/ Private party advertis- $5-$10ea. 541-383-4231 cord to better serve Super Seller rates! The Bulletin Clessifieds Free baggedleaves, cans to local all vol210 ers are defined as our customers. 541-385-5809 unteer, non-profit res- Furniture & Appliances for garden/compost? those who sell one ProFlowers - Enjoy 60 Crafts & Hobbies W heat S t raw: s m a ll SUPER TOP SOIL percent off T e nder You haul. 541-548-5667 cue, to help with cat computer. bales $2 bale or $65 www.herahe spay/neuter vet bills. Hugs and Kisses with t on. After 6 p.m . 8th Street Artisans Screened, soil 8 comLoveseat, m u l ti-color, See Cans for Cats A1 Washers&Dryers Chocolates for your 257 post m i x ed , no 541-546-9821 Culver. Saturday Market good condition, free! You trailer at Ray's Marvalentine! Site price: $150 ea. Full warMusical Instruments 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. High hupickup. 541-848-7525 ket, Century Dr, thru ranty. Free Del. Also $49.99, you pay just 1 cord dry, split Juniper, rocks/clods. 358 mus level, exc. f or 1036 NE 8th St., Bend 2/10, SheriÃs parking wanted, used W/D's $190/cord. Multi-cord $19.99. Plus take 20 behind 7-11 store on S pinet piano, g o od percent off other gifts discounts, & g/g cords flower beds, lawns, Farmers Column lot 2/11-22, PetSmart 541-280-7355 condition, $150 obo. 2/23-25. Donate M-F gardens, straight Greenwood. available. Immediate Pets 8 Supplies over $29! G o to Call 541-604-4694 I S m i t h S iq n C o , Support your local delivery! 541-408-6193 s creened to p s o i l . 10X20 STORAGE www. Curio cabinet, antique 1515 NE 2ncf; or at Bark. Clean fill. DeBUILDINGS craftsman! abulous or call 260 Tumalo sa n c tuary oak replica, c urved The Bulletin recomliver/you haul. for protecting hay, 541-977-1737 A-1 DRY JUNIPER 1-888-721-9617. anytime. 3 8 9 -8420; glass case, lighted, mends extra caution 541-548-3949. firewood, livestock Misc. Items $190 split, or $170 rnds perfect cond. $475. Rockhound Equipment (PNDC) when purc h as- etc. $1496 Installed. multi-cord discount del 541-318-8130 - Saw, grind, sand & 288 ing products or ser541-617-1133. Wo od suit e SHARI'S BERRIES Call 541-977-4500 or vices from out of the DO YOU HAVE GENERATE SOME ex- p olish. L o rtone & hangers, w/wishbone Delight all of your valLost & Found • CCB ¹173684. 541-350-1809 area. Sending cash, SOMETHING TO citement i n your Highland Park Bend. pant c lasp. $ 1 75. entines w i t h our SELL checks, or credit inneighborhood! Plan a Info 541 280-5574 541-447-4567 freshly dipped straw- All Year Dependable Found I-Pod, on Zenith f ormation may b e FOR $500 OR garage sale and don't berries, dec a dent Firewood: Sp lit, Del. Ave., Redmond. Call 242 LESS? Advertise V A CATION truffles subjected to fraud. forget to advertise in and Bend. Sea s o ned to I.D., 541-504-7033 Meat & Animal Processing Exercise Equipment SPECIALS to 3 m i lFor more i nformaNon-commercial classified! hand-crafted sweets! Lodgepole: 1 for $175 541-385-5809. lion P acific N o rth- SAVE 20 percent on or 2 for $335. Cash, Found mountain bike in Grain-fed beef $2.88/lb. tion about an adveradvertisers may Bend. To claim, send Help for lower back re- westerners! 30 daily qualifying gifts over tiser, you may call place an ad with Check or Credit Card serial ¹ to P .O. Box hanging weight, half NEED TO CANCEL lief Inverter B oard, newspapers, six the O r egon State our $29! Visit www.berOK. 541-420-3484. or whole to be proYOUR AD? 1269, Redmond, OR w/rolling platform $125 states. 25-word clasAttorney General's "QUICK CASH r o r cessed m i d-march. The Bulletin 97756, by April 25, obo. 541-382-6816. sified $525 for a 3-day Office C o n sumer SPECIAL" Call 1-888-718-8479. Split, Dry lodgepole, $500 deposit. Classifieds has an 2013. a d. Ca l l Protection hotline at 1 week 3 lines 12 (916) (PNDC) red fir, cedar and juHalf Hog Sale, $190 in"After Hours" Line 2 88-6019 o r vis i t 1-877-877-9392. a g~ eaka goi niper $200/cord Found piece of silver, SE cludes cutting wrapCall 541-383-2371 Guns, Hunting Ad must include The Bulletin Offers Bend, call to identify; will ping and cure. delrvery included! 24 hrs. to cancel ising pndc.cfm for the price of single item & Fishing Free Private Party Ads 541-923-6987, Iv msg. hold u n t i l 4/3 0 /1 3. WHILE THEY LAST! Sewing Central Oregonarare 1903 your ad! Pacific Nor t hwest• 3 lines - 3 days of $500 or less, or 541-639-7767 541-573-2677 multiple items Refrigerator: 26 cu.ft., AK-47 Pro-mag 30-rnd Daily Con n ection.• Private Party Only Tamarack seasoned 2 Found; Sunday, skateAdopt a nice CRAFT whosetotal does with icemaker, EIFrench magazines, brand new, 9 (PNDC) • Total of items adverLambs taking years, $225 cord. board near Congress orderscorn-fed, cat or kitten from Tudoors, bottom freezer, I $35 ea. 541-788-8852 tised must equal $200 not exceed $500. now for March 541-977-2040 Bend's Indoor Swap St., Call to i d entify. malo sanctuary, Pet $400. 541-771-8996. Bend local pays CASH!! or Less delivery. Meet - A Mini-Mall full 541-480-3122 Smart, & now Petco! Call Classifieds at FOR DETAILS or to 541 -475-7479 Roper washer, electric for all firearms & of Unique Treasures! Fixed, shots, ID chip, 541-385-5809 PLACE AN AD, tiny white dog, NE ammo. 541-526-0617 3rd St. 8 Wilson Ave. d ryer, $100 for t h e t ested, m ore! 3 8 9 - Gardening Supplies Found Call 541-385-5809 18th & Mor n ingstar, Where can you find a pair. 541-389-1086 8420. Photos, info: 10-5 Thurs-Fri-Sat. CASH!! Fax 541-385-5802 • & E q uipment morning of 2/3. Call to helping hand? & For Guns, Ammo 8 identify, 541-419-1575 Buying Diamonds Wanted- paying cash like us on Facebook. From contractors to Reloading Supplies. 4 /Gold for Cash 541-408-6900. for Hi-fi audio 8 Lost: Cardigan Corgi fe- yard care, it's all here Adult companion cats Saxon's Fine Jewelers dio equip. Mclntosh, male, from Pine Nursery FREE to seniors, disin The Bulletin's 541-389-6655 Dog Park, Fri 2/1, blue J BL, Marantz, D y DON'TMISS THIS abled & vet e rans! PROMPT D E LIVERY merle very cute, $500 "Call A Service naco, Heathkit, SanTame, altered, shots, 541-389-9663 BUYING reward. 541-633-9056 or Professional" Directory Solid oak dining table, 68 sui, Carver, NAD, etc. ID chip, more. Will alLionel/American Flyer 541-788-2849 Call 541-261-1808 ways take back if cir- H AVANESE PUP P Y x 48, 6 highback chairs, DO YOU HAVE trains, accessories. cumstances change. AKC, Dewclaws, UTD 2 mos. new! $950 obo, SOMETHING TO 541-408-2191. cash only. 541-549-1089 263 389-8420. Visit Sat/ s hots/wormer, n o n SELL Sun 1-5. Photos, info: shed, hypoallergenic, W hirlpool washer 8 FOR $500 OR BUYING & SE L LING Tools $850 541-460-1277. dryer pair, good cond, LESS? All gold jewelry, silver $350. 541-389-1086 Non-commercial and gold coins, bars, American Eskimo, 5 Husky-Wolf female, 3 rounds, wedding sets, Craftsman 10a Table advertisers may mo. old male, pure mos, beautiful blue eyes! class rings, sterling sil- Saw, $199; Yamaha place an ad The Bulletin white, AKC/UKC reg., $250. 541-977-7019 ver, coin collect, vin- 2600 Portable Genwith our recommends e xtra $800. 541-610-2286 tage watches, dental erator (never used) Labradors, AKC, Males I ca.i . "QUICK CASH aa p . gold. Bill Fl e ming, $450; Craftsman SPECIAL" A ussies, AK C mi n i , Black and Chocolate chasing products or • rotating bench, $75. 541-382-9419. 1 week3lines 12 shots/wormed, family S o s w e et ! $5 5 0 services from out of I Mike, 541-923-2953 or raised, parents on site 541-410-0588 the area. Sending t Sales Northwest Bend Sales Northeast Bendl Estate Sales DISH Network. Starting • k ga 541-598-5314 ~g cash, checks, or QueenslandHeelers at $19.99/month (for Ad must splitter, 30-ton Look What I Found! & mini,$150 & l credit i n f o rmation 8th Street Artisans 1 2 mos ) & Hi g h Wood ESTATE/ MOVING Barn/shop cats FREE, standard include price of may be subjected to up. 541-280-1537 Saturday Market, 10-4 Speed Internet start- NorthStar, 13hp Honda, You'll find a little bit of some tame, some not. rightwayranch.wordSALE. i $500 very heavy duty, $650 l FRAUD. For more every Sat. 1036 NE everything in ing at $ 14.95/month obo. 541-536-6081 We d eliver! F ixed, Large Awbrey Butte or less, or multiple information about an g 8th St., Bend behind The Bulletin's daily (where av a i lable.) shots. 541-389-8420 home! Quality items 7-11 items whosetotal advertiser, you may l on Greenwood. garage and yard sale S AVE! A s k Ab o u t include 2 sofas, Barca Scottish Terrier puppies, / call t h e Or e gon / does notexceed 265 section. From clothes SAME DAY InstallaLounger recliners, oak AKC, male 8 female, 1st ' State $500. Attor n ey ' Building Materials to collectibles, from t ion! C A L L Now ! shots, wormed, 8 weeks, l General's O diningset,oak coffee f fi ce housewares to hard1-866-947-7995. 8 end tables, wicker & ** FREE ** ready to go now! Call Consumer ProtecCall Classifieds at • La Pine Habitat ware, classified is 541-317-5624 (PNDC) wooden dinette sets, Garage Sale Kit 541-385-5809 t ion ho t l in e at I RESTORE always the first stop for wicker furniture, Mid Place an ad in The Shiba Inu Reg'd male l 1-877-877-9392. Building Supply Resale cost-conscious GENERATE SOME Century Modern Teak Bulletin for your gaBeautiful and healthy puppies, ready now, vet Quality at EXCITEMENT consumers. And if dining tabl e /side- rage sale and re4' t angerine m i l k checked, 1st shots, $600 LOW PRICES you're planning your GUN SHOW IN YOUR board/tile top & glass ceive a Garage Sale snake. 6' tank and ac- each. 541-388-5418 Feb. 23rd & 24th, 2013 52684 Hwy 97 NEIGBORHOOD. own garage or yard top tables, side chairs, Kit FREE! Deschutes Fairgrounds cessories. Bargain at Shih Tzu female, 8 Ibs, 541-536-3234 Plan a garage sale and sale, look to the claslots of books, pictures Buy! Sell! Trade! $500. (541) 610-2363 16 mos, to senior home, don't forget to adverOpen to the public . sifieds to bring in the KIT I NCLUDES: 8 a r t work, d e cor, SAT. 9-5 • SUN. 10-3 tise in classified! buyers. You won't find lamps, TVs & e lec- • 4 Garage Sale Signs Chain link dog run 8 $275. 541-788-0090 $8 Admission, Prineville Habitat 541-385-5809. a better place tronics, kitchenware, • $2.00 Off Coupon To 12 & under free! panels, 6x10. $400. Siberian Husky females: ReStore Use Toward Your Dell computer & offor bargains! OREGON TRAIL GUN Misc. animal cages all 10wks, $300; 15 mo AKC Building Supply Resale Call Classifieds: fice items, glassware Next Ad Antiques wanted: furniSHOWS, 541-347-2120 sizes. 541-771-8996. $400. 541-977-7019 Sell an Item 1427 NW Murphy Ct. • 10 Tips For "Garage 541-385-5809 or 8 collectibles, lewelry, ture, marbles, beer or 541-404-1890 541-447-6934 email BBQ, canoe 8 kayak, Sale Success!" BEND'S HOMELESS NEED OUR HELP! cans, early B/W phoOpen to the public. camping & s porting tography, old hardware/ H & H FIREARMS The cold weather is upon us and sadly there are items, garage 8 outfixtures. 541-389-1578 Buy, Sell, Trade, still over 2,000 folks in our community without PICK UP YOUR 266 BULLETIN CLASSIFIEDS door, lots misc! Consign. Across From GARAGE SALE KIT at permanent shelter, living in cars, makeshift Divorce Liquidation Heating 8 Stoves Fri. 8 Sat., 9-4. NumPilot Butte Drive-In Search the area's most 1777 SW Chandler camps, getting by as best they can. Autographed guitar colIf it's under$500 bers issued Fri. 8 a.m. Ave., 541-382-9352 comprehensive listing of Bend, OR 97702 The following items are badly needed to lection: Clapton, McCartEdenPURE® Portable Mt. Washington Dr. to classified advertising... you can place it in ney, Eagles, others. Val- M&M AK-47 rifle NIB, help them get through the winter: Summit to Farewell, Infrared Heaters. Join real estate to automotive, ued over $2500 each; a sking $1500 o b o . The Bulletin the 3 million beating merchandise to sporting left on Lawrence Ct. @ CAMPING GEARof any sort: @ asking $475 each, with the cold and winter goods. Bulletin Classifieds to 1779 NW O'Kane New or used tents, sleeping bags, tarps, blankets. authenticity & appraisal. 541-771-9902. Classifieds for: heating bills. SAVE appear every day in the Ct., Bend. e WARM CLOTHING: Call cell, 561-880-7352. Ruger Super Single-six, Just bought anewboat? $229 on our pre-warning, star print or on line. Rain Gear, Boots, Gloves. Attic Estates 8 Secretary, drop front, EdenPURE® Model Sell your oldonejn the m odel, SS,9.5 b b l, $10 - 3 lines, 7 days Call 541-385-5809 Appraisals PLEASE DROP OFF YOUR DONATIONS AT mahogany, w/chair, 750. C A L L NOW NEW NEVER FIRED $16 • 3 lines, 14 days ClaSSi fiedS!ASkabOut our THE BEND COMMUNITY CENTER babied & beautiful! while supplies last! www.atticestatesanorig. box 8 m anual. Super Sellerrates! 1-866-906-6902. 1036 NE 5thSt.,Bend, Mon.-Sat.9 a.m.-5 p.m. A steal a t $ 2 5 0. $700 firm, cash. ask for (Private Party ads only) PLEASE HELP, YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE. 541-322-6281. Steve 541-389-8215. terr ag Ceatrai Oregea rtare fgtn 541-350-6822 541-385-5809 (PNDC)
The Bulletin
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Il l l l
LThe Bulleting
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The Bulletin
TO PLACE AN AD CALL CLASSIFIED• 5 41-385-580 9 476
541-385-5809 or go to
AD PLACEMENT DEADLINES Monday • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 5 5500 pm Fri •
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Employment Opportunities
Manager Now Hiring at Juniper Motel i n Mad r as. Looking fo r l i v e-in full-time man a ger. Position includes 3 bdrm, 2 bath home and living expenses. For information call 541-639-9936. Medical Ass i stant Full-time, 6 mo. min. exp. Pick up application/job description pkg at office. Madras Medical Group
Thursday • • •••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • N oon Wed. Fr i d ay . . . . . . • • • • • . • • • • • • • • . • Noon Thurs. Saturday Real Estate • • • • • • • • • • • 11:00 am Fri • 76 NE 12th St., Saturday • • • •. . . . . . . 3 : 0 0 pm Fri. Madras, OR. Assistant in •. . . . . . . 5 : 0 0 pm Fri. Medical Sunday. • • • • Bend. Full-time, 40 PRIVATE PARTY RATES
hr./4 day work week at a busy internal medicine p r actice. Recent MA experience with EMR req. Great benefit package; salary DOE. Fax resume including references to
Place a photoinyour private party ad for only $15.00 per week.
8 &Hxc@@
Z0000 00000
Loans & Mortgages
Rooms for Rent
Commercial/Investment Properties for Sale
Studios & Kitchenettes WARNING Furnished room, TV w/ The Bulletin recomcable, micro & fridge. mends you use cauUtils & l inens. New tion when you proowners. $145-$165/wk vide personal 541-382-1885 information to companies offering loans or 634 credit, especially Apt./Multiplex NE Bend
those asking for advance loan fees or companies from out of state. If you have concerns or questions, we suggest you consult your attorney or call CONSUMER
2 bdrm, 1 bath, $530 & $540 w/lease. Carports included! FOX HOLLOW APTS.
Sale/Leaseback Opportunities Medical/Office Building- Bend Cap Rate 8%,
Price $345,000 5-Year NNN Lease
Special Purpose Bldg-Redmond Cap Rate 8.5%, Price $650,000 10-Year NNN Lease
Snowmobiles 2007 Ski-Doo Renegade 600 w/513 mi, like new, very fast! Reduced to $5000. 541-221-5221 • Yamaha 750 1999 Mountain Max, $1750. • 1994 Arctic Cat 580 EXT, $1250. • Zieman 4-place trailer, $1750. All in good condition. Located in La Pine. Call 541-408-6149.
Motorcycles & Accessories( Cascade Rental Contact CRAMPED FOR Management. Co. "UNDER '500in total merchandise OVER '500in total merchandise Peter Lowes, BANK TURNED YOU CASH? Principal Broker Call for Specialsi DOWN? Private party Use classified to sell 7 days .................................................. $10.00 4 days.................................................. $18.50 541-312-2113 will loan on real es- Limited numbers avail. those items you no 14 days................................................ $16.00 7 days.................................................. $24.00 1, 2 and 3 bdrms. L 0 iVI E S tate equity. Credit, no longer need. *Must state prices in ad 14 days .................................................$33.50 541-389-2662 Attn: W/D hookups, patios COMMERCIAt problem, good equity Call 541-385-5809 28 days .................................................$61.50 Clinic Administrator. or decks. Garage Sale Special is all you need. Call MOUNTAIN GLEN, (call for commercial line ad rates) now. Oregon Land 4 lines for 4 days.................................. 745 541-383-9313 Mortgage 388-4200. Homes for Sale Medical /Clerical Professionally Harley Davidson SoftExcellent o p portuCheck out the managed by Norris & Tail Deluxe 2 0 0 7, A Payment Drop Box is available at CLASSIFIED OFFICE HOURS: BANK OWNED HOMES! nity with b e nefits, classifieds online Stevens, Inc. white/cobalt, w / pasFREE List w/Pics! strong com p uter Bend City Hall. CLASSIFICATIONS MON.-FRI. 7:30 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. kit, Vance & 636 senger skills required, up Hines muffler system Updated daily BELOW M A R K E D W ITH AN ( *) and beyond real estate t o $ 1 5/hr. D O E . Apt./Multiplex NW Bend bend 20967 yeoman, bend or & kit, 1045 mi., exc. REQUIRE PREPAYMENT as well Contact: HR Dept. at LOCAL MONEyrWebuy c ond, $16,9 9 9 , 855-357-6311. Small studio close to li541-389-9188. as any out-of-area ads. The Bulletin secured trustdeeds & NOTICE brary, all util. pd. $550, All real note,some hard money estate adverreserves the right to reject any ad at $525 dep. No pets/ loans. Call Pat Kelley Harley Heritage tised here in is subFind exactly what smoking. 541-330541-382-3099 ext.13. Softail, 2003 any time. is located at: ject to t h e F e deral you are looking for in the 9769 or 541-480-7870 $5,000+ in extras, F air H o using A c t , 1777 S.W. Chandler Ave. $2000 paint job, 573 CLASSIFIEDS 646 which makes it illegal 30K mi. 1 owner, Bend, Oregon 97702 Business Opportunities to advertise any pref- For Houses for more information Painter erence, limitation or please call Rent General Full time position, exp. A Classified ad is an discrimination based 541-385-8090 PLEASE NOTE:Check your ad for accuracy the first day it appears. Please call us immediately if a correction is in all phases of paint- EASY W AY TO on race, color, relior 209-605-5537 needed. 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Incl Warn 421 and before 11 a.m. and Reach 3 million Pa- such pre f erence, tin Classified Sell your old one in the services from out of ' winch & s n o w p l ow, po s i - get an ad in to pub- i the area. Sending Schools & Training classifieds! Ask about our i ndependent cific Northwesterners. limitation or discrimi$6200. 541-536-6081 tions. Ads for posilish the next day! For more information nation." Familial staSuper Seller rates! c ash, c hecks, o r tions that require a fee tus includes children A IRLINES AR E H I R 541-385-5809 541-385-5809. call (916) 288-6019 or FOR SALE l credit i n f o rmation TURN THE PAGE or upfront investment ING - Train for hands VIEW the under the age of 18 i may be subjected to email: 454 must be stated. With living with parents or For More Ads on Aviation MainteClassifieds at: When buying a home FRAUD. for the Pacific Northlegal cust o dians, 83% of Central nance Career. 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All utils under hp Bowrider w/depth Carpeting, Vinyl and License w i t hi n 6 Redmond trips, walks, nature, $16 • 3 lines, 14 days round $89,900 for both. finder, radio/CD player, Tile Installers m onths. A p p l y a t rod holders, full canmoon-light, cuddling! all Ron, 541-206-7995 Looking for full-time in- Eagle Crest B ehind vas, EZ Loader trailer, Greg, PO Box 3013 iPrivate Party ads only) stallers to start work /jobs/ posting the gates. Beautiful exclnt cond, $14,500. Arlington, WA 98223. 773 ++++++++++++++++++ immediately. Work will ¹0010181. For assis2 100 s q . ft., 3 / 2 . 5, 707-484-3518 (Bend) be in both the Tri-CitAcreages tance, call Reverse living. Large ies and Walla Walla, (541)475-7107. garagetworkshop. Hot I I WA areas. Require51366 Riverland, tub. $1400/mo. Lease ments include reliable FLOORING La Pine. 1 acre, option. $365 , 000. transportation & valid • • Experienced garage, w/ non livSec/dep. 541-923-0908 I 20.5' 2004 Bayliner driver's license; priable trailer. $28,000. Finish in 541-480-7863 vately owned tools are Hardwood 205 Run About, 220 541-659-1416 Place Installers a plus. Vinyl installers Looking fo r HP, Vs, open bow, Ca/I 54 I -385-5809 667 ex p eri- We are looking for independent conshould be proficient in exc. cond., very fast to r omote our service 775 craftsmen to Commercial for cove welding or willing enced w/very low hours, tractors to service home delivery work i m mediManufactured/ to become so. Contact start Rent/Lease lots of extras incl. routes in: Building/Contracting Handyman Brian o r Jim at ately. Work will be in Mobile Homes tower, Bimini & both the Tri-Cities and Benjamin's Ca r p et 3000 sq. ft. commercial custom trailer, Walla Walla, WashNOTICE: Oregon state ERIC REEVE HANDY One, Richland, WA; space @ 30C sq. ft. FACTORY SPECIAL $19,500. ington areas. V a l id Must be available 7 days a week, early mornlaw req u ires any- SERVICES. Home & 509-946-4506 61510 i¹120) New Home, 3 bdrm, 541-389-1413 driver's license and one who c o n tracts Commercial Repairs, ing hours. Must have reliable, insured vehicle. American Lane. $46,500 finished Call 530-305-0104 for construction work Carpentry-Painting, Just bought a new boat? reliable transportation on your site. Sell your old one in the are required. Contact J and M Homes to be licensed with the Pressure-washing, classifieds! Please call 541.385.5800 or Ask about our Brian o r Jim at The Bulletin's 541-548-5511 C onstruction Con Honey Do's. On-time Super Seller rates! 800.503.3933 Mon.-Fri., 8-4 or Benjamin's C a r p et tractors Board (CCB). "Call A Service promise. Senior 541-385-5809 One, Richland, WA; apply via email at A n active lice n se Discount. Work guarProfessional" Directory PeopleLookfor Information 20.5' Seaswirl Spy509-946-4506 online © means the contractor anteed. 541-389-3361 Dental Assistant der 1989 H.O. 302, is all about meeting i s bonded an d i n or 541-771-4463 AboutProductsand 285 hrs., exc. cond., your needs. Bonded & Insured with EFDA needed. Send Home Cleaning crew s ured. Ve r ify t h e stored indoors for Services Every Da y t h rough resume & cover letter to member, w eekdays contractor's CCB CCB¹181595 life $11,900 O BO. Call on one of the Box 20277396, c/o The only. No weekends, c ense through t h e TheBulletin Clanfrfeds 541-379-3530 Bulletin, PO Box 6020, evening or holidays. Margo Construction professionals today! CCB Cons u m er 541-815-0015. LLC Since 1992 Bend, OR 97708. Website • Pavers• Carpentry www.hirealicensedcontractor. • Remodeling • Decks com RollTender • Window/Door or call 503-378-4621. The Earned Income P l r The Bulletin recom- Replacement • Int/Ext Paint • CCB 176121 mends checking with Tax Credit. 541-480-3179 the CCB prior to contracting with anyone. You may have Some other t r ades Landscaping/Yard Care Are you interestedin learning the entry also req u ire addiearned it. Why level basics of being a pressman? tional licenses and N OTICE: O R E G O N Landscape Contracnot claim it? certifications. The Bulletin has an immediate opening for a tors Law (ORS 671) full t ime p r essroom Roll T e nder. T h is r equires a l l bu s i - entry-level position is responsible for the loadIf you're working hard just Debris Removal nesses that advertise ing of newsprint rolls and the operation of the to make ends meet and to p e r form L a n d- reel stands on the press. The work schedule JUNK BE GONE have one or more children scape C o n struction will consist of 4 days at 10 hours per day, from I Haul Away FREE which incl u des: 3:30 PM to approximately 2:30 AM, on a living with you, you may For Salvage. Also r p lanting, deck s , rotating schedule that will allow for every other ..." Jln Cleanups & Cleanouts qualify for the EITC Think "ilpt I fences, arbors, weekend being 3 days off. Starting rate is Mel, 541-389-8107 of it as a reward for doing w ater-features, a n d $10.00 per hour DOE. one of life's most beautiful, People Look for Information installation, repair of irrigation systems to The right person for the job must be able to About Products and most important and most be licensed with the move and lift 50 lbs. or more on a continuing Services Every Daythrough a' I /I,I loving jobs. Visit our Web Landscape Contrac- basis. The position also requires reaching, The Bulletin Classffieds t ors B o a rd . Th i s standing, sitting, pushing, pulling, stooping, site or ask your tax preparer 4-digit number is to be kneeling, walking and climbing stairs. Learnif you qualify. Excavating included in all advering and using proper safety practices will be a tisements which indi- primary responsibility. Because when it comes to Levi's Dirt Works cate the business has for all your dirt 8 excavaa bond, insurance and For more information or to submit a resume, getting more for your family, tion needs. Concrete, workers c ompensa- please contact: consider it done. Driveway Gradingtion for their employLow cost! ccb¹ 194077 ees. For your protecAl Nelson, Pressroom Manager, 541-639-5282 A message from the tion call 503-378-5909 or use our website: Internal Revenue Service. Handyman to Applications are also available at the front desk check license status at The Bulletin, 1777 Chandler Ave., Bend, I DO THAT! before co n t racting OR. For consideration all resumes/applicaHome/Rental repairs with th e b u s iness. tions must be received prior to February 22nd. Small jobs to remodels Persons doing landPre-employment drug testing required. fQ The Internal Honest, guaranteed scape maintenance ~/ / Revenue Service work. CCB¹151573 do not require a LCB EOE Dennis 541-317-9768 license. Starting at 3 lines
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F ridayruary8,2013 Feb
Millard plays high
ACROSS 11nveigle
sSome downloads e Go for a light bite? 14It may follow ye
By FRANK STEWART Tribune Media Services
Millard Pringle was at the club today. Millard is a quiet little man who loses his way in the maze of defensive "rules." South opened 1NT on the strength of his solid stoppers in the red suits. After North's Stayman inquiry failed to locate a major-suit fit, his three diamonds was forcing and warned against notrump. South should have bid three spades next instead of 3NT. M illard, W est, l e d a hea r t , remembering to start with his deuce, and dummy played low. East took the king and returned the ten, South followed low, and Millard, mentally sifting through the rules he knew, played ... the queen.
mark time with two spades. Partner next bids 2NT. What do you say? ANSWER: Though partner has "reversed," some pairs would treat his second bid as not promising extra strength after your response at the level of two. If that is your style, you might settle for 3NT. With most p artners, I would raise to 4NT to invite a notrump slam. South dealer Neither side vulnerable
22 Corps of Engineers project 23 Nonpareil 24 Submitted zs Cook up ze Learn of 32 Important connection? 23 Noted trisyllabic metrist ss Snow 36 Snow
~JIA 763
0 KQ1083 46 WEST 4 10 9 4 Q Q98 2 OA76 A J 10 5
South was stuck. He took dummy's ace and led a diamond to his jack, but Millard knew enough to duck. South then had to set up his fifth club just to escape for down one. Millard's third-hand-high play was correct, of course. If he plays low, so will dummy. East will have to shift, a nd S out h w i l l es t a blish t h e diamonds while the ace of hearts remains as an entry. South 1 NT 20 3 NT
EAST 4Q J76 QK10 0 952 AQ984 SOUTH 4o AK3 9 J5 4 0 J4 4 AK 7 3 2
41 Kitchen device 43 Tear up
ssHarps (on)
se Words from one who's at a loss for words sz Racket 63 Amanuensis, e.g.: Abbr. s4 Finish ss Danish man's name with a line through the second letter ss Actor LaBeouf ey Certain stake
We s t Nor th Pass 24 P ass 3 0 All P a ss
East Pass Pass
Youhold: 4 A K 3 ~vI J 54 0 J 4 4 A K 7 3 2 . Your partner Opening lead — Q 2 opens one diamond, you respond two clubs, he bids two hearts and you (C) 2013 Tribune Media Services, lnc.
Seeking a friendly duplicate bridge? Find five gamesweekly at BIZARRO
DOWN 1 Really go through
4s gr a t i a 4s Sari 1s Thin accompaniment 1sSapphire 4s Put safely alternative away, in a way 1TTarget of some so Finish political attacks sz Mata zo How many ss Gray shade learn ss inst r uction 21 Turn
NORTH 4852
ss Went after 4o Planes are studied in it
No. 0104 8
2 Anti-aging
product name 2 Lake cabin sight 4 Some gas atoms s Ways to go s You may feel below it y Does street campaigning s Bobby of the Black Panther Party e Part of many a welcome kit 1o Suffix with special 11 1894 novel whose title character likes to collect fingerprints 12 "Votre toast," e.g. 12 Span 1s Measures 1e Kind of bean 2s News clipping 2s "Prelude to War" documentarian, 1943 22 "There's every crowd" zs French urban network so Lau d er, cosmetics giant
21 23
43 47
45 49
50 53
Puzzle by DAVID J. KAHN
sl Secreted again 44Haggard
s4 It may be said with a brushing motion 4T Ring figure in "Carmen" sy Brest milk syActress Ward word of a 4e Zesties! maker ss Last party song se Fortune 500 microcomputer s1 "... the eye soJapanese firm bourse: Abbr. can see" 42 2010 Jude 41 Hit CBS series Law/Forest ss Grass starting in Whitaker movie appendages 2000 34 Outbreak of 2003
For answers, call 1-900-285-5656, $1.49 a minute; or, with a credit card, 1-800-814-5554. Annual subscriptions are available for the best of Sunday crosswords from the last 50 years: 1-888-7-ACROSS. AT&T users: Text NYTX to 386 to download puzzles, or visit for more information.
Online subscriptions: Today's puzzle and more than 2,000 past puzzles, ($39.95 a year). Share tips: Crosswords for young solvers:
SUDOKU Complete the grid so that
every row, column and 3x3 box contains every digit from1 to 9 inclusively.
4; .=
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LOS ANGELES TIMESCROSSWORD Edit ed by Rich Norrisand Joyce Nichols Lewis
5 Put away for later 6 Constellation 8 Crammed, near Scorpius perhaps 7 Sikhism, e.g.: 15 Without a clue Abbr. 16 Having merit, as 8 Dispassionate a theory 9 The Bell System 17 Sherlock Holmes was one, briefly 10 First Burmese forte 19 Steve of the prime minister Lakers 11 Newsreel word 20 Involuntary 12 Footnote abbr. movement 13 Simple race of 21 Find the right fiction words, say 14 Bad impression? 22 1891 self-named 18 Voter's dilemma, electrical invention often 26 Lethargic 23 W.C. Fields 29 Crew member persona 30 Computer media 24 Turner in films 34 Very long time 25 In other words, in 35 "Nonsense!" other words 36 Golf course 26 Ancient freebie Jordanian 37 "They're running archaeological neck and neck!" city 40 Show to be false 27 Expressed 41 Checkpoint wonderment 28 It's sharp and flat demand 42 Dedicatory verse 31 Exclusive 43 Handy 32 In a way, slangily 44 Old-time whaler's 33 Bad fall harvest 35 Henri: s'il vous 45 Bit of a plait:: disagreement Heinrich: 46 Product 1 2 3 4 5 introduced as 15 Brad's Drink in 1893 17 50 TV doctor 53 Market tracking 19 aid: Abbr. 54 m a ter 22 57 Advocates for change, and a 26 2 7 28 hint to this 34 35 puzzle's circled letters 37 38 62 High POint Df
1 Dragster, e.g.
42AN)PIh)1 H A! N) G. fIRELL I5. I MPOg6$'LE. I /'I LL gHAT l5 Ifovlz. I CH0056 I C,/tbt'T 6 5LFPIRICE FDIZ ~HE CIREIIO ALLob0- D E c ETE
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© 2013 by King Features Syndicate, Inc
o r l d eghts reserved
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IT WAG A 3 U R 'IED A FLT' SHOVV! 84 678w
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Unscramble these four Jumbles, one letter 10 each square, lo form four ordinary words.
THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME by David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek This Is what you get. Yeu deserve this. Enjoy yeur — short cfulse.~
RACOG I know.IwishI; ' " hedn'I done Iz~ '
Ell „
Now arrange the circled letters to form the surprise answer, 86 suggested by the above cartoon.
"Grandma, can you lend me $11 to get a set of false fingernails?"
O S N A P R T E L E A J O I N L M O N C B I A B E S N E E O H S F L F O U R S D D A N N O E Z EG O I T M E R E S P E T C T E T R A H E D W R I S T D U O A S E S S A 6
31 3 2
42 45
02/OB/1 3 11
town 63 Like bumpers 64 Bette Midler 50 5 1
wHEN THa Rzlsc>NEIz wA5
0 Laughingstock International Inc. 0ie oy Universal Uclck for UF6 2013
65 Flirt's quality
36 Ristorante order 5 2 Frozen treat 38 One delivering 55 C r y from one the goods eagerly raising a 39 Secular hand 45 River leaper 56 Fa t her of Phobos 47 Roots (for) and Deimos 48 Splurge 58 Mil. mailroom 49 "Curb Your 59 Radio frequency Enthusiasm" role regu l ating org. 50 Attention-getter 60 uSD that's what's 51 Frigid planet in going o n!" "The Empire 61 To m Hayden's '60s org. Strikes Back"
many a small
02013 Tnbune Media Services, Inz „ Ao Rights Reserved.
* *
Answer here: (Anowere tomorrow) J umbles: RIGOR MI N C E EX P AN D HU M B L E Answer: After forgetting lo pay hio gym dues, he needed to - "RE-MEMBER"
DOWN 1 Arm extension? 2 Shortly 3 "The Lord Df the
Rings," for one 4 Full of surprises, as a plot
53 58
54 59
By Jeffrey Wechsler (c)2013 Tribune Media Services, Inc.
56 61
TO PLACE AN AD CALL CLASSIFIED• 541-385-5809 ~Boats & Accessories
Motor h omes
jw„ 22' Custom Weld Jet, Southwind 35.5' Triton, 2002, 350 Vortec, 210 2008,V10, 2 slides, Duhrs, garaged, loaded. pont UV coat, 7500 mi. Bought new at 541-923-0854. $132,913; Ads published in the asking $93,500. "Boats" classification Call 541-419-4212 include: Speed, fish- Tioga Class C 23', 2000, ing, drift, canoe, 500 mi, Onan gen, house and sail boats. 25 For all other types of $15,900. 541-419-9229 watercraft, please see Class 875. 541-385-5809
The Bulletin Winnebago 30A Sightseer 2012, 31 ft., all options, 2 slides, 362HP V10, 10K mi., with o u r spec i al cond., $105,900. rates for selling your I mint 541-330-5516 I boat or watercraft!
I Place an ad in The I B ulletin w i t h
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I *5 lines of text and a photo or up to 10 I lines with no photo.
Winnebago Suncruiser34' only 34K, loaded, I 2004, too much to list, ext'd
warr. thru 2014, $54,900 Dennis, 541-589-3243
*Free online ad at
I *Free pick up into I The Central Oregon
I Nickel ads.
I Travel Trailers Wanderer, 1997, exI 23' cellent condition, f u ll
I Ratesstartat$46. I bath, roll-out awning. I Call for details! $5800. 541-546-9395 54 I -385-5809 RV CONSIGNMENTS
gThe Bulleting GENERATE SOME excitement in your neigborhood. Plan a garage sale and don't forget to advertise in classified! 385-5809.
The Bulletin
We Do The Work ... You Keep The Cash! On-site credit approval team, web site presence. We Take Trade-Ins! Free Advertising. BIG COUNTRY RV Bend 541-330-2495 Redmond: 541-548-5254
Serving Central Oregon smce 1903
Look at: for Complete Listings of Area Real Estate for Sale
Used out-drive parts - Mercury OMC rebuilt marine motors: 151 $1595; 3.0 $1895; 4.3 (1993), $1995.
Fifth Wheels
2007 SeaDoo 2004 Waverunner, excellent condition, LOW hours. Double trailer, lots of extras.
Automotive Wanted
Antique & Classic Autos
Sport Utility Vehicles •
Aut o m obiles
Automo b iles
r - „.—.. ,.a .— ,
S pringdale 2005 27', 4' slide in dining/living area, sleeps 6, low mi,$15,000 obo. 541-408-3811
Automobiles •
DONATE YOUR CARFast Free Towing 24 hr. Response - Tax Deduction. U N ITED BREAST C A N C ER F OUNDATION P r o 740 IL 1998 orig MONTANA 3585 2008, Porsche Cayenne 2004, BMW Nissan Sentra 2012, viding Free Mammoo wner, exc. c o n d "My LittleRed Corvette" 12,610 exc. cond., 3 slides, 86k, immac, dealer mi, full warranty, grams & Breast Can- Plymouth B a r racuda 101k miles, new tires 1996 coupe. 132K, PS, PB, AC, & more! king bed, Irg LR, Arccer Info 1966, original car! 300 maint'd, loaded, now loaded, sunroof. 26-34 mpg. 350 auto. tic insulation, all op$1 7000. 503-459-1 580 $16,000. 541-788-0427 888-785-9788. hp, 360 V8, center$8900. 541-706-1897 $12,500 541-923-1781 tions $37,500. (PNDC) lines, (Original 273 541-420-3250 Co) ~ eng & wheels incl.) Toyota 4Ru n n er MOrePitat Bendbulleti!I,CO m 541-593-2597 1 993, blue, 4 d r . , Need to get an Automotive Parts, • 4WD, V6, 5 speed, Buick Lucerne CXL PROJECT CARS: Chevy ad in ASAP? Service & Accessories 2-dr FB 1949-(SOLD) & t ow pkg., p lus 4 2009, $12,500, low studs tires on rims, You can place it Chevy Coupe 1950 low miles; 2003 Le(4) Hankook studded r uns great. W a s Porsche 911 1974, low Sabre, $4000. You'll rolling chassis's $1750 online at: tires, 20 5 / 65R15S,ea., Chevy 4-dr 1949, $ 5500, now o n l y not find nicer Buicks Ford Taurus wagon 2004, mi., complete motor/ e xc. c o nd . $3 0 0 complete car, $ 1949; $4000.541-659-1416 One look's worth a very nice, pwr everything, trans. rebuild, tuned 541-388-5152 Cadillac Series 61 1950, thousand words. Call 120K, FWD, good tires, suspension, int. & ext. 2 dr. hard top, complete 541-385-5809 Bob, 541-318-9999. $4900 obo. 541-815-9939 refurb., oi l c o o ling, shows new in 8 out, w /spare f r on t cl i p ., Toyota Landcruiser, for an appt. and take a Antique & 2000, 85K mi, leather, perf. m ech. c o n d. $3950, 541-382-7391 drive in a 30 mpg car! Nuyya 297LK Hitchtow pkg, beautiful! Much more! Kia Optima EX 2004 Hiker 2007, 3 slides, Classic Autos 933 $17,700. 541-389-3769 $28,000 541-420-2715 2.7L V6, all power 32' touring coach, left The Bulletin options, moonroof, Pickups kitchen, rear lounge, To Subscribe call PORSCHE 914 1974, 940 spoiler, leather, many extras, beautiful 541-385-5800 or go to Roller (no engine), Infinity AM/FM/CD, c ond. inside 8 o u t , Vans lowered, full roll cage, Chevy 3/4 ton 4x4 alloys, Michelin & $32,900 OBO, Prinev1921 Model T 5-pt harnesses, rac1971 new trans, 2 studded tires, ille. 541-447-5502 days Delivery Truck ing seats, 911 dash 8 new t i r es , ne w meticulously main96 Ford Windstar 8 & 541-447-1641 eves. Restored & Runs CHECK YOUR AD instruments, d e cent tained, $6500. brakes, 2nd owner, 2000 Nissan Quest, shape, v e r y c o ol! Please check your ad Bend, 760-715-9123 $9000. r uns/drives g o o d . both 7-passenger on the first day it runs $1699. 541-678-3249 541-389-8963 Make good wood vans, high miles, low to make sure it is cortruck. $2395 OBO prices, $1200 & rect. Sometimes in541-350-2859 Mercedes M Class $2900, and worth Toyota Camrys: s tructions over t h e 2011 only 9,000 mi. every cent! 1984, $1200 obo; phone are misunder¹709224, $48,988 541-318-9999 1985 SOLD; P ilgrim 27', 2007 5 t h Chevy Sil v erado stood and an e rror wheel, 1 s lide, AC, can occur in your ad. 1986 parts car, 2 000, 1 / 2 t on , 8 ' TV,full awning, excelbox, bed liner, std If this happens to your $500. Oregon lent shape, $23,900. 1966 GMC, 2nd owner, cab, auto, 4x4, 54k Chevy Astro ad, please contact us Call for details, AutoSource 541-350-8629 Cargo Van 2001, co n d ., the first day your ad too many extras to list, mi., e xc . 541-548-6592 541-598-3750 pw, pdl, great cond., appears and we will $8500 obo. Serious buy- $9000. business car, well ers only. 541-536-0123 541-977-6653 be happy to fix it as Toyota Corolla 2004, maint'd, regular oil s oon as w e c a n . changes, $4500. Deadlines are: Week- Mitsubishi 3 00 0 GT auto., loaded, 2 04k Please call days 12:00 noon for 1999, auto., p e a rl miles. orig. owner, non smoker, exc. c o nd. 541-633-5149 next day, Sat. 11:00 w hite, very low m i . Prin e ville a.m. for Sunday; Sat. $9500. 541-788-8218. $6500 Pilgrim In t e rnational 503-358-8241 12:00 for Monday. If 2005, 36' 5th Wheel, Need help fixing stuff? we can assist you, Model¹M-349 RLDS-5 Chevy C-20 Pickup BULLETIN CLASSIFIEDS Call A Service Professional please call us: Fall price $ 2 1,865. 1969, all orig. Turbo 44; Ford 250 XLT 1990, 6 yd. dump bed, Search the area's most find the help you need. 541-385-5809 Vehicle? 541-312-4466 auto 4-spd, 396, model comprehensive listing of 139k, Auto, $5500. Call The Bulletin The Bulletin Classified CST /all options, orig. 541-410-9997 classified advertising... and place an ad toowner, $22,000, real estate to automotive, Chevy Cobalt 2 0 05, dayl 541-923-6049 FORD RANGER XLT Chevy Lumina 1 9 95 white, 4-dr, 2.2L, 108K merchandise to sporting Ask about our 1995 Ext. cab 2WD 5 7 -pass. v a n wit h miles, over 35mpg, auto 55 Chevy 2 dr . w gn 0 0 • I "Whee/ Deal"! goods. Bulletin Classifieds speed, with car alarm, p ower c h a i r lif t , trans, AC, CD player, P ROJECT car, 3 5 0 appear every day in the for private party small block w/Weiand CD player, extra tires $1500; 1989 Dodge dual airbags, manual advertisers print or on line. dual quad tunnel ram on rims. Runs good. Turbo Van 7 - pass. locks & windows, good Call 541-385-5809 has new motor and cond in/out, runs/drives with 450 Holleys. T-10 Clean. 92,000 miles 4-speed, 12-bolt posi, o n m o t or . $2 6 0 0 t rans., $1500. I f i n - great, non-smkr, always terested c a l l Jay maintained. $4950. Weld Prostar whls, ex OBO. 541-771-6511. 503-269-1057. tra rolling chassis + Call 541-350-9938 ServmgCe t<al Ongonsm<e 1903 extras. $6000 for all. 541-389-7669.
L'"" '" "
The Bulletin
modified engine. Body is in excellent condition, $2500 obo. 541 -420-4677
GMC Envoy 2002 4WD
$6,450. Loaded, Leather, Heated seats, Bose sound system. Ext. roof rack (218) 478-4469 v x» CERTIFIED
Ford T-Bird, 1966, 390 eng, power everything, 2004 Lexus RX330 new paint, 54K original miles, runs great, ex- Very well maint, AWD, Leather, moon roof. cellent condition in & out. Asking $8,500. ¹069866 Special priced @ Peterbilt 359 p o table 541-480-3179 $15 555 water t ruck, 1 9 90, Immaculate! 3200 gal. tank, 5hp 2011 Mercedes ML550 Beaver Coach Marquis pump, 4-3" h o ses, 9k m. ¹709224 $48,988 40' 1987. New cover, camlocks, $ 2 5,000. 2011 Toyota 4Runner new paint (2004), new 541-820-3724 inverter (2007). Onan Fleetwood Wilderness SR5 ¹042626 $31,988 6300 watt gen, 111K mi, 36', 2005, 4 s l ides, 2011 Acura MDX parked covered $35,000 rear bdrm, fireplace, GMC V~ton 1971, Only ¹546273 $ 38,9 9 5 Utility Trailers obo. 541-419-9859 or $19,700! Original low 1998 Toyota T100 Ex AC, W/D hkup beau541-280-2014 mile, exceptional, 3rd Cab SR5 4x4. tiful u n it! $ 3 0 ,500. owner. 951-699-7171 ¹250951 $9995 541-815-2380 2006 Chev Silverado 3500 crew dually 4x4 USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! Big Tex Landscap¹186633 $ 24,9 9 5 ingl ATV Trailer, Door-to-door selling with dual axle flatbed, fast results! It's the easiest 7'x16', 7000 lb. «regov xvevrvvrrv Monaco Dynasty 2004, Jeep Comanche, 1990, way in the world to sell. GVW, all steel, loaded, 3 slides, dieoriginal owner, 167K, 541-598-3750 $1400. sel, Reduced - now 4WD, 5-spd, tags good Corner 97 & w. Empire 541-382-4115, or The Bulletin Classified $119,000, 5 4 1-923till 9/2015, $4500 obo. www.aaaoregonauto541-280-7024. 541-385-5809 8572 or 541-749-0037 541-633-7761 ~s our
PYo~ LcT/
Legal Notices
with 351 Cleveland
The Bulletin
auto. trans, ps, air, frame on rebuild, rer~ ~ ~ a painted original blue, RAM 2500 2003, 5.7L .(rroriginal blue interior, hemi V8, hd, auto, cruise, $10,000 original hub caps, exc. am/fm/cd. $8400 obro. 541-719-8444 1/3 interest i n w e l l- chrome, asking $9000 541-420-3634/390-1285 Sprinter 272RLS, 2009 equipped IFR Beech Bo- or make offer. 541-385-9350 Ads published in "Wa- 29', weatherized, like nanza A36, new 10-550/ tercraft" include: Kay- n ew, f u rnished & prop, located KBDN. $65,000. 541-419-9510 aks, rafts and motor- ready to go, incl Wine1983, 8000-Ib Warn ized ard S a tellite dish, personal winch, 2 sets of tire 26,995. 541-420-9964 watercrafts. For Chrysler SD 4-Door chains, canopy, 22R " boats" please s e e 1930, CD S R oyal motor, 5-spd t ransClass 870. Standard, s-cylinder, mission, $2495 obo. fii I T I I body is good, needs 541-350-2859 541-385-5809 some r e s toration, 935 runs, taking bids, 1/5th interest in 1973 541-383-3888, Sport Utility Vehicles Weekend Warrior Toy Cessna 150 LLC 541-815-331 8 Hauler 28' 2007, Gen, conversion, low fuel station, exc cond. 150hp time on air frame and Motorhomes sleeps 8, black/gray Where can you find a engine, hangared in i nterior, u se d 3X , Bend. Excellent perhelping hand? $24,999. formance & afford541-389-9188 From contractors to able flying! $6,500. yard care, it's all here Buick Enclave 2008 CXL 541-382-6752 Looking for your in The Bulletin's AWD, V-6, black, clean, next employee? 32' Fleetwood Fiesta '03, AIR PORT CAF E mechanicall y sound, 82k "Call A Service no slide-out, Triton eng, Place a Bulletin help (Bend Municipal Airport) miles. $20,995. all amenities, 1 owner, wanted ad today and Now open 7 dayslwk! Professional" Directory Call 541-815-1216 reach over 60,000 • Daily Specials perfect, only 17K miles, .II readers each week. • New Management $21,500. 541-504-3253 Your classified ad OPEN DAILY, 8-3 will also appear on Call 541-318-8989 which currently reLocation, Location, ceives over 1.5 milLocation! FIAT 1800 1978, 5-spd, Chevy Tahoe 1999, 4x4, lion page views evExecutive Hangar door panels w/flowers most options, new paint ery month at no at Bend Airport (KBDN) Beaver Marquis D ia& hummingbirds, & tires, 159K mi., $4250. extra cost. Bulletin 60' wide x 50' d eep, white soft top & hard Call 541-233-8944 '98, prismante, 1 of 20, Classifieds Get Re- w/55' wide x 17' high bitine, 44K mi, garaged, top. Just reduced to sults! Call 385-5809 fold dr. Natural gas heat, $119,900. 541-771-3030 $3,750. 541-317-9319 Chevy Tahoe LS 2001, or place your ad offc, bathroom. Adjacent 4x4, 120K mi, Power or 541-647-8483 on-line at to Frontage Rd; great seats, Tow Pkg, 3rd visibility for aviation busirow seating, e xtra ness. 541-948-2126 or tires, CD, pnvacy tintll email 1jetjock© ing, upgraded rims. 882 Fantastic cond. $7995 Fifth Wheels Piper A rcher 1 9 8 0, Contact Timm at based in Madras, al541-408-2393 for info Econoline RV 19 8 9, ways hangared since FordGalaxie 500 1963, or to view vehicle. fully loaded, exc. cond, new. New annual, auto 2 dr. hardtop,fastback, 35K m i. , R e duced F ord F reestyle S E L pilot, IFR, one piece 390 vs,auto, pwr. steer & $15,250. 541-546-6133 windshield. Fastest Ar- radio (orig),541-419-4989 2006, V6, AWD, AT, AC, front & side airbags, 25 cher around. 1750 toCAN'T BEAT THIS! Model A 1 9 2 8 mpg, 3rd row seating, tal t i m e. $68,500. F ord Roadster pic k u p,pwr Ithr seats, multi-CD, Look before you Carri-Lite Luxury 2009 541-475-6947, ask for runs, titled, project car traction control, new tires buy, below market by Carriage, 4 slideRob Berg. from So. Cal, no rust, & brks, maintained exvalue! Size & mileouts, inverter, satelage DOES matter! not a rat rod. $4000. t remely well, runs & lite sys, fireplace, 2 Class A 32' Hurri541-876-7237, leave drives exlnt,148K hwy mi, flat screen TVs. Trucks & cane by Four Winds, msg, or call after 6pm. $7200. 541-604-4166 $60,000. 2007. 12,500 mi, all Heavy Equipment 541-480-3923 Ford Mustang Coupe amenities, Ford V10, 1966, original owner, CHECK YOUR AO Ithr, cherry, slides, V8, automatic, great like new! New low shape, $9000 OBO. price, $54,900.
Ford Ranchero 1979
I nternational Fla t Bed Pickup 1963, 1 ton dually, 4 s p d. trans., great MPG, could be exc. wood hauler, runs great, new brakes, $1950.
1/3 interest in Columslide,Bunkhouse style, bia 400, located at 541-389-6998 sleeps 7-8, excellent Sunriver. $ 1 38,500. condition, $ 1 6 ,900, Call 541-647-3718 Chrysler 30 0 C o u pe 541-390-2504 1967, 44 0 e n g ine,
Gulfstream Scenic Reo Dump Cruiser 36 ft. 1999, Please check your ad Diamond Truck 19 7 4, 12 -14 Cummins 330 hp dieon the first day it runs • yard box, runs good, sel, 42K, 1 owner, 13 to make sure it is cor- • $6900, 541-548-6812 in. kitchen slide out, rect. Sometimes innew tires,under cover, structions over the hwy. miles only,4 door phone are misG K E AT fridge/freezer ice- understood and an error maker, W/D combo, can occur in your ad. Interbath tub 8 If this happens to your Hyster H25E, runs shower, 50 amp proad, please contact us well, 2982 Hours, pane gen & more! the first day your ad $3500,call $45,000. appears and we will 541-749-0724 541-948-231 0 be happy to fix it as soon as we can. If we can assist you, please call us: It> 541-385-5809 The Bulletin Classified
I The Bulletin I
Chevy Wagon 1957, 4-dr., complete, $7,000 OBO, trades. Please call
ass i gns,
Plaintiff, v. D AYNA
O regon, you a r e hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above-entitled Court a nd cause on o r before the e xpiration of 30 days from the date of the first p ublication of t h is summons. The date of first publication in this matter is Jana ury 18, 2013. I f you fail timely to appear and answer, plaintiff will apply to the a b ove-entitled court for the relief p rayed for i n i t s complaint. This is a judicial foreclosure of a deed of trust in which the p l aintiff r equests that t h e plaintiff be allowed to f oreclose your interest in the f o llowing d e s cribed real property: LOT 5 1, B LOCK G G , DESCHUTES R IVER W O O D S , DESCHUTES COUNTY, OREGON. Commonly known as: 6 0 491 I roquois Cir c l e, B end, Oreg o n 9 7702-8925.
NO -
THESE P A P ERS CAREFULLY! A lawsuit has b e en started against you in th e a b ove-entitled court by Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., plaintiff. P l a intiff's claims are stated in t he w r itten c o m p laint, a c o p y o f which was filed with the a b ove-entitled C ourt. You mus t
"appear" in this case or the other side will win a u tomatically. To "appear" you m ust file with t he
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Legal Notices
should see an attorBEND, OR ney immediately. If 2003 MERCEDESBENZ CLK 430 CN you need help in finding an attorney, VIN = you may contact the WDBLK70G73T133000 Oregon State Bar's Amount due on lien Lawyer Ref e rral $7970.15 S ervice online a t Reputed owner(s): www.oregonstateCHRISTINA HART or by calling CHRISTINA J. HART (503) 684-3763 (in the Portland metroLEGAL NOTICE p olitan a rea) o r TRUSTEE'S NOTICE toll-free elsewhere OF SALE in Oregon at (800) Reference is made to 452-7636. This that certain trust deed summons is issued made b y K e r i L. pursuant to ORCP Anderson, a s i n gle 7. ROUTH CRABperson, as grantor, to TREE OLSEN, P.C., Amerititle, as trustee, By Steph a nie in favor of Bank of the S chilling, OS B ¹ Cascades Mrtg. Cen104942, Attorneys ter a s be n eficiary, for Plaintiff, 511 SW dated May 19, 2005, 10th Ave., Ste. 400, and recorded on May Portland, OR 97205, 31, 2005, as Instru-
9 77-7840; Fa x 4 25-623-1937, s s -
chilling O m LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF ELECTION OF DISTRICT BOARD MEMBERS Chaparral Water Control District Notice is hereby given that on Tuesday, May 21, 2013, an election will be held for the purpose of e lecting two board members to fill the following positions and terms, including any vacancy which may exist on the board of Chaparral Water Control District.
Director Position ¹1, 4-year term Director Position ¹2, 4-year term The election will be conducted by m a il. Each candidate for an office listed a b ove must file a declaration of candidacy or petition for n omination for office with the County Clerk of Deschutes County, Oregon, not later than the 61st day before the date of the regular district e lection. The filing deadline is 5 p m o n M a rch 2 1 , 2013. Filing forms are available at the Deschutes County Clerk's office, 1300 NW Wall S treet, S u it e 2 0 2 , Bend, Oregon 97701 and onl i n e at erk. Nancy Blankenship Deschutes County Clerk LEGAL NOTICE Public Auction Public Auction to be held o n S a t urday, February 16th, 2013
court a legal document called a "motion" or "answer." a t 11:30am a t A - 1 The "motion" or "anWestside S t o rage, swer" (or "reply") 317 SW Columbia St., must be given to the Bend, Oregon 97702. c ourt clerk or a d(Units A-019 Chavez, ministrator within 30 D-194 Bradford and days of the date of F-201 Putnam). first publ i cation s pecified her e i n LEGAL NOTICE along with the rePURSUANT TO ORS CHAPTER 87 quired filing fee. It must be in proper Notice is hereby given form and have proof that the following veof service on t he hicle will be sold, for cash to the highest plaintiff's a t torney or, if t h e p l a intiff bidder, on 2/11/2013. does not have an The sale will be held a ttorney, proof o f at 10:00am by: service on the plain- MERCEDES BENZ OF tiff.lf you have any BEND 61430 S. HWY. 97 questions, you
ment No. 2005-33842
Legal Notices 187.110,
chutes County Courthouse steps, 1 164 N W Bond, City o f Bend, County of Deschutes, Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the interest in said described real p roperty which t h e Grantors had or had power to convey at the time of the execution by him of the said Trust Deed, together with a n y int e rest which the Grantors or their successors in interest acquired after the execution of said Trust Deed, to satisfy the foregoing obligations thereby secured and the costs and ex-
penses of sale, including a reasonable charge by the T rustee. N o t ice i s further given that any person named in ORS 86.753 has the right, at any time prior to five days before the date last set for the s ale, to h a v e t h i s foreclosure proceeding dismissed and the Trust Deed reinstated b y payment to t h e Beneficiary of the entire amount when due (other than such portion of the principal as would not then be due had no d efault occurred) and by curing any o t he r d e f ault complained of herein that is capable of being cured by rendering the performance r equired under t h e o bligation o r T r u st Deed, and in addition to paying said sums or tendering the performance necessary to cure the default by paying all costs and expenses actually incurred in enforcing the obligation and t r ust deed, together with Trustee's and a ttorney's fees n o t exceeding the amounts provided by ORS 86.753. In construing this notice, the masculine gender includes the f eminine and the neuter, the singular includes the plural, t h e word "Grantors" i n c ludes any successor in interest to the Grantors as well as any other person owing an obligation, th e p e r formance of which is secured by said Trust Deed, and the words "Trustee" and "Beneficiary" include their respective s u ccessors in interest, if any. DATED: October 29, 2012. Benjamin M. Kearney, Successor T rustee, 8 0 0 Wil lamette Street, Suite 8 00, E ugene, O R
of the Official Records of Deschutes County, O regon, a n d th a t certain Assignment of Trust Deed dated May 1 9, 2005 a n d r e corded June 3, 2005 a s I nstrument N o . 2005-34640 wherein Oregon Housing and Community Services Department, State of Oregon, was designated as the successor beneficiary, covering th e f o l lowing described real property situated in said county a n d st a t e, to-wit: Lot Twenty-four (24), SOUTH V I LLAGE, Des c hutes County, Oregon. Both the Beneficiary and t he T r ustee h a v e elected to sell the said real property to satisfy th e o b ligations secured by said Trust Deed and a Notice of Default has been recorded pursuant to Oregon Revised Statutes 86.735(3); the default for which the foreclosure is made is G rantor's failure t o p ay when due t h e following sums: G rantor's failure t o pay monthly installment payments due under the Promissory Note in the amount of $838.00 per month for the months of August, September and October 2012. By reason of said default, the Beneficiary has declared all sums owing on the obligation secured by said Trust Deed immediately due a nd p ayable, s a id sums being the foll owing, t o -wit: t h e principal balance of $106,789.67 together with accrued interest through October 22, 2012, in the amount of $1 779 06 (interest continues to accrue at the rate of $15.8571 per diem from October 22, 2 0 1 2 u n t il paid), plus late fees in 97401, 541-484-0188. the amo u n t of $ 102.12, and s u c h other costs and fees BULLETIN CLASSIFIEDS as are due under the Search the area's most note or other instru- comprehensive listing of ment secured, and as classified advertising... are provided by stat- real estate to automotive, ute. W H E REFORE, merchandise to sporting notice is hereby given goods. Bulletin Classifieds that the undersigned appear every day in the Trustee will on April 2, print or on line. 2013, at the hour of Call 541-385-5809 11:00 o'clock A.M., in accord with the standard of t ime estabThe Bulletin lished by ORS SerwngCentral Omgon snce l903
To PLAGE AN AD cALL CLAssIFIED• 541-385-5809
i 4t 4
I Ol I
4 I '
4 I
4 I
I • •
I '
I 4
• I
l l
I '
They raise farnilies, focus on their careers and still manage to find time to make a difference in their communities. They are the women ofCentral Oregon.
A bright, intelligent and inspiring magazine for your mind, body and self, this unique publication features topics of interest to today's women.
Covering subjects from health, style and professional success to personal goals and relationships, U Magazine offers its readers content to educate, empower and inspire. Each edition highlights women and the positive impact they have on
I• •
' •
Central Oregon and their communities.
• I •
W HEN TOLOOK FOR IT: publishing six editions a year
Saturday, February 16 Saturday, April 6 Saturday, June 1 Saturday, July 13 Saturday, September 7 Saturday, October 19
Promoting the values of competition
NN < 44
E 4 4.444444'
441 444 444 •
Featuring locally written content that is engaging and inforrnative. This publication has beendeveloped specifically for our senior and boomer population.
I '
The Central Oregon Council On Aging and The Bulletin have partnered to produce Ageless — a dynamic publication with content developed specifically for the largest and fastest growing segment of
IONf 4
our community — those over 40 years of age. With topics to inspire, engage and promote health and vitality, The stories published in Ageless reminds us to live our lives to the fullest — regardless of our
age. This publication is inserted into The Bulletin and can be found in select local businesses. INN ON NN WlfEO
W HEN TOLOOK FOR IT: publishing six editions a year
4"L .
• • e
Thursday, January 31 Saturday, March 16 Saturday, May 18 Saturday, July 27
Saturday, September 21
Saturday, November 16
<:I:Inar <TIN<l I I<'INIcn Tlle lll II nrslcl<T I II LNTTI.II
CENTRAL OREGON'S ORIGINAL HOME & LIVING MAGAZINE Look to Central Oregon Living for locally written features about our unique lifestyles. One of The Bulletin's premier publications,
this award-winning magazine features what's new and unique to the home building industry in Central Oregon and the lifestyle we enjoy. Featuring innovative
products, interior designs, gardening in the high desert, local expert columnists and more, this publication celebrates individuality and appreciation for the natural surroundings that inspire us,
W HEN TOLOOK FOR IT: publishingfoureditions ayear Saturday, March 2 Saturday, June 29 Saturday, October 5 Saturday, December 7
J/ I
1~i .,
I (~ •
i Y'
ShookTwins,HotTuna and Shawn Mullins P L U S: Oscarfans rejoice! Regal Old Mill is hosting a Best Picture marathon, PAGE27
• UI • 51
• rll
hit the TowerTheatre stagethis weekend
• LJI •El
•a5U8 I H l 1
$,¹ok r)
insi e
Cover design by Greg Cross/The Bulletin
Julie Johnson, 541-383-0308 jjohnson
REPORTERS Elise Gross, 541-383-0351 David Jasper, 541-383-0349 Ben Salmon, 541-383-0377 Jenny Wasson, 541-383-0350
"Botanica" dance show at Newmark
• A review of Smith Rock Brewing Co.
SUBMIT AN EVENT GO! MAGAZINE is published each Friday in The Bulletin. Please submit information at least 10 days before the edition in which it is printed, including the event name, brief description, date, time, location, cost, contact number and a website, if appropriate. Email to: Fax to: 541-385-5804, Attn: Community Life U.S. Mail or hand delivery: Community Life, The Bulletin 1777 S.W. Chandler Ave. Bend, OR 97702
• COVER STORY: Shook Twins, Hot Tuna and Shawn Mullins at the TowerTheatre this weekend • Nicki Bluhm & The Gramblers at Liquid Lounge • Heatseekers Tour offers reggae/ska • Tom VandenAvond plays TheHorned Hand • McMenamins hosts You Me & Apollo • Bass Love for Valentine's Day
ARTS • 12 • • • • •
Collagraph exhibit at Atelier 6000 Volcanic Theatre Pub starts auditions Juried art competition seeks artworks Art call for Mini Pole Pedal Paddle logo Art Exhibits lists current exhibits
• James Apollo & His SweetUnknown • A listing of live music, DJs,karaoke, open mics and more
GAMING • 23 A review of "Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch" What's hot on the gaming scene
OUTDOORS • 15 • Great ways to enjoy the outdoors
CALENDAR • 16 • A week full of Central Oregon events
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Althea Borck, 541-383-0331
• Local Natives, Tegan and Sara,Radar Brothers and more
PLANNING AH EA D • 18 • A listing of upcoming events • Talks and classes listing
• "Side Effects,""Identity Thief" and 'Quartet" open in Central Oregon "Alex Cross,""Celeste and Jesse orever," "Flight," "A Late Quartet," HereComes the Boom" and "Di ana Vreeland: TheEyeHasto Travel" are out n Blu-ray and DVD Brief reviews of movies showing in entral Oregon
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Presente d byTheBulletin Youdon'twanttomissbeingapartoftheOffi cialGuidetotheCentralOregon'sLargest ,','Sportsmen'sShow presentedbyTheBulletin. This exciting showhasbecomean icon for outdoor enthusiasts featuring hundredsof exhibitors fromthroughout Central Oregon,the northwest andALaska. This tabloid-sizemagazineis full of showinformation andmapsas weLL asdetails on whereandwhenthe popular "howto" clinics will be held. I I Ad vertising deadline: Tuesday, February 19 TO ADVERTISECALL YOUR ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVE AT 541-382-1811
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Courtesy Thia Konig
The Portland-based Shook Twins bring their own flair to folk music — and a giant egg filled with popcorn kernels — to the Tower Theatre tonight.
• Shook Twins of Portland have sweet a blend of techno-infused folk-pop By Elise Gross The Bulletin
iologically speaking, identical twins Katelyn and Laurie Shook were formed from the
same egg. It seems fitting, then, that the Portland-based Shook Twins — a folksy string band performing tonight at the Tower Theatre (see "If you go")
— incorporate a giant plastic egg into almost every gig.
Two years ago, Laurie saw a man standing outside a Seattle bar holding the foot-and-a-half-tall golden egg. When she asked him about it he gave it to her, with instructions to eventually pass it on to someone else. The egg is still around — now a fixture in the sisters' arsenal of instruments. "Laurie had the idea to put popcorn kernels inside of it, and put a contact
(microphone) on it," said Katelyn Shook in a telephone interview last week. The egg competes for stage time with a guitar, a banjo, a glockenspiel, a double bass, a mandolin, a looping machine and a telephone microphone, among other devices. "We call ourselves 'mediocre multi-instrumentalists,'" said Kate-
Bend after performing at the Pickin' and Paddlin' Music Series at Tumalo Creek Kayak 8 Canoe in July. Tonight marks their second show at the Tower, where they appeared in April. Double bassist and mandolin player Niko Daoussis and fiddler Anna Tivel will join the sisters on stage. Opening the show are students from the Sisters High School Americana Project, an affiliate of the Sisters Folk Festival that teaches roots music to
lyn, laughing.
young people.
The 28-year-old sisters return to
Continued Page 5
If yougo What:Shook Twins When:7:30 tonight,
doors open 6:30 p.m. Where:Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend
Cost:$14 plus fees, available through the venue Contact:www or 541-317-0700
tI $ •
Submitted photo
Nicki Bluhm & The Gramblers bring their California blend of rock, country, soul and folk Tuesday to Liquid Lounge in Bend.
• California-based Nicki Bluhm and her band will pop into Bend'sLiquid Lounge onTuesday By David Jasper The Bulletin
everal years back, Nicki Bluhm sang a blues song at a New Year's Eve party where Tim Bluhm, of San Francisco band The Mother Hips, was also in attendance. After her impromptu performance, an impressed Tim Bluhm introduced himself — and encouraged her to write and perform. Given that she's played her sunbaked, soulful California rootspop in Bend a couple of times before — and is playing Liquid
Lounge on Tuesday (see "If you go") — you may have conjectured that Nicki Bluhm took his advice to heart. Also, given their same last name, you may have noticed they got married along the way.
But wait. Had she really never sung publicly before that party? "No," she told GO! Magazine. "Just in my bedroom, in front of friends, stuff like that. But never in front of strangers, no." As a kid, she had no idea her tuneful voice would one day earn raves from critics. "I didn't think it was good or bad. I just did it. I loved singing," she said. She lovediteven more once she
began playing guitar at age 17. "That was really awesome, because I realized I could accompany myself instrumentally while I sang. That was just really satisfying; kind of like magic. I love being able to take somebody's song and re-create it, and just play it myself," she said, still sounding a lot like that kid with the new gui-
If yougo What:Nicki Bluhm 8 The Gramblers, with Echo Still
When:8 p.m. Tuesday Where:LiquidLounge,70 N.W . Newport Ave., Bend
Cost:$12 plus fees in advance at, $15 at
the door
tar. "That's really cool for me." She still likes taking someone else's song and r e-creating it. Bluhm and her backing band, The Gramblers, have released a series of videos called the Van Sessions, in which they cover classic songs Buddy Holly's "Everyday," George Michael's "Faith" and Whitney Houston's "How Will I Know" among them — while touring in their van.
"We were actually touring the Northwest and had some travel instruments in the van, and we didn't have a radio, so we started playing songs that we wanted to learn,"she said.They decided to post the videos on YouTube so friends and family back home could check them out. Production is simple, just an iPhone perched on the dash. Yet their version of Hall and Oates' "I Can't Go for That" has been viewed nearly 2 million times on YouTube. "We did not expect things to go viral," Bluhm said. "You can't predict stuff like that." Their accidentally popular series has had the positive side effect of promoting the original music, and live shows, of Bluhm and The Gramblers. The band has recorded a third full-length album they're shopping around to labels. They've released a couple of the new songs — "Little Too Late" and "Raven-
ous" — as singles through iTunes and her website, www.nickibluhm .com, and added the songs to their live set. "That's kind of fun. It's kind of a sneak peekinto the next record," she said. Read the raves about Bluhm in the music press, and it won't be long before you a r r ive at names such as Grace Slick, Karen Carpenter and L i nda Ronstadt, to whom Bluhm has been compared. She, for one, believes the comparisons have more to do with her image than her voice. "It's obviously very flattering," she said. "I certainly wish I sounded like Karen Carpenter, but I don't. I think people get an image of what I look like and dress like, and even if I don't sound like those women, it sort of makes them remember those women." — Reporter: 541-383-0349,
From Page 3 Originally from Sandpoint, Idaho, the Shooks have been singing together since childhood. "There are videos of us as early
as (age) 5 singing Sinead O'Connor e
songs," said Katelyn. Growing up, the twins sang in choir. But it was not until after high school that they learned to play the guitar after a male friend offered to teach them. "It took a cute boy to convince us," she joked. The Shook Twins began per-
eiebwting Chinese New Vear < og the Snakel The Yeal'4
forming six years ago. Originally "it was just us and two guitars. We got so bored of it — it all sounded the same," said Katelyn. Soon after, Laurie began playing the banjo and beatboxing periodically during performances, adding whimsy to th e self-described "quirky folk" act. Technicalelements were added later, such as a looping machine that can repeat sections of music and a repurposed telephone microphone to s l ightly d i stort sound. Their similar voices, however, are pure and rich, twisting together inseamless harmony. The result is a multilayered mix of folk-infused sound tinged with soul, rap and pop. Currently, the group, including double bassist Kyle Volkman, is working on a third album, which Katelyn describes as joyful with "folk-techno" elements. "We've been getting into electronic stuff ... Niko plays electric drums on a
Sunday, February 10th, 2013
New Year's Family Dinner Special
person 1 0(Min.Eper 2 peoplel
Includes:Soupof the Day8 Appetizers 2 People: HappyFamily, LuckyFish IFillet of Solel w/GreenBeans. 3 People: FreshPorkw/Long Life Noodles. *Additional Entrees for 4 or morepeople. "Healthy BrownRiceavailable upon request.
Submitted photo
iftyfiveyears.That'show longJormaKaukonenandJackCasadyhavebeen playing music together. Overthat time, the guitar and bass virtuosos (respectively) have developed abit of a rapport, as you might guess, whether playing together as kids in Washington D.C., or together in Jefferson Airplane, or as the core members
of their four-decade-old Airplane offshoot, Hot Tuna.Underthat name, Kaukonenand Casady play blues originals and standards; Saturday's show in Bend will be all acoustic. "If you don't like the sound of a plucked, fretted instrument, this is probably not the
show for you," Kaukonentold The Bulletin in July, before a scheduled Hot Tunashow that was canceled. "There's a lot of plucking and a lot of frets." These guys do plucking and frets better than just about anyone, so don't miss 'em.
HotTuna(acoustic);7p.m.Saturday,doorsopen 6p.m. ;$41and$53inadvance,$46 and$58day ofshow,plusfees,availablethrough thevenue; TowerTheatre,835N.W.
Wall St., Bend; www or 541-317-0700.
couple songs." Much of their previous work is playful in nature (the song "Rose" is written about a chicken, complete with clucking sounds provided by Katelyn). "We don'ttake ourselves too se-
Patrick McManus Comedy for Valentines!
riously, (our shows) end up being kind of funny," noted Katelyn. S ong verses often take t h e shape of i m a ginative stories. "Anything that makes me feel, I'll write a song about ... from the weather to a typical love song," said Katelyn, who composes the bulk of the band's lyrics. Laurie takes care of "textures, sound and tech," said Katelyn, who cited artists Ani DiFranco and Feist as musical influences. The sistersmanage to keep the workload equal, she added, and share all band responsibilities. Their professional relationship is perhaps strengthened by their personal one. "We're more than best friends," said Katelyn. "We're like each other's limb — like an arm." — Reporter: 541-383-0351, egrossC<
McMa nus In Love
21 22-23
Kids i n the Game Te lluride Film Fest
Courtesy Michael Wilson
hawn Mullins is more than just "Lullaby." Sure, that song — a Top 40 and MTV
hit in1999 — put Mullins on the mapand helped to fuel his career to this day.
But the Atlanta-based singer-songwriter has eight proper albums to his name, each a well-crafted workout in easygoing, acoustic folk-rock with a hint of blues. In
fact, Mullins is muchmore than just"Lullaby." Whenyouclick on the "Music" section of his website, for example, it suggests visiting a fan's discography, which "starts at the beginning and runs through about1999. After that," the note says, "the various releases
became too numerous to account." Those releases include 2010's California countryrockin' "Light You Up," which alt-country bible No Depression called "the best album that the Eagles never made." Shawn Mullins, with Max Gomez; 7p m.Sunday,doorsopen 6 p m . ;$26and $3750
1 2 6
"Simon Wiesenthaln Kevin E ubanks Ryan S tiles
Trivi a Bee
9 10 17
C.O. G ot Talent Lady smith Black M ambazo Beau S oleilJUST ADDED!
Tickets & Information
inadvance,$31and$42.50dayofshow,plusfees,availablethrough thevenue;Tower
3I 541-317-0700 Z"The TowerTheatre"
Theatre, 835N.W. Wall St., Bend; or541-317-0700.
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Oughta Know Me By Now"? Is it his
perfectly gritty sandpaper singing
The influence of '90s ska/reggae heroes Sublime seems to know no end. Take Wednesday night, for example, at the Domino Room in Bend. That's where three alt-reggae-pop-rock bands made up of 20ish- to 30ish-something white dudes will set up for the night to invoke the ghost of Brad Nowell. This travelling chill-fest has a name: the Heatseekers Tour. And so do the bands: Pacific Dub is from Huntington Beach, Calif., Iration formed in Isla Vista, Calif., just outside Santa Barbara, and Passafire is proof that Nowell's shadow stretches all the way to Savannah, Ga. Each dresses up a bouncy, no-worries reggae groove with passable pop melodies and occasional alt-rock guitars and irresistible vibe. If this is your kind of thing, bring your flip-flops and be prepared to jump in with both feet. Iration, with Passafire and Pacific Dub; 8:30 p.m. Wednesday, doors open 8 p.m.; $15 plus fees in advance at www, and Ranch Records (541-389-6116) in Bend, $18 at the door; Domino Room, 51 N.W. Greenwood Aven Bend; www
Folk, country collide in Tom VandenAvond Tom VandenAvond comes with the Larry and His Flask seal of approval, and in Central Oregon, that means something. So why did the Flask back VandenAvond on his fifth record, 2011's "You
voice? At times he sounds like postprison Steve Earle. Perhaps it's his lo-fi acoustic sound'? VandenAvond's music feels like it's being played for you, only
you, by a guy on your front porch. Maybe it's his downcast tunes about ladies, liquor and a life spent traveling. Or maybe he's just a nice guy, though his Reverbnation profile describes VandenAvond as having a "surly, dranktoo-much-last-night-and-now-I-gottaperform attitude. Frankly, that kind of attitude matches up nicely with his authentic folk/country barstool anthems. Hear him at www Tom VandenAvond; 8 p.m. Saturday; $5; The Horned Hand, 507 N.W. Colorado Aven Bend; thehornedhand or 541-728-0879.
McMenamins hosts You Me L Apollo I started looking into You Me & Apollo — the band playing at McMenamins Old St. Francis School Wednesdayand was struck by its similarities to another band that played the same place almost exactly a year ago: Pickwick. You Me & Apollo is from Fort Collins, Colo., and Pickwick is from Seattle. Those aren't the same. But both of these bands play a sort of throwback brand of neo-soul music that has infiltrated indie rock in the past half-decadeor so. Pickwick's is a little bouncier and more funky, whereas You Me 8 Apollo's is a bit more of an ethereal, sweeping pop thing, but they're still close cousins.
Continued next page
Find It All Online TheBulletin
Feb. 15 —Portland Cello Project (iudie classical), Sisters High School, www. Feb. 15 —TonySmiley (uuemau rock),Liquid Lounge, Bend, Feb. 16 —Machetasu Prufauu (metal),Domino Room, Bend, Feb. 16 —TonyHoliday (blues),The Horned Hand, Bend, www.reverbnation. com/venue/thehornedhand. Feb. 20 —Dead Winter Carpenters (ruuts-ruck), McMenamins Old St. Francis School, Bend, www. Feb. 20 —Ott & The AH-Seeiug I (electruuic),Midtown Ballroom, Bend, www.randompresents. com. Feb. 21 —The 44s (blues),The Horned Hand, Bend, www.reverbnation. com/venue/thehornedhand. Feb. 22 —AHurA(metal), Third Street Pub, Bend, 541-306-3017. Feb. 22-23 —Mel Brown Septet (jazz),The Oxford Hotel, Bend, Feb. 22 —Terrible Buttons (Americaua),The Horned Hand, Bend, www.reverbnation. com/venue/thehornedhand. Feb. 23 —HoboNephews uf Uncle Frank (Americaua), The Horned Hand, Bend, www.reverbnation. com/venue/thehornedhand. Feb. 23 —Jamie Laval (Celtic), The Old Stone, Bend, www. Feb. 23 —Jue Craven (freestyle folk), HarmonyHouse Concerts, Sisters, 541-5482209. Feb. 23 —Muuuphuuics (fuuk), Liquid Lounge, Bend, www. Feb. 24 —Peunywise (puuk), Midtown Ballroom, Bend, www. Feb. 28 —Orgone(funk 'u' soul),The Annex, www. Feb. 26 —System aud Station (indie rock),The Horned Hand, Bend, www.reverbnation. com/thehornedhand. Feb. 27 —The Preservation (ruck),The Horned Hand, Bend, www.reverbnation. com/thehornedhand. March1 —The Horde aud the Harem(iudie rock),The Horned Hand, Bend, www.reverbnation. com/thehornedhand.
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I •
From previous page Both bands are fronted by a slightly built white dude with big, frizzy hair, nerdy glasses and an impressive voice you wouldn't expect to come out of that body. You Me 8 Apollo has embarked on a three-partseries of 7-inch records, which is something Pickwick did a couple years ago. And both are considered among the next big things out of t heir respective home towns and states. It's not a huge deal; I just thought it was odd. Check out You Me tL Apollo at www You Me & Apollo; 7 p.m. Wednesday; free; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 NW. Bond St., Bend; www.mcmenamins. com or 541-382-5174.
BassLove forValentine'sDay Since we'rearmpits deep in pre-Valentine's Day diamond commercials on TV right now, envision this: Two lovebirds are ready to take their relationship to the next level. Rather than take her to the jewelry store to pick out a ring, he takes her to a club with a whole wall of speakers stacked floor to ceiling. He gets down on one knee, and suddenly the speakersunleash a torrent of bass so deep and heavy, it sends waves across her cheeks and makes herheart leap from her chest. "Every kiss," the jingle goes, "begins with bass." Lovers of low-end rumble (and each other) have an intriguing option for Thursday night after dinner: Bass Love, a night of electronic music by Northwest artists, including bass/glitch/house master Phutureprimitive, Eugene's own live electro-pop-rock combo Medium Troy and others. There's a discount for couples, and hey: If you want to go to this, and you're in a relationship with someone else who wants to go to this, hold on to that person. That's gold right there. Bass Love, with Phutureprimitive, Medium Troy, Psy Fi, Hypha and Defekt;8 p.m. Thursday; $10, $15for couples; Liquid Lounge, 70 NW. Newport Ave., Bend; www.slipmat or 541-389-6999. — BenSalmon
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going out Looking for something to do? Check out our listing of live music, DJs, karaoke, open mics and more happening at local nightspots. Find lots more at
9 JAMES APOLLO &HIS SWEET UNKNOWN In the age of downloading and/or Spotifying any
music youwanttohear,somesaywedon'tneed rock critics any more. Whylet someone else tell you whether a band isgoodwhenyou can listen and decide for yourself? James Apollo &
on cactus flowers, Ennio Morricone andWilliam Faulkner" (TimeOut New York). "(Apollo) is a master of melancholy, his smoky voice haunting eachfrontporch tale" (Relix). "A rootsy concoction of sweet pop and lonesomehighway blues (for) anyone with a bruised soul" (Colorado Springs lndependent). Epic. Gritty. Gothic. Dark. Dusty. Doleful. When you read all these together, it's clear that Apollo and his mates have their sound nailed down, and they know
His Sweet Unknownhas awebsite full of press quotes that prove critics still have a place in this D. 0 t3
world. There are somany good descriptions of this group's music there: "Drawing on the grumbling jazz stylings of... Tom Waits, Apollo reminisces
how to present it. They'll do so Saturday night at The Belfry in Sisters. Details below.
TODAY FINNMILES AND KASEN FLEGEL: Pop and rock; 6 p.m.; Book & Bean, 395 N. Main St., Prineville; 541-447-3778. MARK MOBLEYAND RONLANGE: Rock; 6 p.m.; Cross CreekCafe, 507 SW 8th St., Redmond; 541-548-2883. TEXAS HOLD'EM: $40;6 p.m .;Rivals Sports Bar, Grill& Poker, 2650 N.E. Division St., Bend; 541-550-7771. AMANDASARLES:Soulful folk; 6:30 p.m.; River Rim Coffeehouse, 19570 Amber Meadow Drive, Bend; 541-728-0095. COMEDY WITHJOHN BEUHLER: $10, includes a drink; 6:30 p.m.; The Original Kayo's Dinner House and Lounge,415 N.E. Third St., Bend; 541-323-2520. DEREK MICHAELMARC: Blues;7 p.m.; Eco Bistro, Bar and Boutique, 905 S.E. Third Street, Bend; 541-306-6697. SCOTTY BROWNWOOD: Traditional folk guitar; 7 p.m.; Dudley's Bookshop Cafe, 135 N.W. Minnesota Ave., Bend; 541-749-2010. BURNIN' MOONLIGHT:Bluegrass and blues; 8 p.m.; Kelly D's, 1012 S.E. Cleveland Ave., Bend; 541-389-5625. KARAOKE: 8 p.m.; Sandbagger Dinner House, 5165 Clubhouse Drive, Crooked River Ranch; 541-923-8655. EMERALDCITY: Blues; $2; 8:30 p.m.; Northside Bar 8 Grill, 62860 Boyd Acres Road, Bend; 541-383-0889. WILDERNESS:Rock, with Whiskey Beard; $5; 9 p.m.; Silver Moon Brewing & Taproom, 24 N.W.Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-388-8331. BREWERS GRADE:Country;9 p.m.; Maverick's Country Bar & Grill,20565 Brinson Blvd., Bend; 541-325-1886. DJ ATL:10 p.m.; Astro Lounge, 939 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-388-0116. DJ STEELE:10p.m.; The Summit Saloon& Stage,125 N.W. Oregon Ave., Bend; 541-749-2440.
NECKTIEKILLER:Ska; 9 p.m.; Third Street Pub, 314S.E.Third St., Bend; 541-306-3017. FREE POKERTOURNAMENT: 1p.m.; LIGHTWHITE OUTPARTY: with Rivals Sports Bar, Grill & Poker, 2650 N.E. BLACK DJs Codi Carroll and Harlo; $5 if you're not Division St., Bend; 541-550-7771. wearing white; 9:30 p.m.; Astro Lounge, CHRISGRECO: Americ ana;6:30 p.m.; 939 N.W. BondSt., Bend; 541-388-0116. River Rim Coffeehouse, 19570 Amber JIVECOULIS:Funk-rock;$5;9:30 p.m .; Meadow Drive, Bend; 541-728-0095. Silver Moon Brewing 8 Taproom, 24 N.W. COMEDY WITHJOHN BEUHLER: with Greenwood Ave., Bend;541-388-8331 or Bobby Lindstrom Trio; $10, includes a drink; 6:30 p.m.; TheOriginal Kayo's 2ND HANDSOLDIERS:Reggae; free;10 Dinner HouseandLounge, 415 N.E.Third p.m.; M& Tavern, J 102 N.W.Greenwood, St., Bend; 541-323-2520. Bend;541-389-1410. TEXAS HOLD'EMTOURNAMENT: DJ STEELE:10p.m.; The Summit Saloon 6:30 p.m.; Rivals Sports Bar, Grill 8 8 Stage, 125 N.W.OregonAve., Bend; Poker, 2650 N.E.Division St., Bend; 541-749-2440. 541-550-7771.
THE GROOVEMERCHANTS: Jazz;$10; 6:30 p.m.; Bend d'Vine, 916 N.W.Wall St.; 541-323-3277 or BENEFITCONCERT: with Kevin Russell of The Gourds andThe Pitchfork Revolution; proceeds benefit Shine Global; $25; 7-11 p.m.; McMenamins OldSt. Francis School, 700 N.W.Bond St., Bend; 541382-5174 or NATALIE HEIDTMANN:Pop; 7 p.m.; portello winecafe, 2754 N.W.Crossing Drive, Bend; 541-385-1777. JAMES APOLLO8 HIS SWEET UNKNOWN:Americana;$5-$10;8 p.m.; The Belfry, 302 E.Main Ave., Sisters; 541815-9122 or TRAVISEHRENSTROM: Americana; 7 p.m.; Parrilla Grill, 635 N.W.14th St., Bend; 541-617-9600. TOM VANDENAVOND:Folkandcountry; $5; 8 p.m.; TheHorned Hand,507 N.W. Colorado Ave., Bend; 541-728-0879 or thehornedhand. (Pg. 6) EMERALD CITY: Blues;$2;8:30 p.m .; Northside Bar & Grill,62860 Boyd Acres Road, Bend; 541-383-0889. BREWERS GRADE: Country;9p.m .; Maverick's Country Bar 8 Grill, 20565 Brinson Blvd., Bend; 541-325-1886.
SUNDAY POKERTOURNAMENT:1 p.m.; Rivals Sports Bar, Grill & Poker, 2650 N.E. Division St., Bend; 541-550-7771. REBECCA HILARY SMITH: Harp music; 3 p.m.; Strictly Organic Coffee, 6 S.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-330-6061. LISA DAE ANDROBERTLEETRIO: Jazz; 5 p.m.; Northside Bar & Grill,62860 Boyd Acres Road, Bend; 541-383-0889. TEXAS HOLD'EMTOURNAMENT: 5 p.m.; Rivals Sports Bar, Grill & Poker,2650 N.E. Division St., Bend; 541-550-7771. BILL KEALE:Popand Hawaiian folk; 6 p.m.; 5 Fusion & Sushi Bar, 821 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-323-2328. ACOUSTICCOLIO:7 p.m.;BrokenTop Bottle Shop & Ale Cafe,1740 N.W. Pence Lane, Suite1, Bend; 541-728-0703.
MONDAY TEXAS HOLD'EMOR OMAHA: 4 p.m .; Rivals Sports Bar, Grill 8 Poker, 2650 N.E. Division St., Bend; 541-550-7771. KARAOKE: 6:30 p.m.; Northside Bar 8 Grill, 62860 Boyd Acres Road, Bend; 541-383-0889.
SCOTTISHCOUNTRYDANCECLASSES: No experience or partner necessary; $5, first class free; 7 p.m.; Sons of Norway Hall, 549 N.W. Harmon Blvd., Bend; 541-388-1908.
TUESDAY TEXAS HOLD'EMBOUNTY TOURNAMENT:6 p.m.;RivalsSports Bar, Grill & Poker, 2650 N.E. Division St., Bend; 541-550-7771. BOBBYLINDSTROM: Blues, with Derek Michael Marc and Scott Foxx; 7 p.m.; Northside Bar & Grill, 62860 Boyd Acres Road, Bend; 541-383-0889. NICKIBLUHM 8ITH E GRAMBLERS: Soul-pop, with Echo Still; $12-$15; 8 p.m.; Liquid Lounge,70 N.W .Newport Ave., Bend; (Pg. 4) OPEN MIC:with beer specials and guest performers; 8 p.m.; The Horned Hand, 507 N.W. Colorado Ave., Bend; 541-728-0879. BEATS &RHYMES:Local hip-hop; 9 p.m.; Liquid Lounge,70 N.W .Newport Ave., Bend; 541-389-6999.
WEDNESDAY OPEN MICWITH BOBBY LINDSTROM: 5 p.m.; Eco Bistro, Bar andBoutique, 905 S.E. Third Street, Bend; 541-306-6697. TEXAS HOLD'EMOR OMAHA: 6 p.m.; Rivals Sports Bar, Grill 8 Poker, 2650 N.E. Division St., Bend; 541-550-7771. YOU ME 8APOLLO: Soulfulpop;7 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or (Pg. 6) LAURELBRAUNS: Indie-folk; 7 p.m.; The Hideaway Tavern, 939 S.E.2nd St., Bend; 541-312-9898. THE GHOSTOF MICHAEL CLARK: Dark folk, with Cy Erickson; $5; 8 p.m.; The Horned Hand, 507 N.W.Colorado Ave., Bend; 541-728-0879 or www. IRATION:Reggae, with Passafire and
— Sen Salmon
Pacific Dub; $15; 8:30 p.m.; Domino Room, 51 N.W.Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-788-2989 or
(Pg. 6)
THURSDAY DEREK MICHAELMARC: Blues;5 p.m.; Eco Bistro, Bar andBoutique, 905 S.E. Third Street, Bend; 541-306-6697. TEXAS HOLD'EMBOUNTY TOURNAMENT: 6 p.m.; Rivals Sports Bar, Grill & Poker, 2650 N.E.Division St., Bend; 541-550-7771. TERRY RANDSTAD: Polka; 6:30 p.m.; River Rim Coffeehouse, 19570 Amber Meadow Drive,Bend;541-728-0095. ROB LARKINAND THE WAYWARD ONES:Roots-rock, with Joseph Eid; 7 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School,700 N.W. BondSt., Bend; www. BOBBY LINDSTROM:Rockand blues; 7:30 p.m.; Kelly D's, 1012S.E. Cleveland Ave., Bend; 541-389-5625. BASSLOVE:Electronic music with Phutureprimitive, Medium Troy, PsyFi, Hypha and more; $10, $15 for couples; 8 p.m.;Liquid Lounge,70 N.W .Newport Ave., Bend;
(Pg. 7) VALENTINEDANCE AND OPEN MIC WITH SCOTTFOXX: Rockand blues;8 p.m.; Northside Bar & Grill,62860 Boyd Acres Road, Bend; 541-383-0889. VALENTINE'S DAY FASHION SHOW: A fashion show by RescueConsignment, with a DJ, emceed bySizzul; 8 p.m.; Astro Lounge, 939 N.W.Bond St., Bend; 541388-0116 or DISCOTHEQUE NOUVEAU: Altelectronica, house music, dubstep and more; 9 p.m.; TheBlacksmith Restaurant, 211 N.W.Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-318-0588. • To sUBMIT:Email Deadline is 10 days before publication. Please include date, venue, time and cost
musie releases Local Natives "HUMMINGBIRD" Frenchkiss Records Circumstances shifted under the feet of the Local Natives, a critically acclaimed first record named after the bohemian destruction in the take-all-comers pad wherethey wrote the album, "Gorilla Manor." For follow u p " H u m mingbird," Aaron Dessner from the National took production duties in a new studio. As living conditions improved and the goal posts moved, as they often do, for the sophomore release,the
April 25 — McMenamlns
Radar Brothers
band insisted on its youth, gathering itself against this mounting responsibility — the weight of expectations, three years turned long — to forge a dark and hopefulrecord. If the future remained uncertain, Local Natives managed to shuffle backwards towards it
Crystal Ballroom, Portland; or
Tegan and Sara "HEARTTHROB" Warner Bros. Records Tegan and Sara Quin were once the darlings of the indierock set, charming Canadian twins known for their raw, guitar-drivenconfessionals packed with emotion. On "Heartthrob," the Quins' seventh album, they let their inner dance-pop divas loose. Instead of Cat Power teamed with Ani DiFranco, they now sound like Kelly Clarkson paired with Gwen Stefani. And, in a bigger surprise, they sound pretty great doingit. Tegan and Sara teamed with producer Greg Kurstin, best known for his work with Clarkson and Ke$ha, to build a shiny
Ben Harper and Charlie Musselwhite
Here andthere
with images of bucolic 20-somethings in tow. — Geoff Nelson, PopMat
tant, at the top of the pop charts. The synthy "Drove Me Wild" has slightly more of an edge, moving into Ellie Goulding territory. Where Tegan and Sara really shine on "Heartthrob," though, is when they reimagine songs that would previously have worked on their own albums and add some pop gloss. "I'm Not Your Hero" could have been on "The Con," but it has received a Clarkson-esque makeover with "Since U Been Gone"-ish guitar and the synth-pop swoosh of "Stronger." "How Come You Don't Want M e," which they w r ote w i t h longtime friend Jack Antonoff of fun., shows how Tegan and Sara can keep theirhistory of deep feelings and weave it into their bright, poppier future.
Stax Records Now, with nearly 20 years of traveling down his own versatile and communal roadbehind him, Ben Harperfinds himself sharing the stage with one of the most gifted harmonica players in modern day blues, Charlie Musselwhite. The result, "Get Up!," is a rowdy 10-track set that is as moody as it is delicate, as invigorating as it is subtle. Together, Charlie and Ben have become a force from which it may be impossible to turn away. There'sa palpable sense of com-
ideal that they never quite seem to touch. The band does one thing "EIGHT" really well, and whether one of Merge Records the 11 songs on "Eight" hits the On the Radar Brothers' eighth sweet spot in your heart will dealbum the long-running Los An- pend on mood, weather, planetary geles guitar rock group founded alignment or some combination by Jim Putnam continues its thereof.None of these tracks are gradual, if a t t i mes glacially- clunkers, but none will redefine paced, expansion. Twenty years guitar rock, either. after its f ormation, the band Ever patient with it s p ace, "Eight" s eldom shocks w i t h has thickened its sound with more dynamic layers and argrand gestures or r i d iculous rangements,even as the voice at hooks. Rather, at their best — the the center remains stubbornly pedal-steel warble of "Couch," consistent. the crisp guitar layers of "House Since their inception, the Radar of Mirrors" and the oblong bass Brothers have continually worked line that turns the song awkon creating the perfect languid ward or the closing gem "Horse guitar rock song, as if orbiting an Down" — Putnam and company
— Glenn Gamboa, Newsday
— Cotin McGuire,
ferson in the best possible light. He highlights the aging trouba-
dour's craggy grace with spare
arrangements that fit his conversational delivery and h eighten the intimacy of these songs about life, love and hard-earned wisdom. (Not all of them are new: Two have 1970s copyrights, which makes for a nice linking of his two
EEAIIANIIRA ' dance pop album that still includes their personal lyrics and memorable melodies. The single "Closer" announces the change of direction and their broader commercial ambitionsa catchy, stomping dance number that would be at home on a Katy Perry album and, more impor-
fort between these two, and each listen becomes yet another illustration of how strong their musical connection is.
golden ages.)
Kris Kristofferson "FEELING MORTAL" KK Records He's 76, so, sure, Kris Kristofferson is feeling mortal. Over the last several years, however, that feelinghas resharpened his muse, resulting in his best work since the '60s and '70s, when he introduced a new poetic lyricism to country music. "Feeling Mortal" is no exception — it's the first great album of 2013. As on 2006's "This Old Road" and 2009's "Closer to the Bone," producer Don Was puts Kristof-
K ristofferson ma y b e f e e l ing mortal, but that's also freeing, and s o t h e s i l ver-haired devil doesn't sound as though he's ready to quit anytime soon, as he indicates on "You Don't Tell Me What to Do." And while "Ramblin' Jack" pays tribute to his friend Ramblin' Jack Elliott, Kristofferson could also be singing about himself: "And I know he ain't afraid of where he's going/ And I'm sure he ain't ashamed of where he's been/ ... And he made his own mistakes, and love, and friends/ Ain't that what matters in the end." — Nick Cristiano, The Phi ladel phia Inquirer
I •• • I••I •
increase the heat gradually, adding washes of drama until structures nearlybuckle under the combined weight. — Randall Roberts, Los Angeles Times
Find Your Dream Home In Real Estate o
TPeduuP e~in
• Family helpsSmith RockBrewing Co.make its mark with tasty foodandbeers in Redmond "We were originally going to brew for growler and tank sales t w a s i n evitable, perhaps, from ou r p r o perty," D a nielle that siblings Danielle Stewart Stewart said. "Then we found and Don Fredrickson would ourselves focusing on the restauwind up in the brewpub business rant and bringing brewing in as together. second." Stewart had run a restaurant It appears to have been a wise in Stockton, Calif., for more than choice. Although the menu at a dozen years before moving with Smith Rock Brewing is simple, her husband, Kevin Stewart, to everything is fresh and well preDeschutes County in 2006. pared. The service is bend-overFrederickson had been a brew- backward superb, the mood very ing hobbyist for tw o d ecades. pleasant, and all four partners When he and his partner, Natalie know their roles: Kevin Stewart Patterson, followed the Stewarts in the kitchen, Fredrickson in the north to brewers'paradise, col- bar, Patterson greeting guests laboration became the l o gical and Danielle Stewart overseeing next step. diners. T he q u artet's S m it h R o c k Brewing Co. opened quietly three Mood andmenu months ago in Redmond in the R edmond residents who r e former Puleo's Italian restaurant, member Puleo's will feel right at vacant for several years. It didn't home here. take long for locals to discover it. Continued next page
By John Gottberg Anderson
For The Bulletin
SmithRock BrewingCo. Location:546 N.W.Seventh St. (at Fir Avenue), Redmond Hours:11:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. Tuesday to Thursday, 11:30a.m. to 9 p.m. Friday, noon to 9 p.m. Saturday
Price range:Appetizers $3.50 to $7.95, entrees andsandwiches $6.25 to $12
Credit cards:American Express,
Outdoorseating: Seasonal patio Reservations:No or 541-279-7005
Scorecard OVERALL:AFood: B+. Menu is limited, but food
is fresh, mostly locally sourced and well prepared. Service:A. Servers go the extra mile to give patrons what they
Discover, MasterCard, Visa Kids' menu:Yes
Vegetarianmenu:Options include ahummus-and-veggi eplate Alcoholic beverages:Beerand
decor is accented with Forest
quality of food andservice offered.
Atmosphere:B. Pre-existing Italian Service touches. Value:A-. Prices are fair for the Ryan Brennecke/The Bulletin
"The Works" burger from Smith Rock Brewing Co. In the background is a photo of Smith Rock State Park.
From previous page
there is only a hummus plate There remains a classically with vegetables. A c o uple Italian feeling in the atmoof additional salad choices sphere, with textured plaster (mixed greens? Caesar?) and walls, arches and white pillars another pasta plate, like macspread through several rooms aroni and cheese, would be a Visit www.bendbulletin of the converted home. There good start. .com/restaurants for are only eight tables, but a twoBlackboards detail the sereaders' ratings of more way gas fireplace between the lection of Northwest beers on than150 Central Oregon main dining room and the tap, always featuring one of restaurants. lounge adds homey warmth. Smith Rock's own. "We have Smith Rock has added a Forsix beers, rotating one at a est Service element tothe decor, time on the restaurant menu," Post. Figures published last beginning with a street-side Ryan Brennecke/The Bulletin Danielle Stewart said. week by the online newspaper "We released our first brew sign that mimics the yellow- The main dining area at Smith Rock Brewing Co. in Redmond is said that Bend ranked behind and-black federal emblems, ex- separated from the bar by a two-way fireplace. only on Nov. 27 last year," she only No. 1 Juneau, Alaska, and tending to a few Smokey-thesaid. "We only have a smallNo. 2 Salisbury-Ocean City, Bear-style posters inside. scale system in the back of the Md., in the number of restauThe menu is uncomplicatblack olives, slicedmushrooms ter,as are a deep-fried mushbuilding, only about 20 to 22 rantsper capita.The region's ed: a few appetizers and side and tomatoes. rooms appetizer.The steak- gallons at a time." On my most 431 eateries represented 25.9 dishes, a couple of soups and Her veggie pasta, made with cut pub fries are 6 inches long recent visit, this was a Mornrestaurants per 10,000 people. salads, a vegetarian pasta en- penne cooked in a sauce of and seasoned to taste. ing Glory IPA. Reservations are still open tree and a selection of burgers garlic, white wine and butter, For dog lovers, corndogs And my companionenjoyed for a traditional Chinese New — an old-time favorite — are and other sandwiches. "We're featured capers, mushrooms, a Laughing Dog huckleberry Year feast Monday night at 5 slowly introducing new items, black olives and red onions. served in adult and child sizes. cream ale from the LaughFusion & Sushi Bar. Chef Joe but we don't want the menu to (She requested that bell pepGiant hot dogs are dipped in ing Dog Brewing in northern Kim Jr., will prepare a sixbe huge," Stewart said. "We pers, normally included in the a cornmeal batter and deepIdaho. course meal that celebrates — Reporter: janderson@ prosperity, health and happiare kind of relying on our parecipe, be left out of her dish.) fried. Bratwursts, meanwhile, trons to dictate to us what they Fresh house-made ciabatta are served in a DiLusso Kaibendbulletin.corn ness. The menu includes sunwant onthe menu. We focus on bread contributed to the sucser roll and dressed with letdriedscallop soup, sweet red good, hearty pub food that is cess of two sandwiches, one a tuce, tomato and onion. crab in a crispy noodle nest, SMALL BITES all made in-house and locally burger, the other with pulled I would like to see Smith barbecued pork belly, and a sourced as much as possible." pork. Rock expand its menu to insmoked albacore-and-lobster "The Works" was a 4-inchAs the brewpub has no clude more dishes that are Metropolitan Bend ranks roll. The costis$45 perperson, freezerfor long-term storage, thick burger that I couldn't neither sandwiches nor deep- third in a list of "the country's and reservations are required. and no microwave for reheat- even dream of getting my fried. At present, besides the most restaurant-crazy cities," 821 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541323-2328, ing, everything is necessarily mouth around; I had to cut it dishes already m entioned, according to the Huffington very fresh, she said. into smaller bites. Made with local Cinder Butte beef, it Soups and sandwiches was topped with two cheeses On two recent visits, I found (cheddar and Jack), thick-cut the food to be less than goursmoky bacon, mushrooms, met, but certainly better than avocado slices, lettuce, tomato, the norm for brewpub fare. red onion and pickles. Soups of the day were parThe roasted and pulled pork ticularly good. On one occa- was very moist, a flavor ension, this was a white beanhanced by a topping of freshly and-bacon potage of perfect made cole slaw — more sweet ttk Is your Sweatheartt unique, and one-of-"a-kind'? flavor and consistency. On than vinegary. I was missing a another, it was a creamy Bos- barbecue flavor, however, unth'en-give her a beautiful bouquet of Liilies. ton-style clam chowder with til I requested some sauce. large but tender pieces of clam, Buttermilk batter coarse chunks of skin-on po. Locally made g~ift~sandartwork tato, carrot, celery and bacon. S mith Rock B r ewing i s My dining companion's rightly proud of i t s o n ion wedge salad could not have rings, available by themselves been fresher. A fractured head or as an accompaniment to • 759 NE Gr~eenwoodRBenda of iceberglettuce was served sandwiches. They are breadJt M Located in the Erickson'sIThriftway Shopping Center with blue cheese, red onions, ed in a buttermilk-based bat-
Next week: Roszak's FishCL
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Submitted photo
Kris Elkin, left, and Pat Clark work on printing a collagraph by Elkin at Atelier 6000 in Bend.
• Atelier 6000 displays,givesworkshops oncollagraph printing techniques By David Jasper
such wire, or other materials, in
The Bulletin
collagraphy, a printmaking tech- Below the Surface," shows plates
ride my bike a lot around town," said Bend a r tist Ron Schultz. "(If) I see a wire flattened in the street, I'll pick it up. Because I see the potential for an image from it." Schultz is talking about using
nique pioneered in th e N orthwest in the 1950s by University of Washington art instructor Glen Alps. Schultz and 16 other members of Bend'sAtelier 6000, or A6, have created new collagraph works to honor Alps.
The exhibit, titled "Above and and their resulting prints, and displays in A6 in Bend (see "If you
go"). Whereas otherforms of printmaking may involve wood, linoleum or metal plates that have been cut, drawn on o r e tched
prior to printing, collagraphy entails first gluing low-profile materials to cardboard or wood before printing using one of two processes: intaglio, in which the image is created by the ink below the plate surface, or relief printing, in which the image is derived from ink on the high point of the surface. Hence the title of the show, "Above and Below the Surface."
Continued next page
If yougo What:Collagraph exhibit "Above and Below the Surface" When:Through March 29 Where:Atelier 6000, 389 S.W. Scalehouse Court, Suite120, Bend
Cost:Free; prices of works vary or 541-330-8759
juried art competition seeksparticipants The Umpqua Valley Arts Association (UVAA) invites artists of all abilities to submit artwork to the annual ArtWorks NW Juried Art Show and Competition. Artists may submit up to three entriesof most themes, genres and media except video, photography, diptychs or triptychs. Martha Morgan, director and curator of Chambers@916 Gallery in Portland, will serve as judge. Cash awards range from $200 to $1,000 for first place. Submission deadline is Feb. 21; entries can be submitted online or by mail. The exhibit opens with a public reception May 10 and exhibits through July 5 at UVAA in Roseburg. Contact: www.uvarts .com/call-to-artists/ or 541-672-2532.
Mini Pole Pedal Paddle logo needs youngartists The 2013 U.S. Bank Kid's Mini Pole Pedal Paddle logo contest is open to kids in first through sixth grades.
Entries must be submitted on white paper with colored designs. The design may represent the activities of the race: rafting, running, obstacle course and biking. Kids attending first through sixth grades may submit artwork. Designs must include the following: U.S. Bank Kid's Mini Pole Pedal Paddle; Bend, Oregon; 2013; the letters "MBSEF"' and the artist's signature. On the back of the design, include child's name, age, grade level, teacher, school, home phone number and email. Awards will go to the top five finishers. Mail or deliver to Mt. Bachelor Sports Education Foundation, 563 S.W. 13th St., Suite 201, Bend, OR 97702, by 5 p.m. Feb. 15. Contact: 541-388-0002.
Volcanic Theatre Pub starts auditions
across from GoodLife Brewing Co. F rom 7-10 p.m. M onday a n d Wednesday, VTP will hold auditions for its opening productions, specific shows to be determined based on results of auditions. All ages, genders and ethnicities are welcome. All people auditioning should prepare a one-minute monologue or be prepared to cold read from several scripts. To schedule an appointment time please contact or 541-215-0516. Those auditioning should bring information about their availability for the next six months. VTP is a forprofit theater, and all talent will be compensated. Also, Bend actor and VTP owner Derek Sitter, life member of The Actors Studio, will conduct a one-day acting workshop on "Character and Conflict: Advanced Principles of the Acting Craft" from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Feb. 23. Cost of the workshop
0 3,
of Bend
"The yoga method health professionals recommend by name"
Feel your best this year,
is $50.
Things are starting to happen around Volcanic Theatre Pub, the new Century Centervenue located at 70 S.W. Century Drive in Bend,
start Iyengar Yoga.
Contact: www v o lcanictheatre, d e r ekCvolcanictheatre or 541-215-0516.
An incredibly versatile approach to practicing yoga at all ages, stages, and conditions.
— David Jasper
Free Intro last Saturday of each month. Sat, Feb. 23rd, 3-4:15pm From previous page Back when Schultz was a graduate student studying printmaking at California State University Chico, "Primarily, I was doing work engraving copper and etchings on zinc plates," he said. "For those ... working on metal plates, it's a bit of an investment to get the metal to work on, and an investment of time to do the image as well." C ollagraphy, compared to e n graving metal, "(is) pretty different," Schultz said. "The collagraph is kind of an entry-level type of thing. Not to denigrate it or anything, but you can make aplate that you can realize a print from just using cardboard, string, washers, or any kind of low-elevation item you can collage together. It can be sandpaper. Just whatever's around." In fact, "collagraph" is derived from the term collage, he said. In his pieces at A6, Schultz said, "I've utilized string, window screen material, cardboard of different elevations." Schultz will l ead a w o r kshop on constructing collagraph plates. No experienceisnecessary for the workshop, being held Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1-3:30 p.m. Feb. 26March 7. The cost is $95. According to A 6 f o u nder Pat Clark, part of collagraphy's appeal is its immediacy. "Anyone that's in t h e c reative realm of things, they don't have to sit and think for a long time, do a
n3Geisha Girls," a collagraph by Ron Schultz, will be on display at Atelier 6000 in Bend through March 29.
Nadine Sims 541-318-1186• 660NE 3rd St., Ste ¹5 (above Ace Hardware)
Ir Q N ; T O
.+ ),~g
Submitted photo •
(.v •
environmental center
design and redo it. They can just collect the materials and just really get into building something, and then say, 'Gee, I wonder what that would look like printed?'" A6 has gone to a new cycle for its exhibitions, keeping each one up for two months instead of one; "Above and Below the Surface" will display through March 29. During First Friday Gallery Walk
on March 1, the public will be invited to use collagraph plates on hand at A6 to "try the process and print," Clark said. "We're just going to
spend this year ... (getting) the public more engaged with what we're trying to do. It fits our mission. We
want people to enjoy collecting (art) and to know what they're getting." — Reporter: 541-383-0349,
Find Your Dream Home In Real Estate •
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ALLEDAREALESTATE: Featuring works by members of the High Desert Art League; through February; 25 N.W .MinnesotaAve., Suite1, Bend; 541-633-7590. AMBIANCE ART CO-OP:Featuring gallery artists; 435 S.W.Evergreen Ave., Redmond; 541-548-8115. ARTISTS' GALLERYSUNRIVER: Featuring local artists; 57100 Beaver Drive, Building19; www. or 541-593-4382. ATELIER6000: Featuring "Above and Below the Surface," collagraph works by various artists; through March 29; 389S.W. Scalehouse Court, Suite120, Bend; www. or 541-330-8759. BENDCITYHALL: Featuring "UNSEEN::WORLD,"works exploring how Bend's unseenworld inspires community; through March 29; 710 N.W. Wall St.; 541-388-5505. BEND D'VINE: Featuring eco-art by Brenda Reid Irwin; 916 N.W.Wall St., Bend; 541-323-3277. CAFE SINTRA: Featuring "3 Points of View," a continually changing exhibit of photographs by Diane Reed, Ric Ergenbrightand John Vito; 1024 N.W.BondSt.,Bend; 541-382-8004. CANYONCREEKPOTTERY: Featuring pottery by Kenneth Merrill; 310 N. CedarSt., Sisters; www. or 541-549-0366. DON TERRAARTWORKS: Featuring more than 200 artists; 222 W.Hood Ave., Sisters; 541-549-1299 or
Submitted photo
"First Snow at Indian Ford," an acrylic On canvas by Gary Vincent, will be on display through Feb. 21 at Franklin Crossing in Bend. FRANKLINCROSSING:Featuring "Winter in Central Oregon," works by Pam Bird, Joanne Donaca,Joellyn Loehr, Pat Oertley, Chris Keylock Williams and GaryVincent; through Feb. 21; 550 N.W.Franklin Ave., Bend; 541-382-9398. FURNISH.:Featuring works by Sue Smith; 761 N.W.Arizona Ave., Bend; 541-617-8911. THE GALLERY ATTHEPINCKNEY CENTER:Featuring student artwork, reception from 4:30-6 p.m.Thursday;opensWednesday,
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through March15; Pinckney Center for the Arts, Central Oregon Community College, 2600 N.W. College Way,Bend;541-383-7510. GHIGLIERI GALLERY:Featuring original Western-themed and African-inspired paintings and sculptures by Lorenzo Ghiglieri; 200 W. Cascade Ave., Sisters; or 541-549-8683. HELPINGYOUTAX5 ACCOUNTING:Featuring paintings by Carol Armstrong; 632 S.W. Sixth St., Suite 2, Redmond; 54 I-504-5422.
• Supporting many of your favorite non-profits 4
DOWNTOWN BENDPUBLIC LIBRARY:Featuring "Earth, Water, Sky"; through May 6; 601N.W.Wall St.; 541-389-9846.
00 ~
' •
Our artists are cleaning out their studios... fabulous deals on the art you love! & % of salesvill bedonatedto BendCommgity Center
• 5-
JENNIFERLAKEGALLERY: Featuring paintings by Jennifer Lake; 220 W.CascadeAve., Sisters; or 541-549-7200. JILL'S WILD (TASTEFUL) WOMEN WAREHOUSE: Featuring works byJil lHaney-Neal;Tuesdaysand Wednesdays only; 601 North Larch St, Suite B, Sisters; www. or 541-617-6078. JOHN PAUL DESIGNS: Featuring custom jewelry and signature series;1006 N.W. BondSt., Bend; 541-318-5645. JUDI'S ARTGALLERY:Featuring works by Judi Meusborn Williamson; 336 N.E.Hemlock St., Suite13, Redmond; 360-325-6230. KARENBANDYDESIGNJEWELER: Featuring fine custom jewelry and abstract paintings by KarenBandy; 25 N.W. Minnesota Ave., Suite 5, Bend; or 54 I-388-0155. LUBBESMEYERFIBER STUDIO: Featuring fiber art by Lori and Lisa Lubbesmeyer; 450S.W.Powerhouse Drive, Suite 423, OldMill District, Bend; or541-330-0840. MARCELLO'SITALIANCUISINE AND PIZZERIA:Featuring several local artists; 4 Ponderosa Road, Sunriver; 541-593-8300. MOCKINGBIRD GALLERY:Featuring works by Xiaogang Zhu; through Feb.28;869 N.W .W allSt.,Bend; or 541-388-2107. MOSAICMEDICAL:Featuring mixed-media collage paintings by Rosalyn Kliot; 910 S.U.S. Highway 97, Suite101, Madras; 541-475-7800. NANCY P'S BAKING COMPANY: Featuring photography byWendy Caro; through February;1054 N.W. MilwaukeeAve., Bend; 54 I-322-8778. PATAGONIA O BEND:Featuring photography by Mike Putnam; 1000 N.W.Wall St., Suite 140; 54 I-382-6694. PAUL SCOTTGALLERY: Featuring landscape oil paintings by Jeff Pugh; through February; 869 N.W.Wall St., Bend; or 541-330-6000. RED CHAIRGALLERY:Featuring "The Power of Color"; through February; 103 N.W.Oregon Ave., Bend; www.redchairgallerybend. com or 541-306-3176. ROTUNDA GALLERY: Featuring artwork by CandaceSimpson and Jacqueline Newbold; through Feb. 27; Robert L. Barber Library, Central Oregon Community College; 2600 N.W. CollegeW ay,Bend; 541-383-7515. RUUD GALLERY: Featuring works by local and regional contemporary artists; 50 S.E.Scott St., Suite 2,
Bend; or 541-323-3231. SAGEBRUSHERS ARTSOCIETY: Featuring works by LeeAugust; through February;117 S.W. Roosevelt Ave., Bend;541-617-0900. SAGE CUSTOM FRAMING AND GALLERY:Featuring "Outside the Box," mixed media art and frame designs by local artists; through Feb. 23; 834 N.W.Brooks St., Bend; 541-382-5884. SISTERSAREACHAMBEROF COMMERCE: Featuring fiber art by Rosalyn Kliot; 291 E.Main Ave.; 541-549-0251. SISTERSARTWORKS:Featuring "Sense of Place," fiber art by the Journeys Art Quilt Group; through Feb. 28; 204 W.AdamsAve.; or 541-420-9695. SISTERSGALLERY5 FRAME SHOP:Featuring landscape photography by Gary Albertson; 252 W. Hood Ave.; www.garyalbertson. com or 541-549-9552. SISTERSPUBLIC LIBRARY:W orks by local artists, an annual art exhibit hosted by the Friends of the Sisters Library; through Feb.27;110 N. Cedar St.; 541-312-1070. ST. CHARLESBEND:Featuring the Watercolor Society of Oregon's Traveling Show; through Feb.28; 2500 N.E. Neff Road; 541-382-4321. ST.CHARLES REDMOND: Featuring "Feathers andFiber," reception from 2-4 p.m. Sunday; through March 29;1253 N.W.Canal Boulevard, Redmond; 541-548-8131. SUNRIVERAREAPUBLIC LIBRARY: Featuring "A FreshLook at Floraand Fauna," works by SusanBergerand Nancy Crandell; through April 27; 56855 Venture Lane;541-312-1080. SUNRIVERLODGE BETTYGRAY GALLERY:Featuring works by Pat Oertley and AnnRuttan; through March1; 17600 Center Drive; 541-382-9398. TBD LOFT: The Rise UpArt Show, featuring works by AdamHaynes, Katie Scott, Katie Daisy and more; through Feb. 15;856 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-388-7558. TOWNSHEND'SBENDTEAHOUSE: Featuring "Eternal Ephemera," photography by Travis Jennings; through February; 835 N.W.Bond St., Bend; 541-312-2001 or www. THUMP COFFEE: Featuring "Landscapes of the Imagination," works by children of the Waldorf School of Bend; through February; 25 N.W. Minnesota Ave., Bend; 541-388-0226. TUMALO ARTCO.: Featuring "Celebrating Central Oregon Color," works by gallery artists; through February; 450 S.W.Powerhouse Drive, Suite 407, Bend;www. or 541-385-9144.
out oorS Outing shorts are trimmed versions of stories published in The Bulletinin the past several weeks. For the complete stories, plus more photos, visit
J pg Q
itting the (groomed) trails at dawn or shortly after means fewer crowds, better
parking and peaceful surroundings at Virginia Meissner Sno-park. A favorite with early birds, Virginia Meissner is a good choice, but other nearby options include Wanoga and Swampy Lakes sno-parks. — Bulletin staff
Ifyou go Getting there: Follow Century Drive approximately14 miles west from Bend. Follow signs to Virginia Meissner Sno-park, on right.
Difficulty:Easy to moderate Cost: Sno-park permit required; $5 daily, $23 annually or 541-383-5300
Anne Aurand/The Bulletin file photo
Cross-country skier Casey Osborne-Rodhouse and Kenai the dog arrive at the Jeff View Shelter, which is 2t/4 miles up the Three Creek Lake Trail from Upper Three Creek Sno-park. North Sister and Middle Sister loom in the background.
ski to Jeff View
Three Creek Lake nordic trail system
Shelter from the
Upper Three Creek Sno-park FQREST<>~c~u~
offers stunning views of the
— Three Creek Rd.
Cascades and fewer crowds 16
snow conditions may suggest snowshoes instead of skis.
Li/i/e Three Creek Lake
Getting there:From downtown Sisters, travel south on Elm Street,
which becomesThree CreekRoad
Nordeen Shelter j
UpperThree Crook ~sno-par~
Wednesda ys
Cascade LakesHwy.
VirginiaMeissner Sno-park
Three CreekLake
(and Forest Road16) for 11 miles to the Upper ThreeCreek Sno-park. Difficulty:Easy to difficult
Cost:Sno-park permit required, $3 per day, $7 for three-day passand$20
Greg Cross/The Bulletin
Park Meadow ilhead
— Bulletin staff
Wednesda ys
Jeff View Three Shelter 16 Creek Lake Trail S rkclet e~
than most Cascade Lakes Highway sno-parks. Poor
Warren's Loop Nancy's Loop
Meissner nordit: trail system
Greg Cross/The Bulletin
for annual pass, available at sporting good stores and DMV Contact:Sisters Ranger District, 541-549-7700 or
Get ATaste For Food, Home 8 Garden Every Tuesday In ATHOME TheButtetin
"THE REDVELVETCAKEWAR": The Ridgeview High School theater department presents a comedy as its premiere performance; reservations for Thursday show requested; $5; 7 p.m.; Ridgeview High School,4555 S.W. Elkhorn Ave., Redmond; 541-504-3600. AUTHOR PRESENTATION: Gregory Martin reads from his book, "Stories for Boys"; free; 7 p.m.; Barnes & Noble Booksellers, 2690 E. U.S. Highway 20, Bend; 541-318-7242. "DIAL M FORMURDER": A screening of the PG-rated 1954 film; free; 7:30 p.m.; Jefferson County Library, Rodriguez Annex, 134 S.E. ESt., Madras; 541-4753351 or "TWELFTH NIGHT":Cascades Theatrical Company presents Shakespeare's comedy about mistaken identities and merry rogues; $24, $18 seniors, $12 students; 7:30 p.m.; Greenwood Playhouse, 148 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-3890803 or ARCHAEOLOGYFESTFILM SERIES: A screening of the bestfilms from the 2011 The Archaeology Channel International Film and Video Festival; $6; 7:30p.m.,doorsopen7 p.m .;Central Oregon Community College, Boyle Education Center, 2600 N.W. College Way, Bend; 541-345-5538 or www. SHOOK TWINS: The quirky folk trio performs; $14 plus fees; 7:30 p.m., doors open at 6:30 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or (Story, Page 3)
Shook Twins:Doubl your fun.
Hot Tuna:Mercury-1 rock.
Shawn Muiiins:Reli
"Lullaby" rock(abye
SATURDAY Feb. 9 SENSATIONAL SATURDAY:Learn about hummingbirds and discover how their body parts are designed for an active lifestyle; included in the price of admission; $12 adults, $10 ages 65and older, $7 ages 5-12, free ages 4andyounger;10a m.-3 p.m.; High DesertM useum, 59800 S.U.S. Highway 97, Bend; 541-382-4754 or www. WRITE NOW!:Brainstorm, play word games and more in acasual setting, to help creative writing; free; 1 p.m.; Sunriver Area Public Library, 56855 Venture Lane; 541-312-1081 or www.deschuteslibrary. org/calendar. CHINESENEW YEAR CELEBRATION: Featuring a live performances, traditional Chinese games,ping-pong anddumplings; free admission; 4-7 p.m.; OregonTai Chi Wushu, 2115 N.E.Highway 20, Bend; 541639-8898 or
High Desert Chamb with the Crown City
VALENTINE SPAGHETTI DINNER:A meal of spaghetti, salad and bread; proceeds benefityouth camps and conferences; $5, $20 per family; 4:30-7:30 p.m.; Holy Redeemer Catholic Church, 16137 Burgess Road, La Pine; 541-536-1992. BEND GAMENIGHT: Playavailable board games or bring your own; free; 6 p.m.midnight; East Bend Public Library, 62080 Dean Swift Road; 541-318-8459. SWEETHEART BALL:Featuring a dinner and a dance; $15, $5 for dance only; 6 p.m., 7 p.m. dance; Eagles Lodge & Club, 235 N.E. Fourth St., Prineville; 541-447-7659. BENEFITCONCERT:Featuring a
performance by Texas-based Kevin Russell of The Gourds, with Pitchfork Revolution; proceeds benefit Shine Global; $25; 7-11 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School,700 N.W .Bond St.,Bend; 541-382-5174 or HOTTUNA:The bluegrass rock band performs; $41 and $53 in advance, $46 and$58day ofshow,plusfees;7 p.m., doors open at 6 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or (Story, Page 5) "TWELFTHNIGHT":7:30 Greenwood Playhouse; seeToday's listing for details.
ARCHAEOLOGYFESTFILM SERIES:7:30 p.m., doors open 7 p.m. at Central Oregon Community College; seeToday's listing for details. BEND COMMUNITYCONTRADANCE: Featuring caller Ron Bell-Roemer and music by Scottish Heart; $7; 7 p.m. beginner's workshop, 7:30 p.m. dance; Boys & Girls Club of Bend, 500 N.W.Wall St.; 541-330-8943. JAMES APOLLO& HIS SWEET UNKNOWN: The gospel-folk artist performs; $5-$10; 8 p.m., doors open at 7 p.m.; The Belfry, 302 E. Main Ave., Sisters; 541-815-9122 or
TOM VANDENAVOND: The Texas-based folk musician performs; $5; 8 p.m.; The Horned Hand, 507 N.W.Colorado Ave., Bend; 541-728-0879 or www. (Story, Page 6)
SUNDAY Feb. 10 CHILI COOK-OFF:Eatchili and watch competitors compete for the best recipe; proceeds benefit The Education Foundation for Bend-La Pine Schools; $10, $5 ages 6-11, free ages 5andyounger; 12:30 p.m.;
EY, FEBRUARY 8, 2013
e your folk, double
Feb. 12
Feb. 14
"THE FUTUREOF FOOD": A screening of the 2004 documentary; followed by a discussion; free; 4:30-6 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, Hitchcock Auditorium, 2600 N.W. College Way,Bend; 541-383-7786 or SHROVE TUESDAYCOMMUNITY PANCAKE SUPPER: Featuring pancakes, ham, eggs, applesauce and drinks; proceeds benefit the St. Andrew's Discretionary Fund; donations accepted; 5-7 p.m.; St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, 807 E. First St., Prineville; 541-447-5813.
THE LIBRARYBOOKCLUB: Readand discuss "The Swerve" by Stephen Greenblatt; free; noon; Downtown Bend Public Library, Brooks Room, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-617-7084 or www. THE LIBRARYBOOKCLUB: Readand discuss "The Swerve" by Stephen Greenblatt; free; noon; Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541312-1055 or www.deschuteslibrary. org/calendar. "CAN WOMENOUTPERFORMMENIN ENDURANCE SPORTS?": John Liccardo talks about male andfemale differences in sports performance; free; 6-8 p.m.; The Belfry, 302 E. MainAve., Sisters; 541-8159122 or VALENTINEDINNER CONCERT:The Sunriver Music Festival presents a concert by the Salem Big Band; registration requested; $80; 6 p.m.; Sunriver Resort Great Hall, 17728 Abbott Drive; 541-5939310, tickets© or www. "THE LASTPIRATEOFTHE CARIBBEAN": 6:30-9p.m.atThe Bridge Church of the Nazarene; seeWednesday's listing for details. "THE REDVELVETCAKEWAR": Reservations requested; 7 p.m. at Ridgeview High School; see Today's listing for details. ROB LARKINAND THE WAYWARD ONES: The Los Angeles-based roots-rock band performs, with Joseph Eid; free; 7 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or BASS LOVE:Live music with Phutureprimitive, Medium Troy, Psy Fi, Hyphaand more; $10, $15 for couples; 8 p.m.;Liquid Lounge,70 N.W. Newport Ave., Bend; 541-389-6999 or www. (Story, Page 7) HIGH DESERTCHAMBER MUSICCROWN CITYSTRINGQUARTET: String musicians play selections of chamber music, with pianist Bryan Pezzone; $35, $10 children and students; 8 p.m.; The Oxford Hotel,10 N.W. Minnesota Ave., Bend; 541-382-8436 or www. VALENTINE'SDAY FASHION SHOW: A fashion show by RescueConsignment, with a DJ, emceed bySizzul; free; 8 p.m.; Astro Lounge, 939 N.W.Bond St., Bend; 541-3880116 or
FLY FISHINGFILMTOUR: A screening of a film collection that showcases anglers; $15 plus fees; 7 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or (Story, Page 27) HISTORY PUB:Learn about sage grouse conservation; free; 7 p.m., doors open at 6 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541382-5174 or NICKI BLUHM & THE GRAMBLERS: The San Francisco-based country soul act performs, with Echo Still; $12 plus fees in advance, $15 at the door; 8 p.m.; Liquid Lounge, 70 N.W. Newport Ave., Bend; 541-389-6999 or (Story, Page 4)
'ree bluegrass
ve the '90s with
er Music:V-Day String Quartet.
Athletic Club of Bend, 61615Athletic Club Drive; 541-355-5660 or education. foundation© OREGON OLDTIME FIDDLERS: Fiddle music and dancing;donationsaccepted; 1-3:30 p.m.; VFWHall, 1836 S.W.Veterans Way, Redmond; 541-647-4789. "TWELFTHNIGHT":2 p.m.atGreenwood Playhouse; seeToday's listing for details. KNOW CLUE:CLUEING IN TO YOUR INTUITION:Learn an exercise to develop the practical skill of intuition from Karen Grace Kassy; free; 2 p.m.; Sisters Public Library, 110 N.Cedar St.; 541-312-1034 or
SECONDSUNDAY:Lily Raff McCaulou reads from a selection of her work, followed by an openmic; free; 2 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-312-1032 or www. SPAGHETTIFEED:Proceeds will send World War II veterans to Washington, D.C; $10; 4 p.m.; Jake's Diner, 2210 N.E.U.S. Highway 20, Bend; 541-382-0118. SHAWN MULLINS:The folk-rock artist performs; $26and $37.50 in advance, $31 and $42.50 day of show, plus fees; 7 p.m., doors open at 6 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-
317-0700 or (Story, Page 5)
MONDAY Feb. 11 CONVERSATIONS ONBOOKS AND CULTURE:Readand discuss "The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Color Blindness" by Michelle Alexander; followed by a discussion; free; noon to1 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, Campus Center, 2600 N.W. CollegeW ay,Bend; 541-383-7412.
"THE LASTPIRATEOFTHECARIBBEAN": Children's Theater Company presents a murder mystery dinner theater; registration requested; $15; 6:30-9 p.m.; The Bridge Church of the Nazarene, 2398 W. Antler Ave., Redmond; 541-460-3024 or FLY FISHINGFILMTOUR: 7 p.m. at Tower Theatre; see Tuesday's listing for details. YOU ME &APOLLO:The Colorado-based indie-rock group performs; free; 7 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or (Story, Page 6) THE GHOST OFMICHAEL CLARK: The Colorado-based soul artist performs; $5; 8 p.m.; The Horned Hand, 507 N.W. Colorado Ave., Bend; 541-728-0879 or www.reverbnation. com/venue/thehornedhand. IRATION:TheCalifornia-based alternativereggae act performs, with Passafire and Pacific Dub; $15 plus fees in advance, $18 at the door; 8:30 p.m., doors open at 8 p.m.; Domino Room, 51 N.W.Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-788-2989 or www. (Story, Page 6)
• SUBMIT AN EVENTat www bendbulletin. com/submitinfo or email Deadline is 10 days before publication. Questions? Contact 541-383-0351.
planning ahea FEB. 15-21 FEB. 15-17 — BEND WINTERFEST: Winter carnival featuring rail jams, races, a children's area, live music, a fire pit competition, ice and snow sculptures and more; a portion of proceeds benefits Saving Grace; $5-$6 for WinterFest button in advance, $8 at the gate, free for Mt. Bachelor season pass holders; 5-10 p.m. Feb. 15, 11 a.m.-10 p.m. Feb. 16and11 a.m.-6p.m. Feb.17; Old Mill District, 661 S.W. Powerhouse Drive; 541-323-0964 or www.bendwinterfest. com. FEB.15-17,21— "WORKING": Opening night of the Thoroughly Modern Productions and Stage Right Productions musical depicting the working lives of everyday people, with a champagne reception; $21, $18 students and seniors; 7:30 p.m. Feb. 15-16, 21 and 3 p.m. Feb. 17; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-312-9626 or FEB. 15-16 — "THELASTPIRATEOF THE CARIBBEAN":Children's Theater Company presents a murder mystery dinner theater; registration requested; $15; 6:30-9 p.m.; The Bridge Church of the Nazarene, 2398 W. Antler Ave., Redmond; 541-460-3024 or www. FEB. 15 — PORTLANDCELLO PROJECT: The cello collective plays the Sisters Folk Festival's Winter Concert Series, with Adam Shearer; $15, $20 atthe door; 7 p.m., doors open at6:30 p.m.; Sisters High School, 1700 W. McKinney Butte Road; 541-549-4979 or FEB. 15 — "MY BEAUTIFUL LAUNDRETTE": A screening of the R-rated1985 film; free; 7:30 p.m.; Jefferson County Library, Rodriguez Annex, 134 S.E. ESt., Madras; 541-4753351 or FEB.15— ARCHAEOLOGYFEST FILM SERIES:A screening of the best films from the 2011 TheArchaeology Channel International Film and Video Festival, including"Ramesses the Second:The Great Journey"; $6; 7:30 p.m., doors open 7 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, Boyle Education Center, 2600 N.W.CollegeWay, Bend;541-345-5538 or FEB. 15 — SONATASFORPLUCKED STRINGS:Lute virtuosos John Schneiderman and Hideki Yamaya present a program of18th-century duets, presented by Musica Maestrale; $12, $10 students and seniors; 7:30 p.m.; CascadeSchoolofMusic,200 N.W. Pacific Park Lane, Bend; 541-2133144 or FEB. 15 — TONY SMILEY: The oneman rock band performs, with Keez, Mosley Wotta and Prajekt; $5; 9 p.m.;
Liquid Lounge, 70 N.W. Newport Ave., Bend; 541-389-6999 or www. FEB.16— "THE METROPOLITAN OPERA: RIGOLETTO":Starring Diana Damrau, Oksana Volkova and Piotr Beczala in a presentation of Verdi's masterpiece; opera performance transmitted live in high definition; $24, $22 seniors, $18 children; 9:55 a.m.; Regal Old Mill Stadium16 & IMAX, 680 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend; 54 I-382-6347. FEB. 16 — RUNFORCHOCOLATE: A 5K run/walk with chocolate aid stations; proceeds benefit the La Pine High School Athletic Department; free for spectators; 10 a.m.; Sunriver Resort, 17600 Center Drive; FEB.16— SPIRIT OF THE WEST DAY:Meet high desert pioneers, hear their stories and participate in their activities; included in the price of admission; $12 adults, $10 ages 65 and older, $7 ages 5-12, free ages 4 and younger; 11 a.m.-3 p.m.; High Desert Museum, 59800 S. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; 541-382-4754 or www. FEB. 16 — ZWICKELMANIA: Tour 11 local participating breweries, speak with brewers and sample beer; shuttle service available for some breweries; free; 11 a.m.-4 p.m.; http://oregonbeer. org/zwickelmania. FEB.16— MCMANUS IN LOVE:A one-man show about romance and dating starring Tim Behrens, written by humorist Patrick F. McManus; $30-$40 plus fees; 3:30 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or FEB. 16 — VFWDINNER: A dinner of roast beef; $8.50; 5 p.m.; VFW Hall,1503 N.E. Fourth St., Bend; 54I-389-0775. FEB.16— MACHETASO PROFANO: The Portland-based metal band performs, with Hive Tyrant and more; $5; 7 p.m.; Domino Room, 51 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-788-2989. FEB.16— ARCHAEOLOGYFEST FILM SERIES:A screening of the best films from the 2011 The Archaeology Channel International Film and Video Festival, including "The Hobbit Enigma"; $6; 7:30p.m.,doorsopen7 p.m .;Central Oregon Community College, Boyle Education Center, 2600 N.W. College Way, Bend; 541-345-5538 or www. FEB. 16 — TONYHOLIDAY &THE VELVETONES: The North Carolinabased blues act performs, with Satori Bob; $5; 8 p.m.; The Horned Hand, 507 N.W. Colorado Ave., Bend; 541728-0879 or www.reverbnation. com/venue/thehornedhand.
Oregon, bring a sack lunch; included in the price of admission; $12 adults, $10 ages 65 and older, $7 ages 5-12, free ages 4 and younger; noon-1 p.m.; High DesertMuseum, 59800 S.U.S.Highway 97, Bend; 541-382-4754 or www. FEB.20— CHEW ON THIS:FOOD FACTS ANDCONSIDERATIONS: A presentation by health and human performance professor Owen Murphy covering various aspects of food production and consumption; free; 4-5 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, Hitchcock Auditorium, 2600 N.W.CollegeWay, Bend;541-383-7786 or FEB. 20 — ARUNGANDHI Rob Kerr i The Bulletin file photo PRESENTATION: The grandson Learn how to take photos with your cellphone Thursday at Cascade of MohandasGandhi presents, Center of Photography. "Nonviolence and Social Justice: Lessons I Learned from my Grandfather"; followed by a private DREAM INTERPRETATION reception; free, $25 reception; 6:30 p.m.; WORKSHOP:Learn how to interpret Central Oregon Community College, "GEAR UPTOSPEAKUP" your dreams through art with Wille Hall, 2600 N.W. College Way, Bend; WORKSHOP:Learn public speaking Teresa Leigh Ander; registration 541-383-7257 or skills based on requests from required; $125; 10:30 a.m.-5 p.m. previous workshops; registration Feb. 16; TAWGallery, 19889 Eighth FEB. 20 — DEADWINTER required; $20; 10 a.m.-noon CARPENTERS:The California-based St., Bend; or Saturday; call for west Bend location; 541-706-9025. roots-rock band performs; free; 7 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, COOKING WITHCHOCOLATE 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-382-5174 CELLPHONE PHOTOGRAPHY SEMINAR: Chef Fabrice Beaudoin or WORKSHOP:Learn shooting leads a seminar about cooking with techniques and apps for taking chocolate; free; 2 p.m. Feb.16; FEB. 20 — OTT &THEALL-SEEING photos on your cellphone; Vandevert Room, Sunriver Resort, I: The dubstep act performs, with registration requested; $54; 3-5 17600 Center Drive, Sunriver; Kilowatts and G.A.M.M.A; $10 plus p.m. Thursday; Cascade Center of or fees in advance, $13atthe door; 8 p.m.; Photography, 390S.W. Columbia 541-593-1000. Midtown Ballroom, 51 N.W. Greenwood St., Suite110, Bend; www.ccophoto. Ave., Bend; 541-788-2989 or www. FLAG ANDTUNNELBOOK com or 541-241-2266. STRUCTUREWORKSHOP:Learn ART PAIREDWITHWINE: Explore how to make three-dimensional FEB. 21 — THELIBRARY BOOKCLUB: the art of millefiori polymer books based on the accordion Read and discuss "The Swerve" by beadwork, with wine and light fold in a four-day class; $85; 10 Stephen Greenblatt; free; noon; La Pine appetizers; registration required; a.m.-12:30 p.m. Feb. 18-21; Atelier Public Library, 16425 First St.; 541$40; 6-9 p.m. Thursday; Art Station, 6000, 389 Scalehouse Court, Suite 312-1090 or www.deschuteslibrary. 313 S.W. Shevlin Hixon Drive, Bend; 120, Bend; or org/calendar. or 54 I-330-8759. FEB. 21 — KNOW CLUE: CENTRAL 541-6 I7-1317. DRAWING FROM NATURE: OREGON CSI: Learn how real-life crime PAPER ENDPAGES WORKSHOP: Learn the basic building blocks of scene investigation is done with Bend Learnhow to make mixed me dia, drawing to accurately record your police officer Canyon Davis; free; 3 p.m.; decorative end sheets, book and observations of the natural world; Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 box covers, bring a sack lunch; registration required; $144; 6-9 N.W. Wall St.; 541-312-1034 or www. $60; 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Feb. 16; Atelier p.m. Thursdays, Feb. 21-April11; 6000, 389 Scalehouse Court, Suite Art Station, 313 S.W.Shevlin Hixon FEB.21— KNOW CLUE:HITCHCOCK 120, Bend; or Drive, Bend; www.artscentraloregon. — ANXIETY,SEX AND PEEPING TOMS: 541-330-8759. org or 541-617-1317. A screening of the1953 unrated Alfred Hitchcock film, "I Confess," followed by a discussion; free; 5:30 p.m.; Tin Pan FEB.19— "PUBLISHING YOUR WORK Theater, 869 N.W. Tin PanAlley, Bend; ON THE INTERNET":Bend Genealogical FEB. 19 — SCIENCE PUB:Learn 541-241-2271 or tinpantheater©gmail. Society presents a program by George about new research at Oregon State com. Larson; free; 10 a.m.; First Presbyterian University-Cascade Campus, titled FEB. 21 — PLATEAUINDIAN ARTS Church, 230 N.E. Ninth St., Bend; "Alternative Transportation fuels: What PRESENTATION:Rebecca Dobkins, an 541-317-9553 or www.orgenweb. About Natural Gas?"; registration anthropology professor, explores the org/deschutes/bend-gs. requested; free; 5:30 p.m.; McMenamins "Vibrant Traditions in Plateau Arts" and Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond FEB. 19 — THELIBRARYBOOKCLUB: the relationship between traditional and St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or www. Read and discuss "Will in the World" contemporary artistry; free; 6 p.m.; High by Stephen Greenblatt; free; noon; DesertMuseum, 59800 S.U.S.Highway East Bend Public Library, 62080 Dean FEB. 20 — LUNCH ANDLECTURE: 97, Bend; 541-382-4754 or www. Swift Road; 541-330-3764 or www. Learn about Northern spotted owls in
Talks 8 classes
planning ahead
FEB. 21 — "THEBROTHERS GRIMM SPECTACULATHON" AND "GOLIDLOCKSON TRIAL": The Summit High School drama department presents two backto-back plays that put a modern spin on classic fairy tales; $5; 7 p.m.; Summit High School, 2855 N.W. Clearwater Drive, Bend; 541-322-3300. FEB. 21 — THE448:The Los Angeles-based blues band performs, with Shade13; $5; 8 p.m.; The Horned Hand, 507 N.W. Colorado Ave., Bend; 541728-0879 or www.reverbnation. com/venue/thehornedhand.
FEB. 22-28 FEB. 22-23 — TELLURIDE MOUNTAINFILMON TOUR: Screening of films that celebrate mountain people, culture and conservation; proceeds benefit The Environmental Center; $17.50 plusfeesinadvance,$20 day of show, $30 in advance for both nights; 7 doors open at 6 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W.Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www. FEB.22-24,28 — "WORKING": Thoroughly Modern Productions
and Stage Right Productions present the musical depicting the working lives of everyday people; $21, $18students and seniors; 7:30 p.m. Feb. 22-23, 28 and 3 p.m. Feb. 24; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-3129626 or www.2ndstreettheater. com. FEB. 22-23 — JAZZ ATTHE OXFORD:Featuring a performance bythe Mel Brown Septet; $35 plus fees in advance; 8 p.m. Feb. 22-23 and 5 p.m. Feb. 23; TheOxford Hotel, 10 N.W. Minnesota Aveu Bend; 541-382-8436 or www. FEB. 23-25 — CENTRALOREGON SYMPHONY WINTERCONCERT: The Central Oregon Symphony performs a winter concert, under the direction of Michael Gesme; featuring Kate Hamilton; free but a ticket is required; 7:30 p.m. Feb. 23,25and2p.m. Feb.24; Bend High School, 230 N.E. Sixth St.; 541-317-3941, info©cosymphony. com or FEB. 22 — TERRIBLE BUTTONS:The Spokane-based folk act performs; $5; 8 p.m.; The Horned Hand, 507 N.W. Colorado Aveu Bend; 541-7280879 or www.reverbnation.
com/venue/thehornedhand. FEB. 23 — FREEFAMILY SATURDAY: The museum offers complimentary admission for the whole family; overflow parking and shuttle service available at Morning Star Christian School; free;10 a.m.-4 p.m.; High Desert Museum, 59800 S. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; 541-382-4754. FEB. 23 — JAMIELAVAL:The North Carolina-based Celtic violinist performs; $16, $8 students; 7:30 p.m.;TheOld Stone, 157 N.W. Franklin Aven Bend;
FEB.23 — MONOPHONICS: The San Francisco-based funk-rock band performs, with the Quick 8 Easy Boys; $8 in advance, $12 at thedoor;8:30 p.m.;Liquid Lounge, 70 N.W. Newport Aveu Bend; 541389-6999 or FEB. 24 — REDMOND COMMUNITY CONCERT ASSOCIATIONPERFORMANCE: Eugene Ballet performs contemporary dance to the music of The Beatles; $50 season ticket, $20 students, $105 family ticket; 2 and6:30 p.m.;Ridgeview High School, 4555 S.W. Elkhorn Ave.;
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outo town The following is a list of other events "Out of Town."
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By Jenny Wasson The Bulletin
n the eyes of choreographer Moses Pendleton, the world is a beautiful place. For five days, Oregonians will get a special glimpse into that world. Using his company of dancer-illusionists called MOMIX, Pendleton will bring his visions of nature to life with his newest work, "Botanica." Part of the White Bird Dance Series, "Botanica" runs Feb. 27 to March 2 at the Newmark Theatre in Portland. A founding member of the ground-breaking Pilobolus Dance Theater, Pendleton created MOMIX in 1980. The award-winning company is known for "its ability to conjure up a world of surrealistic images using props, light, shadow, humor and the human body," according to its website. A 90-minute performance, "Botanica" takes audience members on ajourneythroughthefour
seasons. "With an eclectic score ranging from birdsong to Vivaldi, 'Botanica' reveals nature's changing imagery," according to a news release. The program features custom-made puppets created by Oregon-based Michael Curry — best known for his collaboration with Julie Taymor on the Broadway musical "The Lion King." Portland-based White Bird Dance is currently celebrating its 15th anniversary season. Along with MOMIX, the series features Hubbard Street Dance Chicago (Wednesday), Black Grace (Feb. 19), Contemporary Ballet of Algiers/Abou Lagraa (March 21-23), Paul Tay-
lor Dance Company (April 4-6), CIRCA (April 10-13) and Ballet BC (May 8). Ticket prices for MOMIX range from $26 to $64, depending on seat location. To purchase tickets and for more information, visit www or 800-380-3516. — Reporter: 541-383-0350,
Feb.8— SuperDiamond,McMenamins Crystal Ballroom, Portland; CT* Feb. 8 —The WoodBrothers, Aladdin Theater, Portland; TF* Feb. 9 —Mark Kozelek, Aladdin Theater, Portland; TF* Feb. 9 —moira smiley and VOCO, Unitarian Fellowship, Ashland; www. or 541-535-3562. Feb. 9 —RaRa Riot, Wonder Ballroom, Portland; TF* Feb. 10 —Hot Tuna, Aladdin Theater, * Portland; TF Feb. 11 —Shawn MuHins, Aladdin Theater, Portland; TF* Feb. 12 —Cherry Poppin' Daddies, McMenamins Crystal Ballroom, * Portland; CT Feb. 12 —Graveyard, Wonder * Ballroom, Portland; TF Feb. 13 —Marilyn Manson, Roseland Theater, Portland; SOLDOUT;TW* Feb. 13 —Tomahawk, Wonder * Ballroom, Portland; TF Feb. 15 —Afro-Cuban AHStars, Aladdin Theater, Portland; TF* Feb. 15 —Bone Thugs NHarmony, Roseland Theater, Portland; TW* Feb. 15 —The Presidents of the United States of America,McMenamins Crystal Ballroom, Portland; CT* Feb. 15-24 —Portland Jazz Festival: Featuring Afro-Cuban All Stars, Geri Allen, Terri Lyne Carrington, Esperanza Spalding, Jack DeJohnetteand Kenny Garrett; various locations in Portland; customers of our local Jazz at the Oxford series get a10 percent discount to all PDXJazz shows (using a promotional code); or 503-228-5299. Feb. 16 —Afro-Cuban All Stars, The Shedd Institute, Eugene; www.theshedd. org or 541-434-7000. Feb. 16 —Leftover Salmon, McMenamins Crystal Ballroom, Portland; CT* Feb.16 —Victor Wooten, Aladdin Theater, Portland; TF* Feb. 17 —Coheed & Cambria, Roseland Theater, Portland; TW* Feb. 17 —Mickey Hart, McDonald * Theatre, Eugene; TW Feb. 17 —RedFang, Wonder Ballroom, * Portland; TF Feb. 18 —Eels, Aladdin Theater, Portland; TF* Feb. 21 —STS9, McMenamins Crystal Ballroom, Portland; CT* Feb. 22 —Pennywise, Roseland
Theater, Portland; TW* Feb. 22-23 —SaHie Ford & TheSound Outside,Wonder Ballroom, Portland; TF*
Feb. 23 —Galactic, McMenamins Crystal Ballroom, Portland; CT* Feb. 23 —STS9,McDonald Theatre, Eugene; TW* Feb. 26 —Patti Smith, McMenamins Crystal Ballroom, Portland; CT* Feb. 26 —Robben Ford,Aladdin * Theater, Portland; TF Feb. 27 —Dave Alvin & TheGuilty * Ones,Aladdin Theater, Portland; TF Feb. 27 —STRFKR,Roseland Theater, Portland; TW* Feb. 28 —Toro y Moi, Wonder * Ballroom, Portland; TF March1 —Con BroChill, Wonder Ballroom, Portland; TF* March1 —moe., McMenamins Crystal Ballroom, Portland; CT* March1 —Tyrone Wells, Aladdin * Theater, Portland; TF March 2 —Alabama Shakes, McMenamins Crystal Ballroom, Portland; SOLDOUT;CT* March 2 —B.B. King, Roseland Theater, Portland; TW* March 2 —Hey Marseilles, Aladdin * Theater, Portland; TF March 2 —Ken Peplowski, The Shedd Institute, Eugene; or 541-434-7000. March 2 —The Reverend Horton Heat, * Wonder Ballroom, Portland; TF March 3 —Why?,Wonder Ballroom, * Portland; TF March7— G.Love & SpecialSauce, * Wonder Ballroom, Portland; TF March 7 —Great Big Sea, Aladdin * Theater, Portland; TF March 8 —Emancipator, Wonder * Ballroom, Portland; TF March8— LadysmithBlack Mambazo, Aladdin Theater, Portland; TF* March 8 —Morrissey, Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; RESCHEDULED DATE (WASNOV.11); TM* March 9 —Greensky Bluegrass, * Wonder Ballroom, Portland; TF March 9 —Ladysmith Black Mambazo,TheShedd Institute,Eugene; or 541-434-7000. March10 —B.B. King,Hult Center, Eugene; or 541-682-5000. March11 —Flogging Molly, Roseland Theater, Portland; TW* March12 —Martha Wainwright, Doug Fir Lounge, Portland; TF* March15 —Big Head Toddand The Monsters,McMenamins Crystal Ballroom, Portland; CT*
out of town
March 15 —Dervish, Aladdin Theater, * Portland; TF March 15 —Imagine Dragons, Roseland Theater, Portland; SOLDOUT;TW* March15— Umphrey'sM cGee, McDonald Theatre, Eugene; TW* March 19 —Hoodie Allen, Roseland Theater, Portland; TW* March 21 —Josh Ritter & The Royal City Band,McMenamins Crystal Ballroom, Portland; CT* March 22 —Clinton Fearon & TheBoogie Brown Band,Wonder Ballroom, Portland; TF* March 22 —Iris Dement, Aladdin Theater, Portland; TF* March 23 —Pickwick, Wonder Ballroom, * Portland; TF March 23 —Sarah Brightman, Rose Garden, Portland; CANCELED; or 877-789-7673.
LECTURES 8K COMEDY Feb. 28 —Marc Maron, Aladdin Theater, * Portland; TF March 12 —Sherman Alexie, Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; www.pcpa. com or 503-946-7272. March13 —Mike Tyson,Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; or 800-273-1530.
SYMPHONY 8K OPERA Feb. 9 —"Tosca": Opera by Puccini; Portland Opera; Keller Auditorium, Portland; TM* Feb. 9-11 —"Beethoven's Ninth Symphony": Music by Hindemith, Britten and Beethoven; Oregon Symphony; Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; or 800-228-7343. Feb. 14 —"The Planets": Music by Ligeti, Debussy and Holst; Eugene Symphony; Hult Center, Eugene; or 541-682-5000. Feb. 14 —"A Roberta Flack Valentine". Oregon Symphony; Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; or 800-228-7343. Feb. 16-17 —"Ballroom with a Twist": Created by four-time "Dancing with the Stars" proLouis van Amstel;Oregon Symphony; Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; www. or 800-228-7343. Feb. 23, 25 —"HoughPlays Liszt": Featuring pianist Stephen Hough; music by Weber, Beethoven, Liszt and Hindemith; Oregon Symphony; Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; or 800-228-7343. March 3 —"Dr. Seuss' 'The Sneetches'": Oregon Symphony; Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; or 800-228-7343. March 3 —Marc-Andre Hamelin: Presented by Portland Piano International; Newmark Theatre, Portland; or 800-273-1530. March 9-11 —"Saint-Saens & Shostakovich":Music by Mussorgsky, SaintSaensand Shostakovich;Oregon Symphony; Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; www.
*Tickets TM: Ticketmaster, www.ticketmaster .com or 800-745-3000 TW:TicketsWest, www.ticketswest .com or 800-992-8499 TF:Ticketfly, or 877-435-9849 CT:Cascade Tickets, www or 800-5143849 or 800-228-7343. March 15, 17 —"Dead Man Walking": Pacific Northwest premiere of Jake Heggie's opera based on the book by Sister Helen Prejean and the movie starring Susan Sarandon and Sean Penn;Eugene Opera;HultCenter,Eugene; or 541-682-5000. March 15, 17, 19, 21, 23 —"Rinaldo": Opera by Handel; Portland Opera and Portland Baroque Orchestra; Newmark Theatre, Portland; TM* March16 —"The Legend of Zelda: Symphonyofthe Goddesses": Oregon Symphony; Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; or 800-228-7343.
THEATER8KDANCE Feb. 8 —Jeremy Wade: Featuring Wade's solo dance "Fountain"; Portland Institute for Contemporary Art, Portland; or 503-242-1419. Through Feb. 10 —"His Girl Friday": Performed live on stage as a classic radio program by Fred Crafts' Radio Redux; Wildish Community Theater, Springfield; www. or 541-868-0689. Through Feb. 10 —"The Lost Boy": World premiere; play by Susan Mach; Artist Repertory Theatre; Morrison Stage; www. or 503-241-1278. Through Feb. 16 —"Next to Normal": Tony Award-winning rock musical and winner of the 2010 Pulitzer Prize for Drama; presented by the Oregon Contemporary Theatre (formerly the Lord Leebrick Theatre) The Lord/Leebrick Playhouse, Eugene; NEWDATES;www. or 541-465-1506. Through March 2 —"La Celestina": Fresh adaptation by Raquel Carrio from the classic SpanishGoldenAge novelbyFernando de Rojas; Milagro Theatre, Portland; www. or 503-236-7253. Through March10 —"Venus in Fur": Play by David Ives; 2012Tony Award nominee for Best Play; Portland Center Stage; Gerding Theater at the Armory, Portland; or 503-445-3700. Feb. 9-10 —"Swan Lake": Featuring museum-quality costumes and classical choreography; presented bythe Eugene Ballet Company; Hult Center, Eugene; www. or 541-682-5000. Feb. 12-March 17 —"Red Herring": Comedic noir fable by Michael Hollinger; presented by Artists Repertory Theatre; Alder Stage, Portland; or 503-241-1278.
Continued next page
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out of town
From previous page Feb. 13 —Hubbard Street Dance Chicago: Celebrating 35 years as one of the most original forces in contemporary dance; part of the White Bird Dance Series; Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; or 503-245-1600. Feb. 15-Nov. 3 —"The Taming of the Shrew": This production of Shakespeare's play is part of "Shakespeare for a NewGeneration"; OregonShakespeareFestival;AngusBowmer Theatre, Ashland; or 800-219-8161. Feb. 16-23 —"Swan Lake": Featuring choreography by Christopher Stowell, fashioned after the1895 version by Petipa/ Ivanov; presented by the Oregon Ballet Theatre; Keller Auditorium, Portland; or 888-922-5538. Feb. 16-July 7 —"Two Trains Running": August Wilson's searing portrait of African-American life in the 1960s; Oregon Shakespeare Festival;AngusBowmer Theatre, Ashland; or 800-219-8161. Feb. 17-Nov. 3 —"My Fair Lady": Lerner and Loewe's adaptation of George Bernard Shaw's "Pygmalion"; Oregon Shakespeare Festival; Angus Bowmer Theatre, Ashland; www. or 800-219-8161. Feb. 19 —Black Grace: New Zealand's leading contemporary dance company; part of the White Bird Dance Series; Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; or 800-380-3516. Feb.20-24 — "Spank!The FiftyShades Parody":Comedy filled musical satire that captures all of the naughty fun of the book; written and directed by Jim Millan; Aladdin Theater, Portland; TF* Feb. 21-Nov. 3 —"King Lear": Contemporary staging of Shakespeare'stragedy; part of "Shakespeare for a NewGeneration"; OregonShakespeareFestival;Thomas Theatre (previously known as the New Theatre), Ashland; or 800-219-8161. Feb. 26-March 3 —"War Horse". Winner of five 2011 Tony Awards; featuring life-sized puppets created by South Africa's Handspring Puppet Company; Keller Auditorium, Portland; or 800-273-1530. Feb.26-March 24— "The W hippingMan": Play by Matthew Lopez is an extraordinary tale of loyalty, deceit and deliverance; Portland Center Stage; Gerding Theater at the Armory, Portland; or 503-445-3700. Feb. 27-March 2 —MOMIX: Renowned dancer-illusionists return to Portland with "Botanica"; part of the White Bird Dance Series; NewmarkTheatre, Portland; www. or 800-380-3516. March 21-23 —Contemporary Ballet of Algiers/Abou Lagraa:Hip-hop inspired work by French-Algerian choreographer Abou Lagraa; part of the White Bird Dance Series; Portland State University, Portland; www. or 800-380-3516.
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EKHIBITS Through Feb.10 —Agate & Mineral Show, Oregon Museum of Science & Industry, Portland; or800-955-6674.
ThroughFeb.10 — Oregon M useum of Science and Industry:The following exhibits are currently on display: "Simply Beautiful: Photographs from National Geographic" (through Feb. 10) and "MythBusters: The Explosive Exhibition" (through May 5); Portland; www.omsi.eduor800-955-6674. Through Feb. 16 —Museumof Contemporary Crafts:The following exhibits are currently on display: "Reflecting on Erik Gronborg" (through Feb. 16) and "WeTell Ourselves Stories in Order to Live (through April 27); Portland; www.museumofcontemporarycraft. org or 503-223-2654. Through Feb. 24 —Portland Art Museum: The following exhibits are currently on display: "NOH: Dance Drama of the Samurai" (through Feb. 24), "A True Sense of Things: Maude I. Kerns in Oregon" (through March10), "APEX: Sang-Ah Choi" (through March 31), "Folkert de Jong" (through April 21) and "Carrie Mae Weems:Three DecadesofPhotographyand Video" (through May19); Portland; www. or 503-226-2811. Through May —"Noise!": Featuring interactive stations on sound, music and hearing; Science Factory Children's Museum & Exploration Dome, Eugene; www. or 541-682-7888. Through May19 —"German Expressionism": Featuring prints by Wassily Kandinsky, Kathe Kolwitz, Franz Marc and Emil Nolde; Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art, Eugene; jsma. or 541-346-3027. Through December —"The Sea & Me": A new children's interactive exhibit; Oregon Coast Aquarium, Newport; or 541-867-3474. Feb. 9-April 28 —"West of Center: Art and the Counterculture Experiment in America": Exhibit explores the unique integration of art practices, political action, and collaborative life activities; Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art, Eugene; or 541-346-3027. Feb. 10 —Free Admission Day, Oregon Zoo, Portland; or 503-226-1561. Feb. 16-March 17 —"50 Prints and Paintings, TokoShinoda at 100": Exhibit features calligraphy, lithographs and paintings by Japanese artist Toko Shinoda; Portland Japanese Garden; or 503-223-1321.
MISCELLANY Through Feb. 18 —Antique Week, Lincoln City; or 800-452-2151. Through Feb. 23 —Portland International Film Festival:Featuring more than 125 features, documentaries and short films, including the hit Australian film "The Sapphires"; presented by the NWFilm Center; Whitsell Auditorium, Portland Art Museum, Portland; or 503-221-1156. Feb. 16-17 —OregonAsian Celebration: Featuring music and dance performances, demonstrations, an art exhibit and food; Lane Events Center, Eugene; www.asiancelebration. org. Feb. 23 —Harlem Globetrotters, Rose Garden, Portland; or 877-789-7673.
gaming lIl
• Wondermentand stunningvisuals collide with old-school mechanics in'Wrath of the WhiteWitch'
McClatchy-Tribune News Service
"Devil May Cry" ranks No. 2 in February.
By Kimberley Wallace
TOP 10
Game fnformer Magazine
hen "Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch" was announced as a collaboration between the famed Studio Ghibli and respected developer Level-5, my eyes lit up. Level-5's hits take classic gameplay systems and turn them inside out, while Studio Ghibli's films journey through f antastical l ands with breathtaking visuals and deep life lessons. For months now, my imagination has been overflowing with "Ni No Kuni's" possibilities — but the reality doesn't match up to its potential. "Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch" is a respectable experience, but it's far from a Ghibli or Level-5 masterpiece. "Ni No Kuni" transports you between a realworld and a fantastical one, the heart and soul of the game. It has childlike wonder around every bend — mushrooms grow as staircases, animals rule kingdoms, and G h ibli-inspired monsters meld creativity into every encounter. The vast environments have stunning visu-
als, and you're rewarded
ACROSSTHEBOARD The editors of Game Informer
Magazine rank the top gamesfor the month of February:
1. "DeadSpace3" (PS3, X360, PC) 2. "Devil May Cry" (PS3, X360) 3. "Fire Emblem: Awakening"
(3DS) 4. "The Walking Dead" (PS3,
X360, PC, iOS) 5. "Far Cry 3" (PS3, X360, PC) 6. "Sly Cooper: Thieves ln Time" McClatchy-Tribune News Service
Journey to Studio Ghibli-inspired lands in the name of saving a young boy'smother innNi No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch."
7. "Lego Lord of the Rings" (PS3,
X360, PC) 8. "The Cave" (Wii U, PS3, X360,
the situation in any profound way. Instead, the dialogue is as cheesy and predictable as an after school special. "Ni No Kuni" features many b attles, but most trying is t h e
player's struggle against old-
school mechanics. First off, every area contains an absurd amount of random encounters, and
with a ship for sea exploration and eventually your very own dragon to controL Sadly, the story and characters don't have the same allure as the world. Because Studio Ghibli's name is attached to it, I was expecting strong characterization and n a r rative. U n f ortunately, characters have a dearth of personality and exist only to help the main character, Oliver. The one stand-out is Mr. Drippy, Oliver's stuffed-toy-turned-sidekick, who has a quip for every occasion. Even he starts to feel like a onetrick pony, though. Oliver's journey to give his mother life again should be an emotional one, yet it doesn't tackle the complexity of
(PS3, Vita)
'NINO KUNI: WRATH OF THE WHITEWITCH' 7 (outof10) PlayStation 3 Namco Bandai, Level-5 ESRB rating: E10+
whi l e enemies are visible
on the field, they charge instantly once spotting you. Avoiding them is next to impossible, even after upgrading Oliver's
speed. This problem is exacerbated by limited save points in dungeons (although the world map allows saving at any time). If you die before reaching a save point, you're transported back to the dungeon's entrance, grinding through the same enemies again. When you perish, "Ni No Kuni" also fines you 10 percentof your money to keep earned XP. Death is a possibility in every battle, keeping you constantly alert and forcing you to learn the battle system. Initially, that's what I liked the most, but
the aforementioned issues made this process almost unbearable. Most actionsby characters or recruited familiars execute on a cooldown. The traditional battles aren't purely spamming "attack," because you need to strike at the right time to cancel enemy actions or counter attacks. These tactics, along with defending, are vital in every encounter. Use the battle system correctlyand you're more likely to see "glims" on the battlefield, which restore health and magic power and occasionally unleash special attacks. Despite the adrenaline-pumping intensity, the battle system has its frustrations. Sometimes the window to defend passes far
One minute I was exploring the world with adoration, and the next I was cursing a cheap boss battle.
PC) 9. "Anarchy Reigns" (PS3, X360) 10. "Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch" (PS3) Game lnformer Magazine
TOP PAID APPS too quickly. Not only must you selectdefend for your character, you must also order the sub-par AI companions to protect themselves as well. Other times, aggressive tactics are required to cancel a special attack, but the consequencesfor missing are too dire, forcing you to turtle. "Ni No Kuni" is a m ercurial e xperience. One minute I w a s exploring the world with adoration, and the next I was cursing a cheap boss battle. The journey can be fun; I liked collecting and growing familiars and watching the breathtaking world before me, but "Ni No Kuni" doesn't come without frustration. Enter for the beauty, but know it comes with a
1. "Super Hexagon" 2. "Truck Pulling" 3. "Grand Theft Auto III Cheater" 4. "NFL Quarterback13" 5. "Sliding Messaging Pro" APPLE
1. "WhatsApp Messenger" 2. "CraftedBattle"
3."Wood Camera— Vintage Photo Editor" 4."Angry Birds Star Wars" 5. "Minecraft — Pocket Edition" McClatchy-Tribune News Service
Open Road Films via The Associated Press
Jude Law and Catherine Zeta-Jones star as two psychiatrists in "Side Effects."
• Psychiatric drama thrives on subtle signs and haunting sounds ROGER
he music tells us what kind of movie "Side Effects" is going to be. It coils beneath what seems like a realistic plot and whispers that s omething haunted and possessed is going on. Imagine music for sorcery and then dial it down to ominous forebodings. W ithout T h omas Newman's score, this would be a lesser film, even another film. We meet an edgy young woman named Emily (Rooney Mara). Her husband, Martin (Channing Tatum), has been released after four
years in prison for insider trading. Don't weep for him. At a party he explains, "It's the culture." They resume. They dine. They make
eager love. Things don't go for her as smoothly as it seemed. She is referred to a psychiatrist named Banks (Jude Law). She's been under carebefore, with a shrink named Victoria Siebert (Catherine Zeta-Jones), but Banks thinks she may get good results from a new drug named Ablixa. Also, a drug company has paidhim $50,000 to study it during the licensing period.
This Banks has issues. A Brit in EBERT Manhattan, he's divorced from a dubious woman (Vinessa Shaw). He immigrated to the U.S., he explains, because in the U.K. when you run into psychiatric treatment it's assumed you may get sicker, "Side Effects" and over here it's assumed you're 105 minutes getting welL Naturally that tilts R, for sexuality, nudity, him toward pushing pills. Emily's violence and language use of Ablixa causes some alarming behavior, including a murder while in a b l ackout, and she's thy. Why is he a doctor in the first committed to a mental hospitaL place? Why did his marriage fail? Banks shows few signs of empa- He meets with Victoria Siebert,
and why does tension spring up between them? Banks is sitting on a lot of anger. There are other characters: a cop, a mother, yada yada. Always the music — never loud, always there. Rooney M a ra's p erformance is instrumental. In h er third major role, she's on the far side of the moon from "The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo." Emily is terrified of the world, of the doctor, of Ablixa and of herself. Steven Soderberg's camera often sees her from a slightly low level from her left, her hair doing the framing.
Continued next page
ur U i
iri t
n a luxurious British retirement home for musicians, two questions circle each other. One involves former opera stars who were once married, long ago and briefly. The other is about a gala that may be able to raise enough money tokeep the home from closing. That second question must have been more convincing in the original stage version of "Quartet," written by Ronald Harwood, whose "The Dresser" remains one of the best plays and films ever written about the theater. You can sit in a theater and hope the retirement home can be saved. But when you look at this film, you see a stately manor surrounded by pastoral beauty. The location, Hedsor House in Buckinghamshire, near L o ndon ( r enamed Beecham House in the movie), obviously suggests a multimillionpound budget and isn't going to be saved by a gala — especially not after we see how small the welldressed audience is. Their tickets must reallyhave been expensive. Such problems are probably irrelevant. Here is a sentimental, sweet entertainment featuring a screen full of legendary British stage, movie and opera stars. To call it predictable is being kind. But Dustin Hoffman, who chose the 1999 Harwood play for his first film as a d i rector, knows that. What's also evident is that he loves the stage, loves show busi-
From previous page I want you to remember Nicolas Cage looking askance at the iguana in Herzog's "Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans," and then tone that down to uncertainty and fear. I diagnose her with panic attacks and depression. The professionals in the film discuss real meds like Effexor. Those can be effective "over time." Time is what
"Quartet" 99 minutes PG-13, for brief strong language
and suggestive humor
The Wemstern Company tna The Associated Press
Maggie Smith, left, and Pauline Collins star in "Quartet." ness, and has a heart full of affection for these elderly survivors. He also loves his location, and scenes are bridged with many shots of the elegantly landscaped
grounds. The central drama involves the retired singer Reggie Paget (Tom Courtenay, who starred in "The Dresser" and "Dr. Zhivago" all those years ago, and even before that the powerful drama "The Loneliness of the Long-Distance Runner"). Settled, content, he is seeking a comfy senility in Beecham House, he says. Then another retired legend arrives. This is Jean Horton (Maggie Smith). We learn that she cheated on him within hours of their marriage, and although he's always been in love with her, he has never forgiven her. Their first meeting comes when Jean looks into a room as Reggie is discussing opera versus hip-
the depressed and panicked lack. Banks wants fast-acting pills. Em-
ily dreads being diagnosed as actually nuts and being assigned to the hospital by the courts. Banks doesn't seem so concerned. Maybe another med will work. Meanwhile, we notice that he's spending an increasing amount of time with other characters, like Victoria Siebert, his ex-wife, prosecutors and colleagues. The case be-
Verdi's "Rigoletto." Jean refuses; she fears her voice is gone. The (This) film accepts all movie shows the others going to the limitations of a great lengths to coax her into the stage play andjust gala. At one point Cissy, the Coldoesn't care. It's curious, lins character, visits Jean's room for example, that not with flowers and a plea for her to
a single one of the
change her mind. Jean orders her to leave with such vehemence that poor Cissy flees from the room, collapses on a landing, and is next seen in a hospital bed with symptoms of memory loss. A stroke? hop with some visiting kids. He Who knows? The movie's time dismisses her. But the chill bespan is so uncertain that Cissy retween them thaws with astonish- covers and is ready for "Rigoletto" ing rapidity all the way to a final in no time. scene of stupendously cornball We understand that these charromance. Along the way much acters made a lot of money in depends on whether Reggie and their lifetimes and can afford this Jean will join two other residents expensive retirement. But practi(Pauline Collins and Billy Concal details at Beecham House are nolly) to perform the quartet from murky. There seem to be no el-
residents seems to have a single relative.
gins to make news and his clients fall off because they don't want a press mob seeing them going into his office. And all this time, the music. You know those scores that make you think of sad m erry-go-rounds? We're being drawn into a vortex. Is there a level we don't suspect? Some people,ambushed by the last 10 minutes, will be thinking, "What a load of c rap." Soder-
bergh has retrofitted his film from the end backward. At the press p reviews, critics would not b e admitted unless they were there from the start. It's like an Alfred Hitchcock warning: "Don't give away the beginning!" S teven Soderbergh has a n nounced that, at 50, this will be his last film. Well, that's up to him. This one brings together threads from a lot of his work.
evators, and all the octogenarian residents, even Jean with her hip replacement, use the stairs. The staff consists of the supervisor and a few nurses. We understand why that would be enough for the stage, but Hoffman's film accepts all the limitations of a stage play and just doesn't care. It's curious, for example, that not a single one of the residents seems to have a single relative. No children. No
grandchildren. Nobody. This movie will no doubt be pitched to the same audiences that loved "The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel." It even brings Maggie Smith along. But it lacks that film's life, intelligence and spirit. It has a good heart. I'll give it that. Maybe what it needs is more exotic marigolds. — Roger Ebert is a film critic for The Chicago Sun-Times.
Crime. Sex. Complicated yuppies. Smart people doing heedless things. Corruption in high places. Ablixa can even be seen as a science fiction element. The Soderbergh film this one doesn't draw from is "Che." Soderbergh came, he saw, he conquered, and now he's moving on. That was that. — Roger Ebert is a film critic for The Chicago Sun-Times.
• Slapstick comedy mixed with melodrama doesn't quite work in this ho-humfilm
t's really tough to have it both
Let's say you want to do a broad, shtick-filled comedy filled with "Three Stooges" humor, e.g., a character is hit head-on by a speeding car,tumbles over the roof, lands with a cringe-inducing thud on the highway — and suffers nary a scratchor even a hairline fracture. The stuffofcartoons. Now let's say you want to do an unapologetically sentimental character study in which one character with tears streaming down her face reveals the childhood source of all her emotional pain. The stuff of heavy drama. "Identity Thief" gives us both of the aforementioned scenes — and while each set piece is executed with professionalism by the filmmakers and the actors (and stunt humans) involved, neither is particularly effective. The car accident comedy doesn't work because by that point, we've grown weary of the violent, consequencefree humor. Then thebig reveal scene doesn't work because the movie has just spent 90 minutes telling us these people are cartoon characters. Such is the identity crisis suffered by "Identity Thief." It wants to be "Midnight Run" m e ets "Planes, Trains and Automobiles," but it carries little of the dramatic heft and real-world semi-plausibility of those much superior efforts. The pairing o f J a son Bateman and Melissa McCarthy in a road tripcomedy seems inspired. They're two unique comedic talents who always put an interesting spin on a line or a double take, whether starring in sitcoms or effortlessly swiping scenes in bigscreen fare. Unfortunately, "Identity Thief" is a depressingly predictable road-trip buddy comedy that's far moreinterested in car chases, lame shootouts, physical shtick and cheap schmaltz than creating anything originaL Bateman plays Sandy Patterson, a 40-ish account executive for a financial firm who's underappreciated at work but finds comfort in
t«s«+ +t t s s % 'L svX t sls s s s s t
Universal Pictures via The Associated Press
Diana, played by Melissa McCarthy, doesn't hide the fact she stole the identity of Sandy Patterson, played by JasonBateman, in "Identity Thief."
"Identity Thief" 112 minutes
R, for sexual content and language the loving arms of his wife (the always-welcome Amanda Peet) and two adoring daughters. Given his gender-neutralname by a father who was a huge fan of baseball
great Sandy Koufax, Sandy becomes the latest identity thief target of Diana (Melissa McCarthy), who must be the least subtle ID thief in North America. Diana favors outfits so loud they scream, stocks her house like it's a Target store (there's even stuff on the front lawn), keeps all her phony IDs as souvenirs and goes on massive drinking and spending sprees every time she assumes a new identity. How has she not been caught, like, a thousand times'? Thanks to an idiotic premise involving Jon Favreau as the world's worst boss, Morris Chestnut as
Denver's dumbest cop and John Cho as the world'sworst friend, it's up to Sandy to make his way to Florida, capture Diana and bring her to Colorado. Then it's up to the screenwriter to find ways to keep Sandy and Diana on the road togetherfor a series of wacky escapades, when all Sandy has to do is pick up a phone, dial the authorities and say, "Hey, you know that woman who stole my identity and has committed hundreds of felonies'? Got her!" Bateman and McCarthy have their moments of witty banter, but most of the time they're beat-
ing the Stooges out of each other or escaping a bounty hunter AND a couple of assassins. McCarthy does have that one aforementioned dramatic scene and she hits it out of the park, but even that moment is telegraphed a half-dozen times. Whether it's aiming for cringe-inducing laughs or trying to score the big emotional payoff, "Identity Thief" is a cheap copy of much bettercomedies.Here's hoping someone finds a much better vehicle for these two terrifically talented comedic actors. — Richard Roeper is a film critic for The Chicago Sun-Times.
Who's ready for an •t
MARATHON? alling all die-hard
C Oscar fans!
If you are the type of person who tries to see all the nominated films before the Academy Awards telecast, Regal Cinemas has just the ticket for you. In celebration of the 85th Academy Awards (which airs Feb. 24 on ABC), Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 8c IMAX is hosting an Oscar Movie Week Feb. 15-21 in ( Bend. During that week, the t heater w i l l s c r een a l l nine Best P icture n ominees: "Beasts of the Southern Wild," "Life of Pi," "Les Miserables," "Amour," "Lincoln," "Django Unchained," "Silver Linings Playbook," "Zero Dark Thirty" and "Argo." One-day passes for $30 and two-day passesfor$50 are available and grant access to all the Oscar films scheduled for that day; single film tickets will not be sold for this event. Pass holders will also receive a $5 medium popcorn and soft drink combo coupon. Here is the schedule for the week: For Feb.15, 17, 19and 21 • "Beasts of th e S o uthern Wild" — Noon • "Life of Pi" — I:50 p.m. • "Les Miserables"— 4:20p.m . • "Amour" — 7:20 p.m. • "Lincoln" — 9:50 p.m. For Feb.16, 18and 20 • "Django Unchained" — 12:15
• "Silver Linings Playbook" — 3:20p.m. • "Zero Dark Thirty" — 5:45p.m. • "Argo" — 8:45 p.m. For more information, contact 800-326-3264. — Jenny Wasson
Courtesy AMPAS
Andrew Cooper/The Weinstein Company via The Associated Press
Christoph Waltz, left, and Jamie Foxx join forces in Quentin Tarantino's "Django Unchained." Thursday at local theaters. Fanscan also catch a late night screening Wednesdayat Regal Old Mill Stadium16 & IMAX in Bend. This film is available locally in IMAX. 98 Here's what's showing onCentral minutes. (R) Oregon movie screens. For — Synopsis from TheAssociated Press showtimes, see listings on Page 31. "Safe Haven" —Anaffirming and suspenseful story aboutayoungwoman's struggle to love again, "Safe Haven" is based on the novel from Nicholas Sparks, the best-selling author behind the hitfilms Reviews by RogerEbert unless otherwise "The Notebook" and "Dear John." When noted. a mysterious young womanarrives in a small North Carolinatown, her reluctance to join the tight knit community raises HEADS UP questions about her past. Slowly, she begins putting down roots, and gains the "Beautiful Creatures" — A Southern courage to start a relationship with Alex, teen (Alden Ehrenreich) finds love with a widowed store owner with two young a mysterious newcomer (Alice Englert) children. But dark secrets intrude on her in the adaptation of the best-selling new life with such terrorthat she is forced supernatural romance.The film opens to rediscover the meaning of sacrifice and Thursday at local theaters. Fanscan also rely on the power of love in this deeply catch a late night screening Wednesdayat Regal Old Mill Stadium16 & IMAX in Bend. moving romantic thriller. The film opens Thursday at local theaters. Fanscan also 123 minutes. (PG-13) catch a late night screening Wednesdayat — Synopsis from TheAssociated Press Regal Old Mill Stadium16 & IMAX in Bend. 115 minutes. (PG-13) Fly Fishing FilmTour —TheFly Fishing Film Tour returns to theTowerTheatre in — Synopsis from Relativity Media Bend. Celebrating the fly fishing industry, "Top Gun" — Thestory of an elite group thetourfeaturesincredible never-seen of pilots competing to be the best in their footage from waterways worldwide. class and earn the title of "TOPGUN" The films will feature awide assortment captured the imagination of a generation of destinations (Thailand, Bolivia, the and earned aworldwide box office of over Midwest, the Pacific Northwest and the $350 million upon its release. The1986 Rocky Mountains) and different species film stars TomCruise as Maverickand (steelhead, bass, trout and triggerfish). Kelly McGillis as his civilian instructor. The films screen at 7 p.m.Tuesdayand The film also stars Val Kilmer, Anthony Wednesday at theTower. Tickets are $15, Edwards andMegRyan. Thedigitally replusfees. (no MPAA rating) mastered film will be released for the first — Synopsis from theRlyFishing Film time in IMAX. "TopGun" screens at Regal Tour's website Old Mill Stadium16 & IMAXin Bend. This film is available locally in IMAX. Cost is "A Good Dayto DieHard" —John $15.50 for adults and $13for seniors and McClane (Bruce Willis) and son try to foil a nuke heist in Moscow in the fifth chapter children. 110minutes. (PG) — Synopsis from RegalCinemas in the "Die Hard" franchise. Thefilm opens
WHAT'S NEW "Identity Thief" —Thepairing of Jason Bateman andMelissa McCarthy in a road trip comedy seemsinspired. They're two unique comedic talents who always put an interesting spin on aline or adouble take, whether starring in sitcoms or effortlessly swiping scenes in big-screen fare. Unfortunately, "Identity Thief" is a depressingly predictable road-trip buddy comedy that'sfar more interested in car chases, lameshootouts, physical shtick and cheap schmaltz than creating anything original. Rating: Twostars. 112 minutes.
— Richard Roeper,The Chicago Sun-Timcs "Guartet" —A sweet, sentimental, predictable story set in a luxurious British retirement homefor actors and opera singers. First-time director Dustin Hoffman has his heart in the right place and loves these characters. His screen is filled with legends (TomCourtenay, Maggie Smith, Michael Gambon, Billy Connolly, Gwyneth Jones). But much is unlikely, including the theory that a gala onVerdi's birthday could raise enough cash tosavethe elegant manor. Rating: Two and a half stars. 99 minutes. (PG-13) "Side Effects" —Rooney Mara stars as anedgy young woman named Emily whose husband (Channing Tatum) has been released after four years in prison for insider trading. Things don't go smoothly for Emily and she's referred to a psychiatrist (Jude Law), who prescribes a newdrug namedAblixa. The drug causes somealarming behavior as director Steven Soderbergh draws us into a vortex of whispers that something haunted and possessed is going on. Rating: Three and a half stars. 105 minutes. (R)
Continued next page
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Nicola Dove/ Focus Features via The Associated Press
Bill Murray portrays President Franklin D. Roosevelt in the film "Hyde Park on Hudson."
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"Argo" — BenAffleck directs and stars in the incredible true story of how, at the height of the lranian hostage crisis, a CIAagent and a couple of Hollywood professionals dreamedupacockamamie scheme tofree six Americans whowere not being held in the American Embassybut hadfound refuge with the Canadian Embassy. Kept top secret for18 years, the operation created afake sci-fi production named"Argo," convinced the lranians it was real and used it to spirit the Americans out of the country. With lots of tension and also somehumor from John Goodman andAlan Arkin as the Hollywood pros involved. Rating: Four stars. 120 minutes. (R) "Bullet to the Head" — Directed by the veteran Walter Hill, this ersatz buddy film is filled with cheesy stop-motion zooms, rapid-cut fight scenes with insanely loud sound effects for every bone-cracking punch, racially insensitive one-liners, windowdressing female characters andwall-to-wall carnage. It's the kind of brainless action movie Sylvester Stallone would havestarred in circa1985. That it stars a Stallone who's pushing 70 is just weird. Rating: Twostars. 92 minutes. (R) — Richard Roeper, TheChicago Sun-1>mes "Chasing Icen — Heart-stopping in its coverage of the braveand risky attempt by a scientist namedJames Balogand his teamof researchers onthe Extreme IceSurvey, where "extreme" refers to their efforts almost more than to the ice. During repeatedexpeditions to Greenland, Iceland, Alaska andMontana, the team took stop-motion camerasand anchored them in place. Weseeglaciers retreating from ice mountains to expose the rockthey rest on. Oneglacier losesthe height in ice of the EmpireState Building. This film screens at the Tin PanTheater in Bend. Rating: Three stars. 76 minutes. (PG-13) oDjangoUnchained" — Bullets, bullwhips and beatings produce slo-mo geysers of blood. Pistoleros launch into soliloquies
on slavery and theGermanSiegfried myth. "Django Unchained" is set in Quentin Tarantino's pre-Civil War South. Another indulgent movie from the cinema's reigning junk-genre junkie, "Django" mashestogether 1960s Italian "Spaghetti Westerns" and '70s American "Blacksploitation" pictures. The historical bastardization of "Inglourious" has nothing on "Django," where pre-Civil War characters are seen infaded Confederate uniforms, and dynamite, that talisman of every Z-gradeWestern, shows up nineyears before it was patented. Thesoundtrack ranges from imitation Spaghetti Western themes to Jim Croceballads to gangster rap. Geographically incompetent, with plantations overfilled with all manner of shootably venal white overseers, this isn't Ken Burns history. All part of the fun. Sergio Leonewas no historical stickler — hurling late19th century Europeanartillery into his version of the Civil War in "The Good,The Badand The Ugly." Only it's not that much fun here.Some scenesconveyTarantino-esquetension.But Tarantino's unwillingness to trim anything slows the film to a crawl. Rating: Two stars. 165 minutes. (R) — Roger Moore, McClatchy-Tribune News Service "Gangster Spuadn — "Gangster Squad" is a gang-war dramabuilt on Western conventions, a rootin' tootin', Camel-smokin', whiskey swillin' shoot-'em-up about a lawless period in L.A.'s history when asmall cadre of cops, working outside the law, took onMob boss Mickey Cohen in a fight for "the soul of Los Angeles." Josh Brolin ably handles the John Waynerole, the paragon of virtue, an incorruptible police sergeant tasked bythe only honest police chief (Nick Nolte) to chase outmob boss MickeyCohen(Sean Penn, pugnacious, ferocious). RyanGosling is Jerry Waters, the cynical detective/gunslinger who will have to takesides, but is going to takesome convincing.Anthony Mackie's the knife-throwing street cop from the black side of town. Robert Patrick is the aged pistolero and holdover from the "real Wild West." Michael Penarepresents the city's Hispanic underclass, a kid who needs to prove himself. And Giovanni Ribisi is "the brains,"
the cop with the glasses and the Army-based knowledge of wiretaps. They're a regular "Magnificent Six.n All in all, "Gangster Squad" is a solid piece of work, and that solid piece of work Brolin anchors it in the kind of squarejawed moral rectitude that makes you wish Hollywood mademoreREALWesterns, just for him. He's fine in atrenchcoat and fedora. But somebody get that man ahorse. Rating: Three stars. 110minutes. (R) — Roger Moore, McClatchy-Tribune News Service "Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters" — The film is more Gatling gunsandgrenades than The Brothers Grimm. It takes the kidnapped kiddies into adulthood, where they've parlayed their fame atcooking a witch's goose into a business. Got awitch problem? Call H & G —the extermination experts. High concept pitch or no, the movie doesn't really work. They were shooting for sort of a witch-hunting "Zombieland," an f-bombriddled "Van Helsingo packed with comical anachronisms — aBavarian forest past with witch trials, pump shotguns and primitive tasers, where bottles of milk havewoodcut pictures of "missing children" on the labels. Writer-director TommyWirkola focuses on the fights and flings all manner of viscera at the 3-D camera aslimbs arewhacked off and heads and torsos explode. Less attention was paid to the story, and thedialogue is a tad over-reliant on the random f-word to land a laugh. This film is available locally in 3-D. Rating: Oneand ahalf stars. 86 minutes. (R) — Roger Moore, McClatchy-Tribune News Service "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey" — For those whosimply cannot get enough of Middle-earth, Peter Jackson's "The Hobbit" promises to bethe ultimate Travel New Zealand miniseries. Heand his "Lord of the Rings" team havetaken J.R.R. Tolkien's dense but slight and morecomical "Rings" prelude, a simple quest to rob adragon, and blown it up into a trilogy. And since the first installment, "An Unexpected Journey," clocks in at almost three hours ... well, you seewhat lies ahead of us. Thesettings are gorgeous.
Continued next page
From previous page The effects are spectacular. But in adding a prologue, in transposing characters from the "Rings" films into the narrative, and in having the luxury of including "Hobbit" minutia by the bushel basketful, I haveto saythe bloat shows. Thehardcore faithful won't admit it, but less cynical studios could have told this entire tale in three hours. Scenesand sequences are rich, but they goon too long, which turns this "Hobbit" from a brisk stroll into a bit of a slog. Jackson hasn'tforgotten his lessons in forced perspective — using the camera, doubles, andthe like to make Gandalf, men andelves tower over the hobbits and dwarfs in the "Rings" movies. But the contrast is less pronounced, less emphasizedhere. And that lesson screenwriters learn when studying the masters seems utterly forgotten in the headlong march into making this book into a trilogy: EvenShakespeare needs editing. This film is available locally in 3-D. Rating: Twoand ahalf stars. 169 minutes. (PG-13) — Roger Moore, McClatchy-Tribune News Service "Hyde Park onHudson" — Bill Murray plays Franklin Roosevelt as a sometimes lonelyand sad man whose vacationgetaway is his mother's family mansion, Springwood, near HydePark in upstate NewYork. Here in June1939, he receives guests whose visit could change the course of world history: England's King GeorgeV(Samuel West) and QueenElizabeth (Olivia Colman). Witnessing from backstage is his sixth cousin, Daisy (Laura
Linney), with whomFDRhasasweet and secret affair. Murray finds the exact tone, gentle and confiding, for this viewof Roosevelt. Rating: Three and a half stars. 94 minutes. (R) "The Impossible" — The tsunami that devastated the Pacific Basin in the winter of 2004 remains oneof the worst natural disasters in history. We were in Europewhen it struck, and we sat mesmerized, watching the news on TV — againand again,that towering wall of water looming from the sea, tossing trucks, busesand its helpless victims aside. Surely this was a blow from hell. In this terrifying triumph of special effects, Juan Antonio Bayona's film becomes a powerful story of afamily's cohesive strength. With NaomiWatts, Ewan McGregor and TomHolland. Oneof the best films of 2012. Rating: Four stars. 114 minutes. (PG-13) "Les Miserables" — There are moments early on in "Les Miserables" whenviewers may feel like they're about to witness a bona-fide disasterpiece, one of those spectacular miscalculations that can be almost as entertaining — almost — as a superbly executedwork of audacious ambition andscope. This adaptation of the mega-hit Broadway musical lives in that kinda-sorta, okay-not-great, this-worked-thatdidn't in-between for which words like "better" and "worse" fall woefully short. Enough faint praise. There's plenty to cheer in "Les Miserables," not the least of which is the presence of some genuinely astonishing breakout performances. Basedon Victor Hugo's novel, "Les Miserables" juxtaposes Marius' (Eddie
movies Redmayne's) fight for political justice with the more personal struggle of Jean Valjean, whom wemeet in the film's opening scene asanenslaved prisoner, played byan unrecognizably emaciated HughJackman. It's all very big, all the time. Also stars Russell Crowe, AnneHathaway, Amanda Seyfreid, HelenaBonhamCarter. Rating: Twoandahalf stars.157 minutes. (PG-13) — Ann Hornaday, The Itlrashington Post "Life of Pi" — A miraculous achievement of storytelling and a landmark of visual mastery. Inspired by a worldwide best-seller that seemed unfilmable, it is a triumph
GO! MAGAZINE PAGE 29 over its difficulties. It is also a moving spiritual achievement, a movie whose title could have been shortened to "Life." The story involves the 227 days that its teenage hero (Suraj Sharma) spends drifting across the Pacific in the same lifeboat as aBengal tiger. The movie quietly combines various religious traditions to enfold its story in the wonder of life. How remarkable that these two mammals, and the fish beneath them and birds above them, are all here. Oneof the year's best. This film is available locally in 3-D. Rating: Four stars. 125 minutes. (PG) "Lincoln" — Steven Spielberg's newfilm focuses on only afew
months of Lincoln's life, including the passage of the13th Amendment ending slavery, the surrender of the Confederacy andhis assassination. Rarely has a film attended more carefully to the details of politics. Daniel Day-Lewis creates aLincoln who is calmly self-confident, patient and willing to play politics in a realistic way. Not about an icon of history, but about a president who was scorned bysome of his opponents asa hayseed from the backwoods. Heunderstood them better than they did him. The film is nominated for twelve Academy Awards. Rating: Four stars. 149 minutes. (PG-13)
Continued next page
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The following movies were released the week ofFeb.5.
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"Alex Cross" — In the first film he's appeared in that isn't his own personal work, Tyler Perry plays a Detroit police detective on the trail of a savagely sadistic serial killer Robert Zuckerman I paramount pictures via The Associated press (Matthew Fox). His cop's intuition Bruce Greenwood stars as Charlie Anderson, left, and Denzel is almost comically excellent, the Washington stars as Whip Whitaker in the drama "Flight." action scenes are confusing and the plot meanders. With Cicely Tyson, Edward Burns, JeanRenoand John C. McGinley. DVD and Blu-ray Extras: six years, who decide to stop living along smoothly in their new lifestyle, One featurette, deleted scenesand in the same house. To besure, he until they receive an unexpected jolt audio commentary. Rating: Two stars. only moves into his backyard studio of reality. Good-hearted romantic 101 minutes. (PG-13) and they remain "best friends." Their comedy, avoiding the usual "Celeste and Jesse Forever"own best friends are deeply upset by formulas. DVDandBlu-ray Extras: Rashida Jones and Andy Samberg this change in a relationship they all Two featurettes, deleted scenes and star as an appealing couple, married thought was stable. The couple gets audio commentary. Rating: Three o
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issues that have long remained latent. Subtle, touching performances by Philip Seymour Hoffman, Catherine Keener andMark Ivanir — and especially by Christopher Walken, who reminds us that although he often plays caricatures andjoins in kidding his mannerisms, he canbe a deep andsubtle actor, particularly good at suggesting deep intelligence DVD and Blu-ray Extras: One featurette. Rating: Three and ahalf stars. 105 minutes. (R) ALSO THISWEEK: "Here Comes the Boom" and "Diana Vreeland: The Eye Has to Travel" COMING UP: Movies scheduled for national release Feb. 12 include "Bully," "The Kid With a Bike," "The Man with the Iron Fists, "The Perks of Being a Wallflower," "Robot & Frank," "The Sessions" and "Skyfall." — "DVD andBlu-ray Extras" from wir eandonlinesources
From previous page
landscape, andthankthe action-movie gods because we needed alittle something to wake usfrom our winter slumber. Based on a novel in a series by Richard Stark, the alter ego of the late, great Donald E.Westlake, the film is basically a heist-and-payback movie. But it's made with such skill and smarts that it stands abovesuch eye-rolling blow-'em-up fare asArnold Schwarzenegger's "The Last Stand," its main competition at the box office. Rating: Three stars. 78 minutes. (R) — Connie Ogle, TheMiami Herald "A Royal Affair" — The principles that would inspire the FrenchRevolution first took practical shape inDenmark in the18th century. The ideas of Voltaire arrived there with Dr. Johann Struensee (MadsMikkelsen), a German physician who was hired to care for the derangedKingChristian Vll (Mikkel BoeFolsgaard), and eventuallytook very good care indeed of his comely newqueen from Britain, Queen Caroline Mathilde (Alicia Vikander). Theyconvince her husband to take everyday command of his kingdom, inspiring reforms alarming to the conservative establishment. Directed by Nikolaj Arcel. Thisfilm screens at Tin PanTheater in Bend. Rating: Three and ahalf stars. 137 minutes. (R) "Silver Linings Playbook" — Pat (Bradley Cooper) is confident and upbeatfor a man just released from a mental hospital and under a restraining order from his wife. He's determined to surprise everyone by moving ever onward andupward. What stage of bipolar disorder would you guess he's in? His parents (Robert De Niro andJacki Weaver) are well-meaning but dubious. A prickly neighborhood widow (Jennifer Lawrence) wants to sleep with him and is offended that he's interested only becauseshe's in touch with his ex-wife. This all somehow comes down to intersecting bets about a football gameand aballroom dance contest. Written and directed by David O. Russell. Rating: Threeand ahalf stars. 122 minutes. (R)
'L • 1t
and a half stars. 91 minutes. (R) "Flight" — After opening with one of the most terrifying flying scenes I've witnessed, in which anairplane is savedbybeing flown upside-down, Robert Zemeckis' "Flight" segues into a brave andtortured performance by Denzel Washington — one of his very best. Not often does amovie character makesuch aharrowing personal journey that keeps us indeep sympathy all of the way.Washington plays a veteran commercial pilot who has built up atolerance for quantities of alcohol and cocaine that would be lethal for most people. Blu-ray Extras: Three featurettes (no DVDExtras were listed for this film). Rating: Four stars. 138 minutes. (R) "A Late Quartet" — In the 25th year of their career together, a famous string quartet receives some devastating news. Peter, their cellist, has been diagnosed in theearly stages of Parkinson's disease. This bombshell interrupts the steady pace of their work andexposes personal
"Mama" — To the credit of director Andy Muschietti, his co-writing team and afirst-rate cast, "Mama" succeeds in scaring the wits out of us and leaving some lingering, deeply creepy images, despite indulging in many horror-film cliches. Movies like "Mama" are thrill rides. We goto be scared and then laugh, scared and then laugh, scaredandthen shocked. And of course, there's almost always a little plot left over for a sequel. It's a ride horror fans would takeagain. Rating: Three stars. 100 minutes. (PG-13) — Richard Roeper, The ChicagoSun-Timcs "The Man With the Iron Fists" — The Wu-TangClanrapper RZA, aka Robert Fitzgerald Diggs, takes on acting, writing, directing, composing and rapping duties on his film, "The Man with the Iron Fists." That makes him, what, a quintuple threat? But a threat to what? He's aterrible actor, an incompetent narrator, a mediocre writer and paint-by-numbers director. His N-word andF-bomb laced music — he participated in three songs on the soundtrack — we'll leave to others to parse. But as amovie maker, he's strictly a non-starter. Rating: Onestar. 94 minutes. (R) — Roger Moore, McClatchy-Tribune NewsService "Movie 43" — As theadsfor "Movie 43" promised (threatened?), you can't unsee this thing, so please: Stay away. Even if you might think that sitting through "Movie 43" would be an adventure along the lines of experiencing "Showgirls" or "Howard the Duck," you'll be filled with regret five minutes into this atrocity. There's camp-fun badandinterestingly horrible bad, and then there's just awful. "Movie 43" is the "Citizen Kane" of awful. Rating: Zero stars. 90 minutes. (R) — Richard Roeper, The ChicagoSun-Timcs "Parker" — "Parker" roars into a dull January andenlivens the movie
Continued next page
GO! MAGAZINE PAGE 31 Mountain MecBcal
From previous page "Skyfall" — "Skyfall" triumphantly reinvents 007 in one of thebest Bonds ever made.This is a full-blooded, joyous, intelligent celebration of a beloved cultural icon, with Daniel Craig taking full possession of a role he earlier played unconvincingly. The film at last provides a role worthy of Judi Dench, returning as M,who is one of the best actors of her generation. She is all but the co-star, with a lot of screen time, poignant dialogue, anda character who is far more complexand sympathetic than weexpect. In this 50th year of the JamesBondseries, with the dismal "Quantum of Solace" (2008) still in our minds, I don't know what I expected in Bond No.23, but certainly not an experience this invigorating. If you haven't seen a 007 for years, this is the time to jump back in. Rating: Four stars. 143 minutes. (PG- l3) "StandUp Guys"— AlPacino, Christopher Walken andAlan Arkin were in the samegang, andafter Pacino is released following a 28year prison sentence, they unite for a long day andnight as animplacable deadline approaches. Comedy,chase scenes, sometension and, above all, the acting of the Stand UpGuys. Rating: Threeand ahalf stars. 95 minutes. (R) "Warm Bodies" — Here's a bloody, fresh twist on the most popular horror genre of this century, with none-too-subtle echoes of a certain star-crossed romance that harkens back to a certain Bard who placed a certain young Romeounder a certain balcony. A well-paced, nicely directed, post-apocalyptic love story, it has a terrific sense of humor and the,um,gutsto be unabashedly romantic and unapologetically optimistic. A lot of zombie movies have heart, but usually the heart ends up on someone's plate. Cheers to "Warm Bodies" for taking us in a different direction for a change. Rating: Three and a half stars. 97 minutes. (PG-13) — Richard Roeper, The ChicagoSun-Times "Wreck-It Ralph" — ThenewDisney animated feature for families takes place inside several arcade-style videogames,providinganexcuse forthe backgrounds, ground rules and characters to constantly reinvent themselves. Its hero is one of those clumsy, misunderstood big guys who dream only of being loved. Ralph (voice by John C.Reilly) spends every dayknocking down anapartment building, which is constantly repaired by Fix-It Felix Jr. (Jack McBrayer). Lively, endlessly colorful nonstop action, also with JaneLynch andSarah Silverman. Rating: Three stars.101 minutes. (PG) "Zero DarkThirty" — Two hours of watching a loner female CIAstrategist who knows she is right — and the payoff that she is. Jessica Chastain stars as Maya,who wasright all along, providing the film with atimely heroine. Lots of murky action in the big capture anddeath, but lacking the split-second timing and relentless action of director Kathryn Bigelow's "The Hurt Locker." Thesecharacters are less compelling, and the outcome less meaningful. Rating: Three stars. 157 minutes. (R)
T I M E S • For the zoeekof Feb.8
• There may be an additional fee for 3-D and IMAXmovies. • Movie times are subject to change after press time. I
Fri-Wed: 3:50, 10:10 • HANSEL & GRETEL: WITCHHUNTERS 3-D (R) Fri-Wed: 1:20, 7:45 • THE HOBBIT: AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY 3-D (PG-13) Fri-Wed: 6 • THE HOBBIT: AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY (PG-13) Fri-Wed: 2, 9:40 • IDENTITY THIEF (R) Fri-Wed: 12:25, 3:20, 4:45, 6:25, 7:25, 9:I5, 10:15 • LES MISERABLES (PG-13) Fri-Wed: 12:40, 4:05, 7:35 • LIFE OF PI (PG) Fri-Wed: 12:15 • LIFE OF PI 3-D (PG) Fri-Wed: 3:40, 6:40, 9:35 • LINCOLN (PG-13) Fri-Wed: 11:50 a.m., 3:10, 6:40, 9:55 • MAMA (PG-13) Fri-Tue: 1:10, 4:20, 7:55, 10:25 Wed: 1:10, 4:20, 6:50 • MOVIE 43 (R) Fri-Wed: 1:55 • PARKER (R) Fri-Tue: 12:20, 3:05, 6:10, 9:10 Wed: 12:20, 3:05, 6:10 • SAFE HAVEN (PG-13) Wed:10 Thu: 12:40, 3:45, 6:40, 7:30, 9:35 • SIDE EFFECTS (R) Fri-Wed: 1, 3:45, 7:10, 9:45 • TOP GUN IMAX (PG) Fri-Tue: 12:30, 3:15, 6:30, 9:15 Wed: 12:30, 3:15, 6:30 • WARM BODIES (PG-13) Fri-Wed: 1:25, 3:55, 6:45, 9:20 • ZERO DARK THIRTY (R) Fri-Wed: 11:45 a.m., 3:15, 6:40, 10:05 • As of press time, complete movie times for Thursday wereunavailable. Check The Sulletfn's Community Life section that day for the complete movie listings. I
• Accessibility devices are available for some movies at RegalOld Mill StadiumtG &IMAX.
1302 NE 3rd St. Bend
Regal Old Mill Stadium16 8 IMAX, 680S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend, 541-382-6347 • BEAUTIFUL CREATURES (PG-13) Wed:10 Thu: 12:30, 3:30, 6:50, 9:50 • BULLET TO THEHEAD (R) Fri-Tue: 1:45, 4:35, 7:15, 10:20 Wed: 1:45, 4:35, 7:15 • DJANGO UNCHAINED (R) Fri-Wed: 12:45, 4:25, 8 • GANGSTER SQUAD(R) Fri-Wed: 12:05, 3:35, 7, 9:50 • A GOOD DAYTO DIEHARD IMAX(R) Wed:10 Thu: 12:15, 2:35, 4:55, 7:15, 9:45 • A GOOD DAY TO DIEHARD (R) Wed:10 Thu: Noon, 2:20, 4:40, 7, 9:40 • HANSEL & GRETEL: WITCHHUNTERS
Immediate Care 541-388-7799
Regal Pilot Butte 6, 2717 N.E.U.S.Highway 20, Bend,541-382-6347 • ARGO (R) Fri-Sat: 12:15, 3, 6, 9 Sun-Thu: 12:15, 3, 6 • HYDE PARK ONHUDSON(R) Fri-Thu: 1:15, 7 • THE IMPOSSIBLE (PG-13) Fri-Sat: 12:30, 3:30, 6:15, 9:15 Sun-Thu: 12:30, 3:30, 6:15 • LES MISERABLES (PG-13) Fri-Thu: 3:45 • QUARTET (PG-13) Fri-Sat: 12:45, 4, 7:15, 9:25 Sun-Thu: 12:45, 4, 7:15
Disney via The Associated Press
Ralph (voiced by John C. Reiiiy) breaks out of his shell in "Wreck-It Ralph." • SILVER LININGS PLAYBOOK(R) Fri-Sat: Noon, 3:15, 6:30, 9:20 Sun-Thu: Noon, 3:15, 6:30 • STAND UP GUYS(R) Fri-Sat: 1, 4:15, 6:45, 9:10 Sun-Thu: 1, 4:15, 6:45 I
McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend, 541-330-8562 • THE MAN WITH THEIRONFISTS (R) Fri, Mon-Thu: 9:15 • SKYFALL (PGI3) Fri, Mon-Thu: 5:30 Sat-Sun: 3:30, 8 • WRECK-IT RALPH(PG) Sat-Sun: Noon Wed: 2:30 • After 7 p.m., shows are 21and older only. Younger than 21mayattend screenings before 7pm.ifaccompaniedbyalegal guardian. I
Tin Pan Theater, 869 N.W.Tin PanAlley, Bend, 541-241-2271 • CHASING ICE (PG-13) Fri-Sat: 4, 6 Sun:4,6,8 • A ROYAL AFFAIR(R) Fri-Sat: 8 Thu:5 • The "Spaghetti Western" will screen at 6 p.m.(doors openat530p.m )Wednesday andincludes an all-you-can-eat spaghetti dinner. No moviesarescheduled to screen Monday andTuesday. I
Redmond Cinemas,1535 S.W.Odem Medo Road, Redmond, 541-548-8777 • BEAUTIFUL CREATURES (PG-13) Thu: 4:15, 6:45 • A GOOD DAYTO DIE HARD (R) Thu: 4:30, 6:45 • HANSEL & GRETEL: WITCHHUNTERS
Sisters Movie House,720 Desperado Court Sisters, 541-549-8800 • A GOOD DAY TO DIEHARD (R) Thu: 5:30, 7:45 • HYDE PARK ONHUDSON(R) Fri: 4:30 Sat: 2 Sun:1:30 Mon-Wed: 6:30 • LINCOLN (PG-13) Fri: 6:30 Sat:4,7 Sun: 3:30, 6:30 • SAFE HAVEN (PG-13) Thu: 5,7:30 • SIDE EFFECTS (R) Fri: 5, 7:30 Sat: 2:30, 5, 7:30 Sun: 2,430, 7 Mon-Wed: 6:30 Thu: 5:15, 7:45 • SILVER LININGS PLAYBOOK(R) Fri: 4:30, 7 Sat: 2,4:30,7 Sun: 1:30, 4:15, 6:45 Mon-Wed: 6:15 Thu: 5,7:30 • ZERO DARK THIRTY (R) Fri: 6:30 Sat: 3, 6:30 Sun: 2:30, 6 Mon-Wed: 6
WILSONS ofRedmond 541-548-2066 Adjustable Beds
G allery- B e n d 541-330-5084 HFrigidaire
Madras Cinema5,1101 S.W.U.S. Highway 97, Madras, 541-475-3505 • A GOOD DAY TO DIEHARD (R) Thu: 5, 7:20, 9:40 • HANSEL & GRETEL: WITCHHUNTERS 3-D (R) Fri, Thu: 5:25, 7:30, 9:35 Sat: 1:15, 3:20, 5:25, 7:30, 9:35 Sun: 1:15, 3:20, 5:25, 7:30 Mon-Wed: 5:25, 7:30 • MAMA (PG-13) Fri: 5:05, 7:10, 9:20 Sat: 12:50, 3, 5:05, 7:10, 9:20 Sun: 12:50, 3, 5:05, 7:10 Mon-Wed: 5:05, 7:10 • SAFE HAVEN (PG-13) Thu: 4:25, 6:50, 9:20 • SIDE EFFECTS (R) Fri, Thu: 4:45, 7, 9:25 Sat: 2:30, 4:45, 7, 9:25 Sun: 2:30, 4:45, 7 Mon-Wed: 4:45, 7 • SILVER LININGS PLAYBOOK(R) Fri: 4:15, 6:50, 9:15 Sat: i:45, 4:15, 6:50, 9:15 Sun: 1:45, 4:15, 6:50 Mon-Wed: 4:15, 6:50 • WARM BODIES (PG-13) Fri, Thu: 5:20, 7:25, 9:30 Sat: 1, 3:10, 5:20, 7:25, 9:30 Sun: 1, 3:10, 5:20, 7:25 Mon-Wed: 5:20, 7:25 Pine Theater, 214 N.Main St., Prineville, 541-416- I 014 • ARGO (UPSTAIRS — R) Fri: 4:10, 7:10 Sat-Sun: 1:10, 4:10, 7:10 Mon-Thu: 6:15 • GANGSTER SQUAD(R) Fri:4,7 Sat-Sun: 1, 4, 7 Mon-Thu: 6 • The upstairs screening room has limited accessibility.
I •
Fri: 4:30, 6:45, 9 Sat-Sun: Noon, 2:15, 4:30, 6:45, 9 Mon-Wed: 4:30, 6:45 • SILVER LININGS PLAYBOOK(R) Fri: 4, 6:30, 9 Sat-Sun: 11 a.m., 1:30, 4, 6:30, 9 Mon-Thu: 4, 6:30 • WARM BODIES (PG-13) Fri: 2:30,4:45, 7, 9:15 Sat-Sun: 12:15, 2:30, 4:45, 7, 9:15 Mon-Thu: 4:45, 7 • ZERO DARK THIRTY (R) Fri: 2:45, 6:05, 9:15 Sat-Sun: 11:30 a.m., 2:45, 6:05, 9:15 Mon-Wed: 3:45, 7
• •
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TUMALO-6.18 acres, 3 irrigated. Mountain views, 2563 sq. ft., 4-car garage, plus 44' RV garage/ hobby shop. MLS¹ 201300079 $600,000 DIRECTIONS:Hwy 20 towards Sisters, turn onOld Bend/ RedmondHwy, right onRogers, right on2nd Quail Haven Dr. 63880 East Quail Haven Dr.
New Construction by Signature Home Builders. 1600 sq ft. 3 bedroom, 2 bath, fenced 8 landscaped front yard. Stainless steel appliances, island, granite counters.
AWBREY BUTTE - Stunning Cascade Mountain views, 4 bedroom, 3.5 bath, 3524 sq. ft, on .84 acre lot.
MLS¹ 201208795 $ 7 50,000
MLS¹201209509 $ 2 19,900 Directions:ReedMarket to left on 27th St. Left onCapella,
Directions: Summit Dr to NW O'Brien Ct.
1st house onthe right. 21194 CapellaPl.
2541 NW O'Brien Ct.
MORRIS REAL ESTATE THREE PINES-3 bedroom, 4.5 bath,3488 sq.ft.home. Gorgeous main level master. Bonus room.
SUNRISE VILLAGE - 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath, wood floors + 2 decks on .33 acres. Gated community/pool, tennis courts, spa 8 trails. Move-in ready! MLS¹ 201300729 $ 4 49,900 DIRECTIONS: Century Dr. to left into Sunrise Village on Mammoth Dr., right on Sunshine Way. 19543 SW Sunshine Way
Independently Owned and Operated
MLS¹201300652 $ 595,000 DIRECTIONS: Newport/Shevlin Park Rd. to NW Park Commons Dr, left on Mt. Jefferson Pl, right on Mt. Shasta Dr., 19016 Mt. Shasta Dr.
541-480-7355 b
I I I'
AWBREY BUTTE - 4 bedroom, 4 bath, 4293 sq. ft. on
Stunning one owner, 2007 Tour Home - beautiful finishes, mtn. 8 city views, 4 bedroom, 4.5 baths, 4043 sq. ft., 3-car garage, theatre room 8 office.
.54 of an acre. Mountain views, private courtyard 8
deck, beautifully landscaped. MLS¹ 201208244 $ 8 75,000
Directions: Mt. Washington Dr to Starview Dr. 3341 NW Starview Dr.
I '
MLS¹ 201300838 $ 8 49,900
SUE CONRAD, BROKER, CRS 5 41-480-6 6 2 1
DIRECTIONS: Mt. Washington Dr. to Constellation. 1255 Constellation.
I ' I
I I I '
IIli SE Bend - New 1500 sq. ft. single level model home
RIVER CANYON ESTATES - 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath, 2499 sq. ft. Island kitchen, granite counters, large pantry, 8 hardwood floors.
on large lot. Gourmet kitchen, stainless steel appliances
MLS¹201300330 $ 3 10,000 DIRECTIONS: South on Brookswood to west on Sweetbrier Way, south on Snowbrush Dr. 60970 Snowbrush Dr.
Directions:South3rd Stte eastonMurphy Rd,southonParrell Rd,right on GrandTarghee,left on MilesCt. 1sthouseonthe right. ft0959 MilesCt.
open to great room. Cozy floor to ceiling rock fireplace
r •
THREE PINES - 3 bedroom, 4.5 bath, 3488 sq. ft. home. WOW kitchen, dining/great room plan with fireplace.
MLS¹201300652 $ 5 95,000 Directions: Newport/Shevlin Park Rd to NW Park Commons Dr., left on Mt. Jefferson Pl, right on Mt. Shasta Dr. 19016 Mt. Shasta Dr.