0 in at us: t'sa ai ain. AUGUST19, 2012
Serving Central Oregon since 1903
Sampling BEND SHOOTING SCARE of Redmond ver a s , awarnin, ens surgerystaff • Police go on high alert at prospectof randomviolence; suspect isin custody faults safety By Erik Hidle The Bulletin
Operating room staffers at St. Charles Redmond feel the same about patient safety as their counterparts in Bend: that the department could use a checkup. Just 22.5 percent of the Redmond operating room staff surveyed said they would feelsafe being treated as pa tients at the hospital. Fifteen percent felt management was always interested in safety. And less than 10 percent said they feel reporting errors to managers will not result in a punishment. Hospitals are required to ad minister safety questionnaires as part of their accreditation requirements. Redmond's results are similar to informa tion collected from surveys at St. Charles Bend, reported earlier this month. The results ofboth surveys were given to The Bulletin by employees. See Hospital/A7
By Scott Hammers The Bulletin
Nine hours after Bend Police received a report Thursday after noon of a man threatening to shoot "random people," the subject of the report allegedly opened fire on two Bend residents in northwest Bend,
then escaped police efforts to ap prehend him. The men who were shot at were unhurt, and Friday afternoon the suspect turned himself in to police. Stephen Kemm Mitchell, 32, is being held at the Deschutes County jail facing charges of attempted
murder, menacing and unlawful use of a weapon. Sgt. Nick Parker said police stepped up their search once they suspected the man who had fired the shots was likely the same man whose threats of violence had been reported earlier. The possibility that Mitchell
could be contemplating a mass shoot ing like recent ones at a movie theater in Aurora, Colo., and at a Sikh temple in suburban Milwaukee, Wise was considered, Parker said. "After he fires, it kinds of turns it up This is definitely very serious,'" he said. "We have a person who' s made threats, and he is carrying outthose threats." SeeShooting/A4
n river use, answers eu e PM%$ *
Week '1 done, Ryan makes a personal pitch
By Trip Gabriel New Yorh Times News Service
SPRINGFIELD, Va.— It' s hard to imagine Mitt Romney, the presidential candidate, sauntering into a hot-dog res taurant and having an elderly, white-haired woman shout, "Hey, kick some tail!" That is the greeting his vice presiden tial candidate, Paul Ryan, got in Ohio last week, although the woman's language was saltier. Like all running mates, Ryan was picked to balance his party's ticket, and one way he is the lid to Romney's pot is his approachability, the comfort level he inspires in everyday people. "Hey, I'm Paul," he says, thrusting out a hand. So it's no surprise Ryan completed his first week as the Republicans' VP candidate in Florida, weaving a story of generational obligation to make the case for his contro versial Medicare plan and per sonalize an issue that could be one of Ryan's biggest liabilities in joining the GOP ticket. SeeCampaign/A6
L. h
Ryan Brenneckei The Bulletin
Tom Sanders, of Sunriver, casts a line at a public fishing access point at the Fall River Hatchery on Friday On the other side is a "Private Property" sign. But determining private ownership of riverbanks and riverbeds is no easy task under state law. By Hillary Borrud The Bulletin
ave Merrick has fished the Deschutes R iver since moving to Bend i n t h e 1980s. Although Merrick grew to know the river well, it was more difficult to figure out who owned the riverbed and riverbanks — where members of the public could go, and where only private property owners could tread. "What the rules are has always been a foggy one on the Deschutes, frankly," said Merrick, 46, manager of Fly and Field Outfitters in Bend. In 2005, the Oregon Attorney General's Office issued a legal opinion that anyone can walk on a riverbank as long as it is below the ordinary high water mark of the river. That has not prevented some private property owners from shooing an glers off sections of the river.
"Certainly, I' ve had instances — I know some of our guides have — where the boat's anchored 10 feet off the bank in the water, folks are wad ing and fishing, and they' re being told to get out of there," Merrick said. "I grew up around here, and in my lifetime, it's just always been that way." Without clear rules, Merrick plays it safe. "Having guided the river for a lot of years, my rule has always been unless it's listed on the state's navigable waters list, you' re not allowed on the banks on private property," Merrick said. A state task force could clarify the rights of recreational river users if it produces a bill for the 2013 legislative session, but the group will not likely weigh in on who owns the beds and banks of many Oregon rivers. See Rivers/A8
NavigadleriversinOregon When Oregon achieved statehood in 1859, the state took ownership of all rivers that were used, or could have been used, in their natural condition to transport people and goods. However, the state did not identify which rivers met these criteria and were navigable. For a river to be listed as navigable, it must go through a lengthy and typically contentious bureaucratic process. This means the state might own the Deschutes River and many others,butno onehasgone through the process to establish it.
TODAY'S WEATHER Sunny High 89, Low 53
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INDEX Business Gt -6 Classified Et -6 Community Ct-8 Crosswords C7,E2 Local News Bt -6
Future of zoos:creatures living wild lives in captivity
Milestones C6 Obituaries B4 O pinion F t - 3 S ports D -t 6 TV& Movies C2
By Lauren Wilcox Special to The Washington Post
The Bulletin An Independent Newspaper Vol. 109, No. 232, 46 pages, 7 sections
Weu serecycled newsprint
IIIIIIIII 88267 02330
Matt McClaln i The Washington Post
Sarah Johnson, 13, gets a close look at Pandora, the giant Pacific octopus at the Smithsonian's National Zoo.
WASHINGTON — The giant Pa cific octopus at the National Zoo was spending time, as she occasionally does, draped in a dim corner of her tank like a wad of dishrags. Pandora has tentacles several feet long and is the size of a Thanksgiving turkey, and she often hangs out at the front of her tank, unscrolling around the glass. But she is an expert at cam ouflage, and against the rocks at the rear she can be only faintly visible. It was 3 o' clock on a recent after
noon, her feeding time, and a crowd was straining for a glimpse of her. "Where's the octopus?" a boy asked, pressing his brow against the tank, his eyes a few inches from hers. Suddenly, a zoo volunteer rose above the back of the tank and low ered a piece of shrimp into the wa ter. In a flash, Pandora shot from her perch and flung herself upon the shrimp; she flushed a bright red, in flated and rippling in the water, like a predatory prom dress. The crowd
gasped. She is, in many ways, what the zoo
considers a good exhibit animal. Like every other animal at the zoo, Pandora is a product of her times. As our understanding of what captive animals need has expanded dramatically, so have the expecta tions of the visiting public. Satisfy ing both the visitor and the animal has become a central dilemma for zoos. The result is a complicated creature, accustomed to humans, dependent on humans, but not tame. It is, in a sense, a new animal: wild by nature but shaped by captivity. SeeZoos/A4
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Os070»040aO» The estimated jackpot is now $4.2 million.
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It's Sunday, Aug. 19, the 232nd day of 2012. There are 134 days left in the year.
By jessica Gnynn Los Angeles Times
M ENLO P A R K , Cal i f . — Mark Zuckerberg wired to gether nearly I billion people on the Web. Now the ambitious young entrepreneur is building an other kind of community, this one out ofbricks and mortar. C onstruction is b oo m ing along a bustling stretch that cuts through the center of Facebook Inc.'s campus in Silicon Valley, where staffers stroll or ride bikes and RipS tiks between buildings. Here the social networking giant is designing its own Main Street, putting in storefronts that will cater only to Facebook employees, whether they' re in the mood for a straight-razor shave or nigiri rolls. Call it Zucker Burg. Unlike the days of Henry Ford and George Pullman, when industrialists built towns surrounding manu f actur ing operations, Facebook is bringing retail shops onto its sprawling private campus on the outskirts of Menlo Park where there are few commer cial establishments other than fast-food joints. The company is subsidizing the construction; handpicked merchants will offer discount ed prices to employees. "It is the 21st-century com pany town," said Silicon Valley futurist Paul Saffo, managing director of foresight at invest ment research firm D iscern Analytics. Even as its dramatic melt down as a new public com pany has quickly erased tens of billions of dollars in share holder wealth, Facebook is pouring money into its effort to turn this clump of generic low-slung stucco buildings into a vibrant community that can lure Silicon Valley's brightest workers.
Work town,hometown
Facebook is creating the ultimate employee perk: a company town. Storefronts that will cater to employees include a sushi restaurant and a barber shop. These are operated by local merchants. Facebook itself already runs eateries to appeal to nearly all palates on its 57-acre campus. A glance at the campus:
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HAPPENINGS • Embattled WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is set to face the world's media today from the safe haven of the Ecuadorean Embassy in London but risks arrest if he takes one step out of the building.A4 • It's National Aviation Day, in honor of the birthday of aviator Orville Wright.
IN HISTORY Highlights:In 1812, the USS Constitution defeated the British frigate HMS Guerriere off Nova Scotia during the War of 1812, earning the nickname "Old Ironsides." In 1909, the first automobile races were run at the just-opened Indianapolis Motor Speedway.
Ten years ago:An ailing John
Restaura t Arcade General Swag Music Restaurants store store room/ Barber band " P Fitness centerandbike clinic practice loaner program(located space Restaurant nearby) Source: Facebook © 2012 Mcclatchy-Tnbune News Serwce
Paul II bid a tearful farewell as he concluded a four-day visit to the Krakow region of Poland; it turned out to be his last visit to his homeland.
Five yearsago:Elvira Arellano, an illegal immigrant who' d taken refuge in a Chicago church to avoid being separated from her U.S.-born son, was deported to Mexico. Hurricane Dean pummeled Jamaica with gusting winds and torrential rains as a Category 4 storm.
o pen-air c o u rtyard w h e r e staffers gather each week for "It is the 21st-century One year ago:Kentucky beat Sushi and a shave Zuckerberg's q u e stion-and Penns ylvanian0 to win the company town." F acebook paved o ver a a nswer sessions — w il l b e Little League World Series at South Williamsport, Pa. Danell — Paul Saffo, central artery of the campus, home to two new mom-and Leyva beat two-time defending Discern Analytics which Sun Microsystems had pop tenants: an old-fashioned filled with manicured green barbershop and a branch of champion Jonathan Horton e ry, and sprinkled i t w i t h a traditional Japanese sushi for his first title at the U.S. gourmet eateries dishing up restaurant that's a favorite of gymnastics championships in car detailing, racquet stringing free grub. It operates two gour Zuckerberg and wife Priscilla St. Paul, Minn. and jewelry and watch repair. met cafesand dispatches food Chan. A shop that repairs and Staffers can forget about their carts around the complex so sells bikes and a health clinic BIRTHDAYS errands and focus on cranking hungry employees never have are also in the works. out code and creativity. to roam far. Johnny D's Barber Shop Actor L.Q. Jones is 85. Actress Facebook has to give em It has smaller joints too, such is the most unusual of Face Debra Paget is 79. Former MLB book's new tenants. Though ployees something more to like as Lightning Bolt's Smoke All-Star Bobby Richardson is if it wants to catch the best and House, which grills pork, ribs many high-tech companies, 77. Actress Diana Muldaur is brightest, who might be drawn and chicken every morning on including Facebook, contract 74. Singer Johnny Nash is 72. to new opportunities at up an open flame. Big Tony's piz with businesses that drive spe Actor and former U.S. senator and-comers such as Pinterest. zeria serves up New York-style cially equipped motor homes Fred Thompson is 70. Country Facebook has lost some of its slices. The burritos and nachos onto their parking lots to give singer-songwriter Eddy Raven sheen since its bungled initial at Teddy's Nacho Royale are on-site haircuts, few can boast is 68. Former President Bill public offering in May, which made to order. Facebook is their own barber shop. Clinton is 66. Former second saw its stock price and market about to open a burger shack J ohn M ajor, w h o o w n s lady Tipper Gore is 64. Actor value nose-dive. that some q uickly d u bbed Johnny D's in San Jose, Calif., director Jonathan Frakes is Silicon Valley perks "It's just a great perk: 'My Zuckerberger's. A noodle bar was looking for an edge with 60. Political consultant Mary Facebook is breaking new company has created a little and a sweet shop stocked with the younger generation. The Matalin is 59. Actor Peter ground in e m ployee perks, city for me,' " said Harvard frozen yogurt, candy and pas shop will swing open its doors Gallagher is 57. Actor Adam something for which the valley Business School p r o fessor tries are also in the works. this month on the Facebook Arkin is 56. Singer-songwriter "Our general approach is to campus. is already famous. Teresa Amabile, c o-author GaryChapman is55.ActorJohn E arly p i oneers such a s of "The Progress Principle," offer things that are essential Two days a week, barbers Stamos is 49. Actress Kyra H ewlett-Packard C o . g a v e who studies how everyday to employees' daily routine so will cut hair, trim beards, mus Sedgwick is 47. Actor Kevin gifts to newlyweds and new life inside organizations can they can do their best work taches and goatees, or simply Dillon is 47. Country singer parents, hosted annual picnics influence people and t h eir and not be distracted by hav drape young men in barber Lee Ann Womack is 46. Actor and showered staffers with performance. ing to leave campus," said Ev cloth for a shave or shampoo. Matthew Perry is 43. Country "It makes employees feel erett Katigbak, Facebook's en Once a week, Johnny D's will free snacks and coffee. The singer Clay Walker is 43. practice got a big boost in the valued, and that means they vironmental design lead. offer salon servicessuch as — From wire reports 1980s when Steve Jobs began are more likely to be creative Now Hacker Square — the cuts, shampoos and styling. offering his Macintosh team at Apple Inc. extras such as un limited fresh orange juice and twice-weekly massages. High-tech superpowers such as Google Inc. and Facebook are engaged in an escalating race to pamper employees with free food and luxuries such as complimentary laundry and dry-cleaning services. But Facebook had to come RARE SINGLE LEVEL C USTOM RA NC H H O M E I N up with new carrots when it 4 bedroom, 2 bath, 1828 sq. fr. with fenced S ERENE EQU IN E SET T I N G moved its headquarters a few back yard,corner lot. Nicely landscaped with Watch elk, deer and other wildlife from your sprinkler system. $260,000 CALL KAROLYN months ago to a suburban out front porch on the one of a k ind property. DUBOIS at541-390-7863. MLS: 201204899 post at the edge of tidal mud 3 bedroom, 2bath,garage,shop, barn,split rail flats and salt marshes cut off fencing, hay storage and more. $399,000 CALL CANDY BOVVERMAN AT 5 4 1 -410-3193. from the rest of Menlo Park by MLS: 201107457 a six-lane highway. It's so iso lated that when former tenant Sun Microsystems occupied it, the campus was nicknamed " Sun Quentin," a f te r S a n Quentin State Prison. F acebook won't say h ow much it has spent on the site, SHORT WALK TO which accommodates about D O W N T O W N B EN D 2,000 employees and is not This 3 bedroom, 1129 sq. fr. cottage features hardwood and tile floors throughout and a open to the public. A -FRAME IN THE W O O D S remodeled kitchenwith Cherry cabinetry and a I I I , Charming 2 bedroom, 2 bath, 1017 sq. ft. on University o f C a l i fornia cook's island. $307,000 CALL KIM WARNER l I i i .57 acre lot with plenty of room for a garden. Berkeley architecture profes I AT 541-410-2475. MLS: 201205920 $ 120,000 CALL B ROOK C RIAZZO A T sor Margaret Crawford said 541-550-8408. MLS:201205327 the remote location put Face book at a definite disadvan tage. "So bringing in outside merchants in a M ain Street format is actually an inventive idea," she said. ONE OF A KIND 75 Facebook hopes to make em ployees who were accustomed I itbnae'tp ACRE RANCH to the lively street life near its with approximately 65 acres of irrigation on C ONV E N I EN T L O C A T I O N I N old digs in Palo Alto, Calif., feel C OMPLETE RENOVATI O N ! 2 tax lots. 60 X 84 arena,separate shop, N W RED M O N D as if they are in the middle of Rare opportunity to ow n a h ome in Lower Well maintained 3 bedroom, 988 sq. ft. home well maintained 1800 sq. ft., 4 bedroom, Bridge Estates. 10 private acres, unobstructed everything — not far from it. with largefenced backyard and shaded patio. The inspiration may have 2.5 bathhome with pullthrough driveway. Cascade and Smith Rock views,4 bedroom, 3.5 RV gate to backyard. $113,000 CALL KEN bath, 2488 sq. fr. with triple care garage. Backs come from perks pioneers such PETERSEN AT 541-480-7898. MLS: 201206170 $429,900 CALL TAMMY SETTLEMIER AT up to BLM. $283,500 CALLAUBRE CHESHIRE as SAS in Cary, N.C. The pri 541-410-6009. MLS:201203098 AT 541-598-4583. MLS: 201103610 vately held high-tech company known for coddling its employ • • I ees has merchants who offer I• services such as shoe repair, I alterations, tax p r eparation, and productive," she said.
Japan,U.S.debate: Who paysfor tsunami debriscleanup. McClatchy Newspapers TOKYO — The Japanese and U.S. governments are concerned about a large amount of debris set afloat by last year's tsunami and destined to reach the West Coast starting this fall. The trouble stems from the lack of an international agreement on who is responsible for disposing of
debris released into the sea. Experts have also said harmful substances mixed with debris will likely dam age the marine environment. According to Japan, the total amount of debris resulting from the disaster is estimated at 18.11 million tons. About 4.8 million tons of additional debris is further believed to have been washed out
to sea. The debris is believed to have little possibility of radioactive contamination. About 70 percent of drifting de bris consists of such things as cars and cargo containers. Members of nongovernmental o r g anizations from both countries held a meet ing in Oregon early this month and started studying measures to deal
with the floating debris. Oregon's state government has already paid the cost of demolish ing a floating pier off the coast, which was about $84,000. A J apanese Cabinet o f ficial has said the U.S. shouldn't have to "solely dispose of debris, as we received a lot of assistance from them ... after the disaster."
ra s i s san ions on ran By jamesRisen and Dnraid Adnan New Yorit Times News Service
N. Korea's Kimvisits disputed sea border The North Korean lead er, Kim Jong Un, has vis ited soldiers stationed near the two Koreas' disputed sea border and bestowed official accolades on the artillery unit that shelled a South Korean island in 2010, killing four people, the North's state-run news agency reported Saturday. Kim, accompanied by top generals, was said to have met with soldiers stationed on two islets off North Ko rea's southern coast. The news of Kim's visit, the spe cific timing of which was not disclosed, came days before the annual United States-South Korea war games are scheduled to be gin Monday.
Signs of thawing Egypt-Iran hostility CA I RO — Egypt's Presi dent Mohammed Morsi will attend a summit in Iran lat er this month, a presidential official said Saturday, the first such trip for an Egyp tian leader since relations with Tehran deteriorated decades ago. T he visit c ould m a rk a thaw between the two countries after years of en mity, especially since Egypt signed its 1979 treaty with Israel and Iran underwent its revolution. Under Hosni Mubarak, Egypt sided with Saudi Arabia and other Sun ni-dominated Arab states in trying to isolate Iran. It's too early to assess the implications of the visit or to what extent the Arab world's m o s t p o p u lous country m a y n o r m alize relations with Tehran, but analysts believe it will bring Egypt back to the regional political stage. Officials said Morsi will visit Tehran on Aug. 30 on his way back from China.
U.N. mission starts new phase in Syria The United Nations sent its final group of observ ers out of Syria on Satur day as the war lumbered on with activists reporting raids, airstrikes and shell ing across the country, in cluding around Damascus, where opposition groups counted 40 bodies on the streets of a nearby suburb. It was not clear whether the victims were civilians. U.N. observers i n side Syria left before the orga nization's mandate expired today. A day after the U.N. named Lakhdar Brahimi its new Syrian envoy, the head general of the U.N. Supervi sion Mission in Syria called for an end to the violence, while insisting that the U.N. "will not leave Syria."
German plebiscite on EU gains steam "Referendum" is this sum mer's buzzword in Berlin: Foreign and finance min isters as well as opposition leaders have come out in fa vor of allowing Germans to have a direct say in whether to give up more power to Eu ropean Union institutions. P roponents say that i f such a referendum were approved, it would send a strong signal of Germany's commitment to the euro, though there is the risk that Germans could vote against Europe, with p o tentially damning consequences for the EU's future. — From wire reports
Anupam Nath The / Associated Press
Like a fever, fear has spread across India, from big ers, deeply alarmed, have pleaded for calm. cities like Bangalore to smaller places like Mysore, a Assam, which has about 31 million people, has a contagionfueling a message: Run. Head home. And long history of ethnic strife. The northeast, tethered to that is what thousands of migrants from the country' s the rest of the country by a narrow finger of land, has distant northeastern states are doing, jamming into always been neglected.Populated by a complex mo train stations, as these Indians were photographed do saic of ethnic groups, the seven states of the northeast ing Saturday in Assam state, in an exodus challenging have also been plagued by insurgencies and rivalries the Indian ideals of tolerance and diversity. as different groups compete for power. What began as an isolated communal conflict here in The savagery and starkness of the violence have the remote state of Assam, a vicious if obscure fight over been startling. Of the 78 people killed, some were butch land and power between Muslims and the indigenous ered.More than 14,000 homes have been burned. More Bodo tribe, has unexpectedly set off widespread panic than 300,000 have fled their homes for refugee camps. "If we go back and they attack us again, who will among northeastern migrants who had moved to more prosperous cities for a piece of India's rising affluence. save us?"asked Subla Mushary, 35, who is now living A swirl of unfounded rumors, spread by text mes with her two teenage daughters at a camp for Bodos. "I have visited my home. There is nothing left." sages and social media, had warned of attacks by — New YorkTimesNewsService Muslims against northeastern migrants. Indian lead
— W h e n P r e sident WASHINGTON Barack Obama announced lastmonth he was cutting off a little-known Baghdad bank from any dealings with the U.S. banking sys tem, it was a rare public acknowledgment of a delicate problem for an administration hop ing for a reliable ally in the country where U.S. troops just fought a war: For months, Iraq has been providing economic assistance to Iran, skirting the sanctions imposed on Tehran because of its nuclear program. The bank singled out by the United States, the Elaf Islamic Bank, is only part of a net work of financial institutions and oil-smug gling operations that, according to current and former U.S. and Iraqi government offi cials and experts on the Iraqi banking sec tor, has provided Iran with a crucial flow of dollars at a time when sanctions are squeez ing its economy. The Obama adminis tration is not eager for a p ublic showdown w i t h • Iraqi who helped the government of Prime S a d dam hide Minister N our i a l - M a speaks out,A7 liki over Iran just seven months after the last U.S. troops withdrew from Baghdad. Still, it has held private talks with Iraqi officials to com plain about specific instances of financial and logistical ties between the countries, officials say, although they do not regard all trade between them as illegal, or as in the case of smuggling, as something completely new. Some current and former U.S. and Iraqi officials and banking and oil experts, how ever, say Iraqi government officials are turn ing a blind eye to the large financial flows, smuggling and other trade with Iran. In some cases, they say, government officials, including some close to al-Maliki, are direct ly profiting from the activities. Trade between Iraq and Iran, which fought a war from 1980 to 1988, has been growing rapidly ever since the U.S.-led invasion, and it is now estimated to be as high as SII bil lion a year. Iraq has contracts to buy large amounts of electrical power from Iran.
Russian clericsforgive 3
for anti-Putin'punkprayer' The Associated Press MOSCOW — Russia's top Orthodox clerics on S atur day asked for mercy for the punk band Pussy Riot for its a nti-government p r otest i n a Moscow cathedral, but the c hurch's forgiveness is u n likely to change the band's punishment in a case that has caused an international furor over political dissent. Despite its plea for clemency for the three rock activists, a leading cleric called the dem onstration "awful" and defiant of the powerful church that is now the heart of Russia's na tional identity. The case, which ended Fri day with the three band mem bers' conviction for hooligan ism and sentence to two years each in prison, became an em blem of Russia's intolerance of dissent and was widely seen as a warning that authorities will
tolerate opposition only under tightly controlled conditions. Tikhon Shevkunov, who is widely believed to be Presi dent Vladimir Putin's spiritual counselor, said on state televi sion Saturday that his church forgave the singers after their "punk prayer" in the Christ the Savior Cathedral in Moscow in February. "We did forgive them from the very start. But such actions should be cut short by society and authorities," said the cleric, who heads Moscow's Sretensky Monastery. Both clerics supported the court's decision to prosecute Pussy Riot, despite an inter national outcry that i ncited global protests from Moscow to New York and condemna tion from musicians including Madonna and Paul McCart ney. The United States and other countries denounced the sentences as disproportionate.
2 targets inD.C.shooting? The Washington Post. WASHINGTON — The man who authorities say shot a secu rity guard at the Washington, D.C., offices of the Family Re search Council may have had an additional target in mind, the head of another socially conservative group based in Washington said Friday. Andrea Lafferty, president of the Traditional Values Co alition, said a member of the FBI's Joint Terrorism Task Force told her police found a note in the pocket of Floyd Lee Corkins Jr., the alleged gun man, listing the block of her group's Capitol Hill office. Lafferty's statement came a day after Tony Perkins, head of the Family Research Coun cil, told reporters, "We may not have been the only one" when asked why h e t h ought the shooter targeted his organiza tion Wednesday morning. Au
thorities have not elaborated on that. A D.C. police spokes woman referred questions to the FBI, and a spokeswoman for the district's field office de clined to comment. Federal authorities h a ve charged Corkins, 28, of Hern don, Va., with assault with in tent to kill while armed and in terstate transportation of weap ons. A magistrate ordered him held Thursday for psychiatric evaluation and scheduled a de tention hearing for this month. His attorney did not respond to interview requests Friday. Corkins is accused of walk ing into the lobby of the Fam ily Research Council, which opposes expanding gay rights, and telling security g u ard Leonardo Johnson, "I don' t like y ou r p o l i tics," b efore shooting him in the arm dur ing a scuffle. Police said John son subdued Corkins.
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Domlnlc Ltptnskt / The Associated Press
Julian Assange, pictured on a supporter's placard outside Ecuador's embassy in London on Saturday,shot to international prominence in 2010 when his WikiLeaks website began publish ing a huge trove of American diplomatic and military secrets. As he toured the globe to highlight the disclosures, two women accused the Australian man of sex offenses during a trip to Sweden. If he steps foot outside Ecuador's mission, he faces immediate detention by the dozens of British police officers who surround the building and are stationed inside a shared lobby.
All eyes onAssange as U.IC. seekssolution By John F.Burns and Ravi Somaiya New York Times News Service
LONDON — Over the de cades, London has k n own other diplomatic sieges that ended dramatically. There was the one at the Ira nian Embassy in 1980, when special forces killed five gun men who had thrown a dead hostage into the street. That was followed by a standoff at the Libyan Embassy in 1984, when a member of the embas sy's staff fired on protesters from an upper floor, killing a policewoman from Scotland Yard. And now, there is one at the Fcuadorean Embassy, a sanc tuary for the past nine weeks for the f u gitive W iki Leaks founder, Julian Assange, and, since Thursday, his place of asylum, as granted by Fcua dor's leftist president, Rafael Correa. Unlike those earlier sieges, this one, many believe, could last months, even years. Britain is seeking an ami cable solution with Ecuador, a U.K. official insisted Saturday, as the secret-spiller prepared to make his first public state ment since the Latin Ameri can nation confirmed it would offer him asylum. Correa presented his move as a pre-emptive strike against what he fears are U.S. plans to ensnare the Australian-born Assange and transport him for trial in the U.S. on espionage charges for his role in publish ing tens of thousands of secret U.S. military and diplomatic documents over the past two years. If U.S. officials have made such preparations, they have studiously avoided dis closing them. A Virginia grand jury i s studying evidence that might link Assange to Pfc. Bradley Manning, the U.S. soldier who has been charged with aiding the the secret files to Wiki Leaks and is await ing trial. No action against As
enem ybypassing
sange has yet been taken. For Britain, the standoff is the culmination of a protract ed saga that has embroiled As sange in an extradition case involving allegations of sexual abuse by two Swedish women — allegations Assange has strenuously denied — and a B ritish Supreme Court r u l ing ordering that Assange be placed on a plane to Stock holm to face questioning in the affair. The catch for Assange is that Fcuador's granting of asylum appears to have left him no closer to any long-term relief from his legal problems, as he remains confined to the Fcua dorean Fmbassy's second-sto ry suite of rooms in a central London apartment block. Outside the apartment block, covering all possible escape routes front and back, and at strategic points inside, includ ing the lobby, staircase and elevator access areas, a squad of about 50 Scotland Yard po lice officers stand ready to ar rest Assange if he ventures out of the embassy and its cocoon of diplomatic immunity. More police officers wait in two vans nearby, along with a large ar mored transporter of the kind used to carry prisoners. F or now , E c u ador a n d Britain have said they favor n egotiations, but i t i s h a r d to see where the room for compromise lies. Britain has abandoned earlier threats to storm the embassy, and As sange appears to be planning on running WikiLeaks from his diplomatic aerie, including plans for a personal update via a Skype broadcast today. While Assange stays inside the embassy, he is seemingly out of reach of British authori ties, prompting speculation that he may address the public today from a window or from the embassy's small balcony.
pened alongside the wildlife — such as the rare-mammals conservation movement. As enclosures at the Philadelphia Continued from A1 new regulations began to shut Zoo that could be flushed clean In the vast category of in down the international wild — gave way to immersion ex vertebrates — the majority lifetrade,zoos began tobreed hibits: spacious, naturalistic of which are tiny, creepy or their own animals or trade settings that gave visitors the immobile — Pandora is in with other zoos. The modern feeling of spying on animals telligent and visually arrest zoo reinvented itself as an ark, in the wild. In recent years, ex ing, even when just noodling its creaturesprecious cargo hibit design has evolved more around. A s o l i tary c a v e Zoos: a violent beginning rescued from an increasingly rapidly than zoos, restricted dweller by nature, she can For most of their history in inhospitable wilderness. by budget and space, can of live without too much trouble A merica, zoos were essential Zoos also began to reform ten keep pace with. Like ev in a space the size of a hot tub, ly museums of animals, con the ways they cared for and ery zoo, the National Zoo has and, unusual for an octopus, cerned with collecting an ex displayed their animals, in exhibits from different eras, prefers the display side of her ample or two of the most rare response to advances in the each the height of progress tank. Yet as a wild animal, and exotic species.+he collec science of animal well-being in its day and many, now, to she has habits that subvert the tion of animals that eventually and to satisfy an increasingly some degree outmoded. desires of her adoring public became the Smithsonian's Na s ophisticated p u b lic. N a Updating is a constant pro — she camouflages against tional Zoo was assembled as a ture programs on television, cess. One of the recent proj rocks, and tends to be more guide for taxidermists posing which had been general-inter ects is the outdoor elephant active at night. And she has their mounts.) Animals were est shows such as "Wild King enclosure: sprawling yards, dom," began to specialize. exhibited behavior in captiv taken, often violently, from one with a pool, separated by "All of a sudden ... there' s a series of automated gates. ity that is potentially damag the wild, and displayed alone ing to her, as when she slams or in pairs in rows of concrete a two-hour special on a pride On a recent hazy morning, into the tank wall. cages. But over the past 30 or of lions in the Serengeti," says the crowd on the bridge over S o Pandora's tank, l i k e so years, zoos have radically Satch Krantz, longtime direc looking the outdoor enclosure those of many of the inver overhauled their philosophies tor of the Riverbanks Zoo and was cheek by jowl. Below, el tebrates, has been designed — and their policies — trans Garden in Columbia, S.C. "A ephant manager Marie Gal to be viewable partly in the forming how their animals week later, you go to the zoo, loway was attempting to lure round, and to jut slightly into live and how they are seen by and there's an old lion in a 15 A mbika, the oldest of t h e the path of visitors wander the public. square-foot concrete cage, and zoo's three elephants, through ing the invertebrate house's This "zoo renaissance," that just didn't cut it anymore. gates from the upper yard into dim halls. It has adjustable as Don Moore, the National And that was a good thing." the lower yard for the morn currents and removable rock Zoo's associate director of ani What w a s c u t t ing-edge ing's demonstration. formations to vary her envi mal care sciences, calls it, hap design in the 1960s and '70s Continued next page ronment and stymie the jet slamming behavior. Letting her pounce on her prey in a regular afternoon feeding, a practice called "enrichment," helps satisfy her hunting in stincts as well as the public's expectation of a show.
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Continued from A1 Parker said an acquaintance of Mitchell's contacted police around 4:30 p.m. Thursday to report that he was threatening to shoot people. Police spent Thursday evening l o o king for Mitchell, who Parker said lives largely out of his car and has no permanent address. By chance, police were nearby when shots were fired at ap proximately I:44 a.m. at the in tersection of Newport Avenue and Northwest 13th Street. An officer in the area heard shots fired and spotted a vehi cle later identified as Mitchell's leaving the area. Two onlook ers pointed at the vehicle and the officer pursued, but after two blocks, the driver leapt out of the still-moving vehicle and fled on foot, while the vehicle crashed into a fire hydrant. A police dog was brought in to track the driver but was unsuccessful. Police suspect Mitchell fired at least three shots from a shot gun pistol, a revolver built to fire .410 bore shotgun shells, at two men who were not previ ously known to him. Parker de clined to estimate how far away Mitchell was from the men, but said they were all standing in the same intersection. One of the men was struck in the neck with the wadding from one of the shotgun shells
— Reporter: 541-383-0387, shammersC<bendbulletirLcom
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— The Associated Press contributed to this report.
but not injured. Wadding is the plastic or cardboard disc that separates the gunpowder from the metal shot in a shot gun shell. Officers located the shotgun pistol Friday morning in a gar bage can not far from Mitchell's vehicle. A search of the vehicle turned up additional shotgun rounds but not other weapons, Parker said Saturday evening, while noting that officers were still looking through Mitchell's belongings. The Redmond Police Depart ment, the Deschutes County Sheriff's Office and the Oregon State Police assisted Bend offi cers with the search for Mitch ell on Friday. Police were on the verge of making an announce ment asking for the public's assistance in locating Mitchell when he turned himself in. About 5 p. m . , M i t chell waved down a p assing ve hicle near Dillon Falls about 10 miles southwest of Bend. Parker said Mitchell asked the motorist to call police and tell them he wanted to turn him self in. Officers found Mitchell a short time later and took him into custody without incident. Mitchell has no prior crimi nal record, according to a re view of the state's courts data base, and Parker said he is not well-known to officers work ing on the case.
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"With all due apologies to people who disagree with me, animals in zoos have a great life. They' ve got regular food; ... Freedom comes with a huge cost to animal welfare sometimes. If I'm an animal, I guess I'd rather be in azoo." — Don Moore, associate director of animal care sciences for the Smithsonian's National Zoo
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Batang, an orangutan at the National Zoo,is one of just an estimated 216 in captivity in North America. In the wild, the population may be 57,000. Fun fact: Although orangs are solitary animals, young ones may nurse for six years and stay close to the mother until she has another baby.
Keith Kessler, of Ashville, N.C., observes a tank of anemones at the National Zoo. Fun fact: Despite its plant-like appearance, the anemone is a meat-eating animal; its tentacles, filled with venom, inject whatever happens to swim by.
distinctly different from their derness for a wild animal to live counterparts in the wild. comfortably. If a virtual wilder "Wild, at the zoo, is relative," ness is not the same as a real Above, visitors photograph a western lowland gorilla at the Smithsonian National Zoological Park in Washington, D.C.The Moore says. "Most mammals wilderness, and a zoo animal male gorilla and the female pictured at right, named Kibibi, are and birds (people) see, and a not the same as a wild one, the among just a few hundred such gorillas in captivity in North growing number of amphib zoo's hope is that its versions America. In the wild, the western lowland population is esti ians and reptiles, in accredited function at least as well as the mated between 100,000 to 200,000; the other gorilla species zoos, are born there.... So, even originals. And many animals are thought to be in the hundreds. Fun fact: No two gorillas' though we give them the choice do live longer in zoos. "With all due apologies to noses are exactly the same; researchers use a gorilla's nose to hide, they don't necessarily as a way to identify the animal in the wild. choose to hide; they choose to p eople who d i sagree w i t h me," says Moore, "animals in sit out and watch the people." For these animals, the zoo zoos have a great life. They' ve it is warm and humid and smells replaces, from birth, the wil got regular food; they' ve got strongly of great ape. A small derness for which they have regular social management; percentage of the people who evolved. L if e i n ca p t ivity they' ve got no diseases and enter, usually teenagers, bolt would not be possible without no parasites, courtesy of their back onto the sidewalk, clutch their keepers, who help them medical visits; they' ve got no hl ing one another and holding adjust in nearly every way. predators, because we don't al v their noses. The building, a win (Fifty years ago, a zookeeping low that." In the wild, he says, dowless bank of concrete that job was more like being a jani "they have freedom, but free resembles the Brutalist style, tor for animals.) dom comes with a huge cost o tft ( - ' a -. ( was built in 1980, a time when Today, by managing nearly to animal welfare sometimes. design at zoos mostly addressed every part of an animal's life, If I'm an animal, I guess I'd the prevention of disease. Con the zoo is able to re-create ratherbe in a zoo, where I'm a crete rooms, designed to be enough of the culture of the wil lot more comfortable." bleached and hosed out, are fur nished with concrete trees and the occasional webbing ham Elephant manager Marie Galloway takes blood from Ambika, an mock. If the zoo were building Asian elephant, with the help of keeper Matt Chambers. North the enclosure from scratch to American zoos have an estimated 150 Asian elephants in day, says great apes keeper Erin captivity. In the wild, the population is estimated to be between Stromberg, it would probablybe 30,000 and 50,000.Fun fact:Elephants can emit communica much different — it would have tions at a frequency so low that the human ear cannot detect what are called "bio-floors," for • YourCall Will Be Answered Now 2 4/7 them; these messages can travel for miles to other elephants. example, deep layers of natural • Utility Company Approved Contractor materials instead of concrete, • Clean, Background Checked Employees and storage for the apes' en • Straightforward Pricing® become their main message, utans to travel over the main richment toys. But it does have • Maintenance, Installations, Repairs, Duct it is not always an interesting visitor walkway between their important elements, such as one for visitors, and zoos have enclosures, was years ahead of connected rooms that allow the Cleaning, Air Purification had to work harder to capture its time when it opened in 1995, apes to move throughout the • ZerO DOWnFinanCing, On APPrOVed Credit Wt d ol Co tort the public's attention. says Terry Maple, former pres complex, which were forward "We went through this phase ident and chief executive of thinking when it was built. www. HomeHeating Bend.corn in the '80s as a profession that Zoo Atlanta, who calls it "the It is not possible to say, as a animals were sacred," Krantz most courageous bit of design rule, that the closer wild ani says. "That there are fewer ti I had ever seen in a zoo." While mals get to humans, the more Home Heating & Cooling, Inc. gers than Rembrandt paintings, it was being built, the exhibit uncomfortable the animals be so they had to be displayed in had generated controversy as come. Many zoo animals find such a way as to impart to the a radical, even risky, way to the presence of humans un public that they are looking at a show off the apes. threatening, uninteresting or very rare work of art. On a recent morning, an even enjoyable. The National ,, Family Owned & Operated "What we found out, 10 or orangutan was approaching Zoo's gorillas are lifelong ex CCB¹191568 15 years later, is that that' s hand-over-hand, pausing oc hibit animals — the last of the zoo's wild-born gorillas died not what the public wanted," casionally to recline on the ca Habet-Elkl Krantz continues. "They want bles. The long, shaggy hair on last year — and, as such, are ed to get closer, they wanted to his arms swung like the fringe hear about it, they wanted to on a fancy Western jacket as know interesting facts. They he brachiated in s w ooping wanted a bond, an emotional arcs. The crowd that had gath bond with that animal." ered below was divided in its I I I In recent years, zoos have reaction, half gazing in rev begun to ramp up efforts to en erent silence, and half loudly gage the public more directly. carrying on, with the kind of I I I I I "The buzzword in the business brashness that belies uneasi I all ills l HOM ES~ Award now is 'connecting,' " says Tony ness, about orangutan drop W INN E R Vecchio,director of the Jack pings. And though the lines sonville Zoo in Jacksonville, from which the orangutan was Fla. "Connecting kids to nature, swinging resembled telephone I I :' a ' l l connecting people to nature." wires more than jungle vines, Keeper talks, in w h ich a the charge of the event was keeper at the enclosure takes the distinct feeling of having questions from visitors, are a stumbled into the apes' world, ( popular way to do this. The where the normal rules of hu talks may touch on conserva man dominance nolonger ap tion issues (during the elephant plied. It was novel and thrilling, demo at the National Zoo, a and not entirely comfortable. 'l keeper reads from a script about boycotting ivory products) but Animal well-being 4,:. are most effective at conveying The idea of showing visitors a keeper's enthusiasm. more of what the zoo does for I 'I I I I ( C raig Saffoe, curator o f animal well-being while also " (~:aft/i(o great cats at the National Zoo, giving them firsthand, interac cares less about teaching a tive experience with animals particular lesson than fueling is slowly spreading in the zoo people's curiosity. To second community. Vecchio's zoo in SITUATEDON A BRIGHT CORNER LOT,thisZero Energy •I graders, he d escribes how Jacksonville is creating a new lions attack and kill a zebra, tiger exhibit, similar in concept home produces as much electricity with photovol and eat its heart and brain. He to the 0 Line, with trails and talc panels as it uses over a 12-month period. That Qhfgs. lets them pet a golden swatch corridors that will allow the ~ "Has anyone of a lion's pelt. big cats to roam through visi means no energy bills. And, with SolAire's signature ever touched a lion?" he likes tor space. At the National Zoo's attention to detail, every feature is as gorgeous as to ask. "I know you haven' t, Think Tank, visitors can inter because you' re still alive." act with the orangutans by it is green. Stop by and seewhy a homethat works Saffoe, who has m ultiple controlling some of their play tattoos of cheetahs, including things from outside the enclo this hard is truly a beautiful thing. a large one bounding into his sure. At Krantz's zoo in South The prairie style exterior compliments a contemporary interior shirt-sleeve, also gives versions Carolina, visitors are now al of his keeper talks in the com lowed to feed the giraffes. with coffered ceilings, bamboo floors, tile countertops and bath "You just watch the expres munity. He recently spoke at a finishes, customcabinets and atlas fireplace. Design,homeshell bar to a gathering of young pro sion on that child's or that construction andmechanical elements are carefully integrated by fessionals, who proved a recep adult's face when that 12-inch the builder to reduceenergy consumption. tive audience. "By the end of the tongue comes out and wraps evening, everyone's hammered around that piece of lettuce," LOCATED AT 2334 NW FRAZER LN.IN NORTHWEST CROSSING and I'm talking about cheetah Krantz says. "I think some West on Shevlin ParkRd., left on NWCrossingDr., left on NWFrazer In. sex, and people start yelling, thing like that has done more 'Show us your tattoos! ' " for giraffe conservation than A well-designed exhibit can anything on Earth." also help connect people to The challenge is giving visi the animals in a way that the tors that experience without "rare work of art" approach compromising th e a n i mal's does not. The National Zoo's comfort or essential "wildness." 0 Line, a four-story network of The Great Ape House might cables that allows the orang seem such a compromise. Inside Photos byMatt McCtatn /The Washington Post
From previous page Like P a ndora's f e eding, these demos provide stimula tion for the animals and give visitors a chance to see natural behaviors at close range. Or slightly less natural behaviors, as the case may be: The zoo had recently released a video of one of its elephants playing the harmonica, and the onlookers were hoping for a reprise. L ike a p r o mpter i n t h e wings, Galloway, out of sight of the crowd, rustled a large bamboo branch on which the elephants snack. Ambika shuf fled her feet but didn't move, scanning the ground with her trunk with an air of elaborate disinterest. She weighs close to 8,000 pounds, but it was hard to tell that from the bridge. "He doesn't have eyes," ob served a small blond boy. "He does have eyes; you just can't see them from here," his mother said.
Exhibit challenges A disadvantage of larger ex hibits is that while they provide animals with a beautiful setting and room to move, they make the animals harder to view. How to keep animals both comfortable and visible has long been a challenge for zoos.
"If you want to get an argument started amongst a bunch of zoo directors, you ask that question in a bar," Krantz says. " The public i s a fic k l e thing," he says. "They will say to me, as the director of a zoo, 'I want the animals housed or displayed in large, naturalistic displays. I want them to have lots of vegetation and streams, and I want them to be able to run — all of those things, that's what I want.' So, you build that. And the complaints begin the day it opens. 'I can' t see it. Where is it? It's too far away. I can't get a photograph. My child can't see it.' "Some people," he s ays, "and I don't mean this liter ally, but some people want that 15-square-foot cage back with the concrete floor and the iron bars. So, in order to provide that experience, you' ve got to be very creative with exhibit design. You' ve got to be sure that you' ve got animals that are not just physically healthy but mentally healthy, and that they are moving about during the day, they are foraging, they are doing all the things they do in nature, to provide that expe rience for the guest." Demos have been part of the solution in recent years, as long as the animal cooperates. Moore says one of the National Zoo's basic tenets is to give the animal "choice and control" in its surroundings, letting it decide, for example, where to move and when, even ifthe results are not always visitor friendly. Ambika, having eaten the treats within easy reach, turned and ambled back up the way she had come. At the end of the bridge, a man in a crisp button-down s h i r t si g h ed. "This kind of thing always hap pens at the zoo," he said.
Conservation mission At the National Zoo, demos have become widespread, in part because of the work of Alan Peters, who is in charge of education for animal programs and who helpeddevelop the in vertebrate house. Figuring out the best ways to turn people on to invertebrates — most of which are at best decorative, at worst transparent — taught him a lot about the varying thresholds of public interest. He is sensitive to the faintest ripple of curiosity in zoo-goers, and expert at capitalizing on it. But the reality for zoos is that while conservation has
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Paths tothevice presidency In choosing his running mate, Mitt Romney was looking to elevate a presidential race with a candidate most likely to provide the biggest jolt. His choice of Paul Ryan was the culmination of an on-again, off-again five-year courtship that encapsulated their party's gradual adoption of a more conservative stance on fiscal issues. No doubt, the choice had clear political overtones for Romney, who despite years of trying to win over the right was still viewed with some suspicion. But to the degree that it was a marriage of political convenience, it came about only after the two Republicans engaged in regular, substantive and previously undisclosed exchanges that by this spring had left Ryan convinced that Romney had come to a similar policy viewpoint. Still, the pick is a gamble; as with all VP hopefuls, Ryan will face questions about his readiness to be president. Here's how Ryan's career experience compares with the country's most recent vice presidents. KEY
i College• Military I Private sector • Public service or politics • Federal government • Vice president • President Age 20
Paul Ryan:IVritt Romney's running mate. He is the chief architect of the Republican Party's tax and spending cut plan. But at 42, he lacks foreign policy experience and significant time in the private sector. Brendan Hoffman /New York Times News Service
Paul Ryan campaigned with his mother, Betty Ryan Doug las, Saturday in The Villages, Fla., where he sought to make the Medicare issue personal.
Campaign Continued from A1 Overall, most analysts agree that Ryan easily passed the "deer in the headlights" test that undermined the rollout of an earlier Republican VP pick, Dan Quayle, in 1988. He has drawn crowds in the thousands in C olorado, Nevada, Ohio and Virginia. He has had at least two years of tempering as a Republican lightning rod for his aggres sive House budgets. And he says he has led more than 500 town hall meetings about Medicare, a topic already heat ing up the summer. With that i n m i nd, Ryan has been prepping behind the scenes for his two biggest chal lenges before Election Day: an October debate with Vice Presi dent Joe Biden, and his accep tance speech at the party con vention in less than two weeks.
The Medicare fight On Saturday, in The Villag es — dubbed "Florida's Friend liest Retirement Hometown" — Ryan, 42, described how he and his mother, Betty Ryan Douglas, were the primary caregivers for a grandmother with Alzheimer's disease who moved into the house when he was a teenager. "You learn a lot about life," he said. "Medicare was there for my family, for my grandma, when we needed it. And Medi care is there for my mom when she needs it now, and we have to keep that guarantee." To save Medicare for current and future retirees, he added, "you have to reform it for my gener
Pre-conventions, campaigns share a few strategies Rushing toward their party conventions, the rival presidential campaigns are trying to invigorate core supporters while reaching out to a sliver of undecided voters who harbor doubts about President Barack Obama but aren't sold on Mitt Romney. In the past week the campaigns have engaged in a vigorous debate over Medicare, pushing aside the economy and jobs, for the moment. Romney has charged Obama with run ning a campaign based on hatred; Obama has renewed a fight over Romney's tax returns; and the issue of government spending has blossomed again. At one point, Romney urged Obama to "take your campaign of division and anger and hate back to Chicago." The Obama campaignsaid Romney's remarks were "unhinged." These are the August seeds that candidates are planting with fence-sit ting voters even as the campaigns try to get back ers excited in time for the conventions. Republicans will gather in Tampa, Fla., in
ation, so it doesn't go bankrupt when we want to retire." After several days in which Ryan mentioned only generali ties on the stump, the Romney Ryan campaign has sought to play offense on Medicare, a traditional vulnerability for Republicans. Ryan a ccused President Barack Obama of being the bigger threat to the program because of savings w rung from the growth of spending in the program con tained in the president's health law of 2010. The savings — or cuts, in the eyes of Ryan — are used to help pay for health care for the currently uninsured. Left unsaid was that his own b udget plan passed by t h e House in March includes the same $716 billion in savings, to be used to reduce the deficit. The $716 billion comes from reducing payments to provid ers over the next decade in an effort to control costs. They in clude lower payments to hos pitals and nursing homes, and to Medicare Advantage. Campaigning in a b a ttle ground state where 22 percent of voters in the 2008 presiden tial election were seniors, Ryan sought to c ounter Obama's charge that Republicans would "end Medicare as we know it" by moving to a voucher pro gram, which would eventually cost retirees more. O bama, campaigning i n New Hampshire on Saturday, zeroed in on t h e t wofer of Ryan's budget proposals and Romney's tax returns — two days after Romney disclosed he paid around 13 percent in taxes over the past 10 years. Ryan's tax returns, released Friday, showed he paid an ef fective tax rate of 15.9 percent in 2010 and 20 percent in 2011. "He put forward a plan that would let Governor Romney pay less than 1 percent in taxes a year," Obama said of Ryan, to jeers from the crowd. "And here's the kicker: He expects you to pick up the tab!" Ryan emphasized that his p lan, incorporated into t h e House budget, would not begin until people who are younger than 54 today become eligible for Medicare. Romney, who has said he would sign the budget as president, seemed to back away from the commitment last week when heemphasized that he would restore the Medicare cuts incorporated in the plan. "Our solution to preserve, protect and save M edicare does not affect your benefits. Let me repeat that," he said to a crowd here at a sprawling re tirement community that, by
R • • • Born 1970.
• Miami • First elected to Congress in 1998, Ryanhasserved as chairman of the House Budget Committee since 20 University • Since his fir t election, he hasspen time at the Empower erica think tank and a a consultant for the fa 1. ily contruction business of Ohio.
Jee Biden:The current vice president, serving with President Barack Obama. The Delaware Democrat was one of t e longest-serving embers in the Senate and led the powerful Judiciary and Foreign Relations committees. I
RRR •Vice president
• Born • University • Started • First elected to the U.S. Senate in 1972, Biden hasserved on the 1942. of Delaware, law firm. Judiciary Committee (eight years aschairman) andthe Foreign Relathens then Syracuse Committee (two years as chairman). Law School.
Dick Cheney.Vice president from 2001 to 2009 unde President George W. Bush. Most of his career was in the ex cutive branch, but e spent some time in the private sector after the Republican Party lost the White House in i 993.
R IIR I R 1941
Casper o f Living College, Council. University of Wyoming.
, RR&
Enterprise d eputy assistant, then chief ofstaff Institute. • Represented Wyoming in the House; stints as chairman of the HouseRepublican • Later, president of Halliburton. Conferenceand HouseMinority Whip. • Defense secretary in the first Bush administration.
Ai Gore:Vice president from 1993 to 2001 under President Bill Clinton. He served in Congress for 16 years and was known for his workon foreign policy, technology and the environment, though he held no leadership positions in the Democratic caucus. I I I I • Born • Harvard. • Newspaper • Represented Tennesseein • Vice president the Houseand, later, the Senate 1948 • ln the U S reporter • Ran for president in 1988. Army, served as a reporter; briefly served in Vietnam. Dan Quayle:Vice president from 1989 to 1993 under resident George chosen for the Republican ticket at the age of 41.
R R SR ~
Bush. He was crit cized for his lack ofexperience when hewas
• Born • DePauw • Lawyer, • Represented ( • Vice president 1947. University. newspaper Indiana in theHouse • National Guard. publisher. and, later, the Senate. • Indiana University School of Law.
GeorgeH.W. Bush:Vice p resident fr om 1981 to 1989 under President Ronald Reagan. After 1II years in the private sector, he b ecame a,Republican congressman and gained foreign policyexperience in the Nixon and Ford administrations.
Age 20
• Represented I • In banking; • Vice president Texas in theHouse. campaigned t h en president. • Served in the I f o r president. Nixon White House; as RNCchairman; and in the Ford White House.
• Born • U.S. jtiavy • In the oil drilling business 1924. pilot during World War II • Yale. 40
Sources: Joel Goldstein, St. Louis Unwersity Law School; Biographical Directory of the United States Congress; news reports
some measures, contains the highest concentration of Medi care recipients in the nation. After introducing his moth er, Ryan said "she planned her retirement around this prom ise" of Medicare."That's a promise we have to keep."
didates are usually given the job of attack dog, letting the candidate at the top of the tick et strike a statesmanlike tone, this has not been Ryan's job, as widely expected. The roles were reversed this week, with Romney charging that Obama "disgraced th e p r esidency" Ryan's role and telling him to t ake his Having Ryan take the fight "campaign of division and an on Medicare to Florida, a cru ger and hate back to Chicago." cial battleground state that Ryan, for now, has been the Obama won in 2008, repre portrait of amiability on the sented an effort by the Romney stump. He brushed off heck campaign to turn what many lers at the Iowa State Fair for strategists predicted would be not being Midwest Nice. the ticket's Achilles' heel — Ry The campaign seems to be an's detailed and aggressive positioning Ryan for an unex budget cuts — into an asset. pected role — not to electrify While vice-presidential can the base, as many expected, but
80 New York Times News Service
to offer independents and wa vering Democrats an approach able portrait of conservatism. There are other changes in store for Ryan. State troopers now block interstate highway traffic to allow his motorcade to pass. At the same time, the celebrity gossip site TMZ post ed a picture of him shirtless on Friday, and he has experi enced a head-spinning level of scrutiny from every detail of his record in office to whether his suit coats are cut too big. To the degree that involves Ryan presenting his personal journey of losing a father at a young age and coming of age under the mentorship of sup ply-side figures like Jack Kemp,
that may prove a challenge. It turns out Ryan is no more com fortable speaking about his personal life than Romney. But one surprise is h ow readily R ya n t a l k s a b o ut Romney's personal story. He seems to see in Romney the real-world embodiment of his theories of the free market. "Remember the Olympics?" Ryan told a crowd in Virginia on Friday, describing an orga nizing committee in Utah in 1999 mired in overspending and waste. "Well, what did they do? They asked a man in Mas sachusetts that they knew, that they trusted, to take over and save the Olympics." That man, of course, was Mitt Romney.
mple ents •••$
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aweek, and Democrats will be in Charlotte, N.C., in the first days of September. Obama has dug in on his populist arguments. The tax rhetoric is a hit with the Obama faithful, but it is also designed to cast doubt among undecided voters who are seeking a reason to support Romney. These undecided voters represent about 6 percent of the elec torate, according to recent polls. About 19 percent of voters said there was a chancethey could change their minds, according to a Washington Post/ABC News poll last month. Polls also show that Republicans are more enthusiastic about the elec tion, mostly coming from a desire to defeat Obama. — TheAssociated Press
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Hospital Continued from A1 St. Charles Bend said it is ad dressing issues raised by the surveys. On Friday, St. Charles Redmond released a statement from CEO Bob Gomes saying the same. "Surveys like this one are a useful tool in gauging our care givers' opinions and helping identify areas where we can improve," Gomes said. "Like Bend, (we are) working on hir ing experienced leaders and ad dressing staffing issues. Safety has been, and will continue to be, our number one priority. Our physicians, nurses and hos pital leaders are very engaged in improving the culture of the operating room and providing safe, high-quality care." The Redmond results show a decline in confidence in nearly all the questions asked be tween the recent January 2012 questionnaire and a s u rvey from an unidentified date. The biggest dips between the surveys come from ques tions in overall safety. The
22.5 percent who said they would feel safe being treated at the OR dropped 47.7 percent from the previous period. Staff members saying they would recommend the OR to family and friends dropped from 72.6 percent to 25 percent. Overall j o b sa t i sfaction dropped from 69.1 percent to 27.8 percent. The lowest scores came from questions asking about punishments for making mis takes. Just 7.5 percent said mistakes are not held against the staff. Another 7.5 percent said the staff doesn't worry about mistakes being kept in a personal file. And only 5 per cent said they felt that when a safety event is reported, the target is the problem and not the staff member. Also of note between the two surveys is the number of respondents. The survey from an unidentified date had an average of 21 respondents per question. In the most recent survey, that number fell to 10. — Reporter: 541-817-7837 ehidleC~bendbulletin.corn
As a target for lawsuits, food is the newtobacco By Stephanie Strom
Valley and Splenda Essentials products, and warned Welch's Don Barrett, a Mississippi it would sue unless the compa lawyer, took in hundreds of ny changed the wording on its millions of dollars a decade juice and fruit snacks. The Fed ago after suing Big Tobacco eral Trade Commission won and winning r ecord settle settlements from companies ments from R .J. Reynolds, likeDannon and Pom Wonder Philip Morris and other ciga ful for claims about the health rette makers. So did Walter benefits of their products. Umphrey, Dewitt L o v elace PepsiCo and Coca-Cola face and Stuart and Carol Nelkin. dozens of lawsuits over claims Ever since, th e l a w yers that their orange juice prod have been searching for big ucts are "100% natural." paydays in business, scoring complaints more modest wins a gainst The latest car companies, drugmakers, The latest playbook — like brokerage firms and insurers. the one that paid off in t he Now, they have found the next wave of tobacco litigation target: food manufacturers. could prove potent, as the food More than a dozen lawyers companies' own lawyers have who tookon thetobacco compa warned. Other plaintiffs' law nies have filed 25 cases against yers have largely taken aim industry players like ConAgra at food products marketed as Foods, PepsiCo, Heinz, General "healthy" or "natural," subjec Mills and Chobani that stock tive claims that can be easily pantry shelves and refrigera disputed by expert witnesses. tors across America. Unlike foods labeled "organ The suits, filed over the last ic," there are no federal stan four months, assert that food dards forfoods that are called makers are misleading con "healthy" or "natural." sumers and violating federal The new batch of litigation regulations by wrongly label argues that food companies ing products and ingredients. are violating specific rules While they join a barrage of about ingredients and labels. litigation against the indus Barrett's group, for example, try in recent years, the group has brought a case against of onetime tobacco lawyers Chobani, the Greek yogurt is moving aggressively. The maker, for listing "evaporated lawyers are asking a federal cane juice" as an ingredient in c ourt in C a l ifornia t o h a l t its pomegranate-flavored yo ConAgra's sales of Pam cook gurt. The Food and Drug Ad ing spray, Swiss Miss cocoa ministration has r epeatedly products and s ome H u nt's warned companies not to use canned tomatoes. the term because it is "false "It's a crime — and t hat and misleading," according to makes it a crime to sell it," the suit. "If you' re going to put sugar said Barrett, citing what he contends is the mislabeling of in your yogurt, why not just those products. "That means say it's sugar?" said Pierce these products should be tak Gore, a lawyer affiliated with en off the shelves." Barrett's group. The food companies coun If the lawsuits prove suc ter that the suits are without cessful, the liability could be m erit, another example of sizable. The lawyers are look litigation gone wild and driven ing to base damages on prod largely by the lawyers' finan ucts' sales. While companies cial motivations. Barrett said do not typically break out fig his group could seek damages ures for individual items, Cho bani's revenues are expected amounting to four years of sales of mislabeled products to total $1.5 billion this year. — which could total many bil The lawsuit filed by Barrett lions of dollars. cites 18 flavors of yogurt, more "It's difficult to take some of than half its line. these claims seriously — for The lawyers who took on instance, that a consumer was Big Tobacco decided the time deceived into believing that was ripe to go after Big Food. a chocolate hazelnut spread Consumers are increasingly for bread was healthy for chil conscious of their eating habits dren," said Kristen Polovoy, as ratesof heart disease, dia an industry lawyer at Mont betes, obesity and other health gomery McCracken, referring problems rise. State and local to a lawsuit that two mothers governments are also becom brought against the maker of ing alarmed at the escalating Nutella. "I think the courts are costs of caring for people with starting to look at the implausi those diseases and are putting bility of some of these suits." pressure on food companies. A federal judge in Califor P laintiffs' l a w y ers r e a l nia in 2009 dismissed a case ize critics may counter that against PepsiCo, which accused their lawsuits do not have real the company of false advertis victims. ing because Cap'n Crunch's Barrett fought tobacco cas Crunch Berries cereal does not es for years on behalf of smok contain real berries. He ruled ers dying of cancer — and lost that "a reasonable consumer because juries agreed with the would not be deceived into be tobacco companies that smok lieving that the product in the ing was a personal choice. Not instant case contained a fruit until he and Richard Scruggs that does not exist." sued on behalf of states, which had spent hundreds of mil Other efforts lions of dollars caring for sick While the lawyers are being smokers, did they ultimately questioned about their motives, win their record settlement. "Food companies will argue they are not alone in pursuing the food industry. In recent that these are harmless crimes weeks, the Center for Science — the tobacco companies said in the Public Interest has filed the same thing," Barrett said. two lawsuits against General "But to diabetics and some Mills and McNeil Nutritionals other people, sugar is just as over their claims on Nature deadly as poison." New Yorh Times News Service
IW By Kevin Sullivan
"He came here and he asked us for help, and I said yes. He said, 'You might be captured
The Washington Post
D AWR, Iraq — A l a a Namiq doesn't want to talk about it. Or he's dying to. It's hard to tell. One min ute he's shaking his head, stone silent. Then he starts bragging about it and he won't stop talking. "I dug the hole for him," he says, his eyes burning with pride. "The hole," known to the world as the "spider hole," is the tiny u n derground bunker on Namiq's farm
where former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein was cap tured by U.S. soldiers on Dec. 13, 2003. Namiq an d h i s o l d er brother, Qais, have rarely spoken publicly about how they helped hide the world' s most sought-after fugitive for nearly nine months fol lowing the U.S.-led invasion. But now, sipping tea re cently in the modest little restaurant he opened this summer, a couple of football fields away from "the hole," Alaa Namiq seems willing. Maybe enough time has passed. Maybe few have asked. But fo r w h atever reason, Namiq now folds his tall, broad-shouldered frame into a little plastic chair, tugs on a cigarette and talks about hiding the man his family had known for decades. "He came here and he asked us for help, and I said yes," says Namiq, 41, wear ing a long, white dishdasha robe. "He said, rYou might be captured and tortured.' But in our Arab tribal tra dition, and by Islamic law, when someone needs help, we help him."
and tortured.' But in our Arab tribal tradition, and by
i '-fe c File photo, U.S. military via The Associated Press
Saddam Hussein, the deposed president of Iraq, was captured in December 2003, eight months after the fall of Baghdad. Days after, he underwent a medical examination — partially televised, which was controversial, considering his status as a prisoner of war — and later stood trial. In 2006, Saddam was executed.
Islamic law, when someone needs help, we help him." — Alaa Namiq, 41, of Dawr, Iraq
.Ai ':
The Associated Press file photo
"I dug the hole for him," says Alaa Namiq,who along with his brother helped hide one of the world's most sought-after fugitives. Saddam entered and left his underground bunker, near his hometown of Tikrit, through this small hole, pictured after his capture in late 2003.
would be analyzing the re of Saddam's capture remain the former dictator's enduring cordings for clues to Saddam's classified. popularity around here, Prime whereabouts, Namiq says he Minister Nouri al-Maliki has once drove 10 miles to the city 'A heroic act' ordered his gravesite closed to of Samarra, parked on the side Saddam's lawyer, Khalil al the public to keep it from be Refuge near Tikrit of the road and recorded the Dulaimi, quoted the former coming a shrine. S addam was b or n i n sounds of urban traffic. dictator in a 2009 book as say On the farm where Sad " I w anted t o m a k e t h e ing he had known the Namiq a village near Tikrit, just dam was captured, the "spi north of t hi s l i ttle town Americans feel dizzy and con family since 1959 and that they der hole" sits at the base of a on the banks of the Tigris fused," he says. had hidden him. In the book, date palm tree, covered with River. When the U.S. mili Namiq clearly still reveres Qais Namiq i s a ccused of a 4-foot-square concrete cap, tary was searching for him, Saddam, who was hanged in eventually turning Saddam in largely f o r gotten b e n eath it became convinced, cor 2006. to the U.S. troops, which Alaa dirty cages filled with doves "Saddam knew there would Namiq vehemently denies. rectly, that he would find and parakeets. shelter among his Tikriti be a day that he would be cap The Namiq family has be Chickens and dogs roam clansmen in these lush or tured and executed," Namiq come something like royalty the grounds, and huge orange chards of date palms and says. "In his heart, he knew in Dawr for sheltering a local carp swim in two ponds. On a orange and pear trees. that everything was gone and tribesman who is still idolized midsummer evening, the trees Namiq says he and Qais that he was no longer presi by many here. are so full t hat w ith every "We consider it a heroic act," strong breeze, small yellow were arrested along with dent. So he started something Saddam, and then spent new — jihad against the occu said Col. Mohammad Hassan pears fall like raindrops. a miserable six months in piers. He sacrificed everything of the Iraqi National Police, Across the narrow road at Abu Ghraib prison. Once a he had, including his two sons, who is stationed in Dawr. "This his restaurant, Namiq excuses driver and an aide to the for for the sake of the country." act doesn't concern this family himself and gets up from the mer president, he has spent only, but it represents all the table. He walks around the the last few years driving a Detained at Abu Ghraib citizens of Dawr because this dirt courtyard, table to table, taxi, finally saving enough Namiq says that when he cityembraced Saddam." greeting customers who all to open his family restau was held at Abu Ghraib, U.S. Hassan said that if the peo know him by name. rant a few weeks ago. soldiers — including a female ple of Dawr felt differently, At his restaurant on the interrogator who told him he the Namiq family would not riverbank, Namiq g reets looked like actor Tom Selleck have been able to continue liv Tanzanite an American reporter gra — questioned him daily about ing there. He said the family 8 Diamond ciously, o f fering g r i l l ed weapons of mass destruction members were already well chicken and sweet tea on and the hiding places of top respected, because they had a sweltering evening. The aides to Saddam. worked for years as cooks and restaurant is a small cinder He says his cell was kept fishermen for Saddam. "Now," he said, "the people block shack, with a couple dark 24 h ours a d ay, and of grills and a few plastic guards threw in buckets of of Dawr respect and appreci tables set outside. Four of water to keep it constantly wet. ate this family even more than his brothers cook and wait He says he was hooded, beaten before." tables for customers watch and bitten by guard dogs. He Saddam was buried just up ing a big f l at-screen TV was submitted to mock execu the road in Auja, the village showing Turkish dramas tions, he says, and constant, where he was born. Aware of 541-549-9388 Sisters and men's volleyball. deafening rock music. "I en "I won't tell you every dured the dogs and the torture, 'I thing," Namiq says, over but I couldn't stand that music," and over, during the course says Namiq, without a trace of of a couple of hours. "Some humor in his deep voice. day I will say all I know. A spokesman for the U.S. Maybe I will write a book. Central Command said mili With more than 40 "genr iceQaa 8ae I Maybe a movie. But I won' t tary officials could not imme years of experience, tell you everything." diately confirm Namiq's arrest we specialize in the I Then he starts talking. or detention because records cleaning of fine of individual prisoners at Abu Q. I s„!it'rr~r,","~+@>s~itf~hitit~'Qs'i-."i6,rive"~~a' N >-.Oriental ru s. Namiq s story Ghraib in 2003 would be dif ~ CL IC i Namiq says his family, ficult to retrieve. A spokesman mainly he and Qais (who for the U.S. Special Operations sERvlcE declined to be interviewed), Command said most details 54 1 -382-9498 helped m o v e Sa d d am among various houses in the area from the March 2003 invasion until his capture. Saddam never used a phone, he says, knowing that the Americans were lis tening for his voice. Namiq s ays Saddam read a n d Breathe Healthy Air! Pay Less On Your Power Bill! wrote extensively, prose and poetry, and his writings were confiscated by the U.S. troops who captured him. Namiq s ay s S a ddam w rote t o h i s w i f e a n d daughters, but he never saw them. His only visitors were his sons Uday and Qusay Get this 2-Zone, high efficiency, ductless heat pump system, — Namiq says he helped arrange their secret trips to Completely installed with a full warranty and100% Call Now!~ the farm. Satisfaction Guarantee for only $3595" Saddam released sev eral fiery speeches during cash rebates ahd tax the time he was in hiding, credits exhorting his supporters to fight t h e A m e ricans. Namiq says he and Saddam recorded them together on a smalltape recorder. I r I I I Knowing the Americans
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Rivers Continued from A1 "The state has this claim to rivers that are navigable, but no one knows what they are," said Jennie Bricker, a lawyer in Portland who r epresents property owners on questions of waterway ownership. Brick er is also on the state task force trying to address recreational use of rivers not designated as navigable. Further complicating mat ters, many riverfront property lines extend to the middle of a river but the deeds that back that up might be very old and inexact. They can also require much research to locate. "Early surveying in the Or egon territory and the state of Oregon was done by chains and rods, which is not very accurate when you' re dealing with topographical changes," said Liz Dickson, a lawyer in Bend who does extensive work on land use and water law. "And in the case of rivers and streams, there often isn't a way to place a rod in the middle of the river, so oftentimes, sur veyors were guessing as to the location ofboundary lines." Once a river is deemed navi gable, the state takes owner ship of the riverbed and the public can walk or camp on the riverbank. The state has declared sections of 12 rivers as navigable. In 2005, the state recognized a 174-mile stretch of the John Day River as navi gable as the result of a lawsuit by the Association of North west Steelheaders. The group sued after a fisherman was ticketed for trespassing. In 2010, a bill to clarify river usage rights for boaters, an glers and others ran into op position from private property owners, and instead, state law m akers created a task force to work on other approaches to the issue. S ecretary o f S t at e K a t e Brown said Friday there are likely up to 200 more rivers for which the state has yet to de termine navigability. "But that doesn't prevent Or egonians from using these wa terways," Brown said. Brown worked on navigability issues for more than a decade as a state lawmaker and is now in volved with the task force. Since 2010, the task force has been trying to come up with a set of rules on which both property ow ners and river users can agree. "We' ve been working col laboratively for the last year and a half to come up with a consensus or a general agree ment about some legislation, and the route we were taking is looking at what we would call an expanded water trails program," Brown said. "Gen erally speaking, a water trail is aportion of a riveror shore line that's been mapped for use by river users.... So there would be designated spots for accessing the river." "The goal is for the rules of the river to be very clear for the river users and the prop erty owners," Brown s aid. "Right now we' ve got some peopleplaying Monopoly and some people playing Scrabble, and we'd like to get everyone on the same page." The Oregon Parks and Rec reation Department already established these trails on riv ers recognized as navigable, and future legislation could do the same on rivers not on the navigable list, Brown said. "I'm hopeful we' ll introduce legislation next session, but we' re still in a working phase," Brown said. A system of water trails still would not resolve who owns the land under Oregon's rivers not designated as navigable. It also would not prevent people from requesting that the state research whether specific riv ers are navigable. Walt Bammann, a Roseberg man who described himself as an avid whitewater enthusiast and membership secretary of the North West Rafters Asso ciation, said questions about river ownership made it dif ficult for people to float down the Metolius River. "For years, our rafting club would float the river," Bam mann said. In the 1990s, the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs began asserting their ownership rights to the center ofthe river. "Any boater that launched at some point would effectively be on their side of the river," Bam mann said. "It's a real murky matter.... Whether the Metolius was ever navigable is a gray area, as (with) many rivers." In some situations, a lack of public access along river banks puts rafters in danger.
"The goal is for the rules of the river to be very clear for the river users and the property owners. Right now we' ve got some people playing M onopoly and some people playing Scrabble."
recreational river users, but it shrank the rights of private property owners, Bricker said. Bricker likes the idea of wa ter trails because they could result in restrooms and other facilities "to make it easier for the public to use those seg ments of the rivers, and also take some of the burden off property owners." "When people are floating a river, it's not always clear
— Oregon Secretary of State Kate Brown For example, rafters and other boaters often need to portage around a waterfall or other dangerous spot on a r i v er, Bammann said. Bammann and Merrick ac
knowledged that some river users act in ways that frustrate property owners, whether by urinating and littering on a riverbank or t r espassing to reach an ideal fishing spot.
Bricker said she disagrees with the 2005 attorney gener al's legal opinion that opened rivers to the public below the ordinary high-water line. The opinion expanded rights for
when you' re leaving public property and entering private property, and there aren't al ways places to stop and, for example, go to the bathroom," Bricker said. The controversy does not seemed headed forresolution soon. "This is a very emotional subject," Bammann said. — Reporter: 541-617-7829, hborrud@bendbulletin.corn
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Extinction threatens more fish
Reported for Central and Eastern Oregon. For the latest information, visit www.nwccweb .us/information/ firemap.aspx.
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By Andrew Clevenger The Bulletin
1. Barry Point Fire • Acres: 84,160 • Containment: 32% • Cause: Lightning 2. Holloway Fire • Acres: 461,047 • Containment: 91% • Cause: Lightning 3. Ten Mile Complex • Acres: 14,036 • Containment: 90% • Cause: Lightning 4. Buckhead Complex • Acres: 282 • Containment: 45% • Cause: Lightning 5. Waterfalls 2 Fire • Acres: 2,880 • Containment: 0% • Cause: Lightning 6. Butte Fire • Acres: 160 • Containment: 8% • Cause: Under investigation 7. Ice Cave Fire • Acres: 120 • Containment: 25% • Cause: Human, under investigation
Eugene • Medford
• Eugene:UOhires political consultant to lobby students to vote for improvements. • Medford:Loss of timber funds cited in failure to look for woman who died.
Rob Kerri The Buhet>n
Cascade Culinary Institute Baking and Pastry programstudent Rebekah Gerdes, front left, shares with participants in the Sum mer Training to Revive Indigenous Vision and Empowerment program what she is trying to learn about a particular dessert preparation with her instructor, Chef Julian Darwin, second from left, Thursday afternoon at the Jungers Culinary Center on the Bend campus of Central Oregon Community College. About 20 Native American high school students spent the week at COCC in the program, which is designed to get more young people from the Warm Springs tribes to attend college.
ri a
or as eo cam us i e By joel Aschbrenner The Bulletin
Keyahna Clement had hardly seen a college campus before last week. The 16-year-old from Warm Springs had only driv en through Central Oregon Community College's Bend campus to drop her sister off for class. Much about the campus was foreign to Clement. She said she didn't realize the col lege students went to class in numerous buildings spread out over a sprawling campus, not just one building like in high school.
"I didn't know there would be so many stairs," she said with a laugh. Clement was one of 20 Na tive American high school students who last week at tended the Summer Training to Revive Indigenous Vision and Empowerment program, a weeklong camp at COCC aimed at preparing them for college. The program is a joint ven ture, organized by the school and the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs. It's funded by part of a $56,000 Oregon College Access Challenge Grant, awarded to COCC to
fund programs to increase enrollment among under served groups. For the tribes, the sum mer camp is a way to make college less daunting to high school students by giving them a taste of campus life and college courses. For the school it is the means to reach a goal of increasing enroll ment among minority groups to more accurately reflect the region's population. The campers took college preparatory classes each day, learning about financial aid, admissions and class sched ules. They talked about what
it's like to be far from home for the first time and how to balance school and work. They stayed in the dorms and walked around the cam pus, checking out different classes and programs. Stu dents like Clement, who hopes to go to culinary school, raved about their tour of COCC's Cascade's Culinary Institute. "The purpose is to intro duce them to college life, to make them familiar with it and make it less scary," said Gina Ricketts, Native Ameri can program coordinator at COCC. SeeCollege /B2
Vintage carshowraises un s or charity
Stories onB3 By Scott Hammers The Bulletin
Have astoryidea or sudmission? Contactus! The Bulletin Call a reporter: Bend ................ 541-617-7829
Redmond........ 541-977-7t 85 Sisters.............541-977-7185 La Pine ........... 541-383-0348 Sunriver......... 541-383-0348 Deschutes ...... 541-617-7837 Crook ..............541-633-2184 Jefferson ........541-633-2184 Salem..............541-554-t t62 D.C..................202-662-7456 Business ........ 541-383-0360 Education .......541-977-7185 Public lands .....541-617-7812 Public safety.....541-383-0387 Projects .......... 541-617-783t
REDMOND — Scores of vintage cars descended on downtown Redmond on Sat urday, taking over the streets with a barrage of tailfins and curves, gleaming chrome and
. aCX~a
eye-popping paint.
Now in its 19th year, the Harvest Run car show is the biggest event of the year for the Redmond-based Drift ers Car Club. The show is a fundraiser, with proceeds from entrance fees going to the Make-A-Wish Foundation of Oregon, Redmond-Sisters Hospice and Sparrow Clubs USA. Jim Larson, president of the Drifters, said 117 cars were on display. When the show first started, only cars from 1972 orearlierwere displayed; with the passage of time, the club has moved
IM Joe Kllnei The Bulletin
Owen Hill, 6, from left, Mykiah Hill, 8, and Jaden Mitchell, 8, all of Redmond, eat cotton candy in the back of a 1948 Ford pickup owned by Jaden's father during the Harvest Run car show on Saturday in downtown Redmond. the line to 1976, Larson said, making occasional excep tions for truly rare vehicles like the Lamborghini Coun
tach at Saturday's show. Lee Barnett of Redmond brought a passenger with him to the car show, a worn-look
ing teddy bear sitting propped up in the back seat of his 1936 Ford. The bear, Barnett explained, was a gift from the woman who reupholstered the car's seats; she crafted it from the original fabric. Like many at the show, Barnett spends a lot more time working on his car than driving it. When Barnett bought the Ford in 1989, it had only 65,000 miles on it. He' s put just 4,000 more miles on the car in the intervening 23 years. Barnett has stuck with driving the Ford to a hand ful of car shows each year, and the occasional short trip around town. Earlier this summer, he was at the park in Redmond when a man wan dered by and complimented his car, adding, "That brings back a lot of memories." SeeVintage /B4
WASHINGTON — Doz ens of species of North American freshwater fish became extinct over the last century, and even more will likely meet the same fate by 2050, accord ing to a new studyby a government scientist. In a paper to be pub lished in the September issue of "BioScience," Noel Burkhead, a research fishery biologist with the U.S. Geological Survey, notes that between 1898 and 2006, 39 species of fish became extinct. By Burkhead's calculations, another 53 to 86 species could become extinct by the middle of this century. "What we' re losing right now are the unique ele ments of the North Ameri can fish fauna," he said Friday. "These losses of biodiversity are significant, and they' re much greater than we previously knew." To reach his conclusions, Burkhead used fossils to calculate the rate at which species have historically become extinct. Typically, a freshwater fish species lives for 3 million years, and there are more than 1,200 species of fish in North America. Based on these figures, the rate of extinction in the 20th century was 877 times higher than the his torical rate. Moreover, the extinctions sped up after 1950. Two main factors have contributed to the rise: loss of habitat and competition from other species for the same resources. In both cases, man's involvement has had a detrimental im pact, he said. Historically, humans have used waterways to dispose of unwanted re fuse, from residential gar bage to industrial effluent, he said. Humans have also altered the natural flow of water through dams and canals, diverting water for irrigation and pouring sediment into rivers and streams. See Fish/B2
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Alvord La k e and tridutaries
iI,". • BUrhS
t'ai '""" DETAIL
Andy e Zigert/The Bulletin
Submissions: • Letters and opinions: Mail:My Nickel's Worth or lnMyyiew P.O. Box 6020 Bend, OR97708 Details on theEditorials, page F2. Contact: 541-383-0358, bulletin©bendbulletin.corn
• Civic Calendar notices: Email event information to news©bendbulletin.corn, with "Civic Calendar" in the subject, and include acontact name andphonenumber. Contact: 541-383-0354
Central Oregon sees 1912 gambling crackdown Com piled by Don Hotness from archivedcopies ofThe Bulletin at the Des Chutes Historical Museum.
100 YEARSAGO For the week ending Aug. 18, 1912
• Obituaries, Death Notices:
Madras now viceless town says 'city official'
Details on theObituaries page inside. Contact: 541-617-7825, obits©bendbulletin.corn
A "statement of a city of ficial" of Madras, published in the Portland Oregonian,
YESTERDAY says, among other things: "Madras has been persistent, until today there is less crime in this city, possibly, than in any frontier city of the same size in the west. There are four saloons in operation, all working under a license, not withstanding the fact that in a neighboring town, (Metolius), an equal number of saloons are in operation, and are pay
ing no license and despite the further fact that the town which is not incorporated, is in a dry precinct. "Such a state of affairs has existed for the last year or more. There are no members of the underworld in Madras now. The present condition has been brought about slowly by the city officials, acting on the knowledge that no as sistance would be tendered by the county". The rest of the article goes
on to show that vice, which admittedly existed in Madras previous to incorporation in April, 1910, flourished there considerably before Balfour became sheriff, or under the regime of Frank Elkins.
Clean up Sisters On Monday morning C.L. Gist, deputy sheriff, visited the places where gambling has been going on and or dered it closed. Gambling has become quite common and
open and it was high time some action was taken to put a stop to it.
Redmond mayor resigns Things have been running on high speed at Redmond during the last week. The final result has been the resignation of Mayor H.F. Jones and City Marshall Z.T. McClay, after Governor West had threatened to place the town under martial law. SeeYesterday /B2
Continued from B1 For tribal members from the Warm S p r ings I n dian Reservation, college can seem isolated, even foreign, and the stacks of paperwork can seem overwhelming, said Jefferson Greene, a volunteer with the tribes. Greene attended Mt. Hood Community College for two years before transferring to Portland State University. He graduated in 2008 with de grees in business, marketing and advertising, and returned to the reservation to help run the museum and the Warm Springs tribes' annual canoe journey. Greene said he is the excep tion, not the rule. His parents went to college, but few from the reservation have family members who can show them the ropes, he said. Many from Warm Springs start college but don't finish be cause no one helps them figure out how to make their finances last all four years, Greene said. Just 13 percent of Native Americans and Alaska Na tives 25 and older reported having a b achelor's degree, compared with about 28 per cent of the overall population, according to a 2010 American Community Survey. Ideally the STRIVE p r o gram, Greene said, will show the students how to get to col lege and finish, so they can serve asrole models for other students on the reservation. "It's one thing to start col lege," he said. "It's another to finish." Marella Van Pelt, 17, said the camp taught her about how to transfer from a c o mmunity college to a four-year univer sity. Van Pelt, a member of the Warm Springs tribes from
Continued from B1 Only relatively recently, in the wake of the passage of the Clean Water Act in 1972, has s o ciety t a k en careful steps to protect wa ter quality. Second, man has intro duced many nonindigenous species t o n e w h a b i tat, which can have disastrous effects on the fish that were already there, he said. At the end of the 1800s, as science began to assert itself, humanity believed it could conquer nature and began introducing new spe cies to numerous water sys tems, he said. Before the concept of "a chicken in every pot" seized the popular i m a gination, there was a g o vernment backed belief that "a carp in every pond" could pro vide protein for the nation's growing population. The introduction of a non native species into a local ecosystem was responsible for the demise of the Alvord cutthroat trout, the only fish in Oregon to go extinct in the last century. The A l v or d c u t t h roat trout was discovered in the 1930s in the Oregon Lakes ecoregion in the south-cen tral part of the state. It lived in an i n termountain area where stream systems don' t empty into larger rivers that connect to the ocean, so it was a closed basin, Burk head said. B ut around the turn o f the century, the area was stocked with rainbow trout, and by 1940, the Alvord cut throat had hybridized itself out of existence, he said. Other s c ientists s h a re
7J I
Rob Kerr/ The Bulletin
Donesha Winishut, left, a memberof the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs, smiles as one of her friends handles a wireless keyboard in a lecture room at the Jungers Culinary Center build ing on the COCC campus Thursday afternoon. Brookings, S.D., came all the way to Bend for the summer camp. Van Pelt has big plans for college. With a toothy smile, she says she is going to gradu ate in the top 10 in her high school class, become the first of her siblings to attend college, and graduate with a bachelor' s degree in nursing or e arly childhood development. Students at t h e s u mmer camp also learned about Na tive American culture. They made traditional drums and practiced weaving. They took classes on spoken poetry and art and on Friday paddled the Warm Springs tribes' canoe around Elk Lake. "We know i f N ative kids can maintain t heir c u lture in college, they will be a lot more likely to succeed," said Ricketts, who is a member of
the California-based Hoopa Tribe. I ncreasing enrollment o f Native American students has been a priority for the school in recent years, said Rick Paradis, director of college relations. The c o mmunity c o l lege board has said the school's enrollment should match the region's ethnic diversity. That means Native American stu dents should make up 3.5 per cent of the student body, Para dis said. In the last school year, 317 students, 2.8 percent of t he student body, identified them selves as Native American or American Indian. In the past four years, enrollment among Native Americans has grown by about 90 students, but with the COCC's overall enrollment growing as well, the school is about 80 Native American
students short of its 3.5 percent goal. Opening a c a m pus l a st year in Madras, near Warm Springs, has helped bring more Native American students to COCC, Paradis said. The school also has a sum mer bridge program that offers classes on test-taking skills and time management and course refreshers to help stu dents prepare for college life. The STRIVE program was about a year in the making. Greene said he hopes to orga nize it again next year. Ricketts,who runs programs to reach minority students in Madras, Warm Springs and Redmond, said students are al ready calling her, hoping to en roll in next summer's STRIVE camp.
a ssured a m ember o f T h e Bulletin staff that he was not Continued from B1 talking politics. This, he in First, it appears that citizens dicated, is purely a vacation of Redmond, finding that the trip. Asked if he had any opin administration countenanced ions about the appointment of vice, protested to Governor Senator Hugo L. Black as as West. The Governor told Jones sociate justice of the supreme to behave himself, Jones told court, Hoover looked toward the Governor that Redmond the morning sun, then, after a was his town, that gambling moment's thought, said: "Bend is a grand little town." would continue as long as it suited him, and that the gov He then took over the busi ernor could go chase himself ness of asking questions and — or w ords to t hat effect. showed a lively interest in the Then Jones was caught gam Deschutes city that he has so bling, convicted and f i ned. frequently visited. Hoover said Whereupon the Governor tele that he had visited Bend on graphed for his resignation. several occasions before be Jones refused to give up his coming president. job. The Governor promised to send soldiers. Monday after Hoover disapproves noon Jones thought better of it of highcourt nominee and resigned: A new mayor is Former President Herbert to be chosen Monday. Hoover, en route to southern That is the story in expur Oregon, paused to say he dis gated primer form. However, approved of the appointment its details are rich, rare and of Senator Hugo Black to the racy. U.S. Supreme Court. "The c ourt i s n o w o n e ninth packed," he said. "The 75 YEARS AGO nomination of Senator Black For the week ending is a sample of what we would Attg. 18, 1937 expect from a packing of the supreme court."
i deally suited for l unar r e search studies. There are very young lava flows within a rea sonable distance from town, and, more important, there is a wide variety of volcanic rocks within a 25-mile radius." Engineers said: "Design o f spacecraft f o r m a k i n g 'hard' and 'soft' landings on the moon can be facilitated if the engineers and scientists in charge can examine first hand the probable surfaces on which the vehicles will come to rest." The engineers also say that the future spacemen would be introduced to the various types of volcanic terrain which they may encounter on the lunar surface. Colonel Chenoweth, in his introduction to the prospectus, "Proposed Moon Base Test Site," wrote: "The raw condi tions existing on the moon are probably as closely repro duced in the lava and pumice deposits in the near vicinity of Bend, Oregon, as anywhere on Earth," He added: "It would be extremely dif ficult to duplicate elsewhere the necessary combination of natural terrain features and supporting utility and com munity facilities in a readily accessible place to permit the establishment of an econom ic and c onvenient proving ground." V olcanic features of t h e area mentioned are the Dev il's Garden country near Fort Rock, the Lava Butte terrain just south of Bend, depres sions which resemble meteor craters, tuff rings, craters and pumice fields. Geologists believe that ar eas of very recent volcanic ac tivity which have not been ap preciably altered by weather or erosion would approximate conditions on the moon.
Dynamic duo foils purse-snatching
Hoover returns to Bend on fishing trip
Herbert C. Hoover, former President of the United States, was drifting down the upper Deschutes today in an angler's boat, fishing a r i ver w h ich he considers one of the fin est trout streams in the entire United States. On a hurried trip through the northwest, Hoover had n o t o r i g inally planned to try his luck in the Deschutes this season, but, he said, "we just decided to sneak a day off." With the ex president are Glenn Saxon and Nobert North of Palo Alto, Cai. Hoover arrived at the Pilot Butte Inn last night, coming here from northern Montana; purchased a fishing license before retiring, and about 7:30 o' clock this morning was on his way to South Twin lake, to keep an appointment with his guide and host of last year, Fay Robideau. In one of Robideau's boats, the former president planned to drift slowly down the river casting his fly in like ly looking spots. In the fall of 1936, Hoover fished this same portion of the Deschutes and on that occasion made an ap pointment with Robideau for a "return engagement." Dressed in a t i g ht-fitting brown suit, the ex-president stepped out of the Pilot Butte Inn this morning, promised his host, R.M. Wood, Inn man ager, that he was coming back next year and "really explore" the Deschutes country, got into the rear seat of his car and was on his way. But before leaving, Hoover
50 YEARS AGO For the week ending Attg. 18, 1962
Bend Chamber bids for moon base testsite Bend's Lunar Base Research Facility, Inc., is making a bid for establishment in this area of a moon base test site. Under the supervision of Lt. Col. William C. Chenoweth, Army Engineer, Rtd., the fa cility sponsored by the Bend Chamber of Commerce, has completed a p r ospectus of possible sites in the volcanic interior country t hat m i ght serve as locations for studies of lunar landings. Included in the prospectus are pictures ofvolcanic fea tures of interior Oregon. These range from lava fields to pum ice flats, and from caves to cra ters. A detailed map, with pro posed sites outlined is placed in each prospectus. R.E. Corcoran, geologist stated: "The volcanic region south of Bend appears to be
We' ve been serving the local market for62 yrs! Come check out this week's specials!
25 YEARS AGO For the week ending Attg. 18, 1987
~ • •g
o •
— Reporter: 541-633-2184, jaschbrenner@bendbulletin.corn
When Bend postman Jim Warner pledged to battle rain, snow, sleet and dark of night, he didn't count on having to do wind sprints too. But that's what Warner did Wednesday afternoon when a man accused of stealing a w oman's purse led him o n a wild K eystone Kop-style chase t h rough d o w ntown Bend. That is until Warner ran out of gas. The incident began about I p.m., when Kim Spongberg parked her car o n O r egon street across from the down town Bend post office. As Warner watched Spong berg walk toward the post office, he saw a man reach inside her car, take her purse and start running away. W arner bolted f rom t h e post office and took off after the man, who ducked down an alley and ran toward the Trailways Bus Depot. Just then Bob Cordes was riding toward the post office on his m i n i-motor scooter. He saw the man running and Warner lagging behind. The chase took Cordes and Warner through downtown streets until the man, appar ently also running out of gas, s lowed to a w al k n ear t h e U.S. National Bank on Bond Street. Cordes grabbed the man. Warner arrived soon after wards, and the two held the suspect unti l B e n d p o l i ce came. Police arrested the man on a charge of s econd-degree theft. He gave no address, and police said they think the name he gave is an alias. After retracing the chase route, p o l i c e r ec o v ered Spongberg's purse where the snatcher apparently dropped it. "I got a nice little hug when it was all done," Warner said. "She was pretty happy."
Burkhead's concern that hu mankind's influence on the environment is accelerating extinctions. In a paper published last month to address Califor n ia's v u l nerabilities a n d increasing risks caused by climate change, scientists at the University of Califor nia at Davis said that up to 83 percent of the state's 121 native freshwater fish spe cies are at risk of extinction due in part to rising water temperatures. "In contrast, the 43 non native species e x amined appeared to fare much bet ter with many thriving and expanding their range, and only 19 percent falling into the high-vulnerability cat egory," the report states. "Managing invasive spe cies, p r o viding s h a ding along river banks, and re ducing other s tresses on freshwater fish are among the most important adapta tion options." To further protect spe cies, it is important to start planning in 50- to 100-year blocks, s a i d Bu r k h ead. Population centers can be reworked to reduce human contact with waterways by moving things away from rivers' floodplains, he said. "We have this intrinsic, (negative) gut response to change. But we have got to change the way we' re doing business, or we' re going to lose a lot of stuff," he said. "The whole biological sys tem is immensely important, and to lose species because we don't want to change the way we do things is not the way an i ntelligent species conducts its business." — Reporter: 202-662-7456, aclevenger@bendbulletin.corn
PUBLIc OFFIcIALs For The Bttlletin's full list, including federal, state, county and city levels, visit www.bendbttlletirLcomlofficials. U.S. House of Representatives
Sen. Jeff Merkley, D-Ore.: 107 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510 Phone: 202-224-3753 Web: http: //merkley.senate gov Bend office: 131 N.W. Hawthorne Ave Suite 208 Bend, OR 97701 Phone: 541-318-1298
Rep. GregWalden, R-Hood River 2182 Rayburn HouseOffice Building Washington, D.C. 20515 Phone: 202-225-6730 Web: http: //ttttalden.house.gov/ Bend office: 1051 N.W. Bond St., Suite 400 Bend, OR 97701 Phone: 541-389-4408 Fax: 541-389-4452
Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore. 223 Dirksen Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510 Phone: 202-224-5244 Web: http: //ttttyden.senate.gov Bend office: 131 N.W. Hawthorne Ave., Suite 107 Bend, OR 97701 Phone: 541-330-9142
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Uo hires political consultant to get
Losso tim er un s cite in aiureto oo 0 The Associated Press MEDFORD — Th e Jose phine County sheriff on Friday was quick to point to budget cuts at his department as play ing a central role in a five-hour delay in responding to a miss ing 73-year-old Alzheimer' s patient who was found dead in her wheelchair. Sheriff Gil Gilbertson said his office will conduct an in ternal review to identify what went wrong after June Rice was reported missing to 911, the Oregon State Police and a separate county sheriff's of fice about I p.m. Wednesday — a report that didn't get to the Josephine County Sher iff's Office unti16:30 p.m. Gilbertson said cutbacks at his department, part of a $12 million budget gap caused by the loss of a federal safety net for timber counties and a sub sequent failed county tax levy, meant no Josephine County patrol deputy or d i spatcher was scheduled to work until 3 p.m., the Medford Mail Tri bune reported. "Had I had a dispatcher on, there would have been an im mediate response," Gilbertson said. Rice's caregiver, Shirley Si mons, who first reported her missing, said she believes a lack of deputies in Josephine
County contributed to the lack of a police search even as tem peratures inched toward triple digits Wednesday. "Nobody in Jos e p hine County would help her," Si mons says. The sheriff's office says Rice had been reported missing from the home around noon Wednesday and a local search was started. About 7 p.m., a man walking his dog found the woman's body next to the wheelchair near th e Rogue River. Rice reportedly had a recent stroke. No cause of death was given. The case was referred to the state medical examin er's office. "There was a glitch some where in the system, and I am asking for a follow-up inves tigation so it doesn't happen again," Sheriff Gil Gilbertson said Friday. When no sheriff's deputy or dispatcher is available, proto col now calls for such calls to be transferred to the Oregon State Police for review, Gilb ertson said. State police spokesman Lt. Gregg Hastings said the OSP Southern Command Center dispatch took that transferred call at 12:53 p.m. It was report ed as an attempt to locate Rice, with her description and that
students to vote for improvements The Associated Press EUGENE — The Un i versity of Oregon is turn ing to a political firm with high-level Demo c r atic Party connections to get the votes it needs on a $135 million renovation plan for its student union. The firm's target: the students themselves. A July 3 0 m em o o b tained by the Eugene Reg ister-Guard shows the uni versity signed a $25,000 contract with the Denver firm R B I S t r ategies 8 Research. The firm is led by Rick Ridder, who w o rked on presidential campaigns for Hillary Clinton, Howard Dean and Al Gore. "When millions of dol lars are on the line, and students are paying for it, their voice should come first," said Lamar Wise, a member of the UO student senate. A referendum scheduled for Oct. 18 will allow stu dents to vote on whether to pay $117 per term in new fees to support the project, which would add three sto ries to the student union, create new offices for student government and organizations, and add a 1,080-seat concert hall. The project has been en couraged by administra tors for about a decade, but
she was last seen about 11:30 a.m. heading up the home's driveway, Hastings said. At about I :10 p.m., OSP d ispatchers sent out a n a t t empt-to-locate message t o three troopers working out of the state police Grants Pass office, Hastings said. They were not in the general area of the search and none checked that area after the call was re ceived, Hastings said. Attempt-to-locate dispatch es from other agencies are commonplace and t r oopers typically keep an eye out for missing people whose descrip tions are broadcast, he said. No trooper was assigned the case and no call was made to Josephine County search-and rescue teams, Hastings said. Hastings said he does not know why that call to search a nd-rescue crews wa s n o t made, but said the OSP will be "looking to gather details in how it was handled on our end." Gilbertson said that if the call that went to the state po lice instead had gone to a Jo sephine County d i spatcher, the response would have been different. "We' re trying to determine if the ball was dropped and how that might have happened," Gilbertson said.
two referendalastyear were shot down by students. To combat that, the firm's plan for this year's referen dum calls for painting oppo nents of the project as "nar row minded," "stuck in (the) past" and " s tubborn," and says the pro-renovation cam p aign should focus on t h e theme "keeping up with the Pac-12" in student buildings. The u n iversity c o m mis sioned a needs assessment that compared the union with student unions at s imilarly sized institutions and found it lacking, said Robin Holmes, the university's vice president for student affairs. But Wise rejected the com parison, saying it's like "keep ing up with the Joneses." "The majority of students don't care about keeping up with the Pac-12. They care about their pocketbooks and how much this is going to af fect them later on," he said. T he plan a lso c a ll s f o r $ 30,000 to , a m on g o t h er things, buy drawstring back packs, T-shirts an d 2 , 5 00 pairs of sunglasses to support the project. Holmes said Friday that the university is now " r ethink
ing" use of the RBI campaign plan. The project enjoys some student support. Laura Hin man, incoming president of the Associated Students of the University of Oregon, fa vors the expansion. She said the previous referenda failed because not enough students w ere engaged in t h e p r o cess and they needed more information. Students "didn't feel they had good information," Holm es said. "They were confused a bout many aspects of t h e project." The added fees, if approved, would amount to a 3.8 percent increase in the cost for under graduate student tuition, ac cording to the university.
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Ann Fillmore, right, works with oneof the aikido class participants at the North Bend Senior Center, in North Bend. She is teaching a class on both this form of self-defense and tai chi.
Nort Ben senior prepares stu entsto een t emseves By jessie Higgins The World
NORTH BEN D — L o ok ing far younger than her 70 years, Ann Fillmore crouches barefoot in the grass, demon strating aikido stick fighting techniques. H er long b a mboo c a n e whirls through the air, jab bing, smacking, a t tacking an invisible target from all directions. Gathered behind her, her silver-haired pupils l i g htly grip their own canes, mim icking Fillmore's movements. "You are much faster than you think you are," Fillmore tells her students. She glides among them, demonstrating the wrist slap, which fends off a knife-wield ing attacker by targeting "the m ost sensitive part o f t h e hand." Then the gut jab, the chin smack, the ankle sweep. Sticks whirl and w hoosh around the yard behind the North Bend Senior Center. The moves are important. But even if the seniors never master a martial art, Fillmore said her 10-week class will empower her students to pre vent attacks. After all, the best time to fend off an attack is before it happens, Fillmore said.
"The confidence is astounding. It is more than the common term 'self-confidence.' It is physical confidence." — Ann Fillmore, 70-year-old self-defense teacher The seniors leave her class with c onfidence, readiness and walking f o r ward, she said. "I like feeling like I have power," Lori Berm, 51, said after Tuesday's class. "That physical empowerment." Fillmore's class combines tai chi with the Japanese art of aikido stick fighting. Most of her students are women, and most are senior citizens. At the beginning of every 10-week course, new students may appear frail and shaky. T hey stumble through t h e tai chi movements. But over time, their cores strengthen, their bodies learn balance, and then, suddenly, they can do it. The stumbling stops, confidence builds. "The c onfidence i s a s tounding," she said. "It is more than the common term 'self-confidence.' It is physical confidence." Still, she tells the women to remain aware, especially if they are attacked. Remember
to scream. Yell for help and fight with all your might. "Women tend to be silent when a t t acked," F i l l more said. "It i s c r o ss-cultural. With women it v er y o f t en turns out that unless they' re d efending c h i l dren, t h e y won't hit back." It won't h a ppen d u r i ng this class, but Fillmore rec o mmends finding a way t o physically hit something with the sticks — a punching bag, an old rug — so the students know how it feels when the stick hits an object. Fillmore began studying martial arts in her 30s. A car crash had destroyed her in ner ears at age 21, and she wanted to train herself to be balanced and strong. She has been teaching the art to seniors in the Coos Bay area for nearly a decade and doesn't intend to stop. "I love w it h t h e s eniors when it suddenly clicks," Fill more said."I love it. I just love it."
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BITIj ARIES DEATH NOTICES James Roy Tye of Bend April 5, 1946 - Aug. 15, 2012 Arrangements: Niswonger-Reynolds Funeral Home, 541-382-2471, www.niswonger-reynolds.corn
Services: Graveside Service 11:00 AM Thursday August 23, 2012 at Greenwood Cemetery, Bend
Kathleen Doris Beukelman, of Crooked River Ranch Feb. 26, 1932 - Aug. 14, 2012 Arrangements: Autumn Funerals Redmond (541-504-9485) www.autumnfunerals.net Services: Celebration of Life: 2:00 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 26th at Crooked River Ranch Chapel Contributions may be made to:
In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to: Faith Harvest Helpers, 8894 Waterhole Place, Crooked River Ranch, OR 97760
William Caswell Lane June 20, 1925- August 9, 2012
ln Loving Memory B ill L an e w a s b o r n t h e first male child in the West Texas boom town of Texon i n Reagan C o u n ty , J u n e 20, 1925. He served in the
wwi i and returned to Austin, w here h e gradu a ted w i t h n ess d e gree from t he U ni
Bill Lane versity of Texas. I n 1951, he m a r r ied h i s life-long love, Wanda L ea R awls. They l i ved i n S a n A ngelo, T e x as, a n d h a d two sons and later moved to Houston. He had a successful busi n ess career i n t h e t r a n s p ortation i ndu s t r y in w hich h e w as th e co founder of two companies, Lane Brothers Trucking in San A n g el o a nd L ane F reight Systems in H o u s ton. He later moved to his ranch in Barksdale, Texas, w here h e r an c h e d fo r many years. He i s s u r v i ve d b y hi s sons, B o b an d Ri ck ; daughters-in-law, Deb and Kim; grandson, Will; step grandchildren , K acee , Ryan and Jordan. S ervices will b e h e l d a t J ohnson's F u neral H o m e in San Angelo, Texas, Au gust 24, at 1:00 p.m., and Bend, OR, in mid-Septem b er, T BA . D o n a t i ons t c n West Texas B oy s R a nch, and the Campwood, Texas Library Please sign our g uest b oo k a t ww w . n i s wonger-reynolds.corn
Philip "Phil" Vincent Berning, of Bend July 26, 1934 - Aug. 13, 2012 Arrangements: Deschutes Memorial Chapel 541-382-5592 www.deschutesmemonalchapel.corn
Isaacs, 107, was oldest surviving Pullman porter
Services: A memorial service will be held Friday, August 24, 2012 at 11:00 am at Saint Edward the Martyr Catholic Church, 123 Trinity Way Sisters, OR.
By Ann M. Simmons
Contributions may be made
Los Angeles Times
For more than t hree de cades, Ben Isaacs worked as a Pullman porter, one of the uniformed railway men who served first-class passengers traveling in luxurious sleeping Tony Ray Earp, of cars — a much-coveted job for Redmond African-Americans between Nov. 23, 1953 - Aug. 15, 2012 the 1870s and late 1960s. Arrangements: Isaacs, a charismatic cente Autumn Funerals narian who was believed to be Redmond (541-504-9485) the oldest surviving Pullman www.autumnfunerals.net porter, died of kidney failure Services: Wednesday at his home in Viewing: Mon., Aug. 20; Victorville, Calif., according 3-5pm at Autumn to his brother, Andrew Isaacs. Funerals-Redmond 485 He was 107. NW Larch Avenue; Graveside: 1pm, Tues., A ndrew I saacs said h i s Aug. 21 at Redmond brother, who in his later years Memorial Cemetery, 3545 went blind, was hospitalized S. Canal Blvd. Aug. 10 and released a couple Contributions may be made of days later. to: "His kidneys shut down," Hospice of Redmond, 732 said Isaacs, 89, who lives in SW 23rd, Redmond, OR 97756. Sacramento, Calif. "In three weeks he would have been 108." Born Sept. 8, 1904, in Kan DEATHS sas City, Kan., Ben Isaacs was one of five children of Breck ELSEWHERE enridge "B.R." Isaacs, a butch er, and Cora, a school teacher Deaths of note from around and beautician. Andrew Isaa the world: cs said his brother graduated Phyllis Thaxter, 92: Actress from the local Sumner High known for her role as Super School,which educated black man's mother in the 1978 film children. starring Christopher Reeve; Straight out of high school she also had a prolific film and in the early 1920s, Isaacs land television career that spanned ed a job with the Atchison, d ecades. Died T uesday i n Topeka and Santa Fe Rail Longwood, Fla., after suffer way. He labored "in the shop ing from Alzheimer's disease. where they worked on steam Von Freeman, 88: Consid engines," A n d re w Is a a cs ered one of the finest tenor recalled. saxophonists in jazz, but only While working for the San gained wide fame later in life; ta Fe, Ben Isaacs fell ill with he was named a National En pneumonia. His employer sent dowment for the A rt s Jazz him to a hospital in Albuquer Master, the nation's highest que, N.M., and he remained honor in the field. Died Aug. 11 in New Mexico for a couple of in Chicago of heart failure. years before relocating to San Brent Grulke, 51: Creative di Diego and then to Los Angeles rector of South by Southwest in 1929, Andrew Isaacs said. in Austin, Texas, who helped By then, Ben Isaacs had grow it into one of the world' s married a girl from his home largest music festivals. Died town, in what would be the Monday in Austin of a heart first of at least four marriages attack. in his l i fetime, his brother Gerard Campbell, 92: Jesuit said. priest and former president In L o s A n g eles, I saacs and professor of history at found work as a c hauffeur. Georgetown University. Died But his life-changing plum as Aug. 9 at the Jesuit residence signment came in April 1936 on campus. when he began working as a Patrick Ricard, 67: Grew his Pullman porter, according to f amily's small l i quor f i r m , the Chicago-based Newberry Pernod Ricard, into a global Library, which keeps data on brand with the acquisition of Pullman employees. Absolut Vodka and Jameson The Pullman Palace Car Irish Whisky. Died Friday. Co. was founded by George — From wire reports Pullman in 1867 and was most St. Winefride's Guild at Saint Edward the Martyr Catholic Church, 123 Trinity Way Sisters, OR 97759.
Margie Louise Larisch December l 7, l 930 — July 30, 20l 2
Obituary policy Death Notices are free and will be run for one day, but specific guidelines must be followed. Local obituaries are paid advertisements submitted by families or funeral homes. They may be submittedby phone, mail, email or fax. The Bulletin reserves the right to edit all submissions. Please include contact information in all correspondence. For information on any of these services or about the obituary policy, contact 541-617-7825. Deadlines:Death Notices are accepted until noon Monday through Friday for next-day publication and noon Saturday. Obituaries must be received by 5 p.m. Monday through Thursday for publication on the second day after submission, by 1 p.m. Friday for Sunday or Monday publication, and by 9 a.m. Monday for Tuesday publication. Deadlines for display ads vary; please call for details. Phone: 541-617-7825 Email: obits©bendbulletin.corn Fax: 541-322-7254 Mail:Obituaries
P.o. Box 6020 Bend, OR 97708
Margie Larisch died in her sleep at the Park Ridge Nursing Facility in Shoreline, Washington, on July 30, 20l2. She had been visiting her son who lives in Seattle. She was 8lyears old.The cause ofdeath was congestive heart failure. Margie was a vibrant, curious, loving, and connective woman until the final days of her life.As an elementary school teacher for over 45 years she touched the lives of hundreds of students from Phoenix, Arizona; Novato, California; Bend, Oregon; and Cochabamba, Bolivia. After she retired from teaching at Kenwood Elementary School in Bend in l 997, she ventured to Cochabamba, Bolivia and taught for seven more years. She always said teaching was the best lob in the world. After she returned from Bolivia, Margie settled in San Rafael, California. Margie Louise McLellan was born on December l 7, I 930. Her parents were Ernest McLellan and Florence Turner. Margie met her future husband Rudy Larisch when they were l4 and l5 years old in Jerome, Arizona, the town of her birth. They married right out of high school and were together until Rudy's death in an automobile accident in I 992. She leaves her two nephews, John Riordan of Prescott, Arizona, and Gary Riordan of Twenty Nine Palms, California; and her children, Mark Larisch of Seattle, Washington, and Heidi Larisch of Point Richmond, California. Heidi and Mark are so grateful to have had Margie as their mother. A memorial celebration will be held in Point Richmond, California in early September. Margie would have been pleased that the celebration of her life is to be held just in time for the start of a new school year. She was always so excited to meet her new class. Friends of Margie are invited to visit her website to celebrate her love of teaching and life. Thoughts, photos, and messages can be left at M RSLAR IS CH. COM.
famous for developing the rail road sleeping car. The com pany primarily hired African Americans, many of w h om were elevated to middle-class status by their jobs. In a 2010 interview with the Los Angeles Times, Isaacs fondly recalled his days on the trains. Though challenging at times he would service up to 50 berths — the job opened up Isaacs' world. "I just kind of liked traveling around and seeing the coun try, and helping people," he said. Andrew Isaacs said that passion for adventure stuck with his brother, who in later years bought a t r a iler and took it on road trips across the country. Ben Isaacs gushed about en counters he had with the rich and famous, such as promi nent silent film actresses Anita Stewart and Gloria Swanson, while working as a porter. His said his favorite celebrity he met was cowboy singer and actor Roy Rogers. Ben Isaacs "was a people person," said his granddaugh ter Regina D obbins. "You never heard him say anything negative. He was very kind hearted, sentimental." Dobbins said Isaacs also "loved music and dancing." He kept a collection of 45 rpm vinyl records that includ ed tracks from jazz pianist Count Basic and singer Ella Fitzgerald. Isaacs retired from the rail road in December 1968, re cords from the U.S. Railroad Retirement Board show. R ecords kept b y t h e A . Philip Randolph Pullman Por ter Museum in Chicago had recognized 102-year-old Lee Wesley Gibson of Los Ange les as being the oldest living Pullman porter, until Isaacs — born five years earlier than Gibson — came forward in 2010. A ndrew I saacs said h i s brother's wish was to be cre mated and to have his ashes buried at Evergreen Ceme tery in Los Angeles alongside Alene, his last wife of more than 20 years. Besides his brother, Ben Isaacs is survived by a daugh ter, Dolores White of Pomona, Calif.; six grandchildren; 12 great-grandchildren; 12 great great-grandchildren; and two great-great-great-grandchil dren.
Joe Kttne/The Bulletin
Dale Payne, of Sisters, looks inside a 1940 Chevy Master Deluxe on display Saturday at the Harvest Run car show in downtown Redmond.
Bruce Bray of Redmond said his 1940 Chevrolet Mas Continued from B1 ter Deluxe is more of a com "I said, 'Would you like to fort car. He's gotten more hear it run?' Barnett said. mileage out of the Chevy than "He says, 'That's too many many classic car o w ners, memories in one day.' That' s even taking it on a long trip a quote!" to California during which Redmond Mayor George his backseat passengers mar Endicott wandered through veled at the ride and the view the rows o f c a rs, j otting as compared to modern cars. down notes to help narrow That backseat, now, has his options for the Mayor' s been ripped out, exposing Choice award. the floor of the car. There are A Redmond native, En some rust issues back there dicott said he was a hot rod to attend to, Bray said, as well der and a street racer in his as some ragged strips of duct younger days. He fondly tape covering who-knows recalled the best car he' d what on the door panels. owned, an A ustin H ealey Finishing the work t h at Sprite that had been tricked needs to be done to bring the out with a large V8 engine. Chevy up to mint condition is The tiny car with the smiley pretty much unfathomable, face grill surprised a lot of Bray said. "Like one guy said, 'You' re people he raced it against, he said. not really done until you sell "That thing went like there the car.' " — Reporter: 541-383-0387, was no tomorrow," Endicott said. shammersC<bendbulletin.corn
George D. McGeary The children of Dr. George D. McGeary, who passedaway on May 7, will be holding an informal gathering to honor him on August 21 from 7-S pm at the Fireside Room, Mount Bachelor Village (next to the pool). (See the May 27 BendBulletin online for his obituary.)
Teresa (Terri) Ballard Rotbergs 1944-2012 Died August 10th of breast cancer at her family's home in Sacramento, CA. Born in Sacramento, CA., to the late George and Edith Keiser. Graduate of Sac High class of '62. With her first husband, owned and operated Homesteaders, a small engine sales/repair service in Redway, CA. More recently, living in Bend, OR, where she was active in Relay for Life.
Predeceased by husbands, Perry Rotbergs (2011) and Ron Ballard (1997). Survived by son, John Ballard; step-sons, Richard (Ginger), Robert (Becca), Gary; sister, Cecilia (David); brother, Ron (Rona); nephew, Ari; many step-grandchildren and cousins. Special thanks to friend, Ricky Keller. Many thanks to thecare provided by Sutter Hospice. No services. Donations may be made to cancer organizations or Hospice: Partners in Care, 2075 NE Wyatt CT ¹ I, Bend, OR 97701, and Sutter VNA R Hospice, 8330 Ferguson Ave., Sacramento, CA 95828.
ARTHURFRANCIS.VALLEY ARTHURFRANCISVALLEY,91,died at home with family by his side on Thursday,August 2, 2012inAlbany,Oregon.Hewas born January 3,1921in Bend,Oregon,the son ofPeter and Otga (Johnson) Valley. Artattended Bend High Schoolwhere he was active in sports(football and track). Following graduation in 1940, he went to work for Brooks Scanton saw mill in Bend. In 1941 hemoved to Seattle to work forBoeing asa sheet metatist. He returnedto Bend afterthe attack on Pearl Harbor, intent on serving his country. En route, a chance meeting in Portland reunited him with his high school sweetheart ,Bette M.Miller.They traveled home togetherto meet one anothe(s parents.Artjoinedthe Marines in January1942 and shipped outto Samoa in March with the Second Marine Division. He and Bette corresponded throughoutthe war.In November of 1943 he foughtin the Battle ofTarawain the GilbertIslands.UStroopswere under heavy fire during the landing of Higgins Boats at high tide. Art saved the life of a wounded fellow Marine by carrying him to shore through neck-high water. A nearby mortar explosion left him deaf in one ear for the rest ofhislife.Late in February 1944 Art was sent home on leave.He married Bette on March 7,then reportedto base in San Diego later that month. In fall 1944 he wasassigned to Tongue Point Naval Station in Astoria, until his discharge in spring 1945. Following the war, Art and Bette worked on the Lyte Miller Ranch near Pautina for about a year, then settled in Bend.Art wasagain employed by BrooksScanton and advanced to the position ofsawyer.Afterpurchasing a smallhome,he spent most ofhis eveningsand weekendsremodeling,expanding and upgradingitforseveral years. Art retired in 1983 after which he and his wife enjoyed several trips in Europe and the US with their daughte(sfamily.They moved from Bend to Albany in 2010 to live closerto theirson. Art was a born storyteller. His laugh was contagious, and he often entertained family and friends with humorous tales of his life experiences. He was amaster fty-fisherman. He enjoyed reading, history, football, traveling, gardening, hunting and camping. Before WWII, Art and friend Maurice "Butch" Kettey spent many days hiking in theCentralCascadesand discovered pristine unnamed lakes.Immediately afterthe war,they hiked back into the lakes for the best fty-fishing of a lifetime. When Butch later worked for the Forest Service, he named those lakes the"Hank"Lakes,afterArt's nickname. Art was preceded in death by his beloved wife of 68 years, Bette; his parents; and his brothers, Harold, Leonard, and Larry Valley. He is survived by his son, Steve Valley and his wife, Robin Keen of Albany; daughter, Jan Lackermann and her husband, William of Washington, DC; four grandchildren: Kristi Steeprow and her husband, MikeofSherwood, Oregon;Captain Katie Lackermann (U.S. Army), of Fayettevitte, North Carolina; Karen Lackermann of Madison, Wisconsin; Steve Lackermann of Falls Church, Virginia; two great-grandchildren, Max and Megan Steeprow; brother-in-taw, Pat Miller and his wife, Naida of Pautina, Oregon; and many nieces and nephews. AAsum-Dufour Funeral Home in Albany handled the arrangements. A private celebration of his life will be held at a later time. The family suggests memorial donations be sent to Hospice.
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By Fernanda Santos New Yorit Times News Service
Randatt Benton / Sacramento Bee
A contractor removes conifersfor the U.S. Forest Service on Aug. 2, in an effort to allow aspen groves to thrive in California.
Sierra coni erscut ownto etas en ma eacome ac By Tom Knudson McClatchy Newspapers
SACRAMENTO, Calif. Like a steeple, the Jeffrey pine towers over conifers and aspen in the Tahoe National Forest north of Truckee. Nearly 13 feet around at its base and believed to be about 250 to 300 years old, it has weathered every threat to come its way, i ncluding w i ldfire, drought, storms and logging. Now it is slated to fall to a modern force: environmental restoration. As part of a Forest Service effort to return Sierra forests to their pre-settlement glory, this tree is one of many conifers large and small — the agency has designated for logging to help the aspen, another species officials say is in danger. "We need to be doing every thing we can to help promote and foster these aspen stands," said Quentin Youngblood, the Sierraville district ranger for the Tahoe National Forest. "And quite frankly there are some tough choices." But as trees crash to the ground this summer, anger is growing among environmen talists and area residents who say the effort is heavy-handed and environmentally risky. "I think they are going to de stroy more than they are going to restore," said Tom Leavell, a rancher who grazes cattle on Forest Service land in the log ging zone. "Nature put every thing together for a reason. As soon as we go in messing with it, something else happens." The project is part of a wider pattern. No longer is agency logging just about timber pro duction. Now, it's often aimed at healing past mistakes and restoring nature's bounty. Playing God w it h n a ture is often fraught with risk, of course. But what also makes some scientists uneasy about the Tahoe project is the For est Service is l ogging one cherished Sierra icon to help another. "All of a sudden, all conifers in an aspen grove are bad. And if they are not in a grove, you pray to them," said Bill Stew art, a f orestry management specialist at the University of California, Berkeley. "It's a lit tle bit mind-bending." Cutting big trees has long stirred conflict in the Sierra, where the Forest Service limits most logging to trees less than 30 inches in diameter, but has lefta loophole for aspen resto ration, allowing even large, old trees to fall. "This is not scientifically de fensible," said Chad Hanson, director and staff ecologist of the John Muir Project, an envi ronmental group. "This is real ly just a very creative excuse to get some very large old-growth trees to the mill." Youngblood said that's not the case. "We' re not taking any of the larger trees based on economics," he said. Like partners on a ballroom floor, conifers and aspen have slow-danced across the Sierra for thousands of years, choreo graphed by wildfire. Fire killed smaller conifers but spared bigger ones. As pen succumbed to high-inten sity fire but bounced back fast, sprouting from roots. Some times the two kinds of trees grew together, other t i mes apart. But they were always striking — and in places, still are.
"The coniferous f o rests of the Sierra Nevada are the grandest and most beautiful in the world," wrote legendary n aturalist John Muir i n t h e 19th century. Aspens, which drop their leaves in a showy display each fall, caught his attention, too. "An aspen grove is a spiritual area," said Mary Leavell, who ranches with he r h u sband, Tom. "The way the sunlight slants through them — you get into a good grove and get a re ally nice feeling." When the Forest Service be gan fighting fire nearly a cen tury ago, it sowed a slow-mo tion crisis. Freed from fl ames, coni fers morphed into t h ickets and crept into aspen groves, agency officials say. Starved of sunlight, aspen struggled in the shade of advancing conifers. " California's aspen c o m munities are being steadily re placed by conifers," wrote For est Service and UC Davis sci entists in a 2005 paper in Res toration Ecology that blamed both fire suppression and cattle grazing for the problem. Aspen are i mportant be cause they ar e h otbeds of biological diversity, home to a great symphony of songbirds and a menagerie of mammals, frogs and insects, scientists have found. The remedy, Youngblood be lieves, is cutting conifers of all size classes, including some big ones. "We are trying to reduce the amount of conifer competition," he said, tromping through the woods recently. "We have to take some of these larger coni fers out. Look at the amount of shade they are putting on the landscape. "We' re not going to take all of these," he added. "We lefta high number of these larger trees." In places, gnarled trees 350 to 400 years old have been marked off-limits to logging with white paint. Elsewhere, trees nearly as stunning — es timated at 250 to 300 years old are unmarked, meaning they are designated for cutting. But many say logging such giants is a mistake. "Those trees were already there," said Dennis Odion, a vegetation ecologist at South ern Oregon University. "They are not fixing any thing that was the result of fire suppression," Odion added. "If the problem is changes caused by fire suppression, they can focus on trees that have come in with fire suppression, trees 100 years old or less." Hanson said there's an alter native that would protect both aspen and old-growth. Restore fire to the Sierra Nevada in ways that protect people but heal forests. "Fire is not only desirable ecologically," Hanson said. "It' s extremely efficient economi cally in terms of taxpayer dol lars. The cost per acre is very low and these logging projects cost taxpayers tens of millions of dollars." The Forest Service sold the conifers for this year's proj ect to a logging company for $697,000.Even so,itexpects to lose money. "If you add i n ou r p l an ning costs, the environmental analysis, the surveying costs, it's very well likely a lot more than the actual timber here is worth," Youngblood said.
AZTEC, N.M. — The land is parched, the fields are withering an d t h o usands of the nation's horses are being left to fend for them selves on the dried range, abandoned by people who can no longer afford to feed them. They have been dropping dead in the Navajo reserva tion in the Southwest, where n eighbors a re batt l i n g neighbors and livestock for water, an inherently scant r esource on t r i ba l l a n d . They have been found stum bling through state parks in Missouri, in backyards and along country roads in Illinois, and among ranch herds in Texas where they do not belong. Some are taken to res cue farms or foster homes — lifelines that ar e a l so buckling under th e p r es sure of the nation's worst drought in half a century, which has pushed the price of grain and hay needed to feed the animals beyond the reach of many families al ready struggling in the tight economy. And s t il l t h e d r o u ght rages on. The most recent federal assessment is that parts of at least 33 states, mostly in the West and the Midwest, are experiencing drought conditions that are severe or worse. It is affect ing 87 percent of the land dedicated to growing corn, 63 percent of the land for hay and 72 percent of the land used for cattle. With w ater t ables fall ing, fields are crusting and cracking, creeks are run ning dry. Water holes first s hrink, then v anish. And dozens ofwildfires are con suming forests and grass land across the West. While precise figures are hard to come by, rough es timates from the Unwanted Horse Coalition, an alliance of e q u in e o r g a nizations based in Washington, puts the number o f u n w anted horses — those given up on by their owners for what ever reasons — at 170,000 to 180,000 nationwide, said Ericka Caslin, the group's director. Many more could be out there, though. The Navajos, for instance, have no tally on the number of feral hors es on their land; a $2 million effort to count and round them up was vetoed by the tribe's president because of the cost. Here, in this speck of a city in northern New Mex ico, just outside Navajo ter ritory, Debbie Coburn has been scrambling to enlist volunteers and raise money to feed,clean and care for three times as many aban doned horses as she had in her rescue farm, Four Corners E q uine R e scue, through all of last year. She gets up almost ev ery day to find messages in her computer from people whose horses are in desper ate need of help. One recent
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Mark Holm /New York Times News Service
Stray horses are rounded upAug. 10 on the Navajo reservation near Window Rock, Ariz. Thou sands of the nation's horses are being left to fend for themselves on the dried ranges of the West and Southwest, abandoned by people who can no longer afford to feed them. m orning, a w o man w r i t ing on behalf of her elderly parents who live just east of Albuquerque said, "They have scraped by every week to purchase a bale of hay for their horse, but they just can't do it anymore." At $8 to $12 for a bale of roughly 60 pounds, enough to feed a riding horse for maybe three days, hay costs f ive times what it d i d 1 0 years ago, Coburn said. This summer's anemic harvest has spurred c o mpetition for a limited supply among r anchers bi g a n d s m a l l , from nearby cities and also from out of state. And as a rule, the price of hay goes up in the cold months; it doubled last winter, when the drought's devastating ef fects first began to sprout. "This winter, to be quite blunt, scares the hell out of me," Coburn said as she walked across the corrals where the horses are kept, some of them in improvised pens enclosed not by steel barriers, bu t b y e l e c tric fence. (The horses have ar rived faster than she has been able to make room for them.) "At this point," she add ed, " it's just to o l ate f o r r ain alone t o s o lv e o u r problems." Tony Pecho, the president of Illinois Horse Rescue of Will County, some 50 miles south of Chicago, has been trying to get horses adopted straight from the homes of the people who call to say they can n o l o nger keep them. There is no money to bring them all to his farm, he said. And while calls for a bandoned h o rses w e r e rare in years past, this year they are the most frequent, he said, sometimes coming from places as far as four hours away. Pecho has been asking for donations, of money as well as hay, on Facebook. On Saturday, Connie Hen d rix, the president of t h e Missouri For g e t-Me-Not Horse Rescue and Sanctu ary in Linn Creek, is hosting
a fundraising ice cream social and pie auction at a church, and then a golf tournament and silent auction next month, just to feed the horses she al ready has. Last week, Hendrix picked u p a m are r unning i n t h e woods behind a subdivision in a city 120 miles south of her facility, thirsty, malnour ished and with an injured eye. On Monday, she said, she got a call from a sheriff's deputy asking if she could take in seven scrawny horses, three belonging to someone who is unemployed and the other four to an elderly man on dis ability. Neither, Hendrix said, could afford to keep the ani mals fed. She is not sure if she can, either. "I don't know if we' re going to be able to find hay or afford hay to take in that many," she said. There is little logic to the hay market. Hendrix's rescue gets its hay from Tennessee, while the rescue in Illinois brings it in from northern Wisconsin. Jennifer Williams, the execu tive director of the Bluebon net Equine Humane Society, a network of foster homes for horses in Texas, said she gets it from wherever she can. Coburn said she could still find New Mexico hay for her horses, but competition from out-of-state cattle r a nchers is stiff. Big trucks that roll in empty leave packed to the brim, bound for places like Texas and Kentucky. " My challenge now is t o set as many bales aside as I can," she said, "but that's hard when you' re the little guy."
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Stallions fight one another for food and water, their bites drawing flesh and blood. Atop a mesa near Many Farms, Ariz., in the heart of Navajo territory, horses were stomp ing the ground one recent af ternoon, as if trying to draw water from a pond that is now just cracked dirt. Tribal rang ers saidcarcasses dot the arid landscape. Horses are sacred animals to the Navajos; they symbol ize prosperity and the beauty o f the Navajo way o f l i f e, Johnson said. She and her colleagues have found them selves in an awkward spot, caught between tribe mem bers who want the feral hors es away from their water and out of their land and others who would rather the horses be left alone. Roundups are being car ried out almost every day, all across the reservation. The horses aresold,atleast some of them destined for slaugh ter in Mexico. One morning in Cornfields, Ariz., on the western edge of the reserva tion, a woman tried to keep the feral horses from being penned in her corral, cursing and screaming at th e m en who had rounded them up at her grandson's request. Johnson watched it unfold from afar. " What d o w e d o ? " s h e asked. "Do we leave them out to die of hunger and thirst?"
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Another great day, partly cloudy skies.
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SUN AND MOON SCHEDULE Sunnsetoday...... 6:14 a.m Moon phases Sunset today...... 8:02 p.m F irst Ful l La s t Sunnsetomorrow .. 6:15 a.m Sunset tomorrow... 8:01 p.m Moonnsetoday.... 8:42 a.m Moonset today.... 8:45 p.m Aug. 24 Aug. 31 Sept. 8 Sept.15 •
Tomorrow Rise Set Mercury....4:42 a.m...... 7:14p.m. Venus......2:34 a.m...... 5:27 p.m. Mars......11:32 a m..... 10 09 pm. Jupiter.....12:23 a.m...... 3:29 p.m. Saturn.....11:11 a m.....1016 p m. Uranus.....923 pm...... 951 am.
Yesterday's weather through 4 p.m. inBend High/Low.............. 88/63 24hours ending 4p.m.'.. 0.00" Record high........ 98in1977 Monthto date.......... 0.04" Record low......... 29 in 1973 Average month todate... 0.27" Average high..............81 Y ear to date............ 6.61" Average low............... 46 Average yearto date..... 6.55" 6arometncpressure at 4 p.m.29.97 Record 24 hours ...0.51 in 1975 'Melted hquid equivalent
Close to the average for mid to late august.
Yesterday S u nday M o nday Bend,westofHwy.97......Ext. Sisters................................Ext Hi/Lo/Pcp H i / Lo/W H i / Lo/WBend, east ofHwy.97.......Ext. La Pine................................Ext
Preopitati onvaluesare24-hourtotalsthrough4pm.
Redmond/Madras.........Ext. Prlneville...........................Ext
Astona ........63/57/0.01 .....63/56/c......66/56/c 6aker City......91/41/0.00 ....91/53/pc......91/52/s 6rookings......60/50/0.00 ....62/53/pc.....63/53/pc 6urns..........91/50/0.00 ....90/53/pc......92/52/s Eugene....... 88/55/trace ....78/52/pc.....79/52/pc Klamath Falls...89/60/0.07 .....87/47/s......88/49/s Lakeview.......84/52/0.00 .....88/54/s......89/50/s La Pine........87/58/0.00 .....87/49/s......85/39/s Medford.......99/66/0.00 .....93/59/s......93/56/s Newport...... 59/54/trace .....60/52/c......60/52/c North 6end...... 61/54/NA....64/55/pc.....64/55/pc Ontano........97/59/0.00 ....96/66/pc......97/66/s Pendleton......97/57/0.00 ....96/60/pc......94/57/s Portland ...... 76/61/trace .....77/59/c.....78/59/pc Pnneville.......89/58/0.00 .....87/54/s......88/50/s Redmond...... 91/53/trace .....92/50/s......88/48/s Roseburg.......93/60/0.00 ....81/54/pc.....84/53/pc Salem........ 81/58/trace ....79/55/pc......79/55/s Sisters.........88/53/0.00 .....88/52/s......85/42/s The Dalles......83/66/0.00 .....89/60/s......89/59/s
Med = Mederale,Exi. = Exlieme
The following was compiled by the Central Oregon watermaster and irrigation districts as a service to irrigators and sportsmen. Res ervo ir
Acrefeet Capacity Crane Praine..... . . . . . . . 35,836..... . 55,000 Wickiup..... . . . . . . . . . . 129,541..... 200,000 Crescent Lake..... . . . . . . 72,760...... 91,700 Ochoco Reservoir.... . . . . 25,628...... 47,000 Pnneville..... . . . . . . . . . 108,922..... 153,777 R iver flow Stat i o n Cubic ft./sec Deschutes RiverBelow Crane Praine ...... . 431 Deschutes RiverBelow Wickiup .... . . . . . . 1,740 Crescent CreekBelow Crescent Lake ...... . 137 Little DeschutesNear La Pme..... . . . . . . . . 109 Deschutes RiverBelow Bend .... . . . . . . . . . 146 Deschutes RiverAt Benham Falls ..... . . . . 2,151 Crooked RiverAbove PnnewHeRes. .... . . . . . NA Crooked RiverBelow Pnneville Res. .... . . . . 226 Ochoco CreekBelow Ochoco Res. .... . . . . . 16.5 Crooked RiverNear Terrebonne .... . . . . . . . 109
To report a wildfire, call 911
ULTRAVIOLET INDEX The higher the UV Index number, the greater the need for eye and skin protection. Index is for solar at noon.
POLLEN COUNT Updated daily. Source: pollen.corn
Contact: Watermaster, 388-6669
or go to www.wrd.state. or.us Legend:W-weather,Pcp-preopitation, s-sun, pc-partial clouds,c-clouds, h-haze, sh-showers, r-rain, t-thunderstorms,sf-snowlurnes, sn snow, i-ice, rs-ram-snowmix,w-wind, f-fog, dr-dnzzle,tr-trace
Another nice day with lots of sunshine, still cool
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Partly cloud and cooler, a few breezy winds from the north.
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Yesterday Sunday Monday Yesterday Sunday Monday Yesterday Sunday Monday Yesterday Sunday Monday Gty Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pqi Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pqi Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pqi Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W Abilene,TX......89/72/0.02... 90/63/t. 90/69/pc Grand Rapids....75/48/0.00.. 75/52/sh. 74/55/pc RapidCity.......81/54/000... 80/54/s .. 82/59/s Savannah.......91/72/000... 90/73/t...87/71/t Akron..........78/54/0.00..76/53/pc...76/55/t GreenBay.......75/46/0.00..72/52/sh. 73/54/pc Reno...........88/69/000..92/62/pc.. 95/59/s Seattle..........71/58/000...73/58/c. 77/57/pc Albany..........76/61/0.01... 79/53/s...78/63/t Greensboro......83/67/0.00... 84/67/t...81/60/t Richmond.......84/70/0.04... 84/67/t...84/65/t Sioux Fats.......72/53/0.78..77/52/pc. 81/56/pc Albuquerque.....93/63/0.00... 86/66/t...89/68/t Harnsburg.......81/65/0.00 ..79/62/pc...77/59/t Rochester,NY....72/511000... 77/56/s...78/55/t Spokane........96/63/0 00.. 93/62/pc.. 91/63/s Anchorage......62/46/000... 58/48/r. 60/48/pc Hartford CT.....80/64/018 ..82/58/pc...79/63/t Sacramento..... 95/66/trace... 96/61/s .. 96/60/s Spnngfidd MO..81/52/0 00.. 81/58/pc.. 84/60/s Atlanta .........87/69/0.08... 86/68/t...83/67/t Helena..........90/50/0.00..89/56/pc. 91/57/pc St Louis.........83/61/000..83/61/pc. 83/60/pc Tampa..........83/73/1.27... 91/77/t...91/77/t AtlanscCity.....80/63/019 .. 81/70/pc...78/68/t Honolulu........87/75/000... 87/74/s.. 87/74/s Salt Lake City....95/68/0.00 .. 96/68/pc.. 93/70/s Tucson..........94/73/0.00 ..93/76/pc. 95/78/pc Austin..........92/75/0.38..94/71/pc. 95/67/pc Houston........94/73/1.38... 92/74/t. 92/75/pcSanAntonio.....99/79/000..94/75/pc. 97/72/pc Tulsa...........77/67/040..85/60/pc. 87/62/pc Balsmore.......84/64/0.08..82/66/pc...82/62/t Huntsvite.......83/71/0.02... 83/66/t...84/59/t SanDiego.......86/72/0.00... 77/70/s .. 76/69/s Washington,DC..86/69/0.16... 82/68/t...82/63/t Bitings .........82/51/0.00...89/57/s. 91/58/pc Indianapolis.....78/54/0.00..79/57/pc. 80/57/pc SanFranosco....68/58/0.00.. 70/55/pc.70/55/pc Wichita.........87/69/0.00 ..84/57/pc. 87/63/pc Birmingham.....85/71/0.29... 84/67/t...84/64/t Jackson, MS.....86/70/1.06... 88/69/t...83/67/t SanJose........81/61/0.00..80/57/pc. 79/57/pc Yabma........100/57/0.00... 95/56/s .. 91/59/s Bismarck........80/47/0 00 .. 81/52/pc.. 84/57/s Jacksonvite......91/73/000... 88/73/t...85/72/t SantaFe........87/55/0.00..76/58/pc. 82/59/pc Yuma..........100/83/0.00 100/82/pc101/83/pc Boise...........97/60/0 00 .. 91/59/pc.. 93/59/s Juneau..........63/54/0 00.. 62/48/pc .. 59/50/c INTERNATIONAL Boston..........72/65/0.04..77/63/pc. 77/65/pc Kansas City......84/57/0.00..85/58/pc. 87/64/pc Bndgeport,CT....75/64/0.22..80/63/pc...77/67/t Lansing.........75/45/0.00..74/53/sh. 73/54/pc Amsterdam......90/66/000... 89/70/s. 79/63/sh Mecca.........108/91/0 00 ..106/88/s. 107/87/s Buffalo .........74/54/0 00 .. 77/56/pc...77/57/t Las Vegas......l 00/82/0 00 103/85/pc101l84/pc Athens..........89/77/0.00... 90/73/s .. 84/73/s Meoco City......68/59/0.00... 73/58/t...73/57/t Burlington, VT....75/57/000... 78/51/s. 78/55/pc Leangton.......81/56/000 .. 81/56/pc. 79/59/pc Auckland........63/50/000 ..62/50/sh. 59/48/sh Montreal........72/59/000... 77/57/s. 72/54/pc Canbou, ME.....78/64/0.00.. 75/53/pc. 78/53/pc Lincoln..........78/45/0.00 ..80/53/pc. 84/62/pc Baghdad.......111/79/0.00..113/91/s. 114/93/s Moscow........70/59/0.00 .. 73/53/pc. 63/44/sh CharlestonSC...90/72/001... 89/73/t...87/70/t Little Rock.......79/70/015... 83/62/t. 85/64/pc Bangkok........93/75/0.00...94/79/c. 92/79/sh Nairobi.........66/57/0.00..76/57/sh. 72/58/sh Charlotte........84/65/001... 84/68/t...82/63/t Los Angdes......84/70/000... 76/67/s.. 75/66/s Beiyng..........81/72/0.00..89/67/pc. 89/67/sh Nassau.........90/79/0.00..90/80/pc. 89/80/pc Chattanooga.....85/70/0.00 .. 85/65/pc...84/61/t Louisvite........83/60/0.00.. 83/56/pc. 82/58/pc Beirut..........90/811000... 91/80/s .. 90/80/s New Ddhi.......93/81/000... 96/84/r. 90/79/sh Cheyenne.......77/54/000...79/51/s. 78/52/pc Madison,WI.....76/44/000..74/51/sh. 75/53/pc Berlin...........81/55/000... 90/73/s .. 90/71/c Osaka..........95/73/000 ..88/77/pc. 89/77/sh Chicago.........77/53/000..74/60/sh. 74/61/pc Memphis........82/71/000..84/63/pc. 82/63/pc Bogota.........64/50/0.00..62/48/sh. 65/47/sh Oslo............63/57/0.00..76/57/sh. 60/53/sh Cinonnaa.......82/56/0 00 .. 81/57/pc. 80/57/sh Miami..........92/77/019... 90/78/t...91/78/t Budapest........84/57/0.00... 86/62/s .. 89/66/s Ottawa.........73/55/0.00 ..77/55/sh. 70/52/sh Clevdand.......75/55/0.00..74/61/pc. 74/61/sh Milwaukee......76/55/0.0072/58/sh. .. 72/59/pc Buenos Aires.....64/57/0 00.. 64/51/pc. 64/46/pc Pans...........100/63/0 00.. 99/72/pc.. 89/66/c ColoradoSpnngs ..79/58/NA.. 78/53/pc...78/53/t Minneapolis.....78/56/0.00.. 74/53/pc. 75/57/pc CaboSanLucas ..93/75/0.00..86/75/pc. 84/75/pc Rio de Janero....82/68/0.00... 80/60/s. 81/64/pc ColumbiaMO...87/53/0.00..84/56/pc. , 84/58/pc Nashvite........84/65/0.00..83/62/pc. 82/61/pc Cairo...........97/77/000... 96/76/s .. 95/77/s Rome...........93/72/000... 89/71/s .. 89/73/s ColumbiaSC....90/72/0.00... , 88/69/t...84/66/t New Orleans.....88/73/0.35... 89/75/t...89/72/t Calgary.........82/50/0.00... 88/57/s .. 84/59/s Santiago........64/34/0.00 ..58/43/pc.. 63/48/c Columbus GA....90/72/0.00... 88/70/t...84/68/t New York .......79/63/0.36... 83/66/s...79/65/t Cancun.........88/73/0.00..88/80/pc. 87/81/pc SaoPaulo.......77/61/0.00..75/56/pc. 77/58/pc Columbus OH....81/58/0 00.. 79/57/pc. 78/57/pc Newark,NJ......82/65/017... 84/65/s .. 80/64/c Dublin..........72/611000 .. 67/56/sh. 69/57/sh Sapporo...... not available ..80/70/pc. 81168/sh Cancer/L NH.....80/63/0.05.. 79/54/pc. 81160/pc Norfolk,VA......81/75/0.00... 82/69/t...85/67/t Edmburgh.......72/57/000 ..72/54/sh.. 65/56/c Seoul...........84/79/0 00.. 91/74/sh. 85/72/sh Corpus Chnsti...100/79/000... 93/77/t. 95/74/pc OklahomaCity...79/65/1.27 .. 84/62/pc.. 86/63/s Geneva.........88/57/0.00...93/66/s. 90/68/pc Shanghai........95/82/0.00..88/77/pc. 87/77/pc Dallas Ft Worth...87/707074... 89/67/t. 88/67/pc Omaha.........661541011.. 80/53/pc. 83/61/pc Harare..........73/52/0.00 ..74/50/pc.. 77/52/s Singapore.......88/77/0.00.. 89/79/pc. 88/80/sh Dayton .........80/54/0.00..79/56/pc. 78/56/pc Orlando.........85/73/0.54... 93/75/t...93/74/t HongKong......90/82/0.00..87/78/pc.. 88/80/c Stockholm.......72/55/0.00... 73/53/r. 62/47/pc Denver..........81/57/0 00 .. 84/58/pc...84/57/t Palm Spnngs....101/84/000 106/82/pc. 107/81/s Istanbul.........82/73/000..81/74/sh. 81/73/sh Sydney..........66/50/000..66/44/pc. 64/48/pc DesMoines......75/51/0.00..78/54/pc. 79/55/pc Peona..........79/52/0.00..79/55/pc. 79/58/pc Jerusalem.......89/70/0.00...89/71/s.. 88/69/s Taipe...........91/77/0.00...89/78/s. 89/77/pc Detroit..........76/52/0.00 ..76/57/sh. 74/60/pc Philadelphia.....82/64/0.43 ..83/67/pc...79/65/t Johannesburg....61/41/000... 68/46/s .. 75/50/s Tel Aviv.........91/75/000... 93/75/s .. 92/74/s Duluth..........76/50/0 00 .. 71l53/pc .. 73/56/s Phoenix........l 00/82/0 00100/85/pc101l86/pc Lima ...........64/61/0.00... 66/60/s .. 66/60/s Tokyo...........88/77/0.00 ..85/75/pc. 85/77/sh El Paso..........91/69/0.08... 90/73/t. 89/73/pc Pittsburgh.......78/57/0.00... 77/54/t...77/56/t Lisbon..........82/64/0.00 ..811 66/pc.. 90/68/c Toronto.........72/52/0.00 ..72/57/pc. 72/52/sh Fairbanks........69/45/0.00..69/46/pc.. 65/48/c Portland,ME.....75/66/0.06..76/58/pc. 78/61/pc London.........79/66/0.00..82/64/sh. 82/63/sh Vancouver.......77/61/0.00...70/61/c. 72/59/pc Fargo...........83/50/0.00..78/53/pc.. 80/59/s Providence......73/63/0.52 ..79/61/pc. 77/64/pc Madnd........102/70/0.00..89/69/sh. 98/72/pc Vienna..........84/59/0.00...86/62/s.. 87/66/s Flagstaff........82/58/0.00... 77/56/t...78/56/t Raleigh.........86/67/0.00... 85/68/t...83/63/t Manila..........86/79/0.00..89/78/sh. 86/79/sh Warsaw.........75/55/0.00...81/66/s.. 82/63/c
'War bride' writes of trek from England to Oregon By Capi Lynn The Statesman Journal
KEIZER — Keizer resident Joy Beebe was hesitant to show her wedding dress, which she has kept in a closet for more than six decades. nIt was not properly looked after," she said. nOur dry clean ers was bombed. It never got cleaned until after I came to this country." Actually, it wasn't until about 10 years ago that Joy had the dress professionallycleaned. The cream-colored gown, with long sleeves and 20 silk-covered buttons in front, has a few small stains but looks in remarkably good condition. The dress brings back so many memories and stirs so many emotions for Joy, a war bride from England. During World War I I she fell in love with and married U.S. Army Cpl. Carl Beebe, who was stationed in her hometown. After the war she immigrated to America and they settled in Salem, where Carl was from. nI don't think I really ever thought if I got married I was going to leave England," Joy said. She gave up a lot to leave her homeland and her family. Many young women like Joy were swept off their feet by American Gis, who were lonely and far from home. Ro mances blossomed, and mar riages were hastily arranged. Joy dated Carl for about six months before marrying him. When asked what it was about him that caught her fancy, she danced around the subject. "It's kind of h ard t o t a lk about that," she said. "Some times it brings back too many memories." Joy has chronicled some of those memories in "Snapshots of a War Bride's Life." The memoir originally was intend ed just for family, but some of her fellow students in a writ ing class at Center 50+ did pur chase copies of the paperback, which she refers to as a pocket book. She also is working on a second edition. "The kids were always want ing to know and wanting me to get something written," she said.
On the cover of the 203-page book is a photograph from their wedding day, April 28, 1945, with Carl in his dapper Army uniform and Joy in that beauti ful wedding dress. Much of the memoir is dedi cated to what it was like grow
ing up in war-tom England, carrying a gas mask to school every day, attending classes in a bomb shelter, sleeping under a Morrison shelter, which Joy's family also used as a kitchen table. Joy lived in Bexleyheath, on the outskirts of London. Her family didn't have much, but somehow managed to throw a wedding thatwould have been considered lavish according to wartime standards. Joy was fortunate to wear a wedding dress, which her brother somehow managed to find. She said most of the Eng lish women who got married around that time settled for suits purchased with clothing coupons. nI once asked him if he got it on the black market," she said. "All he said was, 'Don't ask.' " The mother of a friend some how managed to gather the in gredients to make a traditional English wedding cake, fruit cake with hard icing. "Probably a n other b l ack market deal," Joy wrote in her memoir, "since dried fruits, eggs, butter, flour, sugar — in fact all the things necessary to make the cake — had been ei ther rationed or nonexistent for years." Her mom rented a car so that Joy and Carl could go away for the weekend. Joy was 19, and had only ridden in an automo bile a handful of times. (She didn't learn to drive until some 10 years later, when living in the Salem area and raising their four children.) They ate like royalty while they were away — Joy men tioned roast duck the first night at the hotel — but the honey moon was brief because of the war. Carl had to return to duty after the weekend. He served in the 6811th Sig nal Corps, which translated messages and decrypted code from the enemy. He was an in terceptoperator, and she said
he was involved with work on the Enigma, a German cipher machine, and that it was top secret. Joy met Carl in September 1944, at a dance hall where many American soldiers hung out. She was introduced to Carl one evening, and quickly learned from him that he didn' t dance. He explained that his parents were r eligious and did not believe in dancing or drinking. nI just wandered away," she said, probably to find someone who would dance with her. nBut he kept coming back and would stand near the door." He eventually asked if she would go for a walk with him and before long, he was walk ing her home and they were falling in love. Duty kept Joy and Carl sepa rated for much of the next two years. When the war ended, Carl was sent to Germany. He got time off for Christmas, and for the birth of their first child the following March. But when the baby was about a month old, he was called back to the States. He returned to England that Christmas, and plans were finalized to bring Joy and the baby back with him. War brides — an estimated 100,000 from England — and their children were provided berths on troop transports. Joy packed up what belongings she could and boarded the SS Ma rine Falcon in January 1948. The 15-day trip across the Atlantic was treacherous, be cause the seas were so rough. Joy and the baby shared a cab in with another GI bride from her hometown, and her two daughters. After arriving in New York, they took a train to Oregon and then a bus to Salem, where they stayed with Carl's family until they were able to get their own place. Withinafewmonths Joymet other war brides in the Salem area, and they started having tea at each other's houses. They began to meet regularly and eventually called themselves the Accent Club. The club continues to meet to this day, with 13 of the women still living in the area.
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O www.bendbulletin.corn/community
SPOTLIGHT Learn to prepare for emergencies Learn about emer gency preparedness at a free event Sept. 15 in Sisters. The second Emer gency Preparedness Fair is open to all and will offer information ranging from how to put together an emer gency kit to tours of emergency vehicles for kids. The event is bringing together experts from across the state to talk about disasters such as wildfires, floods and hazardous material spills. There will also be discussion of the Cas cadia Subduction Zone, a fault in the Earth posing earthquake and tsunami risk to Oregon. All presentations will address the prospec tive impacts to Central Oregon residents. The lineup of the fair includes displays of emergency kits and instruction on how to build them; hands-only CPR classes; demon strations on food prep aration during a disas ter; advice on handling pets during a disaster; and a simulated Red Cross shelter. The fair will be held from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Sisters Elementary School, 611 E. Cascade Ave. It's being put on by the American Red Cross, Black Butte Ranch, Sisters-Camp Sherman Fire District and several other orga nizations. Contact: www.sisters countrypreparedand
• Hiking in Montana's GlacieNati r onal Park immersesvisitors in the wondersof nature By john Gottberg Anderson
used the few roads in this mas sive national park, 60 miles ST. MARY, Mont. north-south and 30 miles wide, here are many ways to t o get from Point A to Points explore a national park. B and C. We took our time M ost people do it dr ivin gthe stunning, 50-mile to-the-Sun Road across b y car. They see the Going sights they can scope out from t h e Con tinental Divide, but t he windows of their Chevy other wise parked the car and Tahoe, pausing if they' re lucky s e t offn iour hiking shoes. The enough to spot an only time we saw our campground NORTHWEST beside the road. was leaving in the TRAVEL They stay and eat morning and re in rustically luxuri turning at dusk. ous park lodges or Established in Fine dining far in drive-through 1910, Glacier Park campgrounds fr om Por t l a nd has been called the with bear-proof crest of the conti trash bins and coin-operated nen t . The mountains may not showers. be the highest (few exceed But if you really want to get 10 , 0 00 feet) but the grandeur of c lose to the land and its denithe l a ndscape has no parallel. zens, to explore a wilderness as Chiseled during the ice ages by closely as possible to its natural g l a cier s, only a few vestiges of state, you need to get off the which remain at high altitude road and away from traffic. toda y , he t park's razor-edged, steep-sided peaks caress broad Photographer Barb Gon zalez and I spent several valleyswhere impossibly blue early-August days in Glacier lake s p rovide a pristine home N ational Park, on the borfor e v eyr large predator in d er of Canada in the Rocky North A merica. Mountains of Montana. We SeeGlacier /C4 For the Bulletin
A mother black bear leads her cubs through a moun tainside meadow near the Many Glacier Hotel.
Habitat seeks panel members The Bend Area Habitat for Humanity is seeking volunteers to serve on a family ser vices/selections com mittee serving Crook County families. The volunteers must be willing to commit to at least one year. Duties include meet
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Photos by Barb Gonzalez/ For The Bulletin
ABOVE:The milky-blue waters of Avalanche Creek surge through a narrow canyon above the Avalanche Gorge Bridge in Glacier National Park. This scene marks a midway stop for strollers on the gentle Trail of the Cedars, or a turnoff point for serious hikers continuing to Avalanche Lake. BELOW:Waterfalls plummet like ribbons down a grand mountain cirque into Avalanche Lake. A well-trodden trail leads 2/2 miles (one-way) from Going-to-the-Sun Road to this easy day-hike des tination above Lake McDonald.
ing regularly (usually once a month), attend ing special Habitat functions and sup porting the mission of Habitat for Humanity. Committee mem bers will assist in the selection of families for homes, review financial documents such as budgets and credit reports, conduct home visits, help schedule family education train ings, participate in annual goal-setting for the committee, assist with orientations and special events, and advocate for families in the program. Those interested in volunteering should contact DeeDee John
son at djohnson©
bendhabitat.org, call 541-385-5387, ext. 103, or visit www.bend habitat.org/volunteer.
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to events©bendbul letin.corn or click on "Submit an Event" at www.bendbulletin.corn. Allow at least 10 days before the desired date of publication. Contact: 541-383-0351. • Story ideas: Email
communitylife©bend bulletin.corn. — From staff reports
Outo grie an loss, a'novel o the heart'emerges By David Jasper The Bulletin
ln a p hone interview con ducted last Monday from his car after a trip to the grocery store, author Jonathan Evison rattles off some of the reasons he' s befuddled, overwhelmed and
happy. Evison, of Bainbridge Island, Wash., was on the road between home and his Olympic Penin sula cabin. He and his wife had just found out earlier in the day — their anniversary — t h at they' re having a girl. "Man, I'm just a mess today," he says, laughing. "I got this new smartphone. Every time it rings,
I'm just ... randomly pushing t a l k over the book, as well as buttons, panicked." music and life. "I'm pretty stoked," Evison Adding to the chaos: His third novel, "The Revised Fundamen- s ays of all that's going on in his tais of Caregiving," is life. "Ten years ago, my out Aug. 28. "It's going life was just a complete to be like this the next and utter mess." ,gsEi~,;., t»„,. two months," he says. tat ttttrt'gtff A decade «go, sviffon « — lik e B e n, the pro on saturday, Evi ffan Will ViSit Sumiffeff Or "ReViSed ffattt t«ganifft • ookff 8 Mu s i c t o „>i! Ireff'„» Fundamentals" — w«ff <>'5"'"' "'" promote the book (see I t iIHI living through a great "al !'"~""ff'~ "lf you go," Page C8). deal of loss. "My (then) wife had Evison is having fellow writers join him in conversation a n a f f air with a guy that was on his book tour, and in Central a p r e tty good friend. And we Oregon and later Portland, that h a d a perfectly good marriage, will be novelist and musician a s f a r as that's concerned," he W illy Vlautin. The two plan to s a y s."That kind of blindsided
~ggn IIIlII fttIJJIt a tIr
me, came out of nowhere. I was already at a p oint where I'd written six unpublished novels, with really not much encour agement from the universe tell ing me that I should keep stick ing with it." W ith the support o f f a m ily and friends, Evison soldiered through the divorce. His writing eventually hit pay dirt with "All About Lulu." Published by Soft Skull Press in 2008, the book went on to win the Washington State Book Award. What made him keep writing through his travails of a decade ago? SeeEvison /C8
Submitted photo
Jonathan Evlsonwill visit Sunrlveron Sat urday for a discussion about life, music and books, including his new novel.
T a MovrEs BBCAmericapresents compelling crimesaga
By Chuck Barney
BEASTS OF THESOUTHERN WILD(PG-13) 12:45, 3:45, 6:30 THE BESTEXOTIC MARIGOLD HOTEL (PG-13) Noon, 2:45, 6 THE BOURNE LEGACY (PG-13) 12:15, 3:15, 6:15 MOONRISEKINGDOM(PG-13) 1:15, 4, 7:15 NEIL YOUNG JOURNEYS(PG) 1, 3:30, 7 RUBYSPARKS(R) 12:30, 3, 6:45
ries that challenges aspiring special-effects makeup artists to make their fantasies come to rubbery life. In the opener, they create original a l iens for the "Star Wars" cantina scene.
Contra Costa Times
10 p.m. Sunday, BBC America For its first foray into script ed drama, BBC America chose to focus on this side of the pond e Do Something Awards" with a compelling p ost-Civil War crime saga set i n New 9 p.m. Tu esday, VH1 York's Five Points n eighborWe'r e so over most awards hood. Tom Weston shows, but we love Jones stars as a TV SPOTLIGHT gruff Irish-Ameri this one. It honors can cop who metes young people out his brand of justi ce in an n o t wayward celebrities — for era before Miranda rights. The t h eir achievements in commu show has a standout pedigree, n i t y service. coming to us from producers "Top Chef Masters" Barry Levinson and Tom Fon tana (" Homicide: Life on the 9 p.m. Wednesday, Bravo Street," "Oz"). The culinary adventure con tinues as the contestants whip OTHER BETS: up treats for a few Hollywood "Falling Skies" celebrities. We urge you not to 9 p.m. Sunday, TNT lick the TV screen. In the Season 2 finale, a "Suits" group of skitters closes in on the newly c onsolidated re 10:01 p.m. Thursday, USA It's high noon on the season sistance force, so we expect lots of gunfire and other loud finale, as the battle for con noises. Terry O'Quinn (" Lost" ) trol of the firm nears a criti guest stars. cal point. Unfortunately, Mike (Patrick J. Adams) has picked "Hell on the Border" this time to drop off the grid. 11 p.m. Sunday, "America's Next Top Model" Animal Planet The new s e ries d elivers 8 p.m. Friday, The CW It's time to rock the runway viewers to the small town of Nogales, Ariz., where police again as the 19th cycle begins. officers work with an elite ca This time, the field of wannabe nine unit that is determined to cover girls features 13 college take a bite out of crime. students who will be judged on something other than their "The Inbetweeners" term papers. 10:30 p.m. Monday, MTV "Fatal Honeymoon" This comedy adapted from a British series follows four high 8 p.m., Saturday, Lifetime school pals stuck in the middle Those are two words that of the social food chain. Much no newlywed wants to hear. hilarity — and existential angst In this case, it's a fact-based — ensue. movie about a woman (Amber "Face Off" Clayton) who dies in a very 9 p.m. Tuesday, Syjy suspicious drowning 11 days Time for Season 3 of the se after getting hitched.
Colin Farrell plays Doug las Quaidin the action thriller "Total Recall."
BEND Regal Pilot Butte 6 2717 N.E. U.S. Highway 20, Bend, 541-382-6347
Courtesy Columbia pictures
7:05, 9:50 TED (R)1:40, 4:45, 7:35, 10:05 TOTALRECALL(PG-13) 1:30, 4:35, 7:25,10:15
McMenamins Old St. Francis School
Regal Old Mill 680 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend, 541-382-6347
BRAVE (PG) 12:55, 3:35, 6:10, 9:10 THE BOURNE LEGACY (PG-13) 12:05, 12:45, 3:10, 4:05, 6:20, 7:10, 9:30, 10:10 THE CAMPAIGN (R) 12:40, 2, 3:45, 5, 6:30, 7:15, 9:40, 10:30 THE EXPENDABLES 2 (R) 12:25, 1:50, 3:25, 4:55, 6:50, 7:50, 9:25, 10:25 THE DARKKNIGHT RISES IMAX (PG-13) 12:30, 4:15, 7:55 THE DARKKNIGHT RISES (PG 13) Noon,4,7:45 HOPESPRINGS(PG-13) 1:05, 3:55, 6:40, 9:15 ICE AGE: CONTINENTAL DRIFT (PG) 12:10, 3, 6 NITROCIRCUS:TH EMOVIE 3-D (PG-13) 9 THE ODDLIFE OFTIMOTHY GREEN (PG) 12:20, 3:15, 6:15, 9:05 PARANORMAN 3-D (PG)1:20, 7 PARANORMAN (PG)3:40, 9:20 SPARKLE (PG-13) 1:15, 4:20,
MADAGASCAR 3: EUROPE'S MOST WANTED (PG) Noon,3 SNOW WHITEAND THE HUNTSMAN (PG-13) 6 THAT'SMYBOY(R) 9 After 7 p.m., shows are 21and older only.Youngerthan21m ay attend screenings before 7p.m.if accompanied by a legalguardian.
4:15, 6:30, 8:45
Sisters Movie House 720 Desperado Court, Sisters, 541-549-8800
MADRAS Madras Cine~a 5
REDMOND Redmond Cinemas 1535 S.W. OdemMedo Road, Redmond, 541-548-8777
THE BOURNE LEGACY(PG-13) 12:15, 3:15, 6:15, 9:15 THE EXPENDABLES 2 (R) Noon, 2:15, 4:30, 6:45, 9 THE ODDLIFEOFTIM OTHY GREEN (PG) 11:1 5a.m., 1:45, 4:15, 6:45, 9:15 PARANORMAN (PG) 11:45 a.m., 2,
THE BOURNE LEGACY (PG-13) 12:50, 3:40, 6:30, 9:25 THE CAMPAIGN (R) 12:25, 2:35, 4:45, 7, 9:10 DIARYOFA WIMPYKID:DOG DAYS (PG) 12:20, 2:25, 4:30 THE EXPENDABLES 2 (R) 12:15, 2:30, 4:55, 7:20, 9:35 PARANORMAN 3-D (PG)12:30, 2:45, 5, 7:10, 9:20
hlARKET NorthWest Crossing Neighborhood Center
Pine Theater 214 N. Main St., Prineville, 541-416-1014
THE BOURNE LEGACY(UPSTAIRS — PG-13) 3,6 MAGIC MIKE (R) 4 TED (R) 1, 7 Pine Theater's upstairs screening room has limited accessibility.
'Furniture FfnZGewj n 856 NWBond• Downtown Bend• 541-330-5999 www.havenhomestyle.corn
PAETTV SOV FLOVD Pretttf Bott Fluted nnd his siblings nre sweet 2 month old kittens thnt were brought to us nfter someone found them nnd couldn't keep them. Pretttf Bott Fluted is n spunkie, curious kitten. He is vertf plntfful nnd loves to be nround people. If Pretttf Bott Fluted sounds like the kitten for thou, come down to the shelter nnd meet him
tudor! HUMANE iOCIETVOF CENTRAL OREGON/iiPCA 61170 ii.E. II7th lit.
llrND *' "" (541) 382-3537 """""'"""'"
c ccm
Madras, 541-475-3505
869 N.W. Tin Pan Alley, Bend, 541-241-2271
TOTALRECALL(PG-13) 6:40, 9
1101 S.W. U.S. Highway 97,
Tin Pan Theater
g C'sOL F E I
• Movie times are subject to change after press time.
Saturdays,June30 - Sept, 22 I lgam-2pm
w wvv hv e g o l r t o e n d
• Open-captioned showtimes arebold. • There may be an additional fee for 3-D movies. • IMAX films are $15.50 for adults and $13 for children
(ages 3 to 11)and seniors (ages 60 andolder).
700 N.W. Bond St., Bend,541-330-8562
Stadiu~ 16 & IMAX
NORTHWEST < CROSSING i www. nwxfarmersmarket. corn
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Sirkenstock of Hend
. I~
ll ~
g g ll /I
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ll g g~
i~ l
KATU News World News K A TU News at 6 (N) n « America's Funniest HomeVideos Q Q Q Q N F LPreseasonFootballlndianapolisColtsatPittsburghSteelersFromHeinzFieldinPittsburgh. (N) Light Relief E v ening NewsThe Unit Unknown Soldier n '14 60 Minutes (N) n « America's Funniest HomeVideos 0 0 0 En t ertainment Tonight (N) n 'PGKEZI 9 News World News Bones n 14 ~c American Dad Cleveland Show IEI IEI IEINUMB3RS PrimeSuspect n 'PG Oregon Art Beat Outdoor Idaho Antiques Roadshow 'G' « Q Q Q M oyers & ComPany n 'G' « NFL PreseasonFootball Indianapolis Colts at PittsburghSteelers FromHeinz Field in Pittsburgh.(N) O King of Queens King of Queens Heartland CatchandRelease'PG KTvzDT2tEI Q B Q MLS soccer The Greenest Building 'G' « OPBPL 175 173 C o ok's Country Test Kitchen D oc Martin n 'PG' cc KATU KTttZ Q KBNZ 0 KOHD 0 KFXO IDi KOAB Q
*In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/Black Butte Di ital PM-Prineville/Madras SR-Sunriver L-La Pine
ll ~ i~ l i ~lg g l ~ l l g g l i ~ l g g ~l l g g i~ l Once Upon aTime n 'PG' « Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition Jarvez(N) n 'PG' « KATU News (1 1:35)Cars.TV To Be Announced Grey's Anatomy n '14' « Dateltne NBC n PG « News Love-Raymond (8.01) Btg Brother (N) n« The Good Wife n '14' « The Mentalist PinkTops n '14' News Cold Case '14' Once Upon aTime n 'PG' « Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition Jarvez(N) n 'PG' « KEZI9 News The Insider n The Simpsons The Simpsons Family Guy '14' Family Guy '14' News Two/Half Men Big Bang Big Bang Spanning Time: Covered Bridges Masterpiece Mystery! n 'PG' «(DVS) The EligibleBachelor" (1 993)Jeremy Brett. n 'G ** "Heartburn" (1986,Drama)Metyl Streep, Jack Nicholson News News Newschannel 8 Sports Sunday * "Desperate Measures" (1997)Michael Keaton, AndyGarcia. « Meet, Browne Meet, Browne Troubadour, TXTheMakeovern Lor d s of Nature: Life in a Land Moyers & Company n 'G' « America Revealed n 'G' « Amenca Revealed n PG «
g g ~l l
/ p
*A&E 130 28 18 32 Beyond ScaredStraight '14' Sto r age Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars *** "Tombstone" (1993,Western) Kurt Russell, ValKilmer, Michael Biehn.DocHolliday joins Wyatt Earpfor the OK Hell on Wheels Durant, Nebraska Breaking BadBuyoutThefuture ol (11:04) Small (11:34) Breaking (1 30) ** "Wyatt Earp" (1994) Kevi n *AMC Costner, DennisQuaid. « Corral showdown. « Durant confronts athreat. (N) '14' the business. (N) « Town Security Bad Buyout *ANPL 68 50 26 38 Call of Wildman Call of Wildman Call of the Wildman 'PG' « Call-Wildman Off the Hook Off the Hook Off the Hook C all of Wildman Call-Wildman Call of Wildman Call of Wildman Law on the Border (N) n 'PG BRAVO 137 44 Ho usewives H o usewives/NYC (6:45) TheReal Housewives of NewJersey Housewives/NJ Housewives/NJ Housewives/NJ Housewives/NJ ** "National Lampoon'sVacation" (1983)ChevyChase.n « CMT 19032 42 53 (4:15)** "RV" (2006) RobinWiliams.n cc (8:45) ** "RV" (2006)RobinWiliams. A dysfunctional family goesonvacation. n Redneck Island n PG « CNBC 51 36 40 52 20 Under 20: Transforming 20 Under 20: Transforming American Greed: TheFugitives Crime Inc Ultimate Factories IKEAIKEA. 'G American Greed: TheFugitives Greatest Pillow! Paid Program CNN 52 38 35 48 PuttingAmericato Work Piers MorganTonight CNN News room (N) Putting America to Work Piers Morgan Tonight CNN Newsroom Putting America to Work COM 135 53 135 47 (5:13) Futurama (5:44) * "Joe Dirt" (2001,Comedy)David Spade, DennisMiler, Brittany Daniel. « Daniel Tosh: Completely Serious (8:56) Tosh.0 (9:28) Tosh.0 ** rZackandMiri Makea Porno" (2008)Seth Rogen. « COTY 11 (4:30) City Club of Central Oregon Talk of the TownLocal issues. D e sert Cooking Oregon Joy of Fishing Journal Get Outdoors Visions of NW The YogaShow The Yoga Show Talk of the TownLocal issues. I csPAN 58 20 12 11 Q &A Prime Minister Road to the White House Q&A Prime Minister Road to the White House Washington ThisWeek *DIS 87 43 14 39 Good-Charlie Good-Charlie Austin & Ally n Shake It Up! 'G' A.N.T. Farm 'G' A.N.T. Farm 'G Austin & Ally n Shake It Up! RockyandCece travel to Tokyo. 'G' Jessie 'G' « M y Babysitter My Babysitter A.N.T. Farm 'G' *DISC 156 21 16 37 Survivorman Sierra Nevada'PG' Survivorman Deep Woodsn 'PG' Survivorman South Pacific n 'G Survivorman TenDays (N) 'PG' One Car Too Far Rainlorest 'PG' Finding Amelia: Mystery Solved? One Car TooFarRainlorest 'PG' *E! 136 2 5 Ke e ping Up With the KardashiansKeeping UpWith the Kardashians Keeping Up With the Kardashians Keeping UpWith the Kardashians Keeping Up With the Kardashians Jonas Keeping UpWith the Kardashians Jonas ESPN 21 23 22 23 MLB Baseball BostonRedSoxat NewYork Yankees FromYankeeStadium in the Bronx, Non(N) (Live) Sportscenter (N)(Live) « Sportscenter « Sportscenter « ESPN2 22 24 21 24 Little League Baseball NHRA DragRacing LucasOil NationaleFromBrainerd, Minn.(N) « Footbal lNow NFL Yearbook NFL Yearbook NFL Yearbook NASCAR Racing ESPNC 23 25 123 25 (4:00) "Boys otSummer" (2010) R ight To Play Boys ot Summer"(2010,Documentary) « Tennis U.S.Openfinal, fromSept. 14,2009 H-Lite Ex. H-L i te Ex. H-L i te Ex. H-L i te Ex H-Lite Ex. H-L ite Ex. ESP NFC Press Pass ESPNN 24 63 12420 Sportscenter (N) (Live) cc Sportscenter (N)(Live) « Sportscenter (N)(Live) « *** "The Lion King" (1994,Musical) Voicesol RowanAtkinson. *** "The Lion King" (1994, Musical) Voicesol RowanAtkinson. FAM 67 29 19 41 Princess Drs * * "T he Princess Diaries 2: Roya/Engagement" (2004)Anne Hathaway FNC 54 61 36 50 Huckabee(N) Fox NewsSunday Geraldo at Large (N)'PG' « Huckabee Stossel Geraldo at Large n 'PG' « Fox NewsSunday *FOOD 177 62 98 44 Extreme ChefDoomsdaySurvival Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Chopped 'G CupcakeWars (N) ChoppedGrill Masters:Finale(N) TheGreatFoodTruckRace'G' Chopped BellyDance! ** "Knowing" (2009,ScienceFiction) Nicolas Cage,RoseByrne ** "Knowing" (2009)NicolasCage, RoseByrne FX 131 (4:30) * "Armageddon" (1998,ScienceFiction) BruceWilis. A hero tries to save Earthfromanasteroid I HGTV 17649 33 43 Yardcrashers Yard-Disney House Hunters Hunters lnt'I House Hunters Hunters Int'I Property Brothers Amber'G Holmes Inspection n 'G' « All American Handyman(N)'G Holmes Inspection n 'G' « *HIST 155 42 41 36 Counting Cars Counting Cars Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG (10:01) IceRoadTruckers (N) '14 (11:01) SharkWranglers (N) '14 ** "Made ot Honor" (2008)Patrick Dempsey, KevinMcKidd. « LIFE 138 39 20 31 ** "TwoWeeksNotice" (2002) SandraBullock, Hugh Grant. cc Drop DeadDiva(N) 'PG' « Army WivesHandicap(N) 'PG (11:01) ** "Made ofHonor MSNBC 56 59128 51 Caughton camera(N) Sex Slaves in the Suburbs Sex Slaves: Texas Lockup Wabash Lockup Wabash Lockup Wabash Meet the Press 'G' « MTV 192 22 38 57 Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness (7:14) Ridiculousness n 'PG Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Fantasy Factory Fantasy Factory Fantasy Factory Fantasy Factory Fantasy Factory Fantasy Factory NICK 82 46 24 40 icarly A martial arts champion.'G Howto Rock n 'G'« You Gotta See You Gotta See Friends n '14' Friends n 'PG' Friends n 'PG' Friends n '14' Friends n 'PG' Friends n '14' Friends 'PG' (11:33) Friends OWN 161103 31 10 Oprah Presents Master Class n Oprah Presents Master Class n Oprah Presents Master Class n Oprah Presents Master Class n Oprah's Next Chapter (N) n 'PG' Lovetown, USA(N) n 'PG' Oprah Presents Master Class n ROOT 20 45 28* 26 Ball Up Street Ball (N) Bull Riding CBRHobbs MLS Soccer PortlandTimbersat NewYork RedBulls (N) MLB Baseball MinnesotaTwins at Seattle Mariners SPIKE 13231 34 46 BarRescuen'PG' Bar RescueChumpsn 'PG' Bar Rescue n 'PG' Bar RescueMystique orMurder? Bar Rescue BottomlessPit 'PG' F l ip Men 'PG' Flip Men 'PG' Bar Rescue n 'PG' ** "Daybreakers" (2009,Horror) EthanHawke,Wilem Daloe ** "Underworld: Rise ot theLycans" (2009) MichaelSheen. « "30 Days otNight: DarkDays" SYFY 133 35 133 45 *** "Stake Land" (2010, Horror) NickDamici, Connor Paolo God's Farmer TBN 205 60 130 Joel Osteen K e rry Shook B e lieverVoice Creflo Dollar J o seph The life ol an insecure andnaive salesmanchanges Secrets of Bible Secrets *TBS 16 27 11 28 (3:30)** "RunawayBride ** "Meetthe Fockers" (2004,Comedy)RobertDeNiro. «(DVS) *** "Hitch" (2005)Will Smith,EvaMendes. «(DVS) *** "Hitch" (2005)Will Smith, EvaMendes. «(DVS) **** "North by Northwest" (1959,Suspense) CaryGrant, EvaMarie Saint, JamesMason.A North by North (8:15) **** "A Hatful ot Rain" (1957,Drama) EvaMarie Saint, DonMurray *** "Exodus" (1960)PaulNewman,Eva Marie Saint. Israeli nationalist and case ol mistakenidentity endangers anad agent's life. «(DVS) west A drug addict hideshis habitfrom hiswile andfamily. refugees break947 1 British blockade. « *TLC 178 34 32 34 Lottery Changed MyLife n 'PG' Lottery Changed My Life n 'PG' Lottery Changed My Life n 'PG Hoarding: Buried Alive 'PG' « H o a rding: Buried Alive (N) 'PGHigh School Mome(N)'PG' « H o a rding: Buried Alive 'PG' « *TNT 17 26 15 27 ** "Pirates ot the Caribbean:Dead Man's Chest" (2006, Action) JohnnyDepp. Premiere. cc Leverage (N)'PG'« Falling Skies (N) '14' « The Great Escape (N) '14' « Fall i ng Skies '14' « *TOO N 84 Tomand Jerry "Tomand Jerry MeetSherlock" "TomandJerry a the Wizardot Oz" (2011) NinlaGo: Metre NinlaGo: Metre Venture Bros. King of the Hill King of the Hill Family Guy 'PG' Family Guy 'PG' Black Dynamite *TRAV 179 51 45 42 Tastiest Places to Chowdown T a s tiest Places to Chowdown T a s tiest Places to Chowdown Man v Food Man v Food A l l You Can A l l You Can Bacon Paradise 'G' « Steak Paradise 'G' ~c M*A*S*H 'PG' M'A*S*H 'PG' TVLND 65 47 29 35 M'A*S*H 'PG' (6:32) M'A*S*H (7:05) M'A*S*H (7:43) M'A*S*H TheNurses'PG' (8:21) M'A*S*H Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond KingofQueens USA 15 30 23 30 NCIS Jeopardyn'PG' « NCIS Leap ol Faithn '14' « NCIS Collateral Damage n '14' NC I S Patriot Down n '14' « NCIS RuleFifty-One n '14' « Political Animals (N) 'PG' « (11:06) Burn Notice 'PG' « 40 Greatest Pranks 3 'PG' Mob Wives Chicagon '14 Mob WivesChicago (N) n '14' B i g Ang (N) '14' Hollywood Exes n '14' Big Ang n '14' Mob Wives Chicago n '14' VH1 191 48 37 54 40Greatestpranks3'PG' ** "Gnomeo andJuliet" 2011n 'G' « *** "13 Goingon30" 2004Jennifer Garner. n Batman Returns ENGR 106401 306401 (4:40) ** "LittleBlack Book"2004 'PG-13' « (940) ** "TheSorcerer's Apprentice" 2010Nicolas Cage. n 'PG' ** "MySuper Ex-Girlfriend" 2006UmaThurman. 'PG-13' « ** "Bedazzled" 2000,ComedyBrendanEraser. 'PG-13' « * "EpicMovie"2007 KalPenn.'PG-13' « FMC 10420410412 (4:00)"MySuper Ex-Girlfriend" FXM Presents Motorcycle Racing The Ultimate Fighter Brazil '14' T h e Ultimate Fighter Brazil (N) U FC: Shogun vs. Vera UFC Unleashed The Ultimate Fighter Brazil '14 FUEL 34
Golf Central (N) PGA Tour Golf Champions:Dick'sSporting GoodsOpen, FinalRound I GOLF 28 301 27 301 LPGA Tour Golf SalewayClassic, Final Round(N) P GA Tour Golf WyndhamChampionship, Final RoundFromSedgelield Country Club inGreensboro, N.C A Crush onyou" (2011)Brigid Brannagh. 'PG' « SmartCookies"(2012)Patricia Richardson,Jessalyn Gilsig. 'G' « Frasier n 'PG' Frasier n 'PG HALL 66 33 175 33 "The WishList" (2010) Jennifer Esposito, David Sutclille. 'PG' « ** "TheChange-up" 2011,ComedyRyanReynolds. Anoverworked lawyer True Blood Sunset Bill slips into reli- The Newsroom Thestaff stages a True Blood SunsetBill slips into reli Hap 25501 25 501the ***agents "Hanna" 2011, Action Saoirse Ronan.A teenage assassin must elude and his carefreebuddyswitch bodies. n 'R' « ol a ruthlessoperative. n 'PG-13'« gious fervor. (N)n 'MA'« mock debate. (N)'MA' « g>ousfervorn MA « I FC 105 1 0 5 *** * "TheExorcist" 1973 Ellen Burstyn.Jesuits try to rescue apossessed girl. 'R' (7:45) ** "Teeth"2007,ComedyJessWeixler,JohnHensley.'R' (9:45) **** "TheExorcist" 1973, HorrorEllen Burstyn, LindaBlair. 'R (6:45) ** "Road House"1989,Action PatrickSwayze, Kelly Lynch. Alegend- (8:45) ** "Cowboys a Aliens" 2011, ScienceFiction DanielCraig, HarrisonFord, OliviaWilde Strike Back Scott's orders takehimto MAX OO 508 50 **Chris * "Unstoppable" Pine.n 'PG-13'201 « 0, Action Denzel Washington, ary bounceragreesto tame a notorious ginmill. n 'R' « Extraterrestrials attack a19th-centuryArizonatown. n 'NR' « Kenyan.n 'MA' « NGC 157 15 7 N azi Underworld (N) Taboo StrangePassions(N) '14 Taboo StrangePassions'14 Nazi Underworld Hitler's Hidden Holocaust '14 SpongeBob S pongeBob Fanboy-Chum Fanboy-Chum Invader ZIM n Invader ZIM n I NTOON 89 11518911 Planet Sheen Planet Sheen Planet Sheen Planet Sheen Planet Sheen Planet Sheen Robot, Monster SpongeBob OUTD 37 307 43 307 Hunt Adventure Wildgame Ntn Realtree Road Truth Hunting Bushman Show Bone Collector Craig Morgan Red Arrow Hunt Adventure Realtree Road Live 2 Hunt W i ldgame Ntn Ult. Adventures The Season ** "Red" 2010,Action Bruce Wilis, MorganFreeman.The CIAtargets a Weeds Unfreeze Episodes n Dexter NebraskaDextertakes atrip to HomelandTheW eekendMikeand Weeds Nancyis Episodes (N) n Weeds Nancy is Episodes n S Hp 500 5 0 0 n 'MA' ~c 'MA' cc team ol formeragentsfor assassination. n 'PG-13' « Nebraska.n 'MA' « Jessica face thefallout. n « promoted.'MA' 'MA' « promoted.'MA' 'MA' « SPEED 35 30312530 NASCARVictory Lane (N ) Wind Tunnel With Dave Despain Guys Garage Car Crazy 'G' NASCARRacing CampingWorldTruck Series: VFW200 Wind Tunnel With DaveDespain MotoGPRacing STARZ 30040830040 (4:40) ** "PrieSt" 2011Paul Bettany. n 'PG-13' (6:16) *rZOOkeeper" 2011KeVinJamee. n 'PG Boss LouderThanWords n 'MA' ** " Pirates ot the Caribbean: OnStranger Tides" 2011JohnnyDepp. 'PG-13' « (11:20) Boss n (4:30) ** "Highlander:TheFinal (6:15) "Bewarethe Gonzo" 2010,ComedyZoe Kravitz, Jesse Mccartney. Ed *** "TheHelp" 2011,DramaViola Davis, EmmaStone, BryceDallas Howard. Premiere. An *** "Another Happy Day" 2011, Comedy-DramaEllen' Dimension" 1994 'PG-13' « die starts anundergroundmovement. n 'NR' « aspiring writer capturesthe experiences ol black women. n 'PG-13' « Barkin, Kate Bosworth.n 'R' « NBCSN 27 58 3020 Return to London:XXXOlympiad MLS 36 'PG' Return to London:XXXOlympiad Action Sports (N) n« Return to London: TheGamesof the XXXOlympiad Return to London:XXXOlympiad *WE 14341 17411 Bridezillas Michelle Bridezillasasha T 8Rem Bridezillas Tasha 8Tracy '14 Bridezillas Tasha 8Remy'14' M yFair Wedding 8Tasha '14' B ridezillas Tasha 8Tracy '14' y (N)'14 Braxton Family Values
Cluttered homeis off-limits to toddler with moldallergy Dear Abby:I have been with my wonderful boyfriend for almost five years, and we have a 4-year-old daughter together. The problem is, his parents are hoarders. Their house is a di saster. It's falling apart from the inside out. They have piles of junk in the house and yard, and six dogs that live in the house with them. My daughter has just been diagnosed with a severe allergy to mold. I don't like her to go to their house, but they adore her and want to spend time with her. I don't know what to do! I have tried talking to my boyfriend about it, but he's in complete denial about his par ents' situation and says I'm "overreacting." I don't want to hurt their feelings, and I don' t want to keep my daughter from her grandparents. Help, please! — At a Loss in Texas Dear At a Loss: The loving grandparents can spend time with the child at your home rather than theirs. Schedule an a ppointment with your daughter's pedia trician or a l lergy specialist for you and your boyfriend. Because your daughter has severe allergies,he needs to understand what that means and how serious her allergic reactions could become. If your daughter is allergic to mold, she also may be severely allergic to other things — like animal dander and dust. Dear Abby:My daughter was recently married in our home town. Although she was born and raised here, she's now liv ing in another state, so it was a destination w edding f o r many of the invitees. It wasn' t a large affair — only 60 people attended. I received an email today from an old friend who was surprised to hear about the wedding and wanted to know why she wasn't invited. I'm at a loss as to how to respond. I have known her a long time and now I feel guilty for not having in vited her, but we had decided early on that only family and a few close friends would be
ABBY invited. Is there a polite way to re spond to her? I feel it was rude of her to even ask. — Mother of the Bride Dear Mother of the Bride:For the woman to ask why she wasn't on the guest list was, indeed, rude. A polite response would be to tell her the wedding was very small — family and only a few friends were invited — but you' ll be sure to let her know when the grandchildren start arriving. Dear Abby: Years ago, my sister developed a freckle-sized spot on her arm that was di agnosed as skin cancer. She was treated, and nothing more came of it. Recently, she has been telling people she's a "cancer survivor" and participating in survivor walks. I applaud her willing ness to help and be involved, but it seems she's comparing herself to people who have un dergone breast cancer, chemo, major life-altering conditions, loss of family members and worse. Are my family and I being overly critical? Or is there some way we can make her realize that what she has gone through is not nearly as devastating as the experiences of those who have truly survived this ordeal? — Brother Dave in Pennsylvania Dear Brother Dave:Yes, you are being overly critical. That cancerous "freckle" might have been melanoma, which is a very serious cancer. Your sister is lucky it wasn't life-threaten ing. If she wants to participate in cancer fundraisers, she has earned the right to be there.
To my Muslimreaders: Happy Fid al-Fitr — it's time to break the Ramadan fast. May God make yours a blessed feast. — Write Dear Abby at www.DearAbby.corn or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.
Horoscope:HappyBirthday for Sunday,Aug. 19,2012 By Jacqueline Bigar ** * * Y ou finally slow down and decide to handle your finances, This year you could be very concerned about your security. You especially if you believe your budget is off. You also might want to make also often find yourself having to repeat conversations after you have sure you are on solid ground before making a big purchase or taking them, which could be frustrating. If a mini-vacation. Tonight: Treat you are single, you might become very fussy when relating to potential yourself and others. suitors. If that trait emerges, you LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) are not with the right person. If ** * * * Y ou act as if you have you are attached, you often will your vitality back. Count on this have discussions about finances. revived feeling as the beginning of Don't let these talks dominate your a new sense of freeness. The next interactions. VIRGOmakes a great few months play into this change, accountant. and the veil of heaviness will start to disappear. Tonight: Only as you The Stars Show the Kind of Day You' ll Have: 5-Dynamic; 4-Positive; like it. 3-Average; 2-So-so; f-Difficult SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) ** * * L i sten to others with ARIES (March 21-April 19) ** * You tend to be so responsive openness. You do not need to comment. In fact, you might want that you could assume the role of to rethink a situation, as you are many other people. Listen to your getting new information. Keep inner voice before approaching a your own counsel for the moment. conversation. Tonight: If the other Tonight: Get some extra R and R. person doesn't make the first move, it will be up to you to take the SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) initiative. ** * * F riends interfere with your plans once more, but you love the TAURUS (April 20-May 20) ** * * * Y ou seem to be more attention. How you decide to handle this ongoing popularity needs to childlike and fun than you have been in a long time. As a result, you suit your life, too. Do not forget an important person who might need to are better able to relate to other speak to you. Tonight: The festivities generations, as you draw out the surround you. inner child in them, too. For those of you at the right age, romance will CAPRICORN(Dec. 22-Jan. 19) bloom. Tonight: Forget tomorrow. ** * * B e more in touch with your Live now. needsand desires.Others make demands that you might not want to GEMINI (May 21-June 20) ** * * O nce you get into a lazy meet. Make it OK to let go and take care of yourself first. Take avacation day mood, it is difficult for you from being so responsible. Tonight: to break out of that mindset. A In the spotlight. roommate or family member also might enjoy this laziness, which AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) gives you time to hang out together. ** * * * L ook at the whole picture Tonight: Act on your newfound and understand what is happening spunkiness. behind the scenes. You might be missing an important detail CANCER(June 21-July 22) ** * * M ake your round of Sundayinvolving a friend or loved one at a distance. Once you understand what calls or visits to friends and loved ones. As a family-oriented sign, you is happening, you could decide to tend to think of these individuals as reverse your stance. Tonight: Let your imagination play out. part of your extended family. Enjoy theeasypace.Tonight:Catch up on PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) news. ** * * S omeone close to you makes it clear that he or she wants LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) ** * * * M ake an effort to contact greater closeness between you, someone you have wanted to spend which is what you also desire. Do not be shy or withdrawn. If you time with. A late brunch together will give you an opportunity to catch allow yourself to be vulnerable, you could experience a new level of up on each other's news. Refuse to closeness. Tonight: Togetherness standon ceremony withsomeone. spices up the night. Tonight: Respond to emails. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) © 2011 by King Features Syndicate
Please email event information to communitylifeC~bendbulletin.corn or click on "Submit an Event" at www.bendbulletin.corn. Allow at least 10 days before the desired date of publication. Ongoing listings must be updated monthly. Contact: 541-383-035L
TODAY OREGONSTARPARTY: Gather at Indian Trail Spring for night sky viewing, with speakers and more; registration required; directions to site available on website; $75, $25 ages 12-17, $1 5 ages 6-11; www .oregonstarparty.org. HIGH DESERTBRIDGE SECTIONALTOURNAMENT: Central Oregon Bridge Club presents a duplicate bridge tournament; $9 or $8ACBL members; 10 a.m.; Deschutes County Fair & Expo Center, South Sister, Three Sisters Conference and Convention Center, 3800 SW Airport Way, Redmond; 541-322-9453 or pldouglas@bendbroadband .corn. HIGH & DRYBLUEGRASS FESTIVAL:Festival includes live music, instrument workshops, food and more; directions to venue, Runway Ranch in Bend, on website; $15 for weekend; 11 a.m.-5 p.m.; www.hadbf.corn. "THE TEMPEST":Innovation Theatre Works presents Shakespeare's play about a sorcerer trapped on an island; free; 2 p.m.; Sunriver Homeowners Aquatic & Recreation Center, 57250 Overlook Road; 541-504-6721 or www.innovationtw.org. CHUKKERSFOR CHARITY: Featuring the USPAOfficer's Cup polo match; proceeds benefit the Tower Theatre Foundation, Bend Paddle Trail Alliance and Healing Reins Therapeutic Riding Center; $10, free ages 12 and younger; 2 p.m., gates open noon; Camp Fraley Ranch, 60580 Gosney Road, Bend; www.cascadepoloclub.corn. SUNRIVER MUSICFESTIVAL PIANO RECITAL:Elizabeth Joy Roe performs selections from Corigliano, Chopin and Beethoven; $30-$50, $10 youth; 7:30 p.m.; Sunriver Resort Great Hall, 17728 Abbott Drive; 541-593-931 0, tickets@ sunrivermusic.org or www .sunrivermusic.org.
MONDAY SUNRIVER MUSICFESTIVAL CLASSICALCONCERTIII: Featuring selections from Bach, Theofanidis and Vivaldi; $30-$60, $10 youth; 7:30 p.m.; Sunriver Resort Great Hall, 17728 Abbott Drive; 541-593 931 0, tickets@sunrivermusic .org or www.sunrivermusic.org. JOKERS ANDFOOLS:A nightof improvand stand-upcomedy; $8; 8 p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-312-9626.
TUESDAY THE LIBRARYBOOKCLUB: Read and discuss "The Ape House" by Sara Gruen; free; noon; East Bend Public Library, 62080 Dean Swift Road; 541-330-3764 or www .deschuteslibrary.org/calendar. REDMONDFARMERS MARKET:Freeadmission; 2-6:30 p.m.; Centennial Park, Seventh Street and Evergreen Avenue; 541-550-0066 or redmondfarmersmarketf@ hotmail.corn. TUESDAYFARMERS MARKET AT EAGLECREST: Free admission; 2-6 p.m.; Eagle Crest Resort, 1522 Cline Falls Road, Redmond; 541-633-9637 or info@sustainablef lame.corn. BROOKSWOOD PLAZA FARMERSMARKET: Free admission; 3-7 p.m.; Brookswood Meadow Plaza, 19530 Amber Meadow Drive, Bend; 541-323 3370 or farmersmarket@ brookswoodmeadowplaza.corn. NATURAL HISTORY PUB: Joe and Cordi Atkinson talk about rehabilitating, flying and hunting with falcons; free; 7 p.m., doors open 6 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or www.mcmenamins.corn.
- ';h3
AndyTulls/The Bulletin file photo
Liam O' Sruitheain, as Prospero,and Julia Rose Rahm, as Miranda, in a scene from innovation Theatre Works' production of "The Tempest." Catch the final performance of the free show at 2 p.m. today, at the Sunriver Homeowners Aquatic & Recreation Center. corn. PICNIC IN THEPARK: Featuring an a cappella performance by The Coats; free; 6-8 p.m.; Pioneer Park, 450 N.E. Third St., Prineville; 541 447-6909. MICHAEL FRANTI & SPEARHEAD: The rock and soul act returns to Bend;withAmanda Shaw; $35 plus fees; 6:30 p.m.,gatesopen 5 p.m .; LesSchwab Amphitheater,344 S.W . Shevlin Hixon Drive, Bend; 541-318 5457 or www.bendconcerts.corn. THE LIBRARYBOOKCLUB: Read and discuss "The Beekeeper's Apprentice" by Laurie R. King; free; 6:30 p.m.; Sisters Public Library, 110 N. Cedar St.; 541-312-1074 or www.deschuteslibrary.org/calendar. SUNRIVER MUSICFESTIVAL CLASSICALCONCERTIV: Featuring selections from Beethoven and Mozart, with performances by Elizabeth Joy Roe; $30-$60, $10 youth; 7:30 p.m.; Sunriver Resort Great Hall, 17728 Abbott Drive; 541 593-9310, tickets@sunrivermusic .org or www.sunrivermusic.org. JET WEST:The San Diego-based
reggae bandperforms; $5; 9:30
p.m.; Silver Moon Brewing & Taproom, 24 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-388-8331 or www .silvermoonbrewing.corn.
THURSDAY TREEHOUSEPUPPETS IN THE PARK:With a performance of "Gory Coyote Holds an Election!"; followed by a coordinated activity; free; 11 a.m.-noon; Compass Park, 2500 N.W. Crossing Drive, Bend; 541-389-7275 or www .bendparksandrec.org. SHAKESPEAREIN THE PARK: Featuring a performance of "Romeo & Juliet" by Cat Call Productions; $20-$75; 6 p.m., doors open 5 p.m.; Drake Park, 777 N.W. Riverside Blvd., Bend; 541-323-0964 or www .bendticket.corn. READERS SHOWCASE:Central Oregon Writers Guild members read from their works; free; 6:30-9 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, Redmond campus,2030 S.E. College Loop, Redmond; www .centraloregonwritersguild.corn.
ART IN THEHIGHDESERT: Juried fine arts and crafts festival showcases art from more than 100 professional artists; free; 10 a.m.-6 p.m.; banks of the Deschutes River, across the footbridge from the Old Mill District, Bend; 541-322-6272 or www.artinthehighdesert.corn. BEND FARMERSMARKET: Free admission; 2-6 p.m.; St. Charles Bend, 2500 N.E. Neff Road; 541 408-4998, bendfarmersmarket@ gmail.corn or http: //bendfarmersi market.corn. SISTERS FARMERSMARKET:3-6 p.m.; Barclay Park,W estCascade Avenue and Ash Street; www .sistersfarmersmarket.corn. AIRSHOW OFTHE CASCADES: Event includes a display of classic cars and aircraft, an aerobatics show, a kids area, aircraft rides WEDNESDAY and more; $8, free ages 12and BEND FARMERS MARKET: Free younger and veterans; 4-10 p.m.; Madras Airport, 2028 N.W. Airport admission; 3-7 p.m.;Brooks Way; 541-475-6947 or www Alley, between Northwest .cascadeairshow.corn. Franklin Avenue and Northwest Brooks Street; 541-408-4998, SUNRIVER FARMERSMARKET: bendfarmersmarket@gmail.corn Free admission; 4-7 p.m.; Village at or http: //bendfarmersmarket Sunriver, 57100 Beaver Drive; www .corn. .sunriverchamber.corn. DREAM RIDE:Decorate your ROD AND CUSTOM CARSHOW: bicycle, then parade through A display of vintage vehicles, with the Old Mill District; ride ends at food, music and more; registration the Les Schwab Amphitheater; requested; proceeds benefit the proceeds benefit Shine Global inn; $15 suggested donation for and Art Station; $10; 4 p.m.; Art participants and guests; 5-8 p.m.; Station, 313 S.W. Shevlin Hixon Bethlehem Inn, 3705 N. U.S. Drive, Bend; 541-410-5513 or Highway 97, Bend; 541-322-8768, www.campcatalyst.wordpress kim@bethleheminn.org or www .corn. .bethleheminn.org. MUSIC ONTHE GREEN: MUNCH 8 MOVIES: An outdoor Featuring big band music by the screening of "School of Rock"; Notables Swing Band; vendors with food vendors and live music; available; free; 6-7:30 p.m.; Sam free; 6 p.m., movie begins at dusk; Johnson Park, Southwest15th Compass Park, 2500 N.W. Crossing Street, Redmond; 541-923-51 91 Drive, Bend; 541-389-0995 or www or http: //visitredmondoregon. .northwestcrossing.corn.
SHAKESPEAREINTHE PARK: Featuring a performance of "Romeo & Juliet" by Cat Call Productions; $20-$75; 6 p.m., doors open 5 p.m.; Drake Park, 777 N.W. Riverside Blvd., Bend; 541-323-0964 or www .bendticket.corn. AUTHOR PRESENTATION:Jarold Ramsey reads from his book "Thinking Like a Canyon"; free; 6:30 p.m.; Paulina Springs Books,422 S.W. Sixth St., Redmond; 541-526 1491. ZZ TOP:The classic rock band performs, with Nashville Pussy; $42 or $79 reserved, plus fees; 6:30 p.m., gates open 5 p.m.; Les Schwab Amphitheater, 344 S.W. Shevlin Hixon Drive, Bend; 541-318 5457 or www.bendconcerts.corn. CARRIE NATION &THE SPEAKEASY: The Wichita, Kan. based Americana band performs, The Whistle Pigs; $7 in advance, $8 at the door; 9 p.m.; The Horned Hand, 507 N.W. Colorado Ave., Bend; 541-728-0879 or www .bendticket.corn. RARE MONK: The indie rock band performs, with Necktie Killer, $5; 9 p.m.;Liquid Lounge,70 N.W . Newport Ave., Bend.
drives, Bend; 541-382-1662, valerie@brooksresources.corn or www.nwxfarmersmarket.corn. TERREBONNE CRUZIN:A display of more than 200 classic cars, hot rods and motorcycles; with music and more; free; 10 a.m.-3 p.m.; Terrebonne; 541-548-2603. SUMMER CARNIVAL:With games, food and prizes; free admission; 11 a.m.-3 p.m.; St. Thomas Academy, 1720 N.W. 19th St., Redmond; 541-548-3785 or www .redmondacademy.corn. VFW DINNER:A dinner of Asian food; $7; 5 p.m.; VFWHall, 1503 N.E. Fourth St., Bend; 541-389 0775. SHAKESPEAREIN THE PARK: Featuring a performance of "Romeo & Juliet" by Cat Call Productions; $20-$75; 6 p.m., doors open 5 p.m.; Drake Park, 777 N.W. Riverside Blvd., Bend; 541-323-0964 or www .bendticket.corn. AUTHOR PRESENTATION:Les Joslin talks about his book "Uncle Sam's Cabins"; with a slide show; free; 6:30 p.m.; Paulina Springs Books, 252 W. HoodAve., Sisters; 541-549-0866. HOT AUGUST NITES: Featuring a dinner, parking lot dance and a cruise in; proceeds benefit the SATURDAY Diabetes Research Center; $13.50 in advance, $15 at the door, $5 for AIRSHOW OFTHE CASCADES: dance only; 7 p.m., 8 p.m. dance; Event includes a display of classic Eagles Lodge & Club, 235 N.E. cars and aircraft, an aerobatics Fourth St., Prineville; 541-447-7659. show, a kids area, aircraft rides and NIGHTSOUNDS — WOODSTOCK more; $8, free ages 12and younger EDITION:A night of music from and veterans; 8 a.m.-4 p.m.; Woodstock, with cast members Madras Airport, 2028 N.W. Airport from "The Tempest" providing trivia; Way; 541-475-6947 or www $5 in advance, $6 at the door; 7-10 .cascadeairshow.corn. p.m.; Innovation Theatre Works, PRINEVILLEFARMERS 1155 S.W. Division St., Bend; 541 MARKET:Free; 8:30 a.m.-12:30 504-6721, brad@innovationtw.org p.m.; Prineville City Plaza, 387 or www.innovationtw.org. N.E. Third St.; 503-739-0643 or SHOW US YOURSPOKES: prinevillefarmersmarket@gmail.corn. Featuring a performance by The MADRAS SATURDAYMARKET: Autonomics and Cadence; proceeds Freeadmission;9a.m.-2 p.m .; benefit Commute Options; $5; 7 Sahalee Park, B andSeventh streets; p.m.; Parrilla Grill, 635 N.W. 14th 541-489-3239 or madrassatmkt@ St., Bend; 541-617-9600. g mail. corn. "PARANORMAN":A screening ART IN THEHIGH DESERT: of the PG-rated 2012 film; with Juried fine arts and crafts festival an introduction of characters and showcases artfrom more than100 puppets from the film by fabrication professional artists; free; 10 a.m.-6 lead Morgan Hay; $8.75, $7 p.m.; banks of the Deschutes River, students, $6.50 kids and seniors; across the footbridge from the Old 7:15 p.m.; Sisters Movie House, 720 Mill District, Bend; 541-322-6272 or Desperado Court; 541-549-8833. www.artinthehighdesert.corn. BACKYARDFARMTOUR: Tour backyard farms and gardens SUNDAY throughout Bend and speak Aug. 26 with owners; proceeds benefit Neighborlmpact; $10 for map ART IN THEHIGHDESERT: book; 10 a.m.-3 p.m.541-244-2536 Juried fine arts and crafts festival or www.neighborimpact.org/ showcases art from more than 100 backyardfarmtour. professional artists; free; 10 a.m.-4 CENTRALOREGONSATURDAY p.m.; banks of the Deschutes River, MARKET:Featuring arts and crafts across the footbridge from the Old from local artisans; free admission; Mill District, Bend; 541-322-6272 or 10 a.m.-4 p.m.; parking lot across www.artinthehighdesert.corn. from Bend Public Library, 600 N.W. BACKYARD FARMTOUR:Tour Wall St.; 541-420-9015 or www backyard farms and gardens .centraloregonsaturdaymarket.corn. throughout Bend and speak GARDEN PARTY:W ithgarden with owners; proceeds benefit tours, garden presentations Neighborlmpact; $10 for map and more; free; 10 a.m.-3 p.m.; book; 10 a.m.-3 p.m.541-244-2536 Hollinshead Community Garden, or www.neighborimpact.org/ Hollinshead Park, 1235 N.E. 12th backyardfarmtour. St., Bend; 541-548-6088. INK 8 METAL:A bike and tattoo MONOGRAM MURAL EVENT: show; with live music, tattoo artists Help create a mural made of lines and more; music starts at noon; and shapes in signatures; free; 10 Maverick's Country Bar and Grill, a.m.-noon; Tumalo Art Co., 450 S.W. 20565 Brinson Blvd., Bend; 541 Powerhouse Drive, ¹407, Bend; 541 325-1 886. 385-9144. FIDDLERSJAM: Listen or dance at NORTHWEST CROSSING the Oregon Old Time Fiddlers Jam; FARMERSMARKET: Free; 10a.m. donations accepted; 1-3:30 p.m.; 2 p.m.; NorthWest Crossing, Mt. VFW Hall, 1836 S.W.Veterans Way, Washington and Northwest Crossing Redmond; 541-647-4789.
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Photos by Barb Gonzalez/For The Bulletin
ABOVE:An open-roofed Big Red Bus approaches the summit of Logan Pass, crossed by the Continental Divide at 6,646 feet. Since 1936, Glacier National Park has maintained a fleet of these tourist buses, which travel the roads to all major points of interest. LEFT:Hikers follow a trail across early-August snow fields at Logan Pass. Chis eled during the ice ages by glaciers, few of which remain today, the park's steep-sided peaks give birth to streams that flow to the Pacific Ocean, the Gulf of Mexico and Hudson's Bay.
Food, Home & Garden In AT HOME • • The BuHetin
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ABOVE:Rocky Mountain goats draw the attention of hikers on the Hidden Lake Overlook Trail above Logan Pass. The animals showed no fear of humans; some even led their kids within a few feet of two-legged intruders. RIGHT:Built in 1913 to serve rail travelers, the Glacier Park Lodge stands outside the national park's southeastern boundary in the community of East Glacier Park. Its three-story lobby features 60 Douglas firs from Oregon, each 40 feet tall.
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Dinner Escape Package
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Includes: Accommodations, Dinner for two, A Bottle of Wine,
Breakfast for two @Admission to
Glacier Continued from C1 Because this is a meeting place — where climates col lide and from which rivers flow to the Pacific Ocean, the Gulf of Mexico and Hudson's Bay — it has drawn species from all four directions of the com pass. Moose, grizzly bears and Rocky Mountain goats from the north encounter species from the southern mountains (black bears) as well as from the prairies to the east (bison) and from the Pacific North west (mountain lions). And the diversity of bird and plant life is equally diverse.
Hiking plans Rangers share literature that recommends 68 day hikes in Glacier National Park. With only a few days at Glacier, we decided to focus on three trails in different parts of the park. The Avalanche Lake Trail begins off G o ing-to-the-Sun Road 14 miles northeast of the Apgar Visitor Center at the foot of Lake McDonald. Starting from the Trail of the Cedars nature trail, it climbs gradually uphill to a glacial lake cupped by a grand mountain cirque. The round trip of 4.8 miles might have been less daunting had we not been warned, by other hikers descending as we headed up the trail, that a park ranger was doing his best to protect visitors from a grizzly bear grazing on berries just up hill from oblivious cutthroat trout anglers. The Hidden Lake Overlook Trail heads directly uphill from the Logan Pass Visitor Cen ter, the high point on the Go ing-to-the-Sun Road at 6,646 feet. Steep steps and August snowfields made this h i k e, though only 3 miles round trip, somewhat challenging until we crossed a ridge to an observa tion deck built into the bluff. Dozens of almost-domestic Rocky Mountain goats milled about, some with bleating kids trailing behind. But a second ary trail descending to beau tiful Hidden Lake had been closed to hikers: Grizzly bears were fishing at the stream out let. We could even see one of them slapping the water far be low through a telephoto lens. The 7.1-mile ( r ound-trip) Grinnell Lake Trail begins at the historic Many Glacier Hotel and gently rises through lush vegetation that lines a stream linking three lakes. Each of them — Swiftcurrent, Jose phine and Grinnell — is seem
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Greg Cross/The Bulletin
ingly more beautiful than the next. The trail in places is almost overgrown with plants such as nettles, cow parsley, thimble berries and huckleberries. At one point, we were misled into following a secondary trail that soon disappeared and were forced to backtrack. Normally, we would not have been con cerned, but this was — you guessed it! — grizzly country. Clearly, it was essential that we consider the danger pre sented by grizzly bears, which on rare occasion have killed or maimed hikers and campers in this park. And we weren't anx ious to spend IS50 for a can of peppery "bear spray" that was not likely to be needed. "Bears will usually move out of the way if they hear people approaching, so make noise," our park l i t erature recom mended. "Most bells are not enough. Calling out and clap ping hands loudly at regular in tervals are better ways to make your presence known. Hiking quietly endangers you, the bear and other hikers." When we heard other hikers shouting aHey, bear!" at regu lar intervals, we began to do the same.
cedars. The first portion of the trail was a piece of cake. Lifted above the spongy forest floor, a solidly constructed board walk — accented by plaques inscribed with haiku about the surrounding woods — wound past Western red cedars, En gelmann spruce and oversized cottonwoods. Flanked in sev eral areas by springs weep ing from granite boulders, it crossed a wooden footbridge at its halfway point before cir cling back to the picnic area. The water beneath the Ava lanche Gorge Bridge, only four tenths of a mile from the start of this walk, surged a milky, glacial blue through a n a r row, tortured red-rock canyon. And here a well-trodden dirt trail turned off the boardwalk, climbing 500 feet in the next two miles to Avalanche Lake at an elevation of 3,865 feet. The ascent was steady but not arduous, and we had plenty of company along the way. Where the trail stayed closer to the creek, we could see the white water tumbling through its bed of red rocks. Large boulders in an area of limited undergrowth beckoned some energetic younger people to add an extra scramble to their Avalanche Lake excursion. After f inding a r o a dside Farther up the trail, ferns and p arking niche far f rom t h e berries clustered beneath pines Big Red Buses (a Glacier Park and firs. In the last couple of tourist tradition since 1936) hundred yards before the track that congregate just down the reached the lake, waist-high road at the Lake McDonald shrubbery was in full blossom. Lodge, we set out from a picnic But its brilliance was nothing area into a forest of old-growth compared to that of Avalanche
Lake itself. The lake wasn't large, per haps a mile across, but its set ting could not have been pret tier. We stood on a rockybeach and counted multiple ribbon like w aterfalls p l ummeting down stark cliffs that created a natural amphitheatersoutheast of us. We could see neither the summit of Gunsight Mountain nor the shifting ice of Sperry Glacier, which fed these falls, but the drama of this scene was one that I will not soon forget. And then there was that griz zly that was supposedly nosing about the bushes. Apparently he got tired of the comings and goings of hikers, for neither he nor his ranger guardian was anywhere to be seen. And one woman sat qui etly beside the lake puzzling through a sudoku tablet as she waited for her husband to return from his catch-and-re lease cutthroat fishing.
Logan Pass I can't describe the hike from Logan Pass without first introducing Going-to-the-Sun Road. Built between 1924 and 1933, the two-lane paved road from West Glacier to St. Mary continues to astound travelers decades after its completion. ln particular, several nar row, winding miles along the precipitous Garden Wall leave some drivers vertigo-stricken, especially with ongoing road work further restricting pass able space. Continued next page
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LEFT:Built in 1915, the Many Glacier Hotel sits on the north eastern shore of Swiftcurrent Lake in Glacier National Park. There were approximately 150 glaciers in the park when it was erected; only about two dozen remain today. Photos by Barb Gonzalez/ For The Bulletin
Expensesfor two
Lodge (rates from $127);
Gas, Bend to Many Glacier via
Many Glacier Hotel (rates from
$149); Prince of WalesHotel Logan Pass (round-trip), 1,454 (rates from $194); Rising Sun miles © $3.60/gallon:$209.38 Motor inn (rates from $118); Two meals en route, each direction:$100 2 nights, Red Lion Hotel
St. Mary Lodge (rates from $89); Swiftcurrent Motor Inn
(rates from $72); andVillage Inn at Apgar (rates from $135).
Kalispell (with breakfast):
'' a
All have moderately priced restaurants serving three mealsdaily.406-892-2525, www.glacierparkinc.corn.
$207.58 Groceries for three hiking lunches:$36 Dinner Hop's Kalispell $48.90 Dinner, St. Mary Lodge:$45 2 nights, St. Mary
Red LionHotel Kalispell 20 N. Main St., Kalispell, Mont.; 406-751-5050, 800 733-5466, www.redlion.corn/ kalispell . Open year-round. Rates from $97.
Groceries for 2 camp breakfasts, St. Mary:$11 Dinner, Luna's Restaurant, East Glacier Park:$25 TOTAL:$708.86
West Glacier Motel 8 Cabins 200 Going-t o-the-Sun Road, West Glacier, Mont. 406 888-5662, www.westglacier .corn. Open late May to mid September. Rates from $90.
Ifyou go INFORMATION Glacier National Park z.
Park headquarters at West Glacier, Mont.; visitor centers at Apgar Village, Logan Pass and St. Mary. 406-888-7800,
ABOVE:Slow-moving traffic follows Going-to the-Sun Road along the precipitous Garden Wall in the heart of Glacier National Park. The two-lane, 50-mile road is being resurfaced. RIGHT:Nestled among mountains on the west side of the Continental Divide, Hidden Lake presents a picture-perfect panorama at the end of the Hidden Lake Overlook Trail.
From previous page Even if you don't stop, it will take two hours to travel the road's 50 miles. And it's not even open year-round: This year, you won'tbe able to reach Logan Pass from West Glacier after mid-September, nor from the park's east entrance at St. Mary after mid-October. Access was no issue dur ing our visit early this month. There was so much tourist traffic on the road, in fact, that the spacious parking lot outside the Logan Pass Visi tor Center was nearly full at 9:30 a.m. Still, that was soon enough to get a start up the Hidden Lake Overlook Trail ahead of many others. There's no forest cover on this short but rapidly ascend ing trail, and no toilet facili ties, so it's essential that hikers take careof personal needs at the visitor center before start ing out. Also, because of the constant exposure to sun, it' s important to wear a hat, sun glasses and sunblock from the start of the hike. In just a mile and a half, this trail climbs 460 feet to an el evation of 7,106 feet. It makes extensive use of a boardwalk to protect the delicate vegeta tion of open subalpine mead ows. Where there are steps, they are tall and steep, requir ing more hoist than most hik ers might anticipate. Sections cross sheer glacial rock, and during my visit, much of the middle third of the trail was a slog t hrough snowfields. W here snow m e lted f r o m their edges, there were small streams to cross. We knew we were nearing the crest of the ridge when we began to see Rocky Mountain goats beside the trail. These wild animals showed no fear of human intruders. Male goats with thick white fur browsed stunted shrubs, u n mindful of clicking cameras. Females still shedding winter coats led their bleating offspring, no more than a few months old, through the meadows. The observation deck atop the bluff wasn't a large one, but it was sufficient for hik ers of all ages to get a striking view of blue, forest-shrouded Hidden Lake, nearly 800 feet b elow the l ookout, and a t R eynolds M o untain, m o r e than 2,000 feet above. The panorama stretched into the distance across one mountain ous ridge and another.
Montana Office of Tourism 301 S. Park Ave., Helena, Mont.; 406-841-28870, 800 847-4868, www visitmt.corn.
8858 U.S. Highway 2 East, Hungry Horse, Mont.; 406 387-5000, www.huckleberry patch.corn. Three meals daily. Budget to moderate.
Luna's Restaurant 1112 state Highway 49, East Glacier Park, Mont.; 406-226 4433, www.facebook.corn. Three meals daily. Budget to moderate.
Accommodations(open May 19 to Sept. 30) include: Glacier Park Lodge (rates
lake. But only a couple made the portage to Josephine, and none to Grinnell. The proximity of water kept this trail heavily vegetated and always beautiful with dozens of wildflower blooms. Spotted butterflies jumped from flower to flower, and a pair of Clark's nutcrackers kept u s e n ter tained through one section. At times the path almost disappeared in the growth, so that beside Lake Josephine we temporarily lost it u n t il we heard hikers coming from the other direction. Then we crossed a set of planks laid upon a marshy area, crossed a one-person-at-a-time suspen sion bridge, and we knew we were on the right trail. Grinnell Glacier clung to what seemed sheer cliff encir cling the back side of Grinnell Lake. But it was substantially smaller than photos I had seen
even a few years ago. Global warming may or may not be a factor, but the last remnants of the ice ages are definitely disappearing. We were surprised to see two to t hree dozen people, many of them with small chil dren, picnicking at Grinnell Lake and dipping their feet into the icy water. We learned that their hike to the lake had been less than a mile — from the dock where a park excur sion boat ($11 each way) had dropped them. Although we enjoyed our walk, this certain ly would have been an easier way to get there. In fact, excursion boats operate on several of Glacier Park's lakes, including Lake McDonald, St. Mary Lake, Two Medicine Lake and Upper Waterton Lake. There is also a wide-ranging shuttle service that will drop and pick up hik
ers at trail heads. Visitors may tels operated by Glacier Park fly into Glacier Park Interna Inc., and enjoy an automobile tional Airport near Columbia free vacation. Falls in the Flathead Valley, — Reporter: janderson@ shuttle to any of the seven ho bendbulletin.corn.
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Grinnell Glacier Some of the most famous photos of G l acier N ational Park have been captured from the vicinity of Many Glacier Hotel, in the park's northeast ern quadrant. Nestled on t h e s hore of Swiftcurrent Lake — which, d espite its n a me, i s c a l m enough to attract moose to
The Huckleberry Patch
from $140); LakeMcDonald
its foliage-rich shores — this hotel was built in 1915, when some 150 glaciersfestooned the park's peaks. But glaciers have been in a recession even deeper than the American economy. Today, there may be no more than two dozen glaciers remaining, and they, too, are going fast. We set out on the Grinnell Lake Trail — 7.1 miles round trip — for a good look at its overhanging Grinnell Glacier, beneath the summit of 9,553 foot Mount Gould on the north east face of the Garden Wall. There's almost no elevation gain on this trail: It climbs only 60 feet in f ollowing a s low-moving s t r eam f r o m Swiftcurrent Lake into Lake Josephine, then Grinnell Lake. Because rentals are available at the small h otel m arina, kayakers and canoeists were out in numbers on the first
121 Main St., Kalispell, Mont.; 406-755-7687, www.facebook .corn. Dinner only. Moderate.
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Milestones guidelines and forms are available at The Bulletin, or send astamped, self-addressed envelope to: Milestones, The Bulletin, PO. Box 6020,Bend, OR 97708. To ensure timely publication, The Bulletin requests that notice forms and photos be submitted within one month of the celebration.
Delivered at St. Charles Bend
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Laura Thomas and Tom Hentges.
Arlie and Lynne (Buswell) Holm.
Thomas —Hentges
ver sity, where sh e s tudied e lementary e ducation. S h e Laura Thomas and T om works as a court clerk for the Hentges, both of Bend, plan to Deschutes County Court. marry Sept. 9 at the home of The future groom is the son friends in Bend. of Sally Beall, of Roseburg. T he future b r ide i s t h e He is a 1992 graduate of The daughter of John and Cathie Dalles High School and served Thomas, of La Pine. She is a in the U.S. Army from 1993 2001 graduate of M ountain 99. He works as the banquet View High School and a 2005 manager and restaurant su graduate of George Fox Uni pervisor for 10 Below in Bend.
Arlie and Lynne (Buswell) Holm, of Bend, will celebrate their 30th wedding anniver sary Aug. 28. The couple were married Aug. 28, 1982, at Englewood United Methodist Church in Salem. They have two chil dren, Steve (and Jamie) of Bend, and Arliena, of Corval lis; and four grandchildren. Mr. Holm worked for the U.S. Forest Service for 33
years until his retirement in 1991. He enjoys hunting and is a member of the Archeo logical Society of C entral Oregon. Mrs. Holm taught for 25 years at Pilot Butte Junior High until her retirement in 1994. She is a volunteer with Meals on Wheels. They both enjoy golfing and spending time with their family. Mr. and Mrs. Holm have lived in Central Oregon for 34 and 43 years, respectively.
Wayne Glass Jr.and Ashley Glass, a boy,Logan James Glass, 8 pounds, 2 ounces, July 25. Adam andTaira Wright, a girl, Giselle Omari Wright, 6 pounds, 6 ounces, July 30. Michael and Victoria Berg,a girl, Addison Leah Berg, 7 pounds, 4 ounces, July18. J David Woodand Diana Ackerman,a girl, Caroline Elizabeth Wood, 7 pounds, 12 ounces, July 27. Travis and ShelbyDavidson, a girl, Grace Lynn Davidson, 7 pounds, 7 ounces, July 27. Ty and Nicole Boody,a girl, Zileyonah Hope Boody, 6 pounds, July 26. Dennis White ill and Arlissa Rhoan,a girl, Coraline Snow W hite, 7 pounds,1 ounce,July 26. Kyle and AmandaDetweiler, a boy, Matthew Diener Detweiler, 6 pounds, 10 ounces, July 22. Brian and JuliAnneSmith, a boy, Von Neil Smith, 5 pounds, 11 ounces, July 24. Casey and Carrie Baxter,a boy, Austin Jay Baxter, 7 pounds, 11 ounces, July 28.
John andAshley McKay, a boy, Brayden Kite McKay, 4 pounds, 9 ounces, July17. Donald and LaceyBoyd,a girl, Bailey Renee Boyd-Dale, 8 pounds, 9 ounces, Aug.1. Thaddeus andAmySmith, a girl, BethanyRose Smith,6 pounds,12 ounces, Aug. 3. Kevin and ReannaDowney, a boy, Caleb Brian Downey, 7 pounds, 13 ounces, July 28. Shannon andAmber Walker, a girl, Alohilani Maile Walker, 8 pounds, 11 ounces, Aug.1.
Delivered at St. Charles Redmond Summer Saadeddin,a girl, Alyscia Marie Saeed Saadeddin, 6 pounds, 3 ounces, July 30. Joshua Wright andChelsea Ciechanski,a girl, Adaleigh Rae Ann Wright, 7 pounds, 1 ounce, July 24. David and Charlotte Skala,a boy, JettDavid Skala,6 pounds,3 ounces, July 22. Kayla Riley,a girl, Shayla LouRae Riley, 8 pounds, 4 ounces, July10. Jason and Erica Moser,a boy, Brody Scott Moser, 8 pounds, 8 ounces, July12.
khan ~+ ' p.'
The call youcan't answer with an iphone toyour ear By Janice D'Arcy
return for two weeks of pres ence, right? "I would definitely say that As I write this, I am tech nically spending time with parents being more able to be my daughters. They' ve been fully present with their children liberated from camp, and without the distractions of do I should have closed my mestic duties at home and de laptop hours ago. "Should" mands from work is one of the tends to be an elusive goal biggest benefit of vacations for in my parenting world, so kids," said Tina Payne Bryson, instead they are huddled in co-author of "The Whole-Brain front of "Busytown" as I sit a Child: 12 Revolutionary Strate few feet away. gies to Nurture Your Child' s The reason is a good one Developing Mind." — well, there's always a It's worth the effort, she said, good reason. This time my to tuck away the smartphone excuse for facing a screen and tune into the family. "With instead of the two of them out distraction, parents can is that we' re about to set off usually pay more undivided on a two-week family va attention to their children. This cation during which I have frees parents up to be more pledged to myself that I will playful, to be more tuned into be "present." their child's needs and desires That is, I will not be half and to build great memories." listening to a story about my Okay, so now it's time to younger daughter's imagi turn off the computers (both of nary friend while scroll them), store my iPhone and hit ing through e-mails on my the road. i Phone or p r etending to watch the older daughter' s mangled cartwheel while Precious Topaz 8 Diamond typing my to-do list. My 14 day mantra will be: Focus. One evening of f amily screen time isn't so bad in The Washington Post
Kendra Wax and Ryan Johnson.
Wax — Johnson
works as the hospitality and events manager at Hall Wines Kend ra Wax and Ryan in Napa Valley. Johnson, both of Napa, Calif., The future groom is the son plan to marry June 8 at the of Martin and Julie Johnson, Westin Verasa in Napa. of Woodinville, Wash. He is a T he future b r ide i s t h e 2000 graduate of Justin-Siena daughter of Michael and Kath High School in Napa and a erine Wax, both of Bend. She 2005 graduate of University of is a 2001 graduate of Mountain Oregon, where he studied jour View High School and a 2005 nalism and c ommunication. graduate of Southern Oregon He works as the wholesale University, where she stud brand manager for Silver Oak ied business marketing. She Wine Cellars in Napa Valley.
Bill and Jeanette Peckham.
War II in the Pacific Theater. He worked for Hunt-Wesson Bill and Jeanette Peck Foods in Fullerton, Calif., ham, of B end, celebrated for more than 25 years as their 65th wedding anniver director of executive com sary Aug. 14. pensation and data control The couple were married operations. Aug. 14, 1947, at the Lil' Cha Mrs. Peckham studied art pel of Flowers in Southern in college and her art was California. They have three displayed in a gallery in Pas children, Tani, Kathleen and adena, Calif. They have en Dana, five grandchildren and joyed outdoor sports, travel one great-granddaughter. and family. Mr. Peckham served in They have lived in Central the U.S. Navy during World Oregon since 1989.
e> Katharine Clermont andDevon Brant.
Clermont — Brant
nary technician program. She works as a vet assistant at Katharine Clermont Cinder Rock Veterinary Clinic a nd Devon Brant, both o f in Redmond. Redmond, were married July The groom is the son of 21 at his grandparents' home Lonnie and Sheri Brant, of in Bend, w it h a r e c eption Redmond. He is a 2004 gradu following. ate of Redmond High School. The bride is the daughter He works as a mechanic at of Jim and Lisa Clermont, of L KQ Brad's Auto 8 T r u c k Redmond. She is a 2009 grad Parts, in Redmond. uate of Redmond High School The couple honeymooned and is c u r rently a ttending on the Oregon Coast. Penn Foster College, where They w i ll sett l e in she is studying in the veteri Redmond.
Varicose Vein Experts
Albert "Red" Nance, of Redmond, will celebrate his 90th birthday with an open house reception hosted by his wife and children from I to 4 p.m. Saturday at the Redmond Grange, 707 S.W. Kalama Ave. Mr. Nance was born Aug. 25, 1922 in Grandview. He married Fran Nance in 1947. He has three children, Stan (and Sue) Juetten, of Ukiah, Calif.; Phil (and Louann), of Redmond; and Karen (and Steven) Slater, of Prineville; six grandchildren; and seven great-grandchildren. Mr. Nance worked 41 years as a mill worker, including 20 years as a certified lumber grader. He retired in 1984. He was also a lifetime rancher and farmer and raised regis tered quarter horses. He has enjoyed hunting, t rapping
Call us today 541-728-0850
The Bulletin Albert "Red" Nance. and researching the blood lines of horses and the his tory of Central Oregon. Mr. Nance was instrumental in starting the high school and junior high school rodeos in Redmond and served as the Grand Marshall of the Ore gon High School Rodeo Asso ciation Parade in 1983. When he was a boy, he rode horse back to school in Grandview. He has lived in Central Or egon all his life.
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THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME by bavid L. Hoyt and Jeff Knutek
Unscramble these six Jumbles one letter to each square, to form six ordinary words.
so that every row, column and 3x3 box contains every digit from 1 to 9 inclusively.
SHOCOY Ogbtg Tr bene Med a Sen ces.tnc All Rights Reserved
Now arrange the circled letters to form the surprise answer, as suggested by the above cartoon.
SUDOKU SOLUTION IS ON C8 Franclne Orr /Los Angeles Times
Astronomer Mike Beckage stands with a telescopeat an astronomy club meeting in Seal Beach, Calif. Club members bring out telescopes so members of the public can view the heavens.
Ste ar 0 y: s owin ot ers t ewon erso t eni ts y By Rick Rojas Los Angeles Times
"This winds up being
L OS ANGELES — T h e summer sunset has painted a vivid watercolor of orange, coral and violet over the Pa cific, just past the pier in Seal Beach. But M i c hael B eck age already has his telescope trained on the moon. Even in this light, the moon is bright and crystalline, like a salt mine with dimples and ridges. Yet Beckage hardly has a moment to take a peek. Instead, a little girl perches on a stepladder to squint into the eyepiece, a line forming be hind her. "Do you see the holes in the moon?" Beckage says, point ing out the craters. "Do you know what they' re called?" He tells the little girl to put her eye as close as she can. She cups her hand around the eyepiece and smiles as she takes it all in. Beckage knows what she' s experiencing. It's the moment he had as a 10-year-old, when his neighbor called him over to look through a telescope for the first time. He saw the moon, marveling at its con tours in such detail — and that ignited a lifelong fascination with all there is to behold in the universe. "This winds up being the most fulfilling thing I do in life: sharing a telescope," Beckage says. "It's exciting to see peo ple's sense of wonder sparked by a telescope. This kid might do something with this." Beckage comes monthly to this patch of grass between the water and Seal Beach's Main Street, with its restaurants and bars. He picks a night when conditions are right — the sky clear, the moon visible — and sends out an email blast to lo cal amateur astronomers. At his "star parties," Beck age and the other amateur as tronomers set up their scopes at dusk and stay late into the night. Like Beckage, the oth
the most fulfilling thing I do in life:
Want tojoin in? Check the Calendar lisitngs on Page C3 for information on night-sky viewing events in Central Oregon.
sharing a telescope. It's exciting to see people's sense of wonder sparked by a telescope."
summer night, but the crowd isn'tdeterred. There are fami lies with children, teenagers — Michael Beckage, with t heir f r i ends, retiree s astronomer strolling. They notice the tele scopes as they pass by, and that's how Beckage pulls them ers don't come just to see for in. themselves but to give anyone Throughout th e e v ening, who happens by a chance to they amble up to his scope, a take a look. few at a time. " Very f e w p e o ple h a v e Many take a peek and move looked through a high-quality on, but some hang around telescope," Beckage says. "The and ask questions. Some even feeling of l o o king t h rough promise to come back. a high-quality t elescope is Steve Liivoja, 50, is one of contagious." those who keep coming back. So he brings his telescopes The Cypress, Calif., resident to them. With a partner he met grew up t h i n king a strono at a seminar in Cerritos, Calif., my was boring. But one day about 10 years ago, he goes to Beckage invited him to look classrooms, nature walks and through his telescope, and he Girl Scout meetings. During was amazed. That was three the transit of Venus, he set years ago, and he's been com up in a parking lot at Leisure ing almost every month since. "I got transformed in one World, where seniors watched intently for hours as the dot night," Liivoja says. of a planet trudged across the A cluster of stargazers have sun's surface like a snail on a made the parties part of their sidewalk. routine, some coming since On this evening, a handful they started in 2007. Every of people have gathered in the month they' ll plop down on a Seal Beach park, and Beck single spot for hours on a Sat age waits for each to have a urday night. They know what chance to see the moon. Then, to look for and even help Beck he eases his massive orange age explain the images in the telescope a few clicks to the scope to the newcomers pass right. ing by. He zooms deeper into the The regulars say they are solar system and focuses on drawn by the vastness of the the gas giant Saturn three universe. It's humbling, they planets away. say. Spiritual, even. Nothing "Saturn is a p l a net t h at puts things in perspective like thrills everyone who looks at seeing Saturn — a planet that it!" he says. could fit 763 Earths inside of it It doesn't take long for the — rendered like a thumbnail sun to sink below the surf. size slide in a View-Master. "Your ego vanishes here," The moonlight reflects off the ocean and the night sky fills Liivoja says, "because you' re with stars. just a tiny speck in this gar It's unusually chilly for a gantuan mass."
A j jlications
environmental c ente r
Cover an honor By FRANK STEWART Tribune Media Services C o LI
Of all the "rules" that defenders observe, " cover an honor with an honor" may be the most — no pun intended — honored. One famous expert stated that "if they don't cover, they don't have it." He thought most players adhere blindly to the rule. Deciding whether to cover is not
Application deadline: August 31, 2012
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by ducking, but say he takes the jack and shifts to clubs. South wins and leads a second heart to the ten and ace. He wins the club return, leads a spade to dummy and cashes the king of hearts. When West's queen falls, South has nine tricks. West could beat 3NT by covering the eight of hearts. Then East's seven would control the fourth round of the suit, and South could get only one
S outh 1 NT 20
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Opening lead — 4 J (C) 2012 Tribune Media Services, Inc.
LOS ANGELESTIMES SUNDAY CROSSWORD Edited by Rich Norris an d Joyce Nichols Lewis "INVITATION TO THE DANCE" By PANCHO HARRISON ACROSS I Frivolous 5 Household moniker
90 Journalist Alexander 91 117-Across film with a classic umbrella scene 95 Uses a cell 97 Lateral
DOWN 1 Package label word 2 "Leading With My Chin" author 3 Absorbed by 4 Scl-fi writer whose career
spans more than 70 years
98 Marine flier
9 Farm houses 99 calgary's province 14 Medieval Italian 103 So-so chest 18 Western casino 106 07-Across's film debut city
5 Place fora
patch 6 Latin trio word 7 Chapel bench
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and leads the eight of hearts. If West plays low, South lets the eight ride.
Scopes Trial film featuring
The awards ceremony will be hosted by Cascade Culinary Institute at Elevation Restaurant, October 18, 2012.
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more information and applications are available online: envirocenter.org
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a sequential holding, usually cover the last card in the sequence. So if you sit behind dummy's QJ4 with K65, play low if d ummy leads the queen but consider covering the jack later; declarer may have A982. Another issue — whether to cover almost-honors — is harder. Today' s
57 Prepare 60 With 75-Across,
I-'j We' relooking for leaders, . pioneers,andheroesofsustainability.
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61 Newer, In a
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complex, but if he won the first spade in dummy and led a second spade, East would have to m ake a f a tal discard. Cover an honor? Maybe, maybe always easy. Cover only when you not. might gain by promoting lower cards South dealer in your hand or i n y o u r partner's N-S vulnerable
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heart trick. At double dummy, South could
C e n tral Oregon Radiology C a p stone Advisory Group M i l ler Lumber
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©2012Tribune Media Services,Inc.
Evison Continued from C1 "I have to write. Really. It' s my way o f a r ticulating the madness. I'm r eally m anic, and I' ve got to give some sort of shape to the biochemical madness that is my brain." F vison is k n own fo r h i s support of i nde p endent bookstores, and specifically asked that we mention Sun river Books 8 Music as being among his most vocal sup porters early in his publishing career — before the 2011 pub lication of his New York Times best-selling sophomore book, "West of Here," a sprawling novel that garnered him still more renown, and awards. He calls the more personal and emotionally driven "The Revised FundamentalsofCare giving" "a novel of the heart." It concerns a man named Ben Benjamin, who, tw o y e a rs after the tragic deaths of his own two kids, becomes care giver to a teen boy named Trev, who's living through the late stages of Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Though the book stands on its own merits, one can see how art imitates, or borrows from, Fvison's life. "I was looking back at my life about 10 years ago, when I was in this stage I call a blur, just like Ben does," the 43-year old says. "I wanted to write about a guy who, like myself about 10 years ago, just sort of bottomed out. I combined a couple of other things that have informed my life." Those things include "the freak accidental death of my sister on her 16th birthday, how that affected my parents," he says. "And I was about to become a parent when I start ed this book." The n o ve l i n t e ntionally opens two years after Ben's tragicloss."Because, fora cou ple of years there when you' re
If yougo RO lMIII•
too," Fvison says. "Ben and Trev are kind of creepy in the beginning," he says, referring K...< to the male bond the two share. "They' re sort of these two per vy dudes hanging out." Submitted photo In a way, not imbuing these Author and musician Willy Vlautinwill join Jonathan Evison in characters with flaws would conversation Saturday at Sunriver Books 8 Music. be dehumanizing, he says. "It'd be like shooting fish in a barrel. It could be mawk grieving, there is no hope," they were and admit them, be ish or Hallmark. You know, 'a says Fvison, who became a cause that was my life spiral father who's lost his children caregiver during the aftermath ing down the toilet." and a kid suffering from MD.' "I cried a lot writing that of his divorce. I wanted to humanize them by "I just wanted to give some book, but I laughed my ass off concentrating on their flaws in t hing back. I j u s t k i n d o f learned that's the time when you' ve got to give. When you feel like you really have noth ing. That's when we as human beings can discover our capac ities. When you start giving back at a time like that, it gives back to you." Fvison spent four years as a caregiver to four clients for $9.50 an hour. He still visits with them, including the young man upon whom he based the character of Trev. In the book, Ben has a close friend named Forest who re fuses to give up on him. "I had any number of friends like For est, and an incredible family to lean on," says Fvison. "That' s what got me into caregiving. I was emotionally bereft ... and so grateful I had all the friends and family who tried to prop me up ... when they were prob ably just thinking, 'Holy cow.' " Ten years ago, "I was on such weak emotional footing that I would end up in some really ridiculous situations. I didn't realize how ridiculous 0000000 00 OOL O
e nsive i n e s.
ATLANTA — In the past al most-decade, Jason Mraz has graduated from park concerts to club shows to radio sta tion holiday hodgepodges to this, his first-ever headlining amphitheater tour. Mraz, 35, had time for a brief chat from a tour stop in Tampa to talk about the live show, his posi tive outlook and being green. This is a big tour for • you. How have you had to adjust the staging for am phitheaters? Bigger band? Dif ferent arrangements? All of the above. We' re • reviving a lot of old songs I couldn't pull off live (before), and there's a lot more technol ogy on stage. We' ve got large screens with beautiful content and close-ups of the band. But the key point is having a good time. The goal is for our songs to flow from the stage like the audience is used to.
What's inspired this new • manly look with the long hair and beard? (Laughs) When I made • the last album I really retreated. I moved into a quiet little room in downtown Los Angeles for a couple of months and it was like being in a cave, and when Icame out I have a beard and long hair. Then I got home (to San Diego) and took the mirror off the bathroom wall and replaced it with a sign that says, "You look amazing." It changed my whole outlook. I want to make great music, and when I'm not making music I want to better the world. Y ou' re doing a lo t o f "green" things on this tour, aren't you? Absolutely. We' re eating • food from localfarmers ... and traveling with reusable filters. We' re planting trees in select cities and encouraging fans to carpool to the shows and giving them discounts.
— Reporter: 541-383-0349, djasperC<bendbulletin.corn
QRA with JasonMraz Cox News Service
a big way early in the book." "Weird as it sounds," Fvison says, "I saw the novel like an artichoke. I saw these layers of armor protecting his heart, and I just wanted to peel the story back and reveal Ben's character." The structure worked for Vlautin. "I read the first chap ter and then I j ust couldn' t leave it," he tells The Bulletin. "I kept reading, saying to my self I'd get some work done after the next chapter, and that lasted until I finished it. It's that
. US. Cellular.
By Melissa Ruggieri
What:Jonathan Evison,author of "TheRevised Fundamentals of Caregiving" and other books, in conversation with musician and author Willy Vlautin
rare book — very funny and heartbreaking and also easy to read." Fvison says that in writing the book, he sought to find hope in the most hopeless of situations. "I wanted to write a book about irredeemable loss that we have to survive. We have these holes in our lives that can't ever really be filled, but we have no choice but to try and fill them and motor on," Fvison says. "I fully i nhabit my c har acters; I keep building them lovingly until I'm comfortable enough with them, until I can literally live inside of them. I suffered with them, but I also experienced catharsis through them. I need the fictive lens sometimes to face the stuff in my own life."
When:5 p.m. Saturday Where:Sunriver Books 8 Music, Sunriver Village, Building 25C Cost:Free Contact:www.sunriverbooks .corn or 541-593-2525
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Scoreboard, D2 MLB, D3, D4
Motor sports, D3
Tennis, D3 Football, D5 Golf, D6
© www.bendbulletin.corn/sports
USC tops AP poll, Ducks claim fifth NEW YORK Southern California is No. 1 in the AP Top 25, tossing off the weight of NCAA sanctions and returning to a familiar place in the rankings — with a boost from LSU's problems. USC earned the top spot in The Associated Press' preseason col lege football poll for the seventh time in school history and the first time in five seasons, edging out No. 2Alabamaand No. 3 LSU. The Trojans, who were banned from post season play the past two seasons, received 25 of a possible 60 first-place votes from a media panel in a close vote. USC received 1,445 points. Defending national champion Ala bama had 17 first-place votes and 1,411 points while LSU, the Crimson Tide's SEC rival, got 16
first-place votes and 1,402 points. "We definitely didn't come here to be underdogs," Trojans safety T.J. McDonald said Saturday. "The ranking doesn't mean we' ve done anything as a team. But it's good to see we' re back where we' re supposed to be." Oklahoma was fourth with a single first-place vote and Oregon was fifth. Michigan, at No. 8, received the only other first-place vote. For a complete list of the AP poll, see Score board,D2. — The Associated Press
Alex Mcoo ugall /
The Bulletin
Jon Davis, of Bend, watches his drive from the 16th hole at Widgi Creek Golf Club. Davis said he golfs during the twilight hours for the cheaper price and the convenience of playing right after work.
• Bargains canbefound if golfersarewiling to tee off in twilight
he sun was only a memory. But with two holes remaining, my playing partner and I were resolved in our quest to make the most out of our 5:30 p.m. tee time. With the sky purple and the glow of car headlights cruising by on nearby Century Drive, we pressed on in a race against the darkness of a recent warm summer night. Why did we tee off so late when daylight would be such an issue? We were making use of the $25 "super twilight rate" at Bend's Widgi Creek Golf Club, which begins each summer eve ning at 5:30.
Mika Miyazatoputts on the 11th green during the second round of the LPGA SafewayClassic on Saturday.
Japanese golfer
ZACIC HALL Widgi Creek is one of four Central Oregon facilities — joining Aspen Lakes in Sisters, pitch-and-putt Miss ing Link in Redmond, and Sunriver Resort's Woodlands and Meadows courses (which all offer their rates starting at 5 p.m.) — that offer a super twi light rate. Juniper Golf Course in Redmond and Widgi Creek also offer discounted rates that begin at 4 p.m. Such rates can be a boon for both bargain-hunting golf
ers and revenue-thirsty golf courses. And they' ve proved popular in some circumstances. "We have really seen an in crease in afternoon play since we started the Family Golf Program," says Josh McKinley, head pro at Aspen Lakes, which uses its early-evening rates to entice families with junior golf ers. "In prior years, we would get maybe three to five people a day out for super twilight. With the family golf initiative, we have seen an average of 12 to 15 players a day after 5 p.m." I happen to be a penny-pinch ing family man, myself, so I am intrigued by such rates. See Darkness/D6
Supertwilightrates Aspen LakesGolf Course (Sisters):$45 for a family of four or $35 for a junior and an
adult (includes cart), or $40 for individual after 5 p.m.
Missing LinkFamilyGolf Center (Redmond):$10 unlimited play after 5 p.m.
Sunriver Resort:$49 after 5 p.m. (includes cart) Widgi CreekGolfClub(Bend): $25 after 5:30 p.m. or $39 after
4 p.m. Juniper Golf Course:$49 (including cart) after 4 p.m.
leads LPGA event Mika Miyazato is in front of the tournament being held near Portland,D6
Rangers 2 Blue Jays
Reds 5 - 7 Cubs 3-9
Red Sox 4 Yankees
Phillies 4 Brewers 3
Orioles Tigers
3 Dodgers 6 2 Braves 2
Royals 9 Me t s 2 White Sox 4 Nationals 0 A' s
8 D 'backs 12 Indians 5 A stros 4
Mariners 3 Cardinals 5 T wins 2 Pir ates 4
Rays 1 0 Giants 8 Angels 8 Padres 7
Calculating risk of not punting on fourth down
Tyler Ander son of the Bullets splits two defend ers during his team's game against the Adventure Chiropractic team Satur day morning at the North west Cup roller hockey tournament in Bend.
By Adam Himmelsbach New York Times News Service
AlexMcoougall / The Bulletin
Marlins 6 Rockies 5
Northwest Cuprolls into Bend By Amanda Miles
The pratfalls of
playing pigskin Former LSU star Tyrann Mathieu is latest high profile player to stumble in spotlight,D5
The Bulletin
Tahqu Schafer-Arbuckle was one busy boy playing in the Northwest Cup on Saturday. That's because the Bend 9-year-old was pull ing double duty in the 19th annual roller hockey tournament, which began Saturday morning at Cascade Indoor Sports in Bend.
Schafer-Arbuckle played on two teams dur ing the two-day tournament. His Angry Bird Bend squad wrapped up play in the 10U divi sion on Saturday afternoon, while his 14U Sour Punch squad will play up to three more games today in addition to the two round-robin games it contested on Saturday. SeeCup/D6
The punt seems to contra dict football's essence, as coaches voluntarily relin quish the ball even though they have at least one more chance to move it forward. Although some statistics show there are often better options on fourth down, teams continue to punt, punt and then punt some more. But what if they did not? What if the punt was punted? Last week, San Diego State coach Rocky Long said he might consider going for first downs when his team faced fourth downs past midfield this year. His inten tions rekindled a debate about the value of the punt, a play some think is a product of coaches' conservatism
and resistance to change. "Coaches tend to be risk averse," said Dr. Ben Ala mar, a professor of sports management at Menlo Col lege in Atherton, Calif., who has studied NFL statistics. "People are typically uncom fortable moving away from the norms." David Romer, a profes sor of political economy at University of California Berkeley, published a paper in 2005 on the statistics of punting that has become the gospel for the antipunting faction. Romer, who ana lyzed data from NFL games from 1998 to 2004, deter mined, among other things, that teams should not punt when facing fourth-and-4 yards or less, regardless of field position. See Punting/D5
Today BASEBALL 9a.m.: Little League World Series, Canada vs. Panama, ESPN2. 10:30 a.m.:MLB, Los Angeles Dodgers at Atlanta Braves, TBS. 11 a.m.:Little League World Series, California vs. Tennessee, ABC. 1 p.m.:MLB, Minnesota Twins at Seattle Mariners, Root Sports. 2 p.m.:Little League World Series, Texas vs. Indiana, ESPN. 4 p.m.:Little League World Series, Japan vs. Taiwan, ESPN2. 5 p.m.:MLB, Boston Red Sox at New York Yankees, ESPN. TENNIS 9:30 a.m.:ATP, Western 8 Southern Open, final, CBS. 1 p.m.:WTA, Western 8 Southern Open, final, ESPN2. GOLF 10 a.m.:PGA Tour, Wyndham Championship, final round, Golf Channel. Noon:PGA Tour, Wyndham Championship, final round, CBS. Noon:Champions Tour, Dick's Sporting Goods Open, final round, Golf Channel. 1 p.m.:USGA, U.S. Amateur, championship match, NBC. 4 p.m.:LPGA Tour, Safeway Classic, final round, Golf Channel. MOTOR SPORTS 10 a.m.:NASCAR, Sprint Cup, Pure Michigan 400, ESPN. 11 a.m.:American Le Mans Series at Road American
(taped), ESP N2. 6 p.m.:National Hot Rod Association, Lucas Oil
Nationals (same-day tape), ESPN2. SOCCER 2 p.m.:Major League Soccer, Philadelphia Union at D.C. United, NBC Sports Network. 4 p.m.:Major League Soccer, Portland Timbers at New York Red Bulls, CW. 7:30 p.m.:Major League Soccer, Portland Timbers at New York Red Bulls (same-day tape), Root Sports. FOOTBALL 5 p.m.:NFL, preseason, Indianapolis Colts at Pittsburgh Steelers, NBC.
Monday BASEBALL 9 a.m.:Little League World Series, Ramstein, Germany, vs. Kearney, Neb., ESPN2. 11 a.m.:Little League World Series, Vancouver, B.C., or Aguadulce, Panama, vs. Willemstad, Curacao, ESPN. 1 p.m.:Little League World Series, Petaluma, Calif., or Goodlettsville, Tenn., vs. Parsippany, N.J., ESPN. 3 p.m.:Little League World Series, Tokyo or Taoyuan, Taiwan, vs. Nuevo Laredo, Mexico, ESPN2. 5 p.m.:Little League World Series, San Antonio or New Castle, Ind., vs. Fairfield, Conn., ESPN2. 7 p.m.:MLB, San Francisco Giants at Los Angeles Dodgers, ESPN2. 7 p.m.: M LB,Cleveland Indians at Seattle Mariners, Root Sports. SOCCER 11:55 a.m.:English Premier League, Everton FC vs. Manchester United, ESPN2. 3 p.m.:English Premier League, Manchester City vs. Southampton(same-day tape), Root Sports. CYCLING 1 p.m.:USA Pro Challenge, Stage 1, NBC Sports Network. FOOTBALL 5 p.m.:NFL, preseason, Philadelphia Eagles at New England Patriots, ESPN. Listings are themost accurate available. TheBulletinis not responsible for late changes made by TVor radio stations.
PREPS Calendar To submit information tothe PrepCalendar, email The Bulletin atspuds©bendbullettn.corn
Bend High football Daily doubles: Aug.2030at BendHigh; Varsity/ JV from 9to 11:30a.m.and5to 7:30p.m.Freshmen from 8 to10:30a.m.and4to 6:30p.m. Note: Paperwork is available at theBendHigh's athletics office starling Aug. 6. Paperworkand fees are notnecessaryto checkoutequipment butmustbe completedbeforepractice starts Aug.20. Mountain View football Daily doubles: Aug. 20 24;varsity/JV 9to1130 a m. and3to530 pm.; freshmenBto1030am .and 11:30 a.m.to 2p.m. Paperwork: Will be availablefor final clearance starling Aug. 6 in theMountain ViewHighathletics office. ARpaperwork and physicals must be onfile beforeAug.20. Summit football Daily doubles: Aug. 2024, varsity/JV 8 to 11 a.m. and 4 to 6 p.m.; freshmen9to 11 a.m. and 4 to 5:30 p.m. Paperwork: Available atthe Summit Highathlet ics office. Summit girls soccer Tryuuls: Aug. 2024, 8 9:30a.m. and 5 7 p.m. at Summit High. Playersmust fill out appropriate paperworkprior to Mondaymorning; paperworkis available in theathletics office at Summit. Formore information go to http://www.road9sporls.corn/leam/ SummitGirlsSoccer/.
Ridgeview boyssoccer
AR incomingRidgeviewandRedmond Proficien cy Academystudents living within the Ridgeview boundaryarewelcometo attendag of the following events. Formoreinformation go to ridgeviewsoccer. corn. Ravens daily-double lryuuls: Aug. 20 24 at RidgeviewHigh; check inAug. 20, 9 10a.m., in TV production lab inside school. Sessions run 10 to 11:45 a.m.and6:30 to 8:15 p.m. each day. Players should bringshinguardsandrunning shoes. Cascade Middle School football Contact camp: AtSummitStadiumfor incoming seventhgradersandeighth graders;Aug.2023, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Cost$80 for two weekcamp. Contact Summit HighheadcoachJoe Padilla at joe.padtllaO bend.k12.0r.usor call 541 610 9866 to signup or for more information.
I, Cathy Hayler/BeckyBartow/DebAiken/Linda Dwyer,72. 2,BonnyMcPherson/SammyMcPherson/ Lisa Tavares/TaylorTavares,73.3,SelmaCusick/Judy Skaurud/Myrna Harris/BarbaraJohnson, 73. KPs — DarleneToten, No.8; Rosemary Spadoni, No. 14. LOs —SammieMcPherson,No.17 Long Putt — Lee AnnRawlins, No.1. Accurate Drive —CandyOR ' ear, No.6. SUNRIVER
Women's ClubChampionship, August fe Stroke Play Club Champion —DeniceGardemeyer, 108. WIOGI CREEK
Men's Club, August 15 Best Ball Blue Tees — I, Bill Burley/JohnDeetz/Daryl Hjeresen/JohnCosgrave, 123. 2,Bob Brydges/Dave Black/DonKramer/Jim Wegock, 124.3, FranOstlund/ Gary Hoagland/RicMoar/Ri k ck Hanson, 125. White Tees — I,RonStassens/Rich Friscia/Rich Belzer,108. 2(tie), Jim Bradbury/Charles Paris/Tony Lord/RussellStruve,120; TomGilmer/John Ramsey/ RayHorgen,120. KPs — Bill Burley,No. 11;RayHorgen, No.15.
Hole-In-OneReport August 15 BROKENTOP
No. 2...
Or. Jack Brewer ....... 136 yards.......
PGA Tour Wyndham Champiuship Saturday Al Sedgefield Country Club Greeusburu, N. C. yardage:7,117;Paf: 70 Third Round SergioGarcia 67 63 66 196 Bud Cauley 66 65 66 197
Tim Clark JasonDufner Harris English Carl Pettersson Davis LoveIII Matt Every Jim m yWalker Justin Leonard Will Claxton Richard H.Lee ChadCampbell Bill Haas Troy Matteson WebbSimpson BobbyGates Chart Schwarlzel Scott Stagings Local Tommy Gainey Club Results NicolasColsaerls AWBREYGLEN Billy Horschel Women's Sweeps,Augustfe HeathSlocum Odd/Eveu John Merrick I, ShannonMorton/KayeWigiams/Roberla Dyer/ BrandtSnedeker KarenCone,88.2,Rosie Cook/Molly Mount/Donna Kevin Streelman Frazier/blinddraw,91.3, Kathy Fleck/DianeRobinson/ BrendondeJonge ArdeneFugerlon/AnneGoldner, 92. D.A. Points Chip-in — Kaye Wiliams. GrahamDeLaet Nine HoleWomen's Sweeps,Augusl19 RoccoMediate Lucky "7" TrevorImmelman I, NeenieGreenhoe,24.2, RosieLong, 25.3, Sally John Huh Figiman,29.4, PattyStark, 32.5, Wendy Lewis, 36. Angel Cabrera Patrick Cantlay BEND GOLFANO COUNTRY CLUB Gary Christian Ladies Golf Association, August 15 Tim Herron Stroke Play Dicky Pride Championship Flight — Gross: I, SueKeeney, Kyle Thompson 77. Net: I, G retchenByrd, 74. Chris Kirk A Flight — Gross: I, Cindi Eielson,91. Nel: I Rod Pampling (tie), JeannieAdkisson, 76;MadelineHenderson, 76. Kyle Reifers B Flight — Gross: I, Elaine Dehart, 94. Nel: I, BlakeAdams GingerWiliamson, 71. Jeff Overton C Flight — Gross: I, SandyMills, 96. Nel: I, Russell Knox DeborahCox,72. Y.E.Yang 0 Flight — Gross: I, Sue Wesson, 113.Nel: I, Alexandre Rocha Ruth Taylor,74. Nine Hole Stroke Play — Gross: I, Berla Nick Watney Jamie Donaldson Cleveland,49.Nel: I, Carolyn Olsen, 40.5.
63 67 67 197 68 67 63 198 66 64 68 198 62 68 68 198 67 66 66 199 65 66 68 199 66 62 71 199 68 68 64 200 69 66 65 200 66 69 65 200 71 64 65 200 68 65 67 200 64 68 68 200 66 63 71 200 69 67 65 201 67 68 66 201 64 70 67 201 66 67 68 201 67 65 69 201 69 67 66 202 68 67 67 202 66 69 67 202 67 67 68 202 68 66 68 202 68 68 67 203 68 68 67 203 69 67 67 203 70 65 68 203 67 68 68 203 69 65 69 203 67 71 66 204 70 68 66 204 67 70 67 204 76 61 67 204 69 68 67 204 69 67 68 204 66 69 69 204 68 66 70 204 67 72 66 205 67 71 67 205 69 69 67 205 68 68 69 205 67 69 69 205 68 68 69 205 66 69 70 205 68 66 71 205 68 71 67 206 72 67 67 206 70 69 67 206 73 65 68 206 71 68 68 207 67 71 69 207 67 70 70 207 67 71 69 207 69 68 70 207 67 69 71 207 67 69 71 207 63 71 73 207 71 68 69 208 73 66 69 208 72 67 69 208 72 65 71 208 68 71 70 209 72 67 70 209 72 67 70 209 72 67 70 209 68 70 72 210 66 69 75 210 70 68 74 212 66 69 77 212 68 71 74 213 69 70 74 213 68 70 77 215 64 70 WD 68 69 WD
Nick O'Hem
Men's Club, Aug. 15 alGlaze Meadow Nel Best Ball I, Cal Allen/Jerry Lawhun/KentGodfrey, 57. 2, BruceGibbs/GeneNelson/Ed Seabloom, 59. BROKENTOP
Men's Gathering, August 15
Nel Stroke Play First Flight — I, Ron Simpson,70.2,PaulCraig, 72. 3 (tie), RayGrimm, 73; RobertNewberry, 73.5, GardnerWiliams, 75.6,JohnJames, 82. Second Flight I, Bob Abraham, 69. 2, Bob Pearson,70. 3 (tie), Dirk Zeger,76; GregCushman, 76; James Wolfe, 76; Larry Dougharty,76. 7,Michael Peters, 77. Third Flight I, Mark Hamlin,71.2(tie), James Smith, 74;TomStrange, 74.4, SidGaron,83. 5, Joe Mansfield, 86. Fourth Flight I, Mike Marr,73.2,JoeTilman, 74. 3, TerryCochran, 76. 4,Craig Brown,79. 5, Dell Squire, 83. 6,DavidLight,84. Fifth Flight I , Bob Brookman,68. 2 (tie), David Machamer,72;MaroPaz,72. 4, Cirilo Galong, 73. 5, BobPalanuk,74.6, Harold Ashford, 77. 7,Jack Williams,80. CROOKEDRIVER RANCH
Ladies Golf Wednesday,August 15 Chapman A Flight — Gross: I, Britton/Cusick, 73. 2, Rice/Johnson 88. Nel: I (tie), Hume/Fitzpatrick,63; Parker/Dillavou,63. B Flight — Gross: I, Dunham/Hopper,93. 2 (tie), Piazza/Kilgo, 101;Bonneg/Dewing,101.Nel: I, Bryant/Hogoway, 64. 2(tie), Borges/Murlaugh,65; Green/Harre 0, 65. Nine Hole Game — Gross: I, Holland/Kellogg, 45. 2, Powers/Garzini, 50.Nel: I, Cress/Meza,26.2, Torres/Parrish,33. EAGLECREST
Women's Club, August14 al Challenge Course If Only AFlight — I, MarciaWood,52.2, Lael Cooksley, 58. 3, SandraMarlin,59. 4(tie), VeronRygh,61;Carol Hagock,61. B Flight — I, JoanMathews,53. 2 (tie), Judith Moore, 55;CaroleFlinn, 55. 4 (tie), Beattie Stabeck, 56; SusanOsborn, 56. 0 Flight — I, LynneHenze,52. 2, LolaSolomon, 59.3,LoriBlack,60.4,Raydene Hei tzhausen,62.
9 iron
Jonas Blixt Scott Dunlap Kevin Stadler RyanMoore StuartAppleby Ryuji Imada Josh Teater DerekLamely CharlesHowell III ChezReavie David Mathis Troy Kelly DameronBeckman Jerry Kelly Brendan Steele Kevin Kisner Ben Kohles Charlie Wi Camilo Vigegas Chris Stroud Arjun Atwal TomPerniceJr. JasonKokrak Jeff Maggerl Billy Mayfair Paul Casey TomGillis LucasGlover
LPGATour Safeway Classic Saturday Al Pumpkin RidgeGolf Club, GhostCreek Golf Course North Plains, Ore. Purse: $1.5 milliuu Yardage: B,etf; Par: 72
Mika Miyazato So YeonRyu Cristie Kerr InbeePark Yani Tseng Paula 6reamer Sydnee Michaels HeeWonHan
Second Round
Brittany Lincicome MomokoUeda MichegeWie Alison Walshe JenniferJohnson Mindy Kim Haeji Kang I.K. Kim THE GREENSATREDMOND BrittanyLang Ladies uf the Greens,Augusl14 Angela Oh Nine Hole Stroke Play Dori Carter A Flight — Gross: I, SharonRosengarlh,39. Na YeonChoi 2, HazelBlackmore,39. 3, DianeMiyauchi, 40. Nel: I,Lynne Ekman,29.2,Irene Rupprecht,29.3,Bev BelenMozo SandraGal Tout, 31. BFlight — Gross: I, Pat Egiott, 46. 2, Norma Jee YoungLee Karinelcher Carter, 46. 3,RuthBackup,48. Nel: I, Bert Ganten LizetteSalas bein, 32. 2,LonieBibler,33. 3, DorisBabb,34. C Flight — Gross: I, Myrn Grant, 47. 2, Jan Giulia Sergas ChegaChoi Saunders,49.3,Betty Hall, 53.Net: I, KarleneGrove, SuzannPettersen 31. 2, LoisHoulberg,34. 3,LouWayneSteiger, 35. 0 Flight — Gross: I, AnitaEpstein,52. 2,Jane TiffanyJoh Mo Marlin Schroeder,53. 3,JanRogerson,57. Nel: I, Marilyn Jane Rah Marold ,29.2,Anita ErRe,33.3,LouBoyd,38. KPs — A Flight: Lois Morris. B Flight: Bobbie Amy Hung AngelaStanford Moore. 0 Flight: AnitaEpstein. LOs — A Flight: Diane Miyauchi. B Flight: AzaharaMunoz Linda Kanable. C Flight: Myrn Grant. 0 Flight: ShanshanFeng Jiyai Shin Marilyn Marold. Amelia Lewis Fewest Putts —HazelBlackmore,15;Lois Mor Karin Sjodin ris, 15. Golfers uf the Week —HazelBlackmore; Irene Karlin Beck DandieKung Rupprecht;LynneEkman. Leta Lindley Reilley Rankin JUNIPER Men's Club, Aug. fe LauraDiaz CatrionaMatthew Three LuwNel I, Mike Montgomery/DonGarney/JimGoad/Jack GerinaPiller Johnson, 194. 2, EltonGregory/Alan Stewart/Byron PornanongPhatlum Dahlen/WayneCastle, 201. 3 (tie), John McDaniel/ AmandaBlumenherst Richard Thurston/HankWeldon/Pat Ross,202; Scott Jodi Ewart Nicole Castrate Marlin/RodCooper/LynnKurlh/draw,202. KPs — Scott Marlin, No. 3; Pat Ross,No. 13; CindyLacrosse MiJung Hur WayneCastle, No.16. AnnaNordqvist KarrieWebb QUAIL RUN Men's Club, August 15 MeenaLee Mariajo Uribe Stroke Play First Flight — Gross: I, JoshDay,76. Nel: I Ai Miyazato (tie), JimElmblade, 70;DickBeeson, 70. Dewi ClaireSchreefel Christina Kim Second Flight — Gross: I, EdEnright, 90.Nel: I, Earl Allen,72.2, SteveRandol, 73. Kristy McPherson Third Flight — Gross: I, MauriceWalker, 104. PaigeMackenzie Net: I, Erv Rem mele, 76.2,Bill Quinn, 77. HeatherBowteYoung KPs — Earl Allen,No. 10;Dennis Haniford, No. Juli Inkster 14. KarenStupples Ladies Invitational, August fe BeatuzRecart Scramble Pernilla Lindberg
65 68 133 67 68 135 66 70 136 66 70 136 70 67 137 68 69 137 65 72 137 68 70 138 68 70 138 67 71 138 69 70 139 69 70 139 67 72 139 72 68 140 72 68 140 71 69 140 71 69 140 71 69 140 70 70 140 69 71 140 69 71 140 69 71 140 68 72 140 67 73 140 71 70 141 71 70 141 71 70 141 72 70 142 71 71 142 70 72 142 69 73 142 69 73 142 68 74 142 75 68 143 74 69 143 72 71 143 71 72 143 69 74 143 69 74 143 68 75 143 68 75 143 73 71 144 73 71 144 72 72 144 72 72 144 70 74 144 66 78 144 74 71 145 74 71 145 73 72 145 73 72 145 72 73 145 72 73 145 72 73 145 71 74 145 71 74 145 70 75 145 69 76 145 76 70 146 75 71 146 74 72 146 74 72 146 71 75 146 71 75 146 70 76 146 75 72 147
Maria Hjorlh StacyPramm anasudh JenniferRosales KathleenEkey StacyLewis SarahJaneSmith SophieGustafson Sun Young Yoo Natalie Gulbis WendyWard Failed lu Qualify Julieta Granada StephanieKono LindseyWright HannahYun MarcyHarl HeeKyungSeo TaylorCoutu RyannO'Toole gheeLee Irene Cho Beth Bader Vicky Hurst JessicaKorda JennyShin MorganPressel DaniegeKang Jin YoungPak HeeYoungPark Eun Hee Ji Janice Moodie JenniferSong Jane Park AlenaSharp
JaequiCo ncofino
Maria Hernande z JennieLee BeckyMorgan KatherineHull AyakaKaneko a LeeLopez HannaKang TanyaDergal Lexi Thompson Lorie Kane Allison Hanna JessicaShepley Katie Futcher Christel Boeljon Mina Harigae DianaD'Alessio NicoleHage SandraChangkija VeronicaFelibert SaraOvadia Moira Dunn MeaghanFrancega Katy Harris Elisa Serram ia MeredithDuncan Jimin Kang StephanieLouden Kris Tamulis ChristineSong Victoria Tanco RebeccaLeeBentham Ashli Bunch CydneyClanton Min SeoKwak LaceyAgnew AnnaGrzebien IsabelleBeisiegel NumaGulyanamitta SarahKem p NaOn Min StephanieSherlock Lisa Ferrero
74 73 74 73 74 73 73 74 73 74 73 74 72 75 72 75 71 76 71 76
147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147
79 69 148 78 70 148 75 73 148 75 73 148 74 74 148 74 74 148 71 77 148 71 77 148 69 79 148 78 71 149 76 73 149 76 73 149 76 73 149 76 73 149 74 75 149 73 76 149 73 76 149 72 77 149 78 72 150 77 73 150 77 73 150 76 74 150 76 74 150 75 75 150 75 75 150 75 75 150 72 78 150 70 80 150 78 73 151 76 75 151 73 78 151 71 80 151 70 81 151 77 75 152 76 76 152 74 78 152 73 79 152 78 75 153 78 75 153 75 78 153 75 78 153 74 79 153 73 80 153 79 75 154 78 76 154 77 77 154 76 78 154 79 76 155 78 77 155 77 78 155 75 80 155 75 80 155 74 81 155 80 76 156 78 78 156 77 79 156 80 77 157 79 78 157 73 84 157 82 77 159 79 80 159 80 80 160 80 80 160 87 80 167 81 WD 82 WD
ChampionsTour Dick's Sporting GoodsOpen Saturday Al Eu-Joie Golf Course Eudicull, N.y. Purse: $1.8 million Yardage:B,974; Par: 72 Second Round John Huston Brad Faxon Willie Wood PeterSenior Fred Funk Dick Mast Bill Glasson TomLehman Mark McNulty
65 67 132 67 66 133 67 68 135 68 67 135 67 69 136 69 67 136 68 69 137 69 68 137 67 70 137 66 71 137 68 69 137 65 72 137 70 68 138 65 73 138 70 68 138 71 67 138 66 72 138 67 71 138 69 70 139 69 70 139 72 67 139 68 71 139 71 68 139 69 70 139 68 72 140 68 72 140 69 71 140 70 70 140 71 69 140 70 70 140 70 71 141 70 71 141 75 66 141 74 67 141 70 71 141 70 72 142 71 71 142 73 69 142 70 72 142 73 69 142 73 69 142 71 72 143 70 73 143 69 74 143 71 73 144 71 73 144 71 73 144 69 75 144 72 72 144 71 73 144 74 70 144 72 73 145 74 71 145 74 71 145 71 74 145 71 74 145 75 70 145 73 73 146 69 77 146 73 73 146 72 74 146 76 71 147 74 73 147 73 74 147 74 73 147 74 73 147 72 76 148 72 76 148 74 74 148 71 78 149 73 76 149 75 75 150 73 77 150 77 75 152 79 74 153 76 78 154 75 79 154 76 81 157 78 79 157 71 WD DQ
Mich ael Allen Mark O'Meara KennyPerry SteveLowery BernhardLanger Mark Calcavecchia RogerChapm an John Cook Joey Sindelar Joel Edwards LorenRoberts Brad Bryant TommyArmourIII TomJenkins Jay DonBlake Jeff Sluman Mark Wiebe ChienSoonLu AndrewMagee Mike Goodes Jay Haas SteveJones Lonnie Nielsen Jeff Harl Mike Reid CoreyPavin TomWatson Bob Gilder Dan Forsman WayneLevi Gil Morgan Hal Sutton Kirk Triplett David Frost Joe Daley Chip Beck P.H. HorganIII StevePate FuzzyZoeger SandyLyte Rod Spittle Robin Byrd Bob Tway Tom Kite Mark Brooks DavidEger Hale Irwin D.A. Weibring TomPurlzer Andy Bean Allen Doyle Jim Rutledge PeterJacobsen Bruce Fleisher Jim Gallagher,Jr. Scott Simpson Bobby Clampett Craig Stadler VicenteFernandez Olin Browne Fulton Allem David Peoples Ted Schulz BobbyWadkins Gary Hagberg Jeff Freeman Ken Green GrahamMarsh
Mike Mccugough Jay Sigel Nick Price Jim Thorpe
25 pointsfor afirst place votethrough onepoint fora 25th placevote,and2011final ranking: R ecord Pi c P v 1. SouthernCal(25) 1 0 2 1, 4 4 5 6 2. Alabama (17) 12 I 1 , 411 I 3. LSU(16) 13 I 1 , 402 2 4. Oklahoma (I) 1 0 3 1 ,286 1 6 5. Oregon 12 2 1 27 4 4 6. Georgia 1 0 4 1 ,107 1 9 7. Florida St.
94 1 , 093 2 3 8. Michigan(I) 1 1 2 1 ,000 1 2 9. SouthCarolina 11 2 994 9 10. Arkansas 11 2 963 5 11. WestVirginia 10 3 8 5 6 17 12. Wisconsin 11 3 8 3 8 10 13. MichiganSt. 11 3 7 4 2 11 14. Clemson 10 4 6 1 5 22 15. Texas 85 569 NR 16. VirginiaTech 11 3 5 4 8 21 17. Nebraska 94 485 24 18. OhioSt. 67 474 NR 19. Oklahoma St. 12 I 430 3 20. TCU 11 2 3 9 7 14 21. Stanford 11 2 383 7 22. KansasSt. 10 3 3 0 0 15 23. Florida 76 214 NR 24. BoiseSt. 12 I 212 8 25. Louisville 76 105 NR Others receivingvotes: NotreDame83, Washing ton 55, Auburn53,North Carolina 32, Utah30, Geor gia Tech 25, BYU22, Tennessee15, South Florida 11, Baylor 9,TexasASM5, UCF4, Cincinnati 3, Missouri 3, N.C.State3, Houston I, LouisianaTechI, Missis sippiSt. I, N. Illinois l.
Championship Series Weduesday's Game Wenatchee 9,Corvagis 8
Friday's Game
Corvagis 6,Wenatchee2
Saturday's Game
Wenatce he8, Corvagis 3 (Wenatchee wins WCL championship 2I)
Youth Little LeagueWorld Series Al South Williamspurl, Pa. All Times POT Double Elimination UNITEDSTATES GREATLAKES, NewCastle, Ind.; MID ATLANTIC, Parsippany, N.J.; MIDWEST,Kearney, Neb.; NEW ENGLAND,Fairfield, Conn.; NOR THWEST, Gresham, Ore.; SOUTHF AST, Goodlettsvige, Tenn.; SOUTH WEST, SanAntonio; WEST, Petaluma, Calif. INTERNATIONAL ASIA PACIFIC,Taoyuan,Taiwan; CANADA, Van couver, British Columbia; CARIBBE AN, Wigemstad, Curacao;EUROPE, Ramstein, Germany; JAPAN, Tokyo; LATINAMERICA, Aguadulce, Panama;MFA, Lugazi, Uganda;MEXICO, NuevoLaredo.
Thursday, Aug. 1B
Philadelphia atNewEngland, 5p.m.
College Pulls The APTup25 The Top 25teamsin TheAssociated Presspre seasoncollegefootball poll, with first placevotes in parentheses,final 2011records, total pointsbasedon
Lucas Oil Naliuuals Pairiugs Saturday Al Brainerd International Raceway Brainerd, Minn. Tup Fuel
Today's Games
Philadelphiaat D.C.United, 2p.m. PorRand at NewYork, 4p.m. Columbus atHouston,6p.m.
TENNIS Professional Western & SouthernOpen A U.S. OpenSeries event Saturday Al The Liuduer Family Tennis Center Mason, Ohio Purse: Meu, $3.43 million IMaslers1000); Women, $2.17 million (Premier) Surface: Hard-Outdoor Singles Meu Semifiuals Novak Djokovic (2), Serbia,def. JuanMarlin del Potro (6),Argentina, 63,6 2. Roger Federer (I), Switzerland, def. Stanislas Wawrinka,Switzerland, 7 6(4), 6 3.
Semifiuals Li Na (9), China, def. VenusWilliams, United States,7 5,3 6,61. AngeliqueKerber(5), Germ any, def. PetraKvitova (4), CzechRepublic, 6 I, 2 6, 6 4.
BASKETBALL WNBA Eastern Conference
Muuday's Game
Saturday's Games
Indianapolis atPittsburgh, 5p.m.
1. (55) MarkMarlin, Toyota, 199.706. 2. (99) CarlEdwards,Ford, 198.626. 3. (48) JimmieJohnson, Chevrolet, 198.44. 4. (17) MattKenseth,Ford, 198.183. 5. (5) KaseyKahne, Chevrolet, 197.878. 6. (21)TrevorBayne,Ford, 197.78. 7. (56) MarlinTruexJr., Toyota,197.65. 8. (9) MarcosAmbrose, Ford, 197.493. 9. (83) LandonCassig, Toyota, 197.433. 10. (27)PaulMenard,Chevrolet, 197.163. 11. (24)JeffGordon, Chevrolet, 197.114. 12. (15)GlintBowyer,Toyota, 197.012. 13. (16)GregBiffle, Ford, 196.893. 14. (14)TonyStewart, Chevrolet, 196.877. 15. (39)RyanNewman, Chevrolet, 196.732. 16. (20)JoeyLogano,Toyota, 196.501. 17. (22)ParkerKligerman,Dodge, 196.249. 18. (78)ReganSmith, Chevrolet, 196.217. 19. (2) BradKeselowski, Dodge,196.18. 20. (29)KevinHarvick, Chevrolet, 196.052. 21. (11)DennyHamlin, Toyota, 195.956. 22. (88)DaleEarnhardtJr., Chevrolet, 195.822. 23. (18)KyleBusch, Toyota,193.299. 24. (I) JamieMcMurray,Chevrolet, 193.268. 25. (42)JuanPabloMontoya, Chevrolet, 193.138. 26. (51)KurtBusch,Chevrolet, 192.988. 27. (91)ReedSorenson, Toyota,192.709. 28. (47)BobbyLabonte, Toyota, 192.596. 29. (13)CaseyMears, Ford, 192.56. 30. (93)TravisKvapil, Toyota, 192.539. 31. (30)DavidStremme,Toyota, 192.359. 32. (31)JeffBurton, Chevrolet, 192.282. 33. (19)JasonLeffler, Ford, 192.205. 34.(26) JoshWise, Ford, I 92.179. 35.(87)JoeNeme chek,Toyota,192.118. 36. (38)DavidGigiland, Ford,191.79. 37. (34)DavidRagan, Ford, 191.724. 38. (23)Scott Riggs, Chevrolet, 189.944. 39. (10)DavidReutimann, Chevrolet, 189.036. 40. (32) TJ. Bell, Ford,OwnerPotnts. 41. (43)AricAlmirola, Ford,OwnerPoints. 42. (36)DaveBlaney, Chevrolet, OwnerPoints. 43. (98) MikeSkinner,Ford, 189.939. Failed lu Qualify 44. (33)StephenLeicht, Chevrolet, 189.444. 45. (37)J.J.Yeley, Chevrolet, 188.157.
Seattle FC 2,Vancouver 0 Sporting Kansas City I, Toronto FC0 Montreal 3,SanJoseI Chicago 2, NewEngland I Colorado I, ChivasUSAI, tie FC Dallas 2,RealSalt LakeI
Today's Game
Pure Michigan 400Lineup After Friday qualifying; race today At Michigan International Speedway Brooklyn, Mich. Lap length: 2 miles (Car number iuparentheses)
Saturday's Games
1. Tony Schumacher, 3.791 seconds, 326.16 mph vs. 16. TerryMcMillen, 3.907, 316.97; 2. An tron Brown, 3.791, 323.74vs. 15. BobVandergriff, 3.900, 316.67; 3.SpencerMassey, 3.794, 323.12 vs. 14. Bruce Litton, 3.899, 310.91; 4. MorganLucas, Friday, Aug.17 Vancouver, British Columbia 13, Nuevo Laredo, 3.800, 322.81vs. 13. SteveTorrence, 3.896, 308.99; 5. ShawnLangdon,3.808, 321.88 vs. 12. GoryMc Mexico 9 Clenathan, 3.895, 309.20; 6. Doug Kalitta, 3.811, San Antonio5, Parsippany,N.J.2 320.97 vs. 11. Keith Murl, 3.889, 301.47; 7. David Aguadulce,Panama9,Lugazi, Uganda3 Grubnic, 3.827,318.92 vs. 10. Clay Migican, 3.858, NewCastle,Ind. 4, Gresham0 317.94; 8. BrandonBernstein, 3.833, 317.64 vs. 9. Saturday, Aug. 18 Khalid alBalooshi,3.854,309.49. Game 9 Wigemstad,Curacao14, Ramstein, Ger Did Not Qualify: 17.Scott Palmer,3.923, 310.20; many 2 18. Chris Karamesines,3.941,302.89; 19. DomLag Game10 Fairfield, Conn.12,Kearney,Neb.0 Game 11 Nuevo Laredo, Mexico 12, Lugazi, ana, 3.952,311.77; 20. TimCuginan,3.959, 305.01; 21. Luigi Novegi,3.997,284.93. Uganda0(4 innings) Funny Car Game12 Parsippany, N.J.10,Gresham4 1. Jack Beckman,DodgeCharger, 4.018, 314.61 Today, Aug. 19 vs. 16. DaleCreasyJr., ChevyImpala,4.201, 292.84; Game 13 Vancouver,British Columbiavs. Agua 2. TimWilkerson, FordMustang, 4.049, 307.16vs. 15. dulce,Panama,9a.m. Game 14 Petaluma,Calif. vs.Goodlettsvige,Tenn., Bob TascaIII, Mustang,4.132, 308.21;3. CruzPedre gon, ToyotaCamry, 4.051,311.85vs. 14. TonyPedre 11 a.m. gon, Camry,4.131, 304.25;4. JohnnyGray,Charger, Game 15 San Antoniovs. NewCastle, Ind., 2p.m. 4.055, 31 6.75vs. 13.JimHead, Toyota Solara, 4.119, Game16 Tokyovs.Taoyuan,Taiwan,4p.m. 306.19; 5.RonCapps, Charger, 4.062,311.92vs. 12. Courtney Force, Mustang, 4.100, 310.41; 6. John Force,Mustang,4.067,311.85vs. 11.Alexis DeJoria, Camry, 4.090,308.92;7.Mike Neff,Mustang,4.072, 313.15 vs.10.Robert Hight,Mustang, 4.090,310.98; MLS 8. Matt Hagan,Charger,4.087, 304.94vs. 9. Jeff Ar MAJOR LEAGUESOCCER end, Camry,4.089, 305.15. AH Times POT Did NotQualify: 17.BobBode, 4.233,297.61; 18. ToddLesenko,5.267, 285.95. Eastern Conference Pro Stock W L T P i c GF GA 1. Erica Enders,ChevyCobalt, 6.550, 210.50vs. S porting Kansas City 14 7 4 4 6 31 22 16.ShaneGray,ChevyCamaro,6.645,207.82;2.Allen NewYork 12 7 5 41 40 34 Johnson,DodgeAvenger, 6.560, 210.87vs. 15.Chris Chicago 12 7 5 41 30 26 McGaha, Avenger,6.637,208.20;3.Mike Edwards, Houston 11 6 7 4 0 35 27 PontiacGXP,6.573, 210.41vs. 14.RodgerBrogdon, D.C. 11 8 3 3 6 36 29 Camaro, 6.633,208.55;4.VincentNobile,Avenger, Montreal 1 1 13 3 3 6 39 44 6.576, 209.56vs. 13. LarryMorgan, FordMustang, Columbus 8 8 5 29 21 22 6.630, 208.65; 5. Greg Anderson, Camaro, 6.582, Philadelphia 7 12 2 2 3 23 27 210.54 vs. 12.MarkMarlino, GXP,6.602, 209.56; 6. NewEngland 6 13 5 2 3 27 31 Ron Krisher,GXP ,6.583, 209.43 vs. 11.WarrenJohn TorontoFC 5 14 5 2 0 27 43 son, GXP, 6.601, 209.20; 7.V.Gaines, Avenger,6.584, Western Conference 209.75 vs.IO.JegCoughlin,Avenger,6.597,209.79; W L T P i c GF GA 8. RonnieHumphrey,GXP , 6.585, 209.30vs. 9.Jason San Jose 14 6 5 47 48 32 Line, Camaro,6.590,209.07. Real SaltLake 1 3 1 0 3 42 37 32 Did NotQualify: 17. KurtJohnson,6.652, 207.88; Seattle 11 6 7 4 0 34 24 18 Los Angeles 1 1 11 4 3 7 44 40 Vancouver 10 9 7 37 28 33 FC Dallas 8 11 8 3 2 33 35 ChivasUSA 7 9 6 27 15 26 Colorado 8 15 2 2 6 32 36 PorRand 5 12 6 2 1 22 39 NOTE:Threepoints forvictory, onepoint for tie.
All Times POT
N.Y. Giants26, N.Y.Jets3 Houston20,SanFrancisco 9 St. Louis 31,KansasCity17 Chicago33, Washington31 San Diego28, Dallas20 Seattle 30,Denver 10
Tokyo7,W igemstad,Curacao 0 Petaluma,Calif. 6, Fairfield,Conn.4 Taoyuan,Taiwan14, Ramstein, Germany I, 4 innings Goodlettsvige,Tenn.12, Kearney,Neb. I
AH Times POT
San Antonioat Phoenix, 3p.m. Tulsa atMinnesota,4 p.m.
Connecticut Indiana Atlanta Chicago NewYork Washington
W L 16 5 12 7 10 11 8 10 7 13 4 16
P cl G B 762 6 32 3 4 76 6
W L 16 4 14 5 16 6 10 11 4 16 3 16
P cl G B 800
444 t y/v 350 t y/v 200 I I'/v
Western Conference
Saturday's Games Indiana86,Atlanta 72 Connecticut85,NewYork 74 Los Angeles82, Seattle 71
Today's Games
Chicago at Washington, I p.m.
7 37 I ' / v 7 27 I 476 t y/v 2 00 1 2 158 I P/v
Biff le has no problem being under the radar
Baseball • Astros fire managerBrad Mills and twocoaches: Thestrug gling Houston Astros have fired manager Brad Mills and two mem bers of his coaching staff. Mills was in his third season as manager of the Astros, who have the worst record in the major leagues. The team announcedthe moves in an email almost two hours after it lost to the Arizona Diamondbacks 12-4 on Saturday night to fall to 39-82. Houston also fired hitting coach Mike Barnet t and first base coach Bobby Meacham. The Astros say first-year general manager Jeff Luhnow will name an interim man ager and other staff members in a news conference today.
The Associated Press BROOKLYN, Mi ch. — When drivers discuss the contenders for the Sprint Cup championship, not many are mentioning Greg Biffle. And that's OK with him. "That's good," Biff le said. "We' ll just do the best we can and we' ll see what hap pens when we get (to the
• DodgersmanagerDonMat tingly suspendedtwo games: Los Angeles Dodgers manager Don Mattin gly was suspended for two games, beginning with Saturday night's game against Atlanta. Mattingly was also given an undisclosed fine "for excessive arguing" with home plate umpire Angel Campos in Thursday's 10-6 loss in Pittsburgh. Mattingly and outfielder Matt Kemp were ejected in the game.
Reed Saxon /The Associated Press
Chicago Cubs' Darwin Barney celebrates with teammates after scoring last week. Barney, a former standout at Oregon State, has had success at second base after moving from shortstop.
s' arne rovi es ense a secon 00
Basketball • Ibaka's newdeal with Thun der reportedly for$48M:NBA blocks leader Serge Ibaka has agreed to a contract extension with the Oklahoma City Thunder, bring ing back another key contributor to a team that made the finals last season. General manager Sam Presti announced Saturday that Ibaka had agreed to a multi-year extension but did not provide details, citing team policy. Yahoo! Sports first reported the deal is for four years and $48 million. Ibaka's signing could be pivotal in the future of the franchise, which already has All-Stars Kevin Durant and Russell Westbrook locked into expensive, long-term contracts. This summer is the first time Ibaka and Sixth Man of the Year James Harden are eligible for extensions to their rookie contracts, and the small-market team could be in a crunch to bring both back beyond next season.
Triathlon • Two crownedUSATriathlon champs:HaleyChuraand Brian Duffy won at the USA Triathlon Olympic-Distance National Cham pionship on Saturday at Water front Park in Burlington, Vt. Chura, a former University of Georgia swimmer from Atlanta, won the women's title, completing the 1.5-kilometer swim, 40-kilometer bike ride and 10-kilometer run in 2 hours, 5 minutes, 40 seconds. Duffy, from West Chester, Pa., finished in 1:53:33. Also, a man competing died after being pulled from Lake Champlain during the swimming portion of the race. The Burlington Free Press reported that a man in his 50s was given CPR on the dock for five to seven minutes after being pulled from the water and was then taken to Fletcher Allen Healthcare. Race organizers confirm the man was pronounced dead at the hospital. They did not release his name.
Diving •TroyDumaiswinsmen's 3-meter at U.S. nationals:U.S. Olympian Troy Dumais added to his career medal count Saturday, winning the men's 3-meter spring board at the U.S. national diving championships in Greensboro, N.C. Dumais, the bronze medalist in the men's synchronized 3-meter springboard at the London Olym pics, beat out older brother Justin Dumais of Orlando, Fla., 511.70 467.30. — From wire reports
By Benjamin Hoffman
New York Times News Service
When Skip, the manager in the movie "Bull Durham," summed up baseball, he said: "This is a simple game. You throw the ball, you hit the ball, you catch the ball." Unfortunately, at some point, the importance of catching the ball has become lost on some fans and sportswriters. But in an era when every play of every game is charted and dissected, things are starting to change. Nowhere is that more clear than in the all-encompassing statistic of Wins Above Replacement, where among Baseball Reference's top 10, a list of mostly sluggers, you will find Darwin Barney, the Chicago Cubs' second baseman and former Oregon State Beaver, at No. 9, tied with Buster Posey and ahead of Joey Votto. Barney, in his second full season with the Cubs, was batting .268 through Friday with six home runs. He does not steal a lot of bases or score a lot. But defensively, he may be the best second baseman in baseball, and he is in the midst of one of the best seasons ever for a player at his position, having committed just one error in 112 games. It has been a challenging season for the Cubs, to say the least, but with Barney, 26; shortstop Starlin Castro, 22; and first base man Anthony Rizzo, 23, the team has the makings of a l egendary defensive infield. The three could rival the team's Hall of Fame triumvirate of Joe Tinker, Johnny Evers and Frank Chance, who inspired the slogan "Tin ker to Evers to Chance." Surprisingly, two seasons ago, Barney did not even play second. When he made his debut as the Cubs' starting second baseman in 2011, it was just the 24th game he had played at sec ond base professionally. In 2010, Barney was passed over as the team's shortstop of the fu ture by Castro, a player four years his junior. "I was in Triple A and he was in Double A," Barney said. "I was leading the league in fielding percentage and hitting, and he gets called up from Double A to the big leagues. So I'm sitting in Triple A thinking, 'OK, what do I have to do? How am I going to make this work?' " Barney performed well on defense as a rookie, but the season was not up to his stan dards, so he enlisted the help of the Cubs' in field coach, Pat Listach. Listach, a former shortstop and the 1992 American League rookie of the year, worked with Barney on all aspects of the position, but even he was surprised with how good Barney became in a short time. "I never knew he would be this good," Lis tach said. "In my opinion, he's the best second baseman in the big leagues. And that's taking nothing away from Brandon Phillips or Rob inson Cano. The way he's played has been far above what anyone expected." On pace to break Jose Oquendo's 1990 re cord of three errors by a full-time second baseman, matched by Cano in 2010, Barney has taken part in 68 double plays, three more
than in his 135 games last season. His aver age of 5.23 plays per nine innings entering the weekend was far above the league average, 4.79. But the reason Barney is ranked so high in the WAR standings is his ability to prevent other teams from scoring. According to Baseball Info Solutions, a company that has tracked every play since 2003, Barney has made a mistake (regard lessofwhether an error was recorded) just 18 times after committing 30 defensive misplays last season. The company tallies the runs a defensive player saves over a league-average replace ment, and Barney is leading the majors with 29 — one short of the highest recorded score of 30, set by Craig Counsell in 2005 and tied by Chase Utley in 2008. For comparison, Cano had 29 defensive misplays in 2010 and Utley had 35 in 2008. Although it is not as exact as Baseball Info Solutions is, BaseballProjection9.corn has es timated runs saved for players of the past us ing available data. Frankie Frisch's 1927 sea son was rated the best for a second baseman, with 37 runs saved, a number well within Barney's reach. "A lot of it was positioning around the bag along with p ositioning prepitch," Barney said of his improvement. "It all goes togeth er. Along with that, it was just putting in the hours and accepting the mentality of trying to be perfect every day." Barney's lone error occurred in a loss to the Miami Marlins on April 17, long enough ago that Listach could not remember the play. Barney, however, did not hesitate to recount the details. "Jose Reyes led off the eighth inning with a chopper right at me," Barney said. "For some reason, I felt like I had to charge it. I caught an in-between hop, and it just popped away from me. If I would have just stood there and let it come to me, I would have caught it at my waist." That level of perfectionism was exactly the attitude Listach sought to instill in all his infielders. To aid in that effort, Listach stud ies hours of game film to understand better where various hitters tend to hit balls harder, a process Barney credits with expanding his range. With Barney and Rizzo under team control for the next few seasons, and Castro work ing on a contract extension, the Cubs have a chance to create a special defense. Barney, even playing out of position, seems to under stand that. "With a guy as talented as Starlin, why would you want to play behind him or in front of him?" Barney asked. "Why not play with him?" But only time will tell if fans will one day rattle off the infield of "Castro to Barney to Rizzo."
But it's making me nervous having to talk about her all the time, let alone that she' s the one that actually has to do it." Stewart said he wishes the media and fans would not put so much focus on her. "I' ll be honest. I wish ev erybody would get off her back and just let her go rac Chase)." ing and let her learn," he Biff le, who is just one point said. " Everybody's put so behind points leader Jimmie much pressure on her and so Johnson, said it's not a sign much focus on her." of disrespect among his fel Patrick has three starts low drivers. this season in a Sprint Cup "It just keeps people from car, with her best finish be asking me q uestions," he ing 29th in the season-open said. "Go talk to them about ing Daytona 500. In 22 Na it. It keeps the pressure off of tionwide Series races this me. We don't like pressure." year for JR Motorsports, she The Roush Fenway driver has only one top-10 finish. has been out of the spotlight What advice has Stew this season despite compil art told the former IndyCar ing impressive results, in driver? "Go out and learn," he cluding one win, nine top five finishes and 13 top-10 said. "That's exactly what I finishes. Biff le is optimistic told her. It's not been rocket he can bolster those statistics science. The biggest thing is at Michigan I n ternational every lap you run in a car, Speedway, a track where he the better you' re going to get has had a number of recent and the more you are going miscues such as running out to learn." of fuel twice and a botched New website pit stop. Jimmie J o h nson ha s "That was the old 16 team," launched a new website that he said. "Now we don't make will serve as a one-stop shop those kinds of mistakes any for fans searching online more. We' re definitely due. about the current Sprint Cup We' ll see this Sunday." points leader. "We worked really hard to Defending Danica With Danica Patrick slat focus on the fan experience," ed to drive in seven more Johnson said. "It really com Sprint Cup races this year bined the social involvement for Stewart-Haas Racing, I have and creates a reason starting Aug. 25 at Bristol, for fans to come back to my Tony Stewart said he's get website daily." ting nervous because of all The site, w w w.Jimmie the attention she is getting. J ohnson.corn, f eatures a "It's kind o f a d o u ble home page filled with a mix edged sword," said Stew of content, including tweets, art, who co-owns Patrick' s Facebook posts, Instagram Sprint Cup car. "It's great images and race-related from a publicity side. I don' t information from fans and know how she handles it. Johnson.
Late bump leads Allgaier to victory The Associated Press MONTREAL — Jacques Villeneuve was in the driv er's s eat heading t o t h e white flag, more than 20 car lengths ahead and his first victory in NASCAR just a lap away on the track named for his dad. Then, in the blink of an eye, Justin Allgaier bumped past him for the victory Sat urday in a Nationwide race as a stunned crowd at Circuit Gilles Villeneuve recoiled in disbelief. "It's tough when you have a driver who has his last name on the race track," Allgaier said after his second victory of the season and third of his career. "Obviously, this is a big race for him and a big venue." H aving maintained t h e top spot through restart af ter restart in the final laps of a race that went seven extra circuits around the 14-turn, 2.7-mile layout, Villeneuve w as running low o n f u e l and kept turning off the en
MOTOR SPORTS ROUNDUP gine of his No. 22 Dodge to conserve. What seemed like an in surmountable lead vanished on the l ast l ap . A l l gaier closed in a hurry as Ville neuve suddenly slowed and was hit from behind. Also on Saturday: Schumacher takes No. 1
qualifying spot B RAINERD, M i n n . Tony Schumacher raced to the No. I qualifying position in Top Fuel in the Lucas Oil NHRA Nationals at Brain erd International Raceway. S chumacher powered h i s canopy-covered dr a g ster to a run of 3.791 seconds at 323.97 mph to claim his third top qualifying position of the season and 70th of his career. Jack Beckman topped the Funny Car field, Erica Enders took the No. I spot in Pro Stock, and Hector Arana Sr. qualified first in Motorcycle.
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Venus hurts back, loses in Cincinnati
By foe Kay
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The bad back was too much. By the end, she was just trying to get her MASON, Ohio — Venus Williams' serve over the net. She considered reinvigorating week ended with a quitting, but decided to keep playing. "I pretty much couldn't serve," she bad back and gritty comeback that wasn't quite enough. said. "But I wanted to try, especially Williams played through back since this is my first semifinal of the pain that forced her to get treatment year. I wanted to try to see if I could and reduced her second serve to 63 get to the final. It didn't work out for mph by the third set. China's Li Na me." took advantage, reaching the West Li will be playing for her first title ern 8 Southern Open final with a 7 this season. She lost in finals at Syd 5, 3-6, 6-1 victory Saturday night. ney, Rome and Montreal, where Pe All week long, Williams showed tra Kvitova beat her for the Rogers she's learned how to cope with an Cup title a week ago. immune system disease that causes Kvitova couldn't turn it into a re tiredness and sore joints. She made match. She got sloppy in the final it through three grueling, three-set set and lost to Angelique Kerber 6-1, matches to get to the semis, and was 2-6, 6-4 in the other semifinal Satur ready for another one. day night. The Associated Press
Ff.: Al Behrman /The Associated Press
Li Na hits a forehandagainst Venus Williams during a semifinal at the Western 8 Southern Open Saturday, in Mason, Ohio.
Djokovic, Federer reach finals MASON, Ohio — Novak Djokovic reached the finals of the Western 8 Southern Open for the second straight year Saturday, beating Juan Martin del Potro 6-3, 6-2. The final will match the world' s top two players, the first time that's happened in Cincinnati. Top-ranked Roger Federer beat Swiss countryman Stanislas Wawrinka 7-6 (4), 6-3 in the other semifinal. It' ll be the seventh time that Federer and Djokovic have played for a tournament title. — The Associated Press
AL Boxscores
Mariners 3, Twins 2 Minnesota
AB R H 5 I I 4 0 I 4 0 0 4 0 0 4 0 I 4 0 I 4 0 0 4 0 3 3 I 2 36 2 9
J.Carroll 2b Mastroiannicf Mauerc Wigingham dh Morneau lb Doumit lf Plouffe 3b M.Carsonrf Florimonss Totals
BI 0 0 I 0 I 0 0 0 0 2
Am erican Leag ue
BB SO Avg. 0 I I I 0 0 0 0 0 3
2 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 3
. 2 43 . 2 76 . 3 19 . 2 58 . 2 75 . 2 90 . 2 44 . 5 00 . 3 33
Seattle AB R Ackley 2b 4 0 T .Robinson lf 3 0 b Jasoph 0 0 J .Montero c 4 0 Olivo dh 4 0 Seager3b 4 0
H Bl BB SO Avg. 3 I I 0 .230 0 0 0 0 .23 5 0 I 0 0 .29 2 0 0 0 0 .26 4 I 0 0 2 .21 8 I 0 0 0 .248 Smoak lb 4 I 2 I 0 0 .193 C.Weffsrf 3 0 0 0 0 0 .22 7 a Thamesphrf I 0 0 0 0 0 .24 0 M .Saunders cf 4 2 2 0 0 0 .24 0 Ryanss 4 0 3 0 0 I .20 5 Totals 35 3 12 3 1 3 Minnesota 100 000 100 — 2 9 0 Seattle 001 000101 — 3 121 Oneoutwhenwinning runscored. a flied outforC.Weffsin the8th. b hit asacrifice fly for T.Robinsoninthe 9th. F Vargas (2). LOB Minnesota11, Seattle 10. 2B Smoak (8). 3B Florimon (I). HR Smoak (14), off Diamond. SB Seager(10).
NewYork TampaBay Baltimore Boston Toronto
Chicago Detroit Cleveland
KansasCity Minnesota
W L 71 49 66 54 65 55 59 62 56 64 W L 65 54 64 56 54 66 53 66 50 69 W L
Texas 69 50 Oakland 64 55 Los Angeles 62 59 Seattle
57 64
AI.Burnett 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 6 3.1 7 Burton I I 0 0 0 I 23 2.11 TRobertsonL,110 2 I I I 0 14 6.91 Fien 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 6 147 S eattle IP H R E R BB SO NP ERA Vargas 6 238 2 2 I 2 113 3.53 Kinney 13 0 0 0 0 0 3 525 Furbush 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 6 2.13 Pryor 1 1 0 0 1 I 16 2.19 Luetge 0 0 0 0 I 0 6 253 WilhelmsenW,4 213 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 4 5 Luetgepitchedto I batter inthe9th. T 3:23. A 21,154 (47,860).
Rays 10, Angels 8 A BR H B I B BSO Avg. 4 I 0 I I I . 249 5 0 I 0 0 3 .249 5 I I 3 0 I . 262 4 I I 2 I I . 301 4 I I 0 0 I . 319 3 I I 0 0 0 .215 I I I 2 0 0 .193 4 2 2 0 0 0 .217 2 I 0 I I I . 225 3 I 2 I I 0 .304 35 10 10 10 4 6
National League
East Division Pct GB WCGB L10 Str
.592 .550 5 .542 6 .488 12/v i y/v .467 15 9
38 24 33 25 32 27 34 27 32 29 33 26 29 34 30 28 31 29 25 35
73 Ll 82 W3 64 W I 46 W I 37 L I
Central Division Pct GB WCGB L10 Str .546 55 L2 .533 I'/ v I 46 Ll . 450 I I'/v 1 1 4 6 L 4 . 445 12 I I '/v 73 W2 .420 15 I4'/v 2 8 L 4 West Division Pct GB WCGB L10 Str .580 55 W I .538 5 64 W3 .512 8 37 L3 .471 13 64 W4
HR Longoria (6), off C.Wilson; C.Pena(16), off Jepsen;Trout(23), off Cobb; Pujols (27), off Cobb. SB Trout (39),Aybar2(11). DP Tampa Bayl.
I P H R ER BB SO NPERA 223128 8 0 I 5 9 4.74 1132 0 0 0 I 2 4 3 40 I 0 0 0 I 2 1 7 2.68 I I 0 0 I I 2 1 3.68 I 0 0 0 0 0 5 243 I 0 0 0 0 I 1 2 3.35 I 0 0 0 I I 2 0 0.79 I P H R ER BB SO NPERA 4236 7 7 3 4 90 3.62 I 1 1 0 I I 2 2 3.92 130 0 0 0 0 3 2 55 1233 2 2 0 3 31 3.96 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 2 4 . 74 I 0 0 0 0 0 11 1.93 41,086 (45,957).
Cobb Badenhop Howell Farnsworlh McGee W,4 2 Jo.Peralta H, 30 RodneyS,3840
Los Angeles
C.Wilson Isringhausen S.Downs JepsenL,2 2 Williams Frieri T 3:31. A
Chicago Wise cf Youkilis 3b A.Dunn lb Konerkodh Rios rf Viciedo lf AI.Ramirezss Flowersc Beckham 2b Totals
AB R 4 0 4 I 3 2 4 I 4 0 4 0 4 0 4 0 3 0 34 4
H I I 2 I 0 I I I 0 6
BI 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 4
BB SO Avg. 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
I I I I I I I I I 9
. 2 77 . 2 37 .2 0 9 . 3 14 . 3 04 . 2 56 . 2 62 . 2 22 . 2 25
74 46 .617 73 7 0 50 .583 4 73 57 63 .475 1 7 9 46 55 65 .458 1 9 11 5 5 55 66 .455 19'/v t t '/v 4 6
3 3 23 41 23 3 6 28 34 22 28 30 29 33 26 33 29 32 2 9 31 26 35
Central Division P c t G B WCGB L10 Str HomeAway
32 26 33 28 34 24 30 32 30 29 24 37 25 33 28 33 24 37 26 32
73 48 .603 7 3 L I 4 0 22 33 26 66 54 .550 i z/v 37 L I 3 7 23 29 31 65 55 .542 Zr/v I 5 5 W I 37 252830 54 65 .454 1 8 tt' / v 4 6 L I 35 27 19 38 47 72 .395 25 IB'/v 4 6 W I 30 281744 39 82 .322 3 4 2 7 r/v 3 7 L 3 2 7 34 12 48
HomeAway 36 22 33 28 36 26 28 29 33 28 29 31 29 30 28 34
Saturday's Games
Baltimore (W.Chen 11 7) at Detroit (Fister 7 7),10:05a.m. Texas (M.Harrison 13 7) at Toronto (H.Alvarez7 10), 10:07a.m. ChicagoWhite Sox (Quintana 5 2) at Kansas City (Guthrie 2 3), 11:10 a.m. TampaBay(M.Moore 9 7) at L.A. An gets (Greinke I I), 12:35p.m. Cleveland(Masterson9 10)atOakland (J.Parker 77), I:05 p.m. Minnesota (Deduno 4 0) at Seattle (Beavan7 7),1:10 p.m. Boston (Beckett 5 10) atN.Y.Yankees (Kuroda 118), 5:05p.m.
Cincinnati 5, Chicago Dubs 3, 1st Chicago Dubs(Volstad09)atCincin game nati (Latos 103), 10:10a.m. St. Louis 5,Pittsburgh4 L.A. Dodgers (Biffingsley 9 9) atAtlanta Arizona12,Houston4 (Minor 6 9),10:35a.m. N.Y. Mets2, Washington 0 N.Y. Mets(Helner 2 4) atWashington Chicago Dubs 9, Cincinnati 7, 2nd (G.Gonzalez156),1035am. game Arizona(I.Kennedy 1010) at Houston L.A. Dodgers6,Atlanta 2 (Galarraga0 3), 11:05a.m. Philadelphia 4,Milwaukee3 Philadelphia (K.Kendrick 5 9) at Mil Miami 6,Colorado5 waukee (Wolf 39), 11:10a.m. San Francisco8,SanDiego 7 Pittsburgh (Karstens 4 3) atSt. Louis (J.Garcia 34), 11:15a.m. Miami (Jo.Johnson 7 9) at Colorado (D.Pomeranz I 7), 12:10p.m. San Francisco(Vogelsong 106) atSan Diego(Richard9 12), I:05p.m.
Today's Games
American League roundup
National League roundup
•Red Sax 4,Yankees 1:NEW YORK — JoitLester Shut dOWn the YankeeSfOr SeVeninningS, Adriait GOnZaleZ PrOVided ait early lead With a tVVO-ruit hOmer aitd BOStOn beat NeWYOrk fOr a badly needed Win.
• Cardinals 5, Pirates 4:ST. LOUIS — Yadier Moliita had three hitS aitd tVVO RBIS IIThiS return tO the lineuP, leading St. Louis to a victory over Pittsburgh. • Reds 5-7, Cubs 3-9:CINCINNATI — Brett Jackson hit hiS firSt Career hOme ruit tO helP BrOOkSRaley earn his first major league win, leading Chicago over CinCinnati fOr a SPlit Of their day-Itight dOubleheader. • Dodgers 6, Braves 2:ATLANTA — Hat)Icy Ramirez drOVe IIT fOur runS With tVVOhOmerS, inCluding the firSt Of three Straight ShOtS by LOS AngeleS IIT the SeCOnd inning against Atlanta. • Mets 2, Nattonats 0:WASHINGTON — Joitathoit NIGSe PitChed intO the eighth inning aitd Ike DaViS hit a tVVO-ruit hOmer tO lead NeW YOrk OVerWaShingtOn. • Phttttes 4, Brewers 3: MILWAUKEE — Cole Hamels tied a season high with 10 strikeouts to help PhiladelPhia eitd Milgyaukee'S eight-game hOme winning streak. •Dtamondbacks12,Astros 4:HO USTON — Aaron Hill hit a three-ruit hOmer IIT aItiite-ruit fifth inning aitd Chris Young had four hits as Arizona routed Houston. • Giants 8, Padres 7:SAN DIEGO —Joaquin Arias hOmered aitd drOVe IITthree runS, aitd Sait FranCiSCO uSed anOther big inning tO beat Sait DiegO. • Marlins 6, Rockies 5:DENVER — Giaitcarlo StaittOIT hOmered fOr the SIXth Straight game at COOrS Field aitd Miami held OIT tO beat COIOradO.
•Rangers2,BlueJays1:TORONTO — NelsonCruz
F Jenkins (I). LOB Texas 2, Toronto 10 2B Beltre (23), Hechavarria(2). HR N.Cruz(19) off Viffanueva.SB R.Davis (38),Gose(10).
IP H R ERBBSO NP ERA Oswalt 4 232 I I 2 5 62 6.04 RRoss 1 133 0 0 0 3 32 1.75 S cheppersH,3 13 2 0 0 I 0 17 5.09 K irkmanW,12 23 0 0 0 0 0 8 4 4 4 Mi.AdamsH,22 I 0 0 0 0 0 5 2 70 NathanS,2425 I 0 0 0 0 2 16 2.66 T oronto IP H R E R BB SO NP ERA Viganueva L,6 3 61 3 4 2 2 I 4 86 3.10 Loup 23 I 0 0 0 0 6 250 Jenkins 11 3 0 0 0 0 I 13 0.00 Oliver 23 0 0 0 0 0 8 184 Loup pitched to I batter inthe 8th. T 2:47. A 30,033(49,260).
Baltimore Markakis rf Hardyss McLouth lf Ad.Jonescf Wieters c C.Davisdh Mar.Reynoldlb s Machado 3b Andino 2b Totals
AB R H 3 0 2 4 0 0 4 0 0 4 I I 4 I I 4 I 2 3 0 I 3 0 0 3 0 I 32 3 6
BI 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 3
BB SO Avg. I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
0 I 2 I I I I I 2 10
. 2 87 . 2 25 . 2 33 . 2 93 . 2 45 . 2 53 . 2 19 . 3 03 . 2 24
IP H R ER BBSO NP ERA Lester W, 7 10 7 5 I I 2 4 105 5.03 A .BaileyH, I 1 3 I 0 0 0 I 17 0.00 B reslow H, I 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 4 5 Aceves S,25 31 I I 0 0 0 I 13 4.01 New York I P H R ER BBSO NP ERA Phelps L,3 4 62 3 7 3 3 0 7 95 2.69 Logan 2 3 I 0 0 I I 12 3.79 Fppley 2 3 2 I I I I 17 3.44 Rapada 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 9 297 DLowe I 3 0 0 0 0 0 5 533 Fppleypitchedto 3batters in the9th. T 3:12. A 49,466 (50,291).
Athletics 8, indians 5 Cleveland Kipnis 2b As.Cabrera ss Choo rf C.Santanac Brantleycf Duncandh Kotchmanlb a Liffibridgeph Hannahan 3b b Donaldph Carreralf Totals
AB R 4 0 4 I 4 I 4 I 4 I 4 0 3 0 I I 3 0 I 0 4 0 36 5
H BI 0 0 2 0 2 2 I I 2 0 0 0 I 0 I 2 0 0 I 0 0 0 10 5
BB SO Avg. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
I 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 I 0 2 5
Totals 33 4 7 4 1 6 Arizona 010 090 110 — 12 13 0 Houston 001 210 000 — 4 7 2 a groundedout for Fick in the 7th. b walked for A.Hiff in the9th.
F Wallace (3), Altuve (11). LOB Arizona 9, Houston 3. 2B G.Parra 2 (16), M.Montero (17), C.Young(19), Altuve(30). HR A.Hiff (15), off Fick; R.Wheeler (I), off Fick; C.Young(13), off R.Cruz; C.Snyder(6), off Corbin; Greene(6), off Corbin. DP Houston 1. Arizona IP H R E R BB SOERA NP CorbinW,54 7 7 4 4 I 5 88 3 . 60 Bergesen I 0 0 0 0 0 10 1 .04 Z agurski I 0 0 0 0 I 10 5 . 97 Houston IP H R E R BB SOERA NP LylesL,210 4 8 7 5 3 4 80 5 . 70 X.Cedeno 2 3 0 2 0 I 2 21 3 . 79 Fick 2133 2 2 I I 48 4 . 50 R.Cruz 2 2 I I 2 3 34 7 . 02 Lyles pitched to 6batters inthe5th. T 2:59. A 20,838(40,981).
. 2 54 . 2 84 . 2 84 . 2 37 . 2 94 . 2 06 . 2 27 . 2 00 Dodgers 6, Braves 2 . 2 25 . 2 37 Los Angeles AB R H BI BB SO Avg. . 3 50 Victorino lf 4 0 0 0 0 0 . 2 61 M.Fffis 2b 4 0 0 0 0 0 . 2 59 Kempcf 3 I 0 0 I 2 . 3 45 Oakland A B R H Bl BB SO Avg. Fthier rf 3 I 0 0 I 0 . 2 83 Crisp cf 4 I I 2 I 0 .246 H.Ramirezss 4 2 2 4 0 0 . 2 64 Donaldson3b 5 0 2 I 0 0 .20 5 Loney lb 3 I I I I 0 . 2 56 Reddick rf 4 I I I 0 0 .253 L.Cruz3b 4 I I I 0 0 . 2 79 Cespedeslf 4 I 2 3 0 I .306 A.Ellis c 3 0 0 0 0 0 . 2 73 Carter dh 3 I I 0 I I .274 Harangp 3 0 0 0 0 I . 0 68 Moss lb 4 0 I 0 0 I .233 Choatep 0 0 0 0 0 0 Kottarasc 3 I I I I 0 .211 Guerrap 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pennington ss 3 I 0 0 I I .197 Sh. Toffesonp 0 0 0 0 0 0 J.Weeks 2b I 2 0 0 2 0 .219 Jansenp 0 0 0 0 0 0 Totals 31 6 9 6 6 4 Totals 31 6 4 6 3 3 Cleveland 000 000 104 — 5 10 2 Oakland 004 001 12x — 6 9 0 Atlanta AB R H Bl BB SO Avg. a homeredfor Kotchmanin the 9th. b singled for Bourncf 4 I I 0 I 2 .292 Hannahan in the9th. Prado lf 5 I 2 2 0 I .297 F Hannahan (9),As.Cabrera(16). LOB Cleveland Heywardrf 4 0 0 0 I 2 .272 4, Oakland 6. 2B—As.Cabrera (29),Reddick(22), Carter C.Jones3b 3 0 I 0 2 0 .313 (7). 3B Crisp(5). HR C.Santana(13), offB.Colon; F .Freeman lb 4 0 0 0 0 0 .27 0 Choo(15),offScribner; Ligibridge(3), offBlevins; Ces Uggla2b I 0 0 0 3 0 .21 2 pedes (16), offKluber. SB—Crisp(26), Pennington(13). D.Rossc 4 0 0 0 0 2 .26 3 DP Cleveland I;Oakland1. Janish ss 3 0 I 0 I I .230 Sheetsp 2 0 0 0 0 2 .00 0 Cleveland I P H R ER BB SO NPERA Avilanp 0 0 0 0 0 0 .33 3 K luber L,O 2 5 4 4 0 3 2 9 5 6 2 7 a Hinskeph I 0 0 0 0 I .205 Herrmann 1 1 3 2 2 2 I I 30 4 .76 C .Martinez p 0 0 0 0 0 0 .00 0 C.Affen 2 3 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 0.00 b J.Francisco ph I 0 0 0 0 I .261 Seddon I I 2 2 2 I 2 9 5.79 Ventersp 0 0 0 0 0 0 Oakland IP H R ER BB SO NPERA Totals 32 2 5 2 6 12 B.Colon W, 10 9 8 5 I I 0 3 1 0 33.43 Los Angeles 0 3 0 003 000 — 6 4 0 Scribner 2 3 3 3 3 0 I 2 2 2.75 Atlanta 100 000 001 — 2 5 0 Blevins 0 2 1 1 0 0 9 27 0 a struck outforAvilan in the 7th. b struckout for BalfourS,1113 13 0 0 0 0 I 6 256 C.Martinez inthe8th. Blevins pitchedto2 batters inthe9th. LOB —Los Angeles I, Atlanta 11. 2B—Prado (31), T 3:10. A 30,132(35,067). C.Jones(20),Janish(5).3B Bourn(10).HR H.Ramirez
NL Boxscores
Diamondbacks12, Astros 4 Arizona
A BR H B I B BSO Avg. G.Parralf 6 I 2 0 0 2 .278 A.Hiff 2b 4 2 2 3 I 0 .294 b Elmoreph2b 0 0 0 0 I 0 .222 J.Upton rf 6 I 2 I 0 I . 268 Goldschmidt lb 4 I I I I 2 .297 M.Monteroc 3 2 I 0 2 0 .287 Bergesen p 0 0 0 0 0 Zagurski p 0 0 0 0 0 0 C.Youngcf 5 2 4 3 0 .223 Drewss 4 I 0 I I I . 198 R.Wheele3b r 4 2 I I I 0 .194 Corbin p 4 0 0 0 0 3 .091 Nievesc I 0 0 0 0 I . 304 Totals 41 12 13 10 7 10
Houston Altuve 2b R.Cruzp Greeness Pearce lb Maxwell lf B.Franciscorf Wallace3b B.Barnescf C.Snyderc
Lyles p X.Cedeno p Fick p
a F.Martinez ph S.Moore2b
AB R 3 I 0 0 4 I 4 0 4 0 4 0 4 I 4 0 3 I 2 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 0
Morse rf lf 4 0 0 0 0 3 .29 5 LaRoche lb 4 0 I 0 0 0 .263 Desmondss 3 0 0 0 0 I .280 T.Moore lf 3 0 0 0 0 I .274 M attheus p 0 0 0 0 0 0 .00 0 Mic.Gon zalezp 0 0 0 0 0 0 Flores c 3 0 I 0 0 0 .22 0 F.Jackson p I 0 0 0 0 I .195 Harpercf I 0 0 0 0 0 .24 8 Totals 31 0 5 0 0 6 New York 000 000 200 — 2 3 0 Washington 00 0 000 000 — 0 5 1 F Desmond(13). LOB NewYork3,Washington 5. 2B LaRoche(26). 3B Baxter (2). HR I.Davis (22), off F.Jackson.SB Zimmerman(5).
N ew York I P H R E RBB SO NPERA Niese W, 10 6 71 3 5 0 0 0 7 106 3.49 R auchH,13 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 12 3.07 F rncisco S, 20 23 I 0 0 0 0 I 1 4 6.06 West Division Washington IP H R ER BB SO NPERA WL P c t G B WCGB L10 Str HomeAway F .Jackson L, 7 8 7 2 2 2 I 11 103 3.69 San Francisco 66 54 .550 6 4 W 2 35 26 31 28 M attheus 12 3 0 0 0 0 3 21 2.47 Los Angeles 66 5 5 . 545 i/v i/v 7 3 W I 3 3 25 33 30 M ic.Gonzalez 13 I 0 0 0 I 1 0 2.25 Arizona 61 59 .5 0 8 5 5 5 5 W3 3126 30 33 T 2:35. A 42,662 (41,487). San Diego 5 2 7 0 . 42 6 1 5 15 4 6 L 5 2732 25 38 Colorado 4 5 7 3 . 3 8 1 2 0 20 5 5 L 2 25 39 20 34
Today's Games
Detroit AB R H Bl BB SO Avg. A.Jacksoncf 4 I 2 0 0 0 .30 8 Infante2b 4 0 I 0 0 I .294 Mi.Cabrera3b 2 I 2 0 I 0 .332 A.Gordon lf 5 2 3 I 0 2 .292 Fielder lb 2 0 0 0 2 2 .310 Butler dh 4 2 3 3 0 0 .30 6 Jh.Peralta ss 4 0 I 2 0 I .261 Mousta kas3b 4 I 2 4 I 0 .254 D.Youngdh 4 0 I 0 0 0 .26 5 Francoeurrf 5 0 0 0 0 I .239 Avila c 4 0 0 0 0 2 .25 3 Hosmer lb 4 I I I 0 2 .233 Je.Baker rf 3 0 0 0 0 0 .14 3 B.Penac 4 0 I 0 0 I .250 a Boeschph I 0 0 0 0 0 .247 Giavote ff a2b 4 0 0 0 0 2 .205 Dirks lf 3 0 I 0 0 0 .33 0 Totals 40 9 15 9 1 6 Totals 31 2 6 2 3 6 Chicago 000 002 020 — 4 6 4 Baltimore 000 000 300 — 3 6 1 Kansas City 1 0 2 011 04x — 9 15 0 Detroit 000 000 020 — 2 6 0 F Youkilis (9), Rios (5), Flowers(2), Beckham a grounded out for Je.Bakerin the 9th. (6). LOB Chicago4, KansasCity 9. 2B Wise (4), F McLouth (I). LOB Baltimore 3, Detroit 6. A.Dunn(15), A.Gordon(39). HR Konerko (20), off 2B A.Jackson(21). HR C.Davis (19), off Porceffo. B.Chen;A.Dunn (35), off Collins; Hosmer(11), off DP Baltimore 3;Detroit 1. Peavy; Moustakas(19), off Myers. SB Wise (8), A.Fscobar(24). Baltimore IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA DP Chicago I; Kansas City l. BrittonW,21 7 6 0 0 3 5 10 3 6.23 S trop H,21 I 2 2 2 0 I 16 1 . 51 Chicago IP H R E R BBSONP ERA Johnson S, 3639 I 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 3.20 Peavy L, 9 9 5 I 3 9 5 3 I 6 1 10 3.11 Detroit IP H R ER BB SO NPERA N .Jones 0 2 0 0 0 0 3 3.3 5 PorceffoL,98 6 7 3 3 I 6 97 4 .67 Veal 1 3 0 0 0 0 I 3 000 V igarreal I 0 0 0 0 2 9 2.3 5 Humber 1130 0 0 0 I 1 8 5.76 Coke 11 0 0 0 1 18 3.7 8 Myers I 4 4 4 0 0 2 6 3 .38 Dotel I 0 0 0 0 I 9 2.9 5 KansasCity IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Porceffopitchedto 4batters in the7th. B.Chen W,910 6 5 2 2 I 5 98 5 .45 T 2:44. A 42,132 (41,255). K .HerreraH,15 I I 0 0 0 0 7 2. 4 7 CoffinsH,7 1 3 2 2 2 0 I 17 3 . 19 C rowH,14 2 3 0 0 0 0 2 8 3. 4 9 Red Sox 4,Yankees1 L.Coleman I 0 0 0 0 I 13 3 . 86 Boston AB R H BI BB SO Avg. N.Jonespitchedto 2batters in the6th. Fffsburycf 5 0 0 0 0 I . 2 56 T 2:59. A 23,858 (37,903). C.Crawfordlf 5 I I 0 0 I . 2 83 Pedroia2b 5 0 I 0 0 0 . 2 80 Rangers 2, BlueJays1 Ad. Gonzalezlb 3 I 2 2 I 0 . 3 08 C.Ross dh 4 0 0 0 0 4 . 2 72 Texas AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Lavarnway c 4 0 0 0 0 I .1 0 7 Kins ter 2b 4 0 0 0 0 I . 2 6 4 Podsednikrf 4 I I 0 0 I . 3 63 Mi.Young ss 3 0 0 0 I I .2 6 8 Ciriacoss 4 I 4 0 0 0 . 3 43 Andrusss 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 2 95 Punto 3b 3 0 I I I I .1 9 7 Hamilton lf 4 0 0 0 0 0 . 2 88 Totals 37 4 10 3 2 9 Beltre 3b 4 I 2 0 0 0 . 3 05 N.Cruzdh 3 I I 2 0 I . 2 6 6 New York AB R H B l BB SO Avg. Dav. Murphyrf 3 0 0 0 0 0 . 3 00 Jeterdh 3 0 0 0 I I .317 Moreland lb 3 0 2 0 0 I . 2 8 7 Swisher lb 4 0 3 0 0 I .272 Gentrycf 3 0 0 0 0 0 . 3 13 Cano2b 4 0 0 0 0 I .30 5 L.Martinezc 2 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 00 An. Jonesrf 3 0 0 0 0 0 .21 2 a L.Martin ph I 0 0 0 0 I . 1 8 4 a Fr.Chavez ph I 0 I 0 0 0 .30 5 Soto c 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 1 75 McGehee 3b 3 0 0 0 0 2 .226 Totals 30 2 5 2 1 5 b Ibanezph I 0 0 0 0 0 .24 9 Grandersoncf 3 I 2 I I I .240 Toronto AB R H Bl BB SO Avg. R.Marlin c 4 0 0 0 0 0 .195 R.Davis lf 5 0 I 0 0 3 .25 8 J.Nixss 3 0 0 0 0 0 .25 6 Rasm us cf 5 0 0 0 0 0 .24 2 I.Suzuki lf 3 0 I 0 0 0 .26 8 Fncarnaciondh 2 0 0 0 I I .292 Totals 32 1 7 1 2 6 Cooper lb 4 0 I 0 0 0 .28 4 Boston 200 010 001 — 4 10 0 Y.Fscobarss 4 0 I 0 0 I .245 New York 000 100 000 — 1 7 1 McCoy3b 0 0 0 0 0 0 .19 0 a singled forAn.Jones in the 9th. b groundedinto K.Johnson2b 3 0 0 0 I 2 .22 8 afielder'schoicefor McGehee in the9th. Mathis c 4 0 I 0 0 I .222 F An. Jones (I). LOB Boston 8, NewYork6. Goserf 3 I I 0 I I .205 2B Pedroia(26), Ciriaco(7), Punto(6), Granderson Hechavarria3b ss 3 0 2 I 0 I .185 (13). HR Ad.Gonzalez(14), off Phelps;Granderson Totals 33 1 7 1 3 10 (32), off Lester. SB C.Crawford (5), Ciriaco (8), Texas 000 020 000 — 2 5 0 Punto(5), I.Suzuki(19). Toronto 001 000 000 — 1 7 1 DP Boston 2. a struckoutfor L.Martinez inthe8th. KansasCity AB R H Bl BB SO Avg. L.Cain cf 5 0 I 0 0 0 .26 5 A .Fscobarss 5 3 4 0 0 0 .30 9
Texas 2,TorontoI Boston 4,N.Y.YankeesI Baltimore 3,Detroit 2 KansasCity9, ChicagoWhite Sox4 Oaklan d 8,Cleveland5 Tampa Bay10,L.A. Angels8 Seattle 3,Minnesota2
Orioles 3, Tigers 2
Royals 9, White Sox4
Atlanta NewYork Philadelphia Miami
hit a tVVO-ruit hOmer, JOeNathan COnVerted hiS team reCOrd 22itd Straight SaVeOPPOrtunity aitd TeXaSbeat Toronto. •Royats9,White Sax 4:KA NSAS CITY,Mo.— Mike MOOStakaS hit a three-ruit ShOt aitd the ROyalS beat the White SOX,OVerCOming Adam Dui)IT'S400th career homer. • Ortotes 3, Tigers 2:DETROIT — Chris Davis hit Los Angeles AB R H Bl BB SO Avg. a three-ruit hOmer tO helP BaltimOre SnaPDetrOit'S Trout cf 4 2 3 3 I 0 .34 3 four-game winning streak. Tor.Hunter rf 5 2 3 I 0 2 .300 Pujols lb 5 2 2 2 0 0 .27 9 • Mariners 3, Twins 2:SEATTLE — Pinch-hitter John K.Moralesdh 4 0 2 I I 0 .282 JGSO'SSaCrifiCe fly IIT the bOttOm Of the ninth gaVe Trumbolf 5 0 2 I 0 2 .28 7 Seattle a win over Minnesota. H.Kendrick 2b 4 0 I 0 0 I .284 Cagaspo3b 4 0 0 0 I 0 .246 • Athletics 8, indians 5:OAKLAND, Calif. — YOGI)is I Bourjos pr 0 0 0 0 0 0 .22 7 Aybarss 5 2 2 0 0 I .27 3 CGSPedeShOmered aitd drOVe IITthree runS, BartOIO lannettac 4 0 0 0 0 I .20 4 COIOnVVOIThiS third COnSeCutiVe Start at hOme aitd b M.lzluris ph I 0 0 0 0 0 .24 7 Oakland beat Cleveland. Totals 41 6 15 6 3 7 Tampa Bay 000 071 020 — 10 10 0 • Rays10, Angels 8:ANAHEIM, Calif. — Pinch-hitter Los Angeles 3 4 1 000 000 — 6 15 0 the ahomeredfor S.Rodriguezin the 8th. b grounded CarlOS Pena deliVered a tiebreakiitg hOmer IIT out for lannetta inthe 9th. eighth inning, EVan LOI)gOria alSOhit a tVVO-ruit ShOt I ran for Caffaspoin the 9th. aitd TamPa Bay OVerCameait eight-ruit defiCit tO beat LOB TampaBay3,LosAngeles10.2B Zobrist (30), R.Roberts(4), TorHunter (16), H.Kendrick(19). the Los Angeles Angels. De.Jenningslf B.Uptoncf Zobrist ss Longoriadh Keppinger lb 3b S.Rodriguez3b a C.Pena ph lb R.Roberts2b Lobatonc Fuld rf Totals
East Division P c t G B WCGB L10 Str HomeAway
Saturday's Games
Minnesota I P H R ER BB SO NP ERA D iamond 62 3 9 2 2 0 2 99 2.95
H I 0 2 I 0 0 2 0 I 0 0 0 0 0
BI 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0
2 (18),off Sheets2; Loney(4), off Sheets; L.Cruz(3), off Sheets;Prado(7),offJensen. SB Kemp(7).
Los Angeles I P H R ER BB SO NPERA HarangW,9 7 6 234 I I 5 8 115 3.65 Choate 13 0 0 0 0 I 8 2 8 7 Guerra 13 0 0 0 2 0 15 2.66 Sh.Toffeson 13 0 0 0 I 0 8 3 . 15 Jansen S,25 31 1 131 I I 0 3 15 1.96 Atlanta I P H R ER BB SO NPERA Sheets L,4 3 6 4 6 6 2 3 98 3.07 Avilan I 0 0 0 0 0 9 338 C.Martinez I 0 0 0 0 0 14 3.72 Venters I 0 0 0 I 0 1 5 3.46 T 252. A 42,219 (49,586).
Mets 2, Nationais 0 New York Tejadass
Baxter rf D.Wright 3b BB SO Avg. I.Davis lb I I . 306 Dan.Murphy2b Valdespin lf 0 0 0 .238 F.Franciscop An.Torrescf 0 0 .283 Thole c 0 0 .236 0 I . 242 Niesep 0 I . 303 Rauchp Bay lf 0 2 .167 Totals 0 0 .181 0 I . 1 11 Washington 0 0 .000 Werlh cf rf 0 0 0 .118 Fspinosa2b Zimmerman3b 0 0 .252
AB R H 4 0 0 4 0 I 3 I 0 4 I 2 4 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 31 2 3
AB R 4 0 4 0 4 0
Bl BB SO Avg. 0 0 I .31 2 0 0 3 .3 0 4 0 I 2 .31 9 2 0 I .21 9 0 0 2 .2 9 0 0 0 0 .2 4 7 0 0 0 0 0 3 .2 3 1 0 0 I .2 5 6 0 0 2 .1 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .1 5 5 2 1 15
H Bl BB SO Avg. 0 0 0 0 .31 1 2 0 0 I .25 6 I 0 0 I .279
Gobs 9, Reds 7(Second Game) Chicago Valbuena3b Mather lf Rizzo lb S.Castross LaHair rf Russell p
Camp p Marmotp Clevenger c B.Jacksoncf Cardenas 2b Barney2b
Raleyp Corpasp DeJesusrf Totals
AB R H 6 I 4 I 2 I 5 I I 0 5 2 I I 5 I 3 2 3 I I 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 5 I I I 4 I 2 I I 0 0 0 4 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 I I I I 41 9 13 9
BB SO Avg. 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 5
I I 2 I 0 0 0 0 2 3 0 0 I 0 0 11
. 2 26 . 2 11 . 2 90 . 2 80 . 2 58 . 0 00 . 2 26 . 1 82 . 2 34 . 2 68 .1 6 7 . 0 00 . 2 67
Cincinnati AB R H B l BB SO Avg. Stubbscf 5 0 I 0 0 I .230 Valdezss 5 I 0 0 0 2 .20 2 B.Phiff ips2b 5 I 2 0 0 0 .289 Ludwick lf 4 3 2 3 I I .273 Frazier lb 5 0 I I 0 2 .28 9 Cardinals 5, Pirates 4 Bruce rf 4 2 2 0 0 0 .25 3 Rolen 3b 3 0 I I I I .249 0 0 0 0 0 .20 9 P ittsburgh A B R H BI BB SO Avg. M esoraco c 4 S.Marte lf 2 I I 0 0 0 .253 Redmond p I 0 0 0 0 I .000 Y .Navarro lf 2 0 0 0 0 0 .167 Simon p 0 0 0 0 0 0 .00 0 Mercer 2b ss 4 I 2 2 0 0 .188 a Heiseyph I 0 I I 0 0 .271 A.McCutchen cf 5 0 0 I 0 2 .356 LeCurep 0 0 0 0 0 0 .00 0 G.Jones lb rf 4 0 I I 0 2 .283 b Paulph I 0 0 0 0 0 .32 4 Snider rf 2 0 0 0 I I . 319 Marshaffp 0 0 0 0 0 0 J.Hughes p 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 c Cairoph I 0 I I 0 0 .172 b J.Harrison ph2b 2 0 I 0 0 0 .232 Ondrusekp 0 0 0 0 0 0 P Alvarez 3b 3 0 0 0 I 3 .236 Totals 39 7 11 7 2 6 Barajas c 3 0 0 0 I 2 .194 Chicago 010 313 001 — 9 131 Barmes ss 3 I I 0 0 2 .219 Cincinnati 010 012 210 — 7 11 2 c McKenry ph I 0 0 0 0 0 .267 a singled forSimonin the 5th. b groundedout for J.Cruz p 0 0 0 0 0 0 LeCure inthe6th. c tripled for Marshall inthe 8th. Bedardp 2 0 0 0 0 2 .114 F Valbuena (6), Redmond (I), Frazier (6). G.San chez lb 2 I 2 0 0 0 .217 LOB Chicago10, Cincinnati 7. 2B Valbuena(14), Totals 35 4 6 4 3 14 S.Castro (17), Cardenas(6), B.Phiffips (24), Rolen (12). 3B S.Castro (9), Cairo (2). HR B.Jackson St.Louis AB R H Bl BB SO Avg. (I), off Redmond;DeJesus(5), off Ondrusek; Lud Furcal ss 5 2 2 0 0 0 .26 9 wick (24), offRaley;Ludwick(25), off Corpas.SB M.Carpenter rf lb 4 0 I I 0 0 .31 1 S.Castro(20), LaHair2 (4). Hogiday lf 4 0 I 0 0 2 .306 DP Cincinnati 1. Craig lb 4 I 2 0 0 0 .30 5 Boggsp 0 0 0 0 0 0 C hicago IP H R E RBB SO NPERA D escalso2b 0 0 0 0 0 0 .23 0 R aleyW,12 5 1 3 5 4 3 2 4 77 7.63 Freese3b 2 I 0 0 2 0 .30 0 Corpas 1233 2 2 0 I 2 8 3.94 Y .Mo fina c 4 I 3 2 0 0 .31 7 Russell 0 I I I 0 0 8 3 . 64 S.Robinsoncf rf 4 0 2 2 0 I .25 7 CampH13 I I 0 0 0 I 1 1 3.60 R.Jackson2b 2 0 0 0 I 0 .00 0 MarmotS,1517 I I 0 0 0 2 21 4.23 d Beltran ph I 0 0 0 0 I .278 C incinnati IP H R E RBB SO NPERA Motte p 0 0 0 0 0 0 Redmond L,O I 313 7 4 4 5 2 91 10.80 Lynn p 2 0 0 0 0 2 .07 3 Simon 1 232 I I 0 2 29 2.31 B rowning p 0 0 0 0 0 0 .00 0 LeCure I 3 3 I 0 3 32 3.16 Rosenthal p 0 0 0 0 0 0 Marshall 2 0 0 0 0 4 19 2.70 a Schumaker ph I 0 0 0 0 0 .31 3 Ondrusek I I I I 0 0 14 3.25 Mujicap 0 0 0 0 0 0 Russell pitched to I batter inthe 8th. Jay cf 0 0 0 0 0 0 .30 4 T 3:28. A 41,236(42,319). Totals 33 5 11 5 3 6 Pittsburgh 001 020 001 — 4 6 0 Marlins 6, Rockies 5 St. Louis 100 220 00x — 5 11 1 a lined out forRosenthal in the6th. b singled for Miami AB R H 6 I BB SO Avg. J.Hughes inthe8th. c flied outfor Barmesin the 8th. Petersenlf 5 2 3 0 0 I .1 9 1 d struckout for R.Jacksonin the 8th. cf 5 I 2 0 0 0 . 1 59 F Freese (10). LOB Pittsburgh 10, St. Louis G.Hernandez Reyesss 5 I 2 3 0 0 . 2 85 8. 2B Mercer (4), G.Sanchez(13), Furcal (17), Ca.Lee lb 5 0 2 0 0 0 . 2 88 Y.Molina 2(24), S.Robinson(6). Stanton rf 5 I 2 3 0 2 . 2 88 DP Pittsburgh2. Brantly c 3 0 0 0 I 2 . 1 11 2b 4 0 I 0 0 I . 2 50 P ittsburgh I P HR ER BB SO NPERA D.Solano Velazquez 3b 4 0 I 0 0 0 . 1 25 BedardL,713 423 9 5 5 3 4 80 4.76 Fovaldi p 3 I I 0 0 2 . 0 91 J .Hughes 2 13 0 0 0 0 I 2 1 2.59 I 0 0 0 0 I . 0 00 J.Cruz I 2 0 0 0 I 2 2 2.60 Gaudin p 0 0 0 0 0 0 St. Louis IP HR ER BB SO NPERA H.Beff p Cishek p 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 00 Lynn 41 34 3 3 3 8 86 3.73 Totals 40 6 14 6 1 9 Browning W,12 I 0 0 0 0 2 11 4.00 Rosenthal H, I 2 3 0 0 0 0 I 8 3 . 86 AB R H B l BB SO Avg. Mujica H, 19 I I 0 0 0 0 6 3 . 66 Colorado F.Young lf 4 0 0 0 I 0 .318 Boggs H, 23 I 2 0 0 0 2 16 2.13 R utledge ss 5 0 2 0 0 0 .32 8 Motte S,28 33 I I 1 0 0 I 2 2 2.79 Fowler cf 3 2 2 0 2 I .29 9 T 3:17. A 40,313(43,975). Cuddyer lb 3 0 I 0 I 0 .260 Moscoso p 0 0 0 0 0 0 .28 6 Phillies 4, Brewers 3 c J.Herrera ph I 0 0 0 0 0 .24 5 W.Rosario c 4 2 2 0 I I .251 Philadelphia AB R H 6 I BB SO Avg. Colvin rf 5 I 3 3 0 0 .28 8 Roffins ss 5 0 0 0 0 2 . 2 41 Pacheco3b 5 0 I I 0 0 .307 Frandsen3b 4 0 0 0 0 I . 3 1 0 LeMahieu 2b 2 0 0 0 0 0 .30 0 Utley 2b 4 I 2 0 I I .2 4 7 C.Torres p 0 0 0 0 0 0 .33 3 Howard lb 4 0 2 I 0 0 . 2 40 a Bla ckmon ph I 0 0 0 0 I .000 D.Brownlf 4 0 0 0 0 I . 2 3 8 W.Harris p 0 0 0 0 0 0 Papelbonp 0 0 0 0 0 0 M at.Reynolds p 0 0 0 0 0 0 .00 0 L.Nix rf 2 I 0 0 2 2 . 2 60 b Hernandez ph lb I 0 0 0 0 I .21 4 Maybe rry cf 3 I I 2 I I .2 3 0 Chatwood p I 0 0 0 0 0 .20 0 Kratz c 4 I I I 0 I . 2 7 1 Nelson 2b 2 0 0 I 0 0 .266 Hamelsp 3 0 0 0 0 2 . 2 22 Totals 37 5 11 5 5 4 Pierre lf I 0 I 0 0 0 . 3 06 Miami 420 000 000 — 6 14 0 Totals 3 4 4 7 4 4 11 Colorado 000 100 022 — 5 11 0 a struckoutforC.Torresin the6th. b struck outfor Milwaukee A B R H B l BB SO Avg. Mat.Reynolds in the 8th. c groundedoutfor Moscoso Aoki rf 3 0 0 0 I 0 .27 9 in the 9th. Lucroyc 4 I 2 0 0 0 .32 3 LOB Miami 8, Colorado 11. 2B W.Rosario Braun lf 4 I 3 2 0 0 .30 5 Colvin (17). 3B G.Hernandez(I), Reyes(9). Ar.Ramirez3b 4 I I I 0 2 .289 (15), HR Stanton(24), off Chatwood. Hart lb 4 0 I 0 0 I .267 DP Colorado1. C.Gomez cf 4 0 I 0 0 3 .256 R ansom 2b 4 0 0 0 0 4 .20 8 Miami IP H R ER BB SO NPERA Segurass 3 0 0 0 0 0 .24 3 FovaldiW,48 6 2 3 6 I I 4 3 11 5 4.03 Fiers p I 0 0 0 0 I .00 0 13 2 2 2 I 0 1 8 4 .53 a M.Rogers ph I 0 0 0 0 I .25 0 Gaudin H .BeffH,9 I 0 0 0 0 I 14 5 . 8 1 Loe p 0 0 0 0 0 0 CishekS,912 I 3 2 2 0 0 24 2 . 16 FrRodriguezp 0 0 0 0 0 0 Colorado IP H R E R BB SO ERA NP b R.Weeks ph I 0 0 0 0 I .221 ChatwoodL,33 4 9 6 6 I 3 71 5 .46 Henderson p 0 0 0 0 0 0 C.Torres 2 3 0 0 0 2 3 3 4 .35 Totals 33 3 6 3 1 13 113 2 0 0 0 2 1 9 5 .06 Philadelphia 0 3 1 000 000 — 4 7 0 W.Harris M at.Reynolds 23 0 0 0 0 I 9 4. 1 4 Milwaukee 010 000 020 — 3 6 0 Moscoso I 0 0 0 0 I 18 8 . 07 a struck out for Fiers in the5th. b struck out for Gaudin pitchedto 3batters in the8th. Fr Rodriguezin the 8th. T 3:11. A 30,426 (50,398). LOB Philadelphia 8, Milwaukee 4. 2B Howard 2 (6). HR Mayberry (10), off Fiers; Kratz(6), off Fiers; Ar.Ramirez(17), off Hamels; Braun(33), off Giants 8, Padres 7 Hamels. SB Aoki (17),Braun(20), C.Gomez(23). Sao Francisco AB R H 6 I BB SO Avg. Philadelphia IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Pagan cf 5 I I 0 0 I . 2 80 Hamels W,14 6 72 3 8 3 3 I 10 107 2.94 Scutaro2b 4 I 2 I 0 I . 2 82 PapelbonS,27301130 0 0 0 3 15 2.74 Sandoval3b 5 2 2 I 0 I . 3 00 Milwaukee I P H R ER BB SO NP ERA Affeldt p 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 00 Fiers L, 6 6 5 5 4 4 4 5 100 2.90 Hensley p 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 00 Loe 2 I 0 0 0 I 27 3.63 Posey c 4 2 3 I 0 0 . 3 33 FrRodriguez I 0 0 0 0 3 18 5.13 Pence rf 3 0 2 2 I 0 . 2 63 Henderson I I 0 0 0 2 21 4.50 Arias ss 3b 5 I 3 3 0 0 . 2 68 T 3:10. A 43,386 (41,900). Belt lb 4 0 0 0 I I .2 6 3 Christian lf 4 0 0 0 0 0 . 1 40 S.Casiffap 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 00 Reds 5, Gobs 3(First Game) 0 0 0 0 0 0 Rorno p b B.Crawford ph s s I 0 0 0 0 0 . 2 46 Chicago AB R H 6 I BB SO Avg. I 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 81 DeJesusrf 3 I 0 0 0 I . 2 6 5 Zito p I I I 0 0 0 . 2 66 Vitters 3b 4 0 0 0 0 2 . 0 91 a Theriot ph p I 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 00 Rizzo lb 4 0 0 0 0 2 . 2 92 Hacker Mijares p 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 00 A.Sorianolf 4 2 2 2 0 I . 2 62 I 0 0 0 0 0 . 2 39 S.Castross 3 0 0 0 I 0 . 2 76 G.Blancolf 39 6 14 6 2 4 W.Castiffo c 4 0 2 I 0 2 . 2 75 Totals I T.Woodpr 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 2 19 B.Jacksoncf 3 0 0 0 0 0 . 1 79 San Diego A B R H B l BB SO Avg. 5 0 2 I 0 0 .283 c Matherph I 0 0 0 0 I . 2 1 1 Denorfia rf Barney 2b 3 0 I 0 0 I . 2 6 8 F orsylhe 2b ss 4 I I 0 0 0 .26 5 I 0 0 0 0 I .274 Samardzija p 2 0 0 0 0 0 . 1 19 d Kotsayph Headley 3b 4 I 2 3 0 0 .277 Beliveaup 0 0 0 0 0 0 Quentin lf 3 2 I I I I .260 Corpasp 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 00 3 0 0 0 I 0 .28 9 aValbuenaph I 0 0 0 0 0 . 2 19 Grandal c Guzman lb 4 0 I 0 0 0 .246 Al. Cabrerap 0 0 0 0 0 0 Maybin cf 3 0 0 I 0 0 .21 1 Totals 3 2 3 5 3 1 10 Fv.Cabrerass 3 0 I 0 0 I .229 0 0 0 0 0 0 .00 0 Cincinnati AB R H B l BB SO Avg. Vincent p 0 0 0 0 0 Cozarl ss 4 0 I 0 0 2 .24 8 Boxberger p 0 c Alonsoph 0 I 0 0 I 0 .273 Heiseycf 3 0 I 0 0 2 .26 8 2 I I 0 0 0 .28 6 Stubbscf 0 0 0 0 0 0 .23 1 Stults p 0 0 0 0 0 0 B.Phiff ips2b 4 0 0 0 0 0 .288 Brach p p 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bruce rf 4 I I 0 0 2 .25 1 Layne A marista2b 2 I I I 0 0 .255 Frazier3b 3 2 2 2 0 0 .29 0 Totals 34 7 10 7 3 3 Paul lf 3 I I 2 I 0 .333 Cairo lb 3 I I I I 0 .165 Sao Francisco 010 040 201 — 6 14 0 Sao Diego 013 001 002 — 7 10 0 Hanigan c 3 0 I 0 I I .279 a singled for Zito in the 5th. b groundedout for Cuetop 3 0 0 0 0 0 .11 8 Rorno in the 9th. c wal ked for Boxberger inthe 9th. b Ludwickph I 0 0 0 0 0 .27 0 d struckoutfor Forsytheinthe 9th. Chapmanp 0 0 0 0 0 0 LOB San Francisco 9,SanDiego4. 2B Pagan Totals 31 5 6 5 3 7 (23), Posey 2(27), Pence(21). 3B Sandoval (2). Chicago 200 000 001 — 3 5 1 HR Arias (2),off Stults; Headley(20),offZito;Quen Cincinnati 020 200 01x — 5 6 0 tin (13), offHacker. a flied out for Corpasin the 8th. b groundedinto DP San Francisco2. a fielder'schoicefor Cuetointhe8th. c struck outfor B.Jackson inthe9th. Sao Francisco I P H R ER BB SO NPERA I ran forW.Castiffo inthe9th. 4 6 4 4 2 I 6 0 4.42 F Sama rdzija(1). LOB Chicago 4, Cincinnati Zito 1 231 I I 0 0 24 4.70 7. 2B Cozarl (30). 3B Bruce(2). HR A.Soriano Hacker Mijares W, I 0 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 . 00 (22), off Cueto;Paul(I), off Samardzija; Frazier (17), S.Casiffa H,2 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 6 3 . 35 off Samardzija;Cairo(I), off Samardzija. Rorno H,19 I I 0 0 0 I 1 6 1.95 2 3 2 2 2 I 0 2 2 2.85 C hicago IP H R E RBB SO NPERA Affeldt H, 9 3 4 13 0 0 0 0 I 4 32 7 Samardzija L,B 115 6 4 4 0 5 86 4.17 Hensley S, I P H R ER BB SO NPERA Beliveau I 0 0 0 2 0 29 1.74 Sao Diego Corpas I 0 0 0 0 2 12 3.56 Stu its 6 9 5 5 0 I 8 5 3.06 AI.Cabrera I 2 I I I 0 1 7 643 BrachL,13 13 3 2 2 I 0 2 0 3.99 C incinnati IP H R E RBB SO NPERA Layne 13 0 0 0 0 I 9 0 . 00 CuetoW,166 8 3 2 2 0 8 107 2.44 Vincent 1130 0 0 0 I 2 0 3.86 C hapmanS,29331 2 I I I 2 2 6 1.37 Boxberger I 2 1 1 I I 2 6 3.52 T 2:48. A 28,754 (42,319). T 313A 33,849(42,691).
America'sTeam, in soccer,comes from Europe By Jonathan Mahler Bloomberg News
he Olympic torch is out. Baseball is plod ding along, one painfully drawn-out at bat after the next. The U.S. Open tennis tournament is still more than a week away. Col lege and professional football are floating even further in the distance. But a lot of Americans are looking at this weekend's sports calendar and thinking red meat: Saturday was the start of the Barclays Premier League season. That's football season, if you are reading this anywhere outside of the United States. In the U.S., of course, we call it soccer, as in the pe rennial question: Will soccer, the most popular sport on the planet, ever take hold here? The answer is, it already has. It's just not the U.S. version. Instead, we have fallen in love with England's Premier League. So maybe we are ready for a new question: Can American soccer ever make it in America? European soccer is no longer the sports equivalent of free jazz, fetishized by a few who maybe had a relative in London or spent a semester in Barcelona. So deeply has it pen etrated mainstream American sports culture that jaw-slackening goals from the Premier League and Spain's La Liga are now hog ging airtime on the closest thing we have to a barometer of our national sports fixations: FSPN's "SportsCenter." Consider the soaring television ratings. A decisive late-season match last spring between crosstown rivals Manchester United and Man chester City — broadcast live on FSPN on a Monday afternoon — produced the largest U.S. audience ever for a Premier League match on cable TV, attracting 1.033 million viewers. That's almost twice as many as the previous re cord holder, a 2010 match between Arsenal and Chelsea. Paltry numbers when compared with the big-time spectator sports in the U.S., yes. (In 2011, the typical NFL game was watched by an average of 17.5 million people.) But what league wouldn't kill for that sort of growth rate? Now consider some anecdotal evidence. For all of the millions of kids playing youth soccer here every year, the U.S. has not yet produced a megastar of global stature. What we have produced is a lot of soccer parents. Specifically, soccer dads. Those guys with "flexible" work schedules, the ones who might have been toting around a diaper bag a decade ago? Now they are on the sidelines of their kids' games in Sambas and Gerrard jerseys, monitoring their BlackBer rys for updates on their fantasy F.PL teams. (Speaking of which: Juan Mata or Eden Haz ard at midfield?) They have presumably discovered the beau ty of a game that, at its essence, is incompre hensibly boring and deeply intoxicating at the same time: Is anything ever going to happen? I don't know, but I obviously can't leave the couch in case it does. They have also been masterfully seduced. In summer 2003, Manchester United made its first trip to the U.S. in more than 50 years for a slew of "friendlies," opening the floodgates for what has since become an annual influx of in ternational clubs eager to raise their profile in the U.S. by packing soccer fans into awkward ly reconfigured baseball parks. While these summer tours may be a finan cial boon to the clubs and a treat for U.S. soc cer fans, they' re not doing much good for pro fessional soccer in the U.S. Strictly speaking, the scores of European soccer clubs and Major League Soccer are not competitors, but even the most rabid fans need to make time to sleep and eat. It is easy to see who is winning the com petition for America's attention. Last fall, a taped Premier League game on Fox drew al most twice as many viewers as Major League Soccer's championship match, broadcast on FSPN that same weekend. Liverpool and AC Roma had no trouble selling out their late July match in Boston, pretentiously billed as "Football at Fenway." Meanwhile, many MLS clubs have been reduced to promotional gim micks that would make most Class A baseball teams cringe. (The Colorado Rapids team of fers a "Lads Night Out" special: $44 gets you two tickets, two beers, two hot dogs and, for some reason, two scarves, which hardly seems something "the lads" would get excited about.) How can MLS win back — or win, period — its hometown fans? One way, suggested by none other than the L.A. Galaxy's David Beck ham, is for the league to lift its salary cap — to try to beat the F.PL at its own game by outbid ding them for the world's biggest soccer stars. But why add another species of athletic prima donna to our already bloated sports ecosystem? I favor a less-costly option: Let' s go with what we' ve got and build on it. I'm not saying the U.S. should be satisfied with a second-tier league. I'm saying it should cel ebrate what it has already accomplished as a young soccer nation — not only assembling a women's team that rules the sport, but also a men's team that came out of nowhere to quali fy for the World Cup in 1990 and hasn't missed one since. I'm saying we should stop whining about MLS as an "inferior product," about all of the talented U.S. players fleeing to Europe for their paydays. I'm saying let's cut it with the "Lads Night Out" and the faux-European team names like Real Salt Lake and FC Dallas. And to my fellow soccer dads: How about taking a pass on this year's home Arsenal jersey, and spending that $84.99 on your lo cal MLS team instead? More money will flow into the league, and before you know it, we will have created an authentic, powerful U.S. soc cer culture, something we are never going to do relying on aging ex-Premier League stars and ersatz Euro touches.
John Bazemore/The Associated Press
LSU cornerback Tyrann Mathieu (7) returns a punt for a touchdown against Georgia during the first half of the Southeastern Conference championship game in Atlanta last year. LSU has dismissed Heisman Trophy finalist Mathieu from its football program for violating school and team rules.
's Mat ieu ust atest star to stum By Tim Rohan
the lights are off and there's nothing else going on, now you' ve got to take that uniform, that Just last week, Tyrann Mathieu was the rare costume, off and be something totally differ collegiate defensive back who had earned star ent," Arrington said. "Your best commodity status as an outspoken dervish of a player, one that may make you into a superstar may be the who demanded attention whenever he got near same thing that leads to you being in trouble." the ball. But Mathieu's life has changed drasti These types of problems can begin even dur cally, taking two sharp turns. ing the recruiting process, when coaches, con He was dismissed from the Louisiana State fidants and friends repeatedly tell players "how team Aug. 10 for an unspecified rules violation, special they are," Tiller said, adding, "Almost to and his father reportedly told a New Orleans the point where we elevate ourselves to a status TV station that he has since checked into a drug where we believe we' re nearly untouchable." rehabilitation facility in the Houston area. He is Once theyreach campus, they can become also being counseled by John Lucas, a former exposed, especially with the advent of Twitter. NBA player and coach who has struggled with Mathieu has more than 150,000 followers on drug addiction. the social media site, on which he posted in a con space reserved for biographical information, The turnaround in Mathieu's life maybe sidered stunning, but the struggles he is facing "Dont follow me, I am not perfect." are not unusual. Just this offseason, Michael Unlike in past eras, a player's every move Dyer, a former Auburn running back, was dis can be watched,recorded and dissected these missed from Arkansas State. Greg Reid will days, said Lloyd Carr, a former Michigan coach. play cornerback for Valdosta State, not Florida Coaches' pleas to act with caution can fall on State, for violating team rules. Georgia running some young and immature ears. "The truth is, the great majority of them, they back Isaiah Crowell was dismissed from the squad. Notre Dame quarterback Tommy Rees get it," Carr said. "But there are always exam and Clemson wideout Sammy Watkins face ples out there every day that we can use, things suspensions. that happen when you make mistakes." "I guess they' re too young, or too immature, In January 1987, Bosworth was suspended but there are too many temptations out there, for steroid use and ultimately forced off the and particularly if their background lends it team at Oklahoma. In 1995, Phillips, a Nebras self to that," said Joe Tiller, a former Purdue ka running back, was arrested on charges of coach. "It's just a matter of time until the guy assaulting his girlfriend. He wound up being implodes." reinstated by Tom Osborne, the Cornhuskers' The list of college stars who ran afoul of the coach, as the team finished with the No. I rank rules stretches back for years. Brian Bosworth ing in the country. in 1987, Lawrence Phillips in 1995, Peter War In 1999, Warrick was arrested in connection rick in 1999 and Cam Newton in 2008 all gained with a scheme to underpay for clothes at a de a degree ofnotoriety. partment store in Tallahassee, Fla., where he In today's information age, it is easier to get attended Florida State. His subsequent suspen in trouble, said LaVar Arrington, who starred sion may have cost him the Heisman Trophy. at Penn State in 1998 and 1999. He said he never Newton transferred from th e U n iversity considered himself a star, though he said he was of Florida in 2008, having been charged with overwhelmed by the attention he received after the theft of a laptop computer. He eventually he appeared on the cover of Sports Illustrated. wound up at Auburn, where he won the Heis Now it is to a point, Arrington said, where man, but his collegiate career was dogged by "you almost have to live like a hermit if you controversy. don't want to get in trouble." And there seems to be no letup in these types Mathieu already had a memorable nickname of situations. — the Honey Badger — and his dynamic style "The sport has never been as popular as it' s of play, coupled with his outgoing personality, been today," Tiller said. "I think it's a little bit turned him into a public figure last season at of overkill, really. We' re almost placing these the age of 19. athletes in an unreal world, sending them mes "It's difficult to tell people to be that charac sages that aren't in line with real-life facts. As ter that makes people want to buy your jersey, a result, they think they can act any way they or label you the Honey Badger, and then when choose." New York Times News Service
Michigan QB Robinson can count Obama among his fans By Larry Lage The Associated Press
ANN ARBOR, Mich. — Denard Robinson was known by a relative few outside of Florida when he arrived in Ann Arbor three years ago. Now, it would be difficult to find a sports fan who doesn't recognize Michigan's star quarter back, and many — including President Barack Obama and LeBron James — count themselves as fans of the electric athlete with an infectious smile, flowing dreadlocks and untied cleats. And now, Shoelace is a senior. Robinson has captivated the masses as one of college football's most exciting players for three years now, using sprinter's speed and running back-like vision to break records and rivet viewers. Along the way, he has gotten more comfortableas a leader. Robinson spoke on behalf of Big Ten players at the conference's kickoff luncheon this sum mer, and he cracked at least one joke at Michi gan's media day when comparing his speed to the fastest person on the planet. "I think I'd get Usain Bolt in a 40-yard dash," Robinson said with a grin. "I watched his start. I think I'd get him." Obama gave Robinson a shout-out from in front of a crowd last winter when he visited Ann Arbor and granted him a one-on-one au dience for a couple of minutes. "I talked to him and got a picture with him," Robinson recalled. "He told me that we should be a team to be reckoned with. We' ve got to make the most of it." Robinson didn' t, or didn't want to, under
stand, why so many people wanted to talk to him two years ago as a sophomore when he became the first NCAA player to pass for 2,500 yards and run for 1,500 in a season. He said back then that he didn't have cable, making it easy to avoid watching highlights of himself on FSPN, and shunned social networking for a while. Eventually, Robinson joined his team mates on Twitter and learned a lesson when someone else posted messages. "Even when my Twitter account was hacked — front-page news — I turned it into a posi tive," he said. Michigan coach Brady Hoke has stressed the importance of Robinson becoming more of a leader on and off the field, when no one is watching and in front of reporters. A bit reluctantly, Robinson has done it. "I get a little comfortable with it, but still I would rather be behind the scenes and be with my teammates," he said. "I would personally rather just be hanging out with the fellas." Robinson regards himself as just one of the guys, not a big man on campus, keeping the humble ways he had growing up with six brothers and one sister in Deerfield Beach, Fla. "He doesn't ever big-time anybody," team mate Taylor Lewan said. "He's really become a huge leader with his words and actions. Every time I come in, he's here working on his steps and timing with the receivers. If he's not doing that, he's watching film. If he's not doing that, he's encouraging teammates to do the right thing."
Continued from D1 "Of course, there are times when punt ing is a good idea," Romer said in an email message, "just not nearly as many as foot ball coaches seem to think." Brian Burke, the publisher of advanced nflstats.corn, said teams should go for a first down when they faced fourth-and-l, or when it was fourth down between the opponent's 35 and 40. Burke also said that he believed that teams should try to score a touchdown when facing fourth-and goal from the 6 or closer, assuming a last second field goal is not called for. "If everyone agrees out of fear or igno rance to sort of play ultraconservative, nobody really has an advantage," Burke said. "There's no development, no evolu tion. Coaches have strategies that are generations behind where the sport really is. It's going to take someone to stick their neck out." Coaches are hesitant to take the plunge because a string of failed fourth-down attempts could leave them vulnerable to criticism and affect their job security more than a conservative menu of punts ever could. "From different eras, there was a mind set that playing the field-possession game is a good thing, because it turned the ball to the other team 40 yards away and al lows them to make a mistake," the former Tennessee coach Phillip Fulmer said. "Coaches, by nature, are a little bit defen sive in their thinking." According to Dr. Curt Lox, a professor of kinesiology and sports psychology at Southern Illinois-Fdwardsville, the can didates best in position to experiment with a punt-free strategy are those who are so established and successful that they are almost immune to criticism of their strategy, or those who are unknown underdogs with nothing to lose. Kevin Kelley, the head coach at Pu laski Academy in Little Rock, Ark., fit the second description when he was hired in 2003. That year, he came across a grainy VHS tape of a professor espousing the po tential virtues of a punt-free lifestyle. Kel ley was intrigued and has since become perhaps the most unorthodox coach in the nation. His high school team does onside kicks after almost every score. It does not use a punt returner, because Kelley believes fumbles and penalties oc cur more often than strong returns. And it does not punt. Last season, the Bruins went 14-0 and won the Class 4A state championship. "It was easy to convince the players, be cause they grow up playing PlayStation and Madden and they don't punt in those games, so they don't want to punt in real games," Kelley said. "The fans were a dif ferent story." When Kelley unveiled his aggressive offense, his tactics were questioned by Pulaski administrators and school board members. Once, when Pulaski defied its own logic and punted, it received a stand ing ovation from the home crowd. "I remember turning around and say ing,'You're the only people in the history of football that stand and cheer for a punt,' " Kelley said. It would be ineffective, Kelley said, for collegeand professional coaches to decide in the middle of a game to attempt a risky fourth-down play simply because statis tics supported the call. If they embraced the model, the structure of their play call ing would be tailored toward it. Kelley's offense thrives because the possibilities are endless. Third-and-7 is not necessarily a passing down, and third-and-inches is not n ecessarily a running down. "And God help the defense on first and-10," Kelley said, "because we can literally do anything." In recent years, Kelley has consulted with college and NFL teams. He said one offensive coordinator for a team in the Big 12 Conference was enthralled by the idea of never punting, but the head coach was spooked by the risks. Then the offensive coordinator became a head coach, and he got cold feet, too. Kelley has shared his philosophy with two AFC coaches whose hesitancy out weighed their curiosity. "These coaches are making millions of dollars, and if they lose close games doing it the traditional way, they' ll prob ably keep their jobs," Kelley said. Pro and college punters, already a soli tary lot, are understandably defensive when facing such an existential ques tion. If there was no punting, there would be no punters. "Obviously, we d on't get t o s c ore points," said Bobby Cowan, a senior punter at Idaho whose average of 46.41 yards a kick was second in the nation last season. "But when you pin a team on the I-inch line and your team gets a safety, that's kind of your 2 points. Plus, you get the ball back, so you could basi cally score 9 points for your team." Minnesota Vikings punter Chris Klu we understands the data that says most teams punt too often. But, Kluwe said, unlike baseball and its sabermetric-friendly 162-game sea son, a 16-game football season is not a large enough sample for a definitive stance. "Over the long run, your offense might convert enough of those fourth downs to be worth it," Kluwe said. "The problem is if you run into a couple ofbad plays in one game, you' re going to lose." And in football, one extra loss could keep a team out of the playoffs. But for punters like Kluwe, perhaps there is a happy medium, a way to embrace this new way of thinking without turning punters into relics. "I'm all for running fake punts," Kluwe said. "That's our one time to shine."
Garcia shoots 66 to take 1-stroke lead at Wyndham The Associated Press a birdie on No. 15. GREENSBORO, N.C. If he can keep it rolling for — No lead is ever really safe one more round, he might at birdie-friendly Sedgefield claim his first win on the tour Country Club. The last time since 2008 — and strengthen Sergio Garcia played his chances to make here, he learned that the European Ryder the hard way. Cup team. "Winning means a Garcia shot a 4-un der 66 on Saturday lot, no matter what," to take the lead at 14 Garcia said. under 196after three Garcia Clark might have rounds at the Wynd had the lead comfort ham Championship. ably to himself, had he It's a familiar spot for the not missed short birdie putts Spaniard, who shared the on consecutive holes midway third-round lead in 2009 but through the back nine. wound up finishing fourth Instead, he' ll have to settle after falling a stroke shy of a for a share of second place three-man playoff. with Cauley, who had three "Eighteen pars are not go straight late birdies. ing to win it," Garcia said. Also on Saturday: "You have to m ake some Huston leads Faxon birdies out there.... I don' t at Champions event have a number. I'm not going ENDICOTT, N.Y. — De to say I need to shoot 4under, fending champion John 5 under, or whatever. Some Huston shot a 5-under 67 to one might go out and shoot take a one-stroke lead over 9 under, and 5 under's not Brad Faxon after the second good enough." round of the Dick's Sporting Tim Clark and Bud Cauley Goods Open. Huston had were a stroke back, and Ja a 12-under 132 total in the son Dufner, Harris English Champion Tour event at En and Carl Pettersson were at Joie Golf Club. Faxon shot a 12 under in the last event be 66. Willie Wood and Peter fore the FedEx Cup playoffs. Senior were three strokes Dufner shot a 63 — the back at 9 under. Wood had a day's best round. Cauley had 68, and Senior shot 67. Today's championship final a 66, Clark shot a 67, and English and Pettersson had set for U.S. Amateur 68s. C HERRY H I L L S V I L Garcia — whose second LAGE, Colo. — M i chael round 63 marked his best Weaver opened a big lead, P GA Tour round in a d e and then hung on to beat Jus cade — made a move with tin Thomas3and2toadvance consecutive birdies midway to the final in the U.S. Ama through the back nine that teur at Cherry Hills. Weaver, briefly helped him leapfrog from Fresno, Calif., and the his playing partner, Clark. University of California, will G arcia plopped hi s t e e face Steven Fox, a Tennes shot 4 feet from the flagstick see-Chattanooga senior from on the par-3 12th and tapped Hendersonville, Tenn., today in, then followed that with a in the 36-hole championship. birdie on No. 13 to move to Fox beat B r andon H agy, 14 under. Then, after just his Weaver's teammate at Cal, second bogey of the tourna 2-up. Thomas, from Goshen, ment, hebounced back with Ky., plays at Alabama.
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Oon Ryan The / A ssociated press
Mika Miyazato chips to the ninth green during the second round of the LPGA Safeway Classic in North Plains on Saturday. Mi yazato leads at 11-under par heading into today's final round.
Miyazato tops Oregon LPGA event The Associated Press NORTH PLAINS — Japan's Mika Miyazato shoot a 4-un der 68 on Saturday to take a two-stroke lead after the sec ond round of the LPGA Tour's Safeway Classic. Miyazato, tied for the first round lead with Sydnee Mi chaels after a 65, had an 11 under 133 total on Pumpkin Ridge's Ghost Creek Course. South Korea's So Yeon Ryu, the Toledo Classic winner last week, was second after a 68. Ryu and Miyazato, winless in her four seasons on the LPGA Tour, will be paired together again today after playing in the same group the first two days. Cristie Kerr and Inbee Park shot 70 to reach 8 under, and Michaels had a 72 to join top ranked Yani Tseng and Paula Creamer at 7 under. Tseng had a 67, and Creamer shot a 69. Miyazato is enjoying the b est stretch of play on t h e L PGA Tour o f l a t e , w i t h second-place ties this sum
mer at t h e N W A r k a nsas C hampionship an d L P G A Championship. "I have so much good ex perience the last four or five events," Miyazato said. "But I don't know how much closer to win the tournament. I try to focus on my golf game, one shot at a time." M iyazato must f en d o f f Ryu, who closed with a 9-un der 62 last week in Ohio to tie the LPGA record for lowest fi nal-round score for a winning player. Ryu is 29 under in her past six rounds of competi tion, all six rounds in the 60s. " (Miyazato) i s r e ad y t o make a w i n . T h e p r oblem with golf is it's quite a men tal game. She can win pretty soon, but I want to make an other win, too," Ryu said. Tseng leads the tour with three victories, but hasn't won since March and missed the cut in three of her previous
four tournaments. "I'm (four) shots back, so on this course, you can make a lot of birdies here," Tseng said. "I feel I'm getting back. I can get back slowly. I don' t have to win this week. I can play well tomorrow and may be next week I' ll win, but you never know." Kerr, who won the event in 2008 at Columbia-Edgewater and finished second at Pump kin Ridge in 2010, expects to day to be a shootout. "Typically, the winner of this tournament shoots a low round on Sunday, so that is what's going to have to be done," Kerr said. "I think at least 14 or 15 under will prob ably win." Michelle Wie was tied for 11th at 5 under after a 70. Defending champion Su zann Pettersen was 2-under after a 71. Last year, the Nor wegian star Pettersen over
ment, for the 14U title, is scheduled to begin at 3:30 p.m. Admission is free for spectators. Continued from D1 While Schafer-Arbuckle is relatively new to Even though Schafer-Arbuckle was one of the Northwest Cup, Sal DelPozzo has been at the youngest players to take to the rink — the tending and playing in the Northwest Cup for roughly 180 men, women, boys and girls range at least a dozen years — back when the tourna in age from as young as 8 up to as old as 60 — in ment was staged at the outdoor skating rink at this year's Northwest Cup, he is already a tour Juniper Park that no longer exists. He grew up nament veteran. He played in the 2011 version of playing ice hockey in New York and took up the tournament as well. the sport when one of his sons, also named Sal, "It's really fun," said Schafer-Arbuckle, who started playing as a boy. The elder DelPozzo has is primarily a defenseman, of tournament play. been witness to the ebb and flow of roller hock "In finals, you often hear a lot of the parents and ey's popularity in the area. "Now it seems to be back on the rise and more coaches screaming your name ... so that's pretty cool." younger kids playing," DelPozzo, 48, noted. Cascade Indoor Sports hockey director John "It's nice to see young families coming out, and Kromm said that 16 squads are taking part in there's more enthusiasm for the sport again." this year's Northwest Cup, and players came Like Schafer-Arbuckle, Seth Johnson is one from as far away as Canada and Arizona to par of those younger kids who are picking up the ticipate. In addition to the two youth divisions, sport. Johnson, 12, one of Schafer-Arbuckle's competition is also being staged for adults at the Sour Punch teammates and also a defenseman, A, B and rec levels — ranging from most com only took up roller hockey earlier this year and petitive to least and offering players of varying is playing in his first Northwest Cup. He says he ability levels the chance to compete. Play in the is already a convert to the sport. "I just love hockey," Johnson said. "It's fun to 10U and rec divisions wrapped up on Saturday, but champions will be crowned today in the A, do. It's something that I can do, and I'm good at B and 14U divisions. Play resumes at 8 o' clock it, and it's easy to learn." this morning, and the final game of the tourna — Reporter: 541-383-0393,amilesC<bendbulletirLcom.
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ing shots like I was dusting a Nebraska corn field. After two shots in the water on the short Continued from D1 par-4 sixth, an errant drive, a lost ball and play At one-third the cost of Widgi's peak $75 rate, ing up the wrong fairway on the seventh, and I figured playing even nine holes would be a de another misadventure on the eighth, we were in cent deal. trouble. All 18 at a cost of about $1.39 per hole? Now Turning at 7:07 p.m., with the sun dropping be that is a steal. low the tops of the ponderosa pines, left us pre However, squeezing a full round of golf in a cious little time for the back side. window of daylight that works out to be about The only score that mattered now was time. three hours — or about 10 minutes per hole — on After each hole we calculated what it would take a mid-August evening is no easy trick. to finish. My partner and I were walking, so avoiding After the par-4 13th, completed at 7:46, we long hunts for errant shots and offering plenty needed to average eight minutes per hole and my of gimmies were necessary in such a tight time partner proclaimed: "I don't think we can do it." frame. Having golfers on the same mission Nonsense. around us would be important, too. We turned every green into a two-putt and our "As long as everyone focuses on keeping up a interpretation of the rules of golf became more good pace, even this late in the summer, 18 holes lax than an age limit at a Cancun bar. is still possible for the next few weeks ... and We played the par-3 15th in five minutes, after easily available during the peak of the summer," which my partner said: "Calling what we' re do says Dan Ostrin, head pro at Widgi Creek, who ing 'golf' is a liberal use of the term." kicked off the super twilight rate in 2010 and says True. But at 8 p.m., we were back on pace. he now sees 15 to 20 discount golfers a night. At 8:21 — teeing off on Widgi Creek's driv We left The Bulletin, about four miles from able par-4 finishing hole — my playing partner Widgi Creek, a few minutes past 5 p.m. By 5:25 teed off with just enough light left to spot the (the clubhouse generously let us out a few min direction of his drive. Finding the shot would be utes early) I was standing over my first tee shot. guesswork. Heartened by a wide-open course, we played We rushed up the 18th, made our chips with the first five holes expeditiously yet without no hope of seeing the undulation of the green, rushing. We even caught up to a single golfer and each putted out to make it official. When my and had to slow down a bit, but we still managed ball dropped, it was 8:28. "I don't think we COULD play another hole, to putt out on Widgi Creek's fifth hole at 6:15. A perfect pace. even if we wanted to," my partner said. Neither my partner nor I was playing particu No. The night had overtaken the course. larly well, but we largely avoided trouble and But at less than $1.50 a hole, the day ended just consequently saved time. how we wanted. That all ended on No. 6 when I started spray — Reporter:541-617-7868,zhall@bendbulletirLcom.
came a nine-stroke deficit in the final round and won in a playoff. It was nearly 30 degrees cooler Saturday f o l lowing Friday's scorching 1 00-de gree day. Players said lower temperatures made the 6,611 yard course play longer. Miyazato birdied two of her final four holes in her bogey free round to take the lead. "I had so much good today," Miyazato said. "My second shot was very well. But I had so much frustration on the putting on the front nine."
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Counter Clerk Line Cooks/Servers Parts Big Country RV, Inc. Needed for immedi Central Oregon's larg ate openings in the est RV dealer is look 6 5480 7 8 t h Be n d , 541-385-5800 CO area. Interested I At O regon's i ng f o a Part s 5 41-389-8420; v i s i t To place an ad, call c andidates em a i l Counterr clerk. (PNDC) Largest 3-Day Cus www.craftcats.org for 421 541-385-5809 corie.pelcher O your ad! Gun & Knife Show MANTIS Deluxe Tiller. tomer service experi photos & more. or email express pros.corn. Want to Buy or Rent August 24-25-26 Schools & Training NEW! FastStart en ence, and p revious classifisd@bsndbullstm corn Lab Pups AKC, black The Bulletin at Portland gine. Ships F R EE. parts experience a Accounts Payable Wanted: $Cash paid for & yellow, Mas t e r recommends extra ' Expo Center A IRLINES ARE H I R O ne-Year Mon e y geraag Cearral Oregonscarc lggg plus; computer skills Clerk vintage costume jew Hunter sired, perfor I caution when pur Featuring a Special ING — Train for hands Back Guarantee when necessary. Good pay can d i and elry. Top dollar paid for mance pedigree, OFA chasing products or s Show & Sale of on Aviation Mainte I nterested you buy DIRECT. Call benefits. Apply to dates please submit Gold/Silver.l buy by the cert hips & e lbows, services from out of I Preparedness & Prompt Delivery nance Career. FAA bcrvhireo mail.com f or the D V D a n d Estate, Honest Artist Call 541-771-2330 resume to: the area. Sending t Survival Products approved p r ogram. F REE G oo d So i l Rock, Sand & Gravel or in person at 63500 Elizabeth,541-633-7006 www.klnnamanretnevers.corn cash, c hecks, o r s details at www.Col Financial aid if quali Jennifer. clemens O book! 877-357-5647. Multiple Colors, Sizes N Hwy 97, in Bend. expresspros.corn Labradoodles — Mi n i & lectorsWest.corn Instant Landscaping Co. fied — Housing avail I credit i n f o rmation (PNDC) WANTED: RAZORS, med size, several colors 541-389-9663 may be subjected to Fri. 12-6, Sat. 9-5, able. Call Aviation In Double or single Remember.... 541-504-2662 Good classified ads tell Information stitute of I FRAUD. For more I Sun 10-4. Adm Sg9 edged, straight A dd your we b a d SUPER TOP SOIL Technology www.alpen-ridge.corn the essential facts in an information about an n Maintenance. razors, shaving www.hsrshs scnandbark.corn dress to your ad and — Director of IT interesting Manner. Write 1-877-804-5293. brushes, mugs & advertiser, you may I Screened, soil & com Yorkie-Chihuahua male GUN SHOW readers on The See www.ex from the readers view not (PNDC) scuttles, strops, post mi x ed , no puppy, black & gold. I call the O r egon i Sept.1 8 2 Bulletin' s web site p resspros.corn f o r shaving accessories State Attor n ey ' Deschutes Fairgrounds the seller' s. Convert the $100 CASH! rocks/clods. High hu ATTEND COL L EGE details. F o r c onfi will be able to click & memorabilia. 541-546-7909 I General's O f f i c e facts into benefits. Show mus level, exc. f or Buy! Sell! Trade! from Home. dential con s ider through automatically Fair prices paid. Consumer P r otec- • SAT. 9-5 • SUN. 10-3 the reader how the item will flower beds, lawns, ONLINE *Medical, *Business, ation e-mail resume to your site. Call 541-390-7029 Need help fixing stuff? t ion ho t l in e at I gardens, straight *Criminal help them in someway. Just i ce, to $8 Admission, ka r en. turner O between 10 am-3 pm. Call A ServiceProfessional I 1-877-877-9392. s creened to p s o i l . * Hospitality. This Job 12 & under free. Bark. Clean fill. De placement assistance. expresspros.corn. Wanted: Single-car cov find the help you need. advertising tip OREGON TRAIL GUN Tick, Tock www.bendbulletin.corn liver/you haul. ered parking, Bend v brought toyouby Computer available. Software Developer SHOWS 541-347-2120 541-548-3949. area. 541-678-2195 Financial Aid if quali See Tick, Tock... Papillon tiny male pup. www.ex The Bulletin HUNTING EXPO fied. SCHEV certified. p resspros.corn f o r 9 wks Ready for lov Serving CaaaalCrvgaa sincerglg 270 ...don't let time get Grant Co. Fairgrounds Call 866 - 688-7078 details. F o r c onfi ing home. Many ref Lost & Found John Day, OR • Sept. 22-23 MASSAGE TABLE por Pets & Supplies away. Hire a www.CenturaOnline.c erences $295. C a ll dential con s ider Sat., 9-5 - Sun., 9-3 table "Master" w/case, om (PNDC) 541-350-1684 ation e-mail resume professional out Buy~ • Sell~ • Trade Found Fly Rod, on East High Chair, baby, all new condition, $100. ka r en. turner O The Bulletin recom PEOPLE giving p ets wood, dark brown, $40. Vendor applications at 541-848-7707 L ake Hwy, c al l t o Oregon Medical Train to of The Bulletin's www.grantcountyfairgrounds.corn mends extra caution 541-923-9603 identify. 541-610-9832 ing PCS Ph lebotomy expresspros.corn. away are advised to "Call A Service Pedestal b e d wit h (541) 575-1900 classes begin August when purc h a s be selective about the d rawers and 2 t w in 27. Registration now ing products or ser Professional" new owners. For the mattress, oak SOLD. Garage Sales P ": vices from out of the Antiques & Sig model 228 9mm protection of the ani Directory today! Solid Mahogany com medicaltrainin .corn area. Sending cash, 4 clips, night sights, mal, a personal visit to Collectibles puter c a b inet/desk, Garage Sales 541-343-31 00 checks, or credit in t he a n imal's n e w holster, extra trigger, $300. 541-815-1828 f ormation may b e $500. Great gun. h ome is reco m Garage Sales TRUCK SCHOOL Millwork Antique Safe, Wanted exp. processor RN Case Managers subjected to fraud. 541-420-9487 Poulan Pro riding lawn mended. great condition, $1800. www.llTR.net operator, will pay to P artners I n C a r e For more i nforma m ower 42" 1 8 t/s hp Find them 949-939-5690 (Bend) Redmond Campus Home Health and relocate. Must have tion about an adver g ood shape. $ 6 00 Sauer P938 Exreme, Student Loans/Job geraag Cearral Oregonscarc lggg in an insurable driving Hospice is seeking tiser, you may call Dishes, F r a nciscanSig 2 mags,like new in box, OBO. 541-389-9268 Waiting Toll Free applicants for r ecord and able t o the O r e gon State Pitbull Purebred Pups, Hacienda Gold, 50+ $750, 541-633-3844. The Bulletin 1-888-387-9252 Stowmaster 5000 hold full-time RN C ase p ass a d r u g t e s t . Attorney General' s fawns & tans, $200 pieces, incl. p lates, up tow bar, $125. Brake C lassifieds M anagers to p ro During winter layoff, Office Co n s umer $275, 541-280-8720 cups & sau c ers, Take the Rifleman's Buddy RV tow car brak 476 some shop work is v ide care t o o u r Protection hotline at creamers, coffee pot, Challenge! Place a i ng s y stem, S O L D 541-385-5809 Employment Pit Bull, spayed female, milk pitcher, g ravy available. Call hospice and home 1-877-877-9392. one-inch black square 541-548-3610 1t/s yrs. Shots, chipped, 5 41-488-2880, 8 : 0 0 health pati e nts. Opportunities boats, covered butter d own range a t 2 5 loving, f re e t o g ood Found sports j e rsey, Hospice experience a.m. to 8:00 p.m. The Bulletin Offers m eters and pu t 1 0 dishes, divided bowls, home. 541-388-0232 brand new, on Bend geraag Centrar Oregaa scarc 1903 p referred. Ap p l i mugs, salt & pepper, r ounds i n side t h e Free Private Party Ads Parkway 8/17. Call to Attn: Elk Hunters! Guide cants MUST have a POODLE (TOY) PUPS Jobs Avail. If you are Where can you find a platters, bowls & much black, can you do it? If • 3 lines — 3 days identify 541-382-6890 current Oregon RN Aussie's mini AKC, red Well-socialized & lov an experienced ar more! E xc . c o n d., not, come join us at • Private Party Only helping hand? license. Q u a lified tri's/meric's, males /fe able. 541-475-3889 The Apple s eed • Total of items adver Lost Cat, 8/10, longhair chery elk hunter with $350, 541-617-5051 From contractors to candidates are males parents on site Queensland Heelers Project at Redmond tised must equal $200 5-toe tabby, female, good elk calling skills, asked to submit a some toy s ize. Call standard & mini,$150 & Cimarron City, "Tink 6-15 weeks avail. for yard care, it's all here Rod and Gun Club, or Less resume to 2075 NE 541-598-5314/788-7799 a the Colorado season. erbell,a 541-771-9548. Sat. & Sunday, Au u !vs dc r in The Bulletin's up. 541-280-1537 http: // Wyatt Court, Bend • 3-ad limit for s a m e Contact Jim, gust 25 & 26. Visit "Call A Service Australian Shepherd 2-yr nghtwayranch.wordpress.corn Lost Cat: Romaine Vil Design OR 97701 Attn: HR, item advertised within 41 7-594-081 6 www.appleseedinfo.org male, free to approved Siamese kittens, raised lage Area, a r ound Visit our HUGE o r vi a e m ai l t o Professional" Directory 3 months for more info. Call Paul home. 541-383-4552 7/14, white f e male, FIND IT! in home. Gorgeous! home decor HR O partnersbend. Gal I 541-385-5809 at 360-953-3232 w/1 black ear & black only $15. 541-977-7019 consignment store. BUY IT! Barn/shop cats FREE, Fax 541-385-5802 Operations Manager olg . t ail, 1 b lue eye, 1 New items some tame, some not. THANKS to Dr. Peggy UTAH + OR CCW: Or SELL IT! Big Country RV, Inc. eye, $100 Re arrive daily! We d eliver! F ixed, Griffin, Critter Care a egon & U ta h C o nWanted- pa ying cash green 5 4 1-317-9299 The Bulletin Classifieds Successful Central Or 930 SE Textron, cealed License Class. for Hi-fi audio & stu ward, shots, etc. 389-8420 Van, for the caring & egon RV D e alership or 503-724-5858. Bend 541-318-1501 expert guidance she Sat. Aug 25, 9:30 am, dio equip. Mclntosh, seeks Operati ons Man Banking J BL, Marantz, D y Lost diamond earring provides to Cat Res www.redeuxbend.corn Madras Range. Utah ager to oversee 3 loca naco, Heathkit, San Sat. 8/4, Costco area. cue, Adoption & Foster $65, OR+UT — $100. tions. Ideal candidate Team with the forgot The Bulletin reserves Incl photo for Utah, sui, Carver, NAD, etc. Reward! 541-526-5651 will have proven experi /n Care Call 541-261-1808 ten & abused cats & ence in management, COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION the right to publish all Call P au l S u m ner R EMEMBER: If you kittens in t his a rea. ads from The Bulletin 541-475-7277 for pre Window Air conditioner, budgeting, accounting, have lost an animal, computers & production. newspaper onto The reg, email, map, info We are excited to Beat the heat for $70! Just too many don't forget to check Bloodhound, f e m ale, www.craftcats.org Bulletin Internet web 541-633-7650. announce an avail Excellent compensation almost 2 y rs , u nalYorkie — Adorable 9 The Humane Society collectibles? WANTED: 20 ga. shot & benefit package, in a ble p o sition i n site. tered, AKC reg., $400, week ol d p u rebred in Bend 541-382-3537 cluding: Medical insur gun, youth model, short 261 Bend, Oregon. Brady, 541-848-9953. Male pup for s ale. Redmond, stock, pump action for ance, vacation, Simple Sell them in Branch Su ervisor $500. Will be approx 541-923-0882 geraag Central Oregonscarc 1903 young hunter of small Medical Equipment IRA. Please apply with The Bulletin Classifieds Salary Range: 5lb full grown . First Prineville, stature. 541-480-7298 resume & cover letter to: ATTENTION DIABET $29,000 — $40,000 shots, tail Hdocked, 541-447-7178; bcrvhireo mail.corn EOE. dewclaws r e moved, • Co i ns& Stamps • Winchester 30-30, pre ICS with M edicare. OR Craft Cats, or in person at 63500 N 541-385-5809 For more details, health guarantee and 64, exc. cond., $575, Get a FREE talking 541-389-8420. Hwy 97, Bend. please apply online: worming. Ready for Private collector buying Ruger, 10-22, Stain meter and d i abetic www.sofcu.corn exc. cond., $200, testing supplies at NO cod'ES O Boxer puppies, AKC reg, his new forever home p ostage stamp a l less, C OST, plus F R E E o og' 1st shots, very social now. Call to schedule bums & c o llections, 503-830-6564 home delivery! Best a meeting to fall in world-wide and U.S. $700. 541-325-3376 < DESCHUTES COUNTY of all, this meter elimi Branch Manager love with your new fur 573-286-4343 (local, PacificNorthwest, Fam nates painful finger baby! 541-678-3105. Sporting Goods cell ¹) ily Owned Wholesale pricking! Call CAREER OPPORTUNITIES - Misc. Yorkie male pup AKC distribution company 888-739-71 99. potty trained, loves kids, seeking experienced (PNDC) BEHAVIORALHEALTH SPECIALIST II — Older Road Trip Grill, many shots, heath guaranteed. manager in Redmond, extras, $295 value; sell Adult Behavioral Health Specialist (2012-00029) $650. 541-316-0005. OR. Must have demon $100. 541-504-7040 strated supervisory and — Behavioral Health Division. Full-time position Buddha needs a furever Yorkie male puppy, 6 Tools 308 branch operation skills. home! Playful 8-yr old mos, shots, vet check, Breezer Villager women' s $4,057 — $5,553 per month for a 172.67 hour Knowledge of under bike, 17", blue, like new, Farm Equipment boy LOVES people & $600. 541-792-0375 10' Craftsman Radial work month. DEADLINE DATE EXTENDED, ground waterworks $400. 541-330-1972 Health & kids! Call Jefferson Co. arm saw, 2.4hp. Older, & Machinery products preferred. OPEN UNTILFILLED WITH WEEKLY REVIEW Kennels (541-475-6889) Yorkie Puppies, ready M tn Bike, 1 7 t/sa Gary Beauty Items but new cond, $175. Generous compensa or visit Buddha's Face now, 1 little male left! Fisher Marlin, blk & sil OF APPLICATIONS. 541-550-7036 after 6pm Brush Hog 72", good tion and benefit pack book page (Wanted: A $500, 541-536-3108 $600. age. To apply send re ver, $200. 541-330-1972 Over 30 Million Women 10 a Skil table saw Model cond., Home for Buddha the Pit BEHAVIORALHEALTH SUPERVISOR - Child & S uffer F r o m Ha i r 3400, extra b l ades, 541-548-3818 o r sume to 210 Bull) to learn more about Loss! Do you? If So 541-480-8009. dianej@hdfowler.corn. Family Programs (previously BH Specialist III, $75. 541-647-1333 adopting Buddha. Furniture & Appliances We Have a Solution! No phone calls please. title change only) (2012-00023) — Behavioral W anted Use d F a r m Attn: Hunters & RV'ers CALL K E R ANIQUE Dachshund AKC mini Health Division. Full-time position $4,851 Equipment & Machin Like n e w Ya m a ha TO FIND OUT MORE puppy, ready 8/25, $350. A1 Washers&Dryers Easy Go Golf Carts 08 Caregiver —All Shifts ery. Looking to buy, or EF3000 gene r ator — $6,517 per month for a 172.67 hour work 877-475-2521. www.bendweenies.corn $150 ea. Full war & 07, 36V, $2100/ea. w/cover, electric start, consign of good used avail. Apply in person. month. 541-508-4558 (PNDC) DEADLINE DATE EXTENDED, OPEN UNTIL ranty. Free Del. Also 541-280-3848. Interviews this week. quality equipment. q uiet r unning. N e w wanted, used W/D's FILLED. Dog Food & Supplies $2250; asking $1500 Deschutes Valley 1099 NE Watt Way, 541-280-7355 "Taste of the Wild" Bend. obo. 541-815-5409 Equipment Computers Guns, Hunting CLINICAL PROGRAM SUPERVISOR — School 541-548-8385 Assorted Flavors — $38 DESK 4-drawer, solid Contractors truck rack, Caregi vers & Fishing Based Health Centers (2012-00043) — Public T HE B U LLETIN r e Only $150. - Experienced wood. $50. Twin size 325 Health Division. Full-time position $5,075 541-633-7650 Captains bed, s olid 1953 Winchester Model quires computer ad Part time 8 2 4 h r s HAYiII FEED Hay, Grain & Feed $6,818 per month for a 172.67 hour work month. wood, with hutch and 12 Field Gun, 30" bbl, vertisers with multiple caregivers. Home In 541-923-2400 Safeway ad schedules or those Scaffolding: 3 drawers, $175. Twin stead Senior Care is DEADLINE:OPEN UNTIL FILLED. full c hoke, 9598% cond, light-weight, 3 sections 3A Livestock Supplies 4626 SW Quarry Ave. selling multiple sys high, all attachments & 4 • Panels aGates aFeeders c urrently size girls decorative, $500 firm. 541-382-8723 seek i ng Redmond white hea d b oard, tems/ software, to dis planks incl. $3200 new; Caregivers to provide DEVELOP MENTAL DISABILITIES PROGRAM www.quarryfeed.corn Now galvanized! .257 and .30-.378 w/hardware, $25. close the name of the sell $950. 541-419-9233. • 6-Rail in-home care to our MANAGER (2012-00010) - Behavioral Health 12' panels, $101 541-548-9358 Weatherby's, MarkV business or the term seniors. C andidates • 6-Rail 16' panels, $117 Division. Full-time position $6,105 — $8,201 per DO YOU HAVE with Leopolds. "dealer" in their ads. 265 must be able to lift, Custom sizes available Desk, Rolltop, dark oak, SOMETHING TO 541-771-6768. month for a 172.67 hour work month.DEADLINE a a a Private party advertis transfer, provide per Building Materials 541-475-1 255 43 x33 x20 Deep, 4 SELL ers are d efined as DATEEXTENDED,OPENUNTIL FILLED. sonal care & assist in drawer, brass pulls, Bend local pays CASH!! those who sell one FOR $500 OR various home duties. for Guns, Knives & Bend Habitat $250, 541-382-0483 Need to get an LESS? computer. MANAGER911 (2012-00050) — 911 Alzheimer / Dementia/ OPERATIONS Ammo. 541-526-0617 RESTORE Non-commercial ad in ASAP? Dresser 7-drawer, fair ALS e x p erience a Service District. Full-time position $6,211 Building Supply Resale advertisers may CASH!! cond., $80 pics avail. You can place it needed. Must have Quality at LOW place an ad with For Guns, Ammo & 541-633-7650. Travel/Tickets ability to pass back $8,343 per month for a 173.33 hour work month. PRICES online at: oul Reloading Supplies. ground checks & have DEADLINE:SUNDAY, 09/09/12. 740 NE 1st D resser set, 3 p c e . , "QUICK CASH 541-408-6900. www.bendbulletin.corn valid DL & insurance. DUCK TICKETS (4), 541-31 2-6709 good cond. pics avail. SPECIAL" PATIENTACCOUNTSPECIALIST I (2012-00052) great seats, $125 & Training provided. Call Open to the public. $1 20. 1-541-633-7650 1 week 3 lines 12 — Behavioral Health Division. Full-time position DO YOU HAVE up. 541-573-1100. 541-385-5809 541-330-6400, or fax ~k g ga! 266 SOMETHING TO GENERATE SOME ex resume to: $2,657 — $3,636 per month for a 172.67 hour Ad must include citement i n your SELL Wheat Straw: Certified & 541-330-7362. Heating & Stoves work month.DEADLINE:SUNDAY, 09/02/12. price of single item FOR $500 OR Bedding Straw & Garden neighborhood! Plan a Misc. Items of $500 or less, or Straw;Compost.546-6171 Dental Assistant, Orth garage sale and don' t LESS? NOTICE TO PSYCHIATRIC NURSE PRACTITIONER (2012 multiple items odontic: Full time Orth Non-commercial forget to advertise in 22' alum. semi-truck trlr, ADVERTISER Wheat straw, small 50-Ib odontic Assistant whose total does 00024) — Behavioral Health Division. Full-time classified! advertisers may best used for storage, Since September 29, bales, in the stack, 75rs needed for established, not exceed $500. 541-385-5809. place an ad $8,626 per month for a 172.67 $500. 541-447-4405 1991, advertising for each. 541-546-9821 high quality office. Expe position $6,303 — with our used woodstoves has hour work month.DEADLINE: OPEN UNTIL Call Classifieds at Lift chair, beige color, nence preferred. Com Automatic Sammy full "QUICK CASH 345 been limited to mod 541-385-5809 wages & ben FILLED. barely used, like new, size s lo t m a c hine, els which have been Livestock 8 Equipment petitive SPECIAL" efits. E-mail resume to www.bendbulletin.corn $375. 541-241-4446 $100. 541-633-7650. 1 week 3 lines 12 c ertified by the O r str8bite©bendcable.corn TELECOMMUNICATI ONS SUPERVISOR (2012 OI' LOTS of great antique, egon Department of or fax, 541-389-5046 Buying Diamonds 00048) —911 Service District. Full-time position k ga! G IANT yard s ale t o vintage & new furniture, ~g Environmental Qual /Gold for Cash benefit rescued ani mirrors & lamps Ad must $4,937 — $6,632 per month for a 173.33 hour ity (DEQ) and the fed Saxon's Fine Jewelers DO YOU NEED mals! Every Sat/Sun Shop our Summer Sale! include price of eral E n v ironmental work month.DEADLINE:SUNDAY, 09/09/12. 541-389-6655 in Aug, 10 4. Non Aug.16-31, 855 NW Wall A GREAT i crl !r r $5 0 0 Protection Ag e n cy profit, no-kill, all vol Mon-Sat 10-6; Sun 12-4 or less, or multiple EMPLOYEE (EPA) as having met UTILIZATION REVIEWSPECIALIST (2012-00049) BUYING unteer, all proceeds Phone 541-480-6122 items whose total RIGHT NOW? smoke emission stan 1977 14' Blake Trailer, Lionel/American Flyer — Behavioral Health Division. Full-time position for vet bills. Tax ded. does not exceed Call The Bulletin trains, accessories. dards. A cer t i fied refurbished by 8950 Hwy 97, Red Loveseat & Sofa, Mis $4,627 — $6,216 per month for a 172.67 hour $500. 541-408-2191. w ood stove may b e F renchglen Bla c k before 11 a.m. and mond, 2 mi.N of Tu sion s t yle, g r e en, get an ad in to pub work month.DEADLINE:SUNDAY, 08/26/12. identified by its certifi smiths, a Classy Clas malo Rd o v erpass. g ood c o nd . $ 2 5 0. Call Classifieds at BUYING & SELLING lish the next day! cation label, which is sic. Great design for 541-504-5362 788-4170, 389-8420. 541-385-5809 All gold jewelry, silver permanently attached multiple uses. Over TO APPLY ONLINEFOR THE ABOVE LISTED 541-385-5809. www.craftcats.org www.bendbulletin.corn and gold coins, bars, to the stove. The Bul head tack box (bunk VIEW the POSITIONS,PLEASE VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT Moving-Must sell: rounds, wedding sets, C lassifieds ab GIANT yard sale to ben letin will no t k now house) with side and www.deschutes. org/iobs Deschutes County Oak hutch $350; class rings, sterling sil easy pickup bed ac www.bendbulletin.corn efit rescued animals! Ev ingly accept advertis Maple Table & 6 Personnel Dept., 1300 NW Wall Street, Suite USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! ver, coin collect, vin i ng for the s ale o f cess; manger with left ery Sat/Sun in Aug, 10-4. chairs $100; tage watches, dental uncertified side access, windows Finance Director — Liv 201, Bend, OR 97701 (541) 388-6553. Nonprofit, no-kill, all vol Grandfather Clock Door-to-door selling with gold. Bill Fl e ming, woodstoves. and head divider. Toyo ingston HealthCare in unteer, all proceeds for 541-382-9419. $900; Antique Oak radial tires & spare; Livingston, Montana Deschutes County provides reasonable vet bills. Tax ded. 8950 fast results! It's the easiest Secretary $500; En new floor with mats; has an excellent op accommodations for persons with disabilities. Hwy 97, Redmond, 2 mi. 267 way in the world to sell. GENERATE SOME center partition panel; N of Tumalo Rd over glish Oak bookcase EXCITEMENT Fuel & Wood for a This material will be furnished in alternative w/glass doors $100; bed liner coated in key portunity pass. 541-788-4170, or The Bulletin Classified IN YOUR Wurlitzer spinet pi areas, 6.5 K torsion well-qualified Finance format if needed. For hearing impaired, please 541-389-8420. NEIGBORHOOD. WE BUY 541-385-5809 ano & bench $350; axles w it h e l e ctric D irector. Fo r m o r e call TTY/TDD 711. www.craftcats.org Plan a garage sale and F IR EWOO D LOG S 50+ salt dip (dishes) brakes, and new paint, information or to ap Juniper, Pine, Jack Russell puppies, Eagle Fish Finder Model don't forget to adver $ 7500 O B O ! Ca l l ply go to www.Living collection — $250. Tamarack, 500+ cords. John at 541-589-0777. stonHealthcare.org purebred, born 7/2, $350 Z7000, works excellent, tise in classified! EQUAL OPPORTUNITYEMPLOYER 541-350-2650
r I I
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THE MEANING OF IT By Patrick Berry / Edited by Will Shortz
Across I Tsp. or tbsp.
4 4 Response to f eebl e excuses
4 Tax expert, bri e f l y
45 Scrammed
7 Slow-cooked dish
46 Semitr ansparent curtain
11 "Star Trek: T.N . G ."
103 Underside of a ship 104 "How dare you climb a barbed wire fence wearing my sweater!"
5 0 Faulkner's " A R o se for
1 8 Coin of l i t t l e v a l u e
19 Mine layer
51 Seat seeker
20 Iditarod endpoint
53 Hard workers
2 2 "Talk ing i s n' t g o i n g t o reseal that w i n e b ottle! " 2 5 "Qui t t r y i n g t o m a k e
a paper doll b y ripping the paper!" s hoppers avoid t h i s o ff-brand w h i t e bread!"
29 Cry for 30 Zookeeper's injuries, maybe
3 2 Bullet p o i n t s
83 Slow and steady
35 "Do the Ri ght Thing" pizzeria
114 Abbr. for an unlimited number?
88 "This tippy
36 "I already know my
38 "So you finally got t he gist of t h a t S tephen Hawki n g
I Gelati n m ade f r o m consomme
hone: 1-900-285-5656, 1.49 each minute; or, with a credit card, 1-800 814-5554.
47 51
36 Hip-hop's Run
37 Shirley who sang "Goldfi nger"
1 06 107
108 1 09
41 Claim
3 Rwandan people 4 Truf fl e c o a t i n g
5 Boat tip
4 2 Approximately on e o ut of ev ery t w o deliveries
43 Sea gull nesting site, maybe
7 3 "Speed-the-Plo w
59 Spot
7 4 Demotion v i c t i m o f
60 55-Down lett er
7 Most snarky
4 8 Fighting spi r i t
94 Apiece
8 In good shape
51 Handles badly?
62 Like Tarzan's mannerisms
95 Old school
9 Kuwait i r u l e r
10 Ready to go through the wringer
playwright 2006 77 Palmtop, e.g., in brief
65 D-Day code name
t he Spanish Civ i l War
81 Muckr aker Jacob
66 Incessantly
8 2 Vegas attracti o n
97 Grotesque giant
1 1 Slatted w i n d o w s
54 Pinkish red
6 7 The Teflon Do n
98 Practices wearing gloves
12 Kicks in one's share
55 Single-sex house, usually
7 1 Opposite of " d a "
83 Hedonists' opposites
72 Employment
13 Barometer readtng
86 Kid aged 10-12
101 Joins the mob
87 G oo fb al I s
1 02 Unable to l e a v e 103 Paleontologtcal find
89 Renders invalid 90 Dainty d esserts
104 Quaker pronoun 105 Coup d'
92 Inclines 93 Stable supply
7 9 North Car o l i n a c ollege tow n
64 Whit ebeards
5 2 Besieged city d u r i n g
58 Symbol on C alifor n i a' s f l a g
47 Gave out
40 Really economize
2 Conversation opener?
6 Pilot wh o m a k e s v ertical t a k e o f f s
3 9 Marisa of " T h e Wrestler"
9 1 "Stop dil l y d al l y i n g and use your boarding pass!"
38 Eisner's successor as Disney chief
118 [How shameful! ]
96 Mechanical engineer
For any three answers, call from a touch-tone
35 Castaway's message
117 Rooting area
driving me crazy!"
homemade cold cream is useless!"
34 Work in a bakery
Christmas tree i s
115 They take stock during an
85 Lucky charms
3 3 First ci r cle of h e l l i n Dante' s
116 Senatorial agreements
31 Beverage that' s graded
3 0 It means "farmer" i n Afrikaans
A c a d emy
80 Old Testament section
27 Peace disrupter
31 Binary star in Cet us
78 Peabody Essex Museum city
24 Honored a king, perhaps
113 U-Haul dr i v er' s
7 7 Saintly qu al i t y
28 Dinette set
1 12 "Catch ! "
7 6 Drink name suff i x
63 "Of co urse this car i sn't v o i c e c ontrol l e d ! "
75 Wood nymph
27 One of England' s Cinque Ports
23 "Maisie" star
61 Spree stops
7 2 Field authori t y
5 8 Furry f e l l e r ?
70 Hold up one's end?
I I I Annual list
69 IHOP order
2 1 "Great" g u y
i mpression of t h i s i n k b I ot —s o?! "
68 Go by
26 "I can see why
17 Partake of
for people' s
57 Actress Russo
16 Bearded beast
1 10 "Yeah, I' m aski n g
5 6 Lawn s t a r t e r
21 Short, l i ght m u si cal
15 Kia subcompact
1 06 "I' m i n a h u rr y t o see that bug squashed!"
49 Carnival dance
character Geordi
1 4 1951 Baseball Hal l of Fame inductee
106 NBC o ff e r i n g , briefly
9 7 John who wr o t e " Appoi n t m ent i n Samarra"
107 Besides
108 Alt-rock genre
9 8 Didn't get i n v o l v e d 99 Skilled hand
110 It's asked for a reason
1 00 Until n o w
de gre e
1 09 Animal t r a p
5 41-3 8 5 - 5 8 0 9 AD PLACEMENT DEADLINES
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Sales Northeast Bend
Sales Redmond Area Big Garage Sale, Fri and Sun only, 7am-5pm. 821 NE Larch Ave. (follow signs from Hwy 97 & Maple). See craigslist for details on items, to in clude 1940-1960 Pyrex, Sorel & Columbia boots, Oriental pieces, Canon copier, hunting camp stove, household items, & some furniture. We have provided shade for avid shoppers!
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rage sale and re ceive a Garage Sale Kit FREE! KIT INCLUDES:
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GREAT SALE! Furniture, pool, trampoline, movies and more. 4945 SW Tomahawk. Sat and Sun 9-5.
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Sales Northwest Bend LOTS of great antique, vintage & new furniture, mirrors & lamps Shop our Summer Sale! Aug.16-31, 855 NW Wall Mon-Sat 10-6; Sun 12-4 Phone 541-480-6122
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BULLETIN CLASSIFIEDS Search the area's most comprehensive listing of H UGE yard s al e t o classified advertising... benefit animal rescue real estate to automotive, bought a new boat? group. 8950 Hwy 97, merchandise to sporting Just Sell your old one in the 2 mi N of Tumalo Rd goods. Bulletin Classifieds classifieds! Ask about our overpass. Each Sat/ appear every day in the Super Seller rates! Sun in August, 10-4. print or on line. Furniture, toys, sport 541-385-5809 Call 541-385-5809 ing goods, art, more! 288 www.bendbulletin.corn Sales Southeast Bend Sat.-Sun. 8/18-19, 9-3, The Bulletin Downsizing, some an SevlaeCaaeal Oreevllrraranat Estate Sale: Sat. 8/18, tiques & collectibles. Sun. 8/19, 8-4, Furni 2215 NW 19th St. 284 ture, household, kids Sales Southwest Bend clothes, bedding, auto People Look for Information items, co l l ectibles, About Products and Moving Sale: 6 0 439 61077 Ferguson Ct. Services Every Day through Zuni Rd., Sat. & Sun., The Bulletin ClaggiNeds Look at: 9-5, Ford BN tractor, misc. antiques & col Bendhomes.corn Sale — Fri-Sat-Sun lectibles, household & for Complete Listings of Yard office items, snowmo Area Real Estate for Sale 9-5, 2639 SW Yew Ave. Women's & c hildren' s biles & g ear, some clothes, household items, clothes & jewelIy. Huge Garage Sale crafts, and LOTS more. Fri., Sat., & Sun., 9-4, 60441 Tall Pine Ave., of Collecting Lots of g ood s tuff, Years Sales Northeast Bend Sale, an a rtist s u p plies & Multi-family tiques,collectibles, die Big Yard Sale: Thur. books, small a p pl., cast cars, dolls, 1974 -Sun., 8-3, 64004 De books, dishware, some VW Thunderbug, old echute8 Mkt. R d . , tools, bike & ski equip. trunks, 7-Up Machine, Medical equip., hos furniture, automotive, pital bed, Hoya lift to YARD S A LE household misc., Sat. stand, wh e e lchair,f Treadmill, furniture, 8-4, Sun. 9-2, 2564 walker, scooter, toilet tires, wheels, patio SMf Volcano Ave. chairs, much more. ( furniture, s t orage ~ shelf, clothing & Estate/Moving Sale, Sun. shoes, clocks, only, 8-4. Various home ( household & bath • Sales Other Areas • furnishings, kids'/adult r oom i tems, a n d Sal e . clothing, household & ( more. Free water & G arage/Shop gardening items, toys, donuts. S a t .-Sun., LOTS OF TOOLS & camping equip, appli I 8:30-5 p.m. 20665 I misc! Fri-Sun 8/17-19 1 0-5. 1 7 31 5 G u s s ances, muc h m o r e! 63663 Ranch Village Dr. Way, Sunriver
Big Country RV, Inc., See our website for our Central Oreg o n's available Security po Largest RV D ealer sitions, along with the ship, is growing and 42 reasons to join our adding to our strong team! s ales staff. We a re www.secuntyprosbend.corn looking for the right O aavaaevaer person who wants a career in one of the f astest growing i n dustries i n C e n tral Advertise your car! Add A Picture! O regon. Great o p Reach of readers~ portunity for someone Call thousands 541-385-5809 with p r io r ve h icle The Bulletin Classlf leds sales experience. Ex ceptional inventory of New and Used Rvs. S kidder and Cat o p Unlimited ear n i ng erators, log truck driv potential with an ex ers: Immediate open cellent benefit pack ings, excellent pay age to include: and hours. Work in • I RA N orthern CA . C a l l • Dental Plan 530-81 6-0656 • Medical Insurance • Up to 35% commis sion Have an item to • Great Training
Summer Jobs The J L Ward Company has 5 to 10 positions to f i ll within the next two weeks. All applicants must meet the following
High School Graduate Valid Oregon Driver's license Ability and desire to do physical work
meet require
these m ents, please a p ply week d a ys between 8:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. at 20505 Murphy Road Bend Oregon 97702; 541-382-0491.
I Recommends extra
caution when pur I products or I I chasing services from out of 8 We are looking for I the area. Sending I e xperienced p a r t c ash, c hecks, o r I credit i n f o rmationI time instructors to develop curriculum I may be subjected to FRAUD. I and teach A+, Net work+ and Linux+ I For more i nforma I tion about an adver Certification you may call I classes, along with I tiser, the Oregon S t ate c lasses o n Wi n I Attorney General's I d ows Server a nd Co n s umer8 MCSA Cer t i fica Office t ions. T here a r e I Protection hotline at I immediately open I 1-877-877-9392. I ings. Pay is com IIJ g mensurate with ex perience, between $ 20 and $40 p e r hour. Please con tact Paul Stennett at pstennett@cocc.edu or 541-318-3748.
sell quick?
Must be able to work If it's under weekends and have a '500 you can place it in p assion for the R V business. Please ap The Bulletin ply in person, or drop Classifieds for: resume off at: Big Country RV, Inc. '10 - 3 lines, 7 days 3500 N. Hwy 97 Bend, OR 97701 st 8 - 3 lines, 14 days or email a resume to (Private Party ads only) bcrvhireO mail.com
Call a Pro Whether you need a fence fixed, hedges trimmed or a house built, you' ll find professional help in The Bulletin's "Call a Service Professional" Directory 541-385-5809
Employment Opportunities Airport Law Enforcement Officer Redmond Police Department • S24.05/hour Non-Exempt, Non-Represented
Sworn Law Enforcement Officer performs law enforcement work occurring at the Redmond Airport. Provides a law enforcement presence in the Airport Terminal and at the Airport Terminal Gate. Enforces federal, state, and local laws. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Must be a Reserve Police Officer in good standing with solo status (Step IV or V). Must have successfully passed the Central Oregon Reserve Academy or Equivalent DPSST recognized academy. Knowledge of modern law e nforcement p rinciples, p rocedures, techniques, and equipment. Must be 21 years or older at the time of employment; must possess, or obtain at time of hire, a valid Oregon State driver's license without record of suspension or revocation in any state; felony convictions and disqualifying criminal histories within the past seven years are not allowed; U.S. citizen; must be able to read and write the English language; must be of good moral character and pass a thorough background investigation.
Hoyy TO APPLY Request application packet from DeAnne W akefield, C i t y of Red m on d H u m a n Resources Department, via e mail only deanne.wakefield Oci.redmond. or.us. C omplete application p ackets m us t b e submitted to the above address by Friday, August 24, 2012. No email or fax submissions accepted.
Good classified ads tell the essential facts in an interesting Manner. Write from the readers view - not the seller' s. Convert the facts into benefits. Show the reader how the item will help them in someway. This advertising tip brought toyouby
The Bulletin See e l Cvavvl eneva varvrale
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$upplement Your Income Now taking bids for an Independent Contract Hauler to deliver bundles of newspapers from Bend to Springfield, Oregon on a weekly ba sis. Must have own vehicle with license and insurance and the capability to haul up to 2000 lbs. Candidates must be able to lift up to 50 lbs. Selected candidate will be indepen dently contracted. To apply or for more info contact James Baisinger at jbaisinger@bendbulletin.corn
TO PLACE AN AD CALL CLASSIFIED• 5 41-385-580 9 573
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A Classified ad is an Looking for your EASY W A Y TO next employee? REACH over 3 million Place a Bulletin help Pacific Northwestern ers. $52 5 /25-word wanted ad today and reach over 60,000 c lassified ad i n 3 0 daily newspapers for readers each week. Your classified ad 528 3-days. Call the Pa will also appear on cific Northwest Daily Loans 8 Mortgages bendbulletin.corn Connection (916) 2 88-6019 o r em a i l which currently re WARNING ceives over 1.5 mil elizabeth I cnpa.cor n The Bulletin recom lion page views mends you use cau for more info (PNDC) every month at tion when you pro no extra cost. vide personal Take care of Bulletin Classifieds information to compa your investments Get Results! Call nies offering loans or 385-5809 or place with the help from credit, especially your ad on-line at those asking for ad The Bulletin's bendbulletin.corn vance loan fees or "Call A Service companies from out of state. If you have Professional" Directory concerns or ques tions, we suggest you Advertise V A CATION ggg+ lg consult your attorney SPECIALS to 3 m i l or call CONSUMER lion P acific N o rth HOTLINE, westerners! 30 daily 1-877-877-9392. newspapers, six E ver Consider a R e states. 25-word clas sified $525 for a 3-day verse Mortgage? At least 62 years old? a d. Cal l (916) 605 v is i t Stay in your home & 2 88-6019 o r increase cash f low! www.pnna.corn/advert Roommate Wanted Safe & Effective! Call ising pndc.cfm for the Now for your FREE Pacific Nort h west Share cozymobile home Con n ection. in Terrebonne, $275 + DVD! C a l l Now Daily utilities. 1-503-679-7496 888-785-5938. (PNDC)
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Extreme Value Adver 630 LOCAL MONEY:We buy tising! 30 Daily news Rooms for Rent secured trust deeds & papers $525/25-word note, some hard money classified, 3-d a y s. Mt. Bachelor Motel has loans. Call Pat Kelley Reach 3 million Pa rooms, starting $150/ 541-382-3099 ext.13. cific Northwesterners. week or $35/nt. Incl For more information guest laundry, cable & Reverse Mortgages call (916) 288-6019 or WiFi. 541-382-6365 by local expert Mike email: LeRoux NMLS57716 elizabeth I cnpa.cor n Studios & Kitchenettes Call to learn more. for the Pacific North Furnished room, TV w/ 541-350-7839 west Daily Connec cable, micro & fridge. Securitv1 Lending Utils & l inens. New NMLS98161 tion. (PNDC) owners. $145-$165/wk In small friendly North 573 541-382-1885 Central Oregon town Business Opportunities 634 on John Day River. 2800 sq. ft. commer Apt./Multiplex NE Bend WARNING The Bulletin bldg. on state hwy recommends that you cial in Spray. Has been 55+ Senior Housing investigate every bar & restaurant, cascadiapropertymgmt phase of investment could be anything. .corn 541-388-1239. opportunities, e s pe by owner, 2 bdrm, 2 bath c ially t h os e fr o m $125,000 541-468-3201 or starting at $875. out-of-state or offered 541-468-2071 by a p e rson doing CHECK OUT THIS business out of a lo SOCIAL SE C U RITY HOT DEAL! cal motel or hotel. In D ISABILITY BEN $299 1st month's rent! * vestment of f e rings EFITS. WIN or Pay 2 bdrm, 1 bath must be r e gistered Nothing! Start Y o ur $530 & 540 with the Oregon De Application In Under Carports & A/C incl! partment of Finance. 60 Seconds. Call To Fox Hollow Apts. We suggest you con day! Contact Disabil (541) 383-3152 sult your attorney or i ty Group, I nc. L i Cascade Rental Mgmt. Co call CONS U M ER censed Attorneys & *Upstairs only with lease* HOTLINE, BBB Accredited. Call
Houses for Rent NE Bend
Open Houses
o n W a l l S t reet i n When buying a home, Bend, with parking. All 83 0% of Central u tilities p a id . Ca l l Oregonians turn to 541-389-2389 for appt
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CARPETS, neutral col ors, great storage, pri vate patio, n o p e ts/ smkg. $555 incl w/s/g.
Call 541-633-0663
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Call 541-385-5809 to
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Open 12-3 1700 NW Iowa Ave. City View From Bend's West Hills Sandy Garner, Broker
Call 541-385-5809 or
place your ad on-line at
ga'r'rier. www.thegarnergroup.com
Open 12-3 19777 Chicory Ave. Large Family Home in SW Bend Suzanne Iselin, Broker 541- 350-8617
Real Estate ad.
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SHARP Houses for Rent 2 BEDROOM $585 SE Bend 61545 Parrell Road Classy ne w e x terior, RENT OyyN, $850/mo, small quiet c omplex, 3 bdrm, 2 bath, fresh lots of upgrades, beau ne w c a r pet, tiful new kitchen cabi paint, easy q u alify, www.thegarnergroup.com nets and countertops, nice, $2000 down, dishwasher and micro $34,900, wave, large master with Call 541-548-5511 745 3 c l o sets, pr i v ate 658 Homes for Sale fenced patio, laundry Houses for Rent on site, includes W/S/G no smoking/no pets. Redmond 4270 sq ft, 6 bdrm, 6 ba, 4-car, corner, .83 acre Call 541-633-0663 NW Redmond — Nice 3 mtn view, by owner. $590,000 541-390-0886 642 Bdrm, 2 bath home on Apt./Multiplex Redmond HUGE lot, dbl garage, See: bloomkey.corn/8779 landscaped, fenced, BANK OWNED HOMES! Duplex, very clean & pri underground s p rin FREE List w/Pics! klers, nice neighbor vate, large 1300 sq ft 2 BendRepos.corn bdrm 2 bath, garage hood, taking applica www. bend and beyond real estate w/opener, fenced back tions, $850/mo + dep., 20967 yeoman, bend or yard, deck, fridge, DW, 541-419-1917. W/D hkup, extra park Find exactly what 659 ing, w/s/g paid, $710 + you are looking for in the dep. 541-604-0338 Houses for Rent CLASSIFIEDS Sunriver 648
Redmond Homes
Looking for your next emp/oyee? Place a Bulletin help wanted ad today and reach over 60,000 readers each week. Your classified ad will also appear on bendbulletin.corn which currently re ceives over 1.5 million page views every month at no extra cost. Bulletin Classifieds Get Results! Call 385-5809 or place your ad on-line
Powell Butte 6 acres, 360 views, great horse property, 10223 Hous ton Lake Rd. $99,900.
Boats 8 Accessories I 'h r
541-350-4684 775
Manufactured/ Mobile Homes
18.5' '05 Reinell 185, V-6 Volvo Penta, 270HP,
low hrs., must see,
$17,500, 541-330-3939
New Home, 3 bdrm,1026 sq.ft., $46,900 finished on your site,541.548.5511 www.JandMHomes.corn
Ba y liner 1 85 2008. 3.0L, open bow, slim d eck, c u stom cover & trailer, exc. cond., 30-35 total hrs., incl. 4 li f e v e s t s, ropes, anchor, stereo, depth finder, $12,000,
New 3 bed homes start at $34,160 delivered and se t up J&M 541-729-9860. Homes 541-548-5511 at bendbulletin.corn www.JandMHomes.corn In mfd. section. Nice 3 bdrm 2 bath mnfd 762 on 3.5ac of leased prop 20.5' 2004 Bayliner Houses for Homes with Acreage in Crooked River. Ask 205 Run About, 220 VILLAGE PROPERTIES NOTICE Rent General Sunriver, Three Rivers, All real estate adver ing $32,000, + take over HP, V8, open bow, erf.ft., 3 bdrm, 2 pmts. 541-413-1903 La Pine. Great exc. cond., very fast tised here in is sub 1592 bath, s ite-built, 2 c a r Selection. Prices range Rented your prop w/very low hours, ject to t h e F e deral g arage, 24x36 s h o p $425 — $2000/mo. erty? The Bulletin lots of extras incl. F air H o using A c t , w/10' ceilings & 220V View our full C lassifieds which makes it illegal power, all on 1.22 treed t ower, B i mini & inventory online at has an "After Hours" custom trai l e r, to advertise any pref in CRR. I/illage-Properties.corn erence, limitation or acre lot$195,000. Line. Call $19,500. 1-866-931-1061 541-383-2371 24 541-389-1413 discrimination based http: //bend.craigslist.org/ hours to on race, color, reli reo/3069581828. html 687 « I Call for Specials! gion, sex, handicap, 1-503-378-4320, 888-782-4075. Call 541-633- 9613 Commercial for Limited numbers avail. familial status or na 8:30-noon, Mon.-Fri. (PNDC) 650 tional origin, or inten PEACE 8[ SERENITY 1, 2 & 3 bdrms Rent/Lease tion to make any such Beautiful 4 bdrm 3 bath, w/d hookups, Houses for Rent 20.5' Seaswirl Spy 860 CITY OF REDMOND patios or decks. Warehouse — Industrial preferences, l i m ita 4100 sq ft home over NE Bend der 1989 H.O. 302, Employment Opportunities Mountain Glen unit for r e nt. 5 6 00 tions or discrimination. looking Crooked River Motorcycles & Accessories 285 hrs., exc. cond., 541-383-9313 4 Bdrm 2.5 bath, 1700 sq sq.ft., $ 2 250/month, We will not knowingly (Prineville) from private stored indoors for Environmental Professionally managed by ft, appls, fenced yd, on n ear B e n d Hi g h . accept any advertis hillside 45-acre prop CRAMPED FOR life $11,900 OBO. Norris & Stevens, Inc. ing for r ea l e s tate erty (with approx 10 Programs Technician 541-389-8794. culdesac. No smoking. CASH? 541-379-3530 acres in irrigation). Sev which is in violation of Pets? 2400 NE Jeni Jo Use classified to sel 636 this law. All persons eral outbuildings, hay Salary $3612 - $4440 693 Ct., n e a r ho s pital. those items you no are hereby informed storage, barn, large 3 Ads published in the Non-Exempt, Represented Apt./Multiplex NW Bend $1050. 503-680-9590 Office/Retail Space longer need. bay shop w/separate "Boats" classification that all dwellings ad Call 541-385-5809 • for Rent beautiful 1 Bdrm apt include: Speed, fish Under the direction of the Assistant Public College Way townhomes Spotless, Light, Bright! vertised are available Works Director and the Environmental Pro on an equal opportu above. Landscaped, Irg ing, drift, canoe, cascadiaproper 3 Bdrm, 2 Bath, dbl. gar, house and sail boats. grams Manager, the Environmental Programs tymgmt.corn gas fireplace, fenced Office space, high vis nity basis. The Bulle decks, hot tub. One of a gert ng Central 0 agon narc 1903 ibility on Highland Ave. tin Classified kind property is fenced For all other types of Technician provides technical assistance to 541-388-1239. 2 bdrm large patio, RV parking in Redmond. $425 & c ross-fenced; too Harley Davidson Soft watercraft, please se the Environmental Division assisting with at $1050 month. $1095. 541-480-7653 Tail De luxe 2 0 0 7, much to list! $659,000. mo., incl. W/S/G, call meeting the requirements of federal and state Class 875. white/cobalt, w / pas Real Estate Call 206-909-3014 for 541-419-1917. regulations and the City of Redmond sewer 541-385-5809 senger kit, Vance & General appt, or email Auction use ordinance. Nominal Opening Jayneheyne3O msn.corn Hines muffler system Central Oregon Mandator Re uirements: & kit, 1045 mi., exc. High school diploma or equivalent. College Bid: $10,000 COmmunity College 771 c ond, $19,9 9 9 , level coursework in Industrial Pretreatment, GENERATE SOME ex 541-389-9188. Wastewater Treatment, Stormwater, environ 1791 Lincoln St., Lots citement in your neig North Bend, OR mental science and wastewater maintenance has o p enings l i s te d b e l ow . Go to Harley Heritage borhood. Plan a ga and operations. Three years of relevant expe 3 Bdrm, 2 Bath, https://jobs.cocc.edu to view details & apply Softail, 2003 rage sale and don' t rience which may consist of working with 1,084 sq.ft.+/ Glassow Heights online. Human Resources, Metolius Hall, 2600 $5,000+ in extras, forget to advertise in Custom Home regulatory compliance programs, taking water Sells: 9:OOAM Fri., N W College W ay , B e n d OR 97 7 0 1 ; $2000 paint job, classified! 385-5809. Lots Available samples, conducting inspections, using GPS Aug. 31 on site 30K mi. 1 owner, (541)383-7216. For hearing/speech impaired, equipment and Arc GIS mapping software. on Awbrey Butte For more information Oregon Relay Services number is 7 -1-1. Serving Central Oregon smre t903 Ability to e stablish and maintain effective williamsauction.corn Janis Grout, COCO is an AA/EO employer. 732 please call working relationship with employees, other de 800-801-8003 Broker 541-385-8090 Commercial/Investment Many properties now partments, industrial users and the public. 541-948-0140 or 209-605-5537 Administrative Assistant, Used out-drive Knowledge of federal, state and local laws, Properties for Sale available for online Cascade Culinary Institute parts - Mercury regulations, codes and ordinances concerning bidding! position will be the reception contact and OMC rebuilt ma HD FAT BOY environmental pollution control and stormwa This Opp. North Central A Buyer's Premium administrative support to faculty and instruc Biz rine motors: 151 ter best management practices. Knowledge of Oregon on John Day 1996 may apply. tional programs. Strong office skills, budget, $1595; 3.0 $1895; basic chemistry, common laboratory practices Completely rebuilt/ R iver, 2800 sq . f t . Williams & Williams and computer technology exp. required. Asso and methods and their application in water 4.3 (1993), $1995. commercial bldg. on customized, low Travis Britsch ciates + 2yrs exp. req. $14.08-$16.76/hr. quality. Computer skills including word pro 541-389-0435 state hwy Spray. Has miles. Accepting of Re Lic RM421986; Closes Aug. 19. cessing,spreadsheet and computer process been bar & restaurant, Williams & Williams fers. 541-548-4807 control. Ability to establish and maintain effec could b e a n y thing. Re Lic RB067514 Volvo Props (2), good Campus Center Building Receptionist tive working relationships with a diversity of $125,000 54 1 - 468 Tony Langdon Auc HD Heritage Classic cond., right & left pro Serve as the first point of contact, by phone others; interact effectively to problem solve 3201 or 541-468-2071 www.thegarnergroup.com Lic AU 005726 pel, $20 ea or 2 for 2003, 100 yr. Anniv. and in-person, for members of the campus and partner with citizens, community groups model. 10,905 Miles, $30, 541-350-3124 community. Provide support with campus ac and/or contractors; exercise tact and diplo OREGON new t ires, b a ttery, tivities and events. $12.38-$14.74/hr. 20hr/wk. macy in dealing with co-workers and the pub COMMERCIAL 746 ski assistant, Rave 773 loaded w/ custom ex Water Closes Aug. 26. lic; prepare reports, write letters, and input and REAL ESTATE AUCTION Northwest Bend Homes used once, Acreages tras, e x h aust & Aquabuddy, retrieve information using computer software. $50, asking $20, chrome. Har d /soft cost S ecial Re uirements/Licenses: Program Director / Full-time 852 SW15th Street 541-350-3124 A BEAUTIFUL NIN bags & much more. Redmond, OR Temp Instructor of Veterinary Technician Possession of, or must obtain, a valid Oregon CROSSING HOME Commercial autldmg $11,995, driver's license within thirty (30) days from Education CHECK YOUR AD 2249 SF on .23+/- Acres 4 bdrm, 3 bath home 541-306-6505 or date of hire. Possession of, or must obtain Provide curriculum development, instruction, AGENT: Hazel Callahan w/ great room, mas Please check your ad 503-81 9-81 00. Watercraft within six (6) months from date of hire, a valid and program leadership in a newly developing Fred REGroup on the first day it runs ter suite, loft family 541-610-5923 Oregon CDL license of the required classifica Veterinary Technician program. Responsibili to make sure it is cor area. OPEN Sat. 8 Selling On-Site: tion to operate Public Works Department ve ties include placement and supervision of clini rect. Sometimes in 2007 Sea Doo Sun 1-4, 2361 NW Tues, Sept 18 C 4 PM hicles and equipment. Must have a safe driv ATVs • cal practicum. Veterinarian License or Veteri s tructions over t h e 2004 Waverunner, Lemhi Pass Dr, ing r e cord. M u s t ob t ai n W a s tewater nary Technician Certification req. + 3yr exp. phone are misunder excellent condition, OPEN HOUSE:Wed & Thurs $499,000, Collections Operator Certificate, Grade Closes Aug. 20. stood and a n e r ror LOW hours. Double Sept 5th & 6th; 12-2 PM 541-550-0333. within one year of hire. can occur in your ad. trailer, lots of extras. Desirable Re uirements: FREE BROCHURE:866-539-4171 Latino College Preparation If this happens to your 749 $10,000 www.commerctalpropertystd.com Experience working with Arc Map GIS (Geo Program Coordinator (Part Time) please contact us 541-719-8444 Southeast Bend Homes ad, graphical Information System) software and Serve as program coordinator to establish the the first day your ad HUDSON & MARSHALL Microsoft Access database software. Oregon goals and objectives of the program; recruit appears and we will Honda TRX300 EX 2005 AUCTIONEERS Department of Human Services (DHS) certifi Ads published in nWa and advise students interested in participating be happy to fix it as H&M, 201106121 quad w/Rev, runs tercraft" include: Kay cation as a Cross-Connection Specialist; Ex in the program; and teach college courses for s oon a s w e can . sport LS. Barnes, PrBr200108134 new pipe & aks, rafts and motor perience with plumbing systems. high school students enrolled in the program. Deadlines are: Week & rides great, incl. $1700 obo. Ized t : R q t n nue net t personal ~r a Masters with 2yrs exp. or equiv. $19.32-$23.00 738 days 11:00 noon for paddies 541-647-8931 DeAnne Wakefield, City of Redmond Human watercrafts. For 30hr/wk. Open Until Filled. next day, Sat. 11:00 Multiplexes for Sale Resources Department, via e mail only " boats" please s e e a.m. for Sunday and yamaha Grizzly 700 Fl Nottingham Square d eanne.wakefieldoci.redmond. or.us. C o m Monday. 2009, 543 mi, 2WD/ Class 870. Charmer,3 bdrm, 2 FSBO: 4 -Plex, 5 6 6 5 plete application packets must be submitted by 541-385-5809 Adjunct Instructor of 541-385-5809 4WD, black w /EPS, sq.ft., Built 1996, 1471 bath, bonus room, 1724 Friday, August 31, 2012. No email or fax sub Thank you! fuel injection, indepen Computer &Information Systems NE Tuscon Way, all sq.ft, park like setting, missions acce ted. dent rear suspension Provide instruction in Computer and Informa The Bulletin Classified rented, $399 , 000 61661 Little John Ln., winch w/handle con tion Systems courses such as Introduction to 541-480-8080. $129,950, 541-390-9165 trols & r e mote, ps, Coleman Canoe, Ram Computers, Computer Concepts, Software Instructor auto, large racks, exc. X-15, good condition, Applications, Programming, and Operating Independent Contractor cond., $7850, $300, 541-306-8160. Systems. Start Fall Term OSU-Cascades, in Bend, i s r ecruiting for 541-322-021 5 full/part-time Instructors to teach on a term by Part-Time Instructors term basis for the 2012/2013 academic year. NEW! Physics, Sociology, French COCO is always looking for talented individu These are fixed-term appointments, w/renewal als to teach part-time in a variety of disciplines. at the discretion of the Dean. Courses to be Check our web site for instructor needs. All taught may include Accounting, American positions pay $500 per load unit (1 LU = 1 Kawasaki 900 STS Studies, Anatomy, Anthropology, Art, Art His class credit), with additional perks. Yamaha Kodiak 4 0 0, 2001 3-man jet ski, low tory, Biology, Business, Chemistry, Computer hours, new battery 2005 4x4, 2500 Ib winch, Science, Counseling, Early Childhood Educa gun rack & alum loading Ready forfun! $2850. tion, Education MAT (Elementary and Sec 541-617-0077 ramp, only 542 miles, ondary), Engineering, English, EXSS, Geol Manufacturing Plant Electrician Warm Springs Composite Products is looking show room cond, $4800. ogy, History, Hospitality, Human Development for an individual to help a growing innovative 541-280-9401 and FamilyScience, Human Physiology, Man light manufacturing plant. agement Information Systems, Marketing, 870 Basic Duties: Assist in troubleshooting and M athematics, Public H ealth, N atural R e Boats 8 Accessories repairs of plant equipment. Install, repair and sources, Organic Chemistry, Physics, Political Kayak, Eddyline maintain all electrical and electronic equip Science,Psychology, Science, SMED, Sociol Sandpiper, 12', like ment. Able to read and revise electrical sche ogy, Spanish, Speech Communication, Statis new, $975, 17' 1984 Chris Craft matics, Must be able to perform both electri tics, Strategy, Technical Writing, Tourism and 541-420-3277. — Scorpion, 140 HP cal and mechanical preventive maintenance Outdoor Leadership and Visual Arts. Salary is inboard/outboard, 2 requirements and report, PLC experience. commensurate with education and experience. We are looking for independent contractors to depth finders, troll Minimum Skills: A minimum of 5 years in the service home delivery routes in: ing motor, full cover, Required qualifications: MS, MA, Ph.D. or industrial maintenance field with a valid Or EZ — Load trailer, Terminal degree in one of the fields listed (or egon State Electricians License in Manufac $3500 OBO. closely related field) and evident commitment turing. A strong mechanical aptitude with the 541-382-3728. to cultural diversity & educational equity. Pre ability to perform light welding and fabrication ferred qualifications include teaching experi duties. Successful applicant shall supply the 17' Boston Whaler, Sea Kayaks - His & ence at the college or university level and a normal hand tools required for both electrical Must be available 7 days a week, early morning hours. with t railer, $ 6 500, Hers, Eddyline Wind demonstrable commitment to promoting and and mechanicalmaintenance. Dancers,17', fiberglass 61 9-733-8472. Must have reliable, insured vehicle. enhancing diversity. boats, all equip incl., Benefits: Full Family Medical, Vision, Dental, paddies, personal flo Life, Disability, Salary Incentives, Company For consideration to teach Fall 2012, applica Please call 541.385.5800 or 800.503.3933 tation devices,dry bags, Bonuses, Pension and 401K w/Company tions should be received by 08/1 7/2012. For all spray skirts, roof rack w/ Matching and Above Pay Rate Scale. during business hours other terms, applications will be accepted on towers & cradles — Just Please remit resume to: aPPly Via email at Online©bendbulletin.COm 17' Seaswirl, line throughout the academic year. add water, $1250/boat Warm Springs Composite Products 175HP in/ outboard, Firm. 541-504-8557. PO Box906, Warm Sp To review posting and apply, go to website: rings,OR 97761 open bow, new up Phone: 541-553-1143, Fax: 541-553-1145 http: //oregonstate.edu/jobs and review post h olster, $290 0 , Wenonah canoe Spirit II 17' Kevlar Ultralight, Attn: Mac Coombs, mcoombsowscp.corn ing number 0009504. OSU is an AA/EOE. 541-389-9684.
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The Bulletin
$1500. 541-330-1972
Travel Trailers •
Fifth Wheels
Trucks 8 Heavy Equipment
Hunter's Delight! Pack age deal! 1988 Win nebago Super Chief, Ihwz~ Allegro 2002, 2 slides, 3 8K m i l es , gr e a t National Sea Breeze 22K mi , wor k horse shape; 1988 Bronco II 2004 M-1341 35', gas 2 power slides, up chassis, 8.1 Chev en 4 x4 t o t o w , 1 3 0 K graded queen mat gine, like new, $41,900 mostly towed miles, obo. 541-420-9346 tress, hyd. leveling nice rig! $15,000 both. system, rear camera 541-382-3964, leave & monitor, only 6k mi. msg. Reduced to $41,300!
Antique 8 Classic Autos
Sport Utility Vehicles
Autom o biles
IFord RU TExc u rsion X
Mercury Mo n terrey 1965, Exc. All original, R oad Funfinder1892008,slide, P ilgrim O pe n 4-dr. sedan, in stor A/C, awning, furnace, self 2005, 36', 3 s l ides, Peterbilt 359 p o table age last 15 yrs., 390 contained, queen, sleeps w /d h o okup, u p water t r uck, 1 9 9 0, High Co m pression $24, 4 40. 3200 gal. tank, 5hp 5, $11,500,541-610-5702 grades, 541-312-4466 pump, 4-3" h o ses, engine, new tires & li ,~ r~ camlocks, $ 2 5 ,000. c ense, reduced t o
~s. •
$2850, 541-410-3425.
2005, 4WD, diesel, exc. cond., $19,900, call 541-923-0231.
GMC Denali 2003
loaded with options. Exc. cond., snow tires and rims in cluded. 130k hwy miles. $12,000.
Chevy GeoMetro 1996, 4-dr., 150K, 40+ mpg, good cond., $ 1995 OBO, 541-318-5010
Chryser LeBaron 1990 c onvertible, 5 sp d , new paint, top, tires and r i ms . $1 8 00.
'$ gg I 4u 541-480-0617 541-416-9566 Utility Trailers RV CONS IGNMENTS 541-41 9-4890. 1997, 460 Ford, Class Ford Thunderbird 1988, A, 26K mi., 37', living WANTED S pringdale 29' 2 0 0 7, 3.8 V-6, 35K actual mi., room slide, new aw We Do The Work, You Ex slide, Bunkhouse style, Regal Prowler AX6 '05, new hoses, belts, tires, Country Coach Intrigue nings, new fridge, 8 Edition 38' Keep The Cash, sleeps 7-8, excellent treme Plymouth B a r racuda battery, pb, ps, cruise, new tires, 2 A/C, 6.5 2002, 40' Tag axle. On-Site Credit condition, $ 1 6 ,900, 4 slides,2 fireplaces, all Big Tex Landscap 1966 original cari 300 A/C, CD, exc. cond. in maple cabs, king bed/ 400hp Cummins Die Onan Gen., new bat Approval Team, ing/ ATI/ Trailer, 541-390-2504 hp, 360 V8, center & out, 2 n d o w ner, bdrm separated w/slide sel. Two s lide-outs. teries, tow pkg., rear Web Site Presence, dual axle flatbed, maint. records, must lines, (Original 273 towing TV, 2 tv's, new We Take Trade-lns. glass dr,loaded, always 41,000 miles. M o st 7'x16', 7000 lb. see & drive! eng & wheels incl.) garaged, lived in only 3 options. $11 0 ,000 hydraulic jack springs, Free Advertising. GVW, all steel, Jeep Cherokee 1990, 541-593-2597 Reduced! Now $3500, tandem axel, $15,000, • ii mo,brand new $54,000, OBO 541-678-571 2 BIG COUNTRY RV $1400. 4WD, 3 sets rims & obo. 541-330-0733 541-385-1 782 still like new, $28,500, Bend 541-330-2495 541-382-4115, or VW Bus '67, Rare Re tires, exlnt set snow will deliver,see rvt.corn, Redmond: 541-548-5254 541-280-7024. stored, walk thru, orig. t ires, great 1st c a r ! ad¹4957646 for pics. CAN'T BEAT THIS! G R E AT camper, white, orig. $1800. 541-633-5149 Sprinter 272RLS, 2009 Gory, 541-580-7334 Look before you ice box, privacy tent, Call The Bulletin At 29', weatherized, like buy, below market & racks, $19,500, call 541-385-5809 SPRINTER36' 5th value! Size & mile Jayco Greyhawk n ew, f u rnished & 541-41 0-6238 2004, 31' Class C, age DOES matter! ready to go, incl Wine wheel, 2005, dual Place Your Ad Or E-Mail 6800 mi., hyd. jacks, ard S a t ellite dish, slides, bunk, 2 Class A 32' Hurri Hyundai Accent 2008, At: www.bendbulletin.corn new tires, slide out, 26,995. 541-420-9964 baths, queen bed air 32MPG! $7900 obo cane by Four Winds, Southwind 35.5' Triton, Pickups exc. cond, $49,900, • mattress, fold out Utility Trailer, 10'x5'x5' 2007. 12,500 mi, all Hatchback, 47 , 8 00 2008,V10, 2 slides, Du 541-480-8648 couch. Very clean! high, enclosed, ramp amenities, Ford V10, C A L L W Jeep Willys 1947,custom, mi., A/C, one Owner, pont UV coat, 7500 mi. $10,500 obo. o n back, 3000 l b ., Ithr, cherry, slides, small block Chevy, PS, Clean, 5 Spd Manual. T ODAY % Bought new at CHECKYOUR AD 541-382-0865, $500, 541-604-1 51 9. like new! New low OD, mags+ trailer. Swap 541-550-9935 Viking Tent t railer $132,913; Please check your ad Lazy Daze 26' 2 004, leave message! price, $54,900. for backhoe.No am calls 2 008, c lean, s e l f asking $94,900. 931 on the first day it runs please. 541-389-6990 14K m i. , $ 4 2 ,000. 541-548-5216 contained, sleeps 5, Call 541-923-2774 to make sure it is cor 61 9-733-8472. Automotive Parts, easy to tow, great rect. Sometimes in cond. Was $6500; Service 8 Accessories SPRINTER36' 5th structions over the G ulfstream Sce n i c now $5300, o b o. wheel, 2005, dual phone are mis 541-383-7150. Cruiser 36 ft. 1999, slides, queen bed 4 hwy tires, P205/70R understood and an error Cummins 330 hp die air mattress, fold out 15, (6000 miles on rims can occur in your ad. INFINITI M30 1991 Con sel, 42K, 1 owner, 13 couch. $10,500 obo. that fit a 2000 Lumina. If this happens to your vertible, always g a in. kitchen slide out, 541-382-0865, $100. 541-382-8723 ad, please contact us Jeep Wrangler 1999, TJ raged, Most options: <I iia new tires, under cover, I/i leave message! ~~a = the first day your ad Sahara Ed., 4.0L, exlnt $2,900. 541-350-3353 4 Toyo 70,000-mile tires, hwy. miles only,4 door Immaculate! 205-65-R15, bought new appears and we will tires, body & pa i nt. or 541-923-1096 fridge/freezer ice Beaver Coach Marquis 69,700+ mi, hardtop + be happy to fix it 7/11, used 5 mos, wow! Cardinal 33' 2007, year maker, W/D combo, 40' 1987. New cover, Weekend Warrior Toy new full buckskin soft & $60 ea. 541-999-4561 as soon as we can. Interbath tub & new paint (2004), new round living, 8' closet, 2 Hauler 28' 2007, Gen, Deadlines are: Week bikini tops Warn winch shower, 50 amp pro inverter (2007). Onan slides, 2 TVs, surround fuel station, exc cond. Honda Accord 1981 otorhome tow p k g , days 12:00 noon for m pane gen & m o re! 6300 watt gen, 111K mi, s ound, $ 2 2,800. I n sleeps 8, black/gray parts car, $250. next day, Sat. 11:00 stinger, alum wheels, $55,000. 541-447-4405 parked covered $35,000 Prineville, 509-521-0369 i nterior, u se d 3X , Taurus 27.5' 1988 $13,000. 541-617-9176 a.m. for Sunday; Sat. 541-948-2310 obo. 541-419-9859 or $24,999. Check out the Everything works, 12:00 for Monday. If Mazda Miata '08 Tour 932 541-280-2014 541-389-91 88 $1750/partial trade for classifieds online we can assist you, ing, 9400 miles, excel Antique 8 car. 541-460-9127 please call us: lent cond, all records, www.bendbuiietin.corn Looking for your Classic Autos 541-385-5809 Carfax, $18,900 obo. Updated daily next employee? 541-788-1 234 The Bulletin Classified 885 Place a Bulletin help 1964 Ford Pickup, origi Meet singles right now! f ENTREAT Canopies 8 Campers wanted ad today and nal owner, 6-cyl, 4-spd, Nissan Murano No paid o p erators, reach over 60,000 135,000 miles, all origi SL-AWD 2004, 75k, just real people like So~ LAST/ Fleetwood 28' Pione Arctic Fox Silver Edition nal, excellent c ond., readers each week. all-weather tires, tow you. Browse greet Monaco Dynasty 2004, 2003, 13' slide, sleeps 1140, 2005. 5 hrs on $10,200. 541-548-3089 Your classified ad vs C hevy 3/ 4 t o n 4 x 4 , pkg, gold metallic, ings, exchange mes loaded, 3 slides, die 6, walk-around bed with gen; air, slideout, dry will also appear on 1995, extended cab, beige leather int., Mercedes E320 2004, sages and c o nnect sel, Reduced — now new mattress; power bath, like new, loaded! bendbulletin.corn long box, grill guard, moonroof, $14,990. 71K miles, silver/silver, live. Try it free. Call $129,900, 5 4 1 -923 h itch, v e r y cle a n which currently re $ 16,900. A ls o 2 0 0 4 running boards, bed 541-31 7-5693 exc. cond, below Blue now: 8 7 7-955-5505. Dodge Ram 3500 quad 8572 or 541-749-0037 $11,500. Please c a ll ceives over 1.5 mil rails & canopy, 178K 541-548-4284. B ook, $ 13,500 C a ll dually 4x4, 11,800 (PNDC) lion page views ev cab m iles, $ 4 800 o b o . 541-788-4229 mi, SuperHitch, $26,950. ery month at no 208-301-3321 (Bend) OR both for $39,850. extra cost. Bulletin Mercury Grand Marquis Chev Corvair Monza con Call 541-382-6708 Classifieds Get Re 2004, runs e xcellent, vertible,1964, new top & Chevy Silverado 1998, sults! Call 385-5809 very clean, 1 o wner, tranny, runs great, exlnt black and silver, pro or place your ad cruising car! $5500 obo. lifted, loaded, new 33" Porsche Cayenne 2004, c lear t i t le , $4 8 0 0. tires, a l uminum s l ot 360-508-8748 (in Bend) on-line at 541-420-5205 f l~ j al ' wheels, tow pkg., drop 86k, immac, dealer bendbulletin.corn Crii 54!3855809 topromoteyour service Advertisefor 28dap starting at 'll¹ Irs speaafpasageisnot availableonorrrwebse) maint'd, loaded, now hitch, diamond p late Need to get an ad $1 7000. 503-459-1 580 tool box, $12,000, or Lance 945 1995, 11'3", possible trade for newer Toyota 4Runner 4yyD in ASAP? Fifth Wheels • all appl., solar panel, Tacoma. 541-460-9127 iBuilding/Contracting H o m e improvement L a ndscaping/Yard Care 1986, a ut o , 2 d r . , new battery, exc. cond., needs tires, $ 1750, Alfa Ideal 2001, 31', 3 Dodge 1500 2001, 4x4 $5995, 541-977-3181 Faxit te 541-322-7253 541-923-7384 NOTICE: Oregon state 1969 Chevrolet Pickup, sport, red, loaded, hy slides, island kitchen, law req u ires any Kelly Kerfoot 1 owner, all original, Palomino Pop-up Camper AC/heat pump, gen rollbar, AND 2011 COLLINS The Bulletin Classifieds one who co n t racts Construction erator, satellite sys 1996, $2800, call after looks like new, seeing is Moped Trike used 3 believing! $26,000 obo. for construction work 28 yrs experience in tem, 2 flatscreen TVs, 5 pm, 541-279-7562. months, street legal. 541-923-6049 to be licensed with the call 541-433-2384 Mitsubishi 3 00 0 GT Central Oregon! hitch & awning incl. Call Now to Schedule C onstruction Con 1 999, a u to., p e a rl $16,000. (Dodge 3500 Chevy 1954, 5 window, Fall Cleanup tractors Board (CCB). Quality 8 Honesty Ford F250 XLT '95, 4WD w hite, very low m i. 1 ton also available) 350 V -8 , au t o/p s, auto, long bed, 3/4 ton, Toyota 4-Runner 4x4 Ltd, $9500. 541-788-8218. an Aerate/Thatch, A n active lice n se 541-388-1 529;408-4877 From carpentry & n eeds m i no r m e 0 0 • 0 8600 GVW, white,178K means the contractor Weekly or one time handyman jobs, to chanical work, exte mi, AC, pw, pdl, Sirius, 2006, Salsa Red pearl, i s bonded and i n expert wall covering Grounds KeepingService The Bulletin's miles, exlnt cond, rior good, new paint; tow pkg., bedliner, bed 49,990 s ured. Ver i f y t h e installations/removal. professionally detailed, "Call A Service • Mowing • Edging needs some gauges, rail caps, rear slide contractor's CCB • Hedge Trimming gun metal grey, $6100 window, new tires, ra $24,599. 541-390-7649 Professional" Directory c ense through t h e • Senior Discounts • Pruning ' Weedeating obo. 5 0 3 -504-2764, diator, water p ump, is all about meeting CCB Cons u m er • Licensed, Bonded, CRR. • FertiTizing • Hauling hoses, brakes, more, Website your needs. " See Ya" 3 0 ' Insured Alpha Vans $5200, 541-322-0215 www. hireahcensedcontractor. • CCB¹47120 908 1996, 2 s lides, A/C, corn Call on one of the heat pump, exc. cond. Ford Lariat XL 4x4 2005 or call 503-378-4621. 541-389-1413 or Aircraft, Parts professionals today! Chevy Astro solid oak cabs, day & Like new, low miles. The Bulletin recom 541-410-2422 BONDED & INSURED 8 Service Cargo Van 2001, night shades, Corian, Lots of extras. Tow mends checking with pw, pdl, great cond., tile, hardwood. $9750 pkg. 541-419-6552 the CCB prior to con business car, well OBO/trade for s mall tracting with anyone. Landscaping/Yard Care The Yard Doctor jl . Vehicle? Chevy Wagon 1957, m aint, regular o i l trailer, 541-923-3417 Some other t r ades Allen Reinsch Call The Bulletin 4-dr., complete, c hanges, $4 5 0 0 , also req u ire addiN OTICE: NSJEr and place an ad to $15,000 OBO, trades, ORE G O N please call For all your tional licenses a nd day! please call Landscape Contrac 541-633-51 49 landscaping needs certifications. Ask about our 541-420-5453. tors Law (ORS 671) 1/3 interest in Colum "Whee/Deal" ! systemsto water r equires a l l bus i Sprinkler Chrysler 30 0 C o u pe bia 400, located at for private party nesses that advertise features,rock walls, sod, Ford Ranger 1999, 4x4, Dodge Caravan 1967, 44 0 e n g ine, Sunriver. $ 1 38,500. advertisers and more ... to p e r form L a n d hydroseeding 7 1K, X- c a b , X L T, auto. trans, ps, air, Carri-Lite Luxury 2009 Call 541-647-371 8 scape C o n struction 541-536-1 294 uto, 4 . 0L , $ 7 9 00 Sport 2003 frame on rebuild, re a by Carriage, 4 slide 134,278 miles, great OBO. 541-388-0232 which inclu d es: outs, inverter, satel 1 /3 interest i n w e l l painted original blue, cond, very comfort p lanting, decks , equipped IFR Beech original blue interior, lite sys, fireplace, 2 able, $5000 OBO. Ford Ranger XLT fences, arbors, B onanza A 36 , l o original hub caps, exc. 541-848-8539. flat screen TVs. w ater-features, a n d 1998 X-cab cated KBDN. $55,000. High Standard installation, repair of chrome, asking $9000 guera bit©yahoo.corn $60,000. What are you 2.5L 4-cyl e n gine, 541-419-9510 o r ma k e offe r . 541-480-3923 Construction irrigation systems to 5-spd standard trans, 541-385-9350. looking for? long bed, newer mo be licensed with the Executive Hangar Full Service N ISSAN QUE S T You' ll find it in Landscape Contrac tor & paint, new clutch at Bend Airport LCB¹ 5012 General Contractor & tires, excellent con 1 996, 3-seat m i ni t ors B o a rd . Th i s (KBDN) van, extra nice in and The Bulletin Classifieds dition, clean, $4500. 4-digit number is to be 60' wide x 50 ' d eep, Post Frame out $3,400. Sold my Call 541-447-6552 included in all adver w/55' wide x 17' high Chrysler SD 4-Door Wind star, need an Construction tisements which indi 1930, C DS Royal bi-fold door. Natural other van! 541-385-5809 CCS¹181477 Fleetwood Wilderness gas heat, office, bath Standard, 8-cylinder, cate the business has 5 41-318-9999, a s k 36', 2005, 4 s l ides, room. Parking for 6 body is good, needs a bond, insurance and for Bob. Ask about PORSCHE 914 1974, 541-389-4622 rear bdrm, fireplace, c ars. A d jacent t o some r e s toration, workers c ompensa free trip to D.C. for Roller (no e ngine), AC, W/D hkup beau Frontage Rd; g r eat runs, taking bids, tion for their employ WW I I vets. lowered, full roll cage, Debris Removal I' 8ttttse< tiful u n it ! $ 3 0 ,500. visibility for a viation 541-383-3888, ees. For your protec 5-pt harnesses, rac 541-815-3318 tion call 503-378-5909 li,g . ltd e bus. 1jetjockoq.corn Ford Super Duty F-250 ing seats, 911 dash & @lttte Aa,tt or use our website: 541-948-21 26 2001, 4X4, very good instruments, d e cent REDUCED! Ford www.lcb.state. or.us to Clean Ups, shape, V10 eng, $8800 shape, v e r y c o ol! 1978 truck, $1100 check license status Dethatch, Aeration, OBO. 541-815-9939 $1699. 541-678-3249 obo. V8 4 spd, runs before con t racting Weekly/Biweekly good, new battery, with t h e b u s iness. Maintenance. spark plugs, rebuilt TURN THE PAGE Persons doing land K omfort 25' 2 0 06, 1 carb. Ex U-Haul, Will Haul Away EE B I D ~ For More Ads scape m a intenance ~ R slide, AC, TV, awning. 541-548-7171 do not require a LCB 18 Years Experience NEW: tires, converter, FIAT 1800 1978, 5-spd, GMC i/2-ton Pickup, The Bulletin ~%FREE ~ door panels w/flowers license. batteries. Hardly used. ONLY 1 OWNERSHIP 1 972, LWB, 3 5 0 hi Call Josh For Salvage~t'" SHARE LEFT! & hummingbirds, $19,500. 541-923-2595 motor, mechanically 541-610-6011 white soft top & hard Economical flying in A-1, interior great; Any Location ' Toyota Camry's Automobiles • your ow n C e s sna top. Just reduced to body needs some ..~r Removal 1984, $ 12 0 0 $3,750. 541-317-9319 172/180 HP for only TLC. $3131 OBO. OBO, 1985 $1400 also Cleanups g,. Buick LeSabre Lim $ 10,000! Based a t or 541-647-8483 TURN THE PAGE Call 541-382-9441 j& Cleanouts' > ited 1997 111,000 OBO, 1986 parts ~ggS~ ~g+tjv BDN. Call Gabe at For More Ads miles, blue, new tires, car, $500; call for Professional Air! brakes and air, $2900 The Bulletin details, 541 - 388-0019 ~ Montana 3400RL 2008, 4 ~ firm. Others available, 541-548-6592 slides, no smokers or SERVING CENTRAL OREGON like a 1996 Regal with 916 Residential & Commercial Painting/Wall Covering pets, limited u sage, International Fla t 86,000 miles, only Trucks 8 5500 watt Onan gen, $3500. Call Bob Bed Pickup 1963, 1 s Sprinkler Repair Handyman solar panel, fireplace, Ford Galaxie 5001963, 541-31 8-9999. Heavy Equipment ton dually, 4 s p d. s Sprinkler Installation dual A/C, central vac, 2 dr. hardtop, fastback, trans., great MPG, s Back Row Testing elect. awning w/sun 390 v8,auto, pwr. steer & could be exc. wood I DO THAT! s Fire prevention, Cadillac Seville STS screen arctic pkg, rear radio (orig),541-419-4989 hauler, runs great, Lot Cleaning 2003 — just finished receiver, alum wheels, 2 new brakes, $1950. Ford Mustang Coupe s Summer Clean Up $4900 engine work TVs, m an y ex t ras. Toyota Matrix AWD 541-41 9-5480. 1966, original owner, by Certified GM me s weekly Mowing $35,500. 541-416-8087 XR 2006,great mpg, V8, automatic, great chanic. Has every s si-Monthly a Monthly Maint. non-smoker. $11,900 shape, $9000 OBO. thing but navigation. 541-420-2385 935 s Flower sed clean Up Diamond Reo Dump 530-51 5-81 99 Too many bells and s Bark, Rock, etc. Truck 19 7 4, 1 2 -14 Sport Utility Vehicles w histles t o l i s t . Handyman/Remodeling yard box, runs good, Toyota Prius 2008 Bonded and Insured Painter bought a new one. Ford Ranchero Reside ntial/Commercial $7900, 541-548-6812 Touring pkg. 6 ¹407796 $6900 firm. 541-815%458 Chevy Sub u rban 1979 Repaint Small Jobs to $19,995 541-420-1283 LC8¹ 8759 2500 1995, 12 0K, MONTANA 3585 2008, with 351 Cleveland Entire Roo>n Remodels Specialist! auto, 4WD, pw/ps, modified engine. exc. cond., 3 slides, Garage Organization CD, alloy w heels, king bed, Irg LR, Arc Body is in Oregon License Home InsPection RePairs Oregon MAVERICK extra set tires, roof tic insulation all op excellent condition, CHECK YOUR AD ¹186147 LLC Quality, Hm>est Work AutoSou res cargo box, A/C, exc. tions $37,500. $2500 obo. Please check your ad ANDSCAPING 541-598-3750 cond., $3299 , 541-420-3250 541-420-4677 on the first day it runs Dennis 541.31 7.9768 LCB ¹s671 E conoline trail e r aaaoregonautosource.corn 541-325-2408 cCB¹151573Borak'rllIPStlred 4 Licensed * Bonded * Insured to make sure it is cor 16-Ton 29 ' B ed, Open Road 37' 2004 rect. Sometimes in specialiiing in w/fold up ramps, elec. 3 slides, W/D hookup, Fire Perimeter Clearing Ford T-Bird 1966 Say "goodbuy" Chevy Tahoe LS 2001 s tructions over t h e P i n tlehitch, 390 engine, power large LR w/rear win brakes, ERIC REEVE Mowing/Yard Detailing Services 4x4. 120K mi, Power phone are misunder $4900, 541-548-6812 to that unused dow. Desk area. Weed eatimg/ChainsawWork everything, new stood and a n e r ror seats, Tow Pkg, 3rd Asking $19,750 OBO Landscape, Construction/Installs can occur in your ad. item by placing it in paint, 54K original row s eating, e x tra Call (541) 280-7879 Fencing & More! Freightiiner 2000, miles, runs great, ex tires, CD, privacy tint If this happens to your The Bulletin Classifieds visit rvt.corn 24' van box, 8 3L cellent cond in & out Bend/!redmond/PowelButte l ing, upgraded rims. ad, please contact us ad¹104243920 All Home & Terrebonne/Crooked RiverRanch 210 HP eng . in Asking $8,500. Fantastic cond. $7995 the first day your ad for pics Western Commercial Repairs 541-480-31 79 Contact Tim m at appears and we will good cond. $9000, 5 41-385 -5 8 0 9 Senior &Veteran Discounts 541-749-0724. 541-408-2393 for info Carpentry-Painting be happy to fix it as Painting Co. Bret Stormer or to view vehicle. s oon a s w e ca n . Honey Do' s. — Richard Hayman Cell:(503) 302-2445 Deadlines are: Week Small or large jobs, a semi-retired painting days 12:00 noon for no problem. C H E A T Chevy T r a i lblazer Office:(54 I) 923-4324 contractor of 45 years. next day, Sat. 11:00 Senior Discount 2005, gold, LS 4X4, a.m. for Sunday; Sat. Small jobs welcome. AII work guaranteed. 6 cyl., auto, A/C, pdl, Pilgrim 27', 2007 5th 12:00 for Monday. If Interior & Exterior Hyster H25E, runs new tires, keyless 541-389-3361 Find exactly what we can assist you, Volvo 740 '87, 4-cyl,auto wheel, 1 s lide, AC, well, 2982 H o urs, GMC Vi ton 1971, Only entry, 66K mi., exc. 541-771-4463 541-388-6910 TV,full awning, excel $3500, please call us: you are looking for in the 86k on eng exc maint call Sf 9,700! Original low cond. $8950. Bonded - Insured Fax: 541N8&8737 lent shape, $23,900. 541-749-0724 mile, exceptional, 3rd 541-598-5111 541-385-5809 $2895, 541-301-1185. CLASSIFIEDS CCB¹I49468 CCB¹5184 541-350-8629 owner. 951-699-7171 The Bulletin Classified www.youtu.be/yc0n6zVlbAc El
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MARTIN JAMES European Professional
541-81 5-2888
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TO PLACE AN AD CALL CLASSIFIED• 5 41-385-580 9 Legal Notices •
Legal Notices
Legal Notices
Le g al Notices
Legal Notices •
Legal N otices
File No. 7023.101377 Reference is made to that certain trust deed made by File No. 7037.93385 Reference is made to that certain trust deed made by Cindy Wilcox and Larry Wilcox, Wife and Husband, as grantor, to Fidelity Michael J Ruzicka, Married and Donna J Ruzicka, Married, as grantor, to National Title Insurance Company, as trustee, in favor of Wells Fargo None Designated, as trustee, in favor of JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A., as — CK 1000 Bank, N.A., as beneficiary, dated 02/11/08, recorded 02/15/08, in the beneficiary, dated 10/03/05, recorded 10/04/05, in the mortgage records of • Le g al Notices • mortgagerecords of DESCHUTES County, Oregon, as 2008-06834, cov Deschutes County, Oregon, as 2005-67566, covering the following de I Le g al Notices Legal Notices ering the following described real property situated in said county and scribed real property situated in said county and state, to wit: associated memoran state, to wit: ship, and able to in LEGAL NOTICE dum of understanding. demnify the City for Request for Lot 4 in Block 1 of Sun Dance Phase I, Contractual Services work per f ormed. Following the regular Lot One Hundred Six (106), Yardley Estates, Phase V, Deschutes County, Oregon. business meeting the C onstruction b i d s The City is seeking Deschutes County, Oregon. board will meet in ex will be received un the services of an PROPERTY ADDRESS: ecutive session pur i ndependent c o n til 5:00 P.M. Friday PROPERTY ADDRESS: 56056 RemingtonDrive Bend, OR 97707 suant to ORS tractor who will in August 31, 2012. If 63125 TURRET CRT BEND, OR 97701-7036 192.660(2)(e) for the you have questions stall screening un Both the beneficiary and the trustee have elected to sell the real property to or comments please purpose of discussing Both the beneficiary and the trustee have elected to sell the real property to satisfy the obligations secured by the trust deed and a notice of default der the La Pine City real property transac call 541-536-1432. Hall eves and pos satisfy the obligations secured by the trust deed and a notice of default has been recorded pursuant to Oregon Revised Statutes 86.735(3); the tions a nd ORS has been recorded pursuant to Oregon Revised Statutes 86.735(3); the default for which the foreclosure is made is grantor's failure to pay when sibly other devices PUBLIC NOTICE 192.660(2)(h) for the a s n ecessary t o The Bend Park & Rec purpose of consulting default for which the foreclosure is made is grantor's failure to pay when due the following sums: monthly payments of $1,353.77 beginning abate abird i nva reation District Board due the following sums: monthly payments of $2,394.73 beginning 01/01/1 2; plus late charges of $0.00 each month beginning 01/16/12; plus legal counsel re 01/01/12; plus late charges of $119.74 each month beginning 01/16/12; prior accrued late charges of $164.34; plus advances of $0.00; together sion [Swallows] who of Directors will meet with garding current litiga are roosting under Tuesday, august 21, tion or litigation likely plus prior accrued late charges of $0.00; plus advances of $60.00; to with title expense, costs, trustee's fees and attorney's fees incurred herein the r o o f sof f its. 2012, in a r e g ular to be filed. The board gether with title expense, costs, trustee's fees and attorney's fees in by reason of said default; any further sums advanced by the beneficiary Copies of the con business meeting be will not meet in a work curred herein by reason of said default; any further sums advanced by the for the protection of the above described real property and its interest struction specifica beneficiary for the protection of the above described real property and its therein; and prepayment penalties/premiums, if applicable. ginning at 7:00 p.m., session. The August tions are available By reason of said default the beneficiary has declared all sums owing on the T uesday, J ul y 1 7 , 21, 2012, board re interest therein; and prepayment penalties/premiums, if applicable. at City Hall located By reason of said default the beneficiary has declared all sums owing on the obligation secured by the trust deed immediately due and payable, said 2012, at th e d i strict port is posted on the at 16345Sixth Street obligation secured by the trust deed immediately due and payable, said sums being the following, to wib $191,382.54 with interest thereon at the o ffice, 799 SW C o district's webs i t e, sums being the following, to wib $393,739.48 with interest thereon at the rate of 4.75 percent per annum beginning 12/01/11; plus late charges of in La Pine, Oregon l umbia, Bend, O r www.bendparksan or available by email egon. Agenda items drec.org. For m o re rate of 5.625 percent per annum beginning 12/01/11; plus late charges of $0.00 each month beginning 01/16/12 until paid; plus prior accrued late o n r e quest. T h e $119.74 each month beginning 01/16/12 until paid; plus prior accrued late charges of $164.34; plus advances of $0.00; together with title expense, include consideration information call charges of $0.00; plus advances of $60.00; together with title expense, costs, trustee's fees and attorneys fees incurred herein by reason of said contractor selected of a pproval o f a 541-389-7275. f or the w or k w i ll costs, trustee's fees and attorneys fees incurred herein by reason of said default; any further sums advanced by the beneficiary for the protection of memorandum of un d emonstrate c o n derstanding default; any further sums advanced by the beneficiary for the protection of the above described real property and its interest therein; and prepay with Want to impress the struction co m p e PUSH regarding skate the above described real property and its interest therein; and prepay ment penalties/premiums, if applicable. relatives? Remodel tency, provide refer ment penalties/premiums, if applicable. WHEREFORE, notice hereby is given that the undersigned trustee will on parks, and consider your home with the ences attesting to WHEREFORE, notice hereby is given that the undersigned trustee will on November 6, 2012 at the hour of 10:00 o' clock, A.M. in accord with the ation of approval of help of a professional October 31, 2012 at the hour of 10:00 o' clock, A.M. in accord with the standard of time established by ORS 187.110, at the following place: in quality of workman the Deschutes from The Bulletin's standard of time established by ORS 187.110, at the following place: in side the main lobby of the Deschutes County Courthouse, 1164 NW Bond, C hildren's For e s t "Call A Service side the main lobby of the Deschutes County Courthouse, 1164 NW Bond, in the City of Bend, County of Deschutes, State of Oregon, sell at public S trategic Plan a n d Professional" Directory in the City of Bend, County of DESCHUTES, State of Oregon, sell at pub auction to the highest bidder for cash the interest in the described real lic auction to the highest bidder for cash the interest in the described real property which the grantor had or had power to convey at the time of the 1000 CK property which the grantor had or had power to convey at the time of the execution by grantor of the trust deed, together with any interest which the Legal Notices Legal Notices • Le g al Notices • execution by grantor of the trust deed, together with any interest which the grantor or grantor's successors in interest acquired after the execution of grantor or grantor's successors in interest acquired after the execution of the trust deed, to satisfy the foregoing obligations thereby secured and the the trust deed, to satisfy the foregoing obligations thereby secured and the costs and expenses of sale, including a reasonable charge by the trustee. PUBLIC NOTICE costs and expenses of sale, including a reasonable charge by the trustee. Notice is further given that for reinstatement or payoff quotes requested TRUSTEE'S NOTICE OF SALE Notice is further given that for reinstatement or payoff quotes requested pursuant to ORS 86.757 and 86.759 must be timely communicated in a pursuant to ORS 86.757 and 86.759 must be timely communicated in a written request that complies with that statute addressed to the trustee's File No. 7023.101779 Reference is made to that certain trust deed made by written request that complies with that statute addressed to the trustee's "Urgent Request Desk" either by personal delivery to the trustee's physi Boynton, Bradley P and Kirsten B, as Tenants by the Entirety, as grantor, "Urgent Request Desk" either by personal delivery to the trustee's physi cal offices (call for address) or by first class, certified mail, return receipt to Fidelity National Title Insurance Company, as trustee, in favor of Wells cal offices (call for address) or by first class, certified mail, return receipt requested, addressed to the trustee's post office box address set forth in Fargo Bank, N.A., as beneficiary, dated 03/25/08, recorded 03/27/08, in requested, addressed to the trustee's post office box address set forth in this notice. Due to potential conflicts with federal law, persons having no the mortgage records of DESCHUTES County, Oregon, as 2008-13635, this notice. Due to potential conflicts with federal law, persons having no record legal or equitable interest in the subject property will only receive covering the following described real property situated in said county and record legal or equitable interest in the subject property will only receive information concerning the lender's estimated or actual bid. Lender bid state, to wit: information concerning the lender's estimated or actual bid. Lender bid information is also available at the trustee's website, www.northwest information is also available at the trustee's website, www.northwest trustee.corn. Lot 2, Block 16, Mountain Village West II, trustee.corn. Notice is further given that any person named in ORS 86.753 has the right, Deschutes County, Oregon. Notice is further given that any person named in ORS 86.753 has the right, at any time prior to five days before the date last set for the sale, to have at any time prior to five days before the date last set for the sale, to have this foreclosure proceeding dismissed and the trust deed reinstated by PROPERTY ADDRESS: this foreclosure proceeding dismissed and the trust deed reinstated by payment to the beneficiary of the entire amount then due (other than such 17710 Sparks Lane Sunriver, OR 97707 payment to the beneficiary of the entire amount then due (other than such portion of the principal as would not then be due had no default occurred) portion of the principal as would not then be due had no default occurred) and by curing any other default complained of herein that is capable of Both the beneficiary and the trustee have elected to sell the real property to and by curing any other default complained of herein that is capable of being cured by tendering the performance required under the obligation or satisfy the obligations secured by the trust deed and a notice of default being cured by tendering the performance required under the obligation or trust deed, and in addition to paying said sums or tendering the perfor has been recorded pursuant to Oregon Revised Statutes 86.735(3); the trust deed, and in addition to paying said sums or tendering the perfor mance necessary to cure the default, by paying all costs and expenses default for which the foreclosure is made is grantor's failure to pay when mance necessary to cure the default, by paying all costs and expenses actually incurred in enforcing the obligation and trust deed, together with due the following sums: monthly payments of $2,041.02 beginning actually incurred in enforcing the obligation and trust deed, together with trustee's and attorney's fees not exceeding the amounts provided by said 04/01/12; plus late charges of $86.04 each month beginning 04/16/12; trustee's and attorney's fees not exceeding the amounts provided by said ORS 86.753. plus prior accrued late charges of $0.00; plus advances of $30.00; to ORS 86.753. Requests from persons named in ORS 86.753 for reinstatement quotes re gether with title expense, costs, trustee's fees and attorney's fees in Requests from persons named in ORS 86.753 for reinstatement quotes re ceived less than six days prior to the date set for the trustee's sale will be curred herein by reason of said default; any further sums advanced by the ceived less than six days prior to the date set for the trustee's sale will be honored only at the discretion of the beneficiary or if required by the terms beneficiary for the protection of the above described real property and its honored only at the discretion of the beneficiary or if required by the terms of the loan documents. In construing this notice, the singular includes the interest therein; and prepayment penalties/premiums, if applicable. of the loan documents. In construing this notice, the singular includes the plural, the word "grantor" includes any successor in interest to the grantor By reason of said default the beneficiary has declared all sums owing on the plural, the word "grantor" includes any successor in interest to the grantor as well as any other person owing an obligation, the performance of which obligation secured by the trust deed immediately due and payable, said as well as any other person owing an obligation, the performance of which is secured by said trust deed, and the words "trustee" and "beneficiary" in sums being the following, to wit: $271,904.38 with interest thereon at the is secured by said trust deed, and the words "trustee" and "beneficiary" in clude their respective successors in interest, if any. The trustee's rules of rate of 6 percent per annum beginning 03/01/12; plus late charges of clude their respective successors in interest, if any. The trustee's rules of auction may be accessed at www.northwesttrustee.corn and are incorpo $86.04 each month beginning 04/16/12 until paid; plus prior accrued late auction may be accessed at www.northwesttrustee.corn and are incorpo rated by this reference. You may also access sale status at www.north charges of $0.00; plus advances of $30.00; together with title expense, rated by this reference. You may also access sale status at www.north westtrustee.corn and www.USA-Foreclosure.corn. costs, trustee's fees and attorneys fees incurred herein by reason of said westtrustee.corn and www. USA-Foreclosure.corn. default; any further sums advanced by the beneficiary for the protection of For further information, please contact: the above described real property and its interest therein; and prepay For further information, please contact: Heather L. Smith ment penalties/premiums, if applicable. Kathy Taggart Northwest Trustee Services, Inc. WHEREFORE, notice hereby is given that the undersigned trustee will on Northwest Trustee Services, Inc. P.O. Box 997 November 7, 2012 at the hour of 10:00 o' clock, A.M. in accord with the P.O. Box 997 Bellevue, WA 98009-0997 standard of time established by ORS 187.110, at the following place: in Bellevue, WA 98009-0997 (425) 586-1 900 side the main lobby of the Deschutes County Courthouse, 1164 NW Bond, (425)586-1900 Ruzicka,Michael J and Donna J in the City of Bend, County of DESCHUTES, State of Oregon, sell at pub WILCOX, CINDY and LARRY (TS¹ 7037.93385) 1002.221873-File No. lic auction to the highest bidder for cash the interest in the described real (TS¹ 7023.101377) 1002.221260-File No. property which the grantor had or had power to convey at the time of the Publication Dates: Aug. 5, 12, 19 and 26, 2012 1002.221873 execution by grantor of the trust deed, together with any interest which the Publication Dates: July 29, Aug. 5, 12 and 19, 2012 1002.221260 grantor or grantor's successors in interest acquired after the execution of the trust deed, to satisfy the foregoing obligations thereby secured and the PUBLIC NOTICE costs and expenses of sale, including a reasonable charge by the trustee. PUBLIC NOTICE TRUSTEE'S NOTICE OF SALE Notice is further given that for reinstatement or payoff quotes requested TRUSTEE'S NOTICE OF SALE pursuant to ORS 86.757 and 86.759 must be timely communicated in a File No. 7023.101676 Reference is made to that certain trust deed made by written request that complies with that statute addressed to the trustee's File No. 7763.25425 Reference is made to that certain trust deed made by Jenny L Brown, A Single Person, as grantor, to Fidelity National Title In "Urgent Request Desk" either by personal delivery to the trustee's physi Fiona A. MacNeill, as grantor, to First American, as trustee, in favor of surance Company, as trustee, in favor of Select Lending Services, LLC, cal offices (call for address) or by first class, certified mail, return receipt Washington Mutual Bank, a Federal Association, as beneficiary, dated as beneficiary, dated 03/17/08, recorded 03/24/08, in the mortgage requested, addressed to the trustee's post office box address set forth in 11/02/07, recorded 11/14/07, in the mortgage records of Deschutes records of DESCHUTES County, Oregon, as 2008-12998 and subse this notice. Due to potential conflicts with federal law, persons having no County, Oregon, as 2007-59667, covering the following described real quently assigned to Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. SBM to Wells Fargo Home record legal or equitable interest in the subject property will only receive property situated in said county and state, to wit: Mortgage, Inc. by Assignment recorded as 2008-48882, covering the fol information concerning the lender's estimated or actual bid. Lender bid lowing described real property situated in said county and state, to wit: information is also available at the trustee's website, www.northwest All lot 28 in Block 3 of Lazy River West, trustee.corn. Deschutes County, Oregon, Lot 16 of Westside Pines, Phase 1, City of Bend, Notice is further given that any person named in ORS 86.753 has the right, Together with the Southern 20' of Lot 27 in Block 3 of Lazy River West Deschutes County, Oregon at any time prior to five days before the date last set for the sale, to have this foreclosure proceeding dismissed and the trust deed reinstated by PROPERTY ADDRESS: PROPERTY ADDRESS: payment to the beneficiary of the entire amount then due (other than such 55170 Lazy River Drive Bend, OR 97707 2429 Northwest Monterey Pines Drive Bend, OR 97701 portion of the principal as would not then be due had no default occurred) and by curing any other default complained of herein that is capable of Both the beneficiary and the trustee have elected to sell the real property to Both the beneficiary and the trustee have elected to sell the real property to being cured by tendering the performance required under the obligation or satisfy the obligations secured by the trust deed and a notice of default satisfy the obligations secured by the trust deed and a notice of default trust deed, and in addition to paying said sums or tendering the perfor has been recorded pursuant to Oregon Revised Statutes 86.735(3); the has been recorded pursuant to Oregon Revised Statutes 86.735(3); the mance necessary to cure the default, by paying all costs and expenses default for which the foreclosure is made is grantor's failure to pay when default for which the foreclosure is made is grantor's failure to pay when actually incurred in enforcing the obligation and trust deed, together with due the following sums: monthly payments of $1,518.50 beginning due the following sums: monthly payments of $1,662.05 beginning trustee's and attorney's fees not exceeding the amounts provided by said 04/01/09; plus late charges of $0.00 each month beginning 04/16/09; plus 03/01/12; plus late charges of $66.79 each month beginning 03/16/12; ORS 86.753. prior accrued late charges of $273.08; plus advances of $0.00; together plus prior accrued late charges of $0.00; plus advances of $30.00; to Requests from persons named in ORS 86.753 for reinstatement quotes re with title expense, costs, trustee's fees and attorney's fees incurred herein gether with title expense, costs, trustee's fees and attorney's fees in ceived less than six days prior to the date set for the trustee's sale will be by reason of said default; any further sums advanced by the beneficiary curred herein by reason of said default; any further sums advanced by the honored only at the discretion of the beneficiary or if required by the terms for the protection of the above described real property and its interest beneficiary for the protection of the above described real property and its of the loan documents. In construing this notice, the singular includes the therein; and prepayment penalties/premiums, if applicable. interest therein; and prepayment penalties/premiums, if applicable. plural, the word "grantor" includes any successor in interest to the grantor By reason of said default the beneficiary has declared all sums owing on the By reason of said default the beneficiary has declared all sums owing on the as well as any other person owing an obligation, the performance of which obligation secured by the trust deed immediately due and payable, said obligation secured by the trust deed immediately due and payable, said is secured by said trust deed, and the words "trustee" and "beneficiary" in sums being the following, to wib $224,707.15 with interest thereon at the sums being the following, to wib $284,967.99 with interest thereon at the clude their respective successors in interest, if any. The trustee's rules of rate of 6.625 percent per annum beginning 03/01/09; plus late charges of rate of 5.625 percent per annum beginning 02/01/12; plus late charges of auction may be accessed at www.northwesttrustee.corn and are incorpo $0.00 each month beginning 04/16/09 until paid; plus prior accrued late $66.79 each month beginning 03/16/12 unti rated by this reference. You may also access sale status at www.north charges of $273.08; plus advances of $0.00; together with title expense, westtrustee.corn and www. USA-Foreclosure.corn. costs, trustee's fees and attorneys fees incurred herein by reason of said default; any further sums advanced by the beneficiary for the protection of For further information, please contact: the above described real property and its interest therein; and prepay Kathy Taggart ment penalties/premiums, if applicable. Northwest Trustee Services, Inc. WHEREFORE, notice hereby is given that the undersigned trustee will on P.O. Box 997 October 29, 2012 at the hour of 10:00 o' clock, A.M. in accord with the Bellevue, WA 98009-0997 standard of time established by ORS 187.110, at the following place: in (425) 586-1900 side the main lobby of the Deschutes County Courthouse, 1164 NW Bond, BOYNTON, BRADLEY P. andKIRSTIN B. in the City of Bend, County of Deschutes, State of Oregon, sell at public (TS¹ 7023.101779) 1002.221699-File No. auction to the highest bidder for cash the interest in the described real property which the grantor had or had power to convey at the time of the Publication Dates: Aug. 5, 12, 19 and 26, 2012 1002.221699 execution by grantor of the trust deed, together with any interest which the grantor or grantor's successors in interest acquired after the execution of the trust deed, to satisfy the foregoing obligations thereby secured and the costs and expenses of sale, including a reasonable charge by the trustee. Notice is further given that for reinstatement or payoff quotes requested pursuant to ORS 86.757 and 86.759 must be timely communicated in a written request that complies with that statute addressed to the trustee's "Urgent Request Desk" either by personal delivery to the trustee's physi cal offices (call for address) or by first class, certified mail, return receipt requested, addressed to the trustee's post office box address set forth in this notice. Due to potential conflicts with federal law, persons having no record legal or equitable interest in the subject property will only receive information concerning the lender's estimated or actual bid. Lender bid information is also available at the trustee's website, www.northwest trustee.corn. Notice is further given that any person named in ORS 86.753 has the right, at any time prior to five days before the date last set for the sale, to have this foreclosure proceeding dismissed and the trust deed reinstated by payment to the beneficiary of the entire amount then due (other than such portion of the principal as would not then be due had no default occurred) and by curing any other default complained of herein that is capable of being cured by tendering the performance required under the obligation or trust deed, and in addition to paying said sums or tendering the perfor mance necessary to cure the default, by paying all costs and expenses actually incurred in enforcing the obligation and trust deed, together with trustee's and attorney's fees not exceeding the amounts provided by said ORS 86.753. r gq ) M ADE PUBLIC? Requests from persons named in ORS 86.753 for reinstatement quotes re ceived less than six days prior to the date set for the trustee's sale will be honored only at the discretion of the beneficiary or if required by the terms of the loan documents. In construing this notice, the singular includes the plural, the word "grantor" includes any successor in interest to the grantor as well as any other person owing an obligation, the performance of which is secured by said trust deed, and the words "trustee" and "beneficiary" in clude their respective successors in interest, if any. The trustee's rules of WHO WINS THE COItITRACTS? auction may be accessed at www.northwesttrustee.corn and are incorpo HOW DO YOU KNOW? rated by this reference. You may also access sale status at www.north westtrustee.corn and www. USA-Foreclosure.corn. READ THE PUBLIC NOTICES SECTION OF YOUR LOCAL NEWSPAPER...
The Bulletin Serving Central Oregon since le
Consulting, construction, food service, road repair... just a sampling of state Q local government contracts awarded to private companies daily. Want a shot at these opportunities? Need to know what companies are winning bids? Do what those companies do; read the public notices in your local newspaper
For further information, please contact: Heather L. Smith Northwest Trustee Services, Inc. P.O. Box 997 Bellevue, WA 98009-0997 (425)586-1900 MacNeill, Fiona A. (TS¹ 7763.25425) 1002.221087-File No. Publication Dates: July 29, Aug. 5, 12 and 19, 2012 1002.221087
TO PLACE AN AD CALL CLASSIFIED• 5 41-385-580 9 PUBLIC NOTICE TRUSTEE'S NOTICE OF SALE File No. 7037.92878 Reference is made to that certain trust deed made by Charles E. Ermisch and Karen A. Ermisch, Husband & Wife, as grantor, to Amerititle, as trustee, in favor of JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A., as benefi ciary, dated 10/04/06, recorded 10/12/06, in the mortgage records of Des chutes County, Oregon, as 2006-68288 and subsequentlyassigned to by Assignment recorded as, covering the following described real property situated in said county and state, to wit:
Le g al Notices
Legal Notices
Le g al Notices •
PUBLIC NOTICE TRUSTEE'S NOTICE OF SALE File No. 7021.12306 Reference is made to that certain trust deed made by Larry W Thompson, and Lynne K Thompson, husband and wife,as grantor, to Amerititle, as trustee, in favor of Mortgage Electronic Registra tion Systems, Inc. solely as nominee for America's Wholesale Lender, its successors and assigns, as beneficiary, dated 01/25/07, recorded 01/31/07, in the mortgage records of DESCHUTES County, Oregon, as 2007-06442 andsubsequentlyassigned to Bank ofAmerica, N.A. succes sor by merger to BAC Home Loans Servicing, LP fka Countrywide Home Loans Servicing LP, successor by merger to America's Wholesale Lender by Assignment recorded, covering the following described real property situated in said county and state, to wit:
Unit 9 of Tennis Village Townhouses, Stage II, in the County of Deschutes, State of Oregon, together with an undivided interest in and to the common elements appertaining to said unit as set forth in Declaration of Unit Ownership, recorded April 27, 1977, in Book249, Page 334, Deed Records, and amended by instrument recorded May 3,1977, in Book 249, Page 656, Deed Records in the Office of the County Clerk of Deschutes County, Oregon. PROPERTY ADDRESS: 57009 Meadow Road aka57033 Tennis Village Lane Sunriver,OR 97707
Both the beneficiary and the trustee have elected to sell the real property to satisfy the obligations secured by the trust deed and a notice of default has been recorded pursuant to Oregon Revised Statutes 86.735(3); the default for which the foreclosure is made is grantor's failure to pay when due the following sums: monthly payments of $1,558.83 beginning 06/01/11; plus late charges of $70.00 each month beginning 06/16/11; plus prior accrued late charges of $0.00; plus advances of $0.00; together with title expense, costs, trustee's fees and attorney's fees incurred herein by reason of said default; any further sums advanced by the beneficiary for the protection of the above described real property and its interest therein; and prepayment penalties/premiums, if applicable. By reason of said default the beneficiary has declared all sums owing on the obligation secured by the trust deed immediately due and payable, said sums being the following, to wit: $280,000.00 with interest thereon at the rate of 6 percent per annum beginning 05/01/11; plus late charges of $70.00 each month beginning 06/16/11 until paid; plus prior accrued late charges of $0.00; plus advances of $0.00; together with title expense, costs, trustee's fees and attorneys fees incurred herein by reason of said default; any further sums advanced by the beneficiary for the protection of the above described real property and its interest therein; and prepay ment penalties/premiums, if applicable. WHEREFORE, notice hereby is given that the undersigned trustee will on November 13, 2012 at the hour of 10:00 o' clock, A.M. in accord with the standard of time established by ORS 187.110, at the following place: in side the main lobby of the Deschutes County Courthouse, 1164 NW Bond, in the City of Bend, County of DESCHUTES, State of Oregon, sell at pub lic auction to the highest bidder for cash the interest in the described real property which the grantor had or had power to convey at the time of the execution by grantor of the trust deed, together with any interest which the grantor or grantor's successors in interest acquired after the execution of the trust deed, to satisfy the foregoing obligations thereby secured and the costs and expenses of sale, including a reasonable charge by the trustee. Notice is further given that for reinstatement or payoff quotes requested pursuant to ORS 86.757 and 86.759 must be timely communicated in a written request that complies with that statute addressed to the trustee's "Urgent Request Desk" either by personal delivery to the trustee's physi cal offices (call for address) or by first class, certified mail, return receipt requested, addressed to the trustee's post office box address set forth in this notice. Due to potential conflicts with federal law, persons having no record legal or equitable interest in the subject property will only receive information concerning the lender's estimated or actual bid. Lender bid information is also available at the trustee's website, www.northwest trustee.corn. Notice is further given that any person named in ORS 86.753 has the right, at any time prior to five days before the date last set for the sale, to have this foreclosure proceeding dismissed and the trust deed reinstated by payment to the beneficiary of the entire amount then due (other than such portion of the principal as would not then be due had no default occurred) and by curing any other default complained of herein that is capable of being cured by tendering the performance required under the obligation or trust deed, and in addition to paying said sums or tendering the perfor mance necessary to cure the default, by paying all costs and expenses actually incurred in enforcing the obligation and trust deed, together with trustee's and attorney's fees not exceeding the amounts provided by said
Lot Fifteen (15), in Block Four (4), of Nottingham Square, Deschutes County, Oregon. PROPERTY ADDRESS: 20763 George Court Bend, OR 97702
Both the beneficiary and the trustee have elected to sell the real property to satisfy the obligations secured by the trust deed and a notice of default has been recorded pursuant to Oregon Revised Statutes 86.735(3); the default for which the foreclosure is made is grantor's failure to pay when due the following sums: monthly payments of $1,488.40 beginning 01/01/1 1; plus late charges of $0.00 each month beginning 01/16/11; plus prior accrued late charges of $118.12; plus advances of ($343.78); to gether with title expense, costs, trustee's fees and attorney's fees in curred herein by reason of said default; any further sums advanced by the beneficiary for the protection of the above described real property and its interest therein; and prepayment penalties/premiums, if applicable. By reason of said default the beneficiary has declared all sums owing on the obligation secured by the trust deed immediately due and payable, said Read your Public Notices daily in The Bulletin sums being the following, to wit $209,999.97 with interest thereon at the classifieds or go towww.bendbulletin.corn and rate of 6.75 percent per annum beginning 12/01/10; plus late charges of click on"Classified Ads $0.00 each month beginning 01/16/11 until paid; plus prior accrued late charges of $118.12; plus advances of ($343.78); together with title ex pense, costs, trustee's fees and attorneys fees incurred herein by reason of said default; any further sums advanced by the beneficiary for the pro tection of the above described real property and its interest therein; and prepayment penalties/premiums, if applicable. WHEREFORE, notice hereby is given that the undersigned trustee will on November 9, 2012 at the hour of 10:00 o' clock, A.M. in accord with the LEGAL NOTICE standard of time established by ORS 187.110, at the following place: in TRUSTEE'S NOTICE OF SALE side the main lobby of the Deschutes County Courthouse, 1164 NW Bond, The Trustee under the terms of the Trust Deed described herein, at the di in the City of Bend, County of Deschutes, State of Oregon, sell at public rection of the Beneficiary, hereby elects to sell the property described in auction to the highest bidder for cash the interest in the described real the Trust Deed to satisfy the obligations secured thereby. Pursuant to property which the grantor had or had power to convey at the time of the ORS 86.745, the following information is provided: 1.PARTIES: Grantor: execution by grantor of the trust deed, together with any interest which the GEORGE A. MANESS. Trustee:FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE grantor or grantor's successors in interest acquired after the execution of COMPANY OF OREGON. Successor Trustee:NANCY K. CARY. Benefi the trust deed, to satisfy the foregoing obligations thereby secured and the ciary:WORLD SAVINGS BANK, FSB.2.DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: costs and expenses of sale, including a reasonable charge by the trustee. The real property is described as follows: Lot Two (2) in Block One (1) of Notice is further given that for reinstatement or payoff quotes requested F RONTIER WEST, Deschutes County, Oregon. 3.RECORDING. Th e pursuant to ORS 86.757 and 86.759 must be timely communicated in a Trust Deed was recorded as follows: Date Recorded: January 13, 2004. written request that complies with that statute addressed to the trustee's Recording No.: 2004-01517 Official Records of Deschutes County, Or "Urgent Request Desk" either by personal delivery to the trustee's physi egon. 4.DEFAULT. The Grantor or any other person obligated on the cal offices (call for address) or by first class, certified mail, return receipt Trust Deed and Promissory Note secured thereby is in default and the requested, addressed to the trustee's post office box address set forth in Beneficiary seeks to foreclose the Trust Deed for failure to pay: Monthly this notice. Due to potential conflicts with federal law, persons having no payments in the amount of $638.67 each, due the fifteenth of each month, record legal or equitable interest in the subject property will only receive for the months of November 2009 through June 2012; plus late charges information concerning the lender's estimated or actual bid. Lender bid and advances; plus any unpaid real property taxes or liens, plus interest. information is also available at the trustee's website, www.northwest 5.AMOUNT DUE. The amountdue on the Note which is secured by the trustee.corn. Trust Deed referred to herein is: Principal balance in the amount of Notice is further given that any person named in ORS 86.753 has the right, $152,142.61; plus interest at an adjustable rate pursuant to the terms of at any time prior to five days before the date last set for the sale, to have the Promissory Note from October 15, 2009; plus late charges of $651.49; this foreclosure proceeding dismissed and the trust deed reinstated by plus advances and foreclosure attorney fees and costs. 6.SALE OF payment to the beneficiary of the entire amount then due (other than such PROPERTY. The Trustee hereby states that the property will be sold to portion of the principal as would not then be due had no default occurred) satisfy the obligations secured by the Trust Deed. A Trustee's Notice of and by curing any other default complained of herein that is capable of Default and Election to Sell Under Terms of Trust Deed has been re being cured by tendering the performance required under the obligation or corded in the Official Records of Deschutes County, Oregon. 7.TIME OF trust deed, and in addition to paying said sums or tendering the perfor SALE. Date:November 1, 2012. Time:11:00 a.m. Place: Deschutes County mance necessary to cure the default, by paying all costs and expenses Courthouse, 1164 NW Bond Street, Bend, Oregon. 8.RIGHT TO R E I N actually incurred in enforcing the obligation and trust deed, together with STATE. Any person named in ORS 86.753 has the right, at any time that trustee's and attorney's fees not exceeding the amounts provided by said is not later than five days before the Trustee conducts the sale, to have ORS 86.753. this foreclosure dismissed and the Trust Deed reinstated by payment to Requests from persons named in ORS 86.753 for reinstatement quotes re the Beneficiary of the entire amount then due, other than such portion of ceived less than six days prior to the date set for the trustee's sale will be the principal as would not then be due had no default occurred, by curing honored only at the discretion of the beneficiary or if required by the terms any other default that is capable of being cured by tendering the perfor of the loan documents. In construing this notice, the singular includes the mance required under the obligation or Trust Deed and by paying all costs plural, the word "grantor" includes any successor in interest to the grantor and expenses actually incurred in enforcing the obligation and Trust Deed, as well as any other person owing an obligation, the performance of which together with the trustee's and attorney's fees not exceeding the amount is secured by said trust deed, and the words "trustee" and "beneficiary" in provided in ORS 86.753. You may reach the Oregon State Bar's Lawyer clude their respective successors in interest, if any. The trustee's rules of Referral Service at 503-684-3763 or toll-free in Oregon at 800-452-7636 auction may be accessed at www.northwesttrustee.corn and are incorpo or you may visit its website at: www.osbar.org. Legal assistance may be rated by this reference. You may also access sale status at www.north available if you have a low income and meet federal poverty guidelines. westtrustee.corn and www.USA-Foreclosure.corn. For more information and a directory of legal aid programs, go to http: //www.oregonlawhelp.org. Any questions regarding this matter should For further information, please contact: be directed t o L i s a S u mmers, Paralegal, (541) 6 86-0344 (TS Heather L. Smith ¹17368.30455). DATED: June 19, 2012. /s/ Nancy K. Cary. Nancy K. Northwest Trustee Services, Inc. Cary, Successor Trustee. Hershner Hunter, LLP. P.O. Box 1475. Eugene, P.O. Box 997 OR 97440. Bellevue, WA 98009-0997 (425) 586-1 900 Ermisch, Charles E. and Karen A. PUBLIC NOTICE (TS¹ 7037.92878) 1002.222218-File No. TRUSTEE'S NOTICE OF SALE
An important premise upon which the principle of democracy is basedis that information about government activities must be accessible in order for the electorate to make well-int'armed decisions. Public notices provide this sort of accessibility to citizens who want to know more about government activities.
The Bulletin
File No. 7023.100849 Reference is made to that certain trust deed made by Publication Dates: Aug. 12, 19, 26 and September 2, 2012 1002.222218 CHARLIE GRANT, III, as grantor, to Fidelity National Title Ins Co, as trustee, in favor of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., as beneficiary, dated 04/21/08, recorded 05/07/08, in the mortgage records of DESCHUTES County, Or PUBLIC NOTICE egon, as 2008-20154, covering the following described real property situ TRUSTEE'S NOTICE OF SALE ated in said county and state, to wit: File No. 7345.26011 Reference is made to that certain trust deed made by TRACT 6: ATRACT OF LAND LOCATED IN THE WEST HALF OF Dennis G. Hicks and Marilyn H. Hicks, husband and wife, as grantor, to THE NORTHWEST QUARTER (W1/2 NW1/4) OF SECTION 27, First American title Insurance Company of Oregon, as trustee, in favor of TOWNSHIP 17 SOUTH, RANGE 13, EAST OF THE Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. solely as nominee for WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, DESCHUTES COUNTY, OREGON, American Mortgage Network, Inc., DBA American Mortgage Network of MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING Oregon, as beneficiary, dated 08/23/07, recorded 09/05/07, in the mort AT A POINT FROM WHENCE THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF gage recordsof Deschutes County, Oregon, as 2007-48678 and subse SAID WEST HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER (W1/2 NW1/4) quently assigned to Federal National Mortgage Association ("FNMA") by For further information, please contact: OF SECTION 27 BEARS NORTH 00 DEG 07'05"WEST, 677.26 FEET; Assignment, covering the following described real property situated in said Winston Khan THENCE SOUTH 00 DEG 07'05" EAST, 330 FEET; county and state, to wit: Northwest Trustee Services, Inc. P.O. Box 997 THENCE WEST 662.01 FEET; THENCE NORTH 330 FEET; THENCE EAST 661.34FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. Lot Three(3), Stonebrook Phase III, City of Bend, Bellevue, WA 98009-0997 Deschutes County, Oregon. (425) 586-1900 PROPERTY ADDRESS: Thompson, Larry W. and Lynne K. 62740 DIXON LOOP BEND, OR 97701-9300 PROPERTY ADDRESS: (TS¹ 7021.12306) 1002.222115-File No. 3329 NortheastStonebrook Loop Bend, OR 97701 Publication Dates: Aug. 12, 19, 26 and September 2, 2012 1002.222115 Both the beneficiary and the trustee have elected to sell the real property to satisfy the obligations secured by the trust deed and a notice of default Both the beneficiary and the trustee have elected to sell the real property to has been recorded pursuant to Oregon Revised Statutes 86.735(3); the satisfy the obligations secured by the trust deed and a notice of default The Bulletin C heck out the Call Th e B u l letinAt default for which the foreclosure is made is grantor's failure to pay when has been recorded pursuant to Oregon Revised Statutes 86.735(3); the classifieds online 541-385-5809 To Subscribe call due the following sums: monthly payments of $1,362.37 beginning default for which the foreclosure is made is grantor's failure to pay when 541-385-5800 or go to www.bendbulletin.corn Pl ace Your Ad Or E-Mail 02/01/12 and $1,380.22 beginning 03/01/12; plus late charges of $54.19 due the following sums: monthly payments of $2,240.24 beginning Updated daily At: w ww.bendbulletin.corn each month beginning 02/16/1 2; plus prior accrued late charges of $54.19; 11/01/11; plus late charges of $112.01 each month beginning 11/15/12; www.bendbulletin.corn excepting therefrom a credit of ($12.63); together with title expense, costs, plus prior accrued late charges of ($112.01); plus advances of $829.82; trustee's fees and attorney's fees incurred herein by reason of said de together with title expense, costs, trustee's fees and attorney's fees in fault; any further sums advanced by the beneficiary for the protection of curred herein by reason of said default; any further sums advanced by the the above described real property and its interest therein; and prepay beneficiary for the protection of the above described real property and its ment penalties/premiums, if applicable. interest therein; and prepayment penalties/premiums, if applicable. By reason of said default the beneficiary has declared all sums owing on the By reason of said default the beneficiary has declared all sums owing on the obligation secured by the trust deed immediately due and payable, said obligation secured by the trust deed immediately due and payable, said sums being the following, to wit $344,798.80 with interest thereon at the sums being the following, to wit $398,262.11 with interest thereon at the rate of 2 percent per annum beginning 01/01/12; plus late charges of rate of 6.75 percent per annum beginning 10/01/11; plus late charges of $54.19 each month beginning 02/16/12 until paid; plus prior accrued late $112.01 each month beginning 11/15/12 until paid; plus prior accrued late charges of $54.19; excepting therefrom a credit of ($12.63); together with charges of ($112.01); plus advances of $829.82; together with title ex title expense, costs, trustee's fees and attorneys fees incurred herein by pense, costs, trustee's fees and attorneys fees incurred herein by reason • I II I • • • reason of said default; any further sums advanced by the beneficiary for of said default; any further sums advanced by the beneficiary for the pro the protection of the above described real property and its interest therein; tection of the above described real property and its interest therein; and and prepayment penalties/premiums, if applicable. prepayment penalties/premiums, if applicable. WHEREFORE, notice hereby is given that the undersigned trustee will on WHEREFORE, notice hereby is given that the undersigned trustee will on November 2, 2012 at the hour of 10:00 o' clock, A.M. in accord with the November 16, 2012 at the hour of 10:00 o' clock, A.M. in accord with the standard of time established by ORS 187.110, at the following place: in standard of time established by ORS 187.110, at the following place: in side the main lobby of the Deschutes County Courthouse, 1164 NW Bond, side the main lobby of the Deschutes County Courthouse, 1164 NW Bond, in the City of Bend, County of DESCHUTES, State of Oregon, sell at pub in the City of Bend, County of Deschutes, State of Oregon, sell at public lic auction to the highest bidder for cash the interest in the described real auction to the highest bidder for cash the interest in the described real property which the grantor had or had power to convey at the time of the property which the grantor had or had power to convey at the time of the execution by grantor of the trust deed, together with any interest which the execution by grantor of the trust deed, together with any interest which the grantor or grantor's successors in interest acquired after the execution of grantor or grantor's successors in interest acquired after the execution of the trust deed, to satisfy the foregoing obligations thereby secured and the the trust deed, to satisfy the foregoing obligations thereby secured and the costs and expenses of sale, including a reasonable charge by the trustee. costs and expenses of sale, including a reasonable charge by the trustee. Notice is further given that for reinstatement or payoff quotes requested Notice is further given that for reinstatement or payoff quotes requested pursuant to ORS 86.757 and 86.759 must be timely communicated in a pursuant to ORS 86.757 and 86.759 must be timely communicated in a written request that complies with that statute addressed to the trustee's written request that complies with that statute addressed to the trustee's "Urgent Request Desk" either by personal delivery to the trustee's physi "Urgent Request Desk" either by personal delivery to the trustee's physi cal offices (call for address) or by first class, certified mail, return receipt cal offices (call for address) or by first class, certified mail, return receipt requested, addressed to the trustee's post office box address set forth in requested, addressed to the trustee's post office box address set forth in this notice. Due to potential conflicts with federal law, persons having no this notice. Due to potential conflicts with federal law, persons having no record legal or equitable interest in the subject property will only receive record legal or equitable interest in the subject property will only receive information concerning the lender's estimated or actual bid. Lender bid information concerning the lender's estimated or actual bid. Lender bid information is also available at the trustee's website, www.northwest information is also available at the trustee's website, www.northwest trustee.corn. trustee.corn. Notice is further given that any person named in ORS 86.753 has the right, Notice is further given that any person named in ORS 86.753 has the right, at any time prior to five days before the date last set for the sale, to have at any time prior to five days before the date last set for the sale, to have this foreclosure proceeding dismissed and the trust deed reinstated by this foreclosure proceeding dismissed and the trust deed reinstated by payment to the beneficiary of the entire amount then due (other than such payment to the beneficiary of the entire amount then due (other than such portion of the principal as would not then be due had no default occurred) portion of the principal as would not then be due had no default occurred) and by curing any other default complained of herein that is capable of and by curing any other default complained of herein that is capable of being cured by tendering the performance required under the obligation or being cured by tendering the performance required under the obligation or trust deed, and in addition to paying said sums or tendering the perfor trust deed, and in addition to paying said sums or tendering the perfor mance necessary to cure the default, by paying all costs and expenses mance necessary to cure the default, by paying all costs and expenses actually incurred in enforcing the obligation and trust deed, together with actually incurred in enforcing the obligation and trust deed, together with trustee's and attorney's fees not exceeding the amounts provided by said trustee's and attorney's fees not exce ORS 86.753. Requests from persons named in ORS 86.753 for reinstatement quotes re ceived less than six days prior to the date set for the trustee's sale will be honored only at the discretion of the beneficiary or if required by the terms of the loan documents. In construing this notice, the singular includes the plural, the word "grantor" includes any successor in interest to the grantor as well as any other person owing an obligation, the performance of which is secured by said trust deed, and the words "trustee" and "beneficiary" in clude their respective successors in interest, if any. The trustee's rules of auction may be accessed at www.northwesttrustee.corn and are incorpo rated by this reference. You may also access sale status at www.north westtrustee.corn and www. USA-Foreclosure.corn. ORS 86.753.
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Editorials, F2 Commentary, F3 Books, F4-6 THE BULLETIN • SUNDAY, AUGUST 19, 2012
O~ www.bendbulletin.corn/opinion
Getting to the substance
e are less than three months from the next Election Day. The nation will either re elect an incumbent president, or elect a new one. It will solidify the split control of the houses of Congress or realign the power. It could solidify or alter the control of the state Legislature. It will elect judges, state consti tutional officers, city and county officials and decide a host of state ballot measures, including several in Oregon. Despite the nastiness that seems a key ingredient of our political process, it remains remarkable how, when all is said and done, we willingly surren der to the results of the process. It has always been that way, and it is has often been nastier, which we should keep in mind. The founders, who could be pretty nasty themselves, would be proud. We at The Bulletin are starting to plan how we will cover this election. As it always has been, our focus is on state and local contests and is sues. For the most part, we rely on the national news services for national coverage. As you know, we also make en dorsements in contested races and on ballot issues. Candidates and repre sentatives are already making inter view dates with the editorial board. At the end of the day, we have suc ceeded if you have the information to cast a knowledgeable vote. This week, I asked my Bulletin colleagues if there were any unique qualities to this election. Reporter Erik Hidle wrote, "This will be the first time La Pine votes directly on a mayor. Before this year, they just elected councilors, then the councilors would vote among them selves on who would rise to the mayor role. It changed as part of the new city charter, and the setting of electoral rules earlier this year." Designer Andy Zeigert pointed out that this is first time in a long time, if ever, that no white Protestant male is either party's candidate for president or vice president. He also observed that none of the four has a military background. Night City Editor Mike Braham wrote, "The one thing that strikes me is the Scott Walker recall election and the ballot measures in San Diego and San Jose that curtailed PERS spend ing. Those three elections clearly signaled taxpayers' disgust with their money going to huge pension funds while their own are shrinking." Reporter Hillary Borrud and Editor of Editorials Richard Coe both pointed out that The Oregonian has announced that it will not be making an endorsement in the presidential race, saying that its editors concluded that not a lot of people wait anxiously for the newspaper's pick. Bulletin Deputy Editor Janet Ste vens responded, "I think the lack of substance and civility on the presiden tial level is the worst I can remember. Lots of accusations, charges and countercharges, no real suggestions, plans, programs. That's why the Will Ferrell move (' The Campaign') struck such a note. It's a parody that makes all the others very clear." What I find very interesting about American politics is the reversal of form when it leaves the national spot light and centers on the local. With rare exceptions, local and even state candidates, as well as advo cates or opponents ofballot measures, remain largely civil and focused on substance, especially compared with their national cousins. Certainly, the heat increases with statewide contests, but nowhere near the level of national politics, where the control of vast power is at stake, the campaigning and its coverage is perpetual, and the amount of money involved is obscene. My view differs somewhat from my colleagues in that I think there is sub stance to national politics, or at least substantial repercussions. The trick is getting through the noise. I hope we can help. — John Costa is the editor-in-chief of The Bulletin. 541-383-0337, jcostaC<bendbulletin.corn
• Better care for prematurebabiesalso meansharder choices By Rahul K. Parikh, M.D. • New York Times News Service
n my first day as a pediatric resident at Cedars-Sinai Medical Cen ter in Los Angeles, I was assigned to the neonatal intensive care unit. I was in awe of it. Three (and later four) large rooms were lined with clear plastic incubators, and inside each, a baby. Many of them were ex tremely premature. Some were small enough to fit in the palm of my hand and weighed barely a pound. Their little chests heaved with each heartbeat. Their skin was paper thin. Ventilators breathed for them; intravenous lines traveled to their bodies to nourish them; sensitive electronics tracked every subtle change in their vi tal signs. NICUs are the triumph of modern medicine's investment in technology, pharmacy and know-how. They ex ist to finish nature's work because 500,000 times a year — more than anywhere else in the industrialized world — an American baby is born prematurely. The most precarious are born at the margin of life: somewhere between 23 and 26 weeks of gestation, or what's called the limit of viability. That limit has changed dramati cally over the past half century. In the 1960s, when the first NICUs opened, premature infants had a 95 percent
chance of dying. Today, they have a 95 percent chance of survival. This has, in the words of one neonatolo gist, Dr. Nicholas Nelson, changed our perception of the premature baby as "a patient to be cared for, rather than an object to be pitied." Now we face a difficult choice, one not unlike that facing physicians who take care of adults near the end of their life: whom to fight for and whom to let go. The decision says volumes about how we have come to regard the tiniest, frailest of patients. See Premature/F6
"It used to be that a/I of cerebral palsy was God's fault, (now roughly half of cases are our fault)." — Dr. William Meadow and Dr. John Lantos, neonatologists
BOOKS INSIDE 'DESERT': Author finds meaning, sobriety, F4
ORWELL 1984' author' s diary published, F4
OBAMA: Biography tells of president's childhood, F5
SEATTLE: BookasksSeattle to laugh at itself, F6
The Bulletin
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he U.S. Department of Labor has a powerful tool to stop employers who break wage and hour laws. It
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can seizeproducts under the "hot goods" provision of the Fair Labor Standards Act. But unless the power is used judiciously, it can have a dev astatingimpact on farmers who produce perishable goods. The Oregon Farm Bureau says ployer. The department would recently the Labor Department c e rtainly consider that a perish blocked the shipment of perishable able product might spoil, the ex fruit from two Oregon farmers. p ert said. The farmers were told that because Maybe that is the way it is be of "aPParent violations" the goods lieved to happen by officigs in would be held until the Producer Washington, D.g. That is not how Paid uP and signed an agreement the attorney 1' or the two 1'armers admitting guilt. says it happened in Oregon. The U.S. DePartment of Labor Tim Bernasek, an attorney with declined to sPeak about Pending Dunn bl in portland, repre investigations, though theY sug sents the two Oregon blueberry gested some of that information farmers subject to the labor de was wrong without saying what p a r tment action. was wrong. He said labor officials showed We made a Freedom of Infor upinearlyAugustatthetwofarms. mation Act request for documents The department alleged one farm a ssociated w i t h had minimum wage the hot goods ac violations. The other tions in Oregon. Despite the allegedly had mini mum wage v i ola supplied us with aSSUranpeS pf the tions and a possible two documents, LabOr DePartment, child labor violation
b«h regardinga the blueberry farmerS Salem company felt bapl ed intp a called Pan-Amer
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Those are in- and WaiVe their right teresting, but that tO appeal Or let their w as not the ac- prpp g p
officials asked the farmers to pay back tion that r aised wages and penalties the concern of the and sign a consent farm bureau. judgment. Not only Sonia Melen that but the farmers dez of the department referred to h ad to agree to waive any future the actions in Oregon as "an ini- r i ght to appeal — administratively tiative." We asked her what she o r i n c ourt. meanf. by "an inifiafive." She said Thaf s justiceD she would not answer any ques Bernasek said his clients were tions about that. told to sign the order or their goods We don'tknow about You, but would be held and it would be an initiative in this context sounds fought in court. Both farmers were like aPlantoraiseawarenessand worried about losing their fresh comPhance wtth the law through blueberries and their long-stand some high-Profile actions. ing customers and signed. Labor Secretary Hilda Solis Obviously, employers — whet vowed in 2011 to use the "long-ig er theirgoods are perishable or nored hot goods Provision of the not — shouM comply with the Fair Labor Standards Act" to Put law and treat workers fairly. Vio Pressure on manufacturers with lators of the law need to be heM "the potential to reform the whole accountable industry — without the depart The Punishment, t h o ugh, ment having to investigate thou should be tailored to the crime. sands of businesses." There should also be due pro Melendez arranged for usto cess under the law. Despite the talk to a subject™atter expert assurances of the Labor Depart " " " . ' ' " ment, the blueberry farmers felt g that it is lust background infor backed into a corner, having to mation. The exPert assured us choose to admit guilt and waive that invoking hot goods is rare, their right to appeal or let their usually only for egregious viola tions and only after an attempt That's anunfenable use of fed has been made to resolve the «alPow«. matter voluntarily with an em
M Nickel's Worth Freedom to believe I am writing this letter in response to one written on July 26. The letter was written by a cross-country ski coach from out of town. He called out a Bend High School coach for mixing religion and coaching. The writer of that letter said that a coach must keep his religious and political views private. I wonder what he thinks should be done if a coach does not keep his views private? I also wonder if it is even possible. Our La Pine High Schoolboys bas ketball team volunteers during the hoop season at a community kitchen on Wednesdays. Our coaching staff wants our athletes to understand that life is bigger than basketball. This idea of helping the poor actu ally stems from our religious world view. I guess under this ski coach's philosophy our p r ogram should cease and desist. M oreover, ou r p r o gram a l s o stresses perseverance, discipli ne and sportsmanship. These traits can be found in many religions. I can even argue that this coach's view of keeping religion and politics separate from the public school are na is a religious view held by Secu lar Humanists. It is a tactic used to silence opposing views. I call it viewpoint discrimination. There are countries that do sepa rate religion and keep it private. North Korea, Cuba and the old So
viet Union come to mind. Of course, port on this independent analysis one of the reasons that makes our would be a service to your readers. country so great is its freedom ofbe John Vaughn lief, no tfreedom from. Powell But te Kent Wleber costsmore La Pine 'Obamacare'
PERS opinion misleading Your Aug. 6 editorial on the Public Employees Retirement System calcu lated each Oregonian's share of the PFRS $16 billion unfunded liability to be $4,200. While the math is probably correct, the number is meaningless. The unfunded liability is, in sim ple terms, the projected total pay outs and total incomes of the system over the next 30 years. Your calcula tion ignores the 30-year term of the unfunded liability. It is misleading. Looked at over the 30 year term, the per capita liability is $140 per year, per person. When compared to the $132 annual cost of a Bulletin home subscription, the number is not nearly as inflammatory. There is likely some merit in the reform proposals listed in the edi torial. Certainly all deserve some consideration in Oregon's legislative process. But meaningless numbers do not advance these proposals. The Bulletin also seems to regu larly focus aon the hole rather than the donut." The Pew Research Cen ter in June released its analysis of all state retirement funds. Oregon PF.RS is 87 percent funded, eighth best in the nation. An editorial re
In her Aug. 7 letter, Carolyn Hill repeats one of the commonly re peated myths about the Affordable Care Act — or apbamacare." That is that coverage "will be available to millions of uninsured Americans whose medical bills are now being paid by those of us who can and do pay for medical coverage." There are a couple of problems with this belief. First, the vast majority of those people will still have their coverage paid for by someone else. If they can't afford it now, they will be put on Medicaid or some other plan paid for by the taxpayers. Second, the cost will be much higher than what i s b eing paid now. Instead of getting treatment for e m ergency-type c o nditions, they will be covered for the whole "Christmas tree" ofbenefits that will be mandated under apbamacare." We haven't been told yet exactly what these will be but expectations are that just about everything will be covered. There is just no way you can provide much more coverage to many more people without spend ing a lot more money. Jeff Keller Bend
Letters policy
In My Viewpolicy How to submit
We welcome your letters. Letters should be limited to one issue, contain Ro more than 250 words and include the writer's signature, phone number and address for verification. We edit letters for brevity, grammar, taste and legal reasons. We reject poetry, personal attacks, form letters, letters submitted elsewhere and those appropriate for other sections of The Bulletin. Writers are limited to one letter or Op-Ed piece every 30 days.
In My View submissions should be between 550 and 650 words, signed and include the writer's phone number and address for verification. We edit submissions for brevity, grammar, taste and legal reasons. We reject those published elsewhere. In My View pieces run routinely in the space below, alternating with national columnists. Writers are limited to one letter or Op-Ed piece every 30 days.
Please address your submission to either My Nickel's Worth or ln My View and send, fax or email them to The Bulletin. Write: My Nickel's Worth / In My View P.O. Box 6020 Bend, OR 97708 Fax: 541-385-5804 Email: bulletin©bendbulletin.corn
If only mnservatives were more like libertarians By Caroline Baum
our lives, whom we can marry, how we raise our children, where we wor ave you ever wondered why ship, what we inhale and ingest, and conservatives are so opposed what we do behind closed doors? to government interference in I ask David Boaz, executive vice the marketplace yet so tolerant, even president of the libertarian Cato In welcoming, of its role in our personal stitute in Washington, to crawl inside lives? You could say the same about a conservative's head and explain it liberals, whose preferences for gov to me. "Sometimes libertarians assume ernment involvement run in the op posite direction. that the questions we ask are the Either way, it strikes me as incon same questions other people ask," sistent. If you believe in the principle he says. For example, aa libertarian of live-and-let-live, it should apply might ask: What is the role of gov to all aspects of your life. When the ernment? What are the rights of indi Wall Street Journal's conservative viduals? A conservative, on the other editorial page invokes "free markets, hand, might ask: What is good for an free people," I always wonder, what orderly society? Different questions happened to the free-people part? yield different answers." The idea that government knows Armed with the necessary fodder, best is anathema to fiscal conserva I ask a conservative the same ques tives, who believe in a limited gov tion and get pretty much the same ernment of enumerated powers. How answer: It's all about how you frame is it that same government can be the the question. aYou have to approach it through ultimate authority on how we live Bloomberg News
a prism of liberty and what are the conditions for securing and preserv ing liberty for everyone," says David A zerrad, associate director of t h e Center for Principles and Politics at the Heritage Foundation, a conser vative think tank i n W a shington. aWe're not 'legislating morality,' as libertarians claim, but creating the conditions that allow for liberty." Uh-huh. I understand the words, but I'm having trouble getting my arms around the concept. I try a spe cific example. What about agay couple I know who adopted two mixed-race, crack cocaine babies? Aren't these children better off growing up with two lov ing, caring parents than as products of the foster-care system? So what if both parents are "daddy"? To me, it's a rhetorical question. To conservatives, judging by their oppo sition to gay marriage and gay adop tion, it clearly isn' t.
Azerrad tells me I'm assuming aa very Rousseauian approach to poli tics" by taking individual examples and appealing to the heart. Given c onservatism's i n herent suspicion about th e state, "when it recognizes a role for the state, clearly there's something important at stake," he says. And that means "supporting certain institutions and actively promoting them." Take marriage, for example. The only reason the state has an interest in it is because children are involved, and research has shown the nuclear family is best for raising kids, Azer rad says. It would be one thing if Homo sapi ens could no longer reproduce; if the present generation were the last one on Earth. "Then we could all be liber tarians," he says. Because they can, and do, repro duce, the state has an interest in those children being raised in aopti
mal conditions," Azerrad says. "The overarching principles are: How do you structure a community and what institutional setups are conducive to preserving it." Just contrast conservatives' list of do's and don'ts with that of libertar ians, who just want to be left alone. "Conservatives understand that let ting people do their own thing builds a strong economy," Cato's Boaz says. aWhy can't a strong society be built from a few rules you learned in kin dergarten? Don't hit other people, don't take their stuff and keep your promises." If it were that simple, we could scrap the 82,419-page Federal Reg ister, the government's book of rules and regulations. Neither conserva tives nor libertarians — nor liberals, for that matter — would have a prob lem with that. — Caroline Baum is a columnist
for Bloomberg.
ra ic ae o rivingacross California is like going from Mississippi to Massachusetts without ever crossing a state line. Consider the disconnects: Cali fornia's combined income and sales taxes are among the nation's highest, but the state's deficit is still about $16 billion. It's estimated that more than 2,000 upper-income Californians are leaving per week to flee high taxes and costly regulations, yet Califor nia wants to raise taxes even higher; its business climate already ranks near the bottom of most surveys. Its teachers are among the highest paid on average in the nation, but its pub lic school students consistently test near the bottom of the nation in both math and science. The state's public employees enjoy some of the nation's most generous pensions and benefits, but Califor nia's retirement systems are under funded by about $300 billion. The state's gas taxes — at over 49 cents per gallon — are among the highest in the nation, but its once unmatched freeways, like U.S. Highway 101 and U.S. Highway 99, for long stretches have degenerated into p o tholed, clogged n i g htmares u n changed since the early 1960s. The state wishes to borrow billions of dollars to develop high-speed rail, beginning with a little-traveled link between Fresno and Corcoran — a corridor already served by money
VICTOR DAVIS MAN SON losing Amtrak. Apparently, coastal residents like the idea of European high-speed rail — as long as noisy and dirty construction does not be gin in their backyards. As gasoline prices soar, California chooses not to develop millions of barrels ofuntapped oil and even more natural gas off its shores and beneath its interior. Home to bankrupt green companies like Solyndra, Califor nia has mandated that a third of all the energy provided by state utilities soon must come from renewable en ergy sources — largely wind and so lar, which presently provide about 11 percent of its electricity and almost none of it is transportation fuel. How to explain the seemingly inexplicable? There is no Califor nia, which is a misnomer. There is no such state. Instead there are two radically different cultures and land scapes with little in common, each equally dysfunctional in quite differ ent ways. Apart they are unworldly, together a disaster. A postmodern narrow coastal cor ridor runs from San Diego to Berke ley, where the weather is ideal, the gentrified affluent make good mon ey, and values are green and left
w o a i o r n i as wing. This Shangri-La is juxtaposed to a vast impoverished interior, from the southern desert to the northern Central Valley, where life is becom ing premodern. On the coast, blue-chip universi ties like Cal Tech, Berkeley, Stanford and UCLA in pastoral landscapes train the world's doctors, lawyers, engineers and businesspeople. In the hot interior ofblue-collar Sacramen to, Turlock, Fresno and Bakersfield, well over half the incoming fresh man in the California State Univer sity system must take remedial math and science classes. In postmodern Palo Alto or Santa Monica, a small cottage costs more than $1 million. Two hours away, in premodern and now-bankrupt Stockton, a bungalow the same size goes for less than $100,000. In the interior, unemployment in many areas peaks at over 15 percent. The theft of copper wire is reaching epidemic proportions. Thousands of the shrinking middle class flee the interior for the coast or nearby no-income-tax states. To fathom the state's nearly unbelievable statistics — as the state population grew by 10 million from the mid-1980s to 2005, its number of Medicaid recipients increased by 7 million during that period; one-third of the nation's wel fare recipients now reside in Califor nia — visit the state's hinterlands. But in the Never-Never Land of
Apple, Facebook, Google, Holly wood and the wine country, millions live in an idyllic paradise. Coastal Californians can afford to worry about the state's trivia — as their leg islators seek to outlaw foie gras, shut down irrigation projects to save the 3-inch delta smelt, and allow chil dren to have legally recognized mul tiple parents. But in the less feel-good interior, crippling regulations curb timber, gas and oil, and farm production. For the most part, the rules are man dated by coastal utopians who have little idea where the gas for their imported cars comes from, or how the redwood iscut for theirdecks,or who grows the ingredients for their Mediterranean lunches of arugula, olive oil and pasta. On the coast, it's politically incor rect to talk of illegal immigration. In the interior, residents see first-hand the bankrupting effects on schools, courts and health care when millions arrive illegally without English-lan guage fluency or a high school di ploma — and send back billions of dollars in remittances to Mexico and other Latin American countries. The drive from Fresno to Palo Alto takes three hours, but you might as well be rocketing from Earth to the moon. — Victor Davis Hanson is a classicist and historian at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University.
U.S. higher ed system needs some schooling By Daniel Akst Newsday
hanks to a ferocious report from a Senate committee, we now know that the for-profit college industry is a business rife with abuses. Little is spent on in struction, and the most vulnerable people are encouraged to apply by "recruiters" who often use boiler room sales tactics. Most students drop out, only to find themselves burdened with s tudent debt y et lacking a degree to help them pay for it. When the report came out, the committee's Republican minority complained that the panel should have probed traditional nonprofit colleges as well. But trying to cover the vast nonprofit higher-ed sector, which educates something like 90 percent of the Americans who attend college, would have diluted the focus and given unearned legitimacy to outfits mainly interested in making a quick buck. In a l arger sense, though, the Republicans had a point. Some of the same problems the committee uncovered in the for-profit sector are festering in the nonprofit sec tor as well, even if they' re not as egregious. Now that Iowa Sen. Tom Har kin's committee has laid bare the foul deeds of the for-profit sector, perhaps it should shine a light into the hallowed groves of traditional academe. Some of what it finds won't be pretty. In general, traditional colleges are charging more and teaching less
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compared with decades ago. Stu dents are skating by with less study even as grade inflation keeps their marks up. And there is evidence that many students make little progress. In one study, nearly half of stu dentstested at24 schools showed no gain in critical thinking, reasoning or writing in their first two years. More than a third had no gains after four years. But colleges aren't try ing very hard to find out what works and what doesn't pedagogically.
The most illustrious professors at many campuses spend the least time in the classroom. Many professors teach their own research interests rather than what students need to know. In technical fields, much of the teaching load falls to badly paid graduate students, some of whom have poor English skills. And at top business and law schools, course work is too often taught by faculty who have never met a payroll or spent a day in court.
By all these methods, colleges are devaluing their sheepskins and shortchanging their students even as they raise their prices, which have risen faster than inflation for years — fueled in part by the availability of federal student aid. And too many students fail to graduate. The Organisation for Eco nomic Co-operation and Develop ment, an international think tank, reported in 2010 that the United States had the lowest graduation rate (46 percent) of the 18 countries it surveyed. In part this reflects our success at democratizing college, but it also reflects poor high school preparation and s oaring c ollege prices. All that said, it's important not to throw the baby out with the bath wa ter. America's system of higher edu cation is the envy of the world, with good reason. And advanced educa tion is crucial, not just for the health of our economy but for the health of our society. The impulse to have ev ery American complete some higher education is a noble one. But it cannot succeed unless we re form our campuses to become more efficient as well as more effective, and reform our high schools so that graduates have a strong foundation in reading, writing, math, science, history and critical thinking. The Harkin committee looked at colleges who profit at the expense of students. Maybe it's time for him to consider whether the great mass of students are getting enough profit from nonprofit colleges. — Daniel Ahst is a columnist
for Newsday.
Accessible voter ID laws should be put to the test By Stephan and Abigail Thernstrom Los Angeles Times
ithout a personal identifica tion card issued by some level of government, you are a second-class citizen. You can not board an airplane, ride an Am trak train, buy a six-pack of beer or a pack of cigarettes, open a checking account, enter many public and some private office buildings or even at tend an NAACP convention without proving that you are who you say you are. You cannot even qualify for means-tested public support pro grams such as Medicaid without valid identification. These requirements have provoked strikingly little objection from the American public. No one argues that it is grossly discriminatory to deprive people without picture IDs access to this wide range of places, programs and activities. But when it comes to voting, that is exactly the argument. The Demo cratic Party, the attorney general of the United States and a vocal chorus from the civil rights community are waging war on voter photo ID laws enacted recently in 10 states, laws they see as part of a new voter sup pression movement.
In their view, measures ostensi bly designed to limit the franchise to people who are U.S. citizens and legal residents of the jurisdiction in which they seek to vote have the real pur pose of disfranchising poor people in general and especially poor African Americans and Latinos. The charge leveled against photo ID requirements has a particularly nasty echo: It is, critics say, no differ ent than the Jim Crow poll tax used in Southern states until the mid-1960s to keep blacks from the voting booth. But the Supreme Court has addressed that issue. In a 2008 decision uphold ing Indiana's voter ID law, the opinion of the court, written by Justice John Paul Stevens — certainly no conser vative — dismissed the poll tax ar gument on the grounds that the state had a legitimate interest in preventing voter fraud. Five justices agreed with him. Critics of ID requirements assert that voting is special — a right, not a privilege, and therefore not compa rable to things like driving a car or gaining access to the NAACP con vention. But the distinction is not so clear. Medicaid is arguably a right for those who are income eligible. And rights are not absolute. Nine
year-olds cannot vote; nor can illegal immigrants. An estimated I million illegal immigrants live in Texas to day. If many of them turned up at the polls and were able to vote in the absence of a requirement for govern ment-issued identification, the right of all Texas citizens to choose their representatives might be seriously compromised. Many of the voter ID laws will first be tested in the 2012 presidential elec tion. For now, no one can say with great certainty how they will affect minority and low-income political participation, and that's a question that deserves further study. New York University's Brennan Center for Justice recently issued a report claiming that 11 percent of vot ing-age citizens who live in the states that have passed voter ID laws cur rently lack valid identification creden tials. The Brennan Center also mar shals evidence that getting IDs could be difficult for these mostly poor, mostly minority and often elderly citi zens. But how many of those who lack an I D actually voted in the past? Over the last four presidential elec tions, nearly 40 percent of American citizens eligible to cast a ballot did not bother to do so. It is reasonable to
surmise that a high proportion of the people who had not taken the trouble to get a government-issued photo ID may be among that huge group of no shows. If they weren't going to vote anyway, new ID laws wouldn't affect their behavior. In the case of Indiana, whose voter ID lawwas ineffectforthe 2008 pres idential election, there is some data about participation. That was a very good year for Democrats in general, but Democratic turnout rose more in Indiana, with its ID law in force, than in any other state. Georgia, which also had a new voter ID law in place that year for the first time, also had a huge jump in turnout, almost all of it from Democratic voters. There are better and worse ID laws, and it seems obvious that the requisite proof of identity should not be need lessly burdensome to get; the process should be made as convenient as pos sible. The Texas Department of Pub lic Safety, for example, provides free election identification cards to citizens who request them. Every state should make acquiring an ID equally easy. — Stephan Thernstrom is a professor of history emeritus at Harvard University.
Abigail Therns tram is vice chairwoman of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights.
Medicare debate unhealthy he Republican National Com mittee chairman says President Barack Obama has "blood on (his) hands" for cutting Medicare. Mitt Romney blasts the president for having "robbed" the program of $700 billion. Vice President Joe Biden accuses Romney and r u nning mate Paul Ryan of "gutting" Medicare. And, inevitably, Obama warned that Rom ney-Ryan would "end Medicare as we know it." Let's p a use f o r a b it of fact-checking. The cheeky response to the cri tique of Obama's Medicare cuts is that Ryan assumes those very cuts in his budget — the one passed by the House and endorsed as "mar velous" by Romney. So there are robbers galore and blood to spread around. The on-the-merits response is that the cuts — more accurately, reduc tions in the rate of growth — involve lower reimbursements to hospitals and nursing homes; reduced pay ments to insurers; higher premiums for better-off beneficiaries, and sav ings from reforms such as lower hos pital readmissions. In other words, Grandma might lose her free eyeglasses but her basic benefits remain untouched. The fairer question is w hether the savings should have been used to reduce the debt rather than to un derwrite low-income subsidies in "Obamacare." But since Romney Ryan would do nothing to slow the growth of Medicare for a decade, they are not the ones to ask it. Not that Democrats are more hon est. The attack on Romney-Ryan for "ending Medicare as we know it" ignores the unpleasant reality that Medicare as we know it cannot con tinue. Meanwhile, an Obama cam paign video of Floridians bemoan ing the GOP team's Medicare plan somehow omits the salient fact that current beneficiaries and those near retirement would be unaffected. The R o m ney-Ryan a p p roach would transform Medicare by giving seniors a voucher to shop around for coverage on insurance exchanges. Insurers would have to take all appli cants and not charge more to sicker seniors. Those with lower incomes would receive extra help to pay for premiums. Sound familiar? Yes, like "Obam acare" — except Romney-Ryan has the public option that liberals were clamoring for back when. Seniors could decide to use their voucher to keep traditional fee-for-service coverage. The addition of t h e t r aditional Medicare option was one key change Ryan made when heteamed up last year wit h D e mocratic Sen. Ron Wyden. The second was to let vouchers grow more quickly over time. Un der Ryan's original plan, the benefit would have increased only with the rate of inflation. Health care costs rise far faster, which is, of course, precisely the problem. So the value of the voucher would be quickly eroded, and seniors would have to dig into their pockets to af ford coverage. The Congressional Budget Office projected that a typical 65-year-old would have to pay anoth er $6,500 a year. The Wyden-Ryan proposal would allow the voucher to grow at a more generous rate — inflation plus eco nomic growth plus I percent. That is the target set under Obamacare for the new cost control oversight board. There are legitimate and impor tant questions about this approach, beginning w it h t h e f u n damental theory: that competition among in surance companies and more price consciousness among beneficiaries will reduce costs. Will this work? Will traditional Medicare remain a viable option — or will private in surers manage to lure the healthiest seniors, driving sicker beneficiaries into Medicare and producing a death spiral of rising premiums? Fair questions — but here's another fair one, to Democrats and the presi dent: What's your plan? They haven' t offered one. The current debate, with over blown, dueling accusations, helps explain why: details on a topic this emotional can be hazardous to your political health. — Ruth Marcus is a columnist for The Washington Post.
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asts t eto
new Black crime novel By David L. Ulin Los Angeles Times
Call me dubious. When Henry H o l t a n n ounced this week that it would be reviving Raymond Chan dler's detective hero Philip Marlowe — 54 yearsafter the author's final Marlowe novel, "Playback" — I was underwhelmed. If the notion of writing a sequel to the first novel in a series seems redun dant, then you' re begin ning to see the source of my skepticism. Yet equally worrisome, perhaps, is the involvement of John Banville, who will write the new book as his alter ego Benjamin Black. In r e viewing B a n ville's most recent Black novel, "Vengeance," I described my discomfort with the re lationship between author and pseudonym. Why, I wonder, does Banville in sist on writing mysteries under a nom de plume, es pecially when we all know it's him? If "Vengeance" is any in dication, one reason may be that he holds crime fic tion to a different standard, not taking it as seriously as his more literary work. Banville is entitled, I sup pose, but it makes him an interesting choice to pick up the M arlowe mantle. Chandler bristled against the belief that mysteries are "simply a kind of vice that, for silliness and minor harmfulness, ranks some where between smoking and crossword puzzles." In his 1944 essay "The Simple Ar t o f M u r d er," originally published in the Atlantic Monthly, Chandler sought to set the record straight. "There are no vi tal and significant forms of art," he declares; "there is only art, and precious little of that.... It is always a mat ter of who writes the stuff, and what he has in him to write it w i th. Everything written with v i t ality ex presses that vitality; there are no dull subjects, only dull minds."
BEST-SELLERS Publishers Weekly ranks the best sellers for weekending Aug. 11. Hardcover fiction
1. "Gone Girl" by Gillian Flynn (Crown) 2. "Friends Forever" by Danielle Steel (Delacorte) 3. "Odd Apocalypse" by DeanR. Koontz (Bantam) 4. "Where WeBelong" by Emily Giffin (St. Martin' s) 5. "Sweet Talk" by Julie Garwood (Dutton) 6. "The Spymasters" by W. E B. Griffin (Putnam) 7. "Black List: A Thriller" by Brad Thor (Atria) 8. "I, Michael" by Bennett Patterson/Ledwidge (Little, Brown) 9. "Time Untime" by Sherrilyn Kenyon (St. Martin' s) 10. "The FallenAngel" by Daniel Silva (Harper) Hardcover nonfiction
1. "Heart, Smarts, Guts, and Luck" by Anthony K.Tjan et al (Harvard Business School) 2. "Wild" by Cheryl Strayed (Knopf) 3. "The Amateur" by Edward Klein (Regnery Publishing) 4. "Killing Lincoln" by Bill O'Reilly (Henry Holt) 5. "Wheat Belly" by William Davis (Rodale Press) 6. "DoubleCross" by Ben Macintyre (Crown) 7. "Dearie: ... Life of Julia Child" by Bob Spitz (Knopf) 8. "The Corruption Chronicles" by Tom Fitton (Threshold Editions) 9. "Leapfrogging: Harness the Power ..." by SorenKaplan (Berrett-Koehler Publishers) 10. "Steve Jobs" by Walter Isaacson (Simon &Schuster) — McClatchy-Tribune News Service
1 olll
'Diaries' "Diaries" Edited by Peter Davison
(Liveright, 597 pgs., $39.95) By Craig Seligman Bloomberg News
George Orwell died in January 1950, two years and a month after finish ing "1984"; he was only 46. More than six decades later, his complete diaries are being published in the United States for the first time. Why did it take so long? A typi c a l e ntry, f r o m D 'ii A E e October 1939, offers a hint: " Rat h e r cold, v i o l ent wind. Picked up the first ripe walnut today. There are very f ew , h o wever. Spread the manure. Hoed leeks. Spring c a bbages have not taken root very well, owing to the drought. Uprooted the onions, which are very poor." So d o t h e s e d i a r ies matter? They matter a l ot, for two long sections. The first records Orwell's research e s into the l ives of t h e poor. In 1931 he worked as an itinerant hop picker, faking a Cockney accent to fit in. Five years later, he trav eled to the coal-mining ar eas of northwest England, making entries on the aw ful food, the b lackening coal dust, the bad smell of the houses and the terrible conditions in the mines. The book that resulted, "The Road to Wigan Pier" ( 1937), combined his r e port on the miners' misery with his defense of social ism and became one of the works that w ould m ake Orwell a hero to the anti Stalinist left. The second great stretch comprises the diaries Or well kept before and during World War I I. Angrily q u oting L a dy Oxford's complaint to the Daily Telegraph that "most people" have had to "part with their cooks and live in hotels," he sets down a sentence that resonates in 2012: "Apparently n oth ing will ever teach these people that the other 99 percent of the population exist." Orwell's a c h ievement grew ou t o f s e e mingly modest virtues: decency; g ood, hard s e nse; a n d clean, clear prose. Yet they added up t o s o m ething monumental. His garden r eports ma y b e sk i m mable, but the diaries as a whole do exactly what you would expect: They con firm his greatness.
RickLoomis /Los Angeles Times
Author Ruben Martinez is pictured near his Los Angeles home. In Martinez's new book, "Desert America: Boom and Bust in the New Old West," the author heads into the deserts of New Mexico and Texas to find truth, meaning and sobriety.
Author loses, finds self in desert "Desert America: Boom and Bust in the New Old West" By Raben Martinez (Metropolitan Books,
the people he writes about, and the places where they live, with a profound respect all too rare among the legions 337 pgs., $28) of Western writers who have — Excerpt from Ruben Martinez's preceded him. The result is By Hector Tobar "Desert America: Boom and Bust in theNew Old West" an emotional and intellectu Los Angeles Times ally astute portrait of com In his new book " Desert munities long neglected and America: Boom and Bust in misunderstood by American the New Old West," Los An rents of Los A ngeles, New and countless other people fall literature. geles writer Ruben Martinez York and other places. in love with the rugged West, Martinez respects his sub leaves the city behind for the The new old West, Martinez only to discover how painful jects enough to b e h o nest beauty and desolation of the tells us, is where John Wayne that love can really be. about their failings. He's also "The sense of mourning is dry, sparsely populated cor filmed many an iconic movie trying to be honest about his ners of what he calls the "in and where immigrants die the desert West's eternal re own. In New Mexico, he con ner West." crossing the desert. It's home frain," Martinez writes. "The tinues feeding his addictions, He alights in to cookie-cutter subdivisions land is there to remind you hiding his drug use from his n orthern Ne w and water wars. Americans that it is no longer yours." fiancee — she has come to M exico, a l a nd think of its open spaces as a In northern New Mexico, the region, ironically enough, of pueblos and blank page where any loser or Martinez tries to grow veg to study the local epidemic of pinon trees, of dreamer can rewrite his or her etables in the poor soil. He em overdoses and to work at a sweeping vistas life story. braces a new life mission. clinic with addicts. "I'd live and w r ite about and old adobes. At each of his stops, howev Addiction, sadness and loss Many an adven er, Martinez probes the local the West in a veritable West constantly return to haunt the turer and seeker has come to history and quickly discovers ern museum," Martinez says. narrative of "Desert Ameri ca," for both Martinez and for this land before him: Span how wrong-headed that think "An American writer, I would ish conquistadors, American ing is. "Desert America" is a claim my birthright, my place many of his neighbors in his artists, New Age spiritualists, memoir that also manages to in the lineage." adopted home. "Depression here is both clipboard-toting Realtors. be an excellent work of report The home he rents with his age. Its main subject is the re Old knot of dark history economic a n d e x i s tential, wife-to-be is within earshot of silient people who populate the Soon afterward, he's listen exacerbated by the dimming the roiling waters of the Rio West's harshest landscapes. ing as the drug-dealing cou of prospects for a better life Grande, amid old fruit trees In the semi-rural subdivi ple next door fire insults at or even maintaining the life and mesas where wild horses sions near Joshua Tree, Mar each other. Various neighbors o f one's f o rebears," M a r roam. Here, Martinez search tinez e n counters m i l i tary and activists invite Martinez tinez writes of northern New es for truth and meaning. He families, hard drinkers and into their w o rld, i n cluding Mexico. is also trying, without much poor working people. All sorts retired Hispanos with nostal But one man's loss is an success, to break his drug hab of weird things happen: for ex gic memories of a now-fading other's gain, h e d i scovers. it — in a place notorious for its ample, a casting call for locals rural culture and Anglo envi "Depressed realestate values epidemic of heroin overdoses. to play Iraqi villagers in a sim ronmentalists who try to keep mean an ' opportunity' f o r "I desired this place," he ulated battle at the nearby Ma the Hispanos from gathering elites, a 'steal,'" he says. It' s writes. For a self-described city rine base. The locals like the firewood. the unending circle of recent boy, it's a kind of paradise. But weirdness, their d own-and M artinez d i scovers t h at Western history: bust follow a fraught one. Soon Martinez out bars, their pickup trucks life in New Mexico is a cen ing boom, h ope f o llowing discovers that northern New and their anonymity. turies-old knot of dark his loss, rebirth following death. Mexico is "Eden with poverty, tory. All th e v aried groups Indeed, in the final pages Followed by the boom Eden with drugs, Eden with that live there — the native of "Desert America" death class warfare." When Martinez and his fel Pueblo peoples, the Hispanos makes several appearances, Martinez, now a professor low bohemians arrive, they descended from the Spanish often thanks to the scourge of at Loyola Marymount Univer bring a real estate boom in conquistadors, and assorted drug addiction. Each passing sity, is the author of four previ their wake. More real estate U.S. transplants — have their is a reminder of life's fragility ous books. "Desert America" booms follow Martinez to New own claims to, and obsession in those rugged places. is his deeply moving and in Mexico and Texas. "And ev with, the land. And yet "Desert America" sightful account of his years erywhere the boom arrived," To each, Martinez is an em is not a lament. The people searching for redemption and he writes, "it erased the stories pathetic listener. He's also an who live in the new old West renewal far from L.A., in the and the people that stood in astute observer, and a disci embrace the hopefulness that s un-baked communities o f the way." plined researcher who's per defines life there. It's an ethos, "the new old West." In New The tension between old and fectly willing to sift through he writes, born of the desire "to imagine for ourselves a Mexico and also in Joshua new, between boom and bust, centuries of literature about Tree, Calif., and Marfa, Texas, pulls "Desert America" for New Mexico and its history new l i fe, a n other c ountry he joins a steady stream ofbo ward. It's a book about what to make sense of what's really where we will no longer be hemians and outcasts who are the West was, and what it's be going on around him. strangers toourselves or to fleeing the fakery and the high coming. In its pages, Martinez Indeed, Martinez treats all each other."
"The sense of mourning is the desert West's eternal refrain. The land is there to remind you that it is no longer yours."
Officials struggle to track stolen books
Did you know... C'
By Elisabetta Povoledo New York Times News Service
NAPLES, Italy — For months now, the alarm has been re sounding throughout the in sular and competitive world of antiquarian books: Beware of volumes bearing the stamp of the storied Girolamini Library in Naples. They could be hot. The library's former director, Marino Massimo De Caro, was arrested in May, accused of stealing books and selling them on the open market or directly
to collectors. And sharp sleuth ing on the part of a professor at Georgia State University in Atlanta has raised questions about De Caro and the sale of other, possibly forged, books. Prosecutors say that in the 11 months during which he managed the library, De Caro stole hundreds of its volumes. Investigators found boxes of valuable books, many with the library's stamp, in garages and private homes in several cities as well as in auction houses
abroad. Four o t her p eople were also jailed. "So far, we' ve tracked down some 3,000 books," including some blocked at auction, said Giovanni Melillo, the Naples prosecutor handling the Gi rolamini investigation, in an interview. He said that De Caro was the head of a criminal gang created to despoil the library, which had been off limits to the public — with few exceptions for decades. "Only in Italy can you have someone like him."
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Rome: Heavy on action, light on analysis "The Rise of Rome: The Making of the World' s Greatest Empire" By Anthony Everit t (Random House,
478 pgs., $30) By Andrew Dnnn Bloom berg News
"Barack Obama: The Story"
recesses with a s nack and two friends of color from Punahou, Rik Smith and Tony Peterson. Their "Ethnic Corner" was across the way from Senior Bench, where the jocks and cheerleaders sat. They talked about social issues, "stuff like whether we would ever see a black presi dent in our lifetime. None of us talked about whether we might be t hat p erson," re called Smith.
By David Maraniss (Simon@, Schuster, 672 pgs., $32.50) The WashingtonPost David Maraniss' biography "Barack Obama: The Story" (SImon 8 Schus ter) has been out BAR ACE a few m o nths, QBAMA and bec a u se rhe Sfory we' re deep into DAVID election season, MARANISS why no t l e a rn these 11 thmgs you m a y not know about our 44th presi dent's adolescence?
He chilled
He was not an A student ... but knew what he wanted to talk about and was very good at putting it on paper," said classmate Joe Hanson.
He had hoop dreams He walked with th e ath letic stride that he had seen in his NBA heroes on TV: Tiny Archibald, the Iceman, Earl the Pearl and Dr. J. He'd play basketball for a half-hour be fore homeroom at 8 a.m., and he made the Punahou School varsity squad, which won the state championship his senior year. To his older and law school-oriented friend, Tony Peterson, t h e nin t h -grade Barack Obama wrote in Peter son's senior yearbook: "Some day when I am an all-pro bas ketballer, and I want to sue my team for more money, I' ll call on you."
Grandmother could have been in "Mad Men" The world saw M a delyn Dunham as practical, clear eyed and indispensable. But young Barack also saw his teenage caretaker as tightly strung, carrying the financial weight of the family and need ing alcohol and cigarettes to unwind. In a White House in terview, President Obama said his grandmother reflected the times, comparing her to the "Mad Men" character Peggy: "That's my grandmother, you know, starting out with t he l ow-level secretary job a n d working her way up."
His "Gramps" was cool
W ith f ri e n ds , Bar a c k Obama would s wi m i n a stream, bravely bodysurf the o ften-rough S a nd y B e a ch and drink Beck' s, Heineken or St. Pauli Girl beer at a lush, isolated mountainside spot while a stereo played Aeros mith, Blue Oyster Cult or Ste vie Wonder. The group also would remove the empty beer bottles.
He did more than "a little weed" Barack O b a m a did n ' t deny his marijuana use in his memoir, "Dreams From My Father." But h e u n der stated his enthusiasm for the drug. Classmates said he re ally inhaled, inventing a term called TA — total absorption. "Wasting good bud s moke was not tolerated," recalled Tom Topolinski. Friends re called that when a joint was making the rounds, Obama often elbowed in before his turn, shouted "Intercepted!" and took another hit. Nobody minded.
He survived a scary crash "One n ight they h eld a drag race on Mount Tanta lus," M a r aniss r e c ounted. Barack Obama rode shotgun in a friend's Toyota against a Volkswagen van. The Toyota flipped, resting on its hood. The driver had a bloody nose; he and Obama crawled out the back window. When the other vehicle circled back, Obama was laughing, denigrating the driving skills of his friend in language not fit for a family website.
Looking back, he recalled feeling utterly alone
High school friends who made i t o v e r to Barack Obama's 10th-floor apartment to hang out or w atch NBA games on TV loved Stanley Dunham. "He would listen to you and be more of a friend than an authority," classmate Hanson said.
Twenty years later, Barack Obama wrote for the Puna hou alumni magazine that he questioned his identity as one of the few African Americans at the school: "As a kid from a broken home and family of modest means, I nursed more resentments than my circum He had troubles with mom stances justified, and didn' t Although he generally kept always channel those resent a cool exterior, at times Barack ments in p a r t icularly c on Obama confided in f r i ends structive ways." that he missed his mother, Ann Dunham, who was do But he wasn' t ing graduate work in Indone going to wallow sia. "What was upsetting him At Punahou School, Barack — that his mother took off Obama checked out books by again," recalled upperclass the giants of African Ameri man Keith Kakugawa. "Seems can literature — Baldwin, El like she never has time for him lison, Hughes, Wright and Du — that kind of thing." None Bois — spending days reading theless, his mom pushed him each in his room at home. With to do better, put the guilt on, each writer, he saw a similar and Obama responded. ity, moving abroad later in life or "deeper into the bowels of He didn'thang with Harlem, all of them exhausted, the popular kids bitter men," as Obama put it in As a ninth-grader, Barack his memoir. That was not the Obama would spend 11 a.m. route he would choose.
Release ofcomposer's kid book bittersweet The Associated Press N EW YORK — M a r v i n H amlisch told hi s story i n an autobiography for adults a nd was e x c ited t o do the same with a pic ture book that now has a bittersweet release after his death at age 68. "Marvm Makes Mu sic," illustrated by Jim Madsen, tells the true story of 6-year-old Hamlisch who was 25 minutes late to his audition for Ju illiard when
ington drew comparisons to Cincinnatus should come as no surprise. Early Americans were obsessed with the Ro man example. The Constitu tion echoes Rome's mixed, balanced government, com plete with senate and veto.) Rome's enemies were a little more fun. There is the Gaul Brennus, who sacked the city in about 390 BC and demand ed 1,000 pounds of gold. When the Romans complained that his weights were heavier than the standard, Brennus told them: "Vae victis" — Latin for "Tough luck, losers." Pyrrhus of Epirus, a wan nabe Alexander th e G r eat (they were distant cousins), led a youth of exile and adventure before setting his sights on Italy. He was "chivalrous and charismatic" although "his up per jaw was a continuous line of bone." He was also unable to exploit his successes and his name has become a byword for costly victories. "A cloud of p ointlessness hangs over Pyrrhus' career," Everitt says. "The pursuit of glory was not accompanied by the necessary unswerving obsessiveness." Rome, of course, was both unswerving and obsessive, and its biggest obsession was Han nibal of Carthage, who dealt
the city a humiliating defeat in 216 BC at Cannae, where 70,000 Romans died. For de cades after, Roman parents would pacify, and terrify, noisy children by telling them "Han nibal's outside the gates!" — the worst threat imaginable. But even Hannibal lost in the end. The Romans hounded him until he finally killed himself. The defeat o f C a r t hage made Rome summo canis in the Mediterranean. Legionary discipline and shrewd diplo macy, including the enlistment of vanquished foes, gave the growing empire a steady sup ply of soldiers to expand and secure its borders. B ut m i l itarism a n d e x p ansionism were a ls o t h e republic's undoing. Land that was annexed by conquest or depopulated by war fell under the control of a wealthy few and efforts to redistribute it met with violent response. The rural p opulace, dis placed by slaves captured in war, crowded into the city. Warlords like Marius, Sulla and, finally, Caesar exploited loyal soldiers and restive ur ban mobs to seize power and circumvent the political insti tutions that had taken centu ries to build. That's when things really get interesting.
'One LastThing' hasherofinding purposein doom "One Last Thing Before I Go" By Jona than Trop per (Dutton, 324pgs., $26.95)
develop a serious •I' side? Or will it tell the uplifting tale of how a hopeless loser finds love e , By janet Maslin and learns to be a New York Times News Service better man? Jonathan Tropper's slick, As "One Last manipulative new n o v el Thing Before I Go" begins, Sil is about a lovable sad sack ver is immersed in — well, not named Drew Silver."You' ve much. He lives in an apartment got that kind of cuddly bad building with a crew of other boy thing going on, like men whose ex-wives hate them. you' re dangerous, but only Their activities include sling a little bit, you know?" his ing wisecracks, ogling much daughter tells him. younger women and talking Silver has gone through about guy topics, like cigars, life lousing things up. which is the kind of riffing that "He has been an idiot for is Tropper's truly strong suit. "Because of a tossed salad so long that sometimes he forgets what an idiot he is," of latent Freudian inadequacy Tropper writes. issues," he wr ites, "middle Idiot or not, Silver seems aged men will perform fellatio to be sort-of loved by ev on a clump of cured leaves and eryone who knows him. So somehow feel more like men it seems mean-spirited to because of it, which, if nothing wish him dead. else, is a colossal triumph of But Tropper doesn't give marketing." readers of "One Last Thing The same men, by and large, Before I Go" much choice. He contrives a life-threaten ing emergency that injects this otherwise weightless, jokey book with a big dose of pathos. Its whole plot hinges HOME INTERIORS on whether Silver will live 70 sw century Dr. Suite145 Bend, QR 97702 e 541-322-7337 or die. Will his story really www.complementerrome.corn '
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are good company. And they serve as a Greek chorus for Silver once fate delivers him an amazingly coincidental one two punch of medical develop ments. First his teenage daugh ter, Casey, decides to reconnect with him because she is preg nant. And then, out of the blue, 44-year-old Silver finds out that he has a damaged aorta and must undergo emergency surgery. He won't do it. Silver escapes from the hospital and decides to make the most of whatever time he has left. This b o o k' s mi l e -wide maudlin streak touches the Silvers, but not excessively. The tear-jerking gets more serious when it comes to how poignantly divorced men can
miss their families. But the whopper scene takes place at a bat mitzvah, where the newly uninhibited Silver somehow g rabs a mi c r ophone a n d swings for the bleachers. "And that's why I don't want to have that operation. I'd rath er die right here, right in this spot, feeling this way, than live another 30or 40 years like I've lived the last 10." Mission accomplished? Not quite: Tropper milks it even more. The whole crowd gath ers around Silver on the dance floor and everybody belts out "Rest in Pieces," which just happens to be the title of the one big song of Silver's band. We never do find out why it was such a hit.
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grumpy judges giggled when
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There's an imbalance in our picture of the ancient Romans, those violent, pi ous people who built an em pire around their fly-blown miasma of a hilly backwa ter and left their imprint on every aspect of modern life, from politics to language. The end of the republic, the rise of the empire and, thanks to Edward Gibbon, the empire's collapse get most of the attention. The creation of t h i s m i g hty force of history (which per sisted in some form until 1453) is often overlooked. Anthony Everitt's "The Rise of Rome" sets out to redress that imbalance. In about 400 pages, Everitt re tells the eight-century story of the eternal city from its legendary origins to the on set of Julius Caesar's civil war. "How was th e empire won?" Everitt asks. "What was it that enabled a small Italian market town by a
ford on the river T iber t o co n quer the known world?" E ver itt, w h o has written biog rephee of Cicero and Augustus, weaves together war, politics, religion and daily life to describe that rise in a readable narrative that, like the early Romans, is heavy on ac tion and light on analysis. The Romans were astonish ingly, sometimes cold-blood edly practical. The G reeks gave us Pythagoras, Plato and the Parthenon. The Romans gave us the Senate, Cicero and the sewer. Your city needs people? In vite the region's cast-offs to set tle. Thirsty? Build an aqueduct. Got cowardly soldiers? Kill ev ery 10th man in the unit. The highest honor an early Roman could aspire to was dy ing well or killing better. He might dedicate his death to a god to guarantee a victory in battle, or behead a son who disobeyed orders — pour en courager les autres. Roman tradition i dolized leaders like Cincinnatus, who reluctantly left behind a quiet country life to lead an army against the republic's enemy du-jour before returning to his plow. (That George Wash
I am considering the purchase of a single life imme diate annuity which will provide me with monthly income for the remainder of my life. Will the 'lump sum" I pay to the insurance company be considered an asset for Medicaid purposes should I need long term care in the futurep" Generally, yes, the cash surrender value of the an nuity will be counted as an asset in determining your eligibility for Medicaid, unless, the annuity term is Lisa Bertalan equal to your life expectancy as published by the Social Secu Attorney or Loco rity Administration tables, the annuity is non-transferable and Hendrix, Brinch non-assi gnable.Youmustalsonam etheStateofOregon DHS as Sf Bertalan, L.L.R primary beneliciary of the annuity up to the amount of Medicaid ATTQRNEYS AT LAW benefits paid on your behalf. If those conditions are met, the 716 NW Harriman St. annuity payments are considered income only to you, but may Bend, OR 97701 still affect your eligibility if your income exceeds the income 541-382-4980 cap for Medicaid.
he and his dad got locked on the music school's roof. The they spotted his yellow jam mies poking out from his trouser legs. T he book, fo r t h e Penguin imprint Dial, goes on sale Nov. 8 and includes a o n e -song CD. It was the first pic ture book for Hamlisch, who died Aug. 6 after a brief illness. The composer had planned to promote the book.
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A large part of my neighbor's garden is located on my property. I' ve never objected because my neighbor gives me lots of fresh vegetables! is it possible for him to get the legal title to this area of my property if I continue to allow him to use itp
• Yes, but only if he can show that he and/or his predecessors used your property openly, continuously, and exclusively for at least 10 Craig Edwards years, without your permission. If the garden has Attorney or Loco encroached for fewer than 10 years, a letter giving him EDWARDS LAW permission to use your property will prevent him from OFFICES PC acquiring title to your property. If he has used your 225 N.W. Franklin Ave. land for more than ten years, you should consult a real Suite 2 Bend, Oregon 97701 estate attorney to analyze your rights and options.
EMPLOYMENT Do i need to pay minimum wage to my intern/ traineep
If th e i ntern is primarily "job shadowing" and receiving a bona fide educational experience, probably not. But this exception is narrow. The Fair Labor Standards Act generally considers private sector intern s/traineesasem ployees,m eaning they must be paid minimum wage and overtime. Your attorney canhelp you Ron Roome determine whether your internship or training program Attorney or Loco meets this exception. Generally speaking, the more an Karnopp internship program benefits the intern and is similar to an Peterson LLP academic experience, the more likely the exception applies. the more the intern performs productivework 1201 N.W.Wall Street Conversely, for the employer the less likely the position can be unpaid, Suite 200 Bend, Oregon 97701 even if the intern benefits from the work experience in the 541-382-3011 form of learning a new skill or improved work habits.
Premature Continued from F1 Saving lives this young is not benign. Survivors of extreme prematurity have frequent, and often severe, complications dur ing their time in the NICU. In the worst cases, these children will suffer lifelong disabilities: cerebral palsy; severe visual impairment that thick glasses and eye surgery can only partly correct; scarred lungs that will leave them reliant on oxygen tanks; intellectual and behav ioral problems that put them well behind their peers. Partly because prospects for these children can be so dark, the American Academy of Pediatrics suggests not re suscitating babies born before 23 weeks, while babies born after 26 weeks are usually resuscitated. New York Times NewsService file photo Between 23 and 26 weeks, A premature baby's foot is heldat the Neonatal Intensive Care t he risks r emain h igh b u t Unit at Tacoma General Hospital. In the 1960s, premature in survival improves with each fantshad a 95 percent chance of dying. Today, they have a 95 week. This range is treated by percent chance of surviving, many with health complications. the pediatrics organization as Medical professionals and parents are being forced into tough a gray zone, and doctors and decisions when it comes to caring for the fragile patients. parents must make the hard decision about whether to try to resuscitate a baby without ents and some doctors, even "I hated being encouraged to firm guidance. as medical technology makes participate in her care." The circumstances are rare it possible to save increasing Not bonding too strongly ly ideal. Neonatologists walk numbers of p r emature ba with a p remature or sickly into a patient's room, day or bies? Perhaps doctors who are newborn may be a protective night, amid the intense activ reluctant to intervene at all mechanism for parents, Jan ity of obstetricians and nurses costs are all too familiar with vier now believes. After all, for trying to manage labor. It's an — and wary of — the possible most of human history, prema emotional, tense and uncer consequences. As two neona ture babies died. But bring in tain time not conducive to de tologists, Dr. William Meadow modern medicine, set the ex tailed discussion or reflection. and Dr. John Lantos, put it, "It pectation that every baby has Unsurprisingly, then, t h ese used to be that all of cerebral a fighting chance, and we' ve l ife-or-death d ecisions a r e palsy was God's fault." Now authored a new relationship made inconsistently. roughly half of cases are our with these children — patients In a 2005 study, researchers fault, they wrote, and "that is now, not objects — that we' re at McGill University in Mon hard to live with." still struggling to confront. treal surveyed 165 pediatric And many d o ctors real Doctors may take the same and obstetric residents in four ize the ordeal of resuscitation approach. As a resident, the Quebec medical centers about won't be limited to the babies. occupants of those little incu resuscitating babies born be The NICU is also incredibly bators, it seemed to me, were tween 23 and 26 weeks. Some difficult for parents. more fetus than baby, one in residents, t h e r e s earchers In 2005, Dr. Annie Janvier, terchangeable with the next. found, worked a t h o spitals a neonatologist in Montreal We didn't even g ive t h em with an aggressive culture of who researches decision mak names, just a medical record resuscitation. Other facilities ing in m e dically uncertain number, or we w ould refer embraced far less aggressive circumstances, was just over to them by their gender approaches: Even at 26 weeks, 23 weeks pregnant when she "Jones, Baby Girl." It was easi when a p r e mature b aby' s went into labor. She gave birth er to round when their parents chance of survival is more than in the very hospital where she weren't there. You could just 70 percent, residents at these practiced neonatology. "My get the night's numbers, do a medical centers indicated that baby was in the 'optional' cat quick exam and move on. It all they would attempt resuscita egory, and we had to make a helped me stay detached. tion only about half the time. decision," she recalled. Many studies show a vast Pediatricians in the U.S. also T hey asked the team t o majority of extreme preemies have highly variable approach take full measures. Their little go on to live satisfying and pro es to resuscitating premature girl, whom they named Vio ductive lives. Violette left the babies, studies suggest. lette, went right to the NICU. NICU when she was 4 months Parents hold to a far more She would have a very rocky old, and today she is a happy, consistent ethos. A 2001 study course, at one point becoming healthy girl. Still, when the end by researchers at McMaster so sick that Janvier and her of life is so close to its beginning, University in Ontario showed husband decided to withhold there are no easy days in neona that a significant majority be therapy. The little girl rallied, tology. Doctors do the best they lieved that attempts should be then nearly succumbed to an can under tremendous pressure made to save all infants, irre infection. and the specter of emotional spective of condition or weight All of this had a deep impact and clinical uncertainty. It's a at birth. Just 6 p e rcent of on Janvier — but not the sort reminder that despite the fact health professionals said the you'd expect. "I loathed visit that we have the best technol same. Older studies in the U.S. ing the neonatal intensive care ogy powering the NICU, medi have suggested that parents unit while she was unstable," cine remains a fundamentally here feel much the same. Janvier wrote i n a n e s say human — and therefore imper Why this gap between par about Violette's first weeks. fect — endeavor. P
nove as s ea o au a ise "Where'd You Go, Bernadette" By Maria Semple (Little, Brown@. Co.,
teenage daugh ter, Bee, who has c onvinced h e r parents to go on 336 pgs., $25.99) a family trip to A ntarctica b e MA RIAPL SEM E By jnlie Bosman fore she heads New York Times News Service off to b o arding SEATTLE — Maria Sem school. ple made an instant, jarring In Bernadette's eyes, Seattle discovery when she moved is an earnest, unfashionable, with her b o y friend and bewildering place where five daughter from Los Ange way intersections clog traf les to Seattle, a city whose fic, Microsoft is Big Brother, Patagonia-clad inhabitants invasive blackberry b ushes like to talk about bicycling, are a m y sterious citywide the environment and the plague and Craftsman houses eternally dull question (in are a nnoyingly u b i quitous — Bernadette rants. "It's like her opinion) of whether it might rain. a hypnotist put everyone from " It's just not a f u n n y Seattle in a collective trance. place," said Semple, a nov You are getting sleepy, when elist and veteran comedy you wake up you will want writer who worked on the to live only in a C r aftsman television shows "Arrested house, the year won't matter D evelopment" and " M ad to you, all that will matter is About You." "I was in a that the walls will be thick, the m iserable m i n d fr a m e , windows tiny, the rooms dark, and I found that I was driv the ceilings low, and it will be ing around and all I was poorly situated on the lot." thinking about were funny Living in the city's heart things about how a w ful S eattle was. I w ould d o Last week, standing in her these riffs in my head and loft apartment in the Belltown I would polish them in my neighborhood here, wearing head. It was poisonous and a cornflower-blue dress and self-pitying." gold bangles on her wrists, But from those silently Semple, 48, pointed out the Se b rooding r i ff s c ame a n attle landmarks that loomed idea for her next heroine: cartoonishly large from the Bernadette Fox, a difficult, floor-to-ceiling window in the creatively frustrated mis living room: the Space Needle, anthrope who, like Sem Elliott Bay, Bainbridge Island, ple, had relocated to Se the Olympic Mountains and attle from Los Angeles and the Queen Anne neighbor loathed her new city. hood that is the center of activ "Where'd You Go, Ber ity in the novel. n adette," published t h i s It was at the urging of Sem week by Little, Brown 8 ple's boyfriend, George Meyer, Co., has emerged as one of that they moved to Seattle in the most absorbing novels the first place. Meyer, a well of the summer. It tells the known comedy writer w ho story ofBernadette,a for worked for "The Simpsons" for mer architect who won a decades, had decided to leave MacArthur "genius" grant the television business."He felt and then disappeared from that he had done his part to en public view; her tech-guru tertain America," Semple said, husband, Elgin B r a nch, and he took a liking to Seattle, who is nerd-famous for an even though they didn't know e specially r ousing T E D anyone there. They arrived talk; and their precocious in 2008 with their daughter,
Poppy, now 8. After 15 years of w r iting for television, Semple found that she was reinventing her self as a novelist. Her debut novel, "This One Is Mine," a humorous story set in Los An geles, was published by Little, Brown in 2008. A second novel that Semple began writing im mediately after was making her miserable, so she threw it away after 50 pages. But once she began writ ing "Bernadette" two years ago, the pages flowed. The first draft was finished in only three months, a result of the skills honed in television writ ing, where the sentences have to be funny and fast and the editing is ruthless. While "This One Is Mine" was written as a s t r aight forward n a r rative, S emple "Bernadette" d ecided t h at should be an epistolary novel, a form that she adopted after she spent some time writing in Bernadette's voice and be came exasperated with her moaning and self-pity. S elling Seattleites on t he book was a little trickier. The city seems to have taken a cautious liking to it, at least through its semiofficial chan nels. A review in The Stranger, an alternative newspaper, was titled "No Place Like Home: Maria Semple's New Novel Is About Loathing Seattle," but gave the book mostly positive marks. The actor Tom Sker ritt, who lives in Seattle, threw Semple a party to celebrate the book and i nvited local booksellers. Semple said it was a book that she couldn't have written today. By the time she finished her first draft, her opinion of her adopted city had begun to change. "I was starting to like a lot of things about Seattle," she said. "The chill was melt ing and I realized I was grow ing out of this phase I was in. Now I love it here and I can' t imagine l i v in g an y w h ere else."
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News of Record, G2 Stocks/mutual funds, G4-5 Sunday Driver, G6 THE BULLETIN • SUNDAY, AUGUST 19, 2012
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CRUX FERMENTATION PROJECT Editor's note:With 14 breweries, beer making has become an industry in Bend and Central Oregon. The Bulletin has followed the progress of the Crux Fermentation Project, the brewery built by industry veterans Larry Sidor, Dave Wilson and PaulEvers in a former transmission repairshop in the center ofBend.
Ta in into an, ivi in
t e eo e • Tribal leaders of Blackfeet seeoil asa lifeline for poverty-strickenreservation though otherssaythe land issacred By Jack Healy New Yorh Times News Service
BLACKFEET INDIAN RESERVATION, Mont. — The mountains along the eastern edge of Glacier National Park rise from the prairie like dinosaur teeth, their silvery ridg es and teardrop fields of snow forming the doorway to one of America's most pristine places. Yes, there is beauty here on the Black feet reservation, but there is also oil, locked away in the tight shale thousands of feet un derground. And tribal leaders have decided to tap their land's buried wealth. The move has divided the tribe while igniting a debate over the promise and perils of hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, in a place where grizzlies roam into backyards and many residents see the land as something living and sacred. All t h rough th e b i l liard-green mesas leading up to the mountains are signs of the boom. Well pads and water tanks dot the rolling hills. Tractor-trailers loaded with chemicals and drilling machinery kick up contrails of dust along the reservation's winding gravel roads. And spirelike drilling rigs quietly bore into the ground, silhouetted against mountains with names like Sinopah, Running Wolf and Chief. SeeOil /G5
• By not calling itself a brewery,Bend's Crux Fermentation Project standsout customers sit outsidethe Crux Fermentation Project on Thursday. By Jordan Novet The Bulletin
ince the Crux Fer mentation Project opened in Bend on June 30, it's gotten positive write-ups on beer blogs, shout-outs on Twitter and a few mainstream media mentions. Plus, a few Crux beers have re ceived favorable reviews on a beer-rating website. Despite the buzz, there has been a sticking point: the brewery's name. It eschews any variation on the term "brewing com pany," which is common among brewery names in this country. "I think it's a weird name," said Portland based beerwriter Jeff Alworth. "... There are a bunch of breweries that have come out with kind of weird names but don't cre ate kind of emotional reso nance or even a distinct visual in your head." Originally calling it 856 Brewing Co. LLC and later referring to it as the yet to-be-named brewery, the founders announced the Crux Fermentation Project in a news release in March. Crux "celebrates the moment where tension and conflict meet," that fermentation is at the heart of the brewing process and that project refers to the brewery's experimental nature, according to news release. While each word in Crux's name carries mean ing, together it doesn' t deliver instant recognition, unlike, for example, Port land's Hopworks Urban Brewery, which suggests ample hops and artistry, said Alworth, who visited Crux in July and reviewed it on his blog, Beervana. For Alworth, the name comes across as high-con cept, yet vague. See Crux/G3
Digital could be curtainsfor small theaters By Joe Williams St. Louis Post-Dispatch
MINNEAPOLIS — For much of the 20th century, going to the movies meant walking to a sin gle-screen neighborhood theater, where the light from a projector passed through strips of cellu loid. Jeffrey Eisentraut loved that experience so much when he was growing up that he eventu ally moved to Southern Illinois to run three historic theaters: the Orpheum in Hillsboro, the Canna in Gillespie and the Rose land in Pana. But now Eisentraut and other independent operators are under siege. The villain is technology. The movie studios are rapidly replacing traditional reels of celluloid film with hard drives that are cheaper for them to ship and compatible with lu crative 3-D technology. See Digital/G3
Rich Addlcks / For New York Times News Service
An Anschutz Exploration Corp. drilling site on the Blackfeet Indian Reservation near Browning, Mont. Elders of the Blackfeet have decided to utilize their land's resources to transform a reservation scarred by poverty, but many in the tribe see the land as sacred.
Do headphones help you work? By Amisha Padnani New Yorh Times News Service
Photos byroe lethe/The Bulletin
A bartender pours a beerat the Crux Fermentation Project brewery in Bend on Thursday.
Median homevalues July 2011-12
The median value of Bend and Redmond homes rose in July, according to monthly data from Bratton Appraisal Group. Prices have risen about 20 percent in Bend over the last year, and 18 percent in Redmond.
$ 234K
$212K $210K
Rivera Wealth Management Group
$235 K
$184K $185K 166K
$199K $1 8K $205K
$200,000 $1 5K
The guy in the next cubicle is yammering away on the phone. Across the room, some one begins cursing loudly at a jammed copy machine. The headphones on the other end of your desk suddenly look very appealing. Would anyone mind if you tapped into your iTunes playlist for a while? Some workers like to listen to music when they find themselves losing focus. They may also plug in their earbuds to escape an envi ronment that's too noisy — or too quiet — or to make a repetitive job feel more lively. SeeHeadphones/G5
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If you have Marketplace events you would like to submit, please contact Ashley Brothers at 541-383-0323, email businessC~bendbulletin.corn or click on "Submit an Event" at www.bendbulletin.corn. Please allow at least 10 days before the desired date of publication.
NEWS OF RECORD Girish M. and Anita G. Ranade to Dana D. Perryman andCynthia Serra,Forest Hills, Phase 4, Lot 60, Deschutes County $560,000 Jeffrey M. and Jennifer D. Wiles to Wild Rye Ventures LLC to Vincent Daniel F. Haber,River Wild at Mt. Bachelor Village P.U.D., Phase 2, Lot P. and Laurie L. Price trustees for Price Family Trust,North Rim 56, $375,000 on Awbrey Butte, Phase 4, Lot 91, Thomas H. Lupori trustee for $195,000 Georgia V. Cornell Revocable Trust Mark L. Mandel to Tobias C. and to Gary andJeanne Giersdorf, Southwest Pines, Lot19, $290,000 Teresa I. McClain,Mountain Village East 2, Lot 7, Block12, $200,000 Frank G. andKari L. Randazzo Chester S. Suchyta trustee for to Norman E. andKennita M. Suchyta Trust to Ean J. andColeen Andross,River Canyon Estates, Lot M. Albin,Cascade View Estates, 133, $350,000 Phase 4, Lot 239, $164,000 James D. and MicheHe S.Nielsen William E. andSunny E. Bliss to Niamh M. and Francis J. Lewis trustees for Bliss Family and Kathryn K. Miller trustee Revocable Living Trust to Susan for Kathryn K. Miller Revocable Trust,Overlook Park, Lot 6, Block 1, FloodInvestments LLC,Hayden Acres, Phase 2, Lots 70 and 71, $354,000 $159,800 Butler Gander trustee for Linda B. Yelas Development Inc. to Gander Trust to DanMal trustee Christopher L. andBrook L. Hagen, for D & RIrrevocable Trust, Eagle Marken Heights,Lot2,$359,900 Crest, Lot 2, Block 9, $272,500 Recontrust CompanyN.A. to Randy G. andDionne M. Skopp to David L. andTerri L. Crisman, Federal National Mortgage Association,Indian Ford Ranch Deschutes River Recreation Homesites, Unit 8, Part 2, Lot13, Homes Plat Number One, Lot 7, Block109, $175,000 Block 2, $378,091 Federal National Mortgage Matthew R. and Tahnee A. Hayden Association to Felipa Cardenas, to Pacific Star Investments LLC, Summerfield, Phase 2, Lot 4, Block Hayden Village Phase 7, Lot 1 1, 2, $593,400 Block14, Summerfield, Phase 2, Lot HendricksonHomes ofOregon LLC 5, Block 3, $194,704 to Frank G. andKari L. Randazzo, HaydenHomes LLCto Jennifer RiverRim P.U.D., Phase 9, Lot 299, J. Petrie,South Briar, Lot 21, $375,000 $154,615 Lyudmila and Clifford D. Scott to Emily West to Julius C. andLynnA. Brian M. Everidge,Rivers Edge Village, Phase 10, Lot 116, $347,000 Malsby,Awbrey Butte Homesites, Phase15, Lot 4, Block17, $450,000 Stephen M. and Rebecca M. Kevin and Crystal Kyle to Scheidler trustees for Stephen Christopher P. Jackson and and Rebecca Scheidler Family Michele L. Africa,Cougar Grove, Trust to Lawrence T. andDawnM. Lot 1, Block4, $280,000 Harrison,Ridge at Eagle Crest15, Lot 36, $335,000 Earle L. and Helen K.Small to Patrick and Deanne Mahoney, Columbia State Bank to Pinebrook, Phase 2, Lot 2, Block 8, Bloomquist Exchange BX120507 $162,000 OR LLC,Century Washington Center, Phases 1, 2, 3 and 4, Lot13, Gregory J. andCatherine M. $1,495,000 Watt to Joseph E. andJanet A. Pahlisch HomesInc. to Patrick Heiserman trustees for JosephE. O. and Karen H. Haynes,Bridges Heiserman andJanet A. Heiserman at Shadow Glen, Phase 1, Lot 83, Family Trust,Seventh Mountain $452,675 Golf Village, Lot 91, $160,000
Patrick F. Hainley andGertrude S. Pozzi trustees for Gertrude S. Pozzi Trust to Steven A. andMary B. Jenkins,Eagle Crest 8, Lot 2, $440,000 John Hodecker trustee for Hodecker Residence Trust Numbers 1 and 2 toRandal B., Erin H., Robert L. and Bonnie J. Acker, South Meadow Homesite Section, First Addition, Lot 93, $475,000 Helen L. Luschei to DanaS. Fitzpatrick,Eagle Crest, Lot 3, Block 9, $348,000 Pacwest2LLC toRussellE.and Lori D. Deckertrustees for Russell E. andLori D.Decker LivingTrust, Gardenside, Phase2, Lot 111, $193,381 Hayden HomesLLCto Larry G. and Alic e F.Robinson,Aspen Rim, Number 2, Lot 209, $267,641 Yan LLC to Rory J. Kessel, West Hills Addition, Lot18, Block 8, $264,700 The heirs anddevisees of Joseph H. Snyder Jr.,deceased, to Frederick W. Selleck and Mary C. CheeverSeHeck, Township 16, Range 12, Section 8, $425,000 Wood Hill Enterprises LLCto Edward andJennifer Packer, Forest Meadow, Phase 2, Lot 8, $305,000 Jeffery P. andDebbie L. Hatch who acquired title as Debbie L. Harrington to Frederick M. and Patrica J. StoweH,Old Deschutes West, Lot16, $420,000 Walter Tomsic andDenise Sullivan to Douglas G. andVivian S. Ridley, Rivers Edge Village, Phase 4, Lot 7, $755,000 James H. andNatalie C. Fehlberg to Rex L. andCheryl M. Turner, Stonebrook, Phase 1, Lot 5, Block 2, $220,000 Wells Fargo BankN.A. to Mark E. Siran,Blue Ridge, Lot 6, $189,000 Michael J. Guerin to Felipe J. and DianaL.Posada,RidgeatEagle Crest 28, Lot162, $270,000 Robert A. and Patricia H. Stout to Erik and KarenTobiason, River Bluff Section of Sunrise Village, Lot 6, Block 4, $439,000
Northwest Trustee Services Inc. to Federal HomeLoan Mortgage Corporation,Broken Top, Phase 3F, Lot 400, $290,000 Northwest Trustee Services Inc. to Federal National Mortgage Associati on,Sun Meadow Number 4, Lot 104, $318,422 Patrick L. Stevens to Northwest Community Credit Union,Wheeler Ranch, Phase 1, Lot 8,$153,222 Quality Loan Service Corporation of Washington to Metlife Home Loans a division of Metlife Bank N.A.,Deer Pointe Village, Phase 2, Lot 4, Block 3, $346,903 Sanders and DanieHeNye to Christopher andSara Green, Bend View Addition, Lots 2 and 3, Block 4, $393,000 Frank J. Lutzky Jr. and Donna Lutzky to John C.andKathryn C. Shuey,Conestoga Hills Second Addition, Lot 17, Block 4, $370,000 Cal-Western Reconveyance Corporation to PNCMortgage a division of PNCBank N.A., Hillman, Lots 13-20, Block 55, $346,979 M.J. Larraneta and Co. to Robert G. Wilber Jr. andSharman A. Wilber,Quail Crossing, Phase 1, Lot 10, $264,000 Crook County Jim Hensley Sheriff of Crook County to HomeFederal Bank,Roundtree Planned Unit Development, Lots f-f 5, $169,275 Daniel Severance personal representative of the estate of Barbara Severance to Russell N. and Patricia I. Anderson, Oregon and Western addition to city of Prineville, Lots 7-9, Block 6, $170,000 Home Federal Bank to Robert L. and Joan M. Nixon,Partition Plat 1999-08, Parcel 1, $300,000
Cindy A. Chance personal representative of the estate of Marion B. Grabarits to Dennis I. and Jacquelin eL.Rose,Idleway Acres, Lots 7 and 8, Block 3, $165,000 Quality Loan Service Corporation of Washington to MetLife Home Loans a division of MetLife Bank
N.A.,Ochoco Heights, Lot 1, Block 2, $156,169.08 Richard M. and Kerry G. Tienhaara to Eric C. and Kimberly M. Bush, Township 14, Range 15, Section 2, $271,000 Quality Loan Service Corporation of Washington to Gorilla Capital Co. 3 LLC,Dry Creek Airport, Lot 19, $175,001 Home Federal Bank to Randal R. and Sheila Reese,Roundtree Planned Unit Development, Lots 1 15, $175,000 Amos andKay C.Madison to Berry J. Koops andGail M. Edgerly, Township14, Range16, Section 29, $242,000 Citibank N.A. to Leo andReyne Hillyer,Brasada Ranch 2, Lot 230, $189,000 Daniel L. and Jean M. Lambert to KennethW. and Teena L.Shields, Red Cloud Ranch, Lot 5, Block 1, $415,000 Federal National Mortgage Association to RandaH C.Amis, Township 13,ange R 15, Section 32, $200,000 Northwest Trustee Service Inc. to Federal National Mortgage Association,Pioneer Heights, Phase 1, Lot 9, $243,551.44 Robert P. and Joyce M. Knowles to Judy Graham,Replat of Ochoco Creek Resort P.U.D., Lot 7, $315,000 Wade R.,Janice L. and Wilma E. Flegel to Wade R. and Janice L. Flegel, Township 15, Range 15, Section 7, $300,000 Harry Holmes andJack O'Bannon to Fontana WoodProducts of Oregon Inc.,Partition Plat 2003 04, Parcel 1, $2,000,000 Vera G. Sherwin,who acquired title as Glenrose Sherwin, to Steven A. and Barbara L. Morey, Township15, Range 16, Section18, $240,000
Federal National Mortgage Association to William R. and Sheryl R. Pappert,Northridge Subdivision, Lot 5, $185,000 Maxine M. Fox toCharles J. and Sharon B. CoughranNorthridge Subdivision, Phase 2, Lot 93, $155,000 Ronald S. Tibbs,who acquired title as R. Scott Tibbs, and Kelly L. Tibbs, who acquired title as Kelly L. Hargis, to Nicholas R. and Karen L. Wilkinson, Knob Hill, Lot 5, $280,500 RalphB.Hathaway toJoelA.and Arianna Moore,Partition Plat 2012 03, Parcel 2, $229,000 Regional Trustee Services Corporation to Deutsche Bank National Trust Company,Partition Plat 2003-28, Parcel 1, $215,489.83 Samantha J. Kline to JamesH. Hart and Joyanne R.Gregory, Township 14, Range 15, Section 8, $150,000 Grass Butte LLC toRobert DeHenback,Partition Plat 2000-29, Parcel 1, $285,000 Stephen E. Asher,who acquired title as Stephen G.Asher, and Cheryl A. Asher to Craig and Cynthia L. Alacano as trustee of the Craig and Cynthia Alacano Joint Trust, Mountain View Estates, Phase 1, Lot 3, $427,000 James F. andCassandra H. Dutchuk trustees of the Dutchuk Living Trust to Kay J.Stanley and Clifford D. Rose,Red Cloud Ranch, Lot 10, Block 3, $437,000 M ichael D.Doyle to James F.and Cassandra H. Dutchuk trustees of the James F.Dutchuk and Cassandra H. Dutchuk Living Trust,Lot 2, Township 15, Range 16, Section 4, $210,000 Peter P. and Deborah M. Lucas to Jacob J. Crawford,Township 16, Range 14, Section 29, $215,000
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Now arriving ontime: Yourflight and suitcase By Scott Mayerowitz The Associated Press
NEW YORK — U.S. airlines are more punctual and less likely to lose your bag than at any time in more than two decades. Travelers still have to put up with packed planes, rising fees and unpredictable security lines, but they are late to fewer business meetings and are not missing as many chances to tuck their kids into bed. Nearly 84 percent o f d o mestic flights arrived within 15 minutes of their scheduled time in the first half of the year — the best performance since the government started keep ing track in 1988. The improvement over the first six months of 2011, when 77 percent of flights were on time, is mostly a result of goodweath er and fewer planes in the sky becauseof the weak economy. Airlines are also doing a better job of handling bags. Fewer than three suitcasesper 1,000 passengers were report ed lost, damaged or delayed from January through June, a record low. The two areas of improve ment are related: When flights are late, bags often miss their connection. "My flights this year have been way better," said Amanda Schuier, a sales manager for a Kansas City, Mo., trucking sup plier who flies roughly four times a week. "In the past six months, I' ve only had two delays." If the current pace contin ues, the airlines will beat their best full-year performance, recorded in 1991, when nearly 83 percent of flights arrived on time. The worst full year was 2000, when just 73 pe rcent of flights arrived on time, ac cording to an Associated Press analysis of Bureau of Trans portation Statistics data. The worst year for baggage handling wa s 1 989, w h en nearly eight suitcasesper 1,000 passengerswere reported late, lost or damaged. There are s t ill pr o blems. About one out of every six flights is late — and that's after airlines have adjusted schedules to ac count for congestion, said airline consultant Michael Boyd. "That's an indictment, not a record," he said.
8'TellO VA
A countdown to departure clock is framed by a reflection of an Ameri can Airlines fleet clerk servicing an airplane at J FK Interna tional Airport in New York. Mary Altaffer The Associated Press
Everyonehasarighttoknow whatthegovernment is doing..
are fewer bags in the system. But airlines say that isn't the reason for improvement. They say investments in new technol Current Oregon law requires public notices to be printed in a newspaper whose ogy are paying off. The proof: readers are affected by the notice. Federal, state, and local government agencies erroneously believe they can save money by posting public notices on their web Airlines such as Southwest Air sites instead of in the local newspaper. lines Co. and JetBlue Airways But who would haveaccessto those online notices?62% of U.S, seniors (65 and older) have no internet access, and a third of those whoDo have access Corp., which don't charge for are still limited to diatup.' the first checked bag, have also Besides, you'd have to know in advancewhere, when,and how to look,and what seenimprovement. to look for, in order to be informed about government actions that could affect you directly. Southwest changed proce Less than 10vo of theU.s, population currently visits a government dures at its larger airports to web sitedaily,' * but 80% or all Oregon adults read a newspaper at least once speed up baggage transfers. duringan averageweek,and 54% read publicnoticesprinted there."' Instead of waiting for all bags to be removed from a plane, the airline now starts shut tling suitcases to connecting • More realistic schedules. flights halfway through the Flight times have been extend unloading process. An extra ed on some trips to account for trip across the airport is re air traffic delays. For instance, quired, but the overall trans Delta Air Lines adds up to 16 ferprocess isfaster and fewer minutes for A t l anta-to-New flights are delayed, said Steve Y ork fl i g ht s d u r in g p e a k Hozdulick, senior director of hours. Boyd and other critics operational performance. say padding schedules may At American Airlines, part improve on-time statistics, but of AMR Corp., a new system it shouldn't be confused with provides real-time directions better service. to baggage tugs. If a flight is • T imely delivery of f o o d delayed or gate changed, the and fuel. Airlines have revised driver is given a new order to contracts with suppliers to in deliver bags. Pe Internet&Amencan%P~~ecl jonuay20IO "USCen\u18uwl • May2N9 "'Ame canOpnonlle\eoch PnncetonNl,'eptmber2010 clude incentives for on-time deliveries and penalties for late ones. • Improved boarding pr o cedures. The order passen gers get on a plane has been streamlined, and larger over head bins have been installed. New government rules also THAT MAKES YOUR HOUSE FEEL LIKE A deter delays. The Department of Transportation now r e quires airlines to display the on-time performance of each flight on their websites. There are also stiff penalties Mail-In Rebate• Aug. 1 - Sept. 4, 2012 for long delays. For instance, if a plane is sitting on the tarmac for more than three hours, the airline can be fined up to $27,500 per passenger — or l 11i • I I P about $4 million for a typical , SAhN jet. To avoid those fines, air lines created new software. As I delays persist, special alerts flash for the local airport man ager and at headquarters. SAVR UP TO Since Transportation Secre Limit 10 gallons tary Ray LaHood took office in 2008, the department has SAVE '6 PERGALLON + pcs ccrccolopssllcc 1975 $ ~pe nearly tripled the number of MANORHALL~TIMELESS~ artd MANORHALL~ Inter>or 2121 NE Division • Bend,OR• 541-382-4171 & Exterior Paints andMANORHALL~ Water-Borne Alkyds annual enforcement actions 641NW FirAve.• Redmond,OR•541-548-7707 taken against airlines — from SAVE ~4PERGIIILON DenfeldPoitus.corn 20 to 59 last year. Fines have wALLHIDE~ Interior paints, sUNpROOFS pamts& stams, PPGPURE PERFORMANCE® Paints& Primers,PPG Floor& Restrictions apply. jumped from $L2 million to Porch Enamelsand , PPGSEALGRIP®Primers See storefordetails. $6.1 million. Since luggage fees were in troduced five years ago, there
. .except15%of seniors.
ms. O'A
When flights are on time, it isn't just good for passengers — it also hei psthe airlines' bot tom lines. The industry says it costs an average of $75 a min ute to operate a plane. Last year, domestic delays cost air lines an estimated $5.2 billion. U.S. airlines made a combined $577 million in profit last year. In the first six months of this year, nature has been kind to airlines. There have been 10 percent fewer thunderstorms than usual, according to a de cade of data analyzed by the National Oceanic and Atmo sphericcAdministration's Avia tion Weather Center. There has also been less snow. New York has had about 3 inches this year, compared with a 10-year average of 20 inches. Chicago, which aver ages 27 inches of snow from January through June, has had just 18. And Minneapolis has had 12 inches, one-third the normal snowfall at this point in the year. The recession led fewer peo ple to fly an prompted airlines to ground planes, clearing up airspace. In 2007, 14.8 million airplanes took off and landed at the nation's 35 largest air ports, according to the Federal Aviation Administration. Last year, the number was down 10 percent to 13.3 million. The airlines also are taking steps to improve their on-time performance. They include: • Better technology. Airlines are flying newer planes with fewer maintenance problems. New tools track the boarding of passengers and loading of baggage onto individual flights. If either falls behind schedule, extra workers are deployed to ensure an on-time departure.
Keeppublic notices
in the newspaper!
Continued from G1 The important thing is what Crux will do going forward, said Alworth, who is writing a book called "The Beer Bible." If Crux ends up fermenting things other than beer, such as wine, cider or pickles, the name could become more fit ting, he said. Regardless of people's opin ions on the name, its individu ality represents a means for the company to d istinguish itself in a region and a country with more breweries opening all the time. Since June 2011, 350 brew e ries have opened i n t h e United States, bringing the total to 2,126, according to a news release issued last week by th e n o n profit B r ewers Association. Several newly opened brew eries stand out in their own ways. Harvester Brewing in Port land calls itself a "dedicated gluten-free brewery." Hillcrest Brewing Co., which opened this summer in San D iego, says it's the world's first gay brewery. In Seattle, the Churchkey Can Co. puts pilsner in flat-top cans that can be punctured with the metal opener that comes with every six-pack. The C ru x F e r m entation Project, if nothing else, has a name with more sophistica tion than the names of other breweries in the region, said Steve Curley, head of the eco nomic-gardening program at the Small Business Develop ment Center at Central Oregon Community College. But because Crux is still new, Curley d o esn't h a ve much to associate with the name. It will be up to the brew ers to show consumers what the name means, said Cur ley, a marketing and brand ing veteran who has helped some local businesses rename themselves. "You don't exactly know what it is when you first hear it," Curley said. "It's not super clear. It's so unique." Paul Fvers, one of Crux's three founders,isn't fazed if some people find the name atypical. So long as it makes them want to find out more and stop by, the name is ef fective, said Fvers, who is also president and chief creative di rector of the Bend advertising agency tbd. In any case, it's not the end of the world if some people don't like a brewery's name, or the brewery's beer, because breweries don't n ecessarily aim to target every consum er, said Jean Powell, direc tor of sales at Taphandles, a Seattle marketing company that specializes in w o rking with breweries. "I think it's OK if someone thinks it's unusual," Powell said of Crux's name. "And some of t hose people that think it's unusual will become fans." In step with the quirkiness of the brewery's name, the Crux founders plan to stand out wit h t h ei r b e ers, too. Sidor wants to make a dark Belgian ale, an Oktoberfest marzen lager and other ex otic brews. And the founders want to promote their business in an unconventional way. "The main tactic behind ... marketing Crux is it's a strate gy of more story sharing than traditional marketing," Fvers said in an i nterview at t he tbd office in downtown Bend. ... (We want) to establish a relationship, a dialogue and a two-way conversation about beer. It's more a process of in clusion, not manipulation or persuasion." Crux communicates with consumers on it s Facebook page, and at the grand open ing it allowed fans to stow meaningful possessions inside two metal containers on hand at the brewery. As for the name, Fvers said, it was not the product of fo cus groups; it resulted from conversations Fvers had with co-founders Dave Wilson and Sidor a few weeks before it was unveiled. Starting const r u c tion without a n ame wasn't in tended to attract attention, F.vers said. "We just wore the fact that w e didn't have a name yet," he said.
Continued from G1 Hollywood says that the digital conversion will ben efit moviegoers with con sistently bright images and state-of-the-art sound. But in the next few months, ex hibitors who don't purchase expensive new digital pro jectorsmaybe forced out of business. Since the first flicker of a nickelodeon, movie-theater owners have invested in many upgrades, from ste reo sound to stadium seat ing, even while losing large of their audience to television, home video and the Internet. But the cost of the digital conversion is un precedented: about $50,000 per auditorium. Most of the big theater chains have already con verted all t h eir t heaters. T he Landmark chain of art-house theaters will be c ompletely digital by t h e end of the year. But smaller operators ar e c h e cking their bank accounts — and their calendars. S teve B l oomer, w h o runs the Skyview Drive-in in Belleville, Ill., says he' s been busily consulting with his lender because studios such as family-film special ist Disney will stop produc ing celluloid reels by next spring. Most of America' s 400 remaining d r ive-ins are seasonal operations with small profit margins, and Bloomer estimates that a quarter of them will close forever instead of buying the new digital projectors. B loomer n o t e d tha t when he wanted to screen "The Rocky Horror Pic ture Show" for last year' s Halloween marathon, he discovered that there were only five physical prints of the movie available to theaters. As with most old titles, hundreds of copies had been destroyed to clear space on the distributors' shelves. So sometime in the near future, theaters that do not convert to digital will not even have the option to show classic movies. A more pressing dead line is Sept. 30, the last date for exhibitors to join the studios' "virtual print fee," or VPF, program. That program reimburses the ater owners if they agree to play a certain number of new digital releases per year. Harman Moseley has joined the program and converted all the auditori ums at his St. Louis-area cinemas because he's en thusiastic about the new technology. "I miss the whirring of film in the booth," he said, "but from a projectionist's p oint of v i ew, digital i s a dream come true. You get uniform, bright white light and crisply defined edges from top to bottom and from side to side. It's a gigantic leap toward creat ing a uniform standard of exhibition." Moseley added that con verting to d i gital a llows him to screen musical per formances, vi d e o-game tournaments and telecon ferences at times when the movie business is slow. Brian Ross, the co-owner and manager of the single screen Hi-Pointe in St. Louis, says that converting to dig ital was a business necessi ty. Unlike the nearby Tivo li, he intends to keep a reel system handy for special events, such as last year' s screening of a new print of Alfred H i tchcock's "The Birds." Many operators of sin g le-screen t h eaters a r e unable or unwilling — to participate in the VPF program.
— Reporter: 541-633-2117, j novet@bendbulletin.corn
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in Salisbury, Mo., in 1924 and has fully converted its chain of Midwestern theaters while lending its expertise to others. "Independent operators are the backbone of the business, %5'I%I~ ~~ l et ' ~ b5 and when they do well, it' s good for all of us." //iI/Ii //ill/IA I Iii glll/IIIT Fisentraut, 52, first man )I 1l'll 104i IlI|l 'IONIll n>~IU) aged a movie theater at age 15 in his native Iowa. In 2003, his movie-loving wife, Julie, and their four grown children urged him to buy the Orpheum , ]I,w;Il' theater, which was built in 1919 by a bootlegger from Panama and run by a regional exhibi 'Kf" ,Nl/P58F< .,i ' " ' ' g~ N f ~ Ig "' ":!inwit'INN' tor named Norman Paul. P+gg tf ' '. g y<AIl The Fisentrauts now live ER AQ~ w alking distance from t h e 'P6 11 Orpheum, in a historic Hills 4 O R-.,- - . boro home where Abraham L incoln o nce s t ayed, a n d jointly manage the three the I:,I aters. They are b u llish on small-town America and con tinue to scout for Main Street cinemas that might have been converted t o com m u n ity playhouses or antique mails when regional chains such Joe Wllllams/ St. Louis Post-Dispatch as Kerasotes and the now The Roseland, in Pana, III., is an art-moderne landmark that has almost twice the seating capac d efunct Frisina l ef t t o w n . ity of any theater in St. Louis in a town with fewer than 6,000 people. But Jeffrey Fisentraut, who writes a regular column for the trade magazine Box Of I'OI.I< I Moviegoers fice and travels frequently to wait for the Hollywood to learn the latest start of the trends, recognizes that a suc 1 premiere cessful operator must evolve of "The with the times. His nearest Dark Knight competitors — the four-screen J Rises" at the Westside an d t h e s i n g le Orpheum screen Sky View Drive-in in Theater in Litchfield, Ill. — have already Hillsboro, III. gone digital, and so has the two-screen Marvel in down The 180 seat theater town Carlinville, Ill. includes a Beside modern amenities, row of sofas F isentraut o f f er s o l d -time in the back showmanship. Several times a row. year his family organizes red Chris Lee carpet events on the street out SI. LQUIs side the Orpheum. Last month, Post-Dispatch f for the midnight premiere of "The Dark Knight Rises," they decorated the theater as Go vert the Canna in Gillespie, a tham City, with costumed en relatively small single-screen tertainers including son Cary er that had been closed for a as Batman. decade before he renovated Patriarch Jeffrey says that it in 2007. "It's a struggling his role model is Sid Grauman, town," he said. "Without an the Hollywood showman who ! -;: angel, their only theater could placed celebrity footprints in be a Redbox kiosk at the near the courtyard of his Chinese est Walmart." Theatre. He's undecided about the "He loved movies, he did Roseland in Pana, an art-mod crazy stunts, and he died a erne landmark that has almost pauper." twice the seating capacity of any theater in St. Louis — in a town with fewer than 6,000 people. But he's committed to Chris Lee/St. Louis Post-Dispatch converting the Orpheum in The projection booth contains the film"The Dark Knight Rises" Hillsboro, which has a second on one of the rotating platters before the midnight premiere at auditorium in the former bal Local Properties Include: the Orpheum Theater. cony. It draws patrons from REDMOND, OR as far away as Springfield, Ill., 2,249+ SQ. FT. Commercial Retail Building on 0.23'~ Acres in great and St. Louis, both of which high traffic location; could be used Make or break situation as 2 separate businesses. pie who came 50 miles from are an hour away, with ameni Sandra Sinnett, whose fam Vandalia, Mo., because their ties such as leather love seats ily has run the 101-year-old local theater had closed." and table service. Senate theater in F l sberry, F isentraut said t h a t h i s Like many small-town ex Additional CommercialProperties Mo., since 1974, says that the single-screen Roseland and hibitors, Fisentraut is nego ~ Ava i lable ONLINE! Brokers Protected - 3% to Selling Agent studios want to dictate what Canna cinemas are not eligible tiating for d i gital upgrades films she' ll book. "We won' t for the VPF program because through Sonic Equipment Co., show R-rated movies," she they don't show the requisite a division of th e venerable said. number of new movies. And Missouri-based chain B 8 B Sinnett says that she and that's because studios require Theatres. HBM,2o1106121 HUDSONL Louis Scott Barnes, "Small-town theaters are her husband, Robert, have de exhibitors to sign multiweek MARSHALL PmBk~200108134 cided to use their life savings contracts to get the best films. close to our hearts," said Bobby $5000 or 5% (whichever is greater) in certified funds required as Earnest Money. to pay for a digital projector Thus a cinema that doesn' t Bagley of B8 B, which started Buyer's premium applies. All sales subject to seller's approval. because the townspeople need have a second screen to move the theater and pitched in to a fading title and fulfill the rebuild it after a 2011 fire. contract is penalized. "Most of our customers are farmers who are going through Passion for small screens g ag c~ c O n PoInt' Mazda a tough time," she said. "Last F.isentraut laments that he s EMQ ~COMMUNITY ~ xsoFcU CreditUnlon CREDIT UNION R**l. 5 t. V lue. week we had a busload of peo probably can't afford to con L
/ Ilail
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HiDivEql nr 13 97 - 02 +184 +501
DFA Funds: Glb6040lns 13 16 + 07 IntlCoreEq n 9 80 + 13 USCoreEq1 n 12 09 + 15 USCoreEq2n 1189 +16
DWS Invest A: DSmCaVal 3555 +48 EqtyDivdA 3535 +25 HilncA 485 MgdMunip 946 -02
StrGovSecA 888 -05
DWSInvest InstI:
HilncMuniA 1511 -02 +14 1 +36 2 Eqty500IL 16143 +152 IncoFdA p 1787 + 07 +14 0 +44 6 DWS Invest S: IntBdA p 13 71 - 04 +20 +123 CoreEqtyS 1774 + 27 IntlGrlncAp 2919 +21 +2 9 +24 2 GNMAS 1550 -07 InvCoAA p 30 64 + 31+18 7 +420 HiYldTx n 12 95 - 01 LtdTEBdA p 16 30 - 03 +4 7 +17 1 MgdMuniS 947 -02 NwEconAp 2764 +25 +13 7 +42 1 ShtDurPlusS 932 NewPerAp 2970 +26 +10 8 +380 Davis Funds A: NewWorldA 50 69 - 06 +0 7 +28 4 NYVenA 3580 +28 STBFAp 1008 -01 +0 6 +4 4 Davis Funds C: SmCpWAp 3780 +40 +6 9 +44 1 NYVen C 34 40 + 27 TaxExA p 13 02 -03 +10 0 +249 Davis Funds Y: TxExCAA p 1746 -04 +11 1 +30 4 NYVenY 36 22 + 28 WshMutAp 3124 +24+20 2 +547 Delaware Invest A:
American Funds B: BalanBp 1 994 +10 CaplnBldBp 5294 +19 CapWGrBt 3536 +35 GrowthB t 3188 + 34 IncomeB p 1774 +07
Arbitrage Funds: Arbitrage I n 1314 ArbitrageR p 1289
Ariel Investments: Apprec Anel n
4 3 3 8 +73 47 4 8 + 91
Artio Global Funds: GlbHilncot 1017 +01 G lbHilnclr 9 7 2 + 0 1 IntlEqlr 2 3 8 6 +02 IntlEqA 2 3 2 8 +03 IntlEqll I r 1019 + 06 TotRet I 1 3 87 - 09
Artisan Funds: Intl 2308 +16 Intllnstl 2 3 23 + 16 IntlValur 2 801 +42 IntlVallnstl 2808 +43 MidCap 3 848 +60 MidCaplnstl 3992 +62 MidCapVal 2112 +17 SmCapVal 1546 +19
Aston Funds: FairMidCpN 3325 +65 ME,CGroN 2582 +26
BBH Funds: BdMktN 1 0 39 +01 CoreSelN 1726 +15
BNY Mellon Funds: Bond Fund 13 58 - 08 EmgMkts 943 - 06 IntmBdFd 1317 -05 LrgCapStk 926 +09 MidCapStk 1177 + 23 NatllntMuni 13 92 - 04 NtlShTrmMu 1301
Baird Funds: AggBdlnst 1094 -05 CoreBdlnst 11 14 - 06 IntMuBdlnst 12 00 - 03 ShtTBdlnst 9 73
Baron Fds Instl: Growth 5 7 4 8 +95 SmallCap 2581 +60
Baron Funds: Assetn 5 0 6 5 +67 Growth 5 7 0 0 +94 SmallCap 2561 +61
Bernstein Fds: IntDur 140 6 - 09 CaMu 1 4 8 3 - 04 DivMun 14 83 - 05 NYMun 1 4 60 - 04 TxMgdlntl 1318 + 06 IntlPort 1 3 1 1+ 07 EmgMkts 2607 -16
Berwyn Funds: Income
1 3 2 3 +04
BlackRock A: BasValAp 2658 +07 CapApprp 23 55 + 43 EqtyDivid 1980 +06 GlbAIAr 1 9 23 +05 HlthSc>0pp 3191 +08 H iYdlnvA 7 85 InflProBdA 1182 -18 NatMuniA 11 03 - 04 TotRetA 1 158 -07
BlackRock B&C: EquityDivC 1937 +06 GlobAIC t 1790 + 05
BlackRock Fds Blrk: CaPAPPrP 2452 +45
BlackRock Instl: InflProtBd 1196 -18 USOpps 3631 +54 BasVall 2 6 78 +07 CoreBond 966 -05 EquityDiv 1985 +07 GlbAllocr 1932 +05 CapApprp 24 47 + 44 HiYldBond 785 NatlMuni 11 03 - 03 SEP500 1753 +17
BlackRock R: GlblAllocr 1859 +05
Brandywine Fds: Brandywme 24 19 + 40
Brown Advisory Fds: GroEqlnst 1462 +26 BrownSmColns4863 +126
Buffalo Funds: SmallCap 2908 +40
CGM Funds: FocusFdn 2657 +66 Realtyn 2 9 70 +36
CRM Funds:
Diver Inc p 9 35 - 09 LtdTrmDvrA 895 -04
Diamond Hill Fds: LongShortl n 1798 +10
Dimensional Fds: EmMkCrEqn 1862 -10 EmgMktVal 2776 -09 GlbRESecn 921 +07 IntSmVan 1457 +28 LargeCo 1122 +11 STExtQual n 10 91 - 01 STMuniBdn 1031 TAWexUSCrn 831 +07 TAUSCorEq2 967 +13 TMUSSm 2475 +57 USl/ectrEq n 1144 +19 USLgVa n 21 69 + 15 USLgVa3n 1661 +12
USMicron 1474 +35
USTgdl/al 1703 +39 US Small n 2293 +52 USSmVal 2625 +62 IntlSmCon 1469 +21 GlbEqlnst 1348 +16 EmgMktSCp n 1953 -02 EmgMkt n 25 60 - 20 Fxd n 1035 + 01 ST Govt n 10 85 - 02 IntGvFxlnn 1303 -10 I ntlREst 5 3 1+ 0 1 IntVan 1 5 3 0 +24 IntVa3n 1 4 30 +22 InflProSecs 12 54 - 20 Glb5Fxlnc 11 24 - 03 LrgCaplntn 1791 +20 TMUSTgtV 2246 +53 TMlntlValue 1260 +21 TMMktwdeV 1628 +13 TMUSEq 1522 +17 2YGIFxd n 1013 DFARIEstn 2670 +28
Dodge & Cox: Balanced n 75 80 + 38 GblStock 8 7 2 + 09 IncameFd 13 74 - 05 IntlStk 31 8 9 +29 Stock 1 1 7 48 +85
1yr 3yr
NAY Chg '/rl '/rl
Gr0ppT 4193 +106+23 5 +79 1 Nwlnsghtsp 22 20 + 32+16 2 +523 SmlCapTp 2087 +27 +2 7 +29 1 StrlnT 1251 -05 +6 2 +31 1
Fidelity Freedom FF2000n FF2010n FF2010K FF2015n FF2015A FF2015K FF2020n FF2020A FF2020K FF2025n FF2025A FF2025K FF2030n FF2030K FF2035n FF2035A FF2035K FF2040n FF2040K FF2045n FF2045K FF2050n FF2050K FreelncK IncomeFdn
1239 -01 +4 8 +22 4 14 09 + 03+77 +319 1291 +03 +7 8 +32 3 11 78 + 03 +7 9 +32 5 11 93 + 02+7 7 +32 5 1297 +03 +8 0 +33 0 14 25 + 04+8 5 +35 6 1241 +03 +8 4 +35 6 1338 +04 +8 6 +36 1 11 87 + 06+9 5 +37 1 11 95 + 04+9 2 +37 1 13 53 + 06+96 +377 14 14 + 08 +98 +379 1367 +07 +9 9 +38 4 11 71 + 08+10 2 +380 1181 +07 +10 1 +38 5 13 76 + 09+10 3 +387 8 17 + 06+10 3 +384 13 80 + 09+10 5 +390 967 +07 +10 5 +385 13 95 + 10+10 7 +392 952 +07 +10 6 +385 1397 t11 +10 8 +392 11 69 - 01 +4 8 +22 0 11 68 - 01 +4 9 +21 8
Fidelity Invest: AIISectEq AMgr50n AMgr70nr AMgr20nr Balanc BalancedK BlueChipGr BluChpGrF n BIuChpGrK CA Munn Canadan
CapApp n CapApprK CapDevelO Caplnconr ChmaReg r Contra n ContraK CnvSec DisEq n DiscEqF Diverlntl n DiverslntK r DivStk0 n
12 86 + 13+176 +500 16 13 + 03+8 5 +34 7 1705 +09 +10 1 +38 9 13 23 -03 +5 5 +24 1 1995 +07 +13 2 +420 1995 +07+13 3 +426 49 56 +1 06+172 +634 4970 +107+175 +645 49 64 +1 06+174 +642 12 82 -05 +9 4 +25 3 52 94 + 87 -24 +285 29 26 + 67+24 5 +647 2931 +67+24 6 +655 11 72 + 18+13 6 +529 924 +9 7 +49 2 2679 +01 -56 +152 7734 +110+174 +570 7734 +110+176 +576 24 42 + 33+75 +375 24 41 + 24+16 2 +35 1 24 41 + 25+16 5 +360 2821 +13 +19 +192 28 20 + 13+21 +199 1701 +16 +21 2 +585
1 yr 3 yr
1 yr 3 yr
1 yr 3 yr
name b'av cng'/rl '/rl name b'av cng '/rl '/rl
name b'av cng'/rl '/rl Name
Intllndxlnv 32 25 + 36 +08 +156 Harbor Funds: TotMkldxF r 41 07 + 45+206 NS B ond 127 6 - 0 8 +5 5 +22 6 TotMktlndlnv 4106 +45+20 6 +552 CpApplnvp 4162 +67 +15 9 +500 USBond I 1191 -08 +43 NS CapA ppInst n 4226 +69 +164 +517 HiYBdlnstr 1108 -02 +11 3 +38 5 Fidelity Spart Adv: ExtMktAdvr 3951 +70 +172 +61 4 I ntllnvt 57 4 3 + 0 1+3 1 +29 1 500ldxAdv 5039 +48 +21 4 +539 IntlAdmmp 5762 +02 +3 2 +29 6 500lndexl 5039 +47 +215 NS I ntlnr 580 7 + 02+3 5 +30 5 IntlAdv r 32 26 + 35 +08 +158 Harding Loevner: Intlldxlnst 3227 +35 NS NS EmgMkts r 4745 -20 +34 +336 TotlMktAdv r 41 06 + 44+20 6 +553 IntlEqty 1 4 7 8 +09 +40 +374 USBond I 1191 -08 +42 NS Hartford FdsA: First Eagle: CapAppA p 31 89 + 48+78 +217 GlobalA 4 8 8 8 +48 +8 3 +42 1 ChksEBalp 978 +04 +10 8 +299 OverseasA 2184 +17 +1 3 +32 7 DivGthAp 2073 +10 +177 +430 SoGenGolpd 26 73 - 02 -211 +355 Eqtylnc t 14 82 + 08+23 1 +543 USValuAt 1813 +20 +14 7 +43 7 FltRateA px 8 84 +99 +277 First Investors A MidCapAp 2033 +27 +178 +492 GrolncAp 1652 +14 +22 8 +539 Hartford Fds C: Forum Funds: CapAppC t 28 18 + 43 +71 +192 AbsolStratlr 1125 +01 NA NA FltRateC tx 8 83 +9 1 +25 0
OverseasT r 3062 +51 PerkMCValT 2173 +16 ResearchT n 31 73 + 53 ShTmBdT 309 - 01 Twenty T 61 55 + 97
Jensen Funds: QualGrowthl 2926 +41 +18 1 +46 8 QuahtyGrthJ 2924 +41 +17 7 +45 4
John HancockA: BondA p 16 08 -06 +75 +367 LgCpEqA 2746 +48 +181 +375 StrlncA p 6 63 - 01 +6 6 +35 6
John Hancock Cl 1:
LSAggress 1250 +12 +11 0 +39 3 LSBalance 1329 +06 +104 +370 LS Conserv 13 32 +8 4 +31 1 LSGrowth 1319 +11 +11 1 +38 2 LS Moder 1315 +03 +9 6 +35 8
Keeley Funds: SmCpValAp 2624 +59+16 3 +508 LSVValEq n 1476 +12 +20 2 +426
Frank/Temp FrnkA:
Hartford Fds I:
A diUS p 8 8 8 - 0 1 +18 +58 AZ TFA p 11 42 - 06 +10 5 +24 4 Ballnvp 4 1 7 2 +41 +13 2 +390 CAHYBd p 10 46 - 04+16 3 +456 Call nsA p 12 85 - 06+10 9 +269 CalTFrAp 747 - 02 +12 4 +302 EqlncA px 18 05 + 02+170 +481 Fedlnterm p 12 47 - 06 +76 +225 FedTxFrA p 12 64 - 04 +10 3 +262 FlexCapGrA 4886 +62+13 2 +44 7 F IRtDAp 9 0 3 +78 +195 FL TFA p 11 95 - 05 +8 7 +22 4 FoundFAlp 1079 +06 +12 9 +363 GoldPrMA 3011 +03 -328 +236 GrowthAp 4957 +57 +173 +511 HYTFAp 1084 -03 +12 7 +359 H ilncoA 20 3 +12 9 +438 IncoSerAp 220 +13 1 +41 9 InsTFA p 12 53 - 04 +9 0 +23 0 MichTFA p 12 30 - 04 +68 +188 MO TFA p 12 70 - 05 +9 2 +23 8 NJTFAp 1260 -05 +9 0 +22 7 NY TFA p 1211 -03 +8 3 +20 7 NCTFAp 1291 -05 +9 5 +23 6 Oh>olTFA p 13 04 - 06 +82 +194 ORTFAp 1254 -06 +8 7 +23 2 PA TFA p 10 89 - 04 +9 4 +24 3
DivGthl n 2 067 +11 +18 0 +44 2 IntFxlnlnstr 11 76 - 12 -37 +156 IntlMsterS r 18 34 + 18 +3 0 +38 7 Hartford Fds Y: CapAppY n 34 72 + 52+8 3 +23 4 USLgCapGrr 14 48 + 27+18 7 +64 1 CapAppl n 3195 +49 +8 2 +22 7 Lazard Instl: DivGrowthYn 2104 +11 +18 2 +44 8 Emg Mktl 18 80 - 25 +1 2 +36 5 FltRatel x 8 85 +102 +286 Lazard Open: TotRetBdYnx 1119 -07 +6 3 +23 8 EmgMkt0p p 1921 -25 +0 9 +35 2
RisDivAp 3736 +31 +173 +519 SMCpGrA 3661 +54 +12 3 +574 Strati nc p 10 55 - 02 +74 +306 TotlRtnAp 1037 -06 +52 +272 USGovAp 686 -04 +22 +161 UtihtiesAp 1418 -10 +20 1 +532
Hartford HLS IA: CapAppx 4140 +59 +10 4 +34 0 Div8 Grwth x 21 46 + 09+18 4 +45 5 Grwth0pp 2872 +38 +174 +531 Balanced x 2108 -08 +155 +411 Stockx 4 5 4 3 +30 +21 6 +52 1 Intl0ppx 1 164 -16 +3 2 +23 7 MidCap 2 752 +37 +181 +512 SmallCoe 1944 +35 +15 2 +606 TotalRetBdx 1169 -58 +6 4 +24 7
Laudus Funds:
Legg MasonA: CBEqBldrA 1474 +07 +22 0 +483 CBAggGrp 128 42 + 84+21 7 +686 CBApprp 1578 +12 +22 1 +47 1 CBFdAIICVA 1402 +12+15 0 +358 WAlntTmMu 676 -02 +8 8 +21 8 WAMgMuAp 1704 -05+12 2 +280
1yr 3yr
Munder FundsA:
Northern Funds:
CapApprec px 4101 +58 +10 1 +33 0 Legg Mason I: Heartland Fds: CBAggGrlt 13753 +91+222 +706 Valuelnv 4 1 37 +73 +5 0 +46 2 Litman Gregory Fds: ValPluslnvp 2984 +51 +12 0 +492 Intll 13 55 + 20 -22 +165
Henderson Glbl Fds:
Longleaf Partners:
Nuveen Cl A:
Hussman Funds:
Loomis Sayles:
Nuveen Cl C:
Hartford HLS IB:
WAlntTMuC 677 -02 +81 +197 WAMgMuC 1705 -05 +11 6 +25 9 CMValTrp 4116 +23 +16 3 +24 4
Intl0ppAp 2000 +26 +03 +104 Partners 3 0 17 + 28 +12 5 +52 1 HYldMuBd p 1678 -03 +20 3 +524 Hotchkis & Wiley Intln 1244 +30 -86 +29 AAMuBp 1157 -03 +13 4 +363 MidCpVal 2691 +57 +32 5 +694 SmCap 2924 +29 +16 9 +698 LtdMBAp 1122 -02 +35 +136 StrTotRet r 1238 +05 +155 G IbB(IRt 1 6 7 1 - 1 1 -02 +218 StrGrowth 1100 -10 -10 8 -14 7 LSBondl 1474 -02 +6 7 +41 8 ICMSmlCo 2865 +62+18 2 +492 LSGlblBdl 1687 -12 +0 1 +22 8 ING Funds Cl A: Strlnc C 1 512 + 03 +4 9 +37 1 GlbR E 1 7 3 3 +10 +113 +475 LSBondR 1468 -02 +6 4 +40 5
MdCpCGrt 3120 +51 +162 +610 AIIAstAutht 1083 -03 +70 +294 AIIAssetp 1228 -01 +6 5 +33 3 Munder FundsY: p 665 -05 -78 +401 MdCpCGrYn 3197 +54+16 5 +623 CommodRR H iYldA 94 2 - 01 +11 5 +45 2 Mutual Senes: BeaconZ 13 09 + 08+155 +379 LowDurA 1052 -03 +29 +132 Real R etAp 1224 -17 +5 4 +32 2 EuropZ 2 099 +25 +12 0 +229 +2 1 +5 2 GblDiscovA 2986 +15+136 +277 ShortTrmAp 985 TotRtA 1 1 36 - 08 +6 0 +24 0 GlbDiscC 2952 +15 +12 8 +25 1 GlbDiscZ 3028 +16 +139 +289 PIMCO FundsAdmin QuestZ 1 7 8 2 +05 +12 4 +299 HiYldAd np 9 42 - 01 +11 6 +45 6 SharesZ 22 31 + 16+16 4 +390 PIMCO FundsC: AIIAstAut t 10 71 - 03 +6 2 +26 6 Nationwide Instl: I ntldxln 6 75 + 0 6+04 +149 AIIAsseIC t 1211 -02 +5 7 +30 2 nt 10 52 - 03 +26 +121 NwBdldxl n 11 79 - 08 +40 +192 LwDurC SE,P500lnstln1185 +11+21 3 +532 RealRetC p 1224 -17 +4 9 +30 3 TotRtC t 11 36 - 08 +5 2 +21 2 Nationwide Serv: IDModAgg 951 +07 +11 1 +34 8 PIMCO FundsD: CommodRRp 667 -05 -79 +400 Neuberger&Berm Fd S: EqlncA 1 1 6 7 +01 +10 1 +53 0 LowDurat p 10 52 - 03 +30 +134 Eqlnclnst 1171 +01 +10 6 +549 RealRtn p 1224 -17 +5 4 +32 3 Genesis n 3501 +55 +11 7 +55 2 TotlRtn p 11 36 - 08 +6 1 +24 4 Geneslnstl 4921 +77 +11 9 +56 1 PIMCO Funds P: HilncBdlnst 9 35 - 03 +11 9 +47 1 AIIAsset 1 2 3 9 - 01 +70 +351 LgCapV Invn 26 71 + 25 +9 2 +29 8 AstAIIAuthP 10 90 - 03 +74 +312 CommdtyRR 6 78 - 05 -7 4 +41 6 Neuberger&BermTr: Genesis n 5100 +80 +11 6 +54 9 EmgLocalP 10 64 - 08 +0 3 +35 0 LowDurP 1052 -03 +32 +141 Nicholas Group: Nicholas n 4722 +92 +19 0 +594 RealRtnP 1224 -17 +5 7 +33 5 TotRtnP 11 36 - 08 +6 3 +25 1 Bondldx 1 1 01 - 08 +42 +191 EmgMEqldx 11 07 - 09 NA NA Fixln n 10 68 - 09 NA NA GlbREldxr 872 +04 +12 2 +504 H iYFxlnc n 735 - 01 +113 +413 IntTaxExn 1087 -05 +64 +178 IntlEqldxr 9 7 0 + 10 +09 +146 MMEmMktr 1777 -17 +0 1 +35 3 MMGlbRE r 1804 +11 NA NA MMlntlEq r 8 98 + 05 -04 +157 ShlntTaxFr 10 66 - 01 NA NA SmlCapVal n 16 35 + 37+18 2 +527 Stockldxn 1764 +17 +21 3 +532 TxExpt n 1118 -05 +9 2 +22 6
Leg g MasonC:
1 yr 3 yr
'/ rl '/ rl name b'av cng'/rl '/rl N A Y Chg
HYMunBd t 16 76 - 03 +19 6 +499
Nuveen Cl I: DivValuel 1469 +09 +20 1 +52 1
Nuveen Cl R: IntmDurMuBd 932 -03 +6 7 +20 3
1yr 3yr
name b'av cng '/rl '/rl N ame Prudential Fds A: HiYldA p 5 5 7 - 01 +11 5 +46 4 MidCpGrA 3188 +51 +21 0 +637 NatResA 4511 +26 -125 +278 STCorpBdA 11 52 - 02 +38 +146 SmallCoA p 21 49 + 35+13 6 +550 TotRetBdA 14 48 - 09 +6 2 +32 0 2020FocA 16 07 + 28 +7 3 +36 8 U tilityA 11 7 7 - 0 3 +16 7 +593
Prudential Fds Z&l: GrowthZ 2 159 +36 +16 5 +525 MidCapGrZ 3310 +53 +21 4 +65 1 SmallCoZ 2249 +35 +13 8 +56 1
Putnam FundsA: AAGthA p 1318 +10 +139 +417 CATxA p 8 28 -03 +11 0 +29 6 DvrlnA px 763 -02 +5 6 +36 0 EqlnA p 16 60 + 10 +197 +413 +13 5 +36 1 GeoBalA 13 06 GrlnA p 1 4 16 + 09 +172 +380 H iYdA p 7 7 5 +11 3 +43 5 InvA p 1 4 36 + +203 15 +477 MultiCpGr 5488 +91 +174 +494 NYTxA p 8 93 -03 +9 1 +24 2 TxExA p 9 02 -03 +104 +270 TFHYA 1 2 6 2 - 03 +140 +412 USGvApx 1359 -13 NA NA VoyA p 2 2 03 + 51 +96 +316
RS Funds:
CoreEqVIP 3813 + 24+16 2 +329 Vanguard Fds: RSNatRes np 3613 +21 -01 +477 DivrEq n 22 76 + 30 +19 4 +520 i13 1 i46 3 C AIT n 1 1 6 4-04 +77 +215 Eqtylnco n 29 43 + 33 +19 1 +46 8 RSPartners 3202 +39 Rainier Inv Mgt: CapOpp n 3299 + 44 +170 +383 Pax World: SmMCap 3543 +50 +172 +579 Convtn 1 2 89 + 09 +9 8 +38 3 Balanced 2327 +09 +9 7 +30 0 SmMCplnst 3644 +51 +175 +591 DvApplnvn 2378 + 28 +19 1 +508 Paydenfunds: R>dgeWorth Funds: DvidendGro 1676 +14 +208 +540 Hilnc 723 i12 3 i38 7 GS(UIISIIB(II 1016 -01 +1 6 +5 5 Energy 60 63 i 23 i1 7 i35 7 Perm Port Funds: HighYldl 9 8 1 - 02+10 1 +40 5 E qlnc n 2 4 1 7 + 11 +23 7 +61 0 Permanent 4762 -01 -22 +395 IntmBondl 10 56 - 05 +28 +147 Explorern 7865 +1 60 +16 5+586 Pioneer FundsA: InvGrTEBln 1272 -04 +7 0 +20 9 GNMA n 11 02 -05 +2 8 +18 8 FundamVal 1869 +10 +11 2 +29 3 LgCpValEql 1377 +10 i197 i473 GlobEq n 1777 +14 +82 +349 H>ghYldAp 1010 +02 +10 7 +465 MdCValEql 1092 +11 +176 +560 Grolnc n 3020 + 29 +21 4 +537 PionFdAp 4175 +46 +12 3 +389 SmCpVall 1345 +26 +134 +570 HYCorp n 5 96 -01 +13 4 +439 StratlncA p 1107 -02 +75 +324 TotRetBd I 10 96 - 07 +57 +213 HiDvdYldn 1979 + 05 +23 7 +584 ValueA p 1193 + 04 +16 1 +31 5 Royce Funds: HlthCare n 141 64 +15 +159 +462 Pioneer Funds C: LowPrSkSvc r 1440 +11 -66 +372 InflaPra n 14 53 -22 +4 5 +30 1 PioneerFdY 4190 +46 +12 7 +405 PennMulrn 1165 +21 +11 5 +48 2 IntlExplr n 13 91 +16 -41 +211 Strati ncC t 10 83 - 03 +6 7 +29 7 Premierl nr 1947 +17 +7 2 +50 9 IntlGr 1811 +12 +20 +268 Pioneer Fds Y: SpeclEqlnvr 2204 +45+22 3 +504 I ntlVal n 28 92 + 08 +14 +128 FundamVal 1877 +10 +11 6 +30 9 TotRetlr 1 3 62 +21 +13 5 +49 1 ITI Grade 10 28 -06 +6 5 +30 6 GlbH>Yld 9 70 +61 +475 ValPlusSvc 13 36 + 29+10 9 +369 ITTsry n 11 71 -07 +3 0 +20 1 StratlncY p 1107 -02 +79 +336 Russell Funds S: LIFECon n 1712 + 01 +8 4 +29 4 Price FundsAdv: EmerMkts 1736 -09 -26 +302 LIFEGro n 2312 +15 +120 +396 BIChipGrn 4502 +87 +21 1 +60 7 G lobEq 8 6 6+ 07+4 7 +30 8 LIFE Inc n 14 63 -04 +6 2 +24 2 E Inc n 2 5 75 + 16 +20 2 +459 IntlDevMkt 2883 +35 00 +136 LIFEModn 2061 + 07 +10 3 +353 RESec 3 8 14 + 28+128 +679 LTlnGrade n 1068 -25 +12 7 +430 StratBd 1 1 3 0 - 06 +5 8 +29 4 LTTsry n 13 24 - 39 +13 5 +410 USCoreEq 3004 +34 +173 +434 MidCapGra 21 27 + 37 +20 2 +657 USDefEq 3306 +27 +18 5 +505 MATaxEx 10 86 -04 +78 +203 Russell Instl I: Morgann 2004 + 35 +18 0 +549 StratBd 1 1 16 - 06 +5 8 +29 6 MuHY n 1 1 17 -04 +10 7 +283 Russell LfePts A: M ulntn 1 4 3 0-04 +70 +196 BalStratp 1062 +03 +6 6 +32 0 M uLtd n 1 1 17 -01 +2 1 +8 6 MuLong n 11 70 -04 +9 3 +23 7 Russell LfePts C: BalStrat 1 0 5 3 +03 +5 8 +29 1 MuShrtn 1593 -01 +10 +4 1 OHLTTxE n 1262 - 04 +8 4 +21 4 Rydex Investor: MgdFutStrn 2202 -08 13 4 -18 4 PrecMtlsMin r 1547 -31 -321 +113 PrmCpCorern 1495 + 17 +16 5 +463 SEI Portfolios: CoreFxlnAn 1146 -07 +6 7 +32 2 Prmcp r 6907 + 73 +17 1 +450 EmMktDbt n 1173 -10 +8 2 +46 7 SeNalur 2038 + 24 +169 +517 H iYld n 749 - 0 1+11 5 +55 2 STAR n 20 32 + 05 +11 6 +360 IntMuniA 11 76 - 05 +6 3 +20 5 STIGrade 10 79 -02 +2 8 +13 5 IntlEqA n 8 00 + 06 -11 +158 STFed n 10 86 -01 +12 +79 LgCGroAn 2517 +41 +19 5 +564 STTsry n 10 77 -01 +0 4 +5 6 LgCValAn 1762 +13 +18 5 +44 6 StratEq n 20 91 + 40 +19 4 +639 SE,P500E n 39 09 + 37+21 3 +536 TgtRetlnc 12 09 -03 +73 +291 TgtRet2010 24 03 +8 9 +34 1 TaxMgdLC n 13 62 + 15+19 9 +4 TgtRet2015 13 30 + 03 +10 0 +357 SSgA Funds: TgtRet2020 23 63 +10 +108 +373 EmgMkt 1909 -22 TgtRet2025 13 46 + 08 +11 5 +390 SP500 n 23 36 + 22 TgRet2030 2309 +16 +121 +405 Schwab Funds: TgtRet2035 13 89 +11 +127 +418 CoreEqty 19 04 + 16 TgtRe2040 22 82 +19 +129 +419 DivEqtySel 1463 +08 TgtRet2050n 22 72 +19 +129 +419 FunUSLlnstr 1056 +09 TgtRe2045 n 1433 +12 +129 +419 IntlSS r 1 5 88 + 16 TxMBal n 2210 + 09 +13 1 +357 1000lnvr 4027 +40 USGro n 2083 + 33 +18 4 +486 SEPSeln 2237 +21 Wellslyn 2429 -10 +129 +401 SmCapSel 2123 +49 T otBond 9 6 7 - 06 W elltnn 3 3 8 0+ 03 +14 2 +390 TSMSelr 2579 +28 Wndsr n 14 48 +16 +202 +464 Wndsll n 28 96 +15 +218 +479 Scout Funds: Intl 30 76 + 25 Vanguard Idx Fd S: DevMklnPlnr 9542 + 97 +1 1 NS MidCap r 1361 +12 EmMklnPlnr 8668 - 75 -24 N S Selected Funds: ExtMkt I n 109 53+208+174 NS AmerShsD 4343 +27 AmShsSp 4338 +28 FTAI IWIPI nr 8927 +56 -04 NS MidCplstPI n 10851 +159+163 NS Sentinel Group: STBdlnstPls 10 63 - 02 NS N S ComStkAp 3459 +17 SmCaplnPI n10865 +215+192 NS SmCoAp 7 8 2 + 11 TotlntAdm nr 2365 + 16 -08 N S Sequoia n 160 40 +3 36 Totlntllnst nr 94 59 +64 -07 NS Sit Funds: TotlntllP nr 9462 +65 -07 NS USGovn 1132 -03 Tati ntSig nr 28 37 + 19 -08 N S Sound Shore: 500 n 1 3 1 11 +1 24 +21 3+535 SoundShoren 3307 +28 Balancedn 2360 +10 +140 +412 St FarmAssoc: DevMkt n 9 23 +10 +09 +159 B alann 5 6 3 8- 10 E Mkt n 2 6 0 5 -23 -26 +270 Gwthn 5 5 9 9 +09 Extend n 44 33 + 84 +172 +609 Sun Capital Adv: Growth n 36 86 + 60 +22 1 +619 GSShDurltl 1028 ITBond n 11 99 - 10 +5 5 +28 7 IbbotsBalSvp 1245 +05 LT Bon d n 14 26 -35 +13 1 +433 IbbotsModSvp1219 + 02 MidCap 21 93 + 32 +16 1 +623 TARGET: R EIT r 2 20 4 + 24 +21 1+1048 SmCapValn 2125 +34 SmCap n 3758 + 74 +190 +626 TCW Funds: SmlCpGrow 2432 + 55 +193 +704 EmMktlnc 908 -02 SmlCapVal 16 86 + 29 +18 8 +551 TotlRetBdl 10 09 STBondn 1063 - 02 +1 2 +9 4 TCW Funds N: TotBondn 1109 -07 +40 +195 TotRtBdN p 10 42 Totllntl n 1 4 14 +10 -08 +176 TFS Funds: TotStk n 35 35 + 39 +20 5 +549 MktNeutralr 1539 +08 Value n 22 57 + 07 +19 0 +456
Bdldxlnst 10 93 - 08 Bondlnst 10 81 - 06 EnLCGlnstr 987 +15 EnLCVlnstr 855 +07 Eqldxlnst 1082 +12 Gr8,lnclnst 1047 +13 HighYldlnst 1015 -03 InfLkdBdlnst 1221 -19 IntlEqllnst 1530 +16 I ntlEqlnst 8 4 1 + 10 LgCGrlnst 1177 +18 LgCVllnst 1385 +09 MdCGrllnst 1303 +07 MdCVIRet 1835 +18 RealSeclnst 18 46 + 19 SE,P500llnst 1606 +15
Templeton Class A: TGlbTRAx 1317 -11
Templeton Instit: ForEqS 1 8 28 +22
CoreFxdlnc I 1128 -06 TRBdl 11 3 2 + 01 TRBd N p 11 32 + 02
Third Avenue Fds:
Aprec 449 7 +29 BasicSE P 29 09 + 28 BondMktlnvp 1102 -08 CalAMTMuZ 15 38 - 05 Dreyfus 9 7 4 + 11 DreyMidr 2896 +48 Drey500lnt 3919 +37 IntmTlncA 1394 -10 Interm nr 14 23 - 04 IntlStkl 13 7 0+ 16 MunBd r 11 85 - 03
NY Tax nr 15 53 -05 OppMCValA 2977 +75 SmlCpStkr 2206 +46 DreihsAclnc 1043 +02
Dupree Mutual: KYTF 8 04 -02 EVPTxMEml 4531 -14
Eaton Vance A: GblMacAbRp 986 +02 FloatRate 9 33 Inc BosA 5 86 - 01 LgCpVal 1922 +11 NatlMunlnc 1010
Strat Incom e CIA806 Eaton Vance C: NatlMunlnc 1010
Eaton Vance I: AtlCapSMID 1770 + 32 FltgRt 902 GblMacAbR 985 +02 Inc Bast 5 8 6 - 02 LgCapVal 1927 +10 ParStEmMkt 13 92 - 04 E dgw dGInst n 13 40 + 16
FMI Funds:
CommonStk 2578 +41 LargeCap p 1724 +13
FPA Funds: C apit 4446 + 6 0 Newl neo n 10 64 - 01 FPACres n 28 54 + 29 Fairholme 3043 +132
Federated A: KaufmAp 5 2 7 + 10 MuniUltshA 1005 StrValDivp 512 - 02 TtlRtBd p 11 48 - 06
Federated Funds: MidCaplSvc 2235 +36 TtlRtnBdSvc 11 48 - 06
Federated Instl: HighYldBd r 1003 -03 KaufmanR 527 +10 MunULAp 1005 TotRetBond 11 48 - 06 UltShortBd 921 StaValDivlS 514 -02
Fidel ityAdvisorA:
F ltRateA r 9 8 8 FF2030A p 12 52 + 05 FF2040A p 12 61 + 08 LevCoStAp 3601 +64 MidCpllAp 1772 +19 Nwlnsghtsp 2253 +32 SmallCapAp 2175 +29 StrlnA 12 52 - 04
Fidelity Advisor C: Nwlnsghtstn 2126 +29 Strati ncC nt 12 49 - 04
FidelityAdvisor I: EqGrl n 6 6 54 +1 24 FltRatel n 9 86 - 01 Grolncl 1 9 8 6 +17 LgCapln 2113 +24 MidCpllln 1801 +20 Newlnsightl 2284 +32 SmallCapl 2298 +31 S trlnl 126 7 - 0 4
Fidelity Advisor T: EqGrT p 6 2 12 +115
LT Admi n 11 70 -04 +9 4 +24 0 MCpAdml n 99 59+1 46 +16 3+630 MorgAdm 6219 +1 11 +18 2 +557 MuHYAdmln 1117 -04 +10 8 +286 NJLTAdn 1229 - 04 +9 0 +21 4 NYLTAd m 11 73 - 03 +8 3 +21 6 PrmCap r 71 69 + 76 +173 +454 PaafAdml 63 41 + 43 00 +150 PALTAdm n 11 65 - 04 +8 1 +21 6 REITAdmlr 9407 +1 04 +213+1057 STsryAdml 10 77 -01 +0 4 +6 0 STBdAdmln 10 63 - 02 +1 3 +9 7 ShtTrmAdm 15 93 -01 +11 +44 STFedAdm 10 86 - 01 +1 3 +8 2 STIGrAdm 1079 -02 +2 9 +13 8 SmlCapAdmln3764 + 75 +192 +633 SmCapGrth 3044 + 69 NS NS SmCapVal 30 24 + 51 NS NS TxMCap r 71 10 + 74 +205 +541 TxMGrlnc r 6376 + 60 +21 4 +536 TtlBdAdml n 11 09 -07 +41 +199 TotStkAdm n 35 37+ 39 +20 7 +556 ValueAdml n 22 57+ 07 +19 2 +462 WellslAdm n 5886 -22 +12 9 +405 WelltnAdm n 58 37+ 04 +14 3 +394 WmdsorAdm n4885 + 54 +20 3 +468 WdsrllAdm 5140 + 28 +21 9 +483 TaxMngdlntl rn1061 +11 +07 +156 TaxMgdSC r 30 47 + 62 +21 5 +635
DoubleLine Funds:
1 yr 3 yr
NAY Chg %rt %rl
IntlVallnstr 1560 +13 REVallnstr 2508 +25 Valuelnst 4717 + 29
ThompsonPlumb: B ond
116 9
Thornburg FdsC: InIValuCt 2435 +11
Thornburg Fds: IntlValA p 2596 +12 IncBuildAt 1877 +04 IncBuildCp 1877 +05 IntNalue I 26 54 + 12 LtdMunAp 1463 -02 LtdTlncA 13 54 - 03 LtdTmlncl 13 54 - 03 LtTMunil 14 63 - 02 Valuel 31 2 7+ 29
Thrivent FdsA: LgCapStock 23 59 + 24 MuniBd 1 1 84 - 05
Tocqueville Fds: Delafield 2 9 9 4 +44 G oldt 638 5 + 49
Touchstone Family: SandsCpGY n 12 51 + 26 SandsCapGrl 17 38 + 36 SelGrowth 1227 +26
Transamerica A: AsAIModGrp 1225 +06
Transamerica C: AsAIModGrt 12 19 + 06
TA IDEX C: AsAIMod t 12 07 + 03
Tweedy Browne: GbNalue 2458 +14
USAA Group: CornstStrn 2255 +03 Grwthn 1 6 3 8 +25 Gr8,Inc n 1610 +24 HYldlncon 850 +01 IncStk n 13 60 + 08 Income n 13 35 - 06 IntTerBd n 10 75 - 05 Intl n 237 6 + 17 PrecMM 2653 +11 SE PIdx n 21 29 + 20 SEPRewrd 2129 +20 ShtTBnd n 9 22 - 01 TxEIT n 1 3 63 -03 TxELT n 1381 -03 TxESh n 10 84
Vanguard Instl F ds: Ball nst n 23 61 +10 +142 +419 DevMktlnst n 916 +09 +10 NS EmMktlnstn 2606 -23 -24 +278 Extln n 4 4 37 + 84 +173 +617 FTAIIWldl r 8429 + 53 -04 +195 G rowthlnstl 36 87 + 61 +22 3 +628 InfProtlnstn 1163 - 17 +4 6 +30 6 Instldx n 130 29 +1 24 +21 5 +541 Ins PI n 130 29+1 23 +21 5+542 InstTStldx n 32 01 + 36 +20 7 +556 InstTStPlus 32 0 1+ 35 +20 8 +557 LTBdlnstn 1426 -35 +13 3 +440 MidCaplnstln 2200 + 32 +16 3 +631 REITlnstr 1456 +16 +213+1058 STBondldxn 1063 - 02 NS N S STIGrlnst 1079 -02 +2 9 +13 9 SmCpln n 3764 + 75 +192 +635 SmlCapGrl n 2438 + 55 +19 4 +71 3 T Blstn 110 9 -07 +4 1 +20 0 T Slnstn 3 5 3 7+ 39 +20 7 +555 Value lnstl n 22 57 + 07 +19 2 +464
Vanguard Signa BalancSgl n 23 36 +11 +142 +419 ExtMktSgl n 38 13 + 73 +173 +616 500Sgl n 108 31+1 02 +21 4 +540 GroSig n 3414 + 56 +22 3 +626 ITBdSig n 1199 - 10 +5 6 +29 2 MidCapldxn 3143 + 47 +16 3 +630 REITSig r 2511 + 28 +21 3+1056 STBdldxn 1063 - 02 +1 3 +9 7 SmCapSig n 3391 + 67 +19 2 +634 TotalBdSgl n 11 09 -07 +41 +199 TotStkSgnl n 34 13+ 37 +20 6 +555 ValueSig n 23 49 + 08 +19 2 +463
Vantagepoint Fd S: Aggr0pp n 10 36 +13 +128 +401 DvrStrat 10 32 + 01 +3 7 +10 5 EqIylnc n 9 19 + 05 +15 9 +448 Growth n 9 46 +14 +167 +441 Grow8,Inc n 1082 +12 +197 +501 Intl n 915 + 08 +2 8 +23 4 MPLgTmGrn 2228 + 17 +11 3 +355 MPTradGrthn 2332 +12 +99 +316
Victory Funds: DvsStkA 16 27
Virtu s FundsA: MulSStAp 488
Virtus Funds I: E mgMktl 9 6 5
WM Blair Fds In IntlGrwth 13 99
WM Blair Mtl Fd IntlGrowthl r 21 54
Waddell & Reed A ccumultv 8 1 7 AssetS p 9 42 Bondx 658 CorelnvA 6 58 H >ghlnc 73 3 NwCcptA p 9 91 ScTechA 10 96 VanguardA 9 06
Wasatch: IncEqty 1 4 14 LonglShort 1371 SmCapGrth 4334
Weitz Funds: Shtlntmlco I 1258 Value n 3 3 94
Wells FargoAdv AstAIIA p 12 79
Wells FargoAdv
MidCapldx 2091 +35 Stocklndex 26 63 + 25
AssetAII 1 2 89
Van Eck Funds:
AstAIIC t 12 30
GIHardA 4360 +13
Wells FargoAdv
Vanguard Admiral:
Growthlnv n 39 80 Opptntylnvn 3936 STMunlnvn 1003 SCapVallnvp 3298 UIStMulnc 483
BalAdmln 2361 +10 CAITAdm n 11 64 - 04 CALTAdm 1187 -04 Cp0pAdl n 7621 +100 DevMktsAd 2656 +27 EMAdmnr 3425 -30 Energy n 113 86 + 43 EqlncAdml 5068 +25 EuropAdml 5642 +67 ExplAdml 73 24 +1 49 ExntdAdmn 4438 +85 FTAIMlxUS 2659 +17 500Admln 13112 +123 GNMAAdmn 1102 -05 GrolncAdm 4931 +47 GrwthAdmln 3687 +60 HlthCaren 5977 +06 HiYldCp n 5 96 - 01 InflProAd n 28 55 - 42 ITBondAdml 1199 -10 ITsryAdml n 11 71 - 07 IntlGrAdml 5765 + 38 ITAdml n 1430 -04 ITCoAdmrl 10 28 - 06 LtdTrmAdm 1117 -01 LTGrAdml 10 68 - 25 LTsryAdml 13 24 - 39
Wells FargoAdv
Wells Fargo Ad TRB(IS 1 3 21 DJTar20201 14 46 DJTar20301 14 85 Growth 4 3 03 IntlBondl 11 38 ShDurGvBdl 10 34 UIStMulnc 482
Wells Fargo Ad Growth
4 1 87
Wells Fargo Ins UltSTMuA 4 82
Westcore: Plus Bd 1 1 21
Western Asset: CrPlusBdF1 p 11 52 CorePlus I 1152 C arel 122 2
William Blair N: IntlGthN 2 1 03 Wintergreent 1464
Oil Continued from G1 It is an increasingly com mon sight for t r ibes across the West and Plains: Tourist spending has gone slack since the recession hit. American In dian casino revenues are stag nating just as tribal gambling faces new competition from online gambling and waves of new casinos. Oil and fracking are new lifelines. O ne drilling r i g o n t h e Blackfeet reservation generat ed 49 jobs for tribal members — a substantial feat in a place w here unemployment is a s high as 70 percent. But as oth ers watched the rigs rise, they wondered whether the tribe was making an i r revocable mistake. "These are our mountains," said Cheryl Little Dog, a re cently elected member of the Blackfeet T r i ba l B u s iness Council, the reservation's gov erning body. "I look at what we have, and I think, why ruin it over an oil rig?" Oil exploration here began in the 1920s, largely on the plains along the eastern edge of the reservation, but it died off in the early 1980s. Over the past four years, though, new frack ing technologies and rising oil prices have lured the drillers back, and farther and farther west, to the mountains that border Glacier National Park. Oil companies have leased out the drilling rights for a million of t h e r eservation's 1.5 million acres, land held by the tribe, according to the Bu reau of Indian Affairs. They have drilled 30 exploratory wells this year alone, and are already engaged i n f r a ck ing many of them, pumping a slurry of water, sand and chemicals to crack open un derground rock beds to pry out the oil. "It' ll change the lives of a lot of people," said Grinnell Day Chief, the tribe's oil and gas manager. "It' ll be a boost to everybody. There's talk of a hotel coming up." To tribal leaders, the oil
RIGHT:A group of Blackfeet tribe mem bers pray on the Black feet Indian Reservation. From left: Blackfeet members Pauline Matt, Betty N. Cooper, Lori New Breast and Clarence Smith.
e cy
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P gPgj,'r " 'g,:.' Photos by Rtch Addlcks/ For New York Times News Service
LEFT:Cheryl Little Dog, a newly elected member of the Black feet Tribal Council, on the Black feet Indian Reservation near Brown ing, Mont. "I look at what we have, and I think, why ruin it over an oil rig," she said.
wealth could be more lucrative and reliable than any casino — a resource whose royalty payments could transform a reservation scarred by pov erty and alcoholism. Blackfeet elders say they have already collected about $30 million, primarily from three oil companies, the An schutz Exploration Corp., the Newfield Exploration Co. and Rosetta Resources. The tribe has used signing bonuses to pay off debts from building the Glacier Peaks Casino. It built a t r ibe-owned grocery to compete with the IGA in Browning, the r eservation's largest town. The tribe's ap proximately 16,500 members each received $200 in trickle down payments from the drill ing last year, and the oil com
cies about music l istening, said Paul Flaharty, a regional Continued from G1 vice president at Robert Half In biological terms, melodi T echnology, t h e st a f f i n g ous sounds help encourage agency. But it is still a good the release of dopamine in the idea to check with your man reward area of the brain, as ager, even if you see others would eating a delicacy, look wearing headphones in the ing at something appealing office. or smelling a pleasant aroma, He said some supervisors said Dr. Amit Sood, a physi might t h in k t h a t w o r k ers cian of integrative medicine wearing headphones weren' t with the Mayo Clinic. fully engaged and were block People's minds tend to wan ing out important interactions der, "and we know that a wan "because they are going into dering mind is unhappy," Sood their own world." "If someone's not doing a said. "Most of that time, we are Peter Dasttva / New York Times News Service file photo focusing on the imperfections Jem Fanvu, of Pandora internet radio, listensto music while good job," he said, "then you of life." Music can bring us working at the company's offices in Oakland, Calif. Listening to can have a hiring manager say back to the present moment. music at work through earbuds or headphones can help work that all they do is listen to mu "It breaks you out of just ers focus and become more productive and creative. sic all day and that it's ham thinking one way," said Teresa pering productivity." Lesiuk, an assistant professor For those who choose to "When you' re stressed, you ed. Those who were moderate listen to music, it's best to set in the music therapy program at the University of Miami. might make a decision more ly skilled at their jobs benefit limits, because wearing head Lesiuk's research focuses hastily; you have a very nar ed the most, while experts saw phones for an entire shift can on how music affects work row focus of attention," she little or no effect. And some be perceived as rude by those p lace performance. In o n e said. "When you' re in a posi novices regarded the music as nearby. study involving information tive mood, you' re able to take distracting. technology specialists, she in more options." Lesiuk has also found that found that those who listened Lesiuk found that personal the older people are, the less to music completed their tasks choice in m u sic wa s v e ry time they spend listening to more quickly and came up important. She allowed par music at work. with better ideas than those ticipants in her study to select who didn' t, because the music whatever music they liked and When it's intrusive COVERINGS improved their mood. to listen as long as they want Few companies have poli
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ning, the meadows alive with sound. "Once they start drill ing, we aren't going to have those things anymore." Ron Crossguns, who works for the Blackfeet tribe's oil and gas division, has oil leases on his land, a 10-foot cross in his yard, and little patience for that kind of pastoral venera tion. He called it "movie Indi an" claptrap, divorced from modern realities. Mountains, he said, are just mountains. "They' re just b i g r o c k s, nothing m o re," C r ossguns said. "Don't try to make them into nothing holy. Jesus Christ put them there for animals to feed on, and for people to hunt on." And maybe, for people to d rill into. W hether the o i l companies keep drilling may depend less on t h e t r i be's attitudes than the raw eco nomics of extracting oil from extremely tight rock forma tions. The oil companies are still taking samples, analyz ing the rocks and trying to figure out whether they can turn a profit. "The earth is saturated with oil," Dave Loken, a senior ge ologist with Anschutz, said at a recent meeting of tribal lead ers and oil companies to dis cuss the future of drilling on the Blackfeet land. "It's very tough to get the oil out. We' re still working on it."
irritated when trying to get his attention. "It was really annoying because suddenly you would hear 'Dan ... DAN ... DAN RUBIN! People were screaming at you because they needed you." Andrew Enders, 28, a law yer and insurance broker in Linglestown, Pa., said he and an office-mate bonded over a local radio station when they worked at the Dauphin County District Attorney's of fice. They switched off the ra dio only when speaking with a client, and they lowered the volume when their boss was around. "I do t hese very serious things, reviewing insurance policies and evaluating risk and liability exposure," Enders said. "A big part of my person ality is the artistic side, and music helps me balance who I am as an individual with what I'm doing at work."
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Sood, at the Mayo Clinic, said it takes just 15 minutes to a half-hour of listening time to regain concentration. Music without lyrics usually works best, he said. Daniel Rubin, a columnist at The Philadelphia Inquirer, said he has listened to jazz and piano concertos for most of his 33-year newspaper ca reer — but only when writing on deadline. He started offus ing aSony Walkman, but now makes use of 76 days' worth of music on his iTunes playlist. "The person clicking their nails three desks away and the person humming next to me all sound equally loud and it' s hard for me to block them out," he said. As a columnist, he works mostly alone, and people in the office seldom need to ap proach him. But when he was a budding reporter, he noticed that colleagues would become
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Workers at an Anschutz Exploration Corp.drilling site near Browning, Mont.
ing on the reservation. In a July 31 letter to the Bureau of Indian Affairs, he raised concerns about how drilling might affect grizzly bear pop ulations, air quality and the vistas from mountain perches inside the park. T he divisions within t h e tribe are more than disputes over the economy and envi ronment — t h e y r e present two visions of the land where Blackfeet members have lived for centuries. Matt and the women who oppose the f racking speak about the streams and mead panieshave donated money to tains, and pull off at the red ows and mountains as if they the local basketball team and gate on the right. There, on were family members. They to buy children toys and jack a recent summer afternoon, g o on vision quests in t h e ets at Christmas. over mugs of horsemint tea, m ountains. They braid n a For some on the reserva Pauline Matt and a handful t ive sweetgrass to burn i n tion, the drills cannot come of Blackfeet women were try prayers and collect berries soon enough. In A p r il, T.J. ing to find a way to persuade and herbs for food, medicine Show, then the chairman of the tribal leaders to stop the and ceremonies. the Blackfeet Tribal Business drilling. The drilling companies, the "It threatens everything we local Bureau of Land Manage Council, told a House com mittee that the layers of over are asBlackfeet,"she said. ment and tribal officials say sight and paperwork needed Other environmental ac there has been no evidence to drill into tribal lands were tivists around Glacier have that the fracking has affected "extremely slow and burden raised concerns that the frack the reservation's water sup some." He told the panel he ing operations, if they contin plies or soured its air. opposed any new federal rules ue and expand, could pollute To opponents, including the that would clamp down on air quality, contaminate sensi tribe's environmental office fracking and chase away oil tive watersheds and tarnish a and roads department, the companies. night almost uncontaminated damage to the land is still be To find the opposing view, by man-made lights. ing done. eYou see this b u tterfly, one needs only to drive five Chas Cartwright, the super m iles w est f r o m B r o w n intendent of Glacier National you hear those birds?" asked ing, past the casino, heading Park, has asked for a full-scale Crystal LaPlant, as she sat on straight toward th e m o un environmental review of drill Matt's back porch one eve
Vringo 47 142 3.35 +.10Facebook n 1139799 19.05 -.82 CheniereEn 32560 14.38 +.07 MarvellT 523606 10.54 -1.74 Rentech 2 9212 2.28 -.07 Cisco 50 8435 19.06 +.04 NAPallg 2 5497 1.82 +.18 Grouponn 386036 4.75 -.25 NovaGld g 171 28 4.71 -.05 SiriusXM 31 6223 2.56 -.03
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8,t Oz07 +tz07 2,424.69 3,076.59 t,dt8.t6 t4,793.92 8t9.89
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Losers (S2 cr more) Losers (S2 cr more) Losers (S2 cr more) Name L a s t Chg %Chg Name L a s t Chg %Chg Name L a s tChg %Chg Amsterdam Brussels 9.84 -1.32 -11.8 -.32 -10.8 Molycorp BovieMed 2.65 BFC Cp pf 27.54 -8.66 -23.9 Paris ION Geoph 6.89 -.88 -11.3 Arrhythm 2.70 -.23 -7.8 MarvellT 10.54 -1 ed -14.2 London Aeropostl 12.14 -1.52 -11.1 Medgen wt 4.70 -.40 -7.8 PrimaBio n 3.52 -.47 -11.8 isottstone 4.92 -.54 -9.9 WizrdSlt rs 4.04 -.33 -7.6 21yianet 8 . 94 -1.06 -10.6 Frankfurt HangKong MediaGen 4.53 -.48 -9.6 KeeganR g 2.92 -.17 -5.5 Mattersight 4.86 -.50 -9.3 Mexico Diary Diary Diary Milan NewZealand Advanced 232 Advanced 1,846 Advanced 1,583 Tokyo Declined 1,133 Declined 189 Declined 847 Seoul Unchanged 140 Unchanged 38 Unchanged 140 Singapore Totalissues 3,119 Total issues 459 Total issues 2,570 New Highs 190 New Highs New Highs &I Sydney 8 9 Zurich New Lows 13 New Lows New Lows 26
335.77 2,389.71 3,488.38 5,852.42 7,040.88 20,116.07 40,547.72 15,124.69 3,639.66 9,162.50 1,946.54 3,062.11 4,393.82 6,033.22
+.61 s +82 s +23 s e31 s +64 s +77 s -.41 t +1.30 s +65 s +77 s -.58 -.03 +93 s +.21 s
+25.09 +26.87 -.9t -5.84 +t4.20
+z65 +37.66 +6.8t
YTD 52-wk % Chg %Chg % C hg +.t9 + 8.66 +.52 +3.48 -.t9 + 3.06 +.t5 + 8.36 -.24 +6.42
+.46 +t8.to +.t9 +tz77 +.26 +tzt6
+3t.37 +26.22 +25.35 +25.8t
+.84 +to.66
+23.04 +t4.94 +t 6.24
C u rrencies Key currency exchange rates Friday compared with late Thursday in NewYork.
Dollarvs: AustraliaDollar Britain Pound CanadaDollar Chile Peso ChinaYuan EuroEuro HangKongDollar JapanYen MexicoPeso RussiaRuble So. KoreaWon SwedenKrona SwitzerlndFranc TaiwanDollar
E x change Rate Pvs Day 1.0420 1.5691 1.0114 .002062 .1572 1.2322 .1289 .012571 .076147 .0312 .000882 .1499 1.0260 .0333
1.0521 1.5740 1.0140 .002064 .1571 1.2362 .1289 .012618 .076095 .0314 .000882 .1494 1.0291 .0333
ersa i e, vo uminousan ve nice
I'Ius By Barry Spyker McCtatchy-Tribune News Service
If you go and check out this elongated, minivanlike Prius — the "V" — please don't ask to see the Prius "Five" (as in the Roman numeral V). That was my first thought, too. It' s "V" as in versatile, volumi nous and very nice. But, wait a minute. It does c ome in t h r e e
.-~iiiif .
tr i m levels: the
Two, Three and the Five. So one could, if so i n clined, get a Prius V Five. I'm sooooo confused. Heh. Just remember V is for versatile because that' s what this Prius, an all-new model for 2012, is all about. It's for those who like the Prius, worry about our car bon footprint, but just need a bigger, more functional ve hicle for the kids and all their stuff. No sweat there. The V is based on the reg ular Prius hatchback, gets nearly the same mileage, but — wait for it — gets 60 per cent more cargo space. T oyota m ad e t h i s g u y 6 inches longer, 3 i n c hes taller and I inch wider. That t ranslates t o m o r e h e a d room and leg room for folks in the front and those in the rear seats,and 34 cubic feet of cargo space behind the rears seats. And, speaking of v e rsa tile, those rear seats slide as much as 7 inches, recline and fold down. And when folded, cargo space opens up to 68 cubic feet. The front passen ger seat also folds down to accommodate the daughter' s long color-guard flag poles. Loading for a long week e nd was a breeze with a l l t hat space, even w it h m y wife's habit of packing for any and every occasion that could come up. Part of that
Toyota via Mcclatcny-Tnbune News Service
The 2012 Prius V is 6 inches longer, 3 inches taller and 1 inch wider than the original Prius hatchback. ease is because there is no third-row s e at, s o mething you can find in the similar looking Mazda5 mini-mini van if you need it. There are also plenty of nooks and crannies for stuff inside, including a two-tiered glovebox. From the driver's seat, vis i bility is excellent in all di rections, despite rather thick A-pillars. Gauges and con trols are easy to see and fig ure out. The quality of mate rials is on par with the price range: good, not exquisite. And Toyota's Fntune sys tem is cool and f u nctional — connect your phone via B luetooth an d c h ec k o u t sports scores, movie tickets or traffic information. Now l et's t al k m i l eage. (Did I bury th e lead?) The F.PA gives the Prius V a very g enerous 44 m p g a r o u nd town, 40 on the highway. Re member, city driving derives some benefit from the bat tery. A combined figure of 42 doesn't quite match the regu
2012 ToyotaPriusV
f ormance is p l easant a n d s atisfactory. Once o n t h e Base price:$27,160 highway, it offers a smooth, As tested:$27,925 (Three trim level) stable and comfortable ride. Type:Compact MPV with 60 percent more cargo space than the A power mode offers help Prius hatchback uphill and an eco mode adds a couple of mpg when tooling Engine:The 1.8-liter, 4-cylinder gas engine is coupled with a 60 around town. kw electric motor that together send 134 hp of power to the front Transitions from e lectric wheels, all managed by a continuously variable transmission. to gas-power are seamless Mileage:44 mpg city, 40 mpg highway you' ll never know the magic is happening. When it comes to safety, lar Prius at 50, but it's good closer to 40 mpg. the V includes ABS, traction enough to lead the class. T he V i s p o w ered by a and stability c ontrol stan My figures over the course 1.8-liter 4-cylinder gas en dard. Same with front side of a week didn't quite stack gine coupled with a 60 kw a ir bags, side curtain an d up to t h e F.PA e stimates, electric motor. Together they driver knee bags. which typically assume opti send 134 hp of power to the And Toyota's Safety Con mum driving conditions. front wheels, all m a naged nect system offers emergen But they were still dang by a continuously variable cy assistance and a stolen good: On the first tank I av transmission. vehicle locator. It's the same powerplant eraged 36 mph combined and If you recall, the V comes that was with less-than-opti as the Prius so, due to the dif i n t h ree t r i ms ; t h e T w o , mum conditions — 75 mph ference in size and weight, Three and Five. The Two's on the open h ighway, the the V is a little sluggish. not bad, with standard al wife's clothes for every oc Thinking of passing? Ah, loy w heels k eyless entry, casion and the AC spinning better to wait till you have telescoping steering wheel, aud i o and all the way up the interstate plenty of room. And don't do six-speaker on a 200-mile trip. The sec it on on an upgrade. i Pod/US B/Bluetooth. ond tank proved even better, Still, overall driving per The Three gets a nav sys
Found undercar's hood a free addition to your toolbox
tern,rear-view camera, satel lite radio and the aforemen tioned Fntune system. The Five gets bigger wheels (17 inch), fog l i ghts, upgraded upholstery a n d a u t o matic LFD headlights. Then there's a tech pack age that really sweetens the ride: giant sunroof, a paral lel parking s y stem, adap tive cruise control, a larger touchscreen an d a n up graded eight-speaker sound system. The Prius remains king of the road among hybrids-I' ve read it outsells some 30 other hybrids combined in the U.S. A nd, since i n t roduced i n 1997, most of them are still on the road. Not a bad state ment on reliability. Still, if you want sexy and more nimble handling, seek out some of the economical non-hybrids l i k e Ho n d a's CR-V or that Mazda5. But if you want bragging rights to the fuel-economy champion, V is for victory.
By Paul Brand
(Minnea polis)Star Tribune
• I have a 2001 BuickLe • Sabre I bought new. Re cently, my grandson changed a broken serpentine belt. In the process, he found a pair of Vise-Grips (locking pliers) with pieces of rubber hose over each end pinching off the overflow hose just below the radiator cap. He removed the pliers and checked the cool ant in the radiator. Instead of water, he found a creamy, tan colored substance. I had the radiator flushed about three years ago by a shop that's now out of business. There was no mention of a leak or prob lem. Could this stuff be some a dditive they didn't tell m e about? And what's with the Vise-Grips? • The crea m y -looking • stuff is m o i sture con densed into the coolant. This occurs in cold weather be cause of frequent short trips or a faulty thermostat that doesn' t allow the engine to come up to full o perating t emperature. What's with the Vise-Grips? I say a new addition to your grandson's toolbox — I can' t tell you how many tools in my box were found under the hood of cars I' ve owned. The Vise-Grips were ap parently used to disable the coolant recovery system by not allowing hot coolant from the radiator to expand into the recovery tank. Did this cause any harm? Probably not. Since there's evidence the engine didn't reach and maintain full o perating temperature, t h e system likely didn't need to push coolant into the recovery tank.
I can't tell you how many tools in my box were found under the hood of cars I' ve owned. I'd suggest having the cool ing system completely flushed and refilled along with a new thermostat and radiator cap.
• I own a '78 SilverAnni • versary Corvette that' s never been a good runner. My sister and I tried to take it out to a rally about 20 years ago but had to turn around and come back because it kept stalling on the interstate. Hot weather causes it to lose power and shut down. Then I flood it, and it won't restart for a while. I use premium gaso line. Sure would be fun to be able to drive it locally during the summer! • Your "baby" is va por • l ocking. F uel i s b o i l ing in t h e f uel pump, fuel lines and/or carburetor. This starves the engine for fuel, causing rough running and stalling. You aren't flooding it; the percolating fuel floods it. Some things you can try: Use nonoxygenated premium gasoline. No ethanol means it's less prone to "percolation." It's typically available for use in antique and collector ve hicles. Have the cooling sys tem completely flushed and refilled and make sure the fan clutch is operating properly. Also, make sure the radiator and air-conditioning condens er are clear of dead bugs and
debris. Wrap the fuel line be tween the fuel pump and car buretor with a heat-resistant material. Install an e lectric "boost" fuel pump and switch to help overcome vapor lock. And carry a spray bottle of water to manually cool off the pump, lines and carburetor.
• My w i fe has a Toyota • Corolla that gets great fuel economy. I drive it occa sionally, but the lack of leg room makes it uncomfortable to drive more than 15 to 20 minutes. I drive a roomy but aging Bonneville that gets 25 miles per gallon on my com mute. When the Bonneville needs to be replaced, I'd like to get a Corolla because of the rising cost of gasoline. At the same time, I want to avoid the discomfort t hat c omes from insufficient legroom. Is moving the seat a practical solution? • N ot r e ally. It c a n b e • done, of c o u r se, b ut you' ll have difficulty finding a shop to do this because of the potential liability. The broader issue: Can you find a comfort able car that delivers the kind of mileage the Corolla does? The answer is yes. Sticking with the GM theme, the four cylinder 2012 Chevy Malibu delivers 22 mpg in the city and 33 on the highway. The new Ford Fusionoffers 23/33 mpg, and the 2012 Chrysler 200 gets 20/31. Plenty of leg room along with great fuel economy. — Brand is an automotive troubleshooter and former race car driver. Email questions to paulbrandC<startribune.corn. Includeadaytime phone number.
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Expires Si3tit 2
S UNDAY, AUGUST 19 , 2 0 1 2
, HOW,$0 START~ - @YOU ROWN~ •
' Jg, •
Daniela Berry, 12, in Lenoir, N.C.
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Bill O'Reilly The host of The O'Reilly Factor, 6a, tvi ll ftubtish Lincoln's Last Days (a chi tdreris version of his best seller Killing Lincoln ) on Aug. aL You usedto be ahistory teacher.Were you popular? I was like the original Mr. Kotter. I was tough but fair and funny. It was a great couple of years. Do you have any election predictions?If Obama does win, it's going to be very close. You either believe he has ahandle on the economy or you don't. What TV show is on your must-watch list?I watch Rizzoli 8 Isles with my [13-year-otd] daughter. I think she's going to be a detective! Do you talk politics with your kids?They have to watch the morning news while they' re eating their breakfast, so instead of dopey cartoons, we watch the news and then talk about it.
ninth and final season of Dog Whisperer(Nat Geo WILD, Saturdays, 8 p.m. ET), the dog behavior specialist still works with pooches of the non-famous. "I haven't forgotten my roots," says Millan, 42. "I didn't start with celebrities but with people in the neighbor hood, so I don't think I' ll ever stop because
v Cary Crrant and Deborah Kerr
Q t Was An Affair to
Remember actually filmed at the Empire State Building? —Helen
A: No, the 1957 film, starring Cary Grant and Deborah Kerr as lovers
that means a lot to me."
Find out how to get Cesar to train your dog at Parade. comlmi lian.
Angeles — including the scene in which Grant shows up on the sky scraper's observation deck. However, Sleepless in Seattle,Nora Ephron's
personality@paradacomor P.O.Box Soot, Grand Central Station, New York, N Y. totBB-Soot.
homage to An Affair to Q t What happened to my
favorite XFactor contes tant, Rachel Crow? — David Hall, El Centro, Calif.
A: X Factor
judge Simon Cowell was right when he said audi ences would be "hearing a lot more" about Crow after her tearful elimination VRachel Crow
from the reality singing competition last year. In addition to her bud ding acting career (Crow has appeared on several Nickelodeon shows), the bubbly 14-year old released a self-titled EP in June and has been touring with Big . :''Time Rush this summer. Watch the video for her single "Mean Girls" and read her tour blog at Parade. corru'crovJ.
Battey, South Hadley,Mass.
who agree to reunite at the top of the Empire State Building, was shot largely on the 20th Century Fox lot in Los
Send your questions to Walter Scott at
Remember, was filmed at the famous landmark.
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V Cesar Millan
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Q t Does Cesar Millan
— Eva Longoria,who is
only train stars' dogs
executive producer of the reality dating series Ready for Love (due this winteri, on the motive behind the show, which
now? —Linda Suhr, Colorado
A: Although Millan has been helping celebs like Kelsey Grammer and Hugh Hefner with their unruly pets on his
xz Q
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helps three bachelors find mates z z Q Q Q
Q- 3 Q
A record number of nomineesare vying for Lead Actressin a Comedy Series this year. They all bring the laughs, but who deserves the award? Vote atParade.corn jemmy.
3g Q Q
Zooey Deschanel New Girl
Lena Dunham Gi rls
Edie Falco Nurse Jackie
Tine Fey 30Rock
Julia Louis-Dreyfus Veep
Metisse McCarthy Mike & Molly
Amy Poehler Parks and Recreation
3 Q
2 • August 19, 2012
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BABY, YOU' RE A STAR Think your kid is the cutest ever? Prove it. Through Aug. 26, Gerber wi[L be looking for its next baby face. The winner [tr years of age is the cutoff) wiLL receive $50,000 — and the chancetostarinan upcoming Gerber ad.Learn more atfacebook.corn/gerber.
Norman sees dead people, a special ability that usually earns him ridicule but could now help him save his town from a curse.Casey Affleek and Anna Kenddick are among the vocal stars of this spooky-funadventure from the creators ofCoraline. [Rated PG)
CL' o Vl
oUo L
L IF THEY CAN MAKE IT THERE ... The mean streets of Civil War-era New York come alive in the sediesCopper [BBC Amedica, Aug. 19, 10 p.m. ET), starring Tom Weston Jones [above, with Franka Potente) as an Irish
CL' o LU
immigrant who polices the city's notorious Five Points district. You can almost taste the rgit. Vl
Perfect. That pretty much sums up the Miami Dolphins'1O7P — 73 season. Led by quarterback Bob Griese(right), the Dolphins did something no other NFL team has, before or since: win all of its games (including the Super Bowl). Now, 40 years later, writer Mike A eeman captures it all in Undefeated: 1nside the 1g>P Miami Dolphins'Perfect Season.
MAC AND CHEERS Some of the coolest musical artists around pay tribute to Fleet wood Mac [who say they' ll tour again in 2013) onJust Tell Me ThatYou Want Me. Highlights include the Kills' bluesy cover of "Dreams" and MGMT's e le ctrifyingnine-minute "Future Games."
SC(MO ~O ~(). -Poll
What tech tool do you Iwish you' d had in school? Is it [a) a laptop or e-reader; [b) a search engine; [c) word processing; [d) social media; or [e) a smartphone? PARADE and Microsoft Office want to know which advances in technology you think have helped [or hurt) the classroom. Weigh in atPanutc.corn/tech.
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4 • August 19, 2012
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Watch out for seams — there is only one Independent Foreclosure Review. Beware of anyone who asks you to pay a fee for any foreclosure review service, such as completing the Request for Review Form. Esta informacion es precisa a la fecha de impresion y esta sujeta a cambios sin previo aviso. This information is accurate as of the date of printing and is subject to change without notice. © PARADE Publications 2012. All rights reserved.
• •
D REAM S How u community gu7den helped u st7 uggli ng smull townin No7tb Gu7olinu Tecluimi ts p7i de
to his hometown of Lenoir after college and is now a garden manager; Dean Adorno, 24, atattooed electrician who is reputed to grow the garden's best tomatoes; and his 4-year-old son, Tristen, known for planting Toy Story action figures amid the beds. John "Doc" Scroggin,83, a retired general practitioner, perches at a nearby picnic table providing color commentary. 'Vou notice how spry these old folks are?" he asks. "That's gardening! It keeps you hopping and moving and learning." Together, Lenoir's gardeners form a moving patchwork of shapes, sizes, colors, and ages, all brought together by a love for the soil e d each other. "People may come as strangers," says Werts. "But they leave as friends." These friendships take many forms.
& CULTIVATING ASENSE OF COMMUNITY Clockwise from top left: Kaye Reynolds, Lenoir'scommunications and resource director; Jacob Norwood, who maintains a plot with his parents and brother; Sara Mursch,who was instrumental in creatingthe gardens, with her husband, Dick; 3-year-old Madeline Stark; and retiredphysicianJohn "Doc" Scroggin with four students he mentors, Kaitlyn Carlton, Tanila Carlton, Shantel Harper, and Felicety Carlton.
"I was raised by great-aunts and grandparents,so I love learning from the older folks," says Paul Norwood,
t 's Satur day m o r n
ing at the community gardens in Lenoir, N.C., and the beds are buzzing. Townspeople are digging, weeding, watering, wiping sweat from their brows, then digging some more. There's Helen Dickson, a 7 IJ-year-old retired seamstress who's been raising
vegetables since her farm-kid days; Eston Werts, 27, who returned
52, as he pulls up weeds and stakes tomato plants with his wife,Janet, 40, and their two sons,Jacob andJackson. "Everybody brings something unique." Beforethey head home, theNorwoods will drop off a bag of fresh veggies for 86-year-old Elsie Harper, who worked for decades at their church day care center and now w a t ches over the
garden from her porch across the street. "The gardens don't belong to this neighborhood or that neighbor
hood," says Charles Beck, 60, Lenoir's director of public works. "They belong to everyone, and they' re a
August 19, 2012 • 7
© PARADE Publications 2012. All rights reserved.
source of pride for the whole town." Pride has been in short supply in Lenoir in recent years. In the past decade, the once thriv ing manufacturing community (pop. 18,228) has watched as one factory after another closed its doors, mostly because of outsourcing to China. All told, Lenoir lost a staggering 8,000 jobs; the unemployment rate (which in 1999 was less than 2 percent) now hovers around 12 percent, four points above the national average. Many residents can't afford fresh food, and two-thirds of the town's adults and one-third of its children are overweight or obese. The two biggest
gardens(located on opposite sides of town) are situated on the remains of a burned-down
furniture factory and what was once a segregated playground. "They should be called Phoenix gardens," says Scroggin, "because they' ve risen from the ashes."
Planting the First Seeds Lenoir could be a small town anywhere. Neighbors leave baked goods by the door when you' re new in town, and casseroles when you' re sick. Church sup pers are plentiful. There are block parties and free Friday night concerts in summer and a Christmas paradedown Main Streetin winter.But driving through those same streets, you also come across boarded-up furniture and textile factories, painful reminders of the town's decline. "I remember when they announced the big Lenoir IFurniture Corporation] plant was closing during Christmas 2006. That was the one plant people said would never shut its doors," says Kaye Reynolds, 65, the town's communications and resource director. "For some families, three generations had worked
there. These were proud people who had never been on public assistance. What do you say when something like that happens?" Sara Mursch, 76, a retired air force nurse, saw how her neighbors were hurting during her volunteer work at Lenoir's Helping Hands Clinic, where many patients had trouble paying their bills. So three years ago, Mursch, a longtime gardener, came up with the idea of a community garden. "I like to see people eat right, and I knew it would be more meaningful to people if they could grow the food themselves," says Mursch. "Gardening gives you a sense of satisfaction, and
folks here could use that." So that spring, she rallied a few fellow gardening enthusiasts from her church, and they pitched the idea to the city manager, Lane Bailey, who donated a half-acre
Recruit like-minded neighbors. "You could have a piece of land that' s perfect, but without a core group of committed people, it will be hard to get the project off the ground," says Sean Cummings, program coordina
tor of VINES(Volunteers Improving Neighborhood Environments), a community garden organization based in Binghamton, N.Y.
Green up your thumbs. Newbies can learn the ropes by volunteering at other nearby community gardens or taking free or low-cost work shops run by state cooperative extension offices.(Find yours at nifa.usda.gov/extension).
Draft a mission statement. It should spell out who can participate, what's expected of members(a mini mum hourly commitment, for example), and what the garden will grow(flowers,
veggies, or both?).
plot for just $1 a year, as well as city workers to help clear and terrace the hilly, weed-filled land.
Soon,a handfulofpeoplebecame ahundred including church groups, staff from the local hos pital, 4-H club members, even a busload of Google employees(the company had recently set up a collection of computer servers nearby) — who all pitched in to help build beds, plant trees, and nurture seedlings. The first garden was so success ful that in spring 2010 another one, spanning 5.6 acres, was added across town, on the site of an old Singer furniture factory that had been destroyed in a fire. In the three years since the gardens were established, eyesores have been transformed into plots bursting with lettuces, onions, squash, okra, tomatoes,beets,and carrots.Mounds of rubble have been replaced by a 150-tree orchard of apples, pears, and plums. The city cares for the land surrounding the beds and supplies water; seeds are donated or are purchased from the sale of surpluscrops. Today, there are nearly 100 beds, and anyone in the community can sign up to tend one at little to no charge. "I grew up ona farm, and eating fresh food every day was just a blessing," says Helen Dickson. "I come here and it's so nice to pick a good, fresh tomato." She and her best friend, Mary Norwood, 71, also a retired textile worker, each have their own plots of green beans, peppers, tomatoes, and okra. And they' re happy to share their harvest. "If anyone wants to pick something out of our beds, they' re welcome to it!" says Norwood.
Look for a sponsor. Reach out to local businesses that support agricultural or ecological causes; a sponsor can contribute tools, seeds, and other supplies. If you can' t find one, you' ll need to come up with another way to raise funds, such as charging a membership fee.
Scout out potential sites. Consider factors such as exposure
to light(many vegetables require a minimum of six hours of full sun a day), proximity to water, and the condition of the soil. ~ For more information, and to find out if there' s already a community garden near you, visit the American Community Gardening Association's website, communitygarden.org.— MadonnaBehen
Hope Takes Root Across the country, community gardens are blooming a n estimated 1 million of them dot
places from Homer, Alaska, to Brooklyn, N.Y., according to the National Gardening Association. "Community gardens make neighborhoods more livable. They become a gathering spot for people, like a pocket park," says Bruce Butterfield, research director at the NGA. But in a city like Lenoir, the gardens also offer bountiful evidence of its citizens' hardworking, hospitable spirit. "This is a town that could easily feel sorry for itself," says Rose Noakes, 64, who runs thelocalbed-and-breakfast."But it doesn't. What this town does is take care of its own." Barbara Stark, 55, is unemployed and babysits
8 • August 19, 2012
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$ 1 HELPING THE TOWN TURN OVER ANEW LEAF From left: Retired factory workers [and best friends) Helen Dicksonand Mary Norwood; Dean Adorno and his 4-year-old son, Tristen. [Toolsand other supplies provided by Gardener's Supply Company.)
her 3-year-old granddaughter,Madeli ne;the pair walk down the hill from her home to the garden almostevery day."G rowing here helpsme feed my family," says Stark, who weeds and waters some of the 35 to 40 communal beds used to help stock the local food pantries and soup kitchen. "Many of the folkswho come here are trying to make food stamps stretch, so they often bypass stores' produce sections," says the pantry's executive director,
Sharon Osborne. 'Vou have never seen people get so excitedabout beans or potatoes."
"Last fall I took 100 pounds of turnips to our food pantry and they were all taken home within 30 minutes," says Werts. "It was so moving to see that even something like turnips, which many people would turn up their noses at,went to people in need within an hour of picking." Shortly after the gardens' first harvest, David
Horn, who with his wife grows okra, zucchini, cantaloupe, peppers, and sweet potatoes, noticed how often people asked for pointers on cooking their fresh vegetables. So Horn, vice president of business development at Caldwell Memorial Hospital~ n d a cohost of a popular cable access show called Tv/o Men and zz Stove — created a monthly cooking column in a local paper. And last November, the gardens spread their tendrils even further when 12-year-old Daniela Berry asked her dad, Andy, who is the principal at Lenoir's Whitnel Elementary School, if she could create a plot for the after-school program. With help from her mom, Daniela cleared a 1,700 square-foot parcelofland behind Whitnel, w here 85 percent of the students are on free or reduced price lunches. Soon after, she began giving lessons to other kids on how to tend the new beds. "A lot of them didn't even know what a garden was," says Daniela, "but they were so excited, running around, jumping, hugging me. It really made me feel like I'd done something special." On one such afternoon last spring, mother and daughter distributed trowels and as Q
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Community Gardens from patte 0
some 30 students planted okra and picked potatoes. The kids took their work seriously, little faces flushed and not one electronic screen in sight. Two hours later, Bryant, a first grader with a bi(, smile that sports an incoming row of teeth, proudly clutched some potatoes to take home. Now he and his pals know where french fries come from. "We feel like we' re helping to
Let Them Eat "Cake" ~ E/isabeth Hasselbeek, cohost ofThe View, enjoysagluten-free version of a classic loaf Wh I w g rowing up , brown-speckled bananas
feed these kids, and feeding their spirit at the same time," says Daniela's mom, Darlene. Since the Whitnel garden was established, five other county schools have planted their own campus vegetable plots.
were treasures in the eyes of my mom. She used them to m ake banana
breadduring the fall and w inter m o n t hs. E v en today, it's something I look forward to seasonally. A slice of banana bread is a treat whether hot out of::',
you never have to feel guilty about eating. Since being diagnosed with celiac disease, I' ve had to swear offfoods that containgluten. But t hat doesn't mean I can't ' ,'gg ~ g ~ g g 7 gg g still enjoy this taste of 5 Tbsp unsalted butter, childhood. It took a bit at room temperature of tinkering to (,et the 1 cup sugar texture and density of this loaf just right. Whenever : :'1'/ 2cups mashed banana I've made the recipe: (about4smatt,veryripe 'I
1 cup brown rice flour 3/ 3/ccup millet flour
want more, you know you' ve (,ot it right — you
have a hit on your hands!
Ul CD CJ Ul Ul
S cro(,(,i n, who holds a
the oven orcut from the loaf days later. It's a "cake"
(which appears in my cookbook, De liciously G-Free) for my husband and children, Grace, Taylor, and Isaiah, they' ve loved it. And when the kids
sp wt
'p w ppfv
1 tsp baking soda '/2 tsp salt
/2 tsp xanthan gum '/c tsp baking powder /2 cup chopped walnuts (optional)
i. Preheat oven to 350'F. Line a 9-by-5-inch loaf pan with aluminum foil and coat foil with cooking spray. 2. Beat butter and sugar with an electric mixer on high speed until mixture is light yellow and fluffy. Add eggs one at a time, mixing on medium until thoroughlycombined. 3. Add banana and /3cup water and mix on
low for 1 minute. Sprinkle brown rice flour, millet flour, baking soda, salt, xanthan gum, and baking powder over batter. Add nuts, if desired. Stir batter just until ingredients are combined. 4. Spoon into pan and bake for 50 to 55 minutes or until center of loaf springs back to the touch. 5. Transfer pan to a wire rack and allow to cool for 5 minutes. Lift bread out of pan and let it cool completely on rack. SERVES:101 IDER SERVING:
260 calories, 46g carbs, 4g protein, 8g fat, 50mg cholesterol, 280mg sodium, 2g fiber
master (,ardener's certificate, estimates that he's delivered thousands of Lenoir's chil dren over the decades, and he loves to see them tending the soil. "I remember one little girl who didn't trust the advice I gave her grand mother about burying to mato seedlings because she was convinced they wouldn' t grow," he says. "She kept saying Don't do it, Granny!' So I told her, 'You think a
baby grows sideways? These plants straighten themselves
up just like you.'" Even as Sero(,(,in recalls the economic blight of recent years, his voice is tinged with pride. "I brought a county agent down here to see what we were doing and he said to me, 'You know what? The vegetables aren't the most important part. What you' ve raised here is a good crop of community.'" 6
3: D
10 • August 19, 2012
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Kenn ection S By Ken Jennings HOW TO PLAY
All five correct answers have sometftingin common. Can rJou frilure out wit at it is 2
0 What kind of business did Albert, Otto, Alfred, Charles, and John Ringling found in t8842
II S fvt I L E
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"Citius, altius, fortius"
meaning "faster, higher, stronger" — is the motto of what sporting eventg
What literary hero outwits the dragon Smaug and later disappears from Bag End on his eleventy-first birthdayg
Titan, the second-largest moon in our solar system, orbits which planet, the second-biggestg
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that way, it looks strange to you — you notice every
Ask Marilyn
asymmetry (no face is sym metrical) and imperfection. For example, say one eye is
By Manlyn vos Savant What I see in the mirror and what I see when I view a photo of myself are so differ ent. Generally, I'm satisfied with the "live" version, but I usually dislike that same face
65 6 9
slightly smaller than the other, which is common. Because you' ve seen your eyes that way in the mirror all your life, you don't perceive any difference. But when you view a photo, something about your eyes looks wrong. And when your face is the subject, "wrong" equates to "bad"!
WORDS WE NEED unhunh(v]
to fall out of bed noisily
a sphere of blown gum that collapses due to a slow leak
in aphoto. Why? — JanetBunn, Muscatine, iowa
Because your photographed face looks backward to you. What you see in a mirror is your image reversed from left to right, and you' re familiar with that look. A photo, how ever, shows you what others see. When you see your face
flubble (n] 55
3I I
filchbef'f'y (n] a household member who takes the last piece of pie under cover of night
Ccrloon Parade
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Ul D
"I never watchedOne Life to Live."
I I'(
"Find out if you get miles."
"Why not?Ihad a race carbed when Iwas a kid."
August 19, 2012 • 13
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Man on a Medal of Honor winner Dakota Meyer is fighting for a new cause: helping veterans fmd jobs back home L
ith his marine unit caught in an ambu sh , Dakota Meyer k new what he had t o d o . I n September2009, Meyer and Staff
Sgt. Juan Rodriguez-Chavez drove their Humvee into the thick of the action in the Afghan village of Ganjgal, stopping repeatedly under murderous fire so that Meyer could leave the vehicle to
pick up stranded Afghan soldiers. Using a machine gun and grenade launcher to ward off the swarming Taliban militants, Meyer darted house to house searching for four missing Americans. They were dead, and while the precise details of theaction have been a matter of controversy, an offi cialreview of the battle credited Meyer with saving the lives of numerous fellow marines and Afghan troops. Last September President Obama bestowed the Medal of Honor on Sgt. Meyer, 24, the first living marine to receive the award since the Vietnam War. Sud denly the farm boy from Ken tucky had become a celebrity
greeted like a rock star, even becoming fishing buddies with
lL '~ m LU
"If I can help veterans e gt jobs, I vtrill," says Meyer, whosememoir, into the Fire, willbe published this falL
Gary LeVox of Rascal Flatts. But as itturned out, Dakota Meyer had just begun to fight. His new mission: to use his fame to draw attention tothe alarming unem
ployment rate among veterans who have served since 9/11. "I don't care anything about being a Medal of Honor recipient," says
Meyer, who alsoserved in Iraq, "but if Ican use that to help veterans get jobs, I will."
Certainly, there is no denying the need for solutions. Consider these sobering statistics: Among post-9/11 veterans,unemploy ment st ands at 9 . 5 p e r c ent , compared witha national average of 8.2 percent. Among younger vets, the problem is even more dire: Those 24 and younger have an unemployment rateof 29 per
cent; their civilian peers are closer to 17 percent. Meyer well knows
14 • August 19, 2012
© PARADE Publications 2012. All rights reserved.
the hurdles that vets face.
Since leaving the Marine Corps in June 2010, he has bounced among several jobs. Though he is in demand as a motivational speaker and recently became a liaison between Toyota and the military community, he has also worked in construction to make ends meet. "I faced the same struggles getting jobs," he says. But he is emphatic on one point: The last thing he or any vet wants is char ity. "I don't see that anyone owes me anything for my
show vets where the jobs are." For Schmiegel, there's an added urgency to get vets employment help. "I see this as a national security issue," he says. "How many people are going to want to serve in an all-volunteer force if they' re 50 percent more likely to be
unemployed?" The hope is that Meyer, who will be speaking at selected job fairs, can be the face of change. As was the case that day in Ganjgal, he shows no signs of ducking the challenge. Asked what he' d like to do for his career, he doesn't hesitate: "Make a difference." 6 Legal Notice
service," he says. "I don't feel any sense of entitlement." In Meyer's view, veterans haven't been given the
If You Own or Owned Land Under or Next to Railroad Rights of Way Where Fiber-Optic Cable Was Installed
proper tools to market themselves to civilian employers. He points out that in the M arine Corps he was a sniper— not an occupation in great demand outside the military. So the challenge is to cast his experience in a
You Could Receive Money from a Class Action Settlement
((((((( Meyer, seen here receiving his Medal of Honor, will be making appearances on behalf of Hiring Our Heroes. For more information, go to uschamber
.corn/hiring ourheroes.
different light. "For example," he says, "I'm good at task management in a stressful environment." Enter the U.S. Chamber of Commerce's new guide to personal branding, sponsored by Toyota, which answers such basic questions as what to wear on a job interview but also gives more nuanced tips, like how to frame one's military experiences to a potential boss. It's all part of the cham ber's Hiring Our Heroes campaign, which encourages businesses to employ veterans and military spouses. "Many younger veterans, those who enlisted right out of high school, are stepping in front of an employer for the first time," says Kevin Schmiegel, a vice president of the Chamber of Commerce and aveteran himselfof20 years in the Marine Corps. The response so far has been promising — pledges to hire have topped 156,000. To keep the numbers moving in the right direction, the chamber will host 400 job fairs for veterans around the country, and in a first, 60 of those events will be held on military bases. Private sector volunteers will be on hand to help service members and vets craft more effective resumes and improve their interview skills. On Labor Day, the chamber is also unveiling the Fast Track Program, which will identify for vets the 100 U.S. cities with the greatest job growth. "No one's been taking the time," says Schmiegel, "to
State-by-state Settlements have been reached in class action lawsuits challenging the installation of fiber-optic cable within railroad Rights of Way. Under the Settlements, Sprint, Qwest, WilTel, or Level 3 Communications (together called the "Defendants" ) will pay valid claims for persons in 24 states who own or owned land next to or under railroad Rights of Way where fiber-optic cable owned by Sprint, Qwest, WilTel, or Level 3 Communications is buried.
What Are Class Member Rights?
What Are the Proposed Settlement Terms?
Class Counsel have been appointed by the Court to represent you. They will request an award of attorneys' fees, which will vary by state, to be paid by Defendants. If you wish, you or your own attorney may ask to appear and speak at the hearing at your own cost. See the website for more information on attorneys' fees.
• If you stay in the Class, you will have an opportunity to claim cash benefits. You will be bound by the decisions of the Court. You can't sue Defendants or the railroads in the future for any claims in this lawsuit, and a Telecommunications Easement will be granted on the railroad Right of Way next to or through your property. If you think you are a member of the Class, but did not receive a mailed notice, call 1-800-378-1670. Who Is Included? • You can exclude yourself fiom the Class. This Class Members include current or p r evious means you cannot file a claim for cash benefits owners of land next to or under a railroad Right but will keep the right to sue the Defendants in of Way at any time since the cable was installed in the future. • If you stay in the Class, you can object to all or the 24 states listed below. part of the Settlement in a state where you own To find where the Rights of Way included in or owned property. the Settlements are located and when fiber-optic • Exclusions and objections must be filed in cable was installed in a particular Right of Way, writing by September 14, 2012. v isit www.FiberOpticSettiements.corn. I f y o u still have questions, call 1-800-378-1670. Who RepresentsClass Members? Class Members who submit a valid claim will receive cash based on factors that include: (a) the length of the Right of Way where the cable is installed, (b) the length of time they owned the property, and (c) whether the Right of Way was created by a federal land grant. The Settlements provide Defendants with a permanent Telecommunications Easement. The Easement will grant any rights the Defendants don't already have to use the Rights of Way for Telecommunications Facilities.
Will an Approval Hearing Be Held? Approval hearings will be held in each state for which there is a Settlement. Refer to the chart below for the dates of each hearing. Please visit the website or call the toll-fice number to find out the time and location of the hearing in the state
where your property/ is.
Dates of Final Approval Hearings Arkansas Colorado Delaware Florida Georgia Indiana Iowa Kansas
12/6/12 12/19/12 12/7/12 11/7/12 12/5/12 11/16/12 12/7/12 11/14/12
Maryland 1 1/30/12 Michigan 1 1 /5/12 Minnesota I I/9/12 Mississippi I/16/13 Missouri I/ 1 5 / 13 Nebraska 1 1 /20/12 New Jersey 11/14/12 New York 1 1/15/12
North Carolina Oklahoma Utah Vermont Virginia West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming
12/13/12 11/19/12 I/14/13 I I/9/12 11/7/12 11/26/12 12/13/12 I/8/13
For More Information: Visit www.FiberopticSettlements.corn or call 1-800-378-1670 © PARADE Publications 2012. All rights reserved.
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