Bulletin Daily Paper 12-08-12

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SATURDAY DecemberB,2012

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Justices to weigh in amid shifting

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By Adam Liptak

The Bulletin

WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court announced Friday that it would enter the national debate over same-sex marriage, agreeing to hear a pair of cases challenging state and federal laws that define marriage to include only unions of a man and a woman. One of the cases, from California, could establish or reject a constitutional right to samesex marriage. The justices could also rule on narrower grounds that would apply only to marriages in California. The second case, from New York, challenges a federal law that requires the federal government to deny benefits to gay and lesbian couples married in states that allow such unions. The court's move comes against the backdrop of a rapid shift in public attitudes about same-sex marriage, with recent polls indicating that a majority of Americans support allowing such unions. After last month's elections, the number of states authorizing same-sex marriageincreased by half, to nine. The court's docket is now crowded with cases about the meaning of equality, with the new cases joining ones on affirmative action in higher education and the future of the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Decisions in all of those cases are expected by June. The new California case, Hollingsworth v. Perry, No. 12-144, was filed in 2009 by Theodore Olson and David Boies, two lawyers who were on opposite sides in the Supreme Court's decision in Bush v. Gore, which settled the 2000 presidential election. See Marriage/A8

TOP NEWS ROYAL BABY:Prank call has a tragic ending,A3 ECONOMY:Employment picture improves,C3 TODAY'S WEATHER Partly cloudy High 36, Low 28

Page CS

INDEX Horoscope B3 Local News C1-8 Movies B2 Obituaries C7 S ports 0 1-6 S tocks C 4 - 5 IV B2, 'TV' mag

The Bulletin An Independent Newspaper Vol. 109, No. 343, 48 pages, 6sections

8 .4 We userecycled newsprint


Kit plane builder Epic Aircraft is negotiating to buy Cessna Aircraft's vacant Bend manufacturing plant, possibly closing a deal by Dec. 14, according to city officials. The Bend City Council met with Epic Aircraft CEO Doug King on Wednesday, where King discussed plans to add


New York Times News Service

Business C3-5 Classified E1-4 Comics B 4 -5 Community B1-6 Crosswords B5,E2 Dear Abby B3 E ditorials C 6

By Elou Glucklich


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duction in hopes of securing Federal Aviation Administration approval to certify the Epic LT plane model. The council then voted to transfer the active lease on more than600,000 square feet of airport land from Cessna to Epic. Much of that land is open space that could be developed in the future. The lease transfer has an effective date of Dec. 14. That's the date officials believe Epic and Cessna are eyeing to close a deal on the airport building, said Assistant City Manager Jon Skidmore. See Epic/A6


Photo Courtesy Audrey Magoun /The Wolverine Foundation

A wolverine is captured by a motion-activated camera in the Wallowas in Spring 2011. Called Stormy by Audrey Magoun, a wolverine researcher, the animal was among the first to be documented in the mountains in decades.

• Recording equipment Catching awolverine oncamera havedeveloped a bait and camerastation to capture photos of wolverines is set to lookfor theelusive Researchers and other forest carnivores. There are now 20 such stations around the Central Oregon predator inthe Cascades Cascades aspart of a project aimed at detecting the reclusive wolverine. By Dylan j. Darling


The Bulletin

The trap is clever, designed to reveal as much as possible about one of the most reclusive animals in the wild while only plucking out some of its fur and taking its photo. Built around a 15- to 20-pound block of road-killed deer, the contraption led to the recent discovery of three wolverines in the Wallowa Mountains of Eastern Oregon, where scientists and locals alike believed the animals roamed no more. Now the focus is on the Cascades near Bend and the possibility of wolverines hiding here. Wolverines haven't been seen in the Central Oregon Cascades for more than 45 years. But, "there hasn't really been a large-scale detection effort," said Tim Hiller,carnivore-furbearer program coordinator for the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. Until now. Hiller and his wife, Jamie McFadden, are leading a research project aimed at determining whether wolverines are living in the Cascades. Their focus is the Three Sisters, Mount Jefferson and Mount Washington wildernessesareas.The lastwol verine in Central Oregon mountains was killed in 1969 by a trapper near Broken Top, said ODFW officials. Stuffed, the animal now stands preserved at the ODFW office in Bend. In the West, wolverines weigh up

Deer carcassfor bait

Snow shield Motion-

sensitive camera Spot pattern helps identify individual wolverines

Spring-loaded alligator clips, attached

lo frame, snaghairs for DNA analysis

Sources: Alberta Conservation Association, The Oregon Zoo

See video coverage on The Bulletin's website:

bendbulletin.com/wolverine to 35 pounds and live about 15 years, said Audrey Magoun, a wildlife biologist and wolverine expert. While they oftenare labeled as mean or ferocious, she said they aren't. "No more so than other animals," she said.

Greg Cross /The Bulletin

She has never heard of a wolverine, which is in the same family of animals as badgers, martens and weasels, ever attacking anyone. Their mean reputation, Magoun said, likely comes from the disposition they displayed when people found wolverines in traps. Although not targeted by trappers in the 1800s like beavers, trapping in Oregon did play a part in the decline of the wolverine, Magoun said. SeeWolverines/A8

Factory fires blaze despite certifications of safety By Declan Walsh and Steven Greenhouse New York Times News Service

KARACHI, Pakistan — The century-old Central Jail here, a gritty repository of criminals, jihadists and sectarian killers, has a reputation for overcrowding and prisoner riots. But for Arshad and Shahid Bhaila, the industrialist brothers whose factory burned to the ground in September, killing at least 262 workers, there are some comforts. As Category B prisoners, the Bhailas have a private room, a bathroom, a television and personally cooked meals. Those perks, to be sure, may prove only a short-lived solace once their trial begins in January and they face a possible death sentence on murder charges. Yet their lawyer, in mounting a defense, is seeking to shelter the Bhailas behind a far greatersource ofcomfort:an apparel industry certification system that gave their factory, Ali Enterprises, a clean bill of health just three weeks before the horrific blaze. SeeFactories/A6

IvyLeague schoolscrack down on out-of-controlbehavior By Chris Staiti Bloomberg News

BOSTON — Harvard and Cornell universities have joined Yale University and Dartmouth College in cracking down on out-of-control behavior as drinking, hazing and sexual harassment endanger students and tarnish

Ivy League reputations. Harvard faculty voted last month to require registration of parties and ban drinking games, and Cornell ordered fraternities to have live-in advisers. This fall, Dartmouth began security checks at Greek houses and Princeton University banned freshmen

from joining them. The moves are the latest effort to regulate campus behavior since rules controlling students — known as in loco parentis — were abolished in the 1960s. Disobedience crested last year for Ivy League schools, which cost more than $50,000 a year to

attend. A Dartmouth hazing article detailed rituals involving bodily fluids. A Cornell student died of alcohol poisoning, and Yale was hit with a discrimination complaint after fraternity members chanted "No means yes! Yes means anal!" "Colleges have been in an

arms raceto prove to students that they're cool and give more freedom than the others," said Lisa Wade, head of the sociology department at Occidental College in Los Angeles. "Now, maybe the pendulum is starting to swing the other way." Seelvy League/A4


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ice rin suni uest eto i omac By Manuel Roig-Franzia The Washington Post

WASHINGTON — S usan Rice was miffed, all right. Her frequent foil, the Russian ambassador to the United Nations, Vitaly Churkin — an outsize personality whom she might be screaming at one moment, then laughing with the next — was at it again. This time, he was mocking her pet project to let youths from around the world ask the U.N. Security Council questions via video link-up. If Churkin was going to play goad the ambassador, Rice would, too. A Rice staffer superimposed Churkin's face on the cartoon body of the Grinch — the one who stole Christmas. Rice loved it. This, she had to share. And so the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations decided to plop the doctored image onto The Associated Press file photo the big screen in the Security Members of President Barack Obama's cabinet applaud Susan Rice as the president says what Council's consultation room an excellent job she has been doing Nov. 28 at the White House. for all to see. But first, a bit of diplomacy. "never wanted to live outside She showed it privatelyto ChurAt t h e U n i te d N a t ions, kin. The "huge bear laugh" that the city," she said. She lives in Rice can sometimes startle s taffers heard t h rough t h e Northwest Washington, with or annoy with her penchant U.S. ambassador closed door signaled that this her husband, Ian Cameron, for showing up at meetings to the United Nations wouldn't become a nuclear ina television producer she met and dominating the convercident. Eventually, the Russians EARLY YEARS while attending Stanford Unisation. She's blunt to a fault backed off their objections. Born: 1964, Washington, versity. She was aware that s ometimes, can l e cture t o Still, Rice's prank in DecemD.C. some might look askance at her peers and bugs other dipber 2010annoyed some in this t hem because Cameron i s lomats b y o v e r-scheduling Education: Bachelor's ever-cautious, o f t en-cryptic, white and she is black. "But them, leading them on enddegree, Stanford inscrutably-polite-yet-clanwhy the hell should I be con- less excursions during forUniversity, 1986; master's destinely-rude ministerial unistrained by prejudices with eign trips, prompting some to degree, Oxford University, verse. Was she being undiplowhich I totally disagree?" she derisively refer to her as the 1988; doctorate, Oxford "headmistress." matically inappropriate or unsaid in a 1998 interview with University, 1990 (Rhodes "You're not ou r s c hool"That conventionally charming? The Washington Post. scholar) Every little thing about the doesn't mean that I'm less of teacher and we're not your Honors: Most 48-year-old Rice matters now an African American." students," a Security Council distinguished doctoral that she's th e p r esumptive At dinner parties in the cou- diplomat remarked in referdissertation in the U.K. in front-runner to replace Hillary ple's home, the music invarience to Rice. international relations Clinton as secretary of state. ably gets turned up and Rice, sand admirers DIPLOMATICCAREER Every question large and small whose public persona can be Critic 1993-1997: Various demands answers. This child so deadly serious, will laugh Rice speaksoften about her positions at the National of Washington finds herself and dance, says her former commitment to human rights, Security Council during in the capital's vise, a pressure chief of staff, Brooke Ander- a cause that allies say is centhe Clinton administration, point between Congress and son. Rhythm and blues will tral to her worldview. Yet, one including policy advisor the White House. pour out of the speakers. "I of the world's leading human during the Rwanda like old-school," Rice says. rights advocates has been a A'D.C. girl through genocide That smiling, g regarious frequent critic. "She tends to and through' 1997-2001: Assistant Rice is the one her close as- be strongest when the human secretary of state for She got here by pinch-hitsociates like to t al k a bout. rights violations involved are ting for Clinton one tightly African affairs; criticized for But a meme has chased Rice committed by U.S. adversarscheduled Sunday m orning advising against accepting through much of her steep ies," Kenneth Roth, the execuSudan's offer to help nab in September, five days after and speedyrise,and itis m ore tive director of Human Rights the attack on the U.S. consulOsama bin Laden; 9-11 present than ever as her name Watch, told Foreign Policy. Commission later said "But she is less strong when ate in Benghazi, Libya. Racdangles out there as a posSudan would likely not ing through five Sunday talk sible secretary of state. She violations are committed by shows in a matter of hours, she have helped is the s h arp-elbowed one, U.S. friends, lik e R w anda parroted White House talkthe brusque one, the one who or Israel, or by governments 2002-2009: Senior fellow ing points that the attack was flipped off the famed diplomat more in the middle, like Sri at the Brookings Institution a spontaneous response to a Richard Holbrooke, the one Lanka." 2009-present: film that mocked the Muslim who likes to cuss. Rice has been frustrated Ambassador to U.N.; "She's not a typical diploprophet Muhammad; a group in efforts to get the Security helped win stiff sanctions mat," says Ed Luck, a former of Republican senators and Council to back resolutions against lran, North Korea conservative commentators special adviser to the U.N. sec- calling o n Sy r i a n l e a der and support for interaccuses her of i n tentionally retary-general. "She doesn't B ashar Assad to en d t h at vention in Libya; criticized misleading the public to hide suffer fools gladly, and I don't n ation's civil w ar. Bu t s h e by some Republicans for intelligence assessments that it see why she should." has been able to help secure statements about attack on was aterroristattack. Luck said he had his doubts U.N. sanctions against North U.S. consulate in Libya Senators crowd before miwhen Rice was named U.N. Korea and Iran. And, in the Sources. MCT; U.S. State crophones to condemn her. ambassador four years ago. precarious days of the Libyan Department; USA Today P resident B a r ack Ob a m a He wondered whether her conflict, she persuaded the talks tough, saying her critics style would chafe, but he was Security Council to back a should come after him — not pleasantly surprised and, at resolution allowing airstrikes. her. At t i mes, the w hirling bright, the future secretary of times, moved, p a r ticularly The decision was reached as drama takes on elements of a state, who served on school when Rice gave stirring reCol. Moammar Gadhafi was theater of the absurd. Read the boards with Rice's mother, and marks commemorating the threatening to kill thousands cable news graphic! "Sticky whose former husband played Rwandan genocide and acof Libyans and has been toutRice."Read the reporters trade tennis with Rice's father. knowledging that the United ed by the Obama administraquippy headlines on Twitter! Albright became a mentor, States did not do enough to tion as being responsible for "McCain throws Rice in the helping to elevate Rice to assis- stop the killing. "I don't think saving countless lives. "These just wouldn't have cooker." "Rice on Ice." "Obama tant secretary of state for Afri- I've ever seen quite such a perwants Benghazi, Rice on Back can Affairs when Rice was 32. sonal and emotional account gotten done if this caricature Burner." They have been so close that g iven by a d i plomat at the of what she's like was actually It's Susan Rice's home town people assumed Rice was her U.N.," Luck said. true," said Anderson, Rice's in its fullest flower, a swirling godchild, Albright said in an Rice viewed the Rwanda former chief of staff. drama for the woman who de- interview. She isn't. But Peggy tragedy close up as a young In September, Rice gave the scribed herself in an interview Cooper Cafritz, a wealthy D.C. National S ecurity C o u ncil convocation address at Howas "a D.C. girl through and art patron, was a kind of surro- staffer and it plays a complex ard University in Washington. through." gate godmother. Eleanor Holm- role in her public identity. She After her remarks, she walked She grew up minutes from es Norton, Washington's non- often cites her trip to Rwanda, to a private office trailed by the nexus of her present-day voting delegate in the House of where she saw evidence of un- VIPs and a few dogged stupolitical saga, in Shepherd Park Representatives, took Rice to speakable tragedies, as a ma- dents. One was a shy but perin Northwest Washington. Her lunch when she was deciding jor influence on her attitudes s istent young w oman w h o father, Emmett Rice, was an whether to attend law school. toward humanitarian i nterwanted desperately to meet economist who in 1979 became When asked, Rice estimates vention. But in a 2001 Atlantic Rice, says a person who was the second African American that only 10 percent of her high Monthly article, the journalist in the room at the time. appointed to the Federal Re- school graduating class was Samantha Power — now an The normal protocol would serve Board. Her mother, Lois African American. But race Obama administration advis- have been for Rice to give face Dickson Rice, was a corporate was something that her par- er — seemed toportray Rice time to the assembled muckexecutiveand a longtime mements didn't want her to dwell as favoring political concerns ety-mucks. But she sat instead ber of the College Board. Rice's on. "They taught me never over humanitarian issues. for a long time, listening to "If we use the word 'geno- the woman tell her story. The parents divorced when she was to use race as an excuse or a cide' and are seen as doing 10. crutch," she said. VIPs had to wait. They circulated among She took her father's death nothing, what will be the efthe city's elite. Rice attended last year hard, friends say, and fect on the November congresfancy schools — Beauvoir worries about spending so sional election?" Power quoted and the National Cathedral much time away from her fami- Rice saying. In the same artiSchool. Rice, who played point ly in Washington, as well as her cle, Rice said she didn't recall 541-548-2066 guard on the basketball team, mother, who has battled health the remark and said it would Adjustable was such a jock that her fam- issues.She has remarked that have been "inappropriate." "somebody can take your place ily called her "Spo," short for sport, a nickname that some at the Security Council, but nofamily members still use. (Rice body can take your place in the says she has not played hoops hospital room." with Obama. "I know I can't HAVEN HOME STYLE hang with him," she says in an 'Not a typical diplomat' MXtTREss 'Furnifure and Geyji n interview.) There was never any doubt G allery- B e n d Her parents' friends were that Rice would make her 856 NWBond • Downtown Bend• 541-330-5999 541-330-5084 www.havenhomestyle.com people such as Madeleine Al- home in W a shington. She


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Oregon Lottery results As listed at www.oregonlottery.org

MEGA MILLIONS The numbers drawn Friday night are:

g7@3g 44@ ig

Discoveries, breakthroughs, trends, names in the news — things you need to know to start your day.


The estimated jackpot is now $27 million.

It's Saturday, Dec. 8, the 343rd day of 2012. There are 23 days left in the year.

HAPPENINGS • Hannukah, the eight-day Jewish holiday, kicks off tonight.

IN HISTORY Highlights: In 1776, during the Revolutionary War,

Gen.GeorgeWashington's retreating army crossed the Delaware River from New Jersey into Pennsylvania. In 1854, Pope Pius IX proclaimed the Catholic dogma of the Immaculate Conception, which holds that Mary, the mother

of Jesus, was free of original sin from the moment of her own conception. In1941, the United States entered World

War II as Congress declared war against Japan, aday after the attack on Pearl Harbor. In 1972, a United Airlines Boeing 737 crashed while attempting to land at Chicago-Midway Airport, killing 43 of the 61

people on board, aswell as two people on the ground; among the passengers who died were Dorothy Hunt, wife

of Watergate conspirator E. Howard Hunt, U.S. Rep. George W. Collins, D-lll., and

CBS Newscorrespondent Michele Clark. In 1980, rock star John Lennon was shot to death outside his New York City apartment building by an

apparently deranged fan. Ten years ago: Iraq's massive dossier detailing its chemical,

biological andnuclear programs arrived in New York; the U.N.

Security Council agreed togive full copies to the United States and the four other permanent council members: Britain,

France, RussiaandChina. Fiveyearsago: The Justice Departmentand CIA announced a joint inquiry into

the spy agency's destruction of videotapes of interrogations of two suspected terrorists. Talk show host Oprah Winfrey

publicly endorsed Barack Obama for president during

appearances in DesMoines and Cedar Rapids, lowa. Florida quarterback Tim Tebow

became the first sophomore to win the HeismanTrophy. One year ago: Former MF Global CEO Jon Corzine was

called before Congress to explain the collapse of the securities firm just over a month earlier; Corzine told the

House Agriculture Committee he didn't know what happened to an estimated $1.2 billion in

missing clients' money. The 161-day NBA lockout ended

when owners and players ratified the new collective

bargaining agreement.

BIRTHDAYS Rock singer-musician Gregg Allman is 65. Reggae singer Toots Hibbert (Toots and the

Maytals) is 64. Actress Kim Basinger is 59. Rock musician

Phil Collen (Def Leppard) is 55. Political commentator Ann Coulter is 51. Actress Teri Hatcher is 48. Rapper

Bushwick Bill (The Geto Boys) is 46. Singer Sinead O'Connor is 46. Actor Dominic

Monaghan is 36. Rocksingeractress Kate Voegele is 26. — From wire reports

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Egyptian opposition descendsupon presidential palace

Dscriticize a ernurse's eat By Sarah Lyall

answered thecall,46-year-old Jacintha Saldanha, was found L ONDON — A s p r a n k s dead, an apparent suicide. The M etropolitan P o lice go, this one appeared outrageous and obnoxious rather would not release details of the than malicious: after convinc- death, except to say that they ing a hospital nurse who an- had received a call reporting swered the phone this week that there was an unconscious that they were Queen Eliza- woman in Weymouth Street, beth and Prince Charles, two in central London, and two Australian radio hosts then ambulance crews had arrived tricked another nurse into dis- to find Saldanha already dead. closing medical information A police spokesman said they about the pregnant Duchess were not treating the death as of Cambridge, who had been susplclous. admitted with acute morning It was unclear what exactly sickness. had happened since the prank The call was broadcast on itself to make Saldanha, who Australia radio; then it went was reportedly married and out around the world. had two children, take her life. But the incident took a hor- King Edward VII's Hospital, rific an d u n expected turn where she worked, said it had Friday, when the nurse who not disciplined her, but rather New Yorh Times News Service

had been "supporting her during this difficult time." Nor, apparently, had the royal family raised a fuss with the hospital, an exclusive private institution that has long been the hospital of choice for Britain's royals. Whatever th e i m m ediate impetus for Saldanha's death, the incident was a sobering reminder of the harm that can come in a media landscape where the boundaries between news and entertainment are blurred. The latest breach came courtesy of the Sydney radio station 2Day FM, during a program presented by the DJs Mel Greig and Michael Christian. On Tuesday, Greig took on the role of the queen, while C hristian pretended t o b e

Prince Charles. Telephoning the hospital, Greig asked to be put through to "my granddaughter Kate" — the duchess. The station posted a statement saying it was deeply saddened by the tragic news of the death. The statement added that Christian and Greig would both remain off the air indefinitely, "out of respect for what only can be described as a tragedy." But the apology was met with little sympathy on social media sites. "You weak dogs. You've got blood on your hands now," Aaron Reschke from South Australia wrote on the station's Facebook page. "Both presenters and t h eir producer should be charged over this woman's death."

By Abigail Hauslohner and Stephanie McCrummen The Washington Post

CAIRO — Thousands of opposition protesters converged on Egypt'spresidential palace Friday night, breaking through barbed-wire barricades and chanting slogans againstPresident Mohammed Morsi, in defiance of his call Thursday for a national dialogue to bridge the country's expanding political divide. Opposition leaders rejected Morsi's invitation to meet for discussions on Saturday after more than two weeks of political crisis that has pitted the president and his Islamist backers against a broad coalition of liberals and secularists. Morsi's critics said his speech to the nation Thursday and moves by his allies in the Muslim Brotherhood on Friday did more to fan the flames than quell them.

IN BRIEF Inauguration to get corporate funding WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama will accept unlimited donations from corporations — but no money from lobbyists or political action committees — to finance his 2013 inaugural festivities, a spokeswoman for his inaugural committee said Friday. The committee also said the events s u r rounding Obama's inauguration will be smaller in scope than those four years ago; the White House is mindful of the fragile state of the economy and does not want a show of opulence. The panel did not release a schedule. But officials told donors during a conference call Friday afternoon that there would be just three official inaugural balls — a candlelight ball for members of Obama's national finance committee, a military ball and a large presidential ball — down from 10 official balls in 2009, according to one person who listened to the call.

Bus driver not guilty of manslaughter NEW YORK — A tour bus driver who prosecutors said was all but asleep at the wheel was acquitted Friday o f ma n slaughter and negligent homicide in a crash last year that killed 15 gamblers on their way from a Connecticut casino to New York City. Ophadell Williams was found guilty on one count of aggravated unlicensed driving. W illiams w e p t and covered his face with his hands as the verdict was read. On the count which he was found guilty, the judge sentenced him to 30 days in prison, which he has served. He also was ordered to pay a fee of $500.

Pentagon to review policies for top brass WASHINGTON — The Pentagon announced Friday that it w i l l e x amine whether its generals and admirals receive too many perks and said they should receive more ethics training earlier in their careers. The measures are a preliminary response to a directive issued last month by Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, who ordered a review into misconduct by top brass in the wake of investigations i n v o lving several leaders, including the commander of the war in Afghanistan. On Friday, however, the Pentagon gave no indication that sweeping reforms were in store, and officials downplayed a recent string of scandals involving senior o f ficers a s i s o lated incidents. Pentagon s p o k esman George Little said Panetta believes the m i sconduct is limited to a "very small number" of senior officers. — From wire reports

The competing r hetoric and scenes of defiance underscored how the population has been polarized as it struggles to define the balance of power in the country nearly two years after the forces now

opposing each other joined hands in the mass uprising that ousted President Hosni Mubarak. Amid calls for a delay to the scheduled Dec. 15 vote on a contentious draft constitution, Egypt's High Election Commission said Friday that it would postpone overseas voting on the charter. The move raised hopes among some that Morsi might be moving toward making concessions. But a spokesman for the Muslim Brotherhood, which backs Morsi, said Friday that a delay to next week's vote would be possible only if the opposition heeded the president's invitation to dialogue.

Damascusairport is a 'fair target,' Syrian rebels warn "I don't think anyone beBy Anne Barnard, Alan Cowell and Michael R. Gordon lieves that there was some New York Times News Service great breakthrough," she said. BEIRUT — As fighting "Nobody should have any ilraged in the suburbs of the lusions about how hard this Syrian capital, Damascus, remains. But all of uswith any and gunfire could be heard influence on the process, with from the city center, rebels any influence on the regime seeking the overthrow of or the opposition, needs to be President Bashar A s sad engaged with Brahimi for a w ere reported Friday to concerted, sincere push to see have declared the main air- what is possible." "The advancing developport a "fair target," warning travelers that they used it at ments on the ground are intheir periL creasingly d angerous," she Against th e b a ckdrop said. "The United States stands of battlefield uncertainty, diplomacy also seemed to with the Syrian people in insisthave made little perceptible ing that any transition process progress. Secretary of State result in a unified, democratic Hillary C l inton r epeated Syria in which all citizens are callsforthe ousterofA ssad represented," Clinton continbut said there had been no ued. "And a future of this kind " great breakthrough" i n cannot possibly include Assad. talks she held Thursday in So we go into these discussions Dublin with her Russian with a clear sense of what we counterpart, Sergey Lav- want to see accomplished but a rov, and Lakhdar Brahimi, realistic understanding of how the special Syria envoy of difficult it still is." the United Nations and the Arab League. "It wa s a n i m p ortant meeting, but just the begin-


Bullit Marquez/The Associated Press

A resident walks back homewith a plastic bag of relief goods amidst the debris from Tuesday's Typhoon Bopha at New Bataan township in southern Philippines Friday.

ea o sur asses II ines oon •

By Bullit Marquez

rains lashed the area. Officials have c onfirmed NEW B A T A AN , P h i l ip- 252 dead in Compostela Valpines — Rescuers were dig- ley, including New B ataan, ging through mud and debris and 216 in nearby Davao OriFriday to retrieve more bod- ental province. Nearly 40 othies strewn across a farming ers died elsewhere and more valley in the southern Philip- than 400 are still m i ssing, pines by a powerful typhoon. about two-thirds in New BataThe death toll from the storm an alone. has surpassed 500, with more Aquino told New Bataan resthan 400 people missing. idents gathered in the middle More than 310,000 people of toppled coconut trees and have lost their homes since Ty- roofless houses that he was phoon Bopha struck Tuesday bent on seeking answers in orand are crowded inside evacu- der to improve their conditions ation centers or staying with and minimize casualties when their relatives, relying on food natural disasters occur. Fatal and emergency supplies be- storms and typhoons blowing ing rushed in by government from the Pacific are common agencies and aid groups. in the Philippines, but most of "I want to know how this them hit northern and central tragedy happened and how to areas, and southern Mindanao prevent a repeat," President Island is usually spared. "We are going to look at Benigno Aquino III said during a visit to New Bataan town, what really happened. There the ground zero ofthe disas- are allegations of illegal minter, where ferocious winds and ing, there are allegations of The Associated Press

the force of nature," said InteriorSecretary Mar Roxas, who traveled with A q uino. "We will find out why there are homes in these geohazard locations." Government g eo l o gical hazard maps show that the farming town of New Bataan, population 45,000, was built in 1968 in an area classified as "highly susceptible to flooding and landslides." Most of the casualties were killed in the valley surrounded by steep hills and crisscrossed by r ivers. Flooding was so widespread here that places people thought were safe, including two emergency shelters,became among the deadliest. Poverty is widespread in the Philippines, and the disaster highlights the risks that some take in living in dangerous areas in the hope of feeding their families.

Exiled leader of Hamas makes first visit to Gaza By Steven Erlanger New Yorh Times News Service

RAFAH, Gaza Strip — The long exiled leader of the militant group Hamas, Khaled Mashaal, entered Gaza for the first time Friday, a symbolically powerful visit that sought to reinforce Hamas' contention that it was victorious in its eight-day violent clash with Israel. For Mashaal,56, whom the Israelis tried to assassinate in Jordan in 1997, it was a triumphant day as Hamas fighters, armed with r i f les and wearing balaclavas, lined the streets where he was to travel. He entered from Egypt, through the Rafah crossing,

an indication of a new alliance with Cairo after the fall of President Hosni Mubarak, a n avowed a d versary o f Hamas. "Gaza, with it s m a r t yrs, c annot b e de s c r ibed i n w ords," he said a s h e a r rived here, with tears in his eyes. "There are no words to describe Gaza, to describe the heroes, the martyrs, the blood, the mothers who lost their sons." Mashaal, who ha s spent years in exile and now spends most of his time in Qatar, had never before been to Gaza but he said he felt as if he was returning because "Gaza has always been in my heart."




ning," she said, speaking in Belfast, Northern Ireland, before flying back to Washington.



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Ivy League

guish cold from hot, new members thought they were being Continued from A1 branded." College students have come Still, students are reluctant to equate the absence of bound- to report hazing, and those aries with fun, said Wade, who who do come forward are usustudies the casual sex culture ally those who opted not to join on campuses. That, combined a group, rather than current with large amounts of alcohol members. "Nobody wants people to easily available on campus, can skew students' sense of what is knowthey did something ridicacceptable or even normal. ulous in order to join a group," An undergraduate house at Apgar said. He said colleges Cambridge, Mass.-based Har- need to do more to stop the vard is under fire for an annual practice and should allow stuhook-up party it s r e sidents dents to anonymously report call Incest Fest. The event is it so administrators can step in so named because only house earlier. members are allowed to attend. Two university clubs have also 'Moral thuggery' staged pranks ridiculinghomeAt Y a le, t h e E d u cation less people in Harvard Square, Department's Office of Civil according to the Crimson, the Rights said itresolved a sex-disstudent newspaper. crimination complaint against At Yale, one of eight private the university in June without schools in the Northeast that a fine after Yale agreed to overmake up the Ivy League, eight haul its process for sexual-asstudents drank so much at Sep- sault reporting and increase tember's Safety Dance — an penalties for alcohol misuse. A annual 1980s-themed party group of students brought the — they had to be hospitalized. complaint after the fraternityThat prompted the school in chanting incident was posted New Haven, Conn., to ban the on YouTube. event. Senior Elizabeth Snow, Besides ordering registra21, who helped organize a ses- tion of off-campus parties, the sion on alcohol policy, said that school banned beer kegs at without comparison data she sporting events after a spectadoesn't know if eight is a lot. tor was struck and killed by "I have no idea what a stan- a delivery truck at last year's dard Saturday night l o oks Harvard- Yale football game. like," Snow said. Yale should be D artmouth, based in H a creating a safer environment nover, N.H., was rocked by for partiesrather than "forc- a hazing scandal in January ing students to find parties off when t h en-senior A n d r ew campus." Lohse wrote i n t h e s chool Thomas Conroy, a spokes- newspaper about eating omman for Y a le, declined to elets made from vomit and comment. other degrading rituals at Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Two other Administrators and alumni hazing victims came forward College administrators bear after Lohse was criticized by some responsibility for student students and alumni. drunkennessafteryears of igIn April, Ravital Segal wrote noring it, said Toben Nelson, in the Huffington Post of being assistant professor of commu- forced to chug bottles of hard nity health at the University liquor in a 2006 Dartmouth soof Minnesota, who has studied rority initiation. She wrote that college drinking for more than she woke up in an intensive care 15 years. The most effective unit with a lethal level of alcoway to lower drinking rates is hol in her system and two broto cut the supply of alcohol, and ken teeth. Three other women few schools are willing to show from two sororities were at the that kind of leadership, he said. same hospital that night with "There's a lot of enabling by alcohol poisoning and prescollege administrators," Nel- sured each other into denying son said in a telephone inter- the incident was hazing, Segal view. "Colleges are competing said in the article. She declined with each other to get these to comment for this story. students, so they're willing to D artmouth security n o w tolerate a lot of things." holds random walkthroughs Many alumni hamper at- of Greek houses and r esitempts to curb alcohol abuse dence halls, and the school has because they want access to banned open kegs and alcohol a heavy-drinking ambiance deliveries. Groups willing to when they return for home- disclose recent hazing violacoming and sporting events, tions can take part in an amNelson said. nesty program and develop Alumni also contribute to alternative activities for new a culture of hazing. In a 2008 members. study by University of Maine The measures "demonstrate researchers, a quarter of stu- the seriousness with w hich dents who r e ported b eing Dartmouth has a p proached hazed in a college fraternity, this issue and the commitment group or sports team said alum- we have to tackling it from ni were present at the time. The multiple directions," Justin Anpractice is also found in theater derson, a spokesman, said in groups, marching bands and an email. other social organizations. More than 100 members of Dartmouth's faculty signed a Taking action letter in February denouncing With campus excessesbe- the drinkingandhazingculture coming more unruly and, in as one of "moral thuggery" that some cases, deadly, schools are impedes their ability to teach. "These problems have been no longer standing by. In rules issued last month, here, underground, for a very Cornell, based in Ithaca, N.Y., long time," said Lee Witters, said new-member activities a professor of medicine and at Greek clubs must focus on biochemistry at D artmouth's the history and mission of the Geisel School of Medicine."The group and be approved by the more public discussion about university. the binge drinking, the hazing, "If activities cause serious the homophobia, the more stuharm, physically or mentally, dents themselves are willing to or are likely to, the Univer- take the responsibility for it." sity will not allow the group to continue to operate on our 'A story about us' campus," Cornell said in a slide Harvard a n d Pri n ceton presentation. University don't formally recTragedy struck at Cornell in ognize fraternities and sororiFebruary 2011, when George ties. Harvard began revising Desdunes, a 19-year-old sopho- its alcohol policy almost three more, died of alcohol poison- years ago to take a proactive ing. Desdunes was bound with approach to alcohol consumpzip ties and duct tape and left tion, spokesman Jeff Neal said alone on a fraternity house sofa in an email. "The new policy is designed afterpledges staged a mock kidnapping of upperclassmen more explicitly to support the and compelled them to drink, health, safety and general wellaccording to documents in a being of our students, while criminal case. The pledges also ensuring that we and they were acquitted of hazing and abide by the legal drinking other charges. The fraternity age," Neal said. didn't defend itself and was Princeton barredfreshmen fined. from pledging this year to give Travis Apgar, an anti-haz- new students the opportunity ing activist and Cornell's as- to become more involved in a sociate dean of student affairs, wider campus social life, said declined to comment on Des- Martin Mbugua, a university dunes's death, citing further, spokesman. pending litigation except to say Many students behave in that there's not a day that goes ways that reflect the commuby that he doesn't think about nity at large, said Wade, the it. Occidental sociologist. "Collegesare a microcosm Cornell, which had started tightening its hazing and alco- of American society," Wade hol policiesbefore Desdunes said. "It's a story of hormonedied, publishes a list of recent driven kids packed into dorms hazing incidents on its web- like sardines. And what we site. In one account, students see when we look there — the were blindfolded and told they glamorization of casual sex; would be branded. Their skin the binge-drinking; the crude, was then touched with metal i nsensitive humor; th e h o tongs that had been immersed mophobia; the racism — is a in ice water. "Unable to distin- story about us."


To submit service information or announcements for religious organizations, email bulletin@bendbulletin.com or call 541-383-0358.

Mormon eminists

face uphill battle By john M. Glionna

petition. But although it is growS ALT LAKE C I T Y ing, the feminist movement When the Church of Jesus is far from the mainstream Christ of Latter-day Saints of the faith. recently reduced the age In a landmark study in requirement for m i ssion- January, the Pew Research aries by one year for men, C enter reported that 5 8 to 18, and by two years for percent ofAmerican Morwomen, to 19, the number mons say that the more satof women applying to serve isfying kind of marriage is jumped fivefold. one in which the husband At the same time, the provides for the family and c hurch r e affirmed t h a t the wife takes care of the women would serve just house and children. About 18 months, compared with 38 percent prefer a martwo years for men. That riage in which the husband r ule, combined with t h e and wife have jobs and one-yeardifference in age both take care of the house requirements,touched off and children. Mormon men a new round of questions and women express simifrom M o rmon f e minists lar views on this question, about how much progress and there is no difference women in the church are in views across age groups. actually making. Among the general pub" I didn't get it — w h y lic, including many other the difference in age and major religious groups, the length of s e rvice'?" said balance of opinion on this Eileen Mendez, a senior question is reversed. at the University of Utah Rebecca Lane, editor of majoring in Arabic. "Why the Universe student newscouldn't things be equal?" paper at Brigham Young For years, Mormon ad- University, says: "I'm a vocates for women's rights woman in power — I'm the have asked that same ques- editor of my student newstion about equality. Though paper. I just disagree about the Mormon liturgy praises this whole idea of church women as life-givers, men s exism. Women are a d dominate the management mired in our faith." of thechurch. Women canMormon scholars say the not be ordained to a lay church will not be rushed priesthood available to men into altering its doctrines. and boys 12 or older. That "The church responds with gives men a spiritual and incremental change that practical power that women satisfies the gradualists but do not share, critics say. never satisfies the revoluThe church says t h at tionaries," said Terryl Givw omen's roles aren'tlesser, ens, a Mormon professor just different. Church lead- of literature and religion at ers point to the Relief Soci- the University of Richmond ety as an example. It is one in Virginia. "The church of the largest philanthropic is never going to (ascribe) organizations in the world, to a particular vision of and it is entirely led and feminism that aspires to run by Mormon women. eradicate all differences beOn her blog Flunking tween men and women." Sainthood, Mormon author After t h e m i s sionary Jana Riess called the new a nnouncement, chu r c h missionary age require- leader Jeffrey Holland, a ment an example of "prog- member of the Quorum of ress with an asterisk." the Twelve Apostles, was "It's just not equality, and asked why officials didn't after a few glorious mo- allow women to serve for ments of believing it would two years like men. "One be, that stings," she said. miracle at a time," he said. T he Internet age h a s Over the y ears, M orgiven such sentiments a mon feminists have butted far-reaching platform. One heads with church leadersocial blog, Feminist Mor- ship. Decades ago, Sonia mon Housewives, started Johnson, a Virginia church in 2004 by an Idaho wom- organist, was excommuan who said she was dis- nicated for speaking out couraged from mentioning against the faith's opposiher feminist politics in her tion to the national Equal church social circle, now Rights Amendment. has 1,000 members. In the 1990s, Mormon A separate online peti- feminists were among half tion signed by hundreds of a dozen scholars purged by Mormon women n ation- the church for their critiwide calls for the church cism. The group, some of to fil l p o sitions w ithout them men, became known regard to gender and al- as the September Six. low women to preside over Karen Crist, 55, a Utah church meetings without psychotherapist, was also a man present. "It's time threatened wit h e x comto talk about this stuff — it munication for starting a has been for decades," said Mormon women's forum in Pam Harrison, a Utah so- 1990 that drew hundreds to cial worker who signed the monthly meetings. Los Angeles Times

LOCAL SERVICES ANTIOCH CHURCH:Senior Pastor Ken Wytsma; "Praise Her ln the Gates," as part of a series on Proverbs; Sunday at 9:30 a.m.; Redux Q-and-A after the service; Bend High School,230 N.E.Sixth St., Bend. BEND CHRISTIANFELLOWSHIP: Pastor Charlie Endicott; "Jesus the Boy"; Sunday at10 a.m.; 4twelve youthgroup:Wednesday at7 p.m.; 19831 Rocking Horse Road, Bend. BEND CHURCHOFTHE NAZARENE:Pastor Virgil Askren; "Pieces of Peace"; Sunday at10:15 a.m.; 1270 N.E. 27th St., Bend. DISCOVERY CHRISTIANCHURCH: Pastor Dave Drullinger; "Told to the Maiden," based on Luke1:2638; Sunday at10 a.m.; 334 N.W. Newport Ave., Bend. EASTMONTCHURCH:Pastor John Lodwick; "The lncredible Incarnation," based on Philippians 2:5-11, as part of a Christmas series; Sunday at 9 and10:45 a.m.; 62425 Eagle Road, Bend. FATHER'SHOUSECHURCHOF GOD:Pastor Randy Wills; Children's Christmas Program; Sundayat10 a.m.; 61690 Pettigrew Road, Bend. Theyouthgroup me etsWe dnesday at 7 p.m. THE FELLOWSHIP AT BEND:Pastor Brett Anderson; "Benefits in Christ," based on1 Corinthians1:4-9; Sunday at10 a.m.; Summit HighSchool, 2855 N.W. Clearwater Drive, Bend. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH:Lead pastor Steven Koski; "Unwrapping Jesus: Revolutionary"; Sunday at 9 a.m. and 10:45 a.m. services and 5:01 p.m. evensong service; 230 N.E. Ninth St., Bend. FIRSTUNITED METHODIST CHURCH: TheRev.Thom Larson; "I Believe in Life Centered in Faith, Fellowship and Service," based on Philippians 4:4-9, and a praise cantata; Sunday at 9 and 11a.m.; 680 N.W. Bond St., Bend. FOUNDRYCHURCH(FORMERLY FIRST BAPTISTCHURCH): Pastor Syd Brestel; "Incarnation" and "Hark! The Herald Angels Sing," as part of the series "The Carols of Christmas"; Sunday at10:15 a.m.; 60 N.W. Oregon Ave., Bend. GRACEFIRSTLUTHERANCHURCH: Pastor Joel LiaBraaten; "Waiting Can Be Hard!" and "Clearing a Path"; Sunday at 9:30 a.m.; 2265 N.W. Shevlin Park Road, Bend. GRACE REFORMED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH:Pastor Dan Dillard; "What to Give at Christmas," based on Isaiah 9:6-7; Sunday at10:30 a.m.; 62162 Hamby Road, Bend. JOURNEYCHURCH: Pastor Keith Kirkpatrick; "The Never Ending Story"; Sunday at 9 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.; 70 N.W. Newport Ave., Bend. NATIVITY LUTHERANCHURCH: Pastor Craig Jorgensen; "Funny Things Are Everywhere," based on Luke 3:1-6; Sunday at 9 a.m. and 11 a.m.; 60850 Brosterhous Road, Bend. NEW HOPECHURCH: Pastor Randy Myers; "The Message of the Light," as part of the series "Christmas Light"; today at 6 p.m. and Sunday at 9 and 10:45 a.m.; 20080 Pinebrook Blvd., Bend. SPIRITUALAWARENESS COMMUNITY OFTHE CASCADES: Guest speaker Wes Hervey; Sunday at 9 a.m.; held at The Old Stone Church, 157 N.W. Franklin Ave., Bend. SPRINGS OFLIFE MINISTRIES: Evangelist and Bible teacher Eddie Cienda; Wednesdays at7 p.m .;The Sound Garden Studio, 1279 N.E. Second St., Bend. UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST

FELLOWSHIP OFCENTRAL OREGON: The Rev. Alex Holt; "Miracles, Marvels and Moments of Grace"; Sunday at11 a.m.; at the Old Stone Church, 157 N.W. Franklin Ave., Bend. WESTSIDE CHURCH:Pastor Ken Johnson; "Raw Part ¹1 Friends"; todayat6:30 p.m. and Sunday at 8, 9 and 10:45 a.m.; 2051 N.W. Shevlin Park Road, Bend. WESTSIDESOUTH CAMPUS: Pastor Ken Johnson; "Raw Part ¹1 Friends"; Sunday at 9 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.; 1245 S.E. Third St., Bend. COMMUNITY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH:Children's Pageant "A Traditional Christmas Pageant"; Sunday at 9a.m. and11 a.m.; 529 N.W. 19th St., Redmond. EMMAUS LUTHERANCHURCH: The Rev. David Poovey;"On Your Knees," based on Luke 3:1-6; Sunday at10:30 a.m.; 2175 S.W. Salmon Ave., Redmond. GRACE LUTHERANCHURCH AT EAGLECREST: Pastor Randy VanMehren; "Ready or Not, Jesus Is Coming Soon";Sunday at10:30 a.m.; Eagle Crest Banquet and Conference Facility, 1522 Cline Falls Road, Redmond. ST. PAUL'SANGLICANCHURCH: FatherJohn Pennington;"Heads Up!," based on Luke 21:25-33; Sunday at10 a.m.; Southwest 12th Avenue and Forest Avenue, Redmond. ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH: Pastor Eric Burtness; "Preparing Like John the Baptist," as part of the series "Advent Conspiracy: Christmas Can Still Change the World"; Sunday at 8:30 a.m. and 11 a.m.; and an adventservice;W ednesday at7 p.m. following soup at 6:15 p.m.; 1113 Black Butte Blvd., Redmond. SHEPHERD'SVALLEYCOWBOY CHURCH:Pastor Jordan Weaver; Sunday at10:30 a.m.; in the cafe of The Rim Rock Riders Equestrian Facility, Brasada Ranch, 17037 S.W. Alfalfa Road, Powell Butte. AGAPE HARVESTFELLOWSHIP: Youthgroup Wednesday at7 p.m .; 52460 Skidgel Road, La Pine. COMMUNITYBIBLE CHURCH AT SUNRIVER:Pastor Glen Schaumloeffel; "Zechariah's Testimony," as part of the series "Everlasting Light"; Sunday at 9:30 a.m.; 1 Theater Drive, Sunriver. CONCORDIALUTHERAN MISSION: The Rev. Willis Jenson; "St. John the Baptist Preached God's Forgiveness in Christ Crucified for theSinsofM en,"based on Luke 3:3; Sunday at11 a.m.; and "Our Gracious King Jesus Christ Is God Whose Throne Endures Forever," based on Psalm 45:6; Sunday at 1 p.m.; held at Terrebonne Grange Hall, 828611th St., Terrebonne. FOUR SUNDAYS OF ADVENT: A meal with a time of connection, worship and reflection, hosted by The Common Table; donations accepted; 6-7:30 p.m. Sunday; 231 N.W. Idaho Ave., Bend. BEINGAN ORDINARY BUDDHA: Book signing and talk by author Michael Stevens and an art sale benefitting Ten Friends Relief Project in Nepal and the Natural Dharma Center; free; 7-9 p.m. Thursday; Old Stone Church, 157 Franklin Ave., Bend; contact 541-388-3352 or www. naturalminddharma.org. ALPHA MARRIAGECOURSE: 7-week dinner course; Mondays at 6:30 p.m. starting January 14; Desert Song Community Church, 640 S.W. Evergreen Ave., Redmond; contact 541-504-0402, mike©desertsong.org or www. relationshipcentral.org.

MUSLIMS PRAY IN REMEMBRANCE OFCONTESTED HOLYSITE Young Indlan Muslims read holy books as they offer prayerson the 20th anniversary of the Babri mosque demolition in Ayodhya, India, Thursday. In 1992, tens of thousands of Hindu extremists ripped apart the 16th century mosque. Hindus say it is the birthplace of their god Rama and contend a temple to him stood on the site before the mosque. Rajesh Kumar singh The Associated Press

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BEND CHURCH OF THE Join the Unity Community NAIARENE Themission of the Churchis to forgi vesins Sunday 10:00 am 1270 NE 27 St. • 541-382-5496 HOLY REDEEMER, LA PINE through the Gospel and therehg grant eternai life Exercise. HU, pronounced like the with Rev. Jane Meyers 16137 Burgess Rd Senior Pastor Virgil Askren (St. John 20:22-23, Augsburg Tuesday, Wednesday 6 Friday Mass word hue, is sung for about 20 minutes SUNDAY Confession XXVII!.8, 10) 9:00 am 10 am Sunday School 9:00 am Sunday School for all ages Youth Program Provided REDM O N D A S S E M B L Y OF GOD and is followed by a brief period of Sunday Mass — 10:00 am 1865 W Antler • Redmond ll am Divine Service 9;00 am Hispanic Worship Service Confessions: Saturdays — 3:00-4:00 pm sacred contemplation. Followed by a 541-548-4555 10:15 am Worship Service The Unity Community meets at i I sc u ssI 011. DEC. 2 - Advent Vespers Service - I PM SUNDAYS HOI.Y TRINITY, SUNRIVER Morning Worship 8:30 am S 10:30 am DEC. 9 Advent Vespers Service I PM 18143 Cottonwood Rd. You're invited to this Community HU 62855 Powell Butte Hwy Nursery Care 8 Children's Church Life groups 9 am DEC. 16 - Advent Vespers Service - I PM Thurs. Mass 9:30 am; ages 4 yrs-4th grade during all (near Bend Airport) on Saturday, December 8, © 3;00 PM. DEC. 24 - Christmas Eve Divine Service - 7 PM Kidz LIVE ages 3-11 10:30 am Sat. Vigil Mass 5:30 pm Worship Services Evening Worship 6 pm Sunday mass 8:00 am Held at the Cook County Library, 175 DEC. 25 - Christmas Divine Service - II AM "Courageous Living" on KNLR 97.5 FM Confessions: Thurs. 9:00- 9:15 am Learn more about the Unity NW Meadow Lakes Dr., Prineville, OR WEDNESDAYS 8:30 am Sunday The Rev. Willis C. Jenson, Pastor. FAMILY NIGHT 7PM Community of Central Oregon at OUR LADY OF THE SNOWS, Gilchrist 8286 11th St (Grange Hall), Adult Classes Regardless of your beliefs or religion, 120 Mississippi Dr WEDNESDAY www.unitycentraloregon.com Terrebonne, OR Celebrate Recovery Sunday Mass — 12:30 pm singing HU can bring you greater 6:30 pm Ladies Bible Study Wednesday NITE Live Kids or by calling 541-388-1569 Confessions: Sundays 12:00 -12:15 pm www.lutheransonhne.com/ THURSDAY Youth Group happiness, love, and understanding. condordialutheranmission HOLY FAMILY, 10:00 am 50+ Bible Study Singing HU can draw us closer in our Facebook: Concordia Lutheran Mission Pastor Duane Pippitt near Christmas Valley WEEKLY www.redmondag.com state of consciousness to the Divine Phone: 541-325-6773 57255 Fort Rock Rd FIRST UNITED METH O D IST Life Groups Sunday Mass — 3:30 pm Being. It has helped people of many Please visit our website for a complete CHURCH GRACE FIRST LUTHERAN Confessions: Sundays 3:00-3;15 pm listing of activities for all ages. different faiths open their hearts more CHURCH (In the Heart of Downtown Bend) EASTMONT CHURCH ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI www.bendnaz.org 2265 NW Shevlin Park Road, Bend NE Neff Rd., I/2 mi. E. of fully to the uplifting presence and 680 NW Bond St. / 541-382-1672 CATHOLIC CHURCH 541 -382-6862 St. Charles Medical Center security of God's love. • • I . 4 Pastor Rev. James A. Radloff Evergoneis Welcome! Parochial Vicar Rev. Juan Carlos Sundays Sunday Worship 9:30 a.m. SOVEREIGN GRACE CHURCH Chiarinoti Singing HU can help you experience: 9:00 a.m. 6 10:45 a.m. (Child Care Available) Meeting at the Golden Age Club Rev. Thom Larson Worship Services Sunday School 10:20 a.m. • Comfort, peace, joy 541-382-3631 40 SE 5th St., Bend Sermon Title: Education Hour 10:45 a.m. • Expanded awareness Su ndays 6;00 p, m. Just 2 blocks SW of Bend High School "I Believe in Life Centered in Faith, NEW CHURCH Hispanic Worship Service Sunday Worship 10:00 am • Inner light and/or sound Women's Bible Study 2450 NE 27th Street Fellowship F Service" Sovereign Grace Church is dedicated Tuesday 9:15 a.m. • A subtle sense of Divine Love Weekly Bible Studies and Masses Christmas Praise Contata, to worshipping God and teaching the Ministries for all ages Saturday - Vigil 5:00 PM • The healing of a broken heart Men's Bible Study Bible truths recovered through the Contact: 541-382-5822 Scripture: Philippians 4:4-9 Sunday 7:30 AM, 10:00 AM F 7:00 PM • Solace during times of grief Wednesday 7:30 a.m. Pastor John Lodwick Reformation. Call for information Domingo 12:30 PM Misa en Espanol www.eastmontchurch.com about other meetings • A release of fears Jueves 7;00PM - Misa en Espanol 9:00 am - Contemporary Service Pastor Joel LiaBraaten 541 -420- 1667 • Answers to your questions FOUNDRY CHURCH Evangelical Lutheran Church http://www.sovereigngracebend.com/ Sunday School during the 9am Service (FORMERLY FIRST BAPTIST) Sabado Dec. 8thin America "A Heart for Bend in the 11:00 am - Traditional Service Immaculate Conception For more information please visit www.gracefirstlutheran.org Heart of Bend" • • I • 2:00 PM- Misa enEspanol Childcare provided on Sunday www.eckankar.org or 60 NW Oregon, 541-382-3862 Miercoles Dec. 12thNATIVITY LUTHERAN CHURCH CHRISTIAN LIFE CENTER Pastor Syd Brestel www.miraclesinyourlife.org Our Lady of Guadalupe 60850 Brosterhous Road at Knott, 21720 E. Hwy. 20 • 541.389.8241 *During the Week; 5:00 AM Misa en Espanol or call 541 -728-6476. SUNDAY 541-388-0765 Reconciliation / Reconciliacion Women's Groups, Men's Groups, 9:00 AM Sunday School for everyone Come worship with us. Sunday Morning Worship Saturday3:00 PM — 4:45 PM - English For a FREE info. packet: 10:15 AM Worship Service Youth Groups, Quilting, Crafting, 8:45am 8 IO:45am Thursday 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM I-800-LOVEGOD Second Sunday of Advent Music 8 Fellowship, This Sunday at Foundry Church, Pastor — English o Espanol Sermon Title: "Funny Things Are Syd Brestel will continue our Advent Wednesday Mid-Week Services Domingo 11:15 AM — 12:15PM Everywhere" Luke 3: 1-6 series on The Carols of Christmas. Our Children 8 Youth Programs — Espanol Open Hearts. Open Minds. Open Doors. by Pastor, Craig Iorgensen theme will be "incarnation" and 7:00pm our carol will be "Hark! The Herald Rev. Thom Larson HISTORIC DOWNTOWN CHURCH TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH 9 am Informal Service Angels Sing". Corner of NW Franklin E Lava Nursery Care provided for all services. 9: 15 Junior Church 469 NW Wall St. • 541-382-5542 Masses For Kldztown, Middle School and U am Formal Service firstchurch©bendumc org Sunday 4:30 PM www.trinitybend.org High School activities Pastor Daniel N. LeLaCheur Monday Wednesday 8 Friday Call 541-382-3862 Sundag Schedule Bible Study at 10am on Wednesdays 21720 E. Hwy. 20 541.389.8241 7:00 AM 6 12:15 PM www.bendchurch.org www.clcbend.com 8 am Holy Eucharist Saturday 8:00 AM (Child care provided on Sundays.) HIGHLAND BAPTIST CHURCH, 9:15 am Education for All Ages www.nativityinbend.com SBC Exposition 8 Benediction Evangelical Lutheran Church 3100 SW Highland Ave., 10;15 am Holy Eucharist Monday after 7:00 AM Mass - 6:00 PM COM M U N ITY PRESBYT ERIAN in America Redmond • 541-548-4161 Tuesday 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM (w/nursery care 8 Godly Play) CHURCH Wednesday after 7:00 AM Mass - 6:00 PM TRINITY LUTHERAN Sunday Worship Services: 529 NW 19th Street 5 pm Holy Eucharist Thursday after 7:00 AM Mass — 6:00 PM 8 00 am, 9 30 am, II:00 am CHURCH S SCHOOL (3/4 mile north of High School) Friday 9:00 AM- 6:00 PM (in St. Helens Hall) Sunday Bible Fellowship Groups LCMS Redmond, OR 97756 9:30 am 8 II:00 am The Rev. Roy D. Green, Interim Rector 2550 NE Butler Market Road Reconciliation (541) 548-3367 Bend, OR 97701 Tuesday 7:30 AM - 8:00 AM Dr. Barry Campbell, lead pastor 541-382-1832 - English o Espanol Rev. RobAnderson, Pastor Saturday 8:30 AM — 9:30 AM For complete calender: Rev. Heidi Bolt, Associate Pastor SUNDAY WORSHIP - English o Espanol THE SALVATION ARM Y www.hbcredmond.org 8am Guitar Led Worship 755 NE 2nd Street, Bend 9:00 am Contemporary Worship 9:30am Education Hour for all ages ST. THOMAS CATH O LIC CHURCH 9:00 am Nursery Care IIam Organ(Piano Led Worship 541 -389-8888 1720 NW 19th Street BEREAN BIBLE CHURCH 9:15 am Children F Youth Redmond, Oregon 97756 SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP In Partnershi p with Church Website: Sunday School 541-923-3390 AmericanMissionarg Fellowship 541 NE Dekalb www.trinitylutheranbend.org Father Todd Unger, Pastor 9:30 am Adult Education School Website: www.saints.org Mass Schedule: 10:30 am Adult Education Sunday School 9:45 am Near Highland and 23rd Ave. Weekdays 8:00 am Pastors; Rev. David Carnahan 2378 SW Glacier Pl. 11:00 am Traditional Worship Children 8 Adult Classes (except Wednesday) Rev. Patrick Rooney Redmond, OR 97756 Wednesday 6:00 pm Principal: Mrs. Hanne Krause Worship Service - 11:00 am Youth Groups Saturday Vigil 5:30 pm We preach the good news ofJesus Christ, Major's Robert 8 Miriam Keene High School - Sunday li:00am- 12:30pm ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH First Saturday 8:00 am (English) sing great hgmns of faith, ELCA MiddleSchool — Wednesday 6:00-7:30pm Sunday 8:00 am, 10:00 am (English) and search the Scriptures together. Worship in the Heart of Redmond 12:00 noon (Spanish) NEW HOP E EVA N G E LICAL Confessions on Wednesdays from Sunday Worship Service- 10:30 am Mondays Sunday Worship Service 20080 Pinebrook Blvd. • 541-389-3436 5:00 to 5:45 pm Bible Study- Thursday, 10;30 am 6:30 pm Centering Prayer 8:30am Contemporary and on Saturdays from 4:30 to 5:15 pm Celebrate New Life 11:00am Liturgical Teaching from the KJV and NKJV Bible at New Hope Church! Sunday School for all ages at 10:00am Wednesdays 5:30 pm Prayer Service Saturday 6:00 pm Pastor Ed Nelson Children's Room available during 541 -777-0784 Small Groups Meet Regularly Sunday 9:00, 10:45 am, services CHRISTIAN CHURCH OF www.redmondbbc.org (Handicapped Accessible) REDMOND Come Experience a warm, friendly Pastor Randy Myers Please visit our website for a complete 536 SW 10th, Redmond family of worshipers. www.newhopebend.com listing of activities for all ages. 541 -548-2974 Everyone Welcome - Always. www.redmondchristian.org www.redmondcpc.org A vibrant, inclusive community. A rich COM M U N I TY BIBLE CHURCH Sunday Worship9:00 am 8 10:30am and diverse music program for all ages A ND CHRISTIAN PRESCHOO L Friday Evening Worship 6:30 pm FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 541-593-8341 Coffee, snacksand fellowship Sunday School for all ages Beaver at Theater Drive, after each service CITY CENTER Kidmo • Junior Church 230 NE Ninth, Bend PO Box 4278, Sunriver, OR 97707 Greg Strubhar, Pastor A Foursquare Fellowship (Across Ninth St. from Bend High) Wednesdays Dec. 5, 12 8 19, Darin Hollingsworth, Youth Pastor "Transforming Lives Through All AreWelcome AJwags' Senior Pastors Soup Supper at 6: 16 pmE. the Truth of the Word" Advent Service at 7:00 pm Steve 8 Ginny McPherson All are Welcome! POW ELL BUTTE CHRISTIAN Rev. Dr. Steven H. Koski CHURCH 549 SW 8thSt.,P.O. Box 475, M-W-F Women's Exercise 9:30 am Lead Pastor SUNDAY WORSHIP AND Cowboy Fellowship Saturdays Wed. Bible Study at noon Redmond, OR 97756 ' 541-548-7128 THE WORD - 9:30 Am. Potluck 6 pm 3rd Th. Women's Circle/Bible Study Coffee Fellowship - 10:45 am Music andthe Word 7 pm Season of Advent I:00 pm Bible Education Hour - 11:15 am Sunday Worship Services "Unwrapping Jesus: Revolutionary" Sunday Worship Services: Nursery Care available 3rd Tues.Men's Club 6:00 pm, dinner 8:30 am-10:15 am- II am 9:00 am - contemporary Nursery F Children's Church Youth and Family Programs Daybreak Cafe Service 7:30 am 10:45 am - traditional • Women's BibleStudy- Tuesdays, Pastors: Chris Blair, Trey Hinkle, Ozzy Active Social Outreach 5:01 pm - relaxed Celebration Services 10 am Osborne and Glenn Bartnik • Awana Kids Club Sunday School: 3 yrs to 6th grede 13720 SW Hwy 126, Powell Butte 9:00 am and 10:45 am 1113 SW Black Butte Blvd. (4 yrs - 6th gr.) Sept.- May 541-548-3066 Nursery care provided Redmond, OR 97756 — 541-923-7466 • Youth Ministry (gr. 7-12) Wednesday Service www.powellbuttechurch.com Pastor Eric Burtness Wednesdays 6:15 pm UTurn - Middle School 7:00 pm Wednesday www.zlonrdm.com • M en's Bible Study -Thursdays 9 am REAL LIFE CHRISTIAN CHURCH Noon Silence 6 Supper Worship • Home Bible Studies are also Thursdays Like Hymns? We've Got 'em! available 12:30 pm Contemplative Prayer at the RLCC Church, 2880 NE 27th High School (Connection) 6:30 pm Sunday Services T HE RIVER ME N N O N I TE CHU R C H Preschool for 3 6 4 year olds Youth Events 8 am Traditional Service Call for information Sunday, 3 pm at the Old Stone Church, See Youth Blog: (No child care for 8 am service) Home Bible Studies 157 NW Franklin Ave., Bend 9:30 am Contemporary Service with http://bendfp.org/youth/ Senior Pastor: Glen Schaumloeffel throughout the week Sunday School 2 years - 5th grade full child care Associate Pastor: Jake Schwarze Nursery 0-2 years II am Service (Full child care) City Care Clinic also available. visit our Web site Choirs, music groups, Bible study, Visitors welcome PlynCh@bendbulletin.COm For information, please call ... www.cbchurchsr.org KIdz Center School, Preschool Fellowship and ministries every week Minister - Mike Yunker - 541-312-8844 Church Office: 541-389-8787 Associate Pastors E-mail:therlver@mallshack.com 230 NE Ninth Street, Bend Don Henderson 8 Mike Sweeney Listen to KNLR 97.5 FM www.citycenterchurch.org "Loving people one at a time." Send to: PO Box 808, Bend OR 97709 www.bendfp.org at 9:00 am. each Sunday to hear "Transforming Truth" with Pastor Glen. "Livin' the Incredible Mission" www.real-lifecc.org www.therivermennonite.org 541 -382-4401

Learn how to sing HU, a love song to God: a loving, uplifting, Spiritual



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Pat Lynch





Epic Continued from A1 King told The Bulletin on Friday that he has a nondisclosureagreement, preventing him from commenting about the building talks. "What I can say is that Epic Aircraft is growing, both in kit sales, as well as our certification effort," King wrote in an email. "We expect to hire 40 to 80 new staff in 2013. Our commitment to Bend continues." The city owns the Bend Municipal Airport land. Companies that buy property in the airport can own theirbuilding, but lease the land it sits on. Epic has been growing since

Factories Continued from A1 Despitesurvivors' accounts of locked emergency exits and barred windows that prevented workers from leaping to safety, the Bhailas' lawyer says their SA8000 certificate, issued under theauspices of Social Accountability International, a respected nonprofit o rganization based in N e w York, proves they were running a model business. "This was a state-of-the-art factory that met international s tandards," said t h e l a w yer, Amer Raza Naqvi. "The SA8000 is accepted all over the world. They have very strict rules before issuing any certificate." But after the Karachi fire and the more recent factory inferno in B a ngladesh that killed 112 people, that contention raises a crucial question: Does industry-backed "social auditing," which purports to safeguard the lives and working conditions of some of the w orld's poorest workers, really work'? For the past 15 years, retail giants like Wal-Mart and Carrefour have helped create and champion numerous factory i nspection systems. In e m bracing such monitoring, the companies are motivated by genuine concern for the workers at the bottom of their supply chain, certainly, but also by their own bottom line. These elaborate systems look good on paper, but the actual work is often delegated to largely unsupervised subcontractors eager to drum up more business. The company that certified Ali Enterprises, as in many other cases, never visited the factory, handing off the job to a local inspector it dealt with by telephone or at meetings outside Pakistan. For labor groups, academics and some industry insiders, the recent fires confirm longstanding fears that the voluntary system is weak, opaque and inherently flawed. "Right from the outset, there has been concern," said Philip Jennings,general secretary of UNI Global Union, a grouping of 900 labor unions that recently quit the board of Social Accountability I n t ernational to protest what he said was the certification system's overall ineffectiveness in improving factory conditions and workers' lives. Monitoring systems like the SA8000, said Khalid Nadvi, an expert on the process at the University of Manchester in England, are "very patchy and in m any c ases totally ineffective." "Factories often know when the inspectors are coming," Nadvi added. "You have workers being coached what to say. There may be two sets of books." The certificate that Ali Enterprises boasts about is considered the most prestigious in the industry. It is the creation of Alice Tepper Marlin, a Wellesley College graduate and former Wall Street analyst who, after starting an activist group in 1969 to push for greater corporate responsibility, eventually settled on trying to make the world's sweatshops less horrid. Founded in 1997, Social Accountability International receives fees and membership payments from industry giants like Gap, Gucci and H8 M, but it also obtains money from labor unions, governments, foundations and nongovernment organizations. It created the SA8000 to certify factories that meet basic requirements in eight areas, including health and safety, wages, working hours and child labor. Today, Tepper Marlin's modest-sized organization oversees a sprawling, often problematic empire. Its SA8000 stamp of approval has been

Engineering LLC, a Russian aviation company, purchased it in March for an undisclosed sum. Epic has increased its workforce from 27 at the time of the acquisition to 50 as recently as September. Bend City Councilor Jim Clinton told The Bulletin that Epic wanted Cessna's 204,000square-foot facility "to greatly expand production into (FAA) certified airplanes, which is a much bigger market" than kit planes. FAA certification of the LT plane would let Epic workers manufacture and assemble the plane model's parts, instead of selling them to buyers in packaged kits.

Cessna, headquartered in Wichita, Kan., became a major Bend employer after buyi ng Columbia A i r craft o u t of bankruptcy in 2 006. As recently as November 2008, Cessna's Bend operation employed 478, according to The Bulletin's archives. A n o p eration t h a t s i z e would be Central Oregon's 11th largest employer today, according to estimates from Economic Development for Central Oregon. Cessna leftBend in 2009, citing plans to consolidate operations in Kansas. Cessna's Nelson Roadbuilding has been vacant since the company left. The building's

initial $7 million price was lowered to $5.97 million in June 2010, and down again to $3.9 million earlier this year, according to Th e B u lletin's archives. Messages left with Collier's International, the real estate company listing the Cessna plant, w eren't i m m ediately returned, nor was a message with Cessna officials. A local tenant in the Bend Airport's l a r gest b u i l ding could help bring back some of the activity lost with Cessna's departure, said Gary Judd, the airport's manager — especial-

ly if Epic follows through on its pledge to keep hiring. Epic also owns a 90,000-

s quare-foot building on t h e easternmost part of the airport, which it had formerly

been leasing.

"Assuming the deal goes t hrough, it w il l h ave a b i g impact on the airport," Judd said. "Cessna has been good keeping up with the lease payments, but t here obviously hasn't been any activity in that building." Clinton noted that Central Oregon is still home to a large group of workers skilled in a ircraft assembly, many of whom have been gettingby with part-time work since the loss of Cessna. In 2006, Deschutes County boasted a monthly average of

cates in Pakistan. R I&CA, m eanwhile, h a s sought to distance itself from the fire. In a telephone interview, the P a kistani o wner denied he even did apparel monitoring. "We didn't do Ali Enterprises," ul Hasan said. "I've never even seen the factory." The police, RINA and lawyers for Ali Enterprises flatly contradicted that statement. E xtensive failings by t h e Pakistani state played major roles in the disaster. There was little enforcement of s afety laws; labor unions, which experts say could provide a voice on workers' conditions, have been strangled for decades; the local fire department did not reach the factory until at least 75 minutes after the blaze erupted. Diego lbarra Sanchez/ New York Times News Serwce A government investigation A worker examines the damage in a burned textile factory in Karachi, Pakistan, last month. into the blaze, hastily convened Deadly factory fires like the one in Karachi confirm fears for many labor groups, academics and to quell public anger, has not industry insiders that the voluntary inspection system is flawed. yet released its findings. For the certification business, one of the most contengiven to 3,083 factories in 66 twice as long. quirements. But it is clear there tious issues is confidentiality countries. Tepper Marlin said RI8 CA's flurry of accredita- were seriousproblems at the and whether inspectors who the catastrophic Ali Enterpris- tions worried ateam of English factory. discover poor o r p e r i l ous es fire shook her deeply. After monitors led by Vic Thorpe In interviews, workers said conditions, like locked exits, missing some crucial warning and Stirling Smith, who often they worked 60 or more hours should be obliged to m ake flags until it was too late, she went to Pakistan to check on a week, sometimes in 24-hour them public. "There is an issue here of baand her organization are reinspectors' operations. shifts. Although most earned "It seems very fishy," Smith the statutory minimum wage sic moral responsibility," said thinking their whole monitoring system. said. "They've certified so of $83 a month, few satisfied Scott Nova, executive direcNonetheless, she still vigmany factories compared to the the SA8000 requirement of a tor of the Worker Rights Con"living wage" — one that met a sortium, a monitoring group orously defends that system, other players, so you wonder." contending that it has been Thorpe said he conveyed family's basic needs. in Washington. "You have an vital to setting and safeguard- his concerns to Social AcDespite man a g ement's obligation to make sure other ing baseline standards for countability International. Its claims of e x t ensive safety people know." supply-chain workers in poor compliance arm did step up its training, there was much eviAvedisSeferian,chiefexecucountries, particularly those oversight, but no further action dence to the contrary. tive of Worldwide Responsible with corruption-prone govern- was taken. Several monitors Muhammad Ismail, a stitch- Accredited Production, anothments and weak unions. in Pakistan questioned why ing supervisor at Ali Enterpris- er certification program, con"We think we do make a dif- the local firm was able to do so es for 18 months, said he had tended that such a move might ference," Tepper Marlin said. many inspections for so many never participated in a fire drill only make things worse, caus"We're just trying to help get a years with seemingly l i ttle or received safety training. ing Western customers to shun culture of compliance." oversight. Managers put grilles on the up- the factories and workers to The various disasters have But it was not entirely sur- per-floor windows to prevent lose their jobs. (His group had given fresh oxygen to critics prising. Industry experts say theft. He was told that 700 pairs also certified Ali Enterprises, who say industry-led certifica- that in the battle for market of jeans had once been tossed but that approval lapsed in late tion should be abolished across share, profit-making inspec- out an upstairs window. 2011.) the board and replaced with a tion firms are often tempted to more accountable system that be lessrigorous because that Soul-searching after disaster 'It couldhappen again' requires the retailing giants makes them more attractive to As th e P a k istani p o lice Today, the Ali Enterprises — and their Western consum- apparel manufacturerseager investigate one of the deadli- factoryis a charred memorial ers — to help pay for needed for certification. est factory fires in h i story, to a national tragedy. A suffactory improvements, even if Despite such concerns, in- the Western certifying bod- focating stench lingers over that means higher prices for dustry officials said, RINA ies are engaged in intensive the deserted halls, now filled clothing. never sentemployees to Kara- soul-searching. with soot, twisted metal and "These private codes have chi, instead conducting checkSocial Accountability Inter- charred rolls of denim. Disbecome a commodity that is up meetings in the Middle East national and its compliance carded plastic sandals, left bought and sold but not rigor- or by telephone. arm have begun an extensive by trapped factory workers, "Did they even bother to ously enforced," Nadvi said. review of its work with RINA. are piled near a door that was "We need to m ove beyond visit the country?" asked Zul- On Friday, they announced locked during the fire. them." fiqar Shah of the Pakistan In- that RINA would no longer The exact death toll, origistitute of Labor Education and issue SA8000 certificates in nally estimated at 289, is in disOutsourcing the inspections Research. Pakistan. pute. Court records confirmed There was evidence that Ali In a statement, RINA said it RINA, in a statement, said it 262 deaths. But families say Enterprises was flawed well had conducted "periodic inter- had suspended its relationship before September's fire. Abnal audits and meetings" with with its Pakistani affiliate and dulrauf Shaikh, a longtime inAdnan ul H a san, R I&CA's was conducting spot checks spector, examined the factory owner. But the firm declined to on factories that had been certhree times, in 2010, 2011 and specify where and when those tified in its name. The group, again this July, just two months meetings had taken place. however, is resisting calls to COVERINGS before the fire. Each time he rescind all its SA8000 certifiCertification, then a fire found a locked fire exit — as Also see usfor in the fatal 1911 Triangle shirtU l Hasan's company i n YEAR END INVENTORY CL E AR AN CE waist factory fire in New York spected Al i E n t erprises, a ALL MATTRESS SETS& FURNITURE Awnings, Solar Screens — minimum wage violations large plant with 2,000 workers — beand otherserious problems. in northern Karachi, & Custom Draperies Shaikh was there on behalf tween June 25 and July 5, reWarehouse Prices of a European apparel comcords show. On Aug. 20 RINA (541) 388-441 8 pany that was thinking of us- awarded Ali Enterprises an ing the factory. When Shaikh SA8000 certificate. confronted the Bhaila brothThree weeks later, around ers over these problems, he 6 p.m., fire erupted in the storrecalled, "They said: 'We are age department, among giant SA8000-certified. Wh e t her rolls of denim. At the time, you pass us or fail us, that's the factory's production was your issue. We don't care.'" largely dedicated to making Social Accountability Inter- cheap jeans for KiK, a German national does not inspect the retailer. factories itself. It has a comThe blaze spread quickly, pliance affiliate that licenses engulfing the main building firms to do the actual work. where about 660 people were One such firm is RINA, an working. On the ground floor, Italian corporation founded in some workers were burned 1861 to inspect ships. In Paki- alive. On the second floor, its stan, the process was further windows barred, many sufsubcontracted: RINA's local focated from the smoke. In operations are run by RI&CA, the basement, workers were which inspected Ali Enterpris- trapped as hot water flowed es last summer. from firefighters' hoses. "They boiled alive," said MoT hat Pakistani f ir m h a s custom cabinetr9, furniture and design a c o ntroversial r e p utation hiuddin Aziz Yousuf, a brothlargely because of its unusu- er-in-law of A r shad Bhaila, 1052 se paiute wag ally high rate of approvals, do- one ofthe factory's owners, as bend oregon 97702 ing inspections that led to 118 he gave a tour of the burnedSA8000 certificates between out factory. www.akamaiwoodworks.com 2007 and 2012. In contrast, a RINA has refused to release 541.M9.18'02 5 4 1.989.4'M5 fax larger auditing firm, Bureau the inspection report that its Veritas, awarded 46 certifiPakistani partner prepared in furniture • cabinetry • wa ll units cates in Pakistan over a period July, citing confidentiality re-


akamai woodworks

nearly 1,178 jobs in transportation manufacturing — assembling parts for planes, cars, trains and boats — according to Oregon Employment Department data. By 2010, the monthly average was 183 workers — a four-year decline of about 84 percent. Some of those laid off workers could find new jobs if Epic can finalize a purchase and increase production with the Cessna building, Clinton said. "We've got a reservoirof

people who could be quality candidates for those good

jobs," he said. — Reporter: 541-617-7820 egluchlichC<bendbulletin.com

48 other people are missing, with some remains still not identified. The Pakistani government and a w ealthy i ndustrialist have paidfamilies $9,375 per death in compensation; KiK, the factory's main customer, has agreed to pay an additional $1,930 per head. Muhammad Siraj lost his 18year-old son, Shah Nawaz, and 23-year-old daughter, Farzana. They worked in the stitching department, making $125 a month for long hours. "It wasn't a lot," Siraj said, "but it p rovided lentils and bread." Now all that remains are a pair of six-year-old photos; in one, Shah Nawaz sits shyly beside his sisters, peeking from behind a shoulder. "I feel nothing against the factory owners," said Siraj, a gently spoken scrap merchant. "They can'tgive me my son back." The Pakistani police have brought fire-related charges against the Bhaila brothers, their elderly father, three factory guards and two managers. The brothers' supporters claim the men have been subjected to "trial by media" and say the fireresulted from sabotage. "These safety regimes are not meant to deal with sabotage or terrorist activity," said Yousuf, the Bhaila brother-inlaw. Police investigators said they had ruled out that theory. Tepper Marlin's group has ordered a special round of fire inspections at every Pakistani factory w it h S A 8000 certification. Still, there is deep skepticism about whether the wrenching tragedy will result in genuine improvements, even after all the inquiries. "Two months down the road, what has changed?" asked Shah, the labor rights activist. "Nothing. It could happen again tomorrow."


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TeenwantsEasy-Haketoappealtoboys By Michelle R. Smith

and sister were finalists for the Easy-Bake "Baker of the Year" award in 2009. Hasbro also pointed to Flay as an example of a chef who traced his careerto an early experience with the Easy-Bake. M cKenna found th e r e sponse disappointing. "All they really told me is that boys play with their products. I already know boys do play with your products, so why are you only m arketing them to girls?" she said. "I don't want them to make a boys' Easy-Bake Oven and girls' Easy-Bake Oven. I want them to make an Easy-Bake Oven for kids." Flay, 47, said he asked for an Easy-Bake fo r C h r istmas when he was about 5. He remembers it as a "putrid green" and r ecalls baking cakes with his mother from mixes. At the time, he said, the stereotype was that only women cooked, but a lot has changed since then. "I cannot tell you how many

The Associated Press

P ROVIDENCE, R . I . Four-year-old Gavyn Boscio loves to cook and asked for an Easy-Bake Oven for Christmas. But when his big sister went to buy one, she discovered to her disappointment that it comes only in g i rly pink and purple, with girls — and only girls — on the box and in the commercials. So the eighth-grader from Garfield, N.J., started an online petition asking Pawtucket, R.l.-based Hasbro to make the toy ovens in gender-neutral colors and feature boys on the package. By F r i day, 1 3 -year-old McKenna Pope's petition had garnered more than 30,000 signatures in a l i t tle more than a week. And celebrity chef Bobby Flay, who owned an EasyBake Oven as a boy, is among those weighing in on her side. In avideo McKenna made to accompany her petition on

Change.org, Gavyn whips up a batch of cookies and tells his sister he wants a dinosaur and an Easy-Bake Oven for

Julio Cortez/The Associated Press

Gavyn Boscio, 4, inspired hls sister,McKenna Pope, 13, to start a petition demanding the toy company Hasbro make its Easy-Bake Oven more gender neutral.

Christmas. When she asks him why there are no boys in the commercialfor Easy-Bake Ovens, he explains: "Because only girls play with it." "Obviously, the way they're marketing this product is influencing what he thinks and the way that he acts," McKenna said in an interview. She said her little brother would

probably be OK playing with a purple-and-pink oven by himself but would be too embarrassed to use it in front of his friends. In a l etter McKenna received on Monday, a Hasbro representative told her the company has featured

young boys are my fans. And they want to grow up, and they want to cook," the Food Network star said.

boys on the packaging over the years and said a brother


Checking wildernessfor wolverines

Continued from A1 In the late 1800s and early 1900s, sheep ranchers and other li vestock managers regularly set out poisoned baits to rid mountains like the Wallowas of predators, such as wolves, cougars and coyotes. Again, the wolverines weren't targeted, but their numbers shrank and they may have been wiped out of the state completely. Any population of wolverines can be hard to find. They cover wide ranges over rough terrain, making them a difficult animal to find, let alone study. "They are just natural lowdensity animals, even in highquality habitat," Hiller said. The first year of Hiller and McFadden's research is costing about $100,000, said Tim Greseth, executive director at Oregon Wildlife Heritage Foundation. Th e P o rtland-based group funds wildlife research around the state. The largest grant, $40,000, is from the U.S. Forest Service. The Oregon Zoo, the N orcross Wildlife Foundation, ODFW and the Wolverine Foundation are also supporting the project. A second season of research is planned for next winter and spring.Greseth said the group is trying to raise about $75,000 to fund it. Listed by th e state as a threatened species since 1975, the wolverine is also a candidate forfederal Endangered Species Act p r otections in

Bait-and-camera stations designed to detect scavengers were set Up this fall by researchers trying to find out whether there are wolverines in the Three Sisters, Mount Jefferson and Mount Washington

Oregon. "Our interest is in knowing m ore about what species are in the state," he said.

Cameras set Since October, McFadden has been installing bait-andcamera stations around the Cascades, having installed the 20th and final station Thursday, Hiller said. The stations are near avalanche chutes high in the mountains, around 7,000 feet and higher, where snow typically stays thick into

wilderness areas. Warm Springs Indian Reservation Linn County





Mount Jefferson WildernessArea Jefferson County

Mount Washington WHdeiness-Area Sisters , edmo d Three Sisters


Lane County

Deschutes County



2 Greg Cross /The Bulletin

c ollar them. Capturing t he animals may be traumatic for them, and the relatively light weight of the wolverine makes it hard for the animal to bear the weight of the batteries required for a long-lasting radio or GPS-tracking collar. The photos in the bait-andcamera system allow scientists to track the animals' movements if they move from station to station. Photos of the underside of the wolverines may show distinctive fur patterns, theirgender and whether the

females are feeding young. Having studied wolverines since 1978, mainly in Alaska, Magoun bought a house with her husband about five years ago in the northeast Oregon outpost of Flora. The couple splits time between there and Fairbanks, Alaska. From the back ofthe home, on a clear day, she could see the rocky Wallowa Mountains. While she was told wolverines no longer roamed the mountains, she was sure they were there. The mountains,

ny Kennedy. Judge Stephen Reinhardt, writing for the majority, relied heavily on a 1996 majority opinion from Kennedy in a case which struck down a C o l orado c o n stitutional amendment thathad banned the passage of laws protect-

ing gay men and lesbians. The voter initiative in California, known as Proposition 8, had done something similar, Reinhardt wrote. That reasoning, he added, meant that the ruling was confined to California. "We do not doubt the importance of the more general questionspresented to us concerning the rights of same-sex couples to marry, nor do we doubt that these questions will likely be resolved in other states, and for the nation as a whole, by other courts," he wrote. "For now," he said, "it suff ices to c onclude that t h e p eople of C a l i fornia m a y not, consistent with the federal Constitution, add to their state Constitution a provision that has no more practical effect than to strip gays and lesbians of their right to use the official designation that the state and society give to committed relationships, thereby adversely affecting the status and dignity of the members of a disfavored class." T he Supreme Court h a s several options in reviewing the decision. It could reverse it, leaving California's ban on same-sex marriage in place. It could affirm on the narrower theory, which w ould a l low same-sex marriage in California but not require it elsewhere. Or it could address the broader question of whether the Constitution requires states to allow such marriages. A plaintiff in the case, Kristin Perry, said she hoped the justices would answer yes to that last question. "There is nothing more important," she said, "than a state ridding itself of discriminatory laws that hurt its citizens every day." Brian Brown, president of the N ational O r g anization for Marriage, said the court should address the broader question but say no. "What's at stake," he said, "is whether the Constitution demands a redefinition of marriage and whether statescan even vote on this issue." The second case the court

sor, probably partly to make sure acase of such importance could be heard by a full ninemember court. The Obama a d m inistration's attitude toward samesex marriage and the 1996 law has shifted over time. Until last year, the Justice Department defended the law i n c o urt, as it typically does all acts of Congress. In February 2011, though, Attorney General Eric Holder announced that he and President Barack Obama had concluded that the law was unconstitutional and unworthy of defense in court, though he added that the administration would continue to enforce the law. In May of this year, Obama a nnounced his support f or same-sex marriage. After the Justice Department stepped aside, House R epublicans i n tervened t o defend the law. They are represented by Paul Clement, a former solicitor general in the Bush administration. The Windsor case is thus likely to feature a r ematch between Clement and V errilli, who w ere a ntagonists this year in t h e a rguments over Obama's health care law. The two cases are likely to be argued in late March, about a year after the health care case was heard.

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Wallowa wolverines Magoun designed the baitand-camera station and even wrote the 160-page how-to m anual for other wolverine researchers. The stations allow scientists to track wolverines without having to capture and

— Reporter:541-617-7812, ddarling@bendbuIIetin.com

Continued from A1 The suit argued that California's voters had violated the federal Constitution the previous year when they overrode a decision of the state's Supreme Court a l l o win g s a m e-sex marriages. A federal judge in San Francisco agreed, issuing a broad decision that said the Constitution required the state to allow same-sex couples to marry. The decision has been stayed. A divided three-judge panel of the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, also in San Francisco, affirmed the decision. But the majority relied on narrower groundsthat seemed calculated to avoid Supreme Court review or, at least, attract the vote of the court's presumed swing member, Justice Antho-

agreed to hear, United States v. Windsor, No. 12-307, challenges a part of the Defense of Marriage Act of 1996. Section 3 of the law defines marriage as between only a man and a woman for purposes of more than 1,000 federal laws and p rograms. (Another part of the law, not before the court, says that states need not recognize same-sex marriages from other states.) The case concerns two New York City women, Edith Windsor and Thea Clara Spyer, who were married in 2007 in Canada. Spyer died in 2009, and Windsor inheritedher property. The 1996 law did not allow the Internal Revenue Service to treat Windsor as a surviving spouse, and she faced a tax bill of some $360,000 that a spouse in an opposite-sex marriage would not have had to pay. Windsor sued, and in October the federal appeals court in New York struck down the 1996 law. The decision was the second from afederalappeals court to do so, joining one in May from a court in Boston. The Windsor case made its way the Supreme Court unusually quickly because the parties had filed an appeal from the trial court's decision in the case, also striking down the law, even before the appeals court had ruled. Windsor, 83, said she was "absolutely thrilled" that the court had agreed to hear her case, adding, "I wish Thea was here to see what is going on." There was reason to think that Justice Elena Kagan was not free to hear an appeal from the Boston case because she had worked on it or a related case as U.S. solicitor general. The current solicitor general, Donald Verrilli Jr., provided the court with a number of other options, including Wind-


spring. Wolverines tunnel through s uch snow, b u ilding d e n s where they raise their young. Determining whether the animals are breeding in the Cascades is the second goal after first figuring out if they're here or not. This is where that chunk of dead deer comes intothe research. Wolverines hunt and scavenge for food, with a deer quarter a definite draw. "It's all about attracting the animal and enticing them to the area, but not giving them an easy meal," Hiller said. Strung from trees, the bait hangs over a stand that the wolverine must climb to reach the meat. On the way up the a nimal t r i ggers c l ips t h a t take a pinch of its hair, which provides a DNA sample, and activates a m o t ion-sensitive camera that photographs its underbelly.


she said, are just the right kind of wolverine habitat. Conducting a survey for the Wolverine Foundation, an international nonprofit group that advocates for the animal, Magoun went in search of wolverines in the Wallowas. In the winter of 2010-11 she set up 16 motion-activated cameras around the mountains and she found evidence of three wolverines, likely all males. The year before, in 2009, cameras set by other researchers also c a ptured images of wolverines on Mount Adams in Washington and inthe Sierra Nevada in Northern California. L ast winter o nl y o n e of the W a llowa w olverines, which Magoun calls Stormy, was photographed again. That suggests that it may be a resident while the other two wolverines were just passing through the Wallowas. She's setting up cameras again this winter to test her theory. Like wolves, wolverines will wander far from where they were born in search of new territory and a mate. A wolf from a pack from the Wallowas — known as OR7 by his GPS collar number — became a media celebrity late last year when he traveled int o C a l ifornia, the first known wolf in the Golden State in nearly 90 years. Two months earlier OR-7 crossed through Central Oregon. "If wolves are traveling from northeastern Oregon all the way to California, certainly wolverines could," Magoun said.



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TV& Movies, B2 Comics, B4-5

Calendar, B3 Puzzles, B5 Horoscope, B3 THE BULLETIN • SATURDAY, DECEMBER 8, 2012

O www.bendbulletin.com/community


Something is afoot

Christmas tour continues today The "I'll be Home for

Christmas Home Tour" continues today offering tours of "the best and

with shoes really don't understand what's going on with the shoes in my house. I mean, I admit I'm not the most organized person in the world, and I don't run a "tight ship" when it comes to keeping everything neatly put away (my great-grandmother, whose motto was "a place for everything and everything in its place," would be horrified). So it's not surprising that my kids have picked up some bad habits regardingtheirown possessions (read: they aren't good at putting stuff away without being told). I only blame myself. And my husband. However, this laxity does not fully explain what happens to my kids' shoes once they pass the threshold of our front door. They disappear. They reappear in bizarre locations. They become separatedfrom their mates in inexplicable ways. They shed laces as if they were molting. They become lost at the most inconvenient times and before the most important occasions. They seem to become invisible to children who are looking for them, and trust me when I say my children spend an inordinate amount of time looking for their shoes. I've seen shoes become lost in the time it takes a 7-year-old to walk from the front door to his bedroom. I've witnessed shoes thought long gone materialize out of nowhere in places no shoe should have been in the first place (the cat food bin, for example, or the blanket trunk). Shoes in my house appear to exist in their own dimension, only occasionally adhering to the physics and rules of our plane of existence. A few months ago I determined that a lot of the shoe-related mysteries at home had their origin in the black hole that is my boys' bedroom. I set out to tackle the problem by cleaning out their closet and organizing their shoes. What I found was baffling: • Snow boots in four sizes, only one of which will fit an actual foot attached to a child that lives in my house, and only two of which had mates (hint: the ones with mates were not the ones that would fit

largest Christmas collection in Bend," according to the Des Chutes His-

torical Museum.


The tour features the

private homeandcollection of SueJorgensen, collections managerfor themuseum andanavid Christmas collector, plus two neighboring homes.

Decorations spanmore than100 years and include more than 40 decorated trees, a nuttique ornaments, tradi-

tional and contemporary ornaments andmore. Jorgensen's collection is so large that someitems are only on displayevery few years. Tickets are $6per person at the door. Proceeds support the

',r ' •


Des Chutes Historical

Museum, theWilliams Syndrome Foundation, the Children's Vision t h


Foundation andthe Bend

s a

Heroes Foundation. The tour will run from

g:X ro:.

10a.m. to 4 p.m.at



r '

21163 Clairaway Ave., Bend. Contact: www .deschuteshistory.org or 541-389-1813.


Cancer society seeks drivers


The AmericanCancer Society is searchingfor „n .iP 'a

new volunteers to help with a program that provides transportation to and from medical ap-


pointments for cancer patients. The Road to Recov-

':: gt"

tt t'4" +I

Photo lllustration


• For some children, the Christmas letter to Santa doesn't go into themail unnoticed — or unanswered

By Alandra Johnson

The Postal Service offers a

program in which parents or relatives can senda

The Bulletin

• Sandals that are a perfect fit right now, but will be far too small by the time the weather makes them wearable. • Three different cleats in three different sizes. None had mates. • One pair of tennis shoes on which the tread was worn practically off on one shoe but hardly at all on the other. • At least four pairs of shoes (or unmated singles) that were recently purchased but no longer fit. • A wadded tangle of loose shoelaces. •Three pairsof decent shoes for the current season that actually fit (one has been lost since then). This explained a lot, particularly the morning shoe delay (that would be the automatic 20-minute penalty imposed on disorganized families every time they ask the kids to put on their shoes). No fewer than four mornings this week included shoe-related delays — lost shoes, unmatched shoes and, in one case, laceless shoes. You'd think a 7-year-old would understand that wearing a tennis shoe not just untied, but UNLACED, probably wouldn't fly. But on Friday, he appeared at the door wearing one shoe tied and one shoe completely lacking a lace at all. He claimed not to be able to find his other shoes. (They were in his closet, but neither one had a shoelace, either). And that's why I was late to work on Friday. I was busy cannibalizing shoelacesfrom the lone, unmated athletic cleats so I could put them in Jack's hiking boots and we could finally leave the house. Maybe we should just adopt barefootedness. I'm not sure being more organized about our footwear would entirely solve the problem.

Seeing the letters children send to Santa is one of the highlights of the year for many local postal workers. "It's the best thing I do all year long," said Gale Rice, information clerk at the Bend Post Office. Letters arrive addressed in tell-tale handwritten fashion, often in crayon. All of the children are hoping Santa Claus will grant their wishes. Inside the notes,some words are misspelled and some letters are written out backwards. Ricesays some children send pages and pages, others cut out items from a catalog to pass along, "So Santa is sure to get the correct thing." The spelling is what gets Rice — she thinks it's pretty cute.

The letters According to a selection of letters from Prineville children, the wishes of kids are varied.

letter "from Santa" to a child. The letter receives a

require weekly or even daily transportation.

North Pole postmarkand

Organizers say there is

then is sent to the child. To participate, mail letters by

One little letter writer this year asked Santa a series of questions: "How many elfs on the shelfs have you gave to the world?" "How long dose it take to get arown the world?" "Is Rudolph real?" "Is every one in your hous doing well?" The misspelled words somehow add to the charm. Some letter-writers get straight to the point: "Yo Santa I want for Christmas is an Oscar that says superstar of the year award" reads one from a little boy. Many children this year are seeking out high-tech gadgets. A new phone, an iPod Touch, "turtle beach headphones for xbox 360" and a ruby red Nintendo DS. But the sweet underlying sentiment is there — with lots of pleases — whether kids are asking for iPads or a new book. Some want very low-tech items — one child asked for "a horse with carrots, apples, water, pen, bolws for carrots oats appleswater." See Letters/B6

ery programincludes volunteers who donate their time as well as the use of their vehicle. The patients either have no personal transportation or are too sick to drive themselves. Many of the patients in the program


Editor's note:This story gives us a small peek into Santa's workshop. If you still wear footed pajamas and like to leave out cookies for Santa, this might not be the story for you.


— Julie Johnson is the features editor at The Bulletin. 541-383-0308, jj ohnson@bendbulletin.com

cracker collection, an-

;.$t -

a high need for volunteers. Those interested in

Monday. Directions: 1. Write the letter from Santa to the child. 2. Place the letter into an

volunteering must have a current, valid Oregon driver's license, agood driving record, the ability to pass a criminal

envelope addressed to the

background check, access to a reliable and

child. Write"Santa, North Pole" as the return address. 3. Add a stamp. 4. Put that letter into a larger envelop with the

safe vehicle and current

auto insurance. The volunteers must be in

reasonably good health and complete anapplication and anonline

appropriate postage and mail that to: North Pole Postmark, Postmaster, 4141 Postmark Drive, Anchorage, AK, 995309998 The letter will arrive to the

child with a postmark from

orientation. Volunteers can choose a schedule that works best for them. Contact: Lynda Calvi 541-617-0222 or

the North Pole.

acslynda@gmail.com. — From staff reports


Retro toys makeholiday comeback By Roddie Burris The State (Columbia, S.CJ

Old Maid and marbles, tin checkers, sock mon-

keys and Raggedy Ann storybooks ring up intrinsic childhood memories from the past, especially for baby boomers and their parents. So it should be of little surprise, then, that vintage toys from Tonka trucks and Furby to Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Robots and chatter telephones (dial-

up, of course) are causing cash registers to ring during this Christmas season as retailers offerincreased "retro" toy selections.

It is not a full-fledged trend yet, experts say, but each year shoppers are seeing a few more toy items they remember from their pasts. "This year we happen to have some hot toys — some really 'topping everyone's list toys,' and I think it's bringing it more tothe forefront," said Laurie Schacht, toy expert and co-publisher of the Toy Insider, an annual consumer holiday toy gutde. You're seeing the return of Furby, the 1990s Hasbro owl/hamster creature. See Retro/B6

,' '0'l»l'






one," which appeared Wednesday, Dec. 5, on Page B1, the name of one of the authors slated

., ijt';

to speakas part of the

THK bRIGliiltl IGHIIIIQ amms g~pg gggPISl R

• In a story headlined "Something for Every-

Author! Author! series was incorrect. Erik Lar-

son will speak June20


II rr ".




as part of the series. • In a story headlined

"Holiday Bazaars," which appeared on Friday, Dec. 7, onpage 15 of GD! Magazine, the location of the Central

Oregon Locavore Gift Faire was reported inTim Dominick /The State (Columbia, S.C.)

Retrotoys have made a comeback among kids inthe 2012 holidayshopping season, including Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Robots at Mast General Store in Columbia, S.C.

correctly. The correct location is The Old Stone, 157 N.W. Franklin Ave., in Bend. The Bulletin regrets

the errors.





'Black in America' asks: 'What areyou?'

LOCAL MOVIE TIMES FOR SATURDAY,DEC. 8 EDITOR'S NOTES: • Accessibility devices are available for some movies at Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 8 IMAX. • There may bean additional fee for 3-D and IMAX films. • Movie times are subject to change after press time.

BEND Regal Pilot Butte 6

"Black in America"

found it annoying." Maybe because at home, it By Ellen Gray was never a question. Philadelphia Daily News "When I was growing up, PHILADELPHIA — "Peo- my parents used to say to ple will ask me, 'What are me — and to my five brothyou?'" complains 17-year- ers and sisters - 'Don't let old Nayo Jones in the latest anyone tell you you're not installment of CNN's "Black black. And don't let anyone in America" setell yo u y o u 're ries, which asks not Latina.' And I Ty SppT the not-so-simple remember thinkquestion, "Who ing, 'Who's the they?' I grew up in all-white Is Black in America?" And what are you? Long Island, N.Y. In SmithThat's one CNN anchor town. I literally wasn't sure and series h ost S o ledad what she (her mother, who O'Brien has heard a time or immigrated to the U.S. from two herself. Cuba) was talking about. Like Jones, a senior at the And now I understand what Philadelphia H ig h S c hool she was talking about: She for Creative and Performing was trying to give me a sense Arts featured in Sunday's of identity ... that she knew show, O'Brien is the daugh- p eople would tr y t o c h i p ter of a black mother and a away at." white father. Too light, too dark, too "I guess (the question) whatever: The p ersistence used to just really annoy me of "colorism" nearly a cenand frustrate me, because it tury and a half after the end really goes to the essence of of slavery — and four years who you are," O'Brien said intothe presidency ofBarack in a phone interview ear- Obama — is a running theme lier this week. "And some- in the film, its connection times, when I was herage, to history demonstrated to I would've said, 'It's none of schoolchildren in Richmond, your damn business, leave it Va., in a segment in which alone.' It used to just really Kiara Lee, who runs workannoy me." shops on colorism, subjects These days, "and probably children to the "paper-bag" because of my job, I'm just test, telling those whose skin much more open to discuss- is darker than the bag that ing the question. Because I they must sit in the back. " Brutal, r ig h t? " sai d kind of love the conversation," which can go some- O'Brien, who has four chilthing like this: dren of her own, when I con"'What do you think I am? fessed to cringing. "I think that the point she's And why do you ask'?' Or, 'I'm an American.' And then, trying to make is that these invariably, because that's not kids are already having diswhat they're asking, you play cussions about who's valudumb a little bit," she said, able and who's not (based on laughing, because "I find skin color). She's just giving the conversation intriguing. them historical context." And when I was Nayo's age, Still, "it just breaks your I didn't find it intriguing. I heart."

2717 N.E. U.S.Highway 20, Bend, 541-382-6347

8 p.m. Sunday, CNN

ANNA KARENINA (R) 12:30, 3:45, 7, 9:55 ARGO (R)1, 4:15, 7:15, 9:50 LINCOLN(PG-13) Noon, 3:15, 6:30, 9:40 THE SESSIONS (R) 1:15, 4, 6:15, 9:30 SKYFALL(PG-13) 12:15, 3:30, 6:45, 9:45 SMASHED(R) 12:45, 3, 6, 9:35

Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX 680S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend, 541-382-6347

CLOUDATLAS(R) 4:15, 8 END OFWATCH(R) 10:10 a.m., 12:50, 3:55, 7:10, 9:50 FLIGHT(R) 12:35, 3:45, 6:55, IO:05 KILLINGTHEMSOFTLY(R) 1:35, 4:35, 7:15, 9:40 LIFE OF Pl(PG) 10:20 a.m., 1:25, 7:25 LIFE OF PI3-D (PG) 12:10, 3:10, 4:30, 6:10, 9:25, 10:20 LINCOLN(PG-13) 9:40 a.m., noon, 1, 3:20, 4:20, 6:40, 7:45, 10 THE LORDOF THE RINGS TRILOGY MARATHON(PG-13) 11:15 a.m. THE METROPOLITANOPERA: UN BALLO IN MASHERA (noMPAA rating) 9:55 a.m. PLAYINGFOR KEEPS (PG- I3)9:45 a.m., 1:05, 3:50, 6:30, 9:15 RED DAWN(PG-13) 10:40 a.m., 1:50, 4:50, 7:35, 10:15 RISE OFTHEGUARDIANS (PG) 12:25, 3, 6

Tin Pan Theater 869 N.W. Tin Pan Alley, Bend, 541-241-2271 Summit Entertainment via The Associated Press

Logan Lerman, left, Ezra Miller and Emma Watson star in "The Perks of Being a Wallflower." RISEOF THE GUARDIANS 3-D (PG) 9 SKYFALL(PG-13) 12:05, 3:15, 6:25, 9:35 SKYFALLIMAX (PG-13) 12:15, 3:30, 6:45, 9:55 THETWILIGHTSAGA: BREAKING DAWN — PART2(PG-13) 10:30 a.m., 1:15, 4:05, 7, 9:45 WRECK-IT RALPH (PG) 10:05 a.m., 12:45, 3:35, 6:15, 9:10

McMenamins Old St. Francis School


REDMOND Redmond Cinemas 1535S.W.Odem Medo Road, Redmond, 541-548-8777

RED DAWN(PG-13) 11:15 a.m., 1:15, 3:15, 5:15, 7:15, 9:15 RISE OFTHEGUARDIANS (PG) 12:15, 2:30, 4:45, 7, 9:15 SKYFALL(PG-13) 11:15 a.m., 2:30, 5:45, 9 THE TWILIGHTSAGA: BREAKING DAWN —PART2 (PG-13) 1:15, 4, 6:45, 9:30

BALTO(1995 — G)3 FRANKENWEENIE (PG) Noon LOOPER(R) 9 THE PERKSOFBEINGA WALLFLOWER (PG-13) 6 After 7 p.m., shovtrsare 27and older only.Youngerthan21may attend screenings before7pm.if accompaniedby a legalguardian.

Madras Cinema 5 1101 S.W. U.S.Highway 97, Madras, 541-475-3505

PLAYINGFORKEEPS(PG-13) 12:40, 2:45, 4:50, 7, 9:05 RED DAWN (PG-13) 1:05, 3:10, 5:15, 7:20, 9:35 RISEOF THE GUARDIANS 3-D (PG) I2:20, 2:40, 5, 7:10, 9:25 THE TWILIGHTSAGA:BREAKING DAWN —PART2 (PG-13) 2:10, 4:35, 7, 9:30 WRECK-IT RALPH(PG) Noon, 2:15, 4:30, 6:50, 9:10

PRINEVILLE 214 N. Main St., Prineville, 541-416-1014

SISTERS Sisters Movie House 720 Desperado Court, Sisters, 541-549-8800

FLIGHT(R) 3:45, 6:45

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LINCOLN (PG-13) 3, 6:30 PLAYINGFORKEEPS(PG-13) 3, 5:15, 7:30 SKYFALL(PG-13) 3:30, 6:45

CLOUDATLAS (R) Noon, 3:30, 7 RISEOF THE GUARDIANS (UPSTAIRS — PG)1:10, 4:10, 7:10 Theupstairsscreening room has limited accessibility.



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KATU News World News K A TU News C a rol Burnett Jeopardy! 'G' Wheel Fortune"TheBorrowers" (2011,Fantasy) StephenFry. Premiere. 'PG'a« Castle After the Storm'PG' « KAT U News C a stle n 'PG' News Nightly News Jeopardy! 'G' Wheel Fortune The American Giving Awards(N) n cc Law 8 Order: SVU News Sat. Night Live KTVZ B B B H Extra (N) n 'PG' cc Adv Journal E v ening News Burn Notice FalseFlag 'PG' « O l d Christine O ld Christine F rosty Frosty Returns "TheFlightBeforeChristmas" 48H ours Everything to Lose (N) News Paid Program KBNZ 0 "TheBorrowers" (2011,Fantasy) StephenFry. Premiere. 'PG' « Castle After the Storm'PG' « Ne w s (N) « Spo rts Stars KOHD O O O G KEZI 9 News World News K EZI 9 News KEZI 9 News Entertainment Tonight (N) « Criminal Minds Painless n '14' C s h Miami Hostile Takeover '14' Bones Bodies in the Book n '14' News Two/Half Men Masterohef '14' «(DVS) KPXO fEI IEI IEIIEI UFC: Hendersonvs. Diaz (N) n (Livel « Rick StevesEuropeMarathon'G' Oscar Hammerstein II — Out of MyDreams n 'G ' E a rth Songs n 'G' cc KOAB Q Ij Q I j Rick Steves R ick Steves EuropeMarathon'G' Newsohannel 8 at5PM(N) « N i g htly News Pregame NBA Basketball Sacramento Kings at PortlandTrail Blazers(N) (Live) P o s tgame 'G' Giving Awards Law & Order: SVU Newsohannel 8 Sat. Night Live KGW 0 *** 'FiX"(1986, Suspense)BryanBrown, Brian Dennehy. Cops '14' cc C o ps '14' cc C h eaters n '14' cc That'70sShow That '70sShow TheJeremy KyleShow (N)'PG' KTVZDT2fEI Q B fH (4:00) *"ChillFactor" (1999) Rick Steves R i ck Steves EuropeMarathon 'G' Rick Steves EuropeMarathon 'G' Oscar HammersteinII-Outof My Dreams n'G' Ea r th Songsn'G' « OPBPL 175 173 KATU B

*AS!E 130 28 18 32 Gangsters: America's Most Evil Gangsters: America's Most Evil Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty 'PG' «

DuckDynasty Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty *** "Coach Carter" (2005,Drama)Samuel L. Jackson, RobertRi'chard, RobBrown. A high-school basketball coach *** "Miracle" (2004, Drama)Kurt Russell, Patricia Clarkson,Noah Emmerich. Premiere. TheU.S.Olympic hockey *** "Miracle" (2004) Kurt Russell, *AMC 102 40 39 pushes his team toexcel. « team beats the Soviet team. cc Patricia Clarkson. cc *ANPL 68 50 26 38 Too Cute! KittenCottonballs 'PG' Too Cute! n 'PG' cc Too Cute! n 'G' « Too Cute! Fluffy Puppy Party (N) Too Cute! n 'G' « America's Cutest Cat 2010'PG' Too Cute! n 'G' cc ** "Accepted"(2006, Comedy)Justin Long, Jonah Hil. Premiere. ** "Accepted" (2006,Comedy)Justin Long,JonahHil. BRAVO1 37 4 4 Shahs of Sunset '14' Shahs of Sunset '14' Shahs of Sunset CMT 190 32 42 53 (4:30) **"Grumpier0/d Men" (1995)n cc (8:45) ** "Starsky 8Hutch" (2004,Comedy)BenStiler, OwenWilson. n Redneck Island (N) n 'PG' CMT Artists of the Year2012 (N) n 'PG' c~ Crossroads 'PG' CNBC 54 36 40 52 Ultimate Factories 'G' The SuzeOrmanShow (N) « Pri n cess Stacey Princess n Ul t imate Factories 'G' The SuzeOrmanShow « Princess Stacey Princess rt Qu i t Your Job! Hair Restoration CNN 55 38 35 48 CNN Heroes: An All-Star Tribute CNN Newsroom(N) CNN Heroes: An All-Star Tribute Sharing TheSpotlight Pre-Show CNN Heroes: An All-Star Tribute COM 135 53 135 47 "Austin Powersin Goldmember" (5:58) Jeff Dunham: Spark of Insanity '14' « Gabriel Iglesias: I'm NotFat Je f f Dunham: Spark of Insanity '14' cc GaryGulman:InThisEconomy *** "Hot Tub Ti meMachine" coTY 11 (4:30) City Club of Central Oregon Talk of the Town Local issues. D e sert Cooking Oregon Joy of Fishing Journal GetOutdoors VisionsofNW The Yoga Show The Yoga Show TalkoftheTownLocalissues. CSPAN 61 20 12 11 National ChristmasTreeLighting Christmas Tree Modern-Day Slavery (N) National ChristmasTreeLighting Christmas Tree Modern-Day Slavery Transparency at theWhite House *DIS 87 43 14 39 Good-Charlie Austin & Ally n Austin & Ally n Shake It Up! 'G' Phineas, Ferb Phineae, Ferb Good-Charlie Austin & Jessie & Ally All Star D o g With a Blog Austin 8 Ally n A.N.T. Farm 'G' Jeeeie n « Goo d-Charlie 'DISC 156 21 16 37 Jungle Gold Armed Robbery '14' Alaska: The Last Frontier n '14' Alaska: The Last Frontier n '14' Al aska: The Last Frontier n '14' Alaska: The Last Frontier n '14' Alaska: The Last Frontier n '14' Al aska: The Last Frontier n '14' *El ** "Sweet HomeAlabama" (2002) ReeseWitherspoon. **"TheWomen"(2008,Comedy-Drama)Meg Ryan,AnnetteBening,EvaMendes. 1 36 2 5 Fashion Police '14' Fashion Police '14' Love You ESPN 21 23 22 23 Trophy Presentation 30 for 30 (N) Sportsoenter (N)(Live) cc Bportsoenter (N)(Live) cc Sportsoenter (N)(Live) cc Sportsoenter (N)(Live) cc ESPN2 22 24 21 24 College Basketball Arizonaat Clemson(N) (Live) College Basketball lllinois atGonzaga(N)(Live) 30 for 30 (N) SportsNation NBA Tonight (N) Sportsoenter *** "E/evate" (2011,Documentary) « ESPNC 23 25 123 25 Sportsoentury cc 30 for 30 cc 30for30 cc 30for30 cc ESPNN 24 63 124203Sportsoenter (N)(Live) « Sportsoenter (N)(Live) « Sportsoenter H-Lite Ex. H-L i te Ex. H-L i te Ex. H-L i te Ex. H-L i te Ex. H-L i te Ex. Hig h light Express (N) (Live) * "TheSantaClause 3: TheEscape Cfause" (2006)Tim Allen. *** "Despicable Me" (2010)Voices of SteveCarell. Premiere. FAM 67 29 19 41 (4:00) "TheSanta Clause" (1994) (10:03) *** "DespicableMe" (2010)Voices of SteveCarell. FNC 57 61 36 50 Huckabee(N) Justice With JudgeJeanine (N) Geraldo at Large n 'PG' « The Journal Editorial Report n J u stice With Judge Jeanine Ger aldo at Large n 'PG' « Red Eye Guy's Disney Holiday 'FOOD 177 62 98 44 Iron Chef AmericaHolidayBattle The Next Iron Chef: Redemption Sugar Dome Diners, Drive-Ins andDives Din ers, Drive-Ins and Dives Iro n Chef America HoliBattl daye ** "The Proposal" (2009)SandraBullock. Awomanpretends to beengagedto evadedeportation. ** "Step Brothers" (2008,Comedy) Wil Ferrell, John C.Reily. ***"EasyA"(2010,Comedy)EmmaStone,PennBadgley. FX 131 HGTV 176 49 33 43 Candice Tells Candice Tells High Low Prol. Hunters Int'I W h ite House Christmas: Through White HouseChristmas 2012'G' Love It or List It 'G' cc House Hunters Hunters Int'I H o use Hunters Hunters Int'I *HIST 155 42 41 36 Ax Men Betting It All '14' « Ax Men TheAxStops Here'14' P a wn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Mankind The Story of All of Us NewWorld 'PG' o« Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' "under the Mist/etoe" (2006,Drama)Jaime RayNewman. 'PG' « "Hoiiy's Ho/iday" (2012)Claire Coffee. Premiere. 'PG' cc "Dear Santa" (2011,Drama)AmyAcker, Brooklynn Proulx. « LIFE 138 39 20 31 (4:00) "AnAccidental Christmas" MSNBC 59 59 128 51 Lockup: SanQuentin Lockup Lockup(N) Lockup: SanQuentin Lockup: SanQuentin Lockup LockupInsideFolsom MTV 19222 38 57 Catfish: The TV (5:40) JerseyShore ShoreShowern '14' cc (6:50) JerseyShoreAwkward! '14' Underemployed TheGig n '14' C atfish: The TVShown '14' Jer sey Shore Awkward! n '14' * "Scary Movie 2"(2001)n NICK 82 46 24 40 SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob *** "A Fa irlyOdd Christmas"(2012)n 'PG' Victorious 'G' Marvin Marvin How to Rock (N) ioarly 'G' « T h e Nanny 'PG' The Nanny 'PG' Friends n 'PG' (11:33) Friends OWN 161103 31 103Prison WivesJaneBailey n 'PG' Welcome to Sweetie Pie's 'PG' Welcome to Sweetie Pie's 'PG' Welcome to Sweetie Pie's 'PG' Welcome to Sweetie Pie's 'PG' l y anla, Fix My Life n 'PG' cc We l come to Sweetie Pie's 'PG' ROOT 20 45 28* 26 Tennis Seahawks C o l lege Basketball Valparaiso NewatMexico (N)(Live) Boxing GoldenBoy Live: Luis Ramosvs. RicardoWiliams (N) College Basketball Valparaiso atNewMexico ** "Walking Tal(2004, l" Action) TheRock, JohnnyKnoxvile, Neal McDonough.rt SPIKE 132 31 34 46 Auction Hunters Auction Hunters (8:09) *** "Kick-Ass"(2010)AaronJohnson.Anordinary teen decidesto becomea superhero. n (11:19) Doomrt ** "Snowmageddon"(2011)Michael Hogan. 'PG' « "The 12Disasters ofChristmas" (2012) EdQuinn. Premiere. 'PG' "DoomsdayProphecy"'14' « SYFY 133 35 133 45** nee Quake"(2010)BrendanFehr,Holly Dignard. 'PG' rw TBN 05 60 130 In Touch W/CharlesStanley Hou r of Power n 'G' cc Billy Graham Classic Crusades Behind Scenes Just Where I aelong Our First Christmas Christian Ebner *TBS 16 27 11 28 Friends n 'PG' Friends n 'PG' King of Queens King of Queens King of Queens King of Queens Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Wed d ing Band'M (N) A' « Wedding Band 'MA' « *** "Summertime"(1955, Romance)Katharine Hepburn, RossanoBrazzi. A ** "Autumn Leaves" (1956)JoanCrawford Cliff Robertson A womanlearns ** "if Winter Comes"(1948,Romance)Walter Pidgeon,DeborahKerr Writer ** "A Walkinthe SpringRain" (1970, TCM 101 44 101 29 married Venetianromancesa vacationing spinster. « that her younghusbandis mentally unstable. « befriends pregnantgirl, loseswife andjob. « Romance)AnthonyQuinn. *TLC 178 34 32 34 SayYes,Dress SayYes,Dress SayYes,Dress SayYes,Dress SayYes,Dress SayYes,Dress Mari o'sWedding To Be Announced Secrets of a TrophyWife (N) 'PG' Mario's Wedding ***"The Town" (2010,CrimeDrama) BenAffleck, RebeccaHall. Premiere. « *** "The Town" (2010)BenAffleck. « *TNT 17 26 15 27 (4:45)***%ception" (2010, ScienceFiction) Leonardo Dicaprio, Joseph Gordon-Levitt. « *TOON 84 Pokemon BW Pokemon BW Pokemon BW Pokemon BW "Pokemonthe Movie: Kyuremvs.the Sword" NinlaGo: Mstrs Venture Bros. Family Guy '14' Family Guy '14' Cleveland Show Black Dynamite The Boondocks *TRAV 179 51 45 42 Ghost Adventures '14' cc GhostAdventures 'PG'« Ghost Adventures 'PG' « Ghost Adventures 'PG' cc Ghost Adventures 'PG' cc GhostAdventures 'PG'« Ghost Adventures 'PG'« TVLND 65 47 29 35 Roseanne'PG' (5:38) TheCosbyShow n 'PG' Cosby Show Cosby Show Cosby Show Cosby Show Cosby Show Love-Raymond Love.Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond King ofQueens ** "Couples Retreat" (2009,Comedy)Vince Vaughn, JasonBateman. « ** "How Do youKnow"(2010) ReeseWitherspoon, OwenWilson. Premiere. « USA 15 30 23 30 "He'sJustNot Thatinto you" (11:05) ** "Couples Retreat" Marrying, Game T.l. and Tiny T .l. and Tiny * * " Notorious" (2009) AngelaBassett. n VH1 191 48 37 54 (4:50) 100Greatest Kid Stars 'PG' (5:55) 100Greatest Kid Stars 'PG' Behind the Music Pink 'PG' cc B a sketball Wives LA n '14' ** "The Rookie" 1990,Action Clint Eastwood.n 'R' « ENCR 106401 306401(4:00) *** "Holes" 2003'PG' (8:05) *** "Secondhand Li ons"2003MichaelCaine.n 'PG'« (10:05) ** "The Recruit" 2003 AlPacino. n 'PG-13' « ** "Mumford"1999'R' « * "The Happening" 2008,ScienceFiction MarkWahlberg. 'R' « *"Just My Luck"2006LindsayLohan,Chri s Pine.'PG-13'« FMC 104204104120* "The Happening" 2008,ScienceFiction MarkWahlberg. 'R' « Hooters Dreamgirl 'PG' Hooters DreamGirls '14' UFC Post Fight Show(N) (Live) UFC Post Fight Show UFC: Hendersonvs. Diaz Prelims (N) FUEL 34 Golf ThailandGolf Championship, FinalRound(N)(Live) GOLF 28 301 27 301Golf EmiratesAustralian Open,Final RoundFromSydney, Australia. (N) (Live) "A HolidayEngagement" (2011, Comedy)JordanBridges. « "ComeDanceWithMe" (2012) AndrewMcCarthy. Premiere. 'G' cc "A Bridefor Christmas"(2012,Romance)Ariele Kebbel. 'G' « HALL 66 33 175 33 (4:00) "Sante Jr" (2002)'G' « (4:45) **** "Titanic"1997, Hi s torical Drama Leonardo Di c aprio, Kate Wi n sl e t, Billy Zane. A woman fal l s for an arti s t ** "Journey 2: The Mysteri o us Isl a nd" 2012, Adventure (9:45) Boardwalk Empi re Nucky (10:45) *** "Contagion" 2011Marion Cotillard. Doctors HBO 25501 25501 aboard the ill-fated ship. n 'PG-13' « DwayneJohnson. Premiere. n 'PG'« makes adealwith Rothstein. 'MA' try to contain thespreadof a lethal virus. ** "EscapeFromL A." 1996, Action Kurt Russell. 'R' I IFC 105 105 ** "EscapeFromLA." 1996, Action KurtRussell. 'R' (7:15) ** "Bound" 1996,SuspenseJennifer Tilly, Gina Gershon,Joe Pantoliano. 'R' (11:45) Bound• (5:05) **"TheWholeNine yards" 2000, ComedyBruce (6:45) *** "Bridesmaids"2011, ComedyKristen Wiig, MayaRudolph, RoseByrne. A maidof Hunted Snow Maiden Samis exposed ** "Wanderlust" 2012 Paul Rudd.Stressed-out New (11:40) Hunted n MAX 00508 508 Willis, MatthewPerry. n 'R' « 'MA' cc honor's life unravels as the big dayapproaches. n 'NRl« as a spy. n 'MA' « Yorkers embrace a counterculture lifestyle. 'R' Alaska State Troopers '14' DoomsdayPreppers '14' DoomsdayPreppers '14' Alaska State Troopers '14' DoomsdayPreppers '14' DoomsdayPreppers '14' Alaska State Troopers '14' N GC 157 1 5 7 S p ongeaob L e gend-Korra Legend-Korra Dragon Ball Z Iron Man: Armor NTOON 89 11518911 Odd Parents Odd Parents L egend.Korra Legend-Korra Wild Grinders Planet Sheen Robot, Monster Odd Parents Spongeaob OUTD 37 307 43 307Trophy Hunt Jimmy Big Time Raglin Outdoors Ultimate Hunt'g Trophy Quest Most Wanted Outfitter Boot Expedition Saf. Ted Nugent C r aig Morgan West. Extremes High Places Commander M athew's Dom Untold History- Dexter The Dark...WhateverHan- Homeland Saul catches upwith an War Horse: The *** "WerHorse" 2011,Historical DramaEmily Watson,David Thewlis, Jeremy Irvine. Premiere. * "The Three Musketeers" 2011,Action Matthew MaoFaSHO 00 5 00 nah's father visits.n 'MA' cc United old friend. n 'MA' cc Journey Home A horse seesjoy andsorrow during WorldWar I. n 'PG-13' cc dyen, Milla Jovovich.n 'PG-13'cc I SPEED 35 303125303Pinks '14' Pin k s '14' Pin k s '14' Pin k s '14' Pin k s '14' Pin k s '14' AMA Supercross Racing San Diego2012 Unique Whips '14' *** "Thin Ice" 2011GregKinnear. 'R' cc STARZ 00408300 408Colombi anan * "TheSonofNoOne"2011ChanningTatum.'R' (7:10) ** "The Vow"2012RachelMcAdams. n 'PG-13' cc (10:35) ** "Bad Teacher" 2011CameronDiaz. (3 50) * "Santa ** "Steel Dawn"1987, ScienceFiction Patrick Swayze, (715) *** "50/50"2011 Joseph GordonLevitt. Learning that he has cancer, ** "Suspect Zero" 2004 Aaron Eckhart. FBIagents (10 45)"Evil Eyes" 2004AdamBaldwin. A series of grisly T MC 25 5 2 5 WithMusc/es" Lisa Niemi. Premiere. n 'R' « a youngmanvowsto beat theodds. n 'R' « search for amurdererof serial killers. 'R' murdersmirrors ascreenwriter's script. 'R' Boxing BryantJenningsvs. BowieTupou(N) (Live) NFL Turning Point 'PG' BoxingBryantJenningsvs.BowieTupou NBCSN 27 58 30 209College Basketball Villanovaat Pennsylvania(N) (Live) *** "Ret urntoMe"2000,RomanceDavidDuchovny.'PG' *WE 143 41 174118WeddingDavuUnveiled WeddingDavu Unveiled W eddingDavnUnveiled W eddingDav.:Unveiled WeddingDav.:Unveiled




Woman thinksdisability may scareawaysuitors Dear Abby: I am a 41-year-

old female working on my associate's degree in paralegal studies. Most people I know tell me I'm attractive, and I do get some second looks from men, but there is one thing I think — although I'm not sure — that scares them away. I am disabled. Idress well,am an average weight for my h eight, independent-minded, although not quite independent physically. I get around on crutches. I live with my parents. I enjoy and participate in physical activities. I don't have a lot of friends, which is fine with me, but I do have a number of special ones. I tryto make the best of my disability, and everyone I know, even strangers, tell me I do well and admire me for my courage and strength. I should be happy with that, but sometimes it bothers me that I haven't found one man who can see past whatever it is that keeps them from liking me. I know a number of

grumpy, unhappy, ungrateful women who abuse the men in their lives, and sometimes I can't help but wonder at how "blind" their partners are. I am not desperate. I like my alone time. But it's a big, beautiful world out there, and I'd like to share it with someone. — At a Loss in Ohio Dear At a Loss: You need to widen your circle of acquaintances. Once you have completed your studies and have more time, make it your business to join local and state groups associated with your profession. While some people

may be put off by your disability, not everyone will be. Many people with physical disabilities have romantic lives and good marriages to partners who see past their disabilities and recognize all of the things they CAN do. P.S. I know I have said this before, but you should also consider volunteering some


of your time to a cause that interests you because it's a great way to meet people. Dear Abby: L a s t ni g h t I received a c all f r o m m y a lmost-5-year-old gr an d daughter asking me for Santa Claus' phone number. It seems she is very angry at her daddy for callingher a brat because she wouldn't give him a hug. She wants to tattle on her daddy to Santa. Her parents are not together. Her daddy's involvement has been only within the last year. She seemed very upset about the incident, and I want to make sure "Santa" gives her a good answer. I asked her to write a letter instead of phoning Santa to give me time for an answer. Did I do the right thing'? — Grandma T., Pacific Grove, Calif. Dear Gramdma T.:Yes. Once your granddaughter has written the letter to Santa you may find that she no longer dwells on what happened. However, if she continues to look for a reply, "Santa's" response should be that her daddy was hurt when sherefused to give him a hug because daddies need love just as little girls do. But name-calling is wrong, no matter how old you are, and he shouldn't have called her a brat — which is why he'll be getting a lump of coal in his stocking at Christmas. To My Jewish Readers: The eight days of Hanukkah begin at sundown. (I cannot believe how early it has fallen this year.) Happy Hanukkah, everyone. A joyous Festival of Lights to all of you! — Write Dear Abby at www.DearAbby.comor PO. Box 69440,Los Angeles, CA 90069.

Horoscope:HappyBirthday for Saturday,Dec.8, 2012 By Jacqueline Bigar This year your priorities are your friends and expanding your immediate world. From summer on, you will be favored in the area of love, whether you're single or attached. You have afiery temper, and you often diffuse your anger through spending or by indulging in some other type of activity. If you are single, you have an opportunity to change your status. A potential sweetie is right around the corner. If you are attached, you could be unusually romantic. Many of you m ight chooseto takeasecond honeymoon. You will see your significant other become more upbeat. LIBRA can tell you off, but you rarely realize it until hours later! The Stars Show the Kind of Day You'll Have: 5-Dynamic; 4-Positive; 3-Average; 2-So-so; 1-Difficult ARIES (March 21-April 19) ** * * You will do everything you can to get together with a friend you might not have seen for a while. Frustration could translate to anger, if you are not careful. Be patient, and you will achieve your desired goal. Tonight: Out with a favorite group of friends. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) ** * Listen to others. You might have decided to complete a certain amount of chores or must-do holiday errands. You will be spending a lot of money, but you also choose gifts that have an emotional investment. Tonight: Choose a local spotfor dinner. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) ** * * Tension could be high. Someoneyou care aboutm ight be demanding in a way that is important to him or her but irrelevant to you. Still, put yourself in this person's shoes, and try to understand where he or she is coming from. Tonight: Enjoy every moment. CANCER(June 21-July 22) ** * You might opt for a lazy Saturday at home, but be aware that a partner or dear friend simply wants to spend time with you. This person's idea of "doing something" could be very different from yours. Tonight: You value this person; act like you do! LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) ** * * Z e ro in on what is important to you. You have a tendency to minimize your needs in order to satisfy others. Once in a while, you will need to indulge

yourself. Tonight: Out, but not too far from home. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) ** * * B e reasonable. Get your shopping done on a reasonable schedule in order to enjoy yourself more. A child or new friend could be very difficult. Do not let someone who is unhappy trigger a reaction from you. Detach yourself from the situation. Tonight: Your treat. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) ** * * * Y our smile attracts many people. Clearly, you are irresistible. Afamily member could be on the warpath; step back and just let this person be. Understand what is happening with him or her, but focus on enjoying yourself. Make the most outofthe moment. Tonight: Happy at home. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) ** * If you need to get away from all the stress someone brings into your life, do just that. Those in your immediate circle will appreciate you taking time for yourself. Don't internalize your frustration; instead, consider other ways to express it. Tonight: Let others wonder. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) ** * * P ut your best foot forward. When you do this, you'll discover how supportive a key person is of you. Do not minimize this person's role in your life. Enjoy the easy exchange, but know that a serious conversation might be necessary to clear the air. Tonight: You don't have to go far. CAPRICORN(Dec. 22-Jan.19) ** * Follow through on a commitment involving a co-worker or a family member. This person appreciates your efforts, and you'll feel much better afterward, too. Curb a tendency to be grumpy and difficult. Tonight: Out and about. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) ** * * C onsider those at a distance. You can't always stay on top of everything, but certain people really do count on you. Listen to a child or a fun loved one. Do not let a former grievance dominate your day. Tonight: Be spontaneous. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) ** * * Try to be more sensitive to others. A special person needs your time and attention. A friend chimes in with a similar request. You have to make a judgment call. You know who is more important, as this person might need you more right now. Tonight: Add some romance. © 2012 by King Features Syndicate



Pleaseemail event information to communitylife@bendbulletin.com or click on "Submit an Event" at www.bendbulletin.com. Allow at least 10days before the desired date of publication. Ongoing listings must be updated monthly. Contact: 541-383-0351.

TODAY "THE METROPOLITANOPERA: UN BALLO INMASCHERA": Starring Sondra Radvanovsky, Marcello Alvarez and Stephanie Blythe in presentation of Verdi's masterpiece; opera performance transm>tted hve >nh<gh definition; $24, $22 seniors, $18 children; 9:55 a.m.; Regal Old MillStadium168 IMAX,680 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend; 541-382-6347. I'LLBE HOME FOR CHRISTMAS HOME TOUR:See a home decorated in holiday style, with more than 40 decorated Christmas trees, wall hangings and more; proceeds benefit the Children's Vision Foundation, Deschutes County Historical Museum, Williams Syndrome Association and Bend Heroes Foundation; $5 in advance, $6 at the door;10a.m.-4p.m.; tour home, 21163 Clairaway Ave., Bend; 541-389-1813 or www. deschuteshistory.org. INDOORSWAPMEET: Featuring 70 local vendors, with new and used items, antique collectibles, crafts and more; free admission; 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; 694 S.E. Third St., Bend; 541-317-4847. SENSATIONALSATURDAY: Learn about multi-cultural holiday traditions celebrated throughout the West, with a holiday hunt and crafts; included in the price of admission; $12 adults, $10 ages 65 and older, $7 ages 5-12, free ages 4 and younger; 10 a.m.-3 p.m.; High Desert Museum, 59800 S. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; 541-382-4754 or www. highdesertmuseum.org. MOTORCYCLISTSOF CENTRAL OREGON TOYRUN: Toydrive featuring a chili contest, live music, a raffle, games, a motorcycle ride through Bend and more; donations benefit the Bend Elks' Christmas charity food baskets; donation of new unwrapped toy requested; 11 a.m.-4 p.m.; Cascade HarleyDavidson of Bend, 63028 Sherman Road; 541-280-0478. PHOTOS WITHFRONTIER SANTA:Takepictures with a Victorian-era Father Christmas; proceeds benefit the museum's educational programs; $3 for photos, plus museum admission; 11 a.m.-3 p.m.; High Desert Museum, 59800 S. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; 541-382-4754 or www. highdesertmuseum.org. GRIMES'CHRISTMAS SCENE:A display of lighted and mechanical Christmas decorations; open through Dec. 24; free;1-7 p.m.; Crook County Fairgrounds, 1280 S. Main St., Prineville; 541-447-5006 or grimes©crestviewcable.com. THE WRONG HEROES: Dr. Elizabeth Daniels discusses how to teach girls to critique media content, titled "Helping Young People Navigate Beyond Naked Royals, Lindsay's Arrests and Snooki's Baby"; free; 2 p.m.; Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541-3121034 or www.deschuteslibrary. org/calendar. BEND GAME NIGHT: Play available board games or bring your own; free; 6 p.m.-midnight; East Bend Public Library, 62080 Dean Swift Road; 541-318-8459. COMMUNITY CRECHEEXHIBIT: Featuring Nativity displays from around the world and live music; free; 6-9 p.m.; Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 333 S.E. Idlewood St., Prineville; 541-233-3633. SMALLTOWN POETS CHRISTMAS:A performance by the Christian rock act, proceeds benefit Kilns College; $12; 6:30 p.m., doors open at 6 p.m.; Kilns Bookstore, 550 S.W. Industrial Way, Suite180, Bend; www. kilnscollege.org. "FLOWERS FORALGERNON": The Crook County High School drama department presents the David Rogers play about a man who participates in an experiment to enhance his intellect; $5; 7 p.m.; Crook County High School, Eugene Southwell Auditorium, 1100 S.E. Lynn Blvd., Prineville; 541-4166900. "HIGH DESERT NUTCRACKER":Redmond School of Dance presents the classic holiday ballet, in a style inspired by present day Central Oregon; $11, $5 ages10 and younger; 7 p.m.; Ridgeview High School, 4555 S.W. Elkhorn Ave., Redmond; 541-548-6957 or www.redmondschoolofdance. com. "IT'SA WONDERFUL LIFE": The Bend Experimental Art Theatre presents the classic holiday tale about George Bailey and his guardian angel; $15, $10 students ages 5-18; 7 p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-4195558 or www.beattickets.org. DMX:The rapper performs, with Killa E, Jagi Blanco, DJ Pacman and a taping of the "Latin Goddesses" TV show; $20; 7 p.m.; Liquid Lounge,70 N.W .




Rob Kerri The Bulletin

Bend Experimental Art Theatre's production of "It's a Wonderful Life" continues at the 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend. Showtimes are 7 tonight and 2 p.m. Sunday. The play continues next Thursday through Dec. 16, with showtimes at 7 p.m. Thursday through Saturday and 2 p.m. on Dec. 16. Tickets are $15 for adults, $10 for students age 5-18. To learn more, call 541-419-5558 or go to www.beattickets.org. Newport Ave., Bend; 541-389-6999 or www.liquidclub.net. HOLIDAYCONCERT:Featuring the Cascade Brass Quintet and jazz singer Michelle Van Handel; free; 7 p.m.; First United Methodist Church, 680 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-3821672. BEND COMMUNITY CONTRADANCE:Featuring caller Rich Goss and music by The Hat Band; $7; 7 p.m. beginner's workshop, 7:30 p.m. dance; Boys & Girls Club of Bend, 500 N.W.Wall St.; 541-330-8943. CENTRALOREGON MASTERSINGERS:The47-voice choir presents "Ring Noel" under the direction of Clyde Thompson, with the Bells of Sunriver; $16 plus fees; 7:30 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www.towertheatre.org. TRIAGE:The comedy improvisational troupe performs; $5; 7:30 p.m.; Greenwood Playhouse, 148 N.W.Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-389-0803 or www. cascadestheatrical.org. LOST BAYOU RAMBLERS: The Cajun-influenced rock band performs, with Pheasant and Bitterroot; $5 plus fees in advance, $10 at the door; 8 p.m.; The Horned Hand, 507 N.W.Colorado Ave., Bend; 541-728-0879 or www.reverbnation.com/venue/ thehornedhand. DJ Z-TRIP:The DJ performs at the Slipmat Science RoboLiquidPop party, with DJ Wicked, Woody McBride, Mosley Wotta and more; $20; 9 p.m., doors open at 8 p.m.; Domino Room, 51 N.W.Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-788-2989 or www. slipmatscience.com. SOL SEED:The reggae-rock act performs, with Strive Roots; $5; 9 p.m.; Silver Moon Brewing 8 Taproom, 24 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-388-8331 or www. silvermoonbrewing.com.

SUNDAY "WE GREWWINGS": A screening of the documentary about the University of Oregon women's track and field team, and the progression of women's sports over the last 40 years since Title IX's passing; $10; 1 p.m.; Sisters Movie House, 720 Desperado Court; 541-549-8800. GRIMES'CHRISTMAS SCENE:A display of lighted and mechanical Christmas decorations; open through Dec. 24; free;1-7 p.m.; Crook County Fairgrounds, 1280 S. Main St., Prineville; 541-447-5006 or grimes©crestviewcable.com. OREGON OLDTIME FIDDLERS: Fiddle music and dancing. Additional jam format from12-1 p.m. includes junior, adult and senior fiddlers from the region; informal acoustic jam for non-performing musicians in the Auxiliary room of the VFWhall from1-3 p.m; donations accepted; 1-3:30 p.m. dance; VFWHall, 1836 S.W. Veterans Way, Redmond; 541647-4789. "HIGH DESERTNUTCRACKER": RedmondSchoolofDance presents the classic holiday ballet, in a style inspired by present day Central Oregon; $11, $5 ages10and younger; 2 p.m.; Ridgeview High School, 4555 S.W. Elkhorn Ave., Redmond; 541-548-6957 or www. redmondschoolof dance.com. "IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE":The Bend Experimental Art Theatre presents the classic holiday tale about George Bailey and his guardian angel; $15, $10 students ages 5-18; 2 p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-419-5558 or www. beattickets.org. CENTRALOREGON MASTERSINGERS:The47-voice choir presents "Ring Noel" under the direction of Clyde Thompson, with the Bells of Sunriver; $16 plus fees; 2 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www.towertheatre.org. SECONDSUNDAY:Kristy Athens reads from a selection of her work; followed by an open mic; free; 2 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public

Library, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-3121032 or www.deschuteslibrary. org/calendar. MENORAHLIGHTING:A lighting of a giant menorah; followed by music, crafts and more; free; 5 p.m.; Center Plaza, the Old Mill District, Southwest Powerhouse Drive between The GapandAnthony's, Bend; 541-633-7991. FOUNTAINVIEWACADEMY ORCHESTRAANDSINGERS: The group from British Columbia performs,"0 Holy Night"; free; 7 p.m.; Bend Seventh-dayAdventist Church, 21610 N.E. Butler Market Road; 541-647-1726 or www. fountainofmusic.com.

MONDAY BELLS OFSUNRIVER: Ring in the season with handbell choir the Bells of Sunriver, as they play familiar holiday tunes; free;11 a.m.; La Pine Public Library, 16425 First St.; 541312-1034 or www.deschuteslibrary. org/calendar.

TUESDAY CASCADEHORIZON BAND:The senior band performs their annual Christmas concert with popular holiday music; free; 11:30 a.m.; Bend Senior Center, 1600 S.E. Reed Market Road; 541-639-7734, cascadehorizonband©aol.com or www.cascadehorizonband.org. ADVENT LECTURE: A presentation by author, scholar and theologian Marcus Borg, titled "The Birth Stories - What Are They About?"; free; 7 p.m.; St. Helens Hall, Trinity Episcopal Church, 231 N.W. Idaho Ave., Bend; 541-382-5542. HISTORY PUB: A presentation by Dr. David James on the declining monarch butterfly populations in California and the Pacific Northwest; free; 7 p.m., doors open at 6 p.m.; McMenamins Old St.FrancisSchool,700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or www. mcmenamins.com.

WEDNESDAY GRIMES'CHRISTMAS SCENE:A display of lighted and mechanical Christmas decorations; open through Dec. 24; free; 2-6 p.m.; Crook County Fairgrounds, 1280 S. Main St., Prineville; 541-447-5006 or grimes©crestviewcable.com. AUTHOR PRESENTATION:Kimberly Jensen talks about her book "Oregon's Doctor to the World: Esther Pohl Lovejoy and a Life in Activism"; free; 3 p.m.; Des Chutes Historical Museum, 129 N.W. Idaho Ave., Bend; 541-389-1813 or www. deschuteshistory.org. OPERATIONELF BASH: A holiday party with food, live music, a DJ and a raffle and a toy drive; new, unwrapped toy donations benefit Operation Elf Box; $15 in advance, $20 at the door; 5-10 p.m.; Century Center, 70 S.W.Century Drive, Bend; 541-383-3300 or www. bendradiogroup.com. AUTHOR PRESENTATION:John Schwechten recites a selection of his poetry, followed by a QB A; free; 6 p.m.; The Nature of Words, 224 N.W. Oregon Ave., Bend; 541-6472233, info©thenatureofwords.org or www.thenatureofwords.org. KNOW HEROES: Wiliam Akin discusses, "From 4-Color to 3D: A History of the American Superhero"; free; 6 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-3121034 or www.deschuteslibrary. org/calendar. STORIESFROM TERRA MADRE AND POTLUCK:Hear stories from delegates who recently returned from Italy, with a potluck; free; 6:30 p.m.; Cascade Culinary Institute, 2555 N.W. Campus Village Way, Bend; 541-279-0841. MATT THEELECTRICIAN: The roots-pop artist performs; $10; 7 p.m.; The Belfry, 302 E. Main Ave., Sisters; 541-815-9122 or www. belfryevents.com. RAINBOWGIRLS: TheCalifornia-

based folk act performs; free; 7 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or www. mcmenamins.com. DEANA CARTER: Thecountry artist performs, with Aaron Benward and Brian McComas; with a toy drive; $20, $15 with an unwrapped toy, plus fees; 8 p.m.; Maverick's Country Bar & Grill, 20565 Brinson Blvd., Bend; 541-325-1886 or www. maverickscountrybar.com.

THURSDAY GRADUATIONAUCTION: Silent auction to benefit Summit High School's graduation party; free admission; 8 a.m.-8 p.m.; Athletic Club of Bend, 61615 Athletic Club Drive; 541-408-0344 or www. summitstormboosters.com. GRIMES'CHRISTMAS SCENE:A display of lighted and mechanical Christmas decorations; open through Dec. 24; free; 2-6 p.m.; Crook County Fairgrounds,1280 S. Main St., Prineville; 541-447-5006 or grimes@crestviewcable.com. SCIENCEPUB: Melissa Cheyney talks about maternal health in "The Politics and Science of Being Born: Location, Location, Location"; registration requested; free; 5:307:30 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-322-3152 or www. mcmenamins.com. KNOW HEROES: Peter Ames Carlin, the author of the biography, "Bruce," gives a lecture about the rock icon titled, "Bruce Springsteen: An American Musical Hero"; free; 6:30 p.m.; East Bend Public Library, 62080 Dean Swift Road; 541-3503537 or http://j.mp/brucereading. "IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE": The Bend Experimental Art Theatre presents the classic holiday tale about George Bailey and his guardian angel; $15, $10 students ages 5-18; 7 p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-419-5558 or www. beattickets.org. AUTHOR PRESENTATION:Michael Stevens talks about his book, "Being an Ordinary Buddha: Practicing the Natural Mind"; with an art sale benefiting the Ten Friends Relief Center and the Natural Dharma Center; free; 7-9 p.m.; The Old Stone, 157 N.W. Franklin Ave., Bend; 541-388-3352 or www. naturalminddharma.org. POETRY READING:Creative writing students from Kilns College share their poetry, with an open mic; free; 7-9 p.m.; Crow's Feet Commons, 875 N.W. Brooks St., Bend; 541728-0066. CURRENTSWELL:The Canadian roots-rock act peforms; $5; 8 p.m.; The Horned Hand, 507 N.W. Colorado Ave., Bend; 541-728-0879 or www.reverbnation.com/venue/ thehornedhand.

FRIDAY LUNCH AND LECTURE: Learn about how the Pole Creek Fire in Sisters will encourage a healthy ecosystem; bring a sack lunch; included in the price of admission; $12 adults, $10 ages 65 and older, $7 ages 5-12, free ages 4 and younger; noon-1 p.m.; HighDesertMuseum, 59800 S.U.S. Highway 97, Bend; 541-382-4754 or www.highdesertmuseum.org. GRIMES'CHRISTMAS SCENE:A display of lighted and mechanical Christmas decorations; open through Dec. 24; free; 2-7 p.m.; Crook County Fairgrounds,1280 S. Main St., Prineville; 541-447-5006 or grimes@crestviewcable.com. DIRKSENDERBYKICKOFF PARTY: Featuring live music, an artauction, a raffle and more; proceeds benefit Tyler Eklund; $5 suggested donation; 6-11 p.m.; Century Center, 70 S.W. Century Drive, Bend; 541480-1414.






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Test your signaling By FRANK STEWART CZl

Tribune MediaServices


This week's deals have treated the s uit-preference si g n al , whi c h defenders use extensively. To test yourself, cover the South and East cards and defend as West. Against 3NT you lead the six of hearts. South plays dummy's king, and to your approval East takes the ace and queen. South follows with the four and ten. Clearly, you have five heart tricks and the ace of spades. Will you be satisfied with a 200-point profit? You can do twice that well. If you follow with your deuce of hearts, East will know you started with a five-card suit — i n f ormation that won't interest him. But what if you can induce him to lead spades twice?


spade. What do you say? ANSWER: Yo u ha d en o u g h values to respond to one club, but after the overcall, your hand isn't strong enough to act at the level of two. Still, you can "bid" hearts if you use negative doubles, as all expert pairs do. A double, by agreement, shows heart length (plus diamonds or club support) but the wrong type of hand to bid two hearts. South dealer N-S vulnerable

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Under the queen of hearts, drop your jack. This striking play will get East's attention. He will interpret it as a suit-preference signal, begging for a shift to spades, the high-ranking suit. If East leads a spade at Trick Three, you can win and put him back in with the eight of hearts. Then another spade lead will mean down four.




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TH AT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME by David L. Hoyt aod Jeff Knurek This guy doean't just want to win, you know. He wants to bury you. Now put youreye backrn aod lei himhave it.



©2012 TrrbuneMedia servrces,Ioc.S ~ All Rights Reserved





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37 3 8


51 Cared for 41

DOWN 1 Italicized 2 One who needs a 47 second helping2 3 Flight board 49 status 4 City near 50 Sundance 5 Jabber at the By Doug Peterson and Brad Witber table? (c)2012 Tribune Media Services, Inc.

42 45 48





"It kind of brightens our year. It's nice to take a minute and remember kind of what the season is a/I about."

Retro Continued from B1 S chacht says Furby w i l l end the 2012 Christmas holi-

i QQ

— Brian Moore, Prineville postmaster, on reading children's letters to Santa Sl'inkYoog

day shopping season as one


of the "hottest" toys out there, along with the return of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, which also is doing well at retail counters. But so is the decades-old Slinky, (the song is celebrating it s 5 0 t h a n n iversary), Cabbage Patch babies and Spirographs, in limited distribution this holiday year, but

poised for a bigger release in 2013, Schacht said. "It's such a great toy, a craft activity," she said of the Spirograph. "I was so excited when I saw it." It's a combination of factors that bring a retro toy to y 'QA1 the top of current toy lists, Schacht said, including parents who r e member when they played with the toy or parents who remember when their kids played with the toy Tim Dominicki The state (columbia, s.o ) (and now want to purchase it Toys from yesteryear,like these at Mast General Store in Cofor their grandkids). lumbia, S.C., are making a comeback this holiday season. I n t h e c a s e o f Fu r b y , Schacht said each of her kids h ad their ow n w h e n t h ey his grandchildren who didn't pect whenthey come in. "The most f amous retro were little. " Now Furby i s have their own. He said he is back, and back in a big way. happy to share toys that he toy that we carry is our Sock You're seeing Furby all over played with as a child with Monkey," Smyrl said. "That is — that's another thing that's h is g r a n dchildren. E a c h probably our biggest-selling clearly moving it to the top game set will be carved with retro toy." Harkening back to of the list. And this Furby is each child's initials, he said, really hard economic times even better than the original to help keep down the fuss. in the U.S., people made the one," Schacht said, featuring "Anything that's non-elec- now highly-recognizable toy more animation and f u n c- tronic, that's not in front of a with the b r ight red smiles TV, I'm in favor of," Palmer tioning on 21st-century apps. out of available, often used, S chacht admits that h e r said, explaining that he "used scraps of material. initial concerns that the retro simple toys" in his childhood Fisher-Price toys from the Furby would be too expen- growing up in Cayce. 1960s and 1970s also are feasive (they cost considerably And though he w h ipped tured in the Mast General toy more than the originals), have out a cellphone to quickly lineup, Smyrl said, including proven to be misguided. call home so as to be precise the retro camera, the milk While Furby,Teenage Muabout the ages of the four truck, x y l ophones, p i anos tant Ninja Turtles and Cab- grandkids — two of them 6 and radios, and this year, the bage Patch dolls are beloved years old and two of them 8 Tonka truck. And other clasby Gen Xers, certain retro years old— Palmer was clear sics — such as the standard toys resonate across genera- that he sees great value in the slingshot and old-fashioned tions, she said. And several toys of yesteryear. cork gun — ca n b e f o und "When I was growing up, there. retailers now carry displays "Our toys are adirect reof retro toy items, from loour imaginations was what cal second-hand and vintage we had," he said. "How many flection of th e w h ole Mast shops to Target, Toys R Us, kids know about marbles?" store experience," Smyrl said, Wal-Mart, Mast General and Palmer said. "It's amazing which means taking a deep others. how many kids are enthralled breath, slowing down, and Jimmy Palmer of Gilbert, by these toys when they get stepping back in time. "They serve to get people grandfather of f o ur , f ound them, just like we were." himself in the Mast General A t Mast General, all t h e away from the whole screen Store in Columbia, S.C., last t oys are r e t ro, s ai d R u t h experience with t o ys," she week picking up two Floating Smyrl, general manager, so said, meaning nothing that Ball game sets for the two of customers know what to exrequires a battery.

letter that said "I'm sorry I've been so r u d e b efore Christmas." Krabill says, just because they live in Christmas Valley doesn't mean they receive more letters to Santa although some p eople send Christmas cards to the post office to get a special Christmas postmark.

on it. The letter from Prineville is in verse. Here's an Continued from B1 excerpt: "I'll be checking my Another asked for a "real lists to find out just who/ has real talking parrot with cage, done all the things I expected food please I always wanted them to./ Have you minded a talking parrot." your manners and tried to Many children make their be good?/ Been thoughtful of case, "p.s. I have been a very others as everyone should?/ good student and big sister," I want you to know in this writes one. In c ase Santa message I send/ that Santa needs extra encouragement Claus loves you, my d ear Letters back to visit, one writer shares: "I little friend ... My friends at will make sure to have cookLocal children who send the Post Office have helped ies and milk out for you." letters to Santa are also likely me so;/I received your letter, to get a personal response. in spite of the snow./ So try Small town Postal workers in Bend and to be patient, my sweet little Darrel Krabill, the c onPrineville send back a form dear/ I better get finished, for tractor for the postal station letter with the child's name Christmas is near." in Christmas Valley, plans on it. Rice says they serve The sooner a child mails a to personally respond to all the zip codes that start with letter to Santa, the more likeof the letters to Santa he re- 977 inthe area and prefer to ly post office staff will have ceives, although he doesn't make responses in-house. time to reply — responses are expect to get more than just "It's so important that they less likely after Dec. 20. a few. get a response," said Rice. Not all children who write Until recently, there was a She thinks the work is imletters to S anta, however, man in town who used to re- portant because it's a child's w ill r eceive something i n spond to all of the letters and Christmas. return. The letters of many "That's the magic," said would also send a gift to the children in Oregon will go children, but he died, Krabill Rice. unanswered this year due said. Krabill, who has lived The Bend Post Office's to a change in policy from in Christmas Valley " f orletter reads, "Thank you for the U.S. Postal Service. Acever" and knows all the kids your lovely letter. There is cording to Ron A n derson, in town, likes to personal- lots of snow here at the North c ustomer r e l ations c o o r ize the notes to the children Pole. The elves and I are very dinator with t h e P o rtland — suggesting a girl be nice to busy! Rudolph has been busy Postal District, the program her little sister and mention- shining up his nose and all is cancelled this year due to ing the little girl by name. Or the reindeer are excited about concerns about child safety. mentioning a second-grade flying through the sky. Re- In the past, a group of volteacher's name. He likes to member, my elves are always unteers had helped answer think of the kids saying "How watching. They are so tiny the large volume of letters did Santa know that?" they can hide in the funniest to Santa they received. AnTypically kids just include places. Your friend, Santa." derson said staff members a list of items. "I don't even Brian Moore, the postmas- — like those in Bend, Prineknow what some of this stuff ter of the Prineville Post Of- ville and Christmas Valleyis," said Krabill. But some- fice, said so far this year they were still allowed to respond. t imes the lists make h i m are receiving more letters Responding to the letters is l augh. Krabill s h ared h i s than they did in years past. "something we enjoy doing," favorite gift request sent in He expects to have about 50 said Moore. The staff memby one little girl in town: DQ by the time Christmas is here. bers usually post the letters to Blizzard M aker, N i ntendo The ones that stand out to a Bulletin board for employDS, Magic Unicorn Cuddle Moore are the letters that ask ees to enjoy. "It kind of brightPuppet and s ummer sau- a lot of questions: How do ens our year," said Moore. sage. Something about the you go down the chimney? "It's nice to take a minute and inclusion of summer sausage Do you know the name of ev- remember kind of what the made him crack up, he said. ery child in the world? season is all about." Other times, kids include The children receive back — Reporter: 541-617-7860, apologies — he recalls one a form letter with their name ajohnson@bendbu!Ietin.com

Get ATaste For Food. Home Sr Garden Every Tuesday In AT HOME TheBulletin

Corral holidayclutter before it fills the house By Nicole Anzia Special to The Washington Post

Just as I was beginning to feel caught up on paperwork after Thanksgiving, the mail dropped through the slot in my front door. The enormous thud actually made me groan. In December, the constant stream of c atalogues, bills, invitations, solicitations from charitable organizations, holiday cards and packages is relentless, leaving even the most organized among us wondering what to do with it alL T he ke y t o ma k i n g i t through the month w ithout feeling like you're buried in paper is to take time to "process" your mail each day. Here are some tips for how to manage almost everything your mail carrier delivers.

Catalogs Even though we all receive f ewer catalogs than i n t h e past, the stacks still pile up daily in D ecember. Take a quick look at each day's arriv-

als. Recycle as many as possible and set aside only those that you know you will look

through. Many people are nostalgic about holiday catalogs and find them difficult to discard, but try not to get too attached. Many retailers send almost the same catalog each week, and you can always find what you need online.

Holiday cards C ards are d efinitely t h e most fun thing to open this time of year, but they also pile up quickly. After you admire your cousin's new baby, make note of the return address and recycle the envelope. All of the cards should be kept in one place. Don't leave them scattered throughout the house.

Bills Open them. Ignoring them will not make them disappear. Discard everything except the statement and the return enve-

lope (if you plan to mail your payment). Place all the bills in

one place, pay them every two weeks and file at the end of the month. Because we can pay bills from almost anywhere now, it is easy for statements to end up in a purse, on a bedside table or in the car. Try to pay and save them in one location.





Solicitations from charities As 2012 draws to a close, charitable organizations are making their final push for donations, and all of those solicitations are arriving in your mailbox. If you're stalling because you don't have a record of your giving throughout the year, take some time to find records of your previous donations. Look through bank statements, your email inbox and your credit card statements. Log them all into one document. This will make your final giving decisions easier.




Invitations During the holiday season, paper invitations to special events and parties will arrive in your mailbox. You have probably received a few already. RSVP to them immediately. Don't forget to put the details on your calendar.

WORLD, The Bulletin


To start a subscription, call 7


Packages G ifts f r o m f a m i l y a n d friends will also start appearing in the next week or two, as wellas some of those cyber purchases. As you unpack the boxes, keep the receipts and instructions for m aking r eturns so you are all set in case you need to send something back. Placeallthe paperwork in a large manila envelope.

Coupons Carefully consider mailers that contain coupons or discount certificates from retailers. They are so tempting to keep "just in case,"butchances are you won't need them. If you do receive a coupon that you know will be useful, either put it in your wallet so you have it when you go to the store or place it next to your computer.


6 ir'



Reader photo, C2 Business, C3-5

Obituaries, C7

Weather, C8


LOCAL BRIEFING Prineville man charged in rape Police arrested a Prineville man late

Thursday night after receiving a report he had sexually assaulted a

47-year-old woman,the Prineville Police Department said.

Karl Ewert Jansson, 66, is facing charges of rape, sex abuse,assault and harassment. At around midnight Thursday, a Prineville

O www.bendbulletin.com/local

Dea killerln esse toarearape By Scott Hammers The Bulletin

A confessed serial killer who committed suicide in an Alaska jail last weekend told investigators he raped a teenaged girl near Maupin in the late 1990s. The girl is believed to have been the first victim of Israel Keyes, who slashed his wrists and strangled himself with a sheet in his jail cell late Satur-

day or early Sunday. Keyes, 34, was awaiting trial for the rape,murder and dismemberment of 18-year-old Samantha Koenig, who was abducted last February from the Anchorage coffee stand where she worked. Prior to his suicide, Keyes had confessed to killing at least seven people over 11 years. A news release issued by the FBI's Portland Field Office

on Friday details what Keyes reportedly told FBI agents in Alaska about the incident near Maupin. Keyes said sometime between 1996 and 1998, he met the 14- to 18-year-old girl along the Deschutes River. The victim was with friends, but Keyes told investigators he was able to "discreetly separate"her from those who were with her, the release stated.

Investigators have not yet been able to find any police reports describing an attack matching the description provided by Keyes, but noted it's possible the victim never reported being raped. Lane McGill, chief deputy sheriff of Wasco County, said the FBI notified his office of the potential Maupin connection in late November. See Keyes /C2

woman reported that a man, later identified

as Jansson, hadsexually assaulted her at a residence on Northeast Third Street. She suf-

fered minor injuries and was treated at Pioneer Memorial Hospital, ac-


cording to police.


The investigation into

the incident is ongoing.

Bridge repair to shut down road Crews from the Deschutes County Road Department will start work Monday to replace the deck on a bridge on South Sisemore Road in the

Tumalo Reservoir area. Although work will start Monday, the actual road will be closed between 8 a.m. and 4

p.m. Tuesday during construction. Because of limited

access to the area, Deschutes County Road staff asks that most motorists avoid

using the bridge during the deck replacement. — From staff reports


Baker City

• ColumdiaRiver: State bans gillnet fishing; Washington set to vote

on ban. • Portland:Green retirement highrise offers many amenities.

• Baker City:Man convicted of trying to

murder grandson's father. Stories on C7

Have astoryidea or sudmission? Contactus!

Rob KerrrThe Bulletin

The Dutchman Flat Sno-Park has had many overuse and crowded parking problems throughout the last several years.

or new snoaces some o osi ion By Dylan j. Darling The Bulletin

The Deschutes National Forest plan to build a new

sno-park along Cascade Lakes Highway faces objections from backcountry skiers andsnowmobile riders alike. "We've gotten appeals from all sides of the spectrum," said Kevin Larken, district ranger for the BendFort Rock District of the forest. The Kapka Butte Snopark, planned for where state Highway 45 from Sunriver meets Cascade Lakes Highway, would feature 70

parking spots big enough for vehicles towing trailers.


Existing " t s nowmohiie traiis ,- - To Mt. Bachelor I Existing «s.lng , " ' V ista Butte 4o ascatre nordic —,.-- "Sno-park .... <akes H~ trails '.. . . .- - .

" ' 0 "wy

underPass To Bend



~"'~ Proposed

Parking for 70 vehicles with

trailers (open to all vehicles)

'., connector


> Kapka Butte

Kapka Butte




connector To Sunriver 4s

Andy Zeigert r The Bulletin

Along with the parking lots, the sno-park would have two bathrooms. By building Kapka Sno-

park, the U.S. Forest Service intends to stop crowding up the road at Dutchman Flat Sno-park, said Amy

Tinderholdt, recreation team leader for the Bend-Fort Rock District. "We feel that Kapka (Butte) Sno-park would alleviate some of the parking congestion we have at Dutchman," she said. There are 26 parking spots at Dutchman, most for passenger vehicles. The forest released its final plans for the project in September and took appeals until early last month. But appeals filed by skiers and snowmobile riders call for the agency to focus on redesigning Dutchman Flat rather than building the new sno-park. See Sno-park/C2


School bond plan moving forward By Ben Botkin The Bulletin

The Crook County School District is moving forward with plans to put a bond on the ballot in May 2013 that would pay for a new school and facilities improvements throughout the district. There's still plenty of work ahead, like selecting a site for the new school and calculating a final dollar amount for the bond. But the school board voted unanimously Nov. 19 in support of moving forward with a bond. Preliminary estimates put the bond amount at about $31.5 mtlhon, though that could change before it goes to a vote. Of that amount, about $18 million would goto a new elementary school that would replace Ochoco and Crooked River Elementary schools in Prineville, said district Superintendent Duane Yecha. The remainder would go toward facilities improvements in other schools. The timing for the bond proposal is ideal, said board Chairwoman Patti Norris. "This is our first bond in 20 years and our previous bond, which was used to build the high school, is expiring," she said. That bond, on which property owners pay about $1 per $1,000 of assessed value, matures in 2014. The goal is to put a new bond proposal out with a rate as close as possible to that of the expiring bond. The final rate of the proposal isn't yet determined and will depend on the assessed property values, Norris said. "The goal will be to size the bond so it builds the project we need and doesn't result in a significant increase in the tax rate," she sa>d. Before making the decision, the school district took steps to plan for a bond and gauge voter sent>ment. A survey earlier this year of 380 registered voters in the district found a majority — 60 percent — were in favor of a bond proposal. Another 28 percent opposed it and 12 percent were uncertain, according to the survey results. — Reporter: 541-977-7185; bbothin@bendbulletin.com.

The Bulletin Call a reporter: Bend................541-617-7829 Redmond ........ 541-977-7185 Sisters.............541-977-7185 La Pine........... 541-383-0348 Sunriver ......... 541-383-0348


Deschutes ......541-617-7837 Crook ..............541-633-2184 Jefferson ........541-633-2184

By Sheila G. Miller

- ~

lh; . «/

I• Vl I

g AwBERrtjrs

Submissions: • Letters and opinions: Mail:My Nickel's Worth or In My View P.O. Box 6020 Bend, OR97708 Details on theEditorials page inside. Contact: 541-383-0358, bulletin@bendbulletin.com

• Civic Calendar notices: Email event information to news©bendbulletin.com, with "Civic Calendar" inthe subject, and include acontact name andphonenumber. Contact: 541-383-0354

lawsuit for Ramos' attorney, Claud Ingram, was not in service. Emails A former employee is suing one of to Ingram were not returned. Bend's fastest growing local compaAccording to the lawsuit, Ramos nies for $850,000, alleging she was began at the firm in January 2011 subjected to inappropriate sexual in the engineering department. She conduct. was the only female in the departJ ennifer R amos i s s u i n g G 5 ment, and the lawsuit alleges the S earch Marketing c l aiming u n - male employees, including supervilawful employment practices and sors and one executive, were sexuintentional infliction of emotional ally inappropriate in front of her. distress. Among the allegations, Ramos In 2011, G5 was named a "winclaims the men changed clothes in ning workplace" by Inc. magazine. front of her, discussed masturbaIn 2010, Outside Magazine named tion and played music with "sexual G5 one of its best 50 places to work. and demeaning lyrics." She also alIt's been listed in the Portland Busi- leges one of the male engineers kept ness Journalas one of Oregon's fast- a statue of a penis on his desk, that est growing private companies for the men made "inappropriate body three consecutive years. language of a sexual nature" toward In a prepared statement, CEO Dan Ramos, and that they made comHobin wrote, "We have acted fairly. ments about her underwear. The Company believes that it has Ramos alleges she told human taken the appropriate action to reresources personnel about the issolve the issues raised and will vig- sues in April 2011, but the behavior orously defend itself in this matter." continued. The phone number listed on the See Suit/C2 The Bulletin

Salem ..............541-554-1162 D.C..................202-662-7456 Business ........ 541-383-0360 Education .......541-977-7185 Public lands .....541-617-7812 Public safety.....541-383-0387 Projects ..........541-617-7831

Woman daims harassment in suit against ex-employer

Rob KerrI The Bulletin

La Pine High School NJROTC cadets Kyle Presley, left, and Ross Harden unload food from a trailer Friday in La Pine. The NJROTC program got the better end of a competition against the students of La Pine High School by collecting 4,311 cans to the student body's4,048 intwo weeks, said Athletic Director Rusty Zysett.

"They went door to door, and waited outside of grocery stores at night." Zysett said. Not shy about NJROTC members' achievements beating an entire school with just their group, Harden said "We were better organized. We were just willing to get down and dirty and do the work." The food drive continues next week.



Sno-park Continued from C1

The appeals are pending at the U.S. Forest Service regional office, which will decide whether the forest should revise the plan or go ahead with the project. A $461,000 grant from the Federal Highway Administration is set to cover the cost of building the sno-park. Kapka B u t t e Sn o - park would be located at 5,800 feet, around 500 feet below Dutchman and 500 feetabove Virginia Meissner Sno-park. The difference in elevation is the reason the Forest Service should i m prove D u tchman rather than build Kapka Butte, said Erik J o hnson, a l e ad volunteer for the Bend Backcountry Alliance. The group advocates for human-powered winter recreation, skiing and snowshoeing, and has about 800 members. He said on weekends with good snow t h e D u t chman parking lot will be full around 8 a.m. Adding the new sno-park won't solve the problem at Dutchman, he said. The group

appealed the plan. " Everybody w a nt s m o r e parking at that high elevation," Johnson said. A snowmobile rider a n d member of the Moon Country Sno-mobile Club, Pieter Van

Gelderen ofBend, agrees with Johnson. He also filed an appeal and said Dutchman has snow into June and July while the other, lower snow parks lose their snow. He called for an expansion of Dutchman. "It's the one place everyone uses," he said. Johnson and Van Gelderen both also said the design of Kapka Buttewould create conflicts between skiers and snowmobiles. Van Gelderen points to an existing highway underpass now used by snowmobile riders that would be used by Nordic skiers and snowmobile riders under the plan. uMy way of thinking is they ought to go back to the drawing board and can this," Van G elderensaid."...N o one is really super happy with it." The design would add more people to the area while not adding enough separation between the different recreation groups, Johnson said. Larkin, the district ranger, said he still supports the plan. H e said the appeals address issues bigger than the parking situation the agency intends to remedy by building Kapka Sno-park. "We can't solve all the problems we see in demand with one project," he said. — Reporter: 541-817-7812, ddarling@bendbulletin.com


Canyou work a camera, and capture a great picture? And canyou tell us a bit about it? Email your color or blackand-white photos to readerphotos@bendbulletin.com and we'll pick the best for publication in the paper and online. Submission requirements: Include as much detail as possible — when and where you took it, and any special technique used — as well as your name, hometown and phone number. Photos must be high resolution (at least 6 inches wide and 300 dpi) and cannot be altered.

CAT RANCHER R.E. Halferty, of Bend, tookthis photoof a cat at a friend's farm outside Tumalo with an Olympus SP600UZ f/7 1/640 sec. ISO 125.

hearing now with our sheriff's office, is we're not going to Continued from C1 find any victim The sheriff's office deteri nfor m a t i o n , " mined Keyes had relatives in McGill said. the Maupin area, McGill said, A search of but despite an extensive review Oregon court reof hand-written and electronic cords shows no records and interviews with Keyes evidence Keyes deputies who worked in the was ever arrestarea in the late 1990s, they've ed or cited by law enforcement f ound no reports of a r a pe in the state. on the river as described by Oregon FBI spokeswoman Keyes. Beth Anne Steele said beyond "I'm making an assumption, Keyes' admission of the rape, based on what I'm seeing and investigators have little infor-

mation tying him to Oregon. "The Anchorage FBIputout a timeline. It was specific in some ways and very not specific in others about his travels, mainly from the mid 2000s to current," Steele said. "In many of those cases, it just says 'western U.S.' There's some specific times in Washington, but there are no specific times in Oregon during that time period. So right now we simply don't know." Steele said finding a victim who could confirm Keyes' account would help investigators

pin down where Keyes was at the time. Doing so might help them identify other unsolved crimes that Keyes may have committed. In addition to the murders,Keyes is believed to have robbed banks as he traveled around the country. Anyone with i n f ormation aboutthe rape case is asked to call the FBI in Portland at 503224-4181, in Bend at 541-3891202, or the national hotline at 1-800-CALL-FBI.


ability, moved to a different position in the company and worked from home until Jan. 6, 2012. At that point, the lawsuit alleges, she had to come back to the office and work near the engineeringdepartment. She complained to her

supervisor and asked that she not be required to work near the men in the department. Ramos was fired Jan. 17. A pre-trial hearing is scheduled for February.

Continued from C1 The lawsuit a l leges Ramos suffered a panic attack in September 2011 because of her working environment, and filed a formal complaint

with the human resources department. The department conducted an investigation, the lawsuit alleges, and determined the conduct had taken place. Ramos, who is described in the lawsuit as having a dis-

— Reporter:541-383-0387, shammers@bendbulletin.com

— Reporter:541-617-7831, smiller@bendbulletin.com


POLICE LOG The Bulletin will update items in the Police Log when such a request is received. Any new information, such as the dismissal of charges or acquittal, must be verifiable. For more information, call 541-383-0358. Bend Police Department

DUII —Theodore Edward Hurd, 72, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at 9:23 p.m. Dec. 4, in the area of Fairway Heights and Northwest Mt. Washington drives. Criminal mischief —An act of criminal mischief was reported and an arrest made at 9:23 p.m. Dec. 4, in the area of Fairway

Heights and Northwest Mt. Washington drives. DUII —Courtney Brianna Coodey, 25, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at 5:06 p.m. Dec. 5, in the area of Northeast Bear Creek Road and Northeast13th Street. Criminal mischief —An act of criminal mischief was reported at 10:44 a.m. Dec. 6, in the100 block of Northwest Oregon Avenue. Criminal mischief —An act of criminal mischief was reported at 3:16 p.m. Dec. 6, in the 500 block of Northwest Riverfront Street. Prineville Police Department

Theft —Atheft was reported at 12:31 p.m. Dec.6, intheareaof Southwest Rimrock Road.


PUBLIC OFFICIALS For The Bulletin's full list, including federal, state, county and city levels, visit www.bendbulletin.com/o fficials.

STATE OF OREGON Gov. John Kitzhaber, Democrat 160 State Capitol, 900 Court St. Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-378-4582 Fax:503-378-6872 Web: http://governor.oregon.gov

Secretary of StateKateBrown, Democrat 136 State Capitol Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-986-1616 Fax: 503-986-1616 Email: oregon.sos@state.or.us Superintendent of Public Instruction Susan Castillo 255 Capitol Street N.E Salem, Oregon 97310 Phone: 503-947-5600 Fax: 503-378-5156 Email: superintendent.castillo ©state.or.us Web: www.ode.state.or.us Treasurer TedWheeler, Democrat 159Oregon State Capitol 900 Court St. N.E Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-378-4329 Email: oregon.treasurer @state.or.us Web: www.ost.state.or.us

Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum, Democrat 1162 Court St. N.E Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-378-4400 Fax: 503-378-4017 Web: www.doj.state.or.us Labor Commissioner Brad Avakian 800 N.E Oregon St., Suite1045 Portland, OR 97232 Phone: 971-673-0761 Fax: 971-673-0762 Email: boli.mail@state.or.us Web: www.oregon.gov/boli

Salem, OR 97301 Phone: 503-986-1727 Email: sen.christelfer©state.or.us Web: www.leg.state.or.us/telfer

Phone: 541-388-6568 Email: Tony DeBone@ co.deschutes.or.us

Sen. Doug Whitsett, R-District 28 (includes Crook, portion of Deschutes) 900 Court St. N.E., S-303 Salem, OR 97301 Phone: 503-986-1728 Email: sen.dougwhitsett@state.or.us Web: www.leg.state.or.us/whitsett



County Commission

Rep. Jason Conger, R-District 54 (portion of Deschutes) 900 Court St. N.E., H-477 Salem, OR 97301 Phone: 503-986-1454 Email: rep.jasonconger@state.or.us Web: www.leg.state.or.us/conger Rep. John Huffman, R-District 59 (portion of Jefferson) 900 Court St. N.E., H-476 Salem, OR 97301 Phone: 503-986-1459 Email: rep.johnhuffman©state.or.us Web: www.leg.state.or.us/huffman Rep. Mike McLane, R-District55 (Crook, portion of Deschutes) 900 Court St. N.E., H-385 Salem, OR 97301 Phone: 503-986-1455 Email: rep.mikemclane©state.or.us Web: www.leg.state.or.us/mclane

66S.E Dst. Madras, OR 97741 Phone: 541-475-2449 Fax: 541-475-4454 Web: www.co.jefferson.or.us Mike Ahern, JohnHatfield, Wayne Fording Phone: 541-475-2449 Email: commissioner@co. jefferson.or.us

CITY OF BEND 710 N.W. Wall St. Bend, OR97701 Phone: 541-388-5505 Web: www.ci.bend.or.us

City Manager Eric King Phone: 541-388-5505 Email: citymanager@ci.bend.or.us City Council

Tom Greene Phone: 541-388-5505 Email: tgreene©ci.bend.or.us

Jeff Eager Rep. Gene Whisnant, R-District 53 Phone: 541-388-5505 (portion of Deschutes County) Email: jeager©ci.bend.or.us 900 Court St. N.E., H-471 Salem, OR 97301 Kathie Eckman Phone: 503-986-1453 Email: rep.genewhisnant@state.or.us Phone: 541-388-5505 Email: keckman@ci.bend.or.us Web: www.leg.state.or.us/whisnant

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City Council

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Mayor GeorgeEndicott Phone: 541-948-3219 Email: George.Endicott@ ci.redmond.or.us

equivalent - guaranteed.*

Jay Patrick Phone: 541-508-8408 Email: Jay.Patrick@ci.redmond. Ol'.US

Ed Boero Phone:541-604-5399 Email: Ed.Boero@ci.redmond.or.us Margie Dawson Phone:541-604-5400 Email: Margie.Dawson@ ci.redmond.or.us

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Shirlee Evans Phone:541-604-5401 Email: Shirlee.Evans@ci.redmond. Ol'.US

Camden King Phone: 541-604-5402 Email: Camden.King@ci.redmond. Ol'.US

Ed Onimus Phone:541-604-5403 Email: Ed.0nimus@ci.redmond.or.us

In 36 hours of instruction, your child will improve one grade level equivalent! *One grade level equivalent demonstrated vio the results of the pre ond post Sylvan Skills AssessmenP'. Guarantee applies to the Academic Reading ond Moth Essentials programs only.

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mil I I


Jim Clinton Phone: 541-388-5505 Email: jclinton@ci.bend.or.us

Mark Capell Phone: 541-388-5505 Email: mcapell©ci.bend.or.us


1300 N.W.Wall St. Bend, OR 97701 Web: www.deschutes.org Phone: 541-388-6571 Fax: 541-382-1692


County Commission

Sen. TedFerrioli, R-District30 (includesJefferson, portion of Deschutes) 900 Court St. N.E., S-323 Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-986-1950 Email: sen.tedferrioli©state.or.us Web: www.leg.state.or.us/ferrioli

Tammy Baney,R-Bend Phone: 541-388-6567 Email: Tammy Baney@ co.deschutes.or.us

Scott Ramsay Phone: 541-388-5505 Email: sramsay@ci.bend.or.us

Visitus on Facebook, for daily updates.g

Alan Unger, D-Redmond Phone: 541-388-6569 Email: Alan Unger@co.deschutes.


We are happy toprovide a personalized shop~in ex erience!

Sen. Chris Telfer, R-District 27 (includes portion of Deschutes) 900 Court St. N.E., S-423


Tony DeBone,R-LaPine

Jodie Barram Phone: 541-388-5505 Email: jbarram@ci.bend.or.us

716 S.W. EvergreenAve. Redmond, OR97756 Phone: 541-923-7710 Fax: 541-548-0706

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C3 Weekly market review, C4-5 People on the Move, C5 THE BULLETIN • SATURDAY, DECEMBER 8, 2012

T NASDAQ cHaNGE'-«.~3-.3s/. IN BRIEF Airlines one step closer to merger DALLAS — American Airlines is closer to exit-

ing from bankruptcy and possibly merging with US Airways after its

pilots approved anew labor contract. With the pilots' deal

announcedFriday, American has negotiated new, lower-cost contracts with

all its unions sincefiling for bankruptcy protection

just over ayear ago. Companyexecutives

O www.bendbulletin.com/business

L DOW JONES cHaNGE+snos+.e2/. L S&P 500 cHaNGE'+4J3+.2s/.

L BONDS T~ess o~ cHaNGE+t.s9/.

GOLD cHANGI",'sz7'o L SILVER cHANGE+so.o~4

Group on mission to cut energy use Jobless By Rachael Rees The Bulletin

A team of energy consultants wants to give away free light bulbs, shower heads and faucets and educate up to 600 households in the city of Bend about energy efficiency — all by Dec. 15. Energy Direct Install and Education Team (DIET), a contractor with the nonprofit Energy Trust of Oregon has available up to 600 appointments, which last 20 minutes.

"Everything we do is designed to reduce the energy use of a home," said John Sweet, owner of Energy DIET. During appointments, an energy consultant will connect homeowners with contractors including Bend-based GreenSavers USA Inc., that can helpthem make energyefficient upgrades, Sweet sard. Sweet said consultants will also give homeowners up to

10 freecompact fluorescent light bulbs, two high-performance shower heads and threefaucet aerators each to help them cut energy costs. In addition, he said consultants will turn down gas water heaters to 120 degrees and give out free Tide cold-water detergent — both services unique to the Bend project. The service is only being offered in the city of Bend, he sa>d.

For more information The team from Energy DIET plans to offer its free

energy efficiency upgrades and information through Dec.15. To make an appointment, call 503-877two-hour window between

Shrugging off the effects of Hurricane Sandy and the looming fiscal impasse in Washington,the economy created 146,000 jobs in November, well above the level economists had been



But rival US Airways

The report released Friday by the Labor Department also showed the unemployment rate fell to 7.7 percent, the lowest level in four years. But the drop came largely from a decline in the number of people seeking work and counted as officially unemployed. Among specific industries, the retail sector was especially healthy, adding 53,000 jobs as the

must get bigger to suc-

ceed against hugerivals United and Delta. And US Airways executives want to run the combined

company. American and US Airways will keep talking

about a potential deal. Thomas Horton, the CEO of American parentAMR

Corp., said Fridaythat his company could makea decision soon.

holiday shopping season ap-

Butwith AMR in bankruptcy, it could be its creditors who make the call. The pilots' contract was the last big

unknown inAmerican's restructuring, andcreditors are likely to turn now to whether they would

make moremoney if American mergesor remains on its own.

Greek banksagree to debt buyback ATHENS — Greece's three biggest banks said they participated in

the government's $13

Eurobank Ergasias said in statements to the Athens bourse Friday that their boards agreed

unanimously to join the offer, which ended at 7 p.m. Athens time. No further details were

provided. Greece is using a 10 billion-euro loan from Europe's bailout fund to

David Wooi Dallas Morning News

From left, Laura Sanza, physician's assistant, Dr. Kim Panach, Jessica Joseph, a third-year medical student, and Dr. Barbara Haley, Professor of Internal Medicine, Hematology-Oncology, discuss their medical cases last month, at St. Paul University Hospital in Dallas.

rima -care

OC 01S

0 cLCC SU1 |'0

buy back bonds issued earlier this year and unblock aid from the European Union and International Monetary Fund.

The buybackwas part of a package of measures approved byeuro-area finance ministers last week to cut the nation's debt to124 percent of

gross domestic product in 2020 from a projected 190 percentin 2014. — From wire reports

Out ofwork The number of Americans seeking jobless benefits fell for the third week in a row as the effects of Superstorm Sandy diminish. — Continuing to claim unemploymentinsurance

New York Times News Service


has beenpressing to merge, arguing that both

lender, Alpha Bank and

in 4 years By Nelson D. Schwartz

American competeas an independentairline.


to lowest

3303 and leave amessage with your address anda

insist the savings will let

billion buyback of sovereign debt, the second hit to their bond holdings this year as the nation rushes to cut a debt load that threatens further international aid. National Bank of

rate falls

By Sherry jacobson The Dallas Morning News

Angie Wang arrived at the University of Texas-Southwestern Medical School in Dallas after two years of working in a New York laboratory, trying to unlock the mysteries of Alzheimer's disease. She expected to continue down that path or veer in the direction of another specialty that caught her attention, cancers of the blood. But in her third year of study, Wang spent a month working alongside an Irving, Texas, family practitioner and watching him interact with his patients. It set her in

a whole new direction. "I saw how the patients loved their doctor," she recalled. "It was a deep relationship that didn't end after one visit. And it made me realize that's what I wanted: a long-term relationship with a group of patients."

By selecting family practice, Wang will join an inadequate number of primary-care doctors, the kind who are supposed to care for the millions of newly insured Americans flowing into the U.S. health care system in 2014. Their ranks include family practitioners, pediatricians, obstetrician-gynecologists

and general internists. The shortage means there won't be enough basic medical doctors to handle patients with acute illnesses such as the flu or to manage chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension and heart disease. A national shortage of 100,000 primary-care doctors is expected by 2020. The situation becomes even more critical as the federal Affordable Care Act begins chipping away at the uninsured population. In 2014, the new law will offer a menu of affordable healthinsuranceplans. Texas Sen. Jane Nelson, who chairs the state Senate's

Health and Human Services Committee, expects that many of the newly insured will search for a primarycare doctor, the kind who takes a personal interest in their health and will watch out for them. Many will not find one. And the situation will be worse for those who live in federally designated healthprofessionalshortage areas.

"Many more people (will be) getting their basic health care services in our emer-

gency rooms, or they're going to delay treatment," Nelson said. "And all of this is more expensive." See Doctors/C5

proached. In the last three months, retail employment has increased by 140,000. One notable point of weakness was the manufacturing sector, which lost 7,000 jobs in the month. Demand from Europe and other overseas markets has weakened recently, while some manufacturing companieshave held offon spending as political leaders square off in Washington over how to cut the deficit. Highlighting just how vulnerable to shocks the economy remains, one widely followed index of consumer sentiment showed a marked drop in early December. The Thomson Reuters/University of Michigan's index of consumerconfidence, released Friday, fell to 74.5, down from 82.7 in November. That was the lowest it has been since August — a decline that Bricklin Dwyer, an econom>st wrth BNP Paribas, attributed to the showdown in Washington over the budget. "The deterioration in consumers'future expectations was probably related to increasedconcerns relating to the political theater surrounding the 'fiscal cliff' negotiations," he wrote in a report Friday. The Labor Department revised job growth in previous months downward somewhat. October growth fell to D8,000 from an initial estimate of 171,000, and September'sdeclined to 132,000 from 148,000. Average hourly earnings in November rose 0.2 percent, the report showed. By the widest measure of joblessness, unemployment also eased slightly: After factoring in people looking for work as well as those forced to take part-time positions because full-time work wasn't available, the total unemployed fell to 14.4 percentin November from 14.6 percent in October. SeeJobs/C5

— Initial claim

Week ending Nov. 24 3.21 million

EU panel to pressure Google on privacy standards By Kevin j. O'Brien New York Times News Service

2 1

Week ending Dec. 1 370,000 '08 '09 '10 '1t '12

Note: Reporton continuing claims lagsinitial claims by one week SourceU.S. Department of Labor

© 2012 McClatchy-Tobune News Service

BERLIN — European data protection officials are drafting plans to censure Google over its online privacy policy if the company does not eventually meet regulators' demands to revise it. In a two-day closed-door meeting this week in Brussels of the European Union's 27 national data protection officials,

the group mapped a prelimi-

nary strategy, including the possibility of testing Google's compliance with national privacy laws in countries like Ireland, Belgium and Finland, where the company operates data centers. That was the word from a person close to the discussions, who was not authorized to speak publicly.

The group may issue a public statement next week on the matter. New guidelines that Google

adopted this year for collecting information on individuals have come under sharp criticism in Europe. In mid-October the French regulator, CNIL, which had been asked by the group to study the matter, released a report criticizing Google's

privacy guidelines as allowing an "uncontrolled combination of data." CNIL said the method of combining information from

Google's search engine, YouTube, Google+ social network and other services "suggests the absence of any limit concerning the scope of collection and the potential uses of the personal data." When CNIL released its report, Google said it would study the analysis. But the company also asserted that its method of handling consumer data was legal under European Union rules. So far

the company, which also ran afoul of European regulators in 2010 for its collection of personal data from home WiFi routers, has not responded formally to the CNIL report. On Friday, a Google spokesman in Brussels, Alistair Verney, referred to the company's previous statement in October, which said Google was reviewing the French recommendations.




The weekly market review New York Stock Exchange Name Lasl Chg Wkly Name Lasl Chg Wkly Name Lasl Chg Wkly Name Last Chg Wkly

ABB Ltd 19.89 +.01 +.47 ACE Lt<I 80.97 +.42 +1.74 ADT Cp n 45.55+1.67 -.22 AESCorp 10.86 +.02 +.19 AFLAC u53.58 -.22 +.59 AGCO 46.60 +.32 +.45 AK Steel 4.08 -.02 +.07 AOL 3 1.63 +.26 -.74 AT&Tlnc 33.74 +.09 -.40 AU Optron 4.48 +.16 +.36 Abtdb 65 53 i 95 i 5 3 AberFitc 4639 i 107 i 5 0

AcadiaRlt 2548 i 54 i 6 6 Accenture 6948 -32 +1 56 AccoBrds 685 +23 +11 AccretivH 1142 -17 -51 Accuride 2 80 -08 -27 ActiveNet 4.78 +.13 -.58 Actuant 28 94 -11 +17 AdvAuto 71.62 -.33 -1.53 A MD 23 6 +.02 t.16 AecomTch 2289 +.07 t.30 Aegon 5.93 +.01 t.19 AerCap 13.34 +.03 t.83 Aeropostl 13.76 -.27 -.05 Aetna 44.71 +1.28 +1.52 Ag>lent 37.81 -.51 -.48 Agn>co g 53.67 +.61 -2.1 3 AirLease 22.71 +.15 +.46 AirProd 83.06 +.91 +.12 Airgas 90.99+1.70 +2.42 AlaskAirs 42.50 -.02 -.25 Albemarle 59.20 +.02 -.59 AlcatelLuc 1.12 -.02 +.02 A lcoa 8 5 0 -07 i 09

Alere 18 75 t 25 AllegTch 26 68 t 31 t 5 0 Allergan 91 79 +06 -96 Allstate 41 48 +29 +1 00 AlphaNRs 8.29 +.28 +.81 AlpTotDiv 410 -01 -03 AlpAlerMLP15 97 +01 -37 Altna 3 3 47 +29 -34 AmBev 42 29 -.06 t.68 Amdocs u33.28 -.20 -.18 Ameren 29.74 -.06 -.23 Amengrp u91.87 +.03 +.05 AMov>IL 22.98 -.01 -.62 AmAxle 10.32 +.11 -.14 AmCampus44.93 t.31 t1.13 AEagle0ut 21.40 +.02 t.20 AEP 4 3 .27 +.62 AmExp 56.61 +.49 +.71 AmlntlGrp 34.13 +.87 +1.00 AmTower 75.45 +.47 +.52 AmWtrWks 37.76 +.14 -.41 Ameripriseu62.35 +.57 +1.68 AmenBrgnu42 27 -29 i 05 Ameteks u3773 i 19 i 4 6 Anadarko 76 32i1 97 i3 13 AnglogldA 3016 +25 -81 ABlnBev 8775 +28 -22 Ann Inc 32 09 -06 -1 46 Annaly 14 45 +06 -27 Anworth 5 87 +02 -03 Aon plc 56 60 -21 -20 Apache 76 51 +.14 - 58 Aptlnv 25 48 +.01 +.41 AquaAm 24 98 +.03 - 56 ArcelorM>t 15.68 -.30 +.48 ArchCoal 7.27 +.05 +.55 ArchDan 27.18 +.46 +.48 ArcosDor 12.49 +.16 +.24 ArmourRsd 6.98 -.02 ArrowEI 38.99 +.55 +1.73 Ashland 76.39+1.30 +5.47 Assurant 34.81 +.22 +.60 AssuredG 14.42 +.07 +.47 AstoriaF 9.32 +.05 -.01 AstraZen 48.20 -.01 +.66 AtlPwrg d11.32 +.01 -.48 AtlasPpln 31 02 i19 -1 97 Atwood0cn 4699 -04 i 99 AuRico g 756 i11 -32 AutoNatn 3974 +21 +80 Autoliv 61 34 -01 +98 AutoZone35916 -491 -2461 AvalonBay133 68 -230 +1 89 Avnet 30 25 +11 +96 Avon 14 62 +74 +67 BB&T Cp 28.42 +.19 +.25 BCE g 43 05 +.26 + 75

BungeLt 72.89+1.16 -.27 C8 JEngy 20 23 -.77 +.26 CBLAsc 2245 - 03 -.06 CBREGrp 1899 + 26 +.06 CBS B 3594 + 41 +.08 CFlnds 21231 +60 -1.72 CITGrp 3847 +.71 +1 42 CMSEng 24.67 -.02 +.24 CNO F> ncl 9.21 -.07 +.13 CPFL Eng 21.56 -.14 -.28 CSX 1 9 .91 -.34 +.15 CVS Care 46 84 i.13 +.33 CYSInvest 1296 i16 • .17 CblvsnNY 1435 i 19 • .51 CabotOGs 4884 i05 i1.74 Calpine 17 38 +.12 Cameco g 1864 -.13 + 46 Cameron 55 09 +70 t1.14 CampSp 36.63 t.20 -.12 CdnNRyg 91.52+1.17 t2.07 CdnNRs gs 28.12 -.09 -.37 CP Rwygu98.73 -1.46 t5.39 Canon 36.59 +.34 +1.41 CapOne 57 07 - 20 -.53 CapitlSrce 7 92 i 04 -.13 Caplease 5 07 - 06 +.39 CapsteadM1208 + 03 -.06 CardnlHlth 40 90 +.46 + 45 CareFusion27.96 +.19 +.04 CarMax u36.24 +.34 -.02 Camival 37.91 +.35 -.25 Carters 52.16 +.15 -.88 Caterpillar 86 99+1 04 +1 75 Celanese 41 94 i 25 • .90 Cemex 9 04 i 01 • .14 Cemig pts 1220 -10 -.04 CenovusE 3371 +19 +.36 Centene 45.14 +.30 +1.23 CenterPnt 19 84 - 02 +.11 CnEIBras pf 4.34 -.02 -.42 CenEI6ras 3.23 -.01 -.43 CntryLink 37.94 -.16 -.17 Cenveo 2.42 +.05 +.08 Chemturau20.61 +.43 +.29

ChesEng 17 25 i 15 • .22 Chevron 106 99 +54 +1.30 Ch>cB&l 41 10 + 24 +.47 Ch>cos 1811 + 08 -.54 Ch>mera 2.75 + 02 +.01 Ch>naMble57.15 -.07 +.23 ChmaUn> 15.76 -.09 +.23 Ch>potle 268.61+2.10 +4.83 Chubb 77.54 +.10 +.55 ChurchDwt 54.78 +.53 +.63 Cigna 52 90 i 40 • .63 Cimarex 58 07-1 80 -2.05 CinciBell 513 + 01 -.20 Cinemark 26 62 + 03 -.58 C<igroup 37 64 +62 +3.07 ChtlsNRs d29.51 +.32 +.76 Clorox u76.27 +.48 -.08 CloudPeak 19.65 +.14 +.68 Coach 57.64 -.23 +.10 CobaltlEn 28.38 -.19 +5.06 CocaColsa37.71 +.33 -.21 CocaCE 32 00 i 34 • .82 Coeur 22 69 + 63 -.57 ColgPal 108 37+1 72 -.13 ColonyFncl 19 55 - 09 -.47 Comenca 2913 + 20 -46 CmclMtls 13.48 +.03 -.07 CmtyHlt 29.72 -.29 +.26 CompSa u38.87 +.10 +.81 ComstkRs 15.95 -.12 -.45 ConAgra 29 75 +.10 -.11 ConchoRes 8s 67 i60 i1.41 ConocPhis57 l 94 +59 +1.00 ConsolEngy33 04 -12 +1.69 ConEd 56 03 - 08 +.24 ConstellA 36 00 +.12 ContlRes 74.21 +.07 +5.51 Cnvrgys 15.95 +.06 +.34 CooperCo 94.53 +.68 -.41 CooperTireu24.85 -.28 -.13 CoreLogic 26.53 +.45 +.69 Corning 12.54 +.06 +.31 CorrectnCp 3548 • 137 i1.58 CosanLtd 1599 + 04 -.21 CousPrp 8 20 + 03 +.04 CovantaHu1871 - 09 -.17 CoventryH 44.16 +51 +48

Covid>en 58.1 4 +.13 +.03 CS VS3xSlv34.58 +.27 -1.25 CSVS2xVxSd.87 -.04 -.00 BHPB>IILt 7292 +.26 + 88 CSVellVSt 19.25 +.69 +.03 BP PLC 41.07 -.24 -.69 CredSuiss 24.42 -.15 +.81 -.08 BRE 4 8 .88-.33 +.23 CreXus 1241 BRFBras<l 18.82 -.14 +.47 CrwnCstle 6845+1 21 +93 CrownHol d 3748 + 21 +.13 BabckW>l 25.03 +.02 -.16 BakrHu 42.26 +.28 -.89 CubeSmartu1390 -12 +.10 10169 +1 28 +3.53 BallCorp 44.15 -.N -.54 Cumm<ns BallyTech 46.17 -.15 +1.03 BcBilVArg 8.54 -.06 +.09 BcoBradpt 16.88 -.08 +.05 BcoSantSA 7.59 -.05 -.07 BcoSBrasil 6.94 +.06 +.25 BSanChile s2686 +.04 -.07

BkofAm u1 0 64 i 18 i 7 9 Bklreland 652 -08 i 49 BkNYMel 24 22 i 48 i 2 8 Bankrate 11 64 +13 -39 Barclay 16 14 +04 +31 BariPVixrsd29.44 -1 10 -18 BarnesNob 14 71 +11 +36 BarnckG 33 60 +17 -93 BasicEnSv 1117 -27 +15 Baxter 65.07 +.64 -.75 Beam Inc 59.73 +.90 Q.62 BeazerHrs 1455 +.05 -38 BectDck 77.63 +.53 +1.46 B elo 7.1 4 -.01 -.06 Bem>s 33.28 +.02 -.32 BerkH B 87.33 -.16 -.75 BerryPet 32.83 +.74 +1.72 BestBuy 11.99 -.20 -.95 BigLots 28.18 -1.71 +.02 BBarretl 18.88 +.68 +1.50 BioMedR 19.39 +.09 +.12

BlackRock194.76+1.01 -2.28 BlkEEqDv 7.37 +.04 -.03 BlklntlG&l 7.35 +.05 -.01 Blackstone 15 07 i 14 i 3 8 BlockHR u1859 i 33 i 7 6 Boeing 74 64 i 66 i 3 6 BoozAllnu14 s 28 -02 +27 BorgWarn 6725 +83 +95 BostProp 10540+117 +277 BostonSci 5 60 +01 +06 BoydGm 5 66 +06 +16 Brandyw 12 07 +04 +14 Bnnker 30 58 +.33 t.83 BrMySq 32.56 -.16 -07 Brookdaleu24.75 -.02 -81 BrkfldAs g 35.23 +.08 t.49 Brkfld0fPr 16.66 +.16 t.42 BrownFB su68.57 +.46 -1.35 Brunsw>ck25.76 -.83 -.01 Buenaventd33.48 +.39 t.71

DowChm 30.30 +.66 +.11 DrPepSnap45.51 +.01 +.66 DuPont 43.18 +.31 +.04 DuPFabros 2391 +.36 + 82 DukeEnrs 6432 +.15 i 50 DukeRlly 13 50 +.14 E-COang 3.97 +.02 -.50 EG EMCnsu25.73 -.03 +.60 EMC Cp 24.91 -.27 +.09 E NI 46 2 2 -.34 -1 21 EOG Res 11735 -1.01 - 27 EQTCorp 58.83 -.07 -1.23 EagleMat 52.69 +.94 -.53 EastChemu61.85 +1.00 +1.00 Eaton 52.47 +1.07 +.31 EatnVan u32 18 +.34 + 30 EVTxDiver 933 -.03 - 08 EVTxMGlo 880 -.03 -.02 Ecolab u72.72 +.33 +.64 Ed<sonlnt 44.98 +.03 -.50 EdwLfSa 91.36 +.24 +459 E lan d 9 7 6-.07 - 22 EldorGldg 1354 -.04 - 94 Embraer 25.91 +.45 i 98 EmersonEI50.85 +.05 +.62 Emulex 6.32 -.07 -1.03 EnbrdgEPt 2778 +.06 -1 24 Enbridge u4190 +1.55 +1 61 EnCanag 21 27 -.15 - 52 EndvSilv g 7.91 -.72 Energ<zeru81.41 +1.01 +1.65 EngyTEq u47.10+1.06 +1.63 EngyTsfr 43.31 +.08 - 58 EnergySol 3 09 -.03 -18 Enerpls g 12 96 -.04 - 23 ENSCO 5794 -.16 -.29 Entergy 63.94 +.21 +.40

GNC 3 4.28 +.54 -.85 GabUtil rl .05 -.02 -.03 Gafisa SA 4.60 +.24 +.66 GameStop 2730 +66 +1.05 Gannett 17 90 + 02 +.20 Gap 3 1 81 -15 -2.65 Generac 32.97 +.62 +.34 GenDynam67.19 +.49 +.69 GenElec 21.46 +.09 +.33 GenGrPrp 20 20 +18 +.83 GenMills 40 94 + 21 -.05 GenMotors25.19 +.62 -.69 Gen0n En 2.63 -.01 +.08 Genpact 15.82 -.05 -.23 GenuPrt u6405 + 06 -.54 Genworlh 6.61 +.20 +.66 GeoGrp u32.00+2.56 +3.80 GaGult 45 00 Gerdau 8.88 Grantlnter 5.11 GIaxoSKln 4332 GlimchRt 1069 GlobalCash 733 GlobusMdnd11.74 -.12 -1.57 GolL>nhas 5.08 GolrlFLtd d11.32 Goldcrpg 37.32 GoldmanS11657 GoodrPet 844

Goodyear 12.78 GovPrplT 23.03 v~Grace u68.00+2.35 +2.53 GrafTech 9 63 +.13 -.07 GraphPkg u620 + 01 -.29 GtPlainEn 2020 -10 -.05 GpFSnMx nu15.29 +.09 +.68 GpTelev> sau25.12 +.33 +1.45

Name Last Chg Wkly Name Lasl Chg Wkly Name Lasl Chg Wkly Name Lasl Chg Wkly

How to Read the Market in Review Here are the 1,133 most active stocks on the New York Stock Exchange, the 830 most active on the Nasdaq National Market and 255 most active on American Stock Exchange. Stocks in bold changed 10 percent or more in price

Name: Stocks are hsted alphabetically by the company's full name (not its abbreviation). Company names made up of initials appearat the beginning of each letter's hst. Last:Pnce stock was trading at when exchange closed for the day. Chg: Loss or gain for last day of week. No change indicated by"..." mark. Wkly: Loss or gain for the week. No change indicated by ... Name: Name of mutual fund and family. Sell: Net asset value, or price at which fund could be sold, for last day of the week. Wkly: Weekly net change in the NAV. Stock Footnotes: cc — PE greater than 99. cld - Issue has been called for redemption by company. d - New 52week low dd — Loss in last12 mos. ec - Company formerly listed on the American Exchange's Emerging Company Marketplace g - Dividends and earnings in Canadian dollars h - temporary exmpt from Nasdaq capital and surplus listing qualification. n - Stock was a new issue in the last year. The 52-week high and low figures date only from the beginning of trading. pf - Preferred stock issue. pr - Preferences. pp - Holder owes installments of purchase pnce. q — Closed-end mutual fund; no PE calculated. rt - Right to buy secunty at a speafied pnce. s - Stock has split by at least 20 percent within the last year. wi - Trades will be settled when the stock is issued. wd - When distributed wt - Warrant, allowing a purchase of a stock. u - New 52-week high un - Unit„ including more than one security vj - Company in bankruptcy or receivership, or being reorganized under the bankruptcy law. Appears in front of the name. Dividend Footnotes: a - Extra diwdends were paid, but are not included. b - Annual rate plus stock. c - Liquidating dwidend. e - Amount declared or paid in last12 months. f - Current annual rate, which was increased by most recent dwidend announcement. i - Sum of dwidends paid after stock spht, no regular rate j - Sum of dividends paid this year Most recent dividend was omitted or deferred. k - Declared or paid this year, a cumulative issue with dividends in arrears m - Current annual rate, which was decreased by most recent dividend announcement. p - Initial dividend, annual rate not known, yield not shown. r - Declared or paid in preceding 12 months plus stock dwidend. t - Paid in stock, approximate cash value on ex-distnbution date. Mutual Fund Footnotes: e — Ex-capital gains distribution. f — Previous day's quote. n - No-load fund. p —Fund assets used to pay distribution costs. r —Redemption fee orcontingent deferred sales load may apply s — Stock dividend or split t — Both p and r. x — Ex-cash dividend.

Source: The Associated Press and Lipper, Inc. Sales figures are unofficial.

MorgBan 16.97 +.23 +.10 PepsiCo 70.26 +.24 +.59 RepubSvc 29.10 -.01 +.63 Terex 24.86 +.66 +.67 Mosa>c 53.60 -.12 -.46 PerkElm u30.78 -.11 -.87 ResMed 41.53 +.40 +.44 Tem>um 22.75 +.41 -.08 MotrlaSoluu54.60 -.14 +.15 PetrbrsA 18.53 +.42 +.98 ResrceCap 5 92 -01 Tesoro 39 65 +.79 -2.63 MuellerWat 545 -01 -.13 Petrobras 18.75 +.37 +78 RetailPrp n 1218 + 27 -10 TevaPhrm 4242 +48 i2.07 Murph0 56 01 -02 -.73 Pfizer 25 56 -.05 +54 ReynAmer 4303 + 09 -10 Textron 23 79 i 14 • .30 NCRCorp 2479 -12 • 86 PhilipMor 89.47 • .80 -41 RioTinto 5240 +52 +260 ThermoFisu64.28 -.09 +.73 NRGEgy 21.88 -.04 +.78 PhilipsEI 26.12 -.02 +.24 R>tch>eBr 21.18 -94 -1.73 ThomCrkg 3.01 -.04 +.06 NV Energy 18.63 +.03 +.30 NYSEEur 23.53 +.05 +.18 Nabors 1464 +01 -.06 NamTai u1500 -10 NBGreece 1.78 -08 +.01 NOilVarco 68.28 +.22 +.11 NatRetPrp 30.96 +.09 +.24 Nat>onstr n 3039 -06 -23 Nav<star 20 67 -36 +26 NwMtnFin 1450 -03 -.68 New0riEd 17.56 +.17 -2.60 NYCmtyB 12.94 +.01 -.07 NY T>mes 8.37 +.09 +.26 Newcastle 8.21 +.05 -.18 NewellRubu2191 t13 +.10 NewfldExp 2579 i79 i1.45 NewmtM 44.42 +.13 -2.32 NewpkRes 7.69 -.18 -.11 Nexen g 23.52 -1.65 -.79 NextEraEn 6937 +.21 +66 NiSource 24 44 -10 +.27 NielsenH 29 24 i 34 • .92 NikeB 98 59 +.17 +1.32 NobleCorp 34.85 69 +.36 NobleEn 101.45+2.12 t3.70 NokiaCp 3.85 +.10 +.59 NordicAm d844 + 09 -.65 Nordstrm 5280 -17 -1.29 NorflkSo 61 51 i.13 i1.13 NoestUt 39.27 t.02 +.53

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-.03 R>teA>d d1.04 t.07 +.03 -.13 t.15 RobbMyer 59.27 +67 RobtHalf 29.26 t.64 t1.00 -04 RockTen 64.77 +.03 -.27 PinWst 51.34 -.10 -.12 RockwlAut 80.39 +.28 +1.15 P>onEnSvc 7.27 +.03 +.04 RockColl 56 37 i47 -81 P>oNtd 102.95 -.30 -4.05 RockwdH 4740 i 33 i1 53 P>tnyBw d10.93 +.04 -.26 Rowan 32 70 +28 +97 Pla<nsAA s 45.45 +.46 -1 13 RoyalBkg 5904 +03 +16 PlainsEx 44.62+1.44 +8.92 RBSctprTu24.33 - 09 +.24 PlumCrk 43.20 +.63 i.35 RylCarb u35 01 t.18 -.24 Polaris 80.06 1.55 475 RoyDShilB 69.37 -.12 +.29 RoyDShllA 67.04 -.12 +.07 PolyOne u20.14 -.03 nu17.60 +1.20 +4.36 Potash 39.46 +.09 i.94 BuckusW PwshDB 2761 -.03 -49 Ryland 32 58 +.15 -.87 RymanHP u36.31 +.54 +3.09 PS Agri 28 82 -.05 -03 PS USDB ull21 99 +.04 +.07 PS SrLoan24.90 t.18 PS SPLwV28.00 +.05 +.02 SAIC 11 31 +.05 -.22 PwShPfd 14.73 -05 SAPAG u7892 +93 PShEMSovu3140 -.06 -02 SCANA 45 90 +12 +06 Praxair 107.31 i1.02 i 65 SK Tlcm 15 83 +30 +56 PrecDnll 7.36 -.06 -.20 SLGreen 76 24 + 51 +.86 PrmFncl 27.66 -.03 +.72 SMEnergy 5007 +.49 +.3B ProLog>s 35.24 +.33 +1.30 SpdrDJIA 131.56 +.82 +1.46 ProShtDow34.35 -.24 -.42 SpdrGold 165.17 +.67 -.89 ProShtQQQ 2585 +.17 i35 SP M>d 182.91 +.24 +.56 ProShtS&P34.32 -.09 -08 S&P500ETF1 42.41 +.44 +.26 PrUltQQQ s54.13 -.66 1.55 Spdr Div 58 63 +.27 +.19 PrUShQQQ 30.32 +.81 SpdrHome 2558 + 01 -74 SpdrS&PBk23 36 +15 +09 SpdrLehHY 40 62 -03 +28 SpdrS&PRB2749 + 01 -09 SpdrRetl 62 77 +.03 -.50 SpdrOGEx54.34 +.51 +1.33 SpdrMetM 42.75 +.32 +.33 SPX Cp 67.83 -.38 -.29 STMicro 6.48 -.07 +.12 Safeway 17 94 + 06 +.83 Rlude 34.96 +.43 +.68 Saks 10 55 +02 +05 Salesforce156 70 -71 -97 SallyBty 23 97 -28 -1 38 SandRdge 7.29 +.50 +1.44 Sanof> u46 32 +.26 +1.70 Schlmbrg 71.83 +.33 +.21 Schwab 13.42 +.36 +.32 ScrippsNet56.83 +.33 -2.21 SeadnllLtd 36.96 -.03 +.13 SealAir 16.51 -.19 -.31 SellREITn 2418 + 09 -81 SempraEn 71 34 -16 +292 SenHous 22 90 +12 +55 SensataT 30 87 -09 +01 Serv>ceCp1425 + 27 +.32 ServNow n29.30 -.17 -3.33 ShawGrp u45.29 t.04 +.36 Sherw>n 148.94-2.28 -3.58 SiderurNac 5.13 +.08 +.29 SignetJwlrs54.06 +.07 +.31 SilvWhtng 3574 i66 -1 02 SilvrcpM g 5 24 i10 -26 SimonProp155 65 +124 +352 SixFlags 64 85 +85 Q37 Sm>thtF 22 93 - 05 +.56 Smucker u8780 -.16 -.66 SolaN>nds 54.61 -.18 -1.42 SonocoP 29.76 +.06 -.31 Phillips66 nu52.34+1.37 Piedm0fc 1780 +.16 Pier1 1 9 .86+.10 PilgrimsP 7.10 -.16


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www.bendbulletin.com -211 EntPrPt 4972 Equ>fax u54.33 +.13 +3.09 EqtyRsd 55.11 -.45 -.40 EsteeLdrs 60.67 +.90 +2.42 Esterline 62 88+2.23 +1.74 EverBnkn 15 08 • .29 i 30 ExactTgtn 18.28 -.72 -2.33 ExcoRes 7 76 +.04 Exel<s 11.31 +.01 Exelon 29.57 +.10 -.65 Express 14.62 +.32 -.31 ExlraSpce 35.23 +.03 +.33 ExxonMbl 8860 • .60 i 46 FMCCps 5308 +.02 -238 FMCTech 42.15 +.70 +1.29 Fa>rchldS 13.55 +.08 +.21 Fam>lyDlr 71.00 +.94 -.20 FerlExCp 89.36 +.10 -.17 Fedlnvst 20.28 +.06 +.43 FelCor 4 18 -.01 - 02 F erro 2 8 9 -.02 + 02 FibiiaCeluu11.42 -.08 +1.31 F>dlNF>n u23.36 -.15 -.85 F>dNatlntou36.16 -.81 +.06 FifthB,Pac 12.10 +.25 +.05 FstAFin n 23 84 -.20 i 04 FstHonzon 9 41 +.03 - 05 FstlnRT 13 45 +.05 + 25 FMa~S> lvg 22.26 +.48 - 74 FstRepBk 33.01 -.14 -.81 FT RNG 16.03 +.12 +.25 FirstEngy 41.45 -.11 -1.01 Fleetcor u52 74 • .29 t 55 Flx3yrTips 25 52 -.01 + 05 Flotek 12 01 +.29 + 46 FlowrsFds 23.61 +.01 +.07 Fluor 5 6.32 +1.15 +3.24 FootLockr 35.26 +.08 -.58 FordM 11.48 +.24 +.03 FordM wt 2 53 • .27 t 07 ForestCA 1533 +.29 + 28 ForestLab 3572 -.02 + 26 Forest0>l 6.55 +.07 +.18 Fortress 4.17 -.02 -.06 FBHmSec 28.96 -.09 -1.03 ForumEnnu24.52 -.12 -.72 FranceTel 10 67 -.20 - 04 FrankRes12768 +.37 -1 34 FMCG II31.70 +.89 -7.31 Freescale 9.40 -.04 +.14 Fusion->o 22.74 +.09 -.59

Guess 2612 Guidewre n 2947 HCAHldg 3376 HCPInc 4537

+ 04 +.25 ION Geoph 5 90 -03 -.06 iStar

+ 63 -.43 iShGold 1659 +07 -.09 +54 +2.01 iSAstla u2540 + 22 +.43 t 33 +.32 iSAstria u1715 -18 • .17 HDFC BI( 42 25 i 03 • .13 iShBraz 5307 i 30 i1.49 HSBC u51.68 -.07 +.55 iSCan 2815 +.02 +.04 HalconRrs 659 +.10 +.41 iShEMU 32.04 -.15 +.17 Hallibrln 33.78 +.20 +.52 iSFrnce u22.66 -.05 +.23 Hanesbrds 35.65 -.55 -.45 iShGer u23.72 -.13 +.20 HarleyD 46.46 +.28 -.50 >ShHK u19.28 +.03 +.17 Harman 40.75 +.76 +1.19 >Shltaly 12.57 -.18 -.18 HarmonyGd7.76 +.19 -.05 >ShJapn 9.38 +.03 +.05 HarnsCorp4849 +.46 +1.36 >ShKor 60.83 +35 +1.19 HW>nstng 1428 -.13 +.06 >SMalas 14.69 - 03 HartfdFn 21 89 + 25 +.71 iShMex 6892 +38 I-latterasF 26 62 - 04 -.04 iShSing 13 74 i 17 I-leadwatrs u727 -12 -.33 iSPacxJpnu4720 +35 HitCrREIT 5975 i 16 • .86 iSSpain 28 65 - 44 HltMgmt 763 i 02 -.32 iSTaiwn 13 71 > 03 HlthcrTr n 9 99 -.16 -.78 iSh UK 1785 + 02 HealthNet 24.86 +.45 +1.31 iShSilver 32.03 +.10 HlthSouth 21.10 -.89 iShS&P10065.00 +.17 Heckmann 4.01 +.19 +.10 iShDJDv 57.75 +.11 HeclaM 5.68 +.08 -.12 >ShBT>p s u123.15 -.15 I-le>nz 58.25 +.20 +.31 >ShCh> na25 38.41 +.14 Hel>xEn 18.20 +.02 +.69 >SCorSP500143.00 +.50 HelmPayne5546 +69 +3.26 >ShCorTBd111.66 -.10 Herbal>fe 46.79 +.17 +.82 >ShEMkts 42.79 +.13 I-lersha 471 - 07 +.02 iSh>BxB 121 94 - 29 Hershey 72 27 +23 -1.00 iShEMBdu12250 -24 Hertz 1 6 10 + 09 +.46 iSSPGth 7597 +06 Hess 4969 i 58 • .08 iSSPVal 6604 i 34 HewlettP 13 94 i 11 • .95 iShB20T 12443 -116 HigherOne 8 90 -.15 +.06 iShB7-10T10865 -.31 HighwdPrp32.62 +.28 +.38 iShB1-3T 84.45 Hillenlnc 21.25 -.04 +.09 iS Eafe 55.50 +.03 H>llsh>re n 28.10 -.20 +.25 >SRusMCV 49.76 +.20 HollyFrontu43.64 +.18 -1.49 >SCorSPM> d100.42 +.08 HomeDp u64.45 +.11 -.62 >Sh>B xHYB 93.21 -.14 HomexDev12.20 +.40 -.98 >ShMtg 14.24 +.05 Honwlllntl 61 97 +.45 +.64 >ShC&SRI 77.66 +.26 Hormel 31 03 +.01 +.02 >SR1KV 72.44 +.40 I-losp>ra 31 55 +26 +1.75 iSR1 KG 65 49 - 04 I-lospPT 2274 -14 +.04 iSRus1K 7894 +25 I-lostHotls 1509 +11 +.40 iSR2KV 7360 +06 HovnanE 5 25 i 35 • .03 iSR2KG 9318 i 07 Humana 66 65• 146 i1.24 iShR2K 8218 i 06 Huntsmn 16.44 +.24 iShChina 4651 +.04 Hyperdyn .64 -.02 -.08 iShUSPfd 39 65 +.02 lAMGld g 10.74 +.08 -1.09 iShREst 64.38 +.26 ICICI Bk u43.67 +.08 +2.68 >ShDJHm 19.96 +.05 I NG 9.3 4 -.03 +.35 >ShCrSPSm76.26




and CentraL Oregon Area ChambersofCommerce

K<ndrM wt 364 -05 -14 MackCali 25 89 +.24 + 61 NorthropG 6753 +26 +83 ProUltSP 59.61 K>nross g 9 72 +.09 -.36 Macys 39.41 +.49 + 71 NStarRlt u6 63 ProUltFin 64 79 KnghtCap 3.27 -.06 -.10 MagelMPts42 96 -.05 -1 52 Novart>s 62.32 ProShtR2K25.20 Kod>ak0 g 8.80 +.25 t.22 MagHRes 386 -.03 - 17 NuSkm 45.09 PrUltSP50086.45 -.24 -07 Kohls 44.09 +.06 Manitowoc14.93 • .18 Nucor 40.72 PrUVxSTrsd1938 KnspKrm 9.03 -.03 -.07 ManpwrGp40.18 +.50 +1.74 NvCredStr 9 83 PrUltCrude26.35 Kroger u26.81 -.09 +.57 Manulife g 13.05 +.07 +.20 OasisPet 31 01 PrUShCrde45.37 KronosWw 15.75 i02 -21 Marathn0 30.92 +.20 +.07 OcciPet 75 37 ProVixSTF d15.75 L-3 Com 76.65 +39 -20 MarathPetu60.70 +1.30 +1.16 Oceaneerg5397 ProUltS>lv 52.70 LOKSolar 1.00 +.10 -.17 MktVGold45.93 +.38 -1.62 OcwenFn 34 55 ProUShEuro19.81 LG D>splay16.35 +.35 t.47 MV 0>ISvs 39.08 +.14 +.36 OfficeDpt 3.30 ProctGam 70.29 LSI Corp 6.96 +.04 t.22 MV Sem> n 32.42 +.10 +.38 OfficeMax 9.70 ProgsvCp 21.48 LabCp 85.00 +.29 t.41 MktVRus 28 64 +.20 +.80 Oi SA s 3.80 PrUShSP rs55.19 LVSands 43.65 -.19 -.25 MktVJrGld 20.98 +.20 -.58 OilStates 69.07 PUShDowrs47.71 LaSalleH 24.56 +.38 +.45 MktVlntM 24.04 -.09 -10 OldNBcp 11.79 PrUShL20rs6060 LeapFrog 8.53 -.07 -.58 MarkWest 50.53 +.50 -115 OldRepub 10.71 ProUSR2K27.27 LearCorp 44 64 i84 i111 MarlnN 35.43 -.03 - 86 OmegaHlt 2318 PUSSP500 539.02 LeggMason 25.90 +03 +37 MarshM 35.11 -11 Omncre 35 52 ProtLife 26 79 LeggPlat u26.86 -14 -70 Masco 15.99 • .21 - 97 Omnicom 4982 Prudentl 52.47 LenderPS 24 39 +.14 -.36 Mastec 23.79 +.90 +.95 ONEOK s 43 00 Prud UK u29.28 LennarA 36.69 +.40 -1.35 MasterCrdu476.09-4.79 -12.59 OpkoHlth 4.38 PSEG 3006 LeucNatl 23.20 +.09 +1.05 McClatchy 3.21 +.01 -.14 OnentEH u12.19 PubRrg 142.32 27.95 PulteGrp 16.45 JPMorgCh 4256 +1 09 w1.48 Level3 19.76 +.40 +.90 McCorm 64.20 +.11 -.36 OshkoshCp LexRItyTr 9.65 +.07 +.06 -.02 OwensMi n d27.57 McDrmlnt 10.51 +.05 P PrlT 5 . 3 7 JPMAlenan 3861 i.16 -1.10 33.59 QEPRes 29.95 Jabil 1 8 .37 -.1 -3.63 Lexmark 24.96 -.07 +.63 McDnlds 88.48 +.39 +1.44 OwensCorn LblyASE 4.62 i 01 i 0 1 Owenslll 19 81 McGrwH u56.53 +2.26 +3.42 GR Energy16.25 JacobsEng 42.11 i.55 +1.17 35 28 -04 +45 McKesson 9530 +.56 + 83 Q>hoo360u2456 Jaguarg .75 +.02 +.01 LibtProp L>llyEli 49.63 +23 +59 McMoRn 15.40 +.38 +6.87 QuantaSvc 26.02 JanusCap 801 i 02 -.19 ted u51 18 -.11 - 97 McEwenM 3.56 +.01 - 14 QntmDSS 1 26 Jarden 51 45 +07 -1.46 L>m> QstDiag 58.26 Jefferies 1790 +09 +.94 L>ncNat 25.78 +.26 +1.08 MeadJohn 66.82 -.01 -1 37 JohnJn 7045 +40 +72 Lmkedln 109.70 +.65 +1.56 MeadWvco 30.69 +.20 - 22 Questar 19.45 -.86 Mechel 6.25 • .02 i 15 QksilvRes 3.26 JohnsnCtl 2814 +.56 +.79 LionsGtg 15.52 +.03 -.02 -.09 MedProp 11.76 -.09 i 09 LiveNatn 8.69 -.07 -.45 Quiksilvr 4 20 JonesGrp 11.31 +.71 RPM 28.50 JoyGlbl 57.43 +.98 +.44 LloydBkg u3.10 +.13 +.12 Medias u43 96 LockhdM 91.90 i42 -140 JnprNtwk 19.29 +.19 +1.31 Medtrnic 42.56 +.06 +.45 Rackspace67.33 41.28 +40 MensW 30.48 +.15 -1.78 Rad>an Grp 4.73 JustEngyg 9.18 +.06 +.33 Laews Merck 44.63 +.12 +.33 Rad>oShk 1.95 KARAuct 1784 -04 • .07 Lorillard 121.48+1 81 +32 KBI-lome 1450 +33 +.14 LaPac 17.24 +.14 -18 Mentage 35.19 +.05 +.17 Ralcorp u89.17 KBRlnc 2870 +42 +.90 Lowes u35.11 -.06 -.98 Mentor 4.55 +.20 +.27 RLauren 155.35 KBWlnc 1494 +01 -.26 Luxottica u40.77 +.02 -.26 MetLite 32.89 -.02 -.30 RangeRs 64.68 LyonBas A 53.81 +1.91 +4.08 MetroPCS 10.52 +.15 -.13 Rayon>er 50 45 KKR 1 4 .04 +.20 +.29 -.04 MetroHlth 11.23 +.02 -.01 Raytheon 57 40 KKR Fn u1047 +.15 KTCorp 17.54 +.40 +.33 MKors n 51.60 +.16 -1 55 Realogy n 37.72 KC Southn 79.78 +1.18 +1.83 M&T Bk 97.64 +.30 -.09 MidstPet n 7.21 +.04 + 34 Rltylnco 40.64 Kellogg u5597 +.23 +51 M BIA 8 4 1 -.04 -.53 MillMda n 12.52 -.14 -1 23 RedHat 49. KeyEngy 680 -12 • .11 MEMC 3.03 i 06 i 10 MitsuUFJ 4.65 • .09 i 04 - 03 MobileTele17.83 • .24 i 40 Keycorp 810 i18 • .03 MFA Fncl 8.38 i 03 KilroyR 4636 +10 +1.26 MGIC 1 .9 6 . . . + . 21 MolsCoorB43.01 +.51 +1.55 KimbClk 85 91 + 92 +.93 MGMRsts 10.93 -04 + 78 Molycorp 8.94 +.15 -.03 K<mco 1960 -.11 +.34 MRCGblnu2677 -17 -1 26 Monsanto 90.69 +.72 -.90 K<ndME 79.40 +.64 -2.11 MSCIInc 29.78 -.39 i.78 MonstrWw 5.60 -.13 +.16 K>ndMorg 33.58 -.05 -.23 Macench 57.90 +.02 +1.40 Moodys u49.36 -.06 +.78 768 + 02 +.03 ITT Corp 22 56 +.28 +.19 ITT Ed 18.98 +.17 +.85 ITW 6 1 . 17-.38 -.40 Infoblox n 17.31 -.56 -1.65 IngerRd u4869 +.49 -.09 IngrmM 1664 + 21 +.44 Ingredion u6488 - 86 -.07 IBM 1 91 95 +225 +1.88 IntlGame 1440 - 05 +.53 IntPap 36 04 +.07 -1.10 Inter0il g 52.1 8 +.71 -3.48 Interpubl>c10.78 -.03 -.04 IntPotash 22.05 +.65 +.77 InvenSense 10.09 +.06 +.04 Invesco 24 86 +.09 -.13 InvMtgCap2111 i 03 -.06 InvSrlnco 5 05 -02 -.04 IronMtn 31 34 + 14 -.26 ItauUn>bH15.73 -.01 +.59

SonyCp d10.12 t.11 t.38 Sothebys 31.13 t.12 t2.27 SouthnCo 4373 +.18 SthnCopper3818 i42 i1 88 SwstAirl 9 81 -07 +29 SwstnEngy 3438 -38 -33 SpectraEn 2732 -08 -63 Sp>ntAero 1554 + 09 -.21 SpnntNex 5.69 -.04 -.04 SprottSilv 13.11 +.09 -.16 SprottGold 14.58 +.12 -.11 STAG Indl 18.01 +.02 -.84 SP Matls 36 05 +.30 -.65 SP HIIIIC 40 48 i 13 i 24 SP CnSt 3618 i 25 i 14 SP Consum4742 +18 -11 SP Engy 71 56 +43 +50 SPDRFncl 1603 +.13 +.26 SP Inds 3749 +.25 +.37 SP Tech 28.77 -.14 -.36 SP Ut>l 35.46 +.03 +.14 StdPac 6.54 -.06 -.16 QanBlkDk 71.19 +.14 -.23 BarwdHtl 5430 +.17 t.34 StarwdPT 2282 i 04 -04 StateStr 4515 +58 +71 Statoil ASA 2413 -08 -26 Steelcse u11 54 +10 -10 Sterl>te 8 24 -.19 +.35 StillvnrM 11.31 t.02 -.17 StoneEngyd20.82 t.37 +.09 StratHotels 6.20 -.03 Styker 54.57 +.22 +.41

BurmRug 51.44-200 -2.65 SumitMitsu 649 i01 SunCokeE 15 98 i 02 -27 Suncargs 32 50 -29 -11 SunriseSen1438 -06 SunstnHtl 10 24 - 03 -.OB Suntech 89 + 03 -.02 SunTrst 27.18 +.48 +.03 SupEnrgy 20.80 +.24 +.49 Supvalu 2.66 -.10 +.28 SwERCmTR 8.56 -.03 -.14 SwftEng 15 47 +.24 -.01 SwiftTrans 8 87 +43 +41 Synovus 2 33 -01 -04 Sysco 31 83 -04 +18 TCFFncl 11 55 -16 -33 TD Amentr 1658 + 30 +.3B TE Connect 35.89 +.21 +.70 TECO 16.84 +.01 +.03 TIMPart 17.33 +.23 -.40 TJX s 43.45 -.09 -.89 TRWAutou52.00 +.59 +1.36 TaiwSemi 1703 -02 -24 TalismEg 1113 + 02 -09 TangerFac 33 05 +05 +17 TargaRsLP 3528 -23 -239 Target 62 28 + 08 -.85 TataMotors 26.34 +.27 +1.27 Teavana 15.44 -.01 +.69 TeckRes g 34.85 -.39 +1.18 TeekayTnk 2.69 +.02 -.07 TelefBrasil 21.91 +.16 -.03 TelefEsp 12 90 -.14 -.13 TelData 22 65 +44 -36 TempurP 27 20 -16 + 55 Tenans 38 78 -69 -116 TenetHlt rsu28 85 - 24 -11 Tenneco 32 79 +.30 +.72 Teradata 58.1 9 -.51 -1.29 Teradyn 15.84 -.06 +.20

ThomsonR 2803 +.04 + 49 Thorlnds 36 29 -37 -1.45 3D Sys 45.61+1.07 +.90 3M Co 91.51 +.56 +.56 T>ffany 58.42 -.20 -.56 TW Cable 94 89 +50 TimeWarn u4682 + 25 -.49 Timken 45.49 +.07 +.44 T>tan Intl 20.96 -.22 +.63 T>tanMet 16.48 -.01 +.01 TollBros 3077 +10 -1.07 Torchmark 5177 i 14 -.22 TorDBkg 81.10 -.77 -1.98 TotalSA 49.76 -.59 -.40 TotalSys 2218 -.07 + 23 TransDigm129 72 -511 -6.30 Transocn 46 13 - 22 -.07 Travelers 73.39 +.24 +3.05 TnnaSolar 3.1 0 +.28 +.23 Tnn<ty 33 26 +.26 +1 49 Tronox s 15 09 +15 -.39 Tuppwre u65.21 +.45 • 36 TurqHillRs 723 -.06 -.20 TwoHrblnv 11.68 +.02 +.36 Tycolntl s 28 66 + 06 +.29 Tyson 19 63 - 05 +.46 UBSAG u16.19 +.12 +.48 UDR 2 3 .03 -.14 +.02 UGI Corp u33.14 -.22 -.08 U RS 3 8 7 9 +52 +1.1i US Airwy 12 77 i16 -.12 U SEC . 5 0 +.01 +.01 USG 2 5.44 +.26 -1.39 UltraPt g 19 75 -.21 -30 UndArmrs 5216 -57 +33 UnilevNV u3811 i 28 • .28 Un>lever 38.71 +.31 +.36 Un>onPac123.95 +.82 +1.17 UtdContl 20.51 +29 UtdMicro 202 - 03 i.11 UPS B 7317 i 24 • 06 UtdRentals 42.70 +.12 +1.17 US Bancrp32.02 +.21 -.24 USNGsrs 20.28 -.49 -.11 US OilFd 31 53 -13 -1.03 USSteel 21.77 -.23 +.21 UtdTech 80.99 +.12 +.88 UtdhlthGp 53.87 +.44 -.30 Un>vHlthS 4562 - 55 +.55 UnumGrp 2083 i 17 • .44 VF Cp 152.61 -.39 -7.03 VailRsrt 53.48 +67 -284 Vale SA 17 98 + 10 +.55 ValeSApf 17.76 +.15 +.67 ValeantPh 57.79 +.08 +2.51 ValeroE 31.86 +.06 -.40 Val<dus 35 28 - 02 -18 VlyNBcp 948 - 03 -.06 Valspar 61.16-1.04 -1.62 VangSTBd81.30 -.06 -.04 VangTotBd 84 81 -.16 +.04 VanHiDvY 4999 +26 +26 VangGrth 11 12 i 02 -.43 VangTSM 73.04 +.21 +.16 VangValu 58.74 +.31 +.68 VanS&P5006519 +.20 +.19 VangREIT 6521 +24 +1.00 VangDivAp 6008 i 28 +.30 VangAIIW 44.65 +.10 +.58 VangEmg 43.04 +.15 +1.03 VangEur 47.52 -.18 +.32 VangEAFE 3438 +.25 Vantiv n 21.01 +.57 -.66 VarianMerl 70.70+1.09 +1.54 VectoSp 15.71 +.16 -.03 Ventas 65 24 + 38 +1 59 VenFone 3256 -85 i2.17 VerizonCm 44.41 -.04 +.29 VimpelCm 10.97 +.15 +.39 Visa u148.55 +.08 -1.16 Vishaylnt 9 84 + 01 +.14 VMware 91 80 i 03 • 85 Vonage 2.46 -.01 + 03 Vornado 76.54 +.89 +1.11 VulcanM u52.00 -.02 -.84 WPXEnn 1561 -15 -18 Wabash 8 58 t 13 • .49 WABCO 59.77 +.39 -2.28 WalMart 72.29 +.70 +.67 Walgrn 3610 + 25 +2 19 WalterEn 34.21 +.86 +4.01 Warnaco 71 54 t 07 -.35 WREIT 26.77 +.30 +.85 WsteMlnc 34.12 +.44 +1.55 WatsnPh 88 62 + 65 +.61 Weathflntl 10 99 +13 +.58 WebsterFn19.82 -1.07 -1.00 WtWatch 52.25 +.79 +.29 We>nRlt 27.17 -.03 +.28 Wellcare 48 77+1 66 +.50 WellPoint 5778 • 116 i2.17 WellsFargo 33.23 +.09 +.22 WescoIntl 64.51 +1.56 -.14 WestarEn 2840 -.02 +.03 WstnGas nud2800 WslnRefinu28 24 WstnUnion13.00 WestlkChm 75.95 Weyerhsr 27 21 Whrlpl 9801 WhilingPet 4365 WmsCos 31.22 WmsPtrs 47.19 WmsSon 44 28 WillisGp 34 52

WiscEngy 37.79 WTEmEq 54.30 WT Ind>a 19.20 Wyndham 4964 XL Grp 25 09

XcelEngy 27.12 X erox 7 . 09 X<nyuanRE 3.32 Xylem 26 38 YPFSoc 12 00

Yamana g 17.86 Yelp n 19.05 Y>ngl>Grn 1.78 YoukuTud d13.94 YumBrnds 6630 Z<mmer 6549



P EOPLE ON THE M O V E Jean Congleton has joined real estate. Bend Premier Real Estate as a broker. Congleton has 25 years of experience in new home c onstruction a n d wo r k i n g with her husband in their construction company. She has been a licensed broker for several years. Teri West has joined Re/Max Key Properties commercial diCon g leton vision in B e nd as acommercial broker specializ~ I, ing in sales and l easing. W e s t has more than 18 years of exp erience in real W e s t estate, account-

ing and finance and has been a commercialbroker in C e ntral Oregon for more than five years. D e b o r a h Shaw Shaw has joined John L. Scott Real Estate in Redmond as a principal broker assistant. Carla Powell ha s j o i n ed John L. Scott Real Estate in Redmond. Powell earned her brokers license in 2006 and managed J a ckson S c hool Homeowners Association in Hillsboro for 11 years. She also managed several small companies before settling on

broker at Prudential NorthBobbie Strome, of John L. west Properties Bend branch, Scott Real Estate in Redmond, has been appointed presidentwas the top sales agent for the elect of the Oregon Associamonth of November. tion of Realtors. McClung has Bea Leach, of John L. Scott been in the real estate indusReal Estate in Redmond, was try for 13 years. The past four t he t o p l is t y ears h e w a s ing agent for chairman of the t he m ont h o f financial review November. committee of Susan Agli, of O AR, an d h e Coldwell Bankhas also been a Powell er Morr i s R e a l Leach m emb er o f t h e Estate in Bend, executive comhas received the m ittee. Pri o r Accredited Buyt o working i n er's Representareal estate, Mction designation. Clung w o r k ed This d e s ignain the high tech tion is given to industry. Strome real estate proTom Sayeg, f essionals w h o of Karnopp Pecomplete a course on buyer tersen LLP in Bend, has been representation and an elective selected as the Lawyer of the course focusing on a buyer Year for Trust and Estates by "The Best Lawyers in Amerirepresentation specialty. Joy Helfrich, of Prudential ca 2013." Selection is based on Northwest Properties Bend peer evaluations. Sayeg is the branch, has been elected the chairman of the St. Charles state president for the 2013 Health System board of trustWomen's Council of Realtors. ees, has been active in the busiHelfrich is the past president of ness and taxation sections of the Central Oregon Chapter of the Oregon State Bar and has Women's Council of Realtors, served asan officer and chaira certified residential special- man for both of these sections' ist, an Earth Advantage STAR executive committees. He is a certifiedbroker, is E-Pro cer- member of the executive comtified and has the Graduate mittee of the Oregon State Bar Realtor Institute designation. Estate Planning and AdminisShe has been in the real estate tration Section and is a fellow industry for 30 years. in the American College of Bob McClung, a principal Trust and Estate Counsel.

Continued from C3 In total, energy savings from the free items could be as much as $15 a month per home, with additional savings on homeowners' water and sewer bills. "We've never done a program this size for this period of time," Sweet said, noting Energy DIET primarily works out of the Portland-metro area. "This is the most ... (workers) we've ever put in one location to complete a project like this."

jobs Continued from C3 The report for November was relatively strong, economists said, and showed fewer effectsfrom Hurricane Sandy than had been expected. In Friday's announcement, the Bureau of Labor Statistics said the storm did "not substantively impact the national employment and unemployment estimates for November." Ethan Harris, co-head of global economics at Bank of America of M errill L y nch, said: "It's a pretty solid report. It's consistent with a slow recovery in the job market." "It's encouraging that with the fiscal cliff looming, the corporate sector seems will-


Israeli businesstakes on soda giants The Associated Press JERUSALEM — An Israeli maker of home soda machines hopes to make a splash in the U.S. soft drink market through

a global advertising campaign it will l aunch during Super Bowl XLVII. For SodaStream, the advertising push marks a bold — and risky — bet on tapping into the tastes of the world's largest soft drink market. But opposition from major beverage makers and criticism of the company's operations in a Jewish settlement in the Israeli-occupied West Bank could hinder SodaStream's goal of making it big in the U.S. The company has long been a tar-

get of pro-Palestinian activists who promote boycotts of settlement products. The company says it is the world's biggest manufacturer and distributor of home beverage carbonation systems, which it is trying to position as a cheaper and environmentally friendly alternative to bottled soft drinks. SodaStream says its machines offer a simple and compact, do-it-yourself solution for those who want to carbonate their own drinks. "This is the new way to do soda. We're revolutionizing it," said SodaStream CEO Daniel Birnbaum. "There exists a smarter way to enjoy soft drinks, getting the b ubbles


acceptthe company's privacy

Continued from C3 "Our new p r ivacy policy demonstrates our longstanding commitment to protecting our users' information and creating great products," the Google statement said at the time. "We are confident that our privacy notices respect European law." When CNIL presented its analysis in October, the chairwoman of the French regulator, Isabelle Falque-Pierrotin, gave the search engine "three to four months" — roughly until mid-February — to respond to its recommendations. Among other things, CNIL asked Google to heed European restrictions on mixing certain data and to heed Europe's rules for obtaining prior consent from consumers before collecting personal data. Google users in Europe cannot use the search engine's servicesunless they agree to

But CNIL argued in its review that the opt-in disclaimer, which is legal under United States law, was too broad. It also said consumers should be given clearer information and be allowed to individually authorize or reject the collection of certain kinds of data. Google announced its new


policy, which applies globally and was presented as a way to simplify the user experience, this year. The company made nearly all of its $37.9 billion in sales revenue in 2011 from Internet advertising, which relies in part on the collection and analysis of user data to produce ads aimed at individual consumers. While European lawmakers coordinate European Union data protection from Brussels, privacy law is enforced on the national level. That decentralization is the


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without the bottles." He said the world's softdrink giants are relying on an outdated business model, and have hurt the environment by generating some 1 billion bottles each day. SodaStream's drinks can be made one glass at a time, or can fill reusable bottles, then flavored with juices or other mixers. SodaStream has e njoyed widespread success in Europe. It says 25 percent of Swedish households use its products, and reports similarly h i gh rates in countries like Finland and the Czech Republic. But in the U.S., the household penetration rate is just 1 percent.

reason why regulators are considering taking action within a few nations — most likely in countries where Google has physical operations and where national courts could be asked to enforce penalties. But whether any actions, if they do eventually take place, result in anything other minor sanctionsremains to be seen. In general, European national regulators are limited to only a few hundredthousand euros in the privacy-violation fines they can assess against companies or individuals. A proposed update to European Union data protection law would give regulators the ability to assess much larger fines of as much as 2 percent of a company's annual saleswhich based on Google's financial performance would equate to $760 million, based on 2011 revenue of $37.9 billion. But it is unclear how soon, if ever, those higher penalties will be adopted.


Continued from C3 It's not taught in medical school, but budding doctors learn quickly that specialties otherthan primary care offer higherpay,greaterstature and shorter hours, not to mention the increased ability to pay off their educational debt. Last year, the median income forprimary-care doctors was about $212,840, compared with $384,467 for specialists, according to a survey by the Medical Group Management Association, w h ich t r a cks physician compensation. Students who p u rsue a medical degree must commit 11 years to classroom study and hands-on training, noted Fiona Nicholson, a fourth-year student at UT-Southwestern. She picked ob-gyn after sampling other specialties and finding that caring for women's health was the best fit. "You've got to love what you do," she stressed. Dr. Daniel Podolsky, president of UT-Southwestern, said it is not the medical school's job to produce a specific kind of doctor. The school does not broach theissue of physician shortages of any kind. "Of course, our students hear about it," he said."They're

Sweet said the purpose of the project is to help Cascade Natural Gas, which serves a portion of Central Oregon, save a certain amount of therms in 2012 so it can meet goals set with th e Energy Trust. Right now, he said Cascade is a little behind. Natural gas is measured intherms, which r e presents h eating value. "We're coming in full-force. It's a huge goal," Sweet said. "We're trying to reduce 10,000 therms of n atural gas f or Cascade."

Energy Trust pays for the free items. Th e n o nprofit

ing to hire even with the worries about what's going in Washington," Harris said. If the budget impasse can not be resolved this month, however, it is likely that jobs growth w il l w e aken early next year, he added. "The fiscal cliff is a very dangerous game," he said. Indeed, other economists remained cautious about the jobs outlook. "It's not something to get too excited about," said Nigel Gault, chief U.S. economist for IHS Global Insight "The number is 146,000 and the average so far this year is 151,000. We're pretty much in line with what we've been dolng. Gault s a i d Hurr i cane

Sandy's impact may have been seen in c onstruction, where the number of j obs fell by 20,000, as well as in manufacturing. The l abor p a r t icipation rate, which represents the proportion of the adult population that is either employed or actively looking for work, remains very low by historical standards. At 63.6 percent in November, Gault said, it was just 0.1 percent above the low point for the current economic cycle, which was reached in August 2012. "We're not at t h e p o int in which the jobs market is strong enough to pull discouraged workers back into the labor market," he said.

more residency training spots are needed. A residency is the three- to eight-year period of intense medical training following medical school graduation. It usually takes place in a hospital under a physician's s upervision, f o cusing o n the specialty chosen by the

zation of family practitioners. "Medical students are free to choose whatever they want to go into, and the state has certain needs," he said. "But there is no connection between the two." Fiesinger recommends sending medical students into rural areas for a month or two during their first year of medical school. Studies suggest such experience can influence students to consider primary care. "We have to get them out of the big hospitals and into communities where we need doctors," he said. "Without them, there's going to be a huge strain on our health care system." Dr. Steven Berk, dean of the school of medicine at Texas Tech University in Lubbock, said the state needs to offer incentives for medical students who pursue basic medicine rather than subspecialties. His school started a three-

graduate. Every year in Texas, for example, about 180 of the state's newly minted doctors leave the state because there are not enough residency spots here to allow them to finish their training. At $150,000 a resident per year, it would cost an additional $12 million annually to fund such training. Podolsky suggested that the state needs to underwrite residency training t hrough some kind of partnership with health care institutions. "We're at a point now where Texas has more medical students, more or less, than it has residency slots," he said. "The

single biggest predictor of

where people will practice is where they do residencies." Morethanhalf of UT-Southwestern's most recent graduating classchose primary-care residencies Podolsky said. His definition of primary care, however, was expanded beyond basic medicine to include emergency medicine, plugged in." general surgery and all interPodolsky said hi s m edi- nal medicine residencies, even cal school must serve many though most internists end up missions, producing not only selecting subspecialties, such primary-caredoctors but also as cardiology and oncology. medical researchers and cerMany other medical schools tain subspecialists that are in take a similarly passive apshort supply. proach to meeting the need for "We're doing our job by primary-care doctors. "Traditionalmedicalschools giving people a superb medical education," Podolsky said. haven't paid attention to what "They make the choices of kinds of doctors they prowhat their career paths are." duce," said Dr. Troy Fiesinger, Podolsky suggested that president of the Texas organi-

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agency is funded by a surcharge paid by customers of Portland General Electric, Pacific Power, NW Natural and Cascade Natural Gas. Energy DIET also receives commissions from contractors who make energy improvements to the homes.

"We've got guys ready and

lots of availability next week," Sweet said. "We're ready to

go. — Reporter: 541-617-7818, rrees@bendbulletin.com

year program last year for students willing to commit to family practice. The program promises to cut their medical school tuition costs in half. "We're very carefully picking the right students," Berk said of the nine enrolled so far. "These students tend to be more mature, older and pursuing a second career in health care. "They come from small towns, and that's why they want to be a doctor in the first

place." Most important, students pursuing family practice are taught the Ioy of provrdrng continuity of care for their patients, Berk said. "They're the kind of doctor," he said, "who wants to see the patient again in a month or a year."

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Name Last Chg Wkly Biorime 3.28 -.06 -.31 ComstTR 5.81 -.05 -.07 Gastar grs .90 +.01 -.09 InovioPhm .48 -.03 -.04 Neuralstem t16 -.03 -.09 PlatspMet .94 -.02 -.04 Timmins g 3.08 +.04 r n BlkMUIT2U17.39 -.16 -.21 cornerststr 6.41 -.01 -.05 GenMoly 3s4 -.21 Intellichk d.62 -.00 -.09 Nevsun g 4.13 +.04 +.08 PolyMet g .91 -.02 -.00 Tompk>ns 38.55 -.44 AbdAsPac 7 91 +01 +01 BlkMunvst n 65 -17 -.22 CrSuislnco 402 +03 +.07 GeoGlo bl R .06 -.01 -.01 IntTower g d212 +.02 - 01 NewEnsys 50 -04 +01 ProlorBio 489 +03 • s7 Trnsatlpet d.75 -.02 -.u AbdAustEq1039 -02 +06 AbdnCh<le 14.75 -.16 -.15 Abdslblnc 14.01 +.20 +.09 AbdnEMTel 20.46 -.17 -.02 Abdnlndo 13 89 +.19 +.14 AbdnLatA 3549 +32 n 04 Acquity n 5 99 +01 -28 AdvPhot d.47 -.01 -.04 Adventrx .61 -.01 -.01 Alexcos g 3.67 +.14 -.06 AlldNevG 30.92 +.19 -1.63 AlmadnM g 3.09 -.08 +.33 AlphaPro 139 +01 -03 AmApparel 98 -03 AmDGEn 2 21 +.01 ts5 AmLorain t26 +.02 -.04 Aox>ngPh d.22 +.02 t.01 Argan u19.00 -.05 +.39

Atlatsas g 16 i01 Augustag 2 33 + 09 -14 Aunzon g d3 73 +19 +09 Avalnsare t29 -.01 -s2 Av>noss g t75 -.05 -.10 Bactenn dt24 +.06 BakerM 18 89 -.20 -s6 Ballanly d3 25 i 02 i 0 7 Banro g 3 n - n - 2 1 BarcUBS36 42 06 -.24 -.42 Barcsso<l 20.56 -.10 -.71 Brclnd>aTR 59.58 -.49 +.47

Blks&PQEq11.80 -.05 -.08 CrSuiHiY 3.17 -.04 Bnguss g 95 -.01 -08 Crosshrg 12 BriNTob 105 01 i38 -.42 CubicEngy 30 I:AMAC En .61 -.01 -.04 DejourEg .23 +.03 Carderog d46 +01 -.01 DelaMN2 1552 -08 CardiumTh 21 -.01 -.01 DenisnM g 1.14 -.01 I:astlesr .28 -.02 -.01 Docusec 2.60 -.05 Celsci . 3 0+.01 -.04 DQMu n 20 -14 CFCdag 22.82 i.34 -12 EV CAMU12s9 -.11 CentGold g65.20 -.05 -1.49 EV LtdDur 16.76 -.02 CenSe 19 32 + 15 +.07 EVMuniBd1481 -23 Chen>e retn 17.59 -.41 +.79 EvMune 14.18 -.02 Chen>ereE20.75 +.05 -.10 EV NYMu 1466 -08 ChiArmMt 40 - 02 • 01 Elephralk 1.30 +.04 ChisotanP d.37 -.05 -.08 EllswthFd 7.09 +.07 CheengM .41 +.01 +.00 eMag>n 3.27 +.05 ChiMarFd 85 - 08 -.06 Emrldo rs 495 -09 ChinaPhH .24 -.00 -.05 EntGmgrs 2.02 +.02 Ch<nashen 36 - 01 +.01 Entreesold 43 +01 Chrmcft .50 -.03 EurasnM g 2.04 -.03 Claudes g d.57 -.02 -.01 EvolPetrol 7.95 +.03 CloughGA 1309 +03 -.03 Exetersgs (I1 19 -01 CloughGLq12.29 +.03 -.06 FA6 Uav 3.82 +.n ClghGlbop 11.00 -.01 -.03 FTEgylnco3022 -09 comndsec 160 -02 +.01 Forlunel .15 -.01 ComstkMn 2.20 -.04 FrkSIPrp 11.80 -.02 ConsEP 1.29 +.04 FrTmpLtd 14.1 5 +.03 Contangod3839 i 19 -.60 GamsldNR 1300 i 02 CornstProg 5.29 +.06 GascoEngy .11

-.02 Geoknet<cs .31 +.01 -.01 GeoPetm .07 -.01 + 02 GigOptics t84 -03 -17 +.03 Glowpont dt96 +.10 -.01 Goldssv g 2.70 -.02 -.60 +.02 GoldResrc 1636 -.03 +.50 -.10 Goldstdjt g 1.38 +.12 -.26 GoldenM<n 4.16 + 04 +17 -.24 Goldstr g 1.79 t.04 -.03 -18 GldFld 1 . 84 -.05 t.01 -.14 GormanR 28s0 +13 +27 02 Grahamsp 18.69 +.72 - 24 GranTrra g 5.65 -.01 -.10 +.t2 GtPansilvg 1.65i01 -07 GreenHntr t73 +.04 -.14 -08 Gugrront 19.56 +.07 +.32 -s6 Hemisphrx .73 -06 -04 -.04 HooperH .46 +.07 -.02 HstnAEn .54 -00 -02 -.04 IGI Labs 1.02 -.01 -.03 +05 IQHdgMNt 25.15 +.01 +.20 -.07 ishUKSC bt 30.59 +02 +32 +.46 ishserSCbt29.86 -.12 -.12 -45 ishMorMlbt2647 -.04 -.02 -.04 iBio .69 -02 -04 +.25 ImmunoCII 2.03 -.13 -.19 +.21 ImpacMtg 15.05 +.32 +.30 -.32 Impoilgs 4319 -72 + 51 -.01 Ind<aGC .15 -.00 -.01

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The Bulletin



xemtive sessions Bfe excesslve


BETSYMecooL Gottoott BLnrtt


Chairaomnn Palllu Iter

Fditur in-Clnrf Editor foE tetorials



ot everything that happens behind closed doors at the Bend City Council should be behind closed dool"s. This week the council held an executive session about a real estate transaction. Later, during the regular open session, the council voted on several items. One was a 6-0 vote to approve the reassignment of the lease of the Cessna property at the airport to Aircraft Manufacturers' RE, LCC — it's the company that owns Epic Aircraft, formerly Epic Air. We don't doubt that the council believes it's a good deal. Epic Aircraft is hiring and growing. It's no secret that it's owned by a Russian holding company and moving into buildingmore FAA-certifiedplanes. But there was no public discussion. The matter was not on the agenda. Councilor Mark Capell invited an Epic official to speak. He declined. The council voted. There are all sorts of things that can be legally discussed during executive session. Real estate transactions are one. Possible or pending litigation. Some personnel matters. The media is allowed to sit in but not report on the meetings, unless it's something that shouldn't be in executive session. In Bend, when a company is interested in getting a contract with the city for a real estate transaction, representati ves ofthe company are often invited into executive session for an exclusive chance to sell themselves. It's always a sales pitch. Some make a hardsell. One company brought in enough employees to line the wall. There have even been Powerpoint presentations for the council's eyes only. A company wants a contract with the city. It has made an offer. The company is doing its best to put a shiny spin on who works there,

the future of the company and how they are a good choice. We have never heard a company reveal more than what a marketing director would tell you. No recipes for the secret sauce are exchanged. Councilors also do their best to be welcoming. They don't ask questions so penetrating that companies blanch at answering. Companies benefit. It's nice to be behind closed doors and get to say what they want directly to decision-makers. And, understandably, private companies do treasure their privacy. Councilors benefit. It's expedient.They can get an overview of the contract from staff, bring in the company for a presentation and then decide what to do with their votes. When we asked Mayor Jeff Eager and City Manager Eric King about those executive sessions, though,they both agreed the council should look at how it handles them. Here's a suggestion: Instead of holding the company presentations behind closed doors, the council should hold them in open session. If therearetrade secretsorothermat ters that the company does not feel comfortable answeringpublicly, the council can decide if it is necessary to go into executive session and seek answers behind closed doors. Oregon's open meetings laws aren't about expediency or convenience. The fundamental premise is that anydoubts in interpretingthem should be resolved in favor of providing the public with information. That's not what Bend does in some executive sessions.

From the Archives the system. This has also been displeasing to many in the fact, that in ordertobe considered formembership, freshman have been required to declare their desire to "make" Deferred fraternity a fraternity and to relinquish any right to college dormitory housmembership ing. Those who have not been "bid" At the University of Oregon a have found themselves without development of much social signifi- quarters and in the unpleasant cance and with a bearing as well position as well of having been on the handling of student hous- unfavorably passed upon. For one ing isannounced by the Emerald, reason or the other, students in this the undergraduate newspaper, in situtation have not infrequently relation to admission to Greek let- decided against continuing at the ter societies. Freshmen, it is noted, school of their choice. while still eligible for pledging, will The new plan ... should be the be required to spend their first year answer to such problems ... Pledgin living quarters other than those ing throughoutthe year, on a bawhich the fraternities provide. sis of better and more thorough Heretofore, as we understand acquaintance, elimination of the the situation, virtually all invita- shadow cast by failure, (and) untions to prospective members have diminished security in the matter been extended in the first week of of living accommodations are the the fall term of college. Hasty ap- results which are reasonably to be praisal of individuals by the frater- expected. nities and equally hasty appraisal M any adults may v iew t h e of fraternities by the individuals whole matter as rather trivial. We has been a necessary feature of do not consider it so.

Editor's note:The following editorial from Nov. 17, 1948, doesnot necessarilyreflect the views ofThe Bulletin's editorial board today.




Employee ownership of businesses is a recipe for continuing success IN MY VIEW

n-Link,have mentored other companies on the merits of transitioning retirement in the coming years. to ESOPs. Over the next 10 to 15 years, more Employee-owned companies are than 5 million businesses with an- more likely to remain in-state, stay nual revenues ranging from $1 mil- in businesslonger and grow faster. lion to $75 million that were founded Studies gathered by the National in the U.S. will change hands or be Center for E mployee Ownership for and seen many companies nega- closed. These baby boomer business show impressive results. Productivtively impacted by selling to a com- owners will be reaching retirement ity improves by 4 percent on averpetitor or private equity firm. If only age and will begin to think about age in the year an ESOP is adopted, these owners knew the benefits of liquidity and their legacy. Even if ESOP companies show 8.8 percent selling to their employees through they are not sold, companies withhigher sales per year than other an Employee Stock Ownership Plan out succession plans may just close. firms in the same industry and same (ESOP) that would achieve their Studies show that 30 percent of fam- size, and S corporation ESOPs had objectives of cashing out while also ilybusinesses succeed tothe second job growth of 20 percent between preserving their legacy and a better generation and only 33 percent of 2001-2011, while employment at othfuture for their employees. I have owners have a succession plan. er companies remained flat. seen, first hand, that employeeln Oregon there are more than Employees do better too: Workers owners provide better service for 8,800 midsize businesses (with be- at ESOP companies have retirement customers, while building wealth, tween 20 and 500 employees), with accounts that are 2.2 times greater entrepreneurshipand retirement se- more than 455,000 jobs and an annu- than a t c o m parable, non-ESOP curity for themselves. al payroll of almost $16 billion. These companies. In recent years, n-Link In 2009, n-Link became 100 per- jobs and millions of dollars in payroll has contributedas much as 25 percent owned by its ESOP. The sale could be saved and grown in Oregon centperyear ofeach employee's salof my remaining stock to the ESOP by selling to an ESOP, not sold and ary to his or her retirement account. was the most rewarding thing I have moved to another state or country. These contributions are based on done in my career. 1 remain CEO of States that have been proactive profitability, giving our employeen-Link, and every day I am remind- to avert the potential losses of these owners a powerful incentive to ined of the value employee-ownership companies and jobs have created novate and succeed. creates for our company, for our employee ownership p r o grams. Oregon'seconomic development customers andfor our 150 employ- Ohio's program, which is the oldest officials can help preserve jobs, imees in Bend and across the United and most extensive, offers education prove company performance and States and in South Korea. and technical assistance on ESOPs, build community wealth in Oregon In addition to being a good busi- provides succession planning guid- by reaching out to Oregon businessness model fo r t h e c o m pany's ance and publicizes the federal tax es about how they can sell to their sustainability and growth, encour- incentives for ESOPs. Vermont, lnemployees and achieve their goals agement of ESOPs is a good busi- diana and Iowa also have employee for liquidity and legacy. ness retention policy for the state of ownership programs that promote — Sandra Green is the CEO of n-Link Oregon. This is particularly true as ESOPs. In addition, Pacific NorthCorporation, headquartered in Bend. baby boomer business owners reach west ESOP companies, including She livesin Tumalo. By Sandra Green founded n-Link Corporation, an information technology services company doing business with federal agencies, in October 1995 with the vision of creating an employee-owned company. Over my 30-plus year career, I have worked


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After election, Republican Party is changing for the better en. Marco Rubio won the Jack Kemp F o undation's L e adership Award earlier this week. In his speech acceptingthe award, he sketched out his Republican vision. Some of the policies he mentioned were pretty conventional for someone of his party: limiting regulations, approving the Keystone XL Pipeline. Some were less conventional, at least as the Republican Party has recently defined itself: creating more community health centers, investing in more teacher training, embracing Pell grants. But the speech really began to sing toward the end. Rubio made an oblique rebuttal to some of the Republican gaffes during the campaign: "Some say that our problem is that the American peoplehave changed. That too many people want things from government. But I am convinced

that the overwhelming majority of our people just want what my parents had: a chance." Then herecalled an episode: "Iw as giving a speech at a fancy hotel in New York City. When 1 arrived at the banquet hall, I was approached by a group of three uniformed employees from the hotel's catering department. They had seen my speech at the Republican convention, where I told the story of my father the banquet bartender. And they had a gift for me. They presented me with this name tag, which says, "Rubio, Banquet Bartender." As he was telling this story, Rubio motioned to some of the service staff at the Kemp dinner. They stopped to listen to him. nIt all starts with our people," Rubio continued. "In the kitchens of our hotels. In the landscaping crews that work in our neighborhoods. In the



late-night janitorial shifts that clean our offices. There you will find the dreams America was built on. There you will find the promise of tomorrow. Their journey is our nation's destiny. And if they can give their children what ourparents gave us,the 21st-century America will be the single greatest nation that man has ever known." People at the dinner say that there was a hushed silence for a second as Rubio concluded with this refrain. Then a roaring ovation swelled and filled the room. The Republican Party has a long way to go before it revives itself as a majority party. But that speech signi-

fies a moment in that revivaL And I would say the past month has marked a moment. Over the past month, the Republican Party has changed far more than 1 expected. First, the people at the ideological extremes of the party have begun to self-ghettoize. The tea party movement attracted many people who are drawn to black-and-white certainties and lock-step unity. People like that have a tendency to migrate from mainstream politics, which is inevitably messy and impure, to ever more marginal oases of purity. There has even been some shifting of economic values, or at least in how the partypresents those values. The other speaker at the Kemp dinner was Rep. Paul Ryan, who spoke about how to alleviate poverty. He didn't abandon any of his fundamental beliefs, but he framed those beliefs in a more

welcoming way andopened up room for growth and new thinking. The obligations to combat poverty, Ryan said, are beyond dispute. "The real debate is how best we can meet them," he said. "It's whether they are better met by privategroups or by government — by voluntary action or by government action. The truth is, there has to be a balance. Government must act for the common good, while leaving private groups free to do the work that only they can do." The Republicans may still blow it. lf President Barack Obama is flexible and they don't meet him partway, Republicans would contribute to a recession that would discredit them for a decade. But they are moving in the right direction and moving fast. These arefirststeps, and encouraging ones. — David Brooks is a columnist for The New York Times.



Ore on ans illnetson Colum ia By Jonathan J. Cooper The Associated Press

DEATH N O T I CE S Mary Virginia Foote, of Bend Mar. 22, 1921 - Dec. 4, 2012 Arrangements: Niswonger-Reynolds Funeral Home, 541-382-2471 www.niswonger-reynolds.com

Services: A memorial service is being planned at a later date. Contributions may be made to:

Marine Toys for Tots Foundation Gift Processing Administrator, 18251 Quantico Gateway Drive, Triangle, VA 22172.

Merle Fredriok Story, of Salem Passed Away Dec. 4, 2012 Arrangements: Virgil T. Golden Funeral Services, in Salem, Oregon, 1-503-364-2257 Services: Viewing and coffee reception will be held at Golden's on Tuesday, December 11, 2012, from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. Services will follow at 10 a.m. Interment with military honors will be at Willamette National Cemetery, in Portland, Oregon, at1 p.m. on December 11, 2012.

Vera Mae Hampton, of La Pine Passed Away Dec. 1, 2012 Arrangements: Deschutes Memorial Chapel, (541)382-5592;

www.deschutesmemorialchape I.com

Services: Mrs. Vera Hampton has requested no formal services.

Obituary policy Death Notices are free and will be run for one day, but specific guidelines must be followed. Local obituaries are paid advertisements submitted by families or funeralhomes. They may be submitted by phone, mail, email or fax. The Bulletin reserves the right to edit all submissions. Please include contact information in all correspondence. For information on any of these services or about the obituary policy, contact 541-617-7825. Deadlines: Death Notices are accepted until noon Monday through Friday for next-day publication and by 4:30 p.m. Friday for Sunday and Monday publication. Obituaries must be received by 5 p.m. MondaythroUgh Thursday for publication on the second day after submission, by 1 p.m. Fridayfor Sunday or Monday publication, and by 9a.m. Mondayfor Tuesday publication. Deadlines for display ads vary; please call for details. Phone: 541-617-7825 Email: obits©bendbulletin.com Fax: 541-322-7254 Mail: Obituaries P.O. Box 6020 Bend, OR 97708

Lonalee Hamlin August 29, 1929 - Nov. 23, 2012 L onalee w a s bo r n i n Portland, OR, daughter of Lonner R. Pugh and Mary Nickerson Pugh. She m et George Hamlin at O r egon S tate U n i v ersity i n S e p t ember 1 947. T h e y m a r ried in June 1948. Lonalee worked f o r O SU as a schedule cl e rk w hile George went t o g r a d uate s chool. They b ot h g r a d ua ted fro m O S U i n 1 9 6 4 , Lonalee with a bachelor of a rts d e gree a n d G e o r g e with a masters in agriculture engineering. They have two daughters, M ary o f Re d m o nd , O R , and Lonalee Jr . o f P o c atello, ID; one granddaughter, Lisa of Redmond, two g randsons o f B e n d , o n e grandson of Pocatello, one grandson of Monticello, NJ a long w i t h si x gr ea t grandchildren also in New Jersey. L onalee e n j o ye d m a n y things - t ravel, w r i t i n g , h iking, v o l u n teering f o r helping farm workers, 4-H clubs in cooking and sewi ng, and a s a d e a con f o r E piscopal Church i n R e d m ond. M e m o r ia l s e r v i c e will be held this summer.


Lescher was agent for range of authors By Paul Vitello New York Times News Service

Robert Lescher, a literary agent and steward to the works of a wide array of distinguished 20th-century authors, including Robert Frost, Isaac Bashevis Singer and Alice B. Toklas, died Nov. 28 in New Milford, Conn. He was 83. His death was confirmed by his wife, Susan. Lescher epitomized a kind of Old World ideal of author's agent — courtly, literary and invisible — reflecting both his nature and his wealth of contacts in the book world, where he began his career as an editor and something of a w u nderkind. He was named editor in chief at Henry Holt & Co. before he was 25. At Holt he worked with a stable of stars that included Frost, Toklas and Wolcott Gibbs. His relationship with Toklas, the life companion and confidante of Gertrude Stein, was particularlyclose:He exchanged ideas and notes with her for fiveyears as he helped her shape "What Is Remembered," her 1963 autobiography. (It was the second of two "autobiographies" with which Toklas was associated, the first being Stein's deadpan 1933 memoir titled "The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas," which was mainly about Stein.) When Lescher began his literary agency in 1965, his reputation for aesthetic insight and painstaking attentiveness to writers made him highly sought after. "He was meticulous with writers' work," Calvin Trillin, one of Lescher's first clients, said in an interview on Dec. 4. AIIuding to Irving (Swifty) Lazar — Lescher's stylistic opposite in the field — Trillin once dedicated a book to "Robert 'Slowy' Lescher." Other clients included Frances F i tzGerald, B e njamin Spock, PaulaFox, Madeleine L'Engle, Andrew Wyeth and Georgia O'Keeffe. Isaac Bashevis Singer, having served as his own agent for many years, hired Lescherin 1972,sixyears before Singer would receive the Nobel Prize in Literature. When Lescher asked him why he thought he needed an agent, Singer's reply evinced both the writer's humor and the agent's clout. "You know, in the old days, when I wanted to reach Mr. Straus," Singer said, referringto Roger Straus of Farrar, Straus & Giroux, "I'd call him and he took my call. Now, I call and the secretary says, 'He's on the phone with Mr. Solzhenitsyn.'" Robert Paul Lescher was born on March 31, 1929, in Bellingham, Wash., one of four children of Elias and Daisy Lescher. He grew up in Seattle, where his father was a court stenographer. He g r aduated from Wesleyan University in Connecticut after spending his senior year studying literature at the Sorbonne in Paris and was hired by Holt in 1950. Lescher's first marriage, to Mary Cantwell, who was an essayist and editorial writer for The New York Times, ended in divorce.Besides his second wife, the former Susan Corridan, his survivors include two daughters, Katherine and Margaret Lescher,from his first marriage, and a daughter, Susannah Lescher, from his second marriage. He isalso survived by a granddaughter and two sisters.

DEATHS ELSEWHERE Deaths of note from around the world: John Silva, 92: Television e ngineer who w o n E m m y Awards for creating helicopter news coverage in 1958. Died Nov. 27 in Camarillo, Calif. — From wire reports


P ORTLAND — T h e O r egon Fish and Wildlife Commission voted Friday to ban the use of gillnets to catch fish on the main stem of the Columbia River, relegating the primary commercial-fishing tool to side channels and tributaries. W ashington's f is h c o m mission is scheduled to decide soon on similar rules, eliminating the centuries-old practice from both sides of the river. The gillnet ban was pushed by Oregon Gov. John Kitzhaber, who hopes to mediate a longstanding conflict between commercial and r ecreational f i shers w h i l e transitioning to new methods of commercial fishing. Recreational fishers say gillnets are harmful to the recovery of endangered salmon. The proposal has infuriated commercial fishers, who say it'll be impossible for them to earn a living by fishing only in the limited areas where they'll be allowed to use gillnets. They say the proposed new fishing gear won't work and see the move as a ploy by recreational fishers to eliminate competition for strictly limited fish harvests. "Main-stem fishing should not be taken away because

greedy people want more," Matthew Evans, a gillnetter from Astoria, told the commission. "There's a lot of peo-

ple out of work, and I don't want to be one of them." First used by Native American fisherslong before the Lewis and Clark expedition charted the Pacific Northw est, gillnets are still t h e primary method of commercial fishing on the Columbia.

They snag fish by the gills, preventing them from breaking free. Critics say the nets are cruel to fish and kill thousands of endangered salmon. "Protecting and e n hancing our wild steelhead and salmon benefits commercial fishers, recreational anglers, the public at large, and, most importantly, the fish," said Dave Schamp, chairman of the C oastal C o nservation Association's operations in Oregon. Kitzhaber's proposal was advanced a f ter S c h amp's organization gathered signatures to ban gillnets altogether on the Oregon side of the river. Kitzhaber said he was committed to improving economic benefits for commercial and recreational fishers alike. He viewed the ban as part of a larger strategy that includes increasing the availability of hatchery salmon returning to side channels and legalizing alternativegear for commercial fishing. In a letter to the commission Friday, Kitzhaber acknowledged that a lot must go right for his plan to work

and asked the commission to consider backing off if shared e conomic b e n efits do n ' t materialize. Washington i s s t u dying a lternative fishing gear t o see whether itis safer for endangered fish. The mostt outed method i s a p u r s e seine, which encircles fish in the river then is pulled shut at the bottom to trap them. With fish still in the water, fishers can sort out endangered fish and set them free. Gillnetters say seines require larger boats and may not be profitable on the Columbia or will concentrate the catch in the hands of a few fishers with extensive experience and money to buy new equipment. Seines are illegal in Oregon, but the Legislature is expected to consider legalizing them next year. "As a sport fisherman, I appreciatethe increased opportunity to catch more fish, and as a conservationist, I thank you for giving the fish a better shot at survival for the next generations," Wallace Beck, of McMinnville, told commissioners. "These fish belong to no one, and at the same time they belong to all of us." About 200 gillnetters are active on the Columbia, many of them from families that have been commercially fishing for generations. Kitzhaber has r equested money to increase hatchery fish in areas where gillnetters

would be allowed to operate, and to help them weather the economic consequences. But gillnetters remained unconvinced, saying there's not enough money to make it work. "We're not fighting for a job or a livelihood," said Joe Parker, a third-generation gillnetter from Astoria. "We're fighting for a way of life." Fish recovery plans allocate a certain number of endangered fish that can be impacted by fish harvests. Such limits are divided between tribal, commercial and recreational fisheries. The rules would steadily decrease limits allocated for commercial fisheries and increase the allocations for recreational fisheries. They also would require r ecreational fishers t o u s e un b a rbed hooks. Tribal fisheries are not affected by the proposed new rules. Commercial f i shers s ay they're catching fish for consumers, so the commission's action will limit the public's access to valued fish originating upriver. The commission also voted to prohibit the retention of white sturgeon b eginning in 2014 because of declining populations — a m ove the several sport-fishing guides s aid would harm t heir i n come. Sport fishers will be allowed to retain one white sturgeon next year.

Green retirementhighriseoffers Man found amenitiesfor aging population guilty in plot to kill grandson's father

By Eric Mortenson The Oregonian

PORTLAND — The first clues that M i r abella Portland is a d ifferent kind of retirement home are in the basement. That's where 85-year-old Bob Ivey keeps his stash of madrone, koa an d c h erry chunks f o r wo o dworking projects. The r etired CPA brought his lathes, sander, router, clamps, drill p r ess and saws with him when he and his wife, Barbara, moved in shortly after the building


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opened two years ago. The M i rabella m anagement didn't just tolerate his h obby, it i n volved him i n planning the woodshop layout during construction in Portland's South Waterfront District. Now he's teaching other residents to make decorative wooden bowls and other projects. The shop is adjacent to the building's underground parking, where a lift system stacks four cars in the space of two. The system saves room and gives nod to the fact that residents don't often need cars. When they do, attendants retrieve them from the stacks. Off to one side is a rack of colorful kayaks. Marketing director Adam Payn, in perfect deadpan, says Mirabella is thought to be the first retirement center in the country with resident kayak parking. Along one wall is a rack for golf bags. It was one of the early projects of the group that uses the woodshop. They also made more than 100 bookends for the Mirabella Library on the ground floor, which features a gas fireplace, comfy chairs and 6,500 titles donated by residents. The volunteer organizer, Linda McCammon, was librarian at two elementary schools in the David Douglas School District in east Portland. There's more — bicycle parking, art studio, auditorium, exercise gym and pool — and it represents a new frontier of retirement living. An estimated 10,000 baby boomers will turn 65 every day for the next 17 years and many of them, true to their generational nature, aren't about to shuffle off to the old folks' home. For those with the health and energy — and the means

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Beth NakamuraIThe Oregonian

Mirabella, right, is a retirement high rise in the South Waterfront neighborhood of Portland. It has four restaurant options, a wood shop, art studio, library, gym, pool and more.

architectural firm A n k r om Moisan, has won five design awards and is th e w orld's first LEED-Platinum certified Continuing Care Retirement Community, or CCRC. Yet it retains the age-inplace assurance many older people are looking for. As age and circumstance dictate, residents can move from independent apartment, to assisted living, to a "memory care" Alzheimer's wing. Residentsrecovering from hip replacement surgeryor a heart attack, for example, can rehab in a 44-bed skilled nursing unit on the second floor. T he a r r angement a n d "strategic location" appealed to Ron and Muriel Mendonca, who were the second couple to move in when the building opened in 2010. "Four years' worth of planning," says Ron Mendonca, a retired high school physics teacher and accountant. "We don't have any children, and we decided we'd better take care of ourselves." It wasn't a decision made lightly. Moving into Mirabella or any other retirement community means giving up a — a more engagingtype of home and decades ofindepenretirement living is emerging. dence. Many seniors dread a M irabella Portland i s a slow fade from vibrancy. "That's the b iggest fear striking example: 220 apartm ents i n a 30 - story s a - people have in leaving their lute to new u rbanism and home," Ron Mendonca says. sustainability. The building, Intheir case, stayingbusy is designed by t h e P o r tland medicine. Muriel Mendonca,

a former elementary school teacher and hospital volunteer services coordinator,chairs the Programs and Social Activities Committee. The group puts on lectures, trips, recitals and other events, an average of 16 programs per month. The building has a residents' council and 14 committees, and hums with the intellectual firepower brought to bear by the retired doctors, lawyers, artists, accountants and educators who live there.

Keeping up is a delightful challenge, resident Bruce Howard says as he pedals an exercise bike and reads a Spanish Civil War novel on his iPad. "The other people here are very interesting, very stimu-

lating," he says. Howard jokes that h e 's "just a small town dermatologist" who's outranked by two other retired dermatologists he's met at Mirabella — one a former hospital department head, the other a former medicalschool professor. He and hi s w i fe, Olga, moved to Oregon from Colorado to be closer to a son in Lake Oswego, and c hose Mirabella over a retirement facility in McMinnville. "The pull was we've never lived in a large city before," he says. Ivey, whose tools equip the woodshop, says he's become much more social than he was when living at home.

The Associated Press BAKER CITY — A n Ontario man has been sentenced to 11 years in prison for a plot the prosecution said involved turning his garage into a death chamber for the teenager who fathered his grandson. The sentence Thursday comes after Lester Earl Reger, 62, was convicted of attempted aggravated murder and other charges. He was accused of plotting with his wife and two other people to kill Ramon Fry, then 19, of Garden Valley, Idaho. Shot in the head and back,the community college student e scaped and survived. Fry said he had been married to the Regers' daughter and was returning the child after a visitation in February under terms o f t h e i r d i v o rce settlement. The prosecution said the garage was lined with plastic sheets to hide evidence, and a vehicle was readied to remove the body. "In 26 years of violence, v ery f e w t h i n g s h a v e s cared me a s m uc h a s walking into that garage that night," said Malheur County District Attorney Dan Norris. "It was a death chamber." Reger faked an arm injury, concealed a gun in the sling, and asked Fry to pick up three pieces of wood from beneath a workbench, Fry told investigators. "I knew s o m ething wasn't right," Fry testified at the trial held in Baker County. "And I heard this pop. It w a s t h e l o udest noiseI'veever heard in my life." He said Reger took a swing, the sling came off, revealing the weapon, and he ran. Investigators said Reger got off another shot. Fry said doctors found the first bullet wedged under his skin at the base of his skull. Norris said an attempt to improvise a h ollow-point bullet left it with too little mass to penetrate Fry's skull. Fry said the second bullet remains lodged near his kidney because removing it would threaten his life.




F O R ECAST Maps and national forecast provided by Weather Central LP ©2012.

Today: Partly cloudy but dry.



A dry day, partly

Tonight:A few gusty winds overnight, temperatures

to mostly cloudy, cool CHANNE

cioudy skies.

sti l l above average.


WEST Mostly cloudy with a few morning showers, Snpw above 2,500 feet,

Asto r i a > x x x x xxxxxxxx

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City Precipitationvaluesare24-hour totals through4 p.m.

3 32/I

• BurrlS Riley

36 I22

Yesterday's state extremes

Jordan Valley 32/34

Frenchglen 37/20


• 55'

40/1 4



• 43/35•



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• 17'


• Lakeview 39Q3

al ls 4 0/24 ~

Astoria ........50/46/0.31 ....47/36/sh.....48/42/sh Baker City......39/22/0.00....35/14/sn.....32/23/pc Brookings.... not availahle....54/42/pc.....56/46/pc Burns..........37/20/0.00.....34/14/c.....34/19/pc Eugene....... 49/42/trace....46/35/sh.....45/39/pc KlamathFalls .. 41/18/000 ....40/24/c ... 40/23/s Lakeview.......41/19/0.00 ...39/23/pc.....39/24/pc La Pine........39/25/0.00....35/20/pc.....38/24/pc Medford.......38/30/0.00.....43/35/c.....45/33/pc Newport....... 52/45/0.14....48/36/sh.....49/42/sh North Bend.....52/45/0.05.....51/40/c.....54/42/pc Ontario........44/27/0.00.....42/21/c.....36/23/pc Pendleton..... 50/40/trace.....43/26/c......42/31/c Portland ....... 49/45/0.05....45/35/sh...... 44/41lr Prineville.......43/25/0.00.....35/25/c.....42/27/pc Redmond.......46/24/0.00.....38/24/c.....40/27/pc Rosehurg.......49/37/0.00.....48/37/c......51/40/c Salem ....... 49/44/0 05 ...47/34/sh ...46/39/sh Sisters.........46/22/0.00....36/23/sn......41/24/c The Dages..... 53/33/trace.....46/30/c......43/35/c




• Brookings




40/17 ~



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24/1 7

• 87o 3



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' Halifax 4 0/4 0 ton 49/3 9

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Devils Lake, N.D

• 1.75 w

Gty wo 43/12•

Louisville, Ky. • I.as

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Charlotte 69/50




70S —



Houstoo2+v iv 75/57 • 82/64 e

Chihuahua 73/35


lando 1/63

xxxx Miami


Anchorag 24/21


La Paz 81/53

Mazatlan ~a t /63









<' e.

Light snowfall will return.





43 26

37 23



Tomorrow Rise Set Mercury....5:45 a.m...... 3:26 p.m. Venus......5:14 a.m...... 3:05 p.m. Mars.......9:41 a.m...... 6:30 p.m. Jupiter......3 52 p m...... 6 58 a.m. Satum......3:58 a.m...... 2;29 p.m. Uranus.....1:00 p.m...... I:17 a.m.

Yesterday's weather through 4 p.m. inBend High/Low.............. 41/28 24 hours endmg 4 p.m.*. . 0.00" Record high........ 61 in 1959 Month to date.......... 0.40" Recordlow......... -5in1956 Average monthtodate... 0.53"

Average high.............. 40 Year to date............ 8.09" Average low .............. 23 Average year to date..... 9.69" Barometricpressureat 4 p.m30.04 Record24 hours ...0.95 in1933 *Melted liquid equivalent



for solar at noon.

Snow accumulation in inches

1 L 0

ROAD CONDITIONS Snow level androadconditions representing conditions at 5 p.m. yesterday. Key:TT. = Traction Tires. Pass Conditions 1-5 at Siskiyou Summit........ Carry chains or T. Tires 1-84 at Cabbage Hill....... .. . Carry chains or T. Tires

Ski area Last 24 hours Base Depth Anthony Lakes ...... . . . . . . . . 0 -0 . . .no report H oodoo..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 . . . . . . . . 2 6 Mt. Ashland...... . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0.. . . . .23-46 Mt. Bachelor..... . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . .45-61 Mt. Hood Meadows..... . . . . . . 6 . . . . . . . . 41 Mt. Hood Ski Bowl..... . . . . . . 0 .0 . . .no report Timberline..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 . . . . . . . . 50

Warner Canyon....... . . . . . . . 0.0... no report Wigamette Pass ........ . . . . . 0.0...no report

Hwy. 20 at Santiam Pass...... Carry chains or T. Tires Hwy 26 at Government Camp.. Carry chains or T. Tires Hwy. 26 at Ochoco Divide..... Carry chains or T. Tires


o www m (in the 48 contiguous

Still above average, increasing cloud cover.

Aspen, Colorado...... . . . . . . . 0.0. . . . . .19-20 Mammoth Mtn., California..... 0.0... . . .60-70 Park City, Utah ...... . . . . . . . . 0.0. . . . . . . . 21 Squaw Valley, California..... . .0.0.. . . . . .0-60 Sun Valley, Idaho....... . . . . . . 0.0.. . . . .11-51 Hwy. 58 at Willamette Pass.... Carry chains or T.Tires Taos, New Mexico...... . . . . . . 0.0. . . . . .11 12 Hwy. 138 at Diamond Lake.... Carry chains or T.Tires Hwy. 242 at McKenzie Pass........ Closed for season Vail, Colorado...... . . . . . . . . . . 1 .. . . . .18-20 For up-to-minute conditions turn to: For links to the latest ski conditions visit: www.skicentral.com/oregon.html www.tripcheck.com or call 511 Legend:W-weather, Pcp-precipitation, s-sun,pc-partial clouds,cclouds, h-haze,sh-showers,r-rain, t-thunderstorms,sf-snowflurries, sn-snow,i-ice,rs-rain-snowmix, w-wind, f-fog,dr-drizzle, tr-trace


e xtremes

Mostly sunny with breezy winds and above average temperatures.


Yesterday Saturday Sunday The higher the UV Index number, the greater Ski report from around the state, representing Hi/Lo/Pcp H i / Lo/W H i /Lo/Wthe need for eye and skin protection. Index is conditions at 5 p.m. yesterday:








Mostly cloudy and cool.

Valev 43/21

• Chr i stmas ValleY Silver I.ake


Pi •



• Ham ton

La P in e» " '

• si/41

41 27

Sunsettoday...... 4 27 p.m N ew First F ull Sunrise tomorrow .. 7:29 a.m Sunset tomorrow... 4:27 p.m Moonrise today....1:49 a.m Moonsettoday ....1:07 p.m Dec. 13 Dec. 19 Dec. 28

Mostly cloudy with a few mountain ntarlp snow showers.


• John DaY

k~ CreSCent • Fort Rock 36/22 %66628/14 w g 33/1 9

• Bandon


38 23

SUN AND MOON SCHEDULE Sunrisetoday...... 7:28 a.m Moon phases

26/I 4

• Brothers 35/20 •


38/18 Union

• Prineville 35/25

Redmond 38i24 oundiVer• Bend

o F lorenceuss 9 siwi y » 46/35 C cyy y y y y v



La Grande•

• Mitchell 37Q6





40/28 •

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Wa owa Pen eton 27/• i Enterprisq 43/26 • Meacham 32/10


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Lincoln Cityx' x xx 5aIe m / » xx 47/34• ss 6 xc

• Hermiston 42I26

Da g es42/30 ~Vkrlington

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44/35 ' 6'







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+ 36

W ar m Stationary Showers T-storms Rain Flurries Snow


TO P GIFT PICKS... RECEIVE 5200 OFF' any Stressless' recliner or $400 OFF select Stressless' Eagle or Wing recliners when you donate $50 to charity

• •


Yesterday Saturday Sunday Yesterday Saturday Sunday Yesterday Saturday Sunday Yesterday Saturday Sunday City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W Abilene TX......66/43/0 00...75/48/s. 59/29/pc Grandlapids....46/40/0 06..39/31/pc..42/30/rs RapidCity.......33/27/0.04...34/9/sn.. 21/I1lc Savannah.......65/52/0.00... 72/56/f. 76/58/pc Akron ..........48/41/027..50/38/sh. 54/46/sh GreenBay.......38/32/0.00..36/31/pc..37/24/rs Reno...........54/29/0.00..51/26/pc.. 45/24/s Seattle..........46/41IO 04.. 43/34/sh...45/38lr Albany..........37/22/0.13..48/33/sh.. 45/38/c Greensboro......50/45/0.16...68/51/c. 68/55/pc Richmond.......54/36/0.11 ...70/51/c. 63/51/sh SiouxFalls.......34/28/0 05.. 33/19/sn.. 24/3/sn Albuquerque.....62/35/000...60/33/s.. 44/19/c Harnsburg.......40/32/035..56/43/sh. 55/44/sh Rochester, NY....45/36/0.00..51/33/sh .. 43/41/c Spokane........40/29/0.07... 30/1 8/c. 30/25/sn Anchorage .......7/4/0 00..24/21/sn. 29/20/sn Hartford,CT .....43/23/0.07..47/35/sh.. 48/36/c Sacramento......60/38/0.00... 62/40/s .. 63/41/s Springfield, MO ..55/48/0.01...58/47/c. 51/25/sn Atlanta .........64/47/000...68/57/c. 71/57/pc Helena..........38/22/0 00...26/7/sn.. 24/15/c St. Louis.........56/46/000... 52/45/c. 55/30/sh Tampa..........77/62/000..81/65/pc. 81/66/pc Atlantic City.....49/27/0.03..59/50/sh. 56/54/sh Honolulu........82/71/0.00..82772/pc.82/73/pc Salt Lake City....46/34/0 00... 38/23/c.30722/pc Tucson..........75/47/0.00...73/43/s.. 69/38/s Austin..........78/50/0.00..79/66/pc...82/37/t Houston ........81/54/0.00...82/64/t...80/48/t San Antonio.....76/587000..76/66/pc .. 79/40/c Tulsa...........56/49/0.00 ..62/42/pc. 50/26/pc Baltimore .......48/31/0.01 ...63/45/c. 53/46/sh Huntsville.......65/52/0.00 ..69/53/sh.. 70/53/c SanDiego.......6257/0.00... 67/54/s.. 66/54/s Washington, DC.50/38/0.02... 64/49/c. 56/49/sh Billings.........38/26/000...24/4/sn. 27/15/pc Indianapolis.....49/44/0 22... 51/43/c. 55/38/sh SanFrancisco....60/46/0.00... 61/49/s.. 63/49/s Wichita.........52/37/000 ..55/37/pc.. 40/I5/c Birmingham.....66/56/000 ..71/57/pc. 72/58/pc Jackson,MS.... 74/55/000. 76/56/pc.. 77/58/t SanJose........64/47/000.. 63/44/s 64/44/s Yakima.........50/28/000 40/27/c.. 37/30lc Bismarck........24/18/000...28/I/sn.... 8/2/c Jacksonvile......64/57/000..76/59/pc. 79/60/pc SantaFe........57/24/0.00 ..52/24/pc 34/9/sn Yuma...........80/53/0.00... 77/54ls .. 71/51/s Boise...........45/28/000.. 39/20/rs.36/23/pc Juneau.........27/20/trace..257257 sn..36/35/rs INTERNATIONAL Boston......... 44/30/0.00 ..49/39/sh.. 50/39/c KansasCity......47/43/0.00...52/39/c .. 41/19/c BndgeportCT....46/27/008 ..52/41/sh.. 49/43/c Lansing.........45/38/014...39/31/c. 44/31/rs Amsterdam......36/32/0 37 .. 36/32/pc 45/39/sh Mecca..........93/75/0 00 92/73/s .. 91/71 Is Buffalo.........46/36/0.00 ..48/32/sh.. 44/42/c LasVegas.......68/48/0.00...65/45/s .. 56/35/s Athens..........58/43/0.00 ..59/56/sh. 56/44/sh Mexico City......73/41/0 00.. 71/47/pc. 71/45/pc BurlingtonVT....40/33/000..41/26/rs.36/34/pc Lexington.......57/50/OA4..60/52/sh...64/48/t Auckland........64/55/0.00.. 67/53/sh.68/54/pc Montreal........39/27/000.. 35/30/rs. 26/21/pc Caribou,ME.....31/14/000..32/24/sn.. 31/15/s Lincoln..........45/23/000...50/30/c.. 31/12/c Baghdad........69/50/0.00 ..70/49/pc.. 67/49/c Moscow........25/19/0.03... 31/28/c .. 28/14/c Charleston, SC...62/51/000... 71/56/f. 74/59/pc Little Rock.......64/54/0.00 ..65/56/sh...72742/t Bangkok........90/81/0.01 ..93/75/pc.. 92/76/s Nairobi.........79/59/0.00... 77/58/t. 76/56/sh Charlotte........54/46/000...69/50/c. 70/54/pc LosAngeles......63/54/0 00... 67/53/s .. 68/52/s Beiyng..........34/I2/0 00.... 24/8/s. 23/1 8/pc Nassau.........81/63/I 45 ..81/70/sh. 83/71/sh Chattanooga.....62/50/000..68/54/sh...70/52/t Louisville........58/51/1.75..58/51/sh...62/45/t Beirut..........64/5971.63 .. 68/56/sh.. 70/61Ic New Delh/.......77/48/0.00...78/50/s.. 75/50/s Cheyenne.......43/25/000 ..37/10/sn.. 20/6/pc MadisonWl.....41/34/000...39/31/c ..38/21/rs Berlin...........30/14/000...27/21/c ..30/29/rs Osaka..........48/30/0.00 ..47/35/pc. 44/33/pc Chicago.........46/41/008...44/37/c. 44/31/r Memphis....... 70/59/00268/59/sh...72743lt Bogota.........68/5070.1 4 . 70/46/sh. 7374 7/pc Oslo.............25/9/0.00...16/11/s .. 16/12/c Cincinnati.......54/45/032 ..55/47/sh. 59/46/sh Miami . . . . 80/69/0 09 80/69/sh 82/71/pc Budapest........27/1 97000 . 26/25/sn. 2671 3/ pc Ottawa .........39/25/0.00..33/29/sn. 24/21/pc Cleveland.......47/39/007 ..48/36/sh. 51/44/sh Milwaukee......43737/0.00 ..,40/36/c...41/26/r Buenos Aires....75/59/40 26... 84/59/s .. 87/64/s Paris............43/32/0.29..35/30/pc.. 42/36/c ColoradoSpnngs.53/19/000..48/18/pc.. 24/8/sn Minneapolis.....32/24/0 04...34/28/c .. 31/5/sn CaboSanLucas ..84/61/0 00.. 82/57/pc. 80/56/pc Rio deJaneiro....99/79/0.00... 91/75/t...81/72/t Columhia,MO...50/47/000...51/41/c..48/24/rs Nashville........63/54/0 00..66/55/sh...73/50/t Cairo...........72/57/0.00..70/56/pc.72/53/pc Rome...........57/32/0.00..47/33/pc.46/34lpc Columhia,SC....57/50/000...70/51/c. 73/56/pc New Orleans.....72/55/0.00..75/57/pc...76/61/t Calgary..........23/7/000....10/4/c.. 19/19/c Santiago........82/52/0.00...74/61/s.. 72/54/s Columbus, GA....70/53/0.00...73/56/c. 75/56/pc New York.......45/35/0.11 ..57/43/sh.. 50/46/c Cancun.........82/59/0.00...80/66/s.. 84/71/s SaoPaulo.......93/73/0.00..82/70/sh. 74/66/sh Columbus OH....50/44/0 59..53/44/sh. 56/47/sh Newark Nl......43/31/011 ..57/43/sh. 48/45/sh Duhlin..........45/34/0.06...44/41/c. 43/35/pc Sapporo ........25/23/0.48...30/22/c. 33/28/sn Concord,NH.....38/18/009..43/29/sh.41/28/pc Norfolk VA......61/41/000..69/50/sh.66/53/sh Edinburgh.......43/28/0 00..44/38/sh. 39/30/pc Seoul...........28/10/000..27/10/pc. 24/I6/pc Corpus Christi....87/63/000 ..78/70/pc .. 80/54/c Oklahoma City...49/43/0 00..58/42/pc. 48/23/pc Geneva.........36/27/0.22...35/20/c. 31/26/pc Shangha/........59/37/0.00...47/32/s. 47/34/pc DallasFtWonh...72/507000..73/60/pc. 72/31/pc Omaha.........45/31/000...47/30/c .. 30/12/c Harare..........79/63/0 I9...78/63/t...69/58/t 5/ngapore.......90/79/0.03...88/79/t...86/78/t Dayton.........48/44/043...52/44/c. 56/43/sh Orlando.........77/63/0.00 ..81/63/sh. 82/63/pc Hong Kong......72/63/0.00..68/57/pc. 68/63/pc Stockholm.......28/21/000...24/16/c.. 25/23/c Denver..........53/22/000 .. 43/12/rs .. 22/6/sn PalmSprings.... 83/57/000... 78/51/s.. 78/47/s Istanbul.........48/4170.24..50/44/pc.55750/pc Sydney..........73/64/0.00..84/65/pc.77/64/sh DesMoines......45/36/000...44/33/c..33/12/rs Peoria..........46/43/0 07...46/38/c ..45/25/rs lerusalem.......62/507000..61/50/sh. 64750/pc Taipei...........75/61/000..65/57/sh. 58/57/pc Detroit..........43/36/0.08...41/34/c...46/37/r Philadelphia.....46/32/0.05 ..59/47/sh. 54/47/sh Johannesburg....77/5570.00..82/61Ipc...80/59/t TelAviv.........70/59/000..68/57/sh. 70/54lpc Duluth..........27/23/000...31/24/c .. 29/9/sn Phoenix.........75/53/000... 75/52/s .. 69/47/s Lima ...........77/66/0.00...76/64/c. 76/64/pc Tokyo...........52/43/0.00..50/36/pc.46/36/pc El Paso..........71/41/000...69/45/s. 66/32/pc Pittsburgh.......50/40/0 64 .. 56/41/sh. 52/48/sh Lisbon..........61/54/0 00 58/44/s 57/47/c Toronto.........45/34/0 00 40/30/sh 38/37/rs Fairhanks...... -25/-32/000 ..-17/-18/s.ll/-13/sn Portland,ME.....42/21/0.01..45/33/sh. 43/33/pc London .........45/37/0 16...41/39/c. 44/33/pc Vancouver.......45/37/007..40/33/pc. 42/41/sh Fargo...........21/12/000 ..28/10/sn ..12/ 3/sn Providence......45724/0 01..50/40/sh .. 52/40/c Madrid .........48/37/0.02...55/33/s. 50/37/pc Vienna..........34/27/0.00..28/26/pc.. 27/22/s Flagstaff........54/25/000...52Q3/s.. 36/18/s Raleigh.........56/45/005..70751/pc.70/55/sh Manila..........91/77/0.00...88I74/t...88/74/t Warsaw.........27/23/0.12..26/20/pc. 21/I7/pc


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Nordic ski race set for today


The 12th annual Par Fore the Course nordic ski race is set for today at10 a.m. at the Mt. Bachelor Nordic Center. Late registration is

available from 8:30 to 9:30a.m. today at the

nordic center. Organized by the Mt. Bachelor Sports Education Foundation,

the Par Fore theCourse is a relatively short, two-part competition

that rewards a skier's improvement over the

course of the season. Today is the first race, and the second race takes place in early March. Race distances include 3, 5 and 10 kilo-

meters. Following the second Par Fore the Course

race on March 3, prizes will be awarded for

most improved against the handicap, most improved in class, overall class champion and fastest times. The Par Fore the Course is a tribute to

Central Oregon skier Sharon Nofziger, who died in November 2000

of an aneurysm while skiing. The race takes

place on the Zig-Zag trail, Nofziger's favorite Mt. Bachelor trail, according to MBSEF.

For more information, visit mbsef.org. — Bulletin staff report

COLLEGE FOOTBALL Barner, Poyer receive honors Oregon running back Kenjon Barner andOregon State cornerback Jordan Poyerearned consensus All-America status by the Walter Camp Football Foundation and The Sporting


• Bend High loses its homeopener to North Medford

strong at tourney

By Beau Eastes The Bulletin

Playing its home opener against a North Medford squad that placed third at the Class 6A state tournament last March, Bend High showed flashes of brilliance between some ill-timed turnoversbefore eventually falling to the Black Tornado, 60-47. David Larson scored a team-high 13 points and grabbed eight rebounds, and Connor Scott added 12 points and six rebounds to pace the Lava Bears (1-1). North Medford used a 23-2 run in the first half to take a 32-18 lead into halftime. Bend rallied back in the fourth quarter and trailed just 49-42 with 4 minutes and 34 seconds left in the game, but back-to-back turnovers ended the Lava Bears' comeback attempt. Bend turned the ball over 23 times against the Black Tornado, who were playing their first game of the season. "We came out trying to go too fast," Larson said about the Bears' first-half struggles. "And we were selfish offensively. The second half we slowed things down and defensively played a lot better." Tristen Holmes led a balanced North Medfordoffense with 15 points. Oshea Bailey, the Black Tornado's lone returning starter from last season, added 14 points, and Julian Gray contributed 13 points. SeeBend/D4

• Crook County leads a two-day event in North Bend Bulletin staff report NORTH BEND — Crook County advanced a wave of wrestlers to the quarterfinal round Friday, and the Cowboys held the overall team lead through the first day of the Army Strong Coast Classic. The two-day tournament, which includes wrestlers from more than 30 high schools, concludes today at North Bend High School. Crook County piled up 78 team points on Friday to lead the team standings over

second-place Roseburg (75.5). Redmond, which advanced three wrestlers to today's quarterfinals, ranked seventh with 49.5 points. Cowboys in the quarterfinal field include Trayton Libolt at 113 pounds, Johnny

Avina (120), Grayson Munn (126), Colbran Meeker (138), Dawson Barber (152), Alex

Urrea (160), Dean Smith (170), Dylan Blasius (182), Gunner Crawford (195), Curtis Crouch

(220) and Jason Williams (285). For Redmond, today's quarterfinalists are Tyler George

(132), Chance Lindquist (145) and Casey Gates (220). Joe Kline / The Bulletin

Bend's Connor Scott (12) battles for a rebound with North Medford's Aaron Browne-Moore during Bend's home opener at Bend High School on Friday night.


News. With 1,624 rushing yards entering the Fiesta Bowl, Barner is fourth


on the UO single-season

en atsta e or rm, a

record list and would

need 182against Kansas State in the Fiesta Bowl

to set a school record. Barner ran for198 yards in Oregon's Civil War

win over OregonState on Nov. 24, giving him 3,480 yards in his career to pass Derek Loville for second behind LaMichael James on the Ducks' career record list. Poyer, a native of Astoria, is the first OSU

player to earn aspot on the Walter Camp All-America team, the

nation's oldest college football All-America

squad, since wide receiver Mike Hass in 2005. Poyer is tied for No. 2 in the nation with seven interceptions

this season andwas a semifinalist for the

Jim Thorpe Award (top cornerback) and the Bednarik Award (top defensive player). A co-team captain, Poyer helped OSU tie for the best turnaround in college football this

seasonwithasix-game improvement from 2011 to 2012. The 2012 Walter Camp Player of the

Year and members of the All-America team will be honored at the organization's national

awards banquet on January12 at the Yale University Commons

in New Haven,Conn. In addition, the Foundation will also recognize

By Dan Gelston The Associated Press

PHILADELPHIA — A r my's Jarrett Mackey hears the same order each day he walks around the barracks at West Point: Beat Navyand bring home the coveted Commander-in-Chief's Trophy. "Every single time I pass them, it's, 'Army-Navy. CIC. Let's go,' " Mackey said. "I wouldn't say it puts more pressure on us, but it's time. Let's do this. We almost need to do it. We've got to get out there and get the win. It's been way too


Try 11 years. The Army-Navy series is not only the

Ne X t uP

more t h a nmost. Thewinnerto-

stretches back to 1890. It only Arm vs Nav day leaves Lincoln Financial Field with the Commander-inseems like the Black Knights + > T d ' Chief's trophy, awarded to the haven't won in 122 years. Army last beat Navy in 2001 at Veterteam with the best record in gam e s among the three service ans Stadium. The Vet has since 'T": CBS been toppled. a cademies. Army a n d N a v y So has Army's all-time lead in th e e a c h defeatedAirForce,puttingthepresseries. tigious trophy up for grabs in the reguMackey, a junior defensive end, wants l a r -season finale for the first time since so badly to be part of the class that ends 2 0 05. Army (2-9) has not hoisted the CIC the Middies' dominance. That alone is t r o p hysince 1996. SeeArmy-Navy/D5 incentive enough. But for the first time in "

Heisman finalists prepare for big night By Ralph D. Russo The Associated Press

NEW YORK — Notre Dame linebacker Manti Te'o was looking forward to a break after a five-cities-infive-days tour, during which he has become the most

decorated player in college football. "I'm just trying to get a workout in and get some sleep," he said Friday about his plans for the night. Texas A8 M quarterback Johnny Manziel seemed to have more energy when he arrived at a midtown Manhattan hotel with his fellow Heisman Trophy finalist. See Heisman/D5


Tom Osborne and NFL

• A breakdown of the three

— From Mire reports

of either team in a series that

Bulletin staff report LAS VEGAS — Culver's Brian Bain led the Central Oregon competitors on Friday at the National Finals Rodeo at Thomas & Mack Center. Bain recorded a score of 83.5 points in the second goround of bareback riding, earning him fourth place and a check for $7,656.25. Redmond's Steven Peebles

(77) and Culver's Bobby Mote

former Nebraska coach player/coach Herm Edwards.

most patriotic rivalry in sports, it has n e a rly two decades, there is more on the turned into one of the most one-sided. l i n e than just bragging rights. Navy has won 10 straight, doubling the W inn i n g this game usually makes a previous longest winning streak season, but this one would mean

Culver's Bain leads locals on night No. 2

finalists for the HeismanTrophy, DS

John Raoux/The Associated Press

From left, Heisman Trophy candidatesTexas A&M's Johnny Manziel, Notre Dame's Manti Te'o and Kansas State's Collin Klein pose at the Home Depot College Football Awards in Lake Buena Vista, Fla., Thursday.

(76.5) did not finish in the money. Will Lowe, of Canyon, Texas, and Kaycee Feild, of Payson, Utah, tied for first with rides of 86.5 points. Mote, the four-time world champion, is currently projected in sixth place in the world standings with eight rounds to go in the 10-night NFR, according to the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association website. Also on Friday, Prineville's Charly Crawford finished fifth in team roping with partner Jim Ross Cooper with a time of 5.4 seconds, earning a check of $4,711.54. Terrebonne's Russell Cardoza and teammate Colby Lovell finished in 10th with a time of 14 seconds. Luke Brown and Martin Lucero, both of Stephenville, Texas, won in 4.0 seconds. Terrebonne's Brenda Mays finished eighth in barrel racing with a time of 14.27 seconds. Mary Walker, of Ennis, Texas, won the go-round with a time of 13.8. For full second go-round results, see Scoreboard, D2.







7 p.m.: NBA, Sacramento Kings at Portland Trail Blazers, Blazer


2:30 a.m.:European Tour/ SunshineTour,Nelson Mandela Championship, third round, Golf


Network (Ch. 39). 7:30 p.m.:Men's college, Minnesota at USC, Pac-12


1 p.m.:PGA Tour, Franklin


Templeton Shootout, second

9 a.m.:College, NCAAFCS playoffs, quarterfinal, Georgia

round, NBC.

12:30 p.m.:Ladies European Tour, Dubai Ladies Masters, final round, Golf Channel.

5 p.m.:PGATour of Australasia, Australian Open, final round, Golf Channel. 10 p.m.:Asian Tour, Thailand Golf Championship, final round,

Golf Channel. SOCCER

Southern at Old Dominion, ESPN.

Noon:College, Army vs. Navy, CBS.

5 p.m.:College, Heisman Trophy presentation, ESPN. MIXED MARTIAL ARTS 2p.m.: UFC: Henderson vs. Diaz, preliminary bouts, FX.

5p.m.:UFC:Henderson vs. Diaz, 6:55 a.m.:English Premier League, Sunderland vs. Chelsea, main card, Fox. VOLLEYBALL


3:30 p.m.:College, NCAA


9a.m.:Men's college, Arkansas at Michigan, CBS.

9 a.m.:Men's college, Portland at Kentucky, ESPN2. 10a.m.: M en'scollege,TCU at

Tulsa, Root Sports. 11 a.m.:Men's college, Colorado at Kansas, ESPN2. 11 a.m.:Men's college, CalState

tournament, regional final, Oregon vs. Nebraska, ESPNU. BOXING 7 p.m.:Bryant Jennings vs.

Bowie Tupou, heavyweights, NBCSN.

6 p.m.: LuisRamosvs.Ricardo Williams, welterweights (sarn-

day tape) Root Sports.

Northridge at Arizona State, Pac12 Network.

11:30 a.m.:Men's college, Kansas State atGeorge

Sunday GOLF

Washington, CBS Sports Network. 1215 p.m.:Men's college, Duke vs. Temple, ESPN.

1 p.m.:Men's college, Virginia Tech at West Virginia, ESPN2.

1 p.m.:Men's college, Grambling State at Oregon State, Pac-12 Network. 2:15p.m.:Men'scollege,UCLA at Texas, ESPN.

3 p.m.:Men's college, Wisconsin at Marquette, ESPN2.

3 p.m.:Men's college, Northern lowaatGeorge Mason, NBCSN.

3 p.m.: Men'scollege,Idaho State at Oregon, Pac-12 Network.

5p.m.:Men's college, Arizona at Clernso, ESPN2.

2:30 a.m.:European Tour/ Sunshine Tour,NelsonMandela Championship, final round, Golf Channel.

Noon:PGATour, Franklin Templeton Shootout, final round, NBC. FIGURE SKATING 10a.m.: ISU Grand Prix Final

(taped), NBC. BOWLING

10 a.m.:Professional Bowlers Association, World Tour Finals (taped), ESPN. FOOTBALL 10a.m.:NFL,Dallas Cowboys at Cincinnati Bengals, Fox. 1 p.m.:NFL, Miami Dolphins at

San Francisco 49ers, CBS. 1 p.m.:NFL,Arizona Cardinals at

at Penn, NBCSN.

Seattle Seahawks, Fox. 5:20 p.m.:NFL, Detroit Lions at

5 p.m.:Men's college, Nevadaat

Green BayPackers, NBC.

5p.m.:Men's college, Villanova Washington, Pac-12 Network.


6 p.m.:Men's college, Valparaiso at New Mexico, Root Sports. 7 p.m.:Men's college, lllinois at

Noon:Men's college, Fresno State at Washington State, Pac12 Network.

RADIO Today BASKETBALL 1 p.m.: Men's college, Grambling State at Oregon State, KICE-AM 940, KRCO-AM 690.

3 p.m.:Men's college, Idaho State at Oregon, KBND-AM1110. 7 p.m.:NBA, Sacramento Kings at Portland Trail Blazers, KBND-AM 1110, KRCO-AM 690. Listingsare the mostaccurate available. TheBu//etinis not responsible for late ChangeSmade by TV or radiOStatianS.


College volleyball • Oregonset tn play Ne-

Kelly at each of those stops. At Tennessee, the 44-year-old

Jones will succeedDerekDooley,

braska In NCAAregional final: Liz Brenner pounded 26 kills and Oregon defeated BYU 25-23, 25-21, 22-25, 25-12 on Friday to advance to the NCAA volleyball tournament Omaha

who was fired Nov. 18 after go-

Regional final in Omaha,Neb. The No. 5 Duckswill play fourth-

.500 three straight years.

seeded Nebraska tonight. The Cornhuskers swept Washington behind Gina Mancuso's14 kills

and nine eachfrom Morgan Broekhuis and Hannah Werth.

The Huskers won byscores of 25-14, 25-21, 25-23.

College soccer

ing15-21 in threeyears. Dooley posted a losing record in eachof his three seasons atTennessee, the first time since1909-11 the Volunteers have finished below

College athletics • University nf Hawaii names OhioState'sJaynew AD:The University of Hawaii has named a new athletic director. Ben Jay,

a senior associate athletics director at Ohio State, will take

over the job. Theannouncementwas made bynewsrelease Friday afternoon, and comesas

• Indiana beats Creighton 1-0 in NCAA semifinal: Femi the University of Hawaii seeks Hollinger-Janzen scored midway to put the fallout from a botched through the first half and Indiana charity concert behind it. Jay held off Creighton1-0 on Friday night in Hoover, Alan to advance to the NCAA soccer final. The

seven-time champion Hoosiers (15-5-3) will play Georgetown in the title game Sunday. The Hoyas beat Maryland 4-3 on penalty kicks following a 4-4 tie. The Hoosiers have allowed only two goals in four NCAA tourna-

ment garne.

Football • Vols hire Clnclnnatl's Jones as next coach:Tennessee has hired Cincinnati's Butch Jones as its next football coach. Jones

will replace Jim Donovan, who

was given anewpost following a bungled Stevie Wonder concert and athletic department

fundraiser earlier this year.

Basketball • Blazersassign 2to 0-leagne: The Trail Blazers have assigned rookies Will Barton and Victor Claver to Portland's development league affiliate, the Idaho Stam-

pede. Barton hasplayed in16 games for theBlazersthis season, averaging 2.6 points and1.4 re-

boundsin8.8minutespergarn. Claver, a 6-foot-10 forward from

has a 50-27 record in six sea-

Spain, wasselectedbythe Blazers

sons as aheadcoach. Hewent

in the 2009draftand signed with the team this summer. He hasap-

27-13 in three seasons at Central M ichigan and has gone 23-14 at Cincinnati the past three years.

He followed Notre Dame'sBrian

peared in fourgamesthis season, averaging 0.3points andone rebound pergame.

ON DECK Today Boys basketball: NorthMedfordat Summit,12.45 p.mc HenleyatMadras,5 p.mzCrookCountyvs. Bums orGrantUnion at BurnsToumament, 4:30 p.m.; CentralChristianvs.Mitchell at NorthLake Tournament,1:30p.m.; Trinity Lutheranat Falls City/KingsValleyCharter,3:30p.m.; SweetHome at Ridgeviewnoon,Mountain Viewat Crater, 6 p.mx Cascade at Redmond, 2 p.m.; La Pineat Ashland, 2 p.m.; Gilchrist hosts GHStoumey, TBA Girls basketball: Mountain Viewvs. Willamette at WillametteTournament, 2:30p.m.; Cascadeat Redmond, noon;MadrasatHenley,5p.mzCrook Countyvs.BurnsorGrantUnionatBurnsTournament,noon;Central Christianvs Mitchell at North LakeTournament, noon; Trinlty Lutheranat Falls City/KingsValleyCharter, 2 p.mzSweet Homeat Ridgeview, 2p.m. Mountain Viewat Wilamette Tournament,TBD,La Pineat Brookings-Harbor Invitational,TBD;Gilchrist vs.Lowell atGilchrest Invitationa, 3p.m. Wrestling: Bend, Summitat Springfield Tournament, TBD;Redmond, CrookCounty at Coast Classic in North Bend,9a.m., Ridgeview,Sisters, Gilchrist, Madras,CrookCountyJVat CulverTournament, 9 a.m. Swimming: Summit at North BendHigh School Invitationa,TBD

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RODEO Professional National Finals Rodeo Friday AtThomas8 MackCenter

Las Vegas

SecondRound Bareback Riding 1 (tie), Kaycee Feild, Payson,Utah, on Carr Pro Rodeo'sRiverhoatAnnie, andWill Lowe, Canyon, Texas, on Classic ProRodeo's Bi Polar,86.5points, $16,343each. 3 J R.Vezain, Cowley,Wyo., 85.5, $10,895. 4. BrlanBain, Culver,Ore., 83.5, $7,656. 5. JessyDavis, Power,Mont., 83,$4,712.6. Justin McDaniel,Porum,Okla 81.5,$2,945. 7.WinnRatiff, Leesv ille,La.,78.5.8.WesStevenson,Lubbock,Texas, 77.5. 9(tie), StevenPeebles, Redmond, Ore., and JaredKeylon,Uniontown,Kan.,77 each 11.Bobby Mote,Stephenvile,Texas,76.5.12. MattBrlght, Azle, Texas,76. 13.CalebBennett, Morgan,Utah,74. 14. StevenDent, Mullen,Neb.,73. 15. CaseyColletti, Pueblo,Colo.,NS. Steer Wrestling 1 Billy BugenigFerndal , e, Calif., 3.6 seconds, $18257.2.DeanGorsuch, Gering, Neb.,39,$14429. 3. CaseyMartin, Sulphur,La.,4.0, $10,895. 4.Trevor Knowles,MountVernon, Ore., 4.1, $7,656 5 (tie), LukeBranguinho,LosAlamos, Calif., andTomLewis, Lehi, Utah,4.2,$3,828each.7.LesShepperson,Midwest, Wyo, 4.3. 8.ToddSuhn,Hermosa, S.D., 4.4 9. WadeSumpter, Fowler,Colo., 4.6. 10. K.C.Jones, Decatur,Texas, 4.8. 11 GabeLedoux, Kaplan, La., 5.1. 12. MattReeves,CrossPlains, Texas,5.2. 13. Beau Clark, Belgrade,Mont., 7.5.14.BrayArmes, Gruver, Texas,16.0.15.EthenThouveneii, Napa,Calif., NT. Team Roping 1. Luke Brown,Stephenvile, Texas/Martin Lucero,Stephenville, Texas, 4.0 seconds, $18,257 each. 2.Derrick Begay,SebaDalkai, Ariz./Cesarde la Cruz,Tucson,Ariz., 4.6, $14,429.3. DustinBird, Cut Bank,Mont./Paul Eaves, Millsap, Texas,5.2, $10,895. 4.TravisTryan,Bilings, Mont./JakeLong, Coffeyvi e, Kan., 5.3, $7,656. 5. CharlyCrawford, Prineville, Ore./JimRossCooper,Monument, N.M., 5.4, $4,712.6.Keven Daniel,Franklin,Tenn./Chase Tryan,Helena,Mont., 9.5,$2945.7. ChadMasters, CedarHill, Tenn./ClayO'BrienCooper,Gardnervile, Nev., 96. 8. ErichRogers,RoundRock, Ariz./Kory Koontz,Sudan,Texas, 10.7. 9 Brock Hanson, Casa Grande,Ariz./RyanMotes, Weatherford, Texas,128. 10. Colby Lovell, Madisonville, Texas/RusselCarl doza,Terrehonne,Ore., 14.0. 11.(tie) TrevorBrazile, Decatur, Texas/Patrick Smith, Lipan, Texas.Kaleb Driggers,Albany,Ga/JadeCorkill, Faiion, Nev..Clay Tryan,Bilings,Mont./TravlsGraves, Jay,Okla.. Spencer Mitchell, Colusa Calif./DakotaKirchenschlager, Stephenville,Texas,andTurtle Powell, Stephenvile, Texas/Dugan Kely, PasoRobles, Calif, NT. Saddle BroncRiding 1.1 (tie), Wade Sundel, Boxholm,lowa,on Cagary Stampe de's MadMoney. JakeWright, Milford, Utah, on Mo Betta Rodeo's Shasta, andCort Scheer, Elsmere,Neh., onThreeHills Rodeo'sBigJet, 84.5 points, $14,527each.4. ColeElshere,Faith, SD, 83.5, $7,656.5(tie),TaosMuncy,Corona,N M.,and TyrelSmi th,Cascade,Mont.,825,$3,828 each.7 CodyWright, Milford, Utah,82. 8 IsaacDiaz,Davie, Fla., 80.5. 9.ChadFerley, Oeirichs, S.D.,77.10 (tie), CodyTaton,Corona,N.M.,andBradley Harter, Weatherford,Texas,75each.12. CodyDeMoss, Heflin, La., 71 13 (tie), JesseWright, Milford, Utah. Jacobs Crawley,CollegeStation, Texas,andSterling Crawley, CollegeStation,Texas, NS. Tie-DownRoping 1. Clif Cooper, Decatur, Texas, 7.3 seconds, $18,257. 2 (tie), Tuf Cooper,Decatur, Texas,and Monty Lewis,Hereford,Texas,7.5,$12,662 each.4 AdamGray,Seymour, Texas, 77, $7,656. 5. Hunter Herrln, Apache, Oka., 7.8, $4,712.6 FredWhitfield, Hockley,Texas 8.0, $2,945. 7. RyanJarrett, Comanche,Okla., 8.1. 8. CorySolomon,Prairie View, Texas, 8.2.9.Houston Hutto,Tombali,Texas,8.7.10. BradleyBynum,Sterling City, Texas,8.8. 11.Justin Maass, Giddings,Texas,9.5.12.Shane Hanchey, Sulphur,La., 9.6. 13. CodyOhl, Hico, Texas,15.4. 14(tie), ClintRobinson,SpanishFork, Utah,andMatt Shiozawa,Chubbuck,Idaho,NT. Barrel Racing 1 . Mary Walker,Ennis, Texas,1380 seconds, $18,257. 2.Benette Barrington-Little, Ardmore,Oka., 13.82,$14,429.3(tie), LindsaySears,Nanton,Alberta, and LeeAnnRust, Stephenvile, Texas,13.91,$9,276 each. 5.BrittanyPozzi, Victoria, Texas,14.00,$4,712. 6. Nikki Steffes,Vale,S.D., 14.09, $2,945. 7.Kaley Bass,Kissimmee,Fla.,1412. 8. BrendaMays, Terrebonne,Ore.,14.27.9.TruaChurchill, Valentine,Neh., 14.28.10.ChristyLoflin, Franktown,Colo., 14.39. 11. SherryCervi,Marana,Ariz.,14.41.12. ChristinaRichman,Glendora,Calif.,14.98.13. Kelli Tolbert,Hooper, Utah, 18.92.14. LisaLockhart, Oeirichs, S.D.,19.01. 15. CarleePierce,Stephenvile, Texas,19.02. Bull Riding 1. CodyWhitney,Sayre, Okla.,89 pointson Wild Card Rodeo'sThe Grinch, $18,257. 2. J.W. Harris, Mullin, Texas,88, $14,429. 3. BeauSchroeder, China,Texas,87, $10,895.4. SethGlause, Cheyenne, Wyo.,86.5,$7,656.5 TrevorKastner,Ardmore,Okla., 83.5, $4,712.6. ClaytonSavage, Casper,Wyo., 80.5, $2,945. 7.CodyTeel, Kountze, Texas, 60. 8(tie), Trey Benton III, RockIsland, Texas.Ardie Maier,Timber Lake, S.D.. Tate Stratton, Kellyville, Okla.. Cody Samora,Cortez,Colo.. ShaneProctor, GrandCoulee, Wash..KaninAsay, Powell, Wyo.,TagEliott, Thatcher, Utah,andBrett Stall, Detroit I.akes,Minn., NS.



W L T Pct PF PA y-NewEngland 9 3 0 . 750430 260 N.Y.Jets 5 7 0 4 1 7228 296 Buffalo 5 7 0 4 1 7277 337 Miami 5 7 0 4 1 7227 249 South W L T Pct PF PA x-Houston 11 1 0 .917351 221 Indianapolis 8 4 0 . 667265 306 Tennesse e 4 8 0 3 33248 359 2 10 0 .167 206 342 Jacksonville North W L T Pct PF PA Baltimore 9 3 0 . 750303 242 Pittsburgh 7 5 0 5 8 3254 230 Cincinnati 7 5 0 5 83302 260 Cleveland 4 8 0 3 3 3229 265 West W L T Pct PF PA y-Denver 10 3 0 .769375 257 San Diego 4 8 0 3 3 3258 257 Oakland 3 10 0 .231 248 402 2 10 0 167 188 322 KansasCity NATIONALCONFERENCE East W L T Pct PF PA N.Y.Giants 7 5 0 5 8 3321 243 Washington 6 6 0 5 00312 301 Dallas 6 6 0 5 00280 295 Philadelphia 3 9 0 2 5 0217 320 South W L T Pct PF PA y-Atlanta 11 1 0 .917317 229 TampaBay 6 6 0 5 00333 285 NewOrleans 5 7 0 4 1 7321 327 Carolina 3 9 0 2 5 0235 292


"The bad news isthat he's got a concussion .. The good news is that he's acquired the power to levitate objects with his mind."

Tu sa Lsu Purdue

GreenBay Chicago Minnesota Detroit

SanFrancisco 8 Seattle St. Louis Arizona x-clinchedplayoff spot y-clincheddivision

North W L 8 4 8 4 6 6 4 8 West W L 3 7 5 5 6 4 8

T Pct PF PA 0 .667 296 259 0 .667 294 198 0 .500 262 272 0 .333 300 315 T Pct PF PA 1 .708 289 171 0 .583 242 202 I .458 221 267 0 .333 186 234

Thursday's Game Denver26, Oakland13 Sunday'sGames ChicagoatMinnesota,10 a.m. BaltimoreatWashington, 10a.m. KansasCity atCleveland,10a.m. San Diegoat Pittsburgh, 10a.m. TennesseeatIndianapolis,10a m. N.Y.Jetsat Jacksonvile, 10a.m. AtlantaatCarolina,10 a.m. PhiladelphiaatTampaBay,10 a.m. St. Louisatguffalo,10a.m. Dallas atCincinnati, 10a.m. Miami atSanFrancisco,1:05 p.m. ArizonaatSeatle,1.25 p.m. NewOrleansat N.Y.Giants,1:25 p.m. Detroit atGreenBay,5 20pm


Housto natNew England,5:30p.m.

NFL InjuryReporl NEWYORK— The updatedNational Football Leagueinjury report,asprovidedbytheleague: BALTIMORERAVENS atWASHINGTON REDSKINS — RAVE NS: OUT: TE EdDickson (knee), LB Dannell Ellerbe(ankle). DOUBTFUL: CBJimmy Smith (abdom en). QUESTIONABLE: CBAsa Jackson (shoulder),CBChris Johnson(thigh), LBTerrell Suggs (biceps). PRO BABLE: CB Chykie Brown(ankie), LB Josh Bynes (thigh), S Jame s Ihedigbo (calf), WRJacobyJones(ankle), RBVontaLeach(ankle), DEPernel McPhee(thigh), SBernard Polard (chest), SEdReed (shoudler).REDSKINS:QUESTIONABLE:LB London Fletcher(ankle), CBDeAngelo Hall (ankle,knee),TTrent Williams(thigh). PROBABLE:WRPierre Garcon (foot), PSavRocca(right knee), CRJoshWilson(shoulder) KANSAS CITY CHIEFS at CLEVELAND BROWNS — CHIEFS: DOUBTFUL:S Abram Etam (Ituadriceps). QUES TIONABLE. T Branden Albert (back), GJeffAllen (illness), SEric Berry(hand, iliness), CB BrandonFlowers(hamstring), G Russ Hochstein(hack), LBDerrick Johnson(hamstring), S KendrickLewis(shoulder). PRO BABLE: LBTamba Hali (knee), G RyanLilja (knee).BRO WNS: PROBABLE:WRTravis Benjamin (finger), TEJordan Cam-

eron (groin) WR Joshua Crihhs (shoulder,chest), LB James-Michael Johnson(finger), TRyanMiler (forearm), CBDimitri Patterson(ankle), RBTrent Richardson (chest,rib, finger), DEFrosteeRucker (shoulder, finger), S RayVentrone(calf), S UsamaYoung(head).

SAN DIEGO CHARGERSat PITTSBURGH STEELERS — CHARGE RS: OUT: LB Donald Butler (groin), T JeromeyClary (knee), WREddie Royal (hamstring). DOU BTFUL: G Tyronne Green (hamstring).QU ESTIONABLE: TMike Harris (ankle). PROBA BLE:LBJarret Johnson(back), SCorey Lynch (Ituadriceps), TEDante Rosario (hamstring), S Darreli Stuckey(hamstring). STEELE RS: OUT : T Mike Adams(ankle), CBIke Taylor (ankle), LB LaMarr Woodley(ankie). QUESTIONABLE QBByron Leftwich (ribs). PRO BABLE:WRAntonio Brown(ankle), PDrew Butler (illness), SRyanClark (hip), G Wilie Colon (knee),WRJerricho Cotchery (ribs), RBWil Johnson

Jackson (calf), RBD.J. Ware(ilness). ST.LOUIS RAMS at BUFFALO BILLSRAMS: OUT:TEMike McNeil (thigh). QUE STIONABLE:WRDannyAmendola (foot), LB Mario Haggan (elbow).PROBABLE:RBStevenJackson(foot), CScott Wells (knee)BILLS:OUT:DEMarkAnderson(knee), C Eric Wood(knee). QUE STIONABLE: DTSpencer Johnson (ankle), WRStevieJohnson(hamstring), CB LeodisMcKelvin(back), CBJustin Rogers (foot), LB ChrisWhite(back), CBAaron Williams (knee). PROBABLE:LBNick Barnett(knee), SJairus Byrd(back), TE Scott Chandle(groi r n), DTMarcell Dareus(shoulder),

Georgia Stanford


WR TJ.Graham(ankle), WRDonald Jones(calf), G Andy Levitre(knee),S Da'Norris Searcy(hand),WR BradSmith(hamstring), RRC.J. Spiler (shoulder), G TexasA8M KraigUrhik(knee),DTKyle Williams(ankle), DEMario Williams(wrist) DALLASCOWBOYS atCINCINNATIBENGALS —COWBOYS: OUT: SChariie Peprah (foot), NTJay Ratliff (groin), CBOrlandoScandrick (hand). PROBABLE: WRMilesAustin (hip), C RyanCook(knee), RB Felix Jones (knee), DTSeanLissemore(ankle),GNate Livings (ankle), RB DeMarco Murray (foot), T Tyron Smith(ankle),LBAnthonySpencer(calf), RBLawrence Vickers(knee).BENGALS: OUT : CBDre Kirkpatrick (head).DOUBTFUL: KMike Nugent (calf), RBCedric Peerman (ankle). PROBABLEWRA.J. Green(ilness), TF JermaineGresham(hamstring), WRMarvin Jones (illness), TE Richard Quinn (hamstring). MIAMI DOLPHINS at SAN FRANCISCO 49ERS — DOLPHINS: QUESTIONABLE:S Jimmy Wilson (hip).PRO BABLE: TECharles Clay (ribs), LB

KarlosDansby(biceps), TEAnthony Fasano (hip), P BrandonFields (lett knee,right knee),RBJorvorskie Lane(knee),LBKoaMisi (finger), LBAustin Spitler (ankie).49ERS:DOUBTFUL. WRMarioManningham (shoulder). PRO BABLE: K David Akers(pelvis), LB NaVorroBowman (shoulder), CBTarell Brown(hamstring), CB Chris Culliver (ilness), I.BTavaresGooden (knee,elbow), RBFrank Gore (wrist), G Mikelupati (shoulder), CB Carlos Rogers (knee), LBAldon Smith (shoulder), LB Patrick Wilis (shouider).

NEW ORLEANSSAINTS at NEWYORKGlANTS —SAINTS: OIJTTCharlesBrown(knee), CB CoreyWhite(knee). PROBABLE: S IsaAbdul-Quddus (concussion), DEJunior Galette(ankle), S Roman Harper(rib), DTTomJohnson(back), CBJohnnyPatrick (illness),WRCourtney Roby (hamstring), T Zach Strief (groin),TEDavidThomas(knee), DEMartezWilson (toe)GIANTS:OUT : TETravis Beckum(knee), S TylerSash(hamstring) DOU BTFUI.: SKenny Philips (knee).QUE STIONABLE: WRHakeem Nicks (knee). PROBA BLE:CDavid Baas(shoulder), LBChaseBlackburn (ankle),LBMichael Boley(shouider), RBAhmad Bradshaw (foot), WRDomenik Hixon(ankle), DEJason Pierre-Paul(back),LBJacquianWiliams (knee) ARIZONA CARDINALS atSEATTLE SEAHAWKS — CARDINALS: DO UBTFUL: DFRonald Talley (ankle).QUE STIONABLE: DECalais Campbell (calf), QB Kevin Kolh(rihs), WRAndreRoberts (ankle), RB BeanieWels (knee). PROBABLE: SJustin Bethel (shoulder), WREarly Doucet(ribs), TEMikeLeach (back), LBParis Lenon(shoulder), S KerryRhodes (quadriceps), CB GregToler (hamstring), LB Reggie Walker(knee). SEAHAWKS: OUT: CBMarcusTrufant (hamstring).QLIESTIONABLE: LBLeroy Hil (ankle). PROBA BLE: DERed Bryant(foot), S KamChancellor (groin), RB Marshawn Lynch(back), WRSidneyRice

(head), C MaxUnger (hip).

DETROITLIONS atGREEN BAY PACKERSLIONS:QUESTIONABLE:TJeff Backus(hamstring), S LouisDelmas(knee), DTNick Fairley (quadriceps), CB ChrisHouston(ankie),CBJacobLacey(foot, Achiles), DTCorey Wiliams(knee).PROBABLE:TGosderCheri-

lus (knees),DEI.awrenceJackson (concussion), WR KassimOsgood(linger), LB AshleePalmer (thumb). PACKERS: OU T: LBClayMatthews(hamstring), WR JordyNelson(hamstring), RBJamesStarks (knee), DE (concussion),STroyPolamalu(not injury related),QB C.J. Wilson(knee), SCharles Woodson (coliarbone). Ben Roethlisberger(right shoulder), WREmmanuel DOUBTF UL: DEMike Neal(shoulder). QUE STIONSanders(shoulder),WRMikeWallace(knee). ABLE:GTJ. I.ang(anke), LBTerrell Manning(shoulTENNESSEE TITANS at INDIANAPOLIS der). PROB ABLE: WR Donald Driver (thumb), CJeff COLTS—TITANS: OU T: LBColin Mccarthy(con- Saturday (foot), CBSamShields(ankle). cussion), WR Damian Wiliams (hamstring). QUS EHOUSTONTEXANS atNEW ENGLAND PATIONABLE:WRLavelle Hawkins(ankle), T Michael TRIOTS — TEXANS:DNP:CBAian Ball (foot), Roos(knee),DEKamerionWimbley (toe). PROBABLE T DerekNewton(knee), LB Brooks Reed(groin). WRKennyBritt (knee),TEJared Cook(neck), RBJa- LIMITED:NTShaun Cody (ribs, back),LBTimDohmie Harper(ankle),QBJakeLocker(Ieft shoulder), CB bins (shoulder), TEGarrett Graham(concussion), AlterraunVerner (illness). COLTS:OUT:RBDonald LB BradieJame s (hamstring), CBJohnathanJoseph Brown(ankle), GJoeReitz (head), STomZhikowski (hamstring, groin), DEAntonioSmith (ankle), GWade (knee).QUE STIONABLE: T Winston Justice (head). Smith (knee,ribs). FULL:LBBryanBraman(neck), G PROBA BLE:SAntoineBethea(neck), QBAndrewLuck AntoineCaldwell(hamstring), DEJared Crick (neck), (knee),DECoryRedding(ankle). TE Owen Danies (back),WRLestar Jean(knee), LB NEW YORK JETSat JACKSONVILLE JAG- WhitneyMerciius(hip), LBJesseNading (foot), WR UARS —JETS: OIJT:WRClydeGates(concussion). DeVierPosey(knee, hamstring), LB Darryi Sharpton DOUBT FUL: DTDamon Harrison (ankle), TF Dustin (toe) RBBenTate(hamstring), QBTJ. Yates(right elKeller (ankle). QUES TIONABLE: WR Stephen Hil bow).PATRIOTS:DNP:TERohGronkowski (forearm, (knee), DT SionePo'uha (low back), QBTim Tehow hip). LIMITED. DT RonBrace(elbow), SPatrick Chung (rihs). PRO BABI.E: CBAaron Berry (quadriceps), TE (shoulder,hamstring), G DanConnolly (back), TE Jetl Cumberland(wrist), DE MikeDeVito (shin), DT AaronHernandez(ankle), LBDonra Hightower(hamKenrickEllis (knee,lowback), RBLexHiliard (finger), string), DE ChandlerJones(ankie), WRBrandonLloyd WR JeremyKerley (heel, hamstring), S LaRon Landry (knee), DT Kyle Love(knee), GLoganMankins(ankle, (heei), CNickMangold (shouider), RBJoeMcKnight calf), GNickMcDonald (shoulder), L8RrandonSpikes (ankie, ribs), G BrandonMoore(hip), L8CalvinPace (knee,ankle), TSebastian Vollmer (hack,knee),WR (shoulder), RR Bilal Powel (shoulder), 08 MarkSanWesWeker (ankle). FULI.: LBJerodMayo(elbow). chez(lowback), LBRickySapp(ankle), WRChazSchilens (knee),LBBart Scott (toe), GMat Siauson(knee). Betting line JAGUARS: OUT : GMike Brewster (hand), RBRashad NFL Jennings (concussion), RBMauriceJones-Drew(foot), (Hometeams in Caps) CB AaronRoss (calf), DEGeorge Selvie (concussion), O p e n CurrentUnderdog WR CecilShorts(concussion). PROBABLE: DTTyson Favorite Sunday Alualu(calf), CBDerekCox(hamstring), RBGregJones Ravens 2 .5 2 . 5 REDSKINS (thigh), DF Austen Lane(foot), SDwight Lowery (foot), BROWNS 5 6.5 Chiefs CB Ras heanMathis (groin), 0 BradMeester (foot). STEELERS 7 8 Chargers CHICAGOBEARS atMINNESOTAVIKINGS5 55 Titans BEARS:OUT : WREarl Bennett (concussion), CBTim CDLTS Jets 2 3 JAGUARS Jennings(shoulder), LBBrianUrlacher(hamstring) 25 3 VIKINGS QUESTIO NABLE: RBMichael Bush(ribs), DT Stephen Bears 3 .5 3 . 5 PANTHER S Paea(foot),GChris Spencer(knee). PROBABLE:TGabe Falcons ERS 7 7.5 Eagles Carimi(hamstring), WRDevinHester (concussion), WR BUCCANE BILLS 3 3 Rams Alshon Jeffery(knee). VIKINGS:PROBABLE: DEJared 3 Cowboys Allen (shoulder,back), LBJasper Brinkley(shoulder), BENGALS 3 49ERS 10 5 10 Dolphins DT LetroyGuion(shin), PChris Kluwe(left knee), TPhil 5 5 Saints Loadholt(knee),TEKyle Rudolph (shoulder), C John GIANTS S FAHAWKS 10 10 Cardinal s Sullivan(ribs, knee), 08 Antoine Winfield (knee). 7 Lions ATLANTA FALCONS atCAROLINA PAN- PACKERS 7 Monday THERS — FALCONS:QUESTIONABLE:DT Peria 3 Texans Jerry (quadriceps), S William Moore(hamstring), PATRIOTS 5 CB AsanteSamuel (shoulder), RBMichaelTurner(eCollege bow). PANTHERS:DOUBTFUL:RBJonathanStewart Today (ankie). QUE STIONABLE: LBJamesAnderson(back, p-Navy 7 .5 7 Army eye), GJeff Byers(hack), DTDwan Edwards (wrist), p-Philadel p hia, Pa. S CharlesGodfrey(back), WRBrandon LaFell (toe). PROBA BLETEGregOlsen(hack) Saturday,Dec.16 PHILADELPHIAEAGLES at TAMPA BAY New MexicoBowl BUCCANEERS— EAGLES:OUT:S KurtColeman Arizona 7.5 9 5 Nevada (chest), RB LeSeanMccoy(concussion),TNateMenFamousIdaho Potato Bowl kin (throat), DTMikePaterson (ilness), 08 Michael 8 10 Toledo Vick (concussion).QUE STIONABLE: RBChris Polk uiah St Thursday,Dec.20 (toe). PRO BABLE: SNateAlen (shoulder), DTFletcher Poinsettia Bowl Cox (tailhone),RBStanley Havili (ankle), I.BMychal 25 3 SanDiego St Kendricks (shouider), G Dallas Reynolds(ankle) Byu Friday, Dec.21 CB DominiqueRodgers-Cromartie (knee). BUCCABeef 0 Brady's NEERS:OUT:CB LeQuanLewis (knee).QUESTIONABLE:DTRoyMiler (head).PROBABLE: WRVincent

KansasSt Oklahoma

Kent St

BASKETBALL Men's college Friday's Games EAST Canisius67, Fairfield 55 FairleighDickinson82,Lafayette 80 Marist 62,Manhatan 58 MountSt. Mary's72, Navy65 Rider62,Siena56 Uconn57,Harvard49 SOUTH SouthCarolina91,Jacksonville74 VCU83,Old Dominion70 MIDWEST lowa80,lowaSt.71 Milwaukee 80, N.Illinois 73,OT SOUTHWES T PrairieView107,DaliasChristian59

Wom en's college Friday's Games EAST ArizonaSt. 67,Providence58 Hampton81,UMBC36 lona 67,Coumbia 63 Rider 66Army60 SOUTH Florida 89Pacific 82 Kentucky 96,DePaul64 Mercer48, Georgia Southern44 MississippiSt. 59,FAU58 Old Dominion59,NCCentral33 UALR 56, Memphis 44 MIDWEST E. Illinois72,SacramentoSt.67, OT llinois St.64, Northwestern46 Minnes ota87,UMKC49 WichitaSt. 51,N.Colorado35 SOUTHWES T Texas-Pan American65, Texas Southern 46 FAR WEST California84, CSBakerslieid 46 E. Washington 74, BoiseSt.63 Idaho78, UCRiverside 64 Portland70, Nevada61



T'wo ves tap worl market to reat success


The Associated Press OKLAHOMA CITY — In a reversal of roles, Kobe Bryant and the Los Angeles Lakers know they're the predators trying to track down Kevin Durant's Oklahoma City Thunder. They have some work to do. Duranthad36points, Russell Westbrook scored 27 of his 33 in the first half to stake Oklahoma City to a commanding lead and the Thunder beat the short-handed Lakers 114-108 Friday night. "They're a team that everybody likes. As a young team coming up,you always want to beat the best," Westbrook said. "I think that's one of the things that motivates us." Bryant had 35 points for Los Angeles, which trailed by as many as 19 before rallying to get within four in the final minute. Dwight Howard added 23 points and 18 rebounds for the Lakers, who were eliminated by the Thunder in five games in last season's Western Conference semifinals. Howard and Steve Nash were part of an offseason overhaul to try and catch up to the Thunder. Instead, the Lakers are 9-11 and focusing on small gains that give them the belief they'll eventually turn it around. "It's 82 games. This team has just gotten together," Howard said. "It's not like we're going to get together and start winning right away.... We're learning how to play together. We're getting better. This is not on anybody's time table but ours." Westbrook's big first half put the Thunder in control, but L.A. charged back with a late 27-12 run to make it interesting. The game grew tense when Metta World Peace — alreadya public enemy in Oklahoma City after he clocked James Harden last season — and Serge Ibaka each got technical fouls for a confrontation in the closing minutes. The Lakers never backed down. After trailing by 12 with I:32 remaining, Jodie Meeks drove for a pair of layups and Chris Duhon followed with a 3-pointer to cut the deficit to 110-105. Bryant followed Durant's two free throws with a 3-pointer from the corner to get the deficit down to four with 15 seconds left. Durant hit two foul shots and Meeks airballed a 3-pointer as the rally fizzled. "They're a tough team," Durant said. "They fought hard all night and made it tough on us." Also on Friday: Grizzlies...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 Hornets ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 NEW ORLEANS — Rudy Gay tied a season high with 28 points and Memphis maintained its NBA-best winning percentage with its second-straight victory. The Grizzlies improved to 14-3 (.823). 76ers...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 Celtics ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 PHILADELPHIA — Evan Turner had 26 points and 10 rebounds and Thaddeus Young added 17 points and 12 rebounds to lead Philadelphia past Boston in overtime. Turner drove past Courtney Lee and tossed up an off-balance, right-handed shot for a 95-94 lead with 3.9 seconds left.

By jon Krawczynski

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Sue Ogrocki /The Associated Press

Oklahoma City Thunder guard Russell Westbrook (0) is fouled by Los Angeles Lakers guard Jodie Meeks, right, as he shoots in the fourth quarter of Friday night's game in Oklahoma City. Oklahoma City won 114-108. the road. Bucks..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 Bobcats ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 MILWAUKEE — Ersan Ilyasova scored a season-high 21 points and Marquis Daniels had season highs with 18 points and six rebounds as Milwaukeetook command early and cruised past Charlotte. Jazz...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 Raptors ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 SALT LAKE CITY — P aul M i llsap scored 20 points, Enes Kanter had 18 in his first career start and Utah hit 13 3-pointers to rout Toronto. Kings ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 Magic ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 SACRAMENTO, Calif. — DeMarcus Cousins had 17 points and 14 rebounds and reserve guard Isaiah Thomas also scored 17 to help Sacramento beat Orlando. Timberwolves ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 Cavaliers ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 MINNEAPOLIS — Kevin Love had 36 points and 13 rebounds to lead Minnesota past Cleveland.


Summaries Friday's Games

76ers 95, Celtics 94 (OT)

EASTERNCONFERENCE BOSTON (94) W L Pc t GB Pierce 9-248-1227, Bass0-1 2-22, Garnett 7-0 d-New York 14 4 .7 7 8 3-417, Rondo8-14 0-216, Terry1-121-1 4, Wilcox d-Miami 12 5 70 6 1I/2 2-30-04,Lee2-4 0-05,Sullinger0-00-0 0,Green Atlanta 11 5 68 8 2 6-12 4-419.Totals 35-81 18-25 94. d-Chicago 10 8 . 5 56 4 PHILADELPHIA(95) 3 Brooklyn 11 7 .6 1 1 Turner10-264-626,TYoung7-18 3-417, Allen 2Philadelphia 11 8 . 5 7931/2 54-48, Holiday7-181-215, Richardson5-133-413, Boston 10 9 . 5 2 641/2 Moultrie 0-30-0 0Wsght0-52-2 2, Hawes5-10 0-0 Milwaukee 9 9 .5 0 0 10,Wilkins1-1 244. Totals3799192695. Indiana 10 10 .500 5 7 Boston 28 22 20 19 5 — 94 Charlotte 7 1 1 . 3 89 Philadelphia 2 8 18 26 17 6 — 95 Orlando 7 1 2 3 6 8 71/2 Detroit 6 1 5 . 286 91/2 Cleveland 4 1 6 . 200 11 Toronto 4 1 6 . 200 11 Spurs114, Rockets 92 Washington 2 1 4 J 2 5 11 WESTERN CONFERENCE ROCKETS (92) W L Pc t GB Parsons3-10 1-17, Pattevson5-14 0-0 10,Asik II-Memphis 14 3 . 8 24 I/2 0-6 0-0 0,Lin 2-90-04, Harden10-16 6-729, Deld-Oklahoma City 16 4 . 8 00 fino 3-70-09, Douglas4-90-010, Smith1-30-0z SanAntonio 16 4 . 8 00 Moms1-50-02, Cook3-90-08,Aldsch1-20-02 d-LA. Clippers 12 6 . 6 67 3 Jones4-50-09,Motiejunas0-00-00 Totals37-95 GoldenState 12 7 . 6 323'iz 7-8 92. Lltah 11 10 .524 5'/z SAN ANTONIO (114) Denver 10 10 .500 6 Gr een 2-6 0-0 Duncan 6, 6-13 0-0 1z Blair 3-5 6 2 -2 8, Parker 7-9 3-317, Neal 6-11 0-012, Ginobil Minnesota 9 9 .5 0 0 Houston 9 9 .5 0 0 6 4-84-412, Diaw1-30-02, Splitter6-73-415, De Dallas 9 1 0 . 4 74 p/p Colo 3-6 0-0 7,Mills 5-80-0 12,Anderson1-3 0-0 2, Bonner2-40-05,Joseph2-4 0-04. Totals 48-87 L.A. Lakers 9 1 1 . 450 12-13 114. Portland 8 1 1 . 4 21 p/ 21 24 21 26 — 92 Phoenix 7 1 3 . 3 50 g Houston 29 28 30 27 — 114 Sacramento 6 1 2 . 333 9 SanAntonio NewOrleans 5 1 3 . 278 10 d-diNisionleader BIllls 108, Pistons 104

Friday's Games Philadelphia95, Boston94 OT Denver9z Indiana89 Atlanta104,Washington 95 GoldenState109,Brooklyn102 Chicago108,Detroit104 Minnesota 91, Cleveland73 Memphis96,NewOrleans89 SanAntonio114,Houston92 Milwaukee108,Charotte93 Utah131, Toronto99 Oklahoma City114, L.A Lakers108 Sacramento 91, Orlando82 Today's Games PhoenixatLA. Clippers, 1Z30p.m. SanAntonioatCharlotte, 4 p.m. GoldenStateatWashington, 4p.m. Philadelphiaat Boston,4:30p.m. DetroitatCleveland,4:30 p.m. NewOrleansatMiam> , 4:30p.m. NewYorkatChicago,5p.m. Dallas atHouston, 5 p.m. Atlanta atMemphis, 5p.m. SacramentoatPortland, 7p.m. Sunday'sGames TorontoatLA. Ciippers,12:30 p.m. Milwaukee atBrooklyn, 3p.m. Indianaat OklahomaCity, 4p.m. Denverat NewYork, 4:30p.m. OrandoatPhoenix,5p.m. Utah atLA. Lakers,6:30p.m.


The Associated Press

scored eight of his 15 points during a late 10-0 spurt, sending Denver past Indiana. Bulls.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 Pistons..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 AUBURN HILLS, Mich. — Joakim Noah had career highs of 30 points and 23 rebounds to help Chicago beat Detroit for the 16th straight time. Spurs ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .114 Rockets ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 SAN ANTONIO — Tony Parker had 17 points and seven assists, and San Antonio never trailed in a win over Houston. Warriors..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 Nets...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 NEW YORK — David Lee had 30 points and 15 rebounds, Stephen Curry scored 28 points, and Golden State gave coach Mark Jackson a winning return to Brooklyn. Hawks...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 Wizards ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 ATLANTA — Josh Smith had 23 points Nuggets.................... . . . . . ...... 92 and 15 rebounds, Al Horford also posted Pacers ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 a double-double and Atlanta beat WashI NDIANAPOLIS — A nd r e Mi l l er ington to keep the Wizards winless on

National Basketball Association ConferenceGlance AllTimesPST

CHICAGO (108) Deng6-153-416,Boozer12-19 0-024,Noah1219 67 30,Bel>neli 6-132216, Hinr>ch45 3413, Robinson1-80-02,Gibson1-22-24, Butler1-11-2 3 Totals 43-8217-21 108. DETROIT (104) Prince 4-95-613, Maxiel 2-52-46, Monroe6-13 1-213, Singler1-60-02,Knight6-116-721,Stuckey 7-128-824, Drumm ond3-31-2 7, Maggete1-21-2 3, Villanueva 6-90-015. Totals 36-7024-31104. Chicago 26 24 28 30 — 108 Detroit 30 25 19 30 — 104

Warriors109, Nets102

Hawks 104, Wizards 95 WASHINGTON (95) Webster250-05, Singleton3-71-27,0kafor3-5 0-0 6,Price2-6 0-06, Beal5-12 6-618 Nene4-8 4-612, Crawford5-134-414, Livingston0-1 0-00, SeraphIn9-16 1-2 19,Martin 3-60-0 8, Barron0-0 0-0 0. Totals 36-79 16-2095. ATLANTA(104) Stevenson 5-11 0-015, Smith9-20 4-723, Horford 7-110214, Teague822 3-419, Harris 5-113-4 15, Williams4-50-0 9, Pachulia 1-22-2 4, Morrow 2-3 0-0 5,Jenkins0-00-0 0. Totals 41-85 12-19 104. Washington 19 22 30 24 — 95 Atlanta 31 23 26 24 — 104

Nuggets 92, Pacers89 DENYER I92) Faried2-7 0-04, Gallinari 2-104-5 9, Kouios582-212, Lawson1-100-0 2, Iguodala4-12 2-210, Brewer9160-220, Hamilton030-1 0, McGee99 2-4 20, A.Miller 6-113-4 15. TotaIs 38-86 13-20 92. INDIANA(89) George9-150-122, West8-12 2-218, Hibbert310 4-610, Hill 5-152-315, Stephenson5-81-212, Green0-20-00, THansbrough0-10-00, Mahinmi15 0-0 2,Young3-71-2 9, Augustin0-11-21. TotaIs 34-7611-18 89. Denver 22 29 18 23 — 92 Indiana 28 22 18 21 — 89

Timberwolves 91, Cavaliers73 CLEVELAND (73) Gee7-120-016, Thompson3-7 0-06,Varejao2100-04, Pargo2-91-25, Gibson2-70-05, Zeler 2-61-1 5, Sloan4-111-210, Miles 5-121-213, Jones1-30-02, Casspi 2-60-0 5, Samues0-22-2 2,Walton0-20-00.Totals 30-876-973. NEWORLEANS (89) MINNESOTA (91) Henry 4-63-4 12,Anderson5-13 2-2 15, Lopez Kirilenko4-5 0-0 8, Love 10-1914-18 36, Pe1-60-02, jiasquez2-60-04,Mason3-40-08,Rivkovic 0-3 4-4 4, Ri d nour 6-12 0-012, Lee1-5 4-66, ers 7-13 0-2 15,Roberts6-102-2 15, Thomas0-0 Stiemsma0-3000,Shved3 81-37,Howard1400 0-0 0, Smith7-140-014 Miller 1-3 2-2 4. Totals 2,Barea3-52-210,Cunningham 2-6 2-2 6.Totals 36-75 9-12 89. 30-70 27-35 91. Memphis 22 29 20 25 — 96 16 21 20 16 — 73 Neworleans 17 2 2 27 23 — 89 Cleveland Minnesota 25 19 22 25 — 91 Gay 10-186-8 28, Randoiph7-131-415, Gasol 5-0 3-313, Coniey2-112-27,Ailen 3-60-1 6,Arthur 1-2 0-0 2,Ell>ngton0-2 2-2 2, Bayess 1-2 2-2 5, Speights1-1 0-0 2,Pondexter6-6 0-016. Totals 36-72 16-22 96.

Jazz131, Raptors 99

GOLDEN STATE(109) TORONTO (99) Barnes2-5 2-2 6, Lee14-22 2-4 30, Ezel>0-4 Pietrus4-71-213, Bargnani8-153-420, 'jialanci0-0 0, Curry10-193-3 28, Thompson 5-110-0 13, unas1-24-46, Lowry3-10 4-610, DeRozan5-15 7-7 BiedrIns0-00-00, Jack7-12 0-015, Jenkins2-4 0-0 17, Johnson4 8 2-2 10, Ross2-7 0-0 4, Davis0-1 4, Green3-90-0 6, Bazemore 0-0 0-0 0, Landry3-4 0-0 0, Gray0-00-00, Calderon1-45-67, Lucas4-8 1-1 7. Totals 46-90 8-10 109. 0-09, Kleiza1-50-03 Totals33-8226-3199. BROOKLYN (102) UTAH(131) Wallace3-8 1-2 8,Humphries1-32-2 4, Blatche Ma Williams5-10 1-1 14,Millsap 7-166-10 20, 8-13 5-9 22,Williams8-22 5-6 23, Johnson12-23 Kanter 7-164-518, M.Wiliams4-71-1 11, Foye54-432,Teletovic0-2 0-0 0,Stackhouse 2-7 0-0 5, 11 0-0 13,Evans2-2 6-810, Hayward 4-10 8 8 17, Bogans0-10-00, Watson2-50-06, Evans1-10-02, Tinsley2 5005, Carroll 460011, Watson 2322 Childress 0-10-00, Brooks0-10-00. Totals37-87 6, Burks3 50 06. Totals 4591 28-35131. 17-23 102. Toronto 29 23 24 23 — 99 Golden State 24 3 1 29 25 — 109 Uiah 25 38 32 36 — 131 Brooklyn 31 32 19 20 — 102

Grizzlies 96, Hornets 89 MEMPHIS(96)


Bucks108, Hornets 93 CHARLOTTE (93) Kidd-Gilchrist4-43-611, Mullens3-40-06, Haywood 0-41-21,Walker8-130-016, Taylor1-102-2 4,Biyombo1-70-2 2,Gordon 3-9 2-28,Sessions 2-6 4-4 8, Henderson6-106-7 19, Diop 3 40-06, Williams3-40-38, Warrick 2-60-44. Totals 36-81 18-32 93. MILWAUKEE (108) Daniels7-111-118, Sanders4-8 0-08, Udoh1-4 4-4 6, Jennings5-164-515, Ellis 3-117-913, Lamb 3-60-06, llyasova7-175-621,MbahaMoute3-6359, Dalembert2-40-04, Gooden 0-42-22 Przybila 00000,Harris24004, Henson1 30 ij z Totals 38-94 26-32 108. Charlotte 20 20 21 32 — 93 Milwaukee 33 25 28 22 — 108

Kings 91, Magic 82 ORLANDO (82)

Harkless0-3 2-2 2, Davis 8-194-5 20, jiucevic 1-51-2 3, Nelson7-130-017, Afflalo 6-15 5-618, Redick2-102-26, Moore1-3 0-02,Ayon0-0 0-00, Nichol son5-104-414,Jones0-20-00,0Quinn0-0 0-0 ij Totals 30-8018-21 82.


Salmons1-80-02,Thompson5-11 2-212, Cousins 5-137-1017,Brooks5-90-011, Garcia2-50-05, Thomton1-72-25,Thomas5-107-817, Fredette5-7 4-4 15,Hayes3-4 0-06,Robinson0-5 1-21.Totals 32-79 23-2891. Orlando 16 18 30 18 — 82 Sacramento 25 21 16 29 — 91

Thunder 114, Lakers108 L.A. LAKERS (108) World Peace2-6 3-4 8, Jamison 4-11 1-2 9, Howard9-17 5-723, Duhon5-80-014, Bryant11249-1035, Morris0-3 0-00, Hill 1-4 0-0 2,Meeks 4-8 7-8 17,Ebanks0-3 0-00 TotaIs 36-84 25-31 108. 0KLAH0MAcITY(114I Durant10-1914-1636,ibaka7-140014, Perkins 0-20-00,Westbrook12-264-633,Setolosha2-40-0 5, Martin4-82-211, Collison5-73-413, Thabeet1-3 0-02, Maynor0-10-00. Totals41-8423-28114. LA. Lakers 27 26 22 33 — 108 OklahomaCity 2 64 1 22 25 — 114

M INNEAPOLIS — T h e cold, snowy climate in Minnesota has always been considered a hindrance to the Timberwolves' efforts to recruit top-flight free agents to join them. American players seem more enamored with the sun in L.A., the sand in Miami or the lights in New York. It turns out Russians feel right at home around these parts. So do Montenegrins, and it's even starting to grow on Spaniards and Puerto Ricans. For years, Minnesota virtually ignored the burgeoning i n ternational m a rket, o ften hesitating t o b r i n g in some of the most highly touted European prospects in the draft or free agency in favor of more well-known domestic players. Now, in the matter of just a few seasons, David Kahn and international scouting coordinator Pete Philo have given mea t -and-potatoes Minnesota an international flavor as they've turned the Twin Cities into a destination location for top players from basketball hotbeds throughout Europe. R icky R u b io , A n d r e i Kirilenko, A l exey S h ved, Nikola Pekovic, JJ Barea. Minnesota has f ive i nternational players on the roster, tied with Cleveland for s econd-most in t h e N B A . San Antonio has eight international players, a league record. "I think it's pretty evident to me that there's a lot of not just good players, but some of theverybest players in our game who have come from overseas," Kahn said. "To me, it's just a natural extension of scouting. Just as you can't afford to be negligent about the domestic side, you can't afford to not be on top of matters internationally." The renewed focus is one of the biggest reasons the Timberwolves are competitive again in the powerful Western Conference. The W olves drafted Rubio i n 2009 — even though some mistakenly speculated he wanted to play in a bigger market — and the Spanish point guard turned into one of the most exciting young players in the NBA. They signed Russian teammates Kirilenko and Shved this offseason, and the two have helpedthem weather a rough string of injuries early in the season. Pekovic was drafted out of Montenegro by the now departed Kevin McHale, but has asserted himself as a very good offensive center under new coach Rick Adelman, while Barea has shown only flashes of the playmaking that made him a key to the Dallas Mavericks' title run in 2010 thanks to a series

of nagging injuries. "I think we've taken an approach of pretty much making the entire world an even playing field," not recruiting from any particular place alone, Philo said. I t's been a l o n g t i m e coming for Philo, who has worked tirelessly for years to shed light on basketball potential overseas. He recently stepped down after presiding over the highly respected Eurocamp for nine years, served as the director of scouting for Team China through the London Olympics and has worked as an international scout with the Wolves for seven years. Philo didn't always have such receptive ears in the Wolves front office. McHale was often hesitant about bringing i n i n t e rnational players through the draft. Players like R asho N esterovic, Stojko Vrankovic and Shane Heal allcame and went, while other organizations made key acquisitions thanks to the resources and imagination they poured into the process. Among the top-flight talent found around the globe: Manu Ginobili an d T o ny Parker in San Antonio, Dirk N owitzki i n D a l l as, Y a o

Ming in Houston, Serge Ibaka in Oklahoma City, Marc and Pau Gasol (Grizzlies and

Lakers). When Kahn took over in 2009, he put an emphasis on being more productive in the international market. But he didn't change a whole lot of what the Wolves were already doing. Philo and Zarko Durisic remain the two staffers chiefly responsible for uncovering and evaluating talent overseas, but Kahn seems a little more willing to bring those players in than McHale was. "David's big on information and I am , too," Philo said. "We meshed on that. We're very, very similar on that front. When it comes to international scouting, if your information isn't extremely detailed and good,

you're only getting a piece of the picture, not the whole movie." Philo says the philosophy is simple: "Forget the 'international' part of 'international player.' " Where some of the league's most traditional evaluators still have a line drawn in the sand between American and foreign-born players, the Wolves have no such distinctions. They also have worked hard to educate their domestic scouts and coaches on European leagues so they can have a better idea of what will translate to the NBA game and what won't. "The hardest problem with our domestic guys is for them to understand the level of the leagues over there," Philo said. "You watch a grainy film and the pace of play is slow, it just doesn't look good. You've got to know the level." That was key with Rubio, who had been playing in the prestigious ACB league in Spain since he was 14 years old. He never put up gaudy statistics, even after being d rafted fifth o v erall. T he Wolves didn't panic, seeing a young, inventive player who was able to hold his own against grown men in a

physical league. They saw similar traits in Shved, a lesser known talent who was available this summer after going undrafted by an NBA team during his eligible years. That turned off a lot of scouts, but the Wolves stuck with th e sk inny, 6foot-6 shooting guard, and it paid off. Shved has quickly emerged as a playmaker, one that coach Rick A delman trusts implicitly in the fourth quarter. "Some guys develop later," Philo said. "A guy like Shved, he was younger. His body was young, his mind was young when he was in his draft years. You could tell even then it was really about his upside. Once he matured, you just knew because of his size he'd be an NBA player." Then there are the logistics of navigating a completely different world. "It's a challenging thing," Philo said. "It's really funny when I see a scout that only does America come over for the first time and I see them in the airport or hotel and you see it in their eyes. They're nervous about 'where's the gym7' "One guy put the wrong gasoline in his car because most of the cars in Europe are diesel and it stalled on him in between Treviso and M ilan. T w enty-five c a r s stopped and they couldn't communicate. He sat there and froze for hours." T he final p iece of t h e puzzle has been Adelman, whose w i d e-open, p a ssheavy offense has been more accommodating to European players for years. "I know that Alexey's representatives felt that Rick's system would be a good fit for how he plays and certainly Andrei has been an admirer from afar," Kahn said. "I think that Rick, whether he knows it or not, played a big role in their recruitment."



Bend Continued from D1

"We didn't do a very good job of finding good

shots in the first half," Bend coach Don Hayes sa>d. "Every (possession) was a one and done." The Bears led 6-2 early in th e game after three-pointers by Cody Connell and Jaylin Robinson. But North M edford, taking advantage of Bend turnovers and quick, one-shot possessions, ended the first quarter on an 18-2 run that gave the visitors a 20-8 lead going into the second quarter. The Black Tornado led by as many as 17 points before the Bears got hot in the second half. Larson scored nine of his 13 points after the break, including a put-back basket that made the score 49-41. Larson was fouled on the play and hit the ensuing free throw to make the score 49-42. Bend got a defensive stop after the free throw, but turnovers on its next two possessions — both of which were converted into fast-break buckets for North Medford — essentially sealed the result. "They got a lot better in their half-court (offense) and set the tempo in the second half," North Medford coach Scott Plankenhorn said about the Lava Bears. "We just got a couple of stops when we needed them." Larson and Scott were the only Bend High players to score in double figures, but point guard Wyatt Beaumarchais dished out six assists to go with his three points and Robinson contributed three points and two blocks. "We executed better in the second half," said Hayes, whose squad plays at South Medford on Tuesday night. "We got better shots, and that translated to us playing better defense too." — Reporter: 541-383-0305, beastes®bendbulletin.com.


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toe Kline/The Bulletin

Bend's Christian Johnson (30) divesfor the ball with North Medford's Oshea Bailey during the second half of Friday night's game in Bend.

roo oun r ium s a urns ournamen Bulletin staff report BURNS — Trailing 17-13 after the first quarter, Crook County turned the dial up on defense, leading to a t h reepoint lead at the half, and by limiting Ontario to three points in the fourth, the Cowboys picked up a 50-39 boys basketball win at the four-team Burns Tournament on Friday night. "I think we came out a little s luggish, especially o n t h e defensive end," said C rook County coach Jeff Lowenbach, whose team remains undefeated at 3-0. "We kind of figured out what (Ontario) was trying to do and clamped down on them a little bit. When you hold a team to three points in any quarter, let alone the fourth quarter, things are working pretty well for you." The Cowboys, who matched last year's win total with the victory against the Tigers, were led by Dillon Dees' ll points and Preston Washechek's 10 points. Troy Benton and Marcus Greaves scored 10 points apiece, and Jacob Mahurin chipped in with eight. The last time Crook County notched three wins this quickly was in the 2005-06 season, when the Cowboys took three of their first four contests. "We're preaching to the guys that we're taking it one game at a time," Lowenbach said. "Play a few games, and try to get on a roll." Crook County plays today for the tournament title. In other Friday action: BOYS BASKETBALL Mountain View..... . . . . . . . . 52 Sisters ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 SISTERS — The Outlaws trailed by as many as 13 points against the Cougars, but they fought back to within two with 30 seconds left in regulation. Mountain View, however, hit its free throws and earned the n onconference v i ctory. Grant Lannin paced the Cougars with 16 points and 11 rebounds, and Mitch Modin added 11 points. Eli Harrison led Sisters with 18 points and six boards. Cole Moore finished

els to Klamath Falls today to take onHenley in a nonleague contest. with 16 points for the Outlaws, Cascade...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 and Ryan Pollard picked up 11 Ridgeview..... . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 REDMOND — Despite Jack points. Mountain View (2-0) visits Central Point to face Cra- Bowman and Justin Alvarez ter today in a nonleague con- netting 10 and nine points, test, while Sisters (0-3) hosts respectively, the Ravens fell Madras on Tuesday. to the Cougars from Turner. Redmond...... . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Ridgeview trailed by just four Sweet Home..... . . . . . . . . . . 44 points at the half, but the RaREDMOND — T h e P an- vens did not register a field thers improved to 2-0 on the goal in the third quarter and season after outscoring the were outscored 15-2 by CasHuskies 28-16 in the second cade. Tanner O'Neal finished half of t h eir n onconference with six points, and George matchup. Trevor Genz scored M endazona ta l l ie d fiv e . D points and grabbed eight re- Ridgeview (1-2) hosts Sweet bounds and Mason Rodby add- Home today. ed 10 points and a career-high Myrtle Point..... . . . . . . . . . . . 56 21 boards for Redmond. Bryce La Pine ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Daniels scored a game-high MYRTLE POINT — Cold 18 points for Sweet Home, but shooting plagued the visiting only two after halftime. "We Hawks in a nonleague road really locked him down in the setback. Chance Syres scored 13 points, Josh Ramirez addsecond half," Panthers coach Jon Corbett said. Redmond ed nine points, and Cameron held the Huskies to just 13 field Kraft and Gavin Boen scored goals, five of which were three- eight apiece for La Pine. Kraft also had seven rebounds, and pointers. The Panthers host Cascade of Turner today. Syres was creditedwith four South Medford..... . . . . . . . . 52 assists. The Hawks (2-2) play at Ashland today at 2 p.m. Summit..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Austin Peters scored 14 Bonanza............. . . . ... 55 Central Christian..... . . . . . . 18 points and grabbed nine rebounds, but the Storm fell to SILVER LAKE — The Tithe Class 6A Panthers after gers trailed 13-8 after the first visiting South Medford outquarter, but Class IA Central s cored Summit 16-8 in t h e Christian was outscored 42-10 fourth quarter. Nick M oyer the rest of the way before falladded 10 points and Cade Cat- ing to the 2A Antlers. Bryson tell contributed nine points for Eells paced the Tigers with six the Storm. Summit (2-1 over- points, and Caleb Roberts and all) held a brief lead midway Caleb Reynolds chipped in through the fourth quarter, but with three points each. Central a couple of costly turnovers Christian (1-1) plays Mitchell helped the Panthers take the today. lead for good. The Storm host GIRLS BASKETBALL North Medford today. Mountain View..... . . . . . . . . 53 Silverton...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Madras..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Banks..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 EUGENE — The Cougars MADRAS — Steele Haugen outscored the Foxes in every scored 18 points to go along quarter to win their opening with six rebounds and four game of the Willamette Toursteals, as the White Buffaloes nament. Megan McCadden led p icked up their first win of Mountain View with 17 points, the season in a nonconference while Rhiannon A l exander matchup against the Braves. also was in d ouble figures Jered Pichette finished with 16 with 12 and Hannah Johnson points, and Jhaylen Yeahquo chipped in nine, six of them contributed 11 points and nine coming on t w o t h r ee-point rebounds. Madras (1-2) trav- baskets. Cougars coach Steve


Riper praised the play of McCadden, saying that his senior post "led the way tonight." In addition to her game-high points total, McCadden recorded 11 rebounds. Riper also said that Mountain View (2-0), which outscored Silverton 3022 in the second half, was solid defensively and that a team goal is to hold opponents below 40 points per game. Next up for the Cougars are the tournament host Wolverines, who were Class 5A state finalists last season. That game is slatedfor2:30 p.m. today. Redmond...... . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Sweet Home..... . . . . . . . . . . 30 REDMOND — Kendall Current scored all of her gamehigh 15 points in the first three quarters, leading Redmond to the home nonconferencevictory. Current also had five steals. Other statistical leaders for the Panthers (2-1) included Shelby Bergum (eight rebounds, four points), Brittny Benson (six rebounds, four p oints) and Baileigh Baker (four steals, five points). Redmond hosts Cascade today at noon. North Medford ...... . . . . . . . 46 Bend..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 MEDFORD — Saddled with foul problems from early on, the visiting Lava Bears still managed to stay close until North Medford pulled away in the second half of the nonconference game. "Our big issue was offense," said Bend coach Todd Ervin. "We had some key people sitting on the bench (in foul trouble)." Delaney Crook and Jessica McClay scored 10 points apiece for the Lava Bears, who were outscored 18-

6 from the foul line. Bend (1-2) plays next Friday at Pendleton. Sisters ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Churchill ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 EUGENE — Taylor Nieri scored a game-high 26 points — including 16 from the freethrow line — to lead the Outlaws to victory in a nonconference road game against the Lancers.In what Sisters coach Julianne Horner described as a "nuttygame," her team made 26 free throws in 32 attempts.

Cassidy Edwards added 13

points and had four steals to

points for the Outlaws (4-0), lead Gilchrist. Sydney Longwho are scheduled to play at Madras on Tuesday. Ontario ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Crook County..... . . . . . . . . . 47 BURNS — Despite 10 points, 14 rebounds and seven steals by Kimmer Severance, the Cowgirls felltothe Tigers at the Burns Tournament on a lastsecond shotby Ontario'sJessica Lang. Jessie Maley-Loper finished with 11 points and eight rebounds, Emily Benton tallied eight points and seven boards, and Maddie Lindburg dished out six assists. Crook County (0-3) continues action today, the final day of the fourteam tournament. Cascade...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Ridgeview..... . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 REDMOND — The Ravens saw 10players score, ledby seven points eachby Kendal Durre and McKenzie Hidalgo, but a 16-point halftime lead proved i nsurmountable i n Rid g e view's n onconference contest against the Cougars from Turner. Ravens coach Randi Davis commended her team's full-court press in the fourth quarter even with the win out of reach, but Davis said Cascade played tough defense and made it difficult for Ridgeview to get into its offense throughout the game. Chloe Ross and Shae Wilcox finished with six

botham scored 12 points and had nine rebounds, and Courtney James added 11 points for the Grizzlies (2-2), who play for the tournament championship today at 3 p.m. WRESTLING Cougs third at Glencoe tourney HILLSBORO — Four wrestlers t u rned i n r u n n er-up performances for M o untain View as the Cougars placed third at the eight-team Glencoe Tournament. The h o st Crimson Tide won their own tournament with 161 points, a nd were followed by r u n-

ner-up Aloha (124 points) and Mountain View (103). Cougar wrestlers Kaleb Winebarger

(132 pounds) Tracy Pitcher (138), Kevin Wright (152) and Trevor Roberts (220) all took second at the one-day tourney.

Zach Howe (106), Kyler Ayers (145) and Nathan Martin

(160) added third-place efforts for Mountain View. The Cougars are off until next Friday's Adrian Irwin Memorial Tournament at Ridgeview High in Redmond. SWIMMING

Madras boys, Sisters

girls earn wins M ADRAS — T h e W h i t e Buffaloes took every individual event — with three swimmers earning tw o v i ctories points apiece. Ridgeview (0-3) apiece — en route to a 119-42 boys win against Sisters in a entertains Sweet Home today. Bonanza............ . . . . ... 39 dual meet at Madras Aquatic Central Christian.... . . . . . . . . 11 Center on T h ursday night. SILVER LAKE — Desi Duke Sistersreturned the favor on and Kelsey Stealey scored the girls side, as wins in the four points apiece to pace the 200-meter medley relay and Tigers, but Class IA Central 200 freestyle relay helped the Christian was outscored 17-2 Outlaws come out on top 88in the second half by the 2A 74. Dustin Henderson, Brady Antlers en route to a loss at the Tucker and Ian Goodwin each four-team North Lake Tourna- took two events, while Elizament. Central Christian (0-2) beth Armitage, Sophie Gemetakes on Mitchell today on the las and Aurora Gerhardt did final day of the tournament. the same on the girls side. The Gilchrist.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Outlaws saw Mary Stewart LaPine JV..... . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 win the 100 freestyle and Katie GILCHRIST — Th e h o st Stewart take the 100 breastGrizzlies were in command stroke. Madras hosts a trio of from the start in their opening schools from Klamath Falls on game of the Gilchrist Tourna- Thursday in Henley, Mazama ment. Ashley James scored 23 and Klamath Falls.

PREP SCOREBOARD Boys basketbalI Friday's Results

Nonconference NOBTHMEDFORD (60) —TristenHolmes15, Bailey14,Gray13,Browne-Moore9, Klug4, Knox2, Sherbottrne 2, Ecker1. Totals 23 9-15 60. SEND(4t) — DavidLarson13,Scott12, Spitler 4, Ricker 4,Connell 3, Robinson3, Beatmatchais 3, Johnson 3, Wetzell Z Totals18 8-10 47. North Medford 20 1 2 13 15 — 60 Bend 8 10 15 14 — 47 Three-point goals North Medford: Bailey 3, Holmes, Gray;Bend:Robinson,Johnson,Connell.

Three-point goals Mountain View:Roth 2, Holly, Logan;Sisters: Harrison,Pollard SWEETHOME(44) —BryceDaniels18, Kauttman 15,Porter 6, Adams3, Jutte 2, Sorter, Gasley, Rose, Dixon, Seiber,Htttchins. Totals 13 13-25 44.

REDMQND (61) — TrevorGenz13, Brown0, Rodby10,Bordges8, Thomas8, Powell 6, Davies 3 Cravens 2,Trotttman,Craig, Nieves.Totals 23 14-23 61. S weetHome 11 17 6 1 0 — 4 4 Redmond 19 13 17 11 — 61 Three-pointgoals —SweetHome.Kaufman 2, Daniels ZAdams;Redmond: Davies.

BANKS(41) — HaydenSahnow 16, Markham SOUTHMEDFORD(52) — Wittans14, Mon- 8, Hill 8 Barger 5,Blather 2,Matney2, Vandehey. drey10, Garcia9, Torrenson7, Keepes4, Carpenter Totals 16 8-1441. 2 Robertson 2, Orndorff2, Lallo z Totals 201017 MADRAS (62) —SteeleHattgen18, Pichette16, 52. Yeahquo 11, Wolfe 8, Spino3, M>tchell 3, Philips 3, SUMMIT (42) Austin Peters14, Moyer10, J. Smith, T.Smith, Fine,Lindgren,Sullivan. Totals cattell 9, Rasmttssen4, Dermon3, utcas, Higlin, 23 12-24 62. Reeves, Mettefee.Totals 17 3-7 42. Banks 7 15 12 7 — 41 SouthMedford 1 4 8 1 4 16 — 52 Madras 14 12 13 23 — 62 Summit 6 16 12 8 — 42 Three-pointgoals— Banks:H. Sahttow; Madras: Three-point goals —South Medtord:Torrettsott; Summit:Cattell 2, Peters,Moyer,Dermon.

Spino, Haugett,Mitchell, Pichette.

MOUNTAIN VIEW (52) — Grant Lanttin 16, Mod<n11,Roth8, Hattgen6 Sielken5, Holly 3, Logatt 3, webb,Hlelm.Totals 2016-25 52. SISTERS(47) — Eli Harrison 18,Moore16, Poiiard 1 t, Hatrer 2,Luloff, Schaab,KereItett, Adams. Totals1715-22 47. Mountain View 15 11 13 13 — 52 Sisters 4 18 7 18 — 47

11, Wright11,Delamarter11,Towery6, Clark4, Cam. Molan 3,Ktuse2, Cad.Molatt h Farr I, J.VetIrus 1, Soto, Evetetts.Totals 21 15-2663. RIDGEVIEW (44) — JackBowman 10, Alvarez 9, O'Neal 6, Mettdazona5, Johnson5, Stantott 3,

cAscADE(63) —Johnschirmer tz p. vettrus

stiles z Manselle2,DewolI1, Aamodt I. Totals17 15-22 44.


20 11 15 17 — 63

Ridgeview 14 13 2 15 — 44 Three-point goals — Cascade.Schirmer, P Vettrus;Ridgeviettr. Alvarez2, Mendazona,Bowman.

Bonanza 13 11 14 17 — 55 Three-point goals —Central Christian:Roberts; Bonanza:Para.

LA PINE(48) — ChanceSyres13,J. Ramirez 9, Kraft 8, Boen 8 Parsons3, Wieber3, A.Ramirez 2, Gacke 2,Siauw Totals203-11 48. MYRTLEPOINT(56) — KyleSeals16, Newton tZ tarsen 10,Masan10, Slater 8, FischeI Totals 23 9-20 56. La Pine 13 12 9 14 — 48 Myrtle Point 15 14 17 10 — 56 Three-pointgoals—LaPine: Syres2, Kraft, Parsons, J.Ramirez; Myrtle Point: Masan.

Girls basketball

Burns Tournament CROOKCOUNTY (50) — Dillon Dees 11,

Friday'sResults Nottcottferettce

BEND (33) Delattey Crook10, McClay10, Sylvester 7,Isaak4, Kramer2, Bumham1, Froelich, Mattox,Lundy,Maloney,Hayes, Wheeler. Totals 13 6-7 33. NORTHMEDFORD(46) — McKensey Peters 21, Thomas8, Becker8, Ellis 5, Rattdlematt 2,Wil-

liamson2, Martin. Totals 1418-28 46. Bend 14 7 8 4 — 33 N orth Medford 16 7 1 4 9 — 4 6 Three-pointgoals—Bend: Sylvester; NorthMedford: none

Washechek t0, Benton 9, Greaves9, Mahttritt 8, Dean 3,Lee,Rutz, Cooper,Egbert, Suttin. Totals18 9-15 50. 0NTARI0 (39) — Individualstatistics not available. Totals 152-7 39. SISTERS(48) — Taylor Nieri 26,Edwa rds13, C rookCOUnty 13 1 7 9 1 1 — 50 Petterson 7,Mann2, ttenson, Rowe,Spear. Totals Ontario 17 1 0 9 3 — 3 9 11 26-32 48. Three-point goals —CrookCounty: Mahurin 2, CHURCHILL(41) Harris 8, Dumatt8, MontDean,Benton,Dees; Ontario: NA. gomery 7,Bechen6, Maris 5, Couts3, McDonagh2, Brink 2,Stone,Smith, Brehmer. Totals 16 3-4 41. North LakeTournament Sisters 5 11 14 19 — 48 Churchill 8 6 16 11 — 41 CENTRALCHRISTIAN(18) — Btysott Eells6, Three-point goals Sisters: none; Churchill Roberts 3,Reynolds3, Bryantz Ktttse 2, stewart 2, Montgomery Sibley,Poole,Koo,Davis. Totals 7 3-1018. BONANZA (55) — SeanAngel 18,Hess10, SWEETHOME(30) — Gillespie 6, Davis 6, Wells 8,Stewart6, Para5 Luttrell 4 Salazar2, Merk- Miller 6, Anderson5, Btendle 5, Bell 2, Kent,Marchley z Madera,pitcock Totals 238-1155. banks,Dermates Totals 911-21 30. Central Christian 8 2 4 4 — 18 REDMOND (53) — Kendall Ctttrent15, Wiliams

CROOKCOUNTY (47) Jessie Maley-Lopet 11, Severance10,Benton8, Smith7, Malott 5, Apperson 2, Lindburg 2,Bantton2, Wood, Estes, Martin. Totals 15 15-2747. ONTARIO(48) — Jessica Lang15, Saltttregui 11, Bond9, Helnick 7,Wettstein 4,Yaha2, Anderson, Redmond:none. Kiniskey,BauerTotals1811-21 48. C rook County 9 18 1 1 9 — 4 7 CASCADE (57) — KassiSanders 20, Bidding- Ontario 10 10 21 7 — 48 ton 9, Louder 7, Lottkolarvi 7, Marttttez 6 Sttelzle Three-pointgoals—CrookCounty. Maley-Loper, 4, Trump2, Lund2, Bartlett, Jotze.Totals 20 8-19 Malott; Dntario:Helnick. 57. RIDGEVIEW (38) — Kendal Durre7, Hidalgo North LakeTournament 7, Wilcox 6,Ross6, B. Simmons4, H. Wilder 3, C. Simmons 2, KennyI, D. W>lder1, Stroup1. Totals CENTRALCHRISTIAN(11) — Des<Duke 4, 11 15-32 38. Steal ey4,McAfee2,Hannay1,S.Brunoe,A,Brunoe. Cascade 14 17 16 10 — 57 Totals 4 3-12 11. Ridgeview 8 7 1 3 1 0 — 38 BONANZA(39) — Janelle Hamel8, Colombani Three-po>ntgoals — Cascade: Sanders 2, B> d- 8, Lee8, Awla6, Tyree6, Hammerich ZThompson1, dington,RidgeviewWilcox. Molica.Totals 173-9 39. Central Christian 1 8 1 1 — 11 Willamette Tournament Bonanza 13 9 8 9 — 39 Three-pointgoals—Central Chest< an: none;BoSILVERTON (40) — Oster10, Ratliff 10, Smith nanza:Avila, Hamel. 8, Kuettzi 6, Cote4, Paradis 2, Schaechet,Rysdam, Blaylock.Totals14 8-10 40. Gilchrist Tournament MOUNTAINVIEW (53) — MeganMcCadden 17, Alexander12,Johnson9, Waldrup 6, Booster 5, LA PINEJV(16) — Emilee McGuire 7,Hulse3, Farnsworth 2, Cant 2,Bailey, Reeves,Platttter, Mc- Green z cox2, Herndottz Lestet,Hamilton. Totals 4 8-19 16. Carthy.Totals 21 8-16 53. Three-pointgoals —Silvertott: Smith Z Ratlitt 2; GILCHRIST (62) — Ashley James23, LongboMountainView:Johnson2, Booster. tham tz c. James11,smith 6, Johnson6, Bean2, Silvertott 5 13 7 15 — 40 Archer2, LowelTotals l. 293-962. 2 3 6 5 — 16 Mountain View 9 14 1 1 19 — 53 La Pine JV Gilchrist 2 7 21 6 8 — 6 2 Burns Tournament Threepoint goals t.a PineJV: none;Gilchrist: C. James. 6, Dattnis 6,Redden5, Baker5, Wilson4, Bergum4, Benson4,Lennie 3,Sappington 1,Hammack,Watt. Totals 19 15-3453. SweetHome 4 10 2 14 — 30 Redmond 10 16 16 11 — 53 Three-point goals — Sweet Home:Gilespie;



Pacquiao, Marquez bothin need of a victory By Tim Dahlberg

The Associated Press

LAS VEGAS — The fact that they're much bigger than when they f i rst m e t e i ght years ago is undeniable. Both Manny Pacquiao and Juan Manuel Marquez have added bulk along with the pounds, and both have had to deal with those who suspect they didn't do it naturally. Along w it h t h e f i g hters, the purses and attention have grown as Pacquiao and Marq uez meet tonight fo r t h e fourth — and presumably last — time in the rivalry that has served both fighters so well. Marquez will try once again to do what he hasn't been able to do in 36 evenly contested rounds a g a inst P a c quiao — get a decision from the ringsidescorecards. At the age of 39, it's a fight that may mean more to his legacy than his future career, which is why it's a fight he seems almost desperate to win. "All I ask is for the judges to be objective," Marquez said. "They need to really see what

is happening in the ring instead of what they think might be happening in the ring." Pacquiao is not as desperate, but he needs a win just as badly. He barely escaped with a majority decision over Marquez last November — a result that drew loud boos from the p ro-Marquez crowd — a n d lost a widely panned decision to Timothy Bradley his last time out. A loss to Marquez would not only confirm the whispers that

he is slipping after 17 years as a pro, but perhaps derail for good any talk of a fight against Floyd Mayweather Jr. "I have always been focused, but not like this fight," Pacquiao said. "There are no distractions in my mind. The family problems I had I don't have this time." Neither fighter holds a title as they meet in a welterweight fight that will make both even richer. Pacquiao is expected to make more than $20 million by the time the pay-per-view receipts are t o taled, w h ile promoter Bob Arum said Marquez could make as much as $6 million. It's afar cry from 2004, when Pacquiao and Marquez could barely fill half the arena. The fight, though, was plenty intriguing, with Pacquiao coming off a win over Marco Antonio Barrera that announced his entry into boxing's elite and Marquez having stopped his past 11 opponents. It seemed a mismatch when P acquiao knocked hi s f e l low 125-pounder down three times in the first round and Marquez barely survived to hear the bell. But the Mexican

champion began a comeback in round 3, dominating the late rounds on his way to a disputed draw that foreshadowed what was to come in the years ahead. All three fights — Pacquiao won the past two — were so close they could have gone either way. Pacquiao might not h ave gotten the fight with Oscar De La Hoya that catapulted him to stardom in 2008 just nine months a fter b eating Marquez in a split decision in their second fight. Marquez, meanwhile, might have become more than just an opponent getting rich off the names of fighters who will be judged better than him. "My career maybe changed, and everything would be different,"Marquez said. "But I feel great what happened in the past with Manny." A fourth fight between two world class fighters is almost unheard of in a day when top fighters rarely enter the ring more than twice a year. Almost as astonishing is that theywere spreadout over eight years and five weight classes, yet tonight's fight will still be a pay-per-view event that will likely draw more than I mil-

lion buys (HBO $59.95) across the country.


week. He has won six major awards, including the Maxwell as national player of the year. He could become Notre Dame's eighth Heisman winner and first since Tim Brown in 1987. "I can only imagine how I would feel if I win the Heisman," he said. Charles W o o dson of M ichigan i n 1 997 i s t h e closest thing to a true defensive player winning the Heisman. Woodson was a dominant cornerback, but he also returned punts and played some receiveron offense. That helped burnish his Heisman credentials. Te'o i s a l l li n e backer. He leads th e t o p-ranked Fighting Irish this season with 103 tackles and seven interceptions. Klein was the front-runner for the Heisman for a good chunk of the season, but he played his worst game late in the season — in a loss at Baylor — and the momentum Manziel gained by leading Texas A8 M to victory at Alabama has been tough to stop. Manziel's numbers are hard to deny. He set a Southeastern Conference record with a total of 4,600 yards, passing for more than 3,000 and rushing for more than 1,000. Klein, by comparison, averages about 100 fewer total

Continued from D1 I n f a irness, thi s w e ek for "Johnny Football" has not been nearly as hectic, though this trip to New York City is different from the first time he visited with his family when he was young. " It's just taking it u p a whole 'nother level, but happy to be here," he said. Manziel and Te'o spent about 30 m i nutes getting g rilled by d o zens o f r e porters in a cramped conf erence room, p osed f o r some pictures with the big bronze statue that they are h oping to w i n , an d w e re quickly whisked away for more interviews and photo opportunities. Manziel, Te'o or C o llin Klein, the other finalist who could not make it to town Friday, each has a chance to be a Heisman first tonight. M anziel w ould b e t h e f irst freshman to wi n t h e award. Te'o would be the first winner to play only defense. Klein would be Kansas State's first H eisman winner. Manziel and Te'o were on the same flight to New York from Orlando, Fla.,where several c o l l ege f o o t ball awards were handed out Thursday night. The 6-footI, 200-pound quarterback was just happy th e 2 55pound linebacker did not try yards per game (383-281) to record another sack when than Manziel. they met. A f reshman has n ever "He's a big guy," Manziel won th e H eisman. Oklasaid, flashing a big smile homa running back Adrian from under his white Tex- Peterson came closest in as A8M b a seball cap. "I 2004, finishing second to thought he might stuff me Southern California quarin alocker and beat me up a terback Matt Leinart. little bit." Manziel i s a r ed s h irt The two had not had much freshman, meaning he attime for sightseeing yet, but t ended Texas A & M a n d they did walk around Times practiced with the team last Square some, saying hello to year but did not play. Still, a few fans. They probably he would be the most inwere not too difficult to spot experiencedcoll ege player in their team-issued warmever to win the sport's most up gear. prestigious award. "We've just been talking "It'ssurreal for me to sit about goofy stuff. Playing here and think about that video games. Playing Ga- this early in my career," he laga. Just some things from said. " With what me a n d back in th e day. Messing my teammates have gone around with e ach o ther," through, with how they've Manziel said. "Kind of see- played and h o w t h e y 've i ng who i s going to t a ke h elped me to get t o t h i s more pictures. He's definite- point, it's just a testament to ly taking that award right how good they are and how now." good they've been this year. Te'o is already going to "Without them I wouldn't need a huge trophy case be here, and that's the real to house his haul from this story to all this."

Army-Navy Continued from D1 Navy (7-4) won it a schoolrecord seven straight seasons through 2009 before giving way to Air Force the past two seasons. "We didn't win much, but we won just enough to bring a little extra drama to this game," Army c oach Rich Ellerson said. "From the moment these guys got to West Point, every building and everybody's front door says, 'Beat Navy' and 'Beat Air Force.' There is so much on the table for them." F or what i s b i l l e d a s "America's Game," the Linc will be stuffed with Cadets and Midshipmen standing, bouncing and cheering for the entire game. Beating Army has become an annual tradition for Navy. None of the Mids wants to be associated with a t eam that ended the streak. "They're getting c l oser and closer," Navy linebacker Brye French said. "The 10 wins have been awesome. But this year is even bigger

than all t h ose because it actually means something with the CIC." Navy's 27-21 win last season was the tightest margin since the w i n ning streak started. The Mids won by a combined 74-3 score in 2007 and 2008, and f our times over the past decade the Black Knights failed to score more than six points. Army lost its 49-46-7 series lead during this decade of football futility. T he Black K n ights d i d beat AirForce 30-22 on Oct. 27 to at least squeeze their way into the rare position of playing for the trophy. That ended Army's 13-game losing streak in service acad-

emy games. "I think beating Air Force brings just a little bit extra to the equation," Ellerson said. "We've had a t ough year, but that gives us some confidence you might not otherwise see because of that win and that common opponent." Navy beat Air Force 28-21 in overtime in early October to steer toward the trophy

Maze winssLiper-combi The Associated Press ST. MORITZ, Switzerland — Tina Maze of Slovenia won her third race of the season by finishing first in both runs of a World Cup super-combined event Friday, while Lindsey Vonn failed to finish. V onn was fourth in t h e super-G but lost control of a ski during an early turn in her slalom run and failed to finish. Maze extended her lead in the overall standings by fin-

ishing in an aggregate time of 2 minutes, 1.76 seconds after the Super-G and slalom. She defeated Nicole Hosp of Austria by 0.88, while Kathrin Zettel of Austria was 1.08 behind in third.

SKIING Julia Mancuso of the United States was fifth after the Super-G, but slipped to 11th after posting the 23rd-fastest time in the slalom. World super-combined champion Anna Fenninger of Austria was seventh, 1.90 behind Maze. Bend's Laurenne Ross finished 25th with a time of 2:06.13. Maze finished runner-up to overall champion Vonn last season without winning a race. She now leads the American by 187 points despite Vonn's three straight wins last week at Lake Louise, Alberta.

Heismanhopefulsataglance JOHNNY MANZIEL School:TexasA8M Year:Redshirt freshman

Position:Quarterback Why he'll win it:He has the coolest nickname — Johnny Football — and is the most dynamic of the finalists, and

Heisman voters have loved that kind of player during the past two years. Remember Robert Griffin III and Cam Newton? Plus, Manziel has the eye-popping numbers: 4,600 total

yards, which surpasses Newton's SEC standard. Manziel is responsible for 21.5 points per game byrushing or passing touchdowns andhad 70plays of 20 or more yards, 10 more than anybody else in college football. Why hewon't: Manziel is a redshirt freshman, andnofreshman or redshirt freshman has won the trophy. One, Oklahoma running back Adrian Peterson, finished second in 2004.

TexasA&M's destHeisman finish:RBJohn David Crow won in1957.

MANTI TE'0 School:Notre Dame Year:Senior Position:Linebacker Why he'll win it:Best player on the top-ranked team is usually a slam dunk for the Heisman, if that player is a quarterback or running back. But linebacker? On a team defined by

defense, Te'o isaone-manwreckingcrew.Hehasalready been chosen winner of the Nagurski Award as the nation's top defensive player and Butkus Award for top linebacker. Te'o has eye-popping stats: 103 total tackles (42 more than the

next Notre Dameplayer) and seven interceptions. The picks ranked third nationally and first among linebackers. Te'o came up with huge interceptions in the season-defining victory at Oklahoma, and led the goal-line stand against Stanford. Notre Dame leads the nation in scoring defense at10.3 and is the only team in the nation that hasn't surrendered a touchdown drive of longer than 75 yards. Why he won't:Heisman plays favorites with positions. The

only defensive player to win theaward is Michigan cornerback Charles Woodson in1997, and hereturned kicks and caught a pass occasionally. The only top five finishers in voting among

defenders sinceWoodson wereNebraskatackleNdamukong Suh (fourth in 2009) and LSUcornerback Tyrann Mathieu (fifth last year). Notre Dame's best Heisman finish:First, seven times. Last won by WR Tim Brown in1987.

COLLIN KLEIN School:Kansas State Year:Senior

Position:Quarterback Why he'll win it:C'mon, one badgameand he's out of it? That's what the straw polls indicate, but perhaps there's a silent majority out there who overlooked Klein's three-pick

game at Baylor and credited him with being the best leader in college football. Klein was responsible for 37 touchdowns this season. He has rushed for a touchdown in11 straight games,

the longest streak in college football. And he's agreat story,

lightly recruited out of high school, got on the field initially for

K-State as awide receiver and hasbecomeonly the second K-State player after Michael Bishop in1998 to becomea Heisman finalist from his school.

Why hewon't: That Baylor game cost Klein in the polls, and it happened late in the season. The Heisman loves upper-

class quarterbacks, but this is ayear where afreshman and defensive player might havecaught the voters' fancy. KansasState'sdestfinish:SecondbyBishopin1998. — Blair Kerkhoff The KansasCity Star

for a record 13th time. "I think we're both grateful we have an opportunity to play for it," Navy coach Ken Niumatalolo said. There's more football left for Navy after today's tradition-filled spectacle. The Mids are to play A r izona State in the Fight Hunger B owl on D ec. 29 i n S a n Francisco. Y es, the o u tcome a n d the trophy ar e i m portant for each side, but this is a game about more than the final score. The run-heavy contests are rarely a treat to watch. But the Brigade of Midshipmen and Corps o f Cadets marching i n t o L incoln F i n a ncial F i e l d — complete with a military flyover — are the moments that make this game one to savor. " Playing football i s t h e best part of our day," Army quarterback Trent Steelman said. "It's a struggle for a lot of other teams across the nation. It's our time to get away from everything else that's

going on in life." For Navy, t ha t


comes in a tough time for the program. The Midshipmen have been worried daily over the health of thirdstring quarterback Ralph Montalvo. Montalvo was in a medically induced coma after he was critically injured in a car accident near his home on Thanksgiving night. His family posts updates at ca r i n gbridge.org/visit/ r afimontalvo/journal. On Thursday, the journal read, "He stuck his tongue out at us when asked to do so on several occasions. We cont inue to pray that he w i l l wake soon." Montalvo was scheduled to travel to Philadelphia and dress for th e A r m y-Navy game before the accident. The Mids will show support for Montalvo today by wearing a sticker that says "Rafi" on the back of their helmets. " The parents are w o nderful people and they're hanging in there," Niumatalolo said. "He's a typical academy kid, just a wonderful young man, wonderful e scape American."


Snedeker, Love top shootout The Associated Press NAPLES, Fla. — U.S. Ryder Cup captain Davis Love III and Brandt Snedeker shot a 10-under 62 on Friday in modified alternate-shot play to take the first-round lead in the F r anklin T empleton Shootout. Love said everyone on the U.S. team wanted to play with Snedeker, a captain's pick, so he took that advice this week. "That's why I was so excited to play with him, because I knew it would be fun and comfortable," Love said. Love and Snedeker made 10 birdies for the lowest score in the modified alternate-shot format in the 24-year-old tournament's 12 years in Naples. They tied t h e t h i r d-lowest score overall. "For the first time in my career, I got to feel like what it's like to be Davis Love, to hit from some of his tee shots, and hit from some of his beautiful iron shots on these par 3s, and realize how the game is supposed to be played," Snedeker sa>d. K enny Perry a n d S e a n O'Hair were two strokes back on the Ritz-Carlton Golf Resort's Tiburon Golf Club. "In this format, both players have got to play well," O'Hair sa>d. Perry was thankful O'Hair saved him after a couple of poor chip shots. "I didn't realize how long he was," Perry said. "I used to hit it kind of close to him, and now I realize I need to be staying on the Champions Tour after how far he hits it. I was just stunned." Also on Friday: Australian up one in Sydney SYDNEY — A us t r alia's Marcus Fraser took a o n estroke lead in the Australian Open, shooting hi s s econd s traight 3-under 69 at T h e Lakes. Fraser had a 6-under 138 total. Fellow Australians Brendan Jones and John Senden were tied for second. Jones had a 71, and Senden, the firstround leader, shot a 73. Schwartzel increases lead CHON BURI, ThailandSouth Africa's Charl Schwartzel shot his second straight 7-under 65 to increase his lead to four strokes in the Asian Tour's Thailand Golf Championship. Sweden's Daniel Chopra was second after a 67, and Japan's Masanori Kobayashi was another stroke back, also after a 67 at Amata Spring. China's Feng tops Dubai DUBAI, United Arab Emirates — China's Shanshan Feng shot a 5-under 67 to take a fivestroke lead into the final round of the Ladies European Tour's Dubai Ladies Masters. Feng, the LPGA Championship winner in June, birdied the final three holes at Emirates Golf Club fora tournament-record 18-under 198 total. The Netherlands' Dewi Claire Schreefel was second after a course-record 63. Rain delays European event D URBAN, South A f r i c a — The start of the European Tour's season-opening Nelson Mandela Championship was washed out for the second straight day after heavy rain left most of the course under water. The event also is sanctioned by the Sunshine Toul'.


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e a

o w : e a m e or avens, e s in

By Barry Wilaer

past two weeks were damaging, but the Bucs remain in the wild-card chase and can't afford a stumble here. Their productive offense could tear through a weakened and sometimes disinterested Eagles defense; look for receiver Vincent Jackson to excel in his matchup with whichever defensive backs cover him. Jackson averages 20.3 yards per reception, easily tops in the league. Philly

The Associated Press

Ask the Baltimore Ravens and Washington R edskins about their b i g gest r i v als and they don't mention each other. For the Ravens, it's usually playing the Pittsburgh Steelers, who beat them last weekend. For the Redskins, it's often the New York Giants, an opponent they edged last Monday night. Coming off those emotional matchups, the Ravens and Redskins renew the Beltway Bowl, a game that happens only every four years, but on Sunday is of critical importance to both teams. U nless they faced off i n February, of course. "They call it the Battle of the Beltway," Ravens running back Ray Rice said. "I don't

know if you call it bragging rights or whatever. We are two different (conferences), but it's also good to know if you can get a win when you are that close apart. I always said it would be kind of crazy if we have a Ravens-Redskins Super Bowl. "It's not going to be any different than last week. It's go-

ing to be a slugfest. It's going to be two teams that are going out there and fighting." Baltimore (9-3) leads the A FC North and w ins it b y beating Washington and seeing both the Steelers and Ben-

gals lose. The Ravens grab a playoff berth with a win and one of those division rivals

losing. Washington (6-6) has won three in a row to move within one game of the Giants atop the NFC East. Rookie sensation Robert Griffin III runs a hybrid offense that has been effective on the ground and in theair.When needed, RG3 has been a superb improviser. "RG3, he can put the ball out there and throw it very far," Ravens defensive back Corey Graham said. "They do a lot of play-action reads. RG3, he can do everything. He's a fast guy, he can turn the edge, turn the corner on a lot of guys. He can throw the ball very good and is accurate with his passes also. When you've got a guy that can do pretty much everything, it's a tough challenge." Also Sunday, it's Miami at San Francisco, New Orleans at the New York Giants, Chicago at Minnesota, Detroit at Green Bay, Atlanta at Carolina, Dallas at Cincinnati, Tennessee at Indianapolis, Arizona at Seattle, Philadelphia at Tampa Bay, San Diego at Pittsburgh, St. Louis at Buffalo, Kansas City at Cleveland, and the New York Jets at Jacksonville. M onday n i gh t h a s t h e premier matchup of the week, with Houston at New England. The action began Thursday night with Peyton Manning and streaking Denver's 2613 victory in Oakland. The

Broncos (10-3) have won eight straight, and the Raiders (310) have lost six in a row.

Houston (11-1) at New England (9-3), Monday night:The best Monday nighter of the s eason, w it h t h e w in n e r emerging as an AFC favorite. "First off, every game is b ig here coming down t h e stretch," said Texans coach Gary Kubiak, w hose team — unlike the perennial contenders from New England — has not been in this kind of spotlight too often. "We're in position, just like the Patriots are, to kind of control our own destiny moving forward. "We know we'll have to play extremely well this weekend. We see every week as a big game and obviously in D ecember,they're allhuge." New England's offense has been unstoppable, with t h e Patriots outscoring opponents by 170 points. The 430 they have put up are 79 more than the Texans, who rank second

in scoring.

allows 233 yards per game

sota, Tampa Bay and Seattle after this. The Bills have not beaten a team that currently has a winning mark. Of course, St. Louis doesn't have one, either.

Kansas City (2-10) at Cleveland (4-8): The Browns are showing some life since new owner Jimmy Haslam took over, and perhaps they can save coach Pat Shurmur's job with continued strong performances. Cleveland is plus-7 in turnover differential, which

through t h e a i r . J a c kson could be a huge edge against Kansas City, which ranks at might get that many. San Diego (4-8) at Pittsburgh the bottom of the NFL with a (7-5): For those who believe minus-21 and 32 giveaways. the Steelers saved their seaK.C. comes off an uplifting son with that impressive vic- victory against Carolina one tory at Baltimore, hold on. day after l inebacker Jovan They remain vulnerable until Belcher shot to death his girlBen Roethlisberger is healthy friend and then committed enough to function like the su>c>de. winning quarterback he has Coach Romeo Crennel once been. had the same job in Cleveland, But the defense has come where he went 24-40 before on and might be good enough being fired. to lift the Steelers to the playNew York Jets (5-7) at Jackoffs while Roethlisberger ful- sonville (2-10): Mark Sanchez ly recovers. remains behind center, and "We just know we've got not necessarily on a s h ort to make plays," cornerback leash given the backup situaK eenan L ewi s s a i d . "We tion with the Jets. New York Nick WassI The Associated Press file know it's going to come down has gotten sloppy in virtually Washington coach Mike Shanahan, right, and Baltimore coach John Harbaugh are set to meet in to us. We've got to make plays e very offensive area, w i t h the Beltway Bowl on Sunday, a game between the two teams that takes place every four years. when our numbers have been the spotlight, naturally, on called and we've been doing S anchez's failings. But t h e running game isn't much, the that." tions, fumbles. They've won nents, including the Packers' Seahawks, a huge edge in the receivers have been pedestriSan Diego has lost four a lot of close games. They've 24-20 decision three weeks schedule that could help them straight and seven of eight an and the offensive line has won overtime games. They've ago. The Lions have been un- make the playoffs. Seattle is as it plays out the string in continued its 2011 slump. come from behind. They've disciplined and it has really 5-0 at home and comes off its perhaps the final season for Yet the Jets' remaining opwon on the road; they're 6-0 cost them late in games. most impressive late-game coach Norv Turner and gen- ponents, beginning with the They also don't get after performance; forget that reeral manager A.J. Smith. AFC-worst Jaguars, have a on the road." Miami (5-7) at San Francisco the passer as well as would placement officials-aided lastSt. Louis (5-6-1) at Buffalo (5- 15-33 record. (8-3-1): San Francisco has got- be expected with the likes of second win over Green Bay in 7): St. Louis is the only team in ten very sloppy the past two Ndamukong Suh, Kyle Van- Week 3. the league that wishes it could w eeks, endangering w h a t den Bosch and Cliff Avril on No team has collapsed more face SanFrancisco more often was a huge lead in the NFC d efense. Even w o rse w i t h than the Cardinals, who won after a tie and a win against West. The Niners had 21 pen- Aaron Rodgers on the other their first four, but haven't the 49ers. This week, though, alties in those games out of 88 side, Detroit struggles in pass tasted victory in two months. it's Buffalo, which runs the total for the season, and eight coverage. Their quarterback situation ball nearly as well as the Nintimes were called for offenSo even with Jordy Nelson is a total mess, and they can't ers, but has trouble stopping l ikely sidelined an d D o n - stop the run. it. It could be a productive day sive holding. "We have had some big ald Driver nursing a broken Philadelphia (3-9) at Tampa for the Rams' Steven Jackson Bay (6-6): While the Eagles and the Bills' C.J. Spiller on ones that have really stopped thumb, the Packers could tear some drives. Some of them up the tundra and fill up the can't get t h e s eason over the ground. were really, really question- scoreboard. quick enough, Tampa Bay The Rams could play a role Atlanta (11-1) at Carolina still has big plans. Losses to in who gets an NFC wild-card able, in our opinion," coach Jim Harbaugh said. "That's (3-9): The Falcons barely es- the Falcons and Broncos the slot because they face Minnenot the way we want to play. caped against the Panthers in That's not the 49er way of Week 4. Atlanta has clinched the NFC South, but desperplaying football." Those issuescertainly need ately wants to clinch homefield advantage throughout to be cleaned up before the 49ers visit New England and the NFC playoffs, and actuSeattle the next two weeks. ally could do so this weekend Miami must find a way to with a victory and losses by keep linebacker Aldon Smith Chicago, Green Bay and San in check i n p a ssing situa- Francisco. W ith fe w b l o wouts t h i s tions. Smith has matched the franchise single-season sacks season, the Falcons haven't SPOPT P ESENTED BYTHE BULLETIN 8: PINE MOUNTAI mark with 17 t/z, and Miami's overwhelmed anyone despite starting left tackle, Jake Long, t heir gaudy record. It w i l l take some playoff victories is gone for the season. New Orleans (5-7) at New to make a major impression, York Giants (7-5): The Saints not wins over the likes of the have a three-game winning Panthers, who fell at l owly t r streak against th e G i ants, Kansas City — albeit in an including two blowouts. But emotion-filled setting — last New Orleans is a d i f ferent Sunday. team on the road and, for that Dallas (6-6) at Cincinnati (7matter, a l esser version of 5): These two teams are in the midst of the playoff races even previous Saints squads with Drew Brees at quarterback. though each has had a slew of Brees never has lost to the stumbles this season. skis, TREK 8 SANTA CRUZ bikes, clothing, shoes, Giants in four games, has 11 Cincinnati has overcome a sunglasses, outerwear, split boards touchdowns, no interceptions four-game slide with four conand a 122.1 passer rating. secutive wins, three against & more! But he comes off a five-in- AFC West weaklings and one ir terception d ebacle a g ainst over the Giants, who aren't Atlanta, and faces a Giants looking so good recently, eiOne WinterWinner t eam that s t il l m u s t h a v e ther. The Bengals do seem One SpringWinner nightmares o v e r ch a s ing a legit contender, though, as RG3. With tr ips to A t lanta theirdefense has stepped up, One Summer Winner and Baltimore ahead and just allowing a mere 42 points in One Fall Winner a one-game edge in the NFC the winning string. Giftcard will be activated Dallas confounds everyEast, New York is in dire need at the beginning of its of a win here. one, and if it could hold onto season. The winter Chicago (8-4) at Minnesota leads late in games, it might gift card will beactivated (6-6): Last year, one injury very well be leading the NFC on January 31,2013. after another, most notably to East. The Cowboys trail the QB Jay Cutler, victimized the Giants by one game, but their Qo g P ORFJgORMATIOQ Og TO SUBSCRIBE,CALL gE BULLETIN g 5g -385-580 Bears. The injury curse has past four victories are against struck again, with the latest Carolina, Cleveland and two Additional entry forms are available in newspapers for sale throughout Central Oregon and in the lobby ot The Bulletin. Last dayto enter s noon, January18, 2013. All tour wmnersw>ll bedrawn andannounced at noon onJanuary 31, 2013 at P>neMountam Sports. star unable to suit up being against Philadelphia, all lastBrian Urlacher. That doesn't place teams. The Bulletin bendbulletin.com bode well for a team that has Tennessee (4-8) at Indialost three of four and must napolis (8-4): Here's how FOUR SEASONS OF 2013 SWEEPSTAKES ENTRY FORM. SIGN ME UPTO WIN! play Green Bay next week. stunningly well this season is Ofiicial newsprint entry forms only. All entries must be droppedoff in person at PineMountain Sports. See www.bendbulletin.com/pinemtn1300 or |Nww pinemountainsports.com for official rules and regulations. Winners will be notified by email only. "When you start g etting going for the Colts: win here depleted and trying to make and next week at H ouston NAME: PHONE: that run for the division, try- — a tall order, that one — and ADDRESS: ing to position yourself for Indy could own a playoff spot. E-MAIL (required): B ULLETIN SUBSCRIBER: YES N O the playoffs or whatever it is, That's how effective the new and you don't have your main regime and its collection of MY INTERESTS: SKIIN G BIK I N G CA MP I N G RUN N I N G LIF E STYLE/CASUAL E V E N TS guys out there, it could be dif- new players, including, of ficult," said Minnesota defen- course, top overall draft pick The Bulletin bendbLllletin.com (541) 385-8080 sive end Jared Allen, whose Andrew Luck, has been. 10-6MON-FRI /9-6 SAT-SUN 1777 SW CHANDLER AVE., BEND (541) 382-1811 Winners of six of the past club lost outstanding receiver Percy Harvin for the season seven outings, the Colts come this week, but has the equally off one of the most exhilarating comebacks in the league outstanding Adrian Peterson. "At the same time, you've this year, capped by a finalDeal of The Week P eMo t Sp t got to have that next-man-up play touchdown at Detroit. COUPON REQUIRED I mentality because everybody Tennessee has nothing so is in the league for a reason; noteworthy i n i t s 2 012 reeverybody gets a paycheck. sume, although it did f orce You have to step up and fill Indy to overtime on Oct. 28 the void when need be." before losing 19-13. visit store for special

So a l ig h t -up-the-scoreboard affair could be in order, even though Houston ranks sixth in defense. "They certainly get after the football. They can rush the quarterback," Tom Brady said. "They do a g reat job stopping the run. They're taking the ball away; they get a Detroit (4-8) at Green Bay (8Arizona (4-8) at Seattle (7-5): lot of balls batted down at the 4): Detroit's slide has reached The first of three home games line of scrimmage, intercep- four, all against solid oppo- with NFC West rivals for the


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Barn/shop cats FREE, POODLE PUPS, AKC some tame, some not. toys. Small, friendly, 8 The Bulletin reserves We d eliver! F i xed, loving! 541-475-3889 the right to publish all shots. 541-389-8420 ads from The Bulletin Queensland Heeler newspaper onto The Border Collie/New Zealpuppies 6 wks, 1st and Huntaways, male Bulletin Internet webshots, wormed. $200 site. pup. Wonderful dog, ea. Just in time for working parents, $250. Christmas! The Bulletin I Want to Buy or Rent 541-546-6171 541-639-7282 ser ng CentralOregon s nce l903 Queensland Heelers Wanted: $Cash paid for standard 8 mini,$150 & vintage costume jewCoins & Stamps • up. 541-280-1537 or elry. Top dollar paid for http://rightwayranch. Gold/Silver.l buy by the wordpress.com Estate, Honest Artist Elizabeth,541-633-7006 Boxer Pups, AKC / CKC, St. Bernard-Chesapeake Bay Retriever WANTED: RAZORS, 1st shots, very social mix, 2 boys, 4 girls. $700. 541-325-3376 Double or single$225M, $275F, 1st edged, straight Cairn Terrier Stud shots, dewormed. razors, shaving wanted for Cairn-Poo HELP YOUR AD Ready 12/23! brushes, mugs & litter in Bend. $100 or stand out from the 541-595-6970 scuttles, strops, pick of the litter. Must be rest! Have the top line shaving accessories available between Wolf-HuskyPups, $400! in bold print for only & memorabilia. 12/7-12/1 2. Nicole35 years exper. Can text $2.00 extra. Fair prices paid. 541.788.3894 pics. Call 541-977-7019



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Highspeed Internet EV- Found Border Collie mix ERYWHERE By Sat- 1-yr old (?) male on HillCity of Klamath Falls ellite! Speeds up to top of Juniper Canyon. Journeyman 12mbps! (200x faster 541-447-9866 541-788-6365 Maintenance Worker than dial-up.) Starting Cat, young longHVAC Certified Raging Judge Magnum at $49.95/mo. CALL Found haired Siamese, viPrimarily r e sponsibiliS/S w/holster 8 ammo, NOW & G O F A S T! cinity 1st/Greenwood, ties are to maintain, $850/obo. Bond Arms 1-888-718-2162. 421 11/25. 541-389-1740 troubleshoot and rederringer, .45LC 8 .410 (PNDC) pair city heating and S/S, w/holster, $475. FOUND gold wedding Schools & Training Men's Pendleton wool bank ooling syst e ms 541-383-3029 in North A IRLINES AR E H I R - c equipment, typically top coat, Albertson's p a rking Ruger LC9 (9mm) laser. fingertip-length nhot", "cold" or ING Train for hands size 42. $150 new; sell HVAC lot. C a l l to ID Purchased new two $50 cash. 541-382-1867 on Aviation Mainteindoor air quality re541-693-4063. months ago, n e ver nance Career. FAA ports. Also required to shot. Box of ammo. The Bulletin Offers F ound m an' s p l a i n approved p r ogram. help with other main$400. 541-404-2826. Free Private Party Ads t-shirt on 33rd near Financial aid if quali- tenance division dulines - 3 days Umatilla, Redmond on fied - Housing avail- ties. Ruger Vaquero 44 mag, •• 3Private Appl i c ation Party Only t he No v. 28th. able. Call Aviation In- packets and full job stainless, 73/gn brl, new. • Total of items adver- 541-923-6908. stitute $495. 541-815-4901. of d escription can b e tised must equal $200 Maintenance. obtained from HR by Wanted: Collector or Less Just too many 1-877-804-5293. calling 541.883.5317 seeks high quality L! t1 d ge th (PNDC) collectibles? or on the City's webfishing items. • 3-ad limit for s a m e w w w .ci.klaCall 541-678-5753, or ATTEND COL L E GE site a t item advertised within math-falls.or.us/jobs. 503-351-2746 Sell them in 3 months ONLINE 100%. Position is open until Call 541-385-5809 The Bulletin Classifieds *Medical, *Business, filled, with the first re247 Call 541-390-7029 *Criminal Jus t i ce, Fax 541-385-5802 Yorkie AKC pups, small, sere ng CentraI Oregon srnce l903 view of a pplications between 10 am-3 pm. Sporting Goods *Hospitality, *Web. ready now! Health guar., Wanted- paying cash 54 1 e385-5809 o n D e cember 2 0 , 541-385-5809 Misc. Job placement assisWANT TO BUY: Trager shots, potty training, pixs for Hi-fi audio 8 stuSalary tance. Comp u ter 2012. smoker/ BBQ made in avail,$650. 541-777-7743 dio equip. Mclntosh, R EMEMBER: If you $3854.80/mo. EOE Atlas 833 snowshoes available. F i n ancial Mt. An g el , OR. Crafts & Hobbies J BL, M a rantz, D y have lost an animal, .4 . used twice, now 3/gprice Aid if qual i fied. 541-536-1572. naco, Heathkit, Sandon't forget to check $62.50 541-549-6036 SCHEV a u thorized. Cayalier/Cocker Spaniel, TURN THE PAGE Rockhound Equipmentsui, Carver, NAD, etc. The Humane Society Call 866 - 688-7078 203 mini. Will be under 10 Yorkie/Chihuahua Snow boots, A ltimate Call 541-261-1808 saw, grind, sand & in Bend 541-382-3537 For More Ads www.Centuraonline.c lbs. $500. Ready now; tiny female, $220 Holiday Bazaar p olish. L o rtone 8 Black Hawk, sz 11, new WHEN YOU SEE THIS Redmond, The Bulletin will hold with deposit. cash. 541-678-7599 om (PNDC) $130, 541-280-3493 Highland Park Bend. 541-923-0882 8 Craft Shows 541-241-4914. Snow boots, new AltiPrineville, TRUCK SCHOOL Yorkie mix 2 m a l es. Info 541 280-5574 ~Oo 541-447-7178; www.llTR.net mate Escape II, sz11 HOLIDAY FAIRE Ready 12/1 0. $350 DO YOU NEED $115. 541-280-3493 OR Craft Cats, Redmond Campus New items arriving daily! ea. 541-977-2223 Bicycles 8 541-389-8420. A GREAT Now thru Dec. 16, On a classified ad Student Loans/Job 249 210 Mon-Fri 10-2; Sat-Sun, Waiting Toll Free EMPLOYEE Accessories go to 10-5-445 W. Hwy 20 Art, Jewelry 1-888-387-9252 Furniture & Appliances www.bendbulletin.com RIGHT NOW? (3 Wind Shopping Plaza by to view additional Call The Bulletin & Furs Bimatt), in Sisters. Chihuahuas, multi-col476 photos of the item. before 11 a.m. and Unique hand-crafted gifts: ors, 1st shots/dewormed, A1 Washers&Dryers Employment get an ad in to pub2ct Euro-cut diamond Wooden toys, bowls, $250. 541-977-4686 $150 ea. Full war261 men's ring, serious only lish the next day! cabinets, clocks, jewelry, Opportunities ranty. Free Del. Also Medical Equipment Dachshunds Choc. $12,000 obo. 541-385-5809. tutus, Duck/Beaver items wanted, used W/D's mini long-haired pup541-788-5343 & much more! VIEW the Administrative 541-280-7355 Women's 3-spd bike, 26" Medical Alert for Sepies. AKC. M$500, F Classifieds at: All profits to fund Three Klamath County F ire M ikimoto 2 2 " Pea r l niors - 24/7 monitorwhitewalls, new chrome $600. 541-598-7417. www.bendbulletin.com Sisters Lions Club District No. 1 has a Bookcase-type Head- fenders, gel seat, basket, Necklace, $999 OBO. ing. FREE Equipment. charities. career e m ployment Cash, 503-338-9945 board, queen size, great like new> $200 OBO. FREE Shipping. NaDO YOU HAVE opportunity fo r an cond, $25. 541-389-7968 541-549-1 1 57 tionwide Ser v i ce. Farm Equipment 253 SOMETHING TO Administrative Assis- Information Technology $ 29.95/Month C A L L Looking for an SELL 245 & Machinery tant II / Lead AmbuTV, Stereo & Video Medical Guardian ToIT Manager FOR $500 OR lance Billing SpecialGolf Equipment 88 8 - 842-0760. LESS? D VD/CD A M /FM H T , day i st. The hour l y to oversee and man(PNDC) Non-commercial c ompensation r a t e age hardware & softClubs 8 cart, Spalding 3 Samsung Red Toc sys A Christmas Bazaar, advertisers may range i s $14 . 7 0- ware systems for a KlaCall The Bulletin Clas- woods,5 irons, Titleist put- $200 541-280-3493 265 Dec. 8, 8 to 5 place an ad with sifieds today and have ter, $75. 541-617-1225 Speakers, Creative 6.1 $18.99 per hour with a math Falls company. Crescent Community Building Materials our generous ben e f it Related Bachelors dethis attention getter in Megaworks 650 700w Center, Crescent or ten years expe"QUICK CASH package. For a com- gree your classified ad. $120 541-280-3493 Cut-off road. Crafts, REDMOND Habitat rience required. Send Maschio 7-ft rotary tiller, SPECIAL" plete job description 541-385-5809. Guns, Hunting art, and food! Come RESTORE virtually new, less than 5 1 week 3 lines 12 application, visit resume or request a full help support the & Fishing Building Supply Resale hrs. $7500 new; asking and to o g ~eeke 2 0 l www.kcfd1.com. Ap- job description Need to get an Computers Community. Quality at careersO $5000. 541-421-3222 Ad must include plications due D e c. sim lexit ad in ASAP? 22LR revolver, 4" bbl, LOW PRICES health.com price of single item 1 4, 2012 b y 1 2 0 0 HOLIDAY ART SHOW S/S, Charter Arms, T HE B U LLETIN r e 1242 S. Hwy 97 You can place it of $500 or less, or Sat.-Sun. Dec. 8 & 9 p.m. (noon). quires computer adNIB, $375. 541-548-1406 Hay, Grain & Feed multiple items Marketing and Donor 10 a.m. -4 p.m.. online at: vertisers with multiple 541-788-6365 Open to the public. Call The Bulletin At Relations Specialist whose total does 60121 Sweetgrass Ln. ad schedules or those www.bendbulletin.com Wanted: Irrigated farm 541-385-5809 not exceed $500. .357 mag Rossi, lever selling multiple sysHealthy Beginnings Original & affordable 266 ground, under pivot ir- Place Your Ad Or E-Mail for action rifle, 20" bbl, NIB, with High Desert Edugifts directly from lotems/ software, to disrigation, in C e ntral Heating & Stoves 541-385-5809 Call Classifieds at $449. 541-788-6365 cation Service District; cal artists-photograclose the name of the At: www.bendbulletin.com OR. 541-419-2713 541-385-5809 3 0 h r s/week a n d phy, watercolors, fine business or the term .45ACP Hi-Point pistol Heritage Bay n a tural www.bendbulletin.com Computer d esk, LStraw: Certified & p ro-rated bene f i t silver jewelry, jourlaser, NIB, $229. "dealer" in their ads. gas fireplace insert, Wheat shaped, call for details, with Straw & Garden Automotive package, starting pay nals 8 cards. 541-788-6365 Private party advertis- 4 0,000Btu/HR, e x c . Bedding $50. 541-633-7017 Straw;Compost.546-6171 Service & Parts no less than ers are defined as cond., Can convert to Wheat Straw in shed, Holiday Craft Bazaar $14.12/hr. advisor needed Couch, Stanton, t a n, 50 cal Thompson Renthose who sell one propane, $500. Sat., Dec. 8, fr30-4330 egade Muzzleloader, Responsibilities: Lead 84" wide, great cond, computer. $2 bale. After 6 p.m. 541-728-1123. at High Desert left hand, $250. We are looking for organization in devel541-546-9821 Culver. $200. 541-389-7968 541-788-6102 Assisted Living an energetic, exoping a n d im p l e267 341 Dryer, 3-yr old Admiral 9mm H i-Point p i stol Musical Instruments 2660 NE Mary Rose Pl. menting a s u s tainperienced parts & Fuel & Wood Featuring unique hand- French Bulldog puppies, heavy duty, $ 1 0 0. w/Kershaw knife 8 case, Horses & Equipment able fund - raising service advisor. crafted itemsby a model with measuradorable AKC B o rn 541-647-9051 NIB, $199. 541-788-6365 Versality and exvariety of local artisans. 10/18. Great C hristoutcomes. WHEN BUYING cellent customer Qable 9mm Kel-Tec P-11 or Public Presentation Come visit us! mas present! Please ualifications: B a chFIREWOOD... service skills are a SCCY CPX2CB pison NATURAL call 541-410-1299 elors degree in busit ols, Nl B , $249 . H OOF C A RE must! ness Administration, To avoid fraud, DtrrlR GRIFFON P O INTER 541-788-6365 Sunday Dec. 9, 4-6 The Bulletin c ommunications o r Visit our HUGE g ood h unter, n e u Send resume to p.m., Environmental related f ield, s o l id recommends pay9mm Ruger LC9 w/La- Piano, Steinway Model tered male, 5 yrs. old home decor PO Box 6676 Center, 16 NW Kanc ommunication a n d s ermax laser, N I B, 0 Baby Grand 1911, ment for Firewood consignment store. $250. 541-389-0268. Bend OR 97708 Cowboy Christmas sas Ave, Bend. Prepresentation sk i l ls, $400. 541-788-6365 gorgeous, artist qual- only upon delivery New items Gift Show! Riverhouse, Kittens/cats avail. thru sented b y Ann and inspection. grant writing and reity instrurnent w/great arrive daily! Buy/Sell/Trade all fireDec. 7-8, 9am-6 pm, Corso of LiberatedCaregiver — All Shifts rescue group. Tame, porting e x perience, action 8 S t einway's • A cord is 128 cu. ft. 930 SE Textron, arms. Bend local pays FREE! orcattle.com 4' x 4' x 8' Horsemanship.com avail. Apply in person. ability to work as part shots, altered, ID chip, Bend warm, rich sound. Will 541-318-1501 cash! 541-526-0617 or 503-361-8941 $5 I door. For info: Interviews this week. more. Sat/Sun 1-5, call www.redeuxbend.com • Receipts should of a team or indepenadorn any living room, re: other days. Will hold 541-504-7764. Apply in person at include name, dently, organizational church or music stuC apt. G re g R e e l dio perfectly. New re- phone, price and till Christmas if it's a gift 1099 NE Watt Way, skills, ability to work Gui d e from Santa. 6 5480GENERATE SOME ex- B uckaroo I It e ms for Free Bend. with DonorPerfect or tail $ 6 9 ,000. Sacri- kind of wood purService says .... citement i n your 78th, Bend. comparable database fice at $26,000 OBO, chased. Farmers Column 541-389-8420 or neighborhood! Plan a THANKS TO OUR FREE MovING BOXES • Firewood ads software, M i c rosoft call 541-383-3150. Get your 541-598-5488; info at garage sale and don't ALL sizes, in RedFRIENDS M/HO MUST include speOffice and other Win10X20 STORAGE www.craftcats.org. forget to advertise in business 260 mond. 541-923-8074 dows-based software, FISHED WITH US cies and cost per BUILDINGS willingness to work a Misc. Items cord to better serve Lab Pups AKC, black classified! IN 2012! for protecting hay, 541-385-5809. our customers. flexible schedule, in8 y ellow, Mas t e r Gift certificates for firewood, livestock a ROW I N G cluding evenings and I P ets 8 Supplies Hunter sired, perfor- Like new 26 cu. ft. white ACME Supreme 2013 fishing trips etc. $1496 Installed. weekends. mance pedigree, OFA Frigidaire Gallery side Juicerator, good cond, 541-617-1133. now available. serring Central Oregonsrnce 1903 with an ad in For job details, contact cert hips & e lbows, by side refrig. Was $35. 541-383-3918 CCB ¹173684. The Bulletin recomCall me at Call 541-771-2330 Holly Remer, hollyrenew, sell for The Bulletin's 541-379-0362 to Black metal 3 - tiered 1 cord dry, split Juniper, kfjbuilders©ykwc.net mends extra caution www.ktnnamanretrievers.com $1000 mer@hdesd.org. For $450. 541-610-9579 basket stand, 50" tall, "Call A Service when purc h asreserve your dates Wanted: Irrigated farm $200/cord. Multi-cord application c o n tact $25. 541-389-7968 ing products or serM attress se t : t w i n for spring/summer ground, under pivot irdiscounts, 8 3/9cords Professional" www.hdesd.org or vices from out of the salmon fishing! poster head/footboard, rigation, i n C e n tral 541-593-5625 Bluetooth head s et, available. Immediate Directory HAPPY HOLIDAYS! area. Sending cash, dresser with m i rror, OR. 541-419-2713 Motorola H670, $30. delivery! 541-408-6193 checks, or credit innice! Reduced to $300. 541-280-3498 Labradoodles - Mini & 541-549-2253 All Year Dependable f ormation may b e CASH!! subjected to fraud. med size, several colors Microwave/over-range For Guns, Ammo & Bread Maker, Zojirushi, Firewood: Split, Del. 541-504-2662 d eluxe, nea r n e w , Bend. Lod g epole, For more i nformaReloading Supplies. www.alpen-ridge.com hood fan, Maytag, white, $100. 541-383-3918 Pine: 1 for $180 or 2 tion about an adver541-408-6900. $40. 541-633-7017 for $350. Cash, Check tiser, you may call LABRADORS: beau44 Ne w S ervice, Buying Diamonds or Credit Card OK. the O r egon State NEED To CANCEL Colt tiful p uppies, b o rn /Gold for Cash $1500. Marlin 44mag le541-420-3484. Attorney General's YOUR AD? 9/11, ready for loving ver rifle, $625. S&W 9 Saxon's Fine Jewelers Office Co n s umer families. Shots curThe Bulletin 541-389-6655 DRY JUNIPER $185/ mm, $400. 541-647-8931 Protection hotline at rent, vet checked. 2 Classifieds has an split, or $165 rounds Current Oregon law requires public notices to be printed in a newspaper whose 1-877-877-9392. BUYING males, $ 1 0 0 an d "After Hours" Line per cord. Delivered. DON'TMISS THIS readersare affected by the notice.Federal,state,and localgovernment agencies Lionel/American Flyer $200. 541-610-2270 Call 541-383-2371 Call 541-977-4500 or erroneously believe they can save money by posting public notices on their web trains, accessories. 24 hrs. to cancel 541-678-1590 Maremma Guard Dog sites instead of in the local newspaper. 541-408-2191. your ad! DO YOU HAVE pups, purebred, great But who would have accessto those online notices? 620/0 of U.S. seniors 269 BUYING &3 SE LLING $300 e a ch,Oak dining table with SOMETHING TO (65 and older) have no internet access, and a third of those whoDO have access Adult companion cats dogs, All gold jewelry, silver Gardening Supplies SELL are still limited to dialup.' leaf & 4 oak chairs, FREE to seniors, dis- 541-546-6171. and gold coins, bars, FOR $500 OR & Equipment Besides, you'd have to know in advance where, when, and how to look, and what abled 8 vet e rans!Newfoundland Pup- $75. 541-633-7017 rounds, wedding sets, LESS? to look for, in order to be informed about government actions that could affect you Tame, altered, shots, pies, purebred black & Queen bookcase headclass rings, sterling sil- Have Gravel, will Travel! directly. Non-commercial ID chip, more. Will al- Landseer puppies ready board. Dark w o od, ver, coin collect, vin- Cinders, topsoil, fill mateadvertisers may Iess than 10% of the U.S. population currently visits a government ways take back if cir- to go home in Feb. Born mirror, very nice. $85. tage watches, dental rial, etc. Excavation & tveb site daily,'* but 800/0of aii Oregon adults read a newspaper at least once place an ad cumstances change. Nov 29th, $900-$1100. 541-475-3889 gold. Bill Fl e ming, septic systems. Abbas during an average week, and 540/0 read public notices printed there." with our 389-8420. Visit S at/ Call Jill to come pick out 541-382-9419. Construction CCB¹78840 "QUICK CASH Sun 1-5. Photos, info: your puppy. $300 de- Washer, 4 yr old WhirlCaItt541-548-681 2 www.craftcats.org. SPECIAL" pool Cabrio, $ 100. posit. 541-279-6344 1 week3lines 12 Aussie Mini/Toy AKC, Pomeranian - Happy, 541-657-9051 For newspaper or all colors, starting at delivery, call the healthy, out g oing, a k 2N ~ $250. Parents on site. smart pup, $300. Call The Bulletin Call The Bulletin ClasCirculation Dept. at Ad must Call 541-598-5314, 541-385-5800 sifieds today and have or text a fter 9 am, recommends extra ' include price of 541-788-7799 f caution when purthis attention getter in To place an ad, call Becca, 541-279-4838 l$500 chasing products or • 541-385-5809 your classified ad. or less, or multiple BEND'S HOMELESS NEED OUR HELP! services from out of I 541-385-5809. or email items whosetotal claggtfted@bendbullettn com The cold weather is upon us and sadly there are ~ the area. Sending ~ does notexceed GENERATE SOME still over 2,000 folks in our community without ' cash, c h ecks, o r I $500. EXCITEMENT permanent shelter, living in cars, makeshift f credit i n f ormation ser lng Central Oregon ence t903 IN YOUR may be subjected to camps, getting by as best they can. Call Classifieds at NEIGBORHOOD. The following items are badly needed to f FRAUD. For more 541-385-5809 SUPER TOP SOIL Plan a garage sale and WWW.herghe help them get through the winter: information about an g www.bendbulletin.com Soilandbatk.Com don't forget to adveradvertiser, you may I Screened, soil & com@ CAMPING GEARof any sort: @ tise in classified! / call t h e Or e gon / post m i x ed , no New or used tents, sleeping bags, tarps, blankets ' State 541-385-5809. Attor ney ' H & H FIREARMS rocks/clods. High huS WARM CLOTHING: Rain Gear, Boots, Gloves Buy, Sell, Trade, / General's O ff l ce Consign. GET FREE OF CREDIT mus level, exc. f or Across From PLEASE DROP OFF YOUR DONATIONS AT Consumer P r otec- • CARD DEBT N OW! flower beds, lawns, Pilot Butte Drive-In THE BEND COMMUNITY CENTER t ion ho t l in e at I Cut payments by up gardens, straight 541-382-9352 1036 NE 5thSt.,Bend, Mon.-Sat.9 a.m.-5 p.m. i 1-877-877-9392. to half. Stop creditors s creened to p s o il. H&R pump shotgun, 12 from calling. Bark. Clean fill. DeFor Special pick up please call ttlletin 866-775-9621. Ken @ 541-389-3296 ga, new in box, $175. liver/you haul. pe tnlernttanmthcan%prottccla • ylolo "ul cennta eohMaytotn '"Amrnconog oeaeteoclra ncrtonNlttptrmatrtoto PLEASE HELP, YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE. 541-788-6365 541-548-3949. (PNDC)



H&R pump shotgun, 20 ga, new in box, $175.

The Bulletin



Rc ctl®

The Bulletin

Everyonehasarighttoknow whatthegovernment is doing..

. .except75%of seniors.

The Bulletin



Keep public notices in the newspaper!



f f






The Bulletin


TO PLACE AN AD CALL CLASSIFIED• 5 41-385-580 9 870


Boats & Accessories

No. 1103

Edited by Will Shortz ACROSS 1 Sarcasm indicator 10 Rating org. 14 It may give you a final answer 16 Baseball's Eddie who was nicknamed "The Walking Man" 17 Real headturners 18 Vino place 19 Antagonistic

org. in "The Simpsons Movie" 20 Speaker of the film line "This mission is too important for me to allow you to jeopardize it" 21 Libertine's opposite 23 Spanish cardinal 25 Fall sensation 27 Activity studied in onomastics

28 Currently playing 30 Brandy or whiskey 32 What a monkey may see or hear 34 "Groundhog Day" director

35 Groups of three 37 Nuclear 40 Discharge 42 Season finale? 44 Electrical room device 48 Probed 49 Not likely to

judge 50 First of 50: Abbr.

59 Union in 1999 news 62 Kind of tower 63 Modify an order? 64 Forum being 65 Is clearlyttt














cQ00 OOO






25 29







Arctic Cat (2) 2005 F7 Firecats: EFI Snowpro & EFI EXT, exlnt cond, $3700 ea; $7000 both.

33 35




40 44
















51 55

Snowmobile trailer 2002, 25-ft Interstate & 3 sleds, $10,900. 541-480-8009

52 56




36 Retired boomer 38 Like some old gaming consoles 39 Not reduced or enlarged

51 Sound of silence?

41 "Better Off

(former ABC sitcom) 43 Politico Michael

and others

44 Decorated pilot 45 Ovid opus

46 Wrecks 47 1990s party name

54 Reduced drastically

56 Cyclops, e.g., in comic books 60 Unhelpful noughts-andcrosses line 61

mi s s ion

For answers, call 1-900-285-5656, $1.49 a minute; or, with a credit card, 1-800-81 4-5554. Annual subscriptions are available for the best of Sunday crosswords from the last 50 years: 1-888-7-ACROSS. AT&T users: Text NYTX to 366 to download puzzles, or visit nytimes.com/mobilexword for more information. Online subscriptions: Today's puzzle and more than 2,000 past

puzzles, nytimes.com/crosswords ($39.95 a year). Share tips: nytimes.com/wordplay. Crosswords for young solvers: nytimes.com/learning/xwords. 476


Employment Opportunities

Employment Opportunities

Employment Opportunities

Employment Opportunities

obo. 541-408-3811

The Bulletin Ads published in the "Boats" classification To Subscribe call 541-548-5216 include: Speed, fish541-385-5800 or go to ing, drift, canoe, house and sail boats. Gulfstream Sc e n ic www.bendbulletin.com For all other types of Cruiser 36 ft. 1999, atercraft, please see Cummins 330 hp dieClass 875. sel, 42K, 1 owner, 13 541-385-5809 in. kitchen slide out, new tires, under cover, hwy. miles only,4 door f ridge/freezer ice - Springdale 29' 2 0 07, maker, W/D combo, slide,Bunkhouse style, Interbath t ub & sleeps 7-8, excellent 50 amp pro- condition, $ 1 6 ,900, I YOURBOAT... I shower, pane gen & m ore! 541-390-2504 with o u r spe c i al rates for selling your I $55,000. 541-948-2310 I boat or watercraft!


Snowmobile trailer fits I Place an ad in The t wo s leds o r tw o B ulletin w it h ou r 4-wheelers, has new I 3-month p ackage bearings, tires, hitch, I which includes: and complete re-wire.

Puzzleby Milo Beckman

American golfer to play in the Masters

Springdale 2005 27', 4' slide in dining/living area, sleeps 6, low mi,$15,000

The Bulletin



33 First African-

Look before you buy, below market value! Size & mileage DOES matter! Class A 32' Hurricane by Four Winds, 2007. 12,500 mi, all amenities, Ford V10, Ithr, cherry, slides, like new! New low price, $54,900.

22 27

Travel Trailers


20.5' Seaswirl Spyder 1989 H.O. 302, 285 hrs., exc. cond., stored indoors for life $11,900 OBO. 541-379-3530

Snowmobiles 20










DOWN 1 Dean of the Truman cabinet 2 "That would be bad!" 3 Legal tender? 4 Chewable Mideast stimulant

E 29 Lead pilot's S support T 31 A.F.L.-C.I.O. E affiliate




5 Hexagon on a map



52 Jennifer of the BBC production 6 13th-century "Pride and empire founder Prejudice" 7 Muse of comedy 53 Capitol Hill sight 8 Smoked delicacy 55 Young hunk, say 9 Slip through the 57 Cyrillic letter cracks between kha and che 10 Elvis Costello's debut album 58 Desert mount 11 Tacky yellow thing ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE E A S Y T H E R E T I G E R 12 Kazakhstan's capital S U A R E P E G O P E RA 13 Not much, P U P P Y L O V E BA T I N colorwise NA S A E X E R C I S I NG 15 Great swells T I N Y L A S T E L K CA R I 8 E S R A T 22 Showing severe erosion, maybe P O I S E E N Y A A I DA E N D L E S S S T R U G G L E 24 Coin featuring a hammer and E G G Y L I T H R E H A B sickle S E A S UN S E T S T I 0 26 What may follow L I N E S HA M "NO" S O J U


Motorhomes •

$800. 541-382-3409 I *5 lines of text and a photo or up to 10 YAMAHA 500 VMAX 2043 mi, 1yz" track I lines with no photo. *Free online ad at $1500. 541-419-2268

I bendbulletin.com 860 *Free pick up into Motorcycles & Accessories I The Central Oregon

I Nickel ads.

I Delight! PackI Hunter's age deal! 1988 WinI I I

nebago Super Chief, 3 8K m i l es , gr e a t shape; 1988 Bronco II 4 x4 t o t o w , 1 3 0 K mostly towed miles, nice rig! $15,000 both. 541-382-3964, leave msg.

Sprinter 272RLS, 2009 29', weatherized, like n ew, f u rnished &

ready to go, incl Wineard S a t ellite dish, 26,995. 541-420-9964

'i> I,c i



A erostich Kane t s u e lectric vest, n e w , I Rates start at $46. I $200. 541-280-3493 Call for details!

Weekend Warrior Toy Hauler 28' 2007, Gen, fuel station, exc cond. CRAMPED FOR 541-385-5809 sleeps 8, black/gray CASH? Jayco Seneca 2007, i nterior, u se d 3X , Use classified to sell 17K mi., 35ft., Chevy $24,999. those items you no 5500 d i e sel , t oy 541-389-9188 longer need. hauler $130 , 000. Call 541-385-5809 GENERATE SOME ex- 541-389-2636. citement in your neigFifth Wheels borhood. Plan a garage sale and don't Harley Davidson Soft- forget to advertise in Tail Deluxe 20 0 7, classified! 385-5809. white/cobalt, w/passenger kit, Vance 8 Hines muffler system Servrng Central Omgoe smce 1903 Immaculate! & kit, 1045 mi., exc. Beaver Coach Marquis Carri-Lite Luxury 2009 cond, $19,9 9 9, Used out-drive by Carriage, 4 slide40' 1987. New cover, 541-389-91 88. parts - Mercury outs, inverter, satelnew paint (2004), new OMC rebuilt malite sys, fireplace, 2 inverter (2007). Onan Harley Heritage rine motors: 151 6300 watt gen, 111K mi, flat screen TVs. Softail, 2003 $60,000. $5,000+ in extras, $1595; 3.0 $1895; parked covered $35,000 541-480-3923 $2000 paint job, obo. 541-419-9859 or 4.3 (1993), $1995. 30K mi. 1 owner, 541-280-2014 541-389-0435 CHECK YOUR AD For more information please call



gThe Bulle<ing

The Bulletin


Ai -"

The Bulletin

r.=.-"-,.— .v



Growing dealership seeking salespeople looking for a performance-based chasing products or ~ pay p l an, p o t ential services from out of ' commissions of up to 528 Competitive pay, medi- 35% equaling $100,000 INTERFOR I the area. Sending c ash, c hecks, o r 541-385-8090 cal 8 retirement pro- plus, Retirement Plan, Loans & Mortgages I credit i n f o rmationI or 209-605-5537 g ram. M us t h a v e : Paid Vacation, and a Watercraft PINE GRADERS • med i cal clean driving record; competitive I may be subjected to WARNING Seeking Certified HD Screaming Eagle FRAUD. ability to pass drug benefit package. Look- Pine Gradersfor our The Bulletin recomElectra Glide 2005, 2007 SeaDoo For more i nformatest, bac k g round ing for a team player Please check your ad mends you use cauGilchrist Location. 103" motor, two tone Monaco Dynasty 2004, with a positive attitude, tion about an adver2004 Waverunner, on the first day it runs check, and state Please apply to tion when you procandy teal, new tires, loaded, 3 slides, dieto operate with energy excellent condition, I tiser, you may call censing exams. Will and to be customer ser- debb.kraft@interror.com to make sure it is corvide personal sel, Reduced - now 23K miles, CD player, the Oregon State LOW hours. Double by 12/31/2012. Intertrain right candidate. vice oriented. Will proinformation to compahydraulic clutch, ex$119,000, 5 4 1-923- rect. Sometimes intrailer, lots of extras. for offers a competi- I Attorney General's Drop off resume or vide training. structions over the nies offering loans or 8572 or 541-749-0037 cellent condition. Office Co n s umerg tive salary and ben$10,000 pickup application at phone are miscredit, especially Highest offer takes it. Send resume' to: efits package. We Protection hotline at I 541-719-8444 40 SE Bridgeford Blvd, bcrvhireO mail.com understood and an error those asking for ad541-480-8080. appreciate the inter- I 1-877-877-9392. Bend. 541-382-8252 I j I i gl can occur in your ad. vance loan fees or est of all applicants, /' If this happens to your companies from out of Nelson-Riggs TRI-1000 Ads published in "WaRemember.... y however, only those LTlae Bulletin Triple tank bag, $130. ad, please contact us state. If you have tercraft" include: Kay- J A dd your we b a d selected for an inter541-280-3493 the first day your ad concerns or quesaks, rafts and motordress to your ad and v iew will b e c o nappears and we will The Bulletin is your tions, we suggest you Need help fixing stuff? Ized personal Southwind 35.5' Triton tacted. All applicants readers on The be happy to fix it consult your attorney Call A Service Professional watercrafts. For offered a p o s ition TiCk, Tock 2008,V10, 2 slides, Du Bulletin' s web site Employment as soon as we can. or call CONSUMER 'boats" please see must s u c cessfully pont UV coat, 7500 mi will be able to click find the help you need. If we can assist you, HOTLINE, TiCk, TOCk... lass 870. complete a pre-emBought new at Marketplace through automatically www.bendbulletin.com 1-877-877-9392. please call us: ployment drug test. $132,913; • 541-385-5809 to your site. 541-385-5809 ...don't let time get Equal Opportunity asking $93,500. Call The Bulletin Classifie Employer Have an item to Good classified ads tell away. Hire a Call 541-419-4212 Softail Deluxe the essential facts in an sell quick? 2010, 805 miles, professional out interesting Manner. Write 5 41 -385 - 5 8 0 9 Black Chameleon. If it's under of The Bulletin's Look at: from the readers view - not $17,000 to advertise. Motorhomes Bendhomes.com "Call A Service the seller's. Convert the '500 you can place it in CallDon @ facts into benefits. Show for Complete Listings of Professional" 541-410-3823 The Bulletin I the reader how the item will www.bendbulletin.com Area Real Estate for Sale Winnebago Suncruiser34' Fleetwood Wilderness Directory today! Classifieds for: help them in someway. 2004, only 34K, loaded, 36', 2005, 4 s l ides, (jj CC9 V-Strom front f ender too much to list, ext'd This rear bdrm, fireplace, Xtender, '10 3 lines, 7 days $25 warr. thru 2014, $54,900 advertising tip 35tZ-Looking for your next AC, W/D hkup beauServmg Central Oregon since 1903 541-280-3493 Dennis, 541-589-3243 brought to youby '16 - 3 lines, 14 days tiful u n it ! $ 3 0 ,500. employee? Place a Bulletin help 541-815-2380 (Private Party ads only) V-Strom r e placementCountry Coach Intrigue The Bulletin halogen h e adlights, 2002, 40' Tag axle. wanted ad today and Travel Trailers • 400hp Cummins Diereach over 60,000 $20. 541-280-3493 BANK TURNED YOU INTERFOR two slide-outs. readers each week. DOWN? Private party V-Strom ste e l-braid sel. 41,000 miles, new Your classified ad COACHMAN 1979 will loan on real esbrake lines, Fr & rear, Job Openings tires 8 batteries. Most will also appear on 23' trailer tate equity. Credit, no $140. 541-280-3493 options. $95,000 OBO Gilchrist, OR bendbulletin.com problem, good equity Fully equipped. K omfort 25' 2 0 06, 1 541-678-5712 which currently 870 slide, AC, TV, awning. is all you need. Call $2000. • Sawmill Superintendent receives over 1.5 NEW: tires, converter, now. Oregon Land Boats 8 Accessories 541-312-8879 • Sawmill Supervisor OO million page views ~ batteries. Hardly used. Mortgage 388-4200. • Maintenance or 541-350-4622. every month at $15,500. 541-923-2595 More P i x at tej j d bj j l e ti j .com 13' Smokercraft '85, Superintendent no extra cost. E ver Consider a R e • Kiln Supervisor good cond., 15HP Bulletin Classifieds verse Mortgage? At 286 Get Results! least 62 years old? gas Evinrude + View openings & Estate Sales Sales Northeast Bend Call 385-5809 Minnkota 44 elec. Stay in your home & apply online at or place increase cash f low! motor, fish finder, 2 www.interfor.com/careers your ad on-line at ESTATE SALE Safe 8 Effective! Call extra seats, trailer, pictures, kitchen items, ** FREE ** Equal Opportunity Employer bendbulletin.com Now for your FREE extra equip. $2900. Econoline RV 1 9 8 9,Pioneer Spirit 18CK, MONTANA 3585 2008, furniture, tools, colDVD! Ca l l Now 541-388-9270 Garage Sale Kit exc. cond., 3 slides, fully loaded, exc. cond, 2007, used only 4x, AC, lectibles, pool table 888-785-5938. Place an ad in The king bed, Irg LR, Arc35K m i. , R e ducedelectric tongue j ack, and much more. (PNDC) Bulletin for your gaSales tic insulation, all op17' 1984 Chris Craft $17,950. 541-546-6133 $8995. 541-389-7669 Fri. Sat. Sun. 9-4, rage sale and retions $37,500. - Scorpion, 140 HP 4 NE 13th St., Bend. Where can you find a ceive a Garage Sale 541-420-3250 Independent Contractor Sales inboard/outboard, 2 helping hand'? Kit FREE! Honda Civic LX 2006R We are seeking dynamic individuals. depth finders, trollSaturday only, 10-4 - any NuWa 29 7LK Hi t ch4-dr sedan, exc. cond, From contractors to ing motor, full cover, weather! Oil paintings Ig Hiker 2007,3 slides, KIT INCLUDES: 31K miles, AC, p.s, dr DOES THIS SOUNDLIKE YOU? EZ - L oad t railer, & sml, sml wood dining yard care, it's all here 32' touring coach, left • 4 Garage Sale Signs locks & windows, preI In12DAYS! • OUTGOING 8 COMPETITIVE $3500 OBO. set, bdrm set, portable • $2.00 Off Coupon To mium wheels, new kitchen, rear lounge, in The Bulletin's • PERSONABLE 8 ENTHUSIASTIC "The Bulletin 541-382-3728. hair wash chair & basin, Use Toward Your studded tires, chains, many extras, beautiful "Call A Service •CONSISTENT & MOTIVATED wheelchair 8 ramp, Next Ad I clas s ifieds AM/FM -CD, all records I c ond. inside 8 o u t , 2009, 24-40 mpg, walker, cedar chest, • 10 Tips For "Garage Professional" Directory $32 900 OBO Prinevgot it dOne!" from must sell! $12,500/offer. I lamps, chairs, Indian Sale Success!" Our winning team of sales & promotion ille. 541-447-5502 days 541-xxx-xxxx I Jeff L. pots, LOTS more. 741 & 541-447-1641 eves. professionals are making an average of LOCAL MONEY:Webuy NE Ute Ct., Redmond. secured trustdeeds & $400 - $800 per week doing special PICK UP YOUR Can take credit cards. note,some hard money events, trade shows, retail & grocery GARAGE SALE K!T at Want Results from guafified loans. Call Pat Kelley store promotions while representing 1777 SW Chandler 541-382-3099 ext.13. 18.5' '05 Reinell 185, V-6 I 284 local buyers? THE BULLETIN newspaper Volvo Penta, 270HP, Call us at 541-385-5809 and ask Sales Southwest Bend Ave., Bend, OR 97702 573 as an independent contractor low hrs., must see, about our Wheel Deal special! The Bulletin Business Opportunities $15,000, 541-330-3939 Christmas Light/ Pilgrim 27', 2007 5t h WE OFFER: Garage Sale! i l t l i l t wheel, 1 s lide, AC, • Solid Income Opportunity" Extreme Value AdverChasers. Clothes, ONE MORE SUPER TV,full awning, excel* *Complete Training Program tising! 30 Daily newsshoes, knick-knacks. SALE! Sat., 9-1 lent shape, $23,900. * www.bendbul l e t i r *No Selling Door to Door papers $525/25-word Swap meet between New Christmas items, 20.5' 2004 Bayliner 541-350-8629 * classified, 3-d a y s. sheet music/magazines, Grocery Outlet and *No Telemarketing Involved 205 Run About, 220 Reach 3 million Pa+ miscellaneous. RiteAid, south off of *Great Advancement Opportunity* HP, VB, open bow, Independent Contractor 2556 NE Lynda Ln. cific Northwesterners. * Wilson and 3rd. Satexc. cond., very fast * Full and Part Time Hours For more information urday, Dec. Sand 15. w/very low hours, 292 call (916) 288-6019 or lots of extras incl. FOR THE CHANCE OF A Sales Other Areas email: tower, Bimini & LIFETIME, elizabethOcnpa.com Call a Pro custom trailer, Call Adam Johnson for the Pacific NorthNOTICE Whether you need a $19,500. west Daily Connec541-410-5521, TODAY! Remember to remove 541-389-1413 fence fixed, hedges tion. (PNDC) your Garage Sale signs trimmed or a house (nails, staples, etc.) after your Sale event Press Supervisor built, you'll find is over! THANKS! The Bulletin is seeking a night time press suprofessional help in From The Bulletin pervisor. We are part of Western CommunicaAd Services AdmIn ++++++++++++++++++ The Bulletin's "Call a and your local utility tions, Inc., which is a small, family-owned group The Bulletin is seeking an individual to play a companies. Service Professional" consisting of seven newspapers, five in Oregon vital role on the Ad Services team. The Ad Serand two in California. Our ideal candidate will Admin position is 32 hours per week and Directory The Bulletin manage a small crew of three and must be able vices Serving Central Oregonance 1903 is eligible for benefits. An Ad Services Admin 541-385-5809 to learn our equipment/processes quickly. A works closely with others on the Ad Services www.bendbulletin.com hands-on style is a requirement for our 3yz team to coordinate and track ads though our tower KBA press. Prior management/leaderproduction system. At times taking corrections HUGE ESTATE SALE ship experience preferred. In addition to our from customers via phone, faxing ads to cusBroyhill bedroom set, queen poster bed 8 Tem- 7-day a week newspaper, we have numerous tomers, and ensuring all corrections have been purpedic mattress, quality living room furn, oak commercial print clients as well. In addition to a We are looking for independent contractors to made prior to printing. In addition, this position dining set, lots quality kitchen, 100's books/ competitive wage and benefit program, we also will include training for a path to page composservice home delivery routes jn: dvds/cds. 10 Xmas trees, totes full of Hallmark provide potential opportunity for advancement. ing responsibilities. The ideal candidate will be ornaments & Dickens Village, lots of holiday, If you provide dependability combined with a computer literate, have outstanding customer Spode "ltalian" dishes, lamps, art 8 decor of all positive attitude, are able to manage people and service skills, above average grammar skills, kinds, Pfaff sewing machine & surger, loads of schedules and are a team player, we would like the ability to multi-task and a desire to work at a craft /office/ sewing. COLLECTOR'S DREAM to hear from you. If you seek a stable work ensuccessful company. ANTIQUES include: Brass bed, roll top desk, 2 vironment that provides a great place to live and small desks, collection of old kitchenware, tin raise a family, let us hear from you. Contact eiMust be available 7 days a week, early morning hours. To apply, submit a resume by Tuesday, Deware & tole, enamelware, crocks, lots of primi- ther; Keith Foutz, Corporate Circulation 8 OpMust have reliable, insured vehicle. cember 11th, with qualifications, skills, experitives & yard art, oil lamps, Heisey, wooden erations Director at kfoutz@wescompapers.com ence and a past employment history to The ware, old tools & fishing, fridge, Whirlpool Duet or anelson@wescompapers.com with your Bulletin, attention: James Baisinger, PO Box W/D set, large house 8 triple garage packed to complete resume, references and salary Please call 541.385.5800 or 800.503.3933 6020, Bend, OR 97708-6020.Pre-employment gills! Fri., Sat., 8 SUN. 9-4.Numbers issued history/requirements. Prior press room experiduring business hours drug screening is required prior to hiring. The FRI. 7 a.m. GARAGE OPENS FRI. 8 a.m. ence required. No phone calls please. Drug apply Vja email at Onljne©bendbulletjn.COm Bulletin is an equal opportunity employer. 2168 Sterling Avenue, In Redmond, test is required prior to employment. EOE off 19th and Maple.

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Fifth Wheels

Trucks & Heavy Equipment


Antique & Classic Autos


Sp o rt Utility Vehicles



Jeep Li b erty 20 0 7 , Nav., 4x4 , l e ather, loaded. Moonroof.

Au t o mobiles


Automobiles •

Toyota Camry XLE 1998, Auto, loaded,

Vehicle? Call The Bulletin and place an ad todayl

Vin ¹646827.

Was $16,999. Now $13,488.

Automo b iles

Vin ¹297437



A s k about our Ford F350 2008 Crew BMW Z4 Roadster I Porsche 911 1974, low OF BENC "Wheel Deal"! Cab, diesel, 55K miles, 4 @ S U SUSARUOBBRNO B A R U. 2005, 62K miles, exChevy Wagon 1957, fully COM mi., complete motor/ 541-647-2822 loaded, $32,000. cellent cond. $14,000. for private party 4-dr., complete, trans. rebuild, tuned 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend HertzBend.com 541-480-0027 541-604-9064 Fall price $ 2 1,865. duty trailer, 5 yd box, advertisers suspension, int. & ext. $7,000 OBO, trades 877-266-3821 DLR4821 541-312-4466 refurb., oi l c o oling, e verything wor k s , please call FORD RANGER XLT Dlr ¹0354 Buick Lucerne CXL shows new in & out, Toyota Corolla 2004, 541-389-6998 $8000. 541-421-3222. 1995 Ext. cab 2WD 5 2009, $12,500, low Liberty, AWD 2005, erf. m ech. c o nd. auto., loaded, 2 04k with car alarm, Jeep Chrysler 300 C o upe speed, 63,508 miles, a s king low miles; 2000 Buick uch more! miles. orig. owner, non CD player, extra tires Century $2900. You'll 1967, 44 0 e n g ine, on rims. Runs good. $10,750. 541-389-1135 $28,000 541-420-2715 smoker, exc. c o nd. not find nicer Buicks auto. trans, ps, air, Jeep Wrangler X 2008, $6500 Prin e ville Clean. 92,000 miles One look's worth a frame on rebuild, re503-358-8241 unlimited, 4 dr., runon m o tor. $ 2 6 00 thousand words. Call painted original blue, OBO. 541-771-6511. PORSCHE 914 1974, ning boards, premium Bob, 541-318-9999. Roller (no engine), VW Beetle, 2002 Peterbilt 359 p o table original blue interior, wheels, hard top, very for an appt. and take a original hub caps, exc. GMC 1978 4x4 Heavy lowered, full roll cage, 5-spd, silver-gray, black water t ruck, 1 9 90, clean. Vin ¹ 5 72535. drive in a 30 mpg car! 5-pt harnesses, rac- leather, moonroof, CD, 3200 gal. tank, 5hp chrome, asking $9000 Duty Camper Special Was $25,999. Now p ump, 4 - 3 U hoses, or make offer. 2500, 3 5 0 e n gine, $22,999. Chrysler PT Cr u iser Nissan Sentra, 2012ing seats, 911 dash & loaded, 115K miles, 541-385-9350 auto., 40k miles on instruments, d e cent camlocks, $ 2 5,000. 2006, au to, pw, pl, 12,610 mi, full warranty, well-maintained 541-820-3724 new eng., brakes & PS, PB, AC, & more! crus, tilt, tinted winshape, v e r y c o ol! S UBA R U . (have records) tires good. $2995 firm. $1699. 541-678-3249 dows, Vin ¹ 2 24778. $16,000. 541-788-0427 extremely clean, 925 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend W as $ 7,999. N o w 541-504-3833 $4850 obo. 877-266-3821 Utility Trailers 541-546-6920 $5,999. Pontiac Vibe Sport Chrysler SD 4-Door Dlr ¹0354 2005, 1930, CD S R oyal Toyota Camrys: WHEN YOU SEE THIS Mercedes Benz C230 4@ I SU B A R U . Nicely priced. Standard, 8-cylinder, 1984, $1200 obo; Vin ¹425113 2005, Auto, l eather, 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend body is good, needs I nternational Fla t 1985 SOLD; ~OO tinted windows, RWD, $7995 some r e s toration, Bed Pickup 1963, 1 877-266-3821 Big Tex LandscapVin ¹656660. Call for 1986 parts car, runs, taking bids, ton dually, 4 s pd. Dlr ¹0354 ing/ ATV Trailer, 1/3 interest in ColumPrice. Was $16,999, 541-383-3888, trans., great MPG, $500. On a classified ad OF BENC dual axle flatbed, bia 400, located at 541-815-3318 Now $13,999. could be exc. wood Call for details, go to 7'x16', 7000 lb. 541-647-2822 Sunriver. $ 1 38,500. hauler, runs great, www.bendbulletin.com 541-548-6592 GVW, all steel, S UBA R U . HertzBend.com Call 541-647-3718 new brakes, $1950. to view additional $1400. DLR4821 541-41 9-5480. photos of the item. 541-382-4115, or 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend


In t e rnational

2005, 36' 5th Wheel, Int. 1981 Model DT466 Model¹M-349 RLDS-5 dump truck and heavy

t The Bulletin t

L'"" '" "



So~ &sr/


HefCZ Car Sales



877-266-3821 Dlr ¹0354


Garage Sales Garage Sales Garage Sales

FIAT 1800 1978, 5-spd, Automotive Parts, 1 /3 interest i n w e lldoor panels w/flowers Service & Accessories equipped IFR Beech Bo& hummingbirds, nanza A36, new 10-550/ 1 994 H o nd a Ci v i c white soft top & hard prop, located KBDN. top. Just reduced to owner's manual, $15. $3,750. $65,000. 541-419-9510 541-317-9319 541-280-3493 or 541-647-8483 Executive Hangar 1997 Toyota Tacoma at Bend Airport


RAM 2500 2003, 5.7L

hemiV8, hd, auto, cruise, am/fm/cd. $8400 obro. 541-420-3634 /390-1285

ChryslerSebring 2006 Fully loaded, exc.cond, very low miles (38k),

always garaged,

transferable warranty incl. $8100 obo 541-848-9180

Find them in The Bulletin



owner's manual, $15. Ford Crown V i ctoria• (KBDN) Sport Utility Vehicles 541-280-3493 60' wide x 50' deep, 1995, LX sedan, 4 dr., Classifieds w/55' wide x 17' high V8, o r ig . ow n e r, 195/75-14 studded Ford Escape 2012 XLT bi-fold door. Natural (4) 70,300 mi., studs on, tires, used 1 s e ason, 541-385-5809 4100 mi. ¹C68261 reat condition. gas heat, office, bath- $200/obo. 541-408-1389 $24,995 room. Parking for 6 Ford Gaiaxie 500 1963, 3000. 541-549-0058. Mitsubishi Endeaver c ars. A djacent t o 4 Studded tires on S10 2 dr. hardtop,fastback, LS 2007, AWD, 3.8L Frontage Rd; g reat whls, good cond., $200 390 vs,auto, pwr. steer & Find It in V6, nice and affordradio (orig),541-419-4989 Oregon visibility for a viation obo. 541-408-1389 able. Vin ¹72795A The Bulletin Classifieds! AutnSegrce bus. 1jetjock©q.com (4) used Open Country Ford Mustang Coupe $12,259 541-385-5809 541-948-2126 541-598-3750 tires, 3 3x12.50R-18LT, 1966, original owner, $200. 541-647-9051 V8, automatic, great aaaoregonautosource.com H onda A ccord E X OF BEND $9000 OBO. NEED HOLIDAY $$$? shape, 2009 2.4 l itre eng., 541-647-2822 530-515-8199 We pay CASH for loaded, 52k, $13,000. HertzBend.com Junk Cars & Trucks! 541-408-3114. DLR4821 Ford Ranchero Also buying batteries 8 catalytic converters. Nissan Armada S E 1979 Honda Civic LX ONLY 1 OWNERSHIP Serving all of C.O.! with 351 Cleveland 2007, 4 WD , au t o , Buick Enclave 2008 CXL 2008, like new, SHARE LEFT! l eather, D VD , C D . Call 541-408-1090 modified engine. AWD, V-6, black, clean, Vin¹700432. Economical flying in always garaged, Was Body is in mechanicall y sound, 82k your ow n C e s snaPickup bed protector, loaded. 27k mi. $16, 99 9 . Now excellent condition, miles. $20,995. 172/180 HP for only Ford/Mazda, new $70 one owner. $2500 obo. $14,788. Call 541-815-1216 $ 10,000! Based a t 541-280-3493. 541 -420-4677 $13,500. S UBA RU. BDN. Call Gabe at Advertise your car! 541-550-0994. SUBARUOSBRNO COM FIND IT! Professional Air! Add A Prcfure< gtiv rr I Reach thousands of readers! 2060 NE Hwy 20• Bend 541-388-001 9 ~ 877-266-3821 CaII 541-385-5809 Hyundai Sonata 2012, SELL IT! Dlr ¹0354 The Bulletin Classifieds Ford T-Bird 1966 Sedan, 4 dr., auto, The Bulletin Classifieds Trucks 8 390 engine, power CD, bluetooth, pw, pl, Chevy Suburban LTZ Sliding glass window for everything, new paint, crus, tilt, low mi. Must Heavy Equipment 2007, 4x 4 , l e ather, Toyota pickup, new, 54K original miles, See! Vi n ¹ 3 2 2715. moonroof, ba c k up runs great, excellent $130 541-280-3493 Was $19,999. Now sensors, 3rd row seat, cond. in 8 out. Asking $17,988. Toyota Camry owner's $8,500. 541-480-3179 running boards, low mi., Vin ¹ 22 8 9 19 Porsche Cayenne 2004, manual case, new, I SU B A R U . fj@ SUBARUOSBRNOCOM Was $30,999. Now 86k, immac, dealer $15. 541-280-3493 $28,788. 2060 NE Hwy 20• Bend maint'd, loaded, now 932 877-266-3821 $17000. 503-459-1580 S UB ARU. Diamond Reo Dump h SUBARUOSBRNO COM Dlr ¹0354 Antique & Truck 19 7 4, 12 -14 2060 NE Hwy 20• Bend Classic Autos yard box, runs good, Mitsubishi 3 00 0 GT 877-266-3821 $6900, 541-548-6812 GMC V~ton 1971, Only 1999, auto., p e arl Dlr ¹0354 w hite, very low m i . $19,700! Original low mile, exceptional, 3rd Chevy Tahoe LS 2001 $9500. 541-788-8218. EkK E A T 4x¹. 120K mi, Power owner. 951-699-7171 seats, Tow Pkg, 3rd Toyota 4-Runner Limited, 1921 Model T row s eating, e x tra 2011, V6, shoreline blue, Delivery Truck Hyster H25E, runs tires, CD, pnvacy tint- excellent cond., never Restored 8 Runs well, 2982 Hours, ing, upgraded rims. off-road, very low miles, $9000. $3500,call Fantastic cond. $7995 fully loaded! $36,900. 541-749-0724 541-389-8963 Contact Tim m at Gloria, 541-610-7277 541-408-2393 for info M 940 My Little Red Corvette" B a r racuda or to view vehicle. '55 Chevy 2 dr . w gn Plymouth 1996 coupe. 132K, • • t t Vans 1966, original car! 300 PROJECT car, 350 26-34 mpg. 350 auto. small block w/Weiand hp, 360 V8, centerFord Explorer 4x4, $12,500 541-923-1781 lines, (Original 273 dual quad tunnel rim 1991 - 154K miles, 74 year old widow with 450 Holleys. T-10 eng & wheels incl.) rare 5-speed tranny Hel'CZCar Sales would like to meet 4-speed, 12 volt posi, 541-593-2597 & manual hubs, O F BE N D widower b e tween Weld Prostar whls, ex PROJECT CARS: Chevy clean, straight, evtra rolling chassis + 2-dr FB 1949-(SOLD) & the ages of 60 and eryday driver. Bring extras. $6000 for all. Chevy Coupe 1950 7 0. I en j o y t h e 2200 dollar bills! Chevrolet G20 Sports541-389-7669. nudist lifestyle and Bob, 541-318-9999 rolling chassis's $1750 man, 1993, exlnt cond, live in Sacramento. ea., Chevy 4-dr 1949, $4750. 541-362-5559 or 1998 Toyota CamrySLE 916-822-4630. complete car, $ 1949; 541-663-6046 AT,Loaded Cadillac Series 61 1950, ¹297437................... $5,295 2 dr. hard top, complete Meet singles right now! Chevy Astro 2007 Mitsttbishi w /spare f r on t cl i p ., No paid o perators, Cargo Van 2001, EndeavorLS -AwD, 3.8L $3950, 541-382-7391 just real people like pw, pdl, great cond., V6, nice It affordable Chevy C-20 Pickup you. Browse greetbusiness car, well ¹072795A,............$12,259 DON'T MISS IHI S ings, exchange mes- 1969, all orig. Turbo 44; GMC Envoy 2002 4WD maint'd, reqular oil 2011 Suzuki SX4 sages and connect auto 4-spd, 396, model $6,450. Loaded, changes, $4500. 4 Dr Sedan, auto, low miles, VW Karman Ghia live. Try it free. Call CST /all options, orig. Leather, Heated Please call great fuel saver! owner, $22,000, now: 8 7 7 -955-5505. 1970, good cond., seats, Bose sound ¹302264 .. .. $12,777 541-633-5149 541-923-6049 new upholstery and (PNDC) system. Ext. roof rack 2010 Chevy Cobalt 1LT convertible top. 4-Dr Sedan, AT, PL, PW, CD, (218) 478-4469 $10,000. Take care of Skip the Pumps GMC yukon Denali 541-389-2636 ¹224786........... $12,995 your investments 2003, leather, moon2011 Kia Rio LX roof, premium wheels, with the help from 4-Dr Sedan, AT,Super Fuel 3rd row. Very nice. Saverand PRICED TO M OVE! The Bulletin's Vin ¹128449. ¹960522 ............ $1 3,235 "Call A Service Was $15,999. 2005 Pontiac VibeSport C all 54/ - 3 8 5 -5 8 0 9 Now $13,799. to r o m ot e o u r s ervice Professional" Directory Nicely Priced ¹425113 ..............$7 I 995 S UB ARU. SUBARUOBBRNO COM VW Thing 1974, good 1994 G20 c us- 2005 Chrysler T&C /Building/Contracting H o me lmprovement cond. Extremely Rare! 2060 NE Hwy 20• Bend Chev tomized van, 1 2 8k, AT, Minivan Only built in 1973 & 877-266-3821 3 50 motor, HD t o w ¹590105A ............$7 I 995 NOTICE: Oregon state Kelly Kerfoot Const. 1 974. $8,000 . Dlr ¹0354 e quipped, seats 7 , 2011Hyundai AccentGLS law req u ires any- 28 yrs exp in Central OR! 541-389-2636 sleeps 2. comfort, util- 4-Dr Sedan,AT,Super FuelSaver Quality & honesty, from GMC yukon XL 1500 one who co n t racts ity road ready, nice ¹615414............$13,995 2007, l eat h e r, 4 for construction work carpentry & handyman cond. $4000?Trade for 2011 Mazda 3 ISport bucket seats, 3rd row mini van. Call Bob, 4 Cyh auto to be licensed with the jobs, to expert wall covseat, moonroof. C onstruction Co n - ering install / removal. ¹422170 .. .. $14,259 541-318-9999 Vin ¹305958. tractors Board (CCB). Sr. discounts CCB¹47120 2012 Nissan Versa 4-ttr Chevy Lumina 1 9 95 Was $29,999. A n active lice n se Licensed/bonded/insured AT, CVTTransmission, 7 -pass. v a n wit h Sedan, Now $26,888. means the contractor 541-389-1413 / 410-2422 1.6 It, Super Fuel Saver! p ower c h a i r lif t , i s bonded an d i n ¹816523 ............$14,259 S UB ARU. $1500; 1989 Dodge 2011 DodgeCaliber Sport SUBARUOSBRNO COM s ured. Ver if y t h e Autumnridge Const. 2060 NE Hwy 20• Bend Turbo Va n 7 - pass. AT, PW, PL, CD, Alloys contractor's CCB has new motor and ¹173075 ............ $14I 595 Quality custom home 877-266-3821 c ense through t h e Ford 250 XLT 1990, t rans., $1500. I f i n - 2012 Subaru Outback2.5 Dlr ¹0354 CCB Cons u mer improvements. No job 6 yd. dump bed, terested c a l l Ja y Premium AT,AWD too big orsmall. Vet8 Sr. Website 139k, Auto, $5500. Honda CRY 2005, 503-269-1057. Discounts! CCB¹198284 www.hireahcensedcontractor. f/217592 .............. $26,995 541-410-9997 4WD, moonroof, alloy com Call 541-300-0042 ToyotaCorolla LE wheels, very clean. Chrysler T & C 2005, 2011 or call 503-378-4621. 4-Dr Sedan, AT,Power Options, Auto, Mini-Van! Vin ¹027942. The Bulletin recomGreat on Fuel, Solid, Reliable Vin ¹90105A Was $12,799. mends checking with ¹606419 .............. $14,995 Landscaping/Yard Care Ford F250 XLT 4x4 $7995 Now $10,988 the CCB prior to con2009 ChevyHHR L ariat, 1990, r e d , tracting with anyone. 4-Dr, AT,VeryLowMiles OTICE: O R E G O N 80K original miles, S UB A R U . Some other t rades N Landscape ¹517726 ............. $14,995 O F BE N C SUBARUOSBRNO COM Contrac- 4" lift with 39's, well also req u ire addi2010 KiaSedona LX 2060 NE Hwy 20• Bend 541-647-2822 tors Law (ORS 671) maintained, $4000 tional licenses a nd Auto, nice van, sporty 877-266-3821 HertzBend.com r equires a l l bu s i obo. 541-419-5495 certifications. ¹5133401. .. $16I 495 Dlr ¹0354 DLR4821 nesses that advertise 2012 Mitsubishi Eclipse to p e r form L a n dDebris Removal GS Sport - Auto, convertible, scape C o n struction fuel etticient 2 44 cyl





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Le g al Notices LEGAL NOTICE ADOPT-Abundance of love to offer a child in stable, secure & nu r t uring home. Contact Jen (800) 571-4136.

Legal Notices • pursuant t o ORS 20.080 and 2 0 .082 and for Plaintiffs costs and d i s bursements i ncurred here i n . DATED this 22nd day of March, 2012. CARL W. HOPP, JR. OSB ¹751760, Attorney for

Legal Notices

LEGAL NOTICE This is an action for Judicial F oreclosure of real property commonly k n ow n as 18540 Tumalo Reservoir Rd., Bend, OR LEGAL NOTICE 97701. A motion or C IRCUIT COU R T , Plaintiff. IN THE CIRanswer must be given STATE OF OREGON, CUIT OF THE STATE to the court clerk or C OUNTY OF D E S - O F OR E GO N F O R administrator w i t hin CHUTES. JOEL T HE C OUNTY O F 30 days of the date of G ISLER ENTE R - DESCHUTES JO EL first publication speciPRISES, INC., Plain- G ISLER ENTE R - fied herein along with tiff, v s . RI C HARD PRISES, INC., Plain- the required filing fee. BOATMAN and SUCI R C UIT tiff, v s . RI C HARD IN T H E ZANNE B O ATMAN, BOATMAN and SUCOURT O F THE dba BEND EQUIPZANNE B O ATMAN, STATE OF OREGON MENT REPAIR, DeFOR THE COUNTY dba BEND EQUIPfendants. Case MENT REPAIR, De- OF DES C HUTES. ¹ CV120435. C O M - fendants. Case No.: CITIMORTGAGE, PLAINT S U B JECT CV120435. SUMINC, ITS S UCCESTO A R B ITRATION. MONS. TO: RICH- SORS AND/OR ASPlaintiff alleges: 1. At ARD BOATMAN, IN S IGNS, Plaintiff, v . all t i mes m a t erial, THE NAME OF THE THE UNK N O WN Plaintiff is and was an STATE OF OREGON: HEIRS A N D AS Oregon c o rporation You are hereby re- SIGNS OF G E ORand the owner of a quired to appear with GETTE DAVIS; THE S undowner hor s e respect to the ComU NKNOWN D E V I trailer, O r egon GE O Rplaint filed against you S EES O F cense ¹R751992. 2. in the above entitled GETTE DAVIS; ALL At all times material, cause within t h irty PARTIES CLAIMING Defendants R ichard (30) days from the A N I N TEREST I N B oatman an d Su - date of service of this THE R EA L P R O Pzanne Boatman were Summons upon you, E RTY C O M M O N LY and are doing busi- and if you fail so to KNOWN AS 1 8 540 ness as Bend Equip- a ppear f o r wan t TUMALO RE S E Rment Repair. On or thereof the Plaintiff(s) VOIR RD. BEND, OR about October, 2010, will apply to the Court 97701, D e fendants. Plaintiff delivered the for the relief prayed Case No. 12CV0891. S undowner hor s e for in said Complaint. S UMMON S FO R trailer to Defendants NOTICE TO DEFENPUBLICATION. TO to repair interior waDEFENDANTS: THE DANT READ THESE ter damage. 4. On or P APERS CARE - U NKNOWN H E I RS about April 13, 2011, F ULLY! Yo u m u s t AND ASSIGNS OF Plaintiff entered into "appear" in this case GEORGETTE DAVIS; an Agreement with or the other side will THE UNKNOWN DED efendants that i n win automatically. To VISEES OF GEO Raddition to the water "appear" you must file GETTE DAVIS; ALL damage repair, Dewith the Court a legal PARTIES CLAIMING fendants would modify paper ca l le d a A N I N TEREST I N Plaintiffs Sundowner "Motion' or "Answer". THE REAL P R OPhorse trailer to pro- This paper must be E RTY C O M M O N LY vide for two sliders. It given to t h e c o u rt K NOWN A S 1 8 5 40 was agreed between clerk or administrator TUMALO RE S E RPlaintiff and D efen- within thirty (30) days VOIR RD. BEND, OR dants that the cost of a long with th e r e - 97701: IN THE NAME the modification and q uired filing fee. I t OF THE STATE OF t he i n t erior w a t e r must be i n p r o per O REGON: You a r e damage repair would form and have proof h ereby required t o be t h e sum of o f service o n t h e appear and defend $10,000.00. 5. On or plaintiffs attorney, or if the action filed against about April 13, 2011 the plaintiff does not you in the above-enPlaintiff paid to Dehave an attorney, on titled cause within 30 fendants the sum of t he plaintiff. If y o u days from the date of $10,000.00. 6. On or have questions, you service of this Sumabout October, 2011, mons upon you; and if should see an attorPlaintiff received reyou fail to appear and ney immediately. If turn o f t h e S u n d- y ou need h el p i n d efend, f o r wan t owner horse t railer finding an a ttorney thereof, the P laintiff w ith r e p airs an d you may call the Or- will apply to the court modifications not e gon S t at e Ba r ' s f or th e r e l ief d e completed. The modi- Lawyer Referral Ser- manded therein. PITE f ications t h a t had vice LLP. at (503) DUNCAN, been performed were 684-3763 or toll-free Dated: December 3 , done so i mproperly in Oregon at (800) 2012. By: David J. and violated the engi- 4 52-7636. DA T E D : B oulanger, OSB ¹ neering sta n dards M arch 2 2 , 201 2 . 092943, Trial A ttorestablished by Sund- /s/Carl W. Hopp, Jr. ney, (503) 222-2256, owner, the manufac- CARL W. HOPP, JR. Fax: (503) 222 2260, turer of t h e h o rse OSB¹751760, A t torDboulanger@pittrailer. 7. As a result ney f o r Pla l ntlff. eduncan.com, Rochof Defendants' work to STATE OF OREGON elle L. Stanford, OSB repair the water dam- ss. County of D es- ¹062444, age on t h e h o r se chutes - I , C arl W. rstanford O piteduntrailer, De f e ndants Hopp, Pho n e : Jr., c an.com, provided mat e nals OSB¹751760, as 6 19-326-2404, F a x : and work with the fair Plaintiffs attorney, do 6 1 9-326-2430, 6 21 market v a l u e of hereby certify that I SW Morrison St. Suite $ 1,440.00. 8. In a t prepared the forego- 4 25, P o rtland, O R tempting to modify the ing copy of Summons 97205, Of Attorneys horse trailer, Defen- and have c a refully for Plaintiff. NOTICE dants improperly cut DEF E NDANT/ compared the same TO into the side of t he with t h e ori g i nal DEFENDANTS READ horse trailer to place thereof; and that it is a T HESE PAP E R S the two sliders, sevY ou true and correct copy CAREFULLY. ering required sup- of s a i d ori g inal. must "appear" in this ports. To repair the D ATED: March 2 2 , case or the other side improper m o d ifica- 2011. / s / Carl W. will win automatically. To "appear" you must tions will cost Hopp, Jr. CARL W. file with the court a le$ 4,335.00. 9 . T h a t HOPP, JR. Plaintiff is entitled to OSB¹751760, A ttorgal paper called a the cost needed to re- ney for Plaintiff. TO "motion" or "answer". The "motion" or sanpair t h e im p roper T HE OFFICER O R U m odifications in t h e O THER PER S O N swer must be given sum of $4,335.00, and SERVING T HIS to the court clerk or refund of the SUMMONS: You are administrator w i t h in $ 10,000.00 pre v i - hereby directed to see 30 days (or 60 days ously paid to Defen- a true copy of t he for Defendant United dants, le s s the within Summons and States or State of Or$ 1,440.00 fo r w o r k of the Complaint upon egon Department of and materials utilized the Defendant. /s/Carl Revenue) along with to repair the water W. Hopp, Jr. CARL the required filing fee. damage. 10. On Feb- W. HOP P , J R. It must be in proper ruary 3, 2012 Plaintiff OSB¹751760, A t torform and have proof made demand upon ney for Plaintiff. o f service o n t h e Defendants for payplaintiff's attorney or, ment of $ 10,000.00 if the plaintiff does not representing monies have a n at t o rney, paid and damages inproof of service on the curred b y P l a intiff. LEGAL NOTICE plaintiff. If you have T his d emand w a s Notice of questions, you should m ade p ursuant t o Public Auction see an attorney imO RS 2 0 .080 a n d Pursuant to ORS87 mediately. If you need 20.082. D e fendants Auction will be held help in finding an athave not paid said on Dec. 15, 2012 at torney, you may contact the Oregon State sum, nor an y p a rt 1 1:00 a.m. B e nd Bar's Lawyer Referral thereof. Plaintiff is en- Mini Storage, 100 titled to its' reason- 3rd St., Bend OR S ervice o n line a t able attorney fees. 97702. The followwww.oregonstatebar. WHEREFORE, Plaini ng units w ill b e org or by calling (503) tiff prays for a Judg- sold: C109 Melinda 6 84 376 3 ( i n t h e ment of t hi s C ourt Stewart, B46 Briana Portland metropolitan against D e fendants M ae Jones, B 2 5 area) or toll free elseand each of them in Michael Br a n en- where in Oregon at the sum of burg. This auction (800) 452 7636. Pub199 7 l ication dates: D e $10,000.00, together i ncludes a with Plaintiffs reason- Dodge Ram 1500. cember 8, 15, 22 and able attorney f e es Cash only sale. 29, 2012.




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night's sleep later on. Furthermore, a hot tub is something you can enjoy year round because no matter how cold it is outside, the hot tub is always comfortable.

by Christopher L. Ingersoll, for The Bulletin Advertising Department


hile it is true that the best things in life are free, there are some gifts that you can buy for the homeowner that are probably a very close second because they facilitate the free stuff. Things like spending time with your family and friends, playing with your kids in the yard, or a cuddle on the sofa with your partner are all free. But having the right environment in which to do these things can make a big difference, so here is a list of gifts for the home that help with the greatest gifts of all.


Elite LCO TV Available at Stereo Planet

(70-inch: $8500) H

Wood Stove ($1,549) and Marquis Spas Hot Tub (prices very), both available at

WOOD STOVE When you buy a wood stove, you are not just buying a heater, you are buying lifestyle. In addition to wood heat beinga renewable heat source, w ood stoves are nice because they facilitate so many other things. When you buy a wood stove, you are buying the heat that warms your bones after you have been out in the snow with your kids. When you buy a wood stove, you are buying time reading a book by the warmth of the fire with a cup ofhot tea or cocoa. When you buy a wood stove, you are buying a cuddle on the couch with your loved one on Christmas Eve with the warm glow of a fire flickering around the room.




UNIAUE FURNITURE Big box store furniture is not known to be especially well built, or even one-of-a-kind. The kind of furniture offered in designer showrooms, however, is as unique and well-built as the families that will use them. Buying any old mass-produced wood chairserves its purpose, but owning a hand-carved Oregon marbled-walnut chair does more than just give you a place to sit. A chair of that quality is as much a decoration as it is functional, and since the chairs are built so well, it is a furniture piece that can be handed down to future generations.



Oregon Marbled Walnut Chair ($1,800) and 4-foot Copper Coffee Table ($2,930), both available at

I Fencing (prices vary by project), available through

Complements Home Interiors

j Photos by Christopher L. Ingersoll

Likewise, a copper coffee table is more than just a place to set your drink. It can brighten a room and is a great conversation starter as the focal point in your room. The heavy structure makes it a piece that will withstand the test of time.

HOTTUB When you buy a hot tub, like wood stove, you are buying a lifestyle. Most homes come with a tub that you can fill up with hot water and sit in, but a hot tub provides much more. When you sit in a hot tub, it is oftentimes


• •

Beautiful 2 bd, 2 bath condo onthe river, just two blocks from downtown! Fully applianced, stainless steel kitchen wibIIilt-in wine cooler. Hardwood floors & gasfireplace in the living room. W/D included. Spacious deckoverlooking the river!

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3BRl2BA. Nicetri-plex townIome convenientllyocated.Fuly applianced kitchenwithbuilt-in microwave. Single storyunit.Master bdrmon oppositesideof housefrom guestrooms.Singlecar garage. WlDhook-upsin 8+' . the garage.Water, sewerf, yardCarePaid.


Open living spacedownstairs, fully applianced kitchen. W/0 included. Plush lawn w/semi-private patio. 2-car garage. All utilities and yard

Ga ted entrance. Single-car garage.


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1633 NE Lotus ¹2, Bend


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980 NEHiddenValley Dr,Bend 2 beds 2.5baths. I208sq.It.trilev el townhome tuckedaway in aNEneighborhood! Ful kitchenwith closetsizepantryani slider leading ontotheplushmature landsca pedyard.Sunkenliving room. W/Dhook-upsinutility


roo m. Singl cargae rage. raid. WatT aTiVIrWer


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with friends and family. Sitting in a hot tub means talking and laughing while your body sits nearly weightless and your muscles relax in the warmth and get massaged by the jets of the tub. Sitting in the hot tub means relief of stress and a better


Fences not only act as barriers to keep your kids and pets in and your neighbors out, it can also serve as part of the landscaping. The character of your fence adds structural decor to your property. If you want to show off your amazing flower beds, a transparent fence like a wide-slat picket may be the way to go. If you want privacy in y our back deck area where you hang out with your friends, a board-on-board-style fence may be what you are looking for. Mike's Fence Center not only offers fence installation services and supplies, they also provide insight on the type of fencing that will work for you and the amount of time you want to spend on maintenance. When choosing a gift for the homeowner, keep in mind that the best things in life are free, and the best gifts facilitate those things.

805 NW Saginaw ¹3, Bend 2 beds, 2 baths. FULLYFURNISHED winter getaway condo onWestside!

15 NW Portland Ave ¹111, Bend


Nearly every movie lover dreams of having a home theater system in his or her home that would bring a tear to GeorgeLucas' eye.A home theater brings together the joy of the cinema and the comforts of home. Whether it's curling up on the sofa with the family eating popcorn and watching a movie, or jumping off the sofa to cheer your favorite sports team with your buddies, getting as close to the real experience as possible is the general idea. As optics and audio continue to evolve in today's televisions, nothing can bring you closer to sitting in the actual movie theater or standing in the actual stadium than an Elite LCD TV. With enough high-end electronic specifications to satisfy the most astute home theater geek, it would likely top the list of the multimedia guru in your home.


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1e51 NE Wichita Way, Bend 3beds,1.5bath.Great,1250 sq. It. unitverynearSt. Charles MedicalCenterandother great Eastsidelocations! Fully applianced kitchen. Utility roomw/washeranddryer hook-ups.Doublecargarage. . F enced yard. Water,sewer & garbagepaid byowner.


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Commercial/Investment Properties for Sale

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Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

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RealEstate.com 632 - Apt./Multiplex General barn, 3 sheds, green 541-639-1151 Laina Ryan, Principal Cg house. $129 , 000 634- Apt./Multiplex NE Bend 1148 NW Constellation Hunter Properties Broker, GRI www.johnlscott.com/7 Custom Built Awbrey 636 - Apt./Multiplex NW Bend Cascade/Sotheby's 6771 $158,000 NW Bend Home, Int'n Realty 638 - Apt./Multiplex SE Bend MORRIS Peggy Lee Combs, Earth Advantage Home! 541-419-7540 $469,000 640 - Apt./Multiplex SW Bend REAL ESTATE Broker 541-480-7653 Prudential High Desert Main floor living with MLS¹201206153642 - Apt./Multiplex Redmond I dcpc dc dyO c d * d O p c . (cd extensive upgrades. John L. Scott Realty 541-312-9449 $259,900 $1,500,000 and 646 - Apt./Multiplex Furnished Real Estate, Bend An open floor plan Former COBA Tour of www. 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A wonderful parcels - this parcel 659 - Houses for Rent Sunriver 16800 Ponderosa Cas 541-977-5345 or 745 floor plan for enter- features a w e sterly New Listings c ade 4 0 + Acr e s 541-389-7910 660 - Houses for Rent La Pine taining f a m il y & f acing h o m e wi t h Homes for Sale w/Cascade Mountain Hunter Properties friends F u lly l a nd- views of the moun661 - Houses for Rent Prineville MORRIS Eastbrook Estates j Views. $275,000 scaped with fenced tains & Powell Butte. 662 - Houses for Rent Sisters 1623 Rector. Upgraded TEAM Birtola Garmyn 1638 NW Wild Rye • $200,000 REAL ESTATE yard. Outdoor living 2 bedroom, 2 b ath, Single Level Wheel Prudential High Desert 663 - Houses for Rent Madras This 1366 sq. ft., 3 $850,000 I dcpedcnlyO cd dOpc (cd you will not want to chair Acce s sible Realty 541-312-9449 1700+ sq f t h o me. 664- Houses for Rent Furnished bedroom, 2 bath Bend, Oregon miss. Home. $74,900 home is located on a BULLETINCLASSIFIEOS MLS¹201203502 Check out this one at 671 - Mobile/Mfd. for Rent www. BendOregon Aaron Ballweber, TEAM Birtola Garmyn $479,000. nice quiet cul-de-sac 3 Bdrm, 3 bath, CusRealEstate.com 675 - RV Parking Broker in NE Bend. Great Search the area's most Prudential High Desert tom Gregg Lockridge MLS¹201202946 676 -Mobile/Mfd.Space 541-728-4499 or comprehensive listing of 225 NE Lafayette 2500 Realty 541-312-9449 Laina Ryan, Principal condition inside and home i n de s irable 541-389-7910 682 - Farms, Ranches and Acreage classified advertising... Sq.ft. CL Zoned www. BendOregon North Rim C o mmuBroker, GRI out, fully landscaped, real estate to automotive, Hunter Properties 687 - Commercial for Rent/Lease Commercial Bldg, RealEstate.com Cascade/Sotheby's fenced and sprinkler nity. $150,000 Int'n Realty 693 - Office/Retail Space for Rent TenBroek-Hilber Group, system. Great open merchandise to sporting 17360 Brandt. Large goods. Bulletin Classifieds 1/2 Acre Lot near Big TEAM Birtola Garmyn 541-419-7540 floor plan! LLC USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! REAL ESTATE appear every day in the Prudential High Desert MLS¹201208902 Coldwell Banker Morris Deschutes. $242,900 705- Real Estate Services print or on line. $89,500 Realty 541-312-9449 Door-to-door selling with Ray Bachman, Real Estate TEAM Birtola Garmyn Smart Investment! 713 - Real Estate Wanted www. BendOregon Broker, GRI Call 541-385-5809 541-550-4944 Prudential High Desert fast results! It's the easiest This spacious Condo RealEstate.com 719 - Real Estate Trades www.bendbulletin.com 541-312-4044 Realty 541-312-9449 way in the world to sell. home boasts of deco19423 Brookside Way • We never stop moving: 726 - Timeshares for Sale www. BendOregon 1 2445 R a inbow. P r i rator paint, wood look $315,000 730 - New Listings RealEstate.com v ate Setting o n 5 Bend, Ser ngCentraiOregon ~mce f909 The Bulletin Classified laminate flo o ring. Oregon Acres Backing Public MLS¹201202442 C omfortable liv i n g 732 - Commercial Properties for Sale NW Champion 541-385-5809 Investment Opportunity! 2633 Land. $349,900 area w/fireplace 8 Circle Gorgeous 3200 TEAM 4 bdrm 2.5 bath, fully 738- Multiplexes for Sale 4 city tax lots totalling Birtola Garmyn large windows make SQ.FT. Awbrey Glen furnished, profitable, $274,500 740 -Condominiums & Townhomes forSale 14.07 acres. Zoned Prudential High Desert t his home l i ght & Home, $575,000 turnkey vaca t i on Pride Of 744 - Open Houses MORRIS R1. It's possible to di- Prudential Realty 541-312-9449 bright. 2 master suites High Desert rental. Ownership! vide the lots further. www. BendOregon 745- Homes for Sale REAL ESTATE upstairs w/w a lk-in Realty 541-312-9449 TenBroek-Hilber Group, Great room floor plan Power, city water & RealEstate.com Indepcndcnvy 0 wcd and Opcratcd closets. Fenced yard 746- Northwest Bend Homes www. BendOregon LLC with 3 b edrooms, 2 sewer at the paved with m ature RealEstate.com 747 - Southwest Bend Homes 51863 Fordham Gor- Coldwell Banker Morris baths and den. Cus- T his c omplex t rfees. Julina Parkstreet. Mtn. & valley eaReal Estate tom features include 748- Northeast Bend Homes Redmond j $194,947 views. Many possible ¹9 Hickory. Lakefront geous Craftsman, 3 541-550-4944 tile, faucets and an in- tures a private indoor Single-level living at its building sites. In the home on Woodland bdrm + o f f ice l o ft, 749- Southeast Bend Homes pool/spa, well main$179,900 sulated/ heated gafinest! 3 bedroom, 2 city limits of Canyon Golf Course! TEAM 750 - Redmond Homes $1,950,000 common area. Birtola Garmyn rage. Lo w m a i nte- tained $549,000 bath, open great room City near John Day. Price Reduced!!! 753 - Sisters Homes nance landscape with HOA covers water, concept. Sp a c ious (Sellers are licensed TEAM Birtola Garmyn Prudential High Desert One of aKind Home on garbage, landRealty 541-312-9449 755- Sunriver/La Pine Homes a trex deck & the back sewer, kitchen with c o ok's Ore. Real Estate bro- Prudential High Desert 2 Lots Cascade Mtn. www. BendOregon o f the home i s l o - s caping, snow r e 756 - Jefferson County Homes island. Hardwood en- kers). $99,900 Realty 541-312-9449 & golf course views. moval, pool & exterior RealEstate.com next to greentry, 2-car garage, front www. BendOregon Juniper Realty, 757 - Crook County Homes Master suite w/ fire- cated maintenance. way. RealEstate.com yard landscaping 8 541-504-5393 $1,200,000 place 8 mult i p le 762 - Homes with Acreage Tallman, Broker Tallman, Broker Debbie 2-10 Ho m e buyer's Estate In Gated Golf decks. Elevator, pri- Debbie 541-390-0934 or 763 - Recreational Homes and Property Large home w/36x40 1045 Golden Pheasant 541-390-0934 or Warranty! Community vate oval office, & 4 541 -389-791 0 C r e s t Gol f shop currently rented Eagle 541-389-7910 764- Farms and Ranches MLS¹201208936 Cascade views with 2.5 car garages, Hunter Properties @$1000 mo., + 2 ad- Course T o wnhome. acres, 4bdrm, w ith Aaron Hunter Properties 771 - Lots Darrin Kelleher, Broker Boehm, Broker jacent lots for devel- $115,000 The Kelleher Group his/hers master suites $99,900 773 - Acreages 541-647-8851 opment in fast-grow- TEAM Birtola Garmyn $399,000 541-788-0029 A Wonderful Condo Mt. on main level. 3 gas Ryan Whitcomb, Bro775 - Manufactured/Mobile Homes ing Boardman, OR, Prudential High Desert Gorgeous Home In We never stop moving: fireplaces, roomy Bachelor Village ker 541-639-1151 duplex app r oved, Realty 541-312-9449 780 - Mfd. /Mobile Homes with Land River Canyon Estates This condo will make for kitchen, wrap around Hunter Properties s ystem d ev . f e e s www. BendOregon Excellent open f l oor a great getaway or windows, wood floors, 648 waived. $1 9 9 ,500. RealEstate.com plan on a large cor- smart 1 Acre w/studioinv e stment. cs & 3 car garage. Golf 1-541-379-0362 Houses for ner lot. Living room w/ Close to d o wntown 80 NW 17th NW Bend 5 cart bay w/ 1560 s/f La pine Stick built g as f i replace, r e Bdrm, Family Home Rent General coach house com- home. 3 bed/2 bath, cessed lighting. Tile and the ever popular Lots In Crooked River w/Views, $599,900 Old M i l l Dis t r ict. MORRIS Ranch. Great oppor- Prudential p lete w i t h s ho p . w ood stove i n L a counters, w a l k High Desert in Amenities PUBLISHER'S inc l ude S pectacular lan d - Pine. M o ther-in-law tunity to start a busiREAL ESTATE Realty 541-312-9449 pantry, ss appliances quarters w/bath, NOTICE scaping, pool, tennis c ourts ness or relocate an pond, 1 dcpc dc 1lyo c d dop c t c d www. BendOregon & wood floors. SpaAll real estate adverkitchen & pellet stove and trails accessing streams & waterfall all existing bus i ness. RealEstate.com d r i veway. cious master suite, the Deschutes River. tising in this newspa- Mountain Springs Near restaurants, hoset w i t hin f e n ced on ow n walk in closet & cus- Call Grant for more per is subject to the Ranch j $11,722,500 MLS:201207856 tel and golf course. 67375 Rab b itbrush. area. tom built-ins. F air H o using A c t 61,416 acre ranch details! Owner terms a vail. B end Home o n 5 Ryan Whitcomb, Bro- Theresa Ramsay, Bro- Grant 605 Ludwick, Broker Grant Ludwick, Broker which makes it illegal 8988 deeded (1830 ir- Business Circle, Lot ker 541-815-4442 ker 541-639-1151 Acres w/C a scade 541-633-0255 or Roommate Wanted John L. Scott 541-633-0255 or to a d v ertise "any r igated) 8 52, 4 28 82 - 1 . 0 5 a c res Aaron Boehm, Broker Views. $330,000 541 -389-791 0 preference, limitation BLM - 60 miles east of $25,000; Lot 50 - 1.30 TEAM Birtola Garmyn Real Estate, Bend 541-389-7910 541-647-8851 Hunter Properties Sharecozy mobile home www.johnlscott.com or disc r imination Bend. Spri n g-fed acres. Lot 51 - 1.23 Prudential High Desert Hunter Properties Hunter Properties in Terrebonne, $275+ y2 based on race, color, owner's home, 9 state acres. $35,000 each Realty 541-312-9449 utils. 503-679-7496 religion, sex, handi- of-the-art pivots, 90 ft. or purchase all 3 for www. BendOregon cap, familial status, truck scales, 20 ton 630 $90,000. Juniper ReRealEstate.com marital status or nalivestock scales, and alty, 541-504-5393 Rooms for Rent 1 6206 H a wk s La i r . tional origin, or an in- 5 LOP tags. M otel with H wy . 9 7 Builders Own Custom tention to make any MLS¹201208910 Studios 8 Kitchenettes such pre f erence, frontage in the city of Home w/Garage + Steve Payer, Furnished room, TV w/ limitation or discrimiShop. $399,000 Broker, GRI La Pine. 9 units plus TEAM cable, micro 8 fridge. nation." Familial staBirtola Garmyn owner's living quar541-480-2966 Utils & linens. New ters. Mountain a nd Prudential High Desert includes children We never stop moving: owners. $145-$165/wk tus Realty 541-312-9449 under the age of 18 meadow views. 541-382-1885 www. BendOregon living with parents or $1,250,000 RealEstate.com 634 legal cust o dians, MLS¹ 2712469 People Helping People Buy Homes Since 1987 es pregnant women, and Cascade Realty, 903 NW Newport. Great Apt./Multiplex NE Bend Dennis Haniford, Bend Westside Loca people securing cusPrinc. Broker tion on L a rge L ot. 2210 NE Holliday,3bdrm, tody of children under MORRIS 685 SE Third St, Bend, OR 97702 ~ 541-318-5500 ~ NMLS¹89511/ML-3213-10 18. This newspaper 541-536-1731 $180,000 2 bath, gas heat, frplc, REAL ESTATE will not knowingly acTEAM Birtola Garmyn quiet; no smkg. $760/mo; I d p d n l yO d dOp «d Prime Hwy 97 commer- Prudential High Desert $300 off 1st month. Avail cept any advertising I ,' I I I cial updated in 2006, for real estate which is NE Bend j $225,000 Realty 541-312-9449 12/17. 541-317-0867 850 sq.ft., plenty of in violation of the law. Great home in a great www. BendOregon 8 GREAT WINTER 4 O ur r e aders a r e l ocation! C l ose t o parking in rear, cenRealEstate.com DEAL! hereby informed that shopping, restaurants tral a i r . $ 1 0 9,900.2 0355 Murphy. B e n MLS ¹ 201 0 03034 2 bdrm, 1 bath, all dwellings adver- and all the amenities. of Lrg Country $530 8 $540 w/lease. tised in this newspa- This 3 b e droom, 2 Pam Lester, Principal efits Lot w/City Amenities. Carports included! per are available on b ath, 1502 s q . f t . B roker, Century 2 1 Gold Country Realty, $134,900 FOX HOLLOW APTS. an equal opportunity home is on a large TEAM Birtola Garmyn basis. To complain of (541) 383-3152 corner lot, very clean, Inc. 541-504-1338 Prudential High Desert discrimination cal l light and bright. Cascade Rental Realty 541-312-9449 HUD t o l l-free at Find exactly what Management. Co. MLS¹201208886 www. BendOregon 1-800-877-0246. The you are looking for in the Ray Bachman, RealEstate.com Call for Specials! toll f re e t e l ephone Broker, GRI CLASSIFIEDS Limited numbers avail. 6 0818 W indsor. S E number for the hear541-312-4044 1, 2 and 3 bdrms. Bend Home on 1/2 ing im p aired is We never stop moving.' W/D hookups, patios Acre. $160,000 1-800-927-9275. Property & Business j or decks. TEAM Birtola Garmyn $239,500 MOUNTAIN GLEN, Liwing quarters in- Prudential High Desert People Look for Information 541-383-9313 cluded with this busiRealty 541-312-9449 About Products and Professionally www. BendOregon ness and p roperty. managed by Norris 8 Services Every Daythrough Located on Hwy 97. RealEstate.com MORRIS Stevens, Inc. The Bulletin Classifieds Business is m a inly67375 Rab b itbrush. REAL ESTATE from the Hwy traffic. B end Home o n 5 636 1 d p d t l y o w da dop mcd Owner will carry. Acres w/C a scade Rented your propApt./Multiplex NW Bend MLS¹201203037 erty? The Bulletin SW Bend j $179,900 Rookie Dickens, Broker, Views. $330,000 TEAM Birtola Garmyn Classifieds 1704 sq. ft., 3 bedRIVER FALLS APTS. GRI, CRS, ABR Prudential High Desert has an "After Hours" room, 2 bath home on LIVE ON THE RIVER Realty 541-312-9449 Line. Call .62 acre in Deschutes We 541-815-0436 WALK DOWNTOWN never stop moving: 541-383-2371 24 www. BendOregon R iver Woods. N ew 1 bdrm. apt. fully furRealEstate.com hours to interior & ext e rior nished in fine 50s style. t~a cei o ad . ' paint, ne w c a r pet, 26720 Horsell. 120 Pri 1546 NW 1st St., $800+ cs window t r e atments $700 dep. Nice pets vate Acres of Central *Evergreen HomeLoans is a registered trade name of Evergreen Moneysource Mortgage Company. NMLS ID 3182 and plumbing fixtures. O regon Beau t y . welcomed. 650 Very clean home, and 541-382-0117 $420,000 MORRIS Houses for Rent on the canal. TEAM Birtola Garmyn Just bought a new boat? REAL ESTATE NE Bend MLS¹201208852 Prudential High Desert Sell your old one in the I dcpcdcwlyO cd dOpc icd Nicolette Jones, Broker Realty 541-312-9449 classifieds! Ask about our 3 Bdrm, 2 Bath, new car541-241-0432 www. BendOregon Super Seller rates! pet/vinyl/deck & fixtures, We never stop moving: 738 RealEstate.com 541-385-5809 beautifully landscaped. Multiplexes for Sale 61250 King Solomon Small studio close to li- Dishwasher & W/D incl; Updated Kings Forest to the LOan OffiCerS of EVergreen brary, all util. pd. $550, water pd. No smoking, no es Investors - 4-plex 3 Bedroom Home. $525 dep. No pets/ dogs. $900/mo. $1100 $425,000 Home Loans for being the ¹1 retail $289,900 smoking. 541-330- deposit. 541-617-1101 Each unit has 3 bed- TEAM Birtola Garmyn 9769 or 541-480-7870 MORRIS rooms, 2. 5 ba t h s, Prudential High Desert 1416 sq.ft., garage & REAL ESTATE Realty 541-312-9449 parking. Prime NE loIndcpcndentlyO cdandOpcn<cd Crook Counties for 201 1. www. BendOregon cation near hospital. Property Management, Inc. RealEstate.com 732 Fully rented, excel(informatioii basedori purchaseunits funded per county recordings.) 541-382-0053 lent rental history, ex- 61681 Woodriver. 2 Commercial/Investment yI Lots - Total .77 AC cess of $36K annual 0 Properties for Sale g ross rents 8 lo w Adj. 2 Lots For Sale 4 AVAILABLE BEND AREA RENTALS Too. $450,000 maintenance. • 2 Bdrm/1 Bath Apt. - Cheerful upper unit 16461 William Foss, La TEAM Birtola Garmyn I MLS¹201208263 w/balcony. Close to downtown 8 Pioneer Park. Pine, OR. $379,900. Prudential High Desert Dana Miller, Broker Formerly We s t ern Laundry on site. Off-street parking. $500.00 Realty 541-312-9449 541-408-1468 Title b l dg . Q u a lity We never stop moving: yVST www. BendOregon •2 Bdrm/1 Bath Apt. Near Hospital - Private c ommercial off i c e RealEstate.com High Lakes Realty 8 setting. On site laundry. New carpet. Lots of 3546 SW 35th. Large Property Ma n agestorage. No Pets. $575.00 VI/ST 4 000+ S F Hom e ment 541-536-0117 • Furnished 1 Bdrm/1 Bath Condo - Mt. w/Wine Cellar. Bachelor Village. Murphy bed, too! Great place 16480 William Foss, La $481,703 to transition or relax. Access to pool 8 Jacuzzi. Pine, OR. 1800 sq.ft. MORRIS TEAM Birtola Garmyn Free Wi-Fi. No pets.$675.00 yVST former family medical Prudential High Desert REAL ESTATE •Nice 3 Bdrm/2 Bath off OB Riley Rd. - Extra facility with home & Realty 541-312-9449 I d pc d mly O d dOp t d room for RV behind fenced area. Large back shop. $178,000. High www. BendOregon deck. Open spacious great room feeling. 1674 Lakes Realty & Prop- NW Redmond Duplex. RealEstate.com sq. ft., dbl. garage. $1050.00 erty Man a gement 3 bd/2y2 ba, 1305 sq. 17174 Blue Heron. Re •Open cheerful 3 Bdrm/2 Bath SW Home on 541-536-0117 ft., attached single ga- m odeled i n 201 2 . huge corner lot. Fenced back yard. Patio. 51847 Hwy 97 . 1 . 64 rage, la n dscaped, Owner Terms Avail Large laundry room. Gas FP. Dbl. garage. Kevin Pangle Mark Long acre commercial on fenced. $15 9 ,000 able. $129,900 Linda Fisher-Berlanga GFA. A/C. Pets? $1150.00 month H wy i n La Pin e . MLS 201208215 TEAM Birtola Garmyn NMLS¹89521 NMLSA'210118 NMLSA'208965 *** FOR ADDITIONAL PROPERTIES *** $675,000. High Lakes Pam Lester, Princ. Bro- Prudential High Desert Bend/Redmond Bend/Redmond Bend/Redmond Realty 8 Pr o p erty ker, Century 21 Gold Realty 541-312-9449 CALL 541-382-0053 &/or Stop By the Office Management Country Realty, Inc. www. BendOregon at 587 NE Greenwood, Bend 541-536-0117 541-504-1338 RealEstate.com •

Newer 2326 sq.ft. deluxe Commercial land 1 acre home, 3/3, gas firelot on SE corner of place, 7500' lot, fenced Finley Butte & Rusyard, 1655 SW Sara- sell Rd. Sewer and soda Ct. $ 1195/mo. water hooked up on 541-350-2206 lot. Fenced, owner terms are p o ssibly 659 available. $94,900 Houses for Rent MLS¹ 2704740 Sunriver Cascade Realty, Dennis Haniford, VILLAGE PROPERTIES Princ. Broker Sunriver, Three Rivers, 541-536-1731 La Pine. Great Downtown Selection. Prices range Commercial $425 - $2000/mo. Beautiful, river front, View our full commercial developinventory online at Village-Properfies.com ment p r o perty in d owntown Bend. 2 1-866-931-1061 adjacent lots a vailable.


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TO PLACE AN AD CALL CLASSIFIED• 541-385-5809 Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale




Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Across from the River! C ustom Broken T o p Investment Potential! New Home Just Single level on 1 acre, 3 Unobstructed Mountain Close to Sunriver• B eauty. Newly R E- 40 Acres, 39 Irrigated Completed Move-in bdrm, 2 b ath, 1716 Views! $265,000 4 bdrm,2 bath DUCED price! Enjoy Close t o am e n ities, Ready! sq.ft., master separa- 5+/- a c r es . Po w e ll Great Vacation Rental the lush surroundings currently in farm de- New home in a great tion, office, fenced, Butte. 2600+ sq. ft., 3 or Permanent resi- 4 bed/4.5 bath, 4363 ferral in UH10 status. l ocation o f Ben d . f lower garden, R V bedroom, 2 bath dence! Spac i ous Sq. Ft. Golf course Killer location, minProtective CC&R's to parking. $1 3 5,000. home features expankitchen w/double ov- and mountain views u tes from Hwy 9 7 , ensure a nice area for MLS ¹ 20 1 0 07848. sive windows, f ireens & large island. Offered at $1,295,000 WalMart, and medical. f amily l i ving. T h i s Pam Lester, Principal p lace, den. 3 b a y won't last long, give B roker, Century 2 1 Situated on 1.5 acres, MLS ¹201204037 Barbara Jackson, shop with RV parking w/area for a h o rse. Sue Price, Broker Broker us a c all today for Gold Country Realty, and 2 car detached 541-306-8186 Expansive d e c king Cascade/Sotheby's showing! Inc. 541-504-1338 garage. Priced to sell Int'n Realty perfect for entertainCandice Anderson, Tom Roth, Broker at $265,000 ing. Fire pit, hot tub & 541-408-7742 541-771-6549 or Snowberry Village ¹98 Broker MLS¹201200327 more. Located across Custom Home In Three 541-788-8878 541-306-8186 $79,500 Beautiful 3 Laina Ryan, Principal bedroom, 2 bat h t he street from t h e Tom Roth, Broker John L. Scott Broker, GRI Pines. single level home in Deschutes River. 541-771-6549 Real Estate, Bend Cascade/Sotheby's Immaculate 3529 sq. ft. Snowberry V i l lage. Int'n Realty Barbara Jackson, John L. Scott www.johnlscott.com 4 bdrm, 3 bath home Vaulted ceilings, gas Broker Real Estate, Bend 541-419-7540 close to Shevlin Park. 541-306-8186 heat/A/C, 2-car g awww.johnlscott.com G reat r o o m wit h NOTICE rage w/shop area, Candice Anderson, Just too many Rogue River s tone All real estate adverBroker Large Irrigated Acre- tised here in is sub- front deck and cozy fireplace, B r a zilian collectibles? rear patio, elevated 541-788-8878 cherry wood f l oors age! 7 S t al l h o rse ject to t h e F e deral corner lot. A good buy Tom Roth, Broker barn, 48x60 Hay barn F air H o using A c t , and 2 7 ' ca t h edral in a wonderful neighSell them in 541-771-6549 ceiling. Chef's kitchen Almost 60 acre w/40 which makes it illegal John L. Scott acre of irrigation & or- to advertise any pref- borhood! The Bulletin Classifieds with SS G E M onoMarilyn Rohaly, Broker Real Estate, Bend chard grass. Ride off gram appliances. 2 erence, limitation or 541-322-9954 www.johnlscott.com into th e B a d lands. discrimination based master suites, t a nJohn L. Scott 541-385-5809 Beautiful home on race, color, reliA ffordable hous i ng dem 3-car g arage. Real Estate, Bend w/master on the main gion, sex, handicap, Manufactured home www.johnlscott.com/s www.johnlscott.com Walk to the river! 2002 level, spacious great familial status or naclose t o d o w ntown hellyarnold MH .98 acres w/garoom floor plan. Gran- tional origin, or intenand Old Mill. 3 bed- MLS¹201208803 SW REDMOND, rage/shop, water feaite countertops, tion to make any such room, 2 bath, 1296 $649,900 SINGLE LEVEL ture, fire pit, green stainless appliances. preferences, l i m itasq. ft. open floor plan. Shelley Arnold, Broker 3 bdrm/ 2 bath 1731 house. New Triple ca r ga r age tions or discrimination. sq.ft., Fabulous NE 541-771-9329 Fenced bac k yard, flooring — travertine, w/guest ap a r tment We will not knowingly John L. Scott covered carport with Custom quality tile, d o ors, l i g hts, above. Rv hookups & accept any advertis- views! storage. $29,900 Real Estate, Bend built in 2004. Large more. www.johnlscott.com ing for r ea l e s tate 2 -car garage w i t h sinks, paint & MORE! Teresa Brown, Broker f or deta i ls. Barbara Jackson, 541-788-8661 which is in violation of workshop area. Huge Call Where can you find a Broker this law. All persons S torage Area. Of - $136,900. John L. Scott 541-306-8186 www.johnlscott.com/43 Real Estate, Bend helping hand? are hereby informed fered a t $2 2 0 ,000 235 Candice Anderson, that all dwellings ad- MLS ¹201208354 www.johnlscott.com From contractors to Lisa McCarthy, Broker, Broker vertised are available Sue Price, Broker Alot For The Money! SRES 541-419-8639 yard care, it's all here 541-788-8878 on an equal opportu- Cascade/Sotheby's $157,900 John L. Scott Tom Roth, Broker in The Bulletin's nity basis. The BulleInt'n Realty Fenced 1.8 acres outReal Estate, Bend 541-771-6549 tin Classified "Call A Service 541-408-7742 side Prineville. Upwww.johnlscott.com John L. Scott dated manufactured Professional" Directory Real Estate, Bend Open Country Views! Thank you Shelley for West Hills Home home. 1650+ sq ft, 3 www.johnlscott.com $589,000 making our DREAMS MLS: 201203939. Light Great Building Site bedroom, 2 bath Nearly 6 acres on dead COME TRUE! and bright solid wood $59,900 home with heat pump Mountain Views! r o ad . P o w e llIncredible! Professional! interior doors, hard& ga s s t ove, d e - Powell Butte. 5 acres, Between Bend & Sis- end Butte. Immaculate, 3 K nowledgeable! A l wood floors, stainless tached garage plus v iews, s e ptic a p - ters Adorable single b edroom, 2. 5 b a t h ways listening to All steel appliances, up9 00 s q ft sho p . proval, just two miles level home, move-in custom home. 4 acres our needs and high d ated k itchen w i t h off Hwy 126. G o od ready! Many newer MLS¹201208491 irrigation, barn, cordemands. She l ley granite, large lot, exLaina Ryan, Principal value a t $5 9 , 900. upgrades. Detached rals, large shop plus m ade i t t h e m o s t tra parking, fenced MLS¹201203683 Broker, GRI office/storage r oom. additional 24x30 stu- wonderful Home dog area. $375,000. Laina Ryan, Principal Cascade/Sotheby's S ituated o n 1.3 8 dio, shop or hobby Buying Experience! www.johnlscott.com/3 Int'n Realty Broker, GRI acres with plenty of building. Fa b u lous JD Platt & The K9 Kings 9786 541-419-7540 Cascade/Sotheby's elbow room. mountain and Smith Shelley Texley, PrinciInt'n Realty Jim Brennan, Broker Barbara Jackson, Amazing Golf Views! rock views. pal Broker 541-480-7296 541-419-7540 Broker Situated perfectly beMLS¹201200336 530-227-4836 John L. Scott 541-306-8186 Great Family Home hind Broken Top's first Laina Ryan, Principal John L. Scott Real Estate, Bend Candice Anderson, green with approach B eautiful home i n a Broker, GRI R eal Est a te , B e n d www.johnlscott.com great neighborhood. Broker shot a n d fai r way Cascade/Sotheby's www.johnlscott.com 541-788-8878 Int'n Realty views from the Mas- Spacious kitchen, tile West Hills Home Hu g e Tom Roth, Broker ter Bedroom, Living, c ountertops. 541-419-7540 This is a T w o S t ory MLS: 201203939. 541-771-6549 and Dining r ooms. master suite w/soakFrame Home, 3 Bed- Light and bright solid John L. Scott Well worth your time ing tub & s e parate room, 2.5 Bath with wood interior doors, PRICE REDUCTION Real Estate, Bend to view t hi s B r and shower. Large fenced Ceil i ngs, hardwood floors, Immaculate home with Vaulted Mo v e -in www.johnlscott.com New remodel with Ex- backyard. Fl o o ring stainless steel appliextensive upgrades in Laminate ready with all applic ellent Attention t o the ances, updated Snowberry V i l lage, throughout ances. Call Barbara D etail. Updates i n Move-in Ready! one of Bend's finest Kitchen and D i ning kitchen with granite, for more information. clude a com p lete Newer home• 2207 sq. He a t large lot, extra park55+ parks. This home R oom, a n d functional master bath Barbara Jackson, BroPump. L a ndscaped ft., 3 bdrm, 2.5 bath ing, fenced dog area. offers 1512 sq. ft., 2 ker 541-306-8186 restructure, new Great room floor plan b edroom, 2 b t h + for easy maintenance, $375,000. John L. Scott flooring t h roughout, with spacious kitchen, den/office with cathe- sprinkler system, www.johnlscott.com/3 Real Estate, Bend new granite counters, tile countertops. Lots fenced backyard, and 9786 dral ceiling. All new www.johnlscott.com new stainless energy of windows make it Jim Brennan, Broker kitchen a p pliances, has many trees. efficient a p pliances, light and bright. Spa- lighting, ceiling fans $79,900 541-480-7296 Great Location! finely refinished cabi- New cious bedrooms and and much much more. MLS¹ 201208976 John L. Scott Construction • 4 netry, interior/exterior upstairs laundry. All Cascade Realty, Real Estate, Bend This home is move-in bdrm, 2.5 bath Dennis Haniford, paint, hybrid gas as- Be one of the first ones appliances included. www.johnlscott.com ready. sist/wood bur n i ng to se e t h i s g r e at Barbara Jackson, Princ. Broker www.johnlscott.com/8 fireplaces in the living home. 541-536-1731 Westside Bend, Broker 6989 Granite Wyndemere room an d m a s ter kitchen counters with 541-306-8186 Maralin Baidenmann, bedroom, and an out- slate Broker 541-385-1096 Call The Bulletin At 4144 Sq. Ft. - $108/Sq. bac k s plash, Candice Anderson, Ft. 4 bdrm/3 bath - 3 standing 500+ bottle stainless appliances. Broker John L. Scott 541-385-5809 wine cellar. Make this Close t o 541-788-8878 car garage, .81 acre Real Estate, Bend sc h ools, Place Your Ad Or E-Mail w ith n a t ural l a n d unique home a prior- shopping and more. Tom Roth, Broker www.johnlscott.com At: www.bendbulletin.com ity to view today. RE541-771-6549 scaping, family room Barbara Jackson, DUCED $649,000. John L. Scott plus bonus room, Broker Rare One! $775,000 Tollgate Getaway! Neil McDaniel, Broker great condition - ready Real Estate, Bend 541-306-8186 Flood irrigated meadClose to Sisters 541-350-9579 or y o u r cus t o m www.johnlscott.com Candice Anderson, o ws, t i mber, y e a r This charming cabin is ftouches Fred Real Estate Group Broker r ound creeks. 4 8 0 ready for new owners. Offered at $450,000 541-788-8878 Need Hay Ground acres abuts national Situated on a nice .50 ASTOUNDING ¹201208736 Tom Roth, Broker $675,000 forest. Harney county. acre lot. Conveniently MLS CASCADE MOUNTAIN Sue Price, Broker 541-771-6549 This 77+ acres in CulTrophy hunting in Sil- l ocated close to a l l Cascade/Sotheby's VIEWS John L. Scott ver is being cultivated vies Valley. Two tax Central Oregon has to Highlands, 10.28 Acres Int'n Realty in alfalfa. Two pivots lots with potential for 4 offer. Community ofReal Estate, Bend Offered at $495,000 541-408-7742 www.johnlscott.com ( new in 2 008), 72 LOP tags. Log cabin f ers p o o l , ten n is Cate Cushman, acres irrigation, huge sits above the mead- courts and rec. center. Principal Broker Hidden Gem On shop & h a y b a r n. ows. 70 acres irriga541-480-1884 Barbara Jackson, FOR SALE Awbrey Butte N ice 1900+ sq . f t . tion. Fenced & gated. www.catecushman.com This home has it all! 4 Broker home sits on paved, Very good road. Pos541-306-8186 When buying a home, BR, 2.5 baths, den Awbrey Glen Beauty d ead e n d roa d . sible owner t e rms. Candice Anderson, 83% of Central and a bonus room. $675,000 Live in beautiful Aw$775,000 Broker Oregonians turn to brey Glen situated on Huge 4+ garage with MLS¹201203935 MLS¹201208822 541-788-8878 bonus storage space. Laina Ryan, Principal the 17th fairway! 4 Laina Ryan, Principal Tom Roth, Broker Ser ing Central Oregon stnce1903 b edroom, 3 b ath + Large lot. R ecently Broker, GRI Broker, GRI 541-771-6549 den. 2625 sq. ft. 3567 remodeled. Beautiful! Cascade/Sotheby's Cascade/Sotheby's John L. Scott Call 541-385-5809 to NW McCready, Bend. $589,000 Int'n Realty Int'n Realty Real Estate, Bend place your Sheila Balyeat, Broker $559,000. 541-419-7540 541-419-7540 www.johnlscott.com Real Estate ad. 541-280-5964 www.johnlscott.com/d John L. Scott aniellesnow Real Estate, Bend Danielle Snow, Broker www.johnlscott.com 541-306-1015 John L. Scott Home On 5 Acres Real Estate, Bend Close To Bend! www.johnlscott.com Great location minutes BANK OWNED HOMES! f rom town. 4 b e d room, 2.5 bath, 3426 FREE List w/Pics! www.BendRepos.com sq. ft., 5 acres with 2 bend and beyond real estate acres irrigation, at20967 yeoman, bend or tached 2-car garage, fruit trees, swimming Brand New On The pool. $350, 0 00 Market. 40 acres o verlooking MLS¹201208454. McKay Creek valley. www.johnlscott.com/2 2100+ sq. ft. home 6803 Ellen Clough, ABR, built for allergen senCRS, Broker sitivity. Wood floors, 541-480-7180 tile counters, partial John L. Scott basement, new Trex Real Estate, Bend decking & more. Set www.johnlscott.com up for horses. Fenced & cross fenced. You Home w/shop on 1 acre have to see to appre- Near private river acciate. MLS¹2812061 cess. This home has Laina Ryan, Principal 'elbow room', inside & Broker, GRI out! Over an acre, it Cascade/Sotheby's has a p o l e b a r n, Int'n Realty greenhouse, & 541-419-7540 shop/mancave/storage. Inside, a s paBusiness for sale living room and Prime l o c ation in cious den, good master d owntown Bend i s a separation. only part of the suc- www.johnlscott.com/2 cess for this salon that 9646 grosses $500,000 this Faye Phillips, Broker year. Owner t erms 541-480-2945 available. $349,000. John L. Scott Alex Robertson, Broker Real Estate, Bend 541-280-2117 www.johnlscott.com or Gail Rogers, Broker 541-604-1649 Ideal For Entertaining John L. Scott Open floor plan with Real Estate, Bend exposed wood www.johnlscott.com beams. Large spacious kitchen. Wood Cabin in the woodsburning fireplace, 4 La Pine. 2 baths, exF urnished t u r n ke y bdrms, pansive decks. All on rental opportunity or 1 1/2 acres located 2nd home. See vrbo¹ across the street from 555-9999 3 56290. 4 b d rm, 2 the Big Deschutes. bath, large living room Candice Anderson, + loft. Wood stove for 541-788-8878 c ozy n i ghts. 1 . 0 5 Broker John L. Scott acres. Fully fenced. Real Estate, Bend Shop w/1 bay. Lowww.johnlscott.com cated in heart of C.O. recreation & less than Investment Opportunity! 1 hour from Mt. Bach- Own your own busielor ness Gas station and Marci Schoenberg, General Store Only Broker 541-610-7803 gas station and store John L. Scott in town! What more Real Estate, Bend www.bendbulletin.com could you want? www.johnlscott.com Barbara Jackson, Broker Need to get an 541-306-8186 Candice Anderson, ad in ASAP? Broker You can place it 541-788-8878 online at: Tom Roth, Broker 541-771-6549 www.bendbulletin.com John L. Scott Real Estate, Bend 541-385-5809 www.johnlscott.com

The Bulletin

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$449,900 OPEN SAT. & SUN. 12-3 • Master on main level • Bonus loft plus den • Premium finishes


Directions: West on Shevlin Park Rd., left on NW Crossing Dr., left on NW

Frazer Ln.

2147 NW High Lakes Lp. $539,000 PREVIEW DN LINE • Master on main level • Bright southern exposure • Rich finishes throughout

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Directions: West on Skyliners Rd., right on Mt. Washington 0r., right on NW High Lakes Lp.

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• Premium finishes

• 3-car garage Directions: Weston Shevlin ParkRd., right on NWParkCommons Dr.








61407 Sunbrook Dr. • Attractive finishes $259,PIIQ


• Island kitchen • Fenced back yard Directions: From Parkwayexit Powers Rd. westbound, right on Blakley Rd., left on SW Millbrook Ln., left on SWSunbrook 0r.

• sk~ Hl>.

2443 NW Awbrey Rd. • Two-story Craftsman $429,9IIII • Master suite on main level • Fireplaces in LR, master

Directions: From downtown Bend, west on NWNewport Ave., right on NW Awbrey Rd.

26 Klamath Ln. SUNRIVRE • Quiet & close to river $387 QQQ • Wraparound deck • Vaulted great room

Directions: From mainSunriver entrance (S. Century 0r.), stay onAbbott Dr. past Circle 4, right on Klamath Lane.

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miles. Always garaged. $4,000.

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19159 Park Commons Dr. • Master on main level $469,900

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Northwest Bend Homes Northwest Bend Homes Northwest Bend Homes Southwest Bend Homes






Redmond Homes

Redmond Homes

Redmond Homes

Redmond Homes

Sunriver/La Pine Homes

1 Block From Drake Park j $696,000 Large, corner, 9000 s q.ft. Iot o n S t a t e Street in the Drake Park Historic District. Newer great r oom, gourmet kitchen, upstairs master s uite and maintains the old charm of d owntown Bend.

Drake Park & River NW Bend j $750,000 SW Bend j$549,000 $220,000 J US T RE $374,900 Extraordinary $449,900 2680 sf with ON THE 1 1t h F A IR- 1 4315 Fern Dell, L a Views j $649,000 Spectacular home with 4 bedroom, 4.5 bath, DUCED! Very private view of Mt Jefferson Gourmet kitchen, new WAY behind the gate Pine. $249,000. 1008 3 bedroom, 2 b ath, panoramic river & city 3035 sq . f t . t o w n- setting, Creekside Vil centered thru wall to granite counter tops, at Eagle Crest. 3725 sq. ft. home, 2 large 2119 sq. ft., English v iews. Gour m e t home nestled in the l age 1871 s f t o w n wall windows. This master suite + 2 guest sq. ft., 4 bedrooms, garages. High Lakes cottage. D e schutes kitchen, great room, pine trees, close to home s it s b e s ide 4bd 2079 sq ft home b edrooms & bat h 3.75 baths, 2 h u ge Realty & Pr o perty River & Drake Park open vaulted ceilings, the Deschutes River pond & creek, in im features knotty pine, rooms on the main bonus rooms, large Management 541-536-0117 views, heart of down- outdoor living space, trail. Great room floor maculate c o ndition, rock fireplace, cusfloor with, huge loft deck, 3 car garage, town Bend's historic main floor m aster, plan, vaulted beam and shows true pride tom cabinets, double overlooking the great alder cabinetry, grandistrict. Meticulously daylight b a sement, ceilings, gou r met o f o wnership. P r e oven! Home-ID 974. room, and an expan ite countertops. 55515 Gross Dr. Great rental o r va c a tion updated home, perguest suite, wine celkitchen, paver patio, mium upgrade pack Eagle Crest Propersive trex deck, ideal MLS¹201203992. home. $94,900. High fect combination of lar & storage. water feature. age. Home-ID 877 ties for entertaining. $529,900 Lakes Realty & Propelegance & comfort. MLS¹201203099 MLS¹201203181 Eagle Crest Properties 866-722-3370 Home-ID 718 John L. Scott Real Eserty Man a gement 866-722-3370 MLS¹201206543 MLS¹201205806 John Snippen, Broker, Rosemary Goodwin, Eagle Crest Properties tate 541-548-1712 541-536-0117 10 Peak Cascade Scott Huggin, Becky Brunoe, Broker MBA, ABR, CRS, GRI Broker, Certified 866-722-3370 Panoramic views! Great Stick built home with a Views! $292,900 Broker, GRI 541-350-4772 541-312-7273 Negotiator Cascade Truck and Velocation 3 miles NW of view and double ga- B reathtaking vie w s !$220,000 Arguably the 541-322-1500 541-948-9090 541-706-1897 We never stop moving: hicle Wash. 1 7 071 rage. $125 , 000. 2450 sq.ft. 3 bdrm, 2 best value in Creek Redmond. Views of We never stop moving: We never stop moving: We never stop moving: $395 , 000. Smith Rock & Tracy, MLS¹2905473 bath. Large multi-pur- side V illage, g r eat chocos. Cus t o m High Lakes Realty & Call Linda Lou pose shop/pole barn, price and an outstand O Cy Ma n agebuilt 2478 sq. ft. home Property Day-Wright, ing location on t he deck, hot t ub. Cg Cy Cy ment 541-536-0117 creek. Granite counter on 4.74 acres. 1800 Broker, 541-771-2585 MLS¹201207579 Crooked River Realty Gail Day 541-306-1018 t ops, k n otty a l d e r sq. ft. shop w/RV bay. 4 bdrm, 3 bath frame MORRIS cabinets. T a stefully MLS201202726 Oregon Realty home that is set up for MORRIS MORRIS MORRIS $315,000 This h o me CentralGroup, REAL ESTATE f urnished 1 41 9 s f $397,000 J o h n L. LLC care. Yard is features great room REAL ESTATE I dcp dc clyO cd d O p c c d REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE townhome. Home-ID Scott R ea l E s t ate easy l andscaped, s o m e with views, garage is I dcpc dc dyO cd d O p c,ccd I dcpc dc dyO cdc dOpcnccd I dcpc dccdyO cdc dOpcmccd 541-548-1712 844 .21 Acre lot w/pond. grass front and back, extra long, fireplace Eagle Crest Properties Redmond j $249,900 1758 sq.ft. home, New Riverfront Home fenced dog area, cov747 748 and expansive deck 866-722-3370 Awbrey Butte 3 car garage, $1,195,000 Single story home on e red r e a r dec k , o verlooking Smi t h Northwest Redmond. Northeast Bend Homes $625,000 Southwest Bend Homes Beautiful home on the Large Lot In SW Red- .26 of an acre in gated screened party room Rock. This 1738 sf 5 bedroom, 3 bath, Deschutes River near $199,900. Call mond. 3 bdrm, 2 bath, community. 3 bed- with BBQ. So much 4288 sq. ft. home. Flat D owntown Bend & 2-Story house, huge Squeaky clean large 3 home is move in Virginia at RE/MAX here - a real must 1108 sq.ft, 9148 sq.ft. room, 3 bath, 2498 ready and is just like 541-350-3418 .82 acre lot on cul-de- The Old Mill. Well-ap- shop. $215,000. Nice bdrm, 2 I/p bath, 1980 lot, hot tub, sprinkler sq. ft. Granite coun- see! $269,000 MLS brand new!!! Home-ID sac. Vaulted l iving/ pointed entry, great h ouse w it h H U G E sq. ft., spacious living E a gle C r e st2 -Story home in N W system, greenhouse. tertops & hardwoods. 201207419 dining room, private room, room w/gas fireplace 816. gourmet 1120 sq. ft. shop on D etached offic e Cascade Realty, Properties Redmond. Large 1705 $84,000. master on main level. kitchen, main l e vel almost an acre. Slate $186,900 space. 3 car garage, Dennis Haniford, Princ. MLS¹201207599. 866-722-3370 sq. ft., 3 bdrm, 2 bath. Kitchen opens to fam- m aster s u i te . El - tile foyer, tile counters MLS¹201280332 deck in the back. Broker Knotty alder cabinets, Pam Lester, Principal nice ily room. Built-in wet Jim Hinton i n th e k i tchen, r e evated deck down to THE FALLS at 1-541-536-1731 MLS¹201206831 B roker, Century 2 1 541-420-6229 SS appli a nces, bar. Shop with con- dock with boat ramp. verse floor plan, wood Eagle Crest Resort Geraghty, Broker front/back land- Gold Country Realty, Pattl541-948-5880 crete floor. 1 4752 Birds Eye - Im stove in t h e l i v ing Central Oregon Realty Call today! Central Oregon's Inc. 541-504-1338 scaped with irrigation MLS¹201206297 room, wood flooring, Group, LLC m aculate home i n MLS¹201207905 Premier 55 and Older We never stop moving: Virginia Ross, Broker, Jim NE Redmond, 3 bdrm, Pond Pines, tile in b aths, bonus Lisa Campbell, Broker Resort Community. $181,900. C a l l Hinton 541-420-6229 ABR, CRS, GRI room & office down$219,000. High Lakes 541-419-8900 Live the Central Or- Central Oregon Realty 2 bath, 1360 sq. ft., 541-480-7501 Southeast Bend Homes triple garage, office, Realty & Pr o perty stairs, treed lot, extra We never stop moving: egon lifestyle you've Cg We never stop moving: asphalt, detached gabay f r ont w i n dow, Management always dreamed of at Group, LLC large patio, mature 541-536-0117 rage + deta c hed New Home Bend THE FALLS at Eagle Affordable R e d mond landscaping, fenced hobby r o o m/office. $215,400 Cy Crest. Residents of MORRIS h ome updates i n 51506 Riverland Ave, Cy Private yet close to 1500 sq. ft., 3 bedroom, THE FALLS enjoy exyard. $128,000. MLS Updated 2 bdrm on 1 clude a brand new 201207127 REAL ESTATE 2 bath, kitchen & dintown. clusive use of their acre, l arge s h o p, roof, interior p aint, Pam Lester, Principal I dcpc dcdyO cd dOpc Icd ing area with eating MLS¹201205655 own clubhouse, acMORRIS upgraded w i ndows. B roker, Century 2 1 $82,900. High Lakes MORRIS D&D Realty Group LLC bar/island, great room cess to three golf REAL ESTATE H ome h a s ent r y Gold Country Realty, South Heights 3 bdrm, Realty & Pr o perty 866-346-7868 with floor to c eiling courses, and all the REAL ESTATE 2 bath, 1611 sq. ft., I dcp dc clyO cd d Op c c cd Management ramps & wide doors to Inc. 541-504-1338 rock fireplace. Front rest of Eagle Crest's Icdcpccdcccly &mcd ccd Opcccccd blinds thr o ughout, 541-536-0117 Artistry in Broken Top, yard lan d scaping, amenities. Homesites accommodate handi3 park-like setting, Fabulous woodwork, New Construction cap access. Extensprinkler system, NW Bend j $335,000 start at just $47,500 and golf views. sive concrete decking bdrm, 2 b ath, 1548 f enced . 4 7 acr e , Borders g o v ernment fencing & co v e red and lots on the ChalWell maintained, cozy mtn Take care of sprinkler sys t e m. lands this 3 bedroom bdrm suites, bonus. around h o m e & sq.ft., vaulted, g as backyard deck. home, nestled among lenge Course are home ha s w a l k-in $170,000. MLS your investments sq. ft. New Price in-ground sprinklers furnace-range-water MLS¹201207630 mature Ponderosas in 4100 available. Stop by our closets in each bed1,299,000. MLS ¹ complete yard. Large heater, fenced, land- 201208179 Julia Buckland, with the help from a quiet west s i de $ office located next to room & ceiling fans. storage shed. Must scaped. $1 6 2 ,900Pam Lester P rincipal Broker, ABR, ALHS, neighborhood. 3 bed- 201109001. the Ridge Prop Shop Front deck has been The Bulletin's Cate Cushman, MLS ¹ 20 1 2 07750 B roker Century 2 1 see today. Traditional CRS, GRI room, 2 bath, shop, or call 866-722-3370 Principal Broker S ale! $125, 0 0 0 Pam Lester, Principal Gold Country Realty, made into a sunroom. "Call A Service 541-719-8444 greenhouse, RV parkfor a personal tour. Oversized 2-car gaInc. 541-504-1338 541-480-1884 B roker, Century 2 1 MLS¹201204932 ing, 2.3 acres, hot tub, www.catecushman.com We never stop moving: Eagle Crest Professional" Directory D&D Realty Group LLC Gold Country Realty, Spacious & I m macu- rage with p r opane large fenced backProperties™ heater plus extra RV Inc. 541-504-1338 866-346-7868 yard. MLS¹201207650 late craftsman home cover. $68,000 Broken Top 866-722-3370 Awbrey Butte Susan Agli, Cg on the Dry Canyon in New construction! SW $1,185,000 MLS¹201200073 3 $ 199,900 Enjoy t h i s Beautiful 2-Story $750,000 Broker, SRES Redmond. Hom e The Pinehurst at BroRedmond $159,900 Cascade Realty, bdrms, 3 baths, 1918 b eautiful view f r om Stunning Awbrey Butte 541-383-4338 features great room ken Top by S teven 3 bdrm, 2.5 bath, 1466 Dennis Haniford, home - builder's own 541-408-3773 the Sisters to Smith sq. ft., stainless appli- sq. ft. 2-story home, layout, gen e r ous Van Sa n t /Pacwest MORRIS Princ. Broker ances, gas fireplace. Rock. Features: 1419 with exceptional fin- We never stop moving: kitchen w/ bkfst bar & Homes! Unmatched REAL ESTATE 541-536-1731 Landscaped with irri- gas fireplace in great p antry, mai n f l o or ishes throughout. 4 sf, wall to wall win quality & craftsmanL a ndscaped Icdcpccdccdy&mcd ccd Opcccccd $188 , 900. room. dows, built in e nter gation b edroom, 4 bat h , ship! Sin g le-level, with sprinkler system d en/bedroom & f u l l 16103 Eagles N e st. MLS¹201208280 3-car garage. 3753 tainment center, pro M fd. h o me , wel l Cy 3-car g a rage, cusbath, formal d ining MLS¹201207534 Jim Hinton, TURN THE PAGE pane fireplace and sq. ft. on a .32 acre room w/parlor, dining maintained, 1 a c re, tom cabinetry & trim. Jim Hinton 541-420-6229 lot. Convenient, cenlarge great room for 541-420-6229 area, triple garage, garage, $75,000. High 0.55 acre golf course For More Ads entertaining. Home-ID Central Oregon Realty Central Oregon Realty tral NW Bend location. fenced bac k y ard, Lakes Realty & PropMORRIS view lot. No expense The Bulletin Group, LLC MLS¹201208534 7 96. E a gl e C r e s t Man a gement stamped concrete pa- erty spared! Group, LLC REAL ESTATE Properties Michelle Tisdel, tio, g u tters, w a t er 541-536-0117 MLS¹201204424 Beautiful custom home Icdcpccdccdy (hmcd ccd Opcccccd SE Bend j $156,000 866-722-3370 P.C., Broker feature, garden area, David Gilmore, Broker Want to impress the Cute 3 bedroom, 2 all on 1 level. Large 541-390-3490 Ig master bedroom, 8 Butternut, Sunriver. 541-312-7271 windows for bath with log and flagrelatives? Remodel $550,000 One of Sage NW Bend j $419,000 We never stop moving: new ext./int. p aint, $294,900 3 bdrm, 2 We never stop moving: stone accents in nice light/bright c o m fort. B uilders award w i n your home with the bath, built i n 2 0 00, Custom built, sculpted central heat/AC, & subdivision. Original n ing h o mes. M i n t Huge master s uite help of a professional High Lakes Realty & c edar s i ding, u p large living room wino wner, w el l m a i n- condition and a truly w/vaulted ceilings & Property Ma n ageCg graded appliances. 5 dows to capture the Cg from The Bulletin's skylights. Cozy family tained. Fenced back magnificent s e t ting. ment 541-536-0117 acres, fenced & cross canyon views along "Call A Service room w/gas fireplace yard, corner lot. 3376 sf with master fenced. 3 stall barn & w/ quick access to the 14211 W hitewater kit c hen. Professional" Directory MLS¹201208338 b edroom o n m a i n open t o t ack room. 3 b e d walking trails & parks $359,900. 2947 sq.ft., MORRIS MORRIS Sue Conrad, $209,900 f loor with t w o b e d room, 2.5 bath over $219,900. MLS¹ MLS¹201208542 4 bdrm, 3 bath, cusREAL ESTATE Broker, CRS rooms and baths up REAL ESTATE NEW LISTING! 3 bdrm, 201204870 3400 sq. ft. I d p d cdy~ d * dOp cccccd 541-480-6621 John L. Scott Real Icdcpccdcctly &mcd ccd Opcccccd stairs f o r gue s ts. MLS¹201206470 2 bath, 1700 sq.ft, 23 John L. Scott Real Es- t om h o me . Hig h Estate 541-548-1712 Lakes Realty & PropHome- ID 941 We never stop moving: acre lot, tile floors, tile tate 541-548-1712 Minda McKitrick, erty Man a gement, Eagle Crest Properties Awbrey Butte Broker, GRI b acksplash, lan d Say cgoodbuy" Craftsman style single 541-536-0117 866-722-3370 s caped, fenc e d . SW Redmond 3 bdrms., $895,000 541-280-6148 level 3 bdrm, 2 bath, Cg to that unused Beautiful home with We never stop moving: Pam Lester, 2 baths, 1120 sq. ft., 1 5738 Eastwind C t . , $204,000 B e a utifully 1271 sq. ft., knotty al- $169,900 m ountain views. 4 P rincipal Brok e r , clean, turn-key single 1620 sq.ft., 3 bdrm, item by placing it in situate, this 3br/2ba der cabinets/SS apb edroom, 4 bat h , C entury 2 1 Gol d story home, fenced, large 1328 sf Sun Forest pliances, gas fireThe Bulletin Classifieds open floor plan, spaMORRIS Country Realty, Inc. shed. Traditional sale, $129,900. Highgarage, Cg Lakes built Chalet is ready place, dbl. car garage. 541-504-1338 Too new fo r M L S. Realty 8 cious master s uite, REAL ESTATE Pr o perty for y ou ! T a stefully $149,900. Call Jim $119,900 theater/media room, I dcpc dc dyO cd d O p c I cd Management 5 41-385-580 9 decorated, f u rniture Hinton 541-420-6229 Newly renovated home Pam Lester, Princ. Broformal dining, family MORRIS package is negotiable Central Oregon Realty in the heart of down- ker, Century 21 Gold 541-536-0117 room 8 study. Private SE Bend j $167,000 Group, LLC REAL ESTATE town Redmond, close Country Realty, Inc. Hillside Grand Chateau Spacious 4 bedroom, and outside deck is courtyard, deck, 1715 Mare Ct . 1 8 09 ot T ub read y ! Icdcpccdcccly (hmcd ccd Opcccccd to dry canyon trails, 541-504-1338 City 8 M t n V i ews, 2 .5 bath h om e i s H beautifully landscaped sq.ft., 3 large bdrms, Home-ID 831 Eagle Crest Beautiful C entennial Park & Hillside Park, 4 BedMLS¹201208244 move in ready. Great Eagle Crest Properties 30x60 shop, city views from this downtown amenities. rooms, 4 Baths, 4152 Shelly Hummel, Broker, Looking for your next room with gas f ire$165,000. High Lakes 866-722-3370 2600 sq. ft. 3 bdrm, Features refurbished s q. ft., O f fered a t Call a Pro CRS, GRI, CHMS Realty 8 Pr o perty place, large kitchen, 2.5 bath home. Huge pine hardwood floor- Placeemp/oyee? $2,395,000. 541-383-4361 Bulletin help all bedrooms upstairs. $264,500 This 2074 sq. price Management Whether you need a reduction! ing, laminate flooring wanteda ad Cate Cushman, We never stop moving: S ituated on a s p atoday and 541-536-0117 ft. townhome is bright, $449,000. MLS fence fixed, hedges in the kitchen & dinPrincipal Broker reach over 60,000 c ious corner lot f or open "great room" 01206886 John L . ing room, new paint 541-480-1884 53547 Kokanee Way, trimmed or a house added privacy. This is plan w/ floor to ceiling 2 readers each week. Scott R ea l E s t ate inside & out, master www.catecushman.com a traditional sale! $395,000. Pristine rivCg Your classified ad built, you'll find w indows, ga s fi r e 541-548-1712 s eparation, din i ng e rfront, 2114 sq. f t . MLS¹201208950 will also appear on place, & built-in buffet Pronghorn Lake Site, professional help in area and formal dinhome. High L a kes bendbulletin.com Margo Degray, Broker, opens to a large deck Fieldstone crossing, 4 Includes $115,000 ing room, a b o nus which currently reRealty & Pr o perty The Bulletin's "Call a MORRIS ABR, CRS overlooking the f irst bdrm, 2.5 bath, 2130 Premier Membership oom/solarium, n e w Management ceives over 541-480-7355 Service Professional" g reen of t h e C h a l sq.ft., gas fireplace, rlandscaping, REAL ESTATE & large lot All for fenced 541-536-0117 We never stop moving: 1.5 million page lenge Course. Home- tile countertops, slate back yard, RV I d p d cdy~ d * dOp cccccd $97,500 Directory parkviews every month ID 951. Eagle Crest entry, hardwood, huge Cate Cushman, 1 5466 R ainbow C t . , ing, alley access, de541-3B5-5809 at no extra cost. Properties Principal Broker d eck, f enced, R V tached garage w/shop LaPine. $1 7 9 ,000. Awbrey Glen Cg Bulletin Classifieds 866-722-3370 541-480-1884 area. $179,900. MLS area & storage along B uilder's custom 4 $560,000 Get Results! ¹ 2012059483. P a m w/ central heat/AC. b drm, 2 b a t h , a t This 4 bedroom + of- NW Bend j $649,900 www.catecushman.com Look at: Call 385-5809 or Lester, Pnncipal Brotached garage, 1.1 Call Today! $189,900 place your ad on-line fice on a cul-de-sac is 3450 sq.ft., 4 bedroom, SW Bend j $315,000 MORRIS Bendhomes.com ker, Century 21 Gold acre. High Lakes ReMLS¹201208379 great for entertaining 2.5 bath with inviting at I mmaculate 4 b e d - REAL ESTATE for Complete Listings of Country Realty, Inc. John L. Scott Real Esalty & Property Mgwith its o pen f l oor warm French country room home. Easy acbendbulletin.com 541-504-1338 decor. Newly updated, I dcpc dc dyO cd dOpc Icd Area Real Estate for Sale mnt. 541-536-0117 plan. Private, wooded tate 541-548-1712 cess to trails, fishing, backyard with hidden large vaulted, open golf and the athletic in-ground trampoline beamed family room. club. Nice interior finCa s c ade ishes, includes all furand large back patio. Beautiful 3-car garage with ex- Mountain views, .7 nishings and a ppliacre lot backing to tra storage. ances. Wyndemere Park. MLS¹20120856 MLS¹201202442 MLS¹201206583 Megan Power, TenBroek - Hilber A Sherry Perrigan, Broker e • • • Broker, GRI, CDPE • Group, LLC 541-410-4938 541-610-7318 541-550-4944 We never stop moving: We never stop moving: We never stop moving: •




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I dcpc dc dyO cd d O p c I cd

Skyline Home Loans wishes you and your families a joyous holiday season. May all your dreams come true in the New Year!

Loan Officers:

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Dave Swisher

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NMLS¹ 130701

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• •


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NMLS¹ 104024

NMLS¹ 173136








The Bulletin

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To PLAGE AN AD cALL CLAssIFIED• 541-385-5809


f •

.very ho'rnefis a mxasterpiece. '4

Lot 3 - Trout Rd. ( $45,000

Seventh Mountain Resort ~ $28,000 • 8 weeks/year or trade with RCI! • 2 bedroom, 2.5 bath Loft

's) ' I~s




f r a c tion -


• Close to biking, swimming, BLM trails

• Sleeps 6 • Full sized kitchen


Eagle Crest Lot ( $79,900

• Great riverfront property • 10 acre rim lot • Peaceful, private setting

h .sssu' • Spectacular river views

• Excellent rental income

ax' 2»"-x " , p .'



Southwestern Style in Prinevillef $144,900

• .38acre level lot • Adjacent to fairway • Easy access into theridge at E.C. • Lot 24 Murre et • 3 golf courses, 3sport centers, tennis, indoor &outdoorswimming

• 3 bed, 2 bath, 1500 SF home • 2000 sq. ft. shop • New cherry wood cabinets and stainless steel appli-

spot to build yourvacation or retirement home. MLS¹201202352

marble floors • M astersuite w/Jacuzzitub MLS ¹201206455

ances,granite countertops,

pools & bikingpaths, TheperFect

Call Robin Yeakel, Broker, CRSl 541-408-0406 Resort Properties Specialist

Call Jordan Haase, Principal Brokerl 541-420-1559

Call Myra Glrod, Principal Broker l 541-815-2400 or Pam Bronson, Brokerl 541-788-6767

Call Rod Hatchell, Broker l 541-728-8812


Gem in the Roughf Three Rivers South f $165,000

Close to Deschutes River ( $174,900

20145 Red Sky Lane ( $175,000

Duplex in Downtown Sisters ( $189,900

• 55149 Forest Lane

• 3 bed, 2 bath, 1224 SF • Very comfortable home for weekend getaways or full


• Beautiful custom home on ahalfacre treed lot • Airy main living areafeatures vaulted ceillngs

• Motivated seller! Bring offers! • Gorgeous 2.5 acre lot in

• 445 E. Washington Ave. • 3 bdrm, 2 bath on 1 side • 1 bdrm, 1 bath on the other side • New carpet throughout • W ood stoves in each unit • Bank owned - ready to go

gated golf community • Build your dream home amongst the pine trees. • Soak up the Cascade Mountain views MLS¹201002066

• Skylights & hardwood floors, opens

time living in the woods • Desirable development • Close to the Big Deschutes MLS¹201206233


to arge kitchenw/breakfast bar • Maple cabinetry,stainlessappliances • Pantry & tile flooring MLS¹201207068


Call Greg Barnwell, Broker l 541-848-7222 l

Call Chris Sperry, Principal Broker, CRS l 541-550-4922

Call Ken Renner, Principal Broker l 541-280-5352




Call C.J. Neumann, Broker, CRSl 541-410-3710 Llsa Lamberto, Broker l 541-610- 9697 www.CJLisa.com

Great Sunriver Home ~ $329,000

52073 White Fir, La Pine ~ $349,900

Rivers Edge - Golf View ) $369,000!

Cozy River Front Log Home ~ $379,500

• Single level • Large deck and hot tub • Near Ft. Rock Park, plenty of Common Space • Floor to ceiling rock fireplace • 2 car garage



• Brand new construction in Rivers Edge

• 3 bdrm, 3 bath • 2500 SF, 1.45 acres • Built in 2007

• DesirableIloor p anw/main evel master and guestsuite

•Opengreatroom w/exposedbeams, hand texturedwalls&gourmet kitchen

• 2 mastersuites


• Modern finishes • Ponderosa Pines

• new exterior paint

EdgeGolfCourse • Exceptionalopportunity &valueon Bend'sWestside MLS¹201208404


MLS¹ 201207375

Call Kelly Winch, Broker l 541-390-0398

Marilyn Stoner, Broker, l 541-815-4757 Kathy Hovermale, Principal Broker l 541-419-6778

Call Shelly Swanson, Broker l 541-408-0086


Luxury Townhomesf Offered from $397,900

17940 Parkway Lane ) $399,000

PointsWest ~ From the Low $400,000s

• Q~


,PQ 0

rive r views. eTwo distinct Westside communities • Offering one & two story floor plans •




Country Comfort & Quiet ~ $410,000

• Between Widgi Creek & Seventh Mtn. Resort

• Two-suite, luxury townhomes • No yard work or seasonal maintenance • Closest neighborhood to Mt. Bachelor

• Great location between Sisters & Bend I Build your dream home while you

• 2-4 bedroom, 2.5-4.5 baths • 1960-2956 SF

live in loft area or your RV MLS¹201105898


Call Greg Barnweel, Broker l 541-848-7222 l


• Permitted GP Building w/living quarter/loft ' Bath, laundry area, septic, well & pumphouse • RV hookups inside& out,100amp breakerln shop

• With Fairway, mountain and

-0~ O

sNear rivertrail Ik acrossfrom Rivers

• 3 bedroom+ den/office or4th bedroom,1.5 bath • 1732 sq. ft. w/great room and rivet views that fill the picturewindows e3-cargarage/shop.Dock • Yards from trailhead to La Pine St. Park • 16213 Mtn.SheepLane MLS¹201202339

• 15.74 Acres , • 11acres COI irrig., 2 ponds 'x ' • 36x48 3-stall barn .1 • 115x215 outdoor arena • Farm house w/3 bdrms, 2.5 baths • 1648 SF wrap-around porch .-.;- 0 u',''i' MLS¹201208724

Judy McCombsBtShellySw anson,Brokersl 888-274-2317

Call Joanne McKee, Broker l 541-480-5159

Hosted byMelanieMaitre, Broker, ABR,SRES, ePROl 541.480.4186 Judy McCombs & Shelly Swanson, Brokersl 888-274-2317

www.tripleknottownhomes.com www.pointswestbend.com

www joannelNjoannemckee.com

www.tripleknottownhomes.com www.pointswestbend.


Charming Parkside Cottage ~ $435,000

Westside - 3811 NW Summerfield Rd.( $450,000

1700 NW lowa ( $460,000

Acreage Close To Town ( $495,000

• In The Parks at Broken Top • Great room living • Great for entertaining inside & out • Main level master suite • Spaciousbonus+ loftw/ built-in desks • Neighborhood parks & swimming pool MLS¹201209046


ii@~ I ¹tt P" f

• West Hills contemporary home in the pines " • 3180 SF on a double lot • Contemporary floor plan and finishes • Waterfeatures,inside and out • Mature old growth pine trees, beautiful landscaping. Must see!

• 4 bedroom, 3bath • 4144 SF w/room for multiple uses • Full on Cascade Mtn, viewson .81 acre

• 3-car garage • Quality construction - great

condition • Awaiting your custom touches


• 23+ acres • Gorgeous Cascade Mtn. views • Well maintained ranch home

in Gosney Meadows • Studio/shop • Irrigated, pastoral setting


• MLS¹201208736

Call The NormaDuBois Ik Julie Moe Team,Brokers l 541-408-0086

Call Carol Osgood/Korren Bower, Brokersl 541-504-3839

Call Sue Prlce, Broker l 541-408-7742

Call Bryan Hllts, Broker l 541-771-3200


Call Robln Yeakel, Broker, CRSl 541-408-0406 Resort Properties Speclallst

2910 NW Underhill Place J $499,000

Glorious River & Cascade Views( $535,000

63235 Peterman Lane ~ $539,900

861 SW Crestline Drive ~ $569,000

• Contemporary homein Awbrey Glen • 5 bedrooms,master on mainlevel • Oversized 5-car garage • Stunning kitchen, stainless, granite, Europeancabinetry • Motivated seller MLS¹ 201208424

• Incredible townhomeabove Old Mill District • Great room living, light & bright • Quality finishes throughout • Luxurious master suite w/balcony • Close to all amenities, parks, trails



Call Robin Yeakel, Broker, CRS l 541-408-0406 Resort Propertles Specialist


Call Robln Yeakel, Broker, CRS l 541-408-0406 Resort Propertles Speclalist

Open House Sunday 11-2 ~ $657,000

3051 NW Winslow Drive ) $695,000

New Tetherow Home ( $699,500

Call Mary Stratton, Broker l 541-419-6340


' '

lu a


• 4 bd r m, 3 bath, 3458 SF w/mainlevelliving s Gorgeousnewquartz counter tops &

• Master suite on the main level • Large den/office off entry MLS¹201203332

SS appliances in large kitchen sNew carpet, lovelylandscapedyard,

• Outbuildings &RVparking

MLS¹201209160 Call Natalle Vandenborn, Broker l 541-508-9581

Call Deb Tebbs Group, Brokers l 541-419-4553 Deb Tebbs Group j Like us onR and follow us on © www.debtebbsgroup.com

www.bendpropertysource.com• brlan@bendpropettysource.com

21865 Boonsborough Drive ~ $799,000

Contemporary City Living ( $820,000

This Property Has It All f $849,900

NW Contemporary w/Mountain ViewsjnTetherow f$749,000 • Brand new single level 3bdm,3.5 • Seamlessintegration of indoor and outdoorspace,openfloor plan • Private courtyard and covered backpatio w/mountain views • Energy efficient Earth Advantage • A ffex roomIkstudy allow for maximum versatility

Call Brlan Ladd, Brokerl 541-408-3912

• 3 bed, 3.5 bath, 3200 SF

• Gracious living with impact Cascade Mtn views • 5 bed/4.5 bath recently remodeled by Sun Forest Construction • 4193 sq. ft. with lots of natural light • Outdoor pool, 3 car garage, two offi ce,gourmet kitchen • 360 degree views on 2.5 acres

baths, currently underconstruction

• Just minutes to medical,

shopping, 8<schools

. • Immaculate interior • No H.O.A/s • Heated parking • Cascade Mountain views • Walk to Old Mill/Downtown MLS¹201207761

• • • •

Single level, open great room Great for entertaining Private setting, borders BLM Separate entrance for home

office • Formal d1n1ng/IM1ng, chefs kitchen

MLS ¹201108765

MLS¹201208865 Call Shelly Swanson, Broker l 541-408-0086

Call Chris Sulak, Broker l 541-350-6164

Call Bobby Lockrem, Broker l 541-480-2356

Call Mary Stratton, Broker l 541-419-6340




maryselhms@coinet.com• maryselhms©gmail.com

Broken Top Classic ( $945,000

Very Special One-of-a-Kind Property) $995,000

Prime Development Land ~ $1,250,000

15631 SW Mecate Lane ( $1,545,000

• Beautiful custom homew/stunning views ofCascadeMountains • Theater/screening&gameroom • Chefs kitchenw/Dacor appliances, travertine &hickoryw/log accents • 3 bdrm/3.5bathcompletely rebuilt in

• Overlooking10thfairway&green • Customhomecompleteyremodeled in 2004-05byMelroseConstruction • Kathy lkKarol Niemiinterior p an/ designwith quaity &detail - 4476SF • 5bed, 5.5bath, main evelmaster sGreatroomdesign Wonderful indoor and outdoorliving spacious,quiet cul-de-saclocation


• Brasada Ranch • 5400 SF onflat.75 acre! • 5 fireplaces! • Green built, efficient solar system

• 18.3 acres of prime development property • Ready for annexation into Redmond • Partially located on the Canyon Rim • Terms MLS¹ 201207169

2003w/5180SF • Guesthouseis alegal 2bdrm/Ibath. Everythingforthe equestrian! MLS¹201 203076

="":~-:.+-="~ '---='

Call Shelly Swanson, Broker l 541-408-0086

I Call Rhonda Garrlson, Principal Broker l 541-279-1768

• Finely crafted Gary Normanbuilt custom

• Stunning finishes • Unobstru cted mountainviews





Call Robin Yeakel, Broker, CRS l 541-408-0406 Resort Propertles Speciallst

Casa La Torre ( $1,699,000

DeschutesRiver Ranch Estate ~$2,890,000

Tumalo Racehorse Farm ~ $4,000,000

Tetherow Homesite ~Offered at 1/2 Price!

• Panoramicviews ofCascades • Unique & dramatic style • 5210 SF, .8 acre • Extensive use of reclaimed barn woocl • Master suite & den on main level



• Golf & equestrian gated community


Call Kelly Horton, Broker l 541-508-9163

.. • Golden Triangle • 20290 RockCanyonRoadAward WinningEstate •TheMountains,TheDeschutes River .TheWideOpen Spaces. • A legacy Ranch in the Heart of Central Oregon MLS¹201002324

• Spectacular, private river setting • 61 acres, miles of riding paths • 3234 sq. ft., 3 bedroom, 3 bath home • Indoor arena, 8-stall barn • Managers home MLS¹201208884

• Special Price - offered thru

12/30/12! • Level homesite - almost 1/2 acre! • Overlooking Tetherow ¹13th fairway! • Mountain views! • Call for additional details

Call Sandy Kohlmoos, Broker, CRSl 541-408-4309

Call Shelly Swanson, Broker l 541-408-0086

Call Ron Davls, Prlnclpal Broker, GRI l 541-480-3096







• 8


e •

• December2012completion • 3 bed, bonus,loft, 3-car garage • Main level living & mastesui r te • Three outdoor terraces and indoor/outdoor living • Large lot (16,915 sq. ft.) • Full golf membership MLS¹201206848

•Custom beautydesigned by Neil Huston • 3 bdrms, 3.5 baths, 3096 SF • Detached studio/guest house w/.5 bath & gas stove • Red oak flooring, wood burning FP w/stone hearth • Radiantfloorheat,456 SF wood working shop MLS¹201201867

s Perfect location between Bend &Redmond


Mountain views

DebTebbs Group j Like usonR andfollow us on© www.debtebbsgroup.com


maryselhms@coinet.com • maryselhms@gmail.com

64885 McGrath Road

Call Deb Tebbs Group, Brokers l 541-419-4553

• Deschutes Landing • Luxury riverfront townhome • Beautiful contemporary finishes e3 bedrooms, 4.5 baths • Oversized 3-car garage for al our toys! • Perfect vacation horne, nightly renta s permitted


• Westside home with Cascade

• 4 bdrms, 2.5 baths, 3443SF • Open floor plan w/vaulted ceilings


MLS¹ 201208385

Call The NormaDuBois 8 Julie MoeTeam,Brokers l 541-408-0086

26 NW Skyliner Summit Lp ( $664,900


• 4 bedrooms, 3.5 baths • 4-car garage + shop area • Quality open great room • 2.1 acres, w/1 acre irrig. • Property is fully fenced • Master on the main floor • Quality & pride of ownership!

• 4 bdrm, 3 bath, 2340SF MLS¹201208794

:i:' „ar



x• •


¹I I

o e

• I


Call Judy McCombs, Broker l 541-390-1411 jmccombsbendOgmail.com

eI I



• •







Sunriver/La Pine Homes Jefferson County Homes Homes with Acreage







Homes with Acreage

Homes with Acreage

Homes with Acreage

Homes with Acreage

Homes with Acreage

Homes with Acreage

16033 C a scade O utstanding Val u e !West Powell Butte Es 12250 NW Dove Rd 1 6751 SW Dove R d . B ETWEEN B EN D 8 Custom built home with For Sale by Owner - 10+ Nearly 2-acres, Mt view, $114,900 1538 sq. ft. Over 3000 sq. ft. 2 t ates. $ 4 49,999 6 Custom cedar s i ded B eautiful cust o m REDMOND hardwood floors, up- acres, 7 irrigated, 2200+ great location in CRR, 3 bdrm, 2 bath, over- level house that has bdrm, 3.5 bath home h ome with f loor t o 2,500 sq.ft. Iog home Terrific location - 4 graded lighting and sq.ft. updated home, with v e r y li v eable sized garage, High great potential and is o n 2 0 a c re s w i t h c eiling windows t o on 4.9 acres. Gour- bdrm, 1 ba t h in appliances. Recently oversized detached ga- home. $64, 9 0 0. Lakes Realty 8 Prop- in very good condi- shop, 2 master suites, take in the mtn. views. met kitchen w/cherry 2,888y sq.ft. home on painted and n i cely rage, 2 barns, fenced 8 MLSยน201208697 erty Man a gement tion. Daylight base- 4-car garage, water Immaculate 1841 sq. c abinets, gran i t e 5.75y acres. A maintained home on cross-fenced, beautiful C all N a n c y Pop p 541-536-0117 ment. Huge possibili- f eature, gated c o m f t., 3 b d rm, 2 b a t h counters, 8 f armer's Country feel but close 2+ acres. Watch the settinq, turn-key prop- 541-815-8000 erty, $525,000, Call for ties. $158,800 MLS munity. MLSยน with tongue 8 groove sink. Great room has to t ow n a m enities. sunset and w i ldlife Crooked River Realty 16624 A s c h a Ct . , 201207133 Pam vaulted ceilings, gas floor to ceiling win- Super fireplace w/rock f rom y o u r dec k ! showing; Realtors wel$121,900. 3 bdrm, 2.5 201207709 come: 541-318-1450 Lester, Principal Bro free-standing s t ove, dows w/mtn v iews. surround fo r a m bi- MLSยน201208145 bath, bonus r o om. John L. Scott Real EsJust bought a new boat? tate 541-548-1712 ker, Century 21 Gold wood accents. New Hickory hardwood 8 a nce, plus a L o p i $237,000 High Lakes Realty 8 Home/shop/1.41 acres Sell your old one in the Country Realty, Inc. h ardwood floors & tile f loors. R a diant Woodstove that can D&D Realty Group LLC classifieds! Ask about our Property Ma n age3 bdrm, 1 bath, 1228 The Bulletin's 541-504-1338 866-346-7868 new swimming pool. floor heating. heat the whole house. Super Seller rates~ ment 541-536-0117 sq. ft. home. Has 3 On completely fenced $499,999 MLS Great room floor plan "Call A Service 541-385-5809 wells: irrigation, house 1 6755 Elk C t . , 2 1 0 0 756 201208751. J u niper w/living room 8 Professional" Directory s q.ft., 9 . 9 acr e s , 4.81 acres. $385,000 and shop. $105,000. FIND IT! MLSยน 201101447 Realty, 541-504-5393 kitchen having Jefferson County Homes is all about meeting MLSยน201202939 views. $297,000. High Juniper Prineville j $310,000 wide-plank floors of BUY IT! Realty, Mike Jones LIVE GREEN, OFF Lakes Realty & Propyourneeds. 541-504-5393 3bd/2ba on 2.44 acres reclaimed pine. DisSELL IT! L evel city lo t i n t h e 541-350-2226 the grid! No utility bills erty Man a gement with barn 8 fenced for tressed maple cabiheart of Culver. All The Bulletin Classifieds Central Oregon Realty Call on one of the 541-536-0117 here! Gorgeous 2600 12851 SW Deer horses. Open kitchen nets in Kitchen with 1 u tilities ar e a t th e Group, LLC sq.ft. home nestled in professionals today! with lots of storage, 1 /2 t hi c k slat e Crossing. Remodeled street ready to be in 3 bdrm, 2 bath, custom pines on 20 acres. 3 bedroom, 2 bath, living & family rooms. counters. If you like a FABULOUS CANYON Meticulous home in de- the stalled. This lot just Priced to Sell! Affordhome, huge shop, Giant shop with guest 1440 sq. ft. home on Double garage, new cozy country f e el. RIM. Once in a life- sirable location, only quarters. needs y o u r new able l i ving, g r e at $299,000 RV/ b oat 2.29 acres. Granite heat pump 8 so much You've got it!! Beau- time opportunity. minutes from town 8 home. 208 2nd Ave, MLSยน201203307 and backside or investment. tiful Cascade Moun- Breathtaking views of Prineville Reservoir. parking c ounters, hick o ry more. $109,900 C ulver. $38, 2 0 0 starter Julie Fahlgren, Broker, b arn/loafing MLS 201200121 tain Views. 2 corrals, the canyon from your Home has breathtak- Green house too!sh e d . cabinets, bam b oo MLSยน 201 2 0 3505. $59,000 541-550-0098 MLSยน201208170 Cascade Realty, pond, shared lake, 3 reverse living f loor ing Cascade views. wood f l oors, v i n yl Juniper Realty D8D Realty Group LLC Crooked River Realty MLSยน201103546 Dennis Haniford, acres of irriqation, 2 windows, the list goes plan. Vaulted living Low 541-504-5393 mai n tenance Kelly Neuman, Broker 866-346-7868 Princ. Broker stall barn. $375,000 on. Garage, carport room, pellet s t ove. Need help fixing stuff? yard. Open r oomy 541-480-2102 3 bdrm, 2 bath, 1.03, 541-536-1731 MLS ยน201205878 cov e red The kitchen has an Call A Service Professional and R V floor p lan, v a ulted garage, woodstove, View of Mt. Jefferson Bobbie Strome, island and solid oak ceilings, lots of light We never stop moving: parking. $1 0 9,000 Wonderfully loc a t ed find the help you need. vaulted ceil i ngs. 5-acres + 1733 sq, ft, Principal Broker MLSยน 201204401 cabinetry. Many uph ome with a c o m - www.bendbulletin.com from the large win$84,900. craftsman CRR home, John L Scott Real Juniper Realty, grades including tiled dows, nice office, and manding view of Mt. cs MLSยน201208375 hickory cab i nets, Estate 541-385-5500 541-504-5393 baths, huge b o nus n ook. T w o tre e d C all M e l ody Cu r r y Jefferson and the sur- 464 Pinney St., 2400 granite, tra v ertine, room on lower level, rounding area. Beau- sq.ft., 5 .5 4 a c r es, acres, plenty of room 541-771-1116 Casa Mariposa j attached gar a ge, f or tiful well kept home shop. $248,000. High 12-peak huge Cascade river rock fireplace, yo u r toys ! ! ! Crooked River Realty MORRIS $3,990,000 garage + 24x36 shop. landscaping, circular views. Gor g eous with spacious rooms. Lakes Realty 8, PropMagnificent prairie style drive, carport, decks, MLSยน201204820 MLSยน201207304 REAL ESTATE WOW! Look at t hese Crooked River Ranch MLSยน201206924 erty Man a gement $159,900 D&D Realty sq. ft. home. 6 1 dcpc dc dyo cd d o p c rcd v iews! Casc a d e $239,000 D&D Realty 541-536-01 1 7 paver patio, garden Group LLC home w/ knotty pine $289,900. Call Nancy 8676 bedroom suites. Mt. Popp 541-815-8000 mountains from your Group LLC area & m ore! 8x10 c eilings a n d sun Bachelor to Mt. Jef- storage shed 8 par- 866-346-7868 living room. Home has 866-346-7868 3 bdrm, 2 bath horse s plashed room s . Crooked River Realty ferson views 4000 sq been updated w ith tial fencing. $249,900 property w/barn and Plenty of room with Advertise your car! Find It in ft. Casita/Shop. GaThe Bulletin MLSยน201206225 newer heat pump and 757 incredible views. Add A Prcture! 4.98 acres. $249,000 rages for 8 cars & 2 D&D Realty Group LLC Reach thousands of readers! The Bulletin Class!f!eds! all new floors as well. Crook County Homes $139,000 MLSยน201206906 To Subscribe call RVs. 9.78 acres be- 866-346-7868 541-385-5809 Call 541-385-5809 G reat r a nch s t y l e MLSยน201203441 Gail Day 541-306-1018 541-385-5800 or go to tween Bend 8 Sisters. The Bulletin Classlf!eds h ome with l o t s o f CUTE! 3 bedroom, 2 Call Julie Fahlgren, Central Oregon Realty www.bendbulletin.com Grand Ridge Estates. room to play . bath home, close to Broker, 541-550-0098 Group, LLC MLSยน201106412 MLSยน201208213 the lake on over an Crooked River Realty 8996 SW Panorama Rd Karin Johnson, Broker $179,000 D&D Realty acre. This is a must 14198 SW Nine Peaks 541-639-6140 Equestrian 5-a c res, Pl - Mtn views from C ustom 2034 sq ft , 4 Group LLC see! MLSยน201206076 b edroom, 2. 5 b a t h We never stop moving: 866-346-7868 36x48 6-stall b a rn, this 1960 sq. ft., 3 $45,000 h ome built i n 2 0 06 cross-fenced, groom bath w ith Mtn v iews o n Close to schools! Nice 3 D8D Realty Group LLC ing stall, wash rack, bedroom, 2 home on 1.16 acre. 1.53 acres. Many upbdrm home in town 866-346-7868 cs hay barn, mare barn U pdated wit h n e w graded features inL andscaped with a w/foaling stalls. 2004 762 carpet 8 vinyl flooring fenced y a rd , RV 3 bdrm, 2 bath home. and interior has been clude: hickory cabiYou may notsave the world, but you can parking too! $79,900 Homes with Acreage nets, granite counter MORRIS $298,500. Call Nancy freshly painted. 936 MLSยน201106963 t ops, alder t rim & REAL ESTATE Popp, Broker, sq. ft. garage has a save a lot of money by refinancing your D&D Realty Group LLC 52240 Pine Forest, La 541-815-8000 doors, hardwood & tile shop area, 2 bays & floors. Th e m a ster Indepcndently 0 acd and Operatcd 866-346-7868 Pine 3 bdrm, 2 bath, Crooked River Realty home with SELCO Mortgage Company. 50 amp power for an bath has a garden tub arge s h op , 1. 2 4 C ompletely fen c e d lacres. Mou n tain R V. S e parate R V with tile surround & Cascade $196,000. High Stunning 2288 sq. ft. , 4 property! 13665 SW Give us a call today! Views - Imagine the covered storage and separate tile shower. Cinder. $84, 9 0 0. Lakes Realty & Prop- b drm, 2y2 b a t h , i n carport. $139,500 delight upon entering erty Man a gement $275,000 CRR, mt. views, large MLSยน201207581 y our n e w hom e ! 15-YEAR FIXED MLSยน 201208347 Trex d e ck , m e d iaMLSยน 201208272 C all M e l ody Cu r r y 541-536-0117 Vaulted ceilings, open Juniper Realty, room 8 office, dbl gar Juniper Realty, 541-771-1116 52505 Meadow Ln. 3 541-504-5393 floor plan. K itchen, 541-504-5393 1200 sq. ft. shop. Crooked River Realty Brdm, 3.5 acres, 2 tax +Fenced. dining an d fa m i ly $269,000 lots, shop. $129,900. Call Nancy Popp, Bro 1/4 Mi. Deschutes River 9.33 acres in P owell rooms with wood deck Custom Home. 6320 High Lakes Realty & access. Formal living SW Groundhog Road. f rontage. Cus t o m Butte - 4 bdrm, 2.5 ker, 541-815-8000 Property Ma n age-Crooked MLSยน201204034 single level 3 bdrm, 3 b ath, 1928 sq . f t . , with views. M aster River Realty ment 541-536-0117 jett e d -tub, $299,450 bath, 3 9 6 2 sq . f t., 3-car garage, barn, suite, SE 0 Call Melody Curry 53089 Alps Ct., in La 1 2.72 a c r e ga t e d shop, with RV door. Ir- walk-in shower, dbl 52625 Huntington, RivI I O R T 4 L 0 โ ข sink va n it y and 541-771-1116 P ine, $ 239,900. 3 C ON โ ข'A N V community, p r i vate rigated. $35 9 , 000 erfront property, 20.39 bdrm, 2.5 bath, 1.13 walk-in closet. Ready Crooked River Realty setting. $99 7 ,000. MLS ยน 20 1 2037129 acres. $525,000. High acres. Adjoins Nat'I MLS ยน 201 2 05961. Pam Lester, Principal for your i m mediate Lakes Realty 8 PropGorgeous Mountain enjoyment. 4.80 acres orest Land. H i g h Pam Lester, Principal B roker, Century 2 1 Views. 12649 SW erty Man a gement F Lakes Realty & Prop- B roker, Century 2 1 Gold Country Realty, with 4 .6 0 i r r igated. 541-536-0117 Peninsula Dr. MLSยน201205610. erty Man a gement Gold Country Realty, Inc. 541-504-1338 MLSยน201205061 New pri c e at 541-536-0117 1 6249 South D r . Inc. 541-504-1338 $162,900 $189,750! $595,000. 6.27 acre Call Melody Curry John L. Scott horse property with 10 ACRES/CUSTOM 1620SF well appointed Get your I NMLSยน241838 541-771-1116 OME/ SHOP i n Real Estate g orgeous 2922 s f H CRR home a djoins Crooked River Realty business Butte! 541-548-1712 h ome, shop. H i g h Powell 90-acre pasture with Unique floor p l an N ewer home with 4 Lakes Realty 8 Prop2-mile walking track. Country living in Bend large bedrooms, 2 erty Ma n agement, w/indoor spa room, Heat pump, propane a ROWI N G Spectacular Mtn. wide hall w ays, baths, split floor plan, 541-536-0117 free-standing s t ove, views. 4 bdrm, 4.5 single level. large workable oversized dbl gar + with an ad in baths, 17 acres. Of$365,000. MLS kitchen, and plenty of 2 bedroom, 2 bath on bonus rm. Lg kitchen โ ขr fered at $1,295,000. 201108648 Call 1.12 acres. $129,00 room for a large famThe Bulletin's cov. decks. $144,900. I I tu c I r ii e MLS ยน2101203960 MLSยน201203821 VIRGINIA, Principal ily. Nice size yard too. MLSยน20120766 "Call A Service I ' ' Cate Cushman, I I '' I I I I ' l l I I I I I Broker 541-350-3418 Call Linda Lou MLS ยน 201202015 all N a nc y Pop p Professional" Principal Broker I I i ' I ' I' I I I' I I Day-Wright, Broker, Redmond R E / MAX C541-815-8000 $76,000 541-480-1884 541-771-2585 Land & Homes D8D Realty Group LLC Directory Crooked River Realty www.catecushman.com Crooked River Realty Real Estate 541-475-3030, ,


Dareto Refi! '


' 2.957.'!. 3.250'/'







o L l t ' Ll

In The BLjlletin's print and online Classifieds.

GOLDEN RETRIEVER PUPPIES, We are QUAINT CABIN ON 10 ACRES! MOdern FORD F150XL2005. ThiStrLICkCan haL!Iit three adOrable, lOVing PuPPieS lOOking fOr a amenitieS and all the quiet you Will need. all! EXtra Cab, 4X4, and a tOugh V8 engine Caring hOme. PleaSeCall right aWay. $500. R OOm to grOW in yOur 0Wnlittle ParadiSe! Wi l l get the job dane on the ranCh!

Full Color Photos For an adctifional '15 per week * '40 for 4 weeks * ('Special private party ratesapply to merchandise anci automotive categories,)

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Hours: Monday -Friday 7:30am to 5:00Pm โ ขTelePhone Hours: Monday - Friday 7:30am - 5:00Pm โ ข Saturday 10:00am - 12:30Pm 24 Hour Message Line: 383-2371: Place, cancel, or extend an ad after hours. 1777 S.W. ChandlerAve. Bend, OregOn 97702


Homes with Acreage

Homes with Acreage






Farms & Ranches





Rare Find j $695,000 Where b al d e a g lesNewer Single S t ory 39+ acre ranch min- soar! Beautiful cus- home, 3 b d rm, 2 5 utes to Costco. Close tom home. B reath- bath, office, sunroom, to shops and BLM yet taking views from ev- 2260 sq.ft, 60 acre, enjoy country l i fe. ery window! Lg. open mtn & S m ith R o ck Gorgeous 3731 sq. ft. kitchen, fantastic livviews. $279,000. MLS f armhouse, 3 b e d - ing room w/rock fplc, ¹ 201206306 Pa m r oom, 3 b a th , f u l l family room w/huge Lester, Principal Brob asement, barn , built-in bar, attached ker, Century 21 Gold fenced, irri g ated, apt. w/own entrance, Country Realty, Inc. great area of l arge formal dining room, 2 541-504-1338 acreages. master suites. Com- Ranch in Powell Butte MLS¹201204031 plete w i t h hug e $925,000. Pride of Lynne Connelley, Ecowalk-thru closet and ownership/Borders Broker, ABR, CRS rotating bed so you BLM. Feed Lot, hay 541-408-6720 c an pi c k v iew . Barn, Equip. Shed We never stop moving: $480,000 MLS¹201206082 MLS¹201201550 Vicci Bowen John L. S cott R eal



Manufactured/ Mobile Homes

Manufactured/ Mobile Homes

La Pine j $40,000 Three acres flat prop SW Chipmunk Rd. Nearly 3 acres with erty perfect to build CHECK YOUR AD Level 5.19 acres with Snowberry Village ¹127 Snowberry Village ¹119 views o f Pau l i na on. $59,900. Please check your ad mountain views. Well $90,425 • 3 bedrooms, 2.5 Peak. Property has a MLS¹201205386 on the first day it runs treed w it h s e v eral• 2 bedrooms, 2 baths baths, 1920 sq. ft. well, storage shed Call J u li e F a h lgren, to make sure it is cor- possible buil d ing • 1404 sq. ft., 2000 Sil- • 2000 Silvercrest - Triand power. N eeds Broker, 541-550-0098 Com m unity vercrest rect. Sometimes in- sites. plewide septic feasibility. Crooked River Realty s tructions over t h e water 8 power avail- • Large great room, bay • Living room, family MLS¹201203454 able at t h e s t reet. phone are misunderwindow dining area room, dining room Nice mountain views, JJ Jones, Broker stood and a n e r ror Owner terms avail- • Front & back decks • Remodeled kitchen, 3.09-acres. $95,950. 541-610-7318 able. $69,000 MLS¹ can occurin your ad. • Laundry room + 2 car w/breakfast bar MLS¹201101554 541-788-3678 If this happens to your 201106095 garage • Private master suite Call Linda Lou Juniper Realty, • Sold t a stefully fur- w/walk-in closet We never stop moving: ad, please contact us Day-Wright, Broker, 541-504-5393 the first day your ad nished • Master bath w/garden 541-771-2585 appears and we will Call Marilyn R ohaly, tub & double shower Crooked River Realty Cg be happy to fix it as S W D O V E R D . M t. Broker, 541-322-9954 • Gas FA heat PLUS 5'/2 acre RV lot. grand- s oon as w e c a n . Washington & Three John L. Scott Real AC & fireplace Deadlines are: Week- Sisters views from this Estate, Bend • Immaculate - too fathered-in $119,000. days 11:00 noon for 6.1 acre property with www.JohnLScott.com MORRIS many upgrades to list! MLS¹201104846 next day, Sat. 11:00 power installed. Close $129,900 541-410-9730 Call Linda Lou REAL ESTATE Estate 541-548-1712 Snowberry Village ¹70 to t h e Des c hutes a.m. for Sunday and Day-Wright, Broker, Call Marilyn Rohaly, Central Oregon Realty c dcpc dccdyO cd dCypcmccd Monday. River and Steelhead $69,500 Broker, 541-322-9954 541-771-2585 Group, LLC • 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, Falls. $99,500 MLS¹ 541-385-5809 John L. Scott Real Crooked River Realty Nice flat lot in TerrebNeed to get an ad Turn-key ranch. Casattached 2-car garage MORRIS Thank you! 201205646 Estate, Bend onne, .56 a c res,R EADY T O • 1248 sq. ft. 1993 Silcade mtn views, built Juniper Re a l ty, BUI L D ! The Bulletin Classified www.JohnLScott.com in ASAP? REAL ESTATE p aved s t reet, a p - 5.07 acres, flat vercrest in 1993, 38+ acres lot, 541-504-5393 C dcpc dccdyCy cd dcypc,ccd ca p -fill mature trees, paved • Large living room, BULLETIN CLASSIFIEDS with 26 + i r r igation, proved f o r septic, utilities are at barn, shop, hay shed, C lose to Past u r e Fax it to 541-322-7253 road, 1/3 interest in SW Geneva View Rd., • dining area Search the area's most Serenity and Privacy on the lot line. $42,000. fenced. $55 0 ,000. w /views. 8589 S W T errebonne. Vaulted c e i lings, comprehensive listing of L e v e l Sunny 4.62 acres. ComfortMLS 3 2 0 12001172 well, applied for stan windows MLS ¹ 201 0 03925 Panorama. $ 44,500 The Bulletin Classifieds dard septic. $99,900. 1.14 acres that will be classified advertising... able 3 b e droom, 2 Pam Lester, Principal Pam Lester, Principal MLS¹ 20 12 0 4695 MLS¹201105165 easy to build on. Well • FA heat & heat pump real estate to automotive, b ath home a n d a B roker, Century 2 1 B roker, Century 2 1 (A/C) Lester, Principal C all M e lody C u r ry treed with an abunmerchandise to sporting 30x40 shop with overGold Country Realty, Pam Gold Country Realty, 541-771-1116 porch and large goods. Bulletin Classifieds 763 B roker, Century 2 1 dance o f wil d l ife• Front sized RV door. Build Inc. 541-504-1338 back deck Inc. 541-504-1338 Crooked River Realty Gold Country Realty, passing thro u gh. Call Marilyn R ohaly, appear every day in the your custom h ome Recreational Homes The Highlands at Bro- Inc. 541-504-1338 MLS¹ print or on line. with brea t htaking 771 & Property Lovely horse property $41,500 Broker, 541-322-9954 201102002 views of the Cascade ken top, 1 0 a c res, 139716 Dorothy Lane Call 541-385-5809 was used for horses Juniper Lots John L. Scott Real mtns. or enjoy as is. 141980 Emerald Meadgated, private well, Beautiful vacation rebefore. Just under 3 541-504-5393 Realty, Estate, Bend www.bendbulletin.com utilities at lot, app for treat. The adorable 2 acres. Nice view of $249,000 ows Way - Beautiful Owner will carry, fanwww.JohnLScott.com cap-fill septic. MLS¹201205440 custom built 3 bd/ 2 P aulina Peak f r o m tastic 1/2 acre lot bath home sits ycc ngcccccclo paccncccypy D&D Realty Group LLC b ath home on o ne $535,000. MLS bed/1 River Rd. Exc. view Snowberry Village ¹98 w/views. $59,900. right on t h e c r eek. end of Property. Lots SW 866-346-7868 ¹ 201200937. Pam Snowberry Village ¹16 acre i n Cre s cent of pine trees and very from top of property. $79,500 MLS¹201008725 Remodeled i n terior. Lester, Principal Bro- Perfect condition. Ac- secluded. $42,900 2.79 acres w alking • 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. Enjoy the carefree lifLake. This p r istine Call Julie Fahlgren, Sisters j $579,900 ker, Century 21 Gold distance to the Des- • 1 404 sq. f t . 1 9 9 9 estyle at Bend's preproperty has everyMLS¹ 201206397 Broker, 541-550-0098 cess from both DorGreat Cascade Moun- thing. Paved circular Country Realty, Inc. othy Lane and Pine chutes River & Steel- Silvercrest mier 55+ community Cascade Realty, Crooked River Realty tain views from this 541-504-1338 head Falls. Hike, bike, • Vaulted ceilings n ear m edical a n d 2 ca r h eated Dennis Haniford, Creek Loop. W ood 3,000 sq. ft. home on drive, ride horses, fly fish. designer colors shopping. Immacusmall shed, N orth P o w el l B u t t e Princ. Broker stove makes for cozy THE PERFECT 6 .75 acres. 2 b e d - garage, Acreage 3 LOTS! Quiet & natural set- • Gas heat and A/C. late 3 b e d room, 2 painted exte541-536-1731 winter nights. A covFOR YOUR rooms, bonus room & newly ting is ideal for vaca- Elevated corner lotbath features sepawith wood floors, 3 buildable, rare, North SETTING ered porch overlooks NEW HOME o ffice. 4 a c r e s o f rior P owell B utte C a s tions or year round nice views r ate d i ning r o o m, stove and tons creek. A covered NW Dove Rd. Private Three Sisters irriga- pellet cade Mountain views. Broken Top, 0.53 Acres the living. $49,000 MLS¹ • Attached 2-car ga- huge kitchen with isof storage. C omes R V carport sits a t well, power & septic 201009429 Offered at $275,000 tion. 40x40 barn, 5 Quiet area. Call installed! Level 5.12 rage + shop area land, master suite with equipped with a genback of property. Cate Cushman, loafing sheds, 3 car Vicci Bowen Juniper Realty, • Front deck and rear g arden t u b , sta l l erator for those cold acres with s e veral $275,000 Principal Broker garage with shop. 541-410-9730 541-504-5393 building sites with Mtn patio shower, Vaulted ceiln ights M u s t see ! MLS¹ 201207074 541-480-1884 MLS¹201205094 Call Marilyn R ohaly, Owners determined to Central Oregon Realty www.catecushman.com views. All it needs is ings, wood laminate Call Linda at Mark Valceschini, P.C., Group, LLC your dream home. floors, FA heat & AC. sell. One o f t h ose SW Shad Rd. Located Broker, 541-322-9954 541-815-0606 Broker, CRS, GRI C overed dec ks . special homes you $96,500 MLS¹ on a p aved street.John L. Scott Real Three 9148 Sq.ft. Iots, Cascade Realty, 541-383-4364 201201035 Bend $94,500. Call Manlyn want to see. $299,000 Garage Sales This 2.7 acre parcel Estate, cul-de-sac, ut i l ities Dennis Haniford, We never stop moving: www.JohnLScott.com Rohaly, Broker, MLS¹ 201203768 Juniper Realty, has Mt. Jefferson & s tubbed i nt o P U E , Princ. Broker 541-322-9954 Garage Sales 541-504-5393 Call Linda at Smith Rock v i ews. close to West Can541-536-1731 John L. Scott RE 541-815-0606 The lot is level with FACTORY SPECIAL yon Rim Park and acNew Home, 3 bdrm, Cg Garage Sales Canyon Dr. 1.13 Cascade Realty, Denmany building sites. cess to the dry can- 32.42 Acres in Urban SW $46,900 finished 780 nis Haniford, Broker Growth Bou n dary, acres w it h a c cess Crooked River Ranch on you site,541.548.5511 yon trail. $35,000, to Find them from two streets pro541-433-5678 Mfd./Mobile Homes Adjacent t o The water and power is $50,000. MLS¹ MORRIS v iding y o u man y available at the street. www.JandMHomes.com in 2012077694 and Greens, kitty corner to with Land building site options. Good classified ads tell REAL ESTATE Septic was previously NEW HOME BUILT 7687 P a m Le s ter, new Ridgeview High The Bulletin the essential facts in an $59 9 ,000. Owner terms avail- approved. $78,500 I dcpc dccdyO cd d O pc ccd $87,450! P rincipal Brok e r , School. 5 ACRES with mounable. $58,500 interesting Manner. Write Classifieds ¹ 201 2 03193 MLS¹ 201208266 Includes, garage, foun- tain views. 3 bdrm, 2 C entury 2 1 Gol d MLS MLS¹ 201106385 Pam Lester, Principal dation, a p p liances, from the readers view - not Juniper Realty, Country Realty, Inc. b ath, 1 62 0 h o m e , What are you Juniper Realty, 541-385-5809 B roker, Century 2 1 541-504-5393 central heating, heat 36x40 shop, fenced, the seller's. Convert the 541-504-1338 541-504-5393 Gold Country Realty, pump ready. call tolooking for? facts into benefits. Show irigated, ext. sprinkler Inc. 541-504-1338 day to schedule your system. $27 9 ,000. the reader how the item will 1.01 acre lot that is well Three Rivers South 775 SW Ch i n oo k Dr. You'll find it in t reed. Lot 14 1 S W $27,000 personal appointment. MLS 2809225. Pam help them in someway. Crooked R i ve r & Manufactured/ 4 .38 A cr e v i e w l o t 541-548-5511, C rater Loop CR R . L evel, 1 acre lot t o Lester, 541-504-1338 The Bulletin Classifieds This build y o u r re c r e- backs BLM, Cascade mountain views from Mobile Homes 541-350-1782 $40,900. C entury 2 1 , Go l d advertising tip these 5.68 acres lomtn & S m ith R o ck www.JandMHomes.com MLS¹201105162 ational retreat. Easy County Realty brought to you by c ated on a p a v ed Snowberry Village views. Corner lot, apC all M e lody C u r ry access to m ountain 541-385-5809 Num e rous proved for standard street. Check out the 541-771-1116 fun - skiing, back¹46. The Bulletin Crooked USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! River Realty packing, fish i ng, septic. $199,000. MLS trees & many building $88,900. 3 b d r ms, classifieds online Spectacular views of sites. $225,000 MLS¹ ¹2809381 Pam boating. National For2 baths, 1600y sq. ft. www.bendbulletin.com Door-to-door selling with the Cascade Mtns & 1.46-acre lot adjoins Butte Ranch est, Sunriver Resort, Lester, Principal Bro- 201106408 1994 Silv e rcrest. Updated daily D eschutes Riv e r . Black $489,900 fast results! It's the easiest community greenbelt. Juniper Realty, ker, Century 21 Gold and Deschutes River Living room, separate Custom home s itu- Furnished 4 bedroom, Flat bldg. site, with 541-504-5393 Country Realty, Inc. nearby. dining room & large Own your own home for way in the world to sell. ated on 2 . 3 a c res 3 bath, 2 story home water/power at road. 541-504-1338 MLS¹201208695 r e n ting. kitchen with e a ting less t ha n w/300' of river front- easily s l e ep s 15 SW Ch i n oo k Dr. area. $39,900 The Bulletin Classified Jim Moran, Broker Pellet s t ove, Centrally located in a ge. 2937 s q . f t . making it a p e rfect Call Nancy Popp at 5-acre corner lot, flat Crooked River, Smith 541-948-0997 Madras. In- h ouse 541-385-5809 Huge covered BBQ w/hardwood, c r o wn vacation 541-815-8000 about Rock & mou n tain & fully treed. $49,900. pr o perty. We never stop moving.' deck. Large laundry f inancing opti o ns moulding, w ainscot- New front and MLS¹201207930 views. Owner terms MLS¹201109114 side Gigantic views! room and 2-car at available. Call now at ing & m uch m ore! decks. Fireplace with Crooked River Realty C all N a nc y Po p p , available. 6.9 acres tached $129,000. Quality Fugarage. 541-475-2291 MLS¹201208388 541-815-8000 with septic, power & woodstove ins e r t, Driveway in place. 7981 qua home, 3 bdrm, 2 cx Rohaly, $699,000 J o h n L. w ell i n stalled. I n - Call Marilyn Crooked River Realty Rent /Own car g arage, bath, 1572 sq. ft., Broker, SW High Cone. Scott R ea l E s t ate double cludes custom home 3 bdrm, 2 bath homes n ewer roof & w i n Shop + greenhouse 541-322-9954 $29,900. 541-548-1712 6.5 acres of great horse plans. $189,000 $2500 down, $750 mo. dows. MLS¹ 201200450 John L. Scott Real MLS¹201003931 MORRIS property. Fe n ced, MLS¹ 201008671 OAC. 541-548-5511, Gail Day 541-306-1018 MLS¹201208783 Call Melody Curry Estate, Bend The Ultimate Hideout REAL ESTATE cross fenced, padJuniper Realty, 541-350-1782 Pat Palazzi, Broker Central Oregon Realty 541-771-1116 www.JohnLScott.com $749,500 I dp d c d y O d dCy p Cd docks, & l arge hay 541-504-5393 www.jandmhomes.com Group, LLC Crooked River Realty 637 private acres, 87 We 541-771-6996 barn. Has a nice 2 never stop moving: m iles f r o m Be n d . Two-acre mt. view lot bdrm, 2 bath single People Look for Information Buck Creek flows year with septic, pwr lines, wide also. $179,000 About Products and round. 2 LOP Tags for water lines installed to MLS 201108032 Cy Services Every Daythrough bucks & b u lls. Asbuilding site. $68,000 Cascade Realty, pens, Ponderosas, & The Bulletin Classif/eds MLS ¹20100858 Dennis Haniford, Rimrocks. Propane & Princ. Broker Call Nancy Popp MORRIS $139,000 The perfect solar for the cabin. 541-815-8000 541-536-1731 location f o r you r Large barn for storREAL ESTATE dream home at Eagle Crooked River Realty age. Horse corral. Indcpcndcccdy(hmcd cnd Opcccccd Find exactly what Crest! Located on a MLS¹201204217 773 beautiful and p resti you are looking for in the Steve Payer, 764 Acreages gious cul-de-sac on Broker, GRI CLASSIFIEDS Farms & Ranches The Ridge. 1/3 Acre 541-480-2966 G randfathered-in R V Lot in coveted Phase. We never stop moving: Gentlemen farm & relot, come camp or BY OWNER 20.6 acres Home-ID 890 b uild y ou r dr e a m on river in Redmond, t irement. Cust o m Eagle Crest Properties home ove r looking home. Septic/Power/ on 83rd St. owner will 866-722-3370 cx W ater. $57,9 0 0 finance. $5 9 5 ,000. Willow Creek w/Cas541-421-3222. cade Mtn. views. 2892 $ 78 000 Peek a b o o MLS¹201207367 SF 1-level home w/in- golf course and Cline Linda Lou Day- Wright, MORRIS Buttes views. Level lot Broker, 541-771-2585 door pool, 3360 SF Have an item to in Eagle Crest Resort. Crooked River REAL ESTATE shop, 2nd home & Home-ID 958 sell quick? I dp d d y O d dapc cd o ther b l dgs. 6 9 . 8 Realty acres w/62 acres of Eagle Crest Properties If it's under 866-722-3370 irrig. Home has too Tumalo j $449,000 '500 you can place it in TiCk, Tock A country home with many features to list. La Pine j $29,900 BLM. room for big holiday Adjoins The Bulletin 1 .03 ACRES IN L A TiCk, TOCk... gatherings! Li v ing, MLS¹201206931 PINE. Close to SunriClassifieds for: great, and game or $795,000 J oh n L. ver and Bend. This ...don't let time get entertainment room. Scott R ea l E s t ate property is very quiet, away. Hire a '10 - 3 lines, 7 days 15 acres with irriga- 541-548-1712 c onvenient and a c tion, Cascade Moun'16 - 3 lines, 14 days professional out cessible on a paved tain views, shop, and Horse property - 7085 road with lots of priof The Bulletin's (Private Party ads only) barn. Move in condi- Ken Lane, Culver. 39 vacy. Come build your acres w/37 acres of "Call A Service tion! MLS¹201207959 home. NUID w ate r r i g ht. dream Cascade Views in TerDebbie Hershey, MLS¹201200519 Professional" Flood irrigated from a Nicolette rebonne. $192,500 Broker, CRS, GRI Jones, Broker Ig. pond w/gated pipe. Directory today! Breathtaking views, De541-420-5170 541-241-0432 1 782 S F man u f . schutes River CanWe never stop moving: h ome. 4 b d / 2 b a . We never stop moving: 5 acres adjoins public yon, and farming valShop, barn & 4-stall land over Deschutes ley below, 5 usable barn. Outside arena River. Short walk to acres with well. Ideal cx w /attached pens . river. $74,900. building site with unMountain & c anyon MLS¹201102328 o bstructed view s views. $360 , 0 00 Call Linda Lou MLS¹201205208 MORRIS MORRIS MLS¹201207831. Day-Wright, Broker, Gail Day 541-306-1018 REAL ESTATE 541-771-2585 John L. Scott Real EsREAL ESTATE Central Oregon Realty Cndcpc dccdy &mcd c d Cypcwc«d tate 541-548-1712 Cdcpc dc d> 0 d dOp «d Crooked River Realty Group, LLC Purchaseprice$350,000,20% down, Loan amount $280,000,30 yrfixed.

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J sv-" h

1'he Delaware Apartments are located in the heart of Bend's Historic District. This building is very unique, 10 studio units and I larger 2-bedroomunit, constructed in 1920, adequate parking, landscaped.

StageStop Meadows.3 bedroom,2.5 bath, open floor plan, slate entry, granite 8 tile counters, private deck with hot tub. Adjacent to National Forest.



MLS¹201208928 (730)

Cozy updated cabin close to the DeschutesRiver in

Incredible value in this 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath homewith master on themainlevel! 2<ar garage, hardwood entry, great room with fireplace 8 21x16 bonusroom. 2-10 Homebuyer's Warranty included!

MLS¹201209029 (730)

MLS¹201208944 (730)

3 bedroom, 2.5 bath newer home inVarrow subdivision. Excellent condition. Hardwood floors in kitchenand dining area, master bedroom onlower level, great room with gas fireplace, B tile counters.

MLS¹201209025 (730)


• •

New construction 1715 sq. ft., 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath. Spacious great room, dining area, and beautiful kitchen with island cooktop. Homeincludes front yard landscaping and a 2-10 Homebuyer's Warranty.

MLS¹201208938 (730)





Visit our office conveniently located at 488 SW Bluff Dr. in the Old Mill District, Bend. Visit us online or call 541-382-4123 I Visit us at: g g NE BEND 80 ACRESI $2,999,950

AWBREY BUTTEI $1,899,000 . l. t

AWBREY BUTTEI $1,299,000



637 private acres, 87 miles fromBend. BuckCreek flows year round. 2 LOP Tags for bucks8 bulls. Aspens, Ponderosas, 8 Rimrocks.Propane 8 solar for the cabin. Large barn for storage. Horsecorral.

Large, corner, 9000 sq, ft, lot on State Street in the Drake Park Historic District. Newer great room, gourmet kitchen, upstairs master suite and maintains theold charm of downtown Bend.

.-u~ltfi v!Itti!' ¹Jlr '!=" f',



11 Peak View! Very private, contemporary home. Oversized 3 car garage with shop, Owner will carry,

MLS¹201103134 (746)

MLS¹201209008 (730)

Exquisite homewith Old World Charm on 43 of an acre. Exceptional quality, detail ¹ design. 5616 Sq. Ft. Dramatic cathedral living room with 1'uscan fireplace 8 loft. Separate gueststudio.

MLS¹201102057 (746)

MLS¹201204217 (762)



541-383-4338 • 541-408-3773






e., ,

+~Q. Ideal property for future development on thetentative plat for Juniper RidgePhaseII with an ILand RSzoning overlay. 3 homes, 2shops, barn, 2 ponds, and regulation sized outdoor arena included.


CRAIG LONG,BROKER 541-480-7647


MLS¹201206543 (746)





IM p M


I've been living and working right in Sunriver for over 25 years. Call mewith your Sunriver, Crosswater andCaldera Springs Real Estateneeds!

3 bedroom, 2 bath, 2119 sq. ft., English cottage. DeschutesRiver 8 Drake Parkviews, heart of downtown Bend's historic district. Meticulously updated home, perfect combination of elegance 8 comfort.

Beautiful CustomHome. 3 bedroom+ den/office, 4.5 bath. Gourmetkitchen, Wolf Stove, Sub.zero refrigerator, SS appliances, 8 granite counters. Master onmain with private Atrium. Golf Courseviews.

STUNNING Mountain 8 City views! 3743 sq, h., 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath. Openfloor plan, gourmetkitchen, marble, tile, slab granite, walnut floors, woodendoors, master on main, 3 decksfor outdoor living.

Live in paradise on 20 private acres with river frontage and CascadeMountain views! Quality single level

MLS¹201205806 (746)

MLS¹201202675 (747)

MLS¹201208296 (746)

MLS¹201207288 (762)









NW BEND I $419,000


NE BENDI $349,000



home, 2334 sq. ft., 3 bedroom, 3 bathroom.Energy efficient with geothermal groundsourceheating.


* i.

Townhomeoverlooking the 18th fairway 8 large pond at Widgi Creek Golf Course. ADAequipped, 2 master suites, Hickory floors, slab granite counters, security system, wired for surround sound 8 more!

1.2 acres. 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 2125 sq. ft. waterfront home with Cascade Mountain views. Multiple accessory buildings and barn, all with new roofs.




MLS¹ 201208996 (747)

Well maintained 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath, 2128 sq. ft.

Custom built, sculpted cedar siding, upgraded appliances. 5 acres, fenced 8 cross fenced. 3 stall barn 8 tack room. 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath over 3400 sq. ft.

home, 4.85 acres, irrigated 8 Mountain views. Nice great room floor plan, updated roof, windows 8 heat pump. Fenced, crossfenced & 6 outbuildings.

Enjoy peace and tranquility on 2.85 private acres with Gorgeous Cascade views. Large master suite. Vaulted wood ceilings. Possible mother-in-law suite. Borders BLM.Bring your horse and toys. RVarea.







SW BENDI $315,000

NE BENDI $302,500



MLS¹201105146 (762)

MLS¹201206470 (746)

MLS¹201206169 (762)

MLS¹201205268 (762)


v v



sI( New home convenient to downtown /Drake Park! 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath plus office. Neutral colors throughout. Great room concept with stainlesssteel appliances. Oversized garage with patio.

Immaculate 4 bedroom home. Easyaccess to trails, fishing, golf and the athletic club. Nice interior finishes, includes all furnishings andappliances.

MLS¹201202442 (747)

LIVE, WORK &PIAYfrom this 2.2 acre property centrally located between Bendand Redmond. Youwill appreciate theCascade MountainViews,the40'x60'shopand the

beautifully remodeled 1912 sq, ft, home.

MLS¹201205495 (746)




MLS¹201207260 (748)

MLS¹2809519 (771)







.43 of an acre homesite overlooking the 13th hole. Golf course designed by David McLayKidd. Unobstructed Cascade views. Located on theWestside, adjacent to the National Forest, minutes from Downtown.


Timber FramedConstruction using 100 year old reclaimed timbers, beams 8 flooring, this homewill warm your heart with character 8 charm. Main home, guest home, shop, 20 private acres minutesfrom Sisters.

MLS¹201200880 (762)



SE BEND LAND I $199,000

NE BENDI $192,000

Listen to the quiet! 4.1 acres in Sundance, Build your dream homewith Cascadeviews. Close to BLM and National Forest lands for recreation.

Turnkey property, 1206 sq.ft., 2 bedroom, 2 bath, Close to PineNursery Park, dog park, medical and shopping. Lots ofupgrades including hardwood floors, tile counters 8 A/C. Move in ready.


I' MLS¹201208267 (749)

This 1366 sq. ft., 3 bedroom, 2 bath home is located on a nice quiet cul-de-sac in NEBend. Great condition inside and out, fully landscaped, fencedand sprinkler system, Great open floor plan!



New construction in SEBend. Single level, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 1641 sq, ft, home onlarge lot on the edge of town backing to COI canal. Completion 3/I/13.


MLS¹201208902 (748)



ga MLS¹201207453 (773)

MLS¹201204680 (748)




SE BEND I $165,000

11 ACRE VIEW LOTI $150,000







4 •I '* t

Level View Lot, east to build on. Close to Deschutes River and recreational trails. On paved road in area of fine homes.

Great location on the way to Mt. Bachelor. Older neiqhborhood, .56 acre, easy build (ot. Convenient to schools, river and Old Mill.

Large homevery close toMeadow LakesGolf Club. Private rear patio area. Room for RV's.This 3bedroom, 2.5 bath with 1876 sq. ft. of living area is the perfect home.

Newer home onsmall, quiet street with fenced backyard. New carpet 8 interior paint October 2012. Gas fireplace, hickory cabinets, upgraded window treatments. No HOA! Traditional sale.




DIANE LOZITO,BROKER 541-548-3598, 541-306-9646


JJ JONES,BROKER 541-610-7318 • 541-788-3678

NW BEND LOTI $80,000


SE BENDI $72,900


NW BENDI $54 950

Flat.48 of an acre building lot on cornerwith canal along I side, cana flows directly into the Big DeschutesRiver. Area has boat launch 8 dock, clubhouseandroad maintenance.

Seller financing available. Fantastic elevated lot with city views; beautiful established neighborhood; NW Bend. Owner will carry up to $50,000 with $9,400 cash or possible trade for down payment.

MLS¹201207946 (757)


MLS¹201204315 (773)

MLS¹201208727 (749)

MLS¹201201353 (771)

Over 2 acres with CascadeMountain and Crooked River Canyon views onthe canyonrim. Bordered by 3000 acres of BLMproperty for endless recreation.

MLS¹2704850 (757)

L. •






3 bedroom, I bath, 1192 sq. ft., located on a .40 acre (ot with room for toys and/or RV. Buyer responsible for verifvinq zoning and uses.

Easy accessto Highway 97 and the Parkway,

River, Trails, Public Lands! Big DeschutesRiver beach access right across the road..45 acre cul-de-sac lot to build your DreamHome. Backs DeschutesNational Forest.

MLS¹201204299 (771)

MLS¹201209006 (771)









Build your custom home onthis .47-acre lot on a short street with only a few homes.Enjoy views of the River's Edge golf course and the buttes to the east.

MLS¹201204612 (749)

MLS¹201105237 (771)

MLS¹201105195 (771)






'Christmas With Holly'

l e


Eloise Mumford stars in "Christmas With Holly" Sunday at 9 p.m. on ABC.

'American Country Awards' Trace Adkins and Kristin


Chenoweth host the American Country Awards Monday at 8 p.m. on Fox.

"MichaelBuble:Home fo~r. the Holidays" airs Mond~ay at 10 p.m. on NBC. 'Yes, Virginia' "Yes, Virginia" airs Friday at 9 p.m. on CBS.



ames Sttdoktt Htgh Ft+eS

Howtoettw:SudokuiedhFivesconsistsottive reduiarSudokuoridssharindonesetots bv 3boxes. Eachrowcolumnandsetots bv3boxes must contain the numbers 1 through 8 without repetition. The numbers in any shared set of 3-by-3 boxes apply to each of the individual Sudokus.


9 5 4 3 8 6 7 2 1

7 1 8 3 6 2 1 9 4 7 2 5 5 8 3 6 9 4

3 S I A




A L F A 0 S I T E R T A 0 L A B 0 R E T E 0 N E T


movie, "— Air"

1. The Crimson Tide 5." — to Train Your Dragon" 8. Poses a question 12. Actress — Rachel Wood 13. Drink suffix 14. Actor Santoni 15. 2004 film,

Jeannie" 26. 1980s series, "Knots —" 30. Black gold

wA Love — For

Bobby Long" 16. Mr. Reiner 17. Due 18. Rodgers hit, "Kisses — Than Wine" 20. Lockhart and Allyson 21. "Leaving — Vegas" 22. John Cusack

23. al — of

31. oYou — Your

Life" 32. Whisper sweet nothings 33. Judgment 36. "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's —" 38. Ms. Gardner 39. Actor Mantegna 40. Like 48 Down, e.g. 43. Faint-hearted ones 47. Decant d 48. 3rd Rock


N E S S L I P E K I L L E E R Y E A N A L S HO S L 0 S H A B S T I L L E A Z E V E L Y N 0 V E T G I B E T E A E L A N E Y R R A T S R E E

Guide to the


TV grids

TV Ratings: 'G': Generalaudience 'Y': Young children '7': Childrenover7 '14': Childrenover14 'PG': Parentalguidance 'M': Matureaudience only



Solution to last week's puzzle.

TV Crossword ACROSS



From the —" 49. "Home Improvement" show-within-ashow, "— Time" 50. Choir section 51. Globetrotters founder Saperstein 52. Ultimatum word 53. Pack away 54. "Scream" director Craven 55. Actor Robert


1. First Lady of the late 1940s 2. Acknowledge 3. Animal hair 4. Forensic artist on"Bones" 5. Rabbit relatives

6. Aroma 7. Part of WWW 8. In the vicinity 9. Stitched 10. "Bury My Heart at Wounded —" 11. Caesar and Melton 19. Flat hat 20. Actor Tenney of "Major Crimes" 22." — on a Hot Tin Roof" 23. Scooby(cartoon dog) 24. Mr. Torn 25. Cumming on "The Good Wife" 26. Sportscaster Berman 27. "— Road Truckers" 28 Numerals: abbr. -

29. "You've — Mail" 1 2 31. Fluffy scarf 12 34. Hackman's "— Margin" 15 35. 1992 movie, "Poison —" 18 36. Intimidate 37. Furnace 39. Actress Carolyn 2 3 24 40. Hot Springs and others 30 41. Indianapolis 33 player 42. Greg Kinnear film, "— Focus" 43. Box shape 40 41 44. Film part 47 45. Amount of medicine 50 46. Citizen Kane's "Rosebud" 48. 2004 horror movie 12-9

























32 34















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KATU News This Morning - Sat (N) n «

JackHanna'sWild OceanMysteries Bornto Explore'G'RecipeRehab'G' Food forThought Sea Rescue'G'« (ABC) Countdown Wi t h Jeff Corwin«(DVS) «(DVS) (DVS) Noodle andDoo Pajanimals (N) Poppy Cat (N) Justin Time (El) 'Y' LazyTown n (El) The Wiggles R e d Bull Signature Series From Zion KTVZ O O O O Today Newark MayorCory Booker; LeAnnRimes. (N) n cc 'Y' cc (EI) 'Y' (EI) 'Y' (EI) 'Y' (NBC) dle (N)(El)'Y' Utah. (N) n cc (5:00) CBS This Morning: Saturday Doodlebops (El) Doodlebops n (El) Busytown Myster Busytown Myster College Basketball Arkansasat Michigan(N)(Live) « College Football KBNZ "/' cc 'Y' cc Office partyetiquette. (N) n « (CBS) ies n (El) 'Y' ies n (El) 'Y' Today (N) cc Jack Hanna's WildOcean Mysteries Born to Explore 'G' SeaRescue'G' «Recipe Rehab 'G' Food for Thought Steel Dreams Cars.TV n 'PG' « KOHD O O O O D ermaWand 'G' Animal Adven- Good Morning America (N) « 'G' cc tures With Jeff Corwin «(DVS) (ABC) Countdown (DVS) «(DVS) CindyCrawford's No.1Selling S l eepLikeaBaby! Shark Vacuums KFXO IIg IEI @ IEI Paid Program Paid Program Awesome Adven. Wild About Ani- Jack Hanna's Into Eco Companyn Teen Kids News Paid Program (El) 'G' cc (N) 'G' cc (FOX) tures (El) 'G' m a ls 'G' cc the Wild 'G' Kitchen System! Shalom Sesame- Cat in the Hat Easy Yoga for Arthritis With Peggy Dr. WayneDyer: Wishes Fulfilled Five stepsfor gettingthe most out of life. n 'G' « KOAB ~ gy ~ gy SesameStreetn'Y' «(DVS) Knows a Lot Cappy n 'G' cc (PBS) Chanukah NewsChannel 8 atSunrise at 6:00 NewsChannel 8 at Sunrise at 7:00 AM(N) cc Poppy Cat(N) Justin Time (El) 'Y' LazyTown n (El) Wen Hair - Free Red Bull Signature Series FromZion, KGW "/' cc (EI) 'Y' Shipping! 'G' U t ah. (N) n « (NBC) AM(N) « Supersmil e'PG' RescueHeroesn RescueHeroesn SonicXn'Y7' cc power Rangers Transformers Justice League WWE Saturday Dragon Ball Z Kai Yu.Gi-Oh! Zexal Yu.Gi-Oh! n KTVZDT2 IEI ~ Q @ No.1Selling 'Y7' cc (El)'Y' « (El)'Y' « (N) n 'Y7' cc Kitchen System! Lost Galaxy 'Y7 Prime 'Y7' Unlimited 'Y7' Morning Slam n 'Y7' cc (CW) OPBPL 175 17 3 B B C Newsnight Washington W'k Asia Biz Great Decisions Easy Yoga for Arthritis Dr. WayneDyer: Wishes Fulfilled Five stepsfor gettingthe most out of life. n 'G' « KATU

Criminal MindsMasterpieceSolvinga Criminal MindsSearchingfor afemale Flip This House LA'sMountWashington Flipping Vegas A hottubfrom hell pres 30 28 1 8 32 Philosophy Cindy C.-Ageless Criminal Minds Miracles Box of Beauty investigates anoldMemoriam murder. nDr.'14'Reid murder in reverse. n '14' cc serial killer. n '14' cc neighborhood. 'PG' cc ents a problem.'PG' cc The Rifleman 'G' «The Rifleman 'G' «The RiflemanOld ***"Man Withouta Star" (1955, Western) Kirk Douglas,Jeanne Crain. Acowboy *** "TheComancheros" (1961,Western) JohnWayne, Stuart Whitman, LeeMarvin. Outlawssell 'AMC Tony 'G' and his partnerface aland-grabbing cattlewoman. « liquor andgunstoamadman' sComanchearmy.©c *ANPL 68 50 26 38 Big CatDiary'G' BigCatDiary'G' It's MeortheDogn'PG' cc Must LoveCats n 'PG Cats101 n 'PG' cc Dogs101 n 'PG' « Bad Dog! n 'PG' cc BRAVO 137 4 4 Th e Real Housewives of Atlanta T h e Real Housewives of Atlanta Million Dollar Decorators The Real Housewives of Miami The Real Housewives of Miami Top Chef: Seattle '14 CMT 190 32 42 53 CMTMusicn'PG' CMT Music n 'PG' CMT Music n 'PG' CMT Social Hour n 'PG CMT Music n 'PG' CMT Insider 'PG' Top 20 Count. CNBC 54 36 40 52 No.1Kitchen C i ndy Crawford Carol Burnett T o tal Gym New Keurig C a rol Burnett Zumba Fit Joh n Denver CleanHome N o Defrosting Insane Bodies! Top Chef Meals! CNN 55 38 35 48 Sat. Morning Y o ur Bottom C N N Saturday Morning (N) CNN Newsroom(N) Your Money(N) CNN Newsroom(N) Paid Program DeepClean PUMP COM 135 53 135 47 Zumba Fit ComedyCentral Comedy Central DL Hughley: TheEndangered List (9:56) **"The OriginalKings ofComedy (2000), SteveHarvey cc COTV 11 (5:30) City Club of Central Oregon Desert Cooking Oregon Joy of Fishing Journal Get Outdoors V i sions of NW Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program CSPAN 61 20 12 11 (4:00) Washington Journal Defense Manning Case (8:15) Terrorism in Mali Senatehearingonthe situation in Mali. (N) U.S.-ChinaRelations (N) U.S. EnergySecurity (N) 'DIS 87 43 14 39 Little Einsteins "Mickey's Christmas" Doc McStuffins Mickey Mouse Never Land Ph i neas, Ferb Gravity Falls 'Y7Dog With a Blog Dog With a Blog Austin & Jessie & Ally All Star *DISC 156 21 16 37 PaidProgramn TopChefMeals! Zumba Dance Cindy Crawford Narcolepsy: New Alaska: TheLast Frontier n '14 Strategies American Chopper n 'PG' cc Doomsday Bunkers n '14' cc *E! 136 2 5 Cin dy Crawford Cindy CrawfordThe Soup '14' Blue Crush2" (2011, Drama)Sasha Jackson, Elizabeth Mathis, Sharni Vinson E! News(N) Fashion Police '14 ESPN 21 23 22 23 SportsCenter cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc College Football NCAA FCSDivision I, Quarterfinal —Georgia Southern at Old Dominion (N)(Live) ESPN2 22 24 21 24 (5:00)FirstTake(N) n(Live) « College Basketball Portland atKentucky(N)(Live) College Basketball (6:55) English Premier LeagueSoccer SunderlandAFCvs Chelsea FC *** "E/evate" (2011,Documentary) « ESPNC 23 25 123 25 30 for 30 (9:15) TheStreet Stops Here n 'PG' cc SportsCentury cc H-Lite Ex. H-Lite Ex H-Lite Ex. H-Li te Ex ESPNN 24 63 124203 SportsNation SportsCenter « SportsCenter « SportsCenter Dc c *** "Harry Potter andthe Orderoi thePhoenix" (2007, Fantasy)Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint *** "Harry Potter andthe Hali-Biood Prince" (2009), RupertGrint FAM 67 29 19 41 BestPillowEver! NewKeurig FNC 57 61 36 50 (3:00)FOXandFriendsSaturday Bulls and Bears Cavuto/Business Forbes on FOX Cashin' In (N) America's NewsHeadquarters (N) America's NewsHeadquarters (N) The Journal Editorial Report (N) n *FOOD 17762 98 44 No.1Kitchen Be s t Thing Ate Paula's Cooking Best Dishes Say No to Botox! Barbecue Addi. Guy's Big Bite Best- Made Pioneer Wo Pioneer Wo Trisha's Sou. G i ada at Home FX 131 Say No to Pain Dirty House? How I Met How I Met How I Met How I Met How I Met Two/Half Men Two/Half Men Two/Half Men Two/Half Men Devil-Prada HGTV 176 49 33 43 Cindy Crawford Top Kitchen! Leave-Bryan Elbow Room'G' Buying and Selling 'G' « Property Bro P r operty Bro Bath Crashers Bath Crashers Yard Crashers Kitchen Crash. *HIST 155 42 41 36 Cooktop You Breathe! Ax MenRygaardvs. Rygaard'14 Ax Men Down &Dirty '14' cc Ax Men Let Er Rip 14 cc Ax Men Burningthe Bear '14' Ax Men Wheres Willy? 14 cc LIFE 138 39 20 31 HooverWind Paid Program Better Living M u ffin Top? 'GCleanHome WEN Hair Care Dancer's Body Zumba Fit Cin d y CrawfordOff-Rockers O f f -Rockers N e w You! MSNBC 59 59 128 51 (5:00) UpW/Chris Hayes(N) Melissa Harris-Perry (N) Weekends With Alex Witt (N) MSNBCLive (N) MTV 192 22 38 57 True Life I Hate MyRoommaten True Life I LiveWith MyExn Jersey ShoreAwkward! '14' « Teen Mom 2Life GoesOn n 'PG' Catfish: The TVShow Kim 8 Matt Catfish: The TVShow n '14' NICK 82 46 2440 OddParents OddParents Odd Parents O d d Parents SpongeBob S p ongeBob Spongegob S p ongeBob SpongeBob S p ongeBob TeenageMut. Kung Fu Panda Dr. Phil n 'PG' « Dr. Phil Feudingin-laws. 'PG' « Home MadeSrmple n 'G' cc Prison Diaries n '14' « Prison Diaries Fatal Attractions '14' OWN 161103 31 103 Dr. Philn'PG' cc ROOT 20 45 28* 26 LightRelief No.1Kitchen Relieve pain Weight loss fast! Cooktop Home Box of Miracles Best Drill Ever! College Basketball TexasChristian at Tulsa(N) (Live) SPIKE 132 31 34 46 HenryRifles Say No to Pain Cook Safe DeepClean P90X Revolution! Paid Programn Xtreme 4x4'G' Horsepower TV Trucks! (N) 'G' MuscleCar 'G' Auction Hunters Auction Hunters ** "2012: ice Age" (2011) « SYFY 133 35 133 45 No Defrosting LitlGiant Cook Safe New Keurig Total Gym CleanHome SfonehengeApocalypse" (2010) Misha Collins, Hill Harper. '14 TBN 205 60 130 The Lads TV (El) Auto B. Good 'G Come onOver Mary.Hopkins Lassie 'G' cc V e ggieTales 'Y' 3-2-1 Penguins! God Rocks! 'Y Monstertruck D a vey 8 GoliathIshine Knect 'G' Insp. Station * "College RoadTrip"(2008)Martin Lawrence.A copescorts (11:45) ** "yes The Jeff Foxwor The Jeff Foxwor- MyNamels Earln According to Jim Are WeThereYet? Tyler Perry's MeetTyler Perry's A c cording to Jim 'TBS 'PG' '14' cc Man" cc thy Show 'PG' thy Show 'PG' Coach Jim'PG' the Browns HouseofPayne The At-Bat'PG' his daughter on atrip to visit colleges. ** "GoodLuck, Mr.Yates" (1943) ** "TheSaintin PalmSprings" (1941) (10:15) *** "CatBallou"(1965, Western)Jane Fonda, LeeMarvin, MichaelCal (4:30) "SfandUp (7:45) ** "Return oithe Durango Ki d " (1945, Western) TCM 101 44 101 29 andFight" cc Claire Trevor,JessBarker. Charles Starrett, TexHarding,JeanStevens. George Sanders. « lan. A schoolmarm seeks revenge onherfather's killer. « *TLC 178 34 32 34 CookSafe Fat Loss Zumba Dance TRIA Jillian Michaels Say No to Botox! Four Houses n '14'e«s Four Houses A Vegas-style villa. n Four Houses n 'PG' « sault victim leads Law & OrderCompetenceVanBuren Law & Order A youngwar veteran is Law & Order Adepressedjournalist is Leverage Theteam must run adifficult Rizzoli & Isles An author's suicide is *TNT 17 26 15 27 Law & Order Bait As con. 'PG' « cops to corpse. n 'PG shootstwoyouths.n 'PG' found dead.'14' «(DVS) found dead. '14' «(DVS) investigated. '14' « *A&E

*TOON 84 Looney Tunes *TRAV 179 51 45 42 HenryRifles

LooneyTunes Scan2Go (N)'Y7' NinjaGo:Mstrs Beyblade: Metal PokemonBW Superfood Whe n Vacations Attack 'PG' « Mys t eries at the Museum 'PG 3's Company 3's Company 3's Company 3's Company 3's Company TVLND 65 47 29 35 3'sCompany USA 15 30 23 30 CookSafe Say No to Botox! No Defrosting C ook Safe Zum ba Fit Dee p Clean VH1 191 48 37 54 JumpStartn'PG' Jump Start n 'PG' Jump Start n 'PG' ENCR FMC FUEL GOLF

106401 306401 Secondhand (6:35) *"Blind Date"1967 KimBasinger. n 'PG-13' 104204104120(6:10) *** "Silver Streak"1976, Comedy GeneWilder. 'PG' «

Ben 10 Star Wars: Clone Dragons: Riders Dragons: Riders Wrld, Gumball Wrld, Gumball Food Paradise 'PG' « Man v. Food's Greatest Moments Mysteries at the Museum 'PG

3's Company 3's Company 3'sCompany 3's Company Roseanne 'PG' Roseanne 'PG *** "Friday"(1995, Comedy)Ice Cube,Chris Tucker, NiaLong. « ** "TheBreak-Up" (2006) « Top 20 Video Countdown (N)'PG' Top 20 Video Countdown (N) 'PG' ** "Miss Congeniality" (2000)

** TheRookie (8:15) ** "Honey" 2003,DramaJessica Alba. n 'PG-13' « (9:50) *** "Dazed andConfused"1993 'R' « ** "Jumpin 'JackFl ash"1986,ComedyW hoopiGoldberg.'R' « (8:05) ***"OurMan Flint"1966,Action JamesCoburn. 'NR' e«s 34 UFC Tonight U F C 101 Pinks - All Out 'PG' Pass Time'PG' Pass Time 'PG' Answers Answers UFC Insider U F C Tonight B e nson Henderson Special 28 301 27 301 EuroPGA Gol f Thailand Golf Championship,Third RoundFromBangkok, Thailand. Golf EmiratesAustralian Open,Third RoundFromSydney, Australia ** "A SmokyMountainChristmas" (1986) Dolly Parton. 'PG' « ** "A ChristmasWeddingTail" (2011)Jennie Garth. « HALL 66 33 175 33 *** "The Night Before the Night Before Christmas" (2010) 'PG HBO 425501 425501(4:35) Speed'R' Tsunami and theCherry * "Beyond" 2011Jon Voight. n 'PG-13' cc 24/7 Pacquiao 24/7 Pacquiao 24i7 Pacquiao 24/7 Pacquiao Weigh-In Live * * RedTails IFC 105 105 (4:45) *** "Get Shorty"1995 ThreeStooges ThreeStooges ThreeStooges ThreeStooges ThreeStooges **"TheRinger "2005,ComedyJohnnyKnoxville,BrianCox.'PG-13 The Savages'R MAX 400 508 508 (5:40) ** "ThePick-Up Artist (7:05) ** "Diary oi aWimpyKid: Rodrick Rules (8:45) *"Buiiy theVampire Slayer" 1992'PG-13 (10:10) ** "Larry Crowne"2011TomHanks. n 'PG-13' cc NBCSN 27 58 30 209 Deer Hunting TV World Whitetail BucksTecomate RealHunti ng Winchester Leg. Outdoorsman 'G' Ammo/Attitude North to Alaska BucksTecomate CostasTonight'PG Turning Point Wild Justice FelonyFriday'14' Wild Justice Pig Stalkers '14 Wild Justice '14 NGC 157 157 A l aska State Troopers '14 DoomsdayPreppers DoomsdayPreppers '14 NTOON 89 115189115 Supah Ninjas 'G' Supah Ninjas 'G Power Rangers Power Rangers NFL RushZone Wild Grinders n Wild Grinders n Planet Sheen n Planet Sheen n Dragonbal lGT The Penguins The Penguins OUTD 37 307 43 307 Whitetail Mag. Sasquatch Commander F u rtakers Midway USA's Benelli's Gold Fever Alaskan Hunt Masters S c outing, Adv. Reel, Outdoors *** "Source Code"2011 JakeGyllenhaal. 'PG-13 SHO 500 500 * "The e Thr e Musketeers"2011 Matthew MacFadyen.'PG-13'« Inside the NFL n 'PG' « Jim Rome onShowtime 'PG' War Horse SPEED 35 303125303Gearz' PG' Hot Rod TV '14' HotRodTV'14' GuysGarage Monster Jam(N) LucasOilOffRoadRacingReno On the Edge Test Drive Hot Rod TV 'PG' Hot Rod TV 'PG' STARZ 300408300408 (4:50)TheVow (6:40)**"ViewFromtheTop"2003'PG-13' « (8:10) ** "Colombiana" 2011,Action ZoeSaldana. n 'PG-13' « (10:05) *** "2! Jump Street" 2012, ComedyJonahHill. n 'R' « f "TheLittle MatchMakers" 2011Hannah Frantz. 'NR' TMC 5 25 5 2 5 (7:45) ** "George ofthe Jungle2" 2003'PG' « (9:15) ** "RealityBites"1994,DramaWinona Ryder. n 'PG-13' « (10:55) Red" 2006BrianCox. 'R' *WE 143 41 174118 New You! ZumbaDance Wedding-Davu Unveiled WeddingDav.:Unveiled WeddingDav.:Unveiled W eddingDav.:Unveiled W edding. Dav.:Unveiled

THE BULLETIN «DECEMBER 8 — 14, 2012 *In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/Black Butte (Digital); PM-Prineville/Madras; SR-Sunriver; L-La Pine













l l





Wipeout TheSnowboard Half Pipe;the AT&T ESPNAll-America Team Show Paid Program Zumba Fitness 3- ESPN Sports Saturday (N) KATU Newsat 5 ABC World News Snow Boot. n 'PG' « For-FREE'PG' (ABC) (N) (N)n cc Paid Program Fast One-Pot Paid Program Extra(N) n PG cc KTVZ O O O O (11:00) Red Bull Signature Series From Golf Franklin TempletonShootout, Second RoundFromTiburon Golf Clubat The Trout TV Ritz-CarltonGolf Resort in Naples,Fla. (N) n (Live) « (NBC) Zion, Utah.(N) n « Cooking College Football Armyvs. NavyFromLincoln Financial Field in Philadelphia. (N)(Live) « CBS Evening Explore the North-The Joy of FishingGary Lewis' Ad- CBS Evening KBNZ venture Journal News (N) cc (CBS) News (N) cc west Today's Hom- Sports Stars of KEZI9Newsat5 ABC World News KOHD O O O O Wipeout The Snowboard Half Pipe;the AT&T ESPNAll-America Team Show ESPN Sports Saturday (N) Snow Boot. n 'PG' « eowner Tomorrow 'Y7' (N) cc (ABC) (N) UFC: Hendersonvs. Diaz(N) n KFXO IIg IEI @ IEI *** "The DeviWears l Prada" (2006,Comedy)Meryl Streep, AnneHathaway. A Paid Program Paid Program The Best of Greatest Sports Legends: Sports GoneWild '14' (FOX) recent collegegraduate lands ajob at a fashion magazine. LegendaryCoaches'14' (Live) cc Rick Steves Eu KOAB ~ gy ~ gy Moments to Remember: My Music Number204Performances of 1950sandearly '60s hits. n 'G' «T'ai Chi, Health & Happiness With Rick Steves Europe Marathon 'G' David-Dorian Ross n 'G' cc (PBS) rope Marathon (11:00) RedBull Signature Series FromGolf FranklinTempleton Shootout, Second RoundFromTiburon Golf Clubat The Best Gift Ever! 'G' The Wiggles N o odle and Doo- Pajanimals (N) NewsChannel 8 at 5PM(N) cc KGW Ritz-CarltonGolf Resort in Naples,Fla. (N) n (Live) « (NBC) Zion, Utah.(N) n « (EI) Y dle (N)(El)'Y' (El)'Y' Clone WarsAmbush; Tyler Perry's T y ler Perry's T y ler Perry's Meet Tyler Perry's Meet "Chill * Factor" (1999,Action) CubaGooding Jr., Skeet Ulrich, PeterFirth. A KTVZDT2IEI ~ gy @ ChatRoom (N) n On the Spot n (El) Star Wars: The 'G' cc (El) 'G' cc Rising Malevolence'PG' HouseofPayne House ofPayne theBrowns the Browns weaponmustbekept cold to curb its destructive power. « (CW) T'ai Chi, Health &Happiness OPBPL 175 17 3 M OmentS tO Remember: My MuSi Number C 204 n 'G' cc Rick Steves EuropeMarathon 'G Rick Steves KATU

My Flipp'n Brother Randytakesonan Be the Boss Nutritional supplement Gangsters America's Most Evil A Gangsters: America's Most Evil G a ngsters: America's Most Evil Albert "Alpo" Martinez. '14' cc ambitious fixer-upper.(N)'PG' store employees.'PG' cc notorious drugtrafficker '14' cc Griselda Blanco '14' cc ***"Hondo" (1953,Western)JohnWayne, Geraldine Page,Ward Bond.Acav- ** "Hidalgo"(2004, Adventure) Viggo Mortensen,OmarSharif, Louise Lombard. A Westerner racesahorse acrossthe ** * " C oach Carter"(2005, Drama) 'AMC alry scout finds afamily threatened byanIndian war. « Arabian desert. « Samuel L.Jackson. « *ANPL 68 50 2638 BadDog! HomeWreckersn'PG Bad Dog! Naughty byNature'PG' B a d Dog! n 'PG' cc Too Cute! n 'PG' cc Too Cute! n 'PG' cc Too Cute! KittenCottonballs 'PG BRAVO 137 4 4 Th e Real Housewives of Miami Th e Real Housewives of Miami Th e Real Housewives of Miami The Real Housewives of Miami The Real Housewives of Miami Sh a hs of Sunset '14' Reba 'PG' cc R e ba 'PG' cc Reba 'PG' cc R e ba 'PG' cc Reba 'PG' « ** "Grumpier Old Men" (1995)Jack Lemmon.n CMT 190 32 42 53 (11:30)Top20Countdownn'PG CNBC 54 36 40 52 SuperFood EZ G u itar CookSafe New Keurig Get Sub D J o hn Denver Carol Burnett J o hnny Cash Money in Motion How I, Millions Ultimate Factories 'G' CNN 55 38 35 48 (11:00)CNNNewsroom(N) Sanjay Gupta CNN Newsroom(N) The Situation Room CNN Newsroom(N) CNN Heroes: An All-Star Tribute COM 135 53 135 47 (11:56) ** "Beverly HilsCopl" (1987, Comedy)Eddie Murphy. « (1:56) ** "Semi-Pro"(2008)Will Ferrell, WoodyHarrelson. cc (3:56) ** "Austin Powersin Goldmember"(2002)Mike Myers. « COTV 11 Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Joy of Fishing J ournal Get Outdoors Visions of NW City Club of Central Oregon CSPAN 61 20 12 11 Energy Security (12:20) NewsPolitics and Public Affairs High-SpeedRail (N) Communicators Avoiding the Fiscal Cliff (N) National Christmas TreeLighting 'DIS 87 43 14 39 Wizards-Place Wizards-Place Good-Charlie G o od-Charlie A u stin & Ally 'G' Shake It Up! 'G' Good-Charlie G o od-Charlie Gravity Falls 'Y7' Gravity Falls 'Y7' Good-Charlie A u stin & Ally 'G' *DISC 156 21 16 37 DOOmSdayBunkeran'14' cc Doomsday Bunkers n '14' cc Moonshiners n '14' cc Moonshiners n '14' cc Jungle GoldMadScramble n 'PG' Jungle Gold ArmedRobbery '14' *E! 136 2 5 Th e Soup '14' T he E! True Hollywood Story 'PG' Ice Loves Coco Ice Loves Coco Nicki Minaj: My Nicki Minaj: My Nicki Minaj: MyE! News Fashion Police '14' ESPN 21 23 22 23 (12:15) CollegeBasketball Dukevs. TempleFromEast Rutherford, N.J. (2:15) CollegeBasketball UCLAat Texas(N) (Live) (4:15) SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc 2012 HeismanTrophy Presentation ESPN2 22 24 21 24 CollegeBasketball College Basketball VirginiaTechat West Virginia (N)(Live) College Basketball Wisconsin atMarquette (N)(Live) College Basketball ESPNC 23 25 123 25 Boxing n'PG' « Boxing n 'PG' cc Boxing n '14' cc 24/7Pacquiao 24/7 Pacquiao 24/7 Pacquiao 24/7 Pacquiao SportsCentury cc ESPNN 24 63 124203 SportsCenter « SportsCenter « SportsCenter « SportsCenter (N)(Live)s« s SportsCenter (N) SportsNation SportsCenter (N)(Live) « ** "FredClaus" (2007,Comedy)Vince Vaughn, PaulGiamatti, Miranda Richardson *** "TheSanta C/ause"(1994, Comedy) Tim Allen, JudgeReinhold. FAM 67 29 19 41 (10:00) "Harry Potterandthe Half-Blood Prince" FNC 57 61 36 50 FOXNewsWatch(N) America's NewsHeadquarters (N) America's NewsHeadquarters (N) FOX Report(N) Huckabee(N) *FOOD 17762 98 44 ChoppedBirdinthePan Cupcake Wars Restaurant: Impossible 'G Restaurant Stakeout Diners, Drive D i ners, Drive Iron Chef America HolidayBattle ** "The Proposal" (2009) FX 131 (11:30) *** "The DeviWears l Prada" (2006,Comedy)Meryl Streep. UFC: Hendersonvs. Diaz Prelims (N)(Live) HGTV 176 49 33 43 House Crashers House Crashers LoveItor ListIt Renton'G' « Holiday Kitchen Takeover 'G' Sarah's Holiday Party 'G' « DearGenevieve Dear Genevieve Candice Tells All Candice Tells All *HIST 155 42 41 36 Ax Men Falling Apart '14' cc Ax Men Up inFlames'14' cc Ax Men Family Rivalry '14' cc Ax Men Swamp Gold '14' cc Ax Men Up inSmoke'14' cc Ax Men Betting It All '14' cc LIFE 138 39 20 31 "Willyou Merry Me?"(2008, Drama)Wendie Malick.'PG' « "Holiday HighSchoolReunion" (2012)RachelBoston. 'PG' « * "AnAccidental Christmas"(2007)Cynthia Gibb, DavidMilbern. « MSNBC 59 59 128 51 (11:00) MSNBCLive(N) Caught on Camera Caught on CameraCrowdControl Caught on Camera Lockup: SanQuentin MTV 192 22 38 57 How I Made It 1 0 on Top 'PG' Jersey Shore ShoreShower'14' (2:10) Jersey ShoreAwkward! n '14' cc (3:20) Caffish: The TVShow n Cat f ish: The TV Show n '14 Jersey Shore n NICK 82 46 24 40 Robot, Monster SpongeBob P o wer Rangers SpongeBob Odd Parents O d d Parents Odd Par ents Odd Parents SpongeBob SpongeBob S pongeBob S pongeBob Prison WivesJuli Cummings'MA' Prison Wives n 'PG' « Prison Wives Asocial worker. 'PG' Prison WivesGail Sullivan n 'PG' P r ison Wives JaneBailey n 'PG OWN 161 103 31 103 Prison Diaries n '14' cc ROOT 20 45 28* 26 Lifetime Knives Tennis ChampionsSeries: Surprise Courier vs. McEnroe Paid Program Cooktop Tennis ChampionsSeries: Surprise Courier vs. McEnroe. Seahawks SPIKE 132 31 34 46 Auction Hunters Auction Hunters Auction Hunters (1:45) Auction Hunters n 'PG Auction Hunters Auction Hunters Auction Hunters Auction Hunters Auction Hunters Auction Hunters Auction Hunters ** "PolarStorm" (2009)JackColeman, Holly Dignard. 'PG' « ** "lce Quake" (2010) 'PG' cc SYFY 133 35 133 45 (11:00) ** "2012: lce Age" « *** %e Twisters" (2009)MarkMoses, Camile Sullivan. '14' « TBN 205 60130 Paws & Tal Chr. World News Fort Lauderdale Christmas Parade In Touch With Dr. Charles Stanley es Heroes &LegendsofBible Gaither: Precious Memories 'TBS 6 27 11 2 8 (11:45)**"YesMan"(2008,Comedy)JimCarrey,ZooeyDeschanel.Aman tries**"OldSchool"(2003,Comedy)LukeWilson,Will Ferrell,VinceVaughn.ThreeFriendsn'PG'«Friendsn'PG'« Friends n 'PG' cc Friends n 'PG' cc to changehis life bysaying yesto everything. « men relive their wild past bystarting a fraternity. « (1959,Western) JohnWayne, DeanMartin, Ricky Nelson. Sheriff anddeputies try to *** "Summertime" (1955,Romance) (12:15) *** "CoolHandLuke" (1967, Drama)PaulNewman, GeorgeKennedy, J.D.Cannon.A South *** ngio Bravo" TCM ern loner on achain gangrefuses to be broken. « hold rancher's brother in jail cc Katharine Hepburn. « *TLC 178 34 32 34 FourHousesn cc Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Say Ves, Dress Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress (1998, Action)TommyLeeJones, WesleySnipes, RobertDowneyJr. SamGerard *** "Patriot Games"(1992,Suspense) Harrison Ford, AnneArcher. A former CIA (4:45) *** "Inception"(2010, ScienceFiction) Leonardo *TNT 17 26 15 27 ** "U.S.Marshals" gets caught up inanother fugitive case. «(DVS) agent is stalked by avengeful IRAterrorist. « D<Capr<o, Joseph Gordon-Levitt. « *TOON 84 GrandmaGot RunOver/Reindeer Looney Tunes Smurfs.Carol A bominable Christmas 'Y7 Adventure Time Adventure Time Adventure Time Pokemon BW Pokemon BW Pokemon BW *TRAV 179 5145 42 Manv.Food'G' Manv.Food'G Man v. Food 'G' Man v. Food 'G' Toy Hunter 'PG' Toy Hunter 'PG' Most Christmasy Places-America Christmas Crazy 'G' « Ghost Adventures LaPurisima '14 TVLND 65 47 29 35 Roseanne'PG' Roseanne'PG' Roseanne 'PG' Roseanne 'PG' Roseanne 'PG' Roseanne 'PG' Roseanne 'PG' Roseanne 'PG' Roseanne 'PG' Roseanne 'PG' Roseanne 'PG' The CosbyShow ** "It'sComplicated"(2009,Romance-Comedy)Meryl Streep, SteveMartin. « **"He's dust NotThatInto you" (2009) BenAffleck, Jennifer Aniston. « USA 15 30 23 30 (11:00)**"TheBreak-Up" « VH1 191 48 37 54 (11:00) ** "MissCongeniality" (2000,Comedy)n 100 Greatest Kid Stars Hour 1'PG' (2:40) 100Greatest Kid Stars 'PG' (3:45) 100Greatest Kid Stars Hour 3 n 'PG' (4:50) 100Greatest Kid Stars 'PG' *A&E 130 28 18 32 FIIPPrngVegasAhuge homecreates huge pains.(N) 'PG'cc


106 401 306401 (11:40) ** "TheRookie" 1990Clint Eastwood.'R

(1:45) *** "Moneyball"2011, DramaBrad Pitt, Jonah Hil. n 'PG-13' « ***"TheRoad"2009,DramaViggoMortensen.'R'cc 104204104120 ** "Rounders"1998, DramaMatt Damon, EdwardNorton, JohnTurturro. 'R' «

***"Hole s"2003,AdventureSigourneyWeaver.n 'PG'« FXM Presents * "T he Happenin2008 g" 'R' e«s

** "WayoltheDragon" (1972, Action) BruceLee, ChuckNorris UFC Road totheOctagon Hooters Dreamgirl 'PG Hooters Dreamgirl 'PG Golf OmegaDubaiLadies Masters, Final RoundFromDubai. (N) Golf Central (N) Golf HALL 66 33 175 33 "ABridefor Christmas" (2012)Arielle Kebbel, AndrewWalker. 'G' « TheChristmasHeart" (2012) Teri Polo, PaulEssiembre. 'G' « Santa Jr" (2002)Lauren Holly, JuddNelson, Nick Stabile. 'G' « HBO 425501 425501(1130) ** i RedTails" 2012CubaGoodingJr. n (1:40) ** "WeBoughta Zoo"2011Matt Damon. n 'PG' cc (3:45) In Vogue:TheEditor's Eye (4:45) **** "Tilanic"1997 LeonardoDiCaprio. n ** "TheBrothers Grimm"2005, Fantasy MattDamon, HeathLedger. 'PG-13 IFC 105 105 (11:30) *** "TheSavages" 2007, DramaLaura Linney. Premiere. 'R Comedy Bang! ** "Escape FromL.A." 1996 'R ** "Something to TalkAbout" 1995 Julia Roberts. MAX 400508 508 (11:50) *"This MeansWar"2012n 'PG-13' cc (3:15) *"BigMommas:Like Father, LikeSon"2011Martin Lawrence. (5:05)"The WholeNine Yards" 'R NBCSN 27 58 30 209 Turning Point S t iff Standing: Earl Campbell Fight Night 36 Motorsports Hour (N)'14 College Basketball Northernlowaat GeorgeMason(N)(Live) College Basketball Wild Justice '14 Wild Justice Born toKill '14 Alaska StateTroopers'14' Alaska StateTroopers '14' NGC 157 15 7 W i ld Justice Thrill Killer '14 Wild Justice GoldDiggers'14' NTOON 89 115189115 ThePengui ns The Penguins The Penguins The Pengui ns The Penguins The Penguins The Penguins The Penguins T.U.F.F. Puppy T.U.F.F. Puppy Odd Parents Odd Parents OUTD 37 307 43 307 RealTree's Red Arrow Out doors SOL O Hunters Steve's Outdoor Best of West Team Elk Outd oorsman M i chaels MRAGrateful Nation Trophy Hunt Jimmy Big Time ** "Red"2010, ActionBruce Wilis, JohnMalkovich. n 'PG-13' « SHO 500 500 Untold History of the United States Dexter n 'MA' (12:15) ** "TheCore" 2003Aaron Eckhart. Scientists travel to the center of the Earth SPEED 35 303125303HotRod TV 'PG' HotRod TV 21 Hot Rod TV 'G' Hot Rod TV 'PG' AutoRacing Auto Racing Pinks '14' Pinks '14' Pinks '14' Pinks '14' STARZ 300408300408 ** "The yow"2012 RachelMcAdams.'PG-13'« (1:45) *** "Analyze This1999 " Robert DeNiro. n 'R' e (3:35) ** "Colombiana" 2011,Action ZoeSaldana. n 'PG-13' « Sonol NoOne TMC 525 525 (10:55) Red2008 ** "Turner & Hooch" 1989Tom Hanks. 'PG' « (2:10) ** "TheLighlkeepers" 2009Richard Dreyfuss. n 'PG' « (3:50) * "SantaWithMusc/es"1996 Hulk Hogan. n ** SteelDawn *WE 143 41 174118 Wedding- Davz Unveiled WeddingDavn Unveiled WeddingDavzUnveiled WeddingDavzUnveiled W eddingDavz Unveiled W edding. DavnUnveiled 34 UFC: Weigh-in 28 301 27 301 GQII


TV • PAGE 5 *In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/Black Butte (Digital); PM-Prineville/Madras; SR-Sunriver; L-La Pine























KATU Newsat 6 The Carol Burnett Jeopardy! 'G' « Wheel of Fortune "The Borrowers"(2011,Fantasy) StephenFry, Victoria Wood. Premiere. A scien Castle Castle helpsBeckett asshefaces KATUNewsat11 Castle The Fifth 'Q' cc Show tist tries to capturemembers of a miniature family. 'PG' « life-threateningforces. 'PG' Bullet 'PG' « (N) rt cc (N)o cc Law & Order: Special Victims Unit NewsChannel 21 (11:29) Saturday O O O O NewsChannel21NBCNightly NewsJeopardy! 'G' cc Wheel of Fortune The American Giving Awards Festivities in Pasadena,Calif., honor deserving 'Q' cc at 6 (N) cc (N) cc charities in theUnited States; Joel McHalehosts. (N) n « LessonsLearned'14' «(DVS) at 11 (N) « Nig h t Live '14' Burn Notice FalseFlag Estrangedhus New Adventures New Adventures Frosty the Snow- Frosty Returns n "TheFlight Before Christmas" (2008) 48 Hours Awomanharasses her KOIN Local6at11 (11:35) Paid Pro 'Q' cc band disappearswith son. 'PG' of Old Christine of Old Christine man'G' « Voices ofEmmaRoberts. daughter's killer. (N) n « (N) cc gram "TheBorrowers" (2011,Fantasy) StephenFry, Victoria Wood. Premiere. A scien Castle Castle helpsBeckett asshefaces News (N) « Sports Stars of O O KEZI9Newsat KEZI9Newsat Entertainment Tonight (N) rt « life-threateningforces. 'PG' Tomorrow 'Y7' 6pm (N) « 6:3 0 (N) « tist tries to capturemembers of a miniature family. 'PG' « News Channel 21 Two and aHalf MasterChef Previously eliminated cooks I(g IEI IEI IEI (5:00)UFC:Henderson vs.Diaz (N) Criminal Minds Painless Akiler targets CSE MiamiHostile TakeoverHoratio Bones Bodies in the BookAmurder rt (Live) cc survivors of an attack. rt '14' must submit to agunman.'14' similar to Brennan'sbook. '14' First on FOX Men '14' « compete. '14' «(DVS) Rick Steves EuropeMarathon 'G Oscar Hammerstein II — Out of My Dreams n 'G' « Ear t h Songs n 'G' « ~ gy ~ gy (5:30) RickSteves Europe Marathon'G

NBC Nightly News Pregame NBA Basketball SacramentoKings at PortlandTrail Blazers Fromthe RoseGar- Postgame 'G' The AmericanGiv- Law &Order: Special Victims Unit NewsChannel 8 at (11:29)Saturday ing Awards Le ssons Learned '14' «(DVS) 11( N) « Night Live '14' (N) cc den in Portland,Ore. (N)(Live) Cops n '14' cc Cheaters n '14' cc That'70sShow That '70sShow n The Jeremy KyleShow Aconvictwants KTVZDT2 (EiQ Q Q * ** "F/X" (1986, Suspense) Bryan Brown, Brian Dennehy,Diane Venora. Agents Cops n '14' cc 'PG' cc hire a special-effects manto stage a fakemobhit. The Plll A '14' to meet hischildren. (N)'PG' (CW) OPBPL 175 173 (5:30) Rick StevesEuropeMarathon 'G Rick StevesEuropeMarathon 'G' Oscar Hammerstein II — Out of My Dreams 'G' cc Earth Songs n 'G' « KGW


Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty The family gearsupfor Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty (11:01) DuckDy- (11:31) Duck Dy 3 28 1 8 32 Gangsters: America's 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc nasty'PG' «nasty 'PG' « top of thecocaine trade. Most '14' Evil The 'PQ' cc Christmas. 'PG' « Samurai Si 'PG' 'PG' cc (5:00) *** "Coach Carter" (2005) SamuelL. Jackson, Robert Ri'chard. Ahigh- *** "Miracle" (2004, Drama)Kurt Russell, Patricia Clarkson,NoahEmmerich. Premiere. TheU.S.Olympic hockey team *** "Miracle" (2004) KurtRussell 'AMC school basketball coachpusheshisteamto excel. « beats the Soviet teamacc Patricia Clarkson.acc *ANPL 68 50 26 38 Too Cute! rt 'PG' « Too Cute! n 'G' cc Too Cute! (N) n 'G Too Cute! n 'G' cc America's Cutest Cat 2010 n 'PG' Too Cute! n 'G' cc BRAVO 13 Shahs of Sunset ** "Accepted"(2006,Comedy)Justin Long, JonahHil. Premiere ** "Accepted"(2006,Comedy)Justin Long,JonahHil, Blake Lively 44 Sha hs of Sunset '14' CMT 190 32 42 53 Grumpier Men (6:45) ** "Starsky8 Hutch" (2004,Comedy)BenStiler, OwenWilson. rt Redneck Island(N) n 'PG CMT Artists of the Year2012 (N) n 'PG' cc Crossroads 'PG' CNBC 54 36 40 52 TheSuzeOrmanShow(N) « Princess Stacey Princess Heather Ultimate Factories 'G' The SuzeOrmanShow « Princess Stacey Princess Heather Quit Your Job! Hair Restoration CNN 55 38 35 48 CNN Heroes: An All-Star Tribute C N N Newsroom (N) CNN Heroes: An All-Star Tribute Sharing TheSpotlight Pre-Show CNN Heroes: An All-Star Tribute Jeff Dunham: Spark of Insanity '14' cc COM 13 53135 47 (5:58) JeffDunham: Sparkoflnsanity'14' cc Gabriel Iglesias: I'm Not Fat Gary Gulman: InThis Economy(N) *** "HotTub Time Machine" COTV 11 Talk of the Town Local issues. Des e rt Cooking Oregon Joy of Fishing Journal Get Outdoors V i sions of NW The YogaShow The Yoga Show Talk of the TownLocal issues. CSPAN 61 20 12 11 Christmas Tree Modern-Day Slavery Examiningthehistory of slavery National Christmas TreeLighting C h ristmas Tree Modern-Day Slavery Examining thehistory of slavery Transparency at theWhite House 'DIS 87 43 14 39 Austin & Ally 'G' Shake It Up! 'G' Phineas, Ferb P hineas, Ferb Good-Charlie A u stin & Jessie & Ally All Star Dog With a Blog Austin 8 Ally 'G' A.N.T. Farm 'G Jessie n « Good-Charlie *DISC 15 21 16 37 Alaska: The Last Frontier n '14' Al a ska: The Last Frontier n '14 Alaska: The Last Frontier n '14' Al a ska: The Last Frontier n '14 Alaska: TheLast Frontier n '14 Alaska: TheLast Frontier n '14' *E! ** "TheWomen"(2008, Comedy-Drama)MegRyan, Annette Bening, EvaMendes 13 2 5 * * "Sweet Home Alabama"(2002)ReeseWitherspoon,JoshLucas Fashion Police '14' Love You ESPN 21 23 22 23 30for30(N) SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc ESPN2 22 24 21 24 College Basketball College Basketball lllinois atGonzaga(N) (Live) 30 for 30 (N) SportsNation N BA Tonight (N) SportsCenter *** "Elevate" (2011,Documentary) « ESPNC 23 25 123 25 30for30 « 30for30 cc 30for30 cc H-Lite Ex. H-Li te Ex H-Lite Ex. H-Li te Ex. H-Lite Ex. ESPNN 24 63 124203 SportsCenter (N) (Live) « SportsCenter (N) H-Lite Ex. Highlight Express(N) (Live) *** "Despicable Me" (2010)Voices of SteveCarell. Premiere FAM 67 29 19 41 *"The Sanfa C/ause 3:TheEscape C/ause"(2006) Tim Allen (10:03) *** "DespicableMe" (2010,Comedy) Voicesof SteveCarell. FNC 57 61 36 50 JusticeWithJudgeJeanine(N) Ge r aldoatLargen'PG'cc The Journal Editorial Report cc Ju s tice With Judge Jeanine Geraldo at Large n 'PG' cc Red Eye *FOOD 17 62 98 44 TheNextlronChef: Redemption S u g a rDome Guy's DisneyHoliday Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives Iron Chef America HolidayBattle ** "Step Brothers" (2008,Comedy) Wil Ferrell, John C.Reily *** "Easy A" (2010,Comedy)EmmaStone, PennBadgley. FX 131 (5:00) ** "The Proposal" (2009)SandraBullock, RyanReynolds HGTV 17 49 33 43 High Low Proj. Hunters Int'I W hi t e House Christmas: Through White House Christmas 2012'G ' L o ve It or List It 'G' « House Hunters Hunters Int'I House Hunters Hunters Int'I *HIST 15 42 41 36 AxMen TheAxStops Here'14' Paw n Stars'PG' PawnStars'PG'Mankind TheStory of All of Us The Aztecs build amighty empire. 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' LIFE 13 39 20 31 "UnderfheMist/etoe"(2006, Drama)Jaime RayNewman.'PG' « Holly's Holiday"(2012)Claire Coffee.Premiere. 'PG' « "Dear Santa" (2011,Drama)AmyAcker, Brooklynn Proulx. « MSNBC 59 59 128 51 Lockup Lockup(N) Lockup: SanQuentin Lockup: SanQuentin Lockup Raw:ViolenceBehind Bars LockupInsideFolsom * "ScaryMovie2" (2001)n MTV 192 22 38 57 (5:40) Jersey Shoren'14' « (6:50) JerseyShoreAwkward! '14' Underemployed TheGig'14' « Catfish: The TV Show n '14 Jersey Shore Awkwardr'14' cc NICK 8 2 46 24 40 SpongeBob * * * "AFairlyOddChristmas" (2012) n 'PG' cc Victorious (N)'G' Marvin Marvin How to Rock(N) iCarly 'G' cc The Nanny 'PG' The Nanny 'PG' Friends n 'PG' (11:33) Friends Welcome toSweetie Pie's (N)'PG lyanla, Fix My Life n 'PG' « Welcome to Sweetie Pie's n 'PG' OWN 161 103 31 103Welcome to Sweetie Pie's 'PG' Wel come to Sweetie Pie's 'PG Welcome to Sweetie Pie's n 'PG' ROOT 20 45 28* 26 College Basketball Valparaiso atNewMexico(N) (Live) Boxing GoldenBoy Live; Luis Ramosvs. RicardoWiliams (N) College Basketball Valparaiso atNewMexico ** "Walking Tall(2004) " TheRock. A sheriff and a deputytry to rid their town of thugs SPIKE 132 31 34 46 (6:09) *** "Kick-Ass"(2010,Action) AaronJohnson.Anordinary teen decides tobecomea superhero. n (11:19)Doomn ** "Snowmageddon" (2011)Michael Hogan,David Cubitt. 'PG' « SYFY 13 35133 45 (5:00)**%e Quake"'PG' « The12 Disasters o/ Christmas" (2012)EdQuinn. Premiere. 'PG' "DoomsdayProphecy" (2011)'14 TBN 205 60 130 Hourof Power n'G' cc Billy GrahamClassic Crusades B e hind Scenes Just Where I Belong Our First Christmas Christian Ebner The King of The King of The King of The King of The Big Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang TheBigBang Wedding BandTommy mustfindsome Wedding BandTommymust find some 'TBS ' MA' « Queens rt 'PG' Queens n 'PG Queens n 'PG Queens n 'PG Theory n '14' Theory n '14' Theory n 'PG Theory n 'PG' lost instruments.(N)'MA' lost instruments. ** "AutumnLeaves" (1956, Drama)JoanCrawford, Cliff Robertson. Awoman ** "I/ Winter Comes"(1948,Romance) Walter Pidgeon, DeborahKerr. Writer ** "A Walk rn the SpnngRarn" (1970, (5:00) *** "Summerti m e" (1955, Ro TCM 101 44 101 29 mance) KatharineHepbum, cc learns that heryounghusbandis mentally unstable. « befriends pregnantgirl, loseswife andjob. « Romance)AnthonyQuinn. *TLC 17 34 32 34 Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress SayYes,Dress Say Yes,Dress Mario'sWedding To Be Announced Secrets of a TrophyWife (N) 'PG Mario's Wedding *** "TheTown" (2010) Ben Affleck. Awomandoesn't realize (4:45) *** "Inception" (2010)LeonardoDiCaprio, JosephGordon-Levitt. A thief *** "TheTown" (2010,CrimeDrama) BenAffleck, Rebecca Hall, Jon Hamm.Premiere. A woman *TNT enters people's dreams and steals their secrets. « doesn't realize thathernewbeau is abank robber. « that her newbeauis a bankrobber. *TOON 84 the Movie: Kyuremvs. theSword Pokemon BW Pokemon BW "Pokemon NinjaGo: Mstrs Venture Bros. F amily Guy '14' Family Guy '14' Cleveland Show BlackDynamite The Boondocks *TRAV 17 51 45 42 GhostAdventures'PG' cc GhostAdventures 'PG'« Ghost Adventures 'PG' « GhostAdventures 'PG'« Ghost Adventures 'PG'« Ghost Adventures 'PG'« Love-Raymond KingofQueens TVLND 65 47 2935 The CosbyShow TheCosbyShow The Cosby Show The Cosby Show The Cosby Show The Cosby Show Love.Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond ** "HowDo youKnow" (2010) ReeseWitherspoon, OwenWilson. Premiere. « USA 15 30 2330 ** "Coup/ esRetreat"(2009,Comedy)VinceVaughn,JasonBateman,Jon Favreau.« (11:05) ** "Coup/esRetreat VH1 191 48 37 54 (5:55)100GreatestKidStars'PG' B ehindtheMusicPink'PG'cc Basketball Wives LA n '14' Marrying, Game T.l. and Tiny T . l . and Tiny M o vie n 'MA' *A&E


** "TheRookie"1990, Action Clint Eastwood,RaulJulia. rr 'R' « 106 401 306401(6:05) *** "Secondhand Lions"2003MichaelCaine.rt'PG'« (10:05) **"TheRecruit" 2003, SuspenseAl Pacino, rt 'PG-13' « * "The Happening" 2008,ScienceFiction MarkWahlberg. 'R' « * "Just MyLuck"2006LindsayLohan,ChrisPine.'PG-13'« ** "Mumford"1999LorenDean. 104 204104120(5:00) *"The Happening"2008 34 Hooters Dream Girls '14 UFC Post Fight Show(N) (Live) U F C Post Fight Show UFC: Hendersonvs. DiazPrelims (N) 28 301 27 301(5:00) Golf EmiratesAustralianOpen,Final RoundFromSydney, Australia. (N) (Live) Golf ThailandGolf Championship, FinalRoundFromBangkok, Thailand

HALL 66 33 175 33"A HolidayEngagement"(2011, Comedy)Jordan Bridges. « Come DanceWith Me"(2012)AndrewMcCarthy. Premiere. 'G' « A Bridefor Christmas" (2012)Ariele Kebbel, AndrewWalker. 'G' « HBO 425 501 425501 (4:45) **** "Titanic"1997 LeonardoDiCaprio. n 'PG-13' cc ** "Journey 2:TheMysterious Island" 2012 'PG' (9:45) Boardwalk Empire n 'MA' (10:45) *** "Contagion" 2011Marion Cotillard. n ** "Escape FromL.A."1996, Action Kurt Russell, Stacy Keach.'R IFC 1 0 1 0 5 (5:00) ** "EscapeFromL.A (7:15) ** "Bound"1996,SuspenseJennifer Tily, Gina Gershon,JoePantoliano. 'R (11:45)Bound'R ** "Wanderlust" 2012 Paul Rudd. n 'R' cc MAX 400508 508 Whole9 yards (6:45)***"Bridesmaids"2011, ComedyKristenWiig, MayaRudolph. n'NR' cc Hunted SnowMaiden'MA' cc (11:40) Hunted NBCSN 27 58 30 209 College Basketball Boxing BryantJenningsvs. BowieTupou(N) (Live) NFL Turning Point 'PG' BoxingBryantJenningsvs.BowieTupou Alaska StateTroopers '14' NGC 157 157 D o omsday Preppers'14' DoomsdayPreppers'14 Alaska State Troopers '14' DoomsdayPreppers '14 DoomsdayPreppers '14 NTOON 89 115189115 Legend-Korra Legend-Korra Wild Grinders n Planet Sheen n Robot, Monster Odd Parents SpongeBob S p ongeBob Legend-Korra Legend-Korra D ragon Ball Z I r on Man: Armor

OUTD 37 30743 307 Raglin Outdoors Ultimate Hunting Trophy Quest SHO 500 500 (5:30) Dexter n Homeland BrokenHearts n 'MA' SPEED 35 303125 303 Pinks '14' Pinks '14' Pinks '14' STARZ 300 408300408 (5:30) * "TheSono/ NoOne" 'R TMC 525 525 (5:30) ** "Stee/Dawn"1987'R *WE

14 41 174118 Wedding- Davc Unveiled

Most Wanted Outfitter Boot E xpedition Saf Ted Nugent C r aig MorganWest. Extremes High Places C o mmander Ma t hew's Dom * "TheThree Musketeers" 2011 n 'PG-13' « War Horse *** «War Horse"2011EmilyWatson. Ahorse seesjoy andsorrow during World WarI. Pinks '14' AMA Supercross RacingSanDiego2012 Unique Whips '14' *** "Thinlce"2011 GregKmnear. 'R' « (7:10) ** "TheVow"2012RachelMcAdams.n 'PG-13'« (10:35) ** "BadTeacher" 2011CameronDiaz. n ** "Suspect Zero" 2004Aaron Eckhart. 'R (7:15) *** "50/50" 2011JosephGordon-Levitt. rt 'R' « (10:45)"EvilEyes" 2004AdamBaldwin. n 'R' cc *** "Return toMe"2000, RomanceDavid Duchovny. 'PG WeddingDav.:Unveiled WeddingDav.:Unveiled WeddingDav.:Unveiled

THE BULLETIN «DECEMBER 8 — 14, 2012 *In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/Black Butte (Digital); PM-Prineville/Madras; SR-Sunriver; L-La Pine



c II


Good Morning America (N) «
















KATU News This Morning - Sun(N) n «

Your Voice, Your Derm Exclusive! This WeekWith George Stephanopou- Secret to a Danc- Paid Program 'G' Vote er's Body 'G' (ABC) los (N) 'G' « KTVZ 0 Q 0 Q Pa id Program Paid Program Today GreenMondaypreview; theholi Meet the Press Sen.Dick Durbin; Rep. The Chris Mat- Real Green (N) Figure Skating ISUGrandPrix FinalFromScchi, Russia. n cc 'G' cc (NBC) days. (N) n « Kevin McCarthy.(N)« thews Show'G' Liberty's Kids n CBS NewsSunday Morning BrunoMars; EwanMcGregor Face the Nation (N) n « The NFLToday (N)(Live) « Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program KBNZ (EI) 'Y7' (CBS) Andy Serkis. (N) n cc This WeekWith GeorgeStephanopou- Today's Hom- Paid Program Fat Loss for Food Steel Dreams JudgeJudy n Judge Joe Brown KOHD 0 0 0 Q Pa id Program Sports Stars of Good Morning America (N) « 'G'cc 'PQ' cc n 'PG' Tomorrow 'Y7' eowner Lovers 'G' (ABC) los (N) 'G' « Animal Rescue n The RealWinning FOX NewsSunday With Chris Wallace FOX NFLSunday (N) n (Live) 'PG' cc NFL Football DallasCowboysat Cincinnati Bengals FromPaul BrownStadium in KFXO Itg IK) @ g) PaidProgram Paid Program n 'PG' cc (El) 'G' cc Edge 'G' (FOX) Cincinnati. (N) n (Live) « Thomas & Friends Bob the Builder 'YGolf: The Inner 3 Steps to Incredible Health! With Joel Fuhrman,M.D. Dr. Joel Fuhrmandis- Earth Songs n KOAB ~ gy ~ gy Betsy's Kinder Angelina Ballerina: Mister Rogers' Daniel Tiger's 'Q' cc Neighborhood Neighborhood n y cc(DVS) Game 'G' cc (PBS) garten Next cusses a diet richwith nutrients. n 'G' cc NewsChannel 8 atSunrise (N) cc NewsChannel 8 atSunrise at 7:00 AM(N) « Meet the Press Sen.Dick Durbin; Rep. Figure Skating ISUGrandPrix FinalFromSochi, Russia. n « KGW (NBC) Kevin McCarthy.(N) « KTVZDT2 Q Q Q Q Zumba Fitness 3. Philosophy Box of Ultimate Cutting paid program Paid Program In Touch With Dr. Charles Stanley (N) Key of David P aid Program Paid Program Animal Science n Elizabeth's Great n'G' cc 'PQ' cc For-FREE 'PG' Miracles (El) 'G' cc Tool Big World (CW) OPBPL 175 173 o r ganic-michele CEO Global The Aviators 'G' Saving-Ocean Between, Lines Your Turn-Care Golf: The Inner 3 Steps to Incredible Health! With Joel Fuhrman,M.D. n 'G' cc Earth Songs 'G' KATU

Criminal MindsSearchingfor afemale Criminal Minds Rcadkill Vehicular homi Criminal Minds Amplification Deadly Shipping Wars Shipping Wars Shipping Wars Shipping Wars 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc cides. n '14' cc virus is released. n '14' cc Mad MenTheNewGirl Joanfinds Dona MadMenMaidenformDonandDucktry Mad MenThe GoldViolin Donbuysa Mad MenPeggycontributes on achurch *** "Miracle"(2004, Drama)Kurt Russell, Patricia Clarkson, NoahEmmerich. 'AMC secretary. '14' « to makepeace. '14' « new car PG « project. 'PG' « The U.S.Olympichockeyteam beats the Soviet team.« *ANPL 68 50 26 38 MostExtreme MostExtreme Weird, True W e i rd, True Un t amed and Uncut n '14' cc Dogs 101 n 'PG' cc Dogs101 n 'PG' « Wild Kingdom n 'G' cc BRAVO 137 4 4 Sh a hs of Sunset WaitingMJ for Shahs of Sunset '14' Shahs of Sunset The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Real Housewives of Atlanta Shahs of Sunset '14' CMT 190 32 42 53 CMTMusicn'PG' CMT Music n 'PG' CMT Music n 'PG' CMT Music 'PG' CMT Artists of the Year2012 n 'PG' cc CMT Insider 'PG' Top 20 Count. CNBC 54 36 40 52 CookSafe Hai r Loss Say No to Botox! Cindy Crawford Paid Program Kitchen Cook Safe Ne w Keurig Zumba Fit Coo k Safe No Defrosting Cook Safe CNN 55 38 35 48 StateoftheUnion Fareed ZakariaGPS(N) Reliable Sources(N) « State of the Union Fareed Zakaria GPS The Next List C NN Newsroom Top Kitchen! COM 135 53 135 47 Top Chef Meals! Paid Program Cindy Crawford (8:15) ** "BeverlyHilsCopl" (1987, Comedy)Eddie Murphy. « (10:15) * "SavingSilverman"(2001)Jason Biggs, SteveZahn. cc COTV 11 (5:30) City Club of Central Oregon Desert Cooking Oregon Joy of Fishing Journal Get Outdoors V i sions of NW Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program CSPAN 61 20 12 11 (4:00) Washington Journal Newsmakers W ashington ThisW eek W ashington ThisW eek ** "Full-Court Miracle"n 'G' 'DIS 87 43 14 39 Little Einsteins Octonautsn'Y' Mickey Mouse Doc McStuffins Mickey Mouse Never Land Ph i neas, Ferb P hineas, Ferb Good-Charhe J e ssie G « *DISC 156 21 16 37 PaidProgramn KeyofDavid Teeter HangUps Michael Youssef Joel Osteen 'PG' (8:27) In Touch Ghost Town Gold n 'PG' cc Jungle Gold ArmedRobbery '14' Gold RushGameChanger n 'PG' *E! 136 2 5 Sup erfood Paid Program E! News(N) Fashion Police '14' Giuliana I Bill 'PG' Giuliana & Bill Boy orGirl? 'PG Giuliana & Bill 'PG ESPN 21 23 22 23 SportsCenter(N) (Live) cc Sunday NFL Countdown (N) (Live) « PBA Bowling WTBABayer Advanced Aspirin WorldTour Finals cc ESPN2 22 24 21 24 2012HeismanTrophyPresentation Outside Lines Sports Reporters Fantasy Football Now(N)(Live) Air and Style: Beijing (N) Billiards ESPNC 23 25 123 25 Bassmasters cc The Real Rocky cc 30for30 cc 30 for 30 cc The Fab Five cc H-Lite Ex. ESPNN 24 63 124203 H-Lite Ex. SportsCenter « SportsCenter « SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) « ** "Snow"(2004)TomCavanagh, AshleyWiliams. 'PG *** "Snowglobe" (2007)Christina Milian, LorraineBracco. 'PG FAM 67 29 19 41 Joseph Prince Sunday Mass Rudolph's Shiny New Year 'G' FNC 57 61 36 50 (3:00)FOXandFriendsSunday(N) News HQ Housecall (N) America's NewsHeadquarters (N) America's News Headquarters (N) Fox NewsSunday *FOOD 177 62 98 44 GetSubD Say No to Pain Best Dishes B ' f oot Contessa Pioneer Wo. Trisha's Sou. Rachael Ray'sWeekinaDay'G All Star Cookies (N) SandwichKing Best- Made *** "TheDevilWearsPrada" (2006, Comedy)Meryl Streep,Anne Hathaway. ***"EasyA"(2010)EmmaStone,PennBadgley. FX 131 Say No to Botox! Total Gym Smarter Smarter HGTV 176 49 33 43 GetSubD Cindy Crawford Love It or List It 'G' cc Love It or List It 'G' cc Love It or List It 'G' cc Love Itor List It'G' cc Love It or List It 'G' cc *HIST 155 42 41 36 EZGuitar Save-CarMD Modern Marvels 'PG' cc Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' LIFE 138 39 20 31 Nopalea Muffin Top? 'G' In Touch With Dr. Charles Stanley Hour of Power David Jeremiah Joel Osteen 'PG' Cindy Crawford Old Christine O l d Christine ** "A NannyforChnstmas" MSNBC 59 59 128 51 (5:00) UpW/Chris Hayes(N) Melissa Harris-Perry (N) Weekends With Alex Witt (N) Meet the Press cc MTV 192 22 38 57 Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness NICK 82 46 2440 OddParents OddParents Odd Parents O d d Parents Power Rangers SpongeBob SpongeBob S p ongeBob SpongeBob S p ongeBob TeenageMut. SpongeBob Dr. Phil n (Part 2 of 2)'PG' eccs Dr. Phil n '14' « Dr. Philn'PG' « OWN 161 103 31 103 Dr. Philn (Par!1 of2) 'PG' « Super Soul Sunday n 'PG' « Super SoulSunday(N) n 'PG ROOT 20 45 28* 26 LightRelief Smarter Than? Relieve pain Nutribullet Above the Rest Paid Program HawgQuest(N) Joy of Fishing Griot's Garage Health Forum Fat Loss Sports Unlimited SPIKE 132 31 34 46 HenryRifles Total Gym Save-CarMD SuperFood Cindy Crawford Insane Bodies! Xtreme 4x4 'G HorsepowerTV Trucks! 'G' « M u s cleCar 'G Bar Rescue Bikini Bust n 'PG' SYFY 133 35 133 45 Cook Safe Zumba Fit No Defrosting Paid Program Total Gym Cook Safe Deal-Dark Side Anaconda 3:Offspring" (2008) DavidHasselhoff, Crystal Allen. 'PG Anacondas TBN 205 60 130 Kingdom Conn David Jeremiah Kenneth Hagin Winning Walk Miracle For You Redemption 'G Love/Finding In Touch 'PG' PowerPoint It I s Written 'G' Bayless Conley Behind Scenes Married... With Married... With Home Improve- Home Improve- Friends n 'PG' cc Friends 'PG' cc Fnends PG cc Friends Pilot n Wedding BandTommymust find some ** "This Christmas" (2007)Delroy 'TBS n 'PG' Children n 'PG' ment G « 'PQ' cc ment 'G' « lostmstruments. MA « Lindo, Idris Elba. « ** "SusanSlept Here" (1954, Comedy)Dick Powell, DebbieReynolds. A Hcl(5:30) * "Tenth Avenue Angel " (1948) A Night at the Movies MerryChristmas! *** "The RomanSpring ol Mrs.Stone" (1961,Drama)Vivien Leigh. Anex-acTCM Margaret O'Brien. « lywood scriptwriter getscustody of ateen vagrant. « Exploring iconicholiday films. tress widowfalls in love with ayounggigolo in Rome. « *TLC 178 34 32 34 Hoover Wind B o x of Miracles Faith-Dr. Frederick K.C. Price Nutribullet Cle a n Homes! Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Law & Order Awealthy youngwomanis Law &Order CityHall Agunmanstorms Law & Order ScrambledAn embryolo- Law & Order Fallout Emigre'sdeath Law & Order Executioner Adoctor is *TNT 17 26 15 27 Law&Order RemandAfaiseleadmay free a rapist. n '14' found dead. n '14' City Hall. '14' «(DVS) gist is murdered. n '14' seems to be terrorism. n '14' found murdered. n '14' *TOON 84 Looney Tunes Looney Tunes Dragons: Riders NinjaGo: Mstrs Beywheelz 'Y7' Pokemon BW Ben 10 StarWars:Clone JohnnyTest'Y7' Johnny Test'Y7' "Tom andJerry Blast 0/l to Mars!" *TRAV 179 51 45 42 PaidProgram Superfood When Vacations Attack 'PG' « Myst eries at the Museum 'PG Outrageous BeachHomes 'G' A m azing Wate rfrontHomes 'G' Luxurious LogHomes 'PG'« TVLND 65 47 29 35 Roseanne'PG' (6:36) Roseanne (7:12) Roseanne n 'PG'cc (7:48) Roseanne (8:24) Roseanne Roseanne'PG' Roseanne 'PG' Roseanne 'PG' Roseanne 'PG' Roseanne 'PG' Roseanne 'PG' USA 15 30 23 30 CookSafe EasyMeals Cook Safe Dav i d Jeremiah Atmosphere J o e l Osteen 'PG Burn Notice BestLaidPlans 'PG' N C IS My Other Left Foot n 'PG' NC I S One Shot, Ki One ll 'PG' « VH1 191 48 37 54 JumpStartn'PG' Jump Start n 'PG Top 20 VideoCountdown n 'PG' Top 20 VideoCountdown n 'PG Saturday Night Live n '14' cc Saturday Night Live n '14' cc *A&E 130 130 28 28 18 18 32 32 Beauty CindyC.-Ageless SayNotoPain'G serial killer. n '14' cc

** "Alice inWonderland" 1999 106401 306401 SpyKids 3: Gm (6:40) *"Billy Madison"1995AdamSandler. « (8:10) ** "Click"2006, ComedyAdamSandler. n 'PG-13' « (11:10)"Alice in Wonderland"1999 ** "The Siege" 1998,Action DenzelWashington. 'R' « 104204104120OurManFlint (6:45) ** "S.p.y S"1974, ComedyDonaldSutherland. 'PG' « (8:20) ** "The Terrorists"1975SeanConnery 34 UFC Post Fight Show Road Champ. Road Champ. Boxing HugoCazaresvs. DanielDiaz Surfing Surfing 28 301 27 301 EuroPGA Gol f Thailand Golf Championship, Final RoundFromBangkok, Thailand. Golf EmiratesAustralian Open, FinalRoundFromSydney, Australia ** "Once Upon aChristmas" (2000, Fantasy)JohnDye. 'G' « HALL 66 33 175 33 *** "The Three Gifts"(2009, Drama)DeanCain. 'PG' « A HolidayEngagement"(2011, Comedy)Jordan Bridges. « HBO 425 501 425501 (6:15) * "Glitter" 2001,DramaMariah Carey, Da Brat. n 'PG-13' cc ** "George ol theJungle" 1997BrendanFraser. Witness n (Part 4 of 4)'MA' « 24/7 Pacquiao ** "Johnny English Reborn"n IFC 105 105 Bro thers Grim Dil b ert n 'PG Dilbert n 'PG' D i lbert n 'PG' D i lbert n 'PG' D i lbert Y2K 'PG' Whitest Kids W h i test Kids "FromWithin"2008, Horror Elizabeth Rice,ThomasDekker. 'R ** "A Very Harold &Kumar3DChristmas" 2011 MAX 400 508 508 (4:40) ** "Mo'BetterBlues" 'R (6:50) *** "Kung FuPanda2" 2011 n 'PG' cc (8:20) *** "ExtremelyLoud &Incredibly Close" 2011TomHanks NBCSN 27 58 30209DobbsAlive Ha n k Parker3-DPrimal Instinct North to Alaska Outdoor Secrets NA Hunter Optik Quests W i ld Skies FLW Outdoors (N)'G Bill Dance Fis h ing/Martin Wicked TunaSize Matters '14' Wicked Tuna'14 NGC 157 157 2 0 12: Countdown to Armageddon Evacuate Earth Anevacuation scenario before acosmiccollision. '14 Wicked Tuna '14' NTOON 89 115189115 NFLRushZone Dragonball GT Power Rangers Power Rangers Wild Grinders n Wild Grinders n Planet Sheen n Planet Sheen(N) Monsuno n 'Y7' Dragonball GT Monsuno n 'Y7' Monsuno n 'Y7' OUTD 37 307 43 307 Driven TV PBR Outdoors King of Bucks Amer. Archer Drop Zone HSThe Stuff of The Choice Outdoor America Bass Pro Shops Jackie Bushman West. Extremes Magnum TV *** "The Company Men"2010BenAf fl eck.'R SHO 500 500 ** "ThePri nce& Me"2004JuliaStiles,LukeMably.n 'PG'« Inside the NFL n 'PG' « Jim Rome onShowtime 'PG' War Horse2011 SPEED 35 303125303Guys Garage My ClassicCar My Classic Car Chop-Rebuild Drag Boats D r ag Boats GermanTouring Cars(N) Road Champ Guys Garage Guys Garage STARZ 300408300408 JohnCarter « (6:20) ** "Cars 2" 2011Voices cf OwenWilson. 'G (8:15) *** "13Going on 30"2004Jennifer Garner. n 'PG-13' « (10:10) **"BadTeacher" 2011,ComedyCameron Diaz. n 'R' « "Across theLine: Exodus ***"HomeFront"2006,Documentaryn 'NR' TMC 5 25 5 2 5 (8:35) * "Spy Kids:All theTimein theWorld"2011 (10:05) ** "The DecoyBride" 2011,Alice Eve 'PG' Freakonomics *WE 143 41 174118 Peak Fit Zumba Dance Mary MaryFutureShock Mary Mary Onthe Brink Mary MaryEricagives birth. Mary MaryRoadTest Bridezillas Erica 8 Delilah '14 ENCR FMC FUEL GOLF



TV • PAGE 7 *In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/Black Butte (Digital); PM-Prineville/Madras; SR-Sunriver; L-La Pine

DECEMBER 8 — 14, 2012















Extreme Makeover: HomeEdition Extreme Makeover: HomeEdition Natural Advantage CashCab'G' « KATU Newsat 5 ABC World News Zdroj Family, Part 1 'PG' « Zdroj Family, Part 2 'PG' « (ABC) (N)n cc N B C Nightly News Football Night in America BobCostasandothers recap the NFL Football: KTVZ O O O O Golf Franklin TempleShootout, ton Final RoundFromTiburon Golf Club at The Ritz-Carlton Golf Resort in Naples,Fla. (N) Trout TV 'G' day's NFLhighlights. (N) n (Live) '14' « (NBC) n (Live) cc (N) cc Lions at Packers Skiing DeerValley Celebrity Skifest NFL Football Miami Dolphins at SanFrancisco49ers FromCandlestick Park inSanFrancisco. (N)(Live) « Exploration W/ Explore the North Holiday Fat CBS Evening KBNZ From DeerValley, Utah. cc (CBS) Jarod Miller west Buster! G News (N) cc Extreme Makeover: HomeEdition Inside Edition The Insider (N) KEZI9Newsat5 ABC World News KOHD O O O O * * * "The Station Agent" (2003,Drama)Peter Dinklage, Patricia Clarkson. Two Extreme Makeover: HomeEdition Zdroj Family, Part1'PG' « Zdroj Family, Part 2 'PG' « Weekend 'PG' cc (ABC) people try to befriend ananti-social dwarf. (N) cc TheOT(N) n CSE MiamiBolt Action Volleyball players KFXO IIg IE) @ IEI (10:00) NFLFootball DallasCowboysat NFLFootball Arizona Cardinals at Seattle SeahawksFromCenturyLink Field in Seattle. (N) n (Live) cc (FOX) Cincinnati Bengals(N) (Lrve) PG cc die suddenly. n '14' « Motown: Big Hits andMore(My Music) Original Motownclassics from 1958to Easy Yoga for Arthritis With Peggy Oscar Hammerstein II — Out of My Dreams n 'G' cc KOAB ~ gy ~ gy (11:30) Earth Qi Gong: Deeper Flow With Lee Songs 'G' cc H o l den n 'G' cc Cappy n 'G' cc (PBS) 1968 featuresextendedstereomixesand radio classics. n 'G' Golf Franklin TempletonShootout, Final RoundFromTiburonGolf Club at The Ritz-Carlton Golf Resort in Naples,Fla. (N) Paid Program Paid Program Football Night in America BobCostasandothers recap the NFL Football: KGW day's NFL highlights. (N) n (Live) '14' « Lions at Packers (NBC) n (Live) cc KTVZDT2 IE) ~ g) @ Live Life and Win! Made in Holly. *** "TheMajestic" (2001,Comedy-Drama)Jim Carrey, Martin Landau,Laurie Holden.Citizensembraceanamnesiac write "TheLast Run"(2005, Comedy)Fred Savage,AmyAdams, StevenPasquale. An 'G' cc wood: Teen as one of their own. « accountant embarks ona series of sexual conquests. « (CW) OPBPL 175 17 3 E a rth SOngS 'G' Qi GOng: Deeper FIOW With Lee M O tOWn: Big HitSMOre and (My MuSiC) n 'G' cc Easy Yoga for Arthritis Oscar Hammerstein II — Out of My Dreams'G' cc KATU

Cash Cab 'G' «Cash Cab 'G' «Edenpure Heater Paid Program

Shipping Wars Dog the Bounty DogtheBounty Dog theBounty Dog the Bounty Panic 9-1-1 Agunmanstarts shooting in Panic 9-1-1 A pregnantwomanencoun- Storage Wars Storage Wars 'PG' cc Hunter 'PG' Hunter 'PG' Hu n ter 'PG' Hunter 'PG' a store. '14' cc ters a stalker. '14' cc Texas 'PG' Tex as 'PG' (10:00) *** "Miracle"(2004, Drama) ** "The Lake House"(2006, Romance)KeanuReeves, Sandra Bullock. A doctor ** nyottingHill" (1999, Romance-Comedy)Julia Roberts, HughGrant, HughBonnevile. Premiere. A bookseller and a movie 'AMC Kurt Russell. « and a frustratedarchitect fall in loveacrosstime. cc star have anunlikely romance.« *ANPL 68 50 26 38 WildKingdomn'G'cc Gator BoysWarriorGator n 'PG' Gator Boys Stormin'Gators'PG' Gator Boys AlligatorFace-Ofi 'PG' Gator Boys Love atFirst Bite'PG Gator Boys n 'PG' cc BRAVO 137 4 4 Th e Real Housewives of Atlanta T h e Real Housewives of Atlanta The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Real Housewives of Atlanta R e al Housewives/Beverly Real Housewives/Beverly Reba 'PG' cc Reba 'PG' cc R e ba 'PG' cc CMT 190 32 42 53 (11:30)Top20Countdownn'PG' (2:15) ** "Starsky &Hutch" (2004, Comedy)BenStiler, Owen Wilson. n CNBC 54 36 40 52 PaidProgram PaidProgram Cook Safe Cin dy CrawfordWEN Hair Care DeepClean Joh n Denver C a rol Burnett D i abetes Life W a ll St. JournalDanger. Rich S ecret Lives of CNN 55 38 35 48 YourMoney(N) CNN Newsroom(N) CNN Newsroom(N) CNN Newsroom(N) CNN Newsroom(N) Who is Black in America (N) COM 135 53 135 47 (12:15) Futurama (12:45) Futurama (1:15) Futurama (1:45) Futurama (2:15) ** "Austin Powers in Goldmember" (2002) Mike Myers,BeyonceKnowles. cc (4:16) ** "Semi-Pro"(2008)Will Ferrell cc COTV 11 Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Joy of Fishing Adv Journal G e t Outdoors V i sions of NW City Club of Central Oregon CSPAN 61 20 12 11 (11:00) Washington ThisWeek Newsmakers Washington ThisWeek Q&A 'DIS 87 43 14 39 Full-Coud Mir. Phineas, Ferb * * "T inker Bell and Great the Fairy Rescue" n Pixie Hollow A.N.T. Farm'G' Phineas, Ferb Phineas, Ferb Phineas, Ferb Good-Charlie G ood-Charlie *DISC 156 21 16 37 GOldRuShROadtOGOldn'PG' Ame r iCanChOppern'PG'cc JesseJames:Outlaw Garage'14' Fast N' Loud Scotquits. '14' cc Moo nshiners n '14' cc Moonshiners n '14' cc *E! 136 2 5 Giu l iana&Bill'PG Giuliana & Bill 'PG Giuliana I Bill 'PG Giuliana & Bill 'PG' Giuliana & Bill 'PG' Giuliana & Bill Meetthe Duke! 'PG' ESPN 21 23 22 23 30 for 30 30 for 30 30 for 30 SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc Bowl Mania ESPN2 22 24 21 24 Billiards Billiards 2012 World Series of Poker 2012 World Series of Poker FinalTableFromLasVegas World Series of Poker - Europe *** "Gunnin' forThatNo. I Spot" (2008, Documentary) « ESPNC 23 25 123 25 **** "Hoop Dreams"(1994)Wiliam Gates. Profiles twoChicagoNBAhopefuls fromage14 to18. « The Dotted Line cc ESPNN 24 63 124203 SportsCenter (N) (Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) ss SportsCenter (N) SportsNation S portsNation S p ortsCenter (N) "Santa Baby"(2006,Comedy)JennyMcCarthy, GeorgeWendt. 'PG FAM 67 29 19 41 "12 Dates o/Christmas" (2011) AmySmart, Mark-PaulGosselaar. 'PG' Santa Baby 2:ChristmasMaybe" (2009) JennyMcCarthy. 'PG FNC 57 61 36 50 Journal Editorial FOX News Ame rica's News Headquarters (N) Fox NewsSunday FOX Report(N) Huckabee(N) *FOOD 17762 98 44 Best Dishes P i Guy's DisneyHoliday o n eer Wo. R es t aurant: Impossible 'G Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives Diners, Drive-Ins andDives Mystery Diners Health Inspect ** "27 Dresses"(2008,Romance-Comedy)KatherineHeigl,JamesMarsden ** "TheProposal" (2009)SandraBullock. A womanpretends tobeengaged to evadedeportation. FX 131 (10:30) Easy A HGTV 176 49 33 43 Love lt or Listlt'G' « Property Brothers'G' cc Property Brothers 'G' « Property Brothers'G' cc Property Brothers 'G' cc Property Brothers'G' « *HIST 155 42 41 36 Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' LIFE 138 39 20 31 (11:00)"ANanny/orChristmas" "TheRoadtoChristmas"(2006)JenniferGrey,ClarkGregg.'PG'« "Love attheChristmas Table" (2012)DanicaMcKellar. 'PG' « Hollys Hokday(2012) PG « MSNBC 59 59 128 51 MSNBCLive(N) Caught on CameraHostage Caught on Camera Caught on Camera Caught onCamera(N) *** "MeanGirls" (2004,Comedy)LindsayLohan, RachelMcAdams,Tina Fey.n MTV 192 22 38 57 Jersey Shore Awkward! '14' « Catfish: The TVShow n '14 Teen Mom 2Life GoesOnn 'PG' T een Mom 2 *** "A Fairly OddChristmas" (2012) n 'PG' « NICK 82 46 2440 SpongeBob SpongeBob W inx Club (N)n Odd Parents Odd Parents K u ng Fu Panda SpongeBob V i c torious n 'G' iCarly 'G' cc MissRepresentation" (2011)Anexploration of womenin America. n Oprah's Next Chapter 'PG'es Oprah's Next Chapter n 'PG OWN 161 103 31 103 TheBest of the Oprah Show 'PG' The Best of the Oprah Show 'PG ROOT 20 45 28* 26 Sports Unlimited Action Sports World Tour Cooktop XTERRAAdvent. Men's Health P l anet X Square Tennis ChampionsSeries: PhiladelphiaRafter vs. McEnroe SPIKE 132 31 34 46 (12:08) BarRescue n 'PG' (1:15) BarRescueOnthe Rocksn 'PG (2:23) *** "Kick-Ass" (2010,Action) AaronJohnson, ChristopherMintz-Plasse. n (5:14) ** "Walking Tall"(2004) * "Anaconda" (1997,Suspense) Jennifer Lopez,Ice Cube. « *"ln the Name o/the King: A DungeonSiege Tale"(2007) JasonStatham. « SYFY 133 35 133 45 (11:30) "Anacondas: Trail o/ Blood"(2009)'14' TBN 205 60130 King IsComing Kingdom Conn. John Hagee MarriageToday Joseph Pri nce Gregory Dickow T.D. Jakes'G' Joyce Meyer Leading theWay TheBlessed Life JoelOsteen'PG' KerryShook ** "Daddy's Little Girls" (2007, Romance)Gabriele Union, Idris Elba. Apoor ** "Ty/er Perry's Madea Goesto Jail" (2009,Comedy)Tyler Perry,DerekLuke. "I Can DoBadA/I 'TBS 6 27 1 1 28 (1 1:00) **"This Christmas"(2007)DelroyLindo. A reunion at the holidays tests family ties. « mechani candanattorneyshareanunexpectedromance.« Madea raiseshell behindbars. «(DVS) By Myself" **** "Harper" (1966,Mystery) PaulNewman,Lauren Bacall. Adetective uncov- (2:15) *** "Anatomyola Murder" (1959,Drama)JamesStewart, LeeRemick, BenGazzara. A country lawyer defends an *** vWe'reNoAnge/s" (1955)Hum TCM ers murder in asearchfor a missing man.« Army officer accusedof murder. « phrey Bogart, AldoRay. « *TLC 178 34 32 34 Mario & Courtney's Wedding Fiesta n 'PG' « Secrets of a TrophyWife n 'PG Hoarding: Buried Alive 'PG' « Hoa r ding: Buried Alive '14' « Hoarding: Buried Alive 'PG' « *** "Inception" (2010,ScienceFiction) LeonardoDiCaprio, JosephGordon-Levitt, Ellen Page.Athief enterspeople's (3:15) *** "Assault on Precinct 13" (2005,Action) Ethan Hawke,LaurenceFishburne, JohnLeguiza- ** "S.W.A.T." *TNT dreams andsteals their secrets. cc mo. Gunmen attack a crumbling police station to kill a gangster. « (2003) Premiere. *TOON 84 Tom andJerry Johnny Test 'Y7' Johnny Test 'Y7' Wrld, Gumball Wrld, Gumball Annoying Annoying Reg u lar Show Regular Show Adventure Time Adventure Time Adventure Time *TRAV 179 51 45 42 SandwichParadise'G' cc Hamburger Paradise 'G' cc Deep Fned Paradise 'G' « Chnstmas Crazier G « Christmas Rush 'G' « Toy Hunter 'G' « TVLND 65 47 29 35 Happily Divorced Happily Divorced Hot in Cleveland Hot in Cleveland The Cosby Show The Cosby Show The CosbyShow The CosbyShow The Cosby Show The Cosby Show Roseanne 'PG' Roseanne 'PG' 'PG' USA 15 30 23 30 NCISTonygoesundercover.'PG' N C ISThemurderofaMarine. NCISBoredhousewives.'14'« NCIS Light Sleeper n 'PG' « NCIS Head Casen 'PG' « NCIS AgentAfloat n '14' « VH1 191 48 37 54 SaturdayNightLiven'14'cc MostShocking Musi cMoments MostShockingMusicMoments Most ShockingMusicMoments MostShocking Musi cMoments Most ShockingMusicMoments *A&E 130 28 18 32 ShiPPing 'PG' cc Wars

** "AnUnfinished Life"2005 RobertRedford. « (2:15) *** "Silverado"1985,WesternKevin Kline, Scott Glenn. n 'PG-13' « *** "Meno/ Honor" 2000 'R' FXM Presents *** "Frequnecy"2000,FantasyDennisQuaid,Jim Caviezel.'PG-13' a« 34 Surfing UFC Tonight (N) UFC All Angles UFC All Angles Training Day '14' UFC: Hendersonvs. Diaz Prelims 28 301 27 301(10:00) Golf EmiratesAustralianOpen, Final RoundFromSydney,Australia Golf Central (N) Golf ThailandGolf Championship,Final RoundFromBangkok, Thailand. Golf HALL 66 33 175 33 "Hitchedforthe Holidays" (2012) JoeyLawrence. 'PG' « Come DanceWith Me" (2012, Romance)AndrewMcCarthy. 'G' « TheCasefor Christmas" (2011, Fantasy)DeanCain. 'PG' « *** "Rio"2011 Voicesof AnneHathaway. n 'G HBO 425501 425501 JohnnyEnglish (12:45) ** "Anchormen:TheLegendol RonBurgundy" 2004'PG-13 (2:35) * "SomethingBorrowed" 2011Ginnifer Goodwin.'PG-13' cc * "Orca" 1977,Horror RichardHarris, Charlotte Rampling. 'PG * "Friday the13th: TheFinal Chapter"1984 Kimberly Beck. 'R IFC 1 05 10 5 * * "T he Eye" 2008, Horror Jessica Alba, AlessandroNivola. 'PG-13 ** "LastManStanding"1996 Bruce Wilis. 'R' cc MAX 400508 508 Hunted Snow Maiden 'MA'cc (2:40) ** "TheEagle" 2011,Action ChanningTatum. n 'PG-13' cc (4:35) *** "Chronicle" 201Dane 2 DeHaan. cc NBCSN 27 58 30 209 Bill Dance Fishing/Martin Fight Night 36 SRT Viper Cup RacerTV(N) 'G' RacerTV (N)'G Motorsports Hour(N)'14 Elk Fever 'PG' Dangerous Bucks Tecomate Whitetail Revol. Wicked TunaMutiny at Sea'14 Wicked TunaPirate Problems'14' Wicked Tuna '14 Dragon Wars: Fire andFury 'PG' NGC 157 15 7 W i ckedTunaManv.Storm'14 Wicked TunaGrudgeMatch'14 NTOON 89 115189115 Monsuno n 'Y7' Monsuno n 'Y7' Monsuno n 'Y7' Monsuno n 'Y7' Monsuno n 'Y7' Monsuno n 'Y7' Monsuno n 'Y7' Monsuno n 'Y7' T.U.F.F. Puppy T.U.F.F. Puppy Odd Parents O d d Parents OUTD 37 307 43 307 Team Elk The Flush Ducks Unlimited Profess. Addicted, Out. Tracks, Africa Live 2 Hunt Mathew's Dom Mathews The Crush Hunt Adventure Wildgame Nation ***"The King's Speech"2010Colin Firth. n 'R' « SHO 500 500 (11:45) *** "War Horse"2011 EmilyWatson. n 'PG-13' « (2:15) *** "Fright Night"2011,Horror AntonYelchin. n 'R' « SPEED 35 303125303 GuysGarage Guys Garage Auto Racing Australian V8Supercars SydneySydneyTelstra 500. (N) SPEED Center Test Drive Goo dwood Revival (N) *** "Thinlce" 2011 GregKinnear. n 'R' ss STARZ 300 408 300408 (11:50) ** "Lordsol Dogtown" 2005Emile Hirsch (1:45) ** "John Carter" 2012,ScienceFiction TaylorKitsch. n 'PG-13' « BadTeacher n ** "Limelight"2011, Documentary n 'NR' « TMC 525 525 (11:35) ** "Freakonomics"2010 (1:10) "DirtyLittle Trick" 2011Dean Cain. 'NR' « (2:40) ** "Broken F/owers" 2005 Bill Murray. n 'R' « *WE 143 41 174118 Bridezillas Delilah & Tasha '14' Brid ezillas TashaMoll & y '14 Bridezillas WhereAre They Now? Bridezillas Erica & Krystal '14 Bridezillas Krystal &Gabrielle '14' B r idezillas Gabrielle 8 Kym'14' ENCR FMC FUEL GOLF

106401 306401 Alice-Wonder. (1225) ***"Twins"1988 ArnoldSchwarzenegger 104204104120 *** "The Road"2009,DramaViggo Mortensen.'R'«

THE BULLETIN «DECEMBER 8 — 14, 2012 *In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/Black Butte (Digital); PM-Prineville/Madras; SR-Sunriver; L-La Pine





e II

















Prep & Landing: "ChristmasWithHolly" (2012, Drama)SeanFaris. Premiere. A womanfalls in love KATU Newsat11 (11:35) Castle n 'PQ' cc Naughty vs. Nice with a manwhocares for his orphanedniece. n 'PG' « (ABC) (N)n cc (8:40) Extra(N)n CastleDeepinDeathAdeadmanis DatelineNBCn'PG'cc NewsChannel 21 Everybody Loves KTVZ O O O O 'PQ' cc (NBC) tangled in tree limbs. 'PG' cc at11 (N) cc R a ymond Burn Notice FalseFlag Estrangedhus- 60 Minutes False confessions; Hugh The Amazing RaceTake DownThat Milion Contestants face aterrifying road The Mentalist Investigating ayoung KOIN Local6at11 (11:35) Cold Case KBNZ '14' cc (CBS) band disappearswith son. 'PG' Jackman.(N) n cc block. (N) n 'PG' cc botanist's death. (N) n '14' « (N) cc Prep & Landing: "ChristmasWithHolly" (2012, Drama)SeanFaris. Premiere. A womanfalls in love KEZI 9 Newsat Paid Program KOHD O O O O KEZI 9 News at KEZI 9 Newsat America's Funniest Home Videos A Disney Prep& snake loose in aliving room.'PG' Landing n 'G' Naughty vs. Nice with a man (ABC) 6pm (N) « 6:3 0 (N) « whocares for his orphanedniece. n 'PG' « 11pm (N) « Simpsons(N) Bob's Burgers (N) Family Guy(N) n American Dad (N) News Channel 21 Two and aHalf The Big Bang The Big Bang KFXO I(g g) @ g) * "The Invisible" (2007, Suspense)Justin Chatwin, Margarita Levieva, MarciaGay The n'PG' '14' cc n '14' cc (FOX) Harden. Thevictim of aviolent attack hovers in limbo. n (PA) 'PG' First on FOX M en '14' cc Theory n 'PG' Theory n 'PG' KOAB ~ gy ~ gy Tommy Emmanueh Center StageAcoustic guitarist Emman-TheTenors: Lead With Your Heart Thegroup performsall Masterpiece Classic Downtonbecomes Masterpiece Classic DowntonAbbey Isobel andCoradis Rick Steves' uel's repertoire. n 'G' « new musicfromits secondalbum. 'G' « (PBS) aconvalescenthome.'PG' agree. n 'PG' cc Europe (5:20) NFLFootball Detroit Lions atGreenBay Packers (N) n (Live) « Sports Sunday cc Mom Is 57, Looks Dateline NBC Investigation into a NewsChannel 8 at (11:35)TheChris KGW 27! newlywed'smurder.(N) n « Matthews Show (NBC) 11(N) cc Troopers" (1997)Casper The King of Rules of Engage. Rules of Engage- Seinfeld n 'PG' cc Seinfeld TheJunior 'Til Death n '14' cc 'Til Death The * * * "Starship KTVZDT2 @ ~ gy @ Are We There Yet? Are We There Yet? The King of 'PG' 'PG' ment '14' Mint 'PG' Queens n 'G' Queens n 'PG ment '14' Wedding n 'PG' Van Dien, DinaMeyer. « (CW) OPBPL 175 17 3 T o mmy Emmanueh Center Stage n 'G' cc The Tenors: LeadWith Your Heart n 'G' cc Masterpiece Classic n 'PG' cc Masterpiece Classic Isobel andCoradisagree. 'PG' Ric k Steves KATU



KATU Newsat 6(N) n cc

America's Funniest HomeVideos A snake loose in aliving room.'PG' (5:20) NFL Football Detroit Lions at GreenBay Packers (N)n (Live) cc

Disney Prep & Landing n 'G'

StorageWarsSt orageWars S t orageWars S t orageWars S t orageWars S t orageWars S t orageWars S t orageWars S t orageWars

(11:01)Be theBossA fonduefranchise

32 8 1 8 32 StorageWars 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PG' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc Texas'PG' Tex a s '14' cc 'PG' cc goes to thewinner. (N) 'PG' ** "yours,Mine& Ours"(2005, Comedy)Dennis Quaid, ReneRusso. The mar- **** "Miracle on34thStreet" (1947)MaureenO'Hara,John Payne. Anadwom- (10:15) **** "Miracleon34th Street" (1947) MaureenO'Hara, JohnPayne. An

an's boyfrienddefendsMacy's Santa in court. « riage of twowidowedparents createsone largefamily. « adwoman'sboyfrienddefendsMacy's Santain court. « Finding Bigfoot n 'PG RattlesnakeRepublic (N) n 'PG Gator Boys: Xtra Bites (N) n '14' F i nding Bigfoot (N) n 'PG Gator Boys: Xtra Bites n '14 BRAVO 13 44 Re a l Housewives/Beverly Shahs of Sunset The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Real Housewives of Atlanta What Happens Housewives/Atl. (10:01) Shahsof Sunset (N) C M T Artists of the Year 2012 n 'PG' cc ** "RumorHasIt..." (2005, Comedy)Jennifer Aniston, KevinCostner. Premiere. n « CMT 190 32 42 53 Reba'PG' cc Re b a 'PG' cc Reba 'PG' cc RumorHasIt CNBC 54 36 4052 Faki ngtheGrade:Classroom American Greed 60 Minutes on CNBC Cruise Inc.: Big Moneygfigh Seas American Greed Paid Program Octaspring Ma. CNN 55 38 35 48 Piers Morgan Tonight CNN Newsroom(N) Who is Black in America Piers MorganTonight CNN Newsroom Who is Black in America COM 13 53 135 47 (4:16) Semi-Pro (6:18) *** "Hot Tub TimMachi e ne" (2010)JohnCusack. « (8:34) *** "Weddin g Crashers" (2005,Comedy)OwenWilson, VinceVaughn. cc (11:05) Tosh.0 (11:35) Futurama COTV 11 Talk of the Town Local issues. Des e rt Cooking Oregon Joy of Fishing Adv Journal Get Outdoors V i sions of NW The Yoga Show The Yoga Show Talk of the TownLocal issues. CSPAN 61 20 12 11 Prime Minister RoadtotheWhiteHouse Q&A Prime Minister Road to the White House W ashington ThisW eek 'DIS 87 43 14 39 Dog WithaBlog Good-Charlie "SecretoftheWings"(2012)Premiere.n « Shake It Up! 'G' Dog With a Blog Jessie 'G' « Goo d-Charlie S h ake It Up! 'G'Austin & Ally 'G' Jessie 'G' « *DISC 15 21 16 37 MOOnahineran'14' cc Moonshiners n '14' cc MythBusters n 'PG' cc Volcano TimeBomb(N) n cc Bratnwashedn 14 cc MythBusters n 'PG' cc *E! 13 25 Giu l iana&Bill'PG' Giuliana & Bill DaddyDuty'PG' Le a nn Rimes (N) KeepingUpWiththeKardashians Ice LovesCoco Leann Rimes The Soup '14' ESPN 21 23 22 23 (5:30)CollegeFootballBowlManiaSpecial(N)(Live) cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc SportsCenter cc ESPN2 22 24 21 24 (5:00) World Series of Poker - EuropeFinal TableFromCannes, France 2012 World Series of Poker FinalTableFromLasVegas. World Series of Poker - Europe ESPNC 23 25 123 25 30for30 « 30for30 cc 30for30 cc The Dotted Line cc Manute Bol H-Lite Ex. H-Li te Ex H-Lite Ex. H-Li te Ex H-Lite Ex. H-Li te Ex ESPNN 24 63 124203 SportsCenter (N) (Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) « ESPNFCPress H-Lite Ex "The Mistle-Tones"(2012) Tori Spelling, Tia Mowry.Premiere. 'PG' FAM 67 29 19 41 ***"Holidayin Handcuffs" (2007)Melissa JoanHart. 'PG The Mistle-Tones"(2012, Musical) Tori Spelling, Tia Mowry.'PG FNC 57 61 36 50 FoxNewsSunday Geraldo at Large(N) n 'PG' cc Huckabee Stossel Geraldo at Large n 'PG' cc Fox NewsSunday *FOOD 17 62 98 44 Diners, Drive D i n ers, Drive T h e Next lron Chef: Redemption Sugar DomeRock Star Concert (N) The Next Iron Chef: Redemption Restaurant: Impossible (N) Restaurant Stakeout ** "Step Brothers" (2008,Comedy) Wil Ferrell, John C.Reily. *** "TheOtherGuys" (2010,Comedy) Wil Ferrell, Mark Wahlberg, EvaMendes. *** "The Other Guys"(2010,Comedy)Wil Ferrell. FX 131 HGTV 17 49 33 43 House Hunters Hunters Int'I Million Dollar Rooms 'G' cc Extreme Homes'G' « Property Brothers 'G' cc House Hunters Renovation (N)'G' House Hunters Hunters Int'I *HIST 15 42 41 36 Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Ax Men All orNothing(N)'PG' Bamazon (N)'14' cc (11:02) OutbackHunters (N) '14 LIFE 13 39 20 31 (5:00)"Holly's Holiday"(2012)'PG' "AllAbout ChristmasEve" (2012,Comedy) Haylie Duff. Premiere. « ChristmasAngel" (2009)K.C. Clyde, Kari Hawker, BruceDavison. « (11:02) "ChristmasAngel" (2009) MSNBC 59 59 128 51 Maximum DramaScene of a Crime To Catch a Predator Petaluma1 Lockup InsideAnamosa Lockup Miami'sprisonsystem. Lockup NewMexico Meet the Press cc *** "MeanGirls" (2004,Comedy)LindsayLohan, Rachel McAdams,Tina Fey.n MTV 192 22 38 57 Catfish: The TVShowKim8 Matt Catfish: The TVShow n '14 10 On TopMost Stylin Stars Jersey Shore n NICK 82 46 2440 MarvinMarvin SpongeBob SpongeBob S p ongeBob See DadRun(N) "Merry Christmas, Drake& Josh" (2008)DrakeBell. n 'Y7' « The Nanny'PG' Friends n 'PG' (11:33) Friends Oprah's Next Chapter Fergie'PG Oprah's Next Chapter 'PG' « Oprah's NextChapter (N)n Oprah's Next Chapter 'PG's« s O p r a h's Next Chapter 'PG' « OWN 161 103 31 103 Oprah's Next Chapter Usher 'PG ROOT 20 45 28* 26 College Basketball Valparaiso atNewMexico High School Football WIAAClass4A Championship: Skyline vs. Bellarmine Prep The Lott TrophyPresentation (N) ** "Mission: Impossible(1996) " TomCruise. Premiere.Treachery in Pragueputs anagentonthe run. n SPIKE 132 31 34 46 (5:14) ** "Walking Tall"(2004)TheRock. n (10:18) ** "Mission: lmpossible"(1996) n « SYFY 13 35 133 45 *** "Indiana Jonesand theLast Crusade" (1989, Adventure) Harrison Ford,SeanConnery. « ** Indiana Jonesand theKingdomo/ the Crystal Skull" (2008)Harrison Ford, Cate Blanchett TBN 205 60 130 Believeryoice C reflo Dollar 'G' Mary and Joseph: A Story of Faith Behind Scenes Christmas with The Well « The Perfect Gift (5 30) ** "TylerPerry'sI CanDoBad All ByMyself" (2009) Tyler Perry. A boozy ** "TylerPerry's WhyDid I GetMarried Too?"(2010, ComedyDrama)Tyler Perry,SharonLeal. Four **"Tyler Perry'sWhyDid / GetMarried Too?"(2010) Tyler 'TBS singer finds awayto changeher life. «(DVS) couples strugglewith thechallenges of marriedlife. «(DVS) Perry, SharonLeal. «(DVS) (5:00) *** 'We'reNo Angels" (1955) ** "Ladyin theLake" (1946)Robert Montgomery,AudreyTotter. Philip Marlowe **** "TheCrowd" (1928,Drama)Eleanor Boardman,James Murray, Bert Roach.*** "L'Amore" (1948) AnnaMagnani TCM HumphreyBogart. « Silent. A couplestruggle to makethemost of city life. Sylvia Bataille. Premiere. gets involvedwith murder, graft andwomen. « *TLC 17 34 32 34 Hoarding: Buried Alive 'PG' « Hoarding: Buried Alive 'PG' « Sist e r Wives n '14' « Sister Wives PolygamistCults '14' S i n City Rules (N) n '14' s«s Sister Wives PolygamisCults t '14 (5:30) ** "S.W A.T." (2003,Action) SamuelL. Jackson, Colin Farrell. Premiere. A *** "TheTown"(2010,CrimeDrama) BenAffleck, Rebecca Hall, Jon Hamm.Awomandoesn't realize *** "TheTown"(2010)BenAffleck. A womandoesn't realize *TNT Los AngelesSWATteammust protect a criminal. « that her newbeau is a bank robber. cc that her newbeauis abankrobber. *TOON 84 PokemontheMovie: Kyuremvs. the Sword Dragons: Riders Looney Tunes Dragons: Riders The Oblongs '14' King of the Hill King of the Hill Cleveland Show Family Guy '14' Family Guy '14 *TRAV 17 51 45 42 Toy Hunter 'PG' Toy Hunter 'PG' Toy Hunter 'PG' Toy Hunter 'PG' Sturgis: Biker Madness 'PG' « Sturgis: Metal Mania (N)'PG' « Dangerous Grounds Bolivia 'PG' S t u rgis: Cops 'PG' « PG' Roseanne 'PG' Roseanne 'PG' Roseanne 'PG' Roseanne 'PG' Roseanne 'PG Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond KingofQueens TVLND 65 47 2935 Roseanne ' ** "Quantum o/Solace" (2008) USA 15 30 23 30 NCISCapitolOffensen'PG'« NCIS H eartlandn'PG'« NCIS Silent Night n '14' cc NCIS Faith n 'PG' « NCIS FalseWitness n 'PG' « VH1 191 48 37 54 PlanetRock: TheStoryofHipHopandtheCrackGenerationn Movie n 'MA' T.l. and Tiny M a rrying, Game Marrying, Game *ANPL 68 50 26 38 Finding Bigfoot: Further Evidence

** "Click"2006,ComedyAdamSandler. n 'PG-13' « 106401 306401Unfinished Life (6:20) ** "MyFavorite Martian"1999 n 'PG' « ***"Men olHonor"2000, DramaRobert De Niro, CubaGooding Jr. 'R' « 104 204104120(5:00) *** "Menoi Honor" 2000Robert DeNiro.

ThomasCrown (9:50) ** "Bringing Down the House" 2003'PG-13' *** "Fr equency"2000,FantasyDennisQuaid.'PG-13'« 34 The Ultimate Fighter n '14 The Ultimate Fighter n '14 UFC: Hendersonvs. Diaz UFC Tonight U FC Champion's The Ultimate Fighter n '14' 28 301 27 301(5:30) Golf FranklinTempleton Shootout, Final RoundFromNaples, Fla. (N) Golf Central (N) Golf Franklin TempletonShootout, Final RoundFromNaples, Fla HALL 66 33 175 33 *** "A Princess for Christmas" (2011)Katie McGrath. 'G' « Helpfor the Holidays"(2012)SummerGlau. Premiere. 'G' « MatchmakerSanta" (2012, Romance)LaceyChabert. 'G' « HBO 425 501 425501 (6:15) ** "Journey 2:TheMysterious Island" 201 2Dwayne Johnson ** "The Change-Up" 2011, ComedyRyanReynolds. n 'R' cc Girls Pilot 'MA' (10:35) Girls 'MA Enlightened 'MA' Enlightened 'MA' IFC 10 1 0 5 * " F riday the 13th — A New Beginning" 1985 John Shepard. 'R Whisker Wars Portlandia '14' * " Fridaythe 13th:TheFinal Chapter" 1984Kimberly Beck. 'R Fridaythe 13th-New ** "A VeryHarold & Kumar3DChristmas"2011 MAX 400508 508 * * "HallPass"20110wen Wilson.n'R' cc (7:45) **** "L.A. Confidential" 1997,CrimeDramaKevinSpacey. n 'R' cc Sweet Prudence NBCSN 27 58 30 209 Gun It w/Spies Buck Stops Here Elk Fever 'PG' Tred Barta Rugby SevenWorldSeries - SouthAfrica Costas Tonight 'PG Poker After Dark 50KSit n' GoIdol Alaska StateTroopers (N)'14' Alaska State Troopers'14' Dragon Wars: Fire andFury 'PG' Wicked Tuna '14' NGC 157 157 D r ugs, Inc. (N) '14 Drugs, Inc. '14 NTOON 89 115189115 Wild Grinders n Wild Grinders n Planet Sheenn Planet Sheenn Robot, Monster Odd Parents SpongeBob S p ongeBob Legend-Korra Legend-Korra Dragon Ball Z I ron Man: Armor OUTD 37 307 43 307 Realtree Road Truth Hunting Jackie Bushman Bone Collector Craig Morgan Red Arrow Hunt Adventure Realtree Road Live 2 Hunt Wi l dgame Nation Ult. Adventures The Season SHO 500 50 0 U n told History of the United StatesDexter Hannah'sfather visits. 'MA Homeland BrokenHearts n 'MA' Dexter (N) n 'MA' « Homeland (N) n 'MA' « Dexter n 'MA' « SPEED 35 303125303 FIAWorld Rev. My Classic Car My Classic Car Car Crazy 'G' British Touring CarChampionships GoodwoodRevival FIA GT1World Champ.Highlights Unique Whips '14' ** "Cars 2" 2011,ComedyVoices of OwenWilson. n 'G' « STARZ 300 408300408 (5:40) ** "BadTeacher" 2011CameronDiaz. 'NR (7:20) *** "13 Going on30" 2004Jennifer Garner (10:50) ** "John Carter" 2012 * "SpyKids: All the Timein the World"2011 'PG' ** "The Uninvited" 2009 Elizabeth Banks.'PG-13 ** "Sex 8Drugs& Rock& Roll TMC 525 525 (4:30)Limelight (6:25) **"The 7Adventureso/Sinbad"2010 « *WE 14 41 174118 Bridezillas Kym &Porsha '14' Bridezillas Porsha &Gloria '14' Bri d ezigas Where Are The Best of Bridezillas 3 '14 Bridezillas Kym & Porsha '14 Bridezillas Sara &Natalie '14 ENCR FMC FUEL GOLF


TV • PAGE 9 *In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary.





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4:30 KATUNewsThis Mornin Good Mornin America AM Northwest The View Live! With Kell and Michael KATU NewsChannel 21 atSunrise Toda Toda Toda Live! With Kell and Michael KTVZ Let's Make aDeal KOIN Local 6 at6am CBS This Mornin The Price Is Ri ht The Youn and the Restless KBNZ KEZI 9 NewsThis Mornin Good Mornin America Rachael Ra The View Katie KOHD First Business A Da NewsChannel 21 atSunrise The Jeff Probst Show The Dr. OzShow Paid Pro ram Paid Pro ram KFXO I Varied Pro rams Wild Kratts Curious Geor e Cat in the Hat Super Wh ! Din osaur Train Sesame Street Daniel Ti er Sid the Science WordWorld Ba r ne, Friends KOAB NewsChannel 8 atSunrise Toda The Jeff Probst Show KGW The Dail Buzz HouseofPa ne HouseofPa ne TheSteveW ilkosShow The Jerem K le Show The Wend Williams Show TVZDT2 OPBPL 175 173 Heartland Gre ener World Newsline Sit and Be Fit Varied Pro rams Casebook ofSherlockHolmes *A&E 13028 18 32 Varied Pro rams Bio Preview Varied Pro rams Boun Hunter Bount Hunter Criminal Minds Varied Pro rams Criminal Minds Varied Pro rams CSI: Miami Temp-tations Hair Loss Sa No to Pain Nopalea with Debb Boone Paid Pro ram 15 ** Christmas Eve1947, Drama Geor e Raft, Ann Hardin (:15) **** The Hustler 1961 Paid Pro ram No alea with Sa No to Pain Tota!G m Get Sub D Medicare Three Stoo es Three Stoo es * * * * Breakin Awa 1979 DennisChristo her, DennisQuaid. « Paid Pro ram Hair Loss Youn er- Skin Temp-tations Debb Boone Sa No to Pain Three Stooges ** Nacho Libre 2006JackBlack, Anade la Re uera, cc Around World AMC 10240 39 Kitchen Paid Pro ram Paid Pro ram Nopalea with Cind Crawford ** Kiss Me Goodb e1982,Romance-Comed Sall Field,James Caan.« All I-Christmas Th Paid Pro ram Save-CarMD Teeter Han U s Paid Pro ram No alea with Paid Pro ram Debb Boone *** The Ghost and Mrs. Muir 1947,Fantas GeneTierne, Rex Harrison. « Forces-Nature *ANPL 68 50 26 38 Oran utan Isle Chim Eden Wild Kin dom The Crocodile Hunter Bi Cat Dia Bi C a t Diar I S h ouldn't Be Alive Animal CopsSanFrancisco Movie Varied Pro rams WhatHappens What Happens Varied Pro rams BRAVO 137 44 CMT Music CMT Music CMT Music CMT Music CMT Music CMT Music CMT 19032 42 53 Squawk onthe Street Fast Mone Halftime Report Power Lunch Street Si ns CNBC 54 36 40 52 CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN 55 38 35 48 Varied Pro rams Paid Pro ram Varied Pro rams Paid Pro ram Varied Pro rams Entoura e Com ed CentralDail Show Col bert Re ort Scrubs Scrubs COM 13553 35 47 The Yo a Show The Yo a Show Desert Cookin Ore on The Yo a Show The Yo a Show Bod Workout Bod Workout Varied Pro rams Paid Pro ram Paid Pro ram COTV Public Affairs Varied Pro rams Public Affairs Varied Pro rams CSPAN 61 20 12 (4:00) Washin ton Journal 'DIS 87 43 14 39 Varied Pro rams Octonauts Little Einsteins Chu in ton Mi c ke Mouse Never Land Micke Mouse Micke Mouse Doc McStuffins Never Land Micke Mouse Varied Pro rams *DISC 156 21 16 37 Varied Pro rams Creflo Dollar Paid Pro ram James Robison Jo ce Me er P aid Pro ram I Almost) Got Awa With It Motives & Murders I(Almost) Got Awa With It *El Varied Pro rams E! News Varied Pro rams 136 25 S ortsCenter S ortsCenter S ortsCenter S ortsCenter S ortsCenter S ortsCenter ESPN 21 23 22 23 Mike and Mike in the Mornin First Take First Take Numbers Never Best/First Take ESPN2 22 24 21 24 Colle e Football Varied Pro rams Colle e Football Varied Pro rams Colle e Football Varied Pro rams ESPNC 23 25 23 25 SVP & Russillo ESPNN 24 63 24203 S ortsNation V a ried Pro rams Mike and Mike in the Mornin Jo ce Me er V a ried Pro rams Bo Meet World Bo Mts. World Bo Meet World Bo Meet World Bo Meet World 700/Interactive The700Club Gilmore Girls FAM 67 29 19 41 America's Newsroom Happenin Now America Live FNC 57 61 36 50 *FOOD 17762 98 44 Varied Pro rams Good Eats Unw r a ed V aried Pro rams Supersmile M o v ie Varied Pro rams FX 131 Paid Pro ram Varied Pro rams HGTV 176 49 33 43 'HIST 15542 41 36 Varied Pro rams Teeter Han U s Varied Pro rams Varied Pro rams Balancin Act Varied Pro rams Will & Grace W i ll & Grace Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier Old Christine O ld Christine LIFE 138 39 20 31 The Dail Rundown Jansin and Co MSNBCLive NOWWith Alex Wa ner Andrea Mitchell Reports News Nation MSNBC 59 59 128 51 AMTV: Mornin Hot Mix AMTV: 10 on To Countdown AMTV: 10 on To Countdown Teen Mom Teen Mom Varied Pro rams MTV 19222 38 57 Full House Fu l l House S on eBob S o n eBob S on eBob M a x & Rub Max & Rub D o ra Ex lorer Varied Pro rams Team Umizoomi Bubble Gu ies Bubble Gu ies NICK 82 46 24 40 Rachael Ra The OprahWinfre Show The OprahWinfre Show Dr. Phil Dr. Phil OWN 16110331 103 The Nate Berkus Show Varied Pro rams Paid Pro ram Paid Pro ram New You! Varied Pro rams Paid Pro ram No.1Kitchen T h e Dan Patrick Show ROOT 20 45 28* 26 Varied Pro rams Paid Pro ram Varied Pro rams SPIKE 13231 34 46 Varied Pro rams Save-CarMD Varied Pro rams SYFY 13335 133 45 Creflo Dollar J o hn Ha ee Jo s e h Prince This Is Your DaBelieveryoice Varied Pro rams Behind Scenes Varied Pro rams James Robison Toda TBN 05 60 130 *TBS 16 27 Married... With Married... With M Name Is Earl Home Improve Home Improve. Accordin -Jim Accordin -Jim We There Yet? Meet, Browns House of Pa ne Fresh Prince F resh Prince 28 Beaut for Sale ** Clear All Wires1933 LeeTrac, Benita Hume *Da of Reckonin 1933 (:15) ** Whistlin in the Dark 1933Ernest Truex (:45) * The Women inHis Life1933, Ben L on 5:15 ** Coroner Creek ** Alias Boston Blackie1942 15 ** Boston Blackie's Rendezvous1945 **** A Tree Grows in Brookl n 1945,DramaDoroth McGuire 45 Teresa * * O ne Sunda Afternoon 1948, Janis Pai e 15) ** The Man Love1946 I Ida Lu ino, Robert Alda, sa *** Fli ht From Destin 1941, ThomasMitchell ** Backfire TCM 101 44 10129 W And.Married ** Breakfast for Two 1937 ** The Secret Bnde 1935 Th (5:30) ** The Bride WalksOut (:15) *** The Mad Miss Manton 1938 « (:45) ** TheW omanin Red1935, GeneRa mond 5:00 The Life of Emile Zola1937 *** The Citadel 1938Robert Donat, Rosalind Russell. « *** Wutherin Hei hts 1939 MerleOberon. « 45 **** Citizen Kane 1941Orson Welles. *TLC 17834 32 34 Varied Pro rams Bab 's First Da Rm-Multiples A Bab Sto A B a b Stor A Bab Sto A B a b Stor VariedPro rams Know-Pre nant Four Weddin s *TNT 17 26 15 27 Smallville Charmed Charmed Supernatural Supernatural Levera e Nin'aGo: Mstrs *TOON 84 Loone Tunes Almost Naked Ben 10 Be blade-Metl Pokemon BW Nin'aGo: Mstrs Johnn Test Scoob Wrld, Gumball Wrld, Gumball Scoob *TRAV 179 51 45 42 Varied Pro rams Paid Pro ram Varied Pro rams Paid Pro ram Paid Pro ram Httst Hotels H t t st Hotels Tastiest Places Tastiest Places Varied Pro rams Varied Pro rams Murder, SheWrote Dick Van D ke Dick Van D ke I Love Luc I Lo ve Luc And Griffith A n dGriffith TVLND 65 47 29 35 Varied Pro rams USA 15 30 23 30 Jump Start Jump Start Jump Start Jump Start Bi Mornin BuzzLive Varied Pro rams VH1 19148 37 54 05 Movie Var i edPro rams Movie Varied Pro rams 10 Movie VariedPro rams:20 Movie ENCR 106401306401 FMC 104204104120 4:45 Movie V a ried Pro rams Movie Varied Pro rams Movie Varied Pro rams FUEL 34 Varied Pro rams Varied Pro rams GOLF 28 301 27 301 Mornin Drive HALL 66 33 175 33 Movie Home & Famil Home & Famil Bette Midler G o d-Bi er Witness (Subtitled-En lish) sa ** In Time 2011Justin Timberlake, AmandaSe fried. n sa (:15) *** Benn & Joon1993, Romance Johnn Depp. rr « The Full Mont * * Shark Tale 2004Voices of Will Smith. n *** Conta ion 2011 MarionCotillard. n « 45 *** Another Earth 2011, DramaBrit Marlin . n « 24/7 Pac uiao HBO 25501425501 W ** TMNT2007 Voicesof Chris Evans. n cc Tsunami This Is 40: 1st * * Red Tails 2012Cuba Goodin Jr., Terrence Howard. n cc 45 Anchorman: The Le end ofRonBur und rr Th (4:55) TheUnion (:25) ** Anastasia1997 Voices of Me R an **Geor eofthe Jun le1997/r « Conchords (:45) *** Girl With a Pearl Earrin 2003 Colin Firth. rr « 5:10 *** Bulworth 1998 A *** Kit Kittred e: An American Girl 2008 rr « :45 ** Good Bur er 1997,Comed Kel Mitchell. n « One Nation UnderDo :45 Elektra n IFC 105 105 15 Movie Var ied Pro rams M (4:50) **** L.A. Confidential (:10) For Flow ** Kin Ralph 1991JohnGoodman.rr « (:10) House of theRisin Sun 2011DaveBautista (:40) **** Pulp Fiction1994 John Travolta. n 5:15 ****Pul Fiction1994John Travolta. n « 7:50 *** The Associate1996 Whoo i Goldber 45 ** Pro'ect X 2012Thomas Mann. n « 15 **Green Lantern20tt n MAX 00508 508 W ** The Nude Bomb1980DonAdams. « 35 ** The X.Files1998 DavidDuchovn , rr cc 35 **Larr Crowne2011TomHanks.n cc 15 ** Wanderlust 2012 n (5:20) *** Little Man Tate1991 * * * H arr And The Hendersons1987 John Lith ow. n « (8:50) ***TheContender2000JoanAllen,Ga Oldman.n « **TheEa le20tt rr « She's theOne *** Rookie oftheYear1993,Comed n « Harold-Kumar * * A Ve Harold & Kumar 3DChristmas 2011 *** The Birdca e1996 RobinWiliams, GeneHackman. n « NBCSN 27 58 30 209 The DanPatrick Show Varied Pro rams Varied Pro rams Alaska State Troopers Border Wars Taboo NGC 157 157 I n vader ZIM Ad v en./Jimm A d ven./Jimm A d ven./Jimm P l anet Sheen I nvader ZIM In v ader ZIM Ba ck, Barn ard Back, Barn ard Planet Sheen T.U.F.F. Pu NTOON 89 115189115 Invader ZIM OUTD 37 307 43 307 Varied Pro rams Paid Pro ram Varied Pro rams Paid Pro ram Varied Pro rams (5:45) *** Charlotte's Web2006, Dramarr « War Horse *** Buck 2011, Documenta *** DeadA ain1991 KennethBrana h,EmmaThompson.rr« Beautiful Ohio Heart of Stone ** The Accidental S 2001 JackieChan *** Skin 2008,DramaSo hieOkonedo,Sam Neill.n « ** Closed for Winter 2009Natalie Imbru lia. n Beware th 5:05** Frank& Jesse1995 *** Aces 'n Eihts2008ErnestBornine.n Since You'veBeenGone 1998DavidSchwimmer. :15 ** Suburban Girl 2007SarahMichelle Gellar. Premiere, rr « SHO 00 500 (4:45) A Game of Honor o « * Prairie Fever 2007Kevin Sorbo. o « *** Buck 2011, Documenta rr « (:25) ** Road to Nowhere2010Shann n Sossamon. rr « 5:30 **S ooner2009n *** Meek's Cutoff 2010Michelle Wiliams. n 45 *AnInvisible Si n 2010, DramaJessica Alba. n « ** The Prince & Me 2004Julia Stiles. n « SPEED 35 303125303 Varied Pro rams NASCARS rint Cu Re la STARZ 00408300408 (4:35) Movie V a ried Pro rams Multi le :40 *** La Dolce Vita1960, Drama Marcello Mastroianni, Anita Ekber . Subtitled-En lish « 35 Love's Kitchen 2011Claire Forlani. n sa 05 ** Murder in Mind n 5:45 * Strate ic Command1998 n sa 20 AGrand aforChristmasrr :45 Assi nment Berlin1998Sammi Davis. rr « 15 The Reef2010DamianWalshe-Howlin . n The Bab Dance TMC 25 (5:00) ** Bravo TwoZero 525 (:05) ***Geor e Washin ton2000n cc (:40) *Santa With Muscles1996 Hulk Hoan, DonStark. n « (:20) ** Late Bloomers 2011Wiliam Hurt. n 45 *** Lone Rider 2008LouDiamondPhilli s 10 Love's Kitchen 2011 Claire Forlani. n « 40 ** Fatal Error 1999Antonio Sabato Jr. n Th *** The Secret of Moonacre 2009 n « 5:35 ** Disor anized Crime1989 Ho Axton. n ** Smoke1995, DramaWiliam Hurt, Harve Keitel. n cc * S Kids: All the Time in theWorld 201I n * When the Part 's Over *WE 143 41 174118 Varied Pro rams Roseanne Ros eanne Ros e anne Ros e anne 20/ 2 0 on WE 20/20 on WE The Locator T h e Locator

THE BULLETIN 0 DECEMBER 8 — 14, 2012 *In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/Black Butte (Digital); PM-Prineville/Madras; SR-Sunriver; L-La Pine

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i i g g gi~i ~ ~ « ~ gg~ The Chew General Hos ital

~8 ~

~ «

~ g ~i

+IKii i+®g~i

The Ricki Lake Show The Dr. OzShow KATU NewsFirst at Four KATU Newsat 5 World News Anderson Live Da sofourLives Dr. Phil The Dr.OzShow The Ellen DeGeneresShow News Ni htl News KTVZ Kristi Miller Bol d/Beautiful The Talk Little House on the Prairie And Griffith A n d Griffith I Love Luc I Lo ve Luc News Evenin News KBNZ The Chew General Hos ital Jud e J. Brown Jud e J. Brown Katie Jud e Jud Jud e Jud KEZI 9 News World News KOHD The People's Court Divorce Court Jud e Alex The Doctors The Ricki Lake Show TMZ Extra America's Funniest HomeVideos KFXO I Varied Pro rams Charlie Rose Clifford-Do Va r ied Pro rams Martha Speaks Cat in the Hat Arthur WordGirl Wild Kratts Ele ctric Comp KOAB NewsChannel 8 Be a Millionaire Da sofourLives Katie The Ellen DeGeneresShow Your Four O'Clock News NewsChannel 8 Ni htl News KGW Paid Pro ram Varied Pro rams Meet, Browns Meet, Browns The Bill Cunnin ham Show TheSteveW ilkosShow We ThereYet? We There Yet? TVZDT2 OPBPL 175 173 Varied Pro rams Tavis Smile Journal Ni htl Business PBS NewsHour Varied Pro rams *A&E 13028 18 32 CSI: Miami Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Varied Pro rams The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 *** Miracle 2004 KurtRussell (11:15) **** The Hustler 1961Paul Newman,Jackie Gleason. « (:15) *** The Color of Mone 1986 PaulNewman.A former pool shark showsan upstart howto hustle Breakin Awa * ** C oolRunnin s1993Leon, Dou E. Dou, MalikYoba. « ** Sahara 2005MatthewMcConau he . Adventurers search for a Confederate shi in Africa. « Juman'i 1995 'AMC 10240 39 ** Juman'i 1995, Fantas RobinWiliams, BonnieHunt, Kiisten Dunst. « CSI. Miami Chain Reaction cc CSI: Miamin (11:30) ** Around the World in 80 Da s 2004Jackie Chan. cc **Christmas in Connecticut1945, Comed BarbaraStanw ck, Dennis Mor an. « CSI: Miami Guerillas in theMist n C SI: Miami Raisin Caine cc h (11:30) ** All I Want for Christmas1991 « 11:30 ** Forces of Nature1999SandraBullock. se *** Kee in the Faith 2000BenStiller. A rabbi and a riest both fall in love withthe samewoman. « ** The Lake House2006 *ANPL 68 50 26 38 Animal CopsSanFrancisco Animal Co s SanFrancisco Animal Co s SanFrancisco Pit Bulls and Parolees Pit Bulls and Parolees The Haunted Varied Pro rams BRAVO 137 44 Extreme Makeover: HomeEdition Extreme, Home Varied Pro rams:08 World's Strictest Parents 12 World's Strictest Parents Roseanne :16 Roseanne 4:50 Roseanne VariedPro rams CMT 19032 42 53 Closin Bell Closin Bell With Maria Bartiromo Fast Mone Va r ied Pro rams Mad Mone Report Varied Pro rams CNBC 54 36 40 52 The Situation Room Erin Burnett OutFront Anderson Cooper360 CNN 55 38 35 48 (11:00) CNN Newsroom Varied Pro rams Movie Comed Central:25 Futurama 4:56 Futurama Alwa s Sunn COM 13553 13547 Paid Pro ram Paid Pro ram Paid Pro ram Paid Pro ram Paid Pro ram Paid Pro ram J o of Fishin A d v Journal Get Outdoors Visions of NW Dept JTrans. C i tEdition COTV Public Affairs Capitol Hill Hearin s CSPAN 61 20 12 (9:00) Public Affairs 'DIS 87 43 14 39 Micke Mouse Little Einsteins Varied Pro rams Phineas, Ferb Varied Pro rams Good-Charlie Varied Pro rams Good-Charlie Good-Charlie *DISC 156 21 16 37 FBI: Criminal Pursuit Auction Kin s Auction Kin s M hBusters Varied Pro rams *El E! News Sex and the Cit Sex and the Cit Sex and the Cit Sex and the Cit Varied Pro rams 136 25 Outside Lines Football Live NFL Live Around the Horn Interru tion S or tsCenter V a ried Pro rams ESPN 21 23 22 23 Varied Pro rams Numbers Never Dan Le Batard NFL32 Varied Pro rams SportsNation Varied Pro rams ESPN2 22 24 21 24 Colle e Football Varied Pro rams ESPNC 23 25 123 25 S ortsCenter S ortsCenter Around the Horn Interru tion S o r tsCenter V a ried Pro rams S ortsCenter ESPNN 24 63 124203 S ortsCenter What I Like Wh a t I Like 8 Simple Rules 8 SimpleRules That '70sShow That '70sShow That '70sShow That '70sShow Reba Reba Movie FAM 67 29 19 41 Studio B With ShepardSmith Your World With Neil Cavuto The Five Special Report With Bret Baier F O X Report With Shepard Smith The O'Reill Factor FNC 57 61 36 50 *FOOD 17762 98 44 Best Dishes B'foot Contessa Varied Pro rams Dollar Dinners Secrets 30-Minute Meals Giada at Home Giada at Home B'foot Contessa B'foot Contessa Best Dishes Paula's Cookin 11:00) Movie Varied Pro rams FX 131 House Hunters Hunters Int'I Varied Pro rams HGTV 176 49 33 43 'HIST 15542 41 36 Varied Pro rams Old Christine O l d Christine H ow I Met How I Met Fras i er Frasier Frasier Frasier Movie Varied Pro rams LIFE 138 39 20 31 TheC cle Martin Bashir Hardball With Chris Matthews Pol i ticsNation Hardball With Chris Matthews The Ed Show MSNBC 59 59 128 51 Varied Pro rams MTV 19222 38 57 TeamUmizoomi Max&Rub D o raEx lorer Go,Die o,Go! S on eBob S on eBob O d dParents OddParents OddParents S on eBob S on eBob S on eBob NICK 82 46 24 40 Dr. Phil Varied Pro rams OWN 16110331 103 Dr. Phil 11:00 The DanPatrick Show Varied Pro rams Dan Patrick Varied Pro rams ROOT 20 45 28* 26 Varied Pro rams SPIKE 13231 34 46 Varied Pro rams SYFY 13335 133 45 The 700Club John Ha ee V a ried Pro rams Praise the Lord Varied Pro rams Potter's Touch Behind Scenes Varied Pro rams TBN 05 60 130 *TBS 16 27 FreshPrince American Dad American Dad Love-Ra mond Love.Ra mond Love-Ra mond Love.Ra mond Seinfeld Friends Friends Friends Friends 28 * Bab Face Harrin ton1935 * Sweethearts of the U.S.A **** Grand Hotel 1932 (:15) ** Paris Interlude1934 RobertYoun (:45) ** We Went to Colle e1936, WalterAbel 11:45 *** Teresa1951 Pier An eli. o« *** The Guilt of Janet Ames1947, Drama ** Borderline 1950FredMacMurra MGM Parade *** The Ma nificent Seven 15) ** None but the Brave1965FrankSinatra, Clint Walker ** Ban'o on M Knee 1936 TCM 101 44 10129 W (11:30 ** Backfire1950 cc (:15) ** Dirt Din us Ma ee1970,WesternFrankSinatra. « **Shopworn1932, Drama« Screen Directors **** Les Miserables 1935 h (:15) ** Ever in M Heart1933 BarbaraStanw ck. (:45) **lllicit1931 BarbaraStanw ck, JamesRennie. « Citizen Kane : 4 5 * * * * Watch on the Rhine1943 Bette Davis, PaulLukas 45 **** The Lion in Winter1968 PeterO'Toole, Katharine He burn. « *** Trouble in Paradise *TLC 17834 32 34 What Not to Wear A Bab Sto A B a b Stor Ca k e Boss Var ied Pro rams What Not/Wear Varied Pro rams *TNT 17 26 15 27 Varied Pro rams *TOON 84 Loone Tunes Loone Tunes Tom 8 Jerr Tom and Jerr Scoob -Doo Varied Pro rams Adventure Time Adventure Time Varied Pro rams *TRAV 179 51 45 42 Varied Pro rams Bourdain: NoReservations Varied Pro rams Bizarre Foods/Zimmern Man v. Food Man v. Food And Griffith A n dGriffith Gu n smoke Gunsmoke Bonanza Bonanza TVLND 65 47 29 35 (:11) Bonanza Varied Pro rams Varied Pro rams NCIS NCIS NCIS USA 15 30 23 30 Varied Pro rams VH1 19148 37 54 11:20 Movie Varied Pro rams 40 Movie Va r iedPro rams Movie Varied Pro rams ENCR 106401306401 FMC 104204104120 Movie Varied Pro rams Movie Varied Pro rams Movie FUEL 34 Varied Pro rams Varied Pro rams Golf Central V a r ied Pro rams GOLF 28 301 27 301 Golf HALL 66 33 175 33 Marie Marie Movie Movie *** Death BecomesHer1992 Me I Streep. n Gulliver's Tra. * * Elektra 2005,ActionJennifer Garner. n « (:45)*TheArtofGettin B 2011n cc (:15) ** Tower Heist 2011 ** Journe 2: The M sterious Island 2012n 45 ** The Bi Year 2011 SteveMartin, Jack Black. n « * Gulliver's Travels 2010 Jack Black. n « Witness Subtitled-En lish « HBO 25501425501 W Anchorman I nVo ue: The Editor's E e cc **** Titanic 1997LeonardoDiCa rio. A womanfalls for an artist aboardthe ill-fated shi . n cc 24/7 Pac uiao : 1 5 * * Red Tails 2012 n h Mel Brooks Strikes Back! cc *TheArtofGettin B 2011n cc Gun Fi ht n cc * Read to Rumble 2000David Arquette, Oliver Platt. n « 11:45 ** Elektra 2005Jennifer Garner. n « ** In Time 2011Justin Timberlake,Amanda Se ried. n a« 45 ** Johnn En lish Reborn 2011RowanAtkinson. n « Somethin Bo IFC 105 105 10:45 Movie V ariedPro rams Malcolm, Middle Malcolm, Middle Malcolm, Middle Varied Pro rams Movie (10:40) ****Pulp Fiction1994 (:15) *** Romancin the Stone1984MichaelDou las. n « (:05) ** The Grud e 2004SarahMichelle Gellar. (:4 0 ) ** Wes Craven's New Ni htmare1994 *Ma'or Lea ue111994n 11:15 ** Green Lantern 201 1 : 1 0 * * The Rin Two 2005, Horror NaomiWatts, SimonBaker. n « 20 * Red Ridin Hood 2011AmandaSe fried MAX 00508 508 W 11:15 ** Wanderlust 2012 Hunted Mort n cc Hunted LB n cc Hunted Hour lass n cc Hunted Kismet n cc Hunted Ambassadorsn cc h (11:00) **The Ea le2011 ** Last Man Standin 1996 BruceWilis. n « *** Hanna 2011,ActionSaoirse Ronan. n « (:45) ** The Thin 2011, HorrorMar Elizabeth Winstead. n « ** Bird on a Wire1990Mel Gibson, Goldie Hawn. n « 1:50 How to Eat Fried Worms n : 1 5 * * K-91989, Comed JamesBelushi, MelHarris. n « Ver Harold & Kumar3D NBCSN 27 58 30 209 Varied Pro rams Pro Football Talk NBC S orts Talk Varied Pro rams Indestructibles Indestructibles Varied Pro rams NGC 157 157 Ava tar: Air. Wol verine-XMn Iron Man: Armor Voltron Force Dra onball GT Avatar: Air. Ava tar: Air. Var ied Pro rams NTOON 89 115189115 Fanbo -Chum Fanbo -Chum Avatar: Air. OUTD 37 307 43 307 Varied Pro rams (11:30) ** Beautiful Ohio n ** Comic Book Villains 2002Donal Lo ue *** Panic 2000, Drama Wiliam H. Mac . n « (:45) ** Wise irls 2002Mira Soivino, MariahCare . n « 11:30 Beware theGonzo2010: 1 5 T he Green 2011 Jason Butler Harner,Che enneJackson. « 2:55 For ed 2010Mann Perez. :15 The Ride2011,Documentar n a« M th of Slee ** It's About You 2011,Documenta *** Eternal Sunshine of the S otless Mind 2004JimCarre . n 20 *** A Better Life 2011DemianBichir. n **Valk rie2008n « SHO 00 500 h ** Leaves of Grass 2009EdwardNorton. n *** DeadA ain 1991 Kenneth Brana h,EmmaThompson.n « Paper Man2009 (:45) ** Redemption Road2010Michael Clarke Duncan. n « The Prince & Me *** Out of the Ashes2003Christine Lahti, BruceDavison ** Comic Book Villains 2002Donal Lo ue. n 05 Ps ch:92010SaraFoster, Ca Elwes.n « 45 The Core SPEED 35 303125303 Monster Jam On the Ed e V a ried Pro rams Cho -Rebuild Gearz NASCAR Hub Pinks Pass Time P a ss Time Var ied Pro rams STARZ 00408300408 (10:50) Movie Varied Pro rams Varied Programs (:35) Movie (:20) Movie Murder in Mind:35 ** Last Dance1996, Drama Sharon Stone. Premiere. n « ***50/502011 Jose h Gordon-Levitt. n a« 10 ** Bod uards and Assassins 2009DonnieYen. « 11:45 *** The Bab Dance 1998 n cc Son of Mornin 2011 Jose h Cross. n cc 2:50 ** Bloodknot1995 Patrick Dem se . n ** Turnin Green 2005Timoth Hutton. n TMC 25 Dispatch 2011,DramaMichael Bershad. n « Touched2005,RomanceJennaElfman,RandallBatinkoff .n « Spike 2008EdwardGusts. n « 525 (:25) Johnn Was 2006,ActionVinnie Jones. n « h:10 Intermedio 2005, HorrorEdwardFurlon . « 35 ** Dan erous Kiss1995 KevinDilon. n 10 Pros & Ex-Cons2005SamWorthin ton. n :45 DeadMan Runnin 2009Dann D er.n cc 11:00 Whenthe Par 's Over ** Celebrit 1998 HankAzaria, KennethBrana h, Jud Davis, cc 2:55 ** Craz for Love 2005David Krumholtz *** Walkin and Talkin 1996 CatherineKeener. *WE 143 41 174118 Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Gho st Whisp. V a ried Pro rams Charmed Varied Pro rams Charmed Varied Pro rams KATU


TV • PAGE 11 *In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/Black Butte (Digital); PM-Prineville/Madras; SR-Sunriver; L-La Pine



c II







Jeopardy! (N)n

Wheel of Fortune Extreme Makeover: HomeEdition Extreme Makeover: HomeEdition Castle Investigating aweathercaster's KATU Newsat11 (11:35) Nightline 'Q' cc (N) n 'G' Building a home for a veteran. 'PG' Building a home for a veteran. 'PG' death n PG « (ABC) (N)n cc (N) cc Jeopardy! (N)n Wheel of Fortune The Voice Fourartists perform; Michael (9:01) Take It All Contestantsvie for (10:01) Michael Buble: Home for the NewsChannel 21 Tonight Show KTVZ O O O O NewsChannel 21 at 6 (N) cc 'Q' cc (N) n 'G' (NBC) Buble. (N) n 'PG' « prizes. (N) n 'PG' « Holidays (N) n 'G' cc at11 (N) cc Wi t h Jay Leno Access HollywoodNew Adventures How I Met Your 30 Rock n '14' «How I Met Your The Big Bang 2 Broke Girls (N) 2 Broke Girls (N) Hawaii Five-0McGarrett and agirl are KOINLocal6at11 Late ShowWith KBNZ n '14' cc n '14' cc (N) 'PG' Mother (N) '14' Theory n 'PG' taken hostage.(N)'14' cc David Letterman (CBS) of Old Christine Mother n '14' (N) cc The Insider (N) n Extreme Makeover: HomeEdition Extreme Makeover: HomeEdition Castle Investigating aweathercaster's KEZI 9 Newsat (11:35) Nightline KOHD O O O O KEZI9Newsat KEZI 9 News(N) «Entertainment 'PQ' cc 'PG' Tonight (N) n Building ahomefor a veteran. 'PG' death n PG cc (ABC) 6pm (N) cc Building ahomefor a veteran. 11pm (N) « (N) cc The Big Bang The Big Bang American Country Awards Thepublic votesfor country music favorites in a num- News Channel 21 TMZ (N) n 'PG' cc The Simpsons n Family Quy n KFXO ID< Q |KI Q) TwoandaHalf Two and aHalf 'PQ' cc '14' cc Men '14' cc Men '14' cc (FOX) Theory n 'PG' Theory n 'PG' ber of categories.(N) n '14' « First on FOX Nightly Business PBS NewsHour(N) n m Ed Sullivan's Top Performers 1966-1969(My Music) Performers sing their big- Country Pop Legends (My Music) Most memorablesongsto cross over the KOAB ~ gy ~ gy Ask This Old (PBS) House 'G' cc Report (N) n 'G' gest hits fromthe 1960s. n 'PG' cc country andpopcharts. n 'G' cc NewsChannel8 at NewsChannel 8 at Live at 7 (N) cc Inside Edition (N) The Voice Fourartists perform;Michael (9:01) Take It All Contestantsvie for (10:01) Michael Buble: Home for the NewsChannel 8 at Tonight Show KGW 'PQ' cc 6:30PM(N) Holidays (N) n 'G' « (NBC) 6PM (N) « Buble. (N) n 'PG' « prizes. (N) n 'PG' « 11(N) cc With Jay Leno The King of R u l es of Engage. Rules of Engage. 90210 Naomi considers the future of her Gossip Girl TheRevengersBlairworries Seinfeld The S e infeld The Un- 'Til Death Joy's 'Til Death n KTVZDT2 Q Q Q Q The King of 'PG' « ment '14' Queens n 'PG Queens n 'PG' ment 'PG' marriage. (N) n '14' « for Chuck'ssafety. (N)'14' Smelly Car 'PG' derstudy n 'PG' Mom 'PG' « (CW) OPBPL 175 173 T h e Casebook of Sherlock Holmes Christmas with Annie Moses Band Purdue Christmas Show2011 'G' World News T a vis Smiley (N) Charlie Rose(N) n « PBS NewsHour n « KATU

KATU Newsat 6(N) n cc



Hoarders Dee;JanA hoarder refusesto Hoarders AVictorianhomeis deluged Intervention Crack addiction threatens a (11:01) Intervention Kelly Ayoung 3 28 1 8 32 The 48station. LoveKil'1s;4'Justified Agun- Hoarders Carrie; James Anabused fight First at a gas cc womancompul sivel y shops. 'PG' ta k e out the trash. 'PG' with stuff. (N) 'PG' cc businessman.(N) '14' cc mother abusespills and meth. 'PG' John Payne. Anadwom- (10:15) **** "Miracleon 34thStreet" (1947) MaureenO'Hara, JohnPayne. An (5:00) *** "Miracle"(2004,Drama)Kurt Russell, Patricia Clarkson. TheU.S. ~~s*"Miracle on34th Street" (1947) Maureen O'Hara, 'AMC an's boyfrienddefendsMacy's Santa in coUrt. cc Olympichockeyteam beats the Soviet team.« adwoman'sboyfrienddefendsMacy's Santain court. « *ANPL 68 50 26 38 MonstersInside MeBreedersn Gator Boys Mud Gator Attacks'PG' Rattlesnake Republic n 'PG Finding Bigfoot BabyBigfoot 'PG' Finding Bigfoot n 'PG RattlesnakeRepublic n 'PG BRAVO 13 44 The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Real Housewives of Atlanta Real Housewives/Beverly Real Housewives/Beverly Real Housewives/Beverly What Happens Housewives R e ba 'PG' cc Re b a 'PG' cc Re b a 'PG' cc The 46th Annual CMA CMT 190 32 42 53 Reba'PG' cc Re b a 'PG' cc Reba 'PG' cc Awards n 'PG' cc CNBC 54 36 40 52 The TruthAboutShoplifting American GreedTheBlack Widows Mad Money Porn: Business of Pleasure American GreedTheBlackWidows Teeter HangUps Hair Loss CNN 55 38 35 48 Piers MorganTonight(N) Anderson Cooper360 « Erin Burnett OutFront Piers MorganTonight Anderson Cooper360 « Erin Burnett OutFront S o uth Park 'MA' Daily Show C o l bert Report COM 13 53 135 47 Always Sunny (6:29) Tosh.0 '14' Colbert Report Daily Show (7:59) Futurama Futurama n '14' Futurama n '14' South Park 'MA' Brickleberry COTV 11 Paid Program Kristi Miller Desert Cooking Oregon Joy of Fishing Adv Journal Get Outdoors V i sions of NW The YogaShow The Yoga Show Kristi Miller Cit y Edition CSPAN 61 20 12 11 (5:00) Politics & Public Policy Today Politics & Public Policy Today 'DIS 87 43 14 39 Phineas, Ferb Good-Charlie A . N.T. Farm 'G' Gravity Falls 'Y7' Austin & Jessie & Ally All Star Phi neas, Ferb Dog With a BlogJessie 'G' « Phineas, Ferb Jessie 'G' « Aus t in & Ally 'G' *DISC 15 21 16 37 AmeriCanChOppern'PG' cc Fast N' Loud Scotquits. '14' cc Fas t N' Loud (N) '14' cc Chopper Live: Road toRevenge(N) n 'PG' cc Chopper Live: Road toRevenge *E! 13 25 The E! True Hollywood Story '14' E ! News (N) Studio E! (N) '14' The Soup '14' F ashion Police '14 Leann Rimes Chelsea Lately Chelsea Lately ESPN 21 23 22 23 (5:30)NFLFootballHouston TexansatNew EnglandPatricts(N)(Live) SportsCenter (N)(Live) « NFL PrimeTime (N) cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc ESPN2 22 24 21 24 (5:30) CollegeFootball Bowl ManiaSpecial (N) « SportsCenter (N) Football Live NBA Tonight (N) NFL Presents SportsCenter (N) (Live) « SportsNation « ESPNC 23 25 123 25 Network Stars AWA Wrestling cc UWFWrestling PBA Bowling cc Boxing cc Ringside cc H-Lite Ex. H-Li te Ex. H-Lite Ex. H-Li te Ex H-Lite Ex. H-Lite Ex. ESPNN 24 63 124203 SportsCenter (N) (Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) « ESPNFCPress H-Lite Ex. *** "Home A/one" (1990,Comedy) MacaulayCulkin, JoePesci. FAM 67 29 19 41 JackFrost'G' Frosty's Mickey's Carol The Year Without a SantaClaus The 700 Club n 'G' « FNC 57 61 36 50 Hannity(N) On Record, GretaVanSusteren The O'Reilly Factor cc Hannity On Record, GretaVanSusteren The Five *FOOD 17 62 98 44 Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive D i ners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive D i ners, Drive D i ners, Drive D i ners, Drive Mystery Diners Health Inspect *** "Forgetting SarahMarshall" (2008, Romance-Comedy)Jason Segel, Kristen Bell, Mila Kunis. "Forgetting Sarah Marshall" (2008) FX 131 How I Met How I Met Two/Half Men Two/Half Men HGTV 17 49 33 43 Property Virgins Property Virgins Love It or List It 'G' cc Love It or List It Kowalik Family'G' Love It or List It (N) 'G' « House Hunters Hunters Int'I Love It or List It Pinnock 'G' « *HIST 15 42 41 36 AmericanPickers'PG' cc American Pickers 'PG' cc Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' American Pickers (N) 'PG' cc Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' American Wise Pawn Stars 'PG' *** "Crazy for Christmas" (2005,Drama)Andrea Roth. « LIFE 13 39 20 31 **"A Nannyfor Christmas"(2010) Emm anuelle Vaugier. « "All She Wantsfor Christmas" (2006, Drama) MonicaKeena. 'PG' « MSNBC 59 59 128 51 The Rachel MaddowShow (N) The Last Word The Ed Show The Rachel MaddowShow The Last Word Hardball With Chris Matthews MTV 192 22 38 57 Catfish: The TVShowKim8 Matt Catfish: The TVShow n '14' Teen Mom 2 n 'PG' Teen Mom2 Life GoesOn n 'PG' Teen Mom2 Second Chances 'PG' Catfish: The TV Show (N) n '14 NICK 82 46 24 40 SpongeBob S p o ngeBob Drake &Josh n Drake & Josh n Full House 'G' Full House 'G' Full House 'G' Full House 'G' The Nanny 'PG' The Nanny 'PG Friends n 'PG' (11:33) Friends Dateline on OWN n '14' « Dateline on OWN n '14' « Dateline onOWN(N) n '14' Dateline on OWN n '14' « OWN 161 103 31 103 Sins & Secrets Nantucket n '14 Sins & Secrets Shreveport n '14' ROOT 20 45 28* 26 GameTime U F C Reloaded147: UFCSilva vs. Franklin II Highlights cf UFC147in Brazil. (N) Bensinger World PokerTour: Season10 The DanPatrick Show SPIKE 132 31 34 46 (5:55)lnkMastern'14'« Ink Master StarWarsForever '14' (8:05) Ink MasterHolyInk n '14' (9:10) Ink Master BuckOff n '14' cc (10:16) Ink Master n '14' cc Worst Tenants SYFY 13 35 133 45 ** "Indiana Jonesand theKingdom of the Crystal Skull" (2008) Harrison Ford,Cate Blanchett. Syfy 20th Anniversary Special (N) '14 Syfy 20th Anniversary Special '14' TBN 205 60130 Kingdom Conn. Jesse Duplantis Praise the Lord 'Y' « Live-Holy Land Creflo Dollar 'G' Casting CrownsChristmas JoelOsteen'PG' Manna-Fest The King of The King of Seinfeld n 'PG' «Seinfeld TheVan Family Guy Family Family Guyn Family GuyFOX-y Family Guy n Family GuyEpi- Family Guy Stew- Conan SethMacFarlane; Retta;Jack 'TBS '14' cc '14' cc Queens n 'PG Queens n 'PG Buren Boys'PG' Gay '14' cc Lady '14' cc sode 420 n '14' Roids '14' White. (N) '14' « )**** GrsndHotel"(1932) G«t (7:15) **** "MyFair Lady"(1964, Musical) AudreyHepburn, RexHarrison, Stanley Hclloway.Professor HenryHiggins (10:15) **** "TheGrapesof Wrath"(1940) HenryFonda,Jane Darwell. A De TCM 101 44 101 29 Garbo. 5i00 «(DVS) bets he canrefinecockney Eliza Doolittle. « pression-eraOklahomafamily migrates tc California. « *TLC 17 34 32 34 Island Medium Cake Boss: Next Great Baker Game On! 'PG' « CakeBoss:NextGreatBaker'PG CakeBoss:NextGreatBaker'PG CakeBoss'PG' Cake Boss'PG' Cake Boss:NextGreatBaker'PG The Mentalist RedGold Aprospector is The Mentalist Red QueenAn antiques The Mentalist Code RedScientist is The Mentalist Theteamprepares to The Mentalist Aingavite BaaIdentifying CSE NYAdeadmanwearing medieval *TNT found dead. n '14' « dealer is found dead. n '14' exposed to adeadly toxin. '14' meet the newboss. 14 « a womanwith amnesia. '14' armor. n '14' cc *TOON 84 Regular Show Wrld, Gumball Adventure Time Adventure Time Regular Show Annoying King of the Hill King of the Hill American Dad American Dad Family Guy 'PG' Family Guy '14' *TRAV 17 51 45 42 Bizarre Foods/Zimmern Man v. Food 'G' Manv.Food'G' TheLayoverwithBourdain The Layover with Bourdain Hotel Impossible (N) 'PG' « Hotel Impossible 'PG' « *A*S*H M*A*S*H 'PG' M*A*S*H 'PG' TVLND 65 47 29 35 (5:11) Bonanza (6:22) M The CosbyShow The Cosby Show Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond KingofQueens King ofQueens USA 15 30 23 30 NCISOfficer'ssword.'PG'« NCIS: Los Angeles Disorder'14' W W E Monday Night RAW Howdoes CMPunk's kneeinjury affect TLC?(N) n « CSE CrimeSceneInvestigation n VH1 191 48 37 54 BasketballWivesLAn'14 Basketball Wives LA n '14 Basketball Wives LA n '14' Basketball Wives LA (N)'14' T.l. and Tiny M a rrying, Game Basketball Wives LA n '14 *A&E


*** "Philadelphia"1993 TomHanks. 'PG-13' « 106401 306401(5:45) *** "TheBridges oiMadison County" 1995Clint Eastwood The Thorn Birds (Part1 of 4) '14' cc * "Jumper" 2008,ScienceFiction HaydenChristensen. 'PG 13' « ** "Lostin Space"1998, ScienceFiction WiliamHurt, Mimi Rogers.'PG-13' « FXM Presents 104 204104120(5 00) * "Jumper" 2008'PG 13' 34 (5:00) UFC:Henderson vs. Diaz U F C Unrestricted '14 Moto: InOut UFC Tonight UFC Reloaded UFC140: Jonesvs.MachidaJonJonesfacesLyctoMachida 28 301 27 301(5:00) Golf Wendy'sThreeTour ChallengeFromLasVegas. 'G Golf Central G o l f Central Go l f Wendy's Three Tour ChallengeFromLas Vegas. 'G

*** "Moonlight and Mistletoe" (2008)CandaceCameron Bure. 'G ** "Twice Upon aChristmas" (2001, Fantasy) KathyIreland. 'G' « HALL 66 33 175 33 The Hollywood Christmas Parade 'G' « t HBO 425 501 425501 (5:15) ** "Tower Heist" 2011n ** "ln Time" 2011Justin Timberlake, Cillian Murphy. n 'PG-13' cc Mel Brooks Strikes Back! (N)'14' * * * DieHard" 1988, Action BruceWilis, Alan Rickman. n 'R' cc f ** BigTop Pee-wee"1988 PaulReubens. 'PG IFC 10 1 0 5 Bi gTop Pee (6:45) *** "TheSpongeBcbSquarePanfsMovie"2004 'PG (10:15) *** "TheSpongeBcbSquarePanfsMovie"2004'PG Voices ofJamesMarsden.n *** "TheBirdcage"1996, ComedyRobin Wiliams. n 'R' cc MAX 400508 508 Wes Craven's (6:35) **"The AdjustmentBureau"2011Matt Damon.'PG-13' cc (8:20) ** t Hop" 2011 NBCSN 27 58 30 209 Golf Onward Notre Dame Costas Tonight 'PG Sports lllustrated 'PG Onward Notre Dame Poker After Dark 'PG' « NGC 157 157 T a boo Fantasy Li'1v4'es Taboo ChangingGender '14' Taboo StrangePassions'14' Taboo FantasyLives '14' Taboo ChangingGender'14' Taboo SecretLives NTOON 89 115189115 Dragonball GT Odd Parents Avatar: Air. Ava tar: Air. Planet Sheen n Planet Sheenn SpongeBob S p ongeBob Avatar: Air. Ava tar: Air Dragon Ball Z I ron Man: Armor OUTD 37 307 43 307 Profess Fisher's ATV Dirt Trax TV D e stination PolPBR Outdoors Best of West Headhunters TV Grateful Nation Fisher's ATV D i rt Trax TV SHO 500 500 * * "T he Crossing Guard"1995, DramaJack Nicholson. n 'R' cc Untold History of the United States Homeland n 'MA' « Dexter n MA « SPEED 35 303125303 Hot Rod TV 'G Hot Rod TV '14' Truck U 'G' Tru ck U 'G' Gearz 'G' Gearz 'G' Hot Rod TV'G' Hot Rod TV '14' Truck U 'G ' Tr u ck U 'G' ***"21 Jump Street"2012, Comedy Jonah Hill. n'R' « STARZ 300408300408 BeautifulBoy 'R (6:35) *** "Pirates olthe Caribbean:TheCurseoi theBlack Pearl" 2003 'PG-13' « * "Loosies" 2011Peter Facinelli. 'PG-13' « ** "Cocktail" 1988, RomanceTomCruise. 'R' « TMC 525 52 5 B o dyguard GoodTimeMax" 2007 James Franco.n 'NR'cc *WE 14 41 174 118 Roseanne'PG' Roseanne'PG' Roseanne'PG' Roseanne'PG' Roseanne'PG' Roseanne'PG' Roseanne'PG' Roseanne'PG' Roseanne'PG' Roseanne'PG'

Destination Pol. Savage Wild Homeland n 'MA' «

Unique Whips '14' *** "FriendsWithBenefits" 'R' (11:15) *** "50/50" 2011 n 'R' Roseanne'PG' Roseanne'PG'

THE BULLETIN «DECEMBER 8 — 14, 2012 *In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/Black Butte (Digital); PM-Prineville/Madras; SR-Sunriver; L-La Pine

PAGE 12 • TV



c II



II Jeopardy! (N)n















Wheel of Fortune Santa Claus Is Comin' to Town n 'G' Happy Endings (N)TheB-- in Apart Private Practice A newwomanbrings KATU Newsat11 (11:35) Nightline 'Q' cc n '14' cc (N) n 'G' ment 23 Sheldonhappiness. (N) '14' (ABC) (N)n cc (N) cc Jeopardy! (N)n Wheel of Fortune The Voice Elimination; ChrisMann; (9:01) Take It All Contestantsvie for (10:01) ParenthoodSarahfeels torn NewsChannel 21 Tonight Show KTVZ O O O O NewsChannel 21 at 6 (N) cc 'Q' cc (N) n 'G' (NBC) Juliet Simms.(N) n 'PG' « prizes. (N) n 'PG' « betweenMarkandHank.(N) 'PG' at11 (N) cc Wi t h Jay Leno Access HollywoodNew Adventures How I Met Your 30 Rock Respawn NCIS Devil's Trifecta FBIAgentFornell is NCIS: Los Angeles Gunmenorchestrate VegasMasqueradeAyoungshowgirlis KOINLocal6at11 Late ShowWith KBNZ '14' cc (N) 'PG' targeted. (N) n '14' David Letterman (CBS) of Old Christine Mother n 'PG' a brazenheist. (N) n '14' murdered. (N) n '14' cc (N) cc The Insider (N) Santa Claus IsComin' to Town n 'G Happy Endings(N) The B-- in Apart Private Practice A newwomanbrings KEZI 9 Newsat (11:35) Nightline KOHD Q Q Q Q KEZI9Newsat KEZI 9 News(N) «Entertainment n '14' cc Tonight (N) n cc ment 23 (ABC) 6pm (N) « Sheldonhappiness. (N) '14' 11pm (N) « (N) cc The Big Bang The Big Bang Raising Hope(N) Ben and Kate Pilot New Girl Santa(N) The Mindy Project News Channel 21 TMZ (N) n 'PG' cc The Simpsons n Family Quy n KFXO ID< IEI |Ef IEI TwoandaHalf Two and aHalf n '14' cc n'PG' cc 'PQ' cc '14' cc Men '14' cc Men '14' cc (N) n '14' (FOX) Theory n 'PG' Theory n '14' n14 First on FOX II Volo Takes Flight The Italian teenvocaI groupperforms Dr. WayneDyer: Wishes Fulfilled Five stepsfor gettingthe most out of life. n 'G' « KOAB Q Q Q Q AskThis Old Nightly Business PBS NewsHour(N) n m (PBS) House 'G' cc Report (N) n 'G' classical andtraditional Italian songs. 'G' cc NewsChannel8 at NewsChannel 8 at Live at 7 (N) cc Inside Edition (N) The Voice Elimination;Chris Mann (9:01) Take It All Contestantsvie for (10:01) ParenthoodSarahfeels torn NewsChannel 8at TonightShow KGW 'PQ' cc 6:30PM(N) betweenMarkandHank.(N) 'PG' (NBC) 6PM (N) « Juliet Simms.(N) n 'PG' « prizes. (N) n 'PG' « 11(N) cc With Jay Leno The King of R u l es of Engage. Rules of Engage Hart of Dixie Zoetries toavoid hervisit A Muppets Christmas: Letters to Seinfeld The Pilot, Seinfeld TheFace 'Til Death Sell the 'Til Death n KTVZDT2 IEIQ Q Q The King of 'PG' « ment '14' Queens n 'PG Queens n 'PG' ment 'PG' ing mother.(N) n 'PG' « Santa n 'G' cc Part I 'PG' Painter 'PG' Ho use '14' (CW) OPBPL 175 17 3 T h e CaSebOOk Of SherlOCk HOlmea PeaCe COrpS I n dependent LenS ReV. Paul O'Brien. n 'PG' cc World News T a vis Smiley (N) Charlie Rose(N) n « PBS NewsHour n « KATU

KATU Newsat 6(N) n cc

Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars StorageWars(N) Storage Wars(N) Storage Wars Storage Wars (11:01)Storage (11:31) Storage 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc Wars 'PG' cc W a rs 'PG' cc Make It Rain, Girl Texas(N) cc ureen O' H ara, John Payne. An adwom(10:15) **** "Miracle on 34th Street" (1947) MaureenO'Hara, JohnPayne. An (530) ** "Jumanji" (1995,Fantasy) RobinWiliams, Bonnie Hunt. Asinister board ****"Miracle on 34th Street"(1947) Ma 'AMC an's boyfrienddefendsMacy's Santa in coUrt. cc game putsits players inmortal jeopardy. « adwoman'sboyfrienddefendsMacy's Santain court. « *ANPL 68 50 26 38 MonstersInside Men'PG' cc Life: Reborn(N) n 'PG Frontier Earth (N) n 'PG The Blue Planet: Seasof Life 'G' T h e Blue Planet: Seas of Life 'G Frontier Earth n 'PG BRAVO 13 44 Re a l Housewives/Beverly Real Housewives/Beverly The Real Housewives of Atlanta Start-Ups: Silicon Valley (N) Million Dollar Decorators (N) What Happens Housewives R e ba 'PG' cc Re b a 'PG' cc Re b a Pilot 'PG ** «Slarsky &Hutch" (2004, Comedy) BenStiler, Owen Wilson. n CMT 190 32 42 53 Reba'PG' cc Re b a 'PG' cc Reba 'PG' cc ChainsawGang Chainsaw Gang CNBC 54 36 40 52 60MinutesonCNBC(N) American Greed Raffaello Follieri M a d Money 60 Minutes on CNBC American GreedRaffaello Follieri Octaspring Ma. Get Sub D CNN 55 38 35 48 Piers MorganTonight(N) Anderson Cooper360 « Erin Burnett OutFront Piers MorganTonight Anderson Cooper360 « Erin Burnett OutFront Daily Show C o l bert Report COM 13 53 135 47 (5:58) South Park (6:29) Tosh.0'14' Colbert Report Daily Show Wo r kaholics '14' Key & Peele '14'Tosh.O'14' Tosh.O'14' T osh.O'14' T osh.O'14' COTV 11 Paid Program Kristi Miller Redmond City Council Kristi Miller Cit y Edition CSPAN 61 20 12 11 (5:00) Capitol Hill Hearings Capitol Hill Hearings 'DIS 87 43 14 39 Phineas, Ferb Good-Charlie A . N.T. Farm 'G' Gravity Falls 'Y7' Good-Charlie "The UltimateChristmasPresent" (2000) n 'G' « Jessie'G' «Phineas, Ferb A.N.T. Farm 'G' Jessie 'G'« *DISC 15 21 16 37 FastN'Loud'14'cc Chopper Live: Countdown to theRevenge(N) n 'PG' cc Chopper Live: TheRevenge (N)n (Live) 'PG'cc Amish Mafia (N) n '14' cc Chopper Live *E! 13 2 5 (5:00) ** "OfficeSpace" (1999) E! News(N) Leann Rimes Ice Loves Coco Ice Loves Coco Nicki Minaj: My Nicki Minaj: My Chelsea Lately Chelsea Lately ESPN 21 23 22 23 NBABasketball NBABasketballLosAngelesClippersatChicagoBullsFromtheUnitedCenterinChicago SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc ESPN2 22 24 21 24 E:60(N) Wider World of Sports SportsCenter (N)(Live) « NBA Tonight (N) NFL Live « SportsNation « NBA Tonight ESPNC 23 25 123 25 (5:00) CollegeFootball cc College Football FromJan. 1, 2000. cc College Football cc College Football cc H-Lite Ex. H-Li te Ex H-Lite Ex. H-Li te Ex H-Lite Ex. H-Li te Ex. ESPNN 24 63 124203 SportsCenter (N) (Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) « ESPNFCPress H-Lite Ex. ***"The SantaC/ause"(1994, Comedy)TimAllen, JudgeReinhold * "TheSantaC/ause3: TheEscape Clause" (2006)TimAllen. FAM 67 29 19 41 (5:00) *** "HomeA/one" (1 990) The 700 Club n 'G' « FNC 57 61 36 50 Hannity(N) On Record, GretaVanSusteren The O'Reilly Factor cc Hannity On Record, GretaVanSusteren The Five *FOOD 17 62 98 44 ChoppedBirdinthePan Chopped Pastadishes Chopped Oysterscauseproblems Chopped Plenty ofFish ChoppedThirstyfor Victory (N) Chopped 'G' *** "Rush Hour" (1998,Action) Jackie Chan, Chris Tucker ** "Rush Hour 2" (2001,Action) JackieChan, Chris Tucker FX 131 How I Met How I Met Two/Half Men Two/Half Men HGTV 17 49 33 43 Hunters Int'I H un t ers Int'I Hunters Int'I House Hunters Love Itor Listlt'G' « Property Virgins Property Virgins House Hunters Hunters Int'I Million Dollar Rooms(N) 'G' « *HIST 15 42 41 36 MonsterQuestHugelizards.'PG' Mankind TheStory of All of Us Mankind TheStory of All of Us Mankind TheStory of All of Us Mankindtamesthewilderness. (N)'PG Invention USA Invention USA LIFE 13 39 20 31 WifeSwapn'PG' « Wife SwapParker/Robinson'PG' Abby's Ultimate Dance Abby's Ultimate DanceCompetition Dancefor Your Life(N) 'PG' « Extreme Moms Prank My Mom MSNBC 59 59 128 51 The Rachel MaddowShow (N) The Last Word The Ed Show The Rachel MaddowShow The Last Word Hardball With Chris Matthews MTV 192 22 38 57 Catfish: The TVShown'14 Teen Mom 2Life GoesOnn 'PG' Teen Mom2 Second Chances'PG' Teen Mom2 SecondChances'PG' Underemployed (N) n '14' « True Life I'mSupporting MyMan NICK 82 46 24 40 SpongeBob S p o ngeBob Drake &Josh n Drake & Josh n Full House 'G' Full House 'G' Full House 'G' Full House 'G' The Nanny 'PG' The Nanny 'PG Friends n 'PG' (11:33) Friends Oprah: WhereAre They Now? '14 Oprah: WhereAre They Now?'PG In the BedroomWith Dr. Laura Oprah: WhereAre They Now?'14 OWN 161 103 31 103 Married-Mobster Married-Mobster Oprah: WhereAre They Now?'PG ROOT 20 45 28* 26 Women's College Basketball Colorado atDenver(N) Griot's Garage Diesel TV (N) Mark FewShow World PokerTour: Season10 The DanPatrick Show SPIKE 132 31 34 46 Ink Master Star WarsForever '14' I n k Master Holy Ink n '14' « Ink Master Buck Off n '14' cc Ink Master BlowingChunks n '14' Ink Master (N) n '14' cc Ink Master Buck Off n '14' cc ** "QuantumofSo/ace" (2008, Action) Daniel Craig, OlgaKurylenko. « SYFY 13 35 133 45 StarTrek: M.P. ** * " Star Trek/V:TheVoyage Home"(1986) Wiliam Shatner, LeonardNimoy. « StarTrek/V TBN 205 60 130 Joseph Prince Rod Parsley ACLJ This Week Full Flame cc B e hind Scenes Creflo Dollar 'G' Christmas Visitor Pr a ise the Lord 'Y' cc The King of The King of S e i nfeld The Voice SeinfeldSusi The e The Big Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang Conan ChrisO'Dowd; GrahamParker & 'TBS 'PQ' cc Queens n 'PG Queens n 'PG' 'PG' cc Theory n '14' Theory n '14' Theory n 'PG' Theory n '14' Theory n '14' Theory n '14' Rumour. (N) '14' cc ) *** "TheMagmNcenl Se~en" (7:15) *** "TheGood,theBad andthe Ugly" (1967,Western) Dint Eastwood,Eli Wallach, LeeVanCleef. Threeviolent, determined menvie for **** "TheSearchers" (1956,Western) JohnWayne, Jeffrey TCM 101 44 101 29 5'00 a $200,000 treasure. cc Hunter, Natalie Wood. « (1960) YulBrynner. cc *TLC 17 34 32 34 Island Medium Island Medium Sister Wives PolygamiCul st ts '14' My Crazy Obsession n 'PG' « Little People Big World: Wedding Four Houses: Deck the Halls (N) Little People Big World: Wedding The Mentalist A doctor is founddeadat The Mentalist The RedMile VanPelt Rizzoli & Isles An author's suicide is Rizzoli & Isles Virtual LoveThevirtual Leverage The teamtries to get a bottle Rizzoli & Isles Virtual LoveThe virtual *TNT a golf course. '14' « looks for awedding dress. '14' investigated. '14' « and real worldscollide. (N) '14' of wine. (N) 'PG' « and real worldscollide. '14' *TOON 84 Regular Show Wrld, Gumball Wrld, Gumball Looney Tunes Level Up 'PG' A dventure Time KingoftheHill K i ngoftheHill A mericanDad AmericanDad FamilyGuy'14' FamilyGuy'14 *TRAV 17 51 45 42 Bizarre Foods/Zimmern Man v. Food 'G' Manv.Food Bizarre Foods/Zimmern DangerousGroundsEthiopia'PG' NFL Tested Man v. Food 'G' NFL Tested NFL Tested M * A*S*H 'PG' T h e Cosby Show The Cosby Show The Cosby Show Love.Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond KingofQueens King ofQueens TVLND 65 47 29 35 M*A*S*H 'PG' M * A*S*H 'PG' USA 15 30 23 30 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law 8 Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit VH1 191 48 37 54 Marrying,Game Marrying,Game BasketballWivesLAn'14' Basketball Wives LA '14' T.l. and Tiny T . l . and Tiny Be h ind the Music Pink 'PG' cc Marrying, Game T.l. and Tiny *A&E


3 28 1 8 32 Storage 'PQ' cc Wars

106 401 306401(5:40) *** "As Good as ll Gets" 1997JackNicholson. 'PG-13' « The Thorn Birds (Part 2 of 5)'PG' cc **"Blow"2001, DramaJohnnyDepp,PenelopeCruz,Franka Potente.'R' acc 104 204104120(5:00) ** "Blow" 2001JohnnyDepp. 'R' « 34 UFC Unleashed UFC Tonight (N) UFC Insider UFC: Hendersonvs. Diaz

(9:40) *** "Moneyball" 2011,DramaBradPitt, Jonah Hill. n 'PG-13' « * "TheMarine" 2006JohnCena.Thugs kidnap thewife of a soldier UFC Unleashed UFC Tonight U FC Insider Top10 'G 28 301 27 301 Big BreakGreenbrier (N) 'PG' Big Break Greenbrier 'PG' Big Break Gol f Central Big Break Greenbrier 'PG' Big Break Greenbrier 'PG' Big Break *** "All I Wantfor Christmas" (2007)Gail O'Grady. 'PG' « HALL 66 33 175 33"Hitched for the Holidays"(2012) JoeyLawrence. 'PG' « Come DanceWith Me" (2012, Romance)AndrewMcCarthy. 'G' « HBO 425 501 425501 (6:15) *** "Contagion" 2011Marion Cotillard. n 'PG-13' cc ** "Journey 2:TheMysterious Island" 2012 'PG This Is 40: 1st 24i7 Pacquiao * * "Cowboys & Aliens" 2011 Daniel Craig. 'PG-13' * "Punihser:WarZone"2008,ActionRayStevenson.'R IFC 1 0 1 0 5 (5:00) *** "FightC/ub" 1999,SuspenseBrad Pitt. 'R (10:15) *** "FightClub" 1999, SuspenseBrad Pitt. 'R ** "Green Lantern" 2011,Action RyanReynolds. n 'PG-13' cc MAX 400508 508 MajorLeagueil (8:15) *** "Garden State" 2004,ComedyZachBraff. n 'R' cc (645) ** "Project X" 2012ThomasMann. 'R' cc NBCSN 27 58 30 209 (5:00) Golf Franklin TempletonShootout, Final Round Rugby SevenWorldSeries - SouthAfrica Poker After Dark 'PG' « Poker After Dark 'PG' « NGC 157 157 D oomsday Preppers(N)'14 DoomsdayPreppers'14' DoomsdayPreppers '14 DoomsdayPreppers '14' Drugs, Inc. HighStakesVegas'14' Drugs, Inc. HurricaneBlow'14' NTOON 89 115189115 Dragonball GT Odd Parents Av a tar: Air. Avatar: Air. Planet Sheen n Planet Sheenn SpongeBob SpongeBob Avatar: Air. Ava tar: Air. Dragon Ball Z I ron Man: Armor OUTD 37 307 43 307 Hunting, Country Outdoors TV W i l dlife DreamSeason Hunting TV Mic haels MRA Truth Hunting W i ldlife The Hit List Bo w Madness Legends of Fall SOLO Hunters *** "The Help"2011,DramaViola Davis, EmmaStone. n 'PG-13' « SHO 500 500 Homeland n 'MA' « Dexter n 'MA' « (5:45) *** "The Myth of theAmerican Sleepover" SPEED 35 303125 303Hard Parts Har d Parts My Ride Rules My Ride Rules Dumbest Stuff Dumbest Stuff Hard Parts Hard Parts My Ride Rules My Ride Rules Unique Whips '14' ** "Underworld: Awakening" 2012 n 'R' « *** "The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo" 2011 'R' STARZ 300 408 300408 "Confessions-Dangerous" (7:15) *** "AnalyzeThis"1999Robert DeNiro. n 'R' cc **** "A LonelyPlacefo Die" 2011 n 'R' « TMC 5 25 52 5 * * * "B uffalo 66"1998, DramaVincent Gallo. n 'R' « (9:40) ** "Suspect Zero" 2004,SuspenseAaron Eckhart. n 'R' Transsiberian 'R' *WE 14 41 174118CSEMiami On theHOOk'14' cc C SEMiami Happy Birthday n '14' CSEMiami MatCh Made in Hell '14' CS h Miami F-T-F n '14' cc CSEMiami Blood Sugar'14' cc CSEMiami On the Hook'14' cc



TV • PAGE 13 *In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/Black Butte (Digital); PM-Prineville/Madras; SR-Sunriver; L-La Pine

DECEMBER 8 — 14, 2012


i " " l " ' "' "" " "' •


v II KATU Newsat 6(N) n «


II Jeopardy! (N)n













Wheel of Fortune The Middle (N) n The Neighbors (N)Modern Family (N) (9:31) BarbaraWalters Presents the10 Most Fascinating KATU Newsat11 (11:35) Nightline 'Q' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc (N) n 'G' People of 2012 (N) n « (ABC) (N)n cc (N) cc Jeopardy! (N)n Wheel of Fortune Whitney Hello Guys With Kids Take It All Contestantsvie for lavish Chicago Fire It Ain't EasyJose Vargas NewsChannel 21 Tonight Show KTVZ O O O O NewsChannel 21 at 6 (N) cc 'Q' cc (N) n 'G' (NBC) Giggles (N) '14' n 'PG' prizes. (N) n 'PG' « must go on disability. (N) '14' at11 (N) cc Wi t h Jay Leno Access HollywoodNew Adventures How I Met Your 30 Rock Pilot n Survivor: Philippines (N) n « Criminal Minds Someonetracks cases CSE CrimeScene Investigation Risky KOIN Local 6 at 11 Late ShowWith KBNZ '14' cc (N) 'PG' BusinessClass(N) n 'PG' David Letterman (CBS) of Old Christine Mother n '14' and copiescrimes. (N) '14' (N) cc The Insider (N) The Middle (N) n The Neighbors (N)Modern Family (N) (9:31) BarbaraWalters Presents the10 Most Fascinating KEZI 9 Newsat (11:35) Nightline KOHD Q Q Q Q KEZI9Newsat KEZI 9 News(N) «Entertainment 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc Tonight (N) 'PG' cc People of 2012 (N) n « (ABC) 6pm (N) « 11pm (N) « (N) cc The Big Bang The Big Bang The X Factor TopFinalists PerformThefinalists perform. (N) n '14' cc News Channel 21 TMZ (N) n 'PG' cc The Simpsons n Family Guy n KFXO ID< IEI IEI IEI Twoanda Half Two and aHalf 'PQ' cc '14' cc Men '14' cc Men '14' cc (FOX) Theory n 'PG' Theory n '14' First on FOX 60s Pop, Rock &Soul(My Music) Artists andgroupsfromthe1960s perform 3 Steps to Incredible Health! With Joel Fuhrman,M.D. Dr.Joel Fuhrmandis KOAB Q Q Q Q Equitrekking AdNightly Business PBS NewsHour (N) nacc n'G' cc (PBS) ventures n 'G' Report (N) n 'G' cusses a diet richwith nutrients. n 'G' cc NewsChannel8 at NewsChannel 8 at Live at 7 (N) cc Inside Edition (N) Whitney Hello Guys With Kids Take It All Contestantsvie for lavish Chicago Fire It Ain't Easy Jose Vargas NewsChannel 8 at Tonight Show KGW 'PQ' cc 6:30PM(N) (NBC) 6PM (N) « Giggles (N) '14' n 'PG' prizes. (N) n 'PG' « must go on disability. (N) '14' 11(N) cc With Jay Leno The King of R u l es of Engage. Rules of Engage. Arrow Year' EndOl s iver throwsa family The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show Seinfeld The Pilot, Seinfeld 'PG' cc 'Til Death Ally's 'Til Death Taleof KTVZDT2 IEIQ Q Gci The King of n '14' cc ment '14' Queens n 'PG Queens n 'PG' ment 'PG' Christmasparty. (N) n '14' Part II 'PG' Pregnant n 'PG' the Tape n '14' (CW) OPBPL 175 17 3 Th e CaSebOOkOfSherlOCkHOlmee JOurneyOfMann'PG'cc World News Tavis Smiley (N) Charlie Rose(N) n 'G' « PBS NewsHour n cc KATU

Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty Thefamily gearsupfor Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty Shipping Wars(N) Shipping Wars(N) (11:01)Shipping (11:31) Shipping 3 28 1 8 32 The 48 Col 'PQ' Dynasty cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc Wars 'PG' cc W a rs 'PG' cc tripleFirst shooting. '1la 4'teral; cc Driven toKill A Duck Christmas. 'PG' cc (5:30) CSI: Miami CSI: Miami StandYour GroundSome- 12.12.12 The Concert for Sandy Relief Musiciansperformat MadisonSquareGardento aid thevictims of HurricaneSandy. 'PG' 'AMC n '14' « one tries to kill Calleigh. '14' *ANPL 68 50 26 38 MonsterslnsideMeLurkers'PG Finding Bigfoot: Further Evidence Fmding Bigfoot n PG cc River Monsters: Unhooked n 'PG' Gator Boys GatorsGoneWild '14' F i nding Bigfoot n 'PG' cc BRAVO 13 44 The Real Housewives of Atlanta Real Housewives/Beverly Real Housewives/Beverly Top Chef: Seattle (N)'14 What Happens LOLwork (N) Top Chef: Seattle '14 R e ba 'PG' cc Reba 'PG' cc R e ba 'PG' cc ** NFireproo/o(2008,Drama)Kirk Cameron,Erin Bethea, Alex Kendrick. n « ** Fireproof CMT 190 32 42 53 Reba'PG' cc Re b a 'PG' cc Reba 'PG' cc CNBC 54 36 4052 Hotel:BehindClosedDoors American Greed Mad Money Hotel: Behind Closed Doors American Greed Quit Your Job! Supersmile 'PG' CNN 55 38 35 48 Piers MorganTonight(N) Anderson Cooper360 « Erin Burnett OutFront Piers MorganTonight Anderson Cooper360 « Erin Burnett OutFront C o l bert Report COM 13 53 135 47 (5:58) South Park (6:29) Tosh.0'14' Colbert Report Daily Show Chappell eShow ChappelleShow South Park 'MA' South Park 'MA' South Park 'MA' South Park 'MA' Daily Show COTV 11 Bend City Council Work Session Bend City Council Kristi Miller Cit y Edition CSPAN 61 20 12 11 (5:00) Capitol Hill Hearings Capitol Hill Hearings 'DIS 87 43 14 39 Austin & Jessie & Ally All Star Sha ke It Up! 'G' A.N.T. Farm 'G' Jessie n 'G' Go o d-Charlie D o g With a Blog Shake It Up! 'G'Good-Charlie P h ineas, Ferb Austin & Ally 'G' Shake It Up! 'G' *DISC 15 21 16 37 MOOnShineran'14' cc Amish Mafia (N) n '14' cc Amish Mafia (N) n '14' cc Moonshiners n '14' cc Moonshiners ProphecyFulfilled '14' Amish Mafia n 14 cc *E! ** "Sweet HomeAlabama" (2002)ReeseW itherspoon,JoshLucas. 13 25 Lea nn Rimes E! News(N) The Soup '14' L ove You Chelsea Lately Chelsea Lately ESPN 21 23 22 23 NBABasketballDallasMavericksatBostonCeltics NBABasketbal!SanAntonioSpursatUtah Jazz(N)(Live) SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc ESPN2 22 24 21 24 (5:00)30for30 NFLLivee«s SportsCenter S portsCenter (N) (Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) s« s NBA Tonight (N) SportsNation « NBA Tonight ESPNC 23 25 123 25 (5:00) College Football FromDec.19,2001. cc Long WayDown cc College Football FromDec.26,2003. cc College Football cc H-Lite Ex. H-Li te Ex. H-Lite Ex. H-Li te Ex H-Lite Ex. H-Lite Ex ESPNN 24 63 124203 SportsCenter (N) (Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) « ESPNFCPress H-Lite Ex. * "The SantaClause3: TheEscape Clause" (2006)TimAllen *** "National Lampoon'sChristmas Vacation" (1989)ChevyChase. FAM 67 29 19 41 (5:00)***"TheSanta Clause The 700 Club n 'PG' « FNC 57 61 36 50 Hannity(N) On Record, GretaVanSusteren The O'Reilly Factor cc Hannity On Record, GretaVanSusteren The Five *FOOD 17 62 98 44 Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Restaurant: Impossible 'G Restaurant: Impossible 'G Restaurant: Impossible Restaurant Stakeout (N) Restaurant: Impossible *** "Taken" (2008,Action) LiamNeeson, MaggieGrace FX 131 Two/Half Men Two/Half Men Two/Half Men Two/Half Men American Horror Story: Asylum (N) American Horror Story: Asylum HGTV 17 49 33 43 LoveltorListlt'G'« House Hunters Renovation 'G' Property Brothers 'G' « Buying andSelling (N) 'G' « House Hunters Hunters Int'I Property Brothers 'G' « *HIST 15 42 41 36 Restoration Res toration Restoration R e s toration Restoration Re s toration Res toration Res toration Inv ention USA Invention USA Cajun Pawn Cajun Pawn LIFE 13 39 20 31 "Christmas onChestnut Street" (2006, Drama) KristenDalton. 'PG' « * "ThePerfect Holiday" (2007)Gabriele Union, Morris Chestnut. « ** "NothingLikethe Ho/idays" (2008) John Leguizamo. « MSNBC 59 59 128 51 The Rachel MaddowShow (N) The Last Word The Ed Show The Rachel MaddowShow The Last Word Hardball With Chris Matthews MTV 192 22 38 57 Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Jersey Shore ShoreShower'14' Jersey ShoreAwkward! '14' « The Challenge: Battle of Seasons The Challenge: Battle of Seasons Catfish: The TVShow n '14 NICK 82 46 24 40 SpongeBob SpongeBob Drake &Josh n Drake & Josh n Full House 'G' Full House 'G Full House 'G' Full House'G' The Nanny'PG' The Nanny'PG Friends n 'PG' (11:33) Friends Stolen Voices Stolen Voices Stolen Voices Undercover Boss n 'PG' « Undercover Boss n 'PG'cc Undercover BossMasTecn 'PG Undercover Boss n 'PG' « OWN 161 103 31 103 Stolen Voices ROOT 20 45 28* 26 Seahawks Press Mark FewShow Women's CollegeBasketball Coloradoat Denver Sports Unlimited Heartland Poker Tour '14' cc The DanPatrick Show SPIKE 132 31 34 46 RepoGamesn Repo Games n Repo Games n Repo Games n Repo Games n Repo Gamesn (9:13) RepoGamesn 'PG' Repo Games n Repo Games n Repo Games n Repo Gamesn SYFY 13 35 133 45 (5:30) ** "Quantumo/ Solace"(2008,Action) Daniel Craig. « Ghost Hunters n « Ghost Hunters A Soldier's Story n Deal-Dark Side Deal-Dark Side Deal-Dark Side Ghost Hunters TBN 205 60 130 Joseph Prince End of the Age Praise the Lord 'Y' cc Always Good Jesse Duplantis The Christmas Creflo Dollar 'G' The Gift of Christmas The King of The King of Seinfeld TheSe- Seinfeld The Pot- Family GuyGetting Family GuyThree Family Guyn Family Guyn The BigBang The Big Bang Conan Michael C.Hall; CharlyneYi. 'TBS '14' cc '14' cc Queens n 'PG Queens n 'PG renity Now'PG' hole n 'PG' married. '14' Ki n gs '14' Theory n 'PG' Theory n '14' (N) '14' « (5:00) "Banjoon (6:45) *** "Remember the Night" (1940, Romance-Comedy)Barbara Stanwyck. **** "TheLady Eve" (1941,Romance-Comedy)Barbara (10:15) *** "Ball o/Fire" (1941)GaryCooper, Barbara Stanwyck.A nightclub TCM 101 44 101 29 My Knee"(1936) An assistant DA takes a shoplifter homefor the holidays. « Stanwyck,HenryFonda, cc singer helps ascholar researchAmericanslang. « *TLC 17 34 32 34 Toddlers&Tiarasn'PG' « Toddlers & Tiaras n 'PG' cc Most Memorable Moments Toddlers & Tiaras (N)'PG' « Jersey on Ice(N) n 'PG' « Toddlers & Tiaras n 'PG' cc Castle HedgeFundHomeboysDeath of Castle Hell Hath NoFury City council- Castle Den of Thieves Beckett connects Castle Food toDieFor Achef is found Castle Overkill Beckett invites Demming CSI: NYColdReveal Painful memories *TNT a teenageboy.'PG' « man dies. n 'PG' « with a newdetective. n 'PG' frozen to death. 'PG' « to assist. n 'PG' « haunt Stella. n '14' « *TOON 84 Regular Show Wrld, Gumball Adventure Time NinjaGo: Mstrs Dragons: Riders Ben 10 KingoftheHill K i ngoftheHill A mericanDad AmericanDad FamilyGuy'14' FamilyGuy'14' *TRAV 17 51 45 42 Bizarre Foods/Zimmern Man v. Food 'G' Manv.Food'G' BaggageBattles BaggageBattles Toy Hunter: Hunt for Misfit Toys T o y Hunter 'PG' Toy Hunter 'PG' Man v. Food 'G' Man v. Food M * A*S*H 'PG' T h e Cosby Show The Cosby Show The Cosby Show Love.Raymond Love-Raymond Hot in Cleveland Happil y Divorced KingofQueens King ofQueens TVLND 65 47 29 35 M*A*S*H 'PG' M * A*S*H 'PG' USA 15 30 23 30 NCISCloakn'14' « NCIS Dagger n '14' « NCIS Death of apetty officer. 'PG NCIS Women'sprison riot. n '14' NC I S Broken Bird n '14' « NCIS Love& Warn '14' « Nyou GolServed: Beat the World" VH1 191 4837 54 ShockingHipHopMoments Marrying, Game Marrying, Game Marrying, Game Marrying, Game Basketball Wives LA n '14' Basketball Wives LA '14 *A&E

121212The Concertfor Sandy Relief Musicians performat MadisonSquare Gardentoaidthe victimsof Hurricane Sandy.(N) n 'PG' « ** "Across theUniverse" 2007,Musical EvanRachelWood,Jim Sturgess. 'PG-13' « FXM Presents 34 (5:00) UFCReloaded UFC141 Lesnarvs. OvereemRelive UFC141. UFC: Hendersonvs. Diaz UFC Champion's UFC Roundtable English Premier LeagueSoccer 28 301 27 301 Golf AustralianPGAChampionship, First RoundFromCoolum Beach, Australia. (N)(Live) Golf ** "The ChristmasCard" (2006) EdAsner, JohnNewton. 'G' « HALL 66 33 175 33 "The Wishing Tree"(2012) Jason Gedrick, Richard Harmon. 'G' « TheChristmasHeart" (2012)Teri Polo, PaulEssiembre. 'G' « HBO 425501 425501(5:15) ** ARed Tails" 2012CubaGooding Jr. « 12.12.12TheConcert for Sandy Relief Musiciansperformat MadisonSquare Gardento aid thevictims of HurricaneSandy.(N) 'PG' « N IFC 1 0 1 0 5 (4:30) 12.12.12TheConcert for Sandy Relief (N) n (Live) 'PG Whitest Kids W h i sker Wars * * * Gel Shorlyo1995,ComedyJohn Travolta, Gene Hackman.'R * * * NX-Men:First Class"2011 JamesMcAvoy. n 'PG-13' cc MAX 400508 508 Hunted Polyhedrus n 'MA' cc Hunted Khyber n 'MA' cc Hunted SnowMaiden'MA' cc (11.15) Zane sSexChromcles MA NBCSN 27 58 30 209 Still Standing: Earl Campbell NFL Turning Point (N) 'PG' NFL Turning Point 'PG' Still Standing: Earl Campbell NFL Turning Point 'PG Poker After Dark 'PG' « Hell on the Highway '14 NGC 157 157 B o rder Wars (N)'14 Hell on the Highway(N) '14 Border Wars '14 Border WarsSpecial Ops'14' Border Wars Traffic '14' NTOON 89 115189115 Dragonball GT Odd Parents Avatar: Air. Ava tar: Air. Planet Sheen n Planet Sheenn SpongeBob S p ongeBob Avatar: Air. Ava tar: Air Dragon Ball Z I ron Man: Armor OUTD 37 30743 307 Shooting USA Outdoorsman Amer. Rifleman Impossible Gun Nuts Midway USA's Shooting USA cc BestDefense Midway USA's Impossible Ame r. Rifleman SHO 500 500 Untold History of the United States Homeland n 'MA' cc Inside the NFL(N) n 'PG' « Jim Rome onShowtime (N) pQ Inside the NFL n 'PG' « (5:00) ** "Valkyrie" 2008 « SPEED 35 303125303 DragRaceHigh Drag Race High Barrett-Jackson Special Edition 'G Pinks - All Out 'PG' Drag RaceHigh Drag Race High Barrett-Jackson Special Edition 'G' Unique Whips '14' N *** "FindingNemo"2003 Comedyn 'G' « STARZ 300 408 300408 (5:20) *** "The Ides o/ March (7:05) ** Co/ombiana" 2011,ActionZoe Saldana. n 'PG-13' « (10:45) **"The Vow"2012RachelMcAdams. « N N *"The TroubleWithB/iss" 2011 Michael C. Hall. n TMC 525 525 (5:00) Spike'R' (6:25) * Co/db/oodedo1995 JasonPriestley. n 'R *** OurIdiot Brother" 2011 PaulRudd.'R' « (11:15) ** "Peep World" 2010 *WE 14 41 174118(4:30) The *"The Next BestThing" 2000,Comedy-DramaRupert Everett, Madonna. 'PG-13 Next Best Thng Concert for Sandy Relief '14 ENCR FMC FUEL GOLF

106401 306401 **"The ReplacementKillers"1998ChowYunFat. 104204104120(4:30) 12.12.12The Concert for Sandy Relief 'PG' e« s

THE BULLETIN «DECEMBER 8 — 14, 2012 *In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/Black Butte (Digital); PM-Prineville/Madras; SR-Sunriver; L-La Pine

PAGE 14 • TV



c II



II Jeopardy! (N)n















Wheel of Fortune Last Resort BlueWater SamandJames Grey's Anatomy Run,Baby, RunLizzie (10:02) ScandalBlownAwayOlivia KATU Newsat11 (11:35) Nightline 'Q' cc (N) n 'G' make a rescueattempt. '14' and Meredith butt heads. '141 helps thevice president. (N) n '14' (ABC) (N)n cc (N) cc Jeopardy! (N)n Wheel of Fortune Up All Night First Up All Night The Take It All Contestantsvie for lavish (10:01) RockCenter With Brian Wil NewsChannel 21 Tonight Show KTVZ O O O O NewsChannel 21 at 6 (N) cc 'Q' cc (N) n 'G' (NBC) Snow (N)'PG' Wedding (N) '14' prizes. (N) n 'PG' « liams (N) n cc at11 (N) cc Wi t h Jay Leno Access HollywoodNew Adventures How I Met Your 30 Rock TheAfter- The Big Bang (8:31) Twoand a (9:01) Person of Interest TheFBI pur (10:01) Elementary TheLeviathanSher KOINLocal6at11 Late ShowWith KBNZ (N) 'PG' math n '14' Th e ory (N) 'PG' Half Men (N) '14' sues "themaninthe suit." 'PG' lock meetsJoan's family. '14' David Letterman (CBS) of Old Christine Mother n 'PG' (N) cc The Insider (N) Last Resort BlueWater SamandJames Grey's AnatomyRun,Baby,RunLizzie (10:02) ScandalBlownAwayOlivia KEZI 9 Newsat (11:35) Nightline KOHD O O O O KEZI9Newsat KEZI 9 News(N) «Entertainment '14' Tonight (N) 'PG cc (ABC) 6pm (N) « make a rescueattempt. and Meredithbutt heads.'141 helps thevice president. (N) n '14' 11pm (N) « (N) cc The Big Bang The Big Bang The X Factor LiveResultsContestants Glee Glee,Actually Kurthasanunforget News Channel 21 TMZ (N) n 'PG' cc The Simpsons n Family Guy n KFXO ID< Q |Kf Q) TwoandaHalf Two and aHalf 'PQ' cc '14' cc Men '14' cc Men '14' cc (FOX) Theory n 'PG' Theory n '14' face elimination. (N) '14' « table Christmas.(N) n '14' First on FOX Great Performances: Andrea Bocelli Live in Central Park Thepopular Italian tenorperformsclassical Celtic Woman: A Christmas Celebration n 'G' « KOAB ~ gy ~ gy J.Rosendo's TravNightly Business PBS NewsHour (N) nacc favorites. n 'G' cc (PBS) elscope Report (N) n 'G' NewsChannel8 at NewsChannel8at Liveat7(N) cc Inside Edition (N) Up All Night First Up All Night The Take It All Contestantsvie for lavish (10:01) RockCenter With Brian Wil NewsChannel 8at TonightShow KGW 'PQ' cc 6:30PM(N) (NBC) 6PM (N) « Snow (N)'PG' Wedding (N) '14' prizes. (N) n 'PG' « hams(N) n « 11(N) cc With Jay Leno The King of Rules of Engage. Rules of Engage. The Vampire Diaries StefanandCaro Beauty and the BeastCatherinemakes Seinfeld The En- Seinfeld 'PG' cc 'Til Death Smart 'Til Death Mixed KTVZDT2 Q Q Q Q The King of ment 'PG' ment '14' Queens n 'PG Queens n 'G line disagreewith Tyler. '14' a discovery. (N)'14' « gagement'PG' Phone '14' « D o u bles n 'PG' (CW) OPBPL 175 173 T h e Casebook of Sherlock Holmes Saving the Titanic n 'PG' « The Titanic With LenGoodmann World News T a vis Smiley (N) Charlie Rose(N) n « PBS NewsHour n « KATU

KATU Newsat 6(N) n cc

The First 48 Fatalstabbing;victim of a Panic 9-1-1 Kiling spreerocksa neigh- (11:01) Panic 9-1-1 Apregnant woman 3 28 1 8 32 The First 48tactics. OneHeart First 48 Dead Sleep; First 48 Fatal use unusual '14' The cc detectives The brutal beating death. '14'Tag cc Team A The an apartment complCall ex. Fatal 'PG' shooting in turf war. (N) 'PG' « borhood. (N) '14' cc encounters astalker. '14' CSE MiamiMiamiConfidential Theteam CSEMiami Murderleadstheteamto a ****"Miracle on34th Street"(1947) Maureen O'Hara, John Payne. Anadwom- (10:15) **** "Miracleon 34thStreet" (1947) MaureenO'Hara, JohnPayne. An 'AMC an's boyfrienddefendsMacy's Santa in coUrt. cc uncovers amethlab. n '14' strip club. n '14' « adwoman'sboyfrienddefendsMacy's Santain court. « *ANPL 68 50 26 38 MonsterslnsideMen'MA' cc Swamp Wars n 'PG' cc Call-Wildman Call-Wildman Call-Wildman Call-Wildman Call-Wildman C all-Wildman Call-Wildman Call-Wildman BRAVO 13 44 The Real Housewives of Miami Th e Real Housewives of Miami Th e Real Housewives of Atlanta The Real Housewives of Miami (N) The Real Housewives of Miami What Happens Housewives CMT 190 32 42 53 Reba'PG' cc R e b a'PG' cc Re b a 'PG' cc Re b a 'PG' cc Re b a 'PG' cc Re b a 'PG' cc Redneck Island n 'PG' Redneck Island n 'PG' Redneck Island n 'PG' CNBC 54 36 4052 Crui seInc.:BigMoney/HighSeas American GreedCrashandBurn Mad Money Crackberry'd: The Truth American GreedCrashandBurn Paid Program DeepClean CNN 55 38 35 48 Piers MorganTonight(N) Anderson Cooper360 « Erin Burnett OutFront Piers MorganTonight Anderson Cooper360 « Erin Burnett OutFront Tosh.0 '14' The Comedy Central Roast Davi Hassel d hoff 'MA' Daily Show C o l bert Report COM 13 53 135 47 (5:58) South Park (6:29) Tosh.0 '14' Colbert Report Daily Show (7:59) Futurama Tosh.0 '14' COTV 11 Paid Program Kristi Miller Des ert Cooking Oregon Joy of Fishing Journal Get Outdoors V i sions of NW The YogaShow The Yoga Show Kristi Miller Cit y Edition CSPAN 61 20 12 11 (5:00) Capitol Hill Hearings Capitol Hill Hearings * "TheSantaC/ause3:TheEscapeC/ause"(2006) A. N.T. Farm 'G 'DIS 87 43 14 39 Phineas, Ferb Good-Charlie A . N.T. Farm 'Y7' Gravity Falls 'Y7 Gravity Falls 'Y7' Phineas, Ferb Jessie 'G' « A.N .T. Farm 'G *DISC 15 21 16 37 Jungle GOldArmed Rcbbery '14' Am i Sh Mafia n '14' cc Amish Mafia n '14' cc Moonshiners ProphecyFulfilled '14 Ghost TownGold (N)'PG' cc Moonshiners ProphecyFulfilled '14' *E! 13 2 5 (5:00) "SweetHomeA/abama" E! News(N) The Soup '14' * * * "Knocked Up" (2007, Romance-Comedy)Seth Rogen, Katherine Heigl,PaulRudd Chelsea Lately Chelsea Lately ESPN 21 23 22 23 HSBasketball H i ghSchoolBasketballTeamsTBA(N)(Live) SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc ESPN2 22 24 21 24 Women's CollegeVolleyball NCAATournament, SecondSemifinal: TeamsTBA(N) (Live) Football Live NFL Live (N)(Live) « UNITE(N) NFL Live « ESPNC 23 25 123 25 Friday Night Lights Fracture '14 Friday Night Lights GutCheck'14' Car Auctions C ar Auctions Car Auctions Car Auctions Car Auctions C ar Auctions Car Auctions C ar Auctions H-Lite Ex. H-Li te Ex H-Lite Ex. H-Li te Ex. H-Lite Ex. H-Li te Ex. ESPNN 24 63 124203 SportsCenter (N) (Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) « ESPNFCPress H-Lite Ex. *** "National Lampoon's ChristmasVacation" (1989) ChevyChase. *** "ThePo/arExpress" (2004, Fantasy) Voices ofTomHanks. FAM 67 29 19 41 (5:00)"TheMist/e-Tones" 'PG' The 700 Club n 'PG' « FNC 57 61 36 50 Hannity(N) On Record, GretaVanSusteren The O'Reilly Factor cc Hannity On Record, GretaVanSusteren The Five *FOOD 17 62 98 44ChoppedOntheLine'G' Cupcake Wars Sugar DomeRock Star Concert Sweet Genius Electrifying Genius Sweet GeniusTwinklingGenius (N) The Next Iron Chef: Redemptron * "Deckthe Halls" (2006,Comedy)Danny DeVito, MatthewBroderick FX 131 How I Met How I Met Two/Half Men Two/Half Men Always Sunny The League'MA The League'MA' Unsupervised (N) HGTV 17 49 33 43 Selling NY S ell i ng NY Hunters Int'I House Hunters Hotel Impossible (N) 'PG' « Extreme Homes(N) 'G' « House Hunters Hunters Int'I Home StrangeHome'G' « *HIST 15 42 41 36 TheUniverse'PG'cc Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Bamazon '14' cc (11:02) Ax MenAll or Nothing'PG' LIFE 13 39 20 31 Trading Spouses Trading Spouses Project RunwayAll Stars 'PG' Project RunwayAll Stars (N) 'PG' Abby's Ultimate DanceCompetition Dance for YourLife 'PG' « MSNBC 59 59 128 51 The Rachel MaddowShow (N) The Last Word The Ed Show The Rachel MaddowShow The Last Word Hardball With Chris Matthews MTV 192 22 38 57 Catfish: The TVShown'14 Teen Mom 2Second Chances 'PG' Jersey Shore ShoreShower'14' Jersey Shore Awkward!'14' « Jersey Shore(N) n '14' « Jersey Shore(N) Jersey Shoren NICK 82 46 24 40 SpongeBob S p o ngeBob Drake &Josh n Drake & Josh n Big Time Rush n 'G' cc Full House'G' Full House'G The Nanny 'PG' The Nanny 'PG' Friends n 'PG' (11:33) Friends Hardcover Mysteries n '14' cc Oprah's Favorite Things: 2012Rewrapped (N) n Welcome to Sweetie Pie's n 'PG' Oprah's Favorite Things: 2012 OWN 161 103 31 103 Hardcover Mysteries n '14' « ROOT 20 45 28* 26 Brawl Call SeahawksPress College Basketball Washingtonat Seattle (N)(Live) Mark FewShow Bensinger SeahawksPress Seahawks The DanPatrick Show Jail '14' cc Jail '14' « Jail (N) n 'PG' i MPACT Wrestling (N) n '14' « SPIKE 132 31 34 46 Jail'14' cc Ink Master n '14' cc MMA Uncensrd Ways to Die SYFY 13 35 133 45 Star Trek: The Next Generation n Star Trek: TheNextGeneration n S tar Trek: The Next Generation n Star Trek: TheNext Generation n Star Trek: TheNextGeneration Star Trek: TheNext Generation TBN 205 60130 JosephPrince Hillsong TV Praise the Lord 'Y' « Behind Scenes The Cross « Grant Jeffrey C r eflo Dollar 'G' Our First Christmas The King of The King of Seinfeld TheBlood Seinfeld n 'PG' «Family Guy Family Family Guyn The Big Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang Conan LeslieMann;WWEChampion 'TBS '14' « Queens n 'PG Queens n 'PG 'PQ' cc Goy n '14' Theory n '14' Theory n '14' Theory n '14' Theory n '14' Sheamus.(N) '14' « :N **** "Les Mis bl " (1935 *** "Les Miserab/es" (1952,Drama) Michael Rennie, DebraPaget. An inspector **** "Les Miserables" (1934,Drama)Harry Baur,JosselineGael, CharlesVanel An inspectorpursuesaformer convict TCM Drama) FredricMarch. « trying to dogood. pursues an ex-con trying to go straight. « *TLC 17 34 32 34 Island Medium Island Medium Along-Bride Along-Bride Si n City Rules n '14' cc Top 10 Weddings of 2012(N)'PG Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Top 10 Weddings of 2012 n 'PG' (5:00) NBABasketball LosAngelesLakers at NewYork NBA Basketball SanAntonio Spursat PortlandTrail Blazers From theRoseGardenin Portland, Ore Inside the NBA(N)(Live) cc The Mentalist A criminalmastermind *TNT Knicks (N)(Live) « (N) (Live) « hypnotizes people. '14' « *TOON 84 Wrld, Gumball Wrld, Gumball Adventure Time Annoying MAD' PG Regular Show King of the Hill King of the Hill American Dad American Dad Family Guy '14' Family Guy '14 *TRAV 17 51 45 42 Bizarre Foods/Zimmern Man v. Food 'G Man v. Food 'G' Mysteries at the Museum'PG Mysteries at the Museum(N) 'PG' Mysteries at the Museum'PG' Dangerous Grounds Borneo'PG M*A*S*H 'PG TVLND 65 47 29 35 (5:18) Bonanza M *A*S*H 'PG' The CosbyShow The Cosby Show The Cosby Show Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond King ofQueens King ofQueens USA 15 30 23 30 NCISMarineDownn'PG' « NCIS Patriot Down n '14' « NCIS ADesperate Mann 'PG NCIS Secrets n '14' «(DVS) Burn Notice Michael iscaught. 'PG (11:01) NCISLeftfor Deadn 'PG' ** "MissCongeniality" (2000, Comedy)Sandra Bullock, Michael Caine. n VH1 191 48 37 54 T.l. andTiny T .l . andTiny 4 0Fu nniest Fails2'14' 40 Funniest Fails 2 '14' Behind/Music *A&E

*** "Jurassic Park"1993 SamNeill, Laura Dern. n 'PG-13' « 106401 306401 ** "Multiplicity"1996,ComedyMichael Keaton. n 'PG-13' « (10:10) *** "MeninB/ack" 1997TommyLee Jones. n 'PG-13' « FXM Presents * * * "Star Trek" 2009, ScienceFiction Chris Pine, ZacharyQuinto. 'PG-13' acc FXM Presents * " Deep Rising" 1998 'R' « 104204104120(5:00) *** "Star Trek" 2009 Chris Pine. 'PG-13' 34 Best of PRIDEFighting UFC:Sotiropoulosvs.Pearson UFC Unleashed The Ultimate Fighter n '14 UFC Tonight U FC Insider Be s t of PRIDE Fighting 28 301 27 301 Golf AustralianPGAChampionship, Second RoundFromCoolum Beach, Australia. (N) (Live) Golf *** "TheTownChristmas Forgot" (2010) Lauren Holly. 'PG' « HALL 66 33 175 33 "Gifto/the Magi" (2010) Marla Sokoloff, MarkWebber. 'PG' « Helpfor the Holidays"(2012)SummerGlau, EvaLaRue.'G' « HBO 425501425501 ** "Welcome lo Mooseporl"2004 Gene Hackman.n 'PG-13'« Mel Brooks Strikes Back! n '14' ** "What's YourNumber?" 2011AnnaFaris, Ari Graynor. n 'R' cc Katie Does M. Cathouse: Wel. f ** "Escape FromL.A."1996, Action Kurt Russell, Stacy Keach. 'R IFC 1 0 1 0 5 (5:00) ** "EscapeFromL.A (7:15) ** DeepSlarSix" 1989,HorrorTaureanBlacque, NancyEverhard. 'R DeepSlarSix 'R' *** "What's LoveGot lo Do With ll" 1993 Angela Bassett. 'R' cc * "BigMommas:Like Father, Like Son" 2011Martin Lawrence. cc MAX 400508 508 (4:30) Hannan (6:20) **"TheWholeNine Yards"2000'R' cc NBCSN 27 58 30 209 Sports lllustrated (N) 'PG Rugby SevenWorld Series - South Africa NFL Turning Point 'PG Sports lllustrated 'PG Poker After Dark 'PG' « Am. Chainsaw Am. Chainsaw Rocket City Ro c ket City Am. Chainsaw Am. Chainsaw Wicked Tuna: HookedUp Ultimate Factories 'PG' NGC 157 15 7 R o cket City Roc ket City NTOON 89 115189115 Dragonball GT Dragonball GT Avatar: Air. Avatar: Air. Pla net Sheen n Planet Sheen n SpongeBob SpongeBob Avatar: Air. Ava tar: Air. Dragon Ball Z I ron Man: Armor OUTD 37 307 43 307 Realtree Outdoor RealTree's Bow Madness Ult. Adventures The Season W i l d OutdoorsJackie Bushman The Crush Wild Outdoors Steve's Outdoor Fear No Evil O u t doors TV f SHO 500 500 ** Rso «2010, Action BruceWilis, JohnMalkovich. n 'PG-13' « "Sexy Baby"2012,Documentary'NR' Dave's Old Porn Reality Show(N) (5:30) * "PaperMan"2009Jef Daniels.n 'R'« SPEED 35 303125303 Wrecked '14' W r ecked '14' Pi n ks '14 Pinks '14' Car Warriors '86Cami El no'14' Wr e cked '14' Wrecked '14' P i nks '14' Pinks '14' Unique Whips '14' *** "ShanghaiKnights"2003 Jackie Chan.n 'PG-13'« * "Jack andJill" 2011 AdamSandler. n 'PG' « STARZ 300 408 300408 (5:25) *** "Thinlce" 2011 'R (10:35) *** "13 Going on30" 2004'PG-13' sc cs *** "Ransom" 1996,SuspenseMel Gibson. Premiere. n 'R' « TMC 525 52 5 D e ad Man (6:20) "Far Cry" 2008 Til Schweiger. n 'R' « (10:05) **** "Five Fingers" 2006 n 'R' « ChickMagnet *WE 14 41 174118 MaryMary Bachelorette Party(N) M a ry Mary Bachelorette Party Mary MaryRoadTest Mary MaryBacheloretteParty Mary MarySingingtheBlues Mary Mary OhBaby! ENCR FMC FUEL GOLF


TV • PAGE 15 *In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/Black Butte (Digital); PM-Prineville/Madras; SR-Sunriver; L-La Pine



v II


KATU Newsat 6(N) n cc


II Jeopardy! (N)n










Shark Tank Arent-a-live Christmastree (10:01) 20/20 n 'PG' « KATU Newsat11 (11:35) Nightline 'Q' cc (N) n 'G' (N) n 'PG' Cou ntry (N) 'PGservice. n 'PG' « (N) 'PG' « (ABC) (N)n cc Jeopardy! (N)n Wheel of Fortune Blake Shelton's Not SoFamily Christ Take It All Contestantsvie for prizes. Dateline NBC(N) n 'PG' cc NewsChannel 21 Tonight Show KTVZ O O O O NewsChannel 21 at 6 (N) cc 'Q' cc (N) n 'G' mas n 'PG' cc (N) n 'PG' cc (NBC) at11 (N) cc Wi t h Jay Leno Access HollywoodNew Adventures How I Met Your 30 Rock BlindDate Rudolph the Red-NosedReindeer Yes, Virginia n The Elf on the BlueBloodsThanksgivingHenryhasa KOINLoca!6at11 Late ShowWith KBNZ '14' cc n'G' cc 'Q' cc (N) 'PG' Shelf: An Elf's heart attack. n '14' cc David Letterman (CBS) of Old Christine Mother n 'PG' (N) cc The Insider (N) Last ManStanding (8:31) Malibu Shark Tank Arent-a-live Christmastree (10:01) 20/20 n 'PG' « KEZI 9 Newsat (11:35) Nightline KOHD O O O O KEZI9Newsat KEZI 9 News(N) «Entertainment Tonight (N) 'PG' cc (N) n 'PG' Co u ntry (N) 'PG (N) 'PG' cc (ABC) 6pm (N) « service. n 'PG' « 11pm (N)cc The Big Bang The Big Bang Kitchen Nightmares Ramsayrevisits Fringe BlackBlotter Walter tries to News Channel 21 TMZ (N) n 'PG' cc The Simpsons n Family Guy n KFXO ID< Q (Kf Q) Twoanda Half Two and aHalf 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc Men '14' cc Men '14' cc (FOX) Theory n 'PG' Theory n 'PG' restaurantshe's helped.(N) '14' remember a plan. (N) '14' « First on FOX Washington Week ADDand Loving It?! Challenges of attention deficit disorder (10:04) EdSullivan's Top Performers1966-1969 (MyMusic) Performers sing KOAB ~ gy ~ gy Trave!WithKids Nightly Business PBS NewsHour (N) nacc 'G' cc (DVS) and ADHD;the symptomsof adult ADD.'G' their biggest hits fromthe 1960s. n 'PG' cc (PBS) Report (N) « (N) cc NewsChannel8 at NewsChannel8at Liveat7(N) cc Inside Edition (N) Blake Shelton's Not SoFamily Christ- Take It All Contestantsvie for prizes. Dateline NBC(N) n 'PG' « NewsChannel 8at TonightShow KGW 'PQ' cc 6:30PM(N) mas n 'PG' « (N) n 'PG' cc (NBC) 6PM (N) « 11(N) cc With Jay Leno The King of Ru l es of Engage. Rules of Engage. ** "Prancer Returns" (2001, Drama)JohnCorbett, Stacy Edwards. Aboy tries to Seinfeld n 'PG' cc Seinfeld n 'PG' cc 'Til Death n '14' cc'Til Death Bedtime KTVZDT2 Q Q Q Q The King of ment '14' Queens n 'PG Queens n 'PG' ment 'PG' return a deer he iscertain belongsto Santa. Stories 'PG' (CW) OPBPL 175 173 T h e Casebook of Sherlock HolmesMasterpiece Mystery! Death of aprofessor. n '14' On Story n 'G World News Tavis Smiley n Charlie Rose (N) n « PBS NewsHour n « KATU

Wheel of Fortune Last Man Standing (8:31) Malibu

Dynasty Duck Dynasty Duck Dynast y FowlDuckDynasty Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty Si- Duck Dynasty Thefamily gearsupfor (11:01) Duck Dy- (11:31) Duck Dy 8 32 Dog the Bounty Hunter A late-night Duck 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc Play 'PG' nasty'PG' «nasty 'PG' « lead on adifficult case. 'PG' cc Yonara 'PG' Ch r istmas. 'PG' cc ****"White Christmas" (1954,Musical Comedy)Bing Crosby, DannyKaye, Rosemary Clooney. Four (945) ****"White Christmas" (1954, MusicalComedy)Bing Crosby, DannyKays, Rosemary Cloo (500) ** "TheLakeHouse" (2006) 'AMC Keanu Reeves.« entertainerstry tosaveaninnkeeper fromruin. « ney. Fourentertainers try tosaveaninnkeeper fromruin. « *ANPL 68 50 26 38 MonstersInside Men'PG' cc Monsters Inside Me n 'PG' cc Raised Wild n 'PG' cc Raised Wild n 'PG' cc Raised Wild BirdBoy of Fiji 'PG Raised Wild n 'PG' cc BRAVO 13 44 Hou sewives (6:45) Shahs ofSunset Shahs of Sunset The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Real Housewives of Miami (7:45) Shahs ofSunset R e ba 'PG' cc Reba 'PG' cc R e ba 'PG' cc ** "RumorHasil..." (2005) Jennifer Aniston, Kevin Costner. n « CMT 190 32 42 53 Reba'PG' cc Re b a 'PG' cc Reba 'PG' cc (11:15) ** "Elizabelhlown" n CNBC 54 36 40 52 Crimelnc. Syntheticdrugs American GreedSholamWeiss Mad Money Crime Inc. Synthetic drugs. American GreedSholamWeiss Paid Program Teeter HangUps CNN 55 38 35 48 Piers MorganTonight(N) Anderson Cooper360 « Erin Burnett OutFront Piers MorganTonight Anderson Cooper360 « Erin Burnett OutFront COM 13 53 135 47 (6:13) Tosh.0 '14' Colbert Report Daily Show (7:44)Tosh.0 '14 (8:14) Tosh.0 '14' (8:44) *** "The40-Year-Old Virgin" (2005)SteveCarell, Catherine Keener. cc Demetri Martin. Standup COTV 11 Paid Program Kristi Miller Desert Cooking Oregon Joy of Fishing Journal Get Outdoors V i sions of NW The Yoga Show The Yoga Show Kristi Miller Cit y Edition CSPAN 61 20 12 11 (5:00) Politics & Public Policy Today Politics & Public Policy Today 'DIS 87 43 14 39 Phineas, Ferb Good-Charlie D o g With a BlogDog With a Blog ** "Disney's A ChristmasCarol" (2009) « Phineas, Ferb Dog With a Blog Good-Charlie Shake It Up! 'G' Austin & Ally 'G *DISC 15 21 16 37 GoldRushGameChangern'PG' G o ldRushRoadtoGoldn'PG' Gol d Rush- The Dirt(N) n'PG' Go l dRush Up SmithCreek(N) 'PGJungleGold:Behind theScenes Gold Rush UpSmithCreek n 'PG *E! 13 25 Lov e You The Soup '14' E! News (N) IceLovesCoco Ice LovesCoco Leann Rimes Fashion Police (N)'14 Chelsea Lately E! News ESPN 21 23 22 23 NBABasketballBostonCelticsatHouston Rockets NBA Basketball MemphisGrizzlies at DenverNuggets Fromthe PepsiCenter in Denver SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc ESPN2 22 24 21 24 (5:00) CollegeFootball NCAAFCSDivision I, First Semifinal: TeamsTBA S p ortsCenter (N) (Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) ss NBA Tonight (N) NFL Live (N) « SportsCenter ESPNC 23 25 123 25 Friday NightLights Gut Check'14 30 for 30 30 for 30 30 for 30 30for30 cc H-Lite Ex. H-Li te Ex H-Lite Ex. H-Li te Ex H-Lite Ex. H-Lite Ex ESPNN 24 63 124203 SportsCenter (N) (Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) « ESPNFCPress H-Lite Ex. FAM 67 29 19 41 (5:00) *** "The PolaExpress" r The YearWithout a Santa Claus Santa Claus Is Comin' to Town 'G' **** "ToyStory" (1995,Comedy)Voices of TomHanks,Tim Allen. The 700 Club n 'PG' « FNC 57 61 36 50 Hannity(N) On Record, GretaVanSusteren The O'Reilly Factor cc Hannity On Record, GretaVanSusteren The Five *FOOD 17 62 98 44 Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Restaurant: Impossible Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Mystery Diners Mystery Diners Diners, Drive Diners, Drive FX 131 UFC: Sotiropoulos vs.Pearson(N) (Live) Two/Half Men * * * "The Other Guys" (2010,Comedy)Wil Ferrell, MarkWahlberg, Eva Mendes. Always Sunny The League'MA' HGTV 17 49 33 43 Selling LA 'G' S e l ling LA 'G' H u n ters Int'I H unt ers Int'I I Bought a FamousHouse(N) 'G ' Celebrity Holiday Homes(N) 'G House Hunters Hunters Int'I Hunters Int'I Hunters Int'I *HIST 15 42 41 36 Bamazon'14'cc American Pickers 'PG' cc American Pickers 'PG' cc American Pickers 'PG' cc American Pickers FrankFlips 'PG' How the States How the States LIFE 13 39 20 31 "Underihe Mistletoe"(2006, Drama)Jaime Ray Newman.'PG' « "Holly's Holiday"(2012,Romance-Comedy)Claire Coffee. 'PG' « "UndercoverChristmas" (2003) Jami Gertz, ShawnChristian. 'PG' « MSNBC 59 59 128 51 The Rachel MaddowShow (N) Lockup Tampa Lockup Tampa Lockup Lockup Lockup: RawTheConvict Code MTV 192 22 38 57 Jersey Shore All in the Family '14 Jersey Shore Dirty Pad'14' « Jersey Shore n '14' « Jersey Shore Girls LikeThat '14' Jersey Shore n '14' « Jersey Shore n '14' « NICK 82 46 24 40 SpongeBob S p o ngeBob Peter Rabbit 'Y' Rugrats n 'Y' cc (DVS) SpongeBob See DadRun n Full House 'G' The Nanny 'PG' The Nanny 'PG' Friends n 'PG' (11:33) Friends Police Women of Dallas '14' « Poli c e Women of Dallas '14' « Police Women of Dallas '14'eccs Police Women of Dallas '14' cc Police Women of Dallas '14' cc OWN 161 103 31 103 Police Women of Dallas '14' « ROOT 20 45 28* 26 Seahawks Press Seahawks College Basketball Washington atSeattle BoxingGoldenBoy:LuisRamosJr.vs,NoeBolanos The DanPatrick Show ** "LuckyNumberSlevin" (2006, CrimeDrama)Josh Hartnett, Morgan Freeman.n SPIKE 132 31 34 46 (5:19) ** "Payback"(1999,Action) MelGibson, Gregg Henry. n (10:45) **"Payback" (1999)MelGibson. n SYFY 13 35 133 45 Syfy 20th Anniversary Special '14 WWE Friday Night SmackDown! (N) n « Haven Audreysearchesfor a kiler. Deal-Dark Side Deal-Dark Side TBN 205 60 130 The Harvest Perry Stone M a ry of Nazareth 'G' « Ever Increasing Israel: Journey of Light « Creflo Dollar 'G' His Name IsJesus The King of The King of S e i nfeld The Junk SeinfeldNap TheTyler Perry's Tyler Perry's T y ler Perry's For Tyler Perry's For *** "TheHangover" (2009,Comedy)Bradley Cooper, EdHelms. Three pals must 'TBS 'PQ' cc Queens n 'PG Queens n 'PG' Mail 'PG' House of Payne House of Payne Better or Worse Better or Worse find a missinggroomafter a wild bash. «(DVS) "Lemora:Taleoi (5:00)"Troublein ** "Design forLiving" (1933, Romance-Comedy)Fredric (8:15) *** "OneHourWithYou" (1932, Musical Comedy) (9:45) **** "TheStudentPrincein Old Heidelberg" (1927)RamonNavarro TCM Paradise" March, GaryCooper, MiriamHopkins. Maurice Chevalier, JeanetteMacDonald. Silent. A princeleaveshistrue love to marry aprincess. Supernatural" *TLC 17 34 32 34 SayYes:ATL Say Yes: ATL Say Yes: ATL Say Yes: ATL Say Yes: Bride Say Yes: Bride Say Yes: Bride Say Yes: Bride Brides-Hills Bri des-Hills Sa y Yes: BrideSay Yes: Bride "TheForbidden The Mentalist The CBImole's identity The Mentalist The CBImole's identity *** "TheLordoithe Rings: TheFellowship oithe Ring"(2001, Fantasy)Elijah Wood, lan McKellen, LivTyler. Creatures unitetodestroya *TNT comes to light. '14' « comes to light. '14' « powerful ring anddefeat a lord. « Kingdom"(2008) *TOON 84 Regular Show Regular Show Regular Show Regular Show Cartoon Planet 'G King of the Hill King of the Hill American Dad American Dad Family Guy '14 Family Guy '14 *TRAV 17 51 45 42 Bizarre Foods/Zimmern Ghost Adventures '14' « Ghost Adventures 'PG' « Ghost Adventures (N) 'PG' « The DeadFiles (N) 'PG' « The Dead Files 'PG' « *A&E

M * A*S*H 'PG' T h e Cosby Show The Cosby Show The Cosby Show Love.Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond KingofQueens King ofQueens TVLND 65 47 29 35 M*A*S*H 'PG' M * A*S*H 'PG' USA 15 30 23 30 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law I Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Burn Notice Michael iscaught. 'PG VH1 191 48 37 54 (4:30) ** "MissCongen/aJity" n E ven ing Buzz T . l. and Tiny B a s ketball Wives LA n '14' Basketball Wives LA '14 Marrying, Game Marrying, Game Saturday Night Live in the 2000s ENCR FMC FUEL GOLF

** "TheSpecialist" 1994 Sylvester Stallone. n 'R 106 401 306401 Ace Ventura (6:20) *"BlindDale" 1987KimBasinger. n 'PG-13' T he T horn Birds (Part 4 of 4) '14' « *** "TheTalented MnRiplsy"1999, DramaMatt Damon, Gwyneth Paltrow. 'R' « ** "Surrogates"2009, ScienceFiction BruceWilis. 'PG-13' « FXM Presents 104204104120(5:00) ** "Surrogates"2009acc 34

X-Fighters 2011Highlights

X-Fighters 2011Highlights

UFC Post Fight Show(N)(Live)

U F C Post Fight Show

UFC: Sotiropoulos vs. PearsonPrelims

28 301 27 301(5:00) Golf AustralianPGAChampionship, Third RoundFromCoolumBeach, Australia. (N) (Live) Golf IskandarJohor Open,ThirdRoundFromMalaysia. (N) ** "Eloiseal Christmastime" (2003,Comedy)Julie Andrews.'G' « HALL 66 33 175 33 "MatchmakerSanta" (2012,Romance) Lacey Chabert. 'G' « (10:05) "A Bride forChristmas" (2012) Arielle Kebbel. 'G' « HBO 425 501 425501 (5:30) * "Something Borrowed" 2011'PG-13' cc 24/7 Pacquiao ** "Contraband" 2012,Action MarkWahlberg. n 'R' cc * "YourHighness"2011DannyMcBride. 'R' cc (11:45)DieHard IFC 1 0 1 0 5 (4:45) ** "Transporter 3" 2008 Whi s ker Wars P ortlandia '14 * "Fridaythe 13th: TheFinal Chapter" 1984 Kimberly Beck. 'R Whisker Wars Portlandia '14' * * " Transporter 3"2008'PG-13 *** "Chronicie" 2012Dane DeHaan.'PG-13' cc MAX 400508 508 VeryHarld3D ** "H all Pass"2011 OwenWilson. n 'R' cc (8:15) *"ThisMeansWar"2012 ReeseWitherspoon. n 'PG-13' cc Lingerie n 'MA NBCSN 27 58 30 209 (5:00) **** "RagingBull" (1980) RobertDe Niro g Bull" (1980, Biography)Robert DeNiro, Cathy Moriarty, JoePesci NFL Turning Point 'PG' Game On! (7:45) **** "Ragin NGC 157 157 G i ant Crystal Cave 'G GoldRush GhostShips'PG World's Biggest Cave'G Giant Crystal Cave'G GoldRush GhostShips'PG Easter Island Underworld 'PG' NTOON 89 115189115 NFLRushZone Planet Sheen n Planet Sheen n Wild Grinders n Wild Grinders n NFL Rush Zone NFL RushZone Planet Sheen n Planet Sheen n Planet Sheen n Dragon Ball Z I ron Man: Armor OUTD 37 307 43 307 Outfitter Boot S asquatch Driven TV Savage Wild Your Weapon Jimmy Big Time Hunting, Country Bone Collector Profess Flyrod The Flush Huntin' World SHO 500 500 Anthony Clark: Ambiguous n 'MA' *** "Traffic"2000, CrimeDramaMichael Douglas, DonCheadle. n 'R ** RedState (5:45) ** "TheCore"2003,Action AaronEckhart. n 'PG-13' « SPEED 35 303125 303 Goodwood FestivalofSpeed GoodwoodRevival SEMA LasVegas GoodwoodFestivalofSpeed G o odwood Revival Unique Whips '14' STARZ 300 408300408 (6:10) ** "Soul Surfer"2011,DramaAnnaSophia Robb. n 'PG' « Magic City TimeandTide n 'MA Boss Consequence n 'MA' cc Spartacus: Vengeance'MA' « Cam e lot Igraine n 'MA' s« s * "Spy Kids:All the Timein the World" 2011 'PG' *** "Tr anssiberian"2008,SuspenseWoodyHarrelson.n 'R TMC 525 525 ** "Against th e Ropes"2004,Drama MegRyan.n 'PG-13 *Ong Bak3 *WE 14 41 174118(5:00) * "HopeFloats" 1998 ** "Where the Heart is" 2000,Comedy-DramaNatalie Portman, Ashley Judd. 'PG-13 ** "You'v eGotMail"1998,Romance-ComedyTom Hanks,MegRyan.'PG'

PAGE 16 • TV





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Pgt eII tfcg 'lkfgdZ! Dexter

Humane Societ of central oregon l 1961-2011



Dexter i s a n a c t ive, r ambunctious, 7 month old, Short Haired kitten looking for a new home. He would love a home that will spend lots of time with him and maybe have afeline or canine brother or sister to play with also. He would do well in just about any home and would love to come home with you! Come to the shelter to adopt Dexter today!


v I

To adopt apot, call 541-3$2-3537 • www.hSCO .Or



61170 SE27th, Bend, OR97702




Sonyaisasweet3yearold Snowshoe Siamese Andy and his sister were brought to the mix that arrived to the shelter with her kittens shelter because their mother was a long aftersomeone abandoned them.Sonya isthe time stray. When Andy first arrived to us he queen of her roost. With that being said, she was a bit shy at first, but once he warmed would prefer a home with other animals up,is such a love.Hehas asweetheartand that are respectful of her space and with the would love nothing more than to find a same energy level. She is a loving kitty who forever home to call his own. If Andy could lovesto be around people and be the center be the sweetheart for you, then come down of attention. If Sonya sounds like the cat you to the shelter and adopt him today! havebeen lookingfor,search nofurtherand come downand meet hertoday!



Cosmo is a sweet cat that is in search of his foreverhome. He came to the shelter as a stray, so little is known about where he has been and what he has been doing for the last 3 years. He is looking for a family that will give him tons of scratches and snuggles and will make sure to have an abundance of toys at all times. If you are looking for a sweet cuddly cat to add fun to your household, come and visitCosmo at the shelter today.

Woofgang is a 3 year old cat ready for a new home this fall. He was brought to the

My name is Athena, and I am a 4 month old kitten. I came from a litter of kittens found in the wild and brought to the shelter to find a great new home. Everything around me is new and unfamiliar. I am very quiet and shy right now, but with time and gentle persuasion, I could become a loving feline that enjoys a loving lap cuddle as much as any cat. If you are looking for a new friend to share your home with, come by and meet me anytime!

shelter after someone in the household

became allergic to him. He has been around other cats as well as dogs and loves kids. He is used to being indoor/ outdoor, knows how to use a litter box and a scratching post. To sum up, he is a very well rounded cat that would fit well in just about any home! Come to the shelter to adopt this awesome boy today!

Qs. I



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Lan i e is a bouncy 1-2 year old Pit Bull ~m ix looking for a home that will love her forever.Lanie arrived as a stray dog sadly this is her second visit at HSCO, and yet again she was never reclaimed. Lanie enjoys the company of other dogs, but needs training to understand that cats do not play the same way. She does know"sit" and"laydown". Lanie wants nothing more than tobe your perfect house dog, what are you waiting for??




Lacy,Lacy Bo-Bacy! Banana-fana fo-facy. Lacy, Lacy we love Lacy! She is a 3 year old Border Collie mix that is looking for her perfect lifelong playmate! She was brought to HSCO after her owners moved and did not take her along. As with all Border Collies, Lacy is as smart as a whip and ready to please. If you think Lacy, Lacy, Mee-Mi-mo-Macy is the one, tell the staff, I want to adopt Lacy!

Everett is here, ready, and willing to become a part of your family! He is a 2 year oldTreeing Walker Coonhound, and Labrador Retriever mix that was returned for adoption because the owners could no longercare for him. Everett has been known to be an escape artist, so a well fenced yard and plenty of exercise is a must. Is Everett the playful dog you have been looking for? If so, please come down to the shelter and adopt him today!

Mimi's Trivia: Did you knOW

HUMANE SOCIETY OF CENTRAL OREGON 61170 SE 27th St. Bend Oregon 97702

that apple and

to dogs?

mS. Pleaseacceptmygiftof$





C;, Phone


Humane Societ of centra1 oregon ! 1961-2011

m onthsforanimal care,

per month for


l 50

to help the animals.

for a total of $


pear seeds are harmful

Chardonnay Chardonnay, Pinot and Noir are three of the most desirable Chihuahua mix puppiesyou'll ever see.They have ample amounts of energy and love to cuddle with anyone willing to give them a happy home to call their own. Chardonnay will need a home that can provide for her the time and energy it takes raising a puppy and guide her to grow up to be a fantastic canine citizen. If you truly are ready for a puppy then this great girl is ready for you!

We needyourhelp!

Clip andMail To: 'bur

Perry EXTRA! EXTRA! READ ALL ABOUT IT! Adorable Miniature Pincher mix available for adoption at HSCO! Perry is one of 27 dogs HSCO receivedfrom an overcrowded shelter in C alifornia. He was f ound wandering the streets and sadly no one came looking for him. Their loss is your gain because this dog is all heart and wants nothingmore than to be your companion. Don't let this boy slip through your fingers! Come adopt him today!

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Noir Noir, Pinot and Chardonnay are three of the most desirable Chihuahua mix puppies you'll eversee.They have ample amounts of energy and love to cuddle with anyone willing to give them a happy home to call their own. Noir will need a home that can provide for him the time and energy it takes raising a puppy and guide him to grow up to be a fantastic canine citizen. If you truly are ready for a puppy then this great boy is ready for you!

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