MONDAY October 8,2012
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Patents used as a hammer, insiderssay
Log where Bend teen died drew concern
By Charles Dnhigg and Steve Lohr
By Dylan j. Darling
New Yorh Times News Service
Long before a Bend teenager drowned after becoming ensnared in the roots of a downed log along the North Umpqua River in late July, U.S. Forest Service officials and guides discussed the danger at Snag Rock and how to remove it. Public records re quests by The Bulletin reveal email exchanges going back a year before the death of 16-year old Nicole Pomeroy. In those, at least two river guides warn of the hazard. Two contractors are asked by the Forest Service to estimate the cost of removing it. For est Service officials es tablished dates by which they were hopeful the log would be removed before rafting season on the river, but high water and a wait for cost esti mates kept it in place. "We are waiting on one more bid from a con tractor before we make a decision, which I am hoping will be this week," wrote Janie Pardo, an Umpqua National Forest official, in an email to a guide asking about the hazard. Pardo, recreation manager for the North Umpqua District of the Umpqua National For est, sent the email on the morning of July 29. Nicole got into a raft later that day to float the river. A family friend was guiding the raft, which flipped at Snag Rock. While the other rafters made it to shore, Pomeroy was trapped by the roots, which held her underwa ter until she drowned. Nicole's body wasn' t removed until the next day, when Weekly Bros., a construction firm and one of the two contacted earlier, cut the lower sec tion of the log and used a crane to pull the ball of roots from the river near milepost 52 on state Highway 138. See Log /A4
The Bulletin
When Apple an nounced last year that all i Phones would come with a voice-activated assistant named Siri, ca pable of answering spo ken questions, Michael Phillips' heart sank. For three decades, Phillips had focused on writing software to al low computers to under stand human speech. In 2006, he had co-founded a voice recognition com pany, and eventually Ap ple, Google and others proposed partnerships. Phillips' technology was even integrated into Siri itselfbefore the digital assistant was absorbed into the i Phone. But in 2008, Phillips' company, Vlingo, had been contacted by a much larger firm called Nuance. "I have patents that can prevent you from practicing in this mar ket," Nuance's chief executive, Paul Ricci, told Phillips, according to executives involved in that conversation. Ricci issued an ultima tum: Phillips could sell his firm to Ricci or be sued for patent infringe ments. When Phillips refused to sell, Ricci's company filed the first of six lawsuits. Soon after, Apple and Google stopped return ing phone calls. The company behind Siri switched its partnership from Phillips to Ricci's firm. And the millions of dollars Phillips had set aside for research and development went to lawyers and court fees. When the first law suit went to trial last year, Phillips won. A jury ruled that Phillips had not infringed on a broad voice recognition patent owned by Ricci's company. But it was too late. See Patents /A5
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Photos by Ryan Brennecke/The Bulletin
A sockeye salmon has been spotted swimmingin the Metolius River near Camp Sherman, making it the first such fish seen at the spawning beds there in decades.
• The fish is the first sockeyeto beseensofar upstreamsince reintroduction efforts started By Dylan j. Darling The Bulletin
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Scanning a stretch of the Metolius River near Camp Sherman recently, Mike Gauvin spotted the bright col ors of a historic fish — the first salmon seen over spawning beds here in about 45 years. "I just saw a red flash in the water," said Gauvin, a fisheries scientist with the Oregon De partment of Fish and Wildlife. The fish, which had the hooked jaw and humped back indicative of a male sockeye, carried a pair of neon green tags next to its dorsal fin. The tags indicate the fish is one of the first wave returning from the Pacific Ocean to explore the waters upstream of the Pelton Round Buttedam complex near Madras in a reintroduction of salmon that started this year.
II l a
The Washington Post
WASHINGTON — A California con gressman helped secure tax breaks for racehorse owners — then purchased seven horses for himself when the new rules kicked in. A Wyoming congresswoman co sponsored legislation to double the life span of federal grazing permits that ranchers such as her husband rely on to feed cattle. And a Pennsylvania congressman co-sponsored a natural gas bill as Fxx on Mobil negotiated a deal that paid millions for his wife's shares in two
Megan Hill, a fish biologist with Portland General Electric, searches for the radio-tagged sockeye last week. Once the fish dies, it will be recovered to glean information. Since June, scientists with the state, Portland General Electric and the Confeder ated Tribes of Warm Springs
You can either make yourself stand out, or you can stay closerto the woodwork. There's no hiding that man."
What JerrySandus can expect in prison By Mark Scolforo
comfortable suburban life he once led, placed under the many rules HARRISBURG, Pa. — Jerry and regulations of the Pennsylva Sandusky will walk into state pris nia Department of Corrections. / on with little more than a watch Even Sandusky's own attorney t and wedding band. He' ll be able believes that whatever sentence he to work a 30-hour week to make a gets, at age 68, Sandusky will likely few dollars. He' ll be able to watch live out his days inside a state pris Penn State football but not violent on. Prison officials, written poli The Associated Press file photo movies. ciesand former offenders provided Former Penn State coach Jerry San If the former Penn State defen a detailed look to The Associated duskywillbe sentenced Tuesday. sive coach is sentenced Tuesday Press about the regimented life be He was convicted on 45 criminal to a long state prison term, he will hind bars that Sandusky faces. counts including child sex abuse. find himself far removed from the See S andusky/A3 The Associated Press
An Independent
88267 02329
have released 48 fish carry ing radio transmitters into Lake Billy Chinook above the dams. Fourteen spring-run
C alendar C 3
C r osswords C5, E2 Green, Etc. C1-6 Obituaries B 5
Comics C 4- 5
28 pages,
5 e sct i ons
chinook salmon and 34 sock eye salmon are fitted with the tracking gear, including the fish Gauvin saw swimming over a redd, or a gravel bed holding fish egg packets. The tribes and PGF. own the dams, which produce enough power to supply a town the sizeofSalem, and started pre paring for the reintroduction program more than a decade ago as part of a new federal license. They paid more than $100 million for a submerged tower designed to guide young fish downstream, remedying the blockade the dams have presented since the late 1960s. See Salmon/A5
— A convicted sex offender who spent 10 years in prison
natural gas companies founded by her great-great-grandfather. Those lawmakers were among 73 members of Congress who have spon sored or co-sponsored legislation in re cent years that could benefit business es or industries in which either they or their family members are involved or invested, according to a Washington Post analysis. The findings emerge from an ex amination by The Post of financial disclosure forms and public records for all 535 members of the House and Senate. See Congress /A4
Weuse recycled newsprint Th e B ulletin
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Congressmembersseen to backrulesbenefitingthem By David S. Fallis
on The Bulletin's website: O bendbulletin.corn/salmon
'. 1
B4 Lo cal News B1-6 TV&Movies C2
TQp NE~S CHAVEZ: Election win claimed, A3 SPACE: Commercial launch, A3
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By Valerie Martinez-Ebers
Special to The Washington Post
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HAPPENINGS • Columbus Day is observed in the U.S., honoring the arrival of Christopher Columbus in the Americas. • Felix Baumgartner jumps to Earth from 23 miles up, breaking the sound barrier before his parachute opens above New Mexico.
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At their recent national con e ventions, the Democratic and Republican parties featured high-profile Latino speakers: San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro, New Mexico Gov. Su sana Martinez and Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida, among oth ers. This effort reflected the growing influence of Hispanic Ir. politicians, as well as the par ties' need to appeal to Hispan ic voters. But what motivates The Assoaated Press hie photos those voters? There are count U.S. Senator Marco Rubio, R-Fla., left, and Democratic San Antonio Mayor Julian Castrospoke at less misunderstandings about their parties' conventions, reflecting a growing effort to appeal to Hispanic voters. Latinos, their allegiances and their interests. Hispanic groups; this is not a not at all certain that he will Latinos are more likely to vote Latinos do not vote. monolithic voting bloc. Puer keep that level of support this for a Latino candidate, or even • The ydo vote — and in to Ricans identify more as time. Latinos are not blind just a Spanish-speaking one. increasing numbers. Accord Democrats than do Mexican followers of Obama. Track But this is true only if t hat ing to the Census Bureau's Americans, for example. ing polls b y I m p r eMedia candidate's issue positions are most recent Current Popula Cuban-Americans are the Latino Decisions show that congruent with the Latino vot tion Survey Report, the num only group of Hispanic origin their enthusiasm for the pres er's concerns and policy pref ber of Latino voters grew from to prefer the Republican Party, ident dropped precipitously erences. Indeed, substantive less than 4 million in 1988 to though their attachment to the in 2010 and 2011 when the positions matter more than a 9.7 million in 2008. In 2012, GOP is declining. For example, administration didn't deliver last name or skin color. the National Association of in South Florida's Miami-Dade on its promises for immigra In the 2010 New Mexico Latino Elected and Appointed County, where approximately tion reform and when depor gubernatorial election, for ex Officials expects at least 12.2 half of all Cuban-Americans tations of illegal immigrants ample, Democrat Diane Den million Latinos to cast their in the country reside, Repub spiked. ish received 61 percent of the votes, an increase of 26 per lican i d entification a m ong Latino vote, while Republican cent over 2008. As a share of that group dropped from 68.5 Latino voters care most Susana Martinez — with her the total national electorate, percent in2004 to 59 percent • about immigration. tough stance o n i m m i gra L atinos have g r ow n f r o m in 2 0 08. C u b an-American R ecent tracking polls o f tion and border control — got 3.6 percent in 1988 to 7.4 per Republicans are more likely Latino registered voters show only 38 percent. (Martinez still cent in 2008, and they could to say they are "pro-choice" that they are most concerned won.) be 9 percent of the voters in and are more supportive of about job creation and fixing And t h ough R e publican November. government-provided health the economy. I m m igration Marco Rubio won a m ajor Although only 55 percent care than Mexican-American reform ranks second in im ity of the Latino vote in his of eligible Hispanic Ameri Democrats. portance, followed closely by Florida Senate race that same cans are registered to vote, education and health care. year, this was largely because about 70 p ercent o f t h o se Latinos favor increased That is not saying that La of support from his own Cu co m m unity. registered consistently turn • government services and tino voters are unconcerned ban-American out. Their impact is obvious therefore are reliable Demo about the ongoing prosecu Among non-Cuban Latinos, in states such as California, cratic voters. tion and deportation of un Rubio won only 40 percent of which Latinos help make sol Latinos have h i storically documented immigrants; you the vote. idly Democratic, and Florida, cast most of their votes for cannot separate the concerns — Valerie Martinez-Ebers is a without which no Republican Democratic candidates, but of Latino citizens from those professor of political science at the can win th e W h ite House. that support has fl uctuated of illegal immigrants. Many University of North Texas and a And this November, the Lati depending on various factors, families include legal citizens co-editor of the American Political no vote will be pivotal in sev including the candidate's out and u ndocumented a l iens, Science Review. eral battleground states such reach or appeal to Hispanics and according to a 2011 Impre as Colorado, Nevada, Arizona and his or her policy positions. Media-Latino Decisions poll, 0 and Virginia. So even if Latinos support in 53 percent of registered Latino creasing government services voters know someone who is Latinos are social conser — which they do — that does here and undocumented, and • vatives who should lean not automatically make them 25 percent know s omeone Republican. Democrats. who has faced detention or Although Latinos are more For example, the percentage deportation for i m migration conservative than many other of Latinos voting for Demo reasons. groups in their views on same cratic presidential candidates Even U.S.-born Latinos are sex marriage and abortion, has ranged from a high of 85 not indifferent to the problems these issues do not predict the percent in 1960, when they of undocumented immigrants. party they affiliate with. are credited with providing Polls show a strong consensus Nationally, Latino s iden the slim margin of victory for among Latino voters for re tify more as Democrats than John F. Kennedy in Texas and form that provides an earned as Republicans by more than other key states, to a low of 56 pathway for legalization and 3 to I, according to the Pew percent in 1980 for incumbent possible citizenship. Research Center. The Demo Jimmy Carter when he lost to c ratic a dvantage i s e v e n Ronald Reagan. Latino voters are swayed higher in states such as New Four years ago, 67 percent • by the presence of a La York and New Jersey. And of Latino voters supported tino candidate on the ballot. there are variations among Ba rack Obama, bu t i t is Many people assume that
It's Monday, Oct. 8, the 282nd day of 2012. There are 84 days left in the year.
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Highlights:In 1871, the Great Chicago Fire erupted. In 1956, Don Larsen pitched the only perfect game in a World Series to date as the New York Yankees beat the Brooklyn Dodgers in Game 5, 2-0.
Ten yearsage:A federal judge approved President George W. Bush's request to reopen the West Coast ports, ending a 10-day labor lockout that was costing the U.S. economy an estimated $1 to $2 billion a day.
Five years age:British Prime Minister Gordon Brown announced his country would halve its remaining troop contingent in Iraq in the spring of 2008. (Britain ended up postponing the withdrawal amid a spike in militia violence.)
One year age:Scott Anderson became the Presbyterian Church's first openly gay ordained minister during a ceremony in Madison, Wis.
BIRTHDAYS Actor Paul Hogan is 73. Civil rights activist the Rev. Jesse Jackson is 71. Comedian Chevy Chase is 69. Author R.L. Stine is 69. Actress Sigourney Weaver is 63. Actor screenwriter Matt Damon is 42. — From wire reports
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Tech industry donors
C 0 N 8 RAT U LAT I 0 N S TO
warm Ljp to Romney By Somini Sengupta New Yorh Times News Service
SAN FRANCISCO — When P resident B a r ack O b a m a makes his latest foray into Sili con Valley today, he will face a technology industry more en gaged than ever in the wheel ing and dealing of Washington, and much more forthcoming with its political contributions — including, generously, to his rival, Mitt Romney. The two c andidates, and their parties, have raised more money from technology execu tives and investors than they did in 2008. Altogether, Obama and Romney have campaigned here numerous times in the last year. And as the stakes for the industry have grown higher in Washington, both candidates have at least acknowledged some of its policy priorities, like immigration overhaul and low ering the corporate tax rate. But although Obama is widely seen a friend of the tech industry — and, with his party, has taken in far more contributions — the excitement associated with his 2008 campaign has diminished here, as it has elsewhere. Rom ney and the Republicans have made clear inroads. By the end of August, Rom ney raised $2.04 million, com
pared with the $1.7 million that John McCain raised over his entire campaign four years ago. He has also tapped the pocket books of a few former Obama donors. One is Mare Andrees sen, a prominent venture capi talist and Facebook investor who supported Romney's failed primary bid in 2007, but went on to back Obama in 2008 with a $4,600 contribution. This year, he put in more than $100,000 for Romney. Andreessen'soffice declined to comment for this article, but he, like other tech industry ex ecutives, have said they find Romney's business background appealing. Others say they are disappointed that the industry's wish list in Washington remains unfulfilled, pointing, for exam ple, to the unsuccessful effort to raise visa caps for immigrants with math and science degrees. "This was a man who was elected in 2008 because he un derstood the power of the In ternet," said Mark Heesen, the president of the National Ven ture Capital Association, an industry group. "However, as much as the administration has loved the technology innova tion agenda, they kind of walk away when you say you have to finance this innovation."
2012 D.O. OF THE YEAR I I r
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•.r •
SpaceX Dragon capsule launched to space station
clashesfor Syria along borders New York Times News Service BEIRUT — Rebel fighters and security forces in Syria clashed near the border with Lebanon and fought over a military barracks in Aleppo on Sunday, while Turkish artillery fired into Syria for a fifth con secutive day in retaliation for cross-border shelling. On Sunday morning, Syrian forces shelled Tal Abyad, a Syr ian border town where rebels recently seized control, accord ing to anti-government activ ists. Video images posted on line purported to show women and children fleeing the area. Around the same time, a Syr ian shell landed about 200 yards across the border from Tal Aby ad, near Akcakale in Turkey, The Associated Press reported. Akcakale is where a Syrian mortar shell killed Turkish ci vilians Wednesday, prompting the Turkish government to an nounce a policy of retaliation for every shell that strays across the border. Turkish forces fired eight shells into Syria on Sun day. The mounting tensions at the border have raised inter national concerns that the 18 month-old internal conflict in Syria could draw in neighbors or even the NATO alliance, to which Turkey belongs. In Aleppo, the government news service said, the army had killed "many terrorists" who tried to infiltrate a mili tary barracks. Earlier, the anti government Tawhid Brigade said its fighters had penetrated the Hanano military barracks Sunday and w e r e f i g hting government forces inside the compound.
The Associated Press CAPE C A N A VERAL, Fla. — A commercial cargo ship rocketed into o r bit Sunday in pursuit of the In ternational Space Station, the first of a dozen supply runs under a m ega-con tract with NASA. It was the second launch of a Dragon capsule to the orbiting lab by the Califor n ia-based SpaceX c o m pany. The first was last
took flight. Officials de c l ared the launch a success, despite a problem with one of the nine first-stage engines. The rocket put Dragon in its intended or bit, said the billionaire founder and chief executive officer of SpaceX, Elon Musk. "It's driving its way to sta tion, so that's just awesome," noted SpaceX President Gw ynne Shotwell. In more good news, a piece spring. of space junk was no longer This time was no test threatening the station, and f light, however, and t h e NASA could focus entirely on spacecraft carried 1,000 the delivery mission. pounds of key science ex NASA is counting on private periments and other pre business to restock the space cious gear on t hi s t r uly station, now that the shuttles operational mission. There have retired to museums. was also a personal touch: chocolate-vanilla swirl ice cream tucked in a f reez er for t h e t h ree station residents. a I I I I The company's un manned F a lcon r o c k et I roared into the night sky right o n ti m e , p u t t ing SpaceX on track to reach the space station Wednes d ay. The c o mplex w a s soaring southwest of Tas mania when the Falcon
Rodrlgo Abd /The Associated Press
Supporters of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavezcheer after polling stations closed Sunday in Caracas, Venezuela. Chavez was running for re-election against Henrique Capriles.
Chavez wins re-election, Venezuelaelection officials say when he won 63 percent of the votes. CARACAS, Venezuela F ireworks e x ploded i n President Hugo Chavez won d owntown C a r acas, a n d re-election Sunday, defeating Chavez's supporters celebrat challenger Henrique Capriles ed waving flags and jumping and gaining six more years to for joy outside the presiden cement his legacy and press tial palace. ahead with his crusade for Chavez won more than socialism in Venezuela. 7.4 million votes, beating With about 90 percent of Capriles by more than 1.2 votes counted, Chavez had million votes, Lucena said. more than 54 percent of the Capriles co n g ratulated vote, and Capriles had 45 Chavez and told his support percent, National Electoral ers not to feel defeated. "We have planted many Council p resident T ibisay Lucena said. She said 81 per seeds across V e nezuela, cent of the nearly 19 million and I know that these seeds registered voters cast ballots, are going to produce many one of the largest turnouts in trees," he told supporters in a years. speech late Sunday. It was Chavez's third re Chavez spent heavily in election victory in nearly 14 the months before the vote, years in office, though by a building public housing and smaller margin than in 2006, bankrolling expanded social By lanjames and Frank Bajak The Associated Press
programs providing benefits to poor families. Capriles, a youthful state governor, became a s t rong c hallenger after w i nning a February primary and rallied an opposition that grew more united and better organized than in the past. But in the end, it was no match for Chavez's electoral prowess. Just as polls closed Sunday night, hundreds of young red shirted Chavistas took to the streets on m otorcycles and said they were ready to begin celebrating.
able to keep a low profile. "You can have some control Continued from A1 over how obscure you are as a Sandusky has been housed prisoner,"said the 52-year-old in isolation inside the Centre man from the Philadelphia sub County Correctional Facility in urbs, who spoke to the AP on Bellefonte since his conviction condition of anonymity because in June on 45 counts of child of the stigma attached to sex of sexual abuse, and he has spent fenses. "You can either make his days reading and writing, yourself stand out, or you can preparing a statement for sen stay closer to the woodwork. tencing and working out twice There's no hiding that man." a day, defense attorney Joe The state will provide him Amendola said. with clothes, shoes and bed "Jerry is a very likable guy ding, and the first set of toilet — he gets along with every ries. He' ll be able to bring a wed body," Amendola said l a st ding ring without gemstones, a week, as he worked with San basicwatch worth $50 or less, dusky to help get his affairs in eyeglasses and dentures. San order, including a power of at dusky uses a machine for sleep torney and updated will. "He's a apnea and takes medications. model inmate. He doesn't cause State prison menus rotate problems, he's sociable, he' s monthly, and two of the three pleasant." daily meals are hot. Exercise Assuming Judge John Cle rules vary, but inmates gener land gives him at least two ally spend an hour or more a years — the minimum thresh old for a state prison sentence — Sandusky's first stop will be the Camp Hill state prison near Harrisburg, where all male in mates undergo a couple weeks of testing to determine such things as mental and physical health, education level and any treatment needs. Prison officials will assign him a security level risk and decide which "home prison" to send him to. Although Sandusky's home in the Lemont area of State Col lege is only a couple miles from Rockview state prison, there is no way to predict where he will end up. • a • Older inmates sometimes • I • end up at Laurel Highlands, which can better treat more severe medical problems, or Waymart, a comparatively low er-security prison in the state' s northeastern corner. The roughly 6,800 sex of fenders are scattered through out the prison system, which has no special units for them. Treatment is available for sex offenders, and those who hope to be paroled must participate. "My guess is he' ll wind up in a minimum-security facility, and probably a facility for non violent people," Amendola said. A convicted sex offender who spent 10 years in prison, and who works with other re leased sex offenders through the Pennsylvania Prison So ciety, said Sandusky won't be •
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day in the yard, which might entail walking, playing ball or lifting weights. If he's at a pris on that allows baseball or soft ball, the bat has to be tethered and secured to the backstop. In the kitchen, knives also are tethered. Inmates can buy a television with a 13-inch screen for their cells, at a cost of about $275, with prison-designed program ming of about 15 channels that costs some $15 a month. The channels include the networks but no R-rated movies or shows with a lot of violence. He' ll be able to watch college football, including Penn State, when the games are broadcast on ESPN or another major network. "A lot of guys live for it," said the man who works with re leasedsex offenders. "Football season is huge."
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Log Continued from A1 " It's just t r agic t hat w e weren't able to get the hazard removed andthe accident hap pened," said A l ice Carlton, who as supervisor is the top official at the Umpqua Nation al Forest. "My condolences to the family." The family is still struggling with the death of Nicole, who would have been a j u n io r t h i s f all a t Mo u n tain View High Pomeroy Scho o l. Hearing h ow l on g t h e Forest Service and guides had talked about removing the log amplifies the grief for Gary Pomeroy, of Bend, Nicole's 60 year-old grandfather. "So often you hear stories like this, where someone has to die before something is done," he said.
Complex, expensive The sad story of N icole's death underscores the uncer tain issue of who, if anybody, is responsible for removing a log posing a risk to rafters along a river. While the Forest Service was leading the d iscussion about the log at Snag Rock — and had posted a warning sign at the put-in upstream — it wasn't required to clear it, said Randy Henry, policy and plan
Congress Continued from A1 The practice is both legal and permitted under the ethics rules that Congress has written for itself, which allow lawmak ers to take actions that benefit themselves or their families ex cept when they are the lone beneficiaries. Th e f i n ancial disclosure system Congress has implemented also does not re quire the legislators to identify potential conflicts at the time that they take official actions that intersect or overlap with their investments. Members of Congress con tact the House and Senate eth ics offices thousands of times each year to seek legal advice on a range of activities, includ ing their work on legislation that might pose a conflict. Be tween 2007 and 2011, lawyers for the two committees issued at least 2,800 written opinions to lawmakers, sent 6,500 emails containing advice and provided guidance over the phone 40,000 times, according to records kept by the two committees. The committees rarely dis cipline their own, instead pro viding advisory opinions that generally give support and justification to lawmakers who take actions that intersect with their personal financial hold ings, according to interviews with nearly a dozen ethics ex perts and government watch dog groups. And though Con gress has required top execu tive branch officials to divest themselves of assets that may present a conflict, lawmakers have not asked the same of themselves. Congressional ethics experts say reforms are needed. Harvard public policy pro fessor Dennis Thompson said lawmakers should refrain from having narrowly focused legis lative agendas that align with their personal investments. Dis closure should also be broad ened, he said, so the public is no tified by a lawmaker of poten tial conflicts at the time they are taking official actions, including when bills are introduced. "Ethics rules are supposed to make things clear and trans parent," Thompson said. "They should not require the public or the media to go digging around to make the connections." The legislators, in interviews and through spokesmen, said they saw no conflicts between their legislative actions and holdings. They added that they have a duty to advocate for their constituents, even when those interests align with their own. Last year, for example, when Republicans attempted to slash funding for public broadcasting, Rep. William Owens, D-N.Y., was among a group of Demo crats who fought to stop them. Owens's wife is an executive at a public television station, one of nine public TV and radio out lets that broadcast into his dis trict in upstate New York. Ow ens disclosed her job when he spoke briefly on the House floor opposing the proposed cuts. "From my perspective, I was representing n i n e e n t ities," Owens said in an interview. "It wasn't like I was asking for a
Drowning onthe North tjmppua
in an email the next day to Par do, the Umpqua forest official. "The size of that log was slight ly bigger than we anticipated, and we did not have the right ~ f~ bi >Gfr N equipment for removal of it." 'fdleyld Park Sterfltldoat W eiseth sai d t h e t e a m Gli 4'orthUrnprfua /9/ver wasn't able to return to that stretch of river in summer 2011 Chemult Roseburg or this year, and he told the Diamond Lake Snag Rock Forest Service it would need r to find someone else to handle 'b the job. Source: U.S. Forest Service, Douglas County Shenff's Office Greg Cross/The Bulletin As it tried to line up a con tractor to remove the log this recreational boating agency, he summer, the Forest Service said. The Marine Board then Courtesy Nicholas lohnson/ Roseburg News-Review also watched the river level, reaches out to county marine Todd WeeklyofWeekly Bros. construction company uses an ax C arlton said, waiting for i t patrols, private landowners or to cut through logs at Snag Rock on the North Umpqua River to drop enough to allow the public land managers, such as July 29 as search and rescue crews try to recover the body of removal of the log at Snag RAFTERS! the Forest Service or Bureau of 16-year-old Nicole Pomeroy. Rock. Lo r o trudin from "Frankly the water was too Land Management, to discuss Sna Rock down from high," Carlton said. "... It was what, if anything, should be done about the hazard. er, particularly for its fish. there caused a cluster of small too high for us to ask anyone to Boulder Flat launch. "For the most part if a tree is er logs to build up. On Aug. 18, go in and take out a hazard." Who covers the costs de pends on where the tree fell in the river and not creating a 2011, Erik Weiseth, general — Reporter: 541-817-7812, Pleasescout before running or prepare to takeleft side of river. For additional into the river, Henry said, with hazard, it is good fish habitat," manager for Orange Torpedo, ddarlingC~bendbulletin.corn information please call the North the landowner or manager typ he said. a Merlin-based rafting outfit, Umpqua Ranger District at 541-496 3532. ically paying for the removal. The email exchanges ob led a team that aimed to re Depending onthe complex tained by The Bulletin from move the logs at Snag Rock. Providing unparalled "After removing roughly 15 ity of the situation, removing the Forest Service and the service across a variety of Courtesy U.S. Forest Service the logs may cost from a few Marine Board don't give spe logs from the snag, the only log industries since 1983. The Forest Service had post hundred dollars to $5,000 or cifics on how much removing remaining in the current is the 541-389-1505 ed a warning about the log. more, he said. The location the hazard log at Snag Rock OLD main log," Weiseth wrote 400 SW Bluff Dr Ste 200 and size of the log, as well as would have cost, but they do Bend, OR 97702 the proximity to roads, deter detail the troubles of removing ning analyst for the Oregon mine the cost. the log. "Some of them get really State Marine Board. True to its name, Snag Rock HAVEN HOME STYLE "There is n o o n e l egally complicated," he said. has long been a place where EfffPLOyfffefrfr PfrOFESSfON/ILS 'Furnifure nnIGesi~n bound to remove a log," he In deciding whether to re logs become stuck, forming a said. move a log, county, state and snag, guides familiar with the 856 NWBond• Downtown Bend• 541-330-5999 www.expresspros.corn www.havenhomestyle.corn Each year 15-20 such logs federal officials also weigh North Umpqua told the Forest are reported to the Oregon whether keeping it i n p lace Service. State Marine Board, the state would be beneficial for the riv Last summer, a large log Nicole Pomeroy, 16, of Bend, drowned July 29 while rafting on the North Umpqua River. She was in a raft that flipped at Snag Rock.
specific item for the entity my wife worked for." For threeyears,the horse-rac ing industry tried but failed to get Congress to pass a bill that would change the way equine investments are tabulated at tax time. But in the spring of2008, a new path opened up when then Rep. Dennis Cardoza, D-Califn was appointed to a conference committee responsible for ham mering out the final language of the next farm bill. W ithin w e eks, t h e bi l l emerged with a new provision that handed the industry what it was seeking — a tax depre ciation schedule for yearlings that gave owners the ability to recoup the cost of their invest ments in an average of three years rather than seven. Alex Waldrop, president and chief executive of the National Thor oughbred Racing Association, publicly thanked several law makers, including Cardoza, af ter the new version of the farm bill emerged from the confer ence committee. When the new depreciation schedule kicked in the follow ing year, Cardoza entered the industry, buying seven race horses, including Regrettable Romance, Dad's Little Man, Flying Spirit and Jade River. After purchasing his f irst racehorse, Cardoza said, he and his staff sought opinions from the ethics committee on any ac tions he took that might affect the industry. "My staff routinely checked in with the committee to ensure all of my activities and inter ests were completely without conflict," Cardoza said in an emailed statement. The Post asked for copies of any written opinion, but Car doza declined to say whether the ones he received were writ ten or oral. Such opinions are not subject to public records laws. He said he did not think his work on the farm bill in 2008 presented a conflict, because he did not own any racehorses at the time. He said the bill he in troduced after he began buying racehorses in 2009 would have "treated all bettors the same" and was aimed at helping the bettors, not the horse industry. When the House and Senate wrote their first set of modern ethics rules in the 1970s, in re sponse to the Watergate scan dal, they expressly prohibited members from engaging in leg islative activities that would fi nancially benefit them. But both chambers immediately carved out exemptions to the rule. The greatest latitude was provided to lawmakers whose business interests aligned with major industries within their home states. "Ifa dairy farmer represented a dairy farming state in the Senate, and intro duced, worked for, and voted for legislation to raise or maintain price supports for dairy produc ers, he would not fall under the strictures of this rule," the Sen ate ethics manual says. Dozens of lawmakers iden tified in The Post analysis fell into this category. For example, Rep. Cynthia Lummis, R-Wyo n owns be tween $1 million and $5 mil
lion in her family's livestock business in Wyoming, where the state animal is the bison a nd cattle ranches dot t h e landscape. She is one of 15 lawmakers co-sponsoring a bill that would double, from 10 years to 20 years,the duration of federal grazing permits for livestock that feeds on publicly held lands. Her husband, records show, holds a permit through 2017 to grazecattle on 675 acresoffed eral land.
Last year, Lummis also intro duced a bill that seeks to change how cattle prices are negoti ated to ensure, she says, that ranchers and farmers are fairly compensated. She is also one of the co-sponsors of a bill to exclude livestock manure from being defined as a hazardous substance. In an interview, Lummis said she did not seek guidance on the bills from the ethics committee, but she thinks her actions pres ent no potential for conflict.
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Salmon Continued from A1 In all there have been 114 fish — 25 chinook, 85 sockeye and foursteelhead — released into the lake, with more steel head returning now. Spawn ing season is ending for chi nook, starting fo r s o ckeye and won't begin again until next year for steelhead. Gauvin's find is the only one to be seen at spawning beds so far. Tracking the fish with radio transmitters on the Metolius on Wednesday, Megan Hill, native fish studies team lead er for PGF., kept watch for spawning salmon. She found none, but she did locate the sockeye eyed Sept. 27 by Gauvin. The fish was about a mile upstream from w here Gauvin saw i t , s h e said, indicating it may have not spawned yet. The fish die shortly after they spawn. "Once it dies we will recov er its carcass, (and) it will give us some additional informa tion about spawning success," Hill said. Gauvin was out surveying for kokanee when he spied the sockeye. Kokanee and sockeye are the same species of fish. But kokanee are land locked and live their entire
Metolius River
Round Butte Dam (release point)
Bml II
Lake Billy Chinook
Fish findings There are now 25 adult spring-run chinook and 85 adult sockeye in the waters upstream of the Pelton Round Butte dam complex. Of those Madra salmon, 14 chinook and 34 Matali sockeye carry Lake Billy Chinook radio transmit C trar ters. The map shows their most Jefferson recent locations ~+ County ~sttt as of Friday.
• Chinook • Sockeye
Deschutes River arm
)C St ara
Deschutes County
Apple, industry executives say, because of its influence and the Continued from A1 size of its claims: In August in The suit had cost $3 million, California, the company won and the financial damage was a $1 billion patent infringement done. In December, Phillips judgment against Samsung. agreed to sell his company to Former Apple employees say Ricci. senior executives made a delib "We were on the brink of erate decision over the last de changing the world before we cade, after Apple was a victim got stuck in this legal muck," of patent attacks, to use patents Phillips said. as leverage against competitors P hillips an d V l i ng o a r e to the iPhone, the company's among the thousands of execu biggest source of profits. tives and companies caught in Apple has filed multiple suits a software patent system that against three companies federal judges, economists, HTC, Samsung and Motorola policymakers and technology Mobility, now part of Google executives say is so flawed that — that today are responsible it often stymies innovation. for more than half of all smart Alongside the i m pressive phone sales in the United States. technological advances of the If Apple's claims — which in last two decades, they argue, a clude ownership of minor ele pall has descended: The mar ments like rounded square icons ketplace for new ideas has been and of more fundamental smart corrupted by software patents phone technologies — prevail, it used as destructive weapons. will most likely force competi Vlingo was a tiny upstart on tors to overhaul how they design this battlefield, but as recent phones, industry experts say. litigation involving Apple and HTC, Samsung, Motorola Samsung shows, technology and others have filed numerous giants have also waged wars suits of their own, also trying among themselves. to claim ownership of market In the smartphone industry changing technologies. alone, according to a Stanford University analysis, as much as Patent warrior's education $20 billion was spent on patent The evolution of Apple into litigation and patent purchas one of the industry's patent war es in the last two years — an riors gained momentum, like amount equal to eight Mars rov many things within the com er missions. Last year, for the pany, with a terse order from its first time, spending by Apple chief executive, Steve Jobs. and Google on patent lawsuits It was 2006, and Apple was and unusually big-dollar patent preparing to unveil the first purchases exceeded spending iPhone. Life inside company on research and development headquarters, former execu of new products, according to tives said, had become a frenzy public filings. of programming sessions and Patents are vitally important meetings between engineers to protecting intellectual prop and executives. And, increas erty. Plenty of creativity occurs ingly, patent lawyers. within the technology industry, Just months earlier, Apple and without patents, execu reluctantly agreed to pay $100 tives say they could never jus million to Creative Technology, tify spending fortunes on new a Singapore-based company. products. And academics say Five years before, Creative that some aspects of the pat applied for a broad software ent system, like protections for patent for a "portable music pharmaceuticals, often func playback device" that bore mi tion smoothly. nor similarities to the iPod, an However, many people argue Apple product that had gone that the nation's patent rules, in on sale the same year. Once the tended for a mechanical world, patent was granted to Creative, are inadequate in today's digital it became a license to sue. marketplace. Unlike patents for Apple settled three months new drug formulas, patents on after Creative went to court. "Creative is very fortunate software often effectively grant ownership of concepts, rather to have been granted this early than tangible creations. Today, patent," Jobs said in a statement the patent office routinely ap announcing the settlement in proves patents that describe 2006. v ague algorithms o r b u s i Privately, Jobs gathered his ness methods, like a software senior managers. While Apple system for calculating online had long been adept at filing prices, without patent examin patents, when it came to the ers' demanding specifics about new i Phone, "we' re going to pat how those calculations occur or ent it all," he declared, accord how the software operates. ing to a former executive who, As a result, some patents are like other former employees, so broad that they allow pat requested anonymity because ent holders to claim sweeping of confidentiality agreements. "His a ttitude was that i f ownership of seemingly unre lated products built by others. someone at Apple can dream Often, companies are sued for it up, then we should apply for a violating patents they never patent, because even if we never knew existed or never dreamed build it, it's a defensive tool," said might apply to their creations, Nancy Heinen, Apple's general at a cost shouldered by consum counsel until 2006. ers in the form of higher prices Soon, Apple's engineers were and fewer choices. asked to participate in monthly "There's a real chaos," said "invention disclosure sessions." Richard Posner, a federal ap One day, a group of software pellate judge who has helped engineers met with three patent shape patent law, in an inter lawyers, according to a former view. "The standards for grant Apple patent lawyer who was at ing patents are too loose." the meeting. Almost every major tech The disclosure session had nology company is involved yielded more than a dozen po in ongoing patent battles, but tential patents when an engi the most significant player is neer, an Apple veteran, spoke
the fish when he first saw it, Gauvin returned a couple of hours of later and approached the riverside slowly. Crouch ing behind a bush he watched the fish and then dipped a wa terproof camera into the river, capturing still and video im ages of the fish. Now Gauvin said he wants to catch a glimpse of another fish. ( T)he next one I r e ally want to see is chinook, spawning in the Metolius," he said. "Keeping my eyes peeled for that." — Reporter: 541-817-7812, ddarlingC~bendbulletin.corn
Self Referrals Welcome
Heir Center st st chart< i st«rhrst ( n ter I ei nd
Rad aad I4rhychus Creek
Source: Portland General Electnc
lives in freshwater; sockeye swim to the ocean and then return to the fresh water of their birth in order to spawn. When PGF. and the tribes f inished the f is h t ower i n 2009, it created the option for
Crooked River aim
possible for fish to move up stream around the dam com plex when it was completed in 1964, the currents of Lake Billy Chinook left fish search ing for the ocean lost. In 1968, a fish hatchery was built at the dam complex. The sock eye run ended as the hatchery focused on chinook salmon and steelhead. T housands o f kok a n ee spawn u p s tream o f t he dams, but less than 100 sock eye do so, said Jessica Sall, s pokeswoman fo r t h e O r egon Department of Fish and Wildlife. "It is pretty much a needle i n a h a y stack. M ik e w a s purely lucky," she said. "He found one of the needles in the haystack." The bright red of the sock eye made it stand out from the darker colored kokanee, Gauvin said. After spooking
Andy Zeigert/ The Bulletin
the fish to stay in Lake Billy Chinook and be kokanee or swim to the Pacific and be sockeye. In August, the first returning r u n o f so c k eye started arriving at a fish trap near the most downstream
dam of the complex. Scien tists put the fish into a truck, hauled them around the dams and released them into Lake Billy Chinook. While a fish ladder and an overhead cable tram made it
up. "I would like to decline to
Bessen said, "the borders are fuzzy, so it's really easy to ac cuse others of trespassing on yourideas." The number of patent appli cations, computer-related and otherwise, filed each year at the U.S. patent office has increased by more than 50 percent over the last decade to more than 540,000 in 2011. Google has re ceived2,700 patentssince 2000, according to the patent analysis firm M-CAM. Microsoft has re ceived 21,000. In the last decade, the num ber of patent applications sub mitted by Apple each year has risen almost tenfold. The com pany has won ownership of pinching a screen to zoom in, of using magnets to affix a cover to a tablet computer and of the glass staircases in Apple stores. It has received more than 4,100 patents since 2000, according to M-CAM.
participate," he said, accord ing to the lawyer who was at the meeting. The engineer ex plained that he didn't believe companies should be allowed to own basic software concepts. It i s a c o m plaint h eard throughout the industry. The in creasing push to assert owner ship of broad technologies has led to a destructive arms race, engineers say. Some point to so-called patent trolls, com panies that exist solely to sue over patent violations. Others say big technology companies have also exploited the system's weaknesses. "There are hundreds of ways to write the same computer pro gram," said James Bessen, a legal expert at Harvard. And so patent applications often try to encompass every potential as pect of anew technology.When such applications are approved,
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age limits chafe senior ne Sunday this summer, Ken Ray walked into the Down town Bend Public Library to research mutual funds and landed at the forefront of what he sees as a new civil rights movement. Ray picked the Morningstar Fund Report out of the reference section and settled into a comfy chair on the north end of the second floor. As he flipped pages, sunlight streamed in through a nearby win dow. It was quiet, peaceful. Then a librarian approached. "She said, 'I'm going to have to ask you to leave this area,'" Ray recalls. "I said, 'Oh? Why is that? ' She said, 'This is reserved for teens only."' Ray, who is in his 60s, looked around and saw no other patrons. "I was flabbergasted, I just could not believe it," he says. By the time he left, the Sunriver resident was indignant. "I'm a white male," he says. "I' ve never been discriminated against. But when I thought about it, this is what discrimination is all about." He vows to sit in the teen section when he returns. If asked again to move, he may organize a protest. "I' ll go out to 'Whispering Burr'," he says, riffing on the names of sen ior living facilities, "and get a bunch of geezers (for a) sit-in." Library officials say age-specific areas are not discrimination but ways to meet the needs of a diverse community. "We have a children's area ... where we' ve tried to make children feel welcome (and) where it's fairly obvious to adults that ... it's not go ing to be the quiet library experience that they might expect," says Todd Dunkelberg, library director. The flap underscores the library's expanding role. Shelves ofbooks are no longer enough — today's libraries must offer music, movies, e-books and computer access, not to mention lectures and programs. "We have open areas and quiet reading areas ... there's a lot to ac complish in so many square feet," Dunkelberg says. Do these distinct spaces — if strictly enforced — really amount to discrimination? Perhaps, says Bob Fstabrook, a spokesman for the state Bureau of Labor and Industries, which has a civil rights division. Because no formal complaint has been filed in this case, the agency can't say whether it constitutes a violation of law. But F.stabrook may speak generally about discrimina tion, which is a complicated topic. "There are certain kinds of discrim ination that are not unlawful," he says. An employer may decide not to hire a minor, for example. Then there are forms of discrimi nation that might not be legal but are socially accepted, such as "ladies night" at a bar, for example. "Is it discriminatory? Yes," Fsta brook says. "Is it unlawful? Probably, but I don't see a whole lot of people filing complaints to make women pay full price." In other words, the state won't in tervene unless the people demand it. Meanwhile, Ray isn't optimistic. "Maybe it's like cancer, and it' s just going to spread from one library to the other," he says. If the downtown teen area is can cer, here's some grave news for Ray: It's already metastasized. Every Deschutes Public Library system location has a designated teen area, Dunkelberg says. The first was created about 10 years ago, to house a growing collection ofbooks that also appeal to adults — such as the "Hun ger Games" and "Twilight" books. But wait. How can young adult books be checked out and read by not-so-young adults, if the teen area doesn't have open borders? Aha. "I'm not discounting that (Ray) may have encountered an overzeal ous staff member," Dunkelberg says. Until Ray's complaint, the only gripe about the teen area was that its chairs were more comfortable than the rest of the library's. "Adults asked, 'Why can't we have those in our area?"' he says. — Lily RaI IMcC aulou is a columnist for The Bulletin. 541-617-7836, traff@bendbulletin.corn
Boar tovoteon on Tues a
Temperatures set to dipinto the 60s
By Ben Botkin
enrollment. Bend-La Pine Schools enrollment stands so far this year at The Bend-La Pine School Board 16,600 students. That's an increase faces a $9 7 . 9 m i l l io n d e c ision of nearly 1,300 students compared to Tuesday. 2006, when the district had 15,322 stu The board is expected to vote on dents. Voters in 2006 approved a $119 putting a $97.9 million bond measure million bond for three new schools and before voters in May to pay for two other building improvements. new schools and a host ofbui ldingup "The truth is, our community has grades throughout the district. been very supportive of our schools," The measure is intended to help the Superintendent Ron Wilkinson said. district deal with its trend of growing The big-ticket items in the bond are The Bulletin
an elementary school and a middle school. The estimate for those building projects combined is $53.66 million. In addition, the district would need to buy land for the elementary school, which is estimated at $2.25 million. For the middle school, the recom mendation calls for building it on dis trict property on the east side of Shev lin Park Road near the north end of Northwest Chiloquin Drive. See Bend-La Pine/B2
i: @% @+
Cool autumn weather is ahead this week in Central Oregon. The National Weather Service is forecasting a high near 67 degrees today, with sunny skies and a calm afternoon wind of 5 to 7 mph. Tonight's forecast has a low of about 34 degrees, with calm evening winds of 5 to 8 mph. The highs for Tuesday through Thursday are also forecasted near 67 degrees, according to the weather service. Lows are forecast in the mid- to high 30s. As the weekend gets closer, the daytime temperatures will start to drop, according to the forecast. The daytime high for Friday will drop to about 64 degrees, with the nighttime low forecast at 44 degrees. The weather service is forecasting that Saturday will be partly sunny, with a high of about 61 degrees. Sat urday night will have a slight chance of show ers and a low of about 40 degrees. Sunday will have a slight chance of show ers, with partly sunny weather and a high of only 59 degrees, ac cording to the forecast. — Bulletin staff report
Reported for Central and Eastern Oregon. For the latest information, visit www.nwccweb .us/information/ firemap.aspx. Photos by Andy TuIlsi The Bulletin
Polka Express band members Terry and Mari Rudd —of Portland — dance to the music made by bandmates, Shir ley and Jim O' Brien, of Tucson, Ariz., during the Knights of Columbus Oktoberfest at the St. Edward the Martyr Church in Sisters on Sunday.
''e tteiia I,:,: --:::::.®Q
• Knights of Columbus Oktoberfest draws about 75 in its eighthyear offundraising By Ben Botkin
ward charitable causes in the community. The Knights of Co SISTERS — Seven years ago, lumbus is a national Catholic a n Oktoberfest gathering i n fraternal organization that in Sisters drew just a handful of corporated in 1882. people to a tent on a wet autumn Each year, the Sisters mem day to celebrate the German bers decide where the money festival. will go. In past years, the event On Sunday, the eighth Okto has raised money for the Kiwan berfest of the Sisters Knights of is Food Bank and helped indi Columbus Roundtable showed viduals with serious illnesses. signs of coming into its own. Live The dollar amount raised this polka music played and about 75 year wasn't available Sunday, people showed up, danced and but it typically amounts to $1,000 ate at St. Edward the Martyr to $1,200, Ries said. Church. T he Sisters branch of t h e "It started out in a little tent," Knights of Columbus has 15 to said John Ries, roundtable presi 20 members, he said, adding that Yoshinori Furuya, a volunteer from Sisters, dent. "It was rainy and cold, and the members' wives help with dishes sauerkraut onto a plate with other about 10 people showed up." the event, too. German foods Sunday during the Knights The event puts the money to See Oktoberfest/B2 of Columbus Oktoberfest in Sisters. The Bulletin
t Road closed
Local traffic only
Em @re Av .
0 EMPIRE AVENUEAND18TH STREET The intersection of 18th Street and Empire Avenue is closed ~ through October for the construction of a new roundabout. Traffic will be detoured around the intersection. The intersection of Simpson Avenue and Mt. Washington Drive is closed through October for the construction of a new roundabout. Traffic will be detoured around the intersection. e Q BROOKSWOOD The intersection of Brookswood Boulevard and Powe s Road is closed through Octobei f the construction o new roundabout. Traffic will be detoured around the intersection.
• Portland:Handwriting analysis probed in more than 30 cases. • Salem:State hospital museum opens. Stories on B3
son Blvd. But
M r ' gstar!
W eettd road closttres t J / Detour
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Bend-La Pine Continued from B1 Eleven of the 14 elementary schools in Bend are near or over capacity. The district enrollment has increased each y ear s i n ce 1986, except for 2009. Port land State University's Cen ter for Population Research estimates that the d i strict's enrollment will reach 19,262 students by 2020. "We' ve grown and continue to grow," Wilkinson said."Pro jections show we' ll continue to grow." T here's also a b out $ 4 2 m illion designated for 1 3 8 p rojects improving al l t h e district schools. The projects — which vary from school to
Adout theproposed$97.9M dondmeasure The Bend-La Pine School Board meets 6 p.m. Tuesday at the Education Center, Room 314, 520 N.W. Wall St., Bend. If the board approves, the measure goes to the school district voters in May 2013. All the schools have im provements in the recommen dation. Here are a few examples of projects and estimated costs: • New middle school: $37.87 million.
school — i n clude restroom upgrades, new light fixtures, asphalt parking lots and new bleachers. D istrict officials point t o
• New elementary school: $15.78 million. • Land for new elementary school: $2.25 million. • New windows at Bear Creek Elementary School: $187,330. • New bleachers in the main gym ofCascade Middle School:
$150,150. • New tennis courts at Bend High School: $143,000. Source: Bend-La Pine Schools documents
other benefits: long-term sav ings for the district and con struction projects that reinvest money into the community. Financially, the proposal is
structured in a way that seeks to keep the property tax rate steady. The school district says if voters approved the bond, the tax rate would be an estimated $1.60 for every $1,000 of as sessed value — similar to the $1.62 rate property owners paid following the 2006 vote. The estimates are projections based on taxable property val ues. Historically, tax rates for school bonds have been higher in Bend-La Pine Schools. For example, the rate was $1.91 following a bond vote in 1998. The rate was $1.82 after a 2001 bond passed and dropped to $1.62 after the last vote in 2006. — Reporter: 541-977-7185, bbotkin@bendbulletin.corn
Oktoberfest Continued from B1 Ries' wife, Jan, for ex ample, used 60 pounds of spuds to make the Ger man potato salad. In one of the earlier years of the event, someone mistakenly chilled it. These days, everyone knows that German potato salad is meant to be eaten warm. Jan Ries makes the potato salad Friday, add ing onions and 11 pounds of bacon. Then it's warmed up Sunday.
r upted t emporarily wars and epidemics.
d u r i ng
Air of authenticity
For Dave Huni, of Sisters, a retired Air Force officer, the Sisters event reminded him of his time stationed abroad. He took part in Oktoberfest festivities while stationed in Germany. "This really brings it back," he said. But there are differences. In Germany, for example, carni val rides are part of the event. "It's a big party," Huni said. It's also a noted beer festival in Germany. But an affinity for Live music brewed adult beverages isn' t Live music — added sev needed to enjoy the season of eral years ago to the event Oktoberfs et. — came from The Polka "I love fall, and I'm not a Express. beer drinker, either," Jan Ries Jim and Shirley O' Brien, said, smiling. of Tucson, Ariz., played ac — Reporter: 541-977-7185, cordions and were joined bbotkin@bendbulletin.corn b y Terry R ud d o n t h e drums and his wife, Mari, on the clarinet. The f i rs t O k t oberfest kicked off in 1810 in Bavar COVERINGS ia, Germany. It's continued over the centuries, inter
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backed certificates series 2005-HE9 v. John B. Mockus aka John Bryan Mockus individually and as co Filed Sept. 20 trustee for the Nancy G. and John B. 12CV0928:State Farm Fire and Revocable Living Trust Agreement, Casualty Company,asubrogee of Nancy Mockus aka Nancy G. Kathryn Adelblue, Matt Adelblue and Mockus individually and as co Madison Hanon v. Heather Douse, trustee for the Nancy G. and John B. complaint, $49,999.99 Revocable Living Trust Agreement, the Nancy G. and John B. Revocable Filed Sept. 17 Living Trust Agreement, Aames 12CV0930:Cach LLC v. Rachelle Funding Corporation dba Aames A. Bays and Eric Bays, complaint, Home Loan, Mortgage Electronic $10,857.78 Registration Systems Inc., State of Oregon, Citibank N.A. and Adam G. Filed Sept. 21 Mockus, complaint,$194,479.64 12CV0931:Sterling Savings Bank v. Carey M. Sheldon and Margaret E. 12CV0941: EagleWestInsurance Sheldon, complaint, $314,150.85 Companyv.Elizabeth A.Hopkins, $16,1 04.1 5 12CV0932:State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company, a 12CV0943:JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A. v. Dustin M. Roan and Josarah subrogee of Young S. Kim aka Su J. Roan, complaint, $35,249.21 Hyon Kim, v. Lynn W. Winchester, complaint, $27,635.09 12CV0944:Amy Huson v. Eduardo Braun, complaint, $60,000 plus 12CV0933:Citimortgage inc. v. interest, costs and fees Debra D. Headrick, Oregon Water Wonderland Property Owners 12CV0945:R.D. Building and Association and Citifinancial Inc., Design LLC v. Crown Construction complaint, $121,923.72 plus Inc., AngelEmanueland Stephen interest, costs and fees Emanuel, complaint, $15,000 plus interest, costs and fees 12CV0934:David Rossberg and Clayton H. Morrison v. BD Bend II 12CV0953:Zions First National LLC,complaint,700,000 Bank v. Mandi E. Hunt, complaint, $10,378.39 12CV0935:FFIF-ACM Opportunity Fund LLC v. Ronald H. Guthrie, Filed Sept. 25 complaint, $10,602.05 12CV0946:U.S. Bank N.A. as 12CV0936:Portfolio Recovery successor in interest to Bank of America N.A. as trustee as Associates LLC v. Kimberly Burt, successor by merger to Lasalle complaint, $11,331.65 12CV0937:Discovery Bank v. Laurie Bank N.A. as trustee for WAMU Mortgage Pass-through Certificates E. Bendetti, complaint, $11,694.78 Series 2007-OA1Trust v. Brian 12CV0938:Cavalry SPV I LLC v. D. Curtis, Tammy P. Curtis, Paula Kentta, complaint, $37,021.89 Keith Puterbaugh and Colleen Puterbaugh, complaint, $92,040.76 12CV0939:Cavalry SPV I LLC v. Darrell L. Wruck, complaint, 12CV0947:Everbank v. Danielle M. $27,778.17 Percy, complaint, $153,176.82 12CV0948:Nationstar Mortgage Filed Sept. 24 LLC v. Byran Dunlap and Dana 12CV0940:U.S. Bank N.A. as Dunlap, complaint, $163,666.94 trustee successor in interest to plus interest, costs and fees Bank of America N.A. as trustee as successor by merger to Lasalle 12CV0949:Federal National Bank N.A. as trustee for certificate Mortgage Association v. Derek W. holders of Bear Stearns Asset Toci, complaint, $149,500 plus Backed Securities I LLC asset interest, costs and fees
12CV0950:Niklas Goertzen v. Sisters School District No. 6, Cheryl Stewart, Daniel Stewart and Lisa Young, complaint,$264,000 12CV0951:Wells Fargo Bank N.A. v. Dayna L. Dooms and Theodore D. Dooms, complaint, $69,156.78 plus interest, costs and fees 12CV0952:Amanda Ahlgrim v. Sunriver Resort Limited Partnership, Destination Hotels and Resorts Inc., Destination Sunriver Resort Inc., Lowe Enterprises Inc., Lowe Sunriver Inc. and the Sunriver Owners Association, complaint, $345,000
Filed Sept. 26
12CV0955:Property and Casualty Ins. Company of Hartford, a subrogee of Barbara B. Doherty, v. Lance Farlei, complaint, $33,793.46 12CV0956: EGP InvestmentsLLC v. Russell B. Bartz, complaint, $17,600.1 8
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12CV0966:Ray Klein Inc. dba Professional Credit Service v. Crystal D. Prestridge, complaint, $11,552.14 12CV0967:Ray Klein Inc. dba Professional Credit Service v. Angela K. Waits aka Angela Timmons and Herbert Waits IV, complaint, $20,098.26 12CV0968:Klein Inc. dba Professional Credit Service v. Adam R. Taylor, complaint, $11,516.15 12CV0969:Ray Klein Inc. dba Professional Credit Service v. Mandy M. Lowery aka Mandy M. Medley, complaint, $16,252.30
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12CV0980:Federal National Mortgage Association v. Troy E. Grant, Tammy M. Grant aka Tammy Bennett aka Tammy Billings and Jeremy J. Billings, complaint, $177,508.67 plus interest, costs and fees
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STATE OF OREGON Gov. John Kitzhaber, Democrat 160 State Capitol, 900 Court St. Salem, OR97301 Phone:503-378-4582 Fax: 503-378-6872 Web: http: // Secretary of StateKateBrown, Democrat
136 State Capitol Salem, OR 97301 Phone: 503-986-1616 Fax: 503-986-1616 Email: Superintendent of Public Instruction Susan Castillo 255 Capitol Street N.E. Salem, Oregon 97310
Phone: 503-947-5600 Fax: 503-378-5156 Web: www.ode.state.
Treasurer TedWheeler, Democrat 159 Oregon State Capitol 900 Court St. N.E. Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-378-4329 Web: www.ost.state.
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Handwriting analysis probed in more than 30 criminal cases The Associated Press PORTLAND — More than 30 Oregon criminal cases are under external review to de termine if investigations were tainted by handwriting ana lysts employed by the Oregon State Police. Problems with handwriting analysis in a Umatilla County case led to the suspension with pay of two analysts last spring. The head of the state police Fo
rensic Services Division was reassigned. Additional cases might be reviewed, said Lt. Gregg Hast ings, a department spokes man. State police said an in vestigation continues. "At this time, the complex review has not indicated that any of t h e a n a lysis work was directly responsible for someone being convicted of a crime," state police said in a
written response to questions from The Oregonian. A state police lieutenant and a Clackamas County District Attorney's Office i nvestiga tor r e v iewed h a n dwriting analysis problems for possible criminal charges. A prosecu tor after their June report de clined to present the case to a grand jury. The external examination is projected to cost about $30,000.
-2011 Study by John Hopkins University School of Medicine and the National Institute on Aging •
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blue skies and green grass. It becomes haunting only when SALEM — David Nichols you realize the little girl in a spent 27 years working in the pink dress who sits on the tree Oregon State Hospital system swing at the forefront of the from 1972 to 1999, never at the picture could well have been a Salem campus, but in Wilson patient. " Children as young as 6 ville and Portland as a clini cal psychologist. His job was were sent here," said Kathryn to talk with patients, learning Dysart, secretary of the hospi about their h i stories, their tal board and one of three de families, their traumas, their signers for the museum. "People didn't understand lives, their stories. "This is what I did for a liv something like autism," she ing," he said. "I listened to told the Statesman Journal in stories." Salem. "They just know that if But Nichols is part of a sto they touched (these children), ry as well. It's the story of the they screamed. There was no hospital and of mental health where else to send them." treatment in Oregon. On Sat The museum includes per urday, that story was told more sonal stories about patients. c ompletely than ever, w i t h One of them, Maggie Rodgers, props, videos, words and re was 10 when she came to OSH creations at the Oregon State and 15 when she died there of Hospital Museum of Mental tuberculosis. Her d i agnosis: Health, which opened th is Imbecility. "She's easily an weekend in the historic Kirk gered and does not learn well," bride Building. her chart said. A few hundred people, in 'Cuckoo's Nest' cluding Nichols, turned out for the opening. Local officials And, of course, the museum and politicians were there for pays homage to Fletcher's film, the ribbon-cutting, and Louise which was shot at the hospital Fletcher — who played Nurse and started telling this story. Ratched in the 1975 film "One Photos from th e f i l ming, Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" props from th e m ovie and — turned up, to applause from quotes from cast, directors the crowd. a nd hospital p atients w h o helped with the movie are all Relics of the past over the walls in the museum's The museum is like walk "Cuckoo's Nest" section. ing into a picture book that That story focuses on Nurse is sometimes beautiful and Ratched's reign of terror over sometimes disturbing. a ward of patients. Their world In one room is the enormous is turned upside down when silver pot used to make soup Jack N icholson's character, for all the patients — complete Randle McMurphy, a r rives with three ladles, whose bowls and encourages the patients to could fit over an adult's head as rebel against steely, tyrannical easily as a baseball cap. The in Ratched. The story ends with gredients going into that type of McMurphy brain dead after be pot were grown on the hospital ing given a lobotomy. A fellow grounds, including the animals patient suffocates him to end that were slaughtered for meat. his misery and then escapes In another room, one sees from the ward out the window. the remnants of the hospital's A lobotomy — a procedure o ccupational t h erapy p r o to neurologically detach a gram. A p edal-powered jig patient's frontal lobe from the saw used for making wooden rest of his brain — was prac puzzles sits u n derneath a ticed at OSH, and it's not ex blown-up and readable annual cluded from the museum. A inventory of what patients had surgical table and information made. Among the products: about the practice are included Ice tongs and ironing boards. in the room dedicated to men Elsewhere, a large painting tal health treatments. hangs on a wall. It is the hospi The hospital has embraced tal in springtime, all brick and this chilling aspect of its his
'' " " ' "
Hospital sup e r intendent Greg Roberts told the crowd S aturday morning that u n derstanding this history, the story of how mental health treatment has changed and improved, is crucial to helping move away from the stigma that mental health issues have traditionally suffered under. "This is a balanced story of the past, the good and the bad, giving human faces to those with mental illness," Roberts said. It is important to see how farthe field has come, he said, from the days of the "Cuckoo's Nest" and before. Today, treat ment is geared toward the idea that "most people with mental illness are more than capable of living productive lives out side the hospital," he said. "Seeking help for m ental illness should be no different from any otherdisease or dis order," he said. It was not always so. People spent their entire lives in OSH, said volunteer Frank Zandol, who has been helping for two years to create the museum. "The most surprising thing for me, really, was the fact that people died here," Zandol said. "It never occurred to me that people were here that long." The hospital had a crematori um and a cemetery to deal with the deaths inside its walls. But it wasn't all death and lobotomies. There were the farms, the gardens, the pro ductive w o r k . Cou n t less p sychologists, n u rses a n d chaplains have trained at the hospital. Patients held dances, socials, movie screenings, put together choirs and b ands, and once went on an extensive wilderness trip that was writ ten up in Time Magazine.
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t ory, i ncluding t h e m o v i e that shone a light on it, and included it as part of a long list of treatments the hospital has used. Some have worked (medications, shock therapy), some have backfired (loboto mies) and some seem goofy to day (hydrotherapy, or soaking people in bathtubs of varying temperatures).
Understanding is crucial
to serious Problems suchas loneliness and isolation."
useum em races as, e a' Statesman Journal (salem)
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Elllae Ward / The Oregonian
A ribbon is cut during the grand opening ceremony Saturday for the Oregon State Hospital Mu seum of Mental Health in Salem. From left, hospital Superintendent Greg Roberts, Jim Civey, former superintendent Dr. Dean Brooks, actor Louise Fletcher and Museum President Hazel Patton.
By Hannah Hoffman
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The Bulletin
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Chainoornan Pahtisher
Editor-in- Chief Edi tor of Edaori als
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n theMay primary,more Oregonians chose Portland at torney Nena Cook for the state Supreme Court than ei therofheropponents.We urge them torepeat. Cook's opponent in the Novem ber runoff election is Multnomah County Circuit Court Judge Rich ard Baldwin, a fine jurist with a passion for public service. During his nearly a dozen years on the court, Baldwin has handled hun dreds of trials, gaining experience with both criminal and civil is sues. He has been involved in spe cial drug and health courts, been trained in mediation and served on panels that examined the state's ju dicial issues. In advancing his candidacy, Baldwin c ites t h e e x perience gained in his 35-year legal career and his ability to work collabora tively, a critical skill for a Supreme Court justice. We agree with those assessments, and in a d i fferent contest, would find it easy to en dorse Baldwin. Cook, like Baldwin, has rele vant experience and collaborative skills. But she also brings a differ ent perspective that would benefit the state's highest court. Cook has been in private prac tice for 21 years and has served
the Oregon StateBar in 2005, she lobbied the state Legislature for funds for the judicial department and indigent defense. Her volun teer work includes working on the metro crisis line and doing pro bono legal work for low-income people. When Cook was growing up, her family was shaken by divorce and tough economic times that re sulted in home foreclosure, car re possession and eating in the dark because the utilities were cut off. She believes that personal history gives her a greater appreciation of vulnerable individuals who come before the court. Cook also makes the case that the Supreme Court has been domi nated by trial judges and those from academic and public sector backgrounds. Since the primary, she has been traveling the state and talking with people in vari ous settings, trying to understand t heir concerns about how t h e courts serve them. She makes a convincing case that her personal background will inject a valuable as a pro-tern judge in Multnomah additional mindset into court dis County since 2007. As president of cussions and resulting rulings.
Vote no on Measure 85
n a state that's having problems financing even the basics such as education adequately, Bal lot Measure 85 is alluring. Repeal the corporate income tax kicker, it says, and send the resulting sav ings to Oregon's schools. Y et unaccompanied as it i s by broader tax and spending re form, the measure would not give schools a reliable source of income and would simply add to this state' s anti-business reputation. If history is any indication, the corporate kicker wouldn't beef up Oregon's K-12 education budget much. In the past 10 years, in fact, corporations have had taxes re turned just three times, in amounts ranging from $101 million to $203 million. Refunds were given twice in the preceding 10 years, and the Legislature suspended the corpo rate kicker law once, in the 1993-95 biennium. A pot of gold it isn' t. Still, we'd favor doing away with the corporate kicker if it were accompanied by other reforms. Spending, particularly on gov ernment pensionplans, must be brought into line with reality, for one thing. It should appall all Or egonians that teachers are likely
to be laid off across the state as school districts' Public Employee Retirement System contributions jump a whopping 55 percent. In Redmond, that comes to $2.2 million the district doesn't have this year and leaves it facing these kinds of choices: Cut school by 13 days or lay off 28 teachers. Even at its highest, the corporate kicker would not be able to erase that sort of pain. Meanwhile, Oregon c ontin ues to try to balance its budget on a wobbly two-legged stool. Its income-tax rates are among the highest in the country and its prop erty tax rates cannot adjust to the state's needs, thanks to constitu tional limits on them. Without a third leg, most likely a sales tax, it cannot hope to bring stability to its revenue picture. Voters should reject Measure 85 and press, instead, for real tax and spending reform. We need businesses in Oregon, the kind that pay living-wage jobs. Those businesses generally are willing to pay their fair share of taxes, we suspect. They' re far less willing to become the automatic easy target every time red ink looms.
Suicide a preventable tragedy By Marianne Straumfjord ational Suicide Prevention Week was Sept. 9-15, and all of us need to realize how im portant prevention of the problem is. Suicide is a preventable cause of death that in one way or another af fects all of us, either directly or in directly. As a psychiatrist, I see peo ple every day that need help with their suicidal thoughts because of depression, losses, chronic illness or drug abuse. As a daughter, I' ve gone through the pain of losing my father to suicide after the death of my mother. Deschutes County has an average of three to four suicides a month, so my own pain is mir rored by many others. Everybody needs to be aware of warning signs and be willing to reach out to anyone they feel is at risk. More than 90 percent of people completing suicide have had a pre vious attempt, a family history of mental health problems, suicide, or substance abuse, a personal history of sexual or physical abuse, avail ability of firearms in the home, in carceration,or exposure to suicide by others. Most of u s h av e experienced overwhelming thoughts when in crisis, but we realize it is a tempo rary situation while death is not. The person who becomes suicidal
IN MY VIEW is often recognizable because they feel they can't stop the pain, can' t see any way out, can't sleep, eat, or work, feel an endless sadness and an inability to change or control their situation. There are feelings of not being a worthwhile person and that the depression they feel will last forever. And, whether true or not, they don't feel they can get help. We all need to realize that people thinking of committing suicide can be helped if their feelings are rec ognized and not ignored. It is OK to ask if someone feels suicidal. It is OK to help or insist on their reach ing out for help. It is OK to remove the means of committing suicide by taking guns out of the home and by limiting the availability of drugs, prescription or otherwise. Very im portant is making sure the suicidal person is not left alone at any time until they are under the care of a trained treatment provider and that provider relieves you of the duty. Offering to go with the person to treatment may be very helpful as well. Where is help? For immediate help call 911. There has been a huge success recently in training police
officers on how to handle suicidal emergencies. Another option is to call the Deschutes County Behav ioral Health Crisis line at 541-322 7500, which is available at all times of the day, or the National Suicide Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255 or Ayu da en espanol liame at 1-888-628 9495. Going directly to the emer gency room is also an immediate option. Encourage the individual to talk to a school counselor, teacher or health care provider or share your concerns with those people yourself. If you are feeling suicidal you must realize that help is available for the asking. If you feel your life is not worth living, fight the stigma against getting mental health care. No matter what i s p r ecipitating your suicidal feelings, there are suc cessful ways of dealing with the sit uation. Reach out to the important people in your life, see your doc tor, call the crisis line or go to the emergency room, You are worth saving and life can take a turn for the better. Getting help may not be the easiest thing you' ll ever do, but it is one of the most courageous and worthwhile moves you will ever make. — Marianne Straumfjord is vice chair of the Deschutes County Behavioral Health Advisory Committee.
Letters policy
In My Viewpolicy How to submit
We welcome your letters. Letters should be limited to one issue, contain no more than 250 words and include the writer's signature, phone number and address for verification. We edit letters for brevity, grammar, taste and legal reasons. We reject poetry, personal attacks, form letters, letters submitted elsewhere and those appropriate for other sections of The Bulletin. Writers are limited to one letter or Op-Ed piece every 30 days.
In My View submissions should be between 550 and 650 words, signed and include the writer's phone number and address for verification. We edit submissions for brevity, grammar, taste and legal reasons. We reject those published elsewhere. In My View pieces run routinely in the space below, alternating with national columnists. Writers are limited to one letter or Op-Ed piece every 30 days.
Please address your submission to either My Nickel's Worth or ln My View and send, fax or email them to The Bulletin. Write: My Nickel's Worth / In My View P.O. Box 6020 Bend, OR 97708 Fax: 541-385-5804 Email: bulletin©bendbulletin.corn
The moderate Mitt: a more authentic version of himself sour fog settled over the Re p ublican Party d u r ing t h e primary season. Several plau sible candidates decided not to run for president, and the whole conver sation ended up tainted by various political circus acts. The GOP did its best to appear un attractive. It had trouble talking the language of compassion. It seemed to regard reasonable political com promise as an act of dishonor. It of fered little for struggling Americans except that government would leave them alone. The Obama campaign took ad vantage. President Barack Obama could have run against Mitt Romney by calling him a flip-flopper. Instead, the president tapped into the GOP gestalt and accused him of being a soulless ideologue or the tool of ideo logues. Judging by how the president was prepared for Wednesday's de bate, Obama's staff apparently be lieved that that charge was actually true. But, in last week's debate, Rom ney finally emerged from the fog. He broke with the stereotypes of his party and, at long last, began the process of offering a more authentic
version of himself. Far from being a lackey to the rich, Romney vowed that rich people will not see tax bills go down under a Romney administration. He attacked Obama for giving a "kiss to New York banks." Instead, he focused relentlessly on job creation for the middle class, which, he noted, has seen incomes fall by $4,300 under this president while gas prices have doubled and health care costs have surged. Far from being an individualistic, social Darwinist, Romney spoke comfortably about compassion and shared destinies: HWe're a nation that believes that we' re all children of the same God, and we care for those that have difficulties, those that are elderly and h ave prob lems and challenges, those that are disabled." Far from wanting to eviscerate government and railing about gov ernment dependency,Romney talk ed about how to make government programs work better. HI'm not going to cut education funding," he vowed. He praised government job-training efforts and said he wanted to con solidate them. He lamented that $90
DAVID BROOKS billion has been shipped to energy corporations, which could have paid for 2 million teachers. Far from being a pitchfork-wield i ng populist who w a nts t o r a z e Washington, Romney said he would work with the people he finds there. H We have to work on a collabora tive basis, not because we' re going to compromise our principle but be cause there is common ground." He bragged that in his old job as gover nor, he met with Democrats every week. He boasted about his biparti san health care bill. He praised the (semimythical) friendship between Ronald Reagan and Tip O' Neill. Far from being a n u n t hinking deregulator, R o m ne y de c l ared, "Regulation is essential.... I mean, you have to have regulations so that you can have an economy work." Instead of championing unfettered capitalism, he said he wanted pre dictable and workable rules. He criti cized housing regulations that can' t
give a clear idea of what a qualified mortgage is. He criticized financial regulations that favor big banks over small ones. Romney didn't describe a compre hensive governing philosophy, but he gave us a hint of a strong center-right pragmatic approach. It starts with 1986-style tax reform and Wyden Ryan Medicare reform and then of fers a glimpse of experimental prag matism on most everything else. Yes, it's true. Romney's tax num bers don't add up. Yes, there's a lot of budgetary flimflam. No, Romney still doesn't have an easy answer to wage stagnation (neither does Obama). But Romney's debate performance signals the return of Governor Mitt. Democrats call it hypocrisy; I call it progress. You could conceivably build a ma jority coalition around this frame work, winning over more working class women and some Hispanic vot ers. The crucial test will be whether Romney can develop, brand and sell this approach over the campaign's final month. M ost i m portant, R omney d i d something n o o t her m a instream Republican has had the guts to do.
Either out of conviction or political desperation, he broke with Tea Party orthodoxy and began to redefine the Republican identity. And, h aving taken this step, he's broken the spell. Conservatives loved it! They loved that it was effective, and it was effec tive because Romney could more au thentically be the man who (I think) he truly is. Now it's the Obama campaign that has problems to solve. Politically, the president will have to go back to portraying Romney as a flip-flopper instead of an ideologue. Substantive ly, Obama will have to kindle new passion. So far, he's seemed driven by the negative passion of stopping Republican extremism. He' ll have to develop a positive passion for some thing he actually wants to do. I gave Obama better reviews than most pundits did Wednesday night, but his closing statement was as bad as any I' ve ever heard. If he can' t come up with a two-minute argu ment for why he should be presi dent again, the former Mr. Audac ity might still lose to the former Mr. Right Winger. — DavidBrooks isacolumnist for The New York Times.
to equal e ucation in NewYorkschools By Leslie Kanfman New Yortz Times News Service
Carroll Johnson, a South ern-born educator who was one of the first superintendents to voluntarily use busing to integrate an urban school dis trict, doing so in White Plains, N.Y., in the 1960s, died Monday in Sarasota, Fla. He was 99. He had been weakened by a long battle with blood infec tions, his son, Walter, said in confirming the death. Johnson's commitment to equal educational opportuni ties for minorities took
think people saw him com ing," his son said. The busing plan fell into place with remarkably little resistance. Four years later, the schools could report a rise in test scores for black students, no decline in white scores and no significant white exodus out of the school system. Johnson said the key to the program's success was that the busing went essentially one way: black children being transferred to white schools. "Our residents wish, for the most part, to provide
root in the Jim Crow FE ATUREP
eq ual opportunity for
South of 1941, his son l c hildren — even at Qg[TUARy al said. At the time, John some inconvenience to son had just received a themselves," Johnson master's degree in education wrote in 1968 in evaluating the from the University of Geor program. "But I do not believe gia when he watched as Gov. that the majority of white par Eugene Talmadge stacked its ents would willingly have sent board of regents with allies their own youngsters into cen to force the ouster of Walter ter city schools." Cocking, the dean of the edu Johnson left White Plains cation school. in 1969 for Columbia Univer The governor said Cocking sityto become a professor of needed to be removed because education administration and he planned to create an inte director of the Institute of Field grated demonstration school. Studies at Teachers College. The firing drew national at In announcing his arrival, TC tention, and it was not far from Week, a Teachers College pub his mind, his son said, when he lication, wrote that Johnson's went to Westchester County in racial desegregation plan "be 1954 to run the White Plains came a model for other school schools. The Supreme Court systems in their desegregation had just issued its Brown v. efforts." Board of Education decision, In 1988, the White Plains ending legal segregation in system instituted a new way to the public schools. bring racial balance to its stu The White Plains system's dent population, letting par student body was about 20 ents select among the schools percent black then, with black in the district, with busing pro students largely concentrated vided to students who live at in a few neighborhood schools a distance from the ones they because of housing patterns. choose. Johnson saw this as de facto After he got his master' s s chool segregation, and h e degree in Georgia, he joined tried to redress it through a the Navy with the outbreak of number of remedies, including World War II. An able swim building schools with special mer with educational creden amenities to attract both white tials, he was assigned to train and black children. recruits to swim under burn By 1964, however, he had ing fuel. He was discharged in decided that the effort was 1945 and went on to earn his too piecemeal and that black doctorate in education from and white students remained Columbia in 1950. largely isolated from one an W hile w o rking f o r C o other. He put together what he lumbia, he was a consultant called the White Plains Racial on roughly 150 searches for Balance Plan, which essential s uperintendents around t h e ly called for busing hundreds country, allowing him to fur of children so that no school ther his commitment to mov had less than 10 percent mi ing more women and minori n ority enrollment o r m o r e ties into positions of power. "He was a c hampion for than 30 percent. He also closed one school that had been over school integration, raising aca whelmingly black. demic standards," said Charles To ease the way in putting Fowler, who is executive sec the plan into effect, he built retary of S uburban School alliances with PTA l eaders Superintendents, a n a tional and the editor of th e l ocal association. And, he added, "for significantly broadening newspaper. "He was a Southerner and the base of students studying kept his drawl, and I d on' t to lead America's schools."
Obituary policy Death Notices are free and will be run for one day, but specific guidelines must be followed. Local obituaries are paid advertisements submitted by families or funeral homes. They may be submittedby phone, mail, email or fax. The Bulletin reserves the right to edit all submissions. Please include contact information in all correspondence. For information on any of these services or about the obituary policy, contact 541-617-7825. Deadlines:Death Notices are accepted until noon Monday through Friday for next-day publication and noon Saturday. Obituaries must be received by 5 p.m. Monday through Thursday for publication on the second day after submission, by 1 p.m. Friday for Sunday or Monday publication, and by 9 a.m. Monday for Tuesday publication. Deadlines for display ads vary; please call for details. Phone: 541-617-7825 Email: obits©bendbulletin.corn Fax: 541-322-7254
Mail:obituaries P.o. Box 6020 Bend, OR 97708
DEATHS ELSEWHERE Deaths of note from around the world: Maurice Frledman, 90: Biog rapher for Austrian-born phi losopher Martin Buber. Died Sept 25. Norman Horwltz, 87: Wash ington, D.C., neurosurgeon who helped successfully treat a police officer wounded by President Ronald R eagan's would-be assassin in 1 981. Died Oct. 2 in Chevy Chase, Md., of complications from Parkinson's disease. R.B. Greaves, 68:R8 B sing er whose 1969 hit "Take a Let ter, Maria" reached No. 2 on the Billboard pop chart. Died Sept. 27 in Los Angeles. Stephen Frankfurt, 80: Ad vertising executive who helped lead the t r ansformation of television commercials from straightforward sales pitches in the 1950s to sophisticated, art-designed prod u ctions. Died Sept. 28 in New York City of Alzheimer's disease. Pedro Sanjuan, 82: Cuban born U.S. government official who was at the forefront of a State Department campaign to eliminate d iscrimination in housing and public accom modations in the early 1960s. Died Sept. 28 in Somers, N.Y. — From wire reports
• Corvallis family has run thestudio for 4 generations By Bennett Hall Gorva itis Gazet te-Times
CORVALLIS — Mickey and Holly Peterson have a hard time distinguishing between love and photog raphy — for them, the two have always been inextri cably linked. M ickey, 85, a n d h e r d aughter Holly, 56 , a r e the third and fourth gen erations to run Ball Studio. The Corvallis photography business was founded in 1912 by William Maurice Ball, Mickey's grandfather, who eventually passed it on to his son, Robert Ball. Robert's daughter, Mick ey Ball — a nickname; her real name i s E l i zabeth — started helping out in the shop in 1942, when she was 15. Her first job was sorting prints and mounting them in folders. The studio's specialty was — and still is — por t raiture, and t h e p r i n t s Mickey sorted formed a kind of chronicle of per sonal milestones: births, graduations, engagements, weddings, a n niversaries, reunions. "It was v ery p l easant w orking t here," she r e called. " We were in t h e business of recording hap py times in people's lives." Mickey studied account ing at Oregon State College and went to work full time as the studio's bookkeeper after her graduation in 1947. In the meantime, a young photographer named Keith Peterson had come to Cor vallis to apprentice with Robert Ball. Keith and M i ckey Pe terson were married on Feb. 15, 1947, and worked
ings and landscapes, street scenes and community events, people at work and people at play. Taken altogether, this 100-year body of work forms a document of the changing physical, social and economic fabric of Corvallis and sur rounding communities. And somewhere along the way, Ball Studio achieved a rare and possibly unique dis tinction: The Petersons believe it might be the oldest continu ously operated family-owned p hotographic studio i n t h e country. Angela Wijesinghe, a mar Amanda Cowan /Corvallis Gazette-Times k eting specialist w i t h t h e Studio lighting illuminates Elizabeth "Mickey" Peterson,seated, Professional P h otographers as her daughter, Holly Peterson, looks on at Ball Studio in of America, said she can't con Corvallis. The company is celebrating its 100th anniversary firm that claim for certain, but she's not aware of any other this year. family studio that's been in business that long. "It's not easy to run a pho together in the studio for the Keith Peterson died in Janu next 50 years, taking over the ary 2010, but M i ckey still tography studio successfully, operation after Robert Ball comes into the shop from time let alone keep one healthy for died in 1973 and staying in to time. So does Heather, who 100 years," Wijesinghe said. "Today, photographers face volved in the business even continues to pitch in w h en after their own retirement in needed, as do her sons, Casey increased competition and a 1997. and Colby Jager. slow economy. Yet the Ball "It is a love story," said Holly But it's p r i m arily H o l ly Studio has managed to with Peterson, who followed in her who's carrying on the family stand those pressures, along mother's footsteps and started tradition. Like her mother, one with tw o W o rld W ars, the working in the studio during of the things she loves about Great Depression, the reces high school. portrait photography is docu sion of the '70s, two studio Her older sister, Heather menting the joyful moments in fires and more. We at PPA Jager, did th e same t hing. other people's families. think that indicates an abil "You' re portraying l ove," ity to adapt to changes and a Though she continued to help out from time to time, she de she said. "A lot of times a fam strong commitment to quality, cided to go into teaching, re ily will come together in our service and c r a ftsmanship, cently retiring after a long ca parking lot, they' re coming forming a reputation that has reer with the Corvallis School f rom different parts of t h e stood the test of time." District. country, and they haven't seen Changes i n tec h nology Holly, however, was bitten each other for a while. It's a have been even more f a r by the photography bug. She privilege to do what we do." reaching as photography ad became a portrait photogra The studio did lots of insti vanced from nitrate film and pher like her father, grandfa tutional photography, fr om darkroom developing to digi ther an d g r eat-grandfather Oregon State University year tal cameras and Photoshop, before her and came to work book photos to portraits of but Ball Studio is still going full time at the studio follow Camp Adair soldiers to pic strong. ing her own graduation from tures of champion laying hens One reason for that success, Oregon State University with for a successful local poultry Holly and M i ckey Peterson a liberal arts degree in 1979. breeder. Governors and uni say, is that the elements of good Now she's the one running the versity presidents, judges and portrait photography have re operation. b usiness leaders — all h ad mained the same — elements "I grew up i n t h e f amily their portraits taken by Wil such as composition, lighting, business," she said. "I enjoyed liam Ball and his descendants. rapport with the subject. "And it's still fun — it still working with my parents for Theydid other kinds ofwork 20-some years." as well, photographing build has magic," Holly said.
Aloha man jailed after fatalcrash ALOHA — Washington County deputies arrested a 22-year-old man accused of leaving the scene of an accident in which his pas senger died. The sheriff's office says Scott Harris, of Aloha, has been charged with man slaughter, drunken driving and felony hit and run. According to Sgt. David T hompson, H a r ri s w a s behind the wheel in Aloha early Saturday when his car hit a large tree. His pas senger, 20-year-old Kalin Morris, of Forest Grove, was trapped in the car with severe injuries. She later died at a hospital. Deputies were told by witnesses that s omeone fled from the vehicle. Two hours later, they found Har ris walking along a road and detained him. Harris was jailed after re ceiving treatment for minor injuries at a hospital.
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California fugitive sought in Eugene EUGEN E — Investiga tors say a suspected child molester from San Diego might be in Eugene. The U.S. Marshals Ser vice is offering a $25,000 reward f o r in f o rmation leading to the arrest of 61 year-old Frederick Cecil M cLean, who fle d f r o m Southern California almost eight years ago. McLean wa s c h arged
in San Diego Superior Court in J a nuary 2 005. Officials say h e g a i ned the trust o f h i s a l leged victims through a leader ship position in his local congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses. Deputy U .S . M a r shal Don Allie told The Regis ter-Guard in Eugene that investigators have worked on many leads and believe McLean is most likely in Eugene. — From wire reports
il c l l d i e gf Ill color.
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Today: Sunny.
Tonight:1 Clear and cold.
Ast o ria 60/44
H,H,b,m• Portland x 74/46
L ""' ' McMinnviHe
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• 71 /46
72/3 8
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• John Day
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Sunnsetoday...... 7:12 a.m Moon phases Sunset today...... 6:32 p.m Last N ew F i rst Full Sunnsetomorrow .. 7:13 a.m Sunset tomorrow... 6:31 p.m .......none Moonsettoday .... 2:38 p.m Oct. 8 Oct. 15 Oct. 21 Oct. 29
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Tomorrow Rise Set Mercury....9:00 a.m...... 7:07 p.m. Venus......3:48 a.m...... 5:08 p.m. Mars......11:1 4a.m...... 8:22 p.m. Jupiter...... 914 p m..... 1226 pm. Saturn...... 8:21 a.m...... 7:1 1p.m. Uranus.....603 pm......625 am.
Yesterday's weather through 4 p.m. inBend High/Low.............. 68Q5 24hours ending 4p.m.'.. 0.00" Record high........ 89in1980 Monthto date.......... 0.00" Record low.........17 in1974 Average month todate... 0.08" Average high..............66 Y ear to date............ 6.74" Average low............... 34 Average yearto date..... 7.26" Barometncpressure at 4 p.m.30.00 Record 24 hours ...0.26 in 1930 'Melted hquid equivalent
Yesterday M o nday Tuesday Bend,westofHwy.97......Ext. Sisters................................Ext Hi/Lo/Pcp H i / Lo/W Hi/Lo/W Bend, east ofHwy.97.......Ext. La Pine................................Ext Redmond/Madras......Mod. Prlnevlge...........................Ext Mcd = Mederale,Exi. = Exlieme
59/45/pc . 70/31/s 63/50/pc . 71/30/s 72/41/pc .69/34/s 66/35/pc .66/23/s .77/46/s 52/43/pc 63/46/pc .68/39/s . 73/38/s .73/48/s .69/33/s .69/31/s .72/44/s .72/44/s .69/31/s .77/43/s
Astona ........77/40/0.00 .....60/44/s... Baker City......66/16/0.00 .....71/30/s... Brookings..... 60/44/trace ....60/47/pc... Burns..........66/1 7/0.00 .....73/23/s... Eugene........7704/0.00 .....72/38/s... Klamath Falls...7206/0.00 .....70/31/s... Lakeview....... 72/32/0.00 ....65/34/pc... La Pine........72/14/0.00 .....67/23/s... Medford.......84/41/0.00 ....76/43/pc... Newport.......5504/0.00 ....60/42/pc... North Bend.....59/41/0.00 ....60/44/pc... Ontano........66Q6/0.00 .....68/35/s... Pendleton......6902/0.00 .....70/34/s... Portland .......79/41/0.00 .....74/46/s... Pnneville....... 70Q3/0.00 .....67/28/s... Redmond....... 71/1 9/0.00 ..... 70/29/s... Roseburg.......81/40/0.00 .....73/43/s ... Salem .........7908/0.00 .....75/42/s ... Sisters.........68/1 7/0.00 .....68/26/s... The Dalles......76/31/0.00 .....74/38/s...
The following was compiled by the Central Oregon watermaster and irrigation districts as a service to irrigators and sportsmen. Res ervo ir
Acrefeet Capacity Crane Praine..... . . . . . . . 33,733..... . 55,000 Wickiup..... . . . . . . . . . . 106,378..... 200,000 Crescent Lake..... . . . . . . 70,842...... 91,700 Ochoco Reservoir.... . . . . 17,630...... 47,000 Pnneville..... . . . . . . . . . . 85,226..... 153,777 R iver flow Stat i o n Cubic ft./sec Deschutes RiverBelow Crane Praine ...... . 313 Deschutes RiverBelow Wickiup .... . . . . . . 1,050 Crescent CreekBelow Crescent Lake ..... . . . 27 Little DeschutesNear La Pme..... . . . . . . . . 236 D eschutes RiverBelow Bend .... . . . . . . . . . . 73 Deschutes RiverAt Benham Falls ..... . . . . 1,511 Crooked RiverAbove PnnewHeRes. . ... . . . . . . 2 Crooked RiverBelow Pnneville Res. .... . . . . 178 Ochoco CreekBelow Ochoco Res. .... . . . . . 17.2 Crooked RiverNear Terrebonne .... . . . . . . . 236
To report a wildfire, call 911
ULTRAVIOLET INDEX The higher the UV Index number, the greater the need for eye and skin protection. Index is for solar at noo
POLLEN COUNT Updated daily. Source: pollen.corn
Contact: Watermaster, 388-6669
t 2tcal' arm y N 'oaskat eon C 'Winni e
•Seattle 68/47
67 41
or go to www.wrd.state. Legend:W-weather,Pcp-preapitation, s-sun, pc-partial clouds,c-clouds, h-haze, sh-showers, r-rain, t-thunderstorms,sf-snowlurnes sn-snow, i-ice, rs-ram-snow mix,w-wind, f-fog, dr-dnzzle,tr-trace
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Yesterday' s extremes
72 30
• 84'
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64/24 •
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Yesterday' s state extremes
Jordan Valley
Mostly sunny.
70 29
CENTRAL Expect mainly sunny and pleasant conditions.
68/2 5
Ontario EAST 68/35 Mostly sunny skies Vale• 71/33 • will be the rule Nyssa today. 69/35 Juntura
Silve r
Port Orford
• 6OI46
WEST Mostly sunny in the north, and partly to mostly cloudy farther south.
Unity 70/30
Chnstmas Valley
6 5/21
• Fort Rock 68QS
60/1 7
• Mitchell 69/29
La Pine 67/23
• Brothers 6m3 ouampton
61 /43 •
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Coos Bay
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Cold W arm Stationary
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Showers T-storms Rain Flurries Snow
Yesterday Monday Tuesday Yesterday Monday Tuesday Yesterday Monday Tuesday Yesterday Monday Tuesday Gty Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pqi Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pqi Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pqi Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W Abilene,TX......49/45/0.00 .. 68/55/pc.. 84/60/s GrandRapids....50/4110.00.. 59/44/pc. 63/43/sh RapidCity.......62/18/000... 62/39/c .. 52/36/c Savannah.......88/69/0 00.. 72/58/sh. 74/62/pc Akron..........48/40/0.02..56/39/pc.. 62/44/s GreenBay.......52/36/0.00...59/47/c. 57/36/sh Reno...........74/40/0.00 ..73/44/pc.69/43/pc Seattle..........75/46/0.00... 68/47/s .. 66/46/s Albany..........54/44/0.00..57/37/pc. 61/43/pc Greensboro......54/49/0.39..52/43/sh. 60/49/pcRichmond.......58/511067.. 55/46/sh.63/49/pc SiouxFalls.......58/22/000 .. 69/43/pc. 54/29/pc Albuquerque.....69/43/0.00... 78/49/s.. 77/52/s Harnsburg.......55/46/0.02... 57/36/c.. 64/44/s Rochester,NY....52/43/008 .. 55/41/pc.. 63/48/s Spokane........68/32/0 00.. 67/39/pc.. 67/41/s Anchorage......49/45/0.25... 51147/c.50/42/pc Hartford,CT.....55/44/0.00 ..58/40/pc.. 63/48/c Sacramento......78/52/0.00..73/53/pc. 71/53/pc Spnngfidd, MO ..53/31/0.00... 61/42/s. 70/50/sh Atlanta ........ 68/54/trace... 67/50/c .. 72/57/s Helena..........65/27/0 00 .. 57/34/sh. 59/35/pc St Louis.........55/38/000...64/45/s. 70/51/pc Tampa..........89/72/120... 90/74/t. 89/73/pc Atlantc City.....52/43/006... 58/50/c .. 64/53/c Honolulu........84/73/000... 85/71/s.. 84/71/s Salt Lake City....63/35/0.00... 71/47/s. 73/50/pc Tucson..........89/63/0.00..91/62/pc. 89/62/pc Austin..........59/51/0 00 .. 71/58/pc. 82/66/pc Houston........68/54/0 00.. 77/59/pc. 83/68/pc SanAntonio.....59/511000 .. 70/63/pc. 82/68/pc Tulsa...........56/32/0 00... 66/47/s. 76/51/pc Baltmore.......53/45/014... 57/43/c. 63/48/pc Huntsville.......63/48/000 63/42/sh .. .. 73/51/s SanDiego.......75/69/0.00 .. 70/63/pc.69/65/pc Washington,DC..56/5110.10... 57/46/c. 63/49/pc Billings .........61/37/0 00 .. 59/33/sh. 53/37/sh Indianapolis.....51/40/000... 59/39/s. 65/48/pc SanFranasco....70/55/0.00... 64/54/c.. 65/54/c Wichita.........57/33/0.00... 67/48/s. 71/45/pc Birmingham.....61/50/0 00 .. 70/48/sh.. 77/54/s Jackson,MS.....63/50/0 00.. 68/45/pc .. 79/54/s SanJose........73/48/000 .. 70/51/pc.69/52/pc Yabma.........72/28/000... 70/39/s .. 71/41/s Bismarck........59/20/0.00...56/33/c.. 48/28/c Jacksonvile......89/68/0.00... 83/66/t. 80/67/pcSantaFe........67/37/0.00... 69/41/s. 71/40/pc Yuma...........95/70/0.00..92/65/pc. 90/63/pc Boise...........66/37/000... 6673 4ls .. 65/39/s Juneau..........511461000.. 52/42/pc. 52/41/pc INTERNATIONAL Boston..........58/50/0 01 .. 57/45/pc. 61/52/sh KansasCity......57/26/0 00... 66/46/s. 68/42/pc Bndgeport,CT....55/45/0 05.. 59/46/pc.. 61/51/c Lansing.........47/38/000... 59/44/s. 62/42/sh Amsterdam......59/41/000 ..55/43/pc.56/47/pc Mecca.........104/84/0 00..103/80/s. 100/80/s Buffalo .........49/43/019 ..53/42/pc.. 61/48/s LasVegas.......85/67/0 00 .. 88/65/pc. 83/64/pc Athens..........82/65/0.00..86/67/pc. 73/63/pc Meaco City......77/46/0.00... 70/49/t...72/49/t Burlington, VT....53/47/0.00 .. 55/38/pc.. 61149/s Leangton.......55/45/0.00 ..60/41/pc.. 67/48/s Auckland........61/50/0 00 .. 65/50/sh. 65/56/sh Montreal........52/41/0 00... 54/42/s .. 59/46/c Canbou, ME.....54/39/0 00.. 51/30/pc.. 54/39/s Lincoln..........57/21/0 00.. 72/41/pc. 64/37/pc Baghdad........99/79/0.00 1 04/72/sh.. 97/68/s Moscow........57/41/0.00.. 46/40/sh.. 48/40/c Charleston, SC...88/68/000..68/57/sh. 72/61/pc Little Rock.......59/43/000..63/43/pc. 74/56/pc Bangkok........91/79/0 00... 86/76/t ...92/78/t Nairobi .........81 /59/0 00... 82/61Is . 84/60/sh Charlotte........63/54/000..57/44/sh. 67/50/pc LosAngdes......75/64/000..69/61/pc. 67/62/pc Beiyng..........75/48/0.00... 77/53/c .. 72/50/s Nassau.........88/79/0.00... 87/78/t . 86/78/pc Chattanooga.....61149/010 62/45/sh .. .. 71/50/s Louisville........58/43/000... 63/42/s .. 70/51/s Beirut ..........84/75/0.00... 78/72/s.. 78/73/s New Ddhi.......93/70/0.00... 95/72/s.. 94/70/s Cheyenne.......50/20/0.00...64/34/s.. 55/32/s Madison,WI.....51/37/0.00..60/44/pc. 59/35/sh Berlin...........55/39/0.00... 52/38/c .. 55/39/c Osaka ..........75/63/0.00 .. 75/67/pc. 76/67/pc Chicago.........51/38/0 00 .. 59/48/pc.. 64/43/c Memphis........60/45/0 00.. 66/45/sh.. 73/58/s Bogota .........64/54/0.00... 65/48/t . 69/49/pc Oslo............52/30/0.00 .. 50/38/sh. 42/32/pc Cinannat.......54/45/0.00... 59/37/s .. 66/47/s Miami..........86/76/0.46... 89/77/t...89/78/t Budapest........72/48/0.00 ..57/39/pc. 59/40/pc Ottawa .........46/36/0.00 .. 52/40/sh.. 59/45/c Clevdand.......49/42/0.13.. 56/45/pc.. 64/48/s Milwaukee......50/38/0.00 ..58/46/pc. 61139/sh BuenosAires.....63/57/0 00.. 65/59/sh. 73/48/pc Pans............61/46/0 00... 60/58/r . 61145/sh ColoradoSpnngs.53/28/000... 68/40/s.. 65/37/s Minneapolis.....53/28/000... 65/42/c. 54/34/sh CaboSanLucas ..93/68/0.00.. 90/71/pc. 92/75/pc Rio de Janero....88/70/0.00... 87/68/s.. 89/71/s ColumbiaMO...54/32/000... , 64/39/s. 70/46/sh Nashville........61/47/000 ..64/37/sh.. 72/51/s Cairo ...........84/72/0.00... 84/71/s .. 85/73/s Rome...........75/57/0.00 .. 76/62/pc.. 77/60/s ColumbiaSC....82/63/0.00..59/51/sh. , 71/52/pc New orleans.....69/62/0.00..75/62/pc.. 84/66/s Calgary.........66/36/0.00 .. 46/31/pc. 61/41/pc Santiago ........57/48/0.00.. 55/44/pc.. 61/49/s Columbus GA....79/611000... 74/54/c. 77/56/pc New York .......54/48/012... 59/49/c .. 64/53/c Cancun .........86/73/0.00... 87/77/t ...87/78/t Sao Paulo.......88/63/0.00... 83/62/t . 86/64/pc Columbus OH....49/45/0.01... 59/38/s.. 65/45/s Newark, NJ......54/48/0.07..59/48/pc. 64/51/pc Dublin ..........55/34/0.00 ..56/46/sh.. 56/50/c Sapporo ........63/63/0.00 ..63/49/pc. 67/51/pc Concur/i NH.....55/35/0.00 .. 59/32/pc. 61140/pc Norfolk,VA......65/55/0.46 .. 59/54/sh.. 64/54/c Edmburgh.......54/32/000..51/36/pc. 52/38/pc Seoul...........75/54/0 00..69/51/pc. 69/53/sh Corpus Chnsti....74/63/000 .. 76/69/pc. 83/76/pc OklahomaCity...52/38/000... 67/48/s. 77/49/pc Geneva.........66/54/0.00 ... 64/57/r ...60/58/r Shanghai........77/64/0.00.. 76/61/pc. 76/61/pc DallasFtWorlh...53/48/000... 68/54/s. 81/63/pc Omaha.........58/28/0 00.. 72/43/pc .. 63/37/c Harare..........86/63/0.00..84/59/pc. 81/56/pc Singapore.......86/77/0.00... 89/79/t...89/79/t Dayton .........49/42/0.00... 58/38/s.. 65/47/s Orlando.........87/71/0.01 ... 89/72/t. 89/72/pc HongKong......88/79/0.00 .. 86/74/sh.. 88/74/s Stockholm.......54/43/0.00.. 51/37/pc. 46/39/sh Denver..........53/26/0.00... 71/39/s.. 64/37/s PalmSpnngs.....97/67/0.00..90/64/pc. 90/65/pc Istanbul.........75/66/0 00... 74/64/c .. 70/63/c Sydney..........64/55/0 00.. 66/57/sh. 67/55/pc DesMoines......57/27/0.00.. 69/45/pc.. 63/37/c Peona..........51138/0.00.. 62/43/pc. 67/42/sh Jerusalem .......76/61/0.01 ... 75/61/s.. 76/60/s Taipe...........79/72/0.00 .. 80/73/pc. 81/70/pc Detroit..........50/40/0.00...56/47/s. 64/48/pc Philadelphia.....54/49/0.07...57/45/c. 64/53/pc Johannesburg ....86/61/0 00... 77/59/s. 79/62/pc Tel Aviv.........84/70/0 00... 80/70/s.. 82/70/s Duluth..........51/25/0 00 .. 50/38/sh. 48/31/pc Phoenix.........95/73/0 00.. 93/71/pc. 92/70/pc Lima ...........68/61/0.00..69/63/pc. 69/60/pc Tokyo...........68/63/0.00..69/64/pc. 69/62/pc El Paso..........74/49/0.00... 81/56/s .. 84/58/s Pittsburgh.......47/43/0.0254/36/pc .. .. 66/44/s Lisbon..........82/61/0.00... 80/64/s. 79/65/pc Toronto .........48/41/0.00 .. 54/39/pc.. 60/53/c Fairbanks........44/35/0 00 .. 43/27/sh.. 39/18/c Portland ME.....58/40/0 00.. 58/37/pc. 59/42/sh London.........55/39/0.00... 54/46/c . 58/42/pc Vancouver.......64/45/0.00... 67/54/s. 64/51/pc Fargo...........59/30/000... 58/35/c. 48/29/pc Providence......59/44/012 ..59/44/pc. 61/50/sh Madnd .........82/55/0.00..80/58/pc. 81/60/pc Vienna..........66/48/0.00..54/40/pc. 54/37/pc Flagstaff........72/31/0.00..67/36/pc. 67/38/pc Raleigh.........61/50/0.2355/45/sh. .. 62/51/pc Manila..........90/79/0.00... 90/76/c...87/76/t Warsaw.........50/45/0.00 ..50/42/sh. 54/40/sh
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Building summit offers
energy solutions Inside theNest
By Rachaei Rees
Nest Labs introduced an updated version of its Nest learning thermostat. The new device is 20 percent thinner than the previous model and works with a wider variety of heating and cooling systems. Here's a look inside.
The Bulletin
Nest Labs claims that most customers can install the device in 30 minutes or less.
Mounts on wall and connects to heating and cooling system wiring.
sulation to new GR EEN
Contains display, sensors and controls. Plugs into the base unit. RF SHIELD FRAME STAINLESS ST EEL RING
(shield removed to show components)
Used to set the temperature and control the interface.
For levelling during installation.
Mobile apps enable Nest to be operated remotely via Wi-Fi using a smartphone, tablet or laptop. The iPad app is shown below.
Cl Cl
cl a cl 0 e cl Cl
Visual cues The display's background is normally black, but changes to orange when heating and blue when cooling. DONE
A few features AUTO-AWAYuses motion sensors to determine when a house is empty and automatically switches to away temperature. AUTO-SCHEDULE allows Nest to program itself by monitoring user-made temperature changes for approximately a week. AIRWAVEsaves energy by turning off the air-conditioner a few minutes early while keeping the fan running.
CONTROL The interface is operated by rotating the stainless steel ring and pressing the main unit.
MENU Brings up various screens including energy history and user settings.
NEST LEAF TIME TOTEMPERATURE Appears on the display Estimates time remaining when an energy-saving to reach a manually temperature is chosen. selected temperature.
Source Nest Labs
Frank O' Connell / New York Tunes News Serwce
• New version of Nest thermostat can better learn about nuancesof eachheating and cooling system By Brian X. Chen • New York Times News Service est Labs, the company founded by former rithms intended to make the thermostat more read Apple designer Tony Fadell, recently began ily adapt to a person's system or daily patterns. For selling pre-orders of a new version of example, a feature called auto-away uses its self-learning thermostat, upgrading its motion detection to determine when no hardware and software to make it thinner, body is home and turns off a heater or air smarter and compatible with more types of conditioner after a certain time. The older heating and cooling systems. 0 softwa r e waited two hours before shutting The new Nest's body is about 20 percent down the system; the new version can take slimmer than its predecessor's. Inside, the S C E I NCE ju s t 30 minutes because it tracks patterns to components have been reconfigured so that learn when someone is unlikely to be home — like early afternoon on a Sunday, when the thermostat will work with 95 percent of low-voltage heating and cooling systems in the that person is at the gym, perhaps. United States, the company said. The improved algorithms should help the Nest The latest Nest software has improved algo learn about the nuances of a particular heating
A Testa Supercharger location In
By Bradley Berman
( ":.C a
sible something that has not been available to American EV drivers: the ability to make a long-distance drive in a single day. The Supercharger, Tesla's name for a proposed nationwide network of electric-car filling sta tions, outlines the most tangible blueprint so far of petroleum-free driv
energy perfor mance ratings for existing homes. To educate hom eowners, designers and contractors in Central Oregon about the latest trends in sustainable home building, as well as the associated financial options, the Green Build ing Council and Central Oregon Builders Associa tion have scheduled the fourth NW Green Build ing Industry Summit on Thursday. "The focus originally was to bring attention to what a green building was," said Gretchen Palm er, director of Education 8 Councils for COBA, refer ring to the first summit in 2008. "People were saying, 'I want green, but I don' t know what it is.' "Now we' ve expanded into a broad look at sus tainability (and) what' s involved. There's a lot more technology and prod ucts available, as well as ingenuity." Industry experts and local companies will pres ent 20 different topics to help educate and provide resources to participants who may be building, downsizing or upgrading in the future, she said. SeeSummit/C6
If yougo What:NW Green Building Industry Summit When:7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Thursday Where:Westside Church, West Campus, 2051 N.W. Shevlin Park Road, Bend Cost:Early registration $50, or $65 at the door Contact:541-389-1 058
or gretchenp© to RSVP For more information, visit www.connection depot.corn/residential/ nwgreenbis/
kilowatts, adding about 250 miles of range in an hour — at key locations between LOS ANGELES — Last Monday I drove the Model major cities. Before the end of S, a full-size sedan recently October, the company plans introduced by Tesla, the to open its first charging loca California electric-car tions to customers who have startup, from Lake bought the Model S. Owners Tahoe to Los Angeles. with the 85-kilowatt-hour bat I covered 531 miles tery, which comes equipped to and the drive took 11.5 use the Supercharger system hours, during which (the fast-charge capability is the car consumed zero T ECH in g in the U.S. "The one optional on the 60 kilowatt gasoline and produced big holdout with most hour model) will receive free no tailpipe emissions. EVs today is that you electric fuel for life at the can't take a road trip," said JB My route, the first a Model stations. S owner might take using Straubel, Tesla's chief techni Straubel said he saw the high-speed chargers as "the Tesla Motors' network of cal officer. "What happens if I Superchargers, previewed want to go across the country? final piece of the whole tech I can't tell you how many a significant advance in nology suite" enabling Tesla to "take on an enormous part of the practicality ofbattery times we get that question." electric cars. Tesla's string Tesla's answer is to install the market we couldn't reach of strategically placed high charging stations before." — pumping electricity at 90 speed chargers made pos See Charging/C6 New Yorh Times News Service
Bradley Barman The New York Times
and cooling system. For example, in a house with old pipes that takes longer to heat up, the Nest will learn when to turn on the heat to get the house to a set temperature by a certain hour, said Maxime Veron, head of product marketing at Nest. The company, based in Palo Alto, Calif., has about 130 employees, many from Apple, Google and Microsoft. Since Nest released its first ther mostat in October 2011, it claims sales of "in the mid-hundreds of thousands" of units. The new Nest costs $250; it is being sold online at www.nest.corn and begins shipping in mid-Oc tober. The software upgrade will be a free down load for previous Nest owners.
u ure — on an eec ric
ar in ino Calif. These powerful charging sta tions, built at key locations between major cit ies, pump electricity at 90 kilowatts, adding about 250 miles of range in an hour.
In the construction industry, the desire to build sustainable homes is growing and the tech nology keeps expanding, from ground source heating systems and spray-foam in
'Walking Dead'survivors face a newhumanfoe By Gina Mclntyre
fantasy set while managing Los Angeles Times s imultaneously to d raw a SENOIA, Ga. — On a hu broader audience that usu mid summer's day the cast ally avoids genre entertain and crew of "The Walking ment. The series ranks as Dead" are clustered under one of basic cable's highest the leafy shade of trees that rated dramas and finished its line a picturesque street in second season with a ratings this small Southern town, bang. It corralled an impres about an hour's drive south sive 9 million viewers and set o f Atlanta. N o a record among one is c o vered Ty happ younger viewers. in sweat or mud. The show has An armored ve also become a vi hicle parked at the end of the tal franchise for AMC, home block sits still and silent. to prestige dramas "Mad Men" and "Breaking Bad," Perhaps strangest of all — there are no zombies. which are w inding down. It's important to expand In addition to a n o f f i cial your horizons even when it magazine,video games and comes to the apocalypse. So scores of blogs, the zombie while the "walkers" will re series also has inspired a live main the beating, dark heart companion talk show called of the hit AMC series when "The Talking Dead," where it returns for its third season cast, crew, celebrity guests Oct. 14, the show's creative and fans recap episodes. forces are eager to give the The show's popularity owes small band of rugged sur in part to good timing, ac vivors more to worry about cording to Sarah Wayne Cal than the zombie hordes. In lies, who plays Lori Grimes, the upcoming 1 6-episode the wife of the main charac run, it's a human threat, em ter Rick (Andrew Lincoln). bodied most ominously by a Doomsday scenarios are in new character known as the the zeitgeist now, she says. "I think a l o t o f p eople Governor, that awaits them. "What we' ve done is open are deeply afraid that our up the world so it's less about unmasterable impulses are our characters trying to find about to take the reins," says a safe corner in w hich to Callies. hide," says show runner Glen B etween t a kes, D a v i d Mazzara on t h e G e orgia Morrissey, the towering Eng set. "I do think this year, the lish actor who won the role show feels more immediate of the villain, says he intends and less theoretical. We' re to play the Governor with not really dealing with ques nuance. "He does need to have a tions of hope, what it takes to survive in this world. We' re complexity," says Morrissey, doubling the threat, we have shedding the Southern dia the zombies, we have the lect he'd just employed for the Governor." street scene. "If he was just an In less than two y ears, out and out baddie, I think you "The Walking Dead" h as would hit a ceiling creatively jumped into a crowded pop very quickly. I think giving culture pool of serial killers, him these levels and colors vampires and dragons to be and fears, hopefully that will come a darling of the horror/ give him more longevity."
BEND Regal Pilot Butte 6 2717 N.E. U.S. Highway 20, Bend,541-382-6347
BEASTS OFTHE SOUTHERN WILD (PG-13) 1, 7:15 THE BESTEXOTIC MARIGOLD HOTEL(PG-13) 12:45, 3:45, 6:30 THE BOURNE LEGACY(PG-13) 12:30, 3:15, 6:15 CELESTE ANDJESSE FOREVER(R) 4 IN THE FAMILY(no MPAArating) Noon, 3:30, 6:55 LAWLESS(R) 1:15, 4:15, 7:05 THE MASTER(R) 12:15, 3, 6
HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA(PG) 11:35 a.m., 12:35, 2:30, 6:05, 7:30, 9:10 HOTELTRANSYLVANIA3-D (PG) 3:25, 9:50 HOUSE ATTHEENDOFTHESTREET (PG-13) 1:30, 4:30, 7:35, 10:10 LOOPER(R) 12:30, 3:30, 7:10, 10 THE ODDLIFEOFTIMOTHY GREEN (PG) 1:20, 4:20 PITCH PERFECT (PG-13) 12:20, 3:10, 6:30, 9:30 RESIDENTEVIL: RETRIBUTION (R) 2:50, 10:05 TAKEN2(PG-13)Noon,1,3,4,6:15, 7, 7:50, 9:15, 9:45, 10:15 TROUBLE WITHTHE CURVE (PG 13) 12:50, 4:10, 7:15, 9:55 WON'T BACKDOWN (PG)2:45,9
Redmond Cinemas 1535 S.W. Odem Medo Road, Redmond, 541-548-8777
McMenamins Old St. Francis School
Stadiu~ 16 & IMAX
700 N.W. Bond St., Bend,541-330-8562
680 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend,541-382-6347
THE BOURNE LEGACY(PG-13) 11:30 a.m., 2:35, 6:20, 9:25 END OFWATCH(R) 1:25, 4:40, 7:45, 10:20 FINDING NEMO 3-D (G)1:10, 3:50, 6:35, 9:20 FRANKENWEENIE (PG) 11:45 a.m., 12:45, 3:15, 6, 6:45, 9:05 FRANKENWEENIE IMAX (PG) 12:10, 3:40, 7:20, 9:40 HOPE SPRINGS (PG-13)11:50 a.m., 6:50
Due to Monday Night Football, no movies will be shown today. After 7 p.m., showsare21 and older only.Youngerthan21may attend screenings before 7 p.m. if accompaniedby a legalguardian.
Sisters Movie House Sisters, 541-549-8800
1101 S.W. U.S. Highway 97, Madras, 541-475-3505
END OFWATCH(R) 4:50, 7:20
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FRANKENWEENIE 3-D (PG) 4:35, 6:50 HOUSE AT THE ENDOFTHE STREET (PG-13) 5:20, 7:30 TAKEN 2(PG-13) 5, 7:10 TROUBLE WITHTHE CURVE (PG 13) 4:40,7
HOTELTRANSYLVANIA(LIPSTAIRS — PG) 4:15, 6:30 TAKEN 2(PG-13) 4, 7 Pine Theater's upstairs screening room has limited accessibility.
Madras Cine~a 5
869 N.W. Tin Pan Alley, Bend, 541-241-2271
• Movie times are subject to change after press time.
214 N. Main St., Prineviiie, 541-416-1014
MADRAS Tin Pan Theater
(ages 3to 11)andseniors (ages 60 andolder).
SISTERS 720 Desperado Court,
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• Accessibility devices are available for some movies at Regal Old Mill Stadium 16<I /MAX • There may be an additional fee for 3-D movies. • IMAX films are $15.50 for adults and $13 for children
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World News K ATU News at 6 (N) n « Jeopardy! 'G Wheel Fortune Nightly News Newschannel 21 at 6(N) « Jeopardy! 'G Wheel Fortune I KTVZ 0 0 0 Q News News Evening News Access H. Old Christine How I Met 30 Rock n '1 4 KBNZ 0 KOHD 0 0 0 0 KE ZI 9 News World News K EZI 9 News KEZI 9 News Entertainment The Insider (N) Big Bang KFXp tKI IEI IEI IEIAmerica's Funniest HomeVideos Two/Half Men Two/Half Men Big Bang KQAB Q Q Q Q W ild Kratts 'Y' Electric Comp. This Old House Business Rpt. PBS NewsHour (N) n « Newschannel 8 Nightl y News Newschannel 8 News Live at 7 (N) I n side Edition O KTttZDT2tEI Q Q Q We There Yet? We There Yet? King of Queens King of Queens Engagement Engagement OPBPL 175 173 L i d ia's Italy Ch e fs A'Field My Family Tim e Goes By Celtic Thunder Storm 'G' cc KATU
*In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/Black Butte Di ital PM-Prineville/Madras SR-Sunriver L-La Pine
ll ~ i~ l i ~lg g l ~ l l g g l i ~ l g g ~l l g g i~ l Dancing With the Stars: All-Stars (N) n 'PG' « (10:01) Castle (N) n 'PG'« KATU News (11:35) Nightline The Voice Famousmusicians assist thecoaches.(N) 'PG' « Jay Leno (10:01) Revolution (N) '14' « New s How I Met Pa r tners (N) '14' 2 Broke Girls Mike & Molly n Hawaii Five-0 (N) n 'PG' « News Letterman Dancing With the Stars: All-Stars (N) n 'PG' « KEZI 9 News (11:35) Nightline (10:01) Castle (N) n 'PG'« Bones TheTiger in theTale '14' T he Mob Doctor (N) n '14' « New s TMZ (N) n 'PG' The Simpsons Family Guy '14 Antiques Roadshow n 'G' « Mar k et Warriors (N) n 'G' « Oreg on Experience Independent Lens(N)'PG The Voice Famousmusicians assist thecoaches.(N) 'PG' « (10:01) Revolution (N) '14' « New schannel 8 Jay Leno 90210Tii Death Do UsPart '14' G o s sip Girl (N) n '14' « Seinfeld 'PG' Seinfeld 'PG' 'Til Death 'PG' 'Til Death 'PG Sound Tracks: Music-Borders World News Tavis Smiley (N) Charlie Rose(N) n « PBS NewsHour n «
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*A&E 130 28 18 32 The First 48Ud nerworld'14' The First 48Twist of Fate'14' Ho a rders John; Vivian 'PG' « (3:00) *** "Open Range" (2003) Into the West Ghost Dance Army sl a ughter of indi a ns. (Part 6 of 6) '14' « *AMC 102 40 39
Hoarders Doug 8Ruth'PG' « Hoarders Shanna 8Lynda'PG' I n tervention Susie 8 Miriam '14' (11:01) Intervention Amanda '14' ** "Behind EnemyLines" (2001, Action) OwenWilson, GeneHackman, Gabriel Macht.An "Behind Enemy Lines ll: Axis of Evil" (2006)Matt Busheii, Robert Duvaii. « American flight navigator is stranded in war-tom Bosnia. « Shane Edeiman.Premiere. « *ANPL 68 50 26 38 Monsters Inside Me 'PG' cc Fatal Attractions n '14' cc North Woods Law: Onthe Hunt Frozen Planet Winter 'PG' cc Frozen Planet n PG ~c Frozen Planet On Thin ice 'PG Frozen Planet Winter 'PG' cc BRAVO 137 4 4 Ho u sewives/NYC Housewives/NYC Housewives/NYC Housewives/NJ Housewives/NYC Housewives/NYC What Happens Housewives Reba 'PG' « R e b a 'PG' « Reba'PG' « R e b a'PG' « Dallas CMT 190 32 42 53Roseanne 'PG' Roseanne 'PG' Reba 'PG'cc Reba 'PG' cc Cowboys Cheerleaders:MakingtheTeam n 'PG'« Dallas CowboysCheerleaders CNBC 54 36 40 52 Ultimate Factories Caterpillar 'G' Marijuana USA American Greed Mad Money Marijuana USA American Greed Teeter Hang Tool Talk CNN 55 38 35 48 Anderson Cooper360 (N) « Pie r s Morgan Tonight (N) Anderson Cooper 360 « Erin Burnett OutFront Piers Morgan Tonight Anderson Cooper 360 « Erin Burnett OutFront COM 135 53 135 47 (4:58) Futurama Always Sunny Always Sunny Tosh.0 '14 Delbert Report Daily Show Futurama '14' Futurama '14' South Park 'MA' South Park 'MA' Brickleberry S o uth Park 'MA' Daily Show D e lbert Report COTY 11 Dept. /Trans. C ity Edition P a i d Program Morning Oregon Desert Cooking Oregon Joy of Fishing Journal Get Outdoors Visions of NW The YogaShow The Yoga Show Morning Oregon City Edition I CSPAN 61 20 12 11 Politics & Public Policy Today Politics & Public Policy Today *DIS 87 43 14 39 Gravity Falls n Good-Charlie P hineas, Ferb Jessie 'G' « Aus tin & Ally n Good-Charlie A .N.T. Farm 'G' ** "Halloweentown" (1998) n 'PG' « Phineas, Ferb Phineas, Ferb A.N.T. Farm'G' My Babysitter *DISC 15621 16 37 Americanchoppern'PG' « American Chopper n 'PG' « Ame r ican Chopper n 'PG' « Overhaulin' (N) n 'PG'« American Chopper(N) 'PG' « Fast N' Loud (N) n '14' « American Chopper n 'PG' « *E! 1 36 2 5 ** "She's Outol MyLeague" (2010)Jay Baruchei, Alice Eve E! News(N) Fashion Police '14 E! Special '14' Jonas Jonas Chelsea Lately E! News ESPN 21 23 22 23 Monday Night NPL Football HoustonTexansat NewYorkJets(N) (Live) Sportscenter (N)(Live) « NPL PrimeTime(N) « Sportscenter (N)(Live) cc ESPN2 22 24 21 24 WNBABasketballconnecticutSunatlndianaFever(N)(Live) « SportsNation « Sportscenter Football Live Baseball Tonight (N) (Live)cc Sportscenter (N)(Live) cc NPL Presents Drag Racing ESPNC 23 25123 25 Battle of the Network Stars(N) AWA Wrestling « UWF Wrestling PBA Bowling FromNov. 17,2011 Boxing ~c Boxing From Jan.30, 2009 cc College Football H-Lite Ex. H-L i te Ex H-Lite Ex. H-L i te Ex H-Lite Ex. H-L i te Ex. ESPNN 24 63 12420 Sportscenter (N) (Live) cc Sportscenter (N)(Live) « Sportscenter (N)(Live) « ESPNFC Press H-Lite Ex. ** "CheaperbytheDozen2" (2005) SteveMartin. Premiere FAM 67 29 19 41 Reba'PG'« Reb a 'PG'« Switched at Birth n '1 4' « Switched at Birth n '14' « Switched at Birth (N) '14' « The 700 Club n 'G' « The O'Reilly Factor cc FNC 57 61 36 50 TheO'ReillyFactor(N) cc Hannity (N) On Record, GretaVanSusteren Hannity On Record, GretaVanSusteren The Five *FOOD 177 62 98 44 Best Dishes B e st Dishes Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive $24 in 24 (N) Diners, Drive Diners, Drive *** "TheDevil WearsPrada" FX 131 (4:00) * "MaxPayne" (2008) How I Met How I Met Two/Half Men Two/Half Men *** "TheDevil WearsPrada" (2006,Comedy) Meryi Streep,Anne Hathaway,Adrian Grenier I HGTV 17649 33 43 Property Virgins PropertyVirgins Property Virgins Property Virgins Love It or List It 'G' « Love It or List It 'G' « Love It or List It (N) 'G' « House Hunters Hunters Int'I Love It or List It 'G' « *HIST 155 42 41 36 Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' American Pickers cc Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Counting Cars Counting Cars "Steel Magnolias" (2012)QueenLatifah, Phyiicia Rashad. 'PG' « LIFE 138 39 20 31 (3:00) Unfaithful *** "Selena" (199 7) Jennifer Lopez.Mexican-Americansinger skyrockets tofame. Abducted: TheCarlina White Story" (2012) AunjanueEllis. 'PG' « MSNBC 59 59128 51 The EdShow(N) The RachelMaddowShow(N) The Last Word The Ed Show The Rachel MaddowShow The Last Word Hardball With Chris Matthews MTV 192 22 38 57 Jersey Shore n '14' « Jersey Shore Ciao, itaiian '14 Jersey ShoreThegang returns to the shore. n '14' « Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Inbetweeners Guy Code(N) n '14' NICK 82 46 24 40 SpongeBob S p ongeBob SpongeBobSquarePants n 'Y7 SpongeBob S pongeBob S p ongeBob S e e Dad Run Full House 'G' Full House 'G' The Nanny 'PG' The Nanny 'PG' Friends n '14' (11:33) Friends OWN 161103 31 10 Whothe Bleep Who the Bleep Undercover Boss n 'PG' « Undercover Boss n '14' « Undercover Boss n 'PG' cc Undercover Boss n 'PG' « Undercover Boss n PG « Undercover Boss n 'PG' « Ame r ican Skiclassic(N ) Bens i nger ROOT 20 45 28* 26 Streetball Boxing GoldenBoy: Yoshihiro Kamegaivs. JorgeSilva UFC Unleashed 'PG World Poker Tour: Season10 The DanPatrick Show **** "Star Wars V:TheEmpire Strikes Back" (1980)MarkHamii, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher. n **** "Star Wars V:TheEmpire Strikes Back" (1 980)n SPIKE 132 31 34 46 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation C SI: Crime Scene Investigation * "Anaconda" (1997,Suspense)Jennifer Lopez, ice Cube. « * "Anaconda" (1997) cc SYFY 133 35 133 45 "Anacondas:Trail ol Blood" '14' Alphas if MemoryServes(N) '14' Haven A Bostoncoparrives. '14 Alphas if MemoryServes '14 Live-Holy Land Crefle Dollar P r aise the Lord TBN TBN 205 60130 Behind Scenes LivingEdge Kingdom Conn Jesse Duplantis Praise the Lord (Live) JoelOsteen Manna-Fest Classics *TBS 16 27 11 28 MLB Baseball MLB Baseball NationalLeagueDivision Series: TeamsTBA(N)(Live) Inside MLB(N) Conan '14' ~c Conan '14' **** "Fury" (1936)SylviaSidney. Amanaccused of (6:45) **** "LibeledLady" (1936)Jean Hariow,Spencer Tracy. Editor's *** " Test Pi%t" (1938, Adventure) Clark Gable,MyrnaLoy A flier's danger (10:45) *** "Edison, theMan"(1940) Spencer Tracy, kidnap pingispursuedbya l ynchmob. fiancee, lawyertrick heiress suingpaper. «(DVS) ous career doesn't sit well with hiswife. « Rita Johnson,LynneOverman. «(DVS) *TLC 178 34 32 34 Island Medium Island Medium Island Medium Island Medium Long Island Medium: Onthe LongIslandMe LongIsland Me LongIsland Medium: Extended Long Island Me LongIslandMe LongIslandMe LongIslandMe *TNT 17 26 15 27 The Mentalist n'14' « The Mental>st '14' « The Mentalist '14' « Major Crimes '14' « Major Crimes (N) '14' « The Mentalist n '14' « Major Crimes '14' « *TOO N 84 King of the Hill King of the Hill American Dad American Dad Family Guy '14' Family Guy '14' NinlaGo: Metre NinlaGo: Metre Wrld, Gumball Wrld, Gumball Wrld, Gumball Adventure Time Regular Show Annoying *TRAV 179 51 45 42 Bourdain: No Reservations Bizarre Foods/Zimmern Man v. Food 'G' Man v. Food 'G Bourdain: No Reservations Bourdain: No Reservations Bourdain: No Reservations Bizarre Foods/Zimmern M'A*S*H 'PG' M'A*S*H 'PG' M'A*S*H 'PG' Cosby Show Cosby Show Cosby Show Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond KingofQueens KingofQueens TVLND 65 47 29 35BonanzaTheArtist'G'« USA 15 30 23 30 NCIS HideandSeek'14' « NCIS Gibbsworks with Kort. '14' NCIS: Los Angeles n '14' « WWE MondayNight RAWJohn Cenawants his Hell in aCell matchagainst CMPunk. (N) n « CSI: Crime SceneInvestigation Chrissy & Jones Chrissy & Jones Basketball Wives LA n '14 Basketball Wives LA (N) n '14' T . l. and Tiny C h rissy & Jones T.l. and Tiny C hrissy & Jones Basketball Wives LA n '14' VH1 191 48 37 54 Behind the Music n'PG' « (5:50) *** "Batman" 1989JackNichoison. n 'PG-13' « Titanic: Blood andSteel (N) '14' (8:49) Titanic: Blood andSteel (N) (9:50) *** "TheDevil's Own" 1997n 'R' « Just Cause'R' ENGR 106401 306401 (4:05) **"TheTourist" 2010 ** "AnUnfinishedLife" 2005 RobertRedford. 'PG-13' « FMC 10420410412 ** "AnUnfinishedLife" 2005 RobertRedford. 'PG-13' « *** "TheMissing" 2003,WesternTommyLee Jones, CateBianchett. 'R' « FXM Presents UFC Fight Night Hooters DreamGirls '14' Best DamnHooter's DreamGirl Strangers UF C Tonight U FC Reloaded UFC 134:Silva vs. OkamiSilva vs Okamiand Ruavs Griffin. FUEL 34 GOLF 28 301 27 301 Top 10 (N) T o p 10 Celebrating the First Tee 2012 Big Break Greenbrier Big Break Go l f Central C e lebrating the First2012 Tee B i g Break Greenbrier The Golf Fix G' Little House on the Prairie 'PG' Little House on the Prairie 'PG' NUMB3RSPri me Suspectn 'PG' NUMB3RS Sabot age 'PG'« Frasier n 'PG' Frasier n 'G' F rasier n 'G' F rasier n 'PG' HALL 66 33175 33 The WaltonsTheSystem' Real TimeWith Bill MaherJournalist *** "X-Men: First Class" 2011,Action James McAvoy.The early yearsof (11:15) **"TheAdjustment Bureau" 25501 25501 (:X) *** "TheHorse WhisPerer (6:15) * "Red RidingHood" 2011AmandaSeyfried. A womansuspects 1998 Robert Redford. cc someoneclose toher is awerewolf. n 'PG-13' « Will Cain.n 'MA' « Charles Xavier andErik Lehnsherr. n 'PG-13' cc 2011 Matt Damon.'PG-13' 'R *** "Creepshow" 1982,Horror Hai HoIbrook, AdrienneBarbeau,E.G. Marshall. *** "Creepshow" 1982,Horror HaiHolbrook, AdrienneBarbeau, E.G. Marshall. 'R IFC 105 1 0 5 * * " Cursed" 2005, Horror Christina Ricci, JoshuaJackson. 'NR (6:20) ** "FullEclipse" 1993,HorrorMario VanPeebles ** "ln Time"2011,ScienceFiction Justin Timberlake. Time isthe currency in ** "TheRunningMan" 1987,ScienceFiction Arnold (11:45) Strike MAX OO 508 50 (4:35) "The Running Man "1 Arnold** Schwarzenegger. n 'R' «987,Science Fiction Patsy Kensit.n 'R' « a world wherepeople no longer age. n 'PG-13' « Schwarzenegger,RichardDawson.n 'R' « Back n 'MA' NGC 157 15 7 S e cret Service Files (N) '14 To Catch aSmuggler (N)'14 Cocaine WarsAirport Sting '14 To Catch a Smuggler '14 Cocaine WarsAirport Sting '14 Secret Service Files '14 Supercarrier: USSRonald Reagan Planet Sheen Planet Sheen Monsuno ' Y7' Monsuno 'Y7' Odd Parents Odd Parents SpongeBob S pongeBob Avatar: Air. A v atar: Air. Dragon Ball Z Iron Man: Armor I NTOON 89 11518911 Odd Parents Odd Parents OUTD 37 30743 307 Legends ofFall Hunt Masters Profess. Fisher's ATV Dirt Trax TV D estination Pol PBR Outdoors Best of West Headhunters TV Grateful Nation Fisher's ATV Dirt Trax TV Destination Pol. Savage Wild (4:30) ** "Beastly" 2011Alex Pet *** "TheHours" 2002,DramaMeryi Streep. Threewomenin different eras Dexter MiamiMetro rehashesanold Homeland Beirut is Backn 'MA' « Dexter MiamiMetrorehashesanold Homeland Beirut is Back n 'MA' « tyler.n 'PG-13' cc suffer emotional crises.n 'PG-13'cc cnme spree.n MA « crime spree.n 'MA'« S PEED 3530312530 Gearz'G' Gea r z 'G Hot Rod TV'14' Hot Rod TV 'G' Truck U (N) 'G' Truck U 'G' Gearz 'G' Gea rz 'G Hot Rod TV '14' Hot Rod TV 'G Truck U 'G' T r uck U 'G Unique Whips '14' * "TheRoommate" 2011 cc STARZ 30040830040 (3:50) * "A ManApart" 2003 'R (5:50) Boss n 'MA' « (6:50) BossConsequencen 'MA (7:50) *** "Secretariat" 2010, DramaDiane Lane. n 'PG' « Boss Consequencen 'MA' « (4:40) ** "ASimple Twistol Fate" 1994, DramaSteve ** "Finishing the Game" 2007 Roger Fan. Studio chiefs "TalihinaSky: TheStoryol Kingsol Leon"2011The rise *** "Tupac:Resurrection" 2003,DocumentaryThe life and musicof rapper Kiss and Tail: Martin, Gabriel Byrne.n 'PG-13' « seek a replacementfor the late BruceLee. of Tennesseerockband Kingsof Leon. n Tupac Shakur.n 'R' Hollywood * "The Fan"(1996,Suspense) Robert DeNiro, WesleySnipes, Ellen Barkin. NBCSN 27 58 30 20 (4:00) *"The Fan"(1996) Robert DeNiro. Darts Darts Final: England vs. Australia *WE 143 41 17411 Roseanne 'PG' Roseanne 'PG' Roseanne 'PG' Roseanne 'PG' Roseanne 'PG' Roseanne 'PG' Roseanne 'PG' Roseanne 'PG' Roseanne 'PG' Roseanne 'PG' Ghost Whisperer n 'PG' « Joan & Melissa: Joan
Woman slow tocommit to man withcriminal past Dear Abby:I have been dating a man, "Jerry," who committed a crime years ago. He and a friend participated in several robberies. Jerry was unarmed and no one was hurt, although the victims were traumatized. Jerry was caught, served time in prison and has completely reformed his life. He finished college, was married for many years, is a devoted father to his children and holds an excellent job for which he is respected. Despite the way Jerry has lived his life, I am having a hard time getting over his past. Although I know he has done everything humanly possible to redeem himself, I can't help wondering what kind of person he is DEEP DOWN. We are starting to get more serious, and he doesn't know I'm aware of his record. (A mutual friend told me long before Jerry and I began to date.) I 'm concerned that if m y children know about what he did, they will never accept him. Although I h ave never met someone with whom I feel so compatible since my divorce, I wonder if it's worth pursuing. — Tom Over His Past
Dear Tom:Let me help you. Jerry is a man who made a very stupid mistake in his youth and who has paid for it. But it didn' t stop him from turning his life around and making a success of himself. Many people would respect that. I know I do. Because you and Jerry are getting serious, he should have mentioned his past to y o u. The two of you need to have a heart-to-heart talk. If you are truly worried about the kind of person he is "deep down," this is the way to find out. As for your children — once YOU accept him, so will they if you impress upon them how hard he has worked to become the person he is today. Dear Abby:I have been going to a small community building near where I live to sing kara
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SHAOLINWARRIORS:Kung fu masters demonstrate martial arts associated with the Shaolin Monastery in "Voices of the Masters"; $35-$50 plus fees; 7:30 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-317 0700 or SWANSEA: The orchestral indie-pop trio performs, with Patrick Dethlefs; $5; 8 p.m.; The Horned Hand, 507 N.W. Colorado Ave., Bend; 541-728 0879 or www.reverbnation. corn/venue/thehornedhand.
PUMPKINPATCH:Free admission; noon-6 p.m.; Central OregonPumpkinCompany,1250 N.E. Wilcox Ave., Terrebonne; 541-504-1414 or www. pumpkinco.corn. THE LIBRARYBOOKCLUB: Read and discuss "The immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks" by Rebecca Skloot; free; noon; Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-617-7080 or www. TUMALO FARMERS MARKET: Free admission; 3-6 p.m.; Tumalo Garden Market, off of U.S. Highway 20 and Cook Avenue; 541-728-0088, earthsart@gmail.corn or http: // tumalogardenmarket.corn. "B'AKTUN":A showing of the bilingual play about the end of the Mayan calendar; free; 6-8 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, Hitchcock Auditorium, 2600N.W.CollegeW ay,Bend; 541-382-4366 or www.milagro.
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oke. I love going there because no alcohol is served, everyone acts like family, and I can take my kids and grandkids. My husband doesn't go because he has otherstress relievers, and we have different interests. He knows some of the people there and doesn't mind me go ing with my best friend. I love my h u sband very much. I am not "looking for love." However, last month the DJ's wife was waiting for me and said she didn't appreciate my singing with her husband (she never comes, either) and told me to stop leaving com ments on his Facebook page. I tried t o e x plain that I thought he was my friend, but she wasn't having it. She want ed to start trouble and ruin what happiness we all have. I thought about not going back, but I love the singing. I haven't done a nything wrong or said anything inap propriate. My friends at ka raoke want me back, and my husband says I should go. I have been so down about this. There's no other place around where they don't serve alcohol. Please help me. — Innocent and Hurt in South Carolina Dear Innocent and Hurt: Al though your relationship with the DJ is innocent, it appears he has a troubled marriage. If he doesn't know about the incident with his w ife, then you should tell him. The next couple of times you visit the community building to sing, ask your husband to please come with you. And stop leav ing messages on the Facebook
© 20t 2 by King Features Syndicate
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You might not be sure what choice to make, so getsomefeedback.You need to understand where others are coming from. With more empathy, you' ll head down the right path. Tonight: Catch up with a friend. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) ** * * Meet responsibilities head on. Your willingness to step upto the plate is what identifies youand separates youfrom others. Your unique perspective andability to detach play into the situation andaretwo of your strengths. Newsfrom adistance makes yousmile. Tonight: Takethe first stepin makinga dream happen. SCORPIO(Oct. 23-Nov. 21) ** * * R each outforexperts. Do some research on your own, too, and you will have agreater understanding when speaking to others. Oneperson gives you feedback that hits home. You finally know which way to go. You are lucky with money right now — consider buying lottery tickets. Tonight: Listen to passionate music. SAGITTARIUS(Nov. 22-Dec. 21) ** * * * D eal with a key person directly who has animpact on you personally and/or professionally. At times, you might find that your guard goes up when this person shares. A meeting or a friend helps you keep your goals in mind. Many different people come toward you with ideas. Tonight: Togetherness works. CAPRICORN(Dec. 22-Jan. 19) ** * * Let others express what they want. You areanchored and know how to deal with varioussugge stions. By encouraging such exchanges, others will feel more comfortable and be willing to share with you. This is how you build loyalty and support. Also, you' ll gain access to many good ideas. Tonight: Go with the flow. AQUARIUS(Jan. 20-Feb. 18) ** * * Focus on accomplishments and getting a project completed. Your creativity surges and might distract you, but if you funnel it into whatyou're doing, it could help you complete and/or add alittle more imagination to that project. A loved one would like more of your time. Tonight: Squeeze insomeexercise. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) ** * * * B rainstorm and share more with others. At the same time, you do not want to reveal too much about a particular person. Your willingness to bevulnerable is OK, but not if it exposes someoneelse. A purchase or amatter involving your personal life puts a smile on your face. Tonight: So what if it is Monday?
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— Write Dear Abby at www.DearAbby.corn or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.
Please email event information to communitylifeC~bendbulletin.corn or click on "Submit an Event" at www.bendbulletin.corn. Allow at least IO days before the desired date of publication. Ongoing listings must be updated monthly. Contact: 541-383-0351.
Horoscope:HappyBirthday for Monday,Oct. 8, 2012 By Jacqueline Bigar This year an innate tension exists between two seemingly opposing interests that are pulling you in different directions. As a result, your juggling skills become critical. A foreigner or someonevery different might suddenly appear in your life, which could causeyou to permanently alter your thinking. If you are single, this person could become more than just an acquaintance. If you are attached, travel could play avery important role; it also might draw the two of you closer together. The Stars Show the Kind of DayYou'l Have: 5-Dynamic; 4-Positive; 3 Average; 2-So-so; 1-Difficult ARIES (March 21-April 19) ** * You might need to depend on someoneelse,which could make you uncomfortable. You cannot be everywhere at once. Consider an option that comes too late this time but just soon enough for next time. Be patient. Tonight: Mosey on home. TAURUS(April 20-May 20) ** * * Reach outfora key person who has beenevasive lately. If this individual continues in this manner, revamp your approach or simply choose not to deal with him or her. Count on changeand new developments. Tonight: Share a different perspective about an investment and/or an expenditure. GEMINI (May 21-June20) ** * You offer a lot. Your creativity might be at astandstill, but this will last for only a short period of time. Your optimism flows and helps open up many different options. Your sense of humor carries you through the most difficult moments, and also helps lighten the mood. Tonight: Avoid extremes. CANCER(June21-July 22) ** * * T ension builds. Allow greater give-and-take, andremember tocenter yourself. Takearisk andtrust your sixth sense; youwill like the end results. Touch basewith a family member, as this person might have some important news. Tonight: Whateverworks for you. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) ** * T ime works in your favor, though impulsiveness might be your initial reaction. Know that an immediate decision most likely would backfire. Tomorrow, you could get different results. A meeting adds enthusiasm and will be instrumental in getting you to spread your wings. Tonight: Get extra R andR. VIRGO (Aug.23-Sept. 22) ** * * You benefit from hearing what people around you have tosay.
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WEDNESDAY PUMPKIN PATCH:Free admission; noon-6 p.m.; Central OregonPumpkin Company, 1250 N.E. Wilcox Ave., Terrebonne; 541-504-1414 or www.pumpkinco.corn. BENDFARMERSMARKET:Free admission; 3-7 p.m.;Brooks Alley, between Northwest Franklin AvenueandNorthwest Brooks Street; 541-408-4998, bendfarmersmarket@gmail.corn or www.bendfarmersmarket. corn. PROJECTTRIO: The Brooklyn basedchamber musicensemble performs; $12; 7 p.m.; Mountain View High School, 2755 N.E. 27th St., Bend; 541-639-7734 or THE GENERATORS:The Los Angeles-based punk band performs; $5; 8 p.m.; The Horned Hand, 507 N.W. Colorado Ave., Bend; 541-728 0879 or www.reverbnation. corn/venue/thehornedhand.
BAKESTARRBENEFITCONCERT: Featuring a performance by Five Pint Mary; ages 21 and older; proceeds benefit BAKESTARR; $5; 6 p.m.; Silver Moon Brewing & Taproom, 24 N.W.Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-598-4483 or BENDFILM:The ninth annual independent film festival features films at McMenamins Old St. Francis School, the Tower Theatre, Tin Pan Theater, Regal Old Mill Stadium16 & IMAX, CascadesTheatricalCompany and The Oxford Hotel; $200 full festival pass, $1 25full film pass, individual tickets $11 in advance, $12 at the door; 6-10:15 p.m.; 541-388-3378, info@bendfilm. org or FROM CHETOCASTRO:A discussion about building bridges with 21st-century Cuba; free; 6:30-8 p.m.; Nativity Lutheran Church, 60850 S.E. Brosterhous Road, Bend; 541-633-7354. JERRYJOSEPHAND WALTER SALAS-HUMARA: Tworoots rockers play acoustic sets; $5; 9:30 p.m.; Astro Lounge, 939 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-388 0116 or www.astroloungebend. corn.
Rob Kerr /The Bulletin file photo
Volunteers prepare ski and snowboard equipmentfor the 2011 Skyliners Winter Sports Swap. This year's event starts at 8 a.m. Saturday. PUMPKIN PATCH:Freeadmission; noon-6 p.m.; Central Oregon Pumpkin Company, 1250 N.E. Wilcox Ave., Terrebonne; 541-504 1414 or www.pumpkinco.corn. FROM CHETO CASTRO: A discussion about building bridges with 21st-century Cuba; free; 1:30-3 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, Hitchcock Auditorium, 2600 N.W. College W ay,Bend; 541-633-7354. "FINDINGFREMONT INOREGON, 1843":A presentation and screening of the documentary by Shirley Morris about the 20th century cowgirl; free; 3-5 p.m.; Touchmark at Mt. Bachelor Village, 19800 S.W. Touchmark Way, Bend; 541-383-1414 or www. touchmarkbend.corn. CORNMAIZE:$7.50, $5.50 ages 6 11, free ages 5andyounger; 3-7 p.m.; Central Oregon Pumpkin Company, 1250 N.E. Wilcox Ave., Terrebonne; 541-504-1414 or www.pumpkinco. Ol'g.
AUTHOR PRESENTATION:Teresa Irish and Linda Irish Larsen present their book, "A Thousand Letters Home: OneWWII Soldier's Story of War, Love and Life"; free; 5-8 p.m.; Barnes & Noble Booksellers, 2690 E. U.S. Highway 20, Bend; 541-318 7242 or www.athousandlettershome. corn. LITERARYHARVEST:Featuring readings by winners of the Literary Harvest writing contest; $1 0,$5 for Central Oregon Writers Guild members; 6:30-8:30 p.m.; Comfort Suites, 2243 S.W.YewAve., Redmond; 541-408-6306 or www. centraloregonwritersguild.corn. "THE ARTIST":A screening of the PG-13-rated 2011 film; free; 7:30 p.m.; Jefferson County Library, Rodriguez Annex,134 S.E. E St., Madras; 541-475-3351 or www. "EVIL DEADTHEMUSICAL": Opening night of 2nd Street Theater's performance of the musical comedy about five college students who accidentally unleash an evil force; contains adult language; $21, $25 splatter zone, $18 students and seniors; 8 p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E.
SATURDAY SKYLINERSWINTER SPORTS SWAP:Eventfeatures deals on new and used athletic gear, including ski equipment, winter clothing, ice skates and more; apercentage of the proceeds benefits the Mt. Bachelor Sports Education Foundation; $3; $6 per family; 8 a.m.-5 p.m.; 149 S.E. Ninth St., Bend; 541-388-0002 or BENDFILM: The ninth annual independent film festival features films at McMenamins Old St. Francis School, the TowerTheatre, Tin Pan Theater, Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX, CascadesTheatrical Company and theOxford Hotel; $200 full festival pass, $125 full film pass, individual tickets $11 in advance, $1 2 at the door; 9 a.m.-11 p.m.; 541-388 3378, or www. PUMPKINPATCH:Freeadmission; 9a.m.-5p.m.; DD Ranch,3836 N.E. Smith Rock Way,Terrebonne; 541 548-1432 or THE GREAT PUMPKIN RACE:5K costume race to benefit Elk Meadow Elementary, with a one-mile kids run; races begin andend atthe
Awards ceremony hasted by the Cascade Culinary Institute at Elevation Restaurant from 5-7 pm.
plaza; followed by afamily fun fair and costume contest; registration requested $20 $5kids run freefor spectators; 5K racestarts at10 a.m.; Brookswood Meadow Plaza, 19530 Amber Meadow Drive, Bend; 541 279-1875 or www.greatraceofbend. corn. USED GEARAND TOOL SALE:Held on the baseball field, with a silent auction; proceeds benefit Heart of Oregon Corps; free admission; 9 a.m.; Marshall High School,1291 N.E.Fifth St., Bend; 541-633-7834 or www. "THE METROPOLITANOPERA, L'ELISIR D' AMORE": Starring Anna Netrebko, Matthew Polenzani, Mariusz Kwiecien and Ambrogio Maestri in a presentation of Donizetti's masterpiece; opera performance transmitted live in high definition; $24, $22 seniors, $18 children; 9:55 a.m.; Regal Old Mill Stadium16 & IMAX, 680 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend; 541-382-6347. BOOKFAIR: Mt. Bachelor Quilters Guild hosts a book fair featuring a children's hands-on quilt project to take home; a portion of proceeds benefits the Guild's outreach programs; free admission; 10 a.m.-4 p.m.; Barnes & Noble Booksellers, 2690 E. U.S. Highway 20, Bend; 541-31 8-7242 or www.quiltsqq. corn. CORNMAIZE:$7.50, $5.50 ages 6-11, free ages 5andyounger;10 a.m.-7 p.m.; Central Oregon Pumpkin Company, 1250 N.E.W ilcoxAve., Terrebonne; 541-504-1414 or www. PUMPKINPATCH:Free admission; 10 a.m.-6 p.m.; Central Oregon Pumpkin Company, 1250 N.E.W ilcoxAve., Terrebonne; 541-504-1414 or www. pumpkinco.corn. "LEAPSANDBOUNDS": The Affording Hope Project presents a one-woman performance by Tevyn East about the interconnection of faith, ecology and the global economy; registration requested; donations accepted;2-4 p.m.; United Methodist Church, 680 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-388-4895, tlarson@bendbroadband.corn or
the environmental center
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FRIDAY BENDFILM:The ninth annual independent film festival features films at McMenamins Old St. Francis School, the Tower Theatre, Tin Pan Theater, Regal Old Mill Stadium16 & IMAX, Cascades Theatrical CompanyandTheOxford Hotel; $200 full festival pass, $1 25full film pass, individual tickets $11 in advance, $1 2at the door; 9 a.m.-1 0 p.m.; 541-388-3378, or www.
Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-312-9626 or www.2ndstreettheater.corn. KEATON COLLECTIVE: The blues band performs, with All you All; $5; 8:30p.m.;Liquid Lounge,70 N.W . Newport Ave., Bend; 541-389-6999. ANDY HACKBARTH: The Denver based folk-pop artist performs; $3; 9:30 p.m.; Silver Moon Brewing & Taproom, 24 N.W.Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-388-8331 or www. silvermoonbrewing.corn. FRIDAYNIGHTFEVERDANCE PARTY:Featuring D JBryan Swett, with cocktails and food carts; part of the BendFilm Festival; $10; 9:30 p.m.; Greenwood Playhouse, 148 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-389 0803 or JONATHAN WARREN 8t THE BILLY GOATS:The roots-rock band performs; $5; 8 p.m.; The Horned Hand, 507 N.W.Colorado Ave., Bend; 541-728-0879 or www.reverbnation. corn/venue/thehornedhand.
For more information visit •
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Offsetting errors
By FRANK STEWART Tribune Media Services
"To err is human, and don't you dare forget it!" — Cy the Cynic. It's hard to ignore errors when they seem to happen so often. In many deals, the contract could be made but isn' t, or could be defeated but isn' t. Against today's 3NT, West led the king of spades and shifted to the ten of diamonds. South won with the king and saw that he needed to set up dummy's clubs without letting East get in to return a spade. So South led a club to the ace and next took four hearts. East threw a diamond, West a spade. When South then led a second club, and West played the queen, dummy ducked. No matter what West did next, South was safe.
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LOS ANGELESTIMES DAILY CROSSWORD Edited by Rich Norrisand Joyce Nichols Lewis
© 2012 by King Features Syndicate inc World rights reserved
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"I thjnk you' ve had enough. Why don't I call you a cab'P"
Print your answer here: s t„,d ,
(Answers tomorrow) CHAIR INDUCT GRocER I J umbles: WHEAT I Answer: Deciding to become anauthor was this for Stephen King —THE"WRITE" CHOICE
ACROSS 1 Fermented honey drink 5 Put in the pantry 10 Prepare email 14 Fairly large fair 15 Symphonic
36 Ferris wheel, e.g. 47 Touchscreen 37 Speed trap touching tool setters 49 Expect loyalty 6 Synagogue 38 Under-the-gun from reading 50 In pursuit of situations 7 Poland-Germany 39 Company doctor 5 1 Last word border river 40 Comfort from 54 G e o rgia was a wrap-ups 8 Sounded the bell mom, briefly part of it: Abbr. 16 Fuel for a firepit 9 Biblical twin 43 WWII fliers 55 Emcee's need 17 Take an ax to 10 Many a junior 45 Produce 56 Leave 18 Place for high student pt'oducet' 57 Sprinter's goal sporting events 11 Violin-playing 46 b o r ealis 58 Jazz genre 19 Money in Milan comedian 20 It makes sense 12 Rogues' gallery ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE: 23 Roses-red link item 24 Firepit residue J U D O 13 Shogun's capital P A T I S S E R I E 25 Seeing red 21 In the buff E R I N D R A G Q U E E NS 27 a u poivre 22 English Lit. A N N O U N C E RS M A S T 29 Takes a majors' degrees S O A R E F E E S N T H downturn 26 Over there, back S A A B S QU I R E 32 "Little Red Book" when I T T K M A R T U S U A L chairman 28 Act the MR E Y A Z O 0 A A M CO 33 Nightstand spot accessory C H A N GER O T O 36 Camping trip 29 Opera headliners P I E E X T O L A D O R E R E S dampener 30 Foreboding 37 It makes cents March day C ROW E R O U N D E D E 40 Easy pace 31 Fresh-mouthed C A T N A P T E A L 41 Rested on one' s 34 Artistic style of A B A N A T S NO F A T laurels the Empire State B B L S T R A N SC R I B E 42 Parking facility Building L I E U H O L Y T E R R O R 43 Lines of pews 35 Hoped-for E T R E S P E E D D E MO N 44 Painter of Christmas 10/08/1 2 xwordeditor@aol/corn ballerinas weather 48 California's 1 2 3 4 10 1 1 12 13 5 6 7 8 9 Mesa 14 15 16 50 "Just thought!" 17 18 19 52 Wagon wheel
groove 53 It makes scents 58 Boyfriend 59 Threescore 60 Gl sought by MPs 61 Uneaten morsels 62 They' re blue when they' re fair 63 Inca territory 64 Hissed "Hey!" 65 Fashionably dated 66 Periods in history
4 Info 5 Sings like Ella Fitzgerald
33 37
29 3 0 34
49 53
DOWN 58 1 Popular tourist destinations 61 2 Caution earnestly 64 3 Highest point in a satellite's orbit By Dave Sarpola
50 54 5 5
45 4 6
52 57
(c)2(112 Tribune Media Services, Inc.
10/08/1 2
Continued from C1 My journey began at 6:55 a.m. at Kings Beach, Calif., elevation 6,000 feet, on Lake Tahoe's north shore. The 85 kilowatt-hour battery pack, which h a s a n EP A - r ated range of 265 miles, was only t hree-quarters full w h e n I left, but the Model S had no trouble with the 100 miles, much of it downhill, to the first charger in Folsom, Calif. When I arrived, the battery pack still held 40 percent of its capacity. At 9:25 a.m. in Folsom, I pulled the Model S close to the pedestal that carries the charging cable, which is only 4 feet long to ensure that it never falls to the ground and gets run over. The Supercharger itself, about the size and shape of a small refrigerator, sits 30 f eet away. Plugging in w a s as easy as charging at home and simpler than using a gas
0 e ra
Bradley Barman/ The New York Times
On the Model S, the fast A Tesla Supercharger station in Lebec, Calif„ is the first Tesla location to incorporate solar panels. charger connects to a port hid den behind a door in the driv er-side taillight — the same Model S. To build the Super next station 115 miles away, I have cut my travel time by one one used for lower-power refu charger, the company strings made up time by flying along hour. In my electric test car, if I eling at home. together 12 of the same units, with I n terstate 5's s peedy had eatenmy lunch on the go, which were designed from the traffic. the duration would have been Location, location beginning as building blocks. At 4:30 p.m., at the Lebec much the same. "It's good modular engi station — the first Tesla sta Amenities near the Folsom The transition from a day charger, as with other Tesla neering," Straubel said. "We tion to incorporate solar pan on the open road to an evening network locations, were not configured all th e circuitry, els — I was content to add 117 in Los Angeles, where a cer an obvious match for the auto the power and the communi miles of range in 25 minutes. emony to introduce the Super maker's upscale demographic. cations so we can just stack I escaped the 104-degree day charger concept to a crowd of Tesla identified places close to them up." by ducking into the adjacent Tesla fans, was jarring. chain restaurants, restrooms, E ach Supercharger c a n Yogurtland; the heat had no After delivering a stilted, ad Wi-Fi and motels. serve two cars, and most lo effect on the Model S' liquid libbed speech, Elon Musk, Tes Twenty-two minutes after cations will have three units. cooled battery pack and its la's chief executive, dropped plugging in, the charger had With solar p anels planned ability to take the charge, ac the curtain from a g lowing 40-foot object, apparently a restored 100 miles of range in for many locations, operating cording to Tesla. the Model S. It took another costsare expected to remain charging l ocation r o adside Final destination 20 minutes to add the next low, perhaps explaining the sign. I didn't see anything like 50 miles because the rate of free recharges. The final ru n t o T e sla's it on my trip. Let's hope that the cheap charging tapers down as the My lunch stop at H a r r is Southern California design battery fills. Think of it as elec Ranch, a haciendalike restau center in Hawthorne was un theatrics will fade, to be re trons having more difficulty rant, added 153 miles of range eventful. I arrived at 6:30 p.m., placed by a m o r e r e alistic squeezing into an increasingly before my burger even arrived. almost 12 hours after leaving image: thousands of EV own crowded space. So I cleared the charging spot Tahoe. The Supercharger con ers on electric road trips, tra Another five m i nutes of for another Model S, a Tesla cept worked. versing Interstate highways, charging brought the estimat c ompany vehicle t hat h a d Driving a gas-powered car eating at highway fast-food ed range to 254 miles, enough joined the trip, and returned to averaging 60 mph, stopping restaurants an d e x p erienc to make it to the next stop, lunch. With way more energy one hour for lunch and twice ing the open road like other Coalinga. T esla e n g ineers than I would need to reach the for 15-minute rest stops, would Americans. advised holding my speed to 70 mph just to make sure. No restrictions were placed on air HIGH DESERT BANK conditioner use, though. The Supercharger is clever • I ' in its construction. It starts HOME INTERIORS a aaa aaaa 70 SW Century Dr. Sulte145 Bend, OR 97702 with th e s am e 10-kilowatt li 541-322-7337 I II • • l- • www.complementshome.corn charger that is onboard every n •I
"miles-per-gallon energy rat ing" for homes. Continued from C1 Up until this summer, he Mark LaLiberte, a home said, energy p erformance building consultant and part scores were only available for ner in Construction Instruc new homes. Now, he said, ex tion Inc., an iPhone app with isting homes can be scored. information on construction An energy performance topics and products, has been score is based on a computer scheduled as th e k eynote model that calculates how speaker. LaLiberte said he much energy a home uses, wants participants to know he said. The software allows they can do better and expect homeowners to compare the more when it comes to their energy savings and overall homes. costs of d ifferent upgrade "(Green) homes sell faster options, such as types of win and for more money, as well dows, insulation or heating as use less energy and are systems. healthier," he said. Randall Marchington, me Building energy efficient chanical estimator for Bend homes is the right thing for Heating 8 Sheet Metal Inc., our families, the country' s will discuss ductless heating economy and theplanet,he — a way to heat homes that said. But the challenge is to lack ducts or heat specific select the right products that rooms. provide air quality, durability Bend Heating 8 S h e et and efficiency. Metal installs ductless, along "It's OK to ask for a house with ground-source heat sys that is up and beyond mini tems, he said, depending on mum code," he said. which is better for the home. "We are looking at what LaLiberte said good old fashioned economic princi is going to fit that home and ple suggest investing more in homeowner best as far as items that will save mainte comfort, indoor air quality, nance and operation costs in longevity, energy efficiency the short-term, and provide a and budget," he said. better return on investment Ductless heat pump sys in the long term. tems can be up to 65 percent "It's not only being cool more efficient t han e l ec and green, it's smart econom tric heating, like baseboard ics for all of us," he said. heaters, he said. With the Homeowners, contractors current incentives, he said, and others can take advan ductless can also be less ex tage of a great opportunity by pensive than other methods improving energy efficiency like ground-source heating, in existing homes, not just which canbe challenging and building new ones, he said. expensive to install in Central Gauging the energy effi Oregon's rocky terrain. "By taking care of yourself ciency of existing homes will be the topic for Matt Douglas, and your own bills, it's also green building consultant of taking care of the energy cri Earth Advantage Institute. sis," he said. "This crisis isn' t He is scheduled to discuss here today, but it's coming." energy performance scores, — Reporter: 541-817-7818, what the institute calls a rreesC<bendbulletin.corn
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Scoreboard, D2
Golf, D3
NFL, D4, D5
Motor sports, D3
Cycling Central, D6
© www.bendbulletin.corn/sports
Bend runners shine in Portland PORTLAND — Cen tral Oregon runners were among the top fin ishers — and two Bend runners were division winners — at the 2012 Portland Marathon. The overall winner of Sunday's 41st annual race, which started and finished in downtown Portland, was 28-year old Jameson Mora, of Arroyo Grande, Calif., whose time over the 26.2-mile course was 2 hours, 21 minutes, 9 seconds. Winner of the women's division was Colleen Little, 29 and of Lake Oswego, in 2:51:35. Among division win ners in the field of some 9,500 marathon entries were Bend's T-Roy Brown and Karla Nash. Brown, 19, was first in the men's 14-19 divi sion (and the 32nd fin isher overall) in 2:52:09. Nash, 46, placed first in the women's 45-49 divi
sion (and 23rd among
in 3:16:59, andKate
Bend woman runs well in Chicago Bend resident Renee Metivier Baillie took eighth place among women in the Chicago Marathon on Sunday and turned in one of the quickest performances ever by an American woman debuting at the distance. Metivier Baillie, 30, covered the 26.2-mile course in 2 hours, 27 minutes, 17 seconds, also finishing as the top American woman in the race, won by Atsede Baysa of Ethiopia in 2:22:03. Baysa narrowly defeated runner-up Rita Jeptoo, finishing just 1 second in front of the Kenyan. Tsegaye Kebede provided Ethiopia with a sweep of the titles, winning the men' s race in 2:04:38, 14 seconds in front of fel low countryman Feyisa Lilesa. Portland resident Dathan Ritzenhein ran
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s earn
Photos byJoe Kllne/ The Bulletin
A selection of bike helmets, clockwise from front: Giro Hex (mountain bike), $90; Giro Surface (skate-style), $60; Giro Advantage 2 (aero helmet), $165; Giro Feature (mountain bike), $75; Lazer Genisis (road), $175.
• Finding the right cycling helmetto fit your headandyour riding discipline AMANDA MILES t is a common sight these days, especially in bike-happy Central Oregon. The bicycle helmet. In fact, it is difficult, at least in Bend, to go more than a day with out seeing a cyclist and, usually by extension, a bicycle helmet — a piece of safety gear that well could prevent serious injury in case of an incident in which the head would otherwise meet ground or another hard object. "If you fall off your bike and you hit your head, those head injuries may never heal," noted Brad Boyd, owner of the Furosports bicycle shop in Sisters. eYou may never be the same again." By Oregon law, helmets must be worn by children age 15 and younger riding or being carried as a passenger on a bicycle. While hel mets are optional for riders 16 and older, many adult riders opt to wear them. But a helmet will do little good if it does not fit properly or if has lost effectiveness due to aging or dam age. So it might be time, especially if it has been a while, to give that brain bucket a close examination or consider purchasing a new one. Helmets come in numerous styles, sizes and colors, and they tend to differ based on the cycling disci
(2:25:53), DeenaKastor (2:26:58), Amy Hastings (2:27:03) and Maria Runyan (2:27:10). More than 37,000 participants completed this year' s Chicago Marathon, and Metivier Baillie finished 59th overall. — Bulletin staff report
NFL Brees breaks Unitas' record QB throws a touchdown pass in his 48th straight game and helps the Saints beat the Chargers, Roundup,05 • Scoreboard,04
ith three weeks remaining in the regular season, the state playoff picture is starting to become a little less fuzzy for area high school football teams. In Class 5A, Redmond High, which at 6-0 is one of only three 5A teams still un defeated this year, is trying to make the state postseason for the first time since 2007 and is a virtual lock to at least com pete in a play-in game. The Panthers enter this week' s home game againstBend High sitting No. 2 in the Or egon School Activities Associ ation's football rankings. At the 5A level, the top eight teams at the end of the regular season receive automatic byes into the state playoffs. Teams ranked No. 9 through No. 24 will be paired up in play-in games — No. 24 at No. 9, No. 23 at No. 10, for example — with the eight winners ad vancing to the OSAA's state playoff bracket. Following this week's game against Bend, Redmond ends the regular season with road games at Mountain View (3-3) and Portland's Roosevelt High
(4-2). Mark Campbell, manager of Pine Mountain Sports in Bend, demonstrates that a rider should be able to put two fingers between the bottom of the chin and the chin strap.
opt for a skate-style helmet that somewhat resembles an equestrian helmet. Many BMX riders opt for For information on bicycle full-face-style lids that r esemble helmet safety standards in the motorcycle helmets. And while that United States, see the websites aero helmet, with it s d istinctive of the Consumer Product Safety asymmetrical teardrop shape may Commission (, the Snell look cool, it is not practical to wear Memorial Foundation ( except by time trialists and triath home) and the Bicycle Helmet letes who spend a lot of time riding Safety Institute ( in an aerodynamic position. Even though some mountain bike and road helmets may appear simi pline: Mountain bike helmets may lar, especially if that visor comes off, come with a (sometimes removable) cyclists who ride both disciplines visor, for example. Commuters, rec may want to consider owning both reational riders and cyclists who do types of helmets. lots of jumping on their bikes may SeeHelmet/D6
More info
The Cougars, who are com ing off a convincing 55-14 road victory over Pendleton, also look likely to advance to the play-in round and could possibly earn a bye into the state playoffs if they continue to win. Currently ranked 14th in 5A, Mountain View is at Summit this Friday before playing Redmond and Bend on the road in the final two weeks of the season. The Lava Bears (2-4), ranked 17th this week, would go on the road for a play-in game if the season ended today. But with tough tests ahead against Redmond and Mountain View, a postseason bid is no cinch. SeePlayoff/D4
See additional photos from the week in prep sports on The Bulletin's website:
ben dbulletin.corn/preppics
2:07:47 andwasthet op American finisher in ninth place. Metivier Baillie's time ranks as the fifth-fastest by an American woman in her marathon debut, behind Kara Goucher
in the o t p 100 in their
Odneal, 33, who was 96th in 3:28:53. — Bulletin staff report
ao races
all women) in 3:15:01. A total of seven Cen tral Oregon runners, all from Bend, finished respective gender divi sions. In addition to Brown on the men' s side, those finishers includedMike Condon, 25, who was 25th with a time of 2:49:47; Rob Hollander, 37, who was 40th in 2:55:02; and Rick Stilson, 36, who placed 57th in 2:57:43. Along with Nash on the women's side, top 100 finishers included Bend's Charmion Frei feld, 36, who was 26th
Yankeespull awaylate, beat Orioles By David Ginsburg The Associated Press
BALTIMORE — CC Sabathia, Russell Martin • Reds, Tigers, Nationals all get division series victories and the New York Yankees crashed a party that on Sunday,03 was 15 years in the making. Martin led off the ninth inning with a tie breaking home run off Jim Johnson, Sabathia With the score 2-all, Martin drove a 2-0 pitch turned in a sparkling pitching performance and from Johnson into the left-field seats. It was the the Yankees beat the Baltimore Orioles 7-2 Sun first of four straight hits off Johnson, who led day night in the opener of their AL divisional the majors with 51 saves. Raul Ibanez and Derek series. Jeter followed with singles, Ichiro Suzuki drove Sabathia allowed two runs and eight hits in in a run with a swinging bunt and one out later, 8 '/s innings to help the Yankees take the edge off Robinson Cano hit a two-run double. the Orioles' first home playoff game since 1997. In his seven prior appearances against New The husky left-hander went 0-2 in three starts York, Johnson allowed one run in seven innings against Baltimore during the regular season, but and had three saves. Nick Swisher capped the in this one he returned to form and improved his five-run ninth with a sacrifice fly off Tommy lifetime record against the Orioles to 17-4. Hunter. "It's tough. It's just tough going, period," Ori "Fastball command was good, worked off oles manager Buck Showalter said. "Jimmy has that," Sabathia said. "Throwing the ball pretty good getting the corners. Tried to stay out there been great for us all year and will be again. To and make some pitches." night just wasn't his night." Sabathia is 6-1 with the Yankees in the post Game 2 will be played tonight. season, 4-0 in the division series. SeeYankees /D4
if yt~,~ j /
Patrick Semansky /The Associated Press
New York Yankees' Derek Jeter, right, congratulates team mate Russell Martin after Martin hit a solo home run in the ninth inning of Game 1 of the American League division baseball series against Baltimore on Sunday in Baltimore. New York won 7-2.
COREBOARD ON DECK Today Volleyball: Elmira at LaPine, 6:45 p.m.; Madrasat Estacada,6p.m.; Du(verat Santiam,6p.m. Boyssoccer:MadrasatEstacada,6p.m. Girls soccer: Estacada at Madras, 430pm.
Cross-country: La Pinehosts the LaPine Invite, TBA Volleyball: Redmondat Summit, 6:30 p.m.; Bend at Ridgeview,6:30 p.m.; MountainViewat Crook County, 6:30p.m.;SweetHomeatSisters, 7 p.m.; Trinity LutheranatGilchrist, 4 p.m.; CentralChris tian atSouthWascoCounty, 5:30p.m. Boys soccer: CentralChristianat Riverside, 4p.m.; Elmira at Sisters, 4:30 p.m.; Crook County at Mountain View,4:30 p.m.; Summit at Redmond, 4:30p.m.;Ridgeview atBend,4:30 p.m.;La Pine at SweetHome,4:30p.m. Girls soccer: Ridgeview at Bend, 3 p.m.; Elmiraat Sisters,4:30p.m.; CrookCountyat MountainView, 3p.m.; Summiat t Redmond, 3p.m.; SweetHome at La Pine,4:30 p.m.
Wednesday VoHeybaH:GladstoneatMadras,6pm.;Kennedyat Du(ver,6 p.m.;Junction Cityat LaPine,6:45 p.m. Thursday Football: La Salleat Madras,7p.m.; Sisters atElmi ra, 7 p.m.; LaPineat Sweet Home, 7p.m.; Central Linn atDu(ver,7p.m. Volleyball: Burnsat Ridgeview,6:30 p.m. Boys soccer: Summiatt Ridgeview,4:30p.m.; Crook County at Bend, 4:30 p.m.; Mountain View at Redmond,4:30p.m. Girls soccer: Summit atRidgeview,3 p.m.; Crook County at Bend, 3 p.m.; Mountain View at Redmond,3p.m.
NewMexicoat Hawaii, 8:59 p.m.
Polls The APTop25 The Top25teamsin TheAssociated Presscollege football poll, with first placevotesin parentheses,re cords throughOct. 6,total points basedon 25points fora first placevotethrough onepoint fora 25th place vote, andpreviousranking: Record P t s Pv 1. Alabama(60) 50 1,50 0 I 2. Oregon 60 1, 43 5 2 3. SouthCarolina 60 1,3 5 9 6 4. Florida 50 1, 26 5 10 5. WestVirginia 50 1, 26 0 8 6. KansasSt. 50 1,2 1 7 7 7. NotreDame 50 11 7 6 9 8. Ohio St. 60 1, 05 3 12 9. LSU 51 938 4 10. Oregon St. 40 873 14 11. SouthernCal 4 I 812 13 12. FloridaSt. 5I 800 3 13. Oklahoma 3I 756 17 14. Georgia 5I 733 5 15. Texas 4I 711 11 16. Clemson 5I 657 15 I 7. Stanford 4I 587 18 18. Louisville 50 494 19 19. MississippiSt. 5 0 450 20 20. Rutgers 50 331 22 21. Cincinnati 40 205 NR 22. TexasASM 4I 153 NR 23. LouisianaTech 5 0 129 NR 24. BoiseSt. 4I 114 NR 25. Michigan 32 82 NR Othersreceivingvotes:Ohio79,Bay(or62, iowaSt. 54, TCU50, MichiganSt. 49, ArizonaSt. 39, Wash ington 39, NCState 17,Nebraska5, Arizona4, Duke 3, Tennessee3, TexasTech2, Tulsa2, Northwestern I, PennSt. l.
USA TodayTop25 Poll Football: Bend atRedmond, 7 p.m.; Mountain View The USA TodayTop25football coaches poll, with at Summit, 7 p.m.;Crook Countyat Ridgeview, 7 first place votes in parentheses, records through Oct. 6, total pointsbasedon 25 points for first place p.m.; Gilchrist atNorthLake,2p.m. Volleyball: Gilchrist at NorthLake, 5p.m.; Triadat throughonepoint for25th, andprevious ranking: Trinity Lutheran,5p.m. R ecord P t s Pv s 1. Alabama(58) 50 1,4 7 4 I Saturday 2. Oregon (I) 60 1 , 41 1 2 Cross-country: Bend,MountainView,Crook County, 3. SouthCarolina 60 1,3 4 5 6 Redmond, Sisters at the Concordia/Adidas XC 4. WestVirginia 50 1 , 296 7 Classic in PorHand,2p.m.; Madras,Ridgeviewat 5. KansasState 50 1 , 216 8 the RocknRiver Invitational in PleasantHill, TBA 6. Florida 50 1 , 165 11 Boys soccer: Riverside at Du(ver, I p.m.; North 7. NotreDame 50 1 , 152 10 Clackamas Christian at Central Christian, I p.m. B.LSU 51 961 3 9. Southern Cal i f ornia 4 I 940 12 VoHeybaH:Summit, Bend,Mountain View,Redmond, Crook Countyatthe Clearwater Classic in Bend,8 10. Oklahoma 3I 872 14 5I 819 4 a.m.; Madras atSeasidetourney, 10 a.m.; Butte 11. FloridaState Falls atGilchrist, noon;TrinityLutheranat Hosanna 12. Georgia 51 761 5 13. Cl e mson 5 1 75 9 15 Christian, 3:30p.m. 14. Oregon State 40 691 17 15. Texas 41 663 9 FOOTBALL 16. Louisville 50 628 16 17. Stanford 4I 577 18 18. MississippiState 5 0 558 19 College 19. Rutgers 50 410 21 Schedule 20. Cincinnati 40 365 23 AH Times POT 21. TexasASM 4I 208 NR (Subject to change) 22. BoiseState 4I 197 25 Thursday's Games 23. TCU 4I 194 13 SOUTH 24.LouisianaTech 5 0 131 NR W. Ke ntuckyatTroy,4:30p.m. 25. IowaState 4I 73 NR SOUTHWEST Others receiving votes: ArizonaState 61; Bay(or UT P Eat Tulsa, 5p.m. 52; Michigan 33; Northwestern31; Michigan State FAR WEST 27;Ohio 23; Nebraska18; TexasTech 11; Duke10; Colorado,6p.m. Wisconsin 8;WesternKentucky 7;Louisiana Lafayette 6; NorthCarolinaState 6;OklahomaState 5; SanJose Friday's Game State 4;Louisiana Monroe3;Nevada2;Toledo2. MIDWEST
Navy atCent.Michigan,5p.m.
Saturday's Games EAST Louisville atPittsburgh, 8a.m. Kent St. atArmy,9 a.m. Duquesne at CCSU, 9a.m. Butler atMarist, 9a.m. Richmond atNew Hampshire,9a.m. Brown atPrinceton, 9a.m. Syracuse at Rutgers, 9a.m. Lafayetteat Yale,9 a.m. Monmouth(NJ) at Cornell, 9:30a.m. St. Francis(Pa.)at Albany(NY), 10a.m. RobertMorris atBryant, 10a.m. Holy Crossat Colgate, 10a.m. Lehigh atGeorgetown, 10a.m. Columbiaat Penn,10a.m. RhodeIsland, 10a.m. TempleatUConn, 10a.m.
SacredHeart at Dartmouth, 10:30a.m.
BuckneR atHarvard, 12:30p.m. Maine atTowson,4 p.m. SOUTH Auburn atMississippi, 9:21a.m. Duke atVirginiaTech,9:30a.m. Jacksonville atDavidson,10a.m. Norfolk St. atHampton, 10a.m. NC Centralat MorganSt., 10 a.m. SMU atTulane,10a.m. VMI atCharlestonSouthern, 10:30a.m. SC StateatDelawareSt., 10:30a.m. ChattanoogaatFurman, 10:30a.m. HowardatNCAST, 10:30 a.m. A(cornSt. atAlabamaASM, 11a.m. JacksonSt.atAlabamaSt., 11a.m. Liberty atPresbyterian, 11a.m. W. Carolinaat TheCitadel, 11a.m. North Carolinaat Miami, 11:30a.m. Austi nPeayatE.Kentucky,noon MVSU,noon Appalachian Samford, noon MarylandatVirginia, noon Stony Brookat CoastalCarolina, 12:30p.m. William 8 MaryatJamesMadison,12:30 p.m. ViRanova at OldDominion, 12:30p.m. UT Martin atMurraySt., I p.m. SELouisiana, I p.m. Memphis atEastCarolina, I:30 p.m. BostonCollegeatFlorida St., 2:30p.m. Middle Tennessee at FIU,3 p.m. SavannahSt. atFlorida ASM,3p.m. Mid AmNazareneat Gardner Webb, 3p.m. Wofford atGeorgiaSouthern, 3p.m. Florida atVanderbilt, 3 p.m. TexasSouthernat SouthernU., 3:30p.m. NichoRsSt., 4p.m. South CarolinaatLSU,5 p.m. FAU atLouisianaMonroe,5p.m. Cent. Arkansas at McNeeseSt., 5p.m. SouthernMiss. atUCF , 5p.m. Tennessee atMississippi St., 6p.m. TexasASM vs.Louisiana Tech atShreveport,La., 6:15 p.m. MIDWEST iowaSt., 9a.m. iowa atMichiganSt., 9a.m. Northwesternat Minnesota,9a.m. Wisconsin atPurdue,9a.m. MoreheadSt. at Dayton, 10a.m. Toledoat E.Michigan, 10a.m. Youngstown Rlinois St., 11a.m. South Dakota at Missouri St., 11a.m. Akron atOhio, 11a.m. Drakeat Valparaiso, 11a.m. Jacksonville E.Illinois, 11:30a.m. W. Michigan at Ball St.,noon N. Iowa at S.Illinois, noon Miami (Ohioat ) BowlingGreen,12:30p.m. Oklahoma St.atKansas,12:30p.m. Rlinois atMichigan,12:30p.m. Alabama atMissouri, 12:30 p.m. Buffalo at N.Illinois, 12:30 p.m. Stanford atNotreDame,12:30 p.m. N. ArizonaatNorth Dakota, I p.m. N.Dakota St., I:07 p.m. Fordham at Cincinnati, 4 p.m. W. Illinois at S.DakotaSt., 4 p.m. Tennessee St. atSEMissouri, 4 p.m. Ohio St. atIndiana,5p.m. SOUTHWEST UAB atHouston,9 a.m. Texasvs.OklahomaatDallas,9a.m. UTSA at Rice, 12:30p.m. West Virginia atTexasTech, 12:30 p.m. McMurry atLamar, 5p.m. KentuckyatArkansas,4p.m. South Alabama atArkansas St., 4p.m. TCU atBay(or,4 p.m. Idaho atTexasSt., 4p.m. FAR WEST Utah atUCLA,noon Nevadaat UNLV,noon BYU,12:30p.m. BoiseSt., 12:30p.m. S. Utahat Montana,12:30p.m. E. WashingtonatMontanaSt., 12:35p.m. Utah SanJoseSt., I p.m. Campbell atSanDiego, 2p.m. UC DavisatIdahoSt., 3 p.m. ColoradoSt. atSanDiegoSt., 3:30p.m. SouthernCalatWashington, 4 p.m. Air ForceatWyoming, 4p.m. N. Colorado at Cal Poly, 6:05p.m. SacramentoSt., 6:05p.m. California atWashingtonSt., 7:30p.m.
Harris Top25 The Top25teamsin the Harris InteractiveCollege Football Poll, with first place votes in parentheses, recordsthroughOct. 6,total points basedon25points
fora first placevotethrough onepoint fora 25th place vote andprevious ranking: Record P t s Pv 1 . Alabama (108) 2. Oregon(5) 3 . SouthCarolina 4. WestVirginia 5. KansasState 6. Florida 7. NotreDame
50 2,8 2 0 6 0 2 , 706 60 2,5 6 5 5 0 2 , 376 5 0 2 , 355 5 0 2 3 05 5 0 2 2 10 8. LSU 5 I 1 , 9 01 9. FloridaState 5 I 1 , 736 10. USC 4 I I 634 11. Georgia 5 I 15 3 2 12. Oregon State 4 0 1 , 516 13. Oklahoma 3 I 1 , 428 14. Clemson 5 I 14 1 0 15. Texas 4I 12 8 7 16. Stanford 4 I 1 , 266 17. MississippiState 5 0 1, 0 93 18. Louisville 5 0 1 0 88 19. Rutgers 50 785 20. Cincinnati 40 552 21. TCU 4I 384 22. BoiseState 41 335 23. TexasASM 4I 291 24. LouisianaTech 5 0 147 25. IowaState 4I 129 Other teams receiving votes:Bay(or 126;Michigan State 121;Ohio 108;Arizona State99; Nebraska75; Michigan 67;Northwestern42; Wisconsin 42; Texas Tech 39; NC State 33; OklahomaState 31; Duke21; UCLA 16;Nevada13; Washington 12; California 6; WesternKentucky5; FresnoState4; Tulsa4; Tennes see 3; Arizona2; LouisianaMonroe2; Virginia Tech 2; Toledo1.
Betting line NFL
(Home teams in Caps) Favorite Opening Current Underdog Today Texans
PostseasonGlance AH Times POT OIVISIONSERIES
(Best-of-5; x-if necessary) American League
Detroit 2, Oakland 0 Saturday,Oct.6: Detroit 3,OaklandI Sunday,Oct.7:Detroit 5,Oakland4 Tuesday,Oct.9:Detroit (Sanchez46) at Oakland (An derson 42),6:07p.m.(TBS) x Wednesday,Oct.10:Detroit (Scherzer16 7)atOak land, TBD (TBSor MLB) x Thursday,Oct. 11: Detroit (Verlander 178) at Oak land, TBD (TBS) New york1, Baltimore 0 Sunday,Oct. 7:NewYork7, Baltimore 2 Today,Oct. 8: NewYork (Pettitte 5 4) at Baltimore (Chen 1211), 5:07p.m.(TBS) Wednesday,Oct. 10: Baltimoreat NewYork (Kuroda 16 11), TBD(TBSor MLB) x Thursday,Oct. 11: Baltimoreat NewYork (Hughes 16 13),TBD(TBS) x Friday,Oct. 12:Baltimore atNewYork, TBD(TBS)
National League Cincinnati 2, SanFrancisco 0
Saturday,Oct.6: Cincinnati 5, SanFrancisco 2 Sunday,Oct. 7:Cincinnati 9, SanFrancisco 0 Tuesday,Oct. 9: SanFrancisco(Vogelsong 149) at Cincinnati (Latos144), 2:37p.m. (TBS) x Wednesday,Oct. 10: San Francisco at Cincinnati (Bailey 1310),TBD(TBSor MLB) x Thursday,Oct. 11:SanFranciscoat Cincinnati, TBD
Washington 1, St. Louis 0 Sunday,Oct. 7:Washington 3,St. Louis2 Today,Oct. 8:Washington(Zimmermann12 8) at St. Louis (Garcia 77), I:37 p.m.(TBS) Wednesday,Oct. 10: St. Louis at Washington, TBD (TBS orMLB) x Thursday,Oct. 11: St. Louis at Washington, TBD
x Friday,Oct. 12:St. LouisatWashington, TBD(TBS)
Sunday's Boxscores
Nationals 3, Cardinals 2 Washington Werth rf Harper cf Zimmerman3b La Roche lb Morse lf Desmond ss Espinosa2b K.Suzukic G.Gonzalep z a Bernadina ph Stammen p
A BR H 5 0 I 5 0 0 5 0 I 4 I 0 4 I I 4 I 3 3 0 0 3 0 I I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
B I B BSO Avg. 0 0 3 .200 0 0 2 .000 0 0 2 .200 0 I 0 .000 0 0 I . 250 0 0 0 .750 0 0 3 .000 I I I . 333 0 I I . 000 0 I 0 0 0
0 Kontosp 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Nady lf 2 0 0 0 0 I .00 0 0 1.000 Totals 29 0 2 0 3 5 0 Cincinnati 010 300 050 — 9 13 0 0 San Francisco 000 000 000 — 0 2 0 13 a flied outforCozarl in the8th.b flied outfor Mota in the 8th. St.Louis AB R H Bl BB SO Avg. I ran for Ludwick inthe8th. Jay cf 3 0 0 I I I .000 LOB Cincinnati 5, San Francisco 5. 2B Be(tranrf 4 0 I 0 I 0 .250 B.PhiRips 2(2), Bruce(2), Sandoval(I). 3B Stubbs HoRidaylf 3 0 0 0 I 2 .000 (I). HR Ludw ick(1), off Bumgarner. Craig lb 4 0 0 0 0 I .00 0 DP San Franciscol. YMolinac 3 I 0 0 I 0 .000 Freese3b 4 0 2 0 0 0 .50 0 Cincinnati IP H R ER BB SO ERA NP I Chamberspr 0 0 0 0 0 0 Arroyo W, I 0 7 I 0 0 I 4 91 0 .00 Motte p 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hoover I 0 0 0 I I 19 0 . 00 Descalso 2b 2 I 0 0 I I .000 Arredondo I I 0 0 I 0 27 0 . 00 Kozmass 2 0 0 0 I 0 .00 0 San Francisco IP H R ER BB SO NPERA Wainwright p I 0 0 0 I I .000 BumgarnerL,O I 413 7 4 4 I 4 7 2 8.31 Lynn p 0 0 0 0 0 0 Kontos 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 2 0. 0 0 b Schumaker ph I 0 0 0 0 I .00 0 Lincecum 2 I 0 0 0 2 25 0 . 00 Mujicap 0 0 0 0 0 0 Mijares 0 2 3 3 I 0 17 Boggsp 0 0 0 0 0 0 S .CasiRa 13 0 0 0 0 0 5 6.7 5 Rzepczynski p 0 0 0 0 0 0 Mota 23 3 2 2 0 I 14 18.00 e M.Carpenter ph 3bl 0 0 0 0 I .00 0 Rorno I 0 0 0 0 0 14 0 .00 Totals 28 2 3 1 7 8 Mijares pitched to 3 batters in the8th. Washington 01 0 000 020 — 3 8 2 T 3:14. A 43,505 (41,915). St. Louis 020 000 000 — 2 3 1 a walked for G.Gonzalezin the 6th. b struck out for Lynn inthe 6th. c wasannouncedfor Mattheusin the 8th. d singledfor Tracyin the 8th. e struck outfor Rzepczynski inthe8th. PGA Tour I ran for Freese in the8th. Justin Timberlake Shriners Hosp ital
Mattheusp c Tracyph d T.Moore ph Clippardp Storenp Totals
0 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 35 3
0 0 I 0 0 8
0 0 2 0 0 3
0 0 0 0 0 4
E LaRoche (I), Zimmerman (I), Kozma (I). LOB Washington 10, St. Louis 10. SB Jay (I), Be(tran(I). DP Washington2.
for Children Open Las Vegas Sunday At TPCSummerlin Las Vegas Purse: $4.5 million yardage:7,243; Par71 Final Round
Washington IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA G.Gonzale z 5 I 2 2 7 5 11 0 3.60 Stammen I 2 0 0 0 I 24 0.00 M attheusW, I 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 2 0. 0 0 Ryan Moore,$810,000 61 68 65 66 260 ClippardH, I I 0 0 0 0 I 16 0 . 00 BrendondeJonge,$486,000 62 66 66 67 261 StorenS, I I I 0 0 0 0 I 10 0 . 00 JonasBlixt, $306,000 64 64 6670 264 St.Louis IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA JasonDay,$216,000 69 68 6465 266 Wainwright 5 2 3 6 I I 3 1 01001.59 Bill Lunde,$180,000 67 69 6766 269 LynnH,I 1 3 0 0 0 I I 10 0 . 00 Richard H. Lee,$156,375 6 6 68 71 65 270 M ujicaH, I I 0 0 0 0 0 6 0.0 0 Scott Piercy, $156,375 67 6 6 73 64 270 B oggsL,O I H, I 23 I 2 0 0 I 1 1 0 0 0 Adams,$135,000 6 5 70 68 68 271 R zepczynski 1 3 I 0 0 0 I 8 0.0 0 Blake JasonBohn,$135,000 71 6 6 64 70 271 Motte I 0 0 0 0 0 12 0 . 00 Tim Herron,$112,500 63 68 6873 272 Stammen pitchedto 3batters in the7th. Jimmy Walker, $112,500 6 7 66 66 73 272 T 3:40. A 47,078(43,975). Nick Watney, $112,500 66 6 6 71 69 272 BobbyGates,$72,500 70 67 6670 273 Tigers 5, Athletics 4 MathewGoogin,$72,500 68 69 7066 273 John Huh,$72,500 63 69 7269 273 68 67 6672 273 Oakland AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Colt Knost,$72,500 Crisp cf 5 0 I 0 0 I . 2 2 2 Russell Knox, $72,500 66 6 7 68 72 273 Drewss 5 0 I 0 0 I . 2 2 2 Jeff Overton,$72,500 70 66 6869 273 Cespedeslf 5 I 2 I 0 0 . 3 75 Heath Slocum,$72,500 6 767 74 65 273 Moss lb 3 0 I 0 0 I .1 4 3 Brendan Steele, $72,500 6 9 67 70 67 273 Thompson,$72,500 70 6668 69 273 Reddickrf 4 I I I 0 3 . 1 43 Michael Donaldson3b 3 0 I 0 I 0 . 1 43 Angel Cabrera, $39,488 6 870 67 69 274 S.Smith dh 2 I 0 0 I 0 . 0 00 Bob Estes,$39,488 69 68 6869 274 Kottarasc 2 0 0 0 0 2 . 0 00 Robert Garrigus,$39,488 6 6 68 73 67 274 c D.Norris phc I 0 0 0 0 I . 0 0 0 John Ma(linger, $39,488 7 0 65 72 67 274 Pennington2b 3 I 2 I I 0 . 6 00 Kevin Na,$39,488 68 66 7070 274 Totals 33 4 9 3 3 9 Patrick Reed, $39,488 65 69 7070 274 Kevin Stree(man, $39,488 68 67 68 71 274 Detroit AB R H Bl BB SO Avg. Josh Teater,$39,488 70 65 6772 274 A.Jacksoncf 5 I I 0 0 2 .222 David Hearn, $29,250 68 70 6968 275 Infante2b 5 2 2 0 0 I .37 5 Kevin Stadle$29,250 r, 66 6 8 72 69 275 M i.Cabrera 3b 5 I 3 0 0 0 .37 5 Camilo ViRegas,$29,250 70 66 68 71 275 Fielder lb 4 0 I 0 I I .125 RickyBarnes,$25,425 68 6 9 70 69 276 D.Youngdh 4 0 I I 0 0 .167 Justin Leonard, $25,425 6 4 69 71 72 276 I D.KeRyprdh 0 I 0 I 0 0 Chris Riley,$25,425 68 70 6969 276 Jh.Peralta ss 4 0 2 0 0 I .286 StewartDink,$18,923 68 69 6872 277 2Worth prss 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ken Duke, $18,923 66 68 6875 277 Dirkslf rf 3 0 I 0 0 2 .33 3 Chris Kirk,$18,923 64 68 7174 277 A.Garcia rf 2 0 0 0 I I .000 EdwardLoar,$18,923 67 68 7072 277 a Berry ph lf I 0 0 0 0 I .500 GeorgeMcNeiR,$18,923 7 0 68 72 67 277 G.Laird c 2 0 0 0 0 I .00 0 John Merrick, $18,923 69 6 7 72 69 277 bAvilaph c I 0 0 0 0 I .500 Andres Romero,$18,923 6 8 66 72 71 277 Totals 3 8 5 11 2 2 1 1 Vijay Singh,$18,923 66 66 7174 277 Oakland 001 000 120 — 4 9 1 Daniel Summerhays,$18,923 6863 72 74 277 Detroit 001 000 211 — 5 11 0 Steve Wheatcroft, $18,923 69 69 71 68 277 Twooutswhenwinning runscored. Tommy Biershenk,$11,858 68 70 70 70 278 a struckoutforA.Garcia inthe8th.b struck outfor Scott Brown,$11,858 69 67 7270 278 G.Laird inthe8th. c struck outfor Kottarasinthe 9th. Daniel Chopra, $11,858 6 8 67 73 70 278 I ran for D.Younginthe 8th. 2 ran for Jh.Peralta Nathan Green,$11,858 68 68 74 68 278 in the 8th. David Mathis, $11,858 68 6 8 72 70 278 E Crisp (I). LOB Oakland 8, Detroit 10. RyanPalmer,$11,858 67 70 6675 278 2B Mi.Cabrera2(2). HR Reddick(1), off Benoit. Mare Turnesa, $11,858 70 68 70 70 278 SB Cespedes 2(2). Jhonattan Vegas,$11,858 68 68 69 73 278 DP Detroit 1. Chad Campbell, $10,305 7 3 65 74 67 279 Robert Karlsson,$10,305 6 9 68 70 72 279 Oakland IP H R ER BB80 NP ERA Billy Mayfair,$10,305 70 66 7271 279 Milone 6 5 I I I 6 100 1.50 VaughnTaylor,$10,305 6 572 70 72 279 D oolittle BS, I I I 2 2 0 0 2 24 0.00 J.J. KiReen,$10,035 66 68 7571 280 R.CookBS, I I I 2 I I 0 2 23 9.00 SeanO'Hair,$10,035 67 70 7172 280 71 66 7371 281 B alfourL,O I 2 3 2 I I I I 18 13.50 Harris English,$9,900 70 68 7173 282 Detroit IP H R ER BB80 NP ERA Will Claxton,$9,720 Fister 7 6 2 2 2 8 107 2.57 Erik Compton, $9,720 66 71 7570 282 Benoit BS, I I I 2 2 2 0 0 24 9.00 TroyKelly,$9,720 68 70 7074 282 Matt Bettencourl,$9,495 6 8 70 7372 283 Coke 23 I 0 0 I I 20 0.00 70 67 7373 283 Alburqurqe W, I 01 3 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 J.B. Holmes,$9,495 Roberlo Castro,$9,315 69 66 71 78 284 T 3:28. A 40,684 (41255). Davis Love RI,$9,315 68 67 7376 284 Gary Christian,$9,135 68 6 8 76 73 285 Yankees 7, Orioles 2 RodPampling,$9,135 70 68 7275 285 HunterHamrick,$9,000 6 9 69 77 71 286 New york AB R H BI BB SO Avg. John Daly,$8,910 69 63 8677 295 Jeter ss 4 2 2 0 0 I . 5 00 I.Suzuki lf rf 5 I 2 2 0 2 . 4 00 AI.Rodriguez 3b 4 I 0 0 I 3 . 0 00 Champion s Tour Cano2b 5 I I 2 0 0 . 2 00 SAS Championship Swisherrf 2 0 I I 2 I . 5 00 Sunday Gardnerlf 0 0 0 0 0 0 At Preetonwood Country Club Teixeira I b 4 0 2 I I 0 . 5 00 Cary, N.C. Grandersoncf 3 0 0 0 I I .0 0 0 Purse: 82.1million R.Marlin c 3 I I I I 0 . 3 33 Yardage: 7,212; Par 72 Ibanezdh 3 0 I 0 I I .3 3 3 Final Round I E.Nunezpr dh 0 I 0 0 0 0 BernhardLanger(315), $315,000 68 72 63 203 Totals 33 7 10 7 7 9 Jay DonBlake(185), $184,800 67 70 68 205 (151), $151,200 69 69 68 206 Baltimore AB R H B l BB SO Avg. Mark Wiebe Tomm y Arm our I(I(112),$112,350 71 70 66 207 McLouth lf 4 0 I 2 0 I .250 FredFunk(112), $112,350 67 69 71 207 Hardyss 4 0 I 0 0 0 .25 0 AndrewMagee(71), $71,400 67 70 71 208 Ad.Jonescf 4 0 0 0 0 I .000 (71), $71,400 72 66 70 208 Wieters c 4 0 0 0 0 I .00 0 Larry Nelson Steve Pate (71), $71,400 67 69 72 208 Mar.Reynolds lb 3 0 I 0 I I .333 Kenny Perry (71), $71,400 68 71 69 208 Machado3b 4 0 0 0 0 I .000 John Cook (45), $45,150 72 71 66 209 C.Davis rf 4 I 2 0 0 I .500 John Huston(45),$45,150 71 68 70 209 Ford dh 4 I 2 0 0 0 .50 0 Tom Jenki n s (45), $45,150 69 73 67 209 Andino 2b 2 0 I 0 0 I .500 Mark McNulty(45), $45,150 70 68 71 209 a Flaherlyph I 0 0 0 0 I .000 Mark O'Meara (45), $45,150 69 69 71 209 Totals 34 2 8 2 1 8 GeneSauers(45), $45,150 68 74 67 209 New york 100 100 005 — 7 10 1 Russ Cochran (0), $35,700 66 73 71 210 Baltimore 002 000 000 — 2 8 1 David Eger (0), $32,550 73 70 68 211 astruckoutfor Andinointhe 9th. SteveJones(0), $32,550 73 67 71 211 I ran for Ibanezin the 9th. MichaelAllen(0), $25,375 71 70 71 212 E Jeter (I), Hardy(I). LOB New York8, Balti Joel Edwards (0), $25,375 73 71 68 212 more 7. 2B I.Suzuki (I), Cano(I), Hardy(I), Ford Mike Rei d (0), $25,375 69 70 73 212 (I). HR R.Marlin (I), off Ji.Johnson. Craig Stadle(0), r $25,375 70 70 72 212 DP New Yorkl. 71 72 69 212 DuffyWaldorf(0), $25,375 Willie Wood (0), $25,375 69 74 69 212 N ewyork IP H R E RBB 80 NP ERA Allen Doyl e (0), $17,523 68 75 70 213 SabathiaW, I 0 8238 2 2 I 7 120 2.08 (0), $17,523 73 70 70 213 D .Robertson I 3 0 0 0 0 I 4 00 0 Mike Goodes 70 73 70 213 B altimore IP H R E RBB 80 NP ERA DavidPeoples(0), $17,523 Bill Glasson (0), $17,523 70 69 74 213 H ammel 52 3 4 2 2 4 5 112 3.18 Neal Lancaster (0), $17,523 72 69 72 213 Patton 1 3 I 0 0 2 0 22 0.00 75 69 69 213 O'Day I 0 0 0 0 I 1 3 0.00 SteveLowery(0), $17,523 (0), $17,523 70 75 68 213 Matusz I 0 0 0 I 2 1 5 0.00 Larry Mize Peter Seni o r (0), $1 7, 5 23 72 71 70 213 J ohnsonL,O I 13 5 5 4 0 I 7 108.00 Jeff S (urn a n (0), $17, 5 23 69 73 71 213 T om.Hunter 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 TomByrum(0), $11,466 73 68 73 214 Patton pitchedto2 batters in the 701. Mark Calcavecchia (0), $11,466 71 73 70 214 T 3:31. A 47,841(45,971). RogerChapman(0), $11,466 72 71 71 214 Bob Gilder(0), $11,466 74 68 72 214 Reds 9, Giants 0 GaryHaRberg(0), $11,466 68 71 75 214 WayneLevi(0), $11,466 69 75 70 214 Cincinnati AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Dick Mast(0), $11,466 75 70 69 214 B.PhiRips 2b 5 0 2 I 0 0 .500 LorenRoberts(0), $11,466 69 72 73 214 Cozarl ss 4 0 I 0 0 2 .250 Jim Rut(edge (0), $11,466 72 73 69 214 aW.Valdez ph s s I 0 0 0 0 0 .000 D.A.Weibring(0), $11,466 71 70 73 214 Vot to lb 4 2 3 0 0 I . 429 Chip Beck (0), $7,980 73 70 72 215 Frazier lb 3b I 0 0 0 0 0 .000 BruceFleisher(0), $7,980 70 75 70 215 Ludwick lf 3 2 2 I I 0 .333 Gil Morgan(0), $7,980 74 72 69 215 I Heiseypr lf I I 0 0 0 0 .000 RodSpittle(0), $7,980 72 72 71 215 Brucerf 5 I I 2 0 0 .333 Kirk Triplett (0),$7,980 72 74 69 215 Rolen 3b 3 I I I I 0 .143 Bob Tway(0),$7,980 71 71 73 215 Cairo lb 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 BenBates(0),$6,090 74 70 72 216 Hanigan c 4 I 2 3 0 2 .375 Brad Faxon(0), $6,090 72 72 72 216 Stubbscf 4 I I I 0 0 .250 Jim Thorpe(0), $6,090 72 71 73 216 Arroyop 4 0 0 0 0 2 .000 BobbyClampett(0), $4,935 76 70 71 217 Hooverp 0 0 0 0 0 John Harris(0), $4,935 72 70 75 217 0 Arredondo p 0 0 0 0 0 GeneJones(0), $4,935 72 77 68 217 Totals 39 9 13 9 2 7 BobbyWadkins (0), $4,935 73 72 72 217 Olin Browne(0), $3,780 73 73 72 218 San Francisco AB R H BI BB SO Avg. PeterJacobsen(0), $3,780 71 73 74 218 Pagancf 4 0 0 0 0 0 .111 ChienSoonLu(0), $3,780 70 78 70 218 Scutaro2b 4 0 0 0 0 0 .000 TomPurlzer(0), $3,780 70 72 76 218 Sandoval3b 4 0 I 0 0 0 .222 EduardoRomero(0), $3,780 75 71 72 218 Poseyc 2 0 0 0 2 0 .286 Scott Simpson(0), $3,780 72 72 74 218 Pencerf 4 0 0 0 0 0 .000 FuzzyZoeRer(0), $3,780 74 71 73 218 Belt lb 3 0 I 0 0 I . 200 RickFeh r (0), $2,730 76 73 70 219 G.B(ancolf 2 0 0 0 0 I . 400 Bob Niger(0),$2,730 69 74 76 219 Lincecum p 0 0 0 0 0 73 74 72 219 Dana Q uigley(0),$2,730 Mijaresp 0 0 0 0 0 Jeff Freeman (0), $2,128 74 74 72 220 S.CasiRa p 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hale Irwin(0), $2,128 70 74 76 220 Mota p 0 0 0 0 0 CoreyPavin(0), $2,128 74 72 74 220 b A.Huff ph I 0 0 0 0 .000 SandyLyle(0), $1,848 73 74 74 221 Rorno p 0 0 0 0 0 Mike Hulbert(0), $1,596 72 77 73 222 B.Crawfordss 2 0 0 0 I 0I .000 Curtis Strange (0), $1,596 74 73 75 222 Bumgarner p I 0 0 0 0 I . 000 Stan Utley(0), $1,596 77 74 71 222
Mark Brooks (0), $1,260
Joe Dale(0), y $1,260
David Frost(0), $1,260 Jim Gallagher, Jr. (0), $1,260
DanForsm an (0), $1,050 MikecCuR M ough (0),$966
75 69 79 223 78 75 70 223 71 80 72 223 73 74 76 223 72 80 74 226 74 76 79 229
Eastern Conference W L T x Sporting Kansas City 17 7 8 x Chicago 17 10 5 D.C. 16 10 6 New York 15 9 8 Houston 13 8 11 Columbus 14 11 7 Montreal 12 15 5 Philadelphia 10 15 6 NewEngland 7 17 8 Toronto FC 5 20 7
Pts GF GA 59 40 26 56 45 39 54 49 40 53 54 46 50 45 38 49 40 40 41 45 50 36 35 37 29 37 44 22 35 60
Western Conference W L T Pts GF GA x San Jose 19 6 7 64 69 40 x Rea(Salt Lake 1 7 1 1 4 55 46 35 x Seattle 14 7 10 52 48 31 x Los Angeles 15 12 5 50 56 45 Vancouver 11 12 9 42 35 40 FC Dallas 9 12 11 38 39 42 Colorado 9 19 4 31 40 50 Portland 7 16 9 30 32 55 Chivas USA 7 17 8 29 22 54 NOTE:Threepoints for victory, onepoint for tie. x clinchedplayoffberth
Sunday's Games Columbus I, SportingKansasCity I, tie Chivas USA I, FC DaHas I, tie Seattle FC 3, Portland0
Wednesday's Games
Real Salt Lake at Seattle FC,8 p.m.
Saturday's Games
Montreal atTorontoFC,10:30a.m. Sporting Kansas City at NewYork, 4 p.m. Chicago atNew England 4:30p.m. Philadelphia atHouston, 4:30p.m. Columbusat D.C.United, 4:30 p.m. Colorad oatChivasUSA,7:30 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 21 Los Angelesat SanJose, 4p.m. Portland atVancouver, 4p.m. FC Dallas atSeattle FC,6 p.m.
TENNIS Professional China Open Sunday At The Beijing Tennis Centre Beijing Purse: Men, $2.205 million IWT500);
Women, $4.8 million (Premier) Surface: Hard-Outdoor Singles Men
Finals NovakDjokovic(I), Serbia, def.JoWilfried Tsonga (3), France,76 (4), 62.
Finals VictoriaAzarenka(I), Belarus,def. MariaSharapo va(2), Russia,6 3,6 1.
Japan Open Sunday At Ariake Colosseum Tokyo Purse: $1.41 miHionIWT500) Surface: Hard-Outdoor Singles Championship Kei Nishikori (8), Japan,def. Milos Raonic(6), Canada, 76(5),3 6,6 0.
Shanghai RolexMasters Sunday At QizhongTennis Center Shanghai, China Purse: $5.25 million (Masters 1000) Surface: Hard-Outdoor Singles First Round FernandoVerdasco, Spain, def. GoSoeda, Japan, 62,64.
Philipp Kohlschreiber (16), Germany,def. Ryan Harrison,UnitedStates, 6 4, 6 4. Marlin Klizan, Slovakia, def. ThomazBeRucci, Brazi(,6 3,6 4.
Conference Finals (Best-of-3)
Ix-if necessary)
Eastern Conference Connecticut1, Indiana 0 Friday,Oct.5: Connecticut 76,Indiana64 Today,Oct.8: Connecticutat Indiana,5p.m. x Thursday,Oct. 11: Indiana at Connecticut, 5:30
Western Conference Minnesot a 2,LosAngeles 0
Thursd ay,Oct.4:Minnesota94,LosAngeles77 Sunday, Oct.7:Minnesota80,LosAngeles79
PreseasonSchedule AH Times POT
Sunday's Games Boston 105,Milano 75 Charlotte 100,Washington88 Atlanta 92, Miami 79 New Orleans85,Orlando80 Golden State110, L.A. Lakers83
Today's Games
Madrid at Toronto, 4p.m. Siena atCleveland, 4p.m. Utah atGoldenState, 7:30p.m.
MOTOR SPORTS NASCAR Sprint Cup Sam RoadsideAssistance 500 Sunday
Drivers Standings (After 15 of 20races) 1. Fernando Alonso, Spain, Ferrari, 194points. 2. SebastianVettel, Germany,RedBull, 190. 3. Kimi Raikkonen,Finland, Lotus, 157. 4. LewisHamilton, England,McLaren,152. 5. MarkWebber,Australia, RedBull, 134. 6. JensonButton, England, McLaren,131. 7.Nico Rosberg,Germany,Mercedes,93. 8. RomainGrosjean, France,Lotus, 82. 9. FelipeMassa,Brazil, Ferrari,69. 10. SergioPerez,Mexico, Sauber,66. 11. KamuiKobayashi, Japan,Sauber,50. 12. Paul diResta,Scotland, ForceIndia, 44. 13.MichaelSchumacher,Germany,Mercedes,43. 14. NicoHulkenberg,Germany, ForceIndia, 37. 15. PastorMaldonado,Venezuela,Wiliams, 33. 16. BrunoSenna,Brazil, Williams,25. 17. JeanEric Vergne,France, ToroRosso, 8. 18. DanielRicciardo,Australia, ToroRosso, 7.
At TaHadegaSuperspeedway TaHadega, Ala.
(Start position in parentheses) 1. (15) MattKenseth,Ford, 189laps, 122.1rating, 47 points, $302,036. 2. (6) Jeff Gordon, Chevrolet, 189 106.8 43 $206,171. 3. (13) KyleBusch,Toyota, 189,91.6,42,$186,168. 4. (25) DavidRagan,Ford, 189,69.5,41,$142,743. 5. (28) Regan Smith, Chevrolet, 189, 88.6, 39, $136,243. 6. (5) GregBiff le,Ford, 189,111,39, $124260. 7. (22) Brad Keselowski, Dodge, 189, 81.5, 37, $130,330. 8. (36) TravisKvapil, Toyota,189,82.6,37, $119,518. 9. (2) Ryan Newman, Chevrolet, 189, 68.1, 35, $130,993. 10. (26) Jeff Burton, Chevrolet, 189, 101.5, 35, $128,610. 11. (21) Kevin Harvick, Chevrolet, 189, 111.7, 34, $132,621. 12. (I) Kasey Kahne, Chevrolet, 189, 83.6, 33, $101,610. 13. (9) Marlin Truex Jr., Toyota, 189, 74.3, 31, $112,399. 14. (23) Denny Ham(in, Toyota, 189, 56.8, 30, $124,801. 15. (32) David GiRiland, Ford, 189, 56.8, 29, $96,118. 16. (31)TerryLabonte, Ford, 189,60.2, 28,$90,435. 17. (17) JimmieJohnson, Chevrolet, 189, 71.3, 28, $125,121. 18. (40) Bobby Labonte, Toyota, 189
ON THE AIR TELEVISION Today SOCCER 1 p.m.:English Premier League, Chelsea FCvs.
Norwich City FC(taped), Root Sports. 7 p.m.:Men's college, Washington at UCLA, Pac-12 Network. BASEBALL 1:30p.m.:MLB Pla yoffs,NL Division Series, Washington Nationals at St. Louis Cardinals, TBS. 5 p.m.:MLB Playoffs, AL Division Series, New York Yankees at Baltimore Orioles, TBS. BASKETBALL 5 p.m.:WNBA Playoffs, Connecticut Sun at Indiana Fever, ESPN2. FOOTBALL 5:30 p.m.:NFL, Houston Texans at New York Jets, ESPN.
Tuesday SOCCER 11:30a.m.:UEFA Champions League, AFCAjaz vs. Real
Madrid CF(taped), Root Sports. BASEBALL 2:30p.m.:MLB Playoffs,NL Division Series, San Francisco Giants at Cincinnati Reds, TBS. 6 p.m.:MLB Playoffs, AL Division Series, Detroit Tigers at Oakland Athletics, TBS. Listings are themost accurate available. TheBulletinis not responsible for latechanges made by TV or radiostations.
e srou ianS 0 a e The Associated Press SAN FRANCISCO — Bron son Arroyo pitched the Reds back to Ohio on quite a playoff roll. Arroyo retired his first 14 batters and delivered a gem a day after 19-game winner Johnny Cueto went down with a back injury, and Cincinnati beat the San Francisco Giants 9-0 on Sunday night to head home with a 2-0 NL division series lead. A pair of Ryans provided the big hits. Ryan Ludwick c onnected leading of f t h e second inning for his first ca reer playoff homer and Ryan Hanigan hit a two-run single in the fourth and later an RBI single. Jay Bruce added a two run double and Joey Votto had three hits in his first multihit postseason game. " Coming o n t he roa d , you think about getting one as a success and v ictory," Bruce said. "To be able come h ere and get t w o i s v e r y
,yq)gr% 3ttcz~ trs w j]]~i~(~((i ~)q(I1)ILIA!f
stretch to baffle the Giants. Also on Sunday: T igers..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Athletics...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 D ETROIT — D o n K e l l y s cored the tying ru n o n a wild pitch in the eighth in ning, then hit a bases-loaded sacrifice fly i n t h e b o ttom of the ninth that lifted De troit over Oakland for a 2-0 lead in its AL playoff series. Triple Crown winner Miguel Cabrera doubled twice f or
the Tigers, hit a fly ball that
resulted in a t w o-run error and later singled in the ninth. Detroit will go for a sweep of the division series matchup in Game 3 on Tuesday at Oak "rrr/r//r land. The Tigers overcame three A's leads and seesawed to victory. It was I-all before a wild final three innings that included a big Oakland mis p lay, two g ame-tying w i l d pitches and several momen tum changes. Nationals..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Marclo Jose Sanchez/ The Associated Press Cardinals..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Cincinnati Reds' Ryan Ludwick, left, gets congratulated by Scott Rolen, and Jay Bruce, right, ST. LOUIS — Pinch hitter Former San Francisco skip after Ludwick hit a solo home run in the second inning against the San Francisco Giants in San Tyler Moore blooped a two per Dusty Baker came into his Francisco, Sunday. o ut, two-run single i n t h e old stomping grounds by the eighth inning and Washing bay and left with two com ton won in its postseason de manding victories 10 years playoff game in 17 years by got swept in the NL champi field arcade with two outs in but, beating defending World after managing th e G iants taking Game I without their onship series that year by At the ninth. Series champion St. L o uis "You hate to get beat like in an NL playoff opener. The within six outs of a World Se ace Saturday night, and now lanta to start what became a they' re going back home look seven-game postseason losing that, especially at home," Gi N ationals overcame a w i l d ries title before falling short. The Giants were handed ing for their own sweep after streak before Saturday's win. ants manager Bruce Bochy start by 21-game winner Gio their worst playoff shutout in the Phillies eliminated them T he s h aggy-haired A r said. "It happened. We know Gonzalez, then watched their franchise history. in a f r ustrating three-game royo, the right-hander with where we' re at right now. We bullpen shut down St. Louis Game 3 in the best-of-five first round two years ago. that high leg kick slightly re know our backs are to the in the late innings. Ahead 2-1 "You' re not comfortable at sembling the familiar motion series is Tuesday at G reat wall. We have to come out and in the seventh, the Cardinals American Ball Park. Homer all until it's over," Baker said. of Giants Hall of Famer Juan be ready to play once we get to didn't score after loading the Bailey (13-10), who pitched "We' ve been there before. It' s Marichal, went untouched be Cincinnati. I know they know bases with no outs. The NL a no-hitter Sept. 28 at Pitts hard to take the last breath fore Brandon Belt's two-out what's at stake. They' ve done East champion Nationals led burgh, takes the mound as the out of anything." single to the gap in right-cen a great job all year bouncing the majors with 98 wins this Reds try to close out the series The Reds will try for their ter with two out in the fifth. back." season, and go for a 2-0 se against Giants right-hander first postseason sweep since San Francisco didn't get an The 3 5-year-old A r r o yo ries lead today when Jordan Ryan Vogelsong (14-9). b eating the Dodgers in t h e other hit until Pablo Sandoval worked ahead and had four Zimmermann opposes Jaime The Reds won their f irst first round in 1995. Cincinnati lined a double off the right straight strikeouts during one Garcia. /I
impo rtant."
Football • South Carolina, Florida, WVU moveinto top 5 of AP poll:South Carolina, Florida and West Virginia move into the top five of The Associated Press college football poll after a Saturday during which nine Top 25 teams lost. No. 1 Alabama and No. 2 Oregon hold their spots at the top of the rankings. Alabama is a unanimous No. 1 again. The rest of the Top 25 got a make over. No. 3 South Carolina, off a 35-7 victory against Geor gia, moves up three spots. No. 4 Florida jumps six after beating LSU 14-6. No. 5 West Virginia moves up three with a 48-45 victory at Texas. No. 6 Kansas State, No. 7 Notre Dame andNo.8 Ohio State also move up. LSU drops to No. 9 and unbeaten Oregon State is No. 10.
Soccer • Seattle shuts out Casca dia rival Portland 3-0:Eddie Johnson scored his 14th goal of the season just minutes after an own goal gave Seattle the lead, Fredy Montero added another in the 62nd minute, and the Sounders raced past Cascadia rival Portland 3-0 on Sunday night before a record crowd of more than 66,000 in Seattle.
Baseball • Rockies managerTracy resigns:Colorado Rockies manager Jim Tracy has resigned. The Rockies an nounced Sunday that Tracy had stepped down. Colorado finished last in the NL West this year and set a franchise record for losses while going 64-98. Tracy was promoted from bench coach to manager in May 2009. Hewas votedthe NL Manager of the Year that season after guiding Colorado into the playoffs.
Tennis • Azarenka, Djokovic win titles at ChinaOpen: Top-seeded Novak Djokovic extended his perfect record at the China Open in Beijing when he defeated third-seeded Jo Wilfried Tsonga of France 7-6
(4), 6-2 in the final Sunday.On thewomen's side,top-seeded Victoria Azarenka won her fifth title of the year by dominating second-seeded Maria Sharapo va 6-3, 6-1.
• Nishikori beats Raonicto winJapan Open:Eighth-seed ed Kei Nishikori of Japan beat
Milos Raonic of Canada7-6 (5), 3-6, 6-0 on Sunday to win the Japan Open in Tokyo. — From wire reports
Kenseth wins whenStewart gets knocked upsidedown
Moore wins in LasVegas
The Associated Press TALLADEGA, Ala. — The championship contenders said Talladega Sup e rspeedway would be the wild-card race in the Chase for the Sprint Cup. That was an understatement. Talladega delivered yet an other "big one" Sunday, when defending NASCAR c ham pion Tony Stewart triggered a 25-car pileup as he tried to pro tect the lead. His bid to block a long line of traffic on the last lap backfired, and his car was sent sailing through the air in a chaotic crash that collected 10 of the 12 title contenders. Daytona 500 winner Matt Kenseth won under caution, and everyone else was left wondering when NA S CAR will do something dramatic to alter the dangerous racing at restrictor- plate tracks. "It's not safe. It's not. It' s bloodthirsty," Dale Earnhardt Jr. said. "If that's what people want, that's ridiculous." Stewart, who assailed the wreckfests at Talladega with a sarcastic diatribe in May, took full responsibility for creating the latest carnage. He had charged to the lead on the first lap of a two-lap sprint to the finish, but got too far ahead of the pack to hang on to any drafting partners. Kenseth was charging on t he outside of him and M i chael Waltrip was leading a line of traffic on the inside. Stewart was blocking all over the track, and said he mistak enly chopped across the front of Waltrip's car to trigger the accident. The contact hooked Stew art to send him into a spin, and his car lifted into the air and sailed on its roof and then on its side over several other cars. It created chaos through the pack, which was running three-wide in a frantic dash to the finish. "I just screwed up. I turned down and cut across Michael and crashed the whole field," Stewart said. "It was my fault, blocking and trying to stay where I was at. "I was trying to win the race and I was trying to stay ahead of Matt there and Michael got a great run on the bottom and had a big head of steam, and
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Russell LaeountyI The Associated Press
Matt Kenseth raises his arms in Victory Lane as he celebrates his win at the NASCAR Sprint Cup Series race at Talladega Superspeedway, Sunday,in Talladega, Ala. when I turned down, I turned acrossthe front ofhis car.Just a mistake on my part but cost a lot of people a bad day." Stewart gamely waved to the crowd as he climbed from his battered car, while Jim mie Johnson sat on the ledge of Earnhardt's window for a lift back to the garage. Every where they looked, they saw crumpled cars. Five-time Talladega w i n ner Earnhardt said enough is enough with the carnage. He was credited with a 20th-place finish that dropped him four spots in the standings to 11th. "If this was what we did ev ery week, I wouldn't be doing it," he said. "I' ll just put it to you that way. If this was how we raced every week, I'd find an other job. That's what the pack age is doing. It's really not rac ing. It's a little disappointing. It cost a lot of money right there. "If this is how we' re going to continue to race and nothing is going to change, how about NASCAR build the cars? It' ll save us a lot of money." Of the 12 Chase drivers, only race winner Kenseth and sec ond-place finisher Jeff Gordon avoided the final wreck and it pushed Gordon up four spots in the standings to sixth with six races remaining. But there was little change beyond t ha t a s e v e r yone else ended up with a sub-par finish. "That was the craziest, crazi est finish I' ve ever experienced
at Talladega," Gordon said. "It was just insane. I remember when coming t o T a lladega was fun, and I haven't experi enced that in a long time. That was bumper-cars at 200 mph. I don't know anybody who likes that." Also on Sunday: Red Bull driver Vettel wins Japanese GP S UZUKA, Japan — R e d Bull dr iver S ebastian Vet tel won the Japanese Grand Prix from pole to close within four points of th e Formula One championship lead as se ries leader Fernando Alonso crashed outof the race at the first turn. Vettel, who also won the previous race in Singa pore, is within sight of a third straight title, with five races to go. Alonso's Ferrari teammate Felipe Massa was second, 20.6 seconds behind Vettel for his first podium finish since Ko rea in 2010. Rain washes out NHRA final eliminations MOHNTON, Pa. — Persis tent rain forced NHRA offi cials to postpone the comple t ion of e l iminations in t h e Auto-Plus N H RA Nationals until today. Nearly two rounds were completed in Top Fuel, and only one round was fin ished in Funny Car and Pro Stock, and all f ou r r ounds were delayed in Pr o Stock Motorcycle. The event is the fourth in the six-race NHRA Full Throttle Countdown to the Championship.
The Associated Press L AS VEGAS — R y a n Moore finally pulled ahead of Brendon de Jonge on the 16th hole. Moore won the Justin Tim berlake Shriners Hospitals for Children Open on Sun day for his second PGA Tour title, birdieing the par-5 16th to take the outright lead and finishing with two pars for a 5-under 66 and a one-stroke victory over de Jonge. "The last couple of days were tough," said Moore, the former UNLV player who lives in Las Vegas. "I was shot for shot with Brendon, and he was playing some great golf. I was able to make a birdie down the stretch when it mat tered to hold him off at the end." Tied with de Jonge and Jonas Blixt after the third round, Moore finished at 24 under 260 at TPC Summer lin and earned $810,000 in the Fall Series opener. Moore also won the 2009 Wyndham Championship. De Jonge shot a 67. "He was playing great and he was hitting the ball re ally well, and he was making putts," Moore said. "I tried not to get too wrapped up into what he was doing really for the last two days. I just tried to keep my head and just keep hitting my golf shots, and playing the golf course how I wanted to play it and just give myself opportunities." De Jonge, from Zimbabwe, missed the fairway on the 560-yard 16th. "Today, playing a little bit down breeze, all you' ve got to do is get one in the fairway," de Jonge said. "It's almost a mid-iron in there, so that was definitely a turning point, you know, the bad tee shot there." Blixt had a 70 to finish third at 20 under. Jason Day pulled within three strokes of Moore and de Jonge with a birdie on No. 16, but closed with a double bogey on the par-4 18th. He had a 65 to finish fourth at 18 under. "The only blemish was ob viously the missed green on 18," Day said. "But I thought I was going to shoot 59 today, just the way things were go ing. I was hitting it good. I was putting it good, too. I just didn't capitalize on the op
tulle Jacobean / The Associated Press
Ryan Moore reacts after sinking a putt for par on the 18th hole to win the Justin Timberlake Shriners Hospitals for Children Open, Sunday, in Las Vegas. portunities I had on the back nine." Moore birdied the second and third holes to take a one stroke lead over playing part ners Blixt and de Jonge, and birdied the seventh hole to move two shots ahead. De Jonge pulled even with birdies on Nos. 8 and 9 and they remained tied through 15, going to the 16th tee at 23 under. Also on Sunday: Grace wraps up 2-shot win at Dunhill Links ST. ANDREWS, Scotland — Branden Grace won his fourth European Tour event of the season by shooting a 2-under 70 to protect his lead and win the Alfred Dunhill Links Championship by two shots. The South African led from the first round and fin ished with a 22-under total of 266 to hold off Thorbjorn Olesen of Denmark, who fin ished second after a 68. Langer wins Champions Tourevent CARY, N.C. — Bernhard Langer rallied to win the SAS Championship to take t he lead in the Charles Schwab Cup points race, shooting a 9-under 63 to beat Jay Don Blake by two strokes. Four shots back entering the final round, Langer birdied the fi nal two holes to finish at 13 under 203 at Prestonwood Country Club. The German star has two victories this year and 16 overall on the 50 and-over tour.
A 64,737.
First downs Total NetYards Rushesyards Passing Punt Returns Kickoff Returns InterceptionsRet. CompAtt Int SackedYardsLost Punts FumblesLost Penalties Yards Time ofPossession
Sunday's games
Dolphins17, Bengals13 Miami Cincinnati
0 7 10 0 — 1 7 6 0 0 7 — 13
First Quarter
Cin FG Nugent42, 10:35. Cin FG Nugent24,:13.
NewEngland N.Y. Jets Miami Buffalo
Mia Bush 13run(Carpenterkick), 12:18. Mia FG Carpenter46,8:35.
Fourth Quarter Cin Green 2 pass fromDalton (Nugentkick),
Houston Indianapolis Jacksonville Tennessee
15 18 279 298 35 68 1 9 80 211 218 3 15 225 I 30 24 9 21 00 17260 26432 2 12 3 16 5 49.6 6 40.5 22 21 2 10 54 6 28:49 3 1 :11
29, Tannehig 4(minus 4), Lane 2(minus 5). Cin cinnati: Scott 5 40, Dalton 4 21,GreenEllis 914, Hawkins I 5. PASSING —Miami: Tannehiff 17 26 0 223. Cincinnati: Dalton 2643 2 234. RECEIVING —Miami: Harffine 4 59, Clay 3 35, Fasano 328, Bess2 49, Bush2 24, Lane2 20, ThomasI 8.Cincinnati:Green9 65,Gresham 5 60, Hawkins 5 47,Binns 4 41, Leonard 2 19, GreenEl lis I 2. MISSEOFIELD GOALS—Miami: Carpenter53
(WL). Cincinnati: Nugent41(WR).
Baltimore Cincinnati Pittsburgh Cleveland
Pct .60 0 .50 0 .40 0 .40 0
9 6
First Quarter
Bal FG Tucker 28, I:21.
W 4 2 I I
L 0 2 4 4
T Pct 0 1. 0 00 0 .50 0 0 .20 0 0 .20 0
W 4 3 2 0
L I 2 2 5
T 0 0 0 0
Pct .80 0 .60 0 .50 0 .00 0
San Diego Denver Oakland KansasCity
W 3 2 I I
L 2 3 3 4
T 0 0 0 0
Pct .60 0 .40 0 .25 0 .20 0
0 0 0 0
N FC 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 10
Oiv 100 200 01 0 020
H o m e Away AFC
126 56 9 1 110 6 5 138 88 18 1
200 2I 0 030 I I 0
2 00 0 10 110 0 30
400 010 120 030
N FC 0 00 2 10 0 20 1 10
Oiv 2 00 01 0 11 0 01 0
H o m e Away AFC
130 89 125 129 93 8 9 100 139
300 110 200 020
110 2 10 0 20 0 30
400 220 120 030
N FC 0 10 1 00 1 00 0 20
Oiv 200 11 0 000 0 20
H o m e Away AFC
124 102 135 114 67 125 9 4 145
110 210 110 030
2 10 0 20 0 20 110
300 220 130 030
N FC 0 20 0 10 0 00 1 10
Oiv 2 00 100 0 20 01 0
W P hiladelphia 3 N.Y. Giants 3 Dallas 2 W ashington 2
L 2 2 2 3
T 0 0 0 0
H o m e Away
Pct P F PA .60 0 80 9 9 .600 152 111 .50 0 65 8 8 .40 0 1 40 147
200 210 110 020
120 110 110 210
NFC AF C 1 10 2 10 2 20 1 00 2 20 0 00 2 20 0 1 0
Oiv 1 00 0 20 1 00 0 00
TampaBay Carolina NewOrleans
W 5 I I I
L 0 3 4 4
T Pct 0 1. 0 00 0 .25 0 0 .20 0 0 .20 0
Minnesota Chicago GreenBay Detroit
W 4 4 2 I
L I I 3 3
T 0 0 0 0
Pct .80 0 .80 0 .40 0 .25 0
Fourth Quarter
KC FG Succop31, 4:31. A 68,803.
T 0 0 0 0
Pct .800 .80 0 .600 .60 0
H o m e Away NFC
1 48 93 82 9 1 9 2 125 1 41 154
200 I I 0 I 20 I 20
3 00 0 20 0 20 0 20
200 130 140 030
H o m e Away NFC
120 79 149 71 1 12 111 1 00 114
300 200 2I 0 I I 0
110 2 10 0 20 0 20
200 210 220 120
H o m e Away NFC
94 7 8 1 49 68 9 6 94 8 6 70
300 200 300 200
Thursday's Game Bal KC 15 19 298 338 24 133 50 214 165 124 I 10 53 3 2 52 382 29 129 13 27 I 12 18 2 4 22 00 5 46.4 5 47.2 11 32 5 33 8 60 25:50 3 4 :10
A FC 3 00 0 00 0 00 1 10
Oiv 1 00 1 00 1 20 01 0
A FC 2 10 2 00 0 10 0 10
Oiv 100 0 10 100 01 0
INDIVIDUALSTATISTICS RUSHING —Baltimore: Rice 17 102,Flacco3 14, Pierce213, Leach I 4, Affen I 0. Kansas City: Charles 30 140,Draughn 1240, Gray 420, Gasset 4 14. PASSING —Baltimore: Flacco 13271187. KansasCity:Cassel915 2 92,Quinn 3 30 32. RECEIVING —Baltimore: Boldin 4 82, T.Smith 3 38, Pitta 3 22,Leach I 18, Rice I 16, DicksonI 11. Kansas City: Bowe 6 60, Charles3 21, Baldwin I 26, Gray I 12,DraughnI 5. MISSEOFIELD GOALS — None.
Giants 41, Browns27 7 — 27 7 — 41
Cle Richardson15run(Dawson kick), 14:08. Cle Gordon 62 passfromWeeden(Dawsonkick), 10:03.
NYG Cruz 3 passfrom Manning (Tyneskick),
Cle FG Dawson32, 13:39. NYG FG Tynes 29,6:46. NYG Bradshaw 4run (Tyneskick), 2:52. NYG Cruz 7 passfrom Manning (Tyneskick), I:10. NYG FG Tynes 40,:00.
110 2 10 0 20 120
210 210 320 320
A FC 2 00 2 00 0 00 0 00
Oiv 11 0 0 00 2 00 0 20
Thursday, Oct. 11
St Louis17,Anzona3
Pittsburgh atTennessee,520 pm
Baltimore9, KansasCity 6 Atlanta24,Washington17 Pittsburgh16,Philadelphu 14 Indianapoli30, s Greengay27 NY Giants41, Cleveland27
Oakland at Atlanta, 10am Kansas Cityat Tampagay, 10am IndianapolisatNY Jets, 10am Cincinnati atCleveland,10a m Detroit atPhiladelphia, 10am St Louis atMiami, 10a m Dallas atBaltimore,10am Buff aloatAnzona,105pm NewEnglandatSeattle,105 p m NY Giantsat SanFrancisco, I 25pm MinnesotaatWashington, I 25 pm
Sunday's Games
Sunday, Oct. 14
Miami 17,Cincinnati 13
Seattle16,Carohna12 Chicago41,Jacksonwue3 SanFrancisco45, Buffalo3 Minnesota30, Tennessee7 NewEngland31, Denver21 NewOrleans31,SanDiego24 OpenDallas,Detroit, Oakland,Tampagay
Green gayatHouston,520pm OpenCarolina,Chicago,Jacksonwue, NewOrleans Monday, Oct. 16 DenveratSanDiego,530pm
Today's Game
HoustonatNYJets, 530pm
Colts 30, Packers 27
All Times POT
7 14 0 6 — 2 7 0 3 16 11 — 30
First Quarter GB Kuhn 2run(Crosbykick), 2:07. SecondQuarter GB Ja.Jones6passfromRodgers(Crosby kick),
12:25. Ind FG Vinatieri 24,6:21.
GB Cobb 31passfrom Rodgers(Crosby kick), 4:21.
South Atlanta
INDIVIDUALSTATISTICS RUSHING —Philadelphia: McCoy 16 53, Vick 5 16, Havili I 5, Brown I 4. Pittsburgh: Mendenhaff 14 81, Redman13 41, Roethlisberger 314, Rainey I 0. PASSING —Philadelphia: Vick 20 30 0 175. Pittsburgh: Roethlisberger21 370 207. RECEIVING —Philadelphia: Maclin 5 39,Jack son 4 58,McCoy4 27,Avant3 34,Celek3 9, Harbor I 8. Pittsburgh: A.Brown 7 86,Miler 4 41, Sanders 3 22,Mendenhaff 2 20,Wallace 217,Paulson 18, Cotchery I 7, Rainey I 6. MISSEOFIELD GOALS — None.
Green Bay Indianapolis
Bal FG Tucker 26, 8:00. Bal FG Tucker 39,:00.
First Quarter
310 210 220 220
W L Arizona 4 I S an Francisco 4 I St. Louis 3 2 Seattle 3 2
Third Quarter
14 3 3 7 20 7
2 10 110 120 120
KC FG Succop30, 2:48.
H o m e Away AFC
3 0 6 0 — 0 3 0 3 —
First downs Total NetYards Rushesyards Passing Punt Returns Kickoff Returns InterceptionsRet. CompAtt Int SackedYardsLost Punts FumblesLost PenaltiesYards Time ofPossession
P F PA 1 65 113 81 109 103 103 1 18 176
Ravens 9, Chiefs 6 Baltimore Kansas City
T 0 0 0 0
14:15. A 61,162.
L 2 2 3 3
SecondQuarter Mia Thomas I run(Carpenter kick), 6:54. Third Quarter
First downs Total NetYards Rushesyards Passing Punt Returns Kickoff Returns InterceptionsRet. CompAtt Int SackedYardsLost Punts FumblesLost PenaltiesYards Time ofPossession
W 3 2 2 2
Phi Pit 19 22 246 343 23 78 31 136 168 207 1 13 17 3 65 2 57 00 00 20300 21 370 37 00 4 44.0 4 46.3 42 30 5 35 9 1 06 26:29 3 3 :31
Third Quarter
Ind Allen 8 pass from Luck (Vinatieri kick), 11:06. Ind FG Vinatieri 50,7:42.
Ind Luck 3 run(pass failed),:18. Fourth Quarter Ind FG Vinatieri 28,8:04. GB Ja.Jones 8passfromRodgers (pass failed), 4:30.
Ind Wayne 4 pass from Luck(D.Brownrun), :35. A 67,020.
Passing 338 187 Punt Returns 22 3 22 Kickoff Returns 2 36 4 11 3 InterceptionsRet. 2 28 128 CompAtt Int 34 52 I 15 24 2 INDIVIDUALSTATISTICS SackedYardsLost 17 3 15 RUSHING —Cleveland: Richardson 17 81, Punts 6 48.8 6 42.3 Weeden I 2, Norwood I 1. N.y. Giants: Bradshaw FumblesLost 11 00 30 200,Wilson 244,Manning2 (minus I). Penalties Yards 2 13 420 PASSING— Cleveland: Weeden 2235 2 291. Time ofPossession 3 I'rgl 22 : 59 N.y. Giants: Manning 25 37 I 259. RECEIVING —Cleveland: Norwood 9 81, Rich INDIVIDUALSTATISTICS ardson 5 47,Ogbonnaya3 54, Gordon 2 82, Cam RUSHING —Atlanta: Turner 18 67, Douglas I eron 2 26,Watson I 1. N.y. Giants: Randle 682, 5,Ryan 4 4,Rodgers 3 4,Sneff ing I 2,Jones I 1. Hixon 5 55,Cruz5 50,Bradshaw4 29,Bennett 3 30, Washington: Morris 18 115,Griffin gl I 7, Grant Pascoe I 7,Jernigan I 6. I 5, Hankerson I 2. MISSEOFIELD GOALS — None. PASSING —Atlanta: Ryan 34 52 I 345. Washington: Cousins 592111, Griffin RI 10 3 48.0 2 50.0 11 11 1 0 91 325 24:36 3 5 :24
Falcons 24, Rerdskins17
15 0 91. RECEIVING —Atlanta: Gonzalez 13 123, Jones 10 94,White 468, Douglas2 34, Turner2 2, Sneging
I 9, Rodgers I 8,Gagarda I 7. Washington: F.Davis 554,Garcon3 24,Moss280,MorrisI20 A Robinson Third Quarter I 10, Royster I 7,MorganI 4, HankersonI 3. SecondQuarter NYG Cruz 28pass fromManning (Tyneskick), MISSEOFIELDGOALS — Washington:Cun Was Kerrigan 28 interception return (Cundiff diff 31 (WR). 5:06. kick), 10:11. Cle FG Dawson41,3:27. Atl Gonzalez IpassfromRyan(Bryant kick),:30. Fourth Quarter Third Quarter Steelers16, Eagles14 NYG Wilson 40run (Tyneskick), 5:41. Was FG Cundiff23, 5:56. Cle Gordon 20 passfromWeeden(Dawsonkick), Fourth Quarter Philadelphia 0 0 7 7 — 14 3:56. Atl Jones 18 pass from Ryan(Bryant kick), Pittsburgh 0 10 0 6 — 1 6 A 79,911. 13:23. Second Quarter Was Moss 77passfromCousins (Cundiff kick), Pit Mendenhag13run (Suishamkick), 5:01. C le NYG First downs 15 30 I 2:24. Pit FG Suisham 20,:06. Total NetYards 375 502 Atl FG Bryant53,7:42. Third Quarter Rushesyards 19 84 34 243 Atl Turner 13run (Bryant kick), 2:46. Phi McCoy 15 pass fromVick (Henerykick), Passing 291 259 A 75,337. 6:32. Punt Returns 1 12 18 Fourth Quarter Kickoff Returns 6 221 567 A tl Was Pit FG Suisham 34, 14:51. InterceptionsRet. I 44 2 4 6 First downs 28 12 Phi Celek 2 pass from Vick (Henery kick), CompAtt Int 22 35 2 25 37 I Total NetYards 421 316 6: 33. SackedYardsLost 00 00 Rushesyards 28 83 21 129 Pit FG Suisham 34,:00. Atlanta Washington
Playoff Continued from D1 Bend High has only two regu lar-season games left this year be cause of a scheduled bye week on OcL 19. Rounding out Central Oregon's 5A teams is Summit, which at 2-4 has the same record as the Lava Bears. The Storm, ranked 26th af ter falling to Bend 51-14 on Friday, need at least one win, if not two, in their final three games to rally for a play-in berth. Summit hosts Mountain View this Friday night, plays at Crook County next week, and ends the regular season with a home game against Ridgeview of Redmond. While the path to the state play offs is a bit confusing at the 5A level, it's nothing compared with the Class 4A postseason qualifica tion format. As determined by a vote of the classification's athletic directors, seven 4A league champi ons — every conference but Crook County and Ridgeview's Special District 1 — will be awarded au tomatic berths into the state post season bracket,regardless of their OSAA ranking. The eighth team to earn a bye into the state playoffs will be the highest-ranked team that is not a league champion. The 4A play-in round is made up of league runners-up playing teams that finished third in their confer ence, with tw o " at-large" berths reserved for teams based on power rankings. Playing this season essentially without a league, Crook County
0 7 0 17 — 2 4 0 7 3 7 — 17
and Ridgeview can qualify for the state playoffs or the play-in round only by finishing high enough in the OSAA r a n kings. After l ast Friday's games, Ridgeview was 11th in the 4A rankings and Crook County was 12th, which would give both teams a play-in home game. The football teams at Central Oregon's three other 4A schools Madras, Sisters and La Pine — have a more direct path to the postsea son in that if they finish as one of the top three teams in their leagues they will be rewarded with a play in berth. The White Buffaloes are 2-0 and tied for first in the Tri-Val ley Conference going into the meat of their league schedule. Sisters is 1-1 in Sky-Em League play, tied for third with Junction City. La Pine, which also competes in the Sky Em, is 0-2 in league this year, tied for fifth place with Elmira. Smaller schools Culver (2A) and Gilchrist (1A) have their work cut out for them if they hope to play in the postseason this year. The Bull dogs are 0-1 in Tri-River Confer ence games — 0-4 overall — and have been shut out t hree times this season. The Grizzlies are 1-4 in 1A's Special District 2 and have given up 72 points in each of their last two games. Of course, everything c ould change in the final three weeks of the season. Be sure to check in dai ly with me and the rest of the prep staff here at The Bulletin as we fol low the always fluid state football playoff picture. — Reporter: 541-383-0305,beastes@ bendbulletin.corn.
Bears 41, Jaguars 3 Chicago Jacksonville
3 0 1 0 26 — 41 0 3 0 0 — 3
First Quarter
Chi FGGould32,4:23.
SecondQuarter Jac FG Scobee 31, 14:02.
Third Quarter
Chi FG Gould31, 5:42. Chi Tillman 36 interceptionreturn(Gouldkick), 5:04.
Fourth Quarter Chi Jeffery 10 passfrom Cutler (Gould kick),
14:55. Chi Marshall 24 passfromCutler (Gouldkick), 8:37.
Chi Briggs 36 interception return(Gouldkick), 7:54.
Chi Allen 46 run(Gould kick), I:49. A 67,012.
Chi First downs Total NetYards Rushesyards Passing Punt Returns Kickoff Returns InterceptionsRet. CompAtt Int SackedYardsLost Punts FumblesLost PenaltiesYards Time ofPossession
26 10 501 189 33 214 1 7 60 287 129 48 00 128 3 65 2 72 10 23 39 I 17 33 2 15 3 13 3 40.7 6 48.5 00 11 1 2 80 649 36:00 2 4 :00
INDIVIDUALSTATISTICS RUSHING —Chicago: Forte22 107,Allen 5 59,
Bush 4 26,Cutler 222. Jacksonville: Jones Drew 12 56, Jennings 33, Gabberl 2 1. PASSING —Chicago: Cutler 23391292. Jacksonville: Gabberl 17 33 2142. RECEIVING —Chicago: Marshall 12 144, Hes ter 2 49, Bush 226, Davis 2 26, Forte 220,Jeffery 2 20,SanzenbacherI 7.Jacksonville:Lewis5 24, Thomas 415,Blackmon3 40,Shorts 2 43, Effiott 2 17, JonesDrewI 3.
RUSHING — GreenBay:Rodgers557,Green9 55,Benson 720,Kuhn 2 9.Indianapolis:D.Brown 17 84, Luck 6 24, Baffard6 11,Hilton I 0. PASSING —Green Bay: Rodgers 21331243. Indianapolis: Luck31 55 I 362. RECEIVING — Green Bay:Cobb 4 82,JaJones 4 46, Finley 3 11, Nelson 2 29, Benson 2 21, D.Williams 220, Driver 114, GreenI 8, Crabtree I 6, Kuhn I 6. Indianapolis: Wayne13212, Fleener 5 41, Allen 4 38, Hilton 3 37,Avery 3 22, D.Brown 2 8, Baffard I 4. MISSEOFIELD GOALS— Green Bay:Crosby 52 (WR), 51 (WR). Indianapolis: Vinatieri 53 (WL).
Buffalo S anFrancisco
0 3 0 0 — 3
3 14 7 2 1 — 4 6 First Quarter
SF FG Akers19, 7:25.
Buf FG Lindeff 31,10:46. SF K.Wiffiams 43 pass from Ale.Smith (Akers kick), 9:54. SF Crabtree28pass fromAle.Smith (Akerskick), :24.
Third Quarter
SF Gore I run(Akerskick), 9:06.
Fourth Quarter
SF Manningham10passfromAle.Smith (Akers kick), 14:12. SF Kaepernick16run(Akerskick), 9:55. SF Dixon 3 run(Akerskick), I:11. A 69,732. Bttf
First downs Total NetYards Rushesyards Passing Punt Returns Kickoff Returns InterceptionsRet. CompAtt Int SackedYardsLost Punts FumblesLost Penalties Yards Time ofPossession
10 29 204 621 19 89 38 311 115 310 I 28 31 9 2 87 245 00 14 16 26 I 19 25 0 1 11 00 6 47.7 2 56.0 11 11 5 30 753 23:43 3 6 :17
RUSHING —Buffalo: B.Smith I 35, F Jackson 9 29, Spiller 7 24,Fitzpatrick 2 1.San Francisco: Gore 14106,Hunter 1181, Ale.Smith 3 49, Keeper nick 4 39,Dixon4 21, Miffer I 9, K.Wiffiams I 6. PASSING —Bufalo: Fitzpatrick 16 261126. San Francisco: Ale.Smith 18240 303, Kaepernick 1107.
LOOKING BACK Athlete Of the Week:Madras senior Devil) Cecilialti Caught three tOuChdOWnPaSSeSaltd ran fOr a SCOre tO lead Madras past Tri-Valley Conference rival Molalla 33-6 OIT Friday. All three Of CGCilialti'S tOuChdOWn receptions were for 19 yards or more. Contest of the week:Crook County rallied back from a tVVO-game defiCit tO defeat RidgeVIGVV 23-25, 23-25, 25-18, 25-6, 15-6 last Tuesday lit Class 4A SPecial District 1 volleyball action. Ali APPersolt went 35 of 35 from the service line, including 22 straight points lit the fOurth game, tO lead the COVV girlS. Hannah Troutmalt recorded a match-high 31 kills for Crook County, whose standout middle blocker, Makayla Liltdburg, miSSed her SeCOndStraight matCh beCauSe Of alt illneSS.
LOOKING AHEAD Thursday La Salle at Madras football, 7 p.m.: The White BuffalOeS haVeVVOITtVVO lit a FOVValtd are 2-0 lit Tri Valley Conference play this season. A win against the Falcons (2-0 TVC, 4-2 overall), the reigning Class 4A state champions, could help Madras advance to the state postseason for the first time since 2005.
Friday Crook County at Ridgevievv football, 7 P.m.: The only tvvo teams lit Class 4A's SPecial District 1 Play for the league title. Just as imPortant, both the Cowboys altd the RaVenSneed aWin tOStay lit COntentiOn fOr a Class 4A play-in berth.
Saturday Clearwater Classic volleyball tournament lit Bend, 8 a.m.: CrOOkCOunty, Summit, MOuntain VieW, Bend High altd RedmOnd all COmPete lit the annual Clearwater Classic, which is held at gyms throughout Bend.
Seahawks16, Panthers 12 Seattle Carolina
Punt Returns Kickoff Returns InterceptionsRet. CompAtt Int SackedYardsLost Punts FumblesLost PenaltiesYards Time ofPossession
3 3 7 3 — 16 0 3 7 2 — 12
First Quarter
Sea FG Hauschka22, 10:29.
Denver New En gland
Third Quarter
Fourth Quarter
Sea FG Hauschka44, 10:27. Car Onatolu safety,:39. A 72,676.
17 13 310 190 35 98 1 9 82 212 108 5 39 I 13 3 48 4 81 00 2 30 19 25 2 12 29 0 29 4 33 3 40.7 7 45.4 11 31 765 3 25 35:46 2 4 :14
INDIVIDUALSTATISTICS RUSHING —Seattle: Lynch 21 85,Wilson 5 12, Obomanu I 11,Turbin 4 6,Robinson 23, TateI (mi
nus I), Ryan I (minus18).Carolina: Newton 742, Stewart 4 16, Pilares 012, D.Wiffiams 6 6,Murphy I 3, Tolberl I 3. PASSING —Seattle: Wilson 19 25 2 221. Carolina: Newton1229 0 141. RECEIVING —Seattle: Rice 5 67, Miller 3 59, Baldwin 3 37,Tate3 31, Turbin 2 8, Edwards I 10, Lynch I 9, Robinson I 0. Carolina: Smith 4 40, LaFeff 3 44, Olsen 2 37, Stewart 215, Murphy I 5. MISSEOFIELD GOALS — None.
Vikings 30, Titans 7 Tennessee Minnesota
0 7 7 7 — 21 7 10 14 0 — 3 1
First Quarter
NE Welker 8passfromBrady(Gostkowski kick), 3:08.
SecondQuarter Den DreessenI passfromManning (Prater kick),
14:05. NE Vereen I run (Gostkowskikick), 7:57. NE FG Goskt owski23,:02.
Third Quarter
NE Brady I run(Gostkowskikick), 5:00. NE Ridley 8run (Gostkowski kick), 4:42.
Den Decker 2passfrom Manning(Prater kick) I:08.
Fourth Quarter Den Stokley 5passfromManning(Prater kick),
6:43. A 68,756.
Oen First downs Total NetYards Rushes yards Passing Punt Returns Kickoff Returns InterceptionsRet. CompAtt Int SackedYardsLost Punts FumblesLost PenaltiesYards Time ofPossession
22 35 402 444 20 70 54 251 332 193 00 15 4 61 223 00 00 31 44 0 23 31 0 2 13 430 3 45.7 3 43.0 33 21 4 21 659 24:11 3 5:49
Car Munnerlyn 33interception return(Medlock kick), I 2:26. Sea Tate 13pass fromWilson (Hauschkakick), :35.
S ea
2( 1 )
2 61 00 2 12 16 29 48 I 25 35 2 2 19 10 6 42.7 3 46.0 21 00 1 0 75 560 26:54 3 3 :06
INDIVIDUALSTATISTICS RUSHING —Tennessee: C.Johnson 15 24, Hasselbeck 2 10,Babineaux I 10, ReynaudI 8. Min nesota: Peterson 1788, Gerhart 6 41, Ponder3 31, Asiata 2 8,Harvin 2 8,WebbI (minus I). PASSING —Tennessee: Hasselbeck 26 43 I 200,Smith 35 034.Minnesota: Ponder25 35 2 258. RECEIVING — Tennessee:Wright9 66,Cook5 37, Washington3 29,Ringer 3 12,Britt 2 23, Stevens 2 14, Reynaud I 17,Q.Johnson I 15,Williams I 9, Thompson I 7, C.Johnson I 5. Minnesota: Harvin 8108, Rudolph 4 23, Jenkins 3 35, Aromashodu 3 34, Peterson 315, Egison 235, S.Burton 16, Garison I 2. MISSEOFIELD GOALS — None.
Sea FG Hauschka36,8:29. Car FG Medlock32,:02.
First downs Total NetYards Rushesyards Passing Punt Returns Kickoff Returns InterceptionsRet. CompAtt Int SackedYardsLost Punts FumblesLost PenaltiesYards Time ofPossession
2 25
Patriots 31, Broncos21 Jac
GB Ind 21 28 356 464 23 141 30 119 215 345 4 19 213 3 95 00 10 10 21 33 I 31 55 I 5 28 4 17 7 45.1 5 44.6 00 10 9 89 9 1 00 24:44 3 5 :16
First downs Total NetYards Rushesyards Passing Punt Returns Kickoff Returns InterceptionsRet. CompAtt Int SackedYardsLost Punts FumblesLost Penalties Yards Time ofPossession
49ers 45, Bills 3 Punts FumblesLost PenaltiesYards Time ofPossession
RECEIVING —Buffalo: St.Johnson 6 39, Chandler 4 40,Graham228, Jones2 13, FJackson 15, B.Smith I l. San Francisco: Crabtree6113, VDavis 5 106,Manningham 4 26,KWiff iams2 50, Moss I 11, Celek14. MISSEOFIELD GOALS — None.
0 0 0 7 — 7 7 6 10 7 — 3 0
First Quarter
Min Harvin 4 run(Walshkick), 2:31.
Min FG Walsh42, 10:27. Min FG Walsh36, I:52.
Third Quarter
Min FGWalsh26,5:07.
Min Harvin 10 passfromPonder (Walshkick), :05.
RUSHING —Denver: McGahee 1451, Hillman 39, Manning 29, Ball 11. New England: Ridley 28151, Bolden 1454,Woodhead7 47, VereenI I, Brady 4(minus2). PASSING— Denver: Manning 3144 0 345. New England: Brady 2331 0 223. RECEIVING — Denver:D.Thomas9 188,Tamme 6 50, McGahee5 51, Decker 4 21, Dreessen4 21, Stokley 210, Hillman 14. New England: Welker 13 104, Gronkowski 435, Lloyd 334,Branch I 25, Woodh cad I25,Bolden I0. MISSEOFIELD GOALS — None.
Saints 31, Chargers 24 7 10 7 0 — 2 4 7 7 7 10 — 31
First Quarter SD Meachem15passfromRivers(Novakkick), 6:56.
NO Henderson 40pass fromBrees(Hartley kick), 2:58.
SD FG Novak20,9:58.
NO Colston 19passfrom Brees(Harffey kick), 7:19.
SD Meachem44 passfromRivers(Novakkick), :36.
Third Quarter
SD Mathews 13run (Novakkick), 12:27. NO Colston 16passfrom Brees(Harffey kick), :11.
Fourth Quarter NO Colston 5 pass fromBrees(Harffey kick),
8:50. NO FG Har ff ey26,2:56. A 73,109.
First downs Total NetYards Rushes yards Passing Punt Returns Kickoff Returns InterceptionsRet. CompAtt Int SackedYardsLost Punts FumblesLost PenaltiesYards Time ofPossession
SO NO 27 21 427 404 18 117 2 1 53 310 351 2 16 22 5 127 249 19 1 41 27 42 I 29 45 I 5 44 319 4 45.5 4 51.8 11 20 7 56 1 0 99 30:34 2 9 :26
Fourth Quarter Ten Cook 10 pass from Hasselbeck(Bironas
kick), I 0:35. Min Rudolph 15passfrom Ponder (Walsh kick), 6:38. A 57,652. First downs Total NetYards Rushesyards Passing
T en
18 25 267 433 19 52 31 175 215 258
RUSHING —San Diego: Mathews 1280, Brown 227, Battle 4 10. New Orleans: PThomas930, Ingram 516,Sproles 59, Brees2 (minus2). PASSING —San Diego: Rivers 27421354. New Orleans: Brees 2945 I 370. RECEIVING — San Diego: Mathews 6 59, Floyd5108, Brown 5 47, Meachem 3 67,Gates 3 19, Royal 231,Battle 2 7, Rosario I 16. New Or leans: Colston 9131,Henderson8 123,Sproles 5 28,Camari fof4 44,PThomas2 40,J.Graham I 4. MISSEOFIELD GOALS— San Diego:Novak 55 (WL).
sharp grounder to second baseman Robert A n d ino, Continued from D1 who threw home. Matt Wiet The start of the game was ers grabbed the ball on the delayed by rain for 2 hours, short hop and tagged out 2 6 minutes, and that d i d Martin. O'Day then struck nothing to lessen the enthu out Alex Rodriguez. siasm of the 47,841 fans who Neither team got a runner endured 14 straight losing in scoring position again un season while waiting for the til J.J. Hardy started the Bal Orioles to play a postseason timore eighth with a double. He did not advance. game at Camden Yards. For eight innings, the sell Immediately after Orioles out crowd was treated to a fans cheered and waved their tense duel that typified the orange towels following a competition between two di first-pitch strike by Hammel vision foes that split 18 games to open thegame, the Yan during the regular season kees went to work. Jeter hit and finished tw o g a m es a leadoff single and Suzuki apart in the standings. followed with an RBI double O riole s s t arter J a s o n into the gap in left-center. But Hammel allowed two runs, Suzuki was thrown out try four hits and four walks in ing to steal third, and Ham 5 '8 innings. The right-hand mel settled down by striking er underwent knee surgery out Rodriguez and retiring in July and returned to pitch C ano on abroken-bat fl y to two games i n S eptember right. before his right knee began Sabathia retired the first to bother him again. After six batters he faced without working his way back into allowing a ball out of the in field, then ran into trouble in form, Hammel donned a knee brace and gave Balti the third inning. Chris Davis more a solid 112-pitch outing led off with a single, Lew in his first start in nearly a Ford singled and both run month. ners moved up on a bunt be New York missed an ex fore Nate McLouth bounced cellent chance to take the a two-run single into right lead in the seventh. After field for a 2-1 lead. Troy Patton walked Martin New York promptly tied and Ibanez, Darren O'Day it in the fourth, but another entered and Jeter dropped p otential bi g i n n in g w a s down a perfect two-strike short-circuited when a run sacrifice bunt. With the in ner was thrown out on the field drawn in, Suzuki hit a basepaths.
reessesmar as ains ea The Associated Press NEW ORLEANS — Drew Brees'latest assault on a pres tigious NFL passing record lifted the embattled New Or leans Saints to their first vic tory of the season. Brees broke a h a l f -cen tury-old record by throwing a touchdown pass in his 48th straight game, and the Saints defeated the San Diego Char gers 31-24 on Sunday night. Brees' 40-yard pass to De very Henderson eclipsed the mark of 47 consecutive games with a touchdown pass set by Johnny Unitas from 1956-60. "First of all it's a team re cord, not an individual record. So many people were respon sible for this, coaches and peo ple in the organization," Brees said. "Certainly the man who heldthis record stands for ev erything great in this league. It couldn't have happened in a better way." Brees finished with f o u r touchdown passes, including three to Marques Colston, giv ing the seventh-year receiver a franchise-record 52 TD catch es with the Saints (1-4). Also on Sunday: C olts..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 0 P ackers ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 7 INDIANAPOLIS — A n Ryan Moore/ The Associated Press drew Luck capped a second New Orleans Saints quarterback Drew Brees (9) celebrates half comeback by throwing a after completing a touchdown pass for his 48th consecutive 4-yard touchdown pass to Reg game, breaking Johnny Unitas' NFL record which stood for gie Wayne with 35 seconds over 50 years, during a game against the San Diego Chargers to go that gave Indianapolis a at Mercedes-Benz Superdome in New Orleans, Sunday. stunning victory over Green Bay in the Colts' first game without coach Chuck Pagano. 151 yards rushing from Stevan Jones intercepted Andy Dal Green Bay (2-3) had a chance Ridley. In the 13th meeting be ton's overthrown pass at mid to force overtime, but Mason tween the star quarterbacks, field with I:22 left, preserving Crosby missed a 51-yard field and first since Manning left a win that ended two weeks of goal with 3 seconds to go. the Indianapolis Colts, Brady miserable, last-minute finishes Luck then took a knee and directed four scoring marches for Miami. Miami (2-3) had time ran out and the team cel of at least 80 yards and the dropped its past two games in ebrated. Missing was Pagano, Patriotsrushed for 252 yards. overtime. The Dolphins held who is in a hospital undergo Brady improved to 9-4 against on against the Bengals (3-2), ing treatment for l eukemia Manning, He completed 23 of who never got anything going that was recently diagnosed. 31 passes for 223 yards and consistently on offense and Luck came through with just one touchdown and ran for wasted a chance for a tighter what Pagano wanted — get another. Manning was 31 of 44 finish. Mike Nugent was wide ting the Colts (2-2) to .500. And for 345 yards and three touch right on a 42-yard field goal try they did it despite trailing 21-3 downs but lost a fumble on a with 3 minutes left — his first at halftime. After Adam Vina third-quarter sack. The fumble miss of the season — giving tieri gave Indy its first lead at led to Ridley's 8-yard run that the Dolphins a chance to run 22-21 with a 28-yard field goal, put the Patriots (3-2) ahead 31 down the clock behind rookie Aaron Rodgers threw an 8 7 with about five minutes left quarterback Ryan Tannehill, yard TD pass to James Jones in the third quarter. Manning who was smooth in the tough to make it 27-22 with 4:30 left then threw touchdown passes est moments. The Bengals got before the Colts rallied. of 2 yards to Eric Decker and the ball back at their 20 follow Falcons...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 5 yards to Brandon Stokley but ing a punt with I:45 to go, but R edskins..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Denver (2-3) lost a fumble with Dalton's second interception LANDOVER, Md. — Mi 3:42 remaining. sealed it. Dalton was 26 of 43 chael Turner ran 13 yards for S teelers ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 for 234 yards with three sacks the go-ahead score with 2:46 Eagles...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 and two interceptions. to play, and Atlanta knocked PITTSBURGH — S h a un Giants..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Robert Griffin III out of the Suisham hit a 34-yard field Browns...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 game. The Falcons are 5-0 for goal as t im e expired. The EAST RUTHERFORD, N.J. the first time in franchise histo Eagles (3-2) took the lead on a — Victor Cruz and A hmad ry. Matt Ryan completed 34 of 2-yard touchdown pass from Bradshaw set c areer bests 52 passes for 345 yards as At Michael Vick to Brent Celek in leading New York Giants lanta handed Washington (2 with 6:33 remaining, but the over winless Cleveland. Cruz 3) its eighth consecutive home Steelers responded by driving caught three touchdown pass loss. Griffin left the game in 64 yards, including a pair of es from Eli Manning covering the third quarter after being hit key third-down conversions 3, 7 and 28 yards, while Brad in the head on a sack by line by quarterback Ben Roethlis shaw surpassed his yardage backer Sean Weatherspoon. berger, to set up the winning on the ground for the season Coach Mike Shanahan said kick. Pittsburgh running back with a career-high 200. He had RG3 has a "mild concussion." Rashard Mendenhall ran for 132 entering the game. The Gi Kirk Cousins took over and 81 yards and a touchdown in ants are 9-0 in games he has threw a 77-yard touchdown his first game of the season as rushed for 100 yards or more. pass to Santana Moss to give the Steelers (2-2) avoided their New York (3-2) also forced the Redskins a fourth-quarter first two-game losing streak in three t u r novers, i n cluding lead, but the fourth-round pick three years. Vick completed 20 Chase Blackburn's intercep also threw two interceptions in of 30 passes for 175 yards and tion in the end zone midway the final two minutes. two scores but fumbled twice through the fourth quarter to Patriots...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 for the Eagles, who couldn' t clinch it. B roncos..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1 keep their string of narrow V ikings..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 0 early-season victories going. FOXBOROUGH, Mass. T itans.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Tom Bradywon his latest show Dolphins...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 MINNEAPOLIS — P ercy down with Peyton Manning B engals ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 H arvin p o unded h i s w a y with the help of a career-high CINCINNATI — Re s had through Tennessee's defense
for one touchdown rushing and another receiving for Min nesota. Harvin caught eight passesfor 108 yards for the Vi kings (4-1), who have given up a combined 33 points in winning three straight games. Christian Ponder threw his first two in terceptions after 143 attempts without one, but he still fin ished 25 for 35 for 258 yards and two scores against the reeling Titans (1-4). Matt Has selbeck, starting in place of the injured Jake Locker, went 26 for 43 for 200 yards, one touch down and one interception. 4 9ers..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 5 Bills ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 SAN FRANCISCO — Alex Smith threw for a season-high 303 yards and three touch downs, Frank Gore ran for 106 yards and a score, and San Francisco amassed a franchise record 621yards. Michael Crab tree and Vernon Davis each eclipsed 100 yards receiving to back Smith, who threw TD passes of 43, 28 and 10 yards and surpassed 300 yards pass ing for only the third time in his career. Rian Lindell kicked a 31-yard field goal in the first quarter before San Francisco scored the final 42 points to hand Buffalo (2-3) its second straight embarrassing loss. B ears ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1 J aguars ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 JACKSONVILLE, Fl a. — Charles Tillman and Lance Briggs returned interceptions for touchdowns — their sec ond in six days — and Chi cago used stifling defense to overwhelm Jacksonville. The Bears (4-1) scored 38 unan swered points in the second half to win their third con secutive game. The streak has everything to do with defense. Chicago has returned five in terceptions for touchdowns in the past three weeks. Tillman and Briggs returned two of the team's five interceptions for touchdowns in Monday night' s 34-18 victory at Dallas. Safety Major Wright returned one the previous week against St. Louis. The Jaguars (1-4) never recovered and played the final
e I
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Ravens..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 C hiefs..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Ray Rice ran for 101 yards and Jus tin Tucker made all three of his field goal attempts. Joe Flacco threw for 187 yards and was picked off once, but the Ravens (4-1) were still able to come up with enough points to beat the Chiefs (1-4), who turned it over four times. Matt Cassel threw for 92yards, was intercepted twice and credited with two lost fumbles before leaving in the fourth quarter with a head injury. Brady Quinn led Kan sas City to another field goal by Ryan Succop.
Q T 0
quarter amid a chorus ofboos. S eahawks..... . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Panthers...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Rus sell Wilson threw a 13-yard touchdown pass to Golden Tate with 35 seconds left in the third quarter and Seattle came up with four sacks against Cam Newton. Wilson shook off two third quarter interceptions including one that was returned for a touchdown. Wilson threw for 221 yards, while Marshawn Lynch ran for 85 yards for the Seahawks (3-2). Newton threw for 141 yards on 12-for-29 pass ing, while the Panthers (1-4) managed 190 total yards.
a r ers
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R j: W S E D M N H 0 S M j: D N E J R A D N N T P E V L A 0 0 P N E C C W E P Y A B S L T A K H N W C
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F 0 R T R O C K X L C D H 0 U R C G A U B L
B Z S R j: N j: K E V O O G F C T J Y j: W D N X W M M X N Y F F Q K S Y W M B P S 0 G 0 R
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X B G Q Y G 0 C E M E M j: D E W
B j: V M R X S D W j: B S F E 0 S
F R P D X 0 P X F Z E P D G 0 J
V V Z L H S 0 A Y Q Z T M S P J
Y S G P Z J T C 0 W U S D A M F H G X T U W j: L 0 M G P B Y U A J M T U F R P 0 S V A F W J Y J K J
M N T Y A M W L j: S C D X J P 0 U V T B Z F V M X
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Mail o r deliver your game entry to: 1777 SW Chandler Avenue, Bend OR 97702 54 1 -385-5800 • www.bendbulletin.corn
Helmets come with a sticker inside that states their certification. In the United States, Continued from D1 two agencies that certify bicycle helmets are Mountain bike helmets may drop down the Consumer Product Safety Commission lower on the back of the head to provide more whose certification is required by law — and protection, Boyd observed, and mountain the Snell Memorial Foundation. Snell uses bike helmets are designed so that they ven more stringent standards, Boyd said, but all tilate better at lower speeds, road helmets at certified helmets are safe. higher speeds. So when is it t ime to purchase a new Whatever helmet is used, proper fit is cru helmet? cial. Last week Mark Campbell, manager That depends. Campbell noted that sweat at Pine Mountain Sports in Bend, described and sun over time can cause a helmet to de how a bicycle helmet should fit. It should fit teriorate. He recommended replacing a hel snugly, he said. Once the dial on the back of met after three to five years and inspecting the helmet (a feature of many helmets that of helmets in direct sunlight, looking for frac fers a more precise fit) is adjusted, the helmet, tures and pulling on a helmet to check the when unbuckled, should not come off when amount of flex. (Jane Quinn, a sales associ the rider bends forward. When the chin strap ate and buyer for Pine Mountain Sports, said is buckled, the rider should be able to fit two helmet manufacturers recommend riders re fingers between the strap and the bottom of place their helmets every five years. So riders the chin. sporting helmets older than that recommen J eff Monson, executive director of t h e dation might want to consider purchasing a Bend nonprofit Commute Options, also of new lid J fered some tips. The helmet, he said, should sit Where that three-to-five-year recommen down on the rider's forehead. dation changes is if a helmet endures a signifi "You put your two fingers above the eye cant impact. "If you have an impact, if you crash and brow, and the bottom of the helmet should touch (the top finger)," Monson said. He also fall on your head, new helmet," Boyd said. "It explained that riders can use two fingers to doesn't matter if it's a month old or 5 years make a "v" and place them so that one finger old, that's helmet time. You crash, you replace rests just in the front of the ear and the other your helmet. The way the foam is designed just in back, with the bottom of the "v" touch in the helmet ... they can absorb one hard ing the bottom of the ear lobe. That models impact." how the straps that run along the sides of the So be kind to that noggin and buckle up. face should fit. You neverknow when donning a helmet could The cost of a helmet can vary wildly, from save you from serious injury — or worse. "It's not just if you' re racing," Monson said. about $40 to well more than $200. But price does not determine safety level. "It can be a short ride to the grocery store or to "They all have to meet a certain safety stan school, of course, or wherever you' re going ... dard," Campbell explained. "It doesn't mat but every time you ride your bike, you should ter if you' re paying $40 or $140 or even $200. be wearing a helmet." They' re still going to meet the same safety — Reporter: 541-383-0393, standard." amilesC~bendbulletin.corn.
CYCLING CENTRAL CALENDAR Please email Cycling Central event information to sportsC~ bendbulletin.corn or click on "Submit an Event" on our website at bendbulletin.corn. Items are published on a space availability basis, and should be submitted at least IO days before the event.
riders; 5:30 p.m. on thefirst and third Wednesdays of eachmonth; free; rental and demo bikes available at no charge (be at the shop at 5 p.m.); meet at 255 S.W.Century Drive, Bend; 541-385-8080; www. pinemountainsports.corn. teaches bike handling skills, fitness CAMPS/CLASSES/ workouts and race strategy in a fun EUROSPORTSRIDE: Group road and safe environment; beginners bike ride starting in Sisters from CLINICS may use mountain bikes;weekly Eurosports, 182 E. Hood St.; INDOOR CYCLINGCLASSES: At training sessions and fully supported Saturdays;check with the shop for Powered by Bowen, 143 S.W. start time; all riders welcome; 541 travel to Oregon Junior Series; Century Drive, Bend; limited to eight bill 549-2471; @bendenduranceacademy. riders per class; classes are based org or enroll online at HUTCH'SNOON RIDE:Group on each rider's power output for road bike ride starting in Bend an individual workout in a group from Hutch's Bicycles east-side setting; sessionsfromnoonto1 location, 820 N.E. Third St., at p.m.on Mondaysand Fridays, and MISCELLANEOUS noon onMondays, Wednesdays, from 6:30 a.m. to 7:30 a.m. and 5:15 Fridays;and from Hutch's west-side MOVIE NIGHTATMCMENAMINS: 6:15 p.m. onTuesdaysand location, 725 N.W. Columbia St., "The Cyclocross Meeting"; Thursdays;$15 per class, discount at noon onTuesdays, Thursdays; available for purchase of multiple Thursday, Oct. 25;9 p.m.; Old pace varies; 541-382-6248; www. St. Francis School theater, Bend; sessions; www.poweredbybowen. hutchsbicycles.corn. $5 (cash only), 21 and older; film corn, 541-585-1500. HUTCH'S SATURDAY RIDE: Group chronicles the U.S. and Japanese RESTORE PROPERMOVEMENT road bike ride begins at10 a.m. cyclocross scenes and includes YOGA:Restorative yoga for busy Saturdaysin Bend from Hutch's Bend pro Barry Wicks; fundraiser athletes such as cyclists, runners Bicycles east-side location, 820 N.E. for Central Oregon Trail Alliance; and triathletes already training; no Third St.; approximately 40 miles; pinemountainsports.corn. strength poses, just restorative yoga vigorous pace; 541-382-6248; for active recovery;Mondays;5:30 www.hutchsbicycles.corn. p.m.; Powered by Bowen, 143 S.W. RACES Century Drive, Bend; 30 minutes per class; five points on Power Pass or HALLOWEENCROSS CRUSADE: OUT OF TOWN $5 per class; 541-585-1500. Saturday and Sunday, Oct. 27-28 CROSSCRUSADE:Eight-race (Sunday is official costume day, cyclocross series; each day, first option on Saturday); 8:40 a.m.; Old race starts at 8:40 a.m. and last YOUTH Mill District, Bend; races Nos. 4 race starts at 3:1 5p.m.; race No. 2 and 5 of the Cross Crusade Series; DEVELOPMENT divisions for men, women, masters, is Sunday, Oct. 14,at Rainier High School, Ranier, race No. 3 isSunday, MT. BACHELORSPORTS Clydesdales, single speed, juniors, Oct. 21,at Portland International unicycles and kids (age 12and EDUCATIONFOUNDATION Raceway; divisions for men, women, younger); $5-$30 per race, $40 SEPTEMBER MOUNTAINBIKING masters, Clydesdales, single speed, PROGRAM:Age 8 and older; on $210 for series; OBRAmembership juniors, unicycles and kids (age12 required; crosscrusade.corn. early school releaseWednesdays; and younger); $5-$30 per race, $40 MBSEF will pick kids up from their $210forseries; OBRAmembership schools and head out to the trails to required; crosscrusade.corn. ride; 541-388-0002; mbsef@mbsef. RIDES SOUTHERN BAJA,MEXICO org; BEND'SBIG FATTOUR: Friday SINGLETRACK TOURS: Dec. 8-12, BEND ENDURANCE ACADEMY Sunday;guided, supported rides, Feb. 2-7and Feb. 16-20; Baja, CYCLOC ROSS TEAM: Ages 10-1 8; $89-$159, depending on number of Mexico; includes four days of riding TuesdaysthroughThursdays rides and date of registration; 541 and five nights of accommodations, through Nov. 25,option to extend 385-7002; info@bendsbigfattour. all meals and a Specialized full to Jan. 6;4 p.m.-6 p.m.; for org; bendsbigfattour.corn. suspension bike rental; tours limited beginners to advanced riders; to12 riders; $925 (airfare not BEND BELLA CYCLISTS: Weekly teaches bike handling skills, fitness included); 541-385-7002; cogwild. workouts and race strategy in a fun women-only group road and corn/multi-day-vacations/baja mountain bike rides; see website and safe environment; beginner singletrack. for dates and meeting times; participants may use mountain meet at Pine Mountain Sports, bikes; team offers weekly training 255 S.W. Century Drive, Bend; sessions and fully supported travel TRAILS to Oregon Junior Series races; bill@bendenduranceacademy. TRINITY BIKES RIDE: Group road COG WILDSHUTTLES: Tuesdays org or enroll online bike ride starting in Redmond at and Thursdays;5:30 p.m.; from Trinity Bikes, 865 S.W. 17th St.; Cascade Lakes Brewery to Swampy Mondays; 6 p.m .;somewhat casual Lakes and Dutchman sno-parks; BEND ENDURANCE ACADEMY $10 per person; available weekly, CYCLINGCYCLOCROSS TEAM: Ages pace; 541-923-5650. call Cog Wild Bicycle Tours & 10-18;Tuesdaysthrough Thursdays PINEMOUNTAIN SPORTS BIKE Shuttles to reserve seat; 541-385 through Nov. 25,option to extend RIDE:Twice-monthly guided through Jan. 6; 4 p.m.-6 p.m.; for mountain bike rides hosted by Pine 7002; other shuttle times available, call for details. beginners to advanced riders; Mountain Sports and open to all
CYCLING SCOREBOARD Mark Campbell. Cyclocross 11, Scott Meredith. 12,RobKerr. 13,Jeff Merwin. webcyclery Thrilla cyclocrossseries 14, BradleyPfeiffer. 15,GaryKlingler. 16,WalterMcK Race No. 3 night. 17,Gregrreyberg. 18,whit Bazem ore. 19,Dan Sept. 27, Bend Davis. 20,Yonolsen. Men 21, Brian Smith. 22, Kyle Gorman. 23, David category A u Brig Brandt 2, Ben Dorocke. Thompson. 3, Brennan Wodtl't 4, Damian category c 1, Jake perrin. 2,JeffJohnston. schmitt 5, Matt Russell. 6, cody peterson.7, 3, ThomasPastor. 4, Chris Zanger. 5, ChadHarlley. RyanNess.8, Mattrox. 9, taurenMccarthy. 10, 6, scott Birdwell. 7, Donovan Birky. 8, John uv Gabriel tinn. ingston. 9,MattDouglas.10,JasonRandles. 11, Michael Dennis. 12, PeterVraniak. 13, 11, Donpeterson. 12, callan vaccaro.13, steve Marshall Greene. 14, Colin Dunlap. 15, Erik Arnold. 14, Kevin Nibor. 15, DrewMoore. 16, tael Bergstrom. Gregory.17,RylanKihs. 18,christopher callahan. 19, Junior u lan wilson. 2,Jonathanwim NathanMiler. 20,J.P.Bar. berly. 3,Natetelack. 4, Nathaniel Cannon. category c 40+ u TiagoReis.2, Kentchap Category A 40+ 1, AndrewSargent 2, pie. 3, JimSipe. 4, BradleyTaylor. 5, tucasFreeman. AdamCarroll. 3, DanWolnick. 4, GregMiler. 5, 6, colby Nightengale. 7,Michael coe. 8, nmpeter RyanMcKean.6, KarstenHagen. 7,MikeBrown. son. 9,CaseyManion. 10,CraigGerlach. 8, Jim Juenger.9, DavidBaker. category c 50+ u Alan Thom ason. 2, craig Category 8 1, BrookGardner.2,Andrew Mavis. 3, Amorycheney.4, Jeff Monson.5, shawn Thomas. 3,Jason Oman.4,Michaeltarsen.5, Erik Hammer.6, TonyBoardman. 7, ChadWil lems. 8, Seth Taylor. 9, Eric Blankenship. 10, Matt Hickey. 11, cory Tanler.12, AaronTarnow.13,Brett Golden. 14,SeanLewis. 15, DarrenSmith. 16, Patrick Miller. 17, BenyAmbauen.18, Aaron Bend City Council ogorzalek.19,HansBielat 20,AlexRocco.
Women category A u BrennaLopezutero. category B u MichelleMils. 2,Amberclark. 3,
Aimeerurber. 4,Angelina salerno. 5, taurenMork. category 8 40+ u Mary skrzynsk't 2,Holly Pfeiffer. category c 1, Amanda Atwill. 2, MaryDallas. 3, patriciastrange.4, Mollycogswell Kelley.5,tauren Hamlin. 6,ShaBrown. 7,Patti Wolfe.8,AmyMitchell. Junior u Ivy Taylo2, r. KatieRyan.
..rdend r fat>r rr>3K 8" Eg5W ~Bar snac
u ~ so)re' club'
Vote for Charles Baer
category 840+ u Eric schusterman. 2,
Matthewtasala. 3, EricBirky. 4, StephenPorino. 5, AndrewSteiner. 6, Mark Reinecke. 7, Ryan Altman. 8,KevinEnglish. 9, MikeReightley. 10,
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Pets 8 Supplies 0
00 I Want to Buy or Rent WANTED: RAZORS, Double or single edged, straight
razors, shaving brushes, mugs & scuttles, strops, shaving accessories & memorabilia. Fair prices paid. Call 541-390-7029
between 10 am-3 pm. Items for Free FREE Llama Manure Shovel ready, you haul! Call 541-389-7329
I P ets 8 Supplies
Chi-Pom Puppy, male 17 weeks, all shots unaltered,tan & brown $150, 541-598-5076.
Chocolate Lab AKC 10
yrs, very nice, great with kids, moving and c an't take w it h u s . Free. 541-385-6232
Need to get an ad in ASAP? You can place it online at: www.bendbulletin.corn
541-385-5809 Dachshund AKC minis wheaton, red, choc, dpi parents here, vet check www.bendweenies.corn $375-425 541-508-4558
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The Bulletin recom mends extra caution when purc h a s ouf ing products or ser "QUICK CASH vices from out of the SPECIAL" area. Sending cash, 1 week 3 lines 12 checks, or credit in ~ 2 k 20 ! f ormation may b e Ad must include subjected to fraud. price of single item For more i nforma of $500 or less, or tion about an adver multiple items tiser, you may call whose total does the O r e gon State not exceed $500. Attorney General' s Office Co n s umer Call Classifieds at 541-385-5809 Protection hotline at 1-877-877-9392.
The Bulletin
English Bulldog Puppies Aushihtz to y f e m ale AKC registered, 1st puppy rare color with shots & microchipped. Ready to go! one blue eye. K e lly Sernng Centra( Oregon ttnte 1903
541-604-0716. $600
$2000. 541 416-0375
Micro, large Panasonic, countertop, $50,
Building Materials
Photo Printer, Epson Stylus Pro 4000,per
MADRAS Habitat RESTORE Building Supply Resale Quality at LOW PRICES 84 SW K St. 541-475-9722 Open to the public.
for Guns, Knives &
fect, $500, 504-8316 257
Musical Instruments
Ammo. 541-526-0617 CASH!!
Fiddle/violin Stand, New Folds Flat $30. 541-330-9070
For Guns, Ammo & Reloading Supplies.
~.'s~j i
9 7 7 0 2 269
Prineville Habitat ReStore Building Supply Resale 1427 NW Murphy Ct. 541-447-6934 Open to the public.
Fuel 8 Wood
WHEN BUYING FIREWOOD... To avoid fraud, The Bulletin recommends pay ment for Firewood only upon delivery and inspection. • A cord is 128 cu. ft. 4' x 4' x 8' • Receipts should include name, phone, price and kind of wood pur chased. • Firewood ads MUST include spe cies and cost per cord to better serve our customers.
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Gardening Supplies 8 Equipment For newspaper delivery, call the Circulation Dept. at 541-385-5800
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The Bulletin Sernng Centeal Oregon ttnte l903
Check out the classifieds online www.bendbulletin.corn Updated daily SUPER TOP SOIL www.hershe sotfandbark.corn
Screened, soil & com post mi x ed , no rocks/clods. High hu mus level, exc. for flower beds, lawns, gardens, straight s creened to p s o i l . Bark. Clean fill. De liver/you haul. 541-548-3949. 270
Lost 8 Found
Found Cat, really plain tabby, NW Bend. Call
l l l
Found keys near RV dump at RDM airport.
i TIsnBnllcftng
Classif leds
to I.D., 541-382-0094 Call to I.D.,541-520-9922 Lost Cab 10/1, female
Himalayan mix,cream, grey, white, has mi crochip in neck, Britta & Shetland Lp., Bend. 541-382-0662.
Lost earring, 3 wks ago, Desch. River Trail, Bend. Sterling silver, pearl & leaves. 541-593-5591 Lost Jezebel, a small scruffy female Chi huahua, brown, long ish-hair, w e s t of Brookswood on trails north of main COI ca nal. $1000 r eward. 541-410-2887.
REMEMBER: If you have lost an animal, don't forget to check The Humane Society in Bend 541-382-3537
541-447-7178; OR Craft Cats, 541-389-8420.
The Bulletin
Oregonians agree
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Poodle (Toy) Pup
pies — 2 little black g irls l e ft . H o m e raised & s p o iled. $250 ea. S ENIOR discount. 541-771-0522
Foster homes needed for POODLE (TOY) Pups, k ittens too s m all t o AKC. Pomapoos also! a lter/adopt. Res c ue So cute! 541-475-3889 group provides cage, food, supplies, vet care; Queensland Heelers Barn/shop cats FREE, you provide a safe, car standard & mini,$150 & some tame, some not. ing short- term home. up. 541-280-1537 http: // We deliver! Fixed, shots. 541 389 8420 or 598 nghtwayranch.wordpress.corn 541-389-8420 5488, Yorkie male puppies (2), Free Lionhead Female 8 weeks, vet checked & de l i ver, Rabbit, to good ap shots, c a n proved home o nly, $600. 541-792-0375 541-548-0747 Yorkies, 2 pu r e bred males, hand raised, German Shorthair AKC Chihuahua Pups, a s Pups, NFC bred, parents 12 weeks around 7 sorted colors, teacup, on-site- proven hunters,4 I bs, 1/2 y e ars o l d 1st shots, w o rmed, female, 3 male, $600, a round 3lbs. $ 3 0 0 541-598-6988
U OF 0 HOMECOMING 541-383-4231. TICKETS DO YOU HAVE Sat. 10/27 2 seats People Look for Information SOMETHING TO section 36 includes • Heating 8 Stoves About Products and SELL guar. hotel resv. FOR $500 OR Services Every Day through $150/ticket. NOTICE TO LESS? The Bulletin ClassiSeds bach©gmail.corn ADVERTISER Non-commercial Since September 29, Refrigerator, 25 cf side x advertisers may Sernng Central Oregon ttnte l903 260 1991, advertising for place an ad side w/icemaker, works used woodstoves has Dry Juniper Firewood good! $125. with our Misc. Items been limited to mod 541-526-5854 "QUICK CASH $200 per cord, split. els which have been SPECIAL" Buying Diamonds Washer & dryer, stack 1 week 3 lines 12 c ertified by the O r 1/2 cords available. /Gold for Cash Immediate delivery! able, like new, $400 Department of OI' Saxon's Fine Jewelers egon 541-408-61 93 set. 541-593-1101 Environmental Qual k 2 el ~2 541-389-6655 ity (DEQ) and the fed Dry seasoned Juniper, Ad must eral En v ironmental $200/cord split; BUYING The Bulletin include price of Protection Ag e n cy $175/cord rounds. Lionel/American Flyer recommends extra ' lt l $5 00 Call 541-977-4500 or trains, accessories. (EPA) as having met l caution when pur or less, or multiple 530-524-3299 541-408-2191. smoke emission stan chasing products or v items whose total dards. A cer t ified services from out of I does not exceed 269 BUYING & SELLING oodstove may b e the area. Sending I9 $500. All gold jewelry, silver w Gardening Supplies identified by its certifi c ash, checks, or and gold coins, bars, cation label, which is 8 Equipment Call Classifieds at l credit i n f o rmation rounds, wedding sets, permanently attached 541-385-5809 may be subjected to class rings, sterling sil to the stove. The Bul Garden Shelf,3/4 circular, l FRAUD. For more www.bendbulletin.corn ver, coin collect, vin letin will no t k now3 folding shelves, green, information about an v tage watches, dental ingly accept advertis $49. 541-330-9070 advertiser, you may I Elkhunters -30-338, 338 gold. Bill Fl e ming, i ng for the sale o f I call the O r egon I Win Mag, 300 Wby 541-382-941 9. uncertified Find exactly what State Att or n ey ' Mag, 300 Win mag, Car tent 10x20 woodstoves. l General's O f f i ce 7mm m ag , 3 0 - 0 6, you are looking for in the new $120 obo. Consumer P rotec- • 308, all exc., call for 541-389-9268 CLASSIFIEDS t ion ho t l in e at I info 541-771-5648. German Shorthairs AKC — females $500, l 1-877-877-9392. COWGIRL CASH Mossberg 390 Auto, 12 males $400. Home buy Jewelry, Boots, ga, like new, $350, WeVintage raised, mom on-site, Dresses & e Pre-War 91/30 Mosin 1st shots dewormed. More. 924 Brooks St. Nagant, $125; 541-408-211 4. 541-678-51 62 "Arctic Fox Silver Edition 1140, 2005. 5 hrs on 541-419-8586. www.getcowgirlcash.corn gen; air, siideout, dry bath, like new, loaded! . Kittens/cats avail. thru Wanted: Collector Also 2004Dodge Ram 3500 quad cab dually Antiques 8 rescue group. Tame, n Custom made female seeks high quality 4x4, 11,800 mi, SuperHitch... Collectibles shots, altered, ID chip, black-powder wool fishing items. Richard, Bend, OR more. Sat/Sun 1-5, call squaw dress & leggings, Call 541-678-5753, or re: other days. 65480 Breyer collectible horses 503-351-2746 unadorned, with acces 78th St ., Bend, vintage Get Results from Qualified from sories. $150 obo. Wanted Ruger 1 0/22 541-389-8420; 598 1975-1980 Prices vary 541-280-0112 or Central Oregon Buyers! R ifle, p l ease c a l l 5488; photos, etc. at at $20 or less. Also 541-536-241 2 Call us at 541 -385-5809 and ask tack & st a b les for 541-771-5648. about our Whee/ Deal S ecial! Extra large meat grinder, sale. 541-504-9078 253 Lab Puppies, yellows & mounted onblk ofwood, b lacks, males & f e The Bulletin reserves TV, Stereo 8 Video $35. 541-385-8070 males, $200 ea., no the right to publish all Leather briefcase, soft papers, 541-771-5511 ads from The Bulletin Pioneer Digital Receiver, black, pewter hardware, newspaper onto The high wattage,$70 Firm, $45 541 330 9070 Labradoodles — Mini & www .bendbulletir Internet web Jim 541-382-1627. med size, several colors Bulletin site. Leather organizer, 3-ring 541-504-2662 255 binder & inserts, $20. www.alpen-ridge.corn Computers 541-330-9070 Sernng Centeal Oregon ttnte l903 Labrador AKC p u p s, choc/blk/yellow, males Traffic light and penny T HE B U LLETIN r e P iranha paintball r e gun, $99. Lg mir & females, exlnt hunters/ parking meter. quires computer ad peater ror, $99. 4 auto rims, $15 familydogs. $500-$600 541-389-5226. vertisers with multiple ea. Hampton stand each. 1st shots & dew ad schedules or those up fan, $99.Bay Router, ormed. In Lebanon, OR, selling multiple sys $125. 541-948-4413 1-707-775-5809 or Coins 8 Stamps • tems/ software, to dis www.facebook.corn/ close the name of the Wantedpa ying cash amandito.casteen Private collector buying business or the term for Hi-fi audio & stu "dealer" in their ads. Labradors AKC: black & p ostage stamp a l dio equip. Mclntosh, choc; dewclaws, athletic bums & c o llections, Private party advertis J BL, Marantz, D y parents; fern,$450; male world-wide and U.S. ers are d efined as naco, Heathkit, San 573-286-4343 (local, those who sell one $400. 541-410-9000 sui, Carver, NAD, etc. cell ¹) computer. Call 541-261-1808 Labradors, quality! AKC, 2 black, 2 choc; 1 white female. 541-536-5385
A US S IES, M I N I/TOY AKC, all colors, must see, parents on site. 541-598-5314/788-7799
O r e g o n
Bend local pays CASH!!
GENERATE SOME ex citement i n your neighborhood! Plan a garage sale and don' t forget to advertise in classified! 541-385-5809.
B e n d
Guns, Hunting 8 Fishing Arisaka Model 99, 7.7, 2 bayonets w/scabbards, & 1 box ammo. $400. 541-420-0065
$150 ea. Full war ranty. Free Del. Also wanted, used W/D's
A v e . ,
Monday - Friday 7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Saturday 10:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
each. 541-280-4200
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classifieds. •
Yoll haVearighttoknOWWhatyOurgOVernmentiSdOing. Current Oregon law requires public notices to be printed in a newspaper whose readers are affected by the notice. But federal, state, and local government agencies erroneously believe they can save money by posting public notices on their web sites instead of in the local newspaper. If they did that,you'd have to know in advance where, when, and how to look, and what to look for, in order to be informed about government actions that could affect you directly. Less than 10% of the U.S. population currently visits a govern ment web site daily,* but 80% of all Oregon adults read a news paper at least once during an average week, and 54% read public notices printed there.**
KeePPubliCnOtiCeSiI thenewSPaPer! ' USCental Bateaa,kfay 2009 "Amerltan opinion Research,Pnnrelan ttf Septembe 3010
541-385-5809 or go to www.bendbulletin.corn
Edited by Will Shortz
Across 34 Sets of tasks, as 1 Bundle of cotton at an office 37 Beehive State 5 Sums tribe 9 Salon jobs, for 38 Shelter for short 37-Across 14 Jewish month 39 Stumble over after Av the corner of a 15 " the time" rug, say 16 Be of use 40 Old jalopies 17 Printed results of 42 One full of baseball games baloney an d outs 19 Sharpshooter's 43 weapon 44 Itemized bill: 20 "Caught you red Abbr. 45 Regret handed!" 21 Iranian money 46 Big containers in a tavern 22 Like many potato chips and 52 Loss peanuts 23 Tailgate party places 26 Suffix with final 27 Sticky stuff 28 kw o n do 31 Camera setting
56 Table scraps 57 Filmmaker Spike 58 Sci-fi's Asimov 59 Many ... or a hint to the ends of 17-, 23-, 34-, 40- and
61 Cookie trayful 62 And others, briefly
63 Dog pests 64 Japanese restaurant staple 65 Reject, as an accusation 66 How many TV programs are aired nowadays
Monday • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • a Noon Sata
Tuesday • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Noon Mons 28
Wednesday • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Noon Tuesa Thursday • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Noon Wed. Fr i d ay . . . . . . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Noon Thurs. Saturday Real Estate.. . . . . . . . . . . 1 1:00 am Fri. a nn Frl • Saturday • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • a 3$00 Sunday. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Noon Sat a
36 39 42 45
46 53
38 41
22 25
Down 1 Jazz genre 2 Hawaiian hello 3 Pyramid-shaped hotel in Vegas 4 Chicago trains 5 Bless, in a way 6 Hip-hopper' s headgear 7 Reside 8 Snake sound 9 Light umbrella 10 Satanic 11 Castaway's makeshift vessel 121/500 of the Indianapolis 500 13 Iditarod transport 18 Burned to a 22 Stir up the fire 24 Newsstand 25 Fairy tale monsters 28 Poi source 29 Situation after deuce 30 Catch sight of 31 Japan's tallest peak 32 Use a Taser on
Place a photoin your private party ad for only$1 5.00per week.
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... $20.00
(cail for commerdai kne ad rates)
Starting at 3 lines
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Puzzle by C. W. Stewart
33 Exchange for a twenty, maybe 34 Snake (through) 35 Like an antonym: Abbr. 36 None of the above 38 Basic belief 41 Japanese grill 42 Prize money
45 Sounding like a jalopy 47 Way to go 48 Newscaster Williams 49 Pixielike 50 Bloodsucker 51 Used needle and thread 52 "That's mine!"
Garage Sale Special
53" Wood would saw
4 lines for 4 days......................
wood" (part of an old tongue twister) 54 Suet and blubber 55 "To h i s own" 59 Proof-ending letters 60 Boxer called "The Greatest"
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PUBLISHER' S Looking for your next NOTICE employee? EMPLOYMENT FINANCEAND BUSINESS 682 - Farms, RanchesandAcreage All real estate adver RENTALS Place a Bulletin help 410 - Private Instruction 507 - RealEstate Contracts tising in this newspa 603 - RentalAlternatives 687 - Commercial for Rent/Lease wanted ad today and 421 - Schools and Training 514 - Insurance per is subject to the 604 - Storage Rentals 693 - Office/Retail Space for Rent reach over 60,000 F air H o using A c t 454- Looking for Employment 528 - Loans and Mortgages 605 readers each week. 605 - RoommateWanted REAL ESTATE which makes it illegal 470- Domestic 8 In-Home Positions 543 - Stocks and Bonds Your classified ad Roommate Wanted 705 - Real Estate Services to a d v ertise "any 616 - Want ToRent 476 - Employment Opportunities 558 - Business Investments will also appear on preference, limitation 627 Vac at i o n Ren t al s & E xc hange s 713 - Real Estate Wanted bendbulletin.corn 486 - Independent Positions 573 - Business Opportunities Housemate wanted to or disc r imination 719 - Real Estate Trades which currently share home w/owner, based on race, color, 630 - Rooms for Rent 726 - Timeshares for Sale 286 476 receives over 1.5 own bath, storage & religion, sex, handi 631 - Condos &Townhomesfor Rent million page views 730 - New Listings garage $350/mo+t/2 cap, familial status, 632 - Apt./Multiplex General Sales Northeast Bend Employment every month at utils, 541-420-5546 634 Apt./Multiplex NE Bend 732 - Commercial Properties for Sale marital status or na Opportunities no extra cost. tional origin, or an in 636 - Apt./Multiplex NWBend 738 - Multiplexes for Sale 630 Bulletin Classifieds tention to make any 638 - Apt./Multiplex SE Bend ** FREE ** 740 - Condos &Townhomesfor Sale Medical Ass i stant Get Results! Rooms for Rent such pre f e rence, Garage Sale Klt Experience required. 640 - Apt./Multiplex SW Bend 744 - Open Houses Call 385-5809 limitation or discrimi Place an ad in The We are looking for a or place NE Bend, private bath & nation." Familial sta 642 - Apt./Multiplex Redmond 745- Homes for Sale Bulletin for your ga energetic dependable entrance, fenced pa tus includes children 646 - Apt./Multiplex Furnished your ad on-line at 746 - Northwest BendHomes rage sale and re and efficient person to bendbulletin.corn tio,new carpet & paint, under the age of 18 648 - Houses for Rent General 747- Southwest BendHomes ceive a Garage Sale join our team. We of $495. 541-317-1879 living with parents or 650 - Houses for Rent NEBend 421 748 - Northeast BendHomes fer a superior salary, Kit FREE! legal cust o dians, 652 - Houses for Rent NWBend Schools 8 Training e xcellent bene f i t 749- Southeast Bend Homes Call a Pro pregnant women, and KIT INCLUDES: X!I~%88Q package and a four 654- Houses for Rent SEBend 750 - RedmondHomes people securing cus • 4 Garage Sale Signs Whether you need a day work week. Typ TRUCK SCHOOL 3 PURII(BM@ 753 - Sisters Homes tody of children under 656 - Houses for Rent SWBend • $2.00 Off Coupon To ing a n d co m puter www. I IT fence fixed, hedges use Toward Your 18. This newspaper 658 - Houses for Rent Redmond 755 - Sunriver/La Pine Homes skills beneficial. Der Redmond Campus trimmed or a house Next Ad will not knowingly ac 659 - Houses for Rent Sunriver 756- Jefferson County Homes matology experience Student Loans/Job • 10 Tips For "Garage cept any advertising 660 - Houses for Rent La Pine built, you' ll find a plus. Outstanding 757 - Crook County Homes Waiting Toll Free Sale Success!" for real estate which is p atient care, t e a m 1-888-387-9252 professional help in 661 - Houses for Rent Prineville 762 - Homeswith Acreage in violation of the law. player and attention to The Bulletin's "Call a 763 - Recreational HomesandProperty Our r e a ders ar e 662 - Houses for Rent Sisters 454 detail a must. Posi PICK UP YOUR hereby informed that 663 - Housesfor Rent Madras 528 764- Farms andRanches Service Professional" tion involves a v ari GARAGE SALE KIT at Looking for Employment all dwellings adver 664 - Houses for Rent Furnished 771 - Lots ety of job duties in a Loans 8 Mortgages Directory 1777 SW Chandler tised in this newspa 671 - Mobile/Mfd. for Rent 773 - Acreages Ave., Bend, OR 97702 Seeking Position as Pri fast paced work envi 541-385-5809 per are available on r onment. Fax y o u r WARNING vate Caregiver, over 675 - RV Parking 775 - Manufactured/Mobile Homes an equal opportunity The Bulletin recom 10 yrs. exp. in medical/ resume with a cover Studios & Kitchenettes 676 Mobile/Mfd. Space 780 - Mfd. /Mobile Homeswith Land basis. To complain of letter to 541-323-2174 mends you use cau Furnished room, TV w/ surgical floors, very discrimination cal l compassionate, p r o oi email tion when you pro cable, micro & fridge. HUD 656 745 773 t o l l -free at Call The Bulletin At fessional c a r egiver, jodiOcentraloregon vide personal Utils & l inens. New 1-800-877-0246. The Houses for Rent Homes for Sale Acreages 514-294-5440 dermatology.corn. information to compa 541-385-5809 owners. $145-$165/wk toll f re e t e l ephone No phone calls please. nies offering loans or SW Bend 541-382-1885 Place Your Ad Or E-Mail number for the hear 476 credit, especially NOTICE At: www.bendbulletin.corn ing im p a ired is 634 Employment those asking for ad Clean 3 (could be 4) All real estate adver CHECK YOUR AD 1-800-927-9275. Remember.... vance loan fees or bedroom, on nearly 1 tised here in is sub Please check your ad Opportunities A dd your we b a d companies from out of Apt./Multiplex NE Bend acre, $1200 mo., 1 ject to t h e F e deral on the first day it runs dress to your ad and * Near Bend High 3 bdrm, state. If you have year lease required, F air H o using A c t , to make sure it is cor $299 1st mo. rent!! Caregiver 2t/2 bath, 2 story town 541-390-4213 readers on The concerns or ques which makes it illegal rect. Sometimes in GET THEM BEFORE Prineville Senior care Bulletin' s web site hse, W/D hkup, garage. tions, we suggest you to advertise any pref s tructions over t h e THEY ARE GONE! h ome l o oking f o r No pets/smkg.$760/mo. be able to click consult your attorney 658 erence, limitation or phone are misunder 2 bdrm, 1 bath Caregiver for multiple will Gael, 541-350-2095. or call CONSUMER discrimination based stood and a n e r ror $530 & $540 s hifts, p a rt-time t o through automatically Houses for Rent HOTLINE, Carports & A/C included! on race, color, reli can occur in your ad. full-time. Pass to your site. Redmond 1-877-877-9392. gion, sex, handicap, If this happens to your FoxHollow Apts. 650 criminal background familial status or na ad, please contact us (541) 383-3152 check. 541-447-5773. Sales Houses for Rent BANK TURNED YOU 1600 sq ft 3 bdrm + den, Cascade Rental Mgmt. Co tional origin, or inten the first day your ad Telephone prospecting DOWN? Private party * upstairs only with lease 1.75 bath, gas fireplace, NE Bend Central Processing tion to make any such appears and we will will loan on real es 2-car garage, fenced position for important Farm Equipment Technician preferences, l i m ita be happy to fix it as professional services. tate equity. Credit, no 642 backyard, great neigh 3B/office, garage/hobby tions or discrimination. s oon a s w e ca n . 8 Machinery Income pote n tial problem, good equity Apt./Multiplex Redmond shop, country home borhood, close to shop We will not knowingly Deadlines are: Week BEND SURGERY $50,000. (average in is all you need. Call ping &schools.$895/mo b eaut. m t n . vi e w . any advertis days 11:00 noon for c • F. • at • T • ts • a come 30k-35k) op now. Oregon L a nd 2 Bdrm 1 bath, large unit, $1200 mo. No-smok + dep. Pets nego, avail accept Ford New Holland ta tw Care ' titanic Iw Cocrezt 10/1/12. 541-504-4624, ing for r ea l e s tate next day, Sat. 11:00 Mortgage 388-4200. portunity f o r ad ing. 541-312-2224. no smkg/pets. W/S/G & Tractor, Di e sel, 40 Hrs/week, 4-10 hour which is in violation of a.m. for Sunday and or 541-419-0137 Base & 2300, hours, 32HP, this law. All persons Monday. shifts Mon.-Fri. Expe vancement. Where can you find a gas paid $550/mo 358 Commission, Health NW 17th St. Call Gael, Incl. push hog, post 541-385-5809 rience required, certi and Dental Benefits. are hereby informed helping hand? 541-350-2095 Looking for your next hole auger, blade, Thank you! that all dwellings ad fication preferred. Ex Will train the right per Get your employee? $12,000, From contractors to vertised are available The Bulletin Classified cellent benefit business son. Fax resume to: Place a Bulletin help 541-410-0929 Just too many on an equal opportu package offered. yard care, it's all here wanted ad today and Email r e s ume to 541-848-6408. collectibles? nity basis. The Bulle in The Bulletin's reach over 60,000 tin Classified IH1566, 180 hp, duals jobs© bendsurgety.corn Garage Sales a ROW I N G readers each week. "Call A Service Include "Central Pro 3 pt., 540/1000 pto Sell them in Your classified ad cessing" in the subject c ab, heat, a /c , t i l t Professional" Directory The Bulletin Classifieds Garage Sales 750 will also appear on with an ad in line. stereo, low hours bendbulletin.corn, Redmond Homes LOCAL MONEY: We buy Garage Sales $16,800. 541-419-2713 The Bulletin's currently receiving chasing products or I secured trust deeds & DO YOU NEED 541-385-5809 "Call A Service over 1.5 million page Redmond Worry Free services from out of note, some hard money Find them A GREAT views, every month Professional" Certified Home $149,000 loans. Call Pat Kelley Duplex 3 bdrm, 2 bath, I the area. Sending Hay, Grain 8 Feed EMPLOYEE in 541-382-3099 ext.13. at no extra cost. Huge Landscaped Lot c ash, c hecks, o r Directory 1260 sq.ft., 1 story, ga Bulletin Classifieds RIGHT NOW? Move in Ready! The Bulletin I credit i n f o rmation Wheat Straw: Certified & rage w/opener, fenced Reverse Mortgages Call The Bulletin Get Results! 800-451-5808 ext 819 Bedding Straw & Garden be subjected to by local expert Mike yard, RV/Boat parking, Call 541-385-5809 or C lassifieds before 11 a.m. and I may 660 FRAUD. Straw; Com post.546-6171 LeRoux NMLS57716 fridge, dishwasher, mi place your ad on-line get an ad in to pub For more i nforma Houses for Rent Call to learn more. cro, walk-in laundry, 541-385-5809 lish the next day! at Looking for your next tion about an adver W/S/G paid, front gard 541-350-7839 La Pine Looking for your 541-385-5809. bendbulletin.corn emp/oyee? tiser, you may call ner paid, $775+dep., Securitv1 Lending 775 I the Oregon S t ate VIEW the Place a Bulletin help next employee? 541-604-0338 NMLS98161 La Pine — Nice 3 Bd, 2.5 wanted ad today and Classifieds at: Manufactured/ Place a Bulletin Attorney General's Ba, in Crescent Creek www.bendbulletin.corn reach over 60,000 help wanted ad Office Co n s umerg Independent Contractor Mobile Homes subdivision. Gas appli readers each week. today and Protection hotline at l ances & fireplace, dbl Your classified ad Home Cleaning crew I 1-877-877-9392. reach over garage, fitness center, FAC TORYSPECIAL will also appear on member, w e ekdays New Home, 3 bdrm, 60,000 readers park. $800 mo; $900 Bullcttn bendbulletin.corn only. No weekends, deposit. 541-815-5494 $47,500 finished each week. which currently re evening or holidays. on your site,541.548.5511 Your classified ad ceives over 541-815-0015. www.JandMHomes.corn 687 will also 1.5 million page appearon Commercial for Fleetwood 1997, 14x60, views every month Sales bendbulletin.corn 2 bdrm, 1 bath., well at no extra cost. Rent/Lease which currently maint., $17,000 OBO, Bulletin Classifieds Independent Contractor Sales must be moved from receives over Get Results! Spectrum professional We are seeking dynamic individuals. Tumalo loca t ion, 1.5 million page building, 2 5 0 ' -500', Call 385-5809 or 503-523-7908. views every place your ad on-line $1.00 per ft. total. No DOES THIS SOUND LIKE YOU? at month at no N NN. C a l l An d y , i R d ~u • OUTGOING & COMPETITIVE 541-385-6732. bendbulletin.corn extra cost. $19,900 2 bdrm, 2 bath • PERSONABLE & ENTHUSIASTIC Bulletin $23,900 2 bdrm, 1 bath • CONSISTENT & MOTIVATED Classifieds $38,900 3 bdrm, 2 bath 762 Get Results! $39,999 3 bdrm, 2 bath Our winning team of sales & promotion 541-548-5511 Call 541-385-5809 Homes with Acreage professionals are making an average of )Itsa7 MQ www.JandMHomes.corn or place your ad $400 - $800 per week doing special on-line at 5 Acres, 2 irrigated, E. events, trade shows, retail & grocery We are looking for independent contractors to side of Bend, 4 bdrm, bendbulletin.corn TiCk, Tock 2.5 bath, small shed, store promotions while representing service home delivery routes in: must be pre-qualified, THE BULLETlN newspaper TiCk, Tock... •
The Bulletin
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Poultry, Rabbits, 8 Supplies
F ree C h ickens, 1 3 L aying h e ns , c a l l 541-410-7075.
I F armers Column Long term lease on 40+ irrigated acres in Alfalfa. Available now for fall or spring planting. 541-548-0040
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Please call 541.385.5800 or 800.503.3933 during business hours
apply via email at online © bendbulletin.corn
The Bulletin
v iew,
owne r .
$590,000 541-390-0886 See: bloomkey.corn/8779
BANK OWNED HOMES! FREE List w/Pics! www. BendRepos.corn bend and beyond real estate 20967 yeoman, bend or
$350,000, 541-389-7481
...don't let time get Good classified ads tell away. Hire a the essential facts in an professional out interesting Manner. Write of The Bulletin's from the readers view - not the seller' s. Convert the "Call A Service facts into benefits. Show Professional" the reader how the item will Directory today! help them in someway. This Movers! $7 999 2 bdrm advertising tip 1 bath, $19,999 Office/ brought toyouby Studio, $32,900 3 bdrm,
The Bulletin sw aa cNlaw oeeNIshel laa
2 bath, 541-548-5511
oQ00 fllotorcycles & Accessories Harley Davidson Soft Tail D eluxe 20 0 7 , white/cobalt, w / pas senger kit, Vance & Hines muffler system & kit, 1045 mi., exc. c ond, $19,9 9 9 , 541-389-9188.
Harley Heritage Softail, 2003 $5,000+ in extras, $2000 paint job, 30K mi. 1 owner, For more information please call 541-385-8090 or 209-605-5537
Motorcycles & Accessories Boats 8 Accessories
Softail Deluxe 2010, 805 miles, Black Chameleon. $17,000 Call Don I 541-41 0-3823 870
Boats 8 Accessories 17' 1984 Chris Craft — Scorpion, 140 HP inboard/outboard, 2 depth finders, troll ing motor, full cover, EZ — Load trailer, $3500 OBO. 541-382-3728. 17' Seaswirl 1988 open bow, r ebuilt Chevy V6 e ngine, new uph o lstery, $4500 or best offer. 707-688-4523
HD FAT BOY 1996 Completely rebuilt/ customized, low miles. Accepting of fers. 541-548-4807
HD Screaming Eagle Electra Glide 2005, n 103 motor, two tone candy teal, new tires, 23K miles, CD player, hydraulic clutch, ex cellent condition. Highest offer takes it. 541-480-8080.
Honda Elite 80 2 001, 1400 mi., absolutely like new., comes w/ carrying rack for 2" receiver, ideal for use w/motorhome, $995, 541-546-6920 •
18.5' '05 Reinell 185, V-6 Volvo Penta, 270HP,
low hrs., must see, $15,000, 541-330-3939
20.5' 2004 Bayliner 205 Run About, 220 HP, V8, open bow, exc. cond., very fast w/very low hours, lots of extras incl. tower, Bimini & custom trailer, $19,500. 541-389-1413
O ©O ©O ©
To the bicyclist who I invertantly cut off at the Mill Mall round about last Saturday, my apologies.
20.5' Seaswirl Spy der 1989 H.O. 302, 285 hrs., exc. cond., stored indoors for life $11,900 OBO. 541-379-3530
Travel Trailers
Fifth Wheels
Home Improvement Kelly Kerfoot Const. 28 yrs exp in Central OR!
Quality & honesty, from carpentry & handyman jobs, to expert wall cov ering install / removal. Sr. discounts CCB¹47120
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The Bulletin
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The Bulletin
Bighorn 2008 3400RL 37' fireplace, 3 slides
king bed, upgrades $30,000 541-81 5-7220
L ike new, over 9 0 % tread, set of 4 tires on rims, Federal Formoza
In t e rnational
2005, 36' 5th Wheel, Model¹M-349 RLDS-5
Fall price
Look at: Bendhomes.corn for Complete Listings of Area Real Estate for Sale
205/65 Rx15, $200.
E conoline trai l e r Excellent set of 4 stud 16-Ton 29 ' Bed, ded Goodyear t ires, 1 season, 175/70R w/fold up ramps, elec. used brakes, P i n tlehitch,x13, $200 541-317-4803 $4700, 541-548-6812 Snow tires,16" studded, on 2007 Volvo wheels, The Bulletin
$ 2 1,865.
541-31 2-4466
Regal Prowler AX6 Ex treme Edition 38' '05, 4 slides,2 fireplaces, all maple cabs, king bed/ bdrm separated w/slide Carri-Lite Luxury 2009 glass dr,loaded, always by Carriage, 4 slide garaged, lived in only 3 outs, inverter, satel mo,brand new $54,000, lite sys, fireplace, 2 still like new, $28,500, flat screen TVs. will deliver,see rvt.corn, $60,000. ad¹4957646 for pics. 541-480-3923 Gory, 541-580-7334
To Subscribe call 541-385-5800 or go to 1/3 interest in Colum www.bendbulletin.corn bia 400, located at Sunriver. $ 1 3 8,500. G R E AT Call 541-647-3718
a ve ~
1 /3 interest i n w e l l Hyster H25E, runs equipped IFR Beech 2982 Hours, B onanza A 36 , l o well, $3500, call cated KBDN. $55,000. 541-749-0724 541-419-9510
$650, 5 4 1-382-4029 or 541-408-2331,
Winter is coming!! We have 4 Hankook 225/70R16 studded snow tires mounted on spare rims. The tires are 2 seasons old and in great con dition. Fits Toyota Highlander or like vehicle. Asking $180 (541) 480-4440
> ha
G ulfstream Sce n i c Pioneer Spirit 1 8CK, Cruiser 36 ft. 1999, 2007, used only 4x, AC, Cummins 330 hp die electric tongue j a ck, sel, 42K, 1 owner, 13 $8995. 541-389-7669 541-815-4458 in. kitchen slide out, LCB¹8759 new tires, under cover, hwy. miles only,4 door ice USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! fridge/freezer maker, W/D combo, Interbath t ub & Door-to-door selling with fast results! It's the easiest shower, 50 amp pro Springdale 2005 27', 4 pane gen & m o re! slide in dining/living area way in the world to sell. $55,000. sleeps 6, low mi,$15,000 541-948-231 0 obo. 541-408-3811 The Bulletin Classified 541-385-5809
Sprinkler Blowouts Discounts available
aThe Bulletinl
CC B¹1 81 595 I DO THAT! Home/Rental repairs Small jobs to remodels Honest, guaranteed work. CCB¹151573 Dennis 541-317-9768
•( I
Ads published in theB "Boats" classification include: Speed, fish ing, drift, canoe, • Hunter's Delight! Pack BOATS 8 RVs AUTOS 8TRANSPORTATION age deal! 1988 Win house and sail boats. nebago Super Chief, 908 - Aircraft, Parts and Service 805 - Misc. Items For all other types of 916- Trucks and Heavy Equipment watercraft, please see 3 8K m i l es , gr e a t S pringdale 29' 2 0 0 7, Fleetwood Wilderness 850 - Snowmodiles shape; 1988 Bronco II slide, Bunkhouse style, 36', 2005, 4 s l ides, 860 - Motorcycles And Accessories 925 - Utility Trailers Class 875. 4 x4 t o t o w , 1 3 0 K sleeps 7-8, excellent rear bdrm, fireplace, 541-385-5809 927 - Automotive Trades mostly towed miles, condition, $ 1 6 ,900, AC, W/D hkup beau 865 - ATVs 929 - Automotive Wanted nice rig! $15,000 both. 541-390-2504 tiful u n it ! $ 3 0 ,500. 870 - Boats 8 Accessories n 931 - Automotive Parts, Service 541-382-3964, leave 541-81 5-2380 875 - Watercraft and Accessories GENERATE SOME ex msg. 880 - Motorhomes 932 - Antique and Classic Autos citement in your neig 881 Travel Trailers TURN THE PAGE borhood. Plan a ga 933 - Pickups 882 - Fifth Wheels rage sale and don' t For More Ads 935 - Sport Utility Vehicles forget to advertise in 885- Canopies and Campers 940 - Vans The Bulletin K omfort 25' 2 0 06 , 1 890- RV's for Rent classified! 385-5809. Sprinter 272RLS, 2009 slide, AC, TV, awning. 975 - Automodiles 29', weatherized, like NEW: tires, converter, Itasca Spirit Class C Serving Central Oregon smre 1903 n ew, f u rnished & batteries. Hardly used. 2007, 20K miles, front ready to go, incl Wine $15,500. 541-923-2595 Fifth Wheels entertainment center, ard S a t ellite dish, Used out-drive all bells & whistles, 26,995. 541-420-9964 Roadranger 27' 1993, parts - Mercury extremely good con A/C, awning, sleeps 6, Executive Hangar OMC rebuilt ma dition, 2 s l ides, 2 I C A L L W exc. cond., used little, rine motors: 151 HDTV's, $48,500 at Bend Airport ag T ODA Y % $4,495 OBO. $1595; 3.0 $1895; OBO. 541-447-5484 (KBDN) Viking Tent t railer 541-389-8963 60' wide x 50 ' d eep, 4.3 (1993), $1995. 2 008, c lean, s e l f MONTANA 3585 2008, w/55' wide x 17' high 541-389-0435 zm-:' - ~ contained, sleeps 5, Need help fixing stuff? exc. cond., 3 slides, bi-fold door. Natural Peterbilt 359 p o table easy to tow, great Call A Service Professional king bed, Irg LR, Arc gas heat, office, bath water t r uck, 1 9 9 0, cond. $5200, obo. 875 tic insulation, all op find the help you need. room. Parking for 6 3200 gal. tank, 5hp 541-383-71 50. Watercraft tions $37,500. www.bendbulletin.corn c ars. A d jacent t o p ump, 4 - 3 n hoses, 541-420-3250 Frontage Rd; g r eat camlocks, $ 2 5 ,000. Jayco Seneca 2 007, visibility for a viation 541-820-3724 Nu Wa 297LK H i tch SPRINTER 36' 2005, 2007 Sea Doo 17K mi., 35ft., Chevy ti a bus. 1jetjock@q.corn <i X I I I Hiker 2007, 3 slides, 2004 Waverunner, n $10,500 obo. Two 5500 d i e sel , toy 541-948-21 26 Say ngoodbuy 32' touring coach, left excellent condition, slides, sleeps 5, hauler $130 , 000. kitchen, rear lounge, LOW hours. Double to that unused queen air mattress, 541-389-2636. many extras, beautiful small trailer, lots of extras Weekend Warrior Toy sgl. bed, couch item by placing it in c ond. inside & o u t , Hauler 28'2007, Gen, folds out. 1.5 baths, $10,000 fuel station, exc cond. $34,499 OBO, Prinev 541-382-0865, The Bulletin Classifieds 541-71 9-8444 sleeps 8, black/gray ille. 541-447-5502 days leave message! i nterior, u se d 3X , & 541-447-1641 eves. Ads published in nWa 5 41 -385-58 0 9 $24,999. ONLY 1 OWNERSHIP tercraft" include: Kay = 541-389-91 88 I- I~ SHARE LEFT! ks, rafts and motor t~ Economical flying in Ized personal Immaculate! 's Looking for your your ow n C e s sna Utility Trailers atercrafts. For Beaver Coach Marquis 172/180 HP for only next employee? " boats" please s e e 40' 1987. New cover, Place a Bulletin help Taurus 27.5' 1988 $ 10,000! Based a t new paint (2004), new lass 870. Open Road 2004 37' w/ Everything works, BDN. Call Gabe a t inverter (2007). Onan wanted ad today and 3 slides W/D hook-up, 541-385-5809 6300 watt gen, 111K mi, reach over 60,000 $1750/partial trade for Professional Air! • Irg LR w/rear window parked covered $35,000 readers each week. car. 541-460-9127 541 -388-~001 9 Big Tex Landscap & desk area. $19,750 obo. 541-419-9859 or ing/ ATV Trailer, Your classified ad obo. 541-280-7879 541-280-2014 dual axle flatbed, will also appear on 885 7'x16', 7000 lb. bendbulletin.corn Trucks 8 Take care of Canopies 8 Campers GVW, all steel, which currently re t Heavy Equipment your investments ceives over 1.5 mil $1400. Raider canopy, fits 6-ft 541-382-4115, or lion page views ev with the help from 541-280-7024. ery month at no bed, fiberglass, perfect The Bulletin's extra cost. Bulletin Pilgrim 27', 2007 5th s hape, $ 6 00 . Cal l 541-388-4662; 604-0116 "Call A Service Classifieds Get Re Monaco Dynasty 2004, Continental Express 17' wheel, 1 s lide, AC, loaded, 3 slides, die sults! Call 385-5809 cargo trailer w /ramp, TV,full awning, excel Professional" Directory or place your ad sel, Reduced — now 2007, g o o d sh a pe. lent shape, $23,900. on-line at $119,000, 5 4 1 -923 Diamond Reo Du m p $3500. 541-536-4299 541-350-8629 0 bendbulletin.corn 8572 or 541-749-0037 Truck I 9 7 4, 1 2 -14 yard box, runs good, $6900, 541-548-6812 Automotive Parts, 882 Service 8 Accessories Fifth Wheels
Sea Kayaks - Hi s & g„%as Hers, Eddyline Wind Dancers,17', fiberglass Southwind 35.5' Triton, Call 54 I -385-5809 boats, all equip incl., 2008,V10, 2 slides, Du to r o m o t e o u r se r vice paddies, personal flo pont UV coat, 7500 mi. tation devices,dry bags, Bought new at I Building/Contracting L a n dscaping/Yard Care spray skirts, roof rack w/ $132,913; towers & cradles — Just asking $93,500. NOTICE: Oregon state N OTICE: ORE G O N add water, $1250/boat Call 541-419-4212 law req u ires any Landscape Contrac Firm. 541-504-8557. one who co n t racts tors Law (ORS 671) for construction work r equires a l l bus i Sevylor Super Caravelle to be licensed with the nesses that advertise 6-person raft, high-pres C onstruction Con to p e r form L a n dsure inflator, oars, etc. tractors Board (CCB). scape C o n struction$200. 541-593-3619 A n active lice n se which inclu d es: Winnebago Class C 27' means the contractor p lanting, decks , 1992, Ford 460 V8,64K i s bonded and i n fences, arbors, mi., good cond., $7000 s ured. Ver i f y t h e w ater-features, a n d OBO 541-678-5575 contractor's CCB installation, repair of c ense through t h e irrigation systems to El CCB Cons u m er be licensed with the Travel Trailers • Website Landscape Contrac www. hireaticensedcontractor. t ors B o a rd . Th i s y ~ ~ ~ %5I Q F corn 4-digit number is to be or call 503-378-4621. included in all adver Country Coach Intrigue I vg The Bulletin recom tisements which indi 2002, 40' Tag axle. r mends checking with cate the business has 400hp Cummins Die the CCB prior to con a bond, insurance and sel. tw o s l ide-outs. tracting with anyone. workers c ompensa 4 1,000 m iles, n e w Arctic Fox 22-It 2000, AC, Irg frig, roof Some other t r ades tion for their employ tires & batteries. Most ducted also req u ire addi ees. For your protec options.$95,000 OBO rack, sofa, dinette, queen bed, like new, $5500 541-678-571 2 tional licenses a nd tion call 503-378-5909 obo. 541-419-4890 certifications. or use our website: www.lcb.state. to I Debris Removal check license status 0 • "= before con t racting JUNK BE GONE t r with t h e b u s iness. I Haul Away FREE Persons doing land For Salvage. Also scape m a intenance Econoline RV 19 8 9 , Komfort 20' Trailblazer, Cleanups & Cleanouts do not require a LCB fully loaded, exc. cond, 2004, with all the extras, M el, 541-389-8107 license. 35K orig. mi., $19,750. from new tires & chrome Call 541-546-6133. wheels to A/C! $8495. Handyman Nelson Landscape 541-447-3342, Prineville Maintenance CAN'T BEAT THIS! ERIC REEVE HANDY 2012 LANCE 27' 2285 Serving L ook before y o u TRAILER SERVICES. Home & $26,950 (orig Central Oregon buy, below market Commercial Repairs, Looks/smells new; value! Size & mile $32K) Residential Carpentry-Painting, used 6 times. Loaded. age DOES matter! & Commercial Pressure-washing, Hunters, take your wife Class A 32' Hurri Reserving spots H oney Do' s.O n-time along in luxury! Owner: cane by Four Winds, for sprinkler promise. Senior 541-383-4513 for details. 2007. 12,500 mi, all winterization Discount. Work guar amenities, Ford V10, anteed. 541-389-3361 8 snow removal Ithr, cherry, slides, or 541-771-4463 • Sprinkler Repair like new! New low Bonded & Insured • Back Flow Testing price, $54,900. •
Now you can add a full-color photo to your Bulletin classified ad starting at only $15.00 per week, when you order your ad online. To place your Bulletin ad with a photo, visit www.bendbulletin.corn, click on "Place an ad" and follow these easy steps:
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541-815-4097 • LCB ¹8451
Call The Yard Doctor for yard maintenance, thatching, sod, sprin kler blowouts, water features, more!
Allen 541-536-1294 LCB 5012
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Aeration/Fall Clean-up BOOK NOW! Weekly/one-time service avail. Bonded, insured, free estimates! COLLINS Lawn Maint. Ca/I 541-480-9714
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Antique 8 Classic Autos
Antique 8 Classic Autos
Sport Utility Vehicles
Automobiles • Cadillac Seville STS 2003 — just finished $4900 engine work by Certified GM me chanic. Has every thing but navigation. Too many bells and w histles t o l i s t . bought a new one. $6900 firm.
Buick Enclave 2008 CXL V-6, black, clean, 1000 1000 Chev Corvair Monza con Plymouth B a r racudaAWD, y sound, 82k • vertible,1964, new top & 1966, original car! 300 mechanicall Legal Notices Legal Notices miles. $23,900. tranny, runs great, exlnt hp, 360 V8, center Call 541-815-1216 cruising car! $5500 obo. lines, (Original 273 LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE 541-420-5205 ARNOLD IRRIGATION IN T H E CI R C UIT eng & wheels incl.) Chevy Tahoe LS 2001 541-420-1283 DISTRICT COURT O F THE 4x4. 120K mi, Power 541-593-2597 MONTHLY BOARD STATE OF OREGON seats, Tow Pkg, 3rd row s eating, e x tra MEETING NOTICE FOR THE COUNTY DON'IMISS lHIS tires, CD, privacy tint OF DES C H UTES ing, upgraded rims. The Board of Direc PROBATE DEPART VW Karman G hia Fantastic cond. $7995 .K;~k:-')K» ~ tors of Arnold Irriga MENT. Estate of ED 1970, good cond., Contact Tim m at Chevy C-20 P i ckup new upholstery and tion District will hold WARD CHANCE, JR., 541-408-2393 for info Chrysler Sebring 2006 their monthly board Deceased. Case No. 1969, all orig. Turbo 44; convertible top. or to view vehicle. Fully loaded, exc.cond, meeting on Tuesday, 12PB0074. NOTICE auto 4-spd, 396, model $10,000. very low miles (38k), CST /all options, orig. 541-389-2636 O ctober 9, 2 012 a t TO INT E RESTED always garaged, owner, $24,000, 3 :00 p m a t 19 6 0 4 PERSONS. NOTICE 541-923-6049 transferable warranty B uck Canyon R d . , IS HEREBY GIVEN incl. $8600 that the undersigned Bend, OR. Ford Exc u rsion 541-330-4087 has been appointed 2005, 4WD, diesel, LEGAL NOTICE exc. cond., $18,900, Jeep Grand Cherokee IN T H E CI R C UIT Personal Representa tive. All persons hav call 541-923-0231. Limited 2 0 05, fully C OURT FO R T H E ing claims against the loaded, sunroof, STATE OF OREGON Estate are required to VW Thing 1974, good heated leather seats, I N AND FO R T H E p resent them, w i th 1980 Chevy C30, 16K cond. Extremely Rare! GMC Denali 2003 new tires, GPS, al C OUNTY OF D E S vouchers attached, to original miles, 400 cu in, Only built in 1973 & loaded with options. ways garaged, 127K 1 CHUTES. D e utsche the undersigned Per auto, 4WD, winch. $7000 Exc. cond., snow 1974. $8,000. owner miles, maint. Bank Trust Company sonal Representative obo. 541-389-2600 tires and rims in 541-389-2636 r ecords, $9900 , Americas as Trustee at Karnopp Petersen cluded. 130k hwy R AL I 2005 Q A 3 , 541-593-9908. miles. $12,000. 933 P laintiff, v . Mar t i n LLP, 1201 NW Wall treet, S u it e 3 0 0 , 541-419-4890. Mitsubishi 3 00 0 GT Kuba; Pheasant Run S Pickups Oregon 1 999, a u to., p e a r l Homeowners A s so Bend, 7701-1957, wi t h i n w hite, very low m i . ciation; Wells Fargo 9 1970 Ford pickup and four months after the $9500. 541-788-8218. Bank, N.A.; and Oc date of first publica c amper, an d 1 9 9 0 Chevy Wagon 1957, Ford pickup. both 3/4 cupants of the Pre tion of this notice, or 4-dr., complete, ton, As is. Also 1980 mises, D e fendants. $15,000 OBO, trades, Yamaha 850 XS low Case No. 12CV0405. t he claims may b e p e r sons please call miles. $650 EAC H! SUMMONS BY PUB barred. All whose rights may be 541-420-5453. Jeep Willys 1947,custom, 541-389-5226 LICATION. TO THE affected by the pro small block Chevy, PS, DEFENDANTS: Chrysler 30 0 C o u pe OD, mags+ trailer. Swap MARTIN KUBA: In the ceedings may obtain 1967, 44 0 e n g ine, additional information for backhoe. No am calls Porsche 911 1974, low name of the State of auto. trans, ps, air, the records of • mi., complete motor/ Oregon, y o u please. 541-389-6990 are from frame on rebuild, re the court, the P e r trans. rebuild, tuned h ereby required t o painted original blue, suspension, int. & ext. appear and answer sonal Representative original blue interior, Want to impress the refurb., oi l c o o ling, the complaint f i led or the attorneys for original hub caps, exc. relatives? Remodel shows new in & out, a gainst you i n t h e the Personal Repre chrome, asking $9000 1999 Ford F250 XLT your home with the p erf. m e ch . c o n d. above-entitled Court s entative, wh o a r e or ma k e of fer . Super Dut y S u p er help of a professional Much more! Pe t e rsen Cab. V10, 6.8L, auto, and cause on or be Karnopp 541-385-9350. $28,000 541-420-2715 LLP, 1201 NW Wall 4x4, 90k miles, AC, from The Bulletin's fore the expiration of S treet, S u it e 300, winch, grille, many ex "Call A Service 30 days from the date Bend, PORSCHE 914 1974, Oregon tras, 2 extra tailgates of the first publication Roller (no e ngine), DATED and 5th wheel set-up. Professional" Directory lowered, full roll cage, of this summons. The 97701-1957. Chrysler SD 4-Door and first p u blished $9900 541-31 7-0554. date of first publica 5-pt harnesses, rac 1930, C DS Royal October 1, 2012. Irma ing seats, 911 dash & tion in this matter is Standard, 8-cylinder, E. Brosig, Personal instruments, d e cent O ctober 8, 2012. I f Representative, FAX: body is good, needs shape, v e r y c o ol! you fail timely to ap (541) some r e s toration, 5 41 0. pear an d a n s wer, PERSONAL388$1699. 541-678-3249 runs, taking bids, REPRE Plaintiff will apply to 541-383-3888, SENTATIVE: Irma E. the abo v e -entitled Porsche Cayenne 2004, Subaru Forester XS 541-81 5-331 8 Brosig, 3 3 32 9 N. 2003 30,588 miles court for t h e r e lief Santiam Ford 250 XL T 1 9 90 , 86 k , i m m ac, d e aler Hwy., Gates, prayed for in its com Oregon 97346. $13,995 ¹ 7 2 8263 XTR, hyd.6 yd. dump maint'd, loaded, now plaint. This is a judi b ed, 1 3 9 k , Au t o , $17000 503-459-1580 ATTORNEY FOR cial foreclosure of a $5800, 541-410-9997 PERSONAL deed of trust in which REPRESENTATIVE: Oregon the Plaintiff requests AutoSosrce KARNOPP that the Plaintiff be 541-598-3750 PETERSEN LLP, Toyota 4Runner allowed to foreclose FIAT 1800 1978, 5-spd, Ford F250 XLT 4x4 Thomas J. Sayeg, 4WD 1986, auto, aaaoregonautosource.corn y our interest in t h e door panels w/flowers L ariat, 1990, r e d , OSB¹ 873805, following d e s cribed tjs@karnopp.corn, 2 dr., needs work & hummingbirds, 80K original miles, real property: LOT 2 1201 NW Wall Street, white soft top & hard 4" lift with 39's, well $995, OF PHEASANT RUN top. Just reduced to 541-923-7384 maintained, $ 4 000 Suite 300, P HASE I, CITY O F $3,750. 541-317-9319 obo. 541-41 9-5495 BEND, DESCHUTES Bend, OR 97701-1957, or 541-647-8483 TEL: (541) 382-3011, COUNTY, OREGON. Commonly known as: FAX: (541) 388-5410. W inter snow & ice i s for coming — you should 61192 Lod g epole Of Attorneys Personal have this AWD 2006 Drive, Bend, Oregon Representative Chevy Astro Subaru Outback! 4-cyl, 97702. NOT IC E TO Cargo Van 2001, fully automatic, AC, CD, DEFENDANTS: pdl, great cond., cruise, elect. windows, R EAD THESE P A Ford Galaxie 500 1963, Ford Ranger 1999, 4x4, pw, locks, mirrors, tilt, all op PERS CAREFULLY! business car, well 2 dr. hardtop, fastback, tions except l e ather. A lawsuit has been Sell an Item X- c ab , X L T , m aint, regular o i l 390 v8,auto, pwr. steer & 7 1K, uto, 4 . 0L , $ 7 9 00 c hanges, $4 5 0 0 , Heated seats, low miles started against you in radio (orig),541-419-4989 a (111K), garaged, used OBO. 541-388-0232 please call the abo v e -entitled only to take her 80-year court b y Ford Mustang Coupe 541-633-51 49 D e u tsche -r old girls sightseeing in 1966, original owner, Bank Trust Company beautiful Tetons & Yel V8, automatic, great Americas as Trustee I Chevy custom conver lowstone Park! New tires shape, $9000 OBO. If it's under $500 R AL I 2005 Q A 3 , sion travel van 1994 & timing belt; perfect 530-51 5-81 99 Pla i n tiff's 128k, 5.7L, rear elect. condition, not a scratch. Plaintiff. you can place it in claims are stated in bed, 75% tires. a real $11,500. See & drive at The Bulletin the written complaint, Ford Ranchero beauty in & out! Travel Ford Super Duty F-250 541-604-4494 in economy and style a copy of which was 1979 Classifieds for: 2001, 4X4, $7900 OBO; filed wit h the and under $ 4 0000. with 351 Cleveland trades considered. • Bob, 541-318-9999 Toyota Camry's above-entitled Court. modified engine. 541-815-9939 You must "appear" in $10 • 3 lines, 7 days Body is in 1984, $ 12 0 0 this case or the other $16 • 3 lines, 14 days excellent condition, OBO, 1985 $1400 side will win automati $2500 obo. OBO, 1986 parts c ally. T o "appear" (Private Party ads only) 541-420-4677 car, $500; call for International Fla t Audi S4 Cabriolet 2005 you must file with the details, Bed Pickup 1963, 1 49K mi, red w/charcoal court a legal paper LEGAL NOTICE 541-548-6592 Ford T-Bird 1966 t on dually, 4 s p d. interior, 2 sets tires, called a "motion" or Invitation to Bid 390 engine, power exc. cond., $ 19,950 "answer." The "mo Grant trans., great MPG, County Criminal firm. 541-350-5373. everything, new could be exc. wood tion" or "answer" must T oyota C a mry X L E Justice Facility paint, 54K original hauler, runs great, B MW 5 2 8 iT a 19 9 9 1994 V6, 4 dr, leather be given to the court Re-Roofing miles, runs great, new brakes, $1950. or administrator Sport Wagon — Fully interior, AM/FM radio clerk excellent cond. in & 541-419-5480. within 30 days of the loaded. Call for de CD/Tape player, sun date of first publica Grant County is ac out. Asking $8,500. c epting b id s fr o m tails, 5 1 0 - 909-8085 roof, a uto., p s / pb, 541-480-31 79 specified herein qualified profession cell (live i n B end). c ruise, A / C , ver y tion a long with t h e r e clean, great condition, a ls to perfo rm $4,000 or best offer. q uired filing fee. I t re-roofing o f the $3150. 541-593-2134 must be i n p r o per Buicks! 1996 Regal, International Fla t Criminal Justice Facil 87k; 1997 LeSabre, form and have proof Toyotas: 1999 Avalon Bed Pickup 1963, 1 ity located at 205 S. o f service o n t h e 112k; and others! 254k; 1996 Camry, t on dually, 4 s p d. Humbolt S t reet i n You' ll not find nicer Plaintiff's attorney or, 98k, 4 cyl. Lots of Canyon City OR. All trans., great MPG, Buicks $3500 & up. if the Plaintiff does not miles left in these could be exc. wood work required to com GMC Vi ton 1971, Only One look's worth a cars. Price? You tell have a n at t o rney, runs great, this job shall be $19,700! Original low hauler, thousand words. Call me! I'd guess proof of service on the plete new brakes, $1950. p erformed under a mile, exceptional, 3rd 541-419-5480. Bob, 541-318-9999. $2000-$4000. Plaintiff. If you have single contract. The for an appt. and take a Your servant, Bob at any questions, you county intends to uti drive in a 30 mpg. car 541-318-9999, no should see an attor lize the contract form n ey immediately. I f entitled, "Contract for Cadillac CTS S e dan charge for looking. y ou need h el p i n Goods & Services that 2007, 29K, auto, exc. Volvo V50 WGN 2006, finding an a t torney, less than cond, loaded, $17,900 6-spd, T6 AWD, black, you may contact the are 1965, Exc. All original, OBO, 541-549-8828 $25,000." Contact the 90K m i . , $ 1 2 ,500, Oregon State Bar's 4-dr. sedan, in stor Grant County Court age last 15 yrs., 390 RAM 2500 2003, 5.7L Cadillac E I D o r ado 541-382-4675 Lawyer Referral Ser office at vice onl i n e at 541-575-0059 to o b High Co m pression V8, hd, auto, cruise, 1994, T otal c r e a m engine, new tires & li hemi www.oregonstatebar. VW Golf TDI 2001 ain a c opy o f t h e $8400 obro. puff, body, paint, trunk c ense, reduced t o am/fm/cd. org or by calling (503) tsample Silver, will go fast, 541-420-3634 /390-1 285 as showroom, blue contract. Work 684-3763 ( in t h e shall be completed in $2850, 541-41 0-3425. leather, $1700 wheels great fuel economy, Portland metropolitan w/snow tires although runs good 192,000 Advertise your car! a workmanlike man FIND IT! car has not been wet miles. $5000. area) or toll-free else ner according to stan Add A Picture! BUY IT! Reach thousands of readers' 541-233-951 7 where in Oregon at in 8 years. On trip to dard practices, Or SELL IT! Redmond/Bend Call 541-385-5809 Boise avg. 28.5 mpg., (800) 452-7636. This egon A d ministrative The Bulletin Classifieds summons is issued The Bulletin Classifieds $5400, 541-593-4016. Rules, OR- O S HA pursuant to ORCP 7. codes, and O regon ROUTH CRABTREE Public Co n t racting OLSEN, P.C. By Chris Laws. Bids must in Fowler, O SB ¹ clude a copy of the 052544, Attorneys for contractor's c u r rent Plaintiff, 621 SW Al CBC registration and der St., S uite 8 00, Bid B on d in an Portland, OR 97205, amount not less than (503) 459-0140; Fax 5 % o f t he tot a l 425-974-1649, amount bid issued by cfowler O rcolegal.corn a Bonding Company licensed to do busi Just bought a new boat? ness in Oregon. Indi Sell your old one in the vidual sureties will not classifieds! Ask about our be accepted. Super Seller rates! 541-385-5809 All workers must have /@I(. been bac k ground FIND YOUR FUTURE earrr„ checked and autho Iye~'gn HOME INTHE BULLETIN rized to work in the $1~~ bran U.S. 080. SSSZ a r dhen,, Your future is just a page Slek away. Whether you' relooking I'0 Specifications: JM for a hat or a place to hangit, +ith "rrr700 + .060 White TPO rein The Bulletin Classified is urrtp h > t e g>5 f orced s i ngle p l y , your best source. O80 oolle Porcel 2,300 sq. f t . o ff ice o<s;, Every day thousandsof section. Remove and ~66 /pro buyers and sellers of goods dispose of e x i sting eery harp ' 0'(g@( and services do busi n ess in O/ty membrane, salvage orts ~ihg these pages. Theyknow insulation, in s pect, sot ycu can't beat TheBulletin and enhance fasten 655 a// chIP, hire 097~ Classified Section for ing to receive full ad selection and convenience hered system. Install - every item is just a phone ~/4 in invinsa board by call away. JM full adhered with bead adhesive to ex The Classified Section is isting insulation. Fully easy to use. Every item a dhere TPO m e m is categorized andevery brane to new cover cartegory is indexed onthe board w i t h TPO section's front page. bonding ad h e sive. Whether ycu are looking for Fully adhere vertical f lashings with flexible a home or need aservice, membrane. Tie i nto your future is in the pagesof The Bulletin Classified. existing plu m bing drains and p a rapet coping. Install roof to soning ccnlrv &agon sincewB wall termination and
( rI
v er
ic ensin. enwe b.'
The Bulletin
Le g al Notices Legal Notices • Legal Notices anchor membrane as visits are encouraged LEGAL NOTICE required at roof The T i llicum V i llage both prior and after equipment. Probe and Homeowners A s so the pre-bid meeting. fully i nspect e v ery ciation is required by Questions may be di completed seam and a greement with t h e rected to the Chair detail. Replace small City of Bend to con man of the Tillicum 5X9 roof at front with vert its non-potable ir Village Water Conver layover and tie into rigation system to the sion Committee, Deak surrounding roofing. potable City w a t er P reble a t (541) Provide 1 0 year system by April 2015. 388-3366. w orkmanship war The Tillicum Village ranty with an option to Board of Directors is p urchase 2 0 ye a r s eeking b id s f r o m NDL M a nufacturers qualified irrigation de warranty. sign and construction contractors t o de Sealed bids must be velop plans for this "C J F conversion complete labeled Re-Roofing Bid" and with spe c ifications received by the Grant and cost estimates. County, 201 S. Hum The successful bider You know what bolt, Box 280, Can will also be required to they say about "one man's trash". yon City OR 97820 no provide installation of later than 4:00 pm on the approved plan. O ctober 16 , 2 0 1 2 . A pre-bid meeting will There's a whole pile Bids received after be held for all inter of "treasure" here! that date and time will ested bidders at the not b e c o nsidered. Deschutes Downtown Sealed bids will be Bend L i b rary on opened on Wednes Wednesday, October d ay, O c tober 1 7 , 10, 2012. from 6:00 2012. Grant County Thousands ofads daily p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Site retains the right to re in pnnt and onhne. ject any and all bids.
Where buyers meet sellers
Classif leds •
Le g al Notices
Legal Notices •
Legal Notices
LEGAL NOTICE TRUSTEE'S NOTICE OF SALE The Trustee under the terms of the Trust Deed described herein, at the direction of the Beneficiary, hereby elects to sell the property described in the Trust Deed to satisfy the obligations secured thereby. Pursuant to ORS 86.745, the following information is provided: 1. PARTIES: Grantor: ANDREW JOHNSON AND LORI A. JOHNSON. Trustee:AMERITITLE. Successor Trustee: NANCY K. CARY. Beneficiary:SIUSLAW BANK. 2. DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: The real property is described as fol lows: Lot Five (5) in Block Twelve (12) of MOUNTAIN VILLAGE EAST II, DeschutesCounty, Oregon. 3.RECORDING. The TrustDeed was re corded as follows: Date Recorded: September 21, 2005. Recording No.: 2005-63691 Official Records of Deschutes County, Oregon. 4. DEFAULT. The Grantor or any other person obligated on the Trust Deed and Promis sory Note secured thereby is in default and the Beneficiary seeks to fore close the Trust Deed for failure to pay: Monthly payments in the amount of $1,541.27 each, due the first of each month, for the months of Decem ber 2011 through July 2012; plus late charges and advances; plus any unpaid real property taxes or liens, plus interest. 5.AMOUNT DUE. The amount due on the Note which is secured by the Trust Deed referred to herein is: Principal balance in the amount of $226,709.91; plus interest at the rate of 6.3750% per annum from November 1, 2011; plus late charges of $539.42; plus advances and foreclosure attorney fees and costs. 6. SALE OF PROPERTY. The Trustee hereby states that the property will be sold to satisfy the obligations secured by the Trust Deed. A Trustee's Notice of Default and Election to Sell Under Terms of Trust Deed has been recorded in the Official Records of Deschutes County, Oregon. 7. TIME OF SALE. Date: December 13, 2012. Time:11:00 a.m. Place: Des chutes County Courthouse, 1164 NW Bond Street, Bend, Oregon. 8. RIGHT TO REINSTATE. Any personnamed in ORS 86.753 has the right, at any time that is not later than five days before the Trustee conducts the sale, to have this foreclosure dismissed and the Trust Deed reinstated by payment to the Beneficiary of the entire amount then due, other than such portion of the principal as would not then be due had no default occurred, by curing any other default that is capable of being cured by tendering the performance required under the obligation or Trust Deed and by paying all costs and expenses actually incurred in enforcing the obligation and Trust Deed, together with the trustee's and attorney's fees not exceeding the amount provided in ORS 86.753. You may reach the Oregon State Bar's Lawyer Referral Service at 503-684-3763 or toll-free in Oregon at 800-452-7636 or you may visit its website at: Legal as sistance may be available if you have a low income and meet federal pov erty guidelines. For more information and a directory of legal aid pro grams, go to http: // Any questions regarding this matter should be directed to Lisa Summers, Paralegal, (541) 686-0344 (TS ¹07754.30495). DATED: July 24, 2012. /s/ Nancy K. Cary. Nancy K. Cary, Successor Trustee, Hershner Hunter, LLP, P.O. Box 1475, Eugene, OR 97440.
Le g al Notices
Legal Notices •
Legal Notices
The trust deed to be foreclosed pursuant to Oregon law is referred to as follows (the "Trust Deed" ): Grantor: Michael E. Kasper and Michele E. Kasper. Trustee: Deschutes County Title Company. Beneficiary: River mark Community Credit Union. Date: June 30, 2008. Recording Date: July 8, 2008. Recording Reference: 2008-29079. County of Recording: DeschutesCounty. The Successor Trustee is Miles D. Monson and the mailing address of the Successor Trustee is: Miles D. Monson, "TRUSTEE", Anderson & Monson, P.C., Cascade Square, Suite 450, 8625 SW Cascade Avenue,Beaverton, OR 97008. The Trust Deed cov ers the following described real property in the County of Deschutes and State of Oregon, ("the Property" ): See Exhibit "A" attached hereto and in corporated herein which describes the Property The default for which foreclosure is made is: Exhibit A — PARCEL I: Beginning at the Northeast corner of the Southwest quarter of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 16, Township 22 South, Range 10 East of the Wil lamette Meridian, Deschutes County, Oregon; thence South 0 21' West, 331.84 feet to the Southeast corner of the North half of said Southwest quarter of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of said Section 16; thence South 89 10' West along the South line of said North half, 131.31 feet; thence North 0 21' East parallel with the East line of said Southwest quarter, 331.76 feet to the North line of said Southwest quarter; thence North 89 08' East, 131.31 feet to the point of beginning. EX CEPTING THEREFROM the North 30 feet for roadway easement pur poses. PARCEL II: Beginning at a point on the North line of the South west quarter of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 16, Township 22 South, Range 10 East of the Willamette Meridian, Des chutes County, Oregon, said point being 131.31 feet South 89 08 West from the Northeast corner of said Southwest quarter of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of said Section; thence South 0 21' West parallel with the East line of said Southwest quarter, 331.76 feet to the South line of the North half of said Southwest quarter; thence South 89 10' West along the South line of said North half, 131.39 feet; thence North 0 21' East, 331.67 feet to the North line of said Southwest quarter; thence North 89 08 East, 131.39 feet to the point of beginning. EXCEPT ING THEREFROM the North 30 feet for roadway easement purposes. The Grantor's failure to pay when due the following sums: Monthly install ments of $466.99 beginning April 1, 2011 through the installment due No vember 1, 2011, plus late charges. The sum owing on the obligation that the Trust Deed secures (the "Obligation" ) is: $69,906.99, plus interest of $2,752.61 through October 1, 2011, plus interest on the principal sum of $69,906.99 at a variable rate of interest which is at the rate of 6.75 per cent per annum from October 2, 2011 until paid, together with Trustee's fees, attorney's fees, foreclosure costs and any sums advanced by the Beneficiary pursuant to the Trust Deed. The Notice of Default and original Notice of Sale given pursuant thereto stated that the Property would be sold on September 11, 2012 at the hour of 1:00 P.M. at the Deschutes County Courthouse, Front West Entrance, 1164 NW Bond Street, in the City of Bend, County of Deschutes and State of Oregon. Subsequent to the recording of the Notice of Default the original sale proceedings were stayed by the Grantors filing a chapter 7 bankruptcy case on June 7, 2012. The Beneficiary did not participate in obtaining such stay. The stay terminated on September 11, 2012, when an Order Re: Relief From Debtor Stay was signed by the court. The Property will be sold to satisfy the Obligation. The date, time and place of the sale is: Date: DECEMBER 12, 2012. Time: 1:00 P.M. Place: DESCHUTES COUNTY COURT HOUSE, FRONT WEST ENTRANCE, 1164 NW BOND STREET, CITY OF BEND, COUNTY OF DESCHUTES AND STATE OF OREGON. RIGHT TO CURE — The right exists under ORS 86.753 to have this fore closure proceeding dismissed and the Trust Deed reinstated by doing all of the following at any time that is not later than five days before the date last set for the sale: (1) Paying to the Beneficiary the entire amount then due (other than such portion as would not then be due, had no default oc curred); (2) Curing any other default complained of herein that is capable of being cured by tendering the performance required under the Trust Deed; and (3) Paying all costs and expenses actually incurred in enforc ing the obligation and Trust Deed, together with Trustee's and attorney's fees not exceeding the amounts provided by ORS 86.753. In construing this notice, the masculine gender includes the feminine and the neuter, the singular includes the plural, the word "Grantor" includes any successor in interest to the Grantor as well as any other person owing an obligation, the performance of which is secured by the Trust Deed, and the words "Trustee" and "Beneficiary" include their respective successors in interest, if any. We are a debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any infor mation we obtain will be used to collect the debt. Cashier's checks for the foreclosure sale must be made payable to Miles D. Monson, Successor Trustee. Bankruptcy Information: The personal liability of the grantors to pay the debt owed to Beneficiary was discharged in the grantors' chapter 7 bankruptcy case, however, the Trust Deed lien against the real property described above remains in existence and is in full force and effect. Ben eficiary will not seek to enforce any debt obligation as a personal liability of the grantors as a discharge order was entered in their bankruptcy case. Beneficiary is merely foreclosing its lien which was not be effected by any bankruptcy discharge. DATED: September 27, 2012. /s/ Miles D. Monson. Miles D.Monson, Successor Trustee, Cascade Square —Suite 450, 8625 SW Cascade Avenue,Beaverton, Oregon 97008, Telephone: (503) 646-9230.