Bulletin Daily Paper 08-10-2013

Page 1

Serving Central Oregon since1903 75l t

SATURDAY Augustf 0, 2013

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At the fair




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Kitzhaber effort turns to private insurance

• •

RubutS —They're gaining capabilities, like a sense of smell, that allow them to do things

humans won't — or can't.A3

Urban farming —With plenty of empty land, residents hope for revitalization.A4

Plus: Sweeter fruit-


Breeding for high sugar content: "We're competing against candy bars andcookies." 05


By Lauren Dake The Bulletin

NSA —President Obama discusses striking abalancebetween security and freedom. A6

Measuringtheimportance ofearly intervention

Plus: Secureemail

between collapse andtreatment. Theso-called Eisenberg model shows howarrival times affect survival rates andhasbeenuseful in planning community EMS programs.

— Providers shut down, destroying data to keep it from the government.A6

Be prepared

In 1993, the Annals of Emergency Medicine published an article that compared survival rates of patients who went into cardiac arrest outside of a hospital with the interval


Bend Fire Department crews respond within nine minutes to 80 percent of the calls they receive.

According to the Centers for

Disease Control and Prevention, the five major symptoms of a heart attackare: • Pain or discomfort in the jaw, neck


Student loans —Obama signs a bill lowering rates, and promises more.A2

And a Web exclusive-


or back

The decline in survival 60



Heath aw may tempt fraud, say detractors

rates was shown tobe about 5.5 percent per minute

• Call 9f f immediately. • If you have been trained to

perform CPR or use adefibrillator, follow your training. • The chances of surviving a heart 2





• For many conditions, local docssay,the sooner help arrives, thebetter The Bulletin

McClatchy Newspapers

When local physicians talk about the importance of p aramedic response times, they use a couple of common phrases. "We have a saying that 'heart is muscle' and even a few minutes can make a huge difference in the amount of heart muscle that is saved or lost," said Dr. Michael Widmer, a cardiologist at St. Charles Heart and Lung Center in Bend. He said that within 20 minutes of a blood clot blocking a heart artery, heart muscle starts to dle. Dr. Bruce McLellan,also a cardiologist at The Heart and Lung Center in Bend, agreed. "In the heart attack world, we think every minutecounts because every minute means death of some heart muscle, and that ultimately affects mortality," McLellan said. "It affects heart function once the hospitaliza-

the end of March. The tax credits aim to help low- and moderate-

income people pay for big chunks of their premiums. The credits target people with household incomes between 100 percent and 400 percentofthe federal poverty level who can't get affordable health insurance from their employers. Forty-six percent of uninsured adults and 40 percent of those with individual coverage will be eligible for the federal subsidies, according to the consulting firm Avalere Health. The lower an applicant's income, the greater the potential tax credit. Even though the money will go to insurers and not individuals, congressional Republicans and conservative critics say the application process leaves plenty of wiggle room and incentives for people who want to game the system. See Fraud/A5



Sources: City of Bend, Annals of Emergency Medicine (November 1993)

By Hillary Borrud

small-group coverage by



By Tony Pugh WASHINGTON — The Obama administration is trying to quiet growing concern that people will lie about their incomes and other personal information in order to land larger health insurance-premium tax credits, the cash assistance that will help millions pay for coverage next year. Once health plan enrollment begins on new state insurance exchanges in October, an estimated 7 million people are expected to purchase individual and

• Feeling weak, light-headed or faint • Chest pain or discomfort • Pain or discomfort in arms or shoulders • Shortness of breath


Vegas' Italian American Social Club, with Sinatra and the mob in its past, looks to the future.


SALEM — With a transformation underway in Oregon public health care and federal reforms on the horizon, the governor is urging state officials to cast their eyes toward reforming the state's commercial insurance market. In a letter to members of the Oregon Health Policy Board, the governor in July wrote he wants to "ensure that our triple aim goals of lower costs, better care and better health across all markets are achieved." The board kicked off its first brainstorming session Tuesday to consider how the state might apply some of the changes already made to the Oregon Health Plan to the broadermarketplace. Gov. John Kitzhaber asked the board by year's end to provide the Legislature with recommendations that lower costs,decrease health insurance premiums andincrease transparency in the system. He wagered it would do so in part by expanding the coordinated model that already exists in the Oregon Health Plan and by increasing accountability in the state's insurance rate review process. SeeReform/A5



attack are greater whenappropriate care can bedelivered quickly.


Andy Zeigert l The Bulletin

tion is complete." Dr. Matthew Eschelbach, medical director of the emergency department at St. Charles Redmond, has a different key phrase. "We have in trauma what is called the 'golden hour,'" Eschelbach said. "In that golden hour, we are supposed to get the majority of our evaluation and treatment done for severely injured trauma patients." Eschelbach also advisesseveral Central Oregon EMS agencies including Redmond, Sunriver, La P i ne, Crescent and Chemult. The issue of firefighter paramedic response times arose Wednesday when Dr. William Reed, an emergency physician who advises the Bend Fire Department on its medical care, told the Bend City Council that three patients died unnecessarily in the last year because it took too long for paramedics to reach them. Reed did not provide details of the medical conditions of these patients, but other doctors said Friday that some of the common medical emergencies where a quick response is critical are heart attacks, cardiac arrest and trauma.

See Response/A5

HOW TO BETRAINEO Visit the AmericanRedCrosswebsite at www.redcross.org/take-a-class to learn about available First Aid, CPR

and AEDtraining in your area. Source' CDC





pI IsolleI s

" 'O l

phone rates By Suzanne Gamboa The Associated Press

Rob Kerrl The Bulletin

In addition to having more advanced defibrillators, EMTs also carry an array of medications designed to aid heart attack patients. This kit is carried in a Bend Fire Department ambulance.

Researchers:Don't call it a shark'attack' By Christine Stapleton Cox Newspapers

WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. — Not all shark attacks are equal. In fact, not all shark attacks are shark attacks,according to some researchers who chose "Shark Week" to ask news organizations to stop using the phrase

TODAY'S WEATHER Chance of storms High 80, Low 57

Page B6

to describe every "shark-human interaction." The American Elasmobranch Society, a nonprofit that promotes shark research, this week called on news organizations to update their writing and editing guidelines with labeling terms that the society

says would more accurately describe incidents between humans and sharks. The group is recommending a classification system with four categories — shark sightings,shark encounters, shark bites and fatal shark bites — that focus on the outcome of an "incident" rather

than the intent of the shark. "The basic problem is overuse of the term 'attack,'" said Robert Hueter, the director of the Center for Shark Research at Mote Marine Laboratory in Sarasota, Fla., who co-authored the classification system. SeeSharks/A6


The Bulletin

Busines s/Stocks C5-6 Comics/Puzzles F2-3 DearAbby D6 Obituaries B 5 C1-4 Calendar B3 CommunityLIfe D1-6 Horoscope D6 Sports D6 Classified F1 - 6 Crosswords F3 Lo cal/State B1-6 TV/Movies

Vol. 110, No. 222, 30 pages,

AnIndependent Newspaper

5 sections

WASHINGTON — A decade after families of prison inmates asked for action, the Federal Communications Commission agreed on Friday to limit how much companies can charge for phone calls made from behind bars. The FCC voted 2-1 during an emotional meeting to cap interstate phone rates at 21 cents a minute for debit or prepaid calls and 25 cents a minute for collect calls. Companies wanting to set higher rates would have to file a request for a waiver and could not charge more until that waiver is granted. The commission's action ends fluctuating phone rates for inmates that vary depending on the provider, the type of call and the size of a prison facility. The fees range from 50 cents to 83.95 to place calls, plus additional per-minute rates of anywhere from 5 cents to 89 cents. SeeRates/A5

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amasi ns ea on s u en oanra es

EmbIISSISS IOPCIIlllg — Eighteen of the19 U.S. embassies and

By Josh Lederman

PakiStan threatS —Security forces in Islamabad were on high

future deals incredibly difficult for Obama. House Speaker The Associated Press John Boehner, R-Ohio, called WASHINGTON — President the law part of the "RepubliBarack Obama signed into law can jobs plan," while House Friday a measure restoring Democratic leader Nancy Pelower interest rates for student losi of California said it "stands loans, pledgingthe hard-fought in stark contrast to the House compromise would be just the Republicans' plan to saddle first step in a broader, concert- families with billions more in ed fight to rein in the costs of a student debt." college education. The r a r e com p r omise Encircled b y la w m akers emerged only after a frenzy from both parties in the Oval of summer negotiations, with Office, Obama praised Demo- lawmakers at odds over how crats and Republicans alike for loan rates should be set in the agreeing — finally — on what future even while they agreed he called a sensible, reasonable that a doubling of rates — it approach to student loans even kicked in July1 when Congress as he cautioned that "our job is failed to act before the deadline not done." — would be bad policy and bad "Feels good signing bills. I news for students. haven't done this in a while," The legislation links stuObama said, alluding to the dent loan interest rates to the difficulty he's faced getting financial markets. It o f f ers Congress, particularly the Re- lower rates this fall because publican-controlled Ho u s e, the government can borrow to approve his legislative pri- money cheaply at this time. If orities, such as gun control and the economy improves in the budget deals. coming years as expected, it "Hint, hint," he added to will become more costly for the laughter. government to borrow money, But even the feel-good mo- and that cost would be passed ment at the White House came on to students. with reminders of the bitter About 11 million students partisanship that still makes thisyear are expected to have and Philip Elliott

lower interest rates, saving the average undergraduate $1,500 on interest charges on this year's loans. Boehner called it "a good day" and a fine example of what Washington can accomplish when petty partisanship is put aside. "With the stroke of a pen, we've now officially taken the politics out of student loans," he said. Obama cast the student loan deal as just the first of many measures the U.S. needs to make college affordable as a higher-tech economy makes advanced training and education a necessity for many workers. "The cost of college remains extraordinarily high. It's out of reach for a lot of folks," Obama said, calling it a burden as well on families who have to balance other priorities, like buying a home, with helping fund their c h ildren's educations. "We've got to do something about it." To that end, Obama said he'd be looking to the same coalition of political forces that came together on student loans as he pursues further steps.


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Oregon Lottery results

As listed at www.oregonlottery.org

MEGA MILLIONS The numbers drawn Friday night are:

Q11 ©0®0©4®8®© The estimated jackpot is now $36 million.

missile defense and regional issues. But U.S. officials did not cite any tangible accomplishments from a day of meetings in Washington

that brought together the top diplomatic and defenseofficials from Russia and the United States, except for a promise to increase official contacts, including military exchanges.

AttemPted dOmder SentenCed —Quazi MohammadRezwanul Ahsan Nafis, a Bangladeshi man who tried to blow up the

Federal Reserve Bank inNewYork with what he thought was a1,000pound bomb, only to discover that the bomb was a fake and that he

had been under constant federal surveillance, wassentenced to 30 years in prison Friday. Nafis developed his plot from avague idea to a detailed plan to bomb the financial district, an attack that he hoped

would "shake thewhole country," according to recorded statements he made during the investigation. USPS IOSSSS —ThePostal Service on Friday reported a net loss of $740 million in the third quarter, compared with a $1.9 billion loss in the previous quarter, a better-than-expected performance for the

agency. Overall, the post office reported operating revenues of $16.2 billion in the third quarter, which endedJune30, comparedwith $15.6 billion over the same period last year, a 3.6 percent increase. It attributed the increase to cost-cutting measures and strong growth

in e-commerce deliveries.

a low point in U.S.-Mexico relations. TheU.S. Department of Justice "worried" about the court's decision, adding that his office is analyz-








' uuuuaulsws:..~

ing whether there are any charges pending against Caro Quintero.


Beauty pageant winner arreSt —Prosecutors filed charges FredBeckham /The Associated Press

of bomb possession Friday against a recently crowned Utahbeauty

A firefighter surveys the scene of a small plane

The bodies of the pilot and a child were found in

pageant winner. Kendra McKenzie Gill was arrested last weekend with

crash Friday in EastHaven,Conn.Thesmall plane crashed in aworking-class neighborhood near anair-

the rubble, but East HavenMayor Joseph Maturo told

three accomplices for what onedescribed as aprank. All four face the same set of four felony charges, prosecutor BlakeNakamura said

port on Friday and engulfed two houses in flames.

unstable and crewswere unable to get inside to do a full search. Theywerewaiting for the National Trans-

Former Microsoft Vice President Bill Hennings-

reporters that the houses struck by the plane were

Two children were believed killed on the ground, according to Connecticut authorities.

many as three people might have been in the plane.

Friday. The18-year-olds were arrested Saturday after driving around

neighborhoods andallegedly tossing plastic bottles filled with caustic chemicals at people they knew.Nobodywas injured. — From wire reports

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KidnapsLjspect'scarfound in Idaho; teen in AmberAlert apparentlyalive

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and news or ad illustrations. Theymaynot be reproducedwithout explicit pnor approval.

Russia had not disrupted bilateral discussions on nuclear weapons,

said Friday it was extremely disappointed by the release. Mexico's Attorney General Jesus Murillo Karam said in a statement that he was

Connecticut Gov. DannelMalloy said Friday that two children, ages1 and13, were in onehouse andas

Postmast er:SendaddresschangestoThe Bulletin arculation department, PO.Box6020, Bend, OR97708. TheBulletin retains ownership andcopyright protection of all staff -prepared news copy,advertising copy

sought Friday to demonstrate that President Barack Obama's decision to cancel a summit meeting with President Vladimir Putin of

his 40-year sentence for the1985 kidnapping and killing of a U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration agent, a brutal murder that marked

neighborhood in EastHaven,Conn.

Periodicals postage paid at Bend,OR.

RIISSIB maatlilgS —The U.S.secretaries of state and defense

Drug lard freed —Infamous drug lord Rafael Caro Quintero walked free Friday after 28 years in prison when acourt overturned

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Pakistan air force and navy.

Afghan security guard.

portation Safety Board to arrive before continuing the investigation.

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dicating that militants were planning to attack the headquarters of the

an argument between the Chinese workers and several Afghans had led to the killings of two Chinese women, one Chinese man and an

gaard was killed Friday along with his son when the plane they were flying crashed into two houses in a


Islamabad, the Pakistani capital, following intelligence intercepts in-

police, who offered only scant details of the killings late Friday, said

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rity alert came hours after U.S. officials evacuated the consulate in Lahore. Thepolice said 2,500 officers had beendeployed across

Chinese Embassy to urge the Afghan government to investigate to determine whether its citizens had been specifically targeted. The


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alert for a possible militant attack Friday following threats against major military installations, the police said. The heightened secu-

ChineSe dead in AfghaniStan —Three Chinese workers were found dead under mysterious circumstances in an apartment in central Kabul, Afghanistan, on Friday, officials said, prompting the

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scheduled to reopen. The19 outposts were closed to the public beginning last Sunday. Most American employees atthe U.S. Embassy in Yemenwere ordered to leavethe country on Tuesday.

former liberation hero who has ruled Zimbabwe since its independence in1980, rigged the vote in order to claim a landslide victory.



of what officials say was a separate credible threat, also was not

contend that the party of President Robert Mugabe, the89-year-old

Business Tim Doran..........541-383-0360 City Desk Joseph Ditzler.....541-363-0367 CommunityLife, Health Julie Johnson.....................541-383-0308 EditorialsRichard Coe......541-383-0353 GD! Magazine Ben Salmon........................541-383-0377 Home, All Ages AlandraJohnson................541-617-7860 News EditorJan Jordan....541-383-0315 PhotosDeanGuernsey......541-383-0366 SportsBill Bigelow.............541-383-0359 State projects Lily Raff McCaulou ............541-410-9207

The Bulletin's primary concern is that all stories are accurate. If you know ofan error in a story, call us at 541-383-0356.

Consulat einLahore,Pakistan,whichwasclosedThursdaybecause

day, citing widespread irregularities and demanding that the election be nullified. The challengers, the Movement for Democratic Change,

Traci Donaca ......................


a terrorist threat will reopen on Sunday, the State Department said. The U.S. Embassy in Sanaa, Yemen, will remain closed. The U.S.

ZimdabWe eleCtiOn —Themain opponents in Zimbabwe's national election filed a legal challenge to thecountry's highest court Fri-

DEPARTMENT HEADS Advertising Jay Brandt..........................541 -383-0370 CirculationandOperations Keith Foutz .........................541 -385-5605 FinanceHolly West...........541-383-0321 HumanResources

consulates that were closed in the Middle Eastand Africa becauseof

By Kate Mather, Hailey

Branson-Potts andJasonWells Los Angeles Times

BOISE, Idaho — After generating Amber Alerts across the West, thefrantic search for a kidnapped teenager and her alleged captor shifted Friday to a remote part of Idaho where the two were believed to be trekking through the wilderness. The break came after suspect James Lee DiMaggio's blue Nissan Versa was found in central Idaho about 8 a.m., San Diego County Sheriff Bill Gore said. Federal, state and local authorities were scouring the Frank Church — River of No Return Wilderness in Valley County,where the vehicle was found. A group of horseback riders told local authorities they spoke to two people believed to be DiMaggio and his alleged captive, Hannah Anderson, 16. The riders came across the pair Wednesday morning but said it wasn't until they returned later that day that they realized the girl may have been Anderson. The witnesses said the man and girl had a tent and backpacks but looked out of place in therugged terrain because

they had light camping equip-

ment, Gore said. The witnesses said the girl appeared to be well, he added. "I'm very confident and I think we should all be optimistic that she appeared to be in somewhat good health and alive on W ednesday," Gore said. They found the car Friday "just off a road," covered in brush, Gore said. Its license plates had been removed but it was identified using the vehicle identification number, he said. Authorities planned to use bomb and arson technicians to search the vehicle to render it safe, he said. Earlier this week, sheriff's officials warned that the vehicle might be rigged with explosives. The vehicle, Gore said, was not destroyed. The brush "was an attempt to hide it, to keep it out of plain view," he said. "We've got to assume he is armed, and that is the word we've put out to everybody," Gore said. Locals said the area is difficult to navigate, especially to people not familiar with the terrain. Cheryl Bransford, 62, who works as a wilderness guide out of Ya-Hoo Corrals at Pay-

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ette Lake, north of Cascade, described the terrain as very steep, with areas of "almost jungle-like" thick vegetation. The River of No Return Wilderness contains more than 2 million acres of federally designated land, marked by rivers, deep canyons and mountains. U pon receiving the A m ber Alert on Friday morning, Bransford said she and other outfitters started locking unused vehicles, which they usually don't do. She also t o o k a n o ther precaution. "I keep a.357 within minutes away — loaded," she said.





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The case began Sunday after the body of H annah's mother, Christina Anderson, was found in the garage at DiMaggio's burning San Diego County home. The body of a boy — now confirmed to be that of Hannah's 8-year-old brother, Ethan — was found in the home. The case drew national attention as the search for the pair widened. An Amber Alert, originally issued in California, was later broadened to Oregon, Washington and Nevada. Idaho was i ncluded Friday morning.

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TART • Discoveries, breakthroughs, trends, namesin the news— the things you needto knowto start out your day

It's Saturday, Aug.10, the 222nd day of 2013. There are 143 days left in the year.


MeteOr ShOwer —The Perseids begin to peaktonight, making it the best time to see falling stars.

HISTORY Highlight:In1988, President

Ronald Reagansigned a measure providing $20,000 payments to still-living Japanese-Americans who'd been interned by their government

during World War II. In1680, Pueblo Indians

launched a successful revolt against Spanish colonists in

present-day NewMexico. In1792, during the French

Revolution, mobs in Paris attacked the Tuileries Palace, where King Louis XVI resided.

(The king was later arrested, put on trial for treason and

executed.) In1821, Missouri became the 24th state. In1846, President James

K. Polk signed ameasure establishing the Smithsonian Institution. In1874, Herbert Hoover, the 31st president of the United States, was born in West Branch, lowa. In1913, the Treaty of Bucha-

rest was signed, ending the Second BalkanWar. In1921, Franklin D. Roosevelt was stricken with polio at his

summer home onthe Canadian island of Campobello. In1949, the National Military

Establishment was renamed the Department of Defense. In1962, the Herbert Hoover Presidential Library and M useum wasdedicated in West Branch, lowa, on the 88th birthday of the former president, who attended the

ceremony along with former President Harry S. Truman. In1969, Leno and Rosemary

LaBianca weremurdered in their Los Angeles homeby members of Charles Manson's cult, one dayafter actress Sharon Tate andfour other people had been slain. In1975, television personality David Frost announced he had purchased the exclusive rights to interview former President Richard Nixon. In1993, Ruth Bader Ginsburg

was sworn in as thesecond female justice on the U.S.Supreme Court. Ten yearsago:Liberian President Charles Taylor delivered

a farewell address to anation bloodied by14 years of war. During a heatwave plaguing Europe, Britain topped100 degrees Fahrenheit for the first time in recorded his-

tory. Russian cosmonaut Yuri Malenchenko, aboard the international space station,

married his earthbound bride, Ekaterina Dmitriev, who was

at Johnson SpaceCenter in Houston, in the first wedding ever conducted from space. Five years ago: At the Beijing Olympics, Michael Phelps

began his long march toward eight gold medals by winning the 400-meter individual medleyin 4:03.84 — smashing

his own world record. Padraig Harrington rallied from three shots behind to win the PGA

Championship in Bloomfield Township, Mich.

One year ago:A man in an Afghan army uniform shotand

killed three American service members in southern Afghanistan; the Taliban claimed the

shooter joined the insurgency after the attack. The Leader-

ship Conference ofWomen Religious, an American nuns group rebuked bythe Vatican, said it would hold talks with

the RomanCatholic bishops appointed to overhaul the organization but would not

"compromise its mission."

BIRTHDAYS Actor-director Tom Laughlin ("Billy Jack") is 82. Actress Rosanna Arquette is 54.

Actor Antonio Banderas is 53. Journalist-blogger Andrew Sullivan is 50. Actor-writer

Justin Theroux is 42. Actress Angie Harmon is 41. — From wire reports

From smell and touch to voice recognition, science fiction is quickly becoming a reality. top of a trackball, similar to the SpecialtoTheWashingtonpost OneS uSed inSide a COmputer It may seem uncomfortably m o u se. As the moth does its c lose to science fiction, but ro- d a n ce, sensors transmit it s bots are moving ever nearer m o t ions to the robot's motors, to having humanlike abilities a l l owing it to follow the path to smell, feel and see their sur- c h osen by the male. roundings, allowing them t o The re s earchers said the operate more independently "odor-tracking behaviors of and perform some of the dan- a n i mals" could eventually be gerous, dirty and dull jobs peo- "applied to other autonomous ple don't want to do. robots so they can track down They can "smell"gas leaks, smells, and subsequent sourcconduct underwater surveil- e s , of environmental spills and lance and even sort boxes by l e aks when fitted with highly shape and colorand toss them sensitive sensors." into th e a p propriate ware Nor i y asu Ando, an associhouse bin. Advances in sensor at e professor at the University t echnology a n d of Tokyo Research s oftware all o w Center fo r A dthese machines to "If they are vanced S c i ence sense thespeed and direction make split-second gOjf)g tO and Technology, of currents, helping them catch decisions without who worked on the food and swim in schools withl h human m a s ters moth robot, said out bumping into each other. overseeing them pr o b l e m s, they in an e m ail that Morethan30,000fishspecies b o«h'w " f ' !- will have to the challenge w» use lateral line sensing, accordlow a scent trail to develop a robot ing to Maarja Kruusmaa, proor where to go to that could "behave fessor of biorobotics at the Talnext. abilitieS. ThOSe al o ne, free from linn University of Technology "They are gain- are thjrfgS external wired con- in Estonia. She and colleagues ing human capanections because set out to create an electronic bilities, w h ether that FObOtS the silk moth turns equivalent that would allow it's smell or touch Wi ll haVe tO quickl y and rotates underwater robots to navigate or r e c ognizing Urlde<Starld if very often." more efficiently through curour voices," said Ando said t he rents. After four years of work D aniel Wi l s o n, t ey p ay ultimate goal is to they came up with FILOSE who has a doctor- Ir l OUI'IIVes. devel o p a ro b o t (Robotic FIsh Locomotion and ate in robotics and with its own smell- SEnsing), a robot that's shaped uthor Dan'ei ing is the author of ca p abilities, like a rainbow trout. The reWilson one that can fol "Robopocalypse," searchers developed tiny sena t e chno-thriller low a trail just like sors to monitor pressure difabout what hapt he moth on t h e ferences in the water flowing pens when robots go wrong. t r a ckball. around the robot. This allows "If they are going to solve huThe t e am is now trying to the robot to follow in the wake man problems, they will have b u i ld an artificial brain called of an object to cut energy use, to have human abilities. Those K ei; the motor-moth using its according to Kruusmaa. "It is similarto reducing your are things that robots will have s ense of smell is one step toto understand if they play a role w a rd that goal, he said. effort in the tailwind of another in our lives." Achim Lilienthal, who di- cyclist or reducing the fuel conUntil now, robots have had r e cts the mobile robotics and sumption of your car by drivto navigate with small infrared o l f action lab at Orebro Uni- ing behind a truck," she said. sensors that keep them from v e r sity in Sweden, said smell The robot is driven by a bumping into t hings. Some i s more complicated for robots small electric motor and can be have relied on video cameras t h an vision. Cameras can see outfitted with a video camera that send images to human op- a n o bject as long as there is for surveillance or with chemierators. But a new generation e n ough light, while odors exist cal sensors to detect pollution. of robots is gaining the abila s p lumes and patches in the The next step is to take FIity to understand voices, see a i r and are not consistent in LOSE for a swim outside the objects with the same depth s t r ength,whichmakesfinding lab to see how it does in the real perception as humans and use t he source difficult. world. grasping arms that have dexLi li e nthal gives the example terity close to that of humans. of m e thane emanating from an Making decisions Of course, none of them is o l d landfilL The town manag- Meanwhile, Kanna Rajan, yet as lifelike as "Sonny," the i n g t h elandfillhadsetupdevic- principalresearcher for auandroid of Isaac Asimov's "I, e s to capture the gas produced tonomy at the Monterey Bay Robot," who feels, thinks for b y t h e landfill'sdecayandburn Aquarium Research Institute, himself, moves on his own and, i t to heat the local hospital. But is designing underwater robots in a limited way, emotes. Most o ver time, as the plastic lining that are programmed to make robots with advanced sensing b e neath the landfill developed theirown decisions.They use abilities are still in the experi- c r a cks, more than half of the sensorsto determine where to m ental stage. More than toys m e t hane w a s e v ading t h e hunt for oil spills, for example, but not yet tools, they work well c a pture technology. The town or to swim toward a place in the in the laboratory but can't yet h i r ed someone to walk around ocean that scientists want to handle real-world situations. t he l a ndfill and sniff for leaks, study, such as a feeding ground Take, for example, the robots bu t that didn't work very well for fish or a range of underwathat are sorting boxes, picking b e cause the human nose is not ter volcanoes that might erupt. them up and tossing them into v e ry efficient. Rajan, a former NASA rethe right bin. This robot uses Ent e r L i l ienthal's "gasbot," searcher who helped develop two-dimensional and three-di- w h i ch looks like a lawnmow- the rovers that landed on Mars mensional video cameras and e r w i t h a b i g m etal eyeball almost 10 years ago, says it's software to "look" at the size p e rched on top of a metal pole. harder to build smart robots and shape of the box and then T h i s m in i a ll-terrain vehicle that work u nderwater than decide where it should go. picks u p smells using two laser ones that function in o uter The robot works pretty well b e a ms: One absorbs the chemi- space. That's because commu— aslongastheboxesarepret- c a l signature of the methane nications for the latter travel ty much rectangular and aren't a n d determines its concentra- through the r elatively quiet moving, says Stanford Univer- t i on in the air. The second helps vacuum of space. Underwater sity computer science professor p r ovide a t h r ee-dimensional communications, ho w e ver, Gary Bradski, co-founder of In- m a p of the gas plume. The ad- are oftenblocked by layers of dustrial Perception, the startup v a n tage of the gasbot is that the warm and cold water, slowthat invented the robot. But it l a s ers detect the gas remotely, moving underwater storms isn't quite ready to replace hu- w i t hout machine or h uman andthe sounds of passing ships man workers in the mailroom h a v ing direct contact with the and wildlife. The ocean's salinor onthe factory floor. plume. ity also tends to degrade robots "It's easy to get 80 or 90 per"For most gas sensors (such much more than the cold temcent of the way there," he said. a s smoke detectors), you need peraturesofspace,R ajan said. "But it's getting the speed and t o ( p hysically) encounter the "The ocean is a lot more reliabilitytomakeiteconomic. s m ell," whereas the gasbot harsh," he said. "If you go in You can't fail very often; oth- u s es its lasers to detect gas at a deep space, there's not much erwise, you're not saving any d i s tance, Lilienthal said. going on; you are very carelabor." ful as to what you do. Even Robots that swim on Mars you can talk to your Asense of smell Scientists are working as robot." Getting robots to smell is well to create effective underSo what are the prospects one of thebigger challenges. water robots. This task is very for a seeing, smelling, sensing A recent project out of the Uni- challenging because there is robot that works in the real versity of Tokyo takes a step in often not enough light for cam- world? That probably won't that direction. Scientists there eras to work well, while swirl- materialize anytime soon, said recently unveiled a tiny robot ing currents and eddies play Jelle Atema, a professor of biolthat is driven by a male silk- havoc with smells and chemi- ogy at Boston University and worm moth responding to a cal plumes. the Woods Hole Oceanographfemale moth's seductive pheroTo deal with this, a Europe- ic Institution. "When it comes to a broad, mone aroma. an group has built a robot that The researchers built a mo- uses something called lateral robust exposure in the natutorized wheeled car that moves line sensing. The lateral line is a ral environment and still bewhen a moth, spurred by the series of nerve cells in fish that ing able to perform the task," smell, launches into a mating runs from just below the head Atema said, "animals have it dance of repeated zigzags on to the tail and allows them to all over human engineering."

Shaped like a rainbow trout, the FILOSE (Flsh LOcomotion and SEnsing)

By Eric Niiler

robot can replicate the ability of many fish to sense the speed and direction of currents to navigate more efficiently. Center for Biorobotics / Tallinn University of Technology via The Washington Post


Victor Hernandez Bennetts/The Washington Post

This Swedish "gasbotn uses laser beams to remotely detect plumes of methane leaking from landfills. The methane is captured and used for heating.

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oo ies i o save eroi wi ur an armin By Alan Bjerga Bjoomberg News

DETROIT — For Greg Willerer, Detroit's new

jk ~ S lsSr — . .

urban frontier is a lot like the Wild West: Grow


vI e

enough food to support your family, make do with what you have and rely on your neighbors when you need help.


"For all i ntents and purposes, there is no government here," said Willerer, 43, checking the greens and other crops he is growing on an acre off Rosa Parks Boulevard, across from a n a b andoned house with b r oken w i n dows. "If something were to happen we have to handle that ourselves." Willerer has had to handle everything f r o m v e g etable thieves and lead-poisoned soil to zoning codes as an agricultural pioneer in Detroit, which last month became the biggest U.S. city to file for bankruptcy protection. With a utomobile

Evaluation of States from the first quarter of 1995 through the first quarter of this year. This has left it with an abundance of underused property. The city is spread over D9 square miles and has an estimated 150,000 vacant and abandoned parcels an amount of land roughly the size of Manhattan, according to a report this year by Detroit Future City, a planning project created by community leaders. C onverting some of t h at land to farming could clean up blight and grow jobs, regional officials say. With sufficient jobs gone for good and thou- c onsumer demand and t h e sands of abandoned lots blight- emergence ofa local food-proing the landscape, some in the cessing industry, 4,700 jobs region are promoting urban and $20 million in business farming — s mall-scale and taxes could be generated, aclargely geared toward boom- cording to a 2009 study. " It wil l h elp," said M i k e ing local- and organic-foods markets — as a way toward DiBernardo, a n ec o n omic growing a healthier economy. development specialist with M ichigan's a griculture d e Urban agriculture partment. "We have so much Urban agriculture has been blighted land that we can creembraced by c it y p l anners ate opportunities for entreprefrom coast to coast. In New neurs, and we can give people York, the city has i nvested in the community something $600,000 in expanding Brook- to be excited about." lyn Grange, a rooftop farming So-called retail agriculture, business that's planning to which includes direct-to-conopen a business incubator. Se- sumer, organic and local-foods attle is breaking ground on a sales,had revenue of $8 bil"food forest," planting 7 acres lion in the U.S. farm census of freshproduce open to the in 2007, compared with $7 bilpublic. lion combined for cotton and Detroit, which filed an $18 rice, according to a 2010 study billion bankruptcy July 18, is done by Local Food Strategies reeling from the loss of more for the Farm Credit Council, than 435,000 jobs in its metro the trade group representing area from 2000 to 2010, ac- small-town credit unions and cording to federal data. Michi- other rural banks. gan ranked last among U.S. The Detroit Future City vistates in employment growth sion callsfor repurposing vain the Bloomberg Economic cant land, in part with urban



Alan and Donnie Love, owners of Love's Custard Pies, sell pies at their stand in Detroit. Michigan has the fourth-largest number of farmers markets, trailing California, New York and Illinois, according to a USDA report.

The h igh-quality, l ocally driven model of craft beer is being emulated at McClure's Pickles, where brothers Joe and Bob McClure started a business based on their grandmother'srecipe in 2006. Using word-of-mouth, the brothers, now in their 30s, are shipping products to Williams-Sonoma Inc., Macy's Inc. and Whole Foods Market Inc., which in June opened its first Detroit

grocery. McClure's has 25 full-time

workers packaging pickles,

potato chips and Bloody Mary mix m a manufactunng plant once occupied by American Axle 8r Manufacturing HoldAlan Bjerga ings Inc. Their raw materials Bloomberg News come from four farms, two in Michigan. farms, to create village-like Detroit, which changed its neighborhoods clustered with- "We have so much blighted land that we can zoning rules in March to exin a half-mile of schools. Farm- create opportunities for entrepreneurs." pand farming, is smart to puring would become part of the sue new land-use opportuni— Mike DiBernardo, with Michigan's agriculture department ties through agriculture, said 29 percent of the city allocated to landscape by 2050. Bruce Bugbee, as professor in the plants, soils and climate A new vision he grows outside Detroit. Still, sion and there's just no way department in Utah State UniThe vision is drawing atten- if a neighbor stops by curious of knowing what we need to versity in Logan. The dreams tion from landowners ranging about his greens, he'll give know," he said. of enthusiasts may be dashed from Willerer, who is making some away: "They're my first The U.S. Department of Ag- by the realities of cost, he said. enough money from farming line of defense," he said. riculture, geared toward rural Farming in an urban setting to give up a teaching job and On Saturdays he sells at De- farms, is trying to figure out may cut the cost of transportis snapping up vacant lots, to troit's Eastern Market, one of how to serve the sector, said ing goods to market, though John Hantz, a financial servic- two farmers markets he visits. Anne Alonzo, the administra- higher energy costs, especially es professional and entrepre- As many as 40,000 people seek tor of its agricultural market- when greenhouses are needed neur who has pledged to buy out fresh foods on a busy day ing service. It has underway for some plants in the shorter blighted properties to create at the market, which opened in pilot projects that encourage northern growing season, can the world's biggest urban tree 1891. Vendors range from larg- food-stamp recipients to buy make urban food production farm. er farms and food-processors fresh produce and programs at a significant scale unfeasiBy selling at farmers mar- from rural Michigan to Love's to encourage "food hubs" that ble and unsustainable, he said. kets, local restaurants and a Custard Pies, whose owners, gather goods and create larger Land is usually more expenc ommunity-supported a g r i - Alan and Donnie Love, spe- scale for purchasers, Alonzo sive in urban than rural areas. "U.S. agriculture is incredculture project that sells his cialize in Southern-style pies, said in an interview. goods directlyto consumers, including sweet potato and red ibly big and efficient," he said. Breweries andmore "Eating local is a good thing. Willerer said he can m ake velvet. $20,000 to $30,000 per acre in a Dan Carmody, p resident Michigan has the fourth- It's not how we're going to save year. In addition to the acre he of Eastern Market Corp. and largest number o f f a r mers the planet." farms on vacant lots, Willerer former head of the downtown markets, trailing California, Willerer said his focus is cultivates another 3 acres out- improvement district in Fort New York and I l l inois, ac- on helping to save his city, side the city and is preparing Wayne, Ind., drinks a "Bailout cording to a USDA report this through food. "We can do so much betto start a fourth. Blend" brew from Great Lakes week. Among its attempts to Lead helpsdetermine where Coffee Roasting Co. at 5 a.m. nurture small-scale agriculture ter as an ecosystem of small he plants — he passed on one recently after meeting with and the businesses that arise businesses supporting each parcelbecause of high levels w holesalers trucking i n r e - from it, the state is home to 140 other," h e s a ys, s a mpling — and he focuses on arugula gionalfresh products. He says craft breweries, sixth-most in mizuna greens while chickand other greens as well as local and regional food sys- the nation. Grand Rapids, the ens peck at insects. "The best thornyraspberrybushesinthe tems arein a discovery phase. state's second-largest city, was way for us to change a small "There's a lot of Kool-Aid city to deter thieves who might named Beer City USA 2013 by part of the world is to start a walk off with the cantaloupes drinkers, there's a lot of pas- Examiner.com. transformative business."






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20 ideas are being discussed and the board will consider Continued from A1 e xamples from a r ound t h e Kitzhaber wrote the board nation. "As the process moves forshould work to "create an environment for the commercial ward, we will winnow it down marketplace in Oregon that and find the best ideas for Ormoves toward on e c h arac- egon," he said. The timeline is terized by models of coordi- relatively short. nated care and growth rates Some of the ideas, however, of total health care expendi- include expanding systems turesthat are reasonable and already in place. For example, predictable." the idea was floated to use the It doesn't make sense to ig- same or similar metrics curnore the commercial market, rently used to measure how said Joel Ario, a director at health care is delivered to the Manatt Health Solutions, who Medicaid population and exis consulting for the state on pand it. theseissues. There are more than 80 mea"It's one health care system, sures ofcost, quality, access ultimately," he said. "In order and patientexperience, accordfor the system to work effec- ing to the health authority's tively it ought to be integrated. website, to gauge how the coIt doesn't help if you reduce ordinated care organizations, costs in one area, but they bal- which target Medicaid users, loon out to another." could be used to measure qualThat has been tried before, ity of health care in a different he said. market. The idea is to expand "We reduced costs by keep- a coordinated care model into ing people uninsured and they other health plans. "There is an interest to levershow up in the hospital emergency room ... and that's ex- age this work and not ask depensive," Ario said. livery systems to jump through Ario, who presented to the multiple hoops, but have a board Tuesday, said that 15 to unified approach," said Mike

Bonetto, the governor's health policy adviser. Another key priority: creating more transparency. One example discussed was encouragingproviders to showthe actual breakdown of medical costs. "The idea is . .. what is the insurer paying the hospital, and the provider and the cost around all those things," Ario said. Officials from the Oregon Hospital Association did not return calls for comment on this idea. State Insurance Commissioner Laura Cali was out of the office. As the state's health board nails down more specific ideas, they will all be judged through one lens, Ario said: How they help reach the so-called triple aim. "Transparency is good for care and it's good for patients to know about what's going on," he said. "If outcomes are succeeding, it's good for others to know what's succeeding and good forcost,because itcreates competition. ... They are all connected to the triple aim." — Reporter, 541-554-1162, tdake@bendbulletin.com


and it starts the deterioration g i v e that team a head start to at about that five-minute mark p r e pare for the patient. Continued from A1 that the fire department's talkOth e r examples of care that The Bend Fire Department ing about. With lack of oxygen, p a r amedics or E M T s o ften responds to 80 percent of all brain damage starts to occur." a d m i nister i mmediately are calls within nine minutes. The goal is a " f unctional i n t ubation to open a patient's Steve O'Malley, acting bat- recovery," McLellan said, and a i r w ay, starting resuscitation talion chief and a c e rtified "that means someone who's a n d starting intravenous fluparamedic forthe Bend Fire w alking, talking, able to care i d s ."They're also able to stop Department, said Friday that forthemselves." massive bleeding, and perhaps other medical issues that are Both Widmer and McLel- t h e ir greatest job is determin"very much time-sensitive" in- lan said a major ing where that paclude any type of airway issue, challenge is gettient goes and how from an asthma attack to pul- ting more people "In the heart soon he gets there, monary edema, which is fluid who suffer heart gt g gCQttypr/d w heth e r that's by in the lungs commonly caused attacks to call for ambulanceorheli~ by heart problems. Victims of help immediately, ®e ~girlg e<e< copter," E s c hel"Someheroin overdose will also stop rather than dis- ml r i Ute COUrit S ba c h said. breathing, an d p a r amedics missing it as indi- g e CgUSe times they can tell . must arrive quickly in order gestionoranother in the first 30 sec~ to resuscitate them, O'Malley problem. "If it is a onds whether this sald. witnessed event, me B r IS UeBth perso n is going to Widmer said p a ramedics thetwothingsthat pf S p me Qegl ] n ec e ssitate a heliplay an important role in pro- determine survivcopter flight to a I <d viding the information neces- ability i s c a lling m trauma center." saryto start St. Charles'Heart I for help and get- tt 1 85 Ultimately Traum a v ictims system, which was established tingthathelp there g ff eCgS often need fluids to more quickly prepare to treat with a defibrillator such as saline to $ /-$ heart attack patients. and getting somebe a d m i nistered "Where you have a com- one there who can — Dr Bruce McLellan i ntravenously, t o pletely blocked heart artery P e~orm CP R , " blood cardlologlsI m a i ntain and an i n d ividual's having McLellan said. pressure, Eschela heart attack, our national In Central Orbach said. "And of guidelines are we try to get egon, many law enforcement c o u rse pain management is that open within 90 minutes," agencies have automatic ex- i m p o rtantintrauma." "Our experience in the Gulf Widmer said. Lost m inutes ternal defibrillators in some of add up, whether in paramedic their vehicles, McLellan said. W a r and Afghanistan and Iraq response times or the t i me "Then, when the paramedics ( w ars) led us to ... tourniquets, it takes to diagnose a heart arrive, they have full resuscita- a p ractice that had been abanproblem, "and all of a sudden tion equipment." doned for a number of years," you're missing your 90-minute Paramedics canadminister Eschelbach said. "Used corcontact to balloon time" goal, medications intravenously to r e c t ly, it can be lifesaving to Widmer said, referring to the prevent recurrences of "lethal" s t op bleeding." balloon used to clear a block- heart rhythms, McLellan said. Esc h elbach said sometimes age of the artery. Paramedics can also provide i t i s impossible to quickly get medications for heart r ates p a t ients to ahospital."Because Brain essentials and blood pressures that are C e n tral O r egon i s u n i que, McLellan said cardiac arrest dangerouslylow. meaning we have so much "The defibrillator is the first o u t door space, sometimes it's can deprive the brain of oxystep, but there are many lay- j u s t i mpossible to make that gen, causing brain damage. "There's virtually no blood ers tothe incremental care ofa golden hour,"Eschelbach said. flow going on once the person cardiac arrest patient," McLel- "A couple examples would be, has sufferedthe cardiac ar- lan said. I recently had a trauma victim rest, so the issue is largely that Paramedics also carry a n fr o m S t eelhead Falls and it of brain f unction, meaning electrocardiogram, or E K G , t o o k two hours to get him out most of the body's organs can so "they can identify whether o f the canyon. Or a rescue on get along without some blood cardiac arrest is potentially S m i t h Rock might take even flow for a w h ile," McLellan due to a heart attack." If they l o n ger." said. "What often is the deter- identify signs of a heart attack, — Reporter: 541-617-7829, mining factor is brain function paramedics call the hospital to hborrudC<bendbulleti n.com

Fraud Continued from A1 That's because applicants initially will self-report i n f ormation a b out their incomes, citizenship and the quality and cost of any workplace coverage, all of which helps determine their eligibility for the tax credits. E mployers w er e s u p posed to provide information about workers' health coverage to the I nternal Revenue Service, but that requirement was delayed for a year when the Obama administration postponed enforcement of th e " employer mandate" on July 2. Verifyingthosefactsnow requires the government to contact employers and ask for the information, which they may or may not provide. That leaves no quick way to determine whether tax credit applicants have access toaffordable workplace coverage. "People are only human. Sometimes they'll fudge in their favor," said Rep. Michael Burgess of Texas, a tea party Republican and staunch critic of the health care law. "I don't know if that's going to be a problem or not; it's just one other wrinkle that someone at some agency needs to be thinking about." S upporters of th e l aw s ay self-reporting is t h e norm for m an y g overnment functions, such as income tax returns. And Obama administration officials say the likelihood of health care tax-credit fraud is limited "The individual can try to penetrate the system and gain money, but they're not

Who gets tax credits? Nearly 26 million low- and moderate-income people could get

tax credits to help buy coverage on the new state insurance marketplaces, or "exchanges." Number of people eligible for tax credits by state: Fewer than 10,000

10 , 0 00- • 39,999

40,0 0 0- • 89,9 99

More t han 90,000


Conn. Del.



25.7 million

A demographic look ai who is eligihle Most are white ... White*


... young adults .. >ge

Over 54 13% ~


M 23%

18 34

Not working




Bl k'


... and working


Under 18 35-54




Note: Figures do not total 100 percent due to rounding Sources: The Lewin Group, Families USA

: Working

, '88% *Non-Hispanic

Judy Treible I ©2013 McClatchy-Tribune News Service

bureau data and IRS records. Suspected cheaters might be asked to submit additional information. Eligibility support workers then would try to confirm that information and might withdraw coverage if it can't be validated, said Marilyn Tavenner, the administrator of the Centers for Medicare 8 Medicaid Services. "As soon as we find out that there is a problem, if they're not eligible for tax c r edits, they would be removed immediately," Tavenner told the House Committee on Energy & Commerce last week. But that verification process might take up to three months. While reviews are

know what? If you could say you're going to mow a few extra lawns and get your income up to this level, you actually qualify for a subsidy in the exchange,'" Burgess said.

Deterrents and repayments But deterrents exist. People who apply for coverage on the

exchanges may face perjury

charges for submitting false information. Negligence violations carry a $25,000 fine. Willful violations come with a $250,000 penalty. And ineligible people who get tax credits will have to pay them back going toget money. The when they file their taxes the money is going to be sent following year. to the insurer," acting IRS Only people with incomes Commissioner Daniel Wer- pending, ineligible applicants above 400 percent of the fedfel said in recent congres- c ould receive coverage i n eral poverty level will have to sional testimony. "They're q ualified health plans a nd pay back the entire amount of going to get health care, their tax credits already will a wrongful tax credit issued and they might get more have been sent to their insur- on their behalf. Those with inaffordable health care than ance companies and applied comes below that must repay they're otherwise eligible to their premiums. Depend- only a portion of the subsidy. for." "As long as they will qualify ing on an applicant's income and family size, the tax credit for some subsidy,dishonest The difficulty could exceed $10,000. individuals have incentive to of verification T he potential f o r f r a u d fudge their i ncome," Chris F raud c o ncerns a l s o could be heightened by enroll- Jacobs wrotein a recent blog have been raised about ver- ment workers who get paid post. He's a s e nior h ealth ifying applicants' incomes, by the number of people they policy analyst at the Heritage citizenship, household siz- enroll through the exchanges, Foundation, a conservative rees and other information Burgess said. search center. that may not be available He said that scenario was Timothy Jost, a law profesthrough other government most likely in the 21 states sor at Washington and Lee data sources. that wouldn't implement the University who's a supporter Generally, people below Affordable Care Act's "Medic- of the law, said the potential the poverty l evel a ren't aid expansion," which would for tax credit fraud was no eligible for the tax credits. extend p r ogram c o v erage different from the fraud risk At what point those poor- to people who earn up to 138 in income tax returns. Both, est Americans qualify for percent of the federal poverty he said, rely heavily on most Medicaid v a ries w i d ely level. people filling out the forms "If I'm in an income group honestly. from state to state. However, ta x c r e d its that would perhaps qualify for can go to legal immigrants Medicaid expansion, but my with incomes below the state isn't doing it and someone's getting paid $56 per poverty line if their immigration status makes them person for everyone they sign ineligible for Medicaid. up in the exchange, there's an In the first year of opincentive there to say, 'You eration, f e d erally r un exchanges will use a scientific sampling process HIGH DESERT BANK to weed out applications Elevation Capital Strategies that understate household 775 SW BonnetWay Suite 120 Bend income. Income declaraMain: 541-728-0321 tions also will be checked I II • • t • www.elevationcapitat.biz against credit r e porting




Rates Continued from A1 In some cases, a 15-minute call has cost $17, and numerous fees have been tacked onto call charges. Inmates' families, many of them poor, usually are stuck with the bills. For security, inmates are not allowed to have cellphones. "For 10 years, the families and friends of inmates have been asking the FCC to ease the burden of an inmate calling rate structure. Their wait is finally over," said FCC acting chairwoman Mignon Clyburn, who took over the interim spot in May. Clyburn's voice, and that of commissioner JessicaRosenworcel, cracked with emotion as they read statements about the decision. The audience, which included family members of inmates, broke out in applause after the vote. Stephanie Joyce, an attorney who represents Dallas-based Securus Technologies Inc., one of the two largest providers of inmate phone services, said the company was withholding comment until the release of the actual order from the commission. Mark Kollar, an attorney representing American Securities, which owns the other large provider, Global Tel-Link, declined to comment.

A representative of the National Sheriffs' A ssociation, which was wary of FCC action before Friday's meeting, could not be immediately reached Friday. Limiting the rates was made easier after Clyburn, a Democrat, moved into the lead spot on the commission. The fivemember panel has two vacancies. Clyburn needed only one supporting vote, which came f rom Rosenworcel, also a Democrat. The petition asking the FCC to regulate inmate phone call rates was filed in 2003 after a judge dismissed a lawsuit that Martha Wright-Reed brought against a private prison company. She had struggled to keep up with phone bills while her grandson was incarcerated. The judge directed her to the commission. Wright-Reed's g r a n dson, Ulandis Forte,has since been released from prison and was in the audience for Friday's vote. He wiped away tears when the vote was taken. Clyburn said Wright-Reed would call her then-incarcerated grandson a couple of times a week, to speak with him for about 15 minutes a call, and "for this minimal contact, she often paid $100 a month." Bethany Fraser, 36, t old c ommissioners b efore t h e

vote that her sons, ages 5 and 10, are among 2.7 million children in the U.S. with incarcerated parents. Her husband has been in a Maryland prison for 2'/~ years, serving 10 years for the drunken-driving death of a bicyclist. "I would do anything and pay any amount tokeep the children connected to their father," Fraser said. "But choosing between essential needs and keeping kids connected to their parents is not a choice any parent should have to make." Clyburn added later that the rate regulation will help inmates stay in touch with lawyers on their cases. "Not everyone wh o is

charged and in p r ison is guilty," she said. The commission's action Friday also means companies with rates of 12 cents or less per minute for debit and prepaid calls and 14 cents per minute or less for collect calls will be presumed to have "just and reasonable" rates. Companies with those rates will be protected from enforcement actions under the new rules. FCC staff and Clyburn said they consider the rates generous and arrived at them based on data companies provided during five months of public comment.



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n survei ance, ama avors o enness,c an e o cou

2 email services destroy data rather than reveal files

By Charlie Savage

By Somini Sengupta

and Michael D. Shear

New York Times News Service

in what he said would be an "appropriate" way. He listed New York Times News Service as examples ofthose steps esWASHINGTON — P r esitablishing more oversight and dent Barack Obama on Friday auditing how the database is sought to take control of the used. roiling debate over the National The president also threw his Security Agency's surveillance support behind a proposal to practices, releasing a more dechange the procedures of the tailed legal justification for dosecret court that approves elecmestic spying and calling for tronic spying under the Foreign more openness and scrutiny Intelligence Surveillance Act, of the NSA's programs to reassaying an adversarial lawyer sure a skeptical public that its should make arguments opprivacy is not being violated. posing the Justice Department "It's right to ask questions when the court is considering about surveillance, particuwhether to approve broad surlarly as technology is reshapveillance programs. ing every aspect of our lives," Pablo Martinez Monsivais/The Associated Press The administration also reObama said, adding: "It's not President Barack Obama said in a news conference Friday he'll leased a 22-page, unclassified "white paper" explaining in enough for me, as president, to work with Congress to change the oversight of some of the Nahave confidencein these pro- tional Security Agency's controversial surveillance programs and greater detail why the governgrams. The American people name a new panel of outside experts to review technologies. ment believes that its bulk colneed to have confidence in lection of domestic phone logs them as well." is lawful. At the same time, the But at a time when leaks by spying brought to light by integrity of the program," said NSA released a seven-page the former NSA contractor Ed- Snowden's leaks said the pres- the spokesman, Brendan Buck. paper outlining its role and ward Snowden have exposed ident's approach was insuf- "That must be the president's authorities. The agency is crethe agency's expansive spying ficient. Anthony Romero, the red line, and he must enforce it. ating a full-time civil liberties both inside the United States executive director of the Amer- Our priority should continue to and privacy officer, Obama and abroad to an unprecedent- ican Civil Liberties Union, said be saving American lives, not said, and next week it will open ed degree of scrutiny, Obama that a program that collects re- saving face." a website designed to explain showed no inclination to cur- cords ofevery domestic phone A clear theme of Obama's itself better to the public. "We can and must bemore tail secret surveillance efforts. call — which Obama made remarks was thathe believed Rather, he conceded only a clear he intends to keep — must that the public's understand- transparent," Obama said. need for greater openness and be shut down. ing of the surveillance proI n addition, Obama a n "What's clear is that these grams had been distorted. He nounced the creation of a task safeguards to make the public "comfortable" with them. surveillance programs have portrayed some of Snowden's force that will include outside In meeting threats to the gone much further than the leaks as having been reported intelligence specialists and civcountry, Obama said, "we have president or Congress have in "the most sensationalized il liberties advocates to advise to strike the right balance be- ever admitted," Romero said. manner possible" and parceled the government about how to tween protecting our security "These initial r ecommenda- out to "maximize attention" in balance security and privacy and preserving our freedoms." tions from Obama today, al- "dribs and in drabs, sometimes as improving computer techAnd while he said that the pro- beit welcome, are too little too coming out sideways." The re- nology makes it possible to grams were valuable and that late. They are not sufficient sult has been misimpressions gather ever more information he was confident that they had to address serious concerns not merely among the Ameri- about people's private lives. not been abused, he acknowl- about possible violations of can public, he said, but around The news conference also edged that people "may want to the law and about dragnet the world — a r eference to dwelled on Snowden's tempojigger slightly" that balance. surveillance." the widespread international rary refugee status in Russia, Obama made his remarks at A spokesman for Speaker criticism of the United States and the cooling relationship a wide-ranging news confer- John Boehner, R-Ohio, urged over reports of its surveillance with the Putin government over ence ontheeve ofhisdeparture Obama not to let such criticism policies. that and several other issues, for summer vacation. He began undermine the NSA's fundaincluding the conflict in Syria Moving forward with a lengthy statement about mental capabilities. and Russia's crackdown on "Transparency is important, surveillance, and that was the In an effort to rebuild public gay rights. Earlier in the week, focus of the nearly hourlong but we expect the White House trust, Obama said he wanted to Obama canceled a planned news conference. to insist that no reform will work with Congress to modify summit meeting with President Critics o f t h e e l e ctronic compromise the operational the phone log program — but Vladimir Putin in Moscow.

Sharks Continued from A1 "It's just trying to put things in proper perspective.We're not trying to sweep it under the rug," he said. It is no coincidence that the group unveiled the classification system during " Shark Week," the Discovery Channel's wildly popular annual series that began in 1987 as educational programming about sharks and morphed into a kind of " Jaws Gone Wild" event with baritone narrators describing "attacks" by "pure biting machines." "When I hear people talk about g e tting i n f o rmation a bout sharks f r o m 'Shark W eek,' it m a kes m y s k i n crawl," said Hueter, who did contribute to "Shark Week" during the early years, when the focus was more on education and conservation. "They just keep pushing the 'attack, danger' button all week long." A spokesperson for The Associated Press confirmed that the news service received the pressrelease but did not comment on AES' request. Every y ear AP p ublishes the A P Stylebook, a usage and style guide to help AP staff and members "provide a uniform presentation of t h e p r i nted word." AP's current online stylebook contains no entry relating to sharks. Not all shark researchers support the campaign to persuade the media to change their ways. "I think it's a futile exercise," said George Burgess, director of the Florida Program for Shark Research and curator of the International Shark Attack File at the University of Florida. The attack file is a compilation of all known shark attacks — from the mid-1500s to the present — a d ministered by the American Elasmobranch Society and the Florida Museum of Natural History at the University of Florida. Elasmobranchs are

Proposed sharkinteractionterms Shark sightings:When sharks are seencloseto people but cause noinjury. Shark encounters:When sharks make contact with

surfboards, kayaksand boats but cause noinjury. Shark dites:Non-fatal shark bites.

Fatal shark bites:When sharks kill people.

WHAT'S AN ELASMOBRANCH? The term "elasmobranch" refers to fish — sharks, rays, skates — that have

skeletons made ofcartilage rather than bone. — Cox Newspapers fish such as sharks, rays and skates that have five to seven gill clefts on each side, dorsal fins, skeletons made of cartilage and rows of teeth that are constantly replaced. "I believe there are shark attacks and shark bites and the role of science is not to legislate words," Burgess said. Burgess, a founding member of the AES, agrees that "shark attack" is a loaded phrase and often misused. But shark attacks are real, Burgess said. "If a bullshark mauls somebody, that's an attack and you can call it an attack," Burgess said. "But if you have your toes nipped while surfing, that's a bite." Burgess said the attack file has its own classification system, the shark-induced trauma scale, which he describes as a "Richter scale of trauma" that ranks incidents on a 1-5 scale based on the severity of the injury. Rather than issuing a press release urging news organizations to use its scale, Burgess said the attack file is urging medical providers and shark researchers to use the scale,especially when speaking with the media. As for removing the phrase

"shark attack" from the name of the International Shark Attack File, Burgess said that won't happen. "Obviously ' attack' h a s been used as a generic name for any interaction," Burgess said. " We'll continue to d o that as part of the name of our organization." The A m e rican E l a smobranch Societyalso is recommending t h a t g o v ernment officials use its four-category classification system in talking about shark interactions. Hueter has not heard from any news organizations but he said he especially hopes the guidelines will be considered by editors and reporters along Florida's east coast, where more shark encounters occur than anywhere else in the United States. He said that when he applied his classification system to the I n ternational Shark Attack File's 637 confirmed cases of unprovoked shark attacks in Florida between 1882 and 2012, the number dropped by 98 percent. Of the 637, ll would be labeled "fatal shark bites." Most of th e r emaining 626 would be classified as "shark encounters" or "shark bites" with a small fraction being "shark sightings." But Nick Moschella, content editor for The Palm Beach Post, said, "It's not our job to classify shark incidents. What we do is interview everyone involved, seek i n f ormation from experts and simply report what happened." For Hueter, "shark attack" is a phrase that bestows an evil motive to human-shark interactions, as though sharks are premeditated serial killers, stalking surfers, scuba divers and swimmers. The phrase promotes an unnecessary hatred of sharks, which are an invaluable part of the ocean ecosystem,Hueter said. After 40 years of researching sharks, Hueter stands firm in his belief that "sharks have not put humans on their menu."

Weekly Arts 5 EnteWainment

observed Orin Kerr, a law professor who specializes in The shutdown o f two surveillance law at George small email providers this Washington Univ e r sity. week illustrates why it is so "They need to respect the hard forInternet companies privacy rightsof customers to challenge secret govern- in orderto keep customers, ment surveillance: To protect but they also have an obligatheir customers' data from tion to comply with the law. federal authorities, the two A small company can say, companies essentially com- 'Rather than comply w ith mitted suicide. the law, we will go under.' Lavabit, a T e x as-based But Verizon is not going to service that was reportedly do that." used by Edward Snowden, Large Internet companies announced the suspension of have moved more quietly its service. In a blog post, the and cautiously, addressing company's owner, Ladar Le- consumers' concerns about vison, suggested — though government requests only did not say explicitly — that after information about sehe had received a s ecret cret orders was leaked by search order and was choos- Snowden. ing to shut down the service On the Lavabit site Thursto avoid being "complicit in day afternoon, Levison said crimes against the American he was legally prohibited people." from explaining why he had Within hours, a fast-grow- been compelled to suspend ing Maryland-based startup operations. "I wish that I could legally c alled Silent C i r cle a l so closed its email service and share with you the events destroyed its email servers. that led to my decision. I canThe company said it saw the not," he wrote. " This e x p erience h a s writing on the wall — while also making it p l ain t h at taught me one very imporit had not yet received any tant lesson: without c oncourt orders soliciting user gressional action or a strong data. judicial precedent, I would Mike Janke, the chief ex- strongly recommend against ecutive, said the company's anyone trusting their private customers include heads of data to a company with physstate, members of r oyalty ical ties to the United States," and government agencies. he added. The company will continue Silent Circle's chief execuits encrypted phone and text tive, Janke, said the incident messaging service. was a reminder of a fundaIn effect, both businesses mental flaw with email techdestroyed their assets — in nology. An "aggressive" govpart or in f ull — t o avoid ernment, he said, can extract turning over their customers' email data from any compadata. Such public displays are ny, no matter how good the far more difficultfor large company's encryption tools. companies to make and help Silent Circle destroyed its explain why the most public encryption keys, the digital efforts to challenge secret equivalent of a library setg overnment o r ders h a v e ting fire to its membership come from small companies records to keep the governand nonprofits. m ent from k n owing w h o "Providers are in a bind," checked out what books.




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All Financing onApproved Credit. Pricesgoodthrough 8/15/13.

Calendar, B3 Obituaries, B5

Weather, B6




OC ar eSin anCeCaSe

Lightning keeps firefighters dusy Lightning Friday kept

By Branden Andersen

ported July 25, when Chance was discovered by a passing Deschutes County District motorist on Smith Rock Road Attorney Patrick Flaherty near Terrebonne. The next will not file criminal charges dog dragged outside of the car. day, the Deschutes County "I would like to reagainst the owners Sheriff's Department stated of Chance, a pit bull mind our community to the dog was not dragged beterrier that sustained please call law enforcehind a vehicle, but rather he life-threatening injuries ment when they witness jumped out of an open winafter being dragged by a crime or suspected dow. The driver, who was not a car in July, according crime," Flaherty wrote. the dog's owner, did not realto a statement Friday Chance Flaherty did not ize Chancehad jumped out. afternoon. return a call seeking Anderson said that after "Experienced deputies and fur t h er comment Friday after- reviewing the incident, the DA's office now believes the detectives worked on this noon. His chief deputy, Mary investigation and I agree with A nd e rson, said she would not dog was on a long leash or their conclusion that this was re v eal additional information a rope fashioned as a leash a tragic accident and not a about the witnesses. when he jumped out of the criminal act," Flaherty wr ote. The i n c ident was first rewindow. The leash apparently

firefighters hopping

The Deschutes County Sheriff's investigation revealed three people did not call the police after seeing the

The Bulletin

across Central Oregon, the Central Oregon Interagency Dispatch

Center reported. Over a12-hour period ending at 7 p.m., more than 350 lightning

strikes were recorded across the area. Airtank-

ers and helicopters were grounded becauseof thunderstorm cells or

heavy downpours, the center reported. Reports of smoke rising from six sites around Katalo Butte southwest of Bend attracted notice, and

dispatchers said smoke jumpers would bedelivered there onceweather cleared.

was caught in the car for a

duration, dragging the dog until he came free on the side of theroad. He lay there foras long as 36 hours before he was discovered. BrightSide Animal Center in Redmond treated the dog's injuries and accepted up to $5,000 in donations to continue Chance's treatment and


Underpass detour The Third Street

underpass will be closed from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. nightly throughout

August as city crews work to correct frequent flooding. A

signed detour will lead commuters to Franklin Avenue, Ninth Street

and Wilson Avenue. Ge

surgery. "The event was traumatic and painful for the dog," Anderson said. "It could have potentially been avoided if someone called it in." — Reporter: 541-383-0348, bandersen@bendbulletin.com

ro m

Franklin Ave.




re nde ass ilson Ave.

intot e air-weat ers

All fires noted around

Central Oregon appeared to besmall. The Green Ridge Fire, burning 14 miles

northwest of Sisters,

R d Market Rd Greg Cross/The Bulletin

Well shot!

grew to1,307 acres and is 75 percent contained,

reader photos

with 535 personnel assigned, according to

• Can you work a camera andcapture a great picture? Andcan

the dispatch center. Full

containment is expected Sunday.

you tell us a bit about it? Submit your color or

Light rain fell over

black-and-white photos

the fire area Friday afternoon, and crews made excellent progress with line improvement and mop-up along the

and tell us where and when you took them.

eastern flank, the center

• We want to see your photos of gardens for another special version


of Well shot! that will

run in the Outdoors

— Bulletin staff report

section. Submit your best work at

denddulletln.com /gardenandwe'll pick


the best for publication. • Email other good photos of the

Reported for Central and Eastern Oregon. For the latest information, visit www.nwccweb .us/information/

great outdoors to readerphotosO denddull etln.com and tell us a bit about where and when you tookthem. We'll choose the best for

firemap.aspx. ' Bend

publication. Submission requirements: Include as much detail as Rob Kerr /The Bulletin


".ttend --:: : g- t,

:: MILEs ' g,v

'Burns '


A trio of Crook County fairgoers bounce high on the Eurobungy-Trampoline ride during the opening hours Wednesday in Prineville. Themed "Boots, Chaps and Cowboy Hats," the fair continues through


1. Green Ridge • Acres: 1,307 • Containment: 75%

tonight. See more photos from the fair on Page B2. News of Record, B3


Fee to loat the JohnDay? Grant funds program

• Cause: Lightning 2. GC Complex • Acres: 10,900

By Dylan J. Darling

for native teenagers

The Bulletin

• Containment: 0% • Cause: Lightning 3. Coyote Gap • Acres: 807 • Containment: 50%

• Cause: Lightning 4. Mann • Acres: 355 • Containment: 100% • Cause: Lightning

5. Grassy Mountain • Acres: 17,400 • Containment: 50% • Cause: Lightning

6. Sharon Creek • Acres: 5,000 • Containment: 0% • Cause: Lightning

STATE NEWS Pendleton


John Datr

• John Day:Update on wildfire near John Day

• Pendleton:Man unknowingly buys 60-year-old live ammo Stories on B3, B5

possible — when and where you took it, and any special technique used — as well as your name, hometown and phone number. Photos must be high resolution (at least 6 inches wide and 300 dpi) and cannot be altered.

Boaters on the John Day River may have to pay a fee to float as early as next spring. The Bureau of Land Management is considering adding a fee to the permit program for a 147-mile stretch of the river's main stem, from Service Creek in Wheeler County to Tumwater Falls 10 miles from the Columbia River, said Heidi Mottl, recreation planner with the BLM in Prineville. The agency is working with an advisory council to determine the fee amount, when to apply it and other details. A business plan completed last month by the BLM showed it costs the agency just over $80,000 per year to clean and maintain bathrooms at put-ins along the river and clean up trash left by boaters. These chores have become difficult, Mottl said, with shrinking federal budgets. "So we need to ask users to help pitch in to maintain services," Mottl said. The permit system on the John Day applies to rafts, drift boats, kayaks, canoes and jet boats. The BLM imposed a permit system on the John Day in 1998; about 7,000 boaters ayear use that stretch of river. For 15 years the permits have been free. The possibility of a fee on the John Day already has its critics, including Steve Smith, the owner and lone guide of Steve Smith Outdoors. Smith,

By Tyler Leeds The Bulletin

CourtesyBureau ofLand Management

Rafters float the John Day River downstream of Clarno in 2009. The Bureau of Land Management may add a fee to the permit required for boating on a 147-mile stretch of the river (see map inside). who lives in Troutdale and leads fishing trips around Oregon, said he has had a commercial permit to guide fishing trips on the John Day since 1979. The BLM already takes 3 percentof his gross income earned from trips on the river as a condition of the permit. He said he is not convinced that he and the other guides are getting value for the money. "All it gets us is toilet paper at a couple of places," he said. There are21 commercial guides with permits for the John Day, Mottl said. They are subject to a federal rule requiring anyone running a business that uses public land to pay 3 percent of their total

gross income to the managing agency, a minimum of $100 per year. On the John Day, that has brought an average of about $11,000 per year since 2007, according to the BLM business plan. "That money is used locally," Mottl said, "in the areas where it was collected." But it is not enough to cover the basic maintenance costs outlined in the business plan. Originally the BLM was

looking at charging a $15 per-person fee for floating the John Day, allowing trips up to

14 days long, during the peak floating season of May 20 through July 10, Mottl said. SeeJohn Day/B6

Central Oregon Community College received a $10,000 grant to expand a residential leadership program for local Native American high school students. The money comes from the Cow Creek Umpqua Indian Foundation, which gives around $900,000 annually to community programs in seven Oregon counties, including Deschutes. The grant will be paired with $13,000 from the COCC student association to fund the Summer Training to Revive Indigenous Vision and Empowerment (STRIVE) program. STRIVE will bring 25 students, mostly from Madras and Warm Springs, to COCC's Bend campus for a

week beginning Sunday. "The STRIVE program stood out because of the educational benefits it offers to Native American students," said Carma Mornarich, director of the Cow Creek Umpqua Indian Foundation. "It's important to get them on campus and expose the students to college life and what's available. Fewer Native American students tend to go on to higher education." To expose students to life at COCC, students will take classes in the morning and

engage in a range of activities in the afternoon. One of the classes will focus on preparing students to navigate the college application process and life in higher education. Another course, titled "Who's Your Coyote," will engage students in creative work, focusing on drama and poetry. "Our final course, 'Awareness Play,' is a method for getting students to think about risky behaviors and how to approach making good choices," said Gina Ricketts, coordinator of COCC's Native American Program. The high schoolers will be treated to outdoor activities as well, including a starlight hike up to the Pine Mountain Observatory. On Sunday afternoon, Wanderlust Tours will teach a leadership course that culminates in a canoe trip. On another day, elders from Warm Springs will come to teach the students beading. Current COCC students will also be involved in the

program. "They will be serving as role models and mentors to the students," Ricketts said. "Some of them will be helping with a native art project through the week, which will createa piecewe can display." See STRIVE/B5



The CrookCounty Fairwraps uptoday. Visit www.crookcountyfairgrounds.comfor a schedule and moreinformation. Photos by Rob Kerr • The Bulletin

g T onto the camel grabs a nibble from the brim of handler Kyle McGranahan's cowboy hat as guests prepare for a camel ride. Three camels with Dustin's Top Notch Camel Rides of Yoncalla were at this year's Crook County Fair.

,c g-

A steer that

got loose Wednesday night caused at least a dozen volunteers to scramble around the Crook County Fairgrounds,

opening and closing gates to finally get it corralled. Abby Curtis, left, and Lisa Robison face its charge.

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Teenagers enjoy a warm evening near a food cart at the fair.

From left, Chase Buchanan, 12, Tyler Youngblood, 8, and Jared Fleck, 13, play a dusty game of tag in the evening sunset near the beef barn. g J im Michener offers some alfalfa to a newborn lamb.


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Fairgoers enjoy one of several inflatable play structures.





ii.ei teisat 0 n a • Also, ICitzhaberis weighing whether to declareeconomic disaster in southwest Oregon

AROUND THE STATE CryptO in Baker City —Cryptosporidium can draw — andwork up — a hugecrowd thesedays in Baker City, as city, state andfederal officials try to figure out how the microscopic parasite got into the city's water and infected an estimated 300 to 400 residents. And Baker City officials have shut off another source of city water as a re-

sult of a positive test for crypto. OnThursday, about 250 residents atBy Steven Dubois and Tim Fought The Associated Press

PORTLAND — Firefighters and rainfall blunted a grasslands fire that threatened an Eastern Oregon city. Two o v ernight s h o wers dropped a tenth of an i n ch of rain, slowing the flames enough for authorities to lift be-ready-to-leave notices given Thursdayto neighborhoods at the edge of John Day. No homes were damaged, and the haze that blanketed the neighborhoods was r eplaced by blue skies. "Everything's pretty calm now," resident Rick Minster said by phone Friday. "I can look out m y w i n dow here, kind of to the north, and I can't see any smoke at all." Minster e s t i mated t h e flames got within a quartermile of the neighborhood on the east end and a mile on the north side. Plenty of firefighters were on hand, he said, and several planes were used to attack the fire. "It was quite the air show for a while," he said.

Randy L.Rasmussen /The Oregonian

Members of a firefighting crew from Medford check for hot spots along a fire line on the leading edge of one of several fires in the Douglas Complex near Glendale. Nine major fires or complexes are currently burning in Oregon, including the Grouse Mountain Fire east of the mountains near John Day.

has been fueled by g r ass, sagebrush, and juniper and pine trees. The wind shifted Thursday night and drove the flames south toward the city limits. The fir e a re a e x panded rapidly, f ro m a b out 2 , 000 acres to about 11,500 acres, or about 18 square miles. City police told residents to get their belongings together. Moving in onJohnDay "We w ere al l r e ady t o Lightning st a r te d th e move," said Blanche LundG rouse Mountain F ir e o n bom, who lives in the same Wednesday, and th e b l aze neighborhood as Minster. "It

EvENT TODAY MOTORCYCLE POKERRUN: Oregon Vets Motorcycle Association andVFW hostspoker,a300-mile motorcycle ride and an after-party with raffles, live music and barbecue dinner; $15 poker hand, $20 for two hands, $7 barbecue dinner; 8 a.m., last bike out at10 a.m.; VFW Hall, 1836S.W.VeteransWay, Redmond; 541-280-5161 or crazyhorseO coinet.com. TUMALO PEDDLER'SFLEA MARKET:Free admission; 8 a.m.-3 p.m.; Tumalo FeedCo., 64619 U.S. Highway 20, Bend; 541-306-8016 or copeddlersmarket@gmail.com. WINGS AND WHEELS: Features an airport open house, fly-in, pancake breakfast, aircraft displays, kids activities, classic cars, raffle and more; raffle proceeds benefit a local charity; free; 8 a.m.-3 p.m.; Prineville Airport, 3 miles southwest of Prineville on state Highway 126; 541-416-0805 or www.617. eaachapter.org/photos/flyer.png. PRINEVILLEFARMERS MARKET:Free;8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.; Prineville City Plaza, 387 N.E. Third St.; 541-447-6217 or prinevillefarmersmarket©gmail.com. HIGH DESERTCELTIC FESTIVAL AND SCOTTISHHIGHLAND GAMES:Event includes games,

was pretty scary." Gov. John Kitzhaber late T hursday a u t horized t h e state fire marshal to mobilize s t ructural f i r e fighters from other parts of the state to help local crews protect the 75 structures that were threatened. John Day has about 1,800 residents and is the largest city i n s p a rsely p opulated Grant County. David Morman, a spokesman for fire crews, said that when he w ok e u p F r i d ay

A L E NDAR dancers, food, storytelling, live music and more; $10 adults, $7 seniors and students age 6-17, free age 6 and younger; 9 a.m.-6 p.m.; Deschutes County Fair & Expo Center, 3800 S.W. Airport Way, Redmond; www.hdcs.net. MADRASSATURDAYMARKET: Freeadmission;9 a.m .-2 p.m.; Sahalee Park, 7th and B Streets; 541-489-4239. RUMMAGE SALEFUNDRAISER: Proceeds benefit the St. Thomas Altar Society; free admission; 9 a.m.-noon; St. Thomas Parish Center Gym,1755 N.W. Maple Ave., Redmond; 541-923-3390. SUNRIVERARTFAIRE: An art show with more than 65 booths featuring fine arts and fine crafts; entertainment and food; proceeds benefit nonprofits in Central Oregon; free admission; 9:30 a.m.7 p.m.; Village at Sunriver, 57100 Beaver Drive; 877-269-2580, sunriverartfaire©yahoo.com or www.sunriverartfaire.com. CENTRAL OREGONOFF-ROAD RACING:The second of a fourseries race of trucks and buggies on a closed-loop course; $12, free for children 10 and younger; 10 a.m., gatesopenat8 a.m.; Deschutes County Fair & Expo Center, 3800 S.W. Airport Way, Redmond; 541-410-8119 or www.

morning, it was overcast and considerably cooler after the showers, and he figured the fire fight had turned a corner. Then he learned that flames flared u p i n bur n e d-over grass at the southern part of the city where a separate, smaller fire had approached the city two days ago.

tended a special City Council meeting. The meeting was moved from City Hall to the Baker High School auditorium because the former has

Other fires

Crelle tepples —Police in Eugenesay a boomlift-type crane toppled

The fire is part of the GC Complex of f i res i n G r a nt County. That, in turn, is one of severalmajor fires or complexes of fires in Oregon, all

Friday evening, sending one man to a hospital. Officials say the unidenti-

coming after barrages of

MuSSel harVeSting freeZe —Oregon officials have closed recreational mussel harvesting on the south Oregoncoast because

lightning since late July. Four are in forests in the southwestern part of the state. One is on the eastern flank of the Cascade Range near Sisters, and four are in Eastern Ore-

room for only about 50 people. Themeeting was punctuated with audibl egasps,clapping handsandoccasionalangryshouts.People were asked to write down their questions as they entered the audi-

torium. Mayor Richard Langrell invited people to askquestions after selecting a few from the thick pile of paper. When city officials first

found out about local people getting cryptosporidiosis (the illness that comes from exposure to crypto), they weren't sure what wasthe source of the parasite, City Manager Mike Kee said.

fied manwasunresponsive whenmedics loaded him into anambulance. A crew hadbeenusing the lift to work oncommunication lines. Police say the man was wearing a harness when the lift tipped over.

of elevated levels of a marine toxin. The state Agriculture and Fish

and Wildlife departments said Friday that the closure extends from Cape Arago in Coos County to the California border. The culprit is an elevated level of paralytic shellfish poisoning toxin.

gon. (See the fire update map on Page Bl.)

Firefighter memorial in Aldany — Amemorial servicewil be

The governor's office said Friday it is surveying southwest Oregonbusinesses to see if an economic disaster needs to be declared. Businesses that depend on tourism have been hard hit by smoky skies and the closing of a section of the Rogue River. Such a declaration could give them access to low-interest loans, h elping them s u r vive t h i s

Southern Oregonwildfire. Thepublic service will be heldatthe West

held Saturday in Albany for Jesse Trader, the firefighter who died at a Albany High School football stadium. The family will later hold a private graveside service. The19-year-old from Albany was killed Tuesday when

the water truck hewasdriving overturned at the BigWindy FireComplex. Cliff reSCue —TheCoast Guardsays ahelicopter crew helped rescue threepeople stuck in the dark on acoastal cliff 70 feet above the ocean. The crew was sent along with a boat late Thursday when three people were reported on the cliff at Cape Lookout near Tillamook. Two

people climbeddown bythe light provided bythe helicopter. It hoisted a third person off and set her down on the beach. No injuries were

reported. — From wire reports

rough period.

Email events at least 10days before publication date to communitylifeCmbendbulletirLcom or click on "Submit an Event" at www.bendbulfetirLcom. Ongoing listings must be updated monthly. Contact: 541-383-0351.

centraloregonracepark.com. CENTRALOREGONSATURDAY MARKET:Featuring arts and crafts from local artisans; free admission; 10 a.m.-4 p.m.; parking lot across from Downtown Bend Public Library, Parking Lot, 600 N.W. Wall St.; 541-420-9015 or www. centraloregonsaturdaymarket.com. COUNTRY FAIR5 ART SHOW: Featuring a juried art show and sale, silent auction, raffles, music, food and more; proceeds benefit local community support agencies; free; 10 a.m.-3 p.m.; Episcopal Church of the Transfiguration, 68825 N. Brooks Camp Road, Sisters; 541-549-7087. CROOK COUNTYFAIR:The themeis"Boots,Chaps8 Cowboy Hats," featuring a talent show, dance performances, live music, bull riding, barbecue, kids zone and more; free admission; 10 a.m.-10 p.m.; Crook County Fairgrounds, 1280 S. Main St., Prineville; 541-447-6575 or www. crookcountyfairgrounds.com. JIM DUNCAN MEMORIALGOLF TOURNAMENT: Features a two person scramble, a barbecue dinner and prizes; proceeds benefit Wendy's Wish and Harvest of Hope; $99; 10 a.m.; River's Edge Golf Course, 400 Pro Shop Drive, Bend; 503-209-0022 or tduncan@ ironplanet.com.

NORTHWEST CROSSING SATURDAYFARMERSMARKET: Free; 10 a.m.-2 p.m.; NorthWest Crossing, Mt. Washington and Northwest Crossing drives, Bend; www.nwxevents.com. RELAY FORLIFE: A 24-hour walking event; proceeds benefit the American Cancer Society; free for spectators, donations accepted; 10 a.m.; High Desert Middle School, 61111 S.E. 27th St., Bend; 541-6939860 or www.bendrelay.org. SUMMERCARNIVAL: Featuring Bend Circus Center performers, children's games, Okule'a OhanaHawaiian Dancers, food and more; free admission; 3-6 p.m.;C.E.Lovejoy's Brookswood Market, 19530 Amber Meadow Drive, Bend; 541-388-1188 or www.celovejoys.com. BETHLEHEMINNAUCTION: 01d treasures for sale; all proceeds benefit the Bethlehem Inn; taking donations on site from 7 a.m.-3 p.m; free admission; 3:30 p.m.; A-1 Westside Storage, 317 S.W. Columbia St., Bend; 541-317-5700 or www.bethleheminn.org. POTTERYGAMES:Potters compete for medals as they create bowls for future use in the Empty Bowls fundraiser for Neighborlmpact; free; 5-8 p.m.; Art Station, 313 S.W. Shevlin Hixon Drive, Bend; 541-6171317 or www.neighborimpact.org.

SEASONSHOWCASE:A two-hour show featuring scenes from Bend Improv Group and songs from the upcoming "Spamalot" at the Tower Theatre; silent auction, no-host bar and announcement of top three plays for Playwrights Platform; proceeds benefit future productions; $10 in advance, $15at the door;7 p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-312-9626 or www.2ndstreettheater.com. NAKED FOR SAFETY:The Reno, Nev., rock band performs, with Failure Machine and Edewaard; free; 9 p.m., doors open at 8 p.m.; Volcanic Theatre Pub, 70 S.W. Century Drive, Bend; 541-323-1881 or www.volcanictheatrepub.com. JIVE COULIS:The Ashland funkrock band performs; $5; 9:30 p.m.; Silver Moon Brewing 8 Taproom, 24 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend;541-388-8331 or www. silvermoonbrewing.com.

$25, registration requested; 8:30 a.m. Fez Dash, 9 a.m. for 5K walk/ run; Riverbend Park, 799 S.W. ColumbiaSt.,Bend;541-205-4484 or www.centraloregonshriners. org/run-for-a-child/. SUNRIVERARTFAIRE: An art show with more than 65 booths featuring fine arts and fine crafts; entertainment and food; proceeds benefit nonprofits in Central Oregon; free admission; 9:30 a.m.-4 p.m.; Village at Sunriver, 57100 Beaver Drive; 877-269-2580, sunriverartfaire©yahoo.com or www.sunriverartfaire.com. LEV HALLEL:A dance symposium and concert featuring Messianic artist Jonathan Settel; free admission; 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; American Legion Community Park, 850 S.W. Rimrock Way, Redmond; www.houseofcovenant.org. SECONDSUNDAY:Featuring poet, artistand musical performer Mosley Wotta aka Jason Graham; free; 2 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-3121034 or www.deschuteslibrary.org. TURF TUNESCONCERT:Featuring live music with Parlour, food and beverage vendors; bring a lowprofile chair; free; 5-7 p.m.; Sunriver Homeowners Aquatic & Recreation Center, 57250 Overlook Road; www. sunriversharc.com.

SUNDAY RUN FOR A CHILD: Featuring a Fez Dash, 5K run/walk followed by a barbecue, booths, Shriner go-karts and clowns; free screening clinic for children up to18 for eligibility for care; net proceeds benefit the Shriners Hospitals for Children;

Find It All

NEws oF REcoRD CIVIL SUITS Filed on June 14

13CV0899 —PennyMac Loan Services LLC v.Kelly Oberstaka Kelly Richard Oberstaka Kelly R. Oberst, Cassidy Crocker andEmily Crocker, Michael Oberst, Miller LumberCompany,and Ray Klein lnc., complaint, $93,614.16 plus interest, costs and fees 13CV0901 —U.S. BankN.A., as trustee for MASTRAdjustable Rate Mortgages Trust 2007-1, mortgage pass-through certificates, series 2007-1 v. Shari Biggs, individually and as trustee of theSharon Biggs Revocable Trust dated April 18, 2005, complaint ,$287,343.80 13CV0902 —Advanced Cutting Solutions Inc. dba AAAMetal Fabrication v. Worthy Brewing LLC dba Worthy Brewing Co., complaint, $26,885.50 Filed June 17 13CV0903 —Federal National

Mortgage Association v. Jennifer L. Brock, Andrew J. Polanchek, Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems lnc. and CitiBank N.A., complaint, $269,814.56 13CV0904 —Nationstar Mortgage LLC v. Brandi McClennenand Jacob McClennen, $193,704.56 plus interest, costs and fees Filed June 18

13CV0905 —PNCBank N.A.v. John A. Hildebrandtand Lisa Hildebrandt, complaint, $159,786.54 13CV0906 —Beneficial Oregon lnc. v. Travis ShawPerkins, Summer Perkins, Angela T.Lee,Ray Klein Inc. dba professional credit service, The Cronin Companyandthe State of Oregon, complaint, $217,071.14

13CV0907 —Wells Fargo Bank N.A. v. Kerri L. Rosenblatt, Mid Oregon Federal Credit Union andthe Oregon Department of Revenue,complaint, $427,557.77 23CV0908— DeutscheBankNational Trust Company, solely as trustee for Harborview Mortgage Loan Trust Mortgage LoanPass-through Certificates, series 2006-14 v. Lance E Lewis and Betty J. Fox, complaint, $296,908.47 13CV0909 —Wells Fargo Bank N.A. v. Frank CenigaandShelby Ceniga, complaint, $133,842.61 13CV0901 —Bankof America N.A. v. Diana Eellsand JohnEells, Does1-50, complaint, $99,132.97 13CV0912 —Cavalry SPV I LLCv. Paul R. Carter, complaint, $17,245.20 Filed June 19 13CV0913 —State Farm Mutual

Automobile lnsuranceCompanyv. Heinz D.Engel, complaint, $16,214.76 13CV0914 —Federal National Mortgage Association v. Katherine Michel, Michael R. Michel and Deschutes River Recreation Homesites Property Owners Association, complaint, $166,901.38 13CV0915 —Nationstar Mortgage LLC v. Trevor Z. Griffin and Kimberly A. Griffin, complaint, $311,220.29 Filed June 20

13CV0918 —Nationstar Mortgage LLC v. the unknownheirs and devisees of Susan K. Haugen, Benjamin Russell Veit, Spencer H.VeiI, heir of SusanK. Haugen, Springleaf Financial Services fka American General Financial dba American General Financial Services Inc. and Jefferson Capital Systems LLC, complaint, $301,971.53 plus interest, costs and fees 13CV0919 —Federal National

Mortgage Association v. Dan K. Nicholson and CitiBank N.A., complaint, $341,471.98 plus interest, costs and fees 13CV0920 —Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas as trustee for Rali 2003-QS7 v. James D.Atwood and Jill L. Atwood, complaint, $97,543.11 13CV0921— OCWEN LoanServicing LLC v. Sandra L.Peterson andSonnie Grossman, complaint, $113,165.41 13CV0922 —GreenTree Servicing LLC v. Charles William, complaint, $172,6 I5.51 13CV0923 —OCWENLoan Servicing LLC v. SamBrown akaSamuel E. Brown, Caitlin Brown andUmpqua Bank, complaint, $317,039.06 Filed June 21 13CV0924 —OCWENServicing LLC v. Lee E Bonjorni, Cynthia G. Bonjorni and Midland Funding LLC,complaint, $97,169.50 13CV0925 —Wilmington Trust N.A. as successor trustee to CitiBank N.A. as trustee for Bear Stearns Alt-A Trust 2006-8, mortgage pass through certificates, series 2006-8 v. JeramieJennings, Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems lnc. and SecurityNational MortgageCompany, complaint, $209,501.80 plus interest, costs and fees Filed on June 24 13CV0927 —Susan Dosier v. Central OregonCommunity College, Central OregonCommunity College Foundation and Jim Weaver, complaint, $540,082 13CV0928 —GreenTree Servicing LLC v. David L. Barker andMarilyn L. Barker, complaint, $252,543.46 13CV0929 —GreenTree Servicing LLC v. Terry D.Harding, complaint, $352,938.73



The Bulletin will update items in the Police Log when such a request is received. Any new information, such as the dismissal of charges or acquittal, must be verifiable. For more information, call 541-383-0358.

Aug. 7 8:07 p.m.— Unauthorized burning, 19405 Kemple Drive. 18 —Medical aid calls. Aug. 8 3:24p.m.— Confined cooking fire, 950 S.E Third St. 16 —Medical aid calls.


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Vehicle crash — Anaccident was reported at 9:43 a.m. Aug. 8, in the area of Alfalfa Market Road in Bend. Vehicle crash — An accident was reported at 9:39 a.m. Aug. 8, in the 109400 block of U.S. Highway 97 in

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Theft — Atheft was reported at 2:32 p.m. July 25, in the100 block of Southeast Dorrie Court. Theft —Atheft was reported at1:20 p.m.Aug.7,inthe100 Scalehouse Loop. Criminal mischief —Anact of criminal mischief was reported andan arrest madeat10:42 p.m. Aug. 7, inthe 900 block of Northwest Bond Street. Unlawful entry —Avehicle was reported entered at 7:53a.m.Aug. 8, in the 20700 block of AmberWay. Unlawful entry —A vehicle was reported entered at10:23 a.m. Aug. 8, in the 20900 block of Bilyeu Court. Unlawful entry —Avehicle was reported entered at12:59 p.m. Aug. 8, in the 20900 block of Bilyeu Court.


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The Bulletin



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u erscan u music ex erience


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es Schwab Amphitheater has done what it must by


stopping squatters across the Deschutes River from enjoying concerts for free. Starting with this Sunday's concert, the area is going to be closed off. The grassy spot across the river was never agreat place to see much. Acoustically, it was a lottery. But the price was rock, rock bottom. The amphitheater is likely in for some criticism. It's not hard to imagine the arguments. In its pursuit of the almighty dollar, the amphitheater is closing off a quasipublic space. It's stifling a cultural experience for some who can't afford it. The more incensed or dramatic may argue it's a blow against freedom. They may say the free listeners weren't hurting anyone. It's not at all the case that the free listeners were not hurting anyone. Ticket purchasers were subsidizing them by paying for the concert and the substantial extra cleanup and security. A handful here andthere aren'tmuch of an issue. It's grown to a cast of hundreds, and that becomes more

The free listeners are taking and exploiting the

experience of others. Where else would that be a//owed? W~

than a handful. Some have little sympathy for music artists making a little less because people listen in on a concert for free or download their music for free. The free listeners, though, were or are taking and exploiting the experience of others. Where else would that be allowed? And also remember, it's not as if the amphitheater doesn't offer its share of free. It has a whole schedule of free Sunday summer concerts. Those artists may not be so readily recognizable, but they are the ones who are offering the priceless experiences.


solely because we lack a sales tax. By nearly every other measure, including corporate and individual and u nemployment i n surance taxes, Oregon is solidly in the bottom half of states. Tax burdens do have a direct impact on business decisions about how to expand or whether to come to the state in the first place. Raising taxes on business and on those who tend to own businesses is a bad idea. It can slow economic growth, and it's that growth that will, ultimately, make more money available to schools and other government. Meanwhile, Gov. John Kitzhaber and leading legislative Democrats and Republicans are trying to reachan agreement on a way to send more moneyto schools, which have been through years of serious financial problems. All sides agree on the goal, but to get there large corporations almost surely will pay more, and members of the Public Employees Retirement System will be asked to settle for a bit less. Our Oregon's clearly anti-business initiatives won't make the task, already difficult, any easier.


Transit safety in the spotlight By E.E. Lewis For the Los Angeles Times


Initiatives are impeding the path to compromise ven leaders of public unions like the Oregon Education Association and the Service Employees International Union, two prominent backers of Our Oregon, mustrecognize on some level that their jobs depend upon a healthy business economy in this state. Yet Our Oregon seeks to put 10 initiatives on the ballot, each of which would raise taxes on businesses and some individuals. Our Oregon is a "social welfare" organization akin to Crossroads GPS, the conservative organization headed by Karl Rove. In both cases, it's safe to say, social welfare can be defined in terms of political views. In Our Oregon's case, we venture to guess that political views look something like this: People who make too much money — and what's too much is in the eyes of the beholder — are bad. Tax businesses and people enough and, voila, this state will be rolling in financial clover. The Tax Foundation, a nonpartisan organization dedicated to research and analysis of public tax policy, takes a different view. While it ranks Oregon as a pretty good place to do business, that's

t +~

n recent weeks, the catastrophic

crash of a Spanish passenger

train, the lethal derailment on a French commuter line, the crash landing of a Boeing 777 in San Francisco and the deadly inferno caused by a runaway train in Canada have increasedconcerns about the safety of moderntechnology. The causes of disasters are varied, multiple and often intertwined. The French derailment appears to have been caused by a metal clip that joined two rails — one of thousands on the rail system — working loose. Whether it was faulty design or inadequate maintenance remains to be determined. The Quebec disasterseems to have resultedfrom human errors that allowed more than 70 petroleum-laden tank cars to uncouple and roll toward the ill-fated town of Lac Megantic. The interaction between automated controls, operator training

and human psychology is rapidly changing the relationship between advancing technology and t hose who operate it. The 777 crash and the disastrous derailment in Spain most clearly exemplify this. The designers of planes, trains and even automobiles increasingly automate some functions once performed by those who operate these conveyances, and from a safety standpoint, there is much to be gained by it. Published reports say the driver of the Spanish train boasted of having

a tastefor speed and was distracted by a cellphone call; his reactions to warning signals came too late as the train raced toward disaster. This raises the question of why the controls were not designed to override the driver's inexplicable conduct and automatically slow the train before approaching curves. However, automation also has drawbacks. Pilots who become too accustomed to taking off and landing on autopilot may lose their expertise for flying manually when rare situations demand it. For example,the 777 crew was required to put aside much of its high-tech apparatus and make a manuallanding because part of the airport's instrument landing system h ad been shut down for maintenance. The rarity of situations requiring piloting without automated controlsunderscores the necessity for providing that experience through exhaustive training o n r e a listic cockpit simulators. Training and experience interact strongly with control automation. There may have been a heightened risk in t h e San Francisco landing because the pilot in c ontrol, although experienced on similar aircraft, was new to the 777. Next to him sat an experienced 777 pilot, but that pilot's limited experience as a trainermay have caused a fl eeting hesitation to take over controls in an attempt to avert the crash. And no matter how much experience in similar positions, how much simulator training to deal with rare

occurrences or how long a period under supervision, there must always be a first time in command of the controls. And when service is expanding rapidly or new equipment is beingintroduced,pressure increases to reduce the length of training and the amount ofexperience required before assuming control. Experience was not a n i s sue raised in the Spanish train wreck; the driver had many years of it. Perhaps psychological screening or improved training could have averted the tragedy, but even that cannot totally rule out the possibility of lapses in judgment, erratic behavior or incapacitation. When the lives of many are at stake, we have all the more reason to demand safetysystems that cannot be overridden by errant operators. Likewise, just as a commercial airliner must have a pilot and copilot, trains traveling at high speed should be required to have a codriver who can handle telecommunications and other distractions and who has the authorization to take control away from the driver should the driver's incapacitation or reckless behavior demand it. Although we cannot reasonably expect zero risk in transport systems, frankly addressing the challenges to increased safety is imperative to reducing as many of the risks

as possible. — E.E. Lewisis a professoremeritus in the department of mechanical engineering at Northwestern University. He wrote this for the Los Angeles Times.

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The Bulletin.

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Is it government's role to protect us from ourselves? T his hasbeen a greatera forthe study of error. We know that people can be induced to buy more cans of soup if you put a "Limit: 12 per customer" sign on the display. We know that if you ask people what movie they want to see next week, they're likely to mention a classy art film. But, if you ask them what movie they want to see tonight, they're more likely to mention a mindless blockbuster. In addition, people are pretty bad at sacrificing short-term pleasure for long-term benefit. We're bad a t c a l culating r i sk. We're mentally lazy. We make all sorts of decision-making errors when thinking in our own language that we don't make when thinking in another language. When asked to think in a second language, we're forced to put in a little more mental effort. As these cognitive biases have become better known, public-spirited people naturally want to design ways to help us avoid them. In 2009, Richard Thaler and Cass Sunstein


which will soon be published as a book called "Nanny Statecraft." Last month, the Obama administration created a Behavioral Insights Team to apply this sort of psychological research to making policy. We're entering the age of what's been called "libertarian paternalism.n Government doesn't tell you what to do, but it gently biases the context so that you find it easier to do things you think are in your own self-interest. Government could design forms where the default option is to donate organs or save more for retirement. Individuals would have to actively opt out to avoid doing these things. Government could tell air-conditioner makers to build in a little red light to announce when the filter needs changing.That would make homes more energy efficient, since people published a book, called "Nudge," on are too lazy to change the filters how government and otherorgani- promptly otherwise. zations could induce people to avoid Government could crack down common errors. on companies that exploit common L ast year, Sunstein g ave t h e cognitive errors to induce you to pay Storrs Lectures at Yale on the topic, more for your mortgage, bank ac-

tion. It's hard to feel that a cafeteria is insulting my liberty if it puts the healthy fruit in a prominent place and the unhealthy junk food in some faraway corner. It's hard to feel manipulated if I sign up for a program in which I can make commitments today that aucount,credit card or car warranty. The p r o -paternalists c o u nter tomatically increase my charitable Or, most notoriously, government that government is inevitably set- giving next year. could make it harder for you to buy ting contexts and default positions The concrete benefits of these probig, sugary sodas. anyway, so they might as well be grams, which are empirically verifiBut this raises a philosophic ques- aligned with individual and social able, should trump abstract theoretition: Do we want government step- goals. cal objections. I'd call it social paternalism. Most ping in to protect us from our own There's very little historical evimistakes? Many people argue no. dence that there is an i n evitable of us behave somewhat decently beThis kind of soft paternalism will slippery slope leading from soft cause we are surrounded by social inevitably slide into a hard pater- paternalism to hard paternalism. If norms and judgments that make it nalism, with government elites ma- companies are going to trick people simpler for us to be good. nipulating us into doing the sorts of into spending more on, say, bank To some gentle extent, governthings they want us to do. overdraft fees,shouldn't govern- ment policy should embody those Policymakers have their own cog- ment step in to prevent a psychologi- norms, apreference for saving over nitive biases, which will induce them cal market failure? consumption, a preference for fitI'd say the anti-paternalists win to design imperfect interventions ness over obesity,a preference for even if they mean well. the debate in theory but the libertar- seat belts and motorcycle helmets Individuals ma y b e i m p e rfect ian paternalists win it empirically. even though some people think it's decision-makers, but they still pos- In theory, it is possible that gentle cooler not to wear them. In some cassess more information than faraway nudges will turn into intrusive dikes, there could be opt-out provisions. government rule-makers. If govern- tats and the nanny state will drain These days, we have more to fear ment starts manipulating decision- individual responsibility. from a tattered social fabric than making processes, then individuals But, in practice, it is hard to feel from a suffocatingly tight one. Some won't learn to think for themselves. that my d e cision-making powers modest paternalism might be just Even just setting a d efault posi- have been weakened because, when what we need. tion reduces liberty and personal I got my driver's license, enrolling in — David Brooks is a columnist responsibility. organ donation was the default opfor The New York Times.

We're entering the age of what's been called "libertarian paternalism." Government doesn't tell you what to do, but it gently biases the context so that you find it easier to do things you think are in your own selfinterest.




BITUARIES DEATH NOTICES Haynie G. Knight, of Bend May 12, 1931 - Aug. 6, 2013 Arrangements: Deschutes Memorial Chapel, (541)382-5592;


Services: 1:00 PM, Monday, August 12, 2013 at Deschutes Memorial Gardens, 63875 N. Hwy. 97, Bend. Graveside Ceremony with Military Honors. Contributions may be made

Obituary policy Death Notices are free and will be run for one day, but

specific guidelines must be are paid advertisements submitted by families or funeral homes.Theymay Bulletin reserves the right to edit all submissions. Please

include contact information in all correspondence. For information on any of

Deaths of note from around the world: Lloyd Moss, 86: A classicalmusic radio announcer who amused listeners with cheeky humor and young readers with rhymes in a Caldecott Honor book about the instruments in an orchestra. Died Aug. 3 in Croton-on-Hudson, N.Y., of Parkinson's disease. Jack Hightower, 86: A fiveterm"Boll Weevil" Democratic congressman from Texas who later served as a justice of the Supreme Court of Texas. Died Aug. 3 at his home in Austin, of Parkinson's disease.

obituary policy, contact 541-617-7825.

Deadlines:Death Notices are accepted until noon Monday through Friday

for next-day publication and by 4:30 p.m. Friday for Sunday publication. Obituaries must be

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Email: obits©bendbulletin.com Fax: 541-322-7254 Mail:Obituaries P.O. Box 6020 Bend, OR 97708

— From wire reports

occupy protesters

lawsuit The Associated Press

mail, email or fax. The

these services or about the

Jury denies

By Nigel Duara

be submitted by phone,

Heart and Home Hospice, 920 SW Emkay, Ste. 104, Bend, OR 97702.


Paul B. Melton via The Associated Press

followed. Local obituaries



Pendleton man Paul Melton bought this 60-year-old live tank round at an estate sale on Aug. 2. An old, large silver dollar is also shown for scale. Melton, 51, had no idea the old tank round he had found for $5 was live ammunition.

To his surprise,Pendleton man purchases60-year-old live shell By Phil Wright

He hauled it home in his an Air Force explosive ordblue Ford R anger p i ckup nance disposal unit deterPENDLETON — A Pend- and kept it there during the mined it was from 1953 and "was absolutely live." He said leton man got a s u r p rise weekend. when he found out an old It was even in his vehicle they stressed not to j ostle tank round he bought for $5 when he had a fender-bender. the device because it was so was live ammunition. L ater he e x amined t h e dangerous. Paul Melton, 51, said he lengthy round at his kitchen Pendleton police Lt. Bill makes a living buying items table, and something caught Caldera said the Air Force and selling them online. his eye. experts gave the round to the " Anything I t h ink I c a n "The primer was intact," he Oregon State Police Bomb make money on, I'll buy," satd. Squad for denotation. Police h e said, and th e 9 0 m m That pretty much ended also checked the estate sale t ank round looked like a the exam. He called Pend- location and didn't find any good deal when he bought leton police and carried the more ammo. it Aug. 2 at an estate sale in round to his front yard. Police M elton said h e h a d n o Pendleton. Sgt. Howard Bowen watched qualms about handing over Melton said he thought the over the round until explo- the tank round. "It needed to go bye-bye," device was inactive and had a sives experts arrived. lovely patina. Melton said members of he said. East Oregonian

PORTLAND — A sevenperson jury has found the city of Portland and two of its police officers not liable for an O ccupy Portland protester's injuries. The Oregon jury t ook four hours to return a verdict saying that the officers did not use excessive force when one of them struck protester Liz Nichols in the throat with a baton and the other one sprayed her open mouth with pepper spray. The o ff icers' d e fense team said in closing arguments that the police were doing their job in a difficult s ituation during the N o vember 2011 protests. Despite the loss, Nichols' attorneys say they're happy that the issue has been aired publicly and that attention has been trained on the police reaction to demonstrations. "We're disappointed with the result," said Ben Haile, one of Nichols' attorneys. "We think this goes to show that a lot more work needs to be done to make sure people are safe when they come downtown to protest."


I(aren Blackappearedin WEST NEWS more than 100movies California governor declaresstate of emergency as wildfire burns in theSanJacinto Mountains

cock's last m ovie, "Family Plot," released in 1976. "We used to read each other Karen Black, the p rolific a ctress who appeared in more p oems and limericks and tried t han 100 movies and was fea- t o catch meon my vocabulary," t ured in such counterculture s he later said of Hitchcock. "He favorites as "Easy Rider,""Five o nce said, 'You seem very perE asy Pieces" and "Nashville," s picacious today, Miss Black.' has died in Los Angeles. I said, 'Oh, you mean keenly B lack's husband, Stephen perceptive2' 'Yes.' So I got him E ckelberry, says t h e this h u ge, g o l d-emactress died Wednesbossed dictionary that said 'Diction-Harry,' at day from complications from cancer. She was the end of the shoot." 74. The actress would Known for her f ull claim that her career lips and t hick, wavy Ba l ck as an A-list actress was hair that s eemed to ruined by "The Day of c hange color from film to film, t he Locust," a troubled 1975 B lack often portrayed women production of the Nathanael w ho were quirky, troubled or West novel that brought her t hreatened. Her breakthrough a Golden Globe nomination w as as a prostitute who takes but left Black struggling to L SD with Dennis Hopper and f ind quality roles. By the end P eter Fonda in 1969's "Easy of the '70s, she was appearR ider," the hippie classic that i ng in television and in lowhelped gether the role of Ray- b udget productions. Black ree tte Dipesto, a waitress who ceived strong reviews in 1982 d ates — and is mistreated by as a transsexual in Altman's "Come Back to theFive and an upper-class dropout p layed by Jack Nicholson in Dime, Jimmy Dean, Jimmy 1970's "Five Easy Pieces." Dean." But despite working Cited by Th e Ne w Y or k constantly over the next 30 T imes as a "pathetically ap- years, she was more a cult idol p ealing v u lgarian," B lack's t han a major Hollywood star. p erformance won her an Os- Her credits included guest apc ar nomination and Golden pearances on such TV series Globe Award. She would recall a s "Law & Order" and "Party that playing Rayette really was o f Five" an d e n ough h ora cting: The well-read, cerebral r or movies, notably "Trilogy B lack, raised in a comfortable of Terror," that a punk band C hicago suburb, had little in named itself "The Voluptuous c ommon with her r elatively Horror of Karen Black." simple-minded character. Black was also a screen"If youlookthroughthe eyes w riter and a playwright whose o f Rayette, it looks nice, really credits included the musical beautiful, light, not heavy, not "M issouri Waltz" and "A View serious. A very affectionate of the Heart," a one-woman w oman who would look upon s how in which she starred. things with love, and longing," Black was born Karen Ziegler B lack told Venice Magazine in and grew up in Park Ridge, Ill. 2 007. "A completely uncritical Her father was a sales execup erson, and in that sense, a t ive and violinist, her mother beautiful person. When (di- t he children's novelist Elsie Reif r ector) Bob Rafelson called Zeigler. By grade school,she alm e to his office to discuss the r e ady knew she wanted to be an p art, he said, 'Karen, I'm wor- actress, and at 15, she enrolled r ied you can't play this role be- i n Northwestern University to c ause you're too smart.' I said, s t u dy drama. Bythe early 1960s, ' Bob, when you call "action," s he had moved to New York; I will stop thinking,' because m ade her film debut, in "The that's how Rayette is." Prime Time", and had married I n 1971, Black starred with Charles Black, whose last name N icholson again in "Drive, He s he kept though they were toS aid," which Nicholson also gether only for a short time. directed. Over the next few She studied acting under Lee y ears, she worked with such Strasberg and through the '60s top actors and directors as w orked off-Broadway and in R ichard Benjamin ("Portnoy's t elevision, including "Mannix" C omplaint"), Robert Redford and"Adam-12." Her first Broada nd Mia Farrow ("The Great way show, "The Playroom," G atsby") and Charlton Heston l asted less than a month, but (uAirport 1975"). She was nom- brought her to the attention of i nated for a Grammy Award a young director-screenwriter, a fter writing and performing Francis Ford Coppola, who cast s ongs for "Nashville," in which her in the 1966 release "You're s he played a country singer in a Big Boy Now." Robert Altman's 1975 ensemBlack was m a r ried f o ur b le epic. Black also starred as t imes. She is survived by Ecka jewel thief in Alfred Hitch- elberry, a son and a daughter. By Hillel Italie

The Associated Press

By Christine Mai-Duc,

Joseph Serna andCarla Rivera Los Angeles Times

BANNING, Calif. — As the Silver Fire continued to spread Friday in R i verside County, crews battled flames on the ground and from the sky, and weary residents who lost their homes struggled with the question of whether to rebuild. Burning about 90 m i l es east of Los Angeles in the San Jacinto Mountains, the Silver Fire has blackened about 17,500 acres and destroyed 26 homes. Six people have been injured — a firefighter and five civilians. C alifornia G o v . Je r r y Brown declared a state of emergency in the county late Friday. Authorities said the f ire,

"There is no guarantee you'll get out safe and for some reason I didn't know that until this time." — Martha Schenk, victim of wildfire in the San Jacinto Mountains problematic, said N ational Weather Service meteorologist Brandt Maxwell. That decrease could allow the fire to begin burning up the north slope of the San Jacinto Mountains toward the forest. "It's a possibility but not necessarily a certainty," Maxwell said. In one hopeful sign, most of the 1,000 or so residents who were evacuated were allowed to return to their homes Friday night. Martha Schenk and h er husband arrived at the command post early in the day, h oping to get b ehind f i r e linesand survey the destruction around their Twin Pines home, which h a d b u r ned down two days earlier. Her husband, who did not want his name used, was determined to rebuild, but Schenk said she wasn't so sure.

2006, the flames marching up to their front door. The Silver F i r e s p read much fasterand there was less warning. "There is n o g u a rantee you'll get out safe and for some reason I didn't know that until this time," Schenk sard. Keith Jackson, 53, said that as he watched the flames march toward his home in Snow Creek Village, his instincts told him to stay. "Definitely we were concerned when the big plumes burning in dry, rugged hills of smoke were coming up and canyons south of Banover the first canyon," said ning, was about 25 percent Jackson, who has lived in contained. the community for 29 years. "That's make or break time." More than1,600 firefighters are battling the blaze, focusFor the next several hours, ing their attention on its eastJackson and his friend joined ern edge as it burns toward firefighters to clear brush off Palm Springs and deeper into his one-acre property. The the San Bernardino National flames nevercame. Forest. A fire truck was stationed "We've (evacuated) so outside his home Friday just Firefighters used retardantdropping planes to quell the many times," she said. "I don't in case the flames returned. blaze, which started Wednes- know if I want to do it again." Jackson, meanwhile, c onday afternoon. The cause is She and her family loved tinued with the work in the under investigation. theirhome of nearly 20 years. backyard. "Some people may say it The day brought a "signifi- The open space, stunning cant decrease in fire activity," quiet and brilliant stars were wasn't the right choice," he but officials remained cau- all perks of their semi-rural said. "I don't know. It's my tious of fast-changing weath- life. home." er patterns that could push But there are rattlesnakes, Late Thursday, A n drew the fire south into thick forest which bit her daughter once, Schrader recalled his perilland, said Eric Solomon of the a nd coyotes, which h a v e ous encounter with the seethU.S. Forest Service, a spokes- claimed 10 of their cats. Fire ing heat of an out-of-control man for agencies handling threatsare a constant worry. wildfire. "It's a commitment to live the fire. Schrader and his wife were F irefighters will h ave t o here," said Schenk, who with besieged in their Twin Pines c ontend wit h a w a r m i n g her husband were wearing home by a raging fire that trend beginning today, con- the clothes they had on the consumed the motor home in t inued lo w h u m i dity a n d previous day. his driveway, singed the fruit a decrease in winds out of The couple had e x peri- trees in his garden and was the west that could prove enced the Esperanza fire in bearing down relentlessly on


cially excited because she is

Continued from B1 S TRIVE began i n 2 0 12 w ith support f rom a C o l lege AccessChallenge Grant awarded by the Oregon University System. In its inaugural year, 17 students from Central Oregon lived on campus for a week. Ricketts said two former STRIVE campers are now enrolled at COCC. "We have another student that will be back this year, and she will be enrolling here in the fall. But we are espe-

lings this summer." Ricketts said the goal is to target younger students and for STRIVE to serve as a pipeline to college, adding that she hopes COCC's partnership with the Cow Creek Umpqua Indian Foundation continues into the future. "We have a lot of f reshmen this year, and I hope we can bring them up through this program," she said. "The idea is to have 20 students at STRIVE and then, four years

bringing her two younger sib-

later, to have them at COCC. Research shows that working with students at a younger age is the best way to get them to attend college." Mornarich stressed that without STRIVE, many of these students would be unable to afford a similar college camp experience. STRIVE i s n o t C O CC's only program that helps local Native American students reach college. Ricketts also helps with classes at Warm Springs that teach students about financial aid, money

California wildfires The Silver Fire is the second major wildfire in north Riverside County this season. Riverside County


~S an Jacinto



aeific Ocean

Sources: USGS, ESRI

©2013 MCT

his house Wednesday night when, almost miraculously, it blew past. T hey ha d f o u ght b a c k with water hoses and survived, but at midnight, when Schrader finally got to bed, he was transfixed by a sea of embers. "When the wind came up it was all glowing in the dark," he recalled late Thursday. Meanwhile, the Sharp Fire in the Angeles National Forest near W r ightwood had covered 100 acres of steep, often inaccessible terrain, with about 380 firefighters making headway as the fireline moved away from the town.

management and strategies for collegesuccess. In order to qualify for tribal scholarships, students must attend these classes. The Cow Creek Umpqua Indian Foundation has given a total of $45,000 to other causes in Deschutes County this year. Recipients of grants include the Kemple Children's Clinic, which provides dental care to low-income children, and the Giving Plate, which helps feed the homeless. — Reporter: 541-633-2160, tleeds@bendbulletin.com


MLB , C3

Sports in brief, C2 College football, C4

© www.bendbulletin.com/sports



Bend loses to Walla Walla The BendElks missed a chance to clinch a

West Coast League playoff berth, falling to the Walla Walla Sweets 6-3 on Friday night at

Bend's Vince Genna

Stadium. With just two games

remaining in the regular season, Bend (30-22 WCL) needs to win once in order to clinch the second postseason spot from the WCL's South Division. If the Elks lose their final two

games, they would end the season tied with the

Medford Rogues (3024), and Medford would

advance based ona

tiebreaker. The Elks fell behind 5-

0after three innings and trailed 6-2 heading into the bottom of the ninth.



NCAA's critics want

W atcoac in c an e? Duc ssta t ecourse "/f / Cg/I Qe

By Anne M. Peterson The Associated Press

krl Oltl/rl gS g/Ie

New Oregon coach Mark

Helfrich has talked to pre- gUy yl//IO kept decessor Chip Kelly a bunch I/I/jiIrIjiig gfger of times since Kelly bolted to C/ . K / / /. the NFL. y™ , Kelly's advice? "Be your- gOOd VI/ft/I t/Iclt.

that," Helfrich said. The 40-year-old Helfrich is taking over after four sea-


sons a s Oregon's offensive coordinatorunder Kelly, who

at top

left in J a nuary to become h ead c o ach of the Philadel-

phi a Eagles.

Kelly's Ducks went 46-7 self," Helfrich said. g Luckily for Ducks fans, . ove r all and played in BCS when it comes to running a bowl games in each of his football program, there's not four years, including an apmuch difference between pearance in t h e n a tional the new coach, an affable Oregonian, c h ampionship game against Auburn in and the old one, a wise-cracking New 2 0 11. Oregon finished 12-1 last season, Englander. beat Kansas State inthe Fiesta Bowl, and "If I can be known as the guy who kept w o und up No. 2 in the final AP Top 25. winning after Chip Kelly, I'm good with SeeDucks/C4

By Michael Marot The Associated Press Don Ryan /The Associated Press

Oregon football coach Mark Helfrich shouts instructions during spring practice in April. Helfrich is tasked with continuing the winning ways that his predecessor, Chip Kelly, established at Oregon.

Bend pushedacross a run in the final frame on

an error and hadrunners on first and secondwith


no outs before Walla Walla ended the threat.

Derek Dixon had three hits to lead Bend at the plate, while Bend

High product Grant Newton singled, doubled and drove in a run.

Bend andWallaWalla play again tonight at 6:35. — Bulletin staff report


f i I I




git t





NASCARslows without Stewart WATKINS GLEN, N.Y.

— Jimmie Johnson can secure aspot in the



Chase for the Sprint Cup

championship this week at Watkins Glen International, and he's not even thinking about it.

On a rainy Friday at the storied road course in upstate New York that

delayed Cuppractice until late afternoon, injured star Tony Stewart

was foremost on everybody's mind. Stewart broke both the tibia and

fibula in his right leg on Monday night in a sprint

car race in lowa, has since undergone two surgeries, and is out

Ryan Brennecke /The Bulletin

Sal Velpago Jr., in yellow, fights to gain control of the puck while playing in a Bend Bullets alumni inline hockey game on Friday evening at Cascade Indoor Sports in Bend. The game took place before this weekend's Northwest Cup tournament.


Max Papis will drive Stewart's No. 14 Chevrolet on Sunday in the Cheez-It 355 at The Glen, where Stewart has a track-record five

Cup wins. It will bring Stewart's streak of

521 consecutive Cup starts to an end,and it's his absence that

gives Johnson the opportunity to be the first to lock into the Chase on


"It's not the way I want to clinch, by any means, with him not

being here at the race track. It's a big loss for

oursport,"Johnson said. "I know that Tony is feeling bad about being injured and the effect that it has on his Cup team. It's crazy to think that he won't be a

• In its 20th editiOn, the NOrthWeStCuPdraWSinline hOC key PlayerSand teamSta Bend By Emily Oller The Bulletin

Bend does not have an ice hockey rink, but for local puck lovers, the lack of an icy surface does not stop them from playing. Butch Roberts, owner of Bend's Cascade Indoor Sports and director of the Northwest Cup inline hockey tournament, is heading into his 20th consecutive year hosting the tournament. In honor of the milestone, Roberts invited alumni who played on the Bend Bullets roller hockey team over the past two decades to

participate in a reunion game staged Friday night at Cascade Indoor Sports. The alumni game, and the tournament itself,draws players and teams from across Oregon as well as Canada, California and beyond. "Every year, everyone plans on coming to the tournament, whether they moved away or not," Bullets alum Jetta Rackleff said before the reunion game on Friday. "This is the tournament we all come home to say hi to our friends." Rackleff, 21 and of Bend, is a mem-

ber of the U.S. national inline team. She started playing for the Bullets when she was 8 years old, and she credits her experience as the only female on the inline hockey team to her success after she left the team. "When I played for Team USA, they would ask, 'Why is some girl from Oregon really good'?'" Rackleff said. "And I would say, 'Because around here you play with the boys. They expect a lot from you.' It's a lot of fun. It's a family." SeeRolling /C3

INDIANAPOLIS — NCAA President Mark Emmert has spent 2'/2 years trying to push through historic reforms and get tougher on cheaters. It's only created more problems. Today, Emmert presides over an organization that is struggling to maintain credibility with the public, is tied up in multiple court cases and is tainted by an embarrassing internal scandaL He has been criticized for his governing style and personality. There have been questions surrounding the work he did in previous jobs and whether he overstepped his authority in punishing Penn State for the Jerry Sandusky scandal. He drew fire for pinning blame for the debacle in the Miami investigation on enforcement officials and some questionwhether he should lead the NCAA through its next major overhaul — fixing the governance structure. Critics contend there is only one way to restore the NCAA's tattered image: Find a new president. "He should have been gone yesterday, as far as I'm concerned,"said Gerald Gurney, Oklahoma's senior associate athletic director for academics and a former compliance director at Maryland. "He's absolutely unable to get anything through the NCAA system. Every time one of his proposals is voted down, that's like a vote of no confidence. If he can't get his ideas across to membership, he ought to leave." Emmert has ignored the growing calls for his resignation and he doesn't sound like a man planning to leave any time soon. In February, the board of directors gave the embattled president an unusual public vote of confidence.A few days later, NCAA executive committee chairwoman Lou Anna Simon, Michigan State's president,offered her personal backing. Emmert took those moves as an endorsement of his agenda, so that's been his primary concern over the last 5'/2 months. SeeNCAA/C4


player in the Chase." — The Associated Press

Dufner fireshistoric63forlead


By Doug Ferguson

Officials meeting set for next week The Central Oregon Volleyball Officials Association will hold its first meeting of the season Wednesday, Aug.14, at the Deschutes Public Library in Bend at 5:30 p.m. Those interested in officiating high school volleyball should attend. For more information, contact COVOA president Margaret Sturza at 541-475-3274. — Bulletin staff report

The Associated Press

Charlie Neihergall i rhe Associated Press

Jason Dufner celebrates after a birdie on the11th hole during the second round of the PGA Championship at Oak Hill Country Club on Friday ln Pittsford, N.Y. Dufner shot a 63, setting a course record at Oak Hill and tying the best round in a major.

PITTSFORD, N.Y.— Nothing was dull about the way Jason Dufner played golf Friday at the PGA Championship. If anything, it was historic. Dufner holed out from the fairway for eagle, rolled in a putt across the green for par and kept making birdies until he stood 12 feet away from a shot at the lowest score in the 153 years of championship golf. One last birdie attempt didn't even get to the hole, and Dufner had to settle for a record-tying round of 7-under 63.

"Probably the worst putt I hit of the day, which is a little disappointing," Dufner said. "But all in all, it's a 63, and name on top of the leaderboard. So that's a great position to be playing from." It was the third time in the past seven years at the PGA Championship that a player had a putt at becoming the first player to shoot 62 in a major. Tiger Woods circled the hole at Southern Hills in 2007. Steve Stricker narrowly missed at Atlanta Athletic Club two years ago. Dufner didn't feel disappoint-

ed for long. SeePGA/C4

Leaderdoard Through the second round of the PGA

Championship: Player

To par

-9 -7 Adam Scott -7 Matt Kuchar -7 Jim Furyk -6 Justin Rose -6 Henrik Stenson -5 Robert Garrigus -5 Steve Stricker • Full scoreboard, tee

Jason Dufner

times: Scoreboard,C2





TODAY NASCAR,Nationwide, Zippo 200, qualifying

Time TV/Radio 6:30 a.m. ESPN2

NASCAR, Sprint Cup, Cheez-jt 355, qualifying NASCAR, Nati onwide, Zippo 200

8:30 a.m. 11:15 a.m

AMA, Unadilla National (taped)


Grand-Am, VisitFlorida.com Sports Car 250

2 p.m.



Speed 3:30 p.m. ESPN2

Global Rallycross Championship SOFTBALL

Senior League,World Series, final 8 a.m. Senior League,World Series, final (if necessary) noon



PGA Tour, PGAChampionship

8 a.m.

PGA Tour, PGA Championship

11 a.m.

U.S. Women's Amateur

1 p.m.

BASEBALL Little League, World Series, Great Lakes Regional, final

1 0 a.m.

MLB, Baltimore at SanFrancisco

1 p.m.


Little League, World Series, Northwest Regional, final MLB, Boston at Kansas City

2 p.m.


or San Diego atCincinnati

4 p.m.


4 p.m.





Little League, World Series,

New England Regional, final Little League, World Series, West Regional, final MLB, Milwaukee at Seattle TENNIS

6 p.m. 6 p.m.

Rogers Cup,women's semifinal Rogers Cup, men's semifinal Rogers Cup, men's semifinal


10 a.m.

E S P N2

n oon


5 p.m.



World championships (taped) World championships

1 2:30 p.m.


10 p.m. Universal


Fourstardave Handicap YACHTING America's Cup, Louis Vuitton Cup semifinal FOOTBALL NFL, preseason, New York Giants at Pittsburgh SOCCER MLS, D.C. at Philadelphia MLS, Seattle at Toronto (taped) MIXED MARTIALARTS World Series of Fighting 4


3 p.m.


4:30 p.m.


7:30 p.m. NBCSN


Time T V/Radio

Tour of Utah (taped)

5 a.m.

World championships


8 a.m. 1 p.m.


9:30 a.m.


11 a.m.


Friday's Games


Mid-Atlantic Regional, final

3 p.m.


MLB, TampaBay atLos Angeles Dodgers FOOTBALL NFL, preseason, Buffalo at lndianapolis POLO

5 p.m.

Westchester Cup,U.S.vs. England (taped)

1 p.m.


2 p.m.



TBS Root


1 0:30 a.m.



teammeetings intheauditoriumat Sisters Highon Aug.14,6:30p.m.to 7:30p.m. Culver Culver Youth Pigskin Football Camp: Aug. 12-15 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.mc all fourth- through eighth-gradersarewelcome. Alumni game:Aug.17; Cuveraumni vs. Crook Countyalumni, 7:30p.m.at Culver. Daily doubles: BeginAug. 19at 5 p.m. at the football stadium. Central Christian Sports physicals: Sports physicalsofferedat CentralChristianSchoolfor$25. DSA Aformswil be available.


MOTOR SPORTS NASCAR, Sprint Cup, Cheez-it 355 1 0 a.m. American Le Mans, Orion Energy Systems 245 noon TENNIS Rogers Cup,women's final 10 a.m. Rogers Cup, men's final n oon BASEBALL MLB, Detroit at New York Yankees 10 a.m. MLB, Milwaukee at Seattle 1 p.m. Little League, World Series,

The Adirondack andthe Saratoga Special

RedmondHigh Football camp: Football campfor players in third througheighth gradeis Aug.12-15, beginning at 9 a.m.andrunning through noon;highschool camp runs on thesame datesbutbeginsat 6p.m. andruns through9p m. Physicals: Physicalexamsfor Redmond School District athletesinmiddleschoolandhighschool are availableAug.15 at6p.m.for $20 Fall practices: Fall practicesbeginAug.19; students needup-to-date physicals (all freshmen and juniors aswell as anystudent whohasnot had aphysical inthepasttwoyears), proofof insurance, signedtrainingrules, andpay-to-play feesin orderto participate. Summit Coachesclinic andcertification: HeadCoaches Clinic onAug.13 from1130am. to 130 pm.at The Centerboardroom;Bend-LaPine SDCoaches CertihcationDayat Summit High School from7:30 a.m. to5:30p.m. Fall sporls packets: Deadline for fall sports packets isAug.16J last dayto join afall sport is Sept 27. Sisters Fall sports registration: SistersHighwil hold fall sportsregistrationAug.12-16at theathletics office from noon to4 p.m. Student-athletesarerequiredto be fully cleared with paperwork, physicals,fees andfines beforethefirst dayofpracticesAug.19. Bingo night: The OutlawsTogetherAthletics FundraiserBingoNight is scheduledfor Aug.12 beginning at6:30p.m.in thecommon area at Sisters High. Sports physical night: Sportsphysica exams will beheldatSisters HighAug. 14-15 from5:30p.m. to 7 p.m.

Preseason meetings: Fall sports preseas on

5 p.m. NBC S N 1 0:30 p.m. R o ot


GOLF PGA Tour, PGA Championship PGA Tour, PGA Championship U.S. Women's Amateur TRACK & FIELD

Kelowna 7, Wenatchee5 Be lingham 8, Victoria 2 Today's Games Calendar WallaWallaat Bend, 6:35p.m. Cowlitz atKitsap,6:35 p.m. To submiitnformationto theprepcaendar, email Corvagisat KlamathFals,6:35 p.m. The Bulletin atsports@bendbultetin.com Wenatchee at Kelowna, 6:35p.m. Bellingham at Victoria, 7:05p.m. Bend High Sunday's Games Air Bear Football Camp, Aug. 12-15: For players in fourth througheighth grade— registra- Cowlitz atKitsap,1:05 p.m. Be lingham at Vi c toria, 1:05p.m. tion at 8a.m.;campruns from9 a.m.to11 a.m.on BendHighpractice field, non-paddedpractices; cleats WallaWallaat Bend, 5:05p.m. recomme nded;costis $40. Forplayersinhighschool Corvagisat KlamathFals, 5:05 p.m. at Kelowna,6:05p.m. — registrationat 9a.mJcampruns from5pm. to 8 Wenatchee p.m. onBendHighpractice field; gearwiff behanded Friday's Summary out Aug.13between8a m andnoon;cost is $100. Football daily doubles, Aug. 19-23: Freshmenscheduledfor 8a.m. to10a.m. and4p.m. to6:30 Sweets 6, Elks 3 pmz varsityis9a m.to1130am. and5pm to 730 p.m. Be sureto beclearedwith theBendHigh athletics Walla Walla 0 2 3 BBB 081 — 6 121 office before thefirst practice.Pleasedonot wait todo Bend 000 002 001 — 3 10 1 so. Toreachtheathletic office,call 541-355-3800. Poteet,l.awhead(8), Silva (Bj, Brija(9) andMiroMountain View glio. Gartner,Guzzon(6), Muriffo(9)andServais W Fall sports information night: Aug. 14inthe —Poteet. L—Gartner. 2B—Walla Walla: Mendenauditorium at Mountain Viewat 630 p.m.; afterbrief hall, Miroglio,O'Neil.Bend:Newton. openingsession, parentsandathletes wil be released to their specificsportmeetingsaroundcampus. For moreinformation,call theathletics office at541-355BASKETBALL


5 p.m.


Listings are themostaccurateavailable. The 73ulletinis not responsible for late changesmade by TVor radio stations.

Detroit 26,N.Y.Jets17 Miami27,Jacksonville 3 NewEngland31,Philadelphia 22 Houston27,Minnesota13

NewDrleans17,KansasCity13 Arizona17,GreenBay0 Carolina24,Chicago17 Dakland19, Daffas17 Today'sGame N.Y.Giantsat Pittsburgh,4:30p.m.


y-WaffaWalla Sweets y-Wenatchee AppleSox Bellingham Bells VictoriaHarbourcats Kelowna Falcons South Division

EasternConference Chicago Atlanta Indiana Washington NewYork Connecticut

W 14 11 10 10 9 6

L 7 6 11 13 12 14

Pct GB .667

W 17 15 11 9 8 7

L 4 7 11 12 14 16

Pct GB .810

W 29 28 26

L 22 23 26 31 34



W x-Corvallis Knights 35 BendElks 30 MedfordRogues 30 CowlitzBlackBears 26 KlamathFalls Gems 25 KitsapBlueJackets 18 x-Clinched division; y-Clinchedplayoffberth Friday's Games WallaWalla6, Bend3 Kitsap 9,Cowlitz5 Corvagis7, KlamathFals 6

L 17 22 24 26 27


.647 .476 .435 .429

Western Conference


Los Angeles Phoenix Seattle SanAntonio Tu sa

1 4 5 5

300 7 1/2

.682 2'/z .500 6'/z .429 8 .364 9'4 .304 11

Friday's Games Chicago77,Connecticut 61 Phoenix70,Tulsa67 SanAntonio77,Seattle 56 Today's Games Los AngelesatNewYork, 10a.m. AtlantaatIndiana,4p.m.

GOLF PGA Tour PGAChampionship Friday At OakHill Country Club, East Course Pittsford, N.Y. Purse: $8 million Yardage: 7,163; Par:70

SecondRound JasonDufner AdamScott Matt Kuchar Jim Furyk Justin Rose HenrikStenson RobertGarrigus SteveStricker WebbSimpson Martin Kaym er CharleyHoffman MarcusFraser SergioGarcia RobertoCastro Scott Piercy JasonDay HunterMahan RickieFowler Bill Haas DavidLynn JonasBlixt LeeWestwood ZachJohnson KiradechAphibarnrat PaulCasey MichaelThompson Graeme McDoweff Ryo Ishikawa Tim Clark

Ssnday's Game Buffalo atIndianapolis, 10.30a.m.

League standings North Division


Francesco Molinari MiguelAngelJimenez RyanMoore RoryMcffroy Chris Kirk MarcLeishman HidekiMatsuyam a DavidToms MatteoManassero BooWeekey ThongchaiJaidee lan Poulter MarcWarren ShaneLowry PeterHanson KeeganBradley TigerWoods ThorbjomDlesen K.J. Choi Scott Jamieson DarrenClarke Vijay Singh Phil Mickelson BrendondeJonge John Senden LukeGuthrie JoshTeater DavidHearn J.J. Henry KevinStreelman

68-63—131 65-68—133 67-66 — 133 65-68—133 68-66—134 68-66 — 134 67-68 — 135 68-67 — 135 72-64 — 136 68 68—136 69-67—136 67-69—136 69-68—137 68-69—137 67-71 138 67-71—138 70-68—138 70-68—138 68-70—138 69-69—138 68-70—138 66-73—139 69-70—139 68-71 139 67-72—139 72-67—139 70-69—139 69-71—140 69-71 140 72-68—140 68-72—140 69-71 — 140 69-71—140 71-69 — 140

70-70 — 140 72-68—140 71-69—140 72-69—141 72-69—141 70-71—141 70-71—141 74-67—141 71 70—141

72-69—141 69-72—141 71-70 — 141 71-70 — 141 76-65 — 141 69-72—141 69-73—142 70-72 — 142 71-71 — 142 71-71 — 142

72-70 — 142 71-71 — 142 71-71 — 142 66 76—142 71-71—142


BrooksKoepka KenDuke DannyWiffett BrandtSnedeker HarrisEnglish John Merrick D.A. Points GaryWoodland TommyGainey RyanPalmer BenCurtis DustinJohnson RafaelCabrera-Beffo Stephe nGaff acher Scott Staffings Matt Jones Failed to qualify Charles Howell lff Joost Luiten NicolasColsaerts BubbaWatson Sang-MoonBae Woody Austin Martin Laird Chris Stroud Charl Schwartzel Paul Lawrie DavisLovegl BrandenGrace JimmyWalker LukeDonald Mikko ff onen DavidMuttitt MarcelSiem Rich Beem David Lingmerth BerndWiesberger John Huh RussellHenley GonzaloFernandez-Castano Carl Pettersson GrahamDeLaet CharlieBeljan EmieEls RichardSterne Y.E.Yang StewartCink JasonKokrak Brett Rumford KevinStadler RichieRamsay HiroyukiFujita Billy Horschel ScottBrown PadraigHarrington BrianGay Peteruihlein DerekErnst Kohki Idoki GeoffOgilvy JordanSpieth Matt Every Jeff Sorenson Alex Noren JC Anderson TomWa tson NickWatney

GeorgeCoetzee ChrisWood PabloLarrazabat DavidMcNabb RyanPolzin JacoVanZyl Danny Balin Ky eStanley KevinChappeff RobLabritz BobGaus Thomas Biorn CaineFitzgerald Paul McGinley LucasGlover Mike Small ShaunMicheel FreddieJacobson MarkSheftic StuartSmith Kirk Hanefeld Bob Sowards Jeff Martin

RodPerry SonnySkinner Mark Brown

Chip Su livan LeeRhind JamieDonaldson Bo VanPelt AngelCabrera

71-72 143 75-68—143 73-70—143 70-73 143 74-69—143 75-68—143 73-70—143 73-70—143 69-74—143 73-70—143 73-70—143 72-71—143 68-75—143 75-68—143 73-70—143 72-71—143 71-73 — 144 71-73 — 144 71-73 — 144 70-74 — 144 75-69—144 69-75—144 71-73—144 71-73—144 71-73—144 72-72—144 74-70—144 71-73—144 71-74 — 145 71-74 — 145 73-72 — 145 75-70 — 145 73-72 — 145 71-74 145 74-71—145 70-75—145 72-74 146 76-70—146 74-72—146 74-72 146 70-76—146 71-75—146 74-72 146 72-74—146 72-74—146 75-71 146 74-72—146 70-77 — 147 74-73 147 72-75—147 71-76—147 69-78—147 73-74—147 76-71 — 147 73-74 — 147 77-70 — 147 72-76—148 72-76—148 74-74—148 74-74—148 71-77—148 73-75—148 76-73—149 73-76—149 73-77—150 76-74—150 74-76—150 75-75—150 76-74—150 74-76—150 73-77—150 74-76—150 73-78—151 73-78—151 79-72—151 78-73—151 74-77—151 70-81—151 75-76—151 78 74 152 76-76—152 76-76—152 76-76—152 76-77—153 75-78—153 78-75 153 76-78—154 73-82—155 78 78—156 78-78—156 76-80—156 77 82 159 84-76—160 81-82—163 80-WD 80-WD 80-NC

Tee Times Aff Times PDT


5:25 a.m.—MattJones Gaffacher, Scott Stagings 5:35 a.m.—Stephen 5:45a.m.—DustinJohnson,Rafael Cabrera-Beffo 5:55am.—RyanPamer, BenCurtis 6:05a.m.—GaryWoodland, TommyGainey 6:15 a.m.—JohnMerrick, D.A.Points 6:25 am.—BrandtSnedeker, Harris English 6:35 a.m.—KenDuke,DannyWiffet 6:45 a.m.—KevinStreelman,BrooksKoepka 6:55am.—DavidHearn, J.J. Henry 7:05 a.m.—LukeGuthrie, JoshTeater 7:15 a.m.—Brendon deJonge,John Senden 7:25 am.—VijaySingh,Phil Mickelson 7:45 a.m.—ScottJamieson,DarrenClarke 7:55a.m.—ThorbjornOlesen,K.J.Choi 8:05 am.—Keegan Bradley, TigerWoods 8:15a.m.—Shane Lowry, Peter Hanson 8:25 a.m.—lan Poulter,MarcWarren 8:35 am.— BooWeekley,ThongchaiJaidee 8:45a.m.—DavidToms,Mateo Manassero 8:55 a.m.—MarcLeishman, HidekiMatsuyama 9:05 am. Ryan Moore,Chris Kirk Molinari, RoryMcffroy 9:15a.m.—Francesco 9:25a.m.—TimClark, MiguelAngel Jimenez 9:35 am. GraemeMcDoweff, Ryo Ishikawa Casey,MichaelThompson 9:45 a.m.— Paul Johnson,KiradechAphibarnrat 9:55a.m.—Zach 10:05a.m Jonas Blixt,LeeWestwood — Bill Haas,David Lynn 10:25a.m.

10:35a.m.—HunterMahan,Rickie Fowler 10:45a.m.—ScottPiercy,JasonDay 10:55a.m.—SergioGarcia, Roberto Castro 11:05a.m —CharleyHofman, Marcus Fraser 11:15a.m.—WebbSimpson,Martin Kaymer 11:25a.m Robert Garrigus,SteveStricker 11:35a.m.—JustinRose,Henrik Stenson 11:45a.m.—MattKuchar,JimFuryk 11:55a.m.—JasonDufner, AdamScott

TENNIS Professional ATP RogersCup Friday At uniprix Stadium Montreal Purse: $3.496million (Masters 1000) Surface: Hard-Outdoor Singles Quarterfinals VasekPospisil,Canada,def.Nikolay Davydenko, Russia,3-0retired. Milos Raonic(11), Canada, def. ErnestsGulbis, Latvra,7-6(3), 4-6, 6-4. NovakDjokovic (1), Serbia, def. RichardGasquet (7), France,6-1, 6-2. RafaelNadal(4), Spain,def. MarinkoMatosevic, Australia,6-2, 6-4. WTARogersCup Friday At RexauCentre Toronto Purse: $2.369million (Premierl Surface: Hard-Outdoor Singles Guarterfinals Agnieszka Radwanska(3), Poland,def.SaraErrani (5), Italy,7-6(1j, 7-5. Li Na j4j, China,def. DominikaCibulkova,Slovakia, 7-6 (1 j, 6-2. SoranaCirstea,Romania, def. PetraKvitova(6), Czech Republic, 4-6, 7-5,6-2. SerenaWiffiams(1), UnitedStates, def. Magdalena RybarikovaSlovakia, 6-1 6-1.


Today's Games Seattle FCatToronto FC,4p.m. NewYorkatColumbus,4:30p.m. SanJoseatVancouver,4.30p.m. D.C. United at Philadelphia, 5p.m. NewEnglandat Sporting KansasCity,5:30 p.m. Montrealat Chicago,5:30p.m. Houston at RealSalt Lake,6:30p.m. Sunday'sGames Los Angeleat s FCDallas,5 p.m. ColoradoatChivasUSA,8 p.m.


American League BOSTON REDSDX Agreed to termswith 3BRafael Devers,LHPEnmanuelDeJesus,LHPJhonathan DiazandDFYoanAybar onminor leaguecontracts. CLEVEL AND INDIANS — Recaled RHPCaros Carrasco from ColumbusjIL). DptionedRH PPreston Guilmetto Columbus. MINNESOT ATWINS— Reinstated DFJosh Wil-

ingham fromthe15-day DL Placed0 RyanDoumit on the 7-dayDL,retroactive toAugust 8). TEXASRANGERS—Acquired DFAlex Rios and cashconsiderationsfromtheChicagoWhite Soxfor a player tobenamed or cashconsiderations National League CINCINN ATI REDS— Activated CRyan Hanigan off the15-dayDL Placed0 CorkyMiler on the15day DL PHILADEL PHIAPHILLIES— Designated DFDel-

monYoungfor assignment. AddedDFCasper Wells to theroster.

FOOTBALL National Football League ATLANTAFALCONS— Placed T MikeJohnsonon injuredreserve.SignedOTJeff NadyWaivedPSean SeIwood. Canadian Football League WINNIPEG BLUEBOMBERS Fired generalmanager JoeMackandpresidentand CED GarthBuchko. NamedWadeMiller interimpresidentandCED. HOCKEY PITTSBURGH PENGUINS— NamedJacquesMartin assistantcoach. TAMPABAY LIGHTNING — Named George Gwozdecky assistant coach. COLLEGE WAKEFOREST — Announced senior RB Josh Harris hasbeendeclared eligible bytheNCAAto play this season.

FISH COUNT Upstream daily movement ofadult chinook,jackchinook,steelheadandwild steelheadatselected Columbia RiverdamslastupdatedonThursday. Chnk Jchnk Stlhd Wstlhd Bonneville 1,774 2 9 9 8 ,935 3,527 The Daffes 938 15 9 1 , 805 1,004 J ohn Day 49 7 91 1,0 9 7 54 8 McNary 3 60 119 997 579 Upstream year-to-date movement ofadult chinook, jack chinook,steelheadandwild steelheadat selected Columbia Riverdamslast updatedonThursday. Chnk Jchnk Stlhd Wsff hd Bonnevi le 184,463 61,504 113,097 58,813 The Dalles 157,902 53,687 49,211 28,474 John Day 133,432 48,91 3 29,270 15,481 McNary 127,917 37,087 22,569 11,502


good, playing much better than I have the

past month I would say," Williams said.

Canadian ShOWdOWn iiI MOntreal — Milos Raonic and Vasek Pospisil set

up a semifinal showdown at the Rogers Cup in Montreal, overshadowing twotime defending champion Novak Djokovjc

and Spanish star Rafael Nadal. Canada's top two singles players won quarterfinal matches Friday, continuing a rare run

"I'm glad I'm getting back to the feeling and getting into some rhythm." The two-

time Rogers Cupchampion will face thirdseeded AgnieszkaRadwanska of Poland, a 7-6 (1), 7-5 winner over fifth-seeded Sara Errani of Italy. In the other quarterfinals, fourth-seeded Li Na of China beat

Nelson Cruzsuspended. The Rangers will also receive cashconsiderations

ideal start for the New York Jets. Lions

while sending the White Sox a player to

his exhibition debut when he intercepted

be named later or cash. TheRangers, who began thedayapercentagepoint

Sanchez's pass andran it back14 yards

behind Oakland for the AL West lead, were looking for help. Cruz, their All-Star right

rookie Ziggy Ansah looked like anatural in for a touchdown, and host Detroit went on to a 26-17 win over the Jets on Friday night. Smith, the rookie from West Vir-

ginia who is Sanchez's main competition

Slovakia's Dominika Cibulkova7-6 (1), 6-2; and Romania's SoranaCirstea upset sixth-

by Major League Baseball following its

in the third quarter after appearing to hurt

investigation into the Biogenesis clinic

his right ankle.

the country's biggest tennis event. They will face each other today with a berth in

seeded defending champion Petra Kvitova oftheCzech Republic 4-6,7-5,6-2.

accused of distributing banned perfor-

first Canadian since Mike Belkin in1969 to reach the final four of the event, once

called theCanadianOpen,when Russia's Nikolay Davydenko retired due to illness. Pospisil led 3-0 in the first set when

Davydenkostopped playing.Raonic,the 11th seed, rode the spirited support of the

center court crowd for a 7-6 (2), 4-6, 6-4 victory over Ernests Gulbis, the Latvian player who knockedout second-seeded Andy Murray on Thursday. In the other

quarterfinals, the top-seededDjokovjc, from Serbia, beat seventh-seeded Richard Gasquet of France 6-1, 6-2; and the

mance-enhancin gdrugs.Rios,32,is

ljSG's Lee might de injured-

batting .277 with 12 home runs, 26 stolen bases, 55 RBls and 57 runs scored.

Southern California receiver Marqise Lee

Saver the next year.


left practice early Friday after apparently injuring his right shoulder. The All-Ameri-

can appeared to get hurt while attempting to catch a long pass from CodyKessler in coverage. He stayed down on the field

Surgery fOr SteelerS WRBurreSS

AuSSie WinSagain iR Utah-

before USC'smedical staff escorted him

Australia's Michael Matthews raced to his

— Pittsburgh Steelers wide receiver Plaxjco Burress will have surgery on Mon-

away. Coach Lane Kiffin provided no up-

second stage victory in the Tour of Utah on

and his employers at WGNU 920AM," the

and is out indefinitely. Coach Mike Tomlin

injured Los AngelesAngels' slugger said a statement Friday night. "I am going to sendamessagethatyoucannotactina

called the damage toBurress' shoulder "significant" but declined to specify the

to his top player. Lee had118 receptions for 1,721 yards and 14 touchdowns last

date on Lee's condition after practice, say- Friday, sprinting uphill to edge Belgium's day to repair an injury in his right shoulder inghe hadn'tseenexactlywhathappened Greg VanAvermaet at the finish line. Mat-

exact nature of the injury. ESPN and NFL.com reported Burress has a torn

fourth-seeded Nadalbeat Australian quali-

away with it." Clark said Pujols' former

rotator cuff. Burress wasbattling Jerricho

fier Marinko Matosevic 6-2, 6-4.

trainer, Chris Mihlfeld, told him 10 years ago that he "shot him up." Mihlfeld told ESPN.com that he didn't tell Clark that Pu-

Cotchery, David Gilreath and rookies Markus Wheaton and Justin Brown for a

spot behind starters Antonio Brown and Emmanuel Sanders.

thews, riding for Orica GreenEdge, also

year as a sophomore, winning the Bilet-

won the secondstage.VanAvermaet, riding for BMC,finished second for the

nikoff Award as the nation's top receiver.

third straight stage after winning the first

He also was thePac-12's offensive player of the year.

leg. Belgium's Jasper Stuyven, riding for Bontrager Devo,wasthird in the five-lap, 33.8-mile stage in Salt Lake City. Australia's Lachlan Morton, the Garmin-Sharp


Serena Williams eased into the Rogers Cup semifinals Friday night in Toronto,

jols took performance-enhancing drugs.

overpowering Slovakia's MagdalenaRy-

RangerS get RiDS —The Texas Rang-

Jets QBSmith leaves with injury

barikova 6-1, 6-1. Williams had seven aces and finished off Rybarikova in 60 minutes,

ers acquired Alex Rios from the Chicago White Sox on Friday, beefing up their outfield for the stretch run with All-Star

— Mark Sanchez had an interception returned for a touchdown, and Geno Smith

Kentucky Derby three times in four years, led the class of inductees into the National

left with an apparent ankle injury. Not an

Museum of Racing's Hall of Fameduring

5 seconds. "I'm definitely feeling pretty


the former St. Louis Cardinals star accused him of taking performance-enhancing drugs. "I am currently in the process of taking legal action against Jack Clark

taking legal action against Jack Clark after

reckless manner, like they have, and get

Serena in SemiS — Top-seeded

Union Avenuefrom storied Saratoga Race Course, where the nation's best thor-

exceeding $121 million in a career that began in1983. Besides the 2007 win at Churchill Downs, he won the Derby with Mine That Bird in 2009 and with Super

BASEBALL PujolS Suing —Albert Pujols says he's

and two racing luminaries were inducted Friday in a ceremony at the hall across

oughbreds are currently competing. The 46-year-old Borel has ridden thewinners at quarterback this preseason, exited early of more than 5,000 racesand has purses

fielder and 2011 ALchampionship series MVP, wassuspended 50games Monday

of success for homegrown players at the final on the line. Pospisil becamethe

a ceremony Friday in Saratoga Springs, N.Y. Along with Borel, five thoroughbreds

Borel leadS Hall induCteeSJockey Calvin Borel, who captured the

rider who wonthe third stage Thursday, remained atop the overall standings — 19

secondsaheadofVanAvermaet.American Lucas Euser, riding for UnitedHealthcare, remained third — 40 seconds back. The

race continues through Sunday. — From wire reports



MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL Totals 4 1 3 123 Totals 3 84 104 D etroit 0 0 0 000 102 0 3 New York 102 000 000 1 4

Standings AH TimesPOT AMERICANLEAGUE East Division W L Boston 70 48 TampaBay 66 48 Baltimore 64 51 NewYork 58 56 Toronto 53 62 Central Division W L Detroit 68 46 Cleveland 62 54 Kansas City 60 53 Minnesota 51 62 Chicago 43 71 West Division W L Oakland 65 49 Texas 66 50 Seattle 53 62 Los Angeles 52 62 Houston 37 77

Pct GB 593 .579 2

557 41/2

.509 10 ,461 15'/z

Pct GB 596 .534 7 531 7'/z 451 16'/z .377 25

Pct GB .570 .569 461 12'/x .456 13 .325 28

Friday's Games Minnesota7 ChicagoWhite Sox5,1st game N.Y.Yankees4, Detroit 3, 10innings LA. Ange s5, Cleveland2 Oakland14,Toronto6 Kansas City9, Boston6 Minnesota3, ChrcagoWhite Sox2, 10 rnnings,2nd game Texas 9, Houston5 Milwaukee10,Seattle 5 L.A. Dodgers7,TampaBay 6 Baltimore 5, SanFrancisco 2,10 innings Today's Games Detroit (Ani.Sanchez9-7) at N.Y.Yankees (PHughes 4-10), 10:05a.m. Oakland(Gray0-0) at Toronto(Buehrle 7-7), 10:07 a.m. Baltimore(W.chen6-4) atSanFrancisco (Gaudin 52), 1:05p.m. Minnesota (Pelfrey4-9) atChicagoWhite Sox(Rienzo 0-0), I:05p.m. TampaBay(Ro.Hemandez6-11)at L.A.Dodgers (Greinke 9-3),1:05p.m. LA. Angel(C.Wi s lson11-6) atCleveland(U.Jimenez 8-6), 4.05 p.m. Boston(Doubront8-5) atKansasCity (Guthrie12-7), 4:10 p.m. Texas (D.Hogand9-6) at Houston (Peacock1-4), 4.10 p.m. Milwaukee (Gorzelanny2-4) at Seattle (Iwakuma105), 6:10p.m.

Atlanta Washington NewYork Philadelphia Miami

Pittsburgh St. Louis Cincinnati Chicago Milwaukee

NATIONALLEAGUE East Division W L 71 45

55 60 52 61 52 63 43 71 Central Division W L 70 45 66 49 64 51 51 64 50 66

West Division

Los Angeles Arizona

Colorado SanDiego SanFrancisco

W 65 59 53 52

L 50 55 64 63 51 64

Pct GB .612 ,478 15'/r 460 17'/z .452 18'/x

.377 27 Pct GB .609 .574 4 .557 6 443 19 .431 20'/z

Pct GB .565 .518 5'/r .453 13 .452 13 .443 14

Friday's Games Washington 9, Philadelphia2 Cincinnati 7,SanDiego2 Atlanta 5,Miami0 Chicago Cubs3, St.Louis 0 Colorado10,Pittsburgh1 Arizona5,N.Y.Mets4 Milwaukee10,Seattle 5 L.A. Dodgers7,TampaBay 6 Baltimore 5, SanFrancisco 2,10 innings Today's Games

Baltimore(W.chen6-4) atSanFrancisco (Gaudin 52),105p.m. TampaBay(Ro.Hemandez6-11)at L.A.Dodgers (Greinke 9-3),1:05p.m. Philadelphia(CI.Lee10-5) atWashington (Jordan13), 4:05p.m. Miami (Eovald2-2) i at Atianta(A.Wood 2-2), 4:10 p.m. San Diego (T.Ross 2-5) at Cincinnati (Cingrani5-1), 4:10 p.m.

ChicagoCubs(Viganueva2-8) at St. Louis (Wacha 1-0),4 15p.m. N.Y.Mets(Z.Wheeler 4 2)atArizona (Mccarthy 2-5), 5:10 p.m. Pittsburgh(A.J.Burnett 5-7)at Colorado(Nicasio 6-6), 5:10 p.m. Milwaukee (Gorzelanny2-4) at Seattle (Iwakuma105), 6:10p.m.

American League

Yankees 4, Tigers 3 (10 innings) NEW YORK — Alex Rodriguez

drew both cheers andboos in his return home and New York

overcame Miguel Cabrera's crushing home run off Mariano Rivera, beating Detroit and

snapping the Tigers'12-game winning streak. Cabrera temporarily saved theTigers by hitting a two-out, two-run homer in the ninth off Rivera that made it 3-all. The reigning Triple Crown winner connected while still

hobbling after apparently fouling a ball off himself earlier in the at-bat.

Brett Gardner grounded anRBI single with the bases loaded and two outs in the10th to end New

York's four-game losing streak. Detroit

New York ab r hbi ab r hbi AJcksn cf 6 2 4 0 Gardnrcf 5 2 3 1 TrHntr rf 6 0 1 0 ISuzukirf 5 1 3 0 Micarr 3b 5 1 2 3 Cano2b 3 0 1 2 Fielder1b 4 0 1 0 ASorin dh 5 0 0 1 VMrtnz dh 3 0 1 0 ARdrgz3b 4 0 0 0 Dirks If 5 0 0 0 J.Nix 3b B.Pena c 4 0 2 0 Grndrslf HPerez 2b-ss 4 0 0 0 Dveraylb

Iglesias ss 3 0 1 0 Nunezss D Kelly ph-2b1 0 0 0 CStwrt c

01 0 0 4010 402 0 4000 4000

Rolling Continued from C1 Rackleff recently received an athletic scholarship to play ice hockey at the Rochester I nstitute of T echnology i n Rochester, N.Y. Priorto receiving the college offer, Rackleff played on the U.S. team that won the gold medal at the International Roller Sports Federation Inline Hockey World Championships in Anaheim, Calif., in July. Another inline hockey star at this weekend's tournament is a player for the Canadian n ational inline team, K i r k F rench. French, 36 and of Vancouver, British Columbia, won bronze with the Carta-

Twooutswhenwinningrunscored. E B.Rondon(1). DP Detroit 2. LDB Detroit 14, NewYork13. 28—A.Jackson3 (21), Fielder(27), Cano(21). HR —Mi.cabrera(34). SB—Gardner (20), Cano(7), Granderson(3). S—HPerez. Detroit IP H R E R BBSO Porcego 5 6 3 3 2 6 Coke 1-3 I 0 0 0 I Bonderman 23 0 0 0 1 0 Smyly 2-3 1 0 0 0 0 BRondon 11-3 0 0 0 2 1 Veras I 0 0 0 I I AlburquerqueL,2-3 2-3 2

New York Nova

D.RobertsonH,27 I M.RiveraBS,4-39 1


8 0 3 2-3 1 0 1-3 0

1 1 2


1 1 2 0 0 0 2 2 1 0 1 0 0 0

7 0 0 1 0

Logan KegeyW,4-1 HBP—byNova(B.Pena). WP—Alburquerque,Nova. T—3:54. A—46,545(50,291).

Athletics 14, Blue Jays6 TORONTO — Josh Reddick broke

out of a slump byhomering in three consecutive at-bats, and Jed

Lowrie andYoenis Cespedesalso connected in Oakland's victory over Toronto. Reddick was hitless in his previous 20 at-bats before connecting off Esmil Rogers with

a solo blast in the second inning that hit the facing of the second deck in right. He hit another solo homer in the fifth, an oppositefield shot to left off reliever Neil

Wagner, then smacked a three-run drive off Juan Perez in the sixth. Toronto ab r hbi ab r hbi C rispcf 5 2 3 1 Reyesss 4 0 I I Sogard2b 4 2 2 1 DeRosa2b 1 0 0 0 Lowriess 4 2 4 4 Mlzturs2b-ss 5 0 2 0 R osalespr-ss1 0 0 0 Bautistrf 5 1 3 I CespdsIi 5 1 1 2 Encrnc 1b 5 0 0 0 C Younglf 0 0 0 0 Lind dh 4 1 1 0 Moss1b 5 0 0 0 CIRsmscf 3 2 1 2 Dnldsn 3b 4 1 0 0 Lawrie 3b 4 1 1 1 C agasp3b 0 0 0 0 Tholec 3 0 I 0 R eddckrf 5 3 3 5 Boniiacli 4 1 1 1 S.Smithdh 5 2 2 0 V ogtc 41 2 1 Totals 4 2 141714 Totals 3 8 6 116 Oakland 421 023 200 — 14 Toronto 0 30 000 030 — 6 E Moss(6). DP —Dakand1, Toronto1. LDBOakland 7, Toronto 7. 28—Lowrie (30), S.Smith 2 (23), Vogt(2), Reyes(9), Bautista 2(24), Lawrie Oakland

Chicago Joh.Danks

JButlerlf 3 2 2 0 Elmoress 4 0 1 0 E Betrerf I 0 0 0 Profar 3b 4 0 1 2 T otals 3 6 9 129 Totals 3 6 5 9 5 Texas 0 00 200 142 — 9 Houston 0 10 210 001 — 5

6 4 3 3 LindstromH,12 1- 3 0 0 0 Veal L,1-3 0 0 1 1 NJonesBS,2-2 2- 3 1 1 1 Purcey I 1 1 I Troncoso 1 1 1 1 Joh.Dankspitchedto 2baters in the7th. Veal pitchedto1batter inthe 7th.

5 0 1 0 2 0

DP — Houston 1. LOB Texas 9, Houston 8. 28 — L.Martin (13), Krnsler(20), Dav.Murphy(21), J.Butler 2(2), Hoes(2), Altuve(17), J.castro (31). HR — J.castro (14), B.Barnes(6). SB Kinsler (8). HBP—byBurton(DeAza), byGibson(Jor.Danks). S—Gentry.SF—Je.Baker. T—3.16. A—17,439(40,61 5). Texas IP H R E R BB SO Garza W,2-1 7 7 4 ScheppersH,20 2-3 0 0 Cotts S,1-2 11-3 2 1 Houston 62-3 7 3 3 Bedard Zeid L,0-1BS,I-I 1- 3 I 2 Kchapman 13 0 0 1-3 0 2 Fields W.Wright 0 I 0 De Leon 1133 2 Zeid pitched to 2baters inthe 8th. WWrightpitchedto2 baters inthe8th.

4 1


1 0


0 2

2 0 2 0 2

2 I 0 2 I 1

9 I 0 2 2 1

ATLANTA — Justin Upton, Chris

Johnson and Brian McCann homered, Brandon Beachypitched eight strong innings, and Atlanta got its 14th straight victory.

HBP —byScheppers(Carter). WP —KChapman. T 3'58. A 23,673(42,060).


Atlanta ab r hbi ab r hbi Y elichlf 4 0 I 0 Heywrdrf 4 0 2 0 Mrsnckcf 4 0 0 0 J.Uptonlf 4 1 1 1 Stantonrf 3 0 0 0 FFrmn1b 3 1 1 0

Angels 5, Indians 2 CLEVELAND — Jered Weaver

chalked up another win in Cleveland and Josh Hamilton hit a

three-run homer asLosAngeles ended its four-game losing streak with a victory over Cleveland,

which dropped its fifth in a row. Los Angeles Cleveland ab r hbi ab r hbi S hucklf 4 1 1 0 Boumcf 4 0 0 0 Calhonrf 0 0 0 0 Swisherrf 4 0 1 0 Cowgigrf-If 4 1 1 0 Kipnis2b 4 0 1 0 Troutcf 2 1 0 0 Acarerss 4 1 1 1 Trumolb 4 I I 2 Brantlylf 4 I I I Nelson3b 4 0 0 0 CSantn1b 3 0 1 0 Hamltndh 2 1 1 3 Giambidh 4 0 0 0 Aybarss 4 0 2 0 Chsnh03b 3 0 I 0 lannettc 4 0 1 0 YGomsc 3 0 1 0 GGreen2b 3 0 0 0 T otals 3 1 5 7 5 Totals 3 32 7 2 L os Angeles 5 0 0 0 0 0 000 — 5 C leveland 010 1 0 0 0 00 — 2

DP — LosAngeles1, Cleveland2. LOB—LosAngeles 4,Cleveland5.28—Kipnis (27).HR—Hamilton

(17), A.cabrera(9), Brantley(8).SB Trout 2 (26) CS — Aybar (7). LosAngeles IP H R ER BB SO WeaverW,7-5 7 J.Gutierrez H,3 1 D.De La RosaS,1-4 1 0


KazmirL,7-5 M.Albers

3 1

6 2 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 6 5 5 1 0 0 0 1

Carrasco 5 1 0 0 3 Kazmipi r tchedto 1bater in the4th. T—2:50.A—28,729(42,241).

4 0 0 3 1 4

(9). HR —Lowrie (9), Cespedes (18), Reddick 3 (8), Bautista(26),ColRasmus (18). SB—Bonifacio (12). Twins 3, White Sox 2 SF —Sogard. Oakland IP H R E R BB SO (10 innings, secondgame) J.Parker W,8-6 6 6 3 3 1 6 Dtero 1 0 0 0 1 1 CHICAGO — Oswaldo Arcia Neshek 2-3 4 3 3 0 0 Blevins 1 1-3 1 0 0 0 1 homered leading off the 10th Toronto inning and Minnesota beat E.RogersL,3-7 3 7 7 7 2 0 Wagner 2 5 2 2 I 0 Chicago to complete the dayJ.Perez 12-3 4 5 5 2 3 night doubleheader sweep.Josh S.Santos 1 1-3 0 0 0 0 1 Willingham and Chris Hermann

Morrsn1b 2 0 1 0 Mccnnc 4 2 2 1 Lucas3b 3 0 0 0 CJhnsn3b 4 I 1 3 DSolan2b 3 0 0 0 Janish3b 0 0 0 0 Hchvrrss 3 0 0 0 Uggla2b 2 0 0 0 Mathrsc 3 0 0 0 BUptoncf 4 0 0 0 Cishekp 0 0 0 0 Smmnsss 3 0 0 0 JaTrnrp 1 0 0 0 Beachyp 3 0 0 0 Pierreph 1 0 1 0 Trdslvcph 1 0 0 0 DJnngsp 0 0 0 0 SDownsp 0 0 0 0 K .Higc 1 0 1 0 Ayalap 0 0 0 0 Totals 2 8 0 4 0 Totals 3 25 7 5 Miami 0 00 000 000 — 0 Atlanta

401 000 00x — 5

ST.LOUIS — Anthony Rizzo had

a two-run single, Chris Rusin pitched around seven hits in six

innings, and Chicago recorded its first shutout in St. Louis in16

years. Chicago

St. Louis

the Brewers scored10 runs for the

Diamondbacks 5,Mets4

first time since June12.

PHOENIX — Paul Goldschmidt

Arizona ab r hbi ab r hbi E Yonglf-cf 5 0 0 0 Eatoncf 4 1 2 1 Lagarscf 4 0 1 0 Pradolf-3b 5 0 1 1 Germnp 0 0 0 0 Gldsch1b 3 1 1 1 Ricep 0 0 0 0 Erchvz3b 4 0 0 0 I.Davisph 1 0 0 0 Bellp 0000 A tchisnp 0 0 0 0 Zieglerp 0 0 0 0 D nMrp2b 4 2 2 0 A.Hill2b 3 1 2 0 Byrdri 3 1 2 0 C.Rossrf-lf 4 1 2 0 S atinlb 3 1 1 0 Nievesc 4 0 1 2 JuTrnrss 4 0 2 3 Gregrsss 4 0 0 0 F lores 3b 4 0 0 1 Corbin p 2 1 1 0 Buckc 2 0 0 0 Pogockph 0 0 0 0 Hefner p 0 0 0 0 WHarrs p 0 0 0 0 F elicinp 0 0 0 0 GParrarf 1 0 0 0 Ardsmp 0 0 0 0 Baxterph-Ii 2 0 0 0 Totals 3 2 4 8 4 Totals 3 45 105 New York 0 00 101 020 — 4 Arizona 0 00 022 001 — 5 Oneoutwhenwinningrunscored. DP — NewYork1. LOB —New York7, Arizona 9.

Milwaukee Seattle ab r hbi ab r hbi Aokirf 5 0 2 3 BMigerss 5 1 3 0 Segurass 5 1 1 0 Frnkln2b 5 0 1 1 Lucroy dh 5 0 0 0 Seager 3b 4 0 1 2 CGomzcf 4 2 1 0 KMorlsdh 4 0 0 0 K Davislf 4 1 0 0 Morserf 3 0 0 0 Y Btncr1b 5 2 1 4 Ibanezlf 4 1 0 0

Bianchi3b 4 2 2 1 Smoak1b 3 1 1 2 G ennett2b 4 1 2 0 MSndrscf 3 2 I 0 Maldndc 4 1 2 2 Quinterc 4 0 0 0 Totals 4 0 101110 Totals 35 5 7 5 Milwaukee 002 3 5 0 000 — 10 Seattle 0 02 000 120 — 5

E—C.Gomez2(3), Figaro(1), Franklin (9), Seager 2 (11).LDB —Milwaukee5, Seattle 6. 28—Aoki (16), Maldonado (7), B.Miger(8). HR —YBetancourt (13), Smoak(12). SB—Segura(33), C.Gomez(30). Milwaukee I P H R E R BB SO LohseW,8-7 7 6 3 3 3 7 Figaro 1 1 2 0 0 0 Kintzler I 0 0 Seattle J.SaundersL,10-11 41-3 7 9 12-3 3 1 E.Ramirez Capps 2 1 0 Luetge 1 0 0 T 2:59 A 34,827 (47,476).

0 0


4 1 0 0

4 1 2 2

2 0 0 0

28 — Lagares (16), Eaton(2), Prado(25), C.Ross 2 (17), Nieves(7), Corbin(4). 38—Byrd(5). HR—Gold- Dodgers 7, Rays 6 schmidt(27).SB Goldschmidt(12) S Hefner New York IP H R E R BB SO LOS ANGELES — Reli ever Hefner 5 8 4 4 3 1 2-3 0 0 0 1 1 Fernando Rodney's throwing error Felrcrano 1-3 0 0 0 0 0 allowed the winning run to score Aardsma Germen 1 1 0 0 1 1 in the bottom of the ninth inning, Rice I 0 0 0 0 I

E—Hechavarria (9). DP—Atlanta 3. LOB —Miami 2, Atlanta 7. 2B Pierre (9), Heyward(16) 1-3 1 1 1 0 HR — J.Upton (22), Mccann(17), C.Johnson(8). AtchisonL,2-1 Arizona SB — Uggla(2). 6 4 2 2 3 Miami IP H R E R BB SO Corbin 1 1 0 0 0 Ja.Turnerl.,3-4 5 5 5 4 3 5 W.HarrisH,2 Bel BS,6-21 1 3 2 2 0 Da.Jennings 2 2 0 0 0 I 1 0 0 0 0 Cishek 1 0 0 0 0 1 ZieglerW,5-1 Hefnerpitchedto 3baters in the6th. Atlanta BeachyW,1-0 8 3 0 0 1 6 HBP—byCorbin(Helner, Byrd).WP—Corbin. T—2:55.A—25,187(48,633). S.Downs 1-3 1 0 0 0 I Ayala 2-3 0 0 0 0 0 HBP by Ja.Tumer(Uggla) WP JaTurner. Reds 7, Padres 2 T—2:26. A—37,424(49,586).

Cubs 3, Cardinals 0

grand slam of the season, and Milwaukee beat Seattle. Norichika Aoki also drove in three runs as

New York

Braves 5, Marlins 0

5 0 1 0 0 1


homered to the opposite field with one out in the ninth inning to give Arizona a victory over NewYork.

National League


Brothers 1 1 0 0 0 Balk — Escalona. T—3:19.A—37444 (50,398).


4 0 0 1

CINCINNATI — Joey Votto drove

in a pair of runs with a single and a triple, and Bronson Arroyo recovered from his roughest outing of the season to lead Cincinnati over San Diego. San Diego Cincinnati ab r hbi ab r hbi

V enalerf 4 1 1 1 Chooci 5 0 0 0 Amarstcf 4 0 0 0 Frazier3b 4 3 2 0 H eadly3b 3 0 2 0 Vottolb 4 2 2 2 Alonso1b 4 0 0 0 Phillips2b 4 1 2 2 G yorko2b 4 0 1 0 Brucerf 4 0 1 1 K otsaylf 4 0 0 0 Heiseylf 4 1 1 0 Forsythss 4 1 2 I Cozartss 4 0 0 0 Hundlyc 3 0 0 0 Hanignc 2 0 0 0 C ashnrp 2 0 0 0 Arroyop 3 0 1 0 Stauff rp 0 0 0 0 Simonp 0 0 0 0

giving Los Angeles animprobable victory over TampaBay. Rodney (4-3) tookthe loss, allowing four runs — three earned —andfour

hits while getting just one out. Adrian Gonzalez' RBI double tied the game 6-all after Mark Ellis' RBI triple and Nick Punto's RBI double

sparked the Dodgers' rally. TampaBay Los Angeles ab r hbi ab r hbi SRdrgzlf 3 1 1 0 M.Ellis2b 4 2 3 1 J oyceph-If 2 0 0 0 Puntoss 5 1 2 1 Rodney p 0 0 0 0 AdGnzl1b 5 1 1 1 R Rorts2b 5 0 2 0 Puigcf 4 1 2 1 L ongori3b 4 1 1 0 HrstnJrlf 3 1 0 0 W Myrscl-ri 4 2 2 0 Uribe3b 4 0 2 I Zobrist rf-If 5 1 1 1 Fdrwcz c 3 0 1 0 YEscorss 5 1 2 3 Crwfrdph 1 0 0 0 l .oney1b 4 0 3 2 A.Ellisc 0 0 0 0 JMolinc 2 0 0 0 Schmkrrf 4 1 2 I Pricep 3 0 0 0 Capuanp 1 0 0 0

ab r hbi ab r hbi Lakelf 4 1 1 1 Mcrpnt2b 5 0 0 0 Scottph 1 0 0 0 Howegp 0 0 0 0 Gillespirf 4 0 0 0 Freese3b 4 0 1 0 McGeep 0 0 0 0 Ethierph 1 0 0 0 R izzo I b 5 0 I 2 Craig rf 4 0 I 0 Lueke p 0 0 0 0 League p 0 0 0 0 D eJesscf 3 0 0 0 Hollidylf 3 0 2 0 JoPerltp 0 0 0 0 HRmrzph 1 0 0 0 DMrph3b 4 0 0 0 MAdms1b 4 0 0 0 F uldcf 0 0 0 0 Marmlp 0 0 0 0 C astigoc 2 1 1 0 T.cruzc 4 0 0 0 Beisarip 0 0 0 0 S tcastrss 3 0 1 0 Jaycf 4030 DGordn ph I 0 0 0 Rcedenph 1 0 0 0 DRonsnph 1 0 1 0 Totals 3 8 6 126 Totals 3 7 7 136 Barney2b 2 1 1 0 Kozmass 1 0 0 0 Rusinp 1 0 0 0 Descalsph 1 0 0 0 H ynesp 0 0 0 0 Broxtnp 0 0 0 0 T ampa Bay 0 3 0 0 3 0 000 — 6 Totals 3 3 2 6 2 Totals 3 57 105 L os Angeles 0 0 0 0 0 0 124 — 7 W atknsph I 0 0 0 Lynnp 20 0 0 Cecil 1 1 0 0 0 0 S an Diego 000 0 1 0 010 — 2 One outwhenwinning run scored. Russegp 0 0 0 0 Choatep 0 0 0 0 WP — J.Perez2. PB—Vogt. Balk—E.Rogers. also went deep. Brian Duensing C incinnati 102 0 2 2 0 0x — 7 BParkrp 0 0 0 0 Chamrsph 1 0 0 0 E—Rodney (2), Longoria(7), Punto(7). DPT—3:14. A—31,862(49,282). E—Venable(1), Forsythe(3). LDB—San Diego6, TampaBay2, LosAngeles2 LOB TampaBay9, Los Ransmph 0 0 0 0 Rosnth p 0 0 0 0 (6-1) picked up thewin in both C incinnati 8 28 — F ra z i e r (22), Bruce (32). 38 — V o tto 0 0 0 0 Manessp 0 0 0 0 Angeles9. 2B—R.Roberts (6), Longoria(26), Punto games, and theTwins prevailed in Stropp (3). HR —Venable (14), Forsythe(5), Philips (14). Greggp 0 0 0 0 Muj cap i 0 0 0 0 (11), Ad.Gon zalez (23), Puig(13), Uribe(13), SchuRoyals 9, RedSox6 San Diego IP H R E R BB SO maker the nightcap after rallying to take Beltran ph 0 0 0 0 (12). 38—M.Ellis (2). SB—YEscobar (4). CashnerL,8-6 5 7 5 3 4 3 Totals 2 9 3 5 3 Totals 3 3 0 7 0 IP H R E R BBSO the opener 7-5. KANSAS CITY, Mo.— Justin Stauffer 2 2 2 2 0 3 Tampa Chicago 0 00 000 300 — 3 Bay Hynes 1 1 0 0 0 0 Maxwell homered andsingled St.Louis 0 00 000 000 — 0 Price 7 7 I 0 I 4 Minnesota Chicago 2-3 0 1 1 1 1 DP Chicago1,St. Louis1. LDB Chicago10, Cincinnati McGee twice in a six-run sixth and Kansas ab r hbi ab r hbi ArroyoW,10-9 7 4 1 1 0 7 St. Loui s 10. 2B — J ay 2 (19). S — S t.ca stro, Ru si n . Lueke 0 1 1 1 1 0 Dozier2b 5 0 1 0 DeAzali-cf 4 0 1 0 Simon 1 1 I 1 1 1 City rallied to beat Boston. The Chicago IP H R E R BB SO Jo.PeraltaH,30 1- 3 1 0 0 0 0 Carrol3b 5 0 3 0 Bckhm2b 5 0 1 0 Broxton 1 1 0 0 0 1 RusinW,2-1 6 7 0 0 2 5 RodneyL,4-3 BS,7-34 1-3 4 4 3 I I Royals have won15 of their past Mornea1b 5 0 0 0 AIRmrzss 5 1 1 I HBP by Arroyo(Hundley). Russell H,18 2-3 0 0 0 0 2 Los Angel e s Wlnghdh 3 1 1 1 A.Dunn1b-lf 3 0 2 0 17 gamestomovesevengames T—2:42.A—30,288(42,319). B.ParkerH,6 1-3 0 0 0 0 0 Capuano 4 1310 6 5 1 3 Arcia If 5 1 1 1 Viciedo dh 4 0 0 0 StropH,6 1 0 0 0 0 1 Howell 2-3 0 0 0 1 1 above .500, matching their best Colaegrf 3 0 1 0 Gigaspi3b 4 0 1 0 GreggS,24-28 1 0 0 0 1 1 Nationals 9, Phillies 2 League 2 0 0 0 0 1 record of the season. Flormnpr-ss 1 0 0 0 JrDnksrf 3 0 0 0 St. Louis Marmol 1 2 0 0 2 0 CHrmn c-rf 3 1 1 1 Kppngr ph-1b 1 0 0 0 6 2-3 3 3 3 5 5 Lynn L,13-6 Be isarioW,5-6 1 0 0 0 0 1 T homscf 4 0 I 0 Pheglyc 4 0 I 0 Choate Boston KansasCity 1-3 1 0 0 0 1 WASHINGTON — DanHaren Marmolpitchedto 2baters inthe9th. Bemierss 2 0 0 0 Tekottecf 2 1 1 1 ab r hbi ab r hbi 2-3 1 0 0 1 1 Rosenthal Luekepitchedto 2baters inthe 8th. won his third straight start Mauerph-c 1 0 0 0 AGarciph-cf-rf1 0 0 0 Maness E gsuryci 4 0 1 0 Loughrf 4 0 I 2 1-3 0 0 0 0 0 WP — Price. T otals 3 7 3 9 3 Totals 3 62 8 2 while Anthony Rendon and Victornrf 4 I 1 0 Hosmer1b 5 1 3 2 Mujica 1 0 0 0 0 I T —3:55. A—51,083(56,000). Minnesota 000 100 010 1 3 Pedroia 2b 4 1 1 0 BButler dh 5 1 3 1 HBP —by Strop (Holliday), by Lynn(DeJesus, GilRyan Zimmerman homered to Chicago 000 101 000 0 2 lespie), byRosenthal (Castilo). D Drtizdh 5 2 2 1 AGordnlf 4 1 2 1 DP — Chicago1. LDB—Minnesota 11,Chicago7. T—3:14. A—42,664(43,975). help Washington snap afourDrioles 5, Giants 2 Navalf 4 1 1 1 Maxwlcf 5 2 3 2 28 — Dozier (24), Thomas(9). HR —Wigingham(11), N apoli1b 3 1 2 3 Mostks3b 4 I I 0 game losing streak by beating (10 innings) Arcia (9), C.Herrm ann (3), Al . Ram i r ez (3), Te k o tte (1) Drewss 5 0 1 0 AEscorss 4 2 2 1 Philadelphia. CS — Colabego(I), De Aza(6). S—DeAza. Rockies 10, Pirates 1 S ltlmchc 4 0 2 1 Kottarsc 2 1 1 0 IP H R E R BB SO SAN FRANCISCO — Chris Davis Holt3b 4 0 0 0 EJhnsn2b 2 0 0 0 Minnesota Hendriks 6137 2 2 1 3 Washington MTejadph-2b 2 0 0 0 DENVER — Wilin Rosario doubled Philadelphia hit a two-out, two-run double in Thielbar 2-3 0 0 0 0 I ab r hbi ab r hbi Totals 3 7 6 116 Totals 3 79 169 the10th inning and Baltimore 1 1 0 0 0 1 and homered to drive in four runs, R oginsss 4 0 0 0 Spancf 5 0 1 2 Boston 1 02 300 000 — 6 Roenicke DuensingW,6-1 1 0 0 0 0 0 leading an offense that batted MYong1b 4 1 1 0 Zmrmn3b 4 1 1 1 KansasCity 0 2 1 0 0 6 Ogx— 9 beatSan Francisco.Jim Johnson 0 0 0 0 0 U tley2b 4 1 2 1 Harperlf 5 0 1 1 DP — Boston 2, Kansas City 1. LDB—Boston 10, PerkinsS,28-31 1 around in the first and second gave up agame-tying hit to Hunter Chicago D Brwnlf 3 0 1 0 Berndnrf 0 0 0 0 KansasCity8.28—Napoli (29), Saltalamacchia (29), 5 4 1 1 5 8 innings, and Colorado snappeda R ufrf 4 0 0 0 Werthrf 3 1 1 0 Pence with no outs in the ninth B.Butler(22).HR—D.ortiz(22), A.Gordon(12), Max- Leesman 12-3 1 0 0 I 0 Troncoso A sche3b 3 0 0 I Krolp 0 0 0 0 and then worked out of the jam to well (5). SB —Egsbury(41). SF—Lough. five-game losing streak by beating 1-3 0 0 0 0 1 Ruizc 2 0 0 0 Dsmndss 4 1 2 0 Boston IP H R E R BBSO Veal H,4 Pittsburgh. 2 1 1 1 1 Mrtnzci 3 0 0 0 AdLRc1b 4 1 2 1 gain the victory. Peavy 5 1 0 6 6 1 0 LindstromBS,4-4 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 Lannanp 1 0 0 0 WRamsc 4 2 2 1 D.Britton L,1-1BS,1-1 2-3 1 2 2 1 0 A.Reed 1 1 1 1 0 0 Pittsburgh Mayrryph 1 0 0 0 Rendon2b 3 2 1 2 11-3 3 1 1 1 1 AxelrodL,4-9 Colorado Baltimore San Francisco Beato Leesman pitchedto 1baterin the6th. D errlsp 0 0 0 0 Harenp 2 0 0 I ab r hbi ab r hbi ab r hbi ab r hbi Breslow I 2 0 0 0 I H BP—by P e rki n s(A Ga rci a ). PB —P he gl e y . CJimnzp 0 0 0 0 Mat t h sp 0 0 0 0 SMartelf-cf 4 0 4 0 Fowlercf 4 2 1 0 McLothlf 5 0 1 0 Scutaro2b 5 0 0 0 KansasCity T — 3:18. A — 23,80 4 (40,61 5). 3 2-3 9 6 6 2 2 Mercerss 4 0 2 1 LeMahi2b 5 1 1 0 Frndsnph 1 0 0 0 Hairstnph-If 1 1 1 0 Machd3b 5 2 2 0 Bcrwfrss 50 1 0 E.Santana Mcctch cf 2 0 1 0 Tlwtzkss 2 1 1 0 Valdesp 0 0 0 0 M arkksrf 5 0 0 0 Belt1b 422 1 BuenoW,1-0 21 - 3 1 0 0 0 0 JHughsp 1 0 0 0 JHerrrph-ss 1 0 1 0 Totals 3 0 2 4 2 Totals 3 59 129 A .Jonescf 4 1 2 1 Poseyc 3 0 0 0 K.Herrera H,14 I I 0 0 0 I Twins 7, White Sox 5 JHrrsnp 1 0 0 0 Cuddyrrf 4 2 2 3 P hiladelphia 0 0 0 1 0 0 100 — 2 C .Davis 1b 3 1 1 2 Pence rf 4 0 2 1 Collins H,18 1 0 0 0 2 0 RMartnc 4 0 1 0 Blckmnph-rf 1 0 0 0 Washington 0 3 1 0 4 0 0 1x — 9 Wieters c 5 0 2 1 Sandovl3b 3 0 0 0 G.HogandS,31-33 1 0 0 0 0 2 (First game) T Snchzc I 0 0 0 WRosrc 5 2 3 4 DP Washington1. LDB Philadelphia3, WashHardy ss 4 1 1 1 Kschnclf 4 0 0 0 Peavypitchedto 3baters inthe 6th HBP—byE.Santana(Napoli, Nava).WP—Breslow. Minnesota Chicago PAlvrz3b 4 0 1 0 Helton1b 3 1 2 1 ington 7. 28 —M.Young (21), Utley(19), Desmond BRorts2b 3 0 0 0 GBlancci 4 0 1 0 T—3:25. A—29,485(37,903). ab r hbi ab r hbi GSnchz1b 4 0 0 0 Torrealph-1b 1 0 0 0 (29), Ad.LaR oche(15), W.Ramos (7), Hairston(5). JiJhnsnp 0 0 0 0 Vglsngp 2 0 0 0 D ozier2b 4 0 1 0 DeAzali 4 1 1 0 Walker 2b 3 1 1 0 Arenad 3b 4 1 3 1 HR — Zimmerman(13), Rendon(6). TmHntp 0 0 0 0 Mijaresp 0 0 0 0 Mauerc 3 I 0 0Bckhm2b 4 2 I 0 Tabatarf 3 0 0 0 Culersnlf 5 0 2 I Philadelphia IP H R ER BB SO Tigmanp 3 0 0 0 AnTrrsph 1 0 0 0 Rangers 9, Astros 5 Wlnghdh 5 0 0 0 AIRmrzss 5 1 2 4 L irianop 1 0 0 0 JDLRsp 3 0 0 0 LannanL,3-5 5 9 8 8 5 3 Flahrtyph-2b1 0 0 0 SRosarip 0 0 0 0 Mornea1b 5 2 2 5 A.Dunndh 4 0 0 0 Mazzar p 1 0 0 0 Dttavin p 1 0 0 0 De Fratus I 1 0 0 0 I J.l.opez p 0 0 0 0 Colaegrf 3 1 2 1 Konerk1b 4 1 1 1 C.Jimenez 1 0 0 0 0 1 HOUSTON — Leonys Martin hit Presley ph-If 2 0 0 0 Escaln p 0 0 0 0 Scasigp 0 0 0 0 CHrmnrf 1 0 0 0 Gigaspi3b 3 0 1 0 CDckrsph 1 0 0 0 Valdes 1 2 1 1 0 0 HSnchzph 1 0 0 0 a two-run double in afour-run A rciali 5 1 1 1 JrDnksrf 2 0 1 0 Brothrs p 0 0 0 0 Washington Totals 3 8 5 9 5 Totals 3 62 6 2 eighth inning, and Texas rallied P louife3b 2 0 1 0 Flowrsc 4 0 0 0 Totals 3 5 1 101 Totals 7 4 2 2 0 7 Baltimore 110 000 000 3 4 0 101610 HarenW,7-11 5 T homscf 3 1 0 0 Tekottecf 4 0 0 0 Mattheus 1 0 0 0 0 0 P ittsburgh 010 0 0 0 0 00 — 1 San Francisco 000 001 001 0 2 to beat Houston and tie a season Flormn ss 3 1 0 0 Krol 1 0 0 0 1 1 DP — San Francisco 1. LOB—Baltimore 8, San Colorado 451 000 00x — 10 high with its fifth straight victory. T otals 3 4 7 7 7 Totals 3 45 7 5 E—Mercer (11). LDB—Pittsburgh 12, Colo- HBP —byHaren(Ruiz). WP —Lannan. Francisco 6. 2B McLouth(24), Machado2 (42), M innesota 010 0 0 0 4 1 1 — 7 rado 11.28—WRosario (17), Arenado(18) HRT—2:31.A—27,831(41,418). C.Davis(32). HR —Hardy(20), Belt (13). Texas Houston Chicago 0 10 020 002 — 6 W.Rosario(16). SB—LeMahieu (13), Cuddyer(8). Baltimore IP H R E R BB SO LDB —Minnesota8, Chicago8 2B—Dozier (23), CS — SMarte (11). SF—Mercer. ab r hbi ab r hbi Tillman 8 4 1 1 1 9 Interleague LMartn rf-cf 5 0 1 2 GrssmnIf-cf 5 0 0 0 Colabello (1),Beckham(15). HR —Morneau 2 (13), Pittsburgh IP H R E R BB SO Ji.JohnsonW,37 BS,7 1 2 1 1 1 1 Andrus ss 5 0 I 0 Hoesrf 522 0 Colabello(4),Arcia(8), AI.Ramirez (2), Konerko (9). L irianoL,12-5 2 1 - 3 12 10 10 2 1 Tom.Hunter S,3-4 1 0 0 0 0 0 SB — P lou ffe (2). 2 2-3 2 0 0 2 I Kinsler 2b 3 3 2 0 Altuve2b 5 1 3 2 Mazzaro San Francisco Brewers10, Mariners 5 2 2-3 2 0 0 1 2 ABeltredh 4 3 2 1 Jcastroc 4 1 2 2 Minnesota IP H R E R BB SO J.Hughes Vogelsong 6 6 2 2 3 4 52-3 4 3 3 4 4 J Harrison 1-3 0 0 0 0 0 Przynsc 5 0 2 1 Carterdh 3 0 0 0 Gibson Mijares 2 0 0 0 0 2 JeBakrlb 2 0 0 I Wagaclb 4 0 0 0 DuensingW,5-1 1-3 0 0 0 0 1 Colorado 1 0 0 0 1 0 SEATTLE — Yuniesky Betancourt S.Rosario Morlnd ph-1b 1 0 0 0 MDmn3b 3 0 0 0 BurtonH,19 I 0 0 0 0 0 J.De La RosaW,11-6 5 8 1 1 3 3 J.LopezL,1-2 2 3- 3 3 3 1 0 highlighted Milwaukee's five1-3 0 0 0 0 0 Gentrycf 2 0 0 1 BBarnscf 2 1 1 1 Fien H,15 1 0 0 0 0 1 Ottavino 2 1 0 0 0 3 S.casiga DvMrpph-If 1 1 1 1 Kraussph-If 1 0 0 0 Perkins 1 3 2 2 0 2 Escalona 1 0 0 0 1 0 run fifth inning with his second T—3;02. A—41,434(41,915).

dian team at t h e I n ternational Ice Hockey Federation Inline Hockey World Championships in Germany this summer. French did not play for the Bullets, but he refers to himself as an "honorary teammate" after years of playing around and against the Bend team. "I was like an outsider coming in with the Bullets. But everyone was like f amily," French said. "It was a close

tight group of really good nice people. It was about the hockey, camaraderie and the friendships. Probably more about the friendships and being able to come down to see


John Kromm, 31 and of Bend, moved from Tennessee to Central Oregon when he was 18 and immediately got involved with coaching and playing for the Bullets. "I think one of the more memorable things with the Bullets, was that our program was so strong," Kromm said. "We would go to tournaments and win everything, which was a really cool thing to be a part of." The B e n d to u r n ament — the Northwest Cup — began 20 years ago at the former outdoor roller hockey rink at Juniper Park. When the rink was torn down in 2004 to build the current pool complex, Roberts moved the tour-

nament indoors. This y e ar's t o u rnament includes 18 teams that are divided into four divisions: the 10U Division, the Recreational Division, the Adult A Division and the Adult B Division. Games start today at 8 a.m., with the last game at 10:15 p.m. Semifinals and f i nals will take place on Sunday beginning at 9 a.m. and concluding at 3:30 p.m. "The players here are really good," Rackleff said. "It's nice whenyoucomehome, there's a really high level of hockey. Which is surprising because

Ryan Brennecke/The Bulletin

we have very few people (who Goalie Jetta Rackleff reaches to block a shot while playing in a Bend piay)" Bullets alumni inline hockey game on Friday evening at Cascade — Reporter: 541-383-0375, eoller@bendbulfetin.com.

Indoor Sports in Bend, in advance of this weekend's Northwest Cup inline hockey tournament.





Beavers' fullback returnsfrom ACLtear By Steve Gress Corva1lis Gazette-Times

Tyler Anderson, playing the most unheralded position for the Beavers — fullback — was in the middle of a solid season with the Oregon State football team last season. Sure, he had just 17 touches through the first 10 games, but Anderson had either converteda first down or scored a touchdown on 12 of them. But then the season came to a crashing halt for the then sophomore from De La Salle High in Concord, Calif. Anderson tore the ACL in his left knee and was done for the season. "It was tough," Anderson said after practice Tuesday. "But it happened. It was just something I had to deal with." A nderson underwent s urgery a n d missed spring practice, and spent the summer continuing to rehab in preparation for fall camp. "You have to think positively when ... something bad happens, you kind of have to look at the positives to get through it," (Amanda Cowan /Corvallis Gazette-Times he said. Oregon State fullback Tyler Anderson is Missing the spring was tough, but An- wearing a knee brace while recovering from derson spent the time mentally preparing a torn ACL in his left knee. for his return. "Watching spring practice, watching film myself, trying to get better helped me Anderson has been cleared for noncona lot now," Anderson said. "Taking a lot tact drills and has taken part in the first of mental reps in the spring, just imagine two practices. "It's all looking good," coach Mike Riley myself on the field and what I would do to block or run." said. "We might have to watch him when


"Coach Helfrich has always said, 'If it ain't broke, don't fix

we start hitting but we just want to keep him on steady progress. He was not given any limitations as long as we're practicing without full gear." The Beavers were in full gear beginning Friday. "When we start getting pads on, (train-

er) Ariko (Iso) told me she would be monitoring me, maybe slow it up a little, like limit my reps," Anderson said. "But right now I'm just kind of thinking about going hard on the field with what I can do." But so far, so good. "Out here on the field it feels good, just running around, cutting," Anderson said. "The individual drills that we do with

coach (Chris) Brassfield feel fine. Going full speed and I'm trying real hard not to think about it." The biggest adjustment has been wearing a knee brace. Anderson admits it's kind of a pain. "It's something to get used to," he said. "Yeah, I don't like it. Let's put that on the table. But it's something I will have to get through. But I'll do it." The hard work in rehab will pay off when Anderson is back on the field helping the Beavers in any way he can. He finished with 13 attempts for 51 yards and three touchdowns, as well as four catches for 22 yards. "I'm real excited," Anderson said. "I want to continue what I started last year and maybe take it to another level."

a few tweaks of offense, or a "little more flavor," as he put it. tlt Continued from C1 it Helfrich, a native of Oregon, Kelly's trademark was the Other players agreed. is the third straight offensive "I think it's going to be as development of a breakneck coordinator to be promoted to spread-option offense. His goal explosive as it's always been. the top job, following Kelly and was to get a play off in 12 sec- We're not going to miss a beat his processor, Mike Bellotti. onds, as efficiently as possible. at all," center Hroniss Grasu He is an unassuming guy, in Helfrich's signature became said. "Up front we have two marked contrast to Kelly's frehis development of Oregon's guys at guard we have to re- quent sarcasm and sometimes q uarterbacks, and h e w a s place but I don't think that's brusque demeanor. "They're just different in the key to bringing along Darron going to be an issue. We have Thomas and Marcus Mariota, plenty of talent." way they deliver their messagthe Ducks' current starter. The media that cover the es, really. Different personaliLast season — as just a red- P ac-12 selected Oregon t o ties," defensive lineman Arik shirt freshman — Mariota set c laim the to p s pot i n t h e Armstead said. "Nothing's the team's single-season re- league's North division as well really changed football-wise. cord with 38 touchdowns (32 as winthe conference champi- Practiceand schemes and all passing, five rushing, one re- onship. Just like last season. that stuff is the same. But the ceiving), surpassing the previThe Ducks return eight start- way they talk to us and interous mark of 36 held by Thomas ers on offense and seven on de- act with us is a little different." (2011) and Akili Smith (1998). fense. Joining Mariota on the The Ducks are no longer The first freshman named offense is junior De'Anthony being dogged by speculation to the Pac-12's all-conference Thomas, an explosive play- over NCAA s anctions over first team in 23 years, Mariota maker at both receiver and the school's use of recruiting passed for 2,739 yards, com- running back who scored ev- services. Earlier this summer, pleting a school-record 68.5 ery 9.2 times he touched the the NCAA stripped Oregon percent of his passes. He had ball. of a scholarship in each of the 3,429 yards of total offense, Thomas ran for 701 yards next two seasons and placed second only to Smith's 3,947 in and 11 touchdowns and caught the program on probation for 1998. 45 passes for 445 yards and three years. When training camp opened five more scores. He also The NCAA's Division I Comthis week, Mariota said not scored on a kickoff return and mittee on Infractions said in its much has changed now that a punt return, becoming the final report that Kelly failed to Kelly's gone. firstOregon player in 47 years monitor the program for its im"There hasn't been a whole with a touchdown four differ- proper involvement with Willie lot of difference from a football ent ways. Lyles and his Houston-based standpoint," Mariota observed. Thomas hinted there may be recruiting service. Oregon also

PGA Continued from C1 On a r a i n-softened Oak Hill, where pelt-sized divots were flying and birdies were falling, Dufner surged to a two-shot lead over Masters champion Adam Scott, Jim Furyk and Matt Kuchar. At 9under 131, Dufner tied the 36hole record at the PGA Championship he now shares with six other players. Dufner was alone at the top, and in the company of some big names in history. His 63 broke the course record at Oak Hill held by Ben Hogan, Curtis Strange and Webb Simpson, who shot 64 about five hours earlier. Dufner became the 24th player to shoot 63 in a major — Greg Norman an d V i j a y S i n gh, both in the Hall of Fame, did it twice. And through it all, he barely cracked a smile. "He's v ery c a l m," s a i d Stricker, who played alongside Dufner. "I'm sure he was churning on the inside. He just told me while we were signing our cards, he was like, 'This is a lot for a Friday.'" The possibilities were endless on a day that began with three hours of a steady rain until the sun broke through and took all the bite out of Oak Hill. Simpson also had a chance at 63 until he made a bogey on the 16th hole of his round. U.S. Open champion Justin Rose shot 29 on the front nine to get back into contention. When the second round finally ended, 27 players remained under par — this on a course that is stubborn when it comes to par. In five previous majors at Oak Hill, only nine players have finished the tournament in red numbers. Jack Nicklaus

faces reductions in paid visits and evaluation days, but avoided some ofthe harsher penalties handed down to other programs in recent years. Kelly was hit with an 18month show-cause order, a sanction that likely will have zero impact now t hat h e 's coaching the Eagles. The sanctions had b een hanging over the football program for more than two years, and there had been fears that H elfrich's tenure could b e opened under tough penalties. Now Helfrich ca n f o cus solely on the task at hand. And

perhaps build a legacy of his own. "Chip is a great friend of mine and we will be for a long time and he's going to have success in the NFL, but we're different guys and we walk differently and talk differently and that's fine," he said. "We're going to continue to do what we've done from a program standpoint. How we recruit is a little bit different, but we're going to continue to be innovative, attack, and get better in everyfacetof our program, everyyear." Oregon opens the season on Aug. 31 at home against Nicholls State.

that point. That left him about 12 feet below the hole. And he left it short by about PITTSFORD, N.Y.— A glance at Friday's second round of the 18 inches. There even was a PGA Championship at 7163-yard, par-70 Oak Hill Country Club nervous moment on the tap(East Course): in, when the ball came off the Leading: Jason Dufner,who shot7-Under63 and wasat9 Under. putter weakly and dove in the Pursuing:First-round co-leaders Adam Scott and Jim Furyk, and rightcorner of the cup. Matt Kuchar were two shots back. "It's tough w h e n y o u 're Tiger watch:Tiger Woods shot even-par 70 and lost ground. He chasing history," Dufner said. was10 strokes behind Dufner. "You will be the first one to do something. I don't think I've Key statistic:The cut was at143, lowest at a PGA Championship been the first to do anything since 2001 at Atlanta Athletic Club. in my life. So it was a little Noteadle:Twenty-five players havecarded rounds of 63 in a major nerve-racking for a F r i day. championship. Only five havegoneonto win thetournament. It's usually the pressure you Television:Today, 8-11 a.m. PDT, TNT;11 a.m.-4 p.m., CBS. might feel toward the end of the tournament." That part is still to come. did it twice. shots out of the lead. Low scores were available The cut was at 143, the lowDufner was in prime posi- to anyone. Even after Dufner est at the PGA Championship tion to win the PGA Champi- finished his round, K.J. Choi since 2001 at Atlanta Athletic onship two years ago when had an 18-foot birdie putt on Club. he had a four-shot lead with the 16th hole to reach 7 under. For all the low scores, Tiger four holes to play, only to be It narrowly missed, and Choi Woods and Phil M i ckelson tracked down b y Ke e g an made bogey on the next hole were left behind. Bradley and then beaten in to end that threat. Woods couldn't get a nya playoff. Dufner said that Scott is swinging the club thing going, exchanging bird- day he would only be disap- beautifully, and his only flaw ies with bogeys during a poor pointed "if I never get another Friday was not holing enough putting round that led to an chance." birdiechances when the rain even-par 70. He was at 1-over And here he is, in record stopped. Even so, he was in 141 and 10 shots back going fashion. the hunt on the weekend for into the weekend. Woods went D ufner's p opularity h a s the fourth time in the past six to the range with his swing grown the past two years be- majors. He will be in the final coach, trying to find answers. cause of his zombie state. He group with Dufner today. He has only one score in the was responsiblefor the craze H enrik S tenson, a r u n 60s in 14 rounds at the majors k nown a s " Dufnering" i n ner-up at Muirfield, had a 66 this year. April when someone took a and joined Rose at 6-under " Obviously, I'm g o ing t o photo of him slumped against 134, only three shots behind. have to put together a really a classroom wall, eyes in a Strickerand Robert Garrigus good weekend," Woods said. daze, during a charity event were another shot behind. "This golf course is pretty at an elementary school as the Dufner is a student of golf soft. It's definitely gettable. teacher taught children how to history andwasthrilledtopart Got to hit the ball in play and relax and concentrate. of it. But while that 63 put him keep the ball near the hole so But there were nerves, no in the record book, it doesn't I can be aggressive with my doubt, and D ufner showed guarantee the trophy. Of the putts." them at the very end. 25 previous times that someMickelson's swing apparA 6-foot birdie putt on the one shot 63 in a major, only e ntly went m i ssing i n t h e 16th hole put him at 7 under five players went on to winthree weeks since he won the for the round, and his 15-foot Nicklaus and Johnny Miller in British Open. He was all over birdie putt on the next hole the U.S. Open, Norman in the Oak Hill and still managed grazed the cup. He followed British Open and Woods in a 34 on the back nine until with two flawless swings on the PGA Championship. his wild shots caught up with the tough 18th hole, which had N ow t h a t' s s o m e e l i t e him. Another 71 left him 11 yielded only four birdies at company.


lina State were barred from the NCAA tourney because of Continued from C1 rules violations and, of course, "I've certainly not con- the SMU football program residered resigning and I've ceived the "death penalty." always felt that I had the Some wondered — and still good, strong support of my do — whether big schools or board and my executive conferences will break away committee. As long as we from the NCAA. The most continue to make progress powerfulconference commison behalf of student-ath- sioners have recently been letes, then I want to be part among the most vocal propoof that," Emmert told The nents for change. Associated Press. "Have I Emmert, of course, is an done things in ways that easy target because he's the were inappropriate or frus- leader of a n o r g a nization trated people by mistakes I many college fans don't unhave made? Of course. But derstand and distrust. that doesn't mean that I'm But the former University of going to stop doing these Washington president hasn't things. That's not the way helped himself, either. I operate." Over the past few months, The public perception is the public has seen Emmert that Emmert is in charge spar with reporters in Atlanta of a college sports world and w a tched e n forcement spinning out o f c o n trol department officials leave en while the governing body masse because of what some tries to dig out from one describe as low morale inside of the bleakest 13-month NCAA h e adquarters. Gurspans in its history. ney, who is affiliated with the There were the salacious NCAA-watchdog The Drake scandals at Penn State and Group, complains Emmert is Miami, reports of academ- "smug" and "not particularly i c fraud at A u burn a n d inclusive" in seeking advice North Carolina and now even as N CA A e x ecutives charges that Heisman Tro- open discussions on changphy winner Johnny Man- ing governance rules. ziel violated NCAA rules A longer, more detailed deby selling a utographs. bate is expected to take place The Miami case was par- during the national conventicularly damaging — with tion in January. "It isn't about what I think the NCAA afoul of its own guidelines in investigating or anyone thinks, it's about Nevin S hapiro's a l lega- how we can r each a c o ntions, many fans started sensus," Simon said. "The asking if anybody could c ommissioners of t h e b i g play by the rules? conferences have made their Emmert's p u s h for position clear. The challenge speedy reforms has also is, can we use our current been dramatically slowed. structure to include Division The optional four-year II and III and accommodate scholarship he supported some of the concerns being barely survived an over- expressed'?" ride vote last year. The Jo Potuto, a Nebraska law E mmert-backed $2 , 0 00 professorand former infracstipend did not. An over- tions committee chairwoman, ride petition in December said the Division I landscape 2011 ended the opportu- is now too big to find common nity to give athletes mon- ground, making it almost imey above and beyond the possible for anyone to govern. "When you have schools cost of tuition, room and board, books an d f e es. whose entire budget is oneEmmert ha s r e peatedly e ighth or o n e-tenth of t h e said there would be a new budget at the University of proposal, though none has T exas, you have too big a been offered. The r u l e- discrepancy to get anything book rewrite hasn't gone done," she said. "Look, they as quickly or been quite (the big-budget schools) have as far-reaching as hoped, got advantages that are going either. to be there, and knitting at the Meanwhile, a group of periphery about — how often current and former ath- you recruit someone or how letes led by Ed O'Bannon often you make phone calls is suing the NCAA for al- — doesn't make any differlowing their images and ence. They're not going to be likenesses to be used in a able to compete against Ohio video game. If the athletes State or Alabama." win, the amateurism rules P otuto contends that t h e policing college sports may continual problems are more never be the same. Anoth- the result of where the college er federal lawsuit accuses sports world is today rather the NCAA of being lax in than a reflection of Emmert's establishing clear policies leadership. regarding concussions. Gurney disagreed and then Legal observers believe cited the Penn State sancthe NCAA could lose ei- tions, claiming Emmert misther case or both with pay- used his executive authority outs potentially c o sting that was intended solely for millions. policy matters. "I t hink w h a t th e Traditional NCAA supportO 'Bannon case does i s ers have joined the chorus, h ighlight a n i s sue f a ns too. Though former NCAA have known about for a vice president David Swank, long time but haven't really a law professor at Oklahoma, focused on. These athletes understands Emmert'sdesire make a lot of money for to act swiftly in the Jerry Santheir universities and why dusky matter, he believes Emaren't they getting more of mert overreached. it?" said Michael McCann, "It wa s c o mpletely o utdirector of the Sports and side the rules of the NCAA," Law Institute at the UniSwank s aid. "The school versity of New Hampshire. dropped the ball on a lot of "I think t h e c o ncussion things, but the question of case is more threatening NCAA infractions, there is a to the NCAA than the NFL procedure to go through and because the NFL can say it was not used." the players agreed to it. Whatever the complaints, it's increasingly clear they are The NCAA has no union." T he combination h a s not going away — and neither created a perfect, but not is Emmert. "It's difficult to have everyunprecedented, storm. In the 1980s, the NCAA one maintain their wonderful lost control of regular-sea- enthusiasm when they open son college football televi- the paper and there's a consion rights in court, and stant barrage of c r iticism," while the NCAA eventu- Emmert said. "But let me tell ally won it s l egal battle you a story. We came in (Aug. against coach Jerry TarI), at 7:30 a.m. and all of the kanian, it still wound up Division I St u d ent-Athlete paying him $2.5 million a Advisory C o uncil ( S A A C) decade later to settle a ha- was in town. They lined up rassment suit. Proposal 48 and cheered everyone that spurred complaints that walked through the door. It's minority students would a reminder that we're here be hit harder because of to do the work for these kids the new, tougher academ- and that someone out there ic r equirements. Sports being critical doesn't really agents N o rb y Wa l t e rs matter." and Lloyd Bloom faced criminal indictments after signing dozens of athletes to contracts before their

college eligibility expired. B asketball p r ograms a t Kentucky and North Caro•


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Revenue boost? Increased admission revenue helped boost Seaworld Entertainment's results in the first three months of the year. Did attendance at the company's theme parks extend revenue gains through the April-June quarter? Wall Street finds out Tuesday, when Seaworld reports financial results for the second time since making its stock market debut in April.

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S&P 500

15,680 .

Close: 1,691.42


Change: -6.06 (-0.4%)


Close: 15,425.51






Change: -72.81 (-0.5%)




+ +.22



1,600 14,500



1 500 F



StocksRecap NYSE NASD

Vol. (in mil.) 2,966 1,514 Pvs. Volume 3,189 1,638 Advanced 1 482 9 8 7 Declined 1560 1505 New Highs 1 26 122 New Lows 108 22




DDW DDW Trans. DDW Util. NYSE Comp. NASDAQ S&P 500 S&P 400 Wilshire 5000 Russell 2000





HIGH LOW C LOSE 15507.76 15346.65 15425.51 6525.06 6458.74 6479.63 506.43 502.64 503.04 9649.52 9589.25 9622.11 3677.83 3649.69 3660.11 1699.42 1686.02 1691.42 1240.78 1232.89 1237.70 18040.99 17910.27 17969.78 1051.51 1043.82 1048.40


C H G. -72.81 -41.66 -2.63 -12.59 -9.01 -6.06 + 0 . 62 -45.56 -1.07



%CHG. WK MO DTR YTD -0.47% L $-17.71% -0.64% +22.10% -0.52% T $-11L02% L T -0.13% L +1 3.96% -0.25% L $-21.22% -0.36% L +18.60% +0.05% L +21.29% -0.25% L +1 9.84% -0.10% +23.44%

NorthwestStocks NAME

Wal-Mart Stores' latest quarterly results are expected to show the retailer's earnings and revenue improved. The world's largest retailer, due to report second-quarter earnings on Thursday, struggled with a sales slump in its namesake business in the first three months of the year. Wall Street will be listening for insight on how spending by budget-conscious consumers fared during the quarter and heading into the annual back-to-school shopping season.

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ALK 32.69 ~ AVA 22,78 — BAC 7 . 4 4 — BBSI 23 64 — BA 6903 ~ CACB 4 58 ~

CascadeBancorp Columbia Bnkg CDLB 16.18 Columbia Sporlswear COLM 47.72 ~ Costco Wholesale COST 93.51 ~ Craft Brew Alliance FLIR Systems Hewlett Packard Home FederalBncpID

BREW 5 62 — FLIR 18.58 — HPQ 11,35 —

68.00 68.19 0 29,26 28.62 0 15.03 14.45 0 7349 78.08 1 09 49 105.33 718 5.97 $-$ 25.5 9 24.52 66.69 61.34 120.2 0 11 5.63

1 73 -28 T 49 -1.7 T 16 -1.1 T 1.71 -2.4 T 51 -0.5 T 84 -0.7 T 81 +.49 +0.8 -1.76 -1.5 T 10 00 9.9 3 +,4 0 +42 L 33.82 32 . 99 +. 3 4 + 1 .0 T 27,78 26 .77 -.10 -0,4 T 4.81 14.17 -.08 -0.6 L 26.90 22.51 +.86 +0.3 T 12.63 12 .23 86 -0.5 T 39.98 38 .88 72 -1.8 T 5.71 4 .9 3 10 -2.0 T 22.55 16 .93 55 -3.1 L 30.21 28 .93 81 ... T 21.25 20 .82 03 -0.1 T 36.43 32 .70 -.19 -0.6 L 66.85 66 .31 +.26 +0.4 ~ 63.34 58 .79 81 -1.4 T 50.80 43 .11 40 -0.9 T 13.17 10 .99 07 -0.6 T 60.00 55 .93 88 -0.1 T 2 36 1 94 + 81 +0 7 54.62 47.7 3 +. 5 7 +1 .2 T 270.0 0 21 8.54 -2.28 -1.0 T 28.42 25. 8 5 +. 1 0 +0.4 T 33 03 2 789 + 10 +0 4 194. 5 6 17 7.87 -.88 T 56.07 54 . 67 + . 8 7 +0 .1 T 74,27 72 .80 -.14 - 0,2 T 8.30 7 .5 6 -.16 -2.1 T 17.48 16 .89 -.09 -0.5 T 37.97 37 .17 -.18 -0.5 T 22.76 2 2 .16 + . 01 ... T 44.79 4 3 . 23 + . 8 1 ... T 33.24 27 . 81 + . 4 9 $ -1.8 T

0 0 0

L +39 7 +79 6 749 14 0 . 80 L +18 . 7 + 1 4.2 281 19 1 .22 L +24 5 $91 0 71642 26 0 . 04 L + 84. 0 + 1 90.0 31 34 0 . 52 L +39.8 +45 . 0 3272 19 1 . 94 T -4.6 +2 1.4 3 40 L +3 67 +38 1 92 20 0 .40 T +15. 0 +1 5 . 0 50 20 0 . 88 L +17.1 $.3 1 .3 1656 25 1 . 24 L + 53 2 +14 , 1 54 cc L + 47.8 +56 . 6 1084 21 0 . 36 L +87,9 +41 , 2 11105 dd 0.58 L +14.0 +46 .0 12 cc 0.2 4 a T +9.2 -12.2 24385 12 0 .90 L +45.2 +49 .8 7 8 15 1 4 0 . 22f L +49.4 +76 . 9 3 5 02 1 3 0. 6 0 T +23.6 +3 0 .3 4 3 4 dd L -12.4 +48.8 2469 10 L +36 2 +33 4 355 cc 0 69 L +22.3 +33 .5 19 4 2 2 0. 1 8 T T +22.4 +11 .4 26358 13 0 . 9 2 L L + 28 . 5 +3 9 .4 2 809 2 5 0. 8 4 T T +9.9 +9.5 18 3 4 1 6 1. 2 0 T L -2.5 -6.9 7 6 20 1.8 2 T L +27.5 +1 40.3 4 4 8 2 0.0 8 a T L +23.7 +42 .1 67 4 1 9 0 . 80a +35.9 +43.0 78 dd T L +7.6 +21. 2 67 2 3 2 1. 7 6 T T +15 . 4 + 3 8. 6 9 3 8 2 1 0 . 1 2 L L + 38. 5 +5 9 .9 1 827 1 1 0 . 80f -10.7 - 11.7 20 2 9 7 0 . 7 5 T L +15 . 1 + 2 7. 1 6 6 6 2 5 2 . 0 0 L L +49.1 +80 . 9 19 6 13 0. 9 3f L L + 35,7 +6 2 ,9 2 6 30 3 5 0, 8 4 L L +56.5 +35.4 1748 L L +43.3 +42.8 497 1 8 0 .60f T L +16.4 +15.6 6825 13 0 . 92f L L +31.4 + 37.2 170 1 6 0 . 36 L L +26.5 +31.0 10611 12 1 . 20 T T +19.1 4587 26 0.80f T L L L L T T T T T L L L T L L T T L L

Noodles forecast disappoints::;," „;":,


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Noodles & Company made one of the strongest market expected an even more optimistic outlook from the debuts this year. But the stock slid 10 percent Friday recent IPO. when analysts were underwhelmed by the restaurant The Broomfield, Colo.-based company also said chain's earnings forecast for the year. sales at established restaurants are The company, which made its initial expected to rise 3 percent for the year. public stock offering in June, said it That would be a slowdown from the 4.4 expects adjusted net income of 39 cents percent increase the company reported to 41 cents per share for the full year, up for its second quarter. from 31 cents per share in 2012. Noodles &Company launched in Financial analysts predicted 40 cents 1995 and has more than 300 restauper share, but investors may have rants in 25 states and Washington, D.C

Noodles & Comapny(NDLS) Friday's close:$42.31



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+ 7 1 .7

+ 3 0.9 «C + 2 5 .4 $$ + 2 4 .5 «C + 2 3 .8 $1$ + 2 2.4 Morningstar OwnershipZone™ + 1 9.6 + 1 7 .6 O o Fund target represents weighted + 1 6 .9 average of stock holdings + 1 6.5 • Represents 75% offund'sstock holdings

SelectedMutualFunds PERCENT RETURN Yr RANK FUND N AV CHG YTD 1Y R 3 Y R 5YR 1 3 5 American Funds BalA m 22.84 - . 0 5+ 12.9+17.0 +13.2 +7.9 A A A CaplncBuA m 56.44 -.06 + 8.9 +11.6 +10.0 +5.0 8 A 0 CpWldGrlA m 41.66 . . . + 13.7 +21.5 +10.6 +4.5 0 D D EurPacGrA m 44.49 +.12 + 7.9 +17.4 +6.9 +3.2 D D A FnlnvA m 47.7 4 - . 18+ 17.7 +23.8 +14.9 +6.8 0 D 0 GrthAmA m 40.93 -.07 +19.2 +26.6 +15.4 +6.8 A C C IncAmerA m 19.74 . . . + 11.2 +15.1 +12.3 +7.7 8 A A InvCoAmA m 35.72 -.06 +19.4 +22.5 +14.5 +6.9 D D C NewPerspA m 35.68 -.02 + 14.1 +22.4 +12.7 +6.8 0 8 8 WAMutlnvA m37.16 -.12 + 20.3 +22.8 +17.0 +7.8 D A 8 Dodge 8 Cox Income 13.56 +.01 -0.7 +1 .5 + 4 .4 +6.9 A 8 8 IntlStk 3 9.51 +.14 +14.1 +28.1 +9.0 +3.6 A 8 A Stock 151.57 -.28 $-25.4 + 32.5 $-18.4 $7.3 A A 0 Fidelity Contra 91.01 -.21 + 18.4 +21.8 +16.3 +8.3 0 8 8 GrowCo 114. 63 - .17+ 23.0 +24.8 +19.6+10.5 8 A A LowPriStk d 48 .26 -.15+ 22.2 +30.3 +18.3+11.0 0 8 A Fidelity Spartan 500l d xAdvtg 68 .06 -.21+ 20.1 +23.2 +16.9 +7.8 C 8 8 FrankTemp-Franklin Income C m 2. 36 ... +8 . 1 + 12.1 +10.0 +7.2 A A A IncomeA m 2.3 4 + .01 + 8.5 +12.8 +10.6 +7.8 A A A FrankTemp-Templeton GIBondAdv 12.95 +.02-0.7 + 4 .5 + 5 .5 +9.4 A A A Oppenheimer RisDivA m 28. 18 - .06+16.6 +19.8 +14.5 +5.8 E D D RisDivB m 18. 26 - .05+ 16.0 +18.7 +13.4 +4.9 E E E RisDivC m 18 . 17 - .05+ 16.1 +18.9 +13.6 +5.1 E D E SmMidValA m40.91 -.09 + 26.2 +36.0 +14.2 +5.4 A E E SmMidValB m34.36 -.08+25.5 +34.9 +13.2 +4.5 A E E PIMCO TotRetA m 1 8 . 82 .. . -2.4 + 0 .2 + 3.9 +7.0 8 C 8 T Rowe Price Eqtylnc 31.46 - . 0 6+20.0 +25.4 +15.8 +7.7 C C 8 GrowStk 44.9 7 - . 06+ 19.0 +23.0 +17.5 +8.9 8 A 8 HealthSci 55.2 3 + .03+ 34.0 +39.8 +30.6+17.1 8 A A Newlncome 9. 4 4 .. . -2.6 - 0.9 +3.2 +5.7 D D 0 Vanguard 500Adml 156.26 -.53 +20.1 +23.3 +16.9 +7.9 C 8 8 500lnv 156.24 -.53 +20.0 +23.1 +16.8 +7.7 0 8 8 CapDp 43.52 -.11 $-29.4 +39.3 +17.7 +9.3 A A A Eqlnc 28.73 -.07 +20.6 +23.2 +18.8 +9.4 D A A StratgcEq 27.08 . . . +25.9 +33.7 +20.9 +9.2 A A 8 TgtRe2020 26.02 -.02 +9.2 +13.2 +10.3 +6.2 8 A A Tgtet2025 15.03 -.02 +10.6 +15.1 +11.1 +6.2 8 8 8 TotBdAdml 1 0 67 . . . -22 -1.3 +3.1 $-5.2 D D D Totlntl 15.63 +.03 +6.0 +16.6 +5.8 +1.5 E E 0 TotStlAdm 42.72 -.12 +20.9 +25.0 +17.4 +8.4 8 A A TotStldx 42.78 -.12 +20.9 +24.9 +17.3 +8.3 8 A A USGro 25.26 -.04 +18.8 +24.0 +17.2 +7.6 8 8 C Welltn 37.75 -.03 +13.0 +16.6 +12.1 +8.1 A A A FAMILY

CATEGORY Latin America Stock NAME L AST C H G %C H G MORNINGSTAR RATING™ *** y ryr -2.07 -46.0 MergeHlth 2.43 TonixPh rs 3.84 -1.66 -30.2 ASSETS $1,230 million -2.14 -28.6 ChiYida rs 5.35 EXP RATIO 1.24% Dndreon 3.39 -1.20 -26.1 MANAGER Jose Buck -.87 -22.6 AxoGen 2.98 SINCE 2008-12-31 RETURNS3-MD -15.0 Foreign Markets YTD -15.1 NAME LAST CHG %CHG 1-YR -8.8 Paris + 12.23 + . 3 0 4,076.55 3-YR ANNL -6.7 London 6,583.39 + 53.71 + . 8 2 5-YR-ANNL -2.4 Frankfurt 8,338.31 + 19.99 + . 2 4 Hong Kong 21,807.56 + 151.68 + . 7 0 TOP 5HOLDINGS PCT Mexico -63.31 -.15 Itau Unibanco Holding S.A. 42,648.74 9.24 Milan 17,186.56 + 40.06 + . 23 Bank Bradesco Pfd Shs 6.69 Tokyo 13,615.19 + 9.63 + . 0 7 ADR 5. 6 Stockholm 1,253.79 + 4.57 + . 3 7 A merica Movil, S.A.B. de C.V. Fund Footnotes. b - ree covering market costs is paid from fund assets. d - Deferred sales charge, or redemption Sydney -8.30 -.16 Petroleo Brasileiro SA Petrobras ADR 5.48 fee. f - front load (sales charges). m - Multiple feesarecharged, usually a marketing feeand either asales or 5,038.80 Zurich 7,977.34 + 22.05 + . 28 Wal — Mart de Mexico, S.A.B. de C.V. Class redemption fee. Source: Mornngstar.

+2.57 '



StoryStocks The Standard & Poor's 5DD index fell Friday, closing out the worst week for the index in the last seven. The S&P 500 fell four out of five days last week, and the biggest losers on Friday included telecoms, utilities and energy producers. Trading volume was light, which is typical on a summer Friday. The only economic report was a relatively minor one, showing that inventories at wholesalers fell in July for a third straight month. About 9D percent of the companies in the S&P 500 index have already reported their second-quarter results. Despite last week's drop, the S&P 500 remains within about 1 percent of its record high. GPS Close:$44.10 V-1.42 or -3.1% ASusquehannaFinancialG roup analyst downgraded the clothing retailer, citing the stock price's runup since the end of 2011. $50 45

J.C. Penney

JCP Close: $12.87%-0.79 or -5.8% Activist investor and major shareholder, Bill Ackman, said that he has lost confidence in the board of the struggling retailer. $20 15



J J 52-week range





$12.$4 ~

J J 52-week range

MCP Close:$6.69 V-0.72 or -9.7% Sliding prices for rare-earth materials led to a broader quarterly loss for the company but its CEO said prices have bottomed.


A $32.55

Vol.:10.3m (3.1x avg.) PE: 1 7 .2 Vol.:64.5m (5.8x avg.) Mkt. Cap:$20.63 b Yiel d : 1 .4% Mkt. Cap:$2.84 b


HOME 9.66 ~ 1 Intel Corp INTC 19.23 ~ Keycorp KEY 7. 81 — 0 Kroger Co KR 2157 — 0 Lattice Semi LSCC 3.46 LA Pacific LPX 11.25 MDU Resources MDU 19.59 Mentor Graphics MENT 13.21 — o Microsoft Corp MSFT 26.26 Nike Inc 8 NKE 4483 — 0 Nordstrom Inc JWN 50.94 Nwst Nat Gas NWN 41.01 OfficeMax Inc DMX 4.27 PaccarInc PCAR 38.76 Planar Systms P LNR 112 ~ Plum Creek PCL 39.80 ~ Prec Castparts PCP 155.65 ~ Safeway Inc S WY 15.00 ~ Schnitzer Steel SCHN 2307 ~ Sherwin Wms SHW 134.97 ~ Home construction monitor Stancorp Fncl SFG 29.52 — 0 On Friday the Commerce DepartStarbucksCp SBUX 43,46 — 0 ment reports figures on the number Triquint Semi TQNT 4.30 of homes that builders broke UmpquaHoldings UMPQ 11,17 — 0 ground on last month. US Bancorp USB 30.96 Economists have forecast that WashingtonFedl WAFD 15,56 — o housing starts jumped to a Wells Fargo &Co WFC 31.25 WY 2 3.30 seasonally adjusted annual rate of Weyerhaeuser 900,000 in July. That's an increase from June, when starts fell sharply Dividend Footnotes:a - Extra dividends were paid, but are not included. tt - Annual rate plus stock c - Liquidating dividend. e - Amount declared or paid in last12 months. f - Current annual rate, wttxh was mcreased bymost recent divwend announcement. i - Sum Dtdividends pa>dafter stock split, no regular rate. I - Sum of d>vidends pau th>$ year. Most recent from the previous month. Most of dmdend was omitted or deferred k - Declared or pa>d th>$year, a cumulative issue with dividends m arrears. m - Current annual rate, which was decreased by most recent dividend announcement. p - Imtial dividend, annual rate not known, y>eld not shown. r - Declared or paid in precedmg 12 months plus stock dividend. t - Paid in stock, approx>matecash that drop occurred in apartments, value on ex-distrittution date.PE Footnotes:q - Stock is a closed-end fund - no PiE ratio shown. cc - 8/8 exceeds 99. dd - Loss in last t2 months while applications for permits to build single-family homes have been climbing in recent months.

Housing starts Seasonally adjusted rate in thousands




Back-to-school preview


Dow Jones industrials


' 10 DAYS


GOLD $1,312.90 ~

P E: . . . Yield: ...

Peabody Energy


Close: $17.90 %1.30 or 7.8%

Moody's Investors Service boosted its 12 to 18 month outlook for the

coal industry to "Stable" from "Negative." $25 20


J J 52-week range



52-week range $14.44

Vol.:16.2m (2.0x avg.) Mkt. Cap: $1.26 b



P E: . . . Vol.:16.3m (2.1x avg.) P E: . . . Yield: ... Mkt. Cap:$4.83 b Yiel d : 1. 9 %

BBRY priceline.com PCLN Close:$9.76 %0.53 or 5.7% Close:$969.89 A36.14 or 3.9% Shares jumped following a report Shares in the travel website came that the mobile phone maker may be close to $1,000, a feat that no stock growing more amenable to going pri- in the Standard & Poor's 500 index vate. has accomplished. $20 $1000



15 10



J J 52-week range

$$.22 ~

Vol.:51.3m (2.3x avg.) Mkt. Cap:$5.12 b




$$$3,$7 ~

$994 ,$$

P E: 1. 8 Yield: ...

Vol.:2.6m (3.4x avg.) Mkt. Cap:$48.55 b

P E: 33 .6 Yield: ...

Close:$42.31 V-4.96 or -10.5% The restaurant chain, which began trading publicly in June, underwhelmed investors with its financial forecast. $50 45 40

J J 52-week range


Vol.:1.7m (4.4x avg.) Mkt. Cap:$943.64 m


N DL S Beacon Roofing

Noodles & Company


J J 52-week range

BECN Close:$37.94%-1.75 or -4.4% The company said the building season got off to a late start because of harsh rains and other weather-related problems. $45 40




$25.$2 ~

J J 52-week range

A $42.70

PE: 1 9 2.3 Vol.:1.8m (4.4x avg.) Yield :... Mkt. Cap:$1.85 b

P E: 25 .6 Yield:... AP

SOURCE: Sungard


NET 1YR TREASURIES YEST PVS CHG WK MO QTR AGO 3 -month T-bill 6-month T-bill 52-wk T-bill

The yield on the 10-year Treasury note fell to 2.58 percent Friday. Yields affect interest rates on consumer loans.

... L -0.01 T



.11 .14 .1 7

2 -year T-note . 31 .31 ... L 5-year T-note 1 .35 1 .36 -0.01 T 10-year T-note 2.58 2.59 -0.01 T 30-year T-bond 3.63 3.67 -0.04 T



.28 .73 1.69 2 .75


. 05 .05 . 0 6 .07 .10 .10



Barclays Long T-Bdldx 3.39 3.39 ... T T L Bond Buyer Muni Idx 5.12 5.12 . . . L L L Barclays USAggregate 2.34 2.36 -0.02 T T L PRIME FED Barclays US High Yield 6.17 6.20 -0.03 L T L RATE FUNDS Moodys AAA Corp Idx 4.41 4.42 -0.01 T L L YEST 3.25 .13 B arclays CompT-Bdldx 1.54 1.54 . . . T T L 6 MO AGO 3.25 .13 Barclays US Corp 3 .23 3.24 -0.01 T T L 1 YR AGO3.25 .13

Commodities The price of crude oil rose for the first time in six days, halting its longest losing streak of the year. Encouraging economic data from China raised hopes for demand.

2.46 4.25 1 84 . 6.70 3.47 .98 3 02 .

CLOSE PVS. %CH. %YTD Crude Dil (bbl) 105.97 103.40 +2.49 +15.4 -2.2 Ethanol (gal) 2.14 2.18 -0.18 Heating Dil (gal) 2.99 2.96 $-1.22 -1.7 -3.6 Natural Gas (mm btu) 3.23 3.30 -2.03 Unleaded Gas(gal) 2.91 2.86 + 1.77 + 3 . 4 FUELS


Gold (oz) Silver (oz) Platinum (oz) Copper (Ib) Palladium (oz)

CLOSE PVS. 1312.90 1310.70 20.40 20.18 1500.60 1491.60 3.31 3.27 740.10 737.65

%CH. %YTD +0.17 -21.6 +1.07 -32.4 -2.5 +0.60 -9.1 +1.16 + 0.33 + 5 . 3

CLOSE PVS. %CH. %YTD -5.7 1.23 1.23 -0.14 1.23 1.22 +0.70 -14.5 4.66 4.74 -1.64 -33.3 Corn (bu) Cotton (Ib) 0.89 0.89 -0.36 +18.4 Lumber (1,000 bd ft) 308.50 306.10 +0.78 -17.5 Orange Juice (Ib) 1.34 1.38 -2.96 +15.7 Soybeans (bu) 13.41 13.56 -1.11 -5.5 Wheat(bu) 6.34 6.41 -1.21 -18.6 AGRICULTURE

Cattle (Ib) Coffee (Ib)

Foreign Exchange The dollar was mixed against other major currencies. It rose against the euro and British pound, but it fell against the

Japanese yen and Canadian dollar.

h5N4 QG

1YR. MAJORS CLOSE CHG. %CHG. AGO USD per British Pound 1.5510 —.0036 —.23% 1.5635 C anadian Dollar 1.0 2 79 —.0038 —.37% .9921 USD per Euro 1.3340 —.0048 —.36% 1.2296 —.15 —.16% 78.57 Japanese Yen 96.37 Mexican Peso 12. 5 912 —.0060 —.05% 13.1138 EUROPE/AFRICA/MIDDLEEAST Israeli Shekel 3.5323 +.0015 +.04% 3.9920 0508 —. 87% 5.9187 Norwegian Krone 5. 8596 —. South African Rand 9. 781 2 —. 0350 —. 36% 8.1035 6.5024 +.0094 +.14% 6.6944 Swedish Krona Swiss Franc .9222 +.0026 +.28% .9768 ASIA/PACIFIC Australian Dollar 1.0857 -.0108 -.99% . 9 455 Chinese Yuan 6.1265 +.0010 +.02% 6 .3604 Hong Kong Dollar 7.7557 -.0006 -.01% 7.7559 Indian Rupee 60.866 $-.134 $-.22% 5 5.175 Singapore Dollar 1.2572 -.0019 -.15% 1.2447 South Korean Won 1112.71 +4.17 +.37% 1126.70 Taiwan Dollar 29.96 $-. 07 $-. 23% 2 9 . 93

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an o e

Priceline stock flirts with $1,000 Priceline.com came close Friday to becoming the first stock in

the Standard & Poor's 500 index to ever cross $1,000. Investors

jumped onboard after

the travel booking com-

pany reported betterthan-expected secondquarter earnings. It rose to almost $995 before

leveling off. In afternoon trading, Priceline was up 5 percent to $980.66.

The company's stock hasn't been this high since it had an adjusted

By Elon Glucklich The Bulletin

Because of a one-time tax benefit, Cascade Bancorp, parent company of Bendbased Bank of the Cascades, reported $46.4 million in net income forthe second quarter, the bank announced Friday. The company released a $51.7 million deferred tax asset during the quarter. The move will help Bank of the Cascades reduce future taxes. Without the deferred tax asset, the bank would have

a sca essees rois

recorded a $5.3 million net lossforthe quarter,according to its second-quarter financial statement. But the loss also stemmed, mostly, from a onetime prepayment penalty of $3.8 million to pay off Federal Home Loan Bank advances with high interest rates. Bank of the Cascades President and CEO Terry Zink said paying off the advances should save the bank about $500,000 per quarter. "We had these one-time costs that we had to do some-

thing about sooner or later, so the thought was, why not now?" Zink said. The bank also spent about $1.5 million on severance packages and costs related to closing a Redmond bank branch and converting a branch in Bend's Old Mill District into a mortgage lending center. Without the one-time expenses, Zink said, Bank of the Cascades would have realized profits of about $2 million for the second quarter.

That would put it in line with most of its recent quarterly reports. The bank netted $1.7 million in the first quarter and $1.3 million in the fourth quarter of 2012. Zink said the bank has worked to reduce its underperforming assets, like delinquent loans. About 5.9 percent of the bank's outstanding loans were classified as "substandard" as of June 30, down from about 14.7 percent at the end of 2012, according to its

financial reports. Taking the tax benefit indicates the bank is healthy and expects continued profits in the future, Zink said. The bank increased gross loans in the second quarter by more than 6 percent, according to its statement. Bank of the Cascades also entered the Klamath Falls market during the quarter,

buying a branch of AmericanWest Bank. — Reporter: 541-617-7820, egfuchlichC<bendbulletin.com

closing price of $974.27 on April 30, 1999, a

month after going public in the headydays of the

U.S. stocks close out week on down note

dot-com boom. The

stock dropped below $10 just two years later.

g Qioro»n I '

— From wire reports








f l qhl

BEST OF THE BIZ CALENDAR TODAY • Cricket Trailer Tour: Representatives from the travel trailer company will demo four new Cricket Trailers; registration requested at www.cricket trailer.com; free; 4-7 p.m.; Beaver Coach Sales & Service, 62955 Boyd Acres Road, Bend; 800-382-2597. TUESDAY • Professional Enrichment Series:Mike Hollern, president of Brooks Resources Corp., and Troy Reinhart, partner with Northwest Quadrant Wealth Management, answer questions; registration required; members $20, or $30 for both August sessions; nonmembers $35, or $45 for both August sessions; 7:30 a.m.; Volcanic Theatre Pub, 70 S.W. Century Drive, Bend; 541-323-1881 or www. bendchamber.org. • Membership 101 — Driving Your Membership:Connecting new membersofthe Bend Chamber of Commerce with current members; registration required; 10 a.m.; Charles Schwab & Co., 777 N.W. Wall St., Suite 201, Bend; 541-382-3221, shelley@ bendchamber.org or www.bendchamber.org. WEDNESDAY • Howto Start a Business: Registration required; $15; 6-8 p.m.; COCC Chandler Building, 1027 N.W. Trenton Ave., Bend; 541-383-7290. THURSDAY • City Club'sAugust Forum:Former Portland Mayor SamAdams discusses the city as an economicforce: what has worked, what has been learnedandwhat would have beendone differently; register before Aug. 13; $20 for first-time guests and members; $35 for nonmembers; 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m.; St. Charles Bend Center for Health & Learning, 2500 N.E.Neff Road; 541-633-7163 or www.cityclubco.org. •LunchwithLandWatch: Discussion of Bend's Urban Growth Boundary and other land issues; free, BYOL(buy your own lunch); noon-1 p.m.; Zydeco Kitchen and Cocktails, 919 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541647-2930, sherryn@ centraloregonlandwatch. org or www.centraloregon landwatch.org/blog/329lunch-with-landwatch. FRIDAY • Sunriver and LaPine chambers breakfast: Presentation by Deschutes County, followed by Q8 A; $10; 7:30 a.m., table networking; starts at 7:45 a.m.; ThousandTrails, 17480 S. Century Drive; 54 I -536-9771. SATURDAY • Neil Kelly Remodeling StreetFair: Including free design workshops, 25 local exhibitors, live music, beer and wine tasting, complimentary refreshments and door prizes; IO a.m.-3 p.m.; Neil Kelly, 190 N.E. Irving Ave., Bend; 541-382-7580 or www.neilkelly.com.

For the complete calendar, pick upSunday's Bulletin or visit bendbuiietin.comlbizcai



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By Nick Taborek and Sofia Horta e Costa


Bloomberg News

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Andrew Harreri Bloomberg News

Miguel Bustillo stocks the beer cooler at a Wal-Mart store in Alexandria, Va. Wal-Mart is focusing as never before on beer, doubling the number of alcohol buyers, offering discounts, ditching slow-selling products to make way for it and even selling it in garden centers.

a - ar oes By Renee Dudley Bloornberg News

Last September, 500 representatives from the alcohol industry gathered at the Sam's Club auditorium in Bentonville, Ark., for an "adult beverage summit." Attendees, some of whom had never been to Wal-Mart Stores'headquarters,learned how serious the retailer was about selling more alcohol. Executives, who included Chief Merchandising Officer D uncan Mac Naughton, told the gathering they wanted to double sales by 2016. In the year since, the world's largest retailer has focused as never before on beer — a U.S. category worth about $45 bil-

lion — and has moved aggressively to grab market share. The company has doubled the number of alcohol buyers to 12 and offered discounts on a range of brands, from mainstream Coors to such craft beers as Bend-based Deschutes. It ditched slowselling products to make way for beer and is even selling it in garden centers. New stores are designed to put the suds front and center. "We'reseeing dramatic increases in sales," said Steve Bailey, who attended the summit as vice president of chain accounts for Columbia Distributing, which supplies beer to about 90 Wal-Mart stores in Washington and

on rew

Oregon. That "has pushed us to pay more attention to Wal-Mart." Founder Sam Walton frowned on drinking to excess, and Wal-Mart has said little publicly about its latest ambitions. Unlike initiatives to expand produce or steak sales, the beer push has been so discreet that some analysts who cover Wal-Mart haven't even heard about it. Inside the company, attitudes are changing. Wal-Mart now promotes alcohol in its circulars, reversing a previous ban. Two Walton grandsons even spearheaded a successful campaign to overturn a ban on retail alcohol sales last year in Wal-Mart's home

county of Benton. Historically, Wal-Mart's business model has involved buying massive quantities of products directly from suppliers. With alcohol, the company in most cases must instead buy products from a network of third-party distributors — one of a variety of state and local regulations retailers face. Yet beer is a good fit for Wal-Mart. Most states allow itin grocery stores. Shoppers buy it regularly and often buy other products at the same time. Repeat visits are crucial for Wal-Mart, which in May forecastfiscalsecond-quarter profit that was less than analysts estimated.

BendBroadbandacquiresmore prope By Elon Glucklich The Bulletin

Add a piece of real estate to BendBroadband's list of recent acquisitions. The company purchased a vacant, 10,500-square-foot building on Sherman Road, south of its headquarters, on July 31. BendBroadband paid nearly $2 million for the building, according to Deschutes County property records. The building was formerly the location of United Rentals, which rents out construction equipment. BendBroadband is still finalizing plans for the build-

ing, company spokeswoman Shelby Little said. It will likely be putto use as extra space to complement the company's warehouse on Nels Anderson Road, which houses extra cable and Internet equipment. "We are still in the early planning stages, but the intention with the new building is to develop it to accommodate our warehouse," Little said. It's also likely to figure into a largerreconfiguration of staff in the months to come. BendBroadband affiliate Zolo Media bought KOHDTV, Central Oregon's ABC network, just a few days before the building purchase.

Zolo will take over KOHD Sept. 1, with Zolo staff moving into the KOHD building for at least six months. During that time, BendBroadband will "decide which departments will move to which building." "As evident with the recent purchase of KOHD, our business is growing and we need more spaceforour employees and future growth," Little said. BendBroadband has steadily grown its Central Oregon footprint in recent years. Last summer, the company purchased Sunriver-based Chambers Cable System.

NEW YORK — U.S. stocks fell, giving the Standard & Poor's 500 Index its biggest weekly loss since June, as investors pulled money from exchange-traded funds and

weighed growing signs the Federal Reserve will cut stimulus this year. Gap dropped 3.1 percent after saying July sales at stores open atleasta year rose less than analysts estimated. J.C. Penney Co. fell 5.8 percent as its chairman sparred with the largest shareholder, Bill Ackman's Pershing Square Capital Management, over who should lead the company. Cliffs Natural Resources jumped 11 percent as metals rallied. The S&P 500 fell 0.4 percent to 1,691.42. The Dow Jones industrial average dropped 72.81 points, or 0.5 percent, to 15,425.51. The gauge lost 1.5 percent in the past five days, halting a string of six weekly advances. About 53 billion shares changed hands on U.S. exchanges, 16 percent below the three-month average. "It's been a combination of tapering and just trying to digest the new highs," Chris Bouffard, chief investment officer of the Mutual Fund Store in Overland Park, Kan., which oversees $8 billion, said in a phone interview. "It's been a slow news week. It's just a matter of the normal digestion process and people trying to get comfortable with how quickly and how far we've come."

Building purchase

The KOHD acquisition followed BendBroadband's 2010 purchase of Bend's CBS affiliate,KBNZ-TV. It has also made several additions to its small cluster of Bend facilities over the last decade, notably with the construction of its 30,000-squarefoot data center, the Vault, near Northeast 18th Street, in 2011, and its 18,000-squarefoot warehouse in 2006. The former equipment-rental building includes a showroom and six private offices, according to a real estate flier for the property.

BendBroadband purchased a 10,500-square-foot building near its Sherman Road headquarters in late July, paying nearly $2 million for the former equipment-rental facility.


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— Reporter: 541-617-7820, eglucklich@bendbulletin.com

Greg Cross/The Bulletin

PEOPLE ON THE MOVE • Korina Chinchenhas joined John L. Scott Real Estate, in Bend, as a broker. Chinchen, a Bendresident since 2002, hasexperience as a buyer's broker and is a certified investor agent specialist. • Lorne Martinhas joined

John L. Scott Real Estate, in Bend, as abroker. Martin has more than 20years' experience insales, customer servic eandmanagement. • Melinda Thomas, an attorney with the Bend law firm of Bryant, Lovlien and Jarvis, has beennamedas

litigation section chair of the Oregon State Bar by the American Bar Association's Bar Leadership lnstitute. • Llsa Hartwas the top listing agentat John L. Scott's Redmond office for July. • Peggy Kimballwasthe top sales agentat John L. Scott's

Redmond office for July. • Bernadette Waldhas returned to Homecare IV,of Bend, after ayear of clinical home infusion pharmacy training. Wald has 22years Chlnchen of pharmacy experience including retail, hospiceand long-term care pharmacy.




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IN THE BACI4: ADVICE 4 ENTERTAINMENT > Religious services, D2-3 Volunteer Search, D5

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An island for one, with room to share


Golf tournament for cancer groups Community members are invited to take

part in the Jim Duncan Memorial Golf Tourna-

ment today at River's Edge Golf Course in Bend. The two-person scramble costs $99 and includes 18 holes of golf and a cart, plus a barbecue dinner and more. The tournament is in memory of Duncan, who had lived in Bend since1980. He was a member of the Bend Chamber of Commerce and the Lion's Club. He

By Steven Kurutz New Yorh Times News Service

RABBIT ISLAND, Mich. — The list of people who own their own islands is small. Exclude royals and Richard Branson, and it is smaller still. Rob Gorski became an unlikely member of the club three years ago, when he bought a 91-acre island off the Keweenaw Peninsula of Michigan after spotting it on Craigslist. Gorski, 34, lives in New York and works in New Jersey as an emergency room doctor. He spent boyhood summers visiting his grandfather who lived in the Keweenaw, a remote semi-wilderness on Lake Superior dotted with old copper mining towns. Gorski had eventually planned to buy a few acres of woodlands there and build a cabin. But after seeing the ad, his thoughts kept returning to the island, he said, and to the "awe-inspiring feeling that it could potentially be owned." So in August 2009, he found himself on a fishing boat with a real estate agent named Forbes McDonald, speeding toward a forested outcropping 4 miles off Rabbit Bay. Labeled on maps as Traverse Island, it lacked dockage; the men kayaked ashore. Gorski spent an hour

died in early 2013 from

cancer. The proceeds from the tournament

will benefit Wendy's Wish and Harvest of

Hope, which serve cancer patients and their

families. Contact: Travis Duncan at 503-209-0022

or email tduncan© ironplanet.com or call Judy Duncan at 541408-3512.

Bend to honor WWII generation The City of Bend will celebrate "Spirit of '45 Day" with a public cer-

emony honoring members of the World War II generation — both

veterans and people on the home front — Sunday at the Bend Heroes Memorial, located on

Newport Avenue next to the Veterans Memorial Bridge. The event will start at 6 p.m. and feature

a proclamation com-

walking around, finding

memorating the World War II generation that will be read by Mayor Pro Tem Jodie Bar-

ram in front of several World War II veterans. A wreath honoring the 110 veterans from Bend who died in combat since World War I will be laid at the memorial, and flags with the

names of World War II veterans will fly at the site from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Volunteers sought for screenings If you have a back-

Dean Guernsey/The Bulletin

Jim Parker, who used to compete in Highland games and now judges them, demonstrates throwing a hammer in his yard in Bend.

• In addition to the many heavy objects that will be thrown, the festival will mark its 25thyearwith dancing, food, musicandcombat demonstrations

ground, knowledge orinterestin early

childhood oreducation, behavior, nursing,

speech pathology, optometry, audiology or dentistry, Healthy

Beginnings wants you for its screening clinics scheduled throughout the year in Bend, Redmond, Sunriver, La Pine, Sisters, Madras and Prineville.

There are also opportunities for interested community members to be involved. Volunteers are active in

By Mac McLean The Bulletin

Jim Parker was 62 when he threw a 5 6-pound steel weight over a 9-foot-high bar at the 2007 Douglas County Celtic and Highland Games. But he doesn't like to brag about this feat of strength because he's seen other people do much, much better. "I've seen pros get that weight as high as 18 feet before," said Parker, of Bend, who stopped competing in Highland games competitions five

years ago and now judges them. "When you see something like that it looks damn near impossible

for a mortal human to perform." Feats of strength like weight over a bar — the official name for throwing a heavy weightover a bar that's slowly raised up a goalpost-like structure — are one of the top attractions at events like the High Desert Celtic Festival and Highland Games. But the organizers of this event, which is taking place today at the Deschutes County F airgrounds in Redmond, also plan to mark its 25th year with dancing, food, music, combat demonstrations and a general celebration of all things

Celtic (see "If you go").

"If people don't come they are really going to m iss out," said Deby Falconer, president of the High Desert Celtic Society's board of directors.

Aii things Celtic When most people hear the phrase "Celtic games," they tend to think of stocky, bearded men wearing kilts — wool skirts with a plaid pattern reminiscent of their ancestral homeland in Scotland or some other cold,dreary part of Western Europe — and tossing heavy things up in the air. SeeCeltic /D4

screenings, follow-up, community outreach

An artists' haven

events, fundraising

One afternoon last month, Gorski was docked in the narrow harbor of

activities and support

behind the scenes. Healthy Beginnings

Rabbit Bay, gassing up

provides free health

his boat, a 17-foot Boston Whaler Montauk that he bought used online after discovering that a rowboat was perilously unfit for Lake Superior. From here, the island looked like a band of green on the glassy blue water. As he has for the last three summers, Gorski had taken three weeks off from his ER job to work on the island and to host a handful of residents. Nine creative types were already camping in tents, while more arrivals, including

and development

screenings for Central Oregon children. Contact: www.myhb.

org, holly.remer@ hdesd.org or 541-3836357.

Bulletin seeks


Are you a synesthete — one who has synesthesia, the condition of experiencing one kind of sensory input as another sense? The



Bulletin would like to talk to you. Please email — From staff reports

— +



health©bendbulletin. com.

only elemental stillness. As he later put it: "It's trees. It's rock. It's water. It's birds. It's fish. It's sky. It's nothing else." Still, Gorski, who spent a college summer working in Alaska, was taken with the raw nature, and with the island's proximity to his family's roots. "I got back to the boat and said, 'Forbes, I think we should talk about this.'" Six months of negotiations and capital-raising followed, and in early 2010, Gorski bought the island for $140,000. He worked with a local land trust to put a conservation easement on the property so it could never be developed and teamed up with Andrew Ranville, an artist and the brother of a college friend, to start an artists' colony on the island. He gave it a new name, too. Remembering that his late grandfather had nicknamed the land after the nearestbay, Gorski became the owner of Rabbit Island. "It feels like you're alone, in the middle of nowhere, truly away from everything," he said. "You're on this rock like a lighthouse keeper. It's a great feeling."


a forager and a singer-

4 I

Submitted photo

A participant tosses a caber at the 2010 High Desert Celtic Festival and Highland Games.

songwriter from Bozeman, Mont., were due in the

coming days. SeeIsland/D4



en ait ui es usiness iactices By Mark Oppenheimer

vendors. "We'll negotiate as, 'Here's In June, a federal court ruled its shopping bags. what we'll pay,' and leave it at that Hobby Lobby, the art-supHobby Lobby is now famous that," Green said Wednesday. ply chain, could not be fined for its stance against what its I asked if that meant that they for refusing to offer its employ- founders consider abortion never budged on their initial ees morning-after contracep- pills. But it also promotes a offers, which seemed improbtion coverage. This challenge central liberal goal by offerable. "Sometimes you don't to the Affordable Care Act ing a minimum wage of $14 an intend on paying more, but will surely go to the Supreme hour for full-time employees, they come back, and things Court, where Hobby Lobby's about double that of the fast- do change," he said. "But we're lawyers will argue that a com- food employees who went on not going to intentionally lie in mercial company can, legally strike nationwide last week our negotiating." speaking, be Christian — with for better pay and conditions. Focusing o n par t i c ular the same rights to religious Hobby Lobby closes Sundays practices, like quotes on fry freedom that a person has. because of the Christian Sab- boats or gospel music, can obHobby Lobby is not alone in bath, but g u aranteeing all scure deep philosophical diviidentifying itself as a Christian workers that one day off sure- sions among Christians who business. In-N-Out B u rger, ly pleasessecular workers, too think about business ethics. Chick-fil-A, trucking compa- — even if some of them may For some, the Bible is a kind of ny Covenant Transport, and object to the stores' Christian- business manual you'd buy in clothing store Forever 21 all music-only policy. an airport bookstore, offering call or market themselves as timeless precepts that happen Personal expression Christian or faith-based. to maximize profits. But what does that mean? The Bible verses on In-NPhilip Clements, the foundTo promote a c o nservative Out Burger milkshake cups, er of the Center for Christian agenda? To insist on certain burger bags and other pack- Business Ethics Today, tells a music in their stores or to print aging are quite fun, even for story to illustrate how JudeoBible verses on their wrap- an atheist. The verses are tiny C hristian p r i nciples m a k e pers? What about bigger ques- and varied, so you have to business run smoothly. He tions, like how management hunt and see what turns Up. once met with a group of busitreats — and how much it pays Proverbs 24:16 is on the fry nessmen in Africa, most of — its workers'? boat: "For though a righteous them Muslim, who complained Most C h r i stian-identified man falls seven times, he ris- of the corruption in their counbusinesses were founded by es again, but the wicked are tries. So he shared with them evangelical Protestants who brought down by calamity." Jesus' parable of the talents, a re mostly p o litically a n d The verses were introduced from the Book of Matthew, in socially c onservative. (The by Rich Snyder, the founder's which a master offers his serwell-known Roman Catholic son, who died in 1993. They vants some money for their businessman Tom Monaghan, "are smallbecause he wanted use. When the master returns who founded and then sold to express his faith without much later, two of the servants Domino's Pizza, also finances imposing it on others," Carl have made a profitand pay conservative causes.) Chick- Van Fleet, an In-N-Out spokes- him back. They could have fil-A is well-known for its gifts man, wrote in an email. simply absconded with it. to gay-conversion ministries, Clements' point is that the manual but it a lso supports group Bible as business kind of trust Jesus teaches is foster homes. Tyson Foods, Steve Green, president of a precondition for an efficient which was founded by evan- Hobby Lobby and a Southern marketplace. "The Roman gelicals and, according to its Baptist, said th e C h r istian Empire was more corrupt than website, seeks to "honor God," identity of hi s company af- your countries," Clements said offers chaplaincy services to fects how it negotiates with he told the Africans, yet within New Yorh Times News Service

employees.Forever 21 prints "John 3:16" on the bottoms of

it, Christians could trust one another."These principles are transcendent." F or Christians l ik e C l e ments, who was raised Pentecostal and is now Baptist, re-

ligious guidance is primarily useful for business operations. He's less interested in how business practices affect the environment or the role of labor rights. He was in fact dismissive of living-wage laws, offering the example of Mexicans who work in the United States for b elow m i n imum wage. "So give me a break on the whole concept of m i nimum wage or living wage," Clements said,"because these people are here working hard and sending money back."

A broader view For others, Christian business is about something much larger. Douglas Hicks, a Presbyterian minister, the provost of Colgate University in Hamilton, N.Y., and the author of "Religion and the Workplace," said Christians must focus on how business affects people, especially the workers. "Are people able to live out their own agency by making a contribution in th e workplace?" is, according to Hicks, a question Christians should ask. Do employees have meaningful work, or j ust r epetitive, low-paid, mind-numbing work? Hicks did not object to burg-

er-wrapper or shopping-bag evangelism. But he cautioned that the businesses that behave in the most Christian manner may not have visible marketing plans. "It's the actions," he said, not the branding.

SUPPORT GROUPS The following list contains support group information submitted to The Bulletin. Submissions must be

updated monthly for inclusion. To submit, email relevant details to

communitylife©bendbulletin.com. ABILITREEPEER GROUP FOR PERSONSAFFECTEDBYA DISABILITY:541-388-8103, ext. 203. ABILITREEYOUNG PEER GROUP: 541-388-8103 ext. 207. ADHD ADULT SUPPORT GROUP: 54 I -420-3023. ADOPTIVEPARENTSUPPORT GROUP:541-389-5446. ADULT CHILDRENOF ALCOHOLICS: 54 I-633-8 I89. AGE WIDEOPEN (ADULT CHILDREN SUPPORT GROUP): 541-410-4162 or www.agewideopen.com. AIDSEDUCATION FOR PREVENTION, TREATMENT,COMMUNITY RESOURCESANDSUPPORT (DESCHUTESCOUNTYHEALTH DEPARTMENT):541-322-7402. AIDSHOT LINE:800-342-AIDS. AL-ANON: 541-728-3707 or www.centraloregonal-anon.org. ALCOHOLICSANONYMOUS (AA): 541-548-0440 or www.coigaa.org. ALS SUPPORTGROUP: 54 I -977-7502. ALZHEIMER'SASSOCIATION: 54 I -548-7074. ALZHEIMER'SASSOCIATION CAREGIVERSUPPORT GROUP: 541-330-6400. ALZHEIMER'S/DEMENTIA CAREGIVERSUPPORT GROUP: 54 I -948-7214. AUTISM RESOURCEGROUP OF CENTRALOREGON:541-788-0339. BENDATTACHMENTPARENTING: 54 I -385- I 787. BEND S-ANONFAMILY GROUP: 888-285-3742. BEND ZENMEDITATION GROUP: 541382-6122 or 541-382-6651. BEREAVEMENTSUPPORTGROUPS: 54I-382-5882. BEREAVEMENTSUPPORT GROUP/ADULTSAND CHILDREN: 541-383-3910. BEYOND AFFAIRSNETWORK: A peer group for victims of infidelity, baninbend@yahoo.com. BRAININJURY SUPPORT GROUP: 54 I -382-945 I. BRAINTUMOR SUPPORT GROUP: 541-350-7243 BREAKUPSANDDIVORCE SUPPORT GROUP:541-610-3060 or phoenixcounsel ingbend@gmail.com. BREAST-FEEDINGSUPPORT GROUP: 541-385- I787. CANCER FAMILYSUPPORT GROUP: 54 I -706-5864. CANCER INFORMATIONLINE: 54 I -706-7743. CAREGIVERSUPPORT GROUP: 54 I -536-7399. CAREGIVERSUPPORT GROUP: 54 I-706-6802. CAREGIVERSUPPORT GROUP:541-610-3060 or phoenixcounsel ingbend©gmail.com CELEBRATE RECOVERY BEND:Faith Christian Center, 541-383-5801; Westside Church, 541-382-7504; centraloregoncr.org CELEBRATERECOVERYLA PINE: Grace Fellowship, 541-536-2878; High Lakes Christian Church,541536-3333; Living Waters Church, 541-536-1215; centraloregoncr.org CELEBRATERECOVERYMADRAS: Living Hope Christian Center,541-


com or 541-504-0726. GLUTENINTOLERANCEGROUP (CELIAC):541-389-1731. GRANDMA'SHOUSE:Support for pregnant teensandteenmoms; 541-383-3515. GRANDPARENTS RAISINGOUR CHILDREN'SKIDS:541-306-4939. GRANDPARENTSSUPPORTGROUP: 541-385-4741. GRIEFSHAREGRIEFRECOVERY SUPPORTGROUP:541-382-1832. GRIEFSUPPORT GROUP: 541-3066633, 541-318-0384 or mullinski@ bendbroadband.com. GRIEFSUPPORT GROUP: 541-548-7483. GRIEFSUPPORT GROUPS: Forthe bereaved; 541-771-3247. GRIEFSUPPORT GROUP: 541-447-2510. GRIEFSHARE (FAITH-BASED) RECOVERY CLASS: 54I-389-8780. HEALINGENCOURAGEMENT FOR ABORTION-RELATEDTRAUMA (H.E.A.R.T.):541 -318- I949. HEALTHYFAMILIESOF THEHIGH DESERT:Homevisits for families with newborns; 541-749-2133 HEARINGLOSS ASSOCIATION: 541-390-2174 or ctepper©bendcable. com. HEARTS OF HOPE:Abortion healing; 541-728-4673. IMPROVE YOURSTRESS LIFE: 541-706-2904. LA LECHELEAGUEOFBEND: 541-317-5912. LIVING WELL(CHRONIC CONDITIONS):541-322-7430. LIVING WITHCHRONICILLNESSES SUPPORT GROUP:541-536-7399. LUPUS &FIBROMYALGIA SUPPORT GROUP:541-526- I375. MADRAS NICOTINEANONYMOUS GROUP:541-993-0609. MATERNAL/CHILDHEALTH PROGRAM(DESCHUTES COUNTY HEALTHDEPARTMENT): 541-322-7400. MEN'S CANCERSUPPORT GROUP: 541-706-5864. MENDED HEARTSSUPPORT GROUP: 541-706-4789. MISCARRIAGESUPPORT GROUP: 541-514-9907. MOMMY AND MEBREASTFEEDINGSUPPORT GROUP: Laura, 541-322-7450. MULTIPLESCLEROSIS SUPPORT GROUP:541-706-6802. NARCONON: 800-468-6933. NARCOTICSANONYMOUS (NA): 541-41 6-2146. NATIONALALLIANCE ON MENTAL ILLNESSOF CENTRAL OREGON (NAMI):541-408-7779, 541-504-1431 or email: vonriedlpn©yahoo.com. NAMIBEND-EXTREME STATES:541-647-2343 or www. namicentraloregon.org NAMI BENDCONNECTIONS: 541-4808269 or www.namicentraloregon.org NAMI BENDFAMILY SUPPORT GROUP: whitefam©bendcable.com or www.namicentraloregon.org. NAMI MADRAS CONNECTIONS: For peers, 541-475-1873 or NAMlmadras@gmail.com. NAMI MADRASFAMILY SUPPORT GROUP:541-475-1873 or NAMlmadras@gmail.com. NAMI MADRASFAMILY-FAMILY SUPPORTGROUP:541-475-3299 or www.namicentraloregon.org NAMI REDMOND FAMILYSUPPORT GROUP:namicentraloregon@gmail. com.

NEWBERRY HOSPICEOF LA PINE: 541-536-7399. OREGON COMMISSIONFOR THE BLIND:541-447-49 I5. OREGONCURE: 541-475-2164. OREGON LYMEDISEASE NETWORK: 541-312-3081 orwww.oregonlyme.org. OVEREATERSANONYMOUS: 541-306-6844. PARENTS/CAREGIVERSOFCHILDREN AFFECTEDBYAUTISM SUPPORT GROUP:541-771-1075 or http:I/ coregondevdisgroupaso.ning.com. PARENTS OFMURDEREDCHILDREN (POMC)SUPPORT GROUP: 541-410-7395. PARISH NURSESANDHEALTH MINISTRIES:541-383-686 I. PARKINSON'SCAREGIVERS SUPPORTGROUP:541-317-1188. PARKINSON'SDISEASE SUPPORT GROUP:541-280-5818. PARTNERS IN CARE: Home health and hospice services; 541-382-5882. PAUL'SCLUB:Dad's and male caregiver support group; 541-548-8559. PFLAG CENTRALOREGON: For parents, families and friends of lesbians and gays; 541-317-2334 or www.pflagcentraloregon.org. PLAN LOVINGADOPTIONS NOW (PLAN):54 I-389-9239. PLANNEDPARENTHOOD: 888-875-7820. PMS ACCESSLINE: 800-222-4767. PREGNANCYRESOURCECENTERS: Bend,541-385-5334; Madras,541475-5338; Prineville, 541-447-2420; Redmond, 541-504-8919. PULMONARY HYPERTENSION SUPPORTGROUP:541-548-7489. RECOVERINGADDICTS IN THE ADDICTION FIELD:541-610-3060 or phoenixcounse lingbend@gmail.com. SAVINGGRACE SUPPORT GROUPS: Bend, 541-382-4420; Redmond, 541-504-2550, ext. 1; Madras, 541-475-1 880. SCLERODERMA SUPPORTGROUP: 541-480-1958. SELF-ESTEEMGROUP FOR WOMEN: 541-389-7960. SEXAHOLICSANONYMOUS: 541-595-8780. SOUPANDSUPPORT:For mourners; 541-548-7483. SUPPORT GROUPFOR FAMILIES WITH DIABETICCHILDREN: 541-526-6690. SURVIVORS OFSUICIDELOSS SUPPORTGROUP:541-610-3060 or phoenixcounse lingbend©gmail.com. TOBACCO FREEALLIANCE: 541-3227481. TOPSOR:Bend, 541-388-5634; Culver, 541-546-4012; Redmond, 541-923-0878. TYPE 2DIABETES SUPPORT GROUP: 541-706-4986. VETERANSHOT LINE: 541-408-5594 or818-634-0735. VISIONNW:Peersupport group; 541-330-0715. VOLUNTEERS IN MEDICINE: 541-330-9001. WOMEN'S RESOURCECENTER OF CENTRALOREGON:54'I-385-0747 WOMEN'S SELF-ESTEEMGROUP: 541-389-7960. WOMEN'S SUPPORTGROUP FOR ANGER,ANXIETY, OR DEPRESSION: 541-389-7960. WOMEN SURVIVINGWITH CANCER SUPPORTGROUP:541-706-5864. YOUNGPEOPLEWITH DISABILITIES PEER GROUP: 831-402-5024. ZEN MEDITATIONGROUP: 541-388-3179.

RELIGIOUS SERVICES To submit serviceinformation orannouncementsfor religious organizations,emailbulletin© bendbulletin.com orcall 541-383-0358. ANTIOCH CHURCH:Sr. Pastor Ken Wytsma; "Happiness and Contentment part 2,"; Sundayat 9:30 a.m.; Redux Q-and-A after; BendHighSchool,230 N.E.Sixth St., Bend. BEND CHRISTIANFELLOWSHIP: Service will be held at Newberry Group Camp atPaulina Lakefor a 9:30 a.m. lakeside service. 4twelve me etsWednesdayat7 p.m. BENDCHURCHOFTHE NAZARENE:Pastor Matthew Bissonnette; "Your Attitude Should be the Same"; Sundayat 10:15 a.m., 1270 N.E. 27th St., Bend. CENTRAL OREGONBAPTIST CHURCH:Pastor John Tittle; "God Forgives Sins,"basedonMicah 7, as part of the series on Micah; Sunday at10:30 a.m.; 500 S.W. Bond St., Bend. COMMUNITYOF CHRIST:Elder Leonard Glenn; "Live in Faith" based on Luke12:32-40; Sunday at10:30 a.m., following 10:15 a.m. praise singing; 20380 Cooley Road, Bend. CROSSCHURCH:Pastor Ed Byrnes; "The Church Part II: In Doctrine," based onvarious scriptures; today at 6:30 p.m.; Neighborhood Center, 2640 Jones Road, Bend. DISCOVERYCHRISTIAN CHURCH:Pastor DaveDrullinger; "How Beautiful!" as part of the series, "Songs WeSing"; Sunday at10 a.m.; Adult Bible study at 9 a.m.; 334 N.W.Newport Ave., Bend. EASTMONT CHURCH: Guest Pastor Chris Charon; "CHRIST: The Head OfTheChurch," based on Colossians1:18 and2:19, as part of the series, "CHRIST: Portraits of Jesus According to Colossians"; Sunday at 9and 10:45 a.m.; 62425 EagleRoad, Bend. FATHER'SHOUSECHURCH OF GOD: Pastor Randy Wills; "The Rest of the Story" as part of the series, "Discipleship"; Sunday at10 a.m.; Youth Group; Wednesdays; 7 p.m.; 61690 Pettigrew Road, Bend. THE FELLOWSHIP ATBEND: Pastor Loren Anderson; "Gifts, Ministries and Workings," based on 1 Corinthians 12:1-11; Sunday at10 a.m.; Summit High School, 2855 N.W. Clearwater Drive, Bend. FIRST PRESBYTERIANCHURCH: Rev. Jason Medina; "Follow Me"; Sunday at 9 a.m.and10:45 a.m.; 230 N.E. Ninth St., Bend. FIRSTUNITED METHODIST CHURCH:The Rev.Emmett Shortreed; "How Not to Pray," based on Luke11:1-13; Sundayat 9 and11 a.m; 680 N.W. BondSt., Bend. FOUNDRYCHURCH:Pastor Syd Brestel will share amessagefrom Ephesians 4-6; Sundayat10:15 a.m.; 60 N.W.Oregon Ave., Bend. GRACEFIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH:Pastor Joel LiaBraaten; "You Bring GodHappiness" and "Treasure Hunting"; Sunday at 9:30a.m.;2265 N.W .Shevlin Park Road, Bend. JOURNEY CHURCH:Pastor Keith Kirkpatrick; "Snipped and Dipped," as part of the series "Whatever It Takes"; Sunday at10 a.m. and 6:30 p.m.; 64085 Tamoli Lane, Bend. NATIVITY LUTHERANCHURCH: Pastor Chris Kramer; Sunday at 9 and11 a.m.; Bible study; Wednesdays at10 a.m.; 60850 Brosterhous Road,Bend. NEWPORTAVENUECHURCHOF CHRIST:Minister Dean Catlett; "Living Life Deliberately"; based on 1 Corinthians 9:24-27; Sunday 10:45 a.m.; 554 Newport Avenue, Bend. REAL LIFECHRISTIAN CHURCH: Pastor Mike Yunker; "The Parables of Jesus, Part 4" Sunday at 8 and 10a.m.; 2880 N.E. 27th St., Bend. SPIRITUALAWARENESS COMMUNITY OFTHE CASCADES: Guest speaker Barbara Largent; "Things That Make You Go 'Hmmmmmm'..."; Sunday at 9 a.m.; held at TheOld Stone Church,157 N.W. Franklin

Ave., Bend. SPRINGS OFLIFE MINISTRIES: Evangelist and Bible teacherEddie Cienda; We dnesdaysat7 p.m.; ongoing; TheSound Garden Studio, 1279 N.E.Second St., Bend. TRINITYEPISCOPAL CHURCH: Sunday at 9 a.m.; St. Francis Church, 2450 N.E. 27th St., Bend. WESTSIDECHURCH:Pastor Scott McBride; "What Wo uld JesusSay to Lance Armstrong"; today at 6:30 p.m. and Sunday at 8, 9and10:45 a.m.; 2051 N.W.Shevlin Park Road, Bend. WESTSIDESOUTH CAMPUS: Pastor Scott McBride; "What Would Jesus Say to LanceArmstrong"; Sunday at 9 and10:30 a.m.; 1245 S.E.Third St., Bend. WESTSIDEONLINE CAMPUS: Pastor Scott McBride; "What Would Jesus Say to Lance Armstrong"; today at 6:30 p.m. andSunday at 9and 10:45 a.m.; www.westsidelive.org. EMMAUS LUTHERAN CHURCH:The Rev. David Poovey; "Faith - TheKey to Life," based on Hebrews11:1-11; Sunday at10:30 a.m.; 2175 S.W. Salmon Ave., Redmond. GRACELUTHERANCHURCH AT EAGLE CREST:Pastor Randy VanMehren; "The Brokenand Sorrowful heart Will be Received by Jesus crist"; Sunday at10:30 a.m.; 7525 Falcon Crest Dr., Redmond. ST. PAUL'SANGLICANCHURCH: Father John Pennington; "Pride vs. Humility" based on Luke18:9-14; Sundayat3 p.m.;SaintAlban's,3277 N.W. 10th St., Redmond. ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH: Pastor Eric Burtness; "There Is aCross You Must Bear," as part of the series "10 Things Jesus Didn't Say"; Sunday at10a.m. and 5:01 p.m.;1113Black Butte Blvd., Redmond. SHEPHERD'S VALLEYCOWBOY CHURCH:Pastor Jordan Weaver; Sunday at 9 and10:30a.m. and Mondayat7 p.m .;Men'sBiblestudy; Thursdays at 7 a.m.; Women's Bible study; Thursdays at 9 a.m.; in the cafe of The RimRock Riders Equestrian Facility, Brasada Ranch, 17037 S.W. Alfalfa Road, Powell Butte. VERTICALCHURCH OF GOD (FORMERLYAGAPEHARVEST FELLOWSHIP):Pastor Jeremy Seibert; Sunday at10:30 a.m.; youth night; Wednesdayat6 p.m.;52460 Skidgel Road, La Pine. COMMUNITYBIBLECHURCH AT SUNRIVER:Pastor Glen Schaumloeffel; "Just and Merciful," as part of the series, "Who is Like You? A Study on the Attributes of God"; Sunday at 9:30 a.m.; 1Theater Drive, Sunriver. CONCORDIALUTHERAN MISSION: The Rev.Willis Jenson; "The Gospel Grants Spiritual and Material Blessings Forever" based onLuke 12:31; Sunday at11 a.m.; held at Terrebonne GrangeHall, 828611th St., Terrebonne. LEV HALLEL: Outdoor dance symposium andconcertfeaturing Messianic artist Jonathan Settel; free; 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Aug. 11; American Legion Community Park, 850 S.W. RimrockWay,Redmond; houseofcovenant.org.

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9:30am Sunday Educational Classes 10:30 am Morning Worship This Sunday at Faith Christian Pastor Mike Johnson will share his message in the Sunday service title "Called" from the 5 Word Series

beginning at 10:30 AM. Childcare is provided in our Sunday morning service. On Wednesdays "Restored Youth" service begins

REDMOND ASSEMBLY OF GOD 1865 W Antler • Redmond 541 -548-4555 SUNDAYS

Morning Worship 8:30 am F 10:30 am Life groups 9 am Kidz LIVE ages 3-11 10:30 am Evening Worship 6 pm

Osborne and Glenn Bartnik

20225 Cooley Rd. Bend

13720 SW Hwy 126, Powell Butte

Phone: (541) 383-5097


Web site: ccbend.org


Sundays 8;30 8 10;30 am Wednesday Night Study: 7 pm YouthGroup:Wednesday 7 pm Child Care provided Women's Ministry, Youth Ministry are

available, call for days and times.

God-Centered Worship Expository Bible Teaching Rich Hymns f Songs Family Oriented Ministries Christ-Focused Living Meaningful Loving Relationships Compassionate Gospel Witness

(No child care) 10:00 am Contemporary Worship Service

"Teaching the Word of God,

For information, please call ...

Book by Book"

Senior Pastor - Mike Yunker - 541-312-8844



Temple Beth Tikvah is a member of the Union for Reform Judaism. Our members represent a wide range

of Jewish backgrounds. We welcome interfaith families and Jews by choice. Our monthly activities include Services, religious education for children B adults, Hebrewschool, Torah study,social action projects and social activities

Fr. Theodore Nnabugo, Pastor




16137 Burgess Rd

Tuesday, Wednesday B Friday Mass 9:00 am Sunday Mass — 10:00 am

"Educating and Developing the Whole Child for the Glory of God" Pre K- 5th Grade

62425 Eagle Road, Bend 541-382-2049 Principal Lonna Carnahan www.eastmontcommunityschool.com


18143 Cottonwood Rd. Thurs. Mass 9:30 am;


Sat. Vigil Mass 5:30 pm


Sunday mass 8:00 am

1551 NW First St. • 541-382-6100

Confessions: Thurs. 9:00-9:15 am

(South of Portland Ave.) Church Service 8 Sunday School: 10 am

OUR LADY OF THE SNOWS, Gilchrist 120 Mississippi Dr Sunday Mass — 12:30 pm Confessions: Sundays 12:00-12:15 pm

W ed. TestimonyMeeting; 730 pm

Childcare provided. Reading Room:


115 NW Minnesota Ave.

near Christmas Valley

Mon. through Frix 11 am - 4 pm

57255 Fort Rock Rd

Sat. 12 noon - 2 pm

Sunday Mass — 3:30 pm Confessions: Sundays 3:00-3: 15 pm ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI


Pastor Rev. James A. Radloff


Religion of the Light andSound of God

Hadashah (New Testament) • Biblical Feasts • Lifecycle Events • End-times prophecy

Wednesday 7.00 PM - Prayer Meeting 6 Adult Bible Study 7:00 PM - Kids 4 Truth


Saturday, August 24 at 9:00 amMunch and Torah study Saturday, August 24 at 10:30 amTorah Service

the East Bend library


on August 24th at 3 PM

Saturday - Vigil 5:00 PM Sunday 7:30 AM, 10:00 AM 8 7:00 PM

Domingo 12:3 0 PM -M isa en Espanol

Learnhow tosing HU, a love song to God: a loving, uplifting, Spiritual Exercise. HU,

Saturday, August 31, 8:00 pm — Slichot, call for information

High Holy Days Services High Holy Days Services to be held in the sanctuary of the First United Methodist Church Rabbi Johanna Hershenson with Cantor Adelle Nicholson Wednesday, September 4 Erev Rosh Hashanah 7:30 pm Thursday, September 5 Rosh Hashanah 10:00 am Friday, September 13 Erev Yom Kippur 7:30 pm Saturday, September 14 Yom Kippur 10:00 am

about 20 minutes and is followed by a brief

Mass Times: 7pm

period of sacred contemplation.


Regardless of your beliefs or religion,

Saturday 3:00 PM - 4:45 PM

singing HU can bring you greater

Followed by a discussion.

EASTMONT CHURCH "DisplayingtheRea(i!y oj Christ in

Undeniable Ways"

happiness, love, and understanding. 62425 Eagle Road, Bend 541-382-5822 www.eastmontchurch.com

Sunday Services Classic (Blended) Service 9:00 am Contemporary Service 10:45 am Hispanic Service 6:00 pm


of consciousness to the Divine Being. It


has helped people of many different faiths

Sunday 4:30 PM

open their hearts more fully to the uplifting

Tuesday - Friday 7:00 AMF 12:15 PM

presence and security of God's love.


AIJ Monday Masses are cancelled effective 8/5/13

Saturday 8am Masses Will Be Cancelled For more information about weekly ministries for the whole family, contact 541-382-5822 or email info©eastmontchurch.com

effective 8/3/13

SundaySchoolclassesare at9:00 am and our Worship Service at 10: 15 am

Solemnity of Assumption 8/15/2013

Exposition 8 Benediction

Monday - Friday, Call for times

For Kidztown, Middle School and High School activities Call 541-382-3862 www.bendchurch.org HIGHLAND BAPTIST CHURCH, SBC 3100 SW Highland Ave., Redmond 541-548-4161

• Comfort, peace, joy • Expanded awareness • A subtle sense of Divine Love • The healing of a broken heart

5:00 PM - 6:00 PM

All services are held at the First United Methodist Church 680 NW Bond Street 541-388-8826

For complete calender: www.hbcredmond.org

MISSION (LCMS) The missionoftheChurchis!0 forgive sins(hroug¹ the Gospeltrnd(herefr¹ grani e(errraJlife. (St. John 20:22-23, Augsburg Confession IOCVIII.8, 10) 10 am Sunday School 11 am Divine Service The Rev. Willis C. Jenson, Pastor. 8286 11th St (Grange Hall), Terrebonne, OR

One service at 9:00 am

(except Wednesday)

494 NW Lava St. at Franklin, Bend, OR

Saturday Vigil 5:30 pm

We are grateful to the community

First Saturday 8:00 am (English)

for the outpouring of help

Sunday 8:00 am, 10:00 am (English) 12:00 noon (Spanish)

The Rev. Roy D. Green, Interim Rector

Confessions on Wednesdays from 5:00 to 5:45 pm

All are welcome

and on Saturdays from 4:30 to 5:15 pm

through our red doors

13:13 "Three things will last forever - faith,

is love." What role do these great virtues

Childcare available at the Old Stone Church during the service. For more information,

listing of activities for all ages. www.bendnaz.org

in the Cottage.


for children ages Pre-K through 5th grade.

visit our website: www.uufco.org. In the

event of rain, Summer Fundays will be held

Meeting place:

• •

Meeting at the Golden Age Club 40 SE 5th St., Bend Just 2 blocks SW of Bend High School Sunday Worship 10:00 am Sovereign Grace Church is dedicated to worshipping God and teaching the Bible truths recovered through the Reformation. Call for information about other meetings


www.uufco.org (541 ) 385-3908 •



(In the Heart of Downtown Bend)


680 NW Bond St. / 541.382. 1672

CHRISTIAN LIFE CENTER 21720 E. Hwy. 20• 541.389.8241

Rev. Emmett Shortreed Sermon Title: "How Not To Pray" Scripture. Luke 11:1-13

"Out of the Box" This Summer at CLC

Sunday Worship 9:30 a.m. (Child Care Available) Education Hour 10:45 a.m.

Nursery Care and Children's Programs provided for all services.

9:00am - Contemporary Service Sunday School during the 9am Service 11:00am - Traditional Service

Childcare provided on Sunday 'Dur!ng the Week: Women's Groups, Men's

Pastor Daniel N. LeLaCheur 21720 E. Hwy. 20 541.389.8241 www.clcbend.com

Pastor Joel LiaBraaten Evangelical Lutheran Church in America www.gracefirstlutheran.org


CHURCH 529 NW 19th Street

(3/4 mile north of High School)

Sunday Worship Services at 10:00am F 5:01 pm

Redmond, OR 97756 (541) 548-3367

Summer Celebration Sunday August 25, at 10 am

Rev. Rob Anderson, Pastor

Sunday Schedule Historic St. Francis Church,

The Christian Testament has many famous

Summer Fundays continue in Harmon Park

Summer Schedule Sundays - 9:30 am in the Life Amphitheater Wednesday Mid week Services -7:00 pm

Coffee, snacksartd Jeliowsfrip afier each service

Mass Schedule:

Rev. Alex Holt,lnterim Minister

THURSDAY 10:00 am 50+ Bible Study WEEKLY Life Groups Please visit our website for a complete

GRACE FIRST LUTHKRAN CHURCH 2265 NW Shevlin Park Road, Bend 382-6862

www trinitybend.org

Weekdays 8:00 am

"The Three Great Virtues and Us: Faith":

6:30 pm Ladies Bible Study

www.lutheransonline.com/ condordialutheranmission Facebook: Concordia Lutheran Mission Phone: 541-325-6773

469 NW Wall St. • 541-382-5542

Father Todd Unger, Pastor

August 11, 2013 at 11:00am:

Everyone isWelcome!

Redmond, Oregon 97756 541 -923-3390


"Diverse Beliefs, One Fellowship"

play for us as Unitarian Universalists of the


Wednesday 6:00 pm Sunday Worship Services: 8:00 am, 9:30 am, II:00 am Sunday Bible Fellowship Groups 9:30 am & 11:00 am Dr. Barry Campbell, lead pastor


1720 NW 19th Street


8:30 am Sunday



541 382 4401

hope, and love - and the greatest of these

or call 541-388-4628. •

www.bendfp.org http;/ /www.facebook.com/bendfp

21st century and our post-Christian story?

Children's Room available during services Come Experience a warm, friendly family of worshipers. Everyone Welcome - Always. A vibrant, inclusive community. A rich and diverse music program for all ages

cancelled effective 8/3/13

230 NE Ninth Street, Bend

Nursery Caref Children's Church ages 4 yrs-4th grade during all Worship Services "Courageous Living" on KNLR 97.5 FM

• Answers to your questions

Saturday 8:30am Confessions will be

Wednesday Noon Silence 8 Supper Worship

lines. One of them is from I Corinthians

For information about our Religious Education programs, call Kathy Schindel at 541-388-8826

Worship in the Heart of Redmond




• A release of fears

www.eckankar.org or Reconciliation

for homeless youth. Donate today at First Presbyterian.

Choirs, music groups, Bible study,

9:00 am Sunday School for all ages 9:00 am Hispanic Worship Service 10:15 am Worship Service

Services 8 Events go to: www.bethtikvahbend.org


For more information please visit

Kits for Kids 1000 backpacks filled with hygiene items

Youth Events

BKND CHURCH OF THE NAZARKNE 1270 NE 27 St. 541-382-5496 Senior Pastor Virgil Askren SUNDAY

For the complete schedule of

• Solace during times of grief

Tuesday (Holy Church Family Holy Hour)

Tuesday 7:30 AM - 8:00 AM

This Sunday, Syd Brestel will share a message from Eph. 4-6 that describes how to live gospel-centered lives. Please join us for worship at 10:15 am.

Singing HU can help you experience:

• Inner light and/or sound Mass Times: 7am and 12:15pm

FOUNDRY CHURCH (FORMERLY FIRST BAPTIST) "A Heart for Bend in the Heart of Bend" 60 NW Oregon, 541-382-3862 Pastor Syd Brestel

Singing HU can draw us closer in our state

Corner of NW Franklin & Lava

Information at www.bendfp.org

We are a Welcoming Congregation

pronounced like the word hue, is sung for Solemnity of Assumption 8/15/2013

Creating Spaces of Grace

http://www.facebook.com/ bendyouthcollective

LIVING TORAH FKLLOWSHIP 0 La Roca Church 1155 SW Division, ¹D8, Bend Saturday 10:30 am - 2 pm Worship/Dance-StudyFood/Fellowship Hebrew Roots Fellowshrp worshrppmg rn Spirit and Truth 541-410-5337 Children Welcome www livingtorahfellowship com


Community HU

Our Sabbatical Journey

fellowship and ministries every week


We will be having a Community HU sing at

Nursery care provided

12:30 pm Contemplative Prayer

Visit us on the web at www houseofcovenant org or contact us at 541-385-5439


2450 NE 27th Street

Sunday School: 3 yrs to 6th grade

• Davidic dance and worship • Children's ministry and nursery • Hebrew classes • Home groups • Teaching from the Torah and the Brit

Experience an Eckankar Sunday 9:15 AM — Prayer Meeting 9:30 AM — Adult Bible Fellowship 9:30AM - Children'sSunday School 10:30 AM — Worship Service 6:00 PM - Growth Groups (call for locations)

Sept. 8

Est. 1994

Bear Creek Center 21300 Bear Creek Rd. Bend, OR. 97701 Our Shabbat Services are on Saturday mornings at 10:00 a.m. Our ministries include:

Friday, August 16 at 6:30 pmShabbat Service

Parish Office: 541-536-3571 EASTMONT COMMUNITY SCHOOL

Messianic Synagogue

Rabbi Johanna Hershenson

Mike Sweeney F Jeff Olson "Loving people one at a time."

CENTRAL OREGON BAPTIST CHURCH Currently meetinga! 500 SW Bond S!. (541) 617-2814 www centraloregonbaptistchurch.org

Sunday Services


Adult Classes Celebrate Recovery W ednesdayNITE LiveKids Youth Group

at the RLCC Church, 2880 NE 27th

Associate Pastors


Like Hymns? We've Got 'em!

(Full children's ministry)

Confessions: Saturdays — 3:00-4:00pm

Pastor Duane Pippitt www.redmondag.com


8 am Like Hymns? We've Got 'em!

at 7:00 PM

A number of Faith Journey Groups meet throughout the week in small groups, please contact the church for details and times. The church is located on the corner of Greenwood Avenue and NE 11th Street. www.bendfaith.com


Follow Me

Preacher: Jason Medina 9:00 am contemporary

July 15 - November 4 Pastor Randy Myers


Lead Pastor

5:01 service is on summer hiatus resuming

We provide a congregational setting for Jews and Christians alike. If you're interested in learning the Bible from a Hebrew perspective, come join us at:

8:30am- 10:15 am-11 am

Nursery B Children's Church

All Are Welcome, Always!

10:45 am traditional HOUSE OF COVENANT


Cowboy Fellowship Saturdays Potluck 6 pm

230 NE Ninth, Bend

(Across Ninth St. from Bend High)

Rev. Dr. Steven H. Koski

Sunday School 9:45 am Children F Adult Classes Worship Service — 11:00 am

Darin Hollingsworth, Youth Pastor POWELL BUTTE


9:00 am Contemporary Worship 9:00 am Nursery Care 9:15 am Children B Youth Sunday School 9:30 am Adult Education 11:00 am Traditional Worship

Wed. Bible Study at noon 3rd Th. Women's Circle/Bible Study I:00 pm 3rdTues.Men's Club 6.00 pm, dinner Youth and Family Programs Active Social Outreach

Mondays 6.30 pm Centering Prayer Wednesdays 5;30 pm Prayer Service Small Groups Meet Regularly (Handicapped Accessible) Please visit our website for a complete listing of activities for all ages. www.redmondcpc.org

1113 SWBlack Butte Blvd. Redmond, OR 97756 - 541-923-7466 Pastor Eric Burtness www.zionrdm.com

Music 8 Fellowship Open Hearts. Open Minds. Open Doors. Rev. Thom Larson f!rstchurch@bendumc.org


4 Saturdays and TMC: Sl15 5 Saturdays and TMC: Sl38 The Bulletin: EVery Saturday On the ChurCh

Youth Groups High School - Sunday 11:00am- 12:30pm MiddleSchool -W ednesday 6;00-7 30pm

M-W-F Women's Exercise 9:30 am

Groups, Youth Groups, Quilting, Crafting,


• g •

page. $23 Copy Changes: by 5 PM Tuesday CO Marketplace: The FirSt TueSday Of eaCh

month. $23 Copy Changes: by Monday I Week PriOr to PubliCatiOn

Call Pat Lynch 541-383-0396 PlynCh@bendbulletin.COm



Celtic Continued from 01

There's also bagpipe playing, costumes, dancing, drum-

ming and, if you're lucky, traditional Scottish entrees

Highlan dGames events The traditional Highland Games consists of eight events:

like haggis (a savory pudding


made with sheep organs that's best served with a glass of 15-

long pole so that it flips end-

year-old whisky), neeps (turnips) and tatties (potatoes). Falconer is quick to point out people who ca n c l aim C eltic heritage come f r om places outside of S cotland, Ireland and Wales. They also hail from Cornwall in southwest England, the Isle of Man in the Irish Sea, Brittany in northwest France and Galicia in northwest Spain. Because of this geographic reach, she said, many people who are of Celtic descent may not be aware of it. "It's not something on people's radar," Falconer said. According to the U.S. Census Bureau's American Community Survey, 14.8 percent of DeschutesCounty residents claim Celtic, I rish, ScotchIrish, Scottish or Welsh descent, making i t O r e gon's seventh most Celtic county after Gilliam, Wallowa, Lake, Wheeler, Curry an d G r ant. About 11 percent of the state's total population is of Celtic descent,according to the survey. Though she can't explain

Competitors throw a 20-footover-end with its far end landing directly in front of the tosser.

A perfect toss lands at the12 o'clock position, so the tosser's feet, the near end of the pole

and the far end form astraight line.

THE HAMMER THROW Competitors throw a weight that is attached to long pole — the

the Curry County situation, Falconer said these pockets of Eastern and Central Oregon probably caught the attention of Celtic settlers who were making their way down the Oregon Trail and for one reason or another cut their trip short before they crossed the Cascades. "Personally, and this is only my opinion, Central Oregon

seemed more like home (for these people) because of the harshness of the land and the challenge of living here," she said, But anyone is welcome to attend this afternoon's Celtic

handle of the hammer — as far

as they can. THE SHEAFTOSS Competitors throw a16- to 20pound bundle of hay up in the air with a pitch fork. The person who gets the sheaf the highest wins.


braemar stone put.

Ifyou go

WEIGHT FORHEIGHT/ WEIGHT OVERA BAR Competitors throw a weight

What:The 25th Annual High Desert Celtic Festival

straight up in the air over a bar that is typically attached to two

When:9 a.m. to 6 p.m. today (athlete registration starts at 8 a.m.j

and Highland Games

standing poles, like agoalpost. The weights vary in size from 28

to 56 pounds, depending on the athlete's age, ability and gender.

Much like they in the modernday shotput event, competitors throw a 16- to 22-pound stone


as far as they can. Peoplecan

a 28-pound and a56-pound weight as far as theycan. These

move their feet around as part of their toss in the open stone put, but must do their toss from a standing position in the

festival, regardless of h eritage. That invitation extends to competing in the Highland Games as well, Falconer said. "We've had a pretty good response in terms of people from the area who are interested in competing," she said, explaining that 20 people had preregistered to compete in the games as of Wednesday afternoon. Another 10 people are expected to join them, she added, including some who show up to compete in the event right before it starts.

Strength and skill Parker said Highland games

ering hulk to compete in the games," said Parker, who was about 6 inches shorter and 50 pounds lighter than most of the other folks he competed against. "The games really boil down to how you use your

Competitors typically throw

legs, how you use your body and your timing." Parker said previous competitions have attracted athletes from Portland, Salem, Vancouver and Northern California who travel from Celtic festival to Celtic festival hoping to move up the ranks until

Where:Deschutes County Fair & Expo Center, Redmond

Cost:$10 for individuals, $7 for students and people 60 or over, free for children

younger than 6, and$30 for

they get a score high enough

families Contact:High Desert Celtic

to compete on t h e p r ofessional level. Firefighters are another fierceclass of coma triangle-shaped handle. petitor at the games, he said, involve throwing a 16-pound noting their attendance typiball like they do in a modern cally depends on the severity t raditionally consist o f t h e day shotput event; and the of the fire season more than following eight events: the caber toss involves a 20-foot- anything else. braemar stone put, the open long pole that in some cases But Parker said some of the stone put, the caber toss, the weighs 175 pounds. best performances he's seen at "It's a lot of fun," Parker said the games came from people hammer throw, the sheaf toss, weight for distance with a light of the caber toss. "You hold it who decided on a whim to give and heavy weight, and weight straight up in the air, you run the competition a shot. for height or weight over a bar with it and then you have to In particular, there was one (see "Highland Games"). flip it end over end." woman who threw a stone for Most of these events involve Though not al l o f t h e se a record-breaking d istance throwing something h eavy events are true feats of the first time she showed up at for a great distance. Though strength, Parker said, explain- a Celtic games. Parker rememthe actual weights may vary ing that they also involve quite bers this story especially well depending upon the athlete's abit of skill. The caber toss, for because thestone went so far experience and sex, the sheaf instance, is scored on whether it left the premeasured stone toss typically involves throw- the pole lands directly in front put area and almost hit him in ing a 20-pound bundle of hay of the tosser, not on how far it the head. with a p i tchfork; the open goes when it's been tossed. — Reporter 541-617-7816 "You don't have to be a towstone and braemar stone puts mmcfean@bendbulletin.com weights are attached to a metal chain that is in turn attached to

Society, www.hdcs.net


land. To complicate matters, Lake Superior was sometimes too rough to cross, stranding visitors on either shore, and Gorski's parents had b een called on to house artists in their cabin on the peninsula.

Continued from 01 Most of t hem ha d c ome through th e R abbit I s land website, bu t t h e a p p l ication process was fluid, and residents set their own timetables and paid most of their own way. (Some of that will change next year, when there will be three paid residencies, provided in part by the DeVos Art Museum in M a r quette,

Rugged isolation One morning, Gorski and Lee took the boat to the mainland and drove to the airport. They were picking up Charlotte Sullivan, 29, a nother B rooklynite, who w orks at t he Queens County F a r m

Mich.) Last summer, Sara Maynard, a 28-year-old artist and long-distance lake swimmer from Oklahoma City, read about the island and reached out. "I asked Rob about the application process, and he said, 'Love it. Come out,'" Maynard recalled. Maynard, who had returned this summer, was waiting on a flat rock beach when Gorski guided the boat in. The whitish mist he had identified as a storm in the distance on the trip over had arrived, and it was pouring. They secured the boat to a rope-and-chain mooring, then bounded up rock steps into the camp. When the rain stopped, the otherresidents emerged from w herever t hey h a d t a k e n shelter. They were a professionally diverse group: David Drennen, a 28-year-old musician who had come with his friend, Maynard; Kelly Geary, a 35-year-old chef who sells jams and chutneys under the label Sweet Deliverance; Ben M oon, a 3 8 -year-old f i l m maker a n d ph o t ographer with clients like Patagonia; Moon's 25-year-old assistant, Page Stephenson; Ben Lavely, the 29-year-old chief operating officer of Best Made Co., which sells axes and other manly gear to city slickers at its New York boutique; and Emilie L ee, a 3 2 - year-old plein-air painter. A r ecovered r ock-climbing bum, Lee met Gorski last spring, when she contributed artwork to a R a bbit Island benefit he organized, and the two have since begun dating. In a twist of fate, her family owns an island, too: Hat Island, on the North Channel in Canada. Around 7 o'clock, Gorski and Lee, along with Geary and the two Bens (whom everyone had, for convenience's sake, nicknamed Best Made Ben and Patagonia Ben), sped off in the boat to catch dinner. For the last two days, the residents had feasted on fresh fish brought over by a Rabbit Bay local, Scott Hannula. Gorski's fishing expedition was not as f r uitful; he r eturned empty-handed. No matter. Best Made Ben ruggedly split firewood with one of several axes he had brought with him, an activity he continued throughout his stay, as if starring in a live-action commercial. And Geary, the chef, and Maynard used a Coleman stove and the campfireto cook a meal of roasted potatoes w it h c h i m ichurri sauce, kale salad, bratwurst and leftover smoked fish. Dinner wasserved by candlelight at a long pine table, built that afternoon by D r ennen and

Museum, and dropping off Geary, who was leaving to attend a wedding on Cow Island in Maine. Soon, the weather had turned, and Gorski raced to get back to the boat before the lake became unruly. H e just made it . A s h e crossed the lake, high waves pounded against the bow and the temperature seemed to drop by the minute. By nightfall, it was 46 degrees (unusual even in this part of the country), and the lake had become so choppy that the boat had to be moved to the calmer side of the island to keep it

from sinking.

Photos by Tony Cenicola/ New York Times News Service

Rob Gorski, left, gets help unloading timber from his boat at Rabbit Island on Lake Superior. Gorski owns the 91-acre island off Michigan's Keweenaw Peninsula.


'" 'ep~'~ Camp residents wash dishes in the waters of Lake Superior on Rabbit Island. The island is home to a budding artist colony. Island owner Rob Gorski describes it as a "mix between a salon and summer camp." Best Made Ben. The residency, as Gorski put it, is "a mix between a salon and summer camp," and a traveler's instant bond had formed among the group. As they ate,residents recapped the events of their day, and Gorski entertained them with a tale of his first "scrub-in," which included the arresting line, "Hey, Gorski, want to cut a woman's leg off?"

be a fishing guide or a park

rangerforthe rest ofmy life," he recalled. But now, he said, he is happy living in the city and views Rabbit Island as an escape (he often goes alone in the offseason) and a platform for his ideas about land conservation and thoughtful development. Basically, he has created a miniature national park and made himself its steward. He could not have found A penchant for the wild more virgin territory: aside As remarkable as it is that from the remnants of a late 19th-century fishing shack, Gorski owns Rabbit Island, perhaps more surprising is and ashes from the locals who what he has chosen to do with have long come here to cook it. His mother, Phyllis Gorski, out and swim, the island bears a semiretired pharmacist who no sign of human habitation. grew u p n e arby, admitted Even the previous owners, a that if it were hers, "I'd want wealthy couple from Utica, to build a place for the family Mich., who invested in land and our grandchildren." in the Upper Peninsula, never Still, she was not surprised set foot on the island. that her son had turned it into Gorski has tried to keep a protected artists' retreat. d evelopment m i n imal a n d "He's been full of adventure considered.This summer he since he was little," she said. has been building a second Growing up i n s u burban lean-to 100 or so yards from Detroit, Gorski said, he hated the main camp, which he the way the land was "cut up plans to equip with a tradiand divided," and preferred tional Finnish sauna. But it was "a big compromise that wilderness areas where he could hike and camp. "There we imported lumber" by boat, was a point where I said, I can he fretted, rather than felling

native trees. Ranville, as Gorski is quick to point out, has been instrumental in all of this. Shortly after Gorski bought the island, the two men got to talking and decided to create a retreat for artists, using a Kickstarter campaign. Ranville, who lives in London, has spent a number of t w o-month stretches here overthe lastfew years, clearing paths, documenting the island's wildlife and working on his art.

F or di n n er , May n a r d cooked b e e f-and-vegetable stew, and everyone huddled in the dark, bundled against wieldy at times. For a while, the cold. every day brought arrivals Gorski sat at the head of a nd departures, and G o r - the table, looking pleased. In ski was constantly occupied that moment, Rabbit Island, with running v isitors back and the 11 people on it, felt and forth across the lake. "I completely removed from the think next summer I'll t ell world. people they have to travel on set days," he muttered at one See us for retractable point. awnings, exterior solar With all the comings and screens, shade structures. goings, and the attendant disSun arhen you eantit, tractions, the island scarcely felt removed from the mainshade ehen you needit.

Island bustle

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But for all th e efforts to make the island a Walden-like escape,modern realities have a way of intruding. Among the visiting artists, Brooklyn was heavily represented demographically; Portland was a close second. There was so much Patagonia clothing on display, the campsite looked like a catalog shoot. And the focus seemed to be asmuch on the battery life and reception of Apple devices as on creative projects. At one p oint, Lee g r ew frustrated trying t o u p load a photo of a double rainbow to Instagram. Drennen, who had established himself as the group's joker, shook his head mock-ruefully and said, smirking, "So many 'gramable moments." In an effort t o m i n imize the social (and social media) distractions, and to preserve the goal of "complete isolation and contemplation," Gorski tries to keep the island's population to a half-dozen or so people at a time and cast a wide net for visitors. As he said, "It was never about being a bunch of hipsters coming out to high-five each other on an island." Though nothing has been as complicated as the dinner for 21 Gorski held last year on the rock beach, the logistics this summer have been un-

Brad Haun,.„„„„


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Ben YLIma Bulletin Subscriber

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VOLUNTEER SEARCH Volunteer Search is compiled by the Department of HumanServices Volunteer Services. The organizations listed are seeking volunteers for a variety of tasks. To see full a list, and for additional information on the types of help needed, go online to www. bendbulletin.com/volunteer. Changes, additions or deletions should besent to1300 N.W. Wall St., Suite 103, Bend 97701, email Therese.M.Helton@ state.or.us or call 541-693-8988.


CHILDREN, YOUTH AND EDUCATION SERVICES ADULT BASICSKILLS DEPARTMENT (COCC):Margie Gregory, mgregory@ cocc.edu or 541-318-3788. AFS-USA:www.afsusa.org or Caitlin Krutsinger, 503-419-9514. ALYCE HATCHCENTER:Andy Kizans, 541-383-1980. BEND PARK & RECREATION DISTRICT:Kim, 541-706-6127. BIGBROTHERS BIGSISTERS OF CENTRALOREGON:541-3126047 (Bend), 541-447-3851, ext. 333 (Prineville) or 541-325-5603 (Madras). BOY SCOUTSOF AMERICA: Paul Abbott, paulabbott@scouting.org or 541-382-4647. BOYS &GIRLS CLUBS OF CENTRAL OREGON: www.bgcco.org, info© bgcco.org or 541-617-2877. CAMP FIREUSA CENTRAL OREGON: campfire@bendcable.com or 541-382-4682. CASA (COURT APPOINTED SPECIALADVOCATES): www. casaofcentraloregon.org or 541-389-1618. CHILDREN'SVISION FOUNDATION: Julie Bibler, 541-330-3907. CIRCLEOF FRIENDS: Beth,bethO acircleoffriendsoregon.com or 541-588-6445. DESCHUTESCOUNTYSHERIFF'S OFFICE— CENTRAL OREGON PARTNERSHIPSFORYOUTH: www.deschutes.org/copy, CDPYO deschutes.org or 541-388-6651. FOSTERGRANDPARENTS PROGRAM:Steve Guzanskis, 541-678-5483. GIRL SCOUTS:541-389-8146. GIRLS ONTHE RUN OF DESCHUTES COUNTY:www.deschutescountygotr. org or info@deschutescountygotr. org. GRANDMA'S HOUSE: 541-383-3515. HEALTHYBEGINNINGS:ww w.myhb. org or 541-383-6357. HIGH DESERTTEENS VOLUNTEER PROGRAM:www. highdesertmuseum.org or 541-382-4757. IEP PARTNERS:Carmelle Campbell at the Oregon Parent Training and Information Center, 888-505-2673. J BAR J LEARNINGCENTER: Rick Buening, rbuening@jbarj.org or 541-389-1409. JUNIPERSWIM & FITNESS CENTER: Kim, 541-706-6127. KIDS CENTER: Lisa Weare, Iweare© kidscenter.org,541-383-5958. LA PINEHIGHSCHOOL:Jeff Bockert, jeff.bockert©bend.k12.or.us or 541-355-8501. MEADOWLARK MANOR:Peggy Kastberg, 541-382-7025. MOUNTAINSTAR FAMILY RELIEF NURSERY:541-322-6820. NEIGHBORIMPACT: 541-548-2380, ext. 115. OREGON STATEUNIVERSITY EXTENSIONSERVICE:541548-6088, 541-447-6228 or 541-475-3808. OREGON STATEUNIVERSITY MASTERGARDENERVOLUNTEER PROGRAM:http://extension. oregonstate.edu/deschutes or 541-548-6088. READ TOGETHER: 541-388-7746. REDMOND HIGHSCHOOL: 541-923-4807. REDMOND LEARNINGCENTER: Zach Sartin, 541-923-4854. REDMOND YOUNGLIFE: 541-923-8530. SCHOOL-TO-CAREER PARTNERSHIP:Kent Child, 541-355-4 I 58. SMART (STARTMAKING A READER TODAY):www.getsmartoregon.org or 541-355-5600. TRILLIUM FAMILYSERVICES: 503-205-0194. VIMA LUPWAHOMES: www. lupwahomes.org or 541-420-9634. YOUTH CHOIROF CENTRAL OREGON:541-385-0470.

ANIMALS AND ENVIRONMENT BEND SPAY& NEUTERPROJECT: 54 I -617-1010. BRIGHTSIDEANIMAL CENTER: volunteer@brightsideanimals.org or 541-923-0882. CAT RESCUE,ADOPTION & FOSTER TEAM (CRAFT):www.craftcats.org, 541-389-8420 or541-598-5488. CHIMPS, INC.:www.chimps-inc.org or 541-410-4122. DESCHUTESLANDTRUST: www.deschuteslandtrust.org or 54 I -330-0017. DESCHUTESNATIONAL FOREST: Jean Nelson-Dean, 541-383-5576. EAST CASCADES AUDUBON SOCIETY:www.ecaudubon.org or 541-241-2190. THE ENVIRONMENTALCENTER: www.envirocenter.org or 54I-385-6908. EQUINEOUTREACH HORSE RESCUE OF BEND: www.equineoutreach. com or joan©equineoutreach.com or 54 I-419-37 I7. HEALINGREINS THERAPEUTIC RIDING CENTER: Darcy Justice, 541-382-9410. HUMANE SOCIETYOF CENTRAL OREGON:Jen, jennifer@hsco.org or 541-382-3537. HUMANE SOCIETYOF THE OCHOCOS:541-447-7178. JUNIPERGROUP SIERRA CLUB: 541-389-9115. PRINEVILLE BLM:www.blm.gov/or/ districts/prineville/recreation/host. php or 541-416-6700. STEWARDSHIPFOR SUSTAINABLE BAGGING:LexaMcAllister, Imcallister@cocc.edu or 54I-914-6676. SUNRIVERNATURECENTER& OBSERVATORY:541-593-4442. VOLUNTEER CAMPGROUND HOST POSITIONS: Tom Mottl, 541-416-6859.

HEALTH AMERICAN CANCERSOCIETY: Charlie Johnson, 541-434-3114. AMERICANREDCROSS: 54 I -749-4 I11. DESCHUTESCOUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT: Tuesday Johnson, Tuesday Johnson@co.deschutes. or.us or 541-322-7425. FRIENDSWITH FLOWERS OF OREGON: www. friendswithflowersoforegon.com or 541-480-8700. HOSPICEOF REDMONDSISTERS:www.redmondhospice. org or Volunteer Coordinator at 54 I -548-7483. MOUNTAIN VIEW HOSPITAL: JoDee Tittle, 541-475-3882, ext. 5097. MOUNTAINVIEW HOSPITAL HOSPICE: 541-460-4030 or Tori Schultz, tschultz@mvhd.org or 541475-3882, ext. 5327. NATIONALALLIANCE ON MENTAL ILLNESS— CENTRAL OREGON: Eileen White, namicentraloregon@ gmail.com. NEWBERRY HOSPICE: 54'I-536-7399. PARTNERS INCARE:www. partnersbend.org or Sarah Peterson at 541-382-5882. RELAY FOR LIFE: Stefan Myers, 54I-504-4920. ST. CHARLES INBENDAND ST. CHARLES INREDMOND: 541-706-6354. VOLUNTEERS INMEDICINE: Kristi, 54 I -585-9008.

ARTS, MUSIC, CULTURE AND HERITAGE 88.9KPOV, BEND'S COMMUNITY RADIO STATION: info@kpov.org or 541-322-0863. ART COMMITTEEOF THE REDMOND FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY: Linda Barker, 541-312-1064. ARTS CENTRALSTATION: 54 l-617-1317. CASCADESTHEATRICALCOMPANY: 54 I -389-0803. CENTRAL OREGONSYMPHONY ASSOCIATION:Julie, 541-383-7779. DES CHUTESHISTORICAL MUSEUM: 541-389-1813, 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tuesdaythrough Saturday. DESCHUTESPUBLICLIBRARY SYSTEM:541-312-1032. FRIENDS OF THE BEND LIBRARIES: www.fobl.org or Meredith Shadrach at 541-617-7047. HIGH DESERT CHAMBER MUSIC:Isabelle Senger, www. highdesertchambermusic.com, info@ highdesertchambermusic.com or 54 I -306-3988. HIGH DESERTMUSEUM: 54 I -382-4754. LA PINEPUBLICLIBRARY: Cindylu, 54 I-317- I097. LATINOCOMMUNITY ASSOCIATION: Brad, volunteer©latca.org or 541-382-4366. THE NATUREOFWORDS: www.thenatureofwords.org or 54 I-330-438 I. REDMOND FRIENDSOF THE LIBRARY:541-3 I2-1060. REDMONDINTERCULTURAL EXCHANGE (R.I.C.E.): Barb, bonitodia@msn.com or 541-447-0732. TOWER THEATREFOUNDATION: 54 I -317-0700.

HUMAN SERVICES ABILITREE:volunteer©abilitree.org or 541-388-8103, ext. 217. AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL:Philip Randall, 541-388-1793. ASSISTANCELEAGUEOFBEND: 541-389-2075. BEND COMMUNITYCENTER: Sherry Fisher, volunteer© bendscommunitycenter.org or

54 I -312-2084. BETHLEHEM INN: www. bethleheminn.org or 541-322-8768. BRIDGINGGAPS: bendbridginggaps©gmail.com or 54 I -314-4277. CENTER FORCOMPASSIONATE LIVING (PREVIOUSLYPEACE CENTER OFCENTRAL OREGON): www.compassionatecenter.org or Beth Hansen, 541-923-6677. CENTRALOREGONVETERANS OUTREACH: covo.org©gmail.com or 541-383-2793. DEPARTMENTOFHUMAN SERVICES/VOLUNTEERSERVICES: Therese Helton, Therese.M.Helton@ state,or.us or 541-693-8988. DEPARTMENT OFHUMAN SERVICES/VOLUNTEERSERVICES CROOK COUNTY:Valerie Dean, 541447-3851, ext. 427. DISABLEDAMERICANVETERANS (DAV):Don Lang, 541-647-1002. FAMILYKITCHEN:Cindy Tidball, cindyt©bendcable.com or 541-610-6511. FAMILY RESOURCE CENTER: 541-389-5468. HUMAN DIGNITYCOALITION: 54 I -385-3320. HUNGERPREVENTION COALITION:Marie, info@ hungerpreventioncoalition.org or 541-385-9227. LA PINECOMMUNITY KITCHEN: 541-536-1 312. NEIGHBORIMPACT: chrisq© neighborimpact.org or 541-548-2380, ext. 106. PEACEBRIDGES, INC., BEND: www.abridgetopeace.org or John C. Schwechten at 541-383-2646. PFLAG CENTRALOREGON: www.pflagcentraloregon.org or 54 I -317-2334. RONALD MCDONALD HOUSE: Teresa, 541-318-4950. SAVING GRACE: 541-382-9227 or 541-504-2550. SOROPTIMISTINTERNATIONAL OF BEND:www.sibend.org, president© sibend.org or 541-728-0820. ST. VINCENT DEPAULSOCIAL SERVICES:541-389-6643. VOLUNTEER CONNECT:www. volunteerconnectnow.org or 54 I -385-8977. WINNINGOVER ANGER & VIOLENCE: www.winningover.org or 541-382-1 943. WOMEN'S RESOURCECENTER OF CENTRALOREGON:541-385-0750.


GOVERNMENT, CITY AND COMMUNITY THE CITIZENREVIEWBOARD(CRB): crb.volunteer.resources@ojd.state. or.us or 888-530-8999. CITY OFBEND:Cheryl Howard, choward©ci.bend.or.us or 541-388-5505. DESCHUTES COUNTYVICTIMS' ASSISTANCEPROGRAM: Diane Stecher, 541-317-3186 or 541 -388-6525. DESCHUTESRIVER WOODS NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION: www.drwna.org or Barbara at info© drwna.org or 541-382-0561. JEFFERSON COUNTYCRIME VICTIMS' ASSISTANCE PROGRAM: Tina Farrester, 541-475-4452, ext. 4108. JEFFERSONCOUNTYVOLUNTEER SERVICES: Therese Helton,541-4756131, ext. 208. LA PINERURAL FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT:Volunteer Coordinator, 541-536-2935. ORCHARDDISTRICT NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION: www.orcharddistrictneighborhood. com. SUNRIVERAREACHAMBEROF COMMERCE:54I-593-8149. VISIT BEND: www.visitbend.com or 541-382-8048.

MISCELLANY CENTRAL OREGONLOCAVORE: www.centraloregonlocavore.com or Niki at info@centraloregonlocavore. com or 541-633-0674. HIGH DESERTSPECIAL OLYMPICS: 54 I -749-65 I7. OREGON ADAPTIVESPORTS: www.oregonadaptivesports.org, info©oregonadaptivesports.org or 541-306-4774. SACRED ARTOF LIVING CENTER: 541-383-4179. TUMALO LANGLAUFCLUB:Tom Carroll, 541-385-7981.

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Breeder hits the sweet spot with Cotton Candygrapes By David Pierson Los Angeles Times

LOS ANGELES — It's not easy peddling fresh fruit to a nation of junk-food addicts. But in rural Kern County, Calif., David Cain is working to win the stomachs and wallets

of U.S. grocery shoppers. Cain is a fruit breeder. His latest invention is called the Cotton Candy grape. Bite into one of these green globes and the taste triggers the unmistakable sensation of eating a

puffy, pink ball of spun sugar. By marrying select traits across thousands of nameless trial grapes, Cain and other breeders have developed patented varieties that

Geneticist David Cain spearheads efforts at International Fruit Genetics in Delano, Calif., marrying select traits across thousands of nameless trial grapes, seeking varieties that pack

pack enough sugar they may

againstcandy bars and cookies," he said.

Anne Cusack i Los Angeles Times

enough sugar to capture consumer tastes. "We're competing

as well be Skittles on the vine. That's no accident. "We're competing against candy bars and cookies," said Cain, 62, a former scientist at the U.S. Department of Agriculture who now heads research atprivately owned International Fruit Genetics in Bakersfield, Calif. In an i ntensely competitive marketplace, breeding and branding have become almost as valuable to farmers as sun and soil. Producers are constantly tinkering, hoping to come up with the next Cuties Clementine orange or Honeycrisp apple — distinct products that stand out in the crowded fruit aisle. " People are l ooking f o r more flavor," said Mark Carroll, senior director for produce and floral at Gelson's Markets, which will carry the Cotton Candy grape. "Once they get hooked, they want more no matter what." C ain's company, i n t h e heart of California's $1.1 billion table grape industry, specializes in bold flavors and exotic shapes. Purple-hued Funny Fingers are long and thin like chili peppers. A variety named Sweet Sapphire come as round and fat as D batteries. Like th e C o tton Candy, the special varieties are patented, then licensed




/ II

"It's a bit like fishing. You never know when you're going to get the big one," said Cain, a soft-spoken man who would look every bit the lab coat-clad scientist if it weren't for the soil under his nails. Fruit breeders have made C alifornia No. I wh e n i t comes to grapes. Almost all the table grapes commercially grown in the U.S. come from the Golden State, which grape. shipped a record 100 million The U .S . d e signer-fruit boxes last year. craze kicked into high gear Still, to stay competitive in the late 1980s. That's when in the nation's lunchboxes, a Californian plum-apricot growers must keep develophybrid called the pluot hit ing new tastes. the market. The crispy stone After five more years of fruit, which took 20 years test planting, th e C o t ton to develop, proved such a Candy was patented in 2010. hit with consumers that it A Bakersfield grower is set inspired more farmers to in- to harvest the first large crop vest in breeding programs to this month. boost sales. Cain doesn't like to fuss Not to be confused with over such milestones, but the GMO e ngineering, c r oss- Cotton Candy has him jazzed. breeding techniques em- He thinks its signature flavor ployed by fruitbreeders are has a chance to hook consumcenturies old. In the case of ers like nothing before. "It's going to be introduced grapes, pollen from male grape flowers is extracted slowly," Cain said. "Whether and then carefully brushed it will be a niche grape or onto the female clusters of the start a revolution is hard to target plant. Then comes a lot say. What we're hoping is it of waiting. Then replanting. will do for grapes what all Then repeating the process these new varieties have done — for years, even decades. for fruit like apples." to growers. The Funny Fingers are marketed as Witch Fingers and are available at high-end supermarkets. The Cotton Candy will be available this month. Ordinary grapes like the red Flame Seedlesscan cost as little as 88 cents a pound. The Cotton Candy could fetch around $6 a pound, though prices would come down if enough growers cultivate the











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W HEN TO LOOK FOR IT: pudlishing four editions ayear August 28, November 13

From itsheritage tothearts, there's somethingfor everyonein Redmond. Four times a year, Redmond Magazine is published to highlight the businesses and individuals vvho work to build a strong community. The publication features a calendar Cjf COmmunity eVentS,

personality features and insight into "hidden treasures" around Redmond.



TOWNOFSISTERS Sisters Magazinehonorsthe uniquenessof this mountaintown. Sisters Magazine is the area's foremost resource for events, activities, artists and businessesthat make up the backbone of this small mountain town. In the coming year, each edition will highlight Sisters' events that draw thousands to the area.

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W HEN TO LOOK FOR IT: pudlishing four editions ayear

August 23 (September in Sisters), November 15 (A Cowboy Christmas)




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TV SPOTLIGHT "Breaking Bad" 9 p.m. Sunday,AMC By John Crook © Zap2it

AMC's "Breaking Bad" begins its final eight-episode run Sunday with a disconcerting flash-forward scene, as Walter White (Bryan Cranston) pulls up in front of the now-abandoned White family h ome, driving the car we saw him pick up from a Denny's parking lot at the start of Season 5. You may remember that car, because it had a machine gun in the trunk. It still does. The action then flashes back to where we left things at the end of last summer. While a family cookout is in progress at the same home, Walt's brotherin-law, Hank (Dean Norris), stumbles across an inscribed book that holds a clue directly linking Walt to the shadowy drug lord known as Heisen-



Submitted photo

Aaron Paul stars in "Breaking Bad," returning Sunday on AMC.

him his fifth nomination. "For instead of a bullet in his back." the first time in his life, he has If Walt and Skyler are living, money in his pocket. He can however briefly,in a serene intimidate another person. He fool's paradise, things are far is a powerful man, respected more tensefor Walt's former and feared. partner in crime, Jesse Pink" Skyler's quiet logic and man (two-time Emmy winner compassion, her almost silent Aaron Paul). Jesse has figured pleading, make him realize, out that Walt murdered their berg. Struggling to suppress a 'Oh, I did get carried away, f ormer associate Mike E h full-blown panic attack, Hank didn't I?' They look at the enor- rmantraut, who had become pleads indigestion and rushes mous block of money hidden something of a father figure to wife Marie (Betsy Brandt) out in their storage facility, and Jesse. And now, having seen the door and into their car, they both say they have no how Walt is tying up "loose ends" that can connect him to leaving Walt and his wife, Sky- idea how much it is. Certainly ler (Anna Gunn), to continue it's more money than he ever Heisenberg, Jesse understandhoping that they somehow can can spend, so that was a wake- ably worries that he may be leave his violent past behind up call, and he knows that he next on the list. "Jesse is absolutely terrified and enjoy being a family. can spend whatever little time "Certainly Walter's ego has he has left with his wife and of Walt," says Paul, currently been fed," says Cranston, a t wo children, trying t o g et up for his third Emmy as best three-time Emmy winner for back into her good graces and supporting actor. "Jesse knows this role, which recentlyearned go out with a smile on his face that Walt was behind all those


ina e

murders in the prisons, that Walt is a very dangerous man and just an evil, evil being. So when we come back, Jesse doesn't trust Walt a bit, and he's ready to protect himself. You can't believe how brutal the sprint is to the finish line. It's just pretty wild where 'Breaking Bad' is going this year." Since the cast members very rarely learned what was coming until they received each episode, they anxiously tore into each script as they got it. "As we came into these final eight, I think all of us had a sense of 'Oh, God, what's going to happen to all these people?'" says Gunn, who recently got her second Emmy nod as Skyler. "Both the actors who had played these roles, but also the characters themselves, because we had come to careabout them. We wondered who was going to make it. I was on pins and needles the whole time." When seriescreator Vince Gilligan finished writing the script for the very last episode, Cranston and Paul got together at the former's condo to read it together out loud, partly for a documentary that will b e a part of the "Breaking Bad" home video set but also for sentimental reasons. "I ordered Greek food, and we're having a cocktail, and we're kind of anxious to start, and yet not wanting to start, as Aaron puts it, because once we do, that's the last one, and

our's a crow w en visitin a find a way to get out of the visit, but we don't want to hurt our dad, and because of the visitation agreement, he has the right to have us for two weeks every summer. What can we do? — Uncomfortable in California Dear U n comfortable: Of this I amsure, your father and his partner will welcome you with open arms and do everything in their power to show you agood time. You and your sister should go and try to be graciousguests. I agree,the space may be cramped, but it's only for two weeks. After they marry, they may move to larger quarters. If you don't enjoy the visit, keep in mind that in two years you will be 18 and no longer "obligated" to spend three weeks with your dad. But if you give this a chance, you may be very pleasantly surprised, so think positive. Dear Abby: My father-in-law is

considering having my two precious little girls' names tattooed on his arm. I'm not a fan of tattoos and would prefer my daughters' names not be displayed in this manner.



Do my husband and I have a right to ask him not to do this? Our history with him hasn't been the most pleasant because he can be manipulative and hard to deal with. I'm afraid if we tell him we are opposed, it will encourage him all the more to get the tattoo. How should we approach this without causing a ruckus? — Against It in Oklahoma Dear Against It: You can offer your opinion, but there is no way you and your husband can control what he does with his body. Becausethe subject has already come up for discussion, it would not be rude to raise it again and explain NICELYthat if he hasn't done ityet, you would preferthe girls'names not be displayed that way. Of course, the decision is his to make, and while it may not be to your liking, I'm sure your father-inlaw considers it to be a loving gesture and a sign (literally) that he's proud of his granddaughters. If the tattoo has already been applied, then please, for the sake of family harmony, try to view it from that perspective. — Write to Dear Abby at dearabby.com or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles,CA 90069

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

** * S tep backsome. You need more year you often find yourself brainstorming private time to accomplish whatyou want By Jacquetine Bigar with others. You also like sharing stories and also to relax. Consider including a frivolous activity or two. A conversation and catching up on news with neighbors and relatives. You will renew your daily life Clearly you want something different from revolving around a domestic issue could in order to make the other party. Money is one of the major have you feeling angry or pushed to your Stars showthe kind it more exciting limits. Tonight: Be willing to disappear. issues. Tonight: You don't need to go far. of day you'll have and meaningful. If SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) ** * * * D ynamic you are single, you CANCER (June21-July 22) ** * * C o nversations will help you ** * * Y ou'll want to run errands right ** * * P ositive wi l l meet a lot of understand others and allowyou to help away. Pl ans eas i l y coul d be made, as you ** * A verage peo p le and attract them resolve their differences. You might might run into someone you would like to ** So-so many admirers. be wondering how to eliminate a barrier. have coffee with. Invitations to join others * Difficult You might want to Why not just decide that it doesn't exist? seem to come in from all directions. date more rather It will dissolve with more relaxation. Choose where you want to be. Tonight: than commit. If you are attached, make Let the party happen wherever you want. Tonight: Be where people are. sure that you spend plenty of time with CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) your sweetie; otherwise, he or she could ** * * M ake your best effort to draw ** * * You could feel put off by a feel left out. LIBRA always loves visiting friend's attitude. You might wonder what someone in. You will find that by asking with you. is necessary to make asituation work. Pull the right questions, you will understand ARIES (March 21-April19) back after indicating your preferences. where this person is coming from. A ** * * M a ke ityour pleasure to defer You'll be full of energy, but do not apply it discussion could help you both relax. to others. In many ways, you are so to a control game. Let others work through The problem might revolve around a responsible that you need to practice their issues. Tonight: A must appearance. domestic matter. Tonight: Out in your letting go more often. A boss or parent neighborhood. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Fed. 18) could become unusually contrary. The ** * * I f you are thinking about someone VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) question remains: How would you like to ata distance, pick up the phoneand call ** * You could be taken aback by a respond? Tonight: Finally, time to unwind him or her. Do not stand on ceremony, friend's provocative style. Perhaps you at home. evenifyouhave had adisagreement.Mend have tried initiating discussions about this TAURUS (April 20-May 20) bridges. Do not get tied up in someone's in the past to no avail. You might be best ** * You need some time to mellow out. power play. Tonight: Squeezing in all of off letting this person revel in his or her Use today for just that, though you might challenging mood. Try not to get pulled in. your invitations might not be possible. need to get a few errands done first. You Tonight: Just don't stress yourself out. PISCES (Fed. 19-March 20) couldbecontacted by someone you care ** * * You could be taken aback by a LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) about, but keep in mind that he or she might be unusually controlling, especially ** * * * Y ou'll finally feel as if you have partner or friend's feisty attitude. Have a long-overdue conversation with a loved cleared up a problem. You might be far now. Tonight: Out at a fun happening. more upbeat than you have been lately. A one.You do notalwaysneedto seeeyeto GEMINI (May 21-June20) eye with this person, but it is important conversation in the morning could mark ** * You might opt to stay close to to have mutual respect. Tonight: Invite a a new beginning. Be careful with a hothome or somewhere you can enjoy tempered family member in the afternoon. favorite person over for dinner. yourself. You will see a situation evolve Tonight: Let the good times roll! that could force your hand financially. ©20t3 by King Features Syndicate

8 p.m. on HALL, "Cedar Cove" — A man covered in blood shows up at the Thymeand Tide late at night andwantsa room .Bob and Peggy (Bruce Boxleitner, Barbara Niven) are uneasybut agree to let him stay and dealwith the details in the morning — but by then he's dead. As Sheriff Davis investigates, Jack (Dylan Neal) gets busy onthe story. Justine (SarahSmyth) is on the verge of acareer changewhen her artwork gets two big votes of confidence in the newepisode "Suspicious Minds."

we just didn't want that to happen," Cranston says. "We owned these characters, and we didn't want to let go. It's almost as if we're being evicted. On the one side, it's coming to an end in a really satisfactory way, but in another, it's being pulled out of our grip." "When Bryan read the final page, where it said, 'End of Series,' we just stared at each other without talking for a good 10 to 15 seconds," Paul recalls. "'Breaking Bad' will hands down be the highlight of my career. It's all downhill from here, although I don't say that as a bad thing. I say it as a proud thing. 'Breaking Bad' will always be at the top." The actors say they're very satisfied with the way Gilligan and his writing team are bringing the saga of Walter White to a close, and they're confident the show's fans will be equally

9 p.m. on AMC, "Hell on Wheels" — The third seasonopenswith a two-hour episode, which finds Cullen andElam(Anson Mount, Common) securing railroad jobs in New York,while Durant(Colm Meaney) battles for his legacy from prison. BenEsler also stars in "Big Bad Wolf; Eminent Domain." 9p.m. onHALL, Movie:"Reading, Writing 5 Romance" — A struggling actor goes to work asa substitute teacher to paythe bills. He likes the job, and heespecially likes a certain other teacher he meets. Eventually, however, he gets the big acting opportunity he's beenwaiting for — and now he has someheart-wrenching decisions to make.Eric Mabius, Virginia Williams, Stefanie Powers and Meredith Baxter star in this new romance.

pleased. "Peoplekept askingme, 'How would you like this show to end?' and I would always reply, 'However Vince Gilligan would like for it to end,"' Gunn says. "I think people will be blown away but also feel that it's absolutely right. It falls in line with everything else that the show has been and always was." "I am very satisfied (with the ending)," Cranston says. "It ends in a very unapologetic 'Breaking Bad' manner. I think fans are going to sit back and go, 'Yep. Yep, that's the way it should end.'"

9 p.m.on OPBPL,"Austin City Limits" — RosanneCash performs songs from her album "The List," which is based ona list of songs her famousfather, Johnny, considered essential to a country singer's repertoire. They include "500 Miles," "DreamsAre Not My Home," and "I'm Movin' On." Singer-songwriter Brandi Carlile also pays a tribute of sorts to Johnny Cash, including his classic "Folsom Prison Blues" in her debut set on the "ACL" stage.


9 p.m. on HBO, Movie: "Clear History" — Larry David stars in this comedy as a former car companyexecutivewhosuff ered a very public personal and professional humiliation. Tenyears after changing his nameand starting his life over, his past is about to catch up with him big-time. Jon Hamm also stars.

• There may beanadditional fee for 3-0 and IMAXmovies. • Movie times are subject to changeafter press time. I

Dear Abby: I'm 16 and have a 13-year-old sister. Ou r p a r ents are divorced, and we live with our mother. Weused to see our dad on visitations every other weekend, but he moved away, so now we see him for two weeks in the summer and one week during ChristDEAR mas. We talk to him ABBY a lot and have a good relationship. W e're s cheduled t o v i s i t him soon. Dad lives in a one-bedroom apartment, and when we're there, he lets us stay in the bedroom and he sleeps on the couch. He has just told us he is "coming out of the closet" and has a partner who is living with him. They plan on getting married now that it's legaL When I asked him what the sleeping arrangements will be, he said he hasn't figured it out yet but will work it out. We're really not surprised to find out that Dad is gay, and we can accept that. But we're really uncomfortable about spending two weeks in a one-bedroom apartment along with his partner when we don't even know what the sleeping arrangements will be. We'd like to




Regal Old Mill Stadium16 fl IMAX,680S.W. Powerhouse Drive, 541-382-6347

• 2 GUNS (R) 1, 3:45, 7:30, 10:05 • THE CONJURING (R) 1:05, 4:10, 7:45, 10:20 • DESPICABLE ME(PG) 2 11:20 a.m., 2:10, 6:20, 9:05 • ELYSIUM (R) 12:25, 3:05, 6:35, 9:30 • ELYSIUM IMAX (R) 12:45, 4:05, 7, 9:45 • GROWN UPS 2 (PG- l3) 12:35, 3:35, 7:35, 10: I0 • THE HEAT (R) 12: I0, 3, 6:10, 9:20 • PACIFIC RIM (PG-13) 7: IO, IO:10 • PERCY JACKSON:SEA OFM ONSTERS (PG)11:45a.m., 2:25, 6:05, 9:15 • PERCY JACKSON:SEAOF MONSTERS3-0 (PG) l2:05, 2:45, 6:45 • PLANES (PG) 11:15 a.m., 1:35, 3:55, 6:25, 9 • PLANES 3-0 (PG) 11:35 a.m., 2:15, 4:35 • RED 2 (PG-13) 12:50, 3:30, 7:15, 9:55 • R.I.P.D. (PG-13) IO:25 • THE SMURFS (PG) 2 11:50a.m., 2:35, 6 • THE SMURFS3-D 2 (PG)9:10 • TURBO (PG) 11:30 a.m., 2, 4:20 • WE'RE THE MILLERS (R) 12:15, 2:55, 6:50, 7:50, 9:35, 10:25 • THE WOLVERINE (PG-13) 11:55 a.m., 3:15, 7:20, 10:15 • Accessibility devices are available for some movies. t





Regal Pilot Butte 6, 2717N.E.U.S. Highway 20, 541-382-6347 • FRUITVALE STATION (R) 12: I5, 3: I5, 6:15, 8:35 •THE KINGSOF SUMMER (R)12:45,3:45,6:45,8:50 •THE LONERANGER (PG-13)11:30a.m.,2:30,5:30,8:30 • STAR TREK INTODARKNESS(PG-13) Noon, 3, 6, 8:45 • THE WAY WAYBACK(PG-13) 12:30, 3:30, 6:30, 9 • WORLD WAR Z(PG-13)11:45a.m.,2:45,5:45,8:25 I


McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W.Bond St., 541-330-8562 • THE BLING RING (R) 9:15 • MONSTERS UNIVERSITY (G) 11:30 a.m., 2:30 • STAR TREK INTODARKNESS(PG-13) 6 • After 7 p.m., shows are21and older only. Younger than 21 mayattendscreenings before 7 pm. if accompanied bya legal guardian. t


Tin Pan Theater, 869 N.W.Tin PanAlley, 541-241-2271 • BYZANTIUM (R) 4:30, 9: I5 • FAR OUTISN'TFAR ENOUGH: THE TOMI UNGERER STORY(no MPAArating) 2:30 • THE WALL (no MPAA rating) 7 I



Redmond Cinemas,1535 S.W.OdemMedo Road, 541-548-8777 • PERCY JACKSON: SEAOF MONSTERS (PG)11:30a.m., 1:45, 4, 6:15, 8:30 • PLANES (PG) 11:45 a.m., 2, 4:15, 6:30, 8:45 • THESMURFS2 (PG)Noon,2:15,4:30, 6:45,9 • WE'RETHE MILLERS (R)11:30a.m.,2,4:30,7,9:30 Sisters Movie House, 720 Desperado Court, 541-549-8800 • 2 GUNS (R) 3:30, 5:45, 8 • ELYSIUM (R) 3, 5: l5, 7:45 • PLANES (PG) 2:45, 5, 7:15 • RED 2 (PG-13) 7:30 • THE SMURFS 2 (PG)3, 5:15 t/

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Madras Cinema 5,1101S.W. U.S. Highway97, 541-475-3505 • 2 GUNS (R) Noon, 2:15, 4:30, 7, 9:20 • ELYSIUM (R) 12:20, 2:40, 5, 7:20, 9:40 • PERCY JACKSON:SEA OFM ONSTERS (PG)11:50a.m., 4:25, 6:40 • PERCY JACKSON:SEAOF MONSTERS3-0 (PG)2:IO, 9:05 • PLANES (PG) I2:50, 2:50, 4:50, 6:50, 9 • THE SMURFS (PG) 2 12:05, 2:25, 4:50, 7:10, 9:35 •

10 p.m. on A&E, "Psychic Tia" — A doubleheader of new episodes openswith "For the Love of a Child," in which Tiapays a rare visit to someone's home.She delivers a life-changing messageto the occupants — ayoung couple who lost their little boy to cancer. Another client receives awarning about a car accident in her future

Pine Theater, 214 N.Main St., 541-416-1014 • PERCY JACKSON: SEAOF MONSTERS (UPSTAIRS — PG)1,4,7 • PLANES (PG) 12:45, 3, 5:10, 7:30 • Theupstairs screeningroomhaslimited accessibility.



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Megan Park is in Redmond at SW 23rd Street and NW Glen Oak Avenue. New Homes are starting from $169,990. Obsidian Ridge in East Bend at 21205 Keyte Road off 27th Avenuejust south of Butler Market offers homes starting in the $190s. For information on Megan Park or Obsidian Ridge contact Valerie Skelton at (541)516-4303. Hayden Homes is C entral Oregon's Hometown Builder.


I• I I

This impressive custom contemporary with beautiful finishes & impeccable design offers an open floor plan, a chef's kitchen, a spacious master suite, walls of windows capturing the spectacular views, including the 4th &. 7th Fairways of Lost Tracks on 1.14 acres in Sunset View Estates. The interior features granite, stone tile, hand glazed walls, custom cabinets, walnut finished floors, stainless steel appliances! Enjoy the private paver patios, beautiful gardens, and privacy this home offers. This home entertains beautifully inside and out! Offered at $850,000.

l• l

t/'Qwifi )l lt j"


Paid Advertisement

Homeowners who want to give t h ei r k i t c hens a brand-new look without the expense or the hassle of a full-scale renovation often gravitate t o w ar d k i t c hen cabinet refacing. Cabinet refacing is less expensive and m ore ecofriendly than a full replacement of existing cabinets, and experts estimate refaci ng c o st s r o u g hl y t w o thirds less than a complete cabinet renovation. Refacing involves replacing the doors and d r awer f r o nts of existing cabinets during which the cabinet boxes are veneered to match the wood color chosen forthe refacing, w h il e t h e s t r u cture and layout of the cabinets remains unchanged. Essentially the kitchen footprint will remain the same as it was before the refinishing took place. Kitchens ar e p o p u l ar r ooms i n t h e h o m e a n d much of the renovation investment made in the kitchen can be recuperated at resale. Homeowners looking to put their homes up for sale soon may find cabinet refacing is beneficial, as it is a relatively quick renovation that can reap big rewards. Homeowners have options when refacing their cabinets. While some projects, such as stripping off old paint an d r e painting, can be a do-it-yourself project, refacing cabinets may be best left to the professionals. Veneer work, which is often p ar t o f c a b i n et refacing, is not a skill one can learn overnight, and it often requires the hand of a professionalcarpenter. M any cabinets can b e resurfaced suc c essfully. O lder cabinets are p r i m e c andidates, a s t h e y of ten are more sturdy than newer cabinets. In general, cabinets can be refaced as long as their substructures are sound. In addition to providing a new look for the kitchen, cabinet refacing is an ecof riendly p r o ject. B y no t demolishing existing cabinetry, homeowners are preventing old materials from ending up in landfills while















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The use of lighter colored woods is a trend that is becoming more popular in the high desert as seen here in this home built by George Welch Construction featured weeks ago in the 2013 COBATour of Homes. Below, Timberline Construction opted for high-contrast design in their kitchen also featured on this year's tour. Painted cabinets were featured at several high-end custom homes on the tour. Photos by Nicole Werner

saving trees from being cut down to construct new cabinets. Refacing also reduces the amount of chemical products used in the building of new cabinets, including stains, adhesives and chemically treated wood. Homeownerscanchoose among wood, veneer,metal, and even glass doors as replacements in the kitchen. Coupling cabinet refacing w ith r e placement o f o l d appliances can completely transform the appearance of the kitchen in relatively little time. Many r efacing projects go as follows: • Measurements are taken and technical d r a wings a re made s o t h a t n e w c abinet m a t e rial s c a n b e manufactured to t h e kitchen's exact specifications. • Homeowners choose the type of finish they prefer for the new cabinetry. • M anufacturing t akes place, and h o meowners will schedule a time when the work will commence. • Existing doors and drawer fronts will be removed and recycled or disposed of. • If cabinet frames and boxes need to be repaired in any way, some refacing companies will take care of this. • Cabinet boxes and frames are covered ina matching v eneer or p l a stic l a m i nate. • The new doors and drawer frontsare installed, as are new h a n dles, pulls and moldings to complete the look. Several CentralOregon remodel companies specialize i n c a b i net r e f acing. H omeowners should r equest e s t i mates f r o m p otential c a n didates a n d review workmanship prior to hiring a particular com-

pany. C abinet refacing is of ten a fast, relatively inexpensive renovation project. It can improve the appearance and functionality of a kitchen in a small amount of time, while also improving the value of a home.

If you are a Rental Property Owner, Iinv ite you to call me. •

I •


4 beds, 2.5 baths, custom stone fireplace in family room off kitchen, fully applianced kitchenwith butcher block, center island, A/C,W/D hook-upsupstairs, double car garage.


3 beds, 2.5 baths, charming NE Bendhomefeature views of Pilot Butte! Fully appliancedkitchen, forced air heating, washer/dryer included, doublecargarage.

3 beds, 2.5baths, home locatedin Bend's southeast sidein CascadeGardens Phase. Fullyappliancedkitchen, gas fireplacein theliving room, fencedyard, doublecar garage.

3 beds, 2 baths, family room, office, air conditioning, master suite has aHUGE walk-in shower with custom tile, oversized soaking tub, and dual sinks, wood stove in Irvmg room,W/Dhook-ups, double car garage.



• • •



4 beds, 3.5 baths, fully applianced kitchenwith stainless steel appliances, gas fireplace, hardwood floors, tenant pays utilities and maintains the yard, double car garage.

s I ' '

e I I:

4 beds, Z5 baths, stainless steel appliances tt granite counters, family room with a fireplace, A/Candforced heat, large fencedyard.

3 Beds, Z5 baths, fully applianced kitchen with stainless steel appliances, gas fireplace in the living room downstairs, views of Pilot Butte, double car garage, W/Dhook ups,


4 beds, 4 baths, 2 private offices, formal dining room, hot tub, covered front porch, attached doublecargarage, detached singlecar garage sm with covered wood storage, - RV parking, & storageshed.

• g

g •

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I •


fenced backyard. I • •

I pledge to strongly represent your management interests and surpass your expectations ... Always. You have my word on it.


TO PLACE AN AD CALL CLASSIFIED• 5 41-385-580 9 730



New Listings Commercial/Investment Homes for Sale Properties for Sale Sunriver j $269,000 3118 NW Maple - 7 • 1580 sq.ft. acres zoned U H 10 Price Reduced; 94402 • 3 bedroom, 2 bath Hwy 97 N. R estau- w/potential for subdi• Conveniently located viding, $300,000. r ant, C-Store, g a s • MLS 201306561 station and RV park in TEAM Birtola Garmyn Shelly Hummel, Broker, Chemult. High Desert Realty MLS ¹ 541-312-9449 201301341 www. BendOregon Priscilla Tofte, Broker RealEstate.com 541-815-6444 Fred Real Estate Group 304 SE 3rd - Great investment property, Prime commercial Mahigh visibility on 3rd dras property. MORRIS St. $169,900 Charming building is REAL ESTATE updated. Located on TEAM Birtola Garmyn I d p d ly O d dOp High Desert Realty Hwy 97. CAT5 wire 541-312-9449 system, h a r dwood SW Redmond j www. BendOregon floors and off-street $199,000 RealEstate.com • 1512 sq.ft. parking. $1 2 9,900. • 3 bedroom, 2 bath MLS 201305319 Pam 16693 Wagon Trail Lester, Principal Bro• Views of city to Smith River Meadows townker, Century 21 Gold Rock home Chalet at a Country Realty, Inc. • MLS 201306529 great price. $149,900 541-504-1338 Lynne Connelley, TEAM Birtola Garmyn High Desert Realty Thriving Business near 541-312-9449 Downtown La Pinewww. BendOregon Newer strip mall with RealEstate.com stable tenants and older home converted 26720 Horsell - 120 prito commercial use. vate acres of Central MORRIS Over 3000 sq. ft. with Oregon beauty. REAL ESTATE a total of 4 tenants all $374,900 y&p d l y o d do p on a .4 acre parcel. TEAM Birtola Garmyn Great business opHigh Desert Realty Wyndemere j $450,000 portunity inc l uding 541-312-9449 • Custom 3704 sq.ft. land and buildings in www. BendOregon • 4 bedroom, 3.5 bath the heart of La Pine. • Cascade views, .59 RealEstate.com $ 549,900. Clyd e acre lot Browning, P r i ncipal 3149 NE Nathan • MLS 201306788 Broker, 541-480-4520 Custom 4 bdrm home John Snippen, Broker, Eagle C o m mercial w/mtn views. MBA, ABR, CRS, GRI Real Estate $397,988 541-312-7273 TEAM Birtola Garmyn 541-948-9090 740 High Desert Realty 541-312-9449 Condo/Townhomes www. BendOregon for Sale RealEstate.com

50~0~ •


RENTALS 603 - RentalAlternatives 604 - Storage Rentals 605 - RoommateWanted 616- Want To Rent 627 Vacation Rentals & Exchanges 630 - Roomsfor Rent 631 - Condominiums &Townhomes for Rent 632 - Apt./Multiplex General 634- Apt./Multiplex NEBend 636 - Apt./Multiplex NW Bend 638 - Apt./Multiplex SEBend 640 - Apt./Multiplex SW Bend 642 - Apt./Multiplex Redmond 646 - Apt./Multiplex Furnished 648- Houses for RentGeneral 650 - Housesfor Rent NEBend 652 - Housesfor Rent NWBend 654- Houses for Rent SEBend 656 - Housesfor Rent SW Bend 658 - Housesfor Rent Redmond 659 - Housesfor Rent Sunriver 660 - Housesfor Rent La Pine 661 - Housesfor Rent Prineville 662 - Houses for Rent Sisters 663 - Housesfor Rent Madras 664- Houses for RentFurnished 671 - Mobile/Mfd. for Rent 675 - RV Parking 676 -Mobile/Mfd.Space 682 - Farms, Ranches andAcreage 687 - Commercial for Rent/Lease 693 - Office/Retail Space for Rent REAL ESTATE 705- Real Estate Services 713 - Real Estate Wanted 719 - Real Estate Trades 726 - Timeshares for Sale 730 - New Listings 732 - Commercial Properties for Sale 738- Multiplexes for Sale 740 -Condominiums & Townhomes forSale 744 - Open Houses 745- Homes for Sale 746- Northwest BendHomes 747 - SouthwestBendHomes 748- Northeast BendHomes 749- Southeast BendHomes 750 - RedmondHomes 753 - Sisters Homes 755- Sunriver/La Pine Homes 756 - JeffersonCountyHomes 757 - CrookCountyHomes 762 - Homeswith Acreage 763 - Recreational Homesand Property 764- Farms andRanches 771 - Lots 773 - Acreages 775 - Manufactured/Mobile Homes 780 - Mfd. /Mobile Homeswith Land 659

Houses for Rent Sunriver




Vacation Rentals

& Exchanges Ocean front house, each walk from town, 2 bdrm/2 bath, TV, Fireplace, BBQ. $95 per night, 3 night MIN. 208-342-6999 632

Apt./Multiplex General

Sunriver, Three Rivers, La Pine. Great Selection. Prices range $425 - $2000/mo. View our full inventory online at Village-Properfies.com 1 -866-931 - 1 061

Timeshares for Sale $9,900-$50,000 Enjoy Eagle Crest all year as a fractional owner. Benefits of being an Eagle Crest Owner at a "fraction" of the cost. Home-ID FRAC Eagle Crest Properties 866-722-3370 730

New Listings

20 Acres In Sisters j $779,000 • 2272 sq.ft. farmhouse • 3 bedroom, 2 bath • Breathtaking Cascade views • MLS 201307141

Becky Brunoe, Broker 541-350-4772


d dOp

Awbrey Butte j $1,095,000 • Expansive Cascade mountain views • 3856 sq.ft. • 3 bedroom, 3 bath • MLS 201306785

Shelly Hummel, Broker, CRS, GRI, CHMS 541-383-4361



Downtown Sisters j $269,000 • 1644 sq.ft. • 3 bedroom, 2 bath

• .21 acres across from park • MLS 201306478

Dawn Ulrickson, Broker, CRS, GRI, CHMS 541-610-9427

I dp

d lyO


d Op «d

NE Bend j $205,000 • 1593 sq.ft. craftsman • 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath • Fenced yard with

paver patio

• MLS 201306501 Darrin Kelleher, Broker

The Kelleher Group 541-788-0029



I dp

d lyO


d Op «d

NE Bend j $335,000 • 22.61 acres 693 • Indoor arena, padOffice/Retail Space docks for Rent • Private well, septic • MLS 201306708 Spectrum Profession Mark Valceschini PC, Broker, CRS, GRI al Bldg. several offices for r ent. Call 541-383-4364 Andy, 541-385-6732 or Jim at Exit Realty, •


MORRIS Need to get an REAL ESTATE ad in ASAP? I d p d lyO M d Op «d You can place it River Rim j $475,000 online at: bedroom, 2.5 bath, on the first day it runs www.bendbulletin.com • 42534 sq.ft. to make sure it is cor• Customized to perlecrect."Spellcheck" and tion 541-385-5809 human errors do oc• .21 acre cul-de-sac lot cur. If this happens to • MLS 201306541 your ad, please conPUBLISHER'S Lester Friedman PC, tact us ASAP so that NOTICE Broker, ABR, CSP, corrections and any All real estate adverEPRO, S.T.A.R. adjustments can be tising in this newspa541-330-8491 made to your ad. per is subject to the 541 -385-5809 F air H o using A c t The Bulletin Classified which makes it illegal to a d vertise "any 634 preference, limitation MORRIS disc r imination Apt./Multiplex NE Bend or REAL ESTATE based on race, color, I d p d lyO A d Op «d religion, sex, handiCall for Speciafs! cap, familial status, SE Bend j $313,000 Limited numbers avail. marital status or na- • 2666 sq.ft. single-level 1, 2 and 3 bdrms. tional origin, or an in- • 5 bedroom, 2.5 bath W/D hookups, patios tention to make any • 1 acre with shop or decks. such pre f e rence,• MLS 201306724 MOUNTAIN GLEN, limitation or discrimi- Margo Degray, Broker, 541 -383-931 3 nation." Familial staProfessionally ABR, CRS tus includes children managed by Norris 8 541-480-7355 under the age of 18 Stevens, Inc. living with parents or legal cus t o dians, USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! pregnant women, and people securing cusDoor-to-door selling with MORRIS tody of children under REAL ESTATE fast results! It's the easiest 18. This newspaper I d p d lyO H d Op «d way in the world to sell. will not knowingly accept any advertising Sunrise Village j The Bulletin Classified for real estate which is $670,000 in violation of the law. • Remodeled 3705 sq.ft. 541-385-5809 O ur r e aders ar e • 4 bedroom, 3.5 bath hereby informed that • Office 648 all dwellings adver- • MLS 201306633 Houses for tised in this newspaDeborah Benson Rent General per are available on PC, Broker, GRI, an equal opportunity Preview Specialist basis. To complain of Rented your 541-480-6448 discrimination cal l Property? The Bulletin Classifieds HUD t o l l-free at 1-800-877-0246. The has an toll f re e t e l ephone "After Hours" Line. number for the hearCall 541-383-2371 MORRIS ing im p aired is 24 Hours to REAL ESTATE 1-800-927-9275.


dd . '

Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

granite, 2 fp, stamped convenient location. place. Vaulted ceilconcrete, h i g h-end $184,950. ings, o a k c a binets. finishes. Land was in The Garner Group Great deck for enterrow crops. There is no 541-383-4360 taining. Pride of ownd riveway t o h o m e , thegarnergroup.com ership is evident, quiet needs easement, new 20917 Sage Creek Dr. 8 s e c ure s e t ting. driveway or can pur- Ridgewater neighbor- 541-480-9883 Audrey chase neighboring lot. hood, beautiful cabin- Cook, Broker Close to Pronghorn & etry, tile, h ardwood 541-923-4663 Brasada. Ce n t ral floors, master on main Windermere Teri Cravens, Broker Oregon Real Estate level, bonus room up541-610-7927 stairs, $474,900. MLS Fred Real Estate Group ¹201305556 Call a Pro The Garner Group Whether you need a 12445 Rainbow - Pri541-383-4360 vate setting on 5 fence fixed, hedges thegarnergroup.com acres backing public trimmed or a house land, $344,000 2175 NW Lolo Dr. Spabuilt, you'll find TEAM Birtola Garmyn cious floor plan, conHigh Desert Realty temporarary finishes, professional help in 541-312-9449 black vinyl windows, The Bulletin's "Call a www. BendOregon central courtyard, boRealEstate.com nus room. $747,900 Service Professional" MLS¹201303033 Directory 12 Fremont Drive - 3 The Garner Group 541-385-5809 bedroom, 3.5 baths, 541-383-4360 between SHARC & thegarnergroup.com $289,000 I Immaculate m all, o n e own e r , Nice l y Home on large corner never rented, backs $ 219,000 I aintained Hom e lot. 4 bdrm full of uptoc ommon area, dual M incl u ding mai n tained grades zone he a t , AC. Nicely home w/ arched door hardwood floors, slate $475,000. openings, hic k ory entry, ss appliances, MLS¹201304678 kitchen cabinets, 8 ss appli- granite The Garner Group larg e ances. Kitchen & din- c ounters 8 541-383-4360 ing rooms have tiled breakfast bar. Master thegarnergroup.com has a tile shower & floors. Bath that indble sinks. Also an in1362 NW Mt . W ash- cludes a j etted tub, s i n k s & sulated 8 finished 3 ington Dr. -Tudor style double car tandem garage, cottage, vaulted great shower. room, hard w ood 5 41-480-6790 J a k e curb edged f lowerAttn. Outdoor EnthusiMORRIS 1350 NE 3rd - Cute Bro k e r beds, pergola & RV f loors, B R/BA u p - M oorhead, asts. Fully furnished 1 g ated backyard s o 1900 sq. ft. cottage 541-388-0404 REAL ESTATE stairs & d own, effibdrm,2 bath condo. you can park your w/alley access to your cient galley kitchen. Windermere Central y&p d l y o d do p Easy resort living with toys! 5 4 1 -480-7183 garage. $183,500 Oregon Real Estate $329,900. 732 everything you need. TEAM Birtola Garmyn Barbara Myers, BroMLS¹201305636 2203 NW Lemhi Pass $69,000. MLS¹ ker 541-923-4663 High Desert Realty Commercial/Investment The Garner Group Dr.; central courtyard, 201300532. Call Windermere Ce n t ral 541-312-9449 541-383-4360 Properties for Sale l arge g r eat r o o m, Paula Mellon, Broker. www. BendOregon thegarnergroup.com master on main level, Oregon Real Estate 541-977-4009 RealEstate.com Per f e ct 4000 sq. ft. COMMER Central Oregon Realty large windows, bonus $289,000 I 15994 Fir Rd. Master Home s its o n 2 .36 loft upstairs; MLS¹ CIAL BLDG. $169,900 Group, LLC BULLETIN CLASSIFIEBS on main level, vaulted 201301821 $649,900. a cres. Pr i vacy & Steel framed, metal c eilings, 0.94 a c r e The Garner Group open space surround Vill a g e Search the area's most sided, war e houseC reekside c ul-de-sac lot, d e n this bright, spacious building, slab f l o or Townhome. Wonder- comprehensive listing of 541-383-4360 classified advertising... with double doors, in- thegarnergroup.com h ome. Enjoy y o u r w/retail area, office, ful single level end sulated garage/shop. real estate to automotive, huge master w/jetted electric FA & HP , unit with luxury fin2 314 NW F l oyd L n . soaker tub, gas firemerchandise to sporting $259,000. o verhead doo r f o r ishes, built-ins, soarBright sunny home, MLS¹201208136 goods. Bulletin Classifieds solar tubes, & loading/shipping, pos i ng ceilings, 8 g a s luxurious master place, The Garner Group large windows. sible owner t erms. fireplace. Wall of win- appear every day in the suite, deluxe kitchen, 541-383-4360 print or on line. Stamped c o n crete MLS¹201302130 dows opens to paver deck & side courtyard, thegarnergroup.com covered patio, large Call 541-385-5809 OCall Nancy Popp, patio in back. Light, EA platinum rated, bonus room off the Broker, 541-815-8000 bright and open. 2 www.bendbulletin.com $179,000 I Cute home, MLS ¹ 20 1 3 00806. oversized ga r a ge. bedrooms, 2 b a ths, Crooked River Realty & ready for you to $489,900. 541-420-3891 Bob 1419 sq. ft. Offered at come & make your The Garner Group 5 1487 HWY 9 7 1 . 64 $220,000 Ahern, Broker 541-383-4360 own! 3 bdrm, 2 baths, Acre commercial lot Eagle Crest Properties 541-923-4663 17311 Bakersfieldfenced area, e xtra thegarnergroup.com on Hwy. $ 6 75,000. Windermere Central 866-722- 3370 2100 SF home on .8 storage shed off gaHigh Lakes Realty & 2386 NW Lemhi Pass Oregon Real Estate acres, Sunriver area, Just bought a new boat? r age. 36 a c res o f Property Ma n ageDr. Large great room, $299,900 I Canyon Rim $159,900 Sell your old one in the common area to enment 541-536-0117 h ardwood floo r s , classifieds! Ask about our TEAM Birtola Garmyn joy. 503 - 807-3874 gourmet kitchen, luxu- Great room floor plan, High Desert Realty Super Seller rates! $129,950 Commercial Heather Ch e s bro, rious master s uite, vaulted ceilings, bay 541-312-9449 541-385-5809 windows off rear of building ready for your Broker 541-388-0404 outdoor living area. of www. BendOregon h ome taking in t h e small business. Golf Forest Greens TownWindermere Central $529,900. RealEstate.com g orgeous Ca n y on course lot with great home. Fully furnished Oregon Real Estate MLS¹201305033 Walls. Tiled counters exposure. Call listing and turn-key town- Birchwood/Woodriver The Garner Group in kitchen & breakfast agent for details & I R o mantic 541-383-4360 on cul de sac 4 lots, 4 homes, 1.48 $179,900 bar. Maple hardwood possibilities. MLS home Retreat Built for fun. thegarnergroup.com overlooking the golf a cres across f r o m floors. 3 B e drooms, ¹201302130 N a ncy course. Great room park, $750,000. H ome f e atures 3 plus flex room for forPopp, 541-815-8000 b drm., 2 b a t h w i t h $247,000 I C raftsman plan with master on TEAM Birtola Garmyn Home Cra f t sman mal dining. M aster Crooked River Realty k itchen that ha s a High Desert Realty the main. Gas firestep - i n pantry. Outside fea- touches such as wood s uite w/ 541-312-9449 13735 SW Commercial place in living area floors, vaulted ceil- shower, 8 so a king tures include deck 8 www. BendOregon open t o e x p ansive Loop. Commercial 54 1 - 480-9883 large pool with amaz- ings, & lux u r ious tub. deck with hot-tub and RealEstate.com building with 900 sq. master suite. Gour- Audrey Cook, Broker ing views. Also i nviews of the fairway. ft. of office space & cludes a hot tub. Last met kitchen w/island 8 541-923-4663 Pumice Butte2,400 sq. ft. of ware- 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, 19001 Ce n t ral but not least plenty of SS appliances and a Windermere Incredible large 1417 sq. ft. Offered at house/manufacturing room for RV. private English gar- Oregon Real Estate SilverCrest home $230,000 area. Owner terms or den. 54 1 948-0736 503-816-4972 C a rol w/large rooms, $315,000 I Rivers Edge lease option is avail- Eagle Crest Properties Higley, Broker Kayja Buhmann, Bro- Village Rivers Edge $199,900 866-722- 3370 able. $165,000 ker 541-388-0404 541-923-4663 TEAM Birtola Garmyn V illage on t h e 5 t h MLS 201304157 Ce n t ral Windermere Central High Desert Realty Windermere f airway. Master o n 744 Juniper Realty, Oregon Real Estate Oregon Real Estate 541-312-9449 main, ope n g r e at 541-504-5393 Open Houses www. BendOregon 2487 N W Dr o uillard r oom, deck off u p 1880 NW Shevlin Park RealEstate.com stairs loft/office space. 16480 William Foss, La Ave. Bi g l u x urious Open Saf. 11-3pm Rd. West side townPine, OR. Office Bldg. home, bedroom living Near river t rails & PREVIEW home 19717 Mt. Bachelor home, tw o m a s ter wings central court- close to s h opping. + h om e + sho p . in RiverRim. ¹320D - Gorgeous suites, open g r eat yard, f ormal l i ving 5 41-977-1852 T o n y $178,000. High Lakes 60816 Cobblestone Pl., river view condo in Mt. room, hard w ood Broke r Realty & Pr o perty oom, bonus r o om L evison, Bend. Bachelor Village, floors, stainless appli- rupstairs, Management MLS 541-388-0404 Chris Sperry, Broker ances. MLS $49,900 541-536-0117 ¹201301124. Windermere Central CascadeSofheby's TEAM Birtola Garmyn ¹201302292. Oregon Real Estate $739,900. International Realty High Desert Realty Commercial and resi$279,900. The Garner Group 541 -550-4922 541-312-9449 People Look for Information The Garner Group dential z o n in g in 541-383-4360 www. BendOregon 541-383-4360 About Products and Redmond. $ 8 9,000. 745 thegarnergroup.com RealEstate.com thegarnergroup.com Recent remodel, large Services Every Daythrough Homes for Sale 2.5 Acres Vista Del Sol, TheBulletin Classifieds fenced yard, alley ac21080 Tumalo 19919 Alderwood Circle Bend. 2682 Sq.ft. in cess. MLS Quiet - retreat minutes 2811 NW Windham, - 3 Bedroom manuf'd main house, 3/2.5, 3 $329,500 I Impressive 201305572. Fred from Bend, mtn views. home, 0.29 acre cor- car garage, big mas- sits on 4 . 5 a c r es, NW Bend 5300 SF Crouch, Broker w/apt/prof-off & mtn. $169,987 ner lot, shaded by ter suite downstairs. great one level living, 541-350-1945 TEAM Birtola Garmyn views! $599,900 p ines, n e a r ri v e r 1270 sq. f t . g u e st open floor plan, large Central Oregon Realty High Desert Realty TEAM Birtola Garmyn bdrms., tile floors & p arks, potential t o house, 2/ 1 , full Group, LLC 541-312-9449 High Desert Realty build. $170, 0 00. kitchen, office, craft vaulted ceilings. Outwww.BendOregon C ommercial Lot s I n 541-312-9449 MLS¹201304975 room, attached 2-bay side you'll be wowed RealEstate.com Crooked River Ranch: www. BendOregon The Garner Group covered RV garage & by t h e ex p ansive Great opportunity to RealEstate.com 541-383-4360 shop. $565 , 000. paver patio, fire pit 8 1508 NW 8th Comstart a b usiness or thegarnergroup.com MLS¹201303162 multi c o nversational mercial property- 2 relocate an e xisting 17085 Oxnard - Pride of areas. Beautiful landScott McLean, separate office business. Near res- ownership, 3300 st, 20.13 Acres l $995,000 Principal Broker s caping, h o t tub , spaces, $137,500 SR area, fully landt aurants, hotel a n d • 4055 sq.ft. home 541-408-6908 double car g a rage TEAM Birtola Garmyn • 5 bedroom, 3 bath golf course. Owner scaped! $425,000. Realty Executives p lus m u ltiple R V High Desert Realty terms avail. Business TEAM Birtola Garmyn • 2 ponds, barn, corrals area. parking 541-312-9449 High Desert Realty • MLS 201305200 5 41-480-7183 B a r Circle, Lot 82:- 1.05 Just too many www. BendOregon 541-312-9449 acres, $25,000. Lot 50 Steve Payer, bara Myers, Broker collectibles? RealEstate.com www. BendOregon - 1.30 acres 8 Lot 51Broker, GRI 541-923-4663 RealEstate.com 1.23 acres still avail541-480-2966 Windermere C e n tral 2959 NW Wild Meadow Sell them in able at $35,000 each 19352 Seminole - 3200 Oregon Real Estate - Gorgeous 4 or purchase both for The Bulletin Classifieds $339,900 I This house SF home with unique bdrm/4bath 2795 $60,000 sq.ft. home on Bend's setting against lava has a very inviting feel Juniper Realty flows, $359,900 westside. $379,985 541-385-5809 inside & out. Closeto 541-504-5393 TEAM Birtola Garmyn TEAM Birtola Garmyn MORRIS the Old Mill, schools, High Desert Realty High Desert Realty REAL ESTATE 2601 NW Crossing Dr. hiking trails, & shopDowntown Bend j 541-312-9449 541-312-9449 Vaulted coffered ceild p d l y O d dOp« & ping. Fantastic neigh$2,000,000 www. BendOregon www. BendOregon ings, beautiful stone borhood where pride • Riverfront property RealEstate.com RealEstate.com 20486 Kar c h Dr. fireplace, master onof ownership really • Commercial develop$279,000. 4 Bdrm, 3 main level, loft and shows th r o ughout. ment 16206 Hawks Lair, 17230 Kingsburgbath, imm a c ulate bonus room, faces 541-728-4499 Aaron • .48 acre lot Clean SR area home, Builders' own custom home with one bdrm Compass Park . B allweber, Bro k e r • MLS 201206150 home w/garage 8 1/2 acre, large gaor office, and bath on $649,000 541-388-0404 Paula Vanvleck, Broker rage, $119,000 shop. $349,900 the main level. Great MLS¹201306078 Windermere C e n tral 541-280-7774 TEAM Birtola Garmyn TEAM Birtola Garmyn room plan with hard The Garner Group Oregon Real Estate High Desert Realty High Desert Realty wood floors, granite 541-383-4360 541-312-9449 541-312-9449 I Completely counters, s t a inless thegarnergroup.com $346,500 Updated Exceptional www. BendOregon www. BendOregon appliances, gas fire RealEstate.com Klamath Lane single level l i ving, RealEstate.com place, large corner lot 26Quiet MORRIS & close to river, completely updated & with fenced in yard, 23475 Hwy 20 EastBirchwood/WoodriverREAL ESTATE b oasts of n e w S S very convenient loca excellent rental his36+ Acres, Bend, 4 lots, 4 homes, 1.48 tory, wra p -around appl., s la b qu a rtz I dp d lyO d d Op d tion. acres across from Cascade Nursery, deck, vaulted great counters, new f l oor Ainslie Reynolds, La Pine Profitable Busi$749,000 park, $750,000. coverings & p a i nt. room, garage w/extra Principal Broker ness. Building plus in- TEAM Birtola Garmyn TEAM Birtola Garmyn storage. $38 7 ,000 541-922-8861 Natalle ReMax Key Properties. ventory. $3 4 9 ,900 High Desert Realty High Desert Realty MLS¹201305480 Turner, Broker 541-410-1054 Cell High Lakes Realty & 541-312-9449 541-312-9449 The Garner Group 541-388-0404 541-728-0033 Office Property Ma n age- www. BendOregon www. BendOregon 541-383-4360 Windermere Central ment 541-536-0117 RealEstate.com RealEstate.com thegarnergroup.com Oregon Real Estate



The Bulletin



~p d ppl p

Homes for Sale

10888 P o well B u t te 20528 Avro P lace $279,000 I W onderful Hwy - $787,500. Model Home. 3 bed- views of the mounCustom h om e on room, 2.5 bath plans, tains C u stom b u i lt 119.10 ac, 114.70 ac efficient room layout, home w/ w o nderful of irrig. 4 bdrm, 4.5 attractive fin i shes, views of the mounbaths, 2 Indry rms, 2 green c o n struction, tains 8 lake. Original ht pumps, wd f l rs, Energy Star, EA certi- owner is selling home t ravertine tile, s l a b fied, alley garages, w / f u r nishings i n



II •


SAT. 11AM-4PM 8 I edb 2.d hath, 292d oq. 8 E nior easy living yn professionally dedigned K decorated ymgle level home Features formal dining K breakfastnook; kitchen w/ built-in wine storage It granite island. Vaulted grear room, spacious master yp/patio access, lovely office I AC. Landscaping inrludteo large ponydto a buhhling river rock creek; can all Iye seen from large paver raised decks,

Hoxred byy DIANA LYNNFAtmEI1, Broker 541-408-7281 Liytd.d hy. DEB TEBBS,BrokerfPyeidenl

541-419-4553 & BEV SHERRER, PrinciPal Broker 541-480-7707






1094 HIGHLAND VIEWLOOP, REDMOND DirdcriopdsiTake 97 North io Glacier Aue, Iefi on Glacier, copdlpxde i onto /26 W/SW Highiand Ade, le ft on Eagle CreSt BIVd, 1st right on William LJche Dr, 3rd right on gd/hladddView loop, hovse on n/,ht.

$649,000 Cascade


Great Location! Unobstructed mountain views on 5 acres. Full water rights, irrigated 16845Varco Road pasture, 4-siall barn, Direcrionsr Berween Bend rrnd fenced pasture and Sisters. From Hwy 20go west on corrals. 1785 sq. ft., Plainvierry, so~th on Gist, west on 5 bedrooms, 2 baths. Uarco. Loukfor direcrionul sign.

Hosted 6 Listed byr GARY YODER PrinciPal Broker


$685,000 ILA,(DICK)HOWELLSCO 220 S Aph Street, Ste 8 sisters, OR 97759 541-$49-555$


TO PLACE AN AD CALL CLASSIFIED• 541-385-5809 Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale




Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Sweepstakes open to legal u S residents oge 18 ood older

$ 379,000 I Cop p er $599,000 I Re v e rse Awbrey Butte I Broken TopI Chalet on 12th Fairway Crooked River Ranch I Canyon - Imagine Living Reverse living of Ridge Course. A $1,075,000 $1,069,000 $279,900 • 3814 sq.ft. coming home to this with spacious rooms, • 4925 sq.ft. perfect chalet b r i l- • 3 bedroom, 3 bath e xquisite h om e i n amazing storage, 2 • 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath • 3 bedroom plus den, liantly designed with 2 • 1.85 acres 3.5 bath Copper Canyon. Re- m aster suites, & 2 • .88 acre lot master suites, extra • Panoramic views • Golf Course Views lax by the corner fire- f ireplaces. A wr a p • MLS 201303030 1/2 bath, loft, built-ins, • MLS 201304330 • MLS 201204424 p lace, BBQ o n t h e around deck, & 3 car Judy Meyers, Broker, loaded wit h l u x ury Pat Palazzi, Broker David Gilmore, Broker private back d e ck. garage. Co m m on GRI, CRS, SRES finishes & upgrades 541-771-6996 541-312-7271 541-480-1922 Enjoy the s pacious area connects to the throughout. Custom df Faririo< Makkof Iyoofh. bedrooms, s u perior N ational Fore s t . blinds & sun shades, F'ok Flok. vv an 0 c n Itovgo rviajy af ovk NWX oafvrtfa master suite, huge loft 5 41-390-6123 D a v e extra storage closet, cs b onus room, & s u Lewis, Broker pantry i n kit c hen. Visit any of our Sat perbly m a i ntained. 541-388-0404 great room with gas MORRIS 5 41-771-1168 Eri c Windermere Ce n t ral f ireplace opens t o urday open houses MORRIS MORRIS REAL ESTATE A ndrews, Brok e r Oregon Real Estate deck with fairway & REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE during the month of 541-388-0404 m ountain views. 2 y dp d l yO W d d p d y dp d l yO d dOp August and fill out an Windermere Ce n t ral 63780 Crooked Rocks bedrooms, 2.5 baths, Crooked River Ranch, Oregon Real Estate Rd; elegant log home, 1447 sq. ft. Offered at 6031 S W Ta r p on, entry form for your Find exactly what bdrm, 4.5 bath, 9.5 Awbrey Butte I $229,000 3/2.5, 1620 sq.ft., 5.14 38 acres, irrigated with 5 WIN A chance to win! you are looking for in the Eagle Crest Properties secluded acres, two $495,000 acres, 28x30 shop/ a dazzling mountain story g reat r o o m,• 2363 sq.ft. 866-722- 3370 CLASSIFIEDS g arage, w ell. R e view. Bright, spacious pasture, pond, irriga- • 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath TRAEGER® All entries must be duced to $189,000. home, 5-stall barn and tion. MLS¹ • .93 acre lot Chalet with 2-Car GaMLS ¹201204594 received by 3 p.m Cascade Moun t ain Lil' Tex Elite BLM nearby. Only 20 201303153. • MLS 201305454 Teri Cravens, Broker Views. Stunning views rage. This chalet is m inutes t o Ben d ! $699,000. Aug. 31. Winner will Rosemary Goodwin, wood pellet grill s ituated on a g r a 541-610-7927 of Smith Rock and the MLS¹201303184. The Garner Group Broker, Certified be announced Sept. 7 cious lot with large Fred Real Estate Group Cascades from this www.johnlscott.com/7 541-383-4360 Negotiator deck, & detached 2 at the NWX Farmers contemporary m a s4510 Jean N e lsen, thegarnergroup.com 541-706-1897 River terpiece. Great room car garage. Loaded Custom Spring Broker 541-420-3927 Market. $799 Riverfront upgrades, Chalet floor plan thoughtfully with John L. Scott VALUE $ 685,000 I C l ose t o home with large wrapbuilt-ins, and beautidesigned to capture Real Estate, Bend Drake Park & built in ful log f u rniture to around deck to enjoy every ray o f l i g ht. www.johnlscott.com 1930 this e x quisite Luxury finis h es match the knotty pine pristine views of the home has a finished 3 bdrm, 3 bath, 3880 MORRIS a c c ents. river and forest any throughout, office with trim a n d sq. ft. $694,000 attic, basement, artist Perfect orientation for time of year. 1688 sq REAL ESTATE custom built-ins, meloft above g a rage, MLS¹201300784. I dp d ylyo w d o p o d dia room e q uipped light with extra large ft, 2 bedroom, 2 bath, Call Linda Lou fully landscaped & with wired g igabyte windows. Wonderful with room to spare Day-Wright large courtyard. This custom wood acnetwork, and custom chalet! 3 bedrooms/2 and Awbrey Butte I 541-771-2585 charming & u n ique thr o ughout. w orkshop i n ov e r - b aths/ 1447 sq . f t . cents $599,900 h ome will n o t l a s t Vaulted ceilings and Crooked River Realty Offeredat$240,000 sized 3 car garage. 3 long. 5 4 1-390-0934• 2985 sq.ft. huge Montana slate bedrooms, 2.5 baths, Eagle Crest Properties 3 Bdrms, 2 baths, 1644 Debbie Tallman, Bro- • 3 bedroom, 3 bath 866-722- 3370 fireplace - oversized 3247 sq. ft. Offered at sq. ft. Living room, ker 541-388-0404 • .41 acre lot garage all in a very $692,500 formal dining, break- Windermere Ce n t ral• MLS 201305212 one-acre lofast nook, utility room. Oregon Real Estate Eagle Crest Properties Charming N o r thWest secluded Virginia Ross, Broker, cation that also backs Crossing Home 866-722- 3370 Gas fireplace. PorceABR CRS, GRI, single story home to N ational F o rest. l ain tile floo r s 6 900 N E 1 s t S t . Eco Broker, Previews Cascade Mtn. v iews This has bee n l o v ingly Come see this beauthroughout. K i tchen Breathtaking 541-480-7501 mtn from this beautiful 20 cared for and looks t iful ho m e , onl y pantry, triple car ga- view, bright rooms, ace property. 10 min- just like new. It fea$ 479,000. Clyd e rage, R V p a d & large windows, masutes from Bend's east tures that open great Browning, P r i ncipal power. S T U NNING siver river rock fireside w/15 acres irriga- room feeling with a Broker, 541-480-4520 YARD! place, 6 bays in 2 gation, 4-stall barn & 2 C o m mercial g as f i replace w i t h Eagle Marci Schoenberg, rages, detached guest MORRIS ponds. Home has 3 Real Estate slate surround and a Broker 541-610-7803 cottage. $7 0 0 ,000. bedrooms, 2590 sw.ft. REAL ESTATE dining area. The John L. Scott MLS¹2013011681 & bo n u s roo m . open kitchen has al- Cute starter home. One y dp d l yO W d d p «d Real Estate, Bend one b ath The Garner Group $589,000 A private der cabinets, granite bedroom, www.johnlscott.com 541-383-4360 oasis! counter tops, break- with basement. Large Beautiful Northeast Or3 B edroom, 2 b a t h , thegarnergroup.com fast bar, skylight, de- lot with carport. MLS egon - This i s t h e www.johnlscott.com/7 vaulted ceilings, lots 6924 Kathy C a ba, luxe SS appliances & 201301623 $113,000 perfect place to build. 70 Acres on the B ig of natural lighting, .72 Broker, ABR 2 pantries. F o r out- John L. Scott Real acre p a rcel Principal Estate 541-548-1712 acre lot. City sewer, Deschutes with Cas- 78.5+/541-771-1761 door living there is a with timber, v iews, John L. Scott Avion water. B u ild cade views. This pri- spring water and dicovered front porch, Good classified ads tell your dream workshop! v ate retreat i n t h e vidable. Estate, Bend beautiful side p a tio the Abu n dant Real essential facts in an Three Rivers South www.johnlscott.com/3 www.johnlscott.com with trellis and private interesting wildlife. Manner. Write 6385 Julie Mehl, Bro- area of B e nd, h a s MLS¹201304988 rear patio. Great loCascade & Rlver 70.49 secluded acres, ker 541-410-5565 c ation n ea r Hi g h from the readers view - not Brad Diggers, Broker Views I $449,000 a 3 acre lake, private John L. Scott Lakes El e mentary the seller's. Convert the 541-977-2611 • 2051 sq.ft. harbor for watercraft Real Estate, Bend S chool w it h o p e n facts into benefits. Show Fred Real Estate Group • 3 bedroom, 2 bath and sits on the Big www.johnlscott.com space and close to the reader how the item will HOMES PRICED FROM • .44 acre lot Deschutes River. The shopping, restaurants help them in someway. $425,000 I Ele g ant l odge-style hom e , Big Deschutes River- • MLS 201305226 < C R 0 5 5 i N G + $399,000 - $759,900 & parks. This single level home with 5552 sq.ft. updated, front Log Home on Susan Agli, Broker, 1327 NW John Freeadvertising tip attention t o de t a il. 40x40 vaulted great two ABR, ALHS & SRES acr e s with mont St. $479,000 brought to you by Home includes wood room, Ochoco stone sweeping views of the 541-408-3773 Gary Everett, CCIM floors that flow into a fireplace and floor to river and Mt. BachThe Bulletin Principal Broker 2341 NW Floyd Ln. s pacious kitc h en ceiling windows, main elor. Nearly 3000 sq spor gcpoyrdlodgooy ddypod 541-480-6130 w/bamboo topped is- l evel living w ith 2 ft, 4 b e d rooms, 3 • Sunny courtyard patio Joan Steelhammer, land, new appliances, master suites. An ad- baths, with large great D esirable N E Re d • Vaulted & 10' ceilings Broker window coverings & m ond location. N o MORRIS ditional b a t h and room an d do u b le 541-419-3717 • Hardwood & tile finishes fenced yard. lower level bdrm and sided river rock firecarpet in this home, REAL ESTATE Remax • Bright, cheerful interior 541-480-5432 P a tty flooring is hardwood bonus rooms. Triple place, vaulted c eily dp d l y O d dwp « W D empsey, Bro k e r car garage, RV hook- ings and lots of cuso r tile. 2410 SF, 3 • Priced at$429,900 Cozy single level home 541-388-0404 bdrm, 2.5 baths. Huge ups. tom features DIRECTIONS: West on Skyliners Rd., Get your on almost a half acre. 541-408-4770 A n drea Ainslie Reynolds, b onus r o om, n e w t hroughout. Lar g e 1420 sq. ft. includes 3 fencing & sod. Outnght on NW Lemhi Pass Dr., right on Phelps, Broker Principal Broker business detached garage and beds & 2 baths. Fea- door storage shed & NW Floyd Ln. 541-388-0404 ReMax Key Properties. storage shed, huge tures skylights, wood finished 2-car garage. Windermere C e n tral 541-410-1054 Cell backyard, deck & pastove, an d w a l k-in $179,900. Oregon Real Estate 541-728-0033 Office tio on the r iver for G ROW I N G closets. Fenced and MLS¹201304850. ACIentertaining. A riverlandscaped. Ready to ditional info/pictures at Take care of 2355 NW Floyd Ln. side paradise for only with an ad in move in! Cyndi Rob- www.johnlscott.com/5 Clyd e $739,000 I Exceptional $850,000. your investments • Master on main level The Bulletin's ertson, Broker, 6329 Shelley Arnold, Custom Home on Browning, P r i ncipal "Call A Service 541-390-5345 • Generous room sizes with the help from Broker 541-771-9329 15.5 acres w / great Broker, 541-480-4520 John L. Scott John L. Scott • Premium finishes Eagle C o m mercial The Bulletin's Cascade Mountain & Professional" Real Estate, Bend Real Estate, Bend • Upstairs loft Smith Rock v i ews. Real Estate Directory www.johnlscott.com "Call A Service www.johnlscott.com Home features hard• Priced at$549,900 Professional" Directory wood floors, granite OIRECTIONS: West on Skyliners Rd., counters, but l er's right on NW Lemhi Pass Dr., right oii $449,000 I S p a cious pantry, family room, HomeOpen the front bonus room, den/office w/custom cabidoor & you will be amazed at the open n ets, master, m a n floor plan & view from c ave, & s o mu c h large private deck. more. Finished overSpacious home fea- sized 3 car garage. tures new carpeting Large covered front A LL A R O U N D throughout, new furporch, big back deck, nace & fresh exterior a 30x 4 0 barn . paint. It overlooks the 5 41-480-7183 Ba r 9th hole of the Chal- bara Myers, Broker lenge C o u rs e at 541-923-4663 Eagle. Good separa- Windermere Ce n t ral tion of master from Oregon Real Estate o ther 2 bdrms . 63143 Beaufort Ct. 541-977-7756 Dee $785,000 Location, loBaker, Broker cation, location! Gor• Selection of 3-br plans 541-923-4663 geous custom home • Gas fireplace, tile counters Windermere Ce n t ral on private cul-de-sac • Energy-saving construction with stunning views of Oregon Real Estate • Energy Star, EA certified Smith Rock and the $499,500 I Great Fam- 7 th fairway o f t h e • Homes pricedfrom $184,950 ily Home Great family Ridge C o urse at home on a 2.67 acre Eagle Crest. Home ID DIRECTIONS:From Empire Ave., north on beautifully developed 1032 Boyd Acres Rd., left on NEGloucester W 0 0 ly H 1 L I. property. Quality fea- Eagle Crest Properties Ln., right on NE Lancaster St., left on NE - PA R H tures throughout this Avro Pl., cross NE DeHaviland St., turn 866-722-3370 3321 sq. ft . h o me. right on NE Beaufort Ct. Corral, tranquil pond 7th Mtn Golf Village I & a h i gh-end BBQ hut. Backs up to BLM. • 1 acre $864,900 in Widgi Creek 5 41-390-0098 M i k e • 6372 sq.ft., master on E veridge, Brok e r main 541-388-0404 • 5 car garage Windermere Central • MLS 201305381 62773 Promise Pl. Oregon Real Estate Megan Power, Broker, • Open great room GRI, CDPE $529,000 I Creative & • Corner gas fireplace 541-610-7318 spirited high d esert • Tile bath finishes lifestyle certified Earth 30 year fixed APR 15 year fixed APR • Near schools, hospital A dvantage hom e . cs • Priced at$179,900 Flexible floor plan w/ 4 bdrms., den & great DIRECTIONS:FromHwy. 20 east, north room concept w i th MORRIS Purchas e price$350,000,20% down,Loanamount$280,000,30yrfixed. on NE 27th St., right on NEWells Acres master bdrm. & office REAL ESTATE Rd., right on NE Promise Pl. on main floor, 3 more bedrooms & rec room in the daylight base- $ 995,000 I Cus t o m Jdmbopurchaseprice/value$8M000-20%downIequity $640000loanamount Qifer vakdasof 7/6nt restrictionsmayapply Rates/feessubjecttochange. OnApprovedCredit. ment. 5 4 1-480-7777 ranch home on 163 20917 Sage Creek Dr. Diana Barker, Broker private acres offers 541-923-4663 s plendid Stee n s • Ridgewater neighborhood Windermere Ce n t ral Mountain views. Open • Beautiful cabinetry, built-ins Oregon Real Estate floor plan, local stone • Master on main level g o u rmet $549,900 I Uncompro- fireplaces, • Bonus room upstairs kitchen, center island. mised Quality Open • Priced at$474,900 as an execuand inviting floor plan. Perfect MO RT GAG E CORPORATION tive retreat, purebred DIRECTIONS:From Bend Parkway, exit Stacked stone f ireoperation, or Reed Market Rd, eastbound, right on SE place and dining area cow/calf lodge. connects to a l arge hunters 15th St., left on SEFerguson Rd., right 541-420-4978 Kathy Academy Mortgage Achieves ¹1 Independent Lender i sland kitchen w i t h on Sage CreekDr. Broker cherry cabinets, slab Neal, 541-923-4663 Ranking for Purchase Business in the United States! granite c ountertops, Windermere Ce n t ral ddldsource — Coyp loac Market Tydc slate flooring, Floor to 63780 Crooked Rocks Rd. ceiling windows and Oregon Real Estate • Elegant log home wrap around d eck. Absolutely stu n ning 541-410-1200 Bill • 9.5 secluded acres v iews. 300 f eet o f Kammerer, B r o ker river frontage on the • Masters on main, upstairs 541-388-0404 • Long paved driveway Little Desch u tes Windermere Central River, with spectacu• Pnced at$699,000 Oregon Real Estate lar view of Mt. BachDIRECTIONS:Highway 20 west, right on $598,749 I Traditional elor, South Sister & Cooley Rd., left on Scenic Dr., right on Sale. 3 B D 2 BA Broken Top. Sold for Crooked Rocks Rd. Ranch Style 1 level $ 750,000. Exc e phome. Alder h a rd- tional value price at wood in kitchen, entry $259,900. Near 8 h allway. Bay o f Vandervert R a n c h. doors/windows to the Nadine Ash, Broker CaSey NMLS 189449 Jennifer NMLS 288550 w est capturing t h e 541-390-4017 outstanding views of John L. Scott Three Sisters, BachReal Estate, Bend YOu're neVer alOne When TI/e're dOing yOur lOan .. elor & Broken Top, www.johnlscott.com 4-Car attached GaASTOUNDING rage, 36x36 S hop, 30x60 2 stall barn, & CASCADE VIEWS irrigation equipment. Gated, westside, F enced & c ros s mountain views - The fenced. 4.34 Acres Highlands at Broken www.academymortgage.com •I I• with irrigation. Top. 10.28 Acres 371 SW Upper Terrace Dr., Suite 1, Bend, OR 97702 541-480-9883 Audrey Offeredat$495,000 • oCook, Broker Cate Cushman, 541-923-4663 Principal Broker CORPORLIC.¹ CORP 541-480-1884 Windermere Ce n t ral O M U2421 N MLS ¹3113 Oregon Real Estate www.catecushman.com






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Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

TO PLACE AN AD CALL CLASSIFIED• 5 41-385-580 9 745



Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

TRI-PEAKS Development Land I Hollow Pine E s tates Northwest Crossing I Private 8 sec l uded Skyliner Summit I The p erfect s e tting; Want to move in and West Hills - Bend. 2884 (Bend) - 2000 sq ft 4 h ome, yet close to Broken Top first fair- 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath in enjoy life? This is your square feet, 3 b ed$1,250,000 $689,000 $864,000 • 14+ acres in probedroom, 2.5 baths, • 2750 sq.ft., RV parktown. All new kitchen • 3112 sq.ft. way, mature pondero- 2232 sq . f t . G r e at home, and it is loaded room, 3 bath, 3-car 3-car garage w/ shop, ing a ppliances. Lin e d • 5 bedroom, 3.5 bath acr e s . room living with easy with upgrades and posed UGB sas, . 35 garage, RV parking, • 2425 sq.ft. country room for RV, awe- • 4 bedroom, 3 bath pond for swimming & • .64 acres with Casoffered at ¹275,000. access for backyard ready to live in. This mountain views. fireestate some back yard, very • Earth Advantage Silwater fun w/pool filter cade views Cate Cushman, entertaining. Kitchen well-maintained home place, big deck w/hot • Barn, indoor arena clean, ready to move ver system & water fea- • MLS 201306382 Principal Broker has alder c a binets boasts a large tiled tub. $475,000. MLS¹ • MLS 201305364 in, great n eighbor-• MLS 201305721 ture. Passive solar Scott Huggin, 541-480-1884 with un d e r-cabinet entryway, ceiling fans, 201306087 hood. $330 , 000. Dana Miller, Broker h eat sink p a r t o f Broker, GRI www.catecushman.com lighting 8 d e s igner recessed lig h ting, Scott McLean, MLS¹201306087 541-408-1468 heating system. Great 541-322-1500 laminate countertops l arge loft a r ea , a Principal Broker This home sits on 5+ 541-408-6908 Scott McLean, room affords e asy with tile backsplash. master bedroom with acres w/4.5 a c res Laminate wood floors. ample walk-in closet, Principal Broker family living. G reat Realty Executives Cg Tumalo irrig., com541-408-6908 natural light from large Spacious living room window co v e rings Be n d pletely fenced w/un- with gas slate surRealty Executives w indows 8 doo r s . throughout. The ga- W1estside 451sq ft, 4 be d derground irrigation & Enjoy the treed surround firep l ace. rage is finished with MORRIS MORRIS MORRIS rooms, 2 baths, huge pond. Light & bright Ideal building location, r ounding, pond & Den/office could be ceiling storage rack REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE heaterd garage w/ofhome w/vaulted ceil- 4th B roken To p ni n t h water feature. Huge bedroom. and you have great between Old Mill y&p d l yO d dOp d ings, skylights, loft, fairway, natural terfamily r e c room Family/media room is views from the back fice, and Downtown Bend. kitchen pantry & sepa- ready for family fun deck. Don't miss out seeing rain. .34 acres. Ofw/plenty o f bu i lt-in NOTICE: $300,000. rate u t ility. P a ved with plenty of room for MLS¹201304344. VA this g reat m o ve-in fered at $249,000. Need to get an ad All real estate adver- storage cabinets & driveway, double car- pool table, flat screen assumable, if eligible. MLS¹201209127 Cate Cushman, ready home in woncounters. 5 bedrooms tised here in is sub- (2 in main level & 3 on in ASAP? Scott McLean, port, single car gaderful neighborhood. Principal Broker TV 8 s mall bar for $129,900. Call ject to t h e F e deral Principal Broker rage w/bonus room & eating or beverages. Heather Hockett, PC, 541-480-1884 Close to r iver trail, 2nd floor). Small barn F air H o using A c t , 541-408-6908 Tumalo schools. Master bedroom is park, Ol d M i l l & www.catecushman.com which makes it illegal w ith 2 s t a lls, t a c k Fax it to 541-322-7253 B roker, Century 2 1 Realty Executives www.johnlscott.com/k school. 3 bdrm, 2.5 room, shop area & large w it h v a u lted Gold Country Realty, advertise any prefbath, 1751 sq. ft. Easy La Pine Gem; custom to Westside Bend; Gated, storage room. The Bulletin Classifieds elliecook. ceiling 8 disp l ay 541-420-9151 limitation or MLS¹201304660 yard with fenced back, builder's home. 1674 erence, closed to Bend $650,000 MLS¹ s helves 8 large discrimination based sq.ft. home w/ 28x40 Kellie Cook, Broker d og area, p atio & amenities. The High201302745 walk-in closet. Quality Need help fixing stuff? on race, color, relishop on 1.37 acres. Southeast Prineville 541-408-0463 deck. Nice open floor Bobbie Strome, blinds thr o ughout.Call A Service Professional lands at Broken Topgion, sex, handicap, 2 290 sq ft , 3 b e d John L. Scott 10 acres. Offered at p lan. K itchen h a s Holly Garner, Broker Principal Broker $279,900. MLS¹ familial status or na541-480-4208 r ooms, 2 bath s , Real Estate, Bend find the help you need. granite, stainless steel $550,000. John L Scott Real 201305539. tional origin, or intenmountain v ie w sm, www.johnlscott.com www.bendbulletin.com appliances. Pr i c ed Fred Real Estate Group tion to make any such Estate 541-385-5500 Cate Cushman, Bobbie Strome, new floors in l iving right! Colleen Dilling- L og Home Close t o Principal Broker Principal Broker This hou s e is preferences, l i mitaroom, huge covered Broker Ridge At Eagle Crest I 541-480-1884 ham, John L Scott Real Waterfront, three rivers tions or discrimination. devoted....to e v e ryBend...Do Not Miss 541 -788-9991 deck, all on a v e ry d ay e n joyment 3 Estate 541-385-5500 $198,900 south, 4/2, 30x52 RV www.catecushman.com We will not knowingly This! • 1345 sq.ft. nice 2 acre rural lot. John L. Scott garage/shop, on .43 bdrms/ 2 baths, & atThe Bulletin Incredible opportunity to accept any advertis- • 2 bedroom, 2 bath $180,000. Real Estate, Bend Look at: acres. ing for r eal e state • Sun Forest built tached 2-car garage. own this beautiful log To Subscribe call MLS¹201304607 www.johnlscott.com Bendhomes.com Holly Garner, Broker which is in violation of Landscaped with home nestled in the Scott McLean, 541-385-5800 or go to • MLS 201300668 541-480-4208 Drake Park Historic sprinkler sys t e m. for Complete Listings of pine trees on over two this law. All persons Karin Johnson, Broker Principal Broker www.bendbulletin.com Fred Real Estate Group DistrictI $975,000 Home has AC. One of a cres just west o f are hereby informed 541-408-6908 Area Real Estate for Sale 541-639-6140 • 3628 sq.ft. t he owners is a Woodlands Golf Bend in the popular that all dwellings adRealty Executives • 4 bedroom, 4 bath censed realtor in the Unique setting with two Welcome to Saddleback N e i gh- vertised are available 3158 Course; open great • Beautifully finished State o f Ore g on. quality single story borhood. It features 3 on an equal opportuS hevlin Mead o w room with mountain What are you • MLS 201306204 $207,700. and lake v iews, 4 bedrooms plus a loft, nity basis. The Bullehomes nestled on the Drive. With its preMichelle Tisdel PC, tin Classified looking for? 503-816-4972 C a r ol small great room with bdrm, 6 bath, 5,096 banks of a large irri- mium elevated locaMORRIS Broker, ABR, E-pro Higley, Broker sq.ft., o ff ered at g as s t ove , op e n Open floor plan with g ation canal in N E tion and views, reYou'll find it in 541-390-3490 REAL ESTATE 541-923-4663 kitchen with bay winfreshing contemporary $1,195,000. B end. Both are l o wood y dp d l yO d ddy p Cate Cushman, dow, upstairs family exposed The Bulletin Classifieds Windermere Ce n t ral c ated on o ver o n e design and great flow, Large spaOregon Real Estate Principal Broker room and cozy sun- beams. a cre wit h a par k this home promises to cious kitchen. Fire541-480-1884 room. N eat master place, 4 bedrooms, 2 Have an item to provide its owners a across the canal for This is a rare find in suite w i t h va u lted 541-385-5809 privacy. One 4 bed- truly p ositive l i wng www.catecushman.com baths. Exp a n sive sell quick? Bend! Beautifully receilings & pri v ate ecks. Al l o n 1. 5 The home MORRIS 747 Spacious & B e autiful modeled single story room home (2424 sq. experience. deck. Enjoy the rural d If it's under REAL ESTATE ft.) with triple garage will be comprised of a Southwest Bend Homes acres. Horses w e lproperty with comforthome nestled in the lifestyle but close to generous open living plus a 3 be d room t yO d dd y p « d come. Located across '500 you can place it in able spaces for var- p ine trees w it h a home (1840 sq. ft.) area and kitchen, a town and schools. the street from the Big ied family interests. separate one b e d- with double garage. master suite, two adBroken Top! Golf & The Bulletin Bri d l e Ln Deschutes! Garage Sales 63474 Exquisite t e akwood room apartment atMore! Spacious cus$525,000 Perfect for two fami- ditional bedrooms, a Classifieds for: www.jackson-anderflooring in foyer, living t ached t o a wor k tom home with 4652 Everett, CCIM lies or a cash flow in- den and an upstairs Garage Sales Gary son.com Can d ice shop! Perfect for an area 8 gour m et Principal Broker bonus/flex room. A 40' sq. ft. See virtual Tour vestment with good A nderson, Bro k e r in-home b u s iness, '10 3 lines, 7 days kitchen. Kitchen has on www.remax.co. RV garage has been Quality conGarage Sales 541-480-6130 granite c o untertops, extra family, guests or tenants. $1,225,000. Joan Ste e lhammer, 541-788-8878 '16 3 lines, 14 days incorporated into the structed homes near John L. Scott large island, planning rental. Complete new schools and p a rks design of the home, MLS¹201303060. Broker Find them Real Estate, Bend (Private Party ads only) desk & numerous oak kitchen with d e luxe with all city services. that could function in 541-923-0855 541-419-3717 www.johnlscott.com in cabinets. Master bed cabinets, SS a p pli- Call Gary for more Redmond RE/MAX Remax m any different c aroom on main level ances, new Land & Homes The Bulletin Peaceful contemporary River Canyon Estates with luxurious bath- furnace/water heater, details. pacities. Offered at I $469,900 Real Estate Luxurious Ge t away; home on 28+ acres. $829,000. 63192 & 63198 WaterClassifieds • 3000 sq.ft. room & private deck. new floor coverings, Residence Club Villa Silvia Knight, Broker, Hillside French C haE nergy & mon e y • 4 bedroom, 3 bath cress $598,000 Large f a m ily/media windows, d r iveway, at Pronghorn; 3 bdrm, saving geo t hermal Cascade S o t hebys teau - Copper CupoEverett, CCIM 541-385-5809 room 8 gam e /rec e lectrical & mo r e . Gary 3 bath, 2,227 sq.ft., heat pump. 3-car ga- • .20 acre lot, 3 car gaInt'I Realty, las, Slate Roof, Stone Principal Broker rage room. $555 , 0 00 Two master suites, one twelfth interest. rage + shop/garage. • MLS 201306542 541-480-6130 541-788-4861 Exterior. 4 Bedrooms, Eagle Ridge, 1 0 839 $35,000. MLS¹ 201303078 family room with fireMust see to appreciJoan Steelhammer, 4 Baths, 4152 sq. ft., Village loop. 2/2, 1410 Odette Adair, Bobbie Strome, place & a double car Cate Cushman, ate! Susan DurkheBroker West Hills. 4 bdrm, 3.5 Offered at sq.ft., condo l iving. Principal Broker garage. Private Broker, S.T.A.R. Principal Broker imer, Principal Broker, Golf, t ennis, p o ol, bath in 4040y sq.ft. $2,395,000. 541-815-4786 John L Scott Real f enced y a r d wi t h 541-419-3717 541-480-1884 CRS 541-647-9285 Remax Cate Cushman, Delightful W e stside restaurants. many mature trees, Estate 541-385-5500 www.catecushman.com John L. Scott Principal Broker MLS¹201302966 home with Panoramic g reen h ouse, R V Real Estate, Bend Spacious home on 13th 541-480-1884 Cascade 8 City views Brad Diggers, Broker The Bulletin's parking with dump & a Magnificent Views www.johnlscott.com fairway. Kitchen has state-of-the-art septic 541-977-2611 on a spacious lot with www.catecushman.com "Call A Service Perfect getaway spot J enn-Air range, i s High Desert Natural Hillside French C haFred Real Estate Group for those t hat l o ve system. Check out the MORRIS Professional" Directory land, slide-out 19821 L andscaping. 2 g a s Ponderosa St. teau - Copper CupoEasy to build .30 acre rock climbing 8 hiking. classifieds online REAL ESTATE is all about meeting s helves. Mast e r $388,000 fireplaces, 1 in living las, Slate Roof, Stone Home sits just across www.bendbuffetin.com lot with white water y&p d l yO d dOp boasts a t w o -sided Silvia your needs. room & 1 in master Knight, Broker, 4 Bedrooms, views an d m a t ure the road from Smith fireplace, deep soakUpdated daily bedroom. Master bed- 4Exterior. S o t hebys Call on one of the Baths, 4152 sq. ft., P onderosa pin e s . Rock State Park. The River Rim - 60978 ing tub, sep. shower. Cascade room ha s c o f fered Int'I Realty, views are magnificent. Woods Valley, near Offered at Power & water at the P owell B u t te , Pa n Awesome golf course professionals today! ceiling & slider to up- $2,395,000. B rookswood P l a z a v iews. All f o r o n l y 541-788-4861 street. Strong CCR's 7x7 s torage b l dg., oramic views, 3/2.5, per deck with hot tub. and trails, 4/3.5, over $539,000! Cate Cushman, with n o ove r night 10'x12' metal shed & 1393 sq.ft., o n 6+ This is a rare find in Vista Rim home sites Master bath has deep Principal Broker rentals allowed. Adja- 6'x6' pump house. RV acres, 2800 sq ft. 40x60 MLS¹201305100 Bend! Beautifully resoak tub, large tiled are available for the 541-480-1884 $12 9 ,900 shop/RV. John Furrow, Broker cent lots also avail- parking. www.johnlscott.com/2 modeled single story s hower & dou b l e very first time. This 541-647-0910 www.catecushman.com able. $180,000 Tom MLS¹ 201302904 Holly Garner, Broker 0002 Faye P hillips, home nestled in the sinks. Great room is upscale Eagle Crest Bobbie Strome, Fred Real Estate Group Broker 541-480-2945 E ilertson, Brok e r 541-480-4208 p ine trees w it h a Resort c o m munity, light & airy with ex748 Principal Broker 541-350-8097 Fred Real Estate Group John L. Scott separate one b e d- perched on the gentle pansive City & Cas- Northeast Bend Homes River's Edge; 2912 NW John L Scott Real John L. Scott Real Estate, Bend room apartment atcade views. Kitchen is slopes of Cline Butte, Estate 541-385-5500 Prineville Rancher Golf Course S D r ., Real Estate, Bend www.johnlscott.com t ached t o a wor k f eatures v iews o f efficiently laid out with 850 NE Robin - Like Wood floors through- 2/2, 1404 sq.ft condo, www.johnlscott.com shop! Perfect for an Mega-Shop and Home out, custom lighting, on the edge of the golf Call The Bulletin At Smith Rock, and the granite tile counters, new home w/2 suites, in-home b u s iness, s urrounding ap p l iances, in Bend. $229,900 on 3+ acres - Shop is SS appliances, gran- course. MLS ¹ m o u n newer 541-385-5809 Say "goodbuy" extra family, guests or t ains. S t a rting at pantry 8 h a r dwood TEAM Birtola Garmyn 4000 sq ft with four ite & quartz counter- 201301376 Place Your Ad Or E-Mail rental. Complete new $45,000, this is t he f looring. Triple g a to that unused 14-ft roll-up doors, in- tops, certified wood Priscilla Tofte, Broker High Desert Realty At: www.bendbulletin.com kitchen with d e luxe perfect opportunity to rage wit h U l timate sulated and concrete stove, fenced front 8 541-81 5-6444 541-312-9449 item by placing it in f loors, room for a ll backyard, deck. Open Fred Real Estate Group Stop guessing, know cabinets, SS a p pli- b uild y o u r dr e a m floor. Wired for secuwww. BendOregon ances, new rity system. Wired for The Bulletin Classifieds your toys and more! floor plan, 1610 sq. ft., home. The Lakeside RealEstate.com w hat your home i s Home is over 2500 sq 3 bedroom, 2 bath. Rural Ranchette, Bend. w orth! E v e r dr i v e furnace/water heater, Sport Center, fitness stereo with speakers '07 custom Tuscany new floor coverings, o n main floor in 4 4-Her ready! 3318 sq ft, 4 bedrooms and 2 MLS¹201301607 c lub, a n d ten n i s through your neigh1 level, .46 acre, 5 41 -385-580 9 b aths with a ve r y Laura Hilton, Broker ft, 4 b e drooms, 3.5 borhood and wonder windows, d r iveway, courts are just a short zones. 5-zone heat- style mor e . walk and owners re ing system. 2 levels of 2910 sq.ft. 3 bdrm, 3 open floor plan. All of GRI, ABR baths, 5 .7 4 a c r es just where the value e lectrical & bath, quiet cul de sac, Efficient 4 bed r oom this on well-treed 3 cedar decking plus w/5.16 ac of solid set of your home fits in? Two master suites, c eive preferred a c 541-306-1800 RV prkg, fenced, gas home on large corner a cre p a rcel wi t h irrigation. RV garage/ Receive your FREE family room with fire- cess to the Resort's paver patio. Plumbed heat, John L. Scott exc. Iandscaped parcel with a huge rim f enced areas a n d Real Estate, Bend shop and small barn. Home Market Evalua- place & a double car g olf c o urses a n d in humidification sys- 8 finish work. $595,000 rock feature for the ul- home nestled back on g arage. Priv a t e m ore. A l low us t o tem. $610,000 MLS¹ www.johnlscott.com $650,000. MLS¹ tion direct in your in541-382-6731 f enced y a r d wi t h show you these in timate i n pri v acy. parcel away from the 201301639 201306026 box! W W W . BENDMany high q u ality road. This is a must Prineville - The B e lmany mature trees, c redible v alues a t Bobbie Strome, Scott McLean, FIND IT! HOMEVALUE.COM features... great room see if you want the dame; 3 bdrm, 2 bath, g reen h ouse, R V Eagle Crest Resort. Principal Broker Principal Broker gttg tT I Barbara Jac k son, with an open maple shop of your dreams. covered patio and gas parking with dump & a John L Scott Real 541-408-6908 Eagle Crest Properties Broker 541-306-8186 SELL IT! state-of-the-art septic kitchen, granite slab, $225,000. Estate 541-385-5500 Realty Executives Clyde fireplace. Costumize it 866-722-3370 John L. Scott The Bulletin Classifieds SS appliances 8 pan- Browning, P r incipal today! system. Real Estate, Bend try. It is over 3300 sq Broker, 541-480-4520 Holly Garner, Broker SE Bend I $220,900 19821 Ponderosa St. www.johnlscott.com ft including a l i ving Eagle 541-480-4208 • 2018 sq.ft. $388,000 Co m mercial Fred Real Estate Group • 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath Gary Everett, CCIM room with fireplace, Real Estate SUN MEADOW formal dining, bonus • .25 acre lot Principal Broker bedrooms, 3.5 baths 541-480-6130 room, office 8 deluxe • MLS 201305458 in a 3465 +/- sq. ft. Midtown Bend I Tick, Tock m aster suite. Ef f i Joan Steelhammer, Judy Meyers, Broker, home on a 7841 sq.ft. $165,000 Broker cient solar hot water & • 699 sq.ft. GRI, CRS, SRES lot Like new Pahlisch Tick, Tock... 2 gas furnaces with • 2 bedroom, 1 bath 541-419-3717 541-480-1922 home with upgrades heat pumps. throughout! Open Remax • Convenient location ...don't let time get 19193 NW Chiloquin • MLS 201305288 vaulted ceiling in great away. Hire a T oo new fo r M LS¹ $555,000 room with gas f ireRookie Dickens, Broker, Gary Everett, CCIM professional out place and a stone sur- $139,900! 1974 sq. ft. GRI, CRS, ABR Principal Broker round with 2 built-ins 3br/1'/2 ba, 804 sq. ft., 541-815-0436 of The Bulletin's MORRIS 541-480-6130 for TV & electronics. add-on, fruit t r ees, REAL ESTATE "Call A Service Joan Steelhammer, Kitchen with k n otty o utbuildings, on . 3 9 y dp d l yO d ddy p Broker pine cabinets, extra acres between Bend Professional" 541-419-3717 lighting, stainless ap- & Redmond. Avion SE Bend, 4 bedroom, 3 Directory today! water, paved road and Remax bath, den, loft, great pliances, eating bar & 325' to D e schutes MORRIS area. Large upFormer model home for REAL ESTATE Prineville - The Dahlia; room, rock fireplace, dining fa m ily/bonus River and BLM. Pam vaulted ceilings, cen- stairs Crescent C r eek 3 Bdrm, 2 bath, covI dp d d y O d d Op d Lester, Principal Bro- 55466 Gross Drive is located in Three Rivers South, outside w/fantastic winO ver 2300 sq ft , 3 ered patio, 1480 sq.ft., tral vacuum, 3-car ga- room ker, Century 21 Gold rage, barn, RV area, dows. Large master Country Realty, Inc. of Sunriver. 3bd and 2ba. 1514 sq. ff. All kitchen appliances bedrooms, 2.5 baths, Mountain River Estates outdoor living space. bedroom w / w indow mountain views. Magopen floor plan, land- 61225 Gorge View. Holly Garner, Broker 541-504-1338 and certified wood stove included in sale of the home. Home seat, extra room for nificent! scaped yard and too Impeccable Jess Al541-480-4208 sitting, sewing or oflocated on .74 acre and fenced front and back. Priced fo sell www.johnlscott.com/s ways built home in T raditional sale! I m many upgrades and Fred Real Estate Group orensorensen Soren fice, h ug e w a l k-in m aculate features to list. Like SW Bend, 4/3, 3724 2-st o r y af $215,000. Call for an appointment fo see the home. closet. Master b ath Prineville - The King- S orensen, Bro k e r home in Badger Fornew, for only sq ft. w/soaking tub, est. Great room floor ston; 3 bdrm, 3 bath, 541-213-9438 $ 249,900. Clyd e John Furrow, Broker shower, separate WC, covered patio, 1965 541-647-0910 John L. Scott plan features tall ceilBrowning, P r i ncipal tile counters 8 floor. Real Estate, Bend Broker, 541-480-4520 Fred Real Estate Group sq.ft., home warranty ings, updated flooring Triple ca r ga r age included. www.johnlscott.com & spacious kitchen. Eagle Co m mercial w/ext. door to fenced Holly Garner, Broker NE Bend I $857,000 Real Estate ood s i ze d b ed/paved R V pkg . G 541-480-4208 • 4700 sq.ft. Skyliner Summit j rooms upstairs! H ager Mountain E s - • 8 bedroom, 7.5 bath $499,999. Fred Real Estate Group $410,000 Fenced 8 landscaped tates - 4 lots, $30,000 • 4.77 acres Bobbie Strome, • 2994 sq.ft. with alle y -access Pristine and tons of ex- • 3 bedroom, 3.5 bath each located in Silver • MLS 201305000 Principal Broker 2-car garage. tras! 10 acres, 2603 Lake. U n derground John L Scott Real • 2 master bedrooms Sydne Anderson, MLS¹201303184 MARY HOAK,Broker KYLE HOAK,Broker sq. ft. newer 4 bed- • MLS 201303896 power and conduit for Broker, CRS, WCR, Estate 541-385-5500 Cyndi Rob e rtson, room, 2.5 bath home. Lisa Campbell, Broker phone and i nternet. 541.848.8140, Direct CDPE, GREEN Broker 541-390-5345 541.639.7760, Direct 2-car heat e d/AC V iews o f Hage r 541-419-8900 Want to impress the 541-420-1111 John L. Scott 541.593.6038, Fax www.Central0regonRealEslate-KyleHoak.com shop. Solitude a nd Mountain. Septic fearelatives? Remodel Real Estate, Bend views. sibility for s t andard www.johnlscott.com your home with the Susan Durkheimer, system. The area is a Principal Broker, CRS help of a professional sportsman's paradise. TURN THE PAGE 541-647-9285 Bobbie Strome, from The Bulletin's MORRIS MORRIS John L. Scott Principal Broker "Call A Service For More Ads REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE Real Estate, Bend John L Scott Real Professional" Directory The Bulletin y dp d 1 0 H d dyp d www.johnlscott.com I M p d d y O d* dO p Estate 541-385-5500








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Karen Malanga, yd ddd



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Redmond Homes

Redm o n d Homes

Redm o n d Homes

Su nriver/La Pine Homes Homes with Acreage

Homes with Acreage H o mes with Acreage

H o mes with Acreage H o mes with Acreage

N ice single l evel 3 E xceptional cus t o m Smith R oc k Vi e ws. 3 Bdrm, 3 bath 1850 sq. 13914 SW RIDGE PL. 12789 SW Wheatgrass 13850 SW Quail Trail, Beautiful and peaceful bdrm. 2y~ bath, 1805 home on the canyon Fabulous great room ft., with granite coun- Amazing mtn v iews Rd. Well maintained Powell Butte. Private Powell Butte home on sq. ft. home on I/4 acre rim. Sweeping views plan with wood floors, tertops, w o odstove, from this 3 bdrm, 2 1680 sq. ft., 3 bdrm., horse property with 10.36 acres with 8.33 lot in nice SW Red of the Cascades and built-ins, & luxury fingas furnace and air bath home on 1 .13 2 bath, on 1 a c re. gorgeous m o untain acres o f i r r igation. mond. MLS canyon, with access ishes thr o u ghout. cond., 31x30 garage, acres which is adja- Spacious living room views. The 6.24 acres Home rebuilt in 2004. large swing set, 12x16 ¹201303545 just steps away. EnWood trim & doors, cent to public land. downstairs & f a mily i s fenced & c r o ss Open loft overlooks $209,999. Pam joy the beauty and Trex Deck, metal roof, wood shed, auto. wa- Short distance to the room upstairs. fenced w/2 stall barn, 360' View / Top of Butte living and dining arLester, Principal Bro serenity it has to offer. and walls of windows. tering system, 2 RV D eschutes Riv e r . $179,900 MLS insulated tack room in Terrebonne. Home, eas, soaring vaulted hook-ups, 30x60 vol- $164,900 ker Century 21 Gold Home was placed on Outstanding! 3 b ed201302119 w/water & 2 l o afing shop, mansion building ceilings. Spacious oak Country Realty, Inc. the lot to take full adr ooms, 2 . 5 ba t h s , leyball court, m etal MLS201304388. Juniper Realty, sheds. $299 , 0 00 site. 2% to broker. See: kitchen and utility/mud Bre c kenridge http://bend.craigslist.org/ 541-504-1 338 541-504-5393 vantage of views. Ev- 1855 sq. ft. Offered at roof, Juniper Realty, MLS 201304401 room with tile flooring. siding. All on 1.2 acres reo/3954373268.html ery inch of this home $309,000 541-504-5393 Juniper Realty, wrap-round p o r c h, in Wagon Trail Ranch, 1.76 Acres zoned R4 541-504-5393 has been maintained Eagle Crest Properties detached 2-car Find It in 6 326 SW S h a d R d . w ith 2122 sq . ft . 3 access to community BULLETIN CLASSIFIEDS to p erfection. M LS 866-722- 3370 drive-thru garage and The Bulletin Classifiedsl 201305317 $349,900 pool, clubhouse, y~ Spectacular views of bdrm, 2 bath country 1984 Crescent Cut-Off. Search the area's most 1008 sq. ft. Barn/Shop single level in mile of L i ttle D e s- the C R R C a n yon, h ome, l ovely l a n d Gorgeous 2663 sq. ft. comprehensive listing of 541-385-5809 John L. Scott Real Updated w ith a 7 2 0 s q . f t . SW Redmond, chutes River O wner S mith R o cks a n d scaping an d l a r ge on 5 acres. $279,900. classified advertising... fenced pasEstate 541-548-1712 mountains from every pond, $249,900. MLS High Lakes Realty & real estate to automotive, tlean-to, $132,500. New roof, will consider contract. Large home on large ure, p o nd , la n d Property Management fresh interior paint and $245,000. 541-848-7524 window of this 2436 H ighland Parks w i t h 201205496 Pam merchandise to sporting l ot. 2399 sq . f t . 3 scaped yard. P a nsq. ft. 3 bdrm, 3 bath 541-536-0117 Views. Great f l o or plush carpet. Open Lester, Principal Bro goods. Bulletin Classifieds oramic mountain view. bdrm, 2~/~ bath, dbl k itchen, S S app l i 52830 Sunrise Blvd. 3 home on 1.47 acres. plan with banks of ker, Century 21 Gold appear every day in the 2.5 Acres with full wagarage, turn-key. In w indows t o MLS¹201304104 MLS Country Realty, Inc. en j o y ances, new counter b drm, 2 b a t h , R V $179,000. ter right. 1990 built print or on line. great area! $239,900 John L. Scott Real Estops, l ight f i xtures, c over, 1+ acre . 20134899 Smith Rock v i ews! 541-504-1338 1040 sq. ft. home w/2 MLS¹201303106 Call 541-385-5809 tate 541-548-1712 co v e rings. $118,500. High Lakes Juniper Realty, bdrms, 2 baths. New www.bendbulletin.com Call The Bulletin At Pam Lester, Principal Open and bright with window 541-504-5393 Realty & Pr o p erty gas fireplace, built-ins, MLS 201306061 10 acres w /custom well, pressure tank, B roker Century 2 1 Jim Hinton, Broker, Management 541-385-5809 water system, 1000 Gold Country Realty, granite c o untertops, Beautiful m a i ntained home and shop in 541-420-6229 541 -536-01 1 7 Serwng Centrai Oregon since f9a3 tile floors & 2 car gaPowell Butte! mfd ho m e with g al septic t an k i n Place Your Ad Or E-Mail Inc. 541-504-1338 rage. Contemporary Central Oregon Realty fl o o rplan 2012. Fenced and has 5 ACRES with moun- At: www.bendbulletin.com mountain views, easy Unique 5 bdrm, 3.5 bath with Group, LLC w/indoor spa room, $264,500 Bright, open Craftsman style with landscaping and horse facilities as well views. 3 bdrm, 2 double car g a rage care s tone accents a n d You Must See This 3 hall w ays, as barn and s hop. tain Great Room plan w/ garden area, freshly wide b ath, 1 62 0 h o m e,$279,000 Custom 1870 floor to c e iling win metal roof. Furnish- bdrm, 2 bath, fully up- that sits on 1 park like painted ext. $129,950. single level. 5 588 N E H w y . 9 7 36x40 shop, fenced, s q. ft. home, g o u r met kitchen, open loft, $365,000. MLS dows, gas fireplace & ings negotiable. 3 between Redmond & irrigated, ext. s prindated with designer acre. Very well cared MLS 201303869 wrap around decks, built-in buffet opens to bedrooms, 2.5 baths, touches. Natural light for with a lot of extra 201108648 Call Call Gail Day, Terrebonne. kler system. double garage spec Charlie & Virginia, a large deck overlook 1993 sq. ft. Offered at with views of the Cas- improvements. Living 541-306-1018 MLS $279,000. $299,000 MLS tacular canyon and Room plus a l a rge ing the first green of $398,000 Principal B r o kers 2 01307440 J ohn L. cades. $154 , 500. Bonus Room, 2 Mas- Central Oregon Realty 2809225. Pam Lester, 541- 350-3418 the Challenge Course. Eagle Crest Properties Scott R e a l E s tate 5 41-504-1338 C e n - mtn views. 1.20 acres MLS 201303912. Gail ter Bedrooms, 1 on Group, LLC 866-722- 3370 MLS 201302855 4 bedroom, 3.5 bath, R E / MAX 541-548-1712 Day, Broker, each level. Elect. F/A Custom 2000 sq. ft. 3 Redmond tury 21, Gold County C all N a nc y Po p p , L and & Hom e s 2074 sq. ft. Home-ID Huge home in desired 541-306-1018. Realty and woodstove. Com$279,000. Qualit y home bdrm, 2 bath, unbe541-815-8000 951 Real Estate Central Oregon Realty SW location, 3 bdrm, m aster o n mai n , pletely la n dscaped lievable Cas c a de Crooked River Realty 541-350-3418 Eagle Crest Properties 2y~ bath, 2880 sq. ft., Group, LLC 6 1746 R o c k V ie w . with deck, c overed views, attached gawood floors.. 9- peak Home, Shop, Super Cascade views, newer 866-722-3370 huge deck, fenced, p atio and f i r e p i t . rage, 35x36 shop with $119,900 Terrific horse views from composite Clean! $99,700. High 3214 sq. ft. 4 bdrm, $285,000 Ideal home sprinklers, and yard, Looking for your next MLS 12x24 loft. , $299,000 d ecks. 1 .2 0 a c r e . Lakes Realty & Prop- 4'/~ bath home, 3-car $295,000. property. Smaller move-in ready. emp/oyee? located in The Falls at MLS¹ 201302855 201304282 MLS¹201203307 home, fenced and erty Man a gement garage, 2 RV bays, Place a Bulletin help $215,000. MLS E agle C rest. T h i s Cascade Realty, Nany Popp, Broker, cross fenced, with Call Nancy Popp 541-536-0117 36x40 shop. Pa m wanted ad today and home has many cus 201209154 541-815-8000 Dennis Haniford, Princ. 541-815-8 500 barn for horses. Close reach over 60,000 tom features: granite Lester, Principal Bro Broker 541-536-1731 Crooked River Realty to entrance of Crooked River Realty 7150 SW S W ALLOW $442,900. MLS¹ 201304473 readers each week. tile counter tops, slate ker Century 21 Gold Crooked River Ranch. $315,000. 10 acres with RD. Spacious 1804 Call Nancy Popp Deer St . Your classified ad sq. ft. 3 bdrm, 2 bath entry, bamboo floor Country Realty, Inc. 16160 Amber Lane 3 50480 MLS¹201300986 3 60' v iew o f C a s - w ith S m i t h Roc k 541-815-8000. $299,900. 1605 sq. ft. will also appear on ing. Meti c ulously 541-504-1338 bdrm beauty inside. 2.22 acres, 3 shops. Nancy Popp, c ades a n d Sm i t h bendbulletin.com B r ight a n d Crooked River Realty maintained landscap Newer large home on 23x25 shop. High Lakes Realty & 541-815-8000 Rock, 36x36 b a rn, vo iews. which currently reing. Home ID 1061 pen k i tchen a n d CULVER irr i gated $149,900. High Lakes Crooked River Realty almost 1/ 4 ac r e s. 2304 sq. ft. garage, great room. Ma n ageceives over Eagle Crest P r oper Realty & Pr o perty Property acres! 60x40 SHOP! s hop/hobby ro o m . location o nPrivate 3000 sq. ft., 3 bdrm, ment 541-536-0117 1.5 million page 5.62 12250 NW Dove Rd. Close to Lake Billy ties 866-722-3370 Management 2y~bath, landscaped 201304364 views every month Unobstructed moun- MLS¹ acres. $209,000. MLS C hinook, 541-536-0117 larg e 4 bdrm, 5 bath 3500 sq. Call Linda Lou Day and fenced with RV 2246 Nez Perce Ct. at no extra cost. 201304491 J u niper c ountry home , ft. home with 2 shops, tain views! immacugates. $299,999. MLS Wright R edmond. Lots o f Bulletin Classifieds l ate 1841 sq. ft . 3 Realty, 541-504-5393 views! 52182 Elderberry Lane barn, 3-car g arage $3 2 9 ,500. 541-771-2585 Pam house for your money 201304622 Get Results! MLS¹ 201302293 Great investment. w/ and guest quarters, bdrm, 2 bath, cedar Crooked River Realty Price Reduced! 8829 here! Large home with Lester, Principal Bro Call 385-5809 or Long-term ren t e r. on 5 acres near Smith sided home on 4.81 Redmond RE/MAX SW Jefferson View Pl. Land upgrades galore. The ker Century 21 Gold place your ad on-line acres. & Homes Real $59,500. High Lakes Rock. $530,000. MLS fenced Need to get an Beautiful log home lokitchen has stainless Country Realty, Inc. at MLS Realty & Pr o p erty 201304982 Estate 541-923-0855 Pam $385,000 cated in quiet area on steel high quality ap- 541-504-1338 ad in ASAP? bendbulletin.com 201101447 Management Lester, Principal Bro 1 acre corner lot on a Elegantly designed, mtn p liances, gran i te Juniper Realty, 541 -536-01 1 7 You can place it home i n S W ker, Century 21 Gold views, 2574 sq. ft. 3 paved street. S pac ountertops an d a L arge 541-504-5393 Redmond. $229,900. People Look for Information Country Realty, Inc. online at: c ious 1280 sq . f t . , bdrm, 2 bath home, kitchen island. You 16477 Heath Drive. 3 541-504-1338 Large sgl level home, About Products and large living, m any www.bendbulletin.com Finished bonus r m. get wood flooring and mtn. views, beautiful Services Every Day through bdrm, 2 bath, nicely Custom built home on USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! above garage. Home custom fea t u res, upgraded c a r pets, landscaping w/terrific upgraded. $154,900. is being sold fully fur- 20x20 shop, fenced The Bulletin Classifieds high ceilings, gas fire- backyard. 20 acres i n P owell Door-to-door selling with MLS¹ High Lakes Realty & 541-385-5809 nished. $21 4 ,900 for horses. $315,000 place surrounded by 201305967 Property Ma n age- Butte, 1652 sq. ft. 3 fast results! It's the easiest 755 201301737 MLS¹201304364 stone, mountain view, bdrm, 2 bath, double $315,000 Custom home MLS Jim Hinton, Broker, ment 541-536-0117 Juniper Realty, C all N a n c y Pop p Sunriver/La Pine Homes garage. $29 8 ,500 way in the world to sell. master bedroom with on 1.25 acres Cas541-420-6229 541-504-5393 541-815-8000 walk-in shower and Central Oregon Realty cade view lot. 3 bdrm, Riverfront- 1.60 acres. MLS¹201301732 1303 Elk Drive Paved & maint. road. Pam Lester, Principal The Bulletin Classified tile galore. Many more 2 bath, large rms, dble $89,900 Septic, water, Crooked River Realty Group, LLC B roker Century 2 1 upgrades, hard to re$ 189,000. Qua l i ty 1956 sq. ft. 2 bdrm, 541-385-5809 covered decks, back 30x40 sh o p ! 1 Great La Pine area. 3+ Country Realty, place at $ 2 42,500.M aster on Main with throughout! 4 b d rm, & front. Fenced & and bath upstairs with Gold 1/4-acre c u l -de-sac acres, 2648 sq. ft., 4 Call Heather Hockett, Views. One of a kind 2 224 sq. ft . Hig h a family room. Master Inc. 541-504-1338 SW Deer gated area for a nilocation. Cas c ade bdrm. Large s hop. Lakes Realty & Prop- bedroom dwnstairs. 4- 6624 SW FERRET DR. 12851 PC, Broker, Century plan with master on MLS views! 1000 gal. sep- $459,000. High Lakes Crossing. Remodeled mals. 21 Gold Country Re- main, wood f l oors, erty Man a gement car garage attached. Updated 3 bdrm, 2 ¹201305717 N a ncy Realty & Pr o perty 3 bdrm., 2 bath, 1440 tic, CRR water with alty, 541-420-9151 built-ins, and l uxury 541-536-01 1 7 Popp, 541-815-8000 Workshop area b eb ack-flow dev i c e. Management bath on 6 acres in a sq. ft. home on 2.29 finishes t h roughout. Shop: concrete floors, 541-536-0117 Auder i ne hind garage. Dog run. private location. Large acres. Features gran- Crooked River Realty 3rd Green of Challenge T wo e x tr a bo n u s 1 49112 garage/shop has ite counters, hickory $329,000. overlooking windows, 16x10 over- Hard-to-find l i k e-new Course. Meticulously r ooms, large d e ck $168,900. B e a utiful Landscaped. MLS bam b oo golf course/Crooked h ead d o or . M L S ¹ home on 5+ acres, 3 plenty of room for all cabinets, maintained one level with views & 2 car ga- 1340 sq. ft. 2 bdrm, $259,000. your toys. $159,000 floors, vinyl windows. River canyon views. 201203418 . N a ncy home on gracious .43 rage. 3 Bedrooms/2.5 1 /2 bath home. High 201305831 bdrm, 2 bath, 1716 Cascade Realty, The list goes on! Ga- 3 bdrm, 2 bath home Popp, 541-815-8000 Lakes Realty & PropJuniper Realty, acre lot overlooking Baths/2144 S q sq. ft. with bright open Ft . erty Man a gement Dennis Haniford, Princ. 541-504-5393 r age, carport & R V the 3rd green. Won- Offered at $420,000 with dbl attached ga- Crooked River Realty floor plan $245,000. 541-536- 0117 Broker 541-536-1731 covered park i ng. rage, 28x42 RV barn. derful open floor plan Eagle Crest Properties MLS 201304614. $265,000-2 bdrm, 2 Check out the $109,000 MLS MLS¹ 201302477 with gorgeous wood Pam Lester, 866-722- 3370 1204 Che r y l Dr. W ell m a i ntained 3 bath, 1188 sq. ft. classifieds online 201204410 5 41-504-1338 C e n floors, gas fireplace, & Call Nancy Popp, $174,900. Gorgeous bdrm, 2 b ath, 1722 home on 5.95 acres & wwwr.bendbulletin.com Juniper Realty, f loor to ceil i n g New construction homes, 2 acres and 541-815-8000 tury 21, Gold County huge 72x60 shop. sq. ft. mfd home on 541-504-5393 Updated daily built-ins. Over sized $189,000. Single story shop! Crooked River Realty Realty H i g h L akes 2.5 a c res. F a m ily MLS¹ 201209007 two car garage with 3 bdrm, 2 bath, 1724 Realty & Pr o perty room LR, separation Call Linda Lou workshop, tons of ex- sq.ft., Move in ready! Management Day-Wright, Broker, of bedrooms. Master tra storage, & sepa- Landscaped with 541-536-0117 541-771-2585 has walk-in shower rate detached storsprinklers and fenced. plus tub, and walk in Crooked River Realty age room for bicycles, MLS ¹ 20 1 3 0477956811 Besson. 3 rental Corner pantry 16751 SW DOVE RD. l awn tools, & g o l f Pam Lester, Principal units, great h istory. closet $222,500. High Lakes in kitchen. Separate One level 2500 sq. ft. clubs. 3 bedrooms, 2 B roker, Century 2 1 Realty & Pr o perty u tility opens o n t o custom log home on b aths, 1897 sq . f t . Gold Country Realty, back covered deck. 4 .9 a c res.Floor t o Management Offered at $399,900 Inc. 541-504-1338 Heat pump plus elec- c eiling 541-536-0117 wind o w s Eagle Crest Properties tric F/A and propane w/views of the Mtns. New Construction - 3 866-722- 3370 14670 S. Sugar Pine. bdrm, 2 b ath, 1705 heater. Large carport Hickory hardwood & Cu s t om plus dbl. garage with tile floors. $499,999 Beautifully Crafted - 4 sq.ft, 23 acre lot, tile $ 224,900. home & shop on 1.39 floors, tile backsplash, shop area. Close to MLS 201208751 bdrm, 2~/~bath home is perfect for y o ur landscaped, fenced. acres. Hig h L a k es downtown and gov't Juniper Realty, Realty & Pr o p erty lands. MLS $169 , 000. family. Great r oom 179,900 541-504-5393 Management w /corner ga s f i r e- ¹ 201209125 Pa m MLS 201304888 541-536-01 1 7 Custom home on 5 s • • • Cascade Realty, Denplace & sliding glass Lester, Principal Bronis Haniford, Princ. acres 3 bdrm 2 bath, door, kitchen with tile ker, Century 21 Gold 15607 Deedon Rd. 10 dbl. garage, private backsplash, p a ntry, Country Realty, Inc. acres, well installed, Broker 541-536-1731 well, l a r ge shop. eating bar & windows 541-504-1338 large pines. $120,000. MLS C o u nty s ays $106.500. above the sink. Hard- Just bought a new boat? High Lakes Realty & Wow! 201207304 Call wood flooring in the Sell your old one in the Property Ma n age- 1512' however there Nancy Popp is a bonus room that kitchen & dining area. classifieds! Ask about our ment 541-536-0117 541-815-8000 Main f l oor m a ster Super Seller rates! is 11.5x14' with a ir 1,584 sq. ft., 1.91 acres. cond. Plus den, sky- Crooked River Realty suite h a s va u l ted 541-385-5809 Wagon Trail Ranch ceilings, bath, walk-in lights, new heat pump Find exactly what closet & access to the New construction in NW has a pool, rec room, with cooling. newer lending library, boat deck. Fenced yard w/ Redmond. $178,900. hot w a te r he a t er. you are looking for in the sprinklers & Ig. stor- 3 /2, 1556 s q . f t . , launch for floating the 3 6'x36' s h o p wi t h CLASSIFIEDS age shed. $210,000 Stainless appliances, river & lots of com- 2-10' doors w/openpantry, plumbed for mon areas. $130,000. ers and a 12x16' door 14198 SW Nine Peaks MLS¹201302871 add-on in back16x36 John L. Scott Real AC, fully landscaped, MLS ¹201305240 w /10' door + w o o d Pl. Mtn. views from sprinkler sys t e m, Cascade Realty, Estate 541-548-1712 1960 sq. ft., 3 oversized garage door Dennis Haniford, Princ. storage. Chain l i nk this bdrm., 2 bath home Beautiful well-cared for Broker 541-536-1731 w/opener. MLS¹ fenced with gate to 1.16 acre. 936 sq. ranch home on.51 gov't lands, Plus boat on garage 201305675. J eanne 16021 Bull Bat Lane. 1 has a shop acre. 3 bdrms, 2 baths Scharlund, B r o ker, acre with 30x48 shop storage. $ 1 5 9,900. ft. area plus 2 bays. RV and 2000 sq. ft., all on 541-420-7978 MLS¹201304458 and utilities. c overed storage & one level. Home has Central Oregon Realty Cascade Realty, $159,900. High Lakes Dennis carport. $13 9 , 500 9' ceilings, 3-car gaGroup, LLC Haniford, Princ. Realty & Pr o p erty MLS 201208272 rage and views of Broker Management Juniper Realty, Smith Rock and Cas- New construction NE 1-541-536-1731 541-504-5393 Redmond. $174,900. 541-536-01 1 7 cade Mountains. Many upgrades make 3 bdrm, 2.5 bath 1466 sq. ft. 2-story home, this a home you will landscaped, sprinkler want to see!! system. MLS¹ MLS¹201107890 201209172 $223,500 Jim Hinton, Broker, John L. Scott Real 541-420-6229 Estate 541-548-1712 Central Oregon Realty Canyon Rim V i llage Group, LLC II Open floor plan fea tures gas appliances, New Construction - Split ,I hardwood floors, cen master floorplan, 3 tral air w/heat pump bdrm, 2 b ath, 1640 and good separation sq. ft., tile floors/backbetween master and splash, Rv p arking. MLS other bedrooms. Built- $184,900. ¹ 201301880 Pa m in desk, upstairs bo )JI - ck Lester, Principal Bronus room, vaulted ceil ker, Century 21 Gold ings, covered porch, .+, "'tte u nderground s p r i n Country Realty, Inc. klers, raised garden 541-504-1338 beds, exc e ptionalNW Redmond neighlandscaping. MLS borhood, 1506 sq. ft. 201304759 $315,000 3 bdrm, 2 bath, fun John L. Scott Real decor and a rchitecEstate 541-548-1712 tural accents. MLS 201304848 $159,900 Call Charlie & Virginia C raftsman style o n Principal Brok e rs large lot! $233,500. ~ I PREVIOUS ' I 5 41-350-3418 R e d To place your Bulletin ad with a photo, Family room, bonus mond RE/MAX Land PRICE room, fireplace and visit www.bendbulletin.com, click on & Homes R eal Esm ore! 4 b d rm, 3 tate 541-923-0855 I' II I bath, 2218 sq. ft., $649,900 "Place an ad" and follow these easy steps: lL m aster o n m a i n . Single level 3 Bdrm, 2 MLS¹ 201300385. III ChOOSe CI CategOry, ChOOSe a ClaSSifiCatiOn, 301 Barrington • 3 Bed/2 Bath 1 ,857 Bath home on cor$699,900 C all Charlie & V i r ner lot in an estaband then select your ad package. ginia Principal BroI ' II I lished nei g hbor411 Ashton 2 Be d/2 Bath 1,526 $615,900 kers 541-350-3418 hood. Triple Garage Redmond RE/MAX Q Write your ad and upload your digital photo. $214,900 MLS III 30 A S O n 2 Be f %i2 a ,7 $699,900 L and & Hom e s 201304052 Call Real Estate Create your account with any major credit Charlie & V i rginia 541-923-0855 Principal B r o kers card. 541-350-3418 Advertise your car! Marketed By Redmond RE/MAX Add A Picture! All ads appear in both print and online Reach thousands of readers! Land & Homes Call 541 -385-5809 Real Estate Please allow 24 hours for photo processing before your sRE¹ 01870326 The Bulletin Classlfleds 541-923-0855 ad appears in print and online. 363 SW BLUFF DRIVE • BEND, OREGON 97702

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Easy, flexible, and affordable ad packages are also available on our Web site.




Eagle Crest Home 3 Single story 3 bdrm, 2 bdrms, 2 baths chabath, 1244 sq.ft., with let beauty. Golf many upgrades on a To place your photo ad, visit us online Course lot, great corner lot. $144,900. views. Great rental MLS ¹ 20 1 3 02632. history. MLS ¹ Pam Lester, Principal 201208881 $244,700. B roker, Century 2 1 John L. Scott Real Gold Country Realty, Estate 541-548-1712 Inc. 541-504-1338


Principal Broker Donna ReneePiper License n00910010

8 8 8 . 898.S883

O eaua. sousm owwnarrv

*Prices are subject to change.

Iassl flefjs •







• I I I





« •


¹ I


• • •




BtI 4

Nestled in tall Ponderosa Pines within an hour of Bend 8C Mt.

avaiiabie from 535 9PPt • 3 bed/2.5 bath fractional ownership! • Beautiful setting R588 0 Turnkey vacation offering! g~ • 2 fractions available. •

• Great rental income • Family fun begins at Seventh Mt. Resort


Call Robin Yeakel, Broker, CRS j 541-408-0406 Resort Properties Specialist 4



units available

condo offer quality • Travertine floors, rock fireplace • All new appliances • Murphy bed offers additional sleeping room • Very comfortable w/ balcony views of forest & river • MLS¹ 201107707



• 2214 SF single level home • 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths • Open gre atroom plan,vaulted ceilings, skylights, light & bright! • New carpet, stainless appliances, pristine & private • Home is situated on 2.13 acres • Offering includes 2 adjoining tax lots, .93 acres each • Large oversized 2-car detached garage w/room for shop area and space for all your toys! • Circular drive, rock outcroppings, lots of wildlife! • Heavily treed, beautiful property! MLS¹201305871

• Only 7 minutes from downtown • Tetherow is a planned 700 acre community backing to national forest and is the perfect home base for discovering the best of Central Oregon from biking and hiking, rafting and kayaking or dining and shopping Contact Brian for more information or a private tour. www. Tetherow.com

Call Robin Yeakel, Broker, CRS j 541-408-0406 Resort Properties Specialist

Call Brian Ladd, Principal Broker, Director of Lot Sales 541-408-3912 j br!ant¹bendpropertysource.com •

/ •



I • '

• 53547 Kokanee Way, $395,000: 3 bdrm, 3-car garage & deck overlooking river w/direct view of Pringle Falls • 53557 Kokanee Way, $490,000: This bright ¹t open custombuilt 1998 home directly overlooks the river • 53610 Brookie Way, $420,000: Beautiful Scandinavian inspired design w/hand blown glass,ironwork & sauna • 53510 Brookie Way, $425,000: Hand-scribed Canadian Spruce log home w/covered porches, backs to N. Forest • 14234 Whitewater Loop, $400,000: 2006 High-quality custom home with vaulted ceilings on a large and level lot Video tours at: www.bendpropertysource.com/¹stings

Call Brian Ladd, Principal Broker / 541-408-3912 brian©bendpropertysource.com


• •

Bachelor & only 20 min, from Championship Golf & Sunriver


¹ ' I


aaa aaa aaa zx

19338 Brookside Way • Custom quality home

Close to shopping, dining, recreation and NW Crossing! • Immaculate home with 3700 SF, 3 master suites, 4 full baths 81 quality designer finishes throughout • Granite slab counters; hardwood floors; hobby/playroom off kitchen; master suite with deck and fireplace • Office with custom built-ins could be used as guest room • Large bonus room and loft area with mini kitchen • Easy care professional landscaping with 50' water feature •3 decks,paverpatio,and classicfrontporch • Shop area in garage and 1800 SF of under-house storage G p t Id 2 C d

adjacent to open space. • 2400 sq.ft. with 3 bd, 3 ba, den, office, plus a bonus room. • Oversized double car garage, gear room and additional storage space. • Easy access to golf, trails, Mt. Bachelor, shopping and schools.

0 II 2

Call Shelly Swanson, Broker / 541-408-0086

I •



P I , 2 oI < I 0 4 1 -402-7742

• 1st Floor master suite • 2nd floor with open loft area and large bonus room • Covered backyard area on the canal and views of Mt. Bachelor • 3 car garage, landscaped with irrigation

Kelly Winch Taylor, Broker/ 541-390-0398




$8$ J0



• 19321 SW Brookside Way • NW chalet style nestled into the hillside with spectacular mountain views • Private backyard with sunny southern exposure • Beautifully maintained and loaded w/upgrades • 4 bedroom, 3 baths plus den/office • Oversized double car garage w/shop area & ample storage • Near National forest, on the way to Mt. Bachelor yet so close to downtown Bend • MLS¹201301399

Call Shelly Swanson, Broker j 541-408-0086





4 •

0 I I I

'. • •

• 3 BD/3BA 3102sq. ft. • McKenzie Floorplan (no longer available in Bridges) • Gourmet kitchen with slab granite, stainless appliances, center island

:I, I 4


• Perfect as a principal residence or a second home • 3095 SF, .34 acre • 4 bedrooms, 3.5 baths • Master suite and den on the main level • Many upgraded features, premium appliances • Oversized 3-car garage MLS¹201306975

• 3 Bed, 2 Bath,1887SF ' giLBIkc • Beautifully restored 1930s 22ii downtownBendhome • Showcases original charmwhile incorporating modernadditions • Enjoy soundsof the DeschutesRiver fromfront yard • Beautiful, matured landscaping • One block from FirstStreet Rapids trail MLS¹201307504


+ Call Deb Tebbs Group, Brokers j 541-419-4553

Call The Norma DuBois and Julie Moe Team, Brokers


541-312-5151 j www. TearmNormaAndJulie.com



• a

views • Energy efficient Earth Advantage • A flex room & study allow for maximum versatility • 61533 Meeks Trail

• MLS¹20120BB65 Call Shelly Swanson, Broker j 541-408-0086

0' •

• • •

• 3 bedroom, 3.5 baths, built by Timberline Construction & designed by Jim Tebbs Design Group • Seamless integration of indoor and outdoor space, open floor plan • Private courtyard and covered back patio w/mountain

rock fireplace • 1449 sq.ft. Attached garage/storage/shop • 3 Bed. 2.5 Bath, 2,97D sq.ft. MLS¹201306481

Sandy Kohlmoos, Broker, CRS( 541-408-4309

Deb Tebbs Group j Like us onBl j www.debtebbsgroup.com


J• •

• Being constructed by R.D. Building & Design • Functional, thoughtfully executed floor plan • 4 bedrooms (2 suites on main), 3.5 bath • Panoramic views • True gourmet kitchen • Family room, den, wine storage • 12 ft. glass sliding doors, 3 water features a a a


fl J o hn Taylor, Broker j 541-480-0448~ or Silvia Knight, Broker j 541-788-4861

• Rare development opportunity • 75 acre East Bend parcel • 2400ft Airstrip, 2 Hangars

• 2136sf, 3 bedroom, 3 bath home in beautiful 5 acre, treed setting • Large shop, 2800sf barn • Potential to build 4 additionalhomes



Resort Properties Specialist








TatlllodMeakel,~pe, cR¹10¹ta¹ ts!1st


• 0 •



• Main level master


• • jdtj I" 2 "- • •

Hardwood floors SS Appliances Deck/hot tub 2-car garage





• Wood burning fireplace

Call Ken Renner, Principal Broker j 541-280-5352

• Dramatic foyer & living area • Exquisite master suite • 3346 sq. ft. • Beamed cathedral ceilings & loft • 4 bedrooms,2 full,2 halfbaths • Beautiful extensive decks • Top end hot tub • 26 Siskin Lane MLS¹201304990


Wall Ron Davis, Prmctpa Bro er 541-4


Exceptional Offering! • 160 ac. world class equestrian center • 117 stalls, Cascade Mountain views • 2 indoor arenas — cutting and reining • 36 stall heated Mare Barn • 40 ac. hay and 20 ac. Triticale • 40 ac. COI Irrigation, shared well • 2 caretaker homes in the property MLS¹201307133

• Great room

www.SunriverDEALS.com• mike@SunriverDEALS.com


• Complete Remodel '

Call Mike Sullivan, Principal Broker j 541-350-8616


26 Poplar - Sunriver ( $550,000

•3bdrms/4.5baths3,843sq.ft • 3 Mst bdrm suites downstairs. • Family room w/full wet bar • Tour of Homes™ Award Winner • youtubehtt:// outu.be/am UIGtSW' MLS¹201303169

Stone's Throw to River ( $549,900


'I: '

Call Shelly Swanson, Broker j 541-408-0086



Caldera Springs ~ $1,029,000

• Built by Timberline Construction and designed by Christian Gladu Design Group • Situated to take advantage of western views & maximize outdoor living area and to take advantage of passive solar gains & wonderful Cascade Mtn. views • Interior organized around central living area that visually connects the living, dining and kitchen while creating tertiary exterior living spaces • Backs up to common area MLS¹201301884

• Large single-level • Modern kitchen • Large, open living spaces • Floor-to-ceiling stacked

5 Oregon Loop - Sunriver ( $619,000 • 5 bed, 3.5 bath, 2539 SF • Lodge style home in the II

• • • • •

North end of Sunriver Great rental history Furnished per inventory Stainless appliances Slab granite counters 2 master suites

Call Greg Barnwell, Broker j 541-848-7222

Call Keith Petersen PC, Broker j 541-815-0906


www.lgellSunr!ver.com KeithCalgellgunr!ver.com

• 8200 SF situated on 18+ acres, joins BLM land • 6 bedrooms, 4.5 baths • 4 ponds, water feature, u

• 563 acres with Cascade Mtn views


lljR!I Rllllll "' t;

paver walks and patios • Stunning perennial gardens • 12,000 bottle wine cellar • Hobby barn with 4 stalls, paddocks, corrals MLS¹201307124 • Also available: Cinder Lakes Ranch Equestrian Facility, 160 acres

Call Robin Yeakel, Broker, CRS j 541-408-0406 Resort Properties Specialist

• 351 acres irrigated from "BIg Bertha Well" 3 pivots, 7 wheel lines • Crops include turf, and contracted seed crops • Improvements include: 1578SF countr yhome,off ice,3720 SFshop/machineshed • Property is seven legal lots - additional building sites available • Productive & incomeproducing farm-call for details MLS¹201300346

Call Pam Mayo Phillips, Principal Broker j 541-480-1513 desertvalleygroup.com 8 cascadessothebysrealty.com


To PLAGE AN AD cALL CLAssIFIED• 541-385-5809


• •


'vt V


Sparkling Clean!!! SE side of Bend ( $219,900

• Starting out or winding down, this home fits

the bill • 3 bedroom, 2 bath


• Great neighborhood MLS¹201306887

5330 SE Hilltop Rd, Prineville / $249,000 • Light, bright1971SFhome,3 beds, 2 bathson 5acres roomfor RV firepit • Garden tubin mastersuite • Great roomw/vaulted ceilings, Mt. Bachelorviewsfromkitchen

• Woodstove&bonusroomcomplete w/pool table,bar&stools • 36x48finishedshop,16'RV door workbench&shelves

— ~ • 3 bdrms, 2.5 bahs, 1461SF • Gr eat location! WON'T LAST! MLS¹201307187


Call Kelly Horton, Broker l 541-508-9163

• Greenhouse,shed w/concrete Iloor,

playhouse w/bunkbeds, playstructure, dog kennelDecks . on 3sides.

Call Mary Stratton, Broker l 541-419-6340 or Erika Stratton-Sanzone, Broker l 541-280-8388

Call Natalie Vandenborn, Broker l 541-508-9581


Great SW Location in Bend! ~ $269,900

Charming Cottage on OchocoReservoir J$290,000

1256 CannonFallsCt.,Redmond $324,900

Call Shelly Swanson, Broker l 541-408-0086

• 3 bed, 2 bath plus den • Golfcourse & Smith Rockviews

• A Private dock is mooredon beach • Adorable 2 bed, 2bath homehas upper & lower decksthat take advantage of beautiful views • The.22 acre lot is fencedandhas auto sprinklers. Storageshed for

backyard, stamped concrete patio, underground sprinklers



• Have your very own vacation cottage on Ochoco Reservoir

• Wonderful single level siting on a mature 35 acre lot on a cul-de-sac • Close to Old Mill, schools & shopping • Loads of huge pine trees, fenced

• 3 bed, 2.5 bath, 1460 SF • Very clean and well cared for llri • Great neighborhood Westbrook Village - • • Large lot, beautiful landscaping • Turn key, ready to move in • Fully fenced backyard MLS¹201307145 Call Ryan Whitcomb, Broker l 541-639-1151 -

• ALL NEW interior flooring • Fresh new interior paint • Shows AWESOME! • Central air for those HOTdays • Gas fireplace for cold days

shopping and schools.

Great Family Home ( $234,900

Starting Out or Winding Down( $199,000

• Expansive northeasterly views of the Ochoco Mountains and Pilot Butte • .29 of acre lot in Rivers Edge • This homesite offers 120 feet in width providing opportunity for many design options • Near river trail, golf,



4 •

Custom Building Site in Rivers Edge( $124,000

• Nice storage shed & a 3 car garage • 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, 1864SF • Wood floors,skylights, separatelarge bonus/familyroom,traditional floor plan





toys. Horse shoe pit • Large established trees for shade &r

privacy.Whygoanywhere else?

off deck • 1721 SF, single level • Located in Eagle Crest's premier active 55+ community, you don't have to worry about yard work anymore! • Pathways,clubhouse,resident managed activities & amenities

Call Mary Stratton, Broker l 541-419-6340

Call Natalie Vandenborn, Broker l 541-508-9581

Call Greg Langhaim, Broker l 801-706-3230





Single Level Tumalo Home ( $325,000

61664 Rigel Way ( $334,900

View Homesite - Tetherow ¹142( $335,450

4038 SW Summit,Redmond ~ $339,700

• 3 bdrms, 2 baths, 1800 SF

4 bed, 3 baths, 2364 SF Master on the main Hardwood floors Tiled baths Huge bonus room Paved RV parking Beautifully landscaped, backs canal MLS¹201306923

• Great room floor plan • Kitchen with pantry • Front & rear landscaping

w/sprinklers • Mountain views from front

bedrooms • Room to build a shop MLS¹201300339

Call Carol Osgood/Korren Bower, Brokersl 541-504-3839

Better Hurry On This One! ~ $349,000

17940 Parkway Lane ) $350,000

20416 Aberdeen - Stonehaven) $355,000

Large SE Bend Home ~ $359,000

• Immaculate and close-in

breakerin shop • Great location between Sisters & Bend

www joanneejoannemckee.com


• Hickory hardwoodfloorsthroughout the entire1st floor • Formalliving &dining • Kitchen opens to family room w/firep ace • Huge bonusroomupstairs w/3 additionalbedroomsandanupstairs utility room • New exterior paint

. v

Korren Bower, Broker l 541-504-3839

Enchanting Single Level ( $425,000

18669 Coffee Ct. ~ $439,750

x1966SF,3bed,2bath homein Sunriver I Great locationnear FortRockPark, golf courses,swimming poolsandSHARC xUpdatedwoodfloorsandgranite

• Love y spacious homeonacorner lot


formal dining • Beautiful y manicured and fowered yard, quiet neighborhood • Tandem 3-cargaragewithbuilt-ins MLS¹201305909

Call Myra Girod, Broker l 541-815-2400 or Pam Bronson, Broker l 541-788-6767

3 Hoodoo Lane ~ $399,000

61316 SW Brianne Place ~ $385,000

7"' I .-arprs'~I,

countertops >OchocostoneFireplacewal

xOnelevelhomewithprivate backyard and hot tub xPerfect pacetocall home,avacation paradise or investment property

MLS¹20130 6603

Call Chris Sulak, Broker l 541-350-6164 chrissulak©bendbroadband.com

West Side Near The River ~ $465,000


• Tall vaulted ceilings • Lots of light through the Ia rge wi ndows • Largemastersuite separate

• Luxury single level townhome •2 bed,2.5bath plusa den/of fi ce • 1987 SF, oversized 2 car

from other bedrooms • Fabulous neighborhood • 3 bed, 2 bath, 1880 SF MLS¹201307062

free, easy living • Loaded with upgrades!

garage, & AC • HOA benefits; maintenance

• Location, Location, Location!

• MLS¹201304760

Call Jordan Haase, Principal Brokerl 541-420-1559 or Stephanie Ruiz, Brokerl 541-948-5196 PointsWestBend.com

Desert Valley Group l 541-923-1376

The Norma DuBoisand Julie Moe Team, Brokers


541-312-5151 l www.TeamNormaAndJulie.com

Westside Charmer ~ $529,900

Luxury Townhomes( Offered from $549,750

• Desirable community of Rimrock West

• Beautiful 3/4 acre pine treed lot • 3400 SF, 3 car garage • Hugebonus/famiyroom • Forma living & dining, 3 fireplaces • Oneownerhomew/lotsofextras • Wonderful decking private backyardw/water feature • Very popular ocation! • 1684 NW City View

• Community access to the Deschutes River

• 1904 SF lodge style home


¹S "

Call Joanne McKee, Broker l 541-480-5159



• Open great room concept • Butler's pantry between kitchen and


• Build your dream home while you live in loft area or your RV ' Mi&¹201105898



QQ ' ) • Air conditioning, hardwood floors


• rtv hookups inside & out, 100 amp

— •Call Kelly to see this great home!

• Upstairs loft can be studio

or 3rd bedroom • Wrap-around deck to enjoy the sound of the river

• MLS¹201300623

• 4 bedrooms, 3 full baths, 3446 SF • Additional bonus room & loft • Large kitchen w/eating bar • Formal living room & dining room • Backyard with built-in BBQ 8 fireplace • Attached 2 car garage MLS¹201304892

• Green Energy Efficient Certifications • 3bedrooms, 2.5 baths, 2800SF, 2 gas fireplaces.central vac

quarter/loft ' Bath, laundry area, septic, well & pumphouse

• 2186 SF on 2+ acres


• Amenities include A/C, granite counters mountain views MLS¹201306568

Call CJ Neumann l 541-410-3710 or Lisa Lamberto l 541-610-9697 www.CJLisa.com

• Permitted GP Building w/living

• 4bed, 3bath, 3078SFof living space

ss j


Call Judy McCombs, Broker l 541-390-1411 or Haley Dahlquist, Broker l 541-815-9002

• 4 bedroom, 2 bath

Call Kelly Horton, Broker l 541-508-9163

• Majestic Ridge home • 4 bed, 2 bath, 3-car garage • Main level living, 4th bdrm & bonus on 2nd floor • Move-in ready!

541-480-4186 l melanieemelaniemaitre.com

Call Melanie Maitre, Broker ABR, SRES, ePRO


• B L I'

• Stunning, unobstructedmountainviews +Bestavailablesite overlooking ¹2 green • Great privacy- no homesitesacross fainvay +Large,level site -greatfor asingle story plan • Prelim, design concepts availab e +TetherowGolf or Social Membership • Call for gateaccessandadditional details

• • • • • • •

I n s p i ring Mountain Views ( $595,000 Sweeping panoramas Charming prairie style Wrap-around veranda

• Beautiful golf course and mountain views


• Customizable finishes • Gorgeous great rooms • 3 Beautiful floor plans to choose from


Nearly 10 secluded acres Peek-a-boo view of Little Deschutes, bordered by BLM

Oversized 3-bay garage MLS¹201304180

• 3 roundabouts to downtown


Call Bryan Hilts, Broker l 541-771-3200

Call Mary Stratton, Broker l 541-419-6340

Judy McCombs, Broker 541-390-1411 or Natalie Vandenborn,

Call Greg Barnwell, Broker l 541-848-7222



Broker 541-508-9581l www.tripleknottownhomes.com


Brilliantly Spacious f $765,000

2013 Tour Home™ In Tetherow ( $785,000

• Over an acre on Awbrey Butte

Flat, mature lot • Exquisitely remodeled ~w"ir dllR,,, n iilillflf)](¹ @. kitchen ,jj III" • 3 bedroom suites • Wrap-around deck • 4 beds, 4.5 baths, 4203 SF MLS¹201305997 The Norma DuBois and Julie Moe Team, Brokers = •




• 3 beds, 4 baths, 4302 SF

Contemporary City Living ~ $820,000

Luxury Single Level in Broken Top( $1,150,000

Awbrey Butte & Mt. Views ~ $1,295,000

• 3 bed, 3.5 bath, 3200 SF

• 5 bedroom, 4 baths, 5116 SF • Overlooking Broken Top's12th fairway and green • One level with upstairs guest suite and private office • Privacy with southern exposure • Bonus & exercise room • 3 car garage w/shop area • MLS¹ 201202864

• Cascade Mountainviews • Walk to Old Mill/Downtown • MLS¹201207761

Call Bobby Lockrem, Broker l 541-480-2356

Call Shelly Swanson, Broker l 541-408-0086

blockremegmail.com '.x

• Fabulous 180 degree view of Cascades! • Gorgeous custom LOG home • 4.49 acres HORSE property • Backs up to BLM for riding/hiking • Two master suites • 24x20 third bedroom/bath • Office/flex space loft MLS¹201306409 Call Myra Girod, Broker l 541-815-2400 or Pam Bronson, Broker l 541-788-6767 myra.pamteamecascadesir.com


' •


• •

• '



.ai: a



c t Ai ' • : - ' ", 'a~x

M i Ct hood






• II a I



= w ~x ~



Call Ken Renner, Principal Brokerl 541-280-5352

Call Jodi Kearney, Broker l 541-693-4019



65890 Pronghorn Estates Dr. ~ $1,685,000

LegacyEstate on River5 Crosswater GolfCourse$3,895,000


incorporates the outdoor ivingspace • It has an elevator to takeyouto the Vrc two exquisitemas ter bedroomsonthe secondleve xCasitafor yourguestsandall theamenities. • Price includesPronghorn's Premier

lap pool

• River & golf front property • Adjacent 3.49 acre lot avail. at $799,000 Video tour at www. bendpropertysource.com/listing

Membershipdeposit oi $115,000 MLS¹20130 3439.

Call Kelly Horton, Broker l 541-508-9163

Call Brian Ladd, Broker l 541-408-3912


www.bendpropertysource.com• brianebendpropertysource.com

' .-



aS • •

¹= •



• • •

• • • •

Elevated location with views Refreshing, innovative design & functional floor plan Open plan, essentially main level living Magnificently appointed kitchen

• • • •

Hand finished walls Hardwood, designer carpet & tile 40' RV garage Home currently under construction, please call listing agents for more information Call Silvia Knight, Broker l 541-788-4861 or John Taylor, Broker l 541-480-0448


• 7991 SF • 2.8 acres w/400' of private river frontage • 800 SF guest cabin • 4 bed, 5.5 baths, indoor

• This home includes retractable windows in thekitchenandfamily roomwhich



downtown Bend • Elegant finishes, 5 bedrooms, 4 baths • Remodeled down to studs in 2006 • 10 NW Drake Rd. • MLS¹201306173 Call for a Personal Tour!

accents / • Expansivdeck e w/mt, views =- • Ma in level master guest & room ~ • 4bedrooms, 4.5baths, 4900SF • .52acrelot



• Stone's throw from


• Custom wrought-iron rai ings &



t p



Located on Mirror Pond! ) $1,299,000

• 24" TurkishTravertine tile f oors

3 beds, 2.5 baths, 2925 SF Professionally decorated single level home ' 1 v c i nl ' e, -I, ] w/Cascade Mountain views Lovely office, breakfast nook off kitchen "' 'IStone fireplace in great room; patio off m aster and guest suite Multiple outdoor entertaining areas; large, paver raised decks Large ponds & bubbling river rock creek Large utility room & triple car garage MLS¹201306140 Call Deb Tebbs Group, Brokersl 541-419-4553 Bev Sherrer, Princi al Broker 541-480-7707

I¹i¹ s -.


• • •



• 4stall barn,storageshed, fenced MLS¹201305923 Call Rhonda Garrison, Principal Broker l 541-279-1768

Rod Hatchell, Brokerl 541-728-8812 rod.hatchell©bendluxuryhomes.com

• Heated parking

• Bend address/Sisters schools • 2-car garageplus40ft. RVgarage ¹s •PanoramicCascadeMtn,views • Beautiful lawns, landscaping &

MLS ¹201302301

Call Brian Ladd, Broker l 541-408-3912

- • Immaculate interior • No H.O.A/s


• Wrap-around porch • Mountain views • 15.5 acres w/8.6 ac irrigation • 50x60 Moniter style barn •40x50heated shop w/auto lift • Turn key in and out

www.bendpropertysource.com• brian©bendpropertysource.com

541-312-5151 l www.TeamNormaAndJulie.com

• Live the CentralOregonLifestyle • 2860 SF, 3 bed, 2 bath on9.54

• Open floor plan for entertaining

• 307B SB oversized garage • 3+ bedroom, 2.5 bath, study/loft • Includes Tetherow Golf or Sooal Membership • Stunning master suite with access to deck/yard • Indoor/outdoor living with gasf>repit in yard


18070 Cascade Estates Dr ) $799,000

Equestrian Meadows ( $785,000

Winner of "Beat interior -Finish" on the Tour'" MOVE-IN READY! • Custom home by Greg WelchConstruction








Homes with Acreage Homes with Acreage Recreational Homes Lots Lots Acreages Acreages Acreages Manufactured/ 8 Property Mobile Homes Horse Property! 4.33 Private gated commuFEATURED LOTS Lot ¹ 5 Ced a rwood,20+ Acres West Powell 51535 Russell Road. SE Bend Acreage j Acres! Close to BLM! nity. 28 acres backs to 2.78 acres with a dar- 10028 Juniper Glen $17,000. 1.12 acre flat Butte Estates. $89,900. 2 Ind. Acres, $249,000 Suntree Village ¹10 - 3 Spacious 1878 sq. ft. B LM land o n e a s t ling cabin finished on Circle Flat ... $59,000 b uildable lot . H i g h $169,000/ Gat e d fenced, gated. High • 9.06 acres bdrm, 2 bath Fuqua. home. W e l l-main- side. New construc- the inside with knotty 287 Highland Meadow Lakes Realty & Prop- community, mtn. Lakes Realty & Prop- • Cascade Mountain Vaulted ceil i ngs, tained, landscaped, tion, just in time to Loop Views $95,000 erty Man a gement views, private well, erty Man a gement views pine. 2 bdrm, 1 full sunny windows, great barns, detached gachoose your colors & bath. Living room and 120 Highland Meadow 541-536-0117 paved roads with ac- 541-536-0117 • Close to BLM land floor plan! FA heat + rage, g reenhouse. • MLS 201205047 floor coverings, upcess to BLM. MLS¹ k itchen. Pull d o w n Loop Views $97,320 Lot A v ailable 7 965 SW R i ver R d . Sherry Perrigan, Broker heat pump (A/C) and $249,900. MLS grades are available. ladder to attic or loft. 2272 Dunlin Court New Last 201305077 Pam Available immediately, all appliances are in2 01303017 . Cal l 541-410-4938 Peace and tranquility Listing! Cul de sac ... Lester, Principal Bro- 2.79 acres, near the cluded. Carpet allowone lot with Northern Charlie & V i rginia i s hard t o f i n d i n P ropane heater + $99,000 D eschutes Riv e r . ker, Century 21 Gold ance - pick your own ood s t o v e t ha t views on Livengood MLS Principal B r o kers today's lifestyle. This w $49,000 2264 Crossbill Court Country Realty, Inc. n eeds removal b y colors. $32,500. Hurry Way is r eady a nd 541-504-1338 541-350-3418 201009429 dg has all that plus views buyers. 24x36 garage, Cul de sac New Price! waiting for your cuson this one! Marilyn Redmond RE/MAX Juniper Realty of the Cascade range. shop area + 1 0x20 ... $129,000 Rohaly, Broker tom ma n ufactured Land & Homes Real 541-504-5393 Granite countertops, s torage shed, n e w 2455 Condor Drive Golf $279,900 14.76 acres, MORRIS 541-322-9954 home. Pick your own Estate 541-923-0855 h ardwood floo r s , well house. 1.78 acres Course New Price! ... 1 3.43 i r rigation, 9 $89,500 - 5- flat acres. REAL ESTATE John L. Scott design! custom cabinets, heat fenced. acres alfalfa, p ond Immaculatehome, open $12 9 ,000. $129,900 Cascade Village P erfect f o r hor s e Real Estate, Bend y dp d l yO d d Op d pump. 3 car garage, 358 Highland Meadow fenced x-fenced. Minwww.johnlscott.com 2.31 acres in Boones fireplace and lap sid- MLS 201304905 Cas- Loop Views $133,900 Homes. Bend, property or p rivacy. utes from Redmond. Area of shallow well SW Geneva View Rd. cade Realty, Dennis 541-388-0000 borough, 2153 sq. ft., ing. $499, 0 0 0. 2012 Osprey Drive Owner will put CUP in Level 1.14 acres with 780 Haniford, Princ. Bro3 bdrm, 2 bath, sun Poss i ble Nice flat lot in Terreb- place. Irrigation equip. depths. MLS201204584 Golf Course 135,000 ood building sites. ker 541-536-1731 owner terms. MLS¹ room, granite John Mfd./Mobile Homes onne, .56 a c r es, included. L. Scott Real Es923 Highland View MLS ¹ 41,500 MLS counters, water fea 201104251 with Land tate 541-548-1712 5 1375 E v ans W a y . Loop Views $159,00 p aved s t reet, a p 201303402 201102002 Call Nancy Popp ture and large 1344 o u tbuildings, 718 Widgeon Road proved fo r c a p -fill Call Nancy Popp Juniper Realty 541-815-8000 sq. ft. shop. $449,999. Q uality home on 4 . 5 Cabin, s eptic, utilities at l o t 3 Bdrm 2 Bath, 1440 541-815-8000 541-504-5393 MLS 201305391. Pam a cres in N W R e d - RV hookups. $75,000. Golf Course $159,000 Crooked River Realty sq. ft. mfd home. New High Lakes Realty l ine. $42,000. M L S 755 Nutcracker Drive Crooked River Realty Lester, Principal Bro m ond. 4 bdrm / 3 & P roperty Manage- Golf Course $165,000 ¹ 2012001172 P a m Paint, flooring, kitchen 775 $89,900 - Beautiful elker, Century 21 Gold baths (2 masters) ment 541-536-0117 cabinets, baths. Home Lester, Principal Bro- $29,900 View beautiful evated view a bove 1320 View Point Court Manufactured/ Country Realty, Inc. gourmet kitchen with has been completely Views ... $229,900 ker, Century 21 Gold Crooked River CanDeschutes River Can541-504-1 338 granite counters. 637 Acres in forest Mobile Homes remodeled from the Country Realty, Inc. yon walls from your yon. Westerly CasHighland View N ewer shop c o m - west of Silver Lake, 963 541-504-1338 top to the bottom. Dbl Loop Views $259,000 cade views. 2-acres, M OUNTAIN VI E W S pletely finished with new business. Build to OR, with recreation 191 Highland Meadow S untree Village ¹ 1 0 garage. Corner l ot paved rd. Septic apExceptional c u stom (4) rooms . Artificial Spectacular l ot s in suit your b u siness. cabin and stream. $32,500. 3 bedrooms, a nd p a ve d ro a d . Loop Views $99,900 b uilt home o n 7 . 69 grass an d 541-480-7215 Yarrow S ubdivision, Underground power & proved. na t ural 2 baths, 1197 sq. ft. $120,000. MLS 864 Highland View acres! Single l evel grass with many garthe newer d e velop CRR water available. MLS¹201207148 1986 Fuqua, Open 201305736 Loop Views $99,900 Call Nancy Popp 2 146 sq. f t . h o me den and flower beds. Eagle Crest custom MLS¹201207341 Call ment in the East hills floor p l an , p r i vate Cascade Realty, Den Eagle Crest Properties of Madras. Very near Nancy 541-815-8000 features open f l oor $475,000. Popp mls home on 14th tee. backyard, pick your nis Haniford, Princ. Robyn Fields, Crooked River Realty plan, vaulted ceilings, 201304368. Call Vicci Gated community! 4 the new Aquatic Cen 541-815-8000 own car p et-$2500 Broker 541-536-1731 Principal Broker, Ba t h , tile flooring, gas fire- Bower ter, Middle School and Crooked River Realty Broker, B drm, 3 . 5 carpet allowance. All Build your dream home 971-255-9866 3208 sq. ft. Great p lace, living r o om 541-410-9730. C e nCOCC Cam p us. this 5.3 acre par- appliances included. 21070 Tumalo - Home Rhonda McHugh PLUS f a mily room, tral Oregon Realty for entertaining 8 $25,000 -$49,000 32.42 Acres in Urban on in a peaceful setting just a few minutes Call Marilyn Rohaly, 541-550-6137 c hef's k itchen w i t h Group, LLC private resort living. Home ID YARROW. Growth Bou n dary, cel south o f P r i neville. Broker, 541-322-9954 on 1.07 acre w/mtn $620,000 MLS Outstanding b u i lders Eagle Crest Proper Adjacent t o l arge e a ting b a r , The views, $144,987 iews of t h e C a s - John L. Scott Real Call granite countertops, StunningCascade Mtn. 201305107 dream lot in a quiet ties 866-722-3370 Greens, kitty corner to V TEAM Birtola Garmyn Estate, Bend cades and easy acv iews! 4084 sq. f t . Charlie & V i rginia stainless appliances, neighborhood and new Ridgeview High cess off Davis Loop. High Desert Realty Highlands at Browww.JohnLScott.com double ovens, Hickory 9 .25 acres w it h 2 Principal B r o kers backs up to common The $59 9 ,000. Septic approved and 541-312-9449 ken top, 1 0 a c res, School. cabinets. Master suite shops, pond, fenced 541-350-3418Call area. This property is MLS ¹ 2 01 2 03193 power ¹ 1 65 www. BendOregon private well, available. Suntree Village includes gas fireplace, a nd m u c h mo r e ! Charlie & V i rginia p riced to s el l a n d gated, Pam Lester, Principal 2 b edRealEstate.com at lo. App for MLS $34 800 $35,750 MLS Principal B r o kers w on't la s t long ! utilities tiled double sink van- $575,000. B roker, Century 2 1 rooms, 2 baths, 1188 cap-fill septic. Gold 201302249 Pa m 541-350-3418 ity, j e tted s o a king 2012304545 Home-ID 968 $59,000 $535,000. Country Realty, $120 000. 3 b drm, 2 sq ft. Beautifully upMLS John L. Scott Real tub/separate shower. Lester, Principal Bro Redmond RE/MAX Eagle Crest Properties Inc. 541-504-1338 dated: windows, roof, bath, 1564 sq. ft. MH ¹ 201200937. Pa m Estate 541-548-1712 ker, Century 21 Gold Land & Homes C entral AC , la n d 866-722-3370 p aint inside 7 o u t , near the community Lester, Principal BroReal Estate scaping, spr i nkler Country Realty, Inc. park in C R R . 1 . 43 Acre v i e w l o t Canyon City, Oregon. laminate floors, car$ 399,000 Prime l o t , ker, Century 21 Gold 4 .38 system, double ga- 541-504-1338 acre. MLS ¹201303876 wat e rfront easy to build. Smith Country Realty, Inc. backs BLM, Cascade 14 acres zoned Resi- pet, water heater and Linda rage, 2013 SF shop. This beautiful custom Stunning Lou Day-Wright, more! Beautiful yard. mtn 8 S m it h R o ck dential, currently di541-504-1338 Rock views and Mt. MLS 20 13 0 4 744 home sits up where home, log-sided, 3 Broker, 541-771-2585 views. Corner lot, ap- vided into 4 tax lots. A must see! bedroom, 2 bath with Hood on a clear day. $369,900. 773 Bald Eagles s o ar! garden tub in master, Custom home to be Call Marilyn Rohaly, Crooked River Realty proved for standard $99,900 John L. Scott Real B reathtaking v i e w s a dream kitchen with septic. $199,000. MLS Broker, 541-322-9954 Acreages Juniper Realty b uilt by Denn i s $ 85,000 Ready, s e t Estate 541-548-1712 from every window! Whirlpool appliances, Staines Construction. John L. Scott Real ¹2809381 Pam 541-504-5393 come take a l o o k! Lg. o pe n k i t chen, log accents through- Several p l an s Estate, Bend 52225 8 52211 Stearns Lester, Principal Broto New Listing! 15 y Irrifantastic living room out, fireplace, covwww.JohnLScott.com 1996 m a nufactured ker, Century 21 Gold Crooked River Ranch choose from. Choose $62 000. 2 b drm, 2 gated Acres! Spechome wit h v a u lted lots! w/rock fireplace,famente r taining your ow n f i n ishes. adj. acres. Possible Country Realty, Inc. 2 .06 tacular Ca s cade ily room w/ huge built ered open floor plan 8 spa A c re s Sh o rt Look at: 541-504-1338 o wner carry. H i gh deck, R V ga r age, Home ID 1050 views, 5-stall barn cious rooms. Master D istance to D e s in bar, attached apt Bendhomes.com raveled drive a nd Eagle Crest Properties Lakes Realty 8 Propwith heated t a ck, bedroom with walk-in chutes River. w/its own entrance, g erty Man a gement for Complete Listings of s ecluded o n 4.5 2 866-722-3370 $49,900 Great 5 acre custom home, very closet is s e parated $65,000 lovely formal dining acre. Minutes f rom 541-536-0117 corner lot. Perfect for Area Real Estate for Sale private but close to f rom the t w o a d d i all topped off equine en t h usiast.4.84 Acres P rivacy lakes and Willamette N orth P o well B u t t e town. $56 5 ,000. room, tional bedrooms and with Gorgeous Mt. w/2 beautiful master Ski Pass. Snowmo- Acreage 3 buildable, Lot 16 SW Shad Rd. Near public land for Delivered and Set up MLS ¹ 201304467 2.7 acres, Mt. Jefferbath. Home ID 1063 rare lots. C ascade suites. Com p lete bile from your front riding. Shallow well Views. $75,000 '02 3/4 bd, 2 ba. 42,900 Eagle Crest Properties Redmond RE/MAX son & S m ith R ock walk-thru Mountain views. Quiet 5.76 Acres Corner lot w/huge '10 2/3 bd, 2 ba. 47,900 depth. MLS¹ in the winter or Land 8 Homes Real views. $78,500 MLS 201109114. 866-722-3370 area. Call Vicci Bocloset an d r o tating yard Call with lots of Charac541-350-1782 fish from the Little DeEstate 541-923-0855 201208266 ter. -$99,000 bed so that you can schutes in your back wen 541-410-9730 Nancy Popp Smart Housing LLC 14773 SW North Sugar Juniper Realty Oregon Realty C all Charlie 8 V i r 541-815-8000 $225, 000/ Central Powell Butte! 10 Acres! p ick the v ie w y o u yard. Pine Way La Pine, 3 541-504-5393 Group, LLC ginia Principal Browant to wake up to. FACTORYSPECIAL MLS¹201304428. Crooked River Realty Knockout Mtn. views! bdrm, 1 b at h mf d kers 541-350-3418 $490,000. 13601 SW Canyon Dr. New Home, 3 bdrm, Call Linda at $399,000 This lot is one 3863 sq. ft. custom MLS¹201201550. 840 sq. ft. home with Redmond RE/MAX $46,500 finished 1.13 acres, Mt. Jeffer541-815-0606. of the few lots left on home with g ourmet 5.05 acres border FS 18x24 addition, 28x32 Land 8 Homes John L. Scott on your site. Cascade Realty, t he Resort side o f son views, owner will kitchen, office, o u tland, has well, septic arage with opener. Real Estate J and M Homes Real Estate carry. $58,500 MLS 541-536-1731 Eagle Crest. Q uiet buildings, shop, pool! and power installed, 79,900 MLS 541-548-5511 541-548-1712 201106385 cul-de-sac with com $779,900. RV hookups, cleared Where can you find a 201305079 764 Juniper Realty mon area behind and MLS¹ 2011 06428 building site, storage Tons o f pot e ntial. Cascade Realty, DenLOT MODEL 541-504-5393 helping hand? a filtered view of the Call Virginia, N ewer h om e w i t h Farms & Ranches building, well house, nis Haniford, Princ. LIQUIDATION Cascades. Home to Lot 22 SW Chipmunk deck for RV, property Principal Broker From contractors to open floorplan and Broker 541-536-1731 Prices Slashed Huge 541-350-3418 large rooms. Close to 431 Acre horse/cattle be built by Sage Con Rd. 5.19 acres, level boundaries marked, yard care, it's all here Savings! 10 Year will carry with a ranch. 3 bedroom, 2.5 s truction. Home I D l ot, Redmond RE/MAX the e n t rance of Mt n . view s . areas t h i nned 8 conditional warranty. Owner in The Bulletin's ood down payment. Land & Homes Crooked River Ranch. bath, 2640 sq ft home 1052. Eagle C r est $69,000 MLS trimmed. Current use Finished on your site. Properties 7 9,900. MLS O Real Estate w/2 car garage/shop, is recreational. Area "Call A Service $102,000. M L S ¹ 201106095 ONLY 2 LEFT! 201303870. Call 201302557. barn and corrals. Just 866-722-3370 teeming with wildlife. Professional" Directory Juniper Realty Redmond, Oregon Linda, B r o ker @ minutes from Madras. 3438 NW Bryce Canyon Minutes from skiing, Call Gail Day, 541-504-5393 541-548-5511 Call a Pro 541-771-2585 541-306-1018 Home ID 1047 . snowmobiling, fishing, Lane, Lot ¹111 JandMHomes.com 5 acres adjoins public clear mountain lakes, Lot 21 SW Chipmunk Crooked River Realty Whether you need a $499,900 Central Oregon Realty Awbrey Park. Rd. 5.16 acre, comland over Deschutes hiking and more. MLS munity water installed. Eagle Crest Properties Group, LLC fence fixed, hedges $167,000. Rent /Own River. Short walk to 866-722-3370 201305765. Need help fixing stuff? 541-382-8559 MLS 3 bdrm, 2 bath homes $60,000 trimmed or a house river. $ 7 4 ,900 Call Linda, Broker, $2500 down, $750 mo. Call A Service Professional 201300800 MLS¹201102328 Call Cabin on Year-round $49,900 Fabulous one built, you'll find Recreational Homes Cascade Realty, Juniper Realty OAC. J and M Homes find the help you need. Creek - 637 ac. acre lot with septic in- Linda Lou Day-Wright 541-815-0606 www.bendbulletin.com & Property 541-504-5393 541-548-5511 professional help in Surrounded federal land, stalled. Beautiful Cas- Broker, 541-771-2585 Fremont Nat'I Forest. The Bulletin's "Call a cade views. On quiet Crooked River Realty T his home Investwest Commercul-de-sac. Commu- 12770 NW Dove Rd. Service Professional" $439,500 was THE showcase cial Real Estate, call nity water available at 5 .12 a c r es , Mt n . Directory C-Corp home in the Jack, 541-480-7215 rd. MLS¹201009226 all utilities inActive Adult Commu 541-385-5809 C all N a nc y Pop p views, stalled. $96,500 MLS nity at Eagle Crest CULVER! 10+/- irri541-81 5-8000 20120135 e • e Resort at it's opening. gated acres w i th Crooked River Realty Powell Butte 4 b d r m, Located on the 15th charming farm Juniper Realty 2.5 bath, 1928 sq. ft., hole of the Challenge h ome, set-up f o r $58,000 One acre lot 541-504-5393 3-car garage, barn, Course.Home ID 1003 horses, 3 stall barn, with Cascade views $139,900 Flat 5 acre lot shop, with RV door. Eagle Crest Properties numerous outbuildand flat building site. treed with old 9.33 acres irrigated. 866-722-3370 ings. $32 9 , 000. Heavily tree for great nicely Juniper. Shal$359,000 MLS MLS 201305577 privacy. Community growth w e l l dep t hs. ¹ 201207129 Pam $149,000 Probably the Call Charlie & Virwater t o pr o perty. low Power at road. Great Lester, Principal Bro- finest golf course lot MLS¹201205389. ginia Principal Broterms with low ker, Century 21 Gold remaining. Located in kers 541-350-3418 C all N a nc y Pop p owner down. MLS¹2910929 Country Realty, Inc. a gated community of Redmond RE/MAX 541-81 5-8000 Call Nancy Popp upscale homes. Looks 541-504-1 338 Land & Homes Crooked River Realty 541-815-8000 east at the mountains Real Estate Crooked River Realty $59,900 - Nicely treed P owell Butte. Qu i e t a nd sits on the ¹ 1 7 l ot a djoining C R R 153133 the gol f Country Lane. Nice 3 h ole o f Ha c k amore. Bedroom ranch-style c ourse. Level a n d Gentlemen Farm & Re- greenbelt. C u rrently R eady fo r dr e a m set up for RV u se. house with a nice floor easy to build. Home t irement. Cus t o m Fully home. on 9.1 acres. fenced. ID 870 plan, country kitchen home ove r looking $195,900. High Lakes and nice brick fire- Eagle Crest Properties Willow Creek w/Cas- MLS¹201205397 Realty 8 Pro p erty Call Nancy Popp, 866-722-3370 place nestled on 4+ cade Mtn. views. 2892 Management 541-81 5-8000 acres. The property is 15th Fairway at Eagle sq.ft. 1-level h o me Crooked 541-536-0117 River Realty fenced and has a corw/indoor pool, 3360 Crest Resort. 3 15805 S i xt h St r e et. ral, shed and shop SF shop, 2nd home & 9148 sq.ft. FLAT lot, bdrms, 2'/~ baths lo$99,900. 1 0 a c r es. area, along with storo ther b l d gs . 69 . 8 cul-de-sac, ut i l ities cated behind the Owner fina n cing age rooms. The propacres w/62 acres of irs tubbed i nt o P U E , gates. MLS ¹ High Lakes erty has two acres of r ig. Home has t oo close to West Can- Available. 201302857. Pr o p erty irrigation, m o u ntain many features to list. yon Rim Park and ac- Realty & • • r a nd S m it h Roc k John $377,900. Adjoins BLM. cess to the Dry Can- Management L. Scott Real 541-536-01 1 7 views. Central loca- Estate 541-548-1712 $795,000 yon t rail. $ 5 0,000. tion commuting disMLS¹201206931 MLS¹ 201 2 0 7694.1 6160 SW Dove R d . t ance to Bend, John L. Scott Real Pam Lester, Principal 6.1 acre corner lot, TURN THE PAGE Prineville, and RedEstate 541-548-1712 B roker, Century 2 1 Mtn. views, near DesHere's how it works: For More Ads mond. Not a bad Gold Country Realty, chutes River. $89,900 Ranch in Powell Butte package at $289,900! The Bulletin Inc. 541-504-1338 MLS 201205646 $ 925,000. Pride o f Call Heather Hockett, Juniper Realty Our SmartPhone AffOrdability APP CalCulateS yOur 9 Maury Mtn. L ane. PC, Broker, Century 15th Fairway of Ridge ownership/Borders 541-504-5393 Great north end SunBLM. Feed Lot, hay 21 Gold Country Re- Course full hOme lOan Payment While On the go ShOPPing. Go r geous Equip. S hed river lot, $ 2 28,900.16535 SW Chinook Dr. alty, 541-420-9151 setting on private cul Barn, MLS¹201206082 High Lakes Realty & 5 .68 a c res, R i v e r de sac with beautiful Vicci Bowen Property Ma n age- v iews, o w ne r w i l l PRICE REDUCTION!!! landscape 8 expanAt yOur requeSt, we'll PrOvide nameS Of 541-410-9730 ment 541-536-0117 carry. $225,000 MLS P anoramic Vie w s ! sive deck to enjoy the 201106408 Great location 3 miles views. T hi s i s a Central Oregon Realty real estate professionals in your area. BARE LAND Juniper Realty NW o f Re d mond. o ne-of-a-kind h o m e Group, LLC Cooper Dr. Riverfront 541-504-5393 Views of Smith Rock with all t h e e x tras. acre parcel, $249,000 771 8 Ochocos. Custom Den with built-ins, boIf you qualify, Our SeCurity PluS Seller Guarantee PrOVideS OWW '/~ Acre, $49,500 16685 SW Chinook Dr. built 2478 SF home Lots nus room 8 garage La Pine Acre, $35,000 6 .9 a c r es , Ri v e r on 4.74 acres. 1536 a fully-apprOVed lOan amOunt.'We guarantee jt Or We pay with shop. Lots are selling! Can we views, all utilities inSF shop w/RV bay. 4 bedrooms, 3.5 baths, 208 2nd Ave., Culver. sell yours too? Clyde stalled, owner carry. yOur Seller 51,000. NOW Who dOeS that? MLS¹201202726 2952 sq. ft. Offered at Level city lot. $38,200 Browning, P r i ncipal $189,000 MLS $397,000 MLS 201203505 $479,000 Broker, 541-480-4520 201008671 John L. Scott Real Juniper Realty Eagle Crest Properties Eagle Co m mercial Juniper Realty Estate 541-548-1712 541-504-5393 With an EVergreen loW-doWn lOan keeP yOur Out-Of-POCket 866-722- 3370 541-504-5393 Real Estate •




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080 '

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Prineville f 541-416-7480



COStS at a minimum (We haVe a number Of PrOgramS frOm

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© 2013EvergreenHomeLoansisaregistered trade nameof EvergreenMoneysourceMortgage CompanyNMLSID3182. Trade/service marksarethe property of EvergreenHomeLoans.All rightsreserved. Licensedunder: OregonMortgage Lending LicenseML-3213.8/13. 'Applies topurchaseloansonly. Toqualify, buyer'sSecurity PlusApproval/Seller GuaranteeAddendummust havebeen issued byEvergreen andthe Seller shall haveexecuted theaddendumwith their siqnatureat thetime theyexecutethe PurchaseAndSaleAgreement onsubject property. Certainloantypes do not qualify for this offer. Restrictionsapply. Askfor details.


To PLAGE AN AD cALL CLAssIFIED• 541-385-5809

Central Oregon Real Estate s499 , 5 0 0

I C lose In Small Acreage • 3321 SF home • 2000 SF shop/garage • Beautifully landscapedwith tranquil pond • Bring your RV, horses, and all yourtoys


III : B ",

541 - 3 9 0 - 0 0 9 8


$499 , 900



'- .

1%~4pr@ '

54 1 . 4 8 0 - 7 1 8 3

stora g e building • 4ACof Swalley

541 - 4 1 0 - 1 20 0

s430 , 0 0 0



54 1 - 3 9 0 - 0 9 3 4

I R idge At Eagle Crest


. gtai

• Den/office • Landscaped • Double tt hd


541 - 4 1 0 - 1 20 0

I P anoramic Views


s599 , 0 0 0

I 4 2 Oregon Loop

• 2300+ SF 3 bed, 2.5 bath ',i

plus bonusroom • Beautifully maintained •500+SFcompositedecking



: .


• .23AC -= hf=

corner lot




541 -6 0 4 - 1 64 9

s1 1 8,000

• Perfect greatroomfloor plan • 5 bedrooms • Private fenced backyard • Huge separatefamily room • A quiet tree lined street

• Fantastic SW neighborhood • Close to amenities


s359 , 0 0 0

• Single level 2648SF • New exterior paint, carpet & furnace • Office w/two work stations • Overlooks the 9th fairway • Room fora « «. Man cave"

54 1 - 9 7 7 - 7 7 5 6

• Secluded 32ACTumalo Ranch w/16 AC irrigation • Spectacular mountain views • Outbuildings; large newer barn,shop, 8 storage • 2 Bed, 1 bath, remodeled




$695 , 000 I 65490 Tweed Road

• Main level master • Granite kitchen counters • Peninsula fireplace • Bonus room • Slate flooring

$339 , 900 I Affordable 5 Bedroom Home i s375,000 I An Exquisite Home Close To Old Mill

I~~ ~II p,

I S uperior Floor Plan

• Barn, shop,greenhouse&

" I

Illr llrrttnr I

• 4 bed, 2.5 bath, 3690SF • On15.5 ACw/great views of Cascade Mts& Smith Rock ve" • Bonus room & a«man ca • 30X40 ' barn, 3 car garage & covered porch


s309 , 0 0 0

• 5AC in Tumalowith big Mt. views • 3 bed, 2.5 bath, 2000SF

$739 , 000 I 1285 NE Lynch


I 20297 Swalley Road


54 1 - 3 9 0 - 6 1 2 3

I U nder 612OK in Bend!


9r000 I Home Sweet Home In The Country

• 3 bed 2 bath •On an acre! •Vaulted ceilings, newcarpet! • Readyfor move-in!

' rIm/ I

• Immaculate, neverrented, secondowner W p dd k • 2 m aster suites • Family rm, great rm • National forest area

• 1.18 AC,2080 SF • 5 bed, 3.5 bath • 24 x 24 shop ' Two mastersuites



54 1 . 8 4 8 . 7 5 9 0

54 1 7 2 8 4 4 9 9 AA RQN BALLwEBER, BRQKER

s219 , 5 0 0 2«

I M id Town Mid-Century

s259 , 0 0 0


I R eady For Horses

• Great location • Newly remodeled • Fresh paintin andout • Charm with character


• Fenced &cross fenced • Irrigation equip. included • RV hookup &water feature • Comfy

54 1 - 3 9 0 - 0 0 9 8

$644 , 900



2 bath

'-' =

. --

- '

54 1 - 4 8 0 - 7 7 7 7

2 bath • 4.43 AC w/ irrigation

54 1 - 4 8 0 - 9 8 8 3

$199 , 000 I 20340 Rock Canyon

$285, 000


• Passive solar heat •Customhome in Tanglewood • Solarium opensonto greatroom • Main floor masterw/jetted tub


I 21090 Young Avenue

$240 , 000 I 20827 Dione Way

• Degghfful 4.85 AC property • Single levelopenconcept home • Fenced for animals • 3.6 AC ofCOI,with pond


• Beautiful Cascademt. views • Home onover 5AC w/irrigation • Enjoy tranquil pond from deck • Greatroom w/birch cabinets

541-946-3371 s1,1 49 , 0 0 0


s268 , 0 0 0 U'



' ;--"::,:::." r-::;-

" k «::F«'." « .'„ : '

54 1 - 4 1 0 - 1 2 0 0

garage, y ard


$679 , 000 I 6393 SW Quarry Ave, Redmond

s529 , 9 0 0

I 2 810 NW Windham Loop

541 -41 0-1 20 0



$329, 500


I Single Level, Extensive Paver Patio • 4.58 AC • 1980 SF home • 4 bedroom, 2 baths • 2 RV hookups

28.72 AC • 4 bed, 3 bath • Custom built home

•Cascade mtn views • Irrigated land

541 -4 8 0 . 9 8 8 3



I 1 6+ Acres!

54 1 - 4 8 0 - 7 1 8 3

s419 , 0 0 0


11 8 Modoc Lane, Sunriver Oregon

• Backs to BLM lands • Large single levelhome • Multiple out buildings

• Recent remodelin 2011 • Three mastersuites • Move in ready • Owner occupyor investment property • Closeto


Sunriver offers

541 -41 0. 8 0 8 4

*27 9 , 0 0 0

I I n Beautiful Starwood!

• 3200+ SF home in desirable westsidebend neighborhood • uncompromisedquality 8 upgrades • Large pines 3Cargara ge &addit>ona l 450 SF


*28 9 , 0 0 0

541 -3 9 0 - 5 2 8 6

• Home, barn,andshop on

w ww.w i n d e r m e r e b e n d . c o m




I L arge Home, Larger Views

t Ii ir — =

541 -9 7 7 - 5 3 4 5

s650 , 0 0 0

541 8 1 5 . 9 4 4 6


• Over 200 photosof homeat 14goldeneagle.com • Precious woods • Priced so you cancustomize 15' tall Natatorium River & Mt. Views!

pat i o


• Well maintained home w/back & front deck • 1.73 AC • Open floor plan • 3 bed,2 bath, & den or4th bed

I T his Home Must Be Experienced! s362,500 I Immaculate SW homein a park-like setting

• 3167 SF single story living • 2.36 AC private views • 3 bed, 2 bath, office & bonus room • Covered ~.



s162,000 I Great Home With Awesome Mt. Views

• Private1/3 AC,Landscaped! • 3 6ed 2.5 bath • Fresh paint in and outl • Wood laminate Central Air & Pellet

• New exterior paint

541 -4 2 0 - 3 8 9 1

• Cul-De-Sacon .46AC • Custom home w/gourmet kitchen, granite counters • Large master, travertine shower • Tandem garage wired, RV parking

everything g (


54 1 2 8 0 1 5 4 3 LO RI SCHNERINGER, BROKER





• Family homein Craftsman style neighborhood •3 bed,2.5 bath w/master • .22ACcorner lot, alleyaccess • Impeccable landscaping • Apartment rents for $550/mo




$385 , 000 I 61140 Parkwood Court, Bend

• Closeto town

Andrea Phelps 541-408-4770

hot tub,

s319,500 I Beautiful Home +Apartmentln CanyonRim







• 5 bed, 4.5 bath, 4613 SF • Gourmet kitchen, Colonial

54 1 . 6 3 3 - 0 2 5 5

. .:«

• Single level1736SFhome on n ACbackingVandervert • Open floor plan,vaulted ceilings, qualityfinishes • Comm boat ramp • 2Car


'.,:!e~'. ,, ~'4 ...'17Q.'"tlI j~,,u' "

Patty Dempsey 541-480-5432

I 60083 Ridgeview dining room • 2.21 AC backingpublic land • Exercise

I 5 5932 Blackduck Road

s197 , 0 0 0

Cleme Rinehart 541-480-2100

++ w ww.builderliaisonse rv ic e s . c o m

From Concepi T O Closing, Your Success Is Ou r B u s i n e s s!

• Single story homein Starwood •Neighborhoodw/common areas • Lot backsacreage • Open floor plan w/lots of light

541-946-3371 $600 , 00 0 I 63840 East Quail Haven Drive




$475 , 000

V Homeowner Liaison Services to create efficiencies and saveyou time and money < Proven negotiators who will putyou first V Competitive analysis to ensureyou are properly placed in the market V Floor plan and option level evaluation to safeguardyour investment

Contacf us today fo schedule 15 minufes thaf will change your future.

I 1937 Arborwood Avenue

• Deschutes RiverRanch • Pristine viewsof valley & River • .53AChomesite in Tumalo • 390 AC working ranch


management experience to work for YOU!

«3 bed,




« «

• 30X60 barn(w/wash rack 8 tack room) • 36X36 shop • Cascademtnviews


541 -6 3 3 - 0 2 5 5





• 3 bed, 2.5 bath, 2963SF • Wrap arounddeck, concrete kitchen countertops ' L«g I r • Wood burning fireplace

541 -41 0- 7 4 3 4 CI -IERYL TANLER, BROKER

Whether you are a builder or looking for one

s598,749 I Ranch House

I 1 639 Farewell Drive

• g„@


Ng '



• 4.9 AC w/3ACirrigation

3 bed, «

541 -977 - 5 3 4 5

54 1 - 7 7 1 - 0 0 4 9


3'-" -'

541 -63 9 - 6 3 0 7

• .77AC,1964SF • Recently updated • Extensive Trexdecking • Huge kitchenw/newss appliances • RV & boat parking


541 388 0 40 4 695SWMillview Way, Bend,OR97702• 541 923 46 63 1 020SW Indian Ave. Suite 100, Redmond


REA 0«







I I '


I s



tndependentty Owned and Operated






' I I IIJI fjt v,'"I Ia t i


v t





-• •


•a I •

aa II

•I• •




1l+ Pgg~

r r•

• •



• 5- a


• \ • aaa

F ron t


c- -



aa • I • I v:I



• •



E l e v at i o n


• 3986 sq.h, home to be built • 4 bedroom, 3 bath • Panoramic Cascade views

:, -:::e%I MOUN TAINVIEWRANCHI $1,000,000 • 2745 sq.ft. Iog home

pNNE LpZBp • 158 acres with irngation BgpKER 541-548-3598, • Backs to Nat'I Grasslands 541.306.9646 • MLS 2012941I

• MLS 201306965

•r I


' t Psis DOWNT OWNCONDOI $975,000

DARRINKELLEHER, • 3 bedroom, 3 bath BRpKER '

Ilgggmmeeg a 360 views from rooftop patio 541-788-0029 • MLS 201304202

3.68 Acres I $899,500 BRAN BONFAIRBANKS, BROK ER,SRES,GRI, CDPE 541-383.4344

• 4760 sq.ft. • 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath • On the DeschutesRiver • MLS 201202960

AWBREY GLEN I $635 000 pMNEROBINSON • 2636 sq.ft, single-level • 3 bedroom, den, 2.5 bath BRQKER,ABR • Overlooks 6th Fairway 541-419-8165 • MLS 20I 307059

®G' &~si»:m »st sstJw'.


• »t v



Ss , i

I- I e




E» THREE PINES I $624,900


CAR OLYNP RIBORBKYPC, • 3208 sq.ft. Prarie style BROKER ,ABR,CRS, • 3 bedroom, office, 3 bath • .21acre corner lot GREEN 541.383.4350 • MLS 201306833

CATHY p(l N(Rp BROKER,CSP 541-410-5280

• 2203 sq.ft, contemporary • 3 bedroom, 3 bath • .55acre lot

• MLS 201303244


• 2896 sq.ft. JANESTR(l.l. BROKER, ABR,GRI ' 3 bedroom,3 bath • 5 acres 541-948-7998 • MLS 201304836

DES(HU TE SRIVERFRONTI $509,900 DEBBIE JOHNSON, • 160 ft. river frontage • 1652 sq.ft. home BROKER •3 bedroom+ offi ce,2 bath 541-480-1293 • MLS 201305431

NE BEND I $499,950 GREG MRLERp( BROKER, CRS, GRI 541-408.1511

• 3 bedioom, I bath home • 39.48 acres, 32 irngated • 6 outbuildings

• MLS 201302441

!m a i


jJ STONERIDGE I $498,000




NW BEND I $495,000

"Pda"d 3089 sq fl SHElLYHUMMEL, • 4 bed«i<», 3.5 bath BIOKE I CIBGII • Cascade Mountain views CHMB 541-383-4361 • MLS 201306669



• TumaCreek o flows throughproperty • Borders National Forest

• MLS 201209443


• 2363 sq.ft. • 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath • .93 acre lot

541-280-6148 • MLS 201305454

SEBENDI $475,000 pEBO RAHNHSOHp( • 3056 sq.ft. Renaissancehome • 4 bedroom, 3 bath BROKER, GRI PREVIE WSPECIALIST • Hardwoodfloors, gourmetkitchen 541-480-6448 • MLS 201307045

DES(HU TESRIVERINSENDI S435,000 • 3 bed«i<», 2 bath


• Cascade Mountain wews

• 1.2 acres

541-322.2417 • MLS 201304499



= ~~ MULTI-PLEX I $435,000

MT BA(HELO RVILLAGEI $419,900 BONNIESAVICKAS, ' 1194 sq.ft. co~do, ¹509 • 2 bedroom, 2 bath BROKER FPR O' • Incredible Deschutes River view SRES 541-408-7537 • MLS 201301597

JACN( FR(NCH, • Ciinvenient dciwntci • 5 units BROKER ' 20 acre lot

541-480-2269 • MLS 201305479

=-II !s


• 2784 sq.ft.

• 3 bedroom, 2 bath • 5.09 acres

541-390-0504 • MLS 201305321

AWBREY RIDGEI $372,500 RA(HElLEM AS BROKER 541-383-4359 541-896-1263

• 2266 sq.ft. • 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath • .17acre cul-de-saclot • MLS 201302270

Q7-„ DREAMACREAGEI $315,000 • Smith Rock & Cascade Mtnviews 2 97 acres


• 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath 541-948-0997 • MLS 201304520



UL PINE I $395,000

SUNRIVER I $279,900

• 2300 sq.ft, custom built • 4 bedroom, 3.5 bath • Cascade Mountain views


• 1366 sq.ft, furnished home • 3 bedroom, 2 bath • .26acre lot

• MLS 201306397

541-588-0687 • MLS 201305726

SUNRIVER$245,000 I


• 3 bedroom, 2 bath • .36acre lot 541-410-9045 • MLS 201306049

JACKJOHNS , BROKER, GRI 541-480-9300

• 1230 sq.ft, condo • 2 bedroom, 2 bath • Golf Course view • MLS 201303748

0 ukka;&»»',. •' NE BEND I $245,000 RAY BACHMAN, ' »34 sq h

BROKER QRI ' • 3 bedroom, I bath • 13.74 acres 541-408-0696 • MLS 201305189





,~C Tc-,: -'




•,25 acre lot • Cascade Mountain view

• Close to Shevlin Park 541-480-1911 • MLS 201301093



• 1798 sq.ft. • 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath • .17acre corner lot • MLS 201306539

SE BEND I $185,000


' I 461 sq ff • 3 bedroom 2 5 both • .10acre landscapedyard • MLS 201306974



• Remodeled I I 92 sq.ft. 2 bedroom, 1.5 bath • Convenient central location

541-280.214T • MLS 201307094

i':-::: BIG DES CHUTESRIVER I $174,500

GREG Flpyp p( '


• 1128 sq,ft, townhome • 2 bedroom, 2 bath • Near community pool & dock

541 390 5349 • MLS 201306068


iRR,' .



UL PINE I $160,000 • I 922 sq.ft. ' 3 bedroom, 2 bath • I acre

• MLS 201304830


RIDGEWATER LOT I $124,900 • .18acre lot $124,900 • Backs irrigation canal • Borders common area

• MLS 201305010

NW BEND I $62,000

PRINEVILLE I $99,000 JJ JONES BROKER 541.610-7318 541.T88-3678

' 2 04 acres ' Cascade Mountain views

• Crooked Riverviews • MLS 2704850


• 425 sq.ft. condo • I bedroom, I bath • Deschutes Riverview

• MLS 201306948

BADGER CROSSING I $60,000 DARRINKELLEHER, • .10acre lot • Convenient SW Bendlocation BROKER HOA dues milIIK IIIIR •• No MLS 201307068 541-788.0029


Create or find Classifieds at www.bendbL! Iletin.com To place an ad call 541-385-5809



Pets 8 Supplies

Pets & Supplies

Furniture & Appliances

Adopt a nice cat from Lab Pups, AKC, Black PetSmart or Tumalo res$600. Call Steve © cue! Fixed, shots, ID (541) 680-0009. c hip, t e sted, m o r e!cabincreekgundogs.com Sanctuary open Sat/ Sun 1-5, other days by appt. Lab Pups AKC, black & 65480 78th, Bend. Pho- yellow, Master Hunter tos, map at www.craft- sired, performance pedicats.org. 541-389-8420, gree, OFA cert hips 8 elor like us on Facebook. bows, 541-771-2330




Furniture & Appliances

Coins 8 Stamps

TV, Stereo 8 Video

Medical Equipmen

Gardening Supplies & Equipment

Pine Trestle Table w/2 benches, made by Forest Furniture of LaPine. Paid $1000; like new, sell $750. 541-531-7903 or

SAVE on Cable TV-In- Ambulalarm method for ternet-Digital Phone- fall prevention. Alarm SUPER TOP SOIL Satellite. You've Got will sound automati- www.herahe aotlandbark.com A C hoice! O ptions cally when p e rsonScreened, soil & comfrom ALL major sermoves toward standpost m i x ed , no 541-282-2356 vice providers. Call us i ng, k n eeling, o r rocks/clods. High huto learn more! CALL crawling pos i tion, mus level, exc. for HELP YOUR AD Dining table 42 nx58 n Refrigerator, 26 cf FrigidToday. 888-757-5943. summoning immedi- flower beds, lawns, e n aire, water/ice in door, stand out from the (42 x94 with three ~ Want to Buy or Rent ate assistance. Never gardens, straight $250 obo. 541-379-3530 rest! Have the top line (PNDC) 12 n leaf extensions), used. $150.00 OBO s creened to p s o il. www.ktnnamanretnevers.com in bold print for only 4 straight back 8 2 Washer, Frigidaire Gal5 41-408-5092 cio - Bark. Clean fill. DeWanted: $Cash paid for Adult barn/shop/working $2.00 extra. arm chairs. 25+ yr. lery HD, stackable, exlnt, • Com p uters ciekelly@yahoo.com liver/you haul. vintage costume jew- cats, fixed, shots, some Labrador purebred pup- old set has had but 2 $200. 541-549-6036 541-548-3949. elry. Top dollar paid for friendly, some not. No pies, black, both females for photos. owners. gereing Central Oregon ttnte tgta 8 males, ready now! T HE B U LLETIN r e Gold/Silver.I buy by the fee & fr e e d e livery. Where can you find a Alert for SeAsking$185 obo $200. 541-771-5511 541-385-5809 Estate, Honest Artist 541-389-8420 quires computer ad- Medical 541-419-5060 helping hand? Elizabeth,541-633-7006 vertisers with multiple niors - 24/7 monitorLost 8 Found 240 FREE Equipment. Boxer, beautiful fawn AKC Lovebird babies, handFrom contractors to ad schedules orthose ing. FREE Shipping. Namale puppy, all shots, fed, sweet, ready in 1-2 Dryer, Frigidaire Gallery yard care, it's all here Crafts & Hobbies selling multiple sysweeks. $60 each; taking HD, stackable, exlnt, tionwide Ser v i ce. $700. 541-325-3376 Holiday Bazaar tems/ software, to disdeposits. 541-279-3578 $150. 541-549-6036 in The Bulletin's A L arge n umber o f close the name of the $ 29.95/Month C A LL & Craft Shows Guardian To"Call A Service Stampin' Up st a mp business or the term Medical Maltese AKC champion Dryer, LG, elec., white, 85 5 - 345-7286. sets and accessories. "dealer" in their ads. day bloodlines 7 wks , exc. c o nd., c l ean, Professional" Directory THIS SATURDAY 8/10 (PNDC) most l i ghtly u s e d, Private party advertis1st Annual C.O. Sat. $600. 541-420-1577 $245. 541-504-7096 $400 Reward for some new and a few ers are defined as Mkt. Classic Car Show! 'Miley' 4-mo. female G ENERATE SOM E The Bulletin p urchased used . those who sell one Votefor your favorite! Springer Spaniel, liver Commercial/Office EXCITEMENT in your recommends extra 541-678-8878 computer. Alsokids can build their Chihuahua puppies, tea & white, has tags. n • neighborhood! Plan a n -I Equipment 8 Fixtures own truck or planter at cup, shots & dewormed Lost 7/24 on ShumCrafters Wanted garage sale and don't chasing products or, Home Depot's booth! $250. 541-420-4403 way Rd., in Powell Open Jury forget to advertise in services from out of I Travel/Tickets Commercial s t ainless And, we now have Fresh Butte. 541-604-6232 classified! Chihuahuas miniature I the area. Sending I Sat., Aug. 17, 9:30 a.m. s teel 30x30 x 3 0 Producevendors, Highland Baptist 541-385-5809. 1M, 1F white w/tan Mixed: Maltese/Chihuac ash, c hecks, o r ' Willamette Country Fes- cooler, pre v iouslyF ound small m a l e starting this week! Church, Redmond. tival 8/16-18. $200 obo. used by markings. S250 ea. hua, 2 males born 2009. I credit i n f o rmation b e verage C hihuahua-mix i n Plus, visit Healthy Also 1 female AKC YorkTina 541-447-1640 or 541-771-5552 541-408-7858 may be subjected to distributor. Also Christmas V a l ley Beginnings' Booth -a/l shire Terrier, born 2007. www.snowllakeboutique.org I FRAUD. For more smaller cooler avail- area. 541-576-2544 across from the library, Cockatiel 10-yr-old fe All are small dogs. No information about an ~ able. 541-749-0724. downtown Bend this 245 A.M. calls, please! LOST: big white cat male, lays, $200 with • Mis c . Items Sat.! 541-420-9015 advertiser, you may I 541-350-5106 with black and gray cage 541-548-8804. Golf Equipment call t h e Or e gon / m arkings, lost o n 2 burial plots, sect C ¹945 Tools • State At tor n ey ' Donate deposit bottles/ Part-time dog walker, High Quality King NEW Nicklaus RH clubs, 8 946 Redmond Memorial, Awbrey Butte. ReI It e ms for Free I General's O f f i c e cans to local all volun- wanted, mornings, Bedroom Set with ward. 541-410-8191 $200 cash. Gerry, $500 each. 509-630-8348 10' contractors ladder Consumer Protec- • w/bag. teer, non-profit rescue, to in Cascade area. Storage - 1 yr old, in 32" Mintek LCD wide help w/cat spay/neuter 541-317-5590. t ion ho t l in e at I 541-382-0956 Advertise V A CATION rack for a pickup, has 6' Lost: Framing hammer, PERFECT condition! toolboxes each side, 8/5, SW Bend area. Senscreen HDTV, as is, vet bills. Cans for Cats SPECIALS to 3 m i l246 Beautiful medium oak I 1-877-877-9392. FREE. 541-388-9270 trailer at Ray's Foods on POODLE Toypups & timental value. Reward if lion P acific N o rth- $475. 541-416-9686 hardwood bedframe Guns, Hunting Do n ateteens. Also,POMAPOOS westerners! 29 daily 10'rollerpanels for feed- returned. 541-420-0097 Fallen apples, from our Century Dr . with storage drawers, n Mon-Fri at Smith Sign, Call 541-475-3889 & Fishing newspapers, six ing cut-off saws /moving tree, Gravenstein, king pillow-top matstates. 25-word clas- heavy objects. Rollers 8" FREE! 541-548-2879 1 515 NE 2 nd; o r a t Queensfand Heelers tress, 2 night stands, 212 CRAFT in Tumalo any10 boxes 16 ga. at $8; sified $540 for a 3-day long; spacing 5t/~". 15 @ 2 lamps, 1 5-drawer Standard 8, Mini, $150 Stainless steel double time. 541-389-8420. Antiques & 10 boxes 12 ga. at $6. a d. Ca l l (916) $20 ea. 541-416-9686 dresser, 1 dresser + & up. 541-280-1537 sink w/disposal hook-up, www.craftcats.org 541-389-1 392 2 88-6019 o r vis i t 20' alum. e xtension Collectibles mirror, ALL for only FREE! 541-548-4667 www.rightwayranch.wor www.pnna.com for the l adder. German Shepherds AKC dpress.com $3000. 541-410-1010 Wern e r . Bend local pays CASH!! Pacific Nor t hwest Stepper, adjustable re- www.sherman-ranch.us Lost: Tan/White $75503-860-8974 for all firearms 8 Mattress queen, sistance, easy to move, Daily Con n ection. Wolf-Husky pups, $400. ChihuahuaFriday night 541-281-6829 ammo. 541-526-0617 needs hydraulic fluid, excellent cond, $75. (PNDC) Only 4; reserve now! (8/2) in Crooked River Free! 541-388-9270 541-549-0805 541-977-7019 Qes18g CASH!! Building Materials~ Ranch near Ermine Rd. Bend Indoor Swap Male, 8 years old, about Visit our HUGE For Guns, Ammo & Meet - A Mini-Mall full 7 lbs. $500reward, no Reloading Supplies. home decor 500 Used Red Bricks of Unique Treasures! Pets & Supplies questions asked. 541-408-6900. consignment store. 3rd St. & Wilson Ave. $200 for all. Call 503-805-3833. New items 10-5 Thurs-Fri-Sat. 541-388-8198 Competition series XDm arrive daily! The Bulletin recomGreat Danes Springfield Armory 40 Buying Diamonds Bend Habitat I 930 SE Textron, mends extra caution AKC Blue 3/4 Euro m S&W, 5 t/4n match bbl, adj /Gold for Cash RESTORE when purc h as- 2 Males 2 Females left Yorkie pups AKC, tiny, MOVING, MUST SELL. Bend 541-318-1501 sights, 3 16-rd mags, un- Saxon's Fine Jewelers Building Supply Resale REMEMBER: Ifyou ing products or ser- $1,500 (541)306 8391 short-nosed, health guar, Two recliners $500 for www.redeuxbend.com fired, $750. 503-789-3971 541-389-6655 Quality at LOW have lost an animal, both. Custom made vices from out of the UTD shots.541-777-7743 PRICES don't forget to check s ectional an d o t t o- Jim Beam 1970s collec- C Sharp 1874 45/70, BUYING area. Sending cash, Irish Wolfhound/Great 740 NE 1st The Humane Society man $850. Leather Lionel/American Flyer D ane, 7 wks, 3 f e 210 tor bottle in original case, REM model 8 3030, checks, or credit in541-312-6709 Bend male, XL, $ 500/ea. Furniture & Appliances sofa $650. C offee $60. 541-388-9270 trains, accessories. f ormation may b e BRWG Bar300 WIN, Open to the public. 541-382-3537 541-408-2191. 541-390-2830 table $100. See Bul- The Bulletin reserves Citori OU 20 ga., MAR subjected to fraud. Redmond letin web ad for more Steel Buildings. For more i nformaMX, W B Y l e f t BUYING & SE L LING the right to publish all 3h08 541-923-0882 Fos t ered,5-pc. brown sectional, photos. Call Steve at Big or small. and 2 7 0 , CO L T tion about an adver- KITTENS! All gold jewelry, silver ads from The Bulletin fixed, shots, ID good shape, paid $1699 503-585-5000. ni tiser, you may call friendly, 357, 1911 US and gold coins, bars, Value discounts up to newspaper onto The Trooper aat-aar-rttn; more! Variety of new; sell for $500 obo. 30%. Complete conArmy, Automag CL 44 the O r egon State chip, rounds, wedding sets, 541-548-7126 NEED TO CANCEL Bulletin Internet web8 p e rsonalities. or Craft Cats struction info avail. Attorney General's colors mag, Glock 26 9mm. class rings, sterling silYOUR AD? Adopt from foster homesite. 541-389-8420. Taurus 85 38 S P L, ver, coin collect, vinSource¹ 18X Office C o n sumer see TomTom Motel Mgr, A1 Washers&Dryers The Bulletin 800-964-8335 Protection hotline at across from Sonic - Sat. Barretta Silver Hawk tage watches, dental Classifieds has an $150 ea. Full warger eg Central Oregont nte lgat SXS 12 ga. gold. Bill Fl e ming, 1-877-877-9392. "After Hours"Line 8 Sun. 1-5 PM. Just ranty. Free Del. Also 541-382-9419. Firearms & Tack $ 25/kitten; adopt 2 f o r Call 541-383-2371 Vintage Japanese glass H 8 H wanted, used W/D's Heating & Stoves • 541-382-9352 $40! 541-389-8420. 24 hrs. to cancel floats, asst. sizes, $20 GENERATE SOME 541-280-7355 ger tng Central Oregon onre 1903 www.craftcats.org EXCITEMENT your ad! 8 up. 541-388-9270 NOTICE TO DQN'IMISSTHIS IN YOUR ADVERTISER NEIGBORHOOD. September 29, Plan a garage sale and Since 1991, advertising for don't forget to adverDO YOU HAVE used woodstoves has SOMETHING TO tise in classified! I been limited to mod541-385-5809. SELL 308 els which have been FOR $500 OR GET FREE OF CREDIT c ertified by the O r Farm Equipment LESS? C ARD DEBT N Q W l egon Department of & Machinery Non-commercial Cut payments by up Environmental Qualadvertisers may to half. Stop creditors ity (DEQ) and the fedplace an ad from calling. eral En v ironmental 280 284 286 286 with our 866-775-9621, Protection A g e ncy Estate Sales Estate Sales Sales Southwest Bend Sales Northeast Bend Sales Northeast Bend "QUICK CASH (PNDC) (EPA) as having met SPECIAL" smoke emission stan25-ft 3 axle pintle THE ALLEY Big Garage Sale! Fri-Sat, Sat. Aug. 10th • 8 'til 3 1 week3lines 12 dards. A cer t ified Get your hitch trailer, ESTATE, FARM OUTDOOR MARKET Bam-2pm, DRW, 19399 ** FREE ** 19th ANNUAL OI' w oodstove may b e $2500. and GARAGE Sat. 10-6 pm. Alley of I ndian S ummer R d . Garage Sale Kit BOONESBOROUGH business ~ ae aka got identified by its certifiSALE!! Furniture, 2nd S t . bet w een Camping, tools, Coca Place an ad in The Neighborhood Sale. Call 541-480-8009 Ad must cation label, which is household items, F ranklin 8 Gre e n- Cola items, HO trains, Bulletin for your ga20+ homes. Follow include price of permanently attached horse tack, campw ood. I n F r ont o f h ousehold, SKS, A R rage sale and resigns on Deschutes e~ la ta t g noo a ROW I N G to the stove. The Bulmags & LOTS more! ing equipment and Fabulous Finds BouMkt. Rd. to Dale Rd. or less, or multiple ceive a Garage Sale letin will no t k now- Hay, Grain & Feed tique, Music, jewelry, MUCH, MUCH items whose total Kit FREE! with an ad in ingly accept advertis290 MORE!! Sat and furniture, rustic, vin- Garage Sale! Lots of does not exceed ing for the sale of furniture 8 misc. The Bulletin's 1st quality qrass hay, Sun 8:00 - 4:00. Off tage.... 541-385-8921 Sales Redmond Area KIT I NCLUDES: $500. uncertified 70-lb. bales, barn stored, Fri-Sat, 8-2, 1106 SW • 4 Garage Sale Signs the Old Bend-Red"Call A Service woodstoves. $250/ton 750-Ib bales 282 Ellenhurst Place. mond Hwy. at • $2.00 Off Coupon To Estate/Yard Sale; Call Classifieds at Professional" $240/ton. Patterson Ranch 20521 Pohaku Use Toward Your Fri -Sat 8-3 Sales Northwest Bend 541-385-5809 Sisters, 541-549-3831 Directory Road ... Iook for the Moving Sale! Tools, Next Ad No Early Sales! www.bendbulletin.com Fuel & Wood • • 10 Tips For "Garage appliances, furniture, Tools, Furn. & more big red barn!! Barn stored 2 string 100 Construction Hand Juicer, Jack L alanne Sale Success!" 541-389-2239 motorcycle, cars 8 2016 NW Ivy Place Tools in top condition! lb. orchard grass, delx. stainless, Ik new M auser Modelo A r more!! Fri-Sat-Sun, 8-4, Concrete tools, Rol-Air clover mix, exc. horse WHEN BUYING Garage Sale! RV Parts, entino 1891, 7.65mm, $40. 541-389-8134 compressor, Milwaukee, 60267 Cinder Butte Rd. feed. $220/ton. PICK UP YOUR collectibles, dolls, cloth- 150. 541-948-3382 HUGE ESTATE SALE! Senco, Bosch, Hitachi, FIREWOOD... New Coleman Bug ZapDelivery available. 21555 Modoc Ln, Bend Porter-Cable, D e Walt;T ools, g u ns, f i s hing GARAGE SALE KIT at ing, household items, Ig per w/rechargable batt, To avoid fraud, 541-350-8515 or 1777 SW Chandler lawnmower, etc. Fri-Sat Mossberg 3-06 b o lt,$30 obo. 541-388-9270 Furn, clothing & more! windows, ladders, lum- e quip., s om e an The Bulletin 541-447-4815 8-4, 2348 SW 26th St. Leupold 3x9x40, sling, Fri. 8/9, 11am-6pm Ave., Bend, OR 97702 plus many more tools tiques, furn., new tub recommends paybi-pod, ammo, sleeve Old car collector stuff, Sat. 8/10, Bam-4pm ber Grass hay, e x cellent for y ou r c o nstruction & shower, plus size ment for Firewood People Look for Information $475. 334-477-2354 Sun. 8/11, 8am-2pm needs! 63302 NW Lava- clothes, and m o re. 50th anniv. Ford Horn q uality, $ 20 0 to n . only upon delivery About Products and ring, etc. Call for info 541-788-4539 and inspection. Just bought a new boat? crest St. (x-street Poe Fri/Sat. 8-5 . 1 9 233 Wanted: Collector Services Every Daythrough 541-598-7636 • A cord is 128 cu. ft. Sell your old one in the Sholes Dr.), Sat-Sun,8-3. Shoshone Rd., DRW G.-SALE BONANZA! The Bulletin Classifieds seeks high quality The Bulletin 4' x 4' x 8' *REDUCE YOUR classifieds! Ask about our fishing items. To Subscribe call Downsizing Sale! Sunrise t o su n set Super Seller rates! CABLE BILL! Get an • Receipts should 286 Call 541-678-5753, or Fri-Sun, 1436 NW WilFri.-Sat.-Sun. F r e e Large Garage Sale! Fri & 541-385-5800 or go to 541-385-5809 503-351-2746 All-Digital Sat e l lite include name, liam Clark St, NWX (fol- Sales Northeast Bend world flag poster! Sat., 9-4, 850 NW 49th system installed for www.bendbulletin.com phone, price and St. Furniture, pictures, low bright colored signs). PEDDLERS MARKET 1935 NE Lotus Dr., Weatherby 12 ga. pump FREE and programkind of wood See craigslist for info. Deals! Shop Sale glassware, utensils, 8 Aug. 10, 8-3, Tumalo Hay tarps, G.l. 35 oz 541-965-0663. Model PA459, Home ming s t a rting at purchased. lots more; no clothes. Feed Co., hwy 20. Fri., 8/9, 8 Sat. 8/10, treated canvas, 20' x 40', Defense, new, never $ 24.99/mo. FRE E • Firewood ads GARAGE SALE 63330 N Hwy 97, Antiques, crafts, vin$200 ea. 541-480-8009 Huge Moving Sale! fired, $500. HD/DVR upgrade for MUST include St. Thomas Altar Great selection of items next to U-Haul. tage, produce, more! Fn-Sat-Sun, 9-6, 541-350-9336 Society Annual new callers, SO CALL species 8 cost per ORCHARD GRASS in excellent condition! 541-306-8016 23340 Bear Creek Rd. NOW (877)366-4508. cord to better serve Bam-12 noon Sat. only, ESTATE SALE Fri. & Guns, Rummage Sale. 1st cutting, no rain, copeddlersmarket©gma reloading, tools, all Parish Center Gym. (PNDC) our customers. $205/ton; or $200/ton 310 NW Greyhawk Ave. Weatherby 300 W. il.com Sat. 8 a.m.-4 p.m. household goods. for 15 ton. Powell 19th 8 Maple, Mag, Mark V EuroSee craigslist under The Bulletin Offers No early sales Butte, 541-350-3164 Jacque Renshaw Fri. 8/09 9-3, mark, Leupold "Bear Creek Sale" Free Private PartyAds 63615 Hughes Road, ger ng Central Oregont nte lgts Sat. 08/10 9-12, Vari-X-III 3.5-10 • 3 lines - 3 days ESTATE SALE Tools, f i s hing gear, $1 Bag Sale (Sat. only) scope, muz break, • Private Party Only welding equip, houseHugeMoving & 60814 SCOTTS BLUFF DR. Bend Horses 8 Equipment i sling, some ammo, Year Dependable • Total of items adver- All hold items, furniture, Storage Sale! 292 $1250. 541-604-6099 Seasoned Friday, August 9 • Saturday, August 10 tised must equal $200 Firewood: b lack d i ning s e t , Fri. & Sat. 8-4. Lodgepole, Split, Del. 2 quality Arabian mares Sales Other Areas or Less 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Crowd control admittance swing rocker, tables, 62988 Layton. app r oved Bend: 1 for $175 or 2 free t o FOR DETAILS or to recliner, yard tools & Antiques, king bed, 8 numbers issued at8:00 a.m. for $335. Cash, Check homes. 541-447-1522 Garage Sale Sat 8/10 Winchester Mod. 94 PLACE AN AD, (Take BROOKSWOOD SOUTH TO AMBER garden tractor, patio dressers, furniture, or Credit Card OK. Special Ser. furniture, dog crates, tables, art/pictures, ste- thru Sun 8/11, 9-5, 25550 32 Call 541-385-5809 MEADOW DRIVE — TURN WEST AND FOL541-420-3484. Rd (Alfalfa area). ¹1213708, Redfield Fax 541-385-5802 LOW TO SCOTTS BLUFF DR.) serger, sewing ma- reos, ski equip., new de- Walker Peep Sight, 2 Boxes 541-390-7778 UnbelievSeasoned Juniper fire- Meat & Animal Processing chine, ceramic molds signer cowboy boots, Antique Victorian chest w/marble top; Great king Hornaday Ammo Tiffany Lamp, blues & w ood d elivered i n size bed w/oak frame; Oak dining table and 6 (over 100 sell as lot), restaurant dishes/glass- able! Prices are flexible. $499 541-604-6099 reens, 24" tall, pretty! C entral Ore. $ 1 75 Angus l o cker b e e f, chairs and two leaves; Two Drexel chairs; Cher- doll molds, will sell ware, credenzas, tools 8 North La Pine 80. 541-548-0248 grass-fed, no adrenacord. 541-419-9859 rywood endtables and coffee table;Oak book- separately, clothing, building materials, Garage Sale! line butchered at CinNo Early Admittance. Wantedpaying cash cases; Cherry wood oriental-style chest; Wool 50" TV, toys; Motor253 Young man willing to split Saturday August 10, der Butte Meats, $3/lb. for Hi-fi audio & stuCarved Oriental-style rug from 8' by 10' size to home, 440 Dodge en9:00 a.m. to 4:00 pm /stack firewood. Wage TV, Stereo & Video & wrapped to your dio equip. Mclntosh, negotiable. 541-419-6651 cut round throw rug-There are 14 rugs in total, all gine good, interior is M OVING SALE S a t . Sale features building specs. 541-350-2737 like new; Unique oak desk with folding top; An- not); 1987 4x4 Ford J BL, Marantz, D y 8 /10, 7 - 1 . 631 3 9 tools, yard tools, D irecTV O v e r 1 4 0 tique mirror; Three closets full of ladies clothing Bronco, 75k mi.Silent Brookstone Lane. housewares, furniture, channels only $29.99 naco, Heathkit, Sanbrands Chico-Coldwater Creek-Norm Thomp- bids on some items. A Lot of Everything! Carver, NAD, etc. Gardening Supplieq camping equipment, a month. Call Now! sui, Produce & Food Call 541-261-1808 son, etc., large, shoes 8.5. Flamingo with outbooks, hunting supTriple savings! & Equipment fits; Baskets; 72-piece set of Denby stoneware; pliesand many home $636.00 in Savings, THOMAS ORCHARDS Large set of Dansk white dishes; Pots and pans * ESTATE/MOVING SALE! * decor items. Free upgrade to GeKimberly,Oregon and small electrical appliances; Hundreds of Beautiful home, immaculate near-new things! BarkTurfSoil.com 15135 West Drive, nie 8 2013 NFL Sunu - ick& Christmas items from Hallmark; Upright freezer; Custom distressed oak dining set with 8 ebony ~ La Pine, OR day ticket free!! Start a nnd -Picked King size feather bed topper; Cookbooks and Windsor chairs, side chair, teak armoire & ~ (503)730-3367 saving today! PROMPT D E LIVERY • Freestone canning other books; Corning and LaCruset cookware; dresser, Amish corner cabinet, small furn. 1-800-259-5140. 542-389-9663 Two oak end tables; CDs and DVDs; Sunflower pieces, Sony large screen TV, electronics, peaches (Sunbright) NOTICE Water Fountain. Iovely (PNDC) chair made with tiles; Two Rubbermaid storage bakers rack, lots of lodge -style decor, artwork, • Santa Rosa Plums for patio or inside Remember to remove cabinets; Large white storage cabinet; Plastic kitchenware, beautiful antique china a nd • Early nectarines Ret a i ler. $199 541-382-9295. your Garage Sale signs DISH T V For newspaper and gorilla racks; Two sets of ladies golf clubs; glassware, silver, linens, jewelry, Toro recy(nails, staples, etc.) Starting ai delivery, call the WHEN YOU SEE THIS Bosch Tassimo coffee maker; Two Howard cler mower, Weber BBQ, bikes, chop saw, after your Sale event $19.99/month (for 12 BRING CONTAINERS Circulation Dept. at Miller Wall clocks; Two black metal bar stools; hand and power tools, wet/dry vac, yard and is over! THANKS! mos.) 8 High Speed for U-PICK!11 541-385-5800 ~Oo Oreck vacuum; Plastic ware and lots of coated outdoor, clothing, much more! I nternet starting a t From The Bulletin Open 7 days week, 8 To place an ad, call metal storage units; Cleaning supplies; Plant Take Brookswood to River Rim Dr., 3rd left and your local utility $14.95/month (where a.m. to 6 p.m. ONLY! 541-385-5809 stands and planters; Lots of kitchen gadgets on Sugar Mill Loop to 19455 available.) SAVE! Ask On a classified ad companies. or email 541-934-2870 and tools; More and More!!!! Fri-Sat 9-4, numbers Fri. Ba.m. classified0bendbulletin.com About SAME DAY Ingo to Look for updates on FaHandled byDeedy's Estate Sales Co. LLC stallation! CALL Now! www.bendbulletin.com cebook. We are at the AttiC EStateS & AppraiSalS 541-350-6822 Serving Central Oregon sincelgog 541-419-4742 days • 541-382-5950 eves 1-800-308-1563. to view additional Bend Farmers Market on www.atticestatesandappraisals.com Serving Central Oregon sincelgog www.deeedysestatesales.com www.bendbulletin.com Wednesdays, 3-7 p.m. (PNDC) photos of the item.

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Employment Opportunities

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Employment Opportunities

Motorcycles & Accessories


Boats & Accessories •


Travel Trailers •

Trave l Trailers

Ads published in the "Boats" classification include: Speed, fishing, drift, canoe, house and sail boats. For all other types of watercraft, please go to Class 875.

Dio tag t A leading provider of BeSSURGnn construction risk man- C • F. • N • T • ia • R iaiterme IitentiotCoogat a gement s ervices i s seeking a qualified indiHousekeeping / Honda Shadow/Aero NATIONAL DOLPHIN Arctic Fox 2004 29V, Orbit 21'2007, used vidual in its Sunriver, Environmental 750, 2007 Black, 11K 514 37' 1997, loaded! 1 one owner, perfect for 421 only 8 times, A/C, Oregon office. 2 years mi, 60 mpg, new deServices 541-385-5809 slide, Corian surfaces, snowbirds, very l ivInsurance Schools & Training minimum experience in tachable windshield, oven, tub s hower, (Parf-time, 20 hrs wood floors (kitchen), able, 2 s lides, A/C/ micro, load leveler c onstruction or c o m - Mon-Fri, 5-9:30pm with Mustang seat & tires; 2-dr fridge, convection furnace, added cataSAVE $$$ on AUTO hitch, awning, dual Oregon Medical Train- m ercial l e nding r e - availability to flexinto detachable Paladin Serpmg Central Oregonsince 1903 microwave, Vizio TV 8 l ytic h e ater, f r o nt INSURANCE from the ing PCS — Phlebotomy backrest & luggage batteries, sleeps 4-5, quired, and proficiency 40 hrs as needed) roof satellite, walk-in kitchen large fridge, classes begin Sept. 3, with Excel e xpected.We are looking for a m ajor names y o u rack w/keylock.VanceEXCELLENT CONshower, new queen bed. separated bath, aw2013. Registration now Job offers a competi- motivated team player know and trust. No Hines pipes, great DITION. All accesWhite leather hide-a- ning, spare tire, HenP ":~ sories are included. tive wage and g reat with an eye for detail forms. No hassle. No sound. Cruise control, bed & chair, all records, sley hitch, great stormedicaltrainin .com benefits. Please send to join our team at obligation. Call audible turn signals $15,000 OBO. no pets or s moking. age, outside shower 541-343-3100 FO R MY for safety. $4495 obo. 541-382-9441 resume to: Bend Surgery Center. READY $28,450. well main. $13,800 QUOTE now! CALL Jack,541-549-4949 matthew.guthrieI E nvironmental s e r Beautiful h o u seboat, Call 541-771-4800 476 541-410-6561 tetratech.com vices is responsible 1-888-706-8256. $85,000. 541-390-4693 Employment (PNDC) Street Glide 2006 black for daily housekeepwww.centraloregon RV EDUCATION cherry metal f lake, Opportunities ing functions as well houseboat.com. CONSIGNMENTS Gilchrist School is cur- as maintaining a high good extras, 8,100 GENERATE SOME exWANTED miles, will take some Add your web address rently hiring (1) Parapro- level of quality. Can- Loans & Mortgages We Do The Work ... citement in your neigtrade of firearms or to your ad and read- fessional — Child Specific didate must have reli- BANK TURNED YOU You Keep The Cash! borhood. Plan a gasmall ironhead. ers on The Bulletin's 5.5 hours per day / stu- able tr a nsportation On-site credit Private party rage sale and don't Newmar Scottsdale $14,000. web site, www.bend- dent contact days; and a nd be able t o l i ft DOWN? approval team, forget to advertise in will loan on real esCougar 33 ft. 2006, 541-306-8812 bulletin.com, will be (1) Paraprofessional 25lbs. High S c hool tate equity. Credit, no 33 ft., 2005 web site presence. classified! 385-5809. ft. slide, awning, able to click through Tutor 5.5 hours per day / Diploma req u ired. problem, good equity GMC 8.1L Vortec engine, 14 We Take Trade-Ins! easy lift, stability bar, student contact days. Allison transmission, automatically to your Prior experience in Free Advertising. is all you need. Call bumper extends for Both include a competi- medical cleaning a Serpmg Central Oregonsince t903 Workhorse frame, 2 website. BIG COUNTRY RV Oregon Land Mortextra cargo, all active benefits package. slides. All upgrades! 3 plus, but not required. gage 541-388-4200. Bend: 541-330-2495 875 cess. incl., like new For job description and to Submit resume with awnings, skylight, rain Redmond: condition, stored in for either position cover letter to Watercraft sensor vent, 32" flat ATTENTION apply 541-548-5254 Cut you r S T UDENT RV barn, used less go to www.kcsd.k12.or.us 'obsobendsur e .com screen TV, solar panel, LOAN payments in P Elk t han 10 t i mes l o Call 541-433-2295 for HALF or more Even if Victory TC 2002, Ads published in Wa- back-up camera, HWH Open until c ally, no p ets o r more information. tercraft" include: Kay- jacks, plumbed for towAugust 11, 2013. Late or in Default. Get runs great, many Hunters! smoking $2 0 000 ing bar & hitch. 19K aks, rafts and motorRelief FAST. M u ch accessories, new Colorado Outfitters obo. 541-536-2709. Ized personal miles, in excellent cond. LOWER p a yments. tires, under 40K R ~ I I now hiring experiwatercrafts. For $45,000. 541-520-6450 Call Student Hotline miles, well kept. e nced hunters t o Facilities "boats" please see .4 Nk 855-747-7784 work as Elk hunting Instructional $5500 or Partial Maintenance Class 870. Roadmaster RM3477 tow (PNDC) guides for 2013 ArTrade/firearms ,. • a. Technology WEEKEND WARRIOR Mechanic dolly, like new, elect. brks, 541-385-5809 chery and Rifle sea541-647-4232 Coordinator LOCAL MONEY:We buy Toy hauler/travel trailer. Microsemi Corpora$1500. 541-504-7483 sons. No guide exsecured trust deeds & 24' with 21' interior. tion in B end, O r- This person will lead perience required. note,some hard money Serving Central Oregon smce l903 and facilitate InstrucSleeps 6. Self-conegon has an imme865 Bow hunters loans. Call Pat Kellev tional Technology in tained. Systems/ RV diate opening for a 541-382-3099 ext.13. ATVs Good classified ads tell preferred. dev e lopment, CONSIGNMENTS Jayco Eagle appearancein good facilities mai n t e- the the essential facts in an condition. Smoke-free. Call (800) nance m e c hanic. i mplementation, s u WANTED 26.6 ft long, 2000 573 interesting Manner. Write pervision and m a nWe Do The Work ... Tow with s/g-ton. Strong 342-7016 Responsibilities infrom the readers view - not You Keep The Cash! suspension; can haul agement of m e d ia Business Opportunities Sleeps 6, 14-ft slide, clude maintenance the seller's. Convert the services, online eduOn-site credit ATVs snowmobiles, and repair of plant awning, Eaz-Lift A Classified ad is an facts into benefits. Show even a small car! Great FIND IT! cational options, and approval team, stabilizer bars, heat HVAC, process pipEASY W A Y TO the District I nstructhe reader how the item will web site presence. price - $8900. ing, waste treatment, 8 air, queen BUY IT! tional Tec h nology REACH over 3 million Honda TRX 450R sport We Take Trade-Ins! help them in someway. walk-around bed, Call 541-593-6266 and environmental SELL IT! Pacific NorthwesternFree Advertising. sys t ems. Program; as well as This very good condition, The Bulletin Classifieds control $54 0 /25-wordquad 2008, low hrs, new Current experience assist teaching media, ers. BIG COUNTRY RV advertising tip $10,000 obo. 882 wheels 8 DNC perf. pipe c lassified ad i n 2 9 computer and t echBend: 541-330-2495 in HVAC systems is brought to youby 541-595-2003 $4250. 541-647-8931 Fifth Wheels daily newspapers for Redmond: Bookkeeper nology clas s es. a must. Interested Call the Pa870 541-548-5254 Teaching Lic e nse 3-days. The Bulletin W e need a Pa r t candidates s hould cific Northwest Daily e CAMEO LXI 2003, 35 ft. -time dynamic, full visit our website at NOT required. Go to Say ngoodbuy Boats & Accessories Connection O nan g en . 3 6 00, (916) https://culver.cloud.tal cycle, bookkeeper in www.microsemi.com 880 2 88-6019 o r em a i l to that unused wired & plumbed for our energetic, entedk12.com/hire/Inand please apply Motorhomes W/D, 3 slides, Fandex.aspx for detailed elizabeth@cnpa.com item by placing it in w omen ru n c o m - on-line. tastic fan, ice maker, pany. D u ties are description and to ap- for more info (PNDC) The Bulletin Classifieds r ange top & o v e n AR/AP, a n swering ply. Deadline 9/4/13. Extreme Value Adver(never been u sed) customers & vendor Culver School District tising! 29 Daily newsJust too many very nice; $29,500. 541-546-7506 questions , as s i st papers $540/25-word 5 41 -385-580 9 collectibles? TIFFIN PHAETON QSH 541-548-0625. with GL. 1 yr. exp., c lassified 3-d a y s. 12t/g' HiLaker fishing 2007with 4 slides, CAT AA in A c counting; Reach 3 million Paboat with trailer and 350hp diesel engine, Take care of Sell them in Quickbooks, Office cific Northwesterners. newly overhauled 18 Brougham 1978 motor $129,900. 30,900 miles, Mallard 22' 19 9 5 , your investments ready for hunting seaSuites and Google The Bulletin Classifieds For more information h.p. Johnston o u thome, Dodge chassis, great condition! •I son, sleeps 7, fully docs/calendar exp. call (916) 288-6019 or b oard, $ 85 0 o b o . 17' coach, sleeps 4, Extended warranty, with the help from equipped, very clean, Attention to d e tail email: Eves 5 4 1-383-5043, dishwasher, washer/ rear dining. $4500. good cond, $5000; or The Bulletin's and org a nization 541-385-5809 elizabeth@cnpa.com days 541-322-4843 541-602-8652. dryer, central vac, roof trade for Subaru Outskills are essential to for the Pacific North"Call A Service satellite, aluminum Prowler 32' back or PT Cruiser, Fleetwood keep us creative & Wildland Flreflghters west Daily Connecwheels, 2 full slide-thru 2001, many upgrade obo. 541-678-5575 Professional" Directory sales folks o r gation. (PNDC) basement trays & 3 TV's. To fight forest fires. options, $14,500 obo. • IIg nized. Flexible with Falcon-2 towbar and Must be 18 years old 541-480-1687, Dick. Even-Brake included. the part time hours & drug free. Apply MOTEL- Housekeeping j $~ ~ I Mon. - Fri. Please Call 541-977-4150 between 9 a.m. to 3 m Staff, Full-time. Apply in 14'8 n boat, 40hp Mer: g. C/I .ltC II • % l l - I • I email resume and 1 p.m., Mon. thru Thurs. person at front desk, Alfa See Ya 2005 40' cury outboard (4-stroke, %g cover letter to cenBring two forms of ID fill Sugarloaf Mou n tain excellent cond, 1 owner, electric trim, EFI, less traloregonjobs©bbout Federal 1-9 form. Motel 62980 N. Highthan 10 hrs) + electric 4-dr frig w/icemaker, gas Meet singles nght now! sihq.com or fax it to No ID=No Application. way 97, in Bend. trolling motor, fish finder, stove(oven, convection Monte Carlo 2012 Lim- No paid o p erators, 541.388.1984 oven, washer/dryer $5000 obo. 541-548-2173 ited Edition, 2 slides, 2 just real people like PARTS MANAGER combo, flatscreen TV, all A/Cs, 2 bdrm, sleeps Browse greetBig Country RV has electronics, new tires, Winnebaqo Suncruiser34' 6-8 comfortably, has you. ings, exchange mes2004, only 34K, loaded, immediate opening for many extras. 7.5 diesel A games IIteena Ikaaattetat (eeaae too much to list, ext'd w/d, dishwasher, many sages and c onnect a F/ T E x perienced gen, lots of storage, extras, fully l o aded. P ATR I G K Try it free. Call Snowmobiles Parts Manager who basement freezer, 350 warr. thru 2014, $54,900 $29,600 obo. Located live. now: 8 7 7-955-5505. Dennis, 541-589-3243 1199 NE Hemlock, will share our comCat Freiqhtliner chassis. in Bend 682-777-8039 Chemical (PNDC) Redmond, OR Asking $86,500. See at mitment to customers. • 1994 Arctic Cat 580 Handling 14' a luminum bo a t Crook County RV Park, (541) 923-0703 Competitive pay, and EXT, $1000. Technician w/trailer, 2009 Mercury ¹43. 520-609-6372 • Yamaha 750 1999 benefit package. Microsemi Corpora- HOTEL/RESORT Apply in person at Mountain Max, SOLD! 15hp motor, fish finder, tion in B end, O r$2500. 541-815-8797 The Riverhouse3500 North Hwy 97, • Zieman 4-place BOUNDER 1993 egon has an imme- Bend's largest Hotel and Bend, Oregon; email trailer, SOLD! 34.6', 43k miles, diate opening for a Convention Center, is All in good condition. loaded, $13,900. resume to chemical h a ndling seeking a quality-minded bcrvhireo mail.com Info - Call Located in La Pine. Call 54!385 5809iotramgteyourservice 'Advertise for 28daysstarting gi '!4)!rgis spe cialpeckegt lsnetetailablt anParetbstt! technician. Respon- Night Auditor to join the or call Rick Breeden at 541-536-8816. Call 541-408-6149. sibilities incl u de Riverhouse Team. Appli541-419-8680 2 ) 2000 A r ctic C a t set-up of c hemical cants must have strong L 580's EFI with n e w process baths, dis- accounting & computer PHARMACIST 14' LAZER 1993 sailBuilding/Contracting Landscaping/Yard Care Landscaping/Yard Care posal of waste prod- skills; requires some cus- Staff pharmacist position covers, electric start w/ boat with trailer, exc. low miles, both c ond., $2000 o b o . ucts, monitoring gas tomer service interaction. at independentcommu- reverse, excellent; with new 2009 NOTICE: Oregon state NOTICE: Oregon Landand liquid usage as We offer c o mpetitivenity pharmacy, in Des- Trac-Pac 2-place trailer, Call 503-312-4168 law r equires anyone scape Contractors Law well as cle a ning compensation as well as chutes County. Full-time; drive off/on w/double tilt, who con t racts for (ORS 671) requires all production process free golf and use of the no nights, no Sundays. lots of accys. Selling due Zor//',tz gaalrip Fleetwood D i scovery construction work to businesses that a dequipment. Some pool facilities. Bring re- Professional set t ing, 40' 2003, diesel mom edical r e asons. be licensed with the vertise t o pe r form Zacu4 gas.e, rgo relevant experience sume & complete appli- competitive wage / ben- to torhome w/all Construction Contrac- More ThanService Landscape Construccation in person at The efits. Call 541-419-4688. $6000 all. 541-536-8130 a nd education i n options-3 slide outs, tors Board (CCB). An tion which includes: chemical handling is Riverhouse, 3075 N Hwy Advertise your car! Peace OfMind satellite, 2 TV's,W/D, active license p lanting, decks , Bend, OR. Or apply Add A Picture! highly desired. Inter- 97, 14' Seadoo 1997 boat, etc. 3 2 ,000 m i les. means the contractor fences, arbors, & submit resume/cover ReaCh thOuSandS Of readerS! ested ca n d idates letter online at: Fire Protection water-features, and intwin modified engines. Wintered i n h e ated is bonded & insured. CaII 541-385-5809 should visit our webFuels Reductlon stallation, repair of irwww.riverhouse.com The Bulletin Class!fleds 210hp/1200lbs, fast. shop. $89,900 O.B.O. Verify the contractor's site a t www . m i• Tall Grass PRE-EMPLOYMENT 541-447-8664 CCB li c ense at rigation systems to be chasing products or ~ Arctic Cat ZL800, 2001, $5500. 541-390-7035 c rosemi.com a n d www.hirealicensed• Low Limbs licensed w i t h the DRUG SCREENING services from out of I please apply on-line. short track, variable 17.5' Glastron 2002, contractor.com Landscape ContracIS REQUIRED. • Brush and Debris f the area. Sending exhaust valves, elecor call 503-378-4621. tors Board. This 4-digit c ash, checks, o r Chevy eng., Volvo tric s t art, r e v erse, The Bulletin recomnumber is to be i nProtect your home f credit i n f o rmation IS manuals, rec o rds, outdrive, open bow, mends checking with with defensible space cluded in all adver~ may be subjected to ~ new spare belt, cover, stereo, sink/live well, Network Operations the CCB prior to contisements which indiFRAUD. tr a i ler, Cenfer: heated hand g rips, w/glastron tracting with anyone. cate the business has LES Sf',Hfjjf48 For more informaLandscape c o v e r, G ulfstream S u n nice, fast, $999. Call incl. b oa t Some other t r ades a bond,insurance and Computer Operator tion about an adver- ~ Tom, 541-385-7932, Like new, $ 8 500. sport 30' Class A Maintenance also req u ire addiworkers c o mpensa541-447-4876 / tiser, you may call Full or Partial Service 1988 ne w f r i dge, tional licenses and tion for their employRuns and monitors scheduled jobs, prepares / the Oregon State 860 TV, solar panel, new • Mowing eEdging certifications. ees. For your protecand monitors data c e nter i n frastructure I Attorney General's • Pruning «Weeding litsg ' refrigerator, wheeltion call 503-378-5909 Motorcycles & Accessories equipment, maintains proper documentation Office Co n s umer t c hair l i ft . 4 0 0 0W Sprinkler Adjustments Concrete Construction or use our website: and performs routine equipment installation g enerator, Goo d www.lcb.state.or.us to and m a i ntenance. P e r forms n e t work Protection hotline at I HDFat Bo 1996 condition! $18,000 JJ 8 B Construction, Fertilizer included check license status monitoring and basic configuration tasks. I 1-877-877-9392. ta obo 541-447-5504 g gg quality concrete work. with monthly program before contracting with Responds touser and system support issues, LThe Bulletin the business. Persons Over 30 Years Exp. trouble shoots problems and works with other 17' Cris Craft Scorpion, doing land s cape Sidewalks; RV pads; g roups on project or support work. L e s Its not too late fast & ready to fish! I/O & JAMEE 1982 20', maintenance do not l. Driveways; Color & Schwab has a re p utation o f e x c ellent trolling motor. Lots of exlow miles on it, r equire an L C B Stamp wor k a v a il. for a beautiful customer service and over 400 stores in the Looking for your next tras! $5000. 541-318-7473 self-contained. Runs landscape cense. Also Hardwood flooremployee? Northwest. We offer a competitive salary, Great, everything Completely ing a t aff o r dable •Lawn Restoration e xcellent benefits, retirement, and c a s h Place a Bulletin help works. $3 000. •Weed Free beds Rebuilt/Customized BULLETIN CLASSIFIEDS wanted ad today and prices. 541-279-3183 bonus. Visit us at: www.LesSchwab.com. 541-382-6494 2012/2013 Award •Bark Installation CCB¹190612 Search the area's most reach over 60,000 Winner readers each week. comprehensive listing of Resumes will be accepted through Showroom Condition • D ebris Removal EXPERIENCED classified advertising... August 15, 2013. Please send resume and Your classified ad Many Extras will also appear on Commercial real estate to automotive, salary requirements to: Low Miles. 18' Maxum ski boat , 2000, merchandise to sporting ZYLSHuman.Resources@lesschwab.com. bendbulletin.com JUNK BE GONE & Residential inboard motor, g r eat which currently goods. Bulletin Classifieds Emails must state "Computer Operator" in the $17,000 Senior Discounts I Haul Away FREE cond, well maintained, 541-548-4807 appear every day in the subject line. No phone calls please. receives over 1.5 For Salvage. Also 541-390-1466 $8995 obo. 541-350-7755 million page views print or on line. Cleanups & Cleanouts Same Day Response Jayco Greyhawk Class EOE every month at HD Screaming Eagle Call 541-385-5809 Mel, 541-389-8107 C 31 ' 2 005, 2 no extra cost. Electra Glide 2005, www.bendbulletin.com slide-outs, many exn USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! Bulletin Classifieds 103 motor, two tone tras, lo w m i l eage, Concrete/Paving Get Results! Career 0 o r t unities The Bulletin candy teal, new tires, $48,000 will consider Door-to-door selling with Sen«ngCentral Oregons nce 1903 Night Pressman Call 385-5809 23K miles, CD player, Doug Strain offers. 541-389-9292 fast results! It's the easiest or place The Bulletin, located in beautiful Bend, Orhydraulic clutch, exConstruction, Inc. ALLEN REINSCH 19.5' Bluewater '88 I/O, egon. is seeking a night-time Pressman. your ad on-line at way in the world to sell. cellent condition. Concrete Division Yard maintenance & bendbulletin.com new upholstery, new elecWe are part of Western Communications, Inc. Highest offer takes it. Residential & clean-up, thatching, tronics, winch, much more. which is a small, family owned group consistThe Bulletin Classified 541-480-8080. Commercial concrete; plugging & much more! $9500. 541-306-0280 ing of 7 newspapers - 5 in Oregon and 2 in foundations, driveways, 541-385-5809 Call 541-536-1 294 California. Ideal candidate must be able to sidewalks & curbs. Sales 20' 1993 Sea Nympf Fish learn our equipment/processes quickly. A Call Chris for appt. & Ski, 50 hrs on new Nelson Villanueva Lawn Care. hands-on style is a requirement for our 3s/g 541-280-0581 engine, fish finder, chart KOUNTRY AIRE Maintenance,clean-up, Independent Contractor Sales Landscaping & tower KBA press. In addition to our 7-day a CCB¹109532 1994 37.5' motorplotter & VHF radio with thatching + more! We are seeking dynamic individuals. Maintenance week newspaper, we have numerous comantenna. Good shape, home, with awning, Free estimates. Serving Central mercial print clients as well. Competitive wage Decks full cover, heavy duty and one slide-out, • 541-981-8386 DOES THIS SOUND LIKE YOU? Oregon Since 2003 and benefit program, and potential for adtrailer, kicker and electric Only 47k miles •OUTGOING & COMPETITIVE Residental/Commercial vancement in a stable work environment. If motors. Oregon Decks & Fencing and good condition. • PERSONABLE 8 ENTHUSIASTIC Painting/Wall Covering you provide dependability, combined with a $7500 or best offer. Expert installation,all types Sprinkler $25,000. •CONSISTENT & MOTIVATED positive attitude and are a team player, we 541-292-1834 Excellent work! Over 50 Activaflon/Repalr 541-548-0318 would like to hear from you. yrs exp. Serving all of CO Back Flow Testing WESTERN PAINTING (photo aboveis of a Our winning team of sales & promotion CO. Richard Hayman, similar model & not the ccb 20010• 541-526-1973 PRIdE RF WdFO/ a semi-retired paintPressroomRoll Tender professionals are making an average of actual vehicle) Maintenance Entry-level position responsible for the loading ing contractor of 45 $400 - $800 per week doing special Handyman 20.5' Seaswirl Spy.Thatch & Aerate years. S m al l J obs of newsprint rolls and the operation of the reel events, trade shows, retail & grocery der 1989 H.O. 302, • Spring Clean up Welcome. Interior 8 stands on the press. The work schedule conI DO THAT! store promotions while representing 285 hrs., exc. cond., •Weekly Mowing Exterior. c c b ¹51 84. sists of four 10-hour days from 3:30 p.m. to Home/Rental repairs stored indoors for & Edging THE BULLETTN newspaper 541-388-6910 approx 2:30 a.m. on a rotating schedule that Small jobs to remodels •Bi-Monthly & Monthly life $9900 OBO. as an independent contractor will allow for every other weekend being 3 Honest, guaranteed 541-379-3530 Maintenance days off. Must be able to move and lift 50 lbs. work. CCB¹151573 •Bark, Rock, Etc. Find exactly what yI/E OFFER: or more on a continuing basis, also requires Monaco Windsor, 2001, Dennis 541-317-9768 you are looking for in the •Solid Income Opportunity * reaching, standing, sitting, pushing, pulling, Landaoa ln loaded! (was $234,000 ERIC REEVE HANDY ~ * *Complete Training Program stooping, kneeling, walking and climbing stairs. •Landscape CLASSIFIEDS new) Solid-surface SERVICES. Home & *No Selling Door to Door * Learning and using proper safety practices will counters, convection/ Construction Commercial Repairs, •Water Feature be a primary responsibility. Starting rate $10/hr micro, 4-dr, fridge, *No Telemarketing Involved* Carpentry-Painting, Remodeling/Carpentry DOE. Installation/Maint. *Great Advancement Opportunity* 20' Seaswirl 1992, 4.3L washer/dryer, ceramic Pressure-washing, •Pavers * tile & carpet, TV, DVD, V6 w/OMC outdrive, open * Full and Part Time Hours Honey Do's. On-t i me dish, leveling, SILVER LINING For more information or to submit a resume, •Renovations bow, Shorelander trlr, nds satellite promise. Senior power cord CONSTRUCTION •Irrigations Installation please contact: Al Nelson, Pressroom Mansome interior trim work. 8-airbags, FOR THE CHANCE OF A Discount. Work guarreel, 2 full pass-thru Residential const., ager, a nelson@bendbulletin.com. Applica$4500. 541-639-3209 LIFETIME, anteed. 541-389-3361 Senior Discounts remodels, maint. trays, Cummins ISO 8.3 tions are also available at the front desk at The 9.5' Old Town Kayak with 350hp turbo Diesel, 7.5 or 541-771-4463 Bonded & Insured & repair. CCB ¹199645 Call Adam Johnson Bulletin, 1777 Chandler Ave., Bend, OR. paddles & life jacket, Diesel gen set. $85,000 Bonded & Insured 541-815-4458 Cody Aschenbrenner Pre-employment drug testing required. EOE 541-410-5521, TODAY! obo. 503-799-2950 CCB¹181 595 LCB¹8759 541-263-1268 $190. 541-593-5312



The Bulletin

The Bulletin


The Bulletin


r.=.-"-,.— .a I

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. ~j



rday,August 10,2013 DAILY BRIDGE CLUg satu


Deceptive defense

1"Moses" novelist s Home to Morro Castle 0 Rigging pros 14 Hoops nickname 16 Its prices are determined by competition

By FRANK STEWART Tribune MediaServices

Edgar Kaplan (1925-1997), one of the most influential figures in the history of the game, was a theorist, an administrator, a gifted and prolific writer, editor-publisher of The Bridge World magazine,and a champion player. Kaplan, today's East in a pairs event, doubled North-South's sacrifice at f our spades. Since West would have brought home four hearts for plus 620, East-West needed to beat the sacrifice three tricks for plus 800. West led the king and ace of hearts and continued with a t h ird heart. Declarer ruffed with dummy's queen of trumps, and Kaplan ... discarded the five of diamonds!

What do you say? ANSWER: Ex p e rt j u d g ment would differ. Some might leap to 3NT, which certainly might be right. A few would try to postpone the decision by bidding three clubs. My preference would be for a jump to four hearts. I would be influenced by the diamond honors and prime values in the black suits. South dealer Both sides vulnerable

17 Rafts

16 "Red pottage" in Genesis 10 Gun

20 Sharks' place 21 Neighbor of Telescopium 22 O bam a "

(epithet used by Rush Limbaugh)

NORTH 41Q 10965 0 J 109 8 4 32 EAST 4 K32 y Q10 <> 54 + AQJ 8 7 6

WEST 4 None Iul A K8 6 5


Even though East had doubled four 0 A 7 6 3 2 spades, South assumed that since + 5 4 East hadn't overruffed with the king of trumps, he couldn't. So South led SOUTH a trump to his ace, thinking the king 41 A J874 might fall singleton from West. g J97 I nstead West d i scarded, a n d 0 KQ Kaplan won the next trump, led his 4 K109 last diamond to West's ace, got a diam ond ruff and cashed the ace ofclubs S outh Wes t N orth for the third undertrick. 16 2g Pass Pass 3O P ass Pass 4y 44 DAILY QUESTION

so "Women Ironing" artist s3 English Channel feeder s4 Land above, to



Eas t 36 3 I2


All Pass

Youhold: lh A J8 7 4 9 J9 7 <> K Q 4 K 1 0 9 . Y our partner Opening lead - IvI K opens one heart, you respond one spade and he bids two diamonds. (C) 2013 Tribune Media Services, Inc.

Seeking a friendly duplicate bridge? Find five gamesweekly at www.bendbridge.org. BIZARRO

30 Central figure of a country 36 1978 punk classic 30 Transcript, e.g. 40 What many married couples bring in 41 Finnair alternative 42 Blowout, e.g. 43 With 5-Down, bygone beverage 46 Sort who isn't safe around a safe

24 Criticize in Sonorans a small way, s6 Honor for informally Harry Potter's zs Circulation creator: Abbr. problem s7 Acid Queen 26 " Just L ov e player in Her" (1950 hit) "Tommy" 26 Granny, to se 1998 Spielberg Gretel title role

Ivl 32


No. 0706



S y N

T 0





60 "Two Tickets to Paradise"


singer 61 Domino getting played They take up some measures 63 Squat 64 Gonitis target

DOWN 1960s TV dog Walk-ins? 3 It may cover all the bases 4 C.E.O.'s places See 43-Across 6 Knock for a loop 7 Dog star 6 Composer Arensky 0 Roll in the grass? Sites for system repairs, briefly 11 Toasting option 12 Intro to chemistry? Parade honoree, familiarly 16 What a bad ruler does 20 Parting word 23 Mizzen neighbor 26 Dressage half-turn 27 Put away, maybe 29 1970s 30 Sots' shots 31 bit 32 Look out for, say 33 Singer Lovich










































38 39 40 41 43


















34 Sparkling white 36 "Chloe" director, 2009 36 "Chicago" Golden Globe winner 37 Teaching degs. 43 2012 majorleague leaderin hits 44 Quicklime, e.g.

4s Furnishes 47

64 Tour de France times

Fe i ld

(Minute Maid

ss Sam Cooke's Little Love"

Park, once)

46 Fixin' to 40 "Wall Street"

ss British isle

theme sa Drop off sz What a yo-yo lacks

60 Subj. of the 2006 film "Bobby"

For answers, call 1-900-285-5656, $1.49 a minute; or, with a credit card, 1-800-814-5554. Annual subscriptions are available for the best of Sunday crosswords from the last 50 years: 1-888-7-ACROSS. AT8T users: Text NYTX io 386 to download puzzles, or visit nyiimes.com/mobilexword for more information. Online subscriptions: Today's puzzle and more than 2,000 past puzzles, nyiimes.com/crosswords ($39.95 a year). Share tips: nytimes.com/wordplay. Crosswords for young solvers: nytimes.com/learning/xwords.



Rlsiif Ifof Biores 0


Complete the grid so that


!'m Ytot a dlowyt.


e 0

every row, column and

! dreCg like thiC to

3x3 box contains every digit from1 to 9 inclusively.

tormeyLt doulropb.obidC.



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3>L J ~u~ X

by David L. Hoyt and Jeff Kourek

Unscramble these four Jumbles, one letter 10 each square, to form four ordinary words.



This ie 4

change of pace for you.


I love

puuiug «Iowo


ROFOG )0 8





Jofs A5 A —Now arrange the circled letters 10 form the surprise answer, 88 suggested by the above cartoon.

Print your answer here:


"New airport security policyAll passengers must have one."

genre 46 Have a go at 48 f e v er: tween

31 100 years Dr more, 42 Yankees rival for a giant tortoise 43 Like klaxons in 32 Makes toomany a ction wrong turns, 44 No t as nice maybe 45 Weapons 34 Parisian peer suppliers 35 Theater group 47 O n e-named 38 Refuse writer of "Under Two 40 R a z beri: f lavored vodka Flags " 41 Conveyed by 49 N o t finalized, in

pipes, as heat



O O K D D O P S W O M P U T E R P E L I A R K E T C H OE S L A P U P B R S HA T T E R I D A H S S A N P A W E N T E R U N I ME E S E D B UN K F 0 R T E R T E R E A DO O R R A G xwordeditorfeaol.com 6










L 0 F A T

B A R I S E G A B L E D A A A I G H T D U L T O E S Y OB/1 0/1 3

10 1 1




18 20 22




27 29 3 0








02013 Tnbune Media Services, Iec. All Rights Reserved.


ACROSS 56 End Df the 1 Froth makers block? 7 Mil. honor 57 Charming 10 River that rises peop l e? in the Vogesen Mountains DOWN 14 Alert on the road 1 Moors at a dock 15 "Well, it sure 2 French cartoonist beats meo Daumier 17 Anatolian 3 Finishes, as a metropolis cartoon 18 Propose for an 4 Penguins' office footwear 19"The Joys Df 5 Tolstoy heroine Yiddish" author 6 Assume battle Leo stations 7 "That's a touchy 20 Lures with muSiC subject" 8 "Where?" 21 One may be imaginary 9 Passe copier 10 Old timers? 22 Joy, for one 23 Touchy, as a 11 Parkay, to butter subject 12 Church porch 25 "Sons of 13 Small deer Anarchy" co-star 16 Fare reductions? Katey 24 The Bitterroot 27 Bump Dn a log Range runs along 28 Brand with Ultra its E. border 26 '60s Leakguards 29 Woman's name counterculture derived from an substance Old Norse word 29 Road animal? for "holy" 30 Paragons 33 Moreover 1 2 3 4 5 35 "I cast to earth ...": Tennyson 14 36 Little redhead on 17 vintage TV 37 Maven 19 39 Occasional 21 presentations? 41 Largely factual 23 entertainment

(Anowero Monday) Jumbles: PIANO EL U D E BAL L A D AN Y H OW Answer: When the first settlers eew the Grand Canyon, they said - rcOW' AND BEHOLD

49 One who can hold her own 50 Hurly-burly 51 Rude 52 Utterly









53 Coastal resident 54 Ball game official 55 "Tepper Going Out": Calvin Trillin novel










By Julian Lim (c)2013 Tribune Content Agency, LLC









To PLAGE AN AD cALL CLAssIFIED• 541-385-5809


SIIoku High Fives 4 6 2 3 9 8 5 1 7

3 How to play: Sudoku High Fives consists of five regular Sudoku grids sharing one set of 3-by-3 boxes. Each row, column and set of 3-by-3 boxes must contain the numbers 1 through 9 without repetition. The numbers in any shared set of 3-by-3 boxes apply to each of the indivudual Sudokus.


3 Automobiles

Chrysler Newport (2) 1962 4 door sedans $2500 and $5500.


Antique & Classic Autos

Fifth Wheels




Sport Utility Vehicles Honda CRV EX 2004 AWD, 1 owner, trlr hitch. 106k $9500 obo. 541-548-1001




Keystone Montana 2955 RL 2008,

2 slides, arctic insulation, loaded, excellent never used condition. $29,900 541-923-4707

MONTANA 3585 2008,

exc. cond., 3 slides, king bed, Irg LR, Arctic insulation, all options $35,000 obo. 541-420-3250

Nuyf/a 297LK HitchHiker 2007, All sea-

sons, 3 slides, 32' perfect for snow birds, left kitchen, rear lounge, extras, must see. Prineville 541-447-5502 days & 541-447-1641 eves.

Pilgrim 27', 2007 5th wheel, 1 s lide, AC, TV,full awning, excellent shape, $23,900. 541-350-8629

RV CONSIGNMENTS WANTED We Do The Work ... You Keep The Cash! On-site credit

approval team, web site presence. We Take Trade-Insi Free Advertising.

BIG COUNTRY RV Bend: 541-330-2495 Redmond:



Canopies & Campers

Garage Sales Garage Sales Garage Sales Find them in The Bulletin Classifieds



garaged, premium


1974 Bellanca 1730A 2180 TT, 440 SMO, 180 mph, excellent condition, always hangared, 1 owner for 35 years. $60K.

ln Madras, call 541-475-6302

Winter l i k e new studded tires 6-hole rims, P235 75/R15, $425. 541-317-8991

r R

1996, 73k miles, Tiptronic auto. transmission. Silver, blue leather interior, moon/sunroof, new quality tires and

battery, car and seat covers, many extras. Recently fully ser-

viced, garaged, looks and runs like new. Excellent condition $29,700

tal t i me . $6 8 ,500. auto 4-spd, 396, model 541-475-6947, ask for CST /all options, orig. Rob Berg. owner, $19,950, 541-923-6049


c 800FB


Superhavvk Ownership Share Available!

Economical flying in your own IFR equipped Cessna 172/180 HP for only $13,500I New Garmin Touchscreen avionics center stack! Exceptionally clean! Hangared at BDN. Call 541-728-0773

Chevy 1955 PROJECT car. 2 door wgn, 350 small block w/Weiand dual quad tunnel ram with 450 Holleys. T-10 4-speed, 12-bolt posi, Weld Prostar wheels, extra rolling chassis + extras. $6500 for all. 541-389-7669.

GMC rraton 1971, Only

$19,700i Original low mile, exceptional, 3rd owner. 951-699-7171


MGA 1959 - $19,999 Convertible. O r iginal body/motor. No rust. 541-549-3838

Call Matt 541-280-9463

Toyota Tacoma Regular cab 'l995, s hort bed, 5 sp d , 4 WD, lif t , allo y wheels, VIN ¹022984


Trucks & Heavy Equipment



4Q S U B A R U.


2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. 877-266-3821 Dlr ¹0354

Toyota Camrys: 1984, SOLD; 1985 SOLD; 1986 parts car only one left! $500 Call for details, 541-548-6592


Porsche Carrera 911 2003 convertible with hardtop. 50K miles, new factory Porsche motor 6 mos ago with 18 mo factory warranty remaining. $37,500. 541-322-6928

Volkswagon Bee t l e GLS 1999, 5 Speed, leather, air, roof rack, Vin ¹139189


Buick Lucerne CXS Kia Soul+ 2012, ECO 2006 Sports sedan, pkg, auto, gas saver, acceptable miles, all low mil e s . Vin the nice features you'll ¹455234 want, truly an exc. buy $15,488 at $8000. Come & see S UBA R U . no charge for looking. Ask Buick Bob, 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. 541-318-9999


Dlr ¹0354 Cadillac El D o rado 1994, T otal C r e a m Mustang GT 1995 red Puff! Body, paint, trunk 133k miles, Boss 302 as showroom, blue custom pipes, leather, $1700 wheels 5motor, s p ee d ma n ual, w/snow tires although power windows, cuscar has not been wet in tom stereo, very fast. 935 8 years. On t rip t o Sport Utility Vehicles Boise avg. 28.5 mpg., $5800. 541-280-7910 BUBARUOFBBND COM

Tick, Tock Tick, Tock...

Audi A4 2011 Avant 2.0 T Quattro Prem AWD. ¹040927 $33,995

...don't let time get Oregon AuioSorsrce


www. aaaoregonautosource.com Chevrolet Suburban 2003, LT1500, Auto Chevy Wagon 1957, Sunroof, 63K 4-dr., complete, Plymouth B a r racuda 4WD, m iles, very g o od $7,000 OBO / trades. 1966, original cari 300 c ondition, $9 , 0 00 Please call hp, 360 V8, center- OBO, 541-480-2448 541-389-6998 lines, 541-593-2597

Chrysler 300 C o upe PROJECT CARS: Chevy 1967, 44 0 e n g ine,2-dr FB 1949-(SOLD) & auto. trans, ps, air, Chevy Coupe 1950 frame on rebuild, re- rolling chassis's $1750 painted original blue, ea., Chevy 4-dr 1949, original blue interior, complete car, $ 1949; 1987 Freightliner COE 3- original hub caps, exc. Cadillac Series 61 1950, axle truck, Cummins en- chrome, asking $9000 2 dr. hard top, complete w/spare f r ont cl i p ., gine, 10-spd, runs! $3900 or make offer. obo. 541-419-2713 541-385-9350 $3950, 541-382-7391


raged, perfect condition $5 9 ,700.


$5488 Mustang 1966 2 dr. coupe, 200 cu. in. 6 @gPi SUBARU. cyl. Over $12,000 invested, asking $9000. 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. All receipts, runs 877-266-3821 good. 541-420-5011 Dlr ¹0354

garaged, pampered, non-smoker, exclnt cond, $4300 obo 541-389-0049

CD. Vin ¹371122


On a classified ad ©+~ SUBARU. go to www.bendbulletin.com 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. 877-266-3821 to view additional Dlr ¹0354 photos of the item. BUBARUOFBRND COM




T-Hangar for rent at Bend airport. Call 541-382-8998.

2003 6 speed, X50 added power pkg., 530 HP! Under 10k miles, Arctic silver, gray leather interior, new quality t i res, and battery, Bose premium sound stereo, moon/sunroof, car and seat covers. Many extras. Ga-

~ 00



2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. 877-266-3821 Dlr ¹0354

Subaru Outback 3.0 Limited 2005, AWD, auto, l e ather, roof,


Honda Civic EX 2006, auto, air, tilt, cruise. CD. Vin ¹096644

$14,888 S UBA R U .

Porsche 911 Turbo

$5400, 541-593-4016.

Chevy Nova - 1976, $3,400. Rebuilt 327 engine.


AUDI 1990 V8 Quat- 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. Toyota Tacoma 4x4, tro. Perfect Ski Car. 877-266-3821 1996 reg. cab, exc. LOW MILES. $3,995 Dlr ¹0354 glass & u p holstery, obo. 541-480-9200. AM/FM/disc, 4 cyl. 5 spd, $5,150. La Pine, Buick Century Limited 541-306-1021 2000, r u n s gr e at, beautiful car. $3400.


Must Sell! Health forces sale. Buick Riviera 1991, classic low-mileage car,

Subaru Outback 2. 5 XT Li mited 20 0 6 , AWD, leather, roof, loaded. Vin ¹348859


$5400. 503-334-7345



www.aaaoregonautoFord Thunderbird ff source.com 1955, new white soft top, tonneau cover Ford Taurus 2003 SSE and upholstery. New s edan, e xc . c o n d chrome. B e a utiful Ford F250 Supercab 63,000 miles. $5,000 Car. $25,0 0 0 . 2001, Triton V8, May '15 541-389-9569 541-548-1422 tags, ONLY 89K miles, Nissan Pathfinder SE $6495 obo 541-610-6150 1998, 111K mi, 5-spd 4x4, loaded, very good tires, very good cond, TURN THE PAGE For More Ads The Bulletin

877-266-3821 Dlr ¹0354

Porsche 911

Carrera 993 cou e


I nternational Fla t Bed Pickup 1963, 1 ton dually, 4 s p d. trans., great MPG, could be exc. wood hauler, runs great, new brakes, $1950.




877-266-3821 Dlr ¹0354

gQbSUBARU. 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. 877-266-3821 Dlr ¹0354




Subaru Legacy 2.5 GT Limited 2005, loaded, leather, roof, a l l oy wheels. VIN ¹210360 $15,988

Look at: Bendhomes.com for Complete Listings of Area Real Estate for Sale Subaru Outback 2.5i Olds Aurora 2001 wagon 2007, AWD, V-6 Sedan, white auto, air, tilt, cruise. diamond, gold pkg. Vin ¹343098 Leather, 80K, exc. $12,788 $6995. DLR. ¹8308. Vin ¹121190. @gbSUBARU. 541-480-3265 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend.

The Bulletin

The Bulletin Classlfleds! Great cond; toilet & fullsize bed. Lightly used. Recently serviced, $4500. 503-307-8571

1996, 350 auto, 132,000 miles. Non-ethanol fuel & synthetic oil only,


Find It in Lance 81A' camper, 1991


H onda CR V E X - L Bose stereo, AWD 2009, 33K mi., Chevy 2500 HD 2003 $11,000. '~ RR 1 owner, l eather, 4 WD w o r k t ru c k , 908 541-923-1781 Corvette Coupe 1964 140,000 miles, $7000 moon roof, flat-tow Backhoe Aircraft, Parts 530 miles since frame obo. 541-408-4994. r eady. Load e d ! 2007 John Deere off restoration. Runs & Service 310SG, cab 4x4, $21,995. DLR. and drives as new. 4-in-1 bucket ¹8308. Vin ¹007655. r~ Satin Silver color with Extendahoe, 541-480-3265 SOLD! black leather interior, hydraulic thumb, mint dash. PS, P B, .P loaded, like new, &a AC, 4 speed. Knock Itfazer 500 hours. RLt~ offs. New tires. Fresh Chevy Silverado 2004 CORVETTE New $105,000. 327 N.O.M. All CorHD 2500 2WD autoConvertible 2005 SeII $75,000. vette restoration parts matic V-8, 6.0L, exAutomatic LS2 high 1/3 interest in Columbia 541-350-3393 in and out. $64,500. tended cab, canopy, performance motor, 400, $150,000 (located Call: 541 410-2870 only 29k miles, Ster@ Bend.) Also: SunriAC, C ruise, G r eat Jeep Grand Check out the ver hangar available for Tow P k g. I P o w er C herokee 1 9 9 9 , ling S ilver, b l ack Ford Mustang Coupe classifieds online sale at $155K, or lease, leather interior, Bose tinted windows & 1 59,970 mile s . 1966, original owner, @ $400/mo. www.bendbullelin.com l ocks, AM/FM C D , 4WD, premium sound steau t o matic V8, automatic, great 541-948-2963 Updated daily carpeted b ed reo, new quality tires transmission, cloth shape, $9000 OBO. Fully canopy. Only 26,345 interior, power evand battery, car and 530-515-8199 seat covers, many miles. $18,000. Mitsubishi Fuso erything, A/C, 541-546-5512 extras. Rec e ntly 1995 14' box truck trailer hitch. Well Ford Ranchero factory serviced. leave message on with lift gate, maintained & runs 1979 Garaged. Beautiful Answering machine 184,000 miles, great. $3850. with 351 Cleveland car, Perfect cond. needs turbo seal. 541-385-5286 modified engine. CRAMPED FOR $29,700 1/3 interest i n w e l l- $3500 or best offer. Body is in CASH? SOLD! equipped IFR Beech Bo541-420-2323 excellent condition, Use classified to sell Jeep Wrangler 2005 nanza A36, new 10-550/ $2500 obo. those items you no Rubicon hardtop, 34k prop, located KBDN. 541-420-4677 longer need. mi. ¹373768. $21,995 $65,000. 541-419-9510 Call 541-385-5809 Call The Bulletin At 541-385-5809 Oregon AutoSource Peterbilt 359 p o table Place Your Ad Or E-Mail CORVETTE COUPE 541-598-3750 water t r uck, 1 9 9 0, At: www.bendbulletin.com Glasstop 2010 aaaoregonautosource.com 3200 gal. tank, 5hp U Grand Sport - 4 LT p ump, 4 - 3 hoses, 1/5th interest in 1973 loaded, clear bra camlocks, $ 2 5 ,000. Cessna 150 LLC hood & fenders. 541-820-3724 150hp conversion, low New Michelin Super time on air frame and Sports, G.S. floor Dodge Dakota Quad Ford T-Bird, 1966, 390 engine, hangared in mats, 17,000 miles, Cab SLT 2006, 4WD, engine, power everyBend. Excellent per- Service & Accessories Crystal red. thing, new paint, 54K 6 spd, shell, tow pkg, fpfroto for illustration only) formance & afford$42,000. original m i les, runs a lloy w h eels. V i n M ercury Mari n e r able flying! $6,500. Hitches: 3 ball mount 503-358-1164. great, excellent condi- ¹627033 Luxury 2007, loaded, 541-410-6007 U 1 shank 4" deep tion in & out. Asking $14,988 leather, moonroof. Vin Ford Focus S 2010 se$10, 8" deep $20, $8,500. 541-480-3179 ¹J10560 N S UB A R U . d an, A/C 3 1 k m i . , 11 d eep $ 3 0 ; $12,988 ¹138045 $ 1 1 , 495 H usky 10,000 l b . 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. hitch, spring bars 4@ SUBARU. 877-266-3821 FUBARUOFBRND COM not included, $50. Dlr ¹0354 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend.

1921 Model T Delivery Truck Executive Hangar Restored & Runs at Bend Airport (KBDN) 60' wide x 50' deep, $9000. w/55' wide x 17' high bi541-389-8963 fold dr. Natural gas heat, offc, bathroom. Adjacent to Frontage Rd; great 1952 Ford Customline visibility for aviation busi- Coupe, project car, flatness. Financing avail- head V-8, 3 spd extra 541-948-2126 or parts, & materials, $2000 Recreation by Design able. obo. 541-410-7473 2013 Monte Carlo, 38-ft. email 1jetjockoq.com Top living room 5th Piper A rcher 1 9 80, wheel, has 3 slideouts, 2 based in Madras, alA/Cs, entertainment ways hangared since center, fireplace, W/D, new. New annual, auto garden tub/shower, in IFR, one piece great condition. $42,500 pilot, windshield. Fastest ArChevy C-20 Pickup or best offer. Call Peter, cher around. 1750 to- 1969, all orig. Turbo 44; 307-221-2422,


M My little red Corvette" Coupe

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fully S/C, w/d hookups, new 18' Dometic awning, 4 new tires, new Kubota 7000w marine diesel generator, 3 slides, exc. cond. ins ide & o ut . 27 " T V dvd/cd/am/fm ent. center. Call for more details. Only used 4 times total in last 5 1A y ears.. No p ets, n o smoking. High r etail $27,700. Will sell for $24,000 including sliding hitch that fits in your truck. Call 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. for appt to see. 541-330-5527.

Nissan 350Z 2005 Black, excellent condition, 22,531 gently driven miles, 1 owner, non-smoker, $14,000.

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4 speed 4x4, 302 engine, low miles, 541-771-2852. h eaders, roll b a r , hitch kit, good tires, straight body, runs Chrysler Concord 2001 4 door sedan, good great, $950. cond., 63k mi., $2900. 541-350-7176 541-548-6860

away. Hire a professional out of The Bulletin's "Call A Service Professional" Directory today!






Vehicle? Call The Bulletin and place an ad today! Ask about our "Whee/ Deal"! for private party advertisers

~ The Bulletin ~

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Legal Notices • LEGAL NOTICE

Foreclosure NoticeBrosterhous S t o rage, 61380 Brosterhous Road, Bend 9 7702. Notice o f foreclosure sale on Saturday Au g u st 17th at 9:00 AM to

satisfy lien against the following unit: Chris Romney ¹31


LEGAL NOTICE Former students who were served by the H igh Desert E S D , Central Oregon Regional Program, may request their records. Records will remain confidentially filed until the age of 26, at which time they will be destroyed. C o n tact 541-693-5700. LEGAL NOTICE




Legal Notices that the undersigned has been appointed

personal representa-

tive. All persons having claims against the estate are required to p resent them, w i th vouchers attached, to the undersigned personal representative a t 74 7 S W MIL L

VIEW WAY, B E ND, OR 97702, within four months after the date

of first publication of t his notice, o r t h e claims may be barred. All persons w hose r ights may b e a f fected by t h e p r oceedings may obtain additional information from the records of t he court t h e p e r sonal representative, or the lawyers for the

personal representative, Ryan P. Correa. Dated and first publ ished on J ul y 2 7 , 2013. KATHY KUPELIAN, Personal Representative.

COURT O F THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF DES C HUTES, PROBATE DEPARTMENT, In the Matter Need to get an ad o f the E s t at e o f JOANNA J. NICHOLS in ASAP? Z IMMERMAN, De c eased, Case N o . Fax it to 541-322-7253 13PB0086. NOTICE TO


PERSONS. NOTICE The Bulletin Classifieds Is HEREBY GIVEN







C onfi d e n c e i n M o t i o n

2013 S u b a r u Im p r e z a 2 .0 i P remium C V T

2013 S u b a r u Leg a c y 3 .6 R L imited 5A T Popular Package ¹2: Auto-Dim Mirror/Comp/Homelink

Heated Front Seats, Windshield Wiper De-Icer Heated Side Mirrors

4 All-Weather Floor Mats, Cargo Tray, Splash Guards Rear Bumper Applique

Popular Package ¹2: Auto-Dim Mirror/Comp/

2013 S u b a r u Out b a c k 2 .5 i P remium C V T Option Pkg 2: All Weather Pkg. Heated Front Seats,

2013 S u b a r u Leg a c y 2 .5 i P remium C V T All Weather Package: Heated Front Seats, Windshield

Windshield Wiper De-lcer, Heated Side Mirrors. Rear Bumper Cover, Cargo Net - Rear - Outback. Auto-Dim Mirror/Comp/Homelink

Wiper De-lcer, Heated Side Mirrors. 4 All-Weather Floor Mats, Cargo Tray, Auto Dim Mirror/Comp/Homelink

Homelink, Bumper Applique Sedan, Cargo Tray 4D, All-Weather Floor Mats,









MSRP $20,899. Sale Price $20,899, $1100 Lease + Dealer Cash. VIN: DH030233.DJD-02. Cap reduction $2,029.28. Acquisition fee $595. Doc. fee $75. 36 months, 10,000 miles/year. Residual 56% $12,367.60. No Security Deposit. *Tier I Bnancing, 720 Beacon or higher. Title, lic. 8, doc. and dealer installed options not included. Down pa ment is cash or trade equity. On Approved Credit.






MSRP $28,103. Sale Price $24,999 $950 Lease + Dealer Cash. VIN: D3308010.DDD-02. Cap reduction $2,789.22. Acquisition fee $595. Doc. fee $75. 36 months, 10,000 miles/year. Residual 56% $15,737.68. No Security Deposit. *Tier I Bnancing, 720 Beacon or higher. Title, lic. 8, doc. and dealer installed options not included. Down payment is cash or trade equity. On Approved Credit.

M SRP $30,330. Sale Price $26,999 $2,000 Lease r DealerCash.VIN ; D2027116. DAK-01. Cap reduction $3,067.85. Acquisition fee $595. Doc. fee $75. 36 months, 10,000 miles/year. Residual 54% $16,378.20. No Security Deposit. *Tier I linancing, 720 Beacon or higher. Title, lic. 8, doc. and dealer installed options not included. Down payment is cash or trade equity. On Approved Credit.

2,500:-":.- .



M SRP $24,588. Sale Price $21,999 $2,250 Lease a DealerCash.VIN: D3013408.DAD-02. DDD-02. Cap reduction $2,527.27.Acquisition lee $595. Doc. fee $75. 36 months, 10,000 miles/year. Residual 56% $13,769.28. No Security Deposit. 'Tier I linancing, 720 Beacon or higher. Title, lic. 8, doc. and dealer installed options not included. Down payment is cash or trade equity. On Approved Credit.



NEW 2018 S U B A R U

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2013 S u b a r u Out b a c k 2 .5 i P remium C V T Option Pkg 2: All Weather Pkg. Heated Front Seats,

2014 S u b a r u Out b a c k 2 .5 i L imited C V T Keyless Access 8 Start, Moonroof, AutoDim Mirror Homelink, Pwr. Driver

2013 S u b a r u Out b a c k 2 .5 i 6MT Standard Model

Seat w/Memory, w/Lumbar, Reverse Camera, Saddle Brown Leather, Floor Mats, Unique17'Wheels, Unique Wood Patterned Trim, Rear Bumper Cover, Navigation System w/Aha lnfotainment, SiriusXM NavTraffic w/4- I Month Free Trial, Voice Activated Control, EyeSight Driver-Assist System, Pre-Collision Braking, Adaptive Cruise Ctrl. Lane Sway, Rear Seat Back Protector.

Windshield Wiper De-lcer, Heated Side Mirrors. Rear Bumper Cover, Cargo Net - Rear - Outback. Auto-Dim Mirror/Comp/Homelink, 4 All-Weather Floor Mats

2013 S u b a r u Out b a c k 3 .6 R L imited 5A T Power Moonroof, Auto-Dimming Rear View Mirror w/Homelink. Navigation

System: Voice-Activated Control, Auxiliary Audio USB/iPod* Port, Rear Vision Camera, AM/FM Stereo with 1 CD player, Bluetooth* Hands-free Phone and Streaming Audio Connectivity, XM Satellite Radio and SiriusXM,• Nav Traffic - both with 4-month free trial subscription, 440-Watt 9-Speaker Harman/Hardon Premium Audio System. Rear Seat Back Protector, Splash Guards, Puddle Lights, 4 All-Weather Floor Mats, Trailer Hitch


u omatic

Sale Price






MSRP $28,103. Subaru of Bend Discount $2,104 VIN: D3293830. DDD-02 Title, lic. 8. doc. and dealer installed options not included.

MSRP $24,590 SubaruofBend Discount $2,091. VIN: D I 314191. DDA-01 Title, lic. 8. doc. and dealer installed options not included.

Sale Price

2013 S u b a r u Out b a c k 2 .5 i CVT Twilight Blue Metallic, Option Package 1, Standard Model




MSRP $35,865. Subaru of Bend Discount $1,866. VIN: E3209883. EDF-45 Title, lic. 8, doc. and dealer installed options not included.

Sale Price



MSRP $37,715. Subaru of Bend Discount $4,116. VIN: D2227233. DDK-08 Title, lic. 8. doc. and dealer installed options not included.

Sale Price




2013 S u b a r u Out b a c k 2 .5 i P remium C V T Option Pkg 2: All Weather Pkg. Heated Front Seats

2013 S u b a r u Im p r e z a 2 .0 i P remium C V T Option Pkg 2: All Weather Pkg. Heated Front Seats

2014 S u b a r u Fore s t e r 2 .5 i 6MT Option Pkg 01: Standard Model, Rear Bumper Cover

Windshield Wiper De-lcer, Heated Side Mirrors.

Windshield Wiper De-lcer, Heated Side Mirrors.

Splash Guard Kit, Luggage Compartment Cover.

MSRP $22,085. Subaru of Bend Discount $1,186. VIN: DH028310.DID-DZ Title, lic. 8. doc. and dealer installed options not included.

MSRP $23,241. Subaru of Bend Discount $1,342. VIN: EG413507.EEA-01 Title, Iic. 8. doc. and dealer installed options not included




MSRP $25,590. Subaru of Bend Discount $2,591. VIN: D3323019.DDB-01 Title, lic. 8. doc. and dealer installed options not included.

MSRP $28,103. Subaru of Bend Discount $1,704. VIN: D3293255.DDD-02 Title, lic. Ik doc. and dealer installed options not included.

Sale Price





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Sale Price





Sale Price




Sale Price





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s. '


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Guide to the TV grids TV Ratings:


$• I

See the daily paper for: TV Spotlight

Best Bets Sports onthe Air


'G': General audience 'Y': Young children '7': Children over 7 '14': Children over14 'PG': Parental guidance 'M': Mature audienceonly Common symbols:

A:I n stereo «: Closed captioning iTV: Interactive TV program N: Programis new PA: Parental advisory DVS: Descriptive


heryl Crow erforms on "CMA usic Festival: ountry's Night to ock" Monday on ~~h •

video service El: Educational/ instructional D: Dialogue L: Language S: Sexual situations V: Violence HD scheduling, please note:

Schedules are basedon standarddefinition (SD) channels. High-definition (HD) channels may vary by three hourswhen aWest Coast programming feed is not available toyour TV provider. Please referto your provider's interactive TV guide for detailed HD channel schedules. For a list of cable and over-the-air channels byzip code, aswell up-to-the-minute TV programming, please visit WWW.

bendbulletin. com/tv.


THE BULLETIN • AUGUST 10 — 16, 2013 *In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. / Sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/Black Butte (Digital); PM-Prineville/Madras; SR-Sunriver; L-La Pine



' II I I II I I II I Jack Hanna's Wild OceanMysteries Born to Explore 'G' Recipe Rehab'G' (11:15) NASCARRacing Nationwide cc(DVS) Countdown Wi t h Jeff Corwincc (DVS) Ser i es: Zippo 200(N)(Live) (ABC) The Chica Show Pajanimals (El) 'Y Justin Time (El) 'Y' Tree FuTom LazyTown n (El) Noodle and P a i d Program Paid Program KTVZ O O O O Today Entertainment; ostrich andcamel racing. (N) n « 'Y' cc (EI) 'Y' (EI) 'Y' Doodle (El) 'Y' (NBC) (5:00) CBS This Morning: Saturday Doodlebops (El) Doodlebops (El) Busytown Myster. Busytown Myster Liberty's Kids n Liberty's Kids n Paid Program Paid Program 2013 PGA Championship ThirdRound KBNZ "(' cc 'Y' cc (N) n cc ies n (El) 'Y' ies n (El)'Y' (EI) 'Y7' (EI) 'Y7' (CBS) (N) (Live) « Jack Hanna's WildOcean Mysteries Born to Explore 'G' SeaRescueA Ray RecipeRehab'G' Food for Thought (11:15) NASCARRacing Nationwide KOHD O O O O Paid Program Animal Adven- Good Morning America (N)cc cc (DVS) tures Countdown With Jeff Corwin cc(DVS) of H ope 'G' Series: Zippo200 (N)(Live) (ABC) No toBotox WEN by Chaz Portable Cook- Paid Program Hurricane Spin KFXO g} IEI @ Beat Anxiety & Paid Program Awesome Adven- Wild About Ani- Jack Hanna's Into Eco CompanyEco TeenKidsNews Say 'PG' top 'G' mals 'G' r~a Depression 'G' tures'G' the Wild 'G' Fashion 'G' (N) 'G' « Dean Mop (FOX) It's Sew Easy n 'G KOAB ~ gy gy Ij SesameStreetn(EI)'Y' cc (DVS) CuriousGeorge'Y'CatintheHat Super Why! n (El) SciGirls n 'G' cc Cyberchase 'Y' cc Fetch! With Ruff The Victory Gar- P. Allen Smith's Sewing With "(' cc cc (DVS) Kno w s a Lot (DVS) Ruffman 'Y' de n Cool 'G' Ga r den Home Nancy 'G' « «(DVS) (PBS) NewsChannel 8 atSunrise at 6:00 NewsChannel 8 at Sunrise at 7:00 AM(N)cc LazyTown n (El) Justin Time (El) 'Y' Tree FuTom Animal Adven- Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program KGW 'Y' cc AM(N) cc (EI) 'Y' tures (NBC) eLeague JusticeLeague Dragon Ball Z Kai Dragon Ball Z Kai Yu-Gi-Oh! 'Y7' « Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL KTVZDT2 @ ~ Ij @ Summer Hair- ZumbaFitness3- RescueHeroesn Adventuresof Sonic X n 'Y7'« Bolts & Blip 'Y7 Justic 'Y7' cc 'Y7' cc For-FREE'PG' styles! (El) 'Y' « Nanoboy Unlimited 'Y7' U n limited 'Y7' (N) 'Y7' (CW) OPBPL 175 17 3 B B C Newsnight Washington Asia Insight 'PG' Great Decisions Scully: World I n side Wash'ton McLaughlin Tru th-Money W e althTrack B i z Kid$ n 'G' T he National Parks: Best Idea -


• II • I Good Morning America (N) «

II I KATU News This Morning - Sat (N) n «



Criminal Minds A killer targets illegal Flip This House ASpanish-style bunga- Flip This House The MoneyPit East 3 28 I 8 32 Richard New SheerCover Criminal Minds A Minds The Fight Several Hope 'GSimmons ' Studio young women. nsuspect '14' « impregnates Criminal homeless menare murdered. '14 immigrants. n '14' « low in LosAngeles. 'PG' Atlanta neighborhood.'PG' The Rifleman The Rifleman 'G' «The RiflemanThe The RiflemanThe The Rifleman The Rifleman 'G' cc The RiflemanShot- TheRifleman'G' ccThe Rifleman The The Rifleman 'G' ccHell on WheelsDurant andLily pushthe *AMC Grasshopper'G' Deserter'G' Vis ion'G' Lariat 'G' cc gun Man'G' Prodigal 'G' railroad west. '14' cc 'ANPL 68 50 26 38 Big Cat Diary 'G' Big Cat Diary 'G' Hillbilly Handfishin' n 'PG' « Puppies vs. Babies n 'PG' « Dogs101 BestFamilyDogs'PG' D o g s101 Most Extreme 'PG' « Bad Dog! HomeWreckers n 'PG BRAVO 13 44 Pro perty Envy I nside the Actors Studio 250th EpisodeFormerguests return. 'PG What Happens WhatHappens Housewives/OC Housewives/OC Housewives/NJ CMT 190 32 42 53 CMTMusicn'PG CMT Music n 'PG CMT Music 'PG' CMT Music 'PG CMT Social Hour n 'PG' CMT Music n 'PG' CMT Music 'PG' Hot 20 CNBC 54 36 40 52 PaidProgram WENHair Care Cook Safe Tria- Remov Paid Program Zumba Fit Forever Young Paid Program Cook Safe Larry King Spc. Paid Program Paid Program CNN 55 38 35 48 NewSaturday Your Money(N) Sat. Morning All Access PGA CNN Newsroom(N) CNN Newsroom(N) Your Money The Next List COM 13 53 135 47 Hair Re-Growth Insanity! Paid Program SexyBodies ComedyCentral (8:34) ** "Sex Drive" (2008,Comedy)JoshZuckerman, AmandaCrew,Clark Duke. « (11:09) *"MyBestFriend's Girl" COTV (5:30) City Club of Central Oregon Desert Cooking Oregon Extreme Desire Art Fly Fishing Get Outdoors V i sions of NW Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program CSPAN 61 20 12 11 (4:00) Washington Journaln Brookings Institution Discussion on the Impact Former Energy Industry Officials Discuss (10:35) Public Affairs *DIS 87 43 1439 Octonautsn ' Y' MickeyMouse Mickey Mouse Doc McStuffins Never Land Sofia the First J essie 'G' cc J e s sie 'G' cc Jessie 'G' cc A . N.T. Farm 'G' Austin & Ally 'G' Dog With a Blog *DISC 15 21 16 37 Summer Hair H a i r Re-Growth Brazil Butt Lift Sheer Cover S e xyBodies WEN Hair Care Adrift: 47 Days With Sharks '14' How Sharks Hunt n 14 « The Great White Gauntlet n '14 *El 13 25 Tot al Gym WEN Hair Care ** "Bringlt On:All orNothing" (2006, Comedy)HaydenPanettiere Fashion Police '14 E! News(N) Inner Circle T h e Soup '14' ESPN 21 23 22 23 SportsCenter« SportsCenter (N)(Live) « Softball SeniorLeagueWorldSeries, Final: TeamsTBA(N) (Live) « Little LeagueBaseball ATP Tennis U.S.OpenSeries: RogersCup,Women's First Semifinal (N) ESPN2 22 24 21 24 2013ESPYsA N ASCARRacing SportsCenter (N) NASCARRacing ***"FireinBabylon"(2010,Documentary) « ESPNC 23 25 123 25 Roll Tide/War Eagle « SEC Storied « Year of the Quarterback « 30 for 30 cc ESPNN 24 63 124203 Interruption Ar o und the Horn SportsNation S portsNation SportsCenter cc SportsCenter cc SportsCenter cc SportsCenter cc ** "Hocus Pocus" (1993)Bette Midler, SarahJessica Parker ** "Legend oltheGuardians: TheOwlsol Ga'Hoo/e" (2010) FAM 67 29 19 41 Summer Hair L u miness "WillyWonka& Chocolate" FNC 57 61 36 50 (3:00) FOX and Friends Saturday Bulls and Bears Cavuto/Business Forbes on FOX Cashin' In (N) America's NewsHeadquarters (N) America's NewsHeadquarters (N) Journal Editorial FOX News *FOOD 17 62 98 44 PaidProgram Secret B'foot Contessa Giada at Home Sandwich King Guy's Big Bite Best- Made Be s t Thing Ate BarbecueAddi. Pioneer Wo. Pioneer Wo. T r isha's Sou. ** "lce Age:Dawnol theDinosaurs" (2009) Voicesof RayRomano FX 131 Total Gym Summer Hair How I Met How I Met How I Met How I Met How I Met How I Met HGTV 17 49 33 43 SheerCover Cindy Crawford RehabAddict'G' RehabAddict'G' RehabAddict'G' Rehab Addict'G' Rehab Addict 'G' Rehab Addict 'G' Bath Crashers Bath Crashers Bath Crashers Bath Crashers 'HIST 15 42 41 36 TeeterHangUps Live Longer! Mudcats Fall of Kings 'PG' « Mudcats Walk of Shame'PG' « Mudcats TemptingFate 'PG' « Mudcats 'PG' « Haffields & McCoys:White LIFE 13 39 20 31 SheerCover Montel Williams Paid Program HOPE Fit Battle Hair Loss Paid Program Cindy Crawford Paid Program Paid Program WEN Hair Care Double Divas D ouble Divas MSNBC 59 59 128 51 (5:00) UpW/Steve Kornacki (N) Melissa Harris-Perry (N) Weekends With Alex Witt (N) MSNBCLive (N) MTV 192 22 38 57 Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Girl Code n '14' Girl Code n '14 Girl Code n '14' Girl Code n '14' ** "ATL"(2006) TipHarris. FourAtlanta teens facechallenges.n NICK 82 46 2440 FullHouse'G' FullHouse'G' Sanjay, Craig Rabbids Invas. SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob S p ongeBob Sp ongeBob Sa njay, Craig SpongeBob R a bbids Invas. OWN 161 103 31 103 The Nate Berkus Show 'PG' cc Rachael Ray n 'G' cc Dr. Phil n 'PG' cc Home MadeSimple n 'G' cc Undercover Boss n 'PG' cc Undercover BossRoto-Rooter'PG PAC12 47 310310310 Pac-12 Football Timelines Pac-12 Football in 60 Pac-12 Football Pac-12 Classics Un rankedArizonalooks for the upset inTucson Timelines Pac-12 Football in 60 SPIKE 132 31 34 46 PaidProgramn Paid Program n LitlGiant SexyBodies Paid Programn Montel Williams Xtreme 4x4 'G Horsepower TV Trucks! 'G' « M u s cleCar 'G' Worst Tenants Worst Tenants SYFY 13 35133 45 PaidProgram Free Front Yard WEN HairCare Cook Safe Cook Safe Twilight Zone Twilight Zone Primeval: NewWorld '14' « Primeval: NewWorld Sisiutl '14' TBN 205 60 130 The Lads TV (El) Auto B. Good'G Come onOver God Rocks! 'Y' Monstertruck Mary-Hopkins Lassie 'G' cc Davey 8 Goliath Ishine Knect 'G' Insp. Station VeggieTales 'Y' 3-2-1 Penguins! Married... With The Fresh Prince The Fresh Prince Tyler Perry's Tyler Perry's MeetAre We ThereYet? According to Jim Rules ofEngage- RulesofEngage My Name IsEarl n * "Norbil" (2007) « *TBS 16 27 11 28 'PG' n'PG' cc '14' cc ment 'PG' ment 'PG' Children 'PG' Children 'PG' of Bel.Air of Bel.Air House of Payne the Browns *** "Dn Jeky/IandMr. Hyde"(1941, Horror) SpencerTracy, Ingrid Bergman.A *** "Johnny Eager" (1942, CrimeDrama) Robert Taylor, LanaTurner. A sociol- ***"The PostmanA/ways RingsTwice" (1946, CrimeDrama)LanaTurner. A TCM scientist's personality experimentsbackfire. acc(DVS) ogy studentfalls in lovewith a gangleader. « drifter helps aGreek's wife becomea widow. acc(DVS) 'TLC 17 34 32 34 Cancer: Winning Losing it! NutriBullet Tr i a- Remov. J i l lian Michaels Stop Aging Now Four Houses n 'PG' cc Four Houses n '14' cc Four Houses n '14' cc King & Maxwell Locked In Awitness is 'TNT 26 I 27 Law & Order Tabl o id Tabl o i d journal i st Perception Neuroposi t ive A man gi v es a 201 3 PGA Champi o nship Third Round From Oak Hi l Country Club in Rochester, N.Y. (N) (Li v e) ac c chaseswoman. n 'PG' death-bedconfession. '14' murdered. '14' « 'TOON 84 Looney Tunes LooneyTunes Teen TitansGo! JohnnyTest'Y7' Beyblade:Metal Pokemon:BW Legends, Chima Ben 10 Batman TeenTitansGo! Scooby-Doo Scooby-Doo *TRAV 17 51 45 42 Nopalea Max! When Vacations Attack 'PG' cc Mon umental Mysteries 'PG' cc Off Limits 'PG' cc Mysteries at the Museum'PG' Bourdain: NoReservations 3's Company TVLND 65 47 29 35 3'sCompany P:12) Three's Company'PG' « 3 s' Company 3 ' s Company 3's Company 3's Company T he Cosby Show The CosbyShow The Soul Man The Cosby Show USA 15 30 23 30 MoreSex Forever Young Cook Safe C ook Safe B e ach Body Like Car Newpet Royal Pains Hammertime'PG' Burn Notice Bitter Pill Suits Conflict of Interest '14 VH1 191 48 37 54 VH1PlusMusicn'PG' VH1 Plus Music n 'PG' VH1 Plus Music n 'PG' Top 20 VideoCountdown (N) n T o p 20 Video Countdown (N) n "There's SomethingAbout Mary" 'A&E

*** "A Soldier's Story" 1984 n 'PG' « ENCR 106 401 306401(5:35) ** "Memphis Belle"1990MatthewModine. (9:15) *** "FreeWily"1993JasonJamesRichter. n 'PG' « (11:10)"TheWedding Planner" n FUEL 34 X-Fighters 6 St o ry W/Pat U FC Reloaded UFC 147:Silva vs. Franklin II Highlights ofUFC147in Brazil Motorcycle RacingAMAUnadilla NationalFromNewBerlin, N.Y. (N) ** "Satan NeverSleeps"1962, DramaWiliam Holden. 'NR' « FXM 104204104120 *** "Francisoi Assisi"1961, BiographyBradford Dilman. 'NR' acc (1015) ***"A High WindinJamaica"1965AnthonyQuinn. 'NR *** "TinCup" (1996,Comedy)Kevin Costner, ReneRusso, CheechMarin ***"Tin Cup"(1996) KevinCostner, ReneRusso GOLF 28 301 27 301 Live Fromthe PGAChampionship (N) (Live) HALL 66 33175 33 ILoveLucy' G' I LoveLucy'PG' I LoveLucy'G' I LoveLucy'G ILoveLucy'G' I LoveLucy'G The Golden Girls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls *** "Madagascar" 2005 Voicesof BenStiler. n ** "E/e/dra" 2005Jennifer Garner. n 'PG-13' cc HBO 425501 425501 Champ Hard Knocks: Training CampWith (10:45) *** "TheBourneLegacy" 2012'PG-13' IFC 1 0 1 0 5 (3:00) Lolila 1962 Three Stooges Three Stooges Three Stooges Three Stooges Three Stooges Malcolm, Middle Malcolm, Middle Malcolm, Middle Malcolm, Middle Comedy Bang! ThePledge 2001 MAX 400 508 508 (5:35) ** "TheLast Married Couplein America (7:20) ** "Black Dog"1998Patrick Swayze. « (8:50) ** "The ManWith thelron Fists" 2012 RZA (10:40) ** "From DuskTil Dawn" 1996 n 'R' « NBCSN 27 58 30 209(5:00) PremierLeagueClassics (N) Premier LeagueClassics FromFeb. 3, 2103. (N) Premier LeagueClub Guide Premier LeagueCountdown Auto Racing NGC 157 15 7 D i ggers: JuicedDiggers: Juiced DoomsdayPreppers Bugged Out Alaska State Troopers '14' Biker Chicks: Leather and Lace Outlaw Bikers n '14' « Outlaw Bikers SpikeIngrao. '14 NTOON 89 115189115 Digimon: Digital Digimon: Digital Digimon: Digital Digimon: Digital NFL RushZone T.U.F.F. Puppy T.U.F.F. Puppy T.U.F.F. Puppy Back, Barnyard Back, Barnyard NFL Rush Zone Yu-Gi-Oh!Zexal OUTD 37 307 43 307 Whitetail Mag. Ridge Reaper Commander Bucks Tecomate King of Bucks Ram Outdoors Gold Fever Alaska Outdoors Spanish Fly The Flush Trip Gone Bad SHO 500 500 Ben ding Ru/es (6:20) *** "MyLeft Fool"1989 DanielDay-Lewis (8:05) *** "Shakespearein Love" 1998JosephFiennes. n 'R' « (10:15) ** "DangerousMinds" 1995,DramaMichelle Pfeiffer. 'R SPEED 35 303125303 Gearz 'G' HotRodTV 'PG' HotRodTV'PG' GuysGarage On the Edge(N) My Classic Car My Classic Car My Classic Car Monster Jam(N) Barrett-Jackson Auto Auction STARZ 300 408 300408(6 05) **"TheOddLife ol Timothy Green"2012Jennifer Garner. n (7:50) *** "Brave" 2012,Adventure n 'PG' « (9:25) ** "Total Reca//" 2012Colin Farrell. n 'PG-13' « ** LittleMan i ** "The Twilight Saga:Breaking DawnPart!" 2011 Kristen Stewart TMC 525 52 5 * * * " Cool Runnings"1993 Leon. n 'PG' « Elrzabefh. Go/d (7:40) *** A Better Life" 2011DemianBichir. n 'PG-13' cc *WE 14 41 174118 Vivica Fox Patrick Dockry ** * "Sp/ash"1984, Romance-ComedyTomHanks, Daryl Hannah,JohnCandy. 'PG WeddingDavnUnveiled W eddingDavnUnveiled Wedding- Unv.


THE BULLETIN • AU GUST 10 — 16, Z013



~ •






«« ~

'In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary.





Racing NationwideSeries: Zippo200FromWatkins Glen International ESPNSports Saturday (N) (Live) KATU (11:15) NASCAR

Sea Rescue ARay Joint Pain Relief In Cash Cab n 'PG' « KATU Newsat 5 ABC World News of Hope 'G' Just 7 Days! With David Muir (ABC) in WatkinsGlen, N.Y.(N) (Live) (N) n cc Track and Field IAAF World ChampionshipsFromMoscow. n cc Horse Racing Fourstardave Handicap Paid Program P o rtable Cooktop Paid Program Paid Program Extra (N) n 'PG' cc KTVZ Paid Program 'G' (NBC) From SaratogaSprings, N.Y. (N) « Exploration W!JarodExplore the North- Portable Cooktop CBS Evening News KBNZ (11:00) 2013PGAChampionship Third RoundFromOakHil Country Club in Rochester,N.Y. (N)(Live) « 'G' Miller (CBS) west (N) cc Today's HomRacing NationwideSeries: Zippo200FromWatkins Glen International ESPNSports Saturday (N) (Live) Steel Dreams'G' «Cars.TV n 'PG' «Sports Stars of KEZI 9 Newsat 5:00 ABCWorld News KOHD (11:15) NASCAR Tomorrow 'Y7' eowner With David Muir (ABC) in WatkinsGlen, N.Y.(N) (Live) (N) cc (N) n MLB Baseball BaltimoreOrioles at SanFranciscoGiants FromAT8TPark in SanFrancisco. (N) n (Live) cc Paid Program Paid Program CSE Miami Innocent Alab accident may KFXO MLB Player Poll n MLB Pregame (FOX) (El) cc (Live) 'G' cc tamtevidence n 14 « Martha Bakes M o torWeek (N) n Woodwright's ShopThe American H o metime 'G' « Ask This Old HouseThis Old Housen TheLawrenceWelk KOAB Fons & Porter's Quilting Arts n S i mply Ming Tex- America's Test 'Q' cc 'G' cc n 'G' 'Q' cc 'Q' cc Show 'G' (PBS) Love of Quilting Mex cuisine. 'G' K i tchen Cheesecake'G' Woodshop n 'G' Track and Field IAAF World ChampionshipsFromMoscow. n «Horse Racing Fourstardave Handicap Paid Program Noodle andDoodle The Chica Show Pajanimals (El) 'Y' NewsChannel 8 at5PM(N) cc KGW Paid Program (EI) 'Y' (EI) 'Y' (NBC) From SaratogaSprings, N.Y. (N) « On the Spot n (El) Star Wars: TheCloneWars Anakin attack Tyler Perry's House Tyler Perry's House Tyler Perry's Meet Tyler Perry's Meet ** "Jackandthe Beanstalk" (2010) Gilbert Gctffried, VoiceofChevyChase.A boy KTVZDT2 ChatRoomGay 'Q' cc (CW) parents. 'G' cc Grievous'warship. 'PG' of Payne of Payne the Browns 'PG' the Browns 'PG' climbs a beanstalk to recover aharp froman evil giant. « OPBPL The National Parks: Best Idea Wild! Big CatChallenge n 'G' « Nature Baldeagle. n 'PG' cc Southwestern Gems Richard Bangs' Adventures Baking With Julia Joanne-Cooking Flipping San Diego Averysmall homehas Psychic Tia 'PG' «Psychic Tia '14' acc American Haunting SchumansA usedcar American Haunting Rudis Anllinois family Panic 9-1-1 Agunmanstarts shooting in Panic 9-1-1 Apregnant womanencounters very big problems.(N)'PG' cc creates trouble. '14' cc suffers apparitions. '14' cc a store. cc a stalker. '14' cc Hell on Wheels Durant,NebraskaDurant Hell on Wheels SlaughterhouseCullen Hell on Wheels ScabsCullenhasto diffuse Hell on WheelsTheRailroadJobCullen is Hell on Wheels Purged AwayWith Blood Hell on Wheels The White Spirit Lily and 'AMC confronts a threat. '14' « tries to keeporder. '14' « a threat. '14' « haunted byhis past. '14' « Durant fights for his life.'14' Cullen maintain order. '14' « *ANPL Bad Dog! n 'PG' cc Bad Dogc n 'PG' cc TooCute!n G cc Too Cute! n 'G' cc Too Cute! KittenBeauties n 'G' Too Cute! FuzzyPolar Puppies'PG BRAVO HousewivesfNJ Below Deck '14' Below Deck '14' Million Dollar Listing: Los Angeles M i l lion Dollar Listing: Los Angeles M i l lion Dollar LA (2:31) BelowDeck'14' *** "BeverlyHilsCop" (1984)n CMT (11:30) Hot 20Countdown LukeBryanperforms his newhit. (N)'PG' « Luke Bryan's * * " F ootloose" (1984, Drama)Kevin Bacon,Lori Singer,John Lithgow. n « CNBC Battle Hair Loss Things- Bug Sheer Cover Cancer: Winning WEN Hair Care John Denver Co o k Safe Cook Safe CNBC TitansGeorgeForeman American Greed CNN CNN Newsroom(N) Sanjay Gupta, MD CNNNewsroom(N) The Situation Room Anthony Bourdain Parts Unknown C r i mes of the Century '14' COM (11:09) *"MyBest Friend's Girl" (2008) DaneCook (1:28) **"Waiting..."(2005,Comedy)RyanReynolds, AnnaFaris. cc (3:32) *** "Ferris Bueiier's Day Off" (1986, Comedy)MatthewBroderick, Alan Ruck. « COTV Paid Program P a id Program Paid Program Paid Program Art Fly Fishing E x treme Desire Adventure Journal Get Outdoors Visions of NW C ity Club of Central Oregon CSPAN (10:35) Public Affairs A Discussion of National Security and Liberty Former Communicators First Ladies: Influence & ImageDolley Madison Texas State *DIS Austin & Ally 'G' Austin & Ally 'G' Austin I Ally 'G' Austin & Ally 'G' Shake It Up! 'G' Shake It Up! 'G' J essie 'G' « Jesste G « Jessie'G' « Jess i e'G' « Good -Charlie Dog With a Blog *DISC Alien Sharks n 'PG' cc Top 10 Sharkdown n '14' cc I Escaped Jaws n '14' cc Air Jaws: Countdown toSharkWeek Sharkziffa: Sharktweeto n 'PG' cc Re t urn of Jaws: Sharktweeto n 'PG' *E! Total Divas Welcometo theWWE'14' Total Divas 'PG' Keeping UpWith the Kardashians Keeping UpWith the Kardashians Keeping UpWith the Kardashians Keeping UpWith the Kardashians ESPN Softball Big LeagueWorldSeries, Final: TeamsTBAFromSussex, Del.(N) Little LeagueBaseball WorldSeries Northwest Regional, Final: TeamsTBA Little LeagueBaseball ESPN2 ATP Tennis U.S.OpenSeries: RogersCup, Men's First Semifinal (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter (N) Auto Racing GlobalRallycrossChampionship (N) (Live) ATP Tennis "AmericanMan" (2012)« ESPNC 30for30 cc 30for30 cc 30for30 cc 30for30 cc ESPNN SportsCenter « SportsCenter « SportsCenter (N) SportsNation S p o rtsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter(Li(N) ve) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) « & Chocolate" *** "The Chroniclesof Narnia: TheLion, the Witch andthe Wardrobe" (2005, Fantasy)Tilda Swinton, Georgie Henley. FAM "Willy Wonka (4:20) "Piratesofthe Caribbean: OnStranger Tides" FNC Stossel America's NewsHeadquarters (N) FOX Report (N) Huckabee(N) 'FOOD Chopped Break aCrab Leg!'G Mystery Diners Mystery Diners Restaurant: Impossible 'G Restaurant Stakeout 'G Food Network Star NetworkPitch 'G' Iron Chef America 'G' ** "2012" (2009,Action) JohnCusack, Chiwetel Ejiofcr. FX Two and Half Men Two and Half Men Two and HalfMen Two and HalfMen ** "TheDaythe Earth StoodStil" (2008, ScienceFiction) KeanuReeves, Jennifer Connelly HGTV Bath Crashers 'G' Bath Crashers 'G' Love It or List It 'G' « Love It or List It 'G' « Love It or List It 'G' « Love It or List It 'G' « Love It or List It 'G' « *HIST Haffields & Hatfields & Cajun PawnStars Cajun Pawn Stars Cajun PawnStars Cajun PawnStars Cajun Pawn Stars Cajun PawnStars Cajun PawnStars Cajun PawnStars Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' LIFE Double Divas '14' Double Divas 'PG' Double Divas '14' Double Divas '14 ** "Betty & Corefla" (2013)Angela Bassett, Mary J.Blige. 'PG' « Twistof Faith" (2013,Drama)Toni Braxton, DavidJulian Hirsh. 'PG' « MSNBC (11:00) MSNBC Live (N) Disrupt With KarenFinney (N) The Ed Show(N) Caught on Camera Caught onCameraTotheRescue! Caught on Camera MTV (10:00)**ATL 1 0 on Top(N)'PG Catfish: The TVShown Caffish: The TVShowMike & Kristen Ridiculousness n Ridiculousness n Ridiculousness n Ridiculousness n Fantasy Factory Fantasy Factory NICK SpongeBob Sp o ngeBob Power Rangers SpongeBob Rabbids Invasion Rabbids Invasion The Fairly OddParents n 'Y' cc Sam I Cat n 'G' Sam & Cat n 'G' Hathaways Hathaways Undercover Boss n 'PG'acc Undercover Boss NASCAR'PG' cc Undercover Boss Hooters 'PG' « Undercover Boss ChoiceHotels'PG' Undercover Boss n 'PG'acc OWN Undercover Boss Chiquita 'PG' « Pac-12 Football in 60 Pac-12 Football in 60 Pac-12 Football in 60 Pac-12 Football in 60 Pac-12 Football in 60 PAC12 Pac-12 Football in 60 *** "Menin Black" (1997,Action) TommyLeeJones, Wil Smith, Linda Fiorentino. n SPIKE Worst Tenants W orst Tenants Worst Tenants W orst Tenants Worst Tenants W orst Tenants Coming-Amer SYFY Primeval: NewWorld '14 Primeval: NewWorld Angry Birds'14' Primeval: NewWorld Undone '14 Primeval: NewWorld '14 Primeval: NewWorld '14 Primeval: NewWorld Truth (N)'14 TBN Paws & Tales Chr. World News ** fWataiie's Rose"(1998, Drama)SamTaft Miracles In Touch With Dr. Charles Stanley 'G (El) Heroes & Legends of Bible Gaither: Precious Memories (11:30) * "Vorbil" (2007) Eddi e Murphy. A henpecked husband' s ** "Taffadega Nights: TheBallad of RickyBobby" (2006,Comedy)Wil Ferrell, JohnC. Everybody Loves Friends n 'PG' «Friends n 'PG' « Friends TheOne Friends n 'PG' cc *TBS childhood sweetheartmovesback to town. « Reilly. A NASCAR driver has anewrival. «(DVS) Raymond n 'PG' With the Birth 'PG' *** "Green DolphinStreet" (1947, Adventure)LanaTurner, DonnaReed, Richard Hart.Sisters in 19th-cen- *** "Ziegfeid Girl" (1941, Musical) JamesStewart, Judy Garland, LanaTurner. Newchorus girls copewith *** "TheBad andthe Beautiful" (1952) TCM tury NewZealandvie for thesameman. « fame, cc Lana Turner. «(DVS) 'TLC Four Houses(N) n 'PG' « Worst Tattoos W o rst Tattoos Worst Tattoos W o rst Tattoos W o rst Tattoos W o rst Tattoos W o rst Tattoos W o rst Tattoos Worst Tattoos W o rst Tattoos ** "Invincible" (2006,Biography) MarkWahlberg, GregKinnear. Major CrimesThere's NcPlaceLike Home Rizzoli & Isles All for One A popular high- ** "The LastCastle" (2001,Suspense) RobertRedford, JamesGandolfini, Mark Ruffalo. Acourt-martialed 'TNT Provenzafacesdesk duty. '14' school teacher is killed. '14' general leads arevolt against a warden. « The story of football's VincePapale. « "TOON New Scooby-Doo New Scooby-Doo New Scooby.Doo Scooby-Doo *** "Scooby-Dcc! TheMystery Begins" (2009) RcbbieAmell. 'PG' Scooby.Doo Scooby-Doo Scooby-Doo Scccby-Doo 'TRAV Manv. Food'G' Manv. Food'G Man v. Food'G' Man v. Food'G BBQ Crawl 'PG' BBQ Crawl 'PG' BestDaym Tak Best Daym Tak Waterparks Waterparks Waterparks Waterparks TVLND The CosbyShow The Cosby Show The CosbyShow The Cosby Show Roseanne n 'G' (2:36) Roseanne (3:12) RoseanneLet's Call It Quits'G' (3:48) Roseanne (4:24) Roseanne Roseanne n 'PG' American Pres USA Graceland Hair of theDog'14 NCIS Capitol Offense n 'PG' cc NCIS NineLives n 'PG' « NCIS Collateral Damage n '14' « NCIS Cloak n '14' « NCIS Dagger n '14' « VH1 (11:00) ** "There's SomethingAbout Mary" (1998) n (1:40) Saturday Night Live '14' cc (2:45) Saturday Night Live n '14' cc (3:50) Saturday Night Live '14' cc (4:55) CouplesTherapy n '14' *A&E

ENCR (11:10) ** "TheWeddingPlanner"

*** "The Witchesof Eastwick"1987 Jack Nicholson, Cher. n 'R' «

** «Spacebaii s"1987MelBrooks.n 'PG'«

(4:40) * "TheGlimmerMan" 1996StevenSeagal. n 'R

Barrettdackson Automobile Auction FromReno, Nev.(N) (Live)'PG Fox Sports 1 U F C Tonight FUEL UFC Tonight UFC Insider Pri z efighter Boxing ** "HollywoodHomicide" 2003,Action Harrison Ford,Josh Hartnett, LenaOlin. 'PG-13' cc FXM *** "Heiiboy" 2004RonPerlman. The sonof thedevil fights paranormalcreatures. 'PG-13 BigMommas:LikeFather GOLF (10:30) *** "TinCup" (1996) Golf U.S.Women'sAmateur, Day4 FromCharleston, S.C.(N) Feherty DavidDuval. Live From thePGAChampionship (N) (Live) ** "Fallingin LoveWith theGirl Next Door" (2006) Patty Duke.'PG' « *** "Dad'sHome" (2010)David James Elliott, Sharon Case. 'PG' « HALL ** "Ciass" (2010,Drama)Jodi LynO'Keefe, Justin Bruening. 'PG' « HBO (10:45) *** "The BourneLegacy" ** "Sherlock Holmes: AGameof Shadows" 2011Robert OcwneyJr. « "First ComesLove" 2013 'NR' cc (3:15) "Phil Spector" 2013,DocudramaAl Pacinc, HelenMirren. n cc * "Crank:High Voltage" 2009 'R IFC (11:30) *** "The Pledge" 2001,DramaJack Nicholson, AaronEckhart. 'R (2:15) ***"Bad Boys"1982, DramaSeanPenn, ReniSantoni. Street fighter becomeskingof reformschool. 'R "Don't Bea Menace to South Central While Drinking" ** "Chain Reaction" 1996,Action KeanuReeves. n 'PG-13' cc MAX FromDusk (2:20) *"WhiteNoise" 2005Michael Keaton. n 'PG-13' This MeansWar NBCSN Motorcycle RacingAMAUnadilla National FromNewBerlin, N.Y. (N)(Live) RacerTV(N)'G' Auctions America Yachting America's Cup:Louis Vuitton CupSemifinal, Race 4(N) MLS Soccer: United atUnion NGC Outlaw Bikers '14 Outlaw Bikers BandidcNation'14 Outlaw Bikers HellsAngels'14' Outlaw Bikers Insidethe Outlaws'14 DoomsdayPreppers '14 DoomsdayPreppers '14' NTOON Monsuno: Com. The Penguins The Penguins The Penguins Wild Grinders 'Y7' Wild Grinders 'Y7' Wild Grinders 'Y7' Wild Grinders 'Y7' Avatar: Airbender Avatar: Airbender Avatar: Airbender Avatar: Airbender OUTD Reel in, Outdoors The Bassmasters Real Hunting Showcase Best of West Team Elk Dirt Trax TV Fisher's ATV Michaels MRA Ducks Unlimited Steve's Outdoor SHO Web Therapy '14' * "Boat Trip" 2003,ComedyCubaGooding Jr. 'R' « Dexter A Little Reflection 'MA' cc Ray DonovanHousewarming'MA' (2:15) *** "The WomaninBlack" 2012Daniel Radcliffe. n 'PG-13' acc SPEED (11:00) Barrett-JacksonAutomobile Auction (N)(Live) Rolex Sports CarSeries RacingRoadAmerica FromRoadAmerica in Elkhart Lake, Wis. (N)(Live) Barrett-Jackson Automobile Auction STARZ (11:30) ** "LittleMan"2006« (1:15) ** "TheOddLife of TimothyGreen" 2012Jennifer Garner. 'PG' « (3:05) *** "Brave" 2012Voices of Kelly Macdonald. (4:40) *** "The AmazingBpider-Man" 2012'PG-13 I Don'tKnowHow TMC (11:30) ** "Elizabeth: TheGolden Age" 2007 'PG-13' (1:25) *** "TheWayBack"2010, DramaJim Sturgess, EdHarris. 'PG-13' (3:40) *** "Twins" 1988,ComedyArnold Schwarzenegger. n 'PG' « "WE Wedding- Unv. My- Wedding- David Tutera: Unveiled My- Wedding- David Tutera: Unveiled David, Divas and Disasters ** "MissCongeniality" 2000, ComedySandra Bullock, MichaelCaine, BenjaminBratt. 'PG-13


THE BULLETIN • AUGUST 10 — 16, 2013 *In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/Black Butte (Digital); PM-Prineville/Madras; SR-Sunriver; L-La Pine


o II









KATU Newsat 6 Bob Dylan, The Jeopardy! 'G' « Wheel of Fortune Motive Against All Odds Alawyer is 'Q' cc Byrds murdered. n 'PG' cc(DVS) (ABC) (N) n cc KTVZ O O O O NewsChannel21NBCNightly NewsJeopardy! 'G' cc Wheel of Fortune American Ninja Warrior Obstacles 'Q' cc at6 cc (NBC) (N) cc include RumblingDice.'PG' « Burn Notice Fionaand Samprotect a To Be Announced NCIS: LosAngelesEndgame Hetty KBNZ lawyer. '14' cc (CBS) adjusts to retired life. n '14' KOHD O O O O KEZI9Newsat KEZI9Newsat Entertainment Tonight OprahWinfrey Motive Against All Odds Alawyer is ("The Butler"). (N) n « (ABC) 6:00 (N) « 6:3 0 (N) « murdered. n 'PG' cc(DVS) KFXO I(g g) @ g) Bones TheHerointhe HoldTheGrave Criminal MindsTheteamsearches for a Cops n (PA) C ops Odd Arrests 'PQ' cc No. 5 'PG' (FOX) Digger kidnapsBooth.'14' serial killer. n '14' « KOAB ~ gy ~ gy (5:30)TheLaw- LastoftheSum Art Wolfe's Trav- Rick Steves' Eu- Globe Trekker Nigeria Lagos,the larg (PBS) rence WelkShow mer Wine n 'G' els to the Edge rope 'G' cc est city in Nigeria. n 'PG' NBC Nightly News Northwest Back Northwest Back- Grants Getaways American NinjaWarrior Obstacles KGW 'PG' roads'G' roads 'G' (NBC) (N) cc include RumblingDice. 'PG' cc KTVZDT2 @ ~ g) @ ** "Jane Eyre" (1996, Drama)Wiliam Hurt, Charlotte Gainsbourg,JoanPlowright. Cheaters Dental fetish; brotherly love n '14' cc A British governess falls for her brooding employer. « (CW) OPBPL 175 173 N ew Tricks Body Eviof dencen Just Seen It 'PG' Music Voyager BackStagePass n 'G' « KATU

II 20/20 n 'PG' «

Get Out Alive With BearGrylls Don't Do No HarmTheCookie JarJason Look Down n 'PG' « takes Ruben'skill drug. (N) n '14' (9:01) 48 Hours Ateenagegirl stops a 48 Hours The Perfect Family Ayoung man is ontrial for murder. serial killer. (N) n ec cs 20/20 n 'PG' « Bones A manwhodied in a terrorist at- News Channel 21 Two and a Half tack. '14' «(DVS) First on FOX M en '14' cc Doc Martin Blood IsThicker Bert hides a NewTricks The deathof ateenage ten heartbreakingsecret. 'PG' nis star. n cc Get Out Alive With BearGrylls Don't Do No HarmTheCookie JarJason Look Down n 'PG' « takes Ruben'skill drug. (N) n '14' Cops n '14' cc Cops n '14' cc That '70s Show That '70s Show Austin City Limits n 'G' cc

KATU Newsat11 (11:35) Castle n 'PQ' cc (N)n cc NewsChannel 21 Saturday Night at11 cc

Live '14' cc

KOIN Local 6at11 (11:35) Baggage '14' cc (N) cc KEZI 9 Newsat Paid Program 11:00 (N) cc Axe Cop (N) n Axe Cop n '14' cc '14' cc

Masterpiece Mystery! Blackmaicase l involves adominatrix. n '14' NewsChannel 8 at (11:29)Saturday Night Live '14' 11(N) cc The Border HateMetal Awhite suprem '14' cc '14' cc awstscompound 14 « *** "Biood ontheSun" (1945)JamesCagney. Blood onSun

Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty Psychic Tia (N) Psychic Tia (N) (11:01) Psychic Tia(11:31)Psychic Tia 3 28 1 8 32 Panic 9-1-1'1Home Dynasty 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc car crash. 4' cc intruder; buriedhiker; Duck Hell on WheelsTheLord's DayA new Hell on Wheels Blood MoonCullen Hell on Wheels Cullen fights to save Hell on Wheels BigBadWolf; Eminent DomainCullen and Elamsecure positions. Hell on Wheels Cullen andElamsecure 'AMC arrival bringschaos.'14' « prepares forbattle. '14' « Hell on Wheels. « (N) cc positions. « *ANPL 68 50 26 38 TooCute! CuriousKittensn'G America's Cutest n 'PG' cc Too Cute! PuppyPower 'G' cc Too Cute! (N) n 'PG' Too Cute! n 'PG' cc Too Cute! n 'PG' BRAVO 13 44 Mil l ion Dollar LA Million Dollar Listing: Los Angeles Million Dollar Listing: Los Angeles Million Dollar LA*** "TheBourne Ultimatum"(2007,Action) Matt Damon,Julia Stiles. Premiere BourneUifi. ** "Foot/oose" (1984,Drama) Kevin Bacon,Lori Singer,JohnLithgow. n « CMT 190 32 42 53 (5:00) *** "BeverlyHills Cop" (1984) n « Bounty Hunters Them Idiots Whirled Tour n '14' cc CNBC 54 36 40 52 The SuzeOrmanShow (N) « The Profit MaarseFlorist American Greed The SuzeOrmanShow « The Profit MaarseFlorist Proactiv System Battle Hair Loss CNN 55 38 35 48 "OurNixon"(2013, Documentary) Crimes of the Century '14' "Our Nixon"(2013, Documentary) Crimes of the Century '14' Tosh.0 Dirty HalfDozen(N) 'MA' cc COM 13 53 135 47 (5:52) **"TheDukesof Hazzard" (2005)JohnnyKnoxvile. cc (7:56) *** "Ro/e Mode/s" (2008,Comedy) SeannWiliamScott. cc COTV 11 Talk of the Town Local issues. Des e rt Cooking Oregon Extreme Desire Adv Journal G e t Outdoors V i sions of NW The Yoga Show The Yoga Show Talk of the Town Local issues. CSPAN 61 20 12 11 Texas State Arc h itec New America Foundation Forum F i rst Ladies: Influence & ImageDolley Madison TexasStateSenateWendy Architec. 'DIS 87 43 14 39 Austin &Ally'G' ShakeItUp!'G' Jessie'G' « A.N . T.Farm'G ** "Judy Moodyand theNOTBummer Summer" Phineas, Ferb A.N.T. Farm 'G' Jessie 'G' «Jessie 'G' «Jessie 'G'« *DISC 15 21 16 37 Voodoo Sharks: Sharktweeto 'PG' Spawn of Jaws: Sharktweeto 'PG Sharkpocalypse: Sharktweeto '14' Megalodon: Sharktweeto (N) n 'PG' cc Sharkpocalypse: Sharktweeto '14' *E! ** "ShallowHai" (2001, Romance-Comedy)Gwyneth Paltrow, JackBlack. 13 25 E! N e ws Total Divas 'PG Fashion Police '14' Inner Circle ESPN 21 23 22 23 LittleLeague Basebal!WorldSeriesWestRegional, Final: Teams TBA SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc ESPN2 22 24 21 24 ATPTennis Baseball Tonight (N) (Live) « This Is Sportscenter Baseball Tonight (N) (Live)sc s 2013 World Series of Poker 2013 World Series of Poker ESPNC 23 25 123 25 American Man 30 f o r30 « American Man"(2012, Documentary) « 30for30 cc American Man"(2012,Documentary) « 30for30 cc ESPNN 24 63 124203 SportsCenter (N) (Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter (N) SportsNation SportsCenter (N) SportsNation SportsCenter (N) SportsNation S portsCenter (N) SportsNation FAM 67 29 19 41 (4:20) "Pirafes oi fhe Caribbean: On Stranger Tides (7:20) *** "Cars"(2006, Comedy)Voicesof OwenWilson, Paul Newman,Bonnie Hunt (9:55) **** "WALL-E" (2008)Voices of BenBurtt, Elissa Knight. FNC 57 61 36 50 JuetiCeWithJudgeJeanine(N) Ge r aldOatLarge(N)n'PG'cc Journal Editorial FOX News Jus t ice With Judge Jeanine Geraldo at Large n 'PG' cc Red Eye *FOOD 17 62 98 44 Chopped'G Chopped 'G Chopped'G Chopped'G Chopped 'G Iron Chef America 'G' *** "Avatar" (2009,ScienceFiction)SamWorthington, Voiceof ZoeSaldana. Aformer Marinefalls in love with a native of a lush alienworld. FX 131 (4:30) ** "2012" (2009,Action) JohnCusack, Chiwetel Ejiofor. HGTV 17 49 33 43 House Hunters Hunters Int'I H ou s e Hunters Hunters Int'I Love Itor Listlt'G' « Love It or List It Cira Bagnato'G House Hunters Hunters Int'I House Hunters Hunters Int'I *HIST 15 42 41 36 AmericanPickers'PG' cc American Pickers YouBetcha'PG' American Pickers 'PG' cc Restoration Pa wn Stars 'PGLegend. Shelby Legend- Shelby Pawn Stars'PG' Pawn Stars'PG' LIFE 13 39 20 31 "Pastor Brown" (2009)Salli Richardson-Whitfield, Nicole Ari Parker. « ** "Madea's FamilyReunion" (2006)Tyler Perry. Premiere. « ** "Tyler Perry'8 MadeaGoesfo Jail" (2009) Tyler Perry. « MSNBC 59 59 128 51 Lockup Lockup(N) Lockup InsideAngola Lockup: Raw Lockup: RawHardTime Lockup: RawLife anddeath kass:TheMovie"(2002,Comedy)JohnnyKnoxville.n « MTV 192 22 38 57 Fantasy Factory Fantasy Factory Fantasy Factory Fantasy Factory Fantasy Factory Fantasy Factory Ridiculousness Ridiculousness ** "Jac NICK 82 46 24 40 SpongeBobSquarePantsn'Y7' cc Sam I Cat 'G' Hathaways Awesomeness Big Time Rush See DadRun n Full House 'G' Friends n 'PG' Friends n 'PG' Undercover BossSubwayn 'PG' lyanla, Fix My Life n 'PG' « lyanla, Fix MyLife (N) n '14' Welcome to Sweetie Pie's (N) 'PG' lyanla, Fix My Life n 'PG'e« s OWN 161 103 31 103 Undercover Boss n 'PG' « Pac-12 Football in 60 Pac-12 Football in 60 Pac-12 Football in 60 Pac-12 Football in 60 Pac-12 Football in 60 PAC12 47 310310310 Pac-12Football in 60 *** "Rememberthe Tilans" (2000, Drama)Denzel Washington, Will Patton. n SPIKE 132 31 34 46 (5:28) *** "Coming toAmerica" (1988) EddieMurphy. n cc (10:32) *** "Rememberthe Titans" (2000) n SYFY 13 35133 45 Primeval: NewWorld(N)'PG Primeval: NewWorld (N)'14' Primeval: NewWorld (N)'14 Primeval: NewWorld (N)'14 Primeval: NewWorld (N)'14 Total Divas (N)'PG TBN 205 60 130 Hour of Power Billy GrahamClassic Crusades Not a Fan Travel the Road "A Letter to Nancy" (1965,Drama)Bil Williams Drive History L i ve at Oak Tree Virtual Memory The King of Family GuyPeter Family Guyn Family GuyApril in The Big Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang Sullivan & Son'14' Deal With It Hypno 'TBS '14' cc Queens n 'PG' assmsnt '14' Quahog '14' Theory n 'PG' Theory n 'PG' Theory n '14' Theory n 'PG Theory n 'PG' Theory n '14' tist '14' « (5:00) *** "The Bad and the Beaut(iui (7:15) *** "imilation o/Life"(1959, Drama) LanaTurner, JohnGavin, SandraDee.Teenagedaughters *** "Peyton Place"(1957, Drama)LanaTurner, HopeLange, Arthur Kennedy. GraceMetalious' TCM 101 44 101 29 complicate two women's friendship. « steamy tale of life in aNewEngland town. « (1952) LanaTurner. *TLC 17 34 32 34 Worst Tattoos W o rst Tattoos Sex,Liesand Zumba n '14' «Breaking Amish:LA:Extended (9:12) Breaking Amish: LA: ExtendedEpisode (N)'14' Breaking Amish: LA: Extended Breaking: LA (4:30) ** "invin- (6:45) ** "Four Brothers" (2005,CrimeDrama) MarkWahlberg, TyreseGibson, AndreBenjamin.Sib ** "TheLongest yard" (2005,Comedy)AdamSandler, Chris Rock,Burt Reynolds.Prisoners train for a ** "TheLongest *TNT cibie"(2006) l i n gs seek revengefor their adoptive mother's murder. « yard" (2005) football gameagainst the guards. «(DVS) *TOON 84 Scooby-Doo:Mask Scooby-DooiStageFright" (2013)Voicesof FrankWelker. Premiere King of the Hill American Dad Family Guy '14' Family Guy '14' Cleveland Show The Boondocks *TRAV 17 51 45 42 Bikinis & Boardwalks 'G' « State Fair Foods 'G' « Monumental Mysteries 'PG' cc Ghost Adventures 'PG' cc Ghost Adventures 'PG'« Ghost Adventures 'PG'« TVLND 65 47 29 35 (5:30) *** "TheAmerican President" (1995)Michael Douglas, cc The Exes 'PG' Love.Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love.Raymond USA 15 30 23 30 NCIS Deathof apetty officer. 'PG' N CIS Women's prison riot. n '14' NC I S Love 8 War n '14' « NCIS Deliverance n 'PG' cc NCIS Reopenedinvestigation. 'PG' G raceland Bag Man'14 La La's Life Ma r rying, Game T.l. and Tiny L o ve & Hip Hop: Atlanta '14' * "TwoCanPlay That Game"(2001) Vivica A. Fox. n VH1 191 48 37 54 LaLa'sLife Hollywood Exes n '14' *A&E

**** "GoodFe//as"1990, CrimeDramaRobert DeNiro, RayLiotta. n 'R' « ***"Cape Fear"1991 Robert DeNiro.'R' « ENCR 106 401 306401(6:15) * "HudsonHawk" 1991,ComedyBruce Wilis. n 'R' « FUEL 34 UFC Unleashed UFC ReloadedUFC147: Silva vs. Franklin II Highlights ofUFC147in Brazil. UFC 163: Aldo vs. KoreanZombie - Prelims FXM 104 204104120"Big Mommas:Like Father FXM Presents * "B igMommas:LikeFather,LikeSon" 2011Martin Lawrence. cc FXM Presents * * "Living Ouf Loud" 1998, Comedy-DramaHolly Hunter. 'R' cc GOLF 28 301 27 301 Live From the PGAChampionship Live From thePGAChampionship Golf U.S. Women'sAmateur, Day4 FromCharleston, S.C HALL 66 33 175 33 *** "Honeymoonfor One" (2011) Nicollette Sheridan. 'PG' « Cedar CoveSuspicious Minds'PG Reading, Writing &Romance" (2013)Eric Mabius. Premiere.'G' « Cedar CoveSuspiciousMinds 'PG HBO 425501 425501(500)"FirstComesLove" 2013 n ( 6 5 0) ** "RockofAges" 2012 JulianneHough. n 'PG 13' cc Clear History" 2013LarryDavid. Premiere. n « (10:45) TheNewsroom 'MA' « Har d Knocks ** "TheTransporter" 2002, Action JasonStatham. Premiere. 'PG-13' * "Crank:HighVoltage" 2009,Action JasonStatham, AmySmart. 'R ** "My Bloody Valentine" 2009 IFC 1 0 1 0 5 (5:00) * "Cran/cHigh Voltage" 'R' ** "Taken 2"2012, Action Liam Neeson.'NR' cc MAX 400508 508 (530) *"This MeansWar"2012 Strike Back 'MA (715) ** "TheManWiththe iron Fists"2012 RZA. n 'NR' cc (910) Strike Back n 'MA' cc NBCSN 27 58 30 209 (5:00) MLSSoccer D.C.United atPhiladelphia Union W o r ld Series of Fighting (Li 4 (N) ve) World Series of Fighting 4 NGC 157 157 D oomsday Preppers Bugged Out Alaska State Troopers '14 DoomsdayPreppers BuggedOut Alaska State Troopers '14' DoomsdayPreppers '14 DoomsdayPreppers '14' NTOON 89 115 189115Back, Barnyard Back, Barnyard Back, Barnyard Back, Barnyard Back,Barnyard Back,Barnyard Sanjay,Craig N FLRushZone Back, Barnyard Back, Barnyard Danny Phantom Danny Phantom OUTD 37 307 43 307 Raglin Outdoors Ultimate Hunting Trophy Quest Most Wanted Heartland Bow West. Extremes Ted Nugent C r a ig MorganThe Bassmasters Commander H a nk Parker *** "Shakespearein Love"1998JosephFiennes. n 'R' « SHO 500 500 Ray Donovan (6:15) *** "50/50" 2011JosephGordon-Levitt. n 'R' « (10:05) *** "Our Idiot Brother" 2011Paul Rudd. SPEED 35 303125303(5:00) Barrett-JacksonAutomobile Auction (N)(Live) TracksideAt... Headsets FoxSports1 B a rrett-JacksonAutomobileAuction STARZ 300408300408 (4:40)"TheAmazing Spider-Man" M a g ic City n 'MA' cc The White Queen n 'MA' « The WhrteQueen n 'MA'eccs (10:05) TheWhite Queen n 'MA' (11:10) TheWhite Queen n 'MA "I Don'tKnowHowShe Does if" ** "The TwilightSaga:Breaking DawnPart I"2011 Kristen Stewart. * "Candyman3: Dayoi theDead"1999 Tony Todd. TMC 5 25 5 2 5 (10 35)"Don't Goin the Woods"2010 Eric Bogosian *WE 14 41 174118 ** "Miss Congeniality" 2000, ComedySandra Bullock, Michael Caine. 'PG-13 WeddingDav.:Unveiled WeddingDav.:Unveiled ObsessedWith theDress 'PG' Ob s esse.- Dress


THE BULLETIN • AU GUST 10 — 16, Z013



c II • I KATU Good Morning America (N) cc





KATU News This Morning - Sun(N) n «


'In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary.








Your Voice, Your Paid Program This WeekWith GeorgeStephanopoulos Things That Bug Summer Hairstyles! Vote (N) 'G' cc You 'G' Paid Program T r ack and Field IAAF World ChampionshipsFromMoscow. (N) Red Bull Signature Red Bull Signature n (Live) cc Series (N) n S e r ies 'PG' Paid Program Paid Program College Football Preview (N) « 2013 PGAChampionship Final Round

KTVZ Paid Program

The Nutrition Ex. Today Politics withDavidGregory; babies Meet the Press (N)'G' cc traction Secret (N) n cc Face the Nation (N) n « KBNZ Gary Lewis' Adven CBS NewsSunday Morning BryanCranston; MarishaPessl (CBS) ture Journal (N) n cc (N) (Live) cc * "Darkness" (2002,Horror)AnnaPaquin, Whodunnit? Party CrasherThe guests loo Good Morning America (N) « This WeekWith GeorgeStephanopoulos Today's Hom- P aid Program KOHD Portable Cooktop Paid Program 'G' (N) 'G' cc eowner for clues in thedark. '14' « (ABC) Lena Olin, lainGlen. * "dumper" (2008,ScienceFiction) Hayden Paid Program A n imal Rescue n The Real Winning FOX NewsSunday With Chris Wallace Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program P a id Program KFXO Paid Program n'PG' cc (El) 'G' cc Edge 'G' cc (FOX) Christensen,JamieBell. Thomas & Friends Bob the Builder 'Y Rick Steves' Europe Art Wolfe's Travels Nature RadioactiveWolvesWolvesand NOVA LizardKings Dr. Eric Piankatracks KOAB Betsy's Kindergar Angelina Ballerina: Mister Rogers' D a niel Tiger's n'G' cc Neighborhood Y Neighborhood 'Y' Y ©c (DVS) cc(DVS) to the Edge wildliie thrive in deadzone. 'PG' monitor lizards. n 'PG' (PBS) ten Adventures Next NewsChannel 8 atSunrise at 7:00 AM(N) « Meet the Press (N)'G' cc Track and Field IAAFWorld ChampionshipsFromMoscow. (N) Red Bull Signature Red Bull Signature KGW NewsChannel 8 at Sunrise (N) « Series (N) n Se r ies 'PG' (NBC) n (Live) cc KTVZDT2 Beat Anxiety & Paid Program P a id Program P a id Program P a id Program In Touch With Dr. Charles Stanley Over- Key of David 'PG' ccCurl Secret - for Healthy Meals in Animal Science n Elizabeth's Great (El)'G'cc (CW) Depression 'G' coming Discouragement 'G' « perfectcurls Mi n utes!'G' Big World OPBPL organic-michele Changing Seas n The Aviators 'G' Bird's Blue World Between, Lines The Back Page Just Seen It 'PG' ** "Rage at Dawn" (1955,Western) RandolphScott. Masterpiece Classic 'PG' «


WEN HairCare Total Gym for C r i minal MindsFiThe ght Several home- Criminal Minds ARite of PassageA kiler The Glades Gallerinas Atycoondies onthe Longmire TheGreat Spirit A wildhorse Longmire Tuscan RedAfatal explosion $14.95 'G' less menare murdered. n '14 targets illegal immigrants. n '14 eve of an art show.'14' cc dragsadeadbody. 14 cc rocks the reservation. 14 cc ** "Demo/itionMan"(1993, Science Fiction) Sylvester Stallone, WesleySnipes. A froHell on Wheels BigBadWolf; EminentDomainCullen andElamsecure positions. « The Killing From UpHere; The Roadto Hamelin Sarah seeks peace. n « 'AMC zen cop isthawedout tocapture anold nemesis. « *ANPL The Most Extreme The Most Extreme Weird, True Wei rd, True Roc ky Mountain Gators Pilot n 'PG' Untamed andUncut n '14' cc Untamed andUncut n '14' cc River Monsters: Unhooked 'PG' cc BRAVO Interior TherapyWith Jeff Lewis '14' Interior Therapy With Jeff Lewis '14' Top Chef Masters '14' « The Real Housewives of NewJersey The Real Housewives of Miami '14' The Real Housewives of Miami '14' CMT CMT Music n 'PG' CMT Music n 'PG' CMT Music n 'PG' Luke Bryan's Crash MyParty Album CMT Music n 'PG' CMT Music 'PG' Hot 20 Countdown CNBC Cook Safe Battle Hair Loss Total Gym Larry King Spc. Cook Safe Paid Program Cook Safe Paid Program P a id Program D a ily deal Paid Program Paid Program CNN State of the Union Fareed ZakariaGPS(N) Reliable Sources (N) « State of the Union Fareed Zakaria GPS CNN Newsroom(N) (Live) Insanity! Ferris Bueiier COM Live Longer! SexyBodies Proactiv System Kevin Hart: I'm a GrownLittle Man (9:04) *"My BestFriend's Girl"(2008, Romance-Comedy)DaneCook, KateHudson. cc COTV (5:30) City Club ofCentral Oregon Desert Cooking Oregon Extreme Desire Art Fly Fishing Get Outdoors Visions of NW P aid Program P a id Program P a id Program P a id Program CSPAN (4:00) Washington Journal Newsmakers Washington ThisW eek *DIS Octonauts n 'Y Mickey Mouse Mickey Mouse Doc McStuffins Y Never Land Sof i a the First 'Y'Jessie 'G' « Jessie G « ShakeltUp!'G' G ood-Charlie "dudyMoody-NDTBummerSummer" *DISC Montel Williams The Key of David Paid Program n Cook Safe (7:58) JoelOsteen (8:27) In Touch'G' Voodoo Shark n '14' cc Megalodon: TheMonster SharkLives n 'PG' cc *E! Total Gym Cindy Crawford Keeping UpWith the Kardashians Keeping UpWith the Kardashians Total Divas 'PG' Fashion Police '14 E! News(N) ESPN Outside the Lines Sports Reporters SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc NASCARCountdown (N)(Live) NASCARRacing Sprint Cup:Cheez-it 355at TheGlen (N)(Live) ESPN2 NASCAR Now(N) (Live) « Outside the Lines Sports Reporters Fantasy Football NHRA Drag Racing LucasOil Series B a seball Tonight ATP Tennis U.S.OpenSeries: RogersCup, Women's Final FromToronto. (N) *A&E

ESPNC 30for30 cc

30 for 30 cc

30for30 cc

30for30 cc

ESPNN Highlight Express Highlight Express FAM Joseph Prince'G' The Sunday Mass FNC (3:00) FOX and Friends Sunday(N) 'FOOD Get Sub D WEN Hair Care Tria- Remov. FX SexyBodies HGTV Sheer Cover Say No to Botox! *HIST Knife Beach Body LIFE Nopalea with HOPE Fit MSNBC (5:00) UpW/Steve Kornacki (N) MTV Girl Code n '14' Girl Code n '14'



Highlight Express Highlight Express Highlight Express Highlight Express SportsCenter « SportsCenter « SportsCenter « *** "WillyWonkaandthe Chocolate Factory" (1971)GeneWilder *** "TheChronicles of Narnia:TheLion, the Witchand the Wardrobe" (2005) Tilda Swinton, Georgie Henley News HQ Housecall (N) A merica's NewsHeadquarters (N) America's NewsHeadquarters (N) Fox NewsSunday Rachael Ray'sWeekina Day 'G' Giada at Home 'G' B'footContessa Pioneer Wo. Trisha's Southern Home for Dinner Guy's Big Bite 'G' Sandwich King 'G' Barbecue Addi. ** "2012" (2009,Action) JohnCusack, Chiwetel Ejiofor, AmandaPeet How I Met/Mother ** "TheDaytheEarth Stood Stil" (2008, Science Fiction) KeanuReeves, JenniferConnelly Buying and Selling PaulandTerri 'G' Buying and Selling Halley & Justin 'G Buying and Selling Kristin &Craig 'G' Catastrophe Inc. Catastrophe Inc. Property Brothers 'G' « Heavy Metal HMSVictory 'PG' cc Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Lee Daniels' In Touch With Dr. Charles Stanley 'G' WEN Hair Care David Jeremiah Joel Osteen 'PG' Cindy Crawford Double Divas 'PG' *"Newin Town" (2009)ReneeZellweger. « Melissa Harris-Perry (N) Weekends With Alex Witt (N) Meet the Press cc Girl Code n '14' ** "ATL" (2006)Tip Harris, LaurenLondon. FourAtlanta teensface challenges. n MTV Cribs Priciest PadsCountdown MTV Cribs Priciest PadsCountdown Full House n 'G' Full House n 'G WinxClub: Magical Adventure" n Power Rangers Rabbids Invasion SpongeBob Sp o ngeBob Spo ngeBob Spo ngeBob SpongeBob Ra b bids Invasion The Nate Berkus Show n 'PG' cc Rachael Ray n 'G' « Dr. Phil n 'PG' cc Dr. Phil n 'PG' acc Super Soul Sunday n 'PG'acc Super Soul Sunday n 'PG' « Pac-12 Football Timelines Pac-12 Football in 80 Pac-12 Football Pac-12 Football in 80 Pac-12 Football in 80 Pac-12 Football Pac-12 Football Encore Paid Programn Paid Programn Zumba Fit Sexiest Bodies n WEN Hair Care Insanity! Xtreme 4x4 n 'G' Horsepower TV Trucks! 'G' « Mus cleCar n 'G' Bar RescueRock'N Roachesn 'PG' ** "Star Trek: insurrection" (1998)PatrickStewart, Jonathan Frakes. « * "Oandorum"(2009) DennisQuaid Keurig Rivo Paid Program Paid Program Live Longer! Cook Safe Cook Safe Kingdom Conn David Jeremiah Kenneth Hagin Winning Walk 'G Joseph Prince'G Redemption 'G' Love/Finding It I s Written 'G' Bayless In Touch 'PG PowerPoint « Conley Time-Change Married... With Chil Married... With Chil Friends n '14' cc Friends n 'PG' cc Friends n 'PG' cc Friends n 'PG' cc Sullivan 8 Son Deal With It Hypno MLB Baseball Detroit Tigers atNewYorkYankees FromYankee Stadiumin theBronx '14' cc dren n 'PG' dren n 'PG' tist '14' « N.Y. (N)(Live) « (4:45) "TheMaie *** "Spencer's Mountain" (1963,Comedy-Drama)Henry Fonda MaureenO'Hara. A ** "The Return oiFrankdames" (1940,Western) HenryFonda (10:15) ** "Firecreek" (1968,Western)JamesStewart, HenryFonda,IngerStevens Animal" (1942) Wyomingpatriarch sacrifices tosendhis sonto college. Gene Tierney,Jackie Cooper. « Farmerisheriif fights outlawandgangpassing through. Hair Restoration Hair Re-Growth Faith-Dr. Frederick K.C. Price Bikini Season n Luminess Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Law I Order Excalibu r Jack McCoy'sjob is Law &Order RumbleStockbroker's death 2013 PGAChampionship Final Round FromOak Hil CountryClub in Rochester, N.Y.(N) (Live) cc Law & OrderChallenged Amanreunites threatened. '14' «(DVS) leads to a battle. n '14' with his mother. n '14' Looney Tunes'Y Looney Tunes Dragons: Riders Johnny Test 'Y7 Beyblade: Metal Pokemon: BW Legends ofChima Ben10 Batman Teen Titans Go! «ScoobyDoo-Phantosaur" Optimum Health Paid Program When Vacations Attack 'PG' cc Mysteries at the Museum'PG' « Off Limits Shootingthe rapids. 'PG' M o numental Mysteries 'PG' « Mysteries at the Museum'PG' « Three's Company Three's Company Three's Company *** "The AmericanPresident" (1995)Michael Douglas, AnnetteBening, MartinSheen, cc The Exes 'PG' T he Exes 'PG' H o t in Cleveland Hot in Cleveland Cook Safe Beach Body Co o k Safe David Jeremiah Pastor Chris Joe l Osteen 'PG' Summer Camp Spinthe Bottle 'PG' S u mmer Camp Truth Dare or'PG' Nec essary Roughness '14' * "TrroCanPlay That Game" (2001) VH1 Plus Music n 'PG VH1 Plus Music n 'PG' Top 20 VideoCountdown n Top 20 VideoCountdown n Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta '14'

ENCR (5:35) ** "Airer theSunset" 2004

(7:15) *** "Dut of Africa"1985 MerylStreep. Basedon Isak Dinesen's account of her plantation life. n 'PG' «

Merlin's Apprentice n (Part I of 2) 'PG'cc

Merlin Apprent

FUEL Levi's Landing 'PG UFC Champion's UFCRoundtable UFC Roundtable UFC Roundtable Boxing UFC Insider Pri z efighter Boxing FXM ** "if I'm Lucky" 1945,Musical VivianBlaine. 'NR' « When Wilie ComesHome (8:45) ** "W.W.and theDixie Dancekings"1975 BurtReynolds. 'PG' cc (10:20) *"ModernProblems"1981ChevyChase. 'PG *** "TinCup" (1996)KevinCostner. An undisciplined golfer attempts to reachthe U.S. Open *** "TinCup" (1996)Kevin Costner, ReneRusso GOLF Live From thePGAChampionship (N) (Live) HALL I Love Lucy'G I Love Lucy 'G' I Love Lucy 'G' I Love Lucy 'G' I Love Lucy 'G' I Love Lucy 'G' T he Golden Girls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls HBO The Descendants Hard Times:Lost onLong Island" ** "Snow Whiteandthe Huntsman"2012 Kristen Stewart. n 'PG-13' cc Hard Knocks (7:25) ** "EDtv" 1999,ComedyMatthew McConaughey. n 'PG-13' cc IFC Bride& Prejudice Dilbert 'PG' « Dil b ert 'PG' « Dilb ert 'PG' « Dilbert PG cc Dilbert 'PG' « Arrested Develop. Arrested Develop Arrested Develop. Arrested Develop. Comedy Bang! Comedy Bang! MAX Garden State 'R (8:45) "LoveWrecked" 2006AmandaBynes. n 'PG' cc (8:15) *** "in GoodCompany" 2004Dennis Quaid. n 'PG-13' cc (10:05) ** "AmericanReunion" 2012,ComedyJason Biggs. n 'R' cc NBCSN Premier LeagueClassics From May13, 2012. (N) Premier LeagueClub Guide Premier LeagueCountdown Under Wild Skies Whitetail SLAM Bill Dance Charlie Moore

Inside the American Mob'14' NGC Inside the American Mob'14 Inside the American Mob'14 Drugs, Inc. Hallucinogens'14 Drugs, Inc. Ecstasy'14 Drugs, Inc. Crack'14 NTOON Kung Fu Panda Kung Fu Panda Kung Fu Panda Kung Fu Panda NFL RushZone Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal T.U.F.F. Puppy n T.U.F.F.Puppy n T.U.F.F. Puppyn T.U.F.F. Puppy n Danny Phantom OUTD L.L. BeanGuide Sasquatch Ridge Reaper Optik Quests Drop Zone Cabela's Archer's Choice Excalibur's Out Real Hunting J. BushmanShow Trophy Hunt Sp e argun Hunter * "HoodwinkedTooiHood vs.Evil" 2011 n 'PG' « SHO (5:45) *** "The WomaninBlack" 2012 'PG-13' « inside Dut" 2011Paul "Triple I-I" Levesque.'PG-13' « (10:45) ** "Daylight"1996 SylvesterStallone. 'PG-13 SPEED Two GuysGarage SPEEDCenter (N) NASCARRaceDay (N)(Live) PEAK StockCarDreamChallenge 'Y' Lucas Oil Off Road Racing Lucas Oil LateModel Dirt Series (N) *** "Eif" 2003, ComedyWil Ferrell. n 'PG' « STARZ (5:10) ** "The Aiamo"2004Dennis Quaid. 'PG-13' « (9:10) ** "Around theWorldin 80 Days"2004Jackie Chan. n 'PG' « (11:15) ** "Here Comesthe Boom TMC (4:55)Main Street "VampireDog" 2012Voice of NormMacdonald. 'NR' « (8:05) ** "Newsies" 1992,MusicalChristian Bale. n 'PG' « (10:10) ** "Return toParadise" 1998, DramaVince Vaughn. n 'R' « 'WE More Sex Keurig Rivo Ros eanne n 'G' Roseanne n 'G' Roseanne n 'PG' Roseanne n 'PG' Roseanne n 'PG' Roseanne n 'PG' Roseanne n 'PG' Roseanne n 'PG' Roseanne n 'PG' Roseanne n 'PG'


THE BULLETIN • AUGUST 10 — 16, 2013 *In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/Black Butte (Digital); PM-Prineville/Madras; SR-Sunriver; L-La Pine








American LeMansSeries Racing Orion EnergySystems245FromRoadAmerica in Elkhart Lake,Wis. (N) (Live)






Front Yard Land- Cash Cab n KATU Newsat 5 ABC World News 'PQ' cc scaping 'PG' (ABC) (N)n cc Trout TV 'G' Outdoorsman/ Castle Theownerof a magicshopis KTVZ O O O O (NBC) Buck McNeely found dead. n 'PG' « Exploration W/ Explore the North Healthy Meals in CBS Evening KBNZ Minutes! 'G' Ne ws (N) cc (CBS) Jarod Miller west JudgeJudy n Judge Joe Brown Inside Edition omg! Insider KEZI 9 Newsat ABC World News KOHD O O O O American Le Mans Series Racing OrionEnergySystems245FromRoadAmerica in Elkhart Lake,Wis. (N) (Live) 'PQ' cc n 'PG' Weekend 'PG' Oprah Winfrey (ABC) 5:00 (N) « *** "Brideshesd Revisited" (2008,Drama)MatthewGoode, Hayley Atwell, Ben Whishaw.AnOxford Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program CSE MiamiLostSonTeammember KFXO gi) g) @ (EI (11:00) * "Jumper"(2008)Hayden (FOX) Christensen,JamieBell. student joins afamily of British aristocrats. killed. n '14' « KOAB ~ gy ~ gy Great Performances ViennaPhilharmonic SummerNight Great Performances GustavMahler's SymphonyNo.7. n BBC Newsnight European Journal Religion & Ethics To the Contrary Moyers & CompanyEconomist Richard 'Q' cc n 'G' cc cc Newsweekly With Bonnie (PBS) 2013 ConcertsalutesWagner andVerdi. 'G' W olff ;SaruJayaraman.'G' (11:30) RedBull Signature Series FromPremier League Club Guide (N) n cc Premier LeagueCountdown (N) n cc SummerHair Paid Program Cold CaseFiles A wife goesmissing NewsChannel 8 at5PM(N) « KGW n '14' cc styles! (NBC) Bali, Indonesia.(N) n 'PG' e e" (1992, Suspense) BridgetFonda.Awomandevelops a *** "Zodiac"(2007, CrimeDrama)Jake Gyllenhaal, Mark Ruffalo, RobertDowneyJr. TheZodiac Kiler terrorizes San KTVZDT2 Q Q Q Q LiveLifeandWin! MadeinHolly ** "Single WhitFemal 'Q' cc wood: Teen deadly fixation on her female roommate. « Francisco in the1960sand'70s. « (CW) Cook's Country Test Kitchen OPBPL 175 17 3 M a sterpiece Classic 'PG' « NOVA n 'PG' « Growing Bolder My Generation Burt Wolf Stev es' Europe Globe Trekker n 'G' cc (DVS) KATU

Paid Program

Portable Cooktop 'G' (11:30) Red Bull Signature Series From Premier League Club Guide (N)n cc Premier LeagueCountdown (N) n cc Improve Memory Hometime 'G' cc Bali, Indonesia.(N) n 'PG' (11:00) 2013PGAChampionship Final Round FromOakHil Country Club inRochester, N.Y. (N)(Live) «

Psychic Tia '14' « Barter Kings Trading up for a classic Barter Kings AntonioandStevehelp outBarter Kings Trading upfor a small 3 28 1 8 32 things Longmire ElectionvDay car. 'PG' cc in perspecti e. '1An 4' accident puts Psychic Tia 'PG' «Psychic Tia 'PG' «Psychic Tia 'PG' « a friend. 'PG' cc aircraft. 'PG' cc (10:00)"Demolition Breaking Bad LiveFreeor DieWalt (1:32) Breaking BadMadrigal Walt and (2:36) Breaking BadHazardPayWalt (3:40) Breaking Bad Fifty-OneWalt (4:44) Breaking BadDead FreightTheteammust get cre'AMC Man" (1993) d e als with the aftermath.'14' « Jesse pursuea partner. '14' confesses toMarie. '14' « celebrates abirthday. '14' « ative. '14' « *ANPL 68 50 26 38 River Monstersn'PG' cc River Monsters: Year ofBeasts n Call of the Wildman n 'PG' cc Caff -Wildman C a ff-Wildman G ator Boys: Xtra Bites 'PG' cc Gat or Boys: Xtra Bites 'PG' cc BRAVO 13 44 The Real Housewives of Miami '14' Below Deck '14' Housewives/OC Housewives/OC Housewives/NJ Housewives/NJ CMT 190 32 42 53 (11:30) Hot 20Countdown LukeBryanperforms his newhit. 'PG' « Luke Bryan's * ** " Jerry Maguire" (1996) TomCruise. An attack of conscience changesanL.A.sports agent's life. n Shanghai Kngts CNBC 54 36 40 52 Insanity! Paid Program Sheer Cover H e alth Forum WEN HairCare Cook Safe Paid Program Cook Safe DebtDo UsPart On theMoney 60 Minutes onCNBC CNN 55 38 35 48 YourMoney(N) CNN Newsroom(N) CNN Newsroom(N) CNN Newsroom(N) Anthony Bourdain Parts Unknown Weed: Dr. SanjayGuptaReports COM 13 53 135 47 (11:26) *** "Ferris Bueller's Dey Off"(1986) MatthewBroderick (1:48) Futurama (2:19) Futurama (2:50) Futurama (3:21) Futurama (3:52) Futurama (4:23) Futurama (4:54) Futurama (5:25) Futurama COTV 11 Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Art Fly Fishing Extreme Desire Adv Journal Get Outdoors Visions of NW City Club of Central Oregon CSPAN 61 20 12 11 (8:00) Washington ThisWeek Newsmakers Washington This W eek Q&A 'DIS 87 43 14 39 Judy Moody P h i neas, Ferb Good-Charlie G o od-Charlie G o od-Charlie G o od-Charlie A.N.T. Farm'G Dog With a Blog Jessie 'G' « Sha ke It Up! 'G' Good-Charlie G ood-Charlie *DISC 15 21 16 37 TreehOuSeMaSterS n 'PG' cc Treehouse Masters n 'PG' cc Treehouse Masters n 'PG' cc Treehouse Masters n 'PG' cc TreehouseMasters n 'PG' cc Gold Rush n 'PG' cc *E! ** "Shallow Hal" (2001, Romance-Comedy)Gwyneth Paltrow,Jack Black 13 25 Inn er Circle Total Divas '14' Total Divas 'PG' Keeping UpWith the Kardashians ESPN 21 23 22 23 NASCARRacing SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) « Baseball Tonight (N) (Live) cc MLB Basebal l:RaysatDodgers ESPN2 22 24 21 24 ATP Tennis U.S.OpenSeries: RogersCup, Men's FinalFromMontreal. Fantasy Football SportsNation Little League Baseball MLS Soccer "AmericanMan"(2012) « ESPNC 23 25 123 25 30for30 « Nine for IX 30for30 cc 30 for 30 cc ESPNN 24 63 124203 SportsCenter (N) (Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter S p ortsNation S p ortsCenter « SportsCenter sa FAM 67 29 19 41 Chronicles-Lion (12:20) ** "Pirates o/the Caribbean: OnStranger Tides" (2011,Adventure) Johnny Depp,Penelope Cruz (3:20) **** 'WALL-E" (2008)Voices of BenBurtt, Elissa Knight. (5:25)Cars FNC 57 61 36 50 Journal Editorial FOX News Ame rica's News Headquarters (N) Fox NewsSunday FOX Report(N) Huckabee *FOOD 17 62 98 44 ChefWantedWithAnneBurreff'G' Restaurant:Impossible'G' Food Court Wars 'G' Restaurant Stakeout 'G' Food Network Star 'G' Diners, Drive D i ners, Drive *** "Avatar" (2009,ScienceFiction) SamWorthington, Voice of ZoeSaldana. Aformer Marinefalls in love with a native of a lush alienworld. FX 131 (10:00) ** "20/2" (2009,Action)JohnCusack. Just GoWithlt HGTV 17 49 33 43 LoveltorListlt'G'« Hunters Int'I Hunters Int'I Hunters Int'I Hunters Int'I Hunters Int'I Hunters Int'I Hunters Int'I Hunters Int'I Sc o ring the Deal Scoring the Deal *HIST 15 42 41 36 MountainMenlntotheWild'PG' Mou ntainMen'PG' cc Mountain MenWinter Strikes 'PG' M ountain Men Last Chance'PG' Mountain Men 'PG' cc Mountai nMenBloodySunday'PG' *** "Motherand Child" (2009) NaomiWatts. « LIFE 13 39 20 31 * NewinTown * * iWightsinRodanthe"(2008)RichardGere,DianeLane.« ** "A Walkto Remember" (2002)ShaneWest, MandyMoore. « MSNBC 59 59128 51 MSNBCLive(N) Disrupt With KarenFinney (N) The Ed Show(N) Caught on Camera Caught on Camera Caught on CameraFireball! MTV 192 22 38 57 Cribs Priciest Pads Countdown Cri bs Priciest Pads Countdown *** "8 Mile"(2002)Eminem.A Detroit mantries to achievesuccessas a rapper. n Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness NICK 82 46 2440 Teenage MutantNi njaTurtles'Y7' SpongeBob SquarePantsn 'Y7' Sam8 Cat'G' S am8 Cat'G SpongegobSquarePants n 'Y7' S p ongeBob Sp ongeBob SpongeBob S p ongeBob Oprah: WhereAre They Now?'PG' Oprah: Where Are They Now?'PG Oprah: WhereAre They Now?'PG' OWN 161 103 31 103TheBest of the Oprah ShowMarianneWiliamson. n 'PG' as Super Soul Sunday n 'PG' « PAC12 47 310310310(11:00) Pac-12Football Encore Va r sity Days P a c-12 Football in 60 Timelines Varsity Days P ac-12 Football Encore Timelines SPIKE 132 31 34 46 Bar RescueWeber's of Lies 'PG Bar Rescue n 'PG Bar Rescue Badto the Bone'PG BarRescue BeachBummer'PG' Bar Rescue n 'PG' Bar Rescue n 'PG' ** "Out/ander" (2008,Action) JamesCaviezel, Ron Perlman, Sophia Myles. « *** "Dawn o/ the Dead"(2004, Horror) SarahPolley, Ving Rhames SYFY 13 35 133 45 (11:00) *"Pandorum"(2009)DennisQuaid. « TBN 205 60130 Live-HolyLand Kingdom Conn. John Hagee MarriageToday Miracle For You Gregory Dickow T.D. Jakes 'G' Joyce Meyer Leading the Way The Blessed Life Joel Osteen 'PG' Kerry Shook Baseball DetroitTigersat (1:15) TheKingof (1:45) The Kingof (2:15) Everybody (2:45) Everybody (3:15) **"MeninB/ackl" (2002)TommyLeeJones, Wil Smith. AgentsJayand ** "BadBoys l" (2003,Action) Martin 'TBS 16 27 11 28 (10:00) MLB New YorkYankees(N) « Queens 'PG' Q u eens 'PG' Loves Raymond Loves Raymond Kay defendEarthfrom asultry alien enemy. «(DVS) Lawrence, Will Smith. cc (12:1 5) *** "The Wrong Man" (1956) Henry Fonda, Vera Miles. Fact-basedac (2:15) *** "Advise andConsent" (1962,Drama)Henry Fonda,Charles Laughton, DonMurray. Sena- (4:45) Carson on **** "TheGrapes o/Wrath" (1940, TCM 101 44 I 01 29 count of an innocentmusician's robberytrial. « tors fight dirty overpresident's man. « TCM 'PG' Drama)HenryFonda.« *TLC 17 34 32 34 Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Who Do You S a y Yes, Dress Here Comes H e re Comes H e re Comes Here Comes Here Comes ** "Transporter 3" (2008,Action) JasonStatham, NatalyaRudakova. FrankMartin ** "TheFastand the Furious" (2001, Action) Vin Diesel, Paul Walker. AnunderFranklin & BashPeterandJared de- Falling Skies Brazil The 2ndMass *TNT fend a bountyhunter. '14' « destroys anEspheni base.'14' becomes involvedwith a Ukrainian woman. cc cover cop infiltrates theworld ofstreet racing. «(DVS) *TOON 84 "Scooby-Doo!Music o/the Vampire" (2011,Comedy) Scooby Dool S c ooby Scooby Scooby Scooby.Doo S cooby.Doo Scooby-Doo!CampScare" (2010), FrankWelker *TRAV 17 51 45 42 Bizarre Foods America 'PG' « B izar re Foods America 'PG' « Bourdain: No Reservations Bourdain: No Reservations Food Paradise 'PG' « Food Paradise 'PG' « TVLND 65 47 29 35 Hot in Cleveland Hot in Cleveland Hot in Cleveland Hot in Cleveland Hot in Cleveland Hot in Cleveland Roseanne 'PG' (3:36) Roseanne (4:12) Roseanne n 'PG'cc (4:48) Roseanne The GoldenGirls USA 15 30 23 30 Covert Affairs Rock aMySoul 'PG' ** "Pirates o/the Caribbean:DeadMan's Chest"(2006, Action) JohnnyDepp, Orlando Bloom.« NCIS Good WivesClub 'PG' « NCIS FriendsandLovers n 'PG La La's Life Ma r rying, Game T.l. and Tiny L o ve & Hip Hop: Atlanta n '14' VH1 191 48 37 54 (11:00)"TwoCanP/ay ThatGame" (1:10) ** "SoulPlane"(2004)Kevin Hart. Passengersandcrew party aboardanairliner. *A&E

ENCR 106401 306401(11:35)Merlin's Apprentice 'PG' (1:10) * "Play lt tothe Bone"1999, Comedy-DramaAntonio Banderas. n 'R' « (3:20) TheWhite Queen 'MA' « (4:25) ** "Tango &Cash"1989Sylvester Stallone. FUEL 34 UFC 163: Aldo vs. KoreanZombie - Prelims UFC Roundtable UFC Roundtable UFC Champion's UFC Roundtable Motorcycle Racing AMAUnadilla National FromNewBerlin, N.Y f *"Bad Company"2002,Action AnthonyHopkins, Chris Rock.'PG-13' cc ** "Dragonball:Evo/u/ion" 2009 FXM 104204104120 ** Ho/lywoodHomicide" 2003,Action Harrison Ford,Josh Hartnett. 'PG-13' cc GOLF 28 301 27 301(10:30) *** "TinCup" (1996) G olf U .S. Women' Amat s eur, Final DayFromCharleston, S.C. (N)(Live) Feherty KeeganBradley Live From thePGAChampionship (N) (Live) *** "Honeymoonfor One"(2011)Nicollette Sheridan. 'PG' « HALL 66 33 175 33"Reading, Writing&Romance"(2013, Romance)Eric Mabius. 'G' « UndercoverBridesmaid"(2012) BrookeBurns.'PG' « HBO 425501 425501 Hard Knocks R EAL Sports With Bryant Gumbel Clear History" 2013Larry David (1:45) **"Rise ofthe Guardians"2012Voices ofChris Pine. n 'PG Casting By" 2012,Documentary n 'NR' « **"The Transporter"2002, Action JasonStatham, ShuQi.'PG-13 IFC 10 105 C omedy Bang! Comedy Bang! *** "City Slickers"1991, ComedyBilly Crystal, DanielStern, BrunoKirby. 'PG-13 Blade Runner'R MAX 400508 508 Strike Back n 'MA' cc (12:50) **"The Island" 2005EwanMcGregor. n 'PG-13' cc (3:05) *** "Primary Colors"1998, Comedy-Drama John Travolta. n 'R' cc DragonEyes 'R' NBCSN 27 58 30209FLWOutdoors'G' Polo Horse Racing Motorsports Hour(N)'G Wild Skies Whi t etail DiariesEye of Hunter North to Alaska NGC 157 15 7 D r ugs, Inc. '1 4 Drugs, Inc. Marijuana'14' Drugs, Inc. HurricaneBlow'14' Drugs, Inc. Ketamine'14 Drugs, Inc. HollywoodHigh '14' Drugs, Inc. MotorCity Rush 14 NTOON 89 115189115 Danny Phantom Danny Phantom Speed Racer: The Next Generation (N) n 'Y7' « Wild Grinders n Wild Grinders n Wild Grinders n Avatar: Air. Ava tar: Air. Avatar: Air. Avatar: Air OUTD 37 307 43 307 Team Elk West. Extremes Magnum TV P r ofess. Buck Zone Tra cks, Africa Live 2 Hunt Ma t hew's Dom Mathews The Crush Hunt Adventure WildgameNation *** "Sling Blade"1996, DramaBily Bob Thornton, Dwight Yoakam.n 'R' e«s SHO 500 500 Darkest Hour (10:45)Daylight (12:45) **"The NinthGate"1999, SuspenseJohnny Depp,FrankLangella. n 'R SPEED 35 303125303 Lucas Oil DragBoat Racing NASCAR V.L. Fox Sports1 T O RC: The Off Road Championship RedBud(N) (Live) SPEED Center (N) (Live) Wind Tunnel NASCARV.L * "That's My Boy" 2012'R' « STARZ 300408300408 (11:15) "HereComestheBoom" (1:05) TheWhite Queen'MA' « (2:10) ***"El/" 2003, ComedyWil Ferrell. n 'PG' « (3:55) TheWhite Queen'MA' « ** "ThePerfect Score" 2004ErikaChristensen. n TMC 525 525 (12:05) *** "Gangs o/Newyork" 2002, Historical DramaLeonardo DiCaprio, Cameron Diaz. n 'R' « (4:35) *** "War Horse" 2011 EmilyWatson. « *WE 14 41 174118 ROSeanne'PG' ROSeanne 'PG' CS E Miami Ambueh n '14' cc CSEMramtAlllnn'14 cc CSEMiami To Kill a Predator '14' CSEMiami Tunnel Vision '14' cc CSEMiami n '14' cc


THE BULLETIN • AU GUST 10 — 16, Z013


'In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. •

I c II I I II I II I I II I America's Funniest HomeVideos Funny Secret Millionaire JayDeutschtravels to Whodunnit? Frost NixinThekiler strikes in Castle Scared toDeath ADVDappears to KATU Newsat11 (11:35) Castle n 'PQ' cc Pheonix. (N)n 'PG'cc (DVS) the hot tub. (N) '14' « kill its viewers.n 'PG' cc (ABC) signs; people oncrutches. 'PG' (N)n cc acts perform inNewYork. n 'PG' cc Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Her Crossing Lines Shootings inItalyand NewsChannel 21at Everybody Loves KTVZ NewsChannel 21 at NBC Nightly News America's Got Talent Twelve (NBC) 6(N) cc (N) cc Negotiationn '14' «(DVS) Slovenia. (N) n '14' «(DVS) 11(N) cc Raymond n 'PG' KBNZ Burn Notice DeadDropHeroin smugglers 60 Minutes Tainted painmedication; Zhang (8:01) Big Brother Contestantsface evic Unforgettable Day ofthe Jackie Anassas The Mentalist The lead of atheater produc KOIN Local 6 at11 (11:35) ColdCase tion. (N)n cc sination plot. (N) n '14' cc tion dies. n '14' cc (CBS) take Samhostage. '14' « Xin. (N) n cc (N) cc Gleen 'PG' cc 30 America'sFunniestHomeVideosFunny Secret Millionaire JayDeutschtravels to Whodunnit? Frost NixinThekiler strikes in Castle Scared toDeath ADVDappears to KEZI 9 Newsat Paid Program KOHD KEZI9Newsat6:00 KEZI9Newsat6: 'PG' kill its viewers.n 'PG' « 11:00 (N) cc (ABC) (N) cc (N) cc signs; peopleoncrutches. Pheonix. (N)n 'PG'cc (DVS) the hot tub. (N) '14' « Teen Choice2013Honoringthe year's teenicons; DarrenCriss andLucy Haleco-host NewsChannel21 Two and aHalfMen The Big Bang The Big Bang KFXO Bones TheManWith the BoneA300-year- Family Guy '14' cc Family Guy n '14 cc (DVS) (N) n 'PG' cc (FOX) old finger bone.n '14' « (DVS) First on FOX (N) n '14' cc Theory '14' cc Theory '14' cc KOAB Art Beat Presents Outdoor Idaho n «Antiques RoadshowBiloxiSuit wornby Wildlife Safaris Royalbengaltiger in the Masterpiece Mystery! Sherlock,Series II: TheHoundsof Basker- (10:25) Masterpiece Mystery! Sherlock,Series II: TheReichen 'G' cc Olivia de Havilland. Indian jungle.n 'PG'cc ville The Baskerville experiments. '14' cc(DVS) (PBS) bach Fall Moriarty breaksintothe CrownJewels. '14' A m erica's Got Talent Twelve acts perform inNewYork. n 'PG' cc Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Her Crossing Lines Shootings inItalyand NewsChannel 8 at (11:35) Sports KGW NBC Nightly News Inside Edition Weekend(N) 'PG' Negotiationn '14' «(DVS) Sunday (NBC) (N) cc Slovenia. (N)n '14' cc (DVS) 11 (N) cc KTVZDT2 Are WeThere Yet? Are We ThereYet? The King of Queens The King of Queens * "Dungeons &Dragons" (2000, Fantasy)Jeremy Irons, Thora Birch, JustinWhalin. A Seinfeld The Parking Seinfeld n 'PG' cc Rules of Engage- Rules of Engage. 'PG' n 'PG' n 'PG' (CW) 'pG' ment '14' cc ment '14' cc young heroandhis sidekicks battle anevil megalomaniac. « Space n 'PG' OPBPL Doc Martin Blood Is Thicker n 'PG' An y where Alaska n 'G' « Outdoor IdahoEyesof the Forest n M o yers & Company n 'G' cc Circusn 'PG' cc (DVS)

c II



at 6 (N) n « KATU KATU News

Barter Kings Trading up for a "monstrous" Duck Dynasty Frog Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty D u ck Dynasty DuckDynastyAloha,Robertsons!The (10:01) Badlnk (N) (10:31) Badlnk (N) (11:01) Badlnk (11:31) Badlnk 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc '14' cc '14' cc '14' cc '14' cc item. 'PG' cc in One 'PG' entire family vacations inHawaii. 'PG' Breaking Bad Bl o od Money Wal t and Jes(10:04) Low Wi n ter Sun Pi l ot Detecti v es Talking Bad (N) «Breaking Bad Blood BadBuyoutThe future of (6:52) Breaking Bad Walt takescontrol of (7:56) Breaking Bad GlidingOverAll Walt 'AMC (5:48) Breaking Money '14' the business.'14' « business matters. '14' « takes care ofloose ends.'14' sie adjust. (N)'14' « murder a fellowDPDofficer. '14' *ANPL Gator Boys n 'PG' cc GatorBoysJimmyDo-Rifflen'PG' Ca l l-Wildman C a l l-Wildman Call of Wildman Call-Wildman G a tor Boys Errorboat Captain (N)'PG' Call of Wildman Call.Wildman BRAVO TheRealHousewivesofNew Jersey The Real HousewivesofNew Jersey The Real HousewivesofNew Jer sey Eat, Drink, Love ForStarters (N) '14' T h e Real Housewives of NewJersey What Happens H ousewives/NJ CMT (5:30) *** "ShanghaiKnights" (2003,Comedy)Jackie Chan. Premiere. Hillbillies for Hire Blue Collar ComedyTenYearsof *** "Shanghai Knights"(2003,Comedy)JackieChan,OwenWilson,AaronJohnson. CNBC The Twitter Revolution American GreedDealing in Deceit 60 Minutes on CNBC Porn: Business of Pleasure The Profit Car Cash Things- Bug Like NewCarpet CNN Crimes of theCentury OKCBombing Inside ManBankruptcy Crimes of the Century OKCBombing Crimes of the Century OKCBombing Inside ManBankruptcy Crimes of the Century OKCBombing COM (5:56) Futurama (6:27) Futurama (6:58) Futurama (7:29) Futurama Futurama '14' (8:31) Futurama (9:02) Futurama (9:33) Futurama (10:04) Futurama (10:35) Tosh.0 '14' Drunk History '14' (11:37) Tosh.0 '14' COTV Talk of the TownLocal issues Desert Cooking Oregon Extreme Desire Adventure Journal Get Outdoors Visions of NW The YogaShow The Yoga Show Talk of the TownLocal issues. CSPAN British Commons Road to the White House Q&A British Commons Road to the White House Washington ThisWeek *DIS Austin & Ally 'G' Austin & Ally 'G' Good-Charlie Go o d-Charlie Do g With a Blog Austin & Ally 'G'Liv I Maddie 'G' Jesste G « Good-Charlie Good-Charlie Shake It Up! 'G' Shake It Up! 'G' *DISC Jungle Gold BrokenMan'PG' cc Jungle Gold DesperateMeasures'PG' Jungle Gold MadScramble 'PG' cc Jungle Gold: Reclaimed (N)'14' cc J u n gle Gold Deal withthe Devil 'PG' Jungle Gold: Reclaimed n '14' cc *E! Keeping UpWith the Kardashians Ke e ping Up With the Kardashians Ke e ping Up With the Kardashians Keeping UpWith the Kardashians (N) Total Divas (N) '14 Keeping UpWith the Kardashians (N) ESPN (5:00) MLBBaseball TampaBay Raysat LosAngeles Dodgers (N) cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter cc SportsCenter cc ESPN2 MLS Soccer ESPN FC (N)(Live) This Is Sportscenter ESPN FC NASCARRacing Sprint Cup:Cheez-it 355at TheGlen (N) "AmericanMan" (2012,Documentary) « ESPNC American Man 3 0 for 30 cc 30for30 cc American Man"(2012, Documentary) « Nine for IX(N) ESPNN SportsCenter « SportsCenter « Highlight Express Highlight Express Highlight Express Highlight Express Highlight Express Highlight Express ESPNFCPress Pass *** "Despicable Me" (2010,Comedy)Voices of SteveCarell, Jason Segel. *** "Despicable Me" (2010,Comedy)Voices of SteveCarell, Jason Segel. FAM (5:25) *** "Cars" (2006,Comedy)Voices ofOwenWilson, Paul Newman. FNC FOX News Special Stossel Huckabee FOX NewsSpecial Stossel Fox NewsSunday 'FOOD The Shed 'G ' Din ers, Drive Fo o d Court Wars (N) 'G' ChoppedChoppedFamily Feud'G ' F o od Network Star'G(N) ' Cutthroat Kitchen (N)'G' Iron Chef America (N)'G' * "SomethingBorrowed" (2011,Romance-Comedy) Ginnifer Goodwin, KateHudson. * "Something Borrowed" (2011)Ginnifer Goodwin FX (5:30) ** "Just GoWithit" (2011) AdamSandler, Jennifer Aniston. HGTV House Hunters 'G' Hunters Int'I House Hunters 'G' Hunters Int'I Beyond Spelling Manor(N)'G' « House Hunters Renovation 'G' cc Brother vs. Brother (N) G « House Hunters 'G' Hunters Int'I *HIST Mountain Men No WayOut 'PG' « Mountain MenDisaster Strikes 'PG' Mountain MenEndof the Line'PG Mountain MenThin Ice(N)'PG' cc Ice Road Truckers (N) '14' cc Hatfields & Haffields & LIFE (4:30) *** "Mother andChild" ** "Madea's FamilyReunion"(2006)Tyler Perry, Blair Underwood.« Drop DeadDiva(N) 'PG' « (10:01) DeviousMaids(N) 'PG' « (11:02) "Madea'sFamily Reunion" MSNBC Caught onCameraUnusualSuspects Lockup: NewMexico Lockup: NewMexico Lockup: New MexicoLock-upunits Lockup: NewMexico Meet the Press cc *** "8 Mile"(2002) Eminem.n MTV Ridiculousness n Ridiculousness n Girl Code n '14' Girl Code n '14' Caffish: The TVShowCassie 8 Steve Catfish: The TVShow n Caffish: The TVShow Mike &Kristen NICK Sam I Cat n 'G' Sam & Cat n 'G' Hathaways Hathaways See DadRun'PG' Wendell & Vinnie **"The KarateKidPart/I" (1986, Drama)RalphMacchio, Noriyuki "Pat" Morita. n « Friends n 'PG Oprah: WhereAre They Now?'PG' Oprah's Next Chapter n 'PG' « Oprah's Next Chapter (N) n 'PG' Opr ah: Where They Are Now?'PG' O p rah's Next Chapter n 'PG' « OWN Oprah: WhereAre They Now?'PG' Pac-12 Football Timelines Pac-12 Football in 60 Pac-12 Football Pac-12 Classics FromJanuary1, 1991 PAC12 Pac-12 Football in 60 Varsity Days SPIKE Bar Rescue A westernbar. n 'PG Bar Rescue In aPinch n 'PG Bar Rescue n 'PG' Bar Rescue(N) n 'PG' Tattoo Rescue(N) n 'PG' Bar RescueRock'N Roachesn 'PG' SYFY Dawno/the Dead **** "Raiders o/the Lost Ark" (1981,Adventure) Harrison Ford,KarenAllen, PaulFreeman Dawno/the Dead (9:05) *** %diana Jonesand theTemple o/ Doom"(1984, Adventure) Harrison Ford. « TBN Believeryoice C r e flo Dollar 'G' * *"TheHiding Place" (2000)KimHunter. His mother's senility weighsheavily upon a man Touring Israel Retracingthe footstepsof Biblical legends Behind Scenes Bless You Prison I/" (2003, Action) MartinLawrence,Wil Smith, Jordi Molla.Two *** "TheHangover" (2009,Comedy)BradleyCooper, EdHelms, ZachGalifianakis. (10:15) *** "IndependenceDay"(1996,ScienceFiction)Wil Smith, Bill Pullman,Jeff *TBS (5:00) ** "Bad Boys detectives battle a drugkingpin inMiami. « Three palsmustfind a missing groomafter a wild bash. « Goldblum.Earthlingsvs. evil aliens in15-mile-wideships. « sterRoberts"(1955,Comedy)HenryFonda,JackLemmon,JamesCagney. "ABig Handfor the (5 00) **** "TheGrapeso/ Wrath"(1940, Drama)HenryFonda, *** "Fail Safe" (1964,Suspense) Henry Fonda,Walter Matthau, DanO'Herlihy. U S. *** "Mi TCM Jane Darwell, JohnCarradine. cc Ensign andcargoofficer suffer nit-picking captain. « Litt/e Lady" presi dentcannotstopSAC planecuedtobombMoscow.« 'TLC Raising Famen Here Comes B reaking Amish:LA BlackSheep'14 Sister Wives BigBoyPanties n 'PG' S i ster Wives Odd Wife Out (N)'PG' B r e aking Amish: LA (N) ns«e '14' S i s ter Wives Odd Wife Out 'PG' « ** "2 Fast 2Furious" (2003,Action) Paul Walker,Tyrese, Eva Mendes.Twofriends and** "Fast &Furious" (2009)Vin Diesel, PaulWalker. Premiere. Fugitive DomTorretto (10:15) ** "2 Fast 2Furious" (2003,Action) PaulWalker, Tyrese.Twofriends anda 'TNT a U.S. customsagenttry to nail a criminal. «(DVS) and BrianO'Connerresumea feud in Los Angeles. «(DVS) U.S. customsagent try to nail a criminal. «(DVS) "TOON Scooby-Doo!Stage Fright" (2013)Voices of FrankWelker, MindyCohn World of Gumball Looney Tunes King of the Hill n King of the Hilln Cleveland Show Family Guy '14 Bob's Burgers '14' Family Guy '14 'TRAV Food Paradise 'G' cc Magic Man 'PG' Magic Man 'PG' RIDE-iculous 'PG' RIDE-iculous 'PG Adam Richman's Adam Richman's Rock My RV Brkmts Board Best DaymTak BBQ Crawl 'PG' TVLND The GoldenGirls The Golden Girls Hot in Cleveland (7:43) TheGolden Girls n 'PG' cc The GoldenGirls The GoldenGirls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls The GoldenGirls The Golden Girls USA NCIS A blindphotographer. 'PG' « NCIS Dog Tagsn'14' « NCIS AboutFace n '14' « NCIS Murder of anaval officer. n '14' N CIS Till Death Do Us Part n '14 Burn Notice Bitter Pill «(DVS) La La's Life Hol l ywood Exes n '14' La La's Life VH1 Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta n '14' Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta '14 Hollywood Exes n '14' Hollywood Exes(N) n '14' *A&E

ENCR (6:10) ** "Click"2006, ComedyAdamSandler. n 'PG-13' «

The White Queen n 'MA' cc

FUEL UFC Fight Night UFC 21: Florian vs. GomiFromCharlotte, N.C UFC: Johnsonvs. Moraga FXM Dragonbaii-Evo FXM Presents * " S treet Fighter: TheLegendo/ Chun-Li" 2009Kristin Kreuk. 'PG-13' cc GOLF Live From thePGAChampionship Live From thePGAChampionship List" (2010) Jennifer Esposito, David Sutcliffe. 'PG' « HALL *** "The Wish CedarCove A suspiciousdeath.'PG HBO Clear History 2013 (6:45) ** "SnowWhiteand the Huntsman"2012, Fantasy Kristen Stewart. n 'PG-13' sc IFC (5:30) **** "Blade Runner"1982, ScienceFiction Harrison Ford.'R ComedyBang! Comedy Bang! MAX (5:30) "DragonEyes"2012 'R' cc (7:05) ** "Safe House"2012,ActionDenzelWashington. n 'R' cc NBCSN Territories Wild Deer Hunting TV Outdoor Secrets No. Amer. Hunter Shark Hunters TheRight Bite '14'

NGC Drugs, Inc. (N)'14' NTOON SpongeBob SpongeBob OUTD Realtree Outdoors Truth Hunting SHO (5:30) *"TheDarkest Hour" 2011 SPEED PEAK StockCarDreamChallenge 'Y STARZ (5:00) * "That'sMyBoy" 2012'R f TMC (4:35) *** WarHorse"2011 « "WE CSE MiamiDownto the Wire n '14

Inside the AmericanMob(N) '14' Drugs, Inc. '14 SpongeBob Spo ngeBob SpongeBob Sp o ngeBob J.Bushman Show Bone Collector Craig Morgan Red Arrow Dexter A Little Reflection 'MA's«e Ray DonovanHousewarming'MA' My Classic Car Hot Rod TV 'PG' SPEEDCenter Magic City n 'MA' « The Whrte Queen n 'MA' « (7:05) *"The ThreeMusketeers" 2011MatthewMacFadyen. 'PG-13' « CSE Miami GoingBallistic '14' cc CSE Miami Ambush n '14' cc

** "Boomerang"1992, ComedyEddie Murphy. Premiere. n 'R' « The White Queen n MA cc UFC: Jungvs. Poirier FromPatriot Center inFairfax, Va ** "Dragonba//: Evolution" 2009Justin Chatwin. 'PG "Street Fighter:Chun-Li" FXM Presents Golf U.S. Women'sAmateur, Final DayFromCharleston, S.C Reading, Writing &Romance" (2013)Eric Mabius,Virginia Wiliams.'G' « Frasier 'PG' « Fra sier 'PG' « True Blood LifeMatters(N) n 'MA' T h e Newsroom (N) n 'MA' cc True Blood Life Matters 'MA' « * "House o/ 1000Corpses" 2003,Horror Sid Haig, Bill Moseley. 'R "Dance o/the Dead" 2008 'NR' ** "Ameri canReunion"2012,ComedyJasonBiggs.n 'R'« Strike Backn MA cc Shark Hunters '14 Auto Racing ProMazdaSeries Yachting Tour deFrance ala voile Inside the American Mob'14' Drugs, Inc. MotorCity Rush'14' Drugs, Inc. HollywoodHigh'14' NFL RushZone Robot, Monster Back at, Barnyard Back at, Barnyard DannyPhantom Danny Phantom Hunt Adventure Realtree Road Live 2 Hunt Wil d game NationUlt. Adventures The Season Dexter DressCode(N) n 'MA' « Ray DonovanNewBirthday (N) 'MA' Ray DonovanNewBirthday 'MA' Wind Tunnel F o x Sports 1 PEAK StockCarDreamChallenge 'Y' Lucas Oil DragBoat Racing ** "Here ComestheBoom"2012, ComedyKevin James. n 'PG' « (10:50) TheWhite Queen'MA' « *** "Gangs o/New york" 2002Leonardo DiCaprio. A manvowsvengeance on thegangster whokiled his father CSE Miami All In n '14' cc CSE Miami ToKill a Predator n '14' CS E Miami Tunnel Vision '14' cc


THE BULLETIN • AUGUST 10 — 16, 2013 *In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/Black Butte (Digital); PM-Prineville/Madras; SR-Sunriver; L-La Pine ' II I I II I I II I





• II • I (4:30) KATU NewsThis Morning NewsChannel 21 atSunrise KOIN Local 6 at6am KEZI 9 NewsThis Morning First Business AgDay Varied Programs Wild Kratts NewsChannel 8 atSunrise The Daily Buzz America's Hrtl Greener World

II I Good Morning America Today CBS This Morning Good Morning America NewsChannel 21 atSunrise Curious George Cat in the Hat Today Newsline


Th F





AM Northwest Today Let's Make aDeal Rachael Ray The Jeff Probst Show D i n osaur TrainSesameStreet

The View Live! With Kelly and Michael Today Live! With Kelly and Michael The Price Is Right The Youngand the Restless The View Katie The Dr. OzShow Varied Programs Paid Program Super Why! Daniel Tiger S i d the Science WordWorld Ba r ney, Friends The Jeff Probst Show House of Payne House of Payne TheSteveW ilkosShow The JeremyKyleShow The WendyWilliams Show Sit and Be Fit Sew With Nancy Love of Quilting Oil Painting Joy/Painting Second Opinion The Piano Guy Jacques Pepin Cooking School Yoga Stretches It's Sew Easy Knit-Crochet Paint This.Jerry Beads, Baubles Garden Home Curiosity Quest Julia's Kitchen Hubert Keller Sit and Be Fit Sewing Room Knitting Daily Painting Scrapbook Soup Victory Garden American Land Primal Grill Primal Grill Yoga Stretches Sew It All Quilting Arts Paint This.Jerry Everyday Edis Garden Home NY Originals Caprial-Friends Baking/ Julia Cook's Country Sit and Be Fit Sew With Nancy Quilt in a Day Gary Spetz Joy/Painting This Old House Well Read Test Kitchen Bounty Hunter Bounty Hunter Bounty Hunter Criminal Minds Criminal Minds CSI: Miami Dog the Bounty Hu nter Bounty Hunter Bounty Hunter

Teeter HangUps Sheer Cover Bounty Hunter Cooktop Sheer Cover Total Gym Proactiv System Dog the Bounty Hunter Bounty Hunter Bounty Hunter Dog the Bounty Hunter *** Once Upon aTime in America 1984Robert DeNiro. &a More Sex Montel Williams WEN HaiCare r Say No to Pain Total Gym Larry King Spc Low Winter Sun Like NewCarpet WEN Hair Care Three Stooges (:45) *** Bugsy1991, Biography Warren Beatty, AnnetteBening, Harvey Keitel. « 'AMC 102 40 39 No.1 Kitchen More Sex WEN Hair Care Like NewCarpet Protect Family *** The Freshman1990,ComedyMarlon Brando, MatthewBroderick. Premiere Godfather III Th More Sex Montel Williams Say No to Pain DeepClean Three Stooges ** Mobsters 1991Christian Slater, Patrick Dempsey.&a Harlem Nights F Paid Program Nopalea with Paid Program Look Younger! Owner's Manual Owner' sManual ** Johnny Handsome1989 MickeyRourke.Premiere Orangutan Isle Chimp Eden Big Cat Diary Big Cat Diary Varied Programs Animal CopsHouston Animal CopsHouston Pit Bulls and Parolees ANPL 68 50 26 38 The Real Housewives of Miami The Real Housewives of Miami The Real Housewives of Miami The Real Housewives of Miami T h e Real Housewives of Miami T h e Real Housewives of Miami * Mission to Mars2000,ScienceFiction GarySinise, Tim Robbins, DonCheadle Top Chef Top Chef Top Chef Top Chef Top Chef Top Chef Top Chef Top Chef Top Chef Top Chef BRAVO 137 44 Queer Eye for the Straight Guy Queer Eyefor the Straight Guy Queer Eyefor the Straight Guy Queer Eyefor the Straight Guy Q u eer Eye for the Straight Guy Queer Eyefor the Straight Guy Top Chef Top Chef Top ChefMasters Top ChefMasters Eat, Drink, Love Below Deck CMT Music Varied Programs CMT 90 32 42 53 Squawk on theStreet Fast MoneyHalftime Report Power Lunch Street Signs CNBC 54 36 40 52 CNN 55 38 35 48 CNN Newsroom Legal View with Ashleigh Banfield Around the World CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom Hair Restoration Zumba Fit Brazil Butt Lift Transform Tria- Remov Free Money Daily Show Colbert Report Always Sunny (:33) SouthPark ComedyCentral Key I Peele T M Paid Program Paid Program Insanity! Live Longer! SexyBodies Paid Program Colbert Report Always Sunny Comedy Central (:04) * Superstar 1999« Teeter HangUps Say No to Pain Paid Program Insanity! Tummy Tuck Colbert Report Always Sunny (:33) South Park The Half Hour The Jeselnik Off COM 135 53 135 47 W SexyBodies Paid Program Battle Hair Loss Hair Re.Growth No Defrosting Hair Restoration Insanity! ComedyCentral (:22) 30 Rock TF Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Insanity! Proactiv System Colbert Report Always Sunny The Half Hour John Oliver's Stand-UpShow The YogaShow The YogaShow Desert Cooking Oregon The YogaShow The YogaShow Workout: Yoga Workout: Ball Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program COTV CSPAN 61 20 12 (4:00) Washington Journal U.S. House of Representatives Varied Programs 'DIS 87 43 14 39 Little Einsteins Chuggington Octonauts M ickey Mouse Mickey Mouse Never Land Doc McStuffins Sofia the First Varied Programs *DISC 156 21 16 37 Varied Programs James Robison Joyce Meyer Varied Programs Tracy Anderson Brazil Butt Lift Kourtney and KimTake Miami Kourtney and KimTake Miami Kourtney and KimTake Miami Ko u rtney and Kim Take Miami Fashion Police Total Gym WEN Hair Care Total Divas Total Divas Total Divas Keeping UpWith the Kardashians Keeping UpWiththe Kardashians *El Brazil Butt Lift Kardashian Ka r dashian Kardashian Kardashian *** Juno 2007,Comedy-Drama EllenPage,MichaelCera Total Divas 136 25 Tracy Anderson Get Sub D Keeping UpWith the Kardashians Keeping UpWith the Kardashians Keeping UpWith the Kardashians Keeping Up With the Kardashians Keeping UpWiththe Kardashians Get Sub D Sheer Cover The E! TrueHollywood Story Pop Innovators Take Miami T a ke Miami Take Miami Take Miami SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter ESPN 21 23 22 23 First Take First Take Numbers Never Lie (3:00) Mike &Mike T EZ Guitar M A&E 13028 18 32 W Beach Body Th Teeter HangUps F Paid Program

Numbers Never Soccer ATP Tennis First Take ATP Tennis U.S.OpenSeries: Westernand Southern Open, Men'sand Women's Quarterfinals FromCincinnati. (N) (Live) Home Run Home Run Global Supercard Wrestling Global Supercard Wrestling Global Supercard Wrestling Global Supercard Wrestling Global Supercard Wrestling (4:30) Little LeagueBaseball Little LeagueBaseball Little LeagueBaseball Little League Little LeagueBaseball Little LeagueBaseball ESPNC 23 25 123 25 W Little LeagueBaseball Th Little LeagueBaseball College Football College Football Golf College Football Joyce Meyer Varied Programs Boy MeetWorld Boy Meet World Boy MeetWorld Boy Meet World Boy MeetWorld 700/Interactive The 700 Club Gilmore Girls FAM 67 29 19 41 America's Newsroom America Live FNC 57 61 36 50 Happening Now Turn Back Dirty House? Cindy Crawford HealthFood Younger- Skin Paid Program Things- Bug Barbecue Addi Tyler's Ultimate Aarti Party Good Eats Unw rapped Behind the Sc HOPE Fit Sheer Cover WEN Hair Care Proactiv System Grill It! B. Flay Home Made D own Home Sweet Genius *FOOD 177 62 98 44 W Paid Program Paid Program Kate's Skin Proactiv System Floor Appeal Sheer Cover WEN Hair Care Bobby Flay 5 Ingredient Fix Hungry Girl Cupcake Wars Th Top Kitchen! Cooktop Daily deal hAppy Creating Tria- Remov WEN HairCare Get Sub D Emeril's Florida 3Daysto OpenWithBobbyFlay Sweet Genius Hair Removal Nuwave Paid Program Paid Program Losing it! Sheer Cover WEN Hair Care Big Daddy's Challenge CupcakeWars Hair Re-Growth Total Gym *AllAboutSteve2009SandraBullock,ThomasHadenChurch ** BabyMama 2008,ComedyTinaFey,AmyPoehler *** Marley & Me2008 ** You Don't MessWith the Zohan 2008, ComedyAdamSandler, JohnTurturro Total Gym Paid Program ** BabyMama 2008,ComedyTinaFey,AmyPoehler Me, Myself FX 131 Summer Hair WEN Hair Care ** You Don't MessWith the Zohan2008, ComedyAdamSandler, JohnTurturro * Me, Myself & Irene2000,ComedyJim Carrey, ReneeZellweger, ChrisCooper DeepClean Supersmile *** Black HawkDown2001,WarJosh Hartnett, EwanMcGregor, TomSizemor ** Eagle Eye 2008,Action ShiaLaBeouf, Michelle Monaghan Weight Proactiv System ** The Rocker 2008,ComedyRainnWilson, Christina Applegate *TheNew Guy 2002,ComedyD.J.Qualls,ElizaDushku ** Post Grad 2009,ZachGilford ESPN2 22 24 21 24 W Th

First Take

Paid Program Keurig Rivo HGTV 17649 33 43 W

T "HIST 15542 41 36 W h LIFE 138 39 20 31 MSNBC 59 59 12851

Homewreckers Property Virgins Property Virgins Professional Real Estate Cash & Cari Get Sub D Carter Can Candice Tells Bang, Buck Younger- Skin Over Your Head Born Sellers Dear Genevieve Paid Program HammerHeads Selling NY My First Sale First to Fight: Black Tankers The RealWest DeepC!ean Keurig Rivo Civil War Journal Teeter HangUps Modern Marvels Paid Program Like NewCarpet Nopalea with Paid Program Save OurHistory Paid Program Varied Programs Balancing Act Designing The Daily Rundown Jansing and Co



T MTV 19222 38 57 W h

NICK 82 46 24 40 OWN 161103 31 103

Friendzone Full House Dr. Phil

F r i endzone Friendzone Friendzone Fu l l House Dora the Explorer Dr. Phil

Property Virgins Property Virgins Property Virgins Property Virgins Cash & Cari Cash & Cari Cash & Cari Cash & Cari Candice Tells Candice Tells Candice Tells Candice Tells Dear Genevieve Dear Genevieve Dear Genevieve Dear Genevieve My First Sale My First Sale My First Sale My First Sale Wake Island: TheAlamo of the Pacific Food Tech Food Tech Ancient Discoveries Ancient Discoveries Woodstock: Now &Then Modern Marvels Modern Marvels Old Christine F r asier Frasier Frasier MSNBCLive NOWWith Alex Wagner AMTV 16 and Pregnant 16 and Pregnant Girl Code Gir l Code Caffish: The TVShow Girl Code Gir l Code Girl Code Gir l Code Team Umizoomi Team Umizoomi Bubble Guppies Bubbl eGuppies

Property Virgins Property Virgins Cash & Cari C a sh & Cari Love It or List It DearGenevieve Dear Genevieve My First Sale My First Sale Hitler's Family Food Tech Ancient Discoveries Hippies Modern Marvels Frasier Frasier Andrea Mitchell Reports 16 and Pregnant 16 and Pregnant Girl Code Gir l Code Caffish: The TVShow The Challenge: Battle of the Exes SpongeBob S p ongeBob

Property Virgins Property Virgins Cash & Cari C a sh & Cari Love It or List It DearGenevieve Dear Genevieve My First Sale My First Sale Nazi America: ASecret History Food Tech Ancient Discoveries

Dr. Phil

Dr. Phil

Dr. Phil

Dr. Phil

Modern Marvels Will & Grace W i ll & Grace News Nation 16 and Pregnant (:32) Friendzone My SuperSweetSixteen Caffish: The TVShow The Challenge: Battle of the Exes

SpongeBob S p ongeBob

THE BULLETIN • AU GUST 10 — 16, Z013


o II Pac-12 Football





Pac-12 Football in 60



Pac-12 Football



TV • PAGE 9 *In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programmingmayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/Black Butte (Digital); PM-Prineville/Madras; SR-Sunriver; L-La Pine ' ll I I II I I II I

Pac-12 Classics

Pac-12 Football

Pac-12 Football in 60

P C12 47 310310310 W

Th F

Teeter HangUps Vivica Fox Zumba Fit Live Longer! Zumba Fit SPIKE 13231 34 46 W No Defrosting Paid Program Th F Paid Program Battle Hair Loss Say No to Pain Paid Program T More Sex WEN HairCare YFY 33 35 133 45 W Look Younger More Sex Th Paid Program Free F Creflo Dollar John Hagee TBN 05 60 30 *TBS

16 27


01 44

'TLC 78 34 'TNT 17 26 "TOON 84 *TRAV 17951 TVLND 65 47

USA 15 30


DeepC!ean Like NewCarpet Free Money Paid Program

Say No to Pain Insanity! Paid Program CSI: NY CSI: NY CSI: CrimeScene Investigation Proactiv System TummyTuck SexyBodies Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Hip Hop Abs Paid Program Proactiv System Tattoo Night. T a ttoo Night Tattoo Night. T a ttoo Night Tattoo Night. T a ttoo Night Tummy Tuck Insanity! Losing it! World's Wildest Police Videos World's Wildest Police Videos World's Wildest Police Videos Like NewCarpet Paid Program Look Younger Gangland Gangland Gangland Cook Safe Battle Hair Loss Twilight Zone Twilight Zone Black Forest 2012,Fantasy Tinsel Korey, BenCross. « Jack Hunter-Ugarit Paid Program Free Face Off Face Off Face Off Face Off Hollywood Twilight Zone Ghost Hunters Ghost Hunters Ghost Mine Ghost Mine Protect Family Paid Program Heroes ofCosplay * BloodMonkey2007,Horror F.MurrayAbraham,Matt Reeves.A «s ** TheHive 2008 Tom Wopat WEN Hair Care Battle Hair Loss Joe RoganQuestions Everything Joe Rogan Questions Everything Joe Rogan Questions Everything Joe RoganQuestions Everything Joseph Prince This Is Your Day Believeryoice Varied Programs Behind Scenes Varied Programs James Robison Today Married... With Married... With My Name IsEarl My Name IsEarl Fresh Prince Fresh Prince House of Payne Meet, Browns Fresh Prince Fresh Prince Engagement Engagement 28 ** Un flic 1972AlainDelon, CatherineDeneuve. Premiere ** Le sauva e1975 (4:45) Repulsion (:45) *** Mississippi Mermaid 1969Jean-Paul Belmondo, Catherine Deneuve *** Boys Town 1938,DramaSpencerTrac . «(DVS) *** Strike Up the Band 1940Micke Roone, Judy Garland. « Midsummer (:45) *** A Family Affair 1937Lionel Bar more 01 29 W *** Dangerous1935, Drama Bette Davis. « *** The Petrified Forest1936 LeslieHoward *** Jezebel 1938,DramaBette Davis, HenryFonda. «(DVS) *** The Letter 1940 cc Th (:15) *** The Valley of Decision1945, Drama Greer Garson, cc (:15) *** Spellbound1945 IngridBergman,Gregory Peck. cc (:15) *** Designing Woman1957GregoryPeck. cc(DVS) All Brothers *** The Great Caruso1951 MarioLanza,AnnBlyth. cc (:45) *** The King's Thief 1955AnnBlyth. cc (:15) ** Rose Marie1954, MusicalAnnBlyth, HowardKeel. A «s 19 Kids and V a ried Programs Baby's First Day Rm-Multiples A Baby Story A Baby Story A Baby Story A Baby Story K now-Pregnant Know-Pregnant Four Weddings 32 34 Smallville Charmed Charmed Supernatural Supernatural Supernatural 15 27 Tom & Jerry Scooby Ben 10 Beyblade-Metl Pokemon BW NinjaGo: Mstrs Annoying Var i ed Programs 45 42 Varied Programs Paid Program Varied Programs Destination Destination Va r ied Programs Health Forum Cindy Crawford Say No toPain WEN HairCare Gunsmoke (:10) Gunsmoke (:20) Gunsmoke Gunsmoke T M Nopalea with HOPE Fit Forever Young Montel Williams 29 35 W DeepC!ean No Defrosting Protect Family WEN Hair Care Nopalea with Paid Program Sheer Cover Montel Williams T F Cindy Crawford WEN Hair Care Paid Program Paid Program Gunsmoke Gunsmoke Gunsmoke Covert Affairs Suits ** Runnin Scared 2006PaulWalker. A un winds u in the wron hands. « ** Miami Vice 2006Colin Farrell. « Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit ***No CountforOldMen2007Tomm LeeJones,JavierBardem.« *** 3:10 to Yuma2007 Russell Crowe. « 23 30 W Royal Pains Necessary Roughness Graceland Law & Order: Criminal Intent Burn Notice Burn Notice Burn Notice Burn Notice SummerCamp SummerCamp House Law & Order: Criminal Intent Law & Order: Criminal Intent CSI: CrimeScene Investigation VH1 Plus Music VH1 Plus Music VH1 Plus Music VH1 Plus Music VH1 Plus Music Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta Stomp the Yard 2: Homecoming Couples Therapy La La's Life La La's Life

191 48 37 54 W T

Morning Drive

Morning Drive

GOLF 28 301 27 301 Th (4:00) Morning Drive

NBCSN 27 58 30 209 W h

Wicked Tuna DoomsdayPreppers NGC 157 157 Diggers Diggers Bid & Destroy Bid & Destroy Brain Games Brain Games NTOON 89 115189115 Power Rangers The Mighty B! Winchester Leg Paid Program Ultimate Hunting OUTD 37 307 43 307 W Whitetail Mag Hunting's.Secret h Archer's Choice Paid Program F Mathews

Wicked Tuna

Wicked Tuna DoomsdayPreppers DoomsdayPreppers Diggers Diggers Diggers Diggers Bid & Destroy Bid & Destroy Bid & Destroy Bid & Destroy Brain Games Brain Games Brain Games Brain Games The Mighty B! Random! Cart Random! Cart Supah Nin'as Drop Zone Hunting's-Secret Cabela's Beyond the Hunt Ducks Unlimited EZ Guitar Red Arrow Commander Trophy Hunt Paid Program RealTree's Realtree Team Elk Addicted, Out. The Flush Reel, Outdoors The Bassmasters Primal Instinct


TV Crossword 2

3 ~


5 « 6


8 8 9

12 8 16


17 19










30 31s

29 32






PGA Tour Golf

Golden Girls Outdoors Blue Collar Adv Bill Dance Larysa Unleash Outdoor Secrets Alaska State Troopers

Home & Family Bill Dance Blue Collar Adv Whitetail Diaries Outdoors Nock Out Border Wars

Seasons on Fly NA Hunter Wild Skies O'Neill Outside Territories Wild

Outdoor Secrets Adventures Deer Hunting TV Love of the Hunt Deadl Passion Colle iate Fish Intrepid Outdr Outdoor Secrets Whitetail SLAM Fishing/Martin Wild Justice

Supah Ninjas Ducks Unlimited Showcase Raglin Outdoors Trophy Quest Speargun Hunt

Adven./Jimmy Mathews Excalibur's Out High Places Headhunters TV Huntin' World

T.U.F.F. Pupp Ram Outdoors Magnum TV SOLO Hunters L.L. BeanGuide Steve's Outdoor

T.U.F.F. Puppy T.U.F.F. Puppy Dirt Trax TV Fisher's ATV Hank Parker Craig Morgan Primal Instinct Winchester Leg Whitetail Mag King of Bucks Outdoors TV Bucks Tec.

Golf Central Pregame Golf Central G o lf Solheim Cup, DayOneFromParker, Colo. (N) (Live) I Love Lucy I L ove Lucy I L o ve Lucy I L o ve Lucy Go l den Girls G o lden Girls Golden Girls The DanPatrick Show The Box Score

HALL 66 33 175 33


Golf Golf Central Special Golf Central Special Golf U.S. Amateur, Day 2FromThe Country Club inBrookline,Mass.

0 33



3 6 .',










Unscramble the letters noted with asterisks within the puzzle to identify the featured celebrity.

S t a nding" 1. "Last 4. "Gary Unmarried" star 8. "According to 11. Ms. Larter 12. Woody's boy Ledg e "; Sam 13. "Man Worthington film 14. Series for Adam Pally (2) 17. "Semi- "; 2008 movie for Will Ferrell 18. Suffix for Nepal or Japan 19. Actress Dunaway 21. "World Cup Live" network 24. Initials for Loggia 25. " Law" (1986-94) 26. Series for Josh Randall,

once 27. Hesitater's syllable 28. Bananas 30. Encourage

Adven./Jimmy Winchester The Season Mathew's Dom The Hunt Best of West

32. Estes or Lowe 34. "Ice "; blockbuster movie of 2002 35. Actor on "Two and a Half Men," once (2) 41. "Peter 42. "The Man From "; 1934 John Wayne film 43. Heflin or Johnson 44. " the Dust"; 2006 Donald Sutherland film 45. Catch sight of 46. Before, to a poet

DOWN -jongg 1. 2. Lionel Richie's state of birth: abbr. 3. Like rather chilly weather 4. Bread spread, for short 5. Uranium or silver 6. Nancy Grace's network

«Tvvo T o g ether"; 1961 James Stewart movie 8. Rashida of "Parks and Recreation" 9. Suffix for think or stink 10. Kettle and Bell 15. "To Catch a "; Chris Hansen series 16. "Eight 19. Mertz or Flintstone 20. 1974 best lead actor in a comedy series Emmy winner 22. Stopper 23. "My Is Earl" 29. Marie Barone's hubby 31. Late Christopher 33. " Bloods" 34. Pale-faced 35. Expert with figures, for short 7.

36. "Olympus F a l len" 37. " Always Sunny in Philadelphia"

38. Poe's monogram 39. Cochlea's place 40. 90 degrees from VVNW



Solution Jay Leno

PAGE 10 • TV

THE BULLETIN • AUGUST 10 — 16, 2013 *In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/Black Butte (Digital); PM-Prineville/Madras; SR-Sunriver; L-La Pine

WEEKDAY AFTERNOON II The Chew Anderson Live myWindow The Chew TMZ Varied Programs NewsChannel8 Paid Program T Battle Hair Loss M



Q W Floor Appeal Th Paid Program F hAppy Creating Roadtrip Nation Rudy Maxa




II General Hospital Days of our Lives B o l d/BeautifulThe Talk General Hospital Extra America's Funniest HomeVideos Charlie Rose Be a Millionaire Days of our Lives Paid Program Facelift Secrets Paid Program

Arthritis pain? Facelift Secrets HOPE Fit Woodshop Antiques Roadshow Rough Cut-Mac The LawrenceWelk Show Burt Wolf Woodwright History Detectives Th Travelscope Woodsmith Moyers &Company Wild Photo Adv Woodshop The This OldHouseHour M CSE Miami Criminal Minds




The Ricki Lake Show


The Dr. OzShow Dr. Phil The Dr. OzShow Little House onthe Prairie Andy Griffith A n dy Griffith Judge J. Brown Judge J. Brown Katie The Doctors The Ricki Lake Show Clifford-Dog B o b the BuilderMartha Speaks Cat in the Hat Katie The Ellen DeGeneresShow We There Yet? We ThereYet? The Bill CunninghamShow

KATU NewsFirst at Four The Ellen DeGeneresShow I Love Lucy I L ove Lucy Judge Judy J u dge Judy The People's Court Arthur WordGirl NewsChannel 8 at4PM Meet, Browns Meet, Browns



KATU Newsat 5 World News News Nightly News News Evening News KEZI 9 News World News Friends Friends Wild Kratts Ele ctric Comp NewsChannel 8 Nightly News The WendyWilliams Show

Total Gym Paid Program

Asian Voices Tavis Smiley Asia This Week Arab American

Land of Dragon Beyond 3/11 Criminal Minds


The First 48

Nightly Business PBS NewsHour

The First 48

Eat! Drink Italy Caprial-John Chefs A'Field Christina Cooks Ciao Italia The First 48

Julia/Jacques Simply Ming ChefJohn Besh Julia's Kitchen Hubert Keller

T 30 28 18 32 W

Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty The First 48 Bounty Hunter Bounty Hunter Dog the Bounty Hunter Dog the Bounty Hunter Bounty Hunter Bounty Hunter Bounty Hunter Bounty Hunter Bount Hunter Bounty Hunter *** Cop Land 1997,CrimeDramaSylvester Stallone, Harvey Keitel. « (10:00) *** Once Upon aTime in America1984, CrimeDramaRobert DeNiro, JamesWoods. « Next of Kin 1989 **** The Godfather 1972Marlon Brando, Al Pacino. « (9:45) Bugsy (:45) *** Eastern Promises 2007ViggoMortensen, NaomiWatts. Premiere. As Low Winter Sun *AMC 02 40 39 (11:30) *** The Godfather, Part ffl 1990Al Pacino. Adignified donjoins his wild nephewin a Sicilian vendetta. « **** The Godfather, Part I 1974, CrimeDramaAl Pacinc, Robert Duvall. « *** The Usual Suspects1995 ss (11:45) ** Harlem Nights 1989Eddie Murphy, RichardPryor (:15) ** City Heat 1984,CrimeDramaClint Eastwood,Burt Reynolds.Premiere ** Hoodlum 1997LaurenceFishburne. A Harlemgangster andthe infamous DutchSchultz gotowar Low Winter Sun *** Scarface 1983,CrimeDramaAlPacino, Michelle Pfeiffer. Aa Caff-Wildman Caff-Wildman ANPL 68 50 26 38 Pit Boss Untamedand Uncut North WoodsLaw: Onthe Hunt SwampWars Varied Programs Gator Boys: Xtra Bites Hot Listings Miami What Happens What Happens Eat, Drink, Love Below Deck Below Deck Below Deck (11:30) TopChef What Happens Property Envy Interior Therapy With Jeff Lewis Interior Therapy With Jeff Lewis Below Deck H o usewives Top Chef The Real Housewives of NewJersey Housewives/NJ Housewives/NJ Housewives/NJ BRAVO 137 44 WhatHappens Housewives/NJ Queer Eyefor the Straight Guy Below Deck Million Dollar Listing: Los Angeles Million Dollar Listing: Los Angeles Inside the Actors Studio Hell's Kitchen Hell's Kitchen Hell's Kitchen (11:00) *** Jerry Maguire 1996 TomCruise, CubaGoodin Jr Reba Reba Extreme Makeover: HomeEdition Extreme Makeover: Home Edition * * * Mrs. Doubtfire1993 RobinWiliams. Anestranged dadposes asa nanny to be with his children. o Bee The Singing Bee *** Three MenandaBaby1987,ComedyTom Selleck,S eve Guttenberg.Premiere. CMT 19032 42 53 W CMT Music The Singing Hell's Kitchen Hell's Kitchen Hell's Kitchen Hell's Kitchen Hell's Kitchen World's Strictest Parents World's Strictest Parents World's Strictest Parents Nanny 911 Nanny 911 CNBC 54 36 40 52 Closing Bell Closing Bell With Maria Bartiromo FastMoney Varied Programs MadMoney The Kudlow Report Varied Programs (11:00) CNN Newsroom The LeadWith JakeTapper The Situation Room Erin Burnett OutFront AndersonCooper360 CNN 55 38 35 48 Key 8 Peele K e y & Peele Key 8 Peele K e y & Peele (:10) ** Youth in Revolt 2009Michael Cera, Portia Doubleday,JeanSmart. « (:18) Futurama (4:49) Futurama Always Sunny (11:04) * Superstar 1999aa (:07) Tosh.0 ( : 38) Tosh.0 (:09) Tosh.0 ( : 40) Tosh.0 ( : 12) Tosh.0 ( : 44) Tosh.0 (:16) Futurama (4:48) Futurama Always Sunny COM 135 53 13547 W (:03) Without a Paddle: Nature's Calling 2009Oliver James.44 (:14) South Park South Park (:17) South Park South Park (: 1 9) Futurama(4:50) Futurama Always Sunny T (11:56) 30Rock (:29) 30 Rock (:12) South Park (:44) South Park (:02) ** Turner 8 Hooch1989, ComedyDramaTomHanks. Aa (:16) Futurama (4:48) Futurama Always Sunny (11:46) ** Weekend at Bernie's 1989AndrewMcCarthy. cc (1:53) ** Walk Hard: TheDewey CoxStory 2007JohnC. Reily (4:47) Futurama Always Sunny (:15) Futurama Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Art Fly Fishing Extreme Desire Adv Journal G e t Outdoors V i sions of NWCity Edition Paid Program COTV CSPAN 61 20 12 (11:00) U.S.Houseof Representatives U.S. House ofRepresentatives Varied Programs Good-Charlie Good-Charlie Good-Charlie Good-Charlie Phineas, Ferb A.N.T. Farm A.N.T. Farm A.N.T. Farm Austin 8 Ally D o g With a Blog Dog With a Blog Dog With a Blog Gravity Falls Gravity Falls A.N.T. Farm A.N.T. Farm Shake It Up! Shake It Up! Shake It Up! Austin & Ally Austin 8 Ally Austin & Ally *DIS 87 43 14 39 W Jessie Jessie Austin & Ally Austin & Ally Austin & Ally Good-Charlie Good-Charlie Good-Charlie Jessie Good-Charlie Good-Charlie Jessie Jessie Jessie Shake It Up! Shake It Up! Shake It Up! T Jessie Austin & Ally Austin & Ally Austin & Ally Austin & Ally Dog With a Blog Dog With a Blog Dog With a Blog ** The Adventures of Sharkboy anda Lvagirl n Phineas, Ferb Moonshiners Moonshiners Moonshiners Moonshiners Moonshiners Moonshiners Amish Mafia Amish Mafia Amish Mafia Amish Mafia Amish Mafia 'DISC 15621 16 37 W Amish Mafia Saint Hoods Saint Hoods Tickle Porter Ridge Jungle Gold Jungle Gold U.S. DrugWars Texas DrugWars Mythgusters Saint Hoods Saint Hoods Gold Rush Warlocks Rising Warlocks Rising Warlocks Rising Amish Mafia Amish Mafia Saint Hoods E! News Sex and the City Sex and the City Sex and the City Sex and the City Keeping UpWith the Kardashians Keeping UpWith the Kardashians Total Divas *** Juno2007,Comedy-Drama EllenPage,MichaelCera ** Made of Honor 2008 *El Keeping UpWith the Kardashians Total Divas ** Shallow Hal 2001Gwyneth Paltrow. 136 25 W Sex and the City Take Miami T a k e Miami Ta k e Miami Tru e Hollywood Total Divas T The Soup Kee p ing Up With the Kardashians ** * Ever After: A Cinderella Story1998 NFL Insiders NFL Live Around the Horn Interruption SportsCenter MLB Basebal lLosAngelesAngelsofAnaheim atNew YorkYankees SportsCenter Nine for IX ESPN 21 23 22 23 W SportsCenter Baseball Ton. MLB Baseball: Pirates at Cardinals SportsCenter MondayNightCountdown NFL Football Th Little LeagueBaseball World Series: TeamsTBA (N)(Live) sa SportsCenter Special Little LeagueBaseball SportsNation Questionable O utside Lines Football Live ESPN FC Around the Horn Interruption SportsCenter Special NFL Yearbook NFL Yearbook Little LeagueSoftball First Semifinal: TeamsTBA FromPortland, Ore. ESPN2 22 24 21 24 W (11:25) Soccer Bosnia-Herzegovina vs. UnitedStates ESPN FC SportsNation NFL Kickoff Nine for IX Little LeagueBaseball World Series: TeamsTBA(N) (Live) « Little LeagueBaseball World Series: TeamsTBA(N) (Live) « Th ATP Tennis ATP Tennis ATP Tennis Global SupercardWrestling Global SupercardWrestling Global SupercardWrestling Global SupercardWrestling Global SupercardWrestling Battle of the NetworkStars (11:30) Little LeagueBaseball Little LeagueBaseball Global Supercard Wrestling ESPNC 23 25 12325 W Little LeagueBaseball Little LeagueBaseball Little LeagueBaseball Little LeagueBaseball Little LeagueBaseball College Football College Football White Shadow Th (11:00) College Football Friday Night Lights That '70s Show That '70s Show That'70s Show That'70s Show FAM 67 29 19 41 Fuff House Fuff House Fuff House Fuff House Reba Reba Reba Reba The O'Reiffy Factor FNC 57 61 36 50 Studio B With ShepardSmith Your World With Neil Cavuto The Five Special Report With Bret Baier FOX Report With ShepardSmith B'foot Contessa B'foot Contessa Money Saving Dollar Dinners Secrets 30-Minute Meals Giada at Home Giada at Home B'foot Contessa B'foot Contessa Pioneer Wo. B a rbecue Addi. Trisha's Sou. 'FOOD 17762 98 44 W Sandwich King Trisha's Sou. Th Sandra Lee *A&E


CupcakeWars FX






(11:00) *** Marley 8 Me2008 OwenWilson ** Just Go With It 2011AdamSandler. A man's careless lie spins out of control How I Met How I Met Two/Half Men (11:30) * Me,Myself & Irene2000JimCarrey, ReneeZellweger Two/Half Men Two/Half Men * * * Kung Fu Panda2008Voices of Jack Black,Angelina Jolie How I Met *** Black HawkDown2001, WarJoshHartnett, Ewan McGregor,TomSizemore ** Eagle E e 2008,ActionShiaLaBeouf, Michelle Mona han, Rosario Dawson *** The Simpsons Movie 2007Voices of DanCastellaneta. Eagle Eye 2008 How I Met How I Met How I Met How I Met Two / Half Men T wo/Half Men (11:00) ** Post Grad 2009 Two/Half Men Two/Half Men * * * Superbad 2007,ComedyJonahHill, Michael Cera,Christopher Mintz-Plasse How I Met How I Met

Two/Half Men How I Met Anger Two/Half Men How I Met

THE BULLETIN • AU GUST 10 — 16, Z013



TV • PAGE 11 *In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. / Sports programmingmayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/Black Butte (Digital); PM-Prineville/Madras; SR-Sunriver; L-La Pine

x g ~ li 68 I 68 I 68 g 68 I Flea Market Flip Flea Market Flip Flea Market Flip Flea Market Flip Flea Market Flip Flea Market Flip Flea Market Flip Flea Market Flip Flea Market Flip Flea Market Flip M T Curb Appeal C urb Appeal Curb/Block Cu r b/Block Cur b/Block Curb/Block Cu r b/Block Cur b/Block Curb Appeal C u rb A eal HGTV 176 49 33 43 W Property Brothers Property Brothers Property Brothers Property Brothers Property Brothers Th Love It or List It, Too Love It or List It, Too Love It or List It, Too Love It or List It, Too Love It or List It, Too F Extreme Homes Extreme Homes Extreme Homes Extreme Homes Extreme Homes Nazi America: A Secret History American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers Food Tech Food Tech Food Tech Modern Marvels 101 Fast Foods that Chan ed the World *HIST 155 42 41 36 W Ancient Discoveries Ancient Discoveries Ancient Discoveries Ancient Discoveries Ancient Discoveries Ancient Discoveries Haffields & Ha t fields & Pa w n Stars Pa wn Stars Pa w n Stars Pa wn Stars Pawn Stars P a wn Stars Pawn Stars P a wn Stars Th Haffields & McCoys:White Modern Marvels Modern Marvels Modern Marvels Modern Marvels Modern Marvels Modern Marvels Will & Grace W i ll & Grace How I Met How I Met Grey 's Anatomy Grey's Anatomy Wife Swap Wife Swap LIFE 13 39 20 31 MSNBC 59 59 28 51 TheC cle Martin Bashir Hardball With Chris Matthews Pol i ticsNation Hardball With Chris Matthews Aff In With Chris Ha es (:04) 16 andPregnant Parental Control Parental Control (:13) Parental Control Parental Control Parental Control Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness T (:04) Friendzone (:37) Friendzone (:09) Friendzone (:41) Catch UpWith the Girls of Teen Mom3 (2:46) Catfish: The TVShow (3:50) Catfish: The TVShow (4:55) Catfish: The TVShow MTV 192 22 38 57 W My SuperSweetSixteen My SuperSweetSixteen My SuperSweetSixteen Most MassiveMeltdowns My SuperSweetSixteen (22) Girl Code (4:55) Girl Code (:27) Girl Code Th (:04) Catfish: The TV Ridiculousness Ridiculousness (:13) Ridiculousness Ridiculousness (:18) Pranked (3:50) Pranked (:22) Pranked (4:55) Pranked (:27) Pranked Show The Chaffen e: Battle of the Exes The Chaffen e: Battle of the Exes The Chaffen e: Battle of the Exes The Chaffen e: Battle of the Exes The Chaffen e: Battle of the Exes The Chaffen e: Battle of the Exes Spon eBob S p on eBob Spon eBob Spon eBob Varied Programs Spon eBob S p on eBob Spon eBob S p on eBob NICK 82 46 24 40 Dr. Phil Aff My Children One Life to Live Main Street M a i n Street Ma i n Street Ma i n Street Main Street M a i n Street Main Street M a i n Street M T Solved: ExtremeForensics Solved: ExtremeForensics Solved: ExtremeForensics Solved: ExtremeForensics OWN 16 103 31 03 W Double Life Double Life Double Life Double Life Th Unusual Suspects Unusual Suspects Unusual Suspects Unusual Suspects F *** Waiting to Exhale1995WhitneyHouston. FourPhoenix womenbondwhile pursuin romance. rr ** The Bodyguard1992, DramaKevin Costner rr cc Pac.12 Football in 60 Women's CollegeSoccer College Soccer Pac.12 Football in 60 M T



House Hunters Hunters Int'I

PAC1 2 47 310310310 W

Pac-12 Football Encore


World's Wildest Police Videos W orld's Wildest Police Videos C o ps CSI: CrimeSceneInvestigation Cops Cops Cops Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Tattoo Rescue Tattoo Rescue Tattoo Rescue Ink Master Ink Master Ink Master Ink Master Ink Master World's Wildest Police Videos World's Wildest Police Videos Cops Jail Cops Cops Co s Cops Gangland Gangland (2:56) ** Fantastic Four 2005,Action loanGruffudd,Jessica Alba, Chris Evans. rr Batman Begins ** Lost Treasure ofthe GrandCanyon2008 ShannenDoherty. cc **** Raiders of the Lost Ark1981, AdventureHarrison Ford, KarenAllen Indiana Jones Face Off Face Off Face Off Face Off Face Off Ghost Mine Ghost Mine Ghost Mine Face Off 11:00 ** The Hive 2008 « Camel Spiders 2011,Horror BrianKrause, C.Thomas Howell. 60 Dra on Wasps2012Corin Nemec,Dominika Juilet. « Narnia: Prince Caspian * Sinbad and the Minotaur 2011ManuBennett, StevenGrives *2010: Mob Dick2010 Bar Bostwick, ReneeO'Connor. « Heroes of Cospla Pirates of the Caribbean The 700 Club John Hagee V a ried Programs Praise the Lord Varied Programs Potter's Touch Behind Scenes Varied Programs Accordi ng-Jim Love-Raymond American Dad American Dad Wipeout Cougar Town Friends Friends Friends Friends King of Queens (11:00) ** Le sauvage1975 *** The Last Metro1980 CatherineDeneuve, GerardDepardieu The Umbrellas of Cherbourg 1964 (:15) *** I'm Going Home2001 Michel Piccoli. Premiere **Quicksand1950MickeRoone .« ** The Strip1951 Micke Roone . « ** Girl Craz 1943 « (:15) **Summer Holida 1948, MusicalMicke Roone . « The Letter1940 (:45) *** Now, Voyager1942, DramaBette Davis. «(DVS) (:45) **** Watch on the Rhine1943Bette Davis, PaulLukas. « (:45) Carson onTC *** Captain Horatio Hornblower1951Gregory Peck. « *** The Macomber Affair (:15) *** The Guns ofNavarone1961,WarGregory Peck,DavidNiven, AnthonyQuinn, es *** Brute Force 1947Burt Lancaster. « ** Slander1957 VanJohnson,AnnBlyth *** Mildred Pierce 1945 (:45) *** Killer McCoy1947Mickey Rooney,Brian Donlevy. cc What Not to Wear Table for 12 Table for 12 Cake Boss Ca k e Boss Cake Boss Ca k e Boss Cake Boss Ca k e Boss Cake Boss Ca k e Boss Little Couple L i t tle Couple Little Couple L i t tle Couple Little Couple L i t tle Couple Little Couple L i t tle Couple LongIslandMedium On theRoad What Not to Wear Four Weddings Four Weddings Wedding Island Say Yes,Dress Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Say Yes,Dress Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Bones Bones Bones Bones Castle Castle Tom 8 Jerr Hole in the Wall Varied Pro rams Codename:Kids Johnn Test Jo h nn Test Wrld, Gumbaff Total Drama Incredible Crew Adventure Time Varied Programs Bourdain: No Reservations Street Eats Bizarre Foods/Zimmern Man v. Food M an v. Food M'A'S*H M*A*S*H Gunsmoke Bonanza Bonanza (:40) Gunsmoke (1:50) Gunsmoke *A*S*H (:09) M M'A'5'H M*A*S'H

CSI: CrimeSceneInvestigation Bar Rescue SPIKE 132 31 34 46 W Tattoo Night. T a ttoo Night World's Wildest Police Videos Gangland Jack Hunter-Ugarit Face Off Ghost Mine SYFY 133 35 133 45 W Ghost Mine TBN 205 60 130 'TBS 16 27 28

TCM 10 44 101 29 W M

T *TLC 178 34 32 34 W T

'TNT 17 26 15 27 *TOON 84 *TRAV 179 51 45 42 TVLND 6

47 29 35 W Th

:09 M*A*S*H

(:10) Gunsmoke M (10:30) ** Miami Vice2006 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit USA 1

30 23 30 W (10:30) *** 3:10 to Yuma2007 Th Burn Notice

(:20) Gunsmoke NCIS Law & Order: Special Victims Unit NCIS

Bonanza NCIS Law & Order: Special Victims Unit NCIS

Bonanza NCIS Law & Order: Special Victims Unit NCIS

*A*S*H (:39) M

NCIS Law & Order: Special Victims Unit NCIS

*A*S*H (:16) M NCIS Law & Order: Special Victims Unit NCIS

CSE CrimeSceneInvestigation CSE CrimeSceneInvestigation CSE CrimeSceneInvestigation CSE CrimeScene Investigation Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit T.l. and Tiny M arrying, Game Hollywood Exes Couples Therapy Love & Hip HopAtlanta: Dirty Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta Love & HipHop:Atlanta La La's Life (:40) Behind theMusic (:45) Behind theMusic (3:50) Love &Hip Hop:Atlanta (4:55) Love &Hip Hop:Atlanta VH1 191 48 37 54 W Stomp the Yard 2: Homecoming Love & Hip Hop:Atlanta 100 Greatest Songs of the '90s 1 0 0 Greatest Songs of the '90s 100 Greatest Songs of the '90s 100 Greatest Songs of the '90s 15 *** Clueless1995, Comed Alicia Silverstone, Stace Dash, Brittan Mur h n Th Jerse Shore 05 Jerse Shore (:10) Jerse Shore Couples Thr Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta T.l. and Tiny M arrying, Game Marrying, Game (:40) CouplesTherapy (:45) CouplesTherapy (4:50) *** Risky Business 1983 (10:00) Golf Golf Central The Golf Fix ACE Shootout Celebrity Skills Golf Central G o lf Central Special Inside PGATour Learning Center Golf's Greatest Rounds GOLF 2 301 27 301 W Inside PGATour Learning Center Golf U.S. Amateur, Day1 From The Country Club in Brookline, Mass. School of Golf Inside PGA Tour On the Range Th (11:00) PGA Tour Golf WyndhamChampionship, First Round (N)(Live) Solheim CupOpening Ceremony Golf Central P G A Tour Golf PGA TourGolf WyndhamChampionshi, Second Round (N) Live) Golf Solheim Cup,DayOneFromParker, Colo. N Live Marie Marie The Waltons The Waltons The Waltons Little House on thePrairie HALL 6 33 17533 Whitetail SLAM Wild Skies FLW Outdoors Pro Football Talk The Crossover The Crossover Premier LeagueClassics ONTV Outdoor Secrets Outdoors Out d oors Larysa Unleash Charlie Moore King of Wake Hooked Up H o oked Up Saltwater Exp. Into the Blue NBCSN 27 58 30 209 W Blitz TV Biff Dance Fantasy Ftb Premier League Match Pack Th FLW Outdoors Gymnastics U.S.Championships Biff Dance Bli t z TV Motorsports Hour The Crossover League Preview MLS Insider Lockdown Lockdown Eyewitness War Eyewitness War Eyewitness War Eyewitness War Inside the VietnamWar Border Wars Border Wars Border Wars DoomsdayPreppers BuggedOut DoomsdayPreppers DoomsdayPreppers BuggedOut NGC 157 157 Diggers Diggers Diggers Diggers Family Beef F a mily Beef Diggers: Juiced Diggers: Juiced Diggers Diggers Diggers Diggers Surviving Alcatraz Drugs, Inc Drugs, Inc Inside the American Mob Prison Women Drugs, Inc Lost Gold of the DarkAges: Re GoldRushGhostShips Brain Games Brain Games Diggers Diggers StonehengeDecoded: Revealed Area 51 Declassified The Penguins Back, Barnyard Back, Barnyard Back, Barnyard Back, Barnyard Legend-Korra Avatar: Air Digimon: Digital Yu-Gi-Oh! NTOON 89 115189115 Danny Phantom Power Rangers The Penguins Gold Fever Alaska Outdoors Hunting TV Dobbs Alive Cabela's Bow Madness Archer's Choice Headhunters TV Whitetail Freaks Legends of Fall Gregg Ritz Truth Hunting Hunt Adventure Hunting, Country Bone Collector Trophy Hunt Hank Parker The Hit List Legends of Fall Ted Nugent Cuddeback's Outdoors TV Ted Nugent OUTD 37 30743 307 W Your Wea on Shootin USA Red Arrow Commander Tracks, Africa Optik Quests Amer. Rifleman Your Weapon Gun Nuts Gun Stories Shootin USA Live 2 Hunt B e y ond the Hunt Ultimate Huntin Driven TV Dream Season Drop Zone Addicted, Out Biologic/Drury Grateful Nation High Places Beyond the Hunt The Hunt Ult. Adventures The Hit List WildgameNtn Realtree Realtree Road Whitetail Freaks The Crush Gregg Ritz SOLO Hunters Sasquatch Trip GoneBad Winchester Leg.

PAGE 12 • TV

THE BULLETIN • AUGUST 10 — 16, 2013 *In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/Black Butte (Digital); PM-Prineville/Madras; SR-Sunriver; L-La Pine



c II


















Jeopardy! n 'G' « Wheel of Fortune CMA Music Festival: Country's Night to Rock Highlights ofthe four-dayevent featuringcountry musicstars; Little Big KATU Newsat11 (11:35) Jimmy 'Q' cc Town hosts. (N) n 'PG' « Kimmel Live '14 (ABC) (N)n cc Jeopardy! n 'G' ccWheel of Fortune American Ninja Warrior MiamiFinals Get Out Alive With Bear Grylls The Siberia Esther is subjected to averbal NewsChannel 21 Tonight Show KTVZ O O O O NewsChannel 21 at 6 (N) cc 'Q' cc (N) 'PG' (NBC) Tough GetGoing(N) n 'PG' cc attack. (N) n '14' cc at11 (N) cc Wi t h Jay Leno AccessHollywood Who WantstoBe New Adventures 30 Rock St. Valen How I MetYour Mike & Molly n 2 Broke Girls n Mike & Molly n Under the DomeJunior learns thetruth KOIN Local6at11 Late Show With KBNZ '14' cc '14' cc '14' cc (N) 'PG' a Millionaire o fOld Christinetine's Day'14' Mother n '14' David Letterman (CBS) about hismom.(N) '14' « (N) cc omg! Insider (N) n CMAMusic Festival: Country's Night to Rock Highlights ofthe four-dayeventfeaturing country musicstars; Little Big KEZI 9 News at (11:35) Jimmy KOHD O O O O KEZI9Newsat KEZI9Newsat Entertainment 'PQ' cc Town hosts. (N) n 'PG' « (ABC) 6:00 (N) « 6:3 0 (N) « Toni ght (N) 'PG 11:00 (N) « Kim mel Live '14' Two and aHalf The Big Bang The Big Bang Raisin g Hopen Rais ingHopen New Girl Virginity The Mindy Project News Channel 21 TMZ n 'PG' cc Family Guyn Family GuyBusi KFXO I(g IEI @ IEI Twoanda Half '14' cc 'PQ' cc '14' cc Men '14' cc Men '14' cc The o ry n 'PG' Theory n '14' (FOX) stories. n '14' n ' 14' First on FOX ness Guy n '14' Antiques RoadshowLetter signed by History Detectives JackieRobinsonAll- Oregon Experi- Oregon Experi- POV The City DarkThe science of the KOAB ~ gy ~ gy This Old House n Nightly Business PBS NewsHour (N) n acc 'Q' cc Martin Luther King Jr 'G' cc ence 'G' « ence 'G' dark. n 'PG' cc (PBS) Report (N) n 'G' Stars scorecard. n 'PG' cc NewsChannel8at NewsChannel8at Liveat7(N) cc InsideEdition(N) American NinjaWarrior MiamiFinals Get Out Alive With BearGrylls The Siberia Esther is subjected to averbal NewsChannel 8at TonightShow KGW 'PQ' cc (N) 'PG' attack. (N) n '14' « (NBC) 6PM (N) « 6:3 0 PM (N) Tough Get Going(N) n 'PG' « 11(N) cc With Jay Leno That '70s Shown Seinfeld The Pitch Rules of Engage Hart of Dixie LavonhelpsTomwith his Breaking PointeAdam makesadeci- CopsLasVegas, SeinfeldThe Rules of Engage. That '70s Shown KTVZDT2 Q Q Q Q The King of 'PG' cc 'PQ' cc '14' cc ment '14' Queens n 'PG' relationship. n 'PG' « sion aboutRex's role. (N) n '14' Ne v ada n '14' C addy n 'PG' ment '14' (CW) OPBPL 175 173 M e xico85ayless Primal Grill Gre at Performances Emanuel Ax; Yo-Yo Ma;James Taylor. 'G' cc World News T a vis Smiley n Charlie Rose (N) n « PBS NewsHour n « KATU

KATU Newsat 6(N) n «

DuckDynasty Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty Duck Dynast y The Glades Civil WarDeath in aCivil LongmireWaltprobesa gamewarden's (11:01) LongmireWaltprobesa game 3 28 1 8 32 The First 48 Amother 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc behind a house. '14' ccis foundburned 'PQ' cc War re-enactment.(N)'14' kiling (N) 14 cc warden's killing. '14' cc ****"The Godfather" (1972,CrimeDrama)Marlon Brando, Al Pacino,JamesCaan.A mafia patriarch tries to holdhis empiretogether. « (5:30) ** "Next ofKin" (1989)Patrick Swayzs, LiamNeeson.Premiere. A hil 'AMC clan's sonsstalk mobsters whokiled their brother. *ANPL 68 50 26 38 Call-Wildman C a ll-Wildman Call-Wildman Call-Wildman Call of Wildman Call-Wildman G ator Boys: Xtra Bites 'PG' cc Gat or Boys Errorboat Captain'PG' Call of Wildman Call-Wildman BRAVO 13 44 Hou sewives/NJ Housewives/OC Housewives/OC The Real Housewives of Miami '14' Below Deck NaughtyYachties'PG' What Happens Housewives/OC R e ba 'PG' cc *** "Mrs. Doubi/ire" (1993)RobinWiliams. Anestranged dadposes asa nanny to bewith his children. CMT 190 32 42 53 Reba'PG' cc Re b a 'PG' cc Reba 'PG' cc Cops Reloaded Cops Reloaded CNBC 54 36 40 52 The Twitter Revolution The Profit MaarseFlorist Mad Money The Twitter Revolution The Profit MaarseFlorist Paid Program Cook Safe CNN 55 38 35 48 Piers MorganLive(N)(Live) Anderson Cooper360'PG' « Erin Burnett OutFront Piers MorganLive Anderson Cooper360'PG' « Erin Burnett OutFront Daily Show C o l bert Report COM 13 53 135 47 Always Sunny (6:23) Tosh.0 '14' Colbert Report Daily Show Key & Peele'14' (8:27) Futurama (8:58) South Park (9:29) South ParkCoonandfriends helpvictims. 'MA COTV 11 Desert Cooking Oregon myWindow Art Fly Fishing Extreme Desire Adv Journal Get Outdoors V i sions of NW The Yoga Show The Yoga Show myWindow Ci t y Edition CSPAN 61 20 12 11 First Ladies: Influence & Image Capitol Hill Hearings First Ladies: Influence &Image 'DIS 87 43 14 39 Phineas, Ferb P hineas, Ferb Good-Charlie J e ssie 'G' « *** "A Bug's Life" (1998)Voices ofDave Foley. Phineas, Ferb Dog With a Blog Austin I Ally 'G' Good-Charlie J e s sie G « *DISC 15 21 16 37 Moonshiners Hat inHand n '14' Moonshiners n '14' cc Amish Mafia Holy War '14' cc Amish Mafia TheResurrection '14' Mythgusters (N) n 'PG' cc Amish Mafia TheResurrection'14' *E! ** "Madeo/Honor"(2008) Patrick Dempsey,Michelle Monaghan 13 25 Tot a l Divas '14' E! News(N) Keeping UpWith the Kardashians Chelsea Lately E! News ESPN 21 23 2223 MLBBaseball:AngelsatYankees Baseball Tonight (N) (Live)cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc ESPN2 22 24 21 24 Pardon/Special Pardon/Special This Is Sportscenter SportsNation « Baseball Tonight (N) (Live)sc s c NASCARNow NFL Live (N) « NFL Yearbook ESPNC 23 25 123 25 Basketball cc PBA Bowling (N) cc PBA Bowling (N) cc Little League Baseball cc 30 for 30 cc Little LeagueBaseball cc H-Lite Ex. H-Li te Ex H-Lite Ex. H-Li te Ex. H-Lite Ex. H-Li te Ex. ESPNN 24 63 124203 SportsCenter (N) (Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc ESPNFCPress H-Lite Ex. FAM 67 29 19 41 America'sFunniestHomeVideos Switched at Birth n 'PG' cc Switched at Birth (N) n '14' « The Vineyard n '14' cc Switched at Birth n '14' cc The 700 Club n 'G' « FNC 57 61 36 50 Hannity(N) On Record, GretaVanSusteren The O'Reilly Factor cc Hannity On Record, GretaVanSusteren The Five *FOOD 17 62 98 44 Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive D i ners, Drive Diners, Drive D i ners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive The Shed(N)'G' The Shed 'G' Diners, Drive D i ners, Drive *** "Kung Fu Panda"(2008)Voices of Jack Black,Angelina Jolie *** "Bio"(2011)Voices ofAnneHathaway, Jesse Eisenberg. *** "Rio" (2011)Voices of Anne Hathaway,Jesse Eisenberg FX 131 HGTV 17 49 33 43 Flea Market Flip Flea Market Flip Love It or List It 'G' cc Love Itor Listlt'G' « Love It or List It 'G' « House Hunters Hunters Int'I Lo v e It or List It Ed & Martine 'G' *HIST 15 42 41 36 AmericanPickers'PG' cc American Pickers 'PG' cc American Pickers 'PG' cc American Pickers (N)'PG' « God, Guns & God, Guns & G od, Guns & G od, Guns & LIFE 13 39 20 31 WifeSwapLaBrie/Zaringn'PG' Wife SwapLawrence/Caddel'PG' "A Sister's Revenge" (2013)BrookeBurns, Ashley Jones.'14' « "Look Again" (2011)MorenaBaccarin, PaulChristie. '14' « MSNBC 59 59 128 51 The Rachel MaddowShow (N) The Last Word All In With Chris Hayes The Rachel MaddowShow The Last Word Hardball With Chris Matthews MTV 192 22 38 57 Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Catfish: The TV Show n Caffish: The TVShown Teen Wolf TheOverlooked n '14' Teen Wolf AlphaPact(N) n '14' Catch Up -TeenMom3 NICK 82 46 24 40 SpongeBob S p o ngeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob Bubble Guppies PAW Patrol 'Y' Full House 'G' Full House 'G' The Nanny 'PG' The Nanny 'PG Friends n 'PG' (11:33) Friends Main Street Main Street Main Street lyanla Fix My Life n 'PG' cc lyanla, Fix My Life n 'PG' cc lyanla Fix My Life n '14' lyanla, Fix My Life n 'PG'ac c OWN 161 103 31 103 Main Street Pac-12 Football Timelines Pac-12 Football in 60 Pac-12 Football Pac-12 Classics Pac-12 Football PAC12 47 310310310 Pac-12Football in 60 Cops 'PG' cc Cops 'PG' cc Cops 'PG' cc C o ps 'PG' cc Cops 'PG' « Co p s 'PG' « Cop s '14' cc Co p s 'PG' cc Cops 'PG' cc C o ps 'PG' cc SPIKE 132 31 34 46 Cops'PG' « Cop s 'PG' « SYFY 13 35 133 45 (5:35) *** "Indiana Jones andthe Templeof Doom"(1984) (8:12) *** "indiana Jonesand theLast Crusade"(1989,Adventure) Harrison Ford,SeanConnery. « (11:04) "Highlander:TheSource TBN 205 60 130 Kingdom Conn. Jesse Duplantis Praise the Lord 'Y' cc Joel Osteen 'PG' Perry Stone L i v e-Holy Land Creflo Dollar 'G' Behind Scenes Praise the Lord The King of Seinfeld TheDiplo- Seinfeld TheUn- Seinfeld The Face Family GuyBrian Family Guy n Family Guyn The Big Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang Conan ValKilmer;AmberHeard; Para 'TBS '14' cc '14' cc Queens n 'PG mats Club 'PG' derstudy n 'PG' Painter 'PG' and Stewie '14' Theory n '14' Theory n '14' Theory n '14' more. (N) « (5:00)****"TheUmbrellaso/Cher- ***"Trislana"(1970,Drama)CatherineDeneuve,FernandoRey.ASpanish *** "MaSaison Pre/eree" (1993)Catherine Deneuve, Daniel Auteuil. Premiere. (11:15) **** "Belle de Jour" (1967, TCM 014410129 bourg"(1964,Musical) noblemanfalls for the youngwomanin hischarge. Estrangedsiblings are reunited at their mother's deathbed. Drama)CatherineDeneuve. *TLC 17 34 32 34CakeBoss' PG' CakeBoss 'PG' CakeBoss'PG' CakeBoss 'PG Cake Boss 'PG' Cake Boss 'PG Cake Boss (N) n 'PG' « Boston Underdogs (N) 'PG'acc C a k e Boss n 'PG' acc Castle The LimeyInvestigating with Castle HeadhuntersCastle takesona Major CrimesProvenzafacesdesk Major CrimesBackfire A19-year-old King & Maxwell SeanandMichelle's Major CrimesBackfire A19-year-old *TNT duty. '14' cc another detective. n 'PG' cc new partner. n 'PG' « prostitute is murdered.(N)'14' partnership. (N) '14' « prostitute is murdered.'14' *TOON 84 Adventure Time Regular Show Regular Show Adventure Time Regular Show MAD (N) 'PG King of the Hill King of the Hill Bob's Burgers American Dad Family Guy '14' Family Guy '14 *TRAV 17 51 45 42 Bizarre Foods/Zimmern Man v. Food 'G' Manv.Food'G Bizarre Foods Amenca 'PG' « Bizarre FoodsAmerica (N) 'PG Hotel Impossible (N) 'PG' « Bizarre Foods/Zimmern M'A'S*H 'PG' M* A *S*H 'PG' M* A *S*H 'PG' M* A *S*H 'PG' M*A*S*H 'PG' Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond KingofQueens King ofQueens TVLND 65 47 29 35 M*A*S*H 'PG' USA 15 30 23 30 NCISHeadCasen'PG' cc NCIS: Los Angeles Plan B n '14 WWE MondayNight RAWCMPunkfinally getshis handsonPaul Heyman.(N) n 'PG' « (11:05) SummerCamp(N)'PG' VH1 191 48 37 54 Love&HipHop:Atlantan'14' L ove& H ipHop:Atlanta'14 Love & HipHop:Atlanta (N) '14' T . l . and Tiny Marrying, Game Love & HipHop:Atlanta n '14' T.l. and Tiny M a rrying, Game *A&E

** "TheButterfly Effect" 2004 AshtonKutcher. n 'R' « **** "DancesWithWolves"1990 Kevin Costner. n 'PG-13' « ENCR 106401 306401(6:15) ** "Striking Distance" 1993 Bruce Wilis. n 'R' « Motorcycle Racing FUEL 34 (5:00) UFC Fight Night(N) UFC Unleashed UFC ReloadedUFC147: Silvavs. Franklin II Highlights of UFC147 inBrazil FXM 104 204104120(5:00) "X-Men Origins: Wolverine FXM Presents * * "X-Men Origins: Wolverine" 2009 HughJackman. 'PG-13' cc FXM Presents *** "PunchDrunkLove"2002Adam Sandler.'R'cc GOLF 28 301 27 301 Feherty LarryDavid.(N) Top 10 (N) In Play Golf Central Feherty Larry David. Top 10 In Play The Golf Fix *** "Your LoveNeverFails" (2011, Comedy) Elisa Donovan. « HALL 66 33175 33 Little HouseonthePrairie'PG' Little House on the Prairie 'PG' Frasier n 'PG' Frasier n 'PG' Frasier n 'PG' Frasier n 'PG' *** "Crazy, Stupid, Love."2011 SteveCarell. n 'PG-13' cc HBO 425 501 425501 (4:45) *** "Spanglish" 2004n Americans in Bed (N) n 'MA' cc Hard Knocks: Training CampWith True Blood 'MA' *** "Jarhead"2005 JakeGyllenhaal. Marines bandtogether duringthe Gulf War.'R IFC 1 0 1 0 5 (5:00) ** "Fallen"1998Denzel Washington. 'R (7:45) ** "Lealher/ace:TheTexasChainsaw Massacre /ii"1990 * "Snake Eyes"1998Nicolas Cage. n 'R' cc MAX 400508 508 (6:15) ** "Entrapment"1999, Action SeanConnery. n 'PG-13' « (8:10) *** "Assaulton Precinct 13"2005 EthanHawke. n 'R' cc Strike Back 'MA' NBCSN 27 58 30 209 Premier LeagueClassics From Dec. 9, 2012. (N) Premier LeagueClassics From Feb. 5, 2012. (N) Premier LeagueClassics FromMay13, 2012. Eyewitness War Eyewitness War NGC 157 157 (4:00) Inside theVietnamWar '14' Eyewitness War Eyewitness War Inside the VietnamWarVeterans' accounts, archival clips andphotographs reveal covert operations.'14 NTOON 89 115189 115 SpongeBob S p ongeBob Sp o ngeBob Sp o ngeBob SpongeBob S p ongeBob Robot, Monster Robot, Monster Back, Barnyard Back, Barnyard DannyPhantom Danny Phantom OUTD 37 307 43 307 Profess Heartland Bow Addicted, Out. Primal Instinct Ridge Reaper Mathews Headhunters TV Heartland Bow Best of West O p tik Quests Dirt Trax TV F i s her's ATV SHO 500 500 Ne w York Dexter DressCode n 'MA' « Ray DonovanNewBirthday 'MA' Dexter DressCode n 'MA' acc Ray DonovanNewBirthday 'MA' (6:25) ** "EveryDay" 2010Liev Schreiber. 'R SPEED 35 303125 303 West Coast Customs Cool-Capable Dumbest Stuff Fox Sports 1 Pinks - All Out 'PG' West Coast CustomsCool-Capable Dumbest Stuff Dumbest Stuff Lucas Oil Off RoadRacing ** "MeninBlack 3" 2012, Action Will Smith. n 'PG-13' « STARZ 300408300408 (5 35) *"TheBenchwarmers" n S tar z Studios (7 20) ** "Hotel Transy/vania" 2012 n 'PG' « Harold& KumarGo" ***"TheBigLebowski"1998,ComedyJeffBridges.n 'R'« *** "Intolerable Cruelty" 2003George Clooney TMC 525 525 ** "The Man yyho Wasn'tThere" 2001 Billy BobThornton.'R'« Against Ropes *WE 14 41 174118CSEMiamin'14'cc CSE Miami Aseveredleg. n '14' CSE Miami Point of Impact cc CSE Miami Kill Clause '14' cc CSE Miami BadSeed n '14' cc CSE Miami n '14' cc

TV • PAGE 13

THE BULLETIN • AU GUST 10 — 16, Z013


'In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. •


e II

at 6 (N) n « KATU KATU News








Body of Proof Tommybecomesa murder KATU News at11 (11:35) JimmyKimsuspect. n '14' « mel Live '14' (N) n cc Jeopardy! n 'G' cc Wheel of Fortune Hollywood GameNight Thecompetition America's Got Talent Twelve hopefuls perform. (N) n 'PG' cc NewsChannel 21at The Tonight Show KTVZ NewsChannel 21 at 6(N) cc n'G' cc (NBC) grows intense. n '14' « 11(N) cc With Jay Lenon KBNZ AccessHollywood Who Wantsto Bea New Adventuresof 30 Rock LarryKing NCIS ShabbatShalomZiva's father visits. NCIS: Los Angeles Resurrection The body Person of Interest Themachinesends KOIN Local 6 at11 Late Show With n '14' cc n '14' cc (DVS) Mill i onaire 'G' O l d Christine David Letterman (CBS) (N) n 'PG' « of a cartel boss isstolen. n '14' Reese to thesuburbs. n '14' « (N) cc at 6:00 KEZI 9News at 6:30 Entertainment To omg! Insider (N) Extreme Weight LossMikeChris helps afamily manlose weight. (N) n 'PG' « Body of Proof Tommybecomesa murder KEZI 9 News at (11:35) JimmyKimKOHD KEZI 9 News cc 11:00 (N) cc mel Live '14' (ABC) (N) cc (N) cc night(N) n « suspect. n '14' « aHalfMen TwoandaHalfMen TheBigBang The Big Bang So You Think YouCanDanceTop 10 Perform, 2 Eliminated Thedancers perform; News Channel 21 TMZ n 'PG' cc Family GuyPeter's Family Guy n '14' cc KFXO Two and n '14' cc n '14' cc (FOX) Theory '14' cc Theory '14' cc elimination. (N) n '14' « First on FOX(N) mortality. '14' Queen Victoria's Empire TheMoralCrusade; TheScramble for Africa DavidLiving Fixing Juvie Justice (N) n 'PG' « Sha k espeare Uncovered Themeaningof KOAB Ask This Old House Nightly Business PBS NewsHour (N) n « 'Q' cc (PBS) Report (N) n 'G' stone; SuezCanal; diamonds. n (Part 2 of 2)!PG' cc Shakespea re's"Hamlet."n 'PG' Inside Edition (N) n HollywoodGameNight Thecompetition America's Got TalentTwelvehopefuls perform. (N) n 'PG' « NewsChannel 8at TheTonightShow KGW NewsChannel 8 at NewsChannel 8 at Live at 7 (N)cc 'PQ' cc With Jay Leno n (NBC) 6PM (N) cc 6:30PM (N) cc grows mtense. n 14 « 11 (N) cc Capture TheBlueDevils Oneteamre- Cops n '14' cc Seinfel dTheSeven RulesofEngage- That '70sShow My KTVZDT2 TheKing of Queens That '70s Show n Seinfeld The Ticket Rules of Engage. Whose Line Is It Whose Line Is It 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc ment '14' cc Any way'? (N) '14' Anyway? n 'PG' ceives anadvantage. (N) n 'PG' ment '14' « Fair y King '14' (CW) n 'PG' OPBPL Rachel's-Food Perfect Day 'G A Flea Market Documentary 'G' cc A Hot Dog Program n 'G' cc BBC World News Tavis Smiley n Charlie Rose (N) n cc PBS NewsHour n cc Jeopardy! n 'G' « Wheel of Fortune Extreme Weight Loss MikeChris helps afamily manlose weight. (N) n 'PG' « n'G' cc



Storage Wars 'PQ' cc

Storage Wars 'PQ' cc

Storage Wars 'PQ' cc

Storage Wars 'PQ' cc

Storage Wars «Storage Wars

Storage WarsNew Storage Wars New Barter Kings PuppyLoveTrading upfor a (11:01) Barter KingsTrading upfor a "monstrous" item. 'PG' cc York (N ) York (N ) newa i r conditioner.cc (N) "TheGodfather, Part ll"(1974, CrimeDrama) AlPacino, RobertDuvall, Diane Keaton. Michael Corleonemoves hisfather's crime family to LasVegas. « 'PQ' cc

'AMC (4:00) ****"The Godfather" (1972,CrimeDrama)Marlon Brando, Al Pacino,James ****

Caan. Amafiapatriarch tries tohold his empire together. « I EscapedJaws n '14 Top 10 Sharkdown n '14 Voodoo Shark n '14 Megalodon: TheMonsterSharkLivesn 'PG' Megalodon: Sharktweeto n 'PG BRAVO RealHousewives Housewives?OC Housewives?OC Interior Therapy With Jeff Lewis '14' Interior Therapy With Jeff Lewis '14 Million Dollar Listing: Los Angeles What Happens Property Envy (N) Re b a 'PG' cc Ext reme Makeover: Home Edition n CMT Reba 'PG' cc Reba GoFar'PG' Reba 'PG' cc ExtremeMakeover: HomeEdition n ExtremeMakeover: HomeEdition n Cops Reloaded Cops Reloaded CNBC The Profit MaarseFlorist The Profit PlanetPopcorn(N) Mad Money The Profit MaarseFlorist The Profit Planet Popcorn Larry King Spc. Like New Carpet CNN Piers MorganLive (N) (Live) Anderson Cooper360'PG' « Erin Burnett OutFront Piers MorganLive Anderson Cooper360 'PG' « Erin Burnett OutFront Col bert Report COM (5:52) South Park (6:23) Tosh.0 '14' Colbert Report Daily Show (7:56) Tosh.0'14' (8:27) Tosh.0 '14' (8:58) Tosh.0'14' (9:29) Tosh.0'MA' Drunk History '14' The Jeselnik Off Daily Show COTV Desert Cooking Oregon Redmond City Council myWindow Cit y Edition CSPAN Capitol Hill Hearings Capitol Hill Hearings *** "Cars"(2006) Voicesof OwenWilson, Paul Newman.n « *DIS Phineas and Ferb n 'G' cc Good-Charlie Jessie 'G' cc Dog With a Blog Austin & Ally 'G' Good-Charlie Je s sie 'G' « *DISC Amish MafiaAmishExorcismEsther andJohnperform anexorcism. n '14' Amish Mafia: TheResurrection: Reve Amish Mafia WaywardSons(N)'14' Tickle (N) n '14' Porter Ridge '14' Amish MafiaWaywardSonsn '14' *E! ** "ShallowHal" (2001, Romance-Comedy)Gwyneth Paltrow, JackBlack (5:00) ** "Made ofHonor" (2008) E! News (N) Total Divas '14' Chelsea Lately (N) E! News ESPN 2013 World Series of Poker 2013 World Series of Poker SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc ESPN2 SportsCenter (N) Little League Softball SecondSemifinal: TeamsTBAFromPortland, Ore. (N) Nine forIX (N) NASCARNow(N) American Le. Spo r tsCenter Baseball Tonight (N) (Live) « ESPNC Global SupercardWrestling Global SupercardWrestling Global SupercardWrestling Global SupercardWrestling Global SupercardWrestling Little LeagueBaseball cc ESPNN SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) « Highlight Express Highlight Express Highlight Express Highlight Express Highlight Express Highlight Express ESPNFCPress Highlight Express FAM Twisted The TruthWill Out 'PG' cc Pretty Little Liars Into the Deep '14' Pretty Little Liars (N) n '14' « Twisted Poison ofInterest (N) n '14' The Vineyard (N) n '14' « The 700 Club n 'G' « FNC Hannity (N) On the RecordW?Greta VanSusteren The O'Reilly Factor cc Hannity On the RecordW?Greta VanSusteren The Five 'FOOD Chopped 'G' Chopped AgainsttheTide 'G' ChoppedReady,Set,Escargot!'G Chopped AussieAwesome'G' ChoppedWasted! (N)'G Cutthroat Kitchen 'G' ** "Step Brothers" (2008,Comedy) Wil Ferrell, John C.Reily FX How I Met?Mother How I Met?Mother Two and Half Men Two and Half Men ** "Step Brothers" (2008,Comedy)Wil Ferrell, John C.Reily HGTV Curb Appeal 'G' Curb Appeal 'G' Hunters Int'I House Hunters 'G Property Virgins Property Virgins Property Virgins Property Virgins House Hunters Hunters Int'I Power Broker (N) 'G' « *HIST Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Shelby's Greatest Hits Vol. 1 '14 Legend- Shelby Legend- Shelby Legend- Shelby Legend. Shelby Hatfields I Haffields & LIFE Wife Swap n 'PG' « Dance Moms'PG' « Dance MomsTheDancing Dead'PG' Dance MomsGone,AbbyGone 'PG' Double Divas '14' Double Divas (N) Double Divas '14' Double Divas MSNBC TheRachelMaddow Show ( N) T h e Last Word All In With Chris Hayes The Rachel MaddowShow The Last Word Hardball With Chris Matthews cc MTV Caffi sh:TheTV Show Ramon& Paola Catfis h:TheTV Show Lauren&Derek Caffish: The TVShowA guy is torn Catfish: The TVShow Mike &Kristen Caffish: The TV Show (N) n Nikki I Sara Live! Catfish: The TV NICK SpongeBob S p ongeBob Ha thaways Victorious n 'G News W?Linda Full House n 'G Full House n 'G' Full House n 'G The Nanny'PG' The Nanny 'PG' Friends '14' cc (11:33) Friends n Extreme Forensics'14' «The Haves andtheHaveNots'PG The Havesand the HaveNots 'PG' The Haves andthe HaveNots (N)'14 The Havesand the HaveNots 'PG The Havesand the HaveNots 'PG OWN Solved: Pac-12 Football Timelines Pac-12 Football in 60 Pac-12 Football Pac-12 Classics UnrankedArizona looks for the upset inTucson Pac-12 Football PAC12 Pac-12 Football in 60 SPIKE Ink Master BabyGot Back'14' cc Ink Master Thrills for Grills '14' « Ink Master Fire andLace'14' cc Ink Master ElysiumChallenge n '14' I n k Master Baby Beat-Down(N) '14' T a t too Nightmares Tattoo Nightmares SYFY Face Off Livingthe Dream'PG' Face Off: TheVets Strike Back '14' Face Off Goingfor Gold(N) '14 Heroes of Cosplay (N)'14 Face Off '14' TBN Joseph Prince 'G' Rod Parsley Praise the Lord 'Y' « ACLJ This Week Full Flame cc Praise the Lord Secrets.Clement Creflo Dollar 'G' Behind Scenes King of QueensSeinfeld Highlights o Seinfeld Highlights o Seinfeld n 'PG' cc Family GuyRetelling"The EmpireStrikes The Big Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang Conan LiamHemsworth; ChloeGrace *TBS The n 'PG' a Hundred'PG' a Hundred 'PG' Back." n '14' cc Theory n '14' Theory n '14' Theory n '14' Theory n '14' Moretz. (N) « ***"TheHuman Comedy"(1943,Comedy-Drama)MickeyRooney,FrankMorgan (5:00) ** "Girl Crazy" (1943)Mickey (9:15) *** "Requiemfor a Heavyweight" (1962, Drama)AnthonyQuinn, Jackie Glea- ** "Pulp" (1972,Suspense)Michael TCM Rooney, JudyGarland. « James Craig. Aboycomes of agein WWII California. « son. A boxertries to adjust to life outside the ring, cc Caine, MickeyRooney, Lionel Stander 'TLC The Little Couple The Little Couple The Little Couple Finally a Family'PG' Who Do You Think You Are? n 'PG Who DoYouThink You Are?(N) 'PG' The Little Couple (N) n 'PG' « Who Do YouThink You Are? n 'PG Castle Flowersfor YourGraveA novelist Castle Nanny McDeadA nanny's bodyis Rizzoli & Isles All for OneA popular high Rizzoli & Isles Cold asIce FrankieJr. is Perception Asylum Pierce investigates a Rizzoli & Isles Cold as Ice FrankieJr, is 'TNT helps police find akiler. n 'PG' stashed in a dryer. n 'PG' cc school teacher is killed. '14' brought in tohelp.(N) '14' « stabbing. (N) '14' « brought in to help '14' cc "TOON Adventure Time Regular Show Johnny Test'Y7' TeenTitansGo! Looney Tunes Adventure Time King of the Hill K i ng of the Hill A merican Dad '14' American Dad'14' Family Guy '14' Family Guy 'PG 'TRAV Bizarre FoodsWith AndrewZimmern Man v. Food 'G' Man v. Food 'PG' Bizarre Foods America 'PG' « Airport 24/7: Mi A irport 24?7: Mi Mud People 'PG' « Bizarre Foods America 'PG' « *A*S*H M*A*S*H 'PG' M*A*S*H 'PG M'A*S*H 'PG M*A*S'H 'PG TVLND (5:46) M Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love.Raymond Love-Raymond King of Queens King ofQueens (6:23) M'A'S*H USA Law & Order: Special Victims Unit n L aw & Order: Special Victims Unit n L aw I Order: Special Victims Unit n Covert Affairs (N) 'PG' «(DVS) (10:01) Suits Shadow of a Doubt'14' (11:02) GracelandGoodbyeHigh'14 La La's Life T.l . and Tiny T.l. and Tiny VHI Hollywood Exes n '14 Ma r rying, Game Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta n '14 Couples Therapy n '14 Stompthe Yard2: Homecoming" n *ANPL

ENCR (6:10) ** "Bridget Jones:TheEdgeol Reason"2004 ReneeZellweger. 'R

** "TheNotebook"2004,RomanceRyanGosling.n 'PG-13'«

(10:10) **** "When HarryMefSally..." 1989 Bily Crystal. n 'R' «

FUEL UFC Unleashed UFC Tonight (N) UFC Insider Bes t of PRIDE Fighting Championship Best of PRIDE Fighting Championship UFC Unleashed UFC Tonight UF C Insider ** "Dear John" 2010,RomanceChanning Tatum.'PG 13' cc * "Hardb all"2001,DramaKeanuReeves,DianeLane.'PG-13'« * "Hardball" 2001KeanuReeves FXM (5 00) ** "Dear John"2010'PG13' Golf's Greatest RoundsOneplayer capsa dominating seasonwith a winat East Lake GOLF (5:00) Golffs GreatestRounds(N) In Play Golf Central In Play HALL Little House on the Prairie 'PG' cc Little House on the Prairie 'PG' « "I Married Who?"(2012) Kellie Martin, EthanErickson. 'G' « Frasier 'PG' « Fra sier 'PG' « Fra sier 'PG' « Fra sier 'PG' « HBO (6:15) ** "Mn PoppedsPengulns" 2011, ComedyJimCarrey. n 'PG' « "Clear History" 2013,ComedyLarry David. n cc Les Miserables Hard Knocks: Training CampWit h T h e Newsroom n 'MA' cc *** "TheWarriors" 1979, Action MichaelBeck, JamesRemar. 'R * "MaximumOverdrive"1986, Horror Emilio Estevez, PatHingle. 'R IFC (5:00) *** "TheWarriors" 1979 'R' Low Winter Sun Pilot '14' « * "Juc vanna Mann"2002 MiguelA.NunezJr.'PG-13 *** "Chronicle" 2012DaneDeHaan. n 'PG-13' cc *** "Prometheus"2012, ScienceFiction NoomiRapace. n 'R' cc MAX (5:00)'White MenCan't Jump"1992 NBCSN Premier LeagueClassics From April 21, 2013. (N) Premier LeagueClassics From Oct. 20,2012. (N) Premier LeagueClassics From Dec.29,2012

NGC DoomsdayPreppers (N) '14 DoomsdayCastle (N)'14' Dukes of Cattle Dukes of Cattle Doomsday Preppers '14' DoomsdayCastle '14 DoomsdayPreppers '14' NTOON Odd Parents Od d Parents Odd Parents Odd Parents Odd Parents OddParents Rob ot, Monster Robot, Monster Back at, Barnyard Back at, Barnyard DannyPhantom Danny Phantom OUTD Hunting, Country Driven TV Biologic?Drury Dream Season Hunting TV Michaels MRA Hunting, Country Truth Hunting Biologic?Drury O utdoors TV Bow Madness S OLO Hunters *** "TheHelp" 2011 ViolaDavis. Anaspiring writer captures the experiences ofblackwomen. SHO (5:25) "SalmonFishing ln theyemen Web Therapy '14' Dexter 'MA' « (7:15) Trevor Noah: African American n 'MA' « SPEED Stuntbusters 'PG' Stuntbusters '14 American Trucker American Trucker Gearz 'PG' Gearz '14' Stuntbusters 'PG' Stuntbusters '14 American Trucker American Trucker Lucas Oil LateModel Dirt Series ** "ThinkLike aMan" 2012Michael Ealy, Jerry Ferrara. n 'PG-13' « STARZ (6:15) *** "Hope Springs"2012 MerylStreep. n 'PG-13' vs The Whrte Queen n 'MA' « Magic City n 'MA' « *** "Traffic" 2000, CrimeDramaMichael Douglas, DonCheadle, Benicio DelToro. n 'R ** "W."2008, DocudramaJosh Brolin, Elizabeth Banks. n 'PG-13' « TMC Few Options" 2011KennyJohnson. n 'NR' « "WE (5:00) ** "Sister Act" 1992Whoopi Goldberg. 'PG ** "Sister Acf" 1992,MusicalComedyWhoopi Goldberg, MaggieSmith, KathyNajimy. 'PG My- Wedding- David Tutera: Unveiled My- Wedding- David Tutera: Unveiled

PAGE 14 • TV

THE BULLETIN • AUGUST 10 — 16, 2013 *In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/Black Butte (Digital); PM-Prineville/Madras; SR-Sunriver; L-La Pine



c II














Jeopardy! n 'G' « Wheel of Fortune The Middle The Last Man StandingModern Family (9:31) TheNeigh- ABC's The Lookout (N) n « KATU Newsat11 (11:35) Jimmy 'Q' cc 'PQ' cc Hose n 'PG' Kimmel Live '14' (ABC) Fulgencio 'PG' bors n 'PG' (N)n cc Jeopardy! n 'G' ccWheel of Fortune America's Got Talent Performance America's GotTalent Fouracts ad (10:01) CampMackprepares for parents NewsChannel 21 Tonight Show KTVZ O O O O NewsChannel 21 at 6 (N) cc 'Q' cc (NBC) recap. (N) n '14' « vance; BackstreetBoys.(N) 'PG' weekend.(N) n '14' at11 (N) cc Wi t h Jay Leno AccessHollywood Who WantstoBe New Adventures 30Rockn '14' « Big Brother Competing intheveto com Criminal Minds ZugzwangReidtries to CSE Crime Scene Investigation Back- KOIN Local 6 at11 Late ShowWith KBNZ (N) 'PG' a Millionaire o fOld Christine find his girlfriend. n '14' fire n '14' cc (DVS) David Letterman (CBS) petition. (N) n oc (N) cc omg! Insider (N) The Middle The Last Man StandingModern Family (9:31) TheNeigh- ABC's The Lookout (N) n « KEZI 9 Newsat (11:35) Jimmy KOHD O O O O KEZI9Newsat KEZI9Newsat Entertainment 'PQ' cc Fulgencio 'PG' bors n 'PG' (ABC) 6:00 (N) « 6:3 0 (N) « Toni ght (N) 'PG cc Hose n 'PG' 11:00 (N) « Kim mel Live '14' Two and aHalf The Big Bang The Big Bang MasterChef Previouslyeliminated cooks MasterChef Thecooks prepare aT-bon News Channel 21 TMZ n 'PG' cc Family Guyn Family Guy n KFXO I g IEI @ IEI Twoanda Half '14' cc '14' cc Men '14' cc Men '14' cc The o ry n '14' Theory n '14' (FOX) compete. '14' «(DVS) steak dish. (N) n '14' First on FOX Nature OutbackPelicans Pelicansflock NOVA Cuttlefish change skin color and The Truth About Exercise With Mi Pacific Heartbeat Tongaacceptscon KOAB ~ gy ~ gy Burt Wolf: Travels Nightly Business PBS NewsHour (N) n acc victed criminals. n 'G' (PBS) & Traditions R e port (N) n 'G' to lake in Australia. n 'G' shape. n 'G' cc(DVS) chael Mosley n 'PG' cc NewsChannel8at NewsChannel8at Liveat7(N) cc InsideEdition(N) America's Got Talent Performance America's GotTalent Fouracts ad (10:01) CampMackprepares for parents NewsChannel 8 at Tonight Show KGW 'PQ' cc weekend.(N) n '14' (NBC) 6PM (N) « 6:3 0 PM (N) recap. (N) n '14' « vance; BackstreetBoys.(N) 'PG' 11 (N) « With Jay Leno That '70s Show n Seinfeld TheWallet Rules of Engage Arrow TheHuntressReturnsOliver is Supernatural Theguyssearch for an Cops n '14' cc Seinfeld The Cadil- Rules of Engage. That '70s Show n KTVZDT2 Q Q Q Q The King of 'PG' cc 'PQ' cc '14' cc ment '14' lac 'PG' ment '14' Queens n 'PG' threatened byhisex. '14' « avenging ghost. n '14' « (CW) OPBPL 175 17 3 M i nd of a Chef Mind of a Chef The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes Doc Martin Blood IsThicker 'PG' World News Tavis Smiley n Charlie Rose (N) n 'G' « PBS NewsHour n « KATU

KATU Newsat 6(N) n «

*A&E 13 28 18 32 Duck 'PQ' ccDynasty

Duck Dynasty 'pG' cc

Duck Dynasty 'PQ' cc

Duck Dynasty 'PQ' cc

(3:30) **** "TheGodfather, Part fi" (1974, CrimeDrama)Al Pacino. Michael Corleonemoveshis father's crimefamily to LasVegas. « *ANPL 68 50 2638 RiverMonster s:Unhookedn'PG River Monsters:Unhookedn 'PG BRAVO 13 44 Eat , Drink, Love For Starters '14' The Real Housewives of Miami '14 'AMC

Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty

Duck Dynasty Surpriseweddingfor Phil (11:01)Bad Ink '14' cc and Kay (N) PG « *** "ScarfaceN(1983, CrimeDrama)Al Pacino, Michelle Pfeiffer, StevenBauer. A Cubanimmigrant fights tothetop of Miami'sdrugtrade. « 'PQ' cc

'PQ' cc

Duck Dynasty 'PQ' cc

Duck Dynasty 'PQ' cc

(11:31) BadInk '14' cc

River Monsters: Unhooked n 'PG' River Monsters: Unhooked n 'PG' Wild Appalachia n 'PG' cc River Monsters:Unhookedn 'PG' Million Dollar Listing: Los Angeles Million Dollar Listing: Los Angeles Top Chef Masters (N) '14' « What Happens Million Dollar LA Reba 'PG' cc R e ba 'PG' cc ***"Shanghai Knights"(2003,Comedy)JackieChan,OwenW ilson,AaronJohnson CMT 190 32 42 53 RebaAsls'PG' Reba'PG'cc Bounty Hunters Cops Reloaded Cops Reloaded CNBC 54 36 4052 The CostcoCraze:Insi dethe American Greed Mad Money The Costco Craze:Inside the American Greed Cancer: Winning 21st Century CNN 55 38 35 48 Piers MorganLive(N)(Live) Anderson Cooper360'PG' « Erin Burnett OutFront Piers MorganLive Anderson Cooper360'PG' « Erin Burnett OutFront C o l bert Report COM 13 53 135 47 (5:52) South Park (6:23) Tosh.0'14' Colbert Report Daily Show (7:56) Futurama (8:27) Futurama (8:58) South Park (9:29) South Park Futurama n '14' Futurama n '14' Daily Show COTV 11 Bend City Council Work Session Bend City Council myWindow Ci t y Edition CSPAN 61 20 12 11 Capito!Hiff Hearings Capitol Hill Hearings 'DIS 87 43 14 39 Phineas, Ferb P hineas, Ferb G ood-Charlie J e ssie 'G' « Austin & Ally 'G' Dog With a Blog A.N.T. Farm'G' Shake It Up! 'G' Dog With a Blog Austin I Ally 'G' Good-Charlie J e s sie G « *DISC 15 21 16 37 Jungle GOldMadSCramble n 'PG' Naked and Afraid n '14' cc Naked and Afraid n '14' cc Naked and Afraid n '14' cc Naked andAfraid BaresAll n '14' Naked and Afraid n '14' cc *E! 13 2 5 (4:30) ** "ShallowHai" (2001) E! News(N) Keeping UpWith the Kardashians Keeping UpWith the Kardashians The Soup '14' The Soup '14' Chelsea Lately E! News ESPN 21 23 22 23 (5:00) MLBBasebaff PittsburghPiratesatSt. LouisCardinals(N) cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc ESPN2 22 24 21 24 Soccer UnitedStatesvs. Team TBA(N) (Live) « Little LeagueSoftball Final: TeamsTBA From Portland,Ore. (N) « Baseball Tonight (N) (Live) « NASCARNow NFL Yearbook ESPNC 23 25 123 25 (5:00) Little LeagueBaseball cc Little LeagueBaseball Championship game, fromWiliamsport, Pa Little LeagueBaseball U.S.Championship, from Aug.25, 2012. « H-Lite Ex. H-Li te Ex H-Lite Ex. H-Li te Ex. H-Lite Ex. H-Li te Ex ESPNN 24 63 124203 SportsCenter (N) (Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) « ESPNFCPress H-Lite Ex. FAM 67 29 19 41 Baby Daddy'14' Baby Daddy'PG' Melissa &Joey Melissa I Joey Melissa & Joey Baby Daddy '14' Speff -MageddonSpinCycle'PG' Melissa & Joey Baby Daddy '14' The 700 Club n 'G' « FNC 57 61 36 50 Hannity(N) On Record, GretaVanSusteren The O'Reiffy Factor cc Hannity On Record, GretaVanSusteren The Five *FOOD 17 62 98 44 Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Restaurant: Impossible 'G Restaurant: Impossible 'G' Restaurant: Impossible 'G' Mystery Diners Mystery Diners Restaurant: Impossible 'G' *** "Transformers" (2007,Action) ShiaLaBeouf, TyreseGibson.Tworacesof robots wagewar onEarth FX 131 Two/Half Men Two/Half Men The Bridge ID(N) 'MA' The Bridge ID 'MA HGTV 17 49 33 43 Property Brothers Sarah & Mari 'G' Property Brothers Angie 8Tito 'G Love Itor Listlt Too'G' cc Property Brothers (N) 'G' cc House Hunters Hunters Int'I Brother vs. Brother'G' cc *HIST 15 42 41 36 Ancient Discoveries'PG' cc Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Larry the CableGuy Top Shot AI.Stars Zip orShip'PG' Larry the CableGuy N LIFE 13 39 20 31 UnsolvedMysteries'14' « Unsolved Mysteries '14' « ** "SleepingWiththe Enemy"(1991, Suspense)Julia Roberts. « * i Know WhatYouDidLast Summer"( 1997) Jennifer LoveHewitt MSNBC 59 59 128 51 The Rachel MaddowShow (N) The Last Word All In With Chris Hayes The Rachel MaddowShow The Last Word Hardball With Chris Matthews MTV 192 22 38 57 Girl Code n '14' Girl Code n '14' Girl Code n '14' Girl Code n '14 Caffish: The TVShown The Challenge: Rivals I n '14' The Challenge: Rivals II (N) n '14 The Challenge: Rivals II n '14 NICK 82 46 24 40 SpongeBob S p o ngeBob Sam & Cat'G' Victorious n 'G Fuff House'G' Full House'G' Full House'G Full House'G Full House'G' Fuff House'G Friends n 'PG' (11:33) Friends Thy Neighbor Thy Neighbor Thy Neighbor Thy Neighbor Thy Neighbor Thy Neighbor Thy Neighbor Thy Neighbor Thy Neighbor Thy Neighbor OWN 161 103 31 103 Double Life n 'PG' cc Pac-12 Football in 60 Pac-12 Football Pac-12 Football Pac-12 Football Pac-12 Football Pac-12 Football Pac-12 Football PAC12 47 310310310 Pac-12Football in 60 The 12 Best The 12 Best Cops 'PG' cc Cops '14' cc Cops 'PG' « Co p s '14' cc Cops '14' cc Cops 'PG' cc * "Street Warrior" (2008) n '14' SPIKE 132 31 34 46 Cops'PG' « Cop s 'PG' « Fight Master: Beffator MMA(N)'14' SYFY 13 35 133 45 Heroes of Cosplay '14' Joe RoganQuestions Everything Paranormal Witness '14' ParanormalWitness (N) 'PG' Joe RoganQuestions Everything Paranormal Witness 'PG' TBN 205 60 130 Joseph Prince End ofthe Age Praise the Lord 'Y' « AlwaysGood Jesse Duplantis Easter Exper. Creflo Dollar 'G' Behind Scenes Praise the Lord The King of Seinfeld Male Seinfeld The S e infeld The Rob-The Big Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang Deal With It Blind Conan EricBana;JoshGad; TheNa 'TBS Queens n 'PG Unbonding 'PG Stakeout n 'PG' bery n 'PG' Theory n 'PG' Theory n 'PG' Theory n 'PG' Theory n 'PG' Theory n '14' Rose '14' tional. (N) « "Paymenton De (6:15) *** "Dark Victory" (1939,Drama)Bette Davis, GeorgeBrent, Humphrey (8:15) *** "The ManWhoCameto Dinner" (1941)MontyWoolley. Aninjured (10:15) Dick Cavett Bette DavisBette Davis. 'PG' cc TCM 01 44 101 29 Bogart. A dyingheiressembarks ona social whirl. «(DVS) man takesadvantageof a hospitable family. «(DVS) mand"(1951) *TLC 17 34 32 34 Extreme Cougar Wives '14' « Raising Fame n 'PG' « Here Comes Here Comes Here Comes E x treme Cougar Wives (N) n '14' H ere Comes E x t reme Cougar Wives '14' « Castle AlwaysBuyRetail Strangemur- Franklin & BashPeterandJared de Franklin & BashInfeldmakes peace Castle GhostsWomanis drownedin Franklin & Bash Infeld makespeace *TNT 17 26 15 27 Castle FPolice investigate a frozen corpse. n 'PG' « der scene. n 'PG' « fend a bountyhunter. '14' « with an oldfoe. (N)'14' motor oil. n 'PG' «(DVS) with an old foe. '14' « *TOON 84 Adventure Time Adventure Time Annoying Wrld , Gumbaff Legends, Chima Teen TitansGo! *TRAV 17 51 45 42 Bizarre Foods/Zimmern Man v. Food M a n v. Food 'G BBQ Crawl 'PG' BBQ Crawl 'PG M'A'S*H 'PG' M* A *S*H 'PG' M* A *S*H 'PG' M* A *S*H 'PG' M*A*S*H 'PG' TVLND 65 47 29 35 M*A*S*H 'PG'

USA 15 30 23 30 NCISMasqueraden'PG'« NCIS Mother's Day n '14' « NCIS SwanSong'14' «(DVS) VH1 191 48 37 54 100Greatest Songs of the'90s n * * * "C lueless"(1995, Comedy) Alicia Silverstone, StaceyDash.n

KingoftheHiff KingoftheHill A mericanDad AmericanDad FamilyGuy'14' FamilyGuy'14 Adam Richman'sAdam Richman's BestDaym Tak Best Daym Tak Food ParadiseBaconParadise'G Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Hot in Cleveland TheExes'PG' The SoulMan King ofQueens Royal PainsPinsandNeedles'PG' (10:01) NecessaryRoughness'PG' (11:02) Suits '14' «(DVS) La La's Life La La's Life Couples Therapy n '14 Couples Therapy(N) n '14

ENCR 106401 306401(3:50)ThePatriot (6:40) * "Inspector Gadget"1999 n 'PG' «

*** "TheWitchesof EaslwickN 1987 JackNicholson. n 'R' «

OUTD 37 30743 307 Shooting USA Impossible Amer. Rifleman Gun Nuts N SHO 500 500 a Ledge" 2012SamWorthington. n 'PG-13' « (6:15) ** Man on SPEED 35 303125303Wrecked 'PG' Wrecked 'PG' Pinks '14' Pinks '14' N STARZ 300 408 300408 (6:05) *** TheBourneSupremacy"2004MattDamon.' PG-13'« TMC 525 525 (5:00) *** "Gangsof NewYork" 2002LeonardoDiCaprio. 'R' « *WE 14 41 174118 L.A. Hair SheWet the Wig'14' L.A. Hair DrinkingandWeaving '14'

Gun Stories G r ateful NationShooting USA cc Ray DonovanNewBirthday 'MA' Jim Rome onShowtime (N)'MA' Car Warnors Nova n '14' cc Wrecked 'PG' Wrecked 'PG' Magic City n 'MA' « The White Queen n 'MA' ec s c *** "Elizabeth"1998, Historical DramaCate Blanchett. n 'R' « L.A. Hair BringingSexyBack'14' L . A . Hair '14

** Npireslarrero1984, Horror David Keith, DrewBarrymore. 'R' « Red Buff X-Fighters 2013:Madrid FUEL 34 (5:00) UFCReloaded Frankie Edgarvs. BensonHenderson UFC Unleashed UFC Fight Night FromthePatriot Center inFairfax, Va. FXM 104204104120 "Chronicles-DawnTreader FXM Presents * * "T he Chroniclesof Narnia: TheVoyageof theDawn Treader FXM Presents * * "N ight attheMuseum"2006, ComedyBenStiler. 'PG' cc GOLF 28 301 27 301 Sr. PGA Champ. Highlights Feherty Larry David Golf Central Golf U.S. Amateur,Day1 FromThe Country Club in Brookline, Mass Inside PGATour Learning Center *** "Straight Fromthe HeaitN(2003, Romance) HALL 66 33 175 33 (5:00) "Litt/e Houseonthe Prairie Little House on the Prairie 'PG' Frasier 'PG' F r a sier n 'PG' Frasier n 'PG' Frasier n 'PG Teri Polo. 'G' « HBO 425501 425501 Hard Knocks: Training CampWith The Newsroom n MA « True Blood Life Matters 'MA' « Hard Knocks: Training CampWith (7:15) ** "Riseof theGuardians" 2012Voices of Chris Pine. n 'PG * "Broken Lizard's Club Dread" 2004,ComedyBill Paxton. 'R' IFC 1 0 1 0 5 (5:00) * "Very BadThings"1998 (7:15) * "BrokenLizard's Club Dread"2004, ComedyBill Paxton, JayChandrasekhar. 'R Very BadThings id" 1999 Bill Pullman. 'R' cc ** "ChasingMaverickso 2012, DramaGerard Butler. n 'PG' cc MAX 400 508 508 * End ofDays (6:35) ** "Lake P/ac Strike Back n 'MA' cc Very Harold &Kumar3D" NBCSN 27 58 30 209 SharkHunters'14 Shark Hunters Bananorized(N) '14' Hooked Up 'PG' Hooked Up 'PG Shark Hunters '14 Shark Hunters Bananorized'14' Motorcycle Racing 'PG' NGC 157 157 L e t it Ride Rockin' Wheelies 'PG' Diggers: Juiced Diggers: Juiced Let it Ride Rockin'Wheelies 'PG' Diggers 'PG' D i ggers 'PG' Diggers: Juiced Diggers: Juiced Diggers 'PG' D i ggers 'PG' NTOON 89 115189115 OddParents O d d Parents Odd Parents O d d Parents Odd Parents O d d Parents Robot, Monster Robot, Monster Back, Barnyard Back, Barnyard DannyPhantom Danny Phantom

Impossible Am e r. RiflemanGun Stories G u n Nuts Dexter DressCode n 'MA' e« s Jim Rome onShowtime 'MA' Pinks '14' Pinks '14' Unique Whips '14' ***"Hitch" 2005, Romance-Comedy Wil Smith. n 'PG-13' « (10:05) ** "Elizabeth:TheGolden Age" 2007Cate Blanchett. 'PG-13 L.A. Hair CareerSuicide'14 L.A. Hair SheWetthe Wig '14

TV • PAGE 15

THE BULLETIN • AU GUST 10 — 16, Z013


'In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. •



II I c II I I Jeopardy! rr 'G' « Wheel of Fortune Wipeout BeautyQueensTropic Blunder n'G' cc ChoppingMall. (N) n 'PG' « NewsChannel 21 at 6(N) cc Jeopardy! n 'G' cc Wheel of Fortune America's Got Talent Fouracts advance rr 'G' cc Backstreet Boys. 'PG' « AccessHollywood Who Wantsto Bea New Adventuresof 30 Rock TheFun- The Big Bang (8:31) Twoand a (N) n 'PG' « Mill i onaire 'G' O l d Christine cooker '14' cc Th e ory '14' cc Ha l f Men n '14' KEZI 9 Newsat 6:00 KEZI 9News at 6:30 Entertainment To omg! Insider (N) Wipeout BeautyQueensTropic Blunder cc ChoppingMall. (N) n 'PG' « (N) « (N) « night(N) n'PG' Two andaHalfMen TwoandaHalfMen TheBigBang The Big Bang Glee Guilty PleasuresTheclub performs zr '14' cc rr '14' cc Theory 'PG' cc Theory '14' cc guilty pleasuresongs. n '14' JosephRosendo's NightlyBusiness PBS NewsHour(N)n « Art Beat Presents Oregon Art Beat n c II







at 6 (N)zr « KATU KATU News

Motive FallenAngelThemurder of apriest. (10:01) Rookie Blue What I LostThe KATU Newsat11 (11:35) JimmyKimsquad searchesfor Chris' son. 'PG' mel Live '14' (ABC) (N) rr 'PG' cc(DVS) (N) rr cc Hollywood GameNight Thecompetition Hollywood Game Night Dominic NewsChannel 21at The Tonight Show KTVZ (NBC) grows intense, rc '14' « Monaghan;AubreyPlaza.(N)'PG' « 11(N) cc With Jay Lenon (9:01) Big Brother Competingfor headof Elementary Flight Risk A small plane KOIN Local 6 at11 Late Show With KBNZ David Letterman (CBS) household.(N) n « crashes. n 'PG' « (N) cc Motive FallenAngelThemurder of apriest. (10:01) Rookie Blue What I LostThe KEZI 9 Newsat (11:35) JimmyKimKOHD 11:00 (N) cc mel Live '14' (ABC) (N) rr 'PG' cc(DVS) squad searchesfor Chris' son.'PG' New Girl Neighbors The Mindy Project News Channel 21 TMZ n 'PG' cc Family Guy n '14' ccFamily Guy ExtraKFXO (FOX) n 14 Pretty Man n '14' First on FOX(N) Large Medium '14' Midsomer Murders Adeath leads tomur- (9:48) Midsomer (10:36) TheMemoirs of Sherlock Holmes Film School Shorts KOAB 'Q' cc 'PQ' cc R e port(N) n 'G' (PBS) Travelscope der and intrigue. 'PG' cc Murders 'PG' T h e Golden Pince-Nez n 'G' Inside Edition (N) n America's GotTalent Fouracts advance Hollywood GameNight Thecompetition Hollywood Game Night Dominic NewsChannel 8at The Tonight Show KGW NewsChannel 8 at NewsChannel 8 at Live at 7 (N) cc 'PQ' cc With Jay Leno n (NBC) 6PM (N) cc 6:30PM (N) cc Backstreet Boys. 'PG' « grows intense. n '14' « Monaghan;AubreyPlaza.(N)'PG' « 11 (N) cc KTVZDT2 TheKing of Queens That '70s Show n Seinfeld The Watch Rules of Engage. The Vampire Diaries Stand by MeThe rest America's NextTop ModelThemodels Cops Dallas, Texas Seinfeld The Cadil- Rules of Engage- That '70s Show n 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc '14' « '14' cc ment '14' « lac 'PG' « ment '14' cc (CW) n 'PG' of Shane's plan isrevealed. '14' tackle a vertical runway. '14' « OPBPL Jacques Pepin Cooking School Bridge the Gap toPineRidge n 'PG Pittsburgh From the Air n 'G' cc BBC World News Tavis Smiley n Charlie Rose (N) n 'PG' « PBS NewsHour n cc The First 48 Murderedgrandfather; drive- The First 48 Fatal stabbing at aTexasstrip The First 48 UncommonValor A good The First 48 Ayoungmother isgunned Panic 9-1-1 A store customerseeks guns (11:01) Panic 9-1-1 Homeintruder; buried by victim. '14' cc mall. '14' cc Samaritan is gunneddown. cc down. (N) cc and ammo.(N) '14' cc hiker; car crash. '14' cc Owner's Manual The Pitch CollegeHunksHaulingJunk Col 'AMC (4:30) ***"The UsualSuspects" (1995) ****"Pulp Fiction"(1994, CrimeDrama) JohnTravolta, SamuelL. Jackson, UmaThurman. Criminals crosspaths inthree inter- Owner's Manual StephenBaldwin. « locked tales ofmayhem.« Stunt Plane'PG' Locomotive(N) l ege Hunks Hauling Junk.(N) 'PG' *ANPL River Monsters: Unhooked 'PG' cc Gator Boys: Xtra Bites n 'PG' cc Gat or Boys Gator BoyKnockout 'PG' Call.Wildman C a l l-Wildman C a l l-Wildman C a l l-Wildman G a tor Boys Gator BoyKnockout 'PG BRAVO Housewives /NJ The RealHousewivesofNew Jersey The Real HousewivesofNew Jersey The Real HousewivesofNew Jersey The Real HousewivesofNew Jersey Housewives/NJ What Happens Housewives/OC *** "Jerry Maguire" (1996)TomCruise. An attack of consciencechangesanL.A. sportsagent's life CMT Reba 'PG' cc Reba Issues'PG' Reba rr 'G' cc Re b a 'PG' cc Cops Reloaded Cops Reloaded CNBC American Greed American Greed Mad Money American Greed American Greed Daily deal Larry King Spc. CNN Piers MorganLive (N) (Live) Anderson Cooper360'PG' « Erin Burnett OutFront Piers MorganLive Anderson Cooper360 'PG' « Erin Burnett OutFront T o s h.0 '14' « Dai l y Show Colb ert Report COM (5:52) South Park (6:23) Tosh.0 '14' Colbert Report Daily Show Chappel le'sShow Chappel le'sShow It's Always Sunny It's Always Sunny Tosh.0 '14' cc COTV Desert Cooking Oregon myWindow Art Fly Fishing Extreme Desire Adventure Journal Get Outdoors Visions of NW TheYogaShow The Yoga Show myWindow Ci ty on Editi CSPAN Capitol Hill Hearings Capitol Hill Hearings ** "TheAdventuresof Sharkhoyand Lavagirl" (2005) *DIS Phineas andFerb Phineas and Ferb Good-Charlie Je s sie 'G' « Phineas andFerb Dog With a Blog Austin & Ally 'G' Good-Charlie Jessie 'G' « *DISC Gold Rush n 'PG' cc Airplane RepoNarrowEscape n '14' Airplane RepoSpies in the Night '14' A i rplane Repo n '14' cc Airplane RepoAlonein Alaska (N)n Airplane RepoNarrowEscapen '14' *E! Keeping Up With the Kardashians E! News (N) Vanessa & Ashley Total Divas '14' Pop Innovators SteveJobs(N)'14' Chelsea Lately (N) E! News ESPN (5:00) NFLPreseason Football San DiegoChargers at ChicagoBears (N) SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc ESPN2 ATP Tennis ATP Tennis NFL Live (N)(Live)as Baseball Tonight (N) (Live) « ESPNC Friday Night Lights n '14' cc Friday Night Lights n '14' cc Long WayDown cc Basketball FromKansasCity. « Basketball FromBerlin cc Basketball FromSydney, Australia ESPNN SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) « Highlight Express Highlight Express Highlight Express Highlight Express Highlight Express Highlight Express ESPNFCPress Highlight Express FAM Melissa & Joey * * * * "Titanic" (1997, Historical Drama)Leonardo DiCaprio, Kate Winslet, Billy Zane. Awomanfalls for an artist aboard the ill-fated ship. The700Club rr 'G' « FNC Hannity (N) On the RecordW/GretaVanSusteren The O'Reilly Factor cc Hannity On the RecordW/GretaVanSusteren The Five 'FOOD Chopped Break aCrab Leg!'G Chopped FlounderingAround'G' Cutthroat Kitchen 'G Chopped Walk onthe WhelkSide 'G' Chef WantedWith Anne Burrell 'G' Food Network Star 'G' FX Two and Half Men *** "Superbad" (2007,Comedy) JonahHill, Michael Cera,Christopher Mintz-Plasse Anger Anger Wilfred (N) 'MA' Wilfred 'MA' Wilfred 'MA' Simpsons HGTV LoveltorListlt, Too'G' cc Hunters Int'I House Hunters 'G Rehab Addict 'G' Rehab Addict 'G' Renovation Raiders 'G' « House Hunters Hunters Int'I House Hunters 'G' Hunters Int'I *HIST Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Haffields & Hatfields & Legend- Shelby Legend- Shelby LIFE Wife Swap n 'PG' « Wife Swap n 'PG' « Project RunwayTie the Knot'PG' Project RunwayThedesigners createminicollections. 'PG Double Divas '14' Supermarket Supers tar (N) 'PG' « MSNBC The RachelMaddowShow (N) The Last Word All In With Chris Hayes The Rachel MaddowShow The Last Word Hardball With Chris Matthews cc MTV Pranked n '14' P r anked n '14' Pranked n '14' P r anked n '14' Ridiculousness n Ridiculousness n Ridiculousness n Ridiculousness n Ridiculousness n Ridiculousness n Money, Strangers Ridiculousness n NICK SpongeBob Sp o ngeBob * "TheLastAirbender" (2010,Fantasy) Noah Ringer, DevPatel. n cc Full House n 'G' Full House n 'G' The Nanny'PG' The Nanny 'PG' Friends n 'PG' F r iends '14' cc Unusual Suspects n '14' cc Datehne on OWN n '14' « Dateline on OWN Acrime scene. '14 Dateline on OWN n '14' « Dateline on OWNn '14' « OWN Unusual Suspects Left ForDeadn Pac-12 Football Timelines Pac-12 Football in 60 Pac-12 Football Pac-12 Football Encore Pac-12 Football PAC12 (5:00) Pac-12Football Encore Cops 'PG' « Cops 'PG' « Cop s '14' cc Cops 'PG' cc Cops '14' « *** "Kick-Ass" (2010,Action) n SPIKE Cops 'PG' cc iMPACTWrestling n '14' « ** "Piratesof the Caribbean:DeadMan's Chest" (2006, Action) JohnnyDepp,Orlando Bloom.« SYFY (5:00) *** "TheChronic/esof Narnia: Prince Caspian" (2008,Fantasy) Narnia: PrinceCaspian TBN Joseph Prince 'G Hillsong TV Praise the Lord 'Y' « Live-Holy Land Turning Point 'G' IBA News 'PG' C r eflo Dollar 'G' Behind Scenes Praise the Lord King ofQueens Seinfeld TheStock Seinfeld The Ex-Girl- Seinfeld ThePony Family Guy Eveningat JamesWoods' The Big Bang The Big Bang Sullivan & SonOverTheBig Bang Conan HarrisonFord;Donald Faison. *TBS The n 'PG' Tip n 'PG' friend n 'PG' Re m ark n 'PG' m a nsion. n '14' « Theory n 'PG Theory n 'PG' the Edge '14' Th e ory n 'PG' (N) cc *** "DuelintheSun"(1946,Western) Jennifer Jones, Gregory Peck,JosephCotten. A half-American Indian (5:00)"TheMa(6:45) *** "The Manin theGrayFlannel Suit" (1956,Drama)Gregory Peck,Jennifer Jones, Fredric March.Anadmanis torn be TCM comberAffair" tween MadisonAvenueandhis wife andfamily. « moves inwith a rancher's family. « 'TLC Toddlers & Tiaras n 'PG' « Extreme CougarWives n '14' « Say Yes to the Dress: TheBig Day Four Weddings (N) n 'PG' « Wedding Island (N) n 'PG' « Four Weddings n 'PG' « Castle Deep inDeath Adead manis Castle TheDoubleDownCastle betswith Castle Inventing theGirl A model's corpse Hawaii Five.0 MalamaKaAina Agang war Hawaii Five-0 Lanakila Aviolent convict Perception AsylumPierce investigates a 'TNT tangled in tree limbs. rr 'PG' Esposito. zr 'PG' «(DVS) appears in afountain. rr 'PG' kills several people. rr '14' escapesfromprison. zr '14' stabbing. '14' « "TOON Adventure Time Regular Show R egular Show A n noying Orange Incredible Crew Regular Show King of the Hill n King of the Hill n American Dad '14' American Dad'14' Family Guy '14' Family Guy '14 'TRAV Bizarre FoodsWith AndrewZimmern Man v. Food 'PG' Man v. Food 'PG' Mysteries at the Museum 'PG' « Mysteries at the Museum(N) 'PG' My s teries at the Museum 'PG' « Myst eries at the Museum 'PG' « *A*S*H M*A*S*H 'PG' M*A*S*H 'PG M'A*S*H 'PG M*A*S'H 'PG TVLND (5:46) M Love-Raymond Love-Raymond King of Queens King ofQueens King ofQueens King ofQueens (6:23) M'A'S*H USA NCIS Political assassination. n '14 NCIS DoubleIdentity n 'PG' « NCIS Housekeeping'14' «(DVS) Burn Notice ThingsUnseen(N)'PG' (10:01) GracelandSmokeAlarm '14' (11:02) Covert Affairs 'PG VH1 Couples Therapy T.l. and Tiny Ma r rying, Game Marrying, Game Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta n '14' Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta '14' Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta n '14' Hollywood Exes n '14 *A&E

ENCR (4:40) GeiCarter

(6:25) *"TheG/immerMan"1996 StevenSeagal. zr 'R'

** "Action Jackson" 1988CarlWeathers. n 'R' «

(9:40) * "GhostRider: Spirit of Vengeance"2012Nicolas Cage. rr 'PG-13'

(11:20) RedDawn

FUEL UFC ReloadedUFC146: DosSantos vs. MirRelive all theaction fromUFC146 UFC ReloadedUFC68: Sylvia vs. Couture RandyCouturecomes outof retirement ** "TheSoloist" 2009JamieFoxx. Mentalillnesshampersa Skid Rowmusician's dreams *** "Men ofHonor" 2000,DramaRobert DeNiro. 'R' cc FXM (5:00) ** "TheSo/oist" 2009Jamie Foxx. 'PG-13' cc GOLF (5:30) PGATour Golf WyndhamChampionship, First Round Golf Central (N) 19th Hole (N) G o l f U.S. Amateur, Day2 HALL Little House on the Prairie 'PG' cc Little House on the Prairie 'PG' « "Reading,Writing& Romance"(2013)Eric Mabius,Virginia Wiliams. 'G' « Frasier 'PG' « Fra sier 'PG' « Fra sier 'PG' « Fra sier 'PG' « HBO (5:45) ** f Rockof Ages"2012, MusicalJulianne Hough. n 'PG-13' cc The Newsroom n 'MA cc * "The Watch" 2012, ComedyBen Stiler. n 'R' cc Boardwalk Empire Katie Morgan's Real Sex * "BangkokDangerous"2008,ActionNicolasCage,ShahkritYamnarm.'R IFC (5:00) * "Crank:HighVoltage" 2009 (9:15) ** "Bad Ass"2012,Action DannyTrejo, Ron Perlman. Premiere. 'R' (11:15) ** "Bad Ass" 2012'R ** "Taken 2" 2012,Action Liam Neeson. n 'NR' cc MAX (5:20) ** "Ramboili" 1988 'R' cc (7:05) ** "TheEag/e" 2011,Action ChanningTatum.n 'PG-13' cc Strike Back n MA cc Co-Ed Confid. NBCSN Gymnastics U.S.Championships(N) Track/Field 36 T h e Grid 'G Auto Racing ARCARacing Series: Berlin 200 Gymnastics U.S.Championships FromHarfford, Conn

Inside the American Mob'14' NGC Drugs, Inc. '14 Drugs, Inc. '14 Inside the American Mob'14 Drugs, Inc. HawaiianIce'PG Prison WomenCounty Jail '14' NTOON T.U.F.F.Puppy n T.U.F.F. Puppyn T.U.F.F. Puppy n T.U.F.F. Puppy n T.U.F.F .Puppyn T.U. F.F.Puppyn Robot, Monster Robot, Monster Back at, Barnyard Back at, Barnyard DannyPhantom Danny Phantom OUTD Realtree Road RealTree's Bow Madness U l t. Adventures The Season Cu d deback's J. B ushman Show The Crush Dobbs Alive Steve's Outdoor Gold Fever ** "StepUpRevolution" 2012, DramaRyanGuzman. 'PG-13 SHO (6:10) *** "50/50"2011 JosephGordon-Levitt, Seth Rogen. n 'R' « Katt Williams: Kattpacalypse n 'MA Polyamory Mr. Web Therapy '14' SPEED Rolex Sports CarSeries RacingRoadAmerica FromRoadAmerica in Elkhart Lake,Wis Wrecked '14' W r ecked '14' Pinks '14' Fox Sports 1 Unique Whips '14' ** "TheOddLife of TimothyGreen" 2012Jennifer Garner. n 'PG' ncs STARZ (5:45) ** "Wimb/edon" 2004Kirsten Dunst. n 'PG-13' (7:25) *** "Brave" 2012Voices of Kelly Macdonald (10:50) "UndertheTuscanSun" 2003 TMC **"TheTwilightSaga: Breaking DawnPart /" 2011 Kristen Stewart. « *** vWar Horse"2011Emily Watson. Ahorse seesjoy andsorrow during World WarI. « SeeGirlRun" 2012,RomanceRobin Tunney. 'NR' « 'WE L.A. Hair You'reFired(N) '14 Sanya's Glam &Gold (N)'PG L.A. Hair You're Fired '14 L.A. Hair You're Fired'14 L.A. Hair You're Fired '14 Sanya's Glam & Gold 'PG

PAGE 16 • TV

THE BULLETIN • AUGUST 10 — 16, 2013 *In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/Black Butte (Digital); PM-Prineville/Madras; SR-Sunriver; L-La Pine



v II










KATU Newsat 6(N) n «






KATU Newsat11 (11:35) Jimmy Kimmel Live '14' (N)n cc NewsChannel 21 Tonight Show KTVZ (NBC) at11 (N) cc Wi t h Jay Leno (9:01) Hawaii Five-0DannyandMcGar BlueBloodsA GrandRebbeandhis KOINLoca!6at11 Late ShowWith KBNZ rett's boat is hijacked. 'PG' David Letterman (CBS) new appointeedie. '14' sccs (N) cc Shark Tank Riding abike that doesn't (10:01) 20/20(N) n cc KEZI 9 Newsat (11:35) Jimmy KOHD Kimmel Live '14' (ABC) have pedals. n 'PG' 11:00 (N) cc The Big Bang The Big Bang News Channel 21 TMZ (N) n 'PG' cc Family Guyn Family GuyGo KFXO '14' cc (FOX) Theory n '14' Theory Pilot '14' First on FOX Stewie Go'14' DCI Banks StrangeAffair HelenMortonsuspects Roy. n Masterpiece Classic South Riding Masterpiece Clas KOAB n 'G' cc 'PQ' cc The Week(N) n (PBS) Report (N) « Sarah Burton applies for ajob. 'PG' sic '14' NewsChannel8at NewsChannel8at Liveat7(N) cc InsideEdition(N) BettyWhite'sOff Betty White's Off Dateline NBC(N) n 'PG' cc NewsChannel 8at TonightShow KGW 'PQ' cc Their Rockers Their Rockers (NBC) 6PM (N) « 6:3 0 PM (N) 11 (N) cc With Jay Leno That '70s Show n Seinfeld The R u les of Engage. Perfect Score (N) Perfect Score(N) America's Next TopModelThemodels Cops Buffalo, New Seinfeld n 'PG' cc Rules of Engage. That '70s Show n KTVZDT2 Q Q Q Q The King of 'PQ' cc 'PG' « 'PQ' cc '14' cc York '14' ment '14' Queens n 'PG Bubble Boy 'PG' ment 'PG' receive makeovers.(N)'14' (CW) OPBPL 175 17 3 T a ste This! 'G' P rimal Grill Masterpiece Mystery! n '14' « (DVS) On Story n 'G' World News Tavis Smiley n Charlie Rose (N) n « PBS NewsHour n « KATU

Jeopardy! n 'G' «Wheel of Fortune Last Man Standing (8:31) TheNeigh 'Q' cc 'PQ' cc bors n 'PG' O O O O (5:00) NFL Preseason Football San Francisco49ers atKansasCity Chiefs From Betty White's Off Betty White's Off ArrowheadStadiumin Kansas City, Mo.(N) (Live) Their Rockers Their Rockers AccessHollywood Who WantstoBe New Adventures 30 Rock The Undercover BossAmericanSeafoods (N) 'PG' a Millionaire o fOld Christine Bubble n '14' C E O Bernt Bodal. 'PG' cc O O O O KEZI 9 News at KEZI 9 Newsat Entertainment omg! Insider (N) Last Man Standing (8:31) TheNeigh 'PQ' cc bors n 'PG' 6:00 (N) « 6:3 0 (N) « Toni ght (N) 'PG' Two and aHalf III g) @ g) (5:00) NFLPreseason Football TampaBay Buccaneers at NewEngland Patriots Two and a Half Men '14' cc Men '14' cc From Gilette Stadium in Foxboro, Mass.(N) n (Live) « Washington Week Charlie Rose~ gy ~ gy Grannies on Safari Nightly Business PBS NewsHour(N) n acc

Shark Tank Riding abike that doesn't (10:01) 20/20 (N) n « have pedals. n 'PG' Datehne NBC (N) n 'PG' cc

Storage Wars A Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars StorageWars (11:01) BadInk (11:31) BadInk 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc '14' cc '14' cc Time to Kiln 'PG' 'PQ' cc (4:00) *** "Scarface" (1983,CrimeDrama) Al Pacino, Michelle Pfeiffer. A Cuban ****"The Godfather" (1972, CrimeDrama)Marlon Brando, Al Pacino,JamesCaan.A mafia patriarch tries to holdhis empire together. « 'AMC immigrant fights to thetop of Miami's drugtrade. « *ANPL 68 50 2638 RiverMonster s:Unhookedn'PG' Wild West Alaska n '14' cc Tanked JurassicCampground'PG' Tanked n 'PG' Tanked (N) n 'PG' Tanked n 'PG' BRAVO 13 44 To B e Announced The Millionaire Matchmaker '14' T oBe Announced Housewives/OC The Real Housewives of Miami '14 ** "Honey" (2003)Jess>caAlba R e b a 'PG' « (8:02) ** "HappyGi/more" (1996,Comedy)AdamSandler, Christopher McDonald CMT 190 32 42 53 Reba'PG' cc Re b a 'PG' cc Reba 'PG' « Hillbillies-Hire Cops Reloaded Cops Reloaded CNBC 54 36 40 52 The Profit Planet Popcorn American Greed Mad Money The Profit Planet Popcorn American Greed Cancer: Winning Cook Safe CNN 55 38 35 48 Piers MorganLive(N)(Live) Anderson Cooper360'PG' « Stroumboulopoulos (N) Anderson Cooper360 'PG' « To Be Announced Inside ManMarijuana '14' Tosh.0 '14 COM 13 53 135 47 (5:50) South Park (6:21) Tosh.0'14 Colbert Report Daily Show (7:54) Tosh.0 '14' (8:25) ** "American Pie 2" (2001)JasonBiggs. Premiere. cc John Oliver G e t Him-Greek COTV 11 Desert Cooking Oregon myWindow Art Fly Fishing Extreme Desire Adv Journal G e t Outdoors V i sions of NW The Yoga Show The Yoga ShowmyWindow Ci t y Edition CSPAN 61 20 12 11 (5:00) Politics & Public Policy Today 'DIS 87 43 14 39 Phineas, Ferb P hineas, Ferb Jessie 'G' « Jes s ie 'G' « Phineas andFerb (N) n 'G' cc Austin & Ally 'G' (9:40) Jessie 'G' Dog With a Blog Good-Charlie Austin & Ally 'G' Austin & Ally 'G' *DISC 15 21 16 37 Saint Hoods Kojack Box '14' cc Gold Rush n 'PG' cc GoldRush: PayDirt(N) n cc Gold Rush (N) n 'pQ' cc Saint Hoods (N) n 'PG' cc Gold Rush n 'PG' cc *E! "EverAfter: A CinderellaStory" 13 25 E! News(N) Pop Innovators SteveJobs '14' Fashion Police (N)'14 Fashion Police '14' Chelsea Lately E! News ESPN 21 23 22 23 Little League Baseball Baseball Tonight (N) (Live)cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc ESPN2 22 24 21 24 Boxing(N) Boxing FridayNight Fights Gabriel Campillovs. Andrzej Fonfara. FromChicago. (N) « NFL Live (N)(Live) « Baseball Tonight (N) (Live) « SportsCenter Special (N) ESPNC 23 25 123 25 FridayNightLights'14' cc Boysof Summer"(2010,Documentary) « 30for30 cc Boysof Summer"(2010,Documentary) « H-Lite Ex. H-Li te Ex H-Lite Ex. H-Lite Ex. ESPNN 24 63 124203 Soccer Soccergamesat club andinternational level. 'MA SportsCenter (N) H-Lite Ex ESPNFC Press Boxing ** "TheLitt/e Rasca/s" (1994,Comedy)Travis Tedford, BugHall ** "GoodBurger" (1997,Comedy)Kel Mitchell, KenanThompson. FAM 67 29 1941 Speff -Mageddon Spin Cycle 'PG The 700 Club n 'G' « FNC 57 61 36 50 Hannity(N) On Record, GretaVanSusteren T h e O'Reiffy Factor cc Hannity On Record, GretaVanSusteren The Five *FOOD 17 62 98 44 Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Restaurant: Impossible 'G' Diners, Drive D i ners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive D i ners, Drive The Shed 'G' T h e Shed 'G' FX 131 How I Met Two/Half Men Two/Half Men * * "Sucker Punch"(2011,Action) Emily Browning, AbbieCornish. Premiere The Bridge Pilot Abodyis foundon abri dge. 'MA' The Bridge 'MA' HGTV 17 49 33 43 Hunters Int'I H un t ers Int'I Smart Home H u nters Int'I Cool Pools 'G' « Cool Pools (N) G cc House Hunters Hunters Int'I Hunters Int'I Hunters Int'I *HIST 15 42 41 36 ModernMarvelsAxhistory.'PG' American Pickers FastEddie'PG' American Pickers 'PG' cc American Pickers 'PG' cc American Pickers 'PG' cc (11:02) AmericanPickers 'PG' LIFE 13 39 20 31 Hoarders'PG' « Hoarders 'PG' cc Hoarders 'PG' cc Hoarders 'PG' cc Hoarders 'PG' cc (11:01) Hoarders 'PG' cc MSNBC 59 59 128 51 The Rachel MaddowShow (N) Lockup San Quentin Lockup: NewMexico Lockup Lockup:In dianaAnonymoustip Lockup: Indiana Cutting *** "(500) DaysofSummer" (2009) JosephGordon-Levitt MTV 192 22 38 57 The Challenge: Battleofthe Exes The Challenge: Battle of the Exes The Challenge: Rivals II n '14' Catfish: The TVShow n NICK 82 46 24 40 SpongeBob S p o ngeBob Teenage Mut. Teenage Mut House 'G' Fuff House'G' TheNanny'PG' The Nanny'PG' Friendsn 'PG' Friends n 'PG' Sanjay, Craig Rabbids Invas Fuff Oprah: WhereAre They Now?'PG Oprah: WhereAre They Now? 'PG Oprah: WhereAre They Now?'PG lyanla, Fix My Life n '14 Oprah: WhereAre They Now?'PG OWN 161 103 31 103(4:00) **"TheBodyguard" n Pac-12 Football Timelines Pac-12 Football in 60 Pac-12 Football Pac-12 Football Encore Pac-12 Football PAC12 47 310310310(5:00) Pac-12Football Encore ** "TheFastandthe Furious: TokyoDril" (2006) LucasBlack, ZacheryTyBryan. n SPIKE 132 31 34 46 (5:27) *** "BatmanBegins" (2005, Action) Christian Bale, MichaelCaine. n Ink Master BabyGotBack n '14' SYFY 13 35 133 45 (5:00) ** "Piratesofthe Caribbean: DeadMan's Chest" (2006) « WWE Friday Night SmackDown! (N) n 'PG' « ContinuumSecondGuessed(N) Heroes of Cosplay '14' TBN 205 60 130 The Harvest Creflo Dollar 'G Behind Scenes Praise Lord Pe r ry Stone Pra ise the Lord 'Y' cc Frederick Price Leon Fontaine Caff2AI ** "Monst er-in-Law"(2005,Romance-Comedy)JenniferLopez,JaneFonda.A (11:15) AreWe (11:45) AreWe The King of Seinfeld TheBus- Seinfeld n 'PG' cc Seinfeld The Family Guyn Family Guyn 'TBS '14' cc '14' cc Queens n 'PG boy n 'PG' Jacket'G' « shrewishwomanclasheswith her son's fiancee. «(DVS) There Yet? 'PG There Yet? 'PG f ** "TheStudent Prince" (1954,Musical) AnnBlyth, EdmundPurdom. PrinceKarl *** "The HeleMorgan n Story" (1957) (5:00)*** MildredPierce"(1945)* * " Kismet"(1955,Fantasy)HowardKeel,AnnBlyth,DoloresGray.ABaghdad TCM 014410129 Joan Crawford. «(DVS) beggar-poethelpshis daughter wooacaliph. « Ann Blyth. Premiere. goes to Heidelbergandfalls for a congenial barmaid. « *TLC 17 34 32 34 Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress What Not to WearLizz S. (N)'PG Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress ** "The Time Traveler's Wife" (2009)Rachel McAdams.Premiere. Atime-traveler ** "The TimeTraveler's Wife" (2009) Rachel McAdams.Atime-traveler keeps *TNT 17 25 15 27 Castle VampireWeekendA body lying in Castle Famous Last Words Femal e rock star's murder. n 'PG' « a graveyardhasfangs. 'PG' keeps moving inandout of the life of his true love. moving in andoutof the life of his true love. «(DVS) *A&E

3 28 1 8 32 Storage 'PQ' cc Wars

Storage Wars 'PQ' cc

Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars 'PQ' cc

'PQ' cc

'PQ' cc

*TOON 84 Adventure Time Regular Show Regular Show Teen Titans Go! Cartoon Planet 'G *TRAV 17 51 45 42 GhostAdventures'PG' cc GhostAdventures 'PG'« Ghost Adventures 'PG' « *H M*A*S*H 'PG' M*A*S*H 'PG' M*A*S*H 'PG TVLND 65 47 29 35 (5:53) M'A'S Friends n 'PG' Friends n 'PG'

King of the Hill King of the Hill American Dad American Dad Family Guy '14' Family Guy '14 Ghost Adventures (N) 'PG' « The Dead Files 'PG' « The Dead Files 'PG' « Friends n '14' Friends n 'PG' Friends n '14' F riends n 'PG Friends n '14' (11:36) Friends USA 15 30 23 30 Law&Order:SpecialyictimsUnit L a w&Order: SpecialyictimsUnit Law 8 Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Necessary Roughness'PG f *** "Jerry Maguire" (1996)TomCruise. Anattack of consciencechangesanL.A. sports agent's life. VH1 191 48 37 54 (4:50) *** RiskyBusiness" n Miss U Much(N) Couples Therapy n '14 Miss U Muchn

*** "Freaky Friday" 2003Jamie LeeCurtis. 'PG' ENCR 106 401 306401(5:50) *** "Pleasanlville"1998TobeyMaguire. n 'PG-13' « PrivateSchool (9:40) ** "An Unfinished Life"2005Robert Redford. n 'PG-13' « FUEL 34 UFC Unleashed UFC Unleashed UFC Unleashed UFC Unleashed UFC Weigh-In UFC Fight Night DramaKeanuReeves, Diane Lane. 'PG-13' cc FXM 104204104120(5:00) **"Radio" 2003 'PG' cc FX M Presents ** "Radio"2003,DramaCubaGooding Jr., Ed Harris. 'PG' cc FXM Presents * "Hardbaf/" 2001, GOLF 28 301 27 301 Golf U.S.Amateur, Day3 FromThe Country Club in Brookline, Mass PGATour Golf Champions:Dick's Sporting GoodsOpen, First Round Golf Central (N) 19th Hole (N) PGA Tour Golf *** "Dad'sHome" (2010, Drama)David JamesElliott. 'PG' « HALL 66 33 175 33 Little House on the Prairie 'PG' Lit t le House on the Prairie 'PG' Frasier n 'PG' Frasier n 'PG' Frasier n 'PG' Frasier n 'PG' HBO 425 501 425501 (5:00) Elektran The Newsroom n 'MA' cc (6:45) ** "SherlockHolmes:AGameof Shadows" 2011Robert DowneyJr. n 'PG-13 Boardwalk Empire n 'MA' cc Boardwalk Empire n 'MA' « IFC 1 0 1 0 5 (4:45) * "VeryBadThings"1998 Com edy Bang! Arrested Dev. Arrested Dev. Arrested Dev. A rrested Dev. A rrested Dev. Comedy Bang! * "VeryBad Things"1998Christian Slater. 'R MAX 400508 508 *Dream House (6:35) **"TheWholeNine Yards" 2000'R' cc (8:15) * "AbrahamLincoln: VampireHunter" 2012 BenjaminWalker. Strike Back (N) n 'MA' cc Confidential Str ike Back 'MA' NBCSN 27 58 30209 Gymnastics U.S.Championships MLS 36 'G MLS Insider 'G Gymnastics U.S.ChampionshipsFromHarfford, Conn Shark Hunters '14 Shark Hunters Bananorized'14' Diggers 'PG' Brain Games'G' Brain Games 'G' Diggers 'PG Diggers 'PG' NGC 157 157 B r ain Games 'G' Brain Games 'GDiggers 'PG' Area 51 Declassified 'PG' StonehengeDecoded: Revealed NTOON 89 115189115 Kung FuPanda Kung Fu Panda Kung Fu Panda Kung Fu Panda Kung Fu Panda Kung Fu Panda Robot, Monster Robot, Monster Back, Barnyard Back, Barnyard DannyPhantom Danny Phantom OUTD 37 30743 307 FearNo Evil Dobbs Alive Driven TV Winchester RealTree's Buc k Zone Rid ge Reaper Bone Collector Profess. Cuddeback's MagnumTV High Places SHO 500 500 "SunsetStrip" 2012 Premiere. n 'NR' cc (5:45) ** "TheNinthGate"1999,SuspenseJohnnyDepp.n 'R (9:35) *** "Compliance" 201Ann 2 Dowd. 'R' « (11:05) RayDonovan 'MA SPEED 35 303125303 NASCAR Racing Sprint Cup:Pure Michigan400, Qualifying Trackside At A Racer's Life 'PG A Racer's Life 'PG Pinks 'PG' Fox Sports1 *** "Frankenweenie" 2012,Comedy'PG' « STARZ 300408300408 (5:15) ** "Little Man"2006 « Magic City n 'MA' cc The White Queen n 'MA' « The White Queen n 'MA' « Magic City 'MA *** "Dothe Right Thing"1989,DramaDannyAielo. n 'R' « ** "C/ockers"1995, DramaHarveyKeitel, JohnTurturro. 'R TMC 525 525 *** "TheBigLebowsk/"1998,ComedyJeffBridges.n 'R'« *WE 14 41 174118 Bridezillas Krystal andEvelina '14' O bsessed With the Dress 'PG' Brideziffas WhereAre Brideziffas WhereAre Th. Bridezillas Krystal andEvelina '14' B r ideziffas '14

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