Serving Central Oregon since 1903$1.5Q
SUNDAY February 9,2014
eanu s' an moie in
TRAVEL• D1 TODAY'S READERBOARD Bend high suicideMany students seekcounseling as police wrap uptheir investigation. B1
Dying deeS —Cropsareaffected, and that means soare food prices. E1
Facial recognitionMore retailers are adopting th technology to home in onbig spenders. E1
Painkillers can be a gateway to heroin
Wild winter — Blame it on the jet stream. A3
Astrange game —The race for president of the World Chess Federation: odd personalities, leaks andscandal. AS
LOOk CIOSely —Testyour knowledge of Bendwith our "Where am I?" quiz. bendbulletiLcam/guesswhere
By Markian Hawryluk and Shelby King
• Railways don't inform first respondersabout the type or quantity of flammable andtoxic materials in tankers
The Bulletin
Ian Wilson liked the way heroin made him feel the first time he tried it. "It was like an instant
By Hillary Borrud and Andrew Clevenger The Bulletin
warmth all over your body," he recalls. "It just felt amazing." The Bend man had been buying prescription • pai n killers
Trains travel each day through the
for m onths, a gateway into a world of needles and black ened spoons. "I started hanging out with the worst of crowds, I guess," he said.
center of Bend, along a track that bisects the city. While drivers wait at rail
crossings,they can see passing tank
on electric grid raises alarm By Evan Halper and Marc Lifsher
Tribune Washington Bureau
Shooters armed with assault rifles and some
knowledge of electrical utilities have prompted new worries on the vulner-
ability of California's vast power grid.
cars marked as flammable, explosive
or poisonous. Often, it's unclear what exactly the train is carrying. It turns out that local first respond-
the types or quan- ~ F oranintertities of hazardous ~ active map materials that trains of spill sites carry through the in Oregon, visit city on a daily basis. bantiballeun " Some of t h o se .cam/trainspills trains are hundreds of cars long, with maybe 20 different
munity in the nation."
grid operators scrambling But this past week, a former top power regula-
During the last 18 years, there werenearly 280 hazardous material spills from trains in Oregon. Manyweresmall spills. However, there were more than 100 individual spills of waste oil, chemicals and other substances that exceeded100 gallons. Seventy-eight of these spills were diesel. State law requires people andcompanies to report all oil spills that affect state waters or exceed 42gallons on land. For other hazardous substances, the state follows federal reporting requirements.
in trouble. The feeling was too intense. He grabbed his phone. It took two tries to text his friend a two-letter
cry for help: OD. "Are you ODing now?" See Heroin /A4
((o=~~ ~iii,
• • ry •
• oh
— e,(el
A spokesman for BNSF Railway, which owns the line that runs north-
south through Central Oregon, said the railroad communicates regularly with local emergency responders. Last month, state officials began
Mammoths: the new ivory boom?
qi )
-Jo' -0
to discuss whether they can require
railways to report more information on hazardous cargo such as crude oil
LEGEND Spill material 'll Lubricating oils • Other • l Manufactunng products • Fuels O' Regulated materials • Agricultural waste
shipments, said Oregon Department
of Transportation Rail Safety Section manager John Johnson. "There is no requirement at this time
toroffered a farmore om-
for them to notify us of any oil shipments, prior to coming into Oregon,"
inous interpretation: The
Johnson said. The state fire marshal,
attack was terrorism, he said, and if circumstances
other emergency response agencies and the railways are also involved in
had been just a little different, it could have been
the discussion, Johnson said. Central
from June 1996 through January 2014,
Oregon is nota corridor for the crude
according to The Bulletin's analysis of
oil shipments from N orth D a kota's Bakken region, which travel instead
data from the state Department of En-
Jon Wellinghoff, who
knew immediately he was
his friend texted back.
dealing with," Langston said. This lack Langston said. "I think it's every com-
to avoid a blackout.
Then one last night in October 2012, alone at home,
he shot up with heroin and
That's unfortunately the reality we're
San Jose that nearly knocked out Silicon Val-
extensive damage to 17 transformers that sent
to use heroin for months.
Hazardousmaterials spills in Oregon
would just be impossible for them to be supplying that (information) to us ...
electric substation near
automatic weapons did
— Wilson, 22, continued
types of chemicals on them, and it
of information is not unique to Bend,
ty's owner. Gunfire from semi-
tal overdoses — including a trip to the emergency room
a b out
A 2013 attack on an
ley's power supply was initially downplayed as vandalism by Pacific Gas & Electric Co., the facili-
Despite several near fa-
ers are similarly in the dark on the details of hazardous materials that pass through Bend. Bend Fire Chief Larry Dean Guernsey/The Bulletin Langston said last week railways do Train tank cars marked as flammable sit in Bend. Many of the trains that pass through not share information with local first Bend are transporting propane. r esponders
was chairman of the Fed-
through the Columbia River Gorge.
eral Energy Regulatory Commission when the shooting took place, said
There were nearly 280 hazardous material spills statewide from trains
on the street
oh A4
ByJesse Riaeborough Bloomberg News
LONDON — Four thou-
sand years ago, humans may have pursued mammoths to extinction. Now
the hunt is on again, and climate change is making it easier. As permafrosts beneath
Source: Department of Environmental Quality's Emergency Response Information System Andy Zeigert/The Bulletin
vironmental Quality. Many were small spills. However, there were more than 100
substances that exceeded 100 gallons. Seventy-eight of these spills were diesel fuel, which in many instances spilled from train engines during a crash, refueling or for some other
the Arctic tundra melt,
largerand more valuable
spills of waste oil, chemicals and other
more fossilized remains are being exposed, and a trade is growing for the mammoth tusks that are
See Trains /A6
than elephant ivory.
See Ivory /A6
that attack was clearly
executed by well-trained individuals seeking to do significant damage to the area, and he fears it was a test run for an even larger assault. See Grid /A5
The Bulletin
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Snow, then rain High 38, Low29 Page BS
Q We userecyclednewsprint
Vol. 112, No. 40,
7 sections
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541-385-5800 Phone hours: 5:30a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-F ri.,6:30a.m .-noonSat.-eun.
ame-sexcou es win more e era rivie es By Matt Apuzzo New York Times News Service
Central AfriCan RepubliC — Themobviolence wracking Cen-
constitutional to refuse federal
tral African Republic imperils the future of the country's Muslims, with tens of thousands fleeing the daily violence anduntold numbers killed. Bangui, the capital, is engulfed in anorgy of bloodshed and looting despite the presence of thousands of FrenchandAfrican peacekeepers. "Weare in a moment where immediate action is needed to stop the killings," Peter Bouckaert of HumanRights Watch told The Associated Press, calling for a full-fledged U.N.peacekeeping mission. "Otherwise the future of the Muslim community of this country will be gone."
married same-sex couples the
same as heterosexual couples when they file for bankruptcy, testify in court or visit family in
and opposite-sexmarried cou-
OUR ADDRESS Street ........... 1777S.W.Chandler Ave. Bend, OR97702 Mailing......... P.O.Box6020 Bend, OR97706
e sil.rva Dtseuies rr
marital status. With a memo
eral government will soon treat
541-385-5804 N EW S R O O M E M A IL
touch on,or are affected by,
preme Court declared it un-
Business City CommunityLife Sports..............sports©
of blame for civilian casualties rose drastically last year, largely reflecting an intensification in the ground conflict between insurgents and Afghan troops, according to a newreport from the United Nations released Saturday. While the Taliban insurgents and their allies continued to cause by far the most civilian casualtiesthree-fourths of the total in 2013 — civilian casualties caused by pro-government forces increased 59 percent. The report said that only 3 percent of civilian casualties last year were caused by international forces. Overall, civilian casualties, totaling 8,615, were up by14 percent in 2013 over 2012.
prison. Attorney General Eric Holder was preparing to issue policies aimed at eliminating the distinction between same-sex
The changes were set in motion last year when the Su-
Afghan civilian deaths —TheAfghan government's share
ples in the federal criminal justice system, according to excerpts from a speech prepared for a Saturday event organized by a p rominent gay-rights group. "In every courthouse, in every proceeding and in every
Monday, Holder plans to make several of those provisions apbenefits to married same-sex ply equally to gay and straight couples, a ruling that Holder couples. supported. In court cases and criminal Gay-rights advocates wel- investigations, for example, comed the changes but had same-sex couples will be covhoped Holder would use his ad- ered under what is known as dress before the Human Rights the spousal privilege, a rule that Campaign to announcethat the says spouses cannot be forced president would sign an order to testify against each other. prohibiting federal contractors The Bureau of Prisons will exfrom discriminating based on tend the same visitation rights sexual orientation. to married same-sex couples Sincethe Supreme Courtrul- that it does to opposite-sex couing in June, the Obama admin- ples, Holder said. istration has rewritten federal
OlympiC gay rightS —Olympic competition first, gay rights maybe later. Plenty of athletes madeclear before traveling to Sochi how unhappy theywereabout gay rights being curtailed in Russia, particularly with its law banning gay "propaganda." But now inSochi, there has not been a squeak of public protest from the 2,870 Olympians — either at venues or atFriday's opening ceremony. Outside the Olympic bubble, the plight of Russia's lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community continues to dog thegames. Gay rights activists who wavedrainbow flags on Friday onMoscow's RedSquare and protested in St. Petersburg werequickly arrested.
The Justice Department will
rules to allow same-sex couples also recognize same-sex couto file taxes together and re- ples when determining eligibilceive Medicareand other ben- ity for programs like the 9/11 place where amember of the efits reserved for mar ried cou- Victim Compensation Fund, Department of Justice stands ples. Holder has been the public whichpays people who were inon behalf of the United States, face of those efforts and has juredormade sick by the 2001 they will strive to ensure that made championing gay rights terrorist a t tacks. S ame-sex same-sex marriages receive one of the central messages of spouses of police officers killed the same privileges, protections his tenure. in the line of duty will also be and right sasopposite-sex marThe government estimates eligible for federal benefits. riages," Holder's prepared re- that more than 1,100 federal The federal rules have no efmarks said. regulations, rights and laws fect on state laws.
Puerta RiCO —Puerto Rico's economic crisis skidded to a new low lastweekwhenbothStandard & Poor'sand Moody'sdowngraded its debt to junk status, brushing aside a series of austerity measures taken bythe newgovernor. But that is only the latest in a sharp decline leading to widespreadfears about Puerto Rico's future. In the past eight years, Puerto Rico's woeshaveincluded: $70 billion in debt, a15.4 percent unemployment rate, a soaring cost of living, pervasive crime, crumbling schools, and aworrisome exodus of professionals and middle-class Puerto Ricans whohavemoved to places like Florida andTexas.
ADMINISTRATION Chairwoman Elizabeth C.McCool..........541-383-0374 Publisher Gordon Black .................... Editor-in-Chief John Costa........................541-383-0337
Thai Satire —Founded by two Thai-Americans, "Shallow News in Depth" is a low-budget weekly program posted to YouTubethat employs a type of Western humor not common in Thailand — acid-laced sarcasm — anddraws on the deep well of paradoxes, absurdities and mangled logic of Thailand's otherwise deadly serious political crisis. The show hasbeenrunning for five years but has seen its viewership soar into the hundreds of thousands in recent months as the crisis has escalated. The show hasdrawn inevitable comparisons to "The Daily Show," the satirical American news show anchored by Jon Stewart.
DEPARTMENT HEADS Advertising JayBrandt.....541-383-0370 Circulation Adam Sears...541-385-5805 FinanceHolly West..........541-383-032t HumanResources Traci Donaca.....................541-383-0327 Operations James Baisinger...............541-617-7624
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Oregon Lottery results As listed at and individual lottery websites
I • •
Q asQ as®4Qar Q ss
The estimated jackpot is now $284 million.
• •
• e•
the train," Jean Ballester, mayor of nearby Annot, told BFMtelevision. "There are unfortunately two dead." The train was still dangling dramatically from the tracks hours after the accident, the crushed front car nose-down in the snowy woods. The train travels along the mountains on track that regularly receives snowand rock falls, but regional transport official JeanYves Petit said even in winter it is considered safe.
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Ceasefire in Syria breaks dolm
Los Angeles Times TARTUS, Syria — In a set-
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back for a United Nations-brokered aid effort, a convoy carrying humanitarian assistance to civilians trapped in the center of the Syrian city
of Homs on S aturday was
p: i.
met with gunfire and shelling, breaking a ceasefire. The Syrian Arab Red Cres-
cent said on its Facebook page that one volunteer was injured, without releasing further details. But the group said that aid had been delivered to the besieged Old City. The Syrian state news agency reported that four Red
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Crescent staffers were hurt in the attack. attack from ri fl e an d
, II
m o r-
tar fire by "armed terrorist groups," the official news media reported, using the government's standard label for
The numbers drawnSaturday nightare:
15Qas 27Qas Q Q1 Q9Q
the Internet. The Red Crescent said two
The estimated jackpot is now $1.6 million.
Volunteerswil beaskedsomequestions abouttheir hearing healthhistory toseeif theyqualify. If eligible,youwil be asked tofill outquestionnaires aboutyour hearingnow, and again in6months. Thisis research, nottreatment. The studyrequiresnoresearchvisits. Youwill complete everything overthetelephone andbymail. The questionnairestakeabout25minutes to complete.
The Associated Press
An enormous boulder hurtled off a mountain andsmashedinto a tourist train in the FrenchAlps on Saturday, derailing it on the mountainside and killing two passengers, officials said. Nine people were injured. The force of the boulder caved in the side of the train, which takes a leisurely three hours to travel about 93 miles from Niceto Dignes-les-Bains. "A rock the size of anautomobile came off the mountainside and slammed into the first car of
Various a n t igovernment activists blamed the attack on the Syrian military in comments to news agencies and on
The NationalCenterfor Rehabilitative AuditoryResearchat thePortland VA MedicalCenteris lookingfor individuals who are seekinghearing healthcarefor thefirst time.
The aid convoy came under
The numbers drawnSaturday nightare:
• •
truckloads of food and other aid were delivered to the Old City.
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• Discoveries, breakthroughs,trends, namesin the news— the things you needto know to start out your day
It's Sunday, Feb. 9,the 40th day of 2014. Thereare325 days left in the year.
I s een suc a wi win ei
HISTORY Highlight:In1964, The Beatles made their first live American television appearance on"The Ed Sullivan Show," broadcast from NewYork onCBS.The G.l. Joe action figure wasintroduced at theAmerican International ToyFair in NewYork. In1773, the ninth president of the United States, William Henry Harrison, was born in Charles City County, Va. In1825, the House ofRepresentatives elected JohnQuincy Adams president after no candidate received amajority of electoral votes. In1861, Jefferson Daviswas elected provisional president of the Confederate States of America at acongress held in Montgomery, Ala. In1870,the U.S.Weather Bureau wasestablished. In1933, the Oxford Union Society approved, 275-153, a motion "that this Housewill in no circumstances fight for its King and Country," a stand that was widely denounced. (On this date in 1983, theOxford Union Society rejected, 416187, a motion "that this House would not fight for Queenand Country.") In1942, the U.S.Joint Chiefs of Staff held its first formal
meeting to coordinate military strategy during World War II. Daylight-saving "War Time" went into effect in the United States, with clocks turned one hour forward. In1943, the World War II battle of Guadalcanal in the southwest Pacific endedwith an Allied victory over Japanese forces. In1950, in a speech inWheeling, WVa., Sen.JosephMcCarthy, R-Wis., charged theState Department was riddled with Communists. In1963,the Boeing 727went on its first-ever flight as it took off from Renton, Wash. In 1971, a magnitude 6.6earthquake in California's SanFernando Valley claimed 65 lives. The crew of Apollo 14 returned to Earth after man's third landing on the moon. In 1984, Soviet leaderYuri Andropov, 69, died15 months after succeeding Leonid Brezhnev; hewasfollowed by Konstantin Chernenko. Ten years age: President George W.Bushand Democratic front-runner JohnKerry sparred over the president's economic leadership, while Kerry's rivals sought to slow his brisk pace.Anti-government rebels took control of nearly a dozentowns in western Haiti as thedeathtoll in the violent uprising rose toat least40.
Five years age: President Barack Obamaused his first news conference sincetaking office to urgently pressure lawmakers to approve amassive economic recovery bill. New York Yankeesthird baseman Alex Rodriguezadmitted to taking performance-enhancing drugs, telling ESPNhe'd used banned substanceswhile with the TexasRangers for three years. LindseyVonnwonthe downhill for her secondgold at the World Championships in Val D'isere, France, becoming the second American woman (after AndreaMeadLawrence) to win two golds at a worlds. Playwright Robert Anderson died in NewYork at age91. One year age: Hundreds of mourners and dignitaries, including first lady Michelle Obama, packedthefuneral service for15-year-old Hadiya Pendleton, whowasshot and killed Jan. 29 asshe stood with friends at a neighborhood park about a mile from President Barack Obama'sChicago home in the Kenwoodneighborhood.
BIRTHDAYS Television journalist Roger Mudd is 86. Singer-songwriter Carole King is 72.Actor Joe Pesci is 71.Actress Mia Farrow is 69. Actress Judith Light is 65. Olympic silver and bronze medal figure skater Irina Slutskaya is 35. — From wire reports
While snow and cold have battered the Northeast, much of the West has endured unseasonably dry conditions — California is in the throes of a disastrous drought and temperatures in Alaska have set records. What's the deal with this bizarre weather?
Sensory benefits of a blindfold By Geoffrey Mohan Los Angeles Times
By Seth Borenstein
to hear as well as Stevie
The Associated Press
Wonder or th e l ate Ray
Atlanta was temporarily paralyzed. California has been
Charles'? A blindfold not only might help, it could rewire your brain in the process, a new study suggests. The study, in mice, was
bone dry. A l aska set heat
the first to show evidence on
records. The wild winter somehow
a cellular level of a phenomenon that has been relatively well chronided behaviorally — damage to one sense can be compensated with
Co l d
and snow keep battering the Midwest and East, and even
became even more w i cked
Thursday morning when the national average temperature plunged to a brutal 11 degrees — the lowest temperature of a season of extremes
strength in another. Andthat
asks a simple question: Why? T he answer is t h e j e t
compensation can happen later in life, when the brain is generally less susceptible to rewiring, the study found. Blinding mice for about a
stream, the river of air that
week altered synapses con-
dictates our weather. Normal-
necting the thalamus to the auditory cortex, according to the study, published online Wednesday in the journal Neuron. The changes in hearing acuity were not due to recruitment of vision
A weather weary n ation
ly the jet stream stays in Can-
ada or the northern U.S., going west to east in a somewhat straight line. But this winter
it has plunged south, creating high pressure ridges and low pressure troughs and taking cold polar air south and east and leaving warm, dry weather to the west.
"We are having an unusual jet stream that's giving us crazy cold weather in the East
and the ridiculously resilient ridge as it's called in California," said W eather U nder-
ground meteorology director Jeff Masters.
k85 a Mike Groll/The Associated Pressfile photo
neurons, which remained
America's Midwest and East keep getting battered by cold and storms. Atlanta has been paralyzed by
unchanged, while those in the auditory cortex exhibit-
snow. California has been bone dry. And the National Weather Service office in Alaska, where record warm temperatures were set, tweeted that it wants its cold weather back.
crimination among sounds, the study showed. College Park, Md. o how c o l d Q •• SThursday'?
• The national average A grees is the coldest of this
winter and will likely be the coldestof the season, accord• There are three different ing to calculations by Weather • forces probably at work Bell Analytics meteorologist here, but scientists still need to Ryan Maue. It was computdo more research, said Derek ed from temperatures at 7 is the jet stream Q •• Why doing this?
ural variability of daily weather. Another is a mid-length
others record warm. For much
rains are coming. A predict-
"We always thought that
of January, Greenland was 8
ed eastern winter snowstorm
the adult brain just couldn't change, and there was some evidence supporting this," said study author Hey-Kyoung Lee, a neuroscientist at Johns Hopkins University's
w a s degrees warmer than normal.
• temperature of 1 1 d e-
Arndt, of the National Climatic Data Center in Asheville, N.C. One is just the random nat-
ed more sensitivity and dis-
a.m. Eastern in the Lower 48
states. The lowest was minus 34 in Montana and several areas were minus 20, according to the National Weather
this weekend is looking less mighty than it did a few days When w i l l it end ? ago. It's not soon enough for the meteorologists who pre• Soon enough. In North- dict it. "I'm sick of it," said the • ern California, heavy weather service's Terry.
Mind/Brain Institute.
<Plan Well, Retire l4eII
w eather feature called t h e
Pacific Decadal Oscillation — think of it as a cousin of El
this been a record Q •• Has winter'?
Nino — that warms the north-
• No. Given the unusual
ern Pacific and helps push the • heat in the West and the jet stream south. And finally, a cold in the East, they almost new and controversial theory
balance each other, Masters
is that a warmer Arctic region and shrinking summer sea ice from man-made global warming has shifted jet stream pat-
and Arndt said. So when the final monthly statistics come
terns, making it wavier and
out, January in the U.S. won't
be near record cold. "When you compare itto
bringing more unpredictable the 20th century, it was still weather. cold, but not d ramatically cold," Arndt said. I s it u n usual for t h e Q •• weather pattern to last
this long?
this just a U.S. Q •• Was thing?
A A• ica and Australia have either, said Bruce Terry, of the • It doesn't happen often, • but it's not that unusual
National Weather Service's Weather Prediction Center in
• No. Parts of South Amer-
had much warmer than normal weather. Parts of Europe
have been cold and stormy,
Sea probedeveloper goes deepfor Japan By Yumiko Kurashige
to insulation material for elec-
The Yomtari Shimbun
trical wire.
TOKYO — Since unmanned
deep-sea research vehiclescollectively dubbed Edokko-I — conducted a probe at a depth
Sugino likes fishing and has had astrong loveforthe ocean since his childhood. Inspired by an oceanic magazine he read in 2006, Sugino
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of 7,800 meters in November, Yukio Sugino has been giving proposed to owners of other lectures at schools and other small factories in the neighvenues. borhood that they build a small Sugino, president of a rubber and inexpensive research vesmanufacturing firm in Tokyo, sel, as he believed that Japan proposed building Edokko-l. would be able to become a reIn late January, the 64-year-
775 SW Bonnett Way, Suite 120, Bend, OR 97702
source-rich nation if it made
old engineer held the first de- use of seabed resources. briefing in Tokyo regarding At first, theyrejectedhisprothe achievement in the Japan posal, calling it "impossible." Trench off Chiba Prefecture. While Sugino managed to There are three independent have 16 factories join the projEdokko-I units. ect, the number declined to two Sugino was 30 when he in- at one point. heritedthe firm fromhis father, However, encouraged by the who was known as a leader in the production of special rub-
ber products. Using techniques his father taught him, Sugino produced more than 3,000 productsfrom a silicone pot for cooking
Investment advisory services offered through Global Financial Private Capital, LLC, a SEC registered Investment Advisor.
successfullaunch of a small
satellite Maido I, which was developed by small and midsize companies in Osaka, they completed the vessels over four years at a cost of about 20 mil-
lion yen (about $2 million).
The toll ofheroin
Continued fromA1 Wilson n ever
a n swered.
And his friend never came to save him. It was more than 13 hours
before his older brother, Bryce, found him and called
HEROIN DEATHSINOREGON AND DESCHUTESCOUNTY, 2002-12 Per100,000 Heroin deaths havebeensteadily rising in Deschutes County and in Oregon over the past10 years. Oregon Deschutes County
for help. Wilson had vomited,
aspirating the vomit into his lungs. The heroin had slowed his breathing, cutting to a bare minimum the supply of oxygen to his brain. At the
hospital, doctors told Wilson's mother, Jain, they didn't ex-
pect him to make it. Starved of oxygen, his brain had endured too much damage. The doctorswere ready to turn offthe ventilator keeping him alive. "They told us he had zero
0 .0 '02 '0 3
'04 '05 '06 '07 '08 '09 '10 '11 ' 12
UNINTENTIONAL ORUNDETERMINED PRESCRIPTION OPIOIDAND HEROIN OVERDOSE DEATHS INOREGON, 2000-12 Per100,000 While the number of overdoses from prescription opioid use has dropped from its peak in 2006, those from heroin rose dramatically from 2005 to 2007, but haveremained flat ever since.
chance of survival," she said. "We had picked the date of
death." But a simple test by a neu-
rologist suggested Wilson still had a chance to recover. For
Joe Kline/The Bulletin
lan Wilson and his mother, Jain, contemplate his two-year recovery from aheroin overdose. Heroin use has skyrocketed in Central Oregon over the past five years, resulting in s number of fatal and nonfatal overdoses.
~ P rescription opioid Heroin
more than four months, his mother watchedher son make
agonizingly slow progress, regaining feeling first in the tip of his finger, then his knuckle,
"It started as
r ecreation- tor Rick Treleaven. "There's
al use, and I liked the way it made me feel," he said. "The next thing I knew I was fully addicted to it."
then a hand and an arm. More than a year later, Wil-
son is still battling to regain the use of his legs. He came as
Koland sold drugs to pay for his habit, but when the supply ran scarce and he realized
close as possible to a fatal her-
oin overdose without dying, narrowly avoiding adding his name to growing list of casualties that has gone largely unnoticed in Central Oregon.
0 '00 '01 '02 '03 '04 '05 '06 '07 '08 '09 '10 '11 '12
heroin was 10 times cheaper, he made the switch.
Oxycontin pills sell on the
PRIMARY DIAGNOSISFOR UNINTENTIONAL PRESCRIPTIONOPIOD AND HEROIN OVERDOSE HOSPITALIZATIONS IN OREGON,2000-12 Per100,000 The hospitalization rate for opioids has remained high, while hospitalizations for heroin havenot increased significantly. State officials say heroin overdoses aremore likely to be fatal, and so fewer overdose victims end up in the hospital.
"It's horrible," Wilson said.
"Our generation is a horrible place to be because everybody is doing heroin." Heroin use has skyrocketed in Central Oregon over the pastfiveyears,fueled primarily by individuals addicted to prescription drugs looking for a cheaper, more readily available alternative. Local law en-
street for about $1 per milli-
gram, $80 for an 80 mg pill, $40 for a 40 mg pilL Taking two to three pills a day, as Ko-
land did, can add up quickly. Heroin, on the other hand, sells for $20 for a tenth of a
gram, or a point. "It's just a matter of time before somebody offers you the heroin or you know where you can get it," said Barrett Hamil-
~ P rescription opioid Heroin
forcement, medical personnel and addiction specialists have
ton, a recovery mentor at Best Care Treatment Centers in Redmond. "And even though
all reported increasing incidents involving heroin, and overdose deaths continue to tick higher each year. According to records from the Oregon State Medical Ex-
you may have already said, 'I'll never do heroin,' when you get sick from not having the pills, it's just a natural progression. It's cheaper, it gets you
0 '00 '01 '02 '03 '04 '05 '06 '07 '08 '09 '10 '1 I '12
aminer, there were two heroin
high, and it works better than the pills. And it's easier to get
Sources: Oregon State Medical Examiner Portland State University, Oregon Prescription Drug Monitoring Program
overdoses in Deschutes Coun-
ty over the five-year period from 2002through 2006.From
Andy Zeigert/The Bulletin
2007 through 2012, there were 11 heroin deaths in Deschutes
Central Oregon Drug Enforce-
County and one in Crook
ment Team said the amount of
Jason Koland, a 29-year-old former heroin addict. "Their
for the most part." Hamilton,
r ec o vering
heroin addict himself, said at least two-thirds of the clients coming through Best Care
heroin confiscated in 2013 was overdoses increased from the slightly less than in 2012, but 90 to 100 range 10 years ago, to agrees heroin use appears to more than 140 deaths both in be on the rise.
body gets so physically depen- have heroin addictions. Most dent on those and it gets so ex- are younger than 30, men and pensive to buy the prescription women generally from middrugs, so you go to the next dle-class or h igher-income "We don'thave the amount 2011 and 2012. best thing, which is heroin." families who would otherwise "I would say it's an epidem- here that somewhere like PortKoland, 29, came to Bend be in school or starting a caic, but it's more like a plague," land will have, so it takes only to escape the surroundings in reer but stumble down the said Crook County District one really large bust to skew Lake Tahoe, Calif., that led to pathway of addiction. "They become so helpless. Attorney Daina Vitolins. those numbers," he said. "Our hisheroin use.Sober formore Vitolins said there were at 2013 numbers were lower, but than three years, he is now a Once their whole life depends least two heroin overdoses it's still on the rise and at a lev- program coordinator for the on the heroin, they'll do anyin Crook County in the last el that is concerning to us." Central Oregon Men's Cen- thing," he said. "You find peoCounty. S t atewide, h e roin
Supply anddemand
"Just last Saturday an 18-year-old was transported
ter, a faith-based residential
ple hitting their bottoms a lot
not a lot of people doing heroin recreationally for very long," he said. Moreover, addicts quickly build up tolerance to heroin, and require larger or more
from a heroin overdose," she said late last week. "It's cheap-
er than prescription drugs and it's easier to get."
"If they're clean for 30 days
and their tolerance level goes
down, and then they go back out on the street and they try to use at the same level as when they went in, that will
kill them," Treleaven said. cravings. It makes for a hellish Oregon state officials are withdrawal experience, and preparing to release a new relapse is a constant worry. report on overdose deaths in Heroin, he says, also has a March or A p ril t hat shows much higher risk for overdos- while the number of opioid ing than many other illegal deaths is dropping, heroin drugs. deaths have not declined. "For heroin, you can see a For one, there is tremendous variability in the potency of significant difference in rates heroin sold on the street. Sell- for fatal versus nonfatal overers often mix additives into it dose," said Tom Beran, proto increase the amount they gram coordinator for the Orhave to sell. That makes it dif- egon Prescription Drug Monficult for addicts to tell how itoring Program. "People tend much actual heroin they're to die versus get hospitalized injecting. Addicts taking an for heroin overdose." It's easier for health offi80 mg Oxycontin pill know they're getting 80 mg of the cials to intervene with predrug. But those taking a tenth scription drug abuse because of a gram of heroin can't al- they can regulate physicians' ways be sure of how much of prescribing and pharmacies' the drug is in there. dispensing. But f o c using In other cases, the additives solely on shutting down the themselves can be fatal. Offi- supply without considering cials in Maryland, Michigan what will happen to those adand Pennsylvania are current- dicted to drugs may be what's ly investigating more than 50 driving the increased use of deaths linked to heroin laced heroin. with the powerful painkiller Beran said officials are Fentanyl. wary of pushing prescription Hospital emergency rooms drug abusers to trade one adare often the first to k n ow diction for another. The soluwhen a more potent product tion may lie in moving further comes into the region. upstream and preventing indi"My experience is it comes viduals from becoming addictfrequent doses to satisfy their
in waves. It will be like three,
four cases in a row," said Dr. Bill Reed, an emergency room physician at St. Charles Bend. "So then you kind of know t here is something new i n town." But most often, addicts get into trouble when they relapse
recovery program in Bend quicker. You can keep a meth The current surge in hero- run by Teen Challenge Pacif- addiction going for a long time after treatment or being in jail, in use may be the unintended ic Northwest. Four out of five before things get as bad as a consequence of steps taken to students come to the center be- heroin addiction will take you stem other forms of illicit drug cause of their heroin use. in a short amount of time." use over the past decade. New Koland said it took only two attraction initiatives to combat metham- to three weeks of using pre- Fatal p hetamine p r oduction a n d scription opiates before he was Heroin is as addictive as cigsales cut supply of the drug hooked. arettes, says Best Care direcat the same time the medical community was making a conscious effort to treat chronic pain more effectively. That
to Pioneer Memorial Hospital
and don't adjust their doses.
ed to opiates in the first place.
Continued next page
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Both Vitolins and Deschutes County Deputy District Attor-
<Don't'send jrou~r '-~:Stre S' +4"
ney Steve Gunnels say they've seen a significant increase in the number ofheroin cases coming across their desks in the past five years. "I used to never charge for heroin possession. It was maybe once every three years," Gunnels said. "But w e 're getting cases now because paramedics get called to an overdose and show up to find someone with a needle in their
valuable x.ugs,out of=town!
flooded the market with pre-
scription opioid painkillers, which teens and young adults began to pilfer from their parents and grandparents for recreati onal use. When au-
thorities began to crack down
on rampant prescribing of opi-
oids, many of those addicted turned to heroin instead.
Gunnels said he's prosecutResearch from the federal ing more people for having Centers for Disease Control a " substantial quantity" o f
and Prevention shows that
heroin. According to Oregon some 77 percent of heroin usstatute, being in possession of ers report first using prescripmore than five grams of her- tion opioids, and that 18- to oin constitutes a substantial 25-year-olds transitioned from quantity. opioid use to heroin use more "We're seeing cases with than any other age group. half-ounce or ounce quantities "It starts out with Vicodin, now," he said. "Typically, peo- Percocet, Oxycontin, and kids ple from here go to Portland to
that are 18, 19, 20 years old
buy quantity and then break it up to selL"
who don't think there's any problem with them taking prescription painkillers," said
Lt. Paul Kansky with the
.Sho'p)L oeal!-
,g u
"i7I'~I tIII" I I I,i:w)J>i;iI ")IiitIiI~i't'('i j( t('".'I>t Itl'I t~'IiI, "' ti0(:" iLIIq'l ~t"")'I j) I )'iI,,L j<tgi'tIIi, gepItig (il~ lt' 't," 3It'Iri< I~,i',,'~ IIt„, t,' t«'I«gi;„,".i„t,.~ilIjI P,„,ijj",'i!l'jidi Withmoretban60 yearsofexperient:e, we specializein the cleaningoffine Orienta lrugs.
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cuted hijackings or smuggled power stayed on, but just bare- situation was manageable." nuclear weapons. But con- ly, because it happened during Wellinghoff, now a partner
Continued fromAf
cern grows that C alifornia
a time when demand for elec-
may have come unnervingly tricity was very low. "Fortunately it was spring bring down the entire region close to learning that calamwest of the Rockies if you, in ity might just as easily be in- and we did not have air condifact, had a coordinated attack flicted by a few well-trained tioners running full throttle in like this against a number of snipers. the morning," said Stephanie substations," Wellinghoff said As law enforcement tries to McCorkle, a s p okeswoman last week. "This (shooting) piece together who fired at the for the California Independent event shows there are people electricity facility, lawmakers System Operator in Folsom, out there capable of such an and analysts express bewil- which runs most of the state's attack." derment that little is being electrical grid. "That's why the W ellinghoff's war n i ng done to protect against a reabout the incident at PG&E's peat performance. "We've got a vulnerability M etcalf substation was r e ported this week by The Wall and we've got to get serious Street Journal, expanding on about fixing it," said Granger a December report by Foreign Morgan, who heads the DePolicy magazine. partment of Engineering and Public Policy at Carnegie MelLooking at security lon University. "Almost everyOn Friday, severalsenators thing we do in modern society called on regulators to review relies on electricity." security operations at electrical utilities and consider
in the West," said a letter that
completedin2007 and became
was signed by Senate Majority
public two years ago. Asked what has happened since then
Regulatory Commission and the North American Electric
Reliability Corp., an industry group that sets rules for how power companies operate. FBI officials said they are
taking the shooting very seriously. "Based on the information
we have right now, we don't believe it's related to terrorism," said Peter Lee, an FBI
about the security of West Coast utilities and ability to withstand
tions acrosslarge swaths of
the country — and a scarcity of spare equipment — makes it possible to trigger an enduring blackout across several states simply by destroying
vandalism and attacks.
key transformers in one of them.
Don Bartletti Los Angeles Times
to protect the nation's electrici-
A close call The attack on the PG&E facility targeted the sophisticated transformers that are at
the backbone of the nation's electricity grid. The giant pieces of equipment are essential, costly and could take months
to replace. Knock out enough
of them, experts warn, and an entire region can be crippled for an extended period. They are also typically out in the open like sitting ducks.
spokesman in San FrancisOn that April night, the atco. But, he added, "Until we tackers managed to disable understand the motives, we 17 of them just by shooting won't be 100 percent sure it's through a chain-link fence. not terrorism." The bullet holes caused the Months after the shooting, transformers to leak thouthe bureau has named no sands of gallons of oil, and suspects. ultimately overheat. Grid opPotential terrorism scenar-
to concerns
Dianne Feinstein of Califor- ty system, Morgan replied that nia, Ron Wyden of Oregon very little has been done. and Al Franken of Minnesota. The letter was sent to executives at the Federal Energy
fice Stoel Rives, said the grid's interdependence on substa-
A National Research Council committee he chaired is-
imposing new rules to protect sued a 2007 report warning against future attacks. how easy it would be for a "Last year's sophisticated criminal enterprise to knock attack on the Metcalf substa- out the power grid in a way tion i n C a l ifornia's Silicon that "could deny large regions Valley was a wake-up call to of the country access to bulk the risk of physical attacks on power systems for weeks or the grid. The incident came even months," leading to "turuncomfortably close to caus- moil, widespread public fear ing a shutdown of a critical and an image of helplessness substation which could have that would play directly into resulted in a massive blackout the hands of terrorists." in California and elsewhere The classified report was Leader Harry Reid of Nevada and fellow Democratic Sens.
Attacks on utility substations have led
at the San Francisco law of-
"It would not be that hard to
a;m~ ~
fof votj
erators scrambled to reroute
ios usually involve elaborate power from elsewhere to keep cyberattacks, expertly exe- the system from collapse. The
Lsetee, . ~
After her son's overdose, she began to meet more and more create a population of people people with a family member with addiction dependencies," who had used the drug. "Everywhere I went, I would he said. Dr. Christopher Jones, an hear a story," she said. "I was addiction researcher with the amazed, because nobody is CDC, said health officials must talking about it." Bend's heroin problem cerrealize that the prescription opioid and heroin problems tainly doesn't rise to the level are related when trying to ad- of that of a major city. Former dress them. addicts say most of the local "Theinappropriateprescrib- supply is coming from Porting of opioids is what has cre- land. Dealers can buy a gram ated and is driving the prob- of heroin therefor$50,and relem. Over the long term, you've sell it for $200 in Central Oregot to change that," he said. gon, financing their own drug "But there is a cohort of people habit in the process.
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From previous page
"The whole point is not to
who are dependent and addict-
ed to prescription opioids, and simply not prescribing to them is not going to change their addictive behavior. You have to make sure you have systems in place for addressing that population." Many believe that must start even earlier, intervening with
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"You can't walk down the
street in Bend and buy drugs like you can in Portland. That
is a big difference," Koland, the Men's Center program coor-
dinator, said. "But any person who has an addictive personality, they're going to find the drugs regardless of the town." Locals say those transport-
potential addicts before they start experimenting with any drugs. "If you're getting into prescription drugs and heroin you started somewhere before
ing heroin often avoid the In-
that," said Laurie Wilmot, a licensed clinical social work-
product into the region.
terstate 5 corridor, which has a higher police presence. That makes Bend a r outine stop
along the route from Los Angeles to Seattle, bringing more
"The average normal person er in Bend. "You've got to get has no idea of the extent of the used to getting high. You've heroin here in Central Oregot to get pretty confident. You gon," Hamilton, the Best Care don't just try heroin when you mentor said. "The parents of go to your weed dealer the first teens or people in their early time." 20s, they have no idea that this Jain Wilson said she was is going on. It's going on right surprised how the widespread undertheirnose." heroin use in Central Oregon — Reporter: 541-617-7814, seems to fly under the radar.
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Trains Continued fromA1 State law
r e q uires p eo-
ple and companies to report all oil spills that affect state waters or exceed 42 gallons on land. For other hazard-
"There is growing concern that some oil shipments are improperly classified under federal hazardous material standards, leaving rail companies and emergency responders with incomplete information about what is being shipped through communities."
ous substances, the state — Sens.Ron Wyden, D-Ore.,andJay Rockefeller,D-W.Va. follows federal r eporting requirements. Typical diesel spills include Garliepp said he is concerned Those were sent to Federal a May 2012 incident in Mathat according to Murphy's Railroad A dmi n i stration, dras, in w hich BNSF Rail- law, anything that can go whose lawyers meet with the way reported that 75 gallons wrong will go wrong. railways to discuss the re"I knock on wood every ports, Johnson said. of diesel spilled during the refueling of an engine. State day because we're not that far records also reveal more se- away from it either, where I Congressionalhearing scheduled rious problems. Trains de- live," Garliepp said. railed in 31 of the hazardous Garliepp is also vice chairIn Washington, federal spills reported and although man of the Old Farm District agencies are updating federal none was in Bend, 10 of those Neighborhood Association standards fortanker cars in incidents were east of the board. B end f i r efighters the wake of several high-proCascades. and other f i rst r e sponders file derailments across North Early one morning in July have attended several of the America, most notably a fiery 2013, 27 cars of a Union Pa- a ssociation's meetings t o crash in Lac-Megantic, Quecific Railroad train derailed discuss how they would re- bec, which killed 47 people in La Grande. The derailed spond to a train accident in last June. cars included a benzene tank- the area. Garliepp said a lot L ast month, S ens. R o n er, which was empty at the of residents attended the last Wyden, D-Ore., and J ay time. Another t anker h eld presentation. R ockefeller, D - WVa., w h o "(The first responders) said chair the Senate Energy and a lye solution. A hazardous materials team ultimately de- they've got reverse 911, peo- Commerce committees, retermined the only substance ple should sign up for that, spectively, wrote to the secthat spilled was diesel, but in that they've got other ways of retaries of Energy and Transthe meantime law enforce- notifying people, evacuation portation, urging them to step ment evacuated people with- plans and response stuff," up their safety efforts. "There is growing concern in a quarter mile of the train, Garliepp said. "My own peraccording to a D E Q spill sonal feeling is that if several that some oil shipments are summary report. There was propane cars blew up over improperly classified under at least one similar close call there, the city would be a little federal hazardous materiin Central Oregon: a June overwhelmed." al standards, leaving rail 2000 derailment in Maupin, Battalion Chief Bob Madcompanies and emergency in which an initial report of den said all Bend firefighters responders with incomplete possible leakage from sulfu- are trained to make decisions i nformation about w hat i s ric acid cars turned out to be on how to respond to a re- being shipped through comunfounded. port of a hazardous material munities," the senators wrote. Kimberlee Van Patten is spill. This means firefighters "Such misinformation makes a DEQ emergency response would go to the site, identify it difficult to plan for — and duty officer who receives re- the substances involved by respond to — emergencies ports of hazardous material the codes on the railcars and and safety threats." spills. decide whether it is necessary In the wake of the Lac-Me"Most of the train crashes I to evacuate the area. If there gantic explosion, the Federal deal with are derailments that is a hazardous spill, the Bend Railroad Administration ishappen while they're jostling Fire Department would have sued an emergency order and, cars back and forth to hook to call on specially trained together with the Pipeline them up," Van Patten said.
teams from cities on the oth-
Gus Melonas, a spokesman er side of the Cascades, such for BNSF based in the Pacific as Eugene, Salem or GreshNorthwest, said the railroad am, said Battalion Chief Jeff regularly communicates with Blake. emergency responders, letBend firefighters typically ting them know w hat haztrain to respond to hazardous ardous materials the railroad spill scenarios using a miniais transporting through the ture model of a city. "It's hard community. Last year, BNSF, to do practical training" for conducted a hazardous mate- these incidents, Blake said. rial training exercise in CenMadden said t ha t a n ectral Oregon, "so that the local dotally, some of the comresponders are familiar with mon hazardous materials on what we haul, how we handle
trains that pass through Bend
it, and what to do in case of a hazmat (hazardous materials) scenario," he said. An average of 10 BNSF trains roll through Bend each day. On the larger Columbia RiverGorge line,the average is 35 trains a day, he said.
are propane, chlorine and sulfuric acid. "Probably the most common thing we see are big propane cars," Madden said.
Melonas would not say how often the Bend l in e t r ains
transport hazardous materials, describing it only as "a small percentage." "For security purposes, we don't put out
t h e v olumes,
specific routes or the types of commodities handled," he
said. Since 1981, there have been no fatalities as a result of a
"Occasionally there are some acid cars and things like that
the state.
Oregon is one of 30 states opers built a new subdivision that keep rail inspectors on next to the Burlington North- their payrolls, and Johnson ern Santa Fe Railway switch- said the Federal Railroad Ading yard. The city of Bend ap- ministration also has inspecIn southeast Bend, devel-
proved lots in the subdivision between 2000 and 2004, and
tors who work in the state.
struction near the tracks.
do our inspections," Johnson
"We're actually inspecting more homes are under con- as an agent of FRA when we Some residents have raised said. Railways also employ concernsabout dieselfumes their own inspectors. and the potential for hazard-
inspections, named after the
crude oil coming from North Dakota's Bakken oil region. In August, the two agencies
hosted a two-day public meeting on improving safety specifications for the DOT-111, the
model of tank car most often used to transport crude oil and ethanol.
Chris Kuenzi, hazardous materials compliance specialist for ODOT, said railways must transport propane and other gases in D OT-105 or DOT-112 tank cars.
The Association of American Railroads immediately
that, if we had a problem, came out in support of strictcould be very nasty." er standards for the DOT-111 The Oregon Department of tanker. There ar e 2 28,000 Transportation's Rail Safety D OT-llls c u rrently i n u s e, Section has one hazardous about 92,000 of which transmaterials inspector, one oper- port flammable liquids. Of ating practices inspector, two those, only 14,000 would meet track inspectors, two locomo- the industry's standard, and tive power and equipment in- the rest would need to be upspectors and one crossing sig- graded or phased out, accordnal inspector, Johnson said. ing to the association. The rail system in Oregon The S e nate C o m merce encompasses roughly 2,400 Committee has scheduled miles of t r ack, m ore t h an a hearing on rail safety for half of which is owned by the Thursday. Union Pacific Railroad and — Reporters: 541-617-7829,
hazardous materialsrelease in the railroad's northern tier, which spans Oregon, Wash- BNSF, according to the 2001 ington, Idaho, Montana and Oregon Rail Plan. The state's the Dakotas, he said. team of i nspectors might "Nothing comes before seem small, but Johnson said safety," he added. they are not the only inspectors checking rail safety in
Concerns in Bend
Hazardous Material Safety
Administration, launched a "Bakken Blitz" of increased
Johnson said the Rail Safe-
ous materials to spill. Home- ty Section only writes up reowner Kent Garliepp said he ports when inspectors find knew about t h e s w i tching safetyissues, and inspectors yard when he and his wife completeseveralhundred repurchasedtheirhome in 2005, ports each year. and he doesnot believe there However, only a few rewill be a serious problem for ports last year identified pothe neighborhood unless sev- tential violations of f ederal eral cars derail. Nonetheless, regulations, Johnson said.; 202-662-7456,
~nami Nslonal Alllance on Mantal lllness
By David E. Sanger and Eric Schmitt New York Times News Service
ligence officials investigating how Edward Snowden gained access to a huge trove of the country's most highly classified documents say
their knowledge. Some of that material indicates that Snowden " accessed" t h e
maker, and then at a different Hawaiian location for Booz Allen Hamilton, a technolo-
documents. But experts say gy consulting firm that sells they may well have been and operates computer secudownloaded not by him but rityservicesused by the govby the program acting on his ernment, Snowden learned behalf. something critical about the T he NSA's m i ssion i n -
NSA's culture: While the or-
cludes protecting the nahe used inexpensive and tion's most sensitive military widely available software to and intelligence computer "scrape" the National Secu- systems from cyberattacks, rity Agency's networks, and especially the sophisticated he kept at it even after he was attacks that emanate from briefly challenged by agency Russia and China. Snowden's "insider attack," by contrast, officials. Using "Web crawler" soft- was hardly sophisticated and ware designed to search, in- should have been easily dedex and back up a website, tected, investigators found. Snowden "scraped data out Moreover, Snowden sucof our systems" while he went ceeded nearly three years about his day job, accord- after the WikiLeaks discloing to a senior intelligence sures, in which military and official. State Department files, of far "We do not believe this was less sensitivity, were taken an individual sitting at a ma- using similar techniques. chine and downloading this A Web crawler, also called much material in sequence," a spider, automatically moves the official said. The pro- from website to website, folcess, he added, was "quite lowing links embedded in
ganization built enormously
automated." each document and can be Among t h e mat e r ials programmed to copy everyprominent in the Snowden thing in its path. filesare the agency's shared From his first days work"wikis," databases to which ing as a contractor inside the
velopedto find and indexnew pages on the Web. What officials cannot explain is why the presence of such software in a highly classified system
they have determined that
intelligence analysts, opera- NSA's underground Hawaii tives and others contributed facility for Dell, a computer
Ivory Continued from A1 At least 60 metric tons
of mammoth ivory is traded globally each year, said Peter Taylor, an engineer with almost 30 years experience in the mining and
explorer Affero Mining Inc. until it was acquired last year.
high electronic barriers to
keep out foreign invaders, it had rudimentary protections against insiders. "Once you are inside the assumption is that you are supposed to be there, like in
most organizations," said Richard Bejtlich, the chief se-
curity strategist for FireEye, a Silicon Valley computer security firm, and a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution.
"But that doesn't explain why they weren't more vigilant about excessive activity in
the system." O fficials said t h e W e b c rawler fu n c tioned li k e
Googlebot, a widely used Web crawler that Google de-
was not an obvious tip-off to unauthorized activity.
journal Nature. Critics of the trade in their
Mammoth tusks have been
tusks including Save the Ele-
mined in the resource-rich region of Yakutia in Siberia for hundreds of years. Taylor, a graduate of Britain's Camborne School of Mines who was
phants and the International Fund for Animal Welfare say it
also a pilot at BMI, wants to
normalizesivory and encourages the poaching of elephants to supply tusks for the illegal market. A recent campaign from Save the Elephants stated, "All ivory, even if legally sourced, fuels the ivory trade."
bring modern mining techniques to the search for the Ice Age creatures. Hunting for as long as 10 feet, can fetch the remains is analogous to A fifth of Africa's elephants $250,000, he said. exploring for alluvial gold, he maybe wipedoutover the next The trade takes advan- SBld. decade if poaching continues "I'm applying all the prin- at its current pace, with about tage of the global ban on elephant ivory to profit ciples I've learned including 22,000 killed last year, the from rising demand, espe- working in challenging envi- Convention on I nternational cially in China, where the ronments, which I think Alas- Trade in Endangered Species, commodity is prized as a ka and Siberia will be." Traffic and the International material for ornaments and Mammoths, members of the Union for Conservation of ¹ traditional medicine. Mam- elephant family, weighed as ture said in a Dec. 2 statement. moth ivory's reputation as much as 12 tons and were up Estimates of th e A f r ican both fashionable and ethi- to 5 meters tall at the shoulder, elephant population vary becal was given a boost when compared with 4 meters for tween 410,000 and 650,000, acfirst lady Michelle Obama the tallest African elephants. cording to Elephants Without "It makes elephants look like Borders. was photographed in 2010 wearing mammoth jewelry. children," Taylor said. "These Taylor plans to donate Mam"This is a legitimate nat- were big, magnificent beasts moth Mining's profit to conserural substitute for elephant when they were around." vation efforts. He is seeking ivory," Taylor, 52, said in an The last isolated popula- seed capital of about $1 million interview in Cape Town on tions disappeared about 4,000 to $1.5 million, and expects to Feb. 4. "If it's substituting years ago, probably because interest philanthropists or enor displacing the trade in of a combination of climate ergy and rmrnng companies elephant ivory, it's already changeand hunting, although exploring the Arctic who seek indirectly protecting the the exact cause remains a c orporate-responsibility i n elephants." m ystery, according to t h e vestment vehicles. The market is set to grow, a viation i n dustries w h o
founded Mammoth Mining in October. A single tusk,
with an estimated 140 million dead mammoths wait-
ing tobe dug up, many of them in frozen regions of Alaska and Siberia, he said. How much of the re-
mains are "harvestable" is unknown, said Taylor, who
was chief operating officer at Africa-focused iron-ore
February 18, 2014 Education Meeting
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S T A R T E D Pr e scription XIAFLEX is the
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"cord" can be felt. It's a medication given as part of an in-office procedure, with no surgery or general anesthesia required to administer. Studies show that XIAFLEX may help straighten the affected finger and improve range of motion — and that's no small thing.
In two clinical studies, 44% and 64% of patients
receiving XIAFLEX (versus 5% and 7% of patients receiving placebo) had a straight or nearly straight
finger after up to 3 XIAFLEX injection procedures. Most people required 1 or 2 injection procedures of XIAFLEX to help "break" the cord.
IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION XIAFLEX can cause serious side effects including tendon rupture (break), ligament damage, nerve injury or other serious injury of the hand, or allergic reaction. Surgery could be required to fix the damaged tendon or ligament. Call your doctor right away if you have trouble bending
your injected finger after the swelling goes down, pain, tingling, numbness, or problems using your treated hand or if you get hives, swollen face, breathing trouble, or chest pain. It's important to tell your doctor about a prior allergic reaction to XIAFLEX, or if you have a bleeding problem or use a blood thinner.
Common side effects include hand swelling, bruising, injection site reaction or bleeding, and pain. /
XIAFLEX should be injected into the cord by a healthcare provider who is experienced in injection
procedures of the hand and treating people with Dupuytren's contracture. You are encouraged to report negative side effects of prescription drugs to the FDA at medwatch or 1-800-FDA-1088. Please see Important Product Information on the
following page.
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FOR MORE INFORMATION, CALL 1-877-XIAFLEX o 2013 Auxilium Pharmaceuticals, Inc. All rights reserved. XDC-00449
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Important Product Information XIAFLEX® (Z'i a flex) (collagenase clostridium histolyticum) What isthe most important information Ishould know about XIAFLEX? XIAFLEX cancause serious side effects,including: 1. Tendon rupture or ligament damage.Receiving an injection of XIAFLEX may causedamage to a tendon or ligament in yourhand and cause itto break orweaken. This could require surgery to fix the damaged tendon or ligament. Call your healthcare provider right away if you have trouble bending your injected finger (towards the wrist) after the swelling goes down or you have problems using your treated hand after your follow-up visit.
Intrigue,conspiraciesasrivals vie to head internationalruling body By Dylan Loeb McClain New York Times News Service
The election campaign has plot elements worthy of a Le
2. Nerve injury or other serious injury of the hand. Call your healthcare provider right awayif you get numbness, tingling, or increased pain in your treated finger or hand after your injection or after your follow-up visit.
Carre novel: double-crosses
3. Allergic Reactions.Allergic reactions can happen in people who take XIAFLEX because it contains foreign proteins.
ship of some powerful country but the presidency of a fairly
Call your healthcare provider right away if you have any of these symptoms of an allergic reaction after an injection of XIAFLEX:hives, swollen face, breathing trouble, chest pain.
obscure organization that pre-
What is XIAFLEX?
oversees international chess championships and controls
XIAFLEX is a prescription medicine used to treat adults with Dupuytren's contracture when a "cord" can be felt.
tournaments and sponsorship
In people with Dupuytren's contracture, there is thickening of the skin and tissue in the palm of your hand that is not normal. Over time, this thickened tissue can form a cord in your palm. This causes one or more of your fingers to bend toward the palm, so youcan not straighten them.
are the grail of nationalistic
XIAFLEX should be injected into a cord by a healthcare provider who is skilled in injection procedures of the hand and treating people with Dupuytren's contracture. The proteins in XIAFLEX help to "break" the cord of tissue that is causing the finger to be bent. It is not known if XIAFLEX is safe and effective in children under the age of 18. What should I tell my healthcare provider before starting treatment with XIAFLEX? XIAFLEX may not be right for you. Before receiving XIAFLEX, tell your healthcare provider if you: • have had an allergic reaction to a previous XIAFLEX injection. • have a bleeding problem. • have any other medical conditions. • are pregnant or plan to become pregnant. It is not known if XIAFLEX will harm your unborn baby. • are breastfeeding. It is not known if XIAFLEX passes into your breast-milk. Talk to your healthcare provider about the best way to feed your baby if you receive XIAFLEX. Tell your healthcare provider about all the medicines you take, including prescription and non-prescription medicines, vitamins, and herbal supplements. Especially tell your healthcare provider if you use: a blood thinner medicine such as aspirin, clopidogrel (PLAVIX®), prasugrel hydrochloride (EFFIENT®), or warfarin sodium (COUMADIN®). If you are told to stop taking a blood thinner before your XIAFLEX injection, your healthcare provider should tell you when to restart the blood thinner. How will I receive XIAFLEX? Your healthcare provider will inject XIAFLEX into the cord that is causing your finger to bend. After an injection of XIAFI EX, your affected hand will be wrapped with a bandage. You should limit moving and using the treated finger after the injection. Do not bend or straighten the fingers of the injected hand until your healthcare provider says it is okay. This will help prevent the medicine from leaking out of the coi'd.
Do not try to straighten the treated finger yourself. Keep the injected hand elevated until bedtime. Call your healthcare provider right away if you have: signs of infection after your injection, such as fever, chills, increased redness, or swelling; numbness or tingling in the treated finger; trouble bending the injected finger after the swelling goes down. Return to your healthcare provider's office as directed on the day after your injection. During this first follow-up visit, if you still have the cord, your healthcare provider may try to extend the treated finger to "break" the cord and try to straighten your finger. Your healthcare provider will provide you with a splint to wear on the treated finger. Wear the splint as instructed by your healthcare provider at bedtime to keep your finger straight. Do finger exercises each day, as instructed by your healthcare provider. Follow your healthcare provider's instructions about when you can start doing your normal activities with the injected hand. What arethe possible side effects ofXIAFLEX? XIAFLEX cancause serious side effects.See "What is the most important information I should know about XIAFLEX?". Common side effects with XIAFLEX include:swelling of the injection site or the hand; bleeding or bruising at the injection site; pain or tenderness of the injection site or the hand; swelling of the lymph nodes (glands) in the elbow or underarm; itching; breaks in the skin; redness or warmth of the skin; pain in the underarm. These are not all of the possible side effects with XIAFLEX. Tell your healthcare provider about any side effect that bothers you or does not go away.
and allegations of stolen secret documents and self-dealing. At stake is not the leader-
sidesover a small corner of the gaming world, the World Chess Federation. The body
deals worth millions of dollars and championships that aspirations. The principal characters
Loic Landryvia The New YorkTimes News Service
Andrew Paulson would like the two candidates for the World Chess Federation'a presidency to be disqualified ao that he can take over. As the two candidates vie to lead the chess body, both accuse
each other of corruption, pointing to signed contracts posted There is a former world chess online that they contend proves dirty dealing by the other. champion, now a Russian oppositionleader;a former president of an obscure Russian tract published online is real tion, with Leong, who is from republic who believes that he but say it never took effect and Singapore, promising to delivwas abducted by extrater- that Ilyumzhinov never be- er a minimum of 11 votes from restrials in yellow suits who came an owner. his region, "with the effort to invented the game of chess; Ilyumzhinov, referring to deliver 15 votes." and an ex-fashion photog- the federation by its French T he federation ha s a rapher turned chess official acronym, FIDE, added in an one-country, one-vote, policy, who would like the first two email: "All that I sign that and there are about 175 voting candidates to be disqualified r elates to FIDE, has to g o members. The contract also so that he can take over the through the board. FIDE is said Kasparov promised to federation. more than a president, it's a open a new federation office in The latest intrigue revolves huge organization. I did not Singapore, to be run by Leong, around corruption allegations and will not sign anything that for which he would be paid an by the two candidates for the is not supported and approved undisclosed amount. federation's presidency, Garry by FIDE." That contract might also Kasparov, the former chamBut this contract had not explain why Leong, who for pion and Russian opposition been approved by the board. years had been Ilyumzhinfigure, and Kirsan Ilyumzhi- The federation's deputy pres- ov's most trusted lieutenant in nov, the incumbent president ident, Georgios Makropoulos, Asia, jumped ship and joined and self-described space-alien said in a statement that the K asparov's campaign i n abductee. deal was "just one of many October. proposals" and that it had The contract with Kasparov 'Dirty dealing' been rejected. He dismissed was signed in September. Such charges would nor- the contract as a red herring Kasparov, through his cammally hardly raise an eye- because "it never took effect," paign spokesman, Mig Greenbrow in the world of organized adding, in case anyone was gard, said that someone who chess, which has been rife wondering, "I have never re- had administrative access to with rumors of corruption for ceived even 1cent from Agon." Leong's FIDE account stole decades. What has rocked Paulson said he wanted Ily- the draft contract and then even the jaded chess world umzhinov to own a stake in leaked it. this time are signed contracts the company to assure that Neither Ka s p arov nor posted online that each can- the federation would try to Leong, however, has denied didate contends proves dirty work with Agon. "One man's the deal, and Kasparov posted dealing by the other. And each conflict of interest is another the final contract on his eleccandidate, while not denying man's alignment of interest," tion website last month, sayhis signature on the contract he wrote in an email. "If I was ing that "the Kasparov Team in question, claims his con- going to put a lot of my money welcomes such transparency tract has been maliciously into such a speculative ven- and are looking forward to misinterpreted. ture I wanted to be reassured seeing our opponents act in Even the Icelandic grand- I wasn't going to get sheared." the same manner." master Fridrik Olafsson, an He charged that the conI lyumzhinov called i t " a eminence grise of the chess tract had been stolen off his serious ethical issue" and deworld and former federation computer by a former employ- manded that Leong resign president, could only shake ee who was hired away by the as generalsecretary of the his head. Kasparov campaign. federation. So far, Leong has "Things are not as they In the end, he said, he re- refused. should be," he said. "There are mained the company's sole too many problems that have owner, a fact confirmed by Winner or loser? nothing to do with chess." corporaterecords on the Isle The chess federation is Kasparov has long been a of Jersey, where Agon was in- no stranger to intrigue or to critic of Ilyumzhinov, saying corporated in 2012. machinations by former playthat his odd beliefs and his Paulson said that he was ers with towering egos and a friendships wit h c o ntrover- n ever in c ahoots with I l y - thirst for strategic conquest. sial world leaders — includ- umzhinov to rob F IDE. By The keyplayers all have strong ing Saddam Hussein, Moam- way of proving his point, he ties to Russia, where chess is a mar Gadhafi and President said that he was still thinking matter of national pride and Bashar Assad — have hurt of running for president of the powerful p o l itical i n t erest. the credibility of the federa- federation as he thinks Ily- While there has been no sign tion and scared away would- umzhinov should be replaced, of Kremlin involvement in the be sponsors. He, and others just not by Kasparov. "I would election this year, the Russian in the chess world, have long say that this screams that I am government has stepped in a ccused Ilyumzhinov o f independent," he wrote in an before on behalf of Ilyumzhincorruption. email. Nonetheless, Kaspar- ov, who was appointed by the But there was never anyov calls the deal "an abuse of Kremlin as president of the thing that resembled proof power" and a conflict of inter- Russian republic of Kalmykia, until two weeks ago, when a est. "Those signatures speak and against Kasparov, a noted memo was leaked to The Sun- more effectively than their Kremlin political opponent. day Times of London and var- thousands of words of deniIn 2010, the former world ious chess news websites. In als and attacks," he said in a champion Anatoly Karpov the memo, Ilyumzhinov and statement. ran for the presidency of FIDE also seem drawn from fiction.
Andrew Paulson, the ex-fash-
Familiar accusation
Call your doctor for medical advice about side effects. You may report side effects to the FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088.
ion photographer, agreed to divvy up any profits of a new
General information about XIAFLEX
company created to stage the
If the accusation of a purloined contract sounds famil-
world's premier chess events.
iar to denizens of the chess
Medicines are sometimes prescribed for purposes other than those listed here. This is a summary of the most important information about XIAFLEX. If you would like more information, talk to your healthcare provider. You can ask your healthcare provider for information about XIAFLEX that is written for health professionals. For more information visit or call 1-877-663-0412. Registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. ©2013 Auxilium Pharmaceuticals, Inc. For US residents only. Auxilium Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 640 Lee Road Chesterbrook, PA 19087 XDC-00449
collage naseclostridiumhistolyticum
with the endorsement of the
Russian Chess Federation and Kasparov's backing. But after a top adviser to then-president Dmitry Medvedev sent
world, it is because Kasparov armed guardsto seize control and his campaign leveled the of the Russian Federation's ofsame accusation about anoth- fices, the federation switched bid contract in 2012 for the er secret contract disclosed its endorsement to Ilyumzhirights to organize, find spon- three weeks ago. n ov, who went o n t o w i n sors and market the world A leaked draft of that con- re-election. c hess championship, t h e tract, between Kasparov and With both candidates this World Cup and the Grand Prix Ignatius Leong, the general year under clouds of corrupfor 11 years. The rights are secretary of the federation, tion allegations, Olafsson said potentially worth millions of reported by The New York that the federation stood to be dollars. Times, shows what appears to the election's biggest loser. According to the memo, be a vote-buying scheme for The scandals scare away signed by both men, Paulson the federation's presidential potential sponsors, he said. would managethe company, election this August. The final "My impression is that compacalled Agon, and own 49 per- contract eliminated a direct nies do not want to come near cent, and Ilyumzhinov would payment of $500,000 to Leong chess because they feel it is own 51 percent. Ilyumzhinov but retained a donation of up corrupted. It should be possiwould also provide startup to $1 million from a foundation ble to straighten it out, but the capital of up to $2 million and controlled by Kasparov to a corruption is so strong." be repaid, with interest, out of foundation owned by Leong. As to th e candidates, he any profits. Ilyumzhinov and The full payment was con- added, "What is normal for us Paulson acknowledge the con- tingent on Kasparov's elec- is not normal for them." The chess federation, con-
trolled by Ilyumzhinov, had awarded the company a no-
The principal characters seem drawn from fiction. There isa former world chess champion, now a Russian opposition leader;a former president of an obscure Russian republic who believes that he was abducted by extraterrestrials in yellow suits who invented the game of chess; and an eX-faShion PhOtOgraPher turned CheSSOffiCial WhO WOuld like the firSt tWO candidates to be disqualified so that he can take over the federation.
Calendar, B2 Obituaries, B4 Weather, B8
"There's a significant
Yesterday, BS
interest in that site in
relation to the Oregon State UniversityCascadescampus."
WASHINGTON WEEK U.S. SENATEVOTE • For the third time, Democrats failed tosecure enoughvotes Thursdayto advancean extension ofbenefitsforthe long-term unemployed. The federalemergency unemploymentprogram lapsed onDec.28,andan estimated1.7 million people will stop receivingunemploymentpaymentsin 2014 as aresult. As they have previously,Senate Republicansfilibustered legislation thatwouldrestore the program.Needing 60 votes toadvance, the measurefailed, 58-40, with Majority Leader Harry Reid,D-Nev.,voting no, so that hecan bring the bill upagainlater. Four Republicansvoted for the measure, oneshyof the five neededif all 55Democrats votedyes. Jeff Nferkley(0).....................Y Ron lflfyden(O) ....................Y
— Peter Gutowsky,
Deschutescounty principal planner n
Brownfield soil testing could cost $438,000 By Elon Glucklich The Bulletin Ryan Brennecke/Ttte Bulletin
Justin Goodman uses his three-wheeler to slowly tow a group of neighborhood children on their sleds while playing in the mounting snow Saturday afternoon onthe eastside of Bend. Qo See a slideshow of snow photos at
Deschutes County is paying an environmental restoration
firm $438,000 to study a pair of contaminated properties for
future development. Those properties include
the county's old demolition
landfill next to the Oregon State University-Cascades
MAY ELECTION The May20election will serveas aprimaryfor avariety of statewide offices. Thedeadlineto get onto theballot is March 20.
Also onthe ballot:
• DistrictAttorney Patrick Flaherty isseekingre-election, andBendattorney JohnHummelhasalso filed to runfor theposition as well. • Countycommissioner seats heldbyTony DeBoneandTammy Baneyare upfor election. DeBone, aRepublican, has filed to runagain andfaces a primarychallengefrom RichardEsterman.Democratand currentBendCity Councilor JodieBarram hasannouncedshewil run forthe position aswell. • Electionsforassessor, clerkand treasurerwil take place. • District JudgeBarbara Haslingerhasannounced she'llretire. Herseaton the benchwillbe up for election. • Afive-year localoption fire levywouldtax propertyowners 20cents per $1,000in assessed propertyvalue.Thefire departmentcurrently receives acutof $1.18 per $1,000in assessed propertyvalue fromthe city's permanenttax rate of $2.80 per$1,000.
• Jim Hensleyis seeking re-election assheriff. •Thecountycommission seat held bySethCrawford is upfor election. Crawfordhas filed torun again. • Electionsforassessor and clerkwill takeplace. JEFFERSONNUNTY • Commission seatsheld by MikeAhernandJohn Haffield areupfor election. Ahernis seekingre-election; TomBrownand Mae Hustonhavefiledfor the otherseat. • Electionsforsheriff and countyclerkare alsoon the ballot. REGSTN TO VOTE • The deadlineto register to vote is 21days before Election Day. • Register online atthe Oregon secretary ofstate's website, bymailusing a form found on the website or in personatyour county elections office.
READ ONSNRIES • Coverageleading up tothe electionisat bsndbullstin.cmn/ election2N4
Campus site, which the school
• A good dealof snowfell FridayandSaturday; byMonday,roadsareexpected to becleared
has eyedasa potentialexpansion area. The county had hoped to
pay for the analysis with a $400,000 U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency grant to clean up brownfield sitesproperties that have some
By Hillary Borrud The Bulletin
ublic works agencies hope to have streets and highways more deared offby Monday, when warm temperatures willbegintomelt the snowfall from one of the biggest storms in the region in the past fiveyears. Saturday was relativelyun-
contamination but could be
eventful for law enforcement,
with some fenderbendersbut no major car cmshes in De-
use EPAbrownfield grants to clean up waste it caused. So instead of abandoning
schutes County. Law enforce-
the studies there, the county
ment and other government agencies in Central Oregon asked people to stay home if possible on Saturday, to allow public works crews to continue plowing the roads. Snow forced Redmond Airport to dose its airfield all day Saturday. The
will use its own money for
terminal remained open, and
weeks, crews with Maryland-based Apex Companies
airport employees expectedthe airfield to reopen today. The cold air that brought
restored with cleanup work. But officials said they real-
ized after receiving the grant late last year that the sites don't qualify for funding, because the county contributed to the contamination there. A local government entity can't
the work, which covers the demolition landfill site in Bend
and a former shooting range property north of Redmond Airport, County Administra-
tor Tom Anderson said. Starting in the next few Joe Kline i The Bulletin
Elena Pressprich, of Bend, skies while her dog, Rio, walks along Northwest Wall Street in front of the Downtown Bend Public Library on Saturday.
snow to Central Oregon was already movingnorth on Saturday. Roger Cloutier, a senior the city's goal is to dear all
said the forecast is for freezing into icy roads, although Cloutier saidthe chance of precipitation is less than in recent days.
challenge willbe dealing with the runoff, as the piles of snow along roadways begin to melt. "Our next concern is, we'll have a quick warming trend
The weather service expects
and rain, and then we'll have
rain on Monday, as high tempemtures in Bend could reach
a flooding situation," Hanson said. People should dear snow
the mid-30s. The forecast calls
around stormdrains on their
for temperatures to dimb into the 40s Tuesday.
the Deschutes County Sheriffs
Bend Street Division manag-
er Hardy Hanson said Saturday
analyzing soil to determine how much cleanup work can be done there.
forecaster with the National Weather Service in Pendleton, rain today. That could translate
will be at the two properties
Well shot!
streets by Monday. Then, the
streets to allowwater to drain, Officewrote in a news release. SeeSnow/B4
The testing is expected to run through April. The demolition landfill
site, near Southwest Simpson
• We want to seeyour photos of snowfor another specialversion of Well shot! that will runin theOutdoorssection. Submityour best workat we'll pickthe bestfor publication. Submissionrequirements:Indude as much detail as possible — when and where you took it, and
anyspecialtechnique used— aawellasyourname ,hometown andphone number.Photos mustbe high resolution (at least 6 inches wide and 300 dpi) and cannot bealtered.
Avenue and 14th Street in Bend, was used to store old
construction material and industrial waste between 1972 and 1997. Even after the site
was cleared, waste material had seeped below the property's surface. A property assessment by the county last summer found undetermined levels of soil contamination.
• The rest of the state encountered its own troubles,B3 • California finally sees some rainB6 ,
SeeTesting/B2 Paid Advertisement
W~ "Puhw~~Qmy!
Students meetwith counselors after Friday'sshooting incident • Some soughthelp in groups, others saw advisersalone
school's modular units adjacent to the mainbuilding, triggering
kids met with counselors indi-
a schoolwide lockdown that
lasted morethan two hours. Saturday, counselors from
Reinhart said both Deschutes Behavior Health and the Tri-County School Re-
By Tyler Leeds and Hillary Borrud
and the volunteer Tri-County School Response Team, a group sponsored by the High Desert Education Service
The Bulletin
About 40 Bend High School students made it to Bear Creek Elementary on Saturdayto
meetwith counselors following Friday's tragedy at the nearby high school. Around noon on Friday, a male Bend High student committed suicide with a firearm
in a classroom occupied by other students. The shooting occurredinside one ofthe
Deschutes Behavioral Health
District, were available at Bear Creek to meet with anyone
affected. "When somebody came in, folks would greet them inthe lobby and direct them
vidually, while others met in
sponse Teamwill continue to be available to students at Bend
Highnext week "We'll run the school day on a regular schedule and have a supportroomwherestudents and staff can go to get support and get help processing the
Look your best at any age. We're the leaders in non-surgical facial rejuvenation!
events," Reinhart said.
Counselors also will be avail-
somewhere, so we could assess where theywere at and listen to them," said Sean Reinhart,
able to come into dassrooms; Reinhart saidhe did notknow
director ofspecialprograms for Bend-La Hne Schools."Some
that witnessed the shooting. See School /B4
of any special plan for the class
M ED I l a se r
ce n t e r
541-318-7311 • 447 NE Greenwood • Bend
EMPTY BOWLS:Featuring hot soupand refreshments made by Ridgeview culinary students in ceramic bowls made by Ridgeview students and others; proceeds benefit Jericho Road; $10; noon7 p.m.; Ridgeview High School, 4555 S.W. Elkhorn Ave., Redmond; 541-504-3600. "SOMETHING WONDERFUL:THE RODGERS ANDHAMMERSTEIN CONCERT":Featuring musical performers and choral groups from
KNOW MOVIES:"BREAKFAST AT TIFFANY'S":A screening of the1961 classic film; free; 6 p.m.; Brooks Room, Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W.Wall St.; 541-3121034 or "BULLY":A screening of the 2011 documentary about bullying in schools across America; $5 suggested donation;6:30 p.m ., doors open at 6 p.m.; Volcanic Theatre Pub, 70 S.W.Century Drive, Bend; 541-323-1881 or www. FLYFISHING FILM TOUR: A screening of a film collection that showcases anglers; $15 plus fees; 7 p.m., doors open at 6 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W.Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www.towertheatre.
around Central Oregon; proceeds
benefit Court Appointed Special Advocates of Central Oregon; POSTPONED;Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or SECONDSUNDAY:Three Oregon authors discuss their writing craft and the importance of being brave on the page; CANCELED; Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-617-7050 or TRIO VORONEZH: The Russian folk band performs; CANCELED; RidgeviewHigh School,4555 S.W. Elkhorn Ave., Redmond; 541-3507222, or HOUSE CONCERTS IN THE GLEN: The Eugene folk singer Beth Wood performs, with Los Ratones; bring dish or beverage to share; $10-$15, reservation requested; 7 p.m., doors open at 6 p.m. for potluck; The Glen at Newport Hills, 1019 N.W. Stannium Drive, Bend; 541480-8830 or ja© WILL DURST:The political satirist performs "Boomeraging: From LSD to OMG"; $15, $13 for KPOV members in advance, $17 at the door; 7:30 p.m., doors open at 7 p.m.; Volcanic Theatre Pub, 70 S.W. Century Drive, Bend; 541-323-1881 or
Email events at least 10 days before publication date to communityli or click on "Submit an Event" at Ongoing listings must be updated monthly. Contact: 541-383-0351.
Courtesy Alison Scarpulla
Rose Windows, a Seattle Sub Pop band, is slated to perform a free concert 7 p.m. Wednesday at McMenamins Old St. Francis School.
For more information, visit orcall 541-3825174.
$50 percouple, reservationrequested
by Feb.10; 6-8 p.m.; BluePine Kitchen and Bar, 25S.W.Century Dr., Bend; "THE METROPOLITANOPERA: RUSALKA"ENCORE:Starring Renee 503-974-1219 Fleming in a soulful fairy-tale opera, "FROM WHARFRATS TO LORDS with Piotr Beczala as the prince; OF THEDOCKS":Actorlan Ruskin opera performance transmitted depicts the life of labor leaderHarry live in high definition; $24, $22 Bridges; free; 6:30 p.m.;Central seniors, $18 children; 6:30 p.m.; Oregon Community College, Hitchcock Regal Old Mill Stadium16 & IMAX, Auditorium, 2600 N.W.College Way, 680S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend; Bend; 541-383-7700. 541-312-2901. "BYE BYE BIRDIE": A presentation "DEAD COMETO LIFE"TOUR: of the1960 musical featuring The Christian musicians Jonathan choreography by Michelle Mejaski; Thulin, Shine Bright Baby and dress in your '50s best; $12.50 for Loftland perform; free; 7-10 p.m.; reserved seats, $10at the door; 7 Book & Bean, 395 N. Main St., p.m.; Ridgeview HighSchool,4555 Prineville; 541-447-3778 or www. S.W. Elkhorn Ave.,Redmond; 504-3600 or linda.nyeIeredmond. "RUSHMORE":Ascreening of the 1998 film directed by WesAnderson; VIRGINIARIGGSCHILDREN'S free; 7 p.m.; TheOldStone, 157 N.W. CONCERT: An informative and Franklin Ave., Bend; 541-322-7273 or interactive concerteventwith the Central OregonSymphonyand Cascade School of Music; free; 7p.m., FLYFISHING FILM TOUR: A 6:30 p.m. instrument petting zoo; Bend screening of a film collection that High School, 230 N.E.Sixth St.; 541showcases anglers; $15 plus fees; 317-3941, info© or 7 p.m., doors open at 6 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W.Wall St., Bend; MONDAY 541-317-0700 or www.towertheatre. "ROMEOAND JULIETON org. KNOW MOVIES:"CASABLANCA": BROADWAY": A screening of the A screening of the 1942 classic ROSE WINDOWS:The Seattle psych broadway production of the classic film; free; 6 p.m.; Tin Pan Theater, rock band performs; free; 7 p.m.; love story starring Orlando Bloom; 869 N.W. Tin Pan Alley, Bend; 541- McMenamins Old St. Francis School, $20; 7:30 p.m.; RegalOld Mill Stadium 312-1034 or www.deschuteslibrary. 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-38216 8 IMAX, 680 S.W.Powerhouse org. 5174 or Drive, Bend;541-312-2901. MEDIA SALON:"Don't Hide Your FAILURE MACHINE:The Reno, Nev. Love Away" theme with live music; soul-grunge band performs, with Patrimony; $5; 9 p.m., doors open free; 7-9 p.m.; Broken Top Bottle FRIDAY Shop 8 Ale Cafe,1740 N.W. Pence at 8 p.m.; Volcanic Theatre Pub, 70 Lane, Suite1, Bend; 541-728-0703 S.W. Century Drive, Bend; 541-323- YEE PAW!: A country western or 1881 or www.volcanictheatrepub. Valentine's dancewith live music, com. dinnerandadancelesson; proceeds ZACHARY LUCKY: The Canadian singer-songwriter performs, with benefit BrightSide AnimalCenter; Anthony Tripp; $5; 8 p.m., doors $50, $10 for music anddancing only; THURSDAY open at 7 p.m.; Volcanic Theatre 4:30p.m.,7p.m.m usicanddancing; Pub, 70 S.W. Century Drive, MAMA SWEETHEARTDINNER:A Maverick's Country Bar 8 Grill, 20565 Bend; 541-323-1881 or www. fundraising dinner for the nonprofit Brinson Blvd., Bend;541-325-1886or drug education organization; $30 or
letin they hope to market the
Continued from B1
"There's a significant interest in that site in relation to the
The Apex assessmentthere will determine how much
OREGON WINTERFEST:Winter carnival featuring a market place, live music, artisan fire pits, ice and snow sculptures andmore; $6-$8 in
advance,$10oneventday; 5-10p.m.; Old Mill District,661 S.W.Powerhouse Drive, Bend; 541-312-0131 orwww. VALENTINEDINNERANDDANCE: A baked Cornish gamehen dinner with music by Bradley D;leave a message with name,contact number, dateofmessageandthenumber
in yourparty;$15,$25percouple, reservations requested; 5-7 p.m. dinner, dancing until closing; American Legion Post 45, 52532 Drafter Road, La Pine; 541-536-1402. SUNRIVERMUSIC FESTIVAL'S VALENTINE'SDAYCONCERT 5 DINNER: TheSalem Big Band performs love songs, with dinner and dancing; $80; 6 p.m.;Sunriver Resort Great Hall,17600 Center Drive; 541593-9310 or "BYE BYE BIRDIE": A presentation of the1960 musical featuring choreography by Michelle Mejaski; dress in your '50s best; $12.50 for reserved seats, $10at the door; 7 p.m.; Ridgeview HighSchool,4555 S.W. Elkhorn Ave.,Redmond;541504-3600orlinda.nye@redmond. "THE CANTERVILLE GHOST": The comedic play byOscarWilde about a ghost living in anold mansion
inEngland;$8,$5studentsand seniors; 7 p.m.; Summit High School, 2855 N.W.Clearwater Drive, Bend; 541-322-3300. "ITHAPPENED ONE NIGHT":A screening of the1934 classic film
(NR); free,refreshmentsavailable;
7:30 p.m.; RodriguezAnnex,Jefferson County Library,134 S.E. ESt., Madras; 541-475-3351 or "LOVELETTERS":Cascades
Theatrical Companypresents theA.R. Gurney play about loveandfriendship between childhood friends; $19,$15 for seniors ages 60and older, $12 for students; 7:30 p.m.; Greenwood Playhouse,148 N.W.Greenwood Ave., Bend;541-389-0803 or www. HIGHDESERT CHAMBER MUSIC SERIES:A Valentine's Dayconcert featuring Catgut Trio; $42, $15 students and children 18and
ZWICKELMANIA:An Oregon Brewers Guild event with beer tastings, brewery tours, special
JACK MARTINANDTHE HOUSEBAND:The Northwest folkrock band performs, with Laura Curtis and Travis Ehrenstrom; $10 at the door; 8-11 p.m.; The Belfry, 302 E. Main Ave., Sisters; 541-815-9122 or
zwickelmania. JUMPER JACKPOTSERIES: Competitors jump their horses for cash in a variety of classes; free; noon; Fruition Farm, 5707 S.W. Quarry Avenue, Redmond; 541410-9513 or "BYE BYEBIRDIE": A presentation of the 1960 musical featuring choreography by Michelle Mejaski; dress in your '50s best; $12.50 for younger; 8p.m., doorsopenat 7 reserved seats, $10 at the door; 2 p.m.; TowerTheatre, 835 N.W.Wall p.m.; Ridgeview High School,4555 St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www. S.W. Elkhorn Ave., Redmond; 504-3600 or linda.nye©redmond. TONY SMILEY AND KEEZ:Anelectro- pop-rockperformance;$7in advance, "THE CANTERVILLEGHOST": The $10at the door; 9 p.m., doors openat comedic play by Oscar Wilde about 8 p.m.; Volcanic Theatre Pub, 70S.W. a ghost living in an old mansion Century Drive, Bend;541-323-1881 or in England;$8,$5 students and seniors; 2 p.m.; Summit High VIBESGUAD:Theelectronic musician School, 2855 N.W. Clearwater performs, with Thriftworks, JPodand Drive, Bend; 541-322-3300. III Effekt; $12 plusfees in advance, $15 MIDDLE EASTERNDANCE at the door, $25 for couples; 9 p.m.; SHOWCASE:Dancers from the Domino Room, 51N.W.Greenwood High Desert Belly Dance Guild Ave., Bend;541-408-4329 or www. perform; free; 6 p.m.; Bend Circus Center, 911 S.E. Armour Road; 541-728-3598 or www. SATURDAY "BYE BYEBIRDIE": A presentation of the 1960 musical featuring BEND INDOORSWAP MEET AND choreography by Michelle Mejaski; SATURDAYMARKET:Featuring dress in your '50s best; $12.50 for arts and crafts, collectibles, antiques, children's activities, music reserved seats, $10 at the door; 7 Ridgeview High School,4555 and more; free admission; 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; S.W. Elkhorn Ave., Redmond; 541p.m.; Bend Indoor Swap Meet,679 504-3600 or linda.nye©redmond. S.E. Third St.; 541-317-4847. RUN FORCHOCOLATE:A 5K run/ "THE CANTERVILLEGHOST": The walk with chocolate aid stations; comedic play by Oscar Wilde about proceeds benefit the La Pine High School Future Business Leaders of a ghost living in anold mansion America and athletic programs; free in England;$8,$5 students and seniors; 7 p.m.; Summit High for spectators, $25 before Feb. 9, School, 2855 N.W. Clearwater $35 through day of race; 10 a.m.; Drive, Bend; 541-322-3300. Sunriver Resort, 17600 Center "TO BEGINTHE WORLD OVER Drive; AGAIN: THE LIFE OF THOMAS SENSATIONALSATURDAY, BEADS PAINE":Actor lan Ruskin performs AND BAGS:Learn the symbolism of the Plateau Indian bags; included his one-person show; proceeds benefit the League of Women in the price of admission; $12 Voters of Oregon education fund; adults, $10 ages 65 and older, $7 ages 5-12, free ages 4 and younger; $14.25-$19.75 plus fees; 7 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall 10 a.m.-1 p.m.; High Desert St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www. Museum, 59800 S. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; 541-382-4754 or www. CENTRAL OREGON SYMPHONY WINTER CONCERT:Featuring OREGON WINTERFEST:Winter violinist Lindsay Deutsch and carnival featuring a market place, music of Rossini, Tchaikovsky live music, artisan fire pits, ice and snow sculptures and more; $6-$8 in and more; free, but a ticket is advance, $10 on event day; 11 a.m.- required, donations accepted; 7:30 p.m.; Bend High School, 10 p.m.; Old Mill District, 661 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend; 541-312- 230 N.E. Sixth St.; 541-317-3941, or www. 0131 or www.oregonwinterfest.
releases andpricing, and more;
free shuttle service between breweries; free; 11 a.m.-4 p.m.; various breweries around Bend;
land to companies after that
Oregon State University-Cas- lead and other contamination cades campus," Peter G u - from discharged bullets has towsky, the county's principal seeped intothe soil. planner,said. Gutowsky sa id th e i d e a The landfill shares a bor- behind both site tests is t o der with the planned univer- speed up the time frame for sity site, and officials have the county to make the propvoiced concern over potential
erties attractive to potential
encroachment from the landfill site ontothe college land. The Redmond property, owned by Deschutes County, hashousedthe Redmond Rod 5 Gun Club shooting range for morethan 40 years. In December, the county rezoned 465 acres of land, including the shooting range,to industrial property, hoping to lure
buyers. "We'll hopefully be ableto see what the possible market is for these properties,how
new businesses to the area.
The club's lease is set to ex-
county has started looking for other eligible properties.
pire June 1. Deschutes County officials have told The Bul-
— Reporter: 541-617-7820, eglucklich®bendbulletirLcom
much contaminants are there
and be able to minimize the cleanup cost,"he said.
The county still h a s t h e
EPA grant funds and can use them on other brownfield sites. Gutowsky said the •
• 0 •
• •
Week Contlnued from B1 • On Tuesday, the Senate passed the FarmBill, which Congress had beenworking on for more than threeyears. President Obama signed the bill, which sets agricultural policy and will cost $956 billion over 10years, into law on Friday. Thebill cuts funding for food stamps by $8 billion over 10 years, largely by changing the eligibility requirements associated with utility spending by food stamp recipients. The bill passed 68-32, with46 Democratsand 22 Republicans supporting it. Nine Democrats joined 23 Republicans in opposing passage. Jeff/I//erkley (D)................. Y Ron H/yden(D).................. Y
• On Wednesday, the House of Representatives passed the Sportsmen's Heritage andRecreational EnhancementAct, which reduces federal restrictions on hunting and fishing on federal land. The bill requires that hunting, fishing and sport shooting on federal land not require a review of the environmental impact, since the effect is deemedminimal. The measure passed by a268-154 margin, with 227 Republicans and 41 Democrats supporting it. All of the no votes werecast by Democrats.
— Andrew Clevenger, The Bulletin
T P E ',
Greg H/a/den(R) ............... Y Ear/Blumenauer (D)..........N Suzanne Bonamici (D) ......N Peter DeFaz/o(D)...............N Kurt Schrader (D).............. Y
Where Buyers And Sellers Meet •
• • Classifieds
cecovers i ame e a e By Steven DuBois T h e l a st
installment in a trilogy of Northwest storms caused
lic officials and police are warning people in storm-battered sections of Oregon to stay out of their cars. Oregon State Police Lt. Steve Mitchell says troopers statewide have responded to about 600 weather-related crashes since Thursday, andassisted another 900 motorists who needed help. Mitchell says most of the crashes havebeen minor, but there was afatality Friday on Interstate 84 near Rooster RockState Park. He says icecauseda driver to lose control, and
scatteredpower outages Sat-
urday, and there were expectations of more to come, as the snow turned to freezing
rain and ice for a wide swath of Oregon. The National Weather Ser-
vice said Portland received 2 inches of snow before it changed to sleet around sun-
set, and it forecast a half-inch of ice accumulation by this morning. Elsewhere Saturday, freezing rain fell from the wine country southwest of Portland to the lower Wil-
lamette Valley south of Eugene, triggering an ice-storm warning that s tretched for
more than 100 miles. "Snow is bad. But ice i s
Woodburn stabbing victim ID'd —Woodburnpolice have identified a manfatally stabbed near acity intersection. Police say 18-year-old Ricardo Hernandez, ofWoodburn, wasstabbed Thursday night. The state medical examiner ruled the death ahomicide from multiple stab wounds. Noarrests have beenmade. — From wire reports
Rancher,son to have sentencesreconsidered The Associated Press
ing it out of production for two growing seasons. Steven Hammond was ranching family received too also found guilty of setting lenient a punishment for set- fires in August 2006 on the ting fires to public land, and boundaryofthe Hammonds' they should be resentenced, land. Despite a burn ban, a federalappeals court has the court noted, he said he
the vehicle collided with a
worse," said Miles Higa, a National Weather Service
PORTLAND — Two members of an eastern Oregon
tree. The driver suffered serious injuries and his female passenger died. She was identified Saturday as 37-year-old Kimberly Hayes of Portland. Travel is expected to remain hazardous through today, andthosewho must drive can expect delays.
More than 3,000 people in the Portland region were without
Medfnrd teaCherS Strike —The Medford School District and striking teachers planned to resume talks Saturday. Teachers in southern Oregon's largest district walked out Thursday after failing to reach a deal on anewcontract. Salary, working conditions and retirement benefits remain sticking points. District officials havealready canceled classes for Monday. If no deal is reachedthis weekend, the plan is to reopenschools Tuesdaywith substitute teachers. The district reportedly has hired about 50 security guards. District Superintendent Phil Long says they will provide 24-hour security to protect property and ensure "mischief doesn't happen."
Authoritieswarn againstdriving
The Associated Press
p o w e r Sa t u r day
morning, but almost all had lights before noon. The number edged back up to about 400 by 6 p.m. and was expected to rise as it became icier
— The Associated Press
late Saturday.
Farther south, power outages were reported Saturday near Silverton and Mt. AngeL
set them to counteract fires
A three-judge panel of the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals reportedly said U.S. District Judge Michael Hogan illegally sentenced
sparked by lightning nearby.
Beth Nakamura I The Oregonian
edly made roads impassable and left some without power.
munities near Eugene. The Springfield Utility B oard, ern location on the U.S. map, sketchy," Higa said. Portland sometimes goes an Police and public officials ily i n d o w ntown an d e ast entire winter without snow, have urged people not to Springfield. and residents and businesses drive, and that message was The snow began swirling were not prepared to shovel. heeded by most as many in Portland shortly before The transition to freezing streets were empty Saturday. 10 a.m. Saturday, falling on rain was likely to make the Residents also had fewer top of streets and sidewalks roads extra treacherous and reasons to leave home as the p acked w i t h s n o w f ro m the sidewalks more slippery. O regon Zoo, Portland A r t "The (Monday) morning Museum, Multnomah Counstorms that struck Thursday and Friday. Despite its north- commute could be a little ty Library and many shops meanwhile, said 2,000 cus-
tomers lost power, primar-
were closed. For bicyclists, the weather even doomed the annual "Worst Day of the Year Ride"
scheduled for this weekend. Organizers had hoped to stage a 15-mile ride through downtown a f te r a n n ouncing Thursday that its more
challenging 46-mile event through the hills of west Portland was canceled for safety
reasons. "Alas, Mother Nature wins
this round," organizers announced on the event's website Saturday.
Medicare may cost hospital 3300K
Purchase by
COOS BAY — New, strict-
sures, said CEO Paul Janke.
The criteria, set by Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services in 2012, cause hospi-
tals to incur increasing penalties — starting with losing
February 28th, 2014 Treatments performed by May 1, 2014
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up to 1.5 percent of their reim-
bursement in October 2014if they don't score well enough. The penalty grows a quarter percent annually until it reach-
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es 2 percent.
However, Medicare is adding more criteria that will make the possible percentage grow. Hospitals also get incentives for good scores. It hits Bay Area hard be-
causeabout 50 percent of its patients are on Medicare or Medicaid, Janke said.
The scoring system is a complex formula comparing hospitals against each other. It also
looks at how each hospital has improved from two years ago
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compared to other hospitals.
Bay Area has the highest readmission rate in Oregon, Janke said. Readmission rates
measure how many patients are readmitted to the hospital within a month of their initial
F~ ~
BEND'S FIRST MEDICAL SPA Locally Owned 4 Operated Since 2000
visit. Partially because of Bay Area's high readmission rate,
it will lose between $200,000
and $300,000 this year, and could lose up to $3 million next year.
~ AF
A% A
The (Coos Bay) World
$300,000in Medicare funding this year due to the new mea-
Hogan sentenced the fa-
By Emily Thornton
The hospital will lose up to
of public land, according to the decision.
ther to three months in pristerms below the five-year on and the son to one year minimum established by and a day. Congress. "A minimum senThe sentencings in Octotence mandated by statute is ber 2012 were Hogan's last not a suggestion that courts before his retirement the folhave discretion to disregard," lowing day after nearly 40 Judge Stephen Murphy III years as a federal judge. Acwrote in Friday's opinion. cording to a transcript from Dwight Hammond Jr., 72, the hearing, Hogan said he and his son, Steven Ham- didn't believe Congress inmond, 44, were found guilty tended for the five-year minin 2012 of intentionally and imum to apply to fires set in maliciously setting fires in the wilderness. "I will impose a sentence September 2001 near Steens Mountain, where they leased that I believe is defensible public land for l ivestock under the law, but also one grazing. The fire consumed that is defensible to my con139 acres of public land, tak- science," he said.
er guideli nes from Medicare broughton by the Affordable Care Act have more than a thousand hospitals nationwide feeling financial strain. And Coos Bay's Bay Area Hospital i s n o d i ff erent.
The fire consumed one acre
the Harney County pair to
And downed trees were said Snow swirls around a pedestrian on Martin Luther King Boulevard to have caused widespread in Portland on Thursday. Several days of snow and ice have reporto utages in th e r u ra l c o m -
* Selectiveservices, check website for details.
"I don't know all the details, nor do l
Continued from B1 Bend-La P in e S c h ools Board Chairwoman Cheri Helt emphasized the d i strict's commitment to con-
DEATH NOTICES Beverly Ann Bateman, of La Pine Mar. 11, 1940 - Jan. 26, 2014 Arrangements: Autumn Funerals, Bend 541-318-0842 Services: No services will be held.
Florence Dorothy Devlin, of Bend Aug. 12, 1917 - Jan. 24, 2014 Arrangements: Autumn Funerals, Bend 541-318-0842 Services: A Family Gathering will be held at a later date. Contributionsmay be made
Dahl, a political scientist, looked at how our democracyfunctions By Douglas Martin New York Times News Service
Robert Dahl, a political scientist who was widely re-
garded as his profession's most distinguished student of democratic government,
Conn. He was 98. His daughter Sarah Connor
Partners In Care, 2075 N.E. Wyatt Court, Bend, Oregon 97701.
In 2002, The New Yorker said Dahl was "about as
covered with honors as a scholar can be" and quoted the Cornell scholar Theodore
Jan. 6, 1959 - Jan. 22, 2014 Arrangements: Autumn Funerals, Bend 541-318-0842 Services: A Private Service will be held at a later date.
Noma Virginia Smith, of Bend Sept. 11, 1924 - Jan. 27, 2014
Arrangements: Autumn Funerals, Bend 541-318-0842 Services: No Services will be held at this time. Contributionsmay be made to:
Partners In Care 2075 N.E. Wyatt Court, Bend, Oregon 97701.
Obituary policy Death Notices are freeand will be run for oneday, but specific guidelines must be followed. Local obituaries are paid advertisements submitted by families or funeral homes. Theymay besubmitted by phone, mail, email or fax. The Bulletin reserves the right to edit all submissions. Please include contact information in all correspondence. For information on any of these services or about the obituary policy, contact 541-617-7825. Deadlines:Death Notices are accepted until noon Monday through Friday for next-day publication and by4:30 p.m. Friday for Sunday publication. Obituaries must be received by 5 p.m. Monday through Thursday for publication on the second dayafter submission, by1 p.m. Friday for Sunday publication, and by 9a.m. Monday for Tuesdaypublication. Deadlines for display ads vary; please call for details. Phone: 541-617-7825
Email: Fax: 541-322-7254
Mail:Obituaries P.O. Box6020 Bend, OR 97708
"Over decades, when political
scientists focused on increasingly narrow
and often technical died Wednesdayin Hamden, confirmed the death.
of Bend
s ervices available for
also have the relevant
conversations about school security and mental health."
people affected by this awfultragedy." "I don't know all the de-
tails, nor do I think anyone does at this point in the inv estigation. But
at this pointin the
investigation. But once we see what it uncovers, we will
— Bend-La Pine Schools Board Chairwoman Cheri Helt
o nce w e
see what it uncovers, we
Marilyn Kay Paustian,
tinuing to provide grief services, saying, "The board's main focus will be making sure we have counseling
think anyone does
Lowi as calling him "the foremost political theorist of this generation." Dahl, who taught at Yale for 40 years, provided a defi-
questions, he's the one person who brought everybody back to the big
picture, the big questions."
the effects of political power on average people. He attended the University
of Washington because it was the closest university, then accepted a fellowship to do
graduate work in political science at Yale. After earning his Ph.D., he worked for the Agriculture Department and two agen-
cies handling wartime industrial production. He then relinquished his draft deferment and joined the Army as an infantryman. He fought
— James Fishkin, in Europe and earned the Stanford professor Bronze Star.
After the war ended, he was assigned to an Army unit different ethnic and economic charged with "de-Nazifying" nition of politics memorized backgrounds competed. the German banking system. by a generation of students: Dahl initially defended plu- Not wanting to go back to be"The process that determines ralistic competition as inher- ing a bureaucrat, he returned the authoritative allocation of ently democratic, but in later to Yale, got a temporary job values." books he theorized that pow- there and ended up staying His definition of power also erful, politically agile minori- until 1986, when he retired became a standard: "A has ties could thwart the will of as the Sterling professor of power over B to the extent that he can get B to do something that B would not other-
other minorities and, indeed,
political science and senior re-
majorities. He particularly
search scientist in sociology. Dahl was chairman of the
worried that corporate man-
wise do."
agers could dictate the direc- political science department tion of their companies, often from 1957 to 1962. hundreds of articles, Dahl without reference to shareIn 1968, he led a committee wrote about foreign policy, holders. He advocated giving that recommended that Yale Congress, welfare, the Con- outsiders, including govern- become one of the first Amerstitution and more. He was ment and interest groups, like ican universities to establish an early proponent of using consumer r epresentatives, an undergraduate major in real-world data and empirical a greater role in corporate African-American culture. It analysis in the study of poli- governance. did. In 1972, he headed a comtics, but did not shrink from He also wrote that citizens mittee that r e commended making judgments on large in recent years have had less that Yale's four-year course of issues. influence over the political study be cut to three and that "Over decades, when po- process, even as they have de- majors be abolished. Those litical scientists focused on manded more of it. He pointed proposals were rejected. increasingly narrow and of- to growing economic inequalDahl was president of the ten technical questions, he's ity as a threat to the political American Political Science the one person who brought process. And he criticized the Association in 1967. He was a everybody back to the big Constitution as undemocratic, member of the National Acadpicture, the big questions," saying it disregarded popula- emy of Sciences, the AmerJames Fishkin, a professor of tion differences in guarantee- ican Philosophical Society communications and political ing at least one representative and the American Academy science at Stanford, said in and only two senators to each of Arts and Sciences. He was an interview Friday. "What state. a Guggenheim Fellowtwice. is the form of democracy that Dahl saw no way of changIn 1995, he was the first will live up t o d emocratic ing this, because the Consti- recipient of the Johan Skytte aspirations?" tution specifically prohibits Prize in P o litical Science, Perhaps Dahl's best-known it. But he suggested reforms, an award given by Uppsala work was one of his earliest: like term limits for senators University in Sweden to the "Who Governs'? Democracy and representatives and run- scholar who has made the and Power in an American off elections, so the winner most valuable contribution to City" (1961), which examined of everyrace could claim a political science. Dahl's first wife, the former the political workings of New majority. "He punctured our smug Mary Bartlett, died in 1970. Haven, Conn. In contrast to the view that self-satisfaction that what we In addition to his daughter, power in American society have is so great," Fishkin said. he is survived by his wife, the was concentrated in a busiRobert Alan Dahl was born former Ann Sale; his daughIn two dozen books and
ness elite, he depicted a multi-
Dec. 17, 1915, in Inwood, Iowa,
ters, Kirsten Dahl and Jane
tude of groups competing for where his father was a docinfluence. tor. When hard times made it "Instead of a single center impossible for many patients of sovereign power," he wrote, to pay their medical bills, the "there must be multiple cen- family moved to Skagway, ters of power, none of which Alaska, where a railroad had is or canbe wholly sovereign." advertisedfora doctor. New Haven, he argued, Robert worked on the railhad experienced a historical road and as a longshoreman progression from patrician during the summers and berule to a more contested form came a socialist and union of government in which polit- advocate. The experience ical parties and candidates of helped inspire him to study
Thery; his sons, Eric and Christopher; and four grandchildren. Another son, Peter, died before him.
will also have the relevant conversations about school
at Bend High, said in an security and mental health," email, "This show of unity Helt said. "But at the board will mean that regardless of level, the security and health
school rivalries, we are all
of our students is always our part of an awesome commumain priority." nity that loves and supports Interim Bend Police Chief
its students."
Jim Porter said police are following up on final leads and writing r eports on the incident at Bend High School. "We are no longer actively investigating," Porter said Saturday. There
"We have to support each other, because no one really
were two incidents in the
ence was like for students
past three years in which students brought guns to
in the school and the inner
knows how to handle this
emotionally," Manns added. Manns' account of Frid ay's event offers a w i n dow into what the experi-
challenges they continue to face. "When t h e pr i n cipal said. However, in both cases the students left the weap- came over the loudspeaker ons in their cars, and police announcing the lockdown, investigations determined he sounded scared, and he the students did not have didn't say it was a drill, so any criminal intent. I immediately knew someAs the grieving process thing was wrong," Manns following Friday's shooting wrote. "We were just sitting c ontinues, students f r o m in our classroom texting our across the district have be- parents and friends, makgun organizing a show of ing sure everyone knew we supportforthose affected at were okay and checking on Bend High. At Summit High our friends. Rumors starting School, junior Casey Apre- flying and that was all we gan first heard something had to go on. It was horrible, was wrong just before 1 p.m. because we were all glad Friday, when texts and ruthat (we) were safe; selfishly, mors raised the possibility we were glad it was not an of something as severe as a intruder. I will never forget school shooting and as rel- what happened." atively trivial as a bad car After being reunited with crash, she said. her mother, Mann said she "For a while, no one really "cried and cried" upon realknew what was happening, izing the deceased student's but everyone was talking mother "won't ever be able about it," Apregan said. "I to hug him again." had a couple of teachers who Manns was positive there finally said there was an in- was something to be learned cident with a f i rearm, but from Friday's tragedy. "I think the biggest lesson that nobody was in danger." Reflecting on the events we have to take away from afterward, Apregan and this is that anyone can be two classmates, Kim Peo- hurting and not show it," ples and Taylor Warden, Manns wrote. "We need to decided to organize a "Blue go the extra mile and get and Gold" day this Tues- out of our comfort zones. day via Facebook to hon- Talk to people we normally or Bend High's colors and wouldn't, smile a lot, even community. when you don't feel like it. "We were just talking Take your earbuds out and about how horrible it was, look up from your phone. and so we decided to do Take stock of your blessings something," Apregan said. and spread love to those "There's obviously a rivalry who seem down or sad, and between all the schools in just everyone in generaL sports, but we still all live Be encouraging, thoughtin Bend and everyone has ful, and kind. Forget about friends at all three of the looking cool, having swag, high schools. We wanted or being popular. Try being school in Bend, the chief
to show we're rooting for them." Jasmine Manns, a senior
human." — Reporter:541-633-2160,
Dahl readily conceded that
Weekly Arts Br Entertainment ested in work, family, health, Inside Maaanas friendship an d r e c reation
most people are more inter-
than they are in politics, much
u.r< 5trt)X6 &o.
>j B~ dU 1~
Bend Redmond
less political science.
"Politics is a sideshow in the great circus of life," he
John Day
Burns Lakeview
La Pine
In-Home Care Servlces
Snow Continued from B1 Peter Murphy, a spokesman for the Oregon Department of Transportation, said
that highways could become "sloppy" if t e mperatures
"That's one of the reasons why they got so much, becauseitwas a dry,fluff y,powdery high ratio. The colder it is, the greater the snow-
ple shovel snow into piles on their property, not into the
to-water ratio."
wouldn't say (the streets are)
— Roger Cloutier, senior forecaster with the National Weather Service in Pendleton
warm up as forecast. "Actual-
ly, the more we can hope for continued cold, the better off we'll be, because it will allow
us to continue to scoop up snow," Murphy said. ODOT brought in a road grader with a special blade from Burns to break up comp acted snow o n
th e B end
Parkway over the weekend, and Murphy said employees, including a h i ghway construction employee who happened to have a commercial driver's license, pitched
in to operate snow removal equipment. Meanwhile, some l ocal ODOT employees were sent to clear snow i n
S a n tiam
Pass, because the crew that normally handles that area was diverted to Salem. "We've been putting the maximum effort out," Mur-
phy said. As temperatures hovered in the teens Friday and Saturday, the snow in Central
Care for loved ones. Comfort for all.
streets. "It's a lo t o f
s n ow, so I
clear, but they are passable," Hanson said Saturday. "The
problem is with the volumes of snow, we do it, and in three to four hours, we have to do it
Oregon was lighter and had a higher snow-to-water ratio than in warmer temperatures.
weather spotter reported 8 again." inches fell over 24 hours from Bend volunteer coordinaFriday through Saturday af- tor Cheryl Howard works C loutier s ai d w h e n s n o w ternoon. It snowed 16 inches with a network of people who forms at32 degrees,the ratio in La Pine over the same time remove snow f r o m p u b l ic is typically 10 inches of snow period, Sisters received 12 areas, such as bridges, and for every 1 inch of water. At inches and it snowed 22 inch- shovel sidewalks for people 14 degrees, the low tempera- es over a 24-hour period in who are elderlyor face other ture in Bend Friday, Cloutier Camp Sherman. challenges and cannot afford "It's certainly one of the to hire contractors. said the snow-to-water ratio is usually closer to 25 to 1. biggest storms in the last five On Saturday, Howard said "That's one of the reasons years," Cloutier said. "This the city did not ask volunwhy they got so much, be- is really the first big snow- teers to travel outside their cause it was a dry, fluffy, pow- storm for Central Oregon, neighborhoods, because it dery high ratio," Cloutier said. and it came kind of late in the was too difficult to drive. "The colder it is, the greater season." Instead, volunteers looked the snow-to-water ratio." Beginning on Friday night, for opportunities to help in A w e ather s p otter j u s t public works employees and their ow n n e ighborhoods northwest of Bend reported contractors worked around and Howard said that as peo19 inches of snow fell over 24 the clock to clear streets and ple cleared driveways and hours from Friday through had covered most of the city cross-country skied down Saturday afternoon and some on Saturday. streets, it became a social day of the time "it was snowing But as snow continued to for many neighborhoods. "Neighbors who have nevat a rate of 1 inch per hour," fall, the streets that crews reCloutier said. cently cleared were covered er even talked are just out The snowfall varied wide- again by the time workers skiing," Howard said. ly across Central Oregon. In returned. — Reporter: 541-617-7829, Crook County, a Powell Butte Hanson asked that
luvs Donuts andTheBulletin BringYou
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, eators tout t e area's ra i rowt
Compiled by Don Hoiness from archivedcopies of The Bulletin at the Des Chutes Historical Museum.
100 YEARSAGO For the week ending Feb. 8, 1914
The Metropolis of Central Oregon (Advertisement)
from O'Donnell field in preparation for the construction of
land in 1958 with the firm.
a recreation ground and two
man of 48, is married and
has been taken to East Third and Lafayette. The second
in pond mud
building which the PWA crew of six men is to move will be
mud of the drained Mirror
taken to East Second street.
sible suffocation this morn-
Old fences and corralsat
A boy who mired in the Pond narrowly escaped posing at about 10 o'clock. The youngster had walked out on an icy fringe from the east bank of the river, up-
Bend's growth and improve- the east side of the field are ment with other new towns to be removed in preparation stream from the Drake Park you know'? for grading work on the rec- foot bridge. Suddenly the ice Do you realize that in two reation center. The grading broke and the boy started short years Bend has grown work will not interfere with sinking in the soft mud. from a small country town
the Elks ball field and the ball
ing the first high-level visit to
w ell-conditioned Pakistan by an official from
more houses are to be moved has two children. His wife, from the property recently ac- Claire, is a good player too. quired by the city of Bend. The first house to be moved Ice breaks, miring boy
Do you realize the rapid The third piece of property is strides that Bend is making? to be cleared by the owners. Do you ever stop to compare
Hill, a
Boys nearby noticed the
Moscow in 20 years arrived
R ecreation
accuses an officer
D i s t r ic t m a y
appeal a decision saying that the sign at Aspen Hall
today in Islamabad for talks — The old Shevlin Park with Pakistan leaders on Hatchery — must be taken ending the Afghan civil war. down because it d e tracts "The Soviet leadership from the historic nature of has decided to consult with the site. the government of Pakistan Vince Genna, park adas to how best to contrib- ministrator plans to appeal. ute to restoring peace and "It burned down," Gentranquility in Afghanistan," na said of the old H atchShevardnadze said after his ery building, which was arrivaL destroyed in August 1987. Under the April accords, "It's gone. We can comthe Soviet Union will com- m emorate the site wit h a plete the withdrawal of its troops from Afghanistan by m onument. W e 'r e r e a l l y Feb. 15. Pakistan harbors going to do a history out Moslem rebels fighting the there." Genna continued, Soviet-backed Kabul government and funnels them "What's out there now is a arms supplied by the United beautiful building but it's States, China and M i d dle very contemporary. You can see how much differEast nations. Rebel leaders said they ent this (the new building)
of assault The Associated Press EUGENE — Eugene police say a probationary police officer is no longer with the department, and the lawyer for a
man arrested on suspicion of drunken-dri ving has given the city notice of intent to sue over
"significant injuries" caused by abeating at the jaiL Eugene police said they cut ties with the officer, Charles Caruso, on Dec. 19 — about
of five or six hundred people grounds will be in shape for to a wide awake, up-to-date the beginning of the baseball little city of twenty-five hun- season this spring. dred. Bend has built over four Work on the field will be hundred residences in the last continued through the spring two years. In the last year she and may be completedby has built six substantial brick July. or stone business blocks, conNote to readers: O'Donnell
plight of the youngster. Two of them, Doug Brown and Don Williams, quickly "borrowed" a coat from another youngster, tossed it toward
taining fifteen store rooms be-
name of the old Hatchery h i m p r opos- building has been brewals that "will pave the way ing since last fall when the for a peaceful settlement" landmarks comm i s sion in Afghanistan after the sent a letter to the park diswithdrawal. trict objecting to the name The rebels are making change to Aspen Hall. preparations for the Friday A favoritespot for wedformation of a representative dings and community gathcouncil intended to act as an erings, the old hatchery electoral college that would was built 50 years ago and vote for an interim govern- was listed on the county's ment to replace the Sovi- register of historic places. et-backed regime. In a December hearing, The river w a s d r a ined In Kabul, Afghanistan, Genna testified he thought Thursday afternoon, to per- a large convoy carrying mit the frost-kill of aquatic the bulk of the city's Soviet it was ridiculous to give
knowledged in a statement that
weeds, and a survey of the
garrison rumbled out of the
intends to sue for unspecified
mud banks.
capitol Saturday, leaving only a token force in the city
F ield was located north of
the stranded boy while hold-
ing to one arm of the garment, then started a slow rescue.
sides additions and improve- Greenwood Avenue and east Gradually, the boy was ments to other buildings, she of therailroad tracks where pulled from the mud and takhas just completed a modern Miller Lumber is located toen ashore. sewer system at a costof day. O'Donnell Field was a When first sighted by $79,000. She is just starting venue for rodeos, the circus, companions, the boy was a $25,000 school house, the baseball and football games sinking fast in the mud, line bonds for which sold away and otherlarge-scale events. of which was between his above par, had graded her The grandstand, added in waist and his arm pits. streets and has just installed 1939, along with most of the Officers have cautioned an up-to-the-minute system of bleachers, was destroyed by all youngsters to stay away cluster electric lighting. fire on July 8, 1943. from the treacherous mud Do you know of another banks, which in some places town to compare with her? Odds against war are like quicksands. B end's i m p rovement
in Europe are narrower
growth is just beginning. No Betting odds against a Britother town on the map offers ish-German war w i t hin six a betteror surer reward tothe
investor or home seeker. We are owners or exclusive agents for the following property which comprises the most desirable in Bend. Original Townsite of Bend — Riverside Addition — Lytle — Center Addition — Bend Park — Park Addition — First Addition to Bend Park — Second Addition to Bend ParkBoulevard Addition — Lava
months narrowed to 10 to I today as the house of commons
reassembled to hear Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain answer Adolf Hitler's speech to the Nazi Reichstag.
Newspapers and some of-
25 YEARSAGO For the week ending Feb. 8, 1989
ficial commentators empha-
sized the thin thread of hope Afghan peace sought for peace which they read into Soviet Foreign Minister Hitler's speech. This was re-
Eduard Shevardnadze, mak-
have no plans to meet with Shevardnadze. Pakistan has said it hopes the visiting minister would
is from th e ol d
H a tchery
building." The controversy over the
bring with
the new building the same
Moscow invaded more than
name as the old building. Further, the building was never officially named the
nine years ago to support a friendly regime, Soviet
Genna said even though
Hat c h ery,
three months after the alleged
incident at the jail. Prosecutors are reviewing the suspect's allegations to determine if Caruso
shouldbe chargedwith assault. Police Chief Pete Kerns acShaymond Michelson suflered injuries when Caruso used force while arresting him Sept. 13. Because of Michelson's potential lawsuit and the pending
criminal investigation involving Caruso, Kerns did not speak in detail about the case, a police
spokeswomansaid. Caruso was with the department for 17 months — a month
before his probationary status was to end. He dedined comment when contacted.
Michelson's lawyer, informed the citylast month that his client damages. Michelson was handcufM during the incident at the jail, Cournoyer wrote in the tort-
sources said.
t hat's the n ame l i sted i n
Sign decision
ister. Instead, it wa s sim-
daim notice. The area of the jail where Caruso allegedly beat Michelson reportedly has at least one video camera, but the author-
ply called The Hatchery at
ities have yet to release any
Shevlin Park.
faces appeal The Bend Metro Park and
the county's historic reg-
flected in well informed com-
Road Addition.
ment in Berlin. But the British public had
We Invite You to Call or Write for Further Information
read in the speech that Germany and Italy stood united
or Descriptive Matter, Maps, against the democratic world, Etc., that they would fight together Bend Park Company in any totalitarian-democratic war, that there must be a
Road expert available
sweeping redistribution of the
The following letter has been received by C ounty Judge Springer: To the Honorable Board of the County Court, Prineville,
Oregon. Gentlemen:
world's wealth.
50 YEARSAGO For the week ending Feb. 8, 1964
The extension division of the
Winning badminton title
Oregon Agricultural College an old story He's never been beaten in takes great pleasure in announcing that arrangements Oregon singles. That's the story of Bend's have been made which will place Prof. GV. Skelton, our state champion of long standhighway expert, at the service ing. Russ Hill climbed to the of the people of the state. We s tate badminton t hrone i n are anxious that his service be 1945, and has been there ever used in a way to best advance
the cause of better roads. For this reason, we are communicating directly with you. Prof. Skelton has just re-
since. Last weekend for the 16th
time, Hill successfully defended his state badminton title in the state tournament at
turned f ro m a n e x t ended Eugene. He has won it every investigation of t h e s ubject year since 1945.
of highway construction in the United States. This, to-
gether with his long study of the subject, qualifies him to speak with authority on this
Though proud of his honor, Hill maintains that there is a definite void of badminton tal-
ent in Oregon. This weekend he treks to
question. Seattle for a m uch tougher We are now arranging dates go-around, the Washington for Prof. Skelton and shall be Open. Hill is quick to point out pleased to include your county that the states of Washington in the itinerary if you are in a and California are far superiposition to use his services to
or in badminton competition.
advantage. Yoursrespectfully,
Not only does Hill reign supreme in singles, but he has done his share of damage in doubles competition as welL Recently, he and p artner C.H. "Chuck" Cleveland cap-
Ralph D. Hetzel
75 YEARSAGO For the week ending Feb. 8, 1939
tured the state doubles title in Portland. Cleveland i s o w ner o f Bend's North Pacific Products
House is moved from fieldhere
where Hill is office manager. One house has been moved Hill moved to Bend from Port-
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Filial bond keeps deputies together By Tami Abdollah
in somebody's crosshairs," he
The Associated Press
SAN BERNARDINO, Calif. — Det. Alex Collins was
the manhunt, Det. Matt Col-
As Ryan helped coordinate
speeding down a mountain lins, now 37, hiked through a road, dosing in on ex-cop- snowstorm with other SWAT turned-killer
Rich Pedroncelli 1 The Associated Press
Umbrellas were put to good use as showers swept through Sacramento, Calif., on Friday. Drought-stricken California is getting some relief, as a storm system the likes of which, forecasters say, the region has not seen in more than a year, sweeps across the state.
ai ornia ina sees rain, no enou oa eviae The Associated Press SAN FRANCISCO — Cali-
fornians accustomed to complaining about the slightest change in the weather welcomed a robust weekend storm that soaked the north-
ern half of the drought-stricken state Saturday, even as rain and snow brought the
threat of avalanches, flooding and rock slides. In Willits, one of 17 rural
communities that California's Department of Public Health
recently described as dangerously low on water, Bruce Burton, a c it y
c o uncilman,
said he was cheered seeing the water levels in a local reservoir and his backyard pond creeping up and small streams flowing again. The city in the heart of redwood
country usually sees about 50 inches of rain a year and was expected to get about four
the state's drought worries,
ing a dent out of it, but it is not
eas as of Saturday morning, a significant dent." National Weather Service hyThe storm deposited a foot drologist Mark Strudley said. of snow on the top of Lake With areas north of S an Tahoe ski resorts that have Franciscoforecast to see an- relied on man-made snow for other few inches by Sunday, much of the season, and ele-
3rd quake in'IOdays serves asa reminder Los Angeles Times
A shallow magnitude 3.0 earthquake that was centered near H ollywood and
shook parts of the Los Angeles basin Saturday morn-
les basin and generally don't signify that the "big one" is coming, Guarino said. Every
officers had been shot, he frantically tried calling Alex
again. Thephonewas dead. For the swarms of police whohuntedDornerlastyear, the manhunt was more than just a matter of public safety
Dorner. No answer.
The sound of a silenced high-power rifle was followed by a burning wallop, as a bullet enteredAlex'leftnostril, pierced
the roof of his mouth, split his tongue and burst through his — it was personal; he was jaw. Shots to his chest and foretargeting their brettuen. For arm knocked the rifle from the Collins brothers, howev- his hands. His leg was hit. He er, it was even more so. thoughthe was goingto die. Dorner, 33, was wanted
Matt Collins was drawn into
captain and her fiance in
away, but couldn't tell if one was
Orange County. Dorner said the former captain had poorly represented him before the discipline board that recommended his firing. On Feb. 7, he opened fire
hisbrother. He had abad feeling
Tiffany Morrissey, a Silicon Valley family doctor who was working on ski patrol at the Alpine Meadows resort Saturday, said several lifts
and tried to call Alex. It went straight to voicemaiL
Ryan Collins heard the dispatch, and he started calling Alex. He called at least 10 times.
safety precaution, but cars carrying people wanting a
Under a smoke screen as offiing an officer sent to guard cers fiml at Dorner, two SWAT one of his targets. Later, he officers dragged Alexto safety. ambushed a Riverside paAlex, now 27, spent a month trol car, killing one officer in the hospital, returning for and seriously wounding an- roughly20 surgeries. other, police said. Then, he He returned to full duty eight
taste of fresh powder filled up
months after the shooting. To-
the parking lots.
Ryan Collins, now 39, had briefed officers in Big
day, he has an almost indiscernible limp.
Bear Lake, in the snowy San Bernardmo Mountains east
But Alex and his brothers still talk daily and have dinner to-
and runs were closed as a
"It's a h eavy, wet snow, and because of the avalanche
danger, the lines are pretty long. But you could hear people having a great time out on the mountain," Morrissey said.
Forecasters hope the storm portends an end to the persistent dry weather that has
snow in the last week, already
have improved the outlook for
other storm is possible next
weekend. Southern California was of California's water supply. expected to be mostly dry. When state surveyors last Forecasters said measurechecked on Jan. 30, the snow able rain over the weekend pack was at 12 percent of nor- likely would not fall farther mal for this time of winter. By south than San Luis Obispo the Sierra Nevada snowpack, which provides about a third
Saturday, it was at 17 percent
and northern Santa Barbara
of normal.
counties, as a ridge of high
o n an LAPD ~
r, gr a z -
of Los Angeles, to be on the gether with their parents every lookout for Dorner. It seemed Sunday. trouble elsewhere had a way of rippling into the ski resort town.
Sure enough, hours later, Collins went to investigate a reportof a car fi re, and discovered Dorner's smol-
dering pickup. Collins said he and another deputy eyed each other, faces white as ghosts. Dorner was on their
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ed. The odds of that decline
due for a massive quake. The
southern section of the San
at 10:13 a.m. at a depth of five Andreas Fault, which starts miles and was felt from the n ear th e S a lton Se a a n d west side to East L.A., said runs north to Palmdale, has Anthony Guarino, a seismol- historically caused a large ogist at Caltech. earthquake every 150 years According to the U.S. Geo- on average. It has not ruplogical Survey, the epicenter tured since 1680. "There is a very high probwas near the intersection of Melrose and Virgil avenues, ability that it will rupture in on the eastern edge of Holly- our lifetime or our children's lifetime," Guarino said.
use these small
Mondaysi 10 a.m. — 2 p.m. (Walk in only) Redmond DHS 1135 SW Highland Ave.
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quakes as a reminder: You
days. need to be prepared with a "It's pretty standard for week's worth of food and L.A.," Guarino said. "There water and have a plan of acare a lot ofdifferent faults there."
tion," he said. "Don't run out-
Clusters of small quakes
Drop, cover and hold on to
are common in the Los Ange-
dispatcher. Alex Collins and his partner fromthe department. Det. Jeremy King followed a "We had no delusions," hunch he would take the back Sgt. Ryan Collins said. "It road off the mountain. was not going to end well for Matt was racing to the scene whatever deputy it was who a few minutes behind Alex, found him" while Ryan helped the ReynoldWhen Ryan heard a ses. Both brothers called Alex, dispatch last Feb. 12 that knowing he was nearest to
chance of being a foreshock for a larger quake, he addquickly as time goes by. The region remains over-
wood. It was the third magnitude 3.0 or greater quake to hit that area in the last 10
Dorner," a woman told the 911
earthquake has a one in five
ing was the third temblor to hit the area in the last two The latest quake occurred
search ' We've been tied up by
swath of the Central Sierra N evada because wind h a d
plagued the state for months and contributed to its drought emergency. Light precipitation is forecast for Wednesday and Thursday, and an-
"At least we ar e
The call came after noon on the sixth day of the mountain
the baby of the family to be careful. Dorner, a former Los Angeles policeman, vowed to kill as many officers as possible to avenge his firing
gered, was high in a wide
The additions, which followed some brief periods of
deputies — called to warn
both natural and human-trig-
blown new snow onto weak layers of existing ice and
cabins looking for footsteps or anything suspicious. Everyone figured it was only a matteroftim e before Dorner emerged.
in the Feb. 3 killing of the the chaotic firefight when he ardaughter of a retired Los rived.He could see deputies on Angeles Police Department the ground acouple dozenyards
the danger of avalanches,
vationsabove 7,500 feetw ere expected to get another foot or two by Sunday, said Holly Osborne, a National Weather Service meteorologist in
By Jason Felch
erators, the Sierra Avalanche Center warned Saturday that
The Republican-controlled HousepassedabillW ednesday dubbed aresponse to the drought, but the measurefaces a White Houseveto threat. Democrats haveattacked the House legislation for rolling back environmental protecA White tions. They havecalled for House of ficial hearings and begunwork ona said Obama separate measure. will visit the Central Valley city Republican DavidValadao, Feb.14. The White House alwho represents part of Fresno ready had announcedObama's County and other parts of the plans to meet with Jordan's Central Valley, said in astateKing Abdullah II at the Sunny- ment Friday night that hewas lands estate near PalmSprings "cautiously optimistic" that that day. Obama understood the seriObama's visitcomesas ousness of the drought, which interest on Capitol Hill in taking threatens water supplies to action to alleviate California's agriculture and urbanareas. — lhe Associated Press water crisis grows.
the Pacific Ocean known as a Strudley said. "The yearly rainfall around Pineapple Express, dropped more than 7 inches of rain on here, depending on where you Marin County's Mt. Tamal- were, was less than 10 percent pais, an average of 4 inches of normal," he said. "The adin Sonoma County andone to ditions from this last series of three inches in San Francisco, storms and the totals are takSan Jose and other urban ar-
lighted skiers and resort op-
President BarackObama will travel to Fresno, Calif., this week to highlight federal efforts aimed at helping farmers and others hit by a severe ( t drought.
inches by Sunday. "It's guarded optimism. We are a long ways from where the downpour, while ample we need to be, but we have to enough to flood roadways start with some sort of a rain- and prompt warnings that drop," Burton said. parched streams could be The storm that moved in deluged to the point of overFriday, powered by a warm, flowing, but will not solve moisture-packed system from
Osborne said. While the fresh snow de-
Odama tovisit, discuss droughtresponse
C h r i stopher members tosearch hundreds of
Dorner and his phone was buzzing. In rapid succession, his two brothers — also San Bernardino County Sheriffs
side, don't get in the doorway. something."
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• I J
J •
Today: Snow in the morning, turning to rain in the afternoon
Tonight: Rain early, then a chance of snow
WEST A mix of rain and snow north and rain south.
4 4 ouzau
seasidk 4 4 4 4 4
Riyer ' The
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LosAngele CO
+ zv
• Loui 'ge~ Pv ~
Little Roc 44/28 r •
• Dallas 55/30I
B ir ingha 1/39
Atlanta 6 0 / 43
• Miami 81/67
Monterrey 77/57•
La Paz
78/64 Mazatlan 86/70
Anchorage 14/8
Cha59/37 r lotte
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33/23 ngton, ILC. 38/29
2,"+ Igg
29/6 •
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/-1 4
Omaha 4
Honolulu ~
p 2/-22
4v 4 oi 2/314 4' d aod i 4 » oo z
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4 o4T/3
Xendall, Fla.
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41 31
43 32
Mostly cloudy with
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Mostly cloudy with a chance of rain
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46 32
Yesterday' sw eatherthrough 4 p.m .inBend Tomorrow Rise Mercury....7:23 a.m...... 6:24 p.m. High/low............... 14/7 24 hours ending4 p.m.*.. 0.00" Venus......449am......244pm. Remrdhigh........62in1954 Monthtodate.......... 035" Ma r s......1045 pm......955 a m. Remrd low........ -14in1929 Average monthio date... 034" Jupiter......1:49 p.m...... 5:14 a.m. Average high.............. 43 Year to date............ 1.57" Satum......1:11 a.m.....11:05 a.m. Average low............... 24 Average year to date..... 1.87" Uranus.....904am......934pm. Barometricpressureat4pm2989 Remrd24hours ...085in1960
Sunrise ioday...... 713 am. MOOnphaSeS Sunsettoday...... 5:27 Pzm F ug Last N e w First Sunrisetomorrow .. 7:11a.m. Sunsettomorrow... 5:28 p.m. Moonriise today.... 1:07 p.m. Moonsettoday 3:26 a.m. Feb.14 Feh 22 Mar.1
*Melted liquid equivalent
Yesterday S unday M o nday The higher the Uy Index number, the greater Hi/Lo/Pcp H i /Lo/W H i /Lo/Wthe need for eyeandskin protection. Index is City Precipitationvaluesare 24-hourtotalsthrough4 pm for solar at noon. Astoria ........ 36/30/0.1 0..... 46/40/r.....50/44/sh Baker City 25/1 9/0.32 .... 36/24/rs..... 39/23/rs Brookings 53/48/0.70....54/46/sh.....55/47/sh Burns.......... 38/27/0.60.... 43/24/rs.....45/24/sn Eugene 31/24/1.13 .....47/40/r.....52/42/sh Klamath Falls ...62/39/0.17..... 46/30/r..... 44/29/rs Lakeview....... 39/36/0.01 ....42/31/sh..... 42/30/rs La Pine........ 36/1 6/0.00.... 37/28/rs..... 38/24/rs Medford 62/39/0.21 ..... 54/39/r.....54/38/sh Newport 36/32/0.1 5..... 50/45/r.....52/45/sh North Bend.....59/46/1.82 ..... 54/46/r.....55/47/sh Ontario 32/1 6/0.36....37/30/sh......41/29/r Pendleton 19/1 3/0.32 ....31/26/sn..... 38/33/rs Portland 30f25/0.14.... 35/33/rs.....45/39/sh Prineville .13/7/0.00..... 36/27fi.....40/30/sh Redmond .12/8/0.55.... 36/29/rs.....41/32/sh Roseburg 56/44/0.38....55/43/sh.....55/43/sh Salem 31/26/0.62 .... 39/37/rs.....49/40/sh Sisters......... 16/11/0.00..... 36/28/i.....39/28/sh The Dages 23/1 7/0.53 .... 33/29/rs..... 37/34/rs
1 L
i ii
Ski report from around the state, representing conditions at 5 p.m. yesterday: Snow accumulation in inches Ski area Last 24 hours Base Depth Anthony Lakes ....... . . . . . . . . 3 . . . . . .63-65 H oodoo....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 .. . . . . . . 34 Mt.Ashland.................0. 0 report
Snow levelandroadconditions rePresenting condi- jjmbe~riine 8 tions at 5P.m.yesterday. Icey:T.T. = Traction Tires. warner canyon........ . . . . . .0.0... no report
Pass Conditi ons Wigamette Pass ............. 17......26-56 1-5 at Siskiyou Summit........ Carry chains or T. Tires 1.84atCabbageHig............Chains> 10,000 lbs. AsPen, Colorado....... . . . . . . . 4 . . . . . .54-56 Hwg 2patsant am i pass ........Chains> tp,ppplbs. Mammoth Mtn., California....7-10......30-40 Hwy. 26 at Government Camp....Chains > 10,000 lbs. Hwg 26 at Och~o Divide... C h ains > 10',000 IbsSquaw Valley, California....... 16.. . . . .29-34 Hwg 58atWigameue pass.... tarrychainsor 7 Tires SunValleY Idaho....... . . . . . . . 8 . . . . . .4043 Hwy.138 atDiamond Lake ......Chains> tp,ppp tis Taos, New Mexico....... . . . . . . 3 . . . . . .38-48 Hwy.242 atMcXenzi e Pass........Ciosed forseason For links to the latest ski conditions visit: For up-to-minute conditions turn to: www.trip«he« or call 511 Legend:W-weatherPcp-precipitation, s-sun, pc-pariial clouds,c-clouds, hhaze, shshowers, r rain,t thunderstorms,sf snowflurries,snsnow, i ice,rs rainsnowmix,w wiud,f fog, dr drizzle,tr trace
wv w o a a w
Yesterday s
I '
Cold W arm Stationary
* * , ** * * * 4 4 4 '** * * *
:+++4 • 4 44 44
4 >
Showers T-storms Rain F lurries S now I c e
Yesterday Sunday Monday
Yesterday Sunday Monday
Yesterday Sunday Monday
Yesterday Sunday Monday
City Hi/Lo/Pip Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/YY HiRo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi7Lo/YY City Hi/Lo/Pzp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W Abilene,1X......72/30I.00 ..63/26/pc ..36/25/is GrandRapids.....19/7I.03... 23/9/pc .. 17/4/su RapidCiiy........1 8/0/0.01...10/0/sn .. 22/11/c Savanuah.......6I45I.08...65/47/s.64/Jypz Akron ...........24/3I 00...24/7/su...19/1/c Green897.......13/BN00.. 15/Ipc....7/9/5 Reno...........55/45i.pi... 54/35/r .. 5429/c Seattle......... 42/31Itrace .. 41/3Irs. 494l/sh Albany.......... 24/ 4/000.. 2It 5/su. 27/11/pc Greeashoro......49/34N.00 .. 55/34/pc.. 45/29/c Richmoud.......43/JON.00...49/31/c. 38/26/pc Sioux Falls........17/6/0.06.. 7/-13/pc...8/4/pc Albuquerque.....56/25I.00 ..61/3ipc. 59/33/pc Hamsburg.......2I1 5/000 31/22/sn .. .. 30/5/pc RorhesieNY.....1 r, 9/OI.00 .. 24/15/su. 22/10/sn Spokane.........23/4IN..26/20/su.32/29/sn Anchorage......23/18/0.00....14/8/s... 15/4/s Nartbrd,CT......30/7/0.00..29/17/sn. 27/lipc Saoamento......54/51I.77... 6I5lr. 64/43/Pc SpriugfieldMp ..31/19NN...32/14/c .. 22/11/c Atlanta .........59/37I.00...60/43/s. 56/37/sh Helena..........13/ 1/016...18/1 3/c .. 34/22/c St. Louis.........30/16I.04.... 29/6/c ..16/3/pz Tampa..........61/55/0.08... 72/56/s .. 72/55/s AtlanticCiiy.....32/21I 00 .. 34/29/su. 34/19/pc Honolulu........81/69/00081/72/pc. .. 81//1/pc Salt LateCity....45/41I.07 .. 4$3Nis .. 43/28/c Tucson..........72/42I 00...76/48ls.75/47/pc Austin..........61/35/0.00... 75/46/s. 4I34/sh Houston ........57/37/000... 7551/s. 57/43/sh SanAutonio.....6539I00...76/49/s.55/36/sh Tuls a...........32/25I.00..35/JIpc.3I17/sn Baltimore.......32/26/000.. 35/27/su. 33/20/pc Huntsville .......49/350.00 53/32/Pc .. .. 43/30/c SanDiego.......66/53/000..67/56/pc. 65/54/pc Washington,DC.37/JOI.00 .. 38/29/rs. 34/22/pc Billings ...........9/3/0.13...11/6/pc ..29/21/c Indianapolis......23/7N02... 26/4/ix ..17/-1Ipc SanFrancisco....59/53/046... 59/51Ir. 57/47/pc Wichita.........29/19I.01....248/c .. 20/8/sn Birmiugham.....54/34/0.00 ..61/39/pc.. 51/36/c Jackson,MS.....56/340.06 ..62/43/pc.. 52/37/c SanJose........61/53/0.06... 6I47/r. 61/43/pc Yakima.........27/12I 07 ..2I22/m ..343Irs Bismarck........12/9I 00 .. JJ 22/pc....3/4/6 Jacksonvile......55/49/0.00... 68/45/s .. 70/49/s SantaFe........53R2/0.00..53/3ipc. 53/25/sn Yuma.... .......7950I 00...80/54/s.81/55/pz Boise...........37/28I 25 .. 42/31/is .. 43/3lc Juneau...........25/8/0.00.... 20/7/s .. 19/7/su INTERNATIONAL Boston..........29/1BI0 00.. 30/21/su. 2Il 5/pc Kansas City......251 5N00...152/sn .. 150/pc Bridgeport,CT....28/1BIO00.. 3I22/su. 28/16/pc Lansiug..........18I/0.04... 22/3/pc..14/-2/su Amsterdam..... 4I41/0 34 .. 46/35/u..3I39rs Mecca..........84/66/0.00... 82/62/s .. 83/62/s Buffalo ..........14/6I0.00 .. 23/11/su.. 21/6/su LasVqjas.......64/42/0.00..69/49/pc. 67/46/pc Aihens..........6I44/0.00..60/49/pc. 61/51lpc MeximCity......75/50I 00... 72/51/s.. 73/43/s Burlington, VT....23/11/0.00...23/9/sn .. 23/6/su Lexington .......31/1 9I 02 ..32/1Ipc. 28/11/pc Auckland........73/66/000.. 72/61/sh.71/60/pc Manueal........21/1OI 00... 1$7/sf ..16/2/pc Caribou, ME......1 NJ/0.00... 12/-1lc ..1 3/-7/su Linml9..........27/1 2I.00 .. 15/-4/sn... 13/0/c Baghdad........61/34/0.00... 62/45/s .. 64/5Is Moscow........32/25I 00 ..25/17/sn..27/23/sf Charleston SC...55/43I 07...64/46/s. 61/41/pc LittleRock.......31/21I02..44/2$pc...33/21/i Baugto k........90/77I.00..95/70/pc..95/72/s Nairobi.........79/59I.58 .. 77/57/sh.75/56/sh Charlotte........57/37I 00... 59I37/s. SI31/sh LosAngeles......62/53/0.00 ..6353/pc. 6652/pc Beiiiug..........36/18I01...34/16/s.. 29/tis Nasszu.........82/73I 00..81/72/pc.76/70/pc Chattanooga.....51/36/0 00.. 52/34/pc.. 44/31Ic Louisvile........29/1 9/003 ..32/17/pc. 28ll0/pc Beirut ..........63/50I00...62/51/s.62/51/Pc NewDelhi.......63/50I.00... 70/4Is. 69/48/pc Cheyenne.......42/I 7I.00... 25/11/c.35/17/pc Madison,WI.....14/9006..17/8/96..8/11/pc Berlin.......... AI36I.00... 45/34ls.. 42/32/c psaka..........41/36I.47..44/35/pc.46/35/pc Chicago..........1680 07... 22/1Ipc ..11/ 1/pc Memphis........37/27N01..47/27/pc.. 33/19/c Bogota.........6$540.06... 7451/t...65/47/t pslo............342/I11..33/31/sn ..33/32/u Cincinnaii.......26/14I 00 ..32/11/pc .. 23/4lpc Miami..........84/75000 ..81/67/pc.79/67/pc Budapest....... 46/32I.06 ..42/3Ish .. 3684/c Ottawa..........19/SI.00...16/3/sn ..16/4/sf Cleveland........203I 00... 248/m .. 18/6/sn Milwaukee.......14/2I0.04...19N/pc..11/-3/pc BuenosAjres.....91/68/208 ..81/67/sh. 75/73/sh Pzris............50/43I.37 ..46f34/pc ..42I33/rs CalorariS oprings.51/23I 00...44/22/c .. 36/2Ic Minneapolis..... 15/4/000 .. 7/14/pc ..I 13/pc CahoSanLucas ..84/57I0.00... 90/63/s .. 88/64/s Rio de Janeiro...10I73I 00...90/72/s...9IJPR ColumbiaMp , ...28/15I 00.... 241/c ..14/1/pc Nashvile........42/26000 ..42/25/pc.. 34/20/c Caim...........66/48I0.00... 69/4$s .. 69/48/s Rome...........61/540 78 ..56/46/pc. 53/51/sh ColumbiaSC....60/35N.00... , 61/42/5. 54/36/sh NewOrleans.....5544000...63/4Is .. 61/50/c Calgaiy.......... 3/4/0.04.... Ol-9/sf .. 4/-9/pc Sanri ago........84/SSN.00...83/62/s..84/63/5 Columbus GA....64/41I 00...63/44/s. 61/41/pc NewYort .......29/21/0.00..33/24/sn. 32/11/pc Canozn.........84/64I.00... 82/72/s...80/73/t SaoPaulo.......93/77I.00... 86/65/t...87/65/t Columbus, 08.....21/4/000... 29/7/sn..19/-1lpc Newark,NJ......29/19I.00 ..32/24/sn. 32/1Npc Dublin......... 48/41I.21 ..46/34/pc.41/36/pz Sapporo .........21/6I18..29/14/pc. 3I16lpz Conmrd, NH......2I4/0.00 .. 2I1 2/su.. 27/7/pc Norfolk,VA......39/31I 00 ..49/35/pc.. 40/29/c Edinhurgh.......45/37I00..46/36/sh ..4032/rs Seoul...........36GOIN ..38/I8/pc ..38/21/sf Corpus Christi....52/39I.00... 66/56/s. 66/44/sh Oklahoma City...34/25I 00 .. 34/21Ipc. 29/17/sa Geneva.........45/32i.l 5 .. 38/25/su.36/32/sh Shanghai........41/34I.01... 39/32/6 .. 3$34/c DallasFtWorth...55/32/0 00.. 55/3Ipc ..37/3irs Omaha.........29/12/000 ..13/7/sn... 12/1/c Narare..........77/64I.51... 71/61/r. 75/57/sh Singzpore.......88/75I.00 ..88/73/pc .. BI76/c Daytim ..........23/5/0.00... 29/6/su .. 19N/pc Orlando.........61/56/0.34... 73/51/s .. 7453/s Hong Kz ng......63/57I 03 .. 68/49/sh.60/4Ish Stoctholm.......39/34/0 00.. 34/33/su.3428hs Deaver..........47/20I.00 .. 4ll24/rs .. 37/25/c PalmSprings.....74/550.00 ..79/54/pc. 78I52/pc Istanbul.........57/43I 00 ..55/50/sh. 56/4Ish Syduey..........86/68I0.00 .. 82/65/sh. 82/66/sh Des Moines......23/1OI 06.. 13/9/pc...9/7/pc Peoria..........2515001 .. 19/4/pc...8/1is Jerusalem.......58/43/000...63/45/s .. 61/43/s Taipei 61/55/0 00 56/48/sh 51/49/sh Detroit...........18/1I.03...23/7/sn ..16/-2/pc Philadelphia.....3024000 ..33/23/sn.32/12/pc Johannesburg....84/66/0.00 .. 77/59/sh. 77/55/sh TelAviv.........6941I 00...69/51/s .. 685Ns Duluth......... 16/ 14I 00. 10/13/pc..5/ 14/pc Phoenix.........72/50/0.00..75/53/pc. 78/53/pc lima ...........79f/M.00...78/66/c.77/66/pc Tokyo...........39/32I.00 ..44/34/sh ..45/39/rs ElPasu..........67/K000...71/47/s.7I41/pc PiiiSburgh........23/4000 ..27/14/Sn... 21/5/C lisbon..........57/46/0.00... 59/45/r. 54/45/pc Torouio..........12II.00 ..19/1Nsn .. 21/Ipc Fairbanks....... 4/21/000..-10/18/s..-7/3is Purilaud,ME......29/1000...27/14/c. 27/1Ipc London........ 4$45I34..45/35/sh. 481/sh Vancouver.......34/1BI 00... 34/28/c ..37/37/rs Fargu........... 3/-16/0.00.. 3/-25/pc..-2/-17/s Piuvidence......31/11000 .. 30QO /sn. 28/14/pc Madrid .........54/45N.05... 48I38/r. 46/3Ipz Vieaua..........5I36I.00 .. 41/3Nrs .. 36f34/c Flagsiaff........53/27/000 .. 52/26/Pc. 51/23/pc Rabigh.........50/34/0.00..56/36/pc.. 46/29/c Manila..........93/77I.00 ..87/70/pc. 98/JIpz Warsaw........ 4$34I.II .. 35/31/rs. 34/30/pc
After Filner'sexit, two candidates vie for SanDiego's mayoral post By Jennifer Medina New Yorh Times News Service
SAN DIEGO — When Bob
Filner resigned as mayor last summer amid a s exual ha-
nssment scandal, Democrats openly fretted over losing the first liberal in decades elected to
rtm this city, long a Republican bastion on the southern edge of California.
Now as voters prepare to elect Filner's successor on 'Dtesday, the city is engaged in a fierce ideological battle: Will it elect David Alvarez, a Democmt and first-term city
councilor who is championing a minimum-wage increase, or
John Gaataldo / U-T San Diego
Former San Diego Mayor Bob Fllner, right, sits with a member of
his defense team in a San Diego courtroom during December. He councilor who argues that the was sentenced to three months of home confinement and three city must keep pensions down years of probation for harassing women while mayor of San Diego. Kevin Faulconer, a Republican and attract newbusinesses?
The mayor's race in San Diego, the nation's eighth-largest city, is in many ways a fight for its political soul. For years, residentshere have picked moderate Republicans who have the backing of city developers,
in an interview at a coffee shop with Latino support, and chants in Little Italy, a neighborhood of "Si, se puedeu — essentialnear downtown that has seen
an influx of new condos, doggy day care centers and fashtransforming downtown into ionable art galleries in recent a model of urban redevelop- years. "It should be part of the ment with bustling, pedestri- city's job to create more opporan-friendly streets that have become prime tourist attractions.
tttnitIes for people."
The campaign reflects a sigBut many Democrats argue nificant demographic shift in that the powerful, business-fo- a city where Latinos make up cused elite have neglected and roughly one-third of the popuignored working-class neigh- lation, Up from one-fifth in 1990.
ly uYes, we can" — were often
heard at his campaign rallies. For the most part, Faulconer,
47, has played down his lifelong focusing on his work on the environment and local parks. have a libertarian sttt.ak.
If he wins, AIvarez, the son of
Mexican immigrants, will be
in an interview. "People want to
ing segment of the electorate, it is also a test of whether another big-city Democrat can be elect-
ed by riding a wave of populism, much as Mayor Bill de Blasioof New York did last falL
"People really are tired of only the wealthy benefiting from city works," Alvarez said
llberal, he said, they certainly
borhoods outside the city's cen-
filiated voters the fastest-grow-
W hether or not voters here are
ter, creating a sprawling urban area divided sharplyby dass. With Faulconer receiving support from most of the city's business leaders and Alvarez taking in millions from labor unions, the election's outcome will signal how eager voters are past that theyonce expected Filner to provide. And with unaf-
Republican identity, i nstead
"This has always been a place where we let people live as they choose," Faulconer said
to continue the break from the
know that the city has enough modern history. And at 33, he to make it succeed in the long would be among the youngest run. That's all they really care ever to run City HalL about. "They don't want other peoThe demographic changes are not lost on Faulconer, who ple dictating to them what they has spent considerable time have to do. They just want ascourting immigrant voters, in- surance that their quality of life cluding Asians (who account will be good." for nearly 16 percent of the city For labor leaders, a possible population, compared with 10 Democratic win could hardly percent in 1990) and Latinos. be more welcome. Labor unions When he announced his can- from across the state and in didacy, Faulconer gave part W ashington have helped spend of his speech in Spanish, but more than $4 million to back campaigning in two languages Ahrarez. Recent polls show is no longer novel here: Filner, Faulconer, who has raised $3.5 who hadbeen a longtime con- million, slightly ahead of Algressman, as well as a Freedom varez, who has gained ground Rider, swept into office in 2012 throughout the campaign.
the city's first Latino mayor in
• s
• II •
Premier Retirement Lifesfyles
Scoreboard, C2 NBA, C3 Sportsinbrief,C2 Olympics,C4-5 College hoops, C3 Preps, C6
NFL, C6 N H L,C7 Golf, C7
PREP SPORTS More events on hold due tosnow Several prep events involving Central Oregon teams wereeither postponed or canceled Saturday becauseof inclement weather. Central Christian's boys and girls basketball gamesagainst visiting Nixyaawii were canceled, and itwas not known if those contests will be rescheduled. Trinity Lutheran's girls basketball gameon Saturday at North Lake was postponed until Tuesday at 4 p.m.The Saints were originally scheduled to visit Butte Falls on Tuesday,but that contest has been rescheduled for Thursday at 5 p.m. The Oregon Interscholastic Ski Racing Association nordic event at Diamond Lake, the last of the regular season, was also scratched. Coaches madethe decision to freezethe league standings as they stood after last weekend's races. TheOISRA state championships are scheduled for Feb.21 and 22 at Mt. Bachelor.
Kirsty Wigglesworth /The Associated Press
Competitors line up asthey change skisduring the women's 15k skiathlon Saturday.
Drop your skis? It's all in the plan for skiathlon
— Bulletin staff/eport Luca Bruno/The Associated Press
United State skier Laurenne Ross, of Bend, makes a jump during a downhill training run Saturday. On the strength of her training runs, Ross was selected to compete in the downhill competition.
Iditarod could move to findsnow FAIRBANKS,Alaska — The Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race's competitive starting point could move hundreds of miles north to Fairbanks because of poor trail conditions. Race officials sent an email to mushers Friday saying the conditions in the Alaska Rangemay force the1,000-mile race to start in Fairbanks instead of Willow, which is about 50 miles north of Anchorage. Race officials said a decision on the starting point will be madeon Feb.17. "We do havetrail concerns from the topof Rainy Pass to Nikolai," Iditarod race manager Mark Nordmansaid. "Because of theseconcerns, a contingency plan will be used if the Alaska Rangeconditions are not acceptable." The ceremonial kickoff is scheduled for March1 in Anchorage and the official start
is set for the next day in Willow. If the race moves to Fairbanks, the competitive start would move to March 3 to give mushers time to drive 360 miles north. The ceremonial start date would remain the same. Four-time Iditarod champion Jeff King said Saturday that he's not bothered by apossible change in location. King said he trusts the judgment of Iditarod officials to provide the safest trail possible for dogs and mushers. "If they feel the need to change it, then we need to change it," King said. "I don't want to go from the Alaska Range to Nikolai with no snow; it's not safe." — The Associated P/ess
COLLEGE BASKETBALL Another close loss for Ducks Coming offatwopoint loss to No.2 Arizona, Oregon put up a tough second- half performance against Arizona State only to come upshort, 74-72,C3
• Changeover from classic to skatecan be the difference By Ken Belson New York Times News Service
KRASNAYA POLYANA, Russia — It is hard enough skiing
15 kilometers (about 9.3 miles) at full throttle, but try switching
skis and poles in the middle of the race. That is what the women's ski-
athlon competitors did Saturday at Laura Cross Country Ski & Biathlon Center high above the
Olympic compound. A relatively new Olympic event (it began in its current for-
• Fellow Oregonian JacquelineWiles grabsthe fourth and final spot after Saturday'straining runs From staff andwire reports K RASNAYA
P O LYANA , R u s -
sia — Bend's Laurenne Ross earned a downhill start in the 2014 Winter
Games by finishing fifth in her third
mat in 2006), skiathlon requires the participants to race the first half of the course on classic
technique skis, then swap them for skating skis at the halfway point to f i nish using the free
"I'm feeling a lot better on my skis. I'm feeling confident. I'm really liking
and final downhill training run Sat-
this hard snow, enjoying the
urday at the Sochi Olympic venue. "I'm feeling a lot better on my skis,"
technique. In the women's race, the skiers cover 7.5 kilometers in each half
of the race. Today, the men will ski twice as far in their event. The clock does not stop during
the changeover, which gives that
Ross said. "I'm feeling confident. I'm
— Laurenne Ross
portion of the race the feel of a pit stop that adds drama to a contest
really liking this hard snow, enjoying the ice. Being a part of the downhill
largely out of view to spectators,
team will mean a lot to me. Racing the downhill at the Olympics is something
(Squaw Valley, Calif.), Stacey Cook
that I've always looked forward to."
anne Smith (North Conway, N.H.).
The women's downhill medal event is set for Tuesday at 11 p.m.
Another Oregonian, U.S. Ski Team rookie Jacqueline Wiles, of Aurora,
(Mammoth Mountain, Calif. ) and Le-
Ross was already scheduled to
Gero Breloer/The Associated Press
who watch most of the action on a large television screen in the stadium. SeeSkiathlon /C4
Local athletewatch
finished fourth in Saturday's downcompete in t h e s u per c o mbined hill training, and despite missing a Bend's KENT CALLISTER issettocompete (downhill and slalom), which will gate high on the run, she earned her for Australia in the snowboard halfpipe, his start today at 11 p.m. Starting that first career Olympic start. only event, on Tuesday,with all rounds of race will b e Ross, Julia Mancuso SeeSkiing /C4 competition to be held in oneday.
"He said, 'WHAAAAT?
What's going on? Everyone be quiet, l can't hear you.' I started telling him, dude, talking about the run. He's like, 'Yeah, you got this.' " — U.S. snowboarder Sage Kotsenburg to his brother More scenes from Sochi, 4C
Portland's Damien Lillard will
compete in every event during AllStar weekend — the All-Star Game, the
Rising Stars challenge, the skills
competition, the 3-point contest and the slam dunk contest. Don Ryan/The Associated Press
soCHI atttrt
,~ 2 I
Norway's Ole Einar Bjoerndalen becomes the oldest person to ever win a Winter Olympics gold medal in an individual event. Roundup,CS
TV HIGHLIGHTS Today NBC, 2 p.m.— Gold medal events in men's figure skating free skate (team), women's biathlon 7.5km sprint, women'sspeedkating3,000m, and men's
For more coverage of the 2014 Winter Games, ononline Olympics
Norway 2 1 Canada 1 1 Netherlands 1 1
1 4 1 3 1 3
NBC, 7 p.m.— Gold medal events in women's ice dancing freedance (team), men's alpine skiing downhill, women's snowboarding slopestyle and men's ski jumping individual K-95.
Austria 0 1 0 1 Sweden 0 1 0 1 Czech Rep. 0 0 1 1 Complete results from Saturday's events,C4
On All-Starweekend, Lilard to test hisdurability • 2nd-year Blazers player, who hasn't misseda game in hiscareer,will participate in every event By Benjamin Hoffman
players being considered for the
New York Times News Service
U.S. national team, and he was se-
Inside • LaMarcus Aldridge has 26 points in 117-110 win over Wolves,C3
To say that D a mian L i l lard
lectedas areservefortheWe stern
has been busy would be an
Conference All-Star team. Last week, his schedule for All-Star
go along with appearances in the
weekend became even heavier when he was chosen to play in the NBA's Rising Stars challenge to
slam dunk contest and the 3-point contest.
understatement. Last month, Lillard, the starting
point guard for the Portland Trail Blazers, was named to the pool of
league's skills competition, the See Lillard/C7
TODAY SOCCER EPL, Tottenhamvs. Everton EPL, Manchester United vs. Fulham GOLF PGA, PebbleBeachNational Pro-Am PGA, PebbleBeachNational Pro-Am PGA Champions: Allianz Championship
Time 5 a.m. 8 a.m.
TV/ Radio
10 a.m. noon noon
Golf CBS Golf
NBA, NewYorkat Oklahoma City 10 a.m. ABC Men's College, Michigan State at Wisconsin 10 a.m. CBS Women's College, Louisville at Connecticut 10 a.m. ESPN Women's College, Creighton at DePaul 10 a.m. Fox Sports 1 Women's College, Memphis atTemple 10:30 a.m. ESPNU Women's College, PennState at Ohio State 1 1 a.m. ESP N2 Pac-12 Women's College, Utah atOregonState noon Women's College, lowa State atTexas noon Fox Sports1 12:30 p.m. ABC NBA, Chicago at L.A. Lakers Women's College, Stanford at Washington 12:30 p.m. ESPNU Women's College, Oklahoma State at Baylor 1 p.m. ESP N 2 Men's College, Connecticut at Central Florida 3 p.m. ESP N 2 Men's College, Clemson atSyracuse 3 p.m. ESP N U Men's College, OregonState atArizona 4 p.m. Pac-12 Men's College, Creighton at St. John's 4 p.m. Fox Sports 1 Men's College, Washington at Colorado 5 p.m. ESP N U HORSE RACING
Gulfstream Park
2 p.m. Fox Sports 1
Men's college, Maryland at Virginia Women's college, North Carolina at Duke Men's college, lowa State atWestVirginia Men's college, Providence atGeorgetown Men's college,KansasatKansasState Women's college, Vanderbilt at Tennessee Men's college, Miami at Florida State
Time TV/ Radio 4 p.m. ESPN 4 p.m. ESP N 2 4 p.m. ESP N U 4 p.m. Fox Sports 1 6 p.m. ESPN 6 p.m. ESP N 2 6 p.m. ESP N U
Fidel Maldonado Jr. vs. JohnNater
Monday Boys basketball: Culver atToledo, 7p.m. Girls basketball:CulveratToledo,5:30 p.m. Tuesday Boysbasketball: Bendat MountainView,7 p.m.; Summit at CrookCounty, 7 p.m.; Redm ond at Ridgeview,7 p.mcSisters at LaPine,7:15p.m.; NorthMarionat Madras,7p.m.;Culver atSantiam, Horizon Christian at Central Christian,7:30
p.m. Girls basketball:CrookCounty at Summit, 7 p.m.; MountainViewat Bend, 7p.m.;Ridgeviewat Redmond, 7p.m.; Sistersat LaPine, 5:45p.m.; North Marion atMadras,7p.m4Culverat Santiam, 5:30 p.m.;HorizonChristianat Central Christian,6p.m.; Trinity Lutheran at NorthLake, 4p.m. Wednesday Beysbasketball:LaPineatSweetHome,5:45p.m.; Elmira atSisters, 5:45p.m.;EastLinn Christianat Culver,6:30p.m. Girls baskelbalk LaPineat Sweet Home,7:15p.m.; Elmira atSisters, 7:15p.m.;EastLinn Christianat Culver, 5p.m.
Thursday Wreseing: RidgeviewatMadras,7p.m. Girls basketball:Ridgeviewat Bend, 7p.m.; Trinity Lutheran at Butte Fals, 5 p.m. Wrestling: LaPineatLakeviewTournament,5:30p.m. Nordic skiing:OHSNOat HoodooNight Race, Freestyle,TBD
PREPS Alpine skiing OSSA at Mt. Bachelor,I-B
Giant Slalom
7 p.m. Fox Sports 1
Listingsarethemostaccurateavailable. TheBulletinis not responsible for latechangesmadeby 7Vor radio stations.
SPORTS IN BRIEF SOCCER U.S. deatS RuSSianwOmen7-0 in exhiditiOn —Carli Lloyd and Christen Presseachscored twice to help the U.S. women's soccer team beatRussia 7-0 on Saturday in anexhibition game. Abby Wambach entered14 minutes into the second half and scored the seventh goal in the 67th minute. Shehas arecord 164 international goals. Heather O'Reilly and SydneyLeroux also scored. TheUnited States hada32-3shotsadvantageand Russiaonlyhad oneshoton goal.
TENNIS Italy takeS 2-0 lead Over U.S. in Fed CuP — Karin Knapp and Camila Giorgi won the opening singles matches to give Italy a 2-0 lead over the United States onSaturday in their FedCup quarterfinal. Knapp beat Christina McHale6-3, 3-6, 6-1 in the first match at Cleveland Public Auditorium, andGiorgi routed Madison Keys 6-2, 6-1 in the second. SinceWorld Group play began in1995, the United States is 0-10 after falling behind 0-2. Thequarterfinal winner will face the Spain-Czech Republic winner in the semifinals in April.
GaSPuet and MOnfilS reaChOPenSudfinal — Top-seeded Richard Gasquet beat third-seededJerzy Janowicz of Poland 7-6 (6j, 7-6 (4j Saturday to set up anall-French Open Sud deFrancefinal against Gael Monfils in Montpellier, France. The fifth-seeded Monfils earlier beat sixth-seededJarkko Nieminen of Finland 6-2, 3-6, 6-1.
HaaS, CiliC reaCh final Of Zagreb IndOOrS —Top-seeded Tommy Haas ofGermanyand defending champion Marin Cilic of Croatia reached the final of the Zagreb Indoors on Saturday in Croatia. Haas rallied to defeat British lucky loser Daniel Evans5-7, 6-4, 6-3, while Cilic defeated Germanqualifier Bjorn Phau 6-3, 6-4 in the other semifinal.
Mayer, FOgnini take Semifinal winS —LeonardoMayerof Argentina beat Santiago Giraldo of Colombia 7-6 (2j, 6-3, while Italian Fabio Fognini took out Nicolas Almagro of Spain 6-4, 1-6, 7-6 (5) to advance to the final of the RoyalGuardOpen inVina del Mar, Chile on Saturday.
Boys Team times —Bend2:48.30, Summit 2:54.01, Lakeview2:58.25, Klamath Union 3:16.00, Mountain View3:49.65. Top 10 —1, KeenanSeidel, Bend,55.34. 2, Matthe w Scheafer,Bend,55.80.3,ElyCrane,Bend, 56.91. 4,lanLafky, Summit, 56.98.5, Javier Colton, Bend,57.16.6, ThomasWimberly, Summit, 57.22. 7,
NateOdegaard,Lakeview,57.52.8,JaredSchiemer, Summit,57.54.9, SamNelson, Bend,57.75. 10,Wil Churchill, Bend, 58.27. Girls Team times —Bend2:50.58, Summit 2:57.80, Lakev iew3:06.95,KlamathUnion3:20.71. Top10 —1,ShelbyCutter, Bend,5651. 2,Elinor Wilson ,Bend,56.54.3,LuciaCharlton,Bend,57.53. 4, Britt Hanson, Summit, 58.66.5, KeyleeFloyd, Sum, 59.30. 6,Kiersten Rowles,Bend,59.49.7,Cammi Benson,Sisters, 59.51. 8, Natalie Merrill, Summit, 5984. 9,ShannonBrennan,Bend,5997.10, Madisen Schreder,Lakeview,1:01.12.
Girls basketball Class1A MountainValley League Paisley34, Gilchrist29 Paisley(34) —Jessica Arrington 12, Vickerman 7, Hyde 5, Callahan3, O'Leary3,Vasureto2,Norris 2.Totals 15 3-634. Gilchrisl (29)—CassandraBlum13, Longbotham10, Smith 2,Khronke2, Berling2.Telals118-1829. Paisley 12 8 7 7 — 34 Gilchrist 10 1 4 14 — 29 Three-pointgoals — Paisley:Vickerman; Gilchrist: Blum.
BASKETBALL Men's College Pacific-12Conference All timesPST
Conference Overall W 9 7 7 6 6 6 5 5 5 3 2 1
Arizona UCLA ArizonaSt. Colorado Stanford California Oregon St. Washington Utah Oregon Washington St. SouthernCal
L 1 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 6 8 9 9
Saturday'sGames Arizona State74,Oregon72 Utah81,WashingtonState63 UCLA83,USC73 Today'sGames OregonStateatArizona, 4p.m. Washington at Colorado,5 p.m. WednesdayrsGames StanfordatWashington, 6p.m. Californiaat Washington State, 8p.m. Thursday'sGames Coloradoat UCLA,6 p.m. UtahatUSC,730pm Friday'sGames Arizonaat ArizonaState, 6p.m. Saturday,Feb.15 Californiaat Washington, noon Utah atUCLA,2p.m. StanfordatWashington State, 4p.m. Sunday,Feb.16 OregonStateat Oregon, noon Coloradoat USC, 5p.m.
W L 22 1 18 5 18 6 17 6 15 7 15 8 13 9 13 10 16 7 15 8 9 14 10 13
ArizonaSt. 74, Oregon72 OREGO(N 16-8)
Moser5-113-414, Artis1-6 0-0 2, Young11-22 3-3 29, Amardi1-6 1-2 3, Dotson2-7 1-2 5, Loyd 1-3 2-2 4, Calliste3-8 1-1 8, Abdul-Bassit 0-00-0 0,Austin0-00-00, Cook2-53-47,Carterg-30-00. Totals20-7114-1872.
ARIZONA ST. (18-0)
FOOTBALL ZOOk, GaShhired aS PaCkerS COaCheS—GreenBayPackers coach Mike McCarthy haschosenformer lllinois coach Ron Zook and SamGashto fill spots on his coaching staff. Zook, a former head coach at Florida and lllinois following six years as anNFLassistant, was namedassistant special teams coach. Hereplaces ChadMorton. Gash fills the running backs coaching position that becamevacant when Alex VanPelt was moved to quarterbacks coach to replace Ben McAdoo. McAdoo left to becomethe NewYork Giants' offensive coordinator.
COltS hire ChudZinSki aS aSPeCial aSSiStant —Chudzinski will serve as aspecial assistant to Indianapolis Colts coach Chuck Pagano, the teamannounced Saturday. TheBrowns fired Chudzinski Dec. 29 after hewent 4-12 in his lone season onthe job. They replaced him with former Buffalo Bills defensive coordinator Mike Pettine on Jan. 23. Chudzinski and Paganospent eight seasons together in the collegiate andNFLranks. Pagano was agraduate assistant at the University of Miami while Chudzinski was afreshman tight end for the Hurricanes in 1986. Thetwo then coached at Miami from 19952000 and spent the 2004 seasontogether with the Browns. At the time, Chudzinski was the Browns' tight ends coachand becametheir offensive coordinator for the final five gameswhile Pagano guided the secondary.
MOTOR SPORTS JOhn FOrCe tOPSFunny Car qualifying —John Force topped FunnyCar qualifying Saturday in Pomona, Calif., in the season-opening NHRAWinternationals with his record-run Friday. The 64-yearold Force,thedefending FunnyCarseasonchampion,was the top qualifier for the record147th time and10th in the event. On Friday night, he had aseries-record time of 3.966 seconds at 324.12. Doug Kalitta raced to the No. 1qualifying position in TopFuel with a track-record run of 3.713 at327.98. Vincent Nobile led the ProStock field with a 6.510 at 212.73. — From wire reports
Carson2-107-1211, Bachynski7-812-1426, Jacobsen 2-31-25, Marshall3-116-712, McKissic5-7 3-415, Barnes 0-1 0-00, Giling 2-60-05, Kearney 0-00-00.Telals21&294974. Halftime —Arizona St. 43-23. 3-PointGoals—Oregon 6-24(Youn g4-6, Calliste1-4, Moser 1-6, Cook0-1, Loyd 0-2, Artis0-2,Dotson0-3),ArizonaSt.3-15(McKissic2-2,
Gilling1-4,Barnes0-1, Carson0-1, Marshal 0-7). Fouled Out—None. Rebounds—Oregon 35 (Austin 6), Arizona St. 41(Carson12). Assists—Oregon12 (Artis 4),Arizona St. 12(Carson6). lotal Fouls—Oregon27,ArizonaSt. 16. AM,583.
Easl Bingha mton73,Maine58 Boston U. 88,Lafayette 54 Brown 75,Dartmouth62 Bryant78,MountSt. Mary's 75 CCSU91,Fairleigh Dickinson86, OT Colgate63,American U. 60 Dayton 72, St.Bonaventure 69 Drexe l78,JamesMadison60 Duke89, Boston College 68
GeorgeMason74, Duquesne68 George Washington93,Fordham 67 Georgetown 71, Butler 63 Harfford67,Albany(NY)54 Hofstra61,UNCWilmington52 Lehigh66,Loyola (Md.) 52 Mass.-Lowell71,UMBC61 Navy79,Army57 NewHampsh>re73, StonyBrook69 Penn68, Columbia60 Pittsburgh62,Virginia Tech57,20T Princeton 69, Cornell 48 Quinnipiac82,Rider61 RobertMorris72,St.Francis (NY)50 Saint Joseph's69,VCU62 SaintLouis65,LaSalle 63 St. Francis(Pa.)74, LIUBrooklyn58 Towson68,Coll. of Charleston61,OT Wagner62,SacredHeart55 William & Mary82,Northeastern70 Yale74,Harvard67 South Alabama St.75,MVSU70 Arkansas77,Vanderbilt 75 Belmont93, Austin Peay68
CoastalCarolina67, Longwood58 CoppinSt.58,Md.-EasternShore50 Davidson65,Furman50 Delaware St.61, SCState53 ETSU96, Lipscomb88 EastCarolina81, UTSA71 Elon60,GeorgiaSouthern59 FAU82, UAB71
Florida78,Alabama69 FloridaGulf Coast 73,North Florida46 Gardner-W ebb80, HighPoint 76 Georgia62,TexasA&M50 Hampton 63, Howard47 Jackson St. 71,AlcornSt.61 Kentucky 69, Mississippi St.59 LSU87,Auburn80 LouisianaTech90, North Texas75 Maryland 83, Florida St.71 Memphis 60,Gonzaga54 Middl eTennessee70,FIU68 Mississippi91,Missouri88 Morehead St.86, E.Kentucky79 MurraySt. 73,TennesseeSt.65 NC A&T84,FloridaA&M78 NC Cen tral77,Bethune-Cookman54 NC State56,Miami 55 NorfolkSt.64,MorganSt.53 NorthwesternSt.86, Nicholls St.73 Radford83,Presbyterian66 Rutgers79, SouthFlorida 69 SC-Upstate76,N. Kentucky59 Samfor d92,Chattanooga85,OT SouthernU.104,Grambling St.54 Stetson73,Jacksonvile 68 Tennessee 72, SouthCarolina 53 Tennes seeTech72,JacksonvilleSt.60 UNCAsheville75, Liberly 72 UTEP63,OldDominion49 VMI 92,CharlestonSouthern 84 Virginia64,Georgia Tech45 W. Carolina84,Appalachian St.75,OT Winthrop88,Campbell 62 Wofford77,TheCitadel 56 Midwest Buffalo79,Cent. Michigan70 ChicagoSt.81, UMKC74 Cleveland St. 72,Wright St.68 E. Michigan70,Kent St.53 lowa85,Michigan67 lowaSt.84,TCU69 Kansas 83, West Virginia 69 KansasSt. 74,Texas57 Milwaukee 73,GreenBay63 Minnesota66,Indiana60 N. DakotaSt.69, IPFW58 Nebraska 53,Northwestern 49 Nebraska-O maha71, W.Ilinois 60 NorthCarolina73,Notre Dame62 Ohio82,Miami(Ohio) 75 Ohio St.67, Purdue49 S. DakotaSt.83,IUPUI59 S. Illinois72,Missouri St.54 SE Missouri74,E.Illinois 68 SIU-Edwardsville84,UT-Martin 78 Toledo80, BallSt. 73 WichitaSt.82, N.Iowa73 Xavier59,Providence53 Southwest Ark.-PineBluff64,AlabamaA&M61 IncarnateWord 89,Houston Baptist 82, OT Louisiana-Lafayette 67, TexasSt. 66 NewOrleans88, Cent.Arkansas79 Oklah oma88,Baylor72 Oral Roberts71,SELouisiana54 PrairieView85,TexasSouthern77 SMU76,Cincinnati 55 SamHoustonSt.84,Lamar70 Stephen F.Austin 74,McNeeseSt. 54 TexasA&M-CC71,Abilene Christian 69 Texas Tech65,OklahomaSt.61 Tulsa66,Rice56 W. Kentucky79, UALR78 Far West ArizonaSt.74, Oregon72 BYU68,San Francisco63 ColoradoSt.68,Air Force56 Denver75,SouthDakota67 FresnoSt.82,SanJoseSt. 56 GrandCanyon79, CSBakersfield 70 Montan a82,E.Washington77 MontanaSt.69, PortlandSt. 64 N. Arizona 64, S.Utah57 NorthDakota80, IdahoSt. 75 Pacific82,LoyolaMarymount72 SaintMary's(Cal)69,Pepperdine67, OT SanDiegoSt. 73,Nevada58 UC Irvine61, UCDavis 59 UCLA83,USC73 UNLV48,Wyoming 46 Utah81,Washington St.63 UtahSt.76, BoiseSt.70 WeberSt. 79,N. Colorado65
Wo m e n's college Saturday's scores East American U. 75,Colgate 57 Army54,Navy48 BostonU.61, Lafayette59 Brown71,Dartmouth55 Bryant81,CCSU50 Bucknel82, l HolyCross79 Dayton87,Duquesne77 Fairfield72,Marist68 FairleighDickinson82, Wagner 70 Fordha m67,GeorgeWashington58 Georgetown 66,Xavier 58 Harvard58,Yale57 lona 71,Manhatan 67
La Salle50,RhodeIsland42 Lehigh50,Loyola (Md.) 47 MountSt. Mary's69, LIUBrooklyn60 Penn70,Columbia63 Princeton71,Cornell 56 RobertMorris101,St. Francis(NY)95,20T Siena76,St. Peter's 54 St. Bonaven ture88, UMass66 St. Francis(Pa.)89,SacredHeart 80 St. John's85,Providence65 WestVirginia84,KansasSt. 44 South Arkansas St.80,GeorgiaSt.75 Bethu ne-Cookman66,NC Central60,20T Chattanooga 69,AppalachianSt.41 CoppinSt.80, Md.-EasternShore64 Davidson75, UNC-Greensboro66, OT E.Kentucky69,MoreheadSt.66,OT EastCarolina83, UAB73, OT Elon 85,GeorgiaSouthern 60 FloridaGulfCoast76,SC-Upstate69 Furman 80,Woff ord72 Hampton76,Howard64 High Poin81, t Coastal Carolina 73 Jackson St. 64,AlcornSt.52 Jacksonville66,NorthFlorida51 Jacks onvill eSt.74,TennesseeTech67 Kennesaw St.53, N.Kentucky39 Liberty66,CharlestonSouthern 45 MVSU55,AlabamaSt.46 Marshal69, l LouisianaTech55 Mercer76,Lipscomb71 MiddleTennessee65,Rice54 NC AIT82,FloridaA&M77 NorfolkSt.64,MorganSt.63 NorthwesternSt.76, Nicholls St.60 Presbyterian66,Longwood61 Radford55,Gardner-Webb53 SC State 64, DelawareSt. 60 Saint Louis65,GeorgeMason62 Samford54,W.Carolina 49 SouthFlorida89, UCF54 SouthernMiss.72, Charlotte 52 SouthernU.74,Grambling St.72 Stetson80, ETSU55 Tennessee St.96, Austin Peay61 VCU63,Richmond62 Winthrop62,UNCAshevile 55 Midwest Akron 79,W.Michigan66 Butler74,Marquette70 Cleveland St. 100,Wright St.93 Detroit 80,Milwaukee68 Drake80, S.Illinois 55 E. Illinois53,SEMissouri 48 Evansville59,N.Iowa50 GreenBay81, III.-Chicago54 Houston48, Cincinnati39 IPFW57, N.Dakota St.51 IUPUI76,S.DakotaSt. 66 Indiana76,Wisconsin 69 Nebraska 76,MichiganSt. 56 NorthDakota64, IdahoSt. 59,OT Oaklan d87,YoungstownSt.67 SIU-Edwardsville65, UT-Martin 62 UMKC 84, ChicagoSt. 52 Southwest Ark.-PineBluff79,AlabamaA&M72 Cent.Arkansas62, NewOrleans30 FAU91,Tulsa 86 HoustonBaptist 70,IncarnateWord65 Idaho85,Texas-PanAmerican52 Lamar 70,Sam HoustonSt.45 NorthTe xas68, OldDominion52 Oral Roberts81,SELouisiana78 Rutgers65, SMU64 Stephen F.Austin 69,McNeeseSt. 49 TCU72,TexasTech57 TexasA&M-CC74,Abilene Christian 71 TexasSouthern 74, PrairieView70 TexasSt.70, Louisiana-Lafayette64 Tulane68,UTSA54 UALR58, W.Kentucky51 UTEP83,FIU62
Far West BYU73,SanFrancisco66 BoiseSt. 83,UtahSt.62 CS Bakersfield77, GrandCanyon70 CS Northridge 76,CalSt.-Fullerton 54 Cal Pol62, y Hawaii 60 ColoradoSt. 88,Air Force28 E. Washington71,Montana61 Gonzag a88,LoyolaMarymount51 LongBeachSt.65, UCRiverside 52 N. Colorado 70,Weber St. 63 Nevada 84,San DiegoSt.65 NewMexicoSt.86, Seattle 81 Oregon 93, Utah71 Oregon St. 75,Colorado 63 Oregon St. 75,Colorado 63 Pacific88,SaintMary's (Cal) 71 Portland78,Pepperdine59 PortlandSt.72, MontanaSt. 61 S. Utah 93,SacramentoSt.74 San Diego 72,SantaClara 44 SanJoseSt.68, FresnoSt. 66 SouthernCal68,UCLA54 UC Irvine79,UCDavis 73, OT Wyoming82, UNLV56
TENNIS Professional RoyalGuardOpen Saturday At ClubNaval deCampoLasSalinas Vina delMar,Chile Purse:S467,800(WT250) Surface:Clay-Outdoor Singles Semlfinals Leonardo Mayer, Argentina, def. SantiagoGiraldo, Co lombia7-6(2)r , 6-3. FabioFognini(1),Italy, def.NicolasAlmagro(3), Spain 6-4, 1-6, 7-6(5). PBZZagrebIndoors Saturday At DemSporteva Zagreb,Croatla Purse:S684,900(WT250) Surface:Hard-Indoor Singles Semlfinals MarinCilic (5),Croatia,def.Bjorn Phau, Germany, 6-3 6-4. lommy Haas(1), Germany, def. Daniel Evans, Britain 5-7,6-4,6-3. OpenSuddeFrance Saturday At ArenaMontpellier Montpellier, France Purse:S664,900(WT250) Surlace:Hard-Indoor Singles Semlfinals GaelMonfils (5),France, def. JarkkoNieminen (6), Fin land,6-2,3-6,6-1. RichardGasquet(1), France,def.Jerzy Janowicz(3),Po land,7-6(6),7-6(4).
GOLF PGA Tour PebbleBeach NationalPro-Am Saturday At Pebb le Beach,Calif. p-PebbleBeach: 6,816yards,par72 s-Spyglass Hill GC: 0,963yards, par-72 m-MontereyPeninsula: 6 867yards par-71 PurseS6 6 mrlhon Pareal Th ird Round leaders JimmyWalker 66p-69s-67m—220 Tim Wilkinson 67p-72s-69m—208 HunterMahan 68p-68s-72m—280 RichardH.Lee 65m-72p-72s—209 Phil Mickelson 66m-73p-71s—210 BlakeAdams 69s-69m-72p—210 KevinNa 72p-68s-70m—210 RyanPalmer 72s-66m-72p—210 Pat Perez 69m-70p-71s—210 65m-73p-72s—210 Jim Ren ner MichaelThomp son 71s-68m-72p—211 Brendon Todd 70s-68m-73p—211 DustinJohnson 68s-73m-70p—211 BriceGarnet 75p-68s-68m—211 67m-71p-73s—211 RobertGarrigus 70m-70p-71s—211 Jim Herm an Woody Austin 73p-70s-69m—212 BrianDavis 68p-74s-70m—212 BryceMolder 72m-71p-69s—212 74s-68m-70p—212 JasonKokrak 66m-72p-74s—212 DickyPride 70p-72s-70m—212 RusselKnox l 71p-68s-73m—212 DudleyHart 69m-69p-74s—212 DanielSummerhays 68m-74p-70s—212 Matt Jones 63m-73p-76s—212 AndrewLoupe 69m-70p-73s—212 AaronBaddeley 67m-73p-73s—213 KevinStadler 68m-70p-75s—213 Steven Bowditch 67m-74p-72s—213 WesRoach 70s-70m-73p—213 Jim Furyk 69s-71m-73p—213 James Driscoll 72p-69s-72m—213 PadraigHarrington 68p-75s-70m—213 J.B. Holmes 69m-74p-70s—213 Will MacKe nzie 70p-73s-71m—241 Cameron Tringale 69s-70m-75p—214 PatrickReed 72p-73s-69m—214 BenKohles 71s-71m-72p—214 GraemeMcDowell Seung-YulNoh 72m-71p-71s—214 72p-68s-74m—241 DavidDuval 70p-72s-72m—214 BronsonLa'Cassie 67p-75s-72m—214 RobertStreb 73m-67p-74s—214 VictorDubuisson 70m-74p-70s—214 DougLaBele II 67m-74p-73s—214 George McNeil 70s-73m-71p—214 RobertoCastro 69s-71m-75p—215 AlexCejka 70p-71s-74m—215 SeanO'Hair 67m-74p-74s—215 GregOwen 65m-74p-76s—215 StuartAppleby 71s-70m-74p—215 AndresRomero 69s-71m-75p—215 MichaelPutnam 74s-69m-72p—215 KyleStanley 73s-70m-72p—215 RusselHenl l ey 71s-68m-76p—215 ChnsKirk 68m-76p-71s—215 KevinFoley 67s-72m-77p—216 RorySabbatini 68m-73p-75s—216 LeeJanzen 69m-75p-72s—216 Scott Langley 69s-74m-73p—216 Kiradech Aphibarnrat 72p-69s-75m—261 Will Wilcox 73m-69p-74s—216 JamieLovemark 71p-73s-72m—216 RetiefGoosen 68m-77p-71s—216 JasonDay KevinKisner 72s-69m-75p—216 71s-71m-74p—216 JohnMallinger 74p-71s-71m—216 RafaelCabreraBello LeeWiliams 76p-73s-68m—217 BrianHarman 66m-76p-75s—217 TroyMerritt 74p-69s-74m—271 JustinThomas 70s-72m-75p—217 69s-71m-77p—217 JasonBohn FreddieJacobson 68m-73p-76s—217 Will Claxton 68s-74m-75p—217 ChadCampbell 73s-70m-74p—217 D.H.Lee 69p-73s-75m—271 Scott Brown 70m-76p-71s—217 71m-74p-72s—217 Jeff Magge rt DannyLee 68m-74p-75s—217 PaulGoydos 72s-70m-76p—218 NickWatney 72s-74m-72p—218 Martin Flores 69m-76p-73s—218 BenMartin 71p-73s-74m—218 Brendan Steele 70s-72m-76p—218 KenDuke 72p-72s-74m—281 Alex Prugh 74p-75s-69m—281 Matt Every 71m-75p-73s—219 K.J. Choi 69p-75s-75m—219 WilliamMcGirt 70s-73m-76p—219 Vijay Singh 78p-71s-70m—219 MikeWeir 70m-73p-76s—219 MarkWilson 71s-73m-75p—219 TrevorImmelman 70s-72m-77p—219 Bo Van Pelt 72p-75s-73m—220 KevinTway 70m-76p-74s—220 Joe Durant 74p-72s-74m—2 20 Sang-Moon Bae 69p-74s-77m—2 20 LucasGlover 68m-78p-74s—220 JohnSenden 69m-74p-77s—220 Paul McGinley 67p-76s-78m—221 TagRidings 73s-73m-75p—221 Spencer Levin 76p-74s-71m—2 21 Matt Bettencourt 75s-71m-75p—221 JohnHuh 67m-77p-77s—221 MiguelAngelCarballo 72m-77p-72s—221 GeoffOgilvy 71s-69m-81p—221 RodPampling 73p-73s-75m—2 21 72s-72m-77p—221 BrandtSnedeker Hudson Swafford 71p-75s-75m—221 JustinHicks 74p-75s-73m—2 22 BobbyGates 71p-79s-72m—2 22 JamesHahn 69p-72s-81m—222 NicholasThompson 72s-78m-72p—222
TedPotter,Jr. TyroneVanAswegen CharlieWi StevenFox
69m-75p-79s —223 73p-74s-76m—223 71s-73m-Bgp— 224 72p-78s-74m—224
Cham pions TOLII' Anian z Championshi P Saturday
At TheOldCourse atBrokenSound
Boc a Raton,Fla. Purs e: S1.6million Yardag e: 8,807; Par:72 SecondRound MichaelAllen 60-69—129 63-67—130 ScottDunlap 65-65—130 ChienSoonLu 68-63—131 DuffyWaldorf Jay Haa s 68-64—132 TomLehman 65-67—132 GaryKoch 67-66—133 WesShort,Jr. 65-68—133 BradBryant 66-67—133 Jeff Hart 68-66—134 KennyPerry 68-67—135 68-67—135 Olin Browne 67-68—135 GeneSauers RoccoMediate 69-67—136 JohnRiegger 69-67—136 MikeReid 68-68—136 DavidFrost 68-68—136 RogerChap man 69-68—137 FredFunk 71-66—137 67-70—137 Colin Montgom erie 70-68—138 TomKite 70-68—138 BernhardLanger 70-68—138 DougGarwood JohnInma n 70-68—138 Bill Glasson 69-69—138 Tommy Armour III 72-66—138 RodSpittle 69-69—138 68-70—138 Jeff Sluman 70-69—139 RussCochran 70-69—139 MarkO'Meara 69-70—139 Kohki Idoki MarkMcNulty 74-65—139 EstebanToledo 69-71—140 BobTwa y 71-69—140 MarkBrooks 72-68—140 D.A.Weibring 73-67—140 GaryHallberg 74-66—140 68-72—140 MikeGoodes 67-73—140 Hale Irwin 71-70—141 StevePate 70-71—141 MarkWiebe BrianHenninger 71-70—141 FuzzyZoeller 70-71—141 SteveElkington 67-74—141 PeterSenior 71-71—142 70-72—142 BruceFleisher Willie Wood 69-73—142 72-70—142 Larry Mize 72-70—142 Bob Friend 69-73—142 DanaQuigley BenCrenshaw 72-70—142 MarkCalcavecchia 75-67—142 AndersForsbrand 70-73—143 WayneLevi 72-71—143 69-74—143 BobbyWadkins 72-71—143 LorenRoberts 74-69—143 SteveSchneiter 71-73—144 JoeySindelar Billy Andrade 71-73—144 Scott Simpson 73-71—144 Jim Rutledge 73-71—144 CurtisStrange 74-70—144 TomPerniceJr. 74-70—144 JohnHarris 75-69—144 75-69—144 MorrisHatalsky 72-73—145 Jay Don Blake 75-70—145 Hal Sutton BradFaxon 77-68—145 DanForsman 72-74—146 LeeRinker 74-72—146 TomPurtzer 75-71—146 SteveLowery 76-70—146 77-69—146 BobGilder 76-71—147 TomByrum 76-71—147 Bart Bryant 74-75—149 RickFehr PeterJacobsen 78-71—149 Jim Thorpe 71-79—150 AndrewMagee 78-81—159 JohnCook 66-WD
HOCKEY NHL Standings All TimesPST
Atlantic Olvlslon GP W L OT PlsGF GA 5 7 37 16 4 78 176 125 5 8 33 20 5 7 1 168 145 5 9 32 21 6 70 148 142 6 0 32 22 6 70 178 182 58 26 20 12 64 151 163 59 26 22 11 63 169 191 5 8 22 29 7 5 1 139 183 57 1 5 34 8 3 8 110 172
Boston Tampa Bay Montreal Toronto Detroit Ottawa Florida Buffalo
GP W L OT PlsGF GA P ittsburgh 5 8 4 0 15 3 8 3 186 138 N .Y.Rangers 59 32 24 3 67 155 146 P hiladelphia 59 30 23 6 66 162 167 C olumbus 58 29 24 5 6 3 170 161 W ashington 59 27 23 9 6 3 171 175 Carolina 5 7 2 6 2 2 9 61 144 158 NewJersey 59 24 22 13 61 135 146 N.Y. Islanders 60 22 30 8 52 164 200
St. Louis
WesternConference CentralDivision GP W L OT PlsGF GA
5 7 39 12 6 84 196 135 60 35 11 14 84 207 163 58 37 1 6 5 7 9 174153 5 9 31 21 7 69 145 147 58 27 21 10 64 164 164 6 0 28 26 6 6 2 168 175 59 25 24 10 60 146 180 Pacific Division GP W L OT PlsGF GA A naheim 6 0 4 1 14 5 8 7 196 147 SanJose 5 9 37 1 6 6 8 0 175 142 L osAngeles 59 31 22 6 68 139 128 Phoenix 58 2 7 2 1 10 64163 169 Vancouver 60 27 2 4 9 6 3 146 160 C algary 58 2 2 2 9 7 5 1 137 179 Edmonton 60 2 0 33 7 4 7 153 199 NOTE: Twopoints for a win, onepoint for overtime
Chicago Colorado Minnesota Dallas Winnipeg Nashville
St. Louis4, Winnipeg3, SO Philadelphia2,Calgary1 Boston7, Ottawa2 Toronto3, Vancouver1 Montreal4, Carolina1 Tampa Bay4, Detroit 2 Colorado5,N.Y. Islanders2 Washington 3,NewJersey0 Anaheim 5, Nashvile 2 Dallas 2,Phoenix1
NOTE: WinterOlympic break
DEALS Transactions BASEBAL L NationalLeague CHICAG OCUBS—Agreedtotermswith RHPJeff Sa-
LOSANGELESDODGERS—Agreedtotermswith LHP PaulMaholmonaone-year contract. MIAMIMARLINS—Agreedtotermswith 28Jeff Baker on a two-yea r contract. DesignatedOFJimmy Paredesfor assignm ent. MILWAUKE EBREWERS— DesignatedRHPDonovan Handforassignment. FOOTBAL L NationalFootballLeague CHICAG OBEARS—SignedWRJoeAnderson. GOLF USGA —ElectedThomasJ. O'TooleJr.president. HOCKEY NationalHockeyLeague COLU MBUSBLUEJACKETS—Returned DTimErixon andCod yGoloubef onloantoSpringfield(AHL). NASH VILLEPREDATORS—RecalledFColtonSissons from Milwaukee(AHL). NEWYORKISLANDERS—Loaned DMatt Donovanto Bridgeport(AHL). SANJOSESHARKS—ReassignedFJohnMcCarthyto
Worcester(AHL). TAMPABAYLIGHTNING—ReassignedDJ.P.Coteto Syracuse (AHL). COLLEGE ARKA NSAS—NamedRobbSmithdefensivecoordinator.
Late run lead Blazersever T'wolves The
banged-up Minnesota Timb erwolves were just w h at the Portland Trail B l azers needed.
Having lost six of their previous 10 games, and with a date
a g ainst f i r st-place
Oklahoma City looming on Tuesday, the Blazers took ad-
e v en
if they had all their guys," LaMarcus Aldridge said after scoring 26 points to lead
Portland past Minnesota 117110 Saturday night. "If they had those guys, it definitely would've been different, but this was a must-win game ei-
ther way." Aldridge scored 16 of his
W L 40 12 37 14 36 15 35 18 34 17 30 20 30 21 30 21 27 22 24 25 24 27 22 27 18 32 17 33 17 33
Pd GB 796 714 4 520 13'/r 510 14 490 15 490 15 458 16'/r 431 18 420 18'/t 400 19'/r
353 22
340 22r/r
294 25
288 25'/t
180 30'/r
Pd GB 769 725 2'/t
706 3'/r 660 5'/t 667 5r/r
600 9
588 9'/t
588 9'/r 551 19/t 490 14'/r 471 15'/r 449 16'/t
360 21 340 22 340 22
Wesley Matthews added 21 as the Blazers held off a tougher-than-expected W o lves
team missing starters Kevin Love, Nikola Pekovic and Just minutes before tipoff, Andy Clayton-King /The Associated Press the Wolves announced Love Minnesota Timberwolves guard Ricky Rubio (9) squeezes through pressure defense by Portland Trail Blazers Wesley Matthews,left, in the first quarter of Saturday night's game in Minneapolis.
ward — would miss the game with a bruised left quadriceps sustained in Friday night's 25. loss in New Orleans. Shortly Minnesota led 87-85 with before that, Martin was ruled 9:48 to play in the game before Portland went on a 13-1
ken left thumb, also suffered run to put the game away. against the Pelicans. Com- M innesota p u l le d w i t h i n 101-96 with 3:29 to play bebined with Pekovic, the trio accounts for an average of 60 fore Matthews scored five points and 25 rebounds per straight and Robin Lopez hit game. a layup to put the game out of "It takes a little edge off the reach. game," Blazers coach Terry The Wolves got 19 points Stotts said. "We found out from Chase Budinger, 14 Kevin Martin wasn't going from Dante Cunningham and to play early and then Love a season-high 12 from rookie wasn't going to play. I think Shabazz Muhammad. "It doesn't matter w ho's that deflates the balloon a little bit, you kind of get yourself out," coach Rick A delman up for guys like that." said. "The next guy steps up, B ut th e B l a zers k n e w that's how you have to ap-
NewYorkat DklahomaCity,10a m. Chicago at L.A.Lakers,12:30 p.m. Indiana at Orlando, 3p.m. NewOrleansatBrooklyn, 3 p.m. Dallas atBoston, 3 p.m. Sacramento atWashington, 3p.m. MemphisatCleveland,3 p.m. Philadelphiaat L.A.Clippers,6:30p.m.
phis shut down Atlanta to
quarter. That run came with Rubio on the bench.
continue its pattern of win-
Rookie C.J. McCollum had a season-high 19 points and Nicolas Batum added 15 for the Blazers, who finished their four-game road trip 2-2. Also on Saturday: Pistons 126, Nuggets 109:
ning on the road. Suns 122, Warriors 109:
minutes and Phoenix pulled
Biazers117, Timberwoives110
away to beat depleted Golden
son-high 35 points to go with 12 assists, Josh Smith had 30 points and Detroit rolled to a win over Denver.
liams scored 23 points and rookie Trey Burke hit a jumper with 24 seconds remaining to lift Utah to a victory over
Spurs 104, Bobcats 100: Miami. CHARLOTTE, N.C. — PatRockets 101, Bucks 95: ty Mills scored 18 of his sea- MILWAUKEE Dwight son-high 32 points in the Howard scored 27 p o ints, they couldn't afford to let up proach it. You can't worry fourth quarter and Tim Dun- including three crucial free against the scrappy Wolves, about who's not playing, wor- can had a double-double to throws in the closing seconds, who trailed for most of the ry about who is playing, and lead San Antonio past Char- and James Harden scored 10 first half but led 82-75 with make the best out of the situa- lotte for its fourth win in five of his 22 points in the decisive 1:50 to play in the third quar- tion. I thought we played well games. third quarter to help Houston ter. Corey Brewer led Minne- tonight." Grizzlies 79, Hawks 76:AT- hold off t h e s hort-handed, sota with 26 points and Ricky Aldridge had six points LANTA — Z ach Randolph scrappy Milwaukee and win Rubio scored a career-high during Portland's game-de- scored 20points and Mem- its fifth straight.
PORTLAND (117) Batum6-123-415, Aldridge12-162-2 26,Lopez 1-6 5-7 7,Lilard3-107-714, Matthews6-146-7 21, Watson1-2 0-0 3,Freeland5-61-311, McCogum 6124619,Wright02000, Robinson021-21. Totals40-8229-38117.
Brewer11-234-6 26,Cunningham6-16 2-6 14, Turiaf 4-80-0 8, Rubio8-19 7-8 25, Budinger6-12 4-519, Dieng 0-1 0-00, Barea1-74-46, Shved0-2 0-00,MbahaMoute0-10-00,Muhammad4-84-5 12, Hummel0-00-00.Totals40-9726-34118. PerUand 28 27 28 34 — 117 Minnesota 23 31 29 27 — 110 3-Point Goals—Portland8-23(Matthews3-5,McCollum 3-6, Watson1-2,Lilard1-4, Wright0-2, Batum0-4), Min-
nesota5-17(Bud inger3-6, Rubie2-4, Brewer0-1, Cunningham0-1,Muhammad 0-2, Barea0-3). Fouled Out—Turiaf. Rebound s—Porlland55 (Lopez11), Minnesota 62(Turiaf 13).Assists—Portland28(Matthews6),Minnesota17(Rubio 9).Total Fouls—Portland30, Minnesota25.A—17,506 (19,356)
Rockets101, Bucks 95 HOUSTON(101)
DENVER (189) Chandler6-132-320, Faried5-71-311, Hickson 7-14 1-615,Lawson2-72-2 6, Foye9-16 2-2 25, Mozgov 0 33 43, Fournier5-10 0 0 12,0 Miger3 6 0-06, Arthur 2-50-04, Randolph2-50-06, Ham ilton 0-21-21. Tetals41-8812-22189. DETROIT (126) Smith14-271-4 30, Monroe6-92-2 14, Drummond8-132-218, Jennings11-227-7 35,Singler 4-10 1-2 10,Stuckey7-15 5-6 19,Caldwell-Pope 0-2 0-0 0,Jerebko0-0 0-0 0. Totals 68-98 1823126. Denver 29 32 25 23 — 109 Detroit 38 36 32 29 — 126
Griulies 79, Hawks76 MEMPHIS (79)
Prince0-3 0-0 0, Randolph10-160-0 20, Gasol 4-14 0-0 8,Calathes5-15 0-010, Lee6-121-1 14, Johnson4-90-0 8, Morris2-5 0-05, Davis1-3 0-0 2, Miller 3-70-08, Koufos 2-60-04. Totals37-98 1-1 79. ATLANTA (76) Carroll 6-110-213,Milsap8-162-420, Ayon2-2 2-2 6,Teague3-102-2 8, Korver3-90-0 9,Wiliams 2-81-36, Brand4-61-29,Scott0-50-00, Martin2-3 0-0 5. Totals 38-708-1576. Memphis 27 18 24 18 — 79 Atlanta 29 14 11 22 — 76
Suus122, Warriors109
scored 13 of his career-high 34 points in the final seven
State. Jazz 94, Heat 89: SALT Brandon Jennings had a sea- LAKE CITY — Marvin Wil-
Denverat Indiana,4p.m. NewOrleansatToronto, 4 p.m. SanAntonioatDetroit, 4:30p.m. Houstonat Minnesota, 5p.m. Boston at Milwaukee,5 p.m. Philadelphia at Golden State,7:30 p.m.
PHOENIX — Goran Dragic
Pistons126, Nuggets109
SANANTONIO(184) Green1-6 0-0 3, Duncan6-134-616, Diaw5-9 1-1 13,Parker3-133-49, Joseph3-72-28, DeColo 5-11 4 415,Ayres3 42 28, Bonner 0-10 00, Mils 10-13 8-932,Brown0-0 0-00. Totals 36-77 2428104. CHARLO TTE(100) Kidd-Gilchrist2-70-04,McRoberts3-50-07,Jefferson12-212-226, Walker7-194-418, Henderson 8-19 5-823,Zeller 1-3 4-66, Sessions4-9 1-2 10, Tolliver2-50-06, Biyombo0-10-00, Pargo 0-00-0 0.Telals 39-8916-22108. SanAntonie 21 2 8 28 35 — 104 26 17 28 30 — 100 Charlotte
ciding 13-1 run in the fourth
Middleton 7-13 3-3 20, Henson7-14 0-0 14, Sanders1-30-02, Knight10-201-123,Wolters 9-15 0-1 19,Pachulia5-5 2-212,Antetokounmpo0-81-2 1, Raduljica1-4002, Neal0 82 22.Totals40 98 9-11 95. Houston 29 27 26 20 — 101 Milwaukee 26 19 24 26 — 96
Spurs104, Bobcats100
Kevin Martin.
out indefinitely with a bro-
W L 39 10 35 14 26 24 25 24 24 25 24 25 22 26 22 29 21 29 20 30 18 33 17 33 15 36 15 37 9 41
SanAntonio104,Charlotte100 Detroit126,Denver109 Memphis79,Atlanta 76 Portland117,Minnesota110 Houston101,Milwaukee95 Phoenix122,GoldenState109 Utah94,Miami89
points in the second half and
— their All-Star power for-
d-Oklahoma City d-San Antonio Portland d-L.A.Clippers Houston Phoenix GoldenState Dallas Memphis Denver Minnesota NewOrleans LA. Lakers Utah Sacramen to d-divisionleader
team missing three of its best players. "We felt that w a y
vantage of a Timberwolves
Parsons3-80-08, Jones1-40-02,Howard11-19 5-7 27, Beverley6-120-015, Harden9-21 3-4 22, Motiejunas4 51-29, Lin8-150-018, Asik0-00-00, Casspi0-20-00. Totafs42469-13101.
d-Indiana d-Miami d-Toronto Atlanta Washington Chicago Brooklyn Charlotte Detroit NewYork Boston Cleyeland Philadelphia Orlando Milwaukee
The Associated Press M INNEAPOLIS —
GOLDEN STATE(189) Iguodala5-91-312, D.Green2-61-2 5, O'Neal 4-113-311,Curry10-205-628,Thompson6-133-4 17, Barnes9-153-423,Speights1-1 0-02, Crawford 4-92-210, Baze more 0-01-21. Totals41-841926109. PHOENIX (122) Tucker5-104-5 16, Frye6-13 0-0 13,Plumlee 5-10 2-2 12,Dragic10-138-10 34, G.Green10-15 3-525, MarcMorris4-86-614, MarkMorris 0-30-0 0, Smith1-40-02,Barbosa2-42-26. Totals43-88 25-30122. Golden State 28 3 1 31 19 — 109 Phoenix 29 34 32 27 — 122
Jazz 94, Heat89 MIAMI (89)
James4-134-613, Battier 2-42-2 8, Bosh3-12 7-813,Chalmers4-6 3-312, Wade7-145-519, Andersen1-11-2 3,Allen4-8 0-09, Cole4-92-412, Dden0-00-00. Totals 29-6724-38 89.
Jefferson5-103-314, Wiliams9-150-223, Favors 2-64-68, Burke5-110-013, Hayward3-8 3-4 9, Garrett0-0 0-00, Burks5-121-212, Evans3-40-0 6, Kanter4-70-08, Rush 0-11-21. Totals36-74 12-19 94. Miami 28 38 16 23 — 89 Utah 32 28 16 26 — 94
Arizona State outlasts Oregon The Associated Press TEMPE, Ariz. — Arizona State
Nc). 17 lowabeats No. 10Michigan The Associated Press
BOSTON — Jabari Parker set career highs with 29 points and 16 rebounds, and Quinn Cook hit five 3-pointers after burning the Hawkeyes for 26 and scored 21points as Duke coasted points a couple weeks ago. to a win over Boston College.
dominated the first half. Oregon charged back behind Joseph Young. The long arm of Jordan Bachyns-
IOWA CITY, Iowa — Nik Stauskas caught too much of Iowa's attention
ki turned out to be the difference.
Iowa's focused defense held No. 10
Bachynski had a career-high 26 points and swatted Young's reverse layup at the buzzer for his ninth
block, helping Arizona State hold offhard-charging Oregon 74-72 on Saturday.
"I see a guy cut out of the corner my eye and I knew I had to blockthat
one, that I had to have that one and
I came up with it," said Bachynski, w ho also had a game-ending block in a victory over Marquette and fin-
ished with nine rebounds. Arizona State (18-6, 7-4 Pac-12) dominated the first half, building a 20-point lead while the Ducks flailed at both ends.
Stacie Scott/The Arizona Republic
Oregon (15-8, 3-8) put together a Oregon forward Elgin Cook, front left, is fouled by Arizona State forward Eric furious rally behind Young and its Jacobsen during Saturday's game in Tempe, Ariz. press in the second half, using a 34-
No. 13 Saint Louis 65, La Salle 63:
Michigan's leading scorer to 10points P HILADELPHIA — J o r d air J e t t and the 17th-ranked Hawkeyes beat scored 19 of his 25 points in the secthe Wolverines85-67 on Saturday. ond half, including the game-winIowa's Roy Devyn Marble scored ning basket with 4 seconds left, and 22 of his 26 points in the first half. Saint Louis extended its school-re"Iowa punched us early today, and cord winning streak to 16 games with it was hard to respond," Michigan a victory over La Salle. coach John Beilein said. "This is how Kansas St. 74, No. 15 Texas 57: they were playing early in the season M ANHATTAN, K a n . — Marcus no matter who they were playing." Fosterscored a career-high 34 points CarisLeVert scored 22 points for on 13-of-16 shooting as Kansas State the Wolverines (17-6, 9-2 Big Ten), ended Texas' seven-game winning who have lost two of three after start- streak. ing 8-0 in the Big Ten. No. 16 lowa St. 84, TCU 69:AMES, The Hawkeyes (18-6, 7-4) have Iowa — Melvin Ejim hit 20 of 24 shots beaten two AP Top 10 teams in the in scoring a Big 12-record 48 points regular season for the first time since and grabbed a career-high 18 re1990-91. Iowa avoided a third straight
bounds to lead Iowa State.
in the second half and hi t f o ur
"The one thing that is certain is
3-pointers, but couldn't get his final shot past Bachynski's long arm, sending Oregon to its fourth 2-point conference loss. "It's a tough way to lose, fighting back like that and having a chance," said Oregon forward Mark Moser,
that nothing is predictable in this
filled up the state sheet with five
loss at home and split the season seNo. 18 Kentucky 69, Mississippi St. ries with Michigan. 59: STARKVILLE, Miss. — Julius Also on Saturday: Randle scored 16 points and fellow No. 3 Florida 78, Alabama 69: freshman James Young added 11 for GAINESVILLE, Fla. — Scottie Wil- Kentucky in a win over Mississippi bekin scored 16 points, leading all State. five starters in double figures, and TexasTech 65,No.19 Oklahoma St.
game," Sun Devils coach Herb Sendek said. "The guys knew the
points, eight rebounds and five as-
Florida beat Alabama for its 15th
sists. The Sun Devils made 15 of 22 shots in the half and led 43-23.
straight victory. State star Marcus Smart shoved a fan No. 4 Wichita St. 82, Northern lowa underneath the basket in the waning 73: CEDAR FALLS, Iowa — Tekele seconds of Texas Tech's win over the Cotton scored 18 points and Wichita Cowboys. State beat Northern Iowa, clearing No. 20 Virginia 64, Georgia Tech perhaps its toughest remaining hur- 45: ATLANTA — Sophomore guard dle for an unbeaten regular season. Malcolm Brogdon scored 14 points No. 5 San Diego St. 73, Nevada and tied his career high with 11 re58: SAN DIEGO — Xavier Thames bounds as Virginia closed the game
11 run to take the lead with 5 min-
utesleft. Young scored all of his 29 points
game wasn't over." While Arizona State has gotten
pick-and-roll sforeasy baskets. Bachynski had 18 points and five rebounds by halftime, and Carson
The Ducks were dysfunctional on offense throughout the half, strugin the Pac-12 with four wins in five gling from the perimeter or to get who broke out of a mini slump with games, Oregon has drifted from the much going inside, where Bachyns14 points. "Real tough." postseason bubble. ki blocked one shot and altered nuThe Sun Devils dominated early The Ducks had a chance to gain merous others. behind Bachynski and Jahii Car- a little momentum against No. 2 ArOregon missed its first nine son, who finished with 11 points, 12 izona Thursday night, but faltered 3-point attempts and finished 1-ofrebounds and six assists. down the stretch. 13 in the first half, and shot 9 of 36 Once Oregon went tothe press, Leading most of the second half, overall. Arizona State was knocked back Oregonbotched theend ofthegame Also on Saturday: on its heels, struggling to get the with a turnover, a questionable shot Utah 81, Washington State 63: ball past midcourt or to get shots to and three missed free throws in the SALT LAKE CITY — Brandon Tay67-65 loss. fall. lor had 16 points and Jordan LoveThe Sun Devils found a way to That put added emphasis the ridge chipped in 13 to lead Utah to a pull it out and avoid what would game against Arizona State. victory over Washington State. have been an ugly loss after JerThe Ducks didn't play like there UCLA 83, USC 73: LOS ANGEmaine Marshall hit a runner with 13 was much urgency in the first half, LES — Norman Powell scored 10 seconds left and Bachynski swatted digging a deep hole as they missed of his 21 points during a 3 t/a minYoung. one shot after another and Arizona ute span of the second half, Jordan Shaquielle McKissic added 15 State scored seemingly whenever Adams had 17 points and eight repoints for Arizona State, which shot and wherever it wanted. bounds, and UCLA completed a sea3 of 15 from 3-point range and had Bachynski and Carson had their son sweep of USC. Kyle Anderson 15 turnovers that led to 21 points for way with Oregon throughout the had 15 points, 10 rebounds and eight Oregon. first half, combining on numerous assists for UCLA (18-5, 7-3 Pac-12). back on track, moving up to third
scored 17 points, Winston Shepard
61: LUBBOCK, Texas — Oklahoma
on a 22-1 run.
had 16 and San Diego State beat ¹ No. 21 Oklahoma 88, Baylor 72: vada to tie the school record with its NORMAN, Okla. — Isaiah Cousins 20th straight win. scored 15 of his career-high 21 points SMU 76, No. 7 Cincinnati 55: DALin the second half to help Oklahoma LAS — Nick Russell had 15 points beat Baylor. to go with several big steals, and No. 24Memphis 60, No. 23 Goncoach Larry Brown's SMU Mustangs zaga 54: MEMPHIS, Tenn. — Chris stayed undefeated at home by end- Crawford and Michael Dixon Jr. both ing Cincinnati's 15-game winning had 11 points, and Memphis scored streak. the final 10 of the game to defeat No. 8 Kansas 83, West Virgin- Gonzaga. ia 69: LAWRENCE, Kan. — AnNo. 25 Pittsburgh 62, Virginia drew Wiggins scored 19 points and Tech 57: PITTSBURGH — Cameron Wayne Selden had 17 for Kansas, Wright scored four of his 18 points which padded its lead in the Big 12 in the second overtime to help Pittsstandings. burgh snap a two-game home losing No. 11 Duke 89, Boston College 68: streak.
Eight gold medals are atstake, including the newevent of teamfigure skating and
with Bode Miller of the U.S.andAksel Lund Svindal of Norway the favorites.
Shori track
Women's Super Combined (downbill), 11 p.m. Women's Super Combined (slalom), Monday, 3 a.m.
Men's15km/15km Skiathlon, 2 a.m.
Men's1,500 Heats, Monday, 1:45 a.m. Women's 5,00 Heats, Monday, 2:30 a.m. Men's1,500 Semifinals,Monday, 3:10a.m. Women's 3,000 Relay Semifinals,Monday, 3:40 a.m. Men's1,500 Final, Monday, 4:05 a.m.
Men's Teamfree program, 7 a.m. Women's Team free program,8:05 a.m. Ice DanceTeamfree dance, 9:10a.m.
Russiavs.Britain, 9p.m. Switzerland vs. Sweden, 9 p.m. Denmark vs. China, 9 p.m. Germanyvs. Canada, 9 p.m.
Women's 7.5kmSprint, 6:30 a.m.
China vs. Canada, Monday, 2 a.m. Switzerland vs. United States, Monday,2a.m. Sweden vs.Britain, Monday, 2 a.m. Russia vs. Denmark, Monday, 2 a.m.
Speedskating Women's 3,000, 3:30 a.m. Men's 500 (Race1), Monday, 5 a.m.
Medal table 7hrough Saturday (5medal events) G S
Norway 2 1 Canada 1 1 Netherlands 1 1
1 4 1 3 1 3
Austria 0 1 Sweden 0 1 Czech Rep. 0 0
Hockey WOMEN
Group B:Swedenvs. Japan, 9 p.m. Group B:Russia vs. Germany, 5a.m. Group A:USAvs. Switzerland,Monday, 2 a.m.
Freestyle Skiing
Women's Slopestyle Finals,1:15a.m.
Men's Moguls Quajjfjcation, Monday,6a.m.
Sid jumping Men's Individual (normal hill) First Round, 9:30 a.m. Men's Individual(normalhill) Final,10:30a.m. Events throughBa.m. Monday PST. All events streamedlive online at NBCOlympics. com
c;enes aIOun OC; i
Biathlon Men's10km Sprint (Penaitiesinparenthesesl 1. Ole EinarBjoerndalen, Norway, 24:33.5(1). 2. Dominik Landertinger,Austria, 24:34.8(0). 3. JaroslavSoukup,CzechRepublic, 24:39.2(0). 4. AntonShipulin, Russia,24:39.9
0 1 0 1 1 1
5. Jean-Philippe leGuellec,Canada, 24:43.2(0). 6. MartinFourcade,France,24:45.9
7. SimonEder,Austria, 24:47.2(0). 8. OndrejMoravec, Czech Republic,
TV schedule
U.S. Finishers 19. Tim Burke,Paul Smiths,N.Y., 25:23.3(1). 35. LowelBai l ley,LakePlacid, N.Y., 26:04.1(2). 45. LeiNo f rdgren,MarineonSt.Croix, Minn.,26:17.4(0). 61. Russell Currier, Stockholm, Maine,26:58.5(4).
• Ag Times PST,Subject tochange • Primetimrepl e aysareshowneach night beginningbetweenmidnight and2a.m. • Events tobeaired live onth*eWest Coast are noted with anasterisk ( )
Today NBC
2-6 p.m.— FigureSkating,(TeamEvent Gold MedalFinal: Men's FreeSkate); Women'sBiathlon, 7.5kmSprint Gold MedalFi nal; Women' s Speedskating, 3000 Gold Medal Final; Men's Cross-Country,Skiathlon GoldMedal Final 7-11 p.m.— FigureSkating, (TeamEvent Gold Medal Final: Ladies'FreeSkate, Ice DancingFreeDance); Men'sAlpine Skiing, DownhiGol l dMedal Final; Women's Snowboarding,SlopestyleGold Medal Final; Men's Ski Jumping, Individual K-95GoldMedal Final 11:35 p.m.-12:35 a.m.— Figure Skating, Team Event Gold Medal Final Postgame;Men'sLuge, SinglesGoldMedal FinalRuns NBCSN Midnight-2:30 a.m.—Women'sHockey, Sweden vs. Japan* 2:30-5:30 a.m.— Men'sCross-Country, SkiathlonGoldMedal Final*; Women's Speedskating,3000Gold Medal Final* 5:30-7 a.m.—Men'sLuge,Singles* 7-10 a.m.— Figure Skating,TeamEvent Gold MedalFinal* ping, Individ10-11 a.m.—Men'sSkiJum ual K-95GoldMedal Final* 1-2p.m.—HockeyEncore 2-4 p.m.— GameoftheDay:Hockey MSNBC 5-7:30 a.m.—Women'sHockey, Russiavs. German y"
Monday NBC Speedskating,500Gold 3-5p.m.— Men's MedalFinal;Men'sBiathlon, 12.5kmPursuit GoldMedalFinal 8-11:30 p.m.— Women'sAlpineSkiing, Super CombinedGold Medal Final; Men's FreestyleSkiing, MogulsGold Medal Final; Men'sShortTrack, 1500 GoldMedalFinal 12:05-1:05a.m.—Women'sShort Track„. Women'sLuge NBCSN Midnight-2 a.m.— Men's Curling,Germanyvs.Canada 2-4:30a.m. — Women'sHockey, USAvs. * Switzerland sSpee dskating, 4:30-8:15 a.m.— Men' 500 GoldMedal Final* 815 a.m.-noon —Women'sLuge,*; Women'sCurling, Swedenvs. Britain Noon-2p.m.—CurlingEncore 2-4 p.m.— GameoftheDay:Hockey MSNBC 7-9:30 a.m.— Women' sHockey,Finland * vs. Canada CNBC 2-5 p.m.—Men'sCurling, USAvs. Norway USA 2-5 a.m.— Women's Curling,USA vs. Switzerland
Tuesday NBC
3-5 p.m. — Men's and Women's Cross-Country, IndividualSprint Gold Medal Finals;Women' sLuge,GoldMedal FinalRuns;Women'sFreestyle Skiing, Slopestyle oarding, 8-11:30 p.m.— Men's Snowb HalfpipeGoldMedal Final; FigureSkating, Pairs' Short Program;Wom en's FreestyleSkiing, SlopestyleGoldMedal Final; Wom en's Ski Jumping, Individual K-95GoldMedal Final 12:05-1:05 a.m.—Women'sSpeedskating, 500 Gold MedalFinal; Womens' Biathlon,10km Pursuit GoldMedal Final NBCSN Midnight-2 a.m. — Women'sCurling, USAvs.Russia s' 2-3 a.m. — Men's and Women Cross-Country,Individual Sprints* 3-7 a.m. — Men'sand Women's Cross-Country, IndividualSprint Gold *
Freestyle Skiing Women's Moguls MedalRun 1. JustineDufour-Lapointe, Canada, 22.44.
2. ChloeDufour-Lapointe,Canada, 21.66. 3. HannahKearney, United States, Norwich,Vt., 21.49. 4. AikoUemura, Japan, 20.66. 5. BrittenyCox,Australia,19.43. 6. Eliza Outtrim, USA,Hamd en, Conn.,19.37.
Nordic Skiing
Sergei Grits/The Associated Press
United States' Sage Kotsenburg takes a jumpduring the snowboard slopestyle final at the Rosa Khutor Extreme Park on Saturday.
• How did slopestyle gold medalisSage t l(otsenburg prepare?By'chiling really hard' The Associated Press
blocked off." The 21-year-old from Aurora went pretty fast in an Olympic downhill training rtm on Saturday, finishing in fourth place. She did miss a few gates, so it technically really didn't count. Still, it was "exciting to see my
he night before the biggest run of his life, American snowboarder
Sage Kotsenburg didn't paint a picture of the intense athlete quietly smoldering as he visualized what was going to take place. Instead, Kotsenburg was hanging out with
name up there. That's cool."
lt must be the glitter
some teammates who couldn't make the
Even before the race, cross-country skier
openingceremonies,munching on "chocolate, onion rings, chips and stuff" before he fell asleep while watching the movie "Fight Club." "We were chilling really hard," Kotsenburg says. Maybe more of these hard-driving Olympic athletes should follow his lead. Kotsenburg woke up from the best night's sleep he's had in Russia and ripped the first "1620 Japan grab" — soaring off the final jump, grabbing the Kirsty Wiggiesworth /The Associated Press back of his board and flexing his legs behind Jessica Diggins, complete with red, white and his back while spinning four and a half times blue hair and glitter makeup, competes in the — of his career to win the inaugural men's
15K skiathlon Saturday.
slopestyle gold medal. A mere 10 minutes before his run, as he
Jessica Diggins knew she was going to shine in the opening event of her first Olympics. L ike her A merican teammates in t h e
women's 15K skiathlon Saturday, Diggins put on a massive layer of glitter makeup. But it wasn't just her face that sparkled. Her skiing did, too. The Afton, Minn., na-
tive finished eighth, trailing gold medalist Marit Bjoergen of Norway by 1 minute, 31.9 seconds. "That was awesome, that felt incredible,"
Diggins said. "I am so happy I am just on cloud nine right now.e
"This was one of the best races in my life," Spicoli from "Fast Times at Ridgemont High." she said. "It just felt so good to have a good "That is SICK," Kotsenburg said when told race, and especially on a hard course at the never done before, Kotsenburg decided to give his big brother a call back home in Park of the tweet. "I'm so down with it. I'm stoked Olympics, my parents watching, to hear City, Utah. Kotsenburg's family and friends to see that." them out cheering for me just gave me the were gathered for a viewingparty. boost I needed." "He said, 'WHAAAATg What's going on? Speedy Wiles Diggins, who won the world team sprint Everyone be quiet, I can't hear you,' " KotsenAmerican skier Jacqueline Wiles simply title alongside Kikkan Randall last year, said burg said with a laugh. "I started telling him, enjoys the feel of "the wind in my face." No she will stick to the same glitter makeup roudude, talking about the run. He's like, 'Yeah, wonder her two passions are racing and rid- tine for her upcoming events in Sochi. "This is fun. I do it because I love it," she you got this.' He's the reason I got into snow- ing her motorcycle. "I just like speed," Wiles said. says. "When I am happy and when I am havboarding, so calling him before the run was the coolest thing ever." And while she doesn't balk at going ing fun, then that's when I race well." Now Kotsenburg is the coolest thing going. around 70 mph on the race hill, that kind of The only thing that didn't work out perHe picked up about 2,500 Twitter followers in speed on a bike is a little daunting. fectly for Diggins on Saturday was her at"I just feel a little safer on a racer course," tempt to paint her ponytail red, white and two hours after winning and apicture was circulating with the 20-year-old, shaggy blonde- said Wiles, a rookie on the World Cup cir- blue: "Well, it's more like pink, white and haired bro right next to his doppelganger, Jeff cuit. "Maybe because on a course, things are blue." was mustering the courage to try a trick he's
lsnowboard Men's Slopestyle Final Ranking 1. SageKotsenburg, United States, Park City, Utah,(93.50;83.25) 93.50. 2. Staale Sandbech,Norway, (27.00; 91.75)91.75. 3. MarkMcMorris, Canada, (33.75; 88.75)88.75. 4. SvenThorgren, Sweden,(83.75; 87.50)87.50. 5. Maxence Parrot, Canada,(47.00; 87.25)87.25. 6. JamieNicholls, Britain, (85.50; 46.50)85.50. 7. PeetuPiiroinen Finland (7850 81.25)81.25. 8. Yuki Kadono,Japan, (53.00; 75.75)75.75. 9. Sebastien Toutant, Canada, (54.50;58.50)58.50. 10. Billy Morgan,Britain, (38.00; 39.75)39.75. 11. Roope Tonteri, Finland,(31.50; 39.00)39.00. 12. Gjermund Braaten, Norway, (24.75;20.50)24.75.
Diggins said she targeted a finish "in the top 20, not the top 10."
Women'sSkiathlon 7.5kmClassic+7.5km Free 1. MaritBjoergen,Norway,38:33.6. 2. CharlotteKalla, Sweden,38:35.4. 3. HeidiWeng,Norway,38:46.8. 4. Therese Johaug,Norway,38:48.2. 5. Aino-KaisaSaarinen,Finland, 38:48.9. 6. Justyna Kowalczyk, Poland, 39:29.7. 7. Kerltu Niskanen, Finland, 39:35.3. 8. Jessie Diggins,UnitedStates, Afton,Minn.,40:05.5. OtherU.S. Finishers 12. Liz Stephen,East Montpelier, Vt., 40:09.6. 31. Sadie Bjornsen, Winthrop, Wash.,41:09.7. 47. HollyBrooks,Anchorage,Alaska, 42:34.0.
Men's 5000 1. Sven Kramer, Netherlands, 6:10.76. 2. Jan Blokhuijsen, Netherlands, 6:15.71. 3. Jorrit Bergsma,Netherlands, 6:16.66. 4. BartSwings,Belgium, 6:17.79. 5. SverreLundePedersen, Norway, 6:18.84. 6. DenisYuskov,Russia,6:19.51. 7. IvanSkobrev,Russia,6:19.83. 8. Patrick Beckert, Germany, 6:21.18.
U.S. Finishers 16. EmeryLehman, OakPark, III., 6:29.94. 19. Jonathan Kuck, Champaign,III., 6:31.53. 20. PatrickMeek,Northbrook, III., 6:32.94.
Hockey Saturday'sScores Women UnitedStates3, Finland1 Canada 5, Switzerland0
7-10:30 a.m. — Figure Skating,Pairs' Short * Program 10:30noon — Women' sSkiJumping,Individual K-95GoldMedal Final*; Women'sSped eskating,500Gold Medal Final 2-4 p.m.— GameoftheDay:Hockey MSNBC 7-9:30a.m.— Women'sHockey,Russia
vs. Japan"
2-5 p.m.— Women's Curling,USA vs. Britain USA 2-5 a.m.—Men'sCurling, USAvs.China*
kind of lit something in me
and was subdued after her
season,to the point where she
performance. made the Olympic downhill "I've been working hard in squad. Continued from C1 been my dream to race in the "I came out o f t h e s t art Olympics, so this is really, re- training, and feeling good. But Surreal f o r sur e , t he it's just not carrying over to 21-year-old conceded. charging, but the third gate ally big." "It's way more than I ever came up — there were a couA t hree-time Olympian, downhill right at the moment," ple bumps," Wiles said. "I Cook finished right behind said Smith, who will start in thought," Wiles said. "I was didn't stand over it enough, Ross in sixth place in Satur- the super-combined on Mon- planning on just doing a couwasn't in t h e b est p osi- day's downhill training run. day. "Hopefully it's something ple of World Cup races at the tion possible and it kind of Mancuso finished eighth. I can figure out real soon." beginning of the year, dip my went out from under me. I Smith had a feeling she This has been quite a jour- feet into the circuit a little bit. wasn't able to make the next was probably out of the run- ney for Wiles, who's steadily But I ended up doing well and right-footed double. But that ning after finishing 22nd, progressed throughout the they kept taking me and takafter that, so I just sent it. It's
ing me (to races). Now, I'm here. It's just crazy." A downhill training run was scheduled for this morn-
ing, but no Team USA woman participated, opting instead to rest for the super combined.
The women's super combined can be streamed live at 11 p.m. today on, or can be viewed on NBC'sprime time Olympic coverage at 8 p.m. on Monday.
By Linda Robertson The Miami Herald
SOCHI, Russia — America
is seeking an ice queen. She must have charisma, compet-
Lee Jin-man/TheAssociated Press
Norway's Ole Einar Bjoerndalen shoots during the men's biathlon10k sprint Saturday. Bjoerndalen, 40, became the oldest person to win an individual gold medal at the Winter Olympics.
Norway biathlete become's Games' oldest to win gold By Fred Lief
sweep in which he was followed by Jan Blokhuijsen
The Associated Press
SOCHI, Russia — Norwe-
gian biathlete Ole Einar Bjoerndalen became the oldest individual gold medalist at the Winter Olympics, winning the 10-kilometer sprint — his seventh career gold. At age 40, Bjoerndalen is within one gold of the alltime mark of eight held by Norwegian cross-country skiing great Bjorn Daehlie. He was f o llowed by Dominik Landertinger of Austria and Jaroslav Soukup of Czech Republic. "I am in super form," Bjoerndalen said. "I prepared well for this and I am feeling strong."
and Jorrit Bergsma.
"That Sven was able to deliver despite such pressure, it leaves me
s peechless,"
Wil l em-Alexander
Alpine skiing Bode Miller of the U.S. and Aksel L un d
S v i ndal
of Norway emerged as favorites on a t r eacherous downhill course. Miller and
Svindal finished 1-2 in the final downhill training run. Asked of his objectives Sat-
urday, Miller said: "Um, not kill myself was primary."
The U.S. won the openNordic skiing er of the Olympic women's Norway's Marit Bjoergen hockey tournament, defeatcaptured the women's 15-ki- ing Finland 3-1 behind Hilal ometer skiathlon for h e r ry Knight's goal 53 seconds fourth Olympic title. Bjoer- into the game and Jesse gen's gold was tempered by Vetter's 14 saves. The Amergrief. icans can reach the semifiThe brother of teammate nals by beating Switzerland Astrid Uhrenholdt Jacob- on Monday. Canada beat sen died "suddenly and un- Switzerland 5-0. expectedly" a day earlier, according to N o rwegian Figure skating Olympic officials. BjoerIf the Russians keep pergen, joined by teammates, forming as they have in the sobbed in an embrace after new team figure skating the race.
competition, they're sure to
"We reall y did agood race dominate throughout these for him today," Bjoergen Sochi Games. said. J ulia Lipnitskaia a t 1 5 Bjoergen held off silver had the look of an Olymm edalist C h arlotte K a l l a pic champion on Saturday in the final straightaway to night, dazzling the home win in 38 minutes, 33.6 sec- crowd with a near-perfect onds, successfully defend- routine in the women's short ing her title from Vancouver. program. Norway's Heidi Weng won Ksenia Stolbova and Fethe bronze. dor Klimov earned cheers "One gold was my goal, so as they routed the field in now I can relax a little bit," the free skate. Bjoergen said. With only the men's and women's free skate and the
free dance left to contest in American s n owboard- today's finale, Russia has 47 er Sage Kotsenburg, his points and a six-point lead blonde hair flapping from over Canada. his helmet, won the first World champions Meryl gold medal of the games Davis and Charlie W h ite by taking men's slopestyle. quick-stepped their way to The 20-year-old from Idaho victory in t h e t eam short mastered a perilous course
dance, lifting the U.S. into
in Krasnaya Polyana in the medals chase. The slopestyle's Olympic debut. Americans are third with 34 He was king of a 12-man points. field and a slope that features a large nesting doll Freestyle skiing — a course Shaun White
J ustine and C h loe D u -
wanted no part of. Kotsen- four-Lapointe joined a few burg wowed the judges with other sisters to win gold and a daring, spinning maneu- silver in the same Olympic ver in which he rotated 4 t/~ times. Staale Sandbech of Nor-
way won the silver medal and Mark McMorris of Canada took the bronze. "I can't
even describe the feeling," Kotsenburg said. "It's so cool."
event. They did it in wom-
en's moguls, where their oldest sister Maxime made it into the finals and finished 12th. French skiers M a r ieele
Kramer has been bedeviled at the Olympics, notably in Vancouver when his coach pointed him to the wrong lane in the 10,000. But on this day he surged around the oval, winning in 6:10.76 and leading a Dutch
championships. "It was tough going out there after a disappointing nationals, so it was important for me to redeem myself," Wagner said. Yet even with a clean perforleft her in fourth place, which doesn't bode well for her in the
glamour event of the Winter Vadim Ghirda/TheAssociated Press Olympics. When ladies singles Marissa Castelli falls as she and Simon Shnapir of the United States compete in the team pairs free is contested Feb. 19 and 20, de- skate on Saturday. fending Olympic gold medalist Kim Yu-Na of South Korea will be in a field that could leave
spicuouscostumes, goldcanbe Wagner and teammate Gracie turned into fame for a lifetime. Gold out in the cold. The United States boasts along Expect ample tears in the list of heroes, including Button, kiss-and-cry area when Amer- Scott Hamilton and Brian Boiican skaters' scores are an- tano, and an even more stunnounced during these Games. ning collection of female suWhile Michigan's Meryl Davis perstars, from Tenley Albright and Charlie White are favored to Carol Heiss Jenkins, Peggy to win in ice dancing, and the Fleming, Hamill, Debi ThomU.S. team might hold onto third as, Kristi Yamaguchi, Tara place, U.S. pairs will be out- Lipinski, Sarah Hughes, Sasha classed and, most humbling Cohen and Michelle Kwan. of all, U.S. men's and women's But oversaturation, the rise skaters face the prospect of be- of Asian skaters and the lack ing shut out of the medals for of home-grown golden girls the first time since 1936. have hurt the sport's profile. Jeremy Abbott finished sev- Falls were numerous and enth in his short program in ratings were tepid for l a st team competition, a poor indi- month's U.S. championships, cation of his chances of leap- when the U.S. Olympic team frogging the top men and re- was chosen. Wagner made it claiming the gold medal for the on thestrength ofher resume U.S. that Evan Lysacek won in even though she finished 2010.
fourth and fell twice in her
Although anything is pos- long program. sible in a sport where judges' T he U n ited S t ates h a d marks can be as slippery as placed a woman on the Olymthe surface, the United States pic podium 11 straight times is considered podium-worthy until t h e 2 0 1 0 V a ncouver only in dance, the least respect- Games. There has not been ed and least athletic of the dis- an American woman on the ciplines. If neither Wagner nor world podium since 2006. At Gold can wow savvy Russian six Olympics between 1956 spectatorsor impress judges and 1976, U.S. women won inside the Ice Cube venue, fig- gold four times. At four Olymure skating could suffer an- pics between 1992 and 2002, other dip in popularity back U.S. women won gold three home, whereDick Button and
Dorothy Hamill are household names. At th e W i nter O lympics, where the TV cameras fawn over a sport that combines
grace, melodrama and con-
Bobsled S print star Lauryn W i l -
times. No one has emerged to suc-
ceed Kwan, who won nine national and five world titles from 1993 to 2006, although
Hughes were one-and-done marks on the 6.0 scale, in esafter winning Olympic gold. sence ranking them. While skaters regard the Caroline Zhang, Naomi Nuri Nam, Rachael Flatt, A l issa new system as more equitaCzisny and 2006 world champ ble, critics say it emphasizK immie Mei s sner w er e es running up the score by among young heiresses who cramming maneuvers and never quite panned out. jumps into the time allotted. Since th e 1 998 N a gano Technique is more important Games, skating's popularity than artistry. Skaters with in Asia has gone in the other magnetic personalities, such direction, thanks to stars such as Jayne Torvill and Christoas Japan's Midori Ito, Shizuku pher Dean, Katarina Witt and A rakawa, M ik i A n d o a n d Mao Asada and South Korea's Kim. "I don't know if it's a decline in the U.S. as much as
Kwan would have to amp up
and tabulate it into a point total. Technical specialists rule
they're trying to turn it into a
whether skaters complete
does not reward creativity, and that was the Americans'
their level of difficulty to win under the new system. "I would say that Ameri-
can skaters have always been the sport has become truly groundbreaking and i nnoglobal," Hamilton said. "0th- vative," Hamilton said. "This er countries that have been system createsa more apgood in the past but maybe not ples-to-apples approach." great are now churning out Button uses "cookie-cutter" skaters faster than ever. It usu- to describe the effect of the ally takes an iconic incredible system on skaters' routines. "You can tell exactly what champion to incite skating interest, and for Japan that skat- each skater is going to do as er was Ito. they rush through with so "The U.S. has a lot of talent many flailing arm movements and the slump they are in right they look like drunken windnow will be short-lived." mills," said Button, whose new Americans' struggles stem book, "Push Dick's Button," is from the 12-year-old scoring a conversation about his desystem, many skating experts cades in the sport. "What it argue. In the system, imple- is is a bowl of spaghetti that m ented in the wake of t h e viewers can't follow. Everyone 2002 Salt Lake City Olympics could enjoy arguing about the judging scandal, unidentified 6.0s like they were umpire's judges evaluate each skater's calls. "Skating i s t h eater, and program element by element
she never stood atop the Olym- their elements. In the old syspic medal stand. Lipinski and tem, judges gave skaters two
Sweden. On the second-to-last turn, Bjoergen led for most of the though, Bjoergen passed Kalla Continued from C1 race, but heading down the on the inside and pushed It also is a chance for racers final slope into the stadium, ahead, never looking back. to gain or lose a few spots, as Kalla surged ahead, to the de- Both skiers finished and fell to they unclip one set of skis and light of the sizable number of the ground, gasping. clip on others in small stalls Swedish fans there. Bjoergen earned her fourth
gymnastics meet. The system strength."
Olympic gold medal, passing Sonja Henie for the most by a Norwegian woman in the Winter Games. Overall, it was
Bjoergen's eighth medal in four Olympics, and she is entered in several more events this year.
marked with their names and numbers. Elizabeth Stephen of
the United States, for example, had the second-fastest change-
over at 32.7 seconds and gained
ground before eventually finishing 12th. Justyna Kowalczyk, a fourtime medalist who finished sixth, spent 39.6 seconds in the pit stop partly because she fell as she jostled with Aino-Kaisa Saarinen of Finland. "You have to really keep your wits about you during the change zone," said Jessica Diggins of the United States,
have a good race, but if you lose it, or kick your ski out, or
get any better than this. It
mance, Wagner's score of 63.01
Angelika Neuner are on the
men's 5,000 before his coun- doesn't." try's king, queen and prime
U . S.
who finished eighth. "You don't
short list of sisters to also go 1-2 in an Olympic event. "A dream. A long time, Sven Kramer of the Netherlands set a n O l ympic we've dreamed this," said record and defended his their father, Yves. "It doesn't the
botched last month at
and Christine Goitschel and Austrian lugers Doris and
s peedskating t itl e i n
itive fire behind a photogenic smile, and really good balance. Ashley Wagner, seeking to fill the throne once owned by U.S. figure skaters, managed to stay upright throughout her short program during the team competition Saturday at the Sochi Olympics. She even landed her unreliable triple-triple combination jump that she
have to win the exchange to fall, that can really hurt you." T he disarray a t t h e p i t
stop seemed to break Kowalczyk's rhythm. She finished more than 20 seconds behind
Saarinen, wh o
r e covered
enough to lead the race at one
point before finishing fifth. But seconds matterevery-
liams was selected to push the U.S. sled driven by Elana Meyers. She has a chance at becoming only
where on the course.
t he second person to w i n
electric sprint to th e f i nish,
gold at the Summer and
reaching the line 1.8 seconds
Winter Games.
ahead of Charlotte Kalla of
Marit Bjoergen of Norway won her second consecutive skiathlon gold medal in an
REGULAR SINGLE RATE Valid Sunday- Thursday
Sea aw s'Carro isasu er u e ocusin onsome oo vi rations
Lava Bearboys,girls complete alpinesweep Bulletin staff report
as a team, while Thomas
Wimberly finished in sixth.
By Jeff Jacobs
MOUNT BACHELORShelby Cutter and Keenan
Seidel claimed individual wins on Saturday to help Bend High sweep the girls and boys team standings at the Oregon School Ski Association alpine racing event
as ateam, paced by Quin-
The Hartford Courant
NEW YORK — Pete Carroll used to surf the aisles of char-
tered flights on a food service tray. When this peculiar act of balance and silliness was
recounted during his days as coach of the New England Pa-
Yet in the retelling during Super Bowl Week by Dennis Janson of WCPO in Cincinnati, we surely can expand the fuller metaphor to Carroll's entire life. It seems that
two. Cutter defeated teammate
Elinor Wilson by.03 seconds to take the top spot, and the two Lava Bears were joined by third-place finisher Lucia Charlton to guide Bend to a
Carroll, then New York Jets
defensivecoordinator under Bruce Coslet, used to place
team time of 2 minutes, 50.58 seconds.
the tray at a specific launch
point and wait for the reverse
Paisley 34, Gilchrist 29: GILCHRIST — Th e G r izzliesoutscored the Broncos
14-7 in the fourth quarter, but it wa s not enough to
overcome a 12-point deficit afterthree periods ofplay in the Class 1A Mountain Val-
Summit, which was sec- ley League loss. Cassandra ond as a team, was paced Blum paced Gilchrist (1-9 by Britt Hanson and Keylee MVL, 4-14 overall) with 13 Floyd, who finished fourth points, while Sydney Longand fifth, respectively. Sis- botham finished with 10. ters' Cammi Benson recordBOYS BASKETBALL ed a seventh-place finish, Gilchrist 63, Paisley 24:
thrusters for landing and then allow inertia to rule. Carroll
would ride that tray as fast and far as he could. His finish-
ing point would be duly noted, a record to break the next flight.
and Brenna Stevens was 19th for Ridgeview.
So it wasn't only Carroll's
perpetual West Coast youthJohn FroschauerI The Associated Press fulness at play. It was his per- Seattle Seahawks head coach Pete Carroll waves to fans as he leaves CenturyLink Field after a rally petual competitiveness, too. for the Super Bowl XLVIII champions in Seattle on Wednesday. After failed NFL jobs in New
York and New England, after two national championships in the huddle. He's totally in win while he was alive, fired at USC, a Lombardi Trophy the loop." Carroll and hired Rich Kotite. from winning the Super Bowl Carroll b r ings s urprise Disaster. "To have a chance to be a w ith t h e S e ahawks, w i t h guests into the locker room. charges of cheating at USC, He plays crazy pranks. He head coach in New York is with charges of too much PED has basketball hoops set up extraordinary," Carroll said. use in Seattle, with Pete's per- all over the team facilities. "Unfortunately, it didn't last petual enthusiasm through it They have shoot-offs. After very long." Or as Sherman all. it comes down to this: Ride the NFC Championship game, said Carroll told the players, the wave as long and hard as he brought in rapper Mackle- "They kicked me out before I you can and have a blast doing more. He has had Drake, too. could even get the shirt on." "He brought in Will Ferrell it. He lasted three years with Is it any wonder that Car- for a game earlier this year the Patriots, making the playroll has cited the unlikely and that was the coolest thing offs twice, but eroding in wins combination of John Wooden ever for me," tight end Zach from 10 to 9 to 8. Robert Kraft of UCLA and Jerry Garcia of Miller said. still fancied himself a football the Grateful Dead to define his Competition Wednesdays, guy back then. Remember coaching philosophy'? Wood- Turnover Thursdays to see if Parcells' famous quote about en was all about sending a the defense or offense can win shopping for the groceries? strong and clear message, the turnover battle, No Repeat Kraft loved Pete personally. while Garcia was not only one Fridaysin search of perfect Heck, everybody loves Pete. to make the best music but practice .structured zaniness? But he loved winning more. also to make it unique. Or zany structure? Wooden? And Carroll's abilities wi ll "He is 65 years old," Sea- Garcia? Success pyramid? Or forever be sandwiched and hawks receiver Doug Baldwin Truckin'? squashed by Parcells and Bill "Positive synergy," quarter- Belichick, who has the ausaid. "He acts like he's 20." Actually, Carroll is 62 - can back Russell Wilson calls it. thority that his predecessors you beli eve he'sfouryearsoldWriting for, Rich- coveted. "Robert and his family are er than the Broncos' John Fox? ard Sherman discussed how - but Baldwin is right about the Carroll uses a power running a great family to play and acting part. The good news is game and defensive press cov- coach for,"Carroll said. "But he's up from sometimes be- erage - totally old school - but I also learned what it takes ing accused of acting like he at the same time employs spe- for a person like myself to was 18 when he coached the cialized doctors tracking sleep operate at my highest level Patriots. patterns. and realized some l i m ita"The s ame coach w h o tions that were going on that It should come as zero surprise that a recent ESPN poll shows us clips of Lester Hayes kept me from being the kind of 320 NFL players showed and Mike Haynes playing of coach I could be. It allowed that Carroll is the coach most press-man 30 years ago wants me to refocus and formalize of them want to play for (22.5 to know if we're getting our some plans that I was able to percent), getting nearly twice proper REM sleep," Sherman, put in at USC and then at the as many votes as second-place who loves Carroll, wrote. Seahawks." "I personally don't feel like finisher Mike Tomlin of the At USC, Carroll became the Steelers. He's a player's coach, I've changed that much," Car- hero of the great city without playing equally to their com- roll said. "I've just grown and an NFL franchise. Hollywood petitive nature and t h eir learned how to better send folks loved him. SoCal loved youth. the message out clearly and him. He won games. He won "He's so energetic," defen- because the philosophy in my national titles. He put slews of sive end Red Bryant said. "He mind is more clear than it's players in the NFL. "I never thought I'd leave wakes up every day looking ever been." forward to the opportunity to After four years as defen- USC," Carroll said. "It was a get better." sive coordinator of the Jets, perfect situation." "It's hard to have a bad day he lasted one season as head He left anyway in 2010 with Coach Carroll," receiver coach. He started out by beat- and, soon enough, wins were Golden Tate said. "Every day ing the Bills, then an AFC stripped from the Trojans, he's going to bring something power, and after seeing all Reggie Bush lost his Heisman new to the table, whether it's a their banners began his "Win and Pete denied knowing anyfunny video or having another Forever" philosophy. But then thing about the payoffs, etc. coach talk to us. He's 62 with Dan Marino famously fake- He said it had nothing to do receivergloves on the whole spiked the football, beat the with him leaving for Seattle. practice throwing the ball 50, Jets, the bottom fell out and Sure. And pressed about the 60 yards. You never know, he the late Leon Hess, saying number of Seahawks caught might be standing next to you that he was 80 and wanted to with PEDs, Carroll said he
has a young team and has formulated a plan and isn't conHe's Peter Pan. "There have been a lot of
challenges along the way since the days back here in New York," Carroll said. "My evolution has been ongoing and the process is challenging. USC really was groundbreaking for me about figuring out how I wanted to do this. I think all of the experiences were
beneficial.... It took getting fired a couple times and getting kicked in the butt to get
here." So Carroll cites influences
from former Vikings coach Bud Grant and psychologist Carl Jung to Zen master D. T. Suzuki. Some of it's real.
Some of it's bull. All of it is Pete. And now Peter Pan has Tinker Bell's pixie dust all over him. The Seahawks won 11 games in 2012, 13 this sea-
son, destroyed the Denver Broncos, 43-8, in the Super Bowl, have the best homefield
advantage in the NFL and a young team.Old age coach. New age coach. "I don't know if it's modern,
it's just the only way I know how to do it," Carroll said.
"This is the result of a long journey to figure out how you can create an environment
where people can find their best, stay at their best." "It's interesting to hear so
many ways to explain it — laid back, free willy, whateverwe run this program with extraordinary standards." Carroll sounded so serious. And then later, during
Super Bowl Week when Fox was asked about coming back from
o pen-heart sur-
main construction area.
The worker who died was identified
five stadiums still under construction for as Antonio Jose Pita Martins, who was the World Cup. Brazil promised all 12 working for the Portuguese company
Top story lines heading into Spring Training By David Lennon Newsday
game of chicken.Someone will pay up eventually, but
Robinson Cano moved to now it's a buyers' market Seattle, Curtis Granderson
with this crowd.
now calls Flushing home and Alex Rodriguez, after months of drama, finally chose exile. After an inspirational season of Boston
3. Crime does pay: When it comes to PED suspensions,
Strong and another Red Sox title — that's three in the past
check out the case of Jhon-
the p r evailing s e ntiment among MLB teams is to let
bygones be bygones. Just
decade — the Big Chill permeating Major League Baseball for much of this winter had nothing to do with the
ny Peralta, who was among the 13 players nabbed in the Biogenesis sting and didn't appeal his 50-game suspension. The c ost-conscious
Polar Vortex. That was all
M ets anticipated that t h e
A-Rod, and things didn't re- PED stain might hurt Peraally begin to thaw until he lata's market value and alultimately was stuck with a
low the shortstop to slip into
162-game suspension on appeal. For the moment, that's nudged Rodriguez into the background and let the rest
their needy hands. Not so much. Peralta signed a fouryear, $53-million deal with the defending NL champ
of baseball start t o t h i nk spring — now without the
Cardinals and made sure to do it quickly on Nov. 24,
worry of A-Rod showing up two weeks before the winin Tampa anyway. But let's ter meetings feeding frenzy. sweep that mess to the side Such payoffs aren't great for for now. Yes, there were oth- Bud Selig's anti-PED cruer things that happened this sade, but they also won't be offseason that somehow es- his problem after this season caped the gravitational pull either. of Planet A-Rod, and here's 4. Prince of A rlington: just a few to consider as we There are rebuilding projspend the next six weeks ects, and then there are seiswarming up in Florida and mic offseason shakeups. The Arizona.
Tigers executed the latter in
1. Brooklyn's Finest: The the wake of losing last Octolaugh figured to be on Jay Z ber's ALCS to the Red Sox.
gery this season, the Broncos' coach compared it to having a sprained ankle in terms of recovery.
when it looked like baseball's
First, it wa s Ji m
"What a stud, he's compar-
rookie super-agent couldn't find another suitor other
stepping aside for Brad Ausmus, followed not long after
than the Yankees for Rob-
by Detroit t rading Prince
inson Cano. But just when it seemed Cano would have to go crawling back to the Bronx, up popped the Mariners, and Jay Z — along with his CAA partners — rapidly closed a 10-year, $240-million megadeal.So maybe
Fielder to the Rangers for
and he landed CC Sabathia as a client last month as welL
years. Oh, and Detroit traded Doug Fister to the Nationals, too.
ing open-heart surgery to an ankle sprain," Carroll blurted out to great laughter.
Yep, Peter Pan's just a guy riding a tray, riding a wave.
venues would be ready by the end of last Martifer, a multinational focused in metyear,well ahead of the June 12 opener, al constructions.
Cup stadium in the jungle city of Manaus of them had to be ready for the Confedare threatening to go on strike to demand erations Cup warm-up tournament last better conditions following a third recent June. construction-related death at the venue. Organizers said the Arena da AmaA walkout could further delay the com- zonia wasnearly 97 percent completed pletion of the Arena da Amazonia just when the accident happened, with only months before the start of soccer's show- minor details keeping it from being incase tournament. augurated sometime this month. Am"We have to guarantee the workers' azonas state Gov. Omar Aziz was exrights and their safety," union leader Ci- pected to visit the stadium on Friday to cero Custodio told Brazilian news media. announce the inauguration date, but the "Nobody will get in on Monday." visit was canceled because of the workA 55-year-old Portuguese man was er's death. killed in an accident on Friday while Organizers said Friday that the accidisassembling a crane that was used to dent would not interfere with the stadiinstall the stadium's roof, becoming the um's construction because the crane had third worker to die at the venue in less already been removed from the venue's
For the boys, Seidel was place standing in the Class IA Mountain Valley League Scheafer and Ely Crane, w ith a c o nvincing w i n as the Lava Bears logged a over the visiting Broncos. team time of 2:48.30. Gilchrist improved to 7-3 in Ian Lafky was fourth for conference play and 14-7 Summit, which took second overall. followed by Bend's Matthew
his team. Pete worry? No way.
Workers threaten strike at World Cup stadium but only seven have been completed. Six
GILCHRIST — Th e G r izzlies maintained their third-
cerned about the reputation of
than a year. The Arena da Amazonia is one of the
placed 15th. Ian Ricketts,
representing Re d m ond Proficiency Academy, took Because o f inc l ement 18th, and Braden Allen weather, skiers were only led Ridgeview with a 34thable to log one run apiece place finish. rather than the traditional In other Saturday action:
demonstrate Carroll's battle
SAO PAULO — Workers at a World
S m i t h' s 26 t h -place
showing. Yasha Saldi was 11th for Sisters, and Crook County's Blake G eorge
ski area.
with maturity.
The Associated Press
on the 1-5 run at Mt. Bachelor
triots, it invariably was used to
By Tales Auoni
Mountain View was fifth
Authorities are investigating the acci-
dent and public prosecutors said they will halt construction if safety conditions at the site are not adequate.
The first death in Manaus happened in March, when a man fell from a scaffold and hit his head. In December, another
worker died after falling 115 feet (35 meters) while working on the stadium's roof, prompting a work stoppage of four days as authorities inspected safety conditions. Later that same day, a worker died
of a heart attack while paving an area outside the venue. Seven workers have died at W orld
Cup venues so far. In late November, two workers were killed when a crane collapsed while hoisting a 500-ton piece of roofing at the stadium that will host the
World Cup opener in Sao Paulo. In 2012, a worker died at the construction site of the stadium in the nation's capital, Brasilia.
L eyland
Ian Kinsler in late November. The most interesting part?
Fielder was only two seasons into his nine-year, $214-million contract and gladly waived his no-trade clause to bolt Motown. The Tigers also that contract wasn't the $310 wrote the Rangers a $30-milmillion Cano initially tried to lion check to help offset the wrangle from the Yankees. difference in salaries with But it was plenty to show Jay Kinsler only due another $75 Z is for real in this business, million over the next four 2. Will play for food: The Aussie-bound Dodgers and Diamondbacks alr e ady opened camp, with the rest of the league to follow next week, and yet a handful of significant free agents have yet to find employment for the '14 season. The fact that many of them will cost their
new club adraft pick certainly has been a drag on the process, but we're not talking marginal f i l l-ins
5. So long, posting process: Technically, the new a greement between M L B
and Nippon Professional Baseball regarding the acquisition of Japanese players is not free agency. But it's awfully close, and Ma-
sahiro Tanaka became the first to cash in by signing a seven-year, $155-million contract with the Yankees,
Stephen Drew, K endrys
easily eclipsing Yu Darvish's six-year, $60-million deal from 2011. The difference? A $20-million cap on com-
Morales, Nelson Cruz. The
pensationto Japanese teams
here — Ervin Santana, Ubaldo Jimenez, A.J. Burnett,
Mets alone could use three that makes the process acof those players — if they cessible to more MLB clubs, had the cash — and when it who now just need to pledge gets this late, the free-agent the money to negotiate did ance looks more l ik e a rectly with the players.
ues ee ace near to o estern on erence
The Associated Press ST. LOUIS — To stay a step
at it that are down the ladder.
But we've also got those three guys who are pretty golden
ahead of goaltenders, T.J. Oshie mixes up his shots in for us to be honest. We know we're going to get a goal from shootouts. Roy and Jaden Schwartz to give the St. Louis Blues a scored in regulation for the 4-3 victory over the Winnipeg Blues, 15-0-1 against Cen-
Ducks snapped a three-game losing streak. Lightning 4, Red Wings 2:
Jets. "I try to switch it up," Oshie said. "I know they watch video just like we do so I try to
TAMPA, Fla. — Alex Killorn
ko scoring in the tiebreaker
He is IronNan
Continued from C1 Lillard, who won the skills
competition last season, would be the first player to appear in every All-Star event if he
keeps his schedule. He has to be considereda favorite to repeat in the skills competition, and with 144 3-pointers this
season (third in the NBA) he is a contender in the 3-point
In Damien Lillard's two years in theNBA,only OklahomaCity's Kevin Durant has playedmoreminutes. Lillard, true to his iron man status, will participate in every event during All-Star weekend. Player Team G Min Avg Kevin Durant Oklahoma City 132 5059 38.3 Damien Lillard Monta Ellis
Por t l an d Milwa ukee
132 133
4979 4938
K lay Thompson Golden State 132 4 8 2 9 DeMar DeRozan Toronto 130 4823
37.7 371
36. 6 371
contest. Things might be more difficult in the dunk contest, supporter for the busy, yet stars have endured, largely bestructured schedule is Gregg cause ofhis time in college. Popovich, thecoach ofthe San A four-yearplayer atW eber Antonio Spurs. Popovich is State, Lillard has played a comConference squad featuring known for managing the min- bined 8,342 minutes of college John Wall, Paul George and utes of his players in a remark- and professional basketball Terrence Ross, the defend- ably conservative fashion, through Friday. (He was limiting champion. But even if even sitting out all of his star ed to 10 games in his third colthe 23-year-old Lillard fails players at the same time when lege season because of a foot to win a single contest, it is the schedule proves particu- injury) If he keeps up his curremarkable that he is consid- larly hectic. But Popovich, who rent pace, he will be nearing ered a player worthy of each served as an assistant coach 10,000regular-season minutes grouping. at the 2004 Olympics, said he of post-high school ball by the It is a lot to have on one plate, would rather see young play- end of this season. In comparbut Lillard is proving to be ers in this type of controlled ison, LeBron James, who enamong the most versatile and environment than testing their tered the NBA straight out of durable players in the league. game in other ways, such as high school, had logged 16,088 He has started all 132 Portland in unregulated playground minutes through his age-23 games since he was taken with games. season. Kobe Bryant, who also "It's two weeks here, it's the No. 6 pick in the 2012 draft, did not play college ball, had leading the NBA in total min- two weeks there, and a lot of logged 13,425 minutes. utes last season with 3,167. those guys would be playing The Trail Blazers would be While Lillard has thrived in someplace anyway," Popo- forgiven if they cringe as Lilthe limelight, and should see vichsaidThursday before his lard adds activities to his busy his profile grow during All- short-handed team lost to the schedule. Before Lillard's arrivwhere a r e v amped f ormat will put Lillard on a team with H arrison Barnes an d B e n McLemore to face an Eastern
Star weekend, it is fair to wonder how much is too much. But
Brooklyn Nets. "To be in an
ed to play in the NBA." Players who spread themselves thin over All-Star activ-
ities and national team com-
tral Division rivals. They are 22-5-3 at home and 39-12-6
overall. Mark Scheifele scored be unpredictable out there. twice, and Dustin Byfuglien I've scored a couple on back- added a goal for Winnipeg. hands, three or four in the St. Louis was shut out on 5-hole and a couple using the eight power-play opportuniforehand." ties and has failed to score in Alexander Steen missed on its past 20 chances. "I've got three weeks to the first attempt. Then came Oshie. think about i t," H i tchcock The crowd chanted "USA! said, pointing to the Olympic USA! as Oshie skated in on break. "I have no thoughts. Al Montoya and beat him. I need a break from it. They Tarasenko then scored, giv- need a break from it." ing the Blues the victory in Schwartz scored o n a their final game before the backhander from the slot to Olympic break. Tarasenko is give St. Louis a 3-2 lead 34 3 for 5 in shootouts. seconds into the third period. Whichever way he goes, Schwartz has three goals and Oshie is getting the job done. three assists in a four-game He is 7 for 10 in shootouts. points streak. "It's just a fun part of the Byfuglien tied it on a power game where you've been do- play with 6:17 left. ing it at the end of practices St. Louis scored first. Morwith goalies since you were row took a drop pass from a kid," Oshie said. "It's some- Tarasenko and snapped a thing I've had fun doing." wrist shot from the left circle Blues goalie Brian Elliott at 7:39 of the first period. stopped Bryan Little and AnWinnipeg tied it on Scheifdrew Ladd in the tiebreaker. ele's goal at 12:33. From beThey were a combined 9 for hind the net, Devin Setoguchi 14 before misfiring against found Scheifele in front of the Elliot. crease and Scheifele slid it by Coach Ken Hitchcock said
Elliott. St. Louis regained the lead
there is a "calmness" on the bench when it comes to time when Roy scored on an assist for a shootout.
from Morrow with 2:22 left in
scored a tiebreaking goal late in the third period, Ondrej Palat had two goals and the Lightning beat Detroit in the
Red Wings' 6,000th regular-season game. Bruins 7, Senators 2: BOSTON — Patrice Bergeron scored twice and added an
assist for Boston. Flyers 2, Flames 1: PHILADELPHIA — Brayden Schenn and Scott Hartnell
scored goals, Ray Emery stopped 32 shots and Philadel-
phia won its fourth straight. Canadiens 4, Hurricanes 1: RALEIGH, N.C. — David
Desharnais scored twice for Montreal.
Avalanche 5, Islanders 2: UNIONDALE, N.Y. — Matt
Duchene scored a pair of goals 2:44 apart in the second
period for Colorado. Maple Leafs 3, Canucks 1: TORONTO —
P hi l K essel
scored the go-ahead goal midway through the third period as Toronto handed Van-
couver its seventh straight loss. Capitals 3 Devils 0: WASHINGTON — Julien Brouillette
broke a scoreless tie with his first NHL goal midway through the third period and Braden Holtby stopped 25
"That's what is intriguing the period. It was Roy's first shots for Washington. for me," Hitchcock said. "First goal in 25 games since Dec.12 Stars 2, Coyotes 1: DALof all, we can go deep cause against Toronto. LAS — Kari Lehtonen made we have people who are good Scheifele tied it at 2 mid- 26 saves for Dallas.
al, Portland watched Brandon
organized situation that's safe, Roy, a similarly talented player, for Lillard, a passion to com- that's pretty important, and have his career fall apart when pete against the best is what that's what they have. I don't chronic knee injuries proved drives him. think that it really hurts their too much to overcome. But In a recent Q-and-A with longevity." Popovich says an NBA team readers of The Oregonian, LilFor his part, Lillard said he can benefit when a player tries lard said he probably would thought the stress on his body out for the national team. "For some of the young kids not have been interested in would be minimal from his Allplaying in a lesser league had Star weekend commitments. who go there, whether they "People think there's more make it or not, or they play a he not made the NBA. "It wasn't about making energy being exerted than lot, theyusually comebackbetmoney and being a profession- there actually is," Lillard told ter players," he said. al athlete," Lillard said. "I want-
Ducks 5, P redators 2:
one of the three for sure." Brenden Morrow, Derek
It worked Saturday, with
Michael Conroy/The Associated Press
Also on Saturday: NASHVILLE, Tenn. — Ryan Getzlaf scored twice, Jonas Hiller made 36 saves and the NHL-leading Anaheim
Oshie and Vladimir Tarasen-
Portland's Damian Lillard, right, has played in every game of his two-year NBA career.
way through the second.
USA Today. "It's really not that The Trail Blazers, with a much when you think about history of star players being the time that yo u a ctually ravaged by injuries, will have spend doing it." to hope that the benefits of LilEven with all of his commit- lard's experiences outweigh
ments, Lillard is not approach- the extra miles they put on his in the past, but one surprising ing the type of use that some young body. mitments have had their critics
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Walker builds6-shot lead at PebbleBeach GOLF ROUNDUP
The Associated Press PEBBLE BEACH, Calif.
ship at Broken Sound. Aiken, Walters tied: JOHAN-
Jimmy Walkerhad ahothand in the cold wind Saturday
last eight holes for a 3-under NESBURG — South Africa's 69 and a one-stroke lead over Thomas Aiken an d J u stin
and built a six-shot lead in the ATkT Pebble Beach National Pro-Am.
Scott Dunlap and Chien Soon Lu in the Allianz Champion-
W alters shared t h e
t h ird-
round lead at 15 under.
Walker made his first bogey of the tournament, and that
hardly slowed him. He countered with five birdies in 30
mph gusts at Monterey Peninsula for a 4-under 67, leaving him on the verge of his third PGA Tour victory this season.
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He was at 13-under 202. Tim Wilkinson of New Zea-
p,eI@g,r n®'
land had a 69 and Hunter Mahan had a 72, both at Monterey
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Peninsula. They were at 208.
Jordan Spieth, tied with Walker going into the third round, had t o
f a c e Pebble
Beach at its fiercest. He was 5 over through 15 holes — nine
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zon, and officials trying to spray water on the greens to
help balls stay on the putting surface. Also on Saturday:
Allen takes 1-stroke lead: BOCA RATON, Fla. — Mi-
chael Allen birdied four of his
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Symphonywill perform for kids The Central Oregon Symphony, under the direction of Michael Gesme, will present the Virginia Riggs Children's Concert at 7 p.m. Thursday in the Bend High School auditorium, 230 N.E. Sixth St.,
Bend. The fun, informative and interactive concert is intended to introduce symphonic music to young people, and Cascade School of Music and Central Oregon Symphonymusicians will offer anulnstrument Petting Zoou 30
minutes prior to the concert. Both events are free. No tickets required. Contact:
Make a date with a book Forgo the usual Valentine's Dayfare with the Deschutes Public Library's "Blind Date With a Book" program. In a tongue-in-cheek celebration of the annual romantic holiday, the local public library branches havewrapped staff-selected books in paper (no peeking at the titles) for library patrons to check out and take home so noone needs to be alone. Formore information and locations, visit www.deschutes
Talented people sought for show Deschutes County Fair organizers seek bands, singers, jugglers, musicians, magicians and other performers to audition for the fair's July 30 Talent Show. Up to 24 acts will be chosen to compete. Four acts will win a $150 prize and the chanceto perform again Aug. 2. Three acts mayqualify for the State FairTalent Show. Send a CD,DVDor videotape, along with name, age,address and phone number, to Deschutes County Fair, Talent ShowAudition, 3800 Airport Way, Redmond, OR97756. All audition materials must arrive at the fairgrounds by July 7. Contact: 541-5482711.
Gameandgaming combine at event
The High Desert Wild Gameswill be held from 6 to 10 p.m. March15 at the Bend Elks Lodge, 63120 Boyd Acres Road. Theevent includes a buffet with wild game samplings and gaming. The$50 ticket includes $1,000 of gaming script. Proceeds benefit Full Access Beth Rixe Service Center, which provides support for adults with developmental disabilities. For more information, sponsorships or donations, contact bendnative© or slm4gc© — From staff reports
Contact us with yourideas • Community events: Email event information to or click on "Submit an Event" at Allow at least10 days before the desired date of publication. Contact: 541-383-0351.
• Story ideas: Email
• The legacyof 'Peanuts' creator Charles Schulz is ondisplay throughout his longtimehometown of SantaRosa,Calif. By John Gottberg Anderson«For The Bulletin
SANTA ROSA, Calif.— Take a drive through the streets of Santa Rosa, in the heart of California's Sonoma County wine region, and you may lay your eyes upon more celebrities than you had expected to see. At the local airport, you'll probably see Snoopy, straight out of the "Peanuts" cartoon strip, standing with his Sopwith Camel, displaying a medal for shooting down the Red
Baron. In Historic Railroad Square, you may be greetedby Charlie Brown himself, wearing a conductor's cap and taking tickets. You'll find Lucy awaiting patients outside the Kaiser Medical Center, sitting beneath a sign that reads, uPediat-
ric Help 5 Cents." This is part of a local promotion
called "Peanuts on Parade." In all, more than 80 statues of leading
NORTHWESTTRAVEL Next week: Morrow County
Four months after Schulz's death at age 77 in 2000, ground was broken on a museum to honor his lega-
cy.The CharlesM. Schulz Museum and Research Center opened in August 2002, adjacent to the Redwood Empire Ice Arena also known oSnoopy's as Home Ice" -
"Peanuts"characters, each ofthem
which Schulz had built in
4 feet high, stand in or near the city
1969 as a
limits of Santa Rosa. Why'? This was the longtime home of Charles
p lace f o r h is c h ildren to play ice h o ckey, a game
Schulz, the strip's creator. During a 42-year career in the environs of this Northern Califor-
nia city, Schulz earned a reputation as the quintessential cartoonist.
.' r
that he had grown Up with i n th e Midwest.
He seemed desti ned for his career from infancy, when an uncle nicknamed him"Sparky" afteran early comic-strip character. Friends Schulz Museum called him by that name through Today the Schulz his entire life. Museum is a magnet Schulz launched "Peanuts" (he for "Peanuts" fans had wanted "Little Folks") in 1950 from all over the in Minnesota, where he was born world — more and raised. He settled in California than half a milin 1958. His strip became so popular, lion annually. it was published in 2,600 newspaSee Travel/D4 pers, 21 languages and 75 countries. And it quickly grew beyond broadsheets; besides books and a plethora
of merchandise, the strip inspired several animated television specials, induding the ~ , uA Charlie Brown Christmas," in 1965.
Barb Gonzalez /For The Bulletin
A bronze statue of Snoopy and Charlie Brown stands outside
the Redwood Empire Ice Arena. Late next year, the pair and their "Peanuts" friends will return to
the screen in a new,animated 3-D movie, marking the 50th anniversary of the release of "A Charlie
Brown Christmas."
PAID ADVERTISEMENT Check out our February Specialsl
Buddieshelping buddies By Mac McLean
Jerry Boysen
The Bulletin
takes June, left, and Willie out for a stroll on the trails near the BrightSide Animal Center in Redmond.
Jerry Boysen pulled his arm back and sent a ten-
nis ball flying across the snow-covered courtyard at the BrightSide Animal Center in Redmond so that
his buddy Sarge, a 66-pound Doberman mix that was
Central Oreaonbtri Spa erLaser Center 2065 NE Williamson Ct. Bend
541-330-5551 wwwExhalespaAndLasercentercom
Andy Tullis The Bulletin
found tied to a tree off the Santiam Pass in November,
could go running after it. The dog sprinted forward, jumped over a small seesaw used in the animal
shelter's agility training courses, and within seconds scooped the ball up in his mouth and brought it back to Boysen's feet so they could continue their
game of fetch. About 15 minutes later,
Boysen walked Sarge back into the kennels, covered him with a blanket and
grabbed two leashes to take
Willie and June, an inseparable pair of 30-pound beagles whose owner gave
Redmond, for two years. oIt gives me something to
them up last month, for a
beautiful country."
walk through an empty lot full of sagebrush and rabbit
Boysen is one of about a dozen core volunteers with BrightSide's Dog Buddy program who stop by the animal shelter just about
tracks across the street from the shelter.
"This is more for me than it is for the dogs," said Boysen,64,a retired IT manag-
er who has volunteered at BrightSide, formerly known as the Humane Society of
do and it gets me out in this
every day to make sure the
35 to 40 dogs that stay at the facility get some exercise and social interaction. See Buddies/D6
• •
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Formsforengagementw,eddinga,nniversaryorbirthdayannouncementsareavailableatThesuiietint,yrr s W C h andlerdve v sendo,rby emai l i ng milestones@bendbulletin com. Forms and photos must be submitted within on month of the celebration. Contact: 541-383 0358.
F I Il S, OVemee S u
By Tara Siegel Bernard
and mortar retailer, while the
New Yorht Times News Service
same size and quality ring
Ilona Kaprovsky, a 24-year-
could command at least 40 to 50 percentmore at Tiffany or
old New Yorker who works in finance, said she didn't initial-
Cartier, said David Wu, a luxury goods and beauty analyst at the Telsey Advisory Group
ly think she wanted a diamond as the centerpiece of her engagement ring — a lab-grown stone like a white sapphire, or even cubiczirconia,would be
in New York.
But what is interesting is t hat given how
m uc h h a s
changed over the decadesmen now snoop on their girl-
just fine. Besides, who would
know the difference? But she eventually warmed
friends' Pinterest boards for
boyfriend, Justin Veach, 28,
clues about what they really like, and couples often shop
started to talk about it more
together — the fact that it's a
seriously. "During the process of buying the ring, we both were weighing what the value of the ring is," said Veach, who is studying at Carnegie Mellon
purchase loaded with expecta-
to the idea when she and her
tions persists. I spoke with about a dozen
20- and 30-somethings in the market for a ring, with budgets ranging from $1,500 to $25,000, and many of them,
for his master's in business ad-
ministration and will probably finish with about $80,000 in
mostly men, admitted that
they were concerned about appearances, which factored
loan debt. "Is it real? Does the diamond matter?" In the end, it mattered, as it does for the many American
couples who collectively spend billions on diamond engagement rings each year. In 2012 alone, they spent nearly $11 billion on diamond engagement and wedding jewelry, according to Olya Linde, lead author of Bain & Co.'s 2013 Glob-
into their budget: I feel like I lllustration by Robert Neubecker/New YorkTimes News Service
ue to struggle with, and retail
analysts say that more people are beginning to use the credit programs offered by the largest national jewelry chains. Thinking about how that money might work harder for you al Diamond Industry Report. invested elsewhere dearly At a time when many young saps all the romance out of the people are facing big student process. And as someone who debts, a weak job market and grew up spending summers rising housing costs, this luxu- working in her family's small ry purchase still appears to be jewelry store, I am not opposed firmly planted on many ring to celebrating the occasion, fingersacrossthecountry. within reason, with something The amount spent does tend sparkly. to rise and fall with the broadBut let's just pretend for er economy, however, as it did a moment that you invested in the latest boom and bust. $12,700, or the current benchCouples paid an average of mark price for a high-quality $4,000 on engagement rings 1-carat diamond, according to in 2012 (and another $1,000 for the Rapaport Diamond Index, her wedding band, and $500 an industry benchmark for ¹i for his), according to a 2013 re- amond prices. In a portfolio of portfrom Jewelers ofAmerica, 60 percent stock funds and 40 a trade group, using data from percent bonds with a real rea variety of jewelers. That is turn of 4 percent, that $12,700 about 25 percent less than the
would rise to about $27,830
average spent on engagement rings in 2006, or $5,317, before the economy collapsed, according to another report by the group. In 2011, couples spent $3,538 on average.
after 20 years, and nearly $41,200 after 30 years (that's after inflation), according to calculations by Vanguard. If you invested an amount
equal to the average ring price, But arriving at t h e r i ght or $4,000, the money would be amount to budget is something worth nearly$8,800 after 20 many young peoplecontin- years and almost $13,000 after
as well as traditions that are
should be able to spend in the
deeply embedded in the American psyche. Diamond prices are generally less volatile than those of other commodities, and the average annual appreciation of a high-quality
same way, added another, who is earning a healthy salary
one-carat stone is about 3 to 4
percent annually, according to Edahn Golan, an analyst specializing in the diamond industry. "Supply is limited," he said. "It's a millions of years pro-
Delivered at St. Charles Bend Ryan andKristithVthths, a boy, Dilon Mark Voos, 7 pounds,15 ounces, Jan. 16. Jeremy athd Alida Kelso, a girl, Leila Kay Kelso, 8 pounds,14 ounces, Jan.17. Torrey Newsoth, agirl, Jaeda Presley Graham, 6 pounds, 6.6 ounces, Jan.14. JOShuaathdRaChel LeaSOn,a girl, Clara Lynn LeaSoth, 6POundS,11 ounces, Jan. 30.
Many of the 83 guest rooms r o yal t r eatment, retain centuries-old details. spend the night in a castle. Rooms have Wi-Fi and interHere are four to consider. active TV.
gland and had it disassembled and shipped to the U.S. Today, guests 12 and older can get
Oozing with charm, the restoredcastleand grounds,dating to 998, provide a fairy-tale backdrop for a family holiday that might include horseback riding, fishing, hiking, yoga in a restored church, exploring neighboring villages or learn-
will like to know that the own-
nancier an d p h i l anthropist Otto Kahn. Docent-led tours
provide visitors a glimpse into the Roaring '20s, when the
mansion was the scene of lavish parties attended by Hollywood luminaries and royalty. Guests can enjoy an indoor pool or private beach, explore the extensive gardens, play tennis or work up a sweat in the fitness center. 3. Ashford Castle; Mayo, Ireland.Shed your armor and relax within this enchanting 3 50-acre l a ndscape. W i t h
immersed in the Tudor Gothic
The couple will honeythe late Dale Moyer. She is a moon in California and Ari1992 graduate of Redmond zona in March. High SchooL She works as They w i l l set t l e in a professional photographer. Redmond. The groom is the son of
relatively levelheaded about their spending plans — and the jewelers said that people TuesdayJohnson and Matthew Graham
Johnson —Graham
educator for Oregon Health Authority.
Tuesday Johnson and
The groom is the son of
Matthew Graham, both of West Linn, were m arried Oct. 26, 2013, at The Great Hall in Sunriver. A reception
Michael and Rosemarie Gra-
followed. The bride is the daughter of John and Kathy Johnson,
ham, of Beaverton. He is a 2002 graduate of Southridge High School and a 2007 graduate of Portland Community College, where he received an associate degree in emergency medicine. He works asa firefighter/paramedic for the City of Salem. The couple is planning to
of Bend. She is a 2000 graduate of Bend High School and a 2005 graduate of Oregon State University, where she received a bachelor's degree honeymoon in St . M a r tin in public health: health pro- this year. motion and health behavior. They will settle in West She works as a public health Linn.
FOOd, HOme & Garden
IP ]ementS hie euc '3 ai fc e' t ee' J
Delivered at St. Charles Redmond Tyler SmlthathdKayla Michel, a girl, Morgan RaeSmith, 7 pounds, 14 ounces, Jan. 5. Adam KightlithgerathdKatie MurPhy, a girl, Addison K.KIghtlinger, 7 pounds, 4 ounces,Jan. 29. Brandthn athdAthgie Andyke, a girl, Isla Aria Andyke, 7 pounds, I ounce,
70 SW Century Dr., Ste. 145 Bend, OR 97702• 541-322-7337 Th e B u lletin c omp l
StevenWestandJessicaLewis, a girl, McKenzIeMaeWest,10 pounds, 10 ounces, Jan. 22.
lawn games. Located on the
shores of American Lake and in the shadow of Mount Rain-
• s
ONNA ThIs 2-yearold pit bull/ cattle dog mix weighs 50 pounds. Madonna, initially very fearful, won't yet take a treat from your hand, but if it's left in her kennel, she'll devour It as soon as you leave. She loves walks, scored well In traInabIIIty, very smart, & appears to be OK with other dogs 8t cats. See more photos,vIdeo at, or meet her inpersonTues.-Sat., 10-5.
@ Sponsored by 41y
700-year-old turrets as your backdrop, fish i n n e arby ponds and rivers, ride horses or refine your skills on the nine-hole private golf course. L ater, discover the art of
(541) 923-0882
I •
style while exploringthe sunken English garden and playing
BrightSide Animal Center
falconry. You'll sleep the night away in medieval style with
tirement in 2012.
of Pat Moyer,of Bend, and
women I spoke with sounded
The Bulletin
as the sun drops below the
as the summer retreat for fi-
Police detective until his re-
old Elizabethan manor in En-
ier, guests can access nearby In the warmer months, enjoy boat rentals or an equestrian evening concerts on the lawn center for added fun.
N.Y. This French chateau-inspired castle was built in 1917
worked as an Oregon State
same location at a later date. The bride is the daughter
er once purchased a 400-year-
ing to create local specialties.
rolling Tuscan hills. 2. Oheka Castle; Huntington,
reception will be held in the
past. And the most popular refrain: She is going to wear it for the rest of her life. Many oftheyoung men and
For the
centerofthe 4,200-acre estate.
Don and Lenore Kipp, of Keizer. He is a 1980 graduate JulieMoyer and Thomas of McNary High School and Kipp, both of Redmond, were a 1984 graduate of Oregon married Jan. 4 at the bride's State University, where he mother's farm in Bend. A studied political science. He
now but has been in debt in the
tended to come into their stores than they are being generated highly educated on the topic by mother earth." and with a budget. Of course, euphoric couples But others seemed to set in love aren't thinking about b udgets arbitrarily. O n e supply and demand (or that 27-year-old graduate student the growing middle classes in based his number — $1,500 China and India are driving to $3,000 — on what he could growth in the latter), nor do afford to pay off on credit. A they view the ring as an invest- 31-year-old lawyer decided ment. Even if they did, it's not a to spend half his monthly interribly efficient value proposi- come, or $5,000. "I found that coming up tion, at least when you generally buy at retail and must sell at with a budget is difficult," said wholesale (and nobody initial- a 28-year-old consultant in ly plans to sell anyway). Los Angeles, who wanted to A ring with a 0.7-carat dia- remain anonymous because mond that cost $4,895 on Blue he had not yet proposed and Nile, an online jewelry retail- did not want to make his coner, might sell for 20 to 25 per- cerns public. "It's not easy to centmore atan average brick dkscuss."
modern, five-star overtones.
4. Thornewood Castle; Lakewood, Wash. History buffs
Moyer —Kipp
cess, and they are mined faster
The Dallas Morning News
1. Castello dl Casole; Tuscany, Italy.Stay in a reconstructed farmhouse surrounded by vineyards or opt for a suite adjacent to the pool and spa in the
should keep up with people in our circle, said one. Her family
Julie Moyer and Thomas Kipp
30years. is wealthier than mine, wrote It is hard to compare those another. The perception is values with sentimental ones, that I earn a lot of money and
It's your family'sturn to vacation likeroyalty By Lynn O'Rourke Hayes
If you would like toreceive forms to announce your engagement, wedding, or anniversary, plus helpful information to plan the perfect Central Oregon wedding, pick up your Book of Love at The Bulletin (1777 SW Chandler Ave., Bend) or from any of thesevalued advertisers:
AAA Travel Awbrey Glen Golf Club Bend Metro Park 8 Recreation District The Bend Trolley
Bend Wedding& Formal Black Butte Ranch The DD Ranch Deschutes County Fair & Expo Center Faith Hope Charity Vinyards & Events Ida's Cupcake Cafe
Lake Creek Lodge M.Jacobs McMenamins Old St. Francis School Northwest Medi Spa Salon Jth Danke Socailly Yours Taps Mobile Pub The Dress The Soap Box Widgi Creek Golf Club
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62000 Broken Top Dr. • 541-383-8200
oo a orea'scu ure rom e a ouse By Jodi Kantor New York Times News Service
My friend Arcadia Kim has three children and a Harvard
business degree, but when she tried to negotiate on our behalf with the lady in charge of exfoliation at the Dragonhill Spa in Seoul, South Korea, she did not stand a chance.
We were standing in the heart of the jimjilbang, or Korean bathhouse,in a steam-
ing, all-female bathing room where scrubs are administered (as they are across the land) by strict middle-aged women, more than a few of them with
Spa goers soak with an ocean view at Paradise Hotel in Busan, South Korea.
potbellies, who wear nothing but sexy black lace bras and underwear. Arcadia had whispered to me that the women
were ajummas, which means "aunties" and connotes ma-
Our ajumma insisted we needed full-body scrubdowns. We only had so much time, Ar-
cadia protested. The woman shook her head, unyielding. A moment later, we were lying on the slippery plastic tables, being subjected to what felt less like a spa treatment than
some sort of primal tough-love routine. Our ajummas scoured us with rough yellow washcloths, walked on top of us, pummeled and slapped us, the popping noises bouncing off the wet tiles. At one point my
ajumma shook me to open my eyes and pointed with apparent pride to gray lumps, bigger than rice grains, clinging to my arms. They were clusters
of my own dead skin cells. She finished by covering me in hot towels, leaving me feeling like a baby: I was completely and passively in the care of an older woman, my skin was soft
and new, and I was surrounded by a world I was only beginning to understand.
As I discovered during a trip late last year, spas, bath-
ney: Spa Lei, a women's-only facility with pretty robes in-
stead of uniforms and even a little clothing shop, attended by a young woman who was "When I lived in New York, taking selfies every time we Korea's bathhouses, it's a chance to revel in adventures at a spa; for the country's women, it's sharing its beauty culture. I had one lotion," Yaeri said, passed, utterly lost in the way laughing. Now, when she she looked. Signs offered herbmeets New Yorkers in their al steam baths for women's her approval. We declined the south, I visited a jimjilbang in a packaged products could keep late 20s, she tends to think at private parts; we stuck to the coffee but bought slow-baked bamboo forest with a "ground- you busy for weeks fixing first that they are a decade jet baths. That afternoon, a eggs, a traditional jimjilbang hog sauna" that gently warms problems you never knew you older. In Seoul, "everyone just colleague took me to the Dongsnack, and Arcadia produced your body while leaving your had: "shiny foot super peeling looks younger," she said. daemun market, where I spent two of the foil-sealed face head exposed to the winter liquid" for dry patches, face As they talked, I realized a happy hour and an absurdmasks Korean women are cra- sunshine and mountain mist. masks in flavors from chestnut tourists have an advantage ly small amount of money on zy about. shell to charcoal, milk packs, over Koreans when it comes Korean costume jewelry,as Beautyandhard work mung packs, nose packs and to their beauty culture: We can cheap and appealing as the Jimilbangculture In Korea, like so much else in body-firming patches in fla- enjoy a few adventures and beauty products. Going to a jimjilbang in a country that lifted itself from vors like "mountain zone." I purchases and then fly home, My backpack was heavy South Korea can be like hav- poverty to prosperity in a few bought a liquid eyeliner brush away from the punishing stan- with creams and potions for ing a shvitz and a bath at a exhausting decades, beauty for $3.50 that worked better dards that K o rean w omen friends back home, most of mall — in some cases, a mall is associated with hard work. than the ones that cost four have to live with. them just for laughs. I had that is on a cruise ship. The When the beauty magnate times as much at home and I had passed too many plas- already been using the snail most elaborate jimjilbangs are Helena Rubenstein decreed cunning little razors that trim tic surgery clinics to count in cream, which felt like a stickier multistory, self-contained uni- that "there are no ugly women, eyebrows with less pain than Seoul. Subway entrances are versionof regular face cream, verses with magic shows, Ko- only lazy ones," she could have tweezing. covered in before-and-after and my skin really did seem rean barbecue restaurants and been peddling stem-cell cream Because I had only one girl- ads for the procedures; one softerand less battered by corporate team retreats. at one of Korea's massive de- friend in the entire country, shows a wedding ring in the winter. I bought one last ridic"after" picture. Some women ulous-sounding product at the Based on my visits to bath- partment stores. I borrowed two others: Yaeri houses in three cities — just a Before my trip, I had heard Song, the founder of the web- "just get plastic surgery, so airport — a bottle of skin-balfew of the thousands of facil- about the sheer fun of shop- site Seoulist, and Violet Haeun they don't have to deal with the ancing water — and boarded itiesspread across the coun- ping in Korea, and once I start- Kim, a freelance writer. Both treatments," Violet said. a Korean Air jet, looking with try — this is what you'll find: ed browsing the beauty stores, had spent their lives zigzagOn my final day, I reunited new eyes at the flight attenadmission to a jimjilbang is I understood what everyone ging between Korea and the with Arcadia for a trip to my dants' neat black buns and almost always cheap, less than had meant. The beautifully United States, and over din- favorite jimjilbang of the jour- pale, dewy faces. $10 for a locker, as much soaking and sauna-going as you can manage, and a cotton uni-
tronly, working-class womPhotosby Chang W. Lee/New York Times News Service en known for no-nonsense People relax at Spa Land in Shinsegae department store in Busan, South Korea. For tourists to South warmth and authority.
ner in Hongdae, Seoul's pulsing student neighborhood, we talked about how living in Korea has changed the way they look at themselves and others.
houses, saunas and cosmetics form that imposes Confucian storescan be some ofthe best conformity. Little is in English, places to truly see South Ko- so wandering around is bewilrea, a country that is still figur- dering fun: You are likely to ing out how to share itself with see saunas inspired by Egypforeigners. tian pyramids; little heating Memo to lady travelers: A
few days in Seoul will also give you a chance to girl-out on a scale, and at a cost, that
coils, the kind you see in toasters, built into the floor; and salt
rock rooms said to draw toxins out of the body. The facilities
most of us never could in the are generall y clean but rareUnited States. At home, I bare- ly posh, and often filled with ly pause over the creams and passed-out bodies — living, treatments in women's maga- snoring symbols of a country zines:Who has the money or
the earnest belief in their supposed magic? But in Korea, I happily gave myself over to the ubiquitous, high-quality, lowcost beauty culture. You can
so overworked that it switched from a six- to a five-day work-
week only a decade ago. J imjilbangs around t h e country vary i n
t h eir exact
amenities: Dragonhill Spa in buy hand cream that warms Seoul, where Arcadia and I your skin when you apply it, were scrubbed, is kitschy and little adhesive heating pads to a little dingy but popular, esease menstrual cramps, "air pecially with those who pass cushion" compacts that ap- out there overnight after an ply foundation in the thinnest evening of heavy drinking. possible layers and face masks In Busan, South Korea's secthat contain ingredients from ond-largest city, the Shinsesnake venom to ground-up bits gae departmentstorehasa far of animal placenta. sleeker jimjilbang, with gleamAs the ajummas released ing wood surfaces and a "wave us, one offered us a swig from dream" room that simulates her own thermos of iced cof- the feeling of being in deep wafee; somehow we had earned ter. Near Suncheon, also in the
3 51 2 9 4 8 7 6 ' 9 72 8 6 3 1 4 5 8 64 7 5 1 2 9 3
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Construction on the fireplace was postponed when the rain-
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R O N S U R I E N S O N E B O B A E R A T D S T E O N S A N A S L I N T O S S A Y S I T E M T R E L O F O I E M L E S S N E Y E ER B F 0 R D R U M M E U S E T E N B E R C R U E T I S M S A
A S E N S P L A S A V A C I N T E S A M P A P A R K O N E E it l S L S L A S E E I C Y C L O T A U M AN N 1 T Y T S E T H A GB I B O R N A N A G R
Do you know that the forest sector is responsible for more than 76,000 Oregon jobs? And generates over
futureof Oregon's forests today.
Rep. Kurt Schrader at (202) 225-5711,
12 billion dollars a year for Oregon's economy? Doyou know that there are proposals on the table right now... that should offer long-term, balanced solutions for managing Oregon's public forests? And these solutions can serve both our needs for production and our desires for a healthy environment? Get involved in shaping the
Contact:Senator Ron Wyden at (202) 224-5244, Rep. Peter DeFazio at (202) 225-6416,
Rep. Greg Walden at(202) 225-6730
O ur ~ r t o r rsgror @. S ENECAJONES. C O M
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Greg Cross/The Bulletin
Photos by Barb Gonzalez/ For The Bulletin
A mural by Japanese artist Yoshiteru Otani dominates one wall of the Great Hall near the entrance of the Charles M. Schulz Museum and Research Center. The 22-foot-high mural is made up of 3,588 blsck-and-white "Peanuts" comic strips.
Travel Continued from 01 It's easy to spend hours in the cartoonist's studio (relocated from his nearby home), to peruse a historical perspective on his life and to view some of the 17,897 original
strips drawn by Schulz. His widow, Jean Schulz, n ow president of t h e m u -
seum's board of directors, "wanted people to see his original strips rather than (having them) in a closet somewhere," said marketing director Gina Huntsinger. "Sparky did all his own drawing and lettering." Plans for the museum began taking shape in 1997 after the Schulzes saw a mural
by artist Yoshiteru Otani at
a Snoopy Town theme park in Japan. Schulz "was blown away by what he had done," Huntsinger said. So Otani was asked to do two original pieces that now anchor the museum's Great Hall.
located just off U.S. Highway can hamerkops and Lady Am101, about an h o ur's drive herst pheasants. We visited north of S a n F r ancisco's a cheetah, the world's fastest Golden Gate Bridge. Horizon land animal, and a nocturnal Air, whose schedule includes fennec fox, the smallest natudirect flights from Portland, ral member of the dog family. serves the n earby C harles (Unlike a Chihuahua, it was M. Schulz-Sonoma County not bred to its diminutive size.) Airport. We met scholarly-looking De Brazza's monkeys from equaOut of Africa torial jungles, long-haired colA few miles from central obus monkeys from East AfriSanta Rosa, I found several can forest sand nomadic patas other worthy attractions. monkeys from sub-Saharan My f avorite w a s S a f ari grasslands. West, a fully accredited priOne thing that sets Safari vate zoo with about 900 ani- West apartfrom most zoos, mals of more than 80 species, and makes a visitor's experimost of them African. Started ence more like a safari camp in 1993 by Peter Lang, the son in Africa, is its lodging. The of former Hollywood produc- park has 30 luxury tent cabins er Otto Lang, this game park for "glamping" — that's short takes small groups by open- for "glamour camping" — so air safari vehicle through that visitors may close their its 400 savannah-like acres, eyes to the sounds of another where they'll see everything continent. Rates range from from giraffe s to zebras, cape $200 to $335 double occupanbuffaloto rhinoceroses, and a cy, depending upon the seadozen species of antelope. son and the day of the week, "We are hereto promote although most cabins sleep at conservation through educa- least four. tion," said Travis Murray, who Continued next page has been guiding tours here since 2006.
A pair of East African giraffes nuzzle one another at Safari West, a fully accredited private zoo with 900
animals of more than 80species. Small groups of visitors travel by open-air safari vehicle through 400
One of them is a 22-foot- savannah-like acres, getting up close and personal with African wildlife. high mural composed of 3,588 black-and-white
strips, depicting Lucy holding a football for Charlie Brown to
kick, as she did so many times. (As any "Peanuts" fan knows, she yanked it and Charlie fell on his behind.) The other is a 3.5-ton wood sculpture that illustrates changes in the way
Snoopy was drawn through the years.
tlement, it was homesteaded in the 1830s as the Rancho
An animated, 3-D feature film the Shasta daisy, the spineless is scheduled for release on cactus and the namesake RusNov. 25, 2015, the 65th anniset Burbank potato. versary of the first "Peanuts" Today the Luther Burbank comic strip and the 50th anni- Home and Gardens is a city versary of "A Charlie Brown park and a National Historic Christmas." A Twentieth Cen- Landmark. Open year-round
Cabeza de Santa Rosa; estab-
tury Fox and Blue Sky Studios production, it features a script by Craig and Bryan Schulz, duced more than 60 individual the artist's son and grandson, characters. Only a handful of and Cornelius Uliano. them are universally known Craig Schulz is also the — Snoopy, Charlie Brown, president of Charles M. Schulz Lucy, Linus, Pigpen, Schroed- Creative Associates, which er, Peppermint Patty and, of operates Snoopy's Home Ice. course, Woodstock (Snoopy's A very short walk from the bird friend). museum, the arena's facili"He (Schulz) was all the ties include the Warm Puppy characters," Huntsinger said. Cafe (serving sandwiches and "Charlie Brown was the one snacks) and Snoopy's Gallery he related to the most, but all 8z Gift Shop. the charactershad a piece of him."
In addition to the perma-
Urban sights Schulz was not th e only
nent displays, the museum
nationally known figure who
has a series of rotating exhibits. Currently, these include "Starry Starry N ight," in which the young characters consider the mysteries of the
lived in Santa Rosa. Another was botanist Luther Burbank
universe, and "Heart Break,"
focusing on the unrequited love of Charlie Brown for the L ittle Red-Haired Girl,
one example. Spring-summer shows will include "Evolution of the Comic Strip," tracking
the evolution of "Peanuts" before computerization, and "Social Commentary," featur-
ing Schulz's subtle statements on everything from politics to race relations.
encounters with scarlet ibises,
hivate, vintage,oceanfront getaway ewptort, i R
1- 00-7SS-S674
purple gallinules, South Afri-
The "Peanuts" legacy con- peaches and nectarines, the tinues beyond the museum. plumcot, the Santa Rosa plum,
Over the half-century that Schulz drew the strip, he intro-
A stroll through a lofty aviary was partially guided by a sociable demoiselle crane named Kovu, who led us to
,,v'%%n 1
lished as a formal community
inthe 1850s, and incorporated in 1868. The San Francisco
earthquakes of 1906 and 1969
did significant damage to the
l •
s I•
downtown area, but a handful of tu r n - of-the-20th-century
without charge, the one-acre gardens contain examples of buildings survive in Historic dozens of unique plants, from Railroad Square.
walnut t r ees t o m e d icinal The old Northwestern Paherbs, ornamental grasses to cific Railroad station, a surviwhite blackberries. Burbank's vor of the 1906 quake and now grave rests beside a green- the home of the Santa Rosa house that he designed and visitor center, is at the heart
built in 1889. Guided tours of his Greek Revival-style house (built in 1884) are available in summer; Burbank's widow, Elizabeth, lived there until her
of Railroad Square. Opposite
death in 1977.
Del Monte Cannery building
Santa Rosa was also the hometown of Robert Ripley ( 1890-1949), creator of t h e "Ripley's Believe It or Not!" cartoon and broadcast series
is now the Sixth Street Play-
that evolved into a set of nov-
is the 1907 Hotel La Rose, its
restoration work acclaimed by the National Trust for Historic Preservation. The 1894
Yachaa, Oregon .
Receive 20% off room rate when you bring this ad and donateacan offood for/eack night ofyourstay.
house. A few blocks away, Old Courthouse Square has an
Valid Sun-Thurs, Now - Mar zo, zol4 /
equal share of restaurants and
bars, shops and theaters. Both neighborhoods are
elty museums. The Church of (1849-1926), a resident for 50 One Tree, built entirely from years after moving from Mas- the wood of a single redwood sachusetts fo r Ca l i f ornia's tree, once held the Ripley Meyear-round growing climate. morial Museum; today it is a "I firmly believe from what I community meeting space on have seen that (Santa Rosa) the north side of Juilliard Park is the chosen spot of all this in downtown Santa Rosa. earth as far as nature is conClearly, although Santa cerned," he wrote. Rosa is in the heart of CaliforBurbank's fame was the re- nia wine country, it is much sult of his work in creating 800 more than a wine town. In new hybrid varieties of plants, fact, its 170,000 citizens make especially fruits, vegetables, it the largest California city grains and flowers, through north of San Francisco and cross-pollination and grafting. west of Sacramento. Among them were various Once a Cahuilla Indian set-
ed FireSid e
f i resideniorel:c'o% W,
Gffe-i, t, ogtf Fggt 6 2 0
g r j v' bot iter,ttisciaints
afffnff pn/ffnrdne /fcc ryoenn onnfno, Feen •
BookOnline atW ENDOVERFUN.COM Or Call 866-FLY-WENOO Ver (866-359-9363). Reservations open 7days a week. s
The home and gardens of botanist Luther Burbank, who lived in Santa Rosa for more than 50 years, are now a city park and a National Historic Landmark. Burbank's work created 800 new hybrid varieties of plants, including many fruits and vegetables that are commonly grown today.
' Par peaondoubleocettfancy. Single sddOftn. Montenoray opnade fseasy aftply. Resertanota Reqtdad. PlaneOaantsdbyAlienfatd. See OfteraterPsdfcifatd Anreeaentferfttnherfsfonnation. Availability aay beIfaited. Iust bent. AddOenOer banfor aorsthanrae chesksdtan. Gsff clubs notsiiowed. Soffeittbatdsis available atToaa Vista Golf Couae. Fuel stoftaay ta atfttfad. Flight tfass sttbisstto shanne. Mansneaetd reservssall dghts.
I'c;gopenaeI N D T • L
C A •
A s sosr
Expenses fortwo Gas, Bend toSanta Rosa, 938 miles (round-trip) at $3.40/gallon:$127.57 Meals en route:$40 Lodging (3 nights, including breakfast), Flamingo Resort:$427.84 Dinner, Flavor Bistro: $64.05 Admission, Schulz Museum:$20 Lunch, Muffin Street: $17.65 Dinner, La Rosa:$53.29 Lunch, Sweet T's$38 : Admission and tour, Safari West:$140 Dinner, Zazu:$54.33 TOTAL:$982.73
Ifyou go (All addresses in California)
• Santa Rosa Convention & Visitors Bureau. 9 Fourth St., Railroad Square, Santa Rosa; 707577-8674; www.visitsanta
• The Fairmont Sonoma Mission Inn 8 Spa. 100 Boyes Blvd., BoyesHot Springs; 707-938-9000, 800-257-7544, www.fair Rates from $224. • Flamingo Conference Resort and Spa. 2777 Fourth St., Santa Rosa; 707-5458530, 800-848-8300,
Photos by Barb Gonzalez / For The Bulletin Rates from $134. • Hotel La Rose. 308 Wilson St., Santa Rosa;707-
ABOVE: Winter vines lie dormant at the Paradise Ridge
Winery, one of scores of wineries located in northern Sonoma County. The156-acre estate, planted in 1978, complements its grape production with an
579-3200, 800-527-6738, Rates from $70. • Vintners Inn. 4350 Barnes Road, Santa Rosa;707-
impressive sculpture garden spread across meadowand
575-5370, 800-421-2584,
4. Rates from $179.
LEFT: A Holstein cow seeks the company of a kindred spirit in a farm field east of Sebastopol. The oversized animal is the creation of sculptor Patrick Amiot and painter Brigitte Laurent, whose whimsical
DINING • Flavor Bistro. 96 Old Courthouse Square, Santa Rosa; 707-573-9600, Breakfast Wednesdayto Sunday, lunch anddinner daily. Moderate. • Jackson's Barand Oven. 135 Fourth St., Santa Rosa; 707-545-6900, www. Lunch and dinner daily. Low to moderate. • La Rosa Tequileria 8 Grill. 500 Fourth St., Santa Rosa; 707-523-3663, www.larosa Lunchand dinner daily. Moderate. • Muffin Street Baking Co. 52 Mission Circle, Santa Rosa; 707-538-2020, Breakfast and lunch Monday to Saturday. Budget. • Russian River Brewing Company. 725 Fourth St., Santa Rosa; 707-545-2337,
www.russianriverbrewing. com. Lunch anddinner daily. Budget to moderate. • Sweet T's Restaurant. 2097 Stagecoach Road, Santa Rosa; 707-5953935, Lunch and dinner daily. Low to moderate. • Zazu Kitchen+ Farm. 6770 McKinley St., Suite 160, Sebastopol; 707-5234814, www.zazukitchen. com.Dinneronly,W ednesdaytoMonday.Moderate to expensive. ATTRACTIONS • Charles M. Schulz Museum. 2301 Hardies Lane, Santa Rosa; 707-5794452, www.schulz • Luther Burbank Home and Gardens. 204 SantaRosa Ave., Santa Rosa;707-5245455, www.lutherburbank. Ol'g
• Paradise Ridge Winery. 4545 Thomas LakeHarris Drive, Santa Rosa;707528-9463, www.prwinery. com • The Petrified Forest. 4100
Petrified Forest Road, Calistoga; 707-942-6667, • Redwood Empire Ice Arena. 1667 W.Steele Lane, Santa Rosa; 707-546-7147, www.snoopyshomeice. com • Safari West. 3115 Porter Creek Road,Santa Rosa; 707-579-2551, www.safari • Sonoma State Historic Park. 363 Third St.W.,
Sonoma; 707-939-9420,
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AT HOME • • TheBulletin
From previous page
as the fabled Napa Valley. It's
541-388%418 1465 SW Knoll Ave. Bend
& Studio, master artist Tashi
close enough to Bodega Bay to Dhargyal uses hand-ground smell the Pacific salt air that mineral pigments to paint a washes that town's shores, giant thangka, or traditional will soon find themselves at and it's a near neighbor to scroll, which will take four California's Petrified Forest, Jack London State Historic years to complete. In the Drivers who continue over the hill toward the Napa Valley, on the road to Calistoga, a privately owned r eserve.
Park in tiny Glen Ellen and to
Counterculture Art Haus Gal-
Three million years ago, ash from a v o lcanic eruption felled and buried a grove of giant redwoods. Trails today wind among the trees-turned-
Armstrong Redwoods State Park outside of Guerneville. We had time only for brief stops in the towns of Sonoma
lery, aspiring artists gather once a week to paint a model with their oils, acrylics, pas-
and Sebastopol — the first for history, the second for art.
Kitchen + Farm, diners gath-
to-stone, some of them with
diameters as great as 6 feet. Of all the wineries in the immediate area of Santa Rosa,
tels or watercolors. At Zazu er around a central island to
The charming little town
nibble a snout-to-tail sampler of the latest delivery from the local Black Big Meat Co. be known as the home of the You won't find Snoopy Bear Flag Revolt. On June 14, or Woodstock here, but you 1846, a few dozen American will find plenty of whimsical settlers overtook the Mexican creations from local artists presidio, declared an inde- Patrick Amiot an d B r igitte pendent Republic of Califor- Laurent, who use r ecycled nia and raised a banner over materials to fashion some the town plaza that today re- strange but recognizable animains the state's flag — even mals. (He sculpts, she paints). though the independent "re- Several are in the Barlow; of Sonoma, 22 miles south of Santa Rosa, will forever
my favorite is Paradise Ridge — not only for its outstanding cabernets, zinfandels and chardonnays. The 156-acre Byck family estate, planted in 1978 and producing wines since 1991, affords a fine panoramic view across the upper Sonoma region, accented by an impressive sculpture garden and a unique history. public" itself wa s a n nexed T he sculptures — 4 4 o f by the United States 25 days them, some temporary, some later. permanent — ar e s pread Monuments in the northacross meadows, hillsides east corner of the park-like and within a wild grove of live plaza today recall the events.
more unforgettable, in a field
four-square-block plaza, now
created for the Burning Man festival in 2013, and Robert
a national historic landmark.
a might-be musical instru-
State Historic Park, including
Use Promo Code "BEND"and Save15%
east of town, is a giant Holstein cow that somehow is a lure for others of its would-be
species. — Reporter: janderson@
oak. David Best's "Temple of S onoma's century-old c i t y Remembrance II," a s m all- hall occupies the heart of the
er version of a sculpture he
ExperiencedowntownPortland where TheWestEnd meets The Pearl forfireatrestaurantsandnightlife
5P3 2$4 3293
Adjacent are the six individuEllison's "Four Times Daily," al sites that comprise Sonoma ment on a barren bluff where Mission San Francisco Solaan outdoorconcert series is no, northernmost of the state's being plotted, are particularly 21 Franciscan missions; the memorable. old presidio and barracks; and Paradise Ridge traces its the home of General Mariano roots back to the 1870s, when Vallejo, a wealthy landowner a young Japanese immigrant, and important friend to the Kanaye Nagasawa, began revolutionists. tending newly planted vineW hen C h a r le s S c h u l z yards for the 2,000-acre uto- moved to California in 1958, pian estate of Thomas Lake his first home and studio were Harris, a c h a rismatic r eli- in Sebastopol, 7 miles west of gious leader. An intriguing Santa Rosa. (He relocated to exhibit within the winery tells Santa Rosa in 1969.) The quiet the story in detail. little town today is enjoying a
Side trips It would be easy to spend a week or more in the greater Santa Rosa area and not
visit the same places twice. The city is a short drive from
the Healdsburg and Russian River wine regions, as well
revival as a center for the arts in a former warehouse district
known as The Barlow. Today, galleries and studios, boutiques and salons
share space with artisan wine and spirit makers, farm-tofork restaurants and coffee
houses. In his Tibetan Gallery
Ro y alCaribbean I rr T s R N A T I 0 rt A L
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THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME by Dssid L Hoyt snd Jsn Knulsk
Completegri the d so
Unsoramble these six Jumbles, one letter to saoh square, to form six ordinary words.
that every row, column and3x3 box contains every digit from1 to 9 inclusively.
lsrs eewl' Sds up
senss n snns I llsp. I Q f pss
"We spend time with the
dogs and let them know somebody's still around," said retired nurse who Boysen called "the Mother Superior" of the Dog Buddy program.
Brockett said th e
v olun-
teers play a huge role in helping the center's dogs find new homes because animals that exercise regularly are usually less squirrelly and better behaved when a potential owner comes by in search
Now arrange the oinded letters to form the surprise answer, as
sugg88I8d by th8 above osrfoon PRINT YOURANSWER IN THECIRCLES SELOW
Central Oregon's three major animal shelters are always looking for retirees and other people whoare interested in helping them care for their animals, help out with paperwork andwork at offsite adoption fairs and events. • BrightSide Animal Center (Redmond) — Call 541-923-0882 or visit • Humane Society of Central Oregon (Bend) — Call 541-382-3537 or visit • Humane Society of the Ochocos (Prineville) — Call 541-4477178 or visit But whatever the assign-
ment, Boysen said one of the biggest reasons he works
of a new pet. The volunteers
with the BrightSide Animal
also get a chance to evaluate each dog's behavior to see if
Center's Dog Buddy program is because volunteers get as
there are any problems one
much out of it as the animals
of the shelter's trainers can
do. There's one volunteer who
correct. Brockett, who
Volunteer opportunities
Continued from 01
Ellen Brockett, a 72-year-old
820l4 Tdhuhe OehlehlPdeher, LLC All nl hn nesehled.
h a s b e en
r ecently lost
volunteering at the shelter for thepast four years, said
s E, F b
BrightSide's paid staff members are usually too busy to
g,ss z 4
do these tasks and rely on volunteers like herself and
Louie on defense
Boysen to fill in the gaps. She said the shelter asks
By FRANK STEWART Tribune Content Agency
"How many points does it take to make game?" UnluckyLouie asked me. "You don't need me to tell you
distribution. Louie had enough points to beat the contract — b arely. Clearly, North-South had bid on distribution that." and a big trump fit, hence Louie's "Well, how many points does it opening lead should have been the take to beat one?" Louie persisted. lang of irumps. He can get back in "What's this about?" I sighed, with a diamond to take the queen of knowing Louie was about to tell me trumps, and then South must lose two about yet another tryst with his hearts and go down one. girlfriend Miss Fortune. South dealer It turned out that Louie had been N-S vulnerable today's West. He held 24 high-card NORTH points — an uncommon occurrence 4 I1096 5 3 for him — but hadn't bid a game. Q842 Instead, he found himself defending against one. 07 "I doubled four spades," Louie told 4A874 me grimly, "and led the king of EAST diamonds. I shifted to the king of WEST clubs, and declarer took dummy's 4 K Q 4 None QAJ9 Q7653 ace,ruffed a club, ruA' ed a diamond in dummy, ruffed a club and ruffed 0 A K J S 096532 his last diamond, He ruffed dummy's 4K Q J5 4 10 9 3 2 last club, cashed his ace of trumps and exited with a trump. SOUTH "I was end-played. I led a low 4 AJ87 4 2 heart, hoping my partner had the ten, ~uIKQ10 but declarer had it. He lost a heart to 0 Q104 my ace and claimed, and I was minus 46 790. Maybe if I'd held a point or two South We s t North East more, I'd have gotten a plus score." 14I D bl 4 4I Pass General high-card strength is a P ass Dbl A II Pa s s shaky basis for doubling a voluntarily bid contract. Opponents who bid to Opening lead — Choose it the skies with little in high cards i nvariably show u p w i t h w i l d (C) 2014 Tribune Content Agency, LLC
the program's volunteers to complete four hours of training and to demonstrate
dependability by w o r king Andy Tullis/The Bulletin in at least one other facet of Jerry Boysen throws a ball for the center's operations bea shelter dog named Sergeant fore they can get a chance to in an outdoor play area at the work directly with the dogs. BrightSide Animal Center. Brockett said these two steps
E Ctf
Cff CD
CD C3)
CD Ctd C3
are important because a Dog Buddy volunteer is usually one of only a few human beings the shelter's dogs see on a regular basis, and she wants to make sure she
has someone she can count on before giving them this responsibility. Most of the Dog Buddy program volunteers are retired, which is the biggest reason why they're able to work at the shelter four or five days a week. But Brock-
ett said she'd be happy to get whatever time a person can
give. "If a person can only give us one hour o n CD Ctd
S aturdays
we'd be grateful for it," Brockett said, explaining that she's always looking for people who are willing to help out. "The dogs are here seven days a week, and they always need to get out.u
Retired volunteers l i ke
his w ife but
is always smiling when he works with the dogs because he's doing something besides grieving his loss, Boysen said, while other volunteers enjoy the work because they get a chance to meet people who also work with animals. "We all seem to get along nicelyand have a really good time," Boysen said, adding t hat even though the D o g
Buddy volunteers come from all types of backgrounds and political persuasions, they seem to enjoy the work and each other's company. But they also have to put Brockett an d B o ysen al so up with difficulties as wellplay a crucial role at the Hu- namely the fact that it's easy mane Society of Central Ore- for a volunteer to get attached gon's animal shelter in Bend to a particular dog while it is and the Humane Society of staying at the shelter only to the Ochocos' animal shelter have it get adopted and never in Prineville. come back to see them again. "They pretty much help out Boysen said most volunin all aspects," said Jennifer teers fall into this trap, parEnna, volunteer coordinator ticularly when they're just for the Humane Society of starting out, but they get over Central Oregon. these sad feelings when they Penna said a lot of the shel- realize their buddies are goter's older volunteers spend ing to be in a much happier their time w alking dogs, place and that unfortunately m aking sure i t s c a t s a r e there's plenty of work left for groomed and exercised, and them to do. "Soon you realize they're staff off-site adoption fairs that take place at festivals or going to a great place and businesses during the sum- they're going to have a great mer. The H umane Society life," he said of the dogs that of the Ochocos' older vol- get adopted. 8You also reunteers do the same type of alize that coming through work and even get a chance that door is another dog who to read to their favorite dogs needs you just as much." and cats (see "Volunteer — Reporter 541-617-7816 opportunities").
Edited by Rich Norris an d Joyce Nichols Lewis "UNIVERSAL 91 Bearing TRUTH" By PAWEL 92 Vulgar
1te K ind of watch of 17 Breadbrushed 55Bridle part e1 Honorarium warning with ghee 56 Egypflan god ofe4 Adom S4 Tarzan cfealor's 119 Funnyblunder te Harmonize the dead ee Londongallery FLuDZINSKI monogram 120 Quakes 19 O.T. book 59 9 5-Acfogs e7 Someflms II ACROSS 95 Douglas 12 1 Cheaters, Io 24 Getling appears on gggg Adams' Ieacheig PRIS Slfggt glgftg ee Explosive I Gene splicers 29 Night lisfs faceflous near this efg compounds field INSWefID the DOWN 32 LAXposfings Apple landmark 91 B UIISIWOIIh e They have Ulflmate I Tijuana locale % Columbuselue eo Pull 93 Brake neighbor, sliings afhched Queglian Of 2 Take the Jackets' ofg. 6 2 NYSE overseer informally 14 In: soitof Ufe, the waist aaef 34 APhfodlle's es Part of RSVP 95 Melt together 20 Aglfonaut Universe, and 3 Back In theday love ee painter FIE 96 Mobster's code FiSher, the fiigI Eyerylhlng 4 Pafflng wish 35 HII llghlly FIIIPII of silence rrelhef In sPace 97 Afcflc blast 5 Yale sbfdent 67 Makeupmogul 98 Elicit ae Tsi 21 He played 99 Phil Collins e Checkered 37 Roleln-bulldlng E l izabeth 100 Hayseeds Hmise 101 Longing ggBf slBft? Bdd ee Scotllsh 22 Spreadsout 38 "The Gates of la ndowner 1ez First-century 7 Legalese 23 Hh number95- 101 Like some Hell" sculPIDf 70 Retfolubions, ndings: Abbr. adverb SRIPgfof Across Isnow 104 la But,Io Brutus e phllatelis[s item 40 Pond ducks per haps: Abbr. 103 Casgoulet, e.g. PSIfENSINly 42 "The Jungle 7 1 Afg. miss 105 Vefdun's river 9 Ithasss1es Cousfsatf's refired Book" pack 7 2 High schooler 106 Den Across SINEs mllleux 25 schohr 107 "ThiS guyWalkS Nedeiland 10 Mysterious leader 73 Iconic bull 2e Fitto 110 Aquarium ChSIECISf 43 Lien, say 74 I I S alomlc IfIIO 27 Hgblfgale favorites 11 Hosp. areas 44 Contract number Is9& Iee "M'A'S'H" slar 2e Moveupsfd 112 IIS firSt Piinllng 12 MOUmful Across 1ee subl. for Eudld sfllmlaflons dfnNI had 95-Acrogs mglhef of mylh 4e Magic, on 7 5Lean-: sheds 111 Sufb delivery 30 Iflece of cake lines onmost 13 Spanish IIIles gtmfeboafds Te Jazz Ile 113 Cable co. that 31 Peruviancoin 14 Stubbomone 47 Grandma 7 7Ca ftomt slfnksf mglggd WIII PBggg 34 Makes bubbly 116 Hatch, as a plot 15 Dlshnt traveler 50 Brunch coddsll Te part of Unano AT&T se Irs roughly95- 117 Increase 1e King whodied 51 DIERchoice eo Impressionist 114 Poly- ending Across gradually EI 95-Acpggs 52 Farm abods Joh n 115 uplifling wsar kilometers I 2 3 4 5 g 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 I 6 fy 18 19
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N an Kerri an asnewroeat m TV SPOTLIGHT
i cs
they have researchers to re-
• There are t h ree slots,
U.S. Figure Skating Hall of Fame inductee joins the NBC
mind me of things that have • and the reigning twohappened in years past. This time national champion (Ashone girl is like, "I think so-and- ley Wagner) placed fourth in so wore this costume back in the U.S. National Champion1989." And I'm like, "How can ships. They did place her to you remember that?" the Olympic team, though; Fortunately, they've hired apparently in the bylaws, the these people who are con- National Championships arsumed by what they're do- en't called the Olympic trials, ing and who remember it all, where the top three (automatwhich is great. I know what ically would) go. It's one of
team at the current Games in
By Jay Bobbin Zap2it
Going back to the Winter Olympics is as monumental for Nancy Kerrigan as one might expect. The 1992 bronze medalist, 1994 silver medalist and 2004
the skaters are doing and how
many criteria, but that typi-
Sochi, Russia, as a commentator beginning Wednesday,
they're doing it and why they cally doesn't change unless miss things, a lot of the tech- there's been a very different
Feb. 12. Also, in a new doc-
nical side. To remember who
circumstance ... which hap-
umentary to run during the coverage, she and then-rival Tonya Harding will be interviewed about what Kerrigan simply calls "the attack" ...
wore what is interesting to the pened with me. audience, but I don't rememMichelle Kwan didn't get to Submitted photo
when she was struck on the
right knee with a baton just before the 1994 U.S. Figure Skating Championships. Now a married mother of three, Kerrigan also will appear on other programming under the NBC Universal banner — including NBC's "Today," the syndicated "Access Hollywood" and shows on E! Entertainment Television through the remainder of the XXII Winter Games. In an interview for this article, she
How does it feel to get back to it now?
fine. When peoA •• Itplefeels hear "analyst," they think it's color commentary, but it's not in my case. I'm
ber that.
compete (at the 1994 Winter
Olympics), and because of beWhat do yo u t h ink ing attacked, I had to prove to • about being back in the the judges that I was capable environment of t h e W i nter of going and healed enough have different approaches to Olympics? to represent our country well how they cover the Olympics. • I won't have that sense enough. I can't even imagine • of, "I've gotta get to my being in Mirai Nagasu's place, Do you have a feel for that'? Absolutely. "Entertain- practice!" or different kinds of to have sort of this great come• ment Tonight" was con- stress levels. I'll still be work- back and have the audience on cerned with t h e A m e rican ing and having a schedule, but their feet, then to place third athletes more than others, it's different, because people and not be going to the Olymjust because of who watch- talk about "the show" — when pics. It's just a horrible thing es "Entertainment Tonight." something is airing, things for her.
Nancy Kerrigan will be a commentator for NBC's coverage of the XXII Winter Olympics beginning Wednesday.
not doing play-by-play. They already have people in those spots ... which is great for me, actually. It was more about who was I feel like it makes it more
in the audience, not so much
fun. I get to do other things and not just be at the rink all
who won, whereas "Today" will be talking about whatever
like that. At first when I was on this
are your thoughts Q •• What on the security in Sochi?
side of it, I'd say, "You guys know this is a competition,
• I'm hoping that they're spoke about her literal and fig- the time — which I do like, be- the current events are. With right'? This isn't a show to • buttoning up the secuurative return to the Olympic cause I obviously like skating. something like this, those can these people." It's just differ- rity even more.... I've tried arena. At the same time, it's nice to change from day to day. ent wording. They know it's a to be aware of my surroundbe able to see other parts of competition, but to them, it's ings since I was very young, You worked for "Enter- the Games and be part of the How much prep work also a television show. and way more after being at• t ainment T o night" a t whole environment. • have you done before tacked. You have to be vigilant What's your sense of the 2010 Winter Olympics in going to Sochi? for your safety and the safety • who's on the U.S. female of the people around you, so Vancouver, and you've done The d i ff erent s h ows • Thankfully, since I can't • you'll be working for it's a concern, for sure. some other television work. • be there for everything, figure skating team?
ir curiousa outa sentee a
MOVIE TIMESTODAY • There may be an additional fee for 3-0and IMAXmovies. • Movie times aresubject to changeafter press time. f
Dear Abby:I have an extremely bright 7-year-old daughter, "Amy," from a previous marriage. Her biological father, "Jake," and I separated when she was an infant. He lives across the country, so while we shared custody, Amy usually saw him only once a year. For a while I called him "Dad" when
her, but when it be-
came apparent that
he wasn't going to be involved in her life (and because I was going to be remarried), we switched to using his first name. Recently, though, Amy has started asking me why Jake never visits and when she's going to see him again. I don't know what to tell her. I feel it would be crushing to her to
about her biological father, and she thinks it will help her land your by the time she is in her teens, she brother. Not knowing Dawn, I can't will be computer savvy enough to say for sure — but this technique search him out on the Internet.
has worked for other women in the
For now, tell your daughter that past. the reason Jake doesn't visit is beDear Abby: My husband and I cause he is "busy," and you don't will celebrate our 50th wedding know when he plans anniversary this year and I have to visit. It's the truth. a question. We'd love to invite a Dear Abby: My group of our friends to celebrate e is with us at our favorite restaurant, brother u"Jared" dating a w o man, but we won't be able to pick up the "Dawn," who is about
tab. Is there a sensitive way to ask
10 years younger. friends to celebrate with us, but get They have been seeing each other across the message that it'll have to for about ayear. She seems nice
and is polite at family gatherings.
be dutch treat? — On A Budget in San Antonio
I have noticed, however, that Dear On A Budget:If these are whenever I'm spending time with close or longtime friends, I'm sure my mother, Dawn is constantly they won't be shocked that you'll texting or calling her. I'm a grown be celebrating your 50th — espewoman, too, but Inever communi-
cially if some of them were at your
say that Jake isn't interested in her cated to that degree with any of my wedding. I think the best way to anymore, but I also don't want to boyfriends' mothers. approach this would be to be honlie to her.
Jared has told both Mom and me
How do you tell a 7-year-old she should just forget her biological father because he's never going to be there for her? — Anxious In Houston
est. Tell them that as much as you'd
that he isn't even close to wanting like to entertain everybody, you are to propose marriage. Do you think unable to, but that you would love it's peculiar that Dawn contacts my
it if everyone could meet for dinner
mother multiple times daily?
at your favorite restaurant and go
— Taken Aback fn Georgia
dutch treat. And be sure to mention
that although it's your anniversary, the only gift you would like would be their presence at this happy
Dear Anxious: Your daughter
Dear Taken Aback: Dawn may
needs to come to this realization
not have a mother of her own and
in stages, and her questions should be answered in an age-appropriate way. Understand that Amy may always be interested in knowing
needs a mother figure, which is why she does this. Or she may be time. attempting to ingratiate herself to — Write to Dear Abby at her boyfriend'smother because or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA90069
HAPPY BIRTHDAYFORSUNDAY, FEB. 9, 2014:Thisyearyou could go from being intellectual and innovative to emotional and unstructured. This seesaw effect could take a toll on your immediate circle. Be understanding if they lose it at times. If you are single, traveling will pave theway toyoum eeting a new person and possibly beginning a new relationship, especially after June. Starsshowthe kind If you are attached, youneedtoremain * * * * * ' y" . ' sensitivetoyour ** * * Positive significant other. ** * Average This person might be having strong reactions to your newfound duality. CANCER is moodyyet changeable.
YOURHOROSCOPE By Jacqueline Bigar
can't resist joining in. Tonight: A little out of control.
** * * You might be pleasantly surprised by a loved one's offer. Don't ask any questions; just go with the flow, and you will be much happier as a result. Oneon-one relating could be very different and more rewarding than it has been in the past. Tonight: Let the party go on.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov.22-Oec. 21) You might want to hear more of *** * You seem todrop in onafun
CANCER (June21-July 22)
** * * what is going on later in the day. You'll need downtime, as you have pushed very hard and could be tenser than you realize. Take an extra nap and/or re-energize in a different way. Tonight: Join others.
LEO (July23-Aug.22)
** * * You might want to discuss a personal matter with a loved one. You'll want the right mood and setting, but you won't need to go through this effort — this ARIES (March21-April 19) person knows that you want to talk. You ** * You won't be able to changesomebe more off-kilter than you realize. one's mood,evenasdeterminedasyouare. could Tonight: Not to be found. Use your high energy to help this person reVIRGO (Aug.23-Sept. 22) vitalize him- or herself. Some ofyou might ** * Check in on a loved one. This perstart a mock fight, just to get this person sondependsonyouandyourattention going. Tonight:Headhome, then decide. more than you realize. Takeyour time with TAURUS (April 20-May20) this person. Ultimately, you know what ** * Stay alert with regard to spending, you need to do. Plan some frivolous fun as you easily could gooverboard. You later on today. Tonight: So what if tomormight want to funnel some frustration row is Monday? into whatever you are doing. Watch how LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) competitive you become with someone. ** * * Understand that someone might A brisk walk would work, too. Tonight: not see eye to eye with you. Take adrive Catch up ona pal's news. to a favorite spot, and you will relax by the GEMINI (May 21-June 20) time you return. Realize that you are part ** * * You could be more in tune with of the problem. Respect differences ratha situation than you realize. Your drive er than try to get others to agree with you. to helpsomeone loosen up mightcause Tonight: Get a head start on tomorrow. him or her to close down. Make a point to have such a great time that the other party SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov.21)
happening wherever you go. Realize that people naturally relax around you. Join a friend or loved one, and go watch a game somewhere. Others seem to gravitate toward you, no matter what you are up to. Tonight: Where the gang is.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan.19) ** * * Get involved with a project that you have been putting on the back burner. A friend might be disappointed that you are not up for getting together right away. Respond to this person with care, if you find them to be irritating. Tonight: Accept an invitation.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.18) ** * * Let your imagination run wild as you schedule your day. You will see plans change as a result. Look at these adjustments as an opportunity to incorporate more fun into your life. You could be delighted with life's challenges right now. Tonight: Go to bed early if you can.
PISCES (Fed.19-March20) ** * You might want to encourage a family member or roommate to hang out, order in food and watch movies with you. What evolves will be a fun, lazy day together. You could invite others over and expand this event to a pajama party. Tonight: Till the wee hours. © King Features Syndicate
Regal Old Mill Stadium16 & IMAX, 680S.W. Powerhouse Drive, 800-326-3264 • AMERICANHUSTLE(R) 11:50 a.m., 3:20, 6:35, 9:40 • FROZEN(PG)3:25, 6:50 • FROZENSINGALONGiPG) 12:40 • GRAVITY IMAX3-D(PG-13)1,4, 7,9:35 • THEHOBBIT:THE DESOLATION OF SMAUG !PG-13) 12:05, 6:05, 9:45 • THEHUNGER GAMES: CATCHING FIRE (PG-13)9:25 • I, FRANKENSTEIN(PG-13) 9:50 • JACKRYAN: SHADOW RECRUIT(PG-13)1:05,4:25, 7:15, 9:55 • LABORDAY(PG-13) 12:50, 3:45, 6:30, 9:10 • THELEGO MOVIE(PG) Noon,3,6:15,9 • THELEGO MOVIE3-D lPG) l2:30,3:30,6:45,9:30 • LONE SURVIVOR (R) l2:10, 3:10, 6:25, 9:20 • THE MONUMENTSMEN(PG-13) 11:45 a.m., 1:15, 2:50, 4:15, 6, 7:20, 9:15, 10:15 • THENUT JOB iPG) I:45,4:45,7:05 • RIDE ALONG (PG-13) 1:40, 4:35, 7:50, 10:20 • THE SARATOV APPROACH(PG-13) 3:35 • THATAWKWARD MOMENTiR)1:30,350,740,10:IO • VAMPIREACADEMY(PG-13) I:20, 3:55, 7:30, 10:05 • THEWOLF OF WALL STREET! R)12:20,4:10,8 • Accessibilitydevices areavailable for somemovies. •
McMenamins OldSt. Francis School, 700 N.W.Bond St., 541-330-8562 • ANCHORMAN 2: THE LEGEND CONTINUES (PG-13)6 • THE COUNSELOR iR) 9:15 • WALKINGWITH DINOSAURSiPG) 12, 3 • After 7p.m.,showsare2fandolderonly.Youngerthan 21 may attend screenings before 7p.m.ifaccompanied by a legal guardian.
7p.m. on58, "XXII Winter Olympics" —There is action aplenty in figure skating in this fourth day of competition from Sochi, Russia, including the final of an event debuting at these Games, the team competition. There is also hardware to be handed out in men's downhill, where 2010 silver medalist Aksel Lund Svindal of Norway is the favorite for gold over Austria's Klaus Kroell, Italy's Dominik Paris and Canada's Erik Guay. Action in ski jumping and snowboarding round out the day. Bp.m. on29, Movie:"Toy Story 3" — There's still plenty of life left in Buzz Lightyear and cowboy Woody, as Tim Allen and Tom Hanks reprise their voice roles in this delightful and quite affecting 2010 sequel to the earlier Disney-Pixar box-office smashes. With their owner, Andy, heading off to college, most of his toys — except Woody, who goes with himget a new destination, a day care center where they aren't treated too well. Michael Keaton gives voice to Ken, longtime boyfriend of Barbie. Bp.m. on6,"The Beatles: The Night That ChangedAmericaA GrammySalute" — Top artists of today perform the music of the Beatles in this new special, airing 50 years to the night that the Fab Four made their debut on "The Ed Sullivan Show." It also has footage of the1964 performanceand commentary on the
group's influenceand legacy. 9 p.m. on AMC, "The Walking Dead" —When we left Rick
(Andrew Lincoln) andcompany in December, a bloody showdown with The Governor's army left the latter dead — along with Hershel, Mitch and baby Judith, although the jury's still out on that one — and forced the group to flee the prison. Where will they go now? Find out as new episodes resume tonight. Chandler Riggs, Danai Guriraand Emily Kinney also star. 10 p.m. on TRAV,"Castle Secrets 5 Legends" —The new episode "Hound of the Baskervilles; Lord Gordon Gordon; Escape From Colditz" takes viewers to England's Cromer Hall, whose long history of alleged supernatural activity inspired Arthur Conan Doyle to write one of his most memorable Sherlock Holmes tales. Also on the itinerary are Lyndhurst, the home of 19th-century robber baron Jay Gould, and Colditz Castle, which served as a prisoner-of-war camp during World War II. O Zap2it
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Tin Pan Theater, 869 N.W.Tin PanAlley, 541-241-2271 • 2014OSCAR-NOMINATED ANIMATION SHORTS (no MPAA rating) 12:30 • 2014OSCAR-NOMINATED DOCUMENTARY SHORTS (no MPAArating) 2 • 2014OSCAR-NOMINATED LIVEACTION SHORTS (no MPAA rating) 8:30 • THEGREAT BEAUTY (no MPAA rating)5:30 I
WILSONSof Redmond 541-548-2066
Redmond Cinemas,1535S.W.OdemMedo Road, 541-548-8777 • THELEGO MOVIE iPG)Noon,2:15,4:30,6:45,9 • LONE SURVIVOR(R) 11:15a.m.,1:45, 4:15, 6:45, 9:15 • THEN!jTJOB!PG)11am.,1,3,5 • RIDE ALONG (PG-13) 12:30, 2:45, 5, 7:15, 9:30 • SAVING MR.BANKS!PG-13)7, 9:30
G allery-Be n d
Sisters Movie House,720 DesperadoCourt, 541-549-8800 • 12 YEARSASLAVEiR) 6:15 • LABOR DAY iPG-13) 1:45, 4:15, 6:45 • THE LEGO MOVIEiPG) 1,3:30, 6 • THE MON!jMENTSMEN(PG-13) 1:30, 4, 6:30 • NEBRASKA (R) 1:15,3:45 Madras Cinema5,1101 S.W.U.S.Highway 97, 541-475-3505 • I, FRANKENSTEINiPG-13) 1:15, 3:15, 5:15, 7:20 • THELEGO MOVIE iPG)Noon,4:40,7 • THELEGO MOVIE3-D iPG)2:20 • LONE SURVIVOR(R) 1:40, 4:10, 6:40 • THE NljT JOB!PG)12:50, 2:50, 4:50, 6:50 • VAMPIREACADEMY(PG-13) 12:15, 2:30, 4:45, 7:10 •
Pine Theater, 214 N.MainSt., 541-416-1014 • THE LEGO MOVIEiPG) Noon, 2:30, 5, 7:30 • LONE SURVIVOR (Upstairs — R) 1, 4, 7 • Theupstairsscreening room has limitedaccessibility.
Find a week'sworth of movie times plus film reviews in Friday's 0 GOIMagazlne
Drew MV name is Drew and I am o mole Lhasa Ftpso mix around s veors old. I wns rescved, along with 3 2 o t her d ogs, from an over«rotuded shelter in Cnlifornin. Since I do hnve Lhaso Rpso in me, I will requite regvlar g rooming to k eep mv hnir looking henlthV ond tnngle free. If vov think vov have the time to train me and put me on a good rovtins so thot I con adjust ond leorn quicklv in mv new home, vou mav be perfect for me!
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The polyphenomenal health benefits of chocolate By Heather Pratt, NNT ue to t e fact t at epicatechin, a type of polyphenol found in chocolate, improves the body's production of nitric oxide. Nitric oxide promotes the blood vessels' ability to relax, helps prevent the clumping of platelets, and keeps blood flowing smoothly. Nitric oxide's benefits aren't confined to the cardiovascular system either; it influences the health of many other parts of the body including the immune system and the brain.
5N[59 heard of deat by c ocolate, but doesn't $ea th by cdocolate sound a lot better? Lucky for choc late lovers, a growing amount of research is highlighting the much-loved food's phenomenal health benefits — the key is to choose your chocolate wisdy. From the beginning of the human relationship with cacao it was recognized as something special. Believing it to give him wisdom and power, the Aztec king Montezuma is rumored to have drank up to 50 goblets a day of xocaotl, (from Nahuatl words meaning "bitter water" ) an unsweetened drink brewed from cacao beans. When cacao was brought to Europe by the Spanish in the 16th century, it was widely used as a medicine, prescribed for coughs, digestive upset, infertility, and even as an anti-depressant. And in the 18th century, botanist Carl Linnaeus gave it its Latin name 7beobrornacacao, or "cocoa, food of the gods." Even after cacao was "adulterated" with milk and sugar, becoming chocolate as we know it today, the beans were still valued for their medicinal and sometimes aphrodisiac properties. Early chocolate lovers were right — chocolate can be good for the body and mind in many ways.
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Solid research has elucidated cocoa's role in cardiovascular health, but the health benefits don't stop there...
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In the same way that polyphenols help to modulate inflammation in the cardiovascular system, they also modulate it throughout the body. In one study moderate dark chocolate consumption was associated with lower C-reactive protein levels, a marker of whole body inflammation.
Long maligned in old-wives' tales as an acne-producing food, there is no reason to believe that chocolate is bad for the skin. On the contrary, high polyphenol consumption from chocolate is associated with improved skin tone and texture and may even help to protect the skin from UV sun damage. More than likely, it is the sugar and milk added to many chocolates that are the culprits behind this old tale, since both elicit a strong insulin response and insulin is a driver of acne.
'Ihe science behind the chocolate Over the past decade, there has been a surge in research exploring the health benefits of chocolate, with much of the research focused on cardiovascular health. With this research has come an investigation of the specific compounds that are responsible for these benefits — namely a dass of powerful antioxidants called polyphenols. Polyphenols are phytochemicals that give plants their distinctive colors and provide protection from UV damage, pests, and infections. 1hey are found in high concentrations in dark fruits like blueberries, and in tea, red wine, and cocoa. In a list published in the European Journal o f Clinical¹ t r i t i on,dark chocolate ranked above tea (both green and black), wine, and pomegranate juice in a list of the top 25 richest food sources of polyphenols.
A high intake of polyphenols from chocolate even appears to enhance blood flow to the brain, a benefit that has created quite a buzz, with some speculating it may improve memory and even protect neurons from damage.
Lundberg' ~
Chocolate really is polyphenomenal. 1he bad news is that many chocolate products on the market are loaded with sugar and milk, or even worse, with artificial flavors, highly processed vegetable oils, and maybe even little to no actual cacao.'Ihe health benefits from chocolate come from the cacao bean itself and all of those benefits are diminished when the percentage of cacao decreases. In some studies sugar-free cocoa yields greater benefits than sugared-cocoa consumption. To really reap the benefits, choose dark chocolate with a high percentage of cocoa/ cacao (70% or higher) listed on the label. Interestingly, in a study involving 49 healthy women who consumed 41 grams of dark chocolate a day for six weeks, none of the subjects gained weight. If you're not keen on eating a few squares of dark chocolate daily, try it other ways — it really is a versatile food. Mix a little unsweetened cocoa powder or raw cacao powder into a smoothie or protein shake, or try adding cacao nibs to trail mixes, oatmeal, nut butters, or yogurt. You can even venture into the savory chocolate realm and try a traditional Mexican mole negro or add unsweetened cocoa powder to red chili. Experiment with some of the recipes that follow.
When we eat foods that contain polyphenols they act as antioxidants, protecting proteins, fats, and DNA f rom oxidative damage. Oxidative stress plays a role in aging and is believed to be involved in the devdopment of a number of degenerative diseases, including cardiovascular disease. 'Ihe polyphenols in chocolate seem to have a special aHinity for the cardiovascular system, acting in a number of ways to support cardiovascular health. Several studies have shown that chocolate consumption increases HDL cholesterol levds (the type commonly considered "good"). Perhaps more importantly, chocolate consumption appears to protect LDL cholesterol from oxidation o x i d ation of LD L c h olesterol is believed to contribute to atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease. In addition to protecting cholesterol from damage, polyphenols from cocoa also promote healthy endothelial function. 1he endothelium is a thin layer of cdls that lines the interior of all blood vessels — a healthy endothelium is crucial to vascular health. Polyphenols protect the endothdial lining from free radical damage and help to modulate inflammation.
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So chocolate lovers, rejoice! A small amount of dark chocolate or cocoa daily really does have a place in a healthy diet. While you enjoy your chocolate fix, you are also promoting good health. 4
Cocoa has also been found to modestly improve blood pressure, which may be
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By Beth M. Ley Jacobs, PhD (BL Publications, 1999)
Dark Chocolate Almonds
Coenzyme Q10: All Around Nutrient for All Around Health
Nature's Plus'
H wA
Roasted W~ Dandelion Root F ~H~ I R I •
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Milk Thistle Extract ................... 240 Vcap ..~26N
EDAP $14.29- $58.79
Pp I
'IhiS PeriOdiCal iS intended Co PreSent infOrmatiOn We fed iS Valuable tO Our CuStOmerS. ArtiCleS are iu nO WaytObe uSed aS a PreSCriPtiOn fOr any SPeCifiC PerSOn Or COnditiOn; COnSult a qualified health PraCtitiOner FOr adViCe. 1he anideS aPPearing iu Health HOtline' are either Original aniCleS Written FOr Our uSe bydOaOrS and eXPertS iu the field Of nutritiOn, or are rePrinted by PermiSSiOn frOm rePutable SOurCeS. ArdCleS may be CXCerPCed due to thiS neWSleuer'S ediCOrial SPaCe limitatiOnS.If yOu mOuld like tO be added OT remOVed frOm the Health HOtline Mailing LiSt OT haVe a Change Of addreSS, Pleaae Call 303-9864600 Or Online at WWW.naturalgrOCerS.COm/health-hOtline/SubSCribe.
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M NATURAL GRSGERB For store locations near you, visit ORSP0209
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Green and Black's®
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fs fs oslsnrnr&
Zinc helpful in treating common colds
isWIIUO llnsnsls Snlol
5.5OZ (1 )
II f gi 0 01000
Canadian physicians analyzed 17 studies, including 1,221 people, who took zinc lozenges or placebos to reduce symptoms of the common cold. Zinc led to shorter infections and fewer symptoms in adults but not children.
Amy's Kitchen'
14 oz.- 14.7 oz. Soups
2.46 oz.- 3 oz. Core or Meal Bars
Science M. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 2012: doi 10.1503I
5.25 oz.- 6.5 oz. Natural Potato Chips
Boulder Canyon Natural Foods
Alcohol and sugar combo hurts blood sugar
Researchers in Finland tried to determine the effects of alcohol and glucose on blood sugar. In a crossover design, they had 10 healthy subjects consume beer, nonalcoholic beer, and a glucose solution with alcohol. The alcohol-glucose solution led to a strong increase in post-meal blood sugar levels. They concluded that the glycemic index values of beers have underestimated their true effects on blood sugar.
See Store for •
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Wrapped Box
Sale Pricing
Nature's Way'
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Hatonen K. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2012; 96:44-49. "
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Slsslogg n
Available in
The plant kudzu (Ptderaria lobata) has been used to treat alcoholism. Researchers at McLean Hospital, Massachusetts, gave a kudzu extract, puerarin (a nonestrogenic isoAavone), orplacebos to 10 men and women in their twenties. When taking placebos, the subjects consumed an average of 3.5 beers in an apartment-like setting. After taking puerarin for one week, they consumed only 2.4 beers. The researchers believe that the puerarin extract of kudzu may curb alcoholism and binge drinking.
Ultra Prim Evening Primrose Oil 1000 mg
Onfnsn omo Ofonlrooolm
Kudzu extract reduces boozing
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me actors. O~
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Phosphatitti. Serine
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1000 mg Orange
60 mtb
90 mtb
HORes oos
vltiffrcs 0 'Pl' rii I
Penetar DM. Drug and Alcohol D ependence,2012:epub ahead ofprint. •
Folic Acid
Supports a healthy response to stress'
& 5-12
it4elatonin Sms
Rhodiolo Roses: 240 mgoslrocl
'5000 mcg
'~, H
Sopporfsopgmslonor gp0moof
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See store for additonal
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Individual store hours vary, please contact the store nearest you for exact times.
All of
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All items are available while su lies last. Offers end 03 01 14
On Sale
Market Recap, E4-5 Sunday Driver, E6
Small businesses feel weight of wage increase By Stacy Perman New York Times News Service
Dolores Riley has many questions and few answers. Along with every other
employer in New Jersey, she woke up on New Year's
Day to a new minimum wage — $8.25 an hour, up from $7.25. Even before the increase, Riley, who owns Gramma's School House Childcare and Learning
Center in Cinnaminson,
had been operating on the razor's edge. Since 2008, the number of children her company cares for has dropped to 40 from 75, reducing her annual revenue to $350,000 from $600,000and forcing her to cut her own salary
Gosia Wozniacka i The Associated Press file photo
Experts say a number of factors have led to an increasing bee death rate, which reached about 31.5 percent nationwide in 2012-13.
By JosephDitzler • The Bulletin
75 percent. In business
since 2000, Riley said she paid all of her 16 employ-
regonbeekeepersarebusyrightnowin California,
ees more than minimum
where the almond crop is ready for pollinating.
wage — her lowest-paid workers make $7.75, the highest $15 — but she fears
But by mid-June they'll be arriving for a six-
thatincreasingthe mini-
week stint in Central Oregon, where their honeybees will
mum will force her to raise everybody's pay to main-
work the acres of seed crops for which Jefferson County, for
tain her structure.
The latest increase, she said, is likely to add $10,000 to $15,000 a year to payroll costs that already make up nearly 80 percent of her operating expenses. "This really scares me," she said. "I hope I don't have to close." On Jan. 1, 13 states
raised their minimum wage, and an additional 22 and the federal government are expected to consider increases this year as well.
President Barack Obama is backing a bill to raise the $7.25 federal minimum to $10.10 an hour, to be put into effect in three stages, with annual adjustments indexed to inflation. And in his State of the Union address, the president said he
one, is well-known. The bees will arrive like a minor- Oregon Legislature this session league sports team on a l o ng would further restrict the use of
•Foodpricescould riseashoneybeesdieof
road trip: fit, but not eating par-
neonicitinoids in order to protect in-
ticularly well and exposed to bad influences.
sect pollinators. In Central Oregon, bee polNumerous stress factors con- lination is a key component of tribute to annual die-offs among agriculture, said Ramesh Sagili, honeybees, experts say, which adds an Oregon State University hon-
Honeyhm, like this one
gathering nectar in a
to the cost of food on consumer ta-
eybee specialist. Without it, seed
bles.A new public awareness of crops won't reproduce and create the impact of one factor, pesticides, seeds.
County field
of penstemon, pollinate the
arose in June when a mistake by
seed crops
About 15,000 hives arrive in the
a tree-care company killed about 50,000 bumblebees in a Target parking lot in Wilsonville. Afterward,the Oregon Department of Agriculture restricted the
that represent
the county's most valuable egdcultural
region each summer to pollinate about5,000 acres of specialty crops. While Central Oregon's pollination
efforts are small compared to California's, the area produces about
use for six months of 18 insecti-
90 percentof certain seed crops cides containing dinotefuran, a ne- grown in the U.S., he said. onicitinoid. A bill introduced in the SeeBees/E3
The Bulletin file photo
would raise the minimum paid to federal contractors
It is costing farmers more to pollinate l
by executive order. There is widespread
their carrot seed crops due to Increased cost of beekeeping. According to the
disagreement about the
impact of the increases. Paul Ballew, chief econo-
U.S. Census of Agriculture, Jefferson County grows the most vegetable and
mist at Dun & Bradsheet,
flower seed in Oregon. The Bulletin file photo ',
says smallbusinesses are
a diverseuniverse, with some more sensitive to
policychanges thanothers. That said, he added: "There
r 9',y
remains a lot of economic
pressure on small businesses. The downturnwas so severe, and any time you have apolicychange, you are goingto getpushback. They've had a really rough go of it thepast sixyears, and they've already squeezed
l l
out a lot of the fat." Others point out that the
proposed increases barely keep up with inflation. The
current federal minimum of $7.25, when adjusted for
inflation, is about 23 percent lower than it was in 1968.
See Wage/E3
Whenne One is just a face in the crewd Hopkins teamcreating • Retailers tap into facial recognition technology to track shoppers; privacyissuesraised an alternative to Bitcoin By Natashas Singer
And companies like FaceFirst, in Camarillo, Calif.,
By Carrie Wells
attention as alternatives for
Hey, big spenders.
hope to soon complement
The Baltimore Sun
Facial recognition technolo-
their shoplifter-identification
businesses and individualsand drawing criticism from some who believe they enable money laundering and other
New York Times News Service
gy, already employed by some services with parallel proretail stores to spot and thwart grams to help retailers recshoplifters, may soon be used ognize customers eligible for to identify and track the freest special treatment. "Just load existingphotos of spenders in the aisles. The NEC Corp., for instance, your known shoplifters, memis working on'VIP identificabers of organized retail crime tion" software, based on face syndicates, persons of interest recognition, for hotels and othandyour best customers into erbusinesses"where there is a FaceFirst," a marketing pitch need to identifythe presence of on the company's site explains. important visitors."
See Facial /E2
BALTIMORE — Inside a
drab computer lab at Johns Hopkins University, a team of researchers is trying to build something that has never existed before: a digital currency that changes hands completely in secret. Its name is Zerocoin. The untraceable currency 8
fllustration by Scott Bakal/New York Times News Service
is designed to compete with other virtual moneys such as Bitcoin, which are drawing
criminal activity.
Advocates say such digital currencies, m ade possibleby complex computer formulas,
will eventually be widely embraced by users who want
to exchange money instantly and directly, without a bank as middleman.
See Zerocoin /E5
B USI1VESS TODAY No Business events.
MONDAY GETTINGTHE WORD OUT COURSE: Learn how to write effective email blasts, newsletters, press releases, flyers and more, registration required; $69; 6-8:30 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, 2600 N.W. CollegeWay, Bend; 541-383-7270. IOSAPP DEVELOPMENT COURSE 2 — ADVANCED SKILLS: Advance your skills with this second class, learn more Xcode and Objective-C
to create apps that are more complicated, iOS App1 class is required or some prior experience with programs, registration required; $169; 6-8 p.m.; Central Oregon Community CollegeCrook County Open Campus, 510 S.E Lynn Blvd., Prineville; 541-383-7270.
TUESDAY SERIOUSSUCCESS MOTIVATIONALSERIES FOR WOMEN:Focusingon perspective in business, registration required; free; noon-1 p.m.; East Bend Public Library, 62080 Dean Swift Road; 541-330-3760 or www.facebook.
Email events at least 10days before publication date to or click on "Submit an Event" at Contact: 541-383-0323.
com/events/1388802351376043/. SCORE — SMALLBUSINESS COUNSELING: Thosewhooperate or wish to starta small business candiscussbusinessplanning, organization andstartup, finance,
marketingandother issues, no appointment necessary; free; 5:307:30p.m.;Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W.Wall St.; 541-6177050 or INTERMEDIATEPHOTOSHOP COURSE:Learn how to create composites using multiple images and isolate objects in your photos, registration required; $79; 6-9 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College — Chandler Building, 1027 N.W.
Trenton Ave., Bend; 541-383-7270. B e nd; 541-383-7270.
PRODUCTIVITY:Learn how to integrate all components of Gmail to be more productive, registration required; $80; 8-10 a.m.; webinar;
OPEN COMPUTERLAB:2:304 p.m.; East Bend Public Library, 62080 Dean Swift Road; 541-330-3760. CONSULTATIVESALES TRAINING COURSE:Learn how to use your personality type to make your
BUILD YOURBUSINESS WEBSITE WITH WORDPRESS COURSE: Learn to create a customized website that is professional, easy to update and ranks higher
sales process moreeffective, cover the sales process, lead generation, time management
and create asales playbook, registration required; $395; 6-8 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, 2600 N.W. College Way,
in search engines, registration required; $149; 6-9 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, 2600 N.W.Co llegeWay, Bend; 541-383-7270.
info© OPEN COMPUTERLAB: 2-3:30 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W.Wall St.; 541-617-7050.
SATURDAY No Business events.
No Business events.
DEEDS Deschutes County • Maureen L. Stapp, personal representative for the Estate of Nellie E. Marrone, to Gary C.and Mary B. Conrad, Stonebrook, Phase 1, Lot 10, Block 3, $249,500 • J. Kevin and Natalie Raichl to Brett and Carolyn Stokes, LaneKnolls Estates, Lot1, $376,781 • Paul Saverance to GaryE. and Signe A.Timm, NorthWest Crossing, Phase16, Lot 725, $549,900 • Tony and TammyDixon to Jamie Stanley Custom HomesLLC,Tall Pines, Fifth Addition, Lot 4, Block 32, $155,000 • Chackel Family LLC,Talents LLC and Chuckand Katheryn Chackel, to Full Access, Hampton Park Subdivision, Phases1 and 2, Lots 13 and 14, $538,000 • Loretta F. McQuillan to Warren F. and Carol L. Cheek,Fairhaven, Phase 6, Lot 26, $160,000 • Clonginger Custom HomesLLCto William A. andLeila C.Chiaravalle, NorthWest Crossing, Phase13, Lot 658, $799,000 • William D. Mayer, trustee for the William D. MayerRevocable Living Trust, and Shirley S.Mayer, trustee for the Marjorie L Mayer Revocable Living Trust, to 7 PeaksInvestment Group LLC,Township18, Range12, Section 4, $429,000 • Richard I. Newman, trustee for the Richard I. NewmanTrust, and Barbara A. Newman,trustee for the Barbara Annette NewmanTrust, to Thomas A. andCorinne K. McKean, Ridge at EagleCrest18, Lot 23, $387,500 • Joseph and Faye Sharpe to Christopher J. Owens, Bluffs at River Bend, Phase1, Lot4, $236,000 • Wellsand JudithAshbyto Patrice J. andBarbara A. Calreel, Sagewood, Lot 31, $375,000 • Cody W. andKelly C. Martin to Matthias Giraud andJoann Park, River CanyonEstates No. 3, Lot 204, $275,000 • Robert J. and Virginia F. Huesby, trustee for the HuesbyFamily Trust, to Adam D.Randall, Tanglewood, Phase 2, Lot18, Block 8, $239,000 • Ona N. Crawford to Miguel Segoviano, Township15, Range13, Section 3 and10, $163,500 • Perry Rhodes andCara Marsh-
Rhodes to JoeandJoan L. Tyler, Westside Pines, Phase1, Lot10, $305,000 • West Bend Property Company LLC to LeaderBuilders LLC, NorthWest Crossing, Phase18, Lot 668, $202,000 • Leader Builders LLCto Sheila R. Luber, NorthWest Crossing, Phase 18, Lot 668, $202,000 • John D. andSharon R. Harding, trustees for the Harding Revocable Family Living Trust, to Christopher and Stephanie Clark, Tall Pines, Fourth Addition, Lot 4, Block 20, $276,000 • Dona G Smith also appearing of record as DonnaG.Smith, and Timothy N. Bell to Christopher D. andSuzanneM. Carvlin,Township 15, Range10, Section18, $800,000 • Galen S. Bridge, trustee for the Bridge Family Revocable Living Trust, to Richard C.andGeorgeann D. Komraus, Fairway Crest Village, Phase 4, Lot12, Block 31, $325,000 • Eric and Tanya Halvorson to Cody W. andKelly C. Martin, River Canyon Estates No. 3,Lots 220and 221, $337,000 • Columbia State Bankto Fairgrounds ELLC,Township15, Range13, Section10, $224,937 • Jeffrey C. Benedette and Lisa S. Chernack, trustees for the Lisa S. Chernack Living Trust, to HalT. Arneson andDarcy Hagin, Glacier View Addition, Lot 8, Block1, $286,000 • Pahlisch HomesInc. to Sean Henderson, Newport Landing, Lot 17, $364,475 • John R. Gist, trustee for the J. Reuss Gist Trust1994, to Eric W. and Suzanne M.Strecker, Partition Plat1996-44, Parcel 2 and3, $750,000 • James C. andLynn M.Nelson, trustees for the NelsonFamily Revocable Living Trust, to Stuart and Kristin Gunderson, River Canyon Estates, Lot 76, $333,000 • Rick A. Froehlich to Curtis J. Endicott, Meadowbrook Estates, Lot 5, Block 4, $174,900 • Garrett B. and Michael B. Wales to Ann E.Kellogg, Deschutes River Woods, Lot1, Block UU,$380,000 • COTD III LLC to RABHoldings LLC, TuscanyPines, Phase1, Lots 7-15, 20-24 and30-45, $675,000 • Mary and Alex Johnston to Kelly
sumerprivacy legislation. Facial recognition seems Contlnued from E1 more fraught because, like "Instantly, when a p e r - DNA sequencing, it measures son in your FaceFirst data- and records biological patterns
Rooker, Township17, Range13, Section 27, $270,000 • Daniel L. Biggsto Nathaniel B. and Maleea D.Brocious, Broken Horn, Lot 1, $199,900 • Christopher M. Schalker to Lars E. Bowlin, Sunpointe, Phase 2,Lot 31, $212,000 • Tetherow Glen 58 LLC to David W. Pistor, Tetherow, Phase 2,Lot 22, $265,000 • Mary L. Purcell to Bruce Crawford and Mary J. Kane,Holliday Park, First Addition, Lot14, Block 5, $395,000 • Kathy Oxborrowto Robert T. Kane and Nathan L. Braun,Sundance East, Phase 2,Lot 7,Block1, $430,000 • Pahlisch Homes Inc. to Charles F. and Sara M.Peters, trustees for the Peters Trust, Bridges atShadow Glen, Phase 1,Lot 48, $434,500 • Pahlisch Homes Inc. to John B. and Judith N. Hammett, trustees of the Hammett Family Trust, Eighth Street Cottages, Lot12, $245,000 •DunlapFine Nancy Kowalski, La CasaMia, Lot10, Block 4, $257,000 • Barrie R. andJackie L. Lasure, trustees for the Barrie R. Lasureand Jackie La LasureTrust, to T. Alex Winn, Westerly Subdivision, Lot 20, $240,000 •James J.and MarciaJ.Snavelyto Joseph E.Ortner and Marcelle M. Bouchard, Golden Butte,Phase2, Lot 46, $547,000 •StoneBridgeHomesN.W.LLC to Christopher B.andLinsey N. Corbin, NorthWest Crossing, Phase 17, Lot 753, $742,900 • C. Scottand Karen W.Peterson to Jeffrey D. andAmy L. Nuttman, Fairway Crest Village, Phase 5,Lot 26, Block 24, $515,000 • Brandon Ortegato Misty M. Groom, Forrest Commons, Lot31, $185,000 • Grout Companyto Kathy Oxborrow, NorthWest Crossing, Phase17, Lot 755, $399,000 • Paul R. andCathy S. Beauchesne to Randall S. Gonyer,ReedMarket East, Lot1, Block 4, $218,500 • Crystal Park Construction LLC to Larry A. Huddleston, Alder Glen, Lot 9, $179,500 •HaydenHomes LLC toJeffreyand Ashlee Sanders, AspenRim, Lot 115, $259,835
unique to
Canal Crossings, Lot12, $186,000 • David K. Fried to Jerry E. and Kathleen J.Newman,4-J Estates Subdivision, Lot 2, $195,000 • Robert L and Susan G.Halder, trustees for the Robert L and Susan G. Halder Trust, to Anna G.Meiners, Aspen Rim, Lot 89, $365,000 • Kent A. and Kelly E. Herman, trustees for the Kent A.and Kelly E. Herman RevocableTrust, to Andrew J. and Cassandra A.Clemans, Awbrey GlenHomesites, Phase7, Lot148, $520,000 • Priscilla E. Dahl, trustee for the Priscilla E. DahlRevocable Living Trust, to GeneA. Shepherd, Fairway Crest Village, Phase1, Lot 8, Block 3, $285,000 Crook County • Cindy L. Loehr andDanaM.Adkins to Ramiro L. Lopez,Township14, Range15, Section 2, $180,000 • Mario and Bonnie Villastrigo, trustee of the Villastrigo Living Trust, to Jeremy M.and Kelly L. Hanson, Partition Plat1993-11, Parcel 3, $220,690 • Daniel L. and RebeccaA. Leavitt trustees of TheLeavitt Family Trust, to Norman C.Bain Jr. andDeanne M. Bain, Township15, Range14, Portions of sections10 and15, Partition Plat1999-17, Parcels1 and 2, $1,400,000 • Frank and Monica Platt to Frederick W.Selleck andMary C. Cheever-Selleck, trustees for the Frederick William Selleckand Mary Colleen Cheever-Selleck 2001Trust, Township15, Range17,Section 5, $350,000
• Martin L. and Kristina M. Hollen to Marvin C. andCheryll A. Benson, Partition Plat 2002-05, Parcel 2, $160,000 • Ron and Sherrie Rhoden to PaulE. and Penny L.Thorne, Partition Plat 2008-17, Parcel1, $275,000 • Williams Ranch Properties LLC to Jack W.andKathryn L. Riley, Township14, Range15, Section 22, $230,000 Jefferson County • Pacific Continental Bank to Randall and Kari Jasa, Shamrock Estates, Lot 7, Block1, $185,000 • Lawrence E.Hanson to Aaron and Shannon Martin, Township10, Range14, Section 8, $200,000 • James F.and Tanya Jones to Larry Knutz, Township12, Range12, Section 34, $305,000 • Richard and Patricia King to James N. Shields, Township13, Range12, Section 22, $180,000 • Lester R. and Ellen N.Smallwood to Robert B. andJody L Wittenberg, Township12, Range13, Section 28, Parcels1-3, $383,000 • Maple Lake Livestock Co. Inc. to Norton Cattle CompanyLLC, Township11, Range14, Sections 28,29,31 and 32, Parcels1-3, $1,700,000 • Dr. Steven J. Barkerand Susan L. Billard to John P. and Susan L. Billard, Crooked River Ranch,No.3, Lot 63, $168,900 • Ronald R. andKathleen R. Olson, trustees for the Ronaldand Kathleen OlsonJoint Trust, to Phillip L. and Suzanne E. Fine, Township 9, Range13, Section 33, $220,000
frequent fliers who have been
deared by government security services. Facebook offers face-matching software, called
"Tag Suggestions," to automatically suggest to members stores,you are sent an email, concerns overthe proliferation the names ofpeople in photos text or SM S a l ert t h at i n - of geneticdata, the debate over they've uploaded. Google said cludes their picture and a ll facial recognition ultimately last year that it would not apbiographical information of revolves around whether a prove "at this time" apps for the known individual so you person has a right to control Google Glass that use facial can take immediate and ap- who has access to his or her recognition. propriateaction." biometric data and how it can Now retailers and marketJoseph Rosenkrantz, the beused. ers are weighing the possible chief executive of FaceFirst, Because facial recognition ramifications of facial recogenvisagesstores using the soft- can be used covertly to identi- nition and the practices they ware to recognize shoppers fy andtrack peoplebyname at mayneedto employ it securely and immediately send person- a distance, some civil liberties and ethically. alized offers to their phones. experts call it unequivocally Rosenkrantz, of FaceFirst, But heexpects retailers to seek intrusive. In v iew of in t elli- argues that itscurrent shopliftpermission from their custom- gencedocuments made public er-recognition service is less ers first. by Edward Snowden,they also intrusive than typical in-store "That would require opt-in warn that once companies video security systems. Vidconsent," hetold me recently. get accessto such data, the eo cameras capture everyone The ability to surreptitious- governmentcould,too. "This who walks into a store and ly offer some customers bet- is you as an individual being the images are usually kept ter treatment — and to link monitored over time and your for 30 days, he says, whereas their faces and names with movements and habits being FaceFirst destroys faceprints biographical profiles — is recorded," said C h ristopher of all consumers except those among the issues that tech- Calabrese, legislative counsel whom retailers have previousnology industry experts and for privacy issuesat the Amer- ly caughtshoplifting. "We purposely do not store consumer a d v o cates w a s ican Civil L i b e rties Union. discussed in Wa s hington "That is a very scary techno- information on people not bethis week by the National logical reality." ing looked for," he said. Telecommunications and InFor the technology to work, Yet JosephAtick, a pioneer formation Admi n i s tration. a company or government in facial recognition, views Agency officials expect that agency mustcreate a database the technology as much more participants will ev e ntually containing photos or video powerful than current conhammer out a voluntary in- stills of in dividuals. Next, a sumer-tracking tools. Taken dustry codeof conduct for the typical system extracts com- in context with tr e nds like technology's use. plex measurements — often to- the near ubiquity of cellphone "Commercialfacial recogni- pological —of each face. Then cameras and the proliferation tion technology has the poten- it convertseachperson's facial of peoplewho are identified by tial to provide important bene- data into a mathematical code, name inonline photos,he says, fits and tosupport a new wave or "faceprint." If security cam- facial recognition may soon of technological innovation," erasrecord someone at, say, a let companieslink a person's said John Verdi, the agency's store or a casino, the system online personawith his or her director of privacy initiatives, can compare the faceprint of actual offline self at a specific "but it also poses consumer that live image to those in the public location. That could seprivacy challenges." database, taking only a few riously threaten our ability to seconds to run through mil- remain anonymous inpublic. Your'faceprint' "I don't t h ink th e re h a s lions of faceprints and find a The meetings are part of an match. ever been a capability that initiative, introduced in 2012 Some international air- convergedin this way to give by the White House,to draft ports use the technology to people power overyou," Atick andenact baseline federal con- identify employeesas well as Sald. base steps into one of your
•JamieStanley Custom Homes LLC to Chad C.Hewlett, Tamarack Park, Lots 3 and 4,Block 3, $225,000 • John and Kimberly J. McAbee to Ute Baier andWendy L Nero, Woodside Ranch, Phase1, Lot 4, Block 4, $375,000 • Brandon and Brooke Tateto Rondal B. andSara S. Smith, Juniper Glen, Lot 5, $199,000 • John Chally and Sandra L. Hodgson to Samuel K.and Elizabeth A. Chally, Awbrey Point, Lot 9, $550,000 • Roger S. and Therese M. Nichols, trustees for the RogerandTherese Nichols Joint Trust, to S. Leigh Fulwood, Township16, Range12, Section 8, $400,000 • Nancy K. Kerins to Louis and Elizabeth Capozzi, Copperstone, Phases 2and 3, Lot26, $375,000 • RAPS13005 LLC toJeffrey and Shanyn K. Swales, Willow Springs, Phase1, Lot 20, $194,000 • Richard E. Engebrecht, trustee for the Engebrecht Family Trust, to Margaret B. Hind,trustee for the Margaret Bentley HindTrust, Rocky Point, Phases1 and 2, Lot 14, $675,000 • Donald N. Atchison, trustee for the Donald N.Atchison Revocable Trust, to John A.and D.Natascha Ginsburg, BrokenTop, Phases1A and18, Lot 39, $610,000 • Further 2 Development LLC to Darcy M. andNeil Haight, Hunters Circle, Lots13 and14, Block 4, $162,000 • Douglas A. andSandra E.Hull to Paul F.andCatherine J. Imwalle,
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of 30.5 percent. Oregon beekeepers report
dervalued resource and draw
Continued from E1
smaller die-offs, about 20 per-
crease in their cost occurs. "It's the basic cost of doing
"We always seem to have
farms 1,000 acres total, grew
cent, Sagili said. But any loss over 10 percent is unsustainable, said Sagili, who surveys beekeepers and provides lectures at events like the Central Oregon Farm Fair & Trade Show.
carrotseed for more than 25 years before giving it up last
"I usually tell them that at least five or six factors are
one specialty crop that everyone goesnutsfor,"said farmer Seth Klann, 29, who farms 200
acres hecall s Mecca Grade Growers. His family, which
playing a perfect storm kind lot of labor." of role," in honeybee mortaliOregon exports more seed ty, he said. The life of bees in crops than any other state, Central Oregon is particular$378.8 million worth in 2012, ly tough, he said, because the according to the U.S. Census crops are not as n utritious of Agriculture, and Jeffer- as those in California, for son County grows the most example. vegetable and flower seed in Mike Webber, of Central Oregon. Oregon Seeds Inc., in Madras, The crops, which require contracts with beekeepers for honeybee pollination, com- the farmers who grow carrot prised most of t h e c o unty and onion seeds. Those seeds yield, about 18 percent, in are shipped worldwide, he 2012, according to preliminary said, to grow food crops. "The price went up last year figures from OSU. That translates into $14 million. Only cat- for pollination of specialty tle sales in Jefferson County seeds, due to the increased rivaled those numbers, at 18 cost to the beekeepers," Webpercent of all sales, or $13.2 ber said. "They're having million. more struggles with the loss While Central Oregon fields of colonies and what it takes to rely on bee pollination, more maintain them." and more bees die each winBeekeeper Vincent Vazza, ter for a number of reasons, of Hermiston, who brings bees according to the U.S. Depart- to Central Oregon in summer, ment of Agriculture. Over the said the cost to pollinate flucwinter of 2012-13, bee num- tuatesfrom year to year,and bers across the U.S. fell by 31.5 pinning the changing price to percent, slightly higher than any one factor is hard to do. the previous six-year average But bees, he said, are an unyear, Klann said. "It becomes a
a ttention whenever a n
are waking up to the downside of monoculture and are taking stepsto providebees some relief. Crop diversity is one way. Planting wildflowers and other wild plants in ditch banks
business. All of our expenses
are up," he said. Sagili said the cost to pol-
and elsewhere around their
farms is another, he said. "It's getting to be an un-
linate a carrot seed crop in
CentralOregon rose from $75 per hive to about $100 over the past three years. That representsthe costto beekeepers
healthy situation for the bees.
We're isolating them in one crop and forcing them to
to replace the bees they lose over winter, he said.
work," he said. "You need a
nutritional needs dictate that
vironmental factors is one of
lot ofdifferent food sources To pollinate an acre of seed to stay healthy. If you're not crops requires about t hree healthy, you're more susceptihives, a total of 7,200 bees, ble to disease." according to Sagili. But their Poor nutrition and other en-
bees forage on more than one four categories the USDA Agtype of plant. ricultural Research Service is Monoculture — the prac- investigating as possible links tice of growing one crop over to colony collapse disorder, a wide area for a number of a phenomenon in which bee years — in itself is a stress fac- colonies experience sudden die-offs. Parasites like the Vartor on bees, he said. Klann said some farmers roa mite, pathogens, such as
gut fungi, and management he said. The introduction of stressors, such as moving new agents, combined with hives from state to state, are the long exposure of bees in others. The service, however, the fields, means more subtle has not found a link between and potentially long-term efpesticides and the disorder. fects, Sagili agreed. Pesticide use, however, is its Vazza said beekeepers and own stressor, and its impact farmers generally tend to conon honeybees has become sult with one another prior more complicated.The June to pollinating fields, and that die-off in Wilsonville prompt- beekeepers assume nothing ed OSU inSeptember torevise harmful is applied while bees a 2006 publication, "How to are present. Reduce Bee Poisoning from The economics of beekeeping rise and fall from year Pesticides." "There's a general consen- to year, he said, the result sus of caution and precaution of many factors, including on the care and use of pesti- weather. "Last summer in C entral cides," said Vazza, the Hermiston commercial beekeeper. Oregon was as good as you "Unfortunately, there's a lot could hope for," he said by unknown about some of the phone from near Stockton, material, both in what we do Calif. "The previous year was and what they do in agricul- as bad as I've seen it in 30 ture. It's complicated." years." Years ago, pesticides either — Reporter: 541-617-7815, killed the bees or they didn't,
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Dolores Riley, who owns Gramma's School House Childcare and Learning Center in New Jersey, says she fears that increasing the
minimum wage will force her to raise everybody's pay.
$457,940 in 2012. She expects
anotherincreasethisyear. Continued from E1 Paying higher hourly wagIn addition, the increases do es was part of Charmington's not reflect an evolving labor business plan from the start. landscape in which the num- "We felt that we would end up ber of minimum-wage earners with more dedicated employwho work full t ime has inees, who would be happier, creased substantially, prompt- and we found that to be true," ing some to ask, Is there never Rothschild said, adding that a time when the minimum she had a 22 percent employcould be raised without objec- ee turnover rate, compared tion? And if a business cannot with a r e staurant i ndustry afford to pay minimum wage, average of 50 to 75 percent. might it be doing something A stable staff, she said, helps wrong? productivi ty,saves hermoney Riley said her options were on training and food waste, limited. She has already laid and leads to better customer off nine employees in recent service. years. Having raised her rates With Maryland looking to two years ago, by $5 a week, raise the state's minimum to she is reluctant to do so again $8.25, Rothschild said she was — especially since it would considering several plans, intake an increase of $30 a week cluding raising all base pay to per child, to $255 from $225, $8.25 in preparation. She says to cover the increased wages.
® e-
she believes that it is possible to
That, she said, would cause increase wages and still keep many of her clients to with- her payroll within 35 percent draw their children and rely
of operating costs without cut-
instead on less expensive (and ting hours, jobs or benefits. "I believe part of our costs in unregulated) baby-sitters. But with income equality a running a business includes inpolitical issue and with some vesting in employees," she said. studies challenging the notion There are examples of small that minimum-wage increas-
businesses that have made
es damage small businesses, paying higher wages a corthere are also business own- nerstone of their operations ers who support the increas- — and then grew much larger. es. These owners suggest that Costco, for example, pays its businesses actually b enefit hourly employees an average from paying higher wages be- of $20.89an hour (Wal-Mart's cause of reduced turnover and hourly workers make an averthe additional money that goes age of $12.81). When In-N-Out into local economies. Burger, the California-based Amanda Roth s c h ild, chain, opened in 1948 (the co-owner of Charmington's, same year as McDonald's), the a cafe in Baltimore, calls the minimum wage was 65 cents arguments against raising an hour but its founder, Harry the minimum "shortsighted." Snyder, paid $1 an hour (plus Since opening in 2010, the cafe one burger per shift). has paid new hires $8 an hour, Today, In-N-Out Burger more than the current $7.25 pays a starting wage of $10.50 minimum (they also earn (McDonald's pays on average tips). "I think those against $7.73an hour by oneestimate). increases underestimate how
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It has close to 300 stores in five
business success is tied to em- states (McDonald's has more ployee satisfaction," said Roth- than 34,000 globally), and acschild, who employs 11 people cording to Technomic Inc., a full time and three part time. research firm that centers on She said her employees were the food industry, it ranks secpart ofthe reason her cafe's ond only to McDonald's in revrevenue increased to $600,876 enue per location for fast-food last year, up 31 percent from chains.
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CSVlnvNG d4.14 -.10 CSVellVST 30.33 +1.72 WK CSVxShtrs 7.93 -1.66 NAME DIV LAST CHG %CHG Cree Inc 59.35 -1.07 CrwnCstle 71.56 +.60 39.50 -.01 ACE LM 2.14e 94.60 Cummins 2.50 134.33 e7.35 ADT Corp .801 d31.53 C Semi . 44 9 . 4 2 -.62 AES Corp .20 14.06 I AFLAC 1.48 62.68 AGCO .44f 51.02 DCT Indl . 28 7 . 6 2 +.42 +6.9 AK Steel 6.53 DDR Corp .621 15.56 -.11 +1.2 AOL 47.28 AT&T Inc 1.84f 632.30 ATMI Inc u33.60 Aarons .08f u28.32 AbbottLab .88f 37.18 AbbVie 1.60 48.89 AberFitc .80 34.72 Accenture 1.74e 80.58 ActivsBliz .20f u16.64 AdobeSy u62.88 AMD 3.47 Aeropostl d6.65 Aetna .90f 66.76 Affymetrix 7.21 AkamaiT u56.64 AlcatelLuc . 16e 4 . 4 8 Alcoa .12 11.19 Allergan .20 118.84 AlldNevG 4.80 Allstate 1.00 52.76 AlphaNRs 5.30 AlpAlerMLP1.09e 17.64 AlteraCp If .60 33.69 Altria 1.92 35.30 • 66 Amarin 1.75 Amazon 361.08 Ambev n d6.80 AMovilL .34e 21 .32 AmAirl n u35.67 ACapAgy 3.75e 21.98 AEagleOut .50 13.85 AEP 2.00 48.03 6 AmExp .92 87.00 AmlntlGrp .40 49.01 ARltCapPr 1.00f 13.99 I .6• Amgen 2.44f 118.90 Anadarko .72 80.17 AnglogldA .10e 15.32 Annaly 1.50e 10.90 Apache 1.00f 81.40 6 AppleInc 12.20 519.68 ApldMatl .40 17.18 ArcelorMit .20 17.27 • 6 ArchCoal . 12 3 . 9 1 ArchDan .96f 39.89 ArenaPhm 6.00 AriadP 7.99 ArmHld .23e 44.75 ArmourRsd . 60 4 . 2 5 AssuredG .44f 22.17 AtlPwr g .40 62.35 Atmel 7.44 Autodesk 51.99 AutoData 1.92 74.89 Avon .24 d14.80 BB&T Cp .92 37.29 BP PLC 2.28 47.61 Baidu 161.14 BakrHu .60 u59.51 BcoBrad pf .23e d11.09 BcoSantSA .81e 9 . 02 BcoSBrasil .95e d4.87 BkofAm .04 16.82 BkNYMel .60 31.79 DR Horton .15 2 3.89 e.41 +7.0 8 iPVix rs 45.46 DanaHldg .2 0 1 9 .33 +.41 -1.5 BarrickG .20 18.89 Danaher . 1 0 7 5 . 12 +.73 -2.7 Baxter 1.96 67.90 Deere 2. 0 4 8 6 .56 +.60 -5.2 Beam lnc .90 83.40 DelphiAuto 1.00f 62.41 +1.52 +3.8 BedBath 64.11 D eltaAir . 24 31 . 65 +1.04 +15.2 BerkH 8 112.61 DenburyR .25 d16.14 +.07 -1.8 BestBuy .68 24.55 DevonE . 8 8 61 . 02 +1.80 -1.4 BBarrett 22.41 Dia0ffs . 5 0 a d46.07-2.47 -19.1 BlackBerry 9.83 D irecTV ... 70 . 26 e.83 e1.7 Blackstone1.34e 31.34 DirSPBr rs .. . 3 5 .49 -1.19 +6.8 BlockHR .80 29.66 DxGldBII rs .. . 3 8 . 21+1.68 +39.4 Boeing 2.92f 127.02 DxFinBr rs .. . 2 2 .75 -.84 e5.8 BostonSci 13.10 DxSCBr rs .. . 1 8 .72 +.55 +1 0.3 BoydGm 10.45 D xEMBII s . . . 22 . 34 +.81 -22.2 BrMySq 1.44f 50.33 DxFnBug s ... 8 2 .82e2.16 -8.3 Broadcom .12f 30.46 DirDGdBr s ... 2 8 .07 -1.95 -36.3 BrcdeCm 9.45 DxSCBull s 1.19e 67.55 -3.01 -12.8 BrwnBrn .40 29.18 DxSPBull s .. . 5 8 .26e1.33 -8.7 Buenavent .31e 11.27 Discover . 8 0 5 5 .25+1.80 -1.3 CA Inc 1.00 32.17 DishNetw h ... 5 6 .80 +.42 -1.9 CBL Asc .98f d16.86 Disney . 8 6 f 7 5 . 67+3.06 -1.0 CBREGrp 26.32 DogarGen .. . 5 7 . 10 +.78 -5.3 CBS 8 .48 60.50 DollarTree .. . 5 1 . 39 +.87 -8.9 CH Robins 1.40 652.39 DomRescs 2.40f u66.93 -.98 e3.5 CMS Eng 1.08f 27.23 DongeyRR 1.04 17.43 -1.04 -14.1 CS .60 27.25 DowChm 1.48f 45.60 +.09 +2.7 1.101 66.44 D ryShips . . 3.6 4 e.24 -22.6 .28m 8 . 34 DuPont 1 . 8 0 6 3 .45+2.44 -2.3 .60 16.24 DukeEngy 3.12 69.99 -.63 +1.4 .08 u39.32 DukeRlty . 6 8 1 5 . 97 e.26 e6.2 14.01 Dynavax . .. 1 . 7 3 -.01 -11.7 19.43 E-Trade ... 2 0.27 +.25 +3.2 -.5 .40 21.20 eBav ... 54.59 e1.39 58.65 EMC Cp .4 0 2 4 .49 +.25 -2.6 .80f u34.27 Eaton 1. 6 8 70 . 62 -2.47 -7.2 38.87 EldorGld g .06e 6 . 39 +.06 e1 2.3 1.20 71.40 E lectArts ... 27 . 2 0 +.80 +1 8.6 1.58 EmersonEI 1.72 65.19 -.75 -7.1 1.21 67.54 EnCana g .28m 18.39 +.42 e1.9 39.56 EndoPhrm .. . 6 9 .50+3.62 +3.0 47.54 EngyXXI . 4 8 d 21.44 -1.51 -20.8 1.00 39.91 ENSCO 3.001 d50.45 +.08 -11.8 2.40 94.87 -.1 Entegris . . . u 1 1.56+1.66 156.88 EqtyRsd 1 85e 56 87 +1.49 +9.6 3.33 Ericsson .43e 1 2.41 +.12 e1.4 .45t 12.83 EsteeLdr .8 0 6 6 .50-2.24 -11.7 2.02e d5.63 E xcoRes .2 0 5.0 9 -.04 -4.1 .95f 23.33 Exelixis . .. 7 . 2 0 +.32 e1 7.5 2.16 d28.79 Exelon 1 . 2 4 2 9 .44 +.44 +7.5 55.46 Expedia . 6 6 u7 4.45+9.47 +6.9 4.79 ExpScripts .. . u 74.38 -.31 e5.9 41.86 ExtrmNet . . . 5.6 7 -1.65 -18.8 .35 24.59 ExxonMbl 2.52 9 0.58 -.95 -10.5 4.00 d112.05 FMC Tech .. . 4 8 . 37-1.07 -7.4 . 36a 3 . 12 Facebook . . . u 64.32+1.75 +17.7 22.73 Fastenal 1.00 d44.23 +.30 -6.9 .64 77 .47 FidlNFin . 7 2 30 . 94 -.60 -4.7 .68 22.67 FidNatlnfo .96f u53.71 +3.01 +.1 .04 49.34 FifthThird . 4 8 21 . 10 +.08 +.3 55.28 Finisar ... 22.11 -1.60 -7.6 (I6.69 FstHorizon .20 1 1.49 -.27 -1.4 .60 20.82 F stNiagara .32 8 . 5 9 +.03 -19.1 1.35 d47.56 FstSolar ... 49.83 -.75 -8.8 16.44 FirstEngy 1.44m d30.76 -.37 -6.7 1.12 37.95 Flextrn . .. 8 . 5 0 +.35 +9.4 1.00f 44.40 FlowrsFd s .45 1 8.90 -2.05 -12.0 97.00 FordM .5 0 f 14 . 97 +.01 -3.0 '
d2.92 21.51 52.15 32.35 4.54 1.42 10.71
GT AdvTc u10.74 GalenaBio 4.93 GameStop 1.10 35.50 Gannett .80 27.71 Gap .60 42.60 GenDynam 2.24 u104.19 GenElec .88 25.19 GenGrPrp .56f 20.61 GenMigs 1.52 48.05 GenMotors 1.20 36.11
-.13 -19.1 iShREst 2.37e 65.87 +.62 +4.4 Microsoft 1.12 36.56 -1.28 -2.3 e.31 +1 2.4 iShHmCnst .03e 24.89 +.07 e.3 MobileTele .94e 18.08 + .83 -1 6.4 +.14 -9.7 IderaPhm 5.14 +.56 +11.0 Molycorp 5.02 +.17 -10.7 -.06 -14.2 ITW 1.68 79.68 +.81 -5.2 Mondelez .56 32.93 + . 17 -6.7 -.15 -2.5 IngerRd 1.00f 59.76 e.97 -3.0 Monsanto 1.72 110.75 +4.20 -5.0 -.01 +.7 InovioPhm 2.57 -.01 -11.4 MonstrWw u7.43 +1.31 +4.2 -.29 +20.2 IntgDv 10.55 +.90 +3.6 MorgStan .20 29.69 + . 18 -5.3 1.00 46.45 +1.79 -1.7 Intel .90 24.21 -.11 -6.7 Mosaic InterMune 12.13 -1.22 -17.7 MurphO 1.25b 57.93 e1.32 -1 0.7 e.47 e23.2 IBM 45.08 -.33 e3.9 3.80 d177.25 +1.52 -5.5 Mylan -.34 -.6 IntlGame .44f 32.23 +4.66 +53.6 d14.74 e.31 -18.8 MyriadG +.43 -27.9 I ntPap 32.07 -3.12 -5.8 -.32 -3.3 NCR Corp 1. 4 0 47.42 e.18 -6.3 Interpublic .30 16.60 e.28 -6.2 Nll Hldg 3.22 +.21 +17.1 +3.62 +7.5 I nvesco . 9 0 32.88 -.37 -9.7 NRG Egy .48 27.61 -.24 -3.9 +2.88 +9.0 ItauUnibH .38r 13.34 +1.11 -1.6 NXP Semi u52.05 +3.70 +13.3 +.06 -1 0.1 Nabors . 16 17.39 + . 31 +2.4 +.47 +2.7 NBGrcers 4.97 +.56 -11.3 +.03 -3.7 JDS Uniph .. . 1 3 .27 -.02 +2.2 NOilVarco 1.04 75.07 + . 06 -5.6 +.03 -11.6 JPMorgCh 1.52 56.62 +1.26 -2.5 NetApp .60 42.82 + . 48 +4.1
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USCorEq11 16.03 +.06 +23.7 +1 3.6 USCorEq21 15.79 +.03 +23.8 +13.5 USLgCo 14.18 e.13 +21.5 e1 3.2 For the weekending USLgVall 30.54 +.17 +25.3 +14.5 Friday, February 7, 2014 USMicrol 18.91 -.31 +28.1 e1 5.0 33.19 -.40 +23.3 +1 3.1 WK %RETURN USSmVall 29.36 -.37 +25.5 +14.2 NAV CHG 1YR 3YR USSmalll FUND Davis AGR NYVentA m 40.13 +.44 +21.3 +1 0.6 M aFtStrl 10. 0 3 2 3 0 . 0 +0.1 NYVenty 40.63 +.46 +21.6 +10.9 AmericanBeacon Dodge &Cex LgCpVHs 2 7 . 95 +.28 +23.3 +13.2 Bal 97.18 +.60 +21.0 +12.1 AmericanCentury Income 13.73 +.02 e2.1 e4.9 Eqlnclnv 8.38 +.03 +11.0 e9,5 IntlStk 41.79 +.62 +1 8.4 +6.5 I nvGrlnv 32 . 0 1+.33 +20.7 e1 0.9 Stock 164.88 +1.56 +28.9 +14.7 U ltralnv 33. 5 1 +.47 +28.4 e13.8 DoubleLine AmericanFunds TotRetBdN b 10.96 -.01 +1.2 +6.4 AMCAPA m 27.32 +.35 +29.0 +1 5.0 Dreyfus B alA m 24. 0 2 +.17 +15.3 +11.1 Apprecialnv 50.09 +.68 +1 0.6 +1 0.2 BondA m 1 2 . 57 +0.1 +4.1 Driehaus CaplncBuA m 57.14 +.42 +9.3 +8.4 Activelnc 10.78 +.01 e2.4 e1.3 CapWldBdA m 20.34 +.14 -0.5 +3.1 FMI CpWldGrlA m 44.32 +.47 +18.2 +9.4 LgCap 20.20 +.23 +18.1 +12.2 EurPacGrA m 47.77 +.70 +13.9 e5,7 FPA FnlnvA m 5 0 .56e.57 e21.7 e1 2.1 Cres d 32.54 +.08 +1 5.3 +1 0.1 GrthAmA m 42.64 e.52 e26.5 e13.6 Newlnc d 10.32 +.01 +1.0 +1.7 HilncA m 1 1 . 39+.04 +6.2 +6.9 Fairholme Fu nds IncAmerA m 20.41 +.15 +13.6 +1 0.4 Fairhome d 38.53 +.49 +24.6 +6.2 -0.1 IntBdAmA m 13.51 +2.1 InvCoAmA m 35.86 +.18 +23.8 +12.2 Federated 5.72 +.02 +1 4.6 +1 3.3 MutualA m 33.77 +.13 +18.4 +12.2 StrVall Fidelity NewEconA m 38.20 +.34 +34.6 +17.1 AstMgr20 x 13.35 +.02 e4.5 e4.7 NewPerspA m 36.72 e.62 e18,7 e1 0.5 17.48 +.10 +1 0.6 +7.1 NwWrldA m 56.70 e.65 e4.2 e3.5 AstMgr50 Bal 22.55 +.14 +15.4 +10.0 SmCpWldA m 48.79 e.39 e21.6 e9.8 BIChGrow 63.48 e1.08 e32.9 e1 5.2 TaxEBdAmA m 12.61 +.02 -1.1 +6.6 36.15 +.32 +29.7 +1 5.8 WAMutlnvA m 38.35 +.27 +22.9 +14.2 CapApr Caplnc d 9.88 +.05 e8.9 e6.5 Artisan 94.21 +.22 +26.6 +1 4.2 Intl d 29.36 +.42 +17.0 +1 0.8 Contra x DivGrow 34.38 +.17 +20.5 +9.7 I ntlVal d 35. 7 7 +.14 +21.1 +12.1 35.74 e.48 e1 8.5 e6.6 M dCpVal 2 5 . 9 1+.15 +19.0 +13.1 Divrlntl d Eqlnc 56.92 +.21 +16.7 +9.5 M idCap 48. 1 5 +.32 +31.0 e1 5.9 Eqlnc II 23.70 +.14 +17.4 +9.5 BBH 12.63 +.08 e8.4 e6.1 TaxEHEq d 20.66 07 +14.7 +14.4 FF2015 FF2035 13.17 +.12 +13.7 +7.5 Baron 9.30 +.08 e1 4.0 e7.6 G rowth b 69 . 5 7 13 +22.4 +14.8 FF2040 Fidelity 42.32 +.73 +20.8 +11.5 Blackaeck 9.98 +3.8 +3.8 EqDivA m 2 3 . 39+.12 +14.4 +10.9 FltRtHiln d 15.20 +.08 e7.9 +6.0 EqDivl 23.45 +.13 +14.7 +11.1 Free2010 Free2020 15.43 +.10 +9.2 +6.3 +.15 +9.8 +5.4 GlobAlcA m 21.05 13.11 +.10 +11.2 +7.1 GlobAlcC m 19.49 +.13 +9.0 +4.6 Free2025 Free2030 15.95 e.14 e11.9 e7.2 G lobAlcl 21. 1 5 +.15 +10.1 e5,7 11.43 0.0 +3.8 H iyldBdls 8.2 4 +.01 +9.2 e8.9 GNMA GrowCo 120.87 e1,79 +33.6 e1 6.4 Cohen &Steers 26.89 +.23 +21.5 +14.0 Realty 65.93 +.86 +4.2 +8.4 Growlnc Hilnc d 9.38 +.01 +6.3 e7.3 Columbia 39.00 +.51 +17.5 +6.6 A cornlntZ 4 5 . 19+.30 +14.4 +7.1 IntlDisc d 7.78 +.01 +0.3 e4.7 A cornZ 36. 0 2 -.15 +18.3 +11.4 InvGrdBd D ivlncZ 17. 7 1 +.08 +17.6 +12.6 LowPriStk d 47.83 +.03 +23.2 +1 4.0 91.70 +1.07 +27.3 +10.4 LgCpGrowZ 33.68 +.44 +21.9 +12.8 Magellan DFA MidCap d 39.18 e.17 +28.7 e1 4.1 12.92 +.01 -1.2 +6.3 1 yrFixlnl 10 . 3 2 +0.3 +0.7 Munilnc d 80.64 +2.13 +45.5 +1 6.3 2yrGlbFII 1 0 . 02 +0.6 +0.8 OTC 5 YrGlbFII 1 0 . 9 7+.01 +1.1 +3.6 Puritan 21.23 +.18 e1 6.3 +1 0.1 EmMkCrEql 18.46 +.23 -7.7 -3.3 ShTmBond 8.61 +.01 +0.9 +1.8 -9.7 -6.6 SmCapDisc d 29.65 -.04 e1 9.9 e1 6.2 EmMktVall 2 5 .91 +.23 I ntCorEql 1 2 . 6 0+.22 +17.3 +5.2 Stratlnc 10.90 +.03 +1.5 +5.0 IntSmCapl 20.47 +.40 +26.6 +8.6 TotalBd 10.57 +.01 +0.9 +4.8 I ntlSCol 19. 1 4 +.27 +21.6 +7.0 USBdldx 11.52 -0.1 NA -0.2 +3.9 I ntlValul 19. 5 0 +.40 +17.3 e3,2 USBdldxlnv 11.52 RelEstScl 2 7 . 29+.26 +3.0 e9.4 Value 101.85 e.07 +24.9 e1 3.2
ForestOil Fortinet FrankRes s .48f FMCG 1 . 25a FrontierCm .40 FuelCellE Fusion-io
ge e
e e
The Bulletin
-5.0 S tateStr 1 . 0 4 68.23 +1.28 -7.0 -15.2 StlDynam .44 16.33 -.17 -1 6.4 +4.9 Stryker 1 .22f u79.43 e1.83 e5.7 +.6 Suncorgs .92f 32.83 ... -6.3 -9.9 SunEdison 14.57 +.66 +11.6 +7.1 SunPower -1.68 +2.9 30.68 -.4 S unTrst . 4 0 38.05 +1.03 +3.4 -9.6 +6.0 SupEnrgy .32 d24.31 +.67 -8.6 Supvalu 5.80 +.02 -20.4 -2.8 Symantec .60 d20.90 -.51 -11.4 S ynovus . 0 4 3.36 +.01 -6.7 e1 7.6 1 . 1 6f 35.51 +.43 -1.6 +.2 Sysco -5.1 T-MoblUS n 30.43 -.14 -9.5 +7.2 TD Ameritr .48a 31.33 +.20 + 2.3 +7.8 TJX .58 59.43 +2.07 -6.7 +9.5 TaiwSemi .50e 17.16 +.24 -1.6 -6.9 TakeTwo u18.65 -.53 +7.4 -11.7 TalismE g .27 10.58 -.17 -9.2 T arget 1 . 7 2d56.33 -.31 -11.0 TASER 16.78 +.72 + 5 .7 TelefBrasil 2.44e 18.99 - .01 + . 4 Teradata 40.95 -.17 -10.0 T eradyn . 2 4 19.07 +.26 + 8.2 Terex .20 40.96 -.04 -2.5 TeslaMot 186.53 +5.12 +24.0 T esoro 1 . 0 0 47.89 -3.63 -1 8.1 TevaPhrm 1.28e 44.52 -.11 +11.1 T exlnst 1 . 2 0 41.95 -.45 -4.5 ThermoFis .60 u117.77 e2.63 e5.8 3D Syss 66.44 -11.29 -26.5 3M Co 3 . 42f 130.33 e2.14 -7.1 TimeWarn 1.27f 63.91 +1.08 -8.3 TollBros 36.50 -.25 -1.4 Transocn 2.24 d42.33 -.95 -14.3 Travelers 2.00 80.88 -.40 -10.7 TrinaSolar 14.41 -.44 +5.4 TripAdvis 84.45 +7.26 +2.0 TriQuint 8.46 +.16 + 1 .4 TurqHigRs 3.40 -.11 +3.0 21stCFoxA .25 32.24 +.42 -8.3 21stCFoxB .25 31.57 +.33 -8.8 Twitter n 54.35 -10.15 -14.6 TwoHrblnv 1.17e 9.89 e.06 e 6.6 T ycolntl .6 4 41.55 e1.06 e1,2 Tyson .30 36.09 -1.31 +7.9 UBS AG .16e 20.66 +.79 + 7 .3 UDR .94 25.59 e1.25 e9.6 U S Silica . 5 0 26.71 -2.91 -21.7 USG u33.30 +2.70 +17.3 UltraPt g u24.41 +.46 +12.7 45.54 -.30 +20.4 UtdContl U PS 8 2 . 4 8 95.37 +.14 -9.2 US Bancrp .92 40.00 +.27 -1.0 US NGas u23.62 -.56 +14.2 US OilFd 3 5.64 e.84 e, 9 U SSteel . 2 0 25.59 -.52 -13.3 UtdTech 2.36 110.73 -3.29 -2.7 UtdhlthGp 1.12 71.36 -.92 -5.2
Genpact 614.28 -2.69 Genworth 15.50 +.75 G erdau . 1 0e 7.13 +.08 GeronCp 4.79 -.23 GileadSci 78.75 -1.90 GlaxoSKln 2.47e 52.84 +1.30 GlimchRt .40 9.28 +.72 GluMebile u4.69 +1.64 Gogo n 20.82 e.43 GoldFLtd .09r 3.53 +.05 Goldcrp g .60 25.54 +.65 GoldmanS 2.20 161.93 -2.19 Goodyear .20 23.53 -.13 Google 1177.44 -3.53 GraphPkg u9.89 e.39 GreenMtg 1.60 u107.75+26.75 Groupon 10.87 +.41 GpFnSnMx .96e dt 0.47 -.59 GpTelevisa .14e 29.50 e.44
-22.3 -.2 -9.1 +1.1 +4.9 -1.0 -.9 +26.6 -1 6.1 +1 0.3 +17.9 -8.6 -1.3 +5.1 +3.0 +42.6 -7.6 -23.2 -2.5 HCA Hldg 48.33 -1.94 +1.3 HCP Inc 2.18f 38.42 -.18 e5,8 HalconRes 3.50 e.13 -9.3 H agibrtn . 6 0f 51.97 +2.96 +2.4 Halozyme 14.68 -1.58 -6.1 H arffdFn . 6 0 34.41 e1.16 -5.0 HeclaM . 0 2e 3.13 +.10 +1.6 Hemisphrx .42 -.01 +58.5 Herbalife 1.20 67.37 +3.00 -14.4 HercOffsh d4.53 -.45 -30.5 Hertz 26.16 +.14 -8.6 H ess 1.0 0 77.18 e1.69 -7.0 H ewlettP . 5 8 29.07 +.07 +3.9 HimaxTch .25e 14.42 -.22 -2.0 HogyFront 1.20a 44.97 -1.33 -9.5 Hologic 20.95 -.41 -6.3 HomeDp 1.56 76.45 -.40 -7.2 Honwlllntl 1.80f u93.16 e1.93 +2.0 HostHotls .52f 18.42 +.03 -5.2 H udsCity . 1 6 9.18 +.14 -2.7 Humana 1.08 95.97 -1.33 -7.0 HuntBncsh .20 9.03 -.04 -6.4 Huntsmn . 50 21.93 +.01 -1 0.9 IAMGld g 3.67 +.02 +1 0.2 iShGold 12.30 +.23 +5.3 IShBrazil 1.44e d40.64 +1.40 -9.0 iShEMU .92e 40.48 +1.21 -2.2 iShGerm .44e 30.45 +.62 -4.1 i Sh HK . 6 1 e 19.18 +.06 -6.9 i Shltaly . 3 4 e 16.07 e.53 e3.1 iShJapan .13e 11.44 +.11 -5.8 iSh SKor .90e 59.22 +.18 -8.4 iShMexico 1.33e 62.71 -.18 -7.8 iSTaiwn . 2 6e 13.66 +.09 -5.3 i Sh UK . 5 0 e 20.22 +.31 -3.2 iShSilver 19.27 e.82 +3.0 iShChinaLC1.02e 34.40 -.18 -1 0.3 iSCorSP5003.35e 180.82 +1.65 -2.6 iShEMkts .86e 38.73 e.54 -7.3 iShiBoxlG 4.28e 116.06 +.07 +1.6 iSh20 yrT 3.34e 106.79 -1.21 +4.8 iSh1-3yTB .22e u84.55 +.02 e,2 iS Eafe 1.70e 65.12 +1.51 -2.9 iSCorSPMid1.45e 130.51 -.37 -2.5 iShiBxHYB 6.09e 93.42 e.63 +.6 iSR1 KVal 1.82e 91.42 e.63 -2.9 iSR1KGr 1.11e 84.25 +.80 -2.0 iShR2K 1.41e 110.75 -1.41 -4.0 iSh3-7yTrB .84e 121.61 e.14 e1.3
and Central Oregon Area ChambersofCommerce
Jabil .32 18.01 +.04 JanusCap .28 10.90 -.02 JetBlue 8.69 -.07 J ohnJn 2 . 64 90.04 +1.57 JohnsnCtl .88 46.67 +.55 JnprNtwk 27.25 +.64 KB Home .10 18.92 -.39 K KR 1.4 0 e 24.17 +.06 Kellogg 1 . 84 d58.36 +.38 KeryxBio 15.21 -.17 K eycorp . 2 2 12.74 -.02 Kimco .90 20.93 +.02 KindMorg 1.64 33.99 -.02 Kinross g 4.82 e.24 Kodiak0 g 10.65 +.04 K ohls 1.4 0 51.19 +.56 KraftFGp 2.10 52.30 -.05 KratosDef u7.56 +.33 Kroger .66 36.28 +.18 L Brands 1.36f 54.58 e2.22 28.09 +1.02 LKQ Corp L SI Corp . 1 2 u11.06 +.03 LamResrch 51.85 +1.24 LVSands 2.00f 76.97 +.45 Lanice u6.81 +1.63 L ennarA . 1 6 41.77 +1.61 Level3 u36.75 +4.65 LibGlobA 81.87 +1.94 LibtylntA 27.44 +.73 L illyEli 1. 9 6 53.21 -.80 L incNat . 6 4f 49.28 e1.25 Linkedln 209.59 -5.62 Lorigard 2.20 49.52 +.30 LaPac 17.02 -.51 Lowes .72 46.07 -.22 lululemn gs d47.38 +1.69 LyonBas A 2.40f 80.83 +2.07
+3.3 -11.9 +1.8 -1.7 -9.0 +20.7 e3.5 -.7 -4.4 +17.5 -5.1 +6.0 -5.6 +1 0.0 -5.0 -9.8 -3.0 -1.6 -8.2 -11.8 -1 4.6 +.2 -4.8 -2.4 +24.0 +5.6 +10.8 -8.0 -6.5 +4.3 -4.5 -3.3 -2.3 -8.0 -7.0 -19.7 +.7
11.70 +.76 -2.0 8.45 -.04 +.1 24.80 +.44 e5.4 -.6 M acys 1 . 0 0 53.09 -.11 MagHRes 7.99 -.36 e9.3 Manitowoc .08 27.84 -.61 +19.4 MannKd 5.39 -.03 e3.7 MarathnO .76 32.60 -.19 -7.6 MarathPet 1.68 84.47 -2.58 -7.9 MktVGold .19e 23.91 +.43 +1 3.2 MV OilSvc .54e 46.19 +.71 -3.9 MktVRus .74e 25.96 +.70 -10.1 MarshM 1.00 45.88 +.17 -5.1 M arvellT . 2 4 14.90 -.03 +3.6 Masco .30 22.02 +.86 -3.3 MasterCd s .44 76.31 +.63 -8.7 M attel 1. 5 2f d36.94 -.90 -22.4 Maximlntg 1.04 29.64 -.62 +6.2 McDrmlnt 8.52 +.18 -7.0 McDnlds 3.24 d95.92 e1.75 -1.1 McGrwH 1.20f u79.97 +3.93 +2.3 MeadJohn 1.36 75.95 -.94 -9.3 Medtrnic 1.12 55.59 -.97 -3.1 MelcoCrwn 40.94 -.05 +4.4 Merck 1 . 76fu54.77 +1.80 e9.4 M etLife 1 . 1 0 49.11 +.34 -8.9 MKers u64.22 +14.26 +16.0 Microchp 1.42f 44.44 -.42 -.7 MicronT u24.51 +1.47 e1 2.7
LgCapGrA m 31.76 +.53 +26.8 +1 3.8 +26.2 +13.6 LgCapGrSelect 31.78 +.54 +27.1 e1 4.0 e26.6 e13.9 MidCpyall 3 4 .48 +.34 +21.3 e1 5.6 ShDurBndSel 10.92 +.01 +0.4 +1.3 e74,9 e44,1 USLCpCrPS 27.07 +.31 +25.3 +1 3.3 +56.7 +27.5 Janus PerkinsMCVT 22.80 +.09 e1 4.6 e8.3 +21.6 e13.2 John Hancock +21.6 NA LifBa1 b 15. 1 9 +.12 +12.1 +7.8 +21.5 +13.2 LifGr1 b 15. 8 4 +.14 +1 6.1 +8.7 e25.4 e13.8 Lazard +15.3 +5.6 EmgMkEqlnst d17.37 +.21 -8.0 e22,2 e13.4 Lengleaf Partners LongPart 3 2 . 44 +.13 +1 5.9 +1 0.9 +11.6 +7.9 LoomisSayles e9.5 e5.8 Bdlnstl 15.2 2 + .11 e5.1 e7.8 BdR b 15.1 6 + . 12 +4.9 +7.5 -2.5 +6.8 Lord AbbeN AffigatA m 1 5 .07 +.09 +1 9.2 +9.0 -1.9 +7.7 BondDebA m 8.18 +.02 e7.2 e7.5 +22.4 e11,8 ShDurlncA m 4.56 e1.8 e3.8 -4.8 +6.9 ShDurlncC m 4.59 +1.1 +3.1 +10.5 +8.0 MFS e11.2 +8.6 IntlValA m 3 2 .73 +.40 e1 8.5 +1 0.8 +11.4 +8.8 IslntlEq 21. 5 6 +.33e1 2.3 e7.1 -3.7 +5.1 TotRetA m 1 7.33 +.10 +12.9 +9.1 e1 7.6 e13.1 ValueA m 3 2 .03 +.31 +22.4 +13.1 +2.9 +5.7 Valuel 32.19 +.31 +22.7 +1 3.4 +0.4 e3,1
Manning & Napier
+16.8 +9.3 e1 6.5 +9.0 +1 7.6 +1 0.5 +17.3 +10.2
-0.8 -0.4 -0.1 +21.8 e20.5
+3.8 e4,2 +4.5 +11.1 +1 0.4
+23.9 +12.8 -13.2 -5.9 e1 8.6 e5,9 +1 5.8 +14.0 +15.9 +14.1 e1 8.6 e14.1
8. 8 6 + .21+10.9 +3.6
Merger b 1 5 .95 +.03+4.2 MetropolitanWest TotRetBdl 1 0 . 69 +.01e1.7 +1.4 TotRtBd b 1 0 . 69 MorganStanley MdCpGrl 45 . 8 6 +.78+34.0 Natixis LSlnvBdy 1 1 .98 +.06+1.7 LSStratlncA m 16.38 +.16 +9.3 LSStratlncC m 16.48 +.16 +8.4
+.02 +5.8
+.09 -0.4 +.07 -5.4 +.13 -13.6 +.05 0.0 +.09 -4.3 +.11 -6.3 +.02 +1.9 +.01 +6.0 +.05 +1.1 +.02 -6.2 +1.0 +.04 -0.4 +.04 -0.2 +.04 -1.1 + .04 0 . 0 +.04 -0.3 +.04 -0.1
+5.6 e4,8 -5.3 +6.0 -0.4 +5.2 +6.6 e7.4 +2.8 e4,7 +1.6 +4.4 e4.5 +3.6 +4.8 e4.5 +4.7
-.09 +45.1 +22.5 e.28 e21.2 e13.4 +.47
-3.1 +2.6
+.12 +27.5 +14.2
+.29 +18.8 +13.0 e.16 e23.4 +1 2.4
e6.2 +6.0
-.10 +19.8 +10.6 -.02 +15.0 +9.0
e.38 e21,8 e13.0 +.25 +21.5 +13.2
+6.4 +8.6 +7.8
+2.80 +28.1 +1 8.6
Genesislnstl 58.38 -.71 +21.2 e1 3.1 Nerlhern HYFixlnc d 7 . 5 1+.01 +7.1 +8.0 Stkldx 22.2 7 + .20+19.7 +1 2.9 Oakmark Eqlncl 31.91 +.20 +1 6.3 +9.3
-.6 P DL Bio . 6 0 8.39 -.71 PPL Corp 1.49f 30.34 -.23 e.8 P accar . 8 0 a 59.15 +3.15 Pandora 34.34 -1.73 e29,1 P attUTI . 4 0 f u28.14 +2.45 +11.1 Paychex 1.40 40.90 -.92 -10.2 P eabdyE . 3 4 16.47 -.49 -15.7 PnnNGm 12.20 +.47 -14.9 PennVa u12.62 +.63 e33.8 PennWst g .56 7.83 +.36 -6.3 Penney d5.51 -.41 -39.8 PeopUtdF .65 13.96 -.25 -7.7 PepsiCo 2.27 80.22 -.14 -3.3 PeregrinP 1.64 -.18 +1 8.0 PetrbrsA .77e d12.06 +.16 -1 7.9 Petrobras .27e d11.34 +.13 -17.7 Pfizer 1 . 0 4f 31.22 +1.08 e1,9 PhilipMor 3.76 d80.25 +2.11 -7.9 Phillips66 1.56 74.28 +1.19 -3.7 P itnyBw . 7 5 25.47 +.29 +9.3 PlugPowr h 3.10 +.08 +1 00.0 Polycom u12.37 +.44 +1 0.2 P otash 1 . 4 0 33.59 +2.27 +1.9 PS SrLoan 1.07e 24.90 -.01 e.1 PwShs QQQ.88e 87.30 +1.03 -.8 ProLogis 1.12 39.93 e1.17 e8,1 ProShtS&P 25.84 -.26 +2.4 ProUltMC s 59.74 -.79 -5.8 ProUltQQQ .13e 97.63 +2.09 -2.0 ProUltSP .25e 96.68 +1.54 -5.7 Pro7-10yrT 52.52 -.09 e5.8 PultSP500 s .07e 88.00 +2.01 -8.6 PUVixSTrs 72.20 -15.33 +7.6 PrVixSTF rs 30.45 -2.57 +6.7 PrShtVix s 59.52 +3.26 -11.8
25.82 +.42 +19.4 +21.3 +11.5 Intl I Oakmark I 6 1 .73 +.57 +25.1 Old Westbury +0.3 +4.3 7.7 9 + .02 e6.5 e33,2 e1 5.7 GlbOppo +11.6 +5.9 GlbSmMdCp 16.72 +.06+15.3 LgCpStr 12. 1 4 +.14+17.4 +11.2 +5.5
Nefflix u429.98 +20.65 +1 6.8 NwGold g 5.51 -.23 +5.2 NY CmtyB 1.00 15.35 -.59 -8.9 Newcastle .40b 5.65 +.21 -1.6 NewellRub .60 30.82 -.08 -4.9 NewmtM .80m d21.52 -.08 -6.6 NewsCpAn 17.41 +1.45 -3.4 NextEraEn 2.64 u90.61 -1.32 +5.8 N ikeB .96 f 72.69 -.16 -7.6 NobleCorp 1.50f d30.70 +.05 -1 8.1 NobleEn s .56 66.20 +4.01 -2.8 Nekiagp 7.66 +. 7 4 -5.5 NorflkSo 2.16f 94.74 +2.69 +2.1 NA Pall g .39 -.03 -40.1 N StarRlt . 8 4f 14.37 -.22 +6.8 Novavax 5.34 -.10 e4.3 NuSkin 1. 20 71.63 -13.32 -46.6 NuanceCm 15.72 e.39 +3.4 Nucor 1 . 4 8f 48.45 +.10 -9.2 Nvidia .34f 15.87 e.17 -.9 OasisPet 41.34 -.47 -1 2.0 OcciPet 2 . 56 90.59 +3.02 -4.7 OcwenFn 43.09 -1.05 -22.3 OfficeDpt 5.13 +.24 -3.0 O i SA .45 e 1.72 +.01 e8.2 OldRepub .72 15.05 -.57 -12.9 OnSmcnd u9.04 +.68 +9.6 ONEOK 1.601 u59.08 -.48 +8.5 OpkoHlth 7.74 -.19 -8.3 Oracle .48 37.19 +.29 -2.8 Orexigen 6.30 -.50 e11,9
+10.1 +1 5.9
e4.2 +8.4 +4.1
e29,2 +1 0.4 DevMktA m 35.30 +.27 -2.0 e1.4 34. 8 9 +.28 -1.6 +1.7 +27.6 +10.7 DevMkty GlobA m 76 . 1 6 +.29+15.7 +8.9 IntlGry 36. 4 6 +.39+14.7 +9.9 +22.9 e13.1 +1 7.0 +9.6 MainStrA m 46.95 +.16 e22.1 e1 3.1 +21.5 +11.5 RisDivA m 1 8.77 -.10 +14.3 +10.5 RisDivB m 1 6.78 -.10 +13.2 +9.5 +17.2 +9.7 RisDivC m 16.68 -.10 +1 3.4 +9.7 e1 6.3 e8,9 SmMidValA m 42.57 -.53 e21.4 e8.9 SmMidyalB m 35.85 -.45 +20.4 +8.0 +0.2 +4.3 SrFltRatA m 8.42 -.01 +5.7 +5.2 -0.1 e3.9 S trlncA m 4. 1 2 -0.7 +4.3 +0.1 +4.1 Oppenheimer Rocheste +7.0 e7.2 FdMuniA m 14.68 +.02 -9.5 e6.5
e.44 e7.2 e3.8
+.98 +33.6 e.17 e16,9 +.31 -1 0.9 +.43 +21.3 e.25 e18.4 +.69 +32.7 +.05 +48.1 +8.6 +.40 +37.7 +.08 -0.5 +.26 +17.6 +.27 +7.7 e.87 e34.9 +.05 +19.4 +.70 +29.0 +.07 -5.1 -.03 +37.7 -0.3 +.16 +15.8 +.11 +11.0 +.14 +15.1 e.17 e18,1 +.11 +8.5 +.16 +13.1 e.22 e16.8 +.25 +18.8 e.16 e36.1
e11,8 -3.8 +13.0 e11.6 +1 6.0 +31.0 e8.3 +17.0 +2.0 +5.7 +4.1
e1 7.1 e11,9 +13.5 +2.1
+20.8 +4.0 +6.5 e7.9 +9.3 e1 0.3 +7.0 +8.7 e9.9 +1 0.6 +1 0.4
RangeRs .16 u84.03 -.3 Raytheon 2.20 u94.27 +3.9 RealGSolar 3.77 +24.8 RegionsFn .12 10.23 +.06 +3.4 RepubSvc 1.04 33.40 e1.37 e.6 RexahnPh 1.18 +.03 +131.4 ReynAmer 2.52 48.76 e.26 -2.5
RioTinto 1.78e 56.17 +3.02 -.5 RiteAid 5.70 e.15 e1 2.6 RossStrs .68 69.36 +1.45 -7.4 Roundys . 46 7 . 1 5 -1.33 -27.5
SLM Cp .60 22.75 SpdrDJIA 3.52e 157.78 SpdrGold 122.17 SpdrEuro5 01.13e 40.86 SP Mid 2.10e 237.98 S&P500ETF3.35e 179.68 SpdrHome .10e 31.99 SpdrLehHY2.96e 40.73 SpdrS&P R 8 .56e 37.91 SpdrRetl .53e 80.74 SpdrOGEx .58e 65.76 SABESPs .39e 9 . 38 Safeway .80 31.16 StJude 1.00 62.00 Salesforc s u61.55 SallyBty 29.61 SanDisk .90 71.61 SandRdge 6.14 Sanofi 1.86e 48.43 Schlmbrg 1.60f 89.50 Schwab .24 24.60 SeadrillLtd 3.80f 36.80 SeagateT 1.72 49.52 SealAir .52 31.45 Shutterfly 43.72 SiderurNac .38e 4 . 93 SilvWhtn g .45e 22.62 Sina 67.12 SiriusXM 3.49 SkywksSol 30.47 SodaStrm d37.57 SolarCity 71.31 SonyCp .25e 16.82 Sothebys .40a 50.25 SouthnCo 2.03 41.10 SwstAirl .16 21.43 SwstnEngy u41.47 SpectraEn 1.34f u36.79 SpiritAero 27.06 SpiritRC n .66 10.60 Sprint n 8.02 SP Matls .96e 44.70 SP Hlthc .83e 56.35 SP CnSt 1.02e 40.93 SP Consum.77e 64.09 SP Engy 1.52e 84.04 SPDR Fncl .32e 21.29 SP Inds .87e 50.47 SP Tech .61 e 35.10 SP Util 1.46e 38.88 StdPac 8.65 Staples .48 13.07 Starbucks 1.04 74.04 StarwdPT 1.84b 23.89 StarWay n u28.88
-.01 +1.03 +2.08 +1.10 -.80 +1.50 +.42 +.14 -.34 +.89 +.01 +.25 -.08 e1.27 +1.02 e1.23 +2.06 -.01 -.47 e1.93 -.16 +1.09 -2.91 +.26 -3.64 +.30 e.91 +1.93 -.10 +.22 +1.01 -2.78 +1.07 +2.33 -.14 +.48 e.78 +.84 -6.85 -.25 e.66 +.39 e.17
e.66 +.23 +.44 +.28 -.22
-.15 -.09 e3.18 -.46 -.37
-13.4 -4.6 +5.2 -3.2 -2.5 -2.7 -3.9 +.4
-6.6 -8.4 -4.0 -17.3 -4.3 e.1 +11.5 -2.1 +1.5 e1.2 -9.7 -.7 -5.4 -10.4 -11.8 -7.6 -14.2 -20.5 +1 2.0 -20.3 -.1 +6.7 -24.3 +25.5 -2.7 -5.5
+1 3.7 e5.4 +3.3 -20.6 +7.8 -25.4 -3.3 +1.6 -4.8 -4.1 -5.1 -2.6 -3.4 -1.8 +2.4 -4.4 -17.7 -5.6 +7.0 e1.3
MuHYAdml Mulnt MulntAdml MuLTAdml MuLtdAdml MuShtAdml 10.15 +.01 +2.5 +6.7 Prmcp PrmcpAdml 13.77 +.09 +22.3 +1 3.4 PrmcpCorl 4.80 +.01 43.23 -.32 48.03 -.35 12.79 +.03 33.30 +.35
+0.7 +1.7 +24.6 +14.9 e1 8.3 e1 3.1 +3.2 +5.6 e25.5 e1 4.4
22.00 +.20 +1 4.0 e5.1 20.51 e,1 7 +1 0.0 20.50 +.17 +9.2 29.60 +.26 +5.2 30.24 +.26 e5.6
e7.6 +6.8 +2.0 e2.4
26.15 +.27 +13.0 +9.3 165.94 +1.47 +21.6 +13.3 165.92 e1,47 +21.4 e1 3.1 27.29 +.11 +1 3.1 +9.9 27.29 +.11 +13.0 +9.9 11.47 +.01 +0.5 e6.4 46.94 +.39 +33.1 +1 5.3 108.39 +.91 +33.2 +15.4 P 116.04 +1.99 e1 5.1 e5.6 20.55 +.10 +19.4 +1 3.8 31.88 e,38 -1 0.5 -4.3 121.48 +1.65 +8.0 +2.1 28.65 +.08 +18.2 +1 4.8 60.06 +.17 e1 8.3 e1 4.9 93.32 -.31 +30.7 +1 4.7 100.34 -.34 +30.5 +14.6 61.40 -.19 +25.8 e1 3.9 61.39 -.20 +25.8 +13.9 P 151.50 -.49 +25.8 e1 4.0 10.63 +.02 +0.2 +3.6 10.63 +.02 +0.3 +3.7 47.15 +.71 +23.8 e1 4.2 47.14 +.70 +23.8 +1 4.2 6.05 +.01 +5.3 +8.1 81.03 +.19 e37.9 e22.1 192.09 +.46 +37.8 +22.1 -0.5 e5.8 11.31 9.81 +0.8 +5.8 26.03 -.01 -6.1 +4.5 10.60 -.01 -6.1 e4.6 13.26 -6.2 +4.4 164.88 +1.46 +21.6 +1 3.3 164.89 +1.46 +21.6 +13.3 41.28 +.27 +22.6 e1 3.5 22.41 +.39 +1 4.9 +6.3 71.27 +1.23 +15.0 +6.4 m 27.12 e.44 +9.0 +3.0 108.46 +1.77 +9.1 +3.1 s 108.48 e1,77 e9.1 e3.1 n 32.53 +.53 +9.0 +3.0 36.14 +.70 +15.4 +5.2 9.96 -.06 -0.7 e9.5 18.03 +.07 +7.1 +6.0 27.12 +.22 +14.5 +8.8 22.89 e.14 e1 0.8 e7.6 146.12 +1.17 +23.8 +12.9 29.56 e,24 +23.5 e1 2.7 134.13 +1.08 +23.7 +1 2.8 29.63 +.24 +23.8 +12.9 42.32 e.34 +23.7 e1 2.8 25.37 +.29 +26.8 +1 2.4 78.63 e.91 +27.0 e1 2.6
10.75 +.02 -1.2 +7.1 13.92 +.01 -0.3 +5.4 13.92 +.01 -0.2 +5.5 11.25 +.01 -1.1 +6.6 11.07 +0.9 +2.3 15.88 +.01 +0.7 +1.2 92.38 +.77 +29.8 +14.8 95.80 +.81 +30.0 +14.9 19.39 +.21 +26.8 +14.0 REITldxAd 96.30 +.84 +3.8 +9.7 STBondAdm 10.53 +0.7 +2.0 STBondSgl 10.53 +0.7 +2.0 STCor 10.74 +1.4 +2.6 STGradeAd 10.74 +1.5 +2.7 STIGradel 10.74 +1.5 +2.7 STsryAdml 10.71 +0.4 +1.3 SelValu 27.36 e.16 e28,8 e15,2 SmCapldx 51.28 -.32 +24.7 +13.8 SmCpldAdm 51.32 -.32 +24.9 +13.9 SmCpldlst 51.32 -.32 e24.9 e13.9 SmCplndxSg nl 46.23 -.29 +24.8 +13.9 Star 23.73 +.17 +13.5 +9.4 StratgcEq 29.44 e.05 e28.6 e16.5 TgtRe2010 25.55 +.11 +6.9 +6.9 TgtRe2015 14.67 +.08 +9.5 +7.6 TgtRe2020 26.83 e.17 e11.3 e8.1 TgtRe2030 27.17 +.20 +14.0 +8.9 TgtRe2035 16.64 +.13 +15.4 +9.3 TgtRe2040 27.68 e.24 e16.3 e9.7 TgtRe2045 17.36 +.15 +16.3 +9.7 TgtRe2050 27.56 e.24 e16.3 e9,7 TgtRetlnc 12.51 e.04 e4.8 e6.3 Tgtet2025 15.54 +.11 +12.7 +8.5 TotBdAdml 10.70 0.0 +4.0 TotBdlnst 10.70 0.0 +4.0 TotBdMklnv 10.70 -0.1 +3.9 TotBdMkSig 10.70 0.0 +4.0 Totlntl 16.22 +.27 +9.0 +3.0 TotStlAdm 45.54 +.30 +22.4 +13.4 TotStHns 45.54 +.29 +22.4 +13.4 TotStlSig 43.95 +.29 +22.4 +13.4 TotStldx 45.52 +.30 +22.3 +13.3 TxMCapAdm 91.52 +.84 +22.8 +13.5 USGro 28.45 +.57 +26.4 +14.6 ValldxAdm 28.81 +.10 +20.1 +12.4 Valldxlns 28.81 +.10 +20.1 +12.4 Wellsl 24.79 e.03 e7.3 e9.2 WellslAdm 60.05 +.07 +7.3 +9.3 Welltn 37.48 +.12 +13.9 +10.2 WelltnAdm 64.73 +.20 +14.0 +10.2 WndsHAdm 63.51 +.54 +20.2 +13.1 Wndsr 19.91 +.20 +24.0 +13.5 WndsrAdml 67.17 +.69 +24.2 +13.6 WndsrH 35.79 +.30 +20.1 +13.0 Virtus EmgMktsls 9.05 +.07 -12.2 +3.7 Yacktman Focused d 24.39 +.08 +15.3 +12.0 Fund Footnotes:b - Fee covering market costs is paid from fundassets. d - Deferred sales charge, or redemption fee. f - front load (sales charges). m - Multiple feesare charged, usually a marketing fee andeither a sales or redemption fee. NA— not available. p - previous day's net asset value. s - fund split shares during theweek. x - fund paid a distribution during the week. Source:Morningstar.
an anonymous Web browser. being developed as a separate Inside their third-floor lab in currency after pushback from Maryland Hall at the universisome Bitcoin advocates who ty's Homewood campus, home are seeking to defuse the issue to several working computers of criminality and win over and a jumble of hard drives Congress and federal author- and other computer parts, ities by arguing that Bitcoin Green andthe grad students transactions are traceable. are candid about their exciteGreen and his graduate ment about the project, their students released a paper in uncertainty about the legal April 2013 outlining how Ze- implications of their research rocoin would work, hoping and their skepticism of claims that someone would take the that Zerocoin would be exresearch to the next level and ploited by criminals. write the software code to supGreen, who blogs on priport it. When no one did, they vacy issues, found himself in began writing the code for an the middle of controversy last exchange. They believe it will year after a Hopkins official be readyin thespring orearly ordered him to remove from summer. university servers a blog post The researchers struggle that criticized the National Seto explain to those unfamiliar curity Agency's surveillance with cryptography how Ze- methods. The university later rocoin works, and their 2013 reversed course. paper contains lines such as, Privacy is "really importcoin transactions. But it is now
Continued from E1 Bitcoins are already being accepted as payment by a growing number of businesses large and small — from to the D Casino Hotel in Las Vegas to the Baltimore bar Bad Decisions. Matthew Green, the Hop-
kins assistant professor of computer science who is lead-
ing the Zerocoin project, says there is a legitimate need for anonymous financial transac-
tions. If virtual currencies are going to exist, he and his team of graduate students say, there
should be one that provides the same kind of privacy that people have when exchanging traditional forms of money. "In our field, the probability that you're going to have an impact on the world is kind of low," Green said. "We want to make something that the
Karl Merton Ferron / Baltimore Sun
Assistant research professor Matthew Green stands behind graduate student lan Myers, explaining
potential for misuse of unregulated virtual currencies,
which are not backed by any government or a commodity like gold, but instead exist en-
Silk Road, a $1.2 billion online marketplace for illegal drugs. The secretive cryptocurrency Bitcoin was used to make purchases on Silk Road, according to federal prosecutors in Maryland and New
tirely as computer code. Steve Hudak, a spokesman York who charged the site's for the Financial Crimes En- alleged founder, Ross William forcement Network, a mon- Ulbricht, with drug, money-laundering-monitoring ey-laundering and computer agency under the U.S. Trea- hacking offenses, in addition sury Department, said his to attempting to order the killagency is concerned about the ing of an employee. risk of criminal use of virtual significant wealth, instantly,
any place in the world, is kind of an obvious money-laundering risk," he said, declining to comment specifically on Zerocoin. Virtual c u r r encies h a ve drawn attention i n r e c ent
months inlarge partbecause of the high-profile bust of
commit money laundering. They alleged that he and another man had sold $1 million worth of Bitcoins to people attempting to buy and sell drugs on Silk Road. Shrem has denied the charges through his but is th e ke y r e ason the lawyer. cryptocurrency is not truly Bitcoin, the first virtual cur- anonymous. rency, arrived on the scene in Green and other cryptog2009 and its inventor is a mys- raphy experts say patterns in tery, known onlyby the pseud- the ledger can be tracked with onym Satoshi Nakamoto. Essentially, Bitcoins and other
data-mining software and ulti-
mately traced back to the user. So he set out to work on an unlast year, federal authorities when computers compete to traceable currency, working said, Ulbricht ha d 6 00,000 solve complex mathematical with three Hopkins grad stuBitcoins worth about $80 mil- formulas — the first to solve dents and a group of researchlion. Ulbricht has pleaded not a formula is rewarded with ers at the Massachusetts Instiguilty and is being held pend- 25 Bitcoins. The Bitcoin mine tute of Technology. ing trial. will eventually run out when Zerocoin was initially conLast week, federal prosecu- all 21 million Bitcoins are cre- ceivedas computer code that tors charged Charlie Shrem, ated and put into circulation. would add anonymity to Bitthe CEO of a Bitcoin exchange site and vice chairman of the Bitcoin Foundation lobbying group, with conspiracy to At the time of hi s arrest
currencies. "The anonymous transfer of
ant" and virtual currency us-
a time-space trade-off." The ersneed itforvariousreasons, simplest explanation they use he said. "Imagine everyone is that Zerocoins are based knows you won the lottery B itcoin t r ansactions a r e on computer code, similar to and are worth $50 million, recorded in a public ledger. Bitcoin, and to make the trans- and they kidnap you, which That ledger, which shows actions private, they rely on a doesn't really happen in the the size, time and number of complicated formula. Users U.S. but is an issue in other Bitcoins sent, is necessary to would access Zerocoin using countries," he said. prevent duplicate Bitcoins,
world wants and can get use out of." But some worry about the
"This optimization involves
how they want to tweak Zerocoin at Johns Hopkins University's Homewoodcampus.
virtual currencies are "mined"
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1 07.75 56. 6 4 94. 2 2 19.64 74. 4 5 36. 7 5 1 4 9 .2 0 265 .08 108. 1 4 42.00 116 . 4 8 84. 4 5 185 . 0 6 125. 0 0 534 . 4 0
2 6.75 33.0 8.96 1s.s 14. 2 9 1 79 2.51 14.7 9.47 14.6 4.65 14.5 18. 2 2 13. 9 2 5.42 10.6 10. 3 5 10. 6 3.92 10.3 10. 1 6 9 .6 7.26 9.4 15. 7 4 9.3 10. 1 9 s.s 39. 3 4 79
33. 4 17.5 18.1 8.0 7.0 8.1 12.2 zs 9.3 5.4 0.2 -2.7 90 8.1 9.1
1 09.1 Smart Technologies S M T 3 7.5 Pernix Therapeutics P T X 63.8 Ohr Pharmaceutical O HRP 45.4 Natl Interstate Cp NATL 0.0 Augusta Resource AZC 49.2 Transctl Rlty TCI 58.5 Glu Mobile Inc GLUU 66.6 Monster Worldwide MW W 13.6 Net1 UEPSTech UEPS 2 1.6 Bio Telemetry Inc BEA T 91.9 Corp Resource Svcs CRRS 64.1 Enzo Biochem ENZ 44.1 Silvercrest Mines SV L C 71.6 Alexco Resources AXU 40.2 Realo Inc RLD
Twitter Inc
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Cigna Corp Chesapk Engy Perrigo Co plc Affil Managers Seagate Tech Antero Resources Credicorp Ltd Cheniere Energy Valero Energy
PRGO 1 4 5.74
-9.9 -13.0
186 . 65
-s.4 -s.3
125 . 1 4
41.8 6
48.8 2
0.0 Oramed Pharma ORM P 43.1 Fairway Group Hldgs FWM 20.7 Montage Tech MONT 37.8 Orion Energy Sys OESX 29.5 Actuate Corp BIRT 46.8 Affymetrix Inc AFFX 0.0 Alliance Fiber Opt AFOP -11.6 China Info Tech CNIT 86.2 Extreme Networks Inc EXTR 15.7 Echelon Corporation E L ON
s&p 500 Frankfurt DAX London FTSE100 Hong Kong HangSeng Paris CAC-40 Tokyo Mikkei 225
13. 3 3 28. 9 8 2.28 13.93 4.99 7.43 9.62 8.68 2.56 3.34 2.20 1.89 10.56
3.08 6.41 0.48 2.91 1.04 1.31 1.62 1.39 0.41 0.53 0.35 0.29 1.61
2 0.6
186.3 Buenos Aires Merval
-1 0.5
1s.s 1s.s 1s.1 1s.o
1 5.2 2 3.6 4 4.3 3 2.8
1 z13
-1 9.3
LAST FRI. CHG 1797.02 +23.59 9301.92 +45.34 6571.68 +1 3.40 21636.85 +21 3.72 4228.18 +40.08 14462.41 +307.29
FRI. CHG WK MO QTR YTD +1.33% L -2.78% +0.49% -2.62% -2.63% +0.20% -7.16% +1 00% L -1.58% +0.96% -11.23% +2.17%
5 5 8 5.00-296.68 -5.04% T X Mexico ci t y Bo l sa 40525.74 +236.96 +0.59% v v 139.8 Sao paolo Bovespa 4 8 073.61 +335.51 + 0.70% x v 23.8 Toronto s&P/TSX 137 86.50 + 73.10 + 0 .53% L 4 36.5 /AFRICA 245.8 EUROPE
145.7 Amsterdam 19.3 Brussels Madrid -21.4 Zurich -60.6 Milan -19.0 Johannesburg Stockholm
v v v v
4 4 L 4
-1 98%
389.54 +1.13 2909.43 +1 4.70 1028.27 +1 0.93 8318.60 +100.16 19692.08 +187.84 45340.77 +355.42 1313.20 +5.06
0 29% L +0 51'/ L +1.07% L +1.22% +0.96% +0.79% +0.39%
v x L
+3.60% -5.15%
-6.67% +1.21%
-305% -049'/. +161% +1.4 1 % t16.56%
-4.42% Seoul Composite 1922.50 +1 4.61 +077% T T Singapore Straits Times 3013.14 +24.87 +0.83% T V V -4.87% 0.0 Sydney All Ordinaries 5184.50 +37.10 +072% V V -3.15% 129.9 Taipei Taiex -2.60% 8387.35 +76.34 +0.92% V V -1.7 Shanghai Composite 2044.50 +11.42 +0.56% v -3.38% 85.0 Quotable 93.2 "We cannot return the organization to long-term financial stability 303.0 without passage of comprehensive postal reform legislation." 65.4 — Postmaster GeneralPatrick Donahoe, as the Postal Service reports 53.4 0.0
losses of $354 million in the fourth-quarter of last year
Note: Stocks classified by market capitalization, the product of the current stock price and total shares outstanding. Ranges are$100 million to $1 billion (small); $1 billion to $8 billion (mid); greater than $8billion (large).
Impact of"Iij@'
mcuri~aches Who she Is: Security analyst at the technology research firm Gartner Inslght: Many retailers will spend $5 million to $50 million on enhanced data security
Avivah Litan
How the fallout from Target's massive security breach, along with smaller data thefts at Neiman Marcus and Michaels Stores disclosed since the holidays, will play out in the long run is not yet known. But the breaches raise shoppers' concerns about security of their own personal data and increase worries about retailers' ability to thwart such thefts in the future. An estimated 40 million credit and debit card accounts were affected by the Target breach. When It releases a final tally, the theft could become the largest data breach on record for a retailer, surpassing an incident uncovered In 2007 that saw more than 90 million records pilfered from TJX. Avlvah Litan, a security analyst at the technology research firm Gartner, says
Target could be faced with costs of 3400 million to $450 million. That would be almost twice as much as the $275 million expense TJX Incutrml as a result of the breach, including strengthening its security and lawsuit settlements, she says.
Why mlght Target face exponentially hlgher costs? The underworld is much more sophistIcated and fast moving now than it was at the time of the TJX breach. All cards that were compromised were active cards in circulation being currently used by consumers. In the case of TJX, many of the cards were inactive or expired. They were stolen from a database where they were stored, and not from the point-ofsale systems where they were used for purchases during a busy holiday season.
In contrast to the TJX breach, the crooks securlty cost for retailers? And what got their hands on what's called 'hot' areas of securlty do stores not spend cards during the Target breach. enough money on? Retailers the size of Target will TJX's sales weren't derailed In the likely spend about $100 million on wake of Its breach, but Target Is state-of-the-art security programs, but I expresslng concern that Its shoppers' expect a wide range of spending below confldence has been shaken. that number among most U.S. retailers Patt of it is that consumers are more tuned — about $5 million to $50 million in to security issues. The TJX breach was depending on their national presence. the first of its kind at a major retailer, and Retailers need to spend more money consumers were not acclimated to these and attention on isolating their payment issues at the time. Also, not as many card processing environment from the people were likely affected because many rest of their store networks and the of the cards were inactive and it took public Internet, so that the criminals can't worm their way through the leaky the criminals much longer to get them to the black market and then turned into valves. counterfeit cards. Interviewed by Anne D'Innocenzio How much does state-of-the-art Answers edited for content and clarity. AP
Index closing andweekly net changesfor the week ending Friday, February 7, 2014
NASDaa ~ 21 g s 4,125.86
14 43
R USSELL 2000 ~ 1 4 I,116.55
WILSHIRE 5000 ~ + 9 8.67 19,203.91 ~
e,e icien on
Buying gas?Turn off your car,don't smoke
By Susan Carpenter The Orange County Register
By Paul Brand
L AS VEGAS — Fo r d e -
• I have a 2013 Ford F-150
(Minneapolis) Star Tribune
cades, Volvo has been known as the "safe"car. It's been
• p urchased new o n e year ago that now has 7,795
parents and their precious, Gerber-eating cargo — or any-
• I was wondering if • you could address a common occurrencepeople fueling their vehi-
one who took to the open road
cles with the engine run-
with the trepidatious belief
ning. I filled up this morn- and found nothing wrong ing and was the only one of and said I should drive the
t he vehicle o f
c h o ice f o r
that most drivers would just as soon plow their cars into Now,
vehicle more. I worry that one
have the engine running morning my truck will not while pumping into the gas start.
tank. The other complaint
REVIEW boldened by an
• A quick Internet check
is smokers who stand by • revealed that you're not their car, cigarette in one the only newer F-150 owner hand and gas nozzle in the experiencing this issue. The other. I realize that a lot of battery saver system is dethese people don't know signed to prevent the battery how to read, but maybe you from being discharged to the can educate some of them. point where it may fail to start • With m ost v e hicles the vehicle. This message
$11 billion investment from
i t s C h i nese
parentcompany, Geely Automobile, Volvo is no longer playing it safe. It's betting big on aportfolio of new"Drive-E" engines devised with the idea that a smaller, more intelligent
Volvo vla McClatchy-Tribune News Service
• built since 1996 when
will illuminate if, with the en-
design will relegate V-8s to the The 2015 Volvo V60 Is among the flrst vehicles to use the brand's more efficient Drlve-E powertrain. the federal OBDII diagscrap heap. nostic and emissions stanTwinning pe r f ormance dards w er e i n t r oduced, with fuel efficiency, the first was a pretty little sedan, but eyed, the five-seat V60 is built removing the fuel filler cap two D r i v e- E p o w e rtrains it felt as solid as a tin can, got for sporting utility. The three with the engine running Base price:$35,300 rolled out recently on three fuel economy in the teens and new Volvos introduced last will defeat the evaporative Engine:Direct-injected, 2015 models: the S60 sedan, broke repeatedly at just 60,000 month are all available with emissions system and trigturbocharged, 2-liter, inline the XC60 SUV and its new miles. rear seats that reconfigure into ger a "check engine" light. 4-cylinder, continuously V60 sports wagon. Unlike my 2006 S60, the built-in children's safety seats. A scan tool is often necesvariable valve tlmlng, stop/ Calling it the most extennew Volvos, once again, feel The rear seat otherwise folds in sary to clear this fault code. start, eight-speed autoHere's my take on your sive development of existing solid, sturdy — w ell-engi- three pieces, the center portion matic transmission with cars in the company's 87-year neered. In the past, Volvo's of which can fold halfway as comment about refueling available paddle shlfters, history, Volvo brass are consafety reputation was largely an arm rest or all the way as a while smoking: It's not front-wheel drive vinced it isn't size that matbased on the cars' tanklike pass-through for long objects. an issue about the ability ters, but the amount of air that Mileage:25 mpg clty, c onstruction. With i t s n e w One latch collapses the headto read or even common flows through an engine. De37 mpg highway 2015 models, the auto maker rests withthe alacrity of asnapsense. Most folks have some spite a name that's likely to be is also leveraging technolo- ping turtle; a second drops the concept of the inherent and misconstrued as incorporating gy. While many of the most seat forward and entirely flat, obvious danger of having some level of electrification, Driving all three Volvos re- evolved safetyfeatures are without a gap between the rear an open flame in close proxthe "E" in Drive-E stands for cently, I was impressed by the cost-adding options, they are cargoarea,fora totalspace of imity to highly volatile fuel efficiency. That is to say, 2-liter, cars' sprightliness. All three likely worth the investment. 43 cubic feet. A fully folding vapors. But since they've 4 -cylinder e n gines. T h e models can be operated in dif- In addition to blind-spot mon- front seat is also available. Unnever experienced a fuel 240-horsepower T5 is turbo- ferent drive modes, including itoring, lane-keeping, parking likely as it seems, hailing from fire while refueling and charged. The 302-horsepower the most fuel efficient "Eco" assistance and adaptive cruise a place that is currently below haven't actually witnessed T6 is turbo-supercharged; it mode. Equipped with stop/ control, there's a new pedes- freezing temperatures, it was this happening to anyone uses a supercharger at low start technology, the turbo- trian an d c y clist d etection conceived by a Volvo designelse, they've become numb RPMs and a m echanical- charged T5 engine in my V60 system that scans the area in er who surfs and wanted to be to the danger and fail to ly linked turbocharger that test car, in Eco, stopped the en- front of the car and automati- ableto accommodate his board. take the obvious and simple takes over when the engine gine even as the car coasted to cally applies the brakes when Fuel efficient, stylish and precaution extinguish spools up. Both engines make a stop from a speed of 4 mph. a body or bicycle is detected, user friendly, the 2015 Volvo the smoke before opening more power than today's 6 Otherwise, the start/stop fea- and a cross traffic alert that V60 may be built in the land the fuel filler cap. -cylinders, while weighing 110 ture works as it does on mod- uses radar on the rear bumper of Ikea, but it's ready-made for Wasn't it comedian Ron pounds less and using 10 per- elsfrom other manufacturers. to detect what could be flat- California. White who said it b est? "You can't fix stupid." cent to 30 percent less fuel. The engine cuts out when the tened when rolling backward. Volvo, welcome back. Combined in the T6 Drive-E car is fully stopped and roars Aesthetically, the $35,300engine, what used to be mutu- back to life as the brake pedal plus V60 is low-slung and ally exclusive systems have el- is released. sporty, with a wider, more evated Volvo's routinely abysStart/stop is d eactivated horizontally oriented grille mal fuel economy to 35 mpg only in the most aggressive, slashed by Volvo's male genun-Volvo-like "sport" mode, der symbol logo and a rear highway. A diesel variant will soon which had a lot more guts than end that integrates the tail be available in Europe; there any Volvo I've driven, and I've pipes. But the real revelation are no plans to bring it to the driven quite a few. results from throwing open U.S. at present. A plug-in hyGrowing up in the '70s, the doors and sliding into a Where do qou want to be brid will debut in the updated my family owned a flaming- spacious cabin outfitted with XC90 full-size SUV later this orange Volvo wagon. Thirty heated leather sports seats to in 20 qears? year. All the Drive-E engines years later, my memories were bask under the sunlight of its have the capability to be aug- so fond that when I started glassed roof. The dashboard mented with electrification in a family of my own, I bought is plastic, but it's elegantly the future, according to Volvo. a slightly newer vintage — a textured and curved. Topped What makes the new Vol1993 240 DL that I pushed to with a 7-inch screen, the cenvos simultaneously peppy and 210,000 on the odometer be- ter console is a waterfall of • • • • 0 • • fuel-efficient is one and the fore its death by thrown rod pewter-looking plastic that's same. It's a combination of the on Interstate 5. On balance, oriented toward the driver and turbo and turbo-supercharged my ownership experience outfitted with more buttons engines and an all-new, fu- had been so positive that I than seem necessary. They el-saving, eight-speed automat- replaced it with a 2006 S60, are, at least, intuitive. ic transmission that's available which, sadly, is where my VolDesigned for lifestyles of the with hands-onpaddle shifters. vo love affai r ended. The S60 active and moderately mon• • 0
Volvo V60
gine not running, the ignition switch has been left in the on position for 45 minutes or
battery voltage reaches a low state of charge. With the low m ileage on
your year-old truck, it's possible the battery voltage is somewhat low due to infre-
quent use, short trips and cold weather. Make sure the battery ca-
bles, terminals and connections are clean and secure.
Fully charge the battery at home and then drive the truck for a week or so to see
if the battery saver message comes on again. If the message returns after a number
of drive cycles, you may well need to drive it more frequently and/or more milesor utilize a "battery tender"
to keep the battery charged while parked. And ask the dealer to let you know if they see any service bulletins addressing this issue. — Brand is an automotive troubleshooter and former race car driver. Email questions to Include a daytime phone number.
Fuel pumpissuspect in RVproblem By Brad Bergholdt
filter are typically a loss of power under heavy load but I h ave a 2 0 0 1 F o rd I'd change it anyway to play it • 22-foot RV, v 1 0, g as, safe. My hunch is your in-tank 102k miles. It has always start- pump may be beginning to fail, ed good in the past, even after but it's wise to checkboth. Your a month of non-use. Now, after engine's fuel rail is equipped McClatchy-Tribune News Service
about three days' non-use, it
won't start unless I dump in about a 1/3 cup of gas into the air intake duct. Then it starts
and runs good. Is there a check valve in the fuel system? Do I need to change the gas filter (on the inside of the midframe)? Do I need to change the fuel pump? Other? • I 'll a s sume this i s
A• Class C motor home using either a Ford E-350 or
d r i v er
display reads "Battery saver — turn off or restart engine." My dealer ran numerous tests
about 10 cars that did not
others' side panels as arrive at their destinations unscathed.
miles. Recently th e
step. If a vigorous stream of fuel flows from the line into an appropriate container while a helper cranks the engine, we could assume the rear pump
is OK and the front pump is
• I
• I
• a •
the culprit. Residual fuel pressure can be dangerous when service port; a threaded fitting separating components or resembling a tire's valve stem. connecting/disconnecting the An Actron CP7818 fuel pres- pressure gauge. Be sure to folsure gauge (about $45, widely low published procedures for available) is the best bang for safely relieving pressure if the the buck tool to assess fuel sys- engine has recently run. tem performance conveniently. Prior to replacing a suspect After a three-day sit, con- fuel pump, be sure to confirm necting the f uel p ressure correct voltage is present, gauge to the service port will proving the pump is bad rathprovide helpful information er than the electrical circuit (wear safety glasses during all serving it. The frame mounted fuel system procedures). Upon pump is fairly easy to replace, cranking the engine the gauge dropping the fuel tank is typshould rise within a second ically necessary to access the
with a convenient fuel system
E-450 Super Duty Econoline cab/chassis. In either case you have two fuel pumps; a low pressure transfer pump within or two to between 35-55 PSI. the fuel tank (rear) and a high If it takes considerably lonpressure pump mounted to the ger than this or never reaches frame rail (front). As you men- the specification range, we've tioned, there is a frame-mount- confirmed the f ue l s y stem ed fuel filter and each fuel has a delivery problem. If corpump contains an outlet check rect pressure exists, the fault valve to help hold residual causing the hard start lies in pressure at shut-off. Residual the fuel injection/engine manpressure only remains for per- agement system. If low or no haps 10-30 minutes, so a faulty pressure occurs we won't yet pump check valve isn't of con- know which pump is faulty. cern in this case. Checking for ample volume Since the engine runs fine from the tank-mounted pump after each good or bad start, via a separated fuel line at the the fuel filter is probably OK. inlet side of the high-pressure Symptoms of a clogged fuel fuel pump would be my next
transfer pump. Check first for
• 0 • • s
• a
• •
• •
a possibly heaven-sent access plate in the motor home floor above the tank! I enjoyed this
task with a nearly full 40 gal fuel tank, on my back, on the
way to Alaska. Raising the tank back into place with a cheapofl oor jack and a couple of scraps of wood was quite a challenge! With 102K on the clock, renewing both pumps proactivel y may be a good move. — Bergholdt teaches automotive technology. Email questions to
Start SaVing nOLU.COme in tO meet One Of Our InVeStment COnSultantS. and let US helP qOU build qour future.
INSIDE BOOKS W Editorials, F2 Commentary, F3
The train
has gone T he question came from Bend
resident Kathy Graham. Concerning the planned
west-Bend site of Oregon State
University's Cascades Campus, she suggested a rush to completion
left citizen concerns ignored and
brushed off. As she phrased it, had the "train ... already left the station?"
OSU has purchased 10 acres at the corner of Chandler Avenue and 14th Street, and is in the process
of buying a contiguous 46 acres to create the central campus that could easily grow over the decades into an independent, four-year university in
Bend. Graham's question was asked at
an OSU community forum, and it prompted a remarkably candid and succinct answer from Matt Schind-
erman, co-chair of the Campus Expansion and Advisory Committee. Sit down before you read this,
because here comes unvarnished candor.
"For all intents and purposes, yes." Schinderman, you are man after
my own heart, but let me try to com-
plete the answer: The train, or should I say railroad lines, left the station decades ago.
Bend in general — and the west side in particular — has been an incubator of growth long before the vast majority of us moved here. I don't know the birth point of this phenomenon. Some have suggested it started with a regional hospital, or a better airport, or the boom and excellence
of Central Oregon Community College. Others date it to the visionaries of
Mt. Bachelor, or those who realized that a riverside, down-at-the-chops mill town in an exquisite mountain
setting had a future, not just a past. The campus will be on the west side of the city, which, no one denies,
brings challenging questions, as it would in any location. And they need to be addressed. But what's the option: A city with
• Debt relief will have to be treated astaxable income if Congressdoesn't renewanexemption By Shalla Dewan ~New York Times News Service
no questi ons,orchallenges? Does such a place exist? The two concerns most frequently
ome tax time, JPMorgan Chase will be able to write off the $1.5 billion in debt relief it must give
raisedare increased traffic and the behavior of rowdy students.
homeowners to satisfy the terms of a recent settlement.
On the subject of traffic, have the critics considered that the future build-out of the west side that is
But the homeowners who receive the help will have to treat it as taxable income, resulting in whopping
already permitted might dwarf the college's impact? To accommodatedevelopments like Broken Top, Awbrey Glen,
tax bills for many families who have just lost their homes or only narrowly managed to keep them.
Awbrey Butte, NorthWest Crossing
exemption for mortgage debt forgiveness, put in place when the
(including its commercial center), Shevlin Commons, Tetherow, etc. etc., we expanded Mt. Washington
Drive and built a bridge across the Deschutes River. We approved a Safeway and a Bend Memorial Clinic on this side of the river, as well as restaurants, offices, a growing national brewery and even a newspaper's headquarters. And we built public schools to serve this population, not to mention
voting bonds to expand COCC. So, what new train is leaving the station?
Certainly, it's not growth, traffic or congestion.
They are not alone. A tax economy began to falter in 2007,
was allowed to expire Dec. 31, leaving hundreds of thousands of struggling homeowners in financial limbo even as the Obama administration has tried to encourage such debt write-downs.
Congress routinely allows tax breaks to expire and then reinstates them, usually retroac-
tively, as it did last year. But the stakes are high for families dealing with large declines in their home values, and reinstatement of the tax breaks is more uncertain because of a movement in
It must be those rowdy students.
Congress to broadly overhaul
No doubt, they will be there, loud
the tax code, which, despite its
and obnoxious, but, mercifully, relatively few in number.
long-shot prospects in an election year, could end up eclipsing
Far and away, the greater number will be striving to get a good educa-
smaller tax issues.
tion at an institution that will also
"Frankly, I'm worried because this should have gotten done
bring cultural, intellectual and eco-
beforethe end ofthe year,and
nomic benefits to all of us.
And maybe someday, with the benefit of an OSU education, they w ill buy a home in Bend — even on the west side — and hope that their
kids will have job opportunities that
we've got families that have to make decisions now," said Sen. Debbie Stabenow, D-Mich., who
is the sponsor of a bill that would extend the mortgage tax break.
Photos by David Maxwell i New York Times News Service
Eric Heii says a divorce and reduced income are forcing him to sell the house he has owned in Parma, Ohio, for18 years for less than he owes, the difference of which will be treated as taxable income. Heil says his tax bill will be $28,000. The photo at top shows the exterior of Heii's home, which is selling for $150,000$100,000 less than what Heii still owes.
The tax exemption was in-
draw them home.
tended to help homeowners who
That said, the questions about impact are good ones.
are underwater — that is, who
Typically, if someone lends you money and later says you
owe more on their mortgages
do not have to pay it back, the
than their homes are worth.
IRS counts the amount forgiven as income, except in cases of bankruptcy or insolvency. Short sales, in which abank agrees to let homeowners sell their homes
Student housing, one that is not
often mentioned, is at the top of my list.
According to the real estate data
But like other good questions,
more than 6.4 million households
they should be seen as challenges on the way to a once in a multigenerational opportunity, not obstacles.
As we have over decades, it's a train for which we ought to clear the tracks. — John Costats editor-in-chief of The Bulletin. Contact: 541-383-0337, jcosta®
service CoreLogic, there are still underwater.
for less than they owe (a common way of avoiding outright foreclosure), area form ofcanceled debt, as are loan modifications that reduce the amount owed. Loss of the exemption is a fi-
nancialbodyblowtohomeowners already struggling to make ends
meet. "I'm in a hole here — I'm trying to work myway out," said Eric Heil, 50, a hospital imagmg technician who said a divorce and reducedincome were forcinghim to sellthehouse he has owned for
18 years in Parma, Ohio. SeeMortgage/F5
"I'm in a hole here — I'm trying to work my way out. And the government's going to say you have to pay taxes on it?" — Eric Heii, 50, a hospital imaging technician
The Bulletin
ree ui ion an ismis ire e his year it's the Oregon Promise; last year it was Pay It Forward.
D/0 X.
In both, Oregon legislators have feel-good discussions about making college free for students, with little focus
on how taxpayers would pay the bills. In both, they ask for studies to explore the concept. In both, they ignore the fact that the state struggles to support its K-12 system, which sends a significant percentage of students to college needingremedial classes. The Oregon Promise would give those with an Oregon high school diploma or equivalent two free years at community college, with an estimated cost of $100 million to $200 million per biennium. Senate Bill 1524 would direct the Higher Education Coordinating Commission to study the idea's "viability" and report back by Sept. 30. On Thursday, the Senate passed the bill unanimously. During a Tuesday hearingbefore the Senate Committee on Education and Workforce Development, proponents cited sky-high student debt, the governor's 40-40-20 goals, and the plight of so-called Opportunity Youth who are disconnected from school and work. Lumping those issues together as justification for free tuition ignores their disparate caus-
es and likely solutions. Opportunity Youth were described as those ages 16-24 who are neither in school nor working, or those with some schooling and work but no college or stable job. Sen. Mark Hass, D-Beaverton, commented that "two years of tuition at college is much cheaper than a lifetime of food stamps." True but irrelevant, given that free tuition doesn't come close to addressing those youths' needs. We appreciate suggestions from several speakers to establish limits, such as minimum high school grade-point averages, or requirements that students earn good grades before getting taxpayer reimbursement for college tuition. Still, of all the ways to spend millions of taxpayer dollars, this one doesn't measure up. Far better to fix K-12 so students graduate work or college-ready, to support early childhood programs for disadvantaged kids, and to focus on more targeted programs for Opportunity Youth.
Am it eater ma
not et eanswer S isters residents, at least some of them, are clearly skeptical of a proposal to build an amphitheater on the north edge of the community. They've turned out for public meetings on the proposal to express doubts about it. As city officials envision it, the amphitheater, at least when it first opens in 2016, would be available for outdoor events only. It would seatmore than 3,000 people, makingit close to half the size of the Les Schwab Amphitheater in Bend, which seats 8,000. Unlike the Les Schwab venue, it likely would have tiered fixed seating. In addition, the city would build a 22-space recreational vehicle park that would provide additional income to the amphitheater. City officials have put a $25,000 deposit on 11.5 acres of land near the Sisters airport. If they choose to back out, they must do so by mid-March or lose a portion of that deposit. Their current estimate of the cost of the project itself is about $4 million. Officials see the venue as an economic development tool. Mayor BobBoyd saidthe city has seen
a 20 percent drop in per capita income over the last 10 years and a declining school enrollment. There is no reason to question the need for economic development in Sisters, though an amphitheater may not be the way to get it. Without i n d oo r ga t h ering space, it would be open in summer only. Its presence might improve employment during those months, but many jobs there likely would be low paid. Meanwhile, the experiences at other, similar public spaces suggest profitability can be elusive. The facility serving the Britt festivals in Southern Oregon not only receives money from the city of Jacksonville but from a base of financialsupporters through annual
giving campaigns. Public arts venues, whether they be indoorartmuseums or outdoor amphitheaters, can be wonderful things for communities. But if Sisters is looking at one as a means of coming out of an economic hole, it might want to look elsewhere. History suggests that it's unlikely to be profitable, and if it is, it won't be by much.
M 1Vickel's Worth Fixthe dam leak
company, and get on with it. This is of other people's money," and then not brain surgery. what? This is not swearing. A leak in Fix the dam leak! Carol Orr a dam can be referred to as a dam Philip Peoples Crooked River Ranch leak!
Our Mirror Pond problem is like our problem with illegal immigra-
More ofsame old,sameold
tion. Both problems involve a two-
step solution: (1) stop the leaks and (2) develop a comprehensive plan. Regarding illegal immigration, our government has been struggling with a comprehensive plan for four decades while failing to take step 1, secure the "leaky" border. As a consequence of trying to take step
As stated in the Jan. 27 article
"Midterms in Oregon," Jennifer
Thanks to Wyden I recently attended Sen. Ron
Wyden's public town hall forums for Jefferson, Deschutes and Crook
Duffy of the Cook Political Report
counties with several other commu-
proudly places Oregon in the "solid
nity members who are interested in conservation of our public lands.
Democrat" column for 2014. Whew, what a relief that is, knowing that
Local business owners and mem-
Oregon has not yet come to its sens- bersoftheFriends and Neighbors of es. What does it take? the Deschutes Canyon Area (FANs)
2 first, we have spent billions of dol-
I am not saying that either party
attended the meetings to t h ank
lars, we have millions of illegals, and will do any better; things are so bro- Wyden for his successful efforts to we haveno comprehensive plan yet ken. But the current group in power protect the Oregon Badlands and — after 40 years. has convinced voters that the alter- Spring Basin Wilderness Areas and Regarding Mirror Pond, we are native is women haters, racists and to encourage him to continue workalso approaching the problem back- bigots, and many other labels that ingtopermanentlyprotectplaces like wards, step 2 before step 1. As a con-
historically are far from the truth.
Cathedral Rock, Horse Heaven and
sequence, we have had six months Ask yourself, how is the "Dem- the Whychus-Deschutes area right in of unsightly mud and stink and no ocrat" state doing with the war on our backyards. hope for a comprehensive plan in poverty, Obamacare, crony capitalOur congressional delegation has the immediate future. How about ism, government's complicity with worked to fairly represent economic taking step 1 first? Fix the dam leak labor, education (ranked 43), the and conservation interests by findand restore Mirror Pond to its orig- nanny sustainability, weed, water ing compromises that encourage inal beauty. Then let the various and carbon patrols. And why was businesses to develop aswellasprecommissions, boards and other bu- it such a big deal for the governor serveour cherished publiclands.But reaucrats squabble over the alter- visiting Central Oregon? Tell him Wyden recognizes that these two natives and come up with a "com- to go back and fix Salem first. Gov- things go hand in hand. Protecting prehensive" plan that the voters can
ernment is not the answer because it
our most scenic public lands stimu-
approve (or disapprove). Maybe they doesn't create anything. Ask small lates the outdoor recreation economy, can come up with something better businesses about new regulations bringing new businesses and jobs to in less than 40 years — but don't everyyear. our area. I am grateful to Wyden for count onit .So how do we accomWhy does Oregon want more of his efforts toprotect our wild and sceplish step 1? Get two or three bids to the same old,same old?Because the nic public lands and help strengthen "plug the hole" and pick the best one. special-interest groups continue to our economy in the process. Split the nominal costs among the benefit off the backs of taxpayers. Cindy Murray, president of FANs city, the park district, and the power But eventually "they will run out Terrebonne
Letters policy
In My Viewpolicy How to submit
We welcomeyour letters. Letters should be limited to one issue, contain no more than 250words and include the writer's signature, phonenumber and address for verification. Weedit letters for brevity, grammar, taste and legal reasons. Wereject poetry, personal attacks, form letters, letters submitted elsewhereandthose appropriate for other sections of TheBulletin. Writers are limited to one letter or Op-Ed pieceevery 30 days.
In My View submissions should be between 550and 650 words, signed and Include the writer's phone number and address for verification. Weedit submissions for brevity, grammar, taste and legal reasons. Wereject those published elsewhere. In My View pieces run routinely in the space below, alternating withnational columnists. Writers are limited to one letter or Op-Ed pieceevery 30 days.
Please address your submission to either My Nickel's Worth or In My
View and send, fax or email them to The Bulletin.
Write: My Nickel's Worth / In MyView P.O. Box 6020
Bend, OR97708 Fax: 541-385-5804 Email:
President Obama's magic words and numbers WASHINGTON-
arack Obama, the first president shaped by the celebratory
culture in which every child
who plays soccer gets a trophy, and the first whose campaign speeches were his qualification for the office, perhaps should not be blamed for thinking that saying things is tantamount to accomplishing things, and that good intentions are good deeds. So, his presidency is useful after all, because it illustrates the perils of government run by believers in magic words and numbers.
The last progressive president promised Model Cities, with every child enjoying a Head Start en route to enjoying an Upward Bound into a Great Society. Today's progressive
In last month's State of the Union
address,Obama defined success by changing the subject: "American diplomacy, backed by the threat of force, is why Syria's chemical weapons are being eliminated." If saying so makes it so, all is well. Assad, however, seems tardy re-
garding this elimination, perhaps because the threat of force was never actually made. The Democratic-con-
trolled Senate nullified the threat by its emphatic reluctance to authorize force. Reuters recently reported that
numbers — magically emancipated from reality. Thirty months have passed since Obama said: "The time has come for
Assad had surrendered"4.1percent of the roughly 1,300 tons of toxic agents" he supposedly has. The ".1" is an especially magical number, given the modifier "roughly" attached to 1,300
President Assad to step aside." Today,
president also uses words — and
James Clapper, director of national The English Civil War was not fiintelligence, says Bashar al-Assad's nally ended by negotiations between grip on power has "strengthened." Oliver Cromwell and Charles I; Crom-
well seized power and Charles lost his head. America's Civil War end-
on "high quality" universal preschool, Care Act will substantially slow the which is probably defined, with tidy growth ofemployment and compen-
ed when Robert E. Lee capitulated circularity, as preschool that saves sev- sation over the next decade. to U.S. ("Unconditional Surrender") en dollars for every dollar spent on it. The decreaseis projected to be Grant. Russia's civil war ended when Forests continue to be felled to pro- nearly three times larger than the Leon Trotsky's Red Army defeated duce the paper on which are printed CBO had previously predicted. The the White forces. Spain's civil war the continuing studies demonstrating ACA's insurance subsidies, which deended with Francisco Franco in Ma- that America, which has more than 2 cline with rising income and increase drid and remnants of the loyalist million miles of natural gas pipelines with falling income, will cause many forces straggling across the Pyrenees and about 175,000 miles of hazardous people to choose to stop working, or into France. China's civil war ended liquid pipelines, would not be men- to work less, or to stop looking for when Chiang Kai-shek skedaddled aced by the 1,179 miles of Keystone work, thereby reducing the number of to Formosa (now Taiwan), leaving XL. The new State Department study hours worked by the equivalent of 2.3 the mainland to Mao. But Syria's civil says construction "would support million full-time jobs by 2021. war — after the massacres, torture, approximately 42,100 jobs (direct, An administration spokesman did chemical weapons — supposedly will indirect, and induced)." Obama, of not dispute the CBO's key finding but be resolved by a negotiated regime course, has his own number. In a July hailed it as evidence that the ACA change: with words. Next, words will 24, 2013, interview with The New is increasing Americans' choices. supposedly result in Iran ending the York Times, he said construction Really. decades-old and hugely expensive "mightcreatemaybe 2,000jobs." Many of the words and numbers nuclear weapons program thatitsays The workforce participation rate bandiedby Obama and his adminis nonexistent. is at a 36-year low; in the second half istration may reflect an honest belief The magic number 8 percent iden- of the fifth year of the recovery, a that the world is whatever well-intentified the level above which Obama's smaller fraction of the population is tioned people like them say about it. administration said u nemployment employed or looking for work than So,Obama's criticsshould reconsider would not rise, thanks to the 2009 was when the recoverybegan. Never- their assumption that he is cynical. It stimulus. Seven dollars is the figure, theless, the administration is cheerful is his sincerity that is scary. plucked from the ether, that Obama about the Congressional Budget Of— George Willis a columnist for The says willbe savedbyeverydollar spent fice's conclusion that the Affordable Washington Post Writers Group.
a i ornia's man-ma e r o u D
espite recent sporadic rain, California i s s t i l l i n t he
worst extended drought in
its brief recorded history. If more
desert into a man-made paradise.
storms do not arrive, the old canard that California c ould w i t hstand two droughts — but never threeport demand. Never have California will be tested for the first time in farmers been more savvy in saving memory. water toproduce record harvests of There is little snow in the state's nutritious, clean and safe food. And
towering Sierra Nevada mountains, never has farming been so central the source of much of the surface to a state suffering from the afterwater that supplies the state's pop- shocks of a housing collapse, chronic ulated center and south. The vast high unemployment, overregulation Central Valley aquifer is being and the nation's highest sales, intapped as never before,as farms come and gas taxes. and municipalities deepen wells and Yet there are really two droughts boost pump size. Too many straws — nature's, and its man-made twin. are now competing to suck out the In the early 1980s, when the state last drops at the bottom of the collec- was not much more than half its curtive glass. rent population, an affluent coastal The vast 4-million-acre farming corridor convinced itself that nirvabelt along the west side of the Cen- na was possible, given the coastal tral Valley is slowly drying up. Un- world-class universities, the new dot. like valley agriculture to the east com riches of the Silicon Valley, the that still has a viable aquifer, these year-round temperate weather, and huge farmsdepend entirely on sur- the booming entertainment, tourism face water deliveries from the distant and wine industries. and usually wet northern part of the Apparently, Pacific corridor resstate. So if the drought continues, idents from San Diego to Berkeley billions of dollars of orchards and had acquired the affluence not to vineyards will die, row cropland will worry so much about the old Neanlay fallow, and farm-supported small derthal concerns like keeping up towns will likewise dry up. freeways and airports — and their There is a terrible irony to all this. parents' brilliantly designed system Never have California farm prices of canals, reservoirs and dams that been higher, given huge Pacific ex- had turned their state from a natural
Californians have not built a ma-
we could see surreal things in California — towns without water, farms
jor reservoir since the New Melones reverting to scrub, majestic parks Dam more than 30 years ago. As the with dead landscaping — fit for Holstate subsequently added almost 20 lywood's disaster movies. million people, it assumed that it was Instead of an adult state with milexempt from creating any more "un- lions of acre-feet stored in new resnatural" Sierra lakes and canals to ervoirs, California is still an adolesstore precious water during Califor- cent culture that believes that it has nia's rarer wet and snow-filled years. the right to live as if it were the age Then, short-sightedness soon be- of the romantic 19th-century natcame conceit. Green utopians went uralist John Muir — amid a teemfurther and demanded that an ailing ing 40-million-person 21st-century 3-inch bait fish in the San Francisco megalopolis. delta receive more fresh oxygenated The California disease is characwater. In the last five years, they have teristic of comfortable postmodern successfullygone to court to force societies that forget the sources of millions of acre-feet of contracted their original wealth. The state may irrigation water to be diverted from farms to flow freely out to sea.
Others had even grander ideas of having salmon again in their central rivers, as they recalled fishing stories of their ancestors from when
have the most extensive reserves of
gas and oil in the nation, the largest number of cars on the road — and
the greatest resistance to drilling for fuel beneath its collective feet. After last summer's forest fires wiped out
a billion board feet of timber, we are its present size and farming a frac- still arguing over whether loggers tion of its present acreage. So they will be allowed to salvage such prethe state population was a fifth of
too sued to divert even more water
cious lumber, or instead should let it
Ta taes in tra e By Charles Lane The Washington Post
he Great Recession wrought global havoc, but at least it
did not rekindle protectionist
sentiment. Or so it seemed until last
week, when Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., trashed President Obama's request for authority
to expedite major trade-expanding agreements with the Pacific Rim and Europe. It is not a bullish indicator if the
man who controls Senate business says, "Everyone would be well advised just to not push this right now." Protectionists appear to be gaining traction with their attacks on
the proposed pacts, especially the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), which "could mean toxic food and
environmental contamination," according to a scary video on the AFLCIO's website.
to the sea in hopes of having game rot to enhance beetle and woodpeckfish swim from the Pacific Ocean up er populations. to arid Fresno County on their way In 2014, nature yet again remindto the supposedly ancestral Sierra ed California just how fragile — and spawning grounds. often pretentious — a place it has The wages o f b o t h n a t ure's become. drought and human folly are com— Victor Davis Hanson is a classicist ing due. Unless it rains or snows in and historian at the Hoover Institution,
jobs and wages — just as its "model," the 20-year-old North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), allegedly did. Former Democratic congressman David Bonior of Michigan assem-
biblical fashion in the next 60 days,
bled anti-TPP talking points in a
Stanford University.
The critics' central claim is less lurid: The TPP would destroy U.S.
Jan. 30 New York Times op-ed: "Mr. Obama's desireforfast-track author-
Emnomic nostalgia is a dangerous thing By William Pesek
is a developing nation again; Europe is hitting up "poor" China to bail out TOKYOits debt markets; central banks have ndonesia is growing at 6 percent, gone Islamic with zero-interest rates has rejoined the ranks of invest- everywhere; the free trade that once ment-grade nations, and after de- raised living standards now foments cades under the corrupt and repres- poverty. Many simply want to get off sive Suharto, has reaffirmed its place this crazy ride. That's a problem in a dynamic as the world's third-largest democracy. Yet somehow enough Indonesians global economy that is constantly reremember the Suharto years fondly inventing itself. It's natural to pine for that his Golkar Party has hopes of re- a less-frenzied existence, but looking gainingpowerinupcomingelections. to the past for policy solutions courts Golkar isn't alone in trying to ex- economic decline. Unless nations ploit nostalgia for past strongmen reinventthemselves and plan ahead (and -women). India's Congress Party now, they'll get left behind. is trying to squeeze any remaining Across Asia, there are too many good feelings about the Nehru-Gand- examples of populations still fixated hi period (from 1947 to about 1989) to on worldviews that no longer exist. elevate lackluster heir apparent Ra- The forces of globalization won't hul Gandhi. Even as China's Xi Jin- slow down as nations reminisce. ping pushesahead with market re- Neither will the biggest migration forms, he continues to pay homage to flows in history, the dizzying pace Communist icon Mao Zedong (1949- of change in technology, the need to 1976). Thais are destroying their compete with neighbors as much as economy rather than cut off support cooperate, nor the deadly effects of for tycoon Thaksin Shinawatra climate change. These are simply the (2001-2006) and his sister Yingluck. conditions of our new world. Many Malaysians wax sentimental Amid such upheaval, those at
jing stops pretending that the Great Helmsman remains a guiding inspiration — and removes his portrait from the Tiananmen gate in central Beijing — will it enjoy the global legitimacy it craves. Abe's wistfulness about a time when Japan was a military powerhouse, its pacifist constitution wasn't
Bloomberg News
about the boom days of Mahathir
Mohamad (1981-2003). Japanese are indulging Shinzo Abe's dangerous stroll down memory lane. What gives with nostalgianomics? The yearning for yesteryear speaks to our disorientingtimes and adearth
a n American creation, and w a r
crimes of past leaders didn't anger neighbors or implicate his grandfather is proving especially dangerous. the ashes of World War II set the bar At some point Japanese are going to high for leaders from South Korea to have to ask themselves how much Indonesia. Fond memories of a Ja- more leeway they're willing to grant pan-like post-war boom under Park their prime minister in the hopes that Chung-hee (1961-1979) helped propel he can revive growth — something daughter Park Geun-hye intotheKo- that remains in doubt. rean presidency. Japanese long for a Asia is hardly alone, of course. return to their boom years so much In theU.S.,the slow recovery under that they're willing to turn ablind eye President Barack Obama has some to Prime Minister Abe's nationalistic looking back fondly to the wreckage ways and retrograde foreignpolicy. that was the George W. Bush years. The Mahathir schmaltz pervading Europe's many crises and waning Malaysia recalls the days when GDP competitiveness have voters in Barthere, too, soared. But the insular and celona and Milan missing the pre-eujury-rigged system of affirmative ac- ro days. And how else do you explain tion, national champions and fat sub- Vladimir Putin's lasting presence in the helm must lead their people for- sidies over which Mahathir presided Russia? ward. They must innovate constant- now holds the economy back. The Musing over the past helps humanly, promote dialogue about how best Malaysian leader also had a tendency kind avoid repeatingits mistakes. But to exploit global developments and to embarrass his nation on the inter- looking at yesteryear with rose-tintmanage plural societies. When their national stage with his nutty anti-Se- ed glassesencourages policies and citizens start looking to the past for mitic tirades. Malaysians must find styles of leadership that are no loninspiration, today's leaders must take fresh inspiration by looking forward, ger relevant in a fast-changing Asia.
of visionary leadership when it's most the hint and do better. needed. This is an upside-down era Nostalgianomics is related to the when the unthinkable has a way of cult of gross domestic product that becoming reality: The United States started with Japan. Its swift rise from
not back to 1990. No one really worries about a re-
vival of Mao's disastrous economic policies in China. But not until Bei-
The more voters yearn to go back, the
more they may suffer in the future. — William Peseh is a Bloomberg View columnist.
ity ... clashes with another priority in his State of the Union speech: reducing income inequality." Free trade is generally beneficial, on net, to all sides. Free trade with
low-wage nations, though, can push down net incomes for workers in directly competing U.S. industries. This "Stolper-Samuelson effect," as
economists call it, is probably one of many hard-to-quantify factors that increased income inequality in the
United States — offset, of course, by the benefits to previously impoverished people abroad. Contrary to opponents' implications, however, the TPP would not expose the United States to major
new competition from foreign lowwage labor. Bonior misleadingly described the TPP as a "12-nation pact with Latin American and Asian nations." Actually, four of the 12 — the United
States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand — are high-wage, developed nations neither Latin Amer-
ican nor Asian. Three others are Asian but decidedly high-income: Singapore, Japan and tiny oil-exporting Brunei. The United States already has bilateral free-trade agreements with six of the TPP nations — Canada,
Mexico, Australia, Singapore, Chile and Peru — and runs trade surpluses with the last four. These countries account for80 percent of U.S. merchandise trade with the TPP area.
So for that huge segment, the deal represents a mere tweak to the sta-
tus quo. To be sure, the TPP includes Malaysia, a middle-income country (per-capita income slightly higher than Mexico's) and Vietnam, the only very-low-wage economy in the agreement. Both countries would indeed have improved access to U.S. markets in return for more access to
Spurn the siren call of mnstitutional originalism By Cass R. Sunsteln Bloomberg News
riginalism" is an influential theory of constitutiona l interpretation. In t h e 1960s,Supreme Court Justice Hugo
Black, a prominent liberal, marched proudly under the originalist banner. In the modern era, originalism
is championed by Justices Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas, the court's most conservative members. In its least attractive form, prac-
ticed by politicians rather than judges, originalism is ideological posturing with a constitutional veneer — a naive or cynical way of attributing the views of the current political
right to the Constitution's ratifiers. But for all those who seek to restrain judicial power, originalism should be attractive. At the same time, the approach runs into some serious
problems. Originalists insist that the meaning of the Constitution is settled by
the original public meaning of its terms — that is, the meaning of its provisions when they were ratified. According to Scalia and Thomas, the job of the judges is to go into a kind of time machine and learn what history tells them about the "expect-
ed applications" of these provisions. The strongest defenders of originalism recognize that their method
has to be defended, not simply asserted. This is important, because it
ia's version of originalism, much of is built into the very idea of interpre- and abstract terms, such as "equal the U.S. constitutional system would tation. That's a mistake. protection of the laws," "freedom be deeply unsettled, and in a way True, you can't ignore the words of speech" and "cruel and unusu- that would trouble liberals and conof the Constitution while claiming al punishment." It is reasonable to servatives alike. It's pretty clear that under the to interpret it. But you can be faith- object that We the People didn't unful to the Constitution's text while derstand the meaning of such provi- original understanding, states could also believing that its meaning isn't sions to be frozen for all time. Some discriminate on the basis of sex, and fixed by the original understanding originalists have tried to meet that there's a strong argument that they (and the "expected applications"). objection, by pointing to history that could engage in racial segregation. You can fully respect the text of seems to support their view, but it It's even clearer that the federal govthe Equal Protection Clause while isn't a simple task. ernment could freely discriminate concluding that the clause bans sex The second objection has to do on the basis of both sex and race. discrimination even if the original with changed circumstances. In proThere's also a good argument that understanding was otherwise. hibiting unreasonable searches and ourpropertyrightswould befarless Originalists contend that their ap- seizures, the ratifiers of the Fourth secure, because history suggests proach is best because it reduces the Amendment couldn't have anticipat- that the founding generation might discretion of judges, stabilizes the ed wiretapping, much less the Inter- well have had a pretty narrow unlegal system, and ensures that the net. But it would be absurd to think derstanding of such rights. Constitution's meaning is settled by that the government has unlimited In its most attractive form, origthe judgments of We the People, who power to tap our phones and monitor inalism is a response to legitimate ratified its provisions. Scalia argues our emails. and important concerns, involving that originalists help to produce a Whenever circumstances change, the importance of self-government "rock-solid, unchanging" Constitu- originalists have to engage in some and the risk of judicial overreach. tion — and that if the document re- extrapolation, asking how the orig- But other methods of interpretation flects the views of people long dead, inal understanding applies to prob- also respond to those concernswell, that's fine, because those who lems on which We the People had perhaps by asking judges to adopt are living are always free to amend no view. When they engage in that a presumption in favor of the deciit. extrapolation, they aren't asking a sions ofthe elected branches, perIt seems like an appealing argu- purely historical question, but in- haps by embracing judicial "miniment, but it faces three objections. stead about the best or most appro- malism," in the form of modest, narThe first is historical. Did those who priate understanding of a constitu- row rulings. ratified the Constitution embrace tional principle in an unanticipated Originalism is an alluring siren originalism? If n ot, o riginalism context — the very question that call. Our constitutional tradition has turns out to be self-contradictory, originalists want to avoid. been right to resist it. because the original understanding The final objection, and perhaps — Cass R. Sunstein, the Robert Walmsley rejected originalism as Scalia and the most fundamental, involves the University professor at Harvard Law Thomas understand it. consequences.Ifwe accepted ScalSchool, is a Bloornberg View columnist. is tempting to think that originalism
The Constitution contains broad
their markets for U.S. business. The same goes for Japan, by far the largest non-U.S. economy in the
TPP. The deal is the best chance in a generation to open that country's
notoriously closed market to U.S. agricultural and service exports. In short, what little additional low-
wage competition the TPP imposes on the United States is likely to be offset, at least partially, by improved U.S. market access. What of the notion that the TPP is NAFTA redux and that NAFTA dev-
astatedAmerican jobs and incomes? Don't believe that hype. Bonior blames NAFTA for the $181 billion combined trade deficit between the United States and its NAFTA partners in 2012. But $100.7 billion of this deficit is
because of oil imports, according to U.S. government trade statistics. NAFTA has nothing to do with this;
Canadian and Mexican oil imports always flowed freely. Beyond its economic impact, the TPP is crucial geopolitically; it's a key component of Obama's "pivot to
Asia," the goal of which is to counter the rise of China and commit the region to U.S.-style reciprocal free trade rather than Beijing's mercantilist model. If it works, the result would be a
more stable Pacific region, with all the benefits, economic and otherwise, that entails. The usual sus-
pects are fighting hard against the TPP. Is Obama prepared to fight just as hard for it? — Charles Lane is a member of The Washington Post's editorial board.
A sweet romancein
'Wide andStarry Sky'
Publishers Weekly ranks the best-sellers for weekending Feb. 2. HARDCOVERFICTION 1. "The Invention of Wings" by Sue MonkKidd (Viking) 2."TheGoldfinch"byDonna Tartt (Little, Brown) 3. "First Love" by Patterson/ Raymond (Little, Brown) 4. "Still Live With Bread Crumbs"byAnnaQuindlen (Random House) 5. "Sycamore Row" by John Grisham (Doubleday) 6. "The First PhoneCall from Heaven" by Mitch Albom (Harper) 7. "CommandAuthority" by Tom Clancy (Putnam) 8. "Cross My Heart" by James Patterson (Little, Brown) 9. "Standup Guy" by Stuart Woods (Putnam) 10. "An Officer and aSpy" by Robert Harris (Knopf) HARDCOVER NONFICTION 1. "Duty" by Robert M. Gates (Knopf) 2. "The LovePlaybook" by La La Anthony (Penguin) 3. "Super Shred" by lan K. Smith (St. Martin's) 4. "Killing Jesus" by O'Reilly/Dugard (Henry Holt) 5. "Things That Matter" by
Charles Krauthammer (Crown Forum) 6. "Soul Healing Miracles" by Zhi GangSha(Ben Bella) 7. "The Doctor's Diet" by Travis Stork (Bird Street Books) 8. "David andGoliath" by Malcolm Gladwell (Little, Brown) 9."The Body Book" by Cameron Diaz(Harper Wave) 10. "The Daniel Plan" by Rick Warren (Zondervan) — McClatchy-TribuneNewsService
Cavanaugh clan still has moments "CavanaughJustice" by Marie Ferrarella (Harle-
quin, 288 pgs., $5.50) McClatchy-Bibune News Service
The Cavanaughs just keep finding long-lost relatives, who all happen to be
spirit and a colorful past: Born and raised in
Illustration courtesy Gustavo Duarte/The Washington Post
W.G. Sebald was "more like a new kind of historian than a new kind of novelist," says one reviewer.
ssa s eveintowor o writers,artan t ea ss uA Place inthe Country"
from, straight scholarship. falling. Reading it, I kept thinking In the first piece, we see about how its basic materials Hebel — apopularGerman almight have been incorporat- manac author of the early 19th ed into a more conventional century, beloved of Benjamin academic text, how its various and Kafka — listing figures to
Whenever I read the work of the late German writer W.G.
strands might be tied together into an overall argument about
by WG. Sebald, translated by Jo Catling (RandomHouse) By Mark O'Connell
Sebald, I get distracted here Alemannic literature from the and there by a preoccupation Enlightenment to the prewar with the fact that he worked for era,or thethemes ofplace and most ofhis life as an academic. exile as they are manifested in Probably this is because same. How it might, in other I've spent many of words, present itself my years in a simas that most humbly ilar e n v i ronment, and I often wonder
learned of
about the formative pressures this has
tiontothe literature on some topic or other.
exerted, over time,
The book is a collection of six critical
products, a contribu-
on my own writing and thinking. His relationship with the
A p'LAC's 'r+
academy was not that
courr TRY
of the standard contemporary writer, who
is typically housed within the disciplinary annex of "creative writing" and who does not concern himself with the business of academia per se. Sebald, although he did also
l a r ge
city. But since the stories are well-written, with captivat-
ing characters and intriguing suspense, it's all good. True, of all the above the
suspense is often the weakest link — or the solving of the suspense at least. But the stories are compelling enough to make them enjoyable despite the fact thatoften readers solvethe caseslong beforethepolice officers. In this story, Declan Cavanaugh — son of Sean, the long-lost brother discovered several b ooks
Saturn" and "The Emigrants," works of deep research. The
a thematic whole in
ways that are often only glancingly apparent. Of the literary figures Sebald writes on here — Johann Peter Hebel, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Eduard Morike, Gottfried
Keller and Robert Walseronly Rousseau and Walser
"The Rings of Saturn" contains
but where Borges' fiction tend-
ed to use the apparatus and affectations of scholarship in service of a kind of structural iro-
lotte (Charley) is the sis-
Works of scholarship
ter of the first victim, but keeps that a secret so she
always interesting about this
place and time. "I can still re-
Jekyll and Mr. Hyde," which she persuaded him to rewrite from "a penny dreadful horror" into a complex story with many layers. It established his reputa-
So one of the things that's writer is how dose he seems to
come, in his methods, to creating works of scholarship, and how farthe books themselves
are from the sort of thing typicallyproduced by academics. In Sebald's essay collection
"A Place in the Country," originally published in German in
to rubble and ashes, and for anyone passing that way, there
vada, then to San
this historic couple:
Francisco, then ran away to E u rope
articles by and about them, c o r respon-
with her c hildren
dence. That allowed
to study art. Full of fun and full of life,
their dialogue to give
she rolled her own
us a real feel for two
very real people. At times, though, their
cigarettes, toted a pistol she knew how to use and romance seems more like a made her own furniture in a romance novel, as Horan veers pinch. into the necessarily speculative Louis Stevenson was a when exploring their private pale, slender Scottish writer life together. "Sky" sometimes plods, as trying to make a nameand money — for himself, a Horan seemingly tries to work chronic invalid with a thirst in every episode of the couple's for life and an infectious lives together over 20 years, sense of humor. A writer every move and voyage (and to the core (under his full there are a lot of those), every name, Robert Louis Steven- close call for Louis, every moson), Louis was a decade ment of frustration for Fanny younger than Fanny, but as she serves as nursemaid and they were drawn together puts her own ambitions aside. despite the misgivings of his She also deals briefly with the friends andparents. Togeth- question of whether Stevenson er for 20 years, they crossed was a closeted homosexual. the globe from Switzerland They were a fascinatingpair, to the South Pacific, seeking and their story deserves telling, a climate where his lungs from their meeting in France wouldn't hemorrhage. to his death in Samoa. "Sky" " Under the W ide a n d Starry Sky" is author Nancy Horan's second work of historic fiction, after "Lov-
ing Frank." Like Mamah Borthwick C heney, w ho
takes its name from Steven-
Under the wide and starry sky,/Dig the grave and let me lie.
Glad did I live and gladly die,/ And I laid me down with a wilL
chitect Frank Lloyd Wright,
This be the verseyou grave forme:/Here he li es where he longed to be
Fanny is a frustrated artist who wants to be recognized
Home is the sailor, home from sea,/ And th e hu n ter
for her own gifts and abil-
home from the hill.
ities. Like Wright, Louis believes that a family has
The words are inscribed on his tomb on Mount Vaea, in Sa-
room for only one artist.
moa. Fanny's ashes are buried
According to Horan, Fan-
with her Louis.
was nothing left to see but sky
and desolation."
Into the abyss European history is not, to
Hebel or Sebald, a succession of linked occurrences, but one terrible event that is always
happening, always echoing back and forth across time-
Novelist creates atale both radiant andsinister
"our history," as he puts it in
1812/13, that the fall of Napoleon and the rise of the German
"Bury This" by Andrea Portes (Soft
someone else could wash it? Honky skin. White as paper.
SkullPress, 256 pgs., $15.95) Almost blue. You see, a ghost. I get to be ayoung-looking sort By Joy Tipping of ghost with white mouse hair The Dallas Morning News and gray saucer eyes and a If one could hear novelist stupid little nondescript form Andrea Portes at work typ- skinny and stringy and I'll put ing, I think the keystrokes a dress on me and no one will might sound something know." like machine-gun fire: rapKnow what'? Well, that's id, furious bursts of word
bullets, aimed directly at
part of the thriller aspect, and
I'm not about to give it away. As the story plays out, we
tory, from that point on, would amount to nothing other than
the reader's heart and wasting no extra ammunition in
the martyrology of mankind." Sebald has a way of viewing the world whereby seemingly minor misfortunes or cruelties
getting there. ing Beth's best friend, Shauna Portes' work first gained Boggs, once the trampy-at-
are made to stand for catastro-
phes too terrible to be directly observed. Even the smallest of sadnesses seem to open onto an
abyss. The collection's beautiful final piece, on the contemporary
painter Jan Peter Tripp (with
f r ont-and-center whom he collaborated on the placement of the personal is posthumous book "Unrecount-
one way in which "A Place in ed"), contains a haunting evocathe Country" distinguishes tion of death in the tiny particuitself from more traditional- larity of a dead mouse, depicted ly academic modes of critical inone of Tripp's eerilyL onicstill writing. It's tempting, here and lifes. For Sebald, the dead althere,to read these pieces as ways have something to tell us, oblique works of self-portrai- and even this tiny corpse conture, on the principle that any veys its own"silentmessage." "Nestling in nothingness," he writer writing about another writer is always, to some de- writes, 'wlth neither ground nor background, the ctreature hovgree, writing abouthimself. Certainly, you do feel in ers now, its bat ears extended, these essays the gravitational throughthin air. Theblackpatch pull of the historical preoccupa- of fur around its eyes is reministions that characterize so much cent of a mourning band, or an of Sebald's own creative work. eye mask worn by a sleeping Although the writers discussed passenger on a summer night's
Second World War is still an unavoidable presence here,like 1998 but only now translated a sinkhole in the landscape of into English, there's asustained time into which everything on proximity to, and distance either side is always at risk of
Horan used the historic record of
Park with her love for ar-
And t hi s
are all figures of the 18th, 19th and early 20th centuries, the
"Treasure Island."
hardly had the French occu-
peoples signaled the beginning of a downward path which, ly autumn of 1966," he writes. once embarked upon, would "I placed Gottfried Keller's notbe easy to halt, and that his-
before, perhaps, it is too late."
Indiana, she w e nt
scandalized her friends in the Chicago suburb of Oak
er part of the latter was reduced
more than travelogues and children's stories like
with her philandering husband to ¹
and Moscow. Thereafter, nothing but sky and flames. For
land for Manchester in the ear-
a detailed synopsis of Borges' The writers "Tlon, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius"-
kind of historian than a new kind of novelist."
best part, as always, is the glimpses of the Cavanaugh
stood and looked down from a height, as far as the eye could
puts it in his short foreword to thebook.
Sebaldian narrator — let's just go ahead and call him Sebald — is a meandering presence, of 'Der grCine Heinrich,' Johann course, picking his way across Peter Hebel's 'Schatzkastlein the secluded routes between des Rheinischen Hausfreundes,' and a disintegrating copy landscape and subject; but there is always the sense ofhim of Robert Walser's 'Jakob von emerging into the world after a Gunten' in my suitcase." These long tenure in the artificial light are writers who have stayed oflibraries and lecture halls. with him, who have over time It's always tempting to become part of his intellectual compare Sebald to Borgesmakeup, and he feels that he amongothernarrative oddities, must "pay my respects to them
gate a cop-killer. Not just a cop-killer, but a serial
s weet to watch. But t h e
occupation of Moscow: "If one
"The Rings of Saturn," is "but a long account of calamities." nounced, this shows through in That foreword inaugurates Sebald suggests the possibilihis writing — in his essays and proceedings with a familiar Se- ty that Hebel may, in this way, novels (which he preferred to baldian note of autobiograph- have foreseen something of the call his"prose narratives"). ical exactitude, a customary disasters to come, that he may Books like "The Rings of laying out of the specifics of have "already had a sense, in
ago — is called to investi-
can be Declan's temporary partner on the case. The mystery is solved by the end, but as it turns out it wasn't quite as solvable as a reader might like. The romance, while skipped over a bit, is still
of the Napoleonic Wars. Sebald quotes him at length, striking a distinctly proto-Sebaldian tone on the destruction wrought by the French
pied the city than the Russians themselves set fire on all sides. essays, on five writ- A steady wind quickly spread ers and one painter, the flames into every quarter of which coheres into the city. In three days the great-
full-blown scholar, a company are likely to be well-known to man of long standing who lec- Anglophone readers. All are tured in the department of Ger- writers for whom Sebald holds man literature at the Univer- a deep and abiding affi nity,an sity of East Anglia from 1970 "unwavering affection," as he
ny, Sebald's art is scholarly in a much more fundamental way. As reviewer Adam Phillips has put it, he was "more like a new
cop-killer. Detective Char-
enumerate the vast devastation
c u l tural see there was nothing but sky
for instance, are, in much of member quite clearly how, their content if not their form, when I set out from Switzer-
s mall town, but a
cially true in the case of "Dr.
escaped wife with a free tion as the author of something
department. drew, even contemplates
loving critiques. That's espe-
tine, 474 pgs.,$26)
Frances "Fanny" Van de Grift Osbourne was an
until his death in 2001. In ways that are both subtle and pro-
that his clan isn't just large enough to populate its own
better with her forthright but
by Nancy Horan (Ballan-
St. Louis Post-Dispatch
police officers. And fans of the series say keep finding them. This has been a strong, long-standing series featuring a couple of generations of a family with strong ties to the local police The family patriarch, former police chief An-
ny did make Louis' writing
and Starry Sky"
By Sarah Bryan Miller
teach creative writing, was a
By Lezlie Patferson
"Under the Wide
flight overthe North Pole."
The silent message conveyed by the dead mouse, and by the images in Tripp's work as a whole, is for Sebald a synecdoche for some unspeakable communication.
meet various others, includ-
attention with her debut,
tractive counterpoint to Beth's
The author is from Nebras-
pounds and consumed with
2007's gripping coming-of- simple beauty, now a someage tale and thriller Hick. time prostitute weighing 300 ka originally, but spent rage and jealousy, for mostly some time living in Texas, good reasons. so we're calling her one of ours — and she does us proud in her follow-up novLittle ad el, "Bury This." Set in small-town Michigan, this book dives even
deeper into thriller territory
than Hick, focusing on the murder of a young woman in 1979 and the 25-years-
on reinvestigation that's launched when a group of college students produces a documentaryabout the unsolved crime. Beth Krause is mostly re-
membered as theideal good girl: vaguely pretty, a bit shy, an angelic soprano in the church choir. But Beth's thoughts about herself clue
us in, a bit alarmingly, that herself-image ran farafield
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from the one she project-
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twenty-two. With a white rat head of hair, albino hair,
ed: "A young girl, almost yes it's a little stringy and washing it takes too long, it hurts my arms, what if
141 SE 3rd • Bend We bill insurances
ersweretruere e s There's a'Dark Road' • Book examines rise andfall of 6 different WILEY CASH
. • q
women whowreakedhavocinthe 1920s
to forgivenesshere
"Flappers: Slx Women of a Dan- Mackrell's sprawling and adgerous Generation" dictive "Flappers: Six Women by Judith Mackrell (Farrar, of a Dangerous Generation." Straus and Giroux) By Anne Helen Petersen Slate
F or most, t h e "flapper"
"This Dark Road to Mercy" by Wiley Cash (William Morrow,240 pgs., $25.99)
By Tray Butler
They hailed from all echelons of the 1920s social sphere. Tamara de Lempicka, who
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
How long does it take to
refugee ofthe Russian Revo-
"The Great Gatsby" on contin- lution. Stage actress Tallulah uous repeat. Bankhead, she of the wit to rival
lllustration courtesy Matthew Robers/Slate
Few women had the means to wreak the sort of societal havoc that sparked wldespread anxiety amongst the Victorian generation. A select few flappers, however, were the exception to that rule.
She's the spirit of the "Jazz Dorothy Parker and the dirty Age," with i t s c o nnotations mouthtorival asailor's,grewup
confines of time.
Bloom" by veering into Cormac McCarthy country.
Wiley Cash is no hack writer, but his
blend grows more
l atest effort
c omplicated
a Southern belle before getting drunken decade before the so- herself kicked out of a string of bering years of the Depression. boardingschools and rej ectA caricature, in other words, ing a traditional debut for the
their own image" of excess, frivolity, and Jazz Age living, leading to perpetual problems with money and, by extension,
stand outside the
and at least in her manically
their relationship and Zelda's mental health.
chance to appear in a silent film.
dancing iteration, a false one. Lady Diana Manners was In reality, the flapper was a born to one of the oldest fami-
The first six chapters of ing tales of each woman's rise, but the next six chapters track
first as a member of the "Cor-
The Jazz Age was, indeed, rupt Coterie," staging "exhia time of tremendous change bitionist stunts"at highfalutin for women. The advances of
parties, then stubbornly in-
modernity made it easier for
sisting on working in surgery women to leave their tradition- wards during World War I, al realm (the private sphere) and finally as an acclaimed and enter into the world of men
(the public sphere). On trolleys,
The similarly well-born Nancy Cunard grew up in
at the movies, in the massive new department stores, women
thrall to her n eglectful and manipulative mother; a fierce-
were out of the home and, most importantly, consuming, which, ly intelligent yet emotionally in a capitalist country, is what starved girl, Cunard rebelled really marks you as a citizen. by flunking out of debutante Young women were leaving society, offering herself to soltheir ruralhomes in droves and diers, and marrying and swiftiy movingto urban centers,where divorcing a man who'd promthey lived with other women,
oAkapaous ~
'~ ® au~
their dedines, as predictable as
N PF A ~ ~
cape,the stage and freedom.
only to their bodies, which
Baker, however, was no or-
would no longer fit the svelte,
dinary showgirl: Even when performing the role of a black
boy-like fashions of the time, but to their social relevance.
stereotype, she inflected it with
a complexity that made her, in one producer's words, "stand out like an exdamabonpoint."
ised to offer some semblance of
Celebrityg~ip worked as shopgirls, and spent stability. money on themselves. Most Z elda Fitzgerald is t h e If these stories sound tantawould eventually marry and most recognizable name of lizing, it's because each flapreturn to domesticity, but this the group, but most know per's early rebellion and rise to experience of independence her exclusively as the some- prominence reads as swiftly, was what trulymarked them as what-crazed wraith from Hem- and juicily, as the best celebrity "New Women." ingway's "A Moveable Feast." gossip, punctuated with lusty But these women weren't But before she was a Fitzger- affairs (with men and women flappers, or at least not flappers ald, she was Zelda Sayre, with alike), casual drug use, and the in the way we think of them. a beauty and vivaciousness so jubilant pleasures of youth. Manybobbedtheirhair, almost powerfulthat when she showed Relying (perhaps a bit too all took off their corsets. But up at a dance, all the other girls heavily) on previously pubfew had the means to wreak would give up and go home. lished biographies and memthe sort of societal havoc that
After marrying F. Scott Fitz-
sparked widespread anxiety amongst the Victorian generation. So where did the figure of the flapper come from? From the media, of course — as with the hippie or the goth, the media used several high-profile women to amplify
gerald, she not only became his primary muse but the source of many of his most lingering descriptions of 1920s life: He regularly culled her journals, letters, and everyday conversation for the phrases that would gradually become the language with
the flapper's existence and the anxiety that accompanied it. A
which we describe the '20s.
very small selection of women possessed the means, the visi-
bility, and the gumption to act out the sort of social and cultural rebellion that millions of
women would modify and apply, on a much smaller scale, to their own lives and sensibilities.
Six of these highly visible women form the core of Judith
oirs, Mackrell tells these wom-
en's stories as if they were her intimates, referring to t h em
exclusivelyby their first names. It's no coincidence these narratives resemble today's celeb-
rity gossip, as these womensocialites, actresses, and artists — were celebrities par excel-
lence, withimages that were an But not all of these flappers uneven accumulation of their were white and wealthy: Afriown (often progressive) intencan-American Josephine Baker tions and actions and the ways grew up dirt poor in St. Louis the press chose to frame them: before her mother arranged her usually a mix of the superficial marriage, at age 12, to a man and the titillating, with little twiceher ageinordertocircum- room for context or nuance. vent her burgeoning sexuality. Once these images were Baker wouldfl ee that husband formed, they could become andmarry another at 15,but the paralyzing: Mackrell describes men were just a means to an es- the Fitzgeralds as "captive to
Moreover, while th e a cting
those families who have man-
directorof the Federal Hous-
aged to hold on to their homes.
Continued from F1 ing Finance Administration "And the government's go- forbade the use of principal ing to say you have to pay tax- reduction on mortgages over-
"It's certainly not a giveaway to anybody, it's not going to grow into some kind of
es on it?"
seen by Fannie Mae and Fred-
entitlement — in fact, it's go-
Heil owes $250,000 on his mortgage, and has found a buyer willingto take the house for $150,000. The bank has agreed. But if Congress does
die Mac, even though it would ing to shrink as time goes by," have saved those entities mon- he said. "These are the people ey, the recent appointment of a permanent director, Mel Watt,
has raised the possibility that
not extend th e
e x emption, the ban will be lifted. " We're finally hitting the he will be forced to count the
$100,000 difference as income. sweet spot of principal reducThat would mean a $28,000 tion and mortgage resizing, tax bill, and Heil has no idea and all of a sudden the tax rehow he would afford it. lief sunsets," said Lou Tisler, The number of people using executive director of Neighthe mortgage debt relief ex- borhood Housing Services emptionhas increased every of Greater Cleveland, which year, reaching almost 100,000 helped Heil with his case. Cliin 2011, the most recent year ents now have to be warned for which the IRS has figures. that Congress may not reinThat number could be far state the exemption, Tisler greater in 2013, when there were more than a quarter-mil-
a rerun of "E! True Hollywood Story," replete with depression, heartbreak, drug abuse and loneliness. Particularly striking is the disgust with which several of the women greeted news of pregnancy — as a threat not
These women's images were rooted in scandal — not for
any single action, but for their sustained violation of ideological norms of what a woman
should do, how she should act, and what she could dream for herself. And as glamorous and fancy-free as these women were at the height of their powers, they were also punished, often hideouslyso.Baker,afteryearsof dancing and straightening her hair with noxious chemicals, was nearly bald and forced to bandage her legs tightly to make her way onstage. These six beguiling women were indeed part of a dangerous generation, but what's even more dangerous is the way they, and the sexual energy that fueled them, were put in their place, ushering in years of reactionary and regressive sexual politics. Therein lies the lesson of the flapper, equally as pertinent today as in their wan-
ing days: We map our most vivid fantasies on the bodies of our female celebrities, and as those
fantasies begin to sour, those selfsame bodiescome to bear
the bruisesof our confusion and regret.
M any
h o m eowners a r e
90,000 homeowners received
Abill in the Senate to extend the exemption has 19 co-spon-
sors, including two Republicans from states hit hard by foreclosures, Johnny Isakson
d oes
T he author
the arrival of Brady Weller, a damaged ex-cop with a stake in Easter and Ru-
said he worried over the manuscript for his first novel, "A Land More
by's safety. As the story slogs through police pro-
Kind Than Home," for nearly cedural stuff, Weller connects five years before publication. Wade to a straight-from-cenAn a stonishing S outhern
tral-casting crime boss. The
Gothic page-turner, the book
subplot involving Weller's quest for atonement delivers
detailed sinister deeds among
a North Carolina congregation of snake handlers, drawing comparisons to Faulkner, Harper Lee and Thomas Wolfe. The novelbecame one
instances of authentic pathos, but we're restless to return to
of the most buzzed-about literary debuts of 2012. Now, not two years later, he returns to rural North Car-
Great Home Run Race of 1998 between Mark McGwire and
the runaway Quillby kids. The story unfolds against the backdrop of baseball's Sammy Sosa. Sports reports punctuate theproselike dock-
olina with a fast follow-up, work, an odd plot device that "This Dark Road to Mercy." eventually makes sense in the The similarlywordytitles and final act's violent dimax. cover treatments (grim farmReaders who liked Cash's steads in fading daylight) may first novel may exit this new be misleading. The new book one deliberating over its title, isn't a sequel, nor is it all that which seems to be negated by similar to his first in tone or a majorcharacter' s puzzling precision. choice near the finale. QuesEaster Quillby, age 12, tions of timing also surface. stands out as the star of the Did Cash write this book benovel's three narrators. The
temperamental preteen tries to protect her young sister, Ruby, after a drug overdose kills their mother. An upsetting scene describes the girls'
fore "A Land More Kind Than Home"? It reads like it might
have been a "starter novel" he had stored in a drawer some-
place. It's admittedly more cohesive than a practice book,
discovery of the woman co-
but it shows a curious reliance
matose but breathing, and
on stock characters and overused tropes of crime fiction, tics of fledgling writers.
implies that Easter is partly at fault for not immediately call-
ingparamedics. Living in foster care, obsessing over boys and baseball, Easter appears unfazed by the tragedy — or in denial
"This Dark Road to Mer-
cy" begins as a coming-ofage story, but by the finale reads more like aby-the-book crime novel. This baseball about her shifting fortunes. story's "pitch" is off — just She isn't thrilled to learn that slightly. While nobody's deher grandparents in Alaska nying the author's aptitude have begun the adoption pro- with language, Cash's many cess, a plan interrupted when converts canhope"This Dark her estranged father turns up. Road" was only a brief diverWade Chesterfield, a washed- sion through the sophomore up minor league baseball slump.
AMUSE Assortment Seasonal Flatbreads $7
who have tried the hardest to
hang on to their homes and keep the economy strong." The bill may suffer from a general fatigue over homeowner issues or a belief that
I/2 Dozen Oyster on Half Shell $10 Cheese Plate $10 Wood Fired Cauliflower $5
Caesar $8 Bowl Soup du Jour $7 Beet salad $9 Scanlon's Green Salad $8
the Treasury cannot afford to forgo the revenue. (The provision is estimated to cost the
government $1.3 billion a year in tax revenues; by comparison, the mortgage interest deduction for homeowners is worth $70 billion a year) There may also be a sense that the exemption is no longer
MAIN Scallops R Prawns $26 S e afood Bouillabaisse $24 Petite Filet $26
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urgent because the economy,
Officials in many states and the housing market, are lion short sales, according to have been urging Congress improving. Daren Blomquist of Realty- to reinstate the exemption. Elyse Cherry, chief execTrac, who estimates that those "It is inherently unfair for utive of Boston Community families received an average the big banks to be allowed Capital, disagrees. debt reduction of r oughly to write off these payments Her agency runs a program $37,000. If the exemption had while struggling homeowners that keeps families in their not been in place, that would are hit with new tax bills they homes by buying them in have translated to an extra can't afford," said Attorney short sales and selling them $9,250 tax bill for those in the General Martha Coakley of back to the occupants at a re25 percent bracket. Massachusetts. duced price. "I keep talking
so deeply underwater that they requiremuch more help. Under a separate mortgage settlement involving the five largest lenders, more than
The book's tonal
bring up the timing issue.
"Flappers" tell the intoxicat-
lies in Britain, and battled the
urban and moneyed areas of expectations of her royal birth, 1920s America.
of "Where the Lilies
at least for those rare novels t h at
of excess and indulgence, a
rarefied figure, limited to the
While the book's open-
ing scenes read like a darker-than-average novel for once said. "'As I Lay Dying' young adults, the introductook six weeks. 'The Sound tion of the steroid-pumped and The Fury' took three assassin Pruitt juices up the years." His answer proves the action and j ackknifes the pointlessness of the question, tone, discarding any traces write a novel? "A hack writer can tell," William Faulkner
evokes images of fingercurled would make her name paintbobs, drop-waisted dresses, ing the New Women of Paris and endless Charlestoning, like in the 1920s, was a Polish-born a scene from Baz Luhrmann's
player, quickly convinces his daughters to flee town with him. He fails to mention the duffel bag stuffed with hundreds in his trunk or the oneeyed hit man on his trail.
Blood Orange Creme Brule $6 Chocolate Molten Cake $6
about this in terms of the tale
of two recoveries," Cherry said. "If you're in middle-class or upper-middleclass areas, things are coming back. When you look at urban and
of Georgia and Dean Heller of Nevada. In the House, Joe lower-income areas, they're
debt relief averaging $109,000 Heck, R-Nev., is the bill's sponeach. sor. His three co-sponsors are Debt reduction was slow to Democrats. take off as a tool for preventIn an i n t erview, Isakson ing foreclosure, but as it has said that forgiven debt was proved to be among the most nothing more than "phantom effective types of loan modi- income" and should not be fication, loan servicers have taxed. He said it would be ungrown more open to using it. fair to end the exemption for
not at all."
"If the problem's over," she added, "then put the exemption back into place and it
61615 Athletic Club Drive, Bend, OR 97702 Reservations 541.382.8769 accepted: 5-Close
won't get used much. And to the extent the problem is not
over, then the people getting whacked with this tax are the
people least able to afford it."
Restaur an t ~
The 22nd AnnualGala at The RiM rhouse raised $284,000 for the Education Foundation for Bend-M Pine Schoolsl Over $2,300,000 in 22 gears The Riverhouse Hotel 5 Convention Center, Central Oregon Visitors Association and the entire Gala Committee would like to thank all our supporters, volunteers and staff for their continued commitment to the Gala. We also offer our sincere thanks to all the attendees for your generosity and spirit of giving. 7he 22nd AnnualGala at The Riverhouee wae made poseible bg the donations, eRorts, aervices and support of the following individuale, bueineeaee, and organizatione.
iverhouse Central Oregon VISITORS ASSOCIATION
DONATIONS I0 Barrel Brewing Company
eooWag Aaron & Tracy Gordon Ace Hardware Adair Family Affordable Yard Care Alan Embree Alana & Eric Hughson AN 860 KPAM Amanda Conde - Life in Images American Licorice Andrea NcCart Andy & Martha Gerlicher Angelika Olsen Anjou Spa Anne & Dominic Desaro Ariana Art Griffith Art on the Go Art Station
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The Bulletin
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VOLUNTEERS Alice DeWittie Ashley Evert Alexa Evert Amanda Gow
Ami Zepnewski Anna Schep Barbara Murray Becky Nall att Bo Bonotto Bob Narkland Brad Porterfield Calista West Christie Boen Dave Clemens Dave Hood
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EDUCATION FOUNDATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS Beth Bagley Brenda Bartlett Cheri Helt Christy McLeod Gretchen Hawkins James Boss Jim Boen Joana Todd Julianne Repman Ken Goodin Mark Roberts Nichele Emery Michelle Johnson Odette Adair Pamela Armstrong Peggy Kinkade Richard Wagner Robert Jones Rod Ketner Ron Wilkinson Steve Lelli Vicki Jenkins EDUCATION FOUNDATION STAFF Heather Vihstadt Christina Belli
EDUCATION FOUNDATION GALA COMNITTEE Cheri Helt - co-chair Julianne Repman - co-chair Odette Adair Nichelle Johnson HeatherVihstadt Nichele Emery
2014 GALA COMMITTEE The Riverhouse Wayne Purcell Shannon Hinderberger Home Spun Vacations Rentals Erin Woods Central Oregon Visitors Assoc. Alana Hughson Kristi Richter Horizon Broadcasting Group KeithShipman NaybelleClark Macdonald Fund Monique McCleary Speciaf thanks to the Rivers Edge Golf Course, Crossings, Riverhouse Hotel and Convention Center management team for their support the evening of theGala! Special thanks to Roslyn Eaton for speakingat the Gala!
A special thank you to our heartfelt and awe-inspiring guest speaker Ashton Eaton, Gold Medal Olympian!
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How to avoidscam and fraud attempts Repair & Supplies VBe aware of inter243 s national fraud. Deal Abandoned, starving La HAVANESE PUPPIES Standard P o o dles 541-385-5809. Ski Equipment locally w h e never Pine kittens were found AKC, Dewclaws, UTD AKC, ready now, tails 202 possible. by a Deputy who called shots/wormer, non-shed, docked, dew claws, Loveseat, beautiful Rach- V Watch for buyers Want to Buy or Rent CRAFT. They h a ve hypoallerqenic, $850 shots, dewormed, vet elin Classics, cream, sac- who offer more than 541-480-1277. upper respiratory isexam. $ 600-$1800. rifice $150. 541-410-1312 your asking price CASH for dressers, 541-870-6495. & were almost NEED TO CANCEL and who ask to have dead washers/dryers sues dead from dehydration, N ewfoundland AK C YOUR AD? 541-420-5640 m oney wired o r WANTED Miniature but responded well to puppy, m a le , Alderwood Quiltworks 12 The Bulletin h anded back t o vet care & should be poodle puppy. Call weeks, black, current machine quilting Wanted: $Cash paid for Classifieds has an them. Fake cashier Austrian-made 541-892-0933 or frame for sale, locally vintage costume jew- OK. Sponsors, fosters on shots, $1100. Call "After Hours"Line checks and money Volant Silver 541-891-8791 made in Prineville, elry. Top dollar paid for & adopters needed. Jill 541-279-6344 Call 541-383-2371 orders are common. diamond-finished easy to use, makes Gold/Silver.l buy by the Call 541-598-5488 or 24 hrs. to cancel V N ever give o u t skis, Yorkie pups AKC, 2 boys, quilting a dream! Estate, Honest Artist 389-8420. CRAFT, Bx your ad! personal f i n ancial 170cm in length. 2 girls, potty training, UTD Comes with Handi Elizabeth,541-633-7006 6441, Bend 9 7 708, information. Used only 5 times, shots, hea(th guar., $600 BULLETINCLASSIFIEDS V handles, includes. T rust y o ur inthey are in great Just bought a new boat? P eople giving p e ts & up. 541-777-7743 manual, exc. shape, Search the area's most stincts and be wary condition. Sell your old one in the aftCats. Thanks! away are advised to only used to quilt 4 comprehensive listing of of someone using an Were over $1200 classifieds! Ask about our be selective about the 210 tops, like new. classified advertising... escrow service or new; asking $300 Super Seller rates! Adopt a rescued kitten new owners. For the Furniture & Appliances real $600. 541-549-1273 estate to automotive, agent to pick up your 541-385-5809 or best offer. or cat! Fixed, shots, protection of the anior 541-419-2160 merchandise. 541-389-0049 chip, tested, more! mal, a personal visit to 48" round oak table & 4 merchandise to sporting Wanted: Cement mixer, ID Bulletin Classifieds at 65480 78th the home is recom- chairs w/pads 24" leaf, goods. Brother Industrial used, gas or electric, Rescue appear every day in the The Bulletin St., Bend, Thurs/Sat/ mended. Sewing machine & call 541-447-7807 $175. 541-388-3004 print or on line. 245 Sun, 1-5, 389-8420. The Bulletin table Call 541-385-5809 Sereind CennetCredcrn since iyia Golf Equipment 205 A1 Washers8 Dryers Mid-Century Unique Items for Free Adult barn/shop cats, $150 ea. Full warCHECK yOUR AD The Bulletin fixed, shots, some POODLE pups AKC toy, ranty. Free Del. Also ServingCentral Oregon since tyte 16n TVs (2) freefriendly, others not so tiny teacup, cuddly people wanted, used W/D's dogs. 541-475-3889 still work good. much. No fee & we'll 541-280-7355 Recliner plush maroon 541-330-2282 deliver. 541-389 8420 great cond. $200 obo. Brother L S 2-B837 541-923-6303 walking foot, needle 400 back issues of ArArea rug, 8'x10', dark Aussies, Mini AKC Head & Footboard, fed industrial leather chitectural Digest Magared/blue merles, blue green & beige w/fruit dethe first day it runs with wood-grain look, sewing m a c hine. on zine in boxes. all good sign, $150. 541-388-3004 The Bulletin to make sure it isu coreyes, parents on site. double size has no n recommends extra ' Machine is t a b le cond. 541-617-5051 541-598-5314 rect. Spellcheck and mounted. When last l caution when pur- side rails. Could be human errors do ocBlue office cubicle di- Bichon Frise AKC reg. Sponsor needed for chasing products or • repurposed into a used it was in excur. If this happens to garden bench, or a vider, 4 x 5 ' . F r ee! cellent working conservices from out of I male puppy . Tomasita, abandoned, your ad, please con541-420-4303 the area. Sending I~ u nique item. U s e dition. Ad d i tional tact us ASAP so that 541-953-0755 or s tarving, m atted & your imagination! p ictures upon r ecash, checks, or 541-912-1905. needing dental care. corrections and any Asking $75. 208 quest. $1500 OBO. l credit i n f ormation rwellette© Social & glad to be out ad!ustments can be 541-419-6408 541-213-2333 may be subjected to Pets & Supplies of the cold, thanks to a made to your ad. Armoire for sale, l FRAUD. For more Border Collie/New Zeal- Redmond meter reader Cherry/wrought iron 541 -385-5809 information about an g 241 Huntaway pups, great who found her & called The Bulletin Classified Perfect condition, Oak Showcase The Bulletin recom- and CRAFT. Vet says OK advertiser, you may l dogs, working parents, handmade, Bicycles & n long, 24 n wide mends extra caution $300. 541-546-6171. except for a badly inI c all t h e Oregon $ 6042n high. Great solid wood. Accessories when purc h asfected mouth, dehydraState Attor ney ' nx39ex23.5". 69 Mint condition ing products or ser- Donate deposit bottles/ tion, emaciation & recounter case, l General's O f f i ce $650. upgraded senior vices from out of the Consumer Protec- • plate glass top. cans to local all vol., ally bad mats. We are shafts, head covarea. Sending cash, non-profit rescue, for etting her well enough tion h o t line a t i $475 ers &new grips. checks, or credit in- feral cat spay/neuter. or surgery, but we're a i 1-877-877-9392. 541-382-6773 formation may be Drivers: Ping G10 Cans for Cats trailer at small rescue and vet subjected to fraud. Jake's Diner; or do- costs are a big hit. A > Serv/ng TheBulletin > Original Led Zeppelin 13.5 T-Made Super Centret Oregon since iydy For more informa- n ate M-F a t S m i t h s ponsorship for h e r fast 12'. comic book, $ 2 00 2005 Maverick ML7 /I dcitetgr! d,JJUUPt tion about an adver- Sign, 1515 NE 2nd; or would be a blessing, & Hybrids: Cobra DWS btiglgJJ obo. 541-548-6642 Mountain Bike, 15" a foster home to retiser, you may call 4-5-6 irons; Cleveat CRAFT, Tumalo. Visit our HUGE Say ugoodbuye (small). Full the O r egon State Call for Irg. quantity cover after surgery, or The Bulletin reserves frame land HB 3, 7-8-9 and home decor suspension, Maverick better yet, a f orever Attorney General's pickup, 541-389-8420. to that unused the right to publish all s hock, SRAM X O P/W; Ping G156 consignment store. home. 541-598-5488, Office C o n sumer ads from The Bulletin green dot; New items item by placing it in 8 shifters, 9 iron 389-8420. CRAFT, Bx Protection hotline at newspaper onto The drivetrain Cleveland XLi S/W, arrive daily! speed rear cassette, 1-877-877-9392. Havanese AKC male 16 6441, Ben d 9 7 708, 930 SE Textron, The Bulletin Classifieds Bulletin Internet web- 34-11, Avid Juicy disc Wedges: Ping G15, wks, shots/dewormed, site. S/W, lobb. Bend 541-318-1501 brakes. Well t aken gap951-454-2561 The Bulletin crate trained & smart! ftCats. Thanks! ienind Central Oregonsince tdta c are o . f $95 0 . 541-385-5809 The Bulletin 541-788-6227. $475. 541-279-3018 Serving Cenerel Oregonsince ldta neighborhood! Plan a garage sale and don't forget to advertise in classified!
9 7 $02
l l l
Rft ftzt,si
CASH!! For Guns, Ammo & Reloading Supplies. 541-408-6900.
Glock gun l i ght/laser sight, $200; High cap .40 Glock mags, $20 e a; .4 0 G o l d D o t , Pow'rBall, Ho r nady Critical Defense, 75S/rd. 503-585-5000, Bend.
Feb. 22-23rd Deschutes Fairgrounds Buy! Sell! Trade! SAT. 9-5 • SUN. 10-3 $8 Admission, 12 & under free! OREGON TRAIL GUN SHOWS, 541-347-2120
or 541-404-1890
Leupold 3x9 varix2 gold ring rifle scope, qloss black, $175. 541-408-1676 Leupold Vx2 6x18x40, gold ring rifle scope, mat black, 541-408-1676 Raptor AR-15, e xtra long barrel, $900 firm. 541-610-2363 Ruger10/22NIB BlkSyn Blued10&25 rd mags. Come w/525rds of 22 ammo $275 Call/Text 541-306-0253 Savage model 111 270 WIN bolt action, black synthetic stock, blued finish, detach mag, with Simon 3-9 x40 pro sport scope, $350. 541-408-1676 SIG P938 with crimson trace, black with rose red grip, 3 clips. $850 541-604-4203.
Stag Arms AR-15: Model Stag15, 5.56/223, Stainless steel barrel. Leupold Firedot G 3-9X40 Scope, MagPul PRS buttstock, Hogue grip, Bipod. $2000 Call 541-410-3568
Your auto, RV, motorcycle, boat, or airplane
acI runs until it sells or up to 12 months (whichever comes first!)
Includes up to 40 words of text, 2" in length, with border, full color photo, bold headline and price. "Little RedCorvette"
M(Va<«j M""'
• Weekly publication in Central Oregon Marketplace —DELIVERED to over 30,000 households.
MonacoDynasty qdqq-L~ ACEUI solid Faturesinclude 4-dr s counter, su stirtace deconvectionmicro, built-inwasher!drye, ramictiletloor,TV,DUD, satellitedish,airleveling, storage ass-through dk ingsizebed tray,ana' -A!!foronly $149,000 541-000-000
ygppf p
g<fLL>f ~
• Daily publication in The Bulletin, an audience of over 70,000.
Converti oups 132 mffss -24mPg Ad scriptiona„ ' !sres!ingfa o howmuch ould ha in a c
$12 5pa 54f poo
• Weekly publication in The Central Oregon Nickel Ads with an audience of over 30,000 in Central and Eastern Oregon • Continuous listing with photo on * A $290 Value baSed On an ad With the Same eXtra featureS, PubliShing 28-ad
days in the above publications. Private party ads only.
ACROSS 1 Turns left 5 Ogles offensively 12 One for the money? 16 Actors Ken and Lena 18 Gettable 19 Food s 20 Cash in 22 Tiny tunneler 23 Big gun 24 Ones doing aerobics 26 Popular British band named after the villain in "Barbarella" 28 Sinister senor 2$ Lacoste offering 30 Soul maker 31 Channel showing old Hollywood hits 34 Disposables maker 35 Modus operandi 38 Kind of accounting 38 Bistro glassful 40 Sturdy ones 42 Org. using X-rays 45 Equally, say 47 Tangled 50 Legit 52 Words before and after "my lads" in the United States Merchant Marine anthem 54 acid 55 Sides are often alongside them
56 Entry fee? 57 "Don't look now
$5 Part of N.R.A.: Abbr. 86 Email button 59 Bell or shell 98 Erne or tern preceder 102 Baloney, in 61 Regarding Bristol 62 Super Bowl 104 Entitle to wear successes, for vestments short 106 Headstrong 63 Key of Bach's 107 East Asian stew most famous 110 "Ta-ta!" Mass 65 Furniture style of 112 It may be radical 113 Places where Louis XV polar bears fish 67 Dupe 115 They may be 68 the sprayed on ~x p orer 116 HBO competitor 70 "That's all folks," 117 Bill's partner for Mel Blanc 72 Batman: Robin:: 118 Pro Green Hornet: 119 Major, for example 74 Strand, somehow 120 Poetic rhapsody 76 Girl's name 121 Soak (up) meaning 122 Summer White "happiness" House setting: 77 Squirm Abbr. 80 John Cusack's 123 "Lady" of the lea co-star in "Say 124 Rocky shout-outs Anything ..." 82 Dir. of the DOWN Missouri between S.D. and Neb. 1 Biblical peak 83 Like leftovers, 2 Actress Vega of "Spy Kids" often 85 Born 3 Expand 86 Actor Richard who 4 Mortimer of old played Jaws in radio Bond films 5 Contributors to The 87 Some A.L. (but not Paris Review, e.g. N.L.) players 6 First of 12 in South 88 It may be America indicated with a 7 Muffs ring 8 Band with the 1994 89 More than pique album "Monster" For any three answers, call 90 Too smooth 9 "He" and "she" fmm a touch-tonephone: 92 Dudley Do-Right's follower 1-900-285-5656, $L49 a love 10Not perform as minute; or, with a credit 94 Second place? expected card, 1-800-814-5554.
11 Dance popularized by Michael Jackson 12 "Yep" 13 Iraqi P.M. al-Maliki 14 Like one of the arm bones 15 Destined (for) 17 Like vino de Rioja 19 Gobs 21 Compassion, figuratively 23 Start of many jokes 25 Dos x tres 27 Latin "others" 31 Blue-green 32 Part of many an anniversary celebration 33Tax-free bond, for short 35 Pair of cymbals in a drum kit 36 Ceaselessly 37 Tautological statement of finality 38 Cavs, on a scoreboard 41 Elbow-bender 42 Superstitious thespian's name for a work of Shakespeare ... from which 21-, 23-, 37-, 58- and 60-Down all come 43 Take care of 44 Cause of an insurance investigation 46 One of 17 on a Monopoly board: Abbr. 48 What a goner has 49 Army threats? 51 Mendoza Mrs. 53 " get i t! " 55 System prefix
29 30
38 47
61 66
80 86
104 105
89 95
94 99
1 02 10 3
1 0 0 101
107 112
113 114
58 A single stroke 60 What the lucky person leads 63 Lively 64 Piqued 65 500 events 66 Equipped to row 68 Have debts 71 "The Addams Family" nickname 73 Mar i a
63 68
74 Rat 75 Carol 78 Towel designation 79 Elysium
81 Cry before "haw" 84 Big stretch? 91 Moccasin decorations $3 You might bow your head to receive one
108 109
94 Play about Capote 95 Famous Titanic victim 97 Zilch 99 One of "The Honeymooners" 100 Drippings appropriately positioned under the circled letters 101 Alternatively
103 "Lo-o-ovely!" 104 Director Preminger 105You may find a fork in it 108 Prefix with -phile 109 Some reproaches lll Palindromic cry 114 Intimidate
5 41-3 8 5 - 5 8 0 9 AD PLACEMENT DEADLINES
Monday.. . . . . . . . . . ... 5:00 pm Fri. Tuesday... . . . . . . . ... . Noon Mon. Wednesday.. . . . . . . ... Noon Tues. Thursday.. . . . . . . . . ... Noon Wed. Friday.. . . . . . . . . . . Noon Thurs. Saturday Real Estate .. ... 11:00am Fri. Saturday.. . . . . . . . . ... 3:00 pm Fri. Sunday.. . . . . . . . . . ... 5:00 pm Fri.
Starting at 3 lines *UNDER '500in total merchandise
or go to w w w . b e n
Placea photo in your private party ad for only $15.00per week.
OVER '500in total merchandise 7 days.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1 0 .00 4 days.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1 8 .50 14 days.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1 6.00 7 days.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 2 4 .00 *Must state prices in ad 14 days.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 3 3 .50 28 days.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 6 1 .50
Garage Sale Special
4 lines for 4 days .. . . . . . . . . . $ 2 0.00 (call for commercial line ad rates)
A Payment Drop Box i s CLASSIFIED OFFICE HOURS: available at Bend City Hall. MON.-FRI. 7:30 a.m.- 5:00p.m. CLASSIFICATIONS BELOW MARKED WITH AN*() REQUIRE PREPAYMENT as well as any out-of-area ads. The Bulletin ServingCentralOregon since 1903 reserves the right to reject any ad is located at: at any time. 1777 S.W. Chandler Ave., Bend, Oregon 97702
The Bulletin
PLEASE NOTE: Checkyour ad for accuracythefirst day it appears. Pleasecall us immediately if a correction is needed. Wewill gladly accept responsibility for one incorrect insertion. The publisher reservesthe right to accept or reject any adat anytime, classify and index anyadvertising basedon the policies of these newspapers. Thepublisher shall not be liable for any advertisement omitted for anyreason. Private Party Classified adsrunning 7 or moredayswill publish in the Central OregonMarketplace eachTuesday. 246
Guns, Hunting & Fishing
Mis c . ltems
Snow Removal Equipment
Fuel & Wood
Lost & Found
Hay, Grain & Feed
Livestock & Equipment
Advertise VACATION The Bulletin Offers Intermountain Looking for your WHEN BUYING SPECIALS to 3 mil- FreePrivate Party Ad8 Livestock next employee? Top Pin Archery lion Pacific N o rth-• 3 lines - 3 days FIREWOOD... Invitation Bull & Open REMEMBER: If you westerners! 29 daily • Private Party Only Place a Bulletin Replacement Heifer Pro Shop have lost an animal, To avoid fraud, help wanted ad newspapers, six • Total of items adverSale Thursday, March New 2014 Bows t.i don't forget to check The Bulletin states. 25-word clastised must equal $200 today and 6, 201 4. Sale starts at have arrived! The Humane Society recommends paySNOyyBLOyyER! sified $540 for a 3-day or Less 12:00 p.m. Pacific reach over Check out our Bows Bend ment for Firewood a d. Ca l l John Deere dual 55 Reputation Range (916) FOR DETAILS or to on Clearance! 60,000 readers 541 -382-3537 308 only upon delivery 2 88-601 9 o r v is i t stage with hand PLACE AN AD, Ready Bulls; Over each week. 1611 South 78t St., Redmond and inspection. Farm Equipment for the Call 541-385-5809 warmers, Briggs & 300+ Fancy Open Redmond, • A cord is 1 28 cu. ft. 541-923-0882 Your classified ad Stratton 4 cycle 16.5 Pacific Nor t hwest Fax 541-385-5802 & Machinery Heifers. 541-316-1784 4' x 4' x 8' p i e sle will also Daily Con n ection. hp, model 1332PE, Exit 265 541-447-7178; appear on • Receipts should Two Berninas: 10 0 0 used one season, 60" Brush hog, good (PNDC) La Grande, OR or Craft Cats include name, Wanted: Collector seeks Special fre e -arm, like new. 31100. For Heifer Consigncondition, $550; and 541 -389-8420. phone, price and which currently 260 high quality fishing items $250; 2000DE Serger 54f -306-6505 or v adjustable blade 60 ments call Dennis kind of wood receives over & upscale bamboo fly with elasticator and Misc. Items 503-819-8f 00 Arnzen 541 -561-4697; for t ractor, S OLD. purchased. rods. Call 541-678-5753, 280 1.5 million page m ultipurpose foo t 541 -923-9758 Jon Levy 541 -31 0-0854 • Firewood ads or 503-351-2746 views every $1 50. 760-91 7-1 969 Estate Sales or Tim McMiller +Adouble depth in MUST include month at no 541-910-3555 Say "goodbuy" N ew H o lland 2 5 5 0 species & cost per 247 ( terment grav e Wanted- paying cash extra cost. Look What I Found! swather, 14' header to that unused cord to better serve space with o uter for Hi-fi audio 8 stuSporting Goods You'll find a little bit of Bulletin with conditioner, cab our customers. ( burial container built 358 dio equip. Mclntosh, item by placing it in everything in heat/A/C, 1 300 orig. Classifieds - Misc. in, located in MeadJBL, Marantz, DyFarmers Column The Bulletin'8 daily hrs. $29,000 obo. Get Results! owpark area of De- I naco, Heathkit, San- The Bulletin Classifieds The Bulletin garage and yard sale 1486 International, cab Call 541-385-5809 Kneeboard, O'Brien [ schutes Memorial serving cansceloccgonsince ssos sui, Carver, NAD, etc. 000 10X20 Storage Buildings section. From clothes heat/A/C, 5 4 0/1 Tournament Plus, or place your ad Gardens, $1000. Call 541-261-1808 for protecting hay, to collectibles, from Pto, 3 sets remotes, $15.541-388-3879 I Call 541-389 182f 541-385-5809 on-line at 1 cord dry, split Juniper, firewood, hvestock etc. nice tractor. $18,000. housewares to hardWine cooler, Emerson, $1 496 Installed. $1 90/cord. Multi-cord 541 -41 9-3253 Water Skis (pair) O'Brien ware, classified is holds 6 bottles/8 max, 265 discounts, & s/g cords (other sizes available) Celebrity, very good, always the first stop for new! $85. 541-41 0-1312 541 -617-1 133. available. Immediate $30. 541 -388-3879 Auto Accident Attorney Building Materials cost-conscious BULLETINCLASSIFIEDS CCB ¹f 73684 delivery! 541 -408-6193 INJURED I N AN consumers. And if 261 Search the area's most kfjbuilders© 253 AUTO A C CIDENT? REDMOND Habitat you're planning your comprehensive listing of • Medical Equipment Just bought a new boat? Call InjuryFone for a RESTORE own garage or yard TV, Stereo & Video classified advertising... Sell your old one in the free case evaluation. Building Supply Resale classifieds! sale, look to the clas- real estate Io automotive, 375 Ask about our a cost to you. Quality at sifieds to bring in the DirectTV 2 Year Sav- Never Falcon 4-w h eel merchandise to sporting Super Seller rates! Meat & Animal Processing Don't wait, call now! LOW PRICES buyers. You won't find goods. Bulletin Classifieds ings Event! Over 140 power scooter with 541-385-5809 1242 S. Hwy 97 a better place channels only $29.99 1 -800-539-991 3. accessories, gently appear every day in the Buermann'3 Ranch 541-548-1 406 for bargains! a month. O nly Di- (PNDC) Affyear Dependable used, in need of print or on line. Meats, Burns OregonOpen to the public. Call Classifieds: recTV gives you 2 new battery (orderFirewood: Seasoned; We deliver to Bend area! Btryfng Diamonds Call 541-385-5809 541 -385-5809 or YEARS of s a vings /Gofd for Cash ing info avail.) $400. Lodgepole 1 for $195 14 hog or whole lamb, BULLETIN CLASSIFIEDS email and a FREE Genie Saxon'3 Fine Jewelers Call 541 -389-1 821 $200 fully processed. or 2 for $365. Cedar, classified © upgrade! Call Search the area's most Now taking orders for for details. split, del. Bend: 1 for The Bulletin Find them in 541 -389-6655 svvinvcenvslorvson sincelsss 1 -800-259-51 40. comprehensive listing of $175 or 2 for $325. ranch-raised grain-fed BUYING classified advertising... 541-420-3484. The Bulletin beef, half or whole, $3ilb (PNDC) Say "goodbuy" Lionel/American Flyer real estate to automotive, fully processed. 325 Full size power DISH T V Ret a iler. trains, accessories. Classifieds! Call 541 -573-2677 merchandise to sporting to that unused Hay, Grain & Feed adjustable bed Pine & juniper Split 541 -408-21 91. Starting at goods. Bulletin Classifieds w/memory foam item by placing it in $19.99imonth (for 12 BUYING ac SELLING appear every day in the Just bought a new boat? quality Orchard/TimThe Bulletin Classifieds First mos.) & High Speed All gold jewelry, silver mattress, $800. PorPROMPT D ELIVERY print or on line. Sell your old one in the othy/Blue Grass mixed table wheelchair, I nternet starting a t 541-389-9883 classifieds! Ask about our Call 541-385-5809 hay, no rain, barn stored, gold coins, bars, 4 leg walker, $f 4.95/month (where and Super Seller rates! wedding sets, Quadri-Poise cane, $250lton.Patterson Ranch 5 41-385-580 9 available.) SAVE! Ask rounds, 541-385-5809 class rings, sterling silSisters, 541-549-3831 bathroom assist Well over a cord split About SAME DAY In- ver, coin collect, vinThe Bulletin seasoned lodgepole, chair, all for $200. servng central oregon soce ssss stallation! CALL Now! tage watches, dental delivered. $1 95. 1 -800-308-1 563 gold. Bill Fl e ming, Call 541-526-5737 541 -480-5335 Steel Building (PNDC) 541-382-9419. Allocated Bargains 263 40x60 on up 269 REDUCE YOUR Guaranteed Income For v Tools We do deals Your Ret i rement. CABLE BILL!* Get a Gardening Supplies Avoid market risk & whole-home Satellite & Equipment Source¹ 1 SX get guaranteed in- 6hp air compressor, 125 system installed at Get a roomier~PAD" and pad 541-227-6921 NO COST and pro- come in r etirement! Ib max, 240V, like new, ramming starting at CALL for FREE copy asking $625. Delivery Our WCI'Ilet'tat the Same time! 266 1 9.99/mo. FR E E of our SAFE MONEY available. 541 -385-9350 Heating & Stoves HD/DVR Upgrade to GUIDE Plus Annuity 264 PROMPT DELIVERY Sell your Stuff! new callers, SO CALL Quotes from A-Rated 542-309-9663 Companies! Snow RemovalEquipment NOTICE TO NOW 800-908-7035. ADVERTISER 1 -866-984-851 5. „STARTING AT (PNDC) JD Model SB1164 PTO Since September 29, (PNDC) For newspaper s now b lower, n e w , 1991, advertising for delivery, call the $2500 obo 541-318-6157 used woodstoves has 255 Natural gas Ruud been limited to modCirculation Dept. at Computers tankless water 541 -385-5800 els which have been heater, brand new! certified by the OrTo place an ad, call T HE B ULLETIN r e 199 Btu, $1800. 541-385-5809 SnofdfblofNer egon Department of quires computer adAlso brand new 80 Environmental Qualor email Craftsman electric or Item Priced at: Yo ur Totol Ad Cost Oni vertisers with multiple gal. electric water pull-start, 29" wide, ity (DEQ) and the fed- ad schedules or those heater, $500. • Under $500.........................................................$29 c eral E n v ironmental o 9HP, 5 forward 2 reL~ selling multiple sysIn Sunriver area. Bulletin verse speeds. Protection A g e ncy The serving central oregon sincessos Dark Italian sort leath• $500 to $999.....................................................$39 temsl software, to dis530-938-3003 3400 cash. (EPA) as having met er chair, ottoman and close the name of the • $1000 f0 $2499.............................„„„„„„„„„, $49 The Bulletin 541-815-6319 smoke emission stancouchset. Excellent conserving central oregon since ssOS business or the term *REDUCE 270 • $2500 and over................................................. $59 YOUR dards. A cer t ified dition: no tears, stains. "dealer" in their ads. BILL! Get an w oodstove may b e Lost & Found Very comfortable. Was Private party advertis- CABLE Includes: 2" in length, with border, full color photo, Sa t e llite identified by its certifiSay "goodbuy" $1600 new, offering for ers are defined as All-Digital bold headline and price. Some restrictions apply installed for cation label, which is Found car key with rethose who sell one system only to that unused FREE and programpermanently attached mote Feb 3rd on NW $700 computer. Yourad will also appear in: m ing s t a rting a t item by placing it in to the stove. The Bul- Broadway in Bend. Call 541-OOO-OOOO FRE E The Bulletin Classifieds letin will not know- to identify, 54f -389-1243 Just bought a new boat? $ 24.99imo. • The Bulletin • The CentralOregonNickel Ads HDiDVR upgrade for ingly accept advertisSell your old one in the • (enfral Oregon Marketplace • bendbullefin.tom ing for the sale of L ost M o torola c e l l classifieds! Ask about our new callers, SO CALL Super Seller rates! NOW (877)366-4508. uncertified p hone NE side o f 5 41-385-580 9 'Piivaie pariymerchandiseonly - excludespets&livestock, autos, Rys, motorcycles,boats, airplanes, andgaragesale categories. woodstoves. Bend. 541 -480-5794 541-385-5809 (PNDC)
[ I
Garage Sales
6 00
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Looking for your next employee? Place a Bulletin help wanted ad today and reach over 60,000 readers each week. Your classified ad will also appear on which currently receives over 1.5 million page views every month at no extra cost. Bulletin Classifieds Get Results! Call 385-5809 or place your ad on-line at Check out the classifieds online Updated daily
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Loans & Mortgages WARNING The Bulletin recommends you use caution when you provide personal information to companies offering loans or credit, especially those asking for advance loan fees or companies from out of state. If you have concerns or questions, we suggest you consult your attorney or call CONSUMER HOTLINE, 1-877-877-9392.
Night Supervisor
Loans & Mortgages Business Opportunities Business Opportunities Business Opportunities BANK TURNED YOU WARNING The Bulletin A Classified ad is an Extreme Value AdverDOWN? Private party recommends that you EASY W A Y TO tising! 29 Daily newswill loan on real esi nvestigate ever y REACH over 3 million papers $540/25-word tate equity. Credit, no phase of investment Pacific Northwestern- classified 3-d a ys. problem, good equity opportunities, espe- ers. $5 4 0/25-word Reach 3 million Pais all you need. Call c ially t h ose f r o m c lassified ad i n 2 9 cific Northwesterners. Oregon Land Mort- out-of-state or offered daily newspapers for For more information by a person doing 3-days. Call the Pa- call (916) 288-6019 or gage 541-388-4200. business out of a lo- cific Northwest Daily email: cal motel or hotel. In- Connection (916) elizabeth © LOCAL NONEyrWe buy vestment o ff e rings 288-6019 or e m a il for the Pacific Northsecured trustdeeds & must be r e gistered west Daily Connecnote,some hard money with the Oregon De- for more info (PNDC) tion. (PNDC) loans. Call Pat Kellev partment of Finance. 541-382-3099 ext.13. We suggest you conLook at: sult your attorney or TURN THE PAGE call CON S UMER STRUGGLING W ITH For More Ads HOTLINE, for Complete Listings of YOUR M O R TGAGE 1-503-378-4320, The Bulletin and worried about 8:30-noon, Area Real Estate for Sale Mon.-Fri. foreclosure? Reduce your mortgage & save money. Legal loan General modification services. Call The Bulletin At The Bulletin Mailroom is hiring for our SaturFree co n s ultation. 54$ -385-5809 day night shift and other shifts as needed. Call Preferred Law Place Your Ad Or E-Mail We currently have openings all nights of the 1-800-335-6592. At: week, everyone must work Saturday night. (PNDC) Shifts start between 6:00 p.m. and 11:30 p.m. and endbetween 2:00 a.m. and 3:30 a.m. All positions we are hiring for work Saturday General nights. Starting pay is $9.10 per hour, and we Jefferson Count Job 0 orlunil pay a minimum of 3 hours per shift, as some shifts are short (11:30 - 1:30). The work conPatrol Deputy Sheriff - $3,175.00 to sists of loading inserting machines or stitcher, $4,657.00 per month - DOQ stacking product onto pallets, bundling, Closes February 18, 2014 9:00 a.m. cleanup and other tasks. For qualifying employees we offer benefits including life insurFor complete job description and applicaance, short-term & long-term disability, 401(k), tion form go to; click paid vacation and sick time. Drug test is reon Human Resources, then Job Opportuniquired prior to employment. Please submit resumes to keldred© or comties; or call 541-325-5002. Mail completed piete an application at the front desk. No Jefferson County Application forms to: phone call s please. EOE.
The Bulletin, located in beautiful Bend, Oregon is seeking a night time press supervisor. PUZZLE ISON PAGE GZ We are part of Western Communications, Inc. which is a small, family-owned group consist476 476 ing of 7 newspapers: 5 in Oregon and 2 in California. Our ideal candidate will manage a Employment Employment small crew of 3 and must have prior press exOpportunities Opportunities perience. The candidate must be able to learn equipment/processes quickly. A hands-on Accounting OWNER S E RVICES our style is a requirement for our Sye tower KBA Local CPA Firm seeks MANAGER (P/T) Appress. Prior management/leadership experian experienced book- plicant must be highly preferred. I n ad d ition t o our keeper. Must have exp. organized, detail-ori- ence Jefferson County Human Resources, in QuickBooks, payroll e nted and a ble t o 7-day-a-week newspaper, we have numerous 66 SE D Street, Suite E, print clients as well. Besides a and can handle mul- perform com p lex commercial Madras, OR 97741. tiple projects simulta- clerical tasks in sup- competitive wage, we also provide potential 476 opportunity for advancement. neously. For detailed port of mgmt. SucJeffersonCounty ls an Equal Employment job description and ap- cessful applicant will Employment If you provide dependability combined with a plication, please visit possess exp. in HOA Opportunities positive attitude, are able to manage people our website at mgmt; excellent time and schedules and are a team player, we General mgmt skills, exhibit Jefferson Count Job 0 o r tunities would like to hear from you. If you seek a CAUTION: exceptional levels of stable work environment that provides a great Ads published in customer svc & solid Civil Deputy $2,502.00 to $3,258.00 Accounting place to live and raise a family, let us hear "Employment O p computer knowledge. from per month - DOQ Local t ransportayou. portunities" include tion Wage DOE. E mail Closes February 14th, 2014 company employee and indecover letter & resume: Contact Al Nelson, Pressroom Manager at seeking a ccountpendent positions. contactus@brokening specialist to join For complete job description and applicaanelson©wescom a with your comAds for p o sitions their growing team. piete resume, r eferences an d s a lary tion form go to; click that require a fee or Basic a ccounting on Human Resources,then Job Opportunihistory/requirements. No phone calls please. upfront investment skills and expenties; or call 541-325-5002. Mail completed Drug test is required prior to employment. must be stated. With ence with QuickEOE. Jefferson County Application forms to: any independentjob Books r e q uired. opportunity, please caution when purL earn more a n d Jefferson County HumanResources, i nvestigate tho r chasing products or I a pply online a t 66 SE D Street, Suite E, oughly. Use extra services from out of ~ Sales Madras, OR 97741. caution when apf the area. Sending plying for jobs onc ash, checks, o r Independent Contractor Sales Add your web address f credit i n f ormation JeffersonCounty is an Equal Employment line and never proWe are seeking dynamic individuals. to your ad and read- ~ may be subjected to ~ vide personal inforers on The Bul/etin's mation to any source FRAUD. DOES THISSOUND LIKE YOU? General web site, www.bendyou may not have For more informa- I •OUTGOING & COMPETITIVE Jefferson Count Job 0 ortunities, will be researched and tion about an adver- • • PERSONABLE & ENTHUSIASTIC able to click through f tiser, you may call deemed to be repu•CONSISTENT & MOTIVATED Systems Administrator — Clerk's Office automatically to your table. Use extreme the Oregon State $4,146.00 to $4,564.00 mo.— DOQ website. c aution when r e I Attorney General's Our winning team of sales & promotion OR s ponding to A N Y Office C o n sumer t professionals are making an average of Network Assistant II — Clerk's Officeonline employment Protection hotline at l Find exactly what $400 - $800 per week doing special $3,546.00 to $4,276.00 - DOQ ad from out-of-state. I 1-877-877-9392. events, trade shows, retail & grocery We suggest you call you are looking for in the First Review of Applications store promotions while representing CLASSIFIEDS LThe Bulletin the State of Oregon - February 21st, 2014 THE BULLETIN newsPaPer Consumer Hotline at 1-503-378-4320 as an independent contractor For complete job description and applicaGOLF COURSE MAINT. For Equal OpportuBULLETINCLASSIFIEDS tion form go to; click nity Laws contact M/E OFFER: Search the area's most on Human Resources,then Job OpportuniBend Golf & * Oregon Bureau of * Solid Income Opportunity comprehensive listing of ties; or call 541-325-5002. Mail completed Labor & I n dustry, Country Club Golf * Complete Training Program classified advertising... is hiring for Jefferson County Application forms to: Civil Rights Division, * real estate to automotive, * No Selling Door to Door Course 971-673- 0764. * merchandise to sporting * No Telemarketing Involved Jefferson County HumanResources, Maintenancegoods. Bulletin Classifieds The Bulletin * Great Advancement Opportunity * Seasonal full and 66 SE D Street, Suite E, SCIWhe CHICWI0%gO/I Slllà 8!8 * appear every day in the * Full and Part Time Hours part-time positions, Madras, OR 97741. 541-385-5809 print or on line. March-October. Call 541-385-5809 Golfing prive/eges FOR THE CHANCE OF A JeffersonCounty is an Equal Employment included. LIFETIME, People Look for Information Apply in personat: Call Adam Johnson The Bulletin About Products and 61045 Country Club servingcentral oregonsince atB 541-410-5521, TODAY! Drive in Bend, Services Every Daythrough The Bulletin Classifieds or call 541-382-1083 for more information. General
r.=.-"-,.—.a I
f f
f f
The Bulletin Serving Central Oregonsince f903
(2014-00015). Full- time position. Deadline: MONDAY, 02/17/14. ADMINISTRATIVESUPERVISOR I-Behavioral
Health Division (2014-0001 6). Full-time position. Deadline:SIIIIDAY, 02/23/14. ASSESSMENTTECHNICIAN I — Assessor's Office (2014-00010). Full-time position. Deadline:WEDNESDAY,02/12/14. BEHAVIORAL HEALTH PROGRAM MANAGER
— Behavioral Health Division (2013-00098). Full-time position. Deadline Extended: FRIDAY, 2/21/14. BEHAVIORAL HEALTH SPECIALIST I
Case Manager, Behavioral Health Division (2014-00013). Full-time, limited duration, grant funded position. Deadline:MONDAY, 02/17/14. BEHAVIORALHEALTHSPECIALIST II School
Based Health Clinics, Behavioral Health Division (2014-00005). Three full-time and two half-time, limited duration, grant funded positions. Deadline:MONDAY,02/17114. BEHAVIORAL HEALTH SPECIALIST II
Residential Specialist, Behavioral Health Division (2014-00012). Full-time, limited duration, grant funded position. Deadline: MONDAY, 02/17114. COMMUNITY JUSTICE SPECIALIST I
Juvenile Community Justice Division (2014-00009). Full-time position. Deadline: WEDNESDAY, 02/12fl4.
Java Developer soughtby Vertex USHoldings, lnc. d/b/a Orcom Solutions lnc. for its Bend, ORlocation. Requires: Bachelor's degree in Computer Science or related, plus 8 years of experience in software development. 5 Years of experience in Java web application development, along with significant experience in GWT, JSF, & Ajax. Experience in open source frameworks, JBoss middleware, & Restful architectural style. 5 Years of experience developing & supporting enterprise scale J2EE applications. 2 years of experience developing 8 supporting AJAX based rich internet applications & using REST. 1 Year of experience building GWT applications 8 developing 8 supporting applications utilizing JBoss Seam framework. Experience leveraging agile methodologies such as Test Driven Development, Scrum in team environment. Extensive knowledge 8 experience working with open source frameworks, building & leveraging reusable services, patterns & frameworks, & building & deploying on J2EE application servers using tools such as ANT, Maven 8 Hudson. Ability to troubleshoot complex issues across frameworks, platforms 8 open source with little to no guidance. Experience in formal software engineering methodologies, including test-driven development, continuous integration 8 automated testing, profiling & performance tuning, 8 implementing SOA framework technology including ESB & BPM. Apply at ref¹ 1821.
Registered Nurses Community Counseling Solutions is recruitlng for Registered Nurses to work at Juniper Ridge Acute Care Center locatedinJohn Day,OR.
CUSTODIAL SUPERVISOR, Night CrewCentral Oregon Community College has openings listed below. Go to to view details & apply online. Human Resources, Newberry Hall, 2600 NW College Way, Bend OR 97701; (541)383 7216. For hearing/speech impaired, Oregon Relay Services number is 7-1-1. COCC is an AA/EO employer.
BusinessSystemsProgrammer Provide technical advice and support to users, includes troubleshooting, reports data extracts, and data analysis. Collaborates with a larger team to manage all aspects of the ERP system for COCC. 1-yr. Linux/Unix exp. req. Extended Close date Feb. 10. Senior EnrollmentSpecialist Provide Admissions customer service to students about COCC programs, registration, placement testing, financial aid, and advising. Serve as department Lead for office operations. Associates + 2-yrs exp. req. $2,549-$3,034/mo. Closes Feb. 9
Check The Bulletin Classifieds
Health Division (2014-00011). Full-time, limited duration, grant funded position. Deadline:MONDAY,02/17/14.
— Public Health Division (2014-00008). Fulltime position. Deadline:SUNDAY,02/23/14. RESERVE DEPUTYSHERIFF —Sheriff's Office
(2013-00013). On-call positions. Deadline: THIS IS Ali ON-GOINGRECRUITMENT.
SENIORSECRETARY- Childand FamilyTeam, Behavioral Health Division (2014-00006). Full-time position. Deadline: WEDNESDAY , 02/12/14. SENIOR SYSTEMS ANALYST - WEB SOLUTIONS — Information Technology Dept. (2014-00007) Full-time position. Deadline:
Assistant Professor 1of English Provide instruction in composition and literature/humanities. Masters + college-level writing and literature instruction req. $41,449-$46,309 for 9mo contract. Closes Feb. 17
Assistant Professor 1of Business Provide instruction in Business Administration, which includes introductory business, marketing, and business writing courses. Provide student advising and evaluation on performance. Master's + college level teaching exp. req. $41,449-$46,309 for 9mo contract. Closes Feb. 19
Please visit th e O regon Employment Part Time Instructor Department or the Community Counseling NEINPositions: Baking & Pastry,Dining Room Service Solutions website for an application or & BeverageNanagement, and Culinary Chef contact Nina Bisson at 5 4 1-676-9161, Looking for talented individuals to teach part-time in a variety of discinina.bisson©, or P.O. Box 469, plines. Check our Web site Positions pay $525 per Heppner, OR 97836. load unit (1 LU = 1 class credit), with additional perks.
Learning ManagementSystem Support Specialist Provide technical support to student and faculty users of web-based course management system. Bachelor degree + 1-yr troubleshoot and resolution exp. req. $2,788-$3,321. Closes Feb. 16
Assistant Professor 1,of Engineering and Physics Create and implement learning activities for majors and non-majors in physics and engineering courses. Assess and evaluate student development. Masters + 1-yr teaching exp. req. $41,449-$46,309 for 9mo contract. Closes March 6
TECHNICIAN — Juvenile Community Justice Division (2013-00077). Full-time position. DeadlineExtenfled: WEDNESDA Y, 02/12/14.
Adult Treatment Program, Behavioral Health Division (2014-00001). Will consider any full or part-time equivalent. Deadline:OPEN
Bookstore Retail Assistant / Cashier Staffand operate the Redmond Campus Bookstore independently. Responsible for all cashier functions, merchandising, customer inquiries, and technical troubleshooting. $11.42-$13.59/hr. Part Time 20hr/wk. Closes Feb. 17
Assistant Professor 1of Sociology Provide instruction in Sociology. Provide student advising and assistance. Masters + college level teaching exp. req. $41,449-$46,309 for 9mo contract. Closes March 7
Director of LibraryServices Provide administrative direction in planning, implementing, and supervising Library programs. Masters + 5-yrs exp. req. $65,224-$77,646/yr. Closes Feb. 16
Assistant Professor 1of Biology Juniper Ridge is a S e cure Residential Provide instruction in majors and non-majors biology courses. Provide Treatment Facility providing services to student advising and evaluation, and select lab learning. Masters with individuals with a severe mental illness. 5-yrs business exp. + 2-yr teaching exp. req. $41,449-$46,309 for 9mo contract. Closes Feb.21 These positions provide mental health nursing care including medication oversight, Assistant Professor 1of Speech medication r e lated t r e atment, f o llow Provide instruction in Speech Communication courses. Includes lectures, classroom activities, evaluating student performance and student advisphysician's prescriptions and procedures, ing. Masters in Speech Communication req. $41,449-$46,309 for 9mo measure and record patient's general p hysical c ondition s uc h as pul s e , contract. Closes Feb. 21 temperature and respiration to provide daily Assistant Professor 1, of Aviation information, educate and train staff on instruction in Aviation, teaching airplane and helicopter courses. medication administration, and e n sure Provide Bachelors+ CFI req. $41,449-$46,309 for 9mo contract. Closes Feb. 24 documentation is kept according to policies. Assistant Professor 1of Economics This position works with the treatment team Provide instruction in Economics, including a full range of courses ofto promote recovery from mental illness. fered in Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, and Contemporary EcoThis position includes telephone consultanomic Issues. Masters + c o l lege level t eaching exp. r eq. tion and crisis intervention in the facility. $41,449-$46,309 for 9mo contract. Closes March 6
Qualified applicants must have a v alid Oregon Registered Professional Nurse's license at the time of hire, hold a valid Oregon driver's license and pass a criminal history background check. Wages dependent upon education and experience, but will be between $48,000 to $72,000. Excellent benefit package, including signing bonus.
Llll Ill ?
Property & Facilities (2014-00014). Full-time position. Deadline:WEDNESDA Y, 02fl2fl4.
MONDAY, 02/17/14.
TELECOMMUIIICATOR I-911 Service District (201 3-00079). Full-time positions. Deadline: THIS IS Ali ON-GOINGRECRUITMENT.
WIC CERTIFIER —Public Health Division (2014-00004). Fu l l-time, lim i ted duration, grant funded position. Deadline: WEIIIIESDAY, 02/12/14.
org/jobs. All candidates will receive an email response regarding their application status after the recruitment has closed and applications have been reviewed. Notifications to candidates are sent via email
Only. If you need aSSiStanCe, PleaSe COntaCt
the Deschut83 County Personnel Dept., 1300 NW Wall Street, Suite 201, Bend, OR 97701
(541 ) 6174722. D6schutss County encourages qualified persons with disabilities to participate in its programs and activities. To request information in an alternate format, please call (541) 6174747, fax to (541) 3853202 or send email to accessibility©
Women, minorities, anli the disableli are encouraged to apply.
Homes for Sale
Houses for Rent Sunriver
Mot o rcycles & AccessoriesBoats & Accessories
VILLAGE PROPERTIES Sunriver, Three Rivers,
Apt./Multiplex NE Bend
Call for Specials! Limited numbers avail. 1, 2 & 3 bdrms w/d hookups, patios or decks. Nlounfsin Glen 541-383-9313 Professionally managed by Norris & Stevens, Inc.
541 383 4380 waesthegametgtoug.oom
Open 12-3 20140 Red Sky Ln. Luxury Estate at Lost Tracks Rob Davis, Broker 541-280-9589
Houses for Rent General PUBLISHER'S NOTICE All real estate adver-
1 thegarnergroup
tising in this newspa541 383 4380 per is subject to the waesthegametgtoug.oom F air H ousing A c t which makes it illegal to a d vertise "any preference, limitation Get your or disc r imination business based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, e ROW I N G marital status or national origin, or an inwith an ad in tention to make any such pre f erence, The Bulletin's limitation or discrimi"Call A Service nation." Familial staProfessional" tus includes children under the age of 18 Directory living with parents or legal cus t odians, Open 12-3 pregnant women, and 2203 NW Lemhi people securing cusPass Dr. tody of children under 18. This newspaper NorthWest Crossing Home With Style will not knowingly acShelley Griffin, cept any advertising Broker for real estate which is 541-280-3804 in violation of the law. O ur r e aders a r e hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaI per are available on an equal opportunity thegarnergroup basis. To complain of d iscrimination cal l 541 383 4360 HUD t o l l-free at vsensthegamergtoug.oom
Looking for your next emp/oyee? Place a Bulletin help wanted ad today and reach over 60,000 readers each week. Your classified ad will also appear on which currently receives over 1.5 million page views every month at no extra cost. Bulletin Classifieds Get Results! Call 385-5809 or place your ad on-line at
2013 Harley Davidson Dyna Wide Glide, black, only 200 miles, brand new, all stock, plus after-market exhaust. Has winter cover, helmet. Selling for what I owe on it: $15,500. Call anytime,
Harley Davidson 2009 Super Glide Custom, Stage 1 Screaming Eagle performance, too many options to list, $8900. 541-388-8939
1-800-927-9275. 654
Houses for Rent SE Bend
Call a Pro Whether you need a fence fixed, hedges trimmed or a house
built, you'll find professional help in N ewer 4 b d r m S E , The Bulletin's "Call a master main l evel, Service Professional" 2100 SF, large yard, Directory very n i ce. $ 1 795. 541-480-9200 541 -385-5809
HDFatBo 1996
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Travel Trailers
D o m estic Services L a ndscaping/Yard Care
NOTICE: Oregon state law requires anyone .'-A.S'SISTIH, who con t racts for construction work to :.' SEHIORS', be licensed with the ".AsslstfrgB Seiifors Construction Contrac- ;,3'~s at HOnae.Qgi tors Board (CCB). An active license ';; Lighthousekeeping means the contractor - ge othei servicss..~ is bonded & insured. .; i.icensed e aonded. Verify the contractor's 1 419 888 Certified>, 9 CCB l i c ense at www.hirealicensed'$0'':'7.'6 'I. '- 44 ">ILtocstsd ln Redmond or call 503-378-4621. The Bulletin recommends checking with the CCB prior to contracting with anyone. Some other t rades also req u ire addiHandyman tional licenses and certifications. '
Completely Rebuilt/Customized 2012/2013 Award Winner Showroom Condition Many Extras Low Miles.
SHEVLIN RIDGE 17,000 Sq.ft. Iot, ap-
proved plans. More details and photos on craigslist. $149,900.
Fleetwood D i scovery 40' 2003, diesel moPHAETON QSH torhome w/all TIFFIN with 4 slides, CAT options-3 slide outs, 2007 350hp diesel engine, satellite, 2 TV's,W/D, $125 900 30 900 miles etc. 32,000 m i les. new Michehn tires, great Wintered in h eated cond! Dishwasher, w/d, shop. $84,900 O.B.O. central vac, roof satellite, 541-447-8664 aluminum wheels, 2 full slide-thru basement trays & 3 TV's. Falcon-2 towbar and Even-Brake included. Call 541-977-4150
Triumph Da ytona 2004, 15K m i l es, perfect bike, needs nothing. Vin ¹201 536. $4995 DreamCar Auto Sales 1801 Division, Bend 541-678-0240 Dlr 3665
LOT MODEL LIQUIDATION Prices Slashed Huge Savings! 10 Year conditional warranty. Finished on your site. ONLY 2 LEFT! Redmond, Oregon 541-548-5511
Gulfstream S u nsport 30' Class A 1988 new f r idge, TV, solar panel, new refrigerator, wheelchair l ift. 4 0 00W g enerator, G ood condition! $12,500 obo 541-447-5504 Good classified ads tell the essential facts in an interesting Manner. Write from the readers view - not the seller's. Convert the facts into benefits. Show the reader howthe item will help them insomeway.
1994 Arctic Cat 580
541-548-0318 (photo aboveis of a
16'Maxum skiboat,2000, inboard motor, great cond, well maintained, $8995obo. 541-350-7755
similar model & not the actual vehicle)
' .
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Homes start under 1200,000. Brand new homes in Bend with the quality Pahlisch is known for — stainless steel appliances, laminate wooct floors, solid surface Chroma quartz counters (even in baths) with under20781 NE Comet I.ane mount stainless steel sink in kitchen, extra attention given Directions: North on Boyd Acres, to allow for tons of natural Right on Sien& Ie fi on Black Powder, light & much more. Come Right on Cometlane.Lookfor signs.
by the model home for more
starting under
information grtd plans.
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Small Jobs ro Ettrire RoomRemodels Carage Organization Home lnspecriott Repairs Quality, HOttegt WOrk
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Handyman/Remodeling Residential/Commercial
builder Kelly Rogers, Directions: From 27th St, east
NOTICE: Oregon Landscape Contractors Law (ORS 671) requires all businesses that advertise t o p e r form Landscape Construction which includes: p lanting, deck s , fences, arbors, water-features, and installation, repair of irrigation systems to be l icensed w it h th e Landscape Contractors Board. This 4-digit number is to be included in all advertisements which indicate the business has a bond, insurance and workers c ompensation for their employees. For your protection call 503-378-5909 or use our website: to check license status before contracting with the business. Persons doing lan d scape maintenance do not r equire an LC B l i cense.
Beautiful Pahlisch Homes community featuring amazing neighborhood amenities; pool, hot tub, clubhouse, sports center, gym, game room 20862Golden GatePlace,Bend and more! Come tour a Di~ ons: Pom the parkway, east variety of single level and on ReedNar/rer, south on 15th, then 2-story floor plans. follorgsigns,
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Winnebago Aspect 2009- 32', 3 slideouts, Leather interior, Power s eat, locks, windows, Will Haul Away Aluminum wheels. o FREE '% 17 Flat Screen, Surround s o u nd, For Salvage 8". camera, Queen bed, Any Locatlon ' Foam mattress, Aw.4 Removal ning, Generator, InAlso Cleanups verter, Auto Jacks, Air leveling, Moon <B Cleanouts i roof, no smoking or p ets. L i k e ne w , $74,900 .
KOUNTRY AIRE 1994 37.5' motorhome, with awning, and one slide-out, Only 47k miles and good condition. $25,000.
Dennis 541.317 9768
Debris Removal
The Bulletin
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Boats & Accessories
BULLETINCLASSIFIEDS Search the area's most comprehensive listing of classified advertising... real estate to automotive, merchandise to sporting goods. Bulletin Classifieds appear every day in the print or on line. Call 541-385-5809 Sernng Central Oregonsrnce1910
Tioga 24' Class C Motorhome Bought new in 2000, currently under 20K miles, excellent shape, new tires, professionaly winterized every year, cutoff switch to battery, plus new RV batteries. Oven, hot water heater & air conditioning have never been used! $24,000 obo. Serious inquiries, please. Stored in Terrebonne. 541-548-5174
This advertising tip
V ictory TC 9 2 ci 2002, runs great, 40K mi., Stage 1 Performance Kit, n ew tires, r e ar brakes. $ 5 0 0 0. 541-771-0665
Travel Trailers
The Bulletin
Harley Davidson 2011 Classic Limited, Loaded! 9500 miles, custom paint "Broken Glass" by Nicholas Del Drago, new condition, heated handgrips, auto cruise control. $32k in bike, only $20,000or best offer. 541-318-6049
$1 7,000
EXT, in good condition, $1000. Located in La Pine. Call 541-408-6149.
1-800-877-0246. The
toll free t e lephone number for the hearing i m paired is
The Bulletin
FACTORY SPECIAL New Home, 3 bdrm, $46,500 finished on your site. J and M Homes
Ads published in the "Boats" classification include: Speed, fishing, drift, canoe, house and sail boats. For all other types of 200 8 , Winnebaqo Suncruiser34' watercraft, please go N avion R V Layton 27-ft, 2002 Lsredo31' Sprinter chassis 25'. 2004, 35K, loaded, too Keystone to Class 875. 20 06 w ith 1 2' Mercedes Benz diesel, much to list, ext'd warr. RV 541-385-5809 Front & rear entry Sleeps 6, 24,000 miles, pristine thru 2014, $49,900 Den- slide-out. doors, bath, shower, queen walk-around cond., quality through- nis, 541-589-3243 bed w/storage underqueen bed, slide-out, Servin Central Ore on since 1903 out, rear slide-out w/ neath. Tub 8 shower. oven, microwave, air 881 queen bed, d e luxe conditioning, patio 875 2 swivel rockers. TV. captain swivel f ront Travel Trailers awning, twin proAir cond. Gas stove & Watercraft seats, diesel generator, pane tanks, very awning, no pets/ smok- Fleetwood Wilderness refrigerator/freezer. nice, great floor plan, ds published in eWa ing. $77,500 or make N.W. Edition 26' 2002, Microwave. Awning. $8495 Outside sho w er. tercraft" include: Kay an offer. 541-382-2430 1 slide, sleeps 6 , Slide through stor541-316-1388 aks, rafts and motor queen bed, couch, a ge, E a s y Li f t . Ized personal stove/oven, tub/ $29,000 new; watercrafts. Fo shower, front e lec. Asking$18,600 "boats" please se jack, waste tank heat541-447-4805 Class 870. ers, s tabilizers, 2 541-385-5809 prop. t a n ks , no smoking/pets, winterProvidence2005 i zed, g oo d c o n d. Serving Central Oregon since1903 Fully loaded, 35,000 $8500 OBO Garage Sales miles, 350 Cat, Very 541-447-3425 880 clean, non-smoker, Orbit 21' 2007, used Garage Sales 3 slides, side-by-side Motorhomes only 8 times, A/C, refrigerator with ice Garage Sales oven, tub shower, maker, Washer/Dryer, micro, load leveler Flat screen TV's, In Find them hitch, awning, dual motion satellite. Meet singles right now! batteries, sleeps 4-5, in No paid o perators, $95,000 EXCELLENT CON541-480-2019 just real people like The Bulletin DITION. All accesyou. Browse greetsories are included. Classifieds COACHMAN ings, exchange mes$14,511 OBO. RV Freelander 2008 sages and connect 541-385-5809 541-382-9441 CONSIGNNIENTS 32' Class C, M-3150 live. Try it free. Call WANTED Pristine - just 23,390 now: 877-955-5505. We Do The Work ... miles! Efficient coach (PNDC) You Keep The Cash! has Ford V10 On-site credit w/Banks pwr pkg, approval team, 14' slide, ducted furn/ web site presence. AC, flat screen TV, 16' awning. No pets/ We Take Trade-Ins! Free Advertising. smkg. 1 ownerBIG COUNTRY RV A bargain at $49,900! Bend: 541-330-2495 541-548-4969 Call 54I 3855809 igprOmOteyaurSeirice• AdVertiSefOr 28 dayS StOrting gi SlfoIrrst Stoti~ag isatt aststsxeaaeartteraltti
All real estate advertised here in is subCl La Pine. Great ject to th e Federal Selection. Prices range F air Housing A c t , $425 - $2000/mo. which makes it illegal View our full to advertise any pref632 inventory online at erence, limitation or Apt./Mu!tiplex General discrimination based 1-866-931-1061 on race, color, reliion, sex, handicap, CHECK YOUR AD amilial status or national origin, or intenHMI QaRmRs tion to make any such Viw ©nlh preferences, l i mitations or discrimination. We will not knowingly on the first day it runs accept any advertisto make sure it ise coring for real estate rect. eSpellcheck and which is in violation of human errors do octhis law. All persons 744 cur. If this happens to are hereby informed your ad, please conthat all dwellings adOpen Houses tact us ASAP so that vertised are available corrections and any on an equal opportuadjustments can be Open 12-3 nity basis. The Bullemade to your ad. 1900 NW tin Classified 541-385-5809 Monterey Pines The Bulletin Classified 748 Dr. Monterey Mews Northeast Bend Homes Cottage Condos USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! Janis Grout, 3 bdrm 2 bath, 1258 sf, Broker upgrades, vaulted, culdeDoor-to-door selling with 541-948-0140 sac. 2574 NE Cordata Pl. fast results! It's the easiest $189,900. 541-815-3279 way in the world to sell. or 541-81 5-3241 The Bulletin Classified 1 541-385-5809
Real Estate Ct
Hosted & Listed byi
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*Ad runs until SOLD or up to 8 weeks (whichever comes first!)
InCludeS UP
to 40 words of text, 2" in length,
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• Under $500 ----.
-------------- $29 ............................$39
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with border, full color photo, • $1000 to $2499 bold headline and price. • $2500 and over
The Bulletin 541- 5 - 5
........................... $49
........................... $59
• The Bulletin, • ce n t i'al or e g on Marketplace • The central oregon Nickel Ads ® 'Private party merchandise only - excludes pets 8 livestock, autos, RVs, motorcycles, boats, airplanes, and garage sale categories. Some restrictions apply.
wrscked Sle& Affsr m rketmotorupQrde . Vcq Fast and F Uo. e all&srvice recoes I/lovingforces s I i $2000080 541-PPP 0pp
Travel Trailers
Fifth Wheels
Aircraft, Parts 8 Service
Sport Utility Vehicles
Pegasus 2008 24' w ith slide. A/ C , queen bed, sleeps 4, 2 door fridge, microwave, awning, & more! Non-smoker, exc cond, $11,295
Laredo 2009 30'
541-390-1755 RV
CONSIGNMENTS WANTED We Do The Work ... You Keep The Cash! On-site credit approval team, web site presence. We Take Trade-Ins! Free Advertising. BIG COUNTRY RV Bend: 541-330-2495 Redmond: 541-548-5254
Sprinter, 35' 2008 Rear living, large refrigerator, walk-in shower, queen bed, lots of storage inside & out, newtires, electric jack, excellent condition, only used 3 times. Call toseei 541-318-6919
MONTANA 3585 2008,
exc. cond., 3 slides, king bed, Irg LR, Arctic insulation, all options $35,000 obo. 541-420-3250
Looking for your next employee? Place a Bulletin help wanted ad today and reach over 60,000 readers each week. Your classified ad will also appear on which currently receives over 1.5 million page views every month at no extra cost. Bulletin Classifieds Get Results! Call 385-5809 or place your ad on-line at 882
Fifth Wheels •
OPEN ROAD 36' 2005 - $25,500 King bed, hide-a-bed sofa, 3 slides, glass shower, 10 gal. water heater, 10 cu.ft. fridge, central vac, s atellite dish, 2 7 ' TV/stereo syst., front front power leveling
,• '
Recreation by Design 2013 Monte Carlo, 38-ft. Top living room, 2 bdrm, has 3 slideouts, 2 A/Cs, entertainment center, fireplace, W/D, garden tub/shower, in great condition.$36,000 or best offer. Call Peter, 307-221-2422, in La Pine ) ILL DELIVER RV CONSIGNllllENTS WANTED We Do the Work, You Keep the Cash! On-site credit
approval team, web site presence. We Take Trade-Ins! Free Advertising. BIG COUNTRY RV Bend: 541-330-2495 Redmond: 541-548-5254
I • •
Arctic Fox 2003 Cold Weather Model 34 SB, licensed thru 2/15, exlnt cond. 3 elec slides, solar panel, 10 gal water htr, 14' awning, (2) 10-gal propane tanks, 2 batts, catalytic htr in addition to central heating/AC, gently used, MANY features! Must see to appreciate! $19,000. By owner (no dealer calls, please). Call or text541-325-1956. CHECKyOUR AD
Aircraft, Parts & Service
Fleetwood Prowler 32' - 2001
Call Dick, 541-480-1687.
1/5th interest in 1973
Cessna 150 LLC
150hp conversion, low time on air frame and engine, hangared in Bend.Excellent performance &affordable flying! $6,000. 541-410-6007
Fleefwood Wilderness2000 model, 28', 1 slide, good condition, with awning and A/C, $7500. 541-383-8270
172 Cessna Share IFR equipped, new avionics, Garmin 750 touchscreen, center stack, 180hp. Exceptionally clean & economical! $13,500. Hangared in KBDN Keystone Challenger Call 541-728-0773 2004 CH34TLB04 34'
fully S/C, w/d hookups, new 18' Dometic awning, 4 new tires, new Kubota 7000w marine diesel generator, 3 slides, exc. cond. ins ide & o ut. 27" T V dvd/cd/am/fm entertain center. Call for more details. Only used 4 times total in last 5y2 years.. No pets, no smoking. Hiqh retail $27,700. Will sell for $24,000 including sliding hitch that fits in your truck. Call 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. for appt to see. 541-330-5527.
Dave, 541-350-4077
2003 6 speed, X50 added power pkg., 530 HP! Under 10k miles, Arctic silver, gray leather interior, new quality tires, and battery, Bose p remium so u n d stereo, moon/sunroof, car and seat covers. Many extras.
Garaged, p e rfect condition, $89,700. 541-322-9647
CORVETTE COUPE Glasstop 2010
Grand Sport - 4 LT loaded, clear bra hood & fenders. New Michelin Super Sports, G.S. floor mats, 17,000 miles, Crystal red. $42,000. 503-358-1164.
Porsche Carrera 911 2003 convertible with hardtop. 50K miles, new factory Porsche motor 6 mos ago with 18 mo factory warranty remaining. $37,500. 541-322-6928
Legal Notices
Legal Notices
LEGAL NOTICE IN TH E C I R CUIT COURT O F THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF DES C HUTES Probate Department. In the Matter of the Estate of C atherine Hinds, De c eased. Case No. 13PB0150. NOTICE TO INTERESTED P ERSONS. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed p e rsonal r epresentative. Al l persons having claims against the estate are required to p resent them, with vouchers attached, to the un-
dersigned personal
the Sheriff of D eschutes County, foreclosing the interests of all defendants in the real property with the proceeds applied to satisfy Plaintiff's lien. The real property is described as follows: Lot Six ( 6) , T E RRANGO GLEN SOUTH, r e c orded February 11, 2003, in Cabinet F, Page 394, Deschutes C o unty, Oregon. Commonly known as 62971 Mimosa Drive, Bend, OR 97701. NOTICE TO DE F ENDANT: READ THESE PAPERS CAREFULLY! You must "appear" in this case or the other side will win automatic ally. T o "appear" you must file with the court a legal paper called a "motion" or "answer." The "motion" or "answer" must be given to the court clerk or administrator within 30 days of the date of first publication specified herein a long with the r e q uired filing fee. I t must be i n p r oper form and have proof o f service o n t h e plaintiff's attorney or, if the plaintiff does not have a n a t t orney, proof of service on the plaintiff. If you have questions, you should see an attorney immediately. I f you need help in finding an attorney, you may call the Oregon State Bar's Lawyer Referral
representative at Bob Turner, 777 NW Wall St., Ste. 304, Bend, OR, 97701, within four months after the date of first publication of [photo for illustration onlyl t his notice, o r t h e Subaru Outback 2.5 Ford Fusion SE 2012, claims may be barred. 4 Cyl., 2.5 Liter, auto, XT Limited Wagon All persons whose FWD, power seats, 2005, 4 C yl., turbo, r ights may b e a f alloy wheels, auto, AWD, leather, fected by t h e p r odual moon roof, rear ceedings may obtain Vin¹418211 spoiler roof rack alloy $14,488 additional information wheels. Vin¹365464 from the records of $11,488 © s u a aau the Court, the personal representative, 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. © s u a aau 929 Nissan Pathfinder SV 877-266-3821 or the lawyer for the 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. personal representaDlr ¹0354 utomotive Wanted 877-266-3821 tive, B o b Tu r ner. Dlr ¹0354 Dated and first pubNeed to get an DONATE YOUR CARlished on January 26, FAST FREE TOWad in ASAP? (photo tor illustration only) 2014. Bob T u rner, Toyota Celica ING. 24 hr. Response Ford F150 SuperCrew You can place it Attorney for Personal Convertible 1993 Tax D eduction. Cab XLT 2011, V8, 541-598-3750 Representative. online at: www.aaaoregonautoUNITED BR E AST automatic, cu s t om PERSONAL CANCER FOUNDA- bumper, tow pkg, alS ENTATIVE: G r e TION. Providing Free loy w h e els. Vin gory Hinds, 229 NW M ammograms & ¹C66079 541-385-5809 177th Street, ShoreBreast Cancer Info. $29,988 line, WA 98177, Tel. 888-592-7581. ¹ 206.2 3 5.5792. Service at (503) GT 2200 4 cyl, 5 (PNDC) SIIMRUOÃIEMD.OOM LAWYER FOR PER- 684-3763 or toll-free speed, a/c, pw, pdl, Oregon at (800) Need help fixing stuff? 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. (photo forillustration only) nicest c o nvertible SONAL REPRESEN- in TATIVE: Bob Turner, 452-7636. H E RSH877-266-3821 around in this price Call A ServiceProfessional Subaru Forester 2.5X NER HUNTER, LLP, OSB¹891725, 777 Dlr ¹0354 range, new t ires, find the help you need. 2013, 4 C y l., a uto, NW Wall St., Ste. 304, By/s/Nancy K. Cary. AWD, roof rack, key- Ford Nusfang Deluxe wheels, clutch, timBend, OR 97 7 0 1, Nancy K. Cary, OSB ing belt, plugs, etc. less entry, bluetooth Coupe 2005, V 6, 541.318.6055 fax: 902254, Of Attorneys 931 wireless, Vin¹434544 manual, RWD, power 111K mi., remarkfor Plaintiff, 180 East 541.318.6058, able cond. inside seats, rear s poiler, $20,488 Automotive Parts, 11th Avenue, P .O. and out. Fun car to premium wheels. VIN Box 1475, Eugene, Service & Accessories d rive, Must S E E! © s u a aau ¹165817 LEGAL NOTICE Ford F250 Camper SpeOregon 97440, Tele$5995. R e dmond. IN THE CIRCUIT $11,488 cial 1966, AT w/limited phone: 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. (4) 265/70R-17 Winter541-504-1993 COURT OF THE 877-266-3821 (541)686-8511, Fax: trac studded tires, 90%. slip rear end. A few isSTATE OF OREGON sues but runs qood. Full Pd $800. selling for $500, Dlr ¹0354 FOR THE COUNTY OF (541)344-2025, steel rack w/drs. $1950 obo. 541-480-7032 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. ncary©hershnerDESCHUTES firm, cash. 541-420-0156 Subaru Forester 2008, 877-266-3821 h Fir s t Chains P225/75/R15PROBATE black, 33,271 mi., Dlr ¹0354 P ublication Date : DEPARTMENT 235/60/R16, $30 . $14,995. ¹726087 January 19, 2014. 541-317-0297 Ford Taurus 2003, good In the Matter of the cond, $2000 obo, cash. Estate of ANTONIO LEGAL NOTICE 932 541-678-1701 ARGENTO, Volkswagen Jeffa 2.5L PUBLIC AUCTION Deceased. Antique & SE2013, 5 Cyl., auto 541-598-3750 Public auction to be The Bulletin 6 speed w/tiptronic, Case No.: 14PB0006 Classic Autos Ford Supercab 1992, www.aaaoregonautoheld Saturday, FebruTo Subscribe call NOTICE TO FWD, dual p o w er ary 22, 2014 at 1:30 brown/tan color with 541-385-5800 or go to INTERESTED seats. m atching full s i z e P.M., a t Ja m ison PERSONS 940 Vin ¹380956 Street Self Storage, canopy, 2WD, 460 NOTICE IS HEREBY $16,488 63177 Jamison St., over drive, 135K mi., Vans GIVEN that D a niel B end O R 977 0 1 . full bench rear seat, 1921 Model T ® s u EtARu L eonardo, und e rSIHIARUOSMXD.OtM slide rear w i ndow, E+%REAT (Unit B-043 & U n it Delivery Truck signed, has been ap2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. C-013, Kaidee bucket seats, power Restored & Runs R U T ! pointed per s onal Pike-Howard). 877-266-3821 seats w/lumbar, pw, Ford Windstar van, 1996, representative. All $9000. Dlr ¹0354 HD receiver & trailer 1 owner, only 68,100 541-389-6963 persons having claims brakes, good t ires. miles, new tires, always LEGAL NOTICE Ford Thunderblrd against the estate are The regular meeting Good cond i tion. serviced, no smoking/ 2004 required to present $4900. 541-389-5341 pets. Like new, $3950. of the Board of DiConvertlble them, with vouchers rectors of the Des541-330-4344 or with hard & soft top, attached, to the un- chutes County Rural 541-420-6045 silver with black dersigned p e rsonal Fire Protection Disinterior, representative at the trict ¹2 will be held on all original, Albertazzi Law Firm, Tuesday, F e bruary Honda Odyssey Volkswagen very low mileage, 1999. Very good 300 SW Columbia St., 11, 2014 a t 1 1 :30 Buick Skylark 1972 Touareg 2004 in premium condition. Suite 203, Bend, Or- a.m. at the North Fire cond. Runs well, Please see Bend Meticulously main$19,900. Two sets of tires on egon, 97702, within Station c o nference Craigslist for details and FORD XLT 1992 tained. Very clean 702-249-2567 rims - summer and four months after the room, 63377 Jamison more photos. 3/4 ton 4x4 inside and out. V6. (car is in Bend) date of first publica- St., Bend, OR. Items winter. $2500. $19,900. matching canopy, Recently servicedtion of this notice, or on the a genda in541-593-2312 541-323-1898 30k original miles, 60 point inspection Jaguar XJ8 2004 4-dr the claims may be clude: a discussion on or 541-977-7588 possible trade for sheet. $6,800.00 Chev K5 Blazer 1971 rebarred. (longer style) sedan, classic car, pickup, the status of the proCall 541-480-0097 movable top, rebuilt 350, silver, black leather, 4.2L All persons whose posed levy, a review motorcycle, RV 975 lots of new parts & paint, V8, AT, AC, fully loaded r ights may b e a f $13,500. of District policies, an $8500. 541-771-9922 Automobiles + moonroof. Runs great, FIND IT! fected by the pro- update o f In La Pine, call Pr o ject reliable, always garaged, ceedings may obtain 928-581-9190 Wildfire, the fire deStIY IT' 116K miles; 30 mpg hwy. additional information partment report, and SELL ITr Front/side airbags, from the records of non-smoker. $7900. The Bulletin Classifieds the court, the per- deliberation on a grant from Boones 541-350-9938 sonal representative, request Price Reduced! Borough. The meetor the attorney for the ing location is accesFord T-Bird, 1966, 390 I nternational Fla t personal representa- sible to persons with engine, power every- Bed Pickup 1963, 1 tive, Tamara Powell. Corvette Coupe thing, new paint, 54K ton dually, 4 spd. A request Dated and first pub- disabilities 1996, 350 auto, orig. miles, runs great, trans., great MPG, for interpreter for the l ished February 9 , 135k, non-ethanol exc. $7500 could be exc. wood hearing impaired or fuel/synthetic oil, obo. 541-480-3179 for other accommodahauler, runs great, V olvo S40 T 5 2 0 0 5 2014. Daniel Leonardo garaged/covered. Mazda Miata 1997 tions for person with new brakes, $1950. AWD, sunroof, lux/winter Personal Bose Premium Gold M-edition disabilities should be 541-419-5480. pkgs, new tires, more! Representative system. Orig. owner Mica Green, 5-spd, $7775 obo.541-330-5818 made at least 48 hrs. manual. Stock! original interior & before the meeting to: LEGAL NOTICE T oyota 1986 2WD with exterior. All power $10,500 OBO. IN T H E CI R CUIT Tom Fay canopy, current tags, options, leather, Retired. Must sell! COURT O F THE 5 41-3'I 8-0459. T T Y clean title, runs good. convertible boot, 541-923-1781 800-735-2900. STATE OF OREGON GMC Sierra 1977 short $600.541-350-3101 Tonneau Cover FOR D E SCHUTES bed, exlnt o r iginal Toyota Tundra 2011 114K miles, synC OUNTY. WE L L S PUBLIC NOTICE cond., runs & drives thetic oils, new timCrew Max LTD 42k The Mirror Pond Ad FARGO BANK, NA; ing belt O 81K, great. V8, new paint fPhoto forillustration only) Hoc Committee will and tires. $4750 obo. & more! $5995. Volvo V70 XC A M/0 Plaintiff, v. JOSE A. GONZALEZ; m eet from 1:00 t o 541-504-1050 541-548-5648 Wagon 2002, 5 Cyl., PINTO EATRIZ PIN T O ; 3:00 p. m . on auto, AWD, leather, B STATE A C CIDENT Wednesday, Februmoon roof, roof rack, Super winter car! INSURANCE FUND ary 12, 2014, in the 541-598-3750 alloy wheels. 4000CS Quattro, (SAIF) C ORPORA- community room at Vehicle? www.aaaoregonauto- Audi Vin ¹080361 1986, close ratio 5 TION; and DOES 1-2, the Bend Park & RecCall The Bulletin $7,988 spd, fun car to drive, being all occupants or reation District Office, and place an ad new tires, runs great, other persons or par- 799 SW C o lumbia, today! © s U B A R U Have an item to Jeep CJ5 1979, needs paint, 187k ties claiming any right, B end, Oreg o n . Ask about our Original owner, 87k sell quick? miles. $2500. 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. title, lien, or interest in Agenda items include "Wheel Deal"! miles, only 3k on new 541-771-8661. 877-266-3821 t he p r operty d e - appointment of a citifor private party If its under 258 long block. Clutch Dlr ¹0354 scribed in the Com- zen committee memadvertisers Audi A4 2001 1.8T package, Warn hubs. '500you can place it in plaint herein and lo- ber to the group ne4 door sedan, rebuilt Excellent runner, very Where can you find a with c ated at 6297 1 gotiating The Bulletin trans w/19K miles, dependable. NorthMimosa Drive, Bend, PacificCorp, an u phelping hand? newer clutch, brakes, man 6'/~' plow, Warn Classifieds for: OR 97701; Defen- date on the indepenmanifold, extras & reFrom contractors to 6000¹ winch. $7900 dants. C a s e No. dent dam inspection, ceipts. Excellent mpg; or best reasonable '10 - 3 lines, 7 days yard care, it's all here 1 3CV0647. SUM - review and d iscusCarfax. $5,800. sion of t h e M i rror offer. MONS. TO:DEFENt16 -3 lines, 14 days in The Bulletin's 541-390-6004 541-549-6970 or DANTS J OS E A . Pond Decision Tree, "Call A Service (Private Party ads only) 541-815-8105. PINTO GONZALEZ, and discussion of next Cadillac Deville Professional" Directory B EATRIZ PIN T O , steps. The committee will meet in executive 935 DHS 2000. Most AND DOES 1-2: IN options, exc. cond. Olds 98 REgency 1990 WHEN YOU SEE THIS THE NAME OF THE session pursuant to Sport Utility Vehicles exc. shape, runs as STATE OF OREGON: ORS 192.660(2)(e) for 93,000 mi.. New new, one owner, 20 You are hereby re- the purpose of distires. $6,500. mpg in town. New quired to appear and cussing real property 541-233-8944. M orePi x at B e lj d b jj l e ti n . c o m battery, stud snow defend the complaint transactions. The Plymouth B a r racuda On a classified ad tires. $2000. filed against you in the agenda is posted on 1966, original car! 300 go to 541-389-9377 the district's website: above case w i thin hp, 360 V8, CHECK YOUR AD thirty days after the www.bendparksanlines, 541-593-2597 to view additional first date of publica- For more BMW X3 2 0 07, 99 K Please check your ad Porsche 911 photos of the item. call miles, premium pack- on the first day it runs Carrera 993 cou e tion of this summons, information age, heated lumbar to make sure it is corand if you fail to ap- 541-706-6100. supported seats, pan- rect. Sometimes inpear and defend, the Looking for your oramic moo nroof, s tructions over t h e plaintiff will apply to next employee? Bluetooth, ski bag, Xe- phone are misunderthe court for the relief The Bulletin is your Place a Bulletin help non headlights, tan 8 stood and an error demanded i n the wanted ad today and Employment black leather interior, can occur in your ad. Rolls Royce 1992 Silcomplaint. Th e o breach over 60,000 n ew front & re a r If this happens to your ver Spur II, excellent! ject of the complaint 1996, 73k miles, readers each week. Marketplace Midnight Blue exterior, brakes @ 76K miles, ad, please contact us and the demand for Tiptronic auto. Your classified ad Parchment leather inte- one owner, all records, the first day your ad relief are: The plaintransmission. Silver, will also appear on Call rior, 15-inch chrome RR very clean, $1 6,900. appears and we will tiff seeks to foreclose blue leather interior, 541-388-4360 wheels, Alpine Sirius be happy to fix it as its trust deed on the moon/sunroof, new which currently reDVD/CD/AM/FM/GPS s oon as w e c a n . subject real property 5 41-3 8 5 - 5 8 0 9 quality tires and ceives over 1.5 milnavigation system, Deadlines are: Week- battery, car and seat described in the comlion page views 77,200 miles, dealerdays 12:00 noon for covers, many extras. to advertise. plaint as d e scribed every month at ship maintained, alnext day, Sat. 11:00 below in the amount Recently fully serno extra cost. Bulleways garaged. New, a.m. for Sunday; Sat. of $322,956.17, plus viced, garaged, tin Classifieds about $250,000; sell 12:00 for Monday. If interest, late charges, looks and runs like Get Results! Call $19,500.541<80-3348 costs, advances, and Ford Bronco II 4x4, 1989, we can assist you, new. Excellent con385-5809 or place please call us: attorney's fees, and to VW Beetle 1969 conauto, high miles, runs dition $39,700 your ad on-line at vertible, exlnt shape, 541-385-5809 cause th e s u bject Serving Central Oregon since 1%8 good.$1700. 541-322-9647 541-633-6662 The Bulletin Classified $11,995. 541-383-3191 property to be sold by Trucks & Heavy Equipment
Dodge R a m 150 0 Quad Cab 2006, V8, HEMI, aut o matic, Lincoln sliding rear window, Avlator, 2004 r unning boar d s , Light tan/gray metalleather, tow pkg. Vin lic, all wheel drive, ¹672801 V8 engine, heated $14,488 leather seats, 3rd Peterbilt 359 p otable row seat, 131K S UBA R U . water truck, 1 990, miles, very well 3200 gal. tank, 5hp 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. maintained. pump, 4-3" h oses, 877-266-3821 $7777. camlocks, $ 25,000. 541-389-9829 Dlr ¹0354 541-820-3724 StlBNIUOWBRNO COM
® suawau
© s un mu
1/3 interest in Columbia 400, $150,000 (located O Bend.) Also: Sunriver hangar available for sale at $155K, or lease, O $400/mo. on the first day it runs 541-948-2963 to make sure it is correct. "Spellcheck" and human errors do occur. If this happens to your ad, please contact us ASAP so that corrections and any adjustments can be 1/3 interest in wellmade to your ad. equipped IFR Beech Bo541-385-5809 nanza A36, new 10-550/ The Bulletin Classified prop, located KBDN. $65,000. 541-419-9510 www.
2 slides, ducted heat & air, great condition, snowbird ready, Many upgrade options, financing available! $14,500 obo.
aged or abused. $12,900.
(photo for illustration only)
L82- 4 speed. 85,000 miles Garaged since new. I've owned it 25 years. Never dam-
jacks and scissor stabilizer jacks, 16' awning. Like new! Tango 29.6' 2007, Rear living, walkaround queen bed, central air, awning, 1 large slide, $12,000. 541-280-2547 or
Corvette 1979
® s un mu
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Porsche 911 Turbo
Dramatic Price Reduction Executive Hangar 1966 Ford F250 at Bend Airport (KBDN) t ii " 0 Q ' 60' wide x 50' deep, 3/4 ton, 352 V8, 2WD, Q w/55' wide x 17' high biP/S, straight body, (Photo for iltustrstion only) runs good. $2000. fold dr. Natural gas heat, H onda P i lo t EX - L 541-410-8749 offc, bathroom. Adjacent 2003,auto, DVD sysoverall length is 35' to Frontage Rd; great tem, leather, privacy has 2 slides, Arctic visibility for aviation busiglass, roof rack, tow ness. 541-948-2126 or package, A/C,table pkg, alloy wheels. 8 chairs, satellite, email Vin ¹543956. Arctic pkg., power Hangarfor sale at $7,488 awning, in excellent Redmond Airport - not condition! More pix a T Hangar -$39,000. at 541-420-0626 (photo for illustration only) 2060 NE Hwy 20• Bend $28,000 Dodge Dakota Quad 877-266-3821 541-419-3301 Cab 2006, automatic, Dlr ¹0354 V8, bed l iner, tow Monaco Lakota 32' 2002, pkg., alloy wheels. Vin 2 slides, AC, recliners, ¹502517 walk-around queen bed, $12,488 sliding glass door closet, new tub & 10-gal water Save money. Learn © s U B A RU. heater, good tires. Brand to fly or build hours new 20' screen room with your own air- 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. Kia Sportage 1996 4x4, available. Super clean, 1 c raft. 1968 A e r o 877-266-3821 full power, hitch, rack, air, owner, n o n-smokers.Commander, 4 seat, set up for towing, runs Dlr ¹0354 $13,499. 541-447-7968 150 HP, low time, reat, 4 extra snow tires. full panel. $23,000 3200. 541-728-1265 obo. Contact Paul at 541-447-5184.
1974 Bellanca 1730A 2180 TT, 440 SMO, 180 mph, excellent condition, always hangared, 1 owner for 35 years. $60K.
In Madras, call 541-475-6302
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