Serving Central Oregon since 1903 75$
WEDNESDAY October 10,2012
iances: o ix or no 0 Ix
Tee timetravai s
oar sen s on ovoers
water plan in court today
By Ben Botkin The Bulletin
The Bend-La Pine School Board unanimously approved a recommendation Tuesday t o seek voter approval of a $ 97.9 million b ond f o r t w o new schools and building im p rovements t h r oughout t h e district. The bond goes next to voters in May 2013 for their approval. The board aims with the bond
By Hillary Borrud The Bulletin
A hearing in U.S. Dis trict Court in Eugene today may determine whether the city of Bend can break ground this fall on a $20.1 mil lion project to upgrade the pipeline and other facilities that bring drinking water to the city. Construction work ers and equipment are poised to begin work, but opponents of the project filed a request last week for a prelimi nary injunction to halt the project. The non profit Central Oregon LandWatch sought the injunction after filing a lawsuit against the U.S. Forest Service in U.S. District Court last month. Central Oregon LandWatch claims the Forest Service failed to adequately study what effects the water project, which passes through federal lands, will have on fish and wetlands. Should Chief Dis trict Judge Ann Aiken grant the injunction following the hear ing this morning, the city would be forced to delay construction until Aiken issues a final decision on the case. It will likely take months for the judge to decide whether the For est Service adequately reviewed environ mental impacts of the project before it issued a permit, City Attorney Mary Winters said Tuesday. If Aiken does not is sue an injunction, city officials plan to proceed immediately with con struction rather than wait for further court decisions and another appealCentral Oregon LandWatch filed with the Oregon Land Use Board of Appeals. See Water /A4
to address the district's grow ing enrollment in recent years a nd ensure th e s chool h a s room for future growth. A new e lementary school and a new middle school are the biggest items the bond will cover if it passes. But the dis trict also intends to pay for 138 improvement projects across all district schools. "It was a w e ll-thought-out process," said Board Chairman
Ron Gallinat. The recommendation came from a sites and facilities com m ittee of c o mmunity m e m bers that looked at individual school needs. The committee's thoughtful an d d etailed ap proach made the decision eas ier, Gallinat said. The district has 11 elemen tary schools in Bend that are near or over capacity. Enrollment reached 16,600
enin '?
toe Kltne / The Bulletin
Kids get a martial arts lesson Tuesday eveningonstage during the Shaolin Warriors performance at the Tower Theatre in Bend. The show featured 20 kung fu masters demonstrating martial arts associated with the Shaolin Monastery and its traditions.
Mexico ki sdrug kingpin; bodygetsaway "We have to improve coordi neral home and whisked away by gunmen in ahijacked hearse nation, to avoid this type of inci The Associated Press hours after the Zetas strongman dent," Poire said. "But there is no MEXICO CITY — The death died in a hail of gunfire in the doubt about the identity of this of the f ounder and l eader of town of Progreso in Coa person." Mexico's brutal Zetas cartel in huila state. A uthorities s ai d t h a t a firefight with marines outside A sked how t h e b o dy assurance was based on a baseball game near the Texas could be stolen, Interior fingerprints an d p h otos border was perhaps the biggest Secretary Alejandro Poire taken while they still had coup of President Felipe Calder suggested Tuesday t h at the body. The navy r e on's war on drugs. there might have been a L a zano e leas e d t wo p hotos show But triumph turned to embar lack of coordination be ing the puffy, slack face rassment when authorities lost tween the military and civilian of a corpse whose features, par the body. authorities. Under Mexican law, ticularly his flaring nostrils, ap Officials still haven't found the military forces must turn ev i peared tomatch the few known remains of Heriberto Lazcano, dence, bodies and suspects over photos of Lazcano. which were snatched from a fu to civilian prosecutors. See Zetas /A5 By E. Eduardo Castillo and AdrianaGomez Licon
8 .4 We userecycled newsprint
88267 02329
The Bulletin
Oregon secretary of state candidates took aim Tuesday evening at incumbent Kate Brown during a candidate fo rum at the Bend Public Library. Her Republican chal lenger, Knute Buehler, a Bend-based orthopedic first bid for statewide office, was joined on the panel by Seth Woolley of the Pacific Green Party and Robert Wolfe of the Progressive Party. Wolfe, a self-de scribed "one-issue candidate," was the chief petitioner of an initiative to legalize marijuana in Oregon. Brown's office fined Wolfe $65,000 for al leged signature-gather ing violations. Wolfe said Brown has put the initiative system "under attack." "It's more treacher ous, expensive and d>ff<cult than >t's ever been," Wolfe said. Wolfe, of Portland, said it's becoming in creasingly difficult for citizens to successfully put their initiatives on the ballot. "Under Kate Brown, the initiative system is further away from the people than ever be fore," he said. Woolley said he advo cates protection of Ore gon's forests, increased transparency in the elections division and opening up state prima ries to other parties. Brown and Buehler squared off on familiar campaign themes dur ing the forum — from what changes should be made to the Public Employees Retirement System to how to help smallbusinesses grow to putting a cap on cam
paign spending. See Forum /A5
— George Grayson, author and expert on the Zetas
By Lauren Dake
surgeon making his
"The Zetas take care of their dead. El Lazca was special forces. There is an esprit de corps, like the Marines. They never leave a comrade behind."
students this fall, and the Port land State University Center for Population Research esti mated the district's enrollment will increase to 19,262 students by 2020. School Board Member Cheri H elt said th e b ond w i l l d o the crucial task of maintain ing buildings without dipping into general funds that pay for teachers. See Bond /A4
Brown the target at candidate forum
The Bulletin An Independent Newspaper
Vol. 109, No. 284, 32 pages, 6 sections
Bulletin's parent company announces worker layoffs Bulletin staff report Western Communications, the parent company of The Bulletin, the Redmond Spokesman and five other newspapers, Tuesday announced it will reduce its workforce. The reductions, which will be accom plished through attrition and layoffs, affect less than 10 percent of the compa ny's nearly 400 workers. "We avoided layoffs for four and half years through tough economic times, and came through a difficult bankrupt cy with a solid plan that stabilized the company," said WesCom President and Bulletin Publisher Gordon Black. The smaller workforce is the direct result of the immediate loss of revenue from foreclosurenotices, according to WesCom.
INDEX B usiness E1-4 Comics B 4 - 5 Local News C1-6 Sports D1 - 6 C alendar B 3 C r osswords B5, F2 Obituaries C 5 S tocks E2 - 3 Classified F1-4 Editorials C 4 S h opping B1-6 TV & Movies B2
Oregon, like a majority of states, has both judicial and non-judicial foreclo sure processes. The non-judicialprocess spares the banks and delinquent homeowners the time and expense of a lengthy court-su pervised resolution. It also requires no tices to be published in a newspaper like The Bulletin. But new legal and legislative require ments recently caused banks to abandon the non-judicial process and virtually eliminate the foreclosure notices from Oregon's newspapers at this time. The absence of those notices has re sulted in hundreds of thousands of dol lars in monthly losses, according to WesCom. "This was a difficult but unavoidable decision," Black said.
High 72, Low 40
TALIBAN: Teen girl targeted, A3
Page G6
SANDUSKY: 30 to 60 years, A3
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Oregon Lottery results As listed at
MEGA MILLIONS The numbers drawn
Tuesday night are:
Q6O15 (1 )©2
The estimated jackpot is now $53 million.
Discoveries, breakthroughs, trends, names in the news — things you need to know to start your day. Until Election Day, this page will focus on politics.
0 ama, Romne ave o osin views By Cameron Barr The Washington Post
President Barack O bama and Mitt Romney's positions on foreign policy and defense, bro ken down by subject:
• The Supreme Court will begin
Q: Which presidential candidate do you trust to do a better job on
The Washington Post is
hearing arguments in Fisher v.
taking a comprehensive look at the positions of
University of Texas in a case involving affirmative action in
President BarackObama
college admissions. • Congressional hearings begin
stopping Iran fromgetting nuclear weapons?
Neither (volunteered)
3% 8% 8%
Iran • Obama Obama has overseen the most severe economic sanc tions in Iran's history in his administration's efforts to pre vent the Islamic republic from developing a nuclear weapon. He has said he would take "no options off the table" to achieve that goal, an implicit threat of military action. Iran says its nuclearprogram is peacefuL Obama has u rged I srael — which considers a nuclear armed Iran a threat to its ex istence — not to attack Iran's nuclear facilities unilaterally, insisting that there is still time for a diplomatic solution to the standoff. His approach has drawn criticism from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin ¹ tanyahu, who has called on Obama to publicly define "red lines" that would trigger an attack. Obama has resisted those entreaties and repeated his commitment to preventing Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon. The president's position is based on a belief that the sanc tions against Iran will force the country to accept a compromise to curb its nuclear activities. Several rounds of sanctions have squeezed Iran's economy, particularly the all-important oil sector, and greatly undercut the value of its currency. Inter national nuclear talks with Iran are stalled.
• Romney R omney has said that i t would be "unacceptable for Iran to have a nuclear weapon" and indicated that he would use economic sanctions and diplo m acy to pressure the country to abandon its nuclear ambitions. His policies closely resemble those of the Obama adminis tration, but his rhetoric has at timesbeen more heated. Romney has stopped short of asserting that he would support a unilateral military strike by Israel, but a top adviser has said the candidate would respect the Jewish state's right to such action. He has indicated that his "red line" for the use of force against Iran is distinct from that of the O bama administration. A l though the president has said he would not permit Iran to ob taina nuclearweapon, Romney has said he would not allow the country todevelop a nuclear "capability." Iran has enough enriched uranium to build at least one nuclear weapon, possibly more, but would first have to develop a warhead and delivery system. Romney says he would put a permanent aircraft-carrier task force in the Eastern Mediterra nean and the Persian Gulf as a warning to Iran. He faults Obama for not de terring Iranian terrorism, such as the plot to assassinate the Saudi ambassador to the Unit ed States. He also has criticized Obama for not providing assis tance to Iranian protesters dur ing the 2009 Green Revolution.
It's Wednesday, Oct. 10, the 284th day of 2012. There are 82 days left in the year.
Both Don' t (volunteered) know Fox News poll, Aug. 5-7, among registered voters
Q: Which presidential candidate do you trust to do a better job dealing with the situation in Afghanistan? Neither ROmney (volunteered)
~8 Kaiser Health Tracking poll, May 8-14
several key issuesandwhat the candidates say they will do about them.
Monday: the economy Today: foreignpolicy
and Mitt Romney on
% t 2'll 8% Both Do n' t know (volunteered) /~
Still to come ... Health care Education
Immigration Energy and other issues
Q: Regardless ofwhomyou support, which candidate do youtrust to do a better job handling terrorism? Neither ROmney (volunteered)
9% +g
22 4
Washington Post-ABC News poll, Sept. 26-29, among registered voters
DEFENSE SPENDING Q. Thinking ahead to the election, please tell me how important spending on the military will be in your vote for president. Extremely Very Somewhat Less important imp orlant important important
Kaiser Health Tracking poll, Sept. 13-19
ARAB WORLD Q: Do you approveor disapproveofthe wayBarack
Approve Disapprove
Obama is handling the situation in Arab countries in the Middle East such as Egypt and Libya?
No opinion CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll, Mar 11-13, 20tt
The Washington Post
U.S. and other international troops — hasraised questions about the effectiveness of the transition. Obama's biggest v i ctory in the Afghan war occurred acrossthe border in Pakistan. In 2011, he ordered a joint oper ation by the CIA and the Joint Special Operations Command that killed al-Qaida leader Osa ma bin Laden.
• Romney
over the next five years. Under the administration's budget, the United States will invest almost $200 billion to modern ize the nation's nuclear weap
ons building complex and strategic submarines, bomb ers and deliverysystems. But overall military spending will fall from the current level of 4.5 percentof estimated gross domestic product to 2.9 per cent in 2017. T he Budget Control A c t mandates about $600 billion in across-the-board defense cuts over the next decade, starting next year, if lawmakers cannot come up with a plan to trim the federal deficit by $1.2 trillion. The president and Congress have said they are exploring ways to avert the automatic cuts through budget savings or additional revenue.
Obama has overseen the ex pansion of covert counterterror ism operations, and has autho rized an increase in the number of drone strikes in Pakistan and Yemen. Two-thirds of al-Qaida's leaders have been killed during his administration, and most of the group'sfighters have been driven out of Afghanistan. The president gave the or ders that led to the killing of bin Laden in May 2011. Nearly four months later, Anwar al-Awlaki, an American-born propagan
dist and key al-Qaida figure in Yemen, was killed in a U.S. drone strike. U.S. officials have said that, despite al-Qaida's losses in Af ghanistan and Pakistan, some of the group's affiliates are gainingstrength. Members of a group called al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb have been linked to the attack on a U.S. diplomatic post in Benghazi, Libya, although there is no in dication that the group directed the assault. In one of his first official acts, Obama signed an order that limits U.S. interrogators to us ing only techniques outlined in the Army Field Manual. The decision effectively b anned torture and practices such as waterboarding. The president has been un able to shut down the U.S. military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, in part because of restrictions f ro m C o ngress. The White House says he still intends to close it.
• Romney
Romney has said that he is comfortable with the use of drones to strike suspected ter rorists in Pakistan. He advocates maintaining the military prison at Guanta namo Bay, Cuba, saying that he does not want the inmates on U.S. soil and does not support gtvmg them access to ctvtltan courts. The former governor has said that he would not au thorize the torture of terrorism suspects, but he said he would not be bound by the restrictions • Romney in the Army Field ManuaL He Romney has vowed that said he does not think water he would maintain defense boarding constitutes torture. spending at a minimum of 4 Romney called the Sept. percent ofthe nation's gross 11 strike on a U.S. diplomatic domestic product and that he outpost in Benghazi a terrorist would i n crease active-duty attack. His campaign and vari military personnel by 100,000 ous surrogates have criticized troops. President Obama and admin The former governor has istration officials for what they said he would reinvest in weap say are mixed signals about the ons systems. He has pledged to nature of the assault. They say step up the Navy's shipbuilding a clear explanation is needed. rate, from nine vessels a year to Romney says the attack in 15, and restart the production of Benghazi and anti-American Lockheed Martin's F-22 Raptor protests should not be consid stealth fighter, which Defense ered random incidents. Rather, SecretaryRobert Gates ended he says, they are expressions of in 2009. a larger struggle between tyr Romney said he would call anny and democracy in which on NATO allies to devote 2 Obama and his administration percent of their gross domestic have not exerted the American product to security spending leadership necessary to influ — a level met by only three of ence world events in the right the 28 nations today. direction. Not acting, Romney To cover t h e i n c r eased says, has cost the United States costs, the candidate has said new friends and worried old he would seek unspecified friends. savings throughout the Pen tagon b u dget, i d e ntifying inefficiencies in the Defense Department's civilian work force and instituting greater competition in p r ocurement
Early on, Romney said U.S. f orces should remain in A f ghanistan until American mili tary commanders say the job is done. The former governor said in 2009 that the United States should "nurture d emocracy and human rights all over the world." Romney later said the United States should not "go off and try to fight a war of indepen dence for another nation." He has said that the time has come for Afghan troops to earn and maintain their freedom, but he insists that Obama's deci sion to withdraw earlier than many ground c ommanders advised gave the Taliban a rea son to wait until the American departure before l aunching large-scale operations aimed at overthrowing the government in Kabul. And Romney has said that he Afghanistan would have reached out more • Obama to Afghan President Hamid In deciding in late 2009 to Karzai, whom he met on a trip escalate U.S. involvement in to Kabul in early 2010. He said A fghanistan, Obama w e nt he would consult with him "day against many Democrats and to day." sided with the m i litary. He increased the number of U.S. Defense spending troopsfrom justunder 50,000 • Obama to about 100,000, coupling the Faced with a massive fed rise with a promise to begin eral deficit, Obama announced a gradual drawdown in 2011. plans in January for a leaner Obama set a withdrawal date military that will t ighten its of 2014, earlier than some mili overall spending while invest tary commanders wanted. ing more heavily in Special Op He ramped up drone attacks erationsforces, drone aircraft on al-Qaida leaders and other and cybersecurity. A new mili militants hiding in northwest tary strategyhe endorsed also P akistan, managing t o k i l l emphasizes widening the U.S. about two-thirds of the terrorist security presence in the Asia organization's leadership. Pacific region. processes. A key element of the Afghan The p r esident's b u dget, transition has been the stepped in line with the 2011 Budget up training of the military and Control Act,reduces defense police, with a goal of a stand spending next year for the first ing forceof about 352,000. The time since 1998 and slows pre numbers are being met, but viously planned budget growth HOME INTERIORS a recent increase in insider over the next nine years. The 70 SW Century Dr. Suite145 Bend. OR 97702 attacks — in w hich Afghan Army and the Marine Corps t' 541 322 7337 www.complementshome corn security forces have targeted will be cut by 100,000 troops
4' b m
• A Russian court will hear an appeal by the feminist punk band Pussy Riot of their
two-year prison sentence for a protest against President Vladimir Putin.
Terrorism • Obama
on the attacks on the U.S. diplomatic mission in Libya that killed Ambassador Chris Stevens.A3
C To tatcare
Bend Memorial Clinic i«
for appointments
Highlights:In1962, President
John F. Kennedy, responding to the Thalidomide birth defects
crisis, signed anamendment to the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act requiring
pharmaceutical companies to prove that their products were safe and effective.
Teo years ago:The House voted to give President George W. Bush broad authority to use military force against Iraq, with or without U.N. support.
Five years ago:A14-year-old suspended student opened fire in a Cleveland high school, wounding two teachers and two classmates before killing
himself. One year ago:Christopher Sims andThomas Sargent of the United States won the
Nobel Prize in economics.
BIRTHDAYS Actor Peter Coyote is 71.
Author Nora Roberts (aka "J.D. Robb") is 62. Rock singer David Lee Roth is 58. Actress
Julia Sweeney is 53.Actor Bradley Whitford is 53. NFL quarterback Brett Favre is 43.
Actor Mario Lopez is 39. Race driver Dale Earnhardt Jr. is 38. — From wire reports
Poll finds support for PBS By Meredith Blake The Los Angeles Times
N EW YORK — M i t t Romney has vowed to cut government funding for Big Bird and his PBS friends, but the results of a new poll indi cate the Republican candi date is out of step with most Americans on this issue. A survey of 800 likely vot ers, found that 55 percent of voters oppose cuts in spend ing to public television and consider it a "worthwhile" use of federal funds. In con trast, only 35 percent of vot ers believe "the government cannot afford to subsidize public television." T hat may be why t h e
Obama campaignhas been so quick to seize upon the "Save Big Bird" meme. On Tuesday they released a satirical new video criticiz ing Romney for going after "Sesame Street" rather than Wall Street. But Big Bird stubbornly refuses to be anyone's politi cal pawn: Within hours of the video'srelease, Sesame Workshop issued a state ment requesting the spot be
neighborhood on Bend's westside. www.northwcstcrossing.corn
Not guilty
plea in Oregon terror camp
conspiracy By Tom Hays and Larry Neumeister The Associated Press
NEW YORK — An Egyp tian-born preacher pleaded not guilty Tuesday to conspir ing with Seattle men to set up a terrorist training camp in Oregon, three days afterhe and four others were brought to the United States from Eng land to face terrorism charges. Mustafa Kamel Mustafa, 54, entered the plea shortly before U.S. District Judge Katherine B. Forrest set an Aug. 26 trial date. Mustafa, widely known by the name Abu Hamza al-Masri, is also accused of helping abduct 16 hostages, two of them Amer ican tourists, in Yemen in 1998. "He's presumed innocent," his court-appointed lawyer, Jeremy Schneider, said outside court afterward. When some one asked Schneider whether he thought his client was a ter rorist, he snapped: "That's a silly question." Schneider said hi s c l ient prefers to be known as Mus tafa Kamel Mustafa, the name listed first on his indictment. Abu Hamza and Abu Hamza al-Masri are listed as aliases. There was no mention in court Tuesday about access to the prosthetics — including a hook — that Mustafa uses in place of the hands he says he lost fighting the Soviets in Afghanistan, but S chneider said outside court that it was a problem for him. "I believe he has use of them for a certain part of the day but not long enough to allow him to function the way he should function," he said. "As you can
well imagine, he's not happy he's in a situation like this without use of his prosthetics." "He's having a hard time. He doesn't have hands," he said. He also is missing an eye. His lawyers in England said he suffers from depression, chronic sleep deprivation, dia betes and other ailments.
Man arrested at L.A. airport with variety of
a n us e s a By Jenna Johnson
kids up into the air, but argued publicly t h at trust of those who trusted you. he also reflected on his he was targeted by a ... The crime is not only what "veteran accuser" who you did to their bodies, but BELLEFONTE, Pa. — Jer darkest hours, stuck ry Sandusky believeshe is the in a small cell, locked conspired against him, your assault to their psyches victim of a grand conspiracy. away from his w ife, Judge John C l eland and souls." At hi s s entencing hearing children and pet dog. Sand usky on Tu e s day o r d ered Sandusky briefly l o oked " When I l o o k a t here Tuesday for numerous the former Penn State down as the sentence was an convictions of child molesta those walls, I see the light," U n i versity assistant football nounced. After court recessed, tion, Sandusky gave a rallying said Sandusky, 6 8 , w h o coa c h t o spend at least 30 he spoke with his attorney, speech, the type he might have was convicted in June on 45 y e ars in prison. smiling broadly and laughing. "That has the unmistakable The former coach, dressed once presented during half counts of sexually abusing time of an especially tough 10 young boys. "I love people impact of saying, clearly, for in a bright red jumpsuit, was Penn State football game. who won't quit. I love ordi- t h e rest of your life," Cleland then led away by officers. S andu sky, speaking f o r nary people who overcome. I t o l d Sandusky just after 10 The sentencing took less more than 10 minutes, re love underdogs." a.m., in handing down a sen than 90 minutes, but it pro membered the days of water Though S a ndusky h a s te n ce that could range from 30 vided another step toward clo balloon fights and hoisting maintained his innocence and t o 60 years. "You abused the sure for Sandusky's victims The Washington Post
Sherin Zada /The Associated Press
A wounded Maiaia Yousafzai is moved to a helicopter Tuesday to be taken to Peshawar for treatment. As of late Tuesday she was in critical condition at a hospital there.
0 By Declan Walsh
shooting her in the head and neck. Two other girls were K ARACHI, Paki s t a n also wounded in the attack. — At the age of 11, Malala All t h ree s u rvived, but Yousafzai took on the Taliban late on Tuesday doctors said by giving voice to her dreams. that Yousafzai was in critical As turbaned fighters swept condition at a hospital in Pe through her town in north shawar, with a bullet possibly western Pakistan i n 2 0 09, lodged close to her brain. the tiny schoolgirl spoke out A T a l iban s p o kesman, about her passion for educa Ehsanullah Ehsan, confirmed tion — she wanted to become by phone that Yousafzai had a doctor, she said — and be been the target, calling her came a symbol of defiance crusade for education rights an "obscenity." against Taliban subjugation. "She has become a symbol On Tuesday, masked Tal iban g u n me n an s w ered of Western culture in the area; Y ousafzai's c o urage w i t h she was openly propagating bullets, singling out the 14 it," Ehsan said, adding that year-old on a bus filled with if she survived, the militants terrified schoolchildren, then would certainly try to kill her New Yorh Times News Service
over Libya security levels
grenade, gas mask, leg irons
The Associated Press WASHINGTON — Th e State Depart ment said Tuesday it never concluded that the consulate attack in Libya stemmed from protests over a n A m e rican-made video ridiculing Islam, raising further questions about why the Obama administration used that explanation for more than a week after assailants killed the U.S. ambassador and three other Americans. The revelation came as new documents suggested internal disagreement over ap propriate levels of security before the attack, which occurred on the 11th anniversary of the Sept. 11 terror attacks on the U.S. Briefing reporters ahead of a hotly an ticipated congressional hearing today, State Department officials provided their most detailed rundown of how a peaceful day in Benghazi devolved into a sustained attack that involved multiple groups of men armed with weapons such as machine guns, rock et-propelled grenades and mortars over an expanse of more than a mile. But asked about the administration's initial — and since retracted — explana tion linking the violence to protests over an anti-Muslim video circulating on the Internet, one official said, "That was not our conclusion." He called it a question for "others" to answer, without specifying. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they weren'tauthorized to speak publicly on the matter, and provided no evi dence that might suggest a case of sponta neous violence or angry protests that went too far.
Harris drew suspicion when U.S. Customs and Border Pro tection officers at the airport noticed he was wearing the bulletproof vest and f l ame r etardant pants u n der h i s trenchcoat.
and for a community that has been stunned by one of the most devastating, high-profile abuse scandals to hit higher education. "We allhave a sense of re lief that Jerry Sandusky is going to die in prison, that he's not going to be able to do this again," said Matt Casey, a Philadelphia attorney whose f irm represents four of t h e victims who testified at San dusky's trial in June and one of Sandusky's adopted sons, who came forward during the trial.
The Associated Press LOS ANGELES — A man dressed in a bulletproof vest and f l ame-retardant p a nts w as arrested byfederal offi cials at Los Angeles Interna tional Airport after a smoke
ear s
Meningitis death toll rises to 11
paraphernalia Apparent rift
and weapons were discovered in his luggage, authorities said Tuesday. B oston-bound Yong d a Huang Harris, 28, was ar rested Friday on suspicion of transporting hazardous ma terials on a flight from Japan, U.S. Immigration and Cus toms Enforcement of ficials sard. Harris i s a U . S . c i t izen whose permanentresidence is in Boston and recently started living and working in Japan, officials said. Harris' initial court appear ance, scheduled for Tuesday, was postponed to Friday. He has been charged with one count of transporting hazard ous materials, an offense that carries a maximum penalty of five years in prison. Federal authorities provided n o details about why H a r ris might have been carrying the items. An investigation is
ea s
BIl S 0 again. "Let this be a lesson." As Pakistan has struggled to address the Taliban's tenac ity, the militants have intensi fied their campaign to silence critics and drive out signs of g o vernment i n f l uence. That Yousafzai's voice could pose such a threat to the Tal iban — that they could see a schoolgirl's death as desirable and justifiable — was seen as evidence of both the militants' brutality and her courage. "She symbolizesthe brave girls of Swat," said Samar Minallah, a do c u mentary filmmaker who has worked among P a shtun wo m e n. "She knew her voice was im portant, so she spoke up for
Campaigns intensi in Ohio
the rights of children. Even adults didn't have a vision like hers." Yousafzai came to public attention in 2009 as the Paki stani Taliban swept through Swat, a picturesque valley once famed for its music, its tolerance and as a destination for honeymooning couples. Her father ran one of the last schools to defy Taliban orders toend female educa tion. As an I l-year-old, Mala la wrote an anonymous blog documentingher experiences for the British Broadcasting Corp. Later, she was the fo cus of documentaries by The New York Times and other media outlets.
New York Times News Service The number of people w ho have died in a n a tional meningitis outbreak linked to injections with a contaminated drug rose to 11 on Tuesday as lawmak ers called for a congres sional inquiry into phar macies of the k in d t h at made the medicine and new laws to ensure tighter federal oversight of their operations. I n all, a t o ta l o f 1 1 9 people havebeen affected in the outbreak, the Cen ters for D isease Control and Prevention said. All of them had been injected with a pain drug shipped around the country by a pharmacy i n M a ssachu setts. Health officials on Tuesday reported t h r ee new deaths. As state an d f e deral health officials scrambled to notify the 13,000 people who may have been given the drug — methylprednis olone acetate, an epidural steroid that is injected into the neck and spine for pain — Democratic members of Congress raised questions about the lack of clear fed eral authority over com pounding pharmacies. The drug that f ederal health o f f icials s u spect w as contaminated w i t h fungus was made by the New England Compound ing Center, registered as a pharmacy in Framing ham, Mass.
MATTERS' v+ '•
By Kasie Hunt and Ben Feller The Associated Press
COLUMBUS, Ohio — It's still all about Ohio. After astrong debate performance, Re publican challenger Mitt Romney is inten sifying his efforts in the state that's critical to his White House hopes, while President Barack Obama works to hang on to the poll ing edge he's had here for weeks. Both candidates campaigned hard in the state Tuesday, the last day of voter registra tion ahead of Election Day, now just four weeks away. "It's time for him t o l eave the White House," Romney said of Obama at an eve ning rally in Cuyahoga Falls. "Ohio's going to elect me the next president of the United States." Obama, in Columbus, called out, "All right, Buckeyes, we need you." His campaign had buses nearby, ready to ferry students or other supporters to registration centers. As Obama wooed Ohio State University students here and Romney focused on the Democratic bastion of Cuyahoga County to the north, there were signs the presi dent's Ohio advantage was narrowing. A new CNN poll showed Obama leading Romney 51 percentto 47 percent among likely Ohio voters. And Republican strate gists familiar with Romney's internal poll ing contended the race was even closer — within a single percentage point — as the candidate enjoyed a post-debate surge of support. "I promise you he's back in the game in Ohio," said Charlie Black, an informal Rom
ney campaign adviser.
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the magic of
Feds are warning of counterfeit air bags
By David Brown The Washington Post
CAVAILLON, Haiti — Mare Antoine Castel spends five hours a day, and often week ends and holidays, at the of fice of the town water system, which he runs. He does it for love, although he hopes one day to do it for money, too. "If someone is a p r ofes s ional water operator w i t h no other activities, he will be broke," Castel, 37, said glumly of the current arrangement. He makes his living as a high school teacher and a lawyer. Antoine Jean Narol, Castel's fellow water operator down the road in Simon, knows the problem. Heteaches account ing at a local university and spends three hours a day at the local water authority, su pervising workers, preparing
reports and drawing no pay. "If someone has to suffer, it has to be me," he said simply. Castel and Narol are part of an experiment to make clean water a business in H aiti's
villages. Rural Haitians have always been pretty much on their own when it comes to water, getting it where they can and carrying it home in five-gallon buckets balanced on the head. In many places, local wa ter utilities make the task a bit easier, piping water from streams, springs and w ells
to public pumps and spigots. Sometimes they disinfect it and sometimes they don' t. Of ten built by foreign charities, the systems are managed by "water committees" comprised of local volunteers.
Globalfocus,w asted money This a r r a ngement i s n' t unique to Haiti. It's common throughout t h e d e v eloping world, where safe water has been a focus of investment for decades. Between 1990 and 2008, $50 billion was spent globally on rural waterprojects, accord ing to one estimate. However, developmentexperts now con clude that much of the invest ment was a waste. There are many reasons. V olunteers left to run t h e system after the outsiders who construct leave rarely have sufficient expertise. The cost of running a water system for 10 years is three times the cost of installing it. User fees, how ever, are rarely high enough or collected consistently enough to support ongoing operations. "In almost every v i l lage there is some sort of water system, but 50 percent are not working," said Christophe Prevost, a water and sanita tion specialist at the World Bank. "It only takes three to five years to get the service completely ruined." Haiti now has a new water and sanitation agency, Dinepa, that is not only building large projects but also experiment ing with ways to bring profes sionalism to small ones. The water systems Castel and Narol operate are among 10 in the southern part of the country being built — or re built — w it h a $ 10 million grant from the World Bank. The two men do not own the infrastructure, but their pay would derive, in part, from a percentage of the revenue. "The idea is to create a pri vate enterprise," said Michael Merisier, a Dinepa engineer helping oversee the project.
kiosks. They keep the books, market the product, collect the fees, decide when to cut some one off, and interact with the water committee, which has a purely advisory role. Getting people to pay has been a problem. "There's a Haitian proverb, 'Water belongs to God,' " said Merisier, the Dinepa engineer. "We say, 'Yes, it belongs to God. But you are paying us to bring it to you.' " Stanley Jerome, in charge of educating the public, said opti mistically: "People are getting the message. They are show ing a willingness to pay. But it is taking a while to be fully motivated." Only half of th e system's household customers regu l arly pay their bills in f u l l. The rest are in arrears by at least two months. Castel has disconnected only 10 since he took over in November 2010. For residents, the conve nience is hard to beat. "In the past, I had to go all the way to the river to get wa ter," said Cheslene Desobert, 22. "Now it's right here." She was holding her I-year old son, Djovani, and filling a five-gallon plastic bucket at a tap outside her house near Castel's office. The tiny com pound was fenced to keep the chickensin. The six-member household signed up in November. Before that, someone had to make the half-hour round trip to get wa David Brown / TheWashington Post Mare Antoine Castei, standing, who runs the water utility in ter three times a day. Cavaillon, Haiti, conducts an inspection in May to measure the Things are more tenuous flow of water to the spigot outside the house where Cheslene in Narol's territory, Simon, a Desobert, her son Djovani and the four other family members community of 3,500 down the live. Each household gets a minimum of 793 gallons of water a road. month and pays about $3.60. The water there comes from a well in a lush dell. Unlike in Cavaillon, gravity here is an "In the end, the system should There have been 535,000 enemy, not a friend. The wa be profitable. But it is not there cases ofcholera since the out ter has to be pumped uphill to yet." break, 7,100 fatal. In the second a holding tank from which it Castel, Narol and their fel week in July, there were 2,104 flows to consumers. low "professional water opera new cases. Infection can be Last year, a storm blew a tree tors" one day could be rich. At averted by assuring a supply onto a power line. An improp the moment, however, they are of clean water or by prevent erly installed surge protector basically working for free and ing the water's contamination. did not work, and the seven have the anxiety of people run In Cavaillon, improving the month-old pump burned out. ning Silicon Valley start-ups. water required rehabilitation The water system was so new Today, 69 percent of Haiti's and protection of nine miles of it did not have enough money population gets drinking wa pipe that originates at a spring saved to replace the pump. terfrom an "improved source," far up a hillside. The water For months people went which means it is chlorinated flows downhill through 10 vil back to collecting water the and delivered through pipes or lages of subsistence farmers old way while Narol tried to a capped well that is protected and tradesmen. The system come up with a solution. In from contamination. In rural had been built 25 years ear the end, the World Bank pro districts, only 51 percent of lier but was deteriorated from prietors agreed to replace the people have improved water poor maintenance and dozens pump — one time. — a rate that has gone up only of illegal connections. When the system finally re "Everyone was a plumber," opened therewere a lot more one percentage point since 2000. Worldwide, 81 percent of Castel, the new operator, not people who wanted to get on ruralresidents have improved ed dryly. it. Narol couldn't accommo water. date them. The outage caused Haiti has the raw materials Convenience severe cash-flow problems to deliver water to its people. T oday, 8,000 people ar e and he doesn't have money to There's lots of rainfall, and served by Cavaillon's water buy meters for new custom s teep terrain to d r ive it b y system. There are 265 house ers at $150 apiece. He has 400 gravity to places where people hold connections, with a ca households on the waiting list live. But cleanliness is another pacity for 500. Such conve but enough income to connect issue. nience is unheard of in rural only a few each month. One in nine children in ru Haiti. Meanwhile, h e' s s p end ral Haiti dies before age 5, In most cases, the water ing money to run a gas gen and 17 percent of those deaths goes to an outside tap, not to erator to drive the pump. Even are related to unclean water. sinks and bathrooms inside. though a surge protector has The problem came dramati Customers are charged $4 for been installed and inspected, cally into view in October 2010 800 gallons a month. They pay he hasn't worked up the cour when cholera was uninten extra for more. Flow is mea age toreconnect to the power tionally introduced by U .N. sured by ameter the size of a grid. peacekeeping troops brought car battery next to the spigot. One more blown pump and in from Nepal after the Janu Operators such as Castel he is done for. ary earthquake. and Narol get a week's in That bacterial disease was struction in how to manage a one of the few health problems water system and meet sev I• Haiti did not have. How the eraltimes a year to exchange troops' infected feces ended ideas and get further training. up in the Artibonite River is They do not wield wrench and a matter of debate. What is pipe themselves. They hire certain is that some of central plumbers, meterreaders and Haiti's poorest people used the the people who sell water at a river as a water source. few cents a gallon at 15 public
The Associated Press W ASHINGTON — T h e O bama administration i s preparing to warn car own ers whose air b ags have been replaced in the past three years that dangerous counterfeit bags may have been installed, according to auto industry officials who h ave been briefed by t h e government.
Nori Juba. "Some of these projects are going to come Continued from A1 under pretty big scrutiny." B oard m e m be r Be t h It will be important to ex Bagley said that not mov plain to the public why the ing forward will r esult in projects are needed, he said. spending, and losing, money A key selling point will be on portable classrooms for that the bond will not raise years. property tax rates. "I believe with this win I nstead, the ne w m e a dow of opportunity, it's re sure would replace expiring sponsible to our community," bonds, giving taxpayers an she said. estimated rate of $1.60 for ev At the same time, school ery $1,000 of assessed value. officials acknowledge that By comparison, the 2006 selling the bond proposal to bond imposed a rate of $1.62 the public will be more chal per $1,000. lenging than the last time The district plans to spread the district asked for a bond bond information in a vari measure. The economy was ety of ways, including com booming in 2006 when vot munity meetings, a website ers approved a $119 million and social media, said dis bond for three new schools trict spokeswoman Julianne and other improvements. Rep man. "It's going to be a h ard — Reporter: 541-977-7185, sell,"said Board Member bbotki n@bendbul leti n.corn
Water Continued from A1 "We are ready to begin as soon as the court allows us," project manager Heidi Lans downe wrote in a n e mail Tuesday afternoon. Aiken could rule today. City officials have said tree roots are growing through the existing pipelines, one built in the 1920s and the other in the 1950s, and causing mate rial to break off and wind up in the city water supply. Paul Dewey, executive director of Central Oregon LandWatch, said Tuesday the pipes are not collapsing and "there's no imminent danger." According to the city, de lay could be costly: $24,000 per day and an additional $2.9 million t o r e surface Skyliners Road if the pipe line does not go in before Deschutes County rebuilds the road in spring 2013, the city wrote in documents re cently filed with the Oregon Land Use Board of Appeals. However, Dewey questioned these figures. When project opponents questioned why the city had locked itself into a construction contract earli er this year, officials assured them the contract allowed the city to avoid costs in case of a delay or change in plans, said Dewey.
"They can pull the plug
any time they want to," Dew ey said. "I think they' re just wanting to get it done before the courts can have a chance to address the merits of the case." The city cleared another hurdle to construction Tues day, when the board of ap peals declined to issue a stay on the water project. In May, Central Oregon LandWatch appealed to the board a City Council decision to approve the project. That case is still pending, but o n T u esday
$1,000 fine to Robert Stevens, the chief executive of Lock The priciest real estate in heed Martin. Federal park one of the region's wealthiest police have opened a criminal enclaves can be a dangerous investigation into whether the place to be a tree. tree-cutting in the Merry-Go A few years after Daniel Round Farm community also Snyder, the owner of the Wash violated a federal easement ington Redskins, was penal designed to protect the canal, ized for cutting down 130 trees the river and scenic vistas. to improve the view from his And environmentalists said Potomac, Md., estate, one of they were enraged that an his high-powered neighbors is other large swath of trees has coming under fire for clear-cut been cut down. "This is outrageous," said ting nearly an acre of protected land that overlooks the C&O Dolores Milmoe of the Audu Canal and the Potomac River. bon Naturalist Society in near Late last month, Montgom by Chevy Chase, Md. "Once ery County, Md., issued a again, people of great wealth The Washington Post
feel entitled that they can just end-run the permitting pro cess or not get permits." Stevens, 61, whose 2011 compensation package totaled $25.3 million, paid the county's fine and, through his attorney, said he regretted not getting approval and will work to re store the land. After the June 29 wind storm, which dam aged many of the trees on his p roperty, Stevens hired a n arborist and a l a n dscaping company "to remove downed limbs and uprooted trees," his attorney, Chuck Rosenberg, a former federal prosecutor, said in a prepared statement.
the board issued an order in which it determined that removal oftrees forthe proj ect would not i r r eparably harm the environment. The city has a plan to replant 270 treesand restore riparian ar eas, the board noted. "We had argued that the cutting of scenic groves of trees along the bridges, the cutting of t r ees over 100 years old and the impacts to the wetlands constituted ir reparable harm, but LUBA found that they could just be replanted," Dewey wrote in an email Tuesday. Dewey ex pects LUBA to make a deci sion by late November. The city is under a tempo rary restraining order that prevents construction until Aiken rules on the injunction request. Today, Winters plans to ask the judge to lift the re straining order and not issue an injunction. "We' re cer tainly going to impress upon her that we need her to rule from the bench, orno later than Friday," Winters said. "I think she' ll understand that ... if she doesn't rule quickly, it's essentially granting an injunction because if we wait too much longer, we' ll miss the in-water window." The in-water window, a time frame set by the Or e gon Department of F i sh and Wildlife during which the contractor can work in Tumalo Creek, is from July I through Nov. I according to the Land Use Board of
Appeals. Winters said o pponents will have to prove several things to the judge today, such as whether their case is likely to ultimately succeed, whether the city would cause irreparable harm if allowed to proceed, and whether an injunction is in th e public interest. — Reporter: 541-617-7829, hborrud@bendbulletin.corn
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LockheedcEOfined for tree-cutting By Miranda S. Spivack
The N ational H i g hway Traffic Safety Administration alerted the industry in a series of telephone briefings Tues day that tens of thousands of car owners may be driving vehicles with counterfeit air bags, industry officials said. NHTSA testing has shown some of the counterfeit bags don't inflate or fail to inflate properly, they said.
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at, mListac ioe or an in s ome Merkel gets a
hostile reception on Greek visit
By Lisa W. Foderaro New York Times News Service
NEW YORK — How do you transport a 234-pound baby to New York City'? If he's a 15 week-oldwalrus rescued from the open ocean off Alaska, the answer is a jumbo-size crate aboard a FedEx cargo jet, ac companied by a veterinarian and a handler. "If he's calm and comfort able, no worries," said Jon Forrest Dohlin, director of the New York Aquarium, which will receive the walrus calf, named Mitik, on T h ursday. "But his needs and comfort come first. So he may very well travel with his head in our keeper's lap." Mitik will arrive at an im portant moment for the Brook lyn aquarium. Situated just off the Coney Island Boardwalk, t he aquarium, part o f t h e Wildlife Conservation Society, is one of the few institutions in the United States that exhibit walruses. One of its two wal ruses, Nuka, is 30, an old-tim er by walrus standards. Because walruses are such social animals, the aquarium would be hard-pressed to keep the other walrus, the 17-year old Kulu, were Nuka to die. "Our concern is that our very elderly w a l ru s c o uld pass away, as these things go," Dohlin said, "and that would leave us in a pickle because we really wouldn't want to have a solitary animal." Since late July, Mitik and a second orphaned walrus, Pak ak, have been nursed to health with bottle feedings and ex ercise at the A l aska SeaL ife Center, an aquarium in Seward that conducts research and responds to strandings of marine mammals. (Pakak, nicknamed Pak, will a r r ive at the Indianapolis Zoo on Thursday) Mitik — or Mit, for short — was weak from illness and considerably smaller than Pakak when he was found by a hunting vessel several miles offshore. Mit initially suffered from
Alaska Sea Life Center via New York Times News Service
Mitik, a 15-week-old, 234-pound walrus,was rescued from the ocean off Alaska. He is sched uled to arrive Thursday at the New York Aquarium, one of a few institutions that exhibit walruses. bladder problems and could not take a bottle, requiring both a catheter and feeding tube. But he is now sucking assertively from a bottle and putting on a pound a day. "It was very touch-and-go for several weeks," said Tara Riemer Jones, president of the SeaLife Center. "They were treating him for a lot of differ ent things." With hi s m u l tiple c h ins and doleful expression, Mit is also exhibiting an undeniable pluck that should serve him well in his new surroundings. Martha Hiatt, the aquarium's b ehavioral h u sbandry s u pervisor, traveled to Alaska in September to help care for him. At first, she said, Pakak totally dominated him, but no
yells at Pak and tries to head butt him," she said. "Then he' ll turn to me and be all cuddly again. We say he is small, but scrappy — the perfect New Yorker." At the New York Aquarium on Tuesday, Mit's future com panions were gliding back and forth under spitting skies, doing graceful flip turns in their boulder-flecked pool or atleast as graceful as crea tures of their girth can man age. Kulu weighs in at 1,278 pounds, and Nuka at 1,850. The two females will not meet Mit for some months, however. He will spend the first 30 days in quarantine in side the aquarium's medical facility. "The period of quarantine longer. might be extended because "If Mit is resting with his he's nursing and we' ll have to head on my lap,sucking my wean him," said Dohlin, ex fingers, looking sweetly into plaining that Mit will gradu my eyes, and Pak comes any ate to clams, squid and her where near us, he pops up, ring. He will join the exhibit
the U.S. Embassy in Mexico City said only: "We have seen Continued from A1 reports of the possible death The fallen capo was an army of Heriberto L azcano. We specialforces deserter whose are awaiting confirmation of brutality and paramilitary tac those reports." tics transformed a small group But the body's disappear of drug cartelenforcers into ance demonstrated the u n one ofthe world's most feared c hecked control t ha t d r u g international criminal organi gangs maintain over l a rge zations. Analysts say his death swath s of m a n y M e x ican could setoff a power struggle states six years into a strug inside the Zetas as its rela gle that shows little sign of tively autonomous local cells abating. decide whether to align with Coahuila s t ate A t t orney its remaining boss, Miguel General Homero Ramos said Angel Trevino Morales, a man that around I p .m . Sunday consideredeven more ruthless outside a baseball stadium in and brutal than Lazcano. Progreso, marines spotteda The killing is also expected suspicious vehicle that h ad to intensify the Zetas' war with p reviously been seen w i t h the country's other dominant armed men inside. c riminal o r g anization, t h e The marines ordered the Sinaloa cartel controlled by vehicle to stop and the men Mexico's most-wanted man, inside opened f i re, setting Joaquin"ElChapo" Guzman. off a g unbattle. The driver was killed in the vehicle. The 'OK Corral' other man fled and was shot A t the center of the t w o approximately 900 feet away, c artels' struggle i s N u e vo dropping an A R -15 assault Laredo, a violence-tom city rifle with an attached grenade across from Laredo, Texas. launcher, Ramos said. More freight crosses there Officials also found a rock than anywhere else along the et-propelledgrenade launcher U.S.-Mexican border, m ak with two projectiles, two frag ing it one of the most valu mentation grenades and a va able smuggling routes in the riety of firearms in the vehicle, world. Ramos said. "There will be a shootout One man's driver license at the OK Corral over Nuevo identified him as a 44-year-old Laredo," predicted G eorge resident of the nearby city of G rayson, an expert on t h e Sabinas. The other body had Zetas and co-author of "The no ID. The bodies were taken Executioner's Men: Los Zetas, to a funeral home in Sabinas Rogue Soldiers, Criminal En and investigators took their trepreneurs and the Shadow fingerprints and photographs, State They Created." officials said. Calderon, who leaves of Early M o nday m o r ning, fice in two months with the Ramos said, a group of armed six-year-long war on drug the men raided the funeral home signature of hi s p residency, and forced the director to drive stopped shortof unreservedly the hearse with the corpses to declaring Lazcano dead, but another location. He did not said evidence clearly indicated offerfurther details. the Zetas founder had been Ramos and the Mexican slain. He proudly proclaimed navy said the fingerprints of that 25 people on a 2009 list of one ofthe dead men were later Mexico's 37 most wanted drug found to match Lazcano's, al lords have now been killed or though they did not say when arrested. that discovery was made. The president also praised The body, if it ever turns the marines, the security force up, could finally be laid to rest r esponsible for most of t h e in the town where Lazcano highest-profile take-downs of reportedly spent hi s c h i ld top level drug bosses in Mex hood, in central Hidalgo state. ico. Many of those operations Residents of a working-class were launched in cooperation neighborhood where Lazcano with U.S. officials, who see was raised in the city of Pa the marines as more trustwor chuca, north of Mexico City, thy and competent than other say a mausoleum was built Mexican military and law en for him there,near a chapel forcement agencies. he built for the community in In an emailed statement, 2009.
The chapel bears a bronze colored plaque reading: "Do nated by Heriberto Lazcano Lazcano, L o rd , h e a r m y
next spring, after he has had a chance to meet and interact with Kulu and Nuka. The society's conservative approach stems, in part, from a painful loss in 2009 when Kulu's only offspring — a male bred and reared at the aquari um — died after developing a bacterial infection. "Births in captivity are ex
The Associated Press ATHENS, Greece — Ger man C h ancellor A n g ela Merkel got a hostile reception from many ordinary Greeks Tuesday when she flew into Athens on her first visit to the country since its debt crisis erupted three years ago. But she praised the current Greek government for cover ing "much of the ground" re quired for recovery. "I hope and w i s h t h at Greece remains a member of the eurozone,"Merkel said. "As partners, we are working hard to achieve that." Her visit triggered protests attendedby some 50,000 dem onstrators in Athens. The ral lies were mostly peaceful, but police briefly clashed with severaldozen demonstrators and detained nearly 200 peo ple throughout the day. As Europe's largest con tributor to the bailout fund that ha s r e scued Greece
from bankruptcy, Germany is viewed by many Greeks as the primary enforcerof the austeritymeasures the Greek government enacted in ex
change for emergency aid. Merkel, who stopped in Athens for five hours, said the coalition government led by Prime Minister Antonis Samaras still had to push through more key cost-cut ting reforms. "Much of the ground has been covered.... There is dai ly progress," Merkel said after talks with Samaras. "This is an effort that should be seen through because otherwise it would make the circum stanceseven more dramatic later on." Although the German lead er damped expectations in Athens ofa stronger message of public support for Greece, Samaras said Merkel's visit had ended "the country's in ternational isolation."
ceedingly rare and our guy made it to two years," Dohlin said. "It was crushing." Whether sparks eventually fly between Mit and Kulu, in what would be a d ecidedly
May-December mating, re mains to be seen. "Kulu is a proven breeder," Dohlin said. "But it's not clear that she would still be of re productive age. What's driv ing this is Mit's rescue. He' s a n orphaned calf, and w e have the room and expertise. It's a great opportunity for him and meets a number of
our goals."
Woof fey
party lines " he said Brown fought back, say ing, "my main opponent, Knute B u e hler, do e sn' t have one minute of relevant experience." The job, she said, is not entry level, and she is the only candidate with a proven track record. Brown pointed out that the office holder is second-in hne to the governor.
Continued from A1 Buehler said the secretary of stat e'soffice hasunderper formed the pastfour years. He said the office needs in spiredleadership and some one to treat it in "a nonparti san way and focus on the big issues." "I'm not a c areer politi cian who has been in Salem for the last 20 years, sitting behind a desk, voting along
— Reporter: 541-554-1162, fdalze@bendbulletin.corn
New and used auto rates as low as:
prayer." The plaque also says the chapel was built in honor of Pope John Paul II. While there is no firm confirmation the mausoleum was also built by Lazcano, its style is strik ingly similar to the chapel, and locals say it was built for the
APR ijpto48 months+
drug capo. T he m ausoleum h a s a 15-foot high c hrome metal cross, identical to the one that stands in front of the chapel. The modernist tomb also has stained glass windows of fig ures such as red roses, the Vir gin of Guadalupe and the sun' s rays and clouds. A rectangu lar hole, possibly for a coffin, is near the windows, beneath a crucifix. Lazcano was born in 1974, a ccording t o t h e U . S., o r 1975, according to Mexican officials.
Military tactics Also known as "El Verdugo"
(the Executioner), Laze a no was credited with b r inging military tactics and training to the enforcement arm of the once-powerful G ul f C a r tel, then splitting from his former bosses and turning the Zetas into one of the country's two most potent cartels. The Zetas were the f irst Mexican cartel t o p u b licly display their beheaded rivals, most infamously two police officers in April 2006 in the resort city of Acapulco. The severed heads were f ound on spikes outside a govern ment building with a message signed "Z" that said: "So that you learn to respect." Under Lazcano's leadership, the Zetas carried out many of the most notorious crimes of Mexico's drug war, which had at least47,500 deaths before the government stopped re leasing official figures in Sep tember 2011. G rabbing th e b o d ies o f fallen accomplices is a trade mark of the Zetas, who have retained some of the tactics and institutional culture of the military deserters who found ed the group, Grayson said. "The Zetas take care of their dead," he said. "El Lazca was specialforces.There isan es prit de corps, like the Marines. They never leave a comrade behind."
Li~e a 6001 L ife with a
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U.S. andFrench physicistswin Nobel for quantumwork
North Korea warnsU.S. its in missile range S EOUL, S o u t h K or e a — North Korea on Tuesday warned that the U.S. mainland is within range of its missiles and said that Washington's recent agreement to let Seoul possess missilescapable of hitting all of the North shows the allies are plotting to invade the country. South K orea a n nounced Sunday that it reached a deal with Washington that would allow it to nearly triple the range of its missiles to better cope with North Korean mis sile and nuclear threats. On Tuesday, North Korea called the deal a "product of another conspiracy of the master and the stooge" to "ignite a war" against the North. In a statement carried by the official Korean Central News Agency, an unidentified spokesman at the powerful National Defense Commis sion said the North will bolster its military preparedness. "We do not hide ... the stra tegic rocket forces are keeping within the scope of strike not only the bases of the puppet forces and the U.S. imperial ist aggression forces' bases in the inviolable land of Korea but also Japan, Guam and the U.S. mainland," the spokes man said.
NATO warnsSyria over Turkey B EIRUT — A s Tur k e y sought to increase its military presence along its border with Syria, opposition fighters in
side Syria were waging an of fensiveTuesday to seize a stra tegic city in Idlib province. The offensive led to some of the most intense govern ment air attacks on the city of Maarat al-Nuaman to date and left more than 60 people dead, at least 40 of them civil ians, activists said. They were among at l east 115 people killed across the country Tues day in the ongoing conflict. The clashes and govern m ent a i r strikes c am e a s NATO said Tuesday that it has plans in place to protect and defend Turkey if n ecessary after almost a week of cross border shelling between the two countries.
1,000s march inEgypt to mark deaths CAIRO — Several thousand Egyptians marched for miles through Cairo o n T uesday, marking the year anniver sary of a military crackdown on Christian protesters that killed 26 people and demand ing retribution against army leaders they hold responsible for the deaths. Muslim clerics, Christian priests, activists and liberal former lawmakers joinedthe procession, filling large bou levards to m emorialize the "Maspero massacre," refer ring to the name of the state TV building overlooking the Nile River where the violence took place a year ago. The protest last year was led by hundreds of Christians an gered over a string of attacks on churches and denouncing the military — w hich ruled the country at the time — for failing to protect them. Sol diers attacked the crowd, with military vehicles running over some protesters, while oth ers were killed by gunshots. Almost all t h e d ead w e re Christians.
Netanyahu calls early parliamentary vote JERUSALEM Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Ne tanyahu on Tuesday called early parliamentary elections for this winter, roughly eight months ahead of schedule, a move many analysts said was likely to allow him to strength en his coalition. Netanyahu said he'd decided to call early elections after he failedto reach an agreement within his coalition on cuts in the country's 2013 budget. He cited the potential impact on the economy as one reason for quicker elections. "For Israel, it is preferable to have as short a campaign as possible, one of three months over one that would last in prac tice an entire year and damage Israel's economy," he said. Political analysts said, how ever, that they think Netanyahu moved now totake advantage of his relatively high standing in public opinion polls. — From wire reports
l p
By Malcolm Ritter and KarlRitter
emy said. "The research has al so led to the construction The Associated Press of extremely precise clocks N EW YORK — A French- t hat could become the future man an d a n A me r i ca n basis for a new standard of shared the Nobel Prize in ti m physics Tuesday for invent Haroche is a p r o fessor ing methods to peer i nt o at the College de France the bizarre quantum and Ecole Normale world o f u l t r a-tiny Superieure in Paris. particles, work t h at Wineland is a physi could help in creating cist at th e N ational a new generation of Institute of Standards super-fast computers. and Technology, or Serge Haroche of Har o che NIST, and the Uni France and A m eri versity of Colorado in can David Wineland Boulder. opened the door to H aroche said h e new experiments in was out walking with quantum physics in his wife in Paris when the 1990s by show he got the call from ing how to observe Wi n eland the Nobel judges. "I was in the street individual atoms and p articles of light called pho- a nd passing a bench so I was t ons while preserving their a ble to sit down," Haroche quantum properties. told a news conference in Q uantum physics, a field S o t ckholm by telephone. "It' s a bout a century old, explains v ery overwhelming." a lot about nature but in He said his work in t he cludessome weird-sounding re aim of quantum physics b ehavior by individual, iso- c ould ultimately lead to un l ated particles. A particle re- i maginably fast computers. sists our idea of either-or: it's "Y ou can do things which n ot here or there, it's sort of a re prohibited by the laws b oth. It's not spinning clock- o f classical physics," he told wise or counter-clockwise, The Associated Press. but a bit of both. It gets a Haroche also said quan d efinite location or spin only t um research could h e lp when it's measured. make GPS navigating sys Working separately,the tern s more accurate. two scientists, both 68, devel Wineland told the AP he o ped "ingenious laboratory w as sleeping when his wife m ethods" that allowed them a nswered the phone at 3:30 to manage and measure a.m. local time in Denver. a nd control fragile quantum H ewas utterly shocked even s tates, the Royal Swedish t hough his name had come A cademy of Sciences said. up before. "But actually I hadn' t heard W ineland traps ions e lectrically charged atoms a nything this time around. It — and measures them with was certainly surprising and l ight, while Haroche controls k ind of overwhelming right and measures photons. now," he said. "I feel like I got "Their g rou n d -break a Iot smarter overnight." ing methods have enabled Asked how he w il l c el t his field of research to take e brate, Wineland said: "I' ll t he very first steps towards p robably be pretty worn out b uilding a new type of su- b ythis evening. I' ll probably p erfast computer based on h ave a glass of wine and fall q uantum physics," the acad- a s leep."
The Associated Press file photo
Blindfolded and handcuffed, suspected al-Qaida membersare guarded by Iraqi army soldiers in July at an iraqi army base in Hillah, about 60 miles south of Baghdad. Al-Qaida is slowly resurging in Iraq, and has set up training camps for insurgents as the extremist group regains strength, officials say.
- ai acomin ac in ra,o iciassa By Qassim Abdul-Zahra and Lara Jakes The Associated Press
BAGHDAD — A l - Qaida is rebuilding in Iraq and has set up training camps for in surgents in the nation's west ern deserts as the extremist
group seizes on regional instability and government security failures to r egain strength, officials say. Iraq has seen a jump in al Qaida attacks over the last 10 weeks, and officials believe most of the fighters are for mer prisoners who have ei therescaped from jailorw ere released by Iraqi authorities for lack of evidence afterthe U.S. military withdrawal last D ecember. Many aresaid to be Saudi or from Sunni-dom inated Gulf states. During the war and its af termath, U.S. forces, joined by allied Sunni groups and later by Iraqi counterterror forces, managed to beat back
al-Qaida's Iraqi branch. But now, Iraqi and U.S. officials say, the insurgent group has more than doubled in numbers from a year ago — from about 1,000 to 2,500 fighters. And it is carrying out an average of 140 attacks each week across Iraq, up from 75 attacks each week earlier this year, according to Pentagon data.
"AQI is coming back," U.S.
Sen. Lindsey Graham, a Re publican from South Caro lina, declared in an interview
last month w h il e v i siting Baghdad. The new growth of al-Qai da in Iraq, also known as the Islamic State of Iraq, is not entirely unexpected. Last No vember, the top U.S. military official in Iraq, Army Gen. Lloyd Austin, predicted "tur bulence" ahead for Iraq's se curityforces. But he doubted I raq would return t o t h e days of widespread fighting between Shiite militias and Sunni insurgents, including al-Qaida, that brought the Is lamic country to the brink of civil war. While there's no sign of Iraq headed back toward sec tarian warfare — mostly be cause Shiite militias are not retaliating to their deadly at tacks — al-Qaida's revival is terrifying to ordinary Iraqis. Generally, th e mi l i tant group does not d oes not launch attacks or otherwise operate beyond Iraq's bor ders. For years, it has target ed Shiite pilgrims, security forces, officials in the Shiite led government and — until it left — the U.S. military. On Tuesday, a series of bombings and drive-by shootings killed six people, including three soldiers and a judge, in Bagh dad and the former al-Qaida strongholds of Mosul and Tal Afar in northern Iraq. Each round of bombings and shootings th e t e r ror group unleashes across the country, sometimes killing
dozens on a single day, fuels simmering public resentment toward thegovernment, which has unable to curb the violence. And the rise of Sunni extrem ists who aim to overthrow a Shiite-linked government in neighboring Syria has brought a new level of anxiety to Iraqis who fear the same thing could happen in Baghdad. "Nobody here believes the government's claims that al Qaida is weak and living its last days in Iraq," said Fuad Ali, 41, a Shiite who works for the government. "Al-Qaida is much stronger than what the Iraqi officials are imagining," Ali said. "The terrorist group is able to launch big attacks and free its mem bers from Iraqi prisons, and this indicates that al-Qaida is stronger than our security forc es. The government has failed to stop the increasing number of victims who were k illed since the start of this year."
Skydivercancels 2nd try at supersonic jump in New Mexico shot would be Thursday be cause of weather and the ROSWELL, N.M. — Blame need for the crew — which it on the wind. Again. worked all n i ght M o nday For the second straight — to get some rest. day, extreme athlete Felix The cancellation came a B aumgartner aborted h i s day after organizers post planned death-defying 23 poned the launch because of mile free fall because of the high winds. They scheduled w eather, p o stponing h i s the Tuesday launch for 6:30 quest to become the world' s a.m. near the flat dusty town firstsupersonic skydiver un best known for a rumored til at least Thursday. UFO landing in 1947. As he sat Tuesday morn High winds kept the mis ing in the pressurized cap sion in question for hours. sule waiting for a 55-story, When winds died down, ultra-thin helium balloon to Baumgartner, 43, suited up fill and carry him into the and entered th e c apsule. stratosphere,a 25 mph gust Crews began filling the bal rushed acrossa field near the loon. A l i v e o n line video airport in Roswell, N.M. feed showed a crane hold The wind rushed so fast ing the silver capsule off the that it spun the still-inflating ground. balloon as if it was a giant The team's discovery that plastic grocery bag, raising it had lost one of two radios concerns at mission control in the capsule and a problem about whether it was dam with the capsule itself de aged from the jostling. layed the decision to begin The balloon is so delicate filling the balloon, pushing that it can only take off if the mission close to a noon winds are 2 mph or below on cutoffforlaunch. "It was just a s i tuation the ground. "Not knowing if the winds where it took too long," mis would continue or not, we sion meteorologist Don Day made the decision to pull the said. plug," mission technical di After sitting fully suited up rector Art Thompson said. in his capsule for nearly 45 Baumgartner's team said he minutes, Baumgartner left has a second balloon and in the capsule and departed the tends to try again. launch site in his Airstream Thompson said the earliest trailer without speaking to the team could take another reporters.
s t t t prs 't aftls
By jeri Clausing
The Associated Press
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Booking straight from the source
IN BRIEF Sisters to host holiday craft fair Get a jump onthe holiday season with the Sisters Harvest Faire on Saturday andSunday. The fair will be on Hood Avenue indown town Sisters from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. both days. It will feature handcrafted pottery, metal art, photography, jewelry, furniture, home
By Stephanie Rosenbloom New Yorrt Times News Service
decor and more. There
Frontier Airlines caused a stir recently when it an nounced that travelers who do not book directly with the airline will pay higherfees,receivehalfas many frequent flier miles and will not be allowed to select a seat in advance of check-in. Whether cutting out the middleman is con sumer-friendly is a matter of debate. But the news got me thinking: Should travelers assume that the best deals always come from online — even off line — travel agencies? While agencies certainly turn up great vacation pack ages and make comparison shopping easy, the best deals I' ve found lately are the result of booking di rectly with a hotel or airline. In the past week alone I got a steal on a luxury hotel in Miami by using a discount code offered by the hotel that popped up in a Google search. And I reserved a flight to San Francisco from New York for less than $150 during a one-day sale that JetBlue announced on Twit ter. The fares, the airline noted, were "not available on Orbitz, Travelocity, Ex pedia or Priceline." See Direct/B6
will also be live enter tainment and a food court. Admission is free. The event is being put on by the Sisters Cham
ber of Commerce. Contact: www
.sisterscountry.corn or 541-549-0251.
Survey: Banking fees on the rise Free checking ac counts are becoming less common and banking fees continue
to grow, according to the 15th annual na tional checking survey conducted by Bankrate
.corn. The survey found that just 39 percent of nonin terest checking accounts
are available tocustom ers free of charge,down from 45 percent last year and a peakof 76 percent
Photo by Andy Tullis; photo illustration by Jennifer Montgomery The Bulletin
in 2009.
ATM charges rose for the eighth-straight year, this time by 4
percent to a newrecord of $2.50 per usageat non-network banks, the Bankrate.corn survey found. It's also the first time that100 percent of banks Bankrate.corn
surveyed charged non customers to use their ATMs.
Many banks also charged their own
customers for using an other bank's ATM. This
fee jumped 11percent to a national averageof $1.57. The average monthly service fee onnoninter est checking accounts is up 25 percent to $5.48. The averagebalance requirement to avoid the fee is $723, a rise of 23 percent. Theaverage monthly service fee on interest checking ac counts is at $14.75, up 4 percent. Avoiding the
fee requires anaverage balance of $6,117, an
increase of 9 percent. Contact:
Submit your holiday bazaars The Bulletin is ac
cepting submissions for a list of fairs and bazaars through the
holiday season.
• Local experts weigh in on when to replace or fix those household appliances By Heidi Hagemeier • The Bulletin
he washing machine leaves a resi due after the rinse. The timer on the toaster oven has lost its tick. The vacuum is more blow than suck. When household appliance conundrums arise — and invariably they do — so does a not-so-simple question: toss it or fix it'? The answer depends. The age of the item,
Should I repair it? • Is it really broken? Sometimes what the item needs is TLC more than replacement. Bend resident Doug Butler, a handy guy who does repairs for his residential community, Higher Ground, advised to first try plugging the item into another outlet. Sometimes the issue is as simple as an outlet that went out. A voltage meter — an investment of $15 to $30 — can help test that theory. The issue could also be a tripped cir cuit breaker or a loose plug. Other times what the product needs is maintenance. A dryer, for instance, can easily leave clothes damp if its duct andscreens haven'tbeen cleaned out regularly. "Yes, they don't make it as good as they used to, that' s true," Butler said. "But if you take care of it, it still will last
The Community Life section will publish a cal
how the technology has evolved since purchase longer."
endar onOct. 28listing fairs and bazaars.Each
and its original price all factor in.
submitted event must
include abrief descrip tion of what will be sold,
dates, times, location, admission priceanda contact phone number. The deadline for submis sion is Oct. 19. After Oct. 28, a list
of holiday bazaars and fairs happening each week will publish. New
fair and bazaar submis sions are welcome during that time. The deadline for submission
is noon Wednesdayfor publication the following
week. Submit events by
email to community life©bendbulletin.corn or by mail to Commu nity Life, The Bulletin, P.O. Box 6020, Bend, OR 97708. Contact: 541-383 0351. — Heidi Hagemeier, The Bulletin
The one thing local experts ad vised not to do is assume it must be replaced the second it sputters. There's no harm in taking a look inside as long as it's unplugged. After all, it's already broken. "A lot of times," said Bend man-of-all trades Weylin Noldner, "people don't even try to see what's happening with it." While the best course of action varies based on the product parhculars, here are a few tips to help decide whether to
A common mistake people make with gas-powered items like lawn mowers or leaf blowers is not draining the fuel in the winter, said Noldner, who owns U-n-I Installa tions. Fuel containing ethanol turns acidic within two to three months, harming the motor. Fuel without ethanol can sit longer but should still be drained if not used within six months to a year.
• Check sources Your refrigerator is probably not the first to make that ker-clunking noise. Most instruction manuals contain a troubleshooting section, and some man ufacturer'swebsites also offerhelp, including downloadable user guides. If you don't find clues there, turn to the Internet. There you can search common problems, learn how products work and find parts. "The first thmg I do ts I look online," Noldner said "I find lots of things online."
See Repair / B6
repair or replace.
Photo illustration by Tony Centcota New York Times News Serwce
Bar soap sheds its irritating
image By Alix Strauss New Yorrt Times News Service
This year marks the 60th anniversary of Dr. Erno Laszlo's Dead Sea Mud cleansing bar. Sold at Saks since 1952, the dis tinctive black bar, a louche, luxurious cousin to Ivory, promises to remove impu rities and exfoliate the skin while hydrating it. Laszlo's creation is a cult favorite, but face soap
in general has long had a dirty reputation in the beauty industry. Many con sumers have been pushed by marketers into thinking that soap strips necessary oils and unfavorably alters the skin's pH level. Bar soap has also had a tough time competing with the overabundance of liquids, creams and foams that skin care companies offer. See Soap/B3
New series Arrow' hits the bull' s-eye it takes for its own 10-season TV SPOTLIGHT run. "Beauty and the Beast," on "Arrow" the other hand, doesn't even 8 tonight, The CW have enough for a 10-minute run. One of the new season' s By David Wiegattd worst shows (and with com San Francisco Chronicle petition like "The Neighbors," that's saying something), the The CW has a handful of so-so or just plain terrible offer new series, premiering Thurs ings for the fall season: "Arrow" day night, stars "Smallville's" isn't one of them, but "Beauty Kristin Kreuk as Catherine and the Beast" sure is. Chandler, who sees her moth Based on the classic comic er shot to death in front of her book "Green Arrow," "Arrow" eyes andseems about to meet is pure, action-packed and fun a similar end when she's sud worthy. denly rescued by H e r man Developed by Greg Ber Munster. lanti, Mare Guggenheim and Well, in the show it's Vin Andrew Kreisberg, "Arrow." cent Keller (Jay Ryan), who Premiering tonight, stars Cana is supposed to have died in dian actor Stephen Amell ("Jus Afghanistan but instead has tice for Natalie Holloway") as lived and tends to morph into Oliver Queen, the spoiled party a beast from time to time. In boy whose life is forever altered those beastly moments, his by the five years he spends on a makeup is so terrible, he looks desertedisland after he makes like Herman Munster. his father's boat sinks. His But that's just one of many father and Sarah Lance, the unintended laughs you' ll get sister of his girlfriend Laurel from the overheated, badly (Katie Cassidy), are lost in the written, wretchedly acted and accident. At the time the boat unconvincing drama, which capsized, Oliver was having makes mincemeat out of the sex with Sarah on the boat. t raditional beauty an d t h e Given up for dead, Oliver beast fairy tale. returns to his family mansion Kreuk is definitely a beauty, where his mother (Susanna but you won't believe her as a Thompson) has married her New York detective. There's a husband's business associate, lot of nonsense about why her Walter Steele (Colin Salmon), mother was killed, whether and his younger sister, Thea the killers are still after Cathe (Willa Holland, "Gossip Girl" ), rine and why FBI agents don' t has grown into a rebellious want Catherine investigating 17-year-old female version of the case. You won't care. "Beauty an d t h e B e ast" what Oliver had been before the shipwreck. "Arrow" strikes tries too hard to set itself apart green gold with Amell in the from the classic retelling of title role. He not only has the the tale which aired on CBS looks, not to mention the abs, from 1987-90. Both s hows but acting skill that enables were created by Ron Koslow, him to be convincing both as who would have been better rescuedrich kid Oliver Queen advised to simply remake his and as his green-hooded alter earlier show without fooling ego, Arrow. around with the concept of the "Arrow" may just have what classic tale.
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680 S.W.Powerhouse Drive, Bend, 541-382-6347
THE BOURNE LEGACY(PG-13) 11:30 a.m., 2:35, 6:20, 9:25 END OFWATCH(R) 1:25, 4:40, 7:45, 10:20 FINDING NEMO 3-D (G) 1:10, 3:50, 6:35, 9:20 FRANKENWEENIE(PG) 11:45 a.m., 12:45, 3:15, 6, 6:45, 9:05 FRANKENWEENIEIMAX (PG) 12:10, 3:40, 7:20, 9:40 HOPE SPRINGS(PG-13) 11:50 a.m., 6:50 HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA(PG) 11:35 a.m., 12:35, 2:30, 6:05, 7:30, 9:10 HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA3-D (PG) 3:25, 9:50 HOUSE ATTHEENDOFTHE STREET (PG-13) 1:30, 4:30, 7:35, 10:10 LOOPER(R) 12:30, 3:30, 7:10, 10 THE ODDLIFEOF TIMOTHY GREEN(PG) 1:20, 4:20
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(ages 3 to 11)and seniors (ages 60 andolder). • Movie times are subject to change after press time.
PRINE VILLE Pine Theater 214 N. Main St., Prineville, 541-416-1014
1101 S.W.U.S.Highway97, Madras, 541-475-3505
END OFWATCH(R) 4:50, 7:20 FRANKENWEENIE3-D (PG) 4:35, 6:50 HOUSE ATTHEENDOFTHESTREET (PG-13) 5:20, 7:30 TAKEN 2 (PG-13) 5, 7:10 TROUBLE WITHTHE CURVE (PG 13) 4:40, 7
HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA (UPSTAIRS — PG) 4:15, 6:30 TAKEN 2 (PG-13) 4, 7 Pine Theater's upstairs screening room has limited accessibility.
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Accessibility devices are
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I'j Nightly News Newschannel 21 at 6 (N) « Jeop ardy! 'G' Wheel Fortune Animal Practice Guys With Kids Law & Order: SVU C hicago Fire Pilot (N) n '14' New s Jay Leno KTVZ 0 0 0 0 News News Evening News Access H. Ol d Christine How I Met 30 Rock n '14' Survivor: Philippines (N) n 'PG' Criminal Minds The Pact (N)'14' CSI: Crime Scene Investigation News Letterman KBNZ 0 KEZI 9 News World News K EZI 9 News KEZI 9 News Entertainment The Insider (N) The Middle 'PG' The Neighbors Modern Family Modern Family Nashville Pilot (N) n 'PG' KEZI 9 News (11:35) Nightline KOHD 0 0 0 0 Videos Two/Half Men Two/Half Men Big Bang Big Bang The X Factor Auditions continue inMiami. (N) n '14' cc News KFXO iDi IEI IEI IEIAmerica's Funniest Home TMZ (N) n 'PG' The Simpsons Family Guy '14' Nature SiberianTiger Quest'PG' NOVA (N) n 'PG' «(DVS ) Nov a scienceNOW (N)n 'PG' "Naturally Obsessed:Scientist" Koae O B O B Wild Kratts ae Electric Comp. Equitrekking B usiness Rpt. PBS NewsHour (N) n « Newschannel 8 NightlyNews Newschannel 8 News Live at 7 (N) I n side Edition Animal Practice Guys With Kids Law & Order: SVU Chicago Fire Pilot (N) n '14' Newschannel 8 Jay Leno KGW 0 Supernatural (N) n '14' « Seinfeld n 'G' Seinfeld 'PG' 'Til Death 'PG' 'Til Death 'PG' KTVZDT2IEI 0 B lH We ThereYet? We There Yet? King of Queens King of Queens Engagement Engagement A r row Pilot (N) n 'PG' « Baking Made Taste This!'G' Outnumbered Lastof Wine The MemoirsofSherlockHolmes Doc MartinAlcoholproblem.'PG' WorldNews T a vissmiley(N) Charlie Rose(N)n'G'cc PBS NewsHour n cc OPBPL 175 173 *ASIE 130 28 18 32 Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage-Texas Storage-Texas Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty
** "Four Brothers" (2005,CrimeDrama)MarkWahlberg, TyreseGibson, Andre Benjamin. Sib- *** "Terminator 2: JudgmentDay" (1991,Science Fiction) ArnoldSchwarzenegger, LindaHamilton, EdwardFur- *** "Terminator 2: Judgment Day" (2:30) *** "Apollo13" ling s seek revenge for their adoptive mother's murder. « long. Cyborgsbattle over ayouthwhoholds the keyto thefuture. « (1991), LindaHamilton « *ANPL 68 50 26 38 Monsters Inside Me 'PG' cc Fatal Attractions Reptiles n '14' Wild Pacific Eat or BeEaten'PG' Wild Pacific A Fiery Birth n 'PG' The Blue Planet: Seas of Life 'G' The Blue Planet: Seas of Life 'G' Wild Pacific A Fiery Birth n 'PG' BRAVO1 37 4 4 Top Chef: Just Desserts Top Chef: Just Desserts Finale H ousewives/NJ Housewives/NJ Housewives/NYC Life After TopChef (N) W hatHappens Housewives/NJ ** "8 Seconds" (1994,Docudrama)LukePerry, StephenBaldwin. n cc CMT 190 32 42 53 Roseanne 'PG' Roseanne 'PG' Reba 'PG' cc R eba 'PG' cc R eba 'PG' cc R eba 'PG' cc R eba 'PG' cc R eba 'G' cc Pure Country n CNBC 54 36 40 52 Mexico's Drug War Mob Money: Murders and American Greed(N) Mad Money Mob Money: Murders and American Greed Quit Your Job! 21st Century CNN 55 38 35 48 Anderson Cooper360 (N) cc P i e rs Morgan Tonight (N ) Ande rson Cooper 360 cc Erin Burnett OutFront Piers MorganTonight Anderson Cooper360 cc Erin Burnett OutFront COM 135 53 135 47Futurama 'PG' Always Sunny South Park '14' Tosh.0 '14' Co l bert Report Daily Show C h appelle Show Key 8 Peele S outh Park 'MA' South Park 'MA' South Park 'MA' Key & Peele (N) Daily Show D e lbert Report CQTY 11 Dept. /Trans. C i ty Edition B e nd City Council Work Session Bend City Council Morning Oregon City Edition CSPAN 61 20 12 11 Capitol Hill Hearings Capitol Hill Hearings *DIS 87 43 14 39 A.N.T. Farm'G' A.N.T. Farm 'G' Phineas, Ferb Good-Charlie Shake It Up! 'G' Austin & Ally n My Babysitter * * * "Halloweentown High" (2004) n 'G' cc Good-Charlie Phineas,Ferb A.N.T.Farm'G' My Babysitter *DISC 156 21 16 37 Sons of Guns n '14' « World's Scariest Plane Landings Plane Crash n 'PG'a« Sons of Guns(N) n '14' « TedNugent' sGunCountry'PG' Sons of Gunsn '14'« *E! 1 36 2 5 Keeping UpWith the Kardashians Jonas Jonas E! News(N) Keeping Up With the Kardashians Keeping UpWith the Kardashians The Soup '14' Jones Chelsea Lately E! News ESPN 21 23 22 23 30 for 30 30 for 30 201 2 CrossFit Games (N ) Spor t scenter (N) (Live) « Sportscenter (N)(Live) « Sportsoenter (N)(Live) « Sportscenter (N)(Live) « ESPN2 22 24 21 24 Best of the NFL NFL's Greatest GamesFromFeb. 3, 2002. (N ) NFL ' s Greatest Games FromFeb. 1, 2009. (N ) Bes t of the NFL Baseball Tonight (N) (Live) cc N F L Live (N) cc 2012 World Series of Poker ESPNC 23 25 123 25 Boxing FromMay18,1991. « E:6 0 Long WayDown « White ShadowWannaBet « E:60 Stories of... St o ries of... Co l lege Football « ESPNN 24 63 124203Sportscenter (N)(Live) cc Sportscenter (N)(Live) cc Sportscenter (N)(Live) cc Sportscenter (N)(Live) cc H-Lite Ex. H-L ite Ex. H.L i te Ex. H-L i te Ex. ESP NFC Press H-Lite Ex. R e b a 'PG' « ** "Miss Congenia/ity 2:Armedand Fabulous" (2005)SandraBullock, ReginaKing. *** "Remember the Titans" (2000, Drama)Denzel Washington, Will Patton. FAM 67 29 19 41 Reba 'PG' « The700Club n 'G' « FNC 57 61 36 50 The O'Reilly Factor (N) cc Hannity (N) On Record, GretaVanSusteren The O'Reilly Factor cc Hannity On Record, Greta VanSusteren The Five *FOOD 177 62 98 44 Best Dishes P aula's Cooking Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Restaurant: Impossible Restaurant: Impossible Restaurant: Impossible Valley Inn Restaurant Stakeout(N) Restaurant: Impossible *** "Salt" (2010,Action) AngelinaJolie, Liev Schreiber. FX 131 (3:00) *** "IronMan"(2008) H o w I Met H owI Met T wo/ Half Men Two/Half Men *** "Salt" (2010,Action)Angelina Jolie, Liev Schreiber. HGTV 176 49 33 43 Income Prop. Income Prop. Income Prop. Income Prop. Hunters Int'I H o use Hunters Property Brothers 'G' « Buying and Selling (N) 'G' « Hou s e Hunters Hunters Int'I P r operty Brothers 'G' « *HIST 155 42 41 36 Counting Cars Counting Cars Counting Cars Counting Cars Counting Cars Counting Cars Restoration R e storation R e storation R e storation C a jun Pawn C ajun Pawn C ajun Pawn C ajun Pawn "TakenFromMe: TheTiffany Rubin Story" (2011)'PG' « ** "Tyler Perry's theFami/y ThatPreys" (2008) KathyBates,Alfre Woodard. « LIFE 138 39 20 31 Wife SwapFlannagin/Logan'PG' Prank MyMom Project Runway 'PG' « MSNBC 59 59 128 51 The Ed Show(N) TheRachelMaddow Show (N) The Last W ord The Ed Show The Rachel MaddowShow The Last Word Hardball With Chris Matthews MTV 192 22 38 57 Made Tough Mudder (N) n 'PG' J ersey Shore Thegang returns tothe shore. n '14' « True Life I'm Addicted toHeroin T een Mom n T een Mom n T he Challenge: Battle of Seasons Challenge After Jersey Shore NICK 82 46 24 40 SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob Drake & Josh Drake &Josh Full House'G' Full House'G' Full House'G' Full House'G' TheNanny'PG' TheNanny'PG' Friendsn '14' (11:33) Friends OWN 161 103 31 103Main Street M a i n Street Ma i n Street Ma i n Street Ma i n Street Ma i n Street 48 Hours: Hard Evidence n '14' D ateline on OWN n '14' Dateline on OWN n '14' 48 Hours: Hard Evidence n '14' ROOT 20 45 28* 26 Planet X Square Bensinger Se ahawks Gol den Age B o ys in the Hall The Game 365 Action Sports World Tour American Ski Classic Planet X Square Planet X Square The DanPatrick Show SPIKE 132 31 34 46 BarRescue OntheRocks' PG' Bar Rescue BottomlessPit'PG' Bar Rescue n 'PG' Ink Master n '14' « Ink Master SemiNude911 '14' T a t too Rescue Just Deadly 'PG' Auction Hunters Auction Hunters SYFY 133 35 133 45ParanormalWitness ParanormalWitness ParanormalWitness 'PG' GhostHuntersn PG cc Ghost Hunters ParanormalPolitics Paranormal Witness (N)'PG' G h o st Hunters Paranormal Politics TBN 05 60 130 Behind Scenes Turning Point Joseph Prince End of the Age Praise the Lord (Live). Always Good Jesse Duplantis Easter Exper. Creflo Dollar P r aise the Lord TBNClassics *TBS 16 27 11 28 (4:30) MLBBaseball BaltimoreOrioles at NewYorkYankees (N) (Live) Inside MLB(N) To Be Announced To Be Announced *** "The Haunting" (1963,Horror)Julie Harris, Claire Bloom.Shirley * * * " T he uninvited" (1944, Horror) Ray Mi l a nd, Ruth Hussey. A composer ** "House on Haunted Hi l l" (1958, Horror) Vi n cent Pri c e, *** "Dead of Night" (1945,Horror) MervynJohns, Mi TCM 101 44 101 29 Jackson's chiller about amalevolentmansion. « and his sistermoveinto a haunted manor. « Carol Ohmart, RichardLong. « chael Redgrave,RolandCulver. « *TLC 178 34 32 34 Four Weddings rr 'PG' « Island Medium Island Medium Cracking Addiction rr '14' « Hoa r ding: Buried Alive 'PG' « H a l f-Ton Killer (N) rr 'PG' « Addi cted Aaron (N) rr '14' « Half -Ton Killer 4t 'PG'« *TNT 17 26 15 27 (4:30) MLBBaseball Detroit Tigers atOaklandAthletics (N) (Live) c~ To Be Announced Perception Faces'14' arj 'TOON 84 Dragons: Riders Regular Show Regular Show Wrld, Gumball Adventure Time NiniaGo: Mstrs Dragons: Riders Johnny Test n King of the Hill King of the Hill American Dad American Dad Family Guy '14' Family Guy '14' 'TRAV 179 51 45 42 Bourdain: NoReservations Biz a rre Foods/Zimmern Man v. Food'G' Manv.Food'G' Man v.Food'G' Man v.Food'G' ToyHunter'PG' Toy Hunter'PG' HamburgerParadise2(N)'G' Hot Dog Paradise'G'cc M'A'S*H 'PG' M*A'S*H 'PG' Beginning'G' « M*A*S'H 'PG' CosbyShow Cosby Show Cosby Show Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Hot, Cleveland The Exes'PG' King ofQueens KingofQueens TVLND 65 47 29 35 B onanza The ** "Couple sRetreat"(2009,Comedy)VinceVaughn,JasonBateman,JonFavreau. ** "The Break NCIS TerminalLeave'PG' cc NCIS Call of Silence'PG' c~ up" (2006)VinceVaughn. « USA 15 30 23 30 NCIS TheBoneYard 'PG' ac 40 Funniest Fails '14' Rehab With Dr. Drew4t '14' Coup l es Therapy n '14' Couples TherapyOpening Up'14' Behind the Music rr 'PG' « VH1 191 48 37 54 (4:00) "40 Days and 40Nights" 4 0 Funniest Fails '14' *AMC 102 40 39
Titanic: Blood andSteel (N)'14' ENGR 106401 306401(4:15) ** "How Oo you Know"2010'PG-13' « (6:20) *** "Freaky Friday" 2003 n 'PG' « (8:54) Titanic: Blood andSteel (N) *** "As Good as it Gets" 1997JackNicholson. rr 'PG-13' « FXM Presents ** "EnemyaltheGates"2001,WarJosephRennes.'R'« FMC 104204104120(4:00) *** "Live Free or DieHard" 2007 'PG-13' FXM Presents **"EnemyattheGates"2001,W arJosephRennes,JudeLaw.'R'« UFC ReloadedUFC134: Silva vs. OkamiSilva vs Dkamiand Ruavs Griffin. Being: Liverpool (N)'PG' UFC Fight Night UFC:Brownevs. Silva English PremierLeagueSoccer FUEL 34 On the Range PGA Tour Golf Inside PGA G o lf Central O n the Range PGA Tour Golf School of Golf Big Break GOLF 28 301 27 301PGA Tour Golf L i t tle House onPrairie the 'PG' L i ttle House on thePrairie 'PG' L i ttle House on the Prairie 'PG' L i ttle House on the Prairie 'PG' Frasier n '14' Frasier n 'PG' Frasier n 'PG' Frasier n 'G' HALL 66 33175 33 The Waltons TheVisitor 'G' cc ** "Lifeas WeKnowIt" 2010Katherine Heigl. Antagonists mustworkto The Fight Game ** "The Thing" 2011MaryElizabeth Winstead. Arctic Cowboys & B o ardwalk EmpireBel Blue l Boy Real Time With Bill MaherJournalist HBO 25501 425501(3:45) *** "un stoppable" ge t her to raise their goddaughter. n 'PG-13' cc With Jim researchersbattle ashape-shifting alien. 'R' Aliens Nucky andOwenhide out. 'MA' W i ll Cain. n 'MA' ac *** "Monster's Ball" 2001, DramaBilly BobThornton, Heath Ledger. 'NR' ** "May" 2002,HorrorAngela Bettis, JeremySisto, AnnaParis. 'R' I FC 105 1 0 5 *** "The Lastof the Mohicans" 1992, Adventure Daniel Day-Lewis. 'NR' (4:45) **** "Titanic" 1997,Historical DramaLeonardo Dicaprio, Kate Winslet, Billy Zane. Awomanfalls for anartist Strike Back n (8:45) ** "TheChange-up" 2011 RyanReynolds. Anoverworked lawyer and (10:45) ** "Hart's yyar"2002,War BruceWilis, Colin • M AX 00508 5 0 8aboard the ill-fated ship. rr 'PG-13' « 'MA' cc his carefreebuddyswitch bodies. rr 'NR' « Farrell, TerrenceHoward. n 'R' cc InsidecocaineSubmarines'14' B i d &Destroy B id&Destroy GoldRushGhostShips'PG' Bid& Destroy B i d&Destroy GoldRushGhostShips'PG' Ins i decocaineSubmarines'14' I n sidetheGreen Berets'14' N GC 157 1 5 7 S p ongeBob A v atar: Air. Av atar: Air. Dr agon Ball Z Iron Man: Armor NTOON 89 115189115Ddd Parents Ddd Parents P lanet Sheen Planet Sheen Monsuno 'Y7' Monsuno 'Y7' Ddd Parents Ddd Parents S pongeBob Shooting USA Outdoorsman Amer. Rifleman Impossible G u n Nuts Mid w ay USA's Shooting USA « Best Defense Midway USA's Impossible Am er. Rifleman OUTD 37 307 43 307Midway USA's Rapid Fire * "Loosies" 2011Peter Facinelli. A pickpocket learnsthat ** "Beastly" 2011Alex Pettyfer. Ateen must find true Homeland Beirut Is Back 4t'MA' « Inside the NFL (N) rr 'PG' « I nsi d e NASCAR Inside Comedy 4t Inside the NFLrt 'PG' « S HO 00 5 0 0 '14' cc he is about to be afather. 'PG-13' cc love to break acurse. n 'PG-13' cc (N) 'PG' SPEED 35 303125303Pinks - All Dut 'PG' 101 Cars 101 Cars Barrettdackson Special Edition Pinks - All Dut 'PG' 101 Cars 101 Cars Barrett. JacksonSpecial Edition Unique Whips '14' ** "Burlesque" 2010,DramaCher, Eric Dane. n 'PG-13' « STARZ 00408 00408Jumping Broom (5:45) *** "Midnight in Paris" 2011 OwenWilson. 'PG-13' « (7:20) ** "underworld: Awakening" 2012 n 'R' (11:05) "Jumpingthe Broom"n "Not Sinceyou"2009DesmondHarrington. Unresolved ** "Sexand a Girl" 2001 AngelaGots. A teen deals with (9:40) * "Sexting" 2011 JasonLewis. A mananda (5:05) ** "National Lampoon' s Attack of the 5' 2" (11:15) "MissNobody" 2010,Comedy TMC 2 5 25 Women"1994,ComedyJulie Brown.0 'R' « conflicts ariseamongfriends. 'PG-13' « the news ofher parents' divorce. rr 'R' womanbreakties formedthrough BlackBerrys. Leslie Bibb.0 'R' « NPL Turning Point (N)'PG' NPL Turning Point 'PG' Dream Dn:Journey NPL Turning Point 'PG' Dream On:Journey NBCSN 27 58 30 209Boxing TomaszAdamekvs. EddieChambers *WE 143 41 174118Bridezillas Marlene & Jeanine '14' Bridezillas Jeanine &Gallic '14' B r i dezillas '14' cc Bridezillas Rochelle &Ashanti '14' Bridezillas Ashanti & Liza '14' Gh o st Whisperer Lost Boys 'PG' L.A. Hair ChinaWagesWar
Teen sons'groupshowers are puzzling to their dad Dear Abby: I am the single dad of two teenage boys (17 and 18) who are both in high school. I am wondering about something they do with their friends. The boys take show
ers in large groups. When they come in from running or sports,or if a group isspend ing the night, they shower in groups of two, three or four. It's not like we have a huge shower — it's normal size. I k n o w t h e re's n o thing sexual going on because I can hear them talking and joking around. When I asked the boys about this, they looked at me like I had two heads. They said it was just a social thing and the same as showering together af ter football in the school gym. They also "air dry " a fter showers by walking around in towels, sometimes watch ing TV or goofing off for hours while in their towels. When go ing out, they get naked in the bathroom, fixing their hair, shaving, brushing their teeth, etc. It's like a big "nude fest" with them and their friends. W hile I'm g lad t hey a r e comfortable with their bodies and who they are, it still both ers me somewhat. Am I being a prude in thinking this is un usual or inappropriate? — Stumped in Kentucky Dear Stumped: I see noth ing inappropriate about what your sons and their friends are doing. Nor do I want to label you a prude. You are just not as comfortable in your skin as your sons and their "jock" friends are. Is it possible that they take after their mother? Dear Abby: My best friend and I do everything together and I love her, so when she showed up at the gym in "boo ty shorts," I didn't say a word, even though they don't flat ter her one bit. Heck, there's a mirror onevery wall,so she must have liked what she saw, and it's none of my business. When she wore them to a school sporting event, my hus band accused me of being a "bad friend" for not telling her
DEAR ABBY that her rear view was getting the wrong kind of attention. Some of the other parents in the bleachers were snickering. I guess if the situation were re versed, I'd want my best friend to give me a hint, but I'm not exact ly sure how to do it. Am I wrong to just keep my mouth shut and mind my own business? — Anonymous in a Small Town
Dear Anonymous:Allow me to provide a couple of hints. First, tell your friend when you are alone and can't be over heard, which will spare her unnecessary embarrassment. Second, ask, "When you bought those shorts, did you get a look at yourself from the back?" If she says no, provide her with a mirror so she can look over her shoulder at herself. Then explain that at the school event, some of the other parents were staring, and not too kindly. You will be doing her a favor to speak up. Dear Abby:I met this beauti ful and awesome lady last Sat urday and slept with her that night. Sunday, we spent most of the day texting back and forth. I asked her to dinner on Mon day and she accepted. We did more texting on Tuesday night, which I initiated. So, my ques tion is, how much texting and pursuing is too much in trying to hang out with this woman? I'm really interested in her. — Pretty Cool Dude in Minnesota Dear Pretty Cool Dude:How about giving her 24 hours to catch her breath? Because she
keeps saying yes, the signs are good sofar.Justbe careful that in your enthusiasm your ardor doesn't come across as overwhelming. If you do all the chasing, you' ll deprive her of the pleasure of chasing you back. — Write Dear Abby at www.DearAbby.corn or P.O. Box 69440,Los Angeles,CA 90069.
Horoscope:HappyBirthday for Wednesday,Oct. 10,2012 By Jacqueline Blgar If ever you were to have aproclivity for intensity and drama, it would be this year. Youeasily could be mistaken for a dramaqueen orking. Communication, especially with those close to you, forces your mind's eyeto see beyond its current vista. If you are single, a friendship could be vital to a special relationship. A party is always better with a LEO! The Stars Show the Kind of Day You' ll Have: 5-Dynamic; 4-Positive; 3-Average; 2-So-so; 1-Difficult ARIES (March 21-April 19) ** * * You might want to let a difficult situation alone and instead watch how others work through it. Listen to your inner voice. Do not avoid incoming calls, especially as it is likely that you will hear good news. Tonight: Paint the town red. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) ** * Your home life always is important, and you goout of your way to maintain a steady domestic life. Having priorities is important, but handling the other areas of your life is equally imperative. A friend or loved one has anunusually creative suggesti on.Tonight:M oseyonhome. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) ** * * You make that extra effort, and others respond accordingly. Use positive thinking in order to manifest a wish. Your thoughts and words have an effect. An older relative or boss could be evasive, yet you know that he or she demands a lot. Tonight: Hang out with friends. CANCER(June 21-July 22) ** * Curb a need to go overboard. You might feel quite touched by someone's thoughtfulness.You also feel unusually secure when dealing with this person. Don't worry so muchabouttension between you and a child or new friend. You cannot change his or her personality. Tonight: Use some self-discipline. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) ** * * * T houghts that come to you in your sleep might be unusually significant right now. Aclose friend might be the perfect person to share this information with, as he orshe could give you feedback. Youvery well might be able to manifest this idea, but on your schedule. Tonight: All smiles. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) ** * You might not want to be an active participant in what goes on today, as you could be thinking about a proposal. A boss or higher up has a lot to share. This person
has been observing you, and feels as if you are giving 100 percent of yourself. Your presence encourages others to break past boundaries. Tonight: Not to be found. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) ** * * Z e ro in on priorities. You cannot get past a problem without first having a discussion with a key resource. You might be making judgments that could prevent you from accomplishing an important goal. News comes in through a call or an email that delights you to no end. Tonight: First, find your friends. The rest will happen naturally. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) ** * * You understand your role in a project, and you don't hesitate to do what is needed to accomplish the end results. A partner teams upwith youand helpsyouaccomplishmore. A brainstorming session will open up a door, though you might feel hesitant to walk through it. Tonight: Up late! SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) ** * * * L et your mind expand as you play aroundwith acertain situation. Youmight start to seea situation far differently, or in many different ways, as aresult. Someone you like andwho is lucky for you suddenly appears. Makeplans to get together as soon aspossible. Tonight: Reach out for someone at a distance. CAPRICORN(Dec. 22-Jan. 19) ** * * Deal with individuals directly. The conversations that ensue will demonstrate their caring. Team up with someone who hasthesame goals as you, but offers something different. Your instincts are excellent, so follow through on ahunch. Tonight: Brainstorm over dinner. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Fed. 18) ** * * * Y ou' ll discover much more of what is happening with others. You could get feedback from loved ones when trying to make plans. You suddenly might realize how muchfunyoucould havewith a certain person. Schedule a meeting for as late as possible. Tonight: Spontaneity works well. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) ** * * Y ou have a lot to do, and you will get it done — as long as you do not allow someone to distract you. Your imagination could lead you down some interesting paths today, even literal ones. Understand why a partner might be negative about one of your suggestions. Tonight: Get to the gym. © 2012 by King Features Syndicate
Pleaseemail event information to communitylife@bendbulletin.corn or click on "Submit an Event" at www.bendbulletin.corn. Allow at least 10 days before the desired date of publication. Ongoing listings must be updated monthly. Contact: 541-383-0351.
TODAY PUMPKIN PATCH: Free admission; noon-6 p.m.; Central OregonPumpkin Company, 1250 N.E. Wilcox Ave., Terrebonne; 541-504-1414 or www.pumpkinco.corn. BEND FARMERS MARKET:Free admission; 3-7 p.m.;Brooks Alley, between Northwest Franklin Avenue and Northwest Brooks Street; 541-408-4998, bendfarmersmarket@gmail.corn or www.bendfarmersmarket.corn. PROJECTTRIO:The Brooklyn basedchamber musicensemble performs; $12; 7 p.m.; Mountain View High School, 2755 N.E. 27th St., Bend; 541-639-7734 or THE GENERATORS: The Los Angeles-based punk band performs; $5; 8 p.m.; The Horned Hand, 507 N.W. Colorado Ave., Bend; 541-728 0879 or www.reverbnation.corn/ venue/thehornedhand.
THURSDAY PUMPKIN PATCH: Free admission; noon-6 p.m.; Central OregonPumpkin Company, 1250 N.E. Wilcox Ave., Terrebonne; 541-504-1414 or www.pumpkinco.corn. THE LIBRARYBOOKCLUB: Read and discuss "The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks" by Rebecca Skloot; free; noon; Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-617-7080 or www TUMALO FARMERS MARKET: Free admission; 3-6 p.m.; Tumalo Garden Market, off of U.S. Highway 20 and Cook Avenue; 541-728-0088, earthsart©gmail.corn or http: // tumalogardenmarket.corn. "B'AKTUN":A showing of the bilingual play about the end of the Mayan calendar; free; 6-8 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, Hitchcock Auditorium, 2600 N.W. College Way, Bend; 541-382-4366 or BAKESTARRBENEFIT CONCERT:Featuring a performance by Five Pint Mary; ages 21 and older; proceeds benefiBAKESTARR; t $5;6 p.m.; Silver Moon Brewing & Taproom, 24 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-598-4483 or BENDFILM:The ninth annual independent film festival features films at McMenamins Old St. Francis School, the Tower Theatre, Tin Pan Theater, Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX, Cascades Theatrical Company and the Oxford Hotel; $200 full festival pass, $125 full film pass, individual tickets $11 in advance, $12 at the door; 6-10:15 p.m.; 541-388-3378, or www
FROM CHETO CASTRO: A discussion about building bridges with 21st-century Cuba; free; 6:30 8 p.m.; Nativity Lutheran Church, 60850 S.E. Brosterhous Road, Bend; 541-633-7354. JERRY JOSEPH AND WALTER SALAS-HUMARA:Two roots rockers play acoustic sets; $5; 9:30 p.m.; Astro Lounge, 939 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-388-0116 or www.astroloungebend.corn.
p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-312-9626 or www.2ndstreettheater.corn. JONATHAN WARREN& THEBILLY GOATS: The roots-rock band performs; $5; 8 p.m.; The Horned Hand, 507 N.W. Colorado Ave., Bend; 541-728-0879 or www .reverbnation.corn/venue/
CORN MAIZE:$7.50, $5.50 ages 6 11, free ages 5 andyounger; 10 a.m. 7 p.m.; Central Oregon Pumpkin Company, 1250 N.E.W ilcoxAve., Terrebonne; 541-504-1414 or "LEAPSANDBOUNDS": The Affording Hope Project presents a one-woman performance by Tevyn East about the interconnection of faith, ecology and the global economy; registration requested; donations accepted;2-4 p.m.; United Methodist Church, 680 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-388-4895, tlarson@bendbroadband.corn or SATURDAY LIFTING HEARTS:AHarmony SKYLINERSWINTER SPORTS 4 Women benefit concert for SWAP:Event features deals on new Grandma's House, Saving Grace, and used athletic gear, including ski equipment, winter clothing, ice the Women's Resource Center of skates and more; a percentage of the Central Oregon and Bella Acappella proceeds benefits the Mt. Bachelor Harmony Chorus; $10; 3 p.m.; Bend Sports Education Foundation; $3, High School, 230 N.E. Sixth St.; $6 per family; 8 a.m.-5 p.m.; 149 541-383-3142 or www S.E. Ninth St., Bend; 541-388-0002 .harmony4women.corn. or HOE-DOWN ANDPIGROAST: BENDFILM:The ninth annual Featuring a buffet dinner, live independent film festival features music, dancing, contests and films at McMenamins Old St. Francis more; proceeds benefit the Local School, the Tower Theatre, Tin Pan Commerce Alliance; $25, $5 Theater, Regal Old Mill Stadium children 12 and younger; 5 p.m.; 16 & IMAX, CascadesTheatrical Stamper Ranch, 65325 73rd St. Company and theOxford Hotel; $200 Bend; 541-633-0674 or www full festival pass, $125 full film pass, individual tickets $11 in advance, $12 .centraloregonlocavore.corn. at the door; 9 a.m.-11 p.m.; 541-388 SPAGHETTI DINNER:Proceeds benefit local veterans; $8, $7 senors 3378, info© or www and children ages 6 and younger; 5 7 p.m.; VFW Hall, 1503 N.E. Fourth PUMPKIN PATCH:Freeadmission; 9 a.m.-5 p.m.; DD Ranch, 3836 N.E. St., Bend; 541-389-0775. Smith Rock Way,Terrebonne; 541 KIWANISOKTOBERFEST AUCTION: 548-1432 or Featuring a meal of beer and brats, with an auction; ages 21 and older; THE GREAT PUMPKIN RACE:5K costume race to benefit Elk Meadow proceeds benefit the Boys 8 Girls Elementary, with a one-mile kids ClubofRedmond;$25;5:30 p.m.; run; races begin and end at the St. Thomas Academy, 1720 N.W. plaza; followed by a family fun fair 19th St., Redmond; 541-980-2040 and costume contest; registration or requested; $20, $5 kids run, free VFW OCTOBERFEST: An authentic for spectators; 5K race starts at10 German dinner, with live music a.m.; Brookswood Meadow Plaza, 19530 Amber Meadow Drive, Bend; and dancing; reservations recommended; proceeds benefit 541-279-1875 or www the VFW food pantry for veterans .greatraceofbend.corn. and families; $10, $3 dancing only; USED GEARAND TOOL SALE:Held 5:30p.m.dinner,6:30 p.m .dancing; on the baseball field, with a silent VFW Hall, 1836 S.W.Veterans Way, auction; proceeds benefit Heart of Redmond; 541-548-4108. Oregon Corps; free admission; IHEART CENTRAL OREGON 9 a.m.; Marshall High School, 1291 CELEBRATION:Celebrate the day of N.E. Fifth St., Bend; 541-633-7834 or service with inspirational speaker Nick Vujicic and a performance "THE METROPOLITANOPERA, by Elliot; free ticket required; 6:30 L'ELISIR D' AMORE": Starring Anna p.m.; Deschutes County Fair & Netrebko, Matthew Polenzani, Expo Center, Hooker Creek Event Mariusz Kwiecien and Ambrogio Center, 3800 S.W. Airport Way, Maestri in a presentation of Redmond;503-350-6029,elisa@ Donizetti's masterpiece; opera theheartcampaign.corn or www performance transmitted live in high definition; $24, $22 seniors, .iheartcentraloregon.corn.
BENDFILM:The ninth annual independent film festival features films at McMenamins Old St. Francis School, the Tower Theatre, Tin Pan Theater, Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 8 IMAX, Cascades Theatrical Company and the Oxford Hotel; $200 full festival pass, $125 full film pass, individual tickets $11 in advance, $12 at the door; 9 a.m.-10 p.m.; 541-388-3378, info© or PUMPKIN PATCH:Freeadmission; noon-6 p.m.; Central Oregon Pumpkin Company, 1250 N.E. Wilcox Ave., Terrebonne; 541-504 1414 or www.pumpkinco.corn. FROM CHETO CASTRO: A discussion about building bridges with 21st-century Cuba; free; 1:30-3 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, Hitchcock Auditorium, 2600N.W.College W ay,Bend; 541-633-7354. "FINDINGFREMONT INOREGON, 1843":A presentation and screening of the documentary by Shirley Morris about the 20th century cowgirl; free; 3-5 p.m.; Touchmark at Mt. Bachelor Village, 19800 S.W. Touchmark Way, Bend; 541-383 1414 or www.touchmarkbend.corn. CORN MAIZE:$7.50, $5.50 ages 6-11, free ages 5 and younger; 3-7 p.m.; Central Oregon Pumpkin Company, 1250 N.E. Wilcox Ave., Terrebonne; 541-504-1414 or AUTHORPRESENTATION:Teresa Irish and Linda Irish Larsen present their book, "A Thousand Letters Home: OneWWII Soldier' s Story of War, Love and Life"; free; 5-8 p.m.; Barnes 8 Noble Booksellers, 2690 E. U.S. Highway 20, Bend; 541-318-7242 or www .athousandlettershome.corn. LITERARYHARVEST:Featuring readings by winners of the Literary Harvest writing contest; $ IO, $5 for Central Oregon Writers Guild members; 6:30-8:30 p.m.; Comfort Suites, 2243 S.W.YewAve., Redmond; 541-408-6306 or www .centraloregonwritersguild.corn. "THE ARTIST": A screening of the PG-13-rated 2011 film; free; 7:30 p.m.; Jefferson County Library, Rodriguez Annex, 134 S.E. ESt., Madras; 541 475-3351 or "EVIL DEAD,THEMUSICAL": Opening night of 2nd Street Theater's performance of the musical comedy about five college students who accidentally unleash an evil force; contains adult language; $21, $25 splatter zone, $18 students and seniors; 8
have the slimy consistency of liquid cleaners. I also like to Continued from B1 feel the heaviness of a bar in But the scorn for soap my hand. There's something might be outdated, said Dr. soothingly tactile about it." Patricia Farris, a dermatol Dr. Dennis Gross, a der ogist in New Orleans. matologist in New York, said: "Bars of the past con "People now have a choice on t ained alkaline and h ad what delivery method they a pH of 9 to 10, which dis prefer. Many are choosing to rupted one's epidermal bar go back to a bar. Companies rier," she said. "Today's face are makingthem because over bars areformulated to be all they are more economical, nonirritating. They contain have more environmentally less than 10 percent soap friendly packaging and there' s and are made with syndets, a demand for it." synthetic detergents that One of t h ese companies cleanse the skin. They also is the B r i tain-based Lush, have a lower pH of 5.5 to which manufactures almost 7.0, to match your normal 600,000 pounds of solid soap skin's level." a year. Sales of Fresh Farma Like many o ther p er cy face soap, which contains sonal grooming products, calamine and is packaged like face soap has gotten a cheese, are up 41 percent since makeover, shedding pre last year, according to Brandi servatives, chemicals and Halls, North American cam fragrance. And at a time paign and c o mmunications when natural and organic director for Lush. "Bar soaps are hygienic be are prized, bars seem to fit the bill. And besides Lasz cause they contain no water, lo's bar, which is $40, they which is required for bacte are almost all less expen rial growth," Halls said. "Liq sive than bottled cleansers. uid soaps are predominantly (The Neutrogena Original water, a breeding ground for Formula Facial Cleansing bacteria,and so they require Bar, drugstore a favorite for chemical preservatives." its clear appearance, is less Though, as Lynn Fischer, than $3.) director of global education Kim Gillman, 45, a mar at SkinCeuticals, a company keting manager who lives that offers six bottled cleans in Briarcliff Manor, N.Y., is ers, pointed out: "Bar soap can a devotee of Aveeno with sit in a dish of dirty water and oatmeal, sold in drugstores, be exposed to the air. Or your and the higher-end Origins hands could have bacteria on Checks and Balances. them. Then it's transferred to "I feel a bar gives you bet the soap, and that can go to ter control," Gillman said. your face." "It lasts longer and it doesn' t Despite such concerns, soap
the hornedhand. KEATON COLLECTIVE: The blues band performs, with All you All; $5; 8:30p.m.;Liquid Lounge,70 N.W . Newport Ave., Bend; 541-389-6999. ANDY HACKBARTH: The Denver based folk-pop artist performs; $3; 9:30 p.m.; Silver Moon Brewing & Taproom, 24 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-388-8331 or www .silvermoonbrewing.corn. FRIDAY NIGHTFEVERDANCE PARTY:Featuring DJ Bryan Swett, with cocktails and food carts; part of the BendFilm Festival; $10; 9:30 p.m.; Greenwood Playhouse, 148 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541 389-0803 or
$18 children; 9:55 a.m.; Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX, 680 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend; 541-382-6347. BOOK FAIR:Mt. Bachelor Quilters Guild hosts a book fair featuring a children's hands-on quilt project to take home; aportion of proceeds benefits the Guild's outreach programs; free admission; 10 a.m. 4 p.m.; Barnes & NobleBooksellers, 2690 E. U.S.Highway 20, Bend; 541 318-7242 or www.quiltsqq.corn.
sales seem to be on the rise. In July, Melvita, an organic cos metics and skin-care compa ny, released Ultra-Gentle Face Soap, promoted as a nondry ing deep-cleaning bar. In De cember, Lather, another natu ral skin-care business known for its olive oil bar soaps, will introduce two bars: Vanilla Bean 8 Shea and Eucalyptus
decreases or removes glycerin and adds other synthetic ele m ents to create a harder bar," she said, adding that some industry professionals think big companies want soap to
dry your skin so you' ll need their lotion to moisturize it. And liquid washes can be just
as drying as bars, since many
contain harsh surfactants, like sodium laureth sulfate, to lend From July 2011 to July 2012, the sudsy feeling some con Ahava sold more than 8,000 sumers demand. bars of its Moisturizing Salt Last month, a study pub Soap, up 2 2 p e rcent f r om lished in the Proceedings of the year before,according to the National Academy of Sci Elana Drell-Szyfer, the chief ences questioned the use of executive of t h e c o mpany. the chemical t r iclosan, an "That means eight additional i ngredient found i n m a n y bars of soap we sold each day antibacterial cleansers. The this year," Drell-Szyfer said. study suggested that exposure "That's a very large and sur to triclosan was linked with prising number for a s mall muscle function impairment brand like ours, especially in humans. when it's not been an inten But some people seek out tional focus." (Ahava also sells soap simply because it pro a popular Purifying Mud vides a sensual and decorative Soap.) experience. At C.O. Bigelow, K iss My Face has been sell the 174-year-old apothecary ing face soap since the com and beauty emporium in New pany started in 1981. Today York City, some of the best it sells 14 times the number of selling products ar e s oaps bar soaps than all their other made from silk and rice bran, facial cleanser s combined, and egg white and camomile and more bar soaps than any flower, and a sponge made of the 100 products it sells, from purevegetable fiber and according to Jim Healy, the Binchotan charcoal. The hard company's vicepresident for est worker of the lot, according marketing. to Ian Ginsberg, a pharmacist Dr. Sarah Villafranco is an and the owner of the store, is emergency physician who in Cor Soap Silver treatment, an 2010 developed and created all-natural bar that, like Lasz Osmia Organics, an all-natu lo's,costs $40 and promises to ral skin-care company. even out skin tone, fade sun "Commercial soap compa spots, replenish lost collagen nies tend to manufacture and and protect from ultraviolet process soap in a way that rays.
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How Cy got his nickname By FRANK STEWART " Why d o t h e y c a l l C y ' th e Cynic'?" a new club member asked me. "Well, he distrusts everything and everybody, but it's really due to the bad results he suffers through no fault of his own." W hen Cy was East in a t e am match, he risked a l ead-directing double of North's Stayman response. When North-South got to four hearts, West led a club. The Cynic took the ace and shifted to the queen of spades for down one.
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"Surely his team gained points," my friend said. "If West leads, say, a trump, South takes only the A-K and cashes his top diamonds. East can' t r uff, so South leads a t r ump t o d ummy a n d ta k e s t w o mor e diamonds. He has 10 tricks." "At the other table," I said, "East didn't double two clubs. West led a trump against four hearts, but South, Cy's teammate, missed the winning play. He drew all the trumps, took his high diamonds and led the queen of clubs. East won and led the queen of spades: a tie." "I'm starting to see what y ou mean," said our new member.
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your left, opens three diamonds. Your partner doubles, and the next player passes. What do you say? ANSWER: Partner's double is for takeout, and since you must respond at the level of three, his hand is worth at least 17 points i n s upport of whatever suit you bid. Jump to four spades. If partner has a minimum hand such as K 9 7 2, A K 5 4, 9 3, K Q 6, you'll have a fine chance for 10 tricks. South dealer Both sides vulnerable
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LOS ANGELESTIMES DAILY CROSSWORD Edit ed by Rich Norrisand Joyce NicholsLewis
http: //www.saehavenscomic.corn
E-mail. bholbrookt C gmail.corn
ACROSS 1 Aphid's meal 4 Marsh bird 9 Neil Simon's" Suite" 14 Communication at Gallaudet U. 15 Concert venue 16 Bona fide 17 *Role in the films "Wichita" and "Tombstone"
jousters 4 "Mangia!" 5 Genetics pioneer Mendel 6 Derriere 7 2001 bankruptcy filer 8 Brew source 9 *2000s documentary whose first
19 Opposite of apres 20 Place for un chapeau 21 Miracle 22 Get-up-and-go 23 Opera featuring lago 25 Lint collector 27 It may be set or set off 29 Glowing, perhaps 30 Cleaning closet item 33 Nautical pole 35 Spry 37 Will Smith title
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40 Grape-growing
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by David L Hoyt and Jeff Knurek
Unscramble thesefour Jumbles, one letter to eachsquare, to form four ordinarywords.
It's blthy. When's the
last time you cleaned the screen? Whoa! Where did
those colors come from?
©201 2Tribune Media Services, Inc. 4 Ai Rights Reserved
THE TELEVI 5IOAI5CREEN HAP eECDlvS 50 PIRTY THAT IT HAP— Now arrange the circled letters to form the surprise answer, as suggested bytheabove cartoon.
Answer > 1 o-i 0
© LaughingStockInternational Inc, • (st, by universal UCI(ckfor UFS, 2C12
"I'd say his chances are about 50/50 of making it to the hospital."
Jumbles: SPOOF SCARF T IMELY L IVING Answer: All the new boats had a "SAIL" PRICE
spot 42 Back when 43 Put to shame 45 Mutineer 46 Neither mate 47 Noisy quarrel 48 "Hotel Rwanda" tribe 50 Compote ingredient 52 Fired on 55 o f Gibraltar 58 Source of lean red meat 60 Pertaining to planes 61 Pope after Sergius II 62 Rip to pieces, and a hint to what's hidden in the answers to this puzzle's starred clues 64 Lexus competitor 65 Malady with swelling 66 "Norma 67 Potter' s
30 *Indoor antenna 31 Lotion addition 32 Gibson 33 Diagnostic test 34 Comic strip
DOWN 1 Managed 2 So far 3 *Protection for
episode was
"From Pole to Pole" 10 Video game stage 11 Ice cream thickener 12 Criticize with barbs 13 DOJ employee 18 'We want to hear the story" 22 Devil's work 24 *One who was held up, most likely 26 Land 28 Mozambique neighbor 1
a crash 57 Cad 59 Cass's title 62 "Spare me the details," in brief 63 Backpacked beast
episode 49 Seizes unlawfully
50 Renaissance
S F E T A O A RA L F C A N A A R E B B A T E MA P H A S E R C O M E T R A D E H E A E M I T A E S P L A Y B A L L I R O L E O O L I P N B C N EW E L Y S E E M A T I G H T R A C E M A M E T I E R E D Y S O R L Y xwordeditor@aol.corn 5
24 27
26 29
30 3 1
45 48
50 55 5 6
10/10/12 11
19 21
possum 36 Beetle juice? 41 Lather again 44 Flu fighter's
51 Start a hole 53 Variety 54 Big name in raingear 55 Picnic side 56 One helping after
53 60
68 "Count me out" By Matt Skoczen 69 Part of DOS: Abbr.
(c)2012 Tribune Media Services, Inc.
10/1 0/1 2
Direct Continued from B1 Direct bookings may result in higher profits for hotels and airlines, but there are benefits for consumers, too. With that in mind, here are three out dated myths about booking direct.
its rooms are sold but does not offer special rates for direct bookings, said travelers who use its social media pages can still win gift cards that can be redeemed for discounted or free rooms. oo
Myth 2
Myth 1 You can't s a v e m o n ey. W hen price-shopping for a hotel, keep in mind that many chains now promise that their rates are the same or better than those found anywhere else. For instance, Starwood Hotels and Resorts — the par ent company of brands includ ing St. Regis, W, Westin, Le Meridien, Sheraton and Four Points — offers a "best rate guarantee." "You are guaranteed that you will not find a better rate on any other channel," said Clay Cowan, vice president of global digital for Starwood. (And if you do, Starwood will honor the lower rate plus give you an additional 10 percent discount or 2,000 Starpoints.) A recent search for a stan dard room with a king bed at Le Parker Meridien in Man hattan in October turned up a Saturdaynight rate of$403.99 (taxes included) on T r avel ocity.corn. The same r oom type on the same night on Starwoodhotels.corn was $323.65. More hotels are following suit. Last y ear, I nterConti nental Hotels Group, which includes Crowne Plaza Hotels and Resorts and Holiday Inn, introduced a"best price guar antee" for anyone booking on IHG.corn and its other brand websites. And this year, Wynd ham Hotel Group — which in cludes brands like Wyndham Hotels and Resorts, Ramada, Days Inn, Super 8, Howard Johnson and Travelodge — in troduced a website for all of
Illustration by Cristina Sampaio
New York Times News Service
its brands, which, according to the company, is "designed to recapturebusiness by driv ing more bookings through the company's own channels." The siteguarantees rates and offers tools t o s or t r e sults
Alternatively, travelers can simply accept a refund. Other airlines, including American and United, have also made low-fare pledges. In addition to price guarantees, compa nies are using social media to by categories like price and dangle exclusive deals. amenities. On Tuesdays JetBlue offers "Cheeps," limited-time Twit Airlines are making similar claims. A spokeswoman for ter deals on last-minute flights, JetBlue said that its website including a recent flight from is its preferred booking op Boston to New Orleans that tion and that it has a best-fare was just $110. In the past few g uarantee. Delta Ai r L i n es weeks, Virgin America gave also has a best-fare guaran the first 1,000 passengers who tee. If travelers buy a ticket shared an in-flight Ins on Delta.corn and then find tagram photograph a fare for the same itinerary of themselves on that is at least $10 lower on Twitter a code for another site, Delta will refund 30 percent off the difference — and provide their next a $100 Delta travel voucher. flight.
Your room or plane seat will be the same whether or not you book direct. Executives at h otels and airlines said they can deliver a more personalizedexperi ence when travelers book d irectly. T h a t me a n s R guests may have a bet eve ter chance of getting the bed or room type they want. Passen
the only sites where travelers can earn Starpoints for book ings and w h ere S t arwood PreferredGuest members can receivespecial offers,accord ing to the company. At Inter Continental, booking directly is the only way to earn points in its Priority Club Rewards
program. Some airlineseven reward travelers for direct booking. JetBlue, for one, gives double TrueBlue points fo r e v ery booking made on its website, including points on its vaca tion packages.
Myth 3
It's easier to change plans with a travel agency. gers who book di When plans change, it' s ~Nfuff rectly with airlines nice to be able to make a single a can select a particular phone call to adjust all your seat or buy priority board flight, car and hotel reserva ing. Meanwhile, a site tions — a perk of using a travel like Expedia allows you agency. But booking directly to request seats, but as can spare you cancellation the site notes when you fees when it comes to the best choose a seat: "We will hotel deals, which are often share your seating re nonrefundable. Hotels typi quests with the airlines, but callyoffer a broader range of we cannot guarantee your re flexible rates. "Cancellation quest will be honored." There polices can be much easier is no option for add-ons like and way more amenable to H ilton W o r l dwide g a v e priority boarding or more-leg c onsumers," said Simon of 500 Hilton HHonors points room seats either. Four Seasons. to Facebook and Twitter fol Robert Simon, director of For instance, a recent search lowers who liked and shared interactive marketing at Four on Travelocity. corn for a tra a p r omotional v i de o f o r Seasons Hotels and Resorts, ditional room with a king bed Hampton Hotels. said that when booking hotel at the Westin Austin at The Not a fan of Twitter? You rooms with his family he re Domain on a Saturday night don't have to have an account quests things like adjoining in October pulled up a rate of to take advantage of a deal. rooms, a high floor, even bath $292.94 (including taxes). That Just as I was about to click the saltsfor his daughters. "None special advance purchase rate "reserve" button on my Miami of that is going to happen at was nonrefundable and could hotel, I did a q uick Google an online travel agency," he not be changed or canceled. search for three terms: the ho said. (Indeed, while you can For about $16 more, Foursea tel name, the word "code" and make some requests, the fine sons.corn had the same room the word "Twitter." Poof! A print on sites like Traveloc on the same night for a "flex tweet from the hotel's feed ap ity says to "contact the hotel iblerate" of $309.35. No de peared with a discount directly if you have a specific positwas required,and there code that knocked need.") was no penalty for changes or almost $100 off the Another thing t h at's not cancellations until the day of nightly rate. going to happen with a third check- in. The Four Seasons, party site? Racking up loyalty Peace of mind for $16? If I which said it o f fers points. had a spare $293.35 to spend "price parity" wherever S tarwood's websites a r e on a hotel room, I'd book it.
Find Your Dream Home In
Continued from B1 Helpful sites recommended by experts i n clude d i ynet work.corn, repairclinic. corn
Real Estate
and pcappliancerepair.corn. •
• Warranties It makes sense to get the item fixed if i t's still under warranty. Be warned, how ever, that this can take time. Also,factory or manufacturer authorized services will likely be your only choice. If it's out of warranty, fix ing appliances can be similar to fixing a car: There might be an independent contractor out there who is just as skilled and perhaps cheaper than the dealer.
The Bulletin
noted that at times an entire circuit board must be replacedto remedy a single part of it that is blown. A nd although it's no t a Should I replace it? monetary cost, Noldner said it's wise to consider how long • Compare costs Forego any repair, Consum it might take to get the item er Reports says, that is going repaired. This i ncludes the • It's worth a try to cost more than half the price initial look, figuring out what Consumer Reports offers of acomparable new product. is wrong, ordering parts and this rule of thumb: If a product A bit of research can help making the repairs. "Some of these fixes take cost less than $150 to begin quickly make this determina with, it's not worth a trip to the tion. First, check out the price time," he said. repair shop. of new appliances online. If that makes you wonder if Then cal l r e p ai r s h o ps • Efficiency and technology things truly aren't "made the to get a feel for how much it When your chest freezer way they used to be," the an might cost. For a larger ap goes on the fritz, getting a new swer is yes. pliance, it's not unusual for model might be a better deal. Noldner believes many ap servicersto charge to make N oldner i s p r e sently i n pliances, particularly smaller a home visit and take a look. the market for a freezer, and ones, are made with cheaper Butler said recently he called he said he's learned that the parts today. a servicer about a dryer, and amount one would save by re "They' re just trying to com the initial visit was going to pairing an older freezer would pete and be at a competitive be $85. (Butler instead fixed e vaporate in a year or t w o price," he said. it himself.) with the energy savings of a Sometimes the higher-end The c o mputerized new model. models are also made with technology on some Consumer Reports identi the same cheaper partsbut appliances can also fied refrigerators, dishwash have better counter appeal, he sometimes make ers and washing machines as added. repairs more ex appliances that are now less Given that advice, what' s pensive. B u t ler power-hungry — and possi the harm in taking the item bly have spiffy new features — than just a few years ago. apart? Butler said sometimes all a Some of t h ose i mprove product needs is a little tight ments have also meant higher ening and cleaning. He has sticker prices, as anyone com had items start working again paring an Energy Star appli s imply a f ter t a k in g t h e m ance to its counterparts will apart and putting them back note. together. And sometimes the problem • Again, check around is obvious once you a peek T hat t r oubleshooting r e inside. search might also lead to the B utler re c ently pok e d decision to buy new. n around inside an expensive If the Web buzz is that a gas grill that had been sen product is a lemon, it might tenced tothe dump. He knew not be worth fixing, even if it's a recent model. If a the problem the instant he saw it: a tiny, cracked 0-ring. He Photos by newer appliance has bro Andy Tullis has ordered a new one — it is ken more than once, then The Bulletin it's probably time to start a specialty size, so it cost $20. oro He expects the grill will work shopping. again soon. — Reporter: 541-61 7-7828, "I don't like to see things go hhagemeier@bendbulletin. corn in the dump," he said. Both Butler and N oldner said in their experience fixing 'Vg appliances, professionals are at times willing to give a bit of advice if you have made it part way there on your own, par ticularly if you intend to buy parts from them. So it doesn' t hurt to call service shops and ask questions.
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News of Record, C2 Obituaries, C5 Editorials, C4 Weather, C6 THE BULLETIN 0 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 2012
LOCAL BRIEFING Shot fired near cemetery; 2 jailed A man and awoman were arrested Monday evening after a gun shot was fired near Deschutes Memorial Gardens, 3875 N. U.S. Highway 97. A cemetery
employee reported hearing the gunshot and a round passing over his head shortly after 7:30
p.m. He said healso heard a man in a drive way north of the cem
O www.bendbulletin.corn/local
a inc 0 eo e s a n ew ome • Wyden's legislation secured a permanent site; now the fundraising begins By Dylan j. Darling The Bulletin
LA PINE — Held for a decade on rented ground, the La Pine Rodeo now has a permanent home. But organizers will have to raise millions of dollars before raising a new grandstand. When the annual rodeo, which runs for two days near the Fourth
of July, will be at the new site is undetermined. "It's really going to come down to how soon we can afford it," said Scott Morrison, president of the La Pine Rodeo Association. The grandstand will cost at least $1.5 million and possibly as much as 83 million, he said. The associa tion is looking for donors and pos
moved to the new rodeo grounds, Morrison said the aging wooden Related grandstand will have to be com • Wildfire sibly grants to fund the project. The pletely replaced. is in the "We' vegot some funds to raise current grandstand on the rented spotlight land holds 1,200 spectators, while before we can do too much out as Wyden the association is considering a new there," Morrison said. meets grandstand holding from 2,500 to The rodeo's new home, on both with the 4,000. sides of Sixth Street west of U.S. region's While the fences, chutes and oth Highway 97, is the product of legis forest er metal structures at the current lation introduced last year by U.S. officials, rodeo site, west of U.S. Highway 97 Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore. CS at the end of Third Street, may be See La Pine/C5
etery yelling something he couldn't make out. Deschutes County
sheriff's deputies re
sponded, with aid from the Bend Police Depart
ment and OregonState
lawmaker says she' s behind 'robocalls'
Police. After talking with
the employee, officers determined the shot had
come from a nearby home and contacted
two people in the drive
way. Gregory Todd Phipps, 60, was arrested onsus picion of unlawful use of a weapon, reckless endangering, disorderly conduct and hunting
By Scott Hammers
during prohibited hours.
The Bulletin
Cynthia Renee Roger
son, 49, was arrested on suspicion of aiding in a game violation, ac cording to the Sheriff's Office.
Ego @ l®WltsttIWSI
Suspectsteroids not sent to Oregon
@, ',itive. ,
The Oregon Health Authority's Public Health Division reports none of the steroid medication linked to the 105 fungal meningitis
cases across the coun try has been shipped to
Oregon. No reports have surfaced in Oregonof fungal meningitis or strokes linked to the outbreak. Health officials report 11 clinics in Oregon have received other products from the New
England Compounding Center; however, none are from the lots impli cated in the outbreak.
The compounding cen ter has recalled all of its products nationwide.
Photos by Joe Kltne / The Bulletin
Bend Pickleball Club President A.J. Fraties, right, returns a shot as partner Anne Reynolds keeps her eye on the ball during a pickleball game at the tennis courts at Mountain View High School on Saturday.
• Bend's park district teams upwith area playerson plansfor 8 dedicated courts
Schools hold information night
By Mac McLean The Bulletin
A free information night for Bend-area
rea pickleball play ers may soon have a permanent home for their sport now that the Bend Park 8 Recreation District and the Bend Pick leball Club have agreed to build and maintain eight dedicated courts in a city park. "We' re very pleased," said A.J. Fraties, founder of the Bend Pickleball Club.
independent schools is scheduled for Oct. 24 in the Rambler Room of McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend. The event will take
place 6-8 p.m. Repre sentatives of Cascades Academy andSeven Peaks School, along with the Oregon Episco pal School, Portland, are expected to participate. The event will provide information about the schools, financial aid and their admissions time lines. — Bulletin staff reports
Nick Bozilov enjoys a game of pickleball at the Moun tain View High tennis courts in Bend.
"We think (this agreement) will bring public pickleball to Bend for the first time.
... It's going to bea very good thing for eVerybOdy." — A.J. Fraties, Bend Pickleball Club
"We think (this agreement) will bring public pickleball to Bend for the first time....
It's going to be a very good thing for everybody." Combining aspects of Ping-Pong,badminton and tennis, pickleball is a sport in which individuals or
pairs hit a perforated plas tic ball over a low-hung net. Three Seattle-areafa thers created the sport in 1965 because they wanted a game their kids could play during the summer. They named the sport pickleball after Pickles, a family dog who chased stray balls and hid them in the bushes. According to the USA Pickleball Association, the sport is "particularly popu lar in school physical edu cation classes and senior citizen hangouts" because it's easy to learn and inex pensive to play. Its popularity has soared in India, North America, Singapore and New Zealand. See Pickleball /C6
A Portland-area state representative said Satur day she was responsible for thousands of auto mated phone calls placed to Oregon voters late last week. State Rep. Julie Parrish, R-West Linn/Tualatin, said the calls were an effort to reach out to voters and ensure they' re registered for the Nov. 6 election. Due to a misunderstanding be tween herself, the Oregon Small Business Associa tion and a consultant hired to place the calls, the Or egon Small Business As sociation was mistakenly identified as the source of the calls made Friday, Par rish said. The recorded calls informed voters their voting status may be "inactive" and they may not receive ballots when they' re mailed this month and next, according to Deschutes County Clerk Nancy Blankenship. Blankenship on Tues day saidher office re ceived roughly 90 or more calls from people who' d received the so-called ro bocalls. Of them, she said, her officediscovered one person with an invalid registration. "It's just very upsetting; it upsets our voters," and tied up resources in her office answering their concerns, Blankenship said. T.J. Reilly, director of the Oregon Small Busi ness Association, said Saturday he doesn't know how his organization's name ended up on caller ID. "This was folks we know that intended to get our permission, but they did not, and we would not have given them our per mission," Reilly said.
See Robocalls /C2
FIRE UPDATE Reported for Central
and Eastern Oregon. For the latest information, visit www.nwccweb .us/information/
From 'petri ie 'to passionate a out marine ioogy By Megan Kehoe
t ia~" ed i<' IIia ®4-'~~~ & ~
The Bulletin
OUR SCHOOLS, OUR STUDENTS Educational newsand activities, and local kids and their achievements. • Submission info,C2
Pole Creek Fire • Acres: 26,795 • Containment: 90%
Cause: Under investigation
It was the most frightening and most ex hilarating experience of Emily Waggoner's life. And one of the most important. "I was petrified at first," Emily, 17, said. "I was thinking, is the ocean going to sweep me away? Is a shark going to get me? It was terrifying." Emily, a Bend High School senior, went snorkeling for the first time during a family trip to Hawaii in 2005. After spending the first half-hour of the snorkeling adventure above water, she finally overcame her fear and ducked her head under the waves. When she did, she was amazed at what she saw. "It was incredible," Emily said. "It felt like
entering another world." Emily's love for marine biology started at that very moment seven years ago, and has turned into a consuming passion. She saidover the pastfew years she's gone from being obsessed with sea turtles to being ob sessed with dolphins and now, with whales. "I' ve become completelywhale-focused," Emily said. "I fell hard for them." For the 2012 Northwest ScienceExpo, a science fair for middle- and high-school students, Emily based her project on how to better identify individual whales by taking photographs of their distinctive markings from a variety of angles. The project, which she had done through the Bend Science Sta tion, won her a $12,000 scholarship to Or egon State University. See Emily/C2
Bend High School Senior Emily Wag goner, seen at the Bend Science Station on Monday, won a $12,000 scholarship to Oregon State Univer sity for a sci ence project on identifying whales. Andy Tuttis The Bulletin
Emily Continued from C1 She also recently completed an internship with marine bi ologist Carrie Newell this sum mer at the Oregon Coast. Emily spent three weeks cataloging photos of whales and making daily excursions out to sea. Dur ing the internship, she also got to stay with other scientists and interns at the marine biologist's home. "It was really cool to go into the freezer and find all these oysterand seabird specimens," Emily said. "People there are making jokes based on remote species — it was really nice to be able to nerd out with them." Emily is planning on taking her love for marine biology and turning it into a lifelong study. After high school, she's plan ning on attending college and majoring in the subject. She wants toeither be a researcher or a teacher one day. Emily's passions are not just limited to marine biology. She also has a passion for helping others, and has taken part in many community service proj ects over the years. Whether fix ing up the homes of low-income families, raising money for the Ronald McDonald house or re painting fire hydrants, Emily is always ready to lend a hand. Academically, Emily is an all-around stellar student. She maintains a 4.1 GPA, is the vice president of her school's National Honor Society, and is also on the International Bac calaureate program's honor
How to submit Teen feats:Kids recognized recently for academic achievements orfor participation in clubs, choirs or volunteer
groups. (Pleasesubmit a photo.) Phone: 541-383-0358
lt tt.',I '
had sent his ballot back to him with a note that his sig Continued from C1 nature did not match the sig T he association's p o nature on file. Assuming the litical action committee is electionwas over,he discard backing ballot measures ed the ballot, Parrish said, a to roll back the state's es move that "deactivated" his tate tax and ban real estate voting status and lead to his transfer taxes, and oppos not receiving a ballot in May es a measure that would 2012. redirect t h e co r p o rate Researching the issue, Par "kicker" to K-12 education. rish said she learned 479,000 Tim Trickey, the Repub of Oregon votersare consid lican consultant Parrish ered inactive, many of them said she hired to make the wrongfully. Deactivation of calls, could not be reached ten results from moving, she Tuesday for comment. said, because a voter's regis Parrish said Saturday tration is associated with a s he thought t h e s m a l l specific physical address and business association was the postal service does not on board with the effort, forward ballots. Dead voters which also included the will r eceive ballots u nless Promote Oregon Leader their registration i s c r oss ship PAC, the campaign c hecked against death r e arm of the Oregon House cords, she said, and married Republicans caucus. women who take their hus Somehow, th e a s s ocia bands' names are sometimes tion's desire to not be in double registeredunder both volved with the calls did names. not get communicated to Parrish said the robocalls the Trickey, she said. were made using lists of in "I believed that loop was active voters drawn from re closed with t h e O r egon cords maintained by the Or Small Business Associa egon Elections Division. Why tion before the calls were many voters with no issues made," Parrish said. with their registration were She said the idea be also called is still unknown, hind the robocalls began Parrish said. last spring, when she met — Reporter: 541-383-0387, a constituent who had not shammers@bendbulletin.corn r eceived a ballot for t h e May primary election. The man had voted the prior November,but after Election Day the Clacka mas County Clerk's Office
Andy Tullle/The Bulletin
Bend High Senior Emily Waggonermeasures the ph level and the temperature of a tank of water at the Bend Science Station on Monday.
"She' ll always do the right thing. Every time. There's no question about it. As a teacher, you rarely encounter students like Emily. She's the
whole package." — Laura Sugden, biology teacher at Bend High School
code committee. thing. Every time. There's no Emily's biology teacher Lau question about i t," S ugden ra Sugden says Emily stands said. "As a teacher, you rarely out for her work ethic, kind encounter students like Emily. ness, honesty and above all, She's the whole package." — Reporter: 541-383-0354, integrity. "She' ll always do the right m kehoeC<bendbulleti n.corn
EmilyWaggoner, 17 Bend High School senior Favorite Movie:"The Italian Job" Favorite TV Show:"White Collar"
Favorite Book:"A Long Way Gone" by Ishmael Beah
Favorite Music:Mumford & Sons, Band of Horses,
Email: youth@bendbulletin.corn Mail:P.O. Box 6020,Bend,OR 97708
Phone: 541-383-0358 Email: bulletin©bendbulletin.
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Story ideas
graduations or training
Student profiles:Know of a kid with a compelling story? Phone: 541-383-0354
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reported entered at 2:20 p.m. Oct. 6, POLICE LOG in the 61100 block of Kepler Street. Unlawful entry —A vehicle was The Bulletin will update items reported entered at 5:04 p.m. Oct. 6, in the Police Log when such a request is received. Any in the 600 block of Southeast Third new information, such as the Street. dismissal of charges or acquittal, Theft —A theft was reported at must be verifiable. For more 10:33 p.m. Sept. 21, in the 800 block information, call 541-383-0358. of Northwest Bond Street. Bend Police Department Criminal mischief —An act of Theft —A theft was reported and criminal mischief was reported at an arrest made at 5:35 p.m. Sept. 12:53 p.m. Oct. 3, in the 2500 block 13, in the 300 block of Northeast of Northeast Keats Drive. Second Street. Theft —A theft was reported at Unlawful entry —A vehicle was 1:43 p.m. Oct. 3, in the 20300 block reported entered and an arrest made of Knightsbridge Place. at 8:23 a.m. Sept. 28, in the area of Yeoman Road and Northeast Purcell Grimieal mischief —An act of criminal mischief was reported at Boulevard. 11:41 a.m. Oct. 4, in the 100 block of Unlawful entry —A vehicle was Southeast Fifth Street. reported entered at12:39 a.m. Oct. Burglary —A burglary was 3, in the 300 block of Southwest reported at11:46 a.m. Oct. 4, in McKinley Avenue. the 1400 block of Northeast Mable Unlawful entry —A vehicle was Court. reported entered at 9:14 p.m. Oct. Theft —A theft was reported and 3, in the 3100 block of Northwest an arrest made at4:46 p.m. Oct. 4, Fairway Heights Drive. in the 61500 block of South U.S. DUII —Clarence Allen Joles, 41, Highway 97. was arrested on suspicion of driving DUII —Nickolas Dean Garison, 25, under the influence of intoxicants at 11:14 p.m. Oct. 3, in the 61200 block was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants of South U.S. Highway 97. at 1:13 a.m. Oct. 6, in the area of Theft —A theft was reported and Northwest Drake and Northwest an arrest made at 3:53 p.m. Oct. Dohema roads. 4, in the 3100 block of North U.S. DUII —Jill Jarkesy Meany, 50, was Highway 97. arrested on suspicion of driving Criminal mischief —An act of under the influence of intoxicants at criminal mischief was reported 2:10 a.m. Oct. 6, in the 900 block of at 4:15 p.m. Oct. 4, in the area of Northwest Bond Street. Northwest Hartford Avenue and Theft —A theft was reported at Northwest Columbia Street. 7:08p.m.Sept.29,inthe 2600 block Theft —A theft was reported at of Northeast U.S. Highway 20. 4:27p.m.Oct.4,inthe63400 block Theft —A theft was reported at of North U.S. Highway 97. 5:16 p.m. Oct. 1, in the 19700 block DUII —Jose Aureliano Rivas, 41, of Harvard Place. was arrested on suspicion of driving Criminal mischief —An act of under the influence of intoxicants criminal mischief was reported at at1:51 a.m. Oct. 5, in the area of 11:45 a.m. Oct. 2, in the 2500 block Southeast Third and Southeast of Northeast Keats Drive. Division streets. Burglary —A burglary was Unlawful entry —A vehicle was reported entered at 7:18 a.m. Oct. 5, reported at 2:29 p.m. Oct. 2, in the 800 block of Southwest Theater in the 61200 block of Nisika Court. Drive. Theft —A theft was reported at Theft —A theft was reported at 3:14 p.m. Oct. 4, in the 800 block of 11:17 a.m. Oct. 3, in the 2700 block Northwest Wall Street. of Northeast Boyd Acres Road. Theft —A theft was reported at 12:04 p.m. Oct. 5, in the 2100 block Theft —A theft was reported at 4:16 p.m. Oct. 3, in the 100 block of of Northeast Daggett Lane. Northeast Butler Market Road. Criminal mischief —An act of Theft —A theft was reported at criminal mischief was reported at 12:21 p.m. Oct. 5, in the 3000 block 11:28 a.m. Oct. 4, in the 2500 block of Northeast Neff Road. of Northeast Wailer Drive. Criminal mischief —An act of Unlawful entry —A vehicle was reported entered and an arrest made criminal mischief was reported at at 3:18 p.m. Oct. 5, in the 2300 block 2:23 p.m. Oct. 4, in the 19500 block of Amber Meadow Drive. of Northeast Division Street. Theft —A theft was reported at Unlawful entry —A vehicle was 3:16 p.m. Oct. 4, in the 2700 block of reported entered at 3:44 p.m. Oct. 5, in the 20300 block of Silver Sage Northeast 27th Street. DUII —Anna Claire Borgman, 25, Street. was arrested on suspicion of driving Unlawful entry —A vehicle was under the influence of intoxicants reported entered at 5:49 p.m. Oct. at11:49 p.m. Oct. 5, in the area 5, in the 1100 block of South U.S. of Northwest irving Avenue and Highway 97. Northwest Hill Street. Unlawful entry —A vehicle was Burglary —A burglary was
reported at1:38 a.m. Oct. 6, in the 100 block of Southwest Mt. Washington Drive. Criminal mischief —An act of criminal mischief was reported at 10:47 a.m. Oct. 6, in the 3700 block of Northeast Purcell Boulevard. Criminal mischief —An act of criminal mischief was reported at 12:10 p.m. Oct. 6, in the 61400 block of Barleycorn Lane. DUII —Savannah D. Brown, 23, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at 2:28 a.m. Oct. 7, in the area of Northwest Olney Avenue and Northwest Wall Street. Burglary —A burglary was reported at11:42 a.m. Oct. 7, in the 63000 block of Plateau Drive. DUII —Tobin Kaine Kinsey, 31, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at 11:15 p.m. Oct. 7, in the area of Newberry Drive and Southeast Reed Market Road. Unlawful entry —A vehicle was reported entered at 8:05 a.m. Oct. 8, in the 1800 block of Northeast Snowbird Court. Unlawful entry —A vehicle was reported entered at 9:54 a.m. Oct. 8, in the 21000 block of Clairaway Avenue. Unlawful entry —A vehicle was reported entered at1:59 p.m. Oct. 8, in the 1900 block of Northeast Desert Court. Unlawful entry —A vehicle was reported entered at 3:25 p.m. Oct. 8, in the 1800 block of Northeast Snowbird Court. Theft —A theft was reported at 10:30 a.m. Oct. 6, in the 400 block of Southeast Miller Avenue.
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Sen. Jeff Merkley, D-Ore.: 107 Russell SenateOffice Building Washington, D.C.20510 Phone: 202-224-3753 Web: http: // Bend office: 131 N.W.Hawthorne Ave., Suite 208 Bend, OR97701 Phone: 541-318-1298
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Sen. RonWyden, D-Ore. 223 Dirksen SenateOffice Building Washington, D.C.20510 Phone: 202-224-5244 W eb: Bend office: 131 N.W.Hawthorne Ave., Suite 107 Bend, OR97701 Phone: 541-330-9142
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U.S. House of Representatives
Rep. GregWalden, R-HoodRiver 2182 RayburnHouseOffice Building Washington, D.C.20515 Phone: 202-225-6730 W eb: Bend office: 1051 N.W. BondSt., Suite 400 Bend, OR97701 Phone: 541-389-4408 Fax: 541-389-4452
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Oregon State Police
DUII —Michael Lester Wierson, 55, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at 4:30 p.m. Oct. 3, in the area of Doe Loopand Masten Road in La Pine.
BEND FIRE RUNS Monday 3:27 p.m.— Natural vegetation fire, 2125 N.E. Daggett Lane. 6:37 p.m.— Smoke odor reported, 2921 N.W. Fitzgerald Court. 15 —Medical aid calls.
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oicere o reveas eais o ma ora can i a e'sscu The Associated Press PORTLAND — A E ugene policereport provides new de tails about a physical alterca tion at a party nearly 20 years ago between Portland mayoral candidate Jefferson Smith and a woman, and it partially con tradicts the version of events provided by Smith last week. The report was released by the attorney for the woman who says Smith punched her in the face at an October 1993 party near the University of Oregon, where Smith was a 20 year-old student at the time. Though Smith has said he didn't know the woman before the scuffle, the report says the w oman had repeatedly rejected his sexual advances at a differ ent party earlier in the evening. "He really popped me," the woman said of the punch that landed above her left eye, causing a gash that required
stitches. she was upset when someone S mith, a state legislator, is s hook it. running against Charlie Hales Thomas wrote that the wom i n the Nov. 6 election. Even be- a n approached Smith and ac f ore Willamette Week broke c used him of being the culprit. "She had touched his the news of the alterca tion, Smith's campaign chest, which caused him has been dogged by to grab her arms," the r evelations about h i s officerwrote. "She said ejection from two sports he suddenly drew back l eagues b ecause o f and struck her o n ce rough play and a record Sm i th in the left eye with his of seven driver's license closed fist. This ended suspensions. th e confrontation." Smith answered questions The woman told the officer about the fight at an Oct. I t hat Smith had been coming on n ews conference. He said he t o her "all evening" at another was defending himselfafter pa rty. the woman charged at him un Besides being interviewed by d er the mistaken belief he had p o lice, the woman provided in s haken the couch on which she v e stigators with a handwritten was sleeping. account of the night. The police report written by The woman wrote that at the O fficer Alan Thomas supports e a rlier party, Smith questioned Smith's recollection that th e her about her sexual experi w oman had been on the couch e n ces and asked about the two b efore the altercation, and that o f them "getting together for
The environ mental group Beyond Tox ics stages a march and rally Monday to protest coal train shipments through Eugene. The group walked to the Eu gene Public Library to at tend a meet ing of the City Council and regional leaders concerning the possible transport of coal through the area.
Horse owner faces neglect charges
the night." The woman said she told Smith no, saying it would be against her morals. "His reply was: 'Pound that 40 ounces ofbeer right there and it won't be against your morals,'" the woman wrote. Smith's campaign manager, Henry Kraemer,sent a state ment from the candidate to The Oregonian following the release of the police report. "I have tried to be truthful about what happened, and at least four people who were there (including those I haven' t spoken to in nearly 20 years) h ave confirmed that I w a s defending myself after being struck repeatedly. I' ve tried to take responsibility for my ac tions — then and now." Smith was charged with as saulting the woman, but the misdemeanor wa s d r opped when he paid her medical bills and did community service.
c'cA UPI
Qg I I
Kevin Clark
The Register
Guard (Eugene)
and rolled onto its side. Monday's crash damaged more than 100 feet of guard GRANTS PASS — The rail as the logs spilled onto owner of a miniature horse the shoulder of the highway ranch in Southern Oregon a nd some went d ow n a n faces animal neglect and embankment. other charges since author Police say the crash closed ities seized some 140 ani a section of the highway for mals from her last month. more than four hours. The Grants Pass Daily No citations have been is Courier reports that 6 1 sued, butthe crash remains y ear-old K a n d i Luc i l e under investigation. Crow of C av e J unction has been charged with 23 Fairview teen jailed counts of animal neglect, in stabbing 17 counts of animal abuse, and four counts of prohibit GRESHAM — G r e sham ed possession of a domestic police have arrested a 17-year animal. old boy accused of stabbing a She is to appear in court young woman during an argu f or arraignment o n t h e ment about a stolen bicycle. misdemeanors Oct. 31. The boy, who lives in Fair The owner of M agical view, was arrested Tuesday Miniature Horses was con morning — five days after the victed of animal abuse in incident. 2009. He was charged with at Josephine County Sher tempted murder and taken to iff Gil Gilbertson says he the Donald E. Long Detention was shaken by the sights Center. and smells of the emaciated Police say the 24-year-old animals. T hey i n c luded victim is expected to recover. miniature horses, goats, cats, dogs, cows, full-sized Body found on beach horses,chickens, a llama near Florence is ID'd and a peacock. FLORENCE — The Lane Pedestrian killed County m e dical e x a miner says a man found dead on an by garbage truck Oregon coastal beach north of PORTLAND — Authori Florence died of coronary ar ties say a 68-year-old pe tery disease. destrian died when he was The Register-Guard reports hit by a garbage truck at the the man has been identified as Clackamas Town Center. 57-year-old Allyn Ernest Brad Sheriff'soffice spokes ford, of Lowell. man Sgt. Adam Phillips Oregon State police said says the collision occurred Tuesday that the autopsy found Tuesday morning near the no evidencethat Bradford was cinema entrance. The Al the victim of any crime. lied Waste Services truck People walking on the beach was backing up when it near Washburn State Park hit Richard L uckado of found the body last Thursday. Estacada. Investigators d e t ermined L uckado died a t t h e the man had been camping scene. alone at the state park. They The incident is still under found noevidence that he had investigation. been in the water.
LA GRANDE — A log truck operator was taken to a La Grande hospital with non-life threatening inju ries after his vehicle over turned on state Highway 82 west of Wallowa. The Oregon State Police says the loaded log truck driven by 23-year-old Nich olas Perkins, of Pendleton, took a sharp curve too fast
e aeover u enecoa rain is o sa ains environmen The Associated Press EUGENE — Job creation and environmental concerns have taken center stage in the debate over coal trains travel
Guard reported. The council votes in two weeks on the res olution, which would direct the city attorney to research whether health an d s afety ing through Eugene. laws could be used to block A couple of d ozen coal coal trains. t rain p r ote ster s on M o n The Surface Transportation day evening marched tothe Board, the federal agency that downtown library, where the regulates railroads, has said City Council heard testimony state and local governments on a resolution against ship cannot enact laws that would ping coal through a Coos Bay "significantly interfere with terminal to Asia. railroad operations, such as A number of people spoke prohibiting the movement of in favor ofthe measure, ex trains on an existing rail line." pressing concerns about coal Councilman Alan Zelenka dust and climate change. But introduced t h e r e s olution, the council also heard from saying a comprehensive en supporters, who said a $250 vironmental r eview s hould million coal terminal would be done on the export of coal bring needed jobs. that would arrive from Mon It's unclear if Eugene would tana and Wyoming.Gov. John have authority to prevent coal Kitzhaber also has called for shipments, T h e Re g i ster such a review.
Coal export terminal sup porters — Port of Coos Bay Chief Executive David Koch and Reedsport Mayor Keith Tymchuk — told councilors the export t erminal w ould provide jobs to coastal com munities that have been eco nomically depressed since the timber industry downturn of the 1980s. Moreover, the project would help the port improve a rail line between Eugene and Coos Bay that needs $90 mil lion in repairs and upgrades to remain operational. "The only choice that we have is to either pursue pri v ate investment in th e r a i l line or to, instead, watch it de teriorate until we are forced to abandon it," Koch said. "For the port and the communities served by the Coos Bay Rail
Link, that is no choice at all." Opponents invited to speak — Ross Macfarlane of Climate Solutions and Andy Harris of Physicians for Social Respon sibility — discussed concerns ranging from climate change to the possible health effects from coal dust blowing off train cars. The 150 million tons of coal burned in Asia would produce the same amount of green house gas emissions each year as the emissions from all vehicle use in the western United States, M a cfarlane sard. Harris a dded t h e i s s ue should not be framed as jobs vs. the environment: "All of us support job growth, but not at the expense of the high qual ity of life, which we value so
— From wire reports
Log truck crashes near Wallowa
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12 years later, womanwho killed husband isfreed The Associated Press PORTLAND Twelve years after killing her hus band in a n o rtheastern Or
egon campground, L iysa Northon has left the Coffee Creek Correctional Facility in Wilsonville. Now 50 years old, Northon pleaded guilty in 2001 in En terprise to manslaughter in the shooting death of Chris Northon, a Hawaiian Airlines pilot with a home in Bend. She said she was a victim of domestic violence who de
fended herself.Prosecutors said she aimed to gain life insurance and other widow' s benefits and property. The story was the subject of true-crime writer Ann Rule's 2003 book, " Heart Full o f Lies," a book Northon and her new husband argue is riddled with errors. The O r egonian r e p orts Northon m arried f r eelance writer Rick Swart w h ile in prison,and after her release Tuesday she has a new home waiting in th e Eagle Creek
community i n Cl a c k amas and those of her children. "Chris had beaten the crap County. Her release comes 12 years out of me," she said. "I defend to the day after her husband' s ed my child and myself, and slaying. because of my action, my chil Swart was also the author dren got to grow up." of a 2011 story in a weekly Chris Northon's family de Seattle newspaper about Nor nies he had a problem with thon's case and Rule's book. substance abuse, and c on Swart did not disclose in the tends Liysa Northon killed her story that he was romantically husband to claim $300,000 in involved with Northon. life insurance and control of Northon said that her then the couple's property valued husband was an alcoholic and at $1 million, plus get airline drug addict before the shoot widow's benefits that would ing,and she feared forher life allow her to fly free.
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The Bulletin
Don't ut anon rea estate taxes in state's constitution
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allot Measure 79 would amend the Oregon Constitu tion to prohibit real estate transfer taxes. Voters should say no. We firmly oppose using the state's constitution as a pawn in the debate over tax reform, and we can see no reason that this particu lar tax possibility deserves special protection. In states with a real estate trans fer tax, a percent of the value of a property is collected when owner ship changes, most commonly when it is sold. It most cases, it functions like a sales tax on a prop erty sale. Oregon law already prohibits such a tax, but backers of Mea sure 79 want to block any possibil ity of legislative action by having the prohibition enshrined in the constitution. They say Oregon already has high property taxes, and a transfer tax would pile on top and be puni tive, amounting to double taxa tion. They argue the additional tax would make purchasing a home unaffordable for some would-be buyers. And they point out that such a tax could be imposed even if no money changed hands, as in the transferof property from one fam ily member to another.
The state of Oregon does have a problem with taxes. Income and property taxes are high, and the lack of a sales tax can make the system unstable, going from boom to bust as economic conditions change. Efforts to address the problem have failed, including last year's pro posals from Sens. Frank Morse, R Albany, and Ginny Burdick, D-Port land.That plan would have changed both the personal and corporate kicker, set a state spending limit and established a rainy day fund, among other provisions. Morse has resigned his Senate post, express ing weariness and frustration about failure to solve the problems. Gov. John Kitzhaber recently announced his own effort to re vamp the state's tax structure, and we agree that a robust debate is desperately needed to find ways to change taxation methods to add stability and encourage economic development. What Oregon doesn't need is to have groupsembark on tax reform of their own to ensure their indi vidual sector of the economy is im mune to taxation.
M Nickel's Worth Problems get worse if Obama re-elected
Starr isthe rightchoice for labor commissioner n one of a handful of seriously contested statewide races this election, Hillsboro's Bruce Starr hopes to unseat Brad Avakian, commissioner of labor and indus try. There are sound reasons to give Starr your vote. Though the office is nominally nonpartisan, this race is not playing out that way. Avakian, the Demo crat, has locked up the labor union endorsements, while Starr has cor nered the market where business owners are concerned. Starrpromises a moderate ap proach to the job of overseeing the state's Bureau of Labor and Indus tries. Enforce the laws prohibiting discrimination on the job and in public accommodations, yes. As sure that the rules governing pay and working conditions are met, to be sure. But find a way to do so that leaves both sides feeling that they were dealt with fairly. That feeling is too often missing today. To that end, Starr says, he would gather stakeholders, including in dustry leaders, labor lawyers and others, together to come up with a clear and objective set of standards by which the actions of business are
Avakian, meanwhile, touts his efforts to reintroduce shop classes to Oregon's middle and high schools, a worthwhile effort, perhaps. We say "perhaps" because it's impossible to judge the outcome just yet. Three pilot programs are under way, paid for by grants from the state Department of Education. All well and good. But if the introduc tionbecomes a mandate unaccom panied by funds, that's far less good. And if it detracts from the serious academic business of secondary education, that's not so good, either. Avakian, meanwhile, introduced the subject of abortion into the labor race last month, arguing that his of fice is the chief civil rights enforcer in the state as he tried to link Starr to the likes of Missouri's Todd Akin, whose own party has disavowed his views on rape and abortion. W hat does this have to d o with being labor commissioner? Nothing. Starr sees the labor commission er's job as being both broader and narrower than does his opponent. Broadly, he wants a more collab orative attitude toward business that will encourage the creation of judged. He says he would not look to put new jobs. Narrowly, he wants clear businessowners out ofbusiness for standards to enforce so that both labor violations, though in some business and industry feel they are cases he says that would be neces being dealt with fairly. That's not too much to ask, and sary. He would make it his purpose it's the right reason to vote for Starr. to enforce the law and keep jobs.
The long-term problems facing this country w il l b e come much more serious if President Barack Obama gets re-elected, more so than they currently are. Our eco nomic problems are historic — debt, spending, waste, fraud, overregula tion — and there is no end in sight. Our children and grandchildren will face huge challenges, com pared to the opportunities our par ents and ourselves received. Look at the reality: 47 percent of Ameri cans pay no income tax, food stamp recipients are at a record high and millions can't find work. College students are going to create the next "housing crisis" with b i l lions in borrowed money they can't repay for an education that is useless in today's economy (brought to us by SallieMae and the politicians). Oh, by the way, the housing crisis is far from over. Our auto industry is do ing poorly compared to Europe and the Far East. Now look at ou r i n ternational policies. Our long-term friend and stabilizer in the Middle East — Is rael — is being ignored; the violence in the Middle East is being apolo gized for. An administration that promised transparency has given us executive orders and appoint ments in the middle of the night and ignoredcongressional requests whenever they thought they could get away with it. That being said, we live in the g reatest country i n t h e w o r l d . Please make sure your vote counts in November.
Interview issues On Wednesday, Sept. 19, The Bulletin printed an article about interviewing candidates in which Erik Kropp stated, "In an interview process you want to get to know the candidates and they may answer differently if the public is there." My question is, who will know the difference unless the candidate or candidates are attached to some kind of lie detector? They could use our secretary of state's answer when she got caught, nl must have misspoken," after her visit to Bosnia in 1996, about being under fire. Would an untruth come under nonfeasance?
ficed or disturbed by anyone. I strongly argue that a fracking or hydro-shearing experiment, no matter what it is called or how it looks on paper, is a risk not worth taking, and I am unequivocally op posed to allowing AltaRock Energy and Davenport Energy to operate, experiment or test either in, near or below Newberry National Volcanic Monument and urge everyone who feels the same to make their feel ings known to the state Department of Environmental Quality and De partment of Natural Resources. Richard Scott Nelson Bend
Don't depend on bonds
Wayne Grimes
I just moved here two months ago from Encinitas, Calif. I'm 67 and couldn't afford to retire in Califor Oppose Newberry nia, nor would I want to, as Califor nia has come in last as the worst-run experiment state in the U.S. My documentary film work in the California, like many other states, Deschutes basin has taught me that has fallen into the trap of using bonds we have a unique hydrology and ge to fund projects for their cities and ology in Central Oregon. The spring states. I hope that Oregon, including water that feeds the Deschutes Riv Bend, does not fall into this trap. Wall er and all rivers emanating from Street is only too happy to encourage the Cascades is indeterminably old, using bonds to fund projects, but it showing no traces of the tritium puts states in debt, and, over time, isotope, a byproduct of atomic test this debt becomes unsustainable, as ing in the 1940s, indicating that the many states now realize. It seems so snowmelt and glacier-fed spring easy — just float some bonds and our water flowing today melted at least troubles are over — but this is hardly 70 years ago and possibly earlier. the case. If the money isn't available, T he Deschutes River, born i n funds need to be raised the old-fash the High Cascades, the Fall River ioned way. Please think twice before in Sunriver and the Metolius River using bonds as a means of funding in Camp Sherman come from a projects. deep underground aquifer that lies Washington also needs to learn beneath the basin and is, perhaps, not to live beyond its means. Paul Skoog some of the purest spring water in Darlene Ashley Bend the world and should not be sacri Redmond Redmond
Letters policy
In My Viewpolicy How to submit
We welcome your letters. Letters
In My View submissions should be between 550 and 650 words, signed and include the writer's phone number and address for verification.
should be limited to one issue, contain no more than 250 words and include the writer's signature, phone number
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We edit submissions for brevity, grammar, taste and legal reasons.
and legal reasons. Wereject poetry, personal attacks, form letters, letters
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submitted elsewhere and those appropriate for other sections of The Bulletin. Writers are limited to one
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In My View pieces run routinely in
Please address your submission to either My Nickel's Worth or ln My View and send, fax or email them to The Bulletin. Write: My Nickel's Worth / In My View P.O. Box 6020 Bend, OR 97708 Fax: 541-385-5804 Email: bulletin©bendbulletin.corn
limited to one letter or Op-Ed piece every 30 days.
Republican mnvention an inspirational call to action t
By Canoll Dressier was deeply honored to serve re cently as a delegate to the Repub lican National Convention in Tam pa, Fla. Fellow delegate John Philo was with me every step of the way as we began the journey of a lifetime. With Monday convention events canceled, many delegates had the same idea and filled local theaters to watch n2016: Obama's America." See ing the reality of an Obama second term provided just the resolve needed to continue our work. The view of the convention center the nextafternoon left us awestruck. We cheered on our Oregon delega tion and Oregon Republican Party Chairman Allen Alley as he gave Or egon's roll call. Pick an emotion and it was felt — gratitude, relief, joy. We then settled in to hear the speeches of
those we so admired. Gov. Scott Walker entered to a roaring crowd, with the Wisconsin delegation seated in front leading the cheers. He reminded us that it is we as individuals who create jobs, in the form of businesses, not government. Ann Romney entered gracefully in her bright red dress and shared her husband's commitment to both her self and their family, and how Mitt Romney's skills as a businessman would help restore confidence in America. The next day Condoleeza Rice re iterated that as Americans, "We have never been jealous of one another and never envious of others' success es," and that we cannot, must not, be a country with a leader who "leads from behind." Momentum was building as the
the speech that brought me to tears and tied together everything we had heard in the previous days was that of person we had been waiting to hear Sen. Marco Rubio. He outlined what took the stage. Paul Ryan, the bold America stands for, and the hope she choice Romney made for vice presi brings. He said this election was not dent, was in the house. When he ac about Obama's future, but our own. cepted the nomination, the room went I knew he was calling us to action. wild. He shared that when Romney He reminded usto celebrate success asked him to join the ticket, he said, and that when we are successful, we "Let's get this done." We all knew can help others. I am so thankful that what that meant. When he said, "Col someone of his integrity is on the lege graduates should not have to live bench for the GOP. out their 20s in their childhood bed We had entered the convention cen rooms staring up at fading Obama ter hours earlier knowing this would posters and wondering when they be the night Romney would finally can move out and get going with life," accept the nomination for president we knew he understood a parent's of the United States. He had waited greatest hope for their children is to a long time to do so, and he entered have the same or better opportunities in style — taking his time — savoring than they were given. the moment while smiling, laugh The final night of the convention, ing and shaking hands, much like
a president on his way to deliver a State of the Union speech. I could feel his emotion when he said, nl accept your nomination. I do so with humil ity, deeply moved by the trust you' ve placed in me.n Later he added, HBy my side, I have chosen a man with a big heart, from a small town." The words I continue to hear, and move me to action, are the words of Ryan: "The work ahead will be hard. These times demand the best of all of us — all of us, but we can do this. To gether, we can do this." What will move each of you, as citizens of the great state of Oregon to action — to walk, call, write a letter for a candidate, or volunteer in DCRP headquarters, to ensure Obama is a one-termpresident?Together, we can do this. — Carroll Dressier lives in Bend.
Wildfire in spotlight as Wyden meets with forest officials
BITUARIES DEATH NOTICES Anlta M. Baker, of Bend June 9, 1921 - Oct. 9, 2012 Arrangements: Baird Funeral Home (541) 382-0903 www.bairdmortuaries.corn Services: No services are scheduled per Anita's request. Contributions may be made to:
Humane Society Of Central Oregon 61170 SE 27th Street Bend, Oregon 97702
Barbara J. Clark, of Prineville Aug. 22, 1927-Oct. 8, 2012 Arrangements: Deschutes Memorial Chapel, 541-382-5592
Services: A Celebration of Barbara's Life will be held at 11:00 AM on Saturday, October 13, 2012 at the Redmond Assembly of God Church, 1865 W. Antler Avenue, Redmond, OR.
Clifford "Cliff" M. Nelson, of La Pine Sept. 11, 1932 - Oct. 5, 2012 Arrangements: Baird Memorial Chapel, La Pine, 541-536-5104 www.bairdmortuaries.corn Services: A Funeral Service with full Military Honors will be held at Willamette National Cemetery, located at 11800 SE Mt. Scott Blvd. in Portland, on Friday, October 12, 2012, at 9:30 a.m. Contributions may be made to:
La Pine Community Kitchen, P.O. Box 813, La Pine, OR 97739.
Dorothy Jean Abernathy, of Bend Sept. 6, 1944 - Oct. 6, 2012 Arrangements: Niswonger-Reynolds Funeral Home, 541-382-2471, www.niswonger-reynolds.corn
Services: A gathering of family will be held at a later date.
MaryAnn Rosemary Sabolsky, of Powell Butte Sept. 20, 1931 - Oct. 6, 2012 Arrangements: Autumn Funerals Redmond (541-504-9485) Services: No services to be held.
Ray A. Swanson, of La Pine May 1, 1936-Oct. 4, 2012 Arrangements: Baird Memorial Chapel, La Pine, 541-536-5104 www.bairdmortuaries.corn Services: A Memorial Service will be held at Baird Memorial Chapel, located at 16468 Finley Butte Road in La Pine, on Saturday, October 13, 2012, at 2:00 p.m. Contributions may be made to:
Central Oregon Humane Society, 61170 S.E. 27th St., Bend, OR, 97702, 541-382-3537,
William E. Wright, of Bend Jan. 29, 1924 - Oct. 6, 2012 Arrangements: Niswonger-Reynolds Funeral Home, 541-382-2471 www.niswonger-reynolds.corn
Services: Saturday, Oct. 13, 2012 at 1:00 p.m., at the Elks Lodge, 63120 Boyd Acres Rd., Bend, OR. Contributions may be made to:
Partners In Care Hospice, 2075 NE Wyatt Ct., Bend, OR 97701.
Emilie Sue Wilkins, of Bend Mar. 30, 1941 - Sept. 30, 2012 Arrangements: Autumn Funerals, Bend 541-31 8-0842 www.autumnfunerals.corn Services: A Memorial Service will be held on Friday, October 12, 2012 at 1'I:00 AM at the Sherwood Elks Lodge, located at 22770 SW Elwert Road, in Sherwood, Oregon. Contributions may be made to:
Humane Society of Central Oregon, 61170 SE 27th Street, Bend, Oregon 97702
William 'Bill' E. Wright Jan. 29, 1924- Oct. 6, 2012 W illiam E . W r i g h t of B end, Or e g o n , p as s e d away at home with f amily on October 6, 2012, at the age of 88. He was born in Portland, Oregon on January 2 9, 1 9 2 4, having the h onor o f i b eing t h e f irst b a by r born at
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By Dylan J. Darling
said. The projects cost about $3 During his swing through million per year, said Shane Central Oregon on Tuesday, J efferies, d e p ut y for e st U.S. Sen. Ron Wyden met supervisor. with D e schutes N ational Fighting the Pole Creek Forest leaders to talk about Fire has cost about $16 mil wildfire. lion so far, said Alex Robert The main topic was the son, a fire staff officer for the still burning 2 6 ,510 Forest Service and acre Pole Creek Fire Bureau of Land Man n ear S i s ters, b u t agement in C entral Wyden a ls o a s k ed Oregon. questions about ex The office guides panding the size of firefighting i n the forest thinning proj- Wy d e n Deschutes and Ocho ects and th e v a l ue co national forests, as o f l arge a i r t a n k ers i n well as the Crooked River firefighting. National Grassland and the Forest Supervisor John Prineville District of the Bu Allen told Wyden that thin reau of Land Management. ning projects around Sisters The fire, which has burned kept the Pole Creek Fire, 26,510 acres, is about 85 per which started Sept. 9, from cent contained. It will likely spreading to town. burn until a fire-season-end Wyden said he supports ing rain, Robertson said. As increasing the size of such long as dry weather contin projects. ues, so will the Pole Creek "The p r evention work Fire. "It's still f ir e w e ather," does pay dividends now," Wyden said. Robertson said. Each year the Deschutes The cause ofthe fire re National Forest thins about mains under investigation. 25,000 acres of its 1.8-mil — Reporter:541-617-7812, l ion-acre h oldings, A l l en ddarling@bendbulletin.corn
The Bulletin
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Memorial William Wright Ho spital after its o pening in 1 924. His p ar ents w e r e Og d e n M . Wright and Dolly (Parker) W right. B il l w a s m a r r i ed to Maxine (Johnson) for 66 y ears. H e a t t e nded S e a side High School and was p roud to b e a W W I I V e t e ran. Bi l l se r v e d a s a Navy Seabee for 3 y e a rs, t wo o f t h o s e w e r e o v e r seas. Bill and M ax ine traveled for 28 years,25 of those to Yuma Arizona. He is sur vived by his wife, Maxine; daughters, R ene e ( M i k e) S chn eider a nd Jacq u e (Mike) Cater; 5 grandchil dren, 6 g r e a t g r a n d chil dren, 1 n i ece, 2 n e phews and their children. A celebration of Bill's life will be Saturday, October 13, at 1:00 p.m. at the Elks L odge, 63120 Boyd A c r es R d., Bend, OR. I n l i e u o f f lowers, donations can b e m ade to Partners In C a r e H ospice, 2075 N E W y a t t C t., B e n d , OR 9770 1 . Please sign our guest book at w ww .n i s w onger-rey nolds.corn
The Associated Press file photo
Associated Press staff writer Dick Pettys, left,jokingly holds up a tape recorder while pretending to get offhand comments from Georgia House Speaker Pro Tempore Dubose Porter, center, and Majority Caucus Chairman Calvin Smyre, at the Capitol in Atlanta on Feb. 2, 2004.
Veteran journalist Pettys chronicledGeorgiapolitics
When Jimmy Carter ran for the White House in 1976, ATLANTA — From Geor The AP assigned Pettys to gia's last segregationist gov travel with his campaign. His ernor to the first Republican news stories helped introduce to hold the office since Recon Americans to the peanut farm struction, Dick Pettys covered er who would become presi Georgia politics for The As dent. Decades later, in Novem sociated Press for more than ber 2002, Pettys was breaking three decades. His reputation the news that Georgians had for fair and accurate reporting elected Sonny Perdue their won him the respect of fellow first Republican governor in journalists and the state's most more than 130 years. prominent politicians. Pettys retired from The AP Gov. Lester Maddox, near in 2005,but spent severalmore ing the end of his term when years writing on Georgia poli Pettys began working for The tics for the website InsiderAd AP at the state Capitol in 1970, vantage Georgia. "For years, Dick was every called him " the long-haired devil" but continued to keep Georgian's eyes and ears on in touch with Pettys by phone the state budget and those long after he left office. who controlled it," said Mary To the s t atehouse press ann Mrowca, the AP's assis corps, Pettys became known tant bureau chief for the South May 1, 1936- Oct. 4, 2012 as "the dean," who over the Atlantic Region. "Even when Ray A. Swanson, 76, died course of 35 years developed politicians did not like what on October 4, 2012, at his h e reported, they knew h e home in LaPine, Oregon. A a vast institutional memory private m e m orial s e r v i ce and a knack for mentoring was fair, accurate and kept the same eagle eye on all in power w ill b e h e l d w i t h f a m i l y newcomers. a nd friends at 2 p . m . o n Pettys, 66, died Monday at to make sure they were held O ctober 13. at B a ir d M e his northeast Georgia home accountable for their actions morial near Clarkesville. His s on, and inactions." C hapel i n Richard Pettys Jr., said he suf An insider with a reputa LaPine. fered a massive heart attack. tion for evenhanded reporting, R ay w a s "He was an excellent re Pettyshad the ear ofeveryone .,4p4ttt~ $' b o rn M a y porter who got the facts right from governors and House 1st, 1936, i n M ar l and wrote it well," former Sen. speakers to low-level clerks Zell Miller, who knew Pettys and was respected by Demo borough, Massa for decades, said Tuesday. "I'm crats and Republicans alike. chusetts really sorry he's gone because U.S. Sen. Johnny Isakson, to Milton he had a lot of Georgia history R-Ga., said Tuesday he ad Ray Swanson a nd F d n a in his head and I kept hoping mired Pettys for u pholding S wanson. H e e a r ned h i s he would write a book. I had "the highest standards of re b achelor's degree i n f o r porting and excellence." estry fro m t h e U n i v ersity tremendous respect for him." of M as s a chusetts and worked a s a n o p e r ations superintendent at th e DEATHS ELSEWHERE D esert Water A g ency u n til 1995. Ray was a b e loved hus Deaths o jnote from around after 63 years on the job, was band, father and g r andfa the world: the longest-tenured employee ther; married 36 years to Eric Lomax, 93:British army in team history. As a major in h is l o v in g w i f e , L a u r i e . officer wh o w a s c a ptured the Essex Scottish Regiment, T hey made their h ome i n by the Japanese in 1942 and Lynch lost his right arm in a LaPine, Oregon, where he e njoyed p h otog r a p h y , endured horrific c onditions rocket attack after the D-Day invasion. Died Tuesday at a t ravelling i n h i s R V , a n d while being forced to h elp spending t i m e w i t h h i s build the infamous Burma-to Detroit-area r eh a bilitation f amily. R a y w i l l b e r e Siam railroad, then later wrote center after a brief illness. membered by family and "The Railway Man," a 1996 — From wire reports friends for his devotion to memoir abouthis experiences animals, fun loving antics, and how he came to forigve and l i v el y s e ns e o f hu m our. H e w i l l b e d e a r l y his captors. Died Monday in Berwick-upon-Tweed in north missed. R ay i s s u r v i ved b y h i s ern England. Turhan Bey, 90:Actor whose w ife, L auric; t h r e e s o n s and t h ei r s p o u ses, Scott exotic good looks earned him a nd Mi ckey, St even a n d the nickname o f " T u r kish L auric, an d G l e nn ; e i g ht Delight" in films with Errol g randchildren, A man d a , Flynn and Katherine Hepburn Melissa, Casey, Kelsey, before he decided to abandon E ric, Desaray, Ty l er, a n d Hollywood for a quieter life in Kyle. Donations may be made Vienna. Died in the Austrian i n hi s n a m e t o t h e H u capital on Sept. 30 after a long Pa r k i nson' s m ane Society o f C e n t r a l struggle w i t h Oregon. disease. e Baird M e m o r ia l C h a p el Budd Lynch, 95: Longtime in charge of arrangements; public address announcer for 541-536-5104. the Detroit Red Wings, who,
By Don Schanche Jr. The Associated Press
La Pine
" It's been a l o n g t i m e coming," he said. Continued from C1 The 150 acres will pro W yden visited L a P i n e vide enough room for the o n Tuesday m o r ning t o rodeo and La Pine Frontier celebrate the federal land Days, a community festival transfer. that also takes place around T he B u reau o f L an d the Fourth of July. Management i s t r a n sfer It includes a beard and ring about 900 acres to the mustache competition, lawn city of La Pine — 150 acres mower races and fireworks. for the rodeo grounds, 750 While held at the same acres for an expansion of time of year, the rodeo and the city's wastewater treat Frontier Days are about a ment plant and about 10 mile apart, with the festival acres where the town's li in town, said Ann Gawith, brary stands. president o f t h e e v e nt's After the bill authorizing board of directors. the transferpassed through F rontier D ays m a y b e Congress earlier this year, moving out to the new ro President Barack O b ama deo grounds before the ro signed it in August. deo itself, with Gawith say Talk about the t r ansfer ing Tuesday she would like started a couple of years be to have the festival there in fore La Pine even incorpo 2014. "The parking is such a rated as a city in 2006, said Tony DeBone, Deschutes huge issue for Frontier Days, County commissioner and and this will eliminate that," former board member of La she said. "It will be wonderful." Pine Rodeo Association and the La Pine Park and Recre — Reporter: 541-617-7812, ation District. ddarling@bendbulletin.corn
Ray A. Swanson
J"-1 + t~
Obituary policy
A REVERSE MORTGAGE... Now's the Time • New saver programs • New lower fee programs • Interest rates are still low And pay NO monthly mortgage payments...ever!
(541) 35O 7839
(asst stt-ssss NMLS 57716
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t t
W e lost a great man, b u t
gained a bearded angel. Mike loved the outdoors, hunting,
camping, fishing and wildlife. '
He was born in Bend, raised in the Bend/ R edmond a r ea. H e gr a d u ated f r o m
Redmond High School.
Death Notices are freeand will be run for one day,but specific
Deadlines:Death Notices are accepted until noon
guidelines must be followed.
Monday through Friday for
Local obituaries are paid
next-day publication and
Mike had a sparkle in his eyes, a mischievous grin, a good sense of humor and a
advertisements submitted by
noon Saturday. Obituaries
families or funeral homes. Theymay besubmitted by
mustbereceivedby5p.m. Monday through Thursday
heart of gold.
phone, mail, email or fax. The Bulletin reserves the right
for publication on the second day after submission, by
to edit all submissions. Please
1 p.m. Friday for Sundayor
include contact information
Monday publication, and by
in all correspondence. For information on any ofthese
9 a.m. Monday for Tuesday publication. Deadlines for display ads vary; pleasecall
services or about the obituary policy, contact 541-617-7825.
for details.
He was great with animals. He had a built-in compass and never got lost.
You will always be in our minds and forever in our hearts. I will miss my best friend. Mike is survived by wife, Bessie, his beloved dogs, Star BC Duke of Redmond. Mother, Kay Strickler of Prairie City. Sisters, Debbie (Steve) Corwin, Canyon City;
Tori (Mike) Walker, Crooked River Ranch. Nephew Dusty (Beth) Corwin, Culver, "Uncle Jerry" Strickler, Burns. Eight great-nieces and nephews and many friends. At his request, no service will be held. A remembrance will be held in the spring
Phone: 541-617-7825
Email: obits©bendbulletin.corn Fax: 541-322-7254
Mail:Obituaries P.O. Box 6020 Bend, OR 97708
In lieu of flowers donation may be made to the Hospice House in Bend, or any Humane Society.
F O R ECAST Maps and national forecast provided by Weather Central LP ©2012.
• •
• s
Today: A sunny and warm day,
Tonight: Clear skies through the night, winds will be light.
staying dry.
Hjgsboo POrtlartd 72/45
Lincoln City 60/48
76/41 • • i I
S and y
4 68/45
7 / 3S
• Meacham
7 3/38 U h i ~ 71/X
• Mitc h e l 72/42
vt Eugerteo
59/45 ~
6 9/37
7 0/M —
72/ 4 0
• Burns
Yesterday' s state extremes
Chri s tmas alley
Silve r
• Brookings
• Kla math
• 76/44
• 79'The
Fmnchg leo
La le rants Pass
M • Beach
• Brotherszo/z oHamptm
Port orfo d 60/45
Valeo 77742
La Pine 70/36 68737 CrescenP • Crescent • Fort Rock 71/38 Lal 68/35
61/44 • •
, p, (,
Oak r idge
Coos Bay
Rd * d
Sunriver Bend
72/ 41
• 22
• Lakeviev
~i i
• C al g s 42/2w
L Winnipeg",
(in the 48 contiguous states):
• 99'
'o oise
Death Valley, Calif
gum'BiSmarC ' "o 64/30
BillingS 67/38
59/52 o Or t land - Tufoht n i h 60/42 . xx 5 x Ik xw. ton 5 xx '' ~ Y f ew York 61/47 " x' 'x
2 ~ reen ayf
Rapid City R
70/37 6Q5
3Q5 ' xx xx 6 7uebeo xxxxxxSJ/38
40/24 «
64/49 • ortland ~ 72/45
x xx x
• 14'
/ 709 / San Francisco 60/51 Las dVegas
Dillon, Colo.
• 1.26 w Marathon, Fla.
City 75/45 /
L sAngeles
' 66/60
~ C3
~' Des Moines ' 68/46 59/43 Chicago Columbus 3 • 51/42 5QB Wa s l jibgton 63/42 ' 71/43 St Louis I oulsvi08 - • 62 /36 K Kansas City ' 1~ Nashville Charl o t te 62/46
Cheyenne 71/42 •
Oklahoma City 72/58•
HonoluluwH, 85/72 ~
Tij uana
gos 92/71
Dallas 73/64'
La Pdz
Mazatlan • 88/72
Anchorage 50/38
d d Houst
I -Sos ~ ' 8
Or ns
lando 8/67
• Miami 88/74
gos Monterrey 91/67o
Chihuahua 81/60
Atlanta Little Rock' 75/48 73/ Birmingham • 74/4P 7QB
c ... *'
as Saturday.
56 42
62 44
Tomorrow Rise Set Mercury....9:08 a.m...... 7:05 p.m. Venus......3:52 a.m...... 5:06 p.m. Mars......11:14 a.m...... 8:19 p.m. Jupiter......906 p m..... 1218 pm.
Yesterday's weather through 4 p.m. inBend High/Low.............. 68/37 24 hours ending 4p.m.*. . 0.00" Record high........ 89m1934 Month to date.......... 0.00" Record low.......... 8 in1985 Average month todate... 0.11" Average high.............. 65 Year to date............ 6.74" Average low .............. 34 Average year to date..... 7.29"
Saturn......8:15 a.m...... 7;04p.m.
Barometricpressureat 4 pm30 02 Record 24 hours ...0 58in1983 *Melted liquid equivalent
Uranus..... 5:55 p.m...... 6:16 a.m.
Yesterday Wednesday Thursday Bend, west ofHwy 97......Exi Sisters...............................Exi Hi/Lo/Pcp H i / Lo/W H i /Lo/WBend, eastof Hwy.97.......Exi. La Pine................................Ext
Precipitationvaluesare24-hour totals through4pm.
Redmond/Madras.......High Prinevige...........................Ext
Astoria ........ 59/44/0.00....60/46/pc......59/50/c Baker City......71/22/0.00.....72/31/s......71/32/s Brookings......64/43/0.00....56/44/pc.....57/46lpc Burns..........72/22/0.00.....72/31/s......72/32/s Eugene........ 70/33/0.00.....72/41/s.....71/47/pc Klamath Falls .. 69/34/000 ....72/36/s ... 72/33/s Lakeview.......72/27/0.00 ...71/34/pc.....70/34/pc La Pine........ 70/22/0.00.....70/36/s......69/24/s Medford....... 77/45/0.00.....76/44/s.....78/44/pc Newport....... 59/50/0.00....56/48/pc.....57/52/pc North Bend..... 63/46/0.00.....59/45/s.....59/47/pc Ontario........78/29/0.00.....70/40/s......72/41/s Pendleton...... 73/40/0.00.....75/39/s......79/39/s Portland .......69/46/0.00.....72/45/s......71/49/s Prineville....... 69/30/0.00.....70/41/s...... 73/34/s Redmond.......71/30/0.00.....72/33/s......73/33/s Rosehurg.......72/41/0.00....71/43/pc.....75/45/pc Salem ....... 69/38/0 00 ....73/41/s ...72/46/pc Sisters.........70/25/0.00.....71/39/s......73/31/s The Dages...... 79/46/0 00.....76/42/s......78/43/s
Mod. = Moderate; Exi. = Extreme
The following was compiled by the Central Oregon watermaster and irrigation districts as a service to irrigators and sportsmen.
Reservoir Acre feet C a p acity Crane Prairie...... . . . . . . 33,776...... 55,000 Wickiup...... . . . . . . . . . 106,023..... 200,000 Crescent Lake ...... . . . . . 70,921 ...... 91,700 Ochoco Reservoir..... . . . 17,411...... 47,000 The higher the UV Index number, the greater Prineville...... . . . . . . . . . 84,642..... 153,777 the need for eye and skin protection. Index is R iver flow St at i o n Cubic ft./sec Deschutes RiverBelow Crane Prairie ...... . 313 for solar at noo Deschutes RiverBelow Wickiup .... . . . . . . . 922 Crescent CreekBelow Crescent Lake ..... . . . 26 LOW M Little DeschutesNear La Pine ...... . . . . . . . 218 0 2 4 6 8 10 Deschutes RiverBelow Bend .... . . . . . . . . . 134 Deschutes RiverAt Benham Falls ..... . . . . 1,536 Crooked RiverAhove Prinevige Res....... . . . . 8 Crooked RiverBelow Prineville Res..... . . . . 153 Updated daily. Source: pollen.corn Ochoco CreekBelow OchocoRes. .... . . . . . 15.8 Crooked RiverNear Terrebonne ..... . . . . . . 218 Contact: Watermaster, 388-6669 MEDIUM LOW I or go to www.wrd.state.
To report a wildfire, call 911
HIGH gggg
o www m Vancouve 6/8
not as wet
Legend Wweather, Pcp precipitation,s sun,pcpartial clouds,c clouds,h haze,shshowers, r rain,t thunderstorms,sf snowflurries, snsnow, i-ice, rs-rain-snowmix,w-wind, f-fog, dr-drizzle,tr-trace
Yesterday' s extremes
A few isolated showers,
Baker City
FallS 72/36
Mostly sunny and pleasant Ontario conditions.
Off-and-on light rainfall is expected, much cooler.
Baker City
75/43 p
Pi •
and pleasant
68 43
Sunsettoday.... 6 29 p.m N ew First F u ll Sunrise tomorrow .. 7:1 a.m 6 Sunset tomorrow... 6:27 p.m Moonusetoday.... 1:47 a.m Moonset today .... 3:43 p.m Oct. 15 Oct. 21 Oct. 29 Nov. 6
CENTRAL Mostly sunny
• Spray/7/6
' Madras
Camp Shermag
Ent e r prie
• 69/3.
J — 70/27 1,
Warm S pr,ng
Ixlewport •
• Pendleton ) 65/33
75/44 56/4S
• Hermistorys/% p W allowa
ngton •
• Government Camp 6s/ds
S~l~~ 5 a lem
R iver T he •
70 39
SUN AND MOON SCHEDULE Sunrisetoday...... 714a m Moon phases
WEST Morning clouds, then becoming mostly sunny.
Beach Cannon 57/48 70/43• Tillamootw ( «4 64/46 McMinnvig
Increasing clouds; isolated late-day showers are possible.
Asto r ia Seasidm
One last day of clear skies for a while.
d 6 d x 4 >
'* ** * * * +
W ar m Stationary Showers T-storms Rain Flurries Snow
YesterdayWednesdayThursday YesterdayWedoesdayThursday YesterdayWedoesdayThursday YesterdayWednesdayThursday City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W Abilene TX......84/58/0 00.. 73/64/pc.. 81/65/c Grand Rapids....64/44/0 00.. 49/36/sh. 62/37/pc RapidC .. 77/59/s ity .......48/33/000.. 67/39lpc . 50/38/pc Savannah.......71/54/0.00... 81/56/s Akron ..........58/33/0.00 ..53/33/pc.. 58/43/s Green Bay.......54/42/0.45 ..48/35/pc. 57/31/pc Reuo .......... 72/46/trace..72/44/pc...73/44/t Seattle..........61/49/000...64/49ls .. 63/50/s Albany..........59/38/0 00 .. 62/40/sh. 57/45/pc Greensboro......57/45/0 01... 72/42/s .. 65/45/s Richmond.......59/48/0.09... 74/45/s .. 65/47/s SiouxFalls.......54/44/0.00... 62/40/s. 53/29/pc Albuquerque.....79/48/0 00... 76/54/s. 76/58/pc Haros 67/41/s ..68/43/s bvrg .......59/45/0 00.. 65/40/pc.. 60/44/s Rochester,NY....61/34/0.00 .. 57/40/sh.. 55/44/c Spokane........67/39/0.00... Anchorage......50/45/004... 50/38/5.. 47/35/s Hartford CT.....57/48/0 00 .. 61/44/sh .. 60/44/s Sacramento......76/51/0.00 ..75/54/pc.. 72/52/c Springfield, MO ..65/40/0.00... 62/45/s...70/59/t Atlanta.........70/52/0.00... 75/48/s .. 70/51/s Helena..........57/38/0.00 ..65/35/pc.. 58/37/5 St. Louis.........69/45/0.00... 59/40/s...65/53/t Tampa..........87/73/0.00... 88/69/s ..86/69/s AtlanticCity.....61/50/013.. 68/52/pc.. 61/48/s Honolulu........84/73/000... 85/72/s.. 86/71/s Salt Lake City ....74/44/0.00 .. 77/49/pc.. 77/49/c Tucson..........91/60/0.00... 88/62/s...84/58/t Austin..........82/56/0 00 .. 84/71/sh. 85/71/sh Houston........84/57/0 00.. 86/70/pc. 87/72/pc SanAntonio .....80/62/0.00 .. 86/72/sh.. 86/73lc Tulsa...........65/50/0.00... 71/54/s...83/61/t Baltimore .......61/47/0.08 ..69/42/pc.. 60/44/s Huntsville.......67/37/0.00... 72/37/s.. 72/49/s SanDiego.......74/67/0.00 .. 72/62/pc...68/61/t Washington, DC.64/48/009 ..71l43/pc.. 61/45/s Bigings.........55/35/0 02 ..67/38/pc. 50/3Ipc Indianapolis.....63/36/0 00... 53/33/s. 61l46/pc SanFrancisco....69/54/OJI .. 65/53/pc .. 62/52/c Wichita.........71 l46/0 00... 68/52/s. 79/58/pc Birmingham.....71/45/0.00... 74/45/s .. 71/54/s Jackson, MS.... 73/42/0 00 81/49/pc .. 81/59/s SanJose .......71 /49/000.. 70/50/pc.. 69/50/c Yakima.........76/39/0.00 ..73/@Is.. 73/39/s Bismarck........46/36/000... 64/30/c. 47/28/pc Jacksonvile......66/61/000... 83/58/s.. 79/57/s Santa Fe ........75/37/0.00 ... 71/43/s. 71/49/pc Yuma...........94/73/0.00 88/64/pc...80/58/t .. Boise...........71l40/000... 70/37ls.. 71/41/s Juneau..........49/44/0 02.. 50/36/pc...45/35/r INTERNATIONAL Boston..........58/53/0 00 ..61/47/sh. 62/46/pc KansasCity......66/44/0 00... 62/46/s. 71/49/pc Bodgepoit CT....59/51/0 01 .. 64/47/sh.. 60/48/s Lansing.........62/40/0 00.. 49/33/sh. 60/36/pc Amsterdam ...57/39/0.00 ..56/36/pc 57/46/pc Mecca.........1 02/82/000 .102/80/s. 103/80/s Buffalo.........59/36/0 00 .. 56/40/sh. 55/44/pc Las Vegas.......90/70/0 00..83/65/pc...71/58/t Athens..........75/66/0.00..78/63/pc.. 77/64/s Mexico City .....75/54/000... 73/57/t .. 72/54/1 Burlington,VT....59/36/0 00..62/41/sh .. 54/40/c Lexington.......60/35/0 00... 60/33/s .. 63/49/s Auckland........66/50/0.00 .. 64/53/pc.. 65/54/s Montreal........59/39/000.. 55/39/sh. 49/40/sh Caribou,ME.....54/28/000.. 53/41/sh.. 47/35/c Lincoln..........57/41/0 00... 65/42/s.70/42/pc Baghdad........99/73/0.00...96/66/s. 103/70/s Moscow........43/39/0.00 ..45/38/sh.. 42/35/c Charleston, SC...66/53/0 00... 79/56/s.. 76/57/s Little Rock.......69/40/0 00...73/52/s. 77/61/pc Bangkok ........88/77/0.00 ... 89/77/t ...92/79/t Nairobi.........84/61/0.00... 80/62/t...79/61/t Charlotte........59/46/0 00... 73/44/s.. 6547/s Los Angeles......72/60/0 00 .. 66/60/pc...65/59/t Beifng..........75/59/0 00..69/49/pc.. 73/46/s Nassau.........88/79/0.00 ..88/77/pc. 89/77/pc Chattanooga.....63/50/0.00...71/42/s.. 71/50/sLouisvige........65/39/0.00...62/36/s.65/51/pc Beirut ..........82/73/0 00 .. 81/74/pc...83/75/t New Delhi.......91/68/0.00... 91/68/s .. 95/70/s Cheyenne.......41/33/000... 71/42/s. 59/37/pc MadisonWl.....61/43/015 ..48/35/pc. 60/31/pc Berlin...........55/34/0.00 49/40/sh .. . 56/38/pc Osaka..........79/63/0.0075/57/pc. .. 73/56/pc Chicago...... 65/46/0 00 ..51/42/pc. 64l45/c Memphis....... 68/44/0 00 .. 71/48/s .. 73/62/1 Bogota .........70/43/0.00 66/51/sh .. . 64751/sh Oslo............48/30/0.00 ..48/34/pc .. 47/32/s Cincinnati.......63/34/000... 58/33/s. 63/47/pc Miami..........91/78/010 ..88/74/pc .. 86/74/s Budapest........6166/0.00..57/35/pc..57/37/s Ottawa.........$9/37/0 00 .. 54/39/sh. 51/38/sh Cleveland.......58/36/000.. 54/38/sh. 60/48/pc Milwaukee......64/50/000.. 48/43/pc. 62/40/pc Buenos Aires.....81/59/0.00 ... 59/45ls.. 62/51/s Paris............63/54/0.00... 5I49/c.66/55/sh ColoradoSpungs.68/41/0.00..72/45/pc. 72/42/pc Minneapolis.....51/43/0.03..52/42/pc. 52/25/pc Cabo530Lucas ..90/6IOJI .. 91/71/pc.91/73/pc Rio deJaneiro....91/68/0.00... 95/71/s...89/68/t Columbia,MO...69/40/0.00...60/40/s...67/50/t Nashvige........66/37/0.00... 66/36/s .. 69/54/s Cairo ...........86/73/0.00.. 87/75/s 89/72/pc Rome...........73/61/0.00 .. 76/61/pc. 75/58/pc Columbia, SC....58/51/000...79/49/s .. 73/50/s New Orleans.....76/57/0 00..82/64/pc. 81/66/pc Calgary.........61/36/000.. 42/23/rs..39/30/sf Santiago........66/48/0.00... 71/55/s .. 68/51/s Columbus GA....75/57/0 00... 80/52/s .. 75/52/s New York.......57/50/0 03..67/48/sh .. 62/48/s Cancun.........88/73/0.00... 88/78/t...86/77/t SaoPaulo.......88/57/0.00... 88/66/t. 64/55/sh Columbus, OH....60/36/0 00..57/33/pc. 61/44/pc Newark,NJ......59/51/0 01.. 68/47/sh .. 62/46/s Dublin ..........54/36/0.00 ..57/53/sh...56/39/r Sapporo ...... Sot available64/49/pc...60/48/r .. Concord,NH.....56/36/0 00.. 61/39/sh. 59/39/pc Norfolk VA......63/59/0 29... 74/52/s .. 63/49/s Edinburgh.......52/30/0.00...54/48/c. 56/47/sh Seoul...........72/54/0.00 66/53/pc .. .. 64/49/s Corpus Christi....89/66/0 00..86/75/pc. 86/76/pc OklahomaCity...77/46/0 00... 72/58/s...80/64/t Geneva.........70/57/0.00 .. 62/51/sh. 68/53/sh Shanghai........77/64/0.00...76/59/s.. 73/57/s DallasFtWorth...82/50/0 00..73/64/pc...83/67/1 Omaha.........56/47/000... 63/42/s. 66/41/pc Harare..........86/63/0.00...86/57/s.. 87/56/s Singapore .......90/79/0.00 .. 90/80/pc...88/79/t Dayton .........59/38/0.00... 55/32/s.61/45/pc Orlando.........87/71/0.00... 88/67/s.. 85/66/s HongKong......86/75/0.00..87/73/pc. 86/77/pc Stockholm.......48/39/0.00 ... 45/36/c . 47/35lpc Denver..........53/35/0.00 ..75/45/pc. 70/44/pc PalmSprings.... 92/64/0.00. 84/63/pc.. 76/62/t Istanbul.........70/61/0 00..71/61/pc. 73/63/pc Sydney..........64/54/0.0074/54/sh .. . 65/48/sh Des Moines......60/47/003... 59/43/s. 69/37/pc Peoria..........66/39/000... 54/38/s. 65/43/pc lervsslem.......79/61/0.00..80/63lpc. 83/64/pc Taipei...........81/70/0007I67l .. sh . 75/68/sh Detroit..........63/36/0.00 ..54/37/sh.. 59/42/c Philadelphia.....59/50/0.03..68/46/pc.. 62/46/s Johannesburg....70/54/0.00... 83/64/t...78/58/t TelAviv .........84/72/0.00.. 83/71/pc. 87/73lpc Duluth..........47/37/003... 46/33/c. 46/27/pc Phoenix.........95/71/0 00... 92/71/s...88/64/t Uma ...........66/61/OJI...68/60/s.. 67/60/s Tokyo...........70/63/0.00 ..74/60/pc...75/63/t El Paso..........86/62/0.00...85/59/s. 85/62/pc Pittsburgh.......58/32/0.0055/32/sh. .. 58/43/pc Lisbon..........77/66/0.00 75/62/c 73/57/pc Toronto .....55/43/0 00 .52/37/sh 54/41/sh Fairbanks........41/27/000... 38/20/s... 34/9/s Portland,ME.....57/46/011...60/42/c. 62/42/pc London .........57/48/0.00...55/47/c. 60/48lsh Vancouver.......59/48/0.00 ... Edl 48ls . 65/49/pc Fargo...........43/35/000... 54/32/c. 47/26/pc Providence......59/51/0 00 .. 63/48/sh . 60/46/pc Madrid .........84/55/0.00 .. 80/54/pc. 73/49/pc Vienna..........55/39/0.00..57/41/pc.59/44/pc Flagstaff........68/36/0 00 .. 67/38/pc. 63/40/pc Raleigh.........57/48/0 00... 75/44/5 .. 66/46/s Manila..........86/79/0.00 ... 88/77/t ...87/77/t Warsaw.........54/43/0.00 50/36/pc .. . 51/34/pc
To I a o's isma, mansion turnsoutto eamone it
By John Miller The Associated Press
BOISE, Idaho — The hilltop mansion was a gift to Idaho from potato magnate J.R. Sim plot, meant as a residence be fitting the governor. Instead, it's become a money pit — and Idaho's current governor won' t even live there. Public outcry was on display at a recent hearing over the house's future, where a major ity of those who spoke recom mended either selling the place or returning it t o S i mplot's family. But as Idaho has discovered, it's easier to take a mansion than it is to give it back: The heirs to the self-made billion airewho died in 2008 atage 99 don't want it. The mansion was erected by Simplot back in 1980. Con nected to the Boise Valley floor by a narrow, serpentine drive, the 7,100-square-foot home is meant to be noticed. In real estate parlance, loca tion is everything, but that' s also the reason the "the man sion on the hill" sticks in the collective craw of many Idaho residents. " The governor o f I d a h o should be a person that the citi
• m •
The Associated Press file photo
J.R. Simplot donated this Boise mansion to the state of Idaho in the hope that it would be used as a governor's mansion. u
zens can relate to, said Robert Fries, a Boise resident. "The governor of Idaho should not be placed on a pedestal on a hill, looking down on everyone." S implot handed over t h e keys in 2004, but it took just two years for its lofty perch to be come an issuein the 2006 race to begovernor:The Democratic candidate promised he'd never live in a house that seemed to elevate a politician above the ranks of the common man. Current chief executive C.L. "Butch" Otter won, but the Re publican also eschewed the mansion, preferring his r iv
erside ranch west of Idaho's capital. And then there's the cost. Just to maintain the 37-acre grounds, the state will pay about $80,000 this year, part of a cost sharing agreement with t he Simplot family that also covers adjacent property it still owns. And the list goes on: electric ity, $30,000; janitors to clean up afterrare occasions the house is used for state events: $12,000 — altogether, the maintenance tab through next June is fore cast at $177,400. That's $40,000 north of the median Ada County home.
m •
•. A
preferably one built at a public Bend Pickleball Club will raise park, would solve this problem half the money needed for this Continued from C1 and make the sport more ac project — which Mercer said Fraties, who has been play cessible to everyone else. should be about $100,000 de "These will be community ing pickleball for five years, pending on its final location helped form the Bend Pick courts," said Matt Mercer, the — and maintain the facility. leball Club in the summer of park district's recreation direc Mercer said the memoran 201L The group now boasts tor who's been working closely dum is one of severalsuch 250 names on its email dis with pickleball club members agreements the park district tribution list and o r ganizes to find a suitable spot for their has signed with private rec drop-in pickleball games for courts. These initial efforts reation groups like the Bend its members and the general led to the memorandum of un Pickleball Club. District of public at six sites in Deschutes derstanding the park district ficials are also working with County. board approved Oct.2. Promoting Urban Skate Habi But these sites are tempo Under the terms, the Bend tats to build a skate park at rary and usually require club Park & Recreation District has Ponderosa Park and with the members to tape the boundar agreed to find a suitable spot Oregon Rush soccer club to ies of the 20-by-40-foot court where it can build eight pick build some additional soc on top of an existing private leball courts on an asphalt slab cer fields at the Pine Nursery or public basketball or ten in a public park and provide the Community Park. nis court. Fraties said having nets, benches and landscaping — Reporter: 541-617-7816, a dedicated pickleball court, they require. Members of the mmclean@bendbulletinioom
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Culver cancels varsity game
No. 1 Beavers an startin B o to Vaz
Culver High hascan celed this week's varsity
football gameagainst Central Linn, which was
originally scheduled for Thursday night at
Culver. The Bulldogs (0-4 overall), who started the season with just
29 players, havebeen plagued by injuries this
fall and chose to forfeit
By Anne M. Peterson
their Class 2A Tri-River
The Associated Press
Conference contest against the 5-1 Cobras
hopes to haveseveral
After two years spent mostly watch ing from the sidelines, quarterback Cody v az Vaz gets the start for No. 10 Oregon State this Saturday when the Beavers travel to BYU. It will be a challenging task in Provo, Utah, for Vaz, w ho takes over after starter Sean Mannion injured his left knee against Washing ton State last weekend. Man nion had helped lead the Beavers to a 4-0 start and their highest ranking since the 2001 Fiesta Bowl season. Vaz has appeared in only five games in his career, completing six of 17 passes for 48 yards. The 6-foot-l, 198-pound junior has not
players back in time for
played in a game since the
rather than risk injury to
their young players, ac cording to Culver coach Brian Silbernagel. "This week we'd be
starting four or five freshmen," Silbernagel
said Tuesday. "Youcan't ask a 15-year-old to go out there against an 18
year-old." The Central Linn game maynotbethe
only contest Culver for feits this season. Silber nagel said next week' s
league gameagainst Kennedy will likely "not happen" as well. The Bulldog coach said he
his team's Oct. 26 game against Santiam.
2010 season. He has not started since high school. "I'm not really nervous, m ore so excited,"Vaz said
"It's unfortunate, but it is what it is," Silber
nagel said. "It's just a combination of a small
senior class and nowa beat-up senior class."
this week. "It's a great opportunity for our team. We're going into a tough place to
play, a really good football team, a really good defensive team. It will be a great opportunity for us." OK, really, no nerves'? "I can't wait," he said, smiling. "I can't wait till Saturday." The question is whether Vaz can lead a team that has experienced a striking turnaround since finishing last season 3-9. Oregon State coach Mike Riley said he has complete confidence in Vaz, but he does have one regret. "The only unfortunate part is that I haven't played him enough," Riley said Tuesday. Oregon State visits Provo to face an independent BYU team that is 4-2 but facing quarterback issues of its own. SeeVaz /D5
Photos by Rob Kerr /The Bulletin
Bend outside hitter Cassidy Wheeler (11) hits against Ridgeview's defense during Tuesday night's match at Ridgeview High School in Redmond.
— Bulletin staff report
Have youever been ate ike Mc roy?
GOLF Mcllroy, Woods lose in Turkey BELEK, Turkey — The anticipated
• Area pros,amateurscanrelate to the No. 1 player'sexperienceat the RyderCup
matchup between Rory Mcllroy and Tiger
W oods today maynot count for much after both lost their opening matches "' at the eight •
player World Woods
Golf Finals.
Mc I I
roy lost to Matt Kuchar
by six shots and Woods fell to Charl Schwartzel
by one shot on Tuesday in the $5.2 million event
at the Sultan course in Antalya. In the other group of
• Lava Bears post a sweep overthe Ravens inRedmond Bulletin staff report REDMOND — Strong serving and dominant play at the net helped Bend High cruise past host Ridgeview on Tuesday, 25-21, 25-18, 25-16 in Intermountain Hybrid volley ball action. Lava Bear senior middle
Ridgeview outside hitter Kayla Jack son connects for a kill dur ing Tuesday night's match in Redmond against Bend High.
three group matches,
corded a match-high 16 kills in addition to two blocks to pace Bend High, which has now won four consecutive matches. "It was definitely a good Molly Maloney show," Ravens coach Debi Dewey said about the Bears' 6-foot standout at the net. Bend sophomore middle
kills of her own. "They took control of the net," Bend High coach Kristin Cooper said about her two middles. The Lava Bears were also strong at the service line. Amanda Todd blasted six aces and Annaleise Hollings worth added three aces of her own. "We served really well," Cooper said. "It was our sav
but both could already
Callie Kruska also had a big
ing grace."
night at the net for the Bears, ending the match with six
Ridgeview by going 13 of 13
the medal match-play format, Lee Westwood beat Webb Simpson
by one shot and Justin Rose defeated Hunter Mahan by four strokes.
Mcllroy and Woods — ranked No. 1 and No. 2 — face each other today in the last of their
be eliminated by then. The top two in each
group will advance to the semifinals. In this morning' s matches, Mcllroy will
face Schwartzel and
blocker Molly Maloney re
Katie Nurge paced
from the service line with threeaces.Nurge also led the Ravens with 24 digs. "They have a lot of sen ior-court experience," said Dewey, whose first-year program consists entirely of underclassmen. "For us it' s live and learn." The Lava Bears are off until Saturday, when they co host the Clearwater Classic in Bend. Ridgeview is back in action Thursday, when the Ravens host Burns.
ZACK HALL ll Rory Mcllroy need ed to make it to the course on time was a police escort. Pro golf's young star from Northern Ireland infamous ly confused Eastern time with Central time during the Ryder Cup last month at Medinah Country Club near Chicago. The result? In a jaw-dropping scene, McIlroy showed up just 12 minutes before his tee time. No time for a real warm up. He just rolled a few putts and he was off. In other words, McIlroy was forced to go through the same routine so many of us everyday hackers regularly put ourselves through. A golf star's time-zone goof can be forgiven, espe
Charles A rbogast/ The Associated Press
Rory Mcilroy stretches on the first tee before a singles match at the Ryder Cup last month. Mcllroy nearly missed his tee time. cially since he still won his match. For the rest of us,
especially on busy summer days, showing up late can jam up a golf course's tee sheet and delay unsuspecting
golfers. See Late/D6
Woods will play Kuchar.
Woods and Schwartzel were all square going to the 18th when the American
Giants beat Reds inextras, avoid elimination
went into a greenside
By Joe Kay
bunker and finished with a bogey.
The Associated Press
Mcllroy unraveled against Kuchar with a triple bogey at the 15th
hole and double bogeys at 16 and 17. "I hit a drive into the
trees on 15and lost a bit of confidence," Mcllroy said. "I need to
win both of my matches tomorrow if I am to ad
vance. I just struggled for a bit of motivation out there, so I need to
go out and concentrate on both of my matches tomorrow." The winner of the
event, sponsored by Turkish Airways, will
receive $1.5 million. — The Associated Press
Al Behrman /The Associated Press
San Francisco relief pitcher Sergio Rornoreacts after the Giants defeated the Cincin nati Reds 2-1 in 10 innings in Game 3 of the National League Division Series on Tuesday in Cincinnati.
CINCINNATI — Joaquin Arias hit a grounder toward thirdbase and took off,cover ing those 90 feet in a blink as a full-to-capacity ballpark went silent with angst. Which would get there first, the infielder or the ball? Who would win the decisive playoff dash'? "That's the fastest I' ve ever run to first," Arias said. Fast enough to extend the San Francisco Giants' season one more day. Reds third baseman Scott Rolen bobbled the short-hop, giving Arias enough time to beat the throw as the go ahead run scored for a 2-1 victory Tuesday night that avoided an NL Division Series sweep.
Hardly able to get a hit the past two games, the Giants turned a passed ball and a misplayed grounder into a win that cut their series deficit to 2-1 and extended Cincinnati's 17 years of post season futility in its home
ballpark. "These are the type of games we' ve played all season
long," said Sergio Rorno, who pitched the last two innings for the win. "We are a gritty
and grinding team." And, with their season on the line, a little lucky, too. "We got a break there at the end," manager Bruce Bochy said. Left-hander Barry Zito will pitch Game 4 today for the Gi ants, who have won the past 11 times he started. SeeGiants /D5
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TELEVISION Today BASEBALL 10:07 a.m.:MLB Playoffs, NL Division Series, St. Louis Cardinals at Washington Nationals, MLB Network. 1:07p.m.:M LB Playoffs,NL Division Series, San Francisco Giants at Cincinnati Reds, TBS. 4:37p.m.:M LB Playoffs,AL
Division Series, Baltimore Orioles at NewYork Yankees, TBS. 6:37p.m.:M LB Playoffs,AL Division Series, Detroit Tigers at Oakland Athletics, TNT. VOLLEYBALL
7 p.m.: W omen'scollege,USC at Stanford, Pac-12 Network.
Thursday GOLF
6a.m.:European Tour, Portugal Masters, first round, Golf Channel. 1 p.m.:PGATour, Frys.corn Open, first round, Golf Channel. 6:30 p.m.:LPGA Tour, LPGA Malaysia, first round, Golf Channel. BASEBALL 10:07 or 11:07 a.m.:MLB playoffs, NL Division Series, San
Francisco Giants at Cincinnati Reds (if necessary), TBS.
1:07 or 2:07 p.m.:MLB Playoffs, NL Division Series, St. Louis Cardinals at Washington Nationals, TBS. 4:37 or 5:37 p.m.:MLB Playoffs, AL Division Series, Baltimore Orioles at New York Yankees, TBS.
6:37p.m.:MLB Playoffs,AL
Division Series, Detroit Tigers at Oakland Athletics (if necessary), TNT. MOTOR SPORTS 11 a.m.:NASCAR, Nationwide Series, Dollar General 300, practice, ESPN2. 12:30 p.m.:NASCAR, Sprint Cup, Bank of America 500, practice, ESPN2. 3 p.m.:NASCAR, Nationwide Series, Dollar General 300, final practice, ESPN2.
4 p.m.:NASCAR,Sprint Cup, Bank of America 500, qualifying, ESPN2. FOOTBALL 5 p.m.: College, Wayne State at Saginaw Valley, CBS Sports Network. 5:20 p.m.:NFL, Pittsburgh
Steelers at TennesseeTitans, NFL Network. 6 p.m.:College, Arizona State at Colorado, ESPN.
7 p.m.:High school, Rogers at Bethel, Root Sports. BASKETBALL 5:30 p.m.:WNBA Playoffs, Indiana Fever at Connecticut Sun, ESPN2. SOCCER
7 p.m.:Women's college, Stanford at Arizona, Pac-12 Network.
RADIO FOOTBALL 7 p.m.:High school, La Salle at Madras, KWSO-FM 91.9.
SPORTS IN BRIEF • Donovao ruled oot of World Cop qualifiers:Landon Dono van will not play for the U.S.
national team in two upcoming World Cup qualifiers because of an injured left knee. U.S. Soccer announced thedecision Tuesday, hours after coach Jurgen Klinsmann said the team was "very, very positive" that Donovan would be available for the games — Friday against Antigua and Barbuda, then Oct.
16 against Guatemala. Donovan, the leading scorer in U.S.nation al team history, is not expected to be replaced on the roster. The
severity of Donovan's injury is unclear. U.S. Soccer said hewill return to Los Angeles for further evaluation. Donovan was hurt Saturday while playing for the
Los Angeles Galaxy. Also ruled out for the qualifiers is Brek Sheabecauseofanabdominal injury.
Football • Commissionerre-Issues bounty discipline:NFLCom missioner RogerGoodell has handed down newdiscipline to four players in connection with the NFL's bounty investigation of
the Saints. There are nochanges to the full-season suspension for New Orleans' linebacker Jon
Vilma or the four-gamesuspen sion for Saints defensive end
Will Smith. The suspension of free agent defensive lineman Anthony Hargrove wasreduced from eight to sevengarne, while
it up around him andwe've got to find a way to move forward. We' re all just disappointed for him. It's a tough day for him."
• QB leavingTCU,to enter in-patient rehab:Suspended TCU quarterback CaseyPachall is leaving school for the rest of the semester and enrolling at an in-patient rehabilitation facility. Coach Gary Patterson made the
announcement Tuesday,five days after the junior starter was arrested on suspicion of drunken driving near campus.That came eight months after Pachall ad mitted to police that he smoked marijuana and failed a team
administered drug test. Redshirt freshman Trevone Boykin threw for 270 yards and had three
interceptions Saturday as Iowa State beat TCU 37-23. • Redsklos' Griffin expected
is now docked onegaro, down
since an appeal panel created by the NFL's labor agreement
• Injured Nodalhopesto resume practice soon:Rafael
Nadal is eager to trade in his vacated the original suspensions backstroke for his backhand. on technical grounds andtold Swimming as part of his reha Goodell he needed to clarify the bilitation from a left knee injury, basis of the punishment. Vilma Nadal said hehasbeen more has been rehabilitating from encouraged recently about his
offseason kneesurgery. The players also candelay the sus pensions byappealingagain.
• Texaos LB Gushing oot for
season:Linebacker Brian Gush ing is out for the seasonwith a tom left knee ligament, leaving the unbeaten Houston Texans without their top tackler and one of their emotional leaders. Gush ing was hurt in the second quar ter of the Texans' 23-17 win over the New York Jets on a low block by guard Matt Slauson. Gushing walked off the field on his own, but didn't return. Coach Gary Kubiaksaid Tuesday thatGush
ing has a tomanterior cruciate ligament and will needsurgery in two to three weeks, after the
swelling subsides. Gushing was leading Houston in tackles (38) before Monday night's garn. nA big blow for our team," Kubiak said.nWe have to haveguys pick
progress and hopes to resume practice soon. He didn't rule out playing next month in the ATP World Tour Finals or Davis Cup final, but added that such a quick return would be difficult. "I don' t
want to put any goals to play a tournament," Nadal said Tues n day. l want to go day by day. I go everydayto the gym and the swimming pool to continue with
my recovery. I amtrying to not n
think that far. Nadal spoke from his home in Mallorca during a
conference call to promote his participation in an exhibition in New York in March. He has also
said he' ll enter anexhibition in Abu Dhabi in late December.The 11-time GrandSlamchampion hasn't played since losing in the second round of Wimbledon in
June. — From wire reports
Generali Ladies Linz Tuesday At Intersport ArenaLinz Linz, Austria Purse: $220,000(Intl.) Surface: Hard-Indoor Singles First Round CartaSuarezNavarro, Spain, del. MagdalenaRyba rikova,Slovakia,6-3, 6-4. Romina Oprandi, Switzerand, def. Alexandra Cadantu, Romania, 6-2, 6-1. Mallory Burdette,UnitedStates, def.YaninaWick mayer(6), Belgium,6-3,6-4. KirstenFlipkens,Belgium, def.AlizeCornet, France,
6-4, 6-3. BethanieMattek-Sands,UnitedStates,def. Tamira Paszek (7), Austria, 6-2,6-4.
SimonaHalep, Romnaia, def. Lesia Tsurenko, Ukraine,3-0,retired. trina-CameliaBegu, Romania, def. CatalinaCas tano,Colombia,6-0, 6-4. Julia Goerges (5),Germany,def. Daniela Hantucho va, Slovakia6-4, , 7-6(5). AndreaPetkovic,Germany, def. BarboraZahlavova Strycova,Czech Republic, 7-6(3), 6-2. PetraMartic,Croatia, def.SoranaCirstea, Romania, 6-4, 6-3.
All Times POT AMERICANCONFERENCE East W L T P c t PF PA 3 2 0 . 6 00165 113 2 3 0 . 4 00 98 132 2 3 0 . 4 00103 103 2 3 0 .4 0 0 118 176 South W L T P c t PF PA Houston 5 0 0 1 0 00149 73 Indianapo is 2 2 0 . 5 00 91 110 Jacksonville 1 4 0 . 2 00 65 138 Tennesse e 1 4 0 . 2 00 88 181 W 4 3 2 0
North L 1 2 2 5
T 0 0 0 0
P c t PF PA . 8 00130 89 . 6 00125 129 . 5 00 93 89 . 0 00100 139
West W L T P c t PF PA S an Diego 3 2 0 .60 0 124 102 Denver 2 3 0 . 4 00135 114 Oakland 1 3 0 .25 0 67 125 K ansas City I 4 0 .20 0 94 145 NATIONALCONFERENCE East W L T P c t PF PA Philadelphia 3 2 0 . 6 00 80 99 N.Y.Giants 3 2 0 . 6 00152 111 Dallas 2 2 0 .5 0 0 65 88 Washington 2 3 0 . 4 00140 147 South W L T P c t PF PA Atlanta 5 0 0 1 000148 93 TampaBay 1 3 0 . 2 50 82 91 Carolina 1 4 0 . 2 00 92 125 NewOrleans 1 4 0 20 0 141 154 North W L T P c t PF PA Minnesota 4 1 0 . 8 00120 79 Chicago 4 1 0 80 0 149 71 GreenBay 2 3 0 . 4 00112 111 Detroit 1 3 0 . 2 50100 114 West W L T P c t PF PA Arizona 4 1 0 .8 0 0 94 78 SanFrancisco 4 1 0 . 8 00149 68 St. Louis 3 2 0 60 0 96 94 Seattle 3 2 0 . 6 00 86 70
PittsburghatTennessee,5:20 p.m. Sunday's Games OaklandatAtlanta, 10a.m. KansasCity atTampaBay,10am. Indianapolisat N.Y.Jets, 10a.m. Cincinnatiat Cleveland,10a.m. Detroit atPhiladelphia,10a.m. St. LouisatMiami, 10a.m. Dallas atBaltimore,10a.m. Buffaloat Arizona,1:05p.m. NewEnglandatSeattle,1:05 p.m. N.Y.Giantsat SanFrancisco, 1:25 p.m. Minnesota atWashington, 1:25 p.m.
Green BayatHouston,5:20p.m.
All Times POT
Cleveland linebacker Scott Fujita
Sol%oHE EtpocV.THE I'oRcUPIQE!!
son familiar with the situation said Tuesday. Griffin has been
Hill, TBA
Redskins' practice today, aper
Sunday's loss to the Atlanta Falcons at FedEx Field.Participat ing in today's practice would not guarantee that Griffin would
Boys soccer: Riverside at Culver, 1 p.m.; North Clackamas Christian at Central Christian,1 p.m. Volleyball: SummitBend, , Mountain View,Redmond, CrookCountyatthe Clearwater Classicin Bend,8 Madras at Seasidetourney, 10 a.m., Butte Falls atGilchrist, noon;Trinity LutheranatHosanna Christian,3:30p.m.
dated testing proceduresafter suffering a concussion during
In the Bleachers © 2012 Steve Moore. Dist. by Universal Uclick www.gocomics.comnnthebleachers
ZhengJie(2), China,def.Maria JoseMartinezSan chez,Spain,4-6,7-5, 6-4. Laura Robson(8), Britain, def. Eleni Daniilidou, Greece,6-4,6-2. Zhou Yi-Miao,China,del. Kurumi Nara,Japan, 7-5, 6-4. AnabeMedinaGarrigues (6), Spain,def. Cam ila Giorgi, Italy,3-6,6-2, 6-2. GigaPuchkova,Russia,def FrancescaSchiavone (4), Italy,6-4,2-1,retired. TamarineTanasugarn, Thailand, def.Yaroslava Sh vedova(5), Kazakhstan, 6-3,6-2. Mirjana Lucic, Croatia, def. LuksikaKumkhum, Thailand,4-6,6-3,6-4.
Saturday Cross-country: Bend, Mountain View, Crook County,Redmond, Sisters at theConcordia/Adi das XCClassic in Portland,2p.m., Madras,Rid geview at theRock nRiver Invitational i nPleasant
Robert Griffin III is expected to participate in the Washington
he was not authorized to com ment on the matter publicly. Griffin is following the NFL-man
Glatch,UnitedStates,6-4, 6-1
Friday Football: Bendat Redmond, 7 p.mzMountain View at Summit, 7p.m.;CrookCounty at Ridgeview,7 p.m.; Gilchrist atNorthLake,2p.m. Volleyball: Gilchrist atNorthLake,5 p.m.; Triadat Trinity Lutheran,5p.m.
to practice:Rookie quarterback
given clearance to participate in the practice, barring a setback, the person said, speaking onthe condition of anonymity because
ChanelleScheepers (7), SouthAfrica, def. Alexa
Thursday Football: LaSalleatMadras,7p.mzSisters atElmi ra, 7 p.m.;LaPineat Sweet Home, 7p.m. Volleyball: BurnsatRidgeview,6.30 p.m. Boys soccer:Summitat Ridgeview,4:30p.m.; Crook County atBendJV, 4:30 p.m.; MountainViewat Redmond, 4:30 p.m. Girls soccer: Summiat t Ridgeview,3 p.m.; Crook County at Bend, 3 p.m.; Mountain View at Redmond, 3 p.m.
Open:Carolina, Chicago,Jacksonvile, NewOrleans Monday, Oct. 15 Denverat SanDiego,5:30p.m.
against the Minnesota Vikings.
from three. Only Smith and Fujita have played this season
Today Volleyball: GladstoneatMadras,6p.m.; Kennedyat Culver, 6p.m.;Junction Cityat LaPine, 6:45p.m.
Listings are themost accurateavailable. The Bulletin is not responsible for late changesmadeby TVor radio stations.
Oregon Oregon State Stanford Washington California Washington State
Conf. 3-0 3-0 2-1 1-1 1-2 0-2
ArizonaState USC Colorado UCLA Utah Arizona
Conf. 2-0 2-1 1-1 1-2 02 0-3
6-0 4-0 4-1 3-2 2-4 2-3
4-1 4-1 1-4 4-2 2-3 3-3
Thursday's Game ArizonaStateatColorado,6 p.m. Saturday'sGames Utah atUCLA,noon x-Stanfordat NotreDame,12:30 p.m. x-OregonStateatBYU, 12:30p.m. USC at Washington, 4 p.m. California atWashington State, 7:30p.m. x=nonconference
Betting line NFL
(Home teams inCaps Favorite Opening Current ) Underdog Thursday Steelers 6 5.5 TITAN S Sunday Bengals 3 2.5 BROWN S JETS 3 3 Colts BUCCAN EERS 3.5 3.5 Chiefs FALCONS 8. 5 8.5 Raiders RAVENS 4 3.5 Cowboys Lions EAGLES 6 5 DOLPHINS 3. 5 3.5 Rams
3 2 14 1.5
4.5 13.5 21 7 Usc 13 BYU 2.5 21 Alabama NOTRE DAME 9.5 SANJOSEST 2 ARKANS AS 17.5 MISSISSIPPIST 2.5 LSU 3 California 7 WVirginia 4.5 BAYLOR 7 CFLORID A 16 OklahomaSt 22 Ohio St 17.5 Smu 19 4 RICE Nevada 10 SANDIEGOST 20 6.5 UCLA NewMexico 2.5 7 TexasA8M UL-MONR OE 23 ARKANSAS ST 19 Mid TennSt 3 d-Dallas
1.5 WYOM ING 3 WMichigan 12.5 Buffalo 2.5 Idaho 6.5 IOWA ST 6 Auburn 14 Uab 23.5 illinois 7 FresnoSt 12.5 WASHINGTON NL OregonSt 215 MISSOUR I 8.5 Stanford 3 utah St 17 Kentucky 3 Tennessee 2.5 SCarolina 7.5WASHINGTON ST 3.5 TEXAS TECH 8 Tcu 17 SMississippi 23.5 KANSAS 17 INDIANA TULANE 19 Tex-San Antonio 3 10 UNLV 20.5 ColoradoSt 8 Utah HAWAII 3.5 8 LOUISIANA TECH 24 FloridaAtlantic 20.5 SAlabama 3 FLORIDA INT'L
(A)-Army openedas thefavorite
BASEBALL PostseasonGlance All Times POT
National League Cincinnati 2, SanFrancisco 1 Saturday,Oct.6: Cincinnati 5, SanFrancisco 2 Sunday,Oct.7: Cincinnati 9,SanFrancisco 0 Tuesday,Oct. 9: SanFrancisco2, Cincinnati I, 10 innings Today,Oct.10:SanFrancisco (Zito 15-8)atCincinnati (undecided), 1:07p.m.(TBS) x-Thursday,Oct 11: SanFrancisco at Cincinnati, 10:07a.m.or 11:07am.(TBS) Washington 1, St. Louis 1 Sunday,Oct.7: Washington 3, St. Louis2 Monday,Oct.8:St. Louis12, Wa shington 4 Today,Oct.10: St.Louis(Carpenter 0-2) atWashing ton (Jackson10 11),10:07a.m.(MLB) Thursday,Oct.11 St.Louis(Lohse16-3) atWashing ton (Detwiler10-8),1:07or207p.m. (TBS) x-Friday,Oct. 12: St.Louisat Washington, 5:37p.m.
(TBS) Tuesday'sBoxscores
Athletics 2, Tigers 0
0 0 0 0 0 3
0 0 0 0 0 1
0 0 0 0 0 1
0 0 .00 0 0 0 1 .0 0 0 16
Cincinnati A BR H B l BB SO Avg. B .Phigips2b 5 0 1 0 0 2 .40 0 Cozartss 4 1 0 0 1 1 .1 6 7 Votto1b 2 0 0 0 2 0 .3 3 3 L udwick If 3 0 1 0 1 1 .33 3 Brucerf 3 0 1 1 0 0 .33 3 Rolen3b 4 0 I 0 0 2 .18 2 H anigan c 4 0 0 0 0 0 .25 0 S tubbs cf 4 0 0 0 0 0 .16 7 H .Bailey p 2 0 0 0 0 1 .00 0 b -Frazier ph 1 0 0 0 0 0 .00 0 Marshal p 0 0 0 0 0 0 A.chapman p 0 0 0 0 0 0 Broxtonp 0 0 0 0 0 0 f-Paul ph 1 0 0 0 0 0 .50 0 Totals 33 1 4 1 4 7 S anFran. 001 000000 1 — 2 3 0 C incinnati 100 000 000 0 — 1 4 1 a-struckout for Vogelsongin the6th. b-grounded out for H.Bailey inthe7th. c-struckout for G.Blanco in the 8th. d-flied outfor B.crawford in the8th. e grounded out forAffeldt in the8th. f-groundedoutfor Broxton inthe10th E—Rolen (2). I.OB—San Francisco 4, Cincinnati 7. SB — B.Philips (I).
San Francisco IP HRER BB SO NPERA Vogelsong 5 3 1 1 3 5 95 1.80 Affeldt
S.casilla J a.Lopez
2-3 0 00 1 1 19 4.50 1 - 30 00 0 0 I 0 0 0
1 00
0 1 22 0.00
0 00 0 0 15 0.00 HRER BB SO NPERA 1 11 1 10 88 1.29 0 00 0 1 10 0.00 0 00 0 2 15 450 2 1 0 0 3 24 0.00
Dirks If A.Garciarf G.Lairdc
R orn op Totals
A.chapman 1 Broxton L, 0-1 I
(Best-of-5; x-if necessary) American League Detroit 2, Oakland 1 Saturday,Oct.6. Detroit 3, Oakland1 Sunday,Oct.7: Detroit 5, Oakland4 Tuesday,Oct.9: Oakland2, Detroit 0 Today,Oct. 10: Detroit (Scherzer16-7) at Oakland (Griffin 7-1),6:37p.m.(TNT) x-Thursday,Oct. 11: Detroit (Verlander17-8)at Oak land, 6 37p.m.(TNT) New York1, Baltimore 1 Sunday,Oct.7: NewYork7, Baltimore 2 Monday,Oct.8:Baltimore 3, NewYork2 Today,Oct.10: Baltimore(Gonzalez 9-4) at NewYork (Kuroda 16-11), 4:37p.m.(TBS) Thursday,Oct.11: Baltimore(Tigman93) atNewYork (Hughes16-13),4:37pm.or 5:37 pm. (TBS) x-Friday,Oct. 12:Baltimoreat New York, 2:07 or 4:07
Mi.cabrera3b Fielder1b DYoungdh Jh.Peraltass
S.casilla p Ja.Lopez p
C incinnati I P H .Bailey 7 M arshall 1
ABR H 3 0 0 4 0 0 4 0 1 4 0 0 3 0 1 2 0 2 3 0 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 29 0 4
0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 32 2
Rorno W,1-0 2
Detroit A.Jacksoncf Infante2b
Affeldt p e-Theriotph
0 I 0 0
1 0 1 1
. 2 22 .4 4 4 . 2 22 . 0 00
0 0 2 . 0 00 0 211
Oakland A B R H Bl BB SO Avg. Crisp cl 4 1 1 0 0 0 .2 3 1 Drewss 2 0 0 0 2 0 .1 8 2 C espedes If 4 0 1 1 0 1 .33 3 Moss 1b 3 0 0 0 0 1 100 Reddick rf 3 0 0 0 0 0 100 D onaldson 3b 3 0 2 0 0 0 .30 0 S .Smith dh 3 1 1 I 0 0 .12 5 D .Norris c 3 0 0 0 0 1 .00 0 P ennington 2b 2 0 0 0 1 1 .4 2 9 Totals 27 2 6 2 3 4 Detroit 000 000 000 — 0 4 0 SEAHAW KS Oakland Patriots 4 3.5 100 010 OOx — 2 5 0 CARDINALS 4.5 4.5 Bills LOB—Detroit 4 Oakland4. HR—S.Smith (1), off REDSKINS N L NL Vikings A.Sanchez. 49ERS 6 5 Giants DP — Detroit1; Oakland2. TEXANS 4 4 Packers Monday Detroit IP H R E R BB SO NPERA CHARG ERS 3 2.5 Broncos A.Sanchez L,0-1 6 1-3 5 2 2 2 3 101 2.84 2-3 0 0 0 0 Dotel 1 7 0 00 College 2 -3 0 00 1 0 8 0 00 Coke Thursday P orcello 1-3 0 0 0 0 0 1 0.00 ArizonaSt 22 22 . 5 COLOR ADO Oakland IP H R ER BB SO NPERA TULSA 16 17 Utep A nderson W,1-0 6 2 0 0 2 6 80 0.00 WKentucky 2.5 2.5 TROY R.cook H, I I I 0 0 0 I 14 4.50 Friday Doolittle H,1 1 0 0 0 0 3 12 0.00 CMICHIGAN 15 2 Navy BalfourS,1-1 1 1 0 0 0 1 11 5.40 Saturday T—2:33. A—37,090(35,067). d-Oklahoma 3 3 Texas MICHIGANST 10 10 Iowa NCarolina 6 7 MIAMI-FLA Giants 2, Reds1(10 innings) BOWLINGGREEN 7.5 7.5 Miami-Ohio KentSt ARMY San Francisco AB R H Bl BB SO Avg. 1(A) 2 cf 3 0 0 I 0 I .08 3 OHIO 20 2 05 Akron Pagan 0 1 0 0 0 .0 8 3 Toledo 13 1 3 . 5 EMICHIGAN Scutaro2b 4 0 0 0 0 2 .1 5 4 VIRGINIA 3 2.5 Maryland Sandoval3b 4 4 1 1 0 0 2 .2 7 3 VIRGINIATECH 95 10 Duke Poseyc Pence rf 4 0 1 0 0 2 .0 8 3 PURDLIE 1 2.5 Wisconsin 4 0 0 0 0 3 11 1 Northwestern 3.5 3 MINNESO TA Bet 1b I I 0 0 0 I .3 3 3 RUTGE RS 7 7 Syracuse G.Blancolf 0 0 0 0 2 .0 0 0 FLORIDA ST 28 28 BostonCollege c-Nadyph-If 2 B.crawford ss 1 0 0 0 1 1 .0 0 0 CONNEC TICUT 4.5 5 Temple ph-ss 2 0 0 0 0 0 . 3 33 Louisville 2 3 PITTSBU RGH d -Arias ECARO LINA 18.5 1 8 .5 Memphis V ogelsong p 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 .0 0 0 Florida 7 8 VANDER BILT a-A.Huff ph 1
Eastern Conference Connecticut 1, Indiana 1 Friday,Oct.5: Connecticut 76, Indiana64 Monday,Oct.8: Indiana78, Connecticut 76 Thursday,Oct.11 IndianaatConnecticut, 5:30pm. Western Conference Minnesot a2,Los Angeles 0 Thurs day,Oct.4:Minnesota94,LosAngeles77 Sunday ,Oct.7.Minnesota80,LosAngeles79 CHAMPIONSHIP
(Best-of-6) x-if necessary Minnesotavs. Connecticut-Indianawinner Sunday,Oct. 14: Connecticut-Indiana winner at Min nesota,5p.m. Wednesday,Oct. 17: Connecticut-Indianawinner at Minnes ota,5p.m. Friday,Oct. 19.MinnesotaatConnecticut-Indianawin ner, 5p.m. x-Sunday,Oct. 21. Minnesotaat Connecticut-Indiana winner, 5p.m. x-Wednesd ay, Oct. 24: Connecticut-Indiana winner at Minnes ota,5p.m.
PreseasonSchedule AH TimesPOT
Milwaukee 97,Cleveland80 Chicag o92,Memphis88 NewOrleans97, Charlotte 82 Today's Games Toronto atDetroit, 4:30p.m. Oklahoma City vs. Houstonat Hidalgo, Texas, 5 p.m. Indianavs.Minnesotaat Fargo, ND,5p.m. Atlanta atSanAntonio, 5:30p.m. Phoenixat Sacramento, 7p.m. Portlandvs.L.A. Lakersat Ontario, CA,7 p.m.
W L T Pts GF GA x-Sporting KansasCity 17 7 8 59 40 26 x-Chicago 17 10 5 56 45 39 D.C. 16 10 6 54 49 40 NewYork 1 5 9 8 5 3 54 46 Houston 13 8 11 50 45 38 Columbus 14 11 7 49 40 40 Montreal 12 15 5 41 45 50 Philadelphia 10 15 6 36 35 37 NewEngland 7 17 8 29 37 44 TorontoFc 5 20 7 22 35 60
W L T Pts GF GA 1 9 6 7 6 4 69 40 x -Real SaltLake 1 7 1 1 4 5 5 46 35 x-Seattle 14 7 10 52 48 31 x -Los Angele s 15 1 2 5 5 0 56 45 Vancouver 11 12 9 42 35 40 FC Dallas 9 12 11 38 39 42 Colorado 9 19 4 3 1 40 50 Portland 7 16 9 30 32 55 ChivasUSA 7 17 8 29 22 54 NOTE:Threepoints forvictory, onepoint for tie.
x- clinchedplayoff berth
Wednesday,Oct. 17
Real SaltLakeat Seattle FC,8 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 20 Montreal atTorontoFc, 10:30a.m. SportingKansasCity at NewYork, 4 p.m. Chicago atNew England,4:30p.m. PhiladephiaatHouston, 4:30p.m Columbusat D.C.United, 4:30p.m. Coloradoat ChivasUSA7:30 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 21
Bl BB SO Avg. Los Angelesat SanJose, 4 p.m. 0 1 2 . 1 67 Portland atVancouver,4 p.m 0 0 3 . 2 50 FC DallasatSeattle FC,6 p.m. 0 0 1 . 3 33 0 0 0 . 0 83 0 0 0 0
Professional Shanghai Masters Tuesday
At QizhongTennis Center Shanghai, China Purse: $5.25million (Masters 1000) Surface: Hard-Outdoor
Singles First Round StanislasWawrinka(13), Switzerland,def. Albert Ramos,Spain,7-6(1), 7-6 (5). FlorianMayer,Germany, def. BernardTomic, Aus tralia, 6-4,6-0. Denis Istomin, Uzbekistan,def. CarlosBerlocq, Argentina,4-6,6-2, 6-1 Kei Nishikori (14),Japan,def. WuDi, China,6-2,
6-4. FelicianoLopez,Spain, def. Alejandro Falls, Co lombia,6-3,1-6, 6-3. ViktorTroicki,Serbia,def.MikhailYouzhny,Russia, 6-3, 2-6, 6-4.
Milos Raonic(12), Canada, def. Marinko Matos evic, Australia,7-6 (4), 6-3. Giges Simon(15), France, def. Jurgen Melzer, Austria, 6-4,6-2. RadekStepanek, Czech Republic, def. Lleyton Hewitt,Australia,7-5, 6-1. MarcosBaghdatis, Cyprus,del. FabioFognini, Italy, 6-2, 6-2. Yen-hsunLu, Taiwan,def. ZhengZe, China,6-0, 6-2.
SecondRound John Isner(8), UnitedStates, def KevinAnderson, SouthAfrica,7-6(3), 6-7(8), 7-6(7). Marin Cilic (10),Croatia,def. MartinKlizan,Slova kia, 7-5,6-1.
Fernando Verdasco, Spain, def. JuanMonaco (7),
Argentina,6-4, 62.
Japan Open Tuesday At UtsboTennisCenter Osaka, Japan Purse: $220,000 (Intl.) Surface: Hard-Outdoor Singles First Round VirginieRaz zano, France, def, NudnidaLuangnam, Thailand,6-3,6-3.
BASEBALL American League KANSASCITY ROYALS— AssignedRHP J.C.Sul barantoSurprise (ArizonaFall). NEW YORKYANKEES—Reinstated RHPDellin Betances from the60-day DLandassigned himto Scottsdale(ArizonaFall). DesignatedRHPDoryWade
for assignm ent. TORONTOBLUE JAYS— Reinstated RHP Robert Coello from the60-dayDLand assigned himoutright off the40-manroster National League MILWAU KEE BREWERS Agreedto terms with RHPDarrenByrd andCDaytonBuger onminor-league contracts. ST.LOUISCARDINALS— PlacedLHPJaimeGarcia on the15-dayDL.ActivatedRHPShelby Miler. BOXING NEVADASTATE ATHLETIC COMMISSION— Sus
pended fighter Julio CesarChavez Jr. after hetested positiveformarijuanauselast month. FOOTBALL
National Football League
NFL —Reducedtheeight-game suspension of free agent DLAnthonyHargrovetosevengamesandthree gamesuspensionof ClevelandLBScott Fujita to one
ARIZONA CARDINALS—PacedRBRyan Williams on injuredreserve.Re-signed CBCrezdonButler. BUFFALO BILLS Signed OLReggieWells. Placed OL ColinBrownoninjured reserve. CAROLINA PANTHERS—Released CBRon Parker. CHICAGO BEARS—Released RB Harvey Unga from thepracticesquad. SignedWRKamar Aikento the practice squad INDIANAPOLI S COLTS— Released TE Dominique Jones.SignedWRKris Adamstothepracticesquad. MIAMIDOLPHINS—SignedSAnderson Russell to the practice squad. NEW ENGLANDPATRIOTS—Announcedtheretire ment ofRBKevin Faulk. NEW ORL EANS SAINTS Released LB Barrett Ruud.SignedCBElbert Mack. PHILADELP HIA EAGLES— Released LB Adrian Moten.SignedLBJasonWiliams. SAN FRANCI SCO 49ERS— Released LB Eric Bakhtiari TAMPABAYBUCCANEERS—Signed LBJacobCu trera from thepracticesquad.SignedDEAaronMorgan and CBLeQuanLewisto thepracticesquad. WASHING TON REDSKINS—Released PK Billy Cundiff. Signed PKKai Forbath. HOCKEY
National HockeyLeague
DETROIT RED WINGS— ReassignedG PetrMrazek, FWillie CoetzeeandF Andrej Nastrasil fromGrand
NCAA —Banned Texas Southern men's basketball
team frompostseasonplayfor the2012-13 season and football team for 2013and2014 WESTER NATHLETIC CONFERENCE—Announced it is addingCalStateBakersfield andUtahValley next
year. BOSTON COLLEGE—Named Brad Bates athletic director. CENTRA LCONNECTI CUT STATE—Agreedtoterms with women'sbasketball coachBeryl Piperon afive year contract extensionthroughthe 2016-17 season. FLORIDA —Announced junior men'sbasketball G Bil y Donovan is transferring fromCatholic University.
FISH COUNT Upstream daily movem ent of adult chinook, jack chinook, steelheadandwild steelheadat selected ColumbiaRiver damslast updatedon Monday Chnk Jchnk Stlhd Wsohd Bonneville 687 6 6 3 438 109 The DaUes 811 7 5 4 768 227 John Day 725 446 863 275 McNary 80 2 386 788 176 Upstream year-to-date movement ofadult chinook, jack chinook,steelheadand wild steelheadat selected ColumbiaRiverdamslast updatedonMonday Chnk Jchnk Stlhd Wstlhd Bonneville 581,055 138,201 228,178 83,067
The Dalles 403,258 118,853 188,600 66,353 John Day 328,308 103,012142,692 53,300 McNary 330,098 57,375 130,446 43,842
Without Strasburg, Mats turn to jackson for Game 3
Jets mired in a mess oftheir own making By jim Lltke The Associated Press
By Howard Fendrich The Associated Press
WASHINGTON — S t e phen Strasburg joined his teammates for an off-day workout at Nation als Park on Tuesday, red socks pulled nearly up t o h i s k n ees while tossing baseballs in the out field a day before the first postsea son game in the nation's capital in 79 years.
That 's ab o u t
the extent of ac ty y for Strasburg as series tied 1-1 the Washington Nationals carry today,10:07 on without their acknowledged Network ace, shut down a month ago. The NL East champions' op ponent right now, the St. Louis Cardinals, are very much count ing on their returning ace, Chris Carpenter, who has pitched only 17 innings all year. Carpenter will be on the mound this afternoon for Game 3 of the NL division se ries, facing Washington's Edwin Jackson. The best-of-five series is tied at 1. The 37-year-old Carpenter had Washington
surgery in July for a nerve prob lem that left his throwing arm and much of the right side of his body numb. He came back on Sept. 21, and is 0-2 with a 3.71 ERA in three starts. " Everybody k n ow s t h a t i t wasn't supposed to happen," Car penter said about the prospect of pitching at all in 2012. "I put a lot of work into it, to hopefully have this opportunity. I didn't know if I was going to have this opportuni ty or not — and fortunately, I do." He is 9-2 with a 3.05 ERA in the postseason for his career. That includes going 4-0 with a 3.25 ERA last year while helping St. Louis win the World Series; he beat the Texas Rangers in Game 7 for the title. "Him winning the World Series last year or whenever isn't going to do anything for him tomorrow," Nationals third baseman Ryan Zimmerman said. "He's a great pitcher, and nobody's taking any thing away from him in that as pect, but tomorrow we' re going to go out there with our plan and try and do what we' ve done all year." Which was good enough to own the best record in the ma jor leagues at98-64. Strasburg played a key role up until his final start, a three-inning outing on Sept. 7. The No. 1 overall pick in the 2009 amateur draft went 15-6 with a 3.16 ERA with 197 strike outs in 159 '/3 innings. General manager Mike Rizzo made quite clear all season that his prized right-hander's innings would be limited in his first full season back from Sept. 3,2010, reconstruc tive elbow surgery. Unable to put Strasburg on the mound now, the Nationals used playoff rookies Gio Gonzalez and Jordan Zim mermann in Games I and 2. "The s tarting p itching, w e showed a l i t t l e i n e xperience there," manager Davey Johnson said. "I mean, not going right after hitters — and also not pitching." Going up against Carpenter will be his former teammate Jack son, the only starting pitcher on Washington's roster who ever had participated in a playoff game be fore this season — the Cardinals in 2011. He went 10-11 this season, but Washington's record in Jack son's starts was only 12-19. "It's high expectations on me. I have high expectations on myself, as well," the right-hander said. "This is one of those games where you go out and you try to lead by example."
e Susan Walshi The Associated Press
Washington Nationals pitcher Edwin Jacksonwill start Game 3 of the National League Division Series today.
Eric Risberg /The Associated Press
Oakland Athletics' Seth Smith celebrateshis solo home run in the fifth inning of Game 3 of an American League Division Series against the Detroit Tigers in Oakland, Calif., on Tuesday night.
n erson ic es S as i ers OSa a ive By janie McCaoley The Associated Press
OAKLAND, Calif. — The Oak land Athletics will play another day in this improbable season full of remarkable rallies. These A's never count them selves out — down and doubted is their dogma. Brett Anderson outdueled fel low postseason first-timer Anibal Sanchez and the upstart Athletics showed off stellar defense all over the diamond, avoiding another playoff sweep by Detroit by beat ing the Tigers 2-0 Tuesday night in their AL division series. The A's cut their deficit in the best-of-five matchup to 2-1. Coco Crisp, w h ose m i splay dearly cost Oakland in Game 2, saved a likely home run by Prince Fielder with a leaping catch at the top of the center-field wall in the second inning. "You see him hit it and you just kind of put your head down a lit tle bit because you think you just gave up a homer," Anderson said. "Then you see him plow through there and catch the ball and it kind of kick starts you to go out thereand make pitches." Y oenis Cespedes hit an R B I s ingle in t h e f i rst i n n ing a n d Seth Smith homered in the fifth. That was plenty on a night Triple Crown winner Miguel Cabrera, Fielder and t h e T i g ers' h i g h pricedoffense were shut down by the low-budget A' s. T igers 16-game winner M a x Scherzer will try to close out the series in Game 4 tonight against A's rookie A.J. Griffin. Detroit swept the A's i n t h e 2 006 A L
ALDS Detroit vs. Oakland, Detroit leads series 2-1 •Game 4,today,6:37 p.m .,TNT
championship series. Fielder was the biggest victim of Oakland's spot-on defense, robbed three times. First by Crisp, Oakland's most experienced play
er whose blunder on Cabrera's fly allowed two runs to score in a 5-4 loss Sunday in Detroit. "Not to be al l over-confident or anything, I think I'm going to catch everything out there," Crisp said. "Obviously it doesn't happen that way — duh Detroit, right?" Crisp let out a big "Whoo!" af ter raising his arm to signal he' d made the grab. "Coco's catch, the ball was out of the ballpark and it came back," Tigers manager Jim Leyland said. "The key to that play was he was playing deep and that enabled him to get into a spot to get up and make the catch. And it was a great catch, no doubt about it." A's shortstop Stephen Drew made a tough play running to his left to stop Fielder's grounder in the fourth and then threw to first while still off balance and in motion. Then, in the seventh, Cespedes cut over to make a diving catch on Fielder's liner to left field. That delighted the yellow towel waving sellout crowd of 37,090 in this blue-collar city. "It's frustrating. But it's a good team you' re playing," Fielder said. "They' re going to m ak e t h ose
plays, that's why they' re here." After Cabrera singled with one out in the ninth, Fielder grounded into a game-ending double play. The A's own the lowest pay roll in baseball at $59.5 million. Fielder is getting big money in Motown: $214 million over nine years. Anderson, back on the mound for the first time since straining a muscle in his right side Sept. 19 at Detroit, worked quickly and showed no signs of a layoff or jit ters in his first postseason start. That's just not the way the A' s have operated this year. Last week, Oakland entered its final three-game series of the regular season needing to sweep the two-time reigning AL cham pion Rangers to capture the AL West — and the A's did it, sending a stunned Texas team to the one game wild card, which it lost to Baltimore. A c lu b w i t h a ma j o r s-best 14 walkoff w ins and countless whipped cream pie celebrations snapped the longest postseason skid in franchise history at six games. All of those against the Tigers, too. The Tigers are trying to reach s econd straight A L Ch a m p i onship Series after losing last year's ALCS in six games to the
Rangers. Detroit captured the AL Central in Oakland last year and is hop ing for another clinching party as soon as possible. Anderson did his job to delay it. Not feeling quite 100 percent, he allowed two hits, struck out six and walked two in six innings.
A-Rod's struggleshurting Yankeesagainst 0's By Howie Rumberg
has amassed 647 homers, fewer than only Willie Mays, Babe Ruth, Baltimore vs. NewYork Yankees, Hank Aaron and Barry Bonds. NEW YORK — For all of his home runs, A l l-Star accolades series tied 1-1 The third baseman hit only 18 home runs and had a .430 slug and huge salaries, Alex Rodriguez •Game 3,today,4:37 p.m .,TBS finds himself in a most familiar ging percentage while driving in spot this season. just 57 runs in 122 games this sea A-Rod is an Octo Monday and turned a usual 2 son, exclusively batting third or ber lightning rod. hour, 15-minute trip to New York fourth for the team that scored the With every swing into a 5-hour journey, manager second most runs in the majors and miss, memories Joe Girardi was reluctant to ad with 804. of his amazing run dress the Yankees' more pressing Rodriguez went a startling 67 at-bats in September without an during the New York power problem Tuesday. Rodriguez Ya n k e es' champion "I think t hat we' re going to extra-base hit shortly after r e ship season in 2009 do whatever it takes to win this turning from a broken left hand. fade even further. Instead, fans three-game series. Nothing that Robinson Cano, who had an RBI are becoming more and more vo we do will be something that is double Monday, had nine straight cal, calling for manager Joe Girar just a knee-jerk reaction," Girardi multihit games to finish the sea di to drop him from the No. 3 spot said. "The great thing about this son, hitting .615 over that stretch, in the lineup. is I have a great group of guys and many fans want to see him hit Rodriguez struck out to end the that's very unselfish, and they in the No. 3 slot. Yankees' 3-2 loss to the Baltimore really want to w i n . An d t h at' s Ending the Yankees' past two Orioles in Game 2 of their division what we' re going to do, what we trips to the playoffs with whiffs series Monday night, leaving the think is best to win." doesn't help — Game 6 in the 2010 best-of-five matchup tied at 1. Always protective of his play ALCS with a caught looking and He's fanned plenty of times ers, Girardi might be choosing a swinging strike three against five in all while going one for nine to coddle Rodriguez after watch the Tigers last year in the first so far in the series. ing JoeTorre cause a stir in 2006 round. He also hasn't homered in "I feel fine at the plate," Rodri by dropping the 14-time All-Star the postseason since hitting six in guez said after the loss. "I' ve just to eighth in the Yankees order 2009, but he's fanned 17 times. got to finish at-bats. I'm getting against the Detroit Tigers in the But Girardi insisted he l ikes first round. good swings. what he sees from Rodriguez. He He' ll have the chance to turn "Sometimes it's just not as easy hit a sharp liner that Baltimore things around tonight when the as just writing a name or taking a second baseman Robert Andino series shifts to the Bronx for Game guy out, a pitcher out. You have to stopped with a dive and singled 3. Hiroki Kuroda (16-11) starts for think about the emotional part," before striking out twice as the New York against Miguel Gon Girardi said. "You always have to Yankees tried to rally. zalez (9-4), a rookie right-hander think about that as a manager." "He squared up two balls," Gi rardi said. "You look at the ball he who has 17 strikeouts in 13'/s in A big fan of the numbers, all nings against the Yankees in two collated in his ever-present binder, hit in the first inning, he squared it Girardi need not look too deep to up. And then he had the other hard starts. After their t r ain experienced see that the 37-year-old Rodri single. Right now I don't have any an electrical outage after the loss guez is not the same player that plans to make any changes." The Associated Press
alking off the field after wreck
ing the Jets, J.J. Watt said what fans across the New York met ropolitan area were thinking. The Texans' stellar defensive end wasn't trying to stoke the quarterback controversy that has been dogging the Jets since March. His play in Monday night's 23-17 win took care of that. But just moments after tipping Mark San chez's final pass to end New York's last gasp attempt at a comeback, the camera caught Watt heading for the locker room and telling a teammate, "You can't throw it over my head." Sanchez couldn't on this night, and so he and coach Rex Ryan are going to hear about it for another week. There are a
handful of good reasons why his backup, Tim Tebow, likely wouldn't have fared any better, beginning with the absence of the Jets' top three receivers due to in juries. But no one outside the Jets' locker room is interested in hearing them. After the loss dropped New York to 2-3, Ryan was asked to assess Sanchez's play. He had to know the question was coming. "You know, at the time ... the numbers ," he began, pausing to look down at a stat sheet. Ryan reeled off the numbers to buy some time — 14 of 31 for 230 yards, a touchdown and two interceptions — then looked up at the reporters gathered in the room. "Very similar to the kid we played," he said, referring to Texans quarterback Matt Schaub. "But he had, unfortunately, two tipped passes for interceptions. I think his day, minus those tips, obviously looks a lot nicer. "I think he played,"Ryan made one final stab at defending Sanchez, "better than the numbers indicate." To be fair, Sanchez did — though not nearly as well as he had in a season opening win against the Bills. In the four games since,he's completed less than half his passes and now ranks dead-last among the NFL's starting quarterbacks in that category. Ryan needed to cite only one stat to argue why now is not the time to swap starters: At the end of last season, Tebow occupied the same slot Sanchez now is in. Ryan didn't dare, not after the Jets ponied up millions to sign Tebow last spring and then handed Sanchez a $20 million contract extension. But that's a mess of their own making. Asked last week after losing to the 49ers whether all that money might be clouding hi s d e cision-making, Ryan barked, "Contract has nothing to do with it," then added as he walked away from the podium, "Nice question." Sanchez has had to deal with doubters since arriving in New York, despite hav ing gone to the conference championship game in his first two seasons. His an swers have a practiced feel. "You' ve got to give yourself a chance to win," he said, "and we did that tonight." Ryan and his staff tried everything to cover up for the Jets' injuries, their woe fuloffense and porous run defense — ev erything but give Tebow a real chance at the helm. Fans began chanting his name right after Sanchez's first incomplete pass and Tebow turned up behind center on New York's fifth offensive play of the game, delivering a deep ball that new comer Jason Hill promptly dropped. On another drive early in the fourth quarter, Tebow appeared again — this time taking a directsnap after Sanchez lined up as a wide receiver — and pin-balled up the middle for 13 yards to set up a first-and goal from the 3. A similar call on the next play resulted in Tebow being stopped for
no gain.
Instead of taking another shot — or two — with Tebow in the short-yard age situation that was his hallmark as a collegeQB, Sanchez returned, only to have Watt swat his next pass away. An other incompletion followed and the Jets settled for a field goaL If Tebow was as exasperated with the play-calling as the MetLife Stadium crowd, he wasn't about to let on. "I had no idea when I would go in," he said. For the record, he made one throw and had fivecarries;Tebow never played more than two consecutive downs. "I just try to be ready at all times." For the rest of the week, his time would be well-spent getting ready for another round of questions about whether he' ll ever get a real shot at the starting job. A few were lobbed inTebow's direction right after the loss, when reporters re minded him how many times he used the word "excited" at his introductory news conference seven months ago, and whether he still felt the same now. "Yeah, I'm still excited to be a Jet," Tebow said. "But do I have to say it like 50 times, though?" Apparently so. — Jim Litke is a national sports columnistfor The Associated Press. Write to him at jlitke@
ap.or@ andfollow him at Twit ter corn/JimLitke.
Sun Devils rested and ready for rest of season
Higb set to receive Oregonian Cup Friday
By John Marshall
The Associated Press
TEMPE, Ariz. — Arizo na State coach Todd Gra ham pointed to his team's games against Utah and California as critical points of th e s eason, measur ing sticks to see how far it might able to go. T he Su n D e v il s g o t through both with v icto ries and find themselves atop the Pac-12 South, the preseason goal of a Pac 12 championship w ithin reach. The next step will be to build off those successes. Rested and rejuvenated after its bye week, Arizona State faces a crucial road game against Colorado on Thursday night before clos ing with five teams that are or were previously ranked. The Sun Devils need to stay focused, or they could end up with another disap pointing stagger to the fin ish like last season. "I said this early in the year: I think coming back from adversity is hard, but handling success is hard er," Graham said Monday. eYou have to stay hungry, you have to stay focused on what you' re doing, stay motivated on the opponent that's right in front of you." The Sun D evils h ave
done a good job staying on task so far. Playing with the disci plineand pace Graham has preached since the day he arrived in the desert, Ari zona State has been one of college football's mild sur prises this season. Former coach D e nnis Erickson did a good job recruiting before he left, so the cupboard wasn't com pletely empty when Gra ham arrived, but few out sidethe program expected the Sun Devils to be this good under a new coach and a new system. Arizona State enters the Colorado game at 4-1 and could have been undefeat ed if a comeback against Missouri hadn't come up just short. The Sun Devils also are 2-0 in the Pac-12 a fter knocking off U t a h at home an d C a lifornia on the road, putting them a game ahead of No. 11 Southern California in the South Division. They' ve done it by play ing well on both sides of the ball. Arizona State has been solid on offense, second in the Pac-12 with 38.4 points per game. Taylor Kelly, the somewhat-surprising win ner of a three-way quar terback battle heading into the season, has been a dy namic forcerunning Gra ham's up-tempo offense, leading the conference in passing efficiency at 166.34 while extending plays with his athleticism and poise under pressure. Arizona State'sdefense has been superb despite a lack of depth in the sec ondary, leading the Pac-12 in numerous categories,
including scoring (13.6 points), total defense (276.2 yards) and tackles for loss
(9.8 per game). It has, by almost all ac counts, been a successful start to Graham's tenure at Arizona State. " To thi s p o i nt , w h a t we' ve talked to our guys about is that we' ve played five ball games," Graham said. "We beat four teams we should have beat and we lost to a team we should have beat. So it's all about preparation an d b o t tom line, you better go into ev ery game and understand that." W ell-rested an d r e l a tively healthy after its bye week, Arizona State is a heavy favorite to beat Col orado, opening as a more than a two - t ouchdown favorite. The key will be to not look ahead. A f ter p l ay ing the Buffaloes, the Sun Devils get No. 2 Oregon in another Thursday n i ght game at home.
Bulletin staff report Representativesof the Oregon School A c tivities A s sociation will be in Bend on Friday to pres ent Summit High with the Class 5A Oregonian Cup for the 2011 12 academic year.
The Oregonian Cup, sponsored by The Oregonian newspaper, is a points-based trophy based on how schools perform throughout the year in athletics, activities, academics and sportsmanship. The OSAA will award Summit its trophy at 9:20 a.m. during a general assembly that is open to the public. Reb Kerr /The Bulletin
Ridgeview outside hitter Delaney Hampton(9) hits into a block attempt by Bend's Ellis Clair Tuesday night in Redmond. Bend won the match in three games; see story, 01.
en swee s a inemee Bulletin staff report LA PINE — With five runners plac ing in the top ten of each division, Bend High swept the La Pine Invite cross country meet Tuesday by taking first place in the girls and boys races. Paced by Jenna Mattox's 13 minutes, 16 seconds, Bend's girls took 12 of the top 13 spots, with only Natalie Stenbeck of Crook County interrupting the pa rade of Lava Bears with a seventh-place finish. Bend High racked up a perfect 15 points to take first-place honors. Peter Schwarz anchored the boys side, finishing second overall behind Crook County's Grayson Munn. Cody Maguire, Caleb Hoffmann and Jacob Fillmore filled out the rest of the top five, as the Lava Bears totaled 21 points to take the top spot as a team. La Pine saw three runners finish in the top 10, with Tyress TurnsPlenty, Taylor Ogle and Austin Smith placing sixth, eighth and ninth, respectively, to help the Hawks take second as a squad in the boys race. Although the La Pine girls did not have a team score, Tysha Hulse paced the Hawks with a time of 15:38, which put her in 19th place overall. The Cowboys held down the third spot as a team, led by Munn's first-place showing. On the girls side, Crook Coun ty finished second with 62 points. In other Tuesday action: BOYS SOCCER S ummit...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 R edmond...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 REDMOND — Five different play ers scored for the visiting Storm, who notched their sixth consecutive win, all by shutout. Cameron Weaver, Dan Maunder, Alee Fefferman, Alex Bowlin and Alex Arnis all scored for the Storm; Eli Warmenhoven, Jacob Fritz, Dalio Losch and C.J. Fritz and Michael Wil son were credited with assists. "Sum mit's a great team — probably the best in the IMC," said Redmond coach Ansel Evans, who noted that the Panthers lost 9-0 when the two Class 5A Intermoun tain Conference foes met Sept. 20 at Summit. "We showed improvement to day, and we' ll take that." Both teams are back in league action Thursday, with
down their top scorer for most of the night and Katie Mickel was just awe some." The Hawks (1-8-1 overall) led 1-0 after Drevo broke a scoreless tie in S weet Home..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 L a Pine..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 the 55th minute. Sweet Home evened SWEET HOME — Despite two goals the score 1-1 in the 73 minute. La Pine from Sam Wieber, the Hawks could not hosts Elmira on Tuesday. overcome a two-goal deficit en route to Madras ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 a nonconference loss. Wieber put La Estacada ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 Pine ahead early in the first half, but MADRAS — The defensive-minded three straight Sweet Home goals put White Buffaloes made it a goal to "play the game away. Josh Ramirez and Con 18-to-18, not midline to our goal," ac rad Parker each recorded assists for the cording to Madras coach Mike Os Hawks. La Pine (2-3-1) visits Class 2A borne. Itzel Ramero marked Estacada's Culver next Thursday. top shooter, who unleashed 10 shots R iverside ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 the last time these two teams met, and C entral Christian ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 limited her to just 10 touches the entire BOARDMAN — Despite dropping match. Tha,t combined with M a r ia a Class 3A/2A/IA Special District 4 Carranza's13 saves, helped the White contest by six goals, Central Christian Buffaloes force a draw in this Class coach Jeff Reynolds said the Tigers' 4A Tri-Valley Conference matchup. Madras (0-5-1 TVC, 2-7-1 overall) con performance against Riverside may have been their best ever. Caleb Reyn tinues conference action next Tuesday, olds tallied Central Christian's lone when the White Buffaloes travel to goal, while Garrett Simpson finished Gladstone. with nine saves. Central Christian VOLLEYBALL (0-5-1 SD4, 1-5-1 overall) hosts North Summit..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25-25-25 Clackamas Christian of Oregon City on Redmond..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-14-13 Saturday. The Storm looked like a "totally dif GIRLS SOCCER ferent team" than last week, according B end ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 to Summit coach Jill Waskom, feeding R idgeview ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 off their home crowd en route to a Class Paced by three goals and an assist 5A Intermountain Conference sweep of from Bailie Reinwald, the Lava Bears the Panthers. Laney Hayes collected 13 picked up an I ntermountain Hybrid kills for the Storm, while Brenna Roy win at Bend's 15th Street Field. Alyssa picked up 10 digs. Jordan Waskom fin Pease racked up two goals and an as ished with five aces, and Jordan McEl sist, while Lisa Sylvester netted a pair wee recorded fouraces. Summit (4-0 of goals. Hannah Cockrum and Jenny IMC) and Redmond (0-4 IMC) compete Velasquez each tallied one goal, Aman in the Clearwater Classic on Saturday. da Pease and Shawni Wall notched an Crook County..... . . . . . . . . . . . 25-25-25 Mountain View ...... . . . . . . . . . . . 6-10-19 assist apiece, and Amidee Colleknon finished with two assists. Bend (7-2 PRINEVILLE — Makayla Lindburg overall) hosts Crook County on Thurs posted 14 kills and four aces, Hannah day. Ridgeview (3-4-1 overall) enter Troutman added nine kills and Ali Ap tains Summit the same day. person went 24of 24 from the service S ummit...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 line with eight aces as the Cowgirls Redmond...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 handed the Cougars a lopsided defeat REDMOND — The Storm improved i n Intermountain Hybrid play. A n to 4-0 in Class 5A Intermountain Con nie Fraser added six killsfor Crook ference play thanks to Marina Johan County, which plays in the Clearwater nesen's three goals and two assists that Classic in Bend on Saturday. Mountain helped Summit put Redmond High View is also at the Clearwater Classic away. Hadlie Plummer, Brianna Kat the same day. ter, Presley Quon and Megan Buzzas all Sisters...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25-25-25 the IMC-leading Storm (4-0 league, recorded two goals for the Storm, with Sweet Home.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-12-15 8-1-1 overall) playing at Ridgeview of Christina Edwards getting credited SISTERS — The Outlaws rolled past Redmond, while the Panthers (0-4 IMC, with one score. Summit (8-0-2 overall) the Huskies in three games to remain 2-8 overall) host Mountain View. travels to Redmond on Thursday to face undefeatedin Sky-Em League play. B end ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Ridgeview. Redmond (0-4 IMC, 1-8-1 Megan Minke posted a team-high 12 R idgeview ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 overall) plays host to Mountain View on kills and Shannon Fouts recorded 43 A pair of goals by Edgar Lemus was Thursday. assists, six kills and four service aces. all the Lava Bears needed to seal an In M ountain View..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 "Good serving really set us up," Sis termountain Hybrid victory at Bend's C rook County...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 ters coach Miki McFadden said. Duree 15th Street Field. Ridgeview coach Courtney Candella posted a hat trick Standley added eight kills for the Out Keith Bleyer praised the play of fresh and Maddy Booster added a goal and an laws (7-0 Sky-Em), who play at Elmira man Malachi Stalberg, a left-footed assist as the Cougars rolled past the vis on Tuesday. athlete playing the right side of the back iting Cowgirls in Intermountain Hybrid Culver..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25-25-22-25 line. Bend (4-5-1 overall) visits Summit play. McKenzie Goeman, Jamie Mc Santiam ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-16-25-21 next Tuesday. Ridgeview (3-4-1 overall) Cool and Maddie Choffel each scored MILL CITY — T h e B ulldogs im hosts Summit on Thursday. one goal for Mountain View, which im proved to 10-1 in Tri-River Conference M ountain View JV ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 proved to 5-4-1 overall. The Cougars, play behind Shealene Little's 16 kills who are at Redmond on Thursday, led and Jahnie Cleveland's 28 assists. Little C rook County..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Ryan Bernhardt scored two goals 4-0 at halftime. The Cowgirls (1-8 over was all over the floor against the Wol and Brooks Larraneta recorded a pair verines, adding 10 digs and five aces to all) host Redmond on Tuesday. of assists to lead the Cougars' junior her stat line. Gabrielle Alley contrib S isters ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 varsity squad past the Cowboys at E lmira ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 uted 10 kills and eight digs, and Cas SISTERS — Liz Stewart scored twice sandra Fulton registered 10 kills of her home. Crook County (2-8 overall) and and Hayley Carlson added a goal and own. Culver hosts Kennedy (11-0 TRC) Mountain View's JV were tied 2-2 at halftime, but Bernhardt scored twice in an assist to lead the Outlaws past the today in a showdown between the Tri the first 15 minutes of the second half to Falcons in Sky-Em League play. Sisters River's top two teams. give the Cougars the lead. Andrew Bris led 1-0 at halftime before scoring three Trinity Lutheran ..... . . . . . . . . . 25-25-25 tow, John Nieto and Phillip Orellana goals in the second half. Emily Corrigon Gilchrist.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-17-18 GILCHRIST — Leaving their head also had scores for Mountain View. contributed a goal and Natalie Ambrose recorded one assist in the match for the c oach "giddy," the Saints of B e nd S isters ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 E lmira ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 Outlaws (4-1 Sky-Em, 7-2 overall). Sis locked up third place and a spot in the SISTERS — The Outlaws stayed ters hosts Junction City on Tuesday. Mountain Valley League district tour unbeaten inSky-Em League play be L a Pine..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 nament. Katie Murphy posted a team hind Jake McAllister's three goals in S weet Home ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 high 10 kills, Abbey Carpenter added their rout of Elmira. Evan Rickards, LA PINE — Led by Tiffany Drevo's eight kills and three aces, and Megan Colton Manhalter and Ryan Pollard score from 40 yards out and goalkeeper Clift registered 14 digs for Trinity Lu also scored for Sisters (5-0 Sky-Em, Katie Mickel's eight saves, the Hawks theran. "It's the best match we' ve ever 9-1 overall), which can clinch the Sky tied the visiting Huskies in Sky-Em played," Saints coach Greg Clift said. Em League title on Tuesday with a win League play. La Pine coach Scott Win "I'm giddy with how we played." Setter against Junction City. Rickards, Justin slow alsopraised the play of sweeper Allison George dished out 20 assists for Harrer and Keenan O'Hem added as Brittnee H aigler. "Defense played Trinity Lutheran. "That's why we were sists, while the Sisters defense posted great," said Winslow, whose team is able to take it to them," Clift said. The now 0-5-1 in league play. "Brittnee shut Saints (7-3 MVL) host Triad on Friday. its seventh shutout of the season.
Parr's goal lifts UO
to women's soccer win University of Oregon freshman Kristen Parr, a 2012 graduate of Bend's Summit High, scored her seventh goal of the season on Sunday to lead the Ducks to a 1 0 Pac-12 Conference victory over visiting S o uthern C a l i fornia. With the win, UO improved to 6-6-2 overall and 1-3-1 in league
play. Storm looking for coaches Summit High is looking for head coaches for its cross-coun try ski an d equestrian teams, both of which are club sports at the school. For more information, contact Storm activities director Reno Holler at 541-355-4103. Bend resident to be inducted into PIL Hall of Fame Jim Dunn, a 1976 graduate of Portland's Wilson High who currently resides in Bend, will be one of 51 inductees into this year's Portland Interscholastic League Hall of Fame. The father of former Oregon State baseball standout Ryan Dunn, Jim Dunn was a three-year baseball let terman at Wilson, including his senior year, when he received all-city honors as both a pitcher and an i n f i elder w h il e l e ad ing the Trojans to the 1976 PIL championship. Dunn went on to play baseball at Portland State and in the San Francisco Giants organization. Outlaw volleyball to raffle off pair of NFL tickets The Sisters High v olleyball team is raffling off two tickets to the NFL game between theSan Francisco 49ers and C h icago Bears at Candlestick Park in San Francisco on Monday, Nov. 19. The package includesaccommo dations for two nights at the Mar riott Fisherman's Wharf. Trans portation to San F rancisco is not included. Tickets, which are $5 a pieceor five for $20, can be purchased at Sisters High home
volleyball and football games, as well as at Melvin's Fir Street Mar ket and The Pony Express, both in Sisters. The drawing for the tickets will be held at the Sisters High volleyball pasta feed and fundraiser at the Sisters Com munity Church on Sunday, Oct. 28. For more information, contact Brad Bulloch at 541-549-8003.
PREP SCOREBOARD Cross-country Tttesday'sresults
Team scores —Bend,21; LaPine,50;CrookCounty, 68; Elmlra, BZ t
Overall winner — GraysonMunn,CrookCounty,
Top 10 — 1,Munn,CrookCounty, 0:01.7z 2, peter Schwarz, Bend,1124 06.3, Body Maguire,Bend,112560. 4, Caleb Hoffmann,Bend,11:45.88. 5, JacobFilmore, Bend, 0:51.59. 6,TyressTurnsplenty, La pine, 0:57.33. 7, CaseyCollier, Bend,11:58.78. 8, Taylor Ogle,La Pine,
12:04.29. 9, AustinSmith, LaPine, 12:0641. 10,Curtis Jensen,Bend,12:09.85. BEND (21) —2, Schwarz,11:24.06; 3, Maguire, 11:25.60; 4,Hoffmann,11:4588;5, Filmore, 1151.59; 7, Colier, 0:58.78;10,Jensen,12:09.85. LA PINE (50) —6, TtImsPlettty, 11:57.33;8, Ogle, 12:04. 29, 9,Smith, 1z06.41; 13,Niico Haddad,12.15.26; 17, NickClark,12:18.55; 22 GavinBosn,1Z38.64. CROOKCOUNTY (68) — t, Munn, 11:01.72; 16, BlakeGeorge,1217.51;19, NathanCarmack,12:25.08; 21, Ct dy Thurmalt,12:35.44;26, Plt Lee,12:52.85; 53, Dttstin Seyl, 1 4:27.25. GIRLS Team scores —Bend,15; CrookCounty, 62; Elmira, 75. Overall winner —JenltaMattox Bend,13d6. Top 10 —h Mattox,Bend,13:16. 2, MelissaHubler, Bend, 13:19. 3, SophieAndrews,Bend,14:37. 4, Rylee King, Bend,14:39. 5,Ashley Bruce, Bend, 14.4Z 6, Jordyn Maxwell, Bend,1446. 7, NatalieStenbeck, CrookCounty, 14:48. 8,GraceCttrran, Bend,15:00.9, HannahAnderson, Bend,15:01.10,SarahCurratt, Bend,1t:01. BEND (15) —1,JennaMattox, Bend,13:16; 2, Melissa Hubler,Bend,13:19; 3, SophieAndrews, Bend, 1437;4, RyleeKing,Bend,14:39; 5, AshleyBruce,Bend,14.42, 6, JordynMaxwell, Bend,1446. CROOKCOUNTY (62) — 7, Stenbeck,14:48; 16, Irene Morales, 15:17; 17, Ashton Morgan, 1520; 25, CharsieBrewer,16:59; 30,Tobi Hanes,16:26; 32, Kylee Swensen,16.32. LA PINE — 19, TyshaHulse, 15:38;21, Skyler Lester, 15:48;38,VanessaElzey,17:01; 58, AlexKader, 20:00.
there, they couldn't beat a Gi ants team that has barely been Continued from D1 able to get a hit. The Reds have to decide S an Francisco got o n l y whether to tr y a c e Johnny two hits while losing 9-0 on Cueto, forced out of the opener Sunday night, setting up that in San Francisco on Saturday 2-0 deficit in the series. The with spasms in his back and Giants had only one single side. in seven innings off Homer Manager Dusty Baker said Bailey, making his first start after the game that they hadn' t at Great American Ball Park decided whether to let Cueto since his Sept. 28 no-hitter in try it, bring back Mat Latos Pittsburgh. on shortrest again, or replace Fortunately for the Giants, Cueto with Mike Leake, who Bailey's one lapse led to a run. wasn't on the division series He hit a batter, walked anoth roster. er and gave up asacrifice fly Switching out Cueto would by Angel Pagan in the third leave the Reds ace ineligible inning. to pitch in the championship That was it until the 10th, series should the Reds get that with the Giants going down swinging — the Reds set a sea far. "It's very difficult, but it all son high with 16 strikeouts. depends on if your ace can't go Closer Aroldis Chapman got a or whatever it is," Baker said. pair of strikeouts on 100 mph "That's part of the conversa fastballs during a perfect ninth tion — us going without him. inning, keeping it tied at 1. San F r ancisco's o n e-hit We realize what's at stake." They were hoping to avoid wonders finally got it going having to make that choice. against Jonathan B r oxton, One grounderforced the issue. who gave up leadoff singles The Giants managed only by Buster Posey — the NL bat three hits against Homer Bai ting champion — and Hunter ley and the Reds bullpen, but Pence, who pulled his left calf got two of them in the 10th on a wild swing before getting — along with a passed ball by his hit. Ryan Hanigan — to pull it out. With tw o o u ts, H anigan San Francisco won despite couldn't come up with a pitch, striking out 16 times. letting the runners advance. Rolen, an eight-time Gold M oments later, Cincinnati's Glove winner, couldn't cleanly chance for a sweep was over. come up with Arias' ground Instead, a Reds team that er, which put him in a tough lost a lot — closer Ryan Mad position. son in spring training, top hit "I' ve gone through the play ter Joey Votto for six weeks at many times in my mind be midseason, Baker for the NL tween then and now, and I Central clincher, Cueto in the think I would play it the same first inning of the first playoff way," Rolen said. "It hit my game — ended upwith anoth glove. I just couldn't get it to er playoff loss at home. stick." Baker was back in the home The Reds haven't won a dugout at G r eat A m erican home playoffgame since 1995, for the first time in nearly a the last time they reached the m onth, recovered from a n NL championship series. One i rregular h eartbeat an d a win away from making it back mini-stroke.
Michael K eatrng/The Associated Press
San Francisco Giants' Buster Poseyis congratulated after scor ing against the Cincinnati Reds during Tuesday night's playoff game in Cincinnati.
foot-5, 212-pound sophomore showed no sign of it during Continued from D1 the Beavers' 19-6 victory over Cougars c o ac h B r o n co Washington State, when he Mendenhallannounced Mon was injured on a handoff but day that freshman quarter did not leave the game. He back Taysom Hill is out for finished with270 yards pass the season after injuring his ing and a touchdown. left knee in BYU's 6-3 victory On Monday morning, just over Utah State last Friday as the team was about to go night. into a meeting, the news hit. Hill was standing in for sen "It was a total shock," Ri ior quarterback Riley Nelson, ley said. "The doctor and the who missed two games with trainer came running down what he described as "back the hall. So I knew it wasn' t fractures." good. Nelson, who ha s p assed M annion i s e x pected to for 754 yards and five touch have surgeryto repair menis downs with five interceptions, cus damage in his left knee as is expected to play against the early as today. His status will Beavers on Saturday at LaVell be week to week following the Edwards Stadium. procedure. Mendenhall learned of Or Mannion wa s a v eraging egon State's quarterback situ 339.5 yards passing per game, ation just before the start of second in t h e P a c-12 and practice on Monday. sixth in the nation. He has "Who knows what the fall passed for 1,358 yards with out is?" Mendenhall asked. seven touchdowns and four "You have a good offensive interceptions this season. He is sixth on Oregon State's ca system in place that's very consistent from year to year. reer list with 4,686 yards. How that will be tailored all Vaz grew up in Lodi, Calif., of a sudden to a new quarter and played at St. Mary's High back, I'm not certain. We' ll School, where he was 24-5 prepare for what w e k n ow in two seasons as the starter. and then adjust to what we He was the Stockton Record's don't know or what we see on player of the year his senior game day. That's really the season. V az's backup going f o r best we can do." M annion's injury w a s a ward will be walk-on redshirt surprise, even to Riley. The 6 freshman Richie Harrington.
The Bulletin welcomes contributions to its weekly local golf results listings and events calendar. Clearly legible items should be faxed to the sports department, 641-3860831, emailed to sports@bend bslletin.corn, or mailed to P.O. Box6020; Bend, DR97708.
phrey,130.4.7, BruceMeeuwsen/Patti Meeuwsen,
131.4. Saturday KPs —Men:Jeff King, No.4; No. 16. Women:Judi Herring,No.4; LindaScott, No. 16.
Sunday KPs —Men: RussMorgan, No.7; Pat Fahey(Hole-in-one), No.16 Women: Anita Britton,No.16;Kelly Thompson, No.16. Overall KP —BobHoffoway, No.11. Local tournaments Two BestBalls, Saturday 2012CENTRAL OREGON PATRIOT 1, Dykes-Pace/R8 K Thompson/Earls-Roberts, CHALLENGE 109 2 (tie), Ruddiman-Cho/Brown-Pogard/Hol loway, 111; Berry/Hyden-Baker/Rentfro, 111. 4, Dct. 5-7 Prag/Wecker/Johnson,112. 5 (tie), Martinson/ atAspen Lakes,Bend GolfandCountry Club andWidgi Creek Swain/Stone, 114; Matthews-Miffs/Scott/D8 M Smith, 114; 8 (tie), Abraham son/Wright/Bagger, Two BestBalls Men's Division — Gross: 1,HarryPaik/Ed 115; Nicolai/Hart/Meeuw sen,115. SaturdayHoneyPot Carson,212. 2(tie), DrewVanCleave/Joel Giffil Aces — Gross:Justin Ruddiman /Irene Cho, and,227;Tim Veley/KenVan Daam,227.Net:I, 6 7. 2 , R o b J o hnson/TriciaJohnson,69.3,Mark Tim Veley/Ken VanDaam, 198.75.2, Harry Paik/Ed Carson ,201.3,RonBateman/LarryBateman,202. Matthews/NancyMils, 71. 4(tie), DanCrofcheck/ Ladies Division —Gross:1, DarciTrimmer/ Kim Crofcheck, 74, Paul Nemitz/SelmaCusick, Kelly Jenkins,234.Net: 1,Julie Veley/AnnetteVan 74. Net: 1, JasonBerry/Joni Berry,61.4. 2 Jim Abrahamson/SandyAbrahamson, 61.6. 3, Nick Daam,20775 Mixed Division — Gross: I, Al Krause/Jane Nicolai/CarolNicolai, 62.6.4, RickMartinson/Patti Martinson,63.2. Krause,276. Birdies — Gross: 1(tie), JerryHarris/Myrna Harris, 76;JimHart/Stacy Hart, 76.3, Kurt Olson/, Club results MargaretSturza,79.4(tie), RonFitzpatrick/Deborah Fitzpatrick,80; HerbSwain/Dorothy Swain, 80;Bob AWBREYGLEN Wright/WandaWright, 80; Chris Hoffis/Micheffe Women'sSweeps, Oct. 4 Hoffis, 80 Net: I, Gerry Skaurud/JudiSkaurud, 1, 2, 3 2,RandyThompson/Kelly Thompson,60.4.3, 1, Louann Thomas/Claudia Arthur/LindaStump/ 59.8. DeeAnderson,139.2, Molly Mount/ArdeneFuler Stan Kirk/GariKirk, 62.4. 4, GaryWinnen/Debbie Winnen, 63.8.5, RonBrown/NancyBrown, 64. ton/DebWarren/Trish Kloch, 143 Chippers —Gross: 1,BuckKessler/Jeri Kes Nine-Hol eWomen'sSweeps,Dct.4 sler, 81. 2(tie), DaveLawrence/Vicki Lawrence,82; Scramble 1, DarleneWarner/Aficia Mehlis/Linda Quat LenJohnson/Anita Johnson,82.4,AlKellogg/ PennyKellogg,84. Net: I, WileyHarreff &Elaine trone,40.2, DonnaBaird/Patty Stark,44. Harreg,60.4. 2, GeorgeFritsch 8 CherylFritsch, Couples Fall Classic, Oct. 6 60.6. 3,Dane Smith 8 MarySmith,62.2.4,Vene Best Ball 8 JanaDunham,632. Gross: I, Jim & Susan Weir, 80. 2, Bruce8 Dunham SundayHoneyPot PamelaBranlund,84. Net: 1, Darlene 8 Duane Aces — Gross: I, RobJohnson/Tricia John Warner,62. 2,Ken8 DonnaWaskom,63. 68.2,JustinRuddiman/IreneCho,69.3,John KPs —Wom en:Moly Mount,No.6. Men:Don son, Seymour/AnitaBritton, 71. 4, StevePierce/Maria Fellows,No13 Stafford,72.5, PaulNemitz/Selma Cusick, 73.Net: 1, BobJones/ConnieMartin, 59. 2,ScottHakala/ BENDGOLFANDCOUNTRYCLUB NancyHakala,59.2 3, JessRogerson/Laurie Rog Men's Daily Game,Sept.27 erson,60.6.4, JeffKing/Martie King,61.2. 5,Gary Best Ball 1st Flight(8.5 handicaporless) —Gross: Olds/MarieOlds,61.4 Birdies — Gross: 1 (tie), PatFahey/Nancy 1, MikeSmolich/Brian Mikkelborg,66 Net:1, Mike 76; HerbSwain/DorothySwain, 76;Gary Smolich/Greg Vernon,63.5. 2(tie), Carl Ryan/John Fahey, Winnen/DebbieWinnen,76. 4, Jerry Harris/Myrna Harrigan,66.5;Woody Kinsey/BobBrubaker,66.5. 2nd Flight (10-12) —Gross:MacRyder/Jim Harris, 77. 5,MacKilgo/Rennie Kilgo, 78.Neh 1, pson,59.4. 2, Roger Rodgers,69.Net: 1, MikeGroat/Jeff Markham,62. RandyThompson/Kelly Thom Roberts/Donna Roberts, 60.6. 3,Jerry Mertens/An 2, CraigSmith/BobCaine, 65. 3rd Flight (13 asd higher) — Gross: 1, nie Mertens,60.8.4 TomCutter/MarshaCuter, 61. 5, RonBrown/NancyPollard, 62. RichardGagne/Scott Hakala,72 Net:1, TomRiley/ Chippers — Gross: 1 (tie), VeneDunham/ Mike Binns,60. 2,TomRiley/BobCaine, 615. JanaDunham,84; DaveNutt/Paula Nutt, 84 3 (tie), Central OregonSenior Women's LenJohnson/AnitaJohnson,85;Fred Pape/Dianne Golf Association, Oct. 1 Pape,85. Net: 1, RayStone/Eelitta Stone, 60.6. Stroke Play Flight A — Gross: 1, CherylSteppe,79. 2, 2, WylieHarreff/ElaineHarreff, 62.4. 3, JimHum hrey /JudiHumphrey,63.2.4,DaneSmith/Mary JanetKnowlton,85. 3, KayKludt, 86.4 (tie), Judy p Bluhm,89;Carol Woodruff, 89.Net: I, Pat Murriff, Smith, 65.2. 65. 2, KristinaEvans, 67.3, LindaWakefield, 68.4, DESERTPEAKS HelenBrown,69. Thursday Men' sClub,Oct.4 Flight B — Gross: 1, Sandra Martin, 91.2, Match Play Chris Fitzgibbons,94. 3(tie), PamBrooks, 96;Lael Bob Victorindef.JoeStanfield, 2 and1. Cooksey,96 Net: 1, KarenJamison, 68. 2, De Mike Funkdef.CoreyBrowne,7and6. nise Waddeff, 69. 3(tie), CarolHaffock,72;Phyllis Dick Pliskadef. DeanDitmore,6 and4. Pengeffy, 72. GerryEllisdef. KenSouthwick, 2 up. Flight 0 —Gross: 1,Phyllis Lees,96.2, Deb Val Paterson def.WesGraves,4 and3 ra Bergeson, 98. 3, PatTacy, 101.4, Julie Glender, KP —WesGraves. 103 Net: 1, Deborah Cox,66. 2, ValerieCollins, LD — Joe St anfield. 71. 3, CharleneHurst, 72. 4(tie), JoanMathews, SundayGroupPlay, Dct. 7 73; Diane Concannon,73. Blind Draw Flight D — Gross: 1, PatNeufeldt, 100. 2, Gross: 1, EdMcDaniel/Mike Gardner,150.2, ChereeJohnson, 107. 3, SharonMadison, 111. Hunt/SpudGephart 170.Net: 1, Francisco 4 (tie), DarleneRoss, 113; PatMajchrowski, 113. Dean Morales/RussSchoff,136. 2, Val Paterson8 Jim Net: 1, Jean Rivera, 69.2, LynneHenze,73. 3(tie), Manion,148. JuaniceSchram,77;JudyRowan,77. KP — FranciscoMorales KPs — Flight A: Jan Knowlton. Flight 8: LD — FranciscoMorales SandraMartin. Flight C:DemySchleicher. Flight D: CarolCassety. EAGLECREST Accurate Drives — Flight A: JanetKing. Women's Golf Club, Dct. 2 Flight 8 JaneBoubel.Flight C:LindaKammerich. at Challenge Course Flight DBarbSchulz Joker's Wild Ladies' Golf Association, Oct. 3 1,JeanneKosanovic/LoriBlack/Nancy Dolby; Throw OutTwoof NineHoles Championship Flight — Gross: 1, Barb Cathy Hofferber, 56. 2, Marcia Wood/Ladonna Eppl ey/PeggyOrDonneff/Bette Wald 58. 3 (tie), Waffey,30.Net:1 KarenStanard,28. AFlight — Gross: 1,JoanneChristensen, 28. Pat Murrig/LaelCooksley/SharonMadison/Karen Farmer, 59; Martie King/Judith Moore/Joan 2, Donna Keler, 32. Net:1, JeannieAdkisson, 24.2 Mathews,59. (tie), NancyHakala, 24.5; Cindi Eielson,24.5. Men's Club,Oct.3 BFlight — Gross:1, GingerWiliamson,33. at Ridge Course Net: 1, Saffy Schafroth, 23. One LowGross, TwoLowNets 0 Flight — Gross: 1,JoanThye, 35. 2,Jody 1, RandyMyers/KenBenshoof/Alan Falco/Biffy Chapman, 37 Net: 1, MarthaWysor, 22. 2 (tie), Balding, 206. 2, Jim Hawke s/Jerry Decoto/Phil l.inda Kam merich, 24.5; JoyStrick and,24.5;Julie Chappron/blinddraw,207.3, DanBroadley/Dennis Bennett,24.5. Flinn/Gary Jackson /Steve Go u d, 212.4 (tie), Hank D Flight — Gross:1,Ann Moore,38 Net: I, McCauley/MikeNarzisi/Peter O'Reigy/PaulPert Chris DiFigipo,20.5. ner, 213;RonWolfe/Biff Hurst/Mike Farley/Melvin Stroke Play Nine-Hole Flight — Gross: 1 (tie), Berta Nunn, 213. 6, Tim Swope/KenWellman/Frank Cleveland,56; Gait Olsen,56. Net: 1, Carolyn Nickel/BobReed,215. Olsen,41.5. THE GREENS ATREDMOND Ladies of the Greens,Oct. 2 BROKEN TDP Stroke Play Club Closer, Dct. 7 AFlight — Gross: 1,LynneEkman, 39 2, Di Two BestBalls ane Miyauchi40. , 3, SharonRosengarth, 41. Net: Flight 1 — Gross: 1,Smith/Erbe/Ne wberry/ Newber ry,161.2,Wade/Iverson/Bevans/Bevans. 1, DeeBaker, 29. 2, MicheffeOberg, 30. 3, Irene 161. Net: 1,Raudman/Raudman/Coe/Coe, 121.2, Rupprecht,32 B Flight — Gross: I, LindaKanable,42. 2, Felton/Felton/Knowles/Knowles, 124. Flight 2 — Gross: 1, Moeckel/Moeckel/ Pat Effiott, 46. 3,RuthBackup, 47. Net: 1, Vivien Bashore/Bashore, 158 2, Grimm/Grimm/Van Webster,31.2, MyrnGrant, 32.3,Dagmar Haussler, Camp/Tilman,162. Net: 1, Paanuk/Palanuk/Wil 33.0 Flight — Gross: 1, LindaJohnston, 46 helm/Wilhelm,124. 2, Peters/Peters/Curran/Cur 2, JanSaunders,52. 3, Ruth Chafey, 52. Neh 1, ran, 124. KPs —Ladies:CharleneMoeckel, No.13. Men. Lois Houlberg,31.2, AnitaEpstein, 35. 3, Claudia Brandow,36. Kim Seneker,No.16. D Flight — Gross: 1, NancySmith, 52.2, MargeMumford, 60. Net: 1, JackieHester, 30.2, CROOKEDRIVERRANCH LauraPinckney,42. Men's Golf Club, Dct. 2 LDs — A Flight: DianeMiyauchi 8 Flight A-B-C-DScramble 1, BobWright/Bill Fughart/GerrySkaurud/Jerry Myrn Grant. C Flight: LindaJohnston. D Flight: Winheim,61. 2 (tie), DavidGreig/RogerFergu NancySmith KPs — AFlight: CaroleWolfe. BFlight: Norma son/TerryHunter/Carl Uhrich, 62; MacKilgo/Ted Markham/NicHu k ghes/JimGolden, 62.4(tie), Ron Carter. CFlight: LindaJohnston. D Flight: Jackie Hester. Garzini/WylieHarreff/BobBengston/Ron Mahood. Golfer of the Week — DeeBaker,40/29; 63; Jim Martin/VeneDunham/Ted Carlin/Richard Wiggs, 63;MontyModreg/GuyCrapper/Sherman LindaJohnston,46/29. Low Putts —RuthBackup,13. Kalina/NickTrudeau,63; George Mitchener/Calvin Men's Club,Oct.4 Mobley/John Bearden/David Wildt, 63 Net StrokePlay CRRCouples Capers, Oct. 6-7 Flight A —NineHoles: 1, Phil Weimar, 305 Chapman Aces —Gross: I, Justin Ruddiman/IreneCho, 18 Holes: 1, MannyDiaz,59. 2, SteveAdamski, 60. 3 (tie), MarvBibler, 62;SteveWarwick, 62. 5 136. 2,RobJohnson/Tricia Johnson, 137.3, Mark Matthews/Nancy Mils, 144.4,JohnSeymour/Anita (tie), MikeFrier,66; DarwinThies, 66. Flight B —18Holes:1, Bill Armstrong,53 2, Britton, 146. 5(tie), JimAbrahamson/Sandy Abra hamson,147; PaulNemitz/SelmaCusick, 147. 7 GeneCartwright, 54.3, BobHaak,58.4, KentLeary, 60 5, DonOffield,61. (tie), Dan Ore(check/KimCrofcheck, 151;Steve KPs —GeneCartwright, Nos.9,12; Phil Wei Pierce/MariaStafford, 151.Net: 1, Scott Hakala/ NancyHakala, 124.4; 2, GaryOlds/Marie Olds, mar,No.6; MarvBibler, No.18. 124.8. 3(tie), ChuckTaylor(Vicki Taylor,125.2; Nick JUNIPER Nicolai/CarolNicolai,125.2.5, BobJones/Connie Ladies Golf Club,Oct. 3 Martin, 126. 6, JessRogerson/LaurieRogerson, Two NetBestBalls 127.2 7,Ga l Dykes/Jennifer Pace,128.2 1, Linda Wakefield/Debbie Cooper/Darlene Birdies — Gross: 1,JerryHarris/MyrnaHar R oss( C a r o l y n Houghton,133.2,SandyCameron/ ris, 153. 2 (tie), Jim Hart/StacyHart, 156; Herb Kurth/DeannaCooper/BarbaraSchreiber, Swain/DorothySwain, 156;GaryWinnen/Debbie Cherie Winnen,156.5, JerryMertens/AnnieMertens, 159 137. 3,DebbieKerr/Jackie Cooper/Pat Majchrows Baer,139. 6 (tie), RonFitzpatrick/DeborahFitzpatrick, 161; ki/Marilyn KPs — SandyCameron, Carolyn Houghton, Chris Hoffis/MicheffeHoffis, 161.Net: I, Randy P am Ga r ne y Thompson/KellyThompson, 119.8. 2, GaryWeck Accurate Drives — Debbie Kerr, Barbara er/Donn a Wecker,123.3,PatFahey/NancyFahey, Wascher. 124.6, 4,StanKirk/Gari Kirk, 125.8. 5,RonBrown/ Birdies — Barbara Wascher, SandyCameron, NancyPollard, 126 6, JerryStewart/Gait Stewart, DebbieCooper. 126 6 7,GerrySkaurud/Judi Skaurud,127.6. Chip-in s — Darlene Ross, Deanna,Jackie Chippers — Gross: I, Len Johnson/Anita Johnson,167.2, VeneDunham/JanaDunham, 168. Cooper 3 (tie), Dave Lawrence/Vicki Lawrence,171; Dane QUAIL RUN Smith/MarySmith, 171.5 (tie), Al Kellogg/Penny Men's Club,Oct.3 Kellogg, 172; BuckKessler/Jeri Kessler, 172. 7, Stroke Play Scott Martin/SallyMartin,173 Net:1, WileyHar Flight 1 — Gross: 1,EdStoddard, 85.Net: 1 reg/ElaineHarreg,122.8. 2, DaveNut/Paula Nutt, 124.8. 3,RayStone/Eelitta Stone,126.2.4,George (tie), MattKoski,69;Jimt)frey, 69. Flight 2 — Gross: 1, EarlAllen, 89. Net: I Fritsch/Cheryl Fritsch, 129.2. 5, Nels Peterson/ SharonPeterson, 130.6,JimI-lumphrey/Judi Hum DennisHaniford, 70.2, RickBauman,71.
Flight 3 — Gross: 1,JoeDawdson,99. Net: 1 DougAnderson,67.2, SonnyBachman,74. KPs — RickBauman, No. 8; SteveRandol, No 14
Men's Golf Club, Sept. 26 at Woodlands Team Btableford 1, Brian Guilfoyle/Virgil Martin/DaveLong/Cal Hutchins, 152. 2, Gene Carpenter/Darin Davis/Gary Brooks/Tom Elis, 148.3, Dan Frantz/Paul Grieco/Two blind draws,147. Skins — Gross: MikeCalhoun4, RobertHil 2, DanFrantz.Net: RobertHill 2, DonWright, Vrrgil Martin, Mike Sullivan.
KPs —Scott Brown,No.5;RonBures, No.7;Don Martin, No.12; DanFrantz, No.17. Men's Golf Club, Dct. 3 at Woodlands Net Best Ball 1, Ron Bures/Virgil Martrn/MikeSullivan/Donald Hardman,125.2, PeterKnaupp/Gene Carpenter/AI lan Crisler/CalHutchins, 125.3, GrantSeegraves/Jim Robertson/Randy Schneider/Blind Draw,126 Individual Low Scores — Gross: MikeCal houn, 70. Net: 1 (tie), CharlieWegnitz,67; Randy Schneider,67. Skins — Gross:MikeCalhoun5, Peter Knaupp, GeneCarpenter Net: Peter Knaupp,Virgil Martin, GregCotton,RandySchneider. KPs — MikeCalhoun, Nos.5, 12;TomWoodruf No. 7;RobertHill, No. 17. WIDGI CREEK Men's Club, Dct. 3 Net Best Ball Blue Tees — 1,FastEddie/FranOstlund, 65 2, JohnDeetz/Andy Knowlton, 66. 3(tie), JimHammett/ Daryl Hjeresen,67;GregWatt/Jim Weffock, 67. White Tees — 1,DaveMadrigal/Jim Weitenha gen, 61. 2 (tie), Bill Brown/Ken Schofield, 65;Gary Grimm/RayHorgen,65.4(tie), DonKramer/RonStas sens,66;LonHoover/Bob Reid, 66. KPs — AndyKnowlton, No.11; DaveMadrigal, No. 15. Women's Club, Dct. 3 0-N-E-8 1st Flight — 1,EgyCashel, 33.2, Janet Knowl ton, 36. 3, JanSandburg, 37. 2nd Flight — 1,PamMeals, 365.2,JanetCamp bell, 37.5. 3(tie), HilaryKenyon,38; Phyllis Pengeffy, 38; LindaBarnett, 38 3rd Flight — 1, CaroleColby,32. 2, Marcia Hoover,33.3, Phyllis Bear,36. KPs (No.11) —AFlight: JanSandburg. 8Flight: PamMeals.CFlight: DebraBergeson. High Desert Seniors, Oct. 8 Two NetBest Balls 1, R. Meredith (MeadowLakes)/R. Robertson (River'sEdge)/C.Poole(CrookedRiver)/A.K. Majors (Crooked River), 124.2,D.Glender (CrookedRiver)/D. Braunton (RiverrsEdge)/R. Bea n (River's Edge)/F. Wil de (Crooked River), 125.3,T.Thoren(WidgiCreek)/L. Webb(Meadow Lakes)/T. Markham(CrookedRiver)/ D. Black (River's Edge),128.
Jean Reese,Redmond No. 1............. 110 yards............ driver Oct. 4 BENDGOLFANDCOUNTRY CLUB
John Harrigan Bend No.16............ 165 yards........... 7-iron Oct. 6
No. 16
CROOKEDRIVERRANCH Patrick Fahey,Portland .......125 yards.......... 9-iron Oct. 8 JUNIPER
Pat Woerner, Redmond No. 8............ 227 yards......... 4-hybrid
Calendar The Bulletin welcomes contributions to its weekly local golf events calendar. Items shouldbe mailedto P.O.Box 6020,Bend, OR 97708; faxed to the sports department at 541-385-0831; or emailed to sports@bend bulletin.corn. TOURNAMENTS
Dct. 11 —Central OregonGolf Tour tournamentat BlackButteRanch's6 azeMeadowcourse.TheCentral OregonGolf Touris a competitive golf seriesheldat golf coursesthroughout Central Oregon.Grossandnet competitionsopento affamateur golfers of aff abili ties. Prizepoolawardedweekly, andmembership not required.Formoreinformationor to register: 541-633 7652, 541-318-5155, or wwwcentraloregongolftour. corn. Oct. 13 — BendBoys Basketball GolfTourna ment at Quail RunGolf Coursein La Pine. Four person scramblebeginswith a 9:30 a.m.shotgun. Cost is$80perperson,andincludesgolf, lunch,and prizes. Proceeds benefit theBendHighSchool boys basketbalteam. l Formoreinformation orto register, call DonHayesat 541-322-5034 or theBendHrgh athletic department at 541-383-6300.
Dct. 13-14 — Brew er's Chapman at BrokenTop ClubinBend.Noonshotgunbothdaysandadinner on theFridaynight beforethetournament.Formorein formationorto register, call theBrokenTopclubhouse at 541-383-0868. Oct. 14 — Benefit scramblegolf tourname nt for SistersHighSchoolsoccer teamsat BlackButte
Ranch'sGlazeMeadow. Cost is $125per player or $500perteamof four, andincludesgolf with cart,range balls andlunch.Additional contests, includingclosest to-the-pin,alsoincluded.For moreinformation orto register,contactRobJensenat rob.jensen@ sisters.kf 2. orat541-279-0787. Oct. 18 —CentralOregonGolf Tourclosing tour namentat BrasadaCanyons Golf Clubin Powell Butte.
The CentralOregonGolf Touris a competitive golf seriesheldat golfcoursesthroughoutCentral Oregon. Grossandnet competitions opento affamateur golfers of aff abilities.Prizepool awardedweekly, andmember shrp notrequired. Formore information orto register: 541-633-7652,541-318-5155, orwww.centraloregon golftour.corn.
Prof essional WorldGolf Ranking Through Oct. 7 Rank. Name Country Points 1. RoryMcgroy Nlr 12.40 2. TigerWoods IJSA 9.47 3. LukeDonald Eng 9.09 4. LeeWestwood Eng 6.98 5 JustinRose Eng 6.35 6. Adam Scott Aus 6.27 7. BubbaWatson USA 6.12 8 Webb Simpson USA 597 9. BrandtSnedeker IJSA 5.88 I0. JasonDufner USA 5.84 11. SteveStricker IJSA 5.62 12. LouisOosthuizen SAf 5.54 13. DustinJohnson IJSA 5.34 14 Keegan Bradley IJSA 5.31 15. MattKuchar IJSA 5.31 I 6. Phil Mickelson IJSA 5.07 17 ZachJohnson IJSA 506 18. Graeme McDoweff Nlr 4.73 I9. SergioGarcia Esp 4.70 20. HunterMahan IJSA 4.64 21. NickWatney (ISA 4.56 22. Ernre Es SAI 4.51 23. JimFuryk IJSA 4.05 24. BoVanPelt (ISA 4.02 25. PeterHanson Swe 3.96 26.JasonDay Aus 3.88 27. IanPoulter Eng 3.88 28. RickieFower USA 3 29. PaulLawrie Sco 30. ChartSchwartzel SAf 31. Francesco Molinari Ita 32. CarlPettersson Swe 33. MartinKaymer Ger 34. Bill Haas USA 35. NicolasColsaerts Bel 36. GonzaloFernandezCastano Esp 37. Branden Grace SAf 38.JohnSenden Aus 39. Ryan Moore USA 40. DavidToms IJSA 41. K.J.Choi Kor 42. DavidLynn Eng 43. RobertGarrigus IJSA 44. GeoffOgilvy Aus 45. Thomas Bjorn Den 46. MartinLaird Sco 47. ScottPiercy (ISA 48. RafaelCabreraBelo Esp 49. FredrikJacobson Swe 50. Bae Sang-moon Kor 51. Aexander Noren Swe 52. AaronBaddeley Aus 53. SimonDyson Eng 54. BudCauley USA 55. PadraigHarrington Irl 56. JamieDonaldson Wal 57. GregChalmers Aus 58. RichieRamsay Sco 59. KyleStanley IJSA 60. MarcelSiem Ger 61. KevinNa IJSA 62. ThorbjornOlesen Den 63. AndersHansen Den 64. JohnHuh (ISA 65. MarkWilson IJSA 66. BenCrane IJSA 67. K.T.Kim Kor 68. HiroyukiFujita Jpn 69. AlvaroQuiros Esp 70. Jonathan Byrd (ISA 71. VijaySingh Fli 72. MarcusFraser Aus 73. PabloLarrazabal Esp 74. Bemd Wresberger Aut 75. MichaelThompson IJSA
LPGA Tour Money Leaders Throsgh Sept. 23 Trn 1. InbeePark 18 2. StacyLewis 21 3. NaYeonChoi 18 4. Ai Miyazato 18 5. JiyaiShin 14 6 YaniTseng 18 7. AzaharaMunoz 21 8. M ikaMiyazato 17 9 Shanshan Feng 15 10. SoYeonRyu 19 11. AmyYang 18 12. SunYoungYoo 20 13. PaulaCreamer 19 14. KarrieWebb 17 15. AngelaStanford 21 16. Suzann Pettersen 19 17. CheffaChai 21 18. HeeKyungSeo 21 19. Anna Nordqvist 21 20. BrittanyLang 21 21. CristieKerr 18 22. I.K. Kim 16 23. LexiThompson 18 24. Sandra Gal 21 25. BrittanyLincicome 20 26. Karrne Icher 18 27. JennyShin 20 28. CandieKung 20 29. HaejKang i 18 30. VickyHurst 21 31. JulietaGranada 21 32. Hee YoungPark 20 33. SeRiPak 9 34. Meena Lee 21 35. CatrionaMathew 15 36. BeatrizRecari 21 37. Eun-Hee Ji 19 38 KatherineHull 21 39. NatalieGulbis 19 40. GiuliaSergas 16 41. IlheeLee 17 42. Morgan Pressel 20 43. JessicaKorda 15 44. KarinS)odin 18 45. KatieFutcher 21 46. Hee-Won Han 21 47. MinaHarigae 21 48. GerinaPiler 18 49. JenniferJohnson 18 50. M.J.Hur 16
Year-Roun dFamily Recreation. Golf. Tennis. Swim
Golf& Country C)ub
2012 FALL PROMOTION ' REDUCED initiation fees JOin iff OC tOber PBy Only $500 (FulGo l lf) $300 (Intermediate) COMBINEDWITH
' NO DUES UNTILAPRIL1 2013 GoLF IN BRIEF Tournaments • Bend golfers earntop five finishes:A pair of Central Oregon golfers fared well in last week's Pacific Northwest Pro-Amateur Championship at Salishan Spaand Golf Resort in GlenedenBeach. Chris van derVelde, managing partner at TetherovvGolf Club and a former touring pro in EIJ rope, teamed Lfp with Tetherow
finish in a three-way tie for third place with a 36-hole, 8-Lfnder-par 134.
JOin nOW (initiationS Will inCreaSe inN0V.& DeC.j
BGCC is afull year-round facility so there is always swimming,working-out, tennis, raCquetball, or greatfOOdandgOOd COmPany!
That score wasequaled by Bend amateur Charles Kingsbak er and Scott Leritz, the head pro
fessional at RoyalOaksCountry Club in Vancouver, Wash., after the dtfo combined for a final-day 64 in the best-ball tournament.
Deer Park, Wash., pro Luke
Baker and amateur Jim Bob Cole man, of Billings, Mont., teamed caddie BrandonTaylor, a former Lfp to win with an 11-Ltnder 131. — Bulletin staff report Oregon State University golfer, to
Contact Joni Olsen Phone (541) 322-5762 for membership information 61045Country ClubDr., Bend,Oregon97702 www.bendgolfclub.corn . bendgolf@bendgolfclub.corn All memberShiPSSubjeCt to BOard aPPrOVal i
in e i a n osae s oo in toex an i s orizons I - I
By Doug Ferguson The Associated Press
Just 18 months ago, Nicolas Colsaerts had little reason to believe he could be going so many places. He was No. 179 in the world and had yet to win on a major tour. Now, the big hitter from Bel gium has a chance to have the best of two worlds. Colsaerts received a sponsor exemp tion this week to the Frys.corn Open, and what might be his lastchance to secure a PGA Tour card for 2013. He has $652,886 and needs to finish the equivalent of No. 125 on the tour money list to earn a full card. That's the equivalent of No . 120 with three events remaining. "When you get a chance to play this tour with all these players, the course you play on such a big stage, it would be stupid not to consider it," Colsaerts said Tuesday from CordeValle Golf Club in San Martin, C alif. I ' ve a lways played in Europe for a lot of years. It's a n u n b elievable tour to play on and get your grades up. But once you get a taste of what the possibilities here are, they get you pretty excited." Cols aerts broke t h r ough l ast year b y w i n n in g t h e China Open, and he picked up another win this spring at the World Match Play Cham pionship in Spain. Throw in a tie for seventh at the British Open, where he opened and finished with a 65, and it car ried him onto the Ryder Cup team where he had a 63 on his own ball — eight birdies, one eagle and one bogey — to
Spa, Jones Course (7,090 yards, par 72).
PGA Tour FRYS.COM OPEN Site:San Martin, Calif.
Purse:$1.6 million. Winner's
share: $240,000. Television:Golf Channel (Friday-Sunday, 10:30 a.m.-1 p.m.).
Schedule:Thursday-Sunday. Course:CordeValle Golf Club
(7,368 yards, par 71). Purse:$5 million. Winner's
Last year:Mark Wiebe won the
event in June, beating James
share: $900,000. Television:Golf Channel
Mason with a par on the third
hole of a playoff. Mason missed
(Thursday-Sunday, 1-4 p.m.). Last year:Bryce Molder won his
a 4-foot par putt on the hole.
Last week:Bernhard
first PGA Tour title, outlasting Briny Baird with a birdie on the sixth hole of a playoff.
Langer rallied to win the SAS Championship in Cary. N.C., for his second victory of the
Last week:Ryan Moore won
year. TheGermanclosed with
the Justin Timberlake Shriners Hospitals for Children Open in
a 9-under 63 for a two-stroke victory. He took the lead in the
Las Vegasfor his second tour
Charles SchwabCuppoints race and moved into the top spot on
title, beating Brendon de Jonge
by a stroke. Moore is aformer
the money list.
UNLV player and lives in Las
Notes:Langer has a69-point lead over TomLehman inthe
Vegas. Notes:The tournament is the second of the four Fall Series
Schwab Cup competition for a $1 million annuity. Lehman is in the field after taking last week
events.... EuropeanRyder Cup player Nicolas Colsaerts is in the field. As aspecial temporary
Chris CarlsenI The Assoaated Press
Europe's Nicolas Colsaerts hits out of the roughon the fourth hole during a four-ball match at the Ryder Cup last month in Medinah, III. The Belgian has had a big year in 2012. this year, including the PGA
how I was going to handle that amount of golf. You don't play Still to be tabulated is the that many four-round tourna Vardon Trophy for the low ments until you get out here, est adjustedscoring average, which it's fine for a couple although Mcllroy is a lock for weeks because the adrenaline that, too, because he has more is going. But after a couple than a half-stroke lead over months to keep playing well Jim Furyk (68.87 to 69.41). was nice, and to keep it roll ing. I'm happy with how I' ve Tiger Woods is ineligible for the Vardon because he with responded to it that." drew in the middle of the final Guthrie is pursuing more round at Doral this year. than just golf at the moment. He's still taking classes so he The Jack Nicklaus Award for PGA Tour player of the can graduate in December. "It's h ard, b e cause y ou year is a vote of his peers. Those ballots won't go o ut come out to a site like this and until after Disney, though it' s you just want to practice all hard to imagine anyone top day longand hang outhere all ping McIlroy winning four day long," Guthrie said. "You times, a major, and the money have to go back and do an as title in just 16 tournaments. signment. It's hard to do, but I single-handedly beat Tiger He would be th e second worked for four years toward Woods and Steve Stricker. straight European, and the a degree and it's silly to stop It's already been quite a third in the past five years, to now." year, and the Belgian Bomber win that award. Luke Donald won in 2011 and Padraig Har The clincher is looking for more. "I' ve been to the U.S. quite a rington won in 2008. Martin Kaymer and Jose lot," he said. "But when you re Maria Canizares share a pe alize how many unbelievable Fasttrack to tour culiar piece of R yder Cup For all the fretting that col history. golf courses you have around the country, it's quite unbe lege players have to spend a B oth delivered th e c u p lievable for s omebody l i ke year in the minor leagues un clinching point for E u rope, me coming from such a small der the PGA Tour's new quali Kaymer with a 6-foot putt on country to have a chance to fying system, Luke Guthrie the 18th at Medinah to beat play golf around an unbeliev already is the second player to Steve S t r icker, C a n izares show otherwise. with a 3-foot putt on the 18th ablecountry likeyou have and play these fantastic courses." Guthrie won h i s s e cond at The Belfry in 1989 to beat OK, so he likes it in Ameri straight Big Ten title at Illinois, Ken Green. What makes both moments unusual is that Kay ca. But apparently his affinity turned pro after the NCAA goes beyond the golf. Championships and can bank mer and Canizares had played "I have to say, I have a little on PGA Tour membership for only one match all week, and thing for Five Guys burgers," 2013. He has won twice on the went into the Sunday singles Colsaerts said. Web.corn Tour and is No. 2 on without having contributed a the money list, assuring he point. Roryhonors will finish among the top 25 And they wound up deliver R ory Mcllroy a l ready i s and earn a tour card. ing the point that mattered. Already this year, Ben "A little strange," Kaymer assured of at least two more awards this year. Kohles finished up at Virginia said last week at the Dunhill Mcllroy off i c iall y has and won his first two starts on Links Championship. "It was w rapped u p th e A r n o l d the Web.corn Tour to assure such a fine line between being Palmer Award f o r l e ading getting a card. He is No. 4 on the hero or the biggest idiot. the PGA Tour money list at the Web.corn money list. And fortunately, it went the $8,047,952, the seventh-high Guthrie gets another taste right way. Obviously, I made est total in tour history. He of the future this week in the the last putt, but it's a little bit also has clinched the PGA of Frys.corn Open. of a ... I wouldn't say uncom America's player of the year "I believed I could compete fortable situation, but a little award, which i s b ased on at that kind of level out here," strange. Because it was not points. Mcllroy had four wins Guthrie said. "I didn't know only me. I had the pleasure to
make the last putt, but at the end of the day, I got only one point, even though I played only twice." Kaymer and Justin Rose lost a Friday afternoon four balls match to Dustin Johnson and Matt Kuchar, and Kaymer sat out all day on Saturday. Canizares didn't play u ntil the final team session, when he and Bernhard Langer lost a fourballs match to Tom Kite and Mark McCumber. Kaymer said h e a l r eady has watched video of the cup clinching putt nearly a half dozen times. "It's a good thing, and you should watch it more often," he said. "Because it makes
on his way to Tetherow for the final round of the Pacific Northwest PGA Professional Championship. Van der Velde, a f ormer t ouring professional in E u rope, warmed up on the side of the road until helped arrived, and he eventually got to his own club about five minutes before teeing off at 11:30 a.m. It didn't seem to hurt him, though. Starting the day with a lead, van der Velde shot a 2-under par 70 and beat his closest challenger by four strokes to win the tournament easily. "It was unbelievable," van der Veldesaid afterhis round that August day four years
tee times at Tetherow in Bend, group with: "You must be the estimates head pro Caleb An 10:36 Jackson group." Continued from 01 derson. But at a busy public The golfers affirmed Reis "Too often we have groups course like Meadow Lakes in inger's observation, so he sent pull into the parking lot five Prineville, about a third show them off to the course's open minutes before their tee time up within 10 minutes of their ing hole. who expect us to send them teetimes, says head pro Zach At exactly 10:36 a.m., an straight to the tee," says Dan Lampert. other group of golfers pro iel Wendt, head professional Most of those show up early claiming to be "right on time" at Brasada Ranch Golf Course enough to get to the first tee walked into th e c l ubhouse in Powell Butte. "Unfortunate on time, Lampert says, but insisting that THEY were in ly, on busy days we are obli undermine theirown chances deed the Jackson group. "We allhad a good laugh gated to push their tee time for success by not allowing back to send other groups. It is enough time to properly pre and I squeezed them in with a delicate process that usually pare for the round. no problem," Reisinger re needs to be handled diplomat Damage to one's own game calls. "But I learned not to let ically, but it occurs more often is the chief p roblem, says t he customers tell me w h o than we like." Bruce Wattenburger, the long they are before checking them in." Recently at B r asada, the time head pro at Juniper Golf scenario spelled out by Wendt Club in Redmond. Of course, showing up late "I would say it's more of an was played out by an unlikely is sometimes a fact of life. Anderson at Tetherow re group: two club professionals inconvenience to players rath and a director of golf. er than a problem to facilities," minded me of a story from The group showed up just Wattenburger says. "Most fa 2008. Chris van der Velde, the seconds after their scheduled cilities are pretty good about tee time, but Brasada had to shuffling players to make ev managing partner at T eth push them back 30 minutes. erything work out." erow Golf Club, blew a tire That news did not go over well Wattenburger advises that with the tardy golfers, who golfers show up at least 10 to claimed, according to Wendt, 15 minutes before a tee time. "they had a plane to catch." For those who want to prac Wendt could only shake his tice before teeing off, at least head. 30 minutes is needed, Wendt "If there is a g r oup that says. should know to show up for Although, some good can their tee time early, this was come from showing up late: It it," Wendt says lightheartedly. can provide some lasting hu Such egregious cases are mor for the golf course's staff. relativelyrare, area courses At the Old Back Nine at report. Mountain High in Bend, club No more than 5percent of house manager Mark Reis golfers show up late for their inger says he once greeted a
off.... After the final two regular season events, the top 30 on the money list will advance to the Charles Schwab Cup
PGATour member, he needs to finish the equivalent of 125th on the money list to earn a full 2013 card. The Belgian player
Championship on Nov.1-4 at Desert Mountain in Scottsdale, Ariz.
has earned $652,886, enough now for the 120th spot.... Ernie
Els also is in the field along with European Tour Vijay Singh, U.S. RyderCup captain Davis Love III and recent PORTUGALMASTERS college stars Patrick Cantlay, Luke Guthrie, John Peterson, Patrick Reed and Kelly Kraft.... Mike Weir also is entered. The
Site:Vilamoura, Portugal.
Schedule:Thursday-Sunday. Course:Oceanico Victoria Golf
Canadian hasfailed to make a
Course (7,157yards, par 71).
cut this year.
Purse:$2.91 million. Winner's
Television:Golf Channel
share: $484,970. (Thursday-Sunday, 6-1 0 a.m.). Last year:England's Tom Lewis
LPGA MALAYSIA Site: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
birdied five of the last seven holes for a 7-under 65 and a
Schedule:Thursday-Sunday. Course:Kuala Lumpur Golf and Country Club (6,208 yards, par 72). Purse:$1.9 million. Winner's share: $285,000. Television:Golf Channel
two-stroke victory over Spain's Rafael Cabrera-Bello. Lewis was making his third tour start as a
professional. Last week:South Africa's Branden Grace won the Alfred Dunhill Links Championship for
(Thursday-Sunday, 6:30-8:30
his fourth EuropeanTour title of
you happy."
the year, closing with a 2-under 70 at St. Andrews for a two stroke victory. He opened with a
Last week:South Korea's Na
Divots Phil Mickelson will make his debut on Monday Night Football with a wedge in his h and and at $ 1 m i l lion t o provide new books to needy children through a nonprofit called "First B o ok." M i c k elson's 100-yard shot in the " KPMG Chip4Charity" w i l l take place next Monday at Qualcomm Stadium at half time of the San Diego Char gers-Denver Broncos game. He will be in one end zone, aiming at a target in the oth er end zone that has a green ($50,000 that will buy 20,000 books), three rings (the outer ring worth $100,000) and a bulls-eye worth $1 million.... Mexico has been selected as host of the 2016 World Ama teur Team C h ampionships, the 50-year anniversary of when it first hosted the event. It joins the United States, Aus tralia, Argentina and Fiji as countries that have been cho sen to host the event twice. ... Patrick Reed, who made it through Monday qualifying six times this year for PGA Tour events, is playing the Frys.corn Open as a sponsor exemption.
ago. "I grabbed my golf clubs,
Yeon Choi beat top-ranked Yani
Tseng by astroke.
12-under 60 at Kingsbarns. Notes:European RyderCup players Martin Kaymerand
Last event:Stacy Lewis won the Navistar LPGA Classic on Sept. 23 in Prattville, Ala., for her third victory of the year. Lexi
Francesco Molinari are in the field along with captain Jose
Thompson wassecond, two strokes back. Notes: Thetournamentopens the four-event Asian swing. The HanaBankChampionship is next week in South Korea,
Maria Olazabal andvice captains Darren Clarke, Miguel Angel
Jimenez, Thomas Bjornand Paul McGinley.... Grace and
Lewis also are playing along with Padraig Harrington, 2008
followed by the LPGA Taiwan Championshipand Mizuno Classic in Japan.... Choi won the U.S. Women's Open in July. She's in the field along with
winner Alvaro Quiros andColin Montgomerie.
Web.corn Tour
fellow major champions Sun Young Yoo (Kraft Nabisco), Shanshan Feng(LPGA Championship) and Jiyai Shin (Women's British Open). The top-ranked Tsengalso is playing
Schedule:Thursday-Sunday. Course:Miccosukee Golf and Country Club (7,200 yards, par 71). Purse:$600,000. Winner's share: $108,000.
along with Lewis, Thompson, Michelle Wie, money leader Inbee Park, Ai Miyazato, Suzann Pettersen, Brittany Lincicome,
Television:Golf Channel
Paula CreamerandCristie Kerr.
(Thursday-Sunday, 4:30-6:30
Last week:David Lingmerth won the Neediest Kids
Championship in Potomac, Md., to wrap up a 2013 PGA Tour
Schedule:Friday-Sunday. Course:Rock Barn Golf and
card. All Times POT
Running up to the first tee worked for McIlroy, too. The star golfer went on to win his match and help set the stage for an improbable European comeback and a historic U.S. Ryder Cup collapse. But unlike the rest of us, M cllroy p r obably w i l l n o t make late arrivals a habit.
r issdv
asm~ i Viaitrsh fssiir „gsi Sass it car
Par 36
— Reporter:541-617-7868, zhaIICbendbulletin.corn
Seriously Lom riees.
and I started stretching. Peo ple must have thought I was weird. I put my golf shoes on and went out there and waited
for (help)."
g.pp pg
P" ~"541 9230694, :„::;„;;
play smart
• •
Calendar, E4 News of Record, E4 Stock listings, E2-3
© www.bendbulletin.corn/business
v NASDA QC»«E 4733152% V DOWjONE S CHANGE-110.12-.81% V S&P500 CHatlGE' IN BRIEF Orvis to close Bend store Bend's Old Mill District will close Jan. 31. Old Mill District
officials said the Ver mont-based company
By Rachael Rees
and fly-fishing store in
was shifting its focus
to larger markets and reducing the number of stores nationwide. The Old Mill is talking with several tenants
about possibly moving into the Orvis building at 320 S.W. Powerhouse
Drive, according to a news release.
Orvis came to Bend in August 2008. It was the
first store the company opened in Oregon, ac cording to The Bulletin's
archives. Shortly after open ing, the store and the Old Mill built an18-hole
en 'see riccarma er rows Local • Its new Lakeview assemblyplant is set to open this week
The Orvis clothing
V BONDS Ttea :u~ CHANGE „,2./ ,
u , itgl tl1
be the company's second as sembly facility, he said. The company also assembles vehi cles at BH Workman & Sons. Bower said he's received severalrequests forassembly facilities on the East Coast, but wanted to start with one closer to home to learn the set up and operation process. He expects a variety of electric vehicles to be as sembled in Lakeview with the company's current drive system,chassisand bodies, as well as bodies from additional manufacturers. "It's going to be a doorway to a large market in California and Reno," he said. Bower said the Lakeview plant will boost employment locally because several ve hicle components are built in Central Oregon. SeePlant/E3
.'ilk T
The Bulletin
Venus Motors Company, a Bend-based electric-vehicle maker, plans to move into a new assembly plant in Lakev iew this week in an effort to reach new markets and in crease production. Jay Bower, chief technical officer, said he expects the 2,000-square-foot facility to employ between three and five people within the next year. Venus Motors, founded in 2010, builds custom electric kit cars and ships them to dealers across the country. BH Workman & Sons in Prine ville supplies the chassis, and
Alex McDcugatt /The Bulletin file photo
Jay Bower, the chief technical officerof Venus Motors Co., seen here in August, shows off the 96-volt lithium battery used to power the e-Veepster — the company's signature vehicle. Fiberfab US in La Pine builds the bodies. "Our business plan is to create assembly facilities," he
said. "This is another outlet to deliver (electric vehicles) to the market." The Lakeview location will
fly casting course for fishing enthusiasts to
practice casting. Old Mill spokeswom an Noelle Fredland said
officials hope to keep the course open.
Drought hurts milk production CHICAGO— U.S. milk production is head ed for the biggest con traction in 12 years as a drought-fueled surge in
feed costs drives more cows to slaughter. Output will drop 0.5 percent to 198.9 billion pounds in 2013 as the herd shrinks to an eight-year low, the U.S. Department of Agriculture estimates. Milk futures have risen 45 percent since mid
April and may advance at least another 18 per 100 pounds by June, said Shawn Hackett, president of Hackett Financial Advisers.
Businesstravel remains slow
Rick Loomis / Los Angeles Times file photo
companies are continu ing to cut back on em
Longtime friends Amos Nashookpuk, 21, and Minnie Nashoalook, 20, take a midnight walk along the bluff overlooking the Chukchi Sea in August. During the summer months the sun sets quite late in Alaska's north. Wainwright, Alaska, with a popu lation of less than 600 people, is already changing as Shell begins its drilling operations off the coast in the Chukchi Sea.
ployee travel plans amid economic uncertainty. The Global Business
Travel Association says Americans areexpected to take 438.1 million business trips this year, down 2 percent from
last year. Overall business trav
el spending is expected to be up, but that's only
because trips are more expensive. — Staffand wire reports
Top 10industry sectorsdy employment In millions Health care, social assistance Retail trade
Accommodations and food services Manufacturing
oom rin s a nxie 0 a own By Kim Murphy Los Angeles Times
WAINWRIGHT, Alaska — It was the down slope of August, and in the icy winds and freezing rain that mas querade as summer on the Arctic coast, Shell Alaska had to move its commu nity barbecue indoors to the
school gym.
to share
offices Bulletin staff report Before the end of the year, the Central Oregon Visitors Association will close its office in the Old Mill District and move into a shared office in south west Bend. COVA will join Econom ic Development for Central Oregon in new offices at 750 Bonnett Way, Suite 1000, near Southwest Co lumbia Street and South west Colorado Avenue, the agencies announced in a joint news release. A $70,000 remodeling project is under way for the 2,800-square-foot space in the Mill Point business park suite, the former home of Robby J's Bistro. A floor plan on file with the city of Bend calls foropen office space, a reception area and a conference room. COVA will vacate its Old Mill District office at 661 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Suite 1301, once the move is finalized, said Alana Hughson, CEO of COVA. The agency is coordinat ing with Old Mill District officials to maintain a pres ence in the retail center through a visitor informa tion kiosk that would be available to shoppers and visitors in the district's main plaza, according to the news release.
cent to a record $25 per
Billed as the oil company's thank-you to the Inupiat Es kimo village that is about to become a baseforoffshore drilling operations, the event featuredfree hamburgers, beans and something rarely seen up in the Far North
— plates heaped with fresh watermelon, oranges and bananas. Shell Alaska Vice President Peter Slaiby was in the middle of the room, raffling off jackets embla zoned with the Shell logo. "Lord Jesus, thank you for this food," said a woman who stood up to bless the gather ing. "We thank you for Shell and its employees. We thank you for their safe journey here." Wainwright, a town of 550 people on barren bluffs of tundra 800 miles northwest of Anchorage, seems an un likely venue for an oil boom.
But the discovery of a mas sive undersea pool of oil just offshore in the Chukchi Sea has, for many, turned caribou dreams into lucrative oil ser vices contracts that will cre ate thousands of jobs across the North Slope. These days in Wainwright — a collection of makeshift wooden houses, dry-docked whaling boats, churlish dogs on short chains, and snow mobiles in varying stages of repair — people are building new homes and reporting for new jobs as oil spill response workers. Hardly anyone looks twice at a new Hum
mer parked in front of the village market. Yet some see the com ing bonanza as a threat to a culture that has coexisted precariously with the ice for thousands of years. "We just need to stop them, but we can' t," said Sandra Peetook, who man ages the small and now bus tling hotel in town. "They' re not worried about our land or how we get our food or how we feed our people. They are just worried about what they are going to drill out of the oceans." SeeAlaska /E3
GM pours resources into gizmos, software By Tom Krisher The Associated Press
DETROIT — Now hir ing in Detroit: Scads of software developers and programmers. General Motors is mov ing past layoffs and the Motor City's rusty, low tech image. It's setting out on its own to develop software and invent the most advanced gizmos for your car. The nation's biggest automaker plans to hire up to 10,000computer profes sionals in the next three to five years as it tries to lead the auto industry with cut
ting-edge technology.
It's a bold and expensive move, counter to the indus try's history of buying soft ware and other electronic applications from outside companies. SeeGM /E3
Admin., support, waste management, remediation
Professional, scientific 8 tech services
Search for a job at sea mt short — byU.S.passport By Douglas Hanks
The Miami Herald
Finance andinsurance
• S.s Wholesale trade Construction
I 6.4 Other services, except public admin.
Source: U.S. Census Bureau Andt/ Zetqert / The Bulletin
MIAMI — As an unem ployed yoga instructor, Cyn thia Cutler was excited to get an email response so quickly from a recruiter at Canyon Ranch at Sea, which runs spas andfitness programs for posh cruise ships sailing out of South Florida. "I was looking to leave Miami," said Cutler, 57 and a Key Biscayne, Fla., resident. "I thought a job on a cruise ship
would be perfect." Then came the question that seemed to scuttle Cutler's chance for a seafaring career change: Which country issued your passport?
"Oh my goodness!!!!"
Thalia Shaer, Canyon Ranch's international recruitment coordinator, wrote back in the Sept. 17 exchange, according to emails Cutler provided The Miami Herald. "Cynthia, the
Sea Division is not allowed to accept American staff due to tax laws in the U.S." A Canyon Ranch spokes woman laterdescribed Shaer's email as an error and said Canyon Ranch's cruise line division has no policy against hiring U.S. residents forits spas on Regent's Seven Seas Navigator, Oceania's Ma rina and other ships that con tract with Canyon Ranch and have sailed out of U.S. ports. "We hirethe best person
for the job, no matter what their nationality is," said Sh eryl Press, spokeswoman for Canyon Ranch, which is head quartered in Tucson, Ariz. Still, the numbers suggest some challenge in matching U.S. residents with Canyon Ranch jobs at sea. Press said that of the 115 spa employees in its cruise ship arm, only four are U.S. citizens. "Our positions don't turn over very often," Press said. "People obviously enjoy what
they' re doing, and not that
many openings come up." Cutler's ongoing hunt for a spa job at sea — Canyon Ranch has since written back to set up an interview in Miami for November — touches on a well known characteristic of the cruise industry. While a major employer shoreside through Carnival and Royal Caribbe an's world headquarters, cruise lines recruit the bulk of their ship workers from abroad. SeeWork/E4
community meetings across the North Slope, with his jeans, Continued from E1 khaki shirts and willingness Shell has spent $4.5 billion to partake of the cold melange amassing an armada of drill of raw whale skin and blubber ships and response vessels, and known as muktuk. this month it began prelimi Slaiby has deployed his con nary drilling in the Chukchi. siderableresources — patience, A two-story workers camp on teams of skilled corporate law one of Wainwright's muddy yers and a willingness to spend streets houses the oil compa m illions of d ollars on n ew ny crews; a communications technology and environmental center with VHF radios and mitigation — against conser satellite phones coordinates vationists bent on protecting boats and helicopters plying one ofthe last untouched seas the coast. Dump trucks rumble on Earth and Eskimo villagers constantly toward the edge of Rick Loomis / Los Angeles Times fearful of losing their seagoing town, where ConocoPhillips is Benjamin Ahmaogak looks into his ice cellar in Wainwright, livelihood. For Slaiby, it's been helping put in sites for a helipad Alaska. The cellar was handed down a generation to him but worth it because of what Shell and another workers camp. now there are signs the ice that is traditionally there is melting executives often refer to as "the Just southeast of toom, the more than ever. Ahmaogak keeps whale meat and caribou in prize": an undersea oil forma villager-owned Olgoonik Corp. the cellar, a part of the subsistence hunting existence of many tion 70 miles off the Chukchi plans to convert an abandoned of the Inupiat Eskimos that live in the largely frozen region. coast known as the Burger U.S. military radar station into prospect — potentially so rich an onshorebase for future oil it could rank as one of the top operations. Gulf of M exico could wipe hubbub from the Shell festivi 10 oil fields ever discovered in "It's creating opportunities. out what remains of a fragile ties filtered down the hall. America. It's put some people to work "Are we going to have heli "We are really appreciative civilization that has lived with here already. Imagine what its face to the Chukchi Sea for copters overhead, scaring away of all the goodwill and prog happens when they start pull generations. Spring and some our herds? If there's an oil spill, ress we' ve made this year in ing up all that oil they' re talking times fall bring the hunt for the what about our whales, what Wainwright," Slaiby said as he about discovering," said John bowhead whale, beluga and about our bearded seals? Are rose to speak at the barbecue. Hopson, a whaling captain who walrus. Summer is for caribou they going to give us those?" He pointed out that most of the also runs Wainwright's public and bearded seals. In early Ahmaogak asked. "Or are Shell workers stationed in town works department. "They' re winter villagers plumb holes they going to give us cold so far were not drillers but bi going to go get it. But we have to through the ice for rainbow sandwiches?" ologists, commissioned under a work to make sure the benefits smelt. Shell, keenly aware of the $5 million-a-year Shell-funded flow through here, too." Although federal officials need to share the bounty, is researchprogram to document Over the last three decades, have promised that the chance awarding many of its construc the fish, mammals and birds the onshorefields of Prudhoe of a big oil spill is remote, many tion and oil services contracts to whose life cycles are now as Bay have put millions of dol here are skeptical. Villagers native corporations such as Ol interesting to Shell as to those lars of dividends in villagers' also worry that the flood of goonik, signing agreements so who live here. "We' re taking the time to pockets and built schools, clin strangers i nt o W a i n wright far with 26 indigenous-owned ics and offices. Yet unless new could prove more toxic than the companies. At Shell's camp in understand what's happening revenue-sharing legislation is hydrocarbons under the sea. Wainwright, many of the oil around here," Slaiby said, "and "The people who've attend spill response workers who go I think we' ll have something passed, production offshore will bring natives far fewer re ed the meetings have asked, out daily on practice runs are here that's sustainable." wards — most money from the 'What's going to be the benefit from Wainwright and nearby Shell has also agreed not to outer continental shelf goes to to us? What about our schools, Barrow. operate in the nearby Beaufort "We do it because we will the federal government — even what about housing?' There Sea during whaling season; it though operations there are is no answer. They just come not be successful in Alaska if pledged not to dump its drilling seen asriskierto the ocean and here and they give us food and the communities we work in muds into the sea. It promised the wildlife that is essential to think that's going to suffice," are not," Slaiby said. A veteran to call off its helicopters when human survival on this forlorn said fourth-grade teacher Edna of drilling operations in Brazil, ever huntersare in an area; it coast. Ahmaogak, who was sitting in Syria, the Gulf of Mexico and painted its boats blue, a color The Eskimos fear that a di a class full of students on the the North Sea, Slaiby has be the Eskimos said would not saster like the BP spill in the afternoon of the barbecue as come a ubiquitouspresence at scare the animals of the sea.
tourism promotion. The agencies will operate Continued from E1 independently of each other, Hughson and Roger Lee, despite the consolidation. "The ability t o o p t i mize executive director of EDCO, said in the release that consol savings with operations effi idating offices would free up cienciesmakes good business funds forthe agencies to use sense for both our organiza on coreservices,like business tions," Lee said in the news re r ecruitment p r ograms a n d lease. "Both COVA and EDCO
share a resolve to maximize the resources we can dedicate to programs and m i nimize overhead." COVA has operated since 1971. The Central Oregon Eco nomic Development Council was officially formed in 1981, and in 1999 changed its name changed to Economic Devel
opment for Central Oregon. EDCO is presently located on Southwest Columbia Street. N o specific date for t h e move has been set. Finalizing a date would depend on when building renovations and site improvements were complete at the new Bonnett Way loca tion, Lee said.
GM Continued from E1 Experts say it's also the start of a trend asmanufacturers realize that software is among the few things that will set them apart from competitors. "The companies that build the software themselves in general are going to have an advantage," says David Kirk patrick, author of a book about Facebook and CEO of Techon omy Media Inc., a New York firm that specializes in setting up technology conferences. "If you outsource the develop ment of software in particular to others, you can risk ... your own ability to compete in the future." General Motors Co. isn' t alone in trying to move more technology development un der its roof. But the plans of its biggest competitor, Ford Motor Co., aren't nearly as ambitious. GM aims to bring90 per cent of its computer technol ogy work into the company by recruiting workers to four new information technology centers around the nation. F ord recently joined GM , BMW AG and Renault-Nis san in opening a technology office in California's Silicon Valley, although it's staffed by only about 15 people. GM's f irst "Information Technology Innovation Cen ter" wa s a n nounced last month in Austin, Texas, with plans to hire 500 program
mers and software experts. And Monday the carmaker unveiled plans to hire 1,500 more at a second computer center in Warren, Mich., on the campus of its big tech center. GM already has prod uct designers, engineers and other technical experts at the site, including the team that created the Chevrolet Volt electric car. The other two sites haven' t been revealed. Staff at the centers will try to stay on top of software trends. They' ll develop the lat est ways to link smartphones with cars or control a vehicle's heating and air conditioning with voice commands. They' ll also be counted on to invent technology that n o o n e' s thought of yet. And GM also sees long-term cost savings when the centers are fully in operation. Although there are shortag es ofprogrammers and soft ware engineersin some parts of the country, GM should be able to recruit enough talent by setting up shop in four dif ferent regions, experts say. With the tech-hub of Austin and GM's home base in De troit already covered, the most likely locations for the next two centers are on the West Coast, experts say. GM says it will offer com p etitive wages an d b e n efits to pull in recent college graduates and experienced information tech n ology professionals.
pickup, light delivery or util ity vehicle. Continued from E1 As of late August, the com Its offices will remain in pany had sold 11 vehicles. Bend. In July, V enus M otors Venus builds customized received a $20,000 federal electric vehicles in a variety grant — via Drive Oregon, a of body styles. The battery nonprofit organization that size, maximum speed and promotes the electric-vehicle range vary, depending on the industry — to help the com order, Bower said previously, pany pay for marketing costs and they cost about $25,000. to promote its products. Its signature vehicle, the e — Reporter: 541-61 7-7818, Veepster, can be built as a rrees@bendbulletin.corn
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YTD Div PE Last Chg%Chg
AlaskAisr Avista BkofAm BarrettB Boeing CascdeBcp CascdeC p
13 36.43 -.52 -3.0 1 .16 17 25.87 -.05 t . 5 .04 10 9 .21-.07 +65.6 .44 37 26.64 -.49 +33.5 1.76 12 70.64 +.07 -3.7 5.30 -.09 +21.0 1.40 11 54.13 -.18 +14.8
Colsprtw Costco
CrattBrew FLIRSys HewlettP HmFedlD Intel
Keycorp Kroger Lattice LaPac MDURes MentorGr Microsoft
Name NikeB Nordstrm NwstNG OfficeMax
Paccar PlanarSy PlumCrk
.88 18 5z46 -1.05 +1z7
PrecCastpt 1.10 28 99.64 -1.71 +19.6 Safeway 51 7.70 —.19 +27.9 Schnitzer .28 13 19.69 -.47 -21.5 Sherwin .53 5 1 4.37 -.09 -44.2StancrpFn .24f ... 11.24 -.21 +8.1 Starbucks .90 9 2 1.90 -.61-9.7 TriQuint . 20 9 8. 6 1 -.14 +1z0 Umpqua .60f 22 23.54 -.28 -z8 US Bancrp 9 3 .59 -.18 -39.6 WashFed 13.24 -.24 +64.1 WellsFargo .67 19 21.82 -.08 +1.7 WstCstBcp 14 15.57 —.47 +14.8 Weyerhsr .92f 15 29.28 —.50 +1z8
MN TRESS G allery- B e n d
I •
Northwest stocks Name
Market recap
YTD Div PE Last Chg%Chg 94.48 -.51 -Zo 56.11 -.35 +1z9 50.37 -.10 +5.1 7.45 -.09 +64.1 40.89 -.53 +9.1 1.30 -.00 -31.9 1.68 39 4z44 -.18 +16.1 .12 18 16z20 -1.42 -1.6 .70 9 16.25 -.10 -2z8 .75 12 28.06 +.77 -33.6 1.56 30 149.88 -Z35 +67.9 .89I 11 3z28 -.33 -1 z2 .68 26 47.35 -1.41 +Z9 5.12 -.03 +5.1 .36 15 1Z53 -.07 +1.1 .78 13 34.68 -.13 +28.2 .32 14 16.77 -.09 +19.9 .88 12 35.10 -.70 +27.4 .20 14 2z69 +.04 +45.4 .60 40 26.31 -.17 +40.9
1.44 21 1.08 18 1.827 22 .08 16 .80 12
Precious metals P r ime rate Metal
NY HSBC BankUS NY Merc Gold NY Merc Silver
$1 765.00 $1 763.00 $33.951
$1 775.00 $1 773.50 $33.982
Last Previousday Aweekago
3.25 3.25 3.25
Indexes Nasdag
Most Active (sc or more) Most Actfve (ss or more) Most Actfve (st or more) Name Vol (00) Last Chg Name Vol (00) Last Chg Name Vol (00) Last Chg BkofAm 1481265 9.21 -.07 SBP500ETF1343561 14420 -1 44 SPDR Fncl 694537 15.95 -.10 ehR2K 442667 8z60 -.98 ishEMkts 435420 4c27 -. 3I
Vringo 3 46203 4.45 -.98 CheniereEn 54416 1596 +46 Rentech 30084 z53 +.03 NovaGld g 26345 4.99 -.u Sandstg rs 25023 14.02 -1.05
SiriuSXM 875956 z63 -.04 Intel 645 024 21 90 -.61 PwshsQQQ 5340n 67.26 -1.09 Microsoft 444986 29.28 -.50 -.10 Cisco 41 9871 18.80
GainerS (S2 ormore) GelneIS (S2 or more) Gainers IS2 or more) Name L a s t Chg %ChgName L a s tChg %ChgName L a s tChg %Chg BarcshtC 14.10 +1.79 +14.5 PacBkrMg 4.14 +1.04 +33.5 BSDMed z05 +.87 +73.7 BkADJ5-15 13.39 t1.49 +1z5 EurasnM g z53 +.24 +10.6 FtsecGrsh 2.II7 +.62 +27.6 Radioshk z33 +.25 +1z0 SL Ind 1 4 .82 +1.22 +9.0 Otelco un 2.73 +.43 +18.7 SpectrmB 46.04 +4.88 +11.9 GreenHntr z24 +.14 +6.8 E20penn 15.21 +z07 +15.8 Kngswy rs 3.52 +.29 +9.0 MeetMe 3 .26 +.17 +5.5 Amlndep 5.60 +.69 +14.1 LOSerS (S2 or more) Losers (S2 or more) Losers (S2 ormore) Name L a s t Chg %ChgName L a s t Chg %ChgName L a s t Chg %Chg
84.60 -2z81 -2t2 MGTCap rs 5.49 -1.04 -15.9 Vnngo I0.00 -.97 -8.8 Vringo wt 4834 -4.55 -86 MedgenINt OwensCorn31.12 -z83 -8.3 AspecRlty EdwLfSci PennVa Fabrinet CSVlnvCrd
Diary Advanced Declined Unchanged Totalissues NewHighs NewLows
3.18 -.73 -18.6 GluMobile 3.29 -.78 -19.2 4.45 -.98 -18.0 Unihfe z30 -.45 -16.4 z66 -.34 -u.3 SuperMicro 9.31 -1.33 -1z5 4 25 -.45 -9 6 AngioDyn 0.41 -1.41 -u 0 3.67 -.33 -8.2 Nefflix 65.53 -7.99 -10.9
Diary 699 Advanced z357 Declined 87 Unchanged 3,143 Totalissues 101 New Highs 25 New Laws
Diary 137 304 33 474 13 7
Advanced Declined Unchanged Total issues New Highs New Laws
535 1,930 109 2,574
38 49
52.Week High Lo w
Net Last Chg
N ame
13,661.72 11,104.56 Dow Jones Industrials
5,390.u 4,365.98 DowJonesTransportation 499.82 42z90 DowJonesUtilities 8,515.60 6,844.16 NYSE Composite 2,509.57 2,094.30 AmexIndex 3,196.93 z44t48 Nasdaq Composite
1,474.51 1,158.15 S&P 500 15,43z54 12,085.12 Wilshire5000 868.50 664.58 Russell2000
World markets
13,473.53 - I10.12 4,999.56 -57.49 -.79 479.58 8,279.0 -80.02 z431.92 -37.42 3,065.02 -47.33 1,441.48 -1 4.40 15,037.69 -156.0 827.92 -1 0.49
YTD 52-wk % Chg %Chg % Chg -.81 +1 0.28 -1.1 4 -.40 -.16 +3.21 -.96 +1 0.73 -1.52 +6.74 -1.52 +1 7.65 -.99 +14.62 -1.03 +14.01 -1.25 +11.74
+1 8.02 +9.65 +1 0.01 +1 5.61 +14.11 +i 8.66 +20.57 +20.11 +20.1 7
Here is how key internationalstock markets Key currencyexchangerates Tuesday compared with late Monday inNewYork. performed yesterday. Market Close %Change Dollarvs: E x change Rate Pvs Day Amsterdam Brussels Paris London Frankfurt HongKong Mexico Milan NewZealand Tokyo Seoul Singapore Sydney Zurich
327.71 2,386.98
3,38z78 5,810.25 7,234.53 20,937.28 41,754.12 15,504.65 3,907.99 8,769.59 1,979.04 3,065.91 4,526.58 6,136.37
-.56 t -.84 t -.70 -.54 t -.78 +.54 s -.01 -.37 t -.41 t
-1.06 -.14 t -.35 t +.55 s -.10
AustraliaDollar BritainPound CanadaDollar ChilePeso ChinaYuan EuroEuro HongKongDollar
Japan Yen MexicoPeso RussiaRuble So. KoreaWon SwedenKrona SwitzerlndFranc TaiwanDollar
1.0211 1.6004 1.0229 .002109 .1590 1.2880 .1290 .012785 .077801 .0321 .000899 .1493 1.0634 .0341
1.0205 1.6036 1.0240 .002106 .1590 1.2967 .1290 .012765 .078055 .0321 .000899 .1508 1.0719 .0342
Selected mutual funds YTD Equityov 20.26 -0.17 +12.6 GblMacAbR 9.98 -0.01 +4.7 Name NAY Chg %Bet GlbAlloc r 19.65 -0.12 +8.6 FMI Funds: Cohen &Steers: LgCapp 1745 -0.15 +144 Amer CentumInV: Eqlnc 7 .99 -0.05 t11.9 RltyShrs 673S -023 +12.5 FPA Funds: Newlnco 10 62 -0 01 +2 0 Gro|Nthl 28.29 -0.39 t15.1 ColumbiaClassZ: Ultra 26.47 -0.38 t15.5 Acorn Z 30.86 -0.40+i3.3 FPACres 28 80 -0 20 +8 5 AcomlntZ 39.79 -0.23 +16.6 Fairholme 31 38 -0 24 +356 American FundsA: Federated Insll: AmcpAp 21.31-0.28 i13.6 Credit SuisseComm: AMutlAp 28.50-0.25 t12.1 ComRett 8.51 +0.05 +4.0 TotRetBd u 62 -0 01 +5.9 StrValDvlS 5 16 -0 04 +9.4 BalA p 20 31 -0.16 t'l3.2 DFA Funds: BondA p 12 95401 +53 IntlCorEq 998 -014 +10.3 Fidelity Advisor A: 1229 -012 +155 Nwlnsghp2306 -029+16.9 CaplBAp 5308439 +109 USCorEq1 12.12 -013 +157 StrlnA 1273 -003 +85 CapWGAp3614 -042 +149 USCorEq2 Fidelity Advisor I: CapWAp 21.53-0.05 +7.0 DavisFundsA: EupacA p 39.67-0.48 t12.8 NYVenA 36.40 -0.37 +12.0 Nwlnsgtl 2339 -029+172 Fidelity Freedom: Y: FdlnvA p 40.21-0.45 t14.7 Davis Funds GovtA p 14.59-0.01 +2.1 NYVenY 3684 -038 +12.2 FF2010 14.34 -0.07 +9.8 A: FF2010K 13.14 -0.06 +99 GwthA p 33.77-0.46 +17.5 Delaware Invest + 6 . 0FF2015 11.99 -0.06 +100 Hl TrA p 11 23-0.01 +'I'l.4 D iverlnc p 9.44 Dimensional Fds: FF2015K 13.20 -0.07 +100 IncoA p 18 06411 +'I08 IntBdAp 1379401 +26 EmMCrEq19.00 -0.13 +11.7 FF2020 14.52 -0.08 +11.0 ICAA p 30 70 4.30 +148 EmMktV 28.33 -0.19 +10.5 FF2020K 13.64 -0.07 +11.1 NEcoA p 28.37-0.47 +19.3 IntsmVa 1497 -019 +121 FF2025 12.10 -0.08 +122 NPerAp 30.35-0.41 +16.0 LargeC0 1138 -011 +165 FF2025K 13.80 -0.09 +12.3 NwWrldA 52.26-0.38 i13.3 USLgVa 2257 418 +194 FF2030 14.42 -0.09 +12.6 SmCpAp 39.22-0.40 +18.2 US Small 2323 -030 +140 FF2030IC 13.95 -0.09 +12.7 TxExA p 13.14-0.01 +7.9 USSmVa 26.86 -0.30 +16.5 FF2035 11.95 -0.08 +13.5 WshA p 31 55-0.26 +'l2.9 IntlsmCO 15.16 -0.17 +11.5 FF2035K 14.04 -0.11 +13.6 F ixd 1 0.35 +0. 8 FF2040 8.34 -0.06 +13.5 Arlisan Funds: IntVa 15.52 -0.22 +8.1 FF2040K 14.08 -0.11 +13.6 Intl 2 34j G lb5Fxlnc 11.27 + 4 . 4Fidelity Invest: IntlVal r 28 80 2 YGIFxd 10.13 +0. 9 AIISectEq 13.05 -0.15 +162 MidCap 38 09 AMgr50 16.35 -0.09 +10.2 Dodge&Cox: MidCapVal2120 Baron Funds: Balanced 7644 -069 +148 AMgr20r 13.37 -0.03 +6.3 Growth 5713 4.67 +12.0 I ncome 13 84 + 7 . 0Balanc 20.28 -0.16 +12.4 Bernstein Fds: intlStk 32 50 -0 46 +11.1 BalancedK20.28 -0.16 +12.6 IntDur 14.21 Stock 118.69 -1.53 +i8.4 BlueChGr49.96 -0.67 +17.8 DoubleLine Funds: CapAp 29.70 -0.37 +20.6 avMu 14.92 TRBd I 11.40 +0.01 NA Cplnc r 9.38 -0.01 +13.0 BlackROck A: NA Contra 79.16 -0.99 +17.3 Eqtyav 20.20 -0.17 +12.3 TRBdNp 11.39 GIAIAr 1955 -0.12 +84 Dreyfus: ContraK 79.18 -0.99 +175 BlackRockB&C: Aprec 4525 438 +13.0 DisEq 24.77 -0.30 +15.2 GIAIC t 1 8.1 8 -0.1 1 +7.7 EatonVanceI: Divlntl 28.99 -0.34 +13.6 BlackRockInsll: FltgRt 9.09 -0.01 +6.8 DivrslntK r28.98 -0.34 +13.7
DivGth 30.10 -0.31 +17.2 500ldxAdv51.10 -0.51 +16.6 Intl r 5 8.69 -0.86 +11.9 Lord Abbelt A: GblStrlncA 4.31 NA PionFdAp42.17 0.38 +10.1 Eq Inc 47.37 -0.37 +17.0 TotMktAdr41.83 -042 +16.2 HarlfordFdsA: AffilA p 12.02 -0.09 +15.4 IntBdA p 6.54 NA Price Funds: EQII 1 9.82 -0.16 +15.8 USBond I 12.00 -0.02 +3.9 CpAppAp 3285 430 +140 BdoebAp 808 -001 +10.9 MnStFdA 37.68 -0.40 +17.2 BICh>p 45.58 -0.72 +17.9 Fidel 3628 -0.37 +17.2 First Eagle: Harfford HLSIA: ShourlncAp465+001 +5.7 as>ngavA17A3 -0.18 NA CapApp 23.30-0.15 +13.0 FltRateHir 995 +58 GlblA 49.44 -0 36 +9 6 CapApp 42.34 -041 +139 Lord Abbelt C: S&MdCpVI31 12 -0.21 +5.0 EmMktS 32.19-0.19 +12.9 GNMA 1183 -003 +30 OverseasA 22.28 -0.16 i9.4 IVA Funds: ShourlncCt4.68+0.01 +5.1 OppenheimerB: Eqlnc 26.35 -0.20 +16.1 Wldwider1621 I -006 +55 Lord Abbelt F: Go|Nnc 1062 -001 +2.5 Forum Funds: RisingoivB15.76 -0.17 NA Eqlndex 38.86-0.39 +16.3 8.5 GroC0 97.19 -1 42 +20.2 Absstrlr 11.28 +0.01 +2.1 InvescoFundsA: S htDurlnco 4 64 + 5 . 5S&MdCpVI2630 -0.18 +43 Growth 37.73-0.61 +1 Frnk k Chart p 17.92 -0.16 +11.7 MFS FundsA: Grolnc 21.31 -0.20 +18.5 Frank/Temp OppenheimerC&M: HlthSci 43.77 -0.91 +34.3 GrowCoF 97.22 -1.41 +20.3 FedTFAp 12.73 -0.01 +79 CmstkA 17.62 -0.13 +17.2 TotRA 15.26 -0.09 +10.8 as>ngovCp1570-016 NA HiYield 6.91 +1 2.3 Grow(hCO K97.20 -1.42 +20.3 GrwlhAp 49.92 -0.56 +11.8 EqlncA 9.28 -0.06 +13.1 ValueA 25.72 -0.25 +16.3 oppenheimerRoch: InstlCpG 18.77-0.35 +1 6.4 Highlnc r 9.30 + 1 2.5H YTFA p 10.92 + 9 . 9GrlntAp 21 24 4.16 +155 MFS FundsI: R cNtMuA 754 + 1 5 9 IntlBond 10.16-0.03 +6.2 I ntBd i ' l.15 +4. 5 IncomAp 2.23 -0.01 +12.0 HYMuA 10 08 + 1 2 0jtaluel 2584 -025 +16.6 oppenheimerY: Intl G&l 12.49-0.1 4 +8.4 I ntmMU 1068 +4. 5 R>sovAp 37.82 -0.44 +8.7 Ivy Funds: MainStayFundsA: DevMktY 34.03 NA IntlStk 13.82 -0.1 8 +1 2.4 IntlDisc 31 78 -034 +151 Stratlnc p 10.67 -001 +99 AssetSCt 24.28 -0.21 +12.3 H iYldBA 6.09 +1 0 7 IntlBdY 6.54 NA MidCap 58.30-0.80 +1 0.6 InvGrBd 1205 -001 +51 USGovAp 685 -001 +1 6 AssetstAp25.13 -0.21 +12.9 ManagessFunds: IntGrowY 29.77 NA MCapVal 25.17-0.20 +17.7 InvGB 800 -001 +58 Frank/TmpFrnkAdv: AssetStrl r 25.38 -0.22 +13.1 Yacklmanp19.29 -019 +11.6 PIMCOAdmin PIMS: NAsia 1625 -015 +16.8 LgCapVal 11.51 -0.08 +14.3 GlbBdAdv13.37 -0.01 +12.0 JPMorgan AClass: YacktFOC2071 -020 +10.9 TotRIAd 1159 -0.02 +9.1 New Era 44 03 +003 +47 LowP r 39.05 -0.37 +14.4 IncmeAd 2.22 + 1 2.8C oreBd A 12.11 + 4 . 4ManningSNapierFds: PIMCOInstl PIMS: N Horiz 35 74-0.58 +1 5.2 LowPnK r39.03 -0.37 +14.5 Frank/Temp Frnk C: JP MorganInstl: WldoppA 7.41 -0.09 >11.8 AIAsetAutr'I'I 20 -0.01 +14.3 N lnc 9 9 5 +5.3 Magelln 74.72 -0.78 +18.9 IncomCt 2.25 -001 +114 MdCpVal 28.01 -0.23 +17.9 M ergerFd 15.97 + 2 . 4AIIAsset 12.68 -0.03 +12.4 OverS SF 817 -010 +u.6 JPMorgan RCl: Metro Wesl Fds: MidCap 30.00 -0.35 +14.9 Frank/Temp Mll A&B: ComodRR7.14+0.03 +11.8 R2010 'I666 -010 +109 +47 TotRetBd 1104 -001 +9.8 Divlnc 12.20 -0.01 +12.1 R2015 12 97 -009 +120 Munilnc 1356 -0.01 +70 SharesA 22.40 -0.17 +13.8 CoreBOnd1211 NwMktr 1163 -010+158 Frank/Temp Tempk JPMorganSelCls: T otRtBdl 11.04 +9 . 9 EmgMkCur1049 -0.03 +70 R2020 17 97 -014 +129 +4. 6 MorganStanley Inst EmMkBd 12.32 + 1 3.3R2025 13.16 -012 +136 OTC 6061 -103+108 GIBdAp 1341 -001 +118 C oreBd 12.10 100lndex 1042 -010 +181 GrwthAp 18.72 -0.19 +149 aghYld 8.12 +1 1 .9MCapGrl 34.65 -0.44 +5.3 avid 9 5 5 -0.01 +11.5 R2030 18 90 -019 +143 Puntn 1993 -014 +137 WorldAp 1559 -014 +135 S htourBd 11 02 + 1 6 Mutual Series: InvGrCp 11 29 -0.01 +12.8 R2035 13 37 -013 +147 PuntanK 1993 -0.14 +13.8 Frank/TempTmpB&C: USLCCrPls2323 424 +177 GblDiscA 2988 -0.19 +11.8 Lowou 1065 -001 +55 R2040 19 02 -020 +148 SAIISecEqF1307 -0.15 +16.4 GIBdC p 13.43 -0.01 +11.4 Janus TShrs: GlbDiscZ 30.32 -0.19 +12.1 RealRtnl 1265 -003 +9.0 S MB[I 4 8 6 +26 SCmdtystN9.37+0.05 +4.6 GE Elfun S&S: PrkMCVal T22.08 -0.17 +9.4 SharesZ 22.61 -0.18 +14.1 ShortT 99 0 +3.1 SmCpStk 3581-045 +146 'I'I 59 -0.02 +9.3 SCmdtyStrF 9.40 +0.05 +4.8 US Eqty 45.24 -0.55 +167 John HancockCI1: Neuberger&BermFds: TotRt SmCapVal 3872 -045 +123 SrslntGrw 11.58 -0.15 +14.5 GMO TruslIII: LSBalanc 1351 409 +119 Geneslnst 4985 -058 +7.4 PIMCOFundsA: Specln 1300 -002 +89 SrslntVal 9 06 -0.10 +12.1 Quahty 23.79 -0.27 +14.1 LSGrwth 1345 412 +'l29 NorthernFunds: RealRtAp 12.65 -0.03 +8.6 Value 26 51 -020 +176 SrlnvGrdF 1205 -001 +51 GMO TruslIV: Lazard Instl: HiYFxlnc 7.47 -0.01 +i2.1 TotRtA 11.59 -0.02 +9.0 Principal Inv: STBF 8 6 0 +2 2 IntllntrVI 1999 -0.26 +7.0 EmgMktl 1920 -0.12 +143 Oakmark Fundsl: PIMCOFundsC: LgCGlln 1029 016 +159 Vl: Longleaf Partners: Eqtylnc r 29 20 -0 19 +7.9 TotRtCt u 59 -002 +8.3 Putnam FundsA Stratlnc 11.40 -002 +88 GMO Trusl r11.26 -0.06 +9.2 Partners 3047 -032 +143 Intllr 1 8 93 -0 23 +14.4 TotalBd 1130 -001 +59 EmgMkts PIMCOFunds 0: GrlnAp 1459 012 +161 Oakmark 49 20 -0 60 +18.0 TRtn p 11.59 -0.02 +9.0 RoyceFunds: USBI 12.00 -0.02 +3.8 Quahty 23.80 -0.27 +14.1 Loomis Sayles: Goldman Sachs Insl : LSBondl 15.03 -0.03 +12.0 Old Weslbury Fds: PIMCO Funds P: Value 74.25 -0.73 +17.0 PennMulr1167 0.15 +8.5 Fidelily Sparlan: H>Yield 734 -001 +12.5 Strlnc C 15.41 -0.07 +9.8 Globopp 7.50 -0.03 +11.6 AstAIIAuthP11.19 -0.01 +14.2 Premierl r 19530.21 +5.5 500ldxlnv 51.10 -050 +16.5 Harbor Funds: LSBondR 1497 -003 +11.7 GlbSMdCap1 4.70 -0.13 +11.1 TotRtnP 1159 -0.02 +92 SchwabFunds: 500ldx I 51.10 -051 +16.6 Bond 13.01 -0.01 +84 StrlncA 1532 407 +104 OppenheimerA. Perm Part Funds: 1000lnv r 40.99 0.41 +15.9 Fidelily Sparl Adv: CapAplnst42.86 -0.66 +16.2 Loomis Sayles Inr. DvMktA p34.35 NA Permannt 4936 -0.18 +7.1 S&P Sel 22.80 0.23 +16.5 ExMktAd 40.04 r -OA5 +14.2 Intllnvt 58.01 -0.85 +11.6 InvGrBdY 12.75 -0.01 +10.5 GlobAp 61.00 -0.91 +12.9 Pioneer FundsA: Scout Funds:
Intl 31 .42 -0.30 +13.2 TStkAdm 35.85-0.36 + 6.2 i Sequoia 163.71 -2.06 +12.5 WellslAdm 59.42 -0.22 +9.6 TCW Funds: WelltnAdm 5936 -038 +12.0 TotRetBdl 10.27 +0.01 +11.7 Windsor 4983-0.47 +'l69 Templelon Inslit: WdsrllAd 5264448 +164 ForEqs 18.83 -0.16 +10.7 VanguardFds: Thornburg Fds: Cap0pp 33 32444 +129 IntValAp 26.07 -0.24 +9.5 avdGro 17 01-0.14 +11.6 IncBuildC p18.93 -0.09 +9.7 Energy 61.46+0.08 +4.2 IntValue I 26.65 -0.25 +9.9 Eqlnc 24.47 -0.23 +14.1 Tweedy Browne: Explr 78.95 -1.07 +10.5 GblValue 24.92 -0.13 +14.1 GNMA 11.04 -0.01 +2.1 VanguardAdmiral: t'I'l.7 HYCorp 6 05 BalAdml 23.85 -0.15 +11.2 HlthCre 15000-1.11 t'l67 C AITAdm 11.76 +6 . 1 InflaPro 14 96-001 +70 CpopAdl 76.99 -1.02 +13.0 IntlGr 18 38 -023 +12.4 EMAdmr r34.56 -0.21 +10.5 IntlVal 29.49 -0.34 +10.7 Energy 115.42 +0.15 +4.3 ITIGrade 10.47 +8.3 EqlnAdmn51.30 -047 +14.2 LifeCon 17.25-0.07 i8.1 ExtdAdm 44.94 -0.50 +14.2 LifeGro 23.53-0.1 9 +i2.4 500Adml132.99 -1.33 +16.6 LifeMod 20 94-0.1 3 +'I0.2 GNMA Ad 11.04 -0.01 +2.2 LTIGrade 1095+0.02 +'I07 GrwAdm 37.02 -0.46 +17.5 Morg 2015 427 +153 HlthCr 63.31 -0.46 +16.7 Mulnt 14 42 t5.3 HiYldCp 6.05 +1 1 .8PrmcpCor15.08 -0.16 t11.8 InfProAd 2937 -0.03 +70 Prmcp r 69.51-0.84 t12.6 ITBdAdml 1218 -0.01 +64 Seljtalu r 21.04-0.18 +13.2 ITsryAdml 11.80 -0.01 +2.6 STAR 20.65 -0.1 5 +11.2 IntGrAdm 58.51 -0.75 +125 STIGrade 1088 A1 I TAdml 14.42 +53 StratEq 20 96-022 t'l4.3 ITGrAdm 10.47 +84 TgtRetlnc 12 23-0.04 +75 L tdTrAd 11.20 +19 TgRe20102445 4u +90 LTGrAdml1095 +0.02 +10S TgtRe201513.52 -008 +99 LTAdmI 1180 -0.01 +72 TgRe202024.01 -0.16 +10.7 MCpAdml100.50 -1.11 +127 tgtRe202513.68 -0.10 +11.5 MuHYAdm1127 +83 TgRe2030 23.49 -0.19 +12.3 PrmCap r 72.16 -0.87 +12.7 TgtRe203514.14 -0.13 +13.0 ReitAdmr 91.82 -0.29 +14.5 TgtRe204023.24-021 +'l3.4 S TsyAdml 10.79 +0 . 6 TgtRe20451459 -014 +'l34 STBdAdml10.67 -0.01 +1.8 USGro 21 06430 +167 S htTrAd 15.94 +1. 0 Wellsly 24.53 -009 +9.5 S TIGrAd 10.88 +4 . 2 Welltn 34.37 -0.22 +12.0 SmCAdm38.10 -0.45 +14.1 Wndsr 14.77-0.14 +16.7 T tlBAdml 11.17 + 3 . 8Wndsll 29.66-0.27 i16.3
Vanguard IdxFds: ExtMktI 110 92 -1 25 +14.3 M>dCplstPI109.51-1.21 +12.8 Tati ntAdmr23.75 -0 26 +10.6 Totlntllnst r95.00 -1.04 +10.6
TotlntllP r 95.02 -1.04 +i0.6 500 1 3299 -1.33 +16.5 T otBnd 11.17 +3. 7 Totllntl 14 20 -0 15 +10.5 Totstk 35.84 -0.36 +16.1
VanguardInsll Fds: Ballnst 23 85 -0.15 +11.2
DevMklnst 9.31 -0.12 +10.6 Extln 4494 -050 +14.3 Grwthlst 37.01 -0.47 +17.5 InfProlnst 1196 -001 +7.0 Instldx 132.11 -1.32 +16.6 InsPI 132.12 -1.31 +16.6 InsTStPlus3245 -033 +163
MidCplst 22.20 -0.25 +i2.8 S TIGrlnst 10 SS + 4 . 2 SClnst 38.10 -0.45 i14.1 T Blst 1 1 1 7 +3. 8 Tslnst 35.85 -0.37 +16.2 Valuelst 2311 -0.18 +15.1
VanguardSignal: 500sgl 109.86 -1.09 t16.6 MidCpldx 31 71 -035 +127 STBdldx 10.67 -0.01 +1.8 SmCpSig 34.32 -0.41 +14.1 T otBdSgl 11.17 +3. 8 TotStkSgl 34.60 -0.35 +16.2 Virlus FundsI: EmMktl 9.89 -0.07 +14.5
WeslemAsset: CorePlus I 11.67+0.01 +7.6
TODAY BNIBEND CHAPTER MEETING:This week's speaker will discuss the ins and outs of carpet cleaning; visitors are welcome and first two visits are free; 7 a.m.; Bend Senior Center, 1600 S.E. ReedMarket Road; 541-388-1133. HOW TOAVOIDTHE TOP FIVE FINANCIALMISTAKES: Evan Dickens and Brian Newton of Jones 8 Roth CPAsand Business Advisors will help you learn how to avoid making the top five financial mistakesbusiness owners make; reservations recommended; free; 7:30 a.m.; Greenwood Playhouse, 148 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-382-3221 or www. IMPACTINGYOURPROFIT: This class is designed to help established business owners or principals identify what drives profit and how to increase profitability; the course combines three one-on-one advising sessions with three two hour classes on Oct. 10, Oct. 24 and Nov. 7; registration required; $199; 8-10 a.m.; Central Oregon Community College, 2600 N.W. College Way, Bend; 541-383-7290. HOMEBUYINGCLASS:Registration required; free; 5:30-9:30 p.m.; Neighborlmpact, 2303 S.W. First St., Redmond; 541-318-7506, ext. 309.
THURSDAY BUSINESSNETWORK INTERNATIONALDESCHUTES BUSINESSNETWORKERS CHAPTER WEEKLYMEETING: Visitors are welcome and first two visits are free; 7 a.m.; Bend Masonic Center, 1036 N.E. Eighth St.; 541-6 IO-9 I25. N.W.GREEN BUILDING INDUSTRY SUMMIT:Topics will include Home Performance and Cost Prioritizing, Living Building Challenge update, Ground Source Heating, Cash Incentives for Upgrades, Solar Systems, Heating with Common Cents and more; register before Oct. 10; $50 preregister, $65 at the door; 7:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.;W estside Church, 2051 Shevlin Park Road, Bend; 541-382-7504. ADVICE AT SCHWAB:Free; noon-1 p.m.; Charles Schwab & Co., 777 N.W. Wall St., Suite 201, Bend; 541-318- I 794. BUSINESSNETWORK INTERNATIONALWILDFIRE CHAPTER WEEKLYMEETING: Visitors are welcome and first two visits are free; 3:30 p.m.; Bend Honda, 2225 N.E. U.S. Highway 20; 541-480- I 765. GO SOLAR!CENTRAL OREGON FREE WORKSHOP:Free; 5:30-6:30 p.m.; The Environmental Center, 16 N.W. Kansas Ave., Bend; 541-323 9722 or www.gosolarcentraloregon. org.
tools and services which can assist individuals struggling to pay their mortgages; free; 5:30-7:30 p.m.; Neighborlmpact, 2303 S.W. First St., Redmond; 541-318-7506, ext. 309, or
TUESDAY BUSINESSNETWORK INTERNATIONALHIGH DESERT CHAPTER WEEKLYMEETING: Visitors are welcome and first two visits are free; 7:15 a.m.; Bend Honda, 2225 N.E. U.S. Highway 20; 541-420-7377. VISITBEND BOARD MEETING: Open to the public but please email Valerie©visitbend.corn to reserve a seat; 8 a.m.; Bend Visitor Center, 750 N.W. Lava Road; 541-382-8048. BUSINESS AFTER HOURS:4:30 5:30 p.m.; Comfort Suites, 2243 S.W. Yew Ave., Redmond. CROOKEDRIVER RANCH TERREBONNE CHAMBEROF COMMERCE NETWORKINGSOCIAL: Free; 5:30 p.m.; Desert Meadows Clubhouse,520 N.E. Shoshone Ave., Redmond; 541-923-2679 or www. crrchamber.corn . SMALL-BUSINESSCOUNSELING: SCORE business counselors will be available every Tuesday for free one on-one small-business counseling; no appointment necessary; free; 5:30-7:30 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-617-7080 or www.
PROJECTMANAGEMENT FUNDAMENTALS: Online instruction begins Oct. 17; complete two online lessons each week for six weeks and meet in the classroom Nov. 7 and Dec. 5; $159; Central Oregon Community College, 2600 N.W. College Way, Bend; 541-383-7270. BUSINESSNETWORK INTERNATIONALBENDCHAPTER WEEKLYMEETING: Visitors are welcome and first two visits are free; 7 a.m.; Bend Senior Center, 1600 S.E. Reed Market Road; 541-749-0789. RISKMANAGEMENT -VISION, STRATEGY 5 EXECUTION:A panel of regional bank CEOsshare their perspectives and outlooks; $30 for individuals and $350 for a corporate table of 8; 7:30 a.m.; Seventh Mountain Resort, 18575 S.W. Century Drive, Bend; 541-382 3221 or http: I/bendchamber.orgl chamber-events/risk-management association. MS PROJECTBASICS:Manage tasks, timelines and resources and work with tracking and reporting features to accurately prepare professional estimates and monitor your projects; bring a flash drive; cost includes workbook and CEUs; class continues Oct. 19 and Oct. 26; FRIDAY $199; 8 a.m.-noon; Central Oregon Community College, 2600 N.W. COFFEE CLATTER: 8:30-9:30 College Way, Bend; 541-383-7270. a.m.; Therapeutic Associates in OREGON ALCOHOLSERVER Redmond, 413 N.W. Larch Ave., PERMIT TRAINING:Meets the Suite 102; 541-923-7494. minimum requirements by the SURVIVING"THE BUSINESS": Oregon Liquor Control Commission Panel featuring filmmakers; 10:30 to obtain an alcohol server permit; a.m.-noon; The Nature of Words, registration required; $35; 9 a.m.; 224 N.W. Oregon Ave., Bend; Round Table Pizza, 1552 N.E. Third 541-647-2233. St., Bend; 541-447-6384 or www. CENTRALOREGONREAL ESTATE happyhourtraining.corn. INVESTMENTCLUB:Free; 11 FINANCIALPLANNING AND a.m.; ServiceMaster Clean, 20806 MONEY MANAGEMENT:Call Sockeye Place, Bend; 541-610-4006 541-31 8-7506, ext. 309 to or bobbleile©windermere.corn. reserve a seat; 5:30-7:30 p.m.; CENTRAL OREGONBUSINESS Neighborlmpact, 2303 S.W. First EDUCATIONNETWORK OCTOBER St., Redmond; 541-548-2380. MEETING:Join Kelly Walker, Intrepid Marketing Creative Director LAUNCHYOURBUSINESS: Designed to help business owners as he shares strategies and tips for get off to a good beginning effective use of your social media and develop a working plan; channels; registration requested; preregistration is required; the $5; 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m.; East Bend course combines four one-hour Public Library, 62080 Dean Swift daytime coaching sessions that Road; 503-805-6524, Lynn© start Oct. 8, with three Wednesday ALJ-LLC.corn or www.meetup. evening classes on Oct. 17, Oct. corn/COBEN12. 31 and Nov. 14; $79; 6-9 p.m.; MASTERINGYOU FESTIVAL RUN: Central Oregon Community College, Panel featuring filmmakers; 1-2:30 2600 N.W. CollegeW ay,Bend; p.m.; The Nature of Words, 224 N.W. 541-383-7290. Oregon Ave., Bend; 541-647-2233. KNOW EXCEL BUDGETS: Learn to create a monthly budget spreadsheet; free;1 p.m.; Redmond THURSDAY Public Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Oct. 18 Ave.; 541-312-1050. FREETAXFRIDAY: Freetax return BUSINESSNETWORK reviews; schedule an appointment at INTERNATIONALDESCHUTES 541-385-9666 or www.myzoomtax. BUSINESSNETWORKERS corn; free; 2-4 p.m.; Zoom Tax, 963 CHAPTER WEEKLYMEETING: S.W.Simpson Ave.,Suite100,Bend; Visitors are welcome and first two 541-385-9666. visits are free; 7 a.m.; Bend Masonic Center, 1036 N.E. Eighth St.; 541-610-9125. EXPLORE THE BENEFITS OF SATURDAY WORKINGWITH SCHWAB:Free; noon-1 p.m.; Charles Schwab 8 Co., GO SOLAR!CENTRAL OREGON FREE WORKSHOP:Free; 9:30-10:30 777 N.W. Wall St., Suite 201, Bend; a.m.; The Environmental Center, 16 541-318-1 794. N.W. Kansas Ave., Bend; 541-323 BUSINESSNETWORK 9722 or www.gosolarcentraloregon. INTERNATIONAL WILDFIRE org. CHAPTER WEEKLYMEETING: Visitors are welcome and first two visits are free; 3:30 p.m.; Bend Honda, 2225 N.E. U.S. Highway 20; MONDAY 541-480-1765. FORECLOSUREPREVENTION WHO WILLMAKE DECISIONS CLASS:Learn about FOR YOU?:Whether due to a Neighborlmpact's Housing Center brief hospitalization or long-term
incapacity, many of us will have a time in our lives when we won't be able to make our own financial or medical decisions; estate planning and elder law attorneys Ryan Correa and Linda Ratcliffe will discuss the many planning options available and the potential consequences of failing to plan ahead; registration required; free; 6 p.m.; Hurley Re, 747 S.W. Mill View Way, Bend; 541-317-5505.
FRIDAY Oct. 19 BALLOTMEASURES2012: Town hall forum; $30 for members, $40 fornonmembers;7:30 a.m.;Bend Golf and Country Club, 61045 Country Club Drive; 541-382-7437 or COFFEECLATTER:8:30-9:30 a.m.; Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541-312-1050. BOOKKEEPINGFOR BUSINESS: Eight week class meets on Friday mornings and will help you understand and apply entry-level accounting conceptsto keepbooks electronically using QuickBooks Pro; for those with little or no bookkeeping experience who are looking to add employable skills or small business owners; class continues through Dec. 14; $229 plus textbook; 9 a.m.-noon; Central Oregon Community College, 2600 N.W. CollegeW ay,Bend; 541-383-7270. CENTRALOREGONREAL ESTATE INVESTMENTCLUB:Free; 11 a.m.; ServiceMaster Clean, 20806 Sockeye Place, Bend; 541-610-4006 or bobbleile@windermere.corn. KNOW COMPUTERS FOR BEGINNERS: Free; 1 p.m.; Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541-31 2-1 050. FREETAXFRIDAY: Freetax return reviews; schedule an appointment at 541-385-9666 or www.myzoomtax. corn; free; 2-4 p.m.; Zoom Tax, 963 S.W. Simpson Ave., Suite100, Bend; 541-385-9666. KNOW EMAILFOR BEGINNERS: Free; 3 p.m.; Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541-312-1 050.
If you have Marketplace events you would like to submit, please contact Ashley Brothers at 541-383-0323,email business@bendbulletin.corn or click on "Submit an Event" at www.bendbulletin.corn. Please allow at least 10 days before the desired date of publication.
Work Continued from E1 Figures are hard to come by. Carnival, the world's larg est cruise line, said it does not release nationality break downs for its roughly 77,000 shipboard employees on the 99 ships it operates around the world. In a statement, Carnival spokeswoman Jennifer de la Cruz said the United States holds a spot in the top 10 source countries for Carnival shipboard employees. The United States has the world' s third-largest population. "Carnival Cruise Lines has numerous Americans work ing aboard our ships, and we routinely hire American crew members," de la Cruz wrote. "The cruise industry is very international in nature, and we typically have crew from more than 100 different countries employed on our vessels." David Peikin, a spokesman for the Cruise Lines Interna tional Association, said the trade group was unaware of any U.S. tax law that would discouragecruise ships from hiring Americans. "In fact, many U.S. citizens work on cruise ships that are both U.S.
lagged and foreign-flagged," f
he said in an email. He also described cruise ships as offering jobs in de mand around the world. "Jobs in the cruise industry are
Turkey a waiter's job aboard a ship with a monthly wage of $50, plus another $1,000 a month in guaranteed tips. The latest Royal Caribbean annual report notes 80 per cent of its 54,000 shipboard employees are covered by col lective bargainingagreements negotiated by union leaders. "These labor agreements provide reasonable pay and benefits to employees, includ ing guaranteed monthly pay for tip-earning employees," Royal Caribbean said in a re cent statement. "This means that crew members arepro tected with a significant guar anteed pay rate in the event lower tips are collected in a certain month. Most tip-earn ing employees receive tips that are significantly higher than the minimum guarantee each month." O f course, cruiselinesaren't alone in hiring abroad. Hotels, farms, construction and land scaping crews regularly lean on international recruiters to fill low-wage, grueling jobs that are hard to staff with do mestic workers. The combina tion of low pay and long hours that comes with many cruise ship jobs makes them less at tractive in the United States, where entry-level retail jobs can pay close to $10 an hour.
highly desirable and highly sought after," he continued. "In addition to their salary, crewmembers typically r e ceivefreemedical care,room and board, meals and many other benefits that are often unavailable in t h eir h o me countries." Critics of th e c r uise in dustry see the use of foreign workers as another way of boosting profits — s i milar to how Carnival and other cruise ship companies avoid U.S. corporate taxes by incor porating in foreign countries.
(Local employees and facili ties of cruise ship companies are subject to all local, state and federal taxes.) "The benefit of hiring a non U.S. worker is, of course, you can paythem what you want to pay them," said Jim Walker, a South Miami lawyer who represents passengers and cruise ship employees su ing cruise lines over injuries and shipboard incidents. He also runs the website Cruise LawNews.corn. Walker point ed to a 2009 document that shows Royal Caribbean of fering one of his clients from
NEWS OF RECORD St., Prineville Zachary Brazil,P.O. Box 1377, Bend
BANKRUPTCIES Chapter 7 Filed Oct. 2
Kathi L. Wade,735 N.E. Penn, Bend Gale F. Thurman,1841 S.W. 21st St., Apt. A, Redmond Deena M. Turner,20045 Old Rock House Road, Bend Filed Oct. 3
Larry D. JohnsonII, 8990 Chandler Ridge Road, Terrebonne Filed Oct. 4
Steven E. Loney,6171 N.W. Gray
Filed Oct. 5
David W. Vaughan,19652 Manzanita Lane, Bend Chris R. Patterson,414 S.W. H St., Madras Marcus R. Carroll,1744 N.E. Mark Court, Bend RonaldW. Smicz,1305 S.W . Rimrock Way, Redmond Jennifer L Soliz,2558 S.W. Indian Ave., Redmond Carolyn R. Albertazzi,61032 Chamomile Place, Bend
David C. Piovanelli,69352 Silver Spur, Sisters Michael J. Brown,1435 N.E. Revere Ave., Bend Filed Oct. 8
James K. Edwards,335 S.E. Roosevelt Ave. No. 10, Bend Chapter 13 Filed Oct. 2
Christine R. Larsen,54824 Lonesome Pine Drive, Sunriver Filed Oct. 8 Christopher L. Hardt,1958 S.W. 29th St., Redmond
Oct. 20 FORKLIFTOPERATION AND SAFETY:Upon satisfactory completion, forklift operator certification cards will be mailed; must bring valid ID to class and be18 years old; $69; 8 a.m.-1 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, Redmond campus, 2030 S.E. College Loop, Redmond; 541-383-7270.
rI i
Show your appreciation to your customers by than'.ng them in a group space ad
MONDAY Oct. 22 CORC LUNCHEON:CAI-CORC presents discussions about social media and how it affects homeowner associations; registration required before noon on Oct. 18; $20 for CAI CORC membersand $25 for nonmembers; 11:30 a.m.; The Oxford Hotel, 10 N.W. Minnesota Ave., Bend; 541-382-8436 or www.
that vvill run
Nov. 22nd, Thanksgiving Day, the most-rend paper of the yenv! This special one page group ad will showcase your business along with a message of thanks to your customers.
TUESDAY Oct. 23 BUSINESSNETWORK INTERNATIONALHIGH DESERT CHAPTER WEEKLYMEETING: Visitors are welcome and first two visits are free; 7:15 a.m.; Bend Honda, 2225 N.E. U.S. Highway 20; 541-420-7377. WORKFORCE INCLUSION RECOGNITIONAWARDS:Award presentation to local businesses that support inclusive hiring and presentation about the supports available for businesses to make diversified partnerships successful; with appetizers, beverages and door prizes; free; 5-6:30 p.m.; The Oxford Hotel, 10 N.W. Minnesota Ave., Bend; 541-382-8436. SAVINGANDINVESTING:Call 541 318-7506, ext. 309 to reserve a seat; 5:30-7:30 p.m.; Neighborlmpact, 2303 S.W. First St., Redmond; 541-548-2380. SMALL-BUSINESSCOUNSELING: SCORE business counselors will be available every Tuesday for free one on-one small-business counseling; no appointment necessary; free; 5:30-7:30 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-617-7080 or www. HOW TO DEVELOPA BUSINESS PLAN:First-time business owners will learn how to evaluate their finances, target their market, and present their ideas in a written business plan. Registration required, course continues Oct. 30; $59; 6-9 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, 2600 N.W. College Way, Bend; 541-383-7290.
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Ski Helmet w/glasses, 2 sets ski poles, 2 pairs skis, pair of ski boots,
: Monday - Friday 7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Saturday 10:00 a.m. — 12:30 p.m.
24 Hour Message Line: 541-383-2371 Place, cancel, or extend an ad
Guns, Hunting & Fishing
O r e g o n
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Musical Instruments
Misc. Items
BUYING Lionel/American Flyer S&W 9mm model 659, trains, accessories. DON'TMISSTHIS silver, great c o nd., 541-408-21 91. ITEMS FORSALE 264-Snow RemovalEquipment $75 all, 541-388-9270 w/case & 3 cartridges, 201 - NewToday 265 - Building Materials $450. 541-420-9599 BUYING & SE L LING 245 DO YOU HAVE 202- Want to buy or rent 266- Heating and Stoves gold jewelry, silver SOMETHING TO Wanted: Collector Piano, Steinway Model Alland Golf Equipment 203- Holiday Bazaar & Craft Shows 267- Fuel and Wood gold coins, bars, 541-771-0522 SELL seeks high quality 0 Baby Grand 1911, rounds, 204- Santa's Gift Basket wedding sets, 268- Trees, Plants & Flowers fishing items. FOR $500 OR gorgeous, artist qual Cobra ZL a d justable class rings, sterling sil 205- Free Items 269- Gardening Supplies & Equipment POODLE (TOY) Pups, driver 1 05 LESS? Call 541-678-5753, or ity instrument w/great ver, coin collect, vin $95 208- Pets and Supplies 503-351-2746 270 - Lost and Found AKC. Pomapoos also! Non-commercial action 8 S t einway's tage watches, dental 541-923-8271 210- Furniture & Appliances So cute! 541-475-3889 advertisers may warm, rich sound. Will gold. Bill Fl e ming, GARAGESALES Wanted Ruger 10/22 211 - Children's Items place an ad adorn any living room, 541-382-9419. Queensland Heelers 275 Auction Sales R ifle, p l ease c a l l Call a Pro with our 212 - Antiques & Collectibles church or music stu standard 8 mini,$150 8 541-771-5648. 280 - Estate Sales "QUICK CASH Whether you need a dio perfectly. New re COWGIRL CASH 215- Coins & Stamps up. 541-280-1537 http: // 281 Fundraiser Sales SPECIAL" tail $ 6 9 ,000. SacriWe buy Jewelry, Boots, 240- Crafts and Hobbies rightwayranch.wordpress.corn fence fixed, hedges 1 week 3 lines 12 fice at $34,000 OBO, Vintage Dresses 8 282- Sales Northwest Bend 241 - Bicycles and Accessories Yorkie male puppies (2), trimmed or a house • TV, Stereo & Video OI' call 541-383-3150. More. 924 Brooks St. 284- Sales Southwest Bend 242 - Exercise Equipment 8 weeks, vet checked & built, you' ll find k 20! 541-678-51 62 ~2 286- Sales Northeast Bend 243 - Ski Equipment shots, c a n del i ver, Pioneer Digital Receiver, Ad must www.getcowgirlcash.corn professional help in $600. 541-792-0375 244 - Snowboards 288- Sales Southeast Bend high wattage,$70 Firm, include price of Travel/Tickets • 290- Sales RedmondArea The Bulletin's "Call a Jim 541-382-1627. Custom made female 245 - Golf Equipment ii f $50 0 210 black-powder wool 246-Guns,Hunting and Fishing 292- Sales Other Areas Service Professional" or less, or multiple Furniture & Appliances UOFO squaw dress & leggings, 247- Sporting Goods - Misc. items whose total FARM MARKET Directory unadorned, with acces Computers HOMECOMING does not exceed 248- Health and Beauty Items • 308- Farm Equipment and Machinery sories. $150 obo. 541-385-5809 TICKETS A1 Washers & Dryers $500. 249- Art, Jewelry and Furs 541-280-0112 or 316 - Irrigation Equipment T HE B U LLETIN r e Sat. 10/27 2 seats $150 ea. Full war 251 - Hot TubsandSpas 541-536-2412 section 36 includes 325- Hay, Grain and Feed quires computer ad ranty. Free Del. Also Call Classifieds at 246 253- TV, Stereo andVideo vertisers with multiple guar. hotel resv. wanted, used W/D's 541-385-5809 333Poultry, Rabbits and Supplies P iranha paintball r e Guns, Hunting 255 - Computers $150/ticket. 541-280-7355 www.bendbulletin.corn ad schedules orthose 341 - Horses and Equipment peater gun, $99. Lg mir 256- Photography 8 Fishing bach©gmail.corn selling multiple sys ror, $99. 4 auto rims, $15 345-Livestockand Equipment 257- Musical Instruments tems/ software, to dis Bench, orate wroughtiron, ea. Hampton Bay stand 347 - Llamas/Exotic Animals 258 - Travel/Tickets 44" wide, 17" deep, 34" 300 H&&/98 Mauser, w/ Elkhunters -30-338, 338 close the name of the up fan, $99. Router, 350 Horseshoeing/Farriers 3x9 Tasco s cope, Win Mag, 300 Wby business or the term 259- Memberships tall, $60, 541-420-0366 $125. 541-948-4413 Misc. Items • range finder, spotting 358Farmer's Column Mag, 300 Win mag, "dealer" in their ads. 260- Misc. Items GENERATE SOME ex s cope, 2 boxe s 7mm m ag , 3 0 06, Private party advertis 375- Meat and Animal Processing 261 - MedicalEquipment Buying Diamonds Call The Bulletin At citement i n you r a mmo, $1200 , 308, all exc., call for ers are d efined as 383 - Produce andFood 541-385-5809 262 - Commercial/Office Equip. 541-490-5440 /Gold for Cash neighborhood! Plan a info 541-771-5648. those who sell one 263- Tools Saxon's Fine Jewelers Place Your Ad Or E-Mail garage sale and don' t 541-475-3697. computer. 541-389-6655 At: www.bendbulletin.corn forget to advertise in Mossberg 390 Auto, 12 208 Arisaka Model 99, 7.7, 2 classified! a, like new, $350, bayonets w/scab bards, re-War 91/30 Mosin Pets 8 Supplies 541-385-5809. Photography 8 1 box ammo. $400. Nagant, $125; 0 541-420-0065 541-41 9-8586. TheBulletin Photo Printer, Epson recommends extra Bend local pays CASH!! Stylus Pro 4000,per "Arctic Fox Silver Edition 1140, 2005. 5 hrs on lcaio ie p gen; air, slideout, dry bath, like new, loaded! . for Guns, Knives 8 RUGER10-22,semi-auto, fect, $500, 504-8316 chasing products or • A/so 2004Dodge Ram 3500 quad cab dua//y Ammo. 541-526-0617 w/Buschnell 3x9 scope, stainless steel action, services from out of I Good classified ads tell 4x4, 11,800 mi, SuperHilch..." $225, 541-410-7887. area. Sending l Richard, Bend, OR Check out the the essential facts in an Chihuahua Pups, as German Shorthairs ll the cash, checks, or ' classifieds online interesting Manner. Write sorted colors, teacup, AKC -females $500 l credit i n f o rmation .22 LR, Mark III from the readers view - not 1st shots, w ormed, www.bendbulletin.corn Ruger Gef Resultsfrom Qualified males $400. Home I Want to Buy or Rent may be subjected to SS competition target $250, 541-977-0035 the seller' s. Convert the raised, mom on-site l FRAUD. For more Central OregonBuyers! Updated daily p istol, $ 5 00 , cal l facts into benefits. Show 1st shots dewormed Call us at 541-385-5809 and ask 541-390-8000 Wanted: $Cash paid for Chi-Pom Puppy, male, information about an s 541-408-211 4. CASH!! the reader how the item will about our Whee/ Deal S ecial! vintage costume jew 17 weeks, all shots, advertiser, you may For Guns, Ammo & Ruger M77 7mm mag help them in someway. elry. Top dollar paid for unaltered,tan 8 brown, German I call t h e Ore g onI Wire h a ir Reloading Supplies. This Gold/Silver.l buy by the $150, 541-598-5076. Attor ney ' num, Leupold scope, 541-408-6900. Pointer pups, ready ' State advertising tip Estate, Honest Artist custom all-weather fin l General's O f f i c e Chocolate Lab AKC 10 10/27, AKC/NAVHDA, brought to you by Elizabeth,541-633-7006 Consumer P rotec- • C Z 550 S a fari, 6 1 6 ishes on scope, barrel & yrs, very nice, great jcallis@eoni.corn, t ion ho t l in e at I Rigby, $1050, c a ll stock. Ammo included. WANTED: RAZORS, with kids, moving and 541-805-9478. The Bulletin $750. 541-317-0116 www .bendbulletit 541-548-4774. l 1-877-877-9392. Double or single c an't take w it h u s . edged, straight Kittens/cats avail. thru Free. 541-385-6232 razors, shaving rescue group. Tame, Dachshund AKC minis shots, altered, ID chip, brushes, mugs 8 wheaton, red, choc, dpi scuttles, strops, more. Sat/Sun 1-5, call shaving accessories parents here, vet check re: other days. 65480 www.bendweenies.corn 78th & memorabilia. St., Bend , Antiques & $375-425 541-508-4558 541-389-8420; Fair prices paid. 598 Collectibles Call 541-390-7029 5488; photos, etc. at between 10 am-3 pm. DO YOU HAVE The Bulletin reserves SOMETHING TO SELL Lab Puppies, yellows 8 the right to publish all b lacks, males 8 f e ads from The Bulletin Items for Free FOR $500 OR newspaper onto The males, $200 ea., no LESS? papers, 541-771-5511 Bulletin Internet web FREE Llama Manure Non-commercial site. Shovel ready, you haul! advertisers may Labradoodles - Mini 8 Call 541-389-7329 place an ad with med size, several colors OUI' 5er ng Cenrral Oregon s nce l903 541-504-2662 "QUICK CASH Find exactly what www.alpen-ridge.corn SPECIAL" you are looking for in the Labrador AKC p u ps, Coins & Stamps • CLASSIFIEDS o 2~ eeks 20! choc/blk/yellow, males Private collector buying Ad must include 8 females, exlnt hunters/ p ostage stamp a l price of single item familydogs. $500-$600 8 c o llections, of $500 or less, or Pets & Supplies each. 1st shots 8 dew bums and U.S. multiple items Now you can cidd ct full-color photo to your Bulletin classified cid starting ormed. In Lebanon, OR, world-wide 573-286-4343 (local, whosetotal does Cock-a-Poo pups, small 1-707-775-5809 or elf only $15.00 per week, when you order your ad online. cell ¹) not exceed $500. male $250; female $300, www.facebook.corn/ CASH 541-546-7909 amandito.casteen FIND YOUR FUTURE Call Classifieds at 541-385-5809 Labradors AKC: black & HOME INTHE BULLETIN The Bulletin recom www.bendbulletin.corn To place your Bulletin ctd with cf photo, visit www.bendbulletin.corn, choc; dewclaws, athletic mends extra caution parents; fern,$450; male Your future is just a page when purc h as away. Whether you' relooking ing products or ser English Bulldog "minia $400. 541-410-9000 for a hat or a place to hangit, ture" puppies. $800 vices from out of the quality! AKC, The Bulletin Classified is area. Sending cash, obo. 2 Male, 2 Fe Labradors, your best source. black, 2 choc; 1 white Pick cl category (for example — pets or transportation) checks, or credit in male 2 brindle, 2 tan. 2 fern., $500. Suitable for 541-233-8096 Every day thousands of f ormation may b e and choose your ad package. svc dogs. 541-536-5385 subjected to fraud. http: //www.welcomelabs.corn buyers and sellers of goods English Bulldog and services do busi n ess in For more i nforma Puppies tion about an adver these pages.They know Write your ad and upload your digital photo. AKC registered, 1st Sell an Item tiser, you may call you can't beat TheBulletin shots 8 microchipped. the O r egon State Classified Section for Ready to go! selection and convenience Attorney General' s Create your account with any major credit card, $2000. 541 416-0375 Office C o n sumer - every item isjust a phone call away. Protection hotline at Foster homes needed for 1-877-877-9392. k ittens too s mall t o All ads appear in both print and online. The Classified Section is alter/adopt. Re s c ue If it's under$500 easy to use. Every item Please allow 24 hours for photo processing before your ad appears in print and online. roup provides cage, Sewrng central oregon s>nce e03 is categorized andevery you can place it in ood, supplies, vet care; cartegory is indexed on the you provide a safe, car The Bulletin section's front page. AUSSIES, M I N I/TOYIng short- term home. Classifieds for: To place your photo ad, visit us online at AKC, all colors, must 541 389 8420 or 598 Whether youarelooking for see, parents on site. 5488, a home orneed aservice, www.bendbulletin.corn 541-598-5314/788-7799 German Shorthair AKC $1 0 • 3 lines, 7 days your future is in the pagesof The Bulletin Classified. or call with questions, 541-385-5809 Barn/shop cats FREE, Pups, FC Tonelli's Ris $16 • 3 lines, 14 days www.bendbulleti Jt.corn some tame, some not. ing Sun bred, 4 females, We deliver! Fixed, shots. 3 males, $600 ea. The Bulletin (Private Party ads only) 541-389-8420 541-598-6988
Poodle (Toy) Pup pies - 2 little black g irls l e ft . H o m e raised & s p o iled. $250 ea. SENIOR discount.
l l
Classif jeds
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541 a385-5809
Edited by Will Shortz Across
30 Aristotle who named his yacht 1 Visa/MC Christina after his alternative daughter 5 Threesome on a 32 Div, for the Mets clipper 35 Re a d er 10 Laid off 36 "Sorry I paid for 14 Half at the start? that" feeling 40 Circle dance 15 Tolerate 41 Giving a leg up 16 Company with a 42 French artist cat in its logo Pierre 17 Been in bed 45 Watery-eyed (with) 49 Permits 18 Unflashy coat 50 Actor in "The Fabulous Baker 20 Where to find a Boys" keeper 53 French 21 What to call a possessive lady 54 Amazonas and 22 Many a Cub others Scout den leader 55 It covered 23 Phenomenon Pompeii evidenced in 56 Toady the 2011 film 60 " virumque subtitled "Never cano" (first words Say Never" of the "Aeneid") 26 Outback runner 61 "Hair" do 29 Eponym of a 62 Sex researcher Venetian basilica Hite
63 Lone Star State
sch. 64 Flight level 65 Like many a Mediterranean roof 66 Dry as dust
Down 1 Extemporizes 2 Speak with conviction
Monday • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • a Noon Sate
Tuesday • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Noon Mons Wednesday •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • a Noon Tuesa
30 32
"Relapse" (2009) and "Recovery" (2010) 4 Check alternative? 5 Crime family head 6 Shake like 7 Viciously denigrate
3 Artist with the ¹1 albums
Thursday • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Noon Wed. Fr i d ay. . . .. . • • • • • • . • • • • • • . • • Noon Thurs. Saturday Real Estate.. . . . . . . . . . . 1 1:00 am Fri. Saturday • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • a 3:00 F r i a Sunday. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Noon Sate
41 42
45 51
53 56
8 Dress (up) 9 "The Girl With the
Starting at 3 lines
Wanted- paying cash for Hi-fi audio & stu dio equip. Mclntosh, J BL, Marantz, D y naco, Heathkit, San sui, Carver, NAD, etc. Call 541-261-1808 I Medical Equipment Adult Walker with seat, $50. Call 541-388-4624 264
Snow RemovalEquipment MTD 22" 2-stage Yard Machine snowblower, 179cc OHV, $125. MTD 21" single stage, $125. 541-923-8271
TURN THE PAGE For More Ads The Bulletin
Fuel & Wood
WHEN BUYING FIREWOOD... To avoid fraud, The Bulletin
recommends pay ment for Firewood only upon delivery and inspection. • A cord is 128 cu. ft. 4' x 4' x 8'
• Receipts should include name, phone, price and kind of wood pur chased. • Firewood ads MUST include spe cies and cost per cord to better serve our customers.
The Bulletin Dry Juniper Firewood $200 per cord, split. 1/2 cords available. Immediate delivery!
Building Materials
541-408-61 93
Building Supply Resale Quality at LOW PRICES 84 SW K St. 541-475-9722
Open to the public. 266
Heating & Stoves NOTICE TO ADVERTISER Since September 29, 1991, advertising for
Gardening Supplies & Equipment
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ser eg central oregon r ace1903
used woodstoves has been limited to mod Prompt Delivery els which have been Rock, Sand 8 Gravel c ertified by the O r Multiple Colors, Sizes egon Department of Instant Landscaping Co. Environmental Qual 541-389-9663 ity (DEQ) and the fed eral En v ironmental Protection A g e ncy Get your (EPA) as having met business smoke emission stan dards. A cer t ified w oodstove may b e G ROW I N G identified by its certifi cation label, which is with an ad in permanently attached to the stove. The Bul The Bulletin's letin will no t k n ow "Call A Service ingly accept advertis Professional" ing for the sale of uncertified Directory woodstoves.
'UNDER '500in total merchandise
OVER '500in total merchandise
7 days.................................................. $10.00 14 days ................................................ $16.00
Dragon Tattoo" 64 65 66 setting 10 Kindle Fire Puzzleby Paula Gamache competitor 11 It makes MADD 34 Indian honorific 44 Face down 52 Stella Artois, par mad temptation exemple 36 It can be read on 46 Lorre's role in 12 Three after K 53 "I' ve had a 10-Down "Casablanca" 13 Put away enough!" 37 Samovars 47 Hypnotist whose 19 Prefix with normal -relief 56 name inspired a 38 Reflected 21 Country music's verb 57 -times 39 Milton's " Travis 48 What a necklace 58 Gold in them thar Blindness" 24 Tree with aerial with a pendant hills? 40 "Boardwalk roots has Empire" airer 59 Trib's home 25 Went for a ticket, 51 "Family Matters" in away 43 Son of Eve neighbor 60 Neighbor of Ger. 26 Figs. that aren' t For answers, call 1-900-285-5656, $1.49 a minute; or, with a credit final card, 1-800-814-5554. 27 Possible Annual subscriptions are available for the best of Sunday response to "Whose is this?" crosswords from the last 50 years: 1-888-7-ACROSS. AT&T users: Text NYTX to 386 to download puzzles, or visit 28 Purpose nytimes.corn/mobilexword for more information. 31 Increased Online subscriptions: Today's puzzle and more than 2,000 past suddenly puzzles, nytimes.corn/crosswords ($39.95 a year). Share tips: nytimes.corn/wordplay. 33 Carne Crosswords for young solvers: nytimes.corn/learning/xwords. (Mexican dish)
Garage Sale Special
4 days .................................................. $18.50 7 days .................................................. $24.00 14 days .................................................$33.50 28 days .................................................$61.50
4 lines for 4 days..................................
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CLASSIFIED OFFICE HOURS: MON.-FRI. 7:30 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. SATURDAY by telephone 10:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
*Must state prices in ad
Screened, soil 8 com post m i x ed , no rocks/clods. High hu m us level, exc. f o r flower beds, lawns, gardens, straight s creened to p s o il. Bark. Clean fill. De liver/you haul. 541-548-3949.
>QO rj0rj 421
Farm Equipment • 8 Machinery •
Schools & Training
Lost & Found
Found Cat, really plain tabby, NW Bend. Call
Can be found on these pages:
— All Caregiver Shifts avail. Apply in '
EMPLOYMENT l person. Interviews l 410 - Private Instruction this week. 1099 NE, 421 - Schools andTraining Watt Way, Bend. 454- Looking for Employment 470 - Domestic & In-Home Positions Caregiver 476 - EmploymentOpportunities Prineville Senior care 486 - Independent Positions
www. Redmond Campus Student Loans/Job Waiting Toll Free 1-888-387-9252
Ford New Holland Tractor, Di e sel, 2300, hours, 32HP, Incl. push hog, post hole auger, blade, $12,000,
h ome l o oking f o r Caregiver for multiple s hifts, p a rt-time t o full-time. Pass criminal background check. 541-447-5773.
541-41 0-0929
Employment Opportunities
Employment Opportunities
The Bulletin
Looking for your next
Found keys near RV dump at RDM airport.
Call to I.D.,541-520-9922
Wheat Straw: Certified & Found: Toy Horses in Bedding Straw & Garden Orig. Boxes, etc., Hwy Straw;Compost.546-6171 20 W. of Bend, 10/5, 541-382-2682. Looking for your
next employee? Placea Bulletin help wanted ad today and reach over 60,000 readers each week. Your classified ad will also appear on bendbulletln.corn which currently receives over 1.5 million page views every month at no extra cost. Bulletin Classlfieds Get Results! Call 541-385-5809 or place your ad on-line at bendbulletln.corn
Lost earring, 3 wks ago, Desch. River Trail, Bend. Sterling silver, pearl 8 leaves. 541-593-5591 Lost Jezebel, a small scruffy female Chi huahua, brown, long ish-hair, w e s t of Brookswood on trails north of main COI ca nal. $1000 r eward. 541-41 0-2887.
REMEMBER: If you have lost an animal, don't forget to check The Humane Society in Bend 541-382-3537 Redmond, 541-923-0882 Prineville, 541-447-71 78; OR Craft Cats, 541-389-8420.
TiCk, TOCk TiCk, TOCk...
10 yrs. exp. in medical/ surgical floors, very compassionate, pro fessional c a regiver,
Find them in The Bulletin Classifieds
514-294-5440 476
Employment Opportunities CAUTION READERS:
Ads published in "Em ployment Opportuni Call The Bulletin t ies" i n c lude e m before 11 a.m. and ployee and get an ad in to pub i ndependent pos i lish the next day! tions. Ads for posi 541-385-5809. tions that require a fee VIEW the or upfront investment Classifieds at: must be stated. With www.bendbulletin.corn any independent job opportunity, p l ease investigate thor Housekeeping oughly. World Mark Eagle Crest is taking appli Use extra caution when cation for a part time
Produce & Food • THOMAS ORCHARDS Kimberly,OR:
Ready Picked Apples: From Bins, $0.65/Ib GoldenDelicious, Red Delicious, Cameo, Granny Smith. BRING CONTAINERS Closed Tue, Wed, open Thur.-Mon. 10-4 pm Visit us on Facebook for updates Also we are at the Bend Farmer's Markets at Drake Park & St. Charles
Sale sNortheast Bend Sales Southeast Bend Fax ll to 541-322-7253 ESTATE SALE. Oct 12 Garage Sale, Fri-Sat, The Bulletin Classifieds 813, 9-2pm. furniture, ** FREE ** 8-1, 61879 Avonlea Cir. Baby/kid items, furni TVs, hou s ewares, Garage Sale Kit ture, office 8 more! guns, art, collectibles Place an ad in The Independent Contractor a nd m o re . 6 0 6 73 Bulletin for your ga 290 Teton Ct. Bend rage sale and re Sales Redmond Area ceive a Garage Sale 284 Kit FREE! Fundraiser Sale! S at. Sales Southwest Bend 10/13, Sam-3pm, 436 KIT INCLUDES: Antler. Proceeds Woodworkers Paradise! • 4 Garage Sale Signs SW Girls ASA Soft Estate of an avid crafts • $2.00 Off Coupon To benefit ball. Clothes, furniture, man, includes: DeWalt, Use Toward Your sports equipment, more! Bosch, Delta, Porter Next Ad Cable; lathes, planers • 10 Tips For "Garage Just boughtanewboat? routers, saws 8 other Sale Success!" tools. Also have books & Sell youroldoneinthe photography equip. Fri classifieds! Askaboutour PICK UP YOUR Sat. 10/1 2-13, 9am-2pm, GARAGE SALE KIT at SuperSellerrates! 60941 Platinum Drive. 1777 SW Chandler Estate Sales
c ash, c hecks,
l FRAUD. l more informa I For tion about an adverl l tiser, you may call l the Oregon State
l Attorney General's l Office C o n sumer r
I Protection hotline at l I 1-877-877-9392. I The BTflletin
applying for jobs on housekeeping posi line and never pro tion, some hotel re vide personal infor sort cleaning exp. mation to any source preferred. Must be you may not have re able to work week searched and deemed ends. Please call to be reputable. Use Tammy or Lisa at extreme caution when 541-923-3564. r esponding to A N Y online e m p loyment ad from out-of-state. Remember.... A dd your we b a d We suggest you call dress to your ad and the State of Oregon readers on The Consumer Hotline at Bulletin' s web site 1-503-378-4320 will be able to click through automatically For Equal Opportunity to your site. L aws: Oregon B u reau of Labor & In Sales dustry, C i vil Rights Telephone prospecting Division, position for important 971-673-0764 professional services. Income pote n tial If you have any ques $50,000. (average in tions, concerns or come 30k-35k) op comments, contact: portunity f o r ad Classified Department vancement. Base & The Bulletin Commission, Health 541-385-5809 and Dental Benefits. Will train the right per son. Fax resume to: The Bulletin
- " n " " ** - -
The Bulletin
The Bulletin Classified 541-385-5809 286
Sales Northeast Bend 1st EVER EASTMONT SCHOOL RUMMAGE SALE! Furniture, toys, tools, sporting goods, decor, clothes, home
school supplies, etc. Sat 10/13 7:30am-3pm 62425 Eagle Rd, Bend
Acres, Halloween 8 C hristmas deco r , women's clothes, bed sheets, books, table top rollup desk, plastic transfer medical bench, & lots of misc. items. Multi-Family Yard Sale, Fri-Sat, 8-4, 2116 & 2108 NE Monterey Ave. Computer, furniture. Jewelry: silver, pearls, opaque gemstones. W omen'sclothes,coats, purses, shoes. Electrical housewares. Yard misc.
gardening, tools, house hold goods. Thurs-Fri Sat, 8-4, 12420 SW Wah kiakum, Powell Butte. LARGE Garage Sale Sports equipment, tools, clothing, home decor, something for everyone! 9-4 Fri-Sat. 7605 Joshua Ct., in Powell Butte Terrebonne - Parking Lot Sale!! Sat. Only, 8-3, 8222 N Hwy 97. Furniture, tools, com plete hous e hold items. Don't Miss!!
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• 0 L ike new, over 9 0 % TODAY' tread, set of 4 tires on Viking Tent t railer rims, Federal Formoza 682- Farms, RanchesandAcreage RENTALS 2 008, c lean, s e l f 205/65Rx15, $200. contained, sleeps 5, Taurus 27.5' 1988 Excellent 603 - Rental Alternatives 687- Commercial for Rent/Lease set of 4 stud Everything works, 693- Office/Retail Space for Rent Econoline R V 1 9 89, easy to tow, great 604 - Storage Rentals ded Goodyear t ires, cond. $5200, obo. $1750/partial trade for fully loaded, exc. cond, 860 605 - RoommateWanted REALESTATE 745 used 1 season, 175/70R car. 541-460-9127 orig. mi., $19,750. 541-383-71 50. x13, $200 541-317-4803 616- Want ToRent 705 - Real Estate Services Motorcycles & Accessories 35K Homes for Sale Call 541 546 6133' 627-Vacation Rentals& Exchanges 713 - Real EstateWanted Advertise your car! Snow tires,16" studded, BANK OWNED HOMES! Harley Davidson Soft CAN'T BEAT THIS! Add A Ptcture! on 2007 Volvo wheels, 630- Rooms for Rent 719- Real EstateTrades 0 Tail Deluxe 20 0 7, Look before you Reach thousands of readers! FREE List w/Pics! $650, 5 4 1-382-4029 631 - Condos &Townhomes for Rent 726 -Timeshares for Sale white/cobalt, w / pas Call 541-355-5809 or 541-408-2331, www. BendRepos.corn 0 D • I buy, below market The 632 - Apt./MultiplexGeneral 730- New Listings senger kit, Vance & bend and beyond real estate Bulletin Classifieds Size & mile Winter is coming!! 20967 yeoman, bend or 634 - Apt./Multiplex NEBend 732- Commercial Properties for Sale Hines muffler system value! age DOES matter! We have 4 Hankook 8 kit, 1045 mi., exc. 636 - Apt./Multiplex NWBend 738 - MultiplexesforSale Class A 32' Hurri 225/70R16 studded NOTICE cond, $19,9 9 9, cane by Four Winds, II In ..u+i I g 638 - Apt./Multiplex SEBend 740- Condos&Townhomes for Sale snow tires mounted All real estate adver 541-389-9188. 2007. 12,500 mi, all 640 - Apt./Multiplex SWBend 744 - OpenHouses on spare rims The tised here in is sub amenities, Ford V10, Harley Heritage 642 - Apt./Multiplex Redmond 745- Homes for Sale tires are 2 seasons ject to t h e F e deral Weekend Warrior Toy Ithr, cherry, slides, Softa if, 2003 old and in great con F air H o using A c t , 646 - Apt./Multiplex Furnished 746- NorthwestBendHomes like new! New low Hauler 28' 2007, Gen, $5,000+ in extras, dition. Fits Toyota which makes it illegal Aircraft, Parts 648 - Houses for RentGeneral 747 -Southwest BendHomes fuel station, exc cond. price, $54,900. $2000 paint job, Highlander or like to advertise any pref 541-548-5216 sleeps 8, black/gray 650 -Houses for Rent NEBend 748- Northeast BendHomes 30K mi. 1 owner, & Service vehicle. Asking $180 erence, limitation or i nterior, u se d 3X , For more information 652- Housesfor RentNWBend 749- Southeast BendHomes discrimination based (541) 480-4440 please call Gulfstream Sce n i c $24,999. 654- Housesfor RentSEBend 750- RedmondHomes on race, color, reli 541-389-9188 541-385-8090 932 Cruiser 36 ft. 1999, 656- Houses for Rent SW Bend 753 - Sisters Homes gion, sex, handicap, or 209-605-5537 Cummins 330 hp die Antique & familial status or na 658 - Houses for Rent Redmond 755- Sunriver/La Pine Homes sel, 42K, 1 owner, 13 • tional origin, or inten Fif t h Wheels Classic Autos 659 - Houses for Rent Sunriver 756- Jefferson CountyHomes in. kitchen slide out, HD FAT BOY tion to make any such new tires, under cover, 660 - Houses for Rent LaPine 757- Crook CountyHomes preferences, l i m ita 1996 Bighorn 2008 3400RL 1/3 interest in Colum hwy. miles only,4 door 37' fireplace, 3 slides, bia 400, located at 661 - Houses for Rent Prineville 762- Homes with Acreage tions or discrimination. Completely rebuilt/ f ridge/freezer ice We will not knowingly 662 - Houses for Rent Sisters 763- Recreational HomesandProperty customized, low king bed, upgrades Sunriver. $ 1 38,500. maker, W/D combo, accept any advertis miles. Accepting of Call 541-647-3718 663 - Houses for Rent Madras 764- Farms andRanches $30,000 Interbath t ub & ing for r ea l e s tate ttit fers. 541-548-4807 541-815-7220 664 -Houses for RentFurnished 771 - Lots shower, 50 amp pro 1/3 interest i n w e l l which is in violation of 671 - Mobile/Mfd. for Rent 773 - Acreages pane gen 8 m o re! equipped IFR Beech Chev Corvair Monza con this law. All persons HD Screaming Eagle $55,000. B onanza A 36 , lo vertible,1964, new top 8 675 - RV Parking 775 - Manufactured/Mobile Homes are hereby informed Electra Glide 2005, 541-948-2310 cated KBDN. $55,000. tranny, runs great, exlnt that all dwellings ad 676 Mobile/Mfd.Space 780- Mfd. /Mobile Homeswith Land 103" motor, two tone 541-419-9510 cruising car! $5500 obo. vertised are available candy teal, new tires, 541-420-5205 on an equal opportu 23K miles, CD player, 634 656 Executive Hangar nity basis. The Bulle hydraulic clutch, ex Apt./Multiplex NE Bend Houses for Rent Carri-Lite Luxury 2009 at Bend Airport tin Classified Hunter's Delight! Pack by Carriage, 4 slide cellent condition. SW Bend (KBDN) age deal! 1988 Win Highest offer takes it. Call for Specials! outs, inverter, satel 60' wide x 50' deep, 749 nebago Super Chief, 541-480-8080. Limited numbers avail. Clean 3 (could be 4) lite sys, fireplace, 2 w/55' wide x 17' high 3 8K m i l es , gr e a t 1, 2 and 3 bdrms. flat screen TVs. bi-fold door. Natural bedroom, on nearly 1 Southeast Bend Homes Honda Elite 80 2001, shape; 1988 Bronco II W/D hookups, patios $60,000. acre, $1200 mo., 1 gas heat, office, bath Chevy C-20 Pickup 1400 mi., absolutely 4 x4 t o t o w , 1 3 0 K NE Bend or decks. 541-480-3923 room. Parking for 6 year lease required, like new., comes w/ mostly towed miles, McCall Landing MOUNTAIN GLEN, 541-390-4213 c ars. A djacent t o 1969, all orig. Turbo 44; nice rig! $15,000 both. 4-spd, 396, model Our Newest Community carrying rack for 2" 541-383-9313 Frontage Rd; g reat auto receiver, ideal for use 541-382-3964, leave /all options, orig. Starting in the Mid Professionally visibility for a viation CST Have an item to w/motorhome, $995, 605 msg. owner, $24,000, $100,000's. managed by Norris & bus 1jetjock©q corn sell quick? 541-546-6920 541-923-6049 Pahlisch Homes Roommate Wanted Stevens, Inc. 541-948-2126 The Hasson If it's under Itasca Spirit Class C Company Realtors. Housemate wanted to 2007, 20K miles, front Fleetwood Wilderness Softajl Deluxe 642 '500 you can place it in Rhianna Kunkler, share home w/owner, entertainment center, 36', 2005, 4 s l ides, 2010, 805 miles, own bath, storage 8 Apt./Multiplex Redmond Broker, 541-306-0939 The Bulletin all bells & whistles, rear bdrm, fireplace, Black Chameleon. garage, $350/mo+1/2 extremely good con AC, W/D hkup beau 2 Bdrm 1 bath, large unit, Classifieds for: 750 $17,000 utils, 541-420-5546 dition, 2 s l ides, 2 tiful u n it ! $ 3 0 ,500. no smkg/pets. W/S/G 8 Call Don O HDTV's, 1980 Chevy C30, 16K Redmond Homes $48,500 541-815-2380 as paid; $550/mo. 358 '10 - 3 lines, 7 days ONLY 1 OWNERSHIP original miles, 400 cu in, 541-410-3823 OBO. 541-447-5484 630 W 17th St. Call Gael, SHARE LEFT! auto, 4WD, winch. $7000 '16 - 3 lines, 14 days Redmond Worry Free 541-350-2095 Rooms for Rent Economical flying in obo. 541-389-2600 Home $149,000 (Private Party ads only) Certified 870 your ow n C e s sna Huge Landscaped Lot NE Bend, private bath & The Bu l letin 172/180 HP for only Move in Ready! Boats & Accessories entrance, fenced Pa 658 To Subscribe call $ 10 000i Based a t 800-451-5808 ext 819 tio,new carpet & paint, 541-385-5800 or go to Komfort 2 5' 2 0 06, 1 Houses for Rent BDN. Call Gabe at 13' Smokercraft $495. 541-317-1879 slide, AC, TV, awning. Professional Air! www.bendbulletin.corn Redmond 1985, good cond., Looking for your next NEW: tires, converter, 541-388-001~ 15HP gas Evinrude Jayco Seneca 2 007, batteries. Hardly used. emp/oyee? Studios & Kitchenettes Duplex 3 bdrm, 2 bath, 1600 sq ft 3 bdrm + den, 17K mi., 35ft., Chevy $15,500. 541-923-2595 Chevy Wagon 1957, + Minakota 44 elec. 5500 Furnished room, TV w/ 1260 sq.ft., 1 story, ga 1.75 bath, gas fireplace, Place a Bulletin help sel, to y 4-dr., complete, cable, micro & fridge. rage w/opener, fenced 2-car garage, fenced wanted ad today and motor, fish finder, 2 hauler d i e$130 Trucks & , 000. $15,000 OBO, trades, reach over 60,000 Utils 8 l i nens. New extra seats, trailer, backyard, great neigh 541-389-2636. RV/Boat parking, Heavy Equipment please call owners. $145-$165/wk yard, each week. extra equip. $3500 fridge, dishwasher, mi borhood, close to shop readers 541-420-5453. 541-382-1885 Your classified ad cro, walk-in laundry, ping &schools.$895/mo obo. 541-388-9270 will also appear on Chrysler 30 0 C o u pe W/S/G paid, front gard + dep. Pets nego, avail bendbulletin.corn 634 1967, 44 0 e n g ine, ner paid, $775+dep., 10/1/12. 541-504-4624, 17' 1984 Chris Craft which currently re MONTANA 3585 2008, 541-604-0338 or 541-419-0137 auto. trans, ps, air, Apt./Multiplex NE Bend - Scorpion, 140 HP ceives over exc. cond., 3 slides, frame on rebuild, re 660 inboard/outboard, 2 1.5 million page king bed, Irg LR, Arc * painted original blue, 660 $299 1st mo. rent!! views every month depth finders, troll tic insulation, all op Diamond Reo Dump original blue interior, Houses for Rent Immaculate! GET THEM BEFORE Houses for Rent ing motor, full cover, at no extra cost. tions $37,500. Truck 19 7 4, 12 -14 original hub caps, exc. La Pine THEY ARE GONE! Beaver Coach Marquis EZ L oad t railer, Bulletin Classifieds 541-420-3250 NE Bend yard box, runs good, chrome, asking $9000 2 bdrm, 1 bath $3500 OBO. 40' 1987. New cover, Get Results! or ma k e of fer . La Pine - Nice 3 Bd, 2.5 new paint (2004), new NuWa 29 7LK Hi t ch $6900, 541-548-6812 $530 8 $540 541-382-3728. Call 385-5809 or 3B/office, garage/hobby 541-385-9350. Ba, in Crescent Creek place your ad on-line inverter (2007). Onan Hiker 2007, 3 slides, Carports & A/C included! shop, country home subdivision. Gas appli 6300 watt gen, 111K mi, 32' touring coach, left Take care of Fox Hollow Apts. at b eaut. m t n . vi e w . ances 8 fireplace, dbl FIND IT! parked covered $35 000 kitchen, rear lounge, (541) 383-3152 bendbulletin.corn $1200 mo. No-smok your investments garage, fitness center, SUY IT! obo. 541-419-9859 or Cascade Rental Mgmt. Co many extras, beautiful ing. 541-312-2224. "upstairs only with lease park. $800 mo; $900 c ond. inside 8 o u t , with the help from SELL IT! 541-280-2014 Chrysler SD 4-Door deposit. 541-815-5494 $34,499 OBO, Prinev 762 The Bulletin Classifieds The Bulletin's 1930, CD S R oyal 662 ille. 541-447-5502 days I. Standard, 8-cylinder, Homes with Acreage & 541-447-1641 eves. "Call A Service Houses for Rent body is good, needs Commercial for 17' Seaswirl 1988 Professional" Directory some r e s toration, NW Bend 5 Acres, 2 irrigated, E. open bow, rebuilt Rent/Lease runs, taking bids, side of Bend, 4 bdrm, Chevy V6 e ngine, 541-383-3888, 2.5 bath, small shed, To the bicyclist who I Kayaker Special! 2 Bdrm Spectrum professional uph o lstery, M onaco Dynasty 2004, must be pre-qualified, new 541-815-3318 invertantly cut off at quiet near river, econ. 2 5 0 ' -500', $350,000, 541-389-7481 $4500 or best offer. loaded, 3 slides, die the Mill Mall round heat. $775+ last+dep. building, 707-688-4523 $1.00 per ft. total. No sel, Reduced - now about last Saturday, lease. No pets. Local N NN. C a l l And y , Pilgrim 27', 2007 5th refs. 1977 NW 2nd. my apologies. Just too many 541-385-6732. wheel, 1 s lide, AC, collectibles? TV,full awninq, excel E conoline trai l e r lent shape, $23,900. 16- Ton 2 9 ' Bed, 541-350-8629 Sell them in w/fold up ramps, elec. brakes, P i n t lehitch,FIAT 1800 1978, 5-spd, The Bulletin Classifieds $4700, 541-548-6812 door panels w/flowers L-~-I 18.5' '05 Reinell 185, V-6 & hummingbirds, 541-385-5809 Volvo Penta, 270HP, Southwind 35.5' Triton, white soft top & hard G R E A T Call 54I3855809 to promoteyour service Advertisefar 28daysstarting at'lfoiliiir rperatporkag snoioraiableonaurwebste low hrs., must see, 2008,V10, 2 slides, Du top. Just reduced to $15,000, 541-330-3939 pont UV coat, 7500 mi. $3,750. 541-317-9319 773 Pilgrim Int e rnational Hyster H25E, runs or 541-647-8483 Bought new at Acreages 2005, 36' 5th Wheel, $132,913; well, 2982 Hours, asking $93,500. Model¹M-349 RLDS-5 139716 Dorothy Lane, $3500, call Fall price $ 2 1,865. Call 541-419-4212 NOTICE: Oregon state 541-749-0724 Nelson Landscape C rescent Lake, O r e. 20.5' 2004 Bayliner 541-312-4466 Charming cottage with 205 Run About, 220 law req u ires any Maintenance one who co n t racts 150 feet of Crescent HP, V8, open bow, Serving ZOt7N'4 Creek frontage. Per exc. cond., very fast for construction work Central Oregon Ford Galaxie 5001963, to be licensed with the fect vacation home w/very low hours, Zaurr gdr e r',s. Residential 2 dr. hardtop, fastback, with covered deck for lots of extras incl. C onstruction Con & Commercial 390 v8,auto, pwr. steer 8 e ntertaining, wo o d tractors Board (CCB). More Than Service tower, Bimini 8 Reservingspots radio (orig),541-419-4989 stove, 2 bed/ 1 bath. custom trailer, Winnebago Class C 27' An active lic e n se Peace Of Mind Peterbilt 359 p o table for sprinkler means the contractor An RV garage and $19,500. 1992, Ford 460 V8,64K Regal Prowler AX6 Ex water t r uck, 1 9 9 0, Ford Mustang Coupe '05, winterization lots of upgrades on 541-389-1 41 3 i s bonded an d i n mi., good cond., $7000 treme Edition 38' 1966, original owner, 4 slides,2 fireplaces, all 3200 gal. tank, 5hp this one acre. Close s ured. Ver if y t h e Fall Clean Up & snow removal OBO 541-678-5575 Don't track it in an Winter maple cabs, king bed/ pump, 4-3" h o ses, V8, automatic, great to the Ski Pass, trails contractor's CCB • Sprinkler Repair camlocks, $ 2 5 ,000. shape, $9000 OBO. • Leaves bdrm separated w/slide 881 c ense through t h e and lakes. $275,000 • Back Flow Testing 541-820-3724 530-51 5-81 99 • Cones glass dr,loaded, always MLS¹ 201 2 0 7074. COB Cons u mer Travel Trailers Lot Clearing • Needles garaged, lived in only 3 Call Ker r y at Website • Fall Clean up • Pruning 20.5' Seaswirl Spy mo,brand new $54,000, www.hirealicensedcontractor. Find It in 541-815-6363 • Debris Hauling •Weekly Mowing Utility Trailers • still like new, $28,500, der 1989 H.O. 302, corn Cascade Realty I -~ [sg I.g ) The Bulletin Classifieds! •Bark, Rock, Etc. will deliver,see rvt.corn, or call 503-378-4621. 285 hrs., exc. cond., 541-355-5509 •Senior Discounts ad¹4957646 for pics. The Bulletin recom stored indoors for Gutter Gory, 541-580-7334 Bonded & Insured mends checking with life $11,900 OBO. CHECK YOUR AD Cleaning the CCB prior to con 541-815-4458 Please check your ad 541-379-3530 Arctic Fox 22-ft 2000, Big Tex Landscap Ford Ranchero LC B¹8759 tracting with anyone. on the first day it runs ducted AC, Irg frig, roof SPRINTER36' 2005, ing/ ATV Trailer, 1979 Some other t rades Compost $10,500 obo.Two rack, sofa, dinette, queen to make sure it is cor dual axle flatbed, BULLETINCLASSIFIEOS with 351 Cleveland slides, sleeps 5, also req u ire addi Applications Used out-drive bed, like new, $5500 rect. Sometimes in 7'x16', 7000 lb. modified engine. Search the area's most tional licenses a nd queen air mattress, parts - Mercury obo. 541-419-4890 Use Less Water s tructions over t h e GVW, all steel, Body is in comprehensive listing of small sgl. bed, couch certifications. OMC rebuilt ma phone are misunder $$$ SAVE $$$ $1400. excellent condition, classified advertising... 2012 LANCE 27' 2285 folds out. 1.5 baths, rine motors: 151 Improve Soil stood and a n e r ror 541-382-4115, or $2500 obo. real estate tc automotive, can occur in your ad. TRAILER $26,950 (orig 541-382-0865, Debris Removal $1595; 3.0 $1895; 541-280-7024. 541-420-4677 leave message! merchandise to sporting $32K) Looks/smells new; 2012 Maintenance goods. Bulletin Classifieds If this happens to your 4.3 (1993), $1995. used 6 times. Loaded. JUNK BE GONE ad, please contact us 541-389-0435 Package Available Hunters, take your wife appear every day in the I Haul Away FREE the first day your ad weekly, monthly along in luxury! Owner: print or on line. For Salvage. Also appears and we will 541-383-4513 for details. and 875 Call 541-385-5809 Cleanups 8 Cleanouts be happy to fix it as one time service www.bendbulletin.corn s oon as w e c a n . Watercraft M el, 541-389-8107 Deadlines are: Week **: EXPERIENCED Need to get an days 11:00 noon for 2007 SeaDoo Commercial next day, Sat. 11:00 ad in ASAP? 2004 Waverunner, & Residential a.m. for Sunday and excellent condition, You can place it Monday. LOW hours. Double Pioneer Spirit 18CK, Free Estimates online at: 541-385-5809 trailer, lots of extras. Senior Discounts 2007, used only 4x, AC, Thank you! www.bendbulletin.corn $10,000 electric tongue j ack, 541-390-1466 The Bulletin Classified Discounts available 541-719-8444 $8995. 541-389-7669 Same Day Response Call Cutting Edge 541-385-5809 Lawnworks: N OTICE: OREGON BI 541-815-4097 • Where can you find a / ( I II I Landscape Contrac I Han d yman LCB ¹8451 helping hand? tors Law (ORS 671) r equires a l l bu s i Call The Yard Doctor From contractors to ERIC REEVE HANDY nesses that advertise for yard maintenance, yard care, it's all here SERVICES. Home & to p e r form L a n d thatching, sod, sprin Commercial Repairs, S pringdale 2005 27', 4' in The Bulletin's scape C o n struction kler blowouts, water Sea Kayaks - His & slide in dining/living area, Carpentry-Painting, which incl u des: "Call A Service features, more! Hers, Eddyline Wind Pressure-washing, sleeps 6, low mi,$15,000 p lanting, deck s , Allen 541-536-1294 Dancers,17', fiberglass obo. 541-408-3811 Honey Do' s. On-time Professional" Directory fences, arbors, LCB 5012 boats, all equip incl., promise. Senior ater-features, a n d paddies, personal flo Discount. Work guar w 775 installation, repair of Aeration/Fall Clean-up tation devices,dry bags, anteed. 541-389-3361 BOOK NOW! irrigation systems to Manufactured/ spray skirts, roof rack w/ or 541-771-4463 be licensed with the Weekly/one-time service towers & cradles — Just Mobile Homes Bonded 8 Insured avail. Bonded, insured, Landscape Contrac add water, $1250/boat CCB¹t 81595 free estimates! t ors B o a rd . Th i s Firm. 541-504-8557. FACTORY SPECIAL COLLINS Lawn Maint. 4-digit number is to be I DO THAT! New Home, 3 bdrm, Ca/i 541-480-9714 880 included in all adver Home/Rental repairs YOIIhaVearight tOknOW What yOur gOVernment iSdOing. $47,500 finished slide, Bunkhouse style, Small jobs to remodels tisements which indi Bend Landscaping on your site,541.548.5511 Motorhomes sleeps 7-8, excellent cate the business has Current Oregon law requires public notices to be printed in a newspaper Honest, guaranteed www.JandMHomes.corn Sprinkler Blowouts, condition, $ 1 6 ,900, work. CCB¹151573 a bond, insurance and whose readers are affected by the notice. But federal, state, and local govern and Winterization 541-390-2504 workers c ompensa Dennis 541-317-9768 i s d ment agencies erroneously believe they can save money by posting public 541-382-1655 M~ tion for their employ $19,900 2 bdrm, 2 bath (() CCQ notices on their web sites instead of in the local newspaper. LCB¹ 7990 ees. For your protec Home Improvement $23,900 2 bdrm, 1 bath If they did that,you'd have to know in advance where, when, and Maverick Landscaping tion call 503-378-5909 $38,900 3 bdrm, 2 bath how to took, and what to lookfor, in order to be informed about gov Mowing, weedeating, or use our website: Kelly Kerfoot Const. $39,999 3 bdrm, 2 bath ernment actions that could affect you directly. yard detailing, chain 28 yrs exp in Central OR! www.lcb.state. to Country Coach Intrigue 541-548-5511 Less than 10% of the U.S. population currently visits a government web site saw work & more! Quality & honesty, from check license status www.JandMHomes.corn 2002, 40' Tag axle. daily,' but 80% of all Oregon adults read a newspaper at least once during an carpentry 8 handyman before co n t ractingLCB¹8671 541-923-4324 400hp Cummins Die Sprinter 272RLS, 2009 ** average week, and 54% read public notices printed there. jobs, to expert wall cov with th e b u s iness. People Look for Information Movers! $7,999 2 bdrm, sel. tw o s l ide-outs. 29', weatherized, like ering install / removal. Persons doing land 1 bath, $19,999 Office/ 4 1,000 m iles, n e w n ew, f u rnished & About Products and Studio, $32,900 3 bdrm, tires & batteries. Most ready to go, incl Wine Sr. discounts CCBII471 20 scape maintenance Services Every Day through Licensed/bonded/insured do not require a LCB 2 bath, 541-548-5511 options. $95,000 OBO ard S a t ellite dish, ' Us ceeusBureauMay 2009 "Amencan cprnion Reeair a eeceran n senember2010 The Bulletin Classifieds www.JandMHomes.corn 541-678-5712 541-389-1413 / 410-2422 license. 26,995. 541-420-9964 •
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L@a srr
Q ua dr'
kYoe'X Ler/
Oregonians agree
The Bulletin
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'M ~Pj
Keeppublic noticesinthenewspaper!
Sport Utility Vehicles
Sport Utility Vehicles
Au t o mobiles
Automobiles •
Automo b iles
Audi S4 Cabriolet 2005 49K mi, red w/charcoal interior, 2 sets tires,
GMC Denali 2003 •
BOATS &RVs 805 - Misc. Items 850 - Snowmobiles 860 - Motorcycles And Accessories 865 - ATVs 870 - Boats & Accessories 875 - Watercraft 880 - Motorhomes 881 - Travel Trailers 882 - Fifth Wheels 885 - Canopies and Campers 890 - RV's for Rent
Ford T-Bird 1966 390 engine, power everything, new paint, 54K original miles, runs great, excellent cond. in & out. Asking $8,500.
AUTOS &TRANSPORTATION 908 - Aircraft, Parts and Service 916- Trucks and Heavy Equipment 925 - Utility Trailers 927 - Automotive Trades 929 -Automotive Wanted 931 - Automotive Parts, Service and Accessories 932- Antique and Classic Autos 933 - Pickups 935- Sport Utility Vehicles 940 - Vans 975 - Automobiles 933
Sport Utility Vehicles
Ford 250 XLT 1990,
6 yd. dump bed,
139k, Auto, $5500. 541-410-9997
541-41 9-4890.
GMC Yukon XL S LT 2004, loaded w/fac tory dvd, 3rd s eat, $8900. 541-280-6947
Honda CR-V EX 2005 72,504 miles
I B~ ~ v
Mercury M o n terrey 1965, Exc. All original, 4-dr. sedan, in stor Ford Ranger 1999, 4x4, X- c ab , X L T, age last 15 yrs., 390 7 1K, High C o m pression a uto, 4 . 0L , $ 8 4 00 engine, new tires & li OBO. 541-388-0232 c ense, reduced t o $2850, 541-410-3425.
Plymouth B a r racuda 1966, original car! 300 hp, 360 V8, center lines, (Original 273 eng & wheels incl.)
I nternational Fla t Bed Pickup 1963, 1 PROJECT CARS:Chevy ton dually, 4 s p d. 2-dr FB 1949 & Chevy trans., great MPG, Coupe 1950 - rolling could be exc. wood chassis's $1750 ea., hauler, runs great, Chevy 4-dr 1949, com new brakes, $1950. plete car, $1949; Ca 541-419-5480. dillac Series 61 1950, 2 dr. hard top, complete w/spare front c l ip.,
I nternational Fla t Bed Pickup 1963, 1 ton dually, 4 s p d. trans., great MPG, could be exc. wood hauler, runs great, new brakes, $1950. 541-41 9-5480.
RAM 2500 2003, 5.7L
VW Thing 1974, good hemi V8, hd, auto, cruise, cond. Extremely Rare! am/fm/cd. $8400 obro. Only built in 1973 & 541-420-3634 /390-1285 1 974. $8,00 0 . 541-389-2636
DENTLY INVESTIGATE: (a)The priority of the lien or interest of the judgment creditor; (b) Land use laws and regulations applicable to
the property; (c)Approved uses for the prop erty; (d)Limits on farming or forest practices on the property; (e)Rights o f nei g hboring property owners; and (f)Environmental l a ws and regulations that affect the p roperty. LARRY BLANTON, Deschutes County Sheriff. Krista Mudrick, Civil Technician. Date: Octo
Sport Utility Vehicles
ber 1, 2012. Published in Bend Bulletin. Date of First and Successive Publications: October 3, 2012; October 10, 2012; October 17, 2012. Date of Last Publication: October 24, 2 0 12. Attorney: Amber Norling, OSB ¹ 0 94593, Routh Crabtree Olsen, P.C, 621 SW Alder St., Suite 800, Portland, Or 97205, 503-459-0115. Conditions of Sale:Potential bidders must ar rive 15 minutes prior to the auction to allow the Deschutes County Sheriff's Office to re
Buick Enclave 2008 CXL AWD, V-6, black, clean, y sound, 82k 1999 Ford F250 XLT m echanicall Super Duty S u per miles. $23,500.. Call 541-815-1216 Cab. V10, 6.8L, auto, 4x4, 90k miles, AC, Just bought a new boat? winch, grille, many ex Sell your old one in the tras, 2 extra tailgates classifieds! Ask about our and 5th wheel set-up. Super Seller rates! $9900 541-317-0554. 541-385-5809
view bidder's funds. Only U.S. currency and/or cashier'schecks made payable to Deschutes County Sheriff's Office will b e a c cepted. Payment must be made in full immediately upon the close of the sale. •
Legal Notices
Legal Notices
LEGAL NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON D E S C H UTES C O U N TY. Wells Fargo Bank, NA, its successors in interest and/or assigns, Plaintiff/s, v. Michael J. Brown; Lisha A. Brown, and Occupants of the Pre mises, Defendant/s. Case No.: 1 1CV0630. NOTICE OF SALE UNDER WRIT OF EX ECUTION - REAL PROPERTY. Notice is hereby given that I will on November 1, 2012 at 11:45 AM in the main lobby of the Des chutes County Sheriff's Office, 63333 W. Highway 20, Bend, Oregon, sell, at public oral auction to the highest bidder, for cash or cashier's check, the following real property, known as 60111 Hopi Road, Bend, Oregon 97702, to wit, Lot Forty Five (45), Block Q, Deschutes River Woods. More accurately de scribed as follows: Lot Forty Five (45), of Block Q, Deschutes River Woods, Deschutes County, Oregon. Said sale is made under a Writ of Execution in Foreclosure issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Deschutes, dated September 7, 2012, to me directed in the above-entitled ac tion wherein Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., its suc c essors i n i n t erest a nd/or a s signs a s plaintiff/s, recovered General Judgment of Foreclosure on August 9, 2 012, against Michael J. Brown; Lisha A. Brown; and Occu pants of the Premises as defendant/s. BE FORE BIDDING AT THE SALE, A PRO SPECTIVE BIDDER SHOULD INDEPENDENTLY INVESTIGATE: (a)The priority of the lien or interest of the judgment
creditor; (b)Land use laws and regulations ap plicable to the property; (c)Approved uses for the property; (d)Limits on farming or forest practices on the property; (e)Rights of neigh boring property owners; and (f)Environmental laws and regulations that affect the property. Published in Bend Bulletin. Date of First and
S uccessive Publications:October 3 , 201 2 ; October 10, 2012; October 17, 2012. Date of Last Publication: October 24, 2012. Attorney: Amber Norling, OSB ¹094593, Routh Crab tree Olsen, P.C, 621 SW Alder St., Suite 800, Portland, Or 97205, 503-459-0115. Condi tions of Sale:Potential bidders must arrive 15 minutes prior to the auction to allow the Des chutes County Sheriff's Office t o r e view
bidder's funds. Only U.S. currency and/or cashier' s checks made payable to Deschutes County Sheriff's Office will b e a c cepted. Payment must be made in full immediately upon theclose ofthe sale.LARRY BLANTON, Deschutes County Sheriff. Krista Mudrick, Civil Technician. Date: October 1, 2012.
Legal Notices
Highway 20, Bend, Oregon, sell, at public oral auction to the highest bidder, for cash or cashier's check, the following real property, known as 20265 EllieLane, Bend, Oregon 97701, to wit, Lot sixty-five (65), Empire Es tates, Deschutes County, Oregon. Said sale is made under a Writ of Execution in Foreclo sure issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Deschutes, dated September 7, 2012, to me directed in the above-entitled action wherein Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., and its Successors in Interest and/or Assigns as plaintiff/s, recovered Stipu lated General Judgment of Foreclosure and Shortening of Redemption Period against Defendants: 1) Keith R. Billeter 2) Beverly J. Billeter on August 1, 2012, against Keith R. Billeter, Beverly J. Billeter as defendant/s. BEFORE BIDDING AT THE SALE, A PRO
$3950, 541-382-7391
VW Karman Ghia 1970, good cond., new upholstery and convertible top. $10,000.
Le g al Notices
LEGAL NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON D E S C H UTES C O U N TY. Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., and its Successor in Inter est and/or Assigns, Plaintiff/s, v. Keith R. Bill eter, Beverly J. Billeter, Westview Villas Own e rs Association, and O ccupants o f t h e Premises, Defendant/s. Case No.: 11CV0860. NOTICE OF SALE UNDER WRIT OF EX ECUTION - REAL PROPERTY. Notice is hereby given that I will on November 1, 2012 at 12:00 PM in the main lobby of the Des chutes County Sheriff's Office, 63333 W.
Cadillac Seville STS 2003 - just finished exc. cond., $19,950 $4900 engine work by Certified GM me firm. 541-350-5373. chanic. Has every B MW 5 2 8 iTa 1 9 9 9 thing but navigation. Sport Wagon - Fully Too many bells and loaded. Call for de whistles to l i st. tails, 5 1 0 -909-8085 bought a new one. cell (live i n B end). $6900 firm. 541-420-1283 $4,000 or best offer. S ay "goodbuy" to that unused The Bulletin Classifieds
Call Th e B ulletin At 541-385-5809 Place Your Ad Or E-Mail At: www.bendbulletin.corn
Roller (no engine),
lowered, full roll cage, 5-pt harnesses, rac ing seats, 911 dash & instruments, d e cent shape, v e r y c o ol! $1699. 541-678-3249
Toyota Camry's 1984, $ 12 0 0 OBO, 1985 $1400 OBO, 1986 parts car, $500; call for details, 541-548-6592
Jeep Grand Cherokee T oyota C amry X L E Limited 20 0 5, fully 1994 V6, 4 dr, leather loaded, sunroof, interior, AM/FM radio heated leather seats, CD/Tape player, sun new tires, GPS, al roof, auto., p s /pb, Buicks! 1996 Regal, ways garaged, 127K 1 c ruise, A / C , 87k; 1997 LeSabre, ve r y owner miles, maint. 112k; and others! clean, great condition, You' ll not find nicer r ecords, $990 0 , $3150. 541-593-2134 541-593-9908. Buicks $3500 & up. 940 One look's worth a Toyotas: 1999 Avalon Vans thousand words. Call Mitsubishi 3 00 0 GT 254k; 1996 Camry, Bob, 541-318-9999. 1 999, a u to., p e a r l 98k, 4 cyl. Lots of for an appt. and take a w hite, very low m i . Chevy Astro miles left in these drive in a 30 mpg. car $9500. 541-788-8218. cars. Price? You tell Cargo Van 2001, me! I'd guess pw, pdl, great cond., Cadillac CTS S edan $2000-$4000. business car, well 2007, 29K, auto, exc. Your servant, Bob at m aint, regular o i l loaded, $17,900 541-318-9999, no c hanges, $4 5 0 0 , cond, OBO, 541-549-8828 charge for looking. please call
Toyota 4Runner 4yyD 7986, auto, 2 dr., needs work $995, 541-923-7384
5 41 -385-580 9
VW Golf TDI 2001 Silver, will go fast, great fuel economy, runs good 192,000 miles. $5000. 541-233-9517
Redmond/Bend Want to impress the relatives? Remodel your home with the help of a professional from The Bulletin's "Call A Service Professional" Directory
Looking for your next employee? Place a Bulletin help wanted ad today and reach over 60,000 readers each week. Your classified ad will also appear on bendbulletin.corn which currently re ceives over 1.5 mil lion page views every month at no extra cost. Bulle tin Classifieds Get Results! Call 385-5809 or place your ad on-line at bendbulletin.corn
Ford Excu r sion 2005, 4WD, diesel, exc. cond., $18,900, Jeep Willys 1947,custom, 541-633-5149 small block Chevy, PS, call 541-923-0231. Cadillac Ei D o rado Volvo V50 WGN 2006, OD, mags+ trailer. Swap 1994, T otal c r e a m Porsche 911 1974, low 6-spd, T6 AWD, black, What are you for backhoe.No am calls Ford Expedition 4WD, Chevy G-20 c u stom puff, body, paint, trunk mi., complete motor/ 90K m i . , $ 1 2 ,500, 2000, 137K, new tires, please. 541-389-6990 conversion travel van as showroom, blue looking for? trans. rebuild, tuned 541-382-4675 $5500. 541-419-1317 1994 128k, 5.7L, rear leather, $1700 wheels suspension, int. & ext. You' ll find it in elect. bed, 75% tires. a w/snow tires although refurb., oi l c o oling, Find exactly what People Look for Information TURN THE PAGE real beauty in & out! car has not been wet shows new in & out, The Bulletin Classifieds you are looking for in the Travel in economy and in 8 years. On trip to About Products and perf. mech. c o nd. For More Ads style and under $4000. Boise avg. 28.5 mpg., Much more! Services Every Day through CLASSIFIEDS The Bulletin Bob, 541-318-9999 $5400, 541-593-4016. $28,000 541-420-2715 The Bulletin Classilieds 541-385-5809
Ford Super Duty F-250
trades considered.
Porsche Cayenne 2004, 86k, immac, dealer maint'd, loaded, now $1 7000. 503-459-1 580 Check out the classifieds online www.bendbulletin.corn Updated daily
Chevy Tahoe LS 2001 $14,995 ¹ 0 65261 4x4. 120K mi, Power seats, Tow Pkg, 3rd row s eating, e x tra tires, CD, pnvacy tint Oregon ing, upgraded rims. AntoSonrce Fantastic cond. $7995 541-598-3750 Contact Tim m at aaaoregonautosource.corn 541-408-2393 for info or to view vehicle.
Ford F250 XLT 4x4 Lariat, 1990, r e d, 80K original miles, 4" lift with 39's, well maintained, $4000 obo. 541-419-5495
GMC V~ton 1971, Only $19,700! Original low mile, exceptional, 3rd owner. 951-699-7171
loaded with options. Exc. cond., snow tires and rims in cluded. 130k hwy miles. $12,000.
PORSCHE 914 1974,
L e g al Notices •
Legal Notices •
LEGAL NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON DESCHUTES COUNTY. Columbia State Bank, Successor in Interest to Columbia River Bank, a Washington State Chartered Bank, Plaintiff/s, v. Terry L. Anderson, an indi vidual; Candice E. Anderson, an individual; Anderson Wealth Management, LLC, an Or egon limited liability company; Shevlin Center Owners Committee, an Oregon nonprofit corpo ration; City of Redmond, Defendant/s. Case No.: 10CV0738MA. NOTICE OF SALE UNDER WRIT OF EXECUTION - REAL PROPERTY. Notice is hereby given that I will on November 15, 2012 at 11:00 AM in the main lobby of the Deschutes County Sheriff's Office, 63333 W. Highway 20, Bend, Oregon, sell, at public oral auction to the highest bidder, for cash or cashier's check, the following real properties further described in the attached Exhibits 1 and 2: 1. 2305 SW Yew Avenue, Redmond; Tax Lot 207, Assessor Map 15-13-29A - Parcel 1, Ex hibit 1. 2.No assigned address, Redmond; Tax Lot 6500, Assessor Map 15-13-29AB - Parcel 2, Exhibit1. 3. 520 NW Columbia Street, Bend; Tax Lot 917, Assessor Map 18-12-06A - Exhibit 2. Each property will be sold separately. Said sale is made under a Writ of Execution in Fore closure of Real Property issued out of the Cir cuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Deschutes, dated September 12, 2012, to me directed in the above-entitled action wherein Columbia State Bank, Successor in Interest to Columbia River Bank, a W ashington State Chartered Bank, as plaintiff/s, recovered Stipu lated General Judgment and Money Award on August 21, 2012, against Terry L. Anderson, Candice E. Anderson, and Anderson Wealth Management, LLC, as defendant/s.BEFORE BIDDING AT THE SALE, A PROSPECTIVE
BIDDER SHOULD INDEPENDENTLY INVES TIGATE: (a) The priority of the lien or interest of the judgment creditor; (b)Land use laws and
r egulations applicable to the property; (c) A p on proved uses for the property; (d) Limits farming or forest practices on the property; (e) Rights of neighboring property owners; and (f) Environmental laws and regulations that affect the property. LARRY BLANTON, Deschutes County Sheriff. Anthony Raguine, Civil Techni cian. Date: October 8, 2012. Published in Bend Bulletin. Date of First and Successive Publica tions: October 10, 2012;October 17, 2012; Oc tober 24, 2012. Date of Last Publication: Octo ber 31, 2012. Attorney: Jennifer C. Paul, OSB ¹104791, Saalfield Griggs, PC, PO Box 470, Salem, OR 97308-0470, (503) 399-1070. Con ditions of Sale: Potential bidders must arrive 15 minutes prior to the auction to allow the Des chutes County Sheriff's Office to review bidder's funds. Only U.S. currency and/or cashier' s checks made payable to Deschutes County Sheriff's Office will be accepted. Payment must be made in full immediately upon the close of the sale.
Legal Notices
Legal Notices
Legal Notices
LEGAL NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON D E S C H UTES C O U N TY. Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., its successors in interest and/or assigns, Plaintiff/s, v. The Unknown Heirs of Harold C. Ballenger, Srg Harold Bal
Luckett; and Occupants of the Premises, Defendant/s. Case No.: 11CV0738. NOTICE OF SALE UNDER WRIT OF EXECUTION IN FORECLOSURE. Notice is hereby given that I will on October 18, 2012 at 11:00 AM in the main lobby of the Deschutes County Sheriff's Office, 63333 W. Highway 20, Bend, Oregon, sell, at public oral auction to the highest bidder, for cash or cashier's check, the following real property, known as 2472 Northeast 6th Street, Bend, Oregon 97701, to wit, Lot Seven (7), Block Three (3), DEER POINTE VILLAGE, Phase II, Des chutes County, Oregon. Said sale is made under a Writ of Execution in Foreclosure issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Deschutes, dated August 28, 2012, to me directed in the above-entitled action wherein Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., its successors in interest and/or assigns as plaintiff/s, recovered Limited Judgment of Fore closure and Stipulated General Judgment of Foreclosure and Shortening of Redemption Period Against Defendants: 1) Diane L. Luckett nka Diane L. Turnbull, 2) Luther James Luckett, on June 25, 2012, against Diane L. Luckett nka Diane L. Turnbull and Luther James Luckett as defendant/s. BEFORE BIDDING AT THE SALE, A PROSPECTIVE BIDDER SHOULD
INDEPENDENTLY INVESTIGATE: (a) The priority of the lien or interest of the judgment creditor; (b) Land use laws and regulations applicable to the
property; (c) Approved uses for the property; (d) Limits on farming or for est practices on the property; (e) Rights of neighboring property owners;
priority of the lien or interest of the judgment creditor; (b)Land use laws and regulations ap
plicable to the property; (c)Approved uses for the property; (d)Limits on farming or forest practices on the property; (e)Rights of neigh boring property owners; and (f)Environmental laws and regulations that affect the property. • LARRY BLANTON, Deschutes County Sheriff. Anthony Raguine, Civil Technician. Date: Oc tober 1, 2012. Published in Bend Bulletin. Date of First and Successive Publications: October 3, 2012; October 10, 2012; October 17, 2012. Date of Last Publication: October 2 4, 2012. Attorney: Amber N o rling, O S B ¹094593, Routh Crabtree Olsen, PC, 621 SW A lder Street, S uite 8 00 , P o rtland, O R 97205-3623, (503) 459-0115. Conditions of Sale:Potential bidders must arrive 15 minutes prior to the auction to allow the Deschutes County Sheriff's Office to r eview bidder's funds. Only U.S. currency and/or cashier' s checks made payable toDeschutes County Sheriff's Office will be accepted. Payment must be made in full immediately upon the close of the sale. 1000
Legal Notices
and(f) Environmental laws and regulations that affect the property. LARRY BLANTON, Deschutes County Sheriff. Anthony Raguine, Civil Technician. Date: September 14, 2012. Published in Bend Bulletin. Date of First and Successive Publications:September 19, 2012; September 26, 2012; October 3, 2012. Date of Last Publication: October 10, 2012. Attor ney:Erik Wilson, OSB ¹095507, Routh Crabtree Olsen, PC, 621 SW Alder Street, Suite 800, Portland, OR 97205-3623, (503) 977-7840. Conditions of Sale: Potential bidders must arrive 15 minutes prior to the auction to allow the Deschutes County Sheriff's Office to review bidder's funds. Only U.S. currency and/or cashier's checks made payable to Deschutes County Sheriff's Office will be accepted. Payment must be made in full immedi ately upon the close of the sale. Le g al Notices
Legal Notices •
Legal Notices
LEGAL NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON DESCHUTES COUNTY. BAC Home Loans Servicing, LP, f/k/a Countrywide Home Loans Servicing LP, its successors in interest and/or assigns, Plaintiff/s, v. The Unknown Heirs of William Mark Hamilton; Angela Ceris Hamilton;
Homeowners of Nottingham Square Association; Shane Groshong; Or egon Department of Human Services; and Occupants of the Premises, Defendant/s. Case No.: 10CV0492AB. NOTICE OF SALE UNDER WRIT OF EXECUTION - REAL PROPERTY. Notice is hereby given that I will on October 18, 2012 at 11:15 AM in the main lobby of the Deschutes County Sheriff's Office, 63333 W. Highway 20, Bend, Oregon, sell, at public oral auction to the highest bidder, for cash or cashier's check, the following realproperty,known as 61284 Robin Hood Lane, Bend, Oregon 97702, to wit, Lot 28, Block 7, Nottingham Square First Addition, Deschutes County, Oregon. Said sale is made under a Writ of Execution issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Deschutes, dated August 28, 2012, to me directed in the above-entitled action wherein BAC Home Loans Servicing, LP, f/k/a Countrywide Home Loans Servicing LP, its successors in interest and/or assigns, as plaintiff/s, recovered General Judgment of Foreclosure on April 27, 2012, against The Unknown Heirs of William Mark Hamilton; Angela Ceris Hamilton; Homeowners of Not tingham Square Association; Shane Groshong; Oregon Department of Human Services; and Occupants of the Premises as defendant/s. BE FORE BIDDING AT THE SALE, A PROSPECTIVE BIDDER SHOULD INDEPENDENTLY INVESTIGATE: (a) The priority of the lien or interest of the judgment creditor; (b) Land use laws and regulations applicable to the property; (c) Approved uses for the property; (d) Limits on farming or for est practices on the property; (e) Rights of neighboring property owners; and (f) Environmental laws and regulations that affect the property. Pub lished in Bend Bulletin. Date of First and Successive Publications: Sep tember 19, 2012; September 26, 2012; October 3, 2012. Date of Last Publication: October 10, 2012. Attorney: Tony Kullen, O S B ¹ 0 9 0 218. Routh Crabtree Olsen, P.C, 621 SW Alder St., Suite 800, Portland, Or 97205-3623, 503-459-0101. Conditions of Sale: Potential bidders must ar rive 15 minutes prior to the auction to allow the Deschutes County Sheriff's Office to review bidder's funds. Only U.S. currency and/or cashier's checks made payable to Deschutes County Sheriff's Office will be accepted. Payment must be made in full immediately upon the close of the sale. LARRY BLANTON, Deschutes County Sheriff. Krista Mudrick, Civil Technician. Date: September 17, 2012.
LEGAL NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON DESCHUTES COUNTY. WELLS FARGO BANK, NA, its successors in interest and/or assigns, Plaintiff/s, v. RICHARD A. LARSEN, JR; LOIS J. LARSEN; AND OCCU PANTS OF THE PREMISES, Defendant/s. Case No.: 11CV0732. NOTICE OF SALE UNDER WRIT OF EXECUTION - REAL PROPERTY. Notice is hereby given that I will on November 8, 2012 at 11:00 AM in the main lobby of the Deschutes County Sheriff's Office,
63333 W. Highway20, Bend, Oregon, sell,at public oral auction to the highest bidder, for cash or cashier's check, the following real property, known as 250 SE Ventura Place, Bend, Oregon 97702, to wit, LOT SIX, BLOCK ONE, CARRIAGE A DDITION, CITY OF
BEND, DESCHUTES COUNTY, OREGON. SAID REAL PROPERTY BEING MORE AC CURATELY DESCRIBED AS: LOT SIX (6) IN BLOCK ONE (1), OF CARRIAGE ADDITION, RECORDED DECEMBER 14, 1971 IN CABI NET A, PAGE 500, CITY OF BEND, DES CHUTES COUNTY, OREGON. Said sale is made under a Writ of Execution in Foreclo sure issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the
Legal Notices
LEGAL NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON, DESCHUTES COUNTY. Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., its successors in interest and/or as signs, Plaintiff/s, v. Diane L. Luckett nka Diane L. Turnbull; Luther James
lenger, Jrx Gary Ballenger; Estate of Marga ret Ballenger; United States of America; and Occupants of the Premises, Defendant/s. Case No.: 11CV0444. NOTICE OF SALE UNDER W RIT OF EXECUTION - REAL PROPERTY. Notice is hereby given that I will on November 8, 2012 at 11:30 AM in the main lobby of the Deschutes County Sheriff's Office, 63333 W. Highway 20,Bend, Oregon, sell,at public oral auction to the highest bidder, for cash or cashier's check, the following real property, known as 65425 93rd Street, Bend, Oregon 97701, to wit, Lot 49 in Block 19 of Second Addition to Whispering Pines Estates, Deschutes County, Oregon. Said sale is made under a Writ of Execution in Foreclosure is sued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Deschutes, dated September 20, 2012, to me directed in the above-entitled action wherein Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. as plaintiff/s, recovered General Judgment of Foreclosure on June 11, 2012, against The Unknown Heirs of Harold C. Bal lenger, Src Harold Ballenger, Jrg Gary Bal lenger; and Occupants of the Premises as d efendant/s. BEFORE BIDDING AT T H E
Legal Notices
Legal Notices
L e g al Notices LEGAL NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON DESCHUTES COUNTY. Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., its successors in interest and/or as signs, Plaintiff/s, v. David Dietz; Harriet Richard Individually and as Trustee of the Harriet Shlim Richard Trust, U/T/D June 21, 2002; Mort gage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., soley as nominee for Pacific Residential Mortgage; and Occupants of the Premises, Defendant/s. Case No.: 11CV0926. NOTICE OF SALE UNDER WRIT OF EXECUTION REAL PROPERTY. Notice is hereby given that I will on October 25, 2012 at 11:45 AM in the main lobby of the Deschutes County Sheriff's Office, 63333 W. Highway 20, Bend, Oregon, sell, at public oral auction to the highest bidder, for cash or cashier's check, the following real property, known as 63060 Casey Place, Bend, Oregon 97701, to wit, Lot four (4) of River Glen, Deschutes County, Oregon. Said sale is made under a Writ of Execution in Foreclosure issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Or egon for the County of Deschutes, dated August 28, 2012, to me directed in the above-entitled action wherein Wells Fargo Bank, N.A, its succes sors in interest and/or assigns as plaintiff/s, recovered Stipulated General Judgment of Foreclosure and Shortening of Redemption Period Against Defendants: 1) David Dietz 2) Harriet Richard Individually and as Trustee of the Harriet Shlim Richard Trust, U/T/D June 21, 2002 on June 11, 2012, against David Dietz and Harriet Richard, individually, and as Trustee of the Harriet Shlim Richard Trust, U/T/D June 21, 2002 as defendant/s. BE FORE BIDDING AT THE SALE, A PROSPECTIVE BIDDER SHOULD INDEPENDENTLY INVESTIGATE: (a) The priority of the lien or interest of the judgment creditor; (b) Land use laws and regulations applicable to the
property; (c) Approved uses for the property; (d) Limits on farming or for est practices on the property; (e) Rights of neighboring property owners; and(f) Environmental laws and regulations that affect the property. LARRY BLANTON, Deschutes County Sheriff. Krista Mudrick, Civil Tech nician. Date: September 21, 2012. Published in Bend Bulletin. Date of First and Successive Publications:September 26, 2012; October 3, 2012; October 10, 2012. Date of Last Publication: October 17, 2012. Attorney: Amber Norling, OSB ¹094593, Routh Crabtree Olsen, P.C., 621 SW Al der St., Suite 800, Portland, OR 97205-3623, (503) 459-0115. Conditions of Sale:Potential bidders must arrive 15 minutes prior to the auction to al low the Deschutes County Sheriff's Office to review bidder's funds. Only U.S. currency and/or cashier's checks made payable to Deschutes County Sheriff's Office will be accepted. Payment must be made in full immedi ately upon the close of the sale.