Bulletin Daily Paper 11/8/12

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Serving Central Oregon since1903 75 $

THURSDAY November8,2012

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What of CentralOregonlawmakersinblue Salem? I •

By Lauren Dake The Bulletin

SALEM — Oregon voters t ipped the scales Tuesday, giving Democrats a majority in the state House of Repre-

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sentatives and leaving Cen- 5ALEM

which was formerly balanced at 30 seats apiece. Former Oregon House Maj orit y L eader Tim Knopp, who won his bid against Democratic c h allenger Geri Hauser


ar on

60 total



OregonLegislature dalanceofpower •

2010 30 DEM

t o r epresentBendinthe Sen-

tral Oregon's all-Republican ate, knows the feeling of bedelegation in the minority. ing among those in control. The election results ended the T h e p olitical party that holds the historic power-sharing agreement s p eaker's gavel also sets committee between the two parties. Now, Dem- a s signments and has a stronger say ocrats, in addition to their two-seat i n w h at legislation garners attenadvantage in the Senate, will have t i o n and votes. an eight-seat edge in the House, SeeSalem/A4


30 GOP


SENATE 2 012 •

30 total •

cim s

2010 16 Dem


14 GOP

Source: The Associated Press and Oregon Legislative Administration Office Final unofficial results Andy Zeigert/The Bulletin

c aim win

roo earns sou scoo

By Mac McLean The Bulletin

Over a tough 19 hours, Bend Park 8 Recreation District officials closely watched a proposed $29 million bond measure go from narrow defeat on Election Day to a winning margin large enough to upgrade parksin every corner ofthe city. "At the end of the day it came in right where we thought it would," Executive Director Don Horton said Wednesday. Unofficial results posted about 3 p.m. Wednesday by the Deschutes County Clerk's Office show the measure won 51.7 percent of the vote Tuesday. Horton said the bond measure would take care of several projects at the top of a to-do list, including an extension of the Deschutes River Trail and building a safe passage over the Colorado Avenue Dam. It also raises the park district tax rate by 24 cents per $1,000 of assessed value, which means the typical Bendhomeowner would pay about $40 more in propertytaxes each year forthe next 20 years. Recognizing that the current economic climate might hamper its chances in this election, the park district in February hired an outside firm to poll area residents and gauge support for a bond measure for park upgrades. About 56 percent of likely voters surveyed supported the idea, Horton said. Those results meant the bond measure would likely survive a close vote nine months later. At the first batch of election results about 8:30 p.m. Tuesday, the bond measure had 152 more "no" votes than "yesn votes — a margin of less than onehalf of I percent of the 27,806 votes counted at that hour. Park district board members, staff members and their supporters left what was supposed to be celebratory party at GoodLife Brewing Company feeling downcast. See Bond/A4

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Photos by Ryan arennecke/The Bulletin



ABOVE:Chef Brad Wood chops an onion as members of Girl Scout Junior Troop 50737 look on Wednesday at 10 Below in the Oxford Hotel in downtown Bend. RIGHT: Ella Anderman, left, and Kelsey McGrew peel an onion while learning to make a roasted tomato soup from Wood. The two girls and other members of Troop 50737 learned about $ee vjdeo ~ prep a r a tion as coverage on ~ well as proper The Bulletin's website: food handling

scorecard,A5 s

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sus '

By Michael D. Shear


New York Times News Service

e ass

.fflni' Ii

In California town, scboolyoga stirs controversy tantamount to religious indoctrination into Hinduism. School officials never thought

studio to include Ashtanga yoga in a program where students also learn about healthy eating and that yoga, practiced by roughly 22 cultivate small gardens. "We've got a ton of yoga in Enmillion Americans, would be controversial when they accepted a cinitas," said school board mem$533,000grant from a local yoga ber Carol Skiljan, an occasional

O p We userecycled newsprint

yoga practitioner. Encinitas has several yoga studios, particularly along the stretch of U.S. Highway 101 that runs through the r etro-funky Leucadia neighborhood. SeeYoga/A4



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D1 - 6

36 pages,

Tsec t ions

Comics B 4 - 5


F1- 6 O uting

Only a couple of decades ago, Prince William County was one of the mostly white, somewhat rural, far-flung suburbs where Republican candidates went to accumulate the votes to win elections in Virginia. Since then, Prince William has transformed. Open acreages have given way to town houses and gated developments, as the county — about a halfhour south of Washington — has risen to have the seventh-highest household income in the country and become the first county in Virginia where minorities make up more than half the population. If Prince William looks like the future of the country, Democrats have so far developed a much more successful strategy of appealing to that future. On Tuesday,President Barack Obama beat Mitt Romney by almost 15 percentage points in Prince William, nearly doubling George W. Bush's margin over Al Gore in 2000, helping Obama to a surprisingly large victory in Virginia. He did it not only by winning Hispanic voters, but also by winning strong majorities of the growing number of Asian-American voters and of voters under the age of 40. SeeVoters/A2


B usiness E1-4 Crosswords B5,G2 Local News C1-6 Sports 0


fresh worryfor GOP

nutrition for a merit badge. Following the lesson, the troop was going to donate several containers of soup to the Ronald McDonald House in Bend.

ENCINITAS, Calif. — Parents in this seaside town are in a twist over yoga, saying that adding the ancient practice of meditative exercise to the school curriculum is


As electorate shifts,


Los Angeles Times

local council races,G1 ' Updated election


By Tony Perry

Inside • More from

B1 - 6 T V& Movies B2

Rain and snow High 40, Low 23

Page G6

TOP NEWS CONGRESS:Fiscal cliff up next, A3 GREECE: Austerity bill passes, A3




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from 2008 election


NOTE: One of Nebraska's five electoral votes went Io Obama in 2008 and switched fo Romney in 2012

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As listed ai www.oregonloiiery.org

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Independents from Vi. and Maine likely fo caucus with Democrats


Source AP Election Research The Associated Press r• 0p



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Oregon Lottery results



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I I )4

Voters Continued from A1 A version of his coalition in Virginia — a combination o f minorities, women a n d younger adults — also helped Obama win Colorado, Nevada and perhaps Florida, which remained too close to call. He came close in North Carolina, a reliable state for Republicans only a few years ago that he narrowly won in 2008. The demographic changes in the U.S. electorate have come with striking speed and have left many Republicans, who have not won as many electoral votes as Obama did on Tuesday in 24 years, concerned about their future. The Republican

strategy of appealing mostly to white voters appears to have run into a demographic walL "Before, we thought it was an important issue, improving demographically," said Al Cardenas, the chairman of the American Conservative Union. uNow, we know it's an essential issue. You have to ignore reality

not to deal with this issue." The central p roblem f or Republicans is that the Democrats' biggest constituencies are growing. A s ian-Americans,for example, made up 3 percent of the electorate, up from 2 percent in2008, and went for Obama by about 47 percentage points. Republicans increasingly rely on older white voters. And contrary to much conventional wisdom, voters do not necessarily grow more conservative as they age; until the last decade, a majority of both younger and older voters both tended to go to the winner of the presidential election. This year, Obama managed to win a second term despite winning only 39 percent of white votersand 44 percent of votersolder than 65,according to exit polls not yet finalized conducted by Edison Research. Nothing in politics is permanent, and Republicans may soon find ways to appeal to minorities and younger voters. As Hispanic and Asian voters continue to move up the income

scale, forexample, more ofthem may turn skeptical about calls to raise taxes on the affluent. And the D emocrats may yet confront their own demographic challenges once they no longer have Obama and his billion-dollar campaign machine at the top of the ticket, guaranteeing record-breaking turnout among his new Democratic coalition. If turnout among blacks, Hispanics and younger voters — groups that have historically had comparatively low turnout rates — had declined slightly, Obama might have lost. But the question for Republicans, people in the party say, is how to improve their image with voters they are already losing in large numbers. "You don't have to sell out on the issues and suddenly take on the Democratic position on taxes to win the black vote or the Latino vote or the women vote," said Corey Stewart, a Republican who is chairman of the Board of County Supervisors in Prince William. "But you do have to modulate your tone."

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TOP T ORIES TODAY It's Thursday, Nov. 8, the 313th day of 2012. There are 53 days left in the year.

HAPPENINGS • China's once-a-decade leadership transition begins as President Hu Jintao and other

senior leaders begin to transfer power.

IN HISTORY Highlights:In 1923, Adolf Hitler launched his first

attempt at seizing power in Germany with a failed coup in Munich that came to be known as the "BeerHall Putsch." In 1972, the premium cable TV network

HBO (HomeBoxOffice) made its debut with a showing of the movie "Sometimes a Great Notion."

Ten years ago:The U.N. Security Council

unanimously approved Resolution1441, aimed at

forcing Saddam Hussein to disarm or face "serious consequences." Five years ago:TheSenate confirmed President George W. Bush's nomination of M ichael Mukasey to be attorney general, 53-40.

One year age:A defiant Herman Cain declared he would not drop his bid for the Republican presidential

nomination in the face of allegations of inappropriate

sexual behavior, a day after a fourth woman accused him of unwanted sexualadvances.

BIRTHDAYS Singer Bonnie Raitt is 63.

Chef and TVpersonality Gordon Ramsay is 46. Actress Gretchen Mol is 39. Actress

Tara Reid is 37. — From wire reports


Greece narrowly passes austerity bill A THENS, Gr e e ce Greece'sParliament passed a crucial austerity bill early today in vote so close that it left the coalition government reeling from dissent. The bill, which will further slash pensions and salaries, passed 153-128 in the 300member Parliament. It came hours after rioters rampaged outside Parliament during an 80,000-strong a n t i-austerity demonstration, clashing with police who responded with tear gas, stun grenades and water cannons. Approval of the cuts and tax increases worth 13.5 billion t euros over two years was a big stepforGreek effortsto secure the next installment of its international rescue loans and stave off imminent bankruptcy. Ahead of t h e v o te, tens of thousands of p r otesters braved torrential rain to shout a nti-austerity s l ogans. T h e rally eventually turned violent outside Parliament, with hundreds of rioters hurling gasoline bombs and chunks of Dimitri Messtnis/The Associated Press marble at police. Clouds of tear A riot police officeris engulfed by flames from gasoline bombs gas rose from central Syntag- thrown by anti-austerity protesters Wednesday in front of Parma Square as the police fought liament in Athens. 1




Nor'easter dumpsrain, snow onbattered area

C hristie w a rned t h a t th e nor'eastercould leave many people in the dark again, only a few days after their power had been restored.

were missing, and hundreds were injured. T he quake, which hit a t A nor'easter threatened to un10:35 a.m. in the midst of the ravel progress made since Hurwork day, caused terror over ricane Sandy ravaged the New an unusually wide area, with York area, delivering a second Powerful quake damage reported in all but one angry serving of howling wind hits Guatemala of Guatemala's 22 states and and high water on Wednesday shaking felt as far away as in places where misery and SAN MARCOS, Guatemala Mexico City, 600 miles to the A 7.4-magnitude earth- northwest. frustration had yet to recede. The nor'easter, a chilly brew quake rocked Guatemala on President Otto Perez Molina of rain and wet snow blown in Wednesday, killing at l east said ata news conference that by gusts almost as powerful as 48 people in two states as it 40 people died in the state of those recorded during the hur- toppled thick a dobe w alls, San Marcos and eight more ricane, arrived with the dismay- shook huge landslides down were killed in the neighboring ing potential to disrupt efforts to onto highways, and sent ter- state of Quetzaltenango. bring life back to normal from rified villagers streaming into San Marcos, where more the Jersey Shore to the East End the streets of this idyllic moun- than 30 homes collapsed, bore of Long Island. tain town near the border with the brunt of the temblor's fury. In New Jersey, Gov. Chris Mexico. One hundred people — From wire reports

on ressiona ea ersma e e t overtures By Lori Montgomery

The comments could offer a path for avoiding the fiscal Less than 24 hours after cliff, which economists warn the election, President Barack could plunge the nation into Obama and c ongressional recession, and for forging leaders moved with alacrity a compromise to slow the Wednesday to show flexibil- nation's unsustainable bority in solving the nation's big- rowing. Such a deal, in turn, gest economic problems and could pave the way for birecast Washington's often partisan agreement on other divisive politics. hot-button issues, such as With a sluggish economy immigration reform, during facing major threats, House Obama's second term. Speaker John Boehner, RBut a huge gap still reOhio, opened the door to mains, with the White House increased tax r evenue as on Wednesday claiming an part of a bipartisan deal to electoral mandate to pursue tame the soaring national its tax policies and Repubdebt. Republicans are "will- licans remaining opposed ing to accept new revenues," to any proposals for raisBoehner said, suggesting he ing tax rates on the wealthy. is willing to break with the Beyond tax p o l icy, t here orthodoxy of many influen- are also divisions over what tial Republicans out of a de- types of changes, if any, to sire to "do what's best for our make to federal entitlements country." such as Medicare and Social Earlier Wednesday, Obama Security. called Boehner and other top Amid fears that the brutal lawmakers to urge them to election campaign has failed put aside partisan interests produce new prospects for to bolster the economy and compromise, U.S. stocks slid advance the interests of the about 2.5 percent, to a threeAmerican people. Obama month low. The Dow Jones favors raising taxes on the industrial average fell 312.95 wealthy to help close the na- points to 12,932.73, and the tion's yawning budget hole. Standard & Poor's 500-stock Senate Majority L e ader index fell 33.86 points to Harry Reid, D-Nev., also ex- 1,395.53. tended a hand, saying: "It is The upcoming debate over better to dance than to fight.... spending and taxes could It is better to work together." have huge c o nsequences, The conciliatory remarks beyond whether the nation came as U.S. stock markets goes over the fiscal cliff. Both tumbled amid investor con- parties could face a stiff cost cerns that Washington would if Americans believe they remain gridlocked in the face are playing politics with the of economic threats, includ- health of the economy. Exit ing the year-end "fiscal cliff" polling T u esday s h owed of automatic g overnment that most voters believe the spending cuts and sharp tax economy is weak and not hikes. improving. The Washington Post

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eniorS ear OSS 0n e en enCe

Staying mentally sharp key ro independent lifestyle; new drug free compoun-d helps restore 10 15 years of -memory and mental confidence, claims Us surgeon General cundidate SPOKANE, WASHINGTONAmericans, especially older A meri c a ns , a r e f i e r c e l y independent. So it's no surprise that a recent study found that senior citizens are more scared of losing their in dependence and/or having to move into a nursing home than they are of dying. When researchers conducting the Agingin Placein America survey asked seniors what they fear most, only three percent cited death, compared to 26 percent who rated losing their independence, and 13 percent who rated moving out of their home into a nursing home as their greatest fears.

Brain Fog: Threat to Independence

participants' brains. ordered Procera right away!" Over aperiod of a few weeks, Doreen began giving her A published study inAnnals of scientists observed the formula h usband Procera AV H o n Internal Medicine found that brain helping aging brains to function Monday. By Thursday morning, she fog, a type of mild cognitive decline more youthfully, helping restore wondered if a miracle was in the characterzed i by mental confusion the speed, memory abilities and making. "I was witnessing a tremendous and memory loss,is a m ajor risk mental powers enjoyed as far back factorfor loss of independence. as 15 birthdays ago change," smiles Doreen. "My Millions know it, too. Users like Jan L, Topeka, Kansas husband was joking, and carrying More than 5.4 million people appreciate the mental confidence on. We were having conversaovertheage of70 experience mild and reassur ing security afforded by tions, which was something we had not done for months! I clearly forgetfulness that can frequently Procera AVH. disrupt daily routines. saw a tremendous change." Back to Old Self Seniors fret about losing their Procera AVH does more than ttr. "I'm back to my old self again," improve memory and sharpness. Its driving privileges. "People cling to laughs Jan. AAer dai l y s uppl e meneffects can be varied, and driving as the last vestige of selfI identity and independence," says tation with Procera AVH. Jan is pronounced, as experienced by 73Lisa Kapust, clinical coordinator of thrilled to report, "I got my mental year-oldRichard G. of Seabrook, MemorJr loss and failing cognitive abilities play a major role in loss ofi ndependence for seniors, say studies. Seniors have DriveWise, a program that evaluates clarity back! I am much more in the South Carolina. discovered a doctor-recommended memory pill that restores seniors' driving skills. moment,"adding, "I am able to memory and youthful mental acuity. "Keeping that piece of plastic in tackle the whole day." Friends Saw It First! Richard credits his friends with the brain much needed support B rainpower: 20 D a ys t o 3 their wallet or purse is a badge of honor," says Kapust. noticing the difference Procera against free radicals and helps guicker, Calmer, Sharper Mind!,a AVH made in him. improve the decline in neurotmns- $20 value. The thought ofbeing a prisoner in VI one's own home, or being unable "Many tl ungs have changed for mitters, blood flow and oxygen," Pro cera AVH is the leading US L PE D me," smiles Richard. "I feel a lot adds Dr. Heller. brain health supplement. It is to recall who you are, where you P ECP D 3 m E E D pc z live, or to whom you are related has sharper,Iam much more alert,and Elizabeth K. of Rochester, New clinically shown to help improve sent forgetful seniors scrambling I have more energy in the evenings." York discoveredProcera AVH just memory,focus,concentration and for a solution. Richard confesses that his in time. mental energy! And it comes friends were the first to notice the At the age of 54, her memory with a 90-day satisfaction guarantee Many have d iscovered a unique, drug-free compound Age-related vision lossis easily very positive changes was declining at an "alarming rate." so you can experience the long-term that, according to Robert Heller, corrected with glasses. A novel newfound surgeof mental energy "I was about to consult a neurolo- results risk-free, too! gist when I read about Procera MD, can dofor the brain what drug Pee comPound hasbeenfound took a decidediy creative turn. prescri ption glassesdo forthe eyes. io helP restore age-related memory Out of the biue, Richard feit the AVH." Elizabeth decided to give it *Free Rapid Detox Formula "It's not a drug," explains Dr. lossandPoormentalfocusinaslittfe ur eto learnto i a th e i t r " a try. to First 500 Callers! Call today. The first 500 Heller, "it's a nutritional supplement also started sketching, I am taking that can help a foggy, sluggish brain Doreen C., Tustin, Calif., was painting lessons and I recently Better Memory, customers will receive a free Better Mood supply of his powerful brain detox become a sharper, quicker, and facedwithacrushingdecision. Her signed up for a creative writing UCLA Geffen School of "It took about a month for the formula, Ceraplex, scientifically healthier brain." husband was going downhill, fast. workshop. These are things I wanted Medicine Assistant Clinical "He had diminished to a point to do my whole life and never had memorybenefittokickin.Sixmonths designed to help flush away Professorand lnternist,Robert Fuzzy Thinking where he was confused during the the energy until now, at age 73!" later, even myhusband wasimpressed environmental toxins from the brain Heller, MD usesand recommends day," Doreen says quietly. "He with my improved memory. And I to help enhance memory and focus Gets Crystal-Clear a drugfree m ethod roincrease "It's like reading an eye chart didn't remember to even eat at Wake Up Call am very happy with my renewed even further. This is a special memory, mentalfocus and mental clarity and focus!" introductoryoffer and suppliesare with the right pair of glasses times." To make matters worse, he for Tir e d Brains concentration. If you're having t rouble limited,socallnow. instead of an old pair of lenses. was beginning to fall down. Foryears,Dr.Hellerlooked for While many of the physical Everything comes into focus, your "I was fearful of leaving him at an effective solution to patients' managing ypurmpney pr if ypu're * Less shippinZ and handling. i nfi r m i t i e s o f a g i n g c a n brainismore crisp,more focused, home," confides Doreen. So, she complaints about mind and worried about losing your driving be addressed wit h r a m p s, clearer, and sharper." began to think the unthinkable."I was memory. privileges, doctor-recommended "I searched for something that r ailings, w h e el c h a ir s an d ln controlled research studies, the really considering placing him in w alkers, i t ' s t h e l o s s o f prescription-free formula, known as long-term care, or at the very least, would help mypatients, even friends confidenceand security you need to memory and mental abilities Procera AVH® has been shown to in day care." She paused for a long and family, regain the memory and maintain your independent lifestyle t hat m o s t w o r r y s e n i o r increase memory, mood, and mental while, before adding, "That was a mental sharpness we all seem to citizens. clarity. very difficult decision for us." l ose w ith age. Many complaints Get a FREE Bonus Bottle I n f a ct , a r e c en t M e t and a FREE Book, Too! During randomized, double-blind, Several days later, Doreen was had to do with losing driving This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure Life/Harris survey revealed placebo-controlled research conducted driving in her car when she heard an privileges or worse, being moved Try Procera AVH risk-free or prevent any disease.These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. today and receive a free bonus that seniors fear memory loss at the prestigious Brain Sciences announcement about Procera on the into a nursing home." UCLA ts not involved in the product descnbsd in "I am quite happy to now bottle along with a free copy of this more than heart disease or Institute, clinicians witnessed a radio. "I thought, this has to be a material. Thereference to Dr.Hellsr should not be construed as anendorsement by UCLA. cancer. And for good reason. startling transformation in study sign. I pulled off the road, and recommendProceraAVH asitgives medically a cclaimed, 20/20 i•I





Continued from A1 That narrow defeat turned into a narrow victory by about 11 p.m. Tuesday, when further results became available. Those results showed 14,629 votes in f a vor a n d 1 4 ,614 against, a 15-vote margin. The measure seemed destined for a recount as Election Day drew to a close. But the lead widened considerably as the Clerk's Office continued to count ballots Wednesday. By the time "all but a few" ballots were counted, the margin in favor of the measure was 1,239 votes, or almost 3t/s percentage points, Horton said the key to victory was an aggressive campaign to educate the public a bout the measure and i t s importance. The local political action committee People, Parks an d N a t ur e r a i sed $64,000 to support the proposal; the League of Conservationvoters sent canvassers to knock on doors. H orton s a i d t h e bon d measure's 2,239 under votes — those ballots with a question left blank — proved the campaign's success. The under vote showed that all but 5 percent of the park district voters knew enough about the proposal to at least have an opinion about it. With victory all but official, Horton said the park district will start the process to obtain a bond rating in order to start selling bonds in the next three to four months. "Our goal is to jump on as many projects as we can over the next two to three years," Horton said.

Continued from A1 Yoga is taught at the local YMCA; at nearby Camp Pendleton, it is used to help Marines who suffer from posttraumatic stress disorder after having been in combat. But soon after yoga teachers began leading students at five elementary schools in twice-weekly sessions of stretching, breathing and relaxing, four dozen parents protested to the school

board, saying yoga is a system of spiri-

• a

• •

Continued from A1 A nd K n op p h a s be e n around long enough to know that the minority party must do some political maneuvering to attain any of its goals. "It makes it more challenging to get priorities through when the opposing party is in control," Knopp said. B ut he said goals in t h e


' •

the schools and reduces fighting and

bullying. David Miyashiro, assistant superintendent of the Encinitas Union School District, said the K-6 district, not the yoga studio, remains in charge of the

yoga program. The yoga regimen has been tailored to children. There is no use of Sanskrit, and the names of poses have been changed to " k id-friendly" language such as "gorilla pose" and "mountain





LUXURIOUS CASHMERE Reg. $119, afterspecial 79.99. Only at Macy's. Charter Club sweaters in V-neck & more styles.


49.50-59.50, after special 12.37-14.87. Dress shirts or tiesby famous makers.



*WeblD 698948.


SPECIAL 9.99 •

YOUR CHOICE Reg.$30, afterspecial 12.99. Only at Macy's. John


• >

• <


Orig.* $39-$240, afterspecial 9.75-99.99. Suits & suit separates. Misses, petites & women.

Ashford knit tops or sweaters. S-XXL.


— Reporter: 541-817-7818, mmclean@bendbulletin.com


8 Policy, which deals with issues of religious freedom and Christian values. "If this were a program letting children sit silently and engage in Christian prayer, the district would never allow it," Broyles said. So far, school officials are standing firm.The yoga classesare setto expand into the district's other four elementary schools in January, while researchers from the University of San Diego and the University of Virginia study whether yoga helps improve attendance at

tual beliefs. School officials quickly announced that parents could choose to have their children excused from yoga class. But attorney Dean Broyles, representing the parents, said a lawsuit may be necessary to oust yoga from the school district. "I think school officials are confused about Eastern mysticism," said Broyles, president and chief counsel for the Escondido-based National Center for Law





KIDS' PUFFER COATS Reg. $72-$85, after special 24.99. From



RAMPAGE BOOTS Reg. $59-$69, after special 44.99-49.99. From left: Idaho riding style (+ WeblD 713506), Bastille boot (+ WeblD 706976) and Albie cold weather boot (jr WeblD 722423). AII 5-10, 11M.

Protection System and London Fog™. Girls' 2-16; boys' 2-20; infants' 3-24 mos?

afterspecial 24.99. From Pink Envelope Grane & more.

DESIGNER COLLECTIONS Special 24.75-64.75. Reg. 49.50129.50, after special 34.65-90.65. From Kenneth

Cole Reaction

& Perry Ellis.

upcoming session— job creation and increased funding SPECIAL 39.99 SPECIAL SPECIAL $299 SPECIAL for education — seem to ap4-PC. LUGGAGE SET DIAMOND EARRINGS peal to both sides of the aisle. 69.99 65% OFF Reg. $160, after special 69.99. Only at Reg. $900, after special 472.50. "I believe ultimately people DIAMOND** 14K GOLD CHAIN Macy's. Travel Select Journey25" updght, 3/4 ct. t.w 7 in 14k white gold. BRACELET Special $1 05-$1050. will do the right thing," Knopp 20" carry-on, travel tote & travel kit. *WeblD 613281. Reg. $250, All styles regularly priced *WeblD 578321. satd. $300-$3000. After afterspecial One of the hot issues Re93.75. 1 ct. t.w.' special 112.50-$1125. in silverplated From left:*WeblD p ublicans c a mpaigned o n 387234, 387299 & brass by Victoria was reforming t h e s t ate's Townsend. 508357. pension program. Democrats *WeblD have been open to discussing 732464. reforms to th e P ublic Employees Retirement System, but more cautious. PERS is saddled with unfunded liability, about $16 billion worth, w hich p u shes h i gher t h e rates paid by public agencies, SPECIAL 40% OFF 29.99 AFTER $20 SPECIAL 97.99 SPECIAL 39.99 like school districts, to cover ALL STAND MIXERS & 24-PC. BEDROOM ENSEMBLE 6-PC. QUEEN OR KING SHEET SET PERS obligations to retirees. REBATE, SPECIAL 49.99 FOOD PROCESSORS Reg. $400 & $500, after special 199.99 Reg. $140 & $160, after special 69.99 & Reg. 119.99, after special 69.99. New & The higher rates cut into dolSpecial 23.99-359.99. Reg. 39.99-599.99, & 249.99.Only at Macy's. Your choice: 79.99. Only at Macy's. 420-thread count only at Macy's. 12-pc. cookware sets: lars that school administraafter special 29.99-449.99. From left: Janelle (shown) or Rosenthal. Queen or Egyptian cotton from Sheffield Collection. nonstick or stainless steel (+WeblD KitchenAid, ¹KSM150 (+WeblD 39391 7) king. Includes 4 pillow cases.*WeblD 673840. tors, for example, say could 707382) by Tools of the Trade. & Cuisinart, ¹DLC2007 (+ WeblD 101 927). go to hire teachers. For Central Oregon's delegation, in both the lower and upper chamber, PERS reform has been a high priority. "Since Democrats control everything, they will get the lion's share of the blame for all the cuts they are going to have to make should they not reform PERS," Knopp said. Rep. Jason Conger, R-Bend, who won re-election Tuesday a•• • night against Democratic opponent Nathan H ovekamp, pushed for PERS reforms in OR, USE YOUR the last two sessions. It is, he ' I' I, MACY'S SAVINGS said, one of the more divisive I I I ') • • issues that seemed to break PASS AND I' 'I 'I I ' I down along party lines in the I I ' ' I I i I TAKE AN past. 'I I I I I I I EXTRA $10 OFF "I would say it's too soon to Ii • • g • I SAM 'TIL 1PM tell how that plays out given I I I the new dynamic," he said. I , I I ' 'I ' I I I I FRIDAY OR 7AM "I don't know, for example, ' 'I I I I I 'I I I I I I 'TIL 1PM SATURDAY some of the new m embers SAVINGS PASS DISCOUNT and where they might stand." DOES NOT APPLY TO Rep. Mike McLane, R-PowSPECIALS. ell Butte, who also won reelection, said he will continue the ITIagiC Of to push to leverage the state's natural resources, including an effort to draw more water from the Columbia River — an effort that failed last session. "I believe good ideas still .com have merit, and that's not dicB EN D R I V E R P R O M E N A D E , B E N D • 5 4 1 . 3 1 7 . 6 0 0 0 tated by which party is in conFine jewelry specials are only available at stores that carry fine jewelry. >REG./ORIG.* PRICES ARE OFFERING PRICES & SAVINGS MAY NOT BE trol of the House or Senate," BASED ON ACTUAL SALES.SOME ORIG. PRICESNOT IN EFFECT DURING THE PAST 90 DAYS. ONE DAY SALEPRICESIN EFFECT 11/9 & 11/10/2012. , • • ME RCHANDISE WILL BE ON SALE AT THESE & OTHER SALE PRICESTHROUGH 1/1/13, EXCEPT AS NOTED. "Our lowest prices of the season" refers to McLane said. BLOG Macy's winter season from Nov. 1, 2012-Jan, 31, 2013. *Intermediate price reductions may have been taken. **May contain rose-cut diamonds. tAII carat The o p t i mism f o r t he weights(ct. t w) are approximate; variance may be.05 carat. Jewelry photos may be enlarged orenhanced to show detail. Fine jewelry at select stores; log on to macys com for locations. Almost all gemstones delegation's No. I p r i o r ity, have been treated to enhance their beauty & require special care, log on to macys.com/gemstones or ask your sales professional. Rebate is a mail-in offer; allow 4-6 weeks for delivery; in CT, Rl & PR, & in Dade & Broward Counties, FL, rebate is given at the register. Extra savings taken off already-reduced prices; "special" prices reflect extra savings. Specials & clearance items are available while supplies last. however, remains intact: to Advertised merchandise may not be carned atyour local Macy's & selection may vary by store. Prices may be lowered as part of a clearance. Prices & merchandise may differ at macys.com. Luggage & electric o btain enough f u n ding t o items shown carry warranties; to see a mfr's warranty at no charge before purchasing, visit a store or write to: Macy's Warranty Dept., PO Box1026, Maryland Heights, MO 63043, attn: Consumer Warranties. turn Oregon State University*Enter the WeblD in the search box at MACYS.COIVI to order. P12100082. Cascades Campus into a fouryear university. OPEN A MACY'5 ACCOUNT FOR EXTRA 20% SAVINGS THE FIRST 2 DAYS, UP TO $100, WITH MORE REWARDS TO COME. Macy's credit card is available subject to credit approval; •










' I ' '









— Reporter: 541-554-1162, Idake@bendbulletin.com

new account savings valid the day your account is opened and the next day; excludes services, selected licensed departments, gift cards, restaurants, gourmet food & wine. The new account savings are limited to a total of $100; application must qualify for immediate approval to receive extra savings; employees not eligible.


• Below are updatedunofficial results for contested racesand ballot measures from Tuesday'selection as reported bycounty clerks' officesandthe secretary of state. The results are not final and could change minimally before the election is certified.


Jo .

Party affiliation:

(D) Democrat (L) Libertarian (R) Republican (P G) Pacific Green (C) Constitution ( P ) Progressive (I) IndependentParty (WF) Working Families

g — Winnersandpassedballot measures ® — Failedballot measures

U.S. HOUSE: 2ndDistrict

400o/o - • •


• Joyce Segers (D,WF) 93 , 257 28.9% Cz'GregWalden(R) 222,202 68.9% • Joe Tabor (L) 6,730 2 . 1%


g Alan Unger(D) • Tom Greene (R)

37,450 52.7%

CzfBeth Bagley • Andy Balyeat

31,524 54.1%

33,562 47.2% JUDGE OFTHE CIRCUIT COURT, 11th District, Position 2 26,577 45.6%


• Barb Campbell

• Nathan Hovekamp (D, WF) 12,127 43.1%

Cz(Victor Chudowsky


15,935 56.7% STATE REPRESENTATIVE, 55th District

• Wade Fagen

• JohnHuddle(D, I,WF) 8

• Charles Baer

1,923 7.6%

• Edward Barbeau

4,364 l7.2%


@Douglas Knight

l3,055 51.5%

• G ary Ollerenshaw (D) 8 , Cz'JohnHuffman(R)

• Edward McCoy

Cz'Mike McLane(R)

,59 4 31 .8% 18,415 68.1%

43 4

33 %

17,103 66.8%

STATE SENATOR, 27th District

• Geri Hauser (D, WF,L) 23 ,088 40.4% gTim Knopp(R, I) 33,810 59.2%

8,975 32.3% 10,597 38.1% 8,162 29.3%


5,866 23.1% BEND CITY COUNCIL, Position 3

• Ron (Rondo) Boozell • Kathie Eckman C5Sally Russell

3,364 12.4% 10,668 39.2% 13,095 48.1%

BEND CITY COUNCIL, Position 4 @Jim Clinton



18,621 72.8%

• Mike Roberts

6,817 26.7%


C5Mike McCabe(R) • Walt Wagner (I)

Three positions: 5,233 54.4% 4,330 45%


Three positions: CzfRodney (Jason) Beebe

1, 3 83 19.9%

CziJason Carr

1,699 24.4%

• Richard Johnson

654 9.4%

CGail Merritt

2, I00 30.1%

• William Peterson

1,059 15.2%

@Joseph Centanni

4,026 21.6%

• Anne Graham

3 ,546 1 9 %

gCamden King Cz(GinnyMcPherson

3,937 21.1% 3,854 20.7%

• Ed Petersen

3,154 16.9%


Three positions: @Brad Boyd @Catherine Childress • Lon Kellstrom

5 l2 23.6% 585 26.7% 3 69 1 7 %

@McKibben Womack

669 30.8%


SMeasure16-66:Authorizes the Madras Aquatic Special District to impose fiave-year operating tax levy. Yes:2,069 (46.1%)• No: 2,418(53.9%)

• Stu Martinez

222 43.8%

@Ken Mulenex

271 53.5%


C5Measure 9-86:$29milion in general obligation bonds for BendPark 8 Recreation

District to protectnaturalareas,connect trails and improveparks. Yes:18,878 (51.7%)• No: 17,639 (48.3%) <BMeasure 77:Amends the constitution:

Governor maydeclare "catastrophic disaster"; requires legislative session; authorizes suspending specified

@Measure 9-87:Authorizes annexation of 34.3 acres to the city of Sisters.

Yes:793 (85%)• No: 140 (15%)

constitutional spending restrictions.

Yes:870,005(58.2%) • No:624,664 (41.8%) Cz(Measure 78:Amends constitution:

Changes constitutional language describing governmental system ofseparation of powers; makesgrammatical and spelling changes. Yes:1,067,540 (71.9%)• No:418,331(28.2%) Cz(Measure79: Amends constitution: Prohibits real estate transfer taxes, fees,

other assessments, except those operative on Dec. 31, 2009.

Yes:902,662(59.4%) • No:617,138(40.6%) I Measure 80:Allows personal marijuana, hempcultivation/use without license; commission to regulate

commercial marijuana cultivation/sale. Yes:725,764(45.8%) • No:860,228 (54.2%) I Measure 81:Prohibits commercial nontribal fishing with gillnets in Oregon

"inland waters," allows use of seinenets. Yes:515,235(34.3%)• No: 988,917(65.8%) I Measure 82:Amends constitution: Authorizes establishment of privately

ownedcasinos;mandatespercentageof revenues payable to dedicated state fund.

Yes:445,077 (28.4%)• No:1,122,652(71.6%)


@Kate Brown(D, WF)

679,231 44% • Bruce Alexander Knight (L) 21,430 1 . 4%

• Seth Woolley (PG) • Robert Wolfe (P)

38,04 8 2 . 5% 19,261 1.3%


CzfTedWheeler(D,WF) 8 6 6,207 57.2% • Tom Cox (R) 571,371 37. 8% • Michael Paul Marsh (C) 13,957 0.9% • John Mahler (L) 26,843 1.8% • Cameron Whitten (P) 3 3 , 578 2 .2% I



620,053 52%

• Bruce Starr

ownedWood Villagecasino;mandates percentage of revenuespayable to

562,385 47. 3%


Yes:458,108 (29.3%) • No:1,105,954(70.7%) I Measure 84:Phasesout existing inheritance taxes on largeestates andall taxes on intra-family property transfers. Yes:718,108(46.4%) • No:830,280 (53.6%)

g Richard Baldwin • Nena Cook

A •


589,581 5 l.1%




556,396 48. 3%


@James Egan • Tim Volpert

638,0 l7 58.6% 444,697 41% I •


• •

Allocates corporate income/excise tax"kicker" refund to additionally fund kindergarten


through12th-gradepublic education.

Deschutes County: 80%• Crook County: 83.1% Jefferson County: 81.6%• State: 81%


' •

. •


• •




•- • • ® I

. •-




• • • •


Yes:911,783 (59.3%) • No: 627,027 (40.8%)


Cz(Ellen Rosenblum (D) 831,610 55.5% • James Buchal (R) 598,333 40% • James Leuenberger (C, L) 40,720 2.7% • Chris Henry (P) 24,603 1.6%

CpMeasure 83: Authorizes privately dedicated state fund.


783,397 50.7%

• Knute Buehler (R, I)








g Jr,'T

;Idi «.'S .'

Qg) l

, ~ oxs~




TliJ ~+


u x>.



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Winter jacket, sleeping bag, tent, blanket, tarp, winter boots or a combo of any 10 warm winter hats, gloves, scarves, socks & recei ve a c o u p o n f or 2 0% c f f


1 regular priced item.

Donate Canned Food II


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Receive a raffle ticket for each item donated. Raffle prizes include — skis, helmets, goggles, lift tickets, etc. Most needed items: meats, soups, peanut butter, pasta, rice, beans, fruits, veggies

LIKEUS ON FACEBOOK WINW EEKLVPRIZES Qg Coupon Must BePresent To Receive Discount Expires 11/30/12

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SEASONRENTAL KMs $q 49 Rent Now — Return June 1

S KI OR SNOW B O A R D Also available XC & snowshoes. Ask about adult pricing

TV&Movies, B2 Horoscope, B3 Calendar, B3 Com ics, B4-5 Dear Abby, B3 P u zzles, B5

© www.bendbulletin.com/outing


TRAIL UPDATE Cascade Lakes Highway to close



fgI; + Rthi,.g

It's the last week-


end of the season for vehicle access to the

a tr TT

trails along the Cascade Lakes Highway from


Dutchman Flat to the Deschutes Bridge.

The highway will be closing for the winter

on Tuesday, according to the Deschutes County Road Department.

For more information about the road closure, contact the county at 541-388-6581.


Be sure to keepan eye on the weather

forecastand be prepared for changing conditions if you choose to hit high-country trails.



Snow is expected late in the week, with a possibility of warmer

temperatures by Sunday.

sl ..s.'- • e

— Lydia Hoffman, The Bulletin


+y s» 1






Grant to help wounded vets ski



' .





. -



" .





Oregon Adaptive

Sports, a local nonprofit that provides recreation


opportunities to people with disabilities, recent-

ly received a$15,000 grant to help it better

serve veterans. The grant comes

Photos byAnne Aurand /The Bulletin

A view looking upstream at Tumalo Creekfrom the bridge at Forest Road 4606, where you can park and start your hike.

from the Wounded Warrior Project, an effort to

help woundedservice

• Enjoy the lush, verdant trail along Tumalo Creeknot too far from Bend

members. It will be used

to develop aski program to get injured veterans on the slopes and to

create anadaptive summer weekendgetaway for Oregon's wounded veterans. According to the news release, more than 48,000 service mem-

bers have beenphysically injured in recent military conflicts.

Contact: www.oregon adaptivesports.org or

By Anne Aurand


The Bulletin


Goodman talk to get air time

r ugged little trail just a f ew miles west of Bend can, in mere minutes, transport you from the High Desert into a verdant environment reminiscent of what you'd find in the Willamette Valley. From the bridge where Forest Road 4606 crosses Tumalo Creek, west of Shevlin Park, an intriguing path heads upstream into a lush, damp canyon; a perfect place to explore during this temperate time of year. Tumalo Creek was raging after a recent precipitation. Its water tumbled over boulders, creating background music along the trail that mostly follows the creek. As the trail climbs high above the creek, exposing expansive views, you'll see the yellow of the deciduous larch trees boldly contrasting a sea of green conifers, like a fire blazing through the dark. The trees in this canyon are amazing. Douglas and white firs and ponderosa pinesgrow big. Impressive stumps along the creek hint at a prosperous log-


High Desert community radio station KPOV 88.9 FM announced it will broadcast Amy

,r .>,r.

I /

Goodman's recent presentation in Bendon Saturday andSunday. Goodman co-hosts Democracy Now!, a



daily independent global news hour, which airs locally at 8 a.m. and

noon, Mondaythrough Friday, on KPOV.Good-

man appeared atthe Greenwood Playhousein

! ,I !

Bend on Oct. 28 during a fundraiser for KPOV. Her Bend presentation will broadcast at 10 a.m. and 8 p.m. Sat-


'I e

urday and 4and 10p.m. Sunday. Thebroadcast is also available at www

.kpov.org. Contact: 541-3220863.

Submita story idea, event Have a story idea or


These basalt cliffs tower above Tumalo Creekat the beginning of the hike. Start the hike by trudging uphill and walk underneath them. Maybe you'll see some rock climbers.

/ // / 'I J/

Area of de aii

~ el e



• Community events:


Featured trail

to events©bendbulletin R

bulletin.com. — From staff reports

// .


Email event information




event submission? Contact us!

.com or click on Submit an Event" at www .bendbulletin.com. Allow at least10 days before the desired date of publication. Contact: 541-383-0351. • Story ideas: Email

ging history.



The undulating Tumalo Creek Trail i s t i g h t and raw. There's no sign at the trailhead. It's incredibly quiet and private — I didn't cross paths nyone. In some pla y es, it's easy to lose the trail if you're lost in reverie or if you're moving faster than your eyes can scan ahead. D on't worry, i t' s j ust a s easy to find the trail if you stop and look around for a

/ /'

«BA J' B remeteCreek


It's a trail that calls for

/ cr)

'ft,6. i,BBts~

tftts tst!IQSVQ B ™

/ /


tt at)



ridg e crossing

I r




OESCROTES loast FOREST Greg Cross /The Bulletin

way, or a t l e ast s lowing down, to savor the view and 'fi'o I to save your shins. BitterYou'ffcomeacross br ush, branches and rocks thissign0.2miles cr o wding the narrow path upstream from the can bang up exposed legs if trailhead on Foryo ublow through too fast. eSt ROad 4606. SeeOutingiB6





The Griffin familyfrom "The Family Guy" — Brian, from left, Lois, Peter, Stewie, Chris and Meg — are shown.


BEND Regal Pilot Butte 6 2717 N.E. U.S.Highway 20, Bend,541-382-6347

Fox Broadcasting via The

SKYFALL (PG-13) Thu night/Fri morning: 12:01 a.m. TAKEN 2 (PG-13) 1:55, 4:35, 7:20, 9:55 WRECK-IT RALPH(PG) 12:30, 3:30, 6:45, 9:25 WRECK-IT RALPH3-D (PG) 12:45, 3:45, 7, 9:45

ALEX CROSS(PG-13) 1, 4:15, 6:45

Associated Press

'FamilyGuy' reaches its 200th episode "Family Guy" 9 p.m. Sunday, Fox

paid H arvard-educated TV writers can do with vomit and

baby poop gags). But wh at's so funny about any of thi s? Well, watch Peter G r i ffin ge t in a fistfight with a g i ant chicken — in reverse n a t urally- and I dare you not to l a ugh ...out loud. It's pretty m u c h imp o ssible not to. This said, at 2 0 0,

By Verne Gay tvewsdoy

What it's About: Stewie Griffinhasatimemachine — don't ask how, he just does — but Brian discovers it's a goo d way to (umm) bring women home from bars. like any He takes a few on Ty 5poTLlgHT "Guy," some time-travel other late-midtrips, then realizes dle-aged show, belatedly the odometer on the i s doing what it's done the past machine will show use, thus 1 9 9 episod es — going to reliangering Stewie. So he tries to a ble punch lines and playing ence's pre-pubescent rewind the thing. Something t o t h e audi b ad happens, of course: The b o r d e r i ng-on-Neanderthal entire continuum of time be- s e nse of umor h (which, by the gins to flow in reverse. Only w a y , work s for me). S tewie and Brian are "isolated Yes , t h is show has contribfrom its temporal inversion." u t e d might ily to the coarsening Why? Long story — don't ask o f A m e rica n popular culture about that, either. This — the — a feat it's particularly proud 200th episode — is entitled o f — but Iso a think of "Family "Yug Ylimaf," and you may G u y " a s arunning commenb e assured that references to t a r y o n t hat debased culture vomit and poop will be gener- a n d TV in particular. Rememouslyincluded. ber that o Id ad, "this is your M y Say: "Family Guy" is , b r a i n o n drugs"? "Family Guy" was, and apparently always e ff ectivelyinsists that this is will be sick, twisted, perverse y o u r brain on television: Watch and — here's where I risk hav- t o o much of the boob tube or ing my TV critic's license re- "Family G uy" and you, too, voked or perhaps even burned c o uld turn into Peter Griffin. — very, very funny. In fact , Bott o m Line: T w i s ted, Sunday's backward episode c o arse, gr oss, and — at points is also surprisingly inventive — hilario u s. What's not to

ARGO (R) Noon, 3, 5:45

McMenamins Old St. Francis School

FRANKENWEENIE(PG) 1:15, 3:45, 7 LOOPER(R) 12:15, 3:15, 6 THE PERKSOFBEINGA WALLFLOWER(PG-13) 12:45, 4, 6:30 TROUBLEWITH THECURVE (PG-13) 12:30, 3:30, 6:15

Regal Old Mill

700 N.W. Bond St., Bend, 541-330-8562

Redmond Cinemas 1535 S.W. DdemMedo Road, Redmond, 541-548-8777



Sisters Movie House 720 DesperadoCourt,

After 7 p.m., showsare 21 and older only.Youngerthan21may attend screenings before 7 p.m. if accompaniedby alegalguardian.

680S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend,541-382-6347

Tin Pan Theater

As of press time, complete movie times were unavailable. For more information, visit www.tinpan theater.com.

FLIGHT (R) 12:05, 1:05, 3:20, 4:20, 6:35, 7:35, 9:50 FUN SIZE(PG-13) 1:40, 4:10 HERE COMESTHE BOOM (PG)2, 4:45, 7:25, IO:05 HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA(PG) 1:30, 6:15 HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA3-D (PG) 3:55, 9:10 THE MANWITH THE IRON FISTS (R) 1:20, 4:30, 7:15, 9:45 PITCH PERFECT(PG-13) 12:20, 3:05, 6:05, 9:05 SEVENPSYCHOPATHS(R) 7:10, 10 SILENT HILL: REVELATION(R) 3:25, 10:10 SILENTHILL:REVELATION 3-D (R) 12:55, 7:40 SINISTER (R) 3:10, 6:25, 9:20 SKYFALL IMAX (PG-13) 11:45 a.m., 3, 6:20, 9:35

(amazing, the things highly l i k e?

Sisters, 541-549-8800



869 N.W. Tin PanAlley, Bend, 541-241-2271

EDITOR'S NOTES: Accessibility devices are

available for somemovies at Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 tI /MAX. • There may be an additional fee for 3-Oand IMAX films. • Movie times are subject to change after press time.



Stadium 16 & IMAX ALEX CROSS(PG-13) 12:25 ARGO (R) 12:10, 3, 6, 9 CHASINGMAVERICKS(PG) 12:40, 3:40, 6:55, 9:35 CLOUDATLAS(R) Noon, 4, 7:45


PRINEVILLE Pine Theater 214 N. Main St., Prineville,541-416-1014

TROUBLEWITH THECURVE (UPSTAIRS — PG-13) 6 WRECK-IT RALPH(PG) 3:40, 6:10 Pine Theater's upstairs screening room has limited accessibility.

Madras Cinema 5 1101 S.W.U.S.Highway 97, Madras, 541-475-3505


Providing unparalled service across a variety of industries since 1983.

541-389-1505 400 SW Bluff Dr Ste 200 Bend, OR 97702


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+ Mason's Building behind7- l i at . 8th & Greenwood in Bend n ~ Weekly drawing ns gift certificate


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*In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/BlackButte Di ital PM-Prineville/Madras SR-Sunriver L-LaPine

1RK~RRRX~RKHK~RKR2RRRK~RRK~RREK~RKR2RREI~~RRKREEK~XKEH~EHK~RDiRHg KATU News World News K A TU News at 6 (N) n ee Jeopardy! 'G' Wheel Fortune Last Resort (N) n '14' ee Grey's Anatomy(N) n '14' ee (10:02) Scandal(N)n '14' ee K A T U News (11:35) Nightline

Nightly News Newsohannel 21 at 6 (N) « Jeop ardy! 'G' Wheel Fortune The Voice (N) n 'PG' « Theoffice'14' Parks/Recreat RockcenterWithBrianWilliams News Jay Leno News Evening News Access H. Ol d Christine How I Met 30 Rock n '14' Big Bang Two /Half Men (9:01) Person of Interest (N)'14' Letterman KBNZ 0 (10:01) Elementary (N) 'PG' ee News K EZI 9 News KEZI 9 News Entertainment The Insider (N) Last Resort (N) n '14' « Grey's Anatomy(N) n '14' « KOHD Q 0 0 0 KEZI 9 News World News (10:02) Scandal(N) n '14' « KEZ I 9 News (11:35) Nightline BigB an g TheX FactorLiveResults(N)'14' Glee(N)n'14'ee News KFXO IDr IEIIEI IEI America'sFunniestHomeVideos Two/HalfMen Two/HalfMen BigBang TMZ (N) n 'PG' The Simpsons Family Guy '14' Oregon Art Beat Ore. Field Guide Doc Martin Onthe Edge'PG' She rlock Holmes 'G' « Oregon Exper Oregon Exp Koae 0 B Q B Wild Kratts Y Electric Comp. Travelscope B u siness Rpt. PBS NewsHour (N) n « Newschannel 8 NightlyNews Newschannel 8 News Live at 7 (N) I nside Edition The Voice (N) n 'PG' ee The Office '14' Parks/Recreat Rock Center With Brian Williams Newschannel 8 Jay Leno KGW 0 B e auty and the Beast (N) n '14' Seinfeld 'PG' Seinfeld 'PG' 'Til Death 'PG' 'Til Death '14' KTYZDT2IEI 0 B IH We ThereYet? We There Yet? King of Queens King of Queens Engagement Engagement T he Vampire Diaries (N) n '14' Chef John Besh Sara's Time Goes By My Family Lo s t Treasures of Ancient World Lost Treasures of Ancient World World News Tavis Smiley (N) Charlie Rose (N) n 'PG' ee PBS NewsHour n ee OPBPL 175 173

KTvz 0 0 0 0 News

The First 48 '14' ee The First 48 '14' ee The First 48 '14' « The First 48 « Beyond ScaredStraight (N)'14' (11:01) BeyondScaredStraight CSI: Miami Investi g ating a skydi v er's CSI: Miami Last Straw A murder spree CSh Mi a mi No Good Deed The team ** "Rambo" (2008, Acti o n) Syl v ester Stal l one, Julie Benz. A cl e rgyman per*** "Predator" (1987) Arnold Schwarzenegger, CarlWeathers. Ateam is • *AMC 102 40 39 '14' murder. n 'PG' « at a Miamisorority. n '14' investigates amurder. suadesRamboto rescuecaptive missionaries in Burma.« stalked by anintergalactic trophy hunter. « *ANPL 68 50 26 38 Monsters Inside Me'PG' ee North Woods Law: Onthe Hunt Swamp Wars n 'PG' ee Finding Bigfoot: Further Evidence Finding Bigfootn 'PG'ee Finding Bigfoot: Further Evidence Finding Bigfoot: Further Evidence BRAVO1 37 4 4 The Real Housewives of Miami The Real Housewives of Miami (6:48) Top Chef: Seattle Real Housewives/Beverly The Real Housewives of Miami The Real Housewives of Atlanta What Happens Housewives ** "Grumpier 0/d Men" (1995,Comedy) JackLemmon. n ee CMT 190 32 42 53 Roseanne'PG' Roseanne 'PG' Reba 'PG' «Reba 'PG' «Reba 'PG' «Reba 'PG' «Reba 'G' «Reba 'PG' « (11:15) * "Son-in-Law"(1993) ** "Unraveled" (2011, Documentary) Premiere. ** "Unraveled" (2011, Documentary) CNBC 54 36 40 52 American Greed American Greed Mad Money'MA' American Greed Quit Your Job! Hair Loss CNN 55 38 35 48 Anderson Cooper360 (N) ee P i e rs Morgan Tonight (N ) Ande rson Cooper360 ee Ertn Burnett OutFront Piers MorganTonight Anderson Cooper360 ee Erin Burnett OutFront COM 135 53 135 47(4:57) Futurama Always Sunny South Park '14' (6:29) Tosh.0 Colbert Report Daily Show C h appelle Show Stand-Up Rev. Gabriel Iglesias: Hot and Fluffy S t and-Up Rev. Tosh.0 '14' Da i ly Show Co l bert Report CQTY 11 Dept./Trans. C i ty Edition P a i d Program Kristi Miller D e sert Cooking Oregon Joy of Fishing Journal Get Outdoors Visions of NW The Yoga Show The YogaShow Kristi Miller C i t y Edition CSPAN 61 20 12 11 Capitol Hill Hearings Capitol Hill Hearings *DIS 87 43 14 39 Austin tk Ally n Austin 8 Ally n Phineas, Ferb Good-Charlie Shake It Up! 'G' Jessie 'G' ee Austin 8 Ally n "Let itShine" (2012)Tyler JamesWiliams, CocoJones. n 'G' ee Phineas, Ferb A.N.T. Farm 'G' Jessie 'G' ee *DISC 156 21 16 37 Fast N' Loud n '14' « Fast N' Loud n '14' « Fast N' Loud Amazing Impala '14' Moonshiners Rise 'n Shine'14' J u ngle Gold Scott and Georgesearch for Ghanagold. (N) 'PG' « Jungle Gold Reclaimed n 'PG' *E! 1 36 2 5 ** "She'sOutoi MyLeague" (2010)Jay Baruchel, Alice Eve. E! News(N) The Soup '14' Ice Loves Coco Kardashian T a ke Miami T a ke Miami K a rdashian C h elsea Lately E! News ESPN 21 23 22 23 (4:30) CollegeFootball FloridaState atVirginia Tech(N) (Live) Sportsoenter (N)(Live) « Sportscenter (N)(Live) « Sportscenter (N)(Live) « sportscenter (N)(Livei « ESPN2 22 24 21 24 Sportscenter Special (N) ee 30f or 30 ee SportsNation ee NASCARNow NFL Live (N) (Live) ee College Football BowlingGreenat Ohio ESPNC 23 25 123 25 White Shadow ee Friday Night Lights Injury List '14' Friday Night Lights Laboring '14' Car Auctions Car Auctions AWA Wrestling « College Football FromOct. 1, 2005. « ESPNN 24 63 124203Sportscenter (N)(Live) ee Sportscenter (N)(Live) ee SportsCenter H.Lite Ex. H-L i te Ex. H-L i te Ex. H-L i te Ex. H-L i te Ex. H.L i te Ex. H-L i te Ex. ESP NFC Press H-Lite Ex. Me l issa & Joey *** "Beetleluice" (1988, Comedy)Michael Keaton,Alec Baldwin. ** "TheGoonies" (1985,Adventure)SeanAstin, JoshBrolin, Jeff Cohen. FAM 67 29 19 41 Reba 'PG' « R e ba 'PG' « The700Club n 'G' « FNC 57 61 36 50 The O'Reilly Factor (N) ee Hannity (N) On Record, GretaVanSusteren The O'Reilly Factor ee Hannity On Record, Greta VanSusteren The Five *FOOD 177 62 98 44 BestDishes Paula's Cooking Chopped'G' Cupcake WarsMagicalCupcakes Cupcake Wars Sweet Genius DancingGeniu s S w eet Genius Wicked Genius(N) The Next Iron Chef: Redemption FX 131 How I Met Ho w I Met How I Met How I Met Two /Half Men Two/Half Men ** "Step Brothers" (2008, Comedy) Wil Ferrell, John C.Reily. Always Sunny The League (N) BrandX With Totally Biased HGTV 176 49 33 43 For Rent n 'G' For Rent n 'G' Selling NY Se l ling NY Hu n ters Int'I H o use Hunters Buying and Selling 'G' « Extreme Homes(N) 'G' « House Hunters Hunters Int'I Y o u Live in What? 'G' ee *HIST 155 42 41 36 Ancient Discoveries 'PG' ee Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars A n c ient Aliens Greys The 'PG' A n cient Aliens 'PG' ee Ancient Aliens 'PG' ee (11:02) Ancient Aliens 'PG' ee LIFE 138 39 20 31 Wife SwapHarris/Weasel n 'PG' Wife Swap Flannagin/Logan'PG' Project Runway All Stars 'PG' P r o ject Runway All Stars 'PG' P r o ject Runway All Stars (N) 'PG' Abby's Ultimate Dance Project RunwayAll Stars 'PG' MSNBC 59 59 128 51 The Ed Show(N) TheRachelMaddow Show (N) The Last W ord The Ed Show The Rachel MaddowShow The Last Word Hardball With Chris Matthews MTV 192 22 38 57 Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Totally Clueless Pranked: Love Jersey Shore n '14' « Jersey Shore n '14' « Jersey Shore(N) n '14' « Jersey Shore Jersey Shore NICK 82 46 24 40 SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob Drake & Josh Figure ItOut'Y' SeeDadRun See Dad Run Full House'G' Full House 'G' TheNanny'PG' TheNanny'PG' Friends'PG' (11:33) Friends OWN 161103 31 103Hardcover Mysteries '14' « Hardcover Mysteries '14' « Hardcover Mysteries '14' « 48 Hours: Hard Evidence n '14' 48 Hours: Hard Evidence n '14' 48 Hours: Hard Evidence n '14' 48 Hours: Hard Evidence n '14' ROOT 20 45 28* 26 Boat Racing B r awl Call Bra wl Call UFA UFA (N) Brawl Call Se a hawks Sea hawks ML S Soccer: Western ConferenceSemifinal SPIKE 132 31 34 46 (4:56) Jail '14' (5:33) Jail '14' (6:11) Jail n '14' ee (6:48) Jail '14' (7:25) Jail 'PG' iMPACT Wrestling (N) n '14' « Ink Mastern 14 « MMA Uncensrd GT Academy n "Anaconda 3:Offspring" (2008)DavidHasselhoff, Crystal Allen. * "Anaconda" (1997,Suspense)Jennifer Lopez, IceCube. ee "Anacondas: Trail oi B/ood" SYFY 133 35 133 45Haunted Collector Haunted Collector Live-Holy Land The Evidence Grant Jeffrey Creflo Dollar P r aise the Lord 'Y' « TBN 05 60 130 Behind Scenes Joel Osteen J o seph Prince Hillsong TV P r aise the Lord From Caesarea With Matthew &Laurie Crouch *TBS 16 27 11 28 Friends n '14' Friendsn '14' Ki ng of Queens King of Queens Seinfeld 'PG' Seinfeld 'PG' Family Guy '14' Family Guy '14' Big Bang B ig B ang B ig B ang Big B ang Cona n (N) '14' ee *** "Breathless" (1959,CrimeDrama)Jean-Paul Bel- (6:45) **** "Top Hat"(1935) FredAstaire, Ginger Rogers. Awomanmis- (8:45) **** "Network" (1976,Comedy-Drama)FayeDunaway, Peter Finch, WiliamHolden. A ****"Sunrise" (1927) George TCM 101 44 101 29 mondo, JeanSeberg,DanielBoulanger. takes theidentity of a dancer romancingher. «(DVS) TV station will air almostanything for big ratings. « O'Bnen,Janet Gaynor. *TLC 178 34 32 34 SayYes,Dress SayYes,Dress Isl andMedium Island Medium American GypsyWedding Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Four Weddings (N)gk'PG' «B ada Bling Brides (N) 'PG' « F our Weddings rk 'PG' « *TNT 17 26 15 27 NBA Basketball Oklahoma City Thunder at ChicagoBulls (N)(Live) « NBA Basketball LosAngelesClippersat PortlandTrail Blazers (N)(Live) ee Inside the NBA(N) (Live) ee The Mentalistn '14'rn 'TOON 84 MAD 'PG' Re g ular Show Regular Show Wrld, Gumball Adventure Time Annoying MA D (N) 'PG' Regular Show King of the Hill King of the Hill American Dad American Dad Family Guy '14' Family Guy 'PG' 'TRAV 179 51 45 42 Bourdain: NoReservations Biz a rre Foods/Zimmern Man v. Food'G' Man v. Food 'G' Mysteries at the Museum'PG' M ysteries at the Museum 'PG' M y steries at the Museum 'PG' T he Dead Files 'PG' ee *A*S*H M*A'S*H 'PG' CosbyShow Cosby Show Cosby Show Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond King ofQueens KingofQueens TVLND 65 47 29 35 (5:11) BonanzaPregnantwomanneeds help. 'G' (6:22) M NC I S In the Zone n '14' ee NCIS DeadAir n '14' ee NCIS Natureof the Beast n '14' B u rn Notice Desperate Measures; Means& Ends(N) 'PG' ee USA 15 30 23 30 NCIS Internal Affairs n '14' ee (11:02) NCIS About Facen '14' Coup lesTherapyrk'14' T.l. and Tiny T .l. and Tiny T . l. and Tiny T . l. and Tiny T . l. and Tiny T . l. and Tiny T . l. and Tiny T . l. and Tiny VH1 191 48 37 54 Chrissy& Jones Chrissya Jones BasketballWivesLAgk'14' *ASIE 130 28 18 32 The First 48 'PG' ee

** "Jumping the Broom"2011Angela Bassett. ri 'PG-13' « ** "Species" 1995,ScienceFiction BenKingsley. n 'R' « ENCR 106401 306401"Pirates oithe Caribbean" (9:50) ** 53odztlia"1998MatthewBroderick. gk'PG-13' « *** "Men oi Honor" 2000,DramaRobert DeNiro, CubaGooding Jr. 'R' « ** "Tears oi the Sun"2003,Action BruceWilis. 'R' « FMC 104204104120*** "Men oiHonor"2000, DramaRobert DeNiro, CubaGoodingJr. 'R' a« UFC Tonight UFC Primetime UFC Ultimate Submissions '14' Training Day The Ultimate Fighter n '14' UFC Tonight UFC Primetime UFC: Maynardvs. Guida FUEL 34 Chasing Cha s in g Chas in g Chas in g Golf Central (N) European PGA Tour Golf BarclaysSingaporeOpen,Second RoundFromSingapore. (N) (Livei GOLF 28 301 27 301PGA Tour Golf ** "Hachi: A Dog's Tale" (2009)RichardGere,Joan Allen. « American HumaneAssociation Hero DogAwards (N) 'G' ee "A Dog Named Christmas" (2009)BruceGreenwood.'G' « HALL 66 33175 33 The Waltons TheQuilting 'G' *** "Crazy, Stupid, Love." 2011SteveCarell. A suddenlysingle 40-some- Real Sex Dutchsex retreat; masturba(4:00) "Cheaper (5:45) * "Little Fockers" 2010, Comedy Robert De Ni r o, Ben Sti l er. The whol e ** "Along Came Pol l y " 2004 Ben Sti l e r. A j i lted newl y HBO 25501 425501 by the Dozen" clan arrives for theFockertwins' birthday. n 'PG-13' ee wed finds solacewith anotherwoman. 'PG-13' thing needshelpfinding hisgrooveagain. n 'PG43' ee tronclub.n MA ee I FC 105 1 0 5 ***"Star TrekVi: TheundiscoveredCountry"1991 'PG' (7:15)**"TheBrothers Grimm"2005,Fantasy MattDamon,HeathLedger.'PG-13' (9:45) ***"StarTrekVi: Theundiscovered Country"1991 Wiliam Shatner. 'PG' (4:40) ** "The SixthMan"1997, ComedyMarlon Way- ** "The Dilemma"2011, ComedyVinceVaughn, Kevin James. Amansees (8:20) ** "Resident Evil: Apocalypse"2004, Horror Mila ** "Contraband" 2012,Action MarkWahlberg, KateBeckinsale. Aformer • M AX 00508 5 0 8 his best friend's wife outwith another guy. ri 'PG-13' « Jovovich, SiennaGuilory, rt 'R' « smuggler finds he has to get back inthe game. rt 'R' « ans, KadeemHardison. n 'PG-13Uee Taboo SecretLives Taboo TeenSex'14' Drugs,lnc. Hash'14' Taboo SecretLives Taboo TeenSex'14' Taboo OddCouples N GC 157 1 5 7 Drugs,lnc. Hash'14' A v atar: Air. Pl anet Sheen Planet Sheen SpongeBob S p ongeBob A v atar: Air. Av atar: Air. Dr agon Ball Z Iron Man: Armor NTOON 89 115189115Planet Sheen Planet Sheen Ddd Parents Odd Parents A vatar: Air. In Pursuit With Realtree RealTree's Bo w Madness Ult. Adventures The Season W i ld Outdoors Bushman Show The Crush Wi l d Outdoors Steve's Outdoor Fear No Evil O u tdoors TV OUTD 37 307 43 307Hunt "NiceGuyJohnny"2010 Matt Bush.Amanconsiders a ** "Faster"2010, Action DwayneJohnson. Anexcon begins a raceagainst Shaquille 0'Neal Presents: All Star Dave's Old Porn Reality Show (N) S HO 00 5 0 0 (445) * "The Skulls ii"2002 RobinDunne.An inductee 'MA' « witnesses amurder within thesecret society. career changeandfalls for another woman. time to avengehis brother's murder. n 'R' « Comedy JamFrom - Orlando (N) 'MA' « SPEED 35 303125303Inside Michael Waltrip Racing W r ecked 'PG' Wrecked '14' H ard Parts Ha r d Parts Ins i de Michael Waltrip Racing W r ecked 'PG' Wrecked '14' H ard Parts Ha r d Parts Uni que Whips '14' ** "30 Minutesor Less" 2011Jesse Eisenberg. ** "The Buttetfly Effect"2004Ashton Kutcher. n 'R' « STARZ 00408 00408(4:20) ** "Priest"2011'PG-13' (6:05) **"SpyKids3:GameOver"2003n 'PG' ** Pnest 2011PaulBettany. (435) * "The Bone Snatciter"2003 (815) * "Tite Vi o i e nt Dnes"1967 Action Fernando Lamas, Al d o Ray. A sher* "Brake" 2012, Acti o n Stephen Dorff. A federal agent is (935) ** "Drive Angry"2011, Acti o n Ni c ol a s Cage, Amber Heard. A brutal *** "The Italian TMC 2 5 25 Scott Bairstow. n 'R' ee iff tries to savemurder suspectsfrom a lynch mob.'NR' taken captive byterrorists. gk'R' « felon escapes fromhell to save his grandchild. rt 'R' « Job" ri Caught Looking (N)'PG' MLS Soccer: WesternConferenceSemifinal Caught Looking 'PG' NFL Turning Point 'PG' Poker After Dark Charity in Mind NBCSN 27 58 30 209Sports lllustrated 'PG' *WE 143 41 174118Tamar & VinceRoadto Recovery Tamar & Vince Gagafor Gaga(N) Tamar & Vince Gagafor Gaga T amar & Vince Roadto Recovery Tamar 8 Vince Tamar & Vince Braxton Family Values '14'




Veteransappreciate grateful acknowledgment ofservice Dear Abby: As V e terans Day approaches, may I share a few g u idelines that c an be helpful w h e n i n t eracting with veterans or service members? l. It is never OK to ask a veteran if he or she has killed someone or to joke about it. If we have, we can't even talk about it w i t h o u r s p ouses, much less a stranger. 2. When you thank us for o ur service or pay fo r o u r meal, it is really appreciated.


— Amanda C., U.S.Army Disabled Veteran Dear Amanda C.:Thank you for your service. And thank you, too, for your helpful suggestions, which are sure to be appreciated not only by civilians, but also by active and retired members of our We also appreciate packages military. and notes. Readers, as the war in Af3. Please don't tell us that ghanistan winds down, many wars are a waste ofdollars thousands of service members or lives or were fought for oil. are returning home and enterWhat we hear is that, in your ing the job market. Please, if opinion, our best friend died possible,honor their courage, for nothing. We know many dedication and sacrifice by people disagree with war, but doing your part and providing it's better to keep your opin- them with employment. Conions to yourself. sidering what they have done 4. Many of u s now h ave for us, it is the least we can do PTSD. If you see us acting to show our appreciation. anxious or moving away from Dear Abby: I'm afraid I'm crowds, turning our backs to an abusive girlfriend. When I the wall or fidgeting, simple get mad at my boyfriend, I yell kindness or a little distraction at him and call him names. will be appreciated. Talk to us Sometimes I hit h i m . Even about something interesting though he really makes me and give us some breathing angry, I do love him. I'm not crazy, but I don't room. 5. Please remember that 15 know how to control myself. percent ofthose who serve in It's not like I'm threatening to the military are women, and kill him. I don't want to go to counsome have been in combat. It's better to ask, "Are you a vet- seling or group classes. I don't eran?" rather than, "Was your really hit him a lot. I yell more. husband a soldier?" I also have jealousy issues. 6. As with any person who What can I do? — Problem Girlfriend has a disability, please do not stare at us. We can be sensitive Dear Girlfriend: Your conabout our scars or injuries and cern is justified, because you would prefer not to be asked ARE an abusive girlfriend. to relive a difficult experience While I applaud your growing by being quizzed about what self-awareness, it is very imhappened. Please also under- portant that you understand stand that war injuries today the reasons you are behavare very different than in the ing this way so you can stop. past and are often not visible. While you may not like the It is not OK to tell someone idea of counseling or group they "don't look disabled" or anger management classes, appear to need help. it would be much better if Those of us with disabilities you went voluntarily rather appreciate light conversation than one day having them and assistance if we look like court-mandated. — Write Dear Abby at we are in need. It was my pleasure to serve www.DearAbby.com or PO. Box our country. 69440,Los Angeles, CA 90069.

Horoscope:HappyBirthday for Thursday,Nov.8, 2012 VIRGO (Aug.23-Sept. 22) By jacqueline Bigar ** * * T here could be some initial This year you seem to be able to lasso confusion in the morning, butyou'll in nearly anything you candream of. cut through any misunderstandings Be sure that you really know what you want, as you could be lured in by right away. Later, the situation could something you'll later discover you do become more complicated. Bewilling to say"enough" to a family member not desire. It might be agood idea to or even to a rebellious pet. Tonight: scan your list of goals several times All smiles. ayear, and revise it if need be. Ifyou are single, you'll meet that special LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) someone through a friend. Youwill ** * S ometimes your observational know it when you seethis person skills are more important than you for the first time. If you areattached, think. Step back and listen. You might determine what type of relationship pickuponwhatsomeoneis not you desire, and make it so. VIRGO sharing, and that exclusion could be understands your needs. significant. A friend will come forward and let you know how much he orshe The Stars Showthe Kind of DayYou'll cares. Tonight: Not to be found. Have: 5-Dynamic; 4-Positive; 3Average; 2-So-so;1-Difficult SCORPIO(Oct. 23-Nov. 21) ** * * * K eep an eyewhat on ARIES (March21-April19) is going on with a friend. Though ** * * You have a sensewhat of you want to accomplish. The question everything could seem fine, it might not be. Listen more carefully, and is whether you actually will go for let this person know that you are it. You have alot of energy, but the there for him or her. Meanwhile, deal problem lies in prioritizing your with your finances and aneedto responsibilities, which meanssaying reorganize. Tonight: Whatever puts a "no" to certain people. Remain smile on your face. focused, and you will be on point. Tonight: Take it easy. SAGITTARIUS(Nov. 22-Dec. 21) ** * Do not push too hardwith TAURUS(April 20-May 20) ** * * * Y our creativity surges, someonewho could causeyoua lot of trouble. In the long run,you will be and you feel great, no matter what you do or which direction you head in. much happier. Followyour intuition, Listen to news with a bit of cynicism. as long as it bypassesthis issue. Clarify a confusing situation byasking Someone easily could misrepresent questions. Tonight: Indulge aloved one. what you or another person is trying to say. Worry less about what is CAPRICORN(Dec. 22-Jan.19) happening. Tonight:Funand gam es. ** * * Keep reaching out for new ideas. You will like experiencing GEMINI (May 21-June20) the world in a different way. When ** * You are more anchored than you land, you'll see howyou might you have been in a while. You'll seek out some important answers, and you have been restricting yourself. Communicati oncould become won't be happy until you havethem. Follow your instincts, and you will find excessive. Screen calls. Tonight: then decide. yourself on the correct path. Indulge a Listen to a favorite CD, lovedone.Tonight:Headon home. AQUARIUS(Jan. 20-Feb. 18) ** * * B uild an important CANCER(June21-July 22) ** * * Keep conversations moving, relationship, if you really care to doso. Tending to one's bonds helps nurture but know that you might needto not only the relationship itself, but clarify facts and ask questions if you both parties as well. Make apoint of feel confused. Your instincts will tell sharing an important secret or news you what direction to head in. You with your best friend. Tonight: In the could be overwhelmed byeverything mood for a celebration? Go for it. you have to do.Tonight: Meet up with afriend. PISCES (Feb.19-March 20) ** * * You might be confusing to a LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) ** * Sometimes you don't realize loved one. It isn't thatyou are unclear, but rather thatyou haven't quite how much you have to offer. In conceptualized anew perspective yet. fact, you could be overwhelming Assure this person that you will tryto to others who actually might be explain it the bestyou can, but there intimidated by you. Listen to your still is no guarantee that he or she instincts with a financial matter. will get where you're coming from. Perhaps you need to say less and see what others want to do. Tonight: Tonight: Choose astressbuster. Treat a friend to dinner. © 2012 by King Features Syndicate



Please email event information to communitylife@bendbulletin.com or click on "Submit an Event" at www.bendbulletin.com. Allow at least 10days before the desired date of publication. Ongoing listings must be updated monthly. Contact: 541-383-0351.

TODAY THE LIBRARYBOOKCLUB: Read and discuss "The Sojourn" by Andrew Krivak; free; noon; Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541-3121055 or www.deschuteslibrary .org/calendar. THE LIBRARYBOOKCLUB: Read and discuss "State of Wonder" by Ann Patchett; free; noon; Downtown Bend Public Library, Brooks Room, 601 N.W.Wall St.; 541-617-7080 or www .deschuteslibrary.org/calendar. VIOLATION: The punk-rock group performs, with High Desert Hoooligans, The Confederats and Bastard Cat; $5; 6 p.m.; Domino Room, 51 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-788-2989. KNOW HUMOR: IS LAUGHTER THE BESTMEDICINE?: Carol Delmonico discusses the power of laughter and how it can reduce stress, boostyour immune system and helpyou enjoy life; free; 6:30 p.m.; East Bend Public Library, 62080 Dean Swift Road; 541-312-1034. THE NATUREOFWORDS: Featuring author readings by Sherwin Bitsui, Thor Hanson, Tracy Daugherty and Jean Auel; $25; 7 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-3170700, info@thenatureofwords .org or www.towertheatre.org. "A MIDSUMMERNIGHT'S DREAM":The Bend High School drama department presents the play by William Shakespeare; $5, $4 students and seniors; 7:30 p.m.; Bend High School,230 N.E. Sixth St.; 541-383-6290. "IT'S ONLY MONEY": Cascades Theatrical Company presents the musical comedy about mixing love and money; $24, $18 seniors, $12 students; 7:30 p.m.; Greenwood Playhouse, 148 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-389-0803 or www.cascades theatrical.org. THE ASCETIC JUNKIES: The Portland indie-pop band performs, with The Horde and The Harem; $5; 8 p.m.; The Horned Hand, 507 N.W. Colorado Ave., Bend; 541-7280879 or www.reverbnation.com/ venue/thehornedhand. AFRO OMEGA: The reggae act performs, with llluminati Congo; $5 in advance, $8 at the door; 9 p.m.;Liquid Lounge,70 N.W . Newport Ave., Bend; 541-3896999 or www.liquidclub.net.





Submitted photo

Portland-based indie-pop band The Ascetic Junkieswill perform at 8 tonight at The Horned Hand in Bend. Entry is $5.

love and money; $24, $18 seniors, $12students;7:30 p.m.;Greenwood Playhouse, 148 N.W.Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-389-0803 or www .cascadestheatrical.org. "KING OF MASKS": A screening of the unrated1997 film; free; 7:30 p.m.; Jefferson County Library, Rodriguez Annex, 134 S.E. ESt., Madras; 541-475-3351 or www .jcld.org. MONSTERTRUCK NATIONALS: Monster trucks compete in avariety of trick styles; $12 inadvance, $15at thegate;7:30p.m.,gatesopen at5:30 p.m.; DeschutesCountyFair8 Expo Center, Hooker CreekEvent Center, 3800 S.W. Airport Way,Redmond; http://www.expo.deschutes.org. GREAT AMERICANTAXIAND POOR MAN'S WHISKEY: The jamgrass bands perform; $12 plus fees in advance, $15 at the door; 8 p.m.; Domino Room, 51 N.W.Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-788-2989 or www .midtownbend.com. PIGEONJOHN AND SUNSPOT JONZ: California hip-hop, with Mosley Wotta and The Hard Chords; free; 8:30p.m.;Liquid Lounge,70 N.W . Newport Ave., Bend; 541-389-6999. TONYSMILEY:Theone-man rock band performs, with Keez; $6; 9:30 p.m., doors open at8:30 p.m.; Silver Moon Brewing &Taproom, 24N.W. Greenwood Ave.,Bend;541-388-8331 or www.silvermoonbrewing.com.



GARAGESALEFUNDRAISER: Proceeds benefit the High Desert Droids robotics team; freeadmission; VETERANS DAYAPPRECIATION BREAKFAST: A breakfast of biscuits 9 a.m.-3 p.m.; Mountain View High School, 2755 N.E.27th St., Bend; 541and gravy; freebut registration 389-7904 or www.team753.com. requested; 7:30-9a.m.; BendVilla Retirement, 1801 N.E.Lotus MARINE CORPSBIRTHDAY RUN/ Drive; 541-389-0046. WALK:Run 5K or walk one mile in honor of the Marine Corps; race AUTHOR PRESENTATION: Lily begins outside City Hall; registration Raff McCaulou reads from her required; proceeds benefit Disabled memoir "Call of the Mild"; free; American Veterans' Portland shuttle 6:30 p.m.; Paulina Springs Books, 252 W. Hood Ave., van; $21 with a shirt, $14 without; 9 a.m.; City Hall, 710 N.W.Wall St., Sisters; 541-549-0866. Bend; 541-383-8061 or www MOMS INC.DESSERT DASH .vetsdayrun. homestead.com. AND AUCTION: A fundraiser for THE METROPOLITAN OPERA: "THE Moms Inc., with dessert, music TEMPEST":Starring Audrey Luna and a silent auction; free; 6:30and Isabel Leonard in a presentation 8:30p.m.;W estsideChurch, of Shakespeare's masterpiece; 2051 Shevlin Park Road, Bend. opera performance transmitted FREAK MOUNTAINRAMBLERS: live in high definition; $24, $22 The Portland-based Americana seniors, $18 children; 9:55 a.m.; group performs; free; 7 p.m.; Regal Old Mill Stadium168 IMAX, McMenamins Old St. Francis 680 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend; School, 700 N.W. Bond St., 541-382-6347. Bend; 541-382-5174 or www SENSATIONALSATURDAY:Learn .mcmenamins.com. about how Native peoples of the KIRTANMANTRA MUSIC: High Desert prepared for winter, Healing music byJaya Lakshmi and Ananda; $15-$20 suggested depended on seasonal foods and supported and sustained the donation; 7-10 p.m.; Back Bend ecosystem; included in the price of Yoga,155 S.W. Century Drive; admission; $12 adults, $10 ages 65 541-322-9642 or www.back and older, $7ages 5-12, free ages 4 bendyoga.net. and younger; 10 a.m.-3 p.m.; High THE NATUREOFWORDS: Desert Museum, 59800 S. U.S. Featuring author readings Highway 97, Bend; 541-382-4754 or by Ayad Akhtar, Aimee www.highdesertmuseum.org. Nezhukumatathil, Brian Doyle THE NATUREOFWORDS: Featuring and Michael Meade;$25;7 p.m .; a lecture by Jean Auel; $40; 11 a.m.Tower Theatre, 835 N.W.Wall noon; Central Oregon Community St., Bend; 541-317-0700, info© College, Hitchcock Auditorium, thenatureofwords.org or www 2600N.W.College W ay,Bend;541.towertheatre.org. 647-2233, info©thenatureofwords "A MIDSUMMERNIGHT'S .org or www.thenatureofwords.org. DREAM":The Bend High School THE NATUREOFWORDS: Featuring drama department presents the a lecture by Michael Meade; $40; play by William Shakespeare; $5, 12:30-1:30 p.m.; Central Oregon $4 students andseniors; Community College, Hitchcock 7:30 p.m.; Bend High School, 230 Auditorium, 2600 N.W. College N.E. Sixth St.; 541-383-6290. W ay, Bend;541-647-2233,info@ "ASSASSINS":Opening night thenatureofwords.org or www of the dark musical comedy .thenatureofwords.org. portraying history's most famous THE CALDECOTTAWARD:Learn presidential assassins; with a about the process and criteria for champagne reception; $21, $18 selecting the annual award recipient; students and seniors; 7:30 p.m., free; 1 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public 7 p.m. reception; 2nd Street Library, Brooks Room, 601 N.W. Theater, 220 N.E.Lafayette Wall St.; 541-617-7099 or www Ave., Bend; 541-312-9626, .deschuteslibrary.org/calendar. 2ndstreettheater©gmail.com or "ASSASSINS": Thoroughly Modern www.2ndstreettheater.com. Productions presents a dark musical "IT'S ONLY MONEY": Cascades comedy portraying history's most Theatrical Company presents the famous presidential assassins; $21, musical comedy about mixing

$18 students and seniors; 2 p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend;541-312-9626, 2ndstreettheater@gmail.com or www.2ndstreettheater.com. BECOMING AHUMORIST: Joel Clements talks about what it takes to become a humorist; free; 3:30 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public Library, Brooks Room, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-312-1032 or www .deschuteslibrary.org/calendar. AUDUBONFUNDRAISER: Featuring a membership drive, silentauction, presentations, live music andmore; proceeds benefit the EastCascades Audubon Society birding projects; free; 5:30-8:30 p.m.; BendSenior Center, 1600 S.E.ReedMarket Road; 541-3173086 or www.ecaudubon.org. THE NATUREOF WORDS: Gala author dinner with a wine reception and author readings; with keynote speaker Dan Wieden; $75 or $110; 5:30 p.m.; Century Center, 70 S.W. Century Drive, Bend; 541-647-2233, info©thenatureofwords.org or www.thenatureofwords.org. "SLEDFILM12":A screening of the snowmobile film festival; $6 plus fees; 6 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www.towertheatre.org. BEND GAME NIGHT: Play available board games or bring your own; free; 6 p.m.-midnight; East Bend Public Library, 62080 Dean Swift Road; 541-318-8459. AUTHORPRESENTATION:Lily Raff McCaulou reads from her memoir "Call of the Mild"; free; 6:30 p.m.; Paulina Springs Books,422 S.W . Sixth St., Redmond; 541-526-1491. FREAK MOUNTAINRAMBLERS: The Portland-based Americana group performs; free; 7 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or www.mcmenamins.com. "A MIDSUMMERNIGHT'S DREAM": The Bend High School drama department presents the play by William Shakespeare; $5, $4 students and seniors; 7:30 p.m.; Bend High School, 230 N.E. Sixth St.; 541-383-6290. "ASSASSINS":Thoroughly Modern Productions presents a dark musical comedy portraying history's most famous presidential assassins; $21, $18 students and seniors; 7:30 p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-312-9626, 2ndstreettheater@gmail.com or www.2ndstreettheater.com. "IT'SONLY MONEY": Cascades Theatrical Company presents the musical comedy about mixing love and money; $24, $18 seniors, $12 students; 7:30 p.m.;Greenwood Playhouse, 148 N.W.Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-389-0803 or www .cascadestheatrical.org. BEND COMMUNITY CONTRADANCE: Featuring caller Sue Baker and music by the The Eugene City Barnstormers; $7; 7 p.m. beginner's workshop, 7:30 p.m. dance; Boys 8 Girls Club of Bend, 500 N.W. Wall St.; 541-330-8943. MONSTER TRUCKNATIONALS: Monster trucks compete in a variety of trick styles; $12 in advance, $15 at the gate; 7:30 p.m., gates open at 5:30p.m.;DeschutesCounty Fair & Expo Center, Hooker Creek Event Center, 3800 S.W. Airport Way, Redmond; http://www.expo .deschutes.org. STACEYEARLEANDMARKSTUART: The folkartists perform; $15 suggested donation;8 p.m.,doors open at 7 p.m.; HarmonyHouse, 17505 Kent Road, Sisters; 541-548-2209. KIRTRONICADANCE CONCERT: Electronic dance music combined with Sanskrit chanting and singing featuring Jaya Lakshmi and Ananda; $10-$20 suggested donation; 8:0811:11 p.m.; Back BendYoga, 155 S.W. Century Drive; 541-322-9642 or www.backbendyoga.net. SHARPTHREE:The contemporary world jazzact performs; $6;9:30 p.m.,

doors open at 8:30 p.m.; Silver Moon Brewing & Taproom, 24N.W. Greenwood Ave.,Bend;541-388-8331 or www.silvermoonbrewing.com.

SUNDAY AUTHORPRESENTATION:Arthur Lezin talks about his book, "From Afghanistan to Zaire: Reflections on a Foreign Service Life"; free; 11 a.m.; Barnes 8 Noble Booksellers, 2690 E. U.S. Highway 20, Bend; 541-3187242 or www.athousandletters home.com. BENDVETERANSDAYPARADE: Themed "Fulfilling our promises to men and women who served"; with a flyover; free for spectators; 11 a.m.; downtown Bend; 541-480-451 6. CROOKCOUNTYVETERANS DAY PARADE:Parade begins on 4th and Elm St. and continues to Ochoco Creek Park; followed by a ceremony; free; 11 a.m., 10:30 a.m. staging; downtown Prineville; 541-447-2329. MINING DAYS: Experience the life of a placer miner and pan for gold; $2 panning fee,plus museum admission; 11 a.m.-3 p.m.; High Desert Museum, 59800 S. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; 541-382-4754 or www.highdesertmuseum.org. REDMONDVETERANSDAY PARADE:Parade honoring veterans, followed by a chili feed for veterans and their families at the VFWpost; free; 11 a.m.; downtown Redmond; 541-280-51 61. THE NATUREOFWORDS: Featuring author readings by Kevin Gordon and Paisley Rekdahl; free;11 a.m.noon; Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-6472233, info©thenatureofwords.org or www.thenatureofwords.org. VETERANSDAYSERVICE: Service will be followed by an open house at the American Legion Post 45; free; 11 a.m.; La Pine Community Cemetery, U.S. Highway 97 and Reed Road; 541-948-5327. VFW OPENHOUSE: Meet military service members and veterans in honor of Veterans Day; free; 11 a.m.; VFW Hall, 1503 N.E. Fourth St., Bend;541-389-0775. EMPTY BOWLS:Eleventh annual event features gourmet soup and a selection of artisan bowls, with live music; proceeds benefit Neighborlmpact SOLD OUT. 11:30 a.m. and 1 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, CampusCenter,2600 N.W. College Way, Bend; 541-280-0284 or www .emptybowlsbend.org. AUTHORPRESENTATION:Randy Weinreb reads from his book, "One Boy of Ten: The Life and Times of Lazarus Leslie Weinreb"; free; 1 p.m.; Barnes 8 Noble Booksellers, 2690 E. U.S. Highway 20, Bend; 54 I-318-7242. MUSIC IN PUBLIC PLACES: Featuring a performance by symphony musicians performing with pianist Scott Michaelsen; free; 1 p.m.; Jefferson County Senior Center, 860 S.W. Madison St., Madras; 541-317-3941 or www .cosymphony.com. THE CALDECOTT AWARD: Learn about the process and criteria for selecting the annual award recipient; free; 1:30 p.m.; Sisters Public Library, 110 N. Cedar St.; 541-6177099 or www.deschuteslibrary .org/calendar. "IT'S ONLY MONEY": Cascades Theatrical Company presents the musical comedy about mixing love and money; $24, $18 seniors, $12 students; 2 p.m.; Greenwood Playhouse, 148 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-389-0803 or www .cascadestheatrical.org. MADRASVETERANSDAYPARADE: Parade honoring veterans, followed by a chili feed for veterans and their families at the VFWpost; free; 2 p.m.; D and10th streets; 54 I-382-8281.








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By FRANK STEWART Someone sent me some whimsical product "warning labels": On a tub: "Do not throw the baby out with the bathwater." On panty hose: "Not to be used in committing a robbery." On a microscope: "Objects are smaller and less alarming than they appear." You don't need a microscope to see the problem in today's deal: To make 6NT, South must pick up the clubs. When West led a spade, East took the ace and exited with a heart. South won and promptly led the queen of clubs: king, ace. He finessed with the nine next, winning, but when West showed out, East was due a club trick. DISTRIBUTION

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The slam should have come with a warning label: "Do not play without counting the defenders' distribution." South should delay his club play and cash his other winners. He learns that West had six spades and three or more of each red suit, hence one club at most. Since South's only chance is to find West with the singleton king of clubs, he leads a low club from his hand at the end.


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THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME Oy David L Hoyt and Jeff Knorek

Unscramblethese four Jumbles one letter to eachsquare, io form four ordinary words.

They both have great arms. i can't decide who will throw Sunday.


1 ©2012 TribuneMedia SerViCeS, inC. 00 AO RightsReserved




coACH WA5-

Now arrange the circled letters to form the surprise answer, as suggested bythe abovecartoon. IVE

© Laughingstock 10temational Inc, Dist III Universal Uclek for UFE 2012

"I don't want a son-in-law who's stupid enough to marry my daughter."

51 Jo i nt sometimes replaced 52 Eyelid affliction beverage 53 Grad 44 "No argument 54 S h arp cry from me!" 55 Distinctive periods 45 Spring- cycle: 57 H ide-hair tidal phenomenon con n ection 46 Watch the boob 5 8"To All the Girls tube, say Loved Before": 49 Frat party wear 1984 ¹1 country 50 Has a bug, or bugs hit


(Answers tomorrow) Jumbles: UNITY SOUPY PURPLE REVERT Answer: Taking a nap onthe summit allowedthe mountain climber io —RESTUP

the Billboard Hot 100 60 Protein-rich bean 61 Soft palate projection 62 Between ports 63 It usually loses in war 64 Holiday hires DOWN 1 Brake 2 Country singer Keith 3 Bit of subterfuge 4 Manipulate










11/08/1 2 10







19 22 24

charted songs on



38 Spot for a lectern 41 Church alcove 42 Fly 1 2 3 4 47 Stuff 14 48 Barrel-bottom stuff 17 49 Go up against 52 Smelting waste 20 21 53 Sailor's assent 23 56 Fly 59 Show whose cast holds the record 25 2 6 27 for the most 31

40 Data storage medium 43 Summer



29 30




53 5 4



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47 49 5 0












By Robert Fisher (c)2012 Tribune Media Services, Inc.

11/08/1 2



OMMUNITY DATEBOOI4 Datebook is a weekly calendar of regularly scheduled nonprofit events and meetings. Listings are free but must be updated monthly to continue to publish. Please email event information to communitylifeNbendbulletin.com or click on "Submit an Event"at wwwbendbulletin.com. Allow at least l0days before the desired date of publication. Contact: 541-383-035L Legion Post¹44, Redmond; 541-548-5688.

HIGH DESERTRUG HOOKERS: 10 a.m.-2 p.m.; Bend Senior Center; 541-382-5337. THE GOLDENAGE CLUB: Pinochle; 12:45-5 p.m.; 40 S.E. Fifth St., Bend; LA PINECHAMBER TODAY 541-389-1752. TOASTMASTERS: 8-9a.m .;Gordy's Truck Stop, La Pine; 541-536-9771. AMERICANLEGION MEMBERSHIP MEETING: 7 p.m.; American Legion MONDAY PFLAG CENTRALOREGON: 6:30 Post ¹44, Redmond; 541-548-5688. p.m.; Nativity Lutheran Church, CRIBBAGECLUB:6 p.m.;Bend Elks BINGO:6 p.m.; Elks Lodge, Bend; Bend; 541-317-2334 or www Lodge; 541-317-9022. 541-382-1371. .pflagcentraloregon.org. THE GOLDENAGE CLUB: Double BINGO: 7 p.m.; American Legion Post¹44,Redmond;541-548-5688. deck pinochle; 11 a.m.-5 p.m.; 40 WEDNESDAY S.E. Fifth St., Bend; 541-389-1752. THE GOLDENAGE CLUB: Pinochle; AMERICANLEGIONPOST4:6 p.m .; 12:45-4 p.m.; 40 S.E. Fifth St., Bend; MT. BACHELORQUILTERS GUILD: VFW Hall, Bend; cabinetman@ 6:15 p.m.; Partners in Care, Bend; 541-389- I752. dldrury.com or 541-480-7600. mbqginfo@gmail.com or www .quiltsqq.com. BEND KNITUP:5:30-8 p.m.; FRIDAY Barnes & Noble Booksellers, Bend; REDMOND MASONICLODGE: 541-728-0050. BEND KNIT-UP:$2; 10 a.m.-noon; 7 p.m.; Masonic Lodge, Redmond; Rosie Bareis Community Campus, 541-279-7272. BEND SUNRISELIONS CLUB: 7 a.m .; Bend; 541-728-0050. Jake's Diner, Bend; 541-286-5466. SWEETADELINES:6:30 p.m.; BINGO:6 p.m.; American Legion Redmond Senior Center; BINGO:6 p.m.; American Legion Post¹44,Redmond;541-548-5688. 541-447-4756. Post ¹44, Redmond; 541-548-5688. THE GOLDEN AGECLUB: Pinochle; SCOTTISHCOUNTRYDANCE: CRUX DISCUSSIONGROUP: 812:45-4 p.m.; 40 S.E. Fifth St., Bend; 7-9p.m.;SonsofNorway Hall,Bend; 9 p.m.; Crux Fermentation Project, 541-389-1752. 541-549-7311 or541-848-7523. Bend; www.artcriticalthinking.blog spot.com or 541-728-7264. SATURDAY TUESDAY THE GOLDENAGE CLUB: Pinochle; 12:45-4 p.m.; 40 S.E. Fifth St., Bend; DAR BEND CHAPTER: 1 p.m.; BELLAACAPPELLAHARMONY: 541-389-1752. East Bend Public Library, Bend; 6 p.m.; Bend Senior Center; 541-322-6996. LA PINE LIONS CLUB:Noon; 541-388-5038. La Pine Community Park INTERCAMBIO SPANISH/ENGLISH BINGO:6 p.m.; Eagles Lodge & Club, Building; 541-536-2201 or http:// CONVERSATIONGROUP: 9:30Prineville; 541-447-7659. lapinelionsor.lionwap.org. 11:30 a.m.; Green Plow Coffee GO CLUB: 47 p. m.; W hole Foods Roasters, Redmond; 541-279-7298. NEWCOMERS CLUBOF BEND: Market, Bend; 541-385-9198. Hospitality coffee; RSVP required; WRITENOW:Creative writing THE GOLDENAGE CLUB: Canasta; 10 a.m.-noon; 541-330-1654 or group;1 p.m.; Sunriver Area Public 9:45 a.m.-2 p.m.; 40 S.E. Fifth St., www.newcomersclubofbend.com. Library; 541-312-1055. Bend; 541-389-1752. KIWANISCLUB OF REDMOND: HIGH DESERTCORVETTECLUB: Noon-1 p.m.; Juniper Golf and SUNDAY 6 p.m.; Carino's Italian Restaurant, Country Club, Redmond; 541-548BINGO:12:30 p.m.; American Bend; 541-549-6175. 5935 or www.redmondkiwanis.org.


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A side view of Tumalo Creek,a few miles upstream from the trailhead at the bridge on Forest Road 4606. Spur trails lead down to the water in a few places off of the main Tumalo Creek Trail.

Outing Continued from B1 In some places, you have to climb over rocks and squeeze between boulders. It's not the kind of running trail where you can maintain a steady rhythm for long. For me, dressedforrunning, itbecame a run-hike. Rumor is th e t r ail o r iginated from rock climbers who like to boulder on the basalt cliffs that loom over Tumalo Creek. There's evidence of sport climbing along the first sections of the path — climbing anchors and chalk fingerprints on the rock wall. There's also some evidence o f camping farther up t h e creek, where old pillows and blankets and c l othes were scattered around a flat spot. Rocky overhangs and cougar-friendly caves made me wish I had my dog on this solo outing. Alas, she's getting too old for such distances. And, of course, I didn't see any cougars lurking in caves in the middle of the day. I turned around after about 3.5 miles, more than an hour of running-hiking, because I had an appointment to keep back at the office. But the trail goes a bit farther to connections with Forest Road 4609 or the Mrazek Trail, if you want to make a longer loop. The 4609 road and Mrazek will b oth bring you back to the 4606 road in afew miles, where a right turn would lead back to your car if you parked by the bridge. I couldn't imagine either of the alternatives being any prettier than this trail, so I wanted to return the same way I'd come anyway, to see it again from another angle. The trailhead is just min-



The Tumalo Creek Trail, west of Shevlin Park, is rocky and technical and requires some scrambling as you hike across rocks like these, which are covering a section of the trail. The trail is not suitable for biking.


Photos by Anne Aurand The Bulletin

utes from town, making it an any-day outing. I left the office around 9 a.m. on a weekday last week and squeezed in an approximately 7-mile out-and-back run-hike t h at took about two hours, putting me back in the office at lunchtime, so I c o uld w r ite this story by 5 p.m. My shins are bleeding. My shoes are muddy and my socks are wet. My legs are tired and my stomach is growling. And I am terribly happy to be sitting at my desk, in front of a computer, reliving the day that I discovered another fabulous trail in

my backyard. — Reporter: 541-383-0304, aaurand@bendbulletin.com

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Ifyou go

Getting there:From Bend, drive west on Skyliners Road. After the Mt.

Washington roundabout, drive 2.5 miles and turn right on Forest Road 4606. Right away, turn left at the intersection to stay on road 4606. In1.7 miles, cross a

narrow bridge overTumalo Creek. Park near the bridge. Difficulty:Moderate, some technical footing

Cost:Free Contact:Deschutes National Forest, 541-3835300

Jantzen Beach

N. Hayden Island Dr.

T a nasbourne

W ils o n ville

2100 N. Hayden Island Dr I 6305 //110 NW Cornell Rd 29735SWTcvnCerrte LPW

(Exit 308,jantzen Beach)

(503) 285-7847

(Exit Covne Road)

(Exit 283,Wilsonville)

(503) 645-7847 (503) 682-7847

Co(nell Rd •

Wilsonville Rd

Sw Town Center LpW

nwrugs.com g Q Q<%» Q

News of Record, C2 Obituaries, C5 Editorials, C4 Weather, C6 THE BULLETIN • THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 2012

O www.bendbulletin.com/local


The Central Oregon

its annual Thanksgiving

meal for seniors, coordinated byJake'sDiner. The event is for

seniors who haveno family with whom to spend the Thanksgiving holiday. The event is

scheduled for noon to 5 p.m. Nov. 22 at the Bend Senior Center. The

cost is $7.50 permeal. Those interested in volunteering should call 541-678-5483. Those who would like to purchase tickets to the

event should call Jake's

For updated election results,




Ec man ounci winners as inater ow

Volunteers sought for Thanksgiving meal for seniors Council onAging is seeking volunteers tohelpwith


By Ben Botkin and Hillary Borrud The Bulletin

The Deschutes County Clerk's Office on Wednesday reportedinspecting nearly 79,000 ballots, about 80 percent of all those issued for the 2012 general election. The unofficial results bolstered counts on Tuesday that put new councilors in seats on the Redmond and Bend city councils. Redmond voterselected one new councilor, Ginny McPherson, and returned two other councilors to office — Joe Centanni and Camden King — according to election results posted Wednesday. The three were elected in a five-way race, defeating Ed Petersen and Anne

Redmond City Council



• POS. 1







• POS. 2

• POS. 3

• POS. 4


Jim Clinton

Victor D ouglas Chudowsky Knight

Graham. "I'm quite pleased," said McPherson, a Redmond minister. "It was amazing support. It was just a really positive experience." The new councilors, once results are certified, will be sworn in to four-year terms in January.


Centanni, a certified public accountant, was appointed in July to fill a council vacancy and had served one term on the council from 2006 to 2010. King, a small-business owner, successfullyran for a second term. He was first elected to the council in 2008. SeeElection/C5

Diner at 541-382-0118. — t3ulletin staff report

Have astoryidea or sudmission? Contactus! The Bulletin Bend................541-617-7829 Redmond........541-977-7185 Sisters.............541-977-7185 La Pine ........... 541-383-0348 Suoriver ......... 541-383-0348

~w: ekgrft "

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Deschutes ......541-617-7837 Crook ..............541-633-2184 Jefferson ........541-633-2184


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Salem..............541-554-1162 D.C..................202-662-7456


Business ........541-383-0360 Education .......541-977-7185 Public lands .....541-617-7812 Public safety.....541-383-0387 Projects ..........541-617-7831

k%% ' ".











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Submissions: • Letters and opinions: Mail:My Nickel's Worth or In My View P.O. Box6020 Bend, OR97708 Details on theEditorials page inside. Contact: 541-383-0358, bulletin©bendbulletin.com

o to

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• Civic Calendar notices:


Email event information to news©bendbulletin.com, with"Civic Calendar" in the subject, and include acontact name andphonenumber. Contact: 541-383-0354


'rt' i


olr ow

• School newsandnotes: Email news items aod notices of general interest to oews@beodbulletin.com. Email announcementsof teens'ac ademicachievements to youth©bendbulletin.com. Email collegenotes, military graduations aod reunion info to bulletinObendbulletin.com. Details: School coverageruns Wednesday in this section. Contact: 541-383-0358

usto Ruiz, an employee with Springtime Landscape and Irrigation, fills a trash can with debris

• Obituaries, Death Notices:

Wednesday as part of a rehabilitation project on the medians near Southwest Century Drive

Details on theObituaries page inside. Contact: 541-617-7825, obits@bendbulletin.com

and Chandler Avenue in Bend. The city is having medians repaired and landscaped as part of a

• Community events: Email event information to commuoitylife©bend bulletin.com or click on "Submit an Event" at www .bendbulletin.com. Allow at least10 days before the desired date of publication. Details: The calendarappears on Page 3 inCommunity Life. Contact: 541-383-0351

By Hillary Borrud The Bulletin

The Bend City Council has less than 30 days to appoint a replacement forCouncilor Kathie Eckman, who resigned Tuesday night after serving seven terms. ( Eckman lost her bid for reelection Tuesday night to chalE ckma n

lenger Sally

;,W ,' . ~ ';:or:<'„::-:


Call a reporter:

resigns, council oo to Russell



u,, Ryan Brennecke/The Bulletin

monthlong Median Rehabilitation Project. Other medians included in the project are those On Northwest Franklin Avenue at Northwest Bond Street, Northeast Olney Avenue, Southwest Reed Market Road and along 27th Street. The project will include putting in native and droughttolerant Plants, river rock and mulch. Work is scheduled between 6 a.m. and 5 P.m. and may require lane closures. Drivers should plan to use alternate routes during work hours when possible.

Russell, but Russell and City Councilor Scott Ramsay said there was a different reason for her resignation. "Kathie served for a very long time, and she has a family issue and probably would not have been able to continue on if she had been re-elected to the seat," Ramsay said at Wednesday night's City Council meeting. The council took the first step to replace Eckman on Wednesday night, when it voted unanimously to declare a vacancy on the council. Eckman was not at the meeting and could not be reached for comment. Councilors said they would arrange for a municipal court judge to attend their next meeting on Nov. 19 so that if they vote to appoint Russell to fill Eckman's seat before January, she can be sworn into office. "I think it's pretty obvious from my standpoint, if we're going to make an appointment to council, who that should be," Mayor Jeff Eager said, referring to Russell. Eager and other councilors said Eckman contributed a great deal of public service to the city. Eckman emailed her resignation to Eager and the other city councilors Tuesday night. "It is with much regret that I submit my resignation from the Bend City Council effective immediately" Eckman wrote. "It has been good to have served with you over the past four years and I wish you, the current council members and the staff all the best in the future. I thank you for the excellent job you have done for our city and the opportunity to have served with


"I would like you and the council to strongly consider appointing Sally Russell to fill my position on the council to the end of my term," Eckman continued. SeeCouncil /C5

• Births, engagements,

marriages, partnerships, anniversaries: Details: The Milestones page publishesSundayin Community Life. Contact: 541-383-0358

Hikers cold, but otherwise OK Jury will begin mulling By Dylan j. Darling

Well shot! reader photos • Can you work a camera, and capture a great picture? Andcan you tell us a bit about it? Email your color or

black and white photos to readerphotos© bendbulletin.com and

we'll pick the best for publication. Submission requirements: Include ag much detail as

possible — when and where you took it, and any special technique used — as well as your name, hometown and phone number. Photos must toe high resolution (at least 6 inches wide and 300 dpi) and cannot be altered.

The Bulletin

An airambulance helped locate two lost hikers late Tuesday in the woods near Sisters. Zach Hollander, 29, of Portland, and Kate Zieverink, 26, of New Orleans, La., called 911 at about 6:19 p.m. Tuesday to report they had become lost while hiking the Tam McArthur Rim trail, according to the Deschutes County Sheriff's Office. The pair set out from Three Creek Lakes earlier Tuesday and hiked a couple of miles to the Tam McArthur Rim before turning around to return to their car, said sheriff's Lt. Scott Shelton. SeeHikers /C5

Lost hikers found Two hikers were found late Tuesday after becoming lost off the Tam McArthur Rim trail.

By Sheila G. Miller






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Th„ee Creek Lake

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Tam McArthurRim

1 Area where hikers were lost

ny from three members of A jury is expected to the Deschutes begin deliberating today in County Sheriff's Office. the trial of a Tumalo man accused of murdering his son Hargrave Deput y Randuring a domestic dispute. dall Zilk was James Hargrave, 62, is called back to the stand to charged with one count of testify about his conversation murder in the December 2011 with Pamela Hargrave, the shooting death of his son, 29- defendant's wife and victim's year-old Steven Hargrave. mother, when he arrived at James Hargrave and his the scene of the shooting. defenseattorneys have said She told the deputy that he shot his son in self-defense evening that Steven and during a verbal altercation, James Hargrave were arworried his son's heavy intox- guing and she'd told them, ication might lead to violence. "Don't do this while I'm On Wednesday, jurors here," Zilk testified. heard brief rebuttal testimoSeeTrial /C5 The Bulletin



verdict in Hargravetrial

• Tratlhead I

T hree Creek ~

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Tam McArthur Rim trail Greg Cross / The Bulletin



SCHOOL NOTES Catharine Baker Beardslee, Meagan Bakken, Mark Barbano, Emma Barnes, Alex Bauman, Peter Belizi, Navy SeamanAshley Crawford completed U.S. Navy basic training Tiffany Bender, Kathline Benitez, Elizabeth Berman, Victoria Bishop, at Recruit Training Command, Jason Black, Matthew Boyer, Mike Great Lakes, III. Crawford is a Boyer, Rachel Breadon, Atlee Brink, 2010 graduate of Mountain View Jason Brocius, Ashley Bromley, High School and the daughter of Ashley Brush,Samuel Burns,James Christopher and Lori Crawford, of Butler, Cathy Cannon, Gordon Cano, Bend. Barbara Cantrell, Shannon Carlton, NavySeaman ApprenticeKaleb Stefani Carrillo, Pamela Castaneda, Hollcroftwas promoted to his Destry Celestine, Joshua Chambers, current rank upon completion of Brad Christensen, Joseph Cloutier, recruit training at Recruit Training Shaun Conley, Darcy Conners, Travis Command, Great Lakes, III. Hollcroft Coons, Joseph Costanzo, Patricia is a 2012 graduate of Redmond High Cowles, Allie Cummins, Danny School and the son of Kimberly Cupp, Andrew Curtis, Deann Curtis, Anderson, of Redmond. Jacqueline Dagostino, Benjamin Navy SeamanJordan FletcherDavis, Kristy Davis, Samantha WisecompletedU.S.Navy DeLay, Aaron Duran, Aundria basic training at Recruit Training Duran, Acacia Dyer, John Edgar, Command, Great Lakes, III. Fletcher- Danial Eggleston, Patricia Elton, Wise is a 2012 graduate of Crook Cynthia Ferris, Jacob Flick, Chad Fosdick, Laura Frame, Sarah French, County High School and the son of Jody Fletcher, of Prineville. Benjamin Gammon, Patrick Garner, Cheryl Garrison, William Garrity, COLLEGE NOTES Rebekah Gerdes, Jimmie Ginn, Jason Gonzales, Andrea Griffith, The following students were named Jeremy Groth, Richard Grotsky, to the summer 2012 dean's list at Tierra Grubbs, Samuel Gruber, Central Oregon Community College: Larry Hammack, Patrick Hammond, Heather Abendroth, Jennie Erin Hardy, Janel Harlan, Sonja Anderson, Tamara Apple, Darlene Harmeson, Robert Haro, April Harris, Austin, Heather Austin, Archie Bailey, Hannah Haugen, David Hayes,



How to submit

Shane Headlee, Christopher Healam, Larry Heath, Carey Heimbuch, Ryan Heltemes, Gregory Hill, Joshua Holcomb, Dana Hurtado, Karma Hurworth, Kristian Ipock, Nelson Issangya, Jessica Jackovich, Laura Jackson, PaulJam ieson,James January, Deja Johnson, Jerome Johnson, Andrew Johnston, Nicole Karr, Linda Kau, Kelli Kennedy, Jerry Kinman, Edward Kissler, Andrew Kjar John Knox, Paul Koos, Michael Kramar, Jeffrey Kroo, Jamie Kruse, Shelley Kurianski, Justin Lagrimas, Kody Lathrop, Chris Lawler, Alan Lawyer, Rebecca Lemke, Robert Line, Cyndy Listrom, Michael Lopez, Jacob Lorence, Chantelle Machau, Lexey Ma ctaggart,Tracy Magnuson, Scott Matthews, Jeremiah Mattson, Joseph Mauti, JessicaMcCoy, Jody McDonald, Catherine McGreevy Hanratty, Cassie McGuire, Brittany McKee, Evin Mead, Melanie Miller, Tracy Miller, Kazuya Miyashita, Delores Morrison, Steven Morrison, Aaron Moss,Bela Moynier,Ryan Mozingo, Shaun Murphy Casey Mutch, John Myers, Joanna Nakamura, Harry Neely, Krystal Nelson, Breezy Nicholas, Arin Nichole, Katie Nordquist, Callie Norman, Paul Norman, Rebecca Nute, Amy Oland, Deborah Oliveira, Sydnee

O'Loughlin, Dylan Packer, Daniel Page, Andrea Pallares, Richard Palotay, James Parker, Vickie Parker, James Perry, Leah Peterson, Torren Phillips, Jesse Pierzina, Aaron Plotkin, Crystal Porraz, Richard Porter, Tiffany Price, Hui Qiu, Anna Quesenberry, Jeff Raaymaker, Terry Radford, Galen Reid, Gean Rhee, Eric Roberts, Elizabeth Rochefort, Shari Rodmaker, Thomas Rogers, Seth Rollins, Virgil Romero, Bernard Rosenberg, Daniel Saunders, BJ Saye, Christopher Schalker, Christopher Schmidt, Chad Schmitt, Arthur Schnaible, Annie Segal, Lisa Shields, Rex Siegel, Randy Simmons, Charity Smith, Tyler Smith, Suci Sonnier, Mary Starnes, Garth Strome, Brittany Strutz, George Sybrant, Kylee Taylor, Shirine Taylor, Drew Thomas, Stevan Thompson, Steven Tollefson, Michael Towner, Jessica Treas, MarkTriplett, Vincent Unga, Candy Urrusuno, Jacob WalimakiMiller, Matthew Walters, Curtis Warfield, Jarid Warfield, Jesse Washburn,Ma ckenzi e W atson, Jess Watts, Michael Wharton, Jeffrey Whitworth, Megan Wiebe, Alyssa Wilder, John Wilder, Amanda Williams, Bradley Williams, Patricia Wilson, Madeline Winters, and Nancy Woo.

Teen feats:Kids recognized recently for academic achievements or for participation in clubs, choirs or volunteer groups. (Please submit a photo.) Contact: 541-363-0358,

OFFICIALS CITY OF REDMOND 716 S.W. EvergreenAve. Redmond, OR97756 Phone: 541-923-7710 Fax: 541-548-0706

youth©bendbulletin.com Mail:P.O. Box 6020,Bend, OR 97708

Other schoolnotes: College announcements, military graduations or

training completions, reunion announcements. Contact: 541-363-0358, bulletin©bendbulletin.com

Story ideas School briefs:Items and announcements of general interest. Contact: 541-633-2161,

news©bendbulletin.com Student profiles:Know of a kid with a compelling

story? Contact: 541-363-0354,


City Council

Mayor GeorgeEndicott Phone: 541-948-3219 Email. George.EndicottO ci.redmond.or.us Jay Patrick Phone: 541-508-8408 Email: Jay.Patrick©ci.redmond. OI'.Us

Ed Boero Phone:541-604-5399 Email: Ed.Boero©ci.redmond. oi'.Us

Margie Dawson Phone:541-604-5400 Email: Margie.DawsonO ci.redmond.or.us Shirlee Evans Phone:541-604-5401 Email: Shirlee.Evans© ci.redmond.or.us Camden King Phone:541-604-5402 Email: Camden.King@ ci.redmond.or.us Ed Onimus Phone:541-604-5403 Email: Ed.Dnimus@ci.redmond. oi'.Us

NEWS OF RECORD Criminal mischief —An act of criminal mischief was reported at 8:17 a.m. Nov. 6, in the100 block of The Bulletin will update items Northwest Oregon Avenue. in the Police Log when such a request is received. Any Theft —A theft was reported at new information, such as the 11:37 a.m. Nov. 6, in the 20700 dismissal of charges or acquittal, block of Gallop Road. must be verifiable. For more Criminal mischief —An act of information, call 541-383-0358. criminal mischief was reported at Bend Police Department 3:59p.m.Nov.6,in the700 block DUII —Nathaniel Jacob Fischer of Riverside Drive. Glover, 27, was arrested on Burglary —A burglary was suspicion of driving under the reported at10:03 a.m. Nov. 4, in the influence of intoxicants at10:46 500 block of Northeast Azure Drive. p.m. Nov. 2, in the area of North U.S. Theft —A theft was reported at Highway 97and Northeast Bend 8:04a.m.Nov.6,in the900 block River Mall Avenue. of Northeast Butler Market Road. Theft —A theft was reported at Theft —A theft was reported at 7:03 p.m. Oct. 23, in the 61500 5:25 p.m. Nov. 4, in the1300 block block of South U.S. Highway 97 of Northeast Elk Court. Theft —A theft was reported at 5:43 p.m. Oct. 24, in the1200 block Theft —A theft was reported at 7:54a.m. Nov. 4, in the100 block of of Northeast Burnside Avenue. SoutheastCleveland Avenue. DUII —Jose Arviso Rodriguez, Theft —A theft was reported at 19, was arrested on suspicion 4:48 p.m. Nov. 5, in the19800 of driving under the influence of intoxicants at10:56 p.m. Oct. 27, in blockofTouchmark Way. Theft —A theft was reported at the area of Northeast Third Street and Northeast Greenwood Avenue. 5:14 p.m. Nov. 2, in the100 block of Northeast Third Street. Unlawful entry —A vehicle was reported entered at 8:35 a.m. Oct. Redmond Police Department 31, in the 61100 block of South U.S. Highway 97. Unlawful entry —A vehicle was reported entered at 9:12 a.m. Oct. Criminal mischief —An act of 29, in the 2100 block of Southwest criminal mischief was reported at 10:51 a.m. Oct. 31, in the 900 block 36th Street. of Northwest Bond Street. Theft —A theft was reported and an arrest made at11:51 a.m. Oct. Criminal mischief —An act of 29, in the 900 block of Southwest criminal mischief was reported at 7:57a.m. Nov.1, inthe100blockof Veterans Way. Northwest Minnesota Avenue. Vehicle crash —An accident was reported at12:13 p.m. Oct. 29, in Criminal mischief —An act of the area of South U.S. Highway 97 criminal mischief was reported and Southwest Odem Medo Road. at10:20a.m. Nov.1, inthe61300 block of Stardrift Drive. Burglary —A burglary was reported at 5:29 p.m. Oct. 29, in the Unauthorized ose —A vehicle was 3200 block of Southwest Peridot reported stolen at 4:04 p.m. Nov. 1, in the area of Empire Avenue and Avenue. North U.S. Highway 97. Vehicle crash —An accident was reported at 7:54 p.m. Oct. 29, in Theft —A theft was reported at the area of U.S. Highway 97 and 6:10 p.m. Nov. 3, in the 600 block Northwest Canal Boulevard. of Northeast Third Street. Theft —A theft was reported at Theft —A theft was reported at 9 53 p.m. Oct. 29, in the 2100 block 4:27p.m.Nov.4,inthe 500 block of Southwest Volcano Avenue. of Northeast Burnside Avenue. Vehicle crash —An accident was Burglary —A burglary was reported at 7:04 a.m. Oct. 30, in reported at 6:23 p.m. Nov. 4, in the the area of U.S. Highway 97 and 2300 block of Northeast Shadow Northwest Lower Bridge Way. Brook Place. Theft —A theft was reported at DUII —Edward Kjel Bigler, 32, was 11:19 a.m. Oct. 30, in the 1200 arrested on suspicion of driving block of South U.S. Highway 97. under the influence of intoxicants at 2:31 a.m. Nov. 5, in the area Theft —A theft was reported and of Northwest Awbrey Road and an arrest made at12:10 p.m. Oct. Northwest Newport Avenue. 30, in the1700 block of South U.S. Highway 97. Criminal mischief —An act of criminal mischief was reported Unauthorized ose —A vehicle was at7:02a.m. Nov.5, inthearea reported stolen at 2:25 p.m. Oct. of Southeast Tempest Drive and 30, in the 2800 block of Southwest Southeast15th Street. Timber Avenue. Criminal mischief —An act of Unlawful entry —A vehicle was criminal mischief was reported at reported entered at 2:58 p.m. Oct. 7:59 a.m. Nov. 5, in the100 block of 30, in the 200 block of Southeast Northwest Oregon Avenue. Railroad Boulevard. Criminal mischief —An act of Vehicle crash —An accident was criminal mischief was reported reported at 2:58 p.m. Oct. 30, in the at 12:06 p.m. Nov. 5, in the 2500 area of Southwest Highland Avenue block of Northwest Crossing Drive. and Southwest Rimrock Way. Theft —A theft was reported at Vehicle crash —An accident was 11:59 a.m. Nov. 2, in the 200 block reported at 4:06 p.m. Oct. 30, in the of Northeast Sixth Street. area of Southeast Eighth Street and Southeast Evergreen Avenue. Theft —A theft was reported at 2:20p.m.Nov.2,in the800 block Criminal mischief —An act of of Northeast Third Street. criminal mischief was reported at 4:22p.m.Oct.30,in the2800 block Theft —A theft was reported at 7:15 p.m. Nov. 5, in the 1500 block of Southwest 17th Place. of Northwest Wall Street. DUII —Murray Clifford Dobbins, 78, was arrested on suspicion DUII —Michael Lloyd Shibel, of driving under the influence of 41, was arrested on suspicion intoxicants at10:29 p.m. Oct. 30, of driving under the influence of in the 1500 block of South U.S. intoxicants at12:11 a.m. Nov. 6, in Highway 97. the area of Northeast 10th Street and Northeast Greenwood Avenue. Criminal mischief —An act of criminal mischief was reported and Unlawful entry —A vehicle was reported entered at 8:04 a.m. Nov. an arrest made at1:41 a.m. Oct. 6, in the 63100 block of de Haviland 31, in the 400 block of Southwest Glacier Avenue. Street.


Unlawful entry —A vehicle was reported entered, items stolen and an arrest made at 3:44 a.m. Oct. 31, in the area of Southwest 31st Street and Southwest Pumice Place. Criminal mischief —An act of criminal mischief was reported at 9:11 a.m. Oct. 31, in the 1600 block of Southwest Veterans Way. Unlawful entry —A vehicle was reported entered at 9:53 a.m. Oct. 31, in the 2300 block of Southwest 31st Street. Criminal mischief —An act of criminal mischief was reported at 12:05 p.m. Oct. 31, in the 600 block of Southwest Rimrock Way. Criminal mischief —An act of criminal mischief was reported at 12:28 p.m. Oct. 31, in the 3700 block of Southwest 30th Street. Unlawful entry —A vehicle was reported entered at12:36 p.m. Oct. 31, in the 3200 block of Southwest Pumice Avenue. Theft —A theft was reported at 12:37 p.m. Oct. 31, in the 2500 block of Southwest Cascade Mountain Lane. Theft —A theft was reported at 3:45 p.m. Oct. 31, in the1800 block of Southwest Canal Boulevard. Burglary —A burglary was reported at 8:54 p.m. Oct. 31, in the 2900 block of Southwest Glacier Avenue. DUII —Monte Allen Wolfe, 48, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at 8:55 p.m. Oct. 31, in the 2000 block of South U.S. Highway 97. DUII —Mark J. Leithauser, 42, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at11:38 p.m. Oct. 31, in the area of Southwest Canyon Drive and Southwest Deschutes Avenue. Criminal mischief —An act of criminal mischief was reported and an arrest made at1:21 a.m. Nov. 1, in the 500 block of Southwest Sixth Street. Vehicle crash —An accident was reported at 3:26 a.m. Nov. 1, in the 6300 block of Northwest Kingwood Avenue. DtNI —Andrew Michael Smedley, 20, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at 4:02 a.m. Nov. 1, in the 1700 block of Southwest17th Street. Unlawful entry —A vehicle was reported entered at 7:13 a.m. Nov. 1, in the 2700 block of Southwest Umatilla Avenue. Criminal mischief —An act of criminal mischief was reported at 7:28 a.m. Nov. 1, in the 2900 block of Southwest Meadow Lane. Vehicle crash —An accident was reported at 9:07 a.m. Nov. 1, in the 3000 block of Southwest Obsidian Avenue. Burglary —A burglary was reported at11:11 a.m. Nov. 1, in the 2900 block ofSouthwest Cascade Avenue. Burglary —A burglary was reportedat4:27p.m. Nov.1, in the 200 block of Northwest 28th Street. Unlawful entry —A vehicle was reported entered at 5:34 p.m. Nov. 1, in the 2300 block of Southwest 33rd Street. Theft —A theft was reported at 10:39a.m. Nov.2, in the 2200 block of Southwest Xero Lane. Theft —A theft was reported at 11:37 a.m. Nov. 2, in the 4500 block of Southwest Elkhorn Avenue. Theft —A theft was reported at 3:18 p.m. Nov. 2, in the 300 block of Southwest Sixth Street. Theft —A theft was reported at

3:49p.m.Nov.2,in the300 block of Northwest Oak Tree Lane. Theft —A theft was reported at 4:02p.m.Nov.2,in the4000 block of Southwest Salmon Avenue. Theft —A theft was reported at 4:29 p.m. Nov. 2, in the1500 block of Northeast Eighth Street. Theft —A theft was reported at 5:30p.m.Nov.2,in the2800 block of Southwest lndian Circle. Theft —A theft was reported and an arrest made at 5:56 p.m. Nov. 2, in the 300 block of Northwest OakTree Lane. Vehicle crash —An accident was reported at 8:11 p.m. Nov. 2, in the area of Northwest12th Street and Northwest Poplar Avenue. DUII —William Ralph Galt III, 41, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at10:23 p.m. Nov. 2, in the 2000 block of South U.S. Highway 97. DUII —Michael John Addington, 36, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at11:46 p.m. Nov. 2, in the area of Southwest Canal Boulevard and Southwest Yew Avenue. Burglary —A burglary was reported and an arrest made at 5:32 a.m. Nov. 3, in the 3200 block of Southwest Pumice Place. Theft —A theft was reported at 10:08a.m. Nov. 3, in the1200 block of Southwest Highland Avenue. Theft —A theft was reported at 11:12 a.m. Nov. 3, in the 2100 block of Southwest 28th Street. Unauthorized ose —A vehicle was reported stolen at11:14 a.m. Nov. 3, in the 600 block of Southwest 10th Street. Criminal mischief —An act of criminal mischief was reported at 4:15 p.m. Nov. 3, in the1500 block of Southwest 33rd Street. Theft —A theft was reported at 11:16 a.m. Nov. 4, in the 800 block of Southwest Seventh Street. Theft —A theft was reported and an arrest made at 4:47 p.m. Nov. 4, in the 300 block of Northwest Oak Tree Lane. Theft —A theft was reported at 7:50p.m.Nov.4,in the2000 block of Northwest Quince Place. Prinevilie Police Department Burglary —A burglary was reported at12:21 p.m. Nov. 5, in the area of Northwest Drake Avenue. Theft —A theft was reported at 9:30 p.m. Nov. 6, in the area of Northeast Third Street.

Criminal mischief —An act of criminal mischief was reported at 11:59 a.m. Nov. 6, in the area of Northwest 10th Street. Criminal mischief —An act of criminal mischief was reported at 2:56 p.m. Nov. 6, in the area of Southeast Lynn Boulevard. DUII —Shaun Matthews, 32, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at 7:19 p.m. Nov. 6, in the area of Northwest Ninth Street.

3:42 p.m.— Unauthorized burning, 63876 Sunset Drive. 4:40p.m.— Brush or brush-andgrass mixture fire, in the area of High Desert Lane. 10:30 p.m.— Smoke odor reported, 1407 N.W. Cumberland Ave. 18 —Medical aid calls. Oct. S1 3:49 a.m.— Unauthorized burning, 1121 N.W. Newport Ave. 3:41 p.m.— Unauthorized burning, 854 N.E. 12th St. 16 —Medical aid calls. Thursday 17 —Medical aid calls. Friday 7:20 a.m.— Authorized controlled burning,63735 Johnson Road. 14 —Medical aid calls. Saturday 6:16 p.m.— Unauthorized burning, 65025 Hunnell Road. 11:55 p.m.— Unauthorized burning, 63451 J.D. Estates Drive. 14 —Medical aid calls. Sunday 8:23 a.m.— Unauthorized burning, 61170 S.E. 27th St. 10:03 a.m.— Unauthorized burning, 61404 Blakely Road.

1:18 p.m.— Authorized controlled burning, 61102 Deer Valley Drive. 2:11 p.m.— Unauthorized burning, 21165 King Arthur Court. 17 —Medical aid calls. Monday 17 —Medical aid calls. Tuesday 11:20 a.m.— Unauthorized burning, 61942 Rawhide Drive. 10 —Medical aid calls.

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. :The Ladies of Elks Holiday Sazaar Sunday, November18th, 2012 from 8am -4pm Vendors arrive at 7am to set up Cost ts $25 for an 8 foot table : Bend Elks Lodge 63120 Boyd Acres Rd, Bend, OR



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Oregon State Police

DUII —Loretta G. Koenig, 60, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at 6:30 p.m. Nov. 6, in the area of U.S. Highway 97 near milepost 151.

Stoves • Fireplaces • Spas Since 1979

BEND FIRE RUNS Oct. 30 — 11:23 a.m. Smoke odor reported, 1624 N.E. Wells Acres Road. 1:05 p.m.— Unauthorized burning, 60747 Woodside Road.

424 NE Third St., Bend 3 8 2-2597 (South of Franklin)


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The Bulletin



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,,p pjg/l~ g~ 054MA. WIN&

ewly re-elected Secretary of State Kate Brown says


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she's going to the Legislature to ensure that postage is not required on ballots. That's exactly what should happen. But it should have been


straightened out long before the confusion that erupted in the final days of the campaign. The confusion began when an Oct. 31 letter from Postmaster General Patrick Donahoe surfaced. It seemed to suggest that Oregon State Elections Director Steve Trout asked the Postal Service — of all things — not to deliver ballots that lack sufficient postage. It turns out that's not what Trout did. What apparently happened is that the Postal Service made public its standing directive that it was going to deliver ballots with insufficient postage. Oregon county clerks were confused. Some of them were worried about having the budget to pay the postage on hundreds or thousands of ballots. And Oregon law also requires mailed ballots to have postage. So what Trout did was write the Postal Service on Oct. 24 that: "... we are having issues with the new direction coming down from the Postmaster General to deliver all

ballots to election officials whether they have correct postage or not. While we appreciate that this policy is well intentioned, it is in direct conflict with Oregon state law and the practices we have had in place for years ..." The Secretary of State's Office says Trout brought the matter to Brown and Brown told him that all ballots should be delivered, accepted and counted — regardless of whether they have sufficient postage. Trout sent an email on Oct. 26 to counties urging them to do just that. Donahoe's Oct. 31 letter was in reply to Trout's first email from Oct. 24. Insufficient postage should not get in the way of counting ballots. We'd argue that if legislators truly believe in removing barriers to voting, the state should pay the postage.

M IVickel's Worth Why the delay? It is disheartening to read the reasoning why the call-in time for the Pole Creek Fire was misreported when the real question to be answered was why there was a fourhour delay from the call-in time to the time that the initial attack occurred? The refusal of the dispatch center's assistant manager to answer this question is not indicative of good Forest Service public relations


Coordination on

bonds is a worthy idea axpayers don't think about it much, we suspect, but property taxes in Bendas in other communities around the region — go to fund a variety of agencies, only one of which is the city in which the taxpayer lives. Bend residents pay taxes to support Deschutes County, the Sheriff's Office, schools, parks, the library, and so on. In addition, we pay taxes for bonds that have built schools, the main library, streets, the fairgrounds and the jail. When each of those bonds was approved, voters clearly felt the amenities it financed were important to the community. Government agencies don't have a whole lot of control over how much each taxpayer spends to keep the agency's doors open. That's determined by property values and state law. The situation is different when it comes to taxes used to pay off bonds. Agencies choose how much to ask for and when to ask for it. Wise voters no doubt make their decisions on each request based in part on what they believe other agencies will need in the near future.

And, no doubt, agencies themselves try to put their bond measures on the ballot when they are most likely to be approved, ideally when there are no other bond issues to decide and haven't been for some time. Eric King, Bend city manager, would like to see something a bit more formal in deciding when voters should be asked to support bonds. He's not alone in worrying that without some coordination, bonds for necessary improvements might fail because voters feel taxed out. The Bend Chamber ofCommerce also is looking into the matter.

• Large RVs towing cars/trailers. • Mid-size RVs. • Small RVs. • Large pickups, with or without trailers. • Mid-size pickups. • Small pickups. • Mile-long choo-choo trains. No wonder Bend streets and highways need to be rebuilt, resurfaced, widened and rerouted. Milt Emerson, retired civil engineer Bend

Based on my own informed study, one in every five vehicles driven in or through Bend are: • Huge commercial carriers towing commercial trailers. • Huge commercial carriers. • Mid-size carriers. • Small commercial carriers. • Large trucks towing trailers. • Large trucks. • Mid-size trucks, with or without trailers. • Small trucks. •Large, m id-sizeor sm allbuses.

Protect Tumalo Creek Larry Sharp asks in hi s criti-

cal opinion regarding the delayed H

Letters policy

In My Viewpolicy How to submit

We welcomeyour letters. Letters

In My View submissions should

should be limited to one issue, contain no more than 250 words and include

be between 550 and 650 words, signed and include the writer's phone

Please address your submission to

personal attacks, form letters, letters submitted elsewhere and those

either My Nickel's Worth or ln My View and send, fax or email them to number and address for verification. The Bulletin. We edit submissions for brevity, Write: My Nickel's Worth/In My View grammar, taste and legal reasons. P.O. Box 6020 We reject those published elsewhere. Bend, OR 97708 In My View pieces run routinely in Fax: 541-385-5804 the space below, alternating with

appropriate for other sections of The

national columnists. Writers are

the writer's signature, phonenumber and address for verification. We edit letters for brevity, grammar, taste

and legal reasons. Wereject poetry,

Still, it's worth a try.


Bridge Creek water project ( Water project delay hurts taxpayers," My Nickel's Worth, Nov. 2): "How many people have caught a fish in Tumalo I'm wr iting i n r e sponse to a Creek?" story by Lily Raff McCaulou ("LiMy two kids and four of my nephbrary's age limits chafe senior," ews all learned how to fish on TumOct. 8). alo Creek, and had good success Ken Ray, who is in his 60s, had ac- catching small- to medium-sized (6 cused the Downtown Bend Public to 12 inches) brookies. Small creek, Library of discrimination. He had small fish. been askedto leave the teen area. This is indicative of the good Last June, my 15-year-old grand- h ealth Tumalo C reek no w e n daughter visited th e d o w ntown j oys. Taking m or e w a ter f r o m library. She wanted to check out the creek to satisfy Bend's wabooks while visiting me in Bend. I ter needs would jeopardize this took her to the teen section while I healthy situation and would take went to the biographies. I said that Tumalo Creek back to the recent I would return to pick her up in past (15-20 years ago), when the 20 minutes. lower creek would practically die The library was quiet, yet I heard in summer because of water diher voice from a distance. When I verted by irrigators. Recent flows found her, she was being harassed have improved, through p i ping by a young man who appeared to the leaky canals. These upgraded be in his early 20s. He had no books stream flows should bepreserved or periodicals with him. We left the and increased in the future. Bend's water supply should come area to return home. The next day, we returned to the primarily from ou r r o bust aquilibrary to report the incident. I had fer.Surface water can then be ennot done so the prior day because I joyed by fishermen and the great was unaware of another young girl variety of flora and fauna in this being bothered by the same young watershed. man. Accordingto my granddaughFred Shick ter, the other girl appeared to be Bend

Vehicles and street work

Doing so won't be easy, however.One person's community necessity — new schools, say — may be relatively unimportant to another. Persuading one agency to hold off on something its patrons say is vital may be difficult, if not impossible.

retired educator

Good reasons for designated areas

The people of Deschutes County and the city of Sisters deserve to know why a quicker response time from the U.S. Forest Service did not occur. This could have possibly prevented a 27,000-acre fire that put the city of Sisters at risk, and cost $17 million to fight and precious natural resources in Deschutes County. As a former USFS smokejumper, I am concerned about this critical four-hour lapse of time in the initial attack phase of the fire. Keith Cloudas Bend

We agree that the current system — or lack of a system — poses problems. We also agree that governments are right to try to find a solution.

about 13 years old. There are good r easons why there are designated areas for adults, teens and children. Teens need to have a safe area in the library. Evelyn Haertel,

Bulletin. Writers are limited to one

limited to one letter or Op-Ed piece

letter or Op-Edpieceevery 30 days.

every 30 days.

Email: bulletin©bendbulletin.com

Chari may begin at home, but it ends with neighbor t

By Laurence Sewell live in a lovely Bend neighborhood. The houses are handsome and the yards are tidy. We aren't generally exposed to the "other side" of Bend unless we happen to be out shopping and drive by a panhandler or see

somebody pushing a shopping cart. Even when that happens, it's pretty easy to look the other way and focus on more pleasantmatters as we escape to our leafy retreats. We like to humor ourselves that we are good and generous people, but that feeling of comfortable generosity may not be so obvious when those from the "other side" put their desperation on display in our neighborhoods. Let me explain. A couple of months ago, I walked

out of my garage to witness an older lady, who I will call "Alice," in my al-

ley rummaging through my trash

can. I didn't feel threatened at all, but I was touched by witnessing a 70-something woman being reduced to that level of subsistence and asked her if I could help her. She explained that she collected cans and bottles and used them to buy g r oceries, cheerfully c l aiming that it was honest work and she wasn't breaking any laws. I told her not to bother with the trash can and that I had a couple of bags of cans and bottles I was saving to give to the Bethlehem Inn but, instead, she could have them. I gave her the two bags and, after a few minutes of small talk, she went

back to her work. I mentioned her to my next-door neighbor,who commented that she comes through the


alley every recycling day. W e left it at that.

Recently, as I drove into the far end of the alley, I saw Alice going through a neighbor's trash can. I greeted her and told her to come back to my garage, as I had a few bags for her. A few minutes later, as I walked out of my garage with my teenage daughter and her friend, Alice drove up in her battered van. She was in tears, clearly upset, and said that a lady at the end of the alley had written down her name and license number and was calling the police. I expressed sympathy, handed her some bags of cans, and then saw

my neighbor approaching. I could

see that she was itching for a confrontation, so I sent Alice away. My neighbor's arm was extended and her shaking finger was pointed at me in an accusatory manner. She was as angry as Alice was upset. H Did you invite her into this neighborhood?" she demanded. H No, but Ifelt sorry for her and asked herto come back to my house for some cans and bottles." My neighbor then launched into a tirade about Alice, saying that she had chased her off before, that Alice was trespassing and that she (my neighbor) must protect her children (from what, I wasn't really sure). When I tried to explain that Alice uses the cans and bottles to buy groceries, this woman dismissed that

with, "There are other ways (subtext: D o what youhave to do, but don't do it in my neighborhood)!" Any appeal to my neighbor's sense of compassion fell on deaf ears. She was still shaking with rage when she finally left, clearly dissatisfied with me. It was embarrassing that such a scene would be played out in front of my daughter and her friend, and it was so utterly unnecessary. As I climbed in the car, I thought "What a pity! How a little sympathy would have turned the whole ugly scene on its tail." I only hope that my neighbor and I will never have to be subjected to such humiliation in our advanced years as Alice was that day. — Laurence Sewell lives in Bend.




BITUARIES DEATH NOTICES Alicia (Lissy) F. Rudolph, of Bend Aug. 21, 1921 - Nov. 3, 2012 Arrangements: Baird Funeral Home (541) 382-0903 www.bairdmortuaries.com Services: No services are planned at this time. Contributions may be made to:

Partners In Care, 2075 NE Wyatt Court, Bend, Oregon 97701, www.partnersbend.org or St. Charles Emergency Department, 4th floor, 2500 NE Neff Road, Bend, Oregon 97701.

Carol Lee Coburn, of Redmond Feb. 7, 1948 - Nov. 4, 2012 Arrangements: Autumn FuneralsRedmond (541-504-9485) www.autumnfunerals.net Services: A private service will be held at a later date.

Jean I. Carey, of Bend Jan. 15, 1921- Nov. 2,2012 Arrangements: Niswonger-Reynolds, 541-382-2471. Please visit the online registry at www.niswonger-reynolds.com.

Services: A funeral service will be held today, Thursday, Nov. 8, 2012 at 1:00 P.M. in the Real Life Christian Church, 2880 NE 27th St., Bend.

Jesse 'Ross' Holt, of Bend March 18, 1923 - Nov. 3, 2012 Arrangements: Niswonger-Reynolds Funeral Home, Bend 541-382-2471. www.niswonger-reynolds.com

Services: No service is planned at this time. Contributions may be made to:

Partners In Care Hospice, 2075 NE Wyatt Ct., Bend, OR 97701. www.partnersbend.org

John "Butch" Hulse, of Blackfoot, ID Mar. 11, 1947 - Oct. 5, 2012 Services: Service has already been held.

Marvell Stuart, of La Pine Dec. 20, 1920 - Nov. 5, 2012 Arrangements: Baird Memorial Chapel, La Pine, 541-536-5104 www.bairdmortuaries.com Services: Services will be held on Friday, November 9, 2012, at Baird Memorial Chapel, located at 16468 Finley Butte Road in La Pine: Viewing from 1:002:00 p.m.; Funeral Service at 2:00 p.m. Concluding Graveside Service at La Pine Community Cemetery, located at the end of Reed Road. Contributions may be made to:

American Cancer Society; P.O. Box 22718, Oklahoma City, OK 73123; www.cancer.org; (800) 227-2345.

Evelyn June Cottengim


June 30, 1922 - Nuv. 2, 2012 Evelyn June Cottengim of M olalla, OR, died o n N o v ember 2, 2012, in B e n d , OR. She was 90 years old. E velyn wa s b or n t o t h e l ate J o h n and Esther Wheeler o n Jun e 3 0, 1 9 2 2, in Per cival, Iowa. She gradua ted fr om Evelyn B end S e Cottengim n ior H i g h S chool i n 1939. She married the late Glenn Cottengim i n 1 9 4 1, a nd they lived in both Or e gon an d C a l i f o r ni a b e fore relocating to M o l alla, OR, in 1975. E velyn worked fo r N e w b erry C o m p an y a n d f o r CEC C o rp . i n t he p u r chasing department. She enjoyed quilting and c rocheting a n d a l s o e n j oyed s i n g in g w i t h th e S weet Adelines. She w a s a n active member of N ew H orizons F e l l o w shi p i n M olalla u n ti l j u s t b e f o r e her death. Evelyn is survived by her two children, Arthur (wife, Phyllis) Cot t e n gi m of M oses L a k e , W A , and Gwendolyn (husband, Ed) R ives of B e n d , O R ; f i v e grandchildren; and tw elve g reat-grandchildren; and also her loving sister, Eva Phelps, of Dufer, OR. A Celebration of Life will b e held on S aturday, November 10, 2012, at 2 p.m., at New H o r i z ons Fellowship, l o c ated a t 901 N. Molalla A v e nue, M o l a lla, OR. I n l i e u o f fl o w e rs , t h e family asks that memorial c ontributions b e m a d e t o Partners In C are Hospice, 2 075 N E W y a t t Co u r t , B end, Or e g o n 9770 1 . www.partnersbend.org. B aird Funeral H o m e o f Bend is h o nored t o s erve the f a m i ly . ( 5 41) 382-0903 www.bairdmortuaries.com

John Gilbert Robertson July 28, 1930 • Sept. 29, 2012 J ohn wa s b or n o n J u l y 2 8, 1930, in B r o ken B o w , Nebraska, a n d w a s th e younpest of nine children. He i s su r v i v e d b y h i s brother, William (Marcille) of Seattle, Washington and s everal ni eces an d n e p h ews. He wa s p r eceded in death by h i s w i f e , I r e n e. He worked at the U.S. Navel Shipyards and the U.S. Forest Service in Washington State. John and I r ene retired to La Pine, Oregon, w here h e w a s a c t iv e i n several fraternalorganizations. After the death of his w ife, John m o ved t o S e a ttle t o b e n e a r f a m i l y . John passed away p eacefully September 29, 201Z, and will be greatly missed.

Obituary policy Death Notices are free and will be run for one day, but specific guidelines must be followed. Local obituaries are paid advertisements submitted by families or funeral homes. They maybesubmitted by phone, mail, email or fax. The Bulletin reserves the right to edit all submissions. Please include contact information in all correspondence. For information on any of these services or about the obituary policy, contact 541-617-7825.

Deadlines:Death Notices are accepted until noon Monday through Friday for next-day publication and by 4:30 p.m. Friday for Sunday and Monday publication. Obituaries must be received by 5 p.m. Monday through Thursday for publication on the second day after submission, by1 p.m. Friday for Sunday or Monday publication, and by 9 a.m. Monday for Tuesday publication. Deadlines for display ads vary; please call for details.

Phone: 541-617-7825 Email: obits©bendbulletin.com Fax: 541-322-7254

Mail:Obituaries P.O. Box 6020 Bend, OR 97708

DEATHS ELSEWHERE Deaths of note from around the world: Carmen Basilio, 85: Welterweight and middleweight boxing champion during the 1950s. Known for his toughness, he fought two b r utal bouts with Sugar Ray Robinson, winning hi s m i ddleweight title in 1957 and then losing it to him. Died Wednesday in Rochester, N.Y.

One of the most influential business leaders in the Little Tokyo neighborhood of Los Angeles and a longtime guardian of Japanese cultural traditions. As p r esident of Mikawaya, her family's food business, she invented the popular fusion dessert known as mochi ice cream. Died of lung cancer Sunday in Pasadena, Calif.

Frances Hashimoto, 69:

— From wire reports

Royal, 88, coached Texas to 2 national crowns By Jim Vertuno The Associated Press

AUSTIN, Texas — A son of Depression-era Oklahoma, Darrell Royal came to Texas to take over a sleeping giant of a football program. Over 20 years, his folksy approach to sports and life, his inventive wishbone offense and a victory in the "Game of the Century" — where a U.S. president declared his team national champion — made him an icon


c o l lege

football. Royal Royal, who won two national championships and turned the Longhorns program into a national power, died early Wednesday at age 88 of complications from cardiovascular disease, school spokesman Bill Little said. Royal also had suffered from Alzheimer's disease. R oyal d i dn't h a v e a single losing season in his 23 years as a head coach at Texas, Mississippi State and Washington. Known for their stout defenses and punishing running attacks, his Texas teams boasted a 167-47-5 record from 195776, the best mark in the nation over that period. "It was fun," Royal told The Associated Press in 2007. "All the days I was coaching at Texas, I knew t his would b e m y l a s t c oaching job. I k n e w i t when I got here." It almost didn't happen. Royal wasn't Texas' first choice. Texas was coming off a 1-9 season in 1956 — still the worst in program history — and wanted a highprofile coach to turn things around. Th e L o n ghorns were rebuffed by Georgia Tech's Bobby Dodd and M ichigan S t ate's D u f f y Daugherty, but both coaches encouraged Texas to hire the 32-year-old Royal, who was lying in bed the night he got the call summoning him to Austin. "Edith, this is it, this is the University of Texas," Royal told his wife. Royal led the Longhorns to a 6-3-1 record in his first season, but he was so sickened by Mississippi's 39-7 thrashing of his team in the Sugar Bowl that he gave away the commemorative bowl watch he received. U nder R o y al , T e x a s won 11 Southwest Conference titles, 10 Cotton Bowl championships and national championships in 1963 and 1969, going 11-0 each time. The Longhorns also won a share of the 1970 national title, earning him a national stature that rivaled that of Alabama's Paul "Bear" Bryant and Ohio State's Woody Hayes. Royal was inducted into the College Football Hall of Fame in 1983. "Today is a very sad day. I lost a wonderful friend, a mentor, a confidant and my hero. College football lost maybe its best ever and the world lost a great man," current Texas coach Mack Brown said W e dnesday. "His council and friendship meant a lot to me before I came to Texas, but it's been my guiding light for my 15 years here." Funeral a r r angements were not immediately announced, but Royal will be buried at the Texas State C emetery in A u stin, a n honor typically r eserved for the state's military and political leaders.

Fire cop acescharges inalle e hitonhiswi e By Steven DuBois

$2,000 to commit the crime. Campbell, who was schedPORTLAND — A fired po- uled to go on trial next year, lice officer has been charged has a plea hearing scheduled in the a lleged murder-for- for Friday. Her attorney, Danhire death of his wife, whom ielWoram, saidhis client is cohe married after undergoing operating with prosecutors. a female-to-male sex-change At Campbell's bail hearing operation. last year, Oregon City poOregon City p olice said lice Detective Brad Edwards Wednesdaythat Lynn Edward testified that she confessed Benton, 50, has been charged to entering the beauty salon with aggravated murder and and shooting Higbee Benton. conspiracy to commit murder. Prosecutors said they believe Benton, a former police of- the shot wasn't fatal and that ficer in the Portland suburb of Campbell quickly called BenGladstone, has been a suspect ton, who was working at posince shortly after his beauti- lice headquarters. cian wife, Deborah Higbee An autopsy found that HigBenton, was found dead in bee Benton suffered a dozen her salon on May 28, 2011. An broken ribs, a lacerated liver autopsy showed she was shot, and evidence of strangulabeaten and strangled. tion, including a f r actured Police a r r ested S u s an thorax. The medical examCampbell, 54, just days afiner described the attack as ter the death, and she has "kill, kill and overkill." remained i n j a i l w i t h out Detectives int e r viewed bail. Investigators say Ben- Benton last year, but he was ton agreed to pay Campbell not arrested until Wednes-

day in Portland. Police Lt. Jim Band said Benton will be transferred to the Clackamas County Jail in Oregon City. Benton's attorney, Pat Birmingham, said he is busy with out-of-town trials and must arrangeforanother lawyerto represent his client at the arraignment later this week. He said he has yet to speak with Benton, but he is aware that Campbell has reached aplea deal. "You can only assume she is implicating Lynn Benton," he said. Benton, born Lynne Irene Benton, spent almost 25 years with th e G l adstone Police Department before he was fired last year on unrelated matters. Police Chief Jim Pryde said Benton viewed pornographic material on a work computer and fraudulently married a Brazilian immigrant in 1993 so the man could obtain U.S. citizenship.


Justin Finestone said. R ussell s a i d Eck m a n Continued from C1 also emailed her about the The city redacted a portion resignation. "The reasoning being that of the email before releasing it because it dealt with medical her husband is very ill," Rusinformation about Eckman's sell said. husband, cit y s p o kesman Although Russell would nor-

mally take office in January, she said she is prepared to begin serving on the council now. "Am I totally ready? Well, I have a lot of learning to do," Russell said. "But yes."


four-year terms after ballots were counted Wednesday. Doug Knight, Sally Russell and i ncumbent C ouncilor Jim Clinton all said during the campaign that they wanted to stop or revise the $68 million Bridge Creek water project. V ictor C hudowsky w o n the fourth council seat up for election. Chudowsky said this fall that he wanted to look for ways to reduce the cost of the water project as a whole, but that the city should complete the pipeline portion. Despite the election r esults, four of Bend's seven city councilors will still likely support the water project in January.

The four council seats up for election attracted a total of 12 candidates. Position 1: C h udowsky's lead over candidates Barb Campbell and Wade Fagen h ad narrowed slightly b y Wednesday afternoon. Position 2: Knight's lead over candidates Charles Baer, Ed Barbeau and Ed McCoy was virtually unchanged. Position 3: R ussell held onto herlead over incumbent Councilor K athie E c kman and candidate Ron Boozell. Position 4: Incumbent Clinton remained far ahead of challenger Mike Roberts on Wednesday.

volunteers, two sheriff's deputies and a U.S. Forest Service law enforcement officer set out to find the hikers. They called in an AirLink helicopter to help with the search. The Sheriff's Office r egularly calls AirLink f or night searches because the c rews are e q uipped w i t h night-vision gear. The helicopter spotted a small warming fire started by Hollander and Zieverink and found them, Shelton said. While the rescue crew had a general idea of the hikers' location, it took several hours to find them because of fierce winds. T he swirly w i n d s l i m i ted h earing d i stance t o 20-30 feet, Shelton said. "Our folks were pretty close to them, but they couldn't hear them," he said. The rescue team eventu-

ally found the pair around I:40 a.m. Wednesday, Shelton said. Both were in good health. Hollander and Zieverink were dressed in light hiking clothes and hadn't packed warm clothes, extra food or extra water. During the rescue, rain and snow flurries hit the woods. "They weren't prepared for the weather at all," he said. Their rescue is a reminder for hikers around Central Oregon to beready for the elements and a unplanned night in the cold, Shelton said. The recent turning back of clocks also means darkness falls earlier than just a week ago. "We are at that time change and I think people get caught

The Associated Press

Continued from C1 He said he intends to use his second term t o f o c us on revitalizing Redmond's downtown a n d br i n g i ng

h igh-paying jobs t o


community. "I'm just thrilled to be back on (the) council and I'm excited for Joe and Ginny, as well,"

King said. Centanni c o u l dn't be reached Wednesday.

Bend outcome In Bend, the three council c andidates opposed to t h e city water project, and who were leading i n T u e sday night's returns, clearly won

Hikers Continued from C1 During the hike back, they lost track of the main trail as it passed through a meadow, where Shelton said a tangle of trails makes it difficult to navigate. "It can be a little confusing; we've had a few people get lost up there," Shelton said. It soon grew dark and the

pair, lacking flashlights and headlamps, became lost, he said. They called with a cellphone for help but weren't able to say exactly where they were. Attempts to call them back were unsuccessful, as were attempts to locate the cellphone andretrieve Global Positioning System coordinates, according to the Sheriff's Office. A team of 12 Deschutes County Search and Rescue

Trial Continued from C1 During Pamela Hargrave's testimony last week, Deschutes County District Attorney Patrick Flaherty suggested her comments indicated she knew her husband intended to kill their son. Pamela Hargrave also told Zilk that when she came back inside the house after the shooting, she went up the stairs to Steven's side of the loft,the deputy testified. When she didn't see him, she asked James Hargrave where he was. "Pam told m e J a m es was sitting on the edge of their bed with nothing in his hands," Zilk said. "She told me the gun was in the holster ... hanging from the post where it's normally kept." The gun was eventually found on a dresser. Pamela Hargrave also told Zilk that on the night

of the shooting, she went to Steven's side of the loft and held her hand over his mouth to keep him quiet. "She also told me that while she was doing this she whispered to b e q u iet b ecause James was becoming angry," he testified. Sgt. Mark Eggert and Detective Steve Mangin also testified Wednesday, primarily about Hargrave's niece, Paula Baptista. Last week, Baptista testified that Steven Hargrave had at-

— Reporter: 541-617-7829, hborrudIbendbulletirt.com

— Reporter: 541-977-7185, bbotkin@bendbulletint.com

off guard (by) how quickly it gets dark here," Shelton said. — Reporter: 541-617-7812, ddarlirtg@bendbulletin.com

tacked her in a drunken rage in June 2009. The two law enforcement officials testified about injuries Steven Hargrave appeared to have after the incident, as well as about Baptista's arrest for driving under the influence of intoxicants shortly after the incident was called in to the police. Today, jurors are expected to hear c losing arguments from both sides, then begin deliberating on Hargrave's fate. — Reporter: 541-617-7831, smiller@bendbulletin.com

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F O R ECAST Maps and national forecast provided by Weather Central LP ©2012.



Today:Rain and snow

Tonight: More snowfall through the night.

mix showers, light snow CHX4 NNE







xXX'92/39XXX X X X X X X X N

WEST Showers, with h x xx snow above 2,500 feet.


x xx x x k k x x x ' H O O r kx x x

5easjdm xNx


Cannon,aeach,',kxxx x » R j uef 4' The i»13aUes


• >349/38 '


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chance of rain and snow showers.

46/24 • Spray 43/3 ihk„'.i •, 8 8 8 •

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Prlrtevllle 40/2


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xmx '

48/38 ixxx •



4 LaPirfe do/t6~

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+ %39/30 XCx»» falls 40/2g

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91 Palm Springs, Calif.

21/8 vm

' Bismarck ,

x'x<XCCCCii i x » i~ i » » x ' Boi s e 0 5




• 0.95


CO 85/72







Mazatlan I


Juneau 31/18






605 lando 9/50

rleans 64/52

• Miami 71/58

Monterrey 84/59o


* *


• +++4

.++++ '

C7 A L A 5 JC A

ngto n , Q(, 50/34

5 5/ 3 5 Charlotte

Little Rock Birmingham

81/63 •





L ~J


e wYork 43/37 iladelphia



Chihuahua 83/52

43/35 8/



St. Louls~ ' gP 56/39 '

Dallas ~ 78/59L




Chicago • • Des Moines 50/38 O m aha C 60/40 i


,J ortland Boston 6 39/35

Toronto o~/40/30


• 79/58



• 47/334ps


Oklahoma City



( to, o



x t,~


Ibuquerque 73/47

Vegas Los ngeles 78/56


Green Bay

5t p aufg

Rapid City

alifax 50/50

I ioetroit

• Las

Pi •


Tomorrow Rise Set Mercury....8:26 a.m...... 5:1 9p.m. Venus......3:58 a.m...... 3:32 P.m. Mars......10:04 a.m...... 6:43 p.m. Jupiter......6 04 p.m...... 9:15 a.m. Satum......5:39 a.m...... 4;19 p.m. Uranus.....2:59 p.m...... 3:17 a.m.

Yesterday's weather through 4 p.m. inBend High/Low.............. 57/41 24hours ending4p.m.*. . 0.00" Recordhigh........71 m1949 Monthtodate.......... 0.01" Record low......... 11 in 1971 Average month todate... 0.24" Average high.............. 51 Year to date............ 7.04" Average low .............. 30 Average year to date..... 8.01"

Barometricpressureat4 p m3002 Record 24 hours ...1.29in1980 *Melted liquid equivalent




Yesterday Thursday Friday Bend,westofHwy97.....Low Sisters..............................Low The following was compiled by the Central City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W Bend,eastofHwy.97......Low La Pine..............................Low Oregon watermaster and irrigation districts as Precipitation value sare24-hourtotalsthrough4p.m. Redmond/Madras........tow Prineville..........................tow Astoria ....... .53/40/0.17....52/39/sh .....50/35/sh Mod. = Moderate; Exi. = Extreme Baker City..... .46/31/0.03.... 43/26/rs.....36/1 9/sn To report a wildfire, call 911 Brookings..... 60/49/trace....49/41/sh .... 52/42/sh Burns......... .58/27/0.00....43/20/sn .....36/1 5/sn Eugene .59/40/0.01....49/35/sh ....48/36/sh Klamath Falls .. 59/30/0 00 ...40/24/sh .....38/21/sn The higher the UV Index number, the greater Lakeview...... . 63/34/0.00 ...40/26/sn .....37/19/sn La Pine....... .50/38/0.00....40/1 6/sn ....31/1 8/sn the need for eye and skin protection. Index is Medford .58/46/0.04....45/33/sh ..... 46/32/rs for ar at noon. Newport .54/43/0.02.... 50/39/sh ....49/37/sh MEDIUM HIGH North Bend.... .57/46/0.01.... 51/39/sh .... 51/40/sh Ontario....... .59/33/0.00....49/33/sh ..... 43/24/rs 0 2 4 6 8 10 Pendleton..... .58/45/0.02....48/32/pc ....43/27/sn Portland .57/43/0.10....49/38/sh .....49/38/sh Prineville .50/43/0.00.... 40/21/rs .....36/24/sn Redmond .51/42/0.00 40/22/rs ....37/21/sn Roseburg .59/45/0.01....46/37/sh ....45/37/sh Updated daily. Source: pollen.com Salem 55/42/0 03 .49/35/sh ...49/36/sh ~~



Quebec fo/ 35/2 r

Thunder Bay „



' 'C

Salt Lake City 71/41

Nantucket, Mass,



Cheyenne 58/34


Sunsettoday...... 4 46 p.m N ew First F u ll Sunrise tomorrow .. 6:53 a.m Sunset tomorrow... 4:45 p.m Moonrise today...12:41 a.m Moonset today .... 1:40 p.m Nov. 13 Nov. 20 Nov. 28 Dec. 6




a service to irrigators and sportsmen.

Reservoir Acre feet C a pacity Crane Prairie...... . . . . . . 36,090...... 55,000 Wickiup...... . . . . . . . . . 134,540..... 200,000 Crescent Lake..... . . . . . . 72,953.... . . 91,700 Ochoco Reservoir..... . . . 16,553 . . . . 47,000 Prineville...... . . . . . . . . . 82,115..... 153,777 R iver flow St at i on Cubic ft./sec Deschutes RiverBelow Crane Prairie ...... . 166 Deschutes RiverBelow Wickiup .... . . . . . . . 250 Crescent CreekBelow Crescent Lake ..... . . . 22 Little DeschutesNear La Pine ...... . . . . . . . 142 Deschutes RiverBelow Bend .... . . . . . . . . . 686 Deschutes RiverAt Benham Falls ..... . . . . . 813 Crooked RiverAbove Prineville Res....... . . . 36 Crooked RiverBelow Prineville Res..... . . . . 65.6 Ochoco CreekBelow OchocoRes. .... . . . . . 5.82 Crooked RiverNear Terrebonne ..... . . . . . . 142 Contact: Watermaster, 388-6669 or go to www.wrd.state.or.us


+ 25/1 5 jj w;»ip«] m. '

Saranac Lake, N.Y.,",,',;;; i' 50s w

41 33

Legend Wweather,Pcpprecipitation, s sun,pcpartial clouds,c clouds,h haze, shshowers,r rain,t thunderstorms,sf snowflurries,snsnow, i-ice,rs-rain-snowmix, w-wind,f-fog, dr-drizzle,tr-trace

Portland M



40 28

Sisters.........52/40/0.00....41/19/sn.....34/22/sn YLOJN

o www m (in the 48 contiguous


35 23

The Dages..... 59/50/trace....49/35/pc.....46/30/sh


YeSterday'S extremes


SUN AND MOON SCHEDULE Sunrisetoday...... 6:52 a.m Moon phases

to Central

+4'@@@<> Oregon. Co


• 66'

x x x x x x x x x x x xqo/2Exxxxx • x x x x

8 8 x Paisfe/c 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 ' 42/29

• Beach .'xsx i o, x x x Medf01'd x 90 / ~

Yesterday's state extremes

« .Chbxmuixmx ' g » i Chr f stmasxzfffeV.hhh h h h h h x x x x 8 88 8 8 x/ordanVageyx8 .~ xx 42/f9 47/2i w + i .Sffver ™1%~x s...isx .Hsxxxxxxx Fienchglen

Snowfall returns O Cx@


4/afem 8

) x x x x xx xx ™yssa ' Jjnt urd ii i x 49 / 33 55

x 'xxxx x x x x x x LaLA.+xW r cscelltx i T o rtRock4i/ixx x x x t i Qx xx x x x x x xX XX 3 8/is» s s »33/QXwf i t

ppandotv«x»i aosebug8 Q z/48 i x f h h » 4 ,8 ~ xxxx . t s t . . .

day of light snowfall.


w AStOrla .Hxxxx x x x x x x x x x x x x

Drier, staying cool.


37 19


Light snow in the morning, drying in the afternoon.



* * * * *


* ** 4 *

Ho 3 9 ok

W ar m Stationary Showers T-storms Rain Flurries Snow


Yesterday Thursday Friday Yesterday Thursday Friday Yesterday Thursday Friday Yesterday Thursday Friday City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W Abilene TX......79/45/0 00...84/60/s. 81/62/pc GrandRapids....48/35/0 00..50/37/pc. 52/42/sh RapidCity.......75/29/000 ..52/32/pc.. 50/33/c Savannah.......57/41/000...65/41/s.. 68/44/s Akron..........45/27/000...47/30/s. 51/35/pc GreenBay.......43/35/001 ..47/33/pc. 50/42/sh Reno...........74/38/0.00 ..53/28/pc..39/24/rs Seattle......... 54/44/trace... 48/37/c. 46/33/pc Albany..........36/21/0.00..42/26/pc. 47/33/pc Greensboro......54/33/0.00...56/34/s.. 63/35/5 Richmond.......48/38/003... 54/34/s .. 58/36/s SiouxFalls.......51/25/000... 55/36/s. 53/46/00 Albuquerque.....73/37/000..73/47/pc. 67/46/pc Harosburg.......43/34/000...49/32/s. 52/35/pc Rochester, NY....41/26/0.00... 42/33/s. 50/38/pc Spokane........51/40/0.03..44/27/pc. 32/20/sn Anchorage .......26/6/0 00..25/20/pc. 31/26/sn Hartford, CT.....37/30/0 08...41/30/r.. 48/33/s Sacramento......74/48/000 ..61/44/sh. 57/42/sh Springfield MO..54/34/000... 60/45/s. 69/54/00 Atlanta .........51/45/0.09...60/39/s.. 66/44/s Helena..........59/36/0.00..34/20/sn..24/8/sa St. Louis.........49/45/000... 56/39/s. 65/50/pc Tampa..........70/57/000...69/51/s .. 77/56/s Atlantic City.....45/32/0.66...48/36/s.. 55/44/s Honolulu........86/75/0.00...85/72/s.. 85/72/s Salt Lake City....71/42/000 ..71/41/pc ..44/28/rs Tucson..........90/54/000 ..85/57/pc. 75/52/00 Austin..........82/45/0 00...81/61/s. 82/64/pc Hovston ........82/50/0 00...81/63/s. 81/65/pc San Antonfo.....81/51/O.fl... 81/62/s. 82/65/pc Tulsa...........66/35/0.00... 73/58/s.76/63/pc Baltimore ...... 44/38/000...48/33/s.. 52/35/s Huntsville.......55/40/009...57/33/s.. 68/41/s SanDiego.......69/SIO.JI ..67/60/pc.65/56/sh Washington,Dc..46/39/0.00... 50/34/s .. 53/37/s Bigings .........73/49/0.00.. 42/30/rs. 33/15/sn Indianapolis.....50/40/0 07...54/35/s. 60/44/pc SanFrancisco....6453/000..60/52/sh. 58/51/sh Wichita.........65/33/000... 71/55/s.78/60/pc Birmingham .....58/43/0.00...61/37/s. 68/43/s Jackson, MS.... 65/38/0 00 64/42/s..72/49/s Sao lose .......67/55/0.00 60/46/sh57/44/sh Yakima.........58/41/0.00 ..46/28/pc 42/26/sn Bismarck........56/23/000... 40/28/c. 39/28/sn Jacksonvile......61/42/0 00... 66/39/s.. 71/47/s SantaFe........69/54/000..65/41/pc.60/39/pc Yuma...........91/58/000..86/59/pc. 71/51/pc Boise...........64/45/000 ..54/32/sh ..41/24/rs Juneau..........37/32/011... 31/18/s. 31/23/pc INTERNATIONAL Boston..........45/36/016... 45/38/r .. 51/37/s Kansas City......54/36/0 00... 63/50/s. 73/59/pc Bodgepoit,CT....39/30/030...43/34/c .. 49/38/s Laosfng.........47/26/000 ..48/35/pc. 51/40/sh Amsterdam ...52/50/000 ..52/42/sh 49/43/pc Mecca..........99/77/000 . 92/75/s .. 93/75/s Buffalo.........41/27/000...43/35/s. Sf/39/pc LasYegas.......80/56/000...78/56/s. 60/43/pc Athens..........77/64/0.15 66/53/pc 64/53/s MexicoCity......72/45/000 .70/44/pc. 72/45/pc Burlington,VT....37/22/000 ..39/25/pc.. 44/36/c Lexington.......51/39/007...53/33/s .. 60/41/s Auckland........61/50/000 ..63/49/sh.64/55/pc Montreal........36/25/000... 34/31/c. 41/31/pc Caribou,ME.....39/15/000 ..35/32/so.. 38/26/s Lincoln..........56/26/000...65/42/s. 68/55/pc Baghdad........99/63/0.00... 89/63/s .. 91/64/s Moscow........39/37/0.00... 37/34/c ..36/25/rs Charleston, SC...56/36/000...64/38/s .. 67/41/s Little Rock.......65/40/000...60/44/s .. 70/50/s Bangkok........97/82/0.00..92/78/pc. 92/82/pc Nairobi.........79/61/0.00... 78/59/t...74/61/t Charlotte........55/29/000...60/33/s .. 65/35/s LosAngeles......66/62/0 00..64/54/pc. 63/51/sh Befffng..........59/32/000... 55/33/s. 52/33/pc Nassau.........79/72/000 ..74/63/pc. 75/65/pc Chattanooga.....53/46/013... 58/34/s .. 68/38/s Louisville........50/43/003... 55/35/s.. 62/44/s Beirvt..........81/70/000 ..81/68/pc...72/64/r New Delhi.......82/61/000...79/58/s.. 79/59/s Cheyenne.......70/35/0.00...58/34/s. 58/32/pc Madison,VY J.....43/37/0.00..52/33/pc .. 52/44/c Berlio...........52/41/000..47/44/sh. 50/40/pc Osaka..........64/50/000..64/53/pc.. 63/51/s Chicago.........47/39/003 ..50/38/pc.. 56/50/c Memphis....... 56/40/004 ..59/43/s .. 70/49/s Bogota.........75/36/000..73/47/sh. 72/49/sh Oslo............32/21/000.. 37/29/rs.. 34/29/0 Cincinnati.......56/36/0.00... 54/29/s .. 60/40/s Miami..........75/66/0.00... 71/58/s .. 77/65/s Budapest........50/34/0 CO.53/36/pc .. 55/40/c Ottawa.........37/19/000...3I24/c. 43/29/pc Cleveland.......46/30/0.00...47/40/s. 53/43/pc Milwaukee......46/37/0.02 ..49/37/pc.. 52/47/c BuenosAires.....93/75/000 ..92/72/pc...85/61/t Paris............54/46/000 ..48/43/pc .. 51/44/0 Colorado Spnngs.71/33/0.00...71/38/s. 66/37/pc Mioneapolis.....47/37/0.00..51/35/pc .. 51/44/c CaboSanLucas ..90/66/000 ..88/70/pc. 86/67/Pc Rio deJaneiro....88/73/000... 83/72/t...85/71/t Columbia,MO...49/42/000...61/43/s. 70/55/pc Nashvige........53/44/000... 58/36/s .. 66/43/s Cairo...........81/66/000 ..81/67/pc.76/60/sh Rome...........64/48/000...63/52/s. 64/54/pc Columbia,SC....53/38/0.00...63/37/s.. 68/36/s New Orleans.....68/45/0.00...64/52/s .. 72/58/s Calgaiy.........34/27/0.00... 21/8/sf.. 12/1/sn Santiago........77/50/0.00 ..78/46/pc. 65/44/sh Columbus,GA....61/48/0.00...65/38/s.. 69/42/s NewYork.......41/31/0.65..43/37/pc.. 54/42/s Cancun.........81/64/0.00... 79/64/s. 79/65/sh SaoPaulo.......79/64/0.00... 82/67/t...74/66/t Columbus,OH....54/36/0.00...51/31/s.. 58/38/s Newark,NJ......40/32/0.38..45/35/pc .. 54/40/s Dublin..........52/46/000 ..51/46/pc. 51/36/sh Sapporo ........52/50/000 ..55/49/sh. 56/34/sh Concord,NH.....37/19/0.00... 39/31/r.. 48/28/s Norfolk,VA......47/44/0.17...53/38/s .. 57/42/s Edinburgh.......52/48/000... 50/41/c. 52/38/sh Seoul...........54/36/000 ..58/41/pc .. 59/41/s Corpus Christi....88/54/000...81/70/s. 84/71/pc OklahomaCity...69/36/000...79/58/s. 77/61/pc Geneva.........50/32/000...53/38/s.. 56/49/c Shanghai........64/45/000..64/54/sh.65/48/sh DallasFtWorth...76/48/0.00... 78/59/s. 77/60/pc Omaha.........53/29/0.00... 63/42/s.66/54/pc Harare..........90/64/000 ..87/59/pc...83/60/t Singapore.......90/77/000... 88/78/t...88/78/t Dayton .........52/33/0.00... 52/31/s .. 59/40/s Orlando.........67/55/0.00... 69/50/s .. 75/53/s HongKong......79/73/000... 79/73/c. 84/68/pc Stockholm.......39/32/000 ..37/32/sh. 37/29/00 Denver..........77/39/000...65/36/s. 64/36/pc PalmSprings.....91/61/000. 80/54/pc 67/49/pc Istanbul.........63/54/000..62/57/pc.. 64/53/s Sydney..........75/66/000... 79/66/t...68/54/t Des Moines......47/40/0.00...60/40/s.64/54/pc Peoria..........44/38/0.01...53/38/s. 60/48/pc lerusalem.....notavailable..76/60/pc...68/56/r Taipei...........73/63/0.00...80/73/c.. 82/73/0 Detroit..........49/30/0.00 ..49/37/pc. 53/44/pc Philadelphia.....42/35/0.32...45/33/s .. 52/39/s Johannesburg....82/54/000... 66/49/t. 69/53/pc Tel Aviv.........82/64/000 ..81/65/pc...71/61/r Duluth......... 40/35/000...46/34/c. 43/37/sh Phoeoix.........90/62/0 00..88/64/pc. 75/54/pc Lima...........72/63/0fl...73/63/s. 72/62/pc Tokyo...........66/55/000 ..66/52/pc.. 65/50/s El Paso..........82/45/0.00 ..80/54/pc. 78/57/pc Pittsburgh.......41/28/0.00...47/29/s .. 54/33/s Lisbon..........54/50/000 61/51/sh 62/52/sh Toronto.........43/32/000 . 40/30/s. 42/31/00 Fairbanks....... -9/-24/0.00.... 7/-7/s .. 11/3/pc Portland,ME.....38/26/0.00... 39/35/r .. 48/34/s London.........50/41/0.00... 53/43/c. 49/45/sh Vancovver.......52/45/0.00... 49/35/c. 43/30/pc Fargo...........48/26/0.00... 47/33/c. 45/36/sh Provideoce......45/32/0.36...45/34/r .. 50/34/s Madrid .........52/39/0.00 .. 55/48/sh. 55/42/sh Vienna..........50/41/0.00..48/36/pc. 54/40/pc Flagstaff........67/27/000 ..60/37/pc. 47/23/sh Raleigh.........54/40/000...57/35/s .. 61/34/s Manila..........90/79/0.00..86/76/pc. 90/77/pc Warsaw.........45/39/0.00 ..45/41/sh.. 46/38/0


Coast Range tim may test lo in theo The Associated Press MONROE — A p r oposed timber sale in Benton County is intended to provide a wetclimate test of t h e l o gging theories of t w o p r o m inent Northwest forestry professors who say N orthwest woods could use more thinning and

Southern Oregon. The approach involves using a technique called variable retention harvesting to create large openings for habitat while preserving areas of older trees for species that depend on the forest. Franklin and Johnson hope clearings. i t fulfills both goals of t h e The Obama administration Northwest Forest Plan: prohas been working with Norm vide a sustained timber yield Johnson of Oregon State Uni- to fuel the local economy, yet versity and Jerry Franklin of protect threatened species and the University of Washington restore old growth. to ramp up timber harvests They wanted to test their on federal lands, as well as theories in a wetter environmake forests healthier and im- ment such as a site on Rainprove fish and wildlife habitat, bow Ridge, located on U.S. the Corvallis Gazette-Times Bureau ofLand Management reported. land in the Coast Range west They say both traditional in- of the Willamette Valley town dustrial forestry and restora- of Monroe. "It is the least controversial tion forestry have left shrubs and flowers in short supply place, I think, in the BLM that across natural forest open- we could have one of these ings. Caused by fires, storms harvests," Johnson said on a and other disturbances, the tour of the area last week. "If clearings are good for wildlife we can't do it here ... roll up — from butterflies and song- the sidewalks, because we're birds to deer and elk. not going to be able to do it U nder a pro g r a m a n - anywhere." nounced in 2010 by the U.S. The approach is touted by Department of t h e I n terior, U.S. Rep. Peter DeFazio, who's three pilot projects based on pushing for a bigger timber Johnson and Franklin's "eco- harvest to help struggling lol ogical forestry" i d eas a r e cal governments. "Anybody opposing that is under way at dry forests in




saying you can't harvest anywhere," DeFazio said. C onservationists say t h e idea amounts to "kinder, gentler clear-cuts." "Those old-growth forests that we're trying to grow back right now, those are still the most important thing," said Chandra LeGue of Oregon Wild.

group is alarmed by a push to expand ecological forestry beyond the initial three pilot projects announced in 2010. The timber industry says tests aren't enough since logging was cut by the Northwest Forest Plan to protect the northern spotted owl and salmon. "If we would actually do what the N orthwest Forest Plan said we should do, we would be h a rvesting three times as much timber," said A nn Forest B urns o f t h e American Forest R esource Council. "But instead of dealing with that, we're moving to yet another experiment." Franklin said the idea of multiple kinds of habitat in what he called a"harvest unit" is difficult for all parties to deal with.



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ww •


that vvill run N OV. 22 n d 9 ThankSgiVing Daya the most-rend pepef/ of the yenr!

will not try to block the Rainbow Ridge timber sale, but the





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HOCKEY NHL labor talks resume today


n eeae an ers ear u or

NEW YORK — Negotiations between the NHL and the locked-out

players' association


ended after nearly six


hours Wednesday. Just as they did a night

earlier, the sides agreed to get right backto the bargaining table.

Representatives for the owners and players will resume talks today, marking the third straight day they will meet face-to-face. NHL

urc I

deputy commissioner Bill Daly and union special counsel Steve Fehr

By Beau Eastes

also met aloneSaturday when in-person talks re-

The Bulletin

When Nathan Stanleytook over Redmond High's football program this past offseason, he changed everything. The Panthers, who had won just six games over thethree previous seasons, switched offensive and defensive systems. Stanley and his coaching staff completely reorganized the way the team practiced. Expectations in every aspect of the program were raised. "We certainly knew we had a ton of potential," says Stanley, whose undefeated team hosts Eugene's Churchill High on Friday night in the first round of the Class 5A state playoffs. "But you never really know until you open 'er up how fast and how hard they'll go." The Panthers (9-0 overall), winners of the Intermountain Conference, have had a foot down hard on the gas pedal all year, outscoring their opponents 380-138during the regular season. Redmond opened the year with a 35-0 route over Class 4A Sweet Home and has yet to look back. "There's definitely a s ense of u r gency," Stanley says about his team, which boasts 30 seniors. "They know the clock's ticking. They've been fantastic so far about wanting to make the season last as long as possible." See Panthers/D4

started for the first time since Oct. 18.

The sides metfor a total of about 13 hours

over Tuesdayand Wednesday at anundis-


closed location in New York. Neither the NHL

nor the NHLPAmade any immediate statements after talks ended


Wednesday night. On the 53rd day of the lockout, the sides

discussed revenuesharingbetween teams and held talks on the "make-

whole" provision, which involves the payment of

player contracts that are already in effect. Those hot-button topics are scheduled to be

on today's agenda, too. There was already common ground before negotiations began Tuesday. Theplayers'




union adhered to the

league's request to keep the meeting location a secret. With no outside


distractions, the sides talked from afternoon until night.


Once they broke for the day, neither side gave any hint of what

was discussed or if progress was made,but both pointed to the next

Joe Kline / The Bulletin

Dave Luoma, of Bend, reaches downto net a rainbow trout he caught while fishing the Upper Deschutes River between Lava Island Falls and Big Eddy on Saturday.

round of talks. — The Associated Press


loaded with local squads By Beau Eastes

MLB considering replay expansion INDIAN WELLS, Calif.

— Baseball is considering a broader expansion of video review for

umpires than first discussed. Instant replay in baseballbeganin August 2008 and has been limited to checking

whether potential home runs were fair or cleared over fences. Major League Baseball Commissioner Bud Selig has

been saying since early

The Bulletin

• Deschutes River from Bend to BenhamFallsa good angling choice in thefall and winter By Mark Morical The Bulletin

The unseasonably radiant November sun warmed my face as I ambled along the riverbank, searching for a place to fish. Red and gold colors dotted the far side of the river, where the lava rock stacked high. Perhaps one of the best ways to enjoy the last few warm days of the year in Central Oregon is to fish the Upper Deschutes River below

Benham Falls. The water flows are low there this time of year and throughout the winter, affording the fish fewer places to hide and making the river easier to wade. Conversely, the Middle Deschutes, from Lake Billy Chinook to Bend, typically experiences higher flows through the late fall and winter, making it difficult to fish. "There's better access to the upper part of the Deschutes below Benham than to the Middle Deschutes," says Peter Bowers, owner of the Patient Angler fly shop in Bend. "At least in the upper you still get some flat water, some riffles, and some undercut banks that you can still fish." SeeCatches /D4

2011 he wants to expand it to two additional

types of calls. "He was talking about

Madras is kicking off a new era and vying for its first state volleyball trophy in 25 years. Sisters looks to get back to the state final, a match the Outlaws played in three consecutive times between 2007 and 2009. And Crook County aims to cement its status as the most dominant volleyball program in state history. Yes, this weekend's Class 4A state volleyball tournament is teaming with Central Oregon plotlines. The White Buffaloes, Outlaws and Cowgirls all open quarterfinal play Friday at Eugene's Lane Community College with hardware hopes. Madras and Crook County could meet in Friday's semifinal round if both teams win their quarterfinal matchups. There's also the possibility of an all-Central Oregon 4A final, with Sisters being on the other side of the bracket. SeeVolleyball /D4

really basically fair-foul,

trap plays. But we're looking into more than


that," Joe Torre, MLB's

executive vice president for baseball operations, said Wednesdayat the general managers' meetings. what types of calls a broader expansion

Blazers' Lillard: Efficient as a scorer, adept as aplaymaker

might include. MLB experimented with the Hawk-Eye animation system that is used to judge line calls

• Portland's rookie gains attention early incareer

in tennis and theTrack-

By justlu Kubatko

Torre did not detail

Man radar software used by the PGA Tour during tests late this year at Yankee Stadium and Citi Field.

"We still have some questions on the way it is now, if that's going to fit with baseball," Torre said. "I'm not saying it can't be adjusted or they

can do something that would make it work for

our game."

— The Associated Press

New York Times News Service

Although it is too early in the season to draw conclusions, it appears the Portland Trail Blazers' selection of guard Damian Lillard in the first round of the 2012 draft may pay off. Lillard started his career with a bang, scoring 23 points and dishing out 11 assists in a 116-106 win over the Los Angeles Lakers on Oct. 31. In the process, Lillard joined Oscar Robertson and Isiah Thomas as the only NBA players to register 20 or more points and 10 or more assists in their debut. And Lillard and Robertson

are the only players to have at least 20 points and at least seven assists in their first three NBA games. Lillard's strengths thus far mirror the strengths he exhibited at Weber State, namely the ability to maintain a high rate of scoring efficiency while being a focal point on offense and simultaneously keeping his teammates involved in the action. True shooting percentage is a measure of scoring efficiency that takes into account a player's shooting from both the floor and the free-throw line, and usagepercentage isan estimate of the percentage of a team's plays a player uses — with a field-goal attempt, a free-throw attempt or a turnover while he is on the floor. SeeLillard /D3

J 'l

r~( atc' '

.4i: I~

Sue Ogrockii The Associated Press

Portland Trail Blazers guard Damian Lillard(0) had 23 points and 11 assists in his first NBA game.







GOLF 10 a.m.:PGA Tour, Children's

GOLF 10 a.m.:PGA Tour, Children's

Miracle Network Hospitals Channel. 9 p.m.:European Tour/Asian Tour, Singapore Open,second

Miracle Network Hospitals Classic, second round, Golf Channel. 7 p.m.:European Tour/Asian Tour, Singapore Open,third

round, Golf Channel. TENNIS 11 a.m.: ATP, Barclays World

round, Golf Channel. TENNIS 11 a.m.: ATP Tour, Barclays

Tour, finals (same-day tape),

World Tour Finals (same-day tape), ESPN2.

Classic, first round, Golf

ESPN2. FOOTBALL 4:30 p.m.:College, Florida State at Virginia Tech, ESPN. 5:20 p.m.:NFL, Indianapolis Colts at Jacksonville Jaguars, NFL Network. BASKETBALL 5 p.m.: NBA,Oklahoma City

Thunder at Chicago Bulls, TNT. 7:30 p.m.:NBA,LosAngeles Clippers at Portland Trail Blazers, TNT. VOLLEYBALL

6p.m.:Women's college,


1 p.m.:Women's college, Carrier Classic, Notre Dame vs. Ohio State, NBC Sports Network.

2:30p.m.:Men's college, Armed Forces Classic, Connecticut vs. Michigan State, ESPN. 4 p.m.:Men's college, Marquette vs. Ohio State, NBC Sports Network.

4 p.m.:Men's college, Wofford at Colorado, Pac-12Network. 5:30p.m.:Men'scollege, Barclays Center Classic,

Arizona State at Oregon State, Pac-12 Network.

Kentuckyvs. Maryland, ESPN.


Utah at Gonzaga, Root Sports. 7:30p.m.: NBA, Utah Jazz at

6 p.m.:Men's college, Niagra at Oregon State, Pac-12 Network. 8 p.m.:Women's college, Washington at Stanford, Pac-12 6 p.m.:Men's college, Southern SOCCER

Denver Nuggets, ESPN. 8p.m.: Men's college, San Sounders at Real Salt Lake, NBC 7 p.m.:MLS playoffs, Seattle Sports Network.

Francisco vs. Stanford, Pac-12 Network.

8 p.m.:Men's college, Indiana State at UCLA, Root Sports. 10 p.m.:Men's college, Battle on the Midway, San Diego State

vs.Syracuse (same-day tape), Root Sports. 11 p.m.: Men'scollege, Willamette at Utah (same-day

tape), Pac-12Network. SOCCER

1:30p.m.:Men's college, Carrier Classic, Washington at Oregon State, Pac-12 Network. FOOTBALL

7p.m.:High school playoffs, teams TBA, COTV.

RADIO Thursday


BASKETBALL 7:30 p.m.:NBA, Los Angeles Clippers at Portland Trail Blazers, KBND-AM1110, KRCOAM 690.


6 p.m.:Men's college, Niagra at OregonState,KRCO-AM 690. FOOTBALL 7p.m.: High school playoffs, Churchill at Redmond, KBNDAM 1110.

7 p.m.:High school playoffs, MadrasatScappoose,KWSOFM 91.9. 7p.m.: High school playoffs, Mountain View at Wilsonville, KICE-AM 940. Listingsare the mostaccurate available. TheBulletinis not responsible for late changes made by Tll or radio stations.


Football • Ex-UtyIversItyof Texas

coach Royaldies at age88: Darrell Royal, the former Texas football coach known as much for his folksy, simplistic ap-

proach to life as for his creative wishbone offenses andtwo national championships, has

died. He was88. University of Texasspokesman NickVoinison Wednesday confirmedRoyal's death. Royal had suffered from

Alzheimer's diseaseand recently fell at an assisted living center

where he wasreceiving care. For a related story, seeObituaries,C5. TItatys QB appealing fine for horse collar tackle:Titans quarterback Matt Hasselbeck

says he will appeal a$15,750 fine for a horse collar tackle

in Tennessee's 51-20 loss to Chicago after a turnover. Hasselbeck dragged Bearscornerback Kelvin Haydendown by the back of the jersey at theTennessee4 following a fumble by tight end Jared Cook early in the fourth

quarter last weekend. The14year veteran said Wednesday he understands the intent of the

rules and obviously tries to play within the rules without trying to

hurt anybody. Hasselbeck says he has been the target of plenty of jokes over the fine but it's not

funny to a quarterback whoobviously doesn't practice tackling.

Baseball • BIg Mac returns toSoCal as Dodgers hittingcoach:Mark McGwire is coming homeas hitting coach for the Los Angeles

Dodgers, lured by thechanceto spend more time with his wife

and five young children. Hewas

hired Wednesday to replace Dave Hansenand improve an offense that struggled last season when All-Star slugger Matt

Kemp was hobbled by injuries. The Dodgers were 13th in the

National League in runs scored and RBls and15th in homeruns. McGwire spent the past three seasons in the same job with the St. Louis Cardinals, where he starred during parts of his16-

year major leaguecareer.

Golf • Ochoa hastyoregrets adout leaving LPGA Tour: Lorena

Ochoa has noregrets about leaving the LPGA Tour to devote all of her time to her family and

foundation. "I wouldn't change this for anything," Ochoa said. nl'm happy with what I'm doing.

I don't see myself again on the LPGA Tour. It's a tough schedule. I'm happyhavingasonand hopefully our family will grow

next year." TheMexican star won 27 LPGA Tour titles before retiring at age 28 in 2010. She is back this week to play in her

own Lorena OchoaInvitational after missing the event last year before the birth of son Pedro in

December. Shealso played in the Ladies EuropeanTour's French Open last month, tying for 22nd.

Tennis • Top-ratykedDjokovIc holds

off Murray atATPfinals: In what is shaping up to be the new top rivalry in tennis, Novak Djokovic held off Andy Murray on Wednes-

day at theATPfinals in London. The top-ranked Serb got the big break when he needed it late in the third set and beat Murray 4-6, 6-3, 7-5 at the 02 Arena. — From wire reports

ON DECK Friday Football: Class 5Aplayoffs, first round:Churchill at Redmond, 7 p.mx Mountain Viewat Wilsonviffe, 7 p.m. Class4Aplayoffs, first round:Madrasat Scappoose,7p.m. Volleyball: Class5Aquarterfinals, Bendvs. Summit at Liberty High in Hiffsboro, 10a.mx Class 5A semifinals,Bendor Summit vs. TBAat Liberty High in Hiffsboro, 6:30 p.m.; Class 4Aquartertinals, Madrasvs.LaGrandeat LaneCommunity College in Eugene,1:15pmJClass4Aquarterfinals, Crook Countyvs. Elmiraat LaneCommunity Collegein Eugene,1:15p.m.; Class4Aquartertinals, Sisters vs. AstoriaatLaneCommunity Collegein Eugene, 3.15 p.m.;Class2Aquarterfinals, Culvervs. Kennedy atRidgeviewHighinRedmond,1:15p.m. Water polo: Class5/4Astatechampionships at Tualatin Hills AquaticCenterin Beaverton, semifinal round: Madrasgirls vs. Parkrose, 10:10 p.mx Summigirls t vs. WestAlbany,1.20 p.m., Summit boys vs.MountainView,2:30p.m. Saturday Blrlssocoer: Class 5Aquarterfinals: CrescentValley at Summit,11:30 amJ Wiffamette atBend,1 pm. Boys soccer: Class 5A quarterfinals: Clevelandat Summit,3p.m.;CrescentValey atMountainView, I:30 p.m. Volleyball:Class5A,4Aand2Astatefinals, TBA





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NFL NATIONALFOOTBALL LEAGUE All Times PST AMERICANCONFERENCE East W L T Pct PF PA NewEngland 5 3 0 .625 262 170 Miami 4 4 0 .500 170 149 N.Y.Jets 3 5 0 .375 168 200 Buffalo 3 5 0 .375 180 248 South W L T Pct PF PA Houston 7 I 0 .875 237 137 Indianapolis 5 3 0 .625 159 191 Tennesse e 3 6 0 .333 182 308 Jacksonville 1 7 0 .125 117 219 North W L T Pct PF PA Baltimore 6 2 0 .750 199 176 Pittsburgh 5 3 0 .625 191 164 Cincinnati 3 5 0 .375 189 218 Cleveland 2 7 0 .222 169 211 West W L T Pct PF PA Denver 5 3 0 .625 235 175 San Diego 4 4 0 .500 185 157 Oakland 3 5 0 .375 171 229 Kansas City 1 7 0 .125 133 240 NATIONAL CONFERENCE



W L T Pct PF PA 6 3 0 .667 254 185 3 5 0 .375 133 183 3 5 0 .375 150 181 3 6 0 .333 226 248 South W L T Pct PF PA 8 0 0 1.000 220 143 4 4 0 .500 226 185 3 5 0 .375 218 229 2 6 0 .250 149 180 North W L T Pct PF PA 7 0 875 236 120 6 3 0 .667 239 187 5 4 0 .556 204 197 4 4 0 .500 192 188

SanFrancisco Seattle Arizona St. Louis

W 6 5 4 3

N.Y.Giants Philadelphia Dallas Washington Atlanta TampaBay NewOrleans Carolina

Chicago GreenBay Minnesota

West L 2 4 5 5

T Pct PF PA 0 .750 189 103 0 .556 170 154 0 .444 144 173 0 .375 137 186

Today's Game IndianapolisatJacksonvile, 5.20p.m.


Atlantaat NewOrleans,10 a.m. Detroit atMinnesota,10a.m. Denverat Carolina,10a.m. SanDiegoatTampaBay,10am. Tennessee atMiami,10 a.m. Buftalo atNewEngland,10a.m. OaklandatBaltimore,10 a.m. NY Giantsat Cincinnati,10 am. N.Y.JetsatSeatle,1:05 p.m. St. LouisatSanFrancisco,1:25 p.m. Dallas atPhiladelphia, I:25p.m. Housto natChicago,5:20p.m. Open:Arizona,Cleveland,GreenBay,Washington


NEW YORKGIANTS at CINCINNATI BENGALS — GIANTS:No Data Reported BENGALS: DNP: CJeff Faine(hamstring), RBBenJarvusGreen-

Ellis (ilness), WRMarwn Jones(knee), S Reggie Nelson(hamstring). LIMITEDS : Taylor Mays(knee), CB Terence Newman(hamstring), C Trevor Robinson lhamstring).FULL.DERobert Geatherslknee).

ATLANTA FALCONS et NEW ORLEANS SAINTS — FALCONS:DNP: WR Kevin Cone (groin), SCharlesMitcheI (calf), RBJason Sneffing Iiffnessl, LB SeanWeatherspoon(ankle). LIMITED:DT JonathanBabineaux(hamstring), TSamBaker (ankle),

WRHarryDouglas(ankle), DTPeria Jerry(kneet, CB AsanteSam uel (hip). FULL: DEJohn Abraham(elbow) SAINTS:DNP:DEJunior Galette (anke), WR CourtneyRoby (shouder), RBDarrenSproles (hand), T Zach Striet (groin). FULL: LBDavidHawthorne lhamstring). DETROIT LIONS at MINNESOTAVIKINGS —LIONS:DNP:DECliff Avril (back),SLouisDelmas

(knee),WRCalvin Johnson(knee), SAmari Spievey (concussion), DEKyle VandenBosch (not injury related), DTCoreyWiliams (knee), WRTitus Young Iknee).FULL:RBMikel Leshoure(ankle), LBStephen Tugoch(knee). VIKINGS: DNP:DT Letroy Guion (foot), WR Percy Harvin (ankle). LIMITED:RBJerome Felton (shoulderl, T MattKalil (knee), CBAntoine Winfield(knee).FULL:TEJohnCarlson (concussion), P ChrisKluwe(knee), RBAdrian Peterson (ankle), S Mistral Raym ond (ankle), S JamarcaSanford (knee), WRJeromeSimpson(calf). NEW YORK JETS at SEATTLE SEAHAWKS

—JETS:DNPDTKenrick Ellis(knee), RBJoeMcKnight (ankle). LIMITED:TEJeft Cumberland (wrist), CNickMangold(ankle), GBrandon Moore Ihip), DT SionePo'uha(lowback), RBBilal Poweg(shoulder), LB BartScott(toe), SEric Smith (knee). FULL: DEMike DeVito(finger),WRClydeGates(shoulder), S LaRon l.andry(heell, LBCalvin Pace(shin), QBMarkSanchez (low back), GMattSlauson(knee). SEAHAWKS: DNP: DE Red Bryant (foot), GJamesCarpenter (concussionl, SKamChancellor (quadriceps),WRBraylonEdwards lkneel, RB Marshawn Lynch(back, wrist), DTClinton McDonald (groin), LBK.J. Wright (concussion).LIM ITED:DEJasonJones(ankle). FULLWRDoug Baldwin (ankle), G JohnMottitt (knee),CMaxUnger (finger). DALLASCOWBOYS atPHILADELPHIA EAGLES —COWBOYS: DNP:0 Phil Costa(anklel, S

Matt Johnson (hamstringl, DESeanLissemore(ankle), RB DeM arcoMurray(foot), NTJayRatliff (ankle).LIMITED: LBDanConnor (neck) FULLWRDez Bryant (hip), RB Feix Jones(kneel. EAGLES:OUT:WRMardy Gilyard(hamstring), TTodd Herremans(foot). DNP:RB LeSeanMccoy ligness), RBChris Polk(toe), S David Sims(foot), GDannyWatkins (ankle).FULL:SNateAllen Ihamstring), WRJasonAvant(backl, CBBrandonBoykin (toe), LB AkeemJordan(groin), GEvanMathis (knee).

ST.LOUIS RAMS atSAN FRANCISCO49ERS — RAMS:DNP:LBJustin Cole(iffness), DEEugene Sims (knee), SDarian Stewart (knee). LIMITED : WR NFL Injury Report Danny Amendola(shoulder), LBMario Hagganlthighl, NEW YORK—TheNational FootbaiiLeagueinjury TWayneHunter (back), TRodger Saffold (kneel. FULL report, asprovidedbythe league(OUT- Definitely wi I TBarryRichardson(head) 49ERS:NoDataReported not play;DNP—Did not practice; LIMITED—Limited HOUSTON TEXANS atCHICAGO BEARS participation inpractice; FULL- Fuffparticipation in — TEXANS:DNPNTShaun Cody (ribs), TE Owen practice): Daniels (backl, RBBenTate (hamstringl, WR Kevin INDIANAPOLIS COLTS at JACKSONVILLE Walter (groin).LIMITED:RBArianFoster lnot injury JAGUARS— COLTS:OUT:CBVontaeDavis(kneel, related),CBJohnathanJoseph(quadriceps), CBBrice TE Coby Fleener (shoulder), CBJerraud Powers(toe). Mccain (knee),DEAntonio Smith (anklel. FULL:LB QLIESTIN OABLE: WRDonnie Averylhipl, RB Donald BryanBraman(neck), SQuintin Demps(thumb, foreBrown(knee), T WinstonJustice (kneel, LBRobert arm), WR Lestar Jean(knee), SShiloh Keo (back), NT Mathis (back), CSamson Satele (back). PROBABLE Earl Mitchell (ankle), LBJesseNading (foot, neck), LB PatAngerer(foot), LBDwightFreeney(ankle). JAG- GWadeSmith Iknee),QBTJ. Yates(right elbow). UARS:OUT : RBMauriceJones-Drew(foot), RBGreg BEARS:DNP:WRAlshon Jetfery (hand). LIMITED Jones (hip), S DwightLowerylankle). QUE STION- DE IsraelIdonije(ankle), DTHenry Melton (back), DT ABLE: CBRasheanMathis (groin). PROBABLE: CB Matt Toeaina Icalf). DerekCoxIbackl, QBBlaineGabbert (left shoulder), C KANSAS CITY CHIEFS at PITTSBURGH BradMeester (foot), RBMontegOwens(shoulder). STEELERS:NoDataReported DENVER BRONCOS at CAROLINA PANTHERS —BRONCOS: DNP GChris Kuper (ankle), College CB TracyPorter (iffness). LIMITEDWREric Decker (thigh). FULL:TEVirgil Green(hamstring), RB WilWednesday's Result lis McGahee (kneel, WRBrandonStokley (knee),WR MIDWEST DemaryiusThomas(knee). PANTHE RS: DNP. DE BowlingGreen26, Ohio14 AntwanApplewhite(hamstring), LB ThomasDavis (knee), DTDwanEdwards(ankle), TJordanGross(not Top 26Schedule injury related),CGeoff Hangartner (knee), DECharles All Times PST Johnson(hipl, DEThomas Keiser (elbow), RBMike Today Tolbertlheadl. FULL:DEFrankAlexander(kneet. No. 8 FloridaStateatVirginia Tech,4:30 p.m. SAN DIEGO CHARGERSat TAMPABAYBUCSaturday CANEERS:NoDataReported No.1 Alabama vs. No 15TexasA8M, 12:30p.m. TENNESSEETITANS at MIAMI DOLPHINS N o. 2 Dregon vs. Ca l i f omi a, 7:30pm. —TITANS:DNP.LBXavierAdibi (knee),SAl Afalava No. 3KansasStateat TCU,4p.m. (ankle), LB Colin Mccarthylankle). LIMITED : LBPat- No. 4NotreDameat Boston College, 5p.m. rick Bailey (ribs), CBTommieCampbel (ankle). FULL No. 5Georgiaat Auburn,4p.m. WRKennyBritt(knee), QBJakeLocker(eft shoulder), No. 7Floridavs.Louisiana-Lafayette, 9:21a.m. TByronStingily (back),CBAlterraun Verner Ithigh), No. 9LSUvs. No.23Mississippi State,4p.m. LB Will Witherspoon (hamstring), WRKendaffWright No.10 Clemson vs Maryland,12:30p.m. (elbow). DOLPHINS:DNP CBRichard Marshall No. 11Louisville atSyracuse,9a.m. (back), LB KoaMisi (cafl. LIMITED:TEJeron Mas- No.12 SouthCarolinavs. Arkansas,9a.m. trud (hamstring), DT TonyMcDaniel (knee), CMike No.13 Oregon State atNo.16 Stanford, noon Pouncey(knee,ankle), DTPaul Soliai (ankle).FULL No.14 Oklahoma vs. Baylor,12:30 p.m. CB NolanCarroll (kneet,LBKarlos Dansby (biceps), No.17 UCLA atWashington State, 7:30 p.m. WR BrianHartline (hamstring), RBJorvorskie Lane No.18 Nebraska vs. PennState,12:30p m. (knee), T JakeLong (back), DEJaredOdrick(elbow) No. 19LouisianaTechatTexasState, 4 p.m. QB Ryan TannehigIknee). No.19 Texas vs. IowaState, 9am. BUFFALOBILLS atNEW ENGLAND PATRI- No. 21SouthernCalvs. ArizonaState, 12:30p.m. OTS —BILLS: DNP:DEMarkAnderson(kneel, DT No. 24Rutgersvs. Army,9 a.m. Marceff Dareus(shoulderl, WRStevieJohnson(thigh), No. 25TexasTechvs. Kansas,9 a.m. CB Aaron Wiliams(knee), DTKyle Wiliams (ankle). LIMITED. DESpencer Johnson(ankle), GKraigUrbik Schedule lfoot). FULL: TE Scott Chandler(groin), QBRyan All Times PST Fitzpatrick (chest), CBStephonGilmore (shoulder), (Subject to change) TChris Hairston(knee), GAndyLevitre (knee), CB Leodis McKelvin(groin), CBJustin Rogers(thigh), Today'sGames RB C.J.Spiler (shoulder), LBChris White(back), DE SOUTH MarioWiliams(wrist, knee),CEric Wood(knee). PA- FloridaSt. (8-1)at Virginia Tech(4-5), 430p.m. TRIOTS:DNP:RBBrandonBolden(knee), DETrevor SOUTHWES T Scott(hamstring), LB TracyWhite (toot). LIMITED:CB Louisiana-Monroe (6-3) at ArkansasSt.(6-3), 4p.m Kyle Arrington (concussion),DTRonBrace(elbow), S PatrickChung(shoulder), S SteveGregory (hipt, TE Friday's Game AaronHernandez(ankle), LBDont'a Hightower(hamEAST string), WR BrandonLloyd (knee), GLoganMankins Pittsburgh(4-5)at Uconn(3-5I, 5 p.m. (calf, hip), LB Jerod Mayo(elbow), GNickMcDonald Ishoulder), LBBrandonSpikes (knee), T Sebastian Saturday's Games Voffmer (back,knee), WRWesWelker lankle). EAST OAKLANDRAIDERSatBALTIMORE RAVENS Bryant(3 6) atCCSU(2-6), 9a.m. — RAIDERS: DNP:RB Mike Goodson (ankle),RB Albany(NY)(7-2) at Duquesne (5-4), 9am. DarrenMcFadden(anklel, DTRichard Seymour (knee, Dayton(5-5) at Marist(3-5), 9a.m. hamstring), CB ShawntaeSpencer (foot). LIMITED.T St. Francis(Pa.)(3-6) at Monmouth(NJ) (4-4), 9 Khalit Barnes (groin), SMattGiordano (hamstring), K a.m. SebastianJanikowski(left groin), TEBrandon Myers Harvard(7-1) at Penn(4-4), 9a.m. (shoulder).FULL:DTDesmond Bryant (cardiac), LB Army(2-7) at Rutgers (7-1), 9a.m Miles BurrisIelbow),LBKeenan Clayton (shoulder), RobertMorris (3-6)at SacredHeart (2-7), 9am. CB Coye Francies(thumb), SMikeMitchell (tinger), Louisville (9-0)at Syracuse(4-5), 9 a.m. RB MarcelReece(hamstring), DE Matt Shaughnessy Cincinnati(6-2) atTemple I3-5), 9 a.m. (shoulder), TWilie Smith (knee),DEDavid TolefPrinceton(4-4) atYale(2-6), 9a.m. son (shoulder).RAVENS:DNP:DEPernegMcPhee ComeffI4-4) atColumbia(2-6), 9:30a.m. lthigh), DT Haloti Ngata(shoulder), SEdReedlshoulColgate(6-3)at Lehigh(9-0), 9:30a.m. der, knee), GBobbieWiliams(ankle), G Marshal Lafayette(5-4) at Fordham(5-4),10 a.m. Yanda (anke). LIMITED:LBJosh Bynes(thigh), WR Buckneff(2-7) atGeorgetown(4-5), 10a.m. JacobyJones(toe), 1Michae Oher (ankle), CBJimmy JamesMadison I7-2) at Viffanova(6-3),10 a m. Smith (abdom en). FULL:S SeanConsidine (chest), Holy Cross(1-8)at Wagner (6-3I,10 a.m. CMorganCox(shoulder), LB DannegEfferbe (finBrownI5-3) atDartmouth(5-3), 10:30a.m. gerl, NTMa'akeKemoeatu (knee), SBernard Pollard GeorgiaSt. (1-9)at Maine(3-6),11 a.m.

KansasCity at Pittsburgh,5:30p.m.

Ichest), LB TerreffSuggs(ankle).

W. Michigan I4-6) atBuffalo(2-7), 12:30p.m. RhodeIsland(0-8) atTowson(5-4), 12:30pm. NotreDame(9-0) at BostonColege (2-7), 5 p.m. SOUTH

Campbel(1-8) l atJacksonville (6-3), 9 a.m. William 8Mary(2-7)at OldDominion I8-1), 9 a.m. Arkansas(4-5) at SouthCarolina (7-2), 9 a.m. Miami(5-4) atVirginia (3-6), 9 a.m. Louisiana-l.afayette(5-3)at Florida(8-1), 921a.m. Missouri(4-5)atTennessee(4-5), 9:21a.m. GeorgiaTech(4-5) at NorthCarolina (6-3), 9:30a.m. Hampton I2-6) at DelawareSt. (5-4), 10a.m. MurraySt. (4-5)at E.Kentucky (7-3), 10a.m. MorganSt.(3-6) atNorfolk St.(3-7),10 a.m. CoastalCarolina(5-4) atPresbyterian(2-7),10 a.m. FAU(2-7)at W.Kentucky(6-3), 10a.m. Gardner-Webb (2-7) at Charleston Southern(4-5), 10:30a.m. Samford(5-3) atElon(3-6),10:30 a.m. SC State (4-5) at NCA8T(5-4), 10:30a.m. The 0itadel(5-4) atVMI(2-6), 10:30a.m Chattanooga (5-4) atWofford (7-2), 10:30a.m. Howard(6-3) at Georgia Southern (7-2), 11a.m. PrairieView(3-6) atMVSU(3-6), 11a.m. UT-Martin(7-2) atTennesseeTech(2-7), 11:30a.m. Texas Southern(2-7) atAlcornSt. (3-6), noon NC Central(6-3)at FloridaA8M(3-6), noon Ark.-PineBluff (7-2) atGrambling St. (1-8), noon Wake Forest (5-4I at NcState(5-4), noon Texas A8M(7-2) at Alabama(9-0), 12:301.m. Furman (3-6) atAppalachianSt. I7-3),12:301.m. Maryland(4-5) at Clemson(8-1), 12:30a.m. StonyBrook(8-1) at l.iberty(4-5), 12:30a.m. Delaware(5-4) at Richmond(5-3), 12:30a.m. Navy(6-3) atTroy(4-5),12:30 a.m. AustinPeay(1-Bl atJacksonville St. (5-4), 1p.m. Marshal(4-5I l atUAB(1-7),1:30 p.m. Alabama A8M(7-2) atJacksonSt. (5-4), 2p.m. Bethune-Cookma n(7-2) atSavannahSt. (1-8), 2 p.m Georgia(8-1)at Auburn(2-7), 4p.m. MississippiSt. (7-2)at LSU(7-2I, 4p.m. TulaneI2-7)at Memphis (1-8), 4 p.m. Vanderbilt (5-4)atMississippi (5-4), 4p.m. SamHoustonSt. (7-2) at NorthwestemSt. (44), 4 p.m. Alabama St. (6-3) atSouthern U.(3-6), 4 p.m. Stephen F.Austin I4-5) atSELouisiana (3-6), 5p.m. MIDWEST

SE Missouri(3-6)at E.Illinois (6-3), 9a.m. Wisconsin(6-3)at Indiana(4-5), 9a.m. Purdue(3-6) at lowa(4-5), 9a.m. Northwestern(7-2)at Michigan(6-3), 9 am. Cent. Michigan (3-6) at E.MichiganI1-8I,10 a.m. KentSt. (8-1)at Miami(Ohio) I4-5),10 a.m. N. Iowa(3-6) atSouthDakota(1-8),10 a.m. UMass(0-9) atAkron(1-9), 11a.m. Butler (8-2)at Drake(6-3),11 a.m. Davidson(I-BI at Valparaiso(I-B), 11a.m. Youngstown St.(5-4) atW.Illinois (3-6),11 a.m. Minnesota(5-4)at fflinois (2-7), 12:30p.m. PennSt.(6-3I atNebraska(7-2),12:30 p.m. S. DakotaSt.(7-2) atN DakotaSt. (81), 1p.m

TENNIS ProfessionaI ATP WorldTourFinals Wednesday At The 02 Arena London Purse: $8.11 million (TourFinal) Surface: Hard-Indoor Round Robin Singles Group A NovakDjokovic(1), Serbia, def.AndyMurray I3),

Britain, 4-6,6-3, 7-5 TomasBerdych(5), CzechRepublic, def. Jo-Wil-

fried Tsonga (7), France,7-5, 3-6,6-1. Standings:Djokovic 2-0 (sets 4-1) Berdych1-1 (3-3), Murray1-1(3-3),Tsonga0-2(1-4).



Semifinals D.C. United vs.Newyork Saturday,Nov.3: NewYork1, D.C.United1 Wednesday,Nov.7: D.C.United at NewYork, ppd. snow KansasCity vs. Houston Sunday,Nov.4: Houston 2, KansasCity 0 Wednesd ay,Nov.7:KansasCity1,Houston0,Houston winsseries2-1goalaggregate WESTERN CONFERENCE

Semifinels San Josevs. LosAngeles Sunday,Nov.4: SanJose1, LosAngeles0 Wednesday,Nov.7: LosAngeles 3, SanJose1, Los Angelesadvanceson3-2aggregate Seattle vs. ReelSalt Lake Friday,Nov.2: RealSat Lake0, Seattle 0 Today,Nov.8: Seatle atReal Salt Lake,6:30 p.m.



lowaSt.(5-4) atTexas(7-2), 9a.m. Kansas(1-8) atTexasTech (6-3), 9a.m. Baylor(4-4I atOklahoma(6-2), 12:30p.m. West Virginia (5-3) at Oklahoma St. (5-3), 12:30 p.m. NichoffsSt.(1-7) at Lamar(3-7),1 p.m. Tulsa(7-2)at Houston(4-5), 2 p.m. SouthAlabama(2-7) atNorthTexas(3-6), 2p.m. McNeese St.(6-3) at UTSA(5-4I, 2p.m. SouthernMiss.(0-8) atSMU(4-4I, 4 p.m. Kansas St. (9-0)at TCU(6-3), 4 p.m. l.ouisianaTech(8-1) atTexasSt. (3-5), 4p.m. UCF(6-2) at UTEP(2-7I, 4 p.m. FAR WEST

Colorado(1-8) atArizona(5-4), 10:30a.m. OregonSt.I7-1) atStanford(7-2), noon Wyoming(2-7)at NewMexico (4-6), 12:30p.m. San JoseSt. (7-2) at NewMexico St. (1-8), 12:30 p.m. Air Force(5-4I at SanDiegoSt. (7-3), 12:30p.m. ArizonaSt.(5-4) atSouthernCal(6-3I,12.30 p.m. N. Colorado (3-6I atWeber St.(1-8),12:30 p.m. PortlandSt. (3-6)at MontanaSt.(7-1),12 35 p.m. UC Davis(3-6) atE.Washingto

Transactions BASEBALL COMMISSIONE R' S OFFICE— SuspendedSan Diego 0 Yasm ani Grandal50 games for aviolation of Major League Basebaff's Joint DrugPrevention and Treatment Program. American League BOSTONREDSOX— NamedJuanNievespitching


KANSAS CITY RO YALS Announcedthe retirement of coordinator ot cutural developmentSa Artiaga. National League LOSANGELESDODGERS— NamedMarkMcGwire hitting coach.

NEWYORKMETS—Agreed to terms with RHP Greg Burkeon a minor leaguecontract. Agreedto termswith OFJason Bayto terminatehis contract. PITTSBU RGHPIRATES—Agreed totermswith OF DarrenFordonaminorleaguecontract SANDIEG OPADRES—TradedOFBlake Tekotteto the ChicagoWhite Soxfor RHPBrandonKloess. SAN FRANCI SCO GIANTS— Assigned 2B EmmanuelBurriss outright to Fresno(PCL). Announced RHPClayHensley decinedoutright assignment and electedfreeagency. FOOTBALL National Football League ARIZONACARDINALS— Placed LB 0BrienSchofield oninjured reserve.Re-signed DERonad Tal ey. Released CBCrezdonButler fromthepractice squad. SignedCBGregMccoy to thepractice squad. ATLANTA FALCONS—ReleasedFBLousakaPolite. SignedFBMikeCox. SignedOLJacquesMcclendon Pac-12 Standings t o the practice squad. All Times Pacific BUFFALO BILLS—Signed CBCrezdonButler and OT Thomas Welch. North AROLINA PANTHERS—ReleasedLBJerry FrankConf. Overall lin C from the practice squad.SignedGThomas Austin 6-0 Oregon 90 5-1 7-1 to thepracticesquad. Oregon State CHICAGOBEARS— Released WR Kamar Aiken 5-1 7-2 Stantord 3-3 5-4 from thepracticesquad. SignedWRJoeAndersonto Washington t h e practicesquad. 2-5 3-7 California GREENBAY PACKERS Rel eased WR Diondre 0-6 2-7 Washington State Borel fromthepracticesquad.ActivatedTEAndrew South Quarl e ss from the physi c affy-unabl e-to-perform list. Conf. Overall PlacedLBNick Perry oninjured reserve. 4-2 7-2 UCLA MIAMI DOLP HINS—Released DBDe'Andre Pre4-3 6-3 USC 3-3 5-4 sley. SignedCBBryan Mccann. PlacedCBRichard ArizonaState M arshal on injured reserve.ClaimedCBBrandon 2-4 5-4 Arizona 2-4 4-5 McDonaidoffwaiversfromTampaBay. Utah MINNES OTAVIKINGS—Signed DEErnest Owusu 1-5 1-8 Colorado to thepracticesquad. Saturday's Games N EW ORLEANS SAINTS Rel eased CB NickHixColorado at Arizona,10:30a.m. son fromthepractice squad.SignedCBA.J. Davis to Oregon StateatStanford, noon the practicesquad. ArizonaStateatUSC,12:30 p.m. NEWYORKJETS—Released S Antonio Allen. Oregonat Cal, 7:30p.m. Signed G Hayworth HicksfromIndianapolis' practice Utah atWashington, 7:30p.m. squad UCLAatWashington State, 7:30p.m. SEATTLESEAH AWKS—Activated CB Walter Thurmondfromthe physicaffy-unable-to-perform list. Signed WR C ha rl y Marti n tothepractice squad. Betting line ST. LOUISRAMS—Signed CB Quinton Pointer NFL from thepracticesquad. SignedWRSaalim Hakimto (Hometeamsin Caps) the practice squad. Favorite Open Current Underdog TENNES SEETITANS—Placed GLeroy Harris on Today injuredreserve.SignedDEJarius Wynnand GKyle Colts 3 3 JAGUAR S DeVan. Sunday HOCKEY PATRIOT S 12 11 Bills NationalHockeyLeague Giants 4 .5 4 BENGALS OTTAWASENATORS— Reassigned FDarrenKramBUCS 3 3 Chargers er fromBinghamton (AHL) to Elmira (ECHLI. Broncos 4 .5 4 PANTHE RS COLLEGE DOLPHINS 6 6 Titans HOFSTR A—Announced G Shaquiffe Stokes has RAVEN S 7 7. 5 Raiders beengrantedahardship waiver bythe NCAAandwil Falcons 2 .5 2 . 5 SAINTS be eligible to playwith themen'sbasketball team. Lions 1 2 VIKINGS SEAHAW KS 6 .5 6 . 5 Jets Cowboys PK 1 EAGLES FISH COUNT 49ERS 12 1 1 .5 Rams The dailyfish counthasbeendiscontinuedfor the BEARS 15 1 Texans season.



Notre Dame in the

Rose Bowl?Maybe By Ralph D. Russo The Associated Press

College football's most storied program, playing on its grandest stage. Notre Dame in the Rose Bowl. It could happen. While most fans are focused onthe four-team race to the BCS championship


azz sen a erso -

13 Oregon State (7-1) is in 1 1th place h eading i n t o Saturday's game at No. 16 Stanford. The Beavers also

play California, Oregon

scoring and in so many differ-

and Nicholls State on Dec. I (provided they are not in the

ent ways. A gainst Utah, w it h f o u r or five players taking turns guarding B r y ant, n o t h ing came easy asthe Jazz pulled off a 95-86 victory to drop the Lakers to 1-4. "It's tough for anyone to stop him one-on-one," Jazz guard Randy Foye said. "I have to give a lot of credit to my team-

If Oregon State finishes 10-2, assuming a loss to the game, another intriguing Ducks, the Beavers should Bowl Championship Series have no problem being BCS sidebar is developing. Will eligible, very possibly in the the Rose Bowl, if given the top 10. And because Oregon o pportunity, i n v ite N o t r e State last played in the Rose Dame? The Fighting Irish Bowl in 1965, the Beavers have played in the "Grand- would check a second imdaddy of Bowls" only once portant box for the selection before — in 1925. committee. "There is still so much that "Have they played in our can happen, and of course game recently'?" Chappin the biggest story out there sa>d. is whether we would take Bowl organizers love invitNotre Dame, but there is a lot ing teams who have not been to play out before it starts to to their game in a long time, become a serious conversa- because fired-up fans gobble tion within our group," Rose up tickets. Bowl spokeswoman Gina It would get interesting if Chappin said Wednesday. Oregon State loses twice beHere's how that conversa- tween now and the end of the tionbecomes serious: season. At 9-3, the Beavers could If Oregon wins the Pac12 and finishes first or sec- still slip into the BCS top 14. ond in the BCS standings, But at that point, they might t he Ducks will pay in t h e not look so appealing to the BCS national championship Rose Bowl. Especially, comgame. pared with Notre Dame. Depending on where the There are other factors Ducks finish, that w o uld that could influence the Rose give the Rose Bowl either the Bowl's decision. If Wisconsin first or second pick among wins the Big Ten, the Rose the four BCS games to reBowl would probably like to place one of its contractually avoid a rematch of a regularbound champions with an season game between the eligible at-large team. Badgers and Beavers. (OreThe Big Ten and Pac-12 gon State and Wisconsin met are longtime a n d l u c r a- on Sept. 8 in Corvallis, where tive partners with the Rose the Beavers won 10-7.) Bowl, and game organizers Or, if not N o tre Dame, would prefer to keep their consider this possibility: A partners happy and dip back Rose Bowl reunion of old intothose conferences forre- conference rivals Nebraska placement teams. and Oklahoma. "Whenever we can pro"There are so many varitect our r elationship with ables that go into the conthe Pac-12 and the Big Ten, versation of the matchup. It's that is very important to us," not a conversation we have a lot," Chappin said. "We're at Chappin said. To be eligible for an at- a position right now where large spot, a team must be it's too early to focus on the ranked in the top 14 of the what-ifs." final BC S s tandings and True, b u t they are h ave nine v i c tories. N o . interesting.

, •


The Associated Press SALT LAKE CITY — Before their game Wednesday, Los Angeles Lakers coach Mike Brown remarked how easily Kobe Bryant had been

Pac-12 title game).



Q~~ j .ji

~ i~i~


'pkS!.A 6!~

Clippers .......... . . . . . . ..106 Spurs ......... . . . . . . . . . . ..84

25 ."

mates. Me, Gordon (Hayward), Marvin (Williams), Mo (Williams), Alec (Burks). All of us. It worked well, but I'm lucky the game finished when it did because any longer and he was starting to get it going." Bryant led all scorers with 29 points, 16 in th e f ourth quarter. But he shot just seven of 17 overall after entering the game shooting nearly 60 percent. He also was zero of four from 3-point range, and was only three of 10 after three quarters. While the Jazz were limiting the Lakers to 34 percent shooting, Al J e fferson and free-agent acquisition Foye provided a 1-2 punch. Jefferson scored 18 points a nd Foye added 17 off t h e bench on five 3-pointers, including three straight in the fourth quarter. "Oh man, I was feeling it," said Foye, who finished five of nine from beyond the arc and made all of Utah's 3s. "I was just trying to go out there and be aggressive. I've got to give a lot of credit to my teammates. My teammates found me at the right spots and I just knocked down shots." F oye s ai d t h e Lak e r s shouldn't have been surprised that he was a dangerous 3point shooter. "They know me," he said. "Last year I p layed for the

pointers in the fourth quarter and finished with 24 points to lead Phoenix over Charlotte. Heat..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 N ets..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 MIAMI — D w yane Wade scored 22 points on 10-for14 shooting, LeBron James finished two assists shy of a triple-double and Miami improved to 4-0 at home for the first time in franchise history.

. ~

I'I" ~

'" il


Rick Bowmer/The Associated Press

Utah Jazz center Al Jefferson(25) lays the ball up as Los Angeles Lakers forward Pau Gasol, left, looks on in the fourth quarter of Wednesday night's game in Salt Lake City. The Jazz defeated the Lakers 95-86.

Brown said. "I'm very frustrated too for the simple fact that I just don't think we played the game like we talked about going in. We wanted to be the ones to hit first ... but we didn't." Utah, which beat Dallas in the opener only to lose three straight on the road, started fast and finished strong. Clippers and had big games Utah held a 44-36 advantage against them. They knew. But in points in the paint and a 15it was either Big Al with the la- 7 edge on the fast break. yup or I get a 3." The Jazz also forced 19 LakThe Jazz led by as many as ers turnovers, including six 16 points early, but the Lakers by Bryant and five by Dwight were within five with 8:27 left Howard. "A lot of it just comes from before Foye hit three straight 3-pointers to give Utah a 79-68 reading each other, getting lead with 6:40 remaining. in sync with each other," said Jefferson scored on back-to- Bryant, who was playing his back baskets for Utah as the 79th careergame against the Jazz boosted their lead to 13. Jazz but only fifth with new Bryant's 16-point f o u rth teammate Howard. helped Los Angeles get within Howard (19 points, nine five, but his dunk with 12.5 sec- rebounds) said the Lakers' inonds left was too little, too late. tensity was low. "We're all fr u s t rated," Everyone a c k n owledged

Utah is a different team at home. The Jazz led by seven early as Mo Williams and Hayward started fast. Hayward left Bryant on the floor after stealing the ball from him at one end and dunking at the other for a 9-2 Utah lead. The Lakers pulled within 19-17 on Pau Gasol's jam off a pass from Bryant. But Utah closed on a 6-0 run to take a 25-17 lead, with a pair of baskets from Derrick Favors and a 17-foot jumper from big man Enes Kanter. Also on Wednesday:

Nuggets......... . . . . . . . . ..93 R ockets ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 HOUSTON — Ty Lawson scored 21 points and Kenneth Faried had 16 points and 16 rebounds to help Denver to a victory over Houston. Suns.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 Bobcats.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Shannon Brown hit six 3-

LOS ANGELES — DeAndre Jordan and Blake Griffin each had double-digit points and rebounds while leading a dunkfest in Los Angeles' victory over San Antonio, who lost for the first time this season. H awks..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 9 P acers..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 6 ATLANTA — Kyle Korver scored eight straight points in a late 18-0 run as Atlanta rallied from 14 points down early in the fourth quarter. T imberwolves..... . . . . . . . . . 90 M agic ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 5 M INNEAPOLIS — L u k e Ridnour had 19 points and five rebounds, and Greg Stiemsma got Minnesota's rout started with six straight points to end the third quarter. Celtics..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 W izards ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 BOSTON — Brandon Bass scored five straight points in overtime, helping Boston win the back end of a home-andhome set with Washington. Grizzlies.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 B ucks.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 MILWAUKEE — Zach Randolph had 18 points and 13 rebounds, and Memphis shot 53 percent from the floor in a win over Milwaukee. 7 6ers..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 H ornets..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 2 NEW ORLEANS — Jrue Holiday had 14 points and 12 assists, and Philadelphia held New Orleans to it s l o west point total ever. Mavericks..... . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 Raptors..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 DALLAS — O.J. Mayo and Chris Kaman each scored 22 points as short-handed Dallas won its third straight. Warriors.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 C avaliers ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 OAKLAND, Calif. — David Lee played through an illness to finish with 22 points, 14 rebounds and six assists, and Golden State outlasted undermanned Cleveland. Kings..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 Pistons.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 S ACRAMENTO, Cali f . — DeMarcus Cousins had 21 points and 11 rebounds to help Sacramento hold off winless Detroit.

NBA SCOREBOARD leavy4-100-010,Sanders482-210, Lamb1-500 2, Udoh0-1 0-0 0, Henson1-51-43, Przybilla1-2 0-Ij 2, Daniels5-60-010. Totals 35-91 14-21 90. Memphis 23 33 25 27 — 108 Milwaukee 22 21 25 22 — 90


ConferenceGlance All Times PST

Greg Wahl-Stephens /The Associated Press

Portland head coach Terry Stotts speaks with Damian Lillard during a preseason game in Portland in October.


dition, Lillard, Kyrie Irving and Nate Robinson are the

Continued from 01 Last season a t W e b er State, Lillard's true shooting percentage of 63.5 percent was the fourth best in the nation among h i gh-usage guards (guards who qualified for the scoring title and had a usage percentage of at least 25 percent). Lillard's scoring efficiency from college has so far followed him to the professional ranks: his true shooting percentage of 53.2 percent was good for eighth in the NBA

only high-usage guards

among high-usage guards entering Wednesday. Lillard is more than just an efficient scorer, though: he has also proven to be an adept playmaker. Assist percentage is an estimate of teammate field goals a player assisted while he was on the floor. Lillard's assist percentage last season at Weber State was 27.1 percent, by far th e team's best mark and the fourth best mark in the Big Sky Conference. This season with P ortland, Lillard's assist percentage hasjumped to 37.2 percent, the fourth-highest figure in the NBA among

high-usage guards. In ad-

with an assist percentage of at least 35 percent and a true shooting percentage that exceeds the league average of 52.6 percent. The overall offensive ef-

ficiencyof a player can be gauged by looking at his offensive rating, an estimate of the player's points produced per 100 possessions. This measure takes into account

a player's scoring, passing and offensive rebounding while also adjusting for his opportunities. With Weber State last season, Lillard had an offensive rating of 128.4, the second highest mark in the NCAA

among high-usage guards, bested only by John Jenkins of Vanderbilt. This season with the Blazers, Lillard's offensive rating is 110.5, making him the sixth-most efficient high-usage guard in the NBA. Lillard's fast start has no doubt lifted the spirits of Blazers fans, a group that has seen its fair share of draft disappointments over the years. Small sample size caveats apply, but L i l lard may be on the way to bucking that trend.

EAS TERNCONFERENCE L P ct d-NewVork 0 1.000 d-Miami W 21 1 .800 4 3 d-Chicago 1 .750 Milwaukee 1 .667 Atlanta 1 .667 Boston 2 .500 Orlando 2 .500 Philadelphia 2 .500 Indiana 3 .400 Cleveland 3 .400 Charlotte 2 .333 Brooklyn 2 .333 Toronto 4 .200 Washington 3 .000 0 5 .000 Detroit WES TERNCONFERENCE L P ct d-SanAntonio .800 Dallas W 21 1 .800 3 4 d-Minnesota 1 .750 d-GoldenState 2 .600 Memphis 1 .750 LA. Clippers 2 .600 Oklahoma City 2 .500 Portland 2 .500 Houston 2 .500 NewOrleans 2 .500 Denver 3 .400 Sacramento 3 .400 Utah 3 .400 Phoenix 3 .400 LA. Lakers 4 .200 d-d>v> s>on leader

z Totals34-7615-2290. Orlando 12 22 21 20 — 75 Minnesota 25 13 30 22 — 90

Hawks 89, Pacers 86 GB I/2

1 1

1'/~ 1'/~ 1'/2

4 3 2


1 I/2

1 1'/2 1'/2 I 1/2


3 2

Wednesday'sGames phoenix117,charlotte 00 Boston100,Wa shington 94, OT Atlanta89,Indiana86 Miami103,Brooklyn73 Denver 93, Houston87 Minnesota 90, Orlando75 Philadelphia77, NewOrleans62 Memphis108,Milwaukee90 Dallas109,Toronto104 Utah 95,L.A.Lakers86 Sacramento105, Detroit103 GoldenState106,Cleveland96 LA. Clippers106,SanAntonio 84


Oklahoma City at Chicago,5 p.m. LA. ClippersatPortland,7:30 p.m.

Summaries Wednesday'sGames

Grizzlies108, Bucks90 MEMPHIS(108) Gay7-203-417,Randolph7-124-518,Gasol5-8 4-614, Conley 5-9 3 313,Allen3-6 0 Ij 6, Ellington 2-3 0-0 5,Speights9-130-1 18,Bayless3-40-0 8 Pondextet3-6Ij-09, Wroten0-1 0-00, Selby0-10-0 0. Totals 44-8314-19108.

MILwAUKEE (90) Harris 3-72-28, lyasova3-70-2 7, Dalembert 2-2 0-04, Jennings 6-205-519, Ellis 5-184-615, Dun-

Nuggets 93, Rockets87 DENVER (93)

Gallinari 6-150-013, Fared7-142-716, Koufos 1-42-2 4,Lawson9-20 0-421, Iguodala5-112-213, A Miller0-2 Q 00, McGee5-72-212, Brewer4 94 4 14. Totals 37-8212-21 93.


Young1-30-0 2,West9-18 2-220, Hibbert 4-12 1-1 9, Hill 7-12 2-220, George5-131-1 13, Green 2-80-05,Mahi nmi2-30-14,THansbrough2 40 0 4,Augus tin0-20-00,Stephenson3-102-29.Totals 35-85 8-9 86.


Parsons3-90-08, Patterson8-130-018, Asik40 2-310, Lin2-92-26, Harden5-155-715, Delfio 6-14 3-4 19, Morris 1-7 1-2 3, Aldrich 1-2 2-3 4, Douglas1-42-24. Totals 31-8417-2387. Denver 25 31 13 24 — 93 Houston 18 23 23 23 — 87

Smith 5-121-511, Horford7-122-316, Pachulia 3-5 0-0 6,TeagU e7-15 0-015, Korver5-13 0-013, Stevenson 2-22-38, Wiliams4-110-09 Harris2-6 0-04, IJohnson 2-41-1 5,Toll>ver1-70-0z Totals 38-87 6-12 89. Indiana 25 25 27 9 — 86 Atlanta 22 29 14 24 — 89

76ers 77, Hornets 62

Heat103, Nets 73

PHILADELPHIA (77) Wright 2-101-2 7,TYoung6 8 0-0 12,Allen 610 0-012, Holiday6-142-314, Turner7-150 014, N.Young1-70-02,Wilkins1-30-02, Hawes5-130-0 11, Ivey1-30-03, Moultrie0-00-0 0, Wayns0-1 0-Ij 0. Totals 35-84 3-5 77.

BROOKLYN (73) Johnson 4-140-09, Humphries 4 B3 6u, Lopez 4-8 0-1 8,Williams7-150-0 14, Bogans1-3 0-0 3, Blatche 2-80-04, Watson1-50-02, Teletovic1-80-0 3, Evans1-13-45, Brooks5-72-412,Shengelia0-0 2 2 2, Taylor 0 3 0 00 Totals 30-80 10-17 73. MIAMI (103) Battier3-90-Ij 9,James 7-124-420, Bosh2-10468, Chalmers3-71-28,Wade10-142-222,Allen4 6 0-09, Cole0-22-22,Haslem2-3II-04,Lewis6-90-0 13, Miller1-1 0-03,Anthony1-10-02, Harrellson0 1 0-00, Jones1-20-03. Totals 40-7713-16103. Brooklyn 22 19 15 17 — 73 Miami 26 24 29 24 — 103


NEWORLEANS(62) Aminu 3-0 4-610, Anderson3-102-2 9, Lopez 3-70-0 6,Vasquez3-13 0-0 7, Miler 2-40-0 5,Smith 3-52-28, Mason 0-20-00, i enry2-51-25, Roberts 3-9 0-0 7,Warrick 1-22-24, Thomas0-1 1-2 1. Totals 23-69 12-16 62. Philadelphia 16 2 021 20 — 77 New0rleans 19 1 810 15 — 62

Celtics100, Wizards 94 (OTj S uns117, Bobcats110 WASHINGTON (94) Ariza1-6 0-0 2,Booker3-7 0-06, Okator 1-20-0 2, Price6-130-015, Beal6-151-1 16,Seraphin8-19 0-016, Vesely1-3 0-0 2,Pargo1-50-0 3, Webster 5-9 3-316, Crawford1-6 0-0 2, Singleton6-1II 2-3 14. Totals 39-95 6-7 94. BOSTON (100) Pierce2-12 10-12 15, Sullinger 2-5 0-0 4, Garnett 7-166-720, Rondo7-11 3-418, Lee0-3 2 22, Bass4-93 4 u, Terry7-150-016, Green3 60-06, Barbosa1-30-02, Wilcox1-1 4-56. Totals 34-81 28-34 100. Washington 1 6 2 6 16 30 6 — 94 Boston 21 16 29 22 12 — 100

Timberwolves 90, Magic 75 ORLANDO (75)

McRoberts3-80 07, Davis2-90-1 4,Vucevic1-4 0 02, Moore4-142410, Afflal05-111-112,Redick 5-12 5-516, Ayon3-50-Ij 6, Nicholson 3-85-511, Smith0-3000,Harkless263-47,0'Quinn0 IIO-0 0. Totals 28-8016-20 75.


Kirilenko 3-5 1-2 7, Williams5-10 2-2 14, Pekovic 5-91-211,Ridnour6-94-519, Roy1-61-2 3, Stiemsma 6-70-012, Barea0-31-21, Cunningham 2-5 0-0 4, Budinger3-9 3-5 10,Shved3-6 0-0 7, Amundson 0-10-00, Conroy0-30-00, Lee0-32-2

PHOENIX (117) Beasley7-216821, Scola491-29, Gortat10-14 3-423, Dragic5-103-516, Dudley4-100-010 Morris 5-120-010, Brown7-12 4-5 24,Telfair 0-40-00, Tucker1-12-44 TotaIs 43-93 19-28117. CHARLOTTE (110) Kidd-Gilchrist 4-101-1 9, Mulens 9-160-0 24, Haywood 3-41-1 7, Walker6-14 5-617, Taylor0-3 0 Ij 0, Biyombo 2 311 5, Gordon514 0 012, Sessions 2-1012-1417, Thomas 3-8 4-410, Williams 4-5 0-0 9Totals 38-8724-27110. Phoenix 31 29 25 32 — 117 Charlotte 22 24 35 29 — 110

Jazz 95, Lakers 86 LA. tAKERS (86) WorldPeace3-12 7815, Gasol 2-91-2 5, Howard

7-0 5-1219, Blake2-100-Ij 6, Bryant 7-1715-17 29, Ebanks1-21-2 3,Hil1-5 2-4 4 Morris1-61-1 3, Jamison1-20-Ij z Totals 25-7432-46 86.


Ma Williams4-73-3 11, Millsap2-7 3-4 7,Jefferson8-182218, M.Wiliams8-130016, Hayward 2-113-47, TinsleyO-1 0-00, Favors3-82-28, Burks 1-2 0-0 2,Kan ter 4-51-1 9,Foye5-112-217. Totals 37-83 16-1895. LA. Lakers 17 24 16 29 — 86 Utah 25 26 14 30 — 95

Mavericks109, Raptors 104 TORONTO (104) Fields1-4 0-0 z Bargnani 9 207-725, valanciunas2-40-04, Calderon4-100-011, DeRozan8-17 8-10 24,Anderson3-9 5-513,Johnson6-76-7 18, Davis 0-0 1-2 1, Lucas 0-3 0-0 0, Ross1-3 0-02, Gray1-2 II-02, Acy0-1 0-00, McGuire1-1 0-Ij z Totals 36-8127-31104. DALLAS(109) Crowder3-40-0 8, Wright5-9 2-312, Kaman8156822,Collison5135615, Mayo8173622, Murphy2-6 0-05, Carter6-143-417, Da.Jones0-0 1-21, James 2-4 2-26, DO .Jones 0-21-4 t Totals 39-84 23-35 109. Toronto 24 26 24 30 — 104 Dallas 36 25 21 27 — 109

Warriors106, Cavaliers 96 CLEVELAND(96) Gee24 3-3 7,samuels 5-91-2 0 ,TJhompson 4-8 3-811, Irving10-224-428,Waiters 5-150-012, Miles 3-0 0-0 7,Gibson4-80-0 12, Leuer3-51-2 7, Sloan0-31-21, Casspi0-10-00. Totals 36-86 13-21 96. GOLDEN STATE(106) Barnes5-9 3-5 14, Lee10-162-2 22, BogUt0-2 0-00, Curry8-143-321, KJhompson4-104-613, Jeff erson3-70-07,Ezei0-00-20,Green0-20-00, Jack 4 8 2 210, Landry81II 3 319 Totals 4278 17-23 106. Cleveland 21 30 23 22 — 96 Goldenstate 37 2 226 21 — 106

Ciippers106, Spurs 84 SAN ANTO NIO(84) Leonard2-5 0-04, Duncan3-8 4-610, Diaw4-6 0-0 8, Parker2-70-04, D.Green4-71-1 12,Jackson 2-41-45, Ginobili 2-83-3 9, Blair2-70-04, Splitter 3-61-3 7,Neal2-6 4-49,Bonner1-2 0-Ij 3, Mills 2-4 1-1 5, De Colo1-31-24 Totals 30-7316-2484. LA. CLIPPERS (106) Butler 2-60-0 4,Griffin 10-162-3 22,Jordan10120-020, Paul482-210, WGreen550011, Hollins 1-3 0-0 2,Crawford3-72-210, Barnes4-9 2-2 12, Bledsoe 7-140-015, Odom0-3 0-0 0,Turiaf 0-0 0-00. Totals 46-838-9106. SanAntonio 16 25 21 22 — 84 LA. Clippers 22 2 5 35 24 — 106

Kings 105, Pistons 103 DETROIT (103)

Prince4-102-210, Maxiel 5-91-211, Monroe 8-15 5-721, Knight6-104-521, Stuckey2-6 0-05, Singler3-85-612, Drumm ond0-00-00, Jerebko3-6 0-2 7, Bynum 4-6 6-7 14, English1-30-0 z Totals 36-73 23-31103. SACRAMENTO (105) Johnson2-61 25, Thompson5-63-413, Cousins 8-175-721,Thomas6-90-015, Evans5-0 5-6 15, Thornton5-120-011, Brooks5-120-011, Robinson1-20-12,Hayes0-00-0 0,Fredette3-74-41z TotaIs 40-8218-24105. Detroit 27 19 25 32 — 103 Sacramento 26 29 24 26 — 105




Colt players shave heads to support ailing coach The Associated Press INDIANAPOLIS — A nd rew Luck ha s j o ined t h e shaved squad, too. Nearly three dozen players on the Indianapolis Colts have shaved their heads in a show of support for h ead coach Chuck Pagano, who is undergoing treatment for a form of leukemia. Luckbecame a new member of the no-hair club Wednesday morning. Players and coaches were not available for comment because they were headed to Jacksonville, but a team spokesman confirmed t h at Luck will indeed look quite different when he takes off his helmet tonight. "Buzzed heads and orange locks in honor of Chuck," team owner Jim Irsay tweeted. He also included a link to a photo showing many of the players who had gotten buzzed.

Indianapolis (5-3) has gone to great lengths to give their ailingcoach encouragement.

Reggie Wayne wore orange gloves against Green B ay, the ribbon color used to raise awareness forleukemia. Nameplates above player's lockers at the team complex now include orange stickers with Pagano's initials in the middle of Indy's trademark horseshoe. They sent Pagano a game ball after their surprising win over the Packers on Oct.4.

Panthers Continued from D1 In the Lancers, the fourthplace team out of the Midwestern League, the Panthers face a program that has gone 7-3 this season, which includes a 41-20 road upset over Milwaukie last week in the 5A play-in round. Churchill senior quarterback Mitch Reese does a little bit of everything for t h e L a ncers, leading the team with 1,661

Volleyball Continued from D1 "It doesn't get old at all," says Cowgirls coach Rosie Honl, whose squad is 18-0 at the state tournament over the last six years. "The girls don't want the season to end." C rook C o u n ty , wh i c h ended the regular season as the No. I team in the Oregon School Activities Association's 4A volleyball rankings, is again favored heading into this year's state championships, but the Cowgirls are far from invincible. The Outlaws, who went undefeated in conferenceplay en route to winning theSky-Em League this fall, knocked off Crook County in f ive sets earlier this season, the C owgirls first loss to a 4A school since they themselves became a 4A school in the fall of 2010. " Oh, the y 'r e exc i t ed about that," Honl says about the possibility t hat C r ook County and Sisters meet in the 4A final. "Yes they are.

That (loss) is a mark on the card they didn't want. But it helped them. They came back the next day at practice and worked their rears off." The Cowgirls have been

outstanding as usual, going 20-4 so far this season with wins over some of the top 5A and 6A teams in the state. Sisters has been equally impressive, rolling into state on a 15-match win streak. The White Buffaloes have also had a season for the ages, rebounding from an 0-5 start to take tie for first in the Tri-Valley Conferenceleague standings and advance to state for the first time in seven years. At the 5A state tourney, Summit and Bend High face one another in Friday's quarterfinal round at Hillsboro's

The Panthers, who had a bye last week after earning an automatic berth into the state playoffs, hope to pick up where they left off two weeks

ago, a 44-16 blasting of playoff-

bound Roosevelt. Trevor Hindman, Trevor Genz and Cam Peters all rushed for 100-plus yards against the Roughriders of Portland in Redmond's last game. A win against Churchill would put the Panthers in the state quarterfinal round for yards passing and 548 yards just the fourth time in school rushing. The 6-foot-3-inch, 200- history. "We've enjoyed what we've pound Reese has passed for 15 touchdowns this season and done as the season's gone ran for another eight. along, but they continue to re"The offense literally runs main hungry," Stanley says. through him," Stanley says. "The kids, they're happy, but "Being in Eugene, they run a lot not satisfied. It's been a real of the same stuff Oregon does. nice balance."

(The spread) is kind of the offense 'du jour' right now."

— Reporter:541-383-0305, beastes@bendbulletin.com.


When:Friday andSaturday

La Pine and Del Moore of Bend

Where:Liberty High, Hillsboro

Friday's quarterfinals:WestAlbany vs. Lebanon, 8 a.m.; Marshfield vs. Corvallis, 8 a.m.; Summit vs. Bend, 10a.m.; Pendleton vs. Churchill, 10 a.m.

Class4A When:Friday andSaturday Where: LaneCommunityCollege,Eugene Friday's quarterfinals:Crook County vs. Elmira, 1:15 p.m.; M adrasvs.La Grande,1:15 p.m.;Banksvs.Phoenix,3:15 p.m .; Astoria vs. Sisters, 3:15 p.m. Class 2A When:Friday and Saturday

Where: Ridgeview High,Redmond Friday's quarterfinals:Heppner vs. North Douglas, 1:15 p.m.; Kennedy vs. Culver, 1:15 p.m.; Days Creek vs. Grant Union, 3:15

p.m.; Weston-McEwenvs. Reedsport, 3:15 p.m. — Admission for all sites is $7 for adults and $4 for students during the quarterfinal and consolation rounds and $8 for adults and $5 for students during the semifinals and finals.

Maloney has Bend looking for its first state trophy since the Lava Bears took fourth in the old-Class 4A tourney in 1995. Culver, which in the 2A

state tournament for the second consecutive year, also kicks off quarterfinal play on Friday. The Bulldogs, winners of the Tri-River Conference, face league-rival Kennedy at Redmond's Ridgeview High with a spot in Friday night's semifinal round on the line. Culver, which is coached by former Crook County assistant Randi Viggiano, went 2-1 at state a year ago and finished fourth. Th e B u lldogs are 23-5 this season and were fourth in the OSAA's

final rankings. — Reporter:541-383-0305, beastes@bendbulletin.com.


Wilsonville (7-2 overall), 7 p.m.:TheCougars earned a rematch with the Wildcats with Friday's 56-20 pounding of Parkrose. Wilsonville, the Northwest Oregon Conference runner-up, defeated Mountain View 49-33 in Wilsonville on Sept. 28. The Wildcats jumped out to a 35-5 halftime lead while racking up 438 yards of total offense against the Cougars. Mountain View scored 21 fourth-quarter points to make the game close.

Class 4AState Playoffs, Madras (5-5 overall) at Scappoose (8-1 overall), 7 p.m.:In the state playoffs for the first time since 2005, the White Buffaloes look to upset the lndians, the No. 1 team in the DSAA's final 4A football rankings. Scappoose, which

won the CowapaLeague, rolls into the state postseason on an eight-game winning streak. Madras quarterback Steele Haugen, who haspassed for2,226 yards and 20 touchdowns thisseason,

has carried the Buffs in their past two games, completing 27 of 37 passes for 366 yards andthree touchdowns against zero interceptions.

PREP SCOREBOARD Soccer osAA state playoffs BOYS CLASS6A Quarterfinals Saturday's Games

ForestGroveat clackamas

Lincoln atMcMinnville CentralCatholicat Jesuit SunsetatSouthEugene CLASS5A

Quarterfinals Saturday'sGames Liberty atWoodbum Wilsonville atHoodRiver Valey CrescentValleyatMountainView ClevelandatSummit CLASS4A

Quarterfinals Saturday's Games Henleyat McLoughlin Molalla atPhilomath La SallePrepatStayton Ontario atPhoenix CLASS 3A/2A/1A Quarterfinals Saturday's Games Santiam Christianat OregonEpiscopal catlin Gablat e port andchristian Westside Christianat R>verside DelphianatRiverdale GIRLS CLASS6A Quarterfinals Saturday's Games

clackamas atsunset Lakeridge at Tigard Jesuit atThurston CanbyatGrant


Quarterfinals Saturday's Games CrescentValleyatSummit corvallis atwilsonville Willametteat Bend PutnamatSherwood CLASS4A

Quarterfinals Saturday'sGames NorthBend/ORCoast Techat Mazama La Grande at Philomath Molalla atGladstone La SallePrepatScappoose CLASS 3A/2A/1A Quarterfinals Saturday's Games corbett atoregonEpiscopal catlin Gabel atst Mary's,Medtord Glide atWestern Mennonite/Peuydale Cascade Christian atValey Catholic

Volleyball OSAASTATECHAMPIONSHIPS CLASS6A At Liberty HighSchool, Hillsboro

Friday's Games Quarterfinals central catholicvs.Gresham,1n5 p.m. Barlowvs.Roseburg,1:15 p.m. clackamas vs. sheldon, 3:15p.m. Centuryvs.Jesuit, 3:15p.m.


CentralCatholic/Greshamwinnervs Barlow/Roseburg winner,8:30p.m.

clackamas/sheldon winner vs. Gentury/Jesuit winner, 830 p.m. Saturday'sGames Consolation Semifinals CentralCatholic/Greshamloser vs. Barlow/Roseburg loser, 10 a.m. clackamas/sheldonloser vs century/Jesuit oser, 10 a.m. Fourth/Sixth Place Consolationsemifinalwinners,2:15p.m. Third/Fifth Place Semifinal losers,2:15p.m. Final

semifinalwinners,a30 p.m.

CLASS5A At Liberty HighSchool, Hillsboro Friday's Games Quarterfinals West Albanyvs.Lebanon,8a.m. Marshfieldvs.Corvallis, 8a.m. Summitvs.Bend,10a.m Pendleton vs. Churchill,10am.


west Albany/Lebanon winner vs. Marshfield/corvallis winner,6:30p.m. Summit/Bend winner vs. Pendleton/Churchill winner, 630 p.m. Saturday'sGames Consolation Semifinals west Albany)Lebanonloser vs. MarshfieldicoNallis loser, 8a.m. summit/Bendloser vs. pendleton/churchi I oser, 8 a.m. Fourth/Sixth Place Consolationsemifinalwinners, noon. Third/Fifth Place Semifinal losers,noon. Final Semifinalwinners,6 p.m. CLASS4A

At LaneCommunityCollege, Eugene Friday's Games Quarterfinals CrookCountyvs. Elmira,1:15 p.m. Madrasvs.LaGrande,1:15p.m. Banksvs. Phoenix, 3:15 p.m. Astoriavs.Sisters, 3:15p.m.

santiamchristian/Nyssawinner vs. oregonEpiscopal/BlanchetCatholic winner,6:30p.m. Saturday'sGames consolation semifinals corbetj/cresjNell loservs. cascadechristian(valley Catholic loser,8a.m. santiamchristian/Nyssaloservs.QregonEpiscopal) BlanchetCatholic loser,8a.m. Fourth/Sixth Place Consolationsemifinalwinners,noon. Third/Fifth Place Semifinal losers,noon. Final Semifinalwinners,6p.m. CLASS2A At Ridgeview HighSchool, Redmond

Friday's Games Quarterfinals Heppnervs. NorthDouglas,1n5 p.m. Kennedy vs. Culver, 1n5p.m. Dayscreekvs. Grantunon,3:15 p.m. Weston-McEwen vs. Reedsport, 3:15p.m. semifinals Heppner/NorjhDouglaswinner vs. Kernedy/culver winner,8:30pm. DaysCreek/GrantUnionwinnervs. Weston-McEweN Reedsporjwinner,8:30p.m Saturday's Games Consolation Semifinals Heppner/North Douglas loser vs. Kennedy/culver loser, 10 am. Days creekisrantUnionloser vs.weston-McEweN Reedsporjloser,10am Fourth/Sixth Place consolationsemifinalwinners,215p.m. Third/Fifth Place Semifinal osers,2:15p.m. Final semifinalwinners,a30p.m.


At LaneCommunityCollege, Eugene Friday's Games Quarterfinals corbetj vs.Creswell, 8a.m. Cascade Christian vs. Valley Catholic, 8 a.m. SantiamChristianvs. Nyssa,10a.m. OregonEpiscopalvs. Blanchet Catholic, 10 a.m.

semifinals corbett/cresjNelwi l nnervs. Gascade christiaNvalley Catholicw> nner, 6:30p.m.

DavidDouglasatSheldon RoseburgatGresham Crater atCentury WestLinnatSouthridge McNaryatLakeOswego BeavertonatSouthMedford Grant atWest Salem GlencoeatAloha ReynoldsatTigard SouthSalematCanby SunsetatMcMinnvile Lakeridge at Central Catholic

Football OSAA state playoffs CLASS6A Round 1 Friday's Games CentennialatJesuit ThurstonatOregonCity WestviewatSprague clackamas atTualato

recently competed in the Huntsman World Senior Gamesheld

Friday's Games Churchill atRedmond


MountainViewatWilsonvile Hermistonat Marist Putnam at Silverjon Ashland at West Albany Roosevelat t Springtield LebanonatSherwood

Soccer CLASS4A Round 1 Friday's Games Madrasat Scappoose DouglasatCascade Philomathat Sweet Home BanksatGladstone KlamathUnionat North Bend)ORCoast Tech SiuslawatLaSalle Prep Saturday's Games CottageGroveatBaker Ontario atNorthValley CLASS3A Round 1

Friday's Games Wauenton at Dayton WillaminaatCoquile Lakeview/Paisleat y SantiamChristian Glide atHorizonChristian, Tualatim

clatskanie at scio

BlanchetCatholicat Rainier Saturday's Games Pleasant Hil at Nyssa Vale atCascadeChristian CLASS2A Round 1

Friday's Games Gastonat Central Linn Stantield atPortlandChristian Saturday'sGames Bonanza at Kennedy EnterpriseatOakland Knappa at Gold Beach Qakridgeat Heppner Regis atGrantUnion MonroeatLostRiver CLASS1A

Round 1 Friday's Games Powder Valleyat St. Paul Elkton atSherman JordanValleyat Perrydale Saturday's Games Triad atAdrian Crow atDutur Echo atLowell CoveatCamasValley TriangleLakeatImbler

competition drew approximately 200 contestants this year, including archers from all over the U.S., Europe and even the West

Indies. The HuntsmanGames completed their 26th year this

archery. LaPoint won the silver metal in target archery, and

year drawing over 10,000 seniors ages 50and up. Sports covered a widearray including track and field, swimming, golf,

Moore won gold in both the target and 3-D events. The archery

softball and many others. — Bulletin staff report


had caught an d r e leased t wo s m al l b u t hea l t hy rainbows. While the Deschutes from Bend to Benham is open year-round, the stretch upstream of Benham Falls to Wickiup Reservoir closed at the end of October.

in St George, Utah. Competition was held in both target and 3-D

Continued from D1 Brown and rainbow trout constitute the majority of the catch on the stretch of the river from Benham to Bend, which is open yearround but i s r estricted to artificial f l ies an d l u r es. Bowers says he has caught brown trout as long as 25 inches there and knows anglers who have landed fish larger than that. He adds that he has heard reports of 5- to 10-pound rainbows caught there, though he has never seen one. Bowers recommends using streamers, which imitate bait fish, to land brown trout, or using wet flies such as pheasanttails,hare'sears and prince nymphs to catch rainbows. Th e b l ue-wing olive, Bowers notes, is one bug hatch that remains consistent from the fall through the winter. "You can streamer fish, nymph fish, and if you luck

Many anglers are currently focused on hooking an elusive steelhead in the Lower Deschutes. But the fishing for t r out r e mains good on th e U pper D esc hutes and e lsewhere i n Central Oregon. Other rivers in the area

that offer ample angling opportunity during the fall include the Metolius River and the Crooked River. This time of year, hefty bull trout ar e feeding on s pawning kokanee in t h e Metolius near Wizard Falls Fish Hatchery and Bridge 99, providing a chance for fly anglers to catch and release a rare bull trout. The Crooked River below Bowman Dam, always a reliable fishery when not

out you get some good dryfly fishing," Bowers says of surging with high flows, the Deschutes from Bend to Benham Falls. "That will be blue-wing olive or baetis patterns throughout the winter ... small, dark mayflies like parachute adams o r comparadun. That wil l be s t andard t h r o ughout t he winter, especially o n your overcast warm, winter days." The trail along the river offers access to scores of s mall f i shing h o les. A n glers should look for certain types of water, depending on whether they are fishing for browns or rainbows. "There's lots of big, flat, b rown-trout-type w ate r with undercut banks and l ots of s t ructure l ik e l o g j ams, where y o u w o u l d strip streamers by for big browns," Bowers explains. "There's also riffly pocket water that you might nymph for rainbows. That would be below some falls." I made the trip last week to the Upper Deschutes near Lava Island Falls. The river powered through the lava rock in bursts of whitewater then slowed to the pace of a fast walk. At the edge of the rapids I cast out a pheasant tail nymph and a strike in-

dicator, hoping for a hungry rainbow. By the end of the day I

was running at a quite fishable 66 cubicfeet per second as of this week. And the flows should remain consistent throughout the fall and winter. Most C e ntral O r e g on lakes closed to fishing at the end of October, but several remain open all year. Haystack Reservoir, near Culver, offers a chance for rainbow and brown trout. Crescent Lake, southwest of Bend off state Highway 58, holds brown trout. And Davis Lake, just north of Crescent L a ke , i n c l udes largemouth bass and rainbow trout. But for consistent trout fishing close to town, the Deschutes River upstream of Bend is tough to beat. "It's c ertainly no t o u r blue-ribbon part of the river, but in th e w i ntertime it's very accessible and it's often overlooked," Bowers says.

"People drive a long way

instead of just fishing near town. And we do have a lot of nice fish. It's not everybody's cup of tea, but it's certainly close to us and easy access. And in the wintertime, when we're a little limited on water anyhow, it becomes another place to fish." — Reporter: 541-383-0318, mmorical@bendbulfetirLcom.


CLASS5A Round 1


At RidgeviewHigh School, Redmond Friday's Games Quarterfinals PowderValleyvs. Yoncalla, 8a.m. StPaulvs. Lowell,8a.m. HosannaChristian vs. Imbler,10 a.m. Port andLutheranvs Perrydale,10a.m. Semifinals semifinals Crook Crunty/Elmirawinner vs. Madras/LaGrande powdervalley/Yoncalla winner vs. st paul/Lowell winner,8:30p.m. winner,6:30p.m. Banks/Phoeniwi xnner vs.Astoriaisisters winner,8:30 Hosannachristian/Imbler w>ner vs. portland Lutheran/perrydalwi enner,c30 p.m. p.m. Saturday'sGames Saturday's Games consolation semifinals Consolation Semifinals Valley/Yoncallaloservs. St.Paui)Lowell Dser, Crook Crunty/Elmira loser vs Madras/LaGrande Powder 8a.m. loser, 10 a.m. chnstian/Imbler loservs.portlandLutheran/ Banks/Phoenix loser vs. Astoria/Sisters loser, 10 Hosanna Perrydaleloser,8a.m. a.m. Fourth/Sixth Place Fourth/Sixth Place Consolationsemifinalwinners,noon. Consolationsemifinalwinners,2:15 p.m. Third/Fifth Place Third/Fifth Place Semifinallosers,noon. Semifinal losers,2:15 pm. Final Final Semifinalwinners,6p.m. semifinalwinners,a30 p.m.

Local • Archers compete at senior games:Archers Luke LaPoint of

Class SA

Liberty High. The Storm, the reigning 5A state champions, defeated the Lava Bears twice in Intermountain Conference play this year, but the second match ofthe season between the two crosstown rivals was a five-set thriller that Summit won 26-24, 25-20, 22-25, 21-25, 15-7. Boise State University-bound outside hitter Laney Hayes leads the Storm while senior middle Molly


Here is the weekly fishing

river nearthe mouth.

report for selected areas inand FALL RIVER:Fishing is good. around Central Oregon, provided The river below the falls closed by fisheries biologists for the on Sept. 30. Theriver above the Oregon Department of Fishand falls in openall year. Fishing is Wildlife: restricted to fly-fishing only with barbless hooks. CENTRALZONE ANTELOPEFLATRESERVOIR:

HOSMER LAKE:Open to fish-

ing weather may make travel dif-

trout were stocked in Hosmer

ficult so be preparedfor muddy or snowy road conditions.

in mid-summer giving anglers a new species to target. Fishing on

ing and annual population samFishing has beenfair. There are pling indicates that Atlantic salmstill plenty of large trout up to 22 on and brooktrout populations inches long available. Thechang- are healthy. Catchable rainbow

BEND PINE NURSERYPOND: was in late September with a

Hosmer is restricted to fly fishing with barbless hooks. METOLIUS RIVER:Trout

number of one pound rainbow

fishing has beengood. Insect

The most recent stocking released. Fishing for these fish should be fair to good through the fall. CRESCENTLAKE: Opportunities for rainbow and brown trout

hatches should offer lots of

opportunities for good dry-fly fishing. Angling for post spawning bull trout should be excellent. Large streamer flies fished in the

are good.

deeper pools andslots are the

CROOKED RIVERBELOW BOWMAN DAM:Fishing for trout has beenexcellent.The use of bait is prohibited until May 2013. DESCHUTESRIVER(Mouth

best bet. NORTH TWIN:Excellent fall fishing opportunities are avail-

to the Pelton RegulatingDam): Summer steelhead fishing on the lower Deschutes should be improving, as water clarity has improved significantly. Fish are now well dispersed throughout the river, with good numbers of fish found by anglers from the mouth upstream to the Warm

able. OCHOCO RESERVOIR: Recent sampling shows there are plenty of trout available ranging from 8 to16-inches long. The low water may make launching a boat difficult. SHEVLIN YOUTHFISHING POND:Shevlin Pond is fishing well and typically fishes well throughout winter >f not iced

Springs Area. Somelarge B-run over. steelhead havebeenobserved in WALTONLAKE:Fishing has recent creel samples in the lower been fair.



HUNTING 8z FISHING CALENDAR Please email Hunting 4 Fishing event information to sports@bendbulletin.com or click on "Submit an Event" on our website at bendbulletin.com. Items are published on a space-availability basis, and should be submitted at least 10 days before the event.

FISHING CENTRAL OREGON BASS CLUB: Meets on the first Tuesday of eachmonthatAbby's Pizza in Redmond; 7 to 9 p.m.; new members welcome; www.cobc. us. DESCHUTESCHAPTEROFTROUT UNLIMITED: Meets on the first Monday of each month at the ONDA offices in Bend; meeting starts at 6:45 p.m. for members to meet and greet, and discuss what the chapter is up to; 541306-4509; communications@ deschutestu.org; www. deschutestu.org. BEND CASTINGCLUB:The Bend Casting Club is a group of local fly anglers from around Central Oregon who are trying to improve their casting technique; club meets on the fourth Wednesday of each month, from 6 to 8 p.m., at the Orvis Casting Course in Bend's Old Mill District; 541-3064509 or bendcastingclub©gmail. com. THE SUNRIVERANGLERSCLUB: Meets on the third Thursday of eachmonthat 7 p.m. at the Sunriver Homeowners Aquatic & Recreation Center (SHARC); contact www.sunriveranglers. OI'g.

THE CENTRALOREGON FLYFISHERSCLUB: Meetsonthe third Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m. at the Bend Senior Center, 1600 SE ReedMarket Road; contact: www.coflyfishers.org.

HUNTING CENTRALOREGONCHAPTER ROCKY MOUNTAINELK FOUNDATION:Meets Wednesday, Nov.14at 6:30 p.m. in Redmond at the VFW,1836 Veterans Way; new members are encouraged to attend; contact 541-447-2804. LEARN THEARTOFTRACKING ANIMALS: Guided walks and workshops with a certified professional tracker; learn to identify and interpret tracks, sign, and scat of the animals in Central Oregon; two or more walks per month all year; $35; ongoing, 8 a.m. to noon; 541-633-7045; dave@wildernesstracking.com; wildernesstracking.com. THE BENDCHAPTEROF THE OREGON HUNTERS ASSOCIATION: Meets the second W ednesday ofeachmonthat7 p.m. at the King Buffet at the north end of the Wagner Mall, across from Robberson Ford in Bend; contact: ohabend.webs.com. THE OCHOCOCHAPTER OF THE OREGON HUNTERS ASSOCIATION: Meets the first Tuesdayofeach monthat7 p.m .

at the Prineville Fire Hall, 405 N. Belknap St.; contact: 447-5029. THE REDMONDCHAPTER OF THEOREGON HUNTERS ASSOCIATION: Meets the third Tuesdayofeachmonth at7 p.m.at the Redmond VFWHall.

SHOOTING BEND BOWMEN INDOOR ARCHERYLEAGUE: Traditional league Wednesday evenings, call Lenny at 541-480-6743 for information; indoor 3-D league Thursday evenings at 7 p.m. (except Thanksgiving), call Bruce at 541-410-1380 or Del at 541389-7234 for information. COSSA KIDS: The Central Oregon Shooting Sports Association's NRA Youth Marksmanship Program is every third Saturday of the month from 10 a.m. to noon at the COSSARange; the range is east of Bend off U.S. Highway 20 at milepost 24; contact Don Thomas, 541-389-8284. BEND TRAP CLUB: Trap shooting, five-stand and skeet shooting are all open Thursdays and Sundays from10 a.m. to 2 p.m; located east of Bend off U.S. Highway 20at milepost 30; contact Bill Grafton at 541-383-1428 or visit www. bendtrapclub.com. CENTRAL OREGONSPORTING CLAYS ANDHUNTING PRESERVE: 13-station, 100target course and 5-stand open Saturday and Sunday from 10 a.m. to dusk, and Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from11 a.m. to dusk (closed Wednesday); located at 9020 South Highway 97, Redmond; www.birdandclay.com or 541-383-0001. REDMOND ROD &GUN CLUB: Three miles east of Redmond on the north side of state Highway 126; archery, pistol, rifle, skeet, sporting clays, and trap; visit www.rrandgc.com for further information, open hours and contact numbers; club is open to all members of the community and offers many training programs. PINEMOUNTAIN POSSE: Cowboy action shooting club that shoots at the Central Oregon Shooting Sports Association range on U.S. Highway 20 at milepost 24; second Sunday of each month; 541-318-8199 or www. pinemountainposse. com. HORSE RIDGEPISTOLEROS: Cowboy action shooting with pistols, rifles and shotguns at the Central Oregon Shooting Sports Association range on U.S. Highway 20 at milepost 24; first and third Sunday of each month at 10 a.m.; 541-408-7027 or www. hrp-sass.com.

Gary Lewis / For The Bulletin

A young Lab intraining makes a retrieve on a rooster pheasant

Hunting Chineseroosters an t ePen etonUn ergroun A

t the end of the fence row, the German shorthair cut back and forth.

and the bird crumpled. A 2-

gAR y

year- o ld bird, I guessed, with

His body quivered, charged


the b i r d Gosselin had bagged

with scent. If the rooster turned left, he would sail over the canal and off the property. If he went right, we might jump him in the willows and thistle. Flame made a hard right at the edge of the field, and out ahead of us the rooster broke out above the sage too far away for a shot. Moments later, a quail rocketed out of the sage and then anotherand another. When we bumped the quail again, I knocked two down and we turned back. At the end of the fence, I knelt for a pheasant's eye view. Here the ground was beaten to dirt highways by generations of the small game that make their living beneath the overstory. No wonder that Chinese rooster escaped, he went where the dogs couldn't go, through the network of tunnels beneath the trunks of old-

earlier in the day along the railroad tracks. In our third quadrant, we jumped a hen and then, as Budeau pushed toward Brian, another rooster tried to exit stage left. Brian spun and shot it, while Tony turned and dropped a quail. Flush with success, we forgot our own rules. Instead of putting a blocker at the end of a ditch row, Jarvis, Littlefield and I walked it out. There were 200 quail in that tangle of willows, sage and tumbleweeds, but they jumped ahead of us. We accounted for three, but watched the rest of the birds buzz over the fence onto the wildlife

growth sage. In late October, we prospected public and private land between Pendleton and Hermiston in what ODFW's Dave Budeau says is some of Oregon's best pheasant habitat. Budeau joined us for this hunt, as well as John Gosselin, the publisher of "The Upland Almanac," Brian Smith from Alabama, Tony Collins from South Carolina and Steve Jarvis, a hunting guide, recently relocated to Dufur from the Texas savannah. We had multicultural dog power with an English pointer, a pair of Brittanies, German shorthairs, a yellow Lab, a Vizsla and an English cocker. In the parking lot at the Rugged Country Lodge, our bird camp base in Pendleton, I laid down the law: No slamming doors, no whistling to dogs, no talking above a whisper. "These birds have been hunted already this season. As soon as they hear a door slam they go on alert. If they hear a whistle or even the clack of the shotgun action closing, they start

running and are long gone before we get there." We followed Teresa, the landowner, into a patch of waist-high asparagus. We would hunt the field in quadrants with drivers and blockers. At one end of the field, Jarvis and Budeau waited with their dogs. When I waved my bandanna, they started in. With whispered commands, Budeau directed the Brittanies and Jarvis his pointers. If it was going to happen, it would happen as the drivers and dogs approached to within 40 yards of us. Thirty yards from me, Flame, the German shorthair, had the scent and I could see the tension in him. The rooster blasted out of the asparagus and Steve and I swung. Just as my finger began to tighten on the trigger, Steve shot


its long, sharp spurs, it joined

refuge. Ringneck pheasants were brought from China in 1882 and were released in the Willamette Valley. By the turn of the century, there were pheasants across the state. Incorporated in 1880, Pendleton could count 2,500 citizens by 1899. When the town was 20 years old, it boasted 18 brothels and 32 card rooms and saloons with names like the Olympia, the Elk Horn and the Louvre. With the railroad came the Chinese. Antiimmigrant sentiment prompted the Chinese Exclusion Law in 1882 that limited the work the immigrants could do. Pendleton's Chinese numbered 90 in 1900, at least the ones that submitted to the census. They didn't like to be counted because it meant a poll tax of Sl a head. Some Chinese took their industry underground. Beneath the streets we toured Pendleton's Underground where we found opium dens and cells the Chinese used to lock up their own offenders. In Hop Sing's laundry, a herder or a miner could get a bath for 10 cents or, if he didn't mind going second, he could bathe for nine cents. A guy that could only afford to pay a penny would have to settle for bath water used by nine other guys. Life in the tunnels thrived through the Prohibition, but over the years the owners of the downtown buildings sealed the entrances. Now the passageways are open again, their contents a time capsule that recall a forgotten side of the Wild West. Out past Helix and up against the Blue Mountains on the Umatilla Indian Reservation, we jumped Chinese roosters in the canyons, but they outran us and ducked away into tunnels in the briars. Maybe we saw a dozen birds flush and watched them go to ground, but you can't count them if you can't catch them.



R + S



— Gary Lewis is the host of "Adventure Journal" and author of "John Nosler — Going Ballistic," "Blaclz Bear Hunting," "Hunting Oregon" and other titles. Contact Lewis at www.GaryLewisoutdoors.com.

! RA


HUNTING REPORT Ryan Brennecke/ For The Bulletin

Bush'sTown Run, courtesy The Fly Fisher's Place. When the water temp erature d r o ps , an d steelhead won't move as far to take a fly, tie on a weighted fly with a body that moves. Bush's Town Run was originated by Gavin Bush for Idlewylde Flies. It is a steelhead pattern with lead dumbbell eyes and a kaleidoscopic skirt. In the water, this fly slims down and swims while it s m u ltihued p r o fil e p r e sents s ideways glimpses o n the swing. A t the g r ab, let t h e fish take a 15-inch shock loop or let him pull line off the reel before setting the hook. If he misses,

take a deep breath, take a step upstream and cast

again. Tie this pattern on a Waddington shank with stiff wire line to a No. 2-4 bait hook. For the tail, tie in a hank of blue squirrel tail. For the body, wrap chartreuse soft hackles and Krystal Flash. Build the skirt with black marabou then highlight with blue Krystal Flash and purple ostrich herl. Complete the skirt with dyed blue and red soft hackles. Finish the head with lead dumbbell eyes overwrapped with a black mohair head. — Gary Lewis

N rSSA M Here is the weekly hunting report for selected areas in and around Central Oregon, provided by wildlife biologists for the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife:


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bow tag (used/unused) to hunt elk in theMaury Unit.

BEAR:Successful hunters must check in unfrozen bear skulls at an ODFW office within10 days of harOPEN:Cougar, 2nd Rocky Mtn Elk (Closes Nov. 11), vest. Call ahead and make an appointment to ensure Bear, Forest Grouse, Upland Bird, Waterfowl a biologist is present for the check in. It's also a good PRINEVILLE/OCHDCO WILDLIFE DISTRICT idea to prop the bear's mouths open with a stick for ELK:Second Rocky Mountain Bull Elk hunt runs easier tissue sampling, teeth collection and tagging. through Sunday.Elkpopulations are below manageRemember that cubs and sows with cubs are illegal ment objectives and bull ratios are quite variable in all to take, so if in doubt use caution. See regulations for three units. The Maury and Ochoco units offer the best details. opportunities for bagging an animal on public land, COUGAR:Present throughout the Maury, Ochoco, while the Grizzly unit is mostly private land where and Grizzly units butare more likely near deer and elk access can be difficult. Ochoco unit rifle hunters are herds. TheMauryandOchoco unitsarerecommendreminded the Rager and South Boundary TMA moed because of their greater amounts of accessible torized vehicle restrictions will be in effect. Maps of public land. Remembercougars must be checked in those areas are available on site and from ODFW and at an ODFW office within 10 days of harvest. Please Ochoco National Forest offices. Elk tag numbers were consult the synopsis for all required parts and be sure decreased in portions of all units as aresult of low to call first to make an appointment. CENTRALZDNE




population estimates and lower bull ratios. Elk bow hunters must also have a controlled Maury Unit deer

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1-Year MiddleSchoolTuition For igustrotionpurposesonl


22' x 22' Stick Built Garage from HiLine Homes

$2500 Bathtub or Shower Makeover Gift Certificate from Re-Bath of Central Oregon One Year Family Non-Tennis Membership from Athletic Club of Bend One YearCouples Tennis Membership from Athletic Club of Bend $2000 Gift Certificate from M. Jacobs Fine Furniture One Year Couples Non-Tennis Membership from Athletic Club of Bend Italian Palladio Framed Mirror - 57" x 44" from Eastlake Framing Family Season Pass from Hoodoo Ski Area Stickley Area Rug from Edman Fine Furniture

One Year Middle School Tuition from Morning Star Christian School One Year Elementary School Tuition from Morning Star Christian School One Year Preschool Tuition from Morning Star Christian School Queen SizeMaster Sleigh Bed from Edman Fine Furniture Bye Bye Belly from Exhale Spa and Laser Center One Year Family Tennis Membership from Athletic Club of Bend $2500 Gift Certificate from M. Jacobs Fine Furniture





o p

6 Months of CustomDesigned Flowers Delivered to YourHome or Office $100 Archery Gift Certificate

$250 Gift Certificate (Oregon Feedand Pet) $2500 Bathtub or Shower Makeover Gift Certificate

$100 CampingSupplies Gift Certificate $100 Dry Cleaning Gift Certificate $100 Fishing Gear BtTackle Gift Certificate

$2500 Gift Certificate (M. Jacobs FineFurniture) $270Flightand Room Package for Two $30 BeadCertificate

$100 Gift Card (ProGolf if Bend) $100 Gift Certificate (Oregon FeedandPet)

$300 Bedroom Furniture Gift Certificate $300 Pro Golf Gift Card


$100 Gift Certificate $300 Stearns 8cFoster Gift Certificate (Wild Birds Unlimited) $100 Gift Certificate $400 Custom FramingGift (the raquette shoppe) Certificate $100 Gift Certificate - Aesthetician $400 Gift Package -10 Roundsof Services Golf Punch Card $100 Gift Certificate for Hoodoo's Crescent LakeResort $100 High Desert Martial Arts Gift Certificate $100 Knife Gift Certificate $100 Rifle ScopeGift Certificate $100 Toward PANDORA Purchase $1000 Carpet andPad Certificate $1000 Certificate for Armstrong Alterna Luxury Vinyl Tile or Sheet Vinyl. (Material only.) $1000 Gift Certificate (M. JacobsFine Furniture) $150 Gift Certificate (Oregon FeedandPet) $1500 Gift Certificate (M. JacobsFine Furniture) $175 Gift Certificate (Oregon FeedandPet) $200 CustomFramingGift Certificate $200 Fishing Gear 8c Tackle Gift Certificate $200 Gift Card (ProGolf of Bend) $200 Gift Certificate (OregonFeed and Pet) $200 Gift Certificate (Budget Blinds ofDesch.County) $2000 Gift Certificate (M.Jacobs Fine Furniture) $25 Dining Gift Certificate $25 Dry Cleaning Gift Certificate $25 Gift Certificate for FreshFloral Arrangement $250 Gift Card (ProGolf of Bend)

$400 Oceanfront Lodging Gift Certificate in Yachats $400 Pro Golf Gift Card $50 Dining Gift Certificate $50 Dry Cleaning Gift Certificate $50 Gift Certificate (Oregon Feedand Pet) $50 Gift Certificate (Competitive Edge Archery Center) $50 Gift Certificate (the racquette shoppe) $50 Gift Certificate to Scanlon's Restaurant $500 Dental Gift Certificate $500 Gift Certificate (M. Jacobs FineFurniture) $500 Gift Certificate (Oregon Feedand Pet) $500 Gift Certificate (Edman FineFurniture) $500 Oceanfront Lodging Gift Certificate $500 Toward Hearts on Fire Diamond Jewelry $75 Gift Certificate (Oregon Feedand Pet) 1 Week Rental 331 Mini Excavator 1 Week Rental MT52Loaderwith Bucket 1 Week Rental 5150Loaderwith Bucket 1 Year of Unlimited "lyengar Yoga" Classes 10 Classes of "lyengar Yoga" 12-Month JOINTGym Membership


$1500 Gift Certificate from M. Jacobs Fine Furniture

1 Week Rental 331 Mini Excavator from Bobcat of Central Oregon $1000 Ggft Certgfgcate from M. Jacobs Fine Furniture $1000 Carpet and Pad Certificate from Carpetco Flooring Hardwood or Laminate Flooring (Material

One Cool Sculpting Treatment from Central Oregon Dermatology Mini Neck Lift from Enhancement Center Medical Spa One Year Individual Tennis Membership from Athletic Club of Bend 1 Year of Unlimited "Iyengar Yoga" Classes from lyengar Yoga

Only) from Carpetco Flooring $1000 Certificate for Armstrong Alterna Luxury Vinyl Tile or Sheet Vinyl. (Material


from Carpetco Flooring One Year Individual Non-Tennis Membership V-Beam Rosaccia Procedure (3 Treatments) from Athletic Club of Bend from Northwest Medi Spa 6 Months of Interior Plant Rental/MainteComplete Set of Ladies Cleveland Bloom nance at Your Home or Office (Petal Pink) from Cascade Garden Center from Pro Golf of Bend



12-Month SINGLEGym Membership 19 Classes of "lyengar Yoga" 22' x 22' Stick Built Garage 2-Months All AgesJiu-Jitsu (2 classes perweek) 2-Months Beginning Taekwondo (1 class perweek, includes uniform) 2-Months Beginning Taekwondo (2 classesperweek, includes uniform) 2-Months Female-Only Taekwondo (oneclass perweek) with Uniform 2-Months Female-Only Taekwondo (two classesper week) with Uniform 2-Months Masters Class(55+, 1 class per week, includes uniform) 2-Months TaekwondoFamily Membership (includes 3 uniforms) 2-Months Taekwondo-do's with Uniform (one classper week) 2-Months Taekwondo-do's with Uniform (two classesper week) 2-Way LCD Remote Start with Security 3 Month Individual FitnessClub Membership 6 Classes of "lyengar Yoga" 6 Month Individual FitnessClub Membership 6 Months oflnterior Plant Rental/ Maintenance atYour Homeor Office 6-Month JOINTGymMembership 6-Month SINGLE Gym Membership Adams Ideaa12OSHybrid Irons Adult Lift Ticket Autobahn Tubing Center Pass - Package for Four Big Play ThingParty Package Bikini Line LaserHair Removal Binoculars and Bird IDGuide Brazilian Wax Bye ByeBelly Chainsaw - DolmarPS-32

Christmas EvergreenWreath - Custom Decorated

Chicken Coop Chin Laser Hair Removal

Joint12 Month Pre-Pay Joint 3 Month Pre-Pay Joint 6 Month Pre-Pay Laser AgeSpot Removal - Arms

Christmas Centerpiece - Custom Designed

Clear+ Brilliant Collagen Induction Facial Therapy (Skin Needling) Complete Backyard Bird Feeding Station Complete Set of LadiesCleveland Bloom (Berry) Complete Set of LadiesCleveland Bloom (Petal Pink) Concrete Birdbath Corinthian Bells 44" Wind Chimes Covered TrayBird Feederw/ Mounting Pole andBird Food Custom-Made Butcher Block Deluxe Pedicure/Manicure w/ Shellac Dermaplaning (2 Sessions) Downhill Skier AnyCard Engineered StoneCountertops - Material B Installation EXONICEXM930 HP9" Overhead Video with Headphones Express MicrodermFacial Family SeasonPass Field - All Sports Party Five PineStayand PlayPackage Foto Facial LaserRejuvenation Treatment Four Drawer StorageStand FoursomeofGolfon Nicklaus Course Full Set of Artificial Nails, Gel or Acrylic Gift Certificate Hardwood or Laminate Flooring Material Only Heated Birdbath with Stand Home Theatre Hookup - 3hours labor, parts included, up to 55" TV Hoophouse House Style SeedBtSuet Bird Feeder Individual SeasonPass(cart not included) Italian Palladio FramedMirror -57" x44"

Laser AgeSpot Removal - Chest Laser AgeSpot Removal - Face Laser AgeSpot Removal - Hands Laser Hair Removal - Chin - 6 Treatments LaserHair Removal - Lip - 6 Treatments Laser Lipolysis Body Laser Lipolysis Face Laser Photo Rejuvenation Lift 8t ToneFacial Lip Laser Hair Removal Medical Vi Peel Microdermabrasion Microdermabrasion with European Facial Mini Neck Lift MVP Birthday SkateParty NVS Auto Dimming Mirror - Compass - MITOHarness One Cool Sculpting Treatment One Hour Massage One Night Stay in aOneBedroom Premium Condo One YearCouples Non-Tennis Membership One YearCouplesTennis Membership One YearElementary School Tuition One YearFamily Non-Tennis Membership One YearFamily Tennis Membership One Year Individual FitnessClub Membership One Year Individual Non-Tennis Membership One Year Individual Tennis Membership One YearJazzercise Membership One Year Middle SchoolTuition One YearPreschool Tuition One YearSingle Full Use Membership Orchid Arrangement Permanent Makeup (Cosmetic Tattooing) EYEBRO WS Permanent Makeup (Cosmetic Tattooing) EYELINER Private Platinum SkateParty Pro Shop$100 Gift Certificate Queen SizeMaster Sleigh Bed Remote Start with KeylessEntry




Round of Golf for Four (with cart) Round of Golf for Two (with cart) Shellac Polish Package Silkpeel/ Microdermabrasion Facial Single12 Month Pre-Pay Single 3 Month Pre-Pay Single 6 Month Pre-Pay Six Drawer StorageChest Six Month CouplesFull Use Membership Six Month Jazzercise Membership Six Month Single Full Use Membership Snowman SeedCylinder with Feeder Soccer Skills Class Ages - 7-11 Soccer Tots - BEARS(Back to Back Sessions) - Ages5-6 Years Soccer Tots- CUBS(Back to Back Sessions) - Ages3-4 Years Soccer Tots -TEDDIES(Back to Back Sessions)- Ages 18Months - 3 Years Spider Vein Removal (Full Legs) Spider Vein Removal (Half Legs) Squirrel Proof Bird Feeder Stickley Area Rug Student SeasonPass Taylormade Adjustable Driver RBZ 9.5 Stiff Three DrawerStorageBench Three Month Jazzercise Membership Titleist 910 D2Driver Troon Golf Academy -2 Hour Lesson Two Night Stay in Junior Suite Two Night Stay in Junior Suite w/2 Rounds of Golf Two Nights Junior Suite Mark Spencer Hotel Underarm LaserHair Removal Valentine's DayBouquet V-Beam RosacctaProcedure (3 Treatments) Waxing Service/Service of your choice Wood Compost Bin Young Adult SeasonPass





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Pa N

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+ NASD <QGHANGE-74.64-2.48% + DO+ jON~SGHANGE-312.95-2.36% + Stti'Mij GHANGE-33.86-2.37% IN BRIEF Boardings drop at Redmond Airport Passengerboardings at Redmond Airport

dropped nearly 3 percentlast month over October 2011, according

to airport figures. But for the first10 months of this year, they have

declined less than 1 percent over the same period last year. In October, 18,943

passengers flew out of Redmond Airport, 513

fewer than in October 2011, according to the figures released

Monday. FromJanuary through October, the airport recorded 201,979

v BONDS Tr~ss" CHANGE-5.71%

C'H'A'N «",o"9,2o v SILVE v GOLD RCHANGE-$0.368

Netflix faces ouc mar ex ansion e ins challenges • The Bendretirement community's new building will house a'memory-care' facility Elon Glnckllch The Bulletin

Work has started on a major expansion for the Touchmark at Mt. Bachelor Village retirement community in southwest Bend. Construction crews have started surface grading to build a two-story, 38,000square-foot building with 32 rooms tocare forresidents with Alzheimer's disease and

to the variety of housing options — from independent living in cottages and homes to apartments with 24-hour stafflng and respite careTouchmark currently offers. The company submitted expansion plans to the city of Bend in May, but officials have been planning the expansion forseveralyears,according to planning documents. The Alzheimer's patient rooms would create what the state calls a "memory-care" facility. The Oregon Department of Human Servicesdesignates memory-care facilities that

19 rooms for traditional senior care, Touchmark officials sa>d. The new care center at the facility near Reed Market Road east of Century Drive is expected to open no later than fall 2013, said Tom Biel, executive director of Touchmark at Mt. Bachelor Village, though he declinedto give a m ore specific time line. The new center would add

provide specialized services for people with Alzheimer's, dementia and other memoryaffecting illnesses. The new Touchmark care center will face Southwest Reed Market Road. The ground floor will house the memory-care facilities, while the second floor will house the 19 additional patient-care rooms. Additional plans call for a small courtyard area. "We're excited to be getting under way," Biel said. "We're making a significant investment." SeeTouchmark/E3

boardings, 982 fewer than during the same period in 2011.

The economy Obama faces

Tariffs vs. China to move forward The U.S. International Trade Commission said W ednesday thatChinese

business practices have been harming the domestic solar industry, meaning that tariffs of roughly 24 to 36 percent

4" p

I e.

~ PR I I

on most solar panels imported from China


4I „~'

can go forward. The decision, which

. ~~ a ®~

comes after several related investigations and

rulings beginning more than a yearago, wasa victory for the U.S. panel

producers who filed the case andhave been struggling to survive in a market glutted with

- go+ + ~ '

cheap Chineseimports. The casewas important for the health of the domestic industry,

supporters say, andalso for sending a message that the U.S. was willing to enforce its trade laws. Opponents of the action, which include

solar developers and

Henny RayAbramg I T he Associated Press

A trader on the floor of the New York Stock Exchangelooks at the front page of a newspaper on Wednesday, the day after President Barack Obama was re-elected. With the election over, U.S. investors dumped stocks Wednesday and turned their focus to issues including a looming "fiscal cliff" of tax increases and spending cuts.

installers, have argued that the tariffs would make it more difficult for

U.S. companies to do business abroad.

Outlook gloomy for EU economy Europe's economy is still reeling and unem-

ployment could remain high for years despite the progress madein solving the debt crisis,

the EuropeanUnion warned Wednesday, as it downgraded next

year's forecasts for the 27-country bloc.

The EuropeanCommission, the executive arm of the EU, on

Wednesday revised down its forecast for the

region's gross domestic product, which it now

expects to grow by just 0.4 percent in 2013,

compared to its expectations this spring of1.3 percent growth.

The commission had previously expected the 17 countries that use the euro to find its footing next year, with1 percent growth. Now it predicts

only a 0.1 percent uptick. — Staffand wire reports

Joblessrate Percent of gKIK9I civilian labor 8.9% force that is unemployed, by month, seasonally adjusted: 10



OCT. '12

Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics © 2012 McClatchy-Tribune News Service

By Paul Wlseman and Christopher S. Rngaber

create jobs by preserving low income tax rates for all except highThe Associated Press income Americans, spending more ome reward. on public works and giving targeted Here's the assignment tax breaks to businesses. P resident B arack O b a ma He used his victory speech in has won with his re-election: Chicago to stress that the economy Improve an economy burdened by is recovering and promised action high unemployment, stagnant pay, in the coming months to reduce the a European financial crisis, slowing government's budget deficit, overglobal growth and U.S. companies haul the tax system and reform imstill too anxious to expand much. migration laws. "We can build on the progress And, oh yes, an economy that risks sinking into another recession we've made and continue to fight for if Congress can't reach a budget new jobs and new opportunity and deal toavert tax increases and deep new security for the middle class," spending cuts starting in January. Obama said. Yet the outlook isn't all grim. Signs The jobs picture has already been suggest that the next four years will improving g r adually. E m ployers coincide with a vastly healthier econ- added a solid 171,000 jobs in October. omy than the previous four, which Hiring was also stronger in August overlappedthe Great Recession. and September than first thought. Obama has said he would help See Economy/E3

New faces likely in economic posts

Detroit Free Press

It may, or may not, surprise you that, even after the economic recovery, those with m oney have more than a few worries, too. First, some good news: Wealthy investors who saw a rebound in their own fortunes are more optimistic that the U.S. economy is on the rise, according to a PNC survey. About 28 percent of affluent investors surveyed gave the economy athumbs-up

By Troy Wolverton San Jose Mercury News

Depending on whom you ask, Netflix is either a company that's poised for a remarkable resurgence or a washedup has-been whose best days are behind it. While both sides have a legitimate case to make, corporate raider Carl Icahn is betting on a rebound. While they're at odds with Icahn, Netflix's managers — and some analysts — are optimistic about the company's prospects. The company is basically inventing what it calls "Internet television," getting smarter about how it operates and is investing l cah n in international markets to position itself for long-term growth. "Internet TV is the future of television, and we are leading the charge," Reed Hastings and David Wells, Netflix's chief executive and chief financial officers, respectively, said in a letter to shareholders last month. But other analysts and investors question Netflix's longterm prospects and its ability to ever resume the heady growth it recorded for much of the past decade. They see a company struggling to control the costs of its streaming business while letting its older but highly profitable DVD business wither away. Netflix's management is very clear about the company's strategy, "but I don't think it's a good one," said Michael Pachter, a financial analyst who covers the company for Wedbush Securities, adding that he sees only two paths ahead: It's either going to be "a high-growth, unprofitable business or a low-growth profitable one." The future prospects of the streaming video company have beenmuch debated in the wake of Icahn's move last week to take a 10 percent stake in the Los Gatos, Calif., company. SeeNetflix/E3

President BarackObama'ssecond term is likely to have some

different faces in keyeconomic positions, starting with a new Treasury secretary to replace departing Timothy Geithner.

Securities and Exchange Commission ChairwomanMary Schapiro also reportedly is considering stepping down, ayear before her five-year term ends in early 2014.

And Federal ReserveChairman Ben Bernanke might not want to

re-up for another four-year term as head of the central bank. — Los Angeles Times

How do investorsfeel about their money? By Susan Tompor

on path to 'Internet TV' dominance

sign — a significant change who w ere optimistic in 2011. 2009. from only10percent who felt W h at could be even more Housing appears to have as good a year ago. telling: About 70 percent hit bottom. Based on the latMore than half reported were p essimistic about real est numbers, housing prices that their net worth estate in 2011, but rose 2 percent nationwide in has grown at least 20 PER50NAL on l y31percent August froma year earlier, percen. stnce2 ' expresse suc pes the biggest gain since July FINANCE simism this year. according to PNC's 2010, according to the S8 P/ seventh annual The others said Case-Shiller index of propWealth and Values Survey they ' r e neither optimistic nor erty values in 20 U.S. cities. Yet "it's not quite the 'EvInvestors' Outlook. pessimistic. And people sense better Some of this makes a good erything is fantastic' story," days aheadfor real estate, d eal of sense: The Dow Jones said Thom Melcher, executoo. About 36 percent are op- i n d u strial average has shot tive vice president and mantimistic in this survey about up d r a matically and more aging executive of Hawthorn the real estate market, comtha n doubled since hitting a PNC Family Wealth. pared with only 9 percent l ow o f 6 ,547.05 on March 9, SeeInvestors/E3

Used car prices likely to rise in Sandy's wake By jerry Hirsch Los Angeles Times

Expect used car prices to rise nationally because of Hurricane Sandy. The storm destroyed about 250,000 used vehicles on the East Coast, and maybe more, according to estimates by the National Automobile Dealers Association. That puts pressure on what already is a tight supply of good-condition, late-model used cars and could push prices for such vehicles up by 0.5 percent to 1.5 percent in December, said Jonathan Banks, an analyst with NADA. The dealer group said that amounts to a little more than $50 to $175 for the average used vehicle. Auto informationcompany Edmunds.com projects a higher estimate, saying that used car prices will climb $700 to $1,000 "in the short term." While this will be felt most keenly on the East Coast, the rest of the nation is not immune, Banks said. SeeCars/E3




Continued from E1 A couple of things are r attling around i n p e o ple's minds — mainly the world economy and what some fret about the "new normal."

Continued from E1 Cheaper gas and risinghome prices have given Americans the confidence to spend slightly more. Retailers, auto dealers and manufacturers have been benefiting. That said, most economists predict the improvement will remain steady but slow. The unemployment rate is 7.9 percent. Obama was re-elected Tuesday night with the highe st unemployment rate f o r any incumbent president since Franklin Roosevelt. F ew think t h e r a t e w i l l return to a n o rmal level of 6 percent within the next two years. The Federal Reserve expects unemployment to be 7.6 percent or higher throughout 2013. Economists surveyed last month b y T h e A s s ociated Press saidthey expected the economy to grow a lackluster 2.3 percent next year, too slight to generate strong job growth. From July through September, the economy grew ata meager 2 percent annual rate. Part of the reason is that much of Europe has sunk into recession. Leaders there are struggling to defuse a debt crisis and save the euro currency. Europe buys 22 percent of America's exports, and U.S. companies have invested heavily there. Any slowdown in Europe dents U.S. exports and corporate profits. And China's powerhouse economy is decelerating, slowing growth across Asia and beyond.

Though wealthy people are o ptimistic, M e lcher said, they're also realistic about the limitations and threats ahead. "They're very worried about the global economy," he said. While about half of affluent investors say they're pessimistic about the U.S. economy, about two-thirds are pessimistic about the world economy, according to the PNC survey, which was conducted online in August and September. It involved 1,115 adults with more than $500,000 ininvestable assets. Some o t he r s u r v eys show more upbeat attitudes and some c oncerns about cash, too. The Fall 2012 Merrill Edge Report, released by Bank of America, showed that mass affluent couples — consumers with $50,000 to $250,000 in investable assets — are more confident that they will meet their financial goals. Alok Prasad, head of Merrill Edge, said the latest study marks a definite turning point. Levels of concern in such surveys had been getting worse, not better, for quite some time. "There was a ray of optimism there worth noting," he said. M elcher said what h e found m o s t i n t e resting about the PNC survey is that five years after the beginnings of the financial meltdown, high-net worth investors say they believe they experienced a change in how they think about money. About 88 p ercent say they believe it i s " m o re i mportant t ha n e ver t o live within m y m e a ns." And 3 out of 4 say they've developed a g reater appreciation for nonmaterial wealth in their lives.

Netflix Continued from E1 Icahn said Netflix was undervalued and could be worth more if it were sold to another company. O t he r i n v estors seemed to agree, and Netflix shares soared immediately after. Those shares have been in the dumps sincelastyearwhen Netflix stumbledthrough a succession of setbacks. It angered users with a price increase and an aborted attempt to sever its DVD business. Then it turned off investors by announcing an aggressive international expan-

M ost u rgently, th e U . S . economy will fall over a "fiscal cliff" without a budget deal by year's end. Spending cuts and tax increases that would total about $800 billion in 2013 will start to kick in. The combination of those measures would likely trigger a recession and d rive unemployment up t o 9 percent next year, according to estimates by the Congressional Budget Office. Many U.S. employers are

wary of expanding or hiring until that potential crisis is averted. That's why analysts have said resolving, or at least delaying, the fiscal cliff should be the most urgent economic priority for the White House. In the longer run, analysts are more optimistic. Americans are feeling generally better about the economy. Measures of consumer confidence are at ornear five-year highs. And the main reason unemploymentrose from 7.8 percent in September to 7.9 percent in October was that more people felt it was a good time to look for work. Most found jobs. Those who didn't were counted

as unemployed. (The government counts people without

jobs as unemployed only if they're looking for one.) A brighter outlook among consumers is due, in part, to a steadyincrease in home prices after a painful six-year slump. Higher home pricescan help create a "wealth effect," making homeowners feel richer and spurring more spending. Banks are also more likelyto lend freely when home prices

sion that would depress profits. More recently, it aggravated investors by failing to sign up subscribers at the robust rate it predicted at the start of the

year. For optimists, the company's

struggles are simply an indication of the challenging task it has taken on: transforming its business from a largely subscriptionDVD service focused on the United States market to an international streaming video provider. They see a company that is positioning itself well in that new market. Apps to watch Netflix videos

rise because homes are more likely to hold their value. Americans have also been shrinking debts and saving slightly more. Household debt as a percentage of after-tax income dropped from about 125 percentbefore the recession to 103 percent in the April-June quarter, according to the Federal Reserve's latest data. That ratio was roughly 90 percent in the 1990s. But thanks to r ecord-low interest rates, the cost of repaying those debts has dropped sharply. That, in turn, will free up more money for consumers to spend on cars, appliances and other goods. Americans paid 10.7 percent of their after-tax income in interest on mortgages, credit cards and other consumer debt in this year's April-June quarter, according to the Fed. That was down from 14 percent at the end of 2007. And it's the lowest proportion since 1993. Economists note that economic recoveries after financial crises tend to be painfully slow. In part, that's because time isneeded for consumers to reduce debts and for banks to recover and lend again. Paul Ashworth, an economist at C apital Economics, noted that banks have boosted lending for the past 18 months — another sign that the passage of time is helping the economy rebound. Obama "is going to have an easier time of it ... because w e'refurther along the road to recovery after the financial crisis," Ashworth said.

are availableon a range of devices that its competitors can't match. Netflix subscribers are spending increasing amounts of time watching video through the service. And the company's content partners are starting to recognize the value Netflix gives them by offering an audience for their older movies and television shows, analysts said.

Touchmark Continued from E1 Building permits list the project's value at $5.8 million. Touchmark, based in Beaverton, operates 11 senior care facilities in eight states and one Canadian province. Itsservices range from independent living for seniors to assisted living and memorycare treatment. The company has been upgrading its A l z heimer's care services throughout its facilities in recent years, as medical officials keep pace with increasing numbers of Alzheimer's and dementia cases. Most of Touchmark's facilities w e r e e s t ablished with t h e l o n g-term g o al o f providing a r a n g e o f senior-careservices,including memory care,said Jan Bellis-Squires, com p a ny spokeswoman. Worldwide, the n umber of people with dementia is expected to double between 2010 and 2030, and triple by 2050, according to the 2010 World Alzheimer's Report, published by the nonprofit Alzheimer's Disease International. Alzheimer's "is a tough issue for the people and families that we work with," Biel


T he p r oblem i s co m pounded by at least tens of Continued from E1 thousands of new cars that "We have seen a trend for were destroyed both at dealdealers, regardless of where erships and storage yards in they ar e l o cated, buying the New York and New Jerinventory online and t h at sey areas hit hardest by the means that geography is not storm. as important as in past," he All of this is going to cresaid. "It used to be that deal- ate problems forconsumers ers would buy cars from a in the region who need to rephysical auction near their place their rides quickly. "Prices could really shoot dealership." Pulling such a huge num- up for c onsumers buying ber of vehicles out of the U.S. cars right away, because fleet will have an impact at they will run into a severe the national level, Banks inventory shortage," Banks sard. said.

s~~aC,1ASSIC idb m

said. "It's really important for our r esidents that w e keep adding these services." The expansion is expected to add about 30 employees, bringing the total to about 115. The plans call for bringing on additional nurses and 24-hour support staff to provide each patient with individual care based on need. T he Touchmark a t M t . Bachelor Village expansion plan is the second memorycare project under construction in Bend. Frontier M ana g ement LLC, a North Carolina company that operates Aspen Ridge Retirement Community in Bend, broke ground in June on a 56-bed, 31,000square-foot memory-care facility o n P o w ers Road, between Southeast T h i rd Street and P a rrell R oad. That facility, to b e c alled Mt. Bachelor Memory Care, is expected to open next summer. Other Bend senior care centers offering memorycare facilities include Cascade View Nursing Center and Clair Bridge of Bend. Redmond, Pri n e v ille, Madras and La Pine also have memory-carefacili

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Colsprtw Costco

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YTD Div PE Last Chg%Chg


10 40.45 -1.01 +7.7 NikeB 1.16 16 24.28 -.71 -5.7 Nordstrm .04 24 9 .23 -.71 +66.0 NwstNG .52f 29 31.80 -.27 +59.3 OtliceMax 1.76 13 70.11 -1.47 -4.4 Paccar 4.85 -.33 +10.7 PlanarSy 1.40 13 65.18 -.06 +38.2 PlumCrk .88 20 55.60 -111 +19.4 PrecCastpt 1.10 25 97.30 -1.49 +16.8 Safeway 48 7.20 —.28 +19.6 Schnitzer .28 14 19.39 -.55 -22.7 Sherwin .53 5 1 3.69 -.71 -46.9StancrpFn .24f 53 10.51 -.84 +1.1 Starbucks .90 9 2 0.91-.82 -1 3.8 TriQuint .20 10 8 .29 -.30 +7.8 Umpqua .60f 23 24.64 -.47 +1.7 US Bancrp 14 3.90 -.23 -34.3 WashFed 15.98 +.28 +98.0 WellsFargo .67 18 20.79 -.50 -31 WstCstBcp 13 15.23 —.61 +12.3 Weyerhsr .92f 16 29.08 —.78 +12.0

Preeious metals

1.68 38 .12 19 .70 8 .75 30 1.56 26 .891 11 .841 29 .36 14 .78 12 .32 13 .88 10 .20 13 .681 47

94.65 -1.48 -1.8 57.25 -.95 +15.2 43.40 -.97 -9.5 817 -.16 +80.0 43.61 -1.51 +16.4 1.17 - J1 -38.7 43.32 -.30 +18.5 173.37 -4.33 +5.2 16.30 -.70 -22.5 29.33 -t17 -30.6 143.87 +.55 +6t2 33.88 -1.06 -7.8 51.81 +.10 +12.6 4.57 -.11 -6.1 11.81 -.59 -4.7 32.39 -1.20 +19.7 16.49 -.86 +17.9 32.91 -1.19 +19.4 21.63 -.41 +38.7 27.29 +.06 +46.2





NY HSBC BankUS NY Merc Gold NY Merc Silver

$1720.00 $1713.20 $31.651

$1713.00 $171410 $32.019

Last Previousday Aweekago

3.25 3.25 3.25


Name Vol (00) Last Chg Name Vol (00) Last Chg Name Vol (00) Last Chg BkofAm 2664980 9.23 -.71 SBP500ETF2260362 13972 -324 SPDR Fncl 1084565 15.61 -.54 C>t>group 658864 36.05 -2.42 ishEMkts 616698 41.44 -.69

Vringo 1 48092 3.24 -.33 SiriusXM 1017618 2.74 -.07 VirnetX 5 5 435 33 61 +7.32 Intel 697 507 20 91-.82 CheniereEn 46835 15.36 -.48 Microsoft 539293 29.08 -.78 NwGOld g 33350 u.22 +.25 PwshsQQQ 536863 64.17 -1.55 NovaGld g 28771 4.52 -.14 Cisco 48 5343 i7.21-.27

GainerS (S2ormore) Gainers 1$2or more) L a s t Chg %ChgName L a s t Chg %ChgName L a s t Chg %Chg

Gatners (S2 or more) Name

Startek 3. 7 4 +.67 +22.0VirnetX 3 3.61 +7.32 +27.8 ChiAutLrs 2.25 +t02 +82.9 PrUVxST rs 31.34 i4.34 +16J FABUniv 3.23 +.40 +14.1 Iridiumun 9.50 +t60 +20.3 ConsGph 33.02 +4.24 +14.7 Barnwell 3 . 4 4 +.21 +6.5 ProceraN 23.24 +2.95 +14.5 Barcshtc 19.11 +2.24 +13.3 ImpacMtg 15.25 +.76 +5.2 MobileMini 19.91 +2.31 +13.1 Edenor 2 . 2 4+.26 +13JInvCapHld 3.98 +J8 +4.6 Tangoe 14.51 +t63 +12.7 LOSerS (S2ormore) LOSerS (S2or more) LOSerS (S2or more) Name L a s t Chg %ChgName L a s t Chg %ChgName L a s t Chg %Chg 4.01 -.92 -18.7 5.03 -1.09 -17.8 21.87 -4.34 -16.6 1040 -1.76 -145 211 -.35 -14.2

Furmanite PtroqstE Teloata Higherone FordMwt


Advanced Declined Unchanged Totalissues NewHighs NewLows

Emrldo rs 4.61 -.64 -12.2 Qltyoistr eMagm 3.49 -.42 -10.7 JamesRiv

5.68 -2.92 -34.0

3.29 -1.41 -30.0 4.06 -.43 -9.6 Plexus 20.51 -7.45 -26.6 -9 2 6 01 -.61 STEC 4.54 -1.09 -194 3.24 -.33 -9.2 RubiconTc 7.30 -t73 -19.2

Bellatrix g TriangPet


Diary 585 Advanced 2,490 Declined 78 Unchanged 3553 Total issues 76 New Highs 78 New Lows

Diary 152 277 31 460 10 14

h>r ttir pnii; > iui luuil



Most Actlve (sc or more) Most Acttve (ss or more) Most Acttve (st or more)

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Awnings, Solar Screens 8 Custom Draperies

Advanced Declined Unchanged Total issues New Highs New Lows

372 2,109 75 2,556 25 102

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Net Last Chg

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13,661.72 11,231.56 5,39011 4,53t79 499.82 422.90 8,515.60 6,898.12 2,509.57 2,I02.29 3596.93 2,44t48 1,474.51 1,158.66 15,432.5412,158.90 868.50 666.16

Dow Jones Industrials

DowJonesTransportation DowJonesUtilties NYSE Composite AmexIndex Nasdaq Composite S&P 500 Wilshire5000 Russell2000

World markets

12,932.73 -312.95 5,103.52 -1 00.12 452.30 -9.96 8,138.80 -1 73.55 2,380.68 -1 7.65 2,937.29 -74.64 1,394.53 -33.86 14,599.38 -344.54 804.52 -21.29

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+9.78 +6.78

-2.15 -2.66 -2.09 +8.85

+1.80 +10.68 +5.29 +1 2.04 +13.46 +13.05 +11.92

-.74 +4.49 -2.48 +12.75 -2.37 +10.89 -2.31 +10.69 -2.58 +8.58


Here is how key internationalstock markets Key currencyexchangerates Wednesday compared with lateTuesday inNewYork. performed Wednesday. Market Close %Change Dollarvs: E x changeRate Pvsoay Amsterdam Brussels Paris London Frankfurt HongKong Mexico Milan NewZealand Tokyo Seoul Singapore Sydney Zurich

332.87 2,364.22 3,409.59 5,791.63 7,232.83 22,099.85 41,011.31 15,291.78 3,914.08 8,972.89 1,937.55 3,043.27 4,534.17 6,172.94

-1.33 t -1.45 t -1.99 -1.58 -1.96 e71 s -1.70 -2.50 -.45 t -.03 1 +.49 s +.79 s +.68 s -.74 t

AustraliaDollar BritainPound CanadaDollar ChilePeso ChinaYuan EuroEuro HongKongDollar

Japan Yen MexicoPeso RussiaRuble So. KoreaWon SwedenKrona SwitzerlndFranc TaiwanDollar

1.0415 1.5987 1.0029 .002083 .1600 1.2767 .1290 .012516 .076554 .0317 .000921 J495 1.0583 .0343

1.0438 1.5994 1.0082 .002081 .1600 1.2817 .1290 .012434 .07720 .0319 .000917 J496 1.0604 .0341

Selected mutual funds YTD HiYldBd 7.99 -0.02 +14.1 Lgcapp 16.75 -0.31 +12.0 Fidel 35.10 -0.82 +13.4 TotMktAdr4065 -095 +12.9 CapApp 41.66 -0.92 +12.1 Lord Abbelt C: RisingDivA17.00 -0.39 +9.5 EmMktS 32.50-0.41 +14.0 Name NAV Chg%Ret Cohen &Steers: FPA Funds: R tRateHi r 9.94 + 6 . 0USBondI 1t96 i0.04 +4.3 IVA Funds: Shourlncct4.68 S&MdcpVI3t16 -0.66 +5.2 Eqlnc 25.85 -0.59 +13.9 Rltyshrs 6748 -037 +127 N ewlnco 10.63 +2 . 1 G NMA u.81 +3. 0 First Eagle: Wldwide Ir1617 -0.16 +53 Lord Abbelt F: Oppenheimer8: Eqlndex 37.65-0.88 +12.7 Amer Centuy Inv: FPACres 28A5 -0.38 +7.2 Govtlnc 1065+004 +29 GlblA 4892 -054 +84 InvescoFundsA: ShtDurlnco 4 64 NA RisingavB1536 -036 +86 Groe(h 36.57-0.67 +14.9 Eqlnc 7 .82 -0.13 i9.6 ColumbiaClassZ: 2214 -0.13 +81 CmstkA 17.21 -0.45 i14.4 MFS FundsA: S&MdcpVI2633 -056 +44 HlthSci 41.1 9-0.70 +26.3 Growthl 27.29 -0.54 i11.1 AcomZ 3059 -06'I +'l24 Farholme 30.65 -t05 +32.4 Groco 9275 -211 +147 OverseasA Grolnc 2073 -047 +152 Forum Funds: EqlncA 9.11 -0.13 +1t0 TotRA 15.02 -0.20 +9.3 OppenheimerC&M: HiYield 6.90 -0.01 +12.8 Ultra 25.41 -0.59 i10.9 AcomlntZ 39.86 -0.49 +16.8 FederatedInsll: Credit SuisseComm: TotRetBd 11.65 +0.03 +6.4 GrowCOF9279 -2.11 +148 Absstrlr 1t20+0.03 +t4 GrlncAp 20.62 -048 +12.1 ValueA 25.00 -0.58 i13.0 RisingDvcp1530-036 +88 InstlcpG 18.17-0.36 +12.7 American FundsA: Frnk k OppenheimerRoch: AmcpAp 20.96 -0.39 +11.8 comReu 813 -008 -06 StrValDvls 4.99 -0.08 +6.0 GrovrthCO K92 77 -2.11 +14 8 Frank/Temp HYMuA 10.15 +0.03 +13.3 MFS FundsI: IntlBond 10.10+0.01 +5.8 Fidelity Advisor k Valuel 2512 -0 58 +13.3 RcNtMuA 7.62 +0.02 +17.7 Intl G&l 12.51 -0.16 +8.6 AMutlAp 28.03 -0.48 +10.2 DFA Funds: aghlnc r 9.29 -0.02 +12.8 FedTFAp 12.80+0.05 +89 Ivy Funds: oppenheimerY: BalAp 2005 429 +117 IntlcorEq 10.00 -0.15 +105 Nwlnsghp22.20 -0.41 +12.6 IntBd 11.17 +0.03 +4.9 GrwlhAp 4909 -093 +100 AssetSCt 2435 -0.41 +12.6 MFS FundsInsll: IntlStk 1387 -0.19 +129 12.01 -030 +128 StrlnA 12.74 +0.01 +8.9 IntmMu 10.70 i0.02 +4.9 HYTFA p 10.99 <0.03+10.9 AssetStAp25.21 -0.43 +13.3 IntlEq 18.07 -0.29 i13.5 DevMktY 3386 -040 +169 Midcap 5820 -0 93 +104 BondAp 1298+0.03 +58 USCorEq1 IntlDisc 3t61 -0.45 +14.5 IncomAp 2.19 -0.03 +10.6 AssetStrl r 25.47 -0.43 +13.5 MainStay Fundsk IntlBdY 656 +9. 6 MCapVal 2466-0.51 +153 CaplBAp 5234 -054 +93 USCorEq211.89 -0.30 +13.5 Fidelity Advisor I: Nwlnsgtl 2252 -0.42 +128 InvGrBd u.71 +004 +56 R>sDvAp 37.20 -065 +69 JPMorgan AClass: avldBA 6 09 + 1 1.3IntGrowY 2940 -039 +15.2 NAsia 1627 -0 14 +170 CapWGA p35.87 -0.56 +14.0 Davis FundsA: InvGB 803+003 +63 Stratlncp 10.70+001 +107 CoreBdA 1215+004 +4.9 ManagersFunds: PIMCOAdmin PIMS: CapWAp 21.53+0.02 +7.0 NYVenA 35.62 -0.80 +9.6 Fidelity Freedom: NewEra 42 89 -099 +20 FF2010 1418 -012 +85 LgcapVal 1t17 -029+109 U SGovAp 684 +15 JP MorganInsll: Yacktman p18.81 -0.26 +8.8 TotRtAd 11.60 i0.03 +9.4 N Horiz 34 70 -061 +u.8 EupacAp 39.52 -0.52 i12.4 Davis FundsY: FF2010K 1300 -010 +87 LowPr 3874 -069+135 Frank/rmp FrnkAdv: MdcpVal 27.94 -0.56 +17.6 YacktFoc 20.22 -0.25 +8.2 PIMCOInstl PIMS: N Inc 9 9 7 +002 +57 FdinvAp 3968 -0.75 +13.2 NYVenY 36 06 -0 81 +9.9 FF2015 u 85 -011 +87 LowPnKr 3872 -069+136 GlbBdAdv 13.48 -0.01 +13.3 JPMorgan RCl: Manning&Napier Fds: AIASetAut r11 28 +003 +151 OverSSF 8.18-013 +u 7 GOVtAp 1459+0.02 +22 Delaware InvestA: GwthAp 3326 464 +158 averlncp 9.47 i0.03 +6.7 FF2015K 1306 -011 +89 Magelln 72.14 -t62 +14.8 IncmeAd 2.18 -0.02 +11.3 CoreBond 12.15 +0.04 +5.3 WldoppA 740 -011 +11.7 AIIAsset 1271 -002 +12.6 R2010 1653 -015 +10'I FF2020 14.33 -0.15 +9.5 Midcap 29.21 -0.51 +11.8 Frank/Temp Frnk C: ShtourBd 1102+0.01 +t9 MergerFd 1576 -007 +1.1 ComodRR 6.79 -0.05 +6.3 R2015 12.84 -015 +109 HITrAp 1126 401 +123 Dimensional Fds: Metro WeslFds: Divlnc 12 28 +0.02 +13.3 R2020 17.77 -023 +u 7 IncoAp 17.89 -0.18 +9.8 EmMCrEq1913 423+12.4 FF2020K 13 46 -0 14 +9 6 Munilnc 13.62 +0.05 +7.8 Incomct 2.21 -0.03 +10.0 JPMorganSelCls: EmMktV 2844 -037 +109 FF2025 11 91 -0 15 +10 5 NwMktr 17.82 +0.01 +17.4 Frank/Temp Ml l A&B: CoreBd 12.14 +0.04 +5.1 TotRetBd 11.10 +0.03+10.7 EmgMkcurl0.48 -0.02 +7.0 R2025 13 00-019 +123 IntBdAp 13.79+0.03 +2.7 ICAA p 30.15 -0.59 >12.8 IntSmVa 15.03 -0.21 +125 FF2025K 1358 -017 +10.5 OTC 57.51 -1A3 +5.1 SharesA 2t99 -0.39 +11.7 aghYld 8.12 -001 +125 TotRtBdl 11.10 +0.03 +10.9 EmMkBd 12.42+0.02 +14.7 R2030 1865 -029 +128 ShtourBd 11.02+0.01 +1.7 Mutual Sesies: H iYld 9 .5 7 +12 .3 R2035 13.17-023 +130 NEcoAp 28.24 -0.51 +18.8 USLgVa 22.09 -0.61 +169 FF2030 1418 -019 +107 100lndex 10.01 -0 26 +13.5 Frank/Temp Tempk NPerAp 2997 -0.47 +14.6 USSmall 22.84 -0.61 +12.0 FF2030K 13.72 -0.18 +10.9 Puritn 19 26 -0 26 +11.6 GIBdAp 13.52 -001 +130 USLCCrPls22.65 -055 +147 GblD>scA 2939 -049 +10.0 InvGrCp 11.37 +0.05 +13.9 R2040 18 74-032 +131 GlbDiscZ 2983 -049 +10.2 Lowou 10.65 +0.01 +5.8 ShtBd 486 NwWrldA 5260 450 +141 US SmVa26.28 -0.72 +14.0 FF2035 11.71 -0.18 +1t2 PuritanK 1926 -025 +u 8 GrwthAp 18.64 -035 +14.4 Janus TShrs: +28 T2169 -0.41 +74 SharesZ 2221 -039 +12.1 RealRtnl 1268+0.07 +9.3 SmcpStk 3523-076 +127 SmcpAp 3870 458 +166 Inilsmco 15.15 -0.19 +11.4 FF2035K 13.77 -0.21 +1t4 SAIISecEqF1275 -028+135 WorldAp 15.49 -0.30 +12.7 PrkMCVal +0. 9 FF2040 8.17 -0.13 +1 t2 SCmdtyStrl 893 -0.10 -0.3 Frank/Temp Tmp8&C: John HancockCI1: Neuberger&BermFds: ShortT 990 +0.01 +3.2 SmcapVal3849 -093 +u 6 TXEXAp 1321 +004 +88 F>xd 10.35 8.96 -0.10 -0.1 GIBdCp 1355 -0.01 +127 LSBalanc 13.40 -0.14 +11.0 Geneslnst 50.03 -0.81 +7.8 TotRt 1160+003 +9.6 Specln 1298 -002 +90 WshAp 30.78 -0.65 +10.2 IntVa 15.52 -028 +81 FF2040K 13.80 -0.22 +1t3 SCmdtystrF Glb5FXlnc u 30+002 +46 Fidelity Invest: SrslntGrw 11.44 -0.17 +13.2 GMOTrusl III: LSGrwth 13.29 -0.19 +11.6 Northern Funds: PIMCOFundsA: Arlisan Funds: Value 25 84 -0.67 +14.6 HiYFxlnc 747 -001 NA AIIAstAut t 1t21 +0.03 +14.7 Principal Inv: 2YGIFxd 1014 +t o AIISectEq 1272 -029 +133 SerlntlGrF 1t48 -0.17 +13.4 Quahty 22.92 -0.38 +9.9 Lamrd Instl: Intl 23 . 41 -0.38 +18.1 AMgr50 16.21 -0.14 +9.2 OakmarkFundsl: SrslntVal 909 -0.13 +12.5 GMO Trusl IV: EmgMktl 1935 418 +152 RealRtAp 12.68+0.07 +9.0 LgGGI In 998 020 +124 IntlValr 29.06 -0.38 i15.8 Dodge&cox: Eqtylncr 29.01 -0.48 +7.2 TotRtA 1t60 +0.03 +9.3 Putnam FundsA Midcap 37.29 -0.78 +13.2 Balanced 76.02 -1.32 +14.2 AMgr20r 13.33 -0.03 +6.0 SerlntlValF 9.12 -0.13 +12.7 IntllntrVI 1995 -038 +67 Longleaf Partners: MidcapVal2tu -0.48 +7.2 Income 13.94 +0.01 +7.8 Balanc 19.91 -0.28 +10.9 SrlnvGrdF'I'l.72 +004 +5.7 GMO Trusl Vl: Partners 30.19 -0.83 +13.3 Intl I r 19.23 -0.21 +16.2 PIMCOFundsC: GrlnA p 14.36 039 +142 Oakmark 4869 -1 29+16.8 TotRtC t 11 60 +0.03 +86 RoyceFunds: Bernstein Fds: Intlstk 32.74 -0.59 +12.0 BalancedK19.90 -0.29 +1to STBF 8 6 0 +001 +22 EmgMkts r1t24 -0.16 +9.3 Loomis Sayles: LSBondl 1505 403+126 Old Weslbury Fds: Intour 14 28 +0.04 +5 4 Stock u754 -284 +17.2 BluechGr 48.16 -t06 +136 Stratlnc 1t41 +001 +92 GoldmanSachsInsl: PIMCOFunds 0: PennMulr 1170 030 +87 CapAp 29.02 -0.57 +17.9 TOtalBd 1105 +0 03 +6 4 H>Yield 7.36 -0.01 +13.3 Strlncc 1537 -008 +99 Glob0pp 7 52 -0.04 +u.9 TRtn p 11 60 +0.03 +9.4 Premierlr 2013 039 +87 avMu 1494 +0.03 +33 Doubleune Funds: LSBondR 1499 -002 +123 GlbSMdcap14.75 -0.17 +1t5 PIMCOFunds P: BlackRockA: TRB(I I 11.36 NA Cplnc r 9.36 -0.02 +13.3 USBI 1196 +004 +4.3 HarborFunds: SchwabFunds: Eqtyoiv 1958 441 +94 TRBdNp 11.36 NA Contra 76.20 -t40 +13.0 Value 73.74 -t72 +16.2 Bond 13.05 +003 i8.8 StrlncA 15.29 -0.07 +10.6 LgCapstrat 9.63 -0.17 +9.8 AstAIIAuthP11.27+0.03 +15.0 1000lnvr 3983 092 +126 Dreyfus: ContraK 76.22 -t40 +13.1 Fidelity Sparlan: CapApl n st 4t14 -0.89 +11.5 Loomis Sayles Inv: Oppenheimerk TotRtnP 11.60 +0.03 +9.6 GIAIAr 1934 4.21 +7.2 S&P Sel 2210 0.52 + l2.9 BlackRock 8&C: Aprec 43.63 -0.79 +8.9 avlntl 28.81 -0.40 +12.9 500ldxlnv 4951 -t16 +12.9 Intllnvt 58.17 -0.91 +11.9 InvGrBdY 12.77 + 11.0 DvMktAp 3416 -041 +16.5 Perm PortFunds: ScoutFunds: GIAICt 1797 -019 +65 Eaton Vance I: DivrslntKr 28.80 -0.40 +13.0 500ldx I 49.52 -1.16 +13.0 Intlr 5 8 .87 -0.91 +12.2 Lord Abbetl A: GlobA p 61 19 -1 15 +13.2 Permannt 4882 -035 +5.9 I ntl 3t 4 4 OA3 +13.2 BlackROckInsll: FltgRt 9 1 1 +7.4 DivGth 29.42 -0.66 +14.5 Fidelily Sparl Adv: Harllord FdsA: AffilAp 1168 -032 +12.1 G blQrlncA 4.33 + u . 8 Price Funds: Sequoia 162.262.27 +1t5 EquityDv 19.63 -0.41 +9.7 G blMacAbR 9 88 + 4 .0 Eq Inc 46.29 -0.99 +14.3 ExMktAdr 39.47 -0.89 +12.6 CpAppAp32.58 -0.70 +130 BdDebAp 8.06 -0.02 NA I ntBdA p 6.56 +9. 2 BIChip 44.31 -0.87 +14.6 TCW Funds: GlbAllocr 19.44 -0.21 +7.4 FMI Funds: EQII 19.31 -0.38 +12.8 500ldxAdv4952 -1.16 +13.0 Harllord HLSIA: S hDurlncA p4.65 N A MnstFdA 36.35 -0.94 i13.0 CapApp 23.08 -0.27 +1t9 EmMktln 9.34+0.01 +18.9

TotRetBdl 10.29+0.01 +11.9 Windsor 49.28 t29 +15.6 Templeton Inslit: WdsrllAd 5t45 t33 +13.8 ForEqs 18.86 -0.28 +10.9 VanguardFds: Thornburg Fds: Capopp 33.14-0.73 +12.3 IntValAp 26.19 -0.26 +10.0 avdGro 16.54-030 +8.5 IncBuildC p18.63 -0.23 +8.5 Energy 59 57-t59 +'I0 IntValue I 26.79 -0.26 +10.5 Eqlnc 23 88 -0.50 +'I'I 4 Tweedy Browne: Explr 78 05 -1.65 +93 GblValue 24.81 -0.16 +13.5 GNMA u.03 +2.3 VanguardAdmiral: HYCorp 6.06 +12.4 BalAdml 23.50 -0.29 +9.5 Hlthcre 146.17-2.53 +13.7 CAITAdm 1t80 +0.04 +6.8 InflaPro 14.98+0.09 +7.1 CpopAdl 76.57 -t68 +12.3 IntlGr 18.37 -0.33 +12.4 EMAdmr 34.76 r -0.48 +11.2 IntlVal 29.56-0.54 +1to Energy 11t88 -2.98 +t1 ITIGrade 10.M+004 +9.0 EqlnAdmn5006 -t05 +u.5 Lifecon 1716-o.u +75 ExtdAdm 4435 -t01 +127 LifeGro 2319 -037 +107 500Adml12888 -3.02 +130 LifeMod 20 73-024 +91 GNMAAd 11.03 +23 LTIGrade u.14+012 +13.0 GrwAdm 3589 -0.72 +139 Morg 19.46 -0.41 +11.4 HlthCr 61 69 -1.07 +137 Mulnt 14.45 +0.03 +5.7 H >Yldcp 606 +12 5 Prmcpcor 14.91-0.28 +10.5 InfProAd 2942+0.18 +72 Prmcpr 68.70-t38 +1t3 ITBdAdml 12.23 +0.07 +7.1 SelValur 20.98-0.42 +12.9 ITsryAdml 1t81 +0.06 +2.8 STAR 20 54 -0 24 +'I0.6 IntGrAdm 58.47 -1.05 +12.5 STIGrade 1089+002 +44 ITAdml 14.45 +0.03 +5.8 StratEq 20 82-046 +135 ITGrAdm 10.51 +0.04 +9.1 TgtRetlnc 1219405 +71 L tdTrAd 1t19 +1. 9 TgRe20102430 -016 +8.3 LTGrAdml 1t14 +0.12 +13.1 TgtRe201513.41-0.13 +9.0 LTAdml 1t86 +0.03 +8.1 TgRe202023.76 -0.29 +9.5 MCpAdml99.37 -2.08 +u.5 TgtRe202513.51-0.19 +10.1 MUHYAdm1133+0.03 +92 TgRe2030 23.16 -0.36 +10.7 prmcap r 71.32 -t44 +u 4 TgtRe203513.92-0.24 +1t3 ReitAdmr 91 65 -0.45 +143 TgtRe204022 85 -0.42 +'I'l.5 STSyAdml 10.79 +0.01 +07 TgtRe204514 35 -026 +'I'I 5 STBdAdml1067 +0.02 +1 9 USGro 20 61-039 +142 ShtTrAd 1594 +0.01 +t1 Wellsly 24 47410 +93 STIGrAd 1089 +0.02 +4.4 Welltn 33 98 -043 +10.7 SmCAdm 37.51 -0.89 +12.4 Wndsr 14.60 -0.39 +15.4 TtlBAdml 1t20 +0.04 +4.3 Wndsll 28.99 -0.74 +13.7 TStkAdm 34.85 -0.81 +12.9 Vanguard IdxFdS: WellslAdm59.29 -0.24 +9.3 ExtMktI 109.47-2.49 t12.8 WelltnAdm58.69 -0.74 +10.8 MidcplstPI108.28 -2.27 t1t5

TotlntAdmr23.77 -0.37 +10.7 Totlntllnst r95Ol -1.47 +10.7 TotlntllPr 9509-1 47 +10.7 500 1 28.87 -3.01 +12.8 TotBnd 11.20+0.04 +4.2 Totllntl 14 21 -022 +10.6 TotStk 34.84 -0.81 +12.8 VanguardlnstlFds: Ballnst 23.50-0.29 +9.6 DevMklnst 932-015 +10.7 Extln 44.35 -t01 +12.8 Grwthlst 35.89-0.71 +14.0 Infprolnst u 99+008 +7.2 Instldx 128 03-299 +13.0 InsPI 128.04 -2.99 +13.0 InsTStPlus31.54 -0.74 +13.0 M>dCplst 21 95-0 46 +11.5 STIGrlnst 10.89+0.02 +4.5 2.4 SClnst 37.51 -0.89 +1 T Blst u 20 +004 +4.3 Tslnst 34 85 -081 +12.9

Valuelst 22.47-0.59 t12.0

VanguardSigna 500Sgl 10646-249 +13.0 M>dCpldx 3t36 -0.65 +11.5 STBdldx 10.67t0.02 t2.0 SmcpSig 3319-08'I +12.4 TotBdsgl 11.20+0.04 +4.3 TotStkSgl 33.63-0.78 +12.9 Virlus FundsI: EmMktl 9 91 0.06 +14.7 Weslem Asset: CorePlus I 11.72+0.04 +8.4



1f you have Marketplace events you would like to submit, please contact Ashley Brothers at 541-383-0323,email business@bendbulletin.com or click on "Submit an Event" at www.bendbulletin.com. Please allow at least 10days before the desired date of publication.


TODAY BUSINESSNETWORK INTERNATIONALDESCHUTES BUSINESSNETWORKERS CHAPTER WEEKLYMEETING: Visitors are welcome and first two visits are free; 7 a.m.; Bend Senior Center, 1600 S.E. ReedMarket Road; 541-610-9125. GETTINGTHE MOST OUT OF SCHWAB.COM:Free; noon-1 p.m.; Charles Schwab 8 Co., 777 N.W. Wall St., Suite 201, Bend; 541-3181794. OPEN COMPUTERLAB: Reservations recommended; free; 1:30 p.m.; La Pine Public Library, 16425 First St.; 541-617-7050 or www.deschuteslibrary.org. OPEN COMPUTERLAB: Reservations recommended; free; 2-3:30p.m.;Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-6177050 or www.deschuteslibrary.org. PUBLICMEETING OF THECENTRALOREGON AREA COMMISSIONON TRANSPORTATION:Free; 3-5 p.m.; City of Redmond Public Works Training Room, 243 East Antler Avenue; for more information, contact Andrew Spreadborough at 541-504-3306. BUSINESSNETWORK INTERNATIONALWILDFIRE CHAPTER WEEKLYMEETING: Visitors are welcome and first two visits are free; 3:30 p.m.; Bend Honda, 2225 N.E. U.S. Highway 20; 541-480-1765. WHO WILLMAKE DECISIONS FOR YOU?:Estate planning and elder law attorneys Ryan Correa and Linda Ratcliffe will discussthe many planning options available and the potential consequences of failing to plan ahead for a time when you maynotbeableto m akeyour own financial or medical decisions; registration required; free; 6 p.m.; Hurley Re, 747 S.W. Mill View Way, Bend; 541-317-5505.

FRIDAY COFFEECLATTER: 8:30-9:30 a.m.; RedmondProficiency Academy,657 S.W. Glacier Ave.; 541-526-0882. CENTRALOREGONREALESTATE INVESTMENTCLUB:Free; 11 a.m.; ServiceMaster Clean, 20806 Sockeye Place, Bend; 541-610-4006 or bobbleile©windermere.com. KNOW WORD III: Reservations recommended; free; 1-2:30 p.m.; Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541-617-7050 or www.deschuteslibrary.org. FREE TAXFRIDAY: Freetax return reviews; schedule an appointment at 541-385-9666 or www.myzoomtax .com; free; 2-4 p.m.; Zoom Tax, 963 S.W.Simpson Ave.,Suite100,Bend; 541-385-9666. KNOW DIGITALBOOKS: Reservations recommended; free; 3 p.m.; Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541-617-7050 or www.deschuteslibrary.org.

3-4:30p.m.;Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541-617-7050 or www.deschuteslibrary.org. SMALL-BUSINESSCOUNSELING: SCORE business counselors will be available every Tuesday for free oneon-one small-business counseling; no appointment necessary; free; 5:30-7:30 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W.Wall St.; 541-617-7080 or www.scorecentraloregon.org.

WEDNESDAY BUSINESSNETWORK INTERNATIONALBENDCHAPTER WEEKLYMEETING: Visitors are welcome and first two visits are free; 7a.m.; Bend Senior Center, 1600 S.E. Reed Market Road; 541749-0789. BUSINESSSUCCESS PROGRAM: This presentation will cover the top10 common mistakes made by employers, fromhiring through termination, and how to comply with the law and hopefully avoid liability; reservations recommended; free; 7:30 a.m.; Greenwood Playhouse, 148 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-382-3221 or www.bendchamber.org/events. KNOW DIGITALBOOKS: Reservations recommended; free; 9:30 a.m.; Sisters Public Library, 110 N. Cedar St.; 541-617-7050 or www.deschuteslibrary.org. BRING OUT THE BEST:Cuttingedge performance reviews and how to leverage team talent; $35 includes lunch; 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.; Awbrey Glen Golf Club, 2500 N.W.Awbrey Glen Drive, Bend; 541-388-8526 or http://moementum.com/webinars .php. UNDERSTANDINGAND MANAGING CREDIT: 5:30-7:30 p.m.; Neighborlmpact, 20310 Empire Ave., Suite A110, Bend; call 541-318-7506, ext. 309 to reserve a seat.


BUSINESSNETWORK INTERNATIONALDESCHUTES BUSINESSNETWORKERS CHAPTER WEEKLYMEETING: Visitors are welcome and first two visits are free; 7 a.m.; Bend Senior Center, 1600 S.E. ReedMarket Road; 541-610-9125. EFFECTIVE WINTERIZATION: Oregon CAI invites association managers to attend breakfast and a presentation on effective winterization; registration required; $10for CAI-CORCmembers and $15 for nonmembers; 7:30-9 a.m.; The Oxford Hotel, 10 N.W. Minnesota Ave., Bend; http:I/www.caioregon.org. OUTCOMES ANDOUTLOOKS, FROM THEELECTION TO THE ECONOMY: A post-election look at global and local economy and capital markets; $45 per individual memberand $55 fornonmembers; 7:30-9:30 a.m.; The Riverhouse Convention Center, 2850 N.W. SATURDAY Rippling River Court, Bend; 541-382-3221 or HOMEBUYINGCLASS: Registration www.bendchamber.org. required; free; 9 a.m.-5 p.m.; EXPLORETHEBENEFITS OF Neighborlmpact, 20310 Empire WORKING WITHSCHWAB: Free; Ave., Suite A110, Bend; 541-318noon-1 p.m.; Charles Schwab & Co., 7506, ext. 309. 777 N.W. Wall St., Suite 201, Bend; NEILKELLY DESIGN WORKSHOP: 541-318-1794. Topics include kitchen design, OPEN COMPUTERLAB: new products, energy solutions, Reservations recommended; free; a cooking and appliance demonstration and bath remodeling; 2-3:30p.m.;Downtown Bend Public free; 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.; Neil Kelly, Library, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-617190 N.E. Irving Ave., Bend; 541-382- 7050 or www.deschuteslibrary.org. BUSINESSNETWORK 7580. INTERNATIONALWILDFIRE COFFEEWITH SOROPTIMIST CHAPTER WEEKLYMEETING: INTERNATIONAL OF BEND: Get Visitors are welcome and first two to know Soroptimist and howto become an actively involved woman visits are free; 3:30 p.m.; Bend Honda, 2225 N.E. U.S. Highway 20; in the community; free; 11:30 541-480-1765. a.m.-12:30 p.m.; East Bend Public Library, 62080 Dean Swift Road; 541-382-8608 or FRIDAY president@sibend.org.

Nov. 16

MONDAY KNOW WORD FORBEGINNERS: Reservations recommended; free; 10:30a.m.-noon; La Pine Public Library, 16425 First St.; 541-6177050 or www.deschuteslibrary.org.

TUESDAY BUSINESSNETWORK INTERNATIONALHIGH DESERT CHAPTER WEEKLYMEETING: Visitors are welcome and first two visits are free; 7:15 a.m.; Bend Honda, 2225 N.E. U.S. Highway 20; 541-420-7377. MEMBER SUCCESSBRIEFING: RSVP required; 10-11 a.m.; Bend Chamber of Commerce, 777 NW Wall St., Ste 200; 541-382-3221 or shelley©bendchamber. KNOW WORD III: Reservations recommended;free;2-3:30 p.m .; Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-617-7050 or www.deschuteslibrary.org. OPEN COMPUTERLAB: Reservations recommended; free; 23:30 p.m.; East Bend Public Library, 62080 Dean Swift Road; 541-6177050 or www.deschuteslibrary.org. OPEN COMPUTERLAB: Reservations recommended; free;

HEALTHCAREREFORM2014: THE NEXTBIG WAVE OF CHANGE; WHAT DOESYOUR BUSINESS NEED TO BE READY?:Town hall breakfast forum; $30 for members and$40fornonmembers; 7:30a.m.; Bend Golf and Country Club, 61045 Country Club Drive; 541-382-3221. COFFEECLATTER: 8:30-9:30 a.m.; Redmond Senior Center, 325 N.W.


Dogwood Ave.; 541-548-6325. KNOW DIGITALDOWNLOADS: Reservations recommended; free; 10:30 a.m.; Sunriver Area Public Library, 56855 Venture Lane; 541-617-7050 or www.deschuteslibrary.org. CENTRALOREGONREAL ESTATE INVESTMENTCLUB:Free; 11 a.m.; ServiceMaster Clean, 20806 Sockeye Place, Bend; 541-610-4006 or bobbleile@windermere.com. LEADERLUNCH:Reservations required; cost of your lunch and tip; noon; Awbrey Glen Golf Club, 2500 N.W. Awbrey Glen Drive, Bend; 541-382-3221 or www.bendchamber.org. KNOW INTERNETFOR BEGINNERS:Reservations recommended; free; 1-2:30 p.m.; Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541-617-7050 or www.deschuteslibrary.org. DIGITALDOWNLOADS: Reservations recommended; free; 2 p.m.; East Bend Public Library, 62080 Dean Swift Road; 541-6177050 or www.deschuteslibrary.org. FREE TAXFRIDAY: Freetax return reviews; schedule an appointment at 541-385-9666 or www.myzoomtax .com; free; 2-4 p.m.; Zoom Tax, 963 S.W. Simpson Ave., Suite100, Bend; 541-385-9666. KNOW CRAIGSLIST:Reservations recommended; free; 3-4:30 p.m.; Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541-617-7050 or www.deschuteslibrary.org.

SATURDAY Nov. 17 OREGON ALCOHOLSERVER PERMIT TRAINING:Meets the minimum requirements by the Oregon Liquor Control Commission to obtain an alcohol server permit; registration required; $35; 9 a.m.; Round Table Pizza, 1552 N.E. Third St., Bend; 541-447-6384 or www.happyhourtraining.com.

MONDAY Nov. 19 KNOW DIGITALDOWNLOADS: Reservations recommended; free; 10:30a.m.; La Pine Public Library, 16425 First St.; 541-617-7050 or www.deschuteslibrary.org. FORECLOSURE PREVENTION CLASS:Learn about Neighborlmpact's Housing Center tools and services that can assist individuals struggling to pay their mortgages; free; 5:30-7:30 p.m.; Neighborlmpact, 2303 S.W. First St., Redmond; 541-318-7506, ext. 309, karenb@neighborimpact.org or www.homeownershipcenter.org.

TUESDAY Nov. 20 BUSINESSNETWORK INTERNATIONALHIGH DESERT CHAPTER WEEKLYMEETING: Visitors are welcome and first two visits are free; 7:15 a.m.; Bend Honda, 2225 N.E. U.S. Highway 20; 541-420-7377. OPEN COMPUTERLAB: Reservations recommended; free; 3-4:30p.m.;Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541-617-7050 or www.deschuteslibrary.org. BUSINESSAFTERHOURS: 4:305:30 p.m.; DynaCore Fitness, 444 S.W. Sixth St., Redmond; 541-7060760. SMALL-BUSINESSCOUNSELING: SCORE business counselors will be available every Tuesday for free oneon-one small-business counseling; no appointment necessary; free; 5:30-7:30 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-617-7080 or www.scorecentraloregon.org.

PERMITS City of Bend

Lambton Family Trust,3230 N.E. Sandalwood, $207,104 MichaelA. Hasenoehrl,62701 N.W.Mt.Thielsen,$260,890 ML BendUSALimited Partnership,20780 N.E. Smoke Stack, $167,091 Dutchland Properties Inc., 2671 N.W. Crossing, $176,010 West Bend Property LLC,2308 N.W. Lolo, $317,847 Stonegate Development LLC, 60357 Sage Stone, $262,633 ML BendUSALimited Partnership,20784 N.E. Smoke Stack, $184,905 Vaap LLC,2593 N.W. Awbrey Point, $210,720 Craig Smith,1265 N.E. Shane, $223,511 Simply LandLLC, 1701 N.W. Precision, $203,480 SimplyLand LLC,1222 N.W . Rockwood, $179,954

Floyd C. Antonsen,2805 N.E. Butcher, $140,059 Ewing Irrigation Products Inc., 1013 S.E. Paiute A, $525,000 Hayden HomesLLC, 20318 S.E. Knightsbridge, $124,556 Bridge at ShadowGlenLLC, 20819 S.E. Tamar, $201,809 SimplyLand LLC,1277 N.W . Criterion, $203,480 ML BendUSALimited Partnership, 63203 N.E. Black Powder, $206,284 ML BendUSALimited Partnership, 63199 N.E. Black Powder, $206,284 City of Redmond

Karoma Properties LLC,2212 N.E. Arapahoe Court, $173,391 City of Sisters

Hayden HomesLLC, West Lambert Avenue, $122,918 Stephen Burrick,West St. Helens Avenue, $389,596 Hayden HomesLLC, West Lambert Avenue, $183,022 Hayden HomesLLC, West Lambert Avenue, $162,215 Hayden HomesLLC, North

I ' ' I ll

Deschutes County

Sace Inc.,61557 Hosmer Lake Drive, Bend, $399,215.04 Jeff W. Smith,775 Ribbon Falls Road, Redmond, $242,022.56 Phillip F. Kochan,5577 S.W. McVey Ave., Redmond, $142,879.04 Steve Keeton,68590 Cloverdale Road, Sisters, $322,394.28 DonaldRodich,679W idgeon Road, Redmond, $396,420.56

Where Buyers And Sellers Meet 1000's Of Ads Every Day

Clas's'i ferds

Boeing plans new cuts to defenseunit The Seattle Times Boeing said Wednesday it will continue to shrink its defense business by reducing the number of managers and facilities and consolidating business units to cut another $L6 billion in costs in the next three years. The shake-upin Boeing's defense division is an acceleration of a cost-cutting and restructuring process that has been going on for tvvo years in response to reduced U.S. spending on new military and sp ace


programs. Boeing's ongoing cost cuts must continue even if the threat of budget sequestration is averted by the new Congress, Boeing spokesman Todd Blecher said. "No matter what happens to the defense budget, the trend line is flat to down," he said. In a memo to defenseside employees Wednesday, Dennis Muilenburg, chief executive of the St. Louis-based Boeing D e fense, Space & Se curity, or BDS, division, said the cost-cutting program has saved $2.2 billion over the past two years. For the next $1.6 billion cost-reduction phase, the company is "putting everything in our business under a microscope," Muilenburg wrote.



Buffet Turkey zuith all the trimmings

at Broken ToPClub

THURSDAY NOVEMBER 22, 2012 T hree Seati n g s :

ll am, lpm & 3pm Adults $29.95 Children 7 — 12 $13.95 6 and under FREE RSVP to reception@brokentop.com

or call 541.383.8200

This event filled up fast last year, som ake yourreservations early.


Btiy thiS StiCk-built garage fOr WaydelOWretail! Bidding starts at just 50% of the retail value - 824,850 This could beyours for just S12,425!

WEDNESDAY Nov. 21 BUSINESSNETWORK INTERNATIONALBENDCHAPTER WEEKLYMEETING:Visitors are welcome and first two visits are free; 7a.m.; Bend Senior Center, 1600 S.E. Reed Market Road; 541749-0789.


Freemont Street, $243,175 Hayden HomesLLC,West Lambert Avenue, $149,873 Habitat for Humanity,South Timber Pine Place, $167,393 Hayden HomesLLC,West Lambert Avenue, $263,540



Preseason Sale~

A~ll Skis And Boots Onnnie Iel

For illustration purposesonly

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K~QE r

Health Events, F2

N u t r ition, F4

People, F2

Money, F5 Medicine, F6


O www.bendbulletin.com/health




'8. tfW

• Research shows deficiencyrelated to inflammation

®yy 0 Dean Guernsey/The Bulletin

A stoptightlike device called a Yacker Tracker shows the volume is at acceptable levels at St. Charles Bend. As the noise increases the color changes from green to yellow to red. At red, it says, "Quiet, please."

By Anne Aurand The Bulletin

It's not uncommon to develop some level of zinc deficiency with age. It's no coincidence that older people tend to have weaker immune systems and more chronic inflammation. Chronic inflammation is linked to serious health problems such as cancer, heart disease, autoimmune diseases and diabetes. In a recent study published in the Journal of Nutritional

St. Chares keeps track of voLime

of yacks

• Fees for the services can vary widelyandbe confusing to patients



research consistently shows that a quieter setting is ultimately better for patients, said Nancy Simonson, nurse manager of St. Charles Bend's orthopedics and neurosciences unit. Higher decibels, particularly at night, can lead to elevatedblood pressures and heart rates. "A quieter environment is a healing environment," she said. To that end, the St. Charles Health System recentlylaunched a campaign to turn down the volume at its hospitals.

— Nancy Simonson, nurse manager at St. Charles Bend

Jerry Brown, a 73-yearold retiree in Bend, has gone to the same dentist for almost 20 years. Since he's uninsured and pays for his dental care out of pocket, he asked the dentist how much a crown on a molar would

The role of zinc

cost. He was told

Zinc is an essential mineral that is naturally present in some foods, added to others and available as a dietary supplement, according to the Office of Dletary Supplements, National Institutes of Health. Zinc plays a role in immune function, protein synthesis, wound healing, DNA synthesis and cell d>vtston. See Zinc/F4

about $1,000. But then, Brown noticed an ad by a Redmond dentist who offor $595 — about $400 less. Brown asked his dentist to

Pounding away the pounds

explain the significant discrepancy and was told the higher price represented an increased level of expertise and better

Simonson, who is spearheading the effort, said the campaign grew out of interest in bettering patient outcomes and patient surveys that regularly identified noise as an issue. Nationally, Simonson added, the concern is the same: Patients complain about noise in hospitals twice as often as any other part of their stay. Aspects of reimbursement from the federal government are also tied to scores on patient surveys, she said, giving hospitals an additional reason to work on noise levels. "Hospitals everywhere are working on this issue," she said. One significant part of the initiative that started last month is a change in how visiting hours work at the Bend and Redmond hospitals (see "Visiting hours," Page F6). See Quiet/F6


the questionof whyzinc deficiencies develop with age and are associated with more inflammation. "The elderly are the fastest-growing population in the U.S. and are highly vulnerable to zinc deficiency," said Emily Ho, a researcher from the Linus Pauling Institute and associate professoratthe Oregon State University School of Biological and Population Health Sciences. "They don't consume enough of this nutrient and don't absorb it very well "

fered the same procedure "A quieter environment is a healing environment."

egon re-

of zinc,F4

By Anne Anrand • The Bulletin

Hospitals aren't always tranquil places. Machines beep, carts clang and children bound down halls. Caregivers chat with patients and colleagues, and visitors gab while checking in on loved ones.

istry, Or-

• Good sources addressed

By Heidi Hagemeier The Buuetin

Zinc's ink to your immune system

quality of work. Despite that possibility, Brown is consider-

By Courtney Rubin

ing the cheaper dentist. "I still haven't done anything about it," Brown said last week. "I'm going to hold off for a while and look around." Brown is among almost half of all Americans who lack dental insurance. A report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said 42 percent of adults couldn't afford dental treatments or didn't have dental insurance. Other surveys have said the number of uninsured is even higher. When it comes to dental care, few patients put much effort into bargain hunting. Many patients probably have no idea whether they're paying a fair price. They might not realize that prices forthe same procedures can vary from office to office, and even from patient to patient within one office. The only real way to find out is to do a bit of homework. See Dentist /F5

New Yorh Times News Service

Costcomparisonsfor somecommon dental procedures inCentral Oregon Brighter.com said on

Mehdi Salari,

Richard Fixott,

its website that general dentists in Bend might

a Bend dentist, said "the a Redmond dentist, average fee" in his office said a "ball park figure" charge anywhere from is about $1,000 for a from his office is $900 for $868 to $1,210 for a crown; $180 to $327 for a a crown; $100 to $450 for crown; from $128 to $195 rear filling, depending on a filling; and $800 to $900 for a rear filling; and from the number of surfaces for a root canal. $798 to $1,089 for a root that need work; and about canal on a molar. $1,000 for a root canal on a molar, but Salari usually

sends root canal jobs to a specialist.

lllustration by Greg Cross /The Bulletin

All Cristina Peerenboom wanted in the summer of 2010 was to escape some romantic drama by disappearing into her drum playing But the petite Peerenboom had broken her drum stool standing on it to reach a

FITNE55 book, so she

spent an hour squatting as she practiced her favorite Rage Against the Machine

songs. The next morning Peerenboom — a Los Angeles personal trainer who is so hyperactive she has a computer power button symbol tattooed on her inner left wrist (nit's a pressure point," she noted) — had such aching abs and legs she could barely stand. See Drumming /F3

HEALTH HIGHLIGHTS GOOD FORYOU: Video shares researchonyoga'seff ecti veness,F2

A BETTER BUTTER: Is almond butter


or peanut butter healthier?, F4

saves seniors $4.8 billion, F5

WEARER BEWARE:The dangers of decorative contact lenses, F6



HEALTH EVENTS Editor's note:Ongoing support groups now appear online only. Seewww.bendbulletin .com/supportgroups. To submit an entry for either list, seeinstructions below.

cLAssEs CONCUSSIONBASELINE TESTING: A computerized "snapshot" of brain functioning for children ages 11-17 conducted by The Center Foundation; $10; registration required; 9 a.m.-10 a.m. Friday; The Center, 2200 N.E. Neff Road, Bend; 541-322-2321. AREATRAUMAADVISORY BOARDMEETING:Discuss various trauma-related issues with medical professionals and community members; 6:30-7:30 p.m. Wednesday; St. Charles Bend, conference room C/D; 541-706-5845. HEALTHYBEGINNINGS SCREENINGS: Freehealth screenings for ages 0-5; Friday; Sisters; call for location, 541-383-6357. HEALTHYAGING SEMINAR: Learn to maximize your workouts, increase energy and more; free; 6 p.m. Monday and 9:30 a.m.

Tuesday; Athletic Club of Bend, 61615Athletic Club Drive; www .usapainprofessionals.com or 541-323-3363. NO PAINLIFEGAIN: Learn about anti-inflammatory foods from physical therapist Allison Suran; registration requested; free; 5:306:30p.m.Monday; Healing Bridge Physical Therapy, 404 N.E. Penn Ave., Bend; 541-318-7041. TYPE2 DIABETESEDUCATIONAL MEETING:Learn about "Movement and MassageforDiabetes";4-5 p.m . Tuesday; St. Charles Bend, East Dining Room, 2500 N.E. Neff Road; 541-706-4986. NAMI EDUCATIONALMEETING: Dr. Robin Henderson and Dan Stevens will speak on coordinated care organizations at the National Alliance on Mental lllness Central Oregonmeeting;7-9 p.m.Tuesday; St. Charles Bend, Heart Center Conference Room, 2500 N.E.Neff Road; www.namicentraloregon.org. "BE THANKFUL"BLOODDRIVE: Hosted by the American Red Cross and Cowgirl Cash, with a free pair of socks and snacks for donors; registration required by Nov. 16; 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Nov. 19; Cowgirl Cash, 924 N.W. Brooks St., Bend; 541-678-5162.

How to submit Health Events:Email event information to healthevents© bendbulletin.com or click on "Submit an Event" at www.bend bulletin.com. Allow at least10 days before the desired date of

publication. Ongoing class listings must be updated monthly and will appear at www.bendbulletin.com/healthclasses. Contact: 541-383-0358. People:Email information about local people involved in health issues to healthevents©bendbulletin.com. Contact: 541-383-0358.

PEOPLE Dr. M att Clausen has recently joined St. Charles Medical C enter's F a m ily Care Clinic in Dr . Matt Bend. C l ausen Ci a usen is a graduate of Oregon Health & Science University a n d completed a residency at the University of Utah. Jen Rost has recently j o ined Therapeutic Associates Physi-

National Institutes of Health, and specializes in t r eating common breathing problems as well as uncommon lung disorders. Dr. R ebecca S herer has r e, ~r~ cently joined St. Charles Medical Center's I n f ectious Di s ease Clinic in Bend. Dr. Shereris agradu- Re b ecca ate of Tulane Uni- Sh e rer versity School of M edicine, a n d cal Th e rapy trained at Tripler Army Mediat the A t hletic cal Center in Honolulu and Club o f B e n d Je nRost, Walter Reed Army M edical as a p h y sical PT Center in Washington, D.C. therapist. R o st P aul We s t received her deg ard h a s r e gree in physical therapy from cently joined Rethe University of M o ntana. bound Physical She has also practiced physi- Therapy's Prinecal therapy i n W a shington ville clinic as a and Montana. Rost specializes physical t h eraPa ul in outpatient orthopedics, pe- pist. W estgard We s tgard, diatrics and sports medicine r eceived hi s PT rehabilitation. doctor of physiD r. K evi n cal therapy from Sherer has r ethe University of C olorado. cently joined St. He is board certified in both Charles Medical orthopedic and sports physiCenter's Pulmocal therapy, and is a certified nary Clinic i n Dr. K evin strength a n d c o n d itioning Bend. Sherer, a Sh e rer specialist. Westgard has also pulmonologist practiced physical therapy in and critical care Denver and Vail, Colo., and in specialist, has trained with the Lincoln City.


Videosharesresearchonyoga'seff ectiveness The National Center for Complementary

yoga poses. Also, yoga postures should be modified based on individual abilities,

and Alternative Medicine, part of the National Institutes of Health, has released a

video that features research onyoga, how

and instructors need to know about any

yoga works, its safety and its effectiveness in treating certain health problems.

medical issues practitioners have. A 2007 Centers for DiseaseControl and

The video, available at http://nccam. nih.gov/video/yoga, highlights the work

Prevention survey reported that13 million

of two yoga researchers. It says yoga is generally considered to besafe in healthy people when practiced appropriately under

is on the rise as mind-body therapies are

Casey Rossetto demnoneraaing "Standing Bow pose" in Bend.

American adults — 6 percent — practiced yoga in the previous year, andthe number becoming increasingly integrated into the health care system.

the guidance of a well-trained instructor.

However, people with high blood pressure, glaucoma or sciatica, and womenwhoare pregnant, should modify or avoid some

— Anne Aurantt, TheBulletin

Bulletin file photo

Gut bacteria are different in diabetics

East Cascade Women's Group is pleased to welcome Lindy Vranlak, M.D. to our practice. Dr. Vraniak loves all aspects

of obstetrics and gynecology By Rosie Mestel

with a special interest in

Los Angeles Times

There's a lot of talk these days about the role of gutbacteria in disease and health. The latest report in that area: a study in Nature that finds differencesbetween the bacteria growing in the guts of people who have diabetes and those who don't. The Chinese and European authors of the study used DNA analysis to figure out the bacterial populations inside 345 Chinese people. They found that people with diabetes had mild gut d isturbances. They h a d fewer bacteria that make a compound calledbutyrate, for example. And they had higher levels of various bacteria that can increase in number when opportunity strikes and thereby cause disease.

adolescent gynecology and obstetrics. Dr. Vraniak was

recently married and is thrilled to be living in Bend with her

husband, dog and cat. She and her husband are avid trail runners, mountain bikers, and

skate skiers. You may see her occasionally compete in one

L indy Vraniak , M . D .

of the local half marathons.

F East Cascade Women's Group Supporting the Health and Well-Being of Women of All Ages. ~II



l l

the legs will be elevated by the ball rather than in contact DAYTON, Ohio — A great with the floor. Maintain a rigid core exercise, stability ball knee torso and do not allow sagging tucks help to strengthen many of the low b ack. Engaging muscle groups at the same time, the abdominals throughout including the abdominals, low t he repetition w il l h el p t o back, legs and arms. keep the back in its proper This exercise also incorpo- alignment. rates use of smaller stabilizing Next: slowly begin bending muscles that are responsible your knees, bringing them tofor improving balance. When ward your chest. Your upper performed as a regularpart body should not move. This of a fitness routine, increased will require you to focus on overall s t rength, i m proved keeping your balance as the balance, stability and posture stability ball rolls toward you. can be expected. Finish: Stop at t he p o int where you have pulled your Execution knees in t o t h ei r f u r t hest, First: Place a small to mehold briefly and then return dium-size stability ball on the to starting position. floor and kneel next to it with Advanced: P e rform t h e your body f acing th e b all. exercise, but continue tuckWith your stomach positioned ing the knees until they are on the ball and keeping hands under your torso and then in contact with the floor, very lift the hips upward toward slowly begin walking forward the ceiling. This position will using your hands, until your resemble a partial handstand, feet leave the floor and shins with the arms straight and are resting on the ball, wrists wrists under shoulders. under your shoulders. Once in this position it will Marjie Gilliamis a personal trainer resemble a push-up, although and fitness consultant.


arthritis have shown mixed results.

I(nee tucks work the abdomina sand more


A growing body of evidencesays yoga can help back pain. Studies onyogafor


• ' L

By Mariie Gilliam Cox tV ewspa pers



FITNESS Drumming

Rachel Warren, front, leads a Pound fitness class at Crunch, in New York. Drumming workouts like Pound, which incorporates weighted drumsticks into its cardio routines, and Drums Alive are turning percussion into the rock star of the fitness world.

Continued from F1 "I realized moving around the kit while squatting was pretty much like Pilates but on your feet," said Peerenboom, now 26. Her friend, Kirsten Potenza, now 27, a fellow drummer and former college rower, was intrigued. (The pair met, fittingly, while taking turns on the Velvet Revolver drummer Matt Sorum's kit at a party in the Hollywood Hills.) The pals spent three months on a f r iend's rooftop deck, hashing out f ast-paced but simple squat and lunge-centric routines. They added innuendo (in a "T8 A" segment, the T stands for "thighs") and plastic weighted drumsticks in a Nickelodeon slime-green hue. In a 50-minute class, they calculate, participants smash a mat on the floor with the quarter-pound Ripstix (double the weight of an average drumstick) an average of 15,000 — yes, 15,000 — times.

,.er ranaDanny Ghitis

New York Times News Serwce

Rock star fitness Their workout, Pound, has been a hit, inspiring cardio catharsis (and a s c r amble for spots) at gym chains like Crunch, home of Coregasm and other cheekily n amed classes, as well as at corporate gyms on the Sony Pictures lot and, perhaps inevitably, the R ecording A c a demy's Santa Monica headquarters. Jack McAlpin, a26-year-old management consultant, confessed he regularly sneaks in the side door of his gym to snag a spot. After his first time trying Pound, "I was walking funny the next day," he said approvingly. "The weight of t he drumsticks t hrows o f f your balance, so your core is killing you at the end." Rock musicians hardly have a reputation for healthy living, and until recently, taking fitness cues from the drummer — the one guy on stage who spends the whole concert sitting down — m ight have seemed about as effective as hitting fat with drumsticks and

/ / r

/ yjy Ann Jnhanasnn /New York Times News Service

Women participate in a Pound fitness classat Crunch, in Burbank, Calif.

core fans: suburban women older than 40 who often take the class in recreation centers, said Jen Dagati, head of the company's North A m erican licensing arm. The workout, available in Queens, is also big in senior centers (usually accompanied by a big band soundtrack) because it is easily modified for limited mobilhoping it disappeared. ("We're ity. Its founder, Carrie Ekins, easy scapegoats," said Clem an American living in GerBurke, the Blondie drummer, many, hit upon the workout with a laugh. "We're not mov- while drumming on boxes in ing targets, we're stationary in frustration after she injured that respect.") But Pound and her hip in a car accident. a handful of other drummingDagati said, "I don't think inspired offerings, like Drums you ever get too old to want to Alive, a German import, are feel like a rock star." turning the percussionist into Richard Cotton, an exercise the rock star of th e f itness physiologist and the national world. director of certification for the Donna Cyrus, Crunch's sen- American College of Sports iorvice president for programMedicine, pronounced Pound ming, said Pound's instant more challenging than Drums popularity prompted her to ex- Alive "because of the core pand the chain's offerings of s trength and f l exibility r e it "far more than other signa- quired to reach the floor." But ture classes we have launched Drums Alive, he added, can in the past." Hard Candy, the still be very aerobic." Skeptics gym chain partly owned by take note: "If you're in decent t he workout v oguista M a shape for either one of these donna, will begin offering the workouts, you're going to burn workout at some clubs in 2013. at least as many calories as Next up: a training session at any other vigorous group exthe Mexico City health club of ercise class," he said. "It's cerYankees third baseman Alex tainly not going to be less." Rodriguez. E ven air d r u mming h a s Meanwhile, Drums Alive, started getting some respect, which involves taking a pair of at least aerobically. Ari Gold, hickory drumsticks to a hip- the writer and director of the height exercise ball perched 2008 air-drumming comedy on step aerobics risers, has "Adventures of Power" (and, spread to all 50 states (and at to his amusement, "accidenleast six other countries). Its tally the world emissary of

something so sublimely ridiculous"), last year ended up airperforming Van Halen's "Hot forTeacher" foran audience of 5,000 in Finland. "It was by far the most intense workout I've ever had," said Gold, whose film's cast included (drum roll, please) Adrian Grenier. (Ari Gold is also the name of Grenier'scharacter's agent on the television show "Entourage." In real life, the pair are members of a band called the Honey Brothers; Grenier is the

three hours night after night," said Smith, wh o e stimated that only a professional athl ete could. Burke, now t h e namesake for the Clem Burke Drumming Project, which has also worked with drummers from Bloc Party and Primal Scream, burned nearly 600 calories an hour in concert. That's more than he would have burned running, Smith said. What does Burke, 56, think of drumming's fitness moment'? Of course he is in favor of anything that puts "a positive spin" on drumming, but he said doubtfully of the new workouts: "Fifty people with d rumsticks? Sounds like i t would be pretty noisy." (Surprisingly, it's no worse than any other class with loud music; the Pound founders often teach without microphones.) Neil Peart, who was named the third-best drummer of all time in a 2011 Rolling Stone readers poll and provides inspiration for some gymgoers, said that in the three and a half w eeks of rehearsals before his

band, Rush, began its 2012 tour last week, he dropped at least 10 pounds. Peart, who reported changing out of sweaty clothes two and three times a day, joked: "Obvious business opportunity. 'Do you want to lose weight

and tone your entire body, from your nose to your toes? Sign up now for the fabulous new Bubba Drum Workout!'"

(Bubba is Peart's nickname.) The weight loss wasn't because Peart, 59, was out of shape. He took up distance swimming in his 30s and favors cross-country skiing. On a day off between shows in Red Rocks, Colo., in 2010, he chose to flesh out the plot of a novelization of the band's 2012 "Clockwork A n gels" album by climbing the 14,265-foot Mount Evans with his co-author, Kevin J. Anderson. This year's pre-tour train-

ing regimen began in February. Three times a week, P eart would b ik e 2 0 m i n utes to his local Los Angeles YMCA, swap his helmet for a bandanna, and spend 30 minutes on the cross-trainer (keeping his heart rate near his recommended maximum), followed by calisthenics, yoga sun salutations (he held each pose for a count of 20 Mississippi) and the return bike ride home. His favorite workout track? Silence. "The only activity I combine with music is driving," Peart said. "For me, exercise is an act of will."


November Educational Meeting

CH A N G IN G H E A L T H C A R E IN OUR C O M M U N I T Y — WHA T ARE CO O R D I N A T E D C ARE OR G A N I Z A T IO N S ? How will they affeet your healthcare? Presenters: Dan Stevens (PacificSource), & Robin Henderson (St. Charles Health System) When: 7 — 9PM, November 13, 2012 (2"' Tues) Where: St. Charles Medical Center Bend 2500 Neff Rd • Heart Center Conference Room Please plan to attend this public forum: Topics: What are CCos? Why & how were they created? Triple Aim: Better care, better health, lower costs how — will this be achieved? How is the community involved? How are CCOs structured? Meeting is free and open to the public. www.narrricentralore on.or

drummer) Cotton said: "Even if you're just d r u m ming r a n domly, all of your limbs are moving. That's a ton of core work."

150 beats per minute Marcus Smith, who worked with England's Olympic boxing team and studies sports and exercise physiology at the University of C h ichester in England, has been waiting for a drumming fitness boom. Over an eight-year period, Smith and his team ran tests on Clem Burke of B londie, measuring his heart rate, oxygen uptake and levels of lactic acid in his blood while on tour. (Smith has been a Blondie fan since he was 15 and, he said, "in love with Debbie Harry.") Burke's heart rate averaged 140 to 150 beats per minute, which is roughly equivalent to running 10-minute miles, with peaks at 190 beats, or fiveminute miles. "You try getting on a treadmill and matching that for

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Recommended dietary allowances(RDAs) for zinc




' klti



7-12 months

14-18 years

3mg 3mg 5mg 8mg 11 mg

3mg 3mg 5mg 8mg 9mg

12 mg

13 mg

19+ years

11 mg


11 mg

12 mg

1-3 years 4-8 years



9-13 years

Comparing nut dutters Ever wondered if almond butter was healthier than peanut butter? Turns out, there's very little difference, in terms of nutritional value. Here's

a comparison:

Almondbutter 1 TBS of almond butter, plain with salt

Calories ...................98 Protein .................3.4g Fat........................8.9g Carbohydrate...........3g Fiber ....................1.6g


Peanut butter 1 TBS of peanut butter, chunk style with salt

Calories ...................94 Protein .................3.9g Fat............................8g Carbohydrate.......3.5g Fiber ....................1.3g

Sugar ...................1.4g "Almond butter has

slightly more calcium and fiber than peanut butter and the saturated fat content is a little bit lower. But peanut butter has a higher

concentration of plant sterols and stanols which may help lower

LDL (badj cholesterol. I wouldn't say that one is more nutritious than

the other," said Annie Baumann, registered dietitian at Bend

Memorial Clinic. "The most important thing to remember when choosing any nut butter is to make sure there

are no addedfats or sugars. The ingredients list on a natural peanut or almond butter will contain the nut and maybe salt. There shouldn't be anything

else." Source: LI.S. Departmentof Agriculture nutnent database

Greg Cross /The Bulletin


Goodsourcesofzinc MILLIGRAMS

Oysters, cooked, breaded and fried

Source: Office of D>etary Supplements, Nat>onal Inst>tutes of Health Greg Cross/The Bulletin


ence and alter how a person's genes and cells function. Continued from F1 Several zinc t r ansporters People don't have a natural are susceptible to epigenetic storagesystem forzinc,so irregularities. Adding to that, the mineral must be steadily deficiencies in nutrients such consumed. as zinc can decrease the body's Many foods contain zinc, ability to repair the damage. especially oysters, red meat Immune system cells are and poultry. Other good food also particularly vulnerable sources include beans, nuts, to zinc deficiency, according seafoods such as crab and to Wong. A zinc shortage in lobster, whole grains, fortiimmune cells may contribute fied breakfast cereals and to inflammation, according to dairy products, according to the study. the NIH. However, because of interactions with other chemi- Inflammation cals in certain plant sources, I nflammation i s a co m the absorption of zinc from plex biochemical response to grains and other plant foods harmful stimuli. It's the body's is lower than that from animal attempt to heal an injury or foods. trauma. White blood cells, full of healing nutrients and Deficiencies immune cells, target areas in Signs and symptoms of need of repair. mild zinc deficiency can be Some types of white blood diverse and inconsistent, ac- cells produce cytokines, which cording to " D i etary R efer- can be inflammatory. Chronience Intakes: The Essential cally inflamed tissues and the Guide to Nutrient Requireprolonged presence of p r oments," and c o uld i n clude inflammatory cytokines can slower than normal growth lead to abnormal cell growth, and development, hair loss, which, for example, is at the diarrhea,eye or skin lesions root of some cancers. and loss of appetite. Zinc deficiency is rare, ex- Supplementing zinc cept when it comes to older The older mice in the study adults. An analysis of clinical showed signs of zinc deficiendata found that 35 to 45 per- cies and had more inflammacent of adults older than 60 tion, even though their diets had zinc intakes below the es- had adequate amounts of zinc. timated average requirement, When the animals were given according to the NIH. about 10 times their dietary requirement for zinc, their bioThe study markers of inflammation were In their study on mice, sci- restored to those of y oung entists in the Linus Pauling animals. Institute at OSU and the OSU Based on their findings, the study's authors said all senior College of Public Health and Human Sciences found that citizens should take a dietary zinc transporters, which regu- supplement that includes the late the balance of zinc in our recommended daily a l l owcells, were irregular in older ance of zinc: 11 milligrams a animals. day for men and 8 milligrams "We found that the mecha- for women. nisms to transport zinc are Levels of zinc intake above disrupted by age-related epi- 40 milligrams per day should genetic changes," said Carbe avoided, researchers said, men Wong, an OSU research because at very high levels it associate and co-author of can interfere with absorption this study. Epigenetics refers of other necessary nutrients, to how certain environmental including iron and copper. factors, such as nutrition or ex— Reporter: 541-383-0304, posure to pollutants, can influaaurand@bendbulletinicom




Crab, Alaska king, cooked Beef patty, broiled Breakfast cereal, fortified with 25% of the daily value for zinc

3 ounces 3 ounces 3 ounces

74.0 6.5

493% 43%



3/4 cup serving



Lobster, cooked

3 ounces



Pork chop, loin, cooked Baked beans,canned, plain or vegetarian

3 ounces

2.9 2.9


1/2 cup

Chicken, dark meat, cooked

3 ounces


19% 16%

Yogurt, fruit, low-fat

8 ounces



Cashews,dry roasted Chickpeas,cooked Cheese,Swiss

1 ounce



1/2 cup



1 ounce



Oatmeal, instant, plain, prepared with water 1 packet



1 cup



Milk, low-fat or non-fat

Source: Office of Dietary Supplements, National lnstitutes of Health

Greg Cross/The Bulletin



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MoNEY Dentist Continued from F1

Price transparency


VITAL STATS Health law saves seniors $4.8 billion Elements of the

Affordable CareAct intended to ease the costs

of prescription drug coverage havesaved $4.8 billion for consumers so far since the law's enactment, the U.S. Department of Health

and HumanServices recently announced. The money hasbeen saved by the nation's

roughly 5.6 million Medicare beneficiaries,

who are seniors and people with disabilities. Health and Human Services data shows that in

Oregon, 26,150 people saved roughly $52.2 million.

The health care law created savings by tackling what has been called the "doughnut hole," which is a gap in what Medicare will pay

for prescription drugs. For example, in 2010, beneficiaries who hita $2,800 limit got stuck in the gap until reaching the maximum annual

out-of-pocket spending limit at about $4,500. The law attempts to mitigate the doughnut

hole: Theagency says in 2010, anyone who hit it

received a $250 rebate. In 2011, discounts on

certain drugs were provided. For 2013, other

savings are in place for people who hit the doughnut hole. — Heidi Hagemeier, The Suiietin

Small businesses struggle to offer health coverage A newstudyfinds that 49 percent of U.S. workers in small busi-

nesses were offered health insurance in 2010, down from 58

percent in 2003. Firms with 100 or

more employeeswere far more likely to provide health benefits, at 90 percent in both 2003

and 2010, according to the report from the Commonwealth Fund,

a private foundation that does health care

research. Low-wage workers in small businesses were the least likely to be

offered coverage: Onethird of workers making

less than $15 anhour in small firms were ableto enroll in their employer's health plan.

Other findings included that 45 percent

of small-business workers reported difficulty paying medical bills in 2010, and

46 percent said they skipped needed medical care because they couldn't afford it. The federal health

care law seeks to address some of these problems by offering premium tax credits

to certain small businesses and, starting in 2014, by granting

subsidies to many uninsured workers toward their purchase of health

insurance. — ChadTerhune, Los Angeles 1>mes

In some dental practices, an uninsured patient will pay more than the insured one for same procedure, because an insurance plan came with a contracted price for a procedure. On the other hand, some offices will give a cash discount to the uninsured. The only way to know is to ask. To keep things simple in his office, Salari said he is a preferred providerfor only one

Price transparency — understanding the cost and quality of a product before you buy it — is one of the tenets of a free-market system. It's how we buy clothes, cars and food. But not medical care. Or dental care, said Regina Novickis, director of p u blic r elations insurance company, Oregon for Brighter.com, a w ebsite Dental Service, the largest in that aims to make dental ser- Oregon for dental insurance. vices a comparison-shopping When Salari submits fees to commodity. ODS, the company tells Salari "The U.S. dental care mar- whether his fees are too high, ket is characterized by highly too low or just right, and based variable pricing and low price on that he has established fees transparency. Together, these that are never higher than factors make it d i fficult for ODS reimbursement, he said. patients to make informed de- He said he also charges the cisionsabout care and create same price to insured patients an opaque market where they and uninsured patients. do not n e cessarily r eceive Both Central Oregon denbetter care by paying more," tists said there are more facNovickis said. "Stark pricing tors involved that can effect disparities are effectively hid- cost in a seemingly intangible den from consumers, most of way. Knowing and t rusting whom are not given, and do your dentist is worth somenot ask for, price information thing, the dentists said. "Health care i s d i ff erent in advance of treatment." An Oregon Dental Associa- than a commodity," said Saltion spokeswoman couldn't of- ari. "It's a service. Service is fer examples of various dental something to consider, it has a prices in this region, citing anti- value." trust laws that don't allow the Some dental offices offer organization to collect informa- a high-end customer experition about various dentists' fees. ence, more c o mprehensive And, dentists don't typically treatment plans, more emphaadvertise their specific prices sis on prevention, said Fixott. either. "That's just the way That translates into "more exit's always been," said Mehdi pensive," he said. Salari, a Bend dentist, who If your dentist offers a spa couldn't pinpoint one domiatmosphere — they give maninant reason why. cures or serve lattes — they Many dentists won't offer probably charge higher prices, price quotes for a procedure said Fixott. until they've done an exam Salari believes price alone and discovered what other re- should not drive a person's lated dental work needs to be choices. "They need the best care, done that would potentially change the price. the most compassionatecare "We wouldn't give a cost they can find," Salari said. estimate over the phone," said "Competence is more imporSalari. "(There are) so many tant than cheapest. But cost is variations of things that can a factor. If they say, 'Wow, this happen. If it's a cavity, is it really costs this much'?' They just a filling? Does it need a have a right to get a second rootcanal? Is the nerve dead? opinion or estimate." What's the bite look like'?" — Reporter: 541-383-0304, Salari said his office might aaurand@bendbulletin.com tell a caller what the average fee is for a service in their office — about $1,000 for a crown, for example, he said. But the cost might change once a dentist looks inside the patient's mouth. And w h en patients end up paying more than they expected to, they get angry, Salari said. Richard Fixott, a Redmond dentist, agreed and added that a prospective client could get a more accurate estimate if he or she is able to provide a lot of details when calling ahead. If calling about a broken filling, be prepared to quantify how big the hole is, how long its been broken, when it started to hurt and how bad the pain is,for example.

Tips forsavingmoney • Some offices charge a onefixed, but it doesn't hurt to ask time fee for a procedureand its if there's room for negotiation. related follow-up appointments, Paying cashcanprovide extra in which case the initial fee bargaining power.Ask insurance might appear high. But, adding companies whatthey reimburse on subsequent costs for for a givenservice in theregion

is the first and largest membership program in the

follow-up appointments could result in higher overall costs. A


consumer should ask howmany follow ups are expected with a procedure and whether the initial cost includes those. For

example: If a root canal needs to be reopened, do I payeach time? With dentures, does my fee cover adjustments? How

many? • Many dentists will allow

monthly payments. This could save on interest rates accrued if paying with a credit card. • Sometimes dental rates are

and ask the provider if they will

accept that amount, or less, as a cash payment. • Prioritize and stagger

treatments over time. • Investigate nontraditional dental payments intended for patients without insurance. In a membership model, patients without insurance can

pay a feeandreceive certain preventive care services for no cost and other procedures at discounted rates. PoreCare Dental,in Bend,

region: www.purecaredental ofbend.com, 541-647-5555.

Coombe & Jones, in Redmond, has a preventive dental club: 541-923-7633. Gilmore Dental,in Redmond, offers a healthy mouth membership: www.g>lmore dental.com, 541-504-5707.

Brighter.comis a national dental membership program, but it only has one participating dentist in Central Oregon: www.

brighter.com. Or, check out CareCredit, which works like a credit card but just for health care, including dental.


Sources: Mehdi Salari, Richard Fixott, Regina Novickis


WINTER DRIVING TIPS Friday, November 9, 2012 ~ Noon to 1:00 pm

SESSION OBJECTIVES AND TOPICS: 1. Who's on the road with you this winter? 2. What can you do to prepare for safe winter driving? 3. How to watch out for the other guy this winter?

PRESENTERS: Mark Larson, Deschutes Driver Education

Seating is limited. Lunch included. RSVP required. Call 541-382-5882 or email Lisa lisamh©partnersbenci.org 1 contact hour upon approval Location: Partners In Care; large conference room

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Bend, OR 97701

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541-382-5ee2 www.partnersbend.org


Cost discrepancies Every office sets its own prices. "Some of the pricing discrepancies can be attributed t o operating costs that t he dental office might incur. For example, rent may be higher at one office versus another. One dentist may have invested in upgraded technology, etc.," Novickis said. Fees account for the dentist's time, materials and in some cases, lab costs. "A composite

(white) filling costs more because it takes longer to do well than a silver filling and the material costs more," said Fixott. Credentialsand experience of a particular dentist can result in higher prices. Fixott said patients get what they pay for, "up to a point. It depends on the procedure. If you havea tooth that you need a root canal on, and the roots are curvy, you'll get what you

pay for if you go to an endodontist (a root canal specialist) rather than a general dentist. If you have a wisdom tooth with difficult extraction you might be better off healing and procedurally with an oral

surgeon." Insurance policies play a role. Different patients who share the same dentist might be charged different prices for the same procedure, depending on each's insurance plan. One insurance company might cover $900 for a crown, while another covers $700. That variation is typically a consequence ofthe size ofthe company's patient pool. It results in different charges for different patients.



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l}uiethours instead of visiting hours

Continued from F1 Other effortshave focused on making the daily workflow of the hospitals a bit more hushed. They have involved e veryone f ro m n u r ses t o housekeeping to maintenance staff. After assessments to identify noise sources, staff started making changes such as adjusting fire doors to make sure they close quietly and replacing squeaky wheels on carts. They've tweaked schedules so that tasks like laundry pickup occur earlier when possible. The Bend hospital even altered its pneumatic tube system, which resembles those i n drive-thru b anking a n d is used to send supplies and pharmaceuticals t hroughout the facility. The campaign also includes an awareness effort with both employees and visitors. New signs on everyfloor say, "Shhh ... A quiet environment is a healing environment." And 2-foot-tall stoplights called Yacker Trackers are stationed throughout the Bend and Redmond hospitals. They will soon be in Pioneer Memorial Hospital in Prineville. They go from green to yellow to red as thedecibels increase.When they hit red, a female voice



The dangers of decorative lenses They might make

your brown eyesblue, but the American Academy of Ophthalmology

warns of significant risk to using nonprescription decorative

contactlenses. The lenses havebecome popular for costumes and for people wanting a neweye color for fashion purposes. Yet in onestudy, the academysays, the lenses increased the risk of developing kera-

With the exception of certainunits, St. Charles Bend and Redmond have

changed visiting hours.


no specific set time for

a quietenyiron+e>t .

departure. Instead, an an-

nouncement ismadeover


the loudspeaker at 9 p.m. to ask for quiet throughout the hospitals so patients


can rest. Nancy Simonson, manager of St. Charles Bend's

orthopedics and neurosciences unit, said that in turn, staff will remind visitors to keep the volume down and might at times limit visitors so patients

Dean Guernsey I The Bulletin

Nancy Slmonson, nurse manager of St. Charles Bend's orthopedics and neurosciences unit, stands in front of one of the new signs posted throughout the health system's hospitals. They're part of a campaign to turn down the decibels at the hospitals.

while on the job and to urge them to talk about noise levels with patients and visitors in various ways. For instance, caregivers are likely to share with patients and visitors that the hospital is working on creating a quieter environment. "We're trying to empower patients so they will tell us if it's noisy," Simonson said.

says aloud, "Quiet, please." Simonson said discussions have taken place with staff to ask for their mindfulness

titis — a potentially blinding infection that

Visiting hours have traditionally ended at 8 p.m. But starting in late October, the hospitals did away with thatmodel and now have

get needed rest. The hospitals will continue to lock their doors at 9 p.m. with the exception

of the emergency depart-

satisfaction," she said. "We want them to understand what we're doing and why we're doing it, and we want to know about their concerns in the moment."

There are some noises hospitals just c a n't e l i minate, Simonson said. For instance, alarms on certain machines are necessary fo r a l erting caregivers.Even the heating and cooling system contributes to the decibels. But Simonson believes the efforts will improve the patient experience. "We want to improve our

ments. Visiting hours of 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. will remain in place at Pioneer Memorial Hospital in Prineville, as it has shared patient rooms.

— Reporter: 541-817-7828, hhagemeier@bendbulletin.com

Find It All Online bendbulletin.com TheBulletin

causesanulcer on the eye — by morethan 16 times. The patients in the study were most

often teenagers or young adults. Decorative contact

lenses also posethe


risks of scratching the

eye or causing blood vessels to grow into the cornea. The academy instead recommends

that if you're interested in decorative contact

lenses, get fitted by an eye care professional even if you have perfect vision. Professionals can provide a



valid prescription that

includes the brand name, lens measurements and anexpira-

, Itw:

e •

' "Jjjg

tion date. Decorative contact lenses should

be purchased from an eye care professional or an eye product

I •

retailer that requests


prescriptions. Also, take care to

properly clean the lenses and to never share them with oth-


— Heidi Hagemeier, The Bulletin




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Call 541-390-7029 between 10 am-3 pm.


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: Monday - Friday 7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.


Shih-Tzu puppy 10 wks old, shots, wormed, AKC parents. $400. 541-280-8069

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Springer Spaniel puppies, AKC, ready12/6! 1st shots, dewormed, & dewclaws removed.

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On a classified ad go to Queen-size Canopy Giock 27 in case Piano, Steinway Model www.bendbulletin.com L og Bed $ 5 00 . 1 with 4 nine round clips 0 Baby Grand 1911, to view additional screw stripped, easy in like new condition, gorgeous, artist qualphotos of the item. fix. 541-550-6567 Glaco leather holster, ity instrument w/great $540. 541-610-9816 action & S teinway's Fuel & Wood 212 warm, rich sound. Will GUN SHOW Antiques & Commercial/Office5 adorn any living room, 1 cord dry, split Juniper, Nov. 10 & 11th, 2012 $200/cord. Multi-cord church or music stu- Equipment & Fixtures Collectibles Deschutes Fairgrounds dio perfectly. New rediscounts, 8 I/2 cords Buy! Sell! Trade! available. Immediate tail $ 6 9 ,000. Sacri-File cabinets: letter size, The Bulletin reserves SAT. 9-5 • SUN. 10-3 fice at $26,000 OBO, the right to publish all locking, no dents or delivery! 541-408-6193 $8 Admission, call 541-383-3150. scratches, 4-drawer, ads from The Bulletin Split, Dry 12 & underfree. newspaper onto The $70, 2 drawer, $45. Lodgegole OREGON TRAIL GUN 541- 389-6167 Bulletin Internet web$20 / ord, SHOWS 541-347-2120 • Misc. Items site. Delivery included! 541-923-6987, Iv msg. 22LR Model 82 The Bulletin Kimber Tools bolt rifle, $1750. Ruger Sernng Centra( Oregonernre 1903 Bid Now! Mini 14 w/acc, $675. www.BulletinttidnBuy.com Marlin 1895 SBL 45-70 Gardening Supplies 242 Bid Now! l ever r i f le, 8 Equipment Exercise Equipment stainless www.BulletlnBldnBuy.com MORNINlj STAR $1350. 541-647-8931 •

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great condition with attachments. Do not have any room for it. Paid $1700 sell $500. Call Pam or Mathias 541-923-6303

Mossberg 12g Maverick 88 black shotgun, 28" $200. 541-647-8931 R uger 7 7 /2 2 22L R Stainless An weather 3x-7x scope $500 W affenfabrik Nue -

Hear Middle SchoolTuition

Ibbbyeny Goly leolerlIhroohhthrig renlerkl sleoen Frenchton pups, ready Veterans! Enhance your now! Registered par- life with a loving adult Buy NeWr ..Bay LOCal Buy Netgy...suy Local ents on site. Puppy companion cat. Fee You Can Bid On: You Can Bid On: package incl. $700w aived! Altered, I D One Year Middle 1 Week Rental $750. 5 4 1-548-0747 chip, shots, more. Will School Tuition 331 Mini Excavator hausen nSaw Back" swags,garden art, cards, or 541-279-3588 always take back if Morning Star b ayonet Pr e W W I Bobcat of goat milk soaps, loom243 situation cha n ges. KRMore Pix at 8endbunetin.cl Christian School $250 Intrac Arms SxS Central Oregon woven jewelry, scarves, 541-598-5314/788-7799 389-8420. Visit S at/ Ski Equipment (Bidding ends 12 ga wall hanger $80 (Bidding ends red, purple hats, jewelry, Aussie-Shepherd puppies German wi r e-haired S un 1-5. L o t s o f Nov. 13, at 8pm) 541-233-9899 obo Nov. 13, at 8pm) rings, stunning artisan pointer puppy for sale, choices. Photos, info: 1st shots/dewormed, jewelry,quiltings, knitted $200. Born July 1st www.craftcats.org. $150. 541-771-2606 Bid Now! Winchester 364 Model 70 Buying Diamonds socks, jams, jellies, 541-306-7306 www.sulletmBldnsuy.com Look at: Featherweight 30-06, Vizsla AKC puppies from /Gold for Cash chutneys, baked goods. .4 . $850. 541-548-4774 Bendhomes.com active hunting & show Iel'-::.,' ! & bb e Kittens/cats avail. thru Sb~ r Saxon's Fine Jewelers Unique, artisan gifts! for Complete Listings of rescue group. Tame, lines. 6 wks, 3 fems, 2 541-389-6655 Boyd Acres at Empire Aussies, Mini 8 Toy 248 shots, altered, ID chip, males, 1st shots 8 dewArea Real Estate for Sale Ave., in Bend BUYING sizes, all colors, 7 Health & ormed, happy, healthy! more. Sat/Sun 1-5, call Lionel/American Flyer Jet Pro series table saw weeks $300 cash. re: other days. 65480 $950. 541-367-8822 Beauty Items trains, accessories. with dust collector, $500. BeeCrafty 541-678-7599 78th, Bend. Yorkie AKC 2 male pups, Btyy Negg.r.auy Local 541-408-2191. Holiday Show 541-389-8420 or Call Allen, 541-536-9120 small, big eyes, shots, You Can Bid On: Bid Now! Nov. 9: 10am-5pm 541-598-5488; Info at BUYING & SE L LING Get your health gua r antee, Family Season Pass www BulletinBidnBuy.com Nov.10: 10 am-5 pm www.craftcats.org All gold jewelry, silver $850+, 541-316-0005. business HooDoo Ski Area South Sister and gold coins, bars, ~ cn Building Materialsg Kittens, very loving 7 wk Yorkie purebred male & (Bidding ends Conference Hall, rounds, wedding sets, females, black & white, female puppies, 9 wks, Nov. 13, at Opm) Deschutes County class rings, sterling silfree to g oo d h ome. $500. 541-460-3884 Fairgrounds, Redmond G ROW I N G 6 ver, coin collect, vinBid Now! 541-504-4400 after 3pm 50 local artisans 8 tage watches, dental DynaStar Intuitive 74 www.BulletlnBldnBuy.com 210 crafters will be sellgold. Bill Fl e ming, with an ad in 188cm, Look bindings, Labradoodles - Mini & Furniture & Appliances New...suy Local ing their handcrafted 541-382-9419. very good +, $95 obo. Buy med size, several colors The Bulletin's You Can Bid On: items. A d m ission: 541-389-9836. 541-504-2662 Complete set of dishes, "Call A Service One Cool Sculpting $1.00 donation to be www.alpen-ridge.com A1 Washers8 Dryers Oneida nTea Garden," Treatment given to The Kid's 245 Professional" $150 ea. Full war$20. 541-548-9619 Center 8 CASA of Central Oregon Labradors: beautiful pup- ranty. Golf Equipment Free Del. Also Directory Central Oregon Dermatology Bay Nehgy...say Local ies, born 9/11, ready for COWGIRL CASH wanted used W/D's Information: (Bidding ends oving families. Shots We buy Jewelry, Boots, You Can Bid On 541-280-7355 Barn/shop cats FREE, current, 541-536-5655 Nov. 13, at 8pm) vet checked. 2 Bid Now! $2500 Bathtub or Vintage Dresses & some tame, some not. black females, 2 yellow www.BulletlnBidnsuy.com More. 924 Brooks St. Shower Makeover We deliver! Fixed, shots. males, 5 black males, 541-678-5162 Gift Certificate 249 Saturday Market Bid Now! 541-389-8420 $300. 541-610-2270 www.sulletinBldnBuy.com www getcowgyrlcash com Re-Bath oi Central Every Sat. thru March 30 Art, Jewelry Oregon Artisan, Craiters, Large Pet Porter, $60. Pfaff Model Quilt Expres& Furs (Bidding ends Antiqes & More! thga sions 4.0, like n ew, Large fully insulated dog +hg Nov. 13, at 8pm) Located in Mason's sewing, quilting, $1200 house, $50. Avery boatBuilding, 1036 NE 8th firm. 541-777-0101 ers hunting dog parka, Bid Now! Buy Neyg.r.auy Local St. behind 7-11, 8th & $20. 2 Avery dog trainwww BulletinBidnBuy com I , S TUDDED TIRE S , You Can Bid On: Greenwood, 9 - 4. ing bumpers, $10. Avery Bid Now! Complete set of 185/70 R14 F a lken www.ttulletlnsldnBuy.com Weekly Drawing gift Boxer Pups, AKC / CKC, dry storage dog food Bay Newr ..Bay Local 1st shots, very social You Can Bid On: Euro Winter Model Ladies Cleveland certificate. bag, $10. 541-504-7745 $700. 541-325-3376 $2500 Gift Bloom (Berry), HS4044, 4 for $125 541-977-1737 Lhasa Apso/ShihTzuPup Certificate OBO. 541-390-7159. 14 piece set. Bull Terrier, nice unalHOLIDAY BOUTIQUE absolutely adorable! $300. M. Jacobs Fine Pro Golf oi Bend tered male, brindle color, 503-888-0800 (Madras) Triple crockpot like new, BAZAAR! Furniture (Bidding ends Buy Negg...suy Local $20. Sunbeam mixer 8 Gift ideas, hand-crafted shots current, $500. For I • nI (Bidding ends Nov. 13, at Opm) info call 541-610-3304. You Can Bid On: bowl, $25. 541-548-9619 decor & jewelry, baked Nov. 13, at Spm) Bay Neyg...say Local $500 Toward Hearts goods, hot apple cider & Chihuahua pups, very n,kl Wanted- paying cash You Can Bid On 99 246 on Fire Diamond and more! Comeon by! tiny, 1st shots/dewormed. for Hi-fi audio & stu22' X 22' Stick Built Check out the Jewelry Best Western Inn Guns, Hunting dio equip. Mclntosh, Garage 2 @ $250. 541-977-4686 classifieds online Saxon'sFine & Suites J BL, Marantz, D y 8 Fishing HiLine Homes Jewelers 721 NE 3rd St., Bend www.bendbulletin.com coRGI pupsi naco, Heathkit, San(Bidding ends Fri-Sat, Nov. 9-10, 9-4 25 wks, shots/ (Bidding ends Updated daily AKC 3F $800. Champ 8 Maltese, sui, Carver, NAD, etc. 1 2g M ossberg 5 0 0 Nov. 13, at Opm) wormer UTD, h o use Nov. 13, at Opm) Obed lines, ready Nov Call 541-261-1808 crate trained, 4lb 9 Cherry table & matching pump camo shotgun, Find exactly what 12. Vax/ Micro/Vet check brkn, oz. Purebred w/o papers hutch w/glass, 6 chairs 8 $200. 541-647-8931 255 you are looking for in the RogueAcres@Live.com $475. 541-504-5509 table protectors, beauti- 2010 H&R Handi-Rifle, PUBLic AUCTION 541-604-4858 Computers ful s et, $450. Large .243 Win., syn stock, CLASSIFIEDS 10AM - TUESDAY - NOVEMBER 13 Maremma Guard Dog solid oa k b o okcase, Preview 8-4, Monday, Nov. 12 Dachshund AKC mini p u p s , purebred, great$150. 541-610-8797 mount & rings in box, T HE B U L LETIN r e SIERRA CASCADE LLC www.bendweenies.com d ogs $ 3 50 $250. 541-749-0636 quires computer ad108936 Hwy 97, Chemult, OR $425. 541-508-4558 bakpaknbowOgmail.com 541 546 6171 vertisers with multiple Pumice Mine I It e ms for Free Equipment Including Screens, ad schedules or those Crusher, Stacker; Conveyors, Controls, GenDachshund male,9 wks PaPillon Pu P s, AKC selling multiple sysFREE m obile home Id, 1 t h t , d Bid Now! erator; Tub Grinder; (2)Coal Crushers; Screen; Reg, 3 males left! Parneel1JXtt trusses. After 3 p.m www.BulletlnBidnsuy.com tems/ software, to dis- Feeder; (5)Conveyors; Bagging System; Shop able. $300 to g ood en!s on site, $350. Call Visit our HUGE close the name of the call 541-325-3114. home. 541-447-0113 541-480-2466 Slyhhylbg Equipment 8 T o o ls; B uilding; Cat 9 8 0B home decor onwno business or the term Loader; Cat 216B Skidsteer; Tractor & Dump consignment store. "dealer" in their ads. BEND'S HOMELESS NEED OUR HELP! Fl POODLEpups, AKC toy Trucks; Transfer Trucks & Trailers; Van, FlatNew items The cold weather is upon us and sadly there are POM-A-POO pups, toy. Private party advertisbed Trucks; Pickup; Van 8 Equipment Trailers; arrive daily! still over 2,000 folks in our community without So cute! 541-475-3889 ers are d efined as Fuel Trailers; Truck Scale; Real Estate In930 SE Textron, permanent shelter, living in cars, makeshift those who sell one cluding 74.29, 8 Acre Parcels; Living Quarters Bend 541-318-1501 computer. camps, getting by as best they can. POODLE TOY PUPPIES Buy New...suy Local Parcel; Approximately 160 A cres Mineral www.redeuxbend.com The following items are badly needed to Parents on site, $300You Can Bid On: Rights; More Call The Bulletin At $350 ea. 541-520-7259 help them get through the winter: $200 Fishing Gear BID LIVE ONLINE!! GE Electric range, $65. 541-385-5809 & Tackle @ CAMPING GEARof any sort: @ Check our website for PUPPIES: 0/4 Maltese I/4 M icro o v en , $ 1 5 . Place Your Ad Or E-Mail Gift Certificate New or used tents, sleeping bags, tarps, blankets. Poodle, 1 female b&w 541-548-9619 MurphyLIVE! bidding info Ken's Sporting At: www.bendbunetin.com S WARM CLOTHING: Rain Gear, Boots, Gloves. $300; 3 males baw, 1 10% Buyers Premium Goods GENERATE SOME exTerms: Cash, Cashier's Check, MC/Visa Cards w hite m a l e $ 2 5 0 . citement i n 257 PLEASE DROP OFF YOUR DONATIONS AT (Bidding ends you r Persons Under 12 Not Admitted CASH! 541-546-7909 THE BEND COMMUNITY CENTER Nov. 13, at Opm) neighborhood! Plan a Musical Instruments ILLUSTRATED BROCHURE 1036 NE 5thSt.,Bend, Mon.-Sat.9 a.m.-5 p.m. garage sale and don't Queensland Heelers James G. Murphy lnc forget to advertise in Buy/Sell/Trade an fire- Monarch upright Piano, For Special pick up please call standard 8 mini,$150 & 1-800-426-3008 Ken @ 541-389-3296 classified! arms. Bend local pays good cond., $ 300. up. 541-280-1537 http:// murphyauction.com PLEASEHELP, YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE. 541-385-5809. cash! 541-526-0617 Jenni 714-495-0597 ngrytwayyancry.woydpreee.com

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The Bulletin

Serving Central Oregon since1903

SUPER TOP SOIL www.herehe eollandbarhccom

Screened, soil 8 compost mi x ed , no rocks/clods. High humus level, exc. for flower beds, lawns, straight gardens, s creened to p s o i l . Bark. Clean fill. Deliver/you haul. 541-548-3949.

Lost 8 Found Found bifocal Rx eyeglasses in the woods, call to I.D., 541-389-2459

Found Chainsaw, call to identify: 210-749-9198

(in Bend). Found Halloween costume flashlight on Congress St. 541-389-1308.

Found ring at Tumalo Falls trail head. Email: gbquissellO bendbroadband.com Found woman's wedding ring outside Fred Meyers' Call to ID and claim. 541-388-4453. REMEMBER: If you have lost an animal, don't forget to check The Humane Society in Bend 541-382-3537 Redmond, 541-923-0882

Prineville, 541 -447-71 78;

OR Craft Cats,


Rc clIec

Hay, Grain & Feed Good horse hay, barn stored, no rain, $225 ton, and $8.25 bale. Delivery av a i lable. 541-410-4495.

Horses 8 Equipment l Abandoned rescue 10-yr quarter mare, s ound, free to l oving home. 541-318-4829 Need help fixing stuff?

Call A Service Professional find the help you need. www.bendbunetin.com



541-385-5809 or go to www.bendbulletin.com


Edited by Will Shortz The seven circled letters reading from 58 Pass top to bottom describe an event occur- 60 Director of "The Witches," 1990 ring at four locations in this puzzle. 32-

Across 1 Thrifty alternative 5 Signs of spring 10 Feline face cleaners 14 Casino stock 15 Shorten, maybe 16 Settled 17 Ceremonial military outfit 1819 Long 20 Like the worst

35 Drum kit component 37 "Oops, sorry" 38 Build on, with"to" 39 Deuce follower 40 Govt. security 41 Certain spot 42 "Delta of Venus" author 43 Actress Davis 44 One carrying dust,


61 Omits 6364 Wolfe or Woolf, e.gd Abbr. 65 W.W. II general nicknamed "Bombs Away" 66 It begins at conception 67 Gusto 68 Ray variety 69 Crayola color since 1998















19 22


20 24


28 35


















49 53

Tuesday•••• • ••• • • • •• • • •• • • • ••N OOn MOns Wednesday •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • e Noon Tuese 38





Monday • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • e 5:00 pm Frie












maybe 45 Hides, in a way

Down 1 Confuse 2 Like some 48 Place for a particle marketing Ipanema? accelerator 3 Wet-bar 25 "You will be 49 Photoshop option: convenience (last line of Abbr. 4 Mobutu S e k o "Wishin' and 50 Help-wanted (African despot) Hopin"') letters 5 Rotten Tomatoes t 27 Classic play 53 Man who catch contributor whose title is an fly with chopstick 6 Dict., e.g. abbreviation accomplish 28 Dairy Queen treat anything" speaker 7 "You'd better watch out!" 8 Dos minus dos ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE 9 Like vampires T R O T ) A D E L A MP S 10 Movie with a HA N A O PE R A F I R E 9-year-old Best E N E R GY B A R P I X E L Supporting Actress R H AM E S R 0 A D T E S T winner M AC A O A E R O D U Z 11 Character with A RT C L A S S L EG U ME the tagline L D S N A T S L E P E R "Booyakasha!" H I G H T A I L 12 Major downer? TA P E D I S E E M T A 13 Fret H UR R A Y M A S S C A R D 21 Targeted launch ED D M A I LA R R I D 23 Took to court 1 UM P BA L L E M E R G E 26 Melancholy E B 0 L A T I ME 8 8 I G N 29 Chinese dynasty TO T E S A N I L T E E D 30 Deceitful SN E A K I G G Y S S R S 31 Deafening


22 Clink 24 The girl from



50 58






35 "

'em!" (mob's

cry) 36 Graphic beginning? 40 Tots' sports equipment

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4 lines for 4 days..................................

(call for commercial line ad rates)

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Puzzle by Bill Thompson

32 Kato Kaelin portrayer on "S.N.L." 33 Purim's month 34 Whirl

Thursday • • • •. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N o o n Wed. Fr i d ay. . . .. . • • • • • • . • • • • • • . • • Noon Thurs. Saturday Real Estate.. . . . . . . . . . 1 1 :00 am Fri. Saturday • • • •. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3: 0 0 pm Fri. Sunday. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 5500 Pm FrI •

53 Singer Jason 41 Whup 54 Rake 43 Greeting in Oz 55 Team whose 44 Image on the colors are blue "E.T." poster and orange 47 Feature of Mike 56 Tech whiz, say Wazowski in 57 Meaning of "Ich "Monsters, Inc." bin ein" in J.F.K/s 48 Work after work? quote 51 Basket material 59 "In your dreams!" 52 Chair for Cleopatra 62 Big tank

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RV Parking

RV Space for rent, 50 Sales amp, cable, dump, pavRemember.... Sales Consultant Circulation ers, n e a r O l d M ill. DO YOU NEED A dd your we b a d $475/mo + e lectricity. ROBBERSON 4 A GREAT Promotions dress to your ad and 541-389-9268 We are seeking a full EMPLOYEE readers on The time Sales Rep to RIGHT NOW? Bulletin' 8 web site 676 Jefferson County EMS will be able to click Robberson Ford Call The Bulletin join our successful District has an open- through automatically Pre-Owned Sales, team o f i n d epen605 before 11 a.m. and Mobile/Mfd. Space 421 ing for a full-time EMT to your site. home of Bend's best dent co n t ractors. Roommate Wanted check. 541-447-5773. get an ad in to pubwarranty, is seeking a Schools & Training position. JCEMSD, loMust be goal ori• Space rent $180 mo. lish the next day! cated in Madras, Ortop producing experiented, mo t i vated, Sharecozy mobile home • Homes for rent 541-3B5-5B09. The Bulletin enced sales profesOregon Medical Trainegon, is a 911 sere nthusiastic, p e r - in Terrebonne, $275+ 1/2 $350 - $495 mo. Call a Pro VIEW the ing PCS Ph lebotomy To Subscribe call vice that provides ALS Whether you need a sional. We are locally sonable, outgoing, • Large treed lots Classifieds at: utils. 503-679-7496 classes begin Jan. 7, 541-385-5800 or go to owned and recently ambulance coverage optimistic and good • J.D. Riverfront lots www.bendbulletin.com 2013. Registration now fence fixed,hedges to a large rural comwon both the with people. Sales • Playground and 630 www.bendbulletin.com P munity. Closing date President's Award for experience is pretrimmed or a house Community Center Rooms for Rent medicaltrainin .com for applications is oncustomer service and ferred, positive atti• Next to Thriftway built, you'll find 541-343-3100 the Chamber of November 23. 2012. tude required! Must NE Bend: private bath/en- • RVs Welcomed, Automotive Sales Call 541-475-7476 for professional help in Commerce Large have a valid driver's try/patio; internet/cbl svc; Riverside Home Park Business of the Year TRUCK SCHOOL applications. license, insured ve- laundry. No smkg. $575 The Bulletin's "Call a 677 W. Main, Award. www.llTR.net hicle and cell phone. incl utils. 541-317-1879 John Day, Oregon Service Professional" ASTART YOUR NEW CAREERA We offer competitive Redmond Campus We offer a complete Call Lisa 541-575-1341 Directory pay, and outstanding training program, all Room with a view in SW riversidemhp.jimdo.com Student Loans/Job Livestock Truck Driver Central Oregon's Largest Auto Group of New and Must have CDL,2yrs exp, benefits including emWaiting Toll Free tools and supplies 541-385-5809 Bend! Own bath, healthy Pre-owned automobiles, Sm olich H y u n dai ployee medical, den1-888-387-9252 progressive co., 401k, needed for success, lifestyle preferred; ga687 Store, is looking to fill positions within our expandtal, and supplemental generous commis- raqe. $500 includes most $50,000/yr, insurance ing auto network. Smolich Motors is an industry Commercial for ut'ilities. 541-905-9247 insurance, vacation, NW only. 541-475-6681 Resident Manager s ion, d a i l y and 470 leader with 8 new car franchises and Central Prineville Senior Care 401k 8 profit sharing. weekly bo n uses, Rent/Lease Oregon's finest choice of pre-owned vehicles. We Home is looking for Studios tk Kitchenettes Domestic & Clean driving record cash incentives and offer the opportunity for you to achieve the levels full-time Resi d ent Furnished room, TV w/ required. unlimited in c o me Restaurant Pu b for In-Home Positlons of success and job satisfaction. We are looking for M anager. Must b e cable, micro 8 fridge. lease. SW corner of Machinist potential. Email reApply in person at highly motivated individuals to join our team of proUtils & linens. New able to pass criminal KEITH Mfg. Co. sume t o m i sterta3rd and Greenwood. Will do housecleaning in fessionals. You must have excellent verbal skills, Robberson Ford owners. $145-$165/wk Formerly Cheerleadbackground c h e c k. has an opening for a clmaster@aol.com Terrebonne 8 Crooked display a professional and positive demeanor, sales Pre-Owned 541-382-1885 CNC Mac h i nist. 541-447-5773. ers, now Taylors SauRiver Ranch. Have Ask for Tony or Greg is helpful, but not necessary. We proPerform setup and The Bulletin sage. Over 3000 sq openings Tues, Wed. experience 2770 N.E. 2nd Street, 634 vide all of the tools you need to succeed, including operate a variety of Thurs. 541-379-1741 feet. Lottery r oom, Bend, OR 97701. a professional training program that will give you CAUTION READERS Mazak CNC lathes, Apt./Multlplex NE Bend wired & running 4 mathe knowledge and confidence to maximize your Robberson Ford is a i ncluding live t o o l chines now. 20-ft bar, * drug free workplace. potential. Ads published in "Emand fourth axis, to $299 1st mo. rent!! 10 tap handles. 4-pan EOE. GET THEM BEFORE make prec i sion ployment Opportunihot well, Ansell hood, t ies" i n c lude e m We Provide: THEY ARE GONE! parts. Maintain reautomatic dishwasher. ployee and 2 bdrm, 1 bath quired tooling supTerry, 541-415-1777 The Bulletin i ndependent po s i tayloreaueage@frontiernet.net • Guaranteed Income While Training $530 & $540 plies. Inspect parts extra tions. Ads for posi• Paid Medical Insurance I Recommends Carports & A/C included! and adjust programs tions that require a fee caution when pur- l Fox Hollow Apts. • 401K Retirement Plan and tools to conform USE THE CLASSIFIEDSI or upfront investment chasing products or I (5411) 363-3152 • Drug Free Work Environment to prints. Minimum 2 from out of Cascade Rental Mgmt. Co Door-to-door selling with • Central oregon's Largest New & years e x p erience must be stated. With services *upstairs only with lease any independent job l the area. Sending CNC Lathe Set Up, Pre-Owned Inventory fast results! It's the easiest c ash, checks, o r opportunity, p l e ase You know what with an emphasis on • $75,000 Annual Earning Potential 528 642 way in the world to sell. investigate thor- l credit i n f o rmation Mazak lathes and they say about l may be subjected to Loans & Mortgages Apt./Multiplex Redmond Mazak pr o g ram- oughly. "one man's trash". At Smolich Hyundai we are looking for sales proFRAUD. The Bulletin Classified ming software. Must fessionals from all career fields. Previous automoFor more informaWARNING 1550sq ft 3 bdrm 2 bath, 541-365-5809 b e able t o l ift 5 0 Use extra caution when tive sales experience is not required. What is reThere's a whole pile applying for jobs on- tion about an adverThe Bulletin recomW/D hkup, gas frplce, pounds. C o mpetiquired is a willingness to commit yourself to a of "treasure" here! line and never pro- l tiser, you may call l mends you use cau- close to RHS, fenced yd tive wage and benrapidly growing industry, start your new career vide personal infor- the Oregon State tion when you pro- w/garden, 2-car garage. efit package. Send now! l Attorney General's $925. 541-604-4694 mation to any source vide personal cover letter and reOffice C o n sumer g you may not have reinformation to compasume to: We will be holding interviews for 2 days only 648 searched and deemed Protection hotline at l nies offering loans or KEITH Mfg. Co. from 1pm —3pm on Tuesday and Wednesday, to be reputable. Use I 1-877-877-9392. credit, especially Houses for HumanResources, November 13th and 14th at: extreme caution when those asking for adPO Box 1, Rent General Thousands ofadsdaily r esponding to A N Y LThe Bulletin g vance loan fees or Madras, OR97741 Smoiich Motors - Hyundai Store in print andonline. online e m p loyment companies from out of or fax to PUBLISHER'S 2250 NE Hvvy 20 ad from out-of-state. state. If you have 541-475-21 69 NOTICE Bend, OR 9770Z concerns or quesAll real estate adver541-749-4025 We suggest you call Looking for your next tions, we suggest you tising 745 • 4 3• e this newspathe State of Oregon Placeemployee? consult your attorney per is in Homes for Sale a Bulletin help subject to the Consumer Hotline at or call CONSUMER F air H o using A c t wanted ad today and 1-503-378-4320 HOTLINE, which makes it illegal 1 230 NE N o e W e l l reach over 60,000 1-877-877-9392. to a d vertise "any Maintained Duplex in each week. For Equal Opportunity readers Your classified ad preference, limitation Bend. $179,900 L aws: Oregon B uBANK TURNED YOLI or disc r imination TEAM Birtola Garmyn will also appear on reau of Labor & InDOWN? Private party bendbulletin.com based on race, color, Prudential High Desert dustry, C i vil Rights will loan on real esreligion, sex, h andiRealty 541-312-9449 which currently Division, tate equity. Credit, no cap, familial status, www. BendOregon receives over 1.5 971-673-0764 problem, good equity marital status or naRealEstate.com million page views is all you need. Call tional origin, or an inevery month at If you have any quesnow. Oregon Land tention to make any $474,900 no extra cost. tions, concerns or Estate Sales Sales Northeast Bend Sales Southeast Bend Sales Other Areasg Mortgage 388-4200. such pre f e rence,Set In The Ponderosa Bulletin Classifieds comments, contact: Pines. Soaring ceillimitation or discrimiGet Results! Classified Department Estate S a le, T h u rs., Bend High Softball ings, fireplace, large * ESTATE SALE* Call 385-5809 LOCAL MONEY:Webuy nation." Familial staMATYLINSKI SALE The Bulletin Rummage Sale Fri., Sat. 9-4pm. 2702 secured trust deeds 8 tus includes children family room with high Retro living room furn & Metolius Train Depot or place 541-385-5809 BHS Commons N E C a nyon P a r k note,some hard money under the age of 18 windows. This home lamps, twin e lectric your ad on-line at 599 Washington 11/9, 8-4; 11/1 0, 8-2 Place, Bend. P earl loans. Call Pat Kelley living with parents or sits at the end of a bed, twin bed, dresser, bendbulletin.com Ave. in Metolius Accepting donations, 541-382-3099 ext.13. drum set, EZ concert legal cus t o dians, cul-de-sac on over 5 Irg Italian-style lighted The Bulletin Fri. and Sat., 9-4 11/8, 3-6pm rzn«ea Central 0 zgo s ce l903 speakers, P e a v ey curio, 2 antique mapregnant women, and acres. Deck brings the 541-706-0894 Railroad antiques, mixing console, misc. hogany display cabipeople securing cus- outdoors in...3 car gafishing antiques, anIndependent Contractor nets, iron & wicker diguitar parts, S hure tody of children under rage, plus a detached furniture, tools, m icrophones, R a c k Just bought a new boat? n ette, I t a lian l i g ht tique 18. This newspaper RV barn/boat, sepavarious hunting, system tran s port Sell your old one in the fixtures, antique cut will not knowingly ac- rate shop, 1/2 bath! camping and fishing cases, lots of sound classifieds! Ask about our crystal, china & stemcept any advertising Mike Wilson, Broker. items. household Super Seller rates! ware, Fostoria, Wedgstage recording 541-977-5345 or for real estate which is items. Lots of great 541-385-5809 wood/Bavaria/Limoequip., Fendor amps, in violation of the law. 541 -389-791 0 misc. items. ges china sets, lots of Fostex mixer, guitar Hunter Properties O ur r e aders ar e CASH Vl/MC silver, mirrors, artwork, e ffect pedal, K o rg hereby informed that vintage clothes, hats, Sale given byFarmm emory cards, coffee ** FREE ** all dwellings adver- BANK OWNED HOMES! jewelry, books, k i thouse Estate Sales tables, en d t a b les, tised in this newspaFREE List w/Pics! Sale Kit chen, holiday & more! new compact fridge, Garage per are available on www. BendRepos.com Place an ad in The Fri. & Sat., 9to4 and beyond real estate Gl Joe 8 military toys, Bulletin for your gaan equal opportunity bend Crowd control 20967 yeoman, bend or new footballs, base- rage sale and re++++++++++++++++++ basis. To complain of BULLETIN CLASSIFIEDS numbers Fri. at 8 a.m. balls a n d gl o v es, d iscrimination cal l 61479 Barleycorn Ln. Search the area's most No Reserve knives, cra f tsmen ceive a Garage Sale HUD t o l l-free at comprehensive listing of Kit FREE! (take SE15th Bt. to Friar Timed Online lawnmower and chain 1-800-877-0246. The classified advertising... Tuck to Barleycorn) AUCTION saws, tools, b i kes, toll f re e t e l ephone KIT I NCLUDES: real estate to automotive, Attic Estates& Ends Nov.14th yard tools, gold sluice • 4 Garage Sale Signs number for the hearmerchandise to sporting Appraisals box, extension lad- • $2.00 Off Coupon To ing im p aired is Building Lot in Pronggoods. Bulletin Classifieds www.atticestatesanh orn S u b . 23 0 1 3 ders, large Star Wars use Toward Your 1-800-927-9275. appear every day in the dappraisais.com Canyon View Loop ad cut-outs, microfi- Next Ad 541-350-6822 print or on line. Selling to the Highest ber reclining sofa and • 10 Tips For "Garage 654 Call 541-385-5609 We are looking for independent contractors to Bidder 28 Properties loveseat, office chairs, Sale Success!" Houses for Rent www.bendbulletin.com service home delivery routes in: in 5-States! retro chairs, enterSE Bend www.corbettbottles.com People Look for Information tainment center, CD's The Bulletin PICK UP YOUR 208-377-5700 About Products and a nd D V D's, b o o k 20257 Knights Bridge shelves, dishes, vin- GARAGE SALE KIT at Services Every Daythrough Place, brand new 1777 SW Chandler Good classified ads tell tage singer sewing The Bulletin Classiffeds deluxe 3 bdrm, 2yz bath, machine, antique Ave., Bend, OR 97702 NOTICE the essential facts in an 1880 sq. ft. home. Must be available 7 days a week, early morning hours. dresser, vintage DisRemember to remove interesting Manner. Write $1195. 541-350-2206 n ey toy b ox , n e w The Bulletin your Garage Sale signs from the readers view - not Must have reliable, insured vehicle. 290 mens boots, clothes (nails, staples, etc.) the seller's. Convert the 658 and coats, v i ntage Sales Redmond Area after your Sale event facts into benefits. Show Please call 541.385.5800 or 800.503.3933 Houses for Rent vanity, full bed, new is over! THANKS! ROBOTICS TEAM the reader how the item will during business hours linens, scuba suit and Huge Sale: Nov. 10th, Yard Sale! Industrial frz From The Bulletin Redmond help them in someway. gear, new suit cases, 9-3. MVHS cafeteria, drk /yogurt machines, and your local utility apply via email at online©bendbulletin.com This camping gear, New 2755 NE 27th St. Qual- wed dress, m oose companies. 4 bdrm 2ya bath, 3-car advertising tip York Yankee shirts, ity donations accepted decor, LN dorm frig. garage, fresh paint, 2640 brought to youby music an d sp o rts Friday evening, c a ll Sat & Sun 8-2, 1622 The Bulletin NE 9th. $1250/moJ ser ing centraloregon since rew shirts, camo gear, and 541-350-7170. In Bulle- NW Rimrock Ct, 1/4 $1500 security depJ no The Bulletin tin Community Calendar. mile W of Walmart. www.bendbulletin.com lots,lots more!!! pets. Call 503-804-5045


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I •



All real estate advertised here in is sub20.5' 2004 Bayliner ject to t h e F e deral 205 Run About, 220 F air H o using A c t , HP, V8, open bow, which makes it illegal exc. cond., very fast Country Coach Intrigue Sprinter 272RLS, 2009 to advertise any pref2002, 40' Tag axle. 29', weatherized, like 850 w/very low hours, erence, limitation or lots of extras incl. 400hp Cummins Die- n ew, f u rnished & discrimination based Snowmobiles sel. tw o s l ide-outs. ready to go, incl Winetower, Bimini 8 on race, color, relicustom trailer, 4 1,000 m iles, n e w ard S a t ellite dish, gion, sex, handicap, tires & batteries. Most $19,500. 26,995. 541-420-9964 familial status or na541-389-1413 options. $95,000 OBO tional origin, or inten541-678-5712 tion to make any such Snowmobile trailer preferences, l i mita2002, 25-ft Interpg tions or discrimination. state & 3 sleds, We will not knowingly $10,900. accept any advertis20.5' Seaswirl SpyWeekend Warrior Toy 541-480-8009 ing for r eal e state der 1989 H.O. 302, Hauler 28' 2007,Gen, which is in violation of 285 hrs., exc. cond., Econoline RI/ 1 9 89, fuel station, exc cond. 860 this law. All persons 8, black/gray stored indoors for fully loaded, exc. cond, sleeps are hereby informed Motorcycles & Accessories life $11,900 OBO. i nterior, u se d 3X , 35K m i. , R e duced $24,999. that all dwellings ad541-379-3530 $17,950. 541-546-6133 vertised are available Big-Foot motorcycle lift, 541-389-9188 on an equal opportu- ideal f o r Ha r leys. Ads published in the CAN'T BEAT THIS! nity basis. The Bulle- $275. 541-788-4844 "Boats" classification Garage Sales Look before you tin Classified include: Speed, fishHarley Davidson Softbuy, below market ing, drift, canoe, Garage Sales value! Size 8 mileTail De luxe 2 0 0 7, house and sail boats. 750 aqe DOES matter! white/cobalt, w / pasRedmond Homes Garage Sales For all other types of Class A 32' Hurrisenger kit, Vance & watercraft, please see cane by Four Winds, Hines muffler system Find them Gigantic Views Class 875. 2007. 12,500 mi, all kit, 1045 mi., exc. Quality Fuqua home, 3 8 541-385-5809 amenities, Ford V10, in cond, $19, 9 9 9, bdrm, 2 bath, 1572 SF 541-389-9188. Ithr, cherry, slides, The Bulletin Shop and greenhouse like new! New low Harley Heritage $136,900 price, $54,900. Classifieds 541-548-5216 MLS 201200450 Softail, 2003 Gail Day 541-306-1018 $5,000+ in extras, 541-385-5809 $2000 paint job, Central Oregon G ulfstream Sce n i c 30K mi. 1 owner, Realty Group LLC Cruiser 36 ff. 1999, with o u r sp e c ial For more information Looking for your rates for selling your I Cummins 330 hp dieplease call next employee? sel, 42K, 1 owner, 13 Looking for your next 541-385-8090 ~ boat or watercraft! Place a Bulletin help in. kitchen slide out, emp/oyee? or 209-605-5537 wanted ad today and new tires, under cover, / Place an ad in The Place a Bulletin help reach over 60,000 hwy. miles only,4 door B ulletin w it h ou r wanted ad today and HD FAT BOY fridge/freezer ice - readers each week. / 3-month package reach over 60,000 Your classified ad maker, W/D combo, 1996 readers each week. ~ which includes: will also appear on Interbath tub & Completely rebuilt/ Your classified ad bendbulletin.com shower, 50 amp procustomized, low will also appear on [ *5 lines of text and pane gen 8 m o r e! which currently remiles. Accepting ofa photo or up to 10 bendbulletin.com ceives over 1.5 mil$55,000. fers. 541-548-4807 which currently re[ lines with no photo. lion page views ev541-948-2310 *Free online ad at ceives over ery month at no 1.5 million page HD Screaming Eagle I bendbulletin.com extra cost. Bulletin views every month Electra Glide 2005, *Free pick up into Classifieds Get Re103" motor, two tone ~ The Central Oregon ~ at no extra cost. sults! Call 385-5809 Hunter's Delight! PackBulletin Classifieds candy teal, new tires, f Nickel ads. or place your ad age deal! 1988 WinGet Results! 23K miles, CD player on-line at Call 385-5809 or hydraulic clutch, ex- I Rates start at $46. I nebago Super Chief, bendbulletin.com 3 8K m i l es , gr e a t cellent condition. place your ad on-line Call for details! Highest offer takes it. shape; 1988 Bronco II at 541-385-5809 4 x4 t o t o w , 1 3 0 K 541-480-8080. 882 bendbulletin.com mostly towed miles, Fifth Wheels Honda Elite 80 2001, nice rig! $15,000 both. 1400 mi., absolutely 773 541-382-3964, leave 28' HR Alumascape like new., comes w/ msg. Acreages 1998 with slider, very GENERATE SOME excarrying rack for 2" nice, clean. $6500. citement in your neigreceiver, ideal for use Alfalfa farm opportunity w/motorhome, $995, borhood. Plan a gaBend, 206-915-1412. Over 700 acres with 541-546-6920 rage sale and don't 453 irrigated acres. forget to advertise in Producing over 2000 865 classified! 385-5809. quality tons per year. ATVs Includes 2 hay barns, Jayco Seneca 2 007, 2 shops and 3 homes. Nice 5' wide front-mount Servmg Central Oregon since 1903 17K mi., 35ft., Chevy Candice Anderson, 5 500 d i e sel, to y Carri-Lite Luxury 2009 adj. blade for ATV, $150. Broker 541-788-8878 541-410-3425 hauler $130 , 000. by Carriage, 4 slideUsed out-drive John L. Scott 541-389-2636. parts - Mercury outs, inverter, satelReal Estate, Bend 870 OMC rebuilt malite sys, fireplace, 2 www.johnlscott.com Boats & Accessories rine motors: 151 flat screen TVs. $1595; 3.0 $1895; $60,000.



The Bulletinl


/ / [




pThe Bulleting


The Bulletin

13' Smokercraft '85,

CHECK YOUR AD Please check your ad good cond., 15HP on the first day it runs gas Evinrude + to make sure it is cor- Minnkota 44 elec. rect. Sometimes inmotor, fish finder, 2 s tructions over t h e extra seats, trailer, phone are misunder- extra equip. $3200. stood and an e rror 541-388-9270 can occur in your ad. If this happens to your 14' boat & trailer, $300 ad, please contact us or best offer. No mothe first day your ad tor. 541-389-1324 appears and we will be happy to fix it as 17' 1984 Chris Craft s oon as w e c a n . - Scorpion, 140 HP Deadlines are: Week- inboard/outboard, 2 days 11:00 noon for depth finders, trollnext day, Sat. 11:00 ing motor, full cover, a.m. for Sunday and EZ - L oad t railer, Monday. $3500 OBO.


4.3 (1993), $1995. 541-389-0435 Need to get an ad in ASAP? You can place it online at: www.bendbulletin.com



Beaver Coach Marquis 40' 1987. New cover, new paint (2004), new inverter (2007). Onan Fleetwood Wilderness 6300 watt gen, 111K mi, 36', 2005, 4 s l ides, parked covered $35,000 rear bdrm, fireplace, obo. 541-419-9859 or AC, W/D hkup beau541-280-2014 tiful u n it! $30,500. '



16-ft wide-body canoe, hand-laid fiberglass, long Dynasty 2004, paddles 8 Stearns vests, Monaco loaded, 3 slides, die- K omfort 25' 2 0 06, 1 $350. 541-233-8944 AC, TV, awning. sel, Reduced - now slide, 541-385-5809 541-382-3728. NEW: tires, converter, $119,000, 5 4 1-923Thank you! batteries. Hardly used. 2007 SeaDoo 8572 or 541-749-0037 The Bulletin Classified $15,500. 541-923-2595 2004 Waverunner, 17' Seaswirl 1988 excellent condition, open bow, r ebuilt LOW hours. Double gg 775 Chev V 6 e n g ine, trailer, lots of extras. Qg/ = RI: Manufactured/ new uph o lstery, $10,000 d $3900 obo. Bend. 541-719-8444 Mobile Homes 707-688-4523 Southwind 35.5' Triton, FACTORY SPECIAL Ads published in "Wa- 2008,V10, 2 slides, Du- MONTANA 3585 2008, New Home, 3 bdrm, exc. cond., 3 slides, tercraft" include: Kay- pont UV coat, 7500 mi. $46,900 finished king bed, Irg LR, ArcBought new at • aks, rafts and motoron your site,541.548.5511 tic insulation, all op$132,913, • ized personal www.JandMHomes.com asking $93,500. tions $37,500. watercrafts. For Call 541-419-4212 541-420-3250 5'boats" please se FACTORY SPECIAL Class 870. 881 New Home, 3 bdrm, Nui/I/a 29 7LK Hi t ch18.5' '05 Reinell 185, V-6 g541 385 5809 Hiker 2007, 3 slides, $48,900 finished Travel Trailers on your site,541.548.5511 low hrs., must see, 32' touring coach, left www.JandMHomes.com kitchen, rear lounge, many extras, beautiful cond. inside & o ut, $34,499 OBO, Prineville. 541-447-5502 days & 541-447-1641 eves. Pioneer Spirit 18CK, 2007, used only 4x, AC, electric tongue j a ck, Call 54l 385 5809iopromoteyour service Advertisefor 28 daysstarting at 'lfoImisspecial packageisnotavmabileonourweaittf $8995. 541-389-7669 ROUA Digorgio 1971 fridge, heater, propane Building/Contracting H o me Improvement L andscaplng/Yard Care & elec. Iights, awning, P ilgrim 27', 2007 5 t h 2 spares, extra insu- wheel, 1 s lide, AC, NOTICE: Oregon state Kelly Kerfoot Const. N OTICE: ORE G O N lation for late season TV,full awning, excellaw req u ires any- 28 yrs exp in Central OR! Landscape Contrac- hunting/cold weather lent shape, $23,900. one who c o n tractsQuality 8 honesty, from tors Law (ORS 671) camping, well maint, 541-350-8629 for construction work carpentry & handyman r equires a l l bu s i - very roomy, sleeps 5, reat f o r hu n t ing, to be licensed with the jobs, to expert wall cov- nesses that advertise C onstruction Con - ering install / removal. t o p e rform L a n d- 2950, 541-410-6561 tractors Board (CCB). Sr. discounts CCB¹47120 scape C o nstruction A n active lice n se Licensed/bonded/insured which includes: TURN THE PAGE means the contractor 541-389-1413/ 410-2422 p lanting, decks , For More Ads i s bonded an d i n fences, arbors, The Bulletin Pilgrim In t e rnational s ured. Ver if y t h e w ater-features, a n d 2005, 36' 5th Wheel, Landscaping/Yard Care installation, repair of contractor's CCB Model¹M-349 RLDS-5 c ense through t h e irrigation systems to Fall price $ 2 1,865. CCB Cons u m er be licensed with the 541-312-4466 Website Landscape Contracwww.hireahcensedcontractor. t ors B o a rd . Th i s Z~r/dd zQuaEiip Com 4-digit number is to be or call 503-378-4621. Za~<0a ~/,. included in all adver- Springdale 2005 27', 4' The Bulletin recomtisements which indi- slide in dining/living area, mends checking with More Than Service cate the business has sleeps 6, low mi,$15,000 the CCB prior to cona bond,insurance and obo. 541-408-3811 Peace Of Mind tracting with anyone. workers c ompensaRegal Prowler AX8 Exip"] Some other t r ades tion for their employfreme Edition 38' '05, also req u ire addi- Fall Clean Up ees. For your protec4 slides,2 fireplaces, all tional licenses and Don't track it in all Winter tion call 503-378-5909 maple cabs, king bed/ •Leaves certifications. bdrm separated w/slide or use our website: •Cones glass dr,loaded,always www.lcb.state.or.us to • Needles Debris Removal garaged,lived in only 3 check license status • Pruning • Debris Hauling before con t ractingSpringdale 29' 2 0 07, mo,brand new $54,000, JUNK BE GONE with t h e bu s iness. slide,Bunkhouse style, still like new, $28,500, I Haul Away FREE Persons doing land- sleeps 7-8, excellent will deliver,see rvt.com, Gutter For Salvage. Also scape m aintenance condition, $ 1 6 ,900, ad¹4957646 for pics. Cory, 541-580-7334 541-390-2504 Cleanups & Cleanouts Cleaning do not require a LCB Mel, 541-389-8107 license.

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SOLD!! SPRINTER 36' "You can stop the ad, 2005, $10,500 obo. finally gof it sold. It took a Two slides, sleeps 5, few months, buf found a queen air mattress, buyer - ad the important small sgl. bed, couc thing is ..... it's gone! folds out. 1.5 baths, The Wheel Deal 'run until Doug R..

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Legal Notices


Sealed bids will be received by the Grant School District No. 3 for the replacement of windows at Humbolt Elementary in C a nyon City, OR and the replacement of w indows at Seneca Elementary in Seneca, O R. Work w i l l b e awarded in one (1) General Contract and will include all the related work. Sealed bids will be received by B r andon Weholt, Owner's Representative, in the office of Design West Architects, P.A., 216 SW 5th Avenue, Suite 1 00, M e ridian, I D 83642 O R at t he Grant School District

No. 3 Office, 401 N Canyon City B l vd., Canyon C i ty , OR 97820, until 3:00 PM

Mountain t i m e/2:00 PM Pacific time, Monday, November 26, 2 012. Bids ca n b e submitted at either loc ation and w il l b e opened and publicly r ead aloud o n t h e same day via conference call. The bids and first-tier subcontractor di s c losures shall be filed for public inspection. Bids received after the time fixed for opening will not be considered. All bidders must submit with their bid, or within four hours after the bid closing time referenced above, a disclosure o f the first-tier s u bcontractors that will be furnishing labor or will be furnishing labor and materials in connection with the p ublic improvement, or will have a contract value t hat is equal to o r greater than five perc ent o f t h e to t a l project bid or $15,000, whichever is greater. T he d i sclosure o f first-tier s u bcontractors shall include the name of each subc ontractor an d t h e category of work that each s u b contractor will be performing. If the bidder will not be

L e g al Notices

Legal Notices •

Legal Notices

thereof, o r be f o re award o f C o n tract, unless award is delayed for a period exceeding thirty ( 3 0) days. This P ublic W o rks project is financed in whole or in part by federal-aid funds. Bid proposals will be accepted from t h ose only contractors (pnme c o n tractors subcontractors and/or specialty contractors) who, prior to the bid opening, hold current Construction Contractor's Board licenses in the State of O regon. E ac h b i d must identify whether the bidder is a resid ent bidder as d e fined in ORS 279A.120. C o ntractors do need to be licensed under ORS 468A.720 for the window replacement portion of the project. All bids must contain a statement complying with State of Oregon law as per ORS 279C.800 to 279C.870 stating that all wages will be paid at not less than the prevailing rates for the locality where such labor is p e rformed. The G rant S c hool District No. 3 may rej ect any bid not i n c ompliance with a l l prescribed public bidding procedures and requirements, and may reject for good cause any or all bids upon a finding of the agency that it is in the public interest to do so. LEGAL NOTICE OREGON T RUSTEE'S N O T ICE O F SAL E

on th e p r o perty, provide i n surance on the property or other senior pay liens o r en c u mbrances as required i n th e n o t e a n d T rust D e ed, t h e beneficiary may insist that you do so in order to reinstate y our a ccount i n good standing. The beneficiary may require as a condition t o re i nstatement that you provide reliable written evidence that you have paid a l l senior liens or encumbrances, p r operty taxes, and hazard insurance p r e miums. These requirements for reinstatement should be confirmed by contacting the u ndersigned Tru s t ee. The street or other common designation if any, of t he real property des cribed above i s purported to be: 51808 PINE LOOP DRIVE, LA P I NE, OR 97739 The undersigned Trustee d i sclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the a bove s t reet o r other common designation. By reason of said default, th e b e n eficiary has declared all s ums owing on the obligation secured by said T r u st Deed i mmediately due and p ayable, said sums being the f ollowing, t o wi t : Principal $62,389.27, together with interest as provided in the note or other instrument secured from 11/ 0 1 / 11, a nd s uc h o t h e r costs and fees are due under the note or other instrument s ecured, and a s a re p rovided b y statute. WHEREFORE, notice i s h e r eby given th a t t he undersigned trustee will, on December 17, 2012, at t he hour of 10:00 A.M. in accord with the Standard Time, as established by ORS 1 87.110, IN S I DE THE MAIN LOBBY OF THE DESCHUTES COUNTY COURTHOUSE, 1164 NW B O N D, BEND , County of DESCHUTES, State of OREGON, (which is the n e w d a te, time and place set for said sale) sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the interest in the said described real property which the Grantor had or had p o w e r to convey at the time of execution by him of the sa i d Trust Deed, together with any interest which the Grantor or his successors in interest a c q uired after the execution of said Trust Deed, to sa t i sf y the foregoing o b l igations thereby s ecured an d t h e costs and expenses of sale, including a reasonable charge by t h e tru s tee. Notice i s fu r t her given t h a t any p erson named i n O .R.S.86.753 h a s the right, at any time prior to f i v e days before the date last set for the sale, to have this foreclosure proceeding dismissed and the Trust Deed reinstated by payment t o the b eneficiary of t h e entire amount then due (other t h an such portion of the principal as would notthen be due had no default occurred) and by curing any other default complained herein

that is capable of being c u red by tendering the performance required under the obligation o f th e Trust Deed, and in addition to paying said s u m s or tendering the performance necessary to cure the default, by paying all costs a nd expenses actually incurred in enforcing the obligation and Trust Deed, together with trustee's and attorney's fees not exceeding the amounts p r ovided by sa i d ORS

T.S. No: D 537928 OR U nit Code: D



112244929-1/HERN ANDEZ A P ¹ 1 : 114826 Tit l e ¹ :

6 934001 Ref e r ence is made to that certain Trust Deed made by MARIO N HERNANDEZ, INEZ LOPEZ RAMIREZ as Grantor, to WESTE RN TITLE & E S-

CROW COMPANY as Trustee, in using any s ubcon- favor o f GOLF tractors that are subSAVINGS BANK, A ject to the disclosure WASHINGTON requirements, the bid- S TATE STOC K der is required to indi- SAVINGS BANK as cate "NONE" on the Beneficiary. Dated accompanying form. June 12, 2007, ReThe G rant S c hool c orded June 1 5 , District will consider 2007 as Instr. No. the bid of any con- 2 007-33779 in tractor that does not Book - - Page - submit a subcontrac- of Official Records tor disclosure to be a in the office of the n on-responsive b i d Recorder of DESand may not award CHUTES C o unty; t he contract to t h e OREGON c o v e rcontractor. ing the following deCopies of the Con- scribed real proptract Documents will erty situated in said be available Monday county and state, to November 12, 2012 at wit: LOT 72, PONthe offices of Design D EROSA PI N E S W est A rchitects o r EAST DESGrant School District CHUTES COUNTY, No. 3 (addresses O REGON . Bot h l isted above) to L i - the beneficiary and censed Contractors in the t rustee h a ve the State of Oregon. A elected to sell the $100 deposit per set said real property to is required. Electronic satisfy the o bliga(PDF format) copies t ions secured b y may be obtained at no said Trust Deed and cost. a Notice of Default Tours of the buildings h as been re can be arranged by corded pursuant to contacting Mark Witty, Oregon Re v i sed S uperintendent, a t Statutes 86.735(3); 541-575-1280. the d e f ault for B id security in t h e which the f orecloamount of five per- s ure i s m a d e i s cent (5%) of the bid Grantor's failure to must acc o mpany pay when due, the each bid, i n a ccor- f ollowing sum s : d ance with th e I n - UNPAID P R I NCIstructions to Bidders, P AL BA LA N C E made payable to the $62,389.27 INTERGrant School District EST O 8 . 3750 No. 3. Performance FROM 11/ 0 1 / 11 Bond and Labor and THRU 08/ 0 7 / 12 Materials P a y ment $4,020.43 ACBond in an a mount CRUED LATE equal to one hundred CHARGES $270.63 percent (100%) of the A PPRAISAL F E E contract amount will $ 361.00 PRO P be required within five E RTY INSP E C (5) days after receipt TION $182.00 DEof properly prepared MAND FEE $35.00 Agreement between Sub-Total of Owner and Contrac- Amounts in tor. The Owner reArrears:$67,258.33 s erves the r ight t o Together with any waive ir r e gularities default in the payand to reject any or all ment of r e curring bids. obligations as they No bidder may withbecome due. draw his bid after the ALSO, if you have hour set for opening failed to pay taxes


It w i l l be necessary for you to contact the

undersigned prior to the time you tender reinstatement or payoff so that you may be advised of the exact amount, including t r ustee's costs and fees, that will be you

r equired t o p a y . Payment must be in

the full amount in

the form of cashier's or certified c h eck. T he effect of t h e sale w il l b e to deprive you and all those who hold by, through and under you of a l l interest in t h e pr o p erty described a b ove. In construing this notice, the masculine gender includes the f eminine and t h e neuter, the singular includes the plural the word "grantor" includes any successor in interest to the g rantor as well as a n y other p erson owing a n obligation, the performance of which is secured by said Trust D e ed, a nd the w o r ds "trustee" and "beneficiary" include their respective successors in i nterest, i f any . The Beneficiary may b e a t tempting t o collect a debt and any info r mation o btained may b e used fo r t hat purpose. If the Trustee is unable to convey title for any reason, the successful bidder's sole and exclusive remedy shall be the return o f m o n ies paid to the Trustee, and the successful bidder shall have no further recourse. If available, the expected opening bid and/or postponement information may be obtained by calling the following telephone n umber(s) on t h e day before the sale: (714) 480-5690 or you ma y a c cess sales information at www.tacforeclosures.com/sales DATED: 0 8 / 07/1 2 CHRISTOPHER C. D ORR, OSBA ¹ By 992526 CHRISTOPHER C. DORR, ATTORNEY AT LAW D I R ECT INQUIRIES TO: T .D. SERV I C E COMPANY FORECLOSURE DEPARTMENT 4000 W. Metropolitan Drive

Suite 400 Orange, CA 92868 (800) 843-0260 TAC¹ 960399 PUB: 11/01/12, 11/08/12, 11/15/12, 11/23/12



GarageSales Find them in The Bulletin Classifieds!


Cle arance.Clemvance.Cleavmnce. ""Oc 8 tfe/.

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Trucks & Heavy Equipment




Antique & Classic Autos


Antique & Classic Autos

Sport Utility Vehicles •

Chrysler 30 0 C o u pe 1967, 44 0 e n g ine, I nternational Fla t auto. trans, ps, air, Bed Pickup 1963, 1 frame on rebuild, reton dually, 4 s p d. painted original blue, trans., great MPG, Peterbilt 359 p o table original blue interior, B a r racuda could be exc. wood water t ruck, 1 9 90, original hub caps, exc. Plymouth runs great, 3200 gal. tank, 5hp chrome, asking $9000 1966, original car! 300 hauler, hp, 360 V8, center- new brakes, $1950. p ump, 4 - 3 n hoses, or make offer. 541-419-5480. lines, (Original 273 camlocks, $ 2 5,000. 541-385-9350 541-820-3724 eng & wheels incl.)

Aircraft, Parts & Service

1/3 interest in Columbia 400, located at Sunriver. $ 1 38,500. Call 541-647-3718

&o~ &sr/ Big Tex Landscaping/ ATV Trailer, dual axle flatbed, 7'x16', 7000 lb. GVW, all steel, $1400.

VW Karman Ghia 1/3 interest i n w e l l1970, good cond., 931 new upholstery and equipped IFR Beech BoAutomotive Parts, FIAT 1800 1978, 5-spd, convertible top. nanza A36, new 10-550/ door panels w/flowers prop, located KBDN. Service & Accessories $10,000. & hummingbirds, $65,000. 541-419-9510 541-389-2636 white soft top & hard (4) 185/70R-14 studded top. Just reduced to tires on wheels, used, Executive Hangar $ 120 ob o . Jerr y $3,750. 541-317-9319 at Bend Airport or 541-647-8483 541-382-0956 (KBDN) 60' wide x 50' deep, 4 studded tires, w/55' wide x 17' high 225/75R-15, $150 bi-fold door. Natural obo. 541-382-3456 gas heat, office, bathVW Thing 1974, good room. Parking for 6 NEED HOLIDAY $$$? cond. Extremely Rare! We pay CASH for c ars. A d jacent t o Only built in 1973 & Junk Cars & Trucks! Ford Galaxie 500 1 963, Frontage Rd; g reat 1 974. $8,000 . visibility for a viation Also buying batteries & 2 dr. hardtop,fastback, 541-389-2636 catalytic converters. 390 v8,auto, pwr. steer & bus. 1jetjock@q.com radio (orig),541-419-4989 Serving all of C.O.! 541-948-2126 Call 541-408-1090 Ford Mustang Coupe P ickups • Tires (4) LT265/70R17 1966, original owner, V8, automatic, great on Ford 8-hole wheels Chevy t/g-ton 1992, PS, 4 0% t r ead, $ 4 0 0. shape, $9000 OBO. PB, AT, new plates, runs 530-515-8199 541-480-9277 grt, $1500. 541-923-4338 932


Ford Ranchero 1979

Antique & Classic Autos

Economical flying in your ow n C e s sna 172/180 HP for only $ 10,000! Based a t BDN. Call Gabe at Professional Air! 541-388-0019 ~

with 351 Cleveland modified engine. Body is in excellent condition, $2500 obo. 541-420-4677

1921 Model T Delivery Truck Restored 8 Runs $9000. 541-389-8963

Ford T-Bird 1966 390 engine, power everything, new paint, 54K original miles, runs great, excellent cond. in 8 out. Asking $8,500. 541-480-3179

Ford 250 XLT 1990,

6 yd. dump bed, 139k, Auto, $5500. 541-410-9997

Ford F250 2002

Supercab 7.3 diesel, 130,000 miles, great shape with accessories. $14,900. 541-923-0231 day or 541-923-2582 eves.

: - -'-.I


I%%.JY f Hyster H25E, runs well, 2982 Hours, $3500,call

GMC Vgton 1971, Only Chevy flatbed pickup $19,700! Original low 1969, 32 7 en g ine,mile, exceptional, 3rd owner. 951-699-7171 $4000. 541-388-3029

Chevrolet G20 Sportsman, 1993, exlnt cond, $4750. 541-362-5559 or 541-663-6046

Chevy Astro Cargo Van 2001,

Buick Enclave 2008 CXL AWD, V-6, black, clean,

ota whls. 541-388-1112


Toyotas: 1999 Avalon 254k; 1996 Camry, 98k, 4 cyl. Lots of miles left in these cars. Price? You tell me! I'd guess $2000-$4000. Your servant, Bob at 541-318-9999, no charge for looking.

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Volkswagen Jetta SE, 2008. 40,500 mi, Great I The Bulletin recoml condition, FWD, ABS, mends extra caution f automatic, AC, moonwhen p u rchasing roof, CD/MP3 & much I products or services more! $12,950 from out of the area.


Cadillac Seville STS 2003 - just finished $4900 engine work by Certified GM mechanic Has everything but navigation. Jeep Willys 1947,custom, Too many bells and small block Chevy, PS, whistles to l i s t. OD, mags+trailer. Swap bought a new one. for backhoe.No am calls $4900 please. 541-389-6990 541-420-1283

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Toyota Camry SE, 2002, 56,200 miles, moonroof, spoiler, $11,900; incl 4 studless snows on Toy-

Porsche 911 1974, low 541-771-2312 m echanicall y sound, 82k mi., complete motor/ miles. $21,995. Chevy G-20 c u stom trans. rebuild, tuned V W Beetle, 2002 Call 541-815-1216 conversion travel van suspension, int. 8 ext. 5-spd, silver-gray, black 1994 128k, 5.7L, rear refurb., oi l c o oling, Chevy Tahoe LS 2001 elect. bed, 75% tires. a shows new in 8 out, leather, moonroof, CD, 115K miles, 4x4. 120K mi, Power real beauty in & out! perf. m ech. c o n d. loaded, well-maintained seats, Tow Pkg, 3rd Travel in economy and Much more! (have records) row seating, e xtra style and under $4000. $28,000 541-420-2715 extremely clean, tires, CD, privacy tint- Bob, 541-318-9999 PORSCHE 914 1974, $4850 obo. ing, upgraded rims. 541-546-6920 Fantastic cond. $7995 Roller (no engine), 975 Contact Timm at lowered, full roll cage, 541-408-2393 for info Automobiles 5-pt harnesses, rac- Where can you find a or to view vehicle. ing seats, 911 dash & helping hand? Buick Lucerne CXL instruments, d e cent From contractors to 2009, $12,500, low shape, v e r y c o ol! Ford Explorer 4x4, low miles; 2000 Buick $1699. 541-678-3249 yard care, it's all here 1991 - 154K miles, Century $2900. You'll in The Bulletin's rare 5-speed tranny not find nicer Buicks Toyota Carn r's: 8 manual hubs, "Call A Service One look's worth a clean, straight, ev1984, $1200 obo; thousand words. Call Professional" Directory eryday driver. Bring 1985 SOLD; Bob, 541-318-9999. 2200 dollar bills! for an appt. and take a 1 986parts car, WHEN YOU SEE THIS Bob, 541-318-9999 drive in a 30 mpg. car $500.


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