Bulletin Daily Paper 11/10/12

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SATURDAY November10,2012

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to apply for grant




By Ben Botkin The Bulletin

Bend-La Pine Schools opted not to apply for a federalRace to the Top grant after officials decided that the tight time frame and magnitude of the application's requirements would make it difficult for the district to put its best effort forward. It was a long shot to begin with — $383 million total will go out to 15 to 25 grant recipients nationwide for innovative programs aimed at bolstering achievement. If Bend-La Pine Schools had applied and been selected, it would have received about $26 million over a four-year period. See Grant/A6

• Finding a solution is the top priority during lameducksession

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By Andrew Clevenger The Bulletin

WASHINGTON — When lawmakers return to the nation's capital next week for the first legislative session in more than a month, Oregon's congressionaldelegation remains focused on addressing the looming fiscal cliff. Nov. 13 marks the start of the lame duck session,so called because members who are stepping

down or were voted out of office are concluding their terms in office.

These sessions sometimes produce I N D.C. a flurry of activity as lawmakers scramble to enact legislation before January, when the new Congress is sworn in. But they can also be relatively quiet, with Congress delaying major decisions until the new members pickedby the voters are ready to go to work. Sens. Jeff Merkley and Ron Wyden, both DOre., and Rep. Greg Walden, R-Hood River, agree the top priority is dealing with the fiscal cliff, the combination of expiring tax cuts and mandatory spending cuts put into place after last summer's debt ceiling crisis that go into effect Jan. 1. See Fiscal cliff /A6

He called the election, and now statistician is a celebrity

SupremeCourt to take a look at Voting Rights Act

By jocelyn Noveck The Associated Press

NEW YORK — The other night, Nate Silver got a little taste of what things are going to be like for him, post-Election 2012. The 34-

By Adam Liptak New York Ttmes News Servtce

Rob Kerri The Bulletin



statistician, unabashed numbers Silver geek, a uthor and creatorofthemuch-read FiveThirtyEight blog at The New York Times had gone out for a drink with friends on Manhattan's Lower East Side. But he couldn't stay incognito; immediately, he says, people sitting at the bar recognized him. He was surprised, but probably shouldn't have been.After all,for24 hours, ever since his election forecasts had proved uncannily successful — he correctly predicted the presidential winner in all 50 states, and almost all the Senate races — he'd been hailed as the election's "other winner," who'd silenced doubters and proved the value of a cool-headed, math-based

etal Mulisha freestyle motocross rider Keith Sayers spots his landing while practicing Friday afternoon for the E3 Spark Plugs Monster Truck Na-

tionals event at the Hooker Creek Event Center at the Deschutes County Fair 8 Expo Center in Redmond. The show continues tonight at 7:30. Tickets are $15 for children and adults. For more information, visit http://expo.deschutes.org/index .php/events tickets/details/e3 spark plugs monster truck nationalsl.

By Kevin Sieff The Washington Post

PECH VALLEY, Afghanistan — Before U.S. forces arrived here in the mountains of eastern Afghanistan, the instruments of warwere rudimentary things: mud-brick outposts and aging Kalashnikovs. The American invasion brought with it a shiny arsenal of 21st-century technology, including advanced helicopters to navigate the treacherous landscape. But as the U.S. military

That very night, he'd appeared on Jon Stewart's "The Daily Show" for the second time in three weeks. See Silver /A4

P P We userecycled newsprint AnIndependent

88267 02329

WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court announced Friday that it would take a fresh look at the constitutionality of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, one of the signature legacies of the civil rights movement. Three years ago, the court questioned whether part of the law was still needed, and the law's challengers said the re-election of the nation's first African-American president is f urther proof that the nation has moved beyond the racial divisions that gave rise to efforts to protect the integrity of elections in the South. Civil rights leaders, on the other hand, pointed to the role the law played in the recent election, with courts relying on it to block voter identification requirements and cutbacks on early voting. See Voting rights/A6

Donkeys take over for U.S.helicopters at Afghan outposts





Bsec t ions

drawdown continues, the sky is emptying of the foreign aircraft that have kept remote outposts stocked with food, water and weaponry. Afghan troops are being handed the outposts, but not the sleek helicopters that have soared overhead, delivering supplies. Afghans searching for a substitute have found an ancient solution: the plodding, dutiful animals that have navigated these high and frigid mountain passes for centuries.

"Donkeys are the Afghan helicopter," said Col. Abdul Nasseeri, an Afghan battalion commander here in Konar province. Already, hundreds of donkeys are sustaining the bases that Americans built, fought to defend and, eventually, left. The shift underscores the vast gulf separating U.S. and Afghan forces, and the inevitable technological regression that will occur once American troops leave. See Donkeys /A8

INDEX C lassified E1-4 Crosswords B5, E2 Movies B2 St o ck s C4- 5 Comics B 4 - 5 Editorials C 6 O b ituaries C 7 T V B 2 , 'TV' mag

Donkey handlers in Afghanistan's Kunar Province deliver waterto Afghan Army Outpost Rocky, which gets all its supplies on the backs of pack animals. Kevin Steff

The Washington Post

TODAY'S WEATHER Early snowfall High 36, Low 18 ~+ e@© CO<, OO

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director resigns, A3









QSensors could

Phone hours:5:30 a.m.- 5 p.m. Mon.-Fr i.,6:30a.m .-noonSat.-sun.

dedicated short-range

It's Saturday, Nov. 10, the 315th day of 2012. There are 51 days left in the year.

QExisting cellphone towers may be used to receive

would outfit cars with tech gadgets so they can •

Highlights:In 1972, three

armed menhijacked Southern 0

Airways Flight 49, a DC-9 with 24 other passengers


541 -383-0348


on board during a stopover in Birmingham, Ala., and



Q Roadside equipment could be in traffic signs, signals, cameras

541 -385-5804 EM A IL


ransom. (The30-hour ordeal, which involved landings in nine

ahd attached

tc pctaa


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Oregon Lottery results As listed at www.oregonlottery.org

MEGA MILLIONS The numbers drawn Friday night are:

Q18 ©2®3©5Q40®O The estimated jackpot is now $19 million.

taken into custody by Cuban

communicate with each other

QWiresensors known as "loop detectors," embedded

QDriverscould get real-time warnings about such hazards as slippery road conditions, accidents ahead of them, approaching emergency vehicles andwhen it's unsafe to change lanes, cross intersections or pass other cars


could provide data on traffic speeds, volumes


comply with international calls to disarm.

Five years agn:Six U.S. troops year for American forces in Afghanistan since 2001.

One yearago:The National Archives released a transcript

4XPpg » / "ectms

of former President Richard Nixon's1975 grand jury © 2012McCiatchy-Tribune News Service

While Google's self-driving car is getting heaps of attention, a lesser-known effort that would employ c u tting-edge technologies to make regular automobiles safer is fast gaining traction. Under the "connected ve-

hicle" program being developed by federal and state officials, cars,trucks and buses bristling with gadgets would wirelessly communicate with each other as well as with traffic signals, pavement-embedded sensors and other road equipment. Drivers then would get automatic warnings about everything from icy bridges and accidents in their paths to cars racing at them through red lights and lane changes they should avoid because another vehicle is next to them. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration is due to make key decisions next year about how to proceed, and authorities expect connected-vehicle devices to start showing up in cars by 2019.

"This is going to be a very big

deal," said Greg Larson, chief of the office of traffic operations research at the California Department of Transportation, which has been studying the concept. Calling the government's timetable "very realistic," he added, "I don't see any

technical challenges in getting this done." Some carmakers already have equipped vehicles with gadgets to alert drivers to potential collisions. But t hose d evices o n ly spot nearby hazards, among other limitations. And while California has approved testing of so-called autonomous vehicles — like those Google is working on — getting cars to safely drive themselves is complicated. Google declined to discuss the subject. But Steven Shladover of C alifornia Partners for Advanced Transportation Technology, a research group at the University of CaliforniaBerkeley, said a big challenge in designing self-driving cars is to make software that can nimbly respond to unexpected events. "This will require a very large research and development effort," he said. But if those vehicles could be relegated to their own specialpurpose lanes, he added, "the technical problems become much less daunting." No matter how autonomous cars are designed, however, "we think they could work better when they are connected" with other vehicles and roadway devices, Larson added. By b e in g e l e ctronically alerted about hazards, transportation o f f icials b e l ieve,


Surrounded byhumans, elephant speaksKorean tate the pitch and timbre of human speech, and of his trainAt the Everland Zoo in South ers in particular. Korea, there is a young male elThe researchers think that ephant that can speak Korean. Koshik started imitating huHis v ocabulary i n c ludes man speech out of a need to m annyong" (hello), "anja" (sit socialize. For s even y ears down), "aniya" (no), "nuo" (lie when he was a juvenile and at down) and mchoah" (good). a critical stage in his developResearchers say the elephant, ment, he was the only elephant whose name is Koshik, vocal- at the Everland Zoo. "He adapted vocalizations izes in a novel way: He puts his trunk in his mouth. to his human companions, the The findings appear in the only social contact he had," journal Current Biology. Stoeger said. "We asked native Korean lt is not clear, however, how speakers to write down what much Koshik understands, or t hey heard, an d t h e y u n - whether he is capable of learnderstood him," said A ngela ing more. While he seems to Stoeger, a biologist at the Uni- know the meaning of "sit," for versity of Vienna and one of instance, he does not expect the study's authors. "We also his trainers to sit when he says compared his i m itative vo- the word himself. "He's basically using this as calizations with that of other elephants, and it w a s v ery a social function, but not redifferent." ally to communicate with the In fact, Koshik seems to imi- keepers," Stoeger said.

drivers could slow down or otherwise maneuver to avoid them. And if an accident did happen, they say, it might be possible to instantly relay key information about the mishap to emergency personnel. A lthough details on h ow this would work have yet to be decided, connecting cars, stop

lights, highway cameras, pavement sensors and other traffic-related gear would likely require an array of new products, including m i crochips, routers, servers and software. It's unclear how much of that would need to be installed along streets and highways. Some experts believe it would have to be extensive, while others contend cars could be made smart enough to spot dangers and warn other vehicles in their vicinity — possibly via cellphones — without needing much information from roadway equipment. Potentially troublesome issues to be resolved include how to warn drivers without dangerously distracting them, how to prevent hackers from disrupting the system, and how to standardize the different gear that automakers and government agencies might use so it all functions seamlessly.



testimony after a judgeordered the government to doso; in it, a feisty and cagey Nixon

ars ma e'connec e ' San Jose Mercury News

administration officials promised "zero tolerance" if

died in an insurgent ambush, making 2007 the deadliest

Source: U S. Department of Transportation, Caitrans

By Steve Johnson

authorities.) Ten yearsage:Bush Saddam Hussein refused to

in the pavement,

daily by WesternCommunications Inc., Postmaste rSendaddresschangestoThe Buiiettn circulation department, PO Box 6020, Bend, OR 97708.The Bulletin retains ownership and copynght protection ofaii staff-prepared news copy,advertising copy and newsor ad

Cuba, where thehijackers were

cars allowing them to

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needed for this system would be in

stmpeee aee.

Chairwoman Elizabeth C.Mccool ...........541-383-0374 Publisher Gordon Black..................... Editor-in-Chief John Costa.........................541-383-0337

U.S. cities and Toronto, finally ended with a second landing in



1777 S.W. Chandler Ave. Bend, OR97702 Po. Box 6020 Bend, OR97708


demanded $10 million in







over player contracts.

that information back to drivers about possible


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• Talks are likely to resume between the NHL and NHLPA

nformation from cars and sensors and send




highway traffic

communicate with other vehicles and roadside equipment about various traffic hazards.

to drivers


Asafer drivingexperience agencies, dubbed the"connected vehicle" program,

communications gear to transmit information



would use Silicon Valley technology to change how we drive. The project, planned to be operating by 2019,

conditions along with



A mammoth initiative under study by state and federal

be installed along roads to monitor traffic


Discoveries, breakthroughs, trends, names in the news — things you need to know to start your day.

defended his legacyand Watergate-era actions.

BIRTHDAYS Another concern is w h at such a system might cost. Experts have been vague about that. A Clemson University group has proposed partly cover-

Blues singer Bobby Rush is 78. Author Neil Gaiman is 52. Actor Hugh Bonneville (TV:

"Downton Abbey") is 49. Actor-comedian Tracy Morgan is 44. Country singer Miranda Lambert is 29. — From wire reports

ing the cost by charging businesses afee to send advertisements to connected cars. But if the system works as intended, many experts believe, it could save money by averting most of the 6 million crashes that happen annually at a cost federal authorities estimate at $230 btlhon.

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etraeus uits IA osta er Bl Healthlawdeadline

uncovers an extramarita a air extended for states By Robert Pear

By Michael D. Shear

evidence of the relationship New York Times News Service as well as other security conWASHINGTON — D a vid cerns. About two weeks ago, Petraeus, the director of the FBI agents met with Petraeus CIA and one o f A m erica's to discuss the investigation. most decoratedfour-star genA dmini str a erals, resigned Friday after an t ion an d c o n FBI investigation uncovered g ressional o f evidence that he had been ficials identified involved in an ex tramarital t he woman a s affair. PaulaBroadwell, Petraeus issued a statement Petraeus th e c o - author of acknowledging the affair afa biography of ter President Barack Obama Petraeus. Her book, "All In: accepted his resignation and it The Education of General Dawas announced by the CIA. vid Petraeus," was published Government officials said this year. Broadwell spent the FBI began an investigation extended periods of time with into a "potential criminal mat- Petraeus in Afghanistan, inter" several months ago that terviewing him for her book. was not focused on Petraeus. Married with tw o c h ildren, In the course of their inquiry she has described Petraeus as into whether a computer used her mentor. by Petraeus had been comSenior members of C onpromised, agentsdiscovered gress were alerted to Petrae-

In one day, 11,000 flee Syria aswar intensifies

1i„/ I'

us' impending resignation by intelligence officials a b out six hours before the CIA announced his resignation. One c ongressional o f ficial w h o was briefed on the matter said that Petraeus had been encouraged "to get out in front of the issue" and resign, and that he agreed. The FBI di d n o t i n f orm the Senate and House Intelligence Committees a bout the investigation before this week, according to congressional officials, who n oted that by law th e panels are supposed to be told about significant developments in the intelligence arena. The Senate committee plans to pursue the question of why it was not told, one official said. White House officials said they did not know about the affair un-

til this week, when Petraeus informed them. "After being married for over 37 years, I showed extremely poor j u dgment by engaging in an extramarital affair," Petraeus said. "Such behavior i s u na c ceptable, both as a husband and as the leader of an organization such as ours. This afternoon, the president graciously accepted my resignation." P etraeus' admission a n d r esignation represent a r e markable fall from grace for one of the most prominent figures in America's modern military and intelligence community. Petraeus was scheduled to testify before a closed congressional hearing next week about the attack in Benghazi, Libya, thatkilled four Americans two months ago.

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Iran acknowledges firing on U.S.drone

By Rick Gladstone and Neil MacFarquhar New York Times News Service

The United Nations reported that 11,000 Syrians fled to neighboring countries Friday, the vast majority clambering for safety over the Turkish border, in one of the largest singleday torrents of refugees since the Syrian conflict began. It came as mayhem a nd d e privations w e r e worsening inside the country, its president more determined than ever to stay and his fractious enemies still politically paralyzed.

U.N. refugee agency off icials said 9,000 of t h e fleeing Syrians, many of them drenched from a cold rain, went to Turkey. The flow alarmed Turkish officials and led their prime minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, to vent at the five permanent members of the Security Council for what he called their failure to respond decisively to the crisis after nearly 20 months. "The world cannot be left to what the five permanent members have to say," Erdogan told a conference in Indonesia. "If we leave it to the five permanent members, humanity will c ontinue to bleed." P anos Moumtzis, t h e U.N. refugee agencyofficial coordinating the response, told reporters in Geneva, where the agency is based, that the latest surge included 1,000 Syrians who r eached L e b anon a n d 1,000 who reached Jordan, b ringing the n u mber o f registeredrefugees to more than 408,000 in T u rkey, Jordan, Lebanon and Iraq. Agency officials said a few weeks ago that they had anticipated that more than 700,000 Syrian r efugees would be living in t hese countries by y ear's end, straining their r esources just as the cold Middle East winter intensifies.


Bebeto Matthews /The Associated Press

A motorist pumps gas while people stand in linewith containers to purchase gas on Friday in Brooklyn, N.Y. Police were at gas stations to enforce a new gasoline rationing plan that lets motorists fill up every other day.

Gas rationing inNewYork fuels tempers, long lines By Tina Susman

as tankers show up with fuel supplies. The search for an NEW YORK — Leslie Mar- open gas station has replaced tin was never so happy to be the search for a parking space odd. If only she'd known how as the most infuriating task for to pump her own gas on the city dwellers. first day of rationing in New Martin, who lives in BrookY ork an d s u burban L o n g lyn, did not have to look far. A Island. large station in her neighborStill, Martin made do early hood was open early Friday. Friday after waiting for hours She got into her daughter's in line as the state tries to black Honda — w h ich she manage the gasoline shortage needed to return to her daughresulting from station closures ter in Washington over the and fuel delivery problems in weekend — and waited, along the wake of Hurricane Sandy. with hundreds of other veBecause Friday, Nov. 9, is an hicles whose plates ended in odd number, only people like 1,3,5,7 or 9. Police stood guard Martin, driving cars with liat one end of the station, but c ense plates ending in o d d they couldn't cover all the ennumbers or characters, were trances,leading some people, allowed at the pumps. like Nellie Smith, to try to cut Estimates vary on the per- in front of others. "I've been in this car for two centage of stations in N ew York City that are open and hours!" Martin bellowed as pumping regularly. When Smith tried to nudge the nose Mayor M i chael B l oomberg of her red Ford Focus in front announced the rationing plan of car after car. Each vehicle Thursday, he said only about successfullyhugged the rear one-quarter of the city's sta- bumper of the car in front to tions had gas available. What- prevent Smith from getting ever the true number, it's not into the line. Martin did the enough — as evidenced by the same. "I'm too old for this," she lines that quickly sprout and extend down avenues as soon said half-jokingly after Smith Los Angeles Times

conceded defeat and drove off. "And it's not even my car." At the pumps, signs directed customers to pay first — cash only, $50 limit. Behind protective glass in a small booth, a lone woman managed the s eemingly endless l in e o f people pushing dollars toward her, impatient to fill up before the pumps ran dry. Mick Ahmed, who runs a car service in Brooklyn, said his 15 drivers never knew when or where they'd be able to fill up. If they spot an open station, they pull in and wait, often forseveral hours, said Ahmed. That, combined with the increase in people calling forcars because ofdisruptions in public transport, has made keeping his business afloat "near impossible." "It's murder," said Ahmed as he fielded calls from people trying to reserve vehicles and from drivers checking in to give updates on open gas stations. At any given time, he said one-fourth of his drivers were stuck in gas lines. "It's a lossforeveryone, but what are you gonna do?" he said with a


By Paul Richter


Los Angeles Times

The attack marked the first known episode in which Iranian jets shot at a remotely piloted U.S. spy plane, and it raised tensions in the volatile region. Washington and Tehran broke diplomatic relations in 1979, so the Obama administration has lodged a formal protest via the Swiss Embassy in Tehran. Pentagon officials did not initially disclose the attack because, they said, it involved a classified mission.

WASHINGTON — Iran's government con f i r med Friday that two of its warplanes fired at a U.S. surveillance drone flying over the Persian Gulf, but contradicted Pentagon claims that the unarmed aircraft — which was not damaged — was in international airspace when attacked. Iran's defense minister, Ahmad Vahidi, said an unidentified aircraft was detected above Iranian territorial waters on Nov. I, but it was forced to flee "due to the timely, quick and decisive action of the Iranian armed forces," according to the official Press TV news

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The agency's figures do not include Syrians who have fled without registering, a number believed to be in the tens of thousands in Jordan alone. T urkish o f f icials s a i d more than half the Syrians who fled into Turkey on Friday had been seeking to escape combat between insurgents and loyalist forces near Ras al-Ain, a northeast border town w h ere fighting has raged for days. The arrivals who crossed the Turkish border at Reyhanli in H a tay p r ovince included 26 Syrian Army defectors, with two generals and 11 colonels among them, the semiofficial Anatolian News Agency of Turkey reported.

ernment will require most Americans to have insurWASHINGTON — W i th ance. Many states delayed many states lagging far be- work on the exchanges to see hind schedule, the Obama the outcome of a Supreme administration said Friday Court case challenging the t hat it w o ul d e xtend t h e health care law, then waited deadline for them to submit to see if President Barack plans for health insurance Obama would bere-elected. exchanges, the online marIf a state wants to run its kets where millions of Amer- own exchange, its governor icans are expected to obtain still must submit a declaraprivatecoverage subsidized tion of intent — generally a by the federal government. brief letter of one or two pagThe original Nov. 16 dead- es — by Nov. 16. But states line will be extended to Dec. will have more time to sub14 — and, in some cases, to mit the detailed applications Feb. 15, the administration required by federal officials. sa>d. The White House has reThe Congressional Budget peatedly said that states were Office predicts that 25 milmaking excellent progress lion people will obtain cover- toward creation of the exage through the new online changes, even as Republican shopping malls known as in- governors and state legislasurance exchanges. Most of tors expressed ambivalence them willreceive federal sub- or outright opposition. In sidies averaging more than addition, state officials who $5,000 a year per person to want to establish exchanges help them pay premiums. said they were having difEvery state is supposed to ficulty because Obama had have an exchange by Jan. I, yet to issue crucial regula2014, when the federal gov- tions and guidance. New York Times News Service

Federal agents arrest 34 white sLIpremacists By Sari Horwitz The Washington Post

FedWASHINGTON eralagents arrested dozens of members of the white supremacist Aryan Brotherhood of Texas on Friday and charged them with murder, kidnapping, racketeering and conspiracy to distribute methamphetamine and cocaine. A 43-page federal indictment unsealed by the Justice Department names 34 members of the violent organized crime group who have been charged, including four of its senior leaders. "ABT uses extreme violence

and threats of violence to maintain internal discipline and retaliate against those believed to be cooperating with law enforcement," said Assistant Attorney General Lanny Breuer. "Through violence and intimidation, ABT allegedly exerts control over prison populations and neighborhoods, and instills fear in those who come in contact with its members." As an example, Breuer said that alleged ABT leader Kelly Ray Elley and others ordered subordinates to kill a prospective member and to make the killing "as messy as possible"

to send a message to gang

members not to cooperate with law enforcement. Elley also allegedlyordered gang members to return the man's severed fin-

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ger as atrophy. "Today's takedown represents a devastating blow to the leadershipof ABT," Breuer sa>d. In an investigation led by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, more than 170 law enforcement agents fanned out across Texas and North Carolina on Friday to arrest 14 of the 34 ABT members who were charged. Another 15 were already in custody, and five remain at large.

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"When you get into statistical analysis, you don't really expect to achieve fame. Or to become an Internet meme. Or be parodied by The Onion — or be the subject of a cartoon in The New Yorker. I guess I'm kind of an outlier there."


To submit service information or announcements for religious organizations, email bulletin@bendbulletin.com or call 541-383-0358.

— Nate Silver

Silver Contlnued from A1 "Don't you want to stand up and say, 'I am Nate Silver, bow down to me!!'" Stewart roared, as the bespectacled Silver sat and chuckled. His name was trending on Twitter and he was the subject of a satirical Twitter hashtag, "Drunk Nate Silver." The Hollywood Reporter said he'd "made statistics sexy again." Many called his story a real-life "Revenge of the Nerds" tale. And, oh, his new book had soared to No. 2 on Amazon, after he linked to it on Twitter an hour after the first network call for President Barack Obama.

his forecasts too heavily toward Democrats. MSNBC host Joe Scarborough, a f o rmer Republican c ongressman, c a l le d hi m a "joke." Silver r esponded by betting him that Obama would win, a bet that Scarborough didn't take him up on and that was later criticized by the Times ombudsman. (That bet was the poker player in him, Silver says now; he spent a couple of years playing seri-

ous online poker.)

Much more disturbing, said Silver, were what he called the homophobic comments that some resortedto on the Web. "That was a little shocking," he said. Added his father: "It ("This is probably a good time got very personal." to link to my book," he'd tweetBut Silver says he always ed at 12:D a.m. — the closest felt confident in hi s projeche came to gloating.) tions. "I didn't see any parE ven so, Silver says h e ticular reason for the polls wasn't quite prepared for that to be off the mark," he said. "Republicans said Democrats incident in the bar. "It's odd," he said Thursday were oversampled, but within a telephone interview from out much justification. I felt his Brooklyn home. "Is this pretty confident personally." going to happen every day, as Silver predicted 90.9 percent opposed to once a month? I certainty that Obama would still have to get accustomed to win, and forecast him getting this." 313 electoral college votes; he has 303 without Florida, which A statistical narrative is still counting and could take Silver, who uses computer him to 332. models that he runs on a beatOn Election Day itself, Silup laptop at home, is quick to ver felt nervous, but only beacknowledge the accomplish- cause there was nothing left ments of others using similar to do. Once the early results methods. "It's a little strange started coming in, he relaxed. to become a kind of symbol of And then, of course, came vina whole type of analysis," he dication. "You know who won said. And he noted that similar the election tonight? Nate Silwork was being done with, for ver," said Rachel Maddow on example, weather, all the time. MSNBC. Even Bret Baier on "You have to give those fore- Fox gave credit on air to Silver. castersway more credit," he On "The Daily Show," Stewsaid."Their forecasts have real art basically credited Silver life-and-deathconsequences" with saving the reputation of In politics, too, others have arithmetic — and more. "Like, used similar computer models gravity would have been up to predict races. What Silver for grabs," Stewart quipped, if has done, though, is not only Silver had been wrong. arrive at a formula that uses

aggregated polls and other weighted factors to achieve his predictions, but to write about them in an accessible and en-


Future forecasts

T here have b ee n s o m e gripes that Silver doesn't reveal his actual formula. "He gaging way. has very carefullyexplained His father, political science how he does things," his father professor Brian S i lver, at- answers. "But he's not giving tributes his son's success to away his code. He shouldn't be a two-pronged drive: "He's expected to do that." driven by a need to get the Nate Silver does say, howevanswers to a problem, but he er, that in the future, "Maybe we'll have to be clearer." He also is very concerned with the narrative, with telling the also voicesconcern that prestory," said the elder Silver, cise forecasting could have the who teaches at Michigan State frightening effect of influencUniversity. ing voter behavior — someThe father recalls his son thing that obviously doesn't at 2years old,already reveal- happen in areas like weather. ing himself as a prodigy with "You don't want to influence numbers — his mother asked the same system you are tryhim to count to three, and he ing to forecast," he said. went to 20. By four, he underSilver also says he doesn't stood negative numbers, and necessarilyexpect the same could multiply in his head. results forever. "I know we're Needless to say he was a going to have some misses math whiz, but he also was a sooner or later," he said, adddebating champion, winning ing that an incorrect forecast competitions in high school. on the Senate race in North "On the debate team, it was Dakota is "proof that we can OK to be a geek," Brian Silver be wrong — and polls can be explained. Nate then went off wrong." Others have pointed to the University of Chicago, out that Silver's forecasting is, where he earned a degree in of course, only as good as the economics. polls he is using, since he's not A few years in consulting a pollster himself. followed. It bored him, but it was during those years that An outlier Silver turned his love of baseFor now, though, he's trying ball into a sophisticated fore- to enjoy it all as much as he casting system of player per- can. "When you get into statistiformance. That became his new career; he sold the system cal analysis, you don't really to Baseball Prospectus, and expect to achieve fame," he wrote a weekly column there observed wryly. "Or to beon baseball research. come an Internet meme. Or be In 2007, Silver started writ- parodied by The Onion — or ing about politics — at first un- be the subject of a cartoon in der a pseudonym, "Poblano." The New Yorker. I guess I'm He quickly gained an audi- kind of an outlier there." What's ahead for S ilver? ence for his forecasts during the presidential primaries. In T urns out, f o recasting h i s March of 2008, he began his own future feels much more FiveThirtyEight blog, and a difficult than forecasting an few months later revealed his election. "It can be a full-time job, figname. "People had been thinking uring out what your job is goPoblano was a major pollster," ing to be," he quipped. said his father. "He was just a For now, he has a second kid with a B.A. in economics." book to write, part of a twobook deal. And F iveThirtyA new level of pressure Eight is set to remain at the With his success in the 2008 Times until mid-2013. After race — he got every state right that, he doesn't know y et, except for Indiana — Silver though he noted, with underwas already a big name. In statement: "I know I'll have 2009 he was named one of more opportunities now." But Time's 100 Most Influential he added: "I'm sure there will People. In 2010, he licensed his be a FiveThirtyEight forecast blog to The New York Times. in 2016." But the 2012electionbrought For now, he prefers to look a new levelof pressure.While at life, and life choices, as a Democrats flocked to his blog poker player, since he loves and took daily solace in his the game. "You get steely nerves playc onsistent p r e diction t h a t Obama would win — though ing poker," he said. "It's part not by a lot — commentators skill and part luck. You hope on the right were critical, and you win enough bets to make he was accused of weighting a living on, right?"

Matt Dunham /The Associated Press

Justln Welby, a former oil executive wlth experience In conflict resolution,has been chosen to lead a global Anglican Communion riven by sharply divided views on gay people and their place in the church. The church announced Friday at Lambeth Palace in London that Welby will become the next archbishop of Canterbury.

Former oil execnamed archbishop otCanterbury By Henry Chu Los Angeles Times

LONDON — H i s f i rst r eaction upon being given the job was "Oh no." But Justin Welby said Friday that he now feels a "massivesense of privilege" at being appointed the next archbishop of Canterbury, the spiritual leader of the world's 80 million Anglicans and a post steeped in centuries of tradition. Welby, 56, acknowledged the formidable challenges that face the Anglican Communion in general and the Church of England in particular; both have been riven by bitter divisions over sexuality and the role of women. Church attendance is also dwindling perilously in some parts of the A n glican world, including here in A n g licanism's birthplace, Britain. But t h e o i l ex e c utive-turnedpriest, who will take up his duties as leaderof the flock in March, expressed faith that the church would find a way through. "I am utterly optimistic about the future of the church," Welby told reporters Friday. "We will certainly get things wrong; I certainly will. But the grace of God is bigger than our biggest failures." Welby's appointment as the 105th archbishop of Canterbury caps a meteoric ascent through the Church of England hierarchy since his ordi-

nation as a deacon 20 years ago. The bespectacled, self-effacing cleric is currently the bishop of Durham, in northern England, a position he has held for only a year. Supporters hope that the leadership skills he sharpened as an oil executive, before taking up his religious vocation, and his experience in conflict resolution in Africa will help him hold together a fractious global fellowship in danger of com-

ing apart. The outgoing archbishop, Rowan Williams, has had almighty trouble trying to keep conservative church leaders, especially i n d e v eloping countries such as Nigeria, talking to liberal clergy in places like the United States, where the Episcopal Church boasts openly gay bishops. W elby said that h e w a nts t h e church to be "a place where we can disagree in love." But he also pledged support for an upcoming vote in the Church of England to allow women to serve as bishops, which many traditionalists oppose. And while he adheres to current church policy banning openly homosexual priests and decrying same-sex marriage,he spoke of the need to listen to the gay community and to "examine my own thinking carefully and prayerfully." "We must have no truck with any form of homophobia in any part of the church," Welby said.

Drive-throughprayerministry reaCheSOLit tOthe 'diSCOnneCted' By Cheryl Truman Lexington Herald-Leader

LEXINGTON, Ky.— You want that

blessing to go? Not a problem. Centerpointe Christian Church in Lexington, Ky., has offered drive-through prayersto those who need them since Easter. Church volunteers offer the prayers tailoredto the concerns of each carload that comes through the two-lane prayer carrel at the church. Drivethrough prayersare offered on the third Wednesday of each month. If the drive-through prayer ministry becomes reallysuccessful — and so far, church members say it has drawn a good response — the service may be offered on a weekly basis. "We drive by unaware of what

The idea for t h e d r ive-through prayer ministry came from a church member who had heard of its operation at another church, he said. "It's really taken off," Hughes said. During its two-hour session, the church has had anywhere from 15 to 26 people drive through seeking


Brian Bolton, pastor of the independent Christian church which was founded in November 2004 and draws 230 to 250 worshipers each week, said that the drive-throughprayerministry, along withsuch events as the church's "Trunk or Treat" outdoor Halloween celebration, are part of its "vision and passion to connect with those who are disconnected." "Our mission is to connect with our people carry daily," said Rex Hughes, community," Bolton said. "We have a who isin charge ofthe church'sprayer huge heart to love our community." ministry. "It's eye-opening. It's touchThe drive-through prayer ministry ing. It's a simple way to reach out to is gaining traction around the counour community and say, 'We're going try,according to church websites from to love you." Florida to California to Illinois. Also Volunteersstand by as drivers stop. gaining popularity nationally is anDriver and passengers are asked to other methodto energize prayer minrelay concerns for which prayers are istries a step beyond telephone prayer said. The information is written on chains and email: prayer paging, in a card, which is used for additional which your cell phone alerts you each prayerlater,organizers said. time a prayer is said on your behalf. If participants are willing to offer The Centerpointe church hopes to an email address, they will receive ad- see congregational growth from its ditional information from the church. drive-through ministry, which introRex Hughes, who is in charge of the duces potential members to the church church's prayer ministry, said that the quickly, Hughes said. "You're one foot in the door almost," church is gaining some members from the ministry. Hughes said.

ANTIOCH CHURCH:Senior Pastor Ken Wytsma; "Decision Making and the Will of God," as part of a series on Proverbs; Sunday at 9:30 a.m.; Redux Q-and-A after the service; Bend High School, 230 N.E. Sixth St., Bend. BEND CHRISTIANFELLOWSHIP: PastorDave Miller; Sunday at10 a.m.; 4twelve youth group: Wednesdayat7 p.m.;19831 Rocking Horse Road, Bend. BEND CHURCHOFTHE NAZARENE: Pastor Matthew Bissonnette; "You Are the Branches"; Sunday at10:15 a.m.; 1270 N.E. 27th St., Bend. COMMUNITYOF CHRIST:Elder Shawn Sahlberg; "Patience," based on James 5:7-11; Sunday at11 a.m., following 10:45 a.m. praise singing; 20380 Cooley Road, Bend. DISCOVERYCHRISTIAN CHURCH:Pastor Dave Drullinger; "A Functional Faith," based on Galatians 6:1-10, and a recognition of veterans for their service; Sunday at10 a.m.; 334 N.W. Newport Ave., Bend. EASTMONT CHURCH:PastorJohn Lodwick; "The Difference Grace Makes in Parent/Child Relationships," based on Ephesians 6:1-4, as part of the series "Grace Makes a Difference"; Sunday at 9 and 10:45 a.m.; 62425 Eagle Road, Bend. FATHER'SHOUSECHURCHOFGOD:Associate pastor Guy Drescher; "Living God's Promises"; Sunday at10a.m.; 61690 Pettigrew Road, Bend. The youthgroup meetsWe dnesdayat7 p.m. THE FELLOWSHIP ATBEND: Pastor Loren Anderson; "Life on Mission," based onActs; Sunday at10 a.m.; Morning Star Christian School,19741Baker Road,Bend. FIRST PRESBYTERIANCHURCH: Lead pastor Steven Koski; "Yes to the Future!"; Sunday at 9 a.m.,10:45 a.m .and 5:01 p.m .services;230 N.E. Ninth St., Bend. FIRST UNITEDMETHODISTCHURCH:The Rev. Thom Larson; "I Believe in Generosity," based on Mark 12:38-44; Sunday at 9 and 11a.m.; 680 N.W. Bond St., Bend. FOUNDRY CHURCH (FORMERLY FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH):Pastor Syd Brestel; "They Share the Same Faith but Not the Same Freedom," with a time of prayer for the persecuted church; Sunday at10:15a.m.;60 N.W. Oregon Ave.,Bend. GRACEFIRSTLUTHERANCHURCH:Pastor Joel LiaBraat en;"The Eyesto See"and "Sharing";Sunday at9:30a.m.;2265 N.W .Shevlin ParkRoad,Bend. JOURNEYCHURCH:Pastor Keith Kirkpatrick; "Questions ThatLeave a Mark";Sundayat9 a.m . and10:30a.m.;70 N.W. NewportAve., Bend. NATIVITY LUTHERAN CHURCH: Pastor Craig Jorgensen; "Principalities and Powers," based on Colossians 1:11-20; Sunday at 9 a.m. and 11a.m.; 60850 Brosterhous Road, Bend. NEW HOPE CHURCH:PastorRandy Myers;"Love Trusts," based on1 Corinthians; today at 6 p.m. and Sunday at 9 and 10:45 a.m.; 20080 Pinebrook Blvd., Bend. REAL LIFECHRISTIAN CHURCH:Pastor Mike Yunker; "Paul's FinalDays,"based onActs 20, Ephesians1-6 and 2 Timothy1-4; Sunday at 8, 9:30 and 11 a.m.; 2880 N.E. 27th St., Bend. RIVERWOODS CHURCH:PastorRene Houle;"How to Face the Future," based on Exodus14:1-31; Sunday at11 a.m.; 60377 Cinder Butte Road, Bend. SPIRITUALAWARENESS COMMUNITY OFTHE CASCADES:Guest speaker Adora Adrienne Hitchcock; "In the Pursuit of Consciousness, the Experiential Approach"; Sunday at 9 a.m.; held at The Old Stone Church, 157 N.W. Franklin Ave., Bend. TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH:The Rev. Patrick Rooney; "Put Not Your Trust in Princes," based on Psalm 146; Sunday at 8 a.m. (guitar-led worship) and11 a.m. (organ-led worship and communion); 2550 N.E. Butler Market Road, Bend. UNITARIANUNIVERSALIST FELLOWSHIP OF CENTRAL OREGON:The Rev.Alex Holtand veterans from the fellowship; "Veterans Speak"; Sunday at11 a.m.; at the Old Stone Church, 157 N.W. Franklin Ave., Bend. WESTSIDECHURCH: Pastor Ken Johnson; Part three of "Relentless: Shake It Off"; today at 6:30 p.m.and Sunday at8,9 and 10:45 a.m.;2051 N.W. Shevlin Park Road, Bend. WESTSIDESOUTHCAMPUS: Pastor Scott McBride; Part three of "Relentless: Shake It Off"; Sunday at 9 am.and1030am.;1245SE. Third St., Bend. COMMUNITY PRESBYTERIANCHURCH: Pastor Heidi Bolt; "What Does It Mean to Be Converted?" based on John 21:15-19; Sunday at 9 a.m. and 11 a.m.; 529 N.W. 19th St., Redmond. EMMAUS LUTHERANCHURCH:The Rev. David Poovey; "The Diet That Transforms Lives," based on Philippians 3:12-21; Sunday at10:30 a.m.; 2175 S.W. Salmon Ave., Redmond. ST. PAUL'SANGLICANCHURCH:Gerald Klug; The office of morning prayer; Sunday at10 a.m.; Southwest12th Avenue and Forest Avenue, Redmond. ZIONLUTHERANCHURCH: Pastor Eric Burtness; "Connecting with God ... When You've Lost Your Spiritual Vitality"; Sunday at 8:30 a.m. and11 a.m.; 1113 Black Butte Blvd., Redmond. AGAPE HARVESTFELLOWSHIP: Youthgroup W ednesday at7 p.m .;52460 SkidgelRoad,La Pine. COMMUNITYBIBLECHURCHATSUNRIVER: Guest speaker Andrew Garland; "What Are WeHiding?," based on 2 Kings; Sunday at 9:30 a.m.;1 Theater Drive, Sunriver. CONCORDIALUTHERAN MISSION: The Rev. Willis Jenson; "Christ Walks in the Ways of Righteousness and the Judgement of the Cross to Enrich Eternally Men lmpoverished by Sin," based on Proverbs 8:20; Sunday at11 a.m.; held at Terrebonne Grange Hall, 828611th St., Terrebonne. JEWISH BOOK FAIR: Book presentations by authors Arthur Lezin, Randy Weinreb and holocaust survivor Hans Biglajzer and a display of Hanukkah books and other Jewish books, sponsored by the Bend Jewish Library; free; 10 a.m.-8p.m. Sunday; Barnes & Noble Booksellers, 2690 E. U.S. Highway 20, Bend; contact 541-5041160 or patgivens©bendcable.com. INTERFAITHTHANKSGIVING CELEBRATION: Readings and presentations from several faith communities or traditions on "Compassion," sponsored by lnterfaith Network of Central Oregon; monetary and nonperishable food donations to benefit Bethlehem lnn; 7-8 p.m. Thursday; First Presbyterian Church, 230 N.E. Ninth St., Bend; www.incoregon.org.

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 2012 • T HE BULLETIN A S "Celtic Cross" Christianity

"The Wheel of Dharma" Buddhism

"Star of David"




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You AreTheMost Important Part of OL(rServices

536 SW 10th, Redmond 541-548-2974 www.redmondchristian.org Sunday Worship 9;00 am 8 10;30 am Friday Evening Worship 6:30 pm Sunday School for all ages Kidmo • Junior Church Greg Strubhar, Pastor Darin Hollingsworth, Youth Pastor POW ELL BUTTE CHRISTIAN CHURCH

Cowboy Fellowship Saturdays

"Omkar" (Aum) Hinduism

"Star 8 Crescent" Islam

"Yin/Yang" Taoist/ ConfucIanism

FAITH CHRISTIAN CENTER 1049 NE 11th St.. • 541-382-8274 SUNDAYS:

9:30 am SundayEducationalClasses 10:30 am Morning Worship This Sunday at Faith Christian Center, Pastor Mike lohnson will be sharing the Sunday service message titled, "Without Fear. The Five Questions" beginning at 10:30am

Childcare is provided in our Sunday morning service. On Wednesdays "Restored Youth" service begins at 7:00 pm A number of Faith Journey Groups

meet throughout the week in small groups, please contact the church for details and times. The church is located on the corner of Greenwood Avenue and NE 11th Street. www.bendfaith.com REDM O N D A S S E M B L Y OF GOD

1865 W Antler • Redmond

COM M U N ITY BIBI.E CHURCH AND CHRISTIAN PRESCHOO L 541-593-8341 Beaver at Theater Drive, PO Box 4278, Sunriver, OR 97707

"Transforming Lives Through the Truth of the Word" All are Welcome! SUNDAY WORSHIP AND THE WORD - 9:30 Am.

Morning Worship 8:30 am 8 10:30 am Life groups 9 am Kidz LIVE ages 3-11 10:30 am Evening Worship 6 pm

REAL LIFE CHRISTIAN CHURCH Like Hymns? We've Got 'em! at the RLCC Church, 2880 NE 27th

Sunday Services 8 am Traditional Service (No child care for 8 am service) 9:30 am Contemporary Service with

Coffee Fellowship - 10:45 am Bible Education Hour - II:15 am Nursery Care available

full child care 11 am Service (Full child care) For information, please call ...

• Women's Bible Study - Tuesdays, 10 am • Awana Kids Club (4 yrs - 6th gr.) Sept. - May • Youth Ministry (gr. 7-12) Wednesdays 6:15 pm • Men's Bible Study- Thursdays 9 am • Home Bible Studies are also available

Minister - Mike Yunker - 541-312-8844 Associate Pastors Don Henderson 6 Mike Sweeney "Loving people one at a time." www.real-lifecc.org

Preschool for 3 F 4 year olds Call for information Senior Pastor: Glen Schaumloeffel Associate Pastor: lake Schwarze visit our Web site www.cbchurchsr.org

541 -548-4555 SUNDAYS

Potluck 6 pm Music andthe Word 7 pm Sunday Worship Services 8:30 am-10:15 am-11 am Nursery 6 Children's Church Pastors: Chris Blair 8 Ozzy Osbourne Associate Pastors: Don Henderson 6 Mike Sweeney 13720 SW Hwy 126, Powell Butte 541-548-3066 www.powellbuttechurch.com

Listen to KNLR 97.5 FM at 9:00 am. each Sunday to hear

"Transforming Truth" with Pastor Glen.

FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 1551 NW First St. • 541-382-6100 (South of Portland Ave.) Church Service 8 Sunday School: 10 am Wed. Testimony Meeting; 7:30 pm Childcare provided.

Reading Room: 115 NW Minnesota Ave. Mon. through Frio II am - 4 pm Sat. 12 noon - 2 pm



Adult Classes Celebrate Recovery Wednesday NITE Live Kids Youth Group Pastor Duane Pippitt www.redmondag.com



NE Neff Rd., I/2 mi. E. of St. Charles Medical Center Sundays 9:00 a.m. S 10:45 a.m. Worship Services Sundays 6;00 p.m. Hispanic Worship Service Weekly Bible Studies and Ministries for all ages Contact: 541 -382-5822

Pastor John Lodwick www.eastmontchurch.com FOUNDRY CHURCH (FORMERLY FIRST BAPTIST)

"A Heart for Bend in the Heart of Bend" 60 NW Oregon, 541-382-3862 Pastor Syd Brestel SUNDAY

9:00 AM Sunday School for everyone 10:15 AM Worship Service This Sunday at Foundry Church, we will be focusing on prayer for the persecuted church. Pastor Syd will be giving his message, "They share the same faith but not the same freedom"

For Kidztown, Middle School and High School activities Call 541-382-3862 www.bendchurch.org HIGHLAND BAPTIST CHURCH, SBC 3100 SW Highland Ave., Redmond 541-548-4161

Sunday Worship Services: 8:00 am, 9:30 am, II:00 am Sunday Bible Fellowship Groups 9:30 am 8 11:00 am

20225 Cooley Rd. Bend Phone; (541) 383-5097 Web site: ccbend.org Sundays: 8:30 8 10:30 am Wednesday Night Study: 7 pm Youth Group:Wednesday 7 pm Child Care provided Women's Ministry, Youth Ministry are available, call for days and times. "Teaching the Word of God, Book by Book"


In Partnership with AmericanMissionary Fellowship

Near Highland and 23rd Ave. 2378 SW Glacier Pl. Redmond, OR 97756

We preachthe good newsofJesus Christ, singgreat hymns of fai!h, and searchthe Scriptures together. Sunday Worship Service - 10:30 am Bible Study- Thursday, 10:30 am Pastor Ed Nelson 541-777-0784 www.redmondbbc.org

Have You Had A Spiritual Experience? Experience an Eckankar Community HU

A Foursquare Fellowship Senior Pastors Steve F Ginny McPherson

57255 Fort Rock Rd Sunday Mass — 3:30 pm Confessions: Sundays 3:00-3;15 pm ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI CATHOLIC CHURCH

Pastor Rev. James A. Radloff Parochial Vicar Rev. Juan Carlos Chiarinoti

• Comfort, peace, joy • Expanded awareness • Inner light and/or sound • A subtle sense of Divine Love • The healing of a broken heart • Solace during times of grief • A release of fears • Answers to your questions

Sunday Worship Services: Daybreak Cafe Service 7:30 am Celebration Services 9;00 am and 10:45 am Wednesday Service UTurn - Middle School 7:00 pm Thursdays High School (Connection) 6:30 pm Home Bible Studies throughout the week City Care Clinic also available. Kidz Center School, Preschool

Masses Saturday - Vigil 5:00 PM Sunday 7:30, 10:00 AM S 7:00 PM Domingo 12:30PM - Misa en Espanol Jueves7;00 PM — Misa en Espanol Reconciliation/Reconciliacion Saturday — 3:00 - 4:45 PM - English Thursday 6:00 AM - 7:00 PM English 0 Espanol Domingo 11:15 AM — 12:15 PM Espanol HISTORIC DOWNTOWN CHURCI-I

Corner of NW Franklin F Lava Masses Sunday 4:30 PM Monday — Friday 7:00 AM F 12:15 PM Saturday 8:00 AM

Next month's Community HU will be Saturday, December 8, 0 3:00 PM. I-Ield at the Cook County Library, 175 NW Meadow Lakes Dr., Prineville, OR

For more information please visit www.eckankar.org or www.miraclesinyourlife.org or call 541-728-6476 (message phone) •

TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH 469 NW Wall St. • 541-382-5542 www.trinitybend.org Sanday Schedule 8 am Holy Eucharist 9:15 am Education for All Ages 10;15 am Holy Eucharist

Exposition F Benediction (w/nursery care S Godly Play) Monday after 7:00 AM Mass — 6:00 PM 5 pm Holy Eucharist Tuesday 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM (in St. Helens Hall) Wednesday after 7:00 AM Mass — 6:00 PM Thursday after 7:00 AM Mass - 6:00 PM The Rev. Roy D. Green, Interim Rector Friday 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM Reconciliation/Reconciliacion Tuesday after 7:30 AM — 8:00 AM English o Espanol Saturday 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM English o Espanol ST. THOMAS CATH O LIC CHURCH 1720 NW 19th Street Redmond, Oregon 97756 541-923-3390

Father Todd Unger, Pastor Mass Schedule: Weekdays 8:00 am (except Wednesday) Wednesday 6:00 pm Saturday Vigil 5:30 pm First Saturday 8;00 am (English) Sunday 8:00 am, 10:00 am (English) 12:00 noon (Spanish) Confessionson Wednesdays from 5:00 to 5:45 pm and on Saturdays from 4:30 to 5:15 pm


755 NE 2nd Street, Bend 541-389-8888 SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP 541 NE Dekalb Sunday School 9:45 am

Children 8 Adult Classes Worship Service - 11:00 am Major's Robert 8 Miriam Keene NEW H O P E EV A N G E L ICAL

20080 Pinebrook Blvd. • 541-389-3436 Celebrate New Life at New Hope Church! Saturday 6:00 pm Sunday 9:00, 10:45 am, Pastor Randy Myers www.newhopebend.com

• s


Worship in the Heart of Redmond Sunday Worship Service 8:30am Contemporary

Children's Room available during services Come Experience a warm, friendly family of worshipers. Everyone Welcome - Always. A vibrant, inclusive community. A rich and diverse music program for all ages

Coffee, snacksand feJJowship after each service

Wed. Bible Study at noon CONGR E G A T ION SHALO M B A Y IT


3rd Th. Women's Circle/Bible Study



Serving Central Oregon for 20 Years, We Are a Non-Denominational Egalitarian Jewish Community Our Synagogue is located at 21555 Modoc Lane, Bend, Oregon 541-385-6421 Resident Rabbi Jay Shupack Rebbetzin Judy Shupack

Shabbat and High Holiday Services Religious Education Program Bar/Bat Mitzvah Training Weekly Torah StudyEvery Sat 0 10 am Active Sisterhood

Youth and Family Programs Active Social Outreach 1113 SW Black Butte Blvd. Redmond, OR 97756 — 541-923-7466 Pastor Eric Burtness www.zionrdm.com

For more information about our education programs, please call Kathy Schindel at 541-388-8826.


2265 NW Shevlin Park Road, Bend 541 -382-6862


• Davidic dance and worship • Children's ministry and nursery • Home groups

60850 Brosterhous Road at Knott, 541-388-0765 Come worship with us.

9 am Informal Service 9: 15 Junior Church 11 am Formal Service

"Yes to the Future!" 9:00 am - Contemporary 10:45 am - Traditional 5:01 pm - Relaxed Rev. Jenny Warner, preaching Noon — Discover First Pres Sunday School: 3 yrs to 6th grade. Nursery care provided.

Wednesday Noon Silence 6 Supper Worship 12:30 pm Contemplative Prayer

• Lifecycle Events 230 NE Ninth Street, Bend

• End-times prophecy

www.bendfp.org 541 382 4401

Visit us on the web at www.houseofcovenant.org or contact us at 541-385-5439 L IVING TORAH FELLOW S H IP

0 Celebration Church 63830 Clausen Rd Ste 102, Bend Saturday 10:30 am - 2 pm Worship/Dance - Study-

Food/Fellowship Hebrew Roots Fellowship worshipping in Spirit and Truth 541-410-5337

Children's Program www.livingtorahfellowship.com

U NITY COM M U N I T Y O F CENTRAL OREG O N Join the Unity Community Sunday 10:00 am

with Rev. Jane Meyers Youth Program Provided The Unity Community meets at 62855 Powell Butte Hwy (near Bend Airport) Learn more about the Unity Community of Central Oregon at www.unitycentraloregon.com or by calling 541-388-1569 •

BEND CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE 1270 NE 27 St. • 541-382-5496

Senior Pastor Virgil Askren SUNDAY

9:00 am Sunday School for all ages 9:00 am Hispanic Worship Service 10:15 am Worship Service

Nursery Care 8 Children's Church ages 4 yrs-4th grade during all Worship Services "Courageous Living" on KNLR 97.5 FM


(In the Heart of Downtown Bend) 680 NW Bond St. / 541-382-1672 EveryoneisWelcome!

Rev. Thom Larson Sermon Title: "Unbound 8 Set Free" Scripture: Isaiah 25:6-9 John II:32-44 9:00 am - Contemporary Service Sunday School during the 9am Service il:00 am - Traditional Service Childcare provided on Sunday

8:30 am Sunday "During the Week: Women's Groups, Men's Groups, Youth Groups, Quilting, Crafting, Music 8 Fellowship,


6:30 pm Ladies Bible Study THURSDAY

Open Hearts. Open Minds. Open Doors. Rev. Thom Larson flrstchurch@bendumc.org


Life Groups Please visit our website for a complete

listing of activities for all ages. www.bendnaz.org •


• .


Meeting at the Golden Age Club 40 SE 5th St., Bend Just 2 blocks SW of Bend High School Sunday Worship 10:00 am

This Sunday's sermon is: "Principalities and Powers" Colossians I:11-20 given by Pastor Craig Jorgensen

to worshipping God and teaching the Bible truths recovered through the

Bible Study at 10am on Wednesdays

541 -420- 1667

Reformation. Call for information

about other meetings http;//www.sovereigngracebend.com/

(Child care provided on Sundays.)

TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH S SCHOOL LCMS 2550 NE Butler Market Road Bend, OR 97701 541 -382-1832

Rev. Dr. Steven H. Koski Lead Pastor

Choirs, music groups, Bible study, Fellowship and ministries every week

Hadashah (New Testament) • Biblical Feasts

Sovereign Grace Church is dedicated

www.nativityinbend.com Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

Small Groups Meet Regularly (Handicapped Accessible) Please visit our website for a complete listing of activities for all ages. www.redmondcpc.org

• Teaching from the Torah and the Brit

Men's Bible Study Wednesday 7:30 a.m.


Wednesdays 5:30 pm Prayer Service

Youth Events See Youth Blog: http://bendfp.org/youth/

• Hebrew classes

10:00 am 50+ Bible Study

Pastor Joel LiaBraaten Evangelical Lutheran Church in America www.gracefirstlutheran.org

Mondays 6:30 pm Centering Prayer

Messianic Synagogue

Sunday Worship 9:30 a.m. (Child Care Available) Sunday School 10:20 a.m. Education Hour 10:45 a.m. Women's Bible Study Tuesday 9:15 a.m.

Youth Groups High School - Sunday li:00am- 12:30pm MiddleSchool —Wednesday 6:00-7:30pm

230 NE Ninth, Bend (Across Ninth St, from Bend High) All Are Welcome,Afways!


We are currently enrolling students in grades K-7 for Sunday School and Hebrew School.

9:00 am Contemporary Worship 9:00 am Nursery Care 9:15 am Children 8 Youth Sunday School 9;30 am Adult Education 10:30 am Adult Education II:00 am Traditional Worship


We provide a congregational setting Temple Beth Tikvah is a member of the for Jews and Christians alike. If you're Union for Reform fudaism. Our members represent a wide range interested in learning the Bible from a of lewish backgrounds. Hebrew perspective, come join us at: We welcome interfaith families and Jews by choice. Bear Creek Center Our monthly activities include 21300 Bear Creek Rd. social functions, services, religious education, Hebrew school, Torah Bend, OR. 97701 study, and adult education Our Shabbat Services are on Saturday mornings at 10:00 a.m. Our ministries Rabbi Glenn Ettman

For the complete schedule of Services F Events go to: www.bethtikvahbend.org

Rev. Rob Anderson, Pastor Rev. Heidi Bolt, Associate Pastor

I:00 pm 3rd Tues. Men's Club 6:00 pm, dinner


Friday, November 9 at 6:30pm Shabbat Service Saturday, November 10 at 9:00 am Torah Study Saturday, November 10 at 10:30 am Torah Service Sunday, November 11 adult education (call for information)

(3/4 mile north of High School)

11:00am Liturgical

M-W-F Women's Exercise 9:30 am



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Learn how to sing HU, a love song to God: a loving, uplifting, Spiritual All services are held at the HOLY REDEEMER CATHOLIC Exercise. HU pronounced like the First United Methodist Church PARISH word hue, is sung for about 20 minutes 680 NW Bond Street Fr. Theodore Nnabugo, Pastor 541-388-8826 and is followed by a brief period of www.holyredeemerparish.net www.bethtikvahbend.org Parish Office: 541-536-3571 sacred contemplation. Followed by a discussion session. HOLY REDEEMER, LA PINE You are invited to this Community HU 16137 Burgess Rd CONCORDIA LUTHERAN on Saturday,November 24, @ 2:00 PM. Tuesday, Wednesday 8 Friday Mass MISSION (LCMS) 9:00 am Held at the East Bend Library, Sunday Mass — 10:00 am 162080 Dean Swift Rd. Themission of the Church is!o forgive sins Confessions: Saturdays — 3:00-4:00 pm (Across from Costco, off Hwy 20) through the Gospeland thereby grant e!ernai life. Regardless of your beliefs or religion, (St. John 20:22-23, Augsburg HOLY TRINITY, SUNRIVER Confession )OcVII1.8, 10) 18143 Cottonwood Rd. singing HU can bring you greater 10 am Sunday School Thurs. Mass 9:30 am; happiness, love, and understanding. ll am Divine Service Sat. Vigil Mass 5:30 pm Singing HU can draw us closer in our Sunday mass 8:00 am state of consciousness to the Divine Confessions: Thurs. 9:00- 9:15 am The Rev. Willis C. Jenson, Pastor. Being. It has helped people of many 8286 11th St (Grange Hall), OUR LADY OF THE SNOWS, Gilchrist different faiths open their hearts more Terrebonne, OR 120 Mississippi Dr fully to the uplifting presence and Sunday Mass — 12:30 Pm www.lutheransonline.com/ security of God's love. Confessions: Sundays 12:00 -12:15 Pm condordialutheranmission Facebook: Concordia Lutheran Mission HOLY FAMILY, Singing HU can help you experience: Phone: 541-325-6773 near Christmas Valley

Dr. Barry Campbell, lead pastor For complete calender: www.hbcredmond.org


Religion of the Light and Sound of God


• •

I •

CHRISTIAN LIFE CENTER 21720 E. Hwy. 20 • 541.389.8241

Sunday Morning Worship 8:45am 8 10:45am

SUNDAY WORSHIP 8am Guitar Led Worship 9:30am Education Hour for all ages IIam Organ/Piano Led Worship

Wednesday Mid-Week Services Children 6 Youth Programs

Church Website: www.trinitylutheranbend.org School Website: www.saints.org Pastors: Rev. David Carnahan Rev. Patrick Rooney Principal: Mrs. Hanne Krause

Nursery Care provided for all services.

CHURCH & SYNAGOGUE DIRECTORY LISTING EffectiveMay 1, 2012 4 Saturdays and TMC: $110 5 Saturdays and TMC: $132 The Bulletin: Every Saturday on the church page. $22 Copy Changes: by 5 PM Tuesday CO Marketplace: The First Tuesday of each month. $22 Copy Changes: by Monday I weel< prior to publication



Pastor Daniel N. LeLaCheur 21720 E. Hwy. 20 541.389.8241


• g •

Pat Lynch

>41-383-0396 Plynch@bendbulletiFLCom





Continued from A1 "They required a great deal of details, like looking at individual budgets, and looking at how much money was leveraging from other sources," said Bruce Abernethy, th e d i strict's grant writer. Initially, t h e di s t r i ct didn't pursue the application when it was announced in April. But after more research, the district decided in late August to give it a try, Abernethy said. By then, a deadline of Nov. 2 w a s o nl y a b out two months away. As the d istrict b e ga n w o r k i ng through the requirements, such as budgets for projectsand performance measures, Abernethy said, the district r e alized p u tting a competitive application together would be u n realistic, given the deadline and complexity o f the application. In general, federal grant programs have more requirements t ha n g r a nts from state agencies or private foundations, he said. Bend-La Pine Schools' decision wasn't that unusual for Oregon districts. Despite the large amount of potential m oney, the Race to the Top program attracted only seven applicants in Oregon. None were in Central Oregon. The applicants are Eugene School D i strict, C a n by School District, McMinnville School District, Salem-Keizer School District, W oodburn S c hool D i s trict and Hillsboro School District, according to the O regon D e partment o f Education. T he s e v ent h ap p l i cant was a consortium of Oakridge School District, Three Rivers School District, Siuslaw School District, Lowell School District, Lane Education Service District, the University of Oregon and the Business Education Compact. The applications aren't light on paperwork. Crystal Greene, a spokeswoman for the ODE, said the applications averaged more than 300 pages each. They also require planning, with the school and district staff meeting and reaching an agreement on plans that have support from schools, educators and others, she said. " Finding time fo r t h i s type of rigorous application process during the school year is always a challenge," Greene said in an email. "We were very pleased to see the interest in Oregon districts to make time for this process and pursue this opportunity." Districts had d i f ferent reasons for not pursuing the money. Portland Public Schools had filed an intent to apply in August, but dropped out after it failed to gain support from its teachers union about the grant's requirement that test scores are part of teacher evaluations, according to a p ublished report in The Oregonian. Bend-La Pine Schools, though, had o btained a letter of support from the Bend Education Association, its teachers union. "The district's described goals of creating a more rigorous a n d r el e vant curriculum, of p r oviding support for t eacher and principal eff e c tiveness, of increasing college and career readiness, and of improving its technological systems to better meet the needs ofstudents and educators are worthy and attainable," BEA President Mark Molner wrote in an Oct. 23 letter in support of the application. The district, when considering the grant application, had identified projects that i n cluded a d vanced course options for middle and high school students, more mentoring for new teachers, in st r u ctional coaches for l iteracy and math, and increased staff to trim class sizes at highpoverty schools. Although t h e d i s t rict i sn't in t h e r u n ning f o r t he program, th e w o r k still helped Bend-La Pine Schools identify concepts and goals for the future, Abernethy said.

Obama andBoehner make theiropening moves

— Reporter: 541-977-7185, bbotkin@bendbulletin.com

By John H. Cushman jr.

open discussions with congressional leaders next week WASHINGTON — P r esi- to seek a compromise, and dent Barack Obama and the then, before an applauding House speaker, John Boehner, c rowd of supporters in t h e circled each other warily Fri- White House's East Room, deday, defendingtheir competing fended the "detailed plan" that approaches forresolving the he campaigned on — including budget impasse even as both higher taxes on the wealthy. "I'm not wedded to every professed their willingness to reach common ground. detail of my plan. I am open to Obama, in his first formal compromise. I am open to new remarks since the night of ideas," he said. "But I refuse to his re-election, said he would accept any approach that isn't New Yorh Times News Service

Fiscal cliff Continued from A1 Some economists believe the cuts would r educe the gross domestic product by as much as 2 percent and plunge the country into a recession, said Merkley. But Democrats and Republicans remain heavily divided on how to deal with the fiscal cliff and the nation's ballooning debt. By and large, Democrats favor letting the Bushera tax cuts expire, at least for households earning more than $250,000, as a way of generatingmore revenue.Republicans tend to prefer cuts to govern-

ment spending. "It won't be an easy conversation," Merkley said. "The

lame duck (session) is so brief,

balanced. "We havetocombine spending cuts with revenue, and that means asking the wealthiest Americans to pay a little more in taxes," he said, calling for Congress to immediately extend existing tax rates for 98 percent of taxpayers. B oehner, citing a "cord ial" conversation with t h e president on t h e m o r n ing after the election, said that he was "hopeful that produc-

tive conversations can begin soon so that we can forge an agreement that can pass the Congress." But he insisted, as the Republicans put it t h r oughout the campaign, that "the problem with raising tax rates on the wealthiest Americans is that more than half of them are small-business owners." He added, "Raising tax rates will slow down our ability to create the jobs that everyone

The 'fiscal cliff' With the election behind them, President BarackObamaand Republican leaders in Congress nowmust turn their attention to the so-called fiscal cliff, the mix of tax hikesandspending cuts set to hit in January.

THE TRIGGER • When the two parties failed to reach a compromise, a bipartisan supercommittee was tasked with finding $1.2 trillion in budget savings over 10 years or face automatic spending cuts

• in summer 2011, House Republicans refused to raise the federal debt ceiling, typically a routine task, unless spending cuts were enacted to lower the debt

• The supercommittee failed, triggering automatic cuts, called sequestration, effective January 2013; Democrats wanted spending cuts and tax increases; Republicans wanted only spending cuts

THE MAIN DRIVER: THE BUSH-ERATAX CUTS ANDTHE FEDERAL DEBT While Republicans focus on lowering the debt, they want to makepermanent the Bush-era tax cuts —a major contributor to the debt — and gut federal programs to pay for them. Democrats want to let the cuts expire for households with taxable incomeabove$250,000. The differences reflect the parties' attitudes toward government: Onefavors small, limited government, the other a larger, more pro-active one.

Actual and projected federal dedtheld dythe pudlic

20.6 ~ projecteddebt without any spending cuts, tax hikes,~"

and there are so many issues tied up in the fiscal cliff, that's going to be the issue that dominates our work between now and the New Year." Walden said he hopes for a t e mporary c o m p romise that gives lawmakers more time next year to decide the best course of action on the economy. House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, has been "pretty clear that he doesn't think the lame duck session is a place where big things get done,

22 20

generally, and (they) probably

The CBO forecasts that a"significant recession"would result if theBush-eratax cutswere lei toexpirefor all and governmentspending is cui severely,asdemandedbythe sequestration.

shouldn't," Walden said. For a fleeting period in July 2011, it seemed like Boehner and the Obama administration had struck a grand bargain on long-term debt reduction, but the deal quickly fell apart. When the bipartisan supercommittee,subsequently tasked with f i nding $1.2 trillion in cuts over 10 years, failed to reach an agreement, that triggered $1.2 trillion in mandatory cuts divided between defense spending and discretionary spending, with Social Security and Medicaid exempted. Both sides believed they had a winning argument to make to the voters, with Republicans campaigning against defense cuts and Democrats against cuts to entitlements. While Democrats retained the White House and made modest gains in both chambers, T u e sday's el e c tion continued the status quo in Washington, with Democrats in control of the Senate and


What exploded the debt Cumulative costs through2011for Iop items, in billiolls Bush-era tax cuts

IO S t imulusspending ~ 726 8 Medicare drug plan ~ 272 TARPl16 6 4 > ~ $712billion




"""" 1 4 5


Projected debt with automatic spending cuts

In 2001, before the 2001-2003 tax cuts, the wars in Afghanistan and lraq and

3.3 trillion

other spending, the Congressional

Budget office (cBQ) pro~ected $2.3 trillion surplus by 2011

0 1980





Main taxes that will rise Projected contraction, job loss Estimated tax hike for GDP growth J o dless rate 9.1 the average household „3 7QQ 8.2% • Bush-era tax cutsexpire at year's end, bringingtax rates to 2001levels for all • Additional tax credits forlower wageearners end • Twopercent Social Security "tax holiday"expires • Temporaty cuts for businesses end

1st half 2012

1st half 2013

II N 2012 20 13

Principal spending cuts Scheduled annual cuts, 2012-2021 • Half the cuts willcomefrom defense,half from nondefense, suchaseducation,employment, social services, transportation, public health, administration of justice Source: Congressional Budget Office, The Pew Chantable Trusts, Counal on Foreign Relations

© 2012 Mcclatchy-rribune News service

Republicans in charge of the House. Now that th e election is over, perhaps both sides will be more willing to compromise, Walden said. "I think there's an opportunity here to start over and see if we can find some common ground," he said. Wyden said he intends to be "heavily involved" in the debate over how to avoid the fiscal cliff, and also sees a new opportunity to engage with

both Democrats and Republicans on two key issues: tax reform and Medicare. Every day for the next 20 years, 10,000 Americans will turn 65, making it i m perative to the country's financial health to find a way to keep Medicare solvent, he said. Solutions won't be reached by the end of the year, but Congress can lock in a general framework for howto proceed, he said. "I think the country wants

to do more than just put everything on automatic pilot, which is what sequestration really does," he said. Wyden also has a hold on legislation that would extend the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, which was last amended in 2008 and allows the U.S. to monitor the emails and phone calls of suspected f oreign agents. W y den, a member of the Senate Select Intelligence Committee, has asked the Obama administra-

says they want." Their dueling appearances seemed almost like a reprise of the debates over tax proposals, which were the sharpest point of division in the presidential election. Asked if the results of the election had w eakened his hand, Boehner said: "There is a Republican majority here in the House. The American people re-elected the Republican majority."

tion to provide an estimate of how many Americans have had their communications inadvertently intercepted under the law. He is openly opposed to reauthorizing the surveillance law until the administration provides the public with more information about how the law is implemented. "This is a q uestion, once again, about protecting Americans from very realthreats that you see from some of the bad actors overseas, and at the same time ensuring that the privacy rights of law-abiding Americans areprotected," he said. Wyden said he intends to introduce amendments to the law that would shorten the length of time before it would need to be reauthorized, and that would close loopholes that allow U.S. law enforcement to use the law to spy on Americans without obtaining a search warrant. Merkley, Wyd e n an d Walden said they hoped the Senate would pass legislation that would revise the allocation of water behind the Bowman Dam, so that it can be reconciled with the version the House passed in June. "Otherwise we have to start over nextyear,and that would take a while," Walden said. "If we have to start over, you're talking months and months." Right now, the main difference betweenthe two versions of the bill is that the Senate bill authorizesthe Bureau of Reclamation to release as much of the unallocated water behind the dam — roughly half of the water in the Prineville Reservoir — as it deems necessary to promote healthy fish and fisheries downstream. Both versions would authorize the release of 5,100 acre-feet of water into the Crooked River to offset groundwater pumped by the city of Prineville, and would move the Wild and Scenic boundary line away from the center of the dam about a quarter of a mile down the river, which would open the 240foot-high dam to hydropower development. It is important to get the bill's language right so that it doesn't allow officials to drain too much water from the reservoir, Walden said. — Reporter: 202-662-7456, aclevengerC<bendbulletin.com

Find It All Online bendbulletin.com

Voting rights Continued from A1 "In the midst of the recent assault on voter access, the Voting Rights Act is playing a pivotal role beating back discriminatory voting measures," said Debo Adegbile, t he acting president of t h e NAACP Legal Defense Fund. The Supreme Court's ruling on the law, expected by June, could reshape how future elections are conducted. The case concerns Section 5 of the law, which requires many state and local governments, mostly in the South, t o o b tai n p e r m ission, o r "preclearance,"from the Justice Department or a federal court before making changes that affect voting. Critics of the law call the preclearance requirement aunique federal intrusion on state sovereignty and a badge of shame for the affected jurisdictions that is no longer justified. The preclearance requirement, originally set to expire in five years, was upheld by the Supreme Court in 1966 as a rational response to the often flagrantly lawless conduct of some Southern officials then. Congress has r epeatedly extended the requirement: for five years in 1970, seven years in 1975, and 25 years in 1982. Congress renewed the act in 2006 after holding extensive

hearings on the persistence of racial d iscrimination at the polls, again extending the preclearancerequirement for 25 years. But it made no changes to the list of jurisdictions covered by Section 5, relying instead on a formula based on historical practices and voting data from elections held decades ago. It applies to nine states — Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina, Texas and Virginia — and to scores of counties and municipalities in other states. Should the court rule that Congress was no t e n titled to rely on outdated data to decide which j u r i sdictions should be covered, lawmakers could in theory go back to the drawing board and re-enact the law using fresher information. In practice, given the political realities, a decision striking down the cover-

age formula would probably amount to the end of Section 5. In May, a d ivided threejudge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D istrict o f C o l umbia r e j ected a challenge to the law filed by Shelby County, Ala. Judge David S. Tatel, writing for the majority, acknowledged that "the extraordinary federalism costs i m posed by Section 5 r a ise substantial constitutional concerns," and

he added that the record compiled by Congress to justify the law's renewal was "by no means unambiguous." "But Congress drew reasonable conclusions from the extensive evidence it g athered," he went on. The constitutional amendments ratified after the Civil War, he said, "entrust Congress with ensuring that the right to votesurely among the most important guarantees of political liberty in the Constitutionis not abridged on account of race. In this context, we owe much deferenceto the considered judgment of the people's elected representatives." The d i ssenting m e mber of the panel, Judge Stephen Williams, surveyed r ecent evidence concerning registration and turnout, the election of black officials, the use of federalelection observers and suits under another part of the law. Some of that evidence, he said, "suggests that the coverage f o r mula c o m pletely lacks any rational connection to current levels of voter discrimination," while other evidence indicates that the formula, "though not completely perverse, is a remarkably bad fit with Congress' concerns." "Given the drastic remedy imposed on coveredjurisdictions by Section 5," he wrote, "I do not believe that such equivocal evidence can sus-

tain the scheme." T he Supreme Court h a s already once considered the constitutionality of the 2006 extension of the law in a 2009 decision, Northwest Austin Municipal U t i l it y Di s t r i ct Number One v. Holder. But it avoided answering the central question, and it seemed

to give Congress an opportunity to make adjustments. Congress did not respond.

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entaon moves to sience s on secret o erations By Kimberly Dozier WASHINGTON The military is cracking down on special operations troops who share knowledge oftheir secret missions for profit, punishing seven Navy S EALs, including one involved in the mission to get Osama bin Laden, who moonlighted as advisers ona combat video game. Current and former SEALs, including the author of a tellall book on th e bi n L aden raid, complain they're getting mixed messages from the military, which likes to see itself on big and small screens on its own terms. The seven SEALs are being reprimanded and having their


• t

The Associated Press




: Ili t'

EA vta The Associated Press

This screenshot shows action from the video game "Medal of Honor: Warfighter." Seven members of the secretive Navy SEAL Team 6, including one involved in the mission to kill Osama bin Laden, have been punished for allegedly divulging classified information to the maker of the game, senior Navy officials said Thursday.

pay docked for sharing information with the designers of "Medal of Honor: Warfighter,"

punishments had been handed out for misconduct, but he did by video game company EA, not offer any details. "We do not tolerate deviaaccording to military officials speaking on condition of ano- tions from the policies that nymity because they were not govern who we are and what authorized to discuss the in- we do as sailors in the United vestigations publicly. States Navy," Bonelli said. He T he men w il l r e main i n alluded to the importance of the SEAL teams, but were honoring nondisclosure agreepunished for working on the ments that SEALs sign. video game without their comHe said thepunishments this mand's permission, revealing week "send a clear message classified information by shar- throughout our force that we ing the tactics they use and are and will be held to a high showing designers some of standard of accountability." their specially designed comThe SEALs' unauthorized bat equipment unique to their work came to light as part of unit, the officials said. the investigation of the book Four more SEALs could "No Easy Day," by f o rmer face the similar punishment. SEAL Matt Bissonnette, with The deputy c o m mander his firsthand account of the of Naval S pecial W a r fare raid that killed bin Laden in Command, Rear Adm. Garry Pakistan last year. Publisher Bonelli, issued a statement ac- Penguin's Dutton Imprint igknowledging that nonjudicial nored the Pentagon's warn-

Donkeys Continued from A1 The hopeful take of U.S. officials is that this is the kind of "Afghan sustainable" approach that, though not ideal, will endure even as Western f unding tapers off. But A f ghan leaders aren't happy. After a decade of joint operations and exposure to cuttingedge technology, they want their military to look like the American one they have seen up close. U.S. officials say that is impractical and financially unrealistic. The United States has spent more than $50 billion on Afghan securityforces over the past decade, carrying one of the world's poorest armies into modernity. The money b ought ne w v e h icles a n d guns for the Afghan army. But now, as U .S. troops leave the war against insurgents to Afghan soldiers and police, American officials are deciding which bases and resources will be handed over to A f g h anistan's s e curity forces, and which will be destroyed or shipped back to the United States. It's a contentious issue that A f ghan commanders and their U.S. advisers discuss every day. Afghans want night-vision goggles, which A m e ricans have refused to buy. They want more heavy weaponry and e quipment t o de t e ct explosives. American commanders say those requests are too costly and not essential to the mission. More than anything, Afghan soldiers want helicopters. As of now, they have 31, a far cry from the vast fleet maintained bythe U.S. forces. Without any assurance that the Americans will give them more, a frustratedPresident Hamid Karzai threatened to acquire aircraftfrom nonNATO countries.

Fighting corruption With the U.S. choppers on their way o ut, th e d onkey trade has risen steadily. The animals, many of which have been redirectedfrom farm labor to military duty, transport everything that soldiers need, from rice to ammunition. L ast w e ek , w h e n U . S . troops visited a m o u ntain outpost manned by Afghan s oldiers, they saw tw o A f ghan teenagers leading four donkeys. Each animal carried 10 gallons of water. The k ey f i ghting p o sition, t h e Americans learned, was sustained exclusively by donkey. "You are the richest and m ost powerful c ountry i n

ings that the book contained c lassified i n f ormation a n d published the book just ahead of the 11th anniversary of the Sept. 11th attacks. The Pentagon would have a hard time proving the video game makers had disseminated classified information that threatened national securitybecause the combat tactics shown in the game are common to games and action movies, said Mark Zaid, a Washinton-based national security attorney who regularly handles cases involving secrecy agreements and classified information. EA spokesman Peter Nguyen said the company has no plans to recall "Medal of Honor: Warfighter, " and there are "no plans to alter the content contributed by combat veterans in the game." He would not elaborate.


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s2P , gg5

"Who knew that the end of this war would boil down to donkey contracts? I wasn't trained for this."

But the "Donkey Problem," as it has become known in some U.S. military c i rcles, has prompted much ire and urgency because afailure to solve it could result in a paralysis of operations at key — Lt. Coh Brandon Newton, outposts. "If you lose the outposts, commander of Task Force Lethal Warrior the Taliban have a n o p en door to walk right in," said Sgt. Travis Washington, part of the U.S. military advisory the world. Of course you can team in Konar. afford helicopters. The best On some bases in the provwe can do is donkeys," said ince, U.S. commanders have 16-year-old Qamuddin, one donated prepared meals to of the donkey handlers. Like their A f g han c o unterparts many Afghans, he uses only so they can be sold and the one name. "Without donkeys, proceeds used to pay donkey there would be no A f ghan contractors. Others have alarmy." lowed Afghans to open small But even a solution as seem- stores on bases and use the ingly simple and sustainable profits to pay contractors. as donkey supply convoys But the systemic problem has become subject tocor- remains largelyunaddressed: ruption an d i n c ompetence, Somewhere between the Afan emblem of the logistical ghan Mi nistry o f D e f ense p roblems plaguing th e A f - and far-flung platoons, fundghan army. Just as Afghans ing allocated for resupplying are preparing to inherit dozbases has vanished. Donkeys aren't the only part of the opens of bases, all of which will require donkeys for daily or eration affected. Fuel, spare weekly rations, the funding parts an d w e apons o f t en to pay d onkey contractors don't make it to the troops. has disappeared. The Afghan A r e p or t r e l eased t h i s army's relatively modern bumonth by the special inspecreaucracy has proven incapa- tor general for Afghanistan ble of acquiring even ancient reconstruction hi g h l ighted tools. the scale of the problem. "The Afghan government Some contractors, mostly local farmers, haven't been will likely be incapable of fulpaid for more than a year. ly sustaining ANSF (Afghan In the volatile Pech Valley, National S e curity F o r ces) where many k e y s t r ategic facilities after the transition outposts have for years been in 2014 and the expected desupplied b y U . S . a i r craft, crease in U.S. and coalition Qamuddin said he has been support," the report said. It waiting nine months for pay- cited " deficient b u dgeting, ment. He's t hinking a bout p rocurement, a n d su p p l y quitting. systems." "We need more w ater!" On their own Afghan Col. A shraf y elled when Qamuddin arrived at Across Konar, donkey conthe outpost with his donkeys tractors say they are on the last week. verge of abandoning their ties "Well, then I need a new with the Afghan military. "I suspect my money has contract!" Qamuddin replied. come through, but a comThe 'donkey problem' mander, soldieror senior ofFor their part, U.S. advisers ficer is using it for his own have devoted much of their business," said Ghiasuddin, time to solving the problem of a donkey owner in the provthe unpaid donkey contrac- ince. Four o f h i s d o nkeys tors — an unexpected puzzle have been killed on resupply for military leaders typically missions — two by insurgent focused on the machinations shellings and two after fallof modern warfare. ing down a rock face. "Who knew that the end of The last American military this war would boil down to unit with a permanent team donkey contracts?" said Lt. of donkeys was based in Fort Col. Brandon Newton, comCarson, Colo., where Newmander of Task Force Lethal ton's battalion is stationed. Warrior in Konar. "I wasn't But it was retired in 1956, trained for this." even before the unit's senior Some American m i litary officers were born. "I wish I had the donkeys to a dvisers a cknowledge t h e irony of being deployed to give them, but I don't," Newone of the most dangerous ton said. "This is something parts of Afghanistan only to they're going to have to get negotiate donkey contracts. right."



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"l have a goal of the type of company I want to work for: team-focused, high energy, room forindividual development. And that is socially responsible." — Rachel Mayhiii, on taking the next step in her life

Veterans canvisit museum free In honor of Veterans Day, the High Desert

Museum is offering free admission to veterans and active military per-




sonnel on Sundayand Monday. To receive freeadmission on those days, visi-

'i .iw~(

tors must show military or veteran organization identification. The High Desert Museum is a natural history, cultural and wildlife

museum located just south of Bend at 59800 S. U.S. Highway 97. Winter hours and lower rates are in effect: 10 a.m. to

4 p.m. daily; adults, $12; ages 65-plus, $10; ages 5-12, $7; ages 4and younger, free.

Rachel Mayhill chats with Andrew Davis,coordinator of student life at the Oregon State University-Cascades Campus. Mayhill, this year's student body president, is considered one of the university's standout students.

Ava Munselle, 7, left, plays a game with her mom,Rachel Mayhill, at their home in Redmond. Ava, says her grandmother, Virginia Mayhill, is "just as smart" as her mom.

Contact: 541-3824754.

Powder House has donation drive A donation drive at

the Powder Housein Bend continues today

and Sunday. All donations from

• Redmond's Rachel Mayhill showswhat can happenwhen intelligence anddetermination meet opportunity

the "Pack the Van" event will benefit the Beth-

By Heidi Hagemeier

lehem lnn andNeigh-

The Bulletin

borlmpact. Participants are

asked to donate clean, gently used winter

jackets, sleeping bags, tents, blankets, tarps, winter boots or a combo of any10 warm winter

hats, gloves, scarves, socks. Donate cannedfood and receive a raffle ticket for each item donated. Prizes include:

skis, helmets, goggles, lift tickets and more. Most needed items

are: meats, soups, peanut butter, pasta, rice, beans, fruits and

veggies. The Powder House is located at 311 S.W.

Century Drive, Bend. Contact: 541-3896234.

Drivers needed for meal delivery The Central Oregon Council on Aging is seeking volunteer drivers to deliver meals to

seniors in Bend. The Meals-On-Wheels program distributes meals

to the homes of seniors who are unable to prepare or purchase their own meals. COCOA is a nonprofit organization "dedicated

Formerly a distinguished soldier and now a top student at Oregon State University-Cascades Campus,Rachel Mayhill has built a bright future for herself and her 7-year-old daughter, Ava.

to promoting dignity, well-being, security and

independence for Central Oregon seniors." Volunteers must

complete an application, an interview, a back-


ground check and train-

ing. To apply or for more information, visit www.

councilonaging.org or


call541-678-5483. y&~. „'

Dinner benefits local nonprofit


Tickets are onsalefor a Dec. 4 dinnerbenefit-


ting the Residential As-

sistance Program, alocal nonprofit organization.





The nonprofit provides

homes andwork opportunities for people with disabilities. Dinner

proceeds will go toward expanding ahometo accommodatetwo more people. The dinner will be from 6to 9 p.m. atAs-

pen Hall, in Bend's Shevlin Park. A silent auction will take place as well. Tickets cost $30 for

ABOVE:Rachel Mayhill holds up the U.S. Army uniform she wore during her 10-year career in the National Guard and on active duty. A high school dropout at age 16, Mayhill made her mark in the Army by achieving leadership positions and earning official commendations. LEFT:Mayhill shows a meaningful challenge coin, one of many from her time in the Army. Officers and others distribute the coins to those they feel have made an impact.

individuals or $50 per couple. Table prices are also available.

Contact: www. residentialassistance

program.org. — From staff reports

ext Saturday, 50 students sporting orange and black will board a bus in Bend bound for game day at Reser Stadium in Corvallis. It will be the first time Beavers football tickets have been allocated specifically for Oregon State University-Cascades Campus. The idea was championed byRachel Mayhill, this year's OSU-Cascades student body president. "This isn't just about providing an experience for students," she said, "it's about connecting students to this organization. I feel like if we're going to be distinctly OSU, we need to be doing distinctly OSU activities." At age 30, Mayhill is considered a standout student at OSU-Cascades, where she has a 4.0 grade point average. The Redmond resident applied for an event-planning position with the campus' student government but so impressed selection committee members that they urged her to take the top job. She recently rallied students to join a trip to a career fair on the main OSU campus in Corvallis, into which she included an organized tour of some of the university's standout facilities. "She's just the sort of individual who you only need to talk to for 10 minutes to know she has high expectations for herself," said Natalie Dollar, an OSU-Cascades associate professor who has become one of Mayhill's mentors. The recognition comes along the path of what has already been a remarkable

Photos by Andy Tullis • The Bulletin

Mayhill dropped out of Redmond High School at 16. A year later, she joined the armed forces, embarking on an adventure that took her to four different continents over a decade. She worked in mental health and addiction counseling in the Army. She also organized VIP trips to one of the largest American medical centers abroad, supervised a tri-service Color Guard that was requested to perform regularly across Europe and, for a time, worked as a sergeant major's assistant. She soon racked up accolades, such as being named 2009 Leader of the Year out of 5,000 soldiers and one of 20 rising stars within the Army Medical Department. See Mayhill /B6




Election coverage made sweettelevision By David Hiltbrand The Philadetphia tnquirer

PHILADELPHIA Whether your guy won or lost on Tuesday night, you have to admit it made for compelling television. "The graphics, the tickers, it looked great on all the c h a n nels,"

says TV news




+4 I%II

Regal Pilot Butte 6

Ratings would i n d icate that we prefer guerrilla theater to the traditional headline news approach. "I found Fox really entertaining (on Election Night)," says Temple's Harper. "They had good guests. Mike Huckabee said that the Florida Panhandle is 'all

2717 N.E. U.S.Highway 20, Bend,541-382-6347

ARGO (R) 12:15, 3:15, 5:50, 8:45 THE PERKSOF BEING A WALL FLOWER(PG-13) 1, 4, 6:45, 9:05 SAMSARA (PG-13) 1:15, 4:15, 7, 9:15 SEVENPSYCHOPATHS(R) 12:45, 3:45, 6:30, 8:55 SKYFALL (PG-13) Noon, 3, 6, 9 TROUBLE WITHTHE CURVE (PG13) 12:30, 3:30, 6:15, 8:50


analyst Andrew Tyndall. "I wasn't impressed by the insights or the reporting, but i t looked fantastic. It w a s sweet television." Well, with one exception. "It was the first time I noticed how far behind PBS has fallen in the competition," says Tyndall. "They always looked like the slightly dowdy, austere relative, but they were still in the same business. But this time they looked lik e t h e W a y ne's World of political television." Mock PBS if you must, but never doubt that Big Bird and Jim Lehrer were both heaving sighs of relief late Tuesday night. At least, now that the great battle is over, we can expect a tone of civility and respect to returnto our scorched airwaves. Right? "I think the election will actually strengthen the antagonism of Fox News and MSNBC," says Christopher Harper,professor ofjournalism at Temple University. "The election clearly shows that we are a nation divided almost straight down party lines and ethnic lines. I think it will make those news organizations and perhaps others as well more strident." But do the politically oriented cable news channels merely reflect that division — or do they exacerbate it'?


andgravy.'That's just a great line." FNC also had the night's most g r ipping drama, a scene torn from "The Caine Mutiny." It came w hen Fox, based on t h e painstaking voting analysis of its behind-the-scenes Decisions Desk, called Ohio for President Obama. Karl Rove, sitting at the anchor desk with Megyn Kelly and Bret Baier, vehemently disputed the news just delivered on his own network. "That stood out head and shoulders above everything else that happened Election Night," says Tyndalb Ironically, con s idering how deeply involved and invested they had been in the presidential race, the cable news organizations had no hand in its biggest story. "What was the decisive moment in the campaign'?" asks Paul Levinson, professor of communication and media studies at Fordham University. "I think looking over everything, it was Romney's '47 percent' comments, which were captured not by a p r ofessional j o urnalist, but by a waiter who had his smartphone. It ended up on YouTube. When you have a video of someone, that really can't be refuted. That's the takeaway from this election — the importance of this kind of media."

Archvillain Raoul Silva (Javier Bardem), right, has James Bond (Daniel Craig) tied up in "Skyfall," the newest Bond release. Sony Pictures via The Associated Press

• Accessibility devices are available for some movies at Regal 0ld Mill Stadium 16 8 IMAX. • There may be an additional fee for 3-0 and IMAX films. • Movie times are subject to change after press time.

680S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend, 541-382-6347

ARGO (R) 12:40, 3:45, 7:10, 10 CHASINGMAVERICKS(PG) 6:55, 9:45 CLOUDATLAS(R) 12:30, 4:20, 8:05 FLIGHT (R) 12:15, 1:15, 3:25, 4:45, 6:35, 7:55, 9:50 HERE COMESTHE BOOM (PG)1:25, 4:30, 7:20, 9:55 HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA(PG)1:30, 3:55, 6:45 THE MANWITHTHE IRONFISTS (R) 1:45, 5, 7:45, IO: I5 THE METROPOLITANOPERA: THE TEMPEST(no MPAA rating) 9:55 a.m. PARANORMAL ACTIVITY4(R)9:25 PITCH PERFECT(PG-13) 1:10, 4:05, 7:30, IO:15 SILENT HILL: REVELATION(R) 12:20 SKYFALL (PG-13) 11:50 a.m., 12:50, 3:05, 3:35, 4:35, 6:25, 7, 8, 9:40, 10:10

SKYFALL IMAX (PG-13) 11:45 a.m., 3, 6:20, 9:35 TAKEN 2 (PG-13) 1:40, 4:55, 7:40, 10:05 WRECK-IT RALPH(PG) Noon, 3:15, 4:15, 6, 9:05 WRECK-IT RALPH3-D (PG) 12:05, 3:20, 6:10, 9:15

McMenamins Old St. Francis School 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend, 541-330-8562


(PG) 4:40 The Oregon State Vniversity football game screens at noon and the Uni versity of Oregon football game screens at 730 p.m. today. After 7 p.m., shows are 27and older only.Youngerthan21may attend screenings before 7 p.m.if accompaniedby a legalguardian.

ARGO (R) 2, 4:45, 7:30 LOOPER(R) 7:30 PITCH PERFECT (PG-13) 2:30, 5 SKYFALL (PG-13) 1, 4, 7 WRECK-IT RALPH(PG) 2:45, 5, 7:15

28 HOTELROOMS(no MPAArating) 6, 8:30


1101 S.W. U.S. Highway 97, Madras, 541-475-3505

CHASINGMAVERICKS(PG) 1:50, 4: I5, 6:40, 9:05 PARANORMALACTIVITY4 (R) 1:25, 3:30, 5:30, 7:30, 9:35 SILENT HILL: REVELATION(R) I2:10, 2:30, 4:50, 7:10, 9:25 SKYFALL (PG-13) 12:50, 3:40, 6:30, 9:20 WRECK-IT RALPH(PG) Noon, 2:15, 4:30, 6:50, 9:10

Redmond Cinemas 1535S.W.Odem Medo Road, Redmond, 541-548-8777

HERE COMESTHE BOOM (PG) 12:15, 2:30, 4:45, 7, 9:15 SILENT HILL: REVELATION(R) 11 a.m., 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 SKYFALL (PG-13) 12:45, 3:30, 6:15, 9 WRECK-IT RALPH(PG) 11:15a.m., 1:45, 4:15, 6:45, 9:15

PRINEVILLE Pine Theater 214 N. Main St., Prineviiie, 541-416-1014

PITCH PERFECT (PG-13) 1:10, 4, 7 WRECK-IT RALPH(UPSTAIRS — PG) 1, 3:40, 6:30 Pine Theater's upstairs screening room has limited accessibility.





HOME INTERIORS 70 SW Century Dr. Suite145 Bend. OR 97702 t 541-322-7337 www complementshome com

Bend, 541-241-2271

Tin Pan Theater 869 N.W. Tin PanAlley,

720 Desperado Court, Sisters, 541-549-8800

Madras Cinema 5


Stadium 16 & IMAX

Sisters Movie House


Regal Old Mill




neighborhood on Bend's 4yuestside. www.northwestcrossin)".com





ii i ~~ } p ~ t

~ ~tt College Football NotreDameat BostonCollege (N) (Live) cc


Qgg~ t


~t t



*In HD, these channels run three hours ahead. / Sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/BlackButte Di ital PM-Prineville/Madras SR-Sunriver L-LaPine

t~ t



~ t ~ ~t t Qgg~ I~t g g i t~t g g i i l ~t g g ~tt g g g ~t Paid Program Cash Cab 'PG' Cash Cab 'PG' Jeopardy! 'G' Wheel Fortune KATU News Castle n 'PG'

KTvz I I I 0 Extra (N) n 'PG' «

News Nightly News Jeopardy! 'G' Wheel Fortune Revolution n '14' « Chicago Fire OneMinute n '14' L aw 8 Order: SVU News Sat. Night Live Paid Program Evening News Burn Notice Unpaid Debts 'PG' Ol d Christine Old Christine Vegas MoneyPlays n '14' cc CS h Crime Scene Investigation 48 Hours Secrets of the River(N) News I Love Lucy'G' College Football NotreDameat BostonCollege (N) (Live) « College Football Entertainment Tonight (N) « Pri m etime: What Would You Do? News (N) « C o l lege Football BigBang B ig Bang Bi g Bang Bon es Judas onaPol e '14'cc News Two/Haif Men MasterChef Top 11Compete '14' KFxo B IEI IEI IEI(4:00) CollegeFootball KansasState at TexasChristian (N) n (Live) cc KQAB 0 B Q H This Old House The LawrenceWelk Show'G ' La s t of Wine T r avels to Edge Steves' Europe Globe Trekker 'PG' «(DVS) My F amily Tim e Goes By New Tricks n « Masterptece Mystery! n 'PG' KGW 0 NewsChannei 8 at5PM(N) cc N i g htly News Blazers Home NBA Basketball San Antonio Spursat PortlandTrail Biazers (N) (Live) Chicago Fire n Law tt Order: BVU NewsChannei 8 Sat. Night Live ** "Americanyakuza" (1993)Viggo Mortensen. « Cops '14' « Co p s 'PG' « Ch e aters (N) n '14' « That '70s Show That '70s Show *** "Dick"(1999) « KTVZDT2 IEI0 B lH (3:30) **"Elizabethtown" « *** "RoyalWedding"(1951)FredAstaire. Americana Music Festival RoyalWedding OPBPL 175 173 Julia Child Co o king Class Midsomer Murders 'PG' cc Backstage PassTheLash n 'G' Xerox intl. Jau Festival


*A&E 13028 18 32 Parking Wars Parking Wars Parking Wars Parking Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Parking Wars Parking Wars Exterminator E xterminator E xterminator E xterminator

** "Earthquake" (1974,Suspense)Chariton Heston, AvaGardner, GeorgeKennedy. Anarchitect tries to rescuehis ** "Poseidon" (2006, Adventure) JoshLucas, Kurt Russell. Premiere. A ** "The PoseidonAdventure" (1972) GeneHackman, Ernest Borgnine. • wiie after an earthquake. « luxury liner capsizes inthe NorthAtlantic. « People on aship capsized by atidal wavetry to survive. « 'ANPL 68 50 26 38 Too Cute! n 'PG' cc Too Cute! n 'G' cc Too Cute! n 'PG' cc Too Cute! (N) n PG Too Cute! Kitten Cottonballs 'PG' Pit Bulls and Parolees (N) 'PG' B u lly & Sugar: Southern Justice *** "MeettheParents" (2000) Roberi De Niro, BenStiler. BRAVO1 37 4 4 Real Housewives/Beverly The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Real Housewives of Atlanta * * * "MeettheParents" (2000)Robert DeNiro, BenStiler. CMT 190 32 42 53 (4:30) ** "RV" (2006)RobinWiliams. n cc (6:45) * "Joe Dirt" (2001,Comedy)David Spade,DennisMiler. Premiere. n ra Redneck Island (N) n 'PG' ChainsawGang BigTexasHeat RedneckIsland n 'PG' CNBC 54 36 40 52 Ultimate Factories Frito Lay The Suze Orman Show (N) « De b t Do Us Part Debt DoPart Us Ultimate Factories 'G' The Suze OrmanShow « Debt Do UsPart Debt Do Us Part Quit Your Job! Never-Rake CNN 55 38 35 48 CNN Presents 'PG' cc Piers MorganTonight CNN Newsroom(N) CNN Presents 'PG' cc Piers MorganTonight CNN Newsroom(N) CNN Presents 'PG' cc COM 135 53 135 47"Austin PowersinGoldmember" (5:58) * "Grandma'sBoy" (2006)Doris Roberts, AllenCovert. « Kevin Hart: Laugh at MyPain '14' Daniel Tosh: Completely Serious Aziz Ansari: Dangerously Chris Hardwick: Mandroid 'MA' COTV 11 (4:30) City Club of Central Oregon Talk of the Town Local issues. D e sert Cooking Oregon Joy of Fishing Journal GetOutdoors Visions ofNW The Yoga Show The Yoga Show TalkoftheTownLocalissues. CSPAN 61 20 12 11 Ethics of EmbeddedJournalists Investigative Reporting (7:10) Public Affairs Ethics of EmbeddedJournalists Investigative Reporting (10:10) Public Affairs Public Affairs *DIS 87 43 14 39 Good-Charlie Austin 8 Ally n Austin & Ally n Shake It Up! 'G' Gravity Falls n Gravity Falls n Dog With a Blog Shake It Up! 'G' Jessie 'G' cc Good-Charlie Shake It Up! 'G' Jessie 'G' re G ood.Charlie Phineas, Ferb *DISC 156 21 16 37 Moonshiners n '14' « Moonshiners Rise 'nShine '14' J u ngle Gold n 'PG' « Jungle Gold ShotsFired n '14' G o ld Rush Wrong The Claim'PG' Gold Rush Secret Weapons'PG' Gold Rush The Wrong Claim'PG' *E! 1 36 2 5 ** "EvanAlmighty" (2007)SteveCareii, Morgan Freeman. tce Loves Coco Ice Loves Coco Nicki Minaj: My A-List Listings E! News iceLovesCoco IceLovesCoco Fashio nPolice'14' ESPN 21 23 22 23 (4:00) CollegeFootball MississippiState at LSU(N) (Live) College Football College Football Oregonat California (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N)(Live) « Football Final ESPN2 22 24 21 24 (4:00) CollegeFootball GeorgiaatAuburn(N) (Live) College Football College Football UCLAat Washington State (N)(Live) College Football Final (N) cc Dr a g Racing "Push: MadisonVersusMadison"(2010, Documentary) « "Push: MadisonVersusMadison"(2010, Documentary) « ESPNC 23 25 123 25 "Push: MadisonVersusMadison"(2010, Documentary) « 30 for 30 ESPNN 24 63 124203SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc SportsCenter (N)(Live)ac SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc Sportscenter (N)(Live) ra SportsCenter cc Highlight Express(N)(Live) **"Charlie Sl. Cloud"(2010)ZacEfron,AmandaCrew. Premiere. ** "TheLast Song" (2010,Drama)Miiey Cyrus, GregKinnear. FAM 67 29 19 41 Princess Drs * * "T he Princess Diaries 2: RoyalEngagement" (2004)AnneHathaway. FNC 57 61 36 50 Huckabee(N) Justice With JudgeJeanine (N) Geraldo at Large n 'PG' cc The Journal Editorial Report n J u stice With Judge Jeanine Ger aldo at Large n 'PG' cc Red Eye *FOOD 177 62 98 44 Iron Chef Amer. The Next Iron Chef: Redemption 'G' Restaurant Stakeout Restaurant Stakeout Restaurant Stakeout Restaurant Stakeout Iron Chef America ** "XXX" (2002,Action) Vin Diesel, AsiaArgento. FX 131 Ghost Rider Ben and Kate Ben and Kate Ben and Kate Ben and Kate Ben and Kate ** " X-Men Origins:Wolverine" (2009,Action) HughJackman, Liev Schreiber. HGTV 176 49 33 43 income Prop. Income Prop. High Low Proj. Hunters int'I H o use Hunters Renovation 'G' L o ve It or List It 'G' « Love It or List it 'G' « House Hunters Hunters Int'I H o use Hunters Hunters int'I *HIST 155 42 41 36 Restoration R e storation R e storation R e storation Pa wn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' The Men WhoBuilt America Changingthe Game'PG' cc Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' "ChristmasAngel" (2009)K.C. Clyde, KariHawker. « "TheChristmasConsultant" (2012) DavidHasselhoff. Premiere. 'PG' "UndercoverChristmas" (2003)Jami Gertz. 'PG' « LIFE 138 39 20 31 (4:00) "Crazyfor Christmas" « MSNBC 59 59 128 51 Lockup: Raw intimacy in prison. Lockup Lockup(N) Lockup: Raw Lockup:Raw The DailyGrind Lockup: Raw inmatesGoneWild Lockup: Raw MTV 192 22 38 57 (5:05) Awkward. (5:36) Awkward. (6:07) Awkward. (6:38) Awkward. (7:10) Awkward. (7:41) Awkward. (8:12) Awkward. (8:43) Awkward. (9:15) Awkward.Resolutions'14' (9:46) Awkward. Awkward. '14' Awkward. '14' Awkward. '14' NICK 82 46 24 40 SpongeBob S pongeBob S p ongeBob S p ongesob ic a riy 'G' cc i c a rly 'G' cc i c a rly (N) n 'G' Big Time Rush How to Rock 'G' iCariy 'G' cc T he Nanny 'PG' The Nanny 'PG' Friends n 'PG' Friends n 'PG' OWN 161103 31 103Disappeared RoyalSecrets 'PG' Welcome to Sweetie Pie's 'PG' W elcome to Sweetie Pie's 'PG' W elcome to Sweetie Pie's 'PG' W elcome to Sweetie Pie's 'PG' i y ania, Fix My Life (N) n Welcome to Sweetie Pie's 'PG' ROOT 20 45 28* 26 (4:00) CollegeFootball SouthernMississippi at SouthernMethodist (N) (Live) College Football Coloradoat Arizona(N) College Football PortlandState atMontanaState SPIKE 132 31 34 46 (445) ** "Payback" (1999,Action) MeiGibson, GreggHenry. n (11:12) **"Payback"(1999)n (715) ****"GoodFellas" (1990,CrimeDrama) Robert DeNiro, RayLiotta. An irish Italianhood joins the1950sNewYork Mafia. n **"The Mist" (2007)ThomasJane. A deadly fogengulfs terriiied townspeople. cc "GhostStorm"(2012)Crystal Allen, Carlos Bernard.Premiere. "AmericanHorrorHouse" '1 4' SYFY 133 35 133 45(430) *"Ghost Town"(2009)Jessica Rose.'14' TBN 05 60 130 In Touch W/Charles Stanley Hou r of Power n 'G' « Billy GrahamClassic Crusades WWih D-Day tk the Providence of God *TBS 16 27 11 28 Friends '14' F r iends '14' B i g Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Wed d ing Band Piiot'M (N) A' We d ding Band Piiot 'MA' **** "Dinner atEight" (1933)Marie Dressier, JeanHariow. Society guests **** "The Thin Man"(1934)Wiliam Poweii, Myrna Loy. Nick andNora ** * "The Moon ls Blue" (1953,Comedy)Wiliam Holden, DavidNiven. A *** "Guess Who'sComingto DinTCM 101 44 101 29 ner"(1967)SpencerTracy. act up atNewYork party for nobility. «(DVS) Charles solve amystery withtheir dog, Asta. «(DVS) playboypursuesa womansaving herself formarriage. « *TLC 178 34 32 34 Untold Stories of the E.R. n '14' Untold Stories of the E.R. n '14' 20/20 on TLC n '14' cc 20/20 on TLCBloodTies n '14' 2 0 /20 on TLC (N) n '14' cc 20/20 on TLC(N) n '14' cc 20/20 on TLCBloodTies n '14' *** "Transformers" (2007,Action) ShiaLaBeouf. Tworacesof robots wagewar onEarth. «(DVS) *TNT 17 26 15 27 (4:00) *** "King Kong" ** "Clashofthe Titans" (2010)SamWorthington. «(DVS) (2005) NaomiWatts, Jack Black. ae *TOON 84 NiniaGo: Mstrs Regular Show Regular Show Regular Show *** "Robots" (2005)Voices of EwanMcGregor. Premiere. VentureBros. FamilyGuy'PG'Famil yGuy'PG' ClevelandShow TheBoondocks TheBoondocks 'TRAV 179 51 45 42 Hamburger Paradise2'G' «Bbq Paradis e2:AnotherRack'G' Sausage Paradise'PG'« Ghost Adventures 'PG' cc Ghost Adventures 'PG' « Ghost Adventures 'PG'« Ghost Adventures 'PG'« TVLND 65 47 29 35 CosbyShow Cosby Show Cosby Show Cosby Show Cosby Show Cosby Show Cosby Show Cosby Show Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond King ofQueens USA 15 30 23 30 Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law tt Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU CSI: Crime Scene Investigation VHt 191 48 37 54 Basketball Wives LA n '14' Basketball Wives LA n '14' Basketball Wives LA n '14' Chr i ssy 8 Jones Chrissy 8 Jones Chrissy & Jones Chrissy & Jones Behind the Musi T.i.cT.i. n '14' Behind the Music Ne-Yo. n 'PG' *AMC 102 40 39

*** "openRange"2003,western Robert Duvaii, Kevincostner. n 'R' cc ENCR 106401 306401(4:00) ** "BatmanReturns" n (6:10) ** "The Quick andthe Dead"1995 sharon stone. 'R' ra (10:20) ** "RobinHood:Prince of Thieves" 1991 ***"Finding Forresler"2000, Drama SeanConnery, RobBrown. 'PG-13' « ** "BigMomma'sHouse"2000 Martin Lawrence. 'PG-13' « FXM Presents FMC 104204104120** "BigMomma's House" 2000Martin Lawrence. 'PG-13' « UFC Prefight Show UFC Fight Night UFC;Franklinvs. Le FUEL 34 (4:00) UFCFight Night UFC; Franklin vs. Le UFC Post Fight Show UFC Unrestricted Golf Central (N) EuropeanPGATour Golf Barciays SingaporeOpen,Final RoundFromSingapore. (N) (Live) GOLF 28 301 27 301PGA Tour Golf ** "November Christmas"(2010, Drama)SamEiiott. 'G' « "The WishingTree"(2012, Drama)Jason Gedrick. Premiere. 'G' « "A ChristmasWish"(2011)Kristy Swanson,TessHarper. 'G' « HALL 66 33 175 33 (4:00) ** "SilverBells"'G' « *** "Game Change"2012Julianne Moore, EdHarris. Gov. SarahPaiin * * "Tower Heist" 2011 BenStiler. Condoemployees plot (9:45) Boxing Erisiandy Laravs. VanesMartirosyan, SuperWelterweight (N) (11:45) 2 Days: (4:30) * "Alvin and the Chi p munks: HBO 25501 425501Chipwrecked"2011'G' cc becomesSen.JohnMcCain'srunningmatein2008.n c~ revengeagainst a Wall Streetswindler. Seth Mitchell n "Leatherface:TheTexasChainsaw Massacre III" I FC 105 1 0 5 *** "StarTrek: FirstContact" 1996 Patrick Stewart. Premiere. 'PG-13' (9:15) *** "StarTrek:First Contact" 1996,Science Fiction Patrick Stewart. 'PG-13' Lealherface (5:15) ** "HorribleBosses"2011,ComedyJason Bateman.Three oppressed ** "Road House"1989, Action Patrick Swayze,Kelly Lynch. A legendary Hunted Kismet Aidanuncoverssome *** "Chronicle" 2012 Dane DeHaan.A strange sub- Hunted Kismet n M AX 00508 5 0 8 'MA' cc workers plot againsttheir employers. n 'NR' cc bounceragreesto tamea notorious ginmill. n 'R' cc of Sam'ssecrets. n 'MA' stance givesthreefriends superpowers. 'PG-13' Alaska State Troopers '14' DoomsdayPreppersBuggedDut Doomsday PreppersBuggedOut Doomsday PreppersBuggedOut Doomsday PreppersBuggedOut Alaska StateTroopers'14' Alaska State Troopers '14' N GC 157 1 5 7 NTOON 89 115189115Odd Parents Odd Parents L egend.Korra Legend-Korra Wild Grinders Planet Sheen Robot, Monster Odd Parents Spongeaob S p ongesob L e gend-Korra Legend-Korra Dragon Ball Z Iron Man: Armor C r aig Morgan West. Extremes High Places C ommander M a thew's Dom OUTD 37 307 43 307Trophy Hunt J immy Big Time Ragiin Outdoors Ultimate Hunt'g Trophy Quest Most Wanted Outfitter Boot Expedition Saf. Ted Nugent Boxing AbnerMaresvs. AnseimoMoreno Maresbattles Morenofor the WBC (3:45) **"TheTwilightSaga: D e x t er Debra meets with a local crime Homeland Danais surprised at the *** "Reservoir Dogs"1992, CrimeDramaHarvey Keitei. Violent thieves S HO 00 5 0 0 Eclipse"2010Kristen Stewart. n w r i ter. rt 'MA' « hospital. rt 'MA' « ponder the identity of apolice informant. n 'R' « super bantamweighttitle. FromAnaheim, Calif. (N) 'PG' SPEED 35 303125303NASCARRacing SPEEDCenter NASCAR Perfor. NASCAR Racing World of Outlaws Knoxville Nationais inside MichaelWaitrip Racing L u cas Dii Off Road RacingReno ** "Just GoWithll"2011 Adam Sandier. rt 'PG-13' « **"TheVow"2012,RomanceRachelMcAdams.rt'PG-13'« STARZ 00408300408(5:05) **"Click" 2006,ComedyAdamSandier. 0 'PG-13' « (10:50) ** naedTeacher" 2011 (4:00)"TheStory (5:45) "Xtra Credit" 2009, SuspenseMicah Alberti, Marina (7:15) *** "Source Code" 2011,SuspenseJake Gyllenhaal. A pilot experi- ** "Soulkeeper" 2001,Horror RodneyRowiand. Premiere. Thetheft of an (10:50) ** "Suck" 2009Malcolm • TMC 2 5 25 of us" 'R' B lac k , Nina Siemaszko. n 'NR' cc McDoweii. n 'R'ra ences the last fewminutes of a man'slife. n 'PG-13' cc ancient relic releasesmalevolent forces. n 'R'ra College Football FresnoState at Nevada(N)(Live) Poker After Dark 'PG' « NBCSN 27 58 30 209(4:00) CollegeFootball BoiseState at Hawaii(N) (Live) *WE 143 41 174118Wedding. ** "Overboard"1987, ComedyGoldie Hawn, Kurt Russell. 'PG' DavaUnveiled WeddingDava Unveiled W eddingDavnUnveiled W edding. DavaUnveiled WeddingDavaUnveiled




Daughter, boyfriend slow to embracefuture Dear Abby: My d aughter, "Renee," is 25 and is an intelligent andindependent woman with a good job. She has been in a relationship with her boyfriend,"Bryan," for 6' /~years. They have been living together forthe past two years. Bryan is nice and has a decent job, and I like him. However, there is virtually no conversation between them about what their f u t ure t ogether holds. Renee would like to get engaged, but she refuses to

bring anything up to Bryan for fear that he will feel "pushed." She wants it to happen with no prodding. I maintain that it's perfectly acceptable to ask where he sees their relation-

ship going.

DEAR ABBY brother and his wife ignore it because, according to them,

being gay is a"sin." This couple has been out of high school for two years. They are also both virgins, which is unusual. I had a g athering at my home, and some gay friends attended. They noticed that he was gay and mentioned it to me. Should I just stand by and keep my mouth shut? — Unsure in New Jersey Dear Unsure: Y e s, y o u should. Unless you are 100 percent sure the man is, in fact,

At this point, I'd like to take Bryan aside and say that I love my daughter and would like to know what his intentions are. Is that totally inappropriate in this day and age? I worry she may be throwing away her best years on a dead-end relationship. I know Renee would not be happy if I approached Bryan with this. Should I just keep my mouth shut and let her handle it? — Mama on a Mission Dear Mamn: You are wellmeaning, but this is one mission your daughter must complete for herself. Please tell her that after a relationship of six years — and living together for two of them — having a rational discussion with Bryan would not be "pushy." In fact, it's the intelligent thing to do. He may h ave commitment issues. Or he may need the "nudge." And frankly, if the romance is leading nowhere, Renee needs to know that an engagement to him is not in her future before she invests any more time. Dear Abby: My niece is en-

gay, you should keep your feel-

gaged to a really nice guy who

— Write Dear Abby at www.DearAbby.com or P.O. Box 69440,Los Angeles, CA 90069.

is obviously gay and in denial because of his religion. My

ings to yourself. Your niece's fiance may be an effeminate straight man. And your gay friends' "gaydar" may have given them a false reading at

your gathering. Dear Abby:I have developed a horrible crush on my kids' tennis instructor. I am very happily married and would never, ever cheat on my husband, but t his man m akes my heart race. My kids and I spend a fair amount of time with him, and I'm afraid it's starting to show. By the way, I'm pretty sure my feelingsare reciprocated. What to do? — Crushing Mom in the South Dear Crushing Mom:It's not a question of what you should do, but rather what you should NOT do. Do not act on your feelings, do not spend time alone with him and do not tell anyone about it. Enjoy feeling like you are 16, and take your kids home after their lesson. In time, the feeling will fade — particularly if they develop an interest in another sport.

Horoscope:HappyBirthday for Saturday,Nov. 10,2012 By Jacqueline Blgar This year you have atendency to keep a lot to yourself. Others find it difficult to get you to open up. You are like a clam, unless you choose to share what's on your mind. If you are single, you might have difficulty meeting Mr. or Ms. Right. In fact, you could meet someone who is emotionally unavailable. Use care when deciding whom to date. If you are attached, try to share more with your sweetie, or else you could create considerable distance betweenyou.LIBRA makes agreat healer for you. The Stars Show the Kind of Day You'll Have: 5-Dynamic; 4-Positive; 3-Average; 2-So-so; 1-Difficult ARIES (March 21-April 19) ** * * D ive into a few social days and make plans with others. You might become a background player, but only for a short period of time. That role is not for you, and you'll break out of it with only a little agitation. Tonight: Say "yes." TAURUS (April 20-May 20) ** Remain sensitive to your responsibilities. You have certain details and projects to complete before you can relax. The sooner you accomplish them, the happier you will be. Your insights and feelings merge, which exposes you to new revelations. Tonight: Put your feet up. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) ** * * You know when you no longer can work in the same way. Let go and enjoy yourself. A loved one absolutely would adore spending some more time with you. Be present in the moment, and release what has been an issue foryou in the past. Tonight: Inthe whirlwind of living. CANCER(June 21-July 22) ** * Catch up on a family member's news. A loved one might be exhibiting distress through his or her unusually sour mood. Know your limits and realize what is possible .You cannotopen someone up whohasdecided to be aclam , no matter what. Tonight: Choose a favorite pastime. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) ** * * * M ake spontaneous plans. You will enjoy hearing someone else's good news. A surprise visit or an impromptu phone call heads in your direction. An invitation also could appear out of the blue. You will try to squeeze everything in. Tonight: Invite others to join you for dinner.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) ** * * I t seems as though you havethe upcoming holiday season in mind, as you toy with your budget and consider different options for holiday gifts. You could be taken aback by an unexpected development, but know thatyou can handle it. Tonight: Join a loved one for dinner. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) ** * * * Y ou are on top of your game. Howyou see a situation and your abilityto move in a new direction are marked by someone's unpredictability. Sometimes you enjoy this person's erratic behavior, but right now you might not. Tonight: Walk away from a cold shoulder. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) ** * M uch is happening around you, but others think you are not picking up on it. Truth be told, you are, and you know exactly what is going on. Until you are sure about how you want to handle this issue, do nothing. Indulge in a leisurely walk for now. Tonight: Observe and say little. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) ** * * * M ake a point of doing something you really want to do. Your upbeat attitude goes far when dealing with a child or loved one who usually can be quite touchy. A disagreement about a money matter is OK; everyone can do what he or she wants. Tonight: Happy wherever you are. CAPRICORN(Dec. 22-Jan.19) ** * * C onsider doing something different, but know that others might invite you to join them in what hasbecome a ritualamong you.The unexpected plays into your plans, no matter which way you turn. Avoid being controlling or difficult. Tonight: A must appearance. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) ** * Make an important call to someoneatadistance.Unexpected developments could interfere with your plans as you head in a new direction. Go with the flow rather than try to control someone else. Tonight: Where there is music. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) ** * * R elate to a friend or loved one directly. You might want to rethink plans, especially if they involve one key person. Know which side your bread is buttered on. You pull the wild card financially. Be careful when taking any risks. Tonight: Visit with a loved one. © 2012 by King Features Syndicate



Please email event information to communitylife@bendbuiletin.com or click on "Submit an Event"at www.bendbulletin.com. Allow at least 10 days before the desired date of publication. Ongoing listings must be updated monthly. Contact: 541-383-0351.

TODAY GARAGESALEFUNDRAISER: Proceeds benefit the High Desert Droids robotics team; free admission; 9 a.m.-3 p.m.; Mountain View High School, 2755 N.E. 27th St., Bend; 541-389-7904 or www.team753.com. MARINE CORPSBIRTHDAY RUN/WALK:Run 5K or walk one mile in honor of the Marine Corps; race begins outside city hall; registration required; proceeds benefit Disabled American Veterans' Portland shuttle van; $21 with a shirt, $14 without; 9 a.m.; City Hall, 710 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-383-8061 or www .vetsdayrun. homestead.com. "THE METROPOLITANOPERA: THE TEMPEST":Starring Audrey Luna and Isabel Leonard in a presentation of Shakespeare's masterpiece; opera performance transmitted live in high definition; $24, $22 seniors, $18 children; 9:55 a.m.; Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 8, IMAX, 680 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend; 541-382-6347. SENSATIONALSATURDAY: Learn about how native peoples of the High Desert prepared for winter, depended on seasonal foods and supported and sustained the ecostystem; included in the price of admission; $12 adults, $10 ages 65 and older, $7 ages 5-12, free ages 4 and younger; 10 a.m.-3 p.m.; High Desert Museum, 59800 S. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; 541-382-4754 or www.highdesertmuseum.org. THE NATUREOFWORDS: Featuring a lecture by Jean Auel; $40; 11 a.m.-noon; Central Oregon Community College, Hitchcock Auditorium, 2600 N.W.College Way, Bend; 541-647-2233, info@thenatureofwords.org or www.thenatureofwords.org. THE NATUREOFWORDS: Featuring a lecture by Michael Meade; $40; 12:30-1:30 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, Hitchcock Auditorium, 2600 N.W. CollegeW ay,Bend; 541-647-2233, info@thenatureofwords.org or www.thenatureofwords.org. THE CALDECOTT AWARD: Learn about the process and criteria for selecting the annual award recipient; free; 1 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public Library, Brooks Room, 601 N.W.Wall St.; 541-617-7099 or www .deschuteslibrary.org/calendar. "ASSASSINS":Thoroughly Modern Productions presents a dark musical comedy portraying history's most famous presidential assassins; $21, $18 students and seniors; 2 p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-312-9626, 2ndstreettheater©gmail.com or www.2ndstreettheater.com. BECOMING A HUMORIST: Joel Clements talks about what it takes to become a humorist; free; 3:30 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public Library, Brooks Room, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-312-1032 or www.deschuteslibrary.org/ calendar. AUDUBONFUNDRAISER: Featuring a membership drive, silent auction, presentations, live music and more; proceeds benefit the East Cascades Audubon Society birding projects; free; 5:30-8:30 p.m.; Bend Senior Center,1600 S.E. Reed Market Road; 541-3173086 or www.ecaudubon.org. THE NATUREOFWORDS: Gala author dinner with a wine reception and author readings; with keynote speaker Dan Wieden; $75 or $110; 5:30 p.m.; Century Center, 70 S.W.Century Drive, Bend; 541-647-2233, info@thenatureofwords.org or www.thenatureofwords.org. SLEDFILM 2012:A screening of the snowmobile film festival; $6 plus fees; 6 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www.towertheatre.org. BEND GAME NIGHT: Play available board games or bring your own; free; 6 p.m.-midnight; East Bend Public Library, 62080 Dean Swift Road; 541-318-8459. AUTHOR PRESENTATION: Lily Raff McCaulou reads from her memoir "Call of the Mild"; free; 6:30 p.m.; Paulina Springs Books, 422 S.W. Sixth St., Redmond; 541-526-1491. FREAK MOUNTAIN RAMBLERS:The Portlandbased Americana group performs; free; 6 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or www. mcmenamins.com. "A MIDSUMMERNIGHT'S DREAM":The Bend High School drama department presents the play by William Shakespeare; $5, $4 students and seniors; 7:30 p.m.; Bend High School,230 N.E. Sixth St.; 541-383-6290. "ASSASSINS":Thoroughly Modern Productions presents adarkmusicalcomedy

"In the Mood," a 1940s musical revuefeaturing The String of Pearls Big Band Orchestra, singers and swing dancers, plays two shows Thursday at the Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend. Showtimes are 3 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $35-$59 plus fees. For more information, call 541-317-0700 or go to www.towertheatre.org. portraying history's most famous presidential assassins; $21, $18 students and seniors; 7:30 p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-312-9626, 2ndstreettheater@gmail.com or www.2ndstreettheater.com. "IT'SONLY MONEY": Cascades Theatrical Company presents the musical comedy about mixing love and money; $24, $18 seniors, $12 students; 7:30 p.m.;Greenwood Playhouse, 148 N.W.Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-389-0803 or www.cascadestheatrical.org. BEND COMMUNITY CONTRADANCE:Featuring caller Sue Baker and music by the The Eugene City Barnstormers; $7; 7 p.m. beginner's workshop, 7:30 p.m. dance; Boys & Girls Club of Bend, 500 N.W.Wall St.; 541-330-8943. MONSTER TRUCKNATIONALS: Monster trucks compete in avariety of trick styles; $12 in advance, $15at thegate;7:30 p.m.,gatesopenat5:30 p.m.; Deschutes County Fair8 Expo Center, Hooker CreekEvent Center, 3800 S.W. Airport Way, Redmond; http: //www.expo.deschutes.org. JAMES APOLLOAND THE SWEETUNKNOWN:The rock artist performs, with Murzik; $5; 8 p.m.; The Horned Hand, 507 N.W. Colorado Ave., Bend; 541-728-0879 or www.reverbnation.com/venue/ thehornedhand. STACEYEARLEANDMARK STUART:The folk artists perform; $15-$20 suggested donation; 8 p.m., doors open at 7 p.m.; HarmonyHouse, 17505 Kent Road, Sisters; 541-548-2209. KIRTRONICADANCE CONCERT: Electronic dance music combined with Sanskrit chanting and singing featuring Jaya Lakshmi and Ananda; $10-$20 suggested donation; 8:08-11:11 p.m.; Back BendYoga, 155 S.W. Century Drive; 541-3229642 or www.backbendyoga.net. SHARP THREE:The contemporary world jazz act performs; $6; 9:30 p.m., doors open at 8:30 p.m.; Silver Moon Brewing 8 Taproom, 24 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-388-8331 or www.silvermoonbrewing.com.

SUNDAY AUTHOR PRESENTATION:Arthur Lezin talks about his book, "From Afghanistan to Zaire — Reflections on a Foreign Service Life"; free; 11 a.m.; Barnes & Noble Booksellers, 2690 E. U.S. Highway 20, Bend; 541-318-7242 or www.athousandlettershome.com. BEND VETERANSDAYPARADE: Themed "Fulfilling our promises to men and women who served"; with a flyover; free for spectators; 11 a.m.; downtown Bend; 541-480-4516. CROOKCOUNTYVETERANS DAY PARADE:Parade begins on 4th and Elm St. and continues to Ochoco Creek Park; followed by a ceremony; free; 11 a.m., 10:30 a.m. staging; downtown Prineville; 541-447-2329. MINING DAYS:Experience the life of a placer miner and pan for gold; $2 panning fee,plusm useum admission; 11 a.m.-3 p.m.; High Desert Museum,59800 S. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; 541-382-4754 or www.highdesertmuseum.org. REDMONDVETERANSDAY PARADE:Parade honoring veterans, followed by a chili feed for veterans and their families at the VFWpost; free; 11 a.m.; downtown Redmond; 541-280-5161. THE NATURE OFWORDS: Paisley Rekdal recites a selection of her poetryand singer-songwriter Kevin Gordon performs; followed by an open mic; free;11 a.m.; Downtown Bend Public Library, Brooks Room, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-312-1032 or www.thenatureofwords.org. VETERANSDAYSERVICE: Service will be followed by an open house at the American Legion Post45; free; 11 a.m.; La Pine Community Cemetery, U.S. Highway 97 and Reed Road; 541-948-5327. VFW OPENHOUSE: Meet military service members and veterans in honor of Veterans Day; free;11 a.m.; VFW Hall, 1503 N.E. Fourth St., Bend;541-389-0775. EMPTY BOWLS:Eleventh annual event features gourmet soup

and a selection of artisan bowls, with live music; proceeds benefit Neighborlmpact; SOLDOUT;11:30 a.m. and1 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, Campus Center, 2600 N.W. College Way, Bend; 541-280-0284 or www.emptybowlsbend.org. AUTHOR PRESENTATION:Randy Weinreb reads from his book, "One Boy of Ten: The Life and Times of Lazarus Leslie Weinreb"; free; 1 p.m.; Barnes 8 Noble Booksellers, 2690 E. U.S. Highway 20, Bend; 541-318-7242. MUSIC INPUBLIC PLACES: Featuring a performance by symphony musicians performing with pianist Scott Michaelsen; free; 1 p.m.; Jefferson County Senior Center, 860 S.W. Madison St., Madras; 541-317-3941 or www.cosymphony.com. THE CALDECOTT AWARD: Learn about the process and criteria for selecting the annual award recipient; free;1:30 p.m.; Sisters Public Library, 110 N. Cedar St.; 541-617-7099 or www. deschuteslibrary.org/calendar. "IT'SONLY MONEY": Cascades Theatrical Company presents the musical comedy about mixing love and money; $24, $18 seniors, $12 students; 2 p.m.; Greenwood Playhouse, 148 N.W.Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-389-0803 or www.cascadestheatrical.org. MADRAS VETERANSDAY PARADE:Parade honoring veterans, followed by a chili feed for veterans and their families at the VFWpost; free; 2 p.m.; no venue, D and10th streets; 541-382-8281. AUTHOR PRESENTATION: Hans Biglajzer reads from his book, "Kristallnacht: Prelude to Destruction"; free; 3 p.m.; Barnes & Noble Booksellers, 2690 E. U.S. Highway 20, Bend; 541-318-7242. MUSIC INPUBLIC PLACES: Featuring a performance by symphony musicians performing with pianist Scott Michaelsen; free; 4 p.m.; Community Presbyterian Church, 529 N.W. 19th St., Redmond; 541-317-3941 or www.cosymphony.com. "A MIDSUMMERNIGHT'S DREAM":The Bend High School drama department presents the play by William Shakespeare; $5, $4 students and seniors;7:30 p.m.; Bend High School, 230 N.E. Sixth St.; 541-383-6290. ROBERTCRAY:The veteran blues star performs; SOLDOUT;7:30 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W.Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www.towertheatre.org. CRUSHEDOUT:The rock bands performs, with Dirty Filthy Mugs; $5; 8 p.m.; The Horned Hand, 507 N.W. Colorado Ave., Bend; 541728-0879 or www.reverbnation. com/venue/thehornedhand.

MONDAY CASCADEHORIZON BAND:The senior band performs popular Americana music, with a tribute to Stephen Foster; free; 2 p.m.; Mountain View High School, 2755 N.E. 27th St., Bend; 541-639-7734, cascadehorizonband©aol.com or www.cascadehorizonband.org.

TUESDAY AUTHOR PRESENTATION:Julia Kennedy Cochran presents her father's memoir, "Ed Kennedy's War: V-E Day, Censorship and the Associated Press"; free; noon-1 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, Library, 2600 N.W. College Way, Bend; 541-383-7257. KNOW HUMOR: IS LAUGHTER THE BEST MEDICINE?:Carol Delmonico discusses the power of laughter and how it can reduce stress, boostyour immune system andhelp youenjoy life; free; 4:30 p.m.; Sunriver Area Public Library, 56855 Venture Lane; 541-312-1034. "BRINGOUT YOUR DEAD!" LECTURESERIES: Featuring a presentation on "Cranial lnjuries and Criminals: Understanding Brain Function Through Mishaps and Mayhem"; free; 6-7 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, Hitchcock Auditorium, 2600 N.W. College Way, Bend; 541-383-7786.

THE CALDECOTTAWARD: Learn about the process and criteria for selecting the annual award recipient; free; 6:30 p.m.; Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541-617-7099 or www. deschuteslibrary.org/calendar. JIM BRICKMAN:Thesolo pianist, vocalist and composer performs "On a Winter's Night"; $44-$73 plus fees; 7:30 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www.towertheatre.org.

WEDNESDAY "REEL INJUN":Ascreening of the 2009 documentary film, with a panel discussion on stereotypes of Native Americans in film and cinema; free; 6:30-9 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, Hitchcock Auditorium, 2600 N.W. College Way, Bend; 541-383-3782. "THE METROPOLITANOPERA: OTELLO":Starring Renee Fleming, JohanBothaand MichaelFabiano in an encore performance of Verdi's masterpiece; opera performance transmitted in high definition; $18; 6:30 p.m.; Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX, 680 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend; 541-382-6347. CAS HALEY:The Austin, Texasbased singer songwriter performs, with Brent Alan; free; 7 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or www.mcmenamins.com. "ASSASSINS":Thoroughly Modern Productions presents a dark musical comedy portraying history's most famous presidential assassins; $21, $18 students and seniors; 7:30 p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-312-9626, 2ndstreettheater©gmail.com or www.2ndstreettheater.com. "IT'SONLY MONEY": Cascades Theatrical Company presents the musical comedy about mixing love and money; $24, $18 seniors, $12 students; 7:30 p.m.;Greenwood Playhouse, 148 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-389-0803 or www.cascadestheatrical.org. KITES5 CROWS: TheAshlandbased indie-folk group performs; $5; 8 p.m.; The Horned Hand, 507 N.W. Colorado Ave., Bend; 541728-0879 or www.reverbnation. com/venue/thehornedhand.

THURSDAY THE LIBRARYBOOKCLUB: Read and discuss "The Sisters Brothers" by Patrick deWitt; free; noon; La Pine Public Library,16425 First St.; 541-312-1090 or www.deschuteslibrary.org/calendar. "IN THE MOOD":A1940s musical revue featuring The String of Pearls Big Band Orchestra, singers and swing dancers; $35-$59 plus fees; 3 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W.Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www.towertheatre.org. THE CALDECOTTAWARD: Learn about the process and criteria for selecting the annual award recipient; free; 4:30 p.m.; Sunriver Area Public Library, 56855 Venture Lane; 541-617-7099 or www.deschuteslibrary.org/calendar. "EL MARIACHI":A screening of the1992 R-rated film about a traveling mariachi mistaken for a murderous criminal who must hide from a gang; free; 6 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, Boyle Education Center, 2600 N.W.College Way, Bend; 541-318-3782, CHICKS WITH PICKS:Featuring performances by four local femalefronted bands; proceeds benefit Saving Grace; $5; 6-10 p.m.; The Summit Saloon & Stage, 125 N.W. Oregon Ave., Bend; 971-570-7199. SERENDIPITY WEST FUNDRAISER: A dinner and a silent auction, with a demonstration by local teens; registration requested; all proceeds benefit the anti-bullying program Challenge Day, organized by the Serendipity West Foundation; $40; 6 p.m. dinner, 5:30 p.m. cocktail hour and auction; Chow, 1110 N.W. Newport Ave., Bend; 541382-1093.










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Tribune MediaServices

When I watched today's deal in a Chicago game at the club, South was Joe Overberry, who thinks it's nobler to go down in pursuit of overtricks than to make what he bid. That drives his partners to aspirin. Joe reached four spades after opening one spade. He ruffed the second heart and saw he could make a prized overtrick if both black suits behaved well. So Joe led a trump to dummy and returned a trump to finesse with his jack. West t ook t h e q u een and accurately led his last trump. Joe won and tried the three top clubs, but West got his jack, and the defense also got a diamond. Down one.

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"It never fails," North said as he reached for a handy aspirin bottle. "The man gives away 720 points trying for a 30-point overtrick." After Joe ruffs the second heart, his correct and winning play is to cash the A-K of trumps. When East-West play low, Joe starts the clubs and can ruff a club in dummy, setting up his fifth club. He loses a diamond, a heart and a trump.


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Now arrange the circled letters to form the surprise answer, as suggested bythe above cartoon.


© LaughingStockInternsrronal Inc, Dist by Unwersal uclrck for UFS,2012

"Just put it back on the wall."

17 Holiday staple 18 GRF succeeded him 19 "The Memory Trees" album maker 20 Join the cast o 21 1940s Time film critic James 22 Head turner 24 Winter warmer 26 Consented 29 Soften 31 Firing spots 32 Bus stop 33 Exhibits 34 Home of the Kon-Tiki Museum 35 It may be mar 36 Signs of neglect

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equipment, often 1 1 Stable diet? 12 Progress at a ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE: faster rate 13 Unfortunate R E HA B G E N O A S G T 14 R e a der: AN E R A O N E A L P OW alternative media F L Y I N G S T A R T R B I anthology A T M O S T H A U S 21 Hawks home ASU S U A L E GO I S T Abbr. R E S C O L D F RO N T 23 Volkswagen CR E S C E I G E R model 25 Subject of a B RE A K I N G H E A R T 1922 discovery I RO N Y T H I N G 26 "Cheersl" R A Z O R B A C K C U P 27 Windows S O L E M N R E B O O T S alternatives A C I D S C A R UM 28 "You can count SO B G R A N D F I N A L E S C I M O R E L L I N E N 29 Board Y O S S T A T E D A T E D 30 City north of Cologne 11/1 0/1 2 xwordeditor@aol.com I











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monogram 58 Antipastos, e.g.

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By Barry C. Silk (c)2012 Trlbune Medla Servlces, Inc.


48 4 9 54






ried that her daughter didn't understand what the decision Continued from B1 meant. In addition, Mayhill Today, she is earning her h a d t w o t houghts in mind: She degree while juggling life as w a n ted to do mental health a single parent. And her fu- c o u nseling but not deal with ture looks bright: Even in this b l o od. She also didn't want to economy, a company flew shoot agun. " I'm looking a t her to Portland on W e dnesday her and I'm think~PU "BCI//Y to court her for i ng s h e' s f a i r l y a job after she sheltered," Virginia COU/Qfl'$jgrI pfB . graduates in Mayhill said. "I ref g(gr June. ally figured by the M ayh i 1 1's cfrI~ pBCICB third week she'd be mother, Virgin- CIrid fl pg Q clyB g oin g ,'What did I do?' " ia, said she has long recognized Neither of M ay-

a tenaciousness ypU perSOnally. in her daughter before M a y hill p erhaps saw i t

hil l ' s plans held up

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l ong. T h e N a tional Guard r eq u i r ed ~ her to undergo an . mpmBrI tS Ifl herself. emergency medical " I t h in k t h e /BgdB1SQ jp technician c o u rse self-awarenessof as part of working how she presents t oward he r g o a l , is just starting I r y p U/6 SBB$/1 B and s he was dealing to dawn on her," COASBgUBACBS with w eapons alVirginia Mayhill most i m mediately. f sard. Later, she even won "That's t he C/B C I SI prIS. a German marksthing about Ramanship award. " " >"' "Yeah," chel," she added. she "She has vision. laughs, "I got over If she's going to that." take something on, she's goOth e r p l ans also changed. ing to do it well. She doesn't do M a y hill w ent t hrough basic fluff." training in July 2001, intending to return to COCC and Finding her way continue her college classes. For Mayhill, joining the milThen c a m e 9/Il. The first itary was a turning point. Nat ion a l G u ard deployment She said boredom, running s o o n followed, and she volunwith the wrong crowd and bul- t e ered to go. "I was scared, and I went lyingledhertoleaveRedmond High. anyway," recalled M a yhill, "I actually was a really de- w h o was 19 at the time. "It was cent student," she said. "Iwas where rubber meets the paveinvolved in student govern- m e nt. Itwaskindofapersonal ment and choir." test to see if I could make it, After acing her GED, May- s e e i f I c ouldcontribute." hill enrolled at Central Oregon Community College. She took ServiCe abrOad classes there for a time, until The d e p loyment was Mayone day a military recruiter h i l l 's first time abroad. Evenstarted chatting with her while t u a l ly, her time in the service sheworkedatRedmond'sSno- t o o k her to Egypt, South KoCap Drive-In. rea, Honduras and Germany. The conversation quickl y Egyp t ' s Sinai Peninsula, her transformed into a decision: f i r s t d e stination, fascinated She would convince her par- M a y h ill. It seemed a land of ents to sign a waiver so she j u x t apositions. couldjointheOregonNational She r e c ounted once being Guard at age 17. approached by militants in a "I just felt like I wasn't go- m a r k et. People asked her to inganywhere,andIfeltbigger b r i n g their opinions back to than a Redmond High School Washington, D.C.,as though dropout,"shesaid."Ijustknew s h e were a close confidant of I was." President George W. Bush. H er parents weren't so sure. Then there were tourists from Virginia Mayhill said she wor- w e stern Europe. .



Courtesy Christine June/U.S. Army

Rachel Mayhlll, walking at right, supervises the Landstuhl Regional Medical Center Color Guard in Germany in 2009. Mayhill spent nearly a decade in the U.S. Army and rose to the rank of staff sergeant before choosing to return to Central Oregon. "You'd have t hese nude beaches and there would be Muslim workers there," she said. "Culturally, you could see it coming." It was while in Egypt, she said, that she decided to go from National Guard to active duty. She wanted the additional training and liked the prospect of the stability. "I looked at it as a lifestyle," she said. From Egypt, she spent a year in S outh K orea, then went to the Landstuhl Regional Medical Center in Germany, which has been a first stop for wounded soldiers coming out of the field throughout the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. Mayhill worked with soldiers grappling w it h p o sttraumatic stress disorder and addiction issues. She a l so helped unload wounded soldiers as they arrived from war zones. "It was such a historic place at this time in our nation's history," Mayhill said. "There are still busloads of casualties arriving even today on a daily basis." It was during that time that, on a whim, Mayhill applied for a job with Landstuhl's command sergeant major, the top enlisted officer at the hospital

who was in charge of roughly 1,000 people. After her interview, instead of the position she applied for, she was made his administrative assistant. The job entailed arranging the visits of high-level military officials, politicians and celebrities and escorting them through their itineraries. "I felt really lucky to be in that position because I'm interested in people, and I didn't shy away from conversation," Mayhill said. "You really couldn't ignore issues of war and peace and not have them touch you personally," she continued. "You would see intimate moments in leadership, as people would see the consequences of their decisions." Sgt. Maj. Quentin Rice, who worked with Mayhill inthe job, called her a "hard charger." "Have you seen'M'A"S'H?' " he said. "There was Radar, who was always a step ahead o f th e c o lonel. T hat w a s my nickname fo r M a y hill — Radar. "She was able to predict and ensure that things were set in order beforehand," he continued. "She would say, 'You're going to be needing this, you're going to be needing that.' " Her departure from the

military, Rice concluded, was a loss, "Because she was going to be climbing through the ranks for sure."

A bright future Mayhill said she left the military after a divorce to focus on her now 7-year-old daughter. That meant returning home to Central Oregon. There was, of course, a transition, particularly in how remote the conflicts are to many Americans. "You live in a world where the casualties of war are an e veryday e x perience," s h e said. "And then you come back to metro areas and people are shopping at Bed, Bath & Beyond, redecorating t h eir bathrooms." "It took me a solid year to feel like a civilian," she added. Mayhill soon enrolled at OSU-Cascades, where she is earning a liberal arts degree focusing on social and community development with a business and e ntrepreneurship minor. She got involved on campus. Bruce Petersen, internships, employment and alumni relations coordinator at OSU-Cascades, called Mayhill an exceptional listener who is good at building relationships. She

also is self-aware, able to assess her values and skills. Dollar, an O SU-Cascades speech and communications associateprofessor, said Mayhill has a sense of civic duty ingrained in her. For instance, before she was student body president, M a y hil l he l p ed lobby to get a professional development class offered in the liberal arts curriculum even though she wouldn't be able to take it herself. "It didn't fit in her schedule," Dollar said. "But she knew it was needed for the other students." O n Sunday, Mayhill w i l l march in Bend's Veterans Day parade alongside other OSUCascades students who are veterans. About 5 percent of OSU-Cascades students are veterans, according to campus statistics. Veteransare a subject Mayhill is passionate about, particularly from her vantage point as a behavioral health specialist in the Army. "I am so thankful for the veterans'sacrifices made, past and present," she said, mentioning a trip t o N ormandy as one of the highlights of her time in Europe. "I would encourage veterans to be brave enough to tell at least one other human being about their story. No matter their mistakes or failures, they'vemade an amazing contribution in life." Mayhill w il l g r aduate in June. "I know it's different, but I don't have a goal for what I want to do," she said about her next step. "I have a goal of the type of company I want to work for: team-focused, high energy, room for i ndividual development. And that is socially responsible." The sentiment doesn't surprise her mother. "Rachel is going to do something that has meaning to it, that's clear," Virginia Mayhill said. "She might take the path of g r eater r esistance, but she knows it has greater rewards." "She's genuinely interested in people, which is not something I'm sure you can teach," Dollar said. "I can't even wait to see what she does." — Reporter: 541-617-7828, hhagemeier®bendbulletin.com


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News of Record, C2 Obituaries, C7 Business, C3-5 Wea t her, C8 THE BULLETIN • SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 2012

LOCAL BRIEFING McKenzie Pass closes early The Oregon Depart-

ment of Transportation closed McKenziePass Highway on Friday, earlier than expected follow-

ing a recent dumping of snow. Earlier this week,

ODOTannounced state Highway 242, running between Sisters and

Belknap Springs, would close next week. Higher than anticipated snow-

fall changed that plan,

O www.bendbulletin.com/local

Har rave convicte in son's eat Nonprofit Bulletin staff report A jury Friday found James Hargrave, of Tumalo, guilty of murdering his son, Steven Hargrave, with a single pistol shot to the chest in December 2011. Hargrave, 62, was scheduled by Circuit Judge Ashby Wells for sentencing Nov. 16 at 9:30 a.m. in Bend. Jurors deliberated about eight hours Thursday and Friday before reaching a verdict at I p.m. Hargrave faces

a mandatory life sentence with a 25-year minimum, according to Deschutes County District Attorney Patrick Flaherty. Attorneys for Hargrave detailed at trial his health problems, which include a stroke, diabetes and kidney failure for which he receives dialysis treatments. They argued he shot his 29-year-old son in self-defense. According to testimony at the two-week trial, Steven Hargrave was a

considerate son who, when he drank, became an unpredictable bully. Both men were drinking the day Steven Hargrave was killed — the father while watching football, the son while doing yard work. James Hargrave took the stand to describe a feeling of fear the day his son confronted him in the bedroom the father shared with his wife, Steven's mother, Pamela Hargrave. "I thought he was gonna

beat me up, because he'd done itbefore,"James Hargrave testified Nov. 2. "His eyes were wide, he was furious, he was screaming," the father said. Pamela Hargrave testified Nov. I that Steven Hargrave would "turn into a monster" when he became intoxicated. He became abusive and threatening, she said, and often threatened to cut off her and her husband's heads. See Hargrave /C2

according to ODOT. The windy highway

over the 5,325-foot pass closes each snowseason. The earliest closure


was on Oct. 18, 1996, and the latest was on Jan. 10, 1939, according to ODOT. Last year it closed on Nov. 14.

t rt iQ~~gr l


Officer graduation ceremony today A graduation ceremony for Central Oregon Reserve LawEnforcement Officer Academy graduates is scheduled at 10 a.m. today in Redmond.

Commencement exercises for the class of 2012 will take place in Ridgeview High School's auditorium on Southwest Elkhorn •

Avenue. Thegraduates

. ss

I . •


represent four Central

• It

As.wu /i'i4p

Oregon lawenforcement agencies, including the Deschutes County Sheriff's Office, and the Prineville, Madras and Redmond police departments.

Graduates havesuccessfully completed 321 hours of intensive academy training, and will return to their agencies

as sworn ReservePeace Officers. — From staff reports

Have astoryidea or sudmission? Contactus! The Bulletin Call a reporter: Bend................ 541-617-7829 Redmond ........ 541-977-7185 Sisters............. 541-977-7185 La Pine........... 541-383-0348 Sunriver ......... 541-383-0348 Deschutes ...... 541-617-7837 Crook ..............541-633-2184 Jefferson ........541-633-2184 Salem .............. 541-554-1162 D.C..................202-662-7456 Business........541-383-0360 Education ....... 541-977-7185 Public lands .....541-617-7812 Public safety.....541-383-0387 Projects .......... 541-617-7831

Sudmissions: • Letters and opinions: Mail:My Nickel's Worth or In My View p.o. Box 6020 Bend, OR97708 Details on theEditorials page inside. Contact: 541-383-0358, bulletin@bendbulletin.com

• Civic Calendar notices: Email event information to news©bendbulletin.com, with "Civic Calendar" in the subject, and include acontact nameatt dphonenumber. Contact: 541-383-0354

• School news andnotes: Email news items and noticesof general interest to news@bendbttlletin.com. Emailannouncementsof teens' academicachievements to youthC!bendbulletin.com. Email college notes, military graduations and reunion info to bttlletirt@bendbttlletin.com. Details: School coverageruns Wednesday in this section. Contact: 541-383-0358

• Births, engagements,

marriages, partnerships, anniversaries: Details: The Milestones page publishesSundayin Community Life. Contact: 541-383-0358

Photos by Andy Tullls /The Bulletin

A group of people prepare for a presentationby Russ Morgan, of the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Friday at a forum on wolf and livestock interactions at the Central Oregon Community College Open Campus in Prineville.

anc ers earn non et a met o s to mana e wo ves By Dylan J. Darling The Bulletin

PRINEVILLE — As wolves spread toward Central Oregon, ranchers can look to the easterncorner of the state for lessons on how to try to keep their cattle from being killed. This was part of the advice passed on Friday by Russ Morgan, state wolf coordinator for the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. He was among the speakers at a forum in Prineville focused on the interactions of wolves and livestock, which drew about 50 people. Methods to p rotect livestock without killing wolves vary from setting up fladry, electric fence adorned with brightly colored ribbon, to hiring horsemen to ride the

Russ Morgan, of the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, talks about Incident Scene Investigations on Friday at a forum for ranchers on methods to protect livestock from wolves in Prineville.

range to releasing guard dogs. gan said. "... These wolves But each method has its limitations and their effectiveness has yet to be proven. "You don't really know if it is because you did that," Mor-

don't always eat cattle every time they can." He recommended ranchers start by removing bone piles, places where they have long

discardedcattle carcasses,as they are magnets for wolves. Working out of LaGrande, Morgan has been tracking w olves spreading into t h e state from Idaho for years and d ocumenting a t tacks on livestock since 2009. Last year there were 10 confirmed wolf killings of livestock and close to 20 possible killings, according to ODFW's annual wolf report. There are six known wolf packs in Oregon, all of them living in the northeast corner of the state, according to ODFW. At least two wolves split off and crossed through Central Oregon last year. "There may be other packs between here an d t h ere," Morgan said. See Wolves /C2

faces reviewsof finance, governing By Megan Kehoe The Bulletin

After the financial turmoil Bend's Community Center has experienced m recent months, the center is planning financial and governance reviews to help it move forward. "We want the community to know everything we're doing and that we're on the up and up," said Linda Heatley, the executive director of the community center. "We want to be transparent." The nonprofit nearly dissolved in September after racking up substantial debt and overextending itself though its community programs, but it now plans to continue several of its core programs. In an effort to assess its future, the organization will undergo a financial review by SGA Certified Public Accountants 8t. Consultants, with results expected to be released in mid-December. "We hope to find out everything is as it should be," Heatley said, "and to be able to go forward in a positive direction." Jane Wendell, the director of finance and administration for the United Way of Deschutes County, which has helped organize the financial review, says a review is a step below an audit. She also says the organization would have undergone a financial review this year anyway, as it typically does every three years. The community center has already cut several programs, but elected to maintain key programs, including Feed the Hungry, Becca's Closet and senior meals through the Central Oregon Council

on Aging. SeeNonprofit /C2

"We want the community to know everything we're doing and that we're on the up and up. We want to be transparent." — Linda Heatley, executive director, Bend's Community Center



Bend veteran hailed ashero in British flood dies at 81 Bulletin staff report A Bend resident and an American who saved more than 20 lives during a 1953 flood in England has died. Reis Leming died at his home Sunday. He was 81. Leming, a native of East St. Louis, Ill., owned a burglar and fire alarm company in Bend. But he was best known for a daring rescue on a chilly night on Jan. 31, 1953. Then a 22-year-old serving in the U.S. Air Force as a flight engineer and co-pilot on a B29 crew based near Hunstanton, a small town on England's east coast, Leming reportedly saved morethan 20 livesduring a horrific flood that killed more than 300 people. SeeLeming /C2


Are you l o o k i n g f o r a n e x q u i s it e T h a n k sgiving m e at

w ithout any of th e wo rk ? O u r T h a n k sgiving br u n c h w i l l f eature lo cal t u r k ey and o t h e r f ar e ss well as our c h e f ' s wonderful pumpkin cheesecake.

Seatings available by reservation between t t:OOam and 3:OOPtn Pete Erickson/The Bulletin file photo

Bend resident and U.S. Air Force veteran Reis Leming, pictured in 2001, is credited with saving the lives of more than 20 flood victims in England in 1953. Leming, the owner of a burglar and fire alarm company in Bend, was awarded the Soldier's Medal, the U.S. military's highest honor for heroism not involving combat with the enemy. He died Sunday at 81.

P RO N G H O R N A o Au b e rg e Res o rt

6S6oo Pronghorn Club Dr l 54 I - 6 9 3 - 5 3 00 l ww w.pronghornclub.com

Reservations Required. Pleasec all54t-6 9 3 - 5 $ 0 0 .



Hargrave 'I ' ' • • Canyou work a camera, and capture a great picture? And canyou tell us a bit about it? Email to readerphotos@bendbulletin.com your color or black-andwhite photos and we'll pick the best for publication in the paper and online. Submission requirements:Include as much detail as possible — when and where you took it, and any special technique used — as well as your name, hometown and phone number. Photos must be high resolution (at least 6 inches wide and 300 dpi) and cannot be altered.

Continued from C1 But Flaherty played for jurors James Hargrave's videotaped interview with sheriff's investigators and called to the stand sheriff's deputies who responded to the scene in Tumalo on Dec. 4, 2011. A sheriff's deputy who responded that day and stood watch over the father testified that he appeared nonchalantand never claimed he shot his son in self-defense. During the videotaped interview, James Hargrave said, in effect, that he'd had enough of his son's bullying.

Leming Continued from C1 With a 20-person inflatable raft in t ow, Leming fought through severe wind and icy water that at times rose above his head, th e 6 -foot-3-inch Leming recalled for The Bulletin in 2001. Wearing a wetsuit, Leming picked British and American men, women and children off of rooftops and shuttled them to higher

In closing Thursday, Flaherty said Hargrave never told detectives on the day of the shooting that he had acted in self-defense.Even ifHargrave now claims self-defense, options short of lethal force were available to him, the DA argued to jurors. T he case p r esented b y Hargrave's attorneys, Terry Rahmsdorff and Karla Nash, presented James and Pamela Hargrave as harried, suffering and fearful parents. Steven Hargrave's behavior that night drove his mother to leave the house moments before the fatal shot was fired, according to her

testimony. The son advanced on his father despite his father's warning he would shoot, according to James Hargrave's testimony. The jury went home Thursday and returned for four hours Fridaybefore rendering a guilty verdict. Flaherty thanked the jurors who heard the case in a prepared statement. "I appreciate and am grateful for their service to our community and willingness to deal with the e motionally-wrenching evidence that they had to consider in this case," Flaherty said, according to his office.

' What the hell am I d o i ng here?' " By morning, Leming had collapsed fro m e x h austion and hypothermia had set in. When he awoke, he was

highest honor for heroism not i nvolving combat w it h t h e enemy. In 1993, Leming returned to Hunstanton and made several visits after. But memories of that night never faded. "I've a lways been c o n cerned, for 50 years, about how many peopledidn'tmake it," he told The Bulletin. Leming had been scheduled to return to Hunstanton this week for a parade to honor the 60th anniversary of the U.S. Air Force's 67th Air Rescue S quadron, according to t h e Eastern Daily Press, a newspaper based in that region. A footpath bearing Leming's name will be unveiled at the c eremony, according to t h e

lying on his back, staring up

at an ornate ceiling. His first thought, he said, was that he must be in heaven. "When I woke up, the first thing I heard was, 'His legs will have to come off,'" Leming told The Bulletin. ground. The nurse, he learned years "It was cold, bitterly cold," later, was referring to the legs L eming recalled in a B B C of his wetsuit. story published in 2003. "And Leming was awarded the there came a time when I real- George Medal, a civil decoraized that I, too, was probably tion presented by the United not going to survive. Kingdom for acts of bravery. "Everything was out of con- He also received the Soldier's trol. And I wondered at times, Medal, th e U .S . m i l itary's newspaper. s



CENTRAL OREGON SUNRISE Jan Irons, of La Pine,took this photo of a sunrise at her home with her Sony Alpha200 with a 75-300 Macro lens set at 75, F4.5 and ISO 400.

Wolves Continued from C1 There are now well over 50 wolves in Oregon, he said, with an in-depth report due to be released early next year. "I think we are on the tip of a fairly rapid population expansion," he said. S tate s p onsored h u n t s eradicated wolves from Oregon by the 1940s, but now they are making a r e t urn. The wolves made their way into the state from Idaho. R anchers in C entral O r egon are bracing for the arrival of wolf packs and the forum was designed to give them an ideas of how to prot ect l i vestock f r o m t h e m , said Seth Crawford, a Crook County c ommissioner a n d member of the county's wolf committee. "This is something we have to figure out before they get here," he said. M any r anchers w ere a t t he forum, h osted b y t h e Crook, Jefferson and Wheeler County wolf committees. The forum featured a panel with Eastern Oregon ranchers who have contended with wolves. Todd Nash, a rancher from E nterprise wit h M a r r F l a t

Cattle Co., said wolves likely killed two head of cattle this year; this is the third year he's dealt with wolf attacks on his cattle. Nash has been a p r ominent voice among Wallowa County ranchers opposed to wolves returning to Oregon. He said he's hired a r ange rider to help protect his herd of 650 animals, but such nonlethal methods don't compare with killing wolves to stop conflicts. "A dead wolf isn't going to kill my cattle," Nash said. Killing wolves isn't an option in Eastern Oregon at the moment. While ODFW has killed wolves that attacked livestock in the past, an ongoing lawsuit questioning the validity of th e practice has stopped it. Wolves are listed as an endangered species by the state throughout Oregon and are also federally listed as endangered in the western two thirds of the state. So, for now, the emphasis is on ways to protect livestock without killing wolves. These efforts will be costly to ranchers, said Galen Wunsch, a rancher on the C Lazy K Ranch between Madras and Prineville, and a member of the Jefferson County wolf

The Bulletin will update items in the Police Log when such a request is received. Any new information, such as the dismissal of charges or acquittal, must be verifiable. For more information, call 541-383-0358. Bend Police Department Theft —A theft was reported at 11:43 a.m. Nov. 7, in the 2600 block of Northeast U.S. Highway20. Unlawfulentry — A vehicle was reported entered at 9:57 p.m. Nov. 7, in the 600 block of Southeast Glenwood Drive. DUII —Tamarah Janele Howell,

22, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at1:17 a.m. Nov. 8, in the area of Northeast Greenwood Avenue and Northeast Second Street. Prineviiie Police Department

Vehicle crash —An accident was reported at 5:17 p.m. Nov. 8, in the area of Northwest Third Street. Oregon State Police Vehicle crash —An accident was reported at1:20 p.m. Nov. 8, in the area of U.S. Highway 97 near milepost 149. Vehicle crash —An accident was

reported at 6:55 p.m. Nov. 8, in the area of West U.S. Highway 20 near milepost 82. Vehicle crash —An accident was reported Nov. 8, in the area of U.S. Highway 97 near milepost173. DUII —William M. Fields, 29, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at 5:30 p.m. Nov. 8, in the area of U.S. Highway 97 near milepost171.

BEND FIRE RUNS Thursday 9:27 a.m.— Natural gas leak, 61135 Ambassador Drive. 18 —Medical aid calls.

"A dead wolf isn't going to kill my cattle." — Todd Nash, Wallowa County rancher


committee. "As a producer I have to spend more money to protect the livestock," he said. Having seen a wolf — OR-3, as the state designated the radio-collared animal — on the ranch last year, Wunsch said he's already started bringing cattle in earlier in the year and keeping them closer than he did before the sighting. The wolf, originally from the Imnaha wolf pack of Wallowa County, was last tracked in the Ochocos in September 2011, Morgan said. Scientists are still tracking his brother, OR-7, which garnered national media attention by wandering into California in late 2011 after pass-

r no f

or s

,l. • I t.




r ' s.

ing through Central Oregon that fall. The wolf, wearing a global positioning system collar, was last tracked near Red Bluff in Northern California earlier this week, according to the California Department of Fish and Game.


— Reporter: 541-617-7812, ddarlingC<bendbufletin.com

2012 RAM 3500 CREW CAB4X4



ment policies. Jessica Sotelo, the executive director of PartContinued from C1 ners for Prosperity in Pocatello, In addition to a financial re- Idaho, will also lead a retreat view, the organization is having for board members of the orgaa nonprofit organization man- nization this month. The comagement expert from I daho munity center is also seeking provide a formal governance volunteers for its board. review to help reorganize and Heatley views both reviews review the nonprofit's manage- as a way to strengthen the or-

ganization and help restore its viability. "We want people toknow that we're moving forward and that we're open for business," Heatley said. "Our goal is still to help as many people as we can.

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Tammy Baney, R-Bend Phone: 541-388-6567 Email: Tammy Baney© co.deschutes.or.us Alan Unger, D-Redmond



For The Bulletin's full list, including federal, state, county and city levels, visit w w w.bendbulletin.comlofficials. County Commission

2012 RAM 1500 QUADCAB4X4

— Reporter: 541-383-0354, mkehoeC<bendbulletin.com


QFF M$RP Sale Price.........$45,695

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C3 Weekly market review, C4-5 People on the Move, C5 THE BULLETIN • SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 2012

NASD <QCHANGE+9.29+.32% IN BRIEF Confidence highest since2007 WASHINGTON

— Despite the looming fiscal cliff, consumers continue to get more optimistic about the direc-

tion of the economy. Consumer confidence has risen so far this month to 84.9 from last month's 82.6 reading,

according to a preliminary November reading Friday from Thomson Reuters and the Liniver-

sity of Michigan.

O www.bendbulletin.com/business

DOIIVjO~ NS CHANGE+4.07+.03%

SttI'MII CHANGE+2.34+.17%

• BONDS Tr+s stIY cHANGE' %


Many tax cuts expire at year's en Boeing By Catherine Rampell New Yorh Times News Service

Americans' taxes will rise in a few weeks. Though the direction is clear, the exact amount is yet to be determined. More than a dozen tax cuts are setto expire and a couple of newtaxes are scheduled to land on Dec. 31. Combined, they would affect nearly 90 percentoftaxpayers,from the very richest to the very poorest, with the typical household's tax bill rising by about

$2,000 in 2013, according to the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center. One-percenters would seetheirtaxes rise an average of $121,000. On Tuesday, Congress will reopen discussions about how to deal with the combination of spending cuts and tax increaseslooming atyear's-end, and maybe even dip a toe into a broader tax overhaul. "It would be bad for the economy and it would hit families that are already struggling to make ends meet," President

Barack Obama said on Friday of thescheduled increases in taxes. "While there may be disagreement in Congress over whether or not to raise taxes on folks making over $250,000 a year, nobody — not Republicans, not Democrats — want taxes to go up for folks making under $250,000 a year." While legislators are expected to try to reverse or temper many of the scheduled tax increases, atleasta few appear to be a fait accompli. Accountants and tax lawyers are ex-

pecting a flurry of frantic calls in the last few weeks of this year as clients rearrange their affairs to minimize the blow. "I don't expect to have any respite from now till the end of the year," said Robert Willens, the president of his tax and accounting practice in New York. "Clients are very concerned and kind of confused about what to do, whether they should be taking any affirmative steps or waiting to see what happens." SeeTax/C5

highest level in more than five years.

"More consumers expected good rather than bad times financially in

the economy in early November, not only for the year ahead but over

the next five years as well," survey director Richard Curtin told

Reuters. Friday's reading builds off an increase in October to the highest

level since September 2007 in the survey,

which is one of the leading barometers of

consumer sentiment. Consumers' view of the current economic

conditions has increased this month to 91.3 from 88.1.

And consumers' expectations of how the

on condition of anonymity because he's not authorized to speak publicly on the subject. "But to those in the industry, it's not so

improved, with the

survey's reading rising to 80.8 from 79.

OustedCitiCEO gets $6.6M payout

the money aspart of an "incentive" packagefor his work during 2012. He will also continue to collect his deferred cash

Photocourtesy of Pac>hcorp

he nearly 9,000 solar pmels at PacifiCorp's two-megawatt solar installation in Lake County have started generating electricity, the utility announced Friday. Located on 20 acres about two miles from downtown Lakeview, the Black Cap Solar Facility will produce enough electricity for about

In a surprise move, Pandit resigned in October, a departure that was orchestrated for months by the bank's board. Its powerful chairman, Michael O'Neill, maneuvered behind the

scenes to curry support with other directors and replace Pandit. Michael Corbat was named the new chief executive. As part of the shake-

up, the board also forced

utility-scale solar installation to begin producing power, according to PacifiCorp. The inverters, the devices that convert solar power into electrical current, were made by Advanced Energy Industries in Bend.

By Keith Bradsher New York Times News Service

BEI JING — With construction cranes moving again all across China, from Guangzhou to Beijing, and with steel mills and concrete factories busy once more, the Chinese economy is showing signs of a debt-fueled recovery this autumn even as the United States and the European Union continue to struggle.

Industrial production, fixed-asset investment, retail sales and electricity generation all strengthened more than expected last month, continuing a trend that began in September, while inflation slowed more than expected. State-owned banks have released a torrent of loans to state-owned enterprises since May, producing a swift revival of investment spend-

chief operating officer. Havens will receive $6.8

ing this fall but also raising questions about the efficiency of those investments. A raft of data came out Friday asthe country's senior officials and top military officersgathered here for the once-a-decade leadership transition at the Party

Congress, prompting some skepticism overseas and in China that the data might have been manipulated for

political benefit. But while many economists and business executives say that Chinese economic data appears to have been deliberately altered over the spring and summer to hide the severity of an economic slowdown, they expressed more confidence that the economy was now on the mend. See China /C5

WHAT'5 GOING UP? What:BendTransitional Care


i@ I

building Where:900 N.E 27th St., Bend

Out of WOrk Fewer Americans filed claims for unemployment insurance last week as the effects of Superstorm Sandy started to show up. — Continuing to claim unemploymentinsurance — Initial claim

Owner:AvamereFamily of Companies, Wilsonville Architect:LRS Architects,

Portland General contractor:Mehli

Bend Transitional

Construction, Eugene Details:Work is progressing in


northeast Bend on the new Har-

Bear CreekRd. I

mony House nursinghome,tobe called BendTransitional Care once

Greg Cross/The Bulletin

it is complete. Week ending Oct. 27 3.13 million

Construction crews havebeen working since July to build the new 43,000-square-foot facility on Northeast 27th Street, at

Northeast ForumDrive.

The current Harmony House Andy Tullisi The Bulletin

Crews with Mehli Construction, of Eugene, move dirtnear the outer walls of a new nursing home in east Bend on Friday. The nursing home is expected to open next summer.

The project is expected to wrap Week endingNov.3 355,000 '08 '09 '1 0 '11 '12 Note: Report on cont>nu>ng claims lags initial claims by one week Source: U.S. Department of Labor © 2012 McClatchy-Tribune News Service

sized that the precise design of the 777X won't be finalized until around 2014, with possible tweaks to design elements even later. See Boeing /C5

Black Fridaysales

Fueledby debt, recovery takesholdin China bleed into

outJohn Havens,the million in incentive pay for 2012. — From wire reports

surprising." The engineer empha-

400 average residential customers, according to a PacifiCorp news release. The project is Oregon's first

and stockawards from the previous year, compensation that the bank currently valued at more than $8.8 million.

By Dominic Gates

Boeing engineer, speaking

economy will perform over the next yearalso

$6.65 million to Vikram Pandit after unexpectedly ousting the chief executive last month. Pandit will receive

next jet SEATTLE — Boeing's next big jet may actually spread its wings as it prepares for takeoff. For the immense wings planned for the 777X, engineers at Boeing Co. are studying a design in which the wingtips fold upward to reduce the jet's span when it sits at the gate or rolls along a taxiway. Passengers looking out the 777X's window would see each wingtip smoothly unfold to the horizontal as the jet lines up for takeoff on the runway. Just as the hump on a 747 gives that Boeing jet a distinctive look, the folding wingtips would make the next version of the best-selling, twin-aisle 777 instantly recognizable to the general public. "There's a coolness factor.... It's sort of a sci-filike thing," said a veteran

ter than economists expected andwasthe

group has awarded

folding wings on The Seat tle Times

The figure was bet-

The board of Citi-


up early next summer,said Mike Chalmers, project managerwith Mehli Construction, the Eugene-

building will eventually serve as

the home for thebusiness currently known asHarmony House

But the company had to wait

until it got approval from the

has 53 employees.Thecompany plans to add10 moreand move them to the new facility next sum-

mer. Harmony Houseleases its Lakeside Place building. Having ownership of the new building will

give the companymoreflexibility for any future changes, Mack

based general contractor. That schedulecould change

of Bend, located on Northwest

Oregon Public Health Division to transfer beds from the existing

Lakeside Place,saidColeMack,

facility to the newone, according

sald. Blueprints filed with the cityof

depending on weather conditions this winter, he said. But crews

Harmony House administrator.

to The Bulletin's archives. That ap-

Bend showplansfor a one-story

The AvamereFamily of Companies, which runs HarmonyHouse,

proval came inJune. "The facility is going to bebuilt

building with patient rooms, a

applied for a $5.7 million building permit lastyear for the new build-

for 60 beds, providing skilled nursing and rehabilitation ser-

mon areas for patients and offices for staff. — Elon Glucklich, The Bulletin

have madegood progress sofar, with the foundation laid and the

facility's outer walls nowgoing up. The new transitional care


vices," Macksaid.

kitchen anddining facilities, com-

TurkeyDay By Stephanie Clifford New Yorlz Times News Service

There was an outcry last year when some retailers opened at midnight on Thanksgiving, with workers and shoppers saying the holiday should be reserved for family, not spent lining up for the start of the Christmas shopping season. This year, retailers are responding to the criticism by opening even earlier

on Thanksgiving evening — and a handful are even planning to be open all day. The lesson of 2011 was clear: Earlier shopping hours were good for the top line. Retailers said their midnight openings drew a younger crowd who wanted to party — and shop — late rather than get up early. At Macy's Herald Square store in Manhattan, for instance, about 9,000 people were in line as it opened, compared with 7,000 for an early Friday opening the previous year. "We got customer feedback that says, 'I like to shop earlier so I can go to bed earlier,' as we looked at the balance ofbeing competitive in the marketplace and being customercentric," said Duncan Mac Naughton, chief merchandising and marketing officer for Wal-Mart, which will put its first doorbuster items on sale at 8 p.m. on Thanksgiving.



P EOPLE ON THE MOV E Pete and Sue Pierce, of Postal Connections in Bend, recently received the Postal Connections of A merica 2 0 1 1 S Top Salesaward. The couple have received thi s a ward eve r y year since 2002, P e t e except for 2010. Pie r ce Adam Birdwell of De s c hutes Brewery has been promoted to account sales specialist in the San F r ancisco S u e area. B i r dwell Pie r ce h as b ee n a n employee at the p ub i n d o w n town Bend f or the last year and will relocate to the Bay A r e a Bir d well

He has a bachelor's degree in philosophy from C a lifornia State University and has a certificate from the u n i v ersity to teach l o gic a nd cr iti c a l thinking. Lisa McCarthy, McCarthy a b r o ker at John L . Scott R e a l Estate in Bend, has r ec e ived the certified accredited b uyer representative designation. She Beaver has also earned the seniors real estate specialist designation, which focuses on c ounseling clients age 50 and older through transitions involved in relocating, refinancing or selling a home. McCarthy has been in the real estate busito help manage ness since 2006. relationships with d i stribuMelissa Beaver has joined tors and retail accounts and John L. Scott Real Estate in provide customer education Bend as a broker. Beaver has on Deschutes and craft beers. a background i n c u stomer

service and has worked for the Bend-La Pine School District and St. Charles Health System. She has lived in Bend for 22 years.


These include expansions of the child tax credit, a tax benefit for college students, and the earned-income tax credit for larger families and married

expire at the end of this year would raise an additional $52 Continued from C3 billion in 2013. Allowing the i ncome tax Tax increases to expect ratesfor high-earners to lapse At least two categories of tax would mean that, for married increasesare widely expected couples, income over $397,000 to materialize in some form. would be taxed at 39.6 percent A payroll tax cut given in instead of the current 35 perthe 2011 and 2012 calendar cent, and that income from years — which was intended $222,300 to $397,000 would be as a temporary stimulus — is taxed at 36 percent instead of set to expire, and so far both the current 33 percent. Democrats and Republicans For those in the top income seem ready to let that happen, quintile, t h es e p r o v isions although there could be some would raise their tax liability provision made to ease the by an average of $2,282 next pain for the lowest-earners. year. The top I percent of tax The lapsing payroll tax cut filers would owe an additional affects everyone who works, $45,002. or about three-quarters of all Allowing the Bush-era capitax filers. A household in the tal gains rates to rise would middle quintile, roughly be- also affect these high-income tween $40,000 and $65,000, earners. could expect its taxes to rise by This year, investors pay a an average of $672 next year, top marginal tax rate on their while a household in the top long-term capital gains of 15 quintile, being paid more than percent. Under current law, $108,000, would pay an aver- this rate will jump to 20 perage of $1,950 more, according cent in 2013, not including the to the Tax Policy Center. additional 3.8 percent increase W ith t h e r e - election o f from the Affordable Care Act Obama, the taxes imposed by on high-income investors dehis health care overhaul will scribed earlier. In addition, a also almost certainly remain. limitation on itemized deducStarting in 2 013, high-in- tions is also scheduled to kick come Americans will pay an in at the end of this year that additional tax of 0.9 percent on could add another 1.2 percent. their earnings above $250,000 In other words, all t hese if they are married and above changes could raise the capital $200,000 if filing singly. These gains rate to effectively 25 perhouseholds will also pay an ad- cent on Jan. I, from 15 percent ditional 3.8 percent on capital on Dec. 31. Economists expect gains, dividend and interest in- to see a lot of investors unloadcome over those same thresh- ing assets that have done well olds. The average household in — like stocks or even their the top income quintile — the own businesses — by the end group of Americans most like- of this year to take advantage ly to be hit by these new taxes of the lower tax rate. "There was a good reason — would owe an additional $1,141. for George Lucas to unload Lucasfilm to Disney this year," Tax changesObama wants said Len Burman, a professor The fate of the other sched- of public affairs at the Univeruled tax increases is less clear. sity of Syracuse. Obama has a dvocated for After Congress embraced some of them, but the Repub- the Tax Reform Act of 1986, licans, who control Congress, which raised the highest capihave opposed them. tal gains tax rate to 28 percent In particular, Obama wants from 20 percent, capital gains to let lapse the lower rates be- realizations almost doubled as gun in the Bush era on income, investors scrambled to sell off capital gains and dividends for investments before the higher higher earners, whom he has rate kicked in. The reported defined asthose earning more gains then fell back in 1987. than $250,000formarried couWhile he wants to let taxes ples and $200,000 for others. rise for the wealthy, Obama These tax rates were previ- would like t o e xtend some ously set to expire at the end provisionspassed in the 2009 of 2010, and were given a two- stimulus bill t hat p r imarily year extension. Letting them benefit lower-income families.



l lt


s 4s s




M ED I l ase r




Chris Hodge has joined Worthy Brewing Company in Bend as chief beer executive. Hodge has been in the craft beer industry for 28 years. He worked the last 18 years at Columbia Distributing in Portland and spent the last five years as the director of specialty brands. Hodge also previously spent 10 years as the vice president of Admiralty Beverage.

couples. Republicans generally want these provisions to expire. Allowing these provisions to lapse most affects households in the lowest quintile, whose taxes would rise an average of $209 next year.

Disagreement on changes The estate tax is another sticking point, though both parties do not want the estate tax to rise as sharply as it is scheduled to under current law. Now, the first $5 million of a person'sestate remains untaxed, and anything above that is taxed at 35 percent. Under current law, the effective exemption would fall to $1 million and the top tax rate would rise to 55 percent. Estate taxes affect very few Americans; as it is, only about 0.13percent of people who die have estates big enough to owe estate tax. If the pre-Bush-era rates go into effect as planned, that will rise to about 2 percent of estates, said Roberton Williams, a senior fellow at the Tax Policy Center. Obama has proposed setting the exemption for the estate tax at 83.5 million, indexed to inflation, whereas Republicans want to eliminate the tax altogether. "One thing you might see this year is wealthier people gifting significant amounts of their assets, putting them in trusts or giving to their heirs early," said W i l liams. Still, there are limits on how much people can give away without running into gift taxes, and besides,some wealthy people might be reluctant to divvy up the fortune too soon. "You

might hear some people saying, 'How do I do this without losing control'? Can I still keep Junior under my thumb?'" said Williams. There are also a grab bag of previously extended tax provisions that affect households, businesses, charitable giving and many other issues. Neither party seems to want to let these lapse in their entirety, but again, they differ on the details.


(oO] '

(541) 318-7311

Foldingwingtipsforthe777X Because of the wide wingspan Boeing is projecting for its new 777X twinjet, engineers are studying folding wingtips to avert the need for airport infrastructure changes, such as wider gates. In 1995, Boeing patented such a design, never used, in which the outer 21 feet of each wing folded upwards (shown here); new design under consideration for the 777X may require no more than a 10-foot fold at each wingtip

Folding tips

wingspan. That mechanism was even built and tested — the fullscale model used then is on display at the M useum of Flight Restoration Center at Paine Field in Everett, Wash. But no airline ever bought this option. The idea has been revived now because of the oversized wingspan envisaged for the new 777X, the next version of Boeing's l arge t w i njet widebody. Targeted to enter service by the end of this decade, it will feature new, fuel-efficient engines and thin, aerodynamic w ings that ar e s i milar t o those of the 787 Dreamliner a nd likely made from t h e same carbon-fiber-rei nforced plastic composite. A ccording to r eports i n the trade press, engineers are looking at a wingspan as wide as 233 feet — about nine feet wider than Boeing's bigger jumbo jet, the 747-8. On the 1995 design, the outermost 21 feet of e ach wing was to fold upward on



777-300 E R

expected to be up to

wingspan 212 feet, 7 fttches

233 feet

Source: Drawing from Soeing's U.S patent granted in 1995

Mark Nowlin, The Seattle Times/© 2012 McclatchyTrittune News Service

planes conforming to an international standard referred to as Code E — which limits the wingspan to 213 feet. Anything w i der c r eates problems. The Airbus A380 doubledecker jet, with a wingspan of 262 feet, is a category higher, Code F. Airports have had to widen runways and taxiways and build larger gates to accommodate that massive jet. But the A380 is a niche airplane serving a r e l atively small number of megacity airports. Boeing intends to b u i ld many more 777Xs, and to sell well they must be able to land at hundreds of airports such as Seattle-Tacoma a hinge. International. In the design now under Emirates, Boeing's largest consideration, however, the 777 customer, took delivery wingtip section that f o lds of the 1,000th Boeing 777 in need be no more than about March. 10 feet on each wing to avoid The plan to revamp the airport restrictions. highly profitable 777 is inMost large airports in the tended to extend its life to world can accommodate air- at least a further 1,000 jets,

satd Emtrates Prestdent Ttm Clark. He said Boeing knows it needs "a very large wing with a big span" to make it capable of the ultra-long-range missions Emirates wants it to fly. "The range and aerodynamic quality of this aircraft is all about the wing," Clark said. Yet, at the same time, he said, Boeing must also find a way to reduce the wingspan at the airport so the jet can be accommodated without infrastructure changes. "If they are going to produce 2,000 of these aircraft, it cannot be a Code F aircraft," said Clark. " It will not b e compatible for the majority of airports in the world." Boeing's Crabtree said the 777X development team is studying configurations "that exceed today's 777 w i n gspan," but that no information on ongoing studies or any details of airplane configuration are ready for release.


As a result, the loan burden of China's corporate sector is soaring relative to the country's economic output, reaching 1.9 times economic output this year, after holding steady at about 1.2 times economic output in the years before the global financial crisis. Charlene Chu, the head of Chinese bank ratings at Fitch, predicted that such

moderated in t h e s e cond quarter, domestic policies adContinued from C3 justed, helping the economy An aging work force, over- to stabilize in the third quarcapacity in many industries ter, especially in September," and heavy corporate debts he said, predicting that the appear to b e p r oducing a economy would continue to weaker recoverythan in 2010, grow into next year. however, with little sign that Many worries persist about the encouraging economic the sustainability of even a indicators released on Friday modest recovery heavily relipoint to growth rates that ant on debt. Chinese banks will reach double digits again are lending at such a brisk anytime soon. pace that by the end of next "Given that they have been year they will have expanded published while th e P arty theirbalance sheets in just five Congress is in session, some years by an amount equal to skeptics h av e q u e stioned the combined balancesheets w hether they ca n b e b e - of the entire U.S. commercial lieved," Capital Economics, a banking system, according London consulting firm, said to Fitch Ratings. Yet China's in a research note. "In our economy is only half the size view, there is solid evidence of the U.S. economy. of a turnaround but not of a Each extra dollar of lendstrong rebound." ing since 2008 has produced Zhou Xiaochuan, the gov- less than half as much extra ernor of the People's Bank of economic growth as before China, the country's central the global financial crisis. bank, said at a news confer- State-owned enterprises have ence at the Party Congress f inished urgent tasks l i k e Thursday evening that the building enough steel mills to economy appeared to have meet domestic demand and turned a corner even before are now investing in fewer the strong performance in and fewer economically viOctober. able projects to sustain eco"After C hina's economy nomic activity.

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Continued from C3 But he said some kind of foldout wingtip looks almost certain, given the very large wingspan Boeing needs to provide extra fuel efficiency. Asked about the possibility of folding wingtips, Boeing spokeswoman Karen Crabtree said the company is still "exploring all technologies" and evaluating the trade-offs they involve. In fact, it isn't a new idea. In 1995, Boeing obtained a patent for a f o lding wingtip design on th e o r iginal 777, which had a 2 00-foot



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heavy Chinese lending could not continue indefinitely. "Rising leverage either will swamp borrowers' ability to repay, or banks' funding and capital needs will fall short of existing resources," she said. The C h i nese e c onomy is especially dependent on investment spending these days because exports have not resumed the rapid growth to which many companies had become accustomed. The commerce minister, Chen Deming, said at a news conference Friday afternoon at the Party Congress that China's exports would fall short of the government's target of around 10 percent growth this year, after rising by a little of more than 6 percent so far this year.

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The weekly market review Ameriean Stoek Exehange Name Last Chg Wkly BioTime d3.34 -.01 -.36 CrsuiHiy 3.22 BlkMulT2 1722 e01 +22 Crsxeuo 2.00 MdAspac 7 94 +04 +06 BlkMunvst 11 48 i 06 +27 Crosshrg 13 AbdAustEq1033 -04 -.09 -.36 csbtcEngy .30 Abdnghile la42 eot i.gl Blks&PQEqt205 Abdclblsc 14.05 -.17 e09 Bngusc g 1.04 e05 +.09 DetourE g .19

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Biggest mutual funds Name Obl PIMCS Instl PIMS:TotRet n IB Vanguard IdxFds:Totstk n XC Vanguard Instl Fds.Instldx n SP Vanguard Admiral:500Admln SP Fidelity Invest:Contran LG Vanguard Admiral:TotsttAdm n XC AmericanFundsA CaplnBldA p BL Amencan Funds A IncordA p BL Amencan Funds A.GwthrdA p LG VanguardInstl Fds:InsPIn SP AmericanFundsA CapWGrAp GL Amencan Funds A:InvcoAA p i 9 Frank/Temp FrnkA: IncoserA p BL AmencanrundsA WshMutft p LC Dodge&cox: Dock LV Dodge&cox:Intl Stt IL Vanguard Instl Fds.TSlnst n XC Vanguard Admiral:WelltnAdmn BL Vanguard IdxFds:Totllntl n IL Vanguard Admiral:TtlBdAdml n IB

Total AssetsTtlRtrn/Rnk l$Miss) 4-wk 12-ms 1 7 1,541 7 4 ,938 6 7 ,885 5 8 ,926 5 8,699 5 8 251 5 8 ,027 5 7 ,416 5 5 ,406 4 6 ,918 4 6 ,012 44 ,920 4 1 ,736 4 0 ,202 3 9 ,914 38, 794 3 7 ,491 3 7 ,160 35 , 563 35 ,248

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Percent Load NAV +51.3/A 1,000,000 NL 11.61 + 8.0/B 3,0 00 NL 34.47 +a2/A 5,000,000 NL 12669 +at/A t0 ,000 NL 'I 27.53 + 7.8/B 9,5 00 NL 75.21 +srvB 1 0 ,000 NL 34.48 +2.0/D 250 5.9 5 52.03 +1 3.4/C 250 5 75 17.77 +0.1/D 250 5.75 32.92 ra3/A 200,000,000 NL 12e.ro -7 9/9 250 575 3556 +1.3/C 250 5.75 29.84 + 20.2/A 1,0 00 4.25 2.18 Min

5 -year


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+10.5/A +14.4/B +14 8/A +14.8/A +t t.c/B +14.6/A +11.6/A +13.1/A +14.7/A +14.8/A +13 8/A +14.1/B +t 1.9/A +13.5/C +5.7/B 250 575 3048 +19.5/A - 5.6/D 2,5 00 NL t 16.40 +1 0.3/B - 16.2/B 2,5 00 NL 32.46 +14 5/A +8 7/9 5,000,000 NL 34 48 +13.0/A +22.1/A 5 0 ,000 NL 5823 + 7 9/D -21.5/C 3, 0 00 NL 14.10 + 4 .9/E +35.4/C t 0 ,000 NL 11.21

9 -Growth. Gl -Growthft lncome. SS -Single state Muni. MP -Mixed Portfolio. GG -General USGovt. El —Equity Income SC —Small CoGrowth A- Cap Appreciation IL —International Total Return Change in NAVwith dividends reinvested Rank Howfund performed vs otherswith sameobjective A is intop 20%, E in bottom 20% Percent Load Sales charge.Min lnit lnvt: Minimum $neededto mvest infund. NA- Not avail. NE—Data inquestion. NS- Fund not in existence.



The Bulletin


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BETsY McCooc


Gottoott Bcnctt


Jotttt Cosmn

Fditur in-Clnrf Editorof Edttorials





regon took patient safety so seriously it created the Oregon Patient Safety Commission in 2003. Almost 10 years later, if Oregon is truly serious about reduc-


ing medical errors, there have been clear signs that what we have is not working. Oregon's program requires a few simple components if it's going to work: • Medical mistakes must be reported. • The mistakes must be analyzed to figure out what went wrong. • Recommendations must be made to avoid mistakes in the future. So if the mistakes don't get reported, the commission's work is sabotaged. And again and again when the commission issues reports, it says it is having trouble getting entities to voluntarily report medical mistakes. This month the commission issued its 2011 report of "adverse events" for ambulatory surgery centers. Events are things such as medication errors, infections and something left behind by mistake in a patient. There's been a decrease. There were 124 reported events in 2011. In 2010, there were 245. But the marked decrease in 2011 is not a reason to believe the commission has been successful. The commission says: "The decrease is not an indicationthat fewer adverse events areoccurring, but rather, thatfewer adverse events are being reported. While over 56 percent of the ASCs in Oregon participate in

the Patient Safety Reporting Program, only 47percent are currently reporting adverse events." The problem, then, is twofold. Not every surgery center is participating and not all of the surgery centers that are participating are reporting when mistakes are made. It's important to note that Oregon's patient safety reporting system is confidential. There are legal protections in place for this program that keep secret the identity of the people making a mistake and the confidentiality of patients. Oregon's system is also voluntary. Surgery centers, pharmacies, hospitals and so on can decide if they want to participate in the state's patient safety program. There are no penalties. When the commission was created, it chose a go-slow approach. It was a new commission. It was putting new requirements on the medical community in a sensitive area. Jim Dameron, the former executive director of the commission, used to say patient safety should not be about blame and shame but building trust in the medical community. But if almost 10 years later, medical providers aren't participating or aren't reporting, isn't it time Oregon gets serious about medical errors for patients?

From the Archives Editor's note:The following editorial from Nov. 3, 1953,does not necessarily reflect theviews of The Bulletin's editorial board today.

Noise control through licensing Bend city ordinances, admirable in the main both as to their scope and as to their relative lack of obsolete provisions, nevertheless offer some opportunities for improvem ent. One ofthese thatwe are frequently reminded of is in the fact that there is as yet no local law for the controlof sound cars.We believe there should be. Under a licensing system city supervision would be possible and supervision, it seems to us, is desirable both for traffic improvement and for noise reduction. The first is perhaps the more important. Primary function of streets is to move traffic. One of the results of theoperationof the sound-equipped vehicle is to delay traffic. To do its

job of street broadcasting, to make sure that involuntary listeners get the entire message instead of a fragment of it, the car must move slowly. The tempo of general vehicular progress is distributed accordingly. Noise is a problem that increases with city growth and activity. It cannot be eliminated but some of its components can be eliminated or diminished in importance. Here again, sound car control takes a hand. Ordinarily we think of such things in relation to metropolitan centers but they are present in smaller communities and gradually develop as these communities develop. It is better to recognize them from the start than to wait until the difficulties they have brought about become intolerable. In a number of Oregon cities license ordinances of the kind that could applyhere have been in effect for some years. Adaptation of one of them to suit local conditions should be a simple matter.


<g, a

M Nickel's Worth Quote isn't from Lincoln

Kentucky, Mitch McConnell said, "The single most important thing In the opinion piece printed on we want to achieve (in the next two Nov. 4, Lindsay Stevens took Presi- years) is for President Obama to be dent Obama to task for ignoring a one-term president." It was shockthe wisdom of Abraham Lincoln as ing to hear the Senate minority leadcited in the quotation he or she used. er willing to sacrifice the interest of Even President Reagan referenced the people to a partisan goal. this same material in a convention Their strategy was simple: continspeech. Unfortunately, for them, the ue the obstructionist stance taken quote is not from Abraham Lincoln, by the Republicans in Congress durbut instead from William Boetcker, ing the president's first two years by a director of the pro-employer Cit- opposing every effort of the adminizen's Industrial Alliance in 1916, istration to effect change and move who printed them in booklet form. this nation forward. A m i d-term Check the following website for election that created a Republican details: w w w . snopes.com/quotesl majority in the House and gains in lincoln/prosperity.asp. the Senate assured McConnell and I think The Bulletin owes its read- his Republican colleagues that they ers some attempt to verify quotes could stymie all Democratic prothat local opinion writers use to sup- posals and thereby make President port their positions. I have heard Obama appear ineffective. this quote from enough people who Now we find that with the camwould rather believe that Abraham paigning over and the president Lincoln said it, than to research it re-elected, the Republican goal was or believe that it is misquoted. How not attained. So, Senator McConmany more will pick up this virus nell, "What now'?n Since President from another casual, if well meant, Obama will not b e r e-elected in reprint during a highly polarized 2016, will you abandon the old stratelection'? egy and seek realcompromise for I call upon you for clarification or the good of country? Advice and justification of this issue to set the consent is the role of the Senate, matter straight, even if it is too late not oppose and obstruct. Reaching in this election cycle. across the aisle is not caving in. I Craig K. Dennis hope that the reaching extends from Redmond both sides and that the new Congress will get on with the business Time to end obstruction of the people. Drew HamlIn by members of Congress Bend In an interview that appeared in the National Journal on Oct. 23, GOP plans make 2010, prior to the mid-term elections this Democrat giddy and in a wisely played television sound bite, the senior senator from A s a D e m ocrat, w a k ing u p

Wednesday morning after President Obama won re-election was thrilling. Then to hear the Republicans and the media indicate that Paul Ryan is considering a run for presidency in 2016, I was just giddy. Please, if you will support either Michelle Bachmann or, if you can entice him back into your party, Ron Paul for vice president, even better. We would love to see you nominate Sarah Palin again, as she was such a knowledgeable candidate last time. While we have our wish list, continue to run on the platform of no abortions under any circumstances (59 percent of voters said they are in favor of legal abortion), restriction of contraceptives, privatization of Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security and elimination of the Affordable Health Care Act. We would love you to add prayer in school if you could. Please continue to marginalize the A f r ican-Americans, Hispanics, Asians, gays an d w o men's rights voters. And please, support the ntea party" pushing its agenda to the forefront of the Republican platform. If Republicans will continue to do these things, we Democrats promise instead of waiting in 2016 to open our champagne after 9 p.m. as we did this year, we'll be happily sipping it no later than eight. I know this is asking a lot, but going down this road has been so productive for you in the past two elections and we want you to keep up the good work. We're pulling for you. We wish you well. Go Ryan! John Poe Bend

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The Bulletin.

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Cultural shifts change attitudes toward role of government he American colonies were first settled by Protestant dissenters. These were people who refused to submit to the established religious authorities. They sought personal relationships with God. They moved to the frontier when life got too confining.They created an American creed, built, as the sociologist Seymour Martin Lipset put it, around liberty, individualism, equal opportunity, populism and laissez-faire. This creed shaped America and evolved with the decades. Starting in the mid-20th century, there was a Southern and Western version of it, formed by ranching Republicans like Barry Goldwater, Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush. Their version drew on the traditional tenets: ordinary people are capable of greatness; individualshave the power to shape their destinies; they should be given maximum freedom to do so. This is not an Ayn Randian, radically individualistic belief system. Republicans in this mold place tremendous importance on churches, charities and families — on the sort of pastoral

work Mitt Romney does and the sort of community groups Rep. Paul Ryan celebrated in a speech at Cleveland State University last month. But this worldview is innately suspicious of government. Its adherents generally believe in the equation that more government equals less individual and civic vitality. During the 2012 campaign, Republicans kept circling back to the spot where government expansion threatens personal initiative: you didn't build that; makers versus takers; the supposed dependency of the 47 percent. Again and again, Republicans argued that the vital essence of the country is threatened by overweening government. These economic values played well in places with a lot of Protestant dissenters and their cultural heirs. They struck chords with people whose imaginations are inspired by the frontier experience. But, each year, there are more Americans whose cultural roots lie elsewhere. Each year, there are more people from different cultures, with



different attitudes toward authority, different attitudes about individualism, different ideas about what makes people enterprising. More important, people inthese groups are facing problems not captured by the fundamental Republican equation: more government equals less vitality. The Pew Research Center does excellentresearch on Asian-American and Hispanic values. Two findings jump out. First, people in these groups have an awesome commitment to work. By most measures, members of these groups value industriousness more than whites. Second, they are also tremendously appreciative of government. In survey after survey, they embrace the idea that some government programs can incite hard work, not undermine it; enhance opportunity, not crush it. Moreover, when they look at the

things that undermine the work ethic and threatentheir chances to succeed, it's often not government. It's a modern economy inwhich you can work more productively, but your wages still don't rise. It's a bloated financial sector that just sent the world into turmoil. It's a university system that is indispensable but unaffordable. It's chaotic neighborhoods that can't be cured by withdrawing government programs. For these people, the Republican equation is irrelevant. When they hear Romney talk abstractly about Big Government vs. Small Government, they think: He doesn't get me or people like me. Let's just look at on e segment, Asian-Americans. Many o f t h e se people are leading the lives Republicans celebrate. They are, disproportionately, entrepreneurial, industrious and family-oriented. Yet, on Tuesday, Asian-Americansrejected the Republican Party by three to one. They don't relate to the Republican equation that more government equals less work. Overall, Republicans have l o st the popular vote in five out of the six

post-Cold-War elections because large parts of the country have moved on. The basic Republican framing no longer resonates. If I were given a few minutes with the Republican billionaires, I'd say: spend less money on marketing and more on product development. Spend less on super PACs and more on research. Find people who can shift the debate away from the abstract frameworks — like Big Government vs. Small Government. Find people who can go out with notebooks and study

specific, grounded everydayproblems: What exactly does it take these days to rise? What exactly happens to the ambitious kid in Akron at each stage of life in this new economy? What are the best ways to rouse ambition and open fields of opportunity'? Don't get hung up on whether the federalgovernment is20 percent or 22 percent of GDP. Be the party that celebrates work and inflames enterprise. Use any tool, public or private, to help people transform their lives. — David Brooks is a columnist for The New York Times.




BITUARIES DEATH NOTICES Edgar Lee McAtee, of Redmond Nov. 20, 1925 - Nov. 6, 2012 Arrangements: Autumn FuneralsRedmond (541-504-9485) www.autumnfunerals.net Services: A private service will be held at a later date.

Robert "Bob" Marshall Romancier, of Redmond June12, 1935- Nov. 7, 2012 Arrangements: Redmond Memorial Chapel 541-548-3219 please sign our online guestbook


Services: Memorial Service will be held Saturday Nov. 17 at 2PM at Redmond Christian Church. Contributions may be made to:

Donations in his name may be made to Shepherds House.


Obituary policy Death Notices are free and will be run for one day, but

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are paid advertisements submitted by families or funeral homes.Theymay be submitted by phone,

mail, email or fax. The Bulletin reserves the right to edit all submissions. Please

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these services or about the obituary policy, contact 541-617-7825.

Deadlines:Death Notices are accepted until noon Monday through Friday for

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Obituaries must be received by 5 p.m. Monday through Thursday for publication

on the seconddayafter submission, by1 p.m. Friday for Sundayor Monday publication, and by 9a.m. Mondayfor Tuesday

Inmate wants state to ix his jaw The Associated Press PORTLAND — Monte B. Callaway blew off his jaw trying to commit suicide. Now he wants the state of Oregon to pay an estimated $45,000 to fix his face while he serves a prison term. The state says it won't because the surgery is cosmetic, notnecessary. C allaway is m a king h i s case himself in suits filed in federal court, the Oregonian reported Friday. His unusual claim is part of a prison medical care system that costs taxpayers $100 million a year. Federal courts have ruled that inmates have a constitutional right to medical care equal to what's available on the outside. Prison officials determine what care is necessary and what is elective. Only rarely does CorrectionsDepartment policy allow use of p ublic money forelectiveprocedures such as tattoo removal. Four years ago, Callaway walked into a bar in the coast town of Bandon looking for

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Oregon Corrections / Ap

Monte Callaway wants taxpayers to buy hima new mouth. Callaway shot off his lower face in a botched suicide attempt. his estranged wife. "She wanted a divorce. I decided togive her a divorce, and I took a 12-gauge shotgun to make that happen," Callaway said. He fired one round at a bartender he thought was seeing

his wife, striking the man in the head with bird shot. Then Callaway put the gun under his own chin. The blast blew away his lower jaw, most of his teeth and his mouth. He's undergone reconstructive operations — initial medical bills amounted to $286,000, mostly covered by private insurance. He still has no teeth, and his mouth is so small a spoon doesn't fit. In the meantime, the conc rete contractor b y t r a d e made a plea deal and is serving seven years on an assault conviction. Callaway, now at a Salem prison, wants to resume the reconstruction. He says he can eat only soft foods. He gets an extra 15 minutes at mealtime to take them in. A medical committee decided against surgery, noting in its records that the agency "generally does not provide facial reconstructive surgery, which is considered mainlyfor cosmetic purposes."Depart-

ment of Corrections officials have stuck to that position. C allaway's surgeon, D r . Eric Dierks, fashioned a lower jaw from bone taken from Callaway's leg. Dierks also built a new mouth. He says cosmetic surgery improves the appearance of an existing feature, such as breasts or a nose. Without reconstructive surgery, including special dentures, Dierks said, Callaway faces a bleak future when he gets out in 2016. "He can keep himself alive, but that mush diet is probably not very nutritious," Dierks said. "I doubt he will be employable. He will probably be on welfare, live as a recluse, and not contribute to society. I'd like to see him back working concrete." Magistrate Judge Thomas Coffin in Eugene will consider Callaway's lawsuits. Legal help from the state Justice Department so far has cost the Corrections Department more than $10,000.

publication. Deadlines for Deaths of note from around the world: Bill Tarrny, 71: Actor and singer who for 30 years played loveable rogue Jack D uckworth on the British soap opera "Coronation Street." Died Friday on the Spanish island of Tenerife.

display adsvary; please call for details. Phone: 541-617-7825

Email: obits©bendbulletin.com Fax: 541-322-7254 Mail:Obituaries P.O. Box 6020 Bend, OR 97708

— From wire reports

Peppiatt co-create

long-runningvarie TV show'HeeHaw' By Greg Braxton Los Angeles Times

Frank Peppiatt, the co-creator of "Hee Haw," a landmark variety show mixing country music with " c orny" h u mor that became one of TV's most unlikely and longest-running hits, has died. He was 85. Peppiatt died Wednesday in Ponte Vedra Beach, Fla., of bladder cancer, according to family spokeswoman Jenna Illies. In addition to co-creating, writing and producing "Hee Haw," the Canadian-born Peppiatt, along with his writing and producing partner John Aylesworth, became one of TV's top producers during the 1960s and '70s in the variety show genre, developing programs for several top stars, including J a cki e G l e ason, Andy Williams and Sonny and Cher. Among t h ei r n u m e rous projects together were "Perry Como's Kraft M u sic H a ll," "The Judy Garland Show," the 1965 special "Frank Sinatra: A Man and his Music," "The ABC Comedy Hour," "The Julie Andrews Hour" and the teen dance show "Hullabaloo." But their biggest success was "Hee Haw." Developed as a country-flavored version of "Rowan 8 Martin's Laugh-In," the CBS show was originally slated in 1969 as a summer replacement for "The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour." But it matched "Laugh-In" at the top of the ratings chart its first week, and its popularity continued for the remainder of the summer. It was added to the CBS prime time schedule in December. Co-hosted by Buck Owens and Roy Clark, "Hee Haw" spotlighted top country music stars such a s L o r etta Lynn, Charley Pride, Tammy Wynette and George Jones while featuring a cast of offbeat comedic regulars including Minnie Pearl, Alvin "Junior" Samples, Archie Campbell, Lulu Roman and Louis "Grandpa" Jones. A regular feature had cast members

popping up in a cornfield and telling jokes. " 'Hee Haw' was a show that the two coasts didn't get at all, but the rest of America embraced it," said TV historian Tim Brooks. "There's no denying that kind of success in TV — it certainly struck a chord. It combined corn-pone humor with great music. Huge country stars would appear

FEATURED OBITUARY on that show. And the two hosts were top-notch." O wens and Clark had a r egular segment i n w h i c h they would trade jokes while Owens would play a guitar a nd Clark w o uld p lay h i s banjo. Said Owens: "I'm-apickin'. Replied Clark: "And I'm-a-grinnin'." Clark, who is performing in Branson, Mo., called Peppiatt "one of the lifelines of 'Hee Haw.' He had the idea, and had the talent to make it work. He had this vision, and he wrote a lot of the jokes." He added, "Even now, if I'm in New York, I can count on someone saying to me, 'I'ma-pickin', and I'll always say, 'I'm-a-grinnin'." Ironically, the creators of the show did not have the cultural credentials to create a variety series based in the country music arena. Peppiatt, who was born in Toronto on March 19, 1927, acknowledged in a 2010 interview that he and his partner, who was also born in Canada, had never been to the South before concocting the series. He said that he and Aylesworth would go to Nashville twice a year, tape D shows, and "bring them back unedited and edit everything in California. So we'd end up with 26 one-hour shows and rerun them in the summer." Clark said he wasn't surprised at the comfort of the two producers in country music. "In Canada, they're more in tune with country music than we are i n t h e States. They embrace it." He added that Peppiatt knew the names of the musicians at recording sessions. Although "Hee Haw" maintained it s p o pularity, CBS yanked the show in 1971 as part of its purge of shows such as "The Beverly Hillbillies," "Mayberry R.F.D." and other rural-oriented programs that the network felt were not hip enough to attract a desired younger viewership. Peppiatt, along with Aylesworth and another partner, Nick Vanoff, syndicated the show, which ran until 1993. Peppiatt was the author of " When Variety Wa s K i n g : Memoir o f a TV Pio n eer featuring J a cki e G l e ason, Sonny and Cher, 'Hee Haw' and More" to be published by ECW Press in April 2013.

Gay fraternity sLlesover trademark


Woman pleads guilty inmurder plot O REGON CITY — A w oman implicated i n a murder plot has pleaded guilty to a lesser charge, and she's expected to testify against a former police officer accused of hatching the plot to kill his wife after she had second thoughts about his sex change. Susan Campbell pleaded guilty to attempted aggravated murder on F r iday. She was initially charged with aggravated murder and could have faced the death penalty. Campbell i s e x p ected t o testify a g ainst L y n n Edward Benton, a former Gladstone police o f ficer who underwent a femaleto-male sex change operation. Authorities said he married Deborah Higbee Benton and later plotted

The Associated Press A pioneering college fraternity for gay men is suing a newer campus organization that calls itself a genderneutral "frarority," claiming trademark infringement. The lawsuit was filed last month by Delta Lambda Phi in federal court in Eugene. It claims that Delta Lambda Psi, which started at the University of California at Santa Cruz in 2005, has caused confusion with the public and on Twitter and MySpace by d e liberately choosing a name that differs by one Greek letter and also using the same abbreviated designation of DLP. There is another Delta Lambda Psi chapter at Northeastern Illinois University.

Delta Lambda Psi has shown it intends to expand the infringement of Delta Lambda Phi's trademark by opening a third chapter at the University of Oregon in Eugene, the lawsuit said. The lawsuit asks a judge to order Delta Lambda Psi

to change its name and pay

damages. Delta Lambda Psi spokesman D.J. Bott said in an email Friday that his gender-neutral organization, which accepts men and women of all sexual orientations, is not competing with the fraternity for gay men.

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her killing. Campbell's son, 32-yearold Jason Jaynes, pleaded not guilty on Friday to attempted aggravated murder and conspiracy charges related to Higbee Benton's killing.


Eugene police use flash-bang in arrest EUGENE — A 34-yearold man suspected as a gang leader who'd been released from prison with orders to stay out of Lane County was spotted Thursday wearing

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body armor and "lingering around" a Eugene bank office, police said. Officers tossed a "flash-

bang" percussion grenade to stun him and then, as the alarms of nearby cars were going off, moved in to take him into custody. The Register-Guard reports that Beau Heleman Flynn is suspected by police

of leading a prison gang. "When he's in p r ison, he's the to p d o g," said Eugene police Sgt. Scott McKee. "When he's out . we become worried about what he might do." .


Wash. Republicans hit bridge plan PORTLAND Ten southwest Was h i ngton Republicans say that the defeat in Clark County of a ballot measure to increase the sales tax is a sign the proposed $3.5 billion interstate bridge across the CC Columbia River must be CQ redesigned. CD The current and newly e lected officials who i s sued a statement included U.S. Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler. The Oregonian reported sponsors of the Columbia C4 River C r ossing c ontend the vote was falsely portrayed as a referendum on the project, and the Clark County tr an s portation CD

agency already has money for the light-rail operation planned on the bridge. — From wire reports

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F O R ECAST Mapsandnational forecast providedbyWeatherCentral LP©2012.

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Today: Earlymorningsnowfall will give away to a dry after-


A drier day, staying chilly.

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Pi •

Moonrise today.... 2:59 a.m Moonsettoday .... 2:38 p.m Nov.13Nov.20Nov.28 Dec. 6



Tomorrow Rise Set Mercury....810am......510pm. Venus......4:03 a.m...... 3:30 p.m. Mars......1003 a.m...... 641 pm. Jupiter......5:56pm......906a.m. Satum......532a.m......411pm. Uranus.....2:51 p.m...... 3:09 a.m.

Yesterday'sweatherthrough4p.m. inBend High/Low.............. 39/27 24 hours endmg 4 pm. *. . 01 2" Recordhigh........69m1955 Month todate..........0.13" Record low.........12 in1977Averagemonthtodate...032" Average high.............. 50 Year to date............ 7.1 6" Average low .............. 29 Average year to date..... 8.09"

Barometricpressureat 4 p.m29.76 Record24 hours ...0.35 in 2010 *Melted liquid equivalent



Morerainfall across central Oregon.


Yesterday Saturday Sunday Bend,westofHwy97.....Low sisters..............................Low The followingwascompiledbytheCentral Hi/Lo/Pcp H i/Lo/W H i /Lo/WBend,eastofHwy.97......LowLaPine...............................Low Qregonwatermasterand irrigationdistrictsas

City Precipitationvaluesare24-hourtotalsthrough4pm.


Astoria........48/31/0.02.....49/37/s.....50/44/sh BakerCity......40/20/0.00.....35/16/c.....40/21/pc Brookings......48/38/0.03....49/38/pc.....52/46/sh Burns..........39/21/0.01....35/12/pc.....40717/pc Eugene........49/39/0.09.....47/34/s.....48/38/sh Klamath Falls ..36717/irace ...35/1 6/pc ...39/25/pc Lakeview.......34/25/0.10.....32/10/c.....34/23/pc La Pine........ 39/29/0.00....35/1 7/pc.....39/23/pc Medford.......45/29/0.01.....44/31/s......49/40/c Newport....... 48/36/0.22.....50/39/s.....51/45/sh NorthBend.....50/39/0.17.....48/40/s.....53/47/sh Ontario........ 47/34/0.00....42/22/pc.....43/24/pc Pendleton..... 43/29/trace....42/25/pc......49/33/c Portland ...... 47/37/trace.....47/36/s...... 48/42/r Prineville.......37/30/0.04....35/22/pc......42/29/c Redmond......41/30/trace....38/21/pc.....43/307rs Roseburg.......49/34/0.17....44/32/pc.....48/40/sh Salem ....... 50/35/trace ....47/35/s ...48/41 /sh Sisters.........41/28/0.00....36/20/pc.....42/28/sn The DaRes...... 52/30/0.00....45/29/pc.....47/37/sh

Mod. = Moderate; Exi. = Extreme

Toreport awildfire,call 911

ULT R AVI 0 LET IND EX Thehigher theUV Indexnumber, thegreater theneed foreyeandskinprotection. Index is for a r at noon.



IPOLLENCOUNT Updateddaily.Source:pollen.com




aservice to irrigatorsandsportsmen. Reservoir Acre feet C a pacity CranePrairie...... . . . . . . 36,561..... .55,000 Wickiup...... . . . . . . . . . 136,385.....200,000 Crescent Lake..... . . . . . . 72,991...... 91,700 Ochoco Reservoir..... . . . 1 6,547 .... 47,000 Prineville...... . . . . . . . . . 8 1,979.....153,777 R iver flow St at i o n Cubic ft./sec Deschutes RiverBelow Crane Prairie ...... . 1 66 D eschutesRiverBelowWickiup... . . . . . . . . 2 5 0 Crescent CreekBelow Crescent Lake ..... . . . 23 Little DeschutesNear La Pine ...... . . . . . . . 1 41 Deschutes RiverBelow Bend .... . . . . . . . . . 683 Deschutes RiverAt Benham Falls ..... . . . . . 838 Crooked RiverAbove Prinevige Res.. .. . . . . . . 3 5 CrookedRiverBelowPrinevigeRes..... . . . . 76.7 OchocoCreekBelowochocoRes. .... . . . . . 4.56 Crooked RiverNear Terrebonne ..... . . . . . . 1 41 Contact:Watermaster,388-6669 orgo towwwwrd.state.or.us

Legend:W-weather, Pcp-precipitation,s-sun, pc-partial clouds,c-clouds,b-haze,sh-showers,r-rain,t-thunderstorms,sf-snowflurries,snsnow, i-ice,rs-rain-snowmix, w-wind,f-fog, dr-drizzle,tr-trace


w Yesterday's extremes


40 24

SUNAN D MOON SCHEDULE WEST A fewearlyclouds, Sunrisetoday...... 655 a.m Moonphases Sunsettoday...... 4 43 p.m then becoming N ew First F ull Sunrise tomorrow .. 6:56 a.m mostlysunny. Sunset tomorrow... 4:42 p.m

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A few peeks of sunshine, staying

Rainfall returns to theregion.


noon .




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Rain Flurries s no w



Yesterday Saturday Sunday Yesterday Saturday Sunday Yesterday Saturday Sunday Yesterday Saturday Sunday City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W Abilene, TX......81/63/0 00..81/62/pc . 71/37/pc Grand lapids....57/34/000 ..62/50/sh... 64/47/r RapidCity34/30/00032/13/sn28/17/c Savannah.......66/37/0.00... 73/52/s .. 7458/s Akron..........53/29/0 00 ..62/44/pc .. 65/50/s Green Bay.......48/41/0 00.. 57/52/sh . 61/35/sh Reno...........41/29/0 01 .. 37/I8/rs .42/26/pc Seattle..........48/35/0.00.. .45/34/s...48/43/r Albany..........49/29/000...51/41/c.62/44/pcGreensboro......65/35/000...70/41/s..71/47/s Richmond.......6101/000... 68/43/s .. 73/49/s SiouxFalls.......53/36/0 00... 64/27/c .28/14/sn Albuquerque.....62/45/0Cd..55/30/pc . 42/24/pc Harnsburg.......55/36/0 00..58/38/pc .. 65/42/s Rochester, NY....49/27/0.00 .. 55/48/sh. 68/53/pc Spokane........31/30/016 ..30/16/pc.. 33/25/c Anchorage......28/21/011..38/27/sn.36/22/snHartford,cT.....53/36/000...53/40/c.62/43/pc Sacramento......57/41/000 ..57/35/sn.. 59/35/s Springfield, MO ..75/50/0.00.. 72/57/pc. 65/33/sh Atlanta.........62/39/000...72/48/s..70/55/sHelena..........27/14/046..12/5/sn.27/13/pc St. Louis.........72/43/000 ..73/57/pc...68/41Ir Tampa..........74/48/000...79/62/s.. 81/65/s AtlanticCity.....55/33/0.00..59/46/pc..65/54/sHonolulu........85/73/0.00...85/72/s..84/72/s Salt Lake City.... 62/33/1. 04.. 37/26/sn. 36723/pc Tucson..........79/60/0.02..62/38/pc..59/35/s Austin......... .85/60/0 00..81/66/pc...81/57/t Houston........82/58/000 .. 82/70/pc...82/64/t San Antonio..... 83/63/0 00..82/66/pc...81/58/t Tulsa...........77/59/0.00 74/65/pc...6504/t .. Baltimore.......57/35/0.00..63/43/pc..66/47/sHuntsville.......69/33/0.00...70/43/5..7055/s SanDiego.......66/60/0.00... 63/48/s.. 67/56/s Washington, DC..58/39/0.00.. 64/47/pc.. 6I49/s Bifings.........35/29/001...22/4/sn..25/9/pc Indianapolis.....63/32/0.00..69/50/pc.68/53/pcSanFrancisco....57/46/0.02... 57/48/s.. 60/50/s Wichita.........80/58/0.00...75/49/t. 50/26/sh Birmingham .. 69/35/0 00... 72/48/s. 73/58/pc Jackson,MS.....73/39/000... 74/55/s. 78/60/pc SanJose........58/46/0 06.. 56/42/s 60/44/s Yakima........ 46/24/trace 40/24/pc . 41/30/pc Bismarck........30/26/0 00..29/16/sn .. 19/3/sn Jacksonvile......71/37/000... 74/53/s.. 77/5is SantaFe........58/34/002.. 46Q4/rs. 33/17/pc Yuma...........75/62/0.00 ..68/46/pc.. 66/47/s Boise...........42/30/000 .. 39/21/rs . 42/25/pc Juneau..........32/17/000...33/30/c...38/31/r INTERNAT I 0 N AL Boston..........53/38/0 00 ..52/42/pc . 60/49/pc Kansas City......76/50/000 ..74/53/pc . 53/27/sh Bndgeport,CT....54/36/000...54/45/c .. 61/48/s Lansing.........56/34/000 ..63/49/sh...65/50/r Amsterdam......52/45/000 51/44/sh 51/43/pc Mecca..........97/81/000 .94/77/sh 94/76/pc Buffalo.........47/30/000 ..51/50/sh .. 67/53/s LasVegas.......62/56/000 ..54/40/pc .. 56/42/s Athens.......... 64/54/0. 00.. . 63/53/c.. 64/53/c MexicoCity.....73/43/000.74/47/pc.74/48/pc Burlington,VT....46/27/000..43/36/pc.58/45/pcLexington.......60/29/000...70/47/s..69/53/s Auckland........64/48/0.00... 64/50/c...66/56/r Montreal........41/23/000...38/29/s.48/41/pc Caribou,ME.....38/33/0.12...3420/s.35/33/pcLincoln..........67/33/0.00...76/35/t..37/18/c Baghdad........99/70/0.00 ..79/68/sh.. 86/65/s Moscow........43/30/000..34/26/pc.35/31/pc Charleston, SC...69/34/0 00... 72/50/s.. 75/57/s Little Rock.......73/43/0 00 .. 75758/pc...75/507t Bangkok........93/82/000..94/80/pc.95/80/pc Nairob/.........75/63/0.00... 66/61/t...70/59/t Charlotte........68/28/000...70/40/s..72/50/sLosAngeles......64/58/000...63/47/5..68/51/s Beiling..........55/39/000 ..49/20/sh .. 35/28/s Nassau.........77/68/0.00..77/69/pc.79/70/pc Chattanooga.... .67/34/0 00... 72/42/s.. 72/50/s Louisvile........65/33/0 00... 72/50/s. 70/56/pc Beirut.......... 75/66/0 00.. 73/61/sh. 69/59/sh New Delh/.......86/55/000...87/57/s.. 84/64/s Cheyenne.......57/29/000..39/13/sn .. 28/15/c Madison Wl.....50/32/000..66/54/sh...62/32/t Berlin........... 52/45/000.. 51/43/sh49/ . 40/sh Osaka..........66/52/0.00... 63/49/c. 65/54/sh Chicago.........56/33/000 69/56/pc . 66/44/t Memphis....... 72/45/0 00 .. 74/57/s . 74/54/sh Bogota ......... 70/48/0 00.. 74/45/sh. 67/47/sh Oslo............34/27/0 00 .. 39737/sh. 38/33/sh Cincinnati.......62/28/000... 71/42/s.. 68/51Is Miami . . . . 77/59/0 00 79/68/pc 80/71Is Budapest........55/30/0.00 . .47/36/pc .. 57/49/c Ottawa.........43/23/0.00 ..40/29/pc.. 51/40/c Cleveland.......53/29/000...62/46/c .. 65/55/s Milwaukee......48/32/000 ..64/53/sh...60/38/t BuenosAires..... 82/57/0 00.. 67/59/pc. 71/59/pc Paris............50/36/000 ..56/39/sh. 51/41/pc Coloradospnngs.68/38/000..47/22/sh.30/16/snMinneapolis.....55/35/000..59/39/sh.40/23/sh CaboSanLucas..90/68/0.00..87/65/pc..83/62/s Rio de Janeiro....84/75/0.00... 78/72/t...79/72/t Columbia,M0...73/49/000..76/58/pc...65/33/rNashvife........68/32/000...72/46/s.73/57/pc Cairo...........79/68/000... 74/64/s. 74/60/pc Rome...........64/45/0.00 ..66/58/pc.. 66/60/r Columbia,SC....72/31/000.. .74/40/s. . 73/51Is New Orleans.....73/44/0 00 ..79/64/pc . 80/69/pc Calgary..........23/9/0 00.. 8/ 3/c .. 28/1 7/c Santiago........ 68/54/0. 00... 74/52/s.. 82/55/s Columbus, GA....66/38/000... 73/46/s .. 73/55/s NewYork.......53/36/000... 58/48/c.. 65/50/s Cancun.........79/61/005 ..79/72/sh. 80/74pc SaoPaulo.......73/68/0.00... 85/68/t...86/68/t ColumbusOH....57/31/000..69/47/pc.69/50/pcNewark,Nl......56/36/000...57/45/c..65/48/s Dublin..........50/41IO 00..48/40/sh .. 47/42/c Sapporo ........52/48/000 ..50/42/pc . 50/41/sh Concord,NH.....51/35/000..50/33/pc . 59/38/pc Norfolk, VA......56/440 00... 67/44/s.. 73/48/s Edinburgh.......50/43/0 00...46/36/c .46/36/pc Seoul...........55/37/000..56/36/sh.54/38/sh Corpus Christi... .88/64/000..83/73/pc...83/67/t OklahomaCity...81/60/0 00... 72/55/t...59/35/t Geneva.........5467/0.00... 54/47/r .53/44/sh Shangha/........63/57/000..71/42/sh..55/49/s DallasFtWorih...84/64/000..77/64/pc...74/43/t Omaha.........65/36/0 00... 76/35/t .. 39/19/c Harare..........81/61/000... 87/61/t...85/57/t Singapore.......88/79/0.00... 88/78/t...84/76/t Dayton.........57/31/000..67/47/pc..66/51/sOrlando.........74/45/000...78/59/s..80/61/s HongKong......84/77/0.00... 83/70/t...80/72/t Stockholm.......36/21/000...42/39/c.45/40/sh Denver..........63/30/0 00 .. 46/19/rs. 29/15/sn Palm Springs.....70/60/0.00 . 64/42/s .. 68/46/s Istanbul.........63/55/0.00... 60/56/r64/56/pc . Sydney..........79/64/0.00..70/62/pc.73/60/pc DesMoines......62/43/000... 75/51/t...51/26/r Peoria..........60/40/0 00 . .70/54/pc. 66/37/sh lerusalem.......68/58/0.01..61/54/sh.59/51/sh Taipei...........82/68/0.00... 84/72/t...74/68/t Detroit..........54/30/0 00 ..62/49/sh .. 65/52/s Philadelphia.....56/33/000..59/45/pc.. 65/48/s Johannesburg.... 66/52/0. 00... 75/55/t.. .74/56/t Tel Aviv.........77/64/0.00 .. 6976 0/sh. 69/57/sh Duluth..........40/35/0 00 ..41/39/sh ..40/25/rs Phoenix.........78/66/000 ..63/45/pc .. 62/44/s Lima...........70/63/000...71/61/c.70/63/pc Tokyo...........66/57/0.00 ..64/48/pc. 65/50/sh El Paso..........78/60/000... 73/46/s .. 56/31ls Pittsburgh.......53/27/0 00..63/44/pc .. 67/49/s Lisbon..........61/48/0 00 65/52/c 58/47/sh Toronto.........50/36/0 00 . 46/43/c .. 54/50/c Fairbanks.........l4/2/0 00... 16/4/sn .. 5/0/sn 1 Portland, ME.....52/38/000 ..47/34/pc. 55/43/pc London.........52/46/000 ..50/36/sh. 51/38/pc Vancouver....... 46/34/0 00... 43/33/s. 38/35/sh Fargo.......... .37/30/000...39Q6h 26/1 . 5/sn Providence......55/37/0.00.. 53740/pc . 63/46/pc Madrid .........61/52/0.00... 56/45/c . 51/36/pc Vienna..........54/37/0.00 ..49/45/pc. 54/45/sh Flagstaff........48/39/0 42 ..32/15/sn . 34/I4/pc Raleigh.........65/31/0 00.. .71/41Is .. 72/48/s Manila..........90/79/0 00 ..89/76/pc . 89/77/pc Warsaw.........48/41/0.00 ..48/41/pc.. 48/44/c

g I








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RUNNING Olympian set to speak in Sisters Olympic distance runner LopezLomong is scheduled to give a talk

during a book signing at the Sisters Athletic Club this Thursday at 5 p.m.

Lomong's newautobiography "Running For My Life" details his

experiences asonethe "Lost Boys of Sudan" and how he made his way to the United States

to become anelite runner. A wine reception is set for 5 p.m., followed by a talk at 5:30 p.m., and then the book signing at 6 p.m. A victim of the Second Sudanese Civil War,

Culver reachesstate inal Bulletin staff report REDMOND — Culver will try to win its first state volleyball title in 25 years today. The Bulldogs advanced to the Class 2A championship match with a semifinal win over top-seeded Heppner on Friday night. Culver earned a berth in the state final with a 25-20, 19-25, 25-19, 29-27 win at Redmond's Ridgeview


Shealene Little led the Bulldogs with 28 kills while posting nine digs. Gabrielle Alley added 10 kills and 12 digs, while Cassandra Fulton contributed seven kills and three

Viggiano said. "They never


blocks. The last time Culver played for a state title was in 1987, when it won the Class B cham-

give up and they keep fighting. They deserve to be in this game, and I am so stinking proud of them." In t h e s e m final m a tch, Culver appeared to be headed to a fifth set. The Bulldogs led 2-1 in games but trailed in the fourth, 14-7 before rallying to take the final set, 29-27.

pionship. Culver will play

Culver (25-5) avenged a four-

Days Creek, the defending 2A state champion, today at 8:30 p.m. at Ridgeview. Culver lost to Days Creek in last year's quarterfinal round. "I am so excited for this team," Culver coach Randi

game loss toHeppner earlier in the season. The Bulldogs started the day by besting Tri-River Conference rival Kennedy 19-25, 2 5-15, 25-20, 25-12, in t h e quarterfinal round.

• Crook County set to play for Class 4A title,D5 • Bend, Summit lose,D5

Lomong wasabducted at age 6 byrebels but escaped into Kenyaafter running for three days,

Rnb Kerr/The Bulletin

Culver's Cassandra Fulton (9) goes upfor a block against Kennedy during the quarterfinals at the 2A volleyball state championships at Ridgeview High School in Redmond on Friday.


according to his book.

Lomong was one of the Lost Boys of Sudan, some 20,000 boys who were orphanedor

Cougars move on with road victory

displaced during the civil war, which lasted from1983 to 2005 and

accounted for some2.5 million deaths.

Lomong, 27, wasthe flag bearerforthe U.S. at the 2008 Summer

Olympics in Beijing, in which he raced the 1,500 meters. At the 2012 Games in London, he competed in the 5,000 meters.

• Mountain View beats Wilsonville and now headsto the 5A quarterfinals

For more information on Thursday's event, callthe Sisters Athletic Club at 541-549-6878. — Bulletin staff report

COLLEGE FOOTBALL OSU boosters set Civil War dinner The 11th annual Central Oregon Civil War Dinner, presented by the

Central Oregon Beaver Athletic Student Fund, is scheduled for Monday, Nov.19, at Bend Golf

Ryan Brennecke / The Bulletin

Redmond's Trevor Genz runs overseveral Churchill defenders to gain extra yards during the first half Friday in Redmond.

and Country Club. Oregon State University athletic director Bob De Carolis and former OSU football standout

passing, and John Carroll

Yvenson Bernard are expected special guests for the event, which

serves as afundraiser for the local BASF. Cost for the dinner is

• Redmond overcomes snow and Churchill to move onto quarterfinals with victory

$40 per person. Reservations maybemade

By Grant Lucas The Bulletin

by calling the BASF office at 541-737-2370 or by going to the BASF


REDMOND — Competing in its first state football playoff appearance in five years, Redmond High — and Mother Nature — would make it a memorable one. Snow blanketed the field and players slipped and stumbled throughout the game, but the Panthers, with a 27-point

• Madras suffers loss to Scappoose,D4

Events page at https:// www.ourbeavernation. com/events. All reservations must be received by Thursday, Nov. 15. A no-host social kicks off the event at 5 p.m.; dinner is set for 6:15 p.m. The evening will include a silent auction, from 5 to 6:45 p.m., and a live auction, starting at 7:30 p.m. Donations for the auctions are still

being accepted. For more information about the auctions, email to beaverbeliev-

er©crestviewcable or contact Carol Connolly at 541-410-4094. — Bulletin staff report


No. 2 Oregon,California Spotlight on new QBsfor on widely divergent paths Oregon State, Stanford By josh Dubow The Associated Press

BERKELEY, Calif. — Just a few years ago, Oregon and California appeared to be on parallel paths

as up-and-coming programs seeking to challenge Southern California's college football dominance on the West Coast. Oh, how things have changed. The teams head into tonight's meeting in Berkeley on starkly divergent jour-

Beavers open season with win

neys. The Golden Bears (3-7, 2-5 Pac-12)

Roberto Nelson leads Oregon State with 22

points in a102-83 victory over Niagra,D3 ke'


Charlie Beljan shoots a 64 despite suffering an elevated heart rate, D3

second half and a stifling defense, overcame the weather Friday night in a 4015 victory over Eugene's Churchill in a Class 5A first-round matchup.

"We knew it was going to be cold, but we didn't think it was going to snow like this," said Redmond running back Trevor Hindman, who ran for a game-high 131 yards and scored three touchdowns. "We had a plan to come in if it did snow and just run it down (Churchill's) throat. ... We did it, executed well, and that really saved us." SeePanthers/D4

caught six passes for 96 yards as Mountain View (7-4 overall) avenged a49-33 defeat to the Wildcats on Sept. 28. With the victory, the Cougars' fifth in their last six games, Mountain View will play on the road against Marist of Eugene next Friday in the 5A quarterfinals. The Cougars turned in arguably their best defensive game of the season, limiting Wilsonville (7-3) to its lowest point total of the year.



Ailing player takes lead at PGA finale

Bulletrn staff report WILSONVILLE — The champs are still alive. Mountain View, the reigning Class 5A state football champion, upset Wilsonville on the road Friday night, 2114, in the first round of the 5A state playoffs to advance to the quarterfinal round. Kyler Ayers shook off a slow first half to end the game with 142 yards rushing on 28 carries and all three of the Cougars' touchdowns. Toby Webb threw for 148 yards on 12-of-17


-~".>t@ J+

are staggering to the finish of another disappointing season, assured of missing a bowl game for the second time in three years. The second-ranked Ducks (9-0, 60) are once again in position to complete a perfect regular season and make it back to the national championship game for the secondtime inthree seasons. SeeOregon /D5 California coach Jeff Tedford Marcie Josesancbez/TheAssociatedPress

By Antonio Gonzalez The Associated Press

STANFORD, Calif. — Most teams that are unsettled at quarterback this late in the season are unranked, are no longer in control in t h eir conference championship race, or are out of contention for a BCS bowl

game. And then there are Stanford and Oregon State.

In the biggest game for both programs so far thisseason, Kevin Hogan will make his first start at quarterback for the No. 16 Cardinal against Cody Vaz and the No. 13 Beavers today at Stanford Stadium. The winner will keep alive its chance to upset second-ranked Oregon and r epresent the North Division in t h e Pac-12 title game. See Oregon State/D5 Stanford coach David Shaw Marcie Jose Sanchez /The Associated Pres





Basketball • NCAA rules UCLA's Muhammad ineligible:The NCAA

has ruled UCLAfreshman Shabazz Muhammad is ineligible to play basketball after violating amateurism rules, leaving the 13th-ranked Bruins without their highly touted recruit to start the season. The

school announced theNCAA's ruling in a statement from athletic director Dan Guerrero about 80 minutes before the

Bruins' season openeragainst Indiana State on Friday night. Guerrero said UCLA believes "the decision is incorrect and unjust to Shabazz.n

• T-WolvesRoyleaves

game with sore right knee: Timberwolves guard Brandon Roy did not return to Minneso-

ta's game against lndiana after halftime because of asore right knee, anominous sign for the veteran who has battled

knee issues for several years. Roy started and played15 minutes in the first half on Friday night. He scored six points on three-for-five shooting. But when the teams returned to the

floor after halftime, Roywasn't with them.

Tennis • Djokovic, Murray advance to semis atATPfinals: Top-ranked Novak Djokovic and No. 3 Andy Murray won their final group matches in London Friday at the ATP finals, sending both into

Sunday's semifinals. Djokovic improved to 3-0 at the seasonending event for the top eight players in the world, beating

Tomas Berdych 6-2, 7-6 (6). Murray, needing only to win a set to advance, defeated JoWjlfrjed Tsonga 6-2, 7-6 (3) in the late match at the 02 Arena.

Motor sports • Bosch winspole, Keselowski ootqoalifies Johnson: Kyle Busch set atrack record in winning the pole at Phoenix International Raceway, where

Brad Keselowski got a jump on Jimmie Johnson in their tight

championship race. Busch ran a lap of138.766 mph in Friday's qualifying session to win the pole in his Toyota. It broke the track record of137.279 set by Carl Edwards in 2011. But

all eyes are ontitle contenders Johnson andKeselowski, who are separated by sevenpoints in the standings with two races remaining. Keselowski had the better qualifying effort. He'll start14th on Sunday, Johnson 24th.

• FunnyCarleader tops pnalifying:FunnyCarleader JackBeckman toppedqualifying Friday in theseason-ending Automobile Club of Southern California NHRA Finals with a 4.025-second run at 319.75

mph. Beckmanearnedthree points to extend his lead over

second-place RonCapps to seven points. Cappshas failed to qualify in the first two


Baseball • Lee MacPhail, oldest Hall of Famer, dead at 95:

Baseball's Hall of Famesays former American League President Lee MacPhail died at 95. He died Thursday night

at his home in Delray Beach, Fla. He hadbeenthe oldest Hall of Famer. MacPhail was part of one of baseball's most famous families. He followed his father into the Hall and his

son became atop executive for several major leagueteams. MacPhail was the son of Larry MacPhail, who was president of the Brooklyn Dodgers and

co-owner, president andGM of the New York Yankees. Lee MacPhail was GM and president of the Baltimore Drioles

and general manager of the Yankees before serving asAL president from 1974 through the 1983 season.

• Free agentsreject $13.3MdealsasGMGhead home:Josh Hamilton,B.J.

Upton and Kyle Lohsewere among nine freeagents who turned down $13.3 million offers from their former clubs Friday as the annual general

managers' meetingsended and team officials headed home for what figures to be a

busy month of negotiations. Also rejecting the one-year guaranteed offers were the New York Yankees' trio of Nick Swisher, Rafael Soriano and Hiroki Kuroda, along with David Drtiz, Michael Bourn and

Adam LaRoche. — From wire reports

ON DECK Today Gfrlssoccer: Class 5Aquarterfinals: CrescentValey at Summit11:30 , a.m.;Wigamette at Bend, I p.m. Boys soccer: Class5A quarterfinals: Clevelandat Summit, 3p.m.; CrescentValley at Mountain View, 1:30 p.m. Volleyball: Class 5A consolations, Summit vs. Pendleton, 8 a.mzthird-place match, Bendvs. Marshfield, noon;Class4A finals, CrookCounty vs. Astoria, 8:30 p.m.; Consolation, Sisters vs. Phoenix10a.mzClass4Athird-place, Madrasvs. Banks,2:15p.m.; Class2Astatefina s,Cuivervs. DaysCreek,8:30p.m. Waterpolo: Class5/4Astate championships at Tualatin HillsAquaticCenterinBeaverton: Girlsfinal, Summivs. t WestAlbany,3 p.m.; girls third p ace, Madrasvs. Parkrose,10 a.m.; boysthird place, Summitvs.MountainView,11:15a.m.

IN THE BLEACHERS In the Bleachers © 2012 Steve Moore. Dist. by Universal Ucttck www gocomics.comhnthebteacners



FOOTBALL NFL NATIONALFOOTBALL LEAGUE AU TimesPST AMERICANCONFERENCE East W L T Pct PF PA NewEngland 5 3 0 625 262 170 Miami 4 4 0 500 170 149 N.Y.Jets 3 5 0 375 168 200 Buffalo 3 5 0 375 180 248 South W L T Pct PF PA Houston 7 1 0 875 237 137 Indianapolis 6 3 0 667 186 201 Tennessee 3 6 0 333 182 308 Jacksonvile 1 8 0 111 127 246 North W L T Pct PF PA Baltimore 6 2 0 750 199 176 Pittsburgh 5 3 0 625 191 164 Cincinnati 3 5 0 375 189 218 Cleveland 2 7 0 222 169 211

West W L T Pct PF PA Denver 5 3 0 .625 235 175 SanDiego 4 4 0 .500 185 157 Oakland 3 5 0 .375 171 229 KansasCit y 1 7 0 .125 133 240 NATIONALCONFERENCE East W L T Pct PF PA N.Y.Giants 6 3 0 667 254 185 Philadelphia 3 5 0 375 133 183 Dallas 3 5 0 375 150 181 Washington 3 6 0 333 226 248 South W L T Pct PF PA Atlanta 8 0 0 1.000 220 143 TampaBay 4 4 0 .500 226 185 NewOreans 3 5 0 .375 218 229 Carolina 2 6 0 .250 149 180 North W L T Pct PF PA

George Washington 80, Texas-Arlington 47 Hartford64, Loyola(Md.)50 Ho y Cross87,Yale71 lona 74,Navy64 LIU Brooklyn53,Columbia42 Lafayette 62, Loyolaof Chicago51 Marist 66,Vermont45 Niagara63, Robert Morris59 Rider62,StonyBrook50 SetonHall69,NJIT66 Siena76, Fairleigh Dickinson56 St. Francis(Pa.)69,Howard61 Temple55,Montana41 WestVirginia76 UNCWilmington 47 Youngstown St. 64,Pittsburgh50







Children's Miracle NetworkHospitals Friday At Lake Buena Vista, Fla. m-Magnolia Golf C ourse: 7,516yards, par-72 p-Palm GolfCourse: 7,011yards, par-72 Second Round CharlieBellan 68m-64p —132 Ryuji Imada 69p-66m—135 Harris English 68p-67m—135 Matt Jones 71m-64p—135 CharlieWi 64p-71m—135 CharlesHowell III 68m-67p—135 MarkAnderson 68p-67m—135 HenrikStenson 68m-67p—135 KevinStreelman 68m-68p—136 Scott Stagings 66p-70m—136 MiguelAngelCarballo 71 m-65p —136 Chris Stroud 70m-66p —136 Matt Every 67p 69m 136 TommyGainey 65p-71m —136 DanielChopra 69m-67p —136 RobertGarrigus 68p-68m—136 KevinChappeg 67p-69m—136 CamiloVilegas 65p-71m—136 BrendondeJonge 69m-68p —137 BooWeekley 70m-67p —137 BrianHarman 66p-72m—138 Colt Knost


15 15 AUB U RN Albany(NY)69, Duquesne66 7 9 PennSt Harvard69, MIT54 18.5 1 9 B OSTON COLLlona 65,Denver58 10 9 . 5 Ari zona StKentucky72,Maryland69 USC PK 1. 5 W ASHINGTONLoyola(Md.)71, Binghamton45 Utah Wyoming PK 2 NEW MEXICD Monmouth(NJ)91,Hofstra 62 22.5 205 NEWMEXICOST SanJoseSt MoreheadSt.77, LIUBrooklyn 74 Oregon 28 2 8.5 C A LIFORNIANavy75,Marymount 48 OKLAHOM AST 7.5 1 0 WVi r ginia NorfolkSt.67, RhodeIsland 55 KansasSt 7 .5 7 . 5 TCU Northeastern65,Boston U.64 TEMPLE Penn80, UMBC75 Cincinnati 11 9 TENNES SEE 3 3 Missouri PennSt.65, St.Francis (Pa.)58 TEXAS 10 10 lowaSt Pittsburgh80, MountSt.Mary's48 SANDIEG OST 9 8 Air Force Rider79,Robert Morris 54 SMU 12.5 14.5 SoM i ss SetonHall 75, UMKC36 Marshall 3 3 UAB St.Bonaventure65,Bethune-Cookman55 Tulsa 2.5 3. 5 HOUSTON St. Francis(NY)76,Lafayette 65 Unlv 2.5 1 CO LORADO ST St. Peter's56, Rutgers 52 BoiseSt 28.5 28 5 HAW AII StonyBrook60,Marist 57 7 1 0 875 236 120 Ucla 15 1 6 WASHINGTON ST Uconn66,MichiganSt.62 6 3 0 667 239 187 C Florida 12 13.5 UTEP Vermont54, Siena53 5 4 0 556 204 197 ARIZONA 30.5 2 9 Colo rado Viganova78,Dist. of Columbia58 4 4 0 500 192 188 SCAROL 14 14 Arka nsas INA West TEXAS TECH Friday's Summary 25 26 Kansas W L T Pct PF PA 20 20 T EX AS ST La Tech SanFrancisco 6 2 0 750 189 103 OKLAHO MA 20 2 1.5 Baylor Oregon St. 102, Niagara 83 Seattle 5 4 0 556 170 154 Tulane 1.5 P K MEM PHIS STANFO RD 5.5 4. 5 Ore gon St Arizona 4 5 0 444 144 173 NIAGARA (0-1) 14.5 15 SL Louls 3 5 0 375 137 186 LSU Miss St FresnoSt 2.5 3. 5 NEV A DA Thomas2-2 0-0 4, Green4-13 4-6 14, Tanksley 4 11 0 212,Mason4 130 010, Jordan5 92 217, Thursday'sGame WKENT UCKY 165 16.5 Fl a. Atlantic ons3 60 07, Mccag3-12 Indianapolis27, Jacksonvile10 Navy PK 1.5 TROY Cline 4-91-211, Lemm Sunday's Games NTEXAS 9.5 8 SAla bama 2 68, Gillette0-10-20 Totals 29-76 9-20 83. OREGON ST. (1-0) 26 2 7 LIL -Lafayege Atlanta atNewOrleans,10a.m. FLORIDA Burton 5-7 0-010, Moreland7-70-0 14,Brandt Detroit atMinnesota,10a.m. 8-13 0-018,Starks6-140-018, Nelson6-155-9 22, DenveratCarolina,10 a.m. Robbins1-1 0-22, Moyer0-00-00, Barton0-12-2 BASKETBALL San DiegoatTampaBay, 10 a.m. 2, Jones0-00-0 0, Morris-Walker0-0 0-00, MitchTennessee at Miami, 10a.m ell 0-0 0-2 0,Schaftenaar0-10-0 0, Powers 1-10-0 Men's College Buffalo atNewEngland,10a.m. 2, Reid0-00-2 0, Collier 4-76-714. Totals 38-67 Oaklandat Baltimore,10a.m. Friday's Results 13-24 102. NY GiantsatCincinnati,10 a.m. FAR WEST Halftime —Oregon St. 53-39.3-Point Goals—NiN.Y.JetsatSeattle, I:05 p.m. A zusa Pa ci f i c 102, Cent. W a shi n gton 99, O T agara 16-34(Jordan5-9, Tanksley4-8, Cline2-4 St. Louisat SanFrancisco,1:25 p.m. BYU81,TennesseeSt 66 M ason 2-5, Green2-6, Lemmons1-2), OregonSt.13Dallas atPhiladelphia,1 25p.m. CS Northridge81,Pepperdine75 24 (Starks6-11,Nelson5-8, Brandt2-4, Schaftenaar Housto natChicago,5:20p.m. Colorado74,Wofford 59 0-1). Fouled Out—None. Rebounds—Niagara 37 Open:Arizona,Cleveland,GreenBay,Washington ColoradoSt.72,Montana65 (Mccall 8), OregonSt 52(Moreland13). AssistsMonday'sGame Gonzaga103,S.Utah65 Niagara18(Green9), OregonSt.20 (Collier 6).Total KansasCityat Pittsburgh,5 30p.m HoustonBaptist72,Ark.-Pine Bluff 68 Fouls—Niagara21, OregonSt. 15.A—3,206. LoyolaMarymount108,Pacifica49 Oregon St 102, Ni a gara 83 College Women's college PortlandSt.77, Pacific(Ore.) 58 Friday's Results SacramentoSt.96, IJCMerced62 Friday's Results EAST San Diego 91,SanDiegoChristian 58 FAR WEST Uconn24,Pittsburgh17 Southern Cal87,Coppin St.73 Arizona71, CSBakersfield 50 Stanford74,SanFrancisco 62 BYU 80, We ber St. 55 Top 25 Schedule Texas-Arlington62,CSBakersfield 60 BoiseSt.80, UtahValey63 AU TimesPST UCLA86 IndianaSt.59 CS Northridge70, Portland51 Today Utah104,Wigamette 47 California80, Lehigh48 No.1Alabamavs.No.15TexasA8M,12.30p.m. Weber St.110, Southwestern (Ariz.) 52 Gonzaga 60,UCRiverside 53 No. 2Oregonvs. Califomia, 7:30p.m. WrightSt.80, Idaho70 LongBeachSt.74,Sacramento St.71 No.3 KansasStateatTCU,4p.m. SOUTHWEST N. Colorado68,Air Force44 No. 4NotreDameat Boston College, 5p.m. Arkansas 73,SamHouston St 68 Nevada76,CalSt-Fulerton 72 No. 5GeorgiaatAuburn, 4p.m. Baylor99,Lehigh77 NewMexico68,N.Arizona57 No. 7 Floridavs. I.ouisiana-l.afayette, 9:21am. Houston81,Florida A8M76 Pacific 71,Seattle70 No. 9LSUvs. No.23Mississippi State,4 p.m. Oklahoma St.73,UC Davis65 Pepperdine 83, LICDavis 68 No.10 Clemson vs. Maryland, 1230 pm. StephenF.Austin 84 HowardPayne30 PortlandSt. 55,GeorgeFox35 No.11 Louisville atSyracuse,9am. TCU53, CalPoly46 San Francisco65, Hawaii 52 No. 12SouthCarolina vs. Arkansas,9a.m. Texas 55, FresnoSt. 53 San JoseSt.70,SanFrancisco St.51 No.13OregonState atNo.16Stanford, noon TexasABM71, LouisianaTech59 SantaClara77, UCIrvine 54 No. 14Oklahomavs. Baylor, 12:30p.m TexasSt.86,Fordham76 Stanford72, FresnoSt.61 No. 17U0LAatWashington State, 7:30 p.m. Texas Tech89,Prairie View79 UNLV58, UCSanta Barbara52 No.18 Nebraskavs.PennState,12.30 p.m. UALR84,UT-Martin 68 Washington70,Saint Mary's (Cal) 68 No.19 Louisiana Techat TexasState, 4p.m. UTEP 69, OralRoberts 49 Wyoming86,Idaho53 No. 19Texasvs. IowaState, 9a.m. MIDWEST SOUTHWE ST No. 21SouthernCalvs. ArizonaState,12:30 p.m. BowlingGreen63, LakeErie 53 Arkansas97,JacksonSt. 58 No. 24Rutgersvs. Army,9a.m. Bradley76,E.Illinois 53 Baylor80,Lamar34 No. 25TexasTechvs. Kansas, 9a.m. Buckneg 70, Purdue 65 Cent. Arkansas83,OklahomaWesleyan46 ClevelandSt.92, Grambling St.49 Dklahoma St.90, CalPoly 59 Pac-12 Standings Creighton71,North Texas51 Dral Roberts64,Tulsa53 AH TimesPacific DePaul91, UCRiverside 59 Rice57,PrairieView42 Detroit 88, N.Michigan53 SouthAlabama83,HoustonBaptist 53 North E. Michigan66,Rochester (Mich.) 52 StephenF.Austin 80,Louisiana-Monroe55 Conf. Overall IUPUI67, UtahValley 54 TexasSt.82, Belmont76 6-0 9-0 Rlinois75,Colgate55 Oregon UTSA68, Texas-PanAmerican34 OregonState 5-1 7-1 Indiana97, Bryant54 MIDWEST 5-1 7-2 lowa86, Texas-PanAmerican55 Stanford Cent. Michigan 73, Bradley58 3-3 5-4 lowa St.82,SouthernU.59 Washington Cincinnati49,N.Kentucky 31 2-5 3-7 Kansas California 74,SEMissouri 55 ClevelandSt.60,SouthDakota46 0-6 2-7 KansasSt.85, NorthDakota52 WashingtonState Evansville54,Ball St.45 South KentSt.66, Drexel62, OT IndianaSt.69, E.Illinois 39 Conf. Overall Loyol aofChicago62,Toledo50 KansasSt.62,IdahoSt.54 4-2 7-2 Michigan100,SlipperyRock62 UCLA Michigan70, Detroit 62 4-3 6-3 Milwaukee USC 76,Mary46 Milwaukee 82, ChicagoSt.58 3-3 5-4 Minnesota ArizonaState 72, American U.36 MissouriWestern68, UMKC51 2-4 5-4 MissouriSt.89, PhilanderSmith 61 Arizona N. DakotaSt.81, Harvard72 2-4 4-5 N. Dakota Utah St. 93,Valley City St.47 Northwestern79,UT-Martin 69 1-5 1-8 Nebraska-Om Colorado aha77,N. Illinois 64 Toledo56,ArkansasSt.34 Today's Games Oakland 96,Albion 62 Truman St.64, I I.-chicago51 ColoradoatArizona,10:30a.m. Saint Louis76,SC-Upstate59 Valparaiso64,Indiana52 OregonStateatStanford, noon Valparaiso85, Georgia Southern54 SOUTH ArizonaStateat USC,12:30 p.m. Xavier117,FairleighDickinson75 Alabama ABM64, Miles 51 OregonatCal, 7:30p.m. SOUTH Appal achianSt.91,Lees-McRae54 Utah atWashington, 7:30p.m. Alabama70,S DakotaSt 67 Chattanooga 80, Tennessee71 UCLAatWashington State, 7:30p.m. AabamaAB,M67, Miles48 Co I. ofCharleston56, Coastal Carolina38 Appalachian St.86, Montreat54 CoppinSt.97, Cheyney41 Auburn61, IPFW50 E. Kentucky73, Miami(Ohio)63, OT Betting line AustinPeay75 Samford 64 EastCarolina68,Wiliam8 Mary62 Belmont 89,Lipscomb60 NFL FAU75,GeorgiaSouthem 55 Campbel 74, l Averett 55 Florida71, Fairfield 49 (Hometeamsin Caps) Charlotte 68, Charl e ston Sou t h ern 58 Favorite Open Current Underdog Florida A8 M72,Jacksonvi le69 CoastalCarolina74,Akron70, OT Sunday Furman68 Tusculum49 GeorgiaSt.64, UCF50 PATRIOT S 12 11 Bills Coll. ofCharleston75, Towson 58 Hampton78,Southern Miss.41 Giants 4 .5 4 BENGALS Davidson93,Emory 67 BUCS 3 3 Chargers Duke74, GeorgiaSt.55 Hofstra77,Stetson75 EKentucky89,Cincinnati Christian56 Broncos 45 4 PANTHE RS Louisiana-Lafayette71, SouthernU.69 Mason63, Virginia 59 Louisville 47,TexasA8M45 DOLPHINS 6 6 Titans George Georgia 68, Jacksonvi l le 62 Marshall 65,Radford63 RAVENS 7 7. 5 Raiders Georgi a Tech 79, T ul a ne 61 Maryland88,MountSt.Mary's47 Falcons 2.5 2 SAINTS High Poi n 81, t UNC G r e ens boro 73 Mercer57, Brevard50 Lions 25 VIKINGS 46,DldDominion 45 Miami77,NorthFlorida24 SEAHAW KS 6.5 6 Jets Holy Cross Jacksonvi l le St. 93, Re i n hardt 63 Mississippi95,SELouisiana85 Cowboys PK 15 EAGLES LSU 77, UC S ant a B arb ara 63 MississippiSt. 72,Houston66 49ERS 12 11.5 Rams Marshall81,Longwood47 MorganSt.72, UMBC61 BEARS 1 .5 1 . 5 Texans McNeese St.72,LouisianaCollege54 NorfolkSt.60, Penn51 Monday Miami 87, Stetson 79 NorthwesternSt.53, NewOrleans 52 STEELE RS 12.5 12 Chiefs MiddleTennessee97, AlabamaSt.53 NotreDame57, Ohio St.51 M ississippi 93, MVSU 57 Dld Dominion55, VirginiaTech35 College MorganSt 71,UTSA59 Richmond71, Longwood61 Today Murray St. 88, Bresci a 43 SC State77,Claflin 42 MICHIGAN 11.5 10 Northwestern NC A8T 83, Gre ens boro 52 Savannah St.89, Columbia(SC)55 CLEMSON 31 3 1.5 Maryland NC State 97, Mi a mi (Ohi o ) 59 SouthCarolina77,Elon44 NC STA TE 9 8 WakeForest Orleans72,SanJoseSt. 68 Tennessee St. 52,Cumberland(Tenn.) 49 RUTGE RS 17.5 17 Army New Texas70,St.John's 60 Louisville 2 15 SYRACU SE NorthCarolina76, Gardner-Webb59 Northwestern St.118, E Te xas B ap t i s t 77 Tulane66,LouisianaTech 59 VIRGINIA Miami-Fla 2(M) 1 84, Liberty 42 UAB72,Austin Peay54 Minnesota 3 3 ILLINOIS Richmond 81,Claflin 62 Virginia78,JamesMadison57 Wisconsin 5.5 7 INDIANA SC State Savannah St. 84, Tri n ity Bapti s t 62 W. Kentucky80,MurraySt.69 IOWA 3 .5 4 . 5 Purdue SouthAlabama76, Florida St.71 EAST MISSISSIPPI 2 .5 2 5 Vanderbilt Tennessee 76, K enn esa w St . 67 Army65, Wagner 62 NCAROIN LA 9 8 Ga Tech Boston U. 52, Boston Colege46 CMichigan 2 2.5 EMICHIGAN Troy 56,Mississippi St.53 CCSU57, RhodeIsland 49,OT Kent St 6 65 MIAMI-OHIO UNCAsheville71,W.Carolina 61 Canisius73, Buffalo57 BYU 37 39 Idaho VCU80, FloridaGulfCoast57 Wake Forest 79, R a df o rd 67 Cornell 69,Colgate65 AKRON 14.5 16.5 Massachusetts Drexel60,Providence50 WMichigan 3 .5 2 . 5 BUFFALO William 8Mary69, Hampton 51 EAST Fordham 60, Albany(NY) 43 ALABAMA 13.5 I3.5 Texas ABM NEBRAS KA NotreDame

JoshTeater CameronBeckman RussellKnox BrianGay TomGilis Vaughn Taylor StewartCink Will Claxton BenCurtis Jerry Kelly JoeySnyderIII JasonKokrak ShaneBertsch Justin Leonard RobertoCastro RyanPalmer JohnRogins Scott Dunlap MarcoDawson RobertKarlsson Tim Herron Matt Bettencourt SeanO'Hair J.J. Kigeen Martin Flores Billy Horschel JonasBlixt KenDuke

Carl Paulson D.J. Trahan DerekLamely DavisLoveIII GaryWoodland AlexandreRocha RolandThatcher GavinColes ChezReavie PatrickSheehan TomPerniceJr. Brendan Steele StuartAppleby WilliamMcGirt

Jeff Maggert DanielSummerhays Nick O'Hern GarrettWillis

Cameron Tringale MathewGoggin NathanGreen JasonBohn Kyle Reifers Chris DiMarco Chris Kirk TedPotter,Jr. Alex Cejka EdwardLoar

SungKang James Driscoll HeathSlocum D.A. Points ChadCampbel Bart Bryant DuffyWaldorf DickyPride Mike Weir

RodPampling Billy Mayfair Tommy Biershenk BlakeAdams Kyle Thomp son BobbyGates Bill Lunde RoccoMediate DeanWilson

RodPerry BrianDavis JohnMaginger RobertAgenby SteveWheatcroft ZackMiler DannyLee RorySabbatini LeeJanzen KevinKisner ScottBrown DavidHutseg Erik Compton TrevorImmelman PatrickReed GregOwen Joe Durant Scott Verplank DavidMathis Arjun Atwal RichardH.Lee HankKuehne GaryChristian George McNeiI Troy Matteson Tim Petrovic MichaelBradley StephenGanguff Billy HurleyIII BrendonTodd RichBeem StevenBowditch

Missed cut

67p-71m 138 71p-67m—138 70m-68p—138 66p-72m—138 69p-69m—138 72m-66p—138 70m-68p—138 69p-69m—138 72m-67p—139 69m-70p—139 71 m-68p —139 69m-70p—139 71m-68p—139 69p-71m 140 73m-67p—140 69p-71m —140 70m-70p—140 70m-70p 140 72m-68p—140 68p-72m—140 71 m-70p —141 71m-70p—141 67p-74m 141 73m-68p—141 71 p-70m —141 72p-69m —141 71 p-70m —141 70p-71m —141 67p-74m—141 71 m-70p —141 74m-67p—141 73m-68p 141 73p-68m —141 73p-68m—141 71p-70m—141 69p-73m—142 71m-71p—142 68m-74p—142 69p-73m—142 74p-68m—142 67p-75m 142 74m-68p—142 71 m-71p —142 72p-70m—142 71m-71p—142 69m-73p—142 73m-69p—142 75m-67p—142 69p-74m—143 71p-72m 143 73m-70p —143 69m-74p —143 72p-71m—143 73p-70m 143 75m-68p—143 72p-71m —143 69m-74p—143 76m-68p—144 72m-72p—144 71p-73m—144 73p-71m—144 74m-70p 144 70p-74m—144 73p-71m —144 68p-76m—144 74p-70m—144 70p-74m—144 72p-72m—144 71m-73p—144 71m-74p—145 77m-68p 145 72p-73m—145 76m-69p —145 72m-73p—145 70p-75m—145 73p-72m—145 77p-69m—146 72p-74m—146 76m-70p—146 74m-72p—146 76p-70m—146 74m-72p—146 72p-74m—146

75-73 — 148 71-77 — 148 76-73 — 149 72-77 —149 76-74 — 150 77-76 — 153

MeenaLee Lexi Thomp son GiuliaSergas AlejandraLlaneza ChellaChoi TanyaDergal

TENNIS Professional ATP WorldTourFinals Friday At The 02 Arena

London Purse: $8.11 million (TourFinal) Surface: Hard-Indoor Round Robin Singles Group A x-Advanced tosemifinals NovakDjokovic(1), Serbia, def.TomasBerdych (5), Czech Republic, 6-2, 7-6(6). Andy Murray(3), Britain,def.Jo-Wifried fsonga (7), France, 6-2, 7-6(3). Group A Standings:x-Djokovic 3-0 (sets6-1), x-Murray2-1 (5-3), Berdych1-2 (3-5), Tsonga0-3


Group 8 Standings:x-Federer2-0(4-0), delPotro 1-1(3-2), Ferrer 1-1(2-3), Tipsarevic0-2(0-4).

MOTOR SPORTS NASCAR Sprint CupAdvoCare500Lineup After Friday qualifying; raceSunday At Phoenix International Raceway Avondale, Ariz. Lap length: 1 miles (Car number inparentheses) 1. (18)KyleBusch, Toyota,138.766 mph. 2. (56)MartinTruexJr., Toyota,138217. 3 (11) DennyHamlin Toyota 137578 4. (5) Kasey Kahne, Chevrolet,137.478. 5. (43)Aric Almirola,Ford,137.211. 6. (78)KurtBusch,Chevrolet,137.007. 7. (27)PaulMenard, Chevrolet, 136.992. 8. (51)ReganSmith, Chevrolet,136.872. 9. (14)TonyStewart, Chevrolet,136.867. 10. (55)MarkMartin, Toyota,136.867. 11. (24)JeffGordon,Chevrolet,13683. 12. (39)RyanNewman Chevrolet 136721 13. (99)Carl Edwards,Ford,136.679. 14. (2)BradKeselowski, Dodge,136622. 15. (20)JoeyLogano,Toyota,136.488. 16. (15)Clint Bowyer, Toyota,136.436. 17. (9)MarcosAmbrose, Ford,136.358. 18. (I) Jamie McMurray, Chevrolet,136.353. 19. (29)KevinHarvick, Chevrolet,136271. 20. (16)GregBiffle, Ford,136.219. 21. (42)JuanPablo Montoya Chevrolet 136.003. 22. (17)MattKenseth, Ford,135905. 23. (88)DaleEarnhardtJr., Chevrolet,135.547. 24. (48)JimmieJohnson, Chevrolet,135 44. 25. (13)CaseyMears, Ford,135.211. 26. (22)SamHomishJr., Dodge,135.171. 27. (83)LandonCassig, Toyota, 134948. 28. (98)MichaelMcDoweg,Ford,134.948. 29. (34)DavidRagan,Ford, 134.933. 30. (47)BobbyLabonte, Toyota,134.449. 31. (38)DavidGil iland, Ford,134.373. 32. (30)DavidStremme, Toyota,134343. 33. (31)JeffBurton, Chevrolet,134.198. 34. (44)DavidReutimann, Ford,134.008. 35. (33)StephenLeicht, Chevrolet,133.62. 36. (19)MikeBliss, Toyota,133.576. 37. (10)DanicaPatrick, Chevrolet,132.954. 38. (26)JoshWise, Ford,132.817. 39. (93)TravisKvapil, Toyota,132.387. 40. (91)JasonLefler, Chevrolet,131.329. 41. (32)TimmyHil, Ford,129.945. 42. (36)DaveBlaney, Chevrolet, Owner Points. 43. (87)JoeNemechek, Toyota,130.067. Failed to Qualify 44. (37)J.J.Yeley,Chevrolet,127.056.


Championship Sunday,Nov.11:Houstonvs. D.C.United,1p.m. Sunday,Nov.18:D.C.Unitedvs. Houston,1 p.m. WESTERNCONFERENCE Championship Sunday,Nov.11:LosAngelesvs. Seatle, 6p.m. Sunday ,Nov.18 Seattlevs LosAngeles,6p.m MLS CUP Saturday,Dec. 1: Eastemchampion vs. Western champion,430 p.m.


American League

KANSAS CITYROYALS Agreed to termswithC ManuelPina IB/DHlanGacandOFLuis Durangoon

minor league contracts.

TORONTO BLUEJAYS— Agreed to terms with

RHP Justin Germanoonaminor leaguecontract. National League NEWYORKMETS—Agreedto termswith CMike Nickeas onaminorleaguecontract.

PITTSBU RGH PIRATES— Agreed to terms with

RHPRyanReid, OFDarren Ford, INF/OFJared Goedert, INFStefanWelch, INFAndersonHernandez,INF Jeff LarishandLHPKris Johnsonon minor league contracts.

BASKETBALL National Basketball Association LOS ANGELESLAKERS — Fi red coach Mike Brown. 78m-68p—146 FOOTBALL 75p-71m—146 National Football League 72p-74m—146 NFL — Fined the PittsburghSteelers $35,000 73m-73p—146 and WR Emm anuel Sanders $15,000 for faking 71p-76m—147 an injury during anOct. 21 gamein Cincinnati. Bgm-67p—147 SuspendedNewEngland RBBrandon Boldenfour 76m-71p—147 amesfor violating theleaguepolicy onperformance 74p-74m—148 g enhancing substances. Fined Carolina S Haruki 75m-73p—148 Nakamura and GreenBay TERyan Taylor $21,000; 73m-75p—148 75p-73m—148 TennesseeS Michael Griffin $20,000; OaklandCB 76m-72p—148 TyvonBranch,Carolina DEGreg Hardy andArizona 74p-74m—148 LB QuentinGroves$15,750, Baltimore LBDanneg 77p-71m—148 Egerbe$10,000;and Philadelphia QBMichael Vick, Indianapolis CBCassius Vaughnand Pittsburgh S 71p-77m—148 Wi I Allen$7,875for their actionsduringlastweek's 75m-74p—149 72m-77p—149 games. BUFFALO BILLS—SignedSManaSilvafromthe 76m-73p—149 78m-71p—149 practicesquad.ReleasedSDelanoHowell. CINCINNATI BENGALS Activated DT Pat Sims 75m-74p—149 from thephysicagy-unable-to-perform list. Rreleased 74p-76m—150 LB RoddrickMuckelroy. 75p-75m—150 MIAMIDOLPHINS—SignedDBDe'Andre Presley 75p-76m —151 to thepracticesquad. 82m-74p —156 MINNES OTA VIKINGS — ReleasedDE Ernest Owusufromthe practicesquad.SignedDEGeorge Johnson to the practice squad. LPGA Tour LACROSSE Lorena OchoaInvitational National LacrosseLeague Friday WASHINGTON STEALTH — NamedMikeMcQuaid At Guadalajara Country Club vice presidentof communications. Guadalajara, Mexico SOCCER Purse:$1 million Major League Soccer Yardage: 6,626; Par:72 MLS — SuspendedD.C. United M AndyNajar SecondRound three game s and D a l a s F Bl a s Pereztwogames and AngelaStanford 66-67 — 133 fined them,along wlth NewEngland M/FFernando InbeePark 67-68—135 undisclosedamounts for their actionsdurCristieKerr 67-69—136 Cardenas, games. StacyLewis 67-70—137 ing recent CHIVASUSA—Fired Robin Fraser headcoach, So Yeon Ryu 67-70—137 Greg Vanney assistant coach,SimonEgiott techniCandieKung 66-71—137 I K Kim 68-70—138 cal director andheadscout andBrian Leeathletic KarineIcher 67-71—138 trainer. NEWYOR K REDBULLS— Announced the conHeeKyungSeo 70-69—139 coachHansBackewil notbeextended Named KatherineHull 68-71—139 tract of Mike Petke interim coach. NamedAndy Roxburgh AnnaNordqvist 69-71—140 Ai Miyazato 73-68—141 sportingdirector COLLEGE VickyHurst 71-70 — 141 BYU —SuspendedDBJoeSampsonand LBZac YaniTseng 70-71 — 141 S tout from the footbal l teamandannouncedthey have Michege Wie 66-75 — 141 withdrawn fromschool. Haeji Kang 74-68 — 142 CHARLO TTE— Suspended men's basketball G SandraGal 73-69—142 BeatrizRecari 69-73—142 DeMarioMayfieldtwogamesand F Chris Braswell one gam e . NatalieGulbis 71-72—143 INDIANA —Signed TomCrean men's basketball CatrionaMatthew 71-72—143 Lorena Ochoa 71-72—143 coach to a two year contract extension through JessicaKorda 75-69—144 2020. SOUTHE RN BrittanyLang 73-71—144 BrittanyLincicome 71-73 — 144 AzaharaMunoz 71-73 144 SuzannPetersen 70-74—144 Kristy McPherson 71-74—145 77-70—147 JulietaGranada Eun-Hee Ji 73-74 147 71-76—147 PaulaCreamer




Beavers open season with win


1 a.m.:Men's college, Coppin State at USC(same-day tape), Pac-12Network.

over Niagara

4:30 p.m.:Men's college, Northern Arizona at Oregon, Pac-12 Network.

7 p.m.:NBA,SanAntonio Spurs at Portland Trail Blazers, Blazers Television Network (Ch.39). SOCCER

6:55a.m.:English Premier League, Arsenal vs. Fulham, ESPN2. FOOTBALL 9a.m.:College, Arkansas at South Carolina, CBS.

9a.m.:College, Louisville at Syracuse, ABC. 9a.m.:College, Northwestern at Michigan, ESPN. 9a.m.:College, Wisconsin at Indiana, ESPN2.

9a.m.:College, Army at Rutgers, ESPNU. 9a.m.:College, Harvard at Pennsylvania, NBCSports Network.

9a.m.:College, Kansasat TexasTech, Root Sports. 9a.m.:College, Purdue at lowa, Big Ten Network.

10:30a.m.:College, Coloradoat Arizona, FX. Noon:College, Oregon State at Stanford, Fox. Noon:College, Arizona State at USC, Pac-12 Network.

12:30p.m.:College, PennState at Nebraska, ABC. 12:30 p.m.:College, WestVirginia at Oklahoma State, ESPN2. 12:30p.m.:College, Maryland at Clemson, ESPNU. 12:30 p.m.:College, Texas A&M at Alabama, CBS.

Michael Probst / The Associated Press

Connecticut forward DeAndre Daniels (2) shoots over Michigan State during today's game on the Ramstein U.S. Air Force Base, in Ramstein, Germany.


12:30 p.m.:College, Air Force at SanDiego State, NBC Sports Network. 12:30 p.m.:College, Portland State at Montana State,

Root Sports. 4p.m.:College, Mississippi State at LSU, ESPN. 4 p.m.:College, Georgia at Auburn, ESPN2.

4 p.m.:College, Vanderbilt at Mississippi, ESPNU. 4 p.m.:College, Kansas State at TCU, Fox. 4 p.m.:College, Boise State at Hawaii, NBC Sports Network. 4 p.m.:College, Southern Mississippi at Southern Methodist, Root Sports. 5 p.m.:College, Notre Dame at Boston College, ABC. 7:15p.m.:College,Idaho atBYU,ESPNU. 7:30 p.m.:College, Oregon at California, ESPN. 7:30 p.m.:College, UCLA at Washington State, ESPN2.

ici an

u se

Pac-12 Network.

The Associated Press RAMSTEIN A I R BA S E , G e r m any — Shabaz Napier is fairly confident that if Connecticut gets its running game going, nobody can keep up with the Huskies. No. 14 Michigan State couldn't, falling 6662 inthe Armed Forces Classic in a hangar on the U.S. Ramstein Air Base in a game that finished at 2:30 a.m. Saturday. Napier led all scorers with 25 points. "We are too fast, we are a transition team and when we get going, no one can keep up with us," Napier said. "We just tried to do what they did, transition. We got some easy rebounds, they came off the boards and we let them go." Kevin Ollie's first game and win as the Huskies' head coach was watched by former coach JimCalhoun, who worked as play-byplay radio commentator. After the game, UConn players and Ollie ran and embraced Calhoun, the Hall of Famer who retired in September. "He's always been by my side and I appreciate him so much," Ollie said. "He told me don't lay on this, build on it and continue to make them play hard. It's a great win for our program, for the new era. A lot of people could have quit but they stayed here for what Coach Calhoun built." Ollie has been given only a one-year contract with a team that returns just five players who saw significant playing time last season. UConn led most of the way and by as many as 16 points in the first half of the

5 p.m.:Men's college, Loyola (Md.) at Washington, Pac-


12 Network. 6 p.m.:Men's college, Montana State at Seattle, Root

"We executedthe game plan and the game plan was to play hard. We stepped up to the plate, we took the challenge and we came up with a victory," Ollie said. Keith Appling scored 17 points and Branden Dawson had 15 points and 10 rebounds for Michigan State. Gary Harris scored to pull the Spartans to 62-60, but Denzel Valentine and Appling each missed a shot in the last minute that would have tied the game, forcing Michigan State to foul. Napier hit four free throws in the final 13 seconds to seal the win. Ryan Boatright had D points, despite rolling his ankle in the second half, and DeAndre Daniels added 12 for the Huskies. The 14th-ranked Spartans hit just one of their first eight shots, while Connecticut made nine of its first 10, and raced out to a 20-6 lead on a 3-pointer from Napier. In other games on Friday: No. 1 Indiana...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 Bryant...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 BLOOMINGTON, Ind. — Cody Zeller had 18 points and 10 rebounds, while Christian Watford added 15 points and 15 rebounds to lead Indiana past Bryant.

7:30 p.m.:College, Fresno State at Nevada, NBCSports Network.

7:30 p.m.:College, Utah at Washington, Pac-12 Network 7:30 p.m.:College, Colorado at Arizona (same-day tape) Root Sports. GOLF 10a.m.:PGATour, Children's Miracle Network Hospitals Classic, third round, Golf Channel.

7 p.m.:European Tour/Asian Tour, Singapore Open,final round, Golf Channel. TRIATHLON

12:30p.m.:Ironman World Championship (taped), NBC. MOTOR SPORTS

1 p.m.:NASCAR,Nationwide Series, Great Clips 200, ESPN. 11:30 p.m.:NHRA, Automobile Club of Southern

California Finals, qualifying (same-day tape), ESPN2.


3a.m.:Men's college, Eastern Washington at Washington State (same-day tape), Pac-12Network. 3 p.m.:Men's college, Charleston Southern at Arizona,

Sports. 7 p.m.:Men's college, Cal State Bakersfield at California, Pac-12 Network. TENNIS

6a.m.:ATP Tour,Barclays World Tour Finals, first semifinal, ESPN2.

11:30a.m.:ATPTour, Barclays World Tour Finals, second semifinal, ESPN2. FOOTBALL 10 a.m.:NFL, New York Giants at Cincinnati Bengals, Fox. 1 p.m.:NFL, New York Jets at Seattle Seahawks, CBS.

1 p.m.: NFL,St.LouisRamsatSanFrancisco49ers,Fox. 1:30p.m.:CFLplayoffs, second semifinal, Saskatchewan Roughriders at Calgary Stampeders, NBC Sports Network 5:20p.m.: NFL,HoustonTexansatChicago Bears,NBC. 8 p.m.:CFL playoffs, semifinal, Edmonton Eskimos

at Toronto Argonauts (same-day tape), NBC Sports Network. MOTOR SPORTS Noon:NASCAR, Sprint Cup, AdvoCare 500, ESPN. 4p.m.:NHRA, Automobile Club of Southern California

Finals (same-day tape), ESPN2.


onn MEN'S COLLEGE BASKETBALL TOP 25 ROUNDUP No. 3 Kentucky...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Maryland ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 NEW YORK — Junior guard Jarrod Polson scored 10 points and made the clinching free throws with 7.7 seconds to play as Kentucky held off a furious second-half rally by Maryland. No. 5 Michigan ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100

Slippery Rock........... . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 62 ANN ARBOR, Mich. — Tim Hardaway Jr. scored 25points, surpassing 1,000 forhis career in Michigan's win over Slippery Rock. No. 6 N.C. State...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97

Miami (Ohio) ........... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 59 RALEIGH, N.C. — Richard Howell had 16 points and 10 rebounds to help North Carolina State beat Miami (Ohio) in the season opener for both teams. No. 7 Kansas...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 SE Missouri State...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 LAWRENCE, Kan. — Ben McLemore had nine points, 12 rebounds and five assists in his Kansas debut, helping the Jayhawks pull away from pesky Southeast Missouri State. No. 8 Duke...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

Georgia State......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 55 DURHAM, N.C.— Mason Plumlee had 19 points and 14 rebounds to lead Duke to the win over Georgia State. No. 11 North Carolina..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 Gardner-Webb..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 CHAPEL HILL, N.C. — James Michael McAdoo set career highs with 26 points and 14 rebounds to help North Carolina beat Gardner-Webb. No.16Creighton ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 N. Texas ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 OMAHA, Neb. — Doug McDermott had 21 points and 11 rebounds to lead Creighton to a season-opening victory over North Texas. No.19 Baylor...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 Lehigh...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 WACO, Texas — Baylor freshman center Isaiah Austin scored 22 points in 17 minutes before spraining his right ankle, and Corey Jefferson had 26 points for Baylor in a season-opening victory over Lehigh. No.21 Gonzaga..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 03 Southern Utah ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 SPOKANE, Wash. — Freshman Przemek Karnowski scored 22 points to lead Gonzaga over Southern Utah in the season opener for both teams. South Alabama...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 No. 25 Florida State...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — Antoine Allen hit four 3-pointers and scored 21 points to lead South Alabama to a season-opening upset of Florida State.

The Associated Press CORVALLIS — Roberto Nelson scored 22 points and Oregon State opened the season with a 102-83 victory over Niagara in the 2K Sports Classic on Friday night. Ahmad Starks and Angus Brandt scored 18 points each for the Beavers, who had six players in double figures. Eric Moreland added 14 points and 13 rebounds. Marvin Jordan scored 17 points for the Purple Eagles, who trailed by as many as 25 points in the second half. It was the firstever meeting between Niagara and Oregon State. The Beavers reached the 100-point mark inthe opener after scoring 100 or more points fourtimes lastseason, a school record. Eric Moreland's dunk with 9:04 left in the first half gave the Beavers a 30-20 lead, before Nelson's 3-pointer made it 53-39 at the

half. The Purple Eagles had a 9-2 run in the second half, capped by Ameen Tanksley's 3-pointer that narrowed it to 66-53. Oregon State answered with its own 9-2 run that made it 75-55 after Nelson's 3-pointer. Devon Collier's dunk gave the Beavers an 88-65 lead. Oregon State shot 57 percent from the floor for the game, while the Purple Eagles shot 38 percent. The Beavers out-rebounded Niagara 52-37. It was the 65th win for coach Craig Robinson, who is embarking on his fifth season with the Beavers. Nelson is starting at point guard for Oregon State this season after the early departure of Jared Cunningham, a star for last season's 21-15 Beavers team. Niagara, which plays in the Metro Atlantic Athletic Conference, went 14-19 last season. They are led by Juan'ya Green, who averaged 17.1 points and 4.5 assists last season as the MAAC Freshman of the Year. Against the Beavers, Green scored 14 points and had nine assists. Niagara's last meeting with a member of the Pac-12Conference was a 69-62 loss to USC in 1986. The 2K S p orts C lassic benefits t he Wounded Warrior Project. The Beavers will host New Mexico State Sunday as part of the event. Also on Friday: No.13 UCLA..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 Indiana State...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 LOS ANGELES — Jordan Adams scored 21 points in his college debut and UCLA defeated Indiana State in its season opener. Adams, the school's first-ever signee out of vaunted Oak Hill Academy in Virginia, was seven of 12 from the floor and had eight rebounds off the bench for the Bruins (1-0). Stanford..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 San Francisco...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 OAKLAND, Calif. — Dwight Powell scored 18 of his career-high 27 points in the second half as Stanford beat San Francisco in the season opener for both teams. Powell left the game with an apparent left knee injury with 1:35 remaining. Josh Huestis added 11 points for the Cardinal, who improved to 23-2 in their past 25 openers. Colorado ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 Wofford ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 BOULDER, Colo.— Freshman Josh Scott scored 14 points in his first game for Colorado, leading the Buffaloes to a victory over Wofford in the season opener for both teams. Askia Booker and Spencer Dinwiddie added 13 points apiece for the Buffaloes, who improved to 30-3 in home openers. Utah...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 Willamntte..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 SALT LAKE CITY — Jordan Loveridge scored 18 points and fellow freshman Justin Seymour added 16 as Utah cruised past Division III opponent Willamette in the Utes' season opener. Reserve Dakarai Tucker, another freshman, added 15 points as six Utah players scored in double figures. USC..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87

Coppin State.......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 73 LOS ANGELES — Byron Wesley scored 17 points, leading USC to a victory over Coppin State. Omar Oraby had 16 points and six rebounds a day after his hardship waiver petition was approved by the NCAA — making him eligible to play immediately.


1 p.m.:ISU GrandPrix: Cup of Russia (taped), NBC. SOCCER

6p.m.:MLS playoffs, Los Angeles vs. Seattle, ESPN.

RADIO Today FOOTBALL Noon:College, Oregon State at Stanford, KICE-AM 940, KRCO-AM 690. 7:30 p.m.:College, Oregon at California, KBND-AM1110. BASKETBALL 4:30 p.m.:Men's college, Northern Arizona at Oregon, KBND-AM. 7 p.m.:NBA, San Antonio Spurs at Portland Trail Blazers, KRCO-AM 690.


6:30 p.m.:Men's college, NewMexico State at Oregon State, KICE-AM 940,KRCO-AM 690. Listings are the mostaccurate available. TheBulletinis not responsible for late changesmadeby Tl/or radio stations

Golfer nearly passes out on way to lead The Associated Press LAKE BUENA VISTA, Fla. — Charlie Beljan was worried about keeping his PGA Tour card when he showed up at Disney for the final tournament of the year. That changed Friday over five frightening hours when he felt a shortness of breath and his heart racing, and eventually told his caddie that he thought he

was going to die. His chestheaved. He called for paramedics at the turn and was told his blood pressure was not good. He sat in the middle of the fairway to rest and kneeled on the green to try to steady himself. In one of the most remarkable rounds of the year, the 28-year-old rookie fought through it for an 8-under 64 to take a three-shot lead. Moments after signing his card, Beljan was loaded onto astretcher. His eyes were shut, his head tilted back — still wearing his visor — and his arms were folded across his

GOLF ROUNDUP stomach as paramedics loaded him into an ambulance parked beyond the 18th green at the Palm Course. "I think he was scared," said his caddie, Rick Adcox. "He kept saying he thought he was going to die. He just had that feeling. I don't know why. But it was spooky." A few hours later, his agent sent a text to PGA Tour officials from Celebration Hospital that Beljan was waiting on tests, feeling better and hopeful of being discharged from the hospital Friday evening. In a later text, agent Andy Dawson said even if Beljan remained in the hospital overnight, he still planned to play the third round. Beljan was in the lead for the first time after any round going into the weekend at the Children's Miracle Network Hospitals Classic. It

could not have come at a better time because he is No. 139 on the money list, and only the top 125 keep their full cards for next year. In other Friday events: Stanford up two strokes in Mexico GUADALAJARA, Mexico — Angela Stanford shot a 5-under 67 to take a two-stroke lead over Inbee Park after the second round of the Lorena Ochoa InvitationaL The winner of the inaugural tournament in 2008, Stanford had an 11-under 133 total at Guadalajara Country Club. The Texan won the HSBC Women's Champions in Singapore in February for her fifth LPGA Tour victory.

Two battle rain to tie for Singapore lead SINGAPORE — England's Simon Dyson and Thailand's Chapchai Nirat topped the SingaporeOpen leaderboard at6 under when rain again disrupted play. Dyson completed 13 holes, and Nirat nine before was suspended for the day.




su er state oss Bulletin staff report SCAPPOOSE Madras H i gh's f o otball season came to an end Friday night as the turnoverplagued White Buffaloes lost 50-6 t o h ost S cappoose in the first round o f th e C l ass 4 A s t a t e

playoffs. The top-ranked Indians, who improved to 9-1 overall with the win, led 28-0 at halftime. Madras (5-6 overall) committed seven turnovers for the game, including s i x i n t e r ceptions. One of those interceptions was returned 55 yards for a third-quarter touchdown by Paul Revis, his third TD of the night. W hite B u f f al o tai l back Joe Hisatake scored Madras' lone touchdown, a 3-yard ru n w i t h t w o minutes left in the game. "They're a good team," Madras coach Rick Wells said of Scappoose. "A lot of what they did caused those turnovers. "It wasn't like we were completely o u t c lassed," Wells added. "It's just that we had a bad night, and

Panthers Continued from D1 Also coming up big for the Intermountain Con f erence champions was their defense, which limited the Lancers to just 11 yards in the third quarter and 102 yards in the second half, as the Panthers (10-0 overall) outscored Churchill 27-8 after halftime. Redmond coach N a than Stanley said that was a combination of his team making halftime adjustments and the Lancers (7-4) being limited with their spread offense. Those adjustments, Stanley said, were sparked by a Redmond drive late in the second quarter, during which the Panthers drove 62 yards for a touchdown to put them ahead 13-7 with 39 seconds left in the half. "There for a while it was about field position, but once w e adjusted, we had a b i g



girls reach

playoff final Bulletin staff report BEAVERTON — Summit scored a close 15-13 s emifinal v i c t or y o v e r Madras on Friday to advance to th e g i rl s 5/4A final at the 2012 Oregon High School Water Polo

Championships. The two-day championship event concludes today at Tualatin Hills Aquatic Center. A nnie Jarvis was t h e leading scorer for Summit, which plays West Albany for the 5/4A girls state title today at 3 p.m. Also today, Madras takes on Parkrose for third place in a match set to start at 10 a.m. In a 5/4A boys semifinal F riday, M o untain V i e w trailed West Albany 8-3 before rallying to get within 9-8 going into the third quarter. But the Cougars could get no closer and lost D-10 despite six goals by Noah Cox and three by Tim Gorman. Nate Cox added a goal and eight assists for Mountain View, and goalie Tracy Pitcher made eight saves. In another 5/4A b o ys semifinal match, Summit fell 11-7 to 2011 champion Ashland. Carson Brenda was among the goal scorers for the Storm, who will face off against Central Oregon r i va l M o u n tain View i n t h e t h i r d-place game today at 11:15 a.m.

Continued from D1 Linebacker Kyle Shaver recorded five solo tackles and I V2 sacks, and defensive lineman Chadd Taulai added 2 I/2 sacks of his own. A yers, who had just 21 yards rushing at halftime, scored the only touchdown of the first half, a 7-yard run with just over four minutes




left in the second quarter. Mountain View took a 14-0 lead with 7:51 in the fourth quarter as Ayers scored from 6 yards out, but the Wildcats made it 14-7 less than a minute later when Tanner Shipley connected with Nick

Highberger for a 15-yard touchdowns pass. Ayers put the Cougs up for good with 2:11 left in the game when he broke off a 53-yard run for a score.


Weiss introduced as Rockies manager By Pat Graham

a nd is given the t ask o f

play," Stanley said, referring

The Associated Press

turning around a young

to a 36-yard completion on third down and 14 yards to go. "We adjusted into kind of our 'beef package' or whatever you want to call it. I think that was the spark that we needed." The Panthers, ranked No. I in 5A, racked up 469 yards offensively, with 271 coming in the second half. "We're asecond-half team," said Trevor Genz, whose 59 rushing yards after the break paced Redmond's 189 yards on the ground in the second half. "Every game, we've just done great in the second half. It just takes us a little while to

DENVER — Dick Monfort entered the room inside Coors Field to a sound he hasn't heard in quite some time — applause. "I'm a little surprised, because people usually don't clap for me when I walk in," the Colorado Rockies owner said to a room full of fans on Friday. Sorry, they were actually reacting to the person following closely behind Monfort — the fan favorite now given the responsibility of resurrecting the Rockies. Walt Weiss remains quite popular after spending four seasons with the Rockies as a gritty shortstop. And now the team is hoping he can b ring that tenacity to h i s new role as he makes the rare leap from high school c oach t o m a j o r l e a g ue

squad that's coming off a franchise-worst 64-98 season. To add to that pressure, Weiss has only a one-year deal to transform the team, n ot t o m e n tion a R o c k ies executive looking over h is shoulder from a n o f fice right next to his in the clubhouse. Weiss k n ow s e x a c t ly what he's getting into, fully ready to reward the Rockies' leap of faith in him. "There is no question the pink elephant in the room is I haven't done this before," Weiss said. "This is a job that I'm going to have to figure out on the fly." Prior to this job, Weiss'

get going." Genz ran for 93 yards on the ground, and Andrew Leeland completed four of seven passes for 149 yards and two t ouchdowns. M at t Da h l en was on the receiving end of two of those throws for 64 yards and a touchdown, help-

Ryan erennecke /The Bulletin

Redmond's Trevor Hindman (22) looks for a hole in the Churchill's defense during the first half Friday in Redmond. ing Redmond advance to 5A quarterfinals and a matchup against Crescent Valley at home next Friday. The Panthers, who rushed for 320 yards, faced white-out conditions, as snow piled up on the field throughout the


"We're tough guys," Genz said. "We're used to the coldness, and the snow kind of adds an extra factor. Snow's here every year, and those kids in the (Willamette) Valley probably don't see snow like

this very often, so that probably gave us an advantage." Stanley said the win came down to guts and effort. That, combined with a style of football he compared to what one would see in the NFC East, is going to be key if Redmond wants its season to continue.

"To keep going, we just need

to keep our focus," Stanley said. "Ignore the noise and enjoy the moment. That's kind of what we tell our kids to do." — Reporter: 541-383-0305, glucas@bendbulletin.com.

manager. He steps in for Jim Tracy

only head coaching job

was at Regis Jesuit High School in A u r o ra, C olo., w here heled his son's team to a 20-6 record and a spot in the state semifinals last



they had a good night." The W h ite B u f f aloes, who advanced to the state playoffs a f ter d e feating C rook County 3 3-21 i n last week's 4 A p l a y -in round, played in the state p ostseason for t h e f i r s t time since 2005.



Soccer OSAAState Playoffs BOYS CLASS 6A Quarteriinals Today's Games ForestGroveatClackamas Lincoln atMcMinnvile CentralCatholic atJesuit SunsetatSouthEugene CLASS5A Qttarteriinals Today's Games Liberty atWoodburn Wilsoitville atHoodRiverValley CrescentValleyat MountainView Clevelandat Summit CLASS4A Qttarteriinals Today's Games Henley atMcLoughlit Molalla atPhilomath La SallePrePatStaytOlt Ontario atPhoenix CLASS3A/2A/1A Qttarteriinals

Today'sGames SantiamChristianatOregonEpiscopal Catlin Gablat e PortlandChretiarl Westside Christian atRiverside Delphianat Riverdale GIRLS CLASS 6A Quarteriinals Today's Games Clackamas at Sunset LakeridgeatTigard Jesuit atThurston Canbyat Grant CLASS 5A Quarteriinals Today's Games CrescentValleyat Summit Corvallis atWilsonvile WillametteatBend Putltam atSherWO Od

CLASS4A Qttarteriinals

Today's Games NorthBend/ORCoast Techat Mazama La Grande atPhilomath Molalla atGladstone La SallePrepatScappoose CLASS3A/2A/1A Qttarteriinals

Today's Games CorItett atOregonEpiscopal Catlin Galmatl St.Mary's, Medford Glide atWestern Mertnoltite/Perrydale Cascade Christian at Valley Catholic

Volleyball OSAASTATECHAMPIONSHIPS CLASS6A Al Liberty High School, Hillsboro Friday's Results

Quarteriinals CentralCatholic def.Gresham,25-t3, 25-18,25-12 Roseburgdef.Barlow,25-23, 25-20,25-22 Clackamasdef.Sheldon,25-17,25-15,25-17 Jesuit def.Century,25-11,25-17,25-18 Semifinals Roseburgdef. CentralCatholic, 25-17,20-25, 25-22, t 8-25, 15-t 3

Jesuit def.Clackamas, 25-I8, 25-15, 25-19 Today's Games Consolation Semifinals Greshamvs.Bariow,10am. Sheldonvs. Century,10 a.m. Fourth/Sixth Place Consolatlonsemifinalwinners 2:15p.m. Third/Fifth Place CentralCatholic vs.Clackamas, Z15p.m. Final Roseburg vs.Jesuit,8 30 p.m. CLASS 5A AI Liberty HighSchool, Hillsboro Friday's Results Qttarteriinals WestAlbanydef. Lebanon, 25-11, 25-11,25-t 5 Marshfielddet. Corvallis, 18-25,25-15,25-16,25-21 BenddeI.Summit, 25-14,25-21,21-25,25-22 Churchill def.Pendleton,25-16,20-25,25-2I, 25-1I Semifinals WestAlbanydef. Marshfield,25-t7, 25-0, 25-t6 Churchill def.Bend,25-12, 25-7, 25-14

Today'sGames Consolation Semifinals Lebanonvs.Corvallis, 8 a.m. Summitvs.Pendleton,8 a.m. Fourth/Sixth Place Consolationsemifinalwinners noon. Third/Fifth Place Marshfieldvs.Bend,noon Final WestAlbanyvs. Churchill, 6 p.m. CLASS4A

At LaneCommunity College, Eugene Friday's Results Quarteriinals CrookCountydef. Elmlra,25-11,25-23,25-8

Madrasdef. LaGrande,25-20, 24-26,25-13, 20-25,

Reb Kerr/The Bulletin

Culver's Shealene Little (7) finds a gap for a kill against Kennedy Friday during the quarterfinals at the 2A volleyball state championships at Ridgeview High School in Redmond. For a related story, see D1. 16-14 Today'sGames Banksdef.Phoenix, 25-21,25-8,25-17 Consolation Semifinals Astoria def. Sisters, 25-22, 25-21, 22-25, I9-25, North Douglavs. s Kennedy,10 a.m. 15-13 GrantUnionvs. Weston-McEwen,10 a.m. Semifinals Fourth/Sixth Place CrookCountydef.Madras,25-10,25-17,25-17 Consolationsemiinal winners, 2:15p.m. Third/Fifth Place Astoriadef Banks,25-14, 20-25,25-19,25-23

Today's Games Consolation Semifinals Elmiravs.LaGrande,10 am. Phoenixvs.Sisters, t0a.m. Fourth/Sixth Place Consolationsemifinalwinners,2:15p.m. Third/Fifth Place Madras vs. Banks,2:15 p.m. Final CrookCountyvs. Astoria, B30p.m. CLASS3A At LaneCommunity College, Eugene Friday's Results Qttarteriinals Corbettdef. Creswell,25-23,25-22, 25-21 ValleyCatholicdef. CascadeChristian, 25-23,25-14, 26-28, 25-t 9 Santiam Christiandef. Nyssa,25-17, 25-15,25-13 BlanchetCatholic def. OregonEpiscopal, 25-21,2225,25-20,30-28

Heppnervs. Reedsport, 2:15p.m. Final Culvervs.DaysCreek,8.30 pm.


AI RidgeviewHighSchool, Redmond Friday's Results Gttaderiinals PowderValleydef.Yottcalla, 25-16,25-17,25-15 St. Pauldef. Lowell,25-22,23-25, 25-12,25-15 Imblerdef.HosannaChristian, 25-24,25-23, 25-11 PortlandLutherandef. Perrydale,28 26, 25-10, 1625,25-22 Semifittals PowderValley def.St. Paul,27-25,25-19,25-17 Imbler def. PortlandLutheran,21-25, 25-23, 25-12, 25-18

Today'sGames Consolation Semifinals Yoncallavs.Lowell, 8a.m. HosannaChristian vs. Perrydale,8 a.m.

Semifittals Fottrth/Sixth Place Corttett def. Valley Catholic, t7-25, 25-21, 25-18, Consolationsemiinal winners, noon. 25-18 Third/Fifth Place SantiamChristiandef. BIanchetCatholic, 25-16,25- St. Paulvs PortandLutheran, noon. 19, 7-25,25-17 Final Today's Games PowderValleyvs. Imbler,6p.m.

Consolation Semifinals Creswelvs. l CascadeChristian, 8 a.m. Nyssa vsOregonEpiscopal,8a.m. Fourth/Sixth Place Consolationsemiinal winners,noon. Third/Fifth Place ValleyCatholicvs.BlanchetCatholic, noon. Final

Corttett vs.SantiamChristian, 6 p.m. CLASS2A Al Ridgeview HighSchool, Redmond Friday's Results Qttarteriinals Heppnerdef.NorthDouglas,25-10,25-21,25-17 Culverdei.Kennedy,19-25, 25-15,25-20, 25-12 DaysCreekdef. Grant Union, 25-18, 25-23,25-16 Reedsp or tdei.Weston-McEwen,25-14,25-21,23-25, 16-25,15-13 Semifittals Culverdei.Heppner,25-20, 19-25,25-19,25-17 Days Creekdet. Reedsport, 18-25, 25-18, 25-23, 25-20

Football OSAAState Playoffs CLASS6A Round 1 Friday'sResults Jesuit 65,Centennial6 DregonCity30,Thurston28 Sprague57,Westview 38 Tttalatin 32,Clackamas20 Sheldon42, David Douglas 6 Roseburg39,Gresham38(20T) Century33, Crater27 Sottthridge59,Westl.inn14 LakeOswego41,McNary0 SouthMedford28 Beaverton I4 WestSalem13,Grant12 Aloha38, Glertcoe35 Tigard67,Reynolds 35 Canby30,SouthSaem13 Sunset49,McMinnville 42

CentralCatholic 61l.akeridge14 CLASS5A Round 1 Friday's Results Redmond 40, Churchill t5 Crescent Valley14, Wilson7 MountainView21, Wilsonvile14 Marist 68,Hermiston22 Silvertott 49,Putnam0 West Albany42,Ashland7 Sprirtgiield42,Roosevelt 22 Sherwood 64,Lebanon8 CLASS4A Round1 Friday's Results Scappoose 50, Madras6 Cascade 40,Douglas 21 Philomath35,Sweet Home26 Gladstone 27, Banks16 NorthBend/ORCoastTech42,Klamath Union20 La SallePrep21, Sittslaw20 Today's Games CottageGroveat Baker Dittario atNorthValley CLASS3A Round1 Friday's Results Dayton55,Warrenton 0 Willamina 24, Cottuille t3 Santiam Christian46, Lakeview/Paisley 22 HorizonChristian31,Glide13 Scio 58,Clatskanie14 Rainier39,BlanchetCatholic I2 Today's Games PleasantHil atNyssa Vale atCascadeChristian CLASS2A Round1 Friday's Results CentralLinn34, Gaston 14 PortlandChristian55,Stanfield 21

Today'sGames BonanzaatKennedy Enterpriseat Oakland KnappaatGold Beach OakridgeatHeppner Regis atGrantUnion Monroeat Lost River

CLASS1A Round1 Friday's Results St. Paul66,PowderVailey 20 Sherman 54,Eikton40 Perrydale76,JordanValley20


Triad atAdrian Crow atDufur Echo atLowel CoveatCamasValley TriangleLakeatImbler CLASS5A PLAYOFF ROUND I

Churchill 7 0 0 8 — 15 7 6 6 2 1 — 40 Redmond R— Matt Dahlen 31passfromAndrewLeelaltd (J.D. Abbaskick) C—AndrewBenrtiott 85 kick return (lan Boozer

kick) R—Leeland1run (kick failed) R- TrevorHindman24run (runfailed) R—Hindman1run(Abbaskick) R—Hindman49 passIrom Leeland(Abbaskick) C— Keidren Johnson16 passfrom Mitch Reese IJohnathanMoranrun) R— CodySimpson40 run(Abttas kick) Class 5A PLAYOFFROUND'I MOUNTAINVIEW21, INILSONVILLE14 M ountain View 0 7 0 14 — 2 1 Wilsonville 0 0 0 1 4 — 14 MV —KylerAyers7 run(Bryce Tiptott kick) MV —Ayers6lun (Tiptott kick) W— NickHighberger15passfrom Tanner Shipley

(JacksortChasekick) MV Kyler Ayers 53run(Tipton kick) W — JohnnyRagin 16passfromHighberger (Chasekick) Class 4A PLAYOFFROUND1

SCAPPOOSE 50, MADRAs6 0 0 0 6 — 6 Madras Scappoose 6 22 22 0 — 50 S— Paul Revis 9 passfromTaylor Loss (run failed) S — Revis36passfromLoss(l.ucas Anderson lun) S—CarsonDavison 2run(LoganStanton kick) S— Loss3run (Stantonkick)

S—JusticeOmant0 passfromLoss (Oman pass fromLoss) S—Revis55interception retttm(Stalttort kick)





Cowgirls Lakers rout Warriors after return to firing of coachMike Brown finals Bulletin staff report EUGENE — After blasting through the quarterfinal and semifinal rounds of the Class 4A state tournament without dropping a game, the Crook County Cowgirls will play Astoria for theirseventh consecutive state title tonight at Lane Community College.

The Cowgirls dropped Madras 25-10, 25-17, 2517 in the semifinals after cruising past Elmira 25-11, 25-23, 25-8 in the quarterfinals Friday at the 4A state


"We're going for No. 7!" Crook County coach Rosie H onl beamed after h e r team bested Madras. Cowgirl middle blocker M akayla L i n dburg, t h e two-time 4A player of the year, held nothing back against the White Buffaloes, going 17 of 18 from the service line with four aces in addition to recording a match-high 16 kills. Ali Apperson went 15 of 15 on serves and Hannah Troutman added 15 kills and eight digs for Crook County. Madras will also go for a trophy today as the Buffs face Banks in the 4A thirdplace match. The Tri-Valley Conference co-champions, who are looking to place at state for the first time in 25 years, advanced to the semifinal round with a t h rilling f i v e-set v i ctory overLa Grande in the q uarterfinals. Th e B u f f s knocked off th e G reater Oregon League champions 25-20, 24-26, 25-13, 20-25, 16-14 to advance to the state semifinals for just the second time in school history. S isters, t h e Sky - E m L eague c h ampion, j u s t missed out on advancing to the semifinals on the other side of the bracket, as the Outlaws fell to Astoria in five games. The Outlaws, a No. I seed, lost 25-22, 25-21, 22-25, 19-25, 15-13. Sisters plays Phoenixthis morning in the consolation bracket.


Bend, Summit

both fall Bulletin staff report HILLSBORO — I n t ermountain Conference rivals Bend High and Summit saw their state volleyball title hopes come to an end Friday as the two Central Oregon programs both d ropped matches at t h e Class 5A state tournament at Liberty High School. The Lava Bears, who knocked off the Storm 2514, 25-21, 21-25, 25-22 in the morning's quarterfinal round, advanced to the state semifinals for just the third time in school history, but fell to Eugene's Churchill High in three games while battling for a spot in the 5A final. The Lancers, who will face West Albany this evening in the championship match, defeated Bend 25-12, 25-7, 25-14. Hoping to bring home their first state trophy since 1995, the Bears will play Marshfield of Coos Bay today at noon for third place. The Storm, the 2011 5A champs, play P endleton this morning at 8 a.m. in a consolation match. Summit can still place at this year's state tourney with a win over the Buckaroos, which would put them in the fourth-place/sixth-place match. L aney Hayes le d t h e Storm with 19 kills in their quarterfinal loss to Bend High. J o rdan W a s k om went 17 of 17 with two aces from the service line and led Summit with 11 digs.

The Associated Press LOS ANGELES — K obe Bryant scored 27 points, Pau Gasol added 14 points and 16 r ebounds, and the Los A n geles Lakers responded to coach Mike B r own's f iring earlier Friday with a 101-77 victory over the Golden State Warriors. Jordan Hill scored 14 points for the Lakers, who had just a few hours to absorb Brown's dismissal after just 18 months on the job. Following a bumpy first half under interim coach Bernie Bickerstaff, they pulled away in the third quarter with a 25-9 run led by Bryant, who also had nine rebounds and seven assists. The comfortable v i ctory doubled the Lakers' victory total for the season and capped one of the most tumultuous days in recent history for a franchisethat'snever short on drama. With the talented veteran club off to a Western Conference-worst 1-4 start after a winless preseason, L akers general manager Mitch Kupchak and owner Ji m B u ss abruptly d i smissed Brown, informing the players during their morning shootaround. Bickerstaff ran the Lakers as the interim coach, but the veteran NBA bench boss isn't likely to be a candidate for the full-time job. Phil Jackson, the 11-time NBA champion coach w ho won five rings in t w o previous stints running the Lakers, is near the top of Kupchak's list again, the GM acknowledged. Mike D'Antoni, the former Knicks and Suns coach, also is thought to be a prime candidate. Also on Friday: Suns.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 Cavaliers ...... . . . . . . . . . . . 105 PHOENIX Shannon B rown scored 12 of hi s 22 points in the fourth quarter and helped key a late 14-4 run

Hornets ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 Bobcats ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 N EW ORLEANS — A n thony Davis had 23 points, 11 rebounds and five blocks in his firstgame back aftera concussion, and New Orleans handed Charlotte its t h ir d s t r aight loss. Timberwolves....... . . . . . . . 96 Pacers ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 MINNEAPOLIS — Chase Budinger converted a layup on a feed from Andrei Kirilenko with 0.8 seconds to go, lifting Minnesota to the victory. Brandon Roy left the game at halftime with a sore right knee. Mark J. Terrill/The Associated Press 76ers...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 Los Angeles Lakers interim Celtics ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 head coach Bernie Bickerstaff BOSTON — Evan Turner gestures during the first half scored 25points,Jrue Holiday of Friday night's game against added 21 an d P h iladelphia the Golden State Warriors in held off several fourth-quarter Los Angeles. rallies. Nets...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 Magic ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 as Phoenix rallied from a 26ORLANDO, Fla. — Andray point deficit to beat Cleveland. Blatche had 15 points, Brook Lopez added 14 points and 10 S purs ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 7 Kings.......... . . . . . . . . . . ..86 rebounds and Brooklyn never S ACRAMENTO, Cal i f . trailed while snapping a 10— Tim Duncan had 23 points, game losing streak to Orlando 12 rebounds and four blocks to that dated to 2009. power San Antonio to the road Thunder...... . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 win. Pistons...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 Nuggets......... . . . . . . . ..104 O KLAHOM A CITY J azz..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 4 Serge Ibaka scored a careerDENVER — Corey Brewer high 25 points, Kevin Durant scored 13 of his 20 points in chipped in a season-high 25 the fourth quarter, hitting four points and 13 rebounds, and 3-pointers, and Denver pulled Oklahoma City beat winless away to beat Utah. Detroit. H eat..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 5 Grizzlies...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 H awks...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 9 Rockets ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 ATLANTA LeBron MEMPHIS, Tenn. — Rudy James scored 21 points, includ- Gay had 21 points and a key ing the clinching jumper with basket with I:03 left that helped 13.6 seconds remaining, and Memphis defeat Houston for Miami knocked off Atlanta for its fourth straight victory. the Heat's fourth straight win. Bucks...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 Knicks...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 Wizards ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 M avericks...... . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 4 WASHINGTON — M onta NEW YORK — C a rmelo Ellis scored 22 points, and MilAnthony scored 31 points and waukee quickly erased an earNew York improved its best ly deficit before pulling away start in nearly two decades to with a D-0 run bridging the 4-0. third and fourth quarters.


ConferenceGlance All TimesPST EASTE RN CONFEE RNCE W L Pct GB d-NewYork 4 0 t000 d-Miami 5 1 .833 d-Milwaukee 3 1 .750 Chicago 3 2 .60II 1'/z Philadelphia 3 2 600 1~/, Brooklyn 2 2 .50II 2 Atlanta 2 2 .500 2 Boston 2 3 .40II 2'/z Orlando 2 3 .400 2'/~ Indiana 2 4 .333 3 Cleveland 2 4 .333 3 Charlotte 1 3 .250 3 Toronto 1 4 .20II 3'/~ Washington 0 4 .000 4 Detroit 0 6 .000 5 WESTE RN CONFER ENCE W L Pct GB d-SanAntonio 4 1 833 5 d-Minnesota 80II '/~ Memphis 4 1 800 '/z d-LA. Clippers 4 2 667 1 Dallas 4 2 667 1 Oklahoma City 4 2 667 1 NewOreans 3 2 60II 1'/z GoldenState 3 3 500 2 Denver 3 3 50II 2 Phoenix 3 3 50II 2 2 3 40II 2'/~ Portland Houston 2 3 40II 2'/z Utah 2 4 333 3 2 4 333 3 Sacramen to LA Lakers 2 4 333 3 d-division leader

Friday'sGames Brooklyn107,Orlando6B Milwaukee101,Wash<ngton 91 Philadelphia106,Boston100 Miami 95,Atlanta89 NewYork104, Dallas94 Minnesota96,Indiana94 Memphis 93,Houston 85 NewOrleans107, Charlotte99 Oklahoma City105, Detroit 94 Phoenix107,Cleveland105 SanAntonio97,Sacramento86 LA. Lakers101,GoldenState 77 Denver104,Utah84


Philadelph>a at Toronto, 4p.m. WashingtonatIndiana, 4p.m. Dallas atCharlotte,4:30 p.m. MinnesotaatChicago,5p.m. Detro>tat Houston, 5p.m. BostonatMilwaukee,5:30 p.m. Phoenixat Utah,6p.m. SanAntonioat Portland,7p.m. DenveratGodenstate, 7:30p.m.

Summaries Friday's Games

Nuggets104, Jazz84 UTAH(84)

Ma williams2-71-2 5, Millsap5-0 1-211, Jetferson1-92-24, M.Wiliams1-6 0-02, Hayward 6-7 2-215, Favors3-84-410, Foye4-13 2-213, Tinsley 2-61-2 5,Kanter6-81-213, Burks1-91-23, Carroll 1-1 0-0 2,Murphy0-10-00,Evans0-1 1-21.Totals 32-87 16-22 84.

DENVER (104)

Gallinari 2-0 1-2 5, Faried5-0 8-1018, Koufos 6-83-415, Lawson 4-121-49, Iguodala7-120-015, McGee2-80-0 4, Brewer7-141-1 20, Mozgov1-3 2-2 4, A.Miller 2-62-2 6, Fournier1-3 0-0 2, Randolph 1-10-0 2, Hamilton2-3 0-0 4. Totals 40-92 18-25 104.



Grizzlies 93, Rockets 85 HOUSTON (85) Parsons 8 13 0 Ij 19,Patierson4-100-0 8, Asik 4-6 2-210, Harden 4-18 9-1018, un 5-10 3-315, Delfino 3-90-08, Cook 0-10-00, Morris 2-60-05, Aldrich1-3 0-0z Totals31-7614-15 85. MEMPHIS(93) Gay9-192 4 21,Randolph 5-13 5 615,Gasol 3-

120-06, Allen3-92-28, Conley5-133-514, Speights 2-93-47, pondexter2-7 0-05, Bayless4-82-2 1z Ellington2-40-05.Totals35-9417-2393. Houston 24 22 22 17 — 85 Memphis 17 25 27 24 — 93

Timberwolves 96, Pacers94 INDIANA(94) West 8-16 3-4 19,Young0-0 0-00, Hibbert 5-11 0-010, Hill 0-175-529,George4-121-211,Green 2-94-48,THansbrough2-50-04,Augustin0-6O-Q 0, Mahinmi1-32-24, Stephenson4-5 0-09. Totals 37-8415-17 94. MINNESOT A(96) Kirilenko2-52-3 6,Wiliams 6-92-215, Pekovic 4-10 5-6 13, Ridnour4-12 0-0 8, Roy3-5 Ij 0 6, Budinger4-69-10 18, Shved4-8 3-3 11,Stiemsma 2-6 2-2 6, Lee 1-3 O-Q2, Cunningham 5-6 1-2 11. Totals 35-7024-2896. Indiana 19 24 21 30 — 94 Minnesota 21 21 27 27 — 96

Knicks104, Mavericks94 DALLAS (94) Brand 2 5 4 5 8,Crowder3 8 0 0 7, Wright 47 3-311, Mayo 7-164-423, Collison1-82-24, Kaman 6-7 2-214, Carter 6-142-415, Da.Jones1-42-25, Murphy0-30-0 0, Do.Jones1-20-0 z Beaubois27 1-1 5, James 0-0 0-0 0, Cunningham0-0 0-0 0. Totals 33-8120-2394. NEWYORK(104) Anthony 10 22 9-14 31 Brewer4-10 3 5 13, Chandler 48 3511, Kidd 23 22 6,Felton3-1125 8,Smith 8-16 3-322,Wallace2-62-2 6,Novak2-6 0-05, Prigioni 0-20-00, Camby 0-02-2z Totals 35-84 26-38 104. Dallas New York

76ers106, Ceitics 100 PHILADELPHIA (106) Wright 4-9 5-5 15, TYoung 7-13 1-1 15, Allen 3-5 0-0 6,Holiday7-16 6-621, Turner9-19 5-725, Hawes47008,lvey2-4246 Nroung490010, Moultrie 0-00-00. Totals40-82 19-23106.

BOSTON (100) Pierce8-16 6-9 24, Sullinger 2-4 0-0 4, Garnett 8-13 3-419,Rondo6-17 2-414,Lee3-50-06,Bass 2-74-48, Green1-52-34, Terry5-71-113, Wilcox 1-1 4-6 6,Barbosa1-10-02. Totals 37-76 22-31 100. Philadelphia Boston

Heat 95, Hawks89 MIAMI (95)

Batjier1-40-02, James10-171-321,Bosh7-13 10-10 24,Chalmers5-10 0-012, Miller1-41-1 4, Allen 6-122-217, Cole3-70-06, Lewi3-60-07, s Hasem1-30-0z Totals 37-7614-16 95.


Stevenson1-70-0 3,Smith6-191-513, Horford 5-9 0-010, Teague 7-8 4-4 20, Korver4-10 0-00, D.Harris1-32-24, Wiliams0-62-22, Tolliver 2-3005,pachul>a1-30-02 Morrow6-0 3-317,Johnson 1-20-0 zTotals34-81 12-16 89. Miami 25 17 30 23 — 95 Atlanta 25 21 25 18 — 89

Bucks101, Wizards 91 MILWAUKEE (101) Harris24005, llyasova4131-211, Dalembrte 1-3 0-0 2, Jennings5-9 2-2 12,Ellis 8-155-6 22, Dunleavy5-101-213, Sanders4-75-613, Udrih4-7 0-08, Udoh 4-41-1 9, Daniels3-60-06. Totals407815-19 101. WASHINGTO(91) N Ariza 5-114 415, Booker5-71 211, Okafor5-11 1-211, Price4-123-312, Beal7-148-822, Singleton 2-3 2-2 6, Webster0-1 0-0 0, Seraphin1-5 0-0 2, Parg00 60 00,Crawford3-5008, Vesely2-30-14, Martin 0-00-0 0. Totals 34-78 19-22 91. Milwaukee 30 26 19 26 — 101 Washington 28 19 25 19 — 91

Nets107, Magic 68 BROOKLYN (107) Bogans 2-60-05, Humphries3722 8, Lopez5-7 4-7 14, Williams5-82-2 12, Johnson5-11 1-113, Watson4-50-09, Evans1-20-02, Ch> ldress1-40-0


z Blatche5-135-815, stackhouse4-90-011, Taylor 2-41-2 5, Shengelia2-21-3 6, Teletovic2-4 0-05 Totals 41-82 16-25 107. ORLANDO (68) McRoberts1-3 0-0 2, Davis4-13 0-08, Vucevic 5-10 0-010,Moore7-15 0-018, Afflalo 6-120-012, Redick2-40-04, Ayon0-10-20, Nicholson4-42-2 10, Smith1-50-02, Harkless0-10-20, O'Quinn0-2 2-2 zTotals 30-704-8 68. Brooklyn 19 31 25 32 — 107 Orlando 17 19 15 17 — 68

Thunder 105, Pistons 94 DETROIT (94) Prince6-162-216, Maxiel 0-31-21, Monroe615 2 414, Knight410 22 11, Stuckey514 3 315, Jerebko1-40-02,Bynum3-80-06, Drummond8-10 6-9 2z singler3-50-0 7, English0 2Ij 0 0. Totals 36-87 16-22 94. OKLAHOMA CITY(105) Durant9-165525, ibaka9-137-825, Perkins4-7 1-2 9, Westbrook3-10 3-410, Sefolosha2-30-04, Martin 5-144-516, Collison1-1 1-2 3, Maynor5 6 0-0 13,Jackson 0-1 0-00,Jones0-0 0-00. Totals 38-7121-26 105. Detroit 19 23 27 25 — 94 OklahomaCity 18 31 25 31 — 105

Hornets107, Bobcats 99 CHARLO TTE(99) Kidd-Gilchrist 5-91-1 12,Mullens2-9 0-05, Biyombo3-60-26, Walker 5-141-1 11,Taylor 3-50-0 7, TThomas2-82-46,Sessions4-85-613, B.Gordon 14-21 3-4 34,Diop 0-00-0 0, Williams Z-3 0 05 Totals 40-83 12-18 99. NEWORLE ANS(107) Aminu6-92-314, Davis9-185-923, Lopez3-4 0-0 6, Vasquez1-10 2-44, Rivers2-7 0-0 4, Miler 2-4 0-0 6,Anderson1016 0-025, Smith 2 40 04, Roberts7-81-216, Mason1-3 3-35. Totals 43-83 13-21 107. Charlotte 21 28 20 30 — 99 Neworleans 24 3 5 19 29 — 107

Suns 107, Cavaliers105 CLEVELAND (105) Gee5-135-515, Thompson5-8 0-010, Varejao 5-12 4-714, Irving4-98-917, Waiters9-132-2 23, Samuels26347,Gibson7900 19,M>es0700 0, Sloan0-00-00. Totals 37-7722-27105.

PHOENIX (107) Beas ey 4-140-Ij 9, Scola2-61-25, Gortat4-64-5 12, Dragic9-168-1026,Dudley3-41-2 B,Brown813 4-422,Tucker4-70-08, Morris0-94-6 4,Telfair 4-6 3-413.TotaIs 38-81 25-33 107. Cleveland 37 25 21 22 — 105 Phoenix 16 33 27 31 — 107

Lakers 101, Warriors 77 GOLDEN STATE(77) Bames3-80-07, Lee3-104-610,Ezeli2-30-04, Curry 6-164-418, Thompson6-16 0-015, Biedrims 0-0 0-2 0, Landry3-120-2 6, Jefferson 1-6 1-23, Jack 1-4 0 03, Green02 1-2 1, Jenkins1-122 4, Tyler 3-40-0 6,Bazemore0-4 0-00.Totals 29-86 12-20 77.

L.A. LAKERS (101) World Peace3-143 310,Gasol6-182-214, How ard 2-6 2-4 6,Blake2-6 2-2 7, Bryant IO-185-6 27, Morris 37 23 10,Hill 5 5 4614, Meeks3 80 07,

Jamiso n2-71-26,Sacre0-10-00,Johnson-Odom 0-0 0-0 0.Totals 36-90 21-28 101.

Goldenstate LA. Lakers

22 16 17 22 —rr

23 24 25 29 — 101

Spurs 97, Kings86 SANANTO NIO(97) Leonard 374 511, Duncan9 125 623, Blair1-6 2-24, Parker1-53-45, Green 2-72-27, Ginobili 2-8 3-37, Diaw3-5349,Splitter35006, Neal3-800 7, Mills 8-90-018. Totals35-72 22-26 97. SACRAME NTO(86) Johnson 3-6 3 4 9, Thompson7-10 3-4 17, Cousins 4-146-7 14,Thomas3-11 3-4 10, Evans 5-13 2-212, Brooks0-5 0-0 0, Thornton7-171-3 17, Hayes1-6 0-0 2,Garcia1-4 0-0 2, Outlaw0-2 0-00, Fredette1-20-02, Salmons0-11-21.Totals 32-91 19-2686. SanAntonio 24 23 22 28 — 97 Sacramento 27 1 229 18 — 86

lenger in the conference to USC. "I like Jeff Tedford a lot. Continued from D1 "Everybody wants to b e We worked together for a a contenderevery year like long time," said Ducks defenO regon has been the past s i v e o c ordinator Nick Aliotti, f ew years," said Cal quarter- w h o worked with Tedford at b ack Allan Bridgford, who O r e gon before Tedford left i s likely to get the start for fo r Cal after the 2001 season. "I'v e called him and textthe Bears tonight in place o f injured Zach Maynard. e d h im a couple of times " Right now here at Cal, we're t h r o u ghout the season just dealing with adverto, you never want sity. But we have a t o say ' Ho w y o u doing'?', 'You all lot of character on right?', 'Keep your this team and a lot of people will help head up'... but just us get through that. kind of a shout out We're going to these to let him know that last tw o g a mes, NS Xt llP we're out here and work as hard as we Qregpn understand that you can to w i n t h e se Dalifprnia go through tough two and get ready seasons. But I don't for a big offseason When:Today, wish him any luck t o work f o r n e x t this week." year so nothing like 'TV: ESPN The Bears might this ever h appens • Radio: need more than luck KBND-AM again." to compete with the These programs 1 1 10 Ducks. With Maywere not always so n ard u n l i kely t o f ar apart. In fact, when they p l a y ot night because of an inm et in 2009, the Bears were j u r e d left knee, star receiver t he top-10 power looking K e e na n Allen out with his t o compete on the national o w nleft knee injury, starting s tage, while the Ducks were t a c kel Matt Summers-Gavin unranked and trying to find q u e st ionable and the status their way under f irst-year o f a handful of key defensive coach Chip Kelly. players in doubt because of C al had even won the pre- i n j u ries, Cal is far from being vious three meetings but was i n it s best shape. no match that day, losing Br idgford has completed 42-3 in Eugene. The fates of j u st f our of 16 passes in spot the two programs have been d u t y, puttingeven more presa lmost that l opsided ever s u r eon the defense to slow s ince. That started the Ducks K e n j on Barner and a Ducks o n a run during which they o f f e nse that is averaging 54.3 h ave gone 41-5, starting with p o i nst per game. "It 's a lot easier said than that win, riding a fast-break, d ynamic offense to become d o n e," Cal safety Josh Hill a perennial power on the na- s a i d. "If it werethat easy, they tional scene. woul dn't be as good as they "They never stopped, they are. We know it's a challenge j ust kept going," said Cal f o r us as far as the speed. c oach Jeff Tedford, a former O n emistake for us can lead offensive coordinator for the t o sixpoints the other way. A Ducks. "It's a great program. l o t ofdefenses lack that kind T hey invest a lot in their pro- o f speed to match up, so you g ram without a doubt and h a v eto be that much more t hey have recruited extreme- p e r f e ct." ly well, obviously. They've Ca1 is one of j ust t w o b een able to keep it at a high t e a ms to hold Oregon under level.... When Chip came, he 20 po ints the past three seatook it to a new level." sons, with their 15-D loss at T he Bears are just 20-25 h o m etwo years ago markstarting with that 2009 loss, i n g t he lowest output for the h aving missed out on bowls D u c ks in that span. "T hey bring guys from evin 2010 and this year and f alling near the bottom of er y where, their linebackers t he Pac-12 North. That de- a r e extremely physical and s cent has put Tedford's job g e t i nvolved in the run game, s tatus in jeopardy as he has a s well as their safeties," b een unable to duplicate his B a r ner said, evaluating the early success atCal, when Cal d efense. "We're going to h is team was the top chal- h a v eto be on our toes."

Oregon State

that is not injury related — in a pressure-packed environContinued from D1 ment at Stanford Stadium, "Usually, you're in these where the C ardinal h ave positions because your quar- won seven straight and 18 of terback i s p l a ying w e ll," the past 19 games. "It's a difficult thing to be Stanford coach David Shaw said. "But I think both teams in, trying to choose between also have to do what's nec- two good guys and two good essary to help their p layers," Or e g on teams win." S tate coach M i k e Such is the case Riley said. "I think o n The Farm t h is both guys can win week. f or our t eam a n d we're thankful f or Hogan, a strongarmed and fast-footthe situation. But it's

ed redshirt fresh-

N e X tllp

man, had i ncreas- Oregon State ingly been inserted at Stanford over the p r evious • When:Today, four games on read-

dif fic u lt for the guy,

obviously, that isn't getting to play." Both quar t e rbacks will be tested option p a c kagesnoon in w a y s ne i t her • TV:Fox u ntil r e lieving i n has been so far this consistent s t a r ter • Radio: season. KICE-AM 940, Josh Nunes a f ter Stanford and OrKRCO-AM 690 egon State are the Stanford's first two drives at Colorado two stingiest scorstalled last w e ek. ing defenses in the Hogan shredded the nation's Pac-12, allowing 16.6 points worst defense,passing for and 18.1 points per game, re184 yards and two touch- spectively. The Cardinal also downs and running for 48 lead the nation in rushing yards in t w o q u arters of defense (55.5 yards), in large work to lead the Cardinal (7- part because they also lead 2, 5-1) past Colorado, 48-0. the country in sacks (4.4) Monday, Shaw called Ho- and tackles for loss (9.22) per gan by phone to inform him game. The Beavers, who rank he would be making his first collegiate start against the 10th in the conference with Beavers. He told hi s n ew 1 14.6 yards r ushing, w i l l quarterback to "just keep do- likely have to get something ing what you're doing. Don't going on the ground to ease try and do too much and help the pressure on Vaz and slow the team out," Hogan said. Stanford's relentless rush. "They're a great football "That was pretty much it." T he Beavers boast t h e team. We all know that," Vaz more experienced starting said. "They do a lot of great quarterback — albeit by only things defensively, so it will three games. be a battle and we're going to Vaz had started two games have to be ready for it." for Oregon State (7-1, 5-1) The timing of the quarterwhile starter Sean Mannion back turnover is especially recoveredfrom arthroscopic odd for the home team. knee surgery. Mannion reIt will be the final home turned at W ashington on game of the regular season Oct. 27, throwing four inter- for Stanford in what is usuceptions before Vaz replaced ally a festive atmosphere, no him in a 20-17 loss for the more so than last year when only blemish on the Beavers' the program honored Anrecord. drew Luck and an elite class Vaz overcame a s haky of outgoing seniors. This start to pass for 267 yards year, Shaw said he plans to and three touchdowns in Or- tone down the "Senior Day" egon State's 36-26 home win celebrations before kickoff over Arizona State last week. in an effort to maintain rouNow he will make his fourth tine given the magnitude of start — but just the second the matchup.





es noon era


By Barry Wilner

ants at Cincinnati; St. Louis at San Francisco; the New York The Cowboys and Eagles Jets at Seattle; Buffalo at New were going to challenge the Gi- England; Tennessee at Miami; ants for NFC East supremacy. and Detroit at Minnesota. Instead, they face off Sunday On Monday night, it's Kanin what might be dubbed the sas City at Pittsburgh. Flop Bowl: a pair of 3-5 teams The action began Thursday with deep-rooted problems. night with Indianapolis' 27-10 What once was a matchup victory at Jacksonville. The of high-profile teams that of- Colts improved to 6-3, and the fered plenty of excitement and Jaguars dropped to 1-8. Off this week are Green Bay big plays, Cowboys-Eagles now looks like a K e ystone (6-3), Arizona (4-5), Cleveland Cops movie. Or maybe the (2-7) and Washington (3-6). Three Stooges. Atlanta (8-0) at New Orleans It's difficult to tell which of (3-5): Usually, this is a meetMel Evans /The Associated Press these supposed contenders ing of NFC South titans, but Philadelphia Eagles quarterhas been more inept. Philadel- the Saints have not done their back Michael Vlck. phia has scored a meager 133 part. Still, they come off their points, but Dallas isn't much best performance in a 28-13 better with 150. The Eagles victory o v e r P h i l adelphia, "He's long. He's tall," said displayed their weakness at their third win in four games. Bears offensive coordinator tackling in last Monday's de- And they surely will be stoked Mike Tice, whose son went bacle at New Orleans, and the to play the runaway division to school with Watt. "When he feels he can't get clean on Cowboys have had similar fun- l eaders, especially with t h e damental problems all year. Falcons being undefeated. the pass rush he stops and he "For the players, it feels like times it and he jumps up. He's Bothteams are turnover machines, too. Michael Vick can't every time we play the Falcons a great athlete. He's playing hold onto the ball, but neither it's such a big game, whether it with a lot of confidence and can Dallas' receivers. Vick be our standings or the mean- tremendous burst and I could and the Eagles have 19 give- ing of the game (or) just the go down the list over and over aways, including an absurd fact that we're divisional opabout the things he does well." 10 fumbles. The Cowboys also ponents," Saints quarterback Denver (5-3) at Carolina (2-6): have turned it over 19 times, Drew Brees said. "We always Peyton Manning is closing in with Tony Romo leading the know it's going to be a 16on more milestones, and curNFL with 13 interceptions. round bout. But, I think it's rent coach John Fox would "Right now, there are a few kind of obvious that there's an be a very willing recipient of things we need to take care of," extreme competitiveness on Manning's latest achievements said Eagles coach Andy Reid, both sides knowing what type against the team that fired him after the 2010 season. who has never been more of game this will be." criticized in his previous 13 Eight teams have gone 9With two touchdown passes seasons. "You focus in on the 0 since 2002. Four went on to at Carolina, Manning would job at hand. You don't get past play in the Super Bowl and pass Dan Marino for the second-most touchdown passes that. You don't start going past two (2006 Indianapolis and in NFL history; Marino had and thinking about records, 2009 New Orleans) won it. Houston (7-1) atChicago (7-1): 420. Brett Favre holds the refutures, and all those things. "There is no time to think The best game on the docket, cord with 508. And with a win, Manning about those things and the one that already is part of the guys are worrying about get- TV hyperbole machine: "Su- will tie Marino with 147 career ting themselves better to win per Bowl Preview!" regular-season victories, trailWhile both the Texans and ing only John Elway (148) and football games. That's number one. That's where I sit." Bears have been formidable Favre (186). The arrows are flying at on defense and p r oductive The Panthers have fallen Romo and the rest of the Cow- on offense, it's a reach to pro- apart since Fox left, going 8claim either of these clubs a boys just as regularly. 16 under Ron Rivera, but Fox "There have been too many championship favorite halfdraws no pleasure from that. different things," said tight way through th e s chedule. "I have a lot of great relationend Jason Witten, one of the However, the winner Sunday ships there," Fox said. "It was few Cowboys with consistent night will be in excellent shape the place that gave me my first performances this season. for home-field advantage for a opportunity as a head coach, so "(Teams) that are good in this playoff game. I'll always be indebted for that. league are consistent. That's Chicago has built this verI still own a home there. Some not what we've been. Each sion of the Monsters of the of my sons live that way, so it week it's different, and you've Midway around ball-hawkers will be good to be back but it's got to eliminate it and get it such as cornerback Charles the NFL and this game's only fixed. Tillman and linebacker Lance fun when you're winning." " The results have got t o Briggs, each with two TDs. San Diego (4-4) at TampaBay come. They've got to come In all, the Bears have scored (4-4): Vincent Jackson is havsoon." seven times on interceptions, ing a terrific first season with the Buccaneers, and now he Also Sunday, unbeaten At- once on a fumble return. lanta heads to archrival New But they also struggle to gets to show how good he is Orleans; Houston is at Chiprotect QB Jay Cutler, and playing against the team that let him walk as a free agent afcago; Denver at Carolina; San Houston has 24 sacks, led by Diego atTampa Bay; Oakland J.J. Watt with 10'/~ to top the ter several contract hassles. at Baltimore; the New York Gi- NFL. Jackson has 31 catches for

Pittsburgh has begun playing like the Steelers we expect,

year, saying he didn't think S anchez was ready for t h e using a power running game, NFL. But Sanchez left — and stingy defense and timely spe- led the Jets to the AFC title cial teams. Most impressive game in his first two seasons might be the depth at running after being selected in the first back, where Isaac Redman round of the 2009 draft. and Jonathan Dwyer h ave Player and coach remain 100-yard games — and they close. Buffalo (3-5) at New England are the backups to Rashard Mendenhall. (5-3): The final of the four teams

The Associated Press

New York Giants (6-3) at Cin- coming back from an idle

David Tullis /The Associated Press

Dallas Cowboys quarterback Tony Romo. 710 yards and six touchdowns, but most eye-opening is his

22.9-yard average per reception — g ame-breaker territory. No one in the league with as many as 20 catches comes close. "Vincent is a great talent with his size and speed. He also has great hands and the ability to catch the ball in traf-

cinnati (3-5): The Giants' offense has gone into something of a funk and Eli Manning has been off his game the past two weeks. With receiver Hakeem Nicks hobbled, that doesn't help the equation for New York, which was outplayed and overpowered at home last Sunday by the Steelers, even though the score was only 24-20. Without Nicks, star s l ot receiver Victor Cruz is seeing double and even triple


"We're still able to find our spots and find our areas where I can get the ball and be effective," he said. "But I have to work through a lot more traffic and make things happen," fic to get there." C incinnati has been r u n quarterback Josh F r eeman said. "Vincent'sbeen tremen- over by traffic, dropping four dous. He complements Mike straight. Williams and vice versa. HavSt. Louis (3-5) at San Francisco (6-2): Both teams come ing those two allows you to do a lot of things with your off byes, with the Rams playoffense. ing their worst game of the "Off the field the guy is a season in their "home" contest leader and a hard worker." against New England in LonOakland (3-5) at Baltimore don. They have lost seven of the past eight in this series. (6-2): The Ravens have won six of the seven meetings and San Francisco has an 11three in a row. Oakland comes game home winning streak in limping, particularly at run- against the NFC West. "They're well-coached," ning back with both Darren McFadden and Mike Goodson Rams coach Jeff Fisher said. dealing with sprained right "The special teams units are ankles. very productive. Their statisBaltimore, which has won tics reflect that they're very 14 consecutive home games, productive on both sides of has two players in reach of the ball. They tackle welL One milestones. Ray Rice needs I thing about this team is they yard rushing to reach 5,000 for don't make many mistakes." his career. Receiver Anquan Indeed, the Niners have just Boldin needs 32 yards to reach nine giveaways, and only Tom 10,000from scrimmage forhis Brady has thrown fewer incareer. terceptions than Alex Smith's An i n t eresting s i delight: five. New York Jets (3-5) at Seattle Oakland rookie offensive lineman Tony Bergstrom will be (5-4): The Jets also are coming playing against his brother-in- off a bye during which they tried to fix, well, everything. law, Ravens LB Paul Kruger. Kansas City (1-7) at Pitts- In their last outing, they were burgh (5-3), Monday night: awful o n o f f ense, defense and special teams in a loss to ESPN might be looking for some college hoops to put in Miami. the prime-time slot. Of special i n terest h ere The Chiefs have been awful is the relationship between in nearly every phase except Seahawks coach Pete Carroll running the ball. Most notable and Jets QB Mark Sanchez. is their turnover woes: a ludi- When both were at Southern crous 29 giveaways, and a mi- California, Carroll urged Sannus-20 differential. chez to return for his senior

week, the Patriots have to love the Bills being their first opponent. New England has won 17 of the past 18 against the Bills and scored a season-high 52 points in its win at Buffalo on Sept. 30, with touchdowns on six straight second-half possessions. Buffalo ranks 31st in defense, while the Patriots are No. 1 with 32.8 points and

440.8 yards per game. Brady is 19-2 against the Bills with 49 TD passes.

Tennessee(3-6) at Miami(4-4): Titans owner Bud Adams put everyone on alert for their jobs after last week's fiasco against Chicago. Most pressing is finding someone — anyone — who can play some defense. Tennesseehas allowed 308 points, historically bad numbers, and ranks 30th in overall D. Jake Locker will return at quarterback for th e T i tans, barring a setback to his left, n on-throwing shoulder. H e missed five games. Miami hasn't allowed a 100yard rusher in 22 consecutive games, but Chris Johnson has run for more than 100 yards both times he has faced the Dolphins.

Detroit (4-4) at Minnesota (54): Teams headed in opposite d irections: M i n nesota h a s lost two in a row and three of four as the passing game has disappeared. The Vikings must keep finding ways to get wideout Percy Harvin involved even as QB Christian Ponder struggles. At l e ast they have the league's top rusher, Adrian Peterson, to be a focal point. Lately, the Lions have displayed o f f ensive b a l ance, getting strong performances from someone other than Calvin Johnson. Second-year pros RB Mikel Leshoure and WR Titus Young have been especially effective, and Leshoure became the franchise's first player since 1934 to run for three touchdowns in a half in last week's 31-14 win at Jacksonville. He has run for 375 yards in six games since being suspended for the first two weeks of the season.

B d t:elehratestheseason g-~~ omo.ow

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Will '16 - 3 lines, 14 days • Private Party Only St. behind 7-11, 8th 8 (2) New c a shmere • Total of items adver541-385-5809 always take back if One Cool Sculpting Greenwood, 9 - 4. Bid Now! Buy New...nuy Local sweaters, Med., $25 www.bendbulletin.com Treatment situation cha n qes. (Private Party ads only) www.Bulletinsidnsuy.com tised must equal $200 Weekly Drawing gift both. 541-678-5605 You Can Bid On: 389-8420. Visit S at/ Central Oregon certificate. or Less $200 Fishing Gear S un 1-5. L o t s o f Dermatology 541-977-1737 • 41 de lh & Tackle choices. Photos, info: (Bidding ends Bid Now! • 3-ad limit for s a me Coins & Stamps • Gift Certificate St. Thomas Altar www.craftcats.org. www.BulletinsidnBuy.com Nov. 13, at Bpm) item advertised within Ken's Sporting Society Homespun Yorkie AKC 2 male pups, 3 months Goods Holiday Bazaar Call 541-385-5809 small, big eyes, shots, Over 30 Million Women MORNIMII STAR (Bidding ends •Handmade & Religious ouuul u lloe Buy New...Buy Local gua r antee, S uffer F r o m Ha i r Fax 541-385-5802 Nov. 13, at Bpm) Items•Ba ked Goods Frenchton pups,H ready health You Can Bid On: $850+, 541-316-0005. Loss! Do you? If So • Lunch, 11am-1pm! 1-Year Triple crockpot like new, now! Registered par$2500 Bathtub or We Have a Solution! St. Thomas Parish Yorkie, purebred female, Buy/Sell/Trade all fire$20. Sunbeam mixer 8, ents on site. Puppy Shower Makeover Tuition bowl, $25. 541-548-9619 CALL K E R ANIQUE Middle School Hall, 1720 NW 19th 8 mos, $500. arms. Bend local pays package incl. $700- black/tan, Gift Certificate Ikebpe Gollg wesIhrwe chrst wlere slnlien TO FIND OUT MORE 541-419-1318 HELP YOUR AD St., Redmond cash! 541-526-0617 $750. 5 4 1-548-0747 of Central 877-475-2521. Buy New...Buy Local stand out from the Visionware glass cook- Re-Bath Sat. Nov. 10th, 9-3pm or 541-279-3588 Yorkie purebred male & Oregon CASH!! (PNDC) You Can Bid On: rest! Have the top line ing set, $35. HOLIDAY BOUTIQUE KIMore Pix at Bendbulletin.c female puppies, 9 wks, (Bidding ends For Guns, Ammo & One Year Middle in bold print for only 541-678-5605 BAZAAR! $500. 541-460-3884 Nov. 13, at Bpm) Reloading Supplies. 249 School Tuition $2.00 extra. Gift ideas, hand-crafted German Shepherd pups, 541-408-6900. Wanted- paying cash Ready Thanksgiving! Art, Jewelry Morning Star 210 decor & jewelry, baked The Bulletin for Hi-fi audio & stuChristian School Serwng Cent al 0 egon e nce l909 & Furs goods, hot apple cider & $400. 541-620-0946 Furniture & Appliances dio equip. Mclntosh, Bid Now! DON'TMISS THIS (Bidding ends and more! Comeon by! German wi r e-haired 541-385-5809 www.Builetinsidnsuy.com J BL, Marantz, D y Nov. 13, at Bpm) Best Western Inn pointer puppy for sale, A1 Washers&Dryers naco, Heathkit, SanBid Now! & Suites $200. Born July 1st www.Bulleunsidnsuy.com Carver, NAD, etc. DO YOU HAVE $150 ea. Full war721 NE 3rd St., Bend Black Eel skinned high sui, 541-306-7306 Bicycles & Call 541-261-1808 SOMETHING TO ranty. Free Del. Also Fri-Sat, Nov. 9-10, 9-4 heels, size 8B, $35. ' ll! SELL GRIFFON P O INTER, wanted, used W/D's Accessories 541-678-5605 WHEN YOU SEE THIS 205 541-280-7355 FOR $500 OR good hunter, n e utered male, 5 yrs. old. Cannondale Optimo carLESS? Items for Free Brass fireplace stand Buy New...Buy Local ~ OO bon comp., 27-spd, hand Non-commercial $250. 541-389-0268. with to o ls . $12. You Can Bid On: Bid Now! made USA, new cond w/ advertisers may Old fence rails, good for Kittens/cats avail. thru 541-678-5605 M ore Pi x a t B e n d b u ll e ti n ,c o m 22' X 22' Stick Built www.BulletinBidnsuy.com pdls, $950. 541-550-6498 place an ad Buy New...Buy Local firewood, you haul, free! On a classified ad rescue group. Tame, Garage You Can Bid On: Buying Diamonds 678-333-5767 (Sisters) with our go to shots, altered, ID chip, HiLine Homes Huffy Bike, use twice, "QUICK CASH $500 Toward Hearts /Gold for Cash www.bendbulletin.com W cutyew more. Sat/Sun 1-5, call (Bidding ends l ike ne w ! $12 5 . on Fire Diamond SPECIAL" Saxon's Fine Jewelers to view additional re: other days. 65480 Nov. 13, at Bpm) 541-678-5605 I P ets & Supplies 1 week 3 lines 12 Jewelry 541-389-6655 photos of the item. 78th, Bend. OI' Saxon'sFine 541-389-8420 or 242 k 2 tl ! Jewelers ~2 541-598-5488; Info at The Bulletin recomBuy New...Buy Local Exercise Equipment Ad must (Bidding ends www.craftcats.org mends extra caution You Can Bid On: include price of Nov. 13, at Bpm) when purc h as- Kittens, very loving 7 wk $2500 Gift Nordic Track Achiever, it t $5 0 0 ing products or ser- females, b!ack & white, Certificate g ood c o nd . $9 0 . or less, or multiple vices from out of the free t o g o o d h o me. M. Jacobs Fine 541-385-0728 items whose total Need to get an ad area. Sending cash, 541-504-4400 after 3pm Furniture does not exceed Total Gym 1000, checks, or credit in- Labradoodles - Mini & (Bidding ends in ASAP? $500. in new cond. $125. f ormation may b e med size, several colors Nov. 13, at Bpm) 541-385-0728 subjected to fraud. Call Classifieds at Current Oregon law requires public notices to be printed ina newspaper whose 541-504-2662 For more i nformaFax it to 541-322-7253 541-385-5809 www.alpen-ridge.com Dining room set, dark readersare affected by the notice.Federal,state,and localgovernment agencies tion about an adveroak round table, claw- Total Gym XL in www.bendbulletin.com erroneously believe they can save money by posting public notices on their web tiser, you may call Labradors: beautiful pup- foot design, matching great condition with The Bulletin Classifieds sites instead of in the local newspaper. the O r egon State pies, born 9/11, ready for chairs, with c u stom- attachments. Do not But who would have access to those online notices?62% of U.S. seniors Attorney General's loving families. Shots made protection pad. All have any room for it. Glock 27 in case (65 and older) have no internet access, anda third of those who DO have access Office Co n s umer current, vet checked. 2 excellent condition. $350 Paid $1700; sell $500. with 4 nine round clips M ikimoto 22 " P e a rl are still limited to dialup.' black females, 2 yellow obo. 541-322-9833 Protection hotline at Call Pam or Mathias in like new condition, Necklace, appraised Besides, you'd have to know in advance where, when, and how to look, and what males, 5 black males, $2490, asking $1200. 1-877-877-9392. Glaco leather holster, 541-923-6303 to look for, in order to be informed about government actions that could affect you Dishwasher GE $300. 541-610-2270 Cash, 503-338-9945 $540. 541-610-9816 directly. $50 obo The Bulletin Large Pet Porter, $60. Less than 10% of the U.S. population currently visits a government serving central 0 eeon s nceece 541-593-1101 Large fully insulated dog web site daily,'* but 80% of all Oregon adults reada newspaper at least once $50. Avery boatduring anaverageweek, and 54% read public notices printed there." Adult companion cats house, hunting dog parka, FREE to seniors, dis- ers $20. 2 Avery dog trainabled 8 veterans! Tame, ing bumpers, $10. Avery tlerltr I altered, shots, ID chip, dry storage dog food Visit our HUGE more. Will always take bag, $10. 541-504-7745 home decor back if c ircumstances consignment store. Oo change. 389-8420. Visit Lhasa Apso/ShihTzu Pup x New items Sat/ Sun 1-5. Photos, absolutely adorable! $300. arrive daily! info: www.craftcats.org. 503-888-0800 (Madras) 930 SE Textron, BEND'S HOMELESS NEED OUR HELP! Bend 541-318-1501 The cold weather is upon us and sadly there are www.redeuxbend.com still over 2,000 folks in our community without permanent shelter, living in cars, makeshift GE Electric range, $65 camps, getting by as best they can. M icro o v en , $1 5 The following items are badly needed to 541-548-9619 Call theBulletin ClassifiedDept. help them get through the winter:


f f


I The Bulletypg


if ---,"

Everyonehasarighttoknow whatthegovernment is doing..

. .except75%of seniors.




Keep public notices in the newspaper!


@ CAMPING GEARof any sort: @ New or used tents, sleeping bags, tarps, blankets. S WARM CLOTHING: Rain Gear, Boots, Gloves. PLEASE DROP OFF YOUR DONATIONS AT THE BEND COMMUNITY CENTER 1036 NE 5thSt.,Bend, Mon.-Sat.9 a.m.-5 p.m.

For Special pick up please call Ken @ 541-389-3296


GENERATE SOME excitement i n your neighborhood! Plan a

garage sale and don't forget to advertise in classified! 541-385-5809.

La-Z-Boy sofa w/recliners, $125 obo. Great cond. 541-923-7342

541-385-5809or541-382-1811 forratestoday!

Classifj.eds e eleweehmwcan%preeue • y20l0"utewwo eouuay)ley '"AmwwnopanRe<eoctreweenNltutemwr20e





Employment Opportunities

Employment Opportunities

Loans & Mortgages

Motorcycles & Accessoriesj

Ever Consider a ReHarley Heritage Edited by Will Shortz No. 1006 verse Mortgage? At Softail, 2003 Remember.... $5,000+ in extras, CAUTION READERS: A dd your web a d - least 62 years old? Across 27 Turkey 46 Turn around on $2000 paint job, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 dress to your ad and Stay in your home & slugger in the Wall Street? 30K mi. 1 owner, increase cash flow! 1 Straight person's Ads published in "Em- readers on The For more information Baseball Hall of 47 Toughen: Var. statement 16 ployment Opportuni- Bulletin' s web site Safe 8 Effective! Call please call Now for your FREE Fame t ies" i n c lude e m will be able to click 48 Real lowlife? 541-385-8090 16 ti1 Dire Straits hit Ca l l Now 17 ployee and through automatically DVD! 29 Like Rodin's or 209-605-5537 888-785-5938. 51 Schemer's quality i ndependent pos i - to your site. 17 Privileged access thinker (PNDC) 18 19 20 tions. Ads for posi52 Sure things 18 Holding heat HD FAT BOY 30 Divests tions that require a fee Resident Manager LOCAL MONEY:Webuy 21 22 23 or upfront investment Prineville Senior Care 1996 19 Jan , S o uth 31 Something to secured trust deeds 8 Home is looking for Down must be stated. With Completely rebuilt/ note,some hard money African leader scan full-time Resi d ent 24 25 26 any independent job customized, low loans. Call Pat Kellev 1 Savannaleapers instrumental 32 Some dog treats opportunity, p l e ase M anager. Must b e 541-382-3099 ext.19. miles. Accepting ofin establishing 2 "Bingo!" 27 28 29 able to pass criminal investigate thor fers. 541-548-4807 35 What fellers may background c h e ck. 573 the League of oughly. 3 Give energy be skilled with 541-447-5773. 30 31 Nations Business Opportunities HD Screaming Eagle 4 Now's opposite 39 Many a spring Use extra caution when Customer Electra Glide 2005, Ser v i ce 20 South African 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 5 Diana with a applying for jobs onA Classified ad is an 103" motor, two tone arrival Sales Rep, business with two U.S. record-setting line and never pro- to b usiness s a les, EASY W A Y TO candy teal, new tires, 40 Need for war 39 41 Open wins vide personal infor- competitive compen- REACH over 3 million 23K miles, CD player, swim around games mation to any source sation, local company. Pacific Northwesternhydraulic clutch, exManhattan in 21 King with a sad 42 43 44 41 "Well, -diyou may not have re- Call 541-678-5505 ers. $52 5 /25-word cellent condition. end 1975 searched and deemed c lassified ad i n 3 0 Highest offer takes it. dah!" 45 46 47 6 Repeatedly, in 22 Response to to be reputable. Use daily newspapers for 541-480-8080. The Bulletin 42 Big name in 31-Acrosses extreme caution when I Recommends extra 3-days. Call the Pa- Honda Elite 80 2001, "Hey, I'm not 48 49 50 educational r esponding to A N Y cific Northwest Daily 7 They allow caution when purperfect" mi., absolutely online e m p loyment chasing products or ~ Connection grants (916) 1400 performers to 51 like new., comes w/ 23 Sweep spots? 2 88-6019 o r e m a il ad from out-of-state. services from out of 43 Earl's equivalent, carrying rack for 2" stay on pointe 24 You may need to 52 I the area. Sending elizabeth Ocnpa.com receiver, ideal for use in Evreux 8 No great shakes We suggest you call for more info (PNDC) c ash, checks, o r clean yours up $995, the State of Oregon I credit i n f o rmation Advertise V A CATION w/motorhome, 44 Shelter-providing 9 Afflictions of the 541-546-6920 Puzzle by Steve Salilan Consumer Hotline at I may be subiected to 25 Some gowns dugout SPECIALS to 3 mil- Moped elect w/charger world-weary 1-503-378-4320 FRAUD. 26 " me?" lion P acific N o rth-street-equipped, like new, 45 Like Brahms's 28 Cellulose fiber 34 It's exploited for 44 Nero's soul For more informa10 Former Senate its crude content 30 daily $600 541-497-3858 ("Wha?") Piano Trio No. 1 brand 46 Not go out of For Equal Opportunity I tion about an adver- I westerners! newspapers six majority leader 35 Tiny dots on service? L aws: Oregon B u I tiser, you may call 29 Meteorological states. 25-word clasmaps ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE and family reau of Labor & Inthe Oregon State 47 Applied sci. sified $525 for a 3-day Softaii Deluxe probe dustry, C i vil Rights I Attorney General's 36 Egg white professional 2010, 805 miles, a d. Ca l l (916) AWE D B O A T P R A M S 11 Posted pieces: 31 Salsa, say Division, component Office Co n s umer t 2 88-6019 o r vis i t Black Chameleon. Abbr. S I M L AR T O R E N E E 49 Turn-of-century 971-673-0764 Protection hotline at I 32 Option for 37 Justify www.pnna.com/advert $17,000 C LO S E C A L L E D Y T A 12"Bingo!" year I 1-877-877-9392. thickening soup 38 Protects ising pndc.cfm for the Call Don © If you have any quesO CT A G O N A L B O O R S Pacific Nor t hwest 13 Certain audio 33 Souter succeeded 40 Arrest 541-410-3823 50 What April has, tions, concerns or LTlae Bulletin T O E R I NG S N E A L O N Daily Con n ection. him on the unlike any other comments, contact: jack 43 Street, in San (PNDC) RO S E J UN K D NA Classified Department Supreme Court Jose month? S AR A N B L O N D W O K 14Huddled up, The Bulletin Looking for your next Extreme Value AdverATVs e.g. For answers, call 1-900-285-5656, $1.49 a minute; or, with a credit 541-385-5809 T RO Y PO S E S C AM E employee? tising! 30 Daily newscard, 3 -800-814-5554. Place a Bulletin help papers $525/25-word AGO R OW D Y A H Y E S 15 Expelled Annual subscriptions are available for the best of Sunday wanted ad today and classified, 3- d a ys.Nice 5' wide front-mount G ET W E L L BO N E The Bulletin crosswords from the last 50 years: 1-888-7-ACROSS. 22Some are reach over 60,000 Reach 3 million Pa- adj. blade for ATV, $150. ENC I N O M IN G V A S E AT&T users: Text NYTX to 386 to download puzzles, or visit readers each week. cific Northwesterners. 541-410-3425 prevailing nytimes.com/mobilexword for more information. S T A N DM I S T ER B I G ACTIVITIES DIRECTOR Your classified ad For more information Online subscriptions: Today's puzzle and more than 2,000 past H I NG E E N H A L O I N G 23 Rackets will also appear on call (916) 288-6019 or Boats & Accessories j PILOT BUTTE puzzles, nytimes.com/crosswords ($39.95 a year). REHAaaTATIONCFNTEA bendbulletin.com email: S T O P A N D G O 25 Exsiccates ONA I R Share tips: nytimes.com/wordplay. 8 zz,dp d z b 0 lky lf which currently elizabeth Ocnpa.com 13' Smokercraft '85, WE L T S H Y P E S E E N 26Core units? Crosswords for young solvers: nytimes.com/learning/xwords. receives over 1.5 for the Pacific NorthPilot Butte Rehabilitation Center is acceptmillion page views west Daily Connec- good cond., 15HP every month at tion. (PNDC) gas Evinrude + ing applications for an 266 Activities Dir e ctor. no extra cost. Minnkota 44 elec. ~ Building Materials Heating 8 Stoves Fuel & Wood Lost & Found • SOCIAL SE C U RITY • Bulletin Classifieds T his position is r e D ISABILITY BEN - motor, fish finder, 2 sponsible for managGet Results! extra seats, trailer, REDMOND Habitat NOTICE TO R EMEMBER: If you EFITS. WIN or Pay Call 385-5809 ing, deve l oping, WHEN BUYING RESTORE ADVERTISER have lost an animal, Nothing! Start Your extra equip. $3200. implementing and or place don't forget to check Building Supply Resale Since September 29, FIREWOOD... Application In Under 541-388-9270 providing an activities your ad on-line at Quality at 1991, advertising for The Humane Society 60 Seconds. Call To- 14' boat & trailer, $300 To avoid fraud, program that is combendbulletin.com LOW PRICES used woodstoves has in Bend 541-382-3537 day! Contact Disabil- or best offer. No moThe Bulletin pliant with federal and 1242 S. Hwy 97 been limited to modRedmond, i ty Group, I nc . L i recommends paystate regulations for tor. 541-389-1324 486 541-548-1406 541-923-0882 els which have been censed Attorneys & ment for Firewood nursing faci l ities. Open to the public. c ertified by the O r - only upon delivery Prineville, Independent Positions BBB Accredited. Call 421 Certification i s re17' 1984 Chris Craft 541-447-7178; 888-782-4075. egon Department of and inspection. quired. Wage is DOE. - Scorpion, 140 HP Schools & Training Environmental Qual- • A OR Craft Cats, (PNDC) cord is 128 cu. ft. We are an equal op- Sales Sell an Item inboard/outboard, 2 541-389-8420. ity (DEQ) and the fed4' x 4' x 8' A IRLINES AR E H I R - portunity e m p loyer. depth finders, trolleral E n v ironmental • Receipts should Circulation Looking for your ING - Train for hands Apply in person or ing motor, full cover, Look at: Protection Ag e n cy include name, next employee? mail resume to Tom WePromotions EZ - Lo ad t r ailer, on Aviation MainteBendhomes.com (EPA) as having met phone, price and are seeking a full Place a Bulletin help Hathaway, 1876 NE $3500 OBO. nance Career. FAA smoke emission stan- kind of wood purfor Complete Listings of time Sales Rep to wanted ad today and Hwy 20, Bend, OR 541-382-3728. approved p r ogram. dards. A cer t ified chased. join our successful reach over 60,000 Area Real Estate for Sale Financial aid if quali- 97701. If it's under$500 w oodstove may b e • Firewood ads team of i n depen- readers each week. fied - Housing availidentified by its certifi- MUST include spedent con t ractors. you can place it in Your classified ad Need help fixing stuff? 17' Seaswirl 1988 able. Call Aviation Incation label, which is cies and cost per Must be goal o riwill also appear on Call A Service Professional The Bulletin stitute of open bow, rebuilt permanently attached cord to better serve ented, m o t ivated, bendbulletin.com find the help you need. Chev V 6 e n g ine, Maintenance. to the stove. The Bul- our customers. Classifieds for: e nthusiastic, pe r which currently re1-877-804-5293. www.bendbulletin.com new uph o lstery, letin will no t k n owsonable, o utgoing, ceives over 1.5 mil$3900 obo. Bend. (PNDC) ingly accept advertisoptimistic and good lion page views $10 - 3 lines, 7 days 707-688-4523 The Bulletin i ng for the s ale o f with people. Sales every month at DO YOU NEED uncertified experience is preno extra cost. $16 - 3 lines, 14 days A GREAT Call a Pro woodstoves. ferred, positive attiBulletin Classifieds All Year Dependable EMPLOYEE Whether you need a Get your tude required! Must (Private Party ads only) Get Results! Call Firewood: Sp lit, Del. RIGHT NOW? fence fixed, hedges have a valid driver's 385-5809 or place business Bend. Lod g epole, Call The Bulletin license, insured veyour ad on-line at Pine: 1 for $180 or 2 trimmed or a house before 11 a.m. and Hay, Grain & Feed5 hicle and cell phone. bendbulletin.com for $350. Cash, check get an ad in to pubbuilt, you'll find We offer a complete G ROW I N G o r credit card O K . lish the next day! Good horse hay, barn training program, all professional help in 541-420-3484. 541-385-5809. stored, no rain, $225 The Bulletin's "Call a tools and supplies with an ad in VIEW the Dry Juniper $190/split, ton, and $8.25 bale. needed for success, Classifieds at: or $170 rounds per The Bulletin's Delivery ava i lable. Service Professional" Q generous commiswww.bendbulletin.com cord. Delivered. Call 541-410-4495. "Call A Service Directory s ion, d a il y an d 541-977-2940 weekly bo n uses, Professional" 541-385-5809 Livestock Truck Driver cash incentives and Split, Dry Looking for your Directory Must have CDL,2yrs exp, unlimited in c o me Lodtbeg ole next employee? 266 ATTEND COL L EGE progressive co., 401k, potential. Email re$20 / ord, Place a Bulletin Estate Sales ONLINE from Home. $50,000/yr, insurance sume to m i stertaSales Northeast Bend Delivery included! help wanted ad *Medical, *Business, NW only. 541-475-6681 clmaster@aol.com 541-923-6987, Iv msg. * Estate Sale, T h urs., ROBOTICS TEAM today and Criminal Jus t i ce, Fri., Sat. 9-4pm. 2702 Huge Sale: Nov. 10th, reach over The Bulletin *Hospitality. Job Machinist Snowmobiles • N E C a nyon P a r k 9-3. MVHS c afeteria, Gardening Supplies 60,000 readers placement assistance. I KEITH Mfg. Co. Place, Bend. P earl 2755 NE 27th St. Qualeach week. Computer available. has an opening for a 18.5' '05 Reinell 185, V-6 & E q u ipment • drum set, EZ concert ity donations accepted • Your classified ad Financial Aid if quali- CNC Volvo Penta, 270HP, Mac h i nist. speakers, P e a v eyFriday evening, c all fied. SCHEV authowill also LSMKBQ low hrs., must see, Have Gravel, will Travel! Perform setup and mixing console, misc. 541-350-7170. In Bulle- Cinders, rized. Call Arctic Cat (2) 2005 F7 appear on topsoil, fill mate$15,000, 541-330-3939 operate a variety of 8 D~zem guitar parts, S hure tin Community Calendar. rial, etc. 866-688-7078 Firecats: EFI SnowExcavation & bendbulletin.com Mazak CNC lathes, m icrophones, R a c k pro & EFI EXT, exlnt www.CenturaOnline.c septicsystems. Abbas 288 which currently i ncluding live t o ol system tran s port cond, $3700 ea; Construction Coe¹7SS4O om (PNDC) receives over and fourth axis, to cases, lots of sound Sales Southeast Bend $7000 both. Caltt541-548-6812 1.5 million page make prec i sion 20.5' 2004 Bayliner stage recording 541-410-2186 Oregon Medical Train- parts. Maintain reviews every 205 Run About, 220 equip., Fendor amps, * ESTATE SALE* ing PCS Ph lebotomy quired tooling supFor newspaper month at no Fostex mixer, guitar Retro living room furn 8 HP, VB, open bow, classes begin Jan. 7, delivery, call the plies. Inspect parts extra cost. exc. cond., very fast e ffect p edal, K o r g lamps, twin e lectric 528 2013. Registration now Circulation Dept. at and adjust programs w/very low hours, m emory cards, coffee bed, twin bed, dresser, Bulletin P ": Loans & Mortgages 541-385-5800 and tools to conform lots of extras incl. tables, end t a bles, Irg Italian-style lighted Classifieds medicaltrainin .com Snowmobile trailer To place an ad, call to prints. Minimum 2 tower, Bimini 8 new compact fridge, curio, 2 antique ma541-343-3100 Get Results! 541-385-5809 WARNING 2002, 25-ft Interyears e x p erience custom trailer, Gl Joe & military toys, hogany display cabiCall 541-385-5809 The Bulletin recomor email state & 3 sleds, CNC Lathe Set Up, new footballs, base- nets, iron & wicker di- claaaified@bandbulletin.com $19,500. TRUCK SCHOOL or place your ad mends you use cauwith an emphasis on $10,900. 541-389-1413 balls a n d gl o ves, n ette, I t a lian l i g h t on-line at www. IITR.net tion when you proMazak lathes and 541-480-8009 knives, cra f tsmen fixtures, antique cut The Bulletin bendbulletin.com Redmond Campus vide personal servingcentral oregon since aaz Mazak pr o g ramlawnmower and chain crystal, china & stemStudent Loans/Job information to compaming software. Must ware, Fostoria, Wedgsaws, tools, b i kes, Waiting Toll Free nies offering loans or 860 b e able t o l ift 5 0 SUPER TOP SOIL yard tools, gold sluice wood/Bavaria/LimoBULLETIN CLASSIFIEDS 1-888-387-9252 credit, especially pounds. C o mpetiMotorcycles & Accessories 20.5' Seaswirl Spyges china sets, lots of www.haraha aoilandbark.com Search the area's most box, extension ladthose asking for adsoil & comtive wage and benders, large Star Wars silver, mirrors, artwork, Screened, der 1989 H.O. 302, 470 vance loan fees or mi x ed , no comprehensive listing of efit package. Send CRAMPED FOR ad cut-outs, microfi- vintage clothes, hats, post companies from out of 285 hrs., exc. cond., rocks/clods. High hu- classified advertising... cover letter and reDomestic & CASH? ber reclining sofa and jewelry, books, k i treal estate to automotive, stored indoors for state. If you have sume to: Use classified to sel loveseat, office chairs, chen, holiday & more! mus level, exc. for merchandise to sporting In-Home Positions concerns or queslife $11 900 OBO. Fri. & Sat., 9to4 flower beds, lawns, KEITH Mlg. Co. those items you no retro chairs, e ntergoods. Bulletin Classifieds 541-379-3530 tions, we suggest you Crowd control gardens, straight longer need. tainment center, CD's Will do housecleaning in HumanResources, appear every day in the consult your attorney s creened to p s o i l . PO Box 1, Call 541-385-5809 • a nd D V D's, b o o k numbers Fri. at 8 a.m. Terrebonne & Crooked print or on line. or call CONSUMER Ads published in the Madras, OR 97741 shelves, dishes, vin- 61479 Barleycorn Ln. Bark. Clean fill. DeRiver Ranch. Have HOTLINE, "Boats" classification Call 541-385-5809 SE15th St. to Friar liver/you haul. or fax to openings Tues, Wed. tage singer sewing (take Servmg Central Oregon since 1903 1-877-877-9392. include: Speed, fishTuck to Barleycorn) 541-548-3949. www.bendbulletin.com 541-475-2169 Thurs. 541-379-1741 machine, antique ing, drift, canoe, Attic Estates & BANK TURNED YOU Harley Davidson Softdresser, vintage DisThe Bulletin Appraisals and sail boats. n ey toy b ox , n e w www.atticestatesanServingCenvai Oregon vnce 1903 DOWN? Private party Tail Deluxe 2 0 07, house For all other types of Automotive Sales will loan on real eswhite/cobalt, w / pasmens boots, clothes dappraisais.com watercraft, please se and coats, v i ntage 341 tate equity. Credit, no senger kit, Vance & 541-350-6822 Class 875. Found bifocal Rx eyeproblem, good equity Hines muffler system vanity, full bed, new Horses & Equipment 541-385-5809 glasses in the woods, call ASTART YOUR NEW CAREERA linens, scuba suit and 290 is all you need. Call & kit, 1045 mi., exc. to I.D., 541-389-2459 now. Oregon Land cond, $19, 9 9 9, gear, new suit cases, Sales Redmond Area 2 Registered Paints, 13 Central Oregon'5 Largest Auto Group of New and 541-389-9188. camping gear, New yrs 8 9 yrs, $800 each. Pre-owned automobiles, Sm olich H y u n dai Mortgage 388-4200. TURN THE PAGE York Yankee shirts, Yard Sale! Industrial frz 541-639-1376 Store, is looking to fill positions within our expandmusic an d sp o rts drk /yogurt machines, For More Ads Independent Contractor auto network. Smolich Motors is an industry shirts, camo gear, and wed dress, moose Abandoned rescue 10-yr ing The Bulletin leader with 8 new car franchises and Central lots,lots more!!! quarter mare, sound, Oregon'5 finest choice of pre-owned vehicles. We decor, LN dorm frig. Sat 8 Sun 8-2, 1622 Found Halloween cos- free to l oving home. offer the opportunity for you to achieve the levels 282 541-318-4829 Rimrock Ct, 1/4 tume flashlight on of success and job satisfaction. We are looking for Sales Northwest Bend NW mile W of Walmart. Congress St. highly motivated individuals to join our team of proSE Bend Boarding 541-389-1308. fessionals. You must have excellent verbal skills, $195/mo. Top Quality Big Moving Sale292 display 8 professional and positive demeanor, sales Rain or Shine! Sat. 8-3 & Sales Other Areas Found woman's wed- grass hay, pen/shelter. Sun. 8-1. Furniture, acding ring outside Fred Over 1000 acres to ride. experience is helpful, but not necessary. We pro541-419-3405 vide all of the tools you need to succeed, including cessories, art, holiday Meyers' Call to ID and 8 professional training program that will give you decor, Dept. 56 "Christ- MATYLINSKI SALE claim. 541-388-4453. www.steelduststable.com mas in the City," house- Metolius Train Depot the knowledge and confidence to maximize your ++++++++++++++++++ potential. hold i t ems, fr i dge, 599 Washington PUBLIC AUCTION washer & dryer 3219 Ave. in Metolius 10AM - TUESDAY - NOVEMBER 13 NW Prairie Pl., Bend. We Provide: Fri. and Sat., 9-4 Preview 8-4, Monday, Nov. 12 (back alley) Railroad antiques, SIERRA CASCADE LLC • Guaranteed Income While Training HUGE home & business fishing antiques, an108936 Hwy 97, Chemult, OR • Paid Medical Insurance moving sale! Fri-Sun, tique furniture, tools, Pumice Mine Equipment Including Screens, various hunting, 9-4, 20874 Solstice Dr. • 401K Retirement Plan Crusher, Stacker; Conveyors, Controls, Genin Starwood, off Tumalo camping and fishing • Drug Free Work Environment erator; Tub Grinder; (2)Coal Crushers; Screen; items. household Rd. Quality furniture 8 • Central Oregon's Largest New & Feeder; (5)Conveyors; Bagging System; Shop household - NO JUNK! items. Lots of great We are looking for independent contractors to Pre-Owned Inventory Equipment & T o ols; B uilding; Cat 9 8 0B misc. items. service home delivery routes in: • $75,000 Annual Earning Potential 284 Loader; Cat 216B Skidsteer; Tractor 8 Dump CASH VI/MC Trucks; Transfer Trucks & Trailers; Van, FlatSales Southwest Bend Sale given by FarmAt Smolich Hyundai we are looking for sales probed Trucks; Pickup; Van & Equipment Trailers; house Estate Sales fessionals from all career fields. Previous automoFuel Trailers; Truck Scale; Real Estate InGarage sale, Sat. Nov. tive sales experience is not required. What is recluding 74.29, 8 Acre Parcels; Living Quarters 10th, Bam -2pm. 1197 NOTICE Parcel; Approximately 160 A cres Mineral quired is 8 willingness to commit yourself to a SW McClellan Lane, Must be available 7 days a week, early morning hours. Remember to remove rapidly growing industry, start your new career Rights; More Bend. (541) 815-6837 now! your Garage Sale signs BID LIVE ONLINE!! Must have reliable, insured vehicle. 286 (nails, staples, etc.) Check our website for We will be holding interviews for 2 days only after your Sale event Sales Northeast Bend MurphyLIVE! bidding info Please call 541.385.5800 or 800.503.3933 is over! THANKS! from 1pm —3pm on Tuesday and Wednesday, 10% BuyersPremium during business hours November 13th and 14th at: From The Bulletin Bend High Softball Terms: Cash, Cashier's Check, MC/Visa Cards and your local utility apply vja email at onljne©bendbulletjn.com Rummage Sale Persons Under 12 Not Admitted companies. Smolich Motors - Hyundai Store BHS Commons ILLUSTRATED BROCHURE 11/9, 8-4; 11/1 0, 8-2 2250 NE Hwy20 James G. Murphy lnc The Bulletin Accepting donations, Bend, OR 97701 1-800-426-3008 serving central oregon smce19ta 11/8, 3-6pm murphyauction.com 541-749-4025 541-706-0894 www.bendbulletin.com








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The Bulletin


TO PLACE AN AD CALL CLASSIFIED• 541-385-5809 ~Boats & Accessories

Motor h omes

T r a vel Trailers •

Fifth Wheels •



Trucks & Heavy Equipment

Antique & Classic Autos


) YOURBOAT... ( with o u r

sp e c ial

I rates for selling your I ~ boat or watercraft!

[ Place an ad in The ( B ulletin w i t h

ou r

f 3-month package J

Look before you buy, below market value! Size & mileage DOES matter! Class A 32' Hurricane by Four Winds, 2007. 12,500 mi, all amenities, Ford V10, Ithr, cherry, slides, like new! New low price, $54,900.

Ford Ranchero 1979

S pringdale 2005 27', 4' Fleetwood Wilderness slide in dining/living area, 36', 2005, 4 s l ides, Peterbilt 359 p o table sleeps 6, low mi,$15,000 rear bdrm, fireplace, water t ruck, 1 9 90, 3200 gal. tank, 5hp obo. 541-408-3811 9

with 351 Cleveland modified engine. Body is in excellent condition,

$2500 obo.


hoses, camlocks, $ 2 5,000. p ump, 4 - 3


Sport Utility Vehicles Chevy Tahoe LS 2001 4x4. 120K mi, Power seats, Tow Pkg, 3rd row seating, e xtra tires, CD, privacy tinting, upgraded rims. Fantastic cond. $7995 Contact Timm at 541-408-2393 for info or to view vehicle.



Chevy Astro Cargo Van2001, pw, pdl, great cond., business car, well maint'd, regular oil changes, $4500. Please call 541-633-5149

Nissan Sentra, 2012-

12,610 mi, full warranty, PS, PB, AC, & more! $16,000. 541-788-0427

1994 Chev full size van, seats 7, sleeps 2. Su541-548-5216 Ford T-Bird 1966 per condition, 128K, [ *5 lines of text and ~ 925 famous 350 m otor, 390 engine, power a photo or up to 10 runs 8 looks like a milUtility Trailers everything, new J lines with no photo. Gulfstream Sc e nic lion! Ready for fun 8 paint, 54K original *Free online ad at Cruiser 36 ft. 1999, travel. Limit 1! $4000. Porsche 911 1974, low miles, runs great, I bendbulletin.com Cummins 330 hp dieomfort 25' 2 0 06, 1 Bob, 541-318-9999 excellent cond. in & mi., complete motor/ sel, 42K, 1 owner, 13 slide,Bunkhouse style, K *Free pick up into AC, TV, awning. out. Asking $8,500. trans. rebuild, tuned ~ The Central Oregon ~ in. kitchen slide out, sleeps 7-8, excellent slide, NEW: tires, converter, condition, $ 1 6 ,900, Big Tex Lsndscapsuspension, int. & ext. 541-480-3179 new tires,under cover, f Nickel ads. batteries. Hardly used. ing/ ATV Trailer, Automobiles • refurb., oi l c o oling, hwy. miles only,4 door 541-390-2504 GMC Yukon Denali $15,500. 541-923-2595 dual axle flatbed, shows new in & out, iceI Rates start at $46. I fridge/freezer 2003, leather, moon7'x16', 7000 lb. Buick Lucerne CXL perf. m ech. c o n d. maker, W/D combo, roof, premium wheels, [ Call for details! 2009, $12,500, low Much more! GVW, all steel, Interbath t ub & 3rd row. Very nice. 54 I -385-5809 $28,000 541-420-2715 $1400. low miles; 2000 Buick shower, 50 amp proVin ¹128449. 541-382-4115, or Century $2900. You'll PORSCHE 914 1974, pane gen & m o re! Was $15,999. not find nicer Buicks 541-280-7024. $55,000. Roller (no engine), Now $13,799. One look's worth a 541-948-2310 GMC Vi ton 1971, Only lowered, full roll cage, Sprinter 272RLS, 2009 MONTANA 3585 2008, thousand words. Call S UB A R U . 931 $1 9,700! Original low 5-pt harnesses, rac29', weatherized, like Bob, 541-318-9999. GENERATE SOME exexc. cond., 3 slides, mile, exceptional, 3rd 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend n ew, f u rnished & Automotive Parts, for an appt. and take a ing seats, 911 dash & citement in your neigking bed, Irg LR, Arcowner. 951-699-7171 instruments, d ecent ready to go, incl Wine877-266-3821 drive in a 30 mpg. car borhood. Plan a gatic insulation, all op- Service & Accessories shape, v e r y c o ol! ard S a t ellite dish, rage sale and don't Hunter's Delight! Packtions $37,500. Dlr ¹0354 $1699. 541-678-3249 26,995. 541-420-9964 forget to advertise in age deal! 1988 Win541-420-3250 (4) 185/70R-14 studded GMC Yukon XL 1500 Cadillac Seville STS nebago Super Chief, classified! 385-5809. tires on wheels, used, 2003 just finished NuWs 297LK H i tch- $ 120 3 8K m i l es , gr e a t M o n terrey 2007, l e a ther, 4 ob o . Jerr y Mercury Toyota Carrr's: engine work Hiker 2007,3 slides, 541-382-0956 shape; 1988 Bronco II 1965, Exc. All original, bucket seats, 3rd row $4900 1984, $1200 obo; by Certified GM me32' touring coach, left Serving Central Oregon since 1903 seat, moonroof. 4 x4 t o t o w , 1 3 0 K 4-dr. sedan, in storsnow chanic. Has every1985 SOLD; kitchen, rear lounge, 4-205/50R17 Vin ¹305958. mostly towed miles, age last 15 yrs., 390 thing but navigation. extras, beautiful tires, good tread, $25 High 1986 parts car, Was $29,999. nice rig! $15,000 both. Weekend yyarrfor Toy many C o m pression Used out-drive c ond. inside 8 o u t , ea. obo 541-593-1101 engine, new tires 8 liToo many bells and Now $26,888. $500. 541-382-3964, Ieave Hauler 28' 2007,Gen, parts - Mercury whistles to l i st. OBO, PrinevCall for details, msg. fuel station, exc cond. $34,499 c ense, r educed t o (4) Snow tires, 3 mo. S UB A R U . OMC rebuilt ma541-447-5502 days bought a new one. sleeps 8, black/gray ille. old, P19 5 - 65R15, $2850, 541-410-3425. 541-548-6592 rine motors: 151 & 541-447-1641 eves. 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend $4900 i nterior, u se d 3X , $270. 541-410-0206 $1595; 3.0 $1895; 541-420-1283 877-266-3821 $24,999. 4.3 (1993), $1995. Good classified ads tell 4 studded tires, Dlr ¹0354 541-389-9188 541-389-0435 225/75R-15, $150 the essential facts in an Honda CRV 2005, obo. 541-382-3456 interesting Manner. Write CHECK YOUR AD Looking for your 4WD, moonroof, alloy Please check your ad from the readers view - not next employee? 4 studded tires on rims The Bulletin's Jayco Seneca 2007, wheels, very clean. the seller's. Convert the on the first day it runs Place a Bulletin help P ilgrim 27', 2007 5 t h for Toyota Camry, used Plymouth "Call A Service 17K mi., 35ft., Chevy B a r racuda Vin ¹027942. to make sure it is cor- facts into benefits. Show 1 y ear, $ 3 50. C a ll wanted ad today and 5500 d i e s el , toy Was $12,799. Professional" Directory wheel, 1 s lide, AC, 541-593-2134 1966, original car! 300 rect. Sometimes in- the reader how the item will hauler $13 0 ,000. reach over 60,000 hp, 360 V8, centerNow $10,988 TV,full awning, excelis all about meeting s tructions over t h e help them in someway. readers each week. 541-389-2636. Cooper winter studded lines, (Original 273 lent shape, $23,900. phone are misunderyourneeds. This Your classified ad 215/60/1 6 t i re s + S UB A R U . 541-350-8629 eng 8 wheels incl.) stood and a n e r ror will also appear on advertising tip chains $150. Toyo all 541-593-2597 Call on one of the 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend can occur in your ad. bendbulletin.com brought to you by season 205 / 60/1 6 If this happens to your professionals today! 877-266-3821 which currently retires $125. Low mile- PROJECT CARS: Chevy ad, please contact us The Bulletin Dlr ¹0354 ceives over 1.5 mil2-dr FB 1949 & Chevy age. 541-330-8285. 59rlmg CBCUBIOregan 9OCB 99N the first day your ad lion page views evCoupe 1950 - rolling Honda CRV EXL, 2012 Honda Civic wheels, 4 appears and we will ery month at no chassis's $1750 ea., I Wat e rcraft h ole. S et $100 . Chevy 4-dr 1949, com- Black, just 10K miles! be happy to fix it as extra cost. Bulletin Immaculate! ¹022946 $29,995 Pilgrim In t e rnational 541-410-2503. s oon as w e c a n . Classifieds Get Replete car, $1949; CaBeaver Coach Marquis 2005, 36' 5th Wheel, Deadlines are: Week2007 SeaDoo sults! Call 385-5809 dillac Series 61 1950, 2 40' 1987. New cover, NEED HOLIDAY $$$? Model¹M-349 RLDS-5 days 12:00 noon for dr. hard top, complete 2004 Waverunner, new paint (2004), new or place your ad We pay CASH for Fall price $ 2 1,865. next day, Sat. 11:00 w/spare front c l ip., excellent condition, on-line at Oregon inverter (2007). Onan Junk Cars & Trucks! 541-312-4466 $3950, 541-382-7391 a.m. for Sunday; Sat. Toyota Camry SE, 2002, LOW hours. Double 6300 watt gen, 111K mi, bendbulletin.com AufoSource Also buying batteries 8 12:00 for Monday. If 56,200 miles, moonroof, trailer, lots of extras. parked covered $35,000 541-598-3750 catalytic converters. DOM'TMISSTHIS aaaoregonautosource.com we can assist you, spoiler, $11,900; incl 4 obo. 541-419-9859 or $10,000 Serving all of C.O.! studless snows on Toy541-280-2014 please call us: 541-719-8444 Call 541-408-1090 ota whls. 541-388-1112 Hummer H2 2003, auto, 541-385-5809 VW Karman Ghia Studded Hankook (4) 4X4, premium wheels, The Bulletin Classified Toyota Corolla 2004, U 1970, good cond., 28' HR Alumascape Ads published in Wa3rd seat, leather, grill P225/75R15, no r ims, new upholstery and tercraft" include: Kay1998 with slider, very C r u iser auto., loaded, orig. guard, lots of extras. Chrysler P T Prowler AX6 Ex- $200 firm. 541-480-0164 convertible top. owner, non smoker, aks, rafts and motornice, clean. $6500. Regal V in ¹ 1 13566. W a s 2 006, auto, pw, p l , treme Edition 38' '05, Studded snow tires on $10,000. exc. cond. $7000 firm Ized Bend, 206-915-1412. personal Now crus, tilt, tinted win- Pnneville 4 slides,2 fireplaces, all 5-lug whls, 205/65R15, 541-389-2636 $20,999. 503-358-8241 watercrafts. For dows, Vin ¹ 2 24778. maple cabs, king bed/ $16,988. $100. 541-388-1899 aft 5 "boats" please see Monaco Dynasty 2004, W as $ 7,999. N o w bdrm separated w/slide loaded, 3 slides, dieS UB A R U . Class 870. $5,999. Garage Sales glass dr,loaded,always FIND IT! sel, Reduced - now 541-385-5809 garaged,lived in only 3 BIIT IT' 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend 4g®SUBARU. $119,000, 5 4 1-923Garage Sales mo,brand new $54,000, 877-266-3821 8572 or 541-749-0037 SELL IT! still like new, $28,500, Dlr ¹0354 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend Garage Sales will deliver,see rvt.com, The Bulletin Classifieds Carri-Lite Luxury 2009 877-266-3821 by Carriage, 4 slidead¹4957646 for pics. Studded tire, mounted, VW Thing 1974, good J eep L i berty 2 0 0 7 , Dlr ¹0354 Find them Cory, 541-580-7334 outs, inverter, satel5 bolt, P235/75R15 off cond. Extremely Rare! Nav., 4x4, l e ather, Motorhomes lite sys, fireplace, 2 in loaded. Moonroof. Chevy 1/2 ton Pickup. Only built in 1973 & flat screen TVs. Vin ¹646827. L ike N e w , $3 5 0 . 1974. $8,000. The Bulletin I Canopies & Campers $60,000. 541-593-2247 Was $16,999. 541-389-2636 Southwind 35.5' Triton 541-480-3923 Classifieds Now $13,488. cCU Elkhorn 8.5' 2003, self Studded tires, BF Goo2008,V10, 2 slides, Du 933 CHECK YOUR AD contained, oven, ste- drich © ) S U BA R U . pont UV coat, 7500 mi P2 1 5 /70R14, 541-385-5809 Pickups Bought new at r eo, v e r y cle a n. $175. 541-497-3858 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend Chrysler Sebring2006 $132,913; $8500. 541-389-7234 Fully loaded, exc.cond, Toyotas: 1999 Avalon 877-266-3821 Studded t ires. E u ro- Chevy y2-ton 1992, PS, Country Coach Intrigue asking $93,500. very low miles (38k), 254k; 1996 Camry, winter, 1 8 5 / 70R14,PB, AT, new plates, runs Dlr ¹0354 2002, 40' Tag axle. Call 541-419-4212 Need to get an always garaged, 98k, 4 cyl. Lots of $150. 541-497-3858 400hp Cummins Diegrt, $1500. 541-923-4338 transferable warranty miles left in these ad in ASAP? The Bulletin sel. tw o s l ide-outs. Winter Tires 4 Bridgeincl. $8600 cars. Price? You tell Please check your ad You can place it 4 1,000 miles, n e w To Subscribe call s tone 2 2 5/55 R 1 6 on the first day it runs 541-330-4087 me! I d guess tires & batteries. Most 541-385-5800 or go to online at: 95W on alloy rims, $2000-$4000. to make sure it is coroptions. $95,000 OBO Your servant, Bob at www.bendbulletin.com rect. Sometimes in~ www.bendbulletin.com like new, tire pres541-678-5712 Ford Crown Vlc. sure monitors incl. 541-318-9999, no structions over theg 881 (Retail@$1900) $650. Jeep Willys 1947,custom, 1997 4 door, 127k, charge for looking. phone are mis541-385-5809 In Bend 619-889-5422 Ford 250 XLT 1990, small block Chevy, PS, d rives, runs a n d Travel Trailers understood and an error VW Beetle, 2002 OD, mags+trailer. Swap looks great, extra can occur in your ad. 6 yd. dump bed, 932 set of winter tires on 5-spd, silver-gray, black for backhoe.No am calls If this happens to your 139k, Auto, $5500. rims, only $3000. Antique & leather, moonroof, CD, ad, please contact us 541-410-9997 please. 541-389-6990 541-771-6500. loaded, 115K miles, the first day your ad Classic Autos 00 • I Jeep Wrangler X 2008, well-maintained appears and we will Econoline RV 19 8 9, Ford F250 2002 (have records) unlimited, 4 dr., runfully loaded, exc. cond, be happy to fix it Supercab 7.3 diesel, extremely clean, ning boards, premium 908'IMISS IHIS 35K m i. , R e duced as soon as we can. 130,000 miles, great $4850 obo. wheels, hard top, very $17,950. 541-546-6133 Pioneer Spirit 18CK, If we can assist you 541-546-6920 shape with accessoclean. Vin ¹ 5 72535. 2007, used only 4x, AC, please call us: 1921 Model T Ford Crown V i ctoria ries. $14,900. electric tongue j ack, Was $25,999. Now 541-385-5809 • • I Delivery Truck 1995, LX sedan, 4 dr., WHEN YOU SEE THIS 541-923-0231 day or $8995. 541-389-7669 $22,999. The Bulletin Classified V8, o r ig . ow n e r, Restored 8 Runs 541-923-2582 eves. ~OO ROUADigorgio 1971 70,300 mi., studs on, © ) S U BA R U . $9000. Aircraft, Parts Meet singles right now! fridge, heater, propane USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! reat condition. 541-389-8963 No paid o perators, 8 elec. Iights, awning, 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend & Service 3000. 541-549-0058. On a classified ad 877-266-3821 just real people like 2 spares, extra insu- Door-to-door selling with go to Dlr ¹0354 you. Browse greet- lation for late season fast results! It's the easiest Ford F250 XLT 4x4 Find It in www.bendbulletin.com ings, exchange mes- hunting/cold weather way in the world to sell. L ariat, 1990, r e d, to view additional sages and connect camping, well maint, The Bulletin Class!f!sds! 80K original miles, photos of the item. rvrrer live. Try it free. Call very roomy, sleeps 5, The Bulletin Classified 541-385-5809 4" lift with 39's, well reat f o r hu n t ing, now: 8 7 7-955-5505. maintained, $4000 541-385-5809 Bl )2950, 541-410-6561 (PNDC) Looking for your Honda Civic LX 2006 obo. 541-419-5495 Chevy C-20 Pickup 1/3 interest in Columnext employee? 4-dr sedan, excellent bia 400, located at 1969, all orig. Turbo 44; Lincoln Navigator 2005 cond, 31K miles, AC, Place a Bulletin help Sunriver. $ 1 38,500. auto 4-spd, 396, model ad today and CST /al! options, orig. great cond., 124k mi., power steering, dr locks wanted Call 541-647-3718 reach over 60,000 owner, $22,000, 3 rows seats, DVD 8 w indows, premium each week. 541-923-6049 player, $11,500 cash wheels, new s tudded readers Your classified ad tires, chains, AM/FM-CD, only. 541-475-3274 - ~ N a s• all records from 2009, will also appear on Call 54I 385 5809io promoteyour service Advertisefor 28 daysstarting at 'Ifo Irb9special packagei9Bot aRRiable99curweiRiteI 24-40 mpg, $13,000/ofr. ~Oo bendbulletin.com Ford Ranger 1999, 4x4, which currently reMorePixat Bendbulletincom Local: 503-806-9564 7 1K, X- c ab , X L T, ceives over 1.5 milauto, 4 . 0L, $ 8 4 00N issan Armada S E Hyundai Sonata 2012, 1 /3 interest i n w e l llion page views Building/Contracting H o me Improvement L sndscsplng/Ysrd Careequipped IFR Beech BoOBO. 541-388-0232 2 007, 4 W D , a u t o , Sedan, 4 d r., auto, every month at l eather, D VD , C D . CD, bluetooth, pw, pl, nanza A36, new 10-550/ Chevy Wagon 1957, no extra cost. BulleNOTICE: Oregon state Kelly Kerfoot Const. N OTICE: ORE G O N prop, located KBDN. 4-dr., complete, V in¹700432. Was crus, tilt, low mi. Must tin Classifieds law req u ires any- 28 yrs exp in Central OR! Landscape Contrac- $65,000. 541-419-9510 $7,000 OBO, trades $16, 99 9 . Now See! Vi n ¹ 3 2 2715. Get Results! Call one who c o n tractsQuality 8 honesty, from tors Law (ORS 671) please call $14,788. Was $19,999. Now 385-5809 or place I nternational Fla t for construction work carpentry & handyman r equires a l l bu s i - Executive Hangar 541-389-6998 $17,988. your ad on-line at Bed Pickup 1963, 1 S UB A R U . at Bend Airport to be licensed with the jobs, to expert wall cov- nesses that advertise bendbulletin.com Chrysler 300 C o upe ton dually, 4 s pd. (KBDN) 'g@ SUBARU. C onstruction Con - ering install / removal. t o p e rform L a n dNE Hwy 20 • Bend BUBBRUOBBRNO CUN 44 0 e n g ine, trans., great MPG, 2060 877-266-3821 tractors Board (CCB). Sr. discounts CCB¹47120 scape C o nstruction60' wide x 50' deep, 1967, 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend could be exc. wood A n active lice n se Licensed/bonded/insured which includes: w/55' wide x 17' high auto. trans, ps, air, Dlr ¹0354 877-266-3821 I The Bulletin recomH means the contractor 541-389-1413/ 410-2422 p lanting, decks , bi-fold door. Natural frame on rebuild, re- hauler, runs great, mends extra caution I Dlr ¹0354 i s bonded an d i n fences, arbors, gas heat, office, bath- painted original blue, new brakes, $1950. when p u r chasing ~ original blue interior, 541-419-5480. room. Parking for 6 s ured. Ver if y t h e w ater-features, a n d Mercury Tracer 1996, 4 f products or services Landscaping/Yard Care installation, repair of c ars. A d jacent t o original hub caps, exc. contractor's CCB dr., 91K, auto, exc. from out of the area. Frontage Rd; g r eat chrome, asking $9000 c ense through t h e irrigation systems to $2000. 541-389-6167 J S ending c ash , visibility for a v iation or make offer. CCB Cons u m er be licensed with the checks, or credit in541-385-9350 Website Landscape Contrac- bus. 1jetjock@q.com Mitsubishi 3 00 0 GT formation may be I Porsche Cayenne 2004, 1 999, a u to., p e a rl www.hireahcensedcontractor. t ors B o a rd . Th i s 541-948-2126 Z~r/dd zQuaEiip Com 86k, immac, dealer 4-digit number is to be w hite, very low m i . / sublect to FRAUD. or call 503-378-4621. maint'd, loaded, now $9500. 541-788-8218. For more informaZa~<0a ~r,. included in all adverf tion about an adverThe Bulletin recomtisements which indiChrysler SD 4-Door RAM 2500 2003, 5.7L $17000. 503-459-1580 tiser, you may call mends checking with More Than Service hemi V8, hd, auto, cruise, cate the business has 1930, CD S R oyal am/fm/cd. $8400 obro. I the Oregon Statef the CCB prior to cona bond,insurance and Standard, S-cylinder, Peace Of Mind Attorney General's I tracting with anyone. Vehicle? Vans workers c ompensabody is good, needs 541-420-3634/390-1285 • Office C o nsumer I Call The Bulletin Some other t r ades tion for their employsome r e s toration, Advertise your car! ONLY 1 OIIVNERSHIP and place an ad tof Protection hotline at also req u ire addi- Fall Clean Up ees. For your protecruns, taking bids, Add A Picture! SHARE LEFT! 1-877-877-9392. day! tional licenses and Don't track it in all Winter tion call 503-378-5909 541-383-3888, Reach thousands oi readers! •Leaves Economical flying in Ask about our certifications. or use our website: Call 541-385-5809 •Cones your ow n C e s sna 541-815-3318 "Wheel Deal"! SUCUing CUOURI OregUOSlnce 1903 www.lcb.state.or.us to 172/180 HP for only The Bulletin Classlfieds • Needles for private party Debris Removal check license status $ 10,000! Based a t • Pruning advertisers 935 • Debris Hauling before con t racting BDN. Call Gabe a t Chevrolet G20 SportsJUNK BE GONE with t h e bu s iness. Sport Utility Vehicles man, 1993, exlnt cond, Professional Air! 0 I Haul Away FREE Persons doing land1- 3 88-00~1 Gutter $4750 541 362 5559 or For Salvage. Also scape m aintenance ~4 541-663-6046 Cleanups & Cleanouts Cleaning do not require a LCB Mel, 541-389-8107 license. FIAT 1800 1978, 5-spd, Trucks & door panels w/flowers U Compost SOLD!! Nelson Landscape Heavy Equipment Handyman 8 hummingbirds, Applications Maintenance white soft top & hard SPRINTER 36' Use Less Water Uyou can stop the ad, ERIC REEVE HANDY Serving top. Just reduced to Buick Enclave 2008 CXL $10,500 obo. finally gotit sold. /t took a 2005, $$$ SAVE $$$ AWD, V-6, black, clean, SERVICES. Home & $3,750. 541-317-9319 Two slides, sleeps 5, Central Oregon Improve Soil mechanicall y sound, 82k few months, but found a queen air mattress, Commercial Repairs, or 541-647-8483 Residential buyer - ad the important small sgl. bed, couch miles. $21,995. Legal Notices Carpentry-Painting, thing is ..... it's gone! & Commercial Call 541-815-1216 Pressure-washing, 2013 Maintenance folds out. 1.5 baths, The Wheel Deal 'run until O 9 • .. LEGAL NOTICE Honey Do's. On-time Package Available Diamond Reo Dump Chevy Suburban LTZ se//s package' really Former students who promise. Senior weekly, monthly Truck 19 7 4, 12 -14 2007, 4x4 , l e ather, he/pedi" were served by the Discount. Work guarand yard box, runs good, m oonroof, bac k u p Doug R. H igh Desert E S D , anteed. 541-389-3361 one time service $6900, 541-548-6812 sensors, 3rd row seat, Central Oregon Reor 541-771-4463 • Snow Removal Ford Galsxie 500 1963, running boards, low Want Results from qualified gional Program, may Bonded 8 Insured • Sprinkler Repair 2 dr. hardtop,fastback, EXPERIENCED mi., V in ¹ 22 8 9 19 local buyers? request their records. CCB¹181595 390 v8,auto, pwr. steer & • Back Flow Testing G K E A T Commercial Was $30,999. Now Call us a! 541-385-5809 and ask Records will remain radio (orig),541-419-4989 • Fall Clean up & Residential $28,788. I DO THAT! about our Wheel Deal special! confidentially filed un• Weekly Mowing Home/Rental repairs Ford Mustang Coupe til the age of 26, at Hys!er H25E, runs 1S UBARU . Senior Discounts BUBBRUOBBRNOCOR Small jobs to remodels 1966, original owner, which time they will be well, 2982 Hours, Senior Discounts Honest, guaranteed Bonded & Insured destroyed. C o ntact V8, automatic, great 2060 NE Hwy 20• Bend $3500 call work. CCB¹151573 541-390-1466 877-266-3821 541-693-5700 for 541-815-4458 shape, $9000 OBO. 541-749-0724 W WW.bendbu l l e C i r Dennis 541-317-9768 Same Day Response LCB¹8759 530-515-8199 Dlr ¹0354 more information.

( which includes:

Ford Explorer 4x4, 1991 - 154K miles, rare 5-speed tranny 8 manual hubs, clean, straight, everyday driver. Bring 2200 dollar bills! Bob, 541-318-9999


&o~ Asr!

LThe Bulleting







The Bulletin



The Bulletin


















The Bulletin

~ The Bulletin ~

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QsQ ss



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ease MSRP $35,729 VIN;GD3D4400115. Cap reduction $4,995. Cap Cost $29,674. Acquisition fee $595. Doc. fee $75. 42 months, 10,000 miles/year. Residual 46% $16,435.34. No Security Deposit. Total due at signing $5,631.62. *Tier I financing. Title, lic. L doc. and dealer installed option not included. Down payment is cash or trade equity. On Approved Credit. DTD-04

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Lease MSRP $24,730 VIN:60D3009424. Cap reduction $2,000. Cap Cost $21,869. Acquisition fee $595. Doc. fee $75. 42 months, 10,000 miles/year. Residual 57% $14,096.10. No Security Deposit. Total due at signing $2,490.44. *Tier I financing. Title, lic. L doc. and dealer installed option not included. Down payment is cash or trade equity. On Approved Credit. DAD-02

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Paid Advertisement

1 • Best Urban Renovation by a Small

H aving been i n b u s i ness on t h e c o r n er o f Wall an d O r egon i n D o w n t ow n B e n d for 23 years, the owners of SportsVision relocated to it s ne w h o m e u p t h e s t r eet at the corner of Bond and Oregon. A sixweek remodel included the installation of transom w i n d ows to b r i g hten the space. Stairs to an upper-level office space were relocated to accomodate a food cart. Two office spaces were also remodeled and leased on the property.

Paid Advertisement

6 • Building Futures COCC Madras: Madras Campus, COCC Board of Directors Funded by a 2009 voter-approved Central Oregon Community College (COCC) bond measure, in addition to Federal funds from t he Department o f H o u s in g an d U r b a n D evelopment a s w e l l a s t h e d o n a t i o n o f land f r o m t h e B e a n F o u ndation, t h e M adras E d u cation C e n te r n o w s e r v e s s tudents and c o m m u n it y m e m b ers w h o w ould have ot herw ise been r e quired t o commute to Bend and Redmond on a daily basis. Twenty-two credit classes are being offered this year in addition to basic skills classes. Th e O r e g o n S t a t e U n i v e r sity Extension Service has offices on campus as well.

Business: SportsVision Bend (Roberta and Todd Johnson)

2 • Best Urban Infill with Outstanding Tenant Improvements:Bond Street Pub Expansion, Deschutes Brewery


Experience the quality construction offered by COBA Tour of Homes™ award-winning builder R.D. Building and Design. Thoughtfully executed floor plan that maximizes space, views and functionality. This 2414 sq. ft., 4 bedroom, 3 bath single level home will come complete with high end finishes, landscaping, appliances, 3-car garage and a sophisticated contemporary design. The $30,000 golf membership is included with the sale, please call listing agent for further details. 14980 Randall Ct., Bend, OR $599,900

'll h,


A collaboration between Gar y F i s h a n d D oug K n i gh t l e d t o t h e b u i l d out o f t h e D eschutes Brewery B e n d P u b li c H o u s e on Bond Street in Dow ntown Bend. With t he vision o f D K A a r c h i t ects an d s k i l l o f Sunwest Bu i lders, the b u i l d in g c a m e t o fru i t i on. Th e n e w s p ace adds t o t h e charm of t h e o r i g i na l pu b an d p r o v i d es an efficient wor k s p ace to accommodate increasing demand. Th e p r o j ect c r eated jobs for local cr a ftsmen and allowed th e p ub to i n c r ease th e s t af f b y n e a r l y 5 0

7 • Heritage Project of the Year: Bowman Museum, Crook County Historical Society (Gordon Gillespie)

• II

The expansion of th e B o w ma n M u seum in Prineville was made possible by fundr aising efforts by t h e c o m m u n i ty. A f t e r the adjacent building was purchased, the process of expanding began, allowing for greater exhibit space as well as allowin g for a largerresearch library. Museum officials estimate the use of the library and student visits wil l d o uble, and an excess of 13,000 community m embers and tourists will visit annually.

'I • 4 • a


aa •


employees. 3 • Exceptional Repurposing of

8 • Outstanding Recreational Contribution

Materials and Industrial Structure: Crux

FermentationProject (Paul Evers, Larry Sidor and Dave Wilson) The old A A M C O t r a n smission shop near t he old i r o n w o rk s d i s t r ic t i n B e n d w a s maticulously redesigned to become Crux Fermentaiton Project. A large percentage o f materials u se d t o c r e at e t h e s p a c e was repurposed from materials whose past lives were quite different from t h eir current u s a ge . F o r i n s t a n ce , p e n n a nt l ights w er e c r a f te d f r o m c o p p e r p i p e s from the brew h o use, and the tap t ow er was constructed from a fire sprinkler pipe from the building.

to the Community: SHARC,(Sunriver Owners Association)

',Q i gXt~ '


I l~



w •I••

4 • Exceptional Addition to Education Excellence: Ridgeview High SchoolRedmond (Jerry Milstead and Lee Loving)

• • I• I

The Central Oregon Association of Realtors annual celebration of residential and commercial development strengthening Central Oregon communities through restorationand development

S et on 55 acres near Canal and E l k h o r n A venue i n R e d m o nd , R i d g eview H i g h School is comprised of 32 classrooms and 17 labs. Students of the school have access to s p e cialized s t u d ies i n c l u di ng culinary a r t s , e n g i n e erin g t e c h n ology, h ealth occupations, perform ing a rt s a n d t elevision p r o d u c t io n t e c h n o logy. T h e construction of the school was funded by a 2008 bond measure.

and improvements that enhance communities in Central Or-

Georgia Avenue Remodel (Robert and Anne Jennings and Copperline Homes)

egon.Each ofthese projects,completed in the past year,contribute to neighborhood beautification through the creative

Originally b u ilt in 1913, the home located at 429 NW Georgia Ave. south of Downtown Bend had fallen i nto a st ate of d i srepair and remained vacant through much of the 1980s. What turned into a virt ual rebuild, t he home wa s tr a n s f o r med b ack t o i t s former gl or y a n d r e m a in s a c l assic and timeless historic home.

use of materials, design and purpose. This year, nine projects were recognized. Representatives of the projects were honored during an award ceremony on Thursday, Nov. 1.

's i

15 NW Portland Ave ¹111, Bend

stainlesssteelkitchenw/built-in wine

cooler.Hardwoodfloors &gasfireplace in thelivingroom.Spaciousdeck overlooking theriver. W/Dincluded. 61187 Kepler St., Bend 3beds,2baths. Beautiful homeona cornerlot indesirableSWneighborhood. Hardwoo dfloors,high e



vaulted ceilngs, hickory cabinets, tile countertops, stainesssteelappliances, ga sfireplace&A .Fence /Cd backyard w/deck.DogsOK.


== , ' '



" -


' -

: .

-' .



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IP p



250 SWSummer Lake,Bend ' 3beds, 2.5baths. IntheOld Mill District. Fullyapplianced -' kitchen.Familyroom with gasfireplace. II Living room.Private , fenced backyard ~ f 32 ~ w/ s pacious deck & ~ beau tifully landscaped.




i ''

With the development of three new buildings on the COCC campus in B e nd, add itional e d ucational o p p o r t u n i t ies h a v e b ecome available. Th e H e a lt h C a r e er s Center and Science Center were made possible by a 2009 voter-approved bond measure in addition to funds from the Oregon legislature. As a r e sult, COCC's nursing degree, dental assisting, pharmacy t ech and licensed massage therapist programs w ere expanded, an d a n e w v e t e r i n a r y technician program was established. T he Jungers C u l i n ar y C e n ter h a s e n abled the college to further serve the hospitality industry by providing specialized training in a world-class teaching kitchen a nd dedicated pastry k i t chen as w ell a s a student-staffed restauraunt open to the public called Elevation.

1633 NE Lotus ¹2, Bend 3 beds, 2 baths. Single level, tri-plex townhomeconveniently located near parks, medical center & shopping. Private, master suite, fully applianced kitchen tt open living I' space.1-cargaragew/W/Dhook82 . Ups andtNISlyard care paid.

2beds,2baths.Beautiful condoontheriverand just blocks fromdowntown! Fuly applianced,


9 • Building Futures COCC Bend: Health CareersCenter/Science Center, Jungers CulinaryCenter (COCC Board of Directors)

Each year, The Central Oregon Association of Realtors (COAR) recognizes residential and commercial property developments

5 • Best Historical Residential Renovation:


T he S H A R C (S u n r i v e r H om e o w n e r s A quatic 8 r R e c r eation C e n t er) f a c i l i t y serves as a replacement for the community swimming facility located on the southern side of Sunriver. The facility features indoor an d o u t door s w i m m i n g p o o ls, a lazy river, two waterslides, a hot tub, toddler splash and play areas, and an event space with amphitheatre, cafe, park, picn ic areas, playground, bocce ball c o u r t , basketball court and a year-round tubing hill. Pricing varies depending on season for the public, and guests of Sunriver Resort may use the facility at no additional cost.





61050 BacchusCourt, Bend Singlelevelhomeon10acresthatbacks up toBLMland!Viewsof theCascade Mtn.Range,openfloorplan,vaulted ceilings,granitecountertops, hardwoodfloors, gasfireplace,radiant heated floors,A/C, surroundsound /iPodhook-ups8optionalhot gQQ w tub. 2-car garage. CatsOK.


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Houses for Rent General



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Lottery r oom, 11 ft. ceilings, crown room, master main 2633 NW Champion molding & s u rround RealEstate.com RealEstate.com l d.' wired & running 4 mafloor, loft area & full RENTALS ~ Circle Gorgeous 3200 chines now. 20-ft bar, sound. Private paver bath upstairs. Tons of 1250 NW Remarkable 603 - Rental Alternatives SCLFT. Awbrey Glen 3456 NE 45th Country 850 10 tap handles. 4-pan patio with water feaupgrades. Awbrey Village Lot Home, $575,000 604 - Storage Rentals ture. Living Close to Down Home-ID837 Houses for Rent hot well, Ansell hood, w/Cascade Views, Prudential High Desert 605 - Roommate Wanted town Redmond. MLS¹201208464 automatic dishwasher. Eagle Crest Properties $190,000 NE Bend Realty 541-312-9449 Deborah Benson, PC, $149,999 616- Want To Rent 866-722-3370 Terry, 541-415-1777 Prudential High Desert www. 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Two master 1148 NW Constellation site w/owner financ 636 - Apt./Multiplex NW Bend Custom Built Awbrey ing, $279,000 638 - Apt./Multiplex SE Bend suites, sec u r ity 19555 Tumalo Reser658 TEAM Birtola Garmyn NW Bend Home, MORRIS 640 - Apt./Multiplex SW Bend system, gr a n ite Houses for Rent voir Remo d eled $469,000 Prudential High Desert 642 - Apt./Multiplex Redmond kitchen and utility, h ome, REAL ESTATE Casc a d e Prudential High Desert Realty 541-312-9449 Redmond 646 - Apt./Multiplex Furnished t drpe drddye rdd deeenrrd m arble bath s . views, farm deferral. Realty 541-312-9449 www. BendOregon $755,000 648- Houses for Rent General Home-ID887 RealEstate.com www. 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Ask about our & City views! 3743 sq. on main level. 3 gas geous Craftsman, 3 660 - Houses for Rent La Pine Realty 541-312-9449 building fronts Super Seller rates! ft., 3 b e droom, 2 5 bdrm + o f f ice l oft, fireplaces, roomy SOPHISTICATED www. BendOregon 661 - Houses for Rent Prineville 541-385-5809 kitchen, wrap around bath. Open floor plan, Greenwood Avenue. $179,900 CONTEMPORARY RealEstate.com 662 - Houses for Rent Sisters Perfect for the gourmet kitc h en, TEAM Birtola Garmyn windows, wood floors, IN TETHEROW 4 bdrm 2t/z bath, 3-car 663 - Houses for Rent Madras & 3 car garage. Golf arble, t i le , s l a b owner/user & move-in Prudential High Desert 19489 Randall Ct., garaqe, fresh paint, 2640 m ready. Light & bright 664- Houses for Rent Furnished granite, walnut floors, Realty 541-312-9449 cart bay w/ 1560 s/f Bend, OR • $599,900 NE 9th. $1250/mo.; 835-837 NW 3rd coach house c o mwooden doors, mas- m ain f l o o r ret a i l Welcome to your new www. BendOregon 671 - Mobile/Mfd. for Rent $1500 security dep.; no Investment property, space. Upstairs has RealEstate.com p lete w i t h sho p . 675 - RV Parking pets. Call 503-804-5045 ter on main, 3 decks an open space with 2 home and lifestyle! Be High Traffic Location, S pectacular lan d for outdoor living. a part of the most 21189 Sunburst Unique 676 -Mobile/Mfd.Space $300,000 or 3 a dditional built Newer 2326 sq.ft. deluxe MLS¹201208296 scaping, pond, progressive lu x u ry TEAM Birtola Garmyn 682 - Farms, Ranches and Acreage out offices. Bend Home w/Cashome, 3/3, gas fire- Kelly Neuman, Broker streams & waterfall all g olf c o mmunity i n Prudential High Desert 687 - Commercial for Rent/Lease MLS¹201203206 cade Mtn. Views. place, 7500' lot, fenced 541-480-2102 set w i t hi n f e n c ed Central Oregon and Realty 541-312-9449 $590,000 693 - Office/Retail Space for Rent yard, 1655 SW Sara- We never stop moving: Rookie Dickens, Broker, live on the doorstep of area. www. BendOregon soda Ct. $ 1195/mo. GRI, CRS, ABR Ryan Whitcomb, Brothe region's vast out- Prudential High Desert REAL ESTATE RealEstate.com 541-350-2206 541-815-0436 Realty 541-312-9449 ker 541-639-1151 door offerings. Expe705- Real Estate Services We never stop moving: www. BendOregon rience the quality con225 NE Lafayette 2500 Aaron Boehm, Broker 859 713 - Real Estate Wanted RealEstate.com 541-647-8851 struction offered by Sq.ft. CL Zoned 719 - Real Estate Trades Houses for Rent Hunter Properties COBA To u r of Commercial Bldg, 19717 Mt. Bachelor cs 726 - Timeshares for Sale Sunriver Homes™ award-win- Recently Updated Mt. MORRIS $150,000 Check out the n ing b u ilder R . D . 730 - New Listings TEAM Birtola Garmyn Bachelor Village classifieds online REAL ESTATE VILLAGE PROPERTIES Building and Design Condo, $169,900 Prudential High Desert www.bendbuffetin.com 732 - Commercial Properties for Sale I drpr dcalye r d de p c rcd MORRIS Sunriver, Three Rivers, and the thoughtfully TEAM Birtola Garmyn Realty 541-312-9449 738- Multiplexes for Sale Updated daily La Pine. Great REAL ESTATE executed floor p lan Prudential High Desert www.BendOregon 740 -Condominiums & Townhomes forSale Selection. Prices range NE Bend j $175,000 that maximizes space, I d t d ar e d d et « d RealEstate.com Realty 541-312-9449 $125,000 $425 - $2000/mo. New construction in 744 - Open Houses views and functionalwww. BendOregon Price Reduction! Crosswinds backing Prime Hwy 97 commer- ity. This 2414 sq. ft., View our full 745- Homes for Sale 20070 Beaver, Tumalo Mid town cutie needs a RealEstate.com to L a n d S y s tems cial updated in 2006, 4 bedroom, 3 b a t h inventory online at O ver 80 ft . o f D e s b it of TLC bu t h a s 746- Northwest Bend Homes Nursery. Single level, 850 sq.ft., plenty of Viflage-Propertles.com single level home will 3546 SW 35th Large chutes River F r ont loads o f p o t ential. 747 - Southwest Bend Homes 1-866-93f-f061 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 9 parking in rear, cen- come complete with 4,000+ SF Home w/ age! $149,400 Fenced in yard with 748- Northeast Bend Homes f t. ceilings, & n i c e tral a i r . $ 1 1 9,900. high en d fi n ishes, Wine Cellar. $481,703 TEAM Birtola Garmyn lots of room to gar675 ¹ 20 1 0 0 3034 landscaping, a p p li- TEAM Birtola Garmyn master suite. Quiet MLS 749- Southeast Bend Homes Prudential High Desert d en with p lenty o f neighborhood close to Pam Lester, Principal ances, 3-car garage RV Parking Prudential High Desert 750 - Redmond Homes Realty 541-312-9449 sunshine. Structure is hospital, s h o pping, B roker, Century 2 1 and a s ophisticated Realty 541-312-9449 www. BendOregon sound (just needs a 753 - Sisters Homes dining & schools. Gold Country Realty, contemporary design. RV Space for rent, 50 www. BendOregon RealEstate.com little lipstick). 755- Sunriver/La Pine Homes MLS¹201208193 Inc. 541-504-1338 amp, cable, dump, pavT he $ 3 0,000 g o l f RealEstate.com Debbie Tallman, Broker Darrin Kelleher, Broker 756 - Jefferson County Homes ers, n e a r O l d M ill. m embership i s in 52337 Barberry Large 541-390-0934 or People Lookfor Information cluded 6 0818 W i ndsor S E $475/mo + e lectricity. The Kelleher Group with the sale, 757 - Crook County Homes 541 -389-791 0 Home & Shop on 1.5 About Products and 541-389-9268 541-788-0029 please c a l l li s ting Bend Home on 1/2 Acres in the Trees, Hunter Properties 762 - Homes with Acreage Acre, $165,000 We never stop moving: Services Every Day through agent for further de$125,000 763 - Recreational Homes and Property 876 TEAM Birtola Garmyn $158,000 The BulletinC/assifieds tails. Birtola Garmyn Earth Advantage 764- Farms and Ranches Prudential High Desert TEAM Home! Mobile/Mfd. Space Silvia Knight, Broker, Prudential High Desert 738 Realty 541-312-9449 771 - Lots Cascade Sothebys Realty 541-312-9449 Main floor living with www. BendOregon extensive upgrades. • Space rent $180 mo. Int'I Realty, Multiplexes for Sale 773 - Acreages www. BendOregon RealEstate.com An open floor plan • Homes for rent 541-788-4861 RealEstate.com 775 - Manufactured/Mobile Homes with large entry, slate, $350 - $495 mo. Single level duplex! MORRIS 19460 G reen L a k es 780 - Mfd. /Mobile Homes with Land 745 red oa k h a rdwood • Large treed lots Redmond! 3 bdrm, 2 18920 Baker Custom REAL ESTATE U nique Luxury B ro floors. breakfast bar, • J.D. Riverfront lots Homes for Sale bath, 1 41 4 s q . ft. Milled Log Home Near I drpr dr rlye r d de p r r r d ken Top Craftsman Where can you find a • Playground and concrete counters and e ach u n it . We l l the River, $299,000 Home. $896,000 Birch cabinets. Rear Community Center m aintained, lon g 64555 El Dorado Trail helping hand? TEAM Birtola Garmyn TEAM Birtola Garmyn NE Bend j $229,947 entry garage. • Next to Thriftway River & Mtn Views will term renters. Prudential High Desert From contractors to Prudential High Desert New 1802 sq. ft., 3 Mike Wilson, Broker • RVs Welcomed, take your breath away $179,000. Call Realty 541-312-9449 Realty 541-312-9449 541-977-5345 or yard care, it's all here Riverside Home Park b edroom, 2 bath i n $599,000 Charlie, Designated www. BendOregon www. BendOregon N orthcrest. Gre a t Broker 541-350-3419 541-389-7910 TEAM Birtola Garmyn in The Bulletin's 677 W. Main, RealEstate.com RealEstate.com room with fireplace, Redmond RE/MAX Hunter Properties Prudential High Desert John Day, Oregon "Call A Service vaulted ceilings & an Land & Homes Realty 541-312-9449 Call Lisa 541-575-1341 Professional" Directory riversidemhp.jimdo.com o pen k i tchen w i t h www. BendOregon Real Estate w ood f loors. S l a b RealEstate.com 605 SW Redmond j g ranite counters i n 547 NW Ogden Perfect kitchen & bathrooms. $379,500 Roommate Wanted NW Bend Location, 2-10 Ho m eBuyer's Sparkling clean tri-plex Property Management, Inc. Big RM Lot, $149,900 with new paint in all 3 Warranty. Sharecozy mobile home 541-382-0053 u nits. N e w ap p l i- Prudential High Desert in Terrebonne, $275+ t/a MLS¹201208393 Realty 541-312-9449 ances and new winutils. 503-679-7496 Darrin Kelleher, Broker www. BendOregon dow coverings. GaThe Kelleher Group You may notsave the world, but you can AVAILABLE BEND AREA RENTALS 630 RealEstate.com rage with each unit. 541-788-0029 •2 Bdrm, 1 Bath Apt. Near Hospital - Private Rooms for Rent Great location and save a lot of money by refinancing your We never stop moving: 16010 Green setting. On site laundry. New carpet. Lots of rental history. Forest Remodeled 4 home with SELCO Mortgage Company. Room with a view in SW storage. No Pets. $625.00 M/ST MLS¹2904198 bdrm home, Owner Bend! Own bath, healthy •2 Bdrm, 1 Bath SE Duplex - Single garage. Sydne Anderson, Financing, $159,900 lifestyle preferred; ga- Small fenced, natural back yard. Fireplace. Give us a call today! Broker, CRS, WCR, TEAM Birtola Garmyn raqe. $500 includes most W/D Hookups. New carpet & paint. No Pets. CDPE, GREEN Prudential High Desert utilities. 541-905-9247 $650.00 M/ST 541-420-1111 •I 15-YEAR FIXED MORRIS Realty 541-312-9449 • Furnished 1 Bdrm/2 Bath Condo - next to We never stop moving: Studios & Kitchenettes www. BendOregon REAL ESTATE Pioneer Park. Laundry facilities. Indoor Pool. Furnished room, TV w/ RealEstate.com Indrprnd«duy&mcd drrd Oprrdrrd cable, micro & fridge. Murphy bed. Gated community. No pets. $675.00 (Afl Utilities included except cable) 52909 Shady 1.5 Acres Utils & linens. New NE Bend Land j Adjoining Forest owners. $145-$165/wk •Furnished 1 Bdrm/1 Bath Condo - Mt. Bachelor Village. Murphy bed, too! Great place Land, $169,900 541-382-1885 $125,000 to transition or relax. Access to pool & Jacuzzi. Beautiful 4.5 acres, TEAM Birtola Garmyn MORRIS SE 0 634 Free Wi-Fi. No pets. $675.00 yI/ST Prudential High Desert 3.6 acres COI irrigaREAL ESTATE sa D a T 4 A ts • Apt./Multiplex NE Bend •Lovely Condo on the River - 2 Bdrm, 2 Bath. tion, power on propRealty 541-312-9449 c 0 ss pA ta v Indrprndcrrdr ~ d dddepenard Gated community. Single garage. Extra storwww. BendOregon erty & A v ion water $299 1st mo. rent!! * age room. Gas FP. Vaulted ceilings. W/D n earby. BL M l a n d RealEstate.com 740 Hook-ups. Great Floor plan. $1000.00 ityS GET THEM BEFORE borders east side of 61250 King Solomon THEY ARE GONE! •Nice 3 Bdrm/2 Bath off OB Riley Rd. - Extra property & peek-a-boo Condo/Townhomes Updated Kings Forest 2 bdrm, 1 bath room for RV behind fence. Large back deck. Cascade views. for Sale 3 Bedroom Home. $530 & $540 Open spacious great room feeling. 1674 sq. ft., Greenhouse, barn, 2 $289,900 Carports & A/C included! double garage. $1 1 00.00 ponds & a cistern. $195,000 Come relax TEAM Birtola Garmyn Fox Hollow Apts. •Open spacious 3 Bdrm/2.5 Bath SW Home MLS¹201208453 on the paver back pa Prudential High Desert I NMLS ¹241838 f54f) 383-31 52 Near schools. Office at entrance. Hardwood Lester Friedman, tio! This 3 bedroom, Cascade Rental Mgmt. Co P.C., Broker 2.5 bath t o wnhome Realty 541-312-9449 floor. Lots of built-ins & pull outs. Large gas www. BendOregon 'upstairs only with lease 541-330-8491 fireplace. Vaulted ceilings. Large upstairs has slate entry, fire RealEstate.com We never stop moving: laundry room. Fruit trees. Pets? $1450.00 place, tile floor in the Call for Specials! cI master bath and gran 59774 Cheyenne Re Limited numbers avail. AVAILABLE REDMOND AREA RENTALS ite tile kitchen counter modeled 4 bdrm 1, 2 and 3 bdrms. tops. Short distance to h ome in W/D hookups, patios Bend , 3 Bdrm/2 Bath SW Home - Fenced back yard •r /H/ t the Lakeside Sports $164,900 or decks. with large patio. Dbl. garage. New paint, car'r tt H' t C enter. H O M E I D TEAM Birtola Garmyn MOUNTAIN GLEN, pet, appl., EFA + A/C. 1120 sq.ft. $825.00 I ' ' I t ' ' I I tl ' l t I I tl I t I I t I t I MORRIS 962 Prudential High Desert 541 -383-931 3 *** FOR ADDITIONAL PROPERTIES *** I t I ' I ' I' t I I' t Eagle Crest Realty 541-312-9449 Professionally CALL 541-382-0053 &/or Stop By the Office REAL ESTATE Properties™ www. BendOregon managed by Norris & I dcpr dealye r d de p r r r d at 587 NE Greenwood, Bend 866-722-3370 RealEstate.com Stevens, Inc. •

Commercial for Rent/Lease




Dare to Refi! '



' 2.957.'!. 3.250'i

3.437.;.' •

SAT R SUN 11 AM — 4 PM

SAT 4 SUN 11 AM —4 PM

• Two-suite luxury townhomes

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• No yard work or seasonal maintenance • Closest neighborhood to


Mt. Bachelor HOS/ed byr Srgt. CHRIS SPERRY

541-749-8479 Sun. SHEILY SWANSON 541-408-0086 Listed by: JUDY MCCOMBS


PolntsWest Directions: C e n t ur y D r r o P ointsWest b e ttueen W i d p i Creek dtnd SeVenth Mt. ReSOty

From the low $400,000s Cascade


NOON — 4PM S paci o u s h om e f eaturin g v a u l t e d


great room, gourmet kitchen, master and

office on main level. H uge b o n u s r o o m upstairs. 3 hed, 2.5 ba on a premium lot o verlook in g o p e n space and the canal. Amazing community

,rr it

20852 Tamar Lane, Bend Directions: Reed Market E. /o 15lh Street,to community on left (easf).

Gorgeous mt. vi ews! 4BR, )BA, 3-car garage, 4144 SF. This is the best value on the westside

main level. Located close 3120 NW Golf View Dr. to all Bend shopping, Directions: 3rd uk /v ttes/ vn restaurants, and services. NIfyMt. Washington Dr, north Come see this weekend. on Golf View Dr.



b ui l t

Broker, ABR, CRS, GRI R E A


L T 0 R s


info©virginiaross.t om


3811 NW Summerfield

in 1989 on .81 acre. Directions: OB Riley Rd to Natural landscaping, Archie Br/ggs. Vp the hill io family ro om, b o n us Summerftie/d. room. Add your custom touches. $480,000


lr ~

~ or








Please call today for

HOS/ed 6 LiSted byr



New model opening soon. Over 22 sold!

at only $108/SF. Quality c onstruc t io n

From the low $500,000s

Pahlisch Homes Newport Landing. Netv construction in the heart of Bend.

LiSted byr

Hosted & Listed byr EDIE DELAY


DESCHUTESRIVER VIEWS! Enjoy the sound of the river. Beautifully updated home with master suite on


Principal Broker



/o Tetheiow Entrance.

SHELLY SWANSON 541-408-0086




Trlpleknot D irections: Century D r

LiSted byr







final floor plans, finishes and pricing.

1800 NW Element Directions: Neuport dtve, io

College If'ay,left on Rockwood.

LiSted byr




p at' sa


TO PLACE AN AD CALL CLASSIFIED• 541-385-5809 Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale




Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

$1,950,000 $99,500 Cascade mou n tainHome w/shop on 1 acre NorthWest Crossing One-of-a-kind log home Price Reduced!!! Price Reduced! views Beautiful single Near p r ivate r i v erNew Listing! This cus- w/Cascade views! 3 One of aKind Home on This well m a intained level home. 3/2, with access. This h o me t om C r aftsman i s bedrooms, 2.5 baths, 2 Lots Cascade Mtn. home sits on a spaupgraded ki t c hen. has 'elbow room', in- poised on a rare el- 4344 sq. ft. home with & golf course views. cious lot. New lamiDetached office/stu- side & out! Over an evated lot with tree- gorgeous C a scade Master suite w/ fire- nate flooring installed dio. Lan d s caped, a cre, it has a p o le top & Mt . B achelor views. $409 , 000. place & mult i ple in kitchen r ecently, freshly painted, spar- barn, greenhouse, & views! F o r m and MLS¹ 201108589. For decks. Elevator, pri- new carpet, installed kling clean & move-in shop/mancave/ function blend to pro- more information and vate oval office, & 4 t his s u mmer a n d ready! s torage. Inside, a vide an o pen floor pictures Text: car garages, freshly painted inteCandice Anderson, spacious living room p lan adorned w i t h T538791to 85377. Aaron Boehm, Broker rior. Great location, Broker 541-788-8878 a nd a d e n , g o o d s olid O regon O a k www.johnlscott.com/da 541-647-8851 close to school, park, John L. Scott master s e p aration. hardwood floors, tiled niellesnow Ryan Whitcomb, Broand medical facilities. Real Estate, Bend www.johnlscott.com/2 kitchen & bath sur- Danielle Snow, Broker ker 541-639-1151 Mike Everidge, Broker www.johnlscott.com 9646 f aces, a n d off i c e 541-306-1015 541-390-0098 or Hunter Properties Faye Phillips, Broker nook. Central air conJohn L. Scott Close to recreation 3 541 -389-791 0 541-480-2945 ditioning, custom winReal Estate, Bend 1 Acre w/studiobed/2.5 bath home is Hunter Properties John L. Scott dow treatments, and www.johnlscott.com La pine Stick built perfect for family, vaReal Estate, Bend oversized garage with home. 3 bed/2 bath, $99,900 cation getaway or inwww.johnlscott.com street-level driveway O PEN H O USE S a t , w ood stove i n L a A Wonderful Condo Mt. vestment! Corner lot single-level Nov. 10th • 11 — 2pm Pine. M o ther-in-law Bachelor Village on cul-de-sac in quiet Nice 2-story home with punctuate E njoy I mmaculate hom e w/bath, This condo will make for neighborhood close to 4bd/2ba, 2 ma s t er convenience. quarters storybook front w ith e xtensive u p kitchen 8 pellet stove a great getaway or recreational activities. bedrooms. U pstairs the porch and ample en- g rades in o n e o f on ow n d r i veway. smart inv e stment.www.johnlscott.com/57 has a family room & space in the B end's f i nest 5 5 + MLS:201207856 Close to d o wntown 361 full bath. Double ga- tertaining fully landscaped rear parks. This home ofTheresa Ramsay, Broand the ever popular Kathy Denning, Broker rage & is fully fenced. y ard. C a pture t h e fers 1512 SF 2bd/2ba 541-480-4429 ker 541-815-4442 Old M i l l Dis t r ict. $119,000 pulse of Westside liv- + den/office with caJohn L. Scott Amenities inc l u de John L. Scott MLS 201205524 ing! MLS ¹ thedral ceiling. All new Real Estate, Bend pool, tennis c o urts Real Estate, Bend Cascade Realty, 201207810 $379,000 kitchen a p pliances, www.johnlscott.com and trails accessing www.johnlscott.com Dennis Haniford, David D. Gilmore, l ighting, ceiling f a n the Deschutes River. Princ. Broker Call The Bulletin At 1 Acre w/studioBroker. 541-312-7271 and much much more Call Grant for more 541-536-1731 La pine Stick built HColdwelBanker 541-385-5809 makes this home details! home. 3 bed/2 bath, Grant Ludwick, Broker Place Your Ad Or E-Mail Morris Real Estate. move-in ready. No Reserve w ood stove i n L a Timed Online $103,500. 541-633-0255 or At: www.bendbulletin.com Pine. M o ther-in-law USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! www.johnlscott.com/8 AUCTION 541-389-7910 quarters w/bath, Custom home w/day6989 Ends Nov.14th Hunter Properties kitchen & pellet stove light basement Beau- Building Lot in Prong- Door-to-door selling with Maralin Baidenmann, on ow n d r i veway.A ffordable hou s i ng tiful 4 bd/4.5 ba home h orn S u b . 23 0 1 3 fast results! It's the easiest Broker, 541-325-1096 MLS:201207856 Manufactured home on 6.45 acres with 2.5 Canyon View Loop way in the world to sell. John L. Scott Theresa Ramsay, Broclose t o d o w ntown acres irrigation, fireReal Estate, Bend Selling to the Highest ker 541-815-4442 and Old Mill. 3 bedplace in living room, Bidder 28 Properties www.johnlscott.com The Bulletin Classified John L. Scott room, 2 b ath, 1296 g ranite counters i n in 5-States! 541-385-5809 Real Estate, Bend sq. ft. open floor plan. kitchen, large master www.corbettbottles.com River front home. Enjoy www.johnlscott.com Fenced bac k yard, suite on main level, all that river front liv208-377-5700 NOTICE covered carport with elevator, two ing has to offer near $2,399,000 Northwest charmer NW All real estate adverstorage. $29,900 double-car g a rages downtown. Fantastic Beautiful Golf Front Bend home on large tised here in is subTeresa Brown, Broker plus a huge RV gao pportunity t o up Property! 541-788-8661 rage. $569,900. MLS: .2 acre lot w/4 bed- ject to t h e F e deral grade this well built 3 B reathtaking vie w s . rooms, 2. 5 ba t h s, F air Housing A c t , bdrm home and creJohn L. Scott 201204542. Exterior s u rrounded 2583 S F w/g r eat which makes it illegal ate your own estate in Real Estate, Bend www.johnlscott.com/6 by 400,000 pds. of r oom, m a i n fl o o r to advertise any pref- this incredible setting. www.johnlscott.com 6039 hand tumbled Monmaster bedroom & of- erence, limitation or Ellen Clough, ABR, Open floor plan with tana r o ck . C h e f's BANK OWNED HOMES! fice, family room up- discrimination based mostly main level livCRS, Broker kitchen, dual d i sh- FREE List w/Pics! stairs. Quality kitchen 541-480-7180 on race, color, reliing space, oak floorw ashers, high e n d www. BendRepos.com w/center island, gran- gion, sex, handicap, ing and loft area. PriJohn L. Scott and beyond real estate appl. Natural stone & bend ite counters, bamboo familial status or na20967 yeoman, bend or Real Estate, Bend vate studio apartment granite, wine cellar, f loors. S hows l i k e tional origin, or inten- over the large garage www.johnlscott.com pottery room w/Kiln, Beautiful Tumalo small new. $335, 0 00. tion to make any such and extensive decks 6 -car g a rage, i n - acreage! $489,000 Downtown Bend www.DavidFoster.biz/ preferences, l i m ita- for outdoor living on cludes full RV b ay, 20299 Swalley Road Overlooking Drake Park Fresca tions or discrimination. the river. Call today. • shop & car lift. Comfort and style & t h e Des c hutes David Foster, Broker We will not knowingly 502 NW Harmon Blvd. Aaron Boehm, Broker await you in this tradi- River! This E n glish 541-322-9934 accept any advertisMLS ¹201204651. (541) 647-8851 tional cottage brings storyJohn L. Scott ing for r ea l e state $888,000. Ryan Whitcomb, 2-story home with book charm to l ife! Real Estate, Bend which is in violation of Gary Everett, CCIM Broker (541) 639-1151 stunning Cas c ade Classic appeal highwww.johnlscott.com this law. All persons Principal Broker Hunter Properties lighted by hardwood Mountain views. are hereby informed 541-480-6130 NORTHWEST • Spacious home of- floors, crown molding, that all dwellings ad$259,900 Joan Steelhammer, CROSSING and plantation shutfers updated kitchen vertised are available Former COBA Tour of Broker 2156 NW Lolo Dr. and newer living room ters. Enjoy the culion an equal opportuHomes™ 541-419-3717 Don't miss t his • nary kitchen updated Five bedrooms + basis. The BulleExceptional Craftsman downstairs office Remax granite counters, one-of-a-kind artistic nity Home! F e atures 4 • Detached 2400 sq. ft. with home. No detail has tin Classified travertine floors, and bedrooms, 3.5 bath. shop with unfinished stainless steel appli- been overlooked, ev- NW Crossing masterLook at: Master on main level, ery component spe- piece! Amazing NW Bendhomes.com ances. Tastefully deqtrs above hardwood floors, & • living Beautifully located signed with an eye for cially selected to cre- Crossing home w/4 for Complete Listings of fireplace. A wonderful ate a hom e of bedrooms & 5 baths! Area Real Estate for Sale timeless detail, this Bend a nd floor plan for enter- between home a l s o of f e rs unsurpassed quality & Over 3500 sq. ft. of taining f a m il y & Redmond l ivability. Earth Admarble b a t hrooms, quality wit h c h erry Riverfront home with friends. Fully l and- f/201207393 vantage Pla t i num wood floors, marble Cindy King, P rincipal detached two-car gascaped with fenced Broker, ABR, C RS. outstanding river, Certified. Fashioned rage, and manicured countertops, box views in gated comyard. Outdoor living G R I 541-728-0033 grounds. A d d itional a fter F r an k L l o y d beam ceilings, outyou will not want to munity. Beautiful improvements in- Wright's creative ge- door patio & bb q RE/MAX Key Properties Santa Fe home, 3 miss. nius. 3 bedrooms, 2.5 w/fireplace a n d a clude a n ewer furAaron Ballweber, masters, triple garage, Between Bend nace, water heater, b aths. 2624 sq . f t . guest apartment. All huge shop, 13.46 Broker & Redmond $649,000. across from park in an a nd roof. T h i s i s 541-728-4499 or acres. A must see. Terrific location - 4 Edie Delay, Downtown living at its award-winning neigh541-389-7910 MLS:201010467. bdrm, 1 ba t h in finest so don't miss Principal Broker borhood! $ 6 5 0,000. Hunter Properties $850,000. 2 ,888y sf home o n Hasson Company www.johnlscott.com/k out on this rare opwww.johnlscott.com/9 5.75y acres. A portunity to own the Realtors athycaba $299,000 2475 Country feel but close dream! 541-420-2950 A Perfect Place To Call M LS ¹ Kathy Caba, Principal Kellie Cook, Broker to t ow n a m e nities. 201205806 $649,000 Broker, ABR Home... 541-408-0463 Super fireplace w/rock TURN THE PAGE 541-771-1761 Beautiful, well cared David D. Gilmore, John L. Scott John L. Scott home on large corner surround for a m bi- Broker. 541-312-7271 For More Ads Real Estate, Bend a nce, plus a L o p i lot. Upgrades HColdwelBanker Real Estate, Bend www.johnlscott.com The Bulletin Woodstove that can www.johnlscott.com throughout this spaMorris Real Estate. heat the whole house. cious home includes Great room floor plan granite counters, w/living room & stainless appliances, kitchen having hardwood floors, wide-plank floors of stone entry way & reclaimed pine. Dispaver patio. Amenitressed maple cabities include pool, nets in Kitchen with 1 tennis court & club 1 /2 thi c k slat e house. counters. If you like a Jon Frazier, Broker cozy country f e el. 541-610-4626 or You've got it!! Beau541-389-7910 tiful Cascade MounHunter Properties People Helping People Buy Homes Since 1987 tain Views. 2 corrals, 2 LOTS/ZONED FOR pond, shared lake, 3 D UPLEXES Gr e a t acres of irrigation, 2 opportunity...2 tax lots stall barn. $ 375,000 685 SE Third St, Bend, OR 97702 ~ 541-318-5500 ~ NMLSft89511/ML-3213-10 for investor or a fam- MLS ¹201205878 ily who needs a large Bobbie Strome, I I lot. Tons of character Principal Broker in this charming 60s John L Scott Real home. 3BR/2BA, 1490 Estate 541-385-5500 SF. Beautiful vaulted New Home! New open beam ceilings Brand Construction. 4 a nd b u ilt-ins. G a s bath, granite f orced a ir heat . bed/2.5 Close-in kitchen, walk countertops, full t ile Spacious to Sam Johnson Park. backsplash. master with w alk-in MLS: 201205705. closet and dual vaniW Antler Ave, ties. Close to shopRedmond. ing, schools a n d www.johnlscott.com/s p more. Won't last long. helleyarnold Call for more informaShelley Arnold, Broker tion. 541-771-9329 Barbara Jackson, BroJohn L. Scott ker 541-306-8186 Real Estate, Bend John L. Scott www.johnlscott.com Real Estate, Bend $450,000 www.johnlscott.com Sunriver Gem! Broken Top Golf Estate L arge corner lot i n - Stellar u rse cludes gorg e ous ViewsGofol1f 7thCToee! Asian walnut flooring, Pinehurst at Bronew Hickory cabinets, The Top r epresents carpet and tile floors. ken unmatched Three f u l l ma s t er an suites, 3.5 baths. Ex- benchmark for quality and craftsmanship in cellent rental history. the marketplace! Susan Pitarro, Broker Single-level by Steven 541-410-8084 or Van Sant masterfully 541-389-7910 rendered by PacWest * Hunter Properties Evergreen Home Loans is a registered trade name of Evergreen Moneysource Mortgage Company. NMLS ID 3182 Homes with masonry $474,900 w ood-burning fir e Set In The Ponderosa places, hand-textured Pines. Soaring ceil- walls & ceilings, elings, fireplace, large egant stone b a t hs family room with high with h eated f l oors, windows. This home extensive use of cussits at the end of a tom woodwork & trim, cul-de-sac on over 5 and dynamic showacres. Deck brings the case kitchen equipped outdoors in...3 car ga- w ith Wolf r ange & Home Loans for being the ¹3 retail rage, plus a detached built-in r e f rigerator. RV barn/boat, sepa- Oversized t h ree-car rate shop, 1/2 bath! garage, paver patios, Mike Wilson, Broker. and private hot tub Crook Counties for 2011. 541-977-5345 or e nhance t hi s t r u ly 541-389-7910 p henomenal h o m e (information basedon purchase units fundedper county recordings.) Hunter Properties d estined fo r t h o se seeking nothing but 65835 Waldron Trail best. Call for your Architectural m a s ter- the tou r t o day! piece with a mazing private ¹ 20 1 2 04424 views! Magical Pow- MLS ell B utte s u nrises, $1,185,000 David D. Gilmore, sunsets e m b racing Broker. 541-312-7271 the Cascades and evHColdwelBanker erything in between. Morris Real Estate. S tructural des i g n lends itself to relax- Canal o n pro p erty ation, entertaining & Nicely updated home simple living. Tower- on cul-de-sac. 3 bed/2 ing ceilings, light & bath w/ge n erous open w/expansive use space in all living arof windows. Spacious e as. High l evel o f working kitchen pro- natural light. Home on vides tons of storage. .74 acre lot. M any Hara Schick, Archi- n ew f eatures, c a l l tect. 3 b d rm/3 bath listing agent for speplus a den, 2700y sq. cifics. Kevin Pangle Linda Fisher-BerMark Long ft. on 10+ acres. MLS www.johnlscott.com/8 C0Smo BOWie 201203805 $649,900 4314 B e n Sh a n k, NMLSI!89521 NMLSII208965 NMLSI!881349 langa Cindy King, Principal Broker 541-280-0066 Bend/Redmond NMLSI!210118 Bend/Redmond Bend/Redmond Broker, ABR, CRS. John L. Scott Bend/Redmond GRI 541-728-0033 Real Estate, Bend RE/MAX Key Properties www.johnlscott.com



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Redmond Homes

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Redmond Homes

Redmond Homes

Redmond Homes

Room for everything. West Hills Home New Riverfront Home j Broken Top j $265,900 Mtn. v iews, Close to Pasture Corner Lot Home Gorgeous mountain New Craftsman style Close in single level MLS: 201203939. b onus r o om. T h i s w/views. 8589 SW in Canyon View that views! 36y acres Irhome I $162,900 $1,195,OOO $1,185,000 on 1.48 acres with .75 Light and bright solid Beautiful home on the The Pinehurst at Bro- rarely used 2 bdrm, 2 Panorama. $44,500. features 9 foot ceilr igated w/sm a l l 1529 sq. ft. 3 bdrm, 2 irrigation water. 1959 wood interior doors, Deschutes River near ken Top by Steven bath home built by MLS¹201105165 i ngs throughout. I t cabin, 1 bedroom, 1 bath, alder cabinets. S F, 2 d e c ks, d e hardwood floors, D owntown Bend & Van S a n t/Pacwest Sun Forest Const., Call Melody Curry, Bro- also has a h e ated bath, poss i b le New stainless steel tached 30x35 shop. stainless steel appliThe Old Mill. Well-ap- Homes! Unmatched priced to s ell. This ker, 541-771-1116 floor and whirlpool tub OWC! $2 2 5 ,000. appliances, gas fireAll n e w lam i nate ances, updated pointed entry, great quality 8 c r aftsman- home would make a Crooked River Realty in the master bedMLS ¹ 2 0 1201125. place. L a n dscaped f loors, roof & e x t . kitchen with granite, room, gourmet ship! Single-level, 3- great vacation rental! room, a gas fireplace Call Charlie, Desigfront/back w/irrigation paint. Large circular large lot, extra parkkitchen, main l e vel car garage, custom S hort walk t o th e Private nice area close in the master bedn ated Brok e r , MLS¹201206602 in at Crooked River drive, fences, pond. ing, fenced dog area. m aster s u i te . El - cabinetry & trim. 0.55 Lakeside Sports Cen room, and a b o nus 541-350-3419 Jim Hinton Ranch. 3bd/2ba very 541-420-6229 Lovely setting. $375,000. evated deck down to acre golf course view ter. Home-ID955 room o f app r oxi-Redmond R E / MAX $344,900. 20761 SE www.johnlscott.com/3 dock with boat ramp. lot. N o exp e nse Eagle Crest Properties nice DBL car garage. mately 400 sq. ft. The Land & Homes Central Oregon Realty 866-722-3370 $89,900 Reed Market Rd. 9786 Call today! spared! garage is a p proxi- Real Estate Group, LLC MLS¹201202001 Randy Schoning, BroJim Brennan, Broker MLS¹201207905 MLS¹201204424 m ately 900 s q . f t ! Stick built home with a I mpeccable cus t o m Newer 4 Bedroom Call Julie Fahlgren, 541-480-7296 ker, 541-480-3393 Lisa Campbell, Broker David Gilmore, Broker MLS¹201204132 view and double ga home. 3 B drm, 2.5 Newer home with 4 Broker, 541-550-0098 John L. Scott John L. Scott 541-419-8900 541-312-7271 $224,900 rage. $125 , 0 00. Crooked River Realty D&D Realty Group LLC bath, bonus r o om, large bedrooms, 2 Real Estate, Bend Real Estate, Bend We never stop moving: We never stop moving: MLS¹2905473 den, 2633 sq.ft., 5+/baths, split floor plan, www.johnlscott.com www.johnlscott.com 866-346-7868 Call Linda Lou acres, har d wood, large workable 3 bed, 2 bath on 1.15 Day-Wright, S ecluded in th e T a ll CREEKSIDE - Best l arge r e a r de c k . kitchen, and plenty of acres.$105,000 Pines. 21575 McGilBroker, 541-771-2585 MLS¹201205372 views on the lake at $300,000. MLS room for a large famFOR SALE Crooked River Realty vray Rd. Bend, OrCreekside at E a gle ¹ 201201384 Pa m Call Linda Lou ily. Nice size yard too. egon 97701. South- When buying a home Day-Wright, Broker, Crest! 3 bdrm/2 bath, Lester, Principal BroMLS ¹ 201202015 3 bd, 2 ba, 1.03, gaMORRIS MORRIS east Bend in the tall 541-771-2585 1871 sq.ft. with par- ker, Century 21 Gold $76,000 83% of Central rage, woodstove, REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE pines hides this se- Oregonians turn to Crooked River Realty tial furni s hings. Country Realty, Inc. D&D Realty Group LLC vaulted ceilings. t dcpc dcwly 0 cd d Opc rcd t dcpc dcdyO cd dOpc tcd cluded 20 acre gem... MLS¹201202466 541-504-1338 866-346-7868 $84,900, a small acreage with 10 Peak Cascade The Bulletin $229,000 J oh n L. MLS¹201208375 Sewing Central Oregon onrc 1903 home and shop, all in Views! I $292,900 Scott R e a l E s tate Large Lot In SW Red- ON THE 1 1t h F A IRNorth Rim-Awbrey Need to get an Call Melody Curry, mond. 3 bdrm, 2 bath, WAY behind the gate immaculate condition. B reathtaking vie w s ! 541-548-1712 Butte j $899,000 Call 541-385-5809 to ad in ASAP? Broker, 541-771-1116 1108 sq.ft, 9148 sq.ft. at Eagle Crest. 3725 Wonderful and warm 2450 sq.ft. 3 bdrm, 2 Xeriscaped yard & place your Crooked River Realty lot, hot tub, sprinkler sq. ft., 4 bedrooms, You can place it describes this single bath. Large multi-pur- CUTE! 3 bedroom, 2 c aptivating vie w s . Real Estate ad. system, greenhouse. 3.75 baths, 2 h u ge 1733SF craftsman, level home, accented pose shop/pole barn, bath home, close to 3797 sq. ft., 3 bedonline at: MLS¹201207599. bonus rooms, large w ith t h e "country 5-acres, hickory cab, r oom, 3 b a t h w i t h www.bendbulletin.com deck, hot t ub. the lake on over an 746 $84,000. Pam Lester, deck, 3 car garage, acre. This is a must comfort" of wood, tile, granite, travertine & MLS¹201207579 maple floors, Makore P rincipal Brok e r , alder cabinetry, grantravertine flo o ring, Northwest Bend Homes kitchen cabinets, slab tile, river rock FP, Gail Day 541-306-1018 see! MLS¹201206076 C entury 2 1 Gol d ite $45,000 countertops. stamped concrete. vaulted and beamed Central Oregon Realty granite, R a i nforest 541-385-5809 D&D Realty Group LLC Country Realty, Inc. Awbrey Butte j MLS¹201203992. ceilings, wainscoting, $298,000 marble buffet. Large Group, LLC 866-346-7868 541-504-1338 Hillside Grand Chateau $577,000 $1,899,000 MLS¹201207304 and that is j ust t he timber tech deck up, beginning! There is a 11 Peak Viewl Very covered porch down. City & M t n V i e ws, Call Nancy Popp, Bro- 32.42 Acres in Urban Eagle Crest Beautiful Located in the heart of John L. Scott Real Esprivate, contemporary Hillside Park, 4 BedGrowth Bou n dary, city views from this clean two story shop MLS¹201203502 ker, 541-815-8000 Redmond. Beautifully tate 541-548-1712 rooms, 4 Baths, 4152 Crooked River Realty with guest f acilities home. Oversized 3 Adjacent t o The 2600 sq. ft. 3 bdrm, TenBroek - Hilber updated home on .37 views! Great s q. ft., O f fered a t Greens, kitty corner to 2.5 bath home. Huge acre lot w/upgrades. Panoramic above, i m m aculate car garage with shop. Group, LLC Gorgeous Mountain location 3 miles NW of $2,395,000. landscaping, fenced Owner will carry. new Ridgeview High 541-550-4944 price reduction! Brand new m a ster Redmond. Views of Views. 12649 SW Cate Cushman, School. $59 9 ,000. pasture wit h a u t o- MLS¹201103134 We never stop moving: s uite. Home i s 4 4 S mith Peninsula Dr. MLS Rock & Principal Broker Susan Agli, MLS ¹ 201 2 03193 $449,000. matic, timed irrigation, 2 01206886 John L . bdrm/2 bath, l arge O chocos. $162,900 Cu s t om 541-480-1 884 Broker, SRES Pam Lester, Principal decorative cemented living room, f o rmal MLS¹201205061 Scott R ea l E s t ate built 2478 sq. ft. home 541-383-4338 www.catecushman.com B roker, Century 2 1 pond with island and cs dining, nice kitchen! on 4.74 acres. 1800 Call Melody Curry, Bro- Gold 541-408-3773 Country Realty, 541-548-1712 waterwheel! It is at the Pronghorn Lake Site, Outside: pull through ker, 541-771-1116 sq. ft. shop w/RV bay. Inc. 541-504-1338 same time functional, We never stop moving: Fabulous Canyon Rim. garage, extra storage MLS201202726 Includes $115,000 Crooked River Realty AND with a Once in a lifetime opMORRIS Premier Membership bldg. Alley a c cess John L. "story book" setting that Custom Home. 6320 $599,900 Owner w i ll portunity. Breathtak- makes moving your $447,000 & large lot All for Scott R e a l E s t a te REAL ESTATE carry. VIEWS, ing views of the cannWOW! n says SW Groundhog Road. $97,500 toys around a breeze! 541-548-1712 I dcpc dcwly 0 cd d Opc rcd VIEWS, VIEWS!! This $299,450 $795,000. yon from your reverse to see this one of Cate Cushman, home loaded with up- l iving f l oo r pl a n . Call Walt Reuber, Principal MLS¹201204034 Principal Broker a kind home today! Priced to Sell! Affordgrades, 2 masters + 2 Broker MORRIS Call Melody Curry, BroVaulted living room, 541-480-1884 able l i ving, g r e at Call a Pro bdrms, sound system p ellet s t ove. Th e MLS¹201202360. 541-480-2495 ker, 541-771-1116 starter or investment. REAL ESTATE www.catecushman.com $225,000 Whether you need a throughout, p r i vate Crooked River Realty Re/Max Key Properties kitchen has an island John L. Scott Real Es- $59,000 Call today! t dcpc dcnrlya cdandapcwccd back deck/ hot tub. in Bend, Oregon 748 & solid oak cabinetry. fence fixed, hedges MLS¹201208170 tate 541-548-1712 THE FALLS at custom counters & lo- Many upgrades inD&D Realty Group LLC Northeast Bend Homes Awbrey Butte j trimmed or a house Eagle Crest Resort Snowberry Village ¹98 c ated o n a qui e t cluding tiled b aths, FIND IT! 866-346-7868 $685,000 Central Oregon's $79,500 Beautiful 3 cul-de-sac. Backs to built, you'll find huge bonus room on ¹¹gg /TI NE Bend j $192,000 Premier 55 and Older bedroom, 2 bath 5 bedroom, 3 bath, BLM, Home-ID 820. lower level, attached professional help in Turnkey property, 1206 SELL IT! Just too many single level home in 4288 sq. ft. home. Flat Resort Community. Eagle Crest Proper- garage, landscaping, sq. ft., 2 bedroom, 2 lot on The Bulletin's "Call a Live the Central OrThe Bulletin Classifieds Snowberry V i l lage. .82 a c r e ties. 866-722-3370 collectibles? circular drive, carport, bath. Close to P ine cul-de-sac. V a u lted Vaulted ceilings, gas egon lifestyle you've Service Professional" decks, paver p atio, Need more room for N ursery Park, d o g living/dining room, prialways dreamed of at heat/A/C, 2-car g a$750,000 Extremely se- garden area & more! your growing family Sell them in Directory p ark, medical a n d THE FALLS at Eagle rage w/shop area, vate master on main cluded, front & rear 8x10 storage shed & this home has it all!! 4 shopping. Lots of upThe Bulletin Classifieds 541-385-5809 Crest. Residents of front deck and cozy level. Kitchen opens Custom enpartial fencing. bed/2.5 bath, 2512 sq. grades incl u ding THE FALLS enjoy ex- decks. rear patio, elevated to family room. Built-in tertainment ce n t er, MLS¹201206225 ft. with office and bohardwood floors, tile clusive use of their corner lot. A good buy wet bar. Shop with NW Bend j $305,000 gourmet kitc h e n, $249,900 541-385-5809 room. Master on countertops and A/C. own clubhouse, acin a wonderful neigh- concrete floor. d en/office, ma s t er D&D Realty Group LLC nus Beautifully maintained the main, b eautiful Ready to move in to. MLS¹201206297 cess to three golf borhood! suite-walk-in shower, h ome just a s h o r t MLS¹201204680 866-346-7868 w ood f l ooring, t i l e Redmond j $249,900 Marilyn Rohaly, Broker Rosemary Goodwin, courses, and all the s oaking t ub . B a c k distance from the river Amy Halligan, Broker kitchen, fresh paint in- Single story home on Broker, Certified rest of Eagle Crest's 541-322-9954 landscaped w/ water Fieldstone crossing, 4 trail. Wood floors, gas 541-410-9045 amenities. Homesites feature, greenhouse. bdrm, 2.5 bath, 2130 side and out, huge dbl .26 of an acre in gated John L. Scott Negotiator fireplaces, s t ainless attached garage, community. 3 bedWe never stop moving: 541-706-1897 start at just $47,500 Real Estate, Bend Home-ID 954 sq.ft., gas fireplace, car steel appliances, large all o n a quiet room, 3 bath, 2498 www.johnlscott.com We never stop moving: and lots on the ChalEagle Crest Properties tile countertops, slate m aster suite. G o r cul-de-sac i n NW sq. ft. Granite counlenge Course are 866-722-3370 entry, hardwood, huge geous fenced yard, Sunriver beauty Lovely Redmond! Traditional tertops, h a rdwoods Cg available. Stop by our d eck, f e nced, R V s ale! p aver patio, w r ap custom SR home, ul$210, 0 0 0 SS appliances. DeCy office located next to Beautiful well cared for area. $189,900. MLS around decks. MLS¹201208013. tached office space. 3 timate privacy. Never the Ridge Prop Shop ranch-style home on ¹ 2012059483. P a m MLS¹201203962 rented, one o w ner, John L. Scott Real Es- car garage, nice deck MORRIS or call 866-722-3370 .51 acre. 3 bdrms, 2 Lester, Principal BroMargo Degray, Broker, many extras! All high in the back. for a personal tour. MORRIS b aths, o v e r 20 0 0 ker, Century 21 Gold tate 541-548-1712 REAL ESTATE ABR, CRS MLS¹201206831 end amenities, great Eagle Crest sq.ft., all on one level. Country Realty, Inc. NE Redmond, 3 bdrm, Patti I dcpc dc clyO cda dOpcwrcd REAL ESTATE 541-480-7355 Geraghty, Broker e ntertaining h o m e. Properties™ Home has 9' ceilings, 541-504-1338 2 bath, 1360 sq. ft., Ind p d ndytnw dandopcratcd We never stop moving.' 541-948-5880 MLS¹201204154. 866-722-3370 SQUEAKY CLEAN NE triple garage and view triple garage, office, We never stop moving: wwwjohnlscott.com/sh BEND I $188,900 of Smith Rock and the Where can you find a bay f ront w i ndow, 2288SF, 4bd arona. Awbrey Butte j Large 1980 sq. ft. home Stunning C ascades. Tons o f helping hand? large patio, mature 2 1/2bth, Mt. views, Sharon Abrams, CRS, $789,000 Spacious living room u pgrades, this is a landscaping, fenced Irg Trex deck, media Cg P rincipal Brok e r Exquisite home to be From contractors to w/gas f ireplace. 3 home you will defiyard. $128,000. MLS rm & office dbl gar+ 541-280-9309 built. Mountain views, b edroom, 2. 5 b a t h n itely want t o s e e . yard care, it's all here 201207127 1200 SF shop. John L. Scott 4 bedrooms, 3 bathMORRIS MLS¹201280332 $223,500. in The Bulletin's Pam Lester, Principal Fenced. $269,000 Real Es t a te, B e nd r ooms, 3700 sq. f t . MORRIS REAL ESTATE Jim Hinton MLS¹201107890 B roker, Century 2 1 Call Nancy Popp, Browww.johnlscott.com Great room, gourmet "Call A Service I d p nd ntly 0 n d a d Opcwr d 541-420-6229 John L. Scott Real REAL ESTATE Gold Country Realty, ker, 541-815-8000 kitchen, main l e vel Central Oregon Realty i d p d r l y O d dOp r d Estate 541-548-1712 Professional" Directory Tanglewood S u bdivi- master, Inc. 541-504-1338 Crooked River Realty of f i ce/2nd NW Bend j $449,000 Group, LLC sion $324,500. bedroom. Unfinished 2 bedroom, 2 bath on to town, large 2003 S E Fai r wood b onus/media r o o m Close 749 1.12 acres. $139,900 4015 sq. ft. home on Drive. upstairs MLS¹201203821 • Two story traditional .82 acre of an lot on Southeast Bend Homes MLS¹201008817 Call Linda Lou home in exc. condition Shelly Hummel, Broker, the NW side! 5 bedDay-Wright, Broker, rooms, 4 baths. ExMountain High j .24 acre lot, landCRS, GRI, CHMS 541-771-2585 pansive great room $405,000 scaped, water feature, 541-383-4361 with formal d i ning. Gorgeous one level Crooked River Realty deck We never stop moving: • 2430 sq. ft., 4 bed/ just remodeled. Great 1620SF well appointed Excellent value! MLS¹201207880 r oom, n e w ha r d - home adjoins 90-acre 2.5 bath • w oods, carpet a n d Jim & Roxanne Spacious kitchen, Cg with 2 - mile Cheney, Brokers much more. Fabulous pasture dining, living & family track. Heat kitchen, l o ad s of walking 541-390-4050 rooms p ump, a ne • Towering vaults — a 541-390-4030 natural light. Half acre free-standing prop s t ove, MORRIS p rivate l ot . G a t e d must see! We never stop moving.' dbl gar + REAL ESTATE community with pool oversized ¹201208463 bonus rm. Lg kitchen tennis and golf. t dcpc dc rlyo cda dopcwrcd Cindy King, P rincipal cov.decks. MLS¹201208425 Broker, ABR, CRS. Cg MLS¹201207669 Julia Buckland, Broker, GRI 541-728-0033 Awbrey Butte j $144,900 ABR, ALHS, * RE/MAX Key Properties $899,000 Call Nancy Popp, BroCRS, GRI Stunning home with MORRIS ker, 541-815-8000 Very clean home which views from Jefferson 541-719-8444 Crooked River Realty h as b e e n ne w l y to Mt. Hood and twin- REAL ESTATE We never stop moving: i d p dcnriyO n da dOp wrcd painted inside. Has a k ling city l i ghts a t $264,500 Great Room large sh o p/garage night. Black w alnut plan, gas fireplace, & with 10' door and ad- f loors, b l u e b uilt-in buffet. G o l f ey e d NW Bend j $489,000 ditional storage. the Descourse views. Kitchen g ranite, 2 mas t e r Overlooking $104,000 chutes River from the with island, tile floor. suites & wine cellar. MLS 201205574 back a n d Ri v e r's MORRIS T wo m asters w i t h 4 bedroom, 3.5 bath, Cascade Realty, Edge golf course from s oaking t ub s an d 3811 sq.ft. REAL ESTATE Dennis Haniford, the front. 3 bedroom, walk-in closets. Stor MLS¹201204524 I dcpc dc dyO cda dOpcwrcd Princ. Broker 2.5 bath, 2612 sq.ft. age, laundry and 1/2 Karin Johnson, Broker 541-536-1731 Master suite s i tting SE Bend j $234,900 bath on main. Two 541-639-6140 area opens to r iver 2017 sq. ft., 4 bedadditional bedrooms Very well maintained 3 We never stop moving: view. 975 room, 2 bath remod- c omplete t hi s g r a bedroom, 2 bath MLS¹201204300 eled in 1993. Close to c ious 2074 s q . f t . manufactured home Virginia Ross, Broker, Juniper Park, shop- home. Home-ID951 on over an acre. Has cs ABR, CRS, GRI ping & schools. 1000 Eagle Crest Properties double detached ga541-480-7501 Range Rover, 2006, low miles, sq. f t. ins u lated, 866-722-3370 rage. Reduced to... We never stop moving: heated shop/garage. 3 bed, 2 bath beautiful excellent condition, 6 disc CD, $84,900 MORRIS E co-friendly lan d - home. Barn, shop, 3MLS 201004467 REAL ESTATE A/C, leather interior, great SUV scaping. Swe d ish Cascade Realty, car garage. $125,000 I d p d r l y O d d ap t d Cg Sauna i n ma s t er. MLS¹201204133 for winter driving. Dennis Haniford, Theater room. Princ. Broker Call Julie Fahlgren, Bachelor To Adams MLS¹201207756 541-536-1731 Broker, 541-550-0098 Views j $699,000 MORRIS Steve Payer, Crooked River Realty This o n e-of-a-kind Broker, GRI BULLETIN CLASSIFIEDS REAL ESTATE home was remodeled 541-480-2966 3 bed 2 bath, custom Search the area's most w ith copper i n t h e t dcpc dc rlyo cda dopcwrcd home, huge shop, We never stop moving: comprehensive listing of gourmet kitc h en, $299,000 classified advertising... One Block from Drake fa r - eastern MLS¹201203307 real estate to automotive, unique Park j $696,000 carved wood a rchiCall Julie Fahlgren, merchandise to sporting details, hard- Large, corner, 9000 Broker, 541-550-0098 goods. Bulletin Classifieds tectural sq.ft. Iot o n S t a te wood floors & stone Crooked River Realty appear every day in the fireplaces. Huge Street in th e D rake MORRIS print or on line. Driveway in place. 7981 m ountain v iews & Park Historic District. SW High Cone, Call 541-385-5809 Newer great room, REAL ESTATE minutes to Bend. gourmet kitchen, up$29,900. www.bendbulletin.com I dcpc dc tlyO c d d O p c r cd MLS¹201108191 MLS¹201003931 stairs master suite. Lester Friedman, P.C., The Bulletin Maintains t h e old V ery a t tractive a n d Call Melody Curry, BroBroker rem o deled ker, 541-771-1116 charm of d owntown newly 541-330-8491 Bend home in established Crooked River Realty Walk to the river! 2002 We never stop moving: neighborhood!! Large MLS¹201206543 MH .98 acres w/gafenced Scott Huggin, . 49 acre lot i n t h e Completely rage/shop, water feaproperty! 13665 SW heart of Bend!! UpBroker, GRI ture, fire pit, green Cg Cinder, $84,900. 541-322-1500 d ated from roof t o house. New MLS¹201207581 plumbing, this is one We never stop moving: flooring — travertine, Call Melody Curry, Broyou will want to see tile, d o ors, l i g hts, ker, 541-771-1116 MORRIS inside of!! 3 bdrm/ 2 sinks, paint & MORE! bath, large living room Crooked River Realty Call f or deta i ls. REAL ESTATE t dcpc dc rlyo cd d o pcwrcd beautiful kitchen, and 3 bdrm, 2 bath horse $136,900. a f a ntastic f a mily property w/barn www.johnlscott.com/43 room are just the beDowntown Bend j & incredible views. 235 MORRIS ginning.Fenced backLisa McCarthy, Broker, $329,000 $139,000 REAL ESTATE yard, w/fantastic garNew home convenient MLS¹201203441 SRES 541-419-8639 Indcpcndcntly 0 ctcd and Opctarcd d en area, patio & Call Julie Fahlgren, John L. Scott to d o w ntown/Drake large garage w/220 Park! 3 bedroom, 2.5 Broker, 541-550-0098 Real Estate, Bend 747 electric allow lots of Crooked River Realty bath plus office. Neuwww.johnlscott.com tral colors throughout. Southwest Bend Homes outside living space $399,900 Loca t ion! WELL KEPT HOME as w ell! $ 2 50,000 Great room concept 2623 sq. ft. custom Just off pavement, with stainless steel Artistry in Broken Top, MLS¹201202508. close to school and a ppliances. Ove r - Fabulous woodwork, John L. Scott Real Es- h ome. Great r o o m vaulted ceil i n gs, easy access to high- sized garage with pa- mtn and golf views. tate 541-548-1712 hickory ceiling and way. Move in ready tio. MLS¹201205495 bdrm suites, bonus. 750 custom cab i nets. with k itchen a p pliBonnie Savickas, 4100 sq. ft. New Price Large utility, office, ances and washer & Redmond Homes Broker $ 1,299,000. ML S ¹ bonus room, hobby, dryer. Enclosed car541-408-7537 201109001. To place y o u r a d , v i s it storage area not in port gives feeling of We never stop moving: Custom golf course Cate Cushman, g arage. Wall AC i n home, 2 master suites cluded in the square WWVV.bend b u l l e t i n.COm Principal Broker footage. Home -ID981 dining room, 3 bed+ attached apt. 243 541-480-1884 Eagle Crest Properties rooms and 2 b a t hSF bonus rm, fenced, o r call 54 1-3 85-5809 www.catecushman.com 866-722-3370 rooms. Small fenced w/dbl garage. Loads backyard. of upgrades! The Bulletin Need help fixing stuff? MLS¹201203697 $299,000 MORRIS To Subscribe call Call A Service Professional Call Nancy Popp, Bro$48,900 "AmericanOpinion Research,April2006 REAL ESTATE find the help you need. 541-385-5800 or go to D&D Realty Group LLC ker, 541-815-8000 I dcpc dc dyo cd d o p c tcd www.bendbulletin.com 866-346-7868 Crooked River Realty www.bendbulletin.com

The Bulletinreaches


of all DeschutesCounty adults each week.


as's'i j.e s


To PLAGE AN AD cALL CLAssIFIED• 541-385-5809


v •

'. ue

.very ho'rnefis a r'nasterpiece. '4

Contemporaryw/Smart HomeTechnology f$1,690,000

The Golden Triangle ( $2,890,000 • 20290 Rock Canyon Road • Award-winning Estate • The Mountains.The Deschutes River. The Wide Open Spaces. • A Landmark Location. Worth the Discovery. • A LegacyRanch in the Heartof Central Oregon

Prime Development Land ~ $1,250,000

15631 SW Mecate Lane ~ $1,545,000 • Brasada Ranch • 5400 SF onflat.75 acre! • 5 fireplaces! • Green built, efficient solar system • Finely crafted Gary Norman built

•CascadeMountainviewsin Wyndemere

•4 bdrms/6baths,5750 sq.ft. • Separate guest house/ office, five fireplaces & wine cellar and hot tub

• 18.3 acres of prime development property • Ready for annexation into Redmond • Partially located on the Canyon Rim • Terms


• Control 4 Technology allowing control of lighting scenes, TVs, music & alarm from anywhere in the world. MLS ¹20122979


• Stunning finishes

uef '

•Unobstru cted mountainviews


" .

MLS¹ 201 207169


Call Shelly Swanson, Broker l 541-408-0086

Call Chris Sulak, Brokerl 541-350-6164 chrissulak@bendbroadband.com

Call Robin Yeakel, Broker, CRSl 541-408-0406 Resort Properties Specialist

Call Kelly Horton, Brokerl 541-508-9163


Luxury Single Level in BrokenTop( $1,150,000

Tetherow - High Desert Casualf $986,900

Broken Top Classic ( $945,000

1451 NW Remarkable Dr. ~ $945,000

•5 bedroom, 4baths,5116sq.ft. i 9+>y Kandall Court

• Overlooking BrokenTop's12th fairway andgreen • One level with upstairs guestsuite and private office • Privacy with southern exposure • Bonus & exercise room

jg g i j

• 3 car garagew/shop area


• Overlooking10thfairway&green • Custom home completely remodeled in 2004-05 byMelroseConstruction • Kathy & Karol Niemiinterior plan/ designwithquality &detail - 4476SF • 5bed, 5.5bath, mainevel master • Great room design. Wonderfu indoor and outdoorliving spacious,quiet cul-de-sac location

• 3657sq.ft.,3 bed/3.5 bath • Earth Advantage home • Quality throughout • Optional bonus or guest room • To be built by Bend Trend Homes • Golf membership included MLS ¹201104447

• Huge Cascade Views • Magnificent greatroomw/sliding window paneldoors, dry-stack rock fireplace • Gourmet kitchen w/SS appliances • Master bedroom Ikoffice/2nd bdrm on mainfloor • Media/bonusrm,wine cel ar • 4 bds, 4 baths,4200SF,0.46 acres MLS¹201206396

Call Shelly Swanson, Broker l 541-408-0086

Call Ray Bachman, Broker, GRI l 541-408-0696

Call Shelly Swanson, Brokerl 541-408-0086

Call Ken Renner, Principal Brokerl 541-280-5352





New Tetherow Home ( $699,500

Absolutely Stunning Setting ~ $579,900

Contemporary City Living ( $820,000

NW Contemporary w/Mountain ViewsinTetherow /$749,000 •Brandnew singelevel3bdm,3.5 baths, currently underconstruction • Seamlessintegration of indoor and outdoorspace, openfloor plan • Private courtyard and covered back patio w/mountain views • Energy efficient Earth Advantage • A flex room &study allow for maximum versatility

• 3 bed, 3.5 bath, 3200 SF r~::,r - • Immaculate interior • No H.O.A/s • Heated parking • Cascade Mountainviews • Walk to Old Mill/Downtown MLS¹201207761

• 4 bedrooms, 3.5 baths • 3088 sq. ft. • 2.47 acres, 1 acre irrigation

• December2012completion • 3 bed, bonus,loft, 3-car garage • Main level living & mastersuite • Three outdoor terracesand indoor/outdoor living • Large lot (16,915 sq. ft.j • Full golf membership MLS¹201206848

• Located right in heart of Bend!

•Tastefully updated • Incredible landscapefront & back • Master on the main floor


Call Bobby Lockrem, Brokerl 541-480-2356

Call Shelly Swanson, Brokerl 541-408-0086

Call Brian Ladd, Brokerl 541-408-3912

Call Mary Stratton, Brokerl 541-419-6340



www.bendpropertysource.com• brian@bendpropertysource.com

maryselhmsecoinet.com• maryselhms@gmail.com

861 SW Crestline Drive ) $569,000

2910 NW Underhill Place / $549,000


• Deschutes Landing • Luxury riverfront townhome • Beautiful contemporary finishes I 3 bedrooms,4.5 baths • Oversized 3-car garage for all yourtoys! • Perfect vacation home, nightly rentals permitted



Call Robin Yeakel, Broker, CRSl 541-408-0406 Resort Properties Specialist

63235 Peterman Lane ( $539,900

River Front Property ~ $530,000

• Contemporary home in Awbrey

• 4 bedrooms, 3.5 baths

Glen • 5 bedrooms,master on main level

• 4-car garage+ shop area • Quality open great room

• Oversized 5-car garage • Stunning kitchen, stainless, granite, Europeancabinetry • Motivated seller MLS¹ 201208424

• 2.1 acres, w/1 acre irrig.

• River front property • Mountain views • 5 bedrooms, 3 baths • 2985 square feet • Upgraded home • Incredible outdoor living • RV parking MLS ¹201204920

• Property is fully fenced • Master on the main floor • Quality & pride of ownership! MLS¹ 201208385

Call Robin Yeakel, Broker, CRSl 541-408-0406 Resort Properties Specialist

Tripleknot ( From the Low $500,000s

Private Setting in Woodside Ranch( $499,000

• Located on the Tetherow Golf Course • One and two-story

• 2.33 acres • 3-Car attachedgarage+ 5-Car detachedshop • 5bdrms,3full baths,3093SF • Chef's kitchenw/granite countertops • Formalliving room&dining room • Large back deckw/gas BBQline MLS¹201208598


• Elegant & energy efficient • Panoramic view of Cascade Mountains

Hosted by Melanie Maitre, Brokerl 541-480-4186 Judy McCombs &Shelly Swanson, Brokersl 888-274-2317

Call Mary Stratton, Brokerl 541-419-6340

Call MelanieMaitre, Broker,ABR,SRES, ePROl 541.480.4186

maryselhmsocoinet.com• maryselhmsogmail.com


Acreage Close To Town ( $495,000

1700 NW lowa ) $495,000


Call Bryan Hilts, Brokerl 541-771-3200

Delightful Single Levelin Fall Creek f $410,000

PointsWest ( From the Low $400,000s

17940 Parkway Lane ( $399,000

• In desirable Broken Top community • Great roomliving • Luxury mastersuite • Peaceful setting w/pond & waterfall • Bend's premiegated r golf community

• Between Widgi Creek & Seventh Mtn. Resort • Two-suite, luxury townhomes • No yard work or seasonal

sis • as

Brokers l 541-312-5151 www. TeamNormaAnddulie.com

Luxury Townhomes ~ Offered from $397,750

• ®+ I

a Ia


19717 Mt. Bachelor Drive ¹316 ) $395,000

• Offering one and two-story floor plans with mountain, fairway or water views • 2-4 bdrms,• 2.5 — 4.5Baths • 1950 SF - 2956 SF • Relaxing maintenance-free lifestyle • Explore outdoor opportunities




Call C/Jh Neumann, Broker, CRSl 541-410-3710 www. C JLisa,com






i •




Cozy River Front Log Home ( $379,500

and clubhouse for your use • Completely tastefully furnished

Co z y River Front Chalet ( $375,000

• 3 bedroom+ den/office or 4th bedroom,1.5bath • 1732 sq. ft. w/great room and river views that fill the picturewindows • 3-car garage(shop.Dock • Yards from trailheadto LaPine St, Park • 16213 Mtn. Sheep Lane MLS¹201202339

• Possibly the most beautiful site on the river • Mt. Bachelor view from master



bdrm w/ full length balcony • Tastefully rustic wood interior

• 3 bed/1.5 bath,nearly1800sq, ft. • 54677 Silver Fox Drive MLS¹201204195


www.tripleknottownhomes.com www.pointswestbend.com

Call Natalie Vandenborn, Broker l 541-508-9581

Rivers Edge - Golf View ( $369,000!

61283 Mount Vista Dr. ) $299,000


• 3 bdrms, 2.5baths, 2521SF • Additional sq. ft. / bonus room • Beautiful built-in bookcases • Breakfast nook & dining area • Covered front porch • Private back yard & patio MLS¹ 201 206826


• Pool, hot tub, tennis courts, bikes

Judy McCombs &Shelly Swanson, Brokersl 888-274-2317


NW Crossing/ 2532 NW Shields Dr. / $398,000

Call Joanne McKee, Brokerl 541-480-5159

• Stay & play in this lovely 2 bed/ 2 bath condo or rent it out • Gorgeous river & canyon views from pri vate deckw/hottub • Units can be rented separately or combined

like golf, skiing & trails

Call Robin Yeakel, Broker, CRSl 541-408-0406 Resort Properties Specialist

• Permitted GP Building w/living quarter/loft • Bath, laundry area, septic, well l?< pumphouse • RV hookups inside & out, 100 amp breaker in shop • Great location between Sisters & Bend ' Build your dream home while you live in loft area or your RV MLS¹201105898

Hosted by Chris Sperry, Brokerl 541-749-8479 Judy Mccombs &Shelly Swanson, Brokersl 888-274-2317 www.tripleknottownhomes.com www.pointswestbend.

Call The Norma DuBois and Julie Moe Team,

• Mature old growth pine trees,


maintenance • Closest neighborhood to Mt. Bachelor

• Golf & Sociamemb l ershipsavailable • 2bed+ den, 2bath, 1887SF MLS¹201208607

in the pines

• 3180 SF on adouble lot • Contemporary floor plan and finishes •W ater features,inside and out beautiful landscaping. Must see! ' MLS¹201208025

Carol Osgood & Korren Bower, Brokersl 541-504-3839

www.tripleknottownhomes.com www.pointswestbend.com

• West Hills contemporary home

• 23+ acres • Gorgeous Cascade Mtn. views • Well maintained ranch home in Gosney Meadows • Studio/shop • Irrigated, pastoral setting

• Brand new construction in Rivers Edge

• 2126 square feet

• Desirablefloor planw/main level master andguestsuite • Open greatroomw/exposedbeams, hand texturedwals&gourmetkitchen • Near rivertrai & acrossfrom Rivers EdgeGolfCourse • Exceptionaopportunity &valueon Bend'sWestside MLS¹201208404

• 3 bedrooms/2 bathrooms • .46 acre lot • 2 living areas • Oversized 2-car garage • RV parking


Call Greg Barnwell, Broker l 541-848-7222 l www.gregsellscentraloregon.com

6 Puma ) Sunriver ( $287,500

Sunriver Cabin in the Tree Tops ~ $279,000 • Great room floor plan

• 4 bedroom, 2 bath ' v • 1481 SF • New carpet/furnace • Trex decking, metal roof • Large garage, hot tub • Close to SHARC MLS¹201205128

• A must see!


• Large bonus rm w/additional

sleeping area • Furnishings available • Expansi vedeckto entertain on • Successful vacation rental • 2 bedroom, 3 bath, 1946SF MLS¹201206751

Call Shelly Swanson, Brokerl 541-408-0086

Call Jordan Haase, Principal Brokerl 541-420-1559



Kathy Hovermale, Principal Brokerl 541-419-6778 Marilyn Stoner, Brokerl 541-815-4757

Brokersl 541-312-5151 www TeamNormaAnddulie.com

"Leave It To Beaver" ~ $265,000

Dream Site ) $249,000

7 Flat Top Lane ( Sunriver ~ $244,000

On the Hillside in SW Redmond) $220,000

• 3 bdrm, 2 bath (1342 SF) • Floor to ceiling lava rock fireplace • Attached garage

•3 Bd,2 Ba,quaitycustom home • Gorgeous NEVIEW! • Flooded w/natural light • Beautiful kitchen w/SS appliances and big pantry • Spacious masterw/big closet • Trex deck, large 2-cargarage w/shop area &huge spaceunder the housefor??? MLS¹201208354

• Colonial style in sunny SE Bend • 4 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, 2238 SF • Quality upgrades • Great deck & fenced backyard • End of cul-de-sac • Backs to Larkspur Trail & Park MLS¹201206413


• Special Tumalo(Collins Rd.)acreage • 21 acres,17acresirrigation (gravity pressurized -nopump) • Excellent pasture/hayground • Conditiona use permifor t dwelling • Quiet, private setting in the pines • Seasonalcanalbubbles by • Equestrian easement to miles of gov. Iand. MLS¹201204769

Call The Norma DuBois and Julie Moe Team,



• On quietcul-de-sac near Ft. Rock Park • New roof, exterior paint

• SHARC fee paid in full MLS¹ 201204922

Call Sandy Kohlmoos, Broker l 541-408-4309

Call Ron Davis, Principal Brokerl 541-480-3096

Call Kelly Winch, Brokerl 541-390-0398

Call Sue Price, Owner/Brokerl 541-408-7742





New Construction( SW Redmond ( $187,950

Southwestern Style in Prineville( $144,900

2 Acre Lots! ~ $45,000

Seventh Mountain Resort ( $28,000

• 3 bed/2 bath single leve, 1696SF • Gas fireplacew/juniper log mantel • Wood wrapped windows &doors • Office areaw/built-ins • Quiet, established neighborhood • To be completedby11/30/I 2 • Large fencedyard MLS¹201205205

• 3 bed, 2 bath, 1500 SF home • 2000 sq. ft. shop • New cherry wood cabinets and stainless steel appli-


Call Rod Hatchell, Brokerl 541-728-8812 rodhatchell©gmail.com


a •


• 4

4 a


x• •


marble floors • M astersuite w/Jacuzzitub MLS ¹201206455








• Ready to build your dream

ances,granite countertops,

Call Myra Girod, Principal Brokerl 541-815-2400

• Terrific location on paved road and only minutes to town! • Well and septic installed


• Sleeps 6 • Full sized kitchen • Excellent rental income

tI I eI

Call Robin Yeakel, Broker, CRSl 541-408-0406 Resort Properties Specialist

a a

• I



Call Rhonda Garrison, Principal Brokerl 541-279-1768 Chris Sperry, Principal Brokerl 541-749-8479

'I z BI ~


home • -Manufactured orstick. • 3 lots available to be purchased separately or together for6 acresofbeauty!



• 8 weeks/year or trade with RCI! • 2 be d r oom, 2.5 bath Loft

t II



• •


t II



Redmond Homes

Redmond Homes




Sunriver/La Pine Homes Sunriver/La Pine Homes






Homes with Acreage

Homes with Acreage

Homes with Acreage

Homes with Acreage

Homes with Acreage

1 6261 Pine D r o p ¹2300 Christmas Tree West Powell Butte Es- 12-peak huge Cascade 9.33 acres in P owell D ESCHUTES R I V E R Incredible, large, qualN icely c l e ared 8 - $10,000. Comm. Iot t ates. $ 4 79,000. 6 views from this gorButte - 4 bdrm, 2.5 FRONTAGE wit h ity home. 16 a cres fenced acre. $35,000 across from golf crse. bdrm, 3.5 bath home geous Crooked River b ath, 1928 s q . f t . , easy access! 5234 sq. with 10 acres of irriHigh Lakes Realty & High Lakes Realty & o n 2 0 a c re s w i t h Ranch home w/ knotty 3-car garage, barn, f t., 4 b ed, 3 + b a t h gation. 4925 sq.ft, 5 Property Ma n age- Property M a n age- shop, 2 master suites, pine ceilings and sun- shop, with RV door. Ir- home located on 10 bdrms, 3.5 baths with ment 541-536-0117 ment 541-536-0117 4-car garage, water s plashed room s . rigated. $35 9 ,000 acres. Cook's dream country kitchen, great feature, gated comPlenty of room with MLS ¹ 20 1 2037129 k itchen, 2 mas t e r r oom a n d mor e . 14738 Birds Eye - Acre munity. MLS¹ 4.98 acres. $249,000 Pam Lester, Principal suites, 3-car garage Paved drive, shop/ 756 with power & water. 201207133 Pam MLS¹201206906 B roker, Century 2 1 AND detached g abarn w i t h ra d iate $45,000. High Lakes Jefferson County Homes Lester, Principal Bro- Gail Day 541-306-1018 Gold Country Realty, rage/shop with l oft. h eated f l oors a n d Realty 8 Pro p erty ker, Century 21 Gold Central Oregon Realty Inc. 541-504-1338 MLS¹ 20 12 0 3050 bath. A MUST SEE! Management 246 JeffersonSt, Me- Country Realty, Inc. Group, LLC MLS¹ 2010 0 7690 $1,495,000 DESERT 541-536-0117 tolius. Exc. i n vest- 541-504-1338 VALLEY REA L T Y, $649,000. D E SERT Casa Mariposa j ment or first home. 14198 SW Nine Peaks ¹201207907 541-923-1376 VALLEY RE A L TY, $3,990,000 1 6623 Dillon W a y Home has good rental - Mtn views from 541-923-1376 John L. Scott Real EsMagnificent prairie Alps Ct., LaPine, tPl $23,000. Light indus- history. Located close 53089 his 1960 sq. ft., 3 tate 541-548-1712 s tyle 8 6 7 6 sq. f t . Take care of trial l ot s a v a ilable. to the school. Owner $239,900. 3 bdrm, 2.5 bedroom, 2 It's A Lifestyle j bath home. 6 be d room bath, 1.13 acres. AdSingle level on 1 acre, 3 High Lakes Realty 8 will c arry c o ntract. joins home on 1.16 acre. suites. Mt. Bachelor to your investments $824,000 N a t' I F o r est bdrm, 2 b ath, 1716 Property Ma n age- $49,900. MLS Land. High Lakes Re- U pdated wit h n e w Mt. Jefferson views. Timber framed consq.ft., master separament 541-536-0117 201205682 J u n iper alty & Property Mana- carpet & vinyl flooring 4000 s q.ft. C a sita/ with the help from at s truction using 1 00 tion, office, fenced, bendbulletin.com Realty 541-504-5393 and interior has been Shop. Garages for 8 The Bulletin's year ol d r e claimed 1 6497 Carter C t . gent 541-536-0117 f lower garden, R V freshly painted. 936 c ars & 2 RVs. 9 7 8 t imbers, b eams 8 "Call A Service $ 22,507. C i t y lot , parking. $1 4 5,000. sq. ft. garage has a flooring, this home will 755 to schools. Nice 3 Beautiful & acres between Bend paved street. High Close pe a ceful MLS ¹ 201 0 07848. shop area, 2 bays & warm your heart with b edroom home i n S i s ters. G r a nd Professional" Directory Pam Lester, Principal Sunriver/La Pine Homes Lakes Realty 8 Prop- t own and c lose t o setting 4 b d rm, 2.5 50 amp power for an & character & c h arm. Ridge Estates. erty Man a gement baths, 2275 sq. ft. on B roker, Century 2 1 schools. Landscaped 40 acres horse prop- R V. S e parate R V MLS¹201106412 For Sale by Owner - 10+ Main home, guest 541-536-0117 Gold Country Realty, 50040 Darlene Way with fenced yard, RV erty, access to BLM. covered storage and Megan Power, Broker, acres, 7 irrigated, 2200+ home, shop, 20 pri10 a c r es , ca b i n, Inc. 541-504-1338 carport. $139,500 sq.ft. updated home, vate acres minutes GRI, CDPE bunkhouse, $179,900. 3 lots o n T w i n D r . parking too! $79,900 $649,000 MLS¹ 201208272 MLS¹201106963 oversized detached ga- from Sisters. South Heights 3 bdrm, High Lakes Realty & $55,000. 3 ac, barn, 541-610-7318 MLS¹201204029. Juniper Realty, MLS¹201200880 Group LLC Vicci 2 bath, 1611 sq. ft., We never stop moving: rage, 2 barns, fenced 8 Property Ma n age- arena, power, well. D&D Realty Bowen 541-504-5393 866-346-7868 Brandon Fairbanks, cross-fenced, beautiful blinds thr o ughout, ment 541-536-0117 High Lakes Realty & 541-410-9730 Broker, SRES, setting, turn-key proppark-like setting, Property M a n ageCentral Oregon Realty 1/4 Mi. Deschutes River GRI, CDPE erty, $525,000, Call for f enced . 4 7 acr e , 51350 Anchor Way ment 541-536-0117 O utstanding Val u e ! Group, LLC f rontage. Cus t o m showing; Realtors wel541-383-4344 sprinkler system. Cabin on 1.25 acre Over 3000 sq. ft. 2 single level 3 bdrm, 3 w/city water, $59,900 145055 Birchwood come: 541-318-1450 We never stop moving: $185,000 level house that has Equestrian 5-acres, bath, 3 9 6 2 sq . f t ., $39,500. 2 bd, 1 ba, Pam Lester, Principal High Lakes Realty & great potential and is MORRIS 36x48 6-stall barn, 1 2.72 a cr e g a t e d Property M a n ageG ORGEOUS mt n . 840 sf, 1 acre. High B roker Century 2 1 in very good condicross-fenced, groom- community, p r i vate REAL ESTATE views! 36+/- acres. Lakes Realty 8 Prop- tion. Daylight basecs Gold Country Realty, ment 541-536-0117 ing stall, wash rack, setting. $99 7 ,000. I dcpc dc tlyO c d dO p c <cd Irrigated w/ s m all erty Man a gement Inc. 541-504-1338 52261 St e a rns ment. Huge possibilihay barn, mare barn MLS ¹ 20 1 2 05961. cabin, 1 bedroom, 1 G o r geous 541-536-0117 ties. $158,800 MLS w/foaling stalls. 2004 Pam Lester, Principal Just bought a new boat? bath, S W R e dmond. I m - $34,000 poss i b le MORRIS owner will carry. 52970 Walker Way 201207709 3bd 2bth home. B roker, Century 2 1 maculate single story acre, OWC! $2 2 5 ,000. Sell your old one in the Lakes Realty & John L. Scott Real EsREAL ESTATE $298,500. in pride-of-ownership High Gold Country Realty, $184,000. 3 bd, 2 ba, classifieds! Ask about our MLS¹ 201201125 Ma n age- attached garage. High tate 541-548-1712 I d p d ndy (hm d a d Op mt d Call Nancy Popp, BroInc. 541-504-1338 neighborhood. 1,656 Property Super Seller rates! Call Charlie, ment 541-536-0117 ker, 541-815-8000 sq. ft. w/3 bdrm, 2 Lakes Realty 8 Prop541-385-5809 Designated Broker Location Location Lo757 Crooked River Realty 3bd/2ba on 2.44 acres bath w it h b e a utiful17643 Manning Ct - 3 erty Man a gement 541-350-3419 with barn & fenced for Cascade cation! This 2463 SF, landscaping, sprinkler Bd, 2.5 Ba, huge ga- 541-536-0117 Mou n t ain Redmond RE/MAX Crook County Homes 4 bdrm, 3 bath home horses. Open kitchen Views - Imagine the system, deck and new rage. $109,000 High 10 ACRES/CUSTOM Land & Homes with lots of storage, delight upon entering sits on 3.3 acres of H OME/ SHOP i n carport. T r a ditional Lakes Realty & Prop- 14238 W h itewater Real Estate METICULOUS HOME! living & family rooms. y our n e w hom e ! land, between Bend & sale. mls 201204428 erty Man a gement $59,900. One of few Desirable location, only Powell Butte! Double garage, new Vaulted ceilings, open Hard to f i n d P r ice Redmond. P r operty lots in W i l d R i ver. minutes from town & Unique floor plan $ 189,000. J o h n L . 541-536-0117 has 3 acr e s of High Lakes Realty 8 heat pump & so much floor plan. K itchen, Range! 1296 sq. ft. Scott R ea l E s t ate15430 Pine Ct - 1782 w/indoor spa room, Prineville R e servoir more. $109,900 Swalley Water and a Property Ma n age- has breathtaking Cas wide 541 -548-1 71 2 hall w ays, home on 2 a c res dining a n d fa m i ly sf, 3 bd, 30x80 gaMLS 201200121 f enced bac k y a r d. ment 541-536-0117 level. rooms with wood deck just north of Redc ade v i ews. Lo w single rage. $229,500. High View of Mt. Jefferson Cascade Realty, This home also has mond o v erlooking $365,000. MLS access. Formal living m aintenance y a r d . Wonderfully loc a ted Lakes Realty & Prop- Lot 1 7 L a n ewood an incredible 2300 SF Dennis Haniford, the valley below and 201108648 Call with views. M aster Open roomy f l oor erty Man a gement h ome with a c o m $25,000. B e a utiful, Princ. Broker insulated dream shop S mith Rock. N e w VIRGINIA, Principal suite, jett e d -tub, 541-536-0117 plan, vaulted ceilings, manding view of Mt. treed, 1 .7 5 a c r es. 541-536-1731 with 2 bays!! Plenty of well & pump . walk-in shower, dbl lots of light from the Broker 541-350-3418 Jefferson and the sur- 15640 Woodgreen - 3 High Lakes Realty & space for your RV's, Redmond R E / MAX MLS s ink va n it y and $115,000. rounding area. Beau- bd, 1540 s f , l a n d- Property Ma n age- large windows, nice Land 8 Homes t oys, hobbies a n d walk-in closet. Ready ¹ 201205979. C a l l Find It in office, and nook. Two tiful well kept home ment 541-536-0117 animals!! Inside you KELLY STARBUCK, scaped, $ 2 4 1,900. treed acres, plenty of Real Estate The Bulletin Classifieds! for your i mmediate P rincipal with spacious rooms. High Lakes Realty & will e n jo y v a u lted Bro k e r enjoyment. 4.80 acres room for your toys!!! L a k e Lan e MLS¹201206924 541-385-5809 c eilings, 2 mas t e r 541-771-7786 Property Ma n age-15600 with 4 .6 0 i r r igated. MLS¹201204820 12250 NW Dove Rd. $319,000 - Home, 10 $239,000 suites, and an extra ment 541-536-0117 Redmond RE/MAX Custom cedar sided MLS¹201205610. $159,900 acres, horse arena, D&D Realty Group LLC large master bath with A c res w / mountain New Land & Homes pri c e at 152232 Long PrairieHigh Lakes Realty 8 D&D Realty Group LLC h ome with f loor t o 5 views. 866-346-7868 custom shower and 3 Bdrm, 2 bath, $189,750! Real Estate 866-346-7868 c eiling windows t o Home, 4-car s hop, Property Ma n agegranite counters. MLS John L. Scott t ake i n t h e mt n . , 1620 sq.ft., irrigated, storage, $ 1 4 9,900. ment 541-536-0117 Home/shop/1.41 acres ¹201206489 Get your views. I m m aculate 36x40 shop, fenced, Real Estate High Lakes Realty 8 Quiet Setting-2.84 John L. Scott Real Es$105,000. 3 bdrm, 1 s p r inkler 541-548-1712 1841 sq. ft., 3 bdrm, 2 extensive business Property Ma n age- 53610 B r ookie Acres j $179,000 bath, 1228 sq. ft. Has tate 541-548-1712 system. $27 9 ,000. bath home, tongue & $ 380,000 Cus t o m ment 541-536-0117 Well-kept manufac3 w e l ls : i r r igation MLS ¹2809225 Pam Country living in Bend, 2500 sf, + guest suite. tured home. 2 bedgroove vaulted ceil-house - shop. MLS Log home on 5 acres 8 6890 Golden L n Lester, Principal Broings, gas free standHigh Lakes Realty 8, room + Spectacular Mtn. a ROW I N G has 3bd/2ba with red e n /office. $95,000. G o rgeous Property ker, Century 21 Gold Ma n age- Close t o ing stove, and wood views. 4 bdrm, 4.5 C¹201202939 tow n & modeled kitchen with all Mi k e Jone s views, 40 acres. High ment 541-536-0117 Country Realty, Inc. baths, 17 acres. Ofstainless stove & frig. Prineville Reservoir. accents t h roughout. 541-504-1338 with an ad in 541-350-2226 Lakes Realty & Propfered at $1,295,000. Central Oregon Realty 36x40 barn, 3 6 x40 Enclosed patio. Large Completely f e n c ed erty Man a gement50760 South Fawn The Bulletin's MLS ¹2101203960 shop/garage. Fenced garage/shop 4.81 acres. $385,000 8996 SW Panorama Rd 541-536-0117 Group, LLC Top of the line 3-bd, detached "Call A Service MLS¹ 201101447 Cate Cushman, with oil furnace. RV & cross-fenced. S o C ustom 2034 sq ft , 4 shop, $169,000. High Juniper Realty, Principal Broker 52381 Glenwood Dr. much here for... 8 hook-up. StorProfessional" b edroom, 2. 5 b a t h Horse ranch on 9 .70 Lakes Realty 8, Prop- area 541-504-5393 541-480-1884 A-frame cabin on the building/shed. 2 $329,000 acres.Home is 1985 h ome built i n 2 0 06 Directory Man a gement age www.catecushman.com river. $198,000. High erty MLS 201206125 ponds. w ith Mtn v iews o n sq. ft. of beautiful livLakes Realty & Prop- 541-536-0117 12851 SW Deer MLS¹201202976 Cascade Realty, i ng s pace. W o od 1.53 acres. Many upWOW! Man a gement15194 Ponderosa Lp. Carolyn Priborsky, P.C., Crossing. Remodeled graded features in- Custom built home with f loors, d en , w r a pDennis Haniford, Look at these views! erty 541-536-0117 3 bdrm 2 bath 1440 hardwood floors, up- a round d ec k wi t h Broker, ABR, CRS Princ. Broker clude: hickory cabi1.41 acres ready for Cascade m ountains sq. ft. CRR home. graded lighting and 541-536-1731 541-383-4350 jacuzzi. Great views, Advertise your car! nets, granite counter from your living room. you! $55,000. High Granite counters, Add A Picture! t ops, alder t rim & appliances. Recently 4-stall horse barn and Lakes Realty 8 Prop- We never stop moving: Home has been up- Reach hickory cabinets, thousands of readers! doors, hardwood & tile painted and n i cely 40x60 s hop/garage. dated with newer heat erty Man a gement Say "goodbuy" bamboo wood floors, Call 541-385-5809 S o much here, s o floors. The m a ster maintained home on 541-536-0117 p ump and al l n e w The vinyl windows, the list to that unused Bulletin Ciassifieds cs bath has a garden tub 2+ acres. Watch the come take a l o o k. floors as well. Great goes on. Garage, car- with tile surround & sunset and w i ldlife $375,000 item by placing it in ranch style home with 51430 Mac Ct - C u r- 4 45 Bonner - 720 s f port and RV covered f rom y o u r dec k ! MLS 201207852 separate tile shower. lots of room to play. rently leased thru '13, cabin, shop, .28 acre, parking. $109,000 MLS¹201208145 The Bulletin Classifieds Cascade Realty, MORRIS $275,000 MLS¹201208213 $102,500. High Lakes $40,000. High Lakes MLS 201204401 $237,000 MLS¹ 201208347 Dennis Haniford, $179,000 Realty 8 Pr o p erty Realty 8 Pro p erty REAL ESTATE Juniper Realty, D&D Realty Group LLC Princ. Broker Management Juniper Realty, D&D Realty Group LLC Management Indcpendcnxy &mcd and operat«d 5 41 -385-58 0 9 541-504-5393 866-346-7868 541-536-1731 541-536-01 1 7 541-504-5393 866-346-7868 541-536-0117 Single le v e l and m ove-in r e ady! 3 bdrm, 2 bath,. 1535 sq. ft. with a g reat room concept, lots of s torage an d o v e r sized bedr o oms, beautifully landscaped, extra parking, s hop area i n th e double car g arage. T raditional sale. $185,000. MLS

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three adorable, loving puppies looking for a amenities and all the quiet you will need. all! Extra Cab, 4x4, and a tough V8 engine caring home. Pleasecall right away. $500. Room to grow in your own little paradise! w i l l get the job done on the ranch!

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Manufactured/ Mobile Homes

Turn-key ranch. CasR EADY T O BUI L D ! SW River Rd. Exc.view Eagle Crest Lots Westside Lot i cade mtn views, built $199,950 Sw e e ping 5.07 acres, flat l ot, from top of property. Snowberry Village ¹70 Possible owner terms. 3 $147,000 in 1993, 38+ a cres Views of th e s n ow Great location on the mature trees, paved 2.79 acres w alking Bdrm, 2 bath, 1107 with 26 + i r r igation, capped Cascades and way to Mt. Bachelor. road, 1/3 interest in distance to the Des- • $69,500 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, sq.ft., laminated wood barn, shop, hay shed, stunning Central Or- .56 acre, gently slop- well, applied for stan- chutes River & Steel- attached 2-car garage f looring, carport w / fenced. $55 0 ,000. egon sunsets await ing lot. E stablished dard septic. $99,900. head Falls. Hike, bike, • 1248 sq. ft. 1993 Sil storage, fenced, landMLS ¹201207007 MLS ¹ 2 01 0 03925 you! Incredible opneighborhood conveMLS¹ 2 012 0 4695 ride horses, fly fish. vercrest scaped, spr i nkler Call Jeanne ScharPam Lester, Principal portunity to own one nient t o r e c reation Pam Lester, Principal Quiet & natural set- • Large living room, din system. $33,000. MLS lund, Principal BroCascade M o untain B roker, Century 2 1 of the finest view lots trails, restaurants and B roker, Century 2 1 ting is ideal for vaca- ing area ¹ 201205974 Pam ker 541-420-7978 views. Gold Country Realty, at the top of the West more. Gold Country Realty, tions or year round • Vaulted c e i lings, Lester, Principal BroRedmond RE/MAX MLS¹201207959 Inc. 541-504-1338 Ridge. Home-ID 969 MLS¹201201353 Inc. 541-504-1338 living. $49,000 MLS¹ Sunny windows ker, Century 21 Gold Land & Homes Debbie Hershey, 201009429 • FA heat & heat pump Country Realty, Inc. VERY PRIVATE SET- $99,900 Magnificent 1/3 Cathy Del Nero, Broker REDMOND 2.59 541-410-5280 Real Estate Broker, CRS, GRI acre l o t am a zing Juniper Realty, 541-504-1338 TING on 80 ACRES (A/C) acres close to town. 541-420-5170 mountain views. on 541-504-5393 We never stop moving: • Front porch and large Spectacular C a scade Owner will carry. Good classified ads tell Ridge. B r ing We never stop moving: back deck views. 27 acres of irri- West SW Shad Rd $97,000 MLS builder or work the essential facts in an Located on a p a vedCall Marilyn R ohaly, Tick, Tock g ation. 2 69 3 s q . f t your 201100751 with one of our preinteresting Manner. Write Broker, 541-322-9954 . home, 4 b d r m ( 2 ferred builders. Seller street. This 2.7 acre Call Travis Hannan, from the readers view - not Tick, Tock... master bdrms w/bath), parcel has Mt. Jeffer- John L. Scott Real Princ. Broker offering exce l lent the seller's. Convert the Bend country kitchen and son & S m ith R ock Estate, 541-788-3480 ...don't let time get terms to a q u alified MORRIS www.JohnLScott.com facts into benefits. Show log accents. 6-stall views. The lot is level Redmond RE/MAX buyer. Home-ID 947 MORRIS away. Hire a the reader how the item will barn, hay shed, shop, $53,500 with many b u ilding REAL ESTATE Land & Homes Build the home RV garage and more. sites. Crooked River 20737 Livingood Way • help them in someway. Icdcpccdccdy ~cd 9 d Opccctcd REAL ESTATE Real Estate professional out $74,300 MLS¹ 2012 0 3092 of your dreams on this R anch w a te r a n d This I d p d d y o d d up c d homesitewhich backs Newer 2003 3 bdrm/2 of The Bulletin's SW Canyon Dr. 773 $799,900 D E S E RT power is available at advertising tip bath turnkey. home. 1.13 acres with access the street. Septic was View Property 2.49 VALLEY RE A L TY, to common area, min"Call A Service brought to you by Acreages utes from sport cenNew appliances, lots from two streets proacres between Bend 541-923-1376 previously approved. Professional" ter, swimming pool, of upgrades, custom v iding y o u man y & Redmond, 1998 The Bulletin $78,500 Views! Views! Views! Icmicp Central CImpc 9 ccc I999 spray park, f itnessElevated building site window c o v erings, Directory today! building site options. home, dbl garage, MLS¹ 201208266 on 1.176 acre Cas 79.69 acres with 27 center, tennis, basfront & back decks. Owner terms availinsulated heated/ Juniper Realty, acres of i rrigation. NEW! Five acres k etball, hiking a n d cade view lot. Septic able. $58,500 Pristine fenced court- Snowberry Village ¹119 cooled office/work541-504-5393 i nstalled, pwr/ w t r Barn, shop, & guest with irrigation, 1540 biking trails. Home-ID yard entry. Very open • 3 bedrooms, 2.5 MLS¹ 201106385 room with full bath available at lot line. q uarters wit h a l sq. ft. home. 708 775 concept with close to baths, 1920 sq. ft. Juniper Realty, sep. from house, MLS ¹202009226 most 2200y sq. ft. $220,000. MLS Eagle Crest Properties 1500 sq. ft. 541-504-5393 concrete RV pad & Manufactured/ • 2000 Silvercrest - TriCall Nancy Popp, Brohouse. $400,000 ¹201207126 Call 866-722-3370 Cascade Village several hook-up Mobile Homes plewide MLS¹201200048 ker, 541-815-8000 SW Chinook Dr. TRAVIS HANNAN, Homes. Bend, spots. $180,000. • Living room, family Crooked River Realty Crooked Call TRAVIS HANR i v e r & Principal Broker Nice flat lot in Terreb541-388-0000 MLS¹201205184 room, dining room mountain views from Snowberry Village ¹127 541-788-3480 NAN, Principal Broonne, .56 a c res, Nice mountain views, Call KELLY STAR$90,425 ker 541-788-3480 t his 5.68 acres l o20774 Livingood Way • • Remodeled kitchen, Redmond ReMax p aved s t reet, a p - 3.09-acres. $95,950. BUCK, Broker w/breakfast bar c ated on a p a v ed• 2 bedrooms, 2 baths Redmond RE/MAX $84,700 Land & Homes Real proved f o r ca p -fill MLS¹201101554 541-771-7786 Land & Homes street. Num e rous• 1404 sq. ft., 2000 Sil- Like new 3 bdrm, 2 bath • Private master suite Estate septic, utilities are at Call Linda Lou Redmond RE/MAX trees & many building vercrest home is loaded with w/walk-in closet Real Estate the lot line. $42,000. Day-Wright, Broker, Land & Homes • Large great room, bay upgrades i n c luding• Master bath w/garden POWELL BUTTE! 10 sites. $225,000 MLS¹ MLS 3 2 0 12001172 541-771-2585 Real Estate 771 tub & double shower window dining area 201106408 c ustom paint, n e w A CRES! V IE W S ! Pam Lester, Principal Crooked River Realty • Front & back decks Lots Juniper Realty, lighting, skylight, and • Gas FA heat PLUS Custom home, spa763 B roker, Century 2 1 • Laundry room + 2 car custom 3 acres flat property 541-504-5393 deck i ng. AC & fireplace cious 8 light, gourGold Country Realty, Recreational Homes Beautifully garage ele v ated Inc. 541-504-1338 perfect to build on. met kitchen, office & Oversized 2-car ga- • Immaculate - too SW Chinook Dr. • Sold t a stefully fur- rage with storage and many upgrades to list! & Property building site a b ove $59,900. more. $799,900. Crooked River, Smith nished Deschutes River Can- The Highlands at BroMLS¹201205386 workshop area. Cas- $129,900 MLS¹201106428 Rock & mou n tain 141038 Crescent Moon yon. Call Marilyn R ohaly, cade Village Homes. Call Marilyn Rohaly, Un s urpassed ken top, 1 0 a c res, Call Julie Fahlgren, Call VIRGINIA, views. Owner terms Drive i n Cr e s cent Broker, 541-322-9954 Broker, 541-322-9954 views from this 2-acre gated, private well, Broker, 541-550-0098 Principal Broker Bend, 541-388-0000 available. 6.9 acres John L. Scott Real John L. Scott Real Lake - Chalet style lot. Septic approved, utilities at lot, app for Crooked River Realty 541-350-3418 with septic, power & Estate, two-story home with w ater & p o we r a t cap-fill Bend Estate, Bend Redmond RE/MAX septic. What are you 5 acres adjoins public w ell i n stalled. I n - www.JohnLScott.com www.JohnLScott.com bamboo flooring and road. $89,900 $535,000. Land & Homes MLS land over Deschutes cludes custom home Snowberry Village ¹46 • wood accents MLS¹201207148 looking for? Real Estate ¹ 201200937. Pam River. Short walk to plans. $189,000 throughout. Located in Call Nancy Popp, BroLester, Principal Bro$88,900. 3 bdrms, 2 Find exactly what river. $74,900. You'll find it in MLS¹ 201008671 Diamond Peaks on ker, 541-815-8000 Rare Find i $695,000 b aths, 1600y sq. ft . ker, Century 21 Gold MLS¹201102328 you are looking for in the Juniper Realty, 39+ acre ranch min- one acre. Perfect for Crooked River Realty The Bulletin Classifieds Country Realty, Inc. 1994 Silvercrest. LivCall Linda Lou 541-504-5393 CLASSIFIEDS utes to Costco. Close t he vacationer. T h e G randfathered-in R V 541-504-1338 ing room, separate Day-Wright, Broker, to shops and BLM yet double car garage has l ot, come camp o r SW Chipmunk Rd. dining room & large 541-771-2585 enjoy country l i fe. second d o o r for b uild y o u r 541-385-5809 kitchen with e a ting dr e a m THE PERFECT Snowberry Village ¹16 Crooked River Realty Level 5.19 acres with Gorgeous 3731 sq. ft. snowmobiles and a home. Septic/Power/ SETTING FOR YOUR mountain views. Well area. Pellet s t ove, Enjoy the carefree lifNice 5.3 acres near the f armhouse, 3 b e d - large unfinished room W ater. 63730 Cascade Village $57,9 0 0 NEW HOME treed w it h s e v eral Huge covered BBQ estyle at Bend's preentrance of the ranch, Dr • $54,200 r oom, 3 b a t h , f u l l & bath. Owner willing MLS¹201207367 Broken Top, 0.53 Acres Smith Rock V iews. possible buil d ing deck. Large laundry mier 55+ community b asement, barn , to complete. Priced to Call Linda Lou Offered at $275,000 sites. Com m unity room and 2-car at- Very open plan, with n ear m edical a n d fenced, irri g ated, sell at... $298,000 MLS¹2710905 French doors off livDay-Wright, water 8 power availtached garage Cate Cushman, shopping. ImmacuCall Linda Lou great area of l arge MLS¹ 201108836 ing room area, beau- late 3 b e d room, 2 Call Marilyn Rohaly, Broker, 541-771-2585 Principal Broker able at t h e s t reet. Call Linda at acreages. Day-Wright, 541-480-1 884 Owner terms availBroker, 541-322-9954 tiful updated kitchen, Crooked River Realty bath features sepa541-815-0606. MLS¹201204031 nice size dining area, r ate d i ning r o o m, John L. Scott Real www.catecushman.com Broker, 541-771-2585 able. $69,000 MLS¹ Lynne Connelley, Eco- Cascade Realty, Den- 1.01 acre lot that is well Crooked River Realty large covered front 201106095 Estate, Bend huge kitchen with isnis Haniford, Broker treed. Lot 141 SW Broker, ABR, CRS www.JohnLScott.com p orch, 2bd, 2ba & land, master suite with Juniper Realty, 541-433-5678 Crater Loop $40,900. Three 9148 Sq.ft. Iots, 5-acre corner lot, flat 541-408-6720 den. Turn-key 541-504-5393 cul-de-sac, u t i lities & fully treed. $49,900 g arden t u b , sta l l Snowberry Village ¹98 MLS¹201105162 move-in condition with shower, Vaulted ceilWe never stop moving: 141980 Emerald MeadMLS¹201109114 Call Melody Curry, Bro- s tubbed into P U E , $79,500 S W D O V E R D . M t. nice outside enterows Way, Crescent close to West Can- Call Nancy Popp, Broings, wood laminate ker, 541-771-1116 Washington & Three •• 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. taining patio & fire pit. Lake - 2-story custom Crooked floors, FA heat & AC. yon Rim Park and acker, 541-815-8000 1 404 sq. ft . 1 9 9 9 River Realty Sisters views from this Cascade Village built home with paved cess to the dry can- Crooked River Realty C overed dec ks . 6.1 acre property with • Silvercrest Homes. Bend, circular drive, heated Owner will carry, fanyon t rail. $ 3 5,000, $94,500. Call Manlyn Vaulted ceilings power installed. Close 541-388-0000 tastic 1/2 acre lot double car g a rage $35,000 & $ 50,000. 320 acres in Prineville. to t h e Des c hutes designer colors Rohaly, Broker, views, w/views. $59,900. MORRIS and small shop with 541-322-9954 MLS¹ 201 2 0 7692, Mountain • Gas heat and A/C. FACTORY SPECIAL River and Steelhead MLS¹201008725 mostly flat land. 30 cement floor. Excel201207694, and John L. Scott RE REAL ESTATE Elevated corner lotNew Home, 3 bdrm, Falls. $99,500 MLS¹ Call Julie Fahlgren, lent condition. Exten201207687. Pam miles from Bend &15 I dcpc dc clyO cd d O p c ccd nice views $46,900 finished 201205646 Broker, 541-550-0098 miles from Prineville sive landscaping with Lester, Principal Bro780 • Attached 2-car ga- on you site,541.548.5511 Juniper Realty, $289,000 large rock. Hardwood Crooked River Realty ker, Century 21 Gold Reservoir. rage+ shop area www.JandMHomes.com SE Bend - Woodside i Mfd./Mobile Homes MLS 201208143 541-504-5393 floors, carpeting, pelCountry Realty, Inc. L evel city lot i n t h e • Front deck and rear $795,000 Cascade Realty, with Land stove, generator. heart of Culver. All 541-504-1338 New Construction - 3 SW Geneva View Rd. patio Stunning SunForest let Dennis Haniford, On one acre at the u tilities are a t t h e T errebonne. L e v e lCall Marilyn R ohaly, bdrm, 2 b ath, 1548 Gigantic Views! Qualbuilt home in Wood- end of a cul-de-sac. Princ. Broker Three Rivers South sq.ft., vaulted, gas street ready to be in 1.14 acres that will be Broker, 541-322-9954 side on 4.2 acres plus $339,000 541-536-1731 ity Fuqua home, 3 stalled. This lot just Lot i $10,000 furnace-range-water easy to build on. Well John L. Scott Real huge RV/Garage/Ofbdrm, 2 bath, 1572 SF MLS¹ 201203768 Bring your RV & enjoy heater, fenced, landneeds y o u r new 4.2 acre property with Estate, Bend treed with an abunfice. Quality throughCall Linda at home. 208 2nd Ave, the amenities of Sun- an older mobile, can dance o f scaped. $16 2 ,900Shop and greenhouse wil d l ife www.JohnLScott.com out an d b e autifully 541-815-0606. ¹ 201 2 07750 $129,000 C ulver. $38, 2 0 0 river Resort just min- be fixed up or live in it passing thro u gh. People Look for Information MLS maintained. Possible Cascade MLS 201200450 Realty, DenMLS¹ 20 1 2 0 3505. utes away. .50-acre while you build your $41,500 Pam Lester, Principal MLS¹ owner terms! Please nis Haniford, Broker About Products and B roker, Century 2 1 Gail Day 541-306-1018 Juniper Realty lot close to r estau- dream home. Priced 201102002 call to make your apCentral Oregon 541-433-5678 541-504-5393 r ants, Casc a d e to sell. $58,900 Services Every Daythrough Gold Country Realty, Juniper Realty, pointment to tour! Realty Group LLC Mountains & l a kes. Inc. 541-504-1338 MLS 201207520 541-504-5393 The Bulletin Classi/feds MLS¹201207123 764 N orth P o w el l B u t t e A djoining lot i s f o r Cascade Realty, Michelle Tisdel, Acreage I 3 LOTS! Farms & Ranches with septic sysDennis Haniford, P.C., Broker 3 buildable, rare, North sale tem in place. Princ. Broker 541-390-3490 P owell B utte C a s Ranch in Powell Butte. MLS¹201206354 541-536-1731 We never stop moving: Ideal Ranch/ Pride of cade Mountain views. Becky Brunoe, Broker AJAX GOLD MINE & o wnership. Barn , Quiet area. Call 541-350-4772 Vicci Bowen 1.6MMBF timber. 320 S hop, H a y Ba r n , We never stop moving: 541-410-9730 Ac. Fee Land. Grants Equipment Shed Central Oregon Realty Pass, Oregon Area. $925,000. Group, LLC Off site milling availMLS¹201206082 MORRIS able. $38 9 ,900.00 Call Vicci Bowen markminnis©budget. REAL ESTATE 541-410-9730 O Garage Sales I dp d c I9 0 d dOp cd Central Oregon net 503 - 740-6217. MORRIS Garage Sales Detailed Pac k a ge Realty Group LLC REAL ESTATE available. MUST Serenity and Privacy B eautiful f ar m s t y l e Garage Sales I dcpc dc clyO cd d O pc ccd CLOSE 12/ 3 1 /12. on 4.62 acres of sehome overlooking the (PNDC) renity and p r ivacy. Crooked River Valley Find them Three Rivers South Comfortable 3 b e d- with 42+ acres and 24 ASTOUNDING in Lot i $97,500 room, 2 bath home acres o f CASCADE MOUNTAIN i r r igation. Beautifully treed .86 and a 3 0 x40 s hop Perfect horse propVIEWS. Highlands, The Bulletin acre lot just a block w ith oversized R V 10.28 Acres, Bend. including 7-stall Classifieds from Big Deschutes door. Build your cus- erty Offered at $495,000 barn with heated tack River. Enjoy fishing, tom ho m e with room and bathroom. 2 Cate Cushman, 541-385-5809 skiing, snowmobiling, breathtaking views of h omes included i n Principal Broker h orseback rid i n g , the Cascade Moun541-480-1884 sale. $1,2 5 0 ,000 4 .38 Acre v i e w l o t kayaking etc., just out tains or enjoy as is. www.catecushman.com MLS¹201206434 backs BLM, Cascade door. Fantastic MLS¹201205440 John L. Scott Real Es- mtn & S m ith R o ck your location! Cascade Views in Ter$249,000 tate 541-548-1712 views. Corner lot, apMLS¹201207525 rebonne I $192,500 D&D Realty Group LLC proved for standard Sherry Perrigan, Broker Breathtaking views, De866-346-7868 COUNTRY ESTATE in ODIN FALLS VALLEY septic. $199,000. MLS 541-410-4938 schutes River CanPam We never stop moving: Sisters i $579,900 3 7.5 acres w ith 1 8 + ¹2809381 yon, and farming valLester, Principal Broi r r igation. ley below, 5 usable Great Cascade Moun- acres o f ker, Century 21 Gold acres with well Ideal tain views from this 2985 sq.ft., 3 bed, 2.5 Country Realty, Inc. building site with un3,000 sq. ft. home on bath home with huge 541-504-1338 o bstructed view s 6 .75 acres. 2 b e d - Cascade M o u ntain views. Shop, 2-stall MLS¹201205208 rooms, bonus room & Want to impress the Gail Day 541-306-1018 o ffice. 4 a c r e s o f barn with tack room MORRIS Three Sisters irriga- and 1 bed bunkhouse relatives? Remodel Central Oregon Realty REAL ESTATE tion. 40x40 barn, 5 AND MORE! MLS¹ Group, LLC your home with the Icdcpccdcndy ~cd ccd Opcccccd 201203884 $845,500 help of a professional loafing sheds, 3 car Mountain views! garage with shop. D ESERT VA L L E Y from The Bulletin's Two Rivers North Lots 3.39 acres with crazy MLS¹201205094 REALTY, mountain views! "Call A Service A River Runs Through Mark Valceschini, P.C., 541-923-1376 Owner will carry. It ln Two Rivers North! Professional" Directory Broker, CRS, GRI $103,000. INCREDIBLE L O CABeautiful 1.26, 1.45, & 541-383-4364 TION - 32.5 acres MLS¹201100748 1.84 acre river front We never stop moving: Canyon City, Oregon Call Travis Hannan, with 26 acres irriga- Investment opportunity. parcels. Owner w i ll tion a n d C a s cade Princ. Broker Purchaseprice$350,000,20% down, Loan amount $280,000,30 yrfixed. consider ca r rying. 4 city tax lots totalling 541-788-3480 Mountain views. 14.07 acres. Zoned Priced from $124,900, Custom 2600 sq.ft., 3 Redmond RE/MAX R1. It's possible to di- multi-lot discount posLand & Homes bdrm, 2.5 bath home sibilities. Fish on! vide the lots further. with lots of amenities. Real Estate MLS¹201104945 MORRIS Power, city water & Detached garage with sewer at the paved Dana Miller, Broker NW Dove Rd., TerrebREAL ESTATE guest quarters, shop street. Mtn. & valley 541-408-1468 onne. Mtn. views from I dcpc dc clyO cd d O pc ccd and l o afing s h e d. views. Many possible We never stop moving: these 5.12 acres near MLS¹ 20 12 0 3687 entrance of CRR. Iob uilding s ites. L o Jumbo purchase price/value$800,000 — 20% down /equity,$640,000 loan amount. SPECTACULAR HOME $875,000 cated in the city limits cated in a desirable Offer valid as of date of ad, restrictions may apply. Rates/fees subject to change. and SETTING. Beau- DESERT VALLEY RE- of Canyon City near area. Save time & tiful 9682 sq.ft. home ALTY, 541-923-1376 On Approved Credit. John Day. (Sellers are money with septic, that features massive Newer S ingle S t o ry licensed Oregon Real well & power already timbers at sprawling Home, 3 bdrm, 2.5 MORRIS Estate brokers). installed. $96,500 heights, stonework in- bath, office, sunroom, MLS¹ 20120135 $99,900 REAL ESTATE s ide/ o u t , che f s 2260 sq.ft., 60 acres, Juniper Realty, Juniper Realty, Icdcpcndccdy ~cd ccdIypcccccd kitchen, butler's pan- mtn & S m ith R o ck 541-504-5393 541-504-5393 try, master bed wing views. $289,000. MLS with sitting area and ¹ 201206306 Pam his/hers e v e rything Lester, Principal Broplus gues t /family ker, Century 21 Gold dcrc courcc — Corclo ec Market Trcc wing, 2 w a ter f e a- Country Realty, Inc. tures, pond, Cascade 541-504-1338 Mountain views and more. 33+ acres, 25 Spectacular property your web source for STATEWIDE classifieds i rrigated a c res, 2 with river f rontage. barns, bunkhouse or 4773 sq.ft., 3 bdrm, 4 caretakers quarters. b ath home sits o n c anyon e dg e w i t h MLS¹201206936 $2,950,000. DESERT river views in both diVALLEY RE A L TY, rections, also C as30BSI REAL ESTATEI CLASSIFIEDS 541-923-1 376 cade Mountain, Smith Rock an d p a s ture Supported by Oregon newspapers,cdassifieds.oregoII.comc is a new You're never alone when Spectacular home on views. Ranch website dedicated to bringing classified listings from around 9 .99 a c res! 3 4 5 2 manager's ho u s e, thestateofOregon togetherotyone easy-to-use website. are're doing your loan . sq.ft., 4 bdrm, 3 bath b unkhouse, hay & Fromjobsto homes and investment properties,you'llfi nd thefastest home in private set- equip. shed, shop/RV c growing ctassifieds section is "ctassifieds.oregon.com t ing. G r ea t r o o m , garage, covered kitchen, formal living arena and horse barn. a rea, f amily r o o m Located on 1 0 5.66 w/wet bar, guest suite. acres with 39.8 acres Casey NMLS 189449 Jennifer NMLS 288550 L andscaped, w a t e r of irrigation. Ranch sTATE OF0REGQN feature an d p o n d. facilities are 1st class Shop with office and in both design and U.com www.academymortgage.com 94d b a t h . MLS¹ function. $3,900,000 Mountain views! Fabulous view, rural property 3479 sq. ft. 3 bdrm. 2.5 baths. Lots of shop area! $495,000

Tumalo i $449,000

Ranch style 3900 sq.ft. home on 15 acres in west Tumalo. Comfortable living & great room. 4 bedrooms & 3 baths. Irrigation, barn, shop an d b e autiful



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201207212 $619,000 D ESERT VAL L EY REALTY, 541-923-1376

MLS¹201107872 D ESERT VA L L E Y REALTY, 541-923-1376




ici I ,

0 feQOQ

371 SW Upper Terrace Dr., Suite 1, Bend, OR97702 CORPORLIC.¹ML-2421






MORRIS REAL ESTATE Independently Owned and Operated

• r


~ r ~r


r r,


T his We e k s AWBREY BUTTEI $750,000

NW BENDI $560,000


r ~


r ~

Wew L i stings NE BENDI $175,000

SE BEND I $227,947

LAPINEI $86,900

.Lrl iStunning Awbrey Butte homebui - lder's own with exceptional finishesthroughout.

Private .62 acre lot on cul-de-sac in gated community.

Eco-friendly, 2711 sq. ft., 4 bedroom,3.5 bath, open floor plan, formal dining area, large kitchen, master on main, bonusroom, 8 large patio.

4 bedroom, 4 bath, 3-car garage. 3753 sq. ft. on a .32 acre lot.

MLS¹20128561 (730)

Convenient, central NW Bend location.

MLS¹201208534 (730)



New Construction, 1767 sq. ft., 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 2-car garage. Great roomwith fireplace, vaulted ceilings 8 an open kitchen. Front porch opens tocommonarea! Professionally landscaped 8 fenced.

New construction in Crosswinds backing to Land SystemsNursery. Single level, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 9 ft, ceilings, 8 nice master suite. Quiet neighborhood close to hospital, shopping, dining 8 schools.

MLS¹201208395 (730)

MLS¹201208195 (730)



3 bedroom, 2 bath, 1250 sq. ft., manufactured home located on 1.04 acres. Nice yard with circular driveway. Small storage anddetached 2 car carport. Bank owned.

MLS¹201208576 (730)






Visit our office conveniently located at 488 SW Bluff Dr. in the Old Mill District, Bend. Visit us online or call 541-382-4123 I Visit us at: g g NORTH RIM-AWBREY BUTTE I $850,000

TUMALOI $775,000



Nr„r s

Beautiful CustomHome. 3 bedroom +den/office, 4.5 bath. Gourmetkitchen, Wolf Stove, Sub-zero refrigerator, SSappliances, 8 granite counters. Master on main with private Atrium. Golf Course views.

Xeriscaped yard & captivating views. 3797 sq, ft., 3 bedroom, 3 bath with Maple floors, Makore kitchen cabinets, slab granite, Rainforest Marble buffet. Large timber techdeckup, covered porch down.

LushTumaloRanchwith 19.5 acres, 18.5 irrigated. Custom homewith 4330 sq. ft., I acre vineyard, landscaped, barn, fencedgarden and orchard, and muchmore.Great horse property!

637 private acres, 87 miles fromBend. BuckCreek flows year round. 2 LOP Tags for bucks8 bulls. Aspens, Ponderosas, 8 Rimrocks.Propane 8 solar for the cabin. Large barn for storage Horse corral.

Below appraisal. $79,000 Price Reduction! 1200' deck overlooking DeschutesRiver Frontage in gated Sunrise Village. 4173 sq, ft., 4 bedroom, 4 bath.










SISTERS I $579,900

SW BENDI $549,000

SW BENDI $525,000


MLS¹201203502 (746)

MLS¹201106678 (762)

• rruc


total 6 enclosed parkinq areas.

MLS¹201206500 (762)

Great Cascade Mountain views from this 3000 sq. ft. home on 6.75 acres. 2 bedrooms,bonusroom 8 office. 4 acres of ThreeSisters irrigation. 40x40 barn, 5 loafing sheds, 3 cargarage with shop.

MLS¹201202675 (747)




Private home with fine finishes on 5 acres surrounded by Mountain Views in Odin FallsRanch.Outdoor kitchen 8 in-ground pool + detached42x40 shop building,

MLS¹201009509 (747)

MLS¹201204217 (762)





4 bedroom, 4.5 bath, 3035 sq. ft. townhomenestled in the pine trees, close to the Deschutes River trail. Great room floor plan, vaulted beamceilings, gourmet kitchen, paver patio, water feature.

Treasure of a home inRiverRim!Warm 8 inviting single level built by Schumacher.Extensive use of woods 8 customwindow coverings. A must see to appreciate the extensive amenities!

MLS¹201108147 (747)

7560 NM GrubstakeWay

MLS¹201205094 (762)

MLS¹201203181 (747)

DIANE LOZITO,BROKER 541-548-3598, 541-306-9646



TUMALOI $449,000

INVESTORS - 4-PLEX I $425,000


Live in paradise on 20 private acres with river frontage and CascadeMountain views! Quality single level home, 2334 sq, ft., 3 bedroom, 3 bathroom.Energy efficient with geothermal ground sourceheating.

MLS¹201207288 (762)

JIM(I ROXANNECHENEY,BROKERS 541-390-4050 • 541-390-4030


NW BENDI $419,000




• ssr g

Ranch style 3900 sq. ft. home on 15 acres in westTumalo. Living and great rooms, 4 bedrooms 8 3 baths. Irrigation, barn, shop and beautiful Cascade Mountain views.

1416 sq. ft., 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath, garage 8 parking

n evsver



Custom built 3163 sq. ft., 3 bedroom, 3 bath home. Walnut hardwood floor, customalder cabinets, 9 ft. 8 11 ft. ceilings, crown molding 8 surround sound. Private paver patio with water feature.

Custom built, sculpted cedar siding, upgraded appliances. 5 acres, fenced8 cross fenced. 3 stall barn 8 tack room. 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath over 3400 sq. ft.

MLS¹201207959 (762)

for each unit. Prime NE location near hospital. Fully rented, excellent rental history, excess of $36K annual gross rents & low maintenance.

MLS¹201206470 (746)

MLS¹201203945 (746)









BROKEN TOP I $1,185,000


NE BENDI $349,000

EDGECLIFF I $347,500

SW BEND I $308,000

Panoramic Northeasterly views. 5 bedroom, 2.5 bath, 4020 sq. ft. perched onthe edge of rimrock. Spacious kitchen, 3 separate living spaces, 8 wood accents

Immaculate 1933 sq. ft. townhome with 2 master suites plus a loft, in the beautiful forest setting of Elkai Woods. Easyaccess to river trail.

MLS¹201208263 (738)

MLS¹201208464 (748)



has 3 ful y r

e us room. uality upgrades p e d, plus Cascade Mountain Views!


See our





Inventory is down and prices are goinq up! Call me for a free Current Market Analysts on your home.

The Pinehurst at BrokenTopby StevenVanSant/Pac West Homes! Unmatched quality8 craftsmanship! Single-level, 3-car garage, customcabinetry 8 trim. 0,55 acre golf course view lot. No expensespared!

MLS¹201204424 (747)

Enjoy peace and tranquility on 2.85 private acres with Gorgeous Cascade views. Large master suite. Vaulted wood ceilings. Possible mother-in-law suite. Borders BLM.Bring your horseand toys. RVarea.

throughout. Large decks for outdoor living.

MLS¹201206019 (748)

Memberships at Widgi CreekGolf Course available.

MLS¹201205268 (762)




JOHN SNIPPEN,BROKER,MBA, ABR,CRS, GRI 541-312-7273 • 541-948-9090


SE BENDI $199,900

MLS¹201208547 (747)




SE BEND I $284,500


Immaculate, previous model home inStonehaven!

4 bedroom, 2.5 bath, 2762 sq. ft, Includeshigh end appliances andmedia room.1'raditional Sale.

New construction in SEBend. Single level, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 1641 sq. ft. home onlarge loton the edge of town backing toCOI canal. Completion 3/I/13.

Bunkhouse,storage shed, &garage. MLS¹201204647 (755)

MLS¹201207530 (749)

MLS¹201208267 (749)



GREGFLOYD,P.C., BROKER 541-390-5349




SE BEND LAND I $199,000


NE BENDI $180,000




-l r

DeschutesRiverfront cabin on 1.26 acres in Haner Park. Direct swimming fk boating accesssteps from the porch. 1160 sq. ft., I bedroom, I bath with large kitchen.



Ma le, we o t eroadforaquiet PR e m g. Spectacular SMITH ROCKviews. Fenced 8 crossedfenced. Backsto PUBLICLAND! MLS¹201108416 (762)

Corner lot, with new construction and Move in Ready! Great room feel, 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, stainless appliances, fireplace, master suite 8 upstairs laundry.

Front 8 backyard landscaping.MLS¹201206885 (749)





Classic 4 bedroom, 2 bath, 2184 sq. ft., 50s style home, great midtown location, lots of character. Oversized lot, nicely landscaped, finished basement, arched doorways, wide trim 8 hardwood floors.

MLS¹201207022 (748)

acre m


garage 8 shopwith 2r

do o , outbuildings 8 the ability to have horses. Access BLMland behind the property.

MLS¹201205728 (755)



NE BEND I $159,000



Listen to the quiet! 4.1 acres in Sundance. Build your dreamhomewith Cascadeviews.

Large homevery close to MeadowLakesGolf Club.

MLS¹201207453 (773)

Private rear patio area. Roomfor RV's. This 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath with 1876 sq. ft. of living area is the perfect home.

JIMMORAN, BROKER 541-948-0997


Close to BLMand National Forest lands for recreation.


MLS¹201207946 (757)


, oversized 2 car garage, y bac yard with nice decksand hot tub. A/C, storage shed, open floor plan.

MLS¹201208041 (748)



R ' 'E

Well-kept 3 bedroom, 2 bath home!Tile floor in kitchen & dining, French doors to patio deck and nicely landscaped backyard with storage shed. Wine fridge and bar in dining room. Quiet cul-de-sac,

Over 2 acres with Cascade Mountain and Crooked River Canyon views onthe canyon rim. Bordered by 3000 acres of BIM property for endless recreation.

MLS¹2704850 (757)

MLS¹201206845 (748)



JJ JONES,BROKER 541-610-7318 • 541-788-3678

Build your customhomeon this 47-acre lot on a short street with only a few homes.Enjoy viewsof the River's Edgegolf courseand the buttes tothe east. Easy accessto Highway 97 and theParkway.

MLS¹201204299 (771)



Flat.48 of an acrebui dinglot oncorner with canal along I side, canal flowsdirectly into the Big 0eschutesRiver. Area has boat launch &dock, clubhouseand road maintenance.

MLS¹201105237 (771)









• -







'Guy's Family Reunion'




Guy Fieri stars in "Guy's Family Reunion" Sunday at

noon on Food Network.








/z 'i"

l4 I IKW N 000I C+


' 'b' ) ,I",.u„,'

/ ~ij

'Castle' Stana Katic and Nathan Fillion star in "Castle" Monday at10:01 p.m. on ABC.

The Rolling Stones are the subjects of "Crossfire r Hurrjpane," premiering Thur day at P p.m. on HBQ. 'Scandal' Kerry Washington stars in "Scandal" Thursday at 10:02 p.m. on ABC.



ames SttdOktt Htgh FI+BS

Howtoettw:SudokuiedhFivesconsistsottive reduiarSudokuoridssharindonesetots bv 3boxes. Eachrowcolumnandsetots bv3boxes must contain the numbers 1 through 8 without repetition. The numbers in any shared set of 3-by-3 boxes apply to each of the individual Sudokus.


3 2 7 5 9 3 8 1 6 4

C R 0 C

RA M B A S E N 0 A L E P E D L I L OW E L L A L oo s M 0 S C O P S A R T K N O T R A R E S O A F R C L I M B P0 0 H T N I P B U R R OWE B L U E G O D Y A N K

1. Goodman of "Dancing With the Stars" 4. "Planet of the !t

8. Electricity network 12. Style of: 2 wds. 13. Leslie Caron movie 14. Ms. Dunham of "Girls" 15. "The Natural" subject 17. Medical physical 18. — drum 19. Kazan's "Man Tightrope" 21. Circle

segments 24. Musician/ actor Hayes 28. Song, "For

Me and My —" 31. Sedgwick series: 2 wds. 33. Barcelona

bravos 35. "Death — — Funeral" 36. Robert De37. "Bill 8 Ted's Excellent —" 40..Murrow's d See It —" 41. Bill of dBob Newhart Show" 42. Ace Ventura's

specialty 44. Tennis call 46. Ms. Mirren


0 L Y D A M MP

F F 0 U 0 N





P S A N R U M R0 S0 ER

Guide to the

TV grids


TV Ratings: 'G': Generalaudience 'Y': Young children '7': Childrenover7 '14': Childrenover14 'PG': Parentalguidance 'M': Matureaudience only



Solution to last week's puzzle.

TV Crossword ACROSS

1 4 8 9 6 3 2 1 4 7 5 6 7 2 9 5 3 8

50. Banks on "Breaking Bad" 53. Family reunion attendee 56. 2005 series, "— There" 57. Gossett's

"— Eagle"

58. —Zedong 59. Mendelsohn and Hecht 60. N.Y. team 61. Deborah — Woll

DOWN 1. Science workshops

2. Flamboyance 3. "Right Stufl" org. 4. Mr. Brooks 5. Ms. Lindstrom

6. Building wing 7. Storage cylinder 8."Honeymooners" slar 9. Actor Lee of d SuburgatOryw 10. Garten of the Food Network 11. Hydroelectric

project 16. Chapter in history 20. Bubkes 22. Chew the fat 23. Arrangement 25. Song, "It's to Tell a Lie" 26. Dynamic beginning 27. Black bird 28. Prod or poke 29. Hawkeye actor

30. First name in jeans 32. Give a darn 34. Peter of dA Shot in the Dark" 38. Actress Carrie 39. Coen or Hawke 43. Established 45. Quick haircut 47. Andes capital 48. Tampa Bay

player Longoria

















12 17 18

19 21








38 42

colors 50







49. Like some 50. Reality show, "— Wives" 51. "— Got a Secret" 52. Mr. Kercheval 54. Poetry's Before 55. Stephen King's "Salem's —"







© 2012 UFS, Dist. by Univ. Uclick for UFS

Common symbols: A: In stereo «; Closed captioning iTV: Interactive TV program N: Program is new PA: Parental advisory DVS: Descriptive video service El: Educational/ instructional D: Dialogue L:Language S: Sexual situations V: Violence HD scheduling, please note: Schedulesarebased on standard-definition (SD) channels. High-definition (HD) channelsmay vary by threehours when aWestCoast programming feedis not available toyourTV provider. Please refer to your provider's interactive TV guidefor detailed HD channelschedules

TV • PAGE 3 *In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/Black Butte (Digital); PM-Prineville/Madras; SR-Sunriver; L-La Pine

THE BULLETIN • NO VEMBER 10 — 16, 2012




e I Good Morning America (N) «


Today GroceriChri es; stinaAguilera. (N) n cc

e II




• II


KATU News This Morning - Sat (N) n «

Noodle andDoo- Pajanimals (N)

dle (N)(El)'Y'

(EI) 'Y'

(5:00) CBSThis Morning: Saturday Doodlebops (El) Doodlebops (El) Busytown Myster Busytown Myster "/' cc 'Y' cc (N) n cc ies n (El) 'Y' ies n (El) 'Y' Jack Hanna's WildOcean Mysteries KOHD gy gy gy gyPaidProgram AnimalAdven- GoodMorningAmerica(N) « tures With Jeff Corwin (ABC) Countdown Paid Program Awesome Adven. Wild About Ani- Jack Hanna's Into Eco Company(N) KFXO gi) IEI @ IEI Paid Program 'G' cc (FOX) tures (El) 'G' m a ls 'G' cc the Wild 'G' Curious George 'Y' Cat in the Hat Super Why! 'Y' « SciGirls n 'G' cc KOAB ~ gy ~ gy SesameStreet(N) n'Y' «(DVS) cc(DVS) (PBS) Kno w s a Lot (DVS) NewsChannel 8 atSunrise at 6:00 NewsChannel 8 at Sunrise at 7:00 AM(N) « KGW (NBC) AM(N) « Rescue Heroes n Rescue Heroes n Sonic X n 'Y7' cc Power Rangers KTVZDT2IEI ~ gy @ Zumba Dance 'G' Paid Program (El) 'G' cc (El) 'G' cc Lost Galaxy 'Y7 (CW) OPBPL 175 17 3 B B C Newsnight Washington W'k Asia Biz Great Decisions Scully: World I n side Wash'ton KBNZ











College Football RegionalCoverage lowaState at Texasor Miami at Virginia or Louisville at Syracuse. (N)(Live) «

Poppy Cat (El) 'Y' Justin Time (El) 'Y' LazyTown n (El) The Wiggles 'Y' cc

(EI) 'Y'

Natural Pain Re- Red Bull Signature lief 'G' Series (N)

College Football Arkansasat South Carolina(N) (Live) « College Football RegionalCoverage lowaState at Texasor Miami at Virginia or Louisville at Syracuse. (N)(Live) «

Teen Kids News Cindy Crawford's Deep Cleanat1/2 Paid Program Kitchen System! FOX CollegeSat. (N) 'G' cc the price! urday (N) It's Sew Easyn Emissaries of Peace n 'G' «(DVS) The Victory Gar- P. Allen Smith's Sewing With 'G' cc den Hot 'G' Ga r den Home Nancy 'G' « Poppy Cat(El) 'Y' Justin Time(El) 'Y' LazyTown n (El) Hoover WindTun- Fast One-Pot Red Bull Signature "/' cc nel 'G' Cooking Series (N) Iron Man: ArmoredJustice League WWE Saturday Dragon Ball Z Kai Yu.Gi-Oh! n Yu.Gi-Oh! Zexal "/7' cc Adv. Unlimited 'Y7' Mormng Slam n Y7 cc (N) cc McLaughlin Tru th-Money W e althTrack B i z Kid$ n 'G' C l inton: American Experience 'PG'

Cindy C.-Ageless Flip This HouseWinterweather may Flip This House A Spanish-style bunga Flip This HouseTheMontelongoBunch Flipping BostonThepartners can't get Flipping Boston NoGoodDeed... Dave B e auty delay a renovation. 'PG' cc low in LosAngeles. 'PG' Update aretro house. 'PG' on the samepage. 'PG' cc tries to helpout a friend. 'PG' The Rifleman The Rifleman 'G' «The Rifleman The Rifleman Gun ** NGunsmokeN(1953) AudieMurphy,Susan Cabot.An (9:45) ** o/00 Rifles" (1969,Western) Jim Brown,RaquelWelch, Burt Reynolds. AnArizona lawmanis 'AMC Mark's Rifle 'G' SqueezePlay'G Shy 'G' outlaw takes aranch jobandfalls in love. caught in theYaqui-Mexicanconflict. « *ANPL 68 50 26 38 Big CatDiary'G' BigCatDiary'G' It's MeortheDogn'PG' cc Must LoveCats n 'PG Cats101 n 'PG' cc Bad Dog! n 'PG' cc Bad Dog! Houdinis n 'G' cc BRAVO 137 4 4 Th e Real Housewives of Atlanta W h at Happens Real Housewives/Beverly 10 Things Happy Start-Ups: Silicon Valley Top Chef: Seattle '14 What Happens LOLwork CMT 190 32 42 53 CMTMusicn'PG' CMT Music n 'PG' CMT Music n 'PG' CMT Music n 'PG CMT Music n 'PG CMT Insider 'PG' Top 20 Count. CNBC 54 36 40 52 DeepClean Cindy Crawford Medicare Brethe New Keurig C a rol Burnett Lifetime Knives DeepClean Humana No Defrosting Insane Bodies! Top Kitchen! CNN 55 38 35 48 Sat. Morning Y o ur Bottom C N N Saturday Morning (N) CNN Newsroom(N) Your Money(N) CNN Newsroom(N) COM 135 53 135 47 Paid Program Paid Program DeepClean Top Kitchen! C o medy Central Comedy Central(8:58) ** NConeheadsN(1993) DanAykroyd,Jane Curtin. « (10:58) Futurama (11:28) Futurama COTV 11 (5:30) City Club of Central Oregon Desert Cooking Oregon Joy of Fishing Journal Get Outdoors V i sions of NW Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program HS Football CSPAN 61 20 12 11 (4:00) Washington Journal Washington ThisWeek W ashington ThisW eek 'DIS 87 43 14 39 Little Einsteins * * " The LionKing ll: Simba's Pride"(1998)n Mickey Mouse Never Land Phineas, Ferb Phineas, Ferb Gravity Falls 'Y7' Fish Hooks 'G' Gravity Falls 'Y7' Jessie n 'G' *DISC 156 21 16 37 PaidProgramn PaidProgramn Supersmile 'PG' New Keurig Lif e time Knives Nutribullet Alaska: TheLast Frontier n '14' A m erican Chopper n 'PG' cc JesseJames:Outlaw Garage'14' *E! 136 2 5 Cin dy Crawford WEN Hair Care * "Because/Said So"(2007)DianeKeaton,MandyMoore The Soup '14' A - List Listings E! News (N) Fashion Police '14' ESPN 21 23 22 23 SportsCenter(N) (Live) cc College GameDayFromSanDiego. (N) (Live) cc College Football Northwestern atMichigan(N) (Live) ESPN2 22 24 21 24 (5:25)NFLLive NFLKickoff College Football Wisconsin atIndiana (N)(Live) (6:55) English Premier LeagueSoccer Arsenal FCvsFulham FC(N) N ESPNC 23 25 123 25 30 for 30 30 for 30 (8:45) *** E/evate (2011, Documentary) (10:15) 30for 30 The Fab Five ESPNN 24 63 124203 SportsNation S p ortsNation SportsCenter « SportsCenter « SportsCenter « SportsCenter a« Mel: TheRoyal Wedding" (2006) LukeMably "AnotherCinderellaStory" (2008)Selena Gomez,DrewSeeley "CinderellaStory" FAM 67 29 19 41 HooverWind T o p Kitchen! ** "Prince and FNC 57 61 36 50 (3:00)FOXandFriendsSaturday Bulls and Bears Cavuto/Business Forbes on FOX Cashin' In (N) America's NewsHeadquarters (N) America's NewsHeadquarters (N) The Journal Editorial Report (N) n *FOOD 17762 98 44 BoxofMiracles Say No to Botox! Guy's Big Bite Thanksgiving Best- Made Be s t Thing Ate Sandwich King Home Made Best Dishes Pioneer Wo Trisha's Sou. G i ada at Home FX 131 TommieCopper Dirty House? 'G How I Met How I Met How I Met How I Met Two/Half Men Two/Half Men Two/Half Men College Football Co lorado atArizona(N)(Live) HGTV 176 49 33 43 Dr. Perricone Top Kitchen! Leave-Bryan E l bow Room 'GBuying ' and Selling 'G' « Property Bro P r operty Bro Bath Crashers Bath Crashers Yard Crashers Kitchen Crash. *HIST 155 42 41 36 Cooktop You Breathe! Modern Marvels HuntingGear 'G' Outback Hunters ManEaters '14' Outback Hunters BadMoon'14' Outback HuntersRevenge'PG' American Restoration 'PG' cc LIFE 138 39 20 31 HooverWind Octaspring Ma Muffin Top? S u perFood Derm Exclusive New You! Z umba Fit Barr e Paid Program WEN Hair Care Old Christine O l d Christine MSNBC 59 59 128 51 (5:00) UpW/Chris Hayes(N) Melissa Harris-Perry (N) WeekendsWith Alex Witt Livenewscoverage. (N) MSNBCLive (N) ***"Catfish" (2010,Documentary)n MTV 192 22 38 57 True Life I Have a Strange Habit Jersey Shore n 14 « Jersey Shore n '14' « Made ProfessionalWrestler 'PG' NICK 82 46 24 40 ThePenguins T hePenguins Odd Parents O d d Parents SpongeBob S p ongeBob Spongegob S p ongeBob Sp ongeBob Sp ongeBob TeenageMut. Kung Fu Panda Dr. Phil n 'PG' « Dr. Phil n 'PG' « Home Made Simple (N)'G' « Disappeared n 'PG' « DisappearedFavorite Son n 'PG' OWN 161103 31 103 Dr. Philn'PG' cc ROOT 20 45 28* 26 Cooktop EasyMeals Relieve pain Never-Rake Pain Free Men: Triverex College Football Kansasat TexasTech (N)(Live) SPIKE 132 31 34 46 PaidProgramn TommieCopper Cook Safe Paid Programn Paid Programn EasyMeals Xtreme 4x4'G' HorsepowerTV Trucks!(N)'G MuscleCar 'G' Ink Master Trick or Freak n '14' SYFY 133 35 133 45 Tommie Copper Zumba Fit Cook Safe New Keurig Humana DeepClean Viral Video Total Blackout Total Blackout GhostVoyage" (2008)Antonio SabatoJr. '14' « TBN 205 60 130 The Lads TV (El) Auto B. Good 'G Come onOver Mary.Hopkins Lassie 'G' cc V e ggieTales 'Y' 3-2-1 Penguins! God Rocks! 'Y Monstertruck Davey 8 Goliath Ishine Knect 'G Insp. Station The Jeff Foxwor The Jeff Foxwor- My NameIs Earl According to Jim Are WeThereYet? Tyler Perry's MeetTyler Perry's According to Jim Everybody Loves Everybody Loves Everybody Loves * "Fool'sGo/d 'TBS 'PG' '14' cc n 'PG' cc n 'PG' cc thy Show 'PG' thy Show 'PG' the Browns House of Payne Raymond Raymond Raymond (2008) *** "Cornered" (1945)Dick Powell. A vengeful Canadian (7:45) ** "FiveLittlePeppers afHome"(1940, Comedy *** "TheSaintStrikes Back"(1939) (10:15) **** "KingKong" (1933)FayWray. A giant ape escapesandcarries a TCM airman seeks aNazi war criminal. cc Drama) EdithFellows,DorothyAnnSeese. George Sanders. « blonde upthe EmpireState Building. «(DVS) *TLC 178 34 32 34 Hoover Wind N o Defrosting Z u mba Dance TRIA Top Kitchen! n Say No to Botox! Property Ladder n 'G' es Property Ladder n 'G' « Property Ladder n 'G' « Law & Order Awhite teen ismurdered Law & Order ATV showlures sus- Law & Order SavagesProsecutors split Law & Order Acomic's babyis dropped Franklin & BashKarpworkswith Pindar Rizzoli & Isles JaneandMaura investi *TNT in Harlem. '14' «(DVS) pected pedophiles. n '14' on death penalty. n 'PG' from a window. n '14' on a case. '14' « gate a murder. '14' « *TOON 84 Looney Tunes Looney Tunes Scan2Go NinjaGo: Mstrs Beyblade: Metal Pokemon BW Ben 10 Star Wars: Clone Dragons: Riders Dragons:Riders JohnnyTest'Y7' Johnny Test'Y7 *TRAV 179 51 45 42 HenryRifles Superfood Whe n Vacations Attack 'PG' « Mys t eries at the Museum 'PG Travel Like a President 'G' cc Bizarre Foods/Zimmern Mysteries at the Museum'PG TVLND 65 47 29 35 Roseannen'G' (6:36) Roseanne (7:12) Roseanne NoTalking n 'G' (7:48) Roseanne (8:24) Roseanne Roseanne'PG' (9:36) Roseanne (10:12) RoseanneHair 'PG' cc Roseanne'PG' Roseanne 'PG' *** "Ocean'sThirteen"(2007) USA 15 30 23 30 CookSafe SayNotoBotox! NoDefrosting C ookSafe Zum b aFit No.1 Kitchen Burn Notice DesperateMeasures; Means& Ends'PG' « VH1 191 48 37 54 JumpStartn'PG' Jump Start n 'PG' Jump Start n 'PG' Top 20 Video Countdown (N)'PG' Top 20 Video Countdown (N) 'PG' ** "Black Knight" (2001)n *A&E

30 26 1 6 32 Zumba Fitness 3-For-FREE


106 401306401 ** "Batman Returns"1992,Action Michael Keaton. n 'PG-13' « ShanghaiKngts (8:15) **** "Babe"1995,DramaJames Cromwell. n 'G' « (9:50) *** "Babe:Pigin theCity"1998'G' « **"WorkingTrash"1990GeorgeCarlin. « * * * NHclShots!"1991 Charlie Sheen.'PG-13 104204104120(500) ** "HelloGoodbye"1970 (8:45) **"TheManWithOneRedShoe"1985Tom Hanks.'PG' sa

UFC Fight Night UFC:Franklin vs. LeFromCotai Arenain Macao,China. (N)(Live) UFC PostFight Show(N)(Live) U F C Unrestricted (N) UFC Unleashed 28 301 27 301 EuropeanPGATour Golf BarclaysSingaporeOpen,Third RoundFromSingapore Golf Central P G A Tour Golf HALL 66 33 175 33 "The TownChristmas Forgot" (2010, Drama)LaurenHolly. 'PG' « A ChristmasVisitor" (2002)Wiliam Devane,Meredith Baxter. 'PG' « Debbie Macomber'sMrs.Miracle" (2009)JamesVanDer Beek. 'PG N HBO 425 501 425501 CedarRapids 'R' Section 60: Arlington National ** "HappyGilmoreN 1996 AdamSandler. 'PG-13' ** Mr.Bean'sHoliday" 2007RowanAtkinson. 'G' (10:45) *** "The Girl"2012 TobyJones. n cc IFC 105 10 5 T h ree Stooges Three Stooges * * "Star Trek: TheMotion Picture" 1979, ScienceFiction Wiliam Shatner. 'PG (9:45) *** "StarTrekll: The Wrathof Khan" 1982Wiliam Shatner. 'PG MAX 400508 508 (605) ***"Quiz Show"1994, Docudrama John Turturro, Rob Morrow. n 'PG13' « Chronicles ofNarnia: DawnTreader (10:15) **"HorribleBosses" 2011Jason Bateman. n 'NR' cc NBCSN 27 58 30 209 Hunting TV Wor l d Whitetail BucksTecomate RealHunti ng Winchester Leg. Outdoorsman College Football Harvard atPennsylvania(N) (Live) Alaska StateTroopers'14 NGC 157 157 A l aska State Troopers '14 DoomsdayPreppers BuggedOut Border Wars '14 Border WarsFenceJumpers '14' Border Wars '14' NTOON 89 115189115 Supah Ninjas 'G' Supah Ninjas 'G Power Rangers Power Rangers Monsuno n 'Y7' Wild Grinders n Wild Grinders n Planet Sheen n Planet Sheen n Dragonball GT Avatar: Air. Ava tar: Air OUTD 37 307 43 307 Whitetail Mag. Sasquatch Commander F u rtakers Midway USA's Benelli's Gold Fever Alaskan Hunt Masters Scouting, Adv. Reel, Outdoors SHO 5 00 5 0 0 "Touching Home"2008, DramaEd Harris, Brad Dourif. n 'PG-13' « Inside the NFL n 'PG' « Inside NASCAR * NLoosiesN 2011 PeterFacinelli. n 'PG-13' « ** Vanity Fair 2004 PG-13 SPEED 35 303125303Gearz' 14' Hot Rod TV '14' HotRodTV'PG' GuysGarage The 10 '14' NAS CAR Racing NASCARRacing NASCARLive NASCAR Racing N STARZ 300408300408BadTeacher' R' ** "Duple x"2003 Ben Stiller.n 'PG-13'« (8:05) ** "JuSt GOWith lf 2011 AdamSandler. n 'PG-13' cc (10:05) **"Click"2006, ComedyAdamSandler. n 'PG-13' « N N N N * Dogboys o1998 BryanBrown. n 'NR' « TMC 5 25 5 2 5 in My S/eep" 2009Philip Winchester. 'PG-13' « (7:45) *** "The Devil's Arithmetic"1999 Kirsten Dunst. n « (11:05) ** Skate/and 2010 n N N *WE 143 41 174118 Humana Zumba Dance * * "Overboard" 1987,ComedyGoldie Hawn,Kurt Russell, Edward Herrmann.'PG * * * Mrs. Doublfire 1993, ComedyRobinWiliams, Sally Field, PierceBrosnan. 'PG 34




i"' " ' " ' "'""""' ~


THE BULLETIN • NO VEMBER 10 — 16, 2012 *In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/Black Butte (Digital); PM-Prineville/Madras; SR-Sunriver; L-La Pine

««~ I



College Football College Football RegionalCoverage PennState at Nebraskaor West Virginia atOklahomaState. (N) (Live) «

KTVZ 0 Q 0 Q

(1 1:30) Red BullMLS SoccerConferenceFinal: TeamsTBA(N)n (Live) cc Signature Series College FootballCollege Football TexasA&Mat Alabama(N)(Live) «



Men's Health: P aid Program Prostate Health


l l





Steam Cleanfor a Recipe.TV n College Football Notre Dame at Boston Healthy Home 'PQ' cc College(N) (Live) « Fast One-Pot Breakthrough in Extra(N) n PG cc

Bra Design 'G' Explore the North-Paid Program CBS Evening (CBS) Jarod Miller west News (N) cc College Football Gameday College Football NotreDameat Boston KOHD O O O O CollegeFootball College Football RegionalCoverage PennState at Nebraskaor West Virginia atOklahomaState. (N) (Live) « College(N) (Live) « (ABC) egon State atStanford(N) n (Live) cc FOX CollegeSat College Football KansasState at TexasChristian (N) n (Live) cc KFXO gi) IE) @ IEI College Football Or (FOX) urday (N) Woodsmith Shop Hometime (N) Ask This Old T h is Old House (N)TheLawrence KOAB Q Q ~ gy Fons & Porter's Quilting Arts n Martha Stewart's America's Test Simply Ming n MotorWeek (N) n Woodwright's 'Q' cc 'Q' cc 'Q' cc n'G' cc 'Q' cc Shop n 'G' Welk Show 'G' (PBS) Love of Quilting Cooking School Kitchen House(N)n G G cc (11:30) RedBull MLS SoccerConferenceFinal: TeamsTBA(N)n (Live) « Portable Cook The Wiggles Noodle andDoo- Pajanimals (N) NewsChannel 8 at 5PM(N) cc KGW top 'G' Signature Series (NBC) (EI) Y dle (N)(El)'Y' (El)'Y' Tyler Perry's Tyler Perry's Meet ** NElizabelhfownN(2005, Comedy-Drama) Orlando Bloom,Kirsten Dunst, SusanSarandon. Aflight KTVZDT2IEI Q Q Ijci ChatRoom n (El) On the Spot (N) n Star Wars: TheClone WarsPersonal Tyler Perry's 'Q' cc (El) 'G' « attachments. 'PG' House of Payne House of Payne the Browns attendant helps amanget back on track. « (CW) OPBPL 175 173 C l inton: American Experience 'PGWild! n 'G' cc (DVS) Nature n 'G' cc (DVS) Wildlife Safaris n 'PG' cc Richard Bangs' Adventures Julia Child Cooking Class KBNZ 0 Q Q Q

Cooking Exploration W/

***"ThePelicanBrief" (1993, Suspense)Julia Roberts, DenzelWashington, SamShepard. Aninquisitive law student Parking Wars Parking Wars Parking Wars Parking Wars 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc becomesthetarget of assassins. cc N N (12:15) *** Two Mulesfor Sister Sara" (1970,Western) Shirley MacLaine, Clint Eastwood,Manolo (2:45) ***"The Shoofis! (1976, Western)JohnWayne, LaurenBacall, JamesStewart. Peoplepester ** "Earthquake"(1974) Charlton Hes'AMC Fabregas. ProfaneSister Saragetsdesert drifter to attackfort. « old, dying gunfighter. « ton, Ava Gardner.ac c *ANPL 68 50 26 38 BadDog! n'PG' « My Cat FromHell n 'PG' cc My Cat FromHell Cat Fight! 'PG My Cat FromHell Pissed Off! 'PG Too Cute! n 'PG' cc Too Cute! n'PG' cc BRAVO 137 4 4 Th e Real Housewives of Atlanta B i g Rich Texas '14 The Real Housewives of Miami The Real Housewives of Miami Start-Ups: Silicon Valley Real Housewives/Beverly A N Reba 'PG' cc R e ba 'PG' cc Reba 'PG' cc R e ba 'PG' cc Reba 'PG' « ** RV (2006, Comedy) CMT 190 32 42 53 (11:30)Top20Countdownn'PG' RobinWiliams. n « CNBC 54 36 40 52 Medicare Paid Program Ck 3x Faster P a id ProgramWEN HairCare Humana Carol Burnett J o hnny Cash Money in Motion How I, Millions Ultimate Factories Frito Lay CNN 55 38 35 48 (11:00)CNNNewsroom(N) Sanjay Gupta CNN Newsroom(N) The Situation Room CNN Newsroom(N) CNN Presents 'PG' « N N COM 135 53 135 47 (11:58) Futurama (12:28) Futurama (12:58) Futurama (1:28) Futurama (1:58) * "Saving Si/verman (2001) Jason Biggs, Steve Zahn.cc (3:58) ** "Austin Powersin Qoldmember(2002) MikeMyers. « COTV 11 (11:30) High School Football Playoffs: TeamsTBA Joy of Fishing Journal Get Outdoors Visions of NW City Club of Central Oregon CSPAN 61 20 12 11 (11:00) Washington ThisWeek Communicators W ashington ThisWeek N 'DIS 87 43 14 39 **"TheAdventureso/SharkboyandLavagir/ n Good-Charlie A u stin & Ally 'G' Shake It Up! 'G' Wizards-Place Wizards-Place Jessie 'G' « Jes s ie 'G' « Goo d -Charlie Au s tin & Ally 'G' *DISC 156 21 16 37 Fighting TunaCapeCodBay '14' F i ghting Tuna George's Bank'14' A l aska: The Last Frontier n '14 Alaska: TheLast Frontier n 'PG Alaska: TheLast Frontier n '14' M o onshiners n '14' cc *E! 136 2 5 Ic e Loves Coco Ice Loves Coco The E! True Hollywood Story '14' T h e E! True Hollywood Story '14' T o o Young to Kill: 15 Shocking Crimes '14' Ice Loves Coco Ice Loves Coco ESPN 21 23 22 23 College Football Countdown NA SCAR Racing Nationwide Series: GreatClips 200(N) (Live) College Football College Football MississippiState at LSU(N) (Live) ESPN2 22 24 21 24 CollegeFootball CollegeFootballPennStateatNebraskaorWestVirginiaatOklahomaState(N)(Live) College Football College Football Georgia atAuburn(N) (Live) ESPNC 23 25 123 25 (11:30) TheFabFive cc The Street Stops Here n 'PG' cc 30for30cc Push: Madison VersusMadison" ESPNN 24 63 124203 SportsCenter « SportsCenter « SportsCenter « SportsCenter (N)(Live)D cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) « **"Ell aEnchanted"(2004)AnneHathaway,HughDancy. ** "ThePrincess Diaries" (2001,Comedy)Julie Andrews, AnneHathaway. FAM 67 29 19 41 "CinderellaStory" Princess Diar. 2 FNC 57 61 36 50 FOXNewsWatch(N) America's NewsHeadquarters (N) America's NewsHeadquarters (N) FOX Report (N) Huckabee(N) *FOOD 17762 98 44 ChoppedFourfirefighters battle Challenge Restaurant: Impossible Restaurant Stakeout Diners, Drive Iron Chef America Next Iron Chef FX 131 (10:30) CollegeFootball ColoradoatArizona(N) (Live) Two/Half Men * * "GhostRider"(2007)NicolasCage. Amotorcycle stuntmanis a supernatural agentof vengeance Ben and Katen HGTV 176 49 33 43 HouseCrashers HouseCrashers LoveltorListlt'G' « Income Property Income Property Income Property Income Property Income Property Income Property Income Property Income Property *HIST 155 42 41 36 Restoration Re s toration Res toration Res toration Restoration R e s toration Re s toration Re s toration Restoration Restoration Restoration Restoration LIFE 138 39 20 31 * "An Accidental Christmas" (2007)Cynthia Gibb, David Milbern. « "Christmas cnChestnut Street" (2006, Drama)Kristen Dalton. 'PG' « "Crazy for Christmas" (2005)AndreaRoth, HowardHesseman.cc MSNBC 59 59 128 51 MSNBCLive(N) MSNBCLive (N) Caught on Camera Caught onCameraManvs.Nature Caught on Camera Lockup: RawIntimacy in prison MTV 192 22 38 57 HowlMadelt 1 0 o n Top'PG Jersey Shore n '14' « Jersey Shore n '14' « Awkward. '14' (3:31) Awkward. (4:02) Awkward. (4:33) Awkward (5:05) Awkward. (5:36) Awkward NICK 82 46 2440 ThePenguins Robot, Monster Power Rangers SpongeBob Kung Fu Panda Kung Fu Panda The Adventures of JimmyNeutron The Fairly OddParents 'Y' cc SpongeBob S p ongeBob Disappeared n 'PG'ac c DisappearedDarkWaters n 'PG' Disappearedn PG « Disappeared n 'PG' « DisappearedRoyalSecrets n 'PG OWN 161 103 31 103 Disappeared n 'PG' cc ROOT 20 45 28* 26 College Football College Football PortlandState at MontanaState (N) (Live) College Football SouthernMississippi at Southern Methodist (N)(Live) N SPIKE 132 31 34 46 (12:01)lnkMastern'14'« (1:01) **** NGoodFellas (1990) Robert DeNiro, RayLiotta. AnIrish-Italian hoodjoins the1950s NewYork Mafia. n (4:45) ** "Payback"(1999,Action) MelGibson. n * "GhostTown"(2009)Jessica Rose.'14' « SYFY 133 35 133 45 Ghost Voyage "Haunted High"(2012)DannyTrejo, CharismaCarpenter. '14' « Houseo/Bones"(2010) CharismaCarpenter, Corin Nemec. '14' « TBN 205 60130 Paws & Tal Chr. World News NC/ancyN(2009, Drama)Christina DawnFougnie, JeffersonMoore In Touch With Dr. Charles Stanley es Heroes & Le g ends of Bi b l e Gaither: Precious Memori es N N Fool'sGoldN(2008,Action)MatthewMcCo(1:45)** TheHearfbreakKid"(2007,Comedy)BenStiller,MichelleMonaghan,JerryStiller.AmanFriendsn'14'« F riendsn'14'« Friends n (Part1 Friends n (Part 2 'TBS 6 27 11 2 8 (11:30)* naughey, KateHudson,DonaldSutherland.« realizes hemayhave marriedtoo hastily. « of 2) '14' cc of 2) '14' cc (12:15) ** "Reflectionsin a GoldenEye" (1967) ElizabethTaylor. Armymajor with (2:15) *** "The Flightol the Phoenix" (1965,Adventure) JamesStewart, Richard Attenborough, Peter Finch.Crashsurvi **** "Dinner atEight" (1933) Marie TCM lusty wife feelshomosexual in1940sSouth. « vors build a planefromthe wreckage. Dressler. «(DVS) *TLC 178 34 32 34 PropertyLaddern'G'« Untold Stories of the E.R. n '14 Untold StoriesNof the E.R. n '14' U n t old Stories of the E.R. n '14' U n t old Stories of the E.R. n '14 Untold Stories of the E.R. n '14 2 (2008, Action)Jackie Chan,Jet Li. AnAmerican * !0,000 B.C. (2008, Adventure)StevenStrait, Camilla Belle. A prehistoric man *** "King Kong" (2005,Adventure) NaomiWatts, Jack Black,Adrien Brody.A *TNT 17 26 15 27 ** "TheForbidden Kingdom" teen journeysback intimeto ancient China. « must save his belovedfromevil warlords. cc beauty tames asavage beast. cc *TOON 84 Johnny Test 'Y7' Wrld, Gumball Wrld, Gumball MAD 'PG Annoying Ann o ying Adve nture Time Adventure Time Adventure Time NinjaGo: Mstrs NinjaGo: Mstrs Regular Show *TRAV 179 51 45 42 Manv.Food'G' Manv.Food'G' Manv.Food'G' Manv.Food'G Toy Hunter 'PG' Toy Hunter 'PG' Dangerous Grounds Haiti 'PG' Bacon Paradise 2 'PG' « Hamburger Paradise 2 'G' « PG' Roseanne 'PG' Roseanne 'PG' Roseanne n 'G' Roseannen 'G' Roseanne n 'G' Roseanne n 'G' Roseanne 'PG' Roseanne 'PG' Roseanne 'PG' The Cosby Show The Cosby Show TVLND 65 47 29 35 Roseanne ' USA 15 30 23 30 (11:00) *** "Ocean's Thirteen"(2007)« (1:33) ** "NationalTreasure:Booko/Secrets" (2007) Nicolas Cage, Jon Voight. « Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit VH1 191 48 37 54 (11:00) ** "BlackKnight" (2001) T . l . and Tiny T .l . and Tiny B eh i nd the Music T.l. T.l. n '14' B as k etball Wives LA n '14' Basketball Wives LA n '14' Basketball Wives LA n '14 *A&E

Fhpping Boston (N)'PG' «

** "Robin Hood: Prince o/ Thieves" 1991,Adventure Kevin Costner. n 'PG-13' « ** "Batman Returns" 1992,ActionMichael Keaton. n 'PG-13' « N ** "Ther e'sSomethingAboutMary"1998,Romance-ComedyCameronDiaz.'R'« ** BigMomma'sHouse"2000 UFC Tonight '14' UFC Prefight Show UFC Fight Night UFC:Franklin vs. Le 28 301 27 301 PGATourGolf EuropeanPGATour Golf Barclays SingaporeOpen,Third Round Golf Central (N) PGA Tour Golf Children's MiracleNetworkHospitals Classic, Third Roundcc ** "Si/verBells" (2005, Drama)AnneHeche, Tate Donovan. 'G' « HALL 66 33 175 33 "ChristmasSong" (2012)Natasha Henstridge, Gabriel Hogan. 'G' « Love atthe Thanksgiving DayParade" (2012)AutumnReeser. 'G' « HBO 425501 425501(12:15)Witness (12:45) ** NMr.PoppedsPenguins" 2011JimCarrey. n 'PG' cc ** "KnightandDay"2010, Action TomCruise. n 'PG-13' « * "Alvin and the Chipmunks: Chipwrecked" 2011 ** "StarTrekGenerations" 1994, ScienceFiction Patrick Stewart, Wiliam Shatner. 'PG *** "Star Trek:Firsl Contact IFC 105 105 (12:15) *** "StarTrekllk TheSearch for Spock"1984 Wiliam Shatner. 'PG * "TheFourthKind"2009 Mila Jovovich. 'PG-13' MAX 400508 508 ** "Gossi p"2000 James Marsden.n 'R'cc (3:10) *** NDie Hard2"1990, Action BruceWilis. n 'R' cc (5:15) ** "HorribleBosses" 2011 NBCSN 27 58 30 209 College Football College Football Air Force atSanDiego State (N)(Live) College Football BoiseState atHawaii (N) (Live) Alaska StateTroopers '14 NGC 157 157 B o rder Wars Hidden Tunnel '14' Bor der Wars '14 Border Wars '14 SEALTeam Six:TheRaidonOsamabinLaden"(2012),AnsonMount NTOON 89 115 189 115 Avatar: Air. Ava t ar: Air. T.U.F.F .Puppy T.U.F.F.Puppy Back, Barnyard Back, Barnyard Wild Grindersn Planet Sheenn T.U.F.F.Puppy T.U.F.F.Puppy Odd Parents Odd Parents OUTD 37 307 43 307 RealTree's Red Arrow Out doors SOL O Hunters Steve's Outdoor Best of West T e am Elk Outdoorsman Michaels MRA Grateful Nation Trophy Hunt Jimmy Big Time SHO 500 500 (11:00) ** "Vanity Fair" 2004ReeseWitherspoon (1:35) *** "ThePreacher's Wife" 1996Denzel Washington. 'PG' (3:45) **"The TwilightSaga:Eclipse" 2010,RomanceKristen Stewart. n 'PG-13' « SPEED 35 303125303NASCAR Racing Porsche Cup Lucas OilOffRoad Raci ngReno Monster Jam On the Edge Test Drive NAS CAR Racing K&N Pro Series: Phoenix(N) (Live) N 2 N 2 ** Dup/ex 2003 Ben STARZ 300 408 300408 ** BadTeacher" 2011Cameron Diaz. n 'R' « (1:35) *** 2! Jump Street" 2012,ComedyJonahHill. n 'R' « Stiller. n 'PG-13' « (5:05) ** "Click"2006 'PG-13' N 2 N **"The Storyo/Us"1999Bruce Willis. 'R' « TMC 525 52 5 * * S kale/and (12:45) * Bio-Dome 1996, Comedy PaulyShore. n 'PG-13' « ** The WalkingDead"1995, WarAllen Payne.'R' (5:45) XfraCredit N *WE 143 41 174118Mrs. Doubt/ire * * " W here theHeart ls 2000, Comedy-DramaNatalie Portman,Ashley Judd. 'PG-13 To Be Announced W eddingDav.:Unveiled W edding. Dav.:Unveiled ENCR FMC FUEL GOLF

106401 306401(11:30) *** "ShanghaiKnights" 2003 'PG-13' «

N 104204104120 * Me,Myself & Irene"2000,ComedyJim Carrey, ReneeZellweger. 'R' acc 34 UFC Primetime The Ultimate Fighter n '14' Best of PRIDE Fighting

TV • PAGE 5 *In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/Black Butte (Digital); PM-Prineville/Madras; SR-Sunriver; L-La Pine

THE BULLETIN • NO VEMBER 10 — 16, 2012


c I II (5:00) CollegeFootball NotreDameat BostonCollege (N)(Live) « c II








'PG' cc

Storage Wars 'PQ' cc

Storage Wars

'PQ' cc

Cash Cabn 'PQ' cc

Parking Wars(N) Parking Wars (N) Billy the Extermi- Billy the Extermi- (11:01) Billy the (11:31) Billy the 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc nator(N) nato r (N ) Exte r minator E x terminator (5:00) ** "Earthquake" (1974, Suspense) Charlton Heston, AvaGardner. An * * "P oseidon" (2006, Adventure)JoshLucas, Kurt Russell, Jacinda Barrett. Pre- ** "The PoseidonAdventure" (1972) GeneHackman, Ernest Borgnine. Peopleon 'AMC architect tries torescuehis wife after anearthquake. « miere. A luxuryliner capsizes in the NorthAtlantic. « a ship capsized by a tidal wavetry to survive. « *ANPL 68 50 26 38 TooCute!n'G'« Too Cute! n'PG' cc Too Cute! (N) n 'PG Too Cute! KittenCottonballs 'PG' P i t Bulls and Parolees (N) n 'PG' B ully & Sugar: Southern Justice n *** "Meet the Parents" (2000,Comedy)Robert DeNiro, BenStiler. BRAVO 13 44 The Real Housewives of Atlanta T h e Real Housewives of Atlanta *** "Meet the Parents" (2000,Comedy) Robert DeNiro, BenStiller CMT 190 32 42 53 (4:30) ** RV (6:45) * "JoeDirt" (2001,Comedy)David Spade,DennisMiler. Premiere. rr « Redneck Island(N) n 'PG Chainsaw Gang Big TexasHeat Redneck Island n 'PG CNBC 54 36 40 52 TheSuzeOrmanShow(N) « Debt Do UsPart Debt Do Us Part Ultimate Factories 'G' The SuzeOrmanShow « Debt Do UsPart Debt Do Us Part Quit Your Job! Never-Rake CNN 55 38 35 48 Piers Morgan Tonight CNN Newsroom(N) CNN Presents 'PG' « Piers MorganTonight CNN Newsroom(N) CNN Presents 'PG' « Kevin Hart: Laugh at MyPain '14' Daniel Tosh: Completely Serious Az iAnsari: z Dangerously Delicious Chris Hardwick: Mandroid (N)'MA' COM 13 53 135 47 (5:58) * "Grandma's Boy" (2006)Doris Roberts, AllenCovert. « COTV 11 Talk of the Town Local issues. Des e rt Cooking Oregon Joy of Fishing Journal Get Outdoors V i sions of NW The Yoga Show The Yoga Show Talk of the TownLocal issues. CSPAN 61 20 12 11 (4:00) Washington ThisWeek W ashington ThisWeek 'DIS 87 43 14 39 Austin&Ally'G' ShakeltUp!'G Gravity Falls 'Y7' Gravity Falls 'Y7' Dog With a Blog Shake It Up! 'G' Jessie 'G' « Goo d-Charlie S h ake It Up! 'G' Jessie 'G' « Goo d-Charlie P h ineas, Ferb *DISC 15 21 16 37 Moonshiners Rise'nShinen'14 Jungle Gold n 'PG' cc Jungle Gold ShotsFired'PG' cc G o l d Rush The Wrong Claim'PG Gold RushSecretWeapons'PG' G o ld Rush The WrongClaim 'PG *E! ** "Evan Almighty" (2007,Comedy)SteveCarell, MorganFreeman. 13 25 Nic k i Minaj: My A-List Listings E! News IceLovesCoco Ice LovesCoco Fashion Police'14 ESPN 21 23 22 23 CollegeFootball College Football College Football Oregon at California (N)(Live) SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc Football Final ESPN2 22 24 21 24 College Football Georgia atAuburn College Football College Football UCLA at Washington State (N)(Live) College Football Final (N)sccs Drag Racing "Push: MadisonVersusMadison" (2010, Documentary) « ESPNC 23 25123 25 "Push:Madison Versus Madison" Push: MadisonVersusMadison"(2010, Documentary) « 30for30 cc ESPNN 24 63 124203 SportsCenter (N) (Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter « Highlight Express(N) (Live) ** "Charlie St. Cloud" (2010)Zac Efron, AmandaCrew. Premiere ** "TheLast Song"(2010, Drama)Miley Cyrus, GregKinnear. FAM 67 29 19 41 (5:30) ** "ThePrincess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement" (2004) FNC 57 61 36 50 Justice With JudgeJeanine(N) Geraldo at Large n 'PG' cc The Journal Editorial Report cc Ju s tice With Judge Jeanine Geraldo at Large n 'PG' cc Red Eye *FOOD 17 62 98 44 TheNextlronChef: Redemption Restaurant Stakeout Restaurant Stakeout Restaurant Stakeout Restaurant Stakeout Iron Chef America ** "XXX" (2002,Action) Vin Diesel, AsiaArgento. FX 131 Ben and Kate n Ben and Kate n Ben and Kate n Ben and Kate n ** "X-Men Origins:Wolverine" (2009,Action) HughJackman, Liev Schreiber, will.i.am. HGTV 17 49 33 43 High Low Proj. Hunters lnt'I House Hunters Renovation 'G' Love Itor Listlt'G' « Love It or List It 'G' « House Hunters Hunters Int'I House Hunters Hunters Int'I *HIST 15 42 41 36 Restoration Res toration Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' The Men WhoBuilt America JPMorganestablishes abankin NYC.'PG' Pa w n Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' LIFE 13 39 20 31 "ChristmasAngel" (2009) K.C. Clyde, Kari Hawker, Bruce Davison. « TheChristmasConsultant" (2012) DavidHasselhoff. Premiere. 'PG UndercoverChristmas" (2003)Jami Gertz, ShawnChristian. 'PG' « MSNBC 59 59 128 51 Lockup Lockup(N) Lockup: RawThe Devil's Workshop Lockup: RawThe DailyGrind Lockup: Raw InmatesGoneWild Lockup: Raw MTV 192 22 38 57 (6:07) Awkward. (6:38) Awkward (7:10) Awkward. P:41) Awkward (8:12) Awkward. (8:43) Awkward (9:15) Awkward. Resolutions '14 (9:46) Awkward. (10:17) Awkward (10:48) Awkward. (11:20) Awkward NICK 82 46 24 40 SpongeBob S p o ngeBob iCarly 'G' « iCa rly 'G' « iCarly (N) n 'G' Big Time Rush How to Rock 'G' iCarly 'G' cc See DadRun n The Nanny 'PG Friends n 'PG' Friends n 'PG Welcome to Sweetie Pie's n 'PG Welcome toSweetie Pie's (N)'PG lyanla, Fix My Life (N) n Welcome to Sweetie Pie's 'PG' OWN 161 103 31 103Welcome to Sweetie Pie's n 'PG Welcome to Sweetie Pie's n 'PG ROOT 20 45 28* 26 College Football College Football Coloradoat Arizona(N) College Football PortlandState atMontanaState SPIKE 132 31 34 46 (4 45) ** "Payback" (1999) (11:12) ** "Payback"(1999) n n (715) **** "GoodFellas" (1990,CrimeDrama) Robert DeNiro, RayLiotta. AnIrish Italian hoodjoins the1950s NewYork Mafia. n SYFY 13 35 133 45 Ghost Town '14' ** " The Mist"(2007) ThomasJane. A deadly fog engulfs terrified townspeople. « Ghost Storm" (2012)Crystal Allen, CarlosBernard. Premiere. American HorrorHouse" '14' « TBN 205 60130 Hourofpowern'G'cc Billy GrahamClassic Crusades W W IE D-Day &Provi thedence of God The Big Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang Wedding BandPilot Tommy'sex asks Wedding BandPilot Tommy'sexasks 'TBS 16 27 11 28 Theory n 'PG' Theory n 'PG' Theory n 'PG' Theory n 'PG' Theory n '14' Theory n '14' Theory n 'PG Theory n 'PG the band toperform. (N)'MA' the band toperform. 'MA' (1934) Wiliam Powell, MyrnaLoy. Nick andNora Charles *** "TheMoonls Blue" (1953, Comedy)Wiliam Holden, DavidNiven. A playboy *** "GuessWho'sComingto Dinner (5:00) **** "Dinner atEight" (1933) **** "The Thin Man" TCM Marie Dressler. «(DVS) solve a mysterywiththeir dog, Asta. «(DVS) pursues awomansaving herself for marriage. « (1967) SpencerTracy. « *TLC 17 34 32 34 UntoldStoriesoftheE.R.n'14' 2 0/2 0on TLCn'14' « 20/20 on TLCBlood Ties n '14 20/20 on TLC(N) rr '14' s«s 20/20 on TLC(N) o '14' « 20/20 on TLCBloodTies n '14 (4:00) *** "King Kong" (2005)Naomi *** "Transformers" (2007,Action) ShiaLaBeouf, TyreseGibson, Josh Duhamel.Two races of robotswagewar onEarth. ** "Clash oithe Tilans" (2010, Fantasy)SamWorthington, LiamNeeson. Per *TNT cc (DVS) Watts, Jack Black. cc seus, son ofZeus, embarksona dangerous journey. «(DVS) *TOON 84 Regular Show Regular Show ** * "Robots" (2005,Comedy)Voices of EwanMcGregor. Premiere Venture Bros. Family Guy'PG' Famil yGuy'PG' Cleveland Show The Boondocks The Boondocks *TRAV 17 51 45 42Bbq Paradise 2:AnotherRack ' G' Sausage Paradise 'PG'« Ghost Adventures 'PG' « GhostAdventures 'PG'« Ghost Adventures 'PG'« Ghost Adventures 'PG'« TVLND 65 47 29 35 The Cosby Show The Cosby Show The Cosby Show The Cosby Show The Cosby Show The Cosby Show Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond KingofQueens USA 15 30 23 30 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law I Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit CSE Crime SceneInvestigation n VH1 191 48 37 54 BasketballWivesLAn'14 Basketball Wives LA n '14 Chrissy & Jones Chrissy & Jones Chrissy & Jones Chrissy & Jones Behind the Music T.l. T.l. n '14' Beh ind the Music Ne-Yo. n 'PG *A&E 13 28 18 32 Parking 'PQ' cc Wars

Parking Wars

Paid Program

Cash Cabn

Jeopardy! 'G' «Wheel of Fortune KATU Newsat11 Castle Inventing the 'Q' cc (N)o cc Girl n 'PG' help a Chicago Fire OneMinuteChief Boden Law & Order: Special Victims Unit NewsChannel 21 (11:29) Saturday KTVZ O O O O NewsChannel 21NBC Nightly News Jeopardy! 'G' cc Wheel of Fortune Revolution Charlie wants to 'Q' cc (NBC) at 6 (N) cc (N) cc groupofk>ds. rr 14 « faces accusations. rr '14' FriendingEmily Amissing girl. '14' at11 (N) « Nig h t Live '14' Burn Notice Thewrongside of Jamai- New Adventures New Adventures Vegas Money Plays Acraps dealer is CSE CrimeSceneInvestigation CSI 48 Hours Secrets of the RiverThedeath KOIN Local6at11 (11:35) ILove Luc KBNZ 'Q' cc (CBS) can smugglers. 'PG' « of Old Christine of Old Christine murdered. n '14' cc Unplugged'14' cc (DVS) of an aspiringmodel. (N) n (N) cc College Football EntertainmentTonight (N) rr « Pri metime: What Would YouDo? rr News (N) cc C o llege Football KOHD O O O O (5:00) College Football Notre Dame at Boston College (N)(Live) « 'PQ' cc (ABC) Game Night Game Night The Big Bang BonesJudasona PoleBrennan hears News Channel21 Two andaHalf MasterChefTop 11Compete Graham KFXO I(g g} (Kf g) (4:00) CollegeFootball KansasState at TexasChristian (N) (7:40) TheBig (8:10) The Big (FOX) rr (Live) cc Bang Theory '14' Bang Theory n Theory n 'PG' from her long-lost father. '14' First on FOX M en '14' cc participates in achallenge. '14' Masterpiece Mystery! Murdermaybe KOAB ~ gy ~ gy (5:30) The Law- Last of the Sum- Art Wolfe's Trav- Rick Steves' Eu- Globe Trekker Paraguay&Uruguay n My Family Neigh- As Time Goes By New Tricks TheWarAgainst Drugs ' P G' cc (DVS) 'PG' « Brian is in rehab for his alcoholism. (PBS) rence WelkShow mer Wine n 'G' els to the Edge rope 'G' « bour Wars « connected to atheft. n 'PG' NBC Nightly News Trail Blazers HomeNBABasketball San Antonio Spursat PortlandTrail Blazers Fromthe RoseGardenin Portland, Ore. Chicago Fire One Law & Order: Special Victims Unit NewsChannel 8 at (11:29)Saturday KGW Court Night Live '14' (NBC) (N) cc (N) (Live) Minute '14' Fri e nding Emily misAsinggirl. '14' 11(N) cc That'70s Shown That'70s Shown *** "Dick"(1999, Comedy)Kirsten Cops n (Part 2 of Cheaters (N) n '14' cc KTVZDT2 Q ~ gy @ ** "American Yakuzs" (1993, CrimeDrama)Viggo Mortensen, Michael Nouri. An Cops n '14' cc '14' cc 'PQ' cc 2) 'PG' cc undercoveragent infiltrates aJapanese import firm. « Dunst, Michelle Wilkams. « (CW) *** "RoyalWedding"(1951)FredAstaire. OPBPL 175 17 3 M i dsomer Murders 'PG' « Backstage PassTheLashn 'G Xerox Rochester Intl. Jazz Festival AmericanaMusicFestival RoyalWedding KATU

'PQ' cc

Storage Wars Storage Wars 'PQ' cc

'PQ' cc

*** "Open Range"2003,Western Robert Duvall, KevinCostner. rr 'R' « 106 401 306401(6:10) ** "The Quick andtheDead" 1995Sharon Stone. rr 'R' « (10:20) ** "RobinHood:Prince oi Thieves" 1991 *** "Finding Forrssler" 2000, DramaSeanConnery, RobBrown. 'PG-13' « **"Big Momma'sHouse"2000 Martin Lawrence.'PG-13' « FXM Presents 104204104120(5:00) ** "BigMomma'sHouse" 34 UFC Fight Night UFC Post Fight Show UFC Unrestricted UFC Prefight Show UFC Fight Night UFC:Franklin vs. Le

28 301 27 301PGATour Golf Golf Central (N) European PGATour Golf Barclays SingaporeOpen,Final RoundFromSingapore. (N) (Live)

HALL 66 33 175 33 ** "NovemberChristmas" (2010) SamElliott, John Corbett. 'G' « The WishingTree"(2012, Drama)Jason Gedrick. Premiers. 'G' « A ChristmasWish"(2011)Kristy Swanson,TessHarper. 'G' « HBO 425501425501 *** "Game Change"2012,Docudrama Julianne Moore.n cc ** "Tower Heist" 2011 BenStiller. 'PG-13' cc Seth Mitchell (9:45) Boxing ErislandyLaravs. VanesMartirosyan, SuperWelterweight IFC 1 0 1 0 5 (5:00) *** "StarTrek:First Contact"1996'PG-13 Leafher/ace:TheTexasChainsaw Massacre lil" 'R' (9:15) *** "StarTrek:First Contact" 1996, ScienceFiction Patrick Stewart. 'PG-13 Lsafher/acs *** "Chronicle" 2012 DaneDeHaan.'PG-13' cc MAX 400 508 508 (5:15) ** "Horrible Bosses" 2011 * * " Road House" 1989, Action Patrick Swayze. n 'R' cc Hunted Kismet n 'MA' cc Hunted n 'MA' NBCSN 27 58 30 209 (4:00) College Football BoiseState at Hawaii(N ) Coll e ge Football Fresno State at Nevada(N)(Live) Poker After Dark 'PG' « Alaska StateTroopers'14' Alaska StateTroopers '14' NGC 157 157 D oomsday Preppers Bugged Out DoomsdayPreppers BuggedOut DoomsdayPreppersBuggedOut Doomsday PreppersBuggedOut NTOON 89 115189115 Legend-Korra L egend-Korra Wild Grinders n Planet Sheen n Robot, Monster Odd Parents SpongeBob S p ongeBob Legend-Korra Legend-Korra Dragon Ball Z I ron Man: Armor

OUTD 37 307 43 307 Raglin Outdoors Ultimate Hunting SHO 500 500 D e xter DoWrong the Thing 'MA' SPEED 35 303125303 SPEED Center NASCAR Perfor STARZ 300 408 300 408 (5:05) ** "Click"2006 'PG-13 i TMC 525 525 (5:45) Xlra Credil" 2009 'NR' « *WE 14 41 174118 Wedding- Davz Unveiled

Trophy Quest Most Wanted Outfitter Boot E xpedition Saf. Ted Nugent Cr a ig Morgan West. Extremes High Places Commander Mathew's Dom *** "Reservoir Dogs"1992, CrimeDramaHarvey Keitel. n 'R' « Homeland n 'MA's« s Boxing AbnerMaresvs. AnselmoMoreno (N)'PG NASCARRacing World of Outlaws Knoxville Nationals Inside MichaelWaltrip Racing Luc as Oil Off Road Racing Reno ** "Just GoWith il" 2011 AdamSandler. n 'PG-13' « ** "The Vow"2012,RomanceRachelMcAdams.n 'PG-13'« (10:50) ** "BadTeacher" 2011 ** "Soulkeeper"2001 RodneyRowland. Premiere. rr 'R' « (7:15) *** "SourceCode"2011Jake Gyllsnhaal. o 'PG-13' « (10:50) ** "Suck" 2009 'R' « ** "Overboard" 1967,ComedyGoldie Hawn,Kurt Russell. 'PG WeddingDavu Unveiled WeddingDav.:Unveiled WeddingDavzUnveiled


THE BULLETIN • NO VEMBER 10 — 16, 2012 *In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/Black Butte (Digital); PM-Prineville/Madras; SR-Sunriver; L-La Pine


c II









Good Morning America (N) «


Paid Program Paid Program Today Fall books;football fans. (N) n cc Meet the Press (N)'G' cc


KATU News This Morning - Sun(N) n «

Sunday Morning (N) n « KBNZ I3 Q I3 I3 GaryLewis'Ad- CBS News


Face the Nation (N) n «

venture Journal





Your Voice, Your Precision Induc Vote tion Cooktop The Chris Mat- Real Green (N) thews Show'G' G cc The NFLToday (N)(Live) «






This WeekWith George Stephanopou Jack Hanna's Wild OceanMysteries Countdown Wi t h Jeff Corwin los (N) 'G' « Paid Program Paid Program The Best of Greatest Sports Legends: Paid Program

Paid Program

LegendaryCoaches '14' Paid Program The Joy of Fishing

Sports Stars of Good Morning America (N) « This WeekWith GeorgeStephanopou- Today's Hom- Tummy Tuck Cooking Tomorrow 'Y7' eowner los (N) 'G' « Paid Program Animal Rescue n The RealWinning FOX NewsSunday With Chris Wallace FOX NFLSunday (N) n (Live) 'PG' cc KFXO gi) IEI IEI IKI Paid Program n 'PG' cc (El) 'G' cc Edge 'G' (FOX) Thomas & Friends Bob the Builder 'YRick Steves' Eu- Art Wolfe's Trav KOAB ~ gy ~ gy Betsy's Kinder Angelina Ballerina: Mister Rogers' Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood Neighborhood n Y cc(DVS) rope 'G' cc (PBS) garten Next els to the Edge NewsChannel 8 atSunrise (N) cc NewsChannel 8 at Sunrise at 7:00 AM(N) cc Meet the Press(N)'G' cc KGW KOHD

gy gy gy gyFastOne-Pot


30 28 1 8 32 Nopalea with 'G' Advantage Cheryl Tiegs

Born to Explore Sea Rescue(N)'GRecipe Rehab(N) Food for Thought (N) n (El)'G' «(DVS) n (El) 'G' NFL Football NewYorkGiants at Cincinnati Bengals FromPaul BrownStadium in Cincinnati. (N) n (Live) « Nature Is ThatSkunk?Researchers NOVA Moai,giant statues onEaster track skunksacrossthe U.S. n 'G' Island. n 'PG' cc Straight Talk P a id Program Inside Edition Grants Getaways 'PG' Weekend 'PG' (NBC) P a i dprogram p a idprogram In Touch With Dr. Charles Stanley Vic- Key of David Paid Program Humana MedicareAnimal Science n Elizabeth's Great KTVZDT2IEIQ Q Q Philoso phyBoxof ZumbaDance'G' Muffin Top? 'PQ' cc (El) 'G' cc Miracles tory OverUnforgiveness'G' Advantage Big World (CW) *** "TheStrange Loveof Martha lvers" (1946) Barbara Stanwyck. OPBPL 175 173 o r ganic-michele CEO Global T h e Aviators 'G' Saving-Ocean Between, LinesThe Back Page Official-Fest On Story n 'G'


HumanaMedicare Barter Kings «Barter Kings 'PQ' cc

S h ipping WarsShipping Wars Shipping Wars 'PQ' cc

'PQ' cc

'PQ' cc

Shipping Wars Shipping Wars 'PQ' cc

'PQ' cc

Shipping Wars Shipping Wars 'PQ' cc

Shipping Wars «

Pilot 'PG' cc

Mad Men FarAwayPlacesPeggyis Mad Men Don,Rogerand Petedrum up MadMenLadyLazarusPeggyiskeep *** "Coach Carter" (2005,Drama)Samuel L. Jackson, RobertRi'chard, RobBrown. A high-school basketball coachpushes upset by adifficult pitch. '14' business. '14' ©c ing a secret.'14' cc his team toexcel. « *ANPL 68 50 26 38 Most Extreme Most Extreme Weird, True We i rd, True Sa v ed n 'PG Finding Bigfoot n 'PG' cc Finding Bigfoot: Further Evidence Finding Bigfoot: Further Evidence BRAVO 137 4 4 Fli pping Out Windy City Weddin g T o p Chef: Seattle '14 Chicagolicious 'PG' The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Real Housewives of Atlanta CMT 190 32 42 53 CMTMusicn'PG CMT Music n 'PG CMT Music n 'PG' CMT Music n 'PG' CMT Music n 'PG' CMT Insider 'PG' Top 20 Count. CNBC 54 36 4052 Cook Safe Tummy Tuck Tommie Copper Cindy Crawford Never-Rake Medicare Cook Safe Hu m ana Zumba Fit Coo k Safe No Defrosting Cook Safe CNN 55 38 35 48 StateoftheUnion Fareed ZakariaGPS(N) Reliable Sources(N) (Live) « State of the Union Fareed Zakaria GPS The Next List C NN Newsroom * "Saving Silverman"(2001,Comedy)Jason Biggs, SteveZahn. cc ** Coneheads (1993) « COM 135 53 135 47 Top Kitchen! Z u mba Fit Asyl um WorkoutWEN Hair Care Michael lan Black: Very Famous COTV 11 (5:30) City Club of Central Oregon Desert Cooking Oregon Joy of Fishing Journal Get Outdoors V i sions of NW Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program CSPAN 61 20 12 11 (4:00) Washington Journal Newsmakers W ashington ThisW eek W ashington ThisW eek 'DIS 87 43 14 39 Little Einsteins Octonauts n 'Y' Mickey Mouse Doc McStuffins Mickey Mouse Never Land Ph i neas, Ferb P hineas, Ferb Good-Charhe J e ssie G « A.N.T. Farm'G' Shake It Up! 'G *DISC 156 21 16 37 PaidProgramn KeyofDavid Paid Programn Michael Youssef Joel Osteen 'PG' (8:27) In Touch Battlefield Cell n 'PG' cc Jungle Gold Shots Fired'PG' cc Gold Rush TheWrongClaim 'PG *E! ** "EvanAlmighty" (2007, Comedy)SteveCarell, Morgan Freeman 136 2 5 WE N Hair Care Paid Program A-List Listings A-List Listings Ice Loves Coco Ice Loves Coco Fashion Police '14' ESPN 21 23 22 23 SportsCenter(N) (Live) cc Sunday NFL Countdown (N) (Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc NASCARCountdown (N)(Lwe) ESPN2 22 24 21 24 ATPTennisBarclaysWorldTourFinals,FirstSemifinalFromLondon Fantasy Football Now(N)(Live) College Football Final cc SportsNation A TP Tennis *** "Gunnin' forThatNo. 1Spot" (2008) « ESPNC 23 25 123 25 **** "Hoop Dreams"(1994)Wiliam Gates. Profiles twoChicagoNBAhopefuls fromage14 to18. « Unguarded cc ESPNN 24 63 124203 Outside Lines The Sports Re SportsCenter « SportsCenter « Outside Lines The Sports Re SportsCenter (N)(Live) « "Another Cinderella Story" (2008)SelenaGomez, DrewSeeley ** "EllaEnchanted" (2004) FAM 67 29 19 41 Paid Program Sunday Mass A Cinderella Story: OnceUpona Song" (2011) Lucy Hale. 'PG' FNC 57 61 36 50 (3:00)FOXandFriendsSunday(N) NewsHQ Housecall (N) America's NewsHeadquarters (N) America's NewsHeadquarters (N) Fox NewsSunday *FOOD 17762 98 44 Barre Cindy Crawford Best Dishes Paula's Cooking Pioneer Wo. T r i sha's Sou Rachael Ray'sWeekinaDay'G Sandra's Res Guy's Big Bite SandwichKing Best- Made ** "XXX" (2002,Action) Vin Diesel, Asia Argento, MartonCsokas FX 131 Humana Brethe Are You Smarter *** "Boiler Room"(2000, Drama)Giovanni Ribisi, VinDiesel, NiaLong HGTV 176 49 33 43 WENHairCare Cindy Crawford My Kitchen My Kitchen I H a te My Bath Elbow Room 'G' Yard Crashers House CrashersIncome Property Income Property Property Brothers 'G' « *HIST 155 42 41 36 EZGuitar Free Modern Marvels Military Movers'G' Vietnam in HDOperation Rolling Thunderlaunches. '14' cc Vietnam in HDThe massive Tet Offensive. '14' cc LIFE 138 39 20 31 Nopaleawith Muffin Top? I nTouch With Dr. Charles Stanley Hour of Power David Jeremiah Joel Osteen 'PG' Cindy Crawford My Life Is a Lifetime Movie 'PG' M yLife Is a Lifetime Movie '14' MSNBC 59 59 128 51 (5:00) UpW/Chris Hayes(N) Mel i ssa Harris-Perry (N) Weekends With Alex Witt Live news coverage.(N) Meetthe Press'G'cc MTV 192 22 38 57 Jersey Shore MerpWalk'14' « Jers ey Shore n '14' « Jersey Shore n '14' « Jersey Shore n 14 « Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness NICK 82 46 24 40 AIIGrownUp'Y' Back,Barnyard iCarlyn'G'cc Power Rangers SpongeBob SpongeBob S p ongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob T eenageMut. Teenage Mut. Dr. Phil n 'PG' « Dr. Phil n 'PG' cc Dr. Phil n 'PG' cc OWN 161103 31 103 Dr. Philn'PG' cc Super Soul Sunday n 'PG' « Super SoulSunday n 'PG ROOT 20 45 28* 26 PaidProgram Paid Program Relieve pain Fat Buster! Above the Rest Paid Program Hawg Quest(N) Joy of Fishing Griot's Garage Fat Loss New You! Never-Rake SPIKE 132 31 34 46 PaidProgramn Tommie Copper Hair Restoration SuperFood Zumba Fit Asylum Workout Xtreme 4x4'G' Horsepower TV Trucks! 'G' « M u scleCar 'G' American Digger American Digger * "Battle olLosAngeles" (2011) KelMitchell, Nia Peeples. '14' « *** "Serenity" (2005) « SYFY 133 35 133 45 Cook Safe Humana No Defrosting Hoover Wind Humana Cook Safe TBN 205 60 130 Kingdom Conn David Jeremiah Kenneth Hagin Winning Walk Miracle For You Redemption Love/Finding I n Touch 'PG' P owerPoint It I s Written 'G' Bayless Conley Best of Praise Married... With Married... With Home Improve Home Improve- Friends TheOne Friends n PG cc Friends n 'PG' cc Friends n 'PG' cc Wedding BandPilot Tommy's exasks ** "TheMexican" (2001)Brad Pitt, Julia 'TBS n 'PG Children 'PG' m e nt 'G' « ment 'G' « After Vegas'PG' the band toperform. 'MA' Roberts. cc DayattheRaces"(1937,Comedy)GrouchoMarx.Dr.HugoHackenbush *** "Witness fortheProsecution" (1957) Tyrone Power, MarleneDietrich. The *** "A Nightto Remember" (1 958) (5:00) *** "San Francisco" (1936, *** "A TCM Adventure) ClarkGable. « and friendsupset a steeplechase andmore. «(DVS) wife of anaccusedmurderergives damagingtestimony. Kenneth More « *TLC 178 34 32 34 No Defrosting Box of Miracles Paid Program n Paid Program n Fat Loss Jillian Michaels Brides-Hills Bri des-Hills Bri des-Hills Bri des-Hills Bada Bling Brides n PG' cc Law & Order Killerz Agirl mayhave Law & Order Rebels Acollegian is slain Law & Order HumanFlesh Search En Law & Order Shangri-LaHigh-school Law & Order America, Inc. Acontrac Law & Order Hindsight Awoman's body *TNT tor's murder. '14' «(DVS) killed a boy. n '14' in a bikerbar. n 'PG' gine Suspiciouswebsite. n '14' love triangle. n '14' is in Falco's bathroom.'14' *TOON 84 Looney Tunes Looney Tunes Dragons: Riders NinjaGo: Mstrs Beyblade: Metal Pokemon BW Ben 10 StarWars:Clone JohnnyTest'Y7' JohnnyTest'Y7' **"Scooby-Doo!PiratesAhoy! *TRAV 179 51 45 42 PaidProgram Superfood Whe n Vacations Attack 'PG' « Mys t eries at the Museum 'PG Off Limits 'PG' « When Vacations Attack 'PG' « Myst eries at the Museum 'PG TVLND 65 47 29 35 Roseanne'PG' (6:36) Roseanne (7:12) Roseanne n 'PG'cc (7:48) Roseanne (8:24) Roseanne Roseanne 'PG' Roseanne 'PG' The Cosby Show The CosbyShow The Cosby Show The Cosby Show USA 15 30 23 30 CookSafe Zumba Fit Coo k Safe Dav i d Jeremiah Atmosphere J o e l Osteen 'PG' Covert Affairs 'PG' «(DVS) NCIS SubRosan 'PG' « NCIS TheWeakLink n 'PG' « VH1 191 48 37 54 JumpStartn'PG' Jump Start n 'PG' Top 20 VideoCountdown n 'PG' Top 20VideoCountdown n 'PG' BasketballW ivesLA n '14' T.l. and Tiny C h r issy & Jones 'AMC

* "For Richer or Poorer" 1997TimAllen, Kirstie Alley. n 'PG-13' « ** "An UnfinishedLife" 2005 Robert Redford. n 'PG-13' « (10:50) *** "Open Range"2003 ***"TheTruth AboutCatsand Dogs" 1996 Uma Thurman.'PG-13 * * * i HolShots!"1991 Charlie Sheen.'PG-13 104204104120HighAnxiety (6:45) **"TheManWithOneRedShoe"1985Tom Hanks.'PG'« 34 Strangers Str angers Roa d Champ. Road Champ. Boxing Andres'Jaguarcito' Gutierrez vs. Onalvi Sierra AMA SupercrossRacing 28 301 27 301 EuropeanPGATour Golf BarclaysSingaporeOpen, FinalRoundFromSingapore Golf Central P G A Tour Golf ** "TheUltimate Gi/I" (2006) DrewFuller, JamesGarner. « HALL 66 33 175 33 *** "The Night Before the Night Before Christmas" (2010) 'PG A ChristmasWish"(2011)Kristy Swanson,TessHarper. 'G' « HBO 425501 425501(5:10)*Spilln Boxing ErislandyLaravs. VanesMartirosyan, Super Welterweight cc L i t tle Fockers *"Little Fockers"2010Robert DeNiro. n'PG-13' (8:45) Wartorn 1861-2010 n '14' cc ** "Star Trek V:TheFinal Frontier"1989 Wiliam Shatner. 'PG IFC 105 105 (4:45)***"Star TreklV:TheVoyageHome"1986 (9:45) *** "Star Trek VL TheUndiscovered Country" 1991Wiliam Shatner. 'PG MAX 400 508 508 (6:15) ** "3000MileSlc GraCeland"2001, ACticn Kurt Ruaaell. n 'R' cc (8:20) ** "J. Edgar" 2011,BiographyLeonardo DiCaprio. n 'R' cc (10:45) *** "Chronicle" 2012DaneDeHaan. cc NBCSN 27 58 30 209 Dobbs Alive Ha n k Parker 3-D Primal Instinct North to AlaskaOutdoor Secrets NA Hunter Optik Quests W i ld Skies FLW Outdoors (N)'G Bill Dance Fis h ing/Martin 9/11: Voices Fromthe Air '14' NGC 157 157 I n side the Iraq War Menandwomenwhofought in theIraqwar. '14' DoomsdayPreppers BuggedOut DoomsdayPreppers BuggedOut DoomsdayPreppers BuggedOut NTOON 89 115189115 Power Rangers Power Rangers Power Rangers Power Rangers Power Rangers Power Rangers Power Rangers Power Rangers Power Rangers Power Rangers Power Rangers Power Rangers OUTD 37 307 43 307 Driven TV PBR Outdoors King of Bucks Amer. Archer Drop Zone HSThe Stuff of The Choice Outdoor America Bass Pro Shops Jackie Bushman West. Extremes Magnum TV SHO 500 500 Th Decoy e Bride * "HoodwinkedToo!Hoodvs. Evii" 2011 'PG'e«s Inside the NFL n 'PG' « Inside NASCAR Boxing AbnerMaresvs.AnselmoMoreno'PG' SPEED 35 303125303 Guys Garage My Classic Car My Classic Car Chop-Rebuild NASCARPerfor. SPEED Center NASCARRaceDay(N) (Live) Road Champ ** "TheVoiv"2012,RomanceRachelMcAdams.n 'PG-13'« STARZ 300 408 300408 Manol House (6:35) ** "youAgain" 2010Kristen Bell. n 'PG' « (10:20) *** "Moneyba/I" 2011Brad Pitt. 'PG-13 ** "Beastly" 2011Alex Pettyfer. n 'PG-13' « TMC 525 525 (5:35) ** "CheckingOut"1989 (7:15) ** "Callol the Wild" 2009 'PG' cc (8:45) ** "Saved!"2004,Comedy-Drama JenaMalone.n 'PG-13 *WE 143 41 174118 Humana Tracy Anderson Bridezillas Jennifer &Minyon'14' B r i dezillas Minyon Chri8stine '14' B r idezillas Tabby & Christine '14' B r i dezillas Tabby Davi& na '14' Bri d ezillas Cristal 8 Sherry '14' ENCR FMC FUEL GOLF

106401 306401(5:15) * igookeeper" 2011 'PG

TV • PAGE 7 *In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. BD Bend/Redmond/SIsters/Bjack Butte (Djgjtaj) PM Prjnevjffe/Madras SR SunrjveR L LaPjne

THE BULLETIN • NO VEMBER 10 — 16, 2012



600 0 c









Born to Explore Recipe Rehab(N) Food for Thought Sea Rescue(N) 'G' Ball Boys n Ball Boys n 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc (ABC) (N) n (El)'G' n (El) 'G' «(DVS) Paid Program Figure Skating ISUGrandPrix: Cupof Russia FromMoscow. n cc KTVZ @ @ ~ @ Paid Program



Shark Tank Acat drawingservice. n

II Paid Program



KATU Newsat 5 ABC World News 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc (N)n cc Trout TV 'G' N B C Nightly News Football Night in America BobCostasandothers recap the NFL Football: Texday's NFLhighlights. (N) n (Live) '14' « (NBC) (N) cc ans at Bears Courage in Sports Heroicandcoura NFL Football NewYorkJets at Seattle Seahawks FromCenturyLink Field in Seattle. (N) (Live) « Exploration Wl Explore the North Holiday Fat CBS Evening KBNZ (CBS) geous sportsstoriesareprofiled. Jarod Miller west Buster! News (N) cc Judge Judy n Judge Joe Brown Ball Boys n Ball Boys n S h ark Tank A drawi catngservice. n Inside Edition The Insider (N) KEZI9Newsat5 ABC World News KOHD gy gy gy gyDermaWand'G' PaidProgram 'PQ' cc n 'PG' 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc Weekend 'PG' cc (ABC) (N) cc TheOT(N) n CSE MiamiTargetSpecific TheRussian KFXO Itg IEI @ IEI (10:00)NFLFootball NewYorkGiants NFL Football St. LouisRamsat SanFrancisco 49ers FromCandlestick Parkin SanFrancisco. (N) n (Live) cc (FOX) at Cincinnati Bengals(N) « (Live) PG cc mob targets the team.'14' KOAB ~ gy ~ gy From Dust to Dreams: Opening Night at the Smith Center for the Performing Grace Kelly: The American Princess BBC Newsnight European Journal Religion & EthicsTo the Contrary Moyers & Company n 'G' « n 'PG' cc n 'G' cc Arts n 'G' cc cc Newsweekly With Bonnie (PBS) Paid Program Paid Program Figure Skating ISUGrandPrix: Cupof Russia FromMoscow. n « Paid Program Paid Program Football Night in America BobCostasandothers recap the NFL Football: Tex KGW day's NFL highlights. (N) n (Live) '14' « ans at Bears (NBC) KTVZDT2 @ ~ gy @ Live Life and Win! Made in Holly. Made in Hollywood *** "ThePerfect Storm"(2000,Suspense) George Clooney, MarkWahlberg, JohnC.Reily. A fishing ** "Operation Condor" (1991) Jackie Chan, Carol "DoDo" Cheng.A Spanish (N)'G' (N)'PG' wood: Teen boat sails into the storm ofthecentury. « noblemanhires anadventurer to locate Nazi gold. « (CW) OPBPL 175 173 M a sterpiece Classic 'PG' « NOVA Iceman MurderMystery 'PG' Growing Bolder My Generation Burt Wolf Stev es' Europe Globe Trekker 'PG'(DVS cc ) Cook 's Country Test Kitchen KATU

Cash Cab n

American Hoggers AmericanHoggers American Hoggers American Hoggers ParkingWars Parking Wars Parking Wars Parking Wars Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty 30 28 1 8 32 ShiPPingWars ss ShiPPing Wars 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc '14' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc Bullship 'P G' *** "TheGreenMile" (1999,Drama)Tom Hanks, David Morse, Michael Clarke Duncan.A guard thinks aninmate has asupernatural powerto heal. « *** "TheGreenMile" (1999, Drama)TomHanks, David Morse. Aguard thinks an 'AMC inmate has a supernatural powertoheal. « *ANPL 68 50 26 38 FindingBigfoot:FurtherEvidence FindingBigfoot:FurtherEvidence Finding Bigfoot: Further Evidence Finding Bigfoot n 'PG' cc Finding Bigfoot n 'PG' cc Finding Bigfoot: Further Evidence BRAVO 137 4 4 Th e Real Housewives of Atlanta T h e Real Housewives of Miami The Real Housewives of Miami The Real Housewives of Miami Th e Real Housewives of Atlanta The Real Housewives of Atlanta CMT 190 32 42 53 (11:30)Top20Countdownn'PG' Chainsaw Gang Big TexasHeat * "Joe Dirt" (2001,Comedy)David Spade, DennisMiler. n « (5:15) * "Son-in-Law"(1993)n CNBC 54 36 40 52 Hoover Wind N e w You! Cook Safe Hum ana WEN Hair Care Medicare Roy Orbison C a rol Burnett D i abetes Life W a ll St. Journal** "Unraveled" (2011) CNN 55 38 35 48 YourMoney(N) CNN Newsroom(N) CNN Newsroom(N) CNN Newsroom(N) CNN Newsroom(N) World According to Lance ** "Austin PowersinGoldmember"(2002)Mike Myers. cc ** "Beerfest" (2006)Jay Chandrasekhar, Kevin Heffernan. cc COM 135 53 135 47 (11:00) ** "Coneheads"(1 993) Ace Ventura:WhenNature Calls" COTV 11 Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Joy of Fishing Adv Journal Get Outdoors V i sions of NW City Club of Central Oregon CSPAN 61 20 12 11 (11:00) Washington ThisWeek Newsmakers Washington ThisWeek Q&A 'DIS 87 43 14 39 Wizards-Place Wizards-Place Good-Charlie G o od-Charlie A u s tin & Ally 'G' Shake It Up! 'GA.N.T. Farm'G A.N.T. Farm 'G Dog WithaBlog Dog Witha Blog Good-Charlie G o od-Charlie *DISC 156 21 16 37 Gold Rush Secret America's DoomsdayPlan n 'PG' Weapons'PG' A u c tion Kings A uction Kings Auction Kings Auction Kings Auction Kings Auction Kings Area 51 n 'PG' cc *E! 136 2 5 A-L ist Listings The Soup '14' N i cki Minaj 'PG Nicki Minaj: My Keeping Up With the Kardashians Ice Loves Coco Ice Loves Coco *** "Sex andtheCity" (2008), KimCattrall ESPN 21 23 22 23 NASCARRacing Sprint Cup:AdvoCare500FromPhoenix International Racewayin Avondale, Ariz. (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc BCS Countdown ESPN2 22 24 21 24 ATPTennis 30 for 30 NHRADrag Racing NHRADragRacing AutomobileClub of Southern California Finals (N) "TheWeymanTisdale Story" « ESPNC 23 25 123 25 Gunnin'for That 30 for 30 (3:15) TheStreet Stops Here n 'PG' cc Push: Madison VersusMadison ESPNN 24 63 124203 SportsCenter (N) (Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter (N) SportsNation A ff-Access Kent Aff-Access Kent Aff-Access Kent SportsCenter ** "Rai singHelen"(2004,Comedy-Drama)KateHudson,JohnCorbett,JoanCusack **"Charlie St. C/oud"(2010, Drama)Zac Efron, AmandaCrew FAM 67 29 19 41 (11:00)**"Ella Enchanted TheLest Song FNC 57 61 36 50 JournalEditorial FOXNews America's NewsHeadquarters (N) Fox NewsSunday FOX Report(N) Huckabee(N) *FOOD 17762 98 44 Guy's Family Reunion (N) Restaurant: Impossible Restaurant Stakeout Restaurant Stakeout Restaurant Stakeout Mystery Diners Health Inspect i * * * Hellboylh TheGoldenArmy" (2008,Action) Ron Perlman, SelmaBlair. X-MenOrigins FX 131 (10:00) ** XXX ** "DeathRace"(2008, Action) JasonStatham,Tyrese Gibson, lan McShane HGTV 176 49 33 43 LoveltorListlt'G' « Love It or List It 'G' cc Love It or List It 'G' cc Buying and Selling David'G' « Buy i ng and Selling 'G' « Buying and Selhng G cc *HIST 155 42 41 36 Vietnam in HD Troopwithdrawals begin; MekongDelta. '14' cc The MenWhoBuilt America The U.S.rebuilds after the Civil War.'PG The MenWhoBuilt America Bloody Battles 'PG' cc ***"HisandHerChrisfmas"(2005) PaulaDevicq.'PG'« LIFE 138 39 20 31 MyLifelsaLifetimeMovie'14' "12Men ofChristmas" (2009) Kristin Chenoweth. 'PG' « UndercoverChristmas" 'PG' « MSNBC 59 59 128 51 MSNBCLive(N) Caught on Camera Caught onCameraUpinFlames Caught on Camera Caught on CameraWhatonEarth? MTV 192 22 38 57 JerseyShoren'14' « Jersey Shore n '14' « Awkward. '14' A wkward. '14' A w kward. '14' A w kward. '14' Awkward. '14' A wkward. '14' Awkward. '14' A wkward. '14 NICK 82 46 24 40 SpongeBob S p o ngeBob Winx Club 'Y7' Zoey 101 n 'Y7' « iCarly n 'G' cc iCarly n 'G' cc SpongeBob S p ongeBob The Best of the OprahShow'PG' l y anla, Fix My Life n 'PG' « lyanla, Fix My Life n 'PG' cc Oprah: WhereAre They Now?'PG Oprah: WhereAre They Now?'PG OWN 161 103 31 103 TheBest of the Oprah Show 'PG' ROOT 20 45 28* 26 Seahawks Ben s inger College Basketball SouthernUtahat Gonzaga College Football PortlandState at MontanaState SPIKE 132 31 34 46 American Digger Band of Brothers Trainingfor Normandy.'MA' cc Band of Brothers EasyCo. fights onD-Day. n 'MA Band of Brothers Carentan n 'MA' cc Band of Brothers n 'MA' « ** "The Arrival"(1996, ScienceFiction) Charlie Sheen, RonSilver, Lindsay Crouse. ** "The Mist"(2007, Horror) ThomasJane, Marcia GayHarden. « SYFY 133 35 133 45 (11:00) *** "Serenity" (2005)NathanFilion. « TBN 205 60130 King IsComing Kingdom Conn. John Hagee MarriageToday Joseph Pri nce Gregory Dickow T.D. Jakes'G' Joyce Meyer Leading theWay TheBlessed Life JoelOsteen'PG' KerryShook **"Whet WomenWant"(2000,Romance-Comedy)MelGibson,HelenHunt,MarisaTomei.Achauvin-**"Sha// WeDance?"(2004)RichardGere,JenniferLopez.Ahusbandtakes 'TBS 6 27 11 2 8 (11:00)**"TheMexican"(2001)BradPitt.Amob lackey istic ad executivecansuddenly readwomen's minds. « dancing lessonsfrom abeautiful instructor. « goes to Mexico toretrieve a pricelessantique. (11:00) *** "ANightto Remember" (1:15) *** "20Million Milesto Earth" (1957,ScienceFiction) (2:45) **** "NationalVelvet" (1944,Drama)Mickey Rooney,Elizabeth Taylor, DonaldCrisp. Anex- *** "Love ls a ManySplendored TCM William Hopper,JoanTaylor. « Thing"(1955) « (1958) KennethMore. « jockey coachesan English girl to the GrandNational. «(DVS) *TLC 178 34 32 34 Breaking Amish n '14' cc Breaking Amish n '14' « Breaking Amish n '14' s«s Breaking Amish n '14' cc Breaking Amish n '14' cc Breaking Amish Goodvs. Evil '14 Law & Order Publishand Perish Aporn Law & Order Murder BookA high-profile Law & OrderTabloid Tabloidjournalist ** "Piratesof theCaribbean: DeadMan's Chest" (2006,Action) Johnny Depp,Orlando Bloom,Keira (5:45) "Clash of the *TNT Titans" actress is killed. n '14' publisher is founddead. '14' chaseswoman.n 'PG' Knightley. Capt.Jack Sparrowowesa blood debtto a ghostly pirate. « *TOON 84 Scooby-Dool JohnnyTest'Y7' JohnnyTest'Y7' Wrld,Gumbaff Wrld,Gumbaff Annoying Annoying Reg u lar Show Regular Show Adventure Time Adventure Time Adventure Time *TRAV 179 51 45 42 Bourdain: No Reservations Bourdain: No Reservations Airport24/7:Mi Airport 24/7: Mi Airport 24/7: Mi Airport 24/7: Mi Airport 24/7: Mi Airport 24/7: Mi Extreme Houseboats 'G' « M*A*S*H 'PG' TVLND 65 47 29 35 Hot in Cleveland Happily Divorced Andy Griffith A n d y Griffith (2:12) TheAndyGriffith Show 'PG A ndy Griffith A n dy Griffith An dy Griffith An dy Griffith M*A*S*H 'PG' USA 15 30 23 30 NCISReveillen'PG'« NCIS Lt. JaneDoen 'PG' « NCIS Witness n 'PG' cc NCIS Caught onTape 'PG' scs NCIS Probie n '14' cc NCIS Twisted Sister n 14 cc VHI 191 48 37 54 Couples Therapyn'14' 100 Greatest Artists of Aff Time n 100 Greatest Artists of Aff Time n 100 Greatest Artists of Aff Time n 100 Greatest Artists of Aff Time n 100 Greatest Artists of Aff Time n *A&E


Moby Dick n (Part1 of 2) 'PG' cc (1:15) *"Zookeeper"2011,ComedyKevin James. n 'PG' « ** "FirehouseDog" 2007,ComedyJosh Hutcherson. 'PG' « 104204104120**"There's Something AboutMary"1998,Romance-Comedy Cameron Diaz.'R'« 106401 306401(10:50) *** "OpenRange"2003

(4:35) MobyDick n (Part 2 of 2)'PG' cc FXM Presents "lce Age:Dawnof theDinosaurs" 34 AMA SupercrossRacing UFC Tonight (N) UFC Roundtable UFC: Johnson vs.McCall FromFort Lauderdale, Fla Forrest Griffin: The Ultimate Fighter '14 UFC Tonight 28 301 27 301 PGATourGolf EuropeanPGATour Golf Barclays SingaporeOpen,Final Round Golf Central (N) PGA Tour Golf Children's MiracleNetworkHospitals Classic, Final Round« HALL 66 33 175 33 ** "Silver Bells"(2005, Drama)AnneHeche, Tate Donovan. 'G' « The WishingTree"(2012)JasonGedrick, Richard Harmon.'G' « Lucky Christmas" (2011,Romance-Comedy) ElizabethBerkley. 'G' « HBO 425 501 425501 (12:15) ** "We Bought a * LittleFockers Zoo" 2011,Comedy-DramaMatt Damon. n 'PG' cc (2:45) RealTimeWith Biff Maher (3:45) ** "Cheaper bythe Dozen" 2003Steve Martin. n 'PG' cc *** "Star Trek: First Contact"1996, ScienceFiction Patrick Stewart. 'PG-13 ** "Ster Trek: Insurrection" 'PG IFC 105 10 5 * * " Star Trek Generations"1994, Science Fiction Patrick Stewart, William Shatner. 'PG ** "The Pool Boys"2009n 'R' MAX 400 508 508 (12:15) Hunted Kismet 'MA' « (1:15) *** "TheDebt" 2010, DramaHelen Mirren. n 'R' cc (3:15) *** "TheRundown" 2003The Rock. n 'PG-13' cc NBCSN 27 58 30209 Auto Racing Formula DRIFT RacerTV(N) 'G' CFL Football Second Semifinal —SaskatchewanRoughriders at CalgaryStampeders(N) (Live) Sports lffustrated 'PG Caught Looking NGC 157 157 D oomsday Preppers Bugged Out Doomsday PreppersBuggedOut Doomsday PreppersBuggedOut Doomsday PreppersBuggedOut Space Dive(N) NTOON 89 115189115 Power Rangers Power Rangers Power Rangers Power Rangers Power Rangers Power Rangers Power Rangers Power Rangers Power Rangers Power Rangers Monsuno n 'Y7' Odd Parents OUTD 37 307 43 307 Team Elk The Flush Ducks Unlimited Profess. Addicted, Out. Tracks, Africa L i ve 2 Hunt Mathew's Dom Mathews The Crush Hunt Adventure Wildgame Nation *** "Primary Colors" 1998,Comedy-DramaJohn Travolta. n 'R' « * "SpyKids: All the Timein the World"2011'PG *** "Ransom" 1996 'R' « SHO 500 50 0 B o xing SPEED 35 303125303MotoGP Racing Moto2;Valencia Australian V8Supercars AbuDhabi(N) Building Circuit SPEED Center NASCAR Victory Lane (N) The Hendrick Racing Story **"ManoftheHouse"2005Tommy LeeJones. STARZ 300408300408 Moneyball2011 (1240) **"Spy Kids3:GameOver"2003 n 'PG (2:10) ** "you Again" 2010Kristen Bell. n 'PG' cc (5:45) TheVow ** "Beaches"1988, DramaBette Midler. n 'PG-13' « TMC 525 52 5 * * " Straight Talk"1992Dolly Parton. n 'PG' « (3:35) ** "Beyond Borders" 2003,DramaAngelina Jolie, Clive Owen,Teri Polo. n 'R *WE 143 41 174118 Bridezillas Cristal &Janelle '14' Bri d eziffas Natalie Cri& stal '14' Bri d eziffas Natalie Dani &elle '14' B r i deziffas Where Are They Now? Brideziffas WhereAre Biggest Brideziffa Meltdowns '14'


THE BULLETIN • NO VEMBER 10 — 16, 2012 *In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/Black Butte (Digital); PM-Prineville/Madras; SR-Sunriver; L-La Pine



c II

















America' sFunniestHomeVideos(N) OnceUponaTimeRubybecomesa Revenge PenanceMasonTreadwell (10:01) 666Park AvenueJaneand KATU Newsat11 (11:35) Castle rt 'PQ' cc rt 'PG' cc murder suspect.(N)'PG' « Nona uncover a secret. (N) n '14' (ABC) examinesEmily's past. (N) n 'PG' (N) rt cc (8:40) Extra(N)n Castle High-endhomeinvasions endin Dateline NBC n 'PG' cc NewsChannel 21 Everybody Loves KTVZ O O O O (5:20) NFL Football Houston Texans at Chicago Bears(N)n (Live) cc 'PQ' cc (NBC) murders. rt 'PG' « at11 (N) cc R a ymond Burn Notice Thewrongside of Jamai- 60 Minutes (N) n « The Amazing RaceThe teamsraceto The GoodWife Aformer client asks The Mentalist If It Bleeds, It LeadsA KOIN Local 6 at 11 (11:35)Cold Case KBNZ '14' cc Alicia for help. (N)'14' cc reporter ismurdered.(N) n '14' (CBS) can smugglers. 'PG' « Moscow.(N) n 'PG' cc (N) cc Videos (N) OnceUpon aTimeRubybecomesa Revenge PenanceMasonTreadwell (10:01) 666Park AvenueJaneand KEZI 9 Newsat Precision Induc KOHD O O O O KEZI9Newsat KEZI9Newsat America's Funniest Home rt 'PG' cc (ABC) 6pm (N) « 6:3 0 (N) « murder suspect.(N)'PG' « examinesEmily's past. (N) n 'PG' Nona uncover a secret. (N) n '14' 11pm (N) « tio n Cooktop The Big Bang Paid Program KFXO III g) @ g) ** "lce Age:TheMeltdown" (2006,Comedy)Voicesof RayRomano, JohnLe The Simpsons(N) Bob's Burgers (N) Family Guy Stewie's timemachinemal- News Channel 21 Two and a Half n'PG' (FOX) guizamo.Animated. Melting icethreatens Mannyandfriends. n (PA) 'PG' functions. (N) xt '14' « First on FOX M en '14' cc Theory n '14' Masterpiece Classic Beryl andHarry Midsomer Murders WhoKiled Cock Midsomer MurdersWhoKiled Cock KOAB ~ gy ~ gy Oregon Art Beat Oregon Field A n t iques Roadshow Missouri RegimentNational Salute to Veterans (N) n xt 'G' cc 'PQ' cc Robin? 'PG' cc Robin? 'PG' cc (PBS) Guide 'G' cc colt pistol. (N) n 'G' cc race to getmarried.(N) '14' (5:20) NFLFootball HoustonTexans at Chicago Bears(N)xt (Live) « Sports Sunday cc Over 55 With Joint Private Practice A patient is suspected NewsChannel 8 at (11:35)TheChris KGW Pain? 'G' of murder. n '14' « Matthews Show (NBC) 11(N) cc Center" (2006, Rules ofEngage. RulesofEngage Seinfeld TheBurn- Seinfeld The Book- 'Til Death TheBuf- 'Til Death Circum- *** "World Trade KTVZDT2 @ ~ gy @ Are We There Yet? Are We There Yet? Tyler Perry's Meet The King of 'PG' 'PG' ment '14' ing rt 'PG' fer 'PG' « the Browns Q u eens n 'PG'ment '14' store 'PG' decision 'PG' Drama) NicolasCage. « (CW) *** "lnlaws & Outlaws" (2005,Documentary) n « OPBPL 175 17 3 D o c Martin On the Edge 'PG' « Moyers & Company n 'G' cc Clinton: AmericanExperience n 'PG' cc(DVS) KATU

KATU Newsat 6(N) n cc

Duck Dynasty FrogStorageWars «Storage Wars San StorageWars «Storage Wars Storage Wars «Storage Wars Storage Warse«sStorage Wars «(11:01) Storage (11:31) Storage 'PQ' cc Wars 'PG' cc W a r s cc in One 'PG' Burrito 'PG' HighlandAnxiety The Walking DeadRickstruggles after (10:01) TheWalking DeadRick Talking Dead(N) Comic Book Men (4:00) *** "TheGreenMile" (1999, Drama)TomHanks, David Morse. Aguard The Walking Dead Kiler Within The 'AMC '14' cc thinks aninmate hasa supernatural powerto heal. « group is severed.'14' « another loss.(N) '14' « struggles after anotherloss. '14' (N) 'PG' « *ANPL 68 50 26 38 Finding Bigfootn'PG' cc Finding Bigfoot: Birth of a Legend:Further Evidence n 'PG' cc Finding Bigfoot (N) n 'PG Finding Bigfoot (N) n 'PG Finding Bigfoot n 'PG BRAVO 13 44 The Real Housewives of Atlanta T h e Real Housewives of Atlanta T h e Real Housewives of Atlanta The Real Housewives of Atlanta T h e Real Housewives of Miami (N) What Happens Housewives/Atl. ** "GrumpierOld Men"(1995, Comedy)Jack Lemmon.rt « CMT 190 32 42 53 (5:15) * "Son-in-Law"(1993)PaulyShore. rt (9:45) ** «Starsky &Hutch" (2004, Comedy)BenStiler, OwenWilson. rt CNBC 54 36 40 52 (5:00)Unraveled ** "Unraveled" (2011, Documentary) 60 Minute sonCNBC YourMoney Porn: Business of Pleasure American GreedMarcDreier Octaspring Ma. SuperFood CNN 55 38 35 48 Piers Morgan Tonight CNN Newsroom(N) World According to Lance Piers MorganTonight CNN Newsroom World According to Lance B r i ckleberry COM 13 53 135 47 "Ace Ventura:WhenNature Calls" D a n iel Tosh: Completely Serious Gabriel Iglesias: Hot and Fluffy '14' Jeff Dunham: Arguing With Myself Key 8 Peele '14' (10:33) Tosh.0 Brickleberry COTV 11 Talk of the Town Local issues. Des e rt Cooking Oregon Joy of Fishing Adv Journal Get Outdoors V i sions of NW The YogaShow The Yoga Show Talk of the TownLocal issues. CSPAN 61 20 12 11 Prime Minister RoadtotheWhiteHouse Q&A Prime Minister Road to the White H ouse W ashington ThisW eek 'DIS 87 43 14 39 Austin & Ally 'G' Shake It Up! 'G' A.N.T. Farm 'G' Good-Charlie Dog With a Blog Austin & Ally 'G Shake It Up! 'G' Jessie 'G' « Shake It Up! 'G' Good-Charlie Austin & Ally 'G' A.N.T. Farm 'G' *DISC 15 21 16 37 Bermuda Triangle Exposed n 'G' T he Devil's Triangle n 'PG' cc MythBusters CannonbalChemi l stry Sex in America (N) n 'MA' cc Breaking Magic Breaking Magic MythBusters CannonbalChemi l stry *E! ** "He'sJust NotThatInto you" (2009) BenAffleck, Jennifer Aniston, DrewBarrymore. 13 2 5 (4:30) *** "Sexand theCity" (2008), KimCattrall Ice Loves Coco Nicki Minaj: My Chelsea Lately The Soup '14' ESPN 21 23 22 23 MLSSoccer ConferenceFinal: Teams TBA(N)(Live) SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc SportsCenter ESPN2 22 24 21 24 NHRADragRacing NASCARNow(N) « SportsCenter (N) 2012 World Series of PokerFinal TableFromLasVegas NASCARRacing "Push:MadisonVersusMadison"(2010, Documentary) « ESPNC 23 25123 25 "Push:Madison Versus Madison" Push:MadisonVersusMadison" (2010, Documentary) « Unguarded cc H-Lite Ex. H-Li te Ex. H-Lite Ex. H-Li te Ex. H-Lite Ex. H-Li te Ex. ESPNN 24 63 124203 SportsCenter (N) (Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) « ESPNFCPress Pass ** "TheNotebook" (2004)RyanGosling. Premiere. A mantells a story to a womanabout twolovers FAM 67 29 19 41 (5:30) ** "TheLast Song" (2010, Drama)Miley Cyrus, GregKinnear Bunheads n '14' « FNC 57 61 36 50 FoxNewsSunday Geraldo at Large(N) n 'PG' cc Huckabee Stossel Geraldo at Large n 'PG' cc Fox NewsSunday *FOOD 17 62 98 44 Diners,Drive T h e N extlronChef:RedemptionResourcefulness'G CupcakeWars(N) The Next Iron Chef: Redemption Iron Chef America (N) Restaurant Stakeout ** "Predators" (2010,ScienceFiction) AdrienBrody, TopherGrace. ** "Predators" (2010,ScienceFiction) Adrien Brody,TopherGrace. FX 131 (5:30) ** "X-MenOrigins: Wolverine"(2009, Action) HughJackman. HGTV 17 49 33 43 House Hunters Hunters Int'I Million Dollar Rooms 'G' cc Extreme Homes'G' « Property Brothers 'G' cc House Hunters Renovation (N)'G House Hunters Renovation 'G' *HIST 15 42 41 36 TheMenWhoBuiltAmerica'PG' The MenWhoBuilt America 'PG' The MenWhoBuilt America Thechanging faceof America. (N)'PG Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG (11:02) OutbackHunters (N) 'PG LIFE 13 39 20 31 (5:00) "UndercoverChristmas" "TheChristmasConsultant" (2012) David Hasselhoff PQ cc Dear Santa" (2011,Drama)AmyAcker, Brooklynn Proulx. « TheChristmasConsultant" 'PG MSNBC 59 59 128 51 Maximum Drama(N) Sex Slaves in America Lockup InsideAngola Lockup NewMexico Lockup: NewMexico Meetthe Press'G'cc MTV 192 22 38 57 Awkward.'14' A w kward.'14 TeenMom 2:Catch UpSpecial2 Jersey Shore n '14' « Jersey Shore n 14 « Jersey Shore n '14' « TeenMom 2:CatchUpSpecial2 NICK 82 46 24 40 DeadtimeStor. Big TimeRush iCarly 'G' « iCa rly 'G' « See DadRun(N) ** "LegallyBlonde2:Red,White & Blonde" (2003)Premiere. n The Nanny'PG Friends n 'PG' Friends n 'PG Oprah: WhereAre They Now?'14 Oprah's Next Chapter 'PG' « Oprah's Next Chapter (N) n 'PG Oprah's Next Chapter 'PG'e« s Oprah's Next Chapter 'PG' « OWN 161 103 31 103 Oprah: WhereAre They Now?'PG ROOT 20 45 28* 26 College Basketball Montana State at Seattle (N) (Live) College Football OregonState at Stanford College Basketball SPIKE 132 31 34 46 Band of Brothers Band of Brothers Crossroads n 'MA' cc Band of Brothers Bastogne n 'MA' cc Band of Brothers The BreakingPoint n 'MA' cc Band of Brothers n 'MA' « * "G.l. Joe:TheRise o/Cobra" (2009, Action) ChanningTatum,Dennis Quaid. « SYFY 13 35 133 45 (4:00)TheMist ** " Outlander" (2008, Action) JamesCaviezel, Ron Perlman, Sophia Myles. « Name o/King TBN 205 60 130 Believeryoice C reflo Dollar 'G' Fall Praise-A-Thon Kickoff **"TheHouseBunny"(2008,Comedy)AnnaFaris,ColinHanks,EmmaStone.A **"Valentine'sDay"(2010,Romance-Comedy)JessicaAlba,KathyBates,JessicaBiel.LosAngeles ** "Va/entine'sDay"(2010,Romance-Comedy)Jessica 'TBS sexpot teachesmisfit sorority sisters aboutmen. « residents wendtheir wayintoandout of romance. «(DVS) Alba, KathyBates, JessicaBiel. «(DVS) ** "Sherlock Holmes"(1922, Mystery) JohnBarrymore, *** "Sherlock,Jr." (1924)Buster Ke- *** "Pickpocket (5:00)***"Love lsaManySplendored**"TheSevenlhSin"(1957,Drama)EleanorParker,Bill Travers.Unfaithful TCM 014410129 Thing"(1955) « womanjoins doctorhusbandamid cholera in China. Roland Young,Carol Dempster. aton, KathrynMcGuire. (1959) *TLC 17 34 32 34 Breaking Amish Final Days n '14' B r e aking Amish Decision Time '14' Breaking Amish Party Time n '14' Br eaking Amish Finale (N) n '14' B r e aking Amish: The Shunning B r e a king Amish Finale '14' « (5:45) ** "Clashofthe Titans" (2010) SamWorthington, Liam Neeson. Perseus, *** "300" (2007,Action) GerardButler, Lena Headey,David Wenham.Badly outnumberedSpartan ** "Pirates ol theCaribbean: DeadMan's Chest" (2006,Ac *TNT son of Zeus,embarksona dangerous journey. «(DVS) warriors battle thePersian army. «(DVS) tion) JohnnyDepp, OrlandoBloom. « *TOON 84 *** "Robots" (2005)Voices of EwanMcGregor, HalleBerry Looney Tunes Dragons: Riders Cleveland Show King of the Hill King of the Hill Family Guy 'PG' Family Guy '14' Black Dynamite *TRAV 17 51 45 42 House Hunters House Hunters Tricked Out Trailers 'G' « Killer RV Upgrades'G' « Extreme Rys (N)'G' « Extreme Rys (N)'G' « Extreme RVs(N) 'G' « M* A *S*H 'PG' M* A *S*H 'PG' M*A *S*H 'PG' M*A *S*H 'PG' M'A ' S*H 'PG' Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond KingofQueens TVLND 65 47 29 35 M*A*S*H 'PG' * "TheUg/yTruth" (2009) « USA 15 30 23 30 NCISGracePeriodn'14' « NCIS CoverStory n 'PG' « NCIS Women'sprison riot. n '14 NCIS A bloggerturns updead. '14' N CIS Endgame n '14' « VH1 191 48 37 54 Storytellers Taylor Swift n 'PG' R eha b With Dr. Drew n '14' Rehab With Dr.Drew(N) n '14' Co u ples Therapy n '14 Rehab With Dr. Drew n '14 Storytellers Taylor Swift n 'PG' *A&E

3 28 1 8 32 Duck 'PQ' ccDynasty

* "Zookeeper" 2011Kevin James. rt 'PG' cc (9:45) *** "The Lord ol the Rings: TheReturn o/ the King" 2003 Elijah Wood.'PG-13' *** "The Talented Mr. Ripley"1999, DramaMatt Damon, Gwyneth Paltrow. 'R' « ** "lc eAge:DawnoltheDinosaurs"2009VoicesofRayRomano FXM Presents 34 The Ultimate Fighter n '14 The Ultimate Fighter n '14 UFC Fight Night UFC:Franklin vs. LeFromCotai Arenain Macao,China The Ultimate Fighter n '14 28 301 27 301 PGATour Golf Big Break Greenbrier Longest Drive Longest Drive Golf Central Go l f Fitness Golf Fitness G o l f Fitness Go l f Fitness Go l f Fitness Sc o ttish HALL 66 33 175 33 *** "A Princess for Christmas" (2011)Katie McGrath. 'G' « TheChristmasSecret" (2000) RichardThomas, BeauBridges. 'G' « "Debbie Macomber's Ca/IMeMrs. Miracle"(2010) Doris Roberts. 'PG HBO 425501 425501(5:30) *"LiltleFockers" 2010n Treme (N) n 'MA' « (7:10) ** "TowerHeist" 2011, ComedyBen Stiler. n 'PG-13' cc Boardwalk Empire (N) 'MA' « Boardwalk Empire n 'MA' cc IFC 1 0 1 0 5 (5:00) "StarTrelcInsurrection (7:15) *** "TheLasto/the Mohicans"1992,Adventure Daniel Day-Lewis.'R (9:45) ** "StarTrek Insurrection"1998, ScienceFiction Patrick Stewart. 'PG ** "ln Time"2011 Justin Timberlake, Cilian Murphy. n 'PG-13' cc MAX 400 508 508 The PoolBoys ** " 3 000 Mileslo Graceland" 2001, Action Kurt Russell. n 'R' cc (8:35) *** "Chronicle" 2012DaneDeHaan. cc NBCSN 27 58 30209CaughtLooking GameOn! Onward Notre Dame CFL Football First Semifinal — Edmonton Eskimos at Toronto Argonauts (N) Poker After Dark Charity in Mind NGC 157 157 D r ugs,lnc. HawaiianIce(N)'PG Alaska StateTroopers (N)'14' Alaska State Troopers '14 Drugs, Inc. HawaiianIce'PG Space Dive NTOON 89 115189115 Wild Grinders n Wild Grinders n Planet Sheenn Planet Sheenn Robot, Monster Odd Parents SpongeBob S p ongeBob Legend-Korra Legend-Korra Dragon Ball Z I ron Man: Armor OUTD 37 307 43 307 Realtree Road Truth Hunting Jackie Bushman Bone Collector Craig Morgan Red Arrow Hunt Adventure Realtree Road Live 2 Hunt Wi l dgame Nation Ult. Adventures The Season SHO 500 500 Dexter Do theWrongThing 'MA' Homeland n 'MA' cc Dexter Chemistry (N)'MA'eccs HomelandTheClearing (N) « Dexter Chemistry n 'MA' « (5:00) *** "Ransom" 1996'R' SPEED 35 303125303Wind TunnelWith Dave Despain SPEED Center (N) (Live) Auto Racing My Classic Car Car Crazy 'G' The HendnckRacingStory Wind TunnelWith DaveDespain *** "Moneyball" 2011Brad Pitt. Abaseball managerchallengesold-school traditions STARZ 300408300408 (5:45) **"The Vow"2012 RachelMcAdams.« (7:35) ** "SpyKids 3:GameOver" 2003'PG' cc Tron: Legacyn *** "Our IdiotBrother" 2011 PaulRudd.'R' « ** "Barry Munday" 2010PatrickWilson. 'R' « TMC 5 25 52 5 * * * "T he Italian Job" 2003 MarkWahlberg. rt 'PG-13' « (11:05) ** "CrashDive"1997 'R *WE 14 41 174118 Bridezillas Natalie & Raquel'14' Bri d ezillas Erica & Krystal '14' Biggest Bridezilla Meltdowns '14' B r idezillas Natalie &Raquel'14 Bridezillas Erica &Krystal'14' Plat. Weddings Plat. Weddings ENCR FMC FUEL GOLF

106 401 306401(6:10) ** "TheNextKarate Kid"1994Hilary Swank. rt 'PG' «

104204104120 "lceAge: Dawno/the Dinosaurs"

THE BULLETIN • NO VEMBER 10 — 16, 2012





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TV • PAGE 9 *In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/Black Butte (Digital); PM-Prineville/Madras; SR-Sunriver; L-La Pine ' 88 8 8 88 8 8 88 I

4:30 KATUNewsThis Mornin Good Mornin America AM Northwest The View Live! With Kell and Michael KATU NewsChannel 21 atSunrise Toda Toda Toda Live! With Kell and Michael KTVZ Let's Make aDeal KOIN Local 6 at6am CBS This Mornin The Price Is Ri ht The Youn and the Restless KBNZ KEZI 9 NewsThis Mornin Good Mornin America Rachael Ra The View Katie KOHD First Business A Da NewsChannel 21 atSunrise The Jeff Probst Show The Dr. OzShow Paid Pro ram Paid Pro ram KFXO I Varied Pro rams Wild Kratts Curious Geor e Cat in the Hat Super Wh ! Dinosaur Train Sesame Street Daniel Ti er Sid the Science WordWorld Ba r ne, Friends KOAB NewsChannel 8 atSunrise Toda The Jeff Probst Show KGW The Dail Buzz HouseofPa ne HouseofPa ne TheSteveW ilkosShow The Jerem K le Show The Wend Williams Show TVZDT2 OPBPL 175 173 America's Hrtl Greener World Newsline Sit and Be Fit Varied Pro rams *A&E 13028 18 32 Paid Pro ram Paid Pro ram Boun Hunter Varied Pro rams Boun Hunter Varied Pro rams Criminal Minds Criminal Minds CSI: Miami Paid Pro ram Hair Loss Paid Pro ram Nopalea with Debb Boone Paid Pro ram ***A Brid e Too Far (1977)Dirk Bo arde. Anaccountofadisastrous1944A!Iiedmilita operation. Paid Pro ram No alea with Paid Pro ram Paid Pro ram Paid Pro ram Debb Boone Three Stoo es ** Midwa 1976, War CharltonHeston,Hen Fonda, JamesCoburn. « 'AMC 10240 39 Carol Burnett Paid Pro ram Paid Pro ram Nopalea with Debb Boone Paid Pro ram ** Basi c(2003,Suspense)JohnTravolta,ConnieNielsen,SamuelL.Jackson.Aa Mission to Mars Cook Safe Paid Pro ram Paid Pro ram Nopalea with Paid Pro ram (:15) ** Bi Trouble in Little China (1986)Kurt Russell. « Th Paid Pro ram (:15) *** Shan hai Noon (2000) Carol Burnett Paid Pro ram Paid Pro ram No alea with Paid Pro ram Debb Boone **Kin Kon 1976 JeffBrid es.Anoilmo ulseekstoex loitamonstrousa einNewYork. « *ANPL 68 50 26 38 Oran utan Isle Chim Eden Bi CatDia Bi Cat Diar The Crocodile Hunter Varied Pro rams I Shouldn't Be Alive Animal Co s Houston Varied Pro rams BRAVO 137 44 CMT Music CMT Music CMT Music CMT Music Varied Pro rams CMT 19032 42 53 Squawk onthe Street Fast Mone Halftime Report Power Lunch Street Si ns CNBC 54 36 40 52 CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN 55 38 35 48 Varied Pro rams Paid Pro ram Paid Pro ram P aid Pro ram P aid Pro ram Entoura e Com ed CentralDail Show Col bert Re ort Scrubs Varied Pro rams COM 13553 13547 The Yo a Show The Yo a Show Desert Cookin Ore on The Yo a Show The Yo a Show Bod Workout Bod Workout Paid Pro ram Paid Pro ram Paid Pro ram Paid Pro ram COTV Public Affairs Varied Pro rams Public Affairs Varied Pro rams CSPAN 61 20 12 (4:00) Washin ton Journal 'DIS 87 43 14 39 Gas ard & Lisa Octonauts Little Einsteins Chu in ton Micke Mouse Never Land Micke Mouse Micke Mouse Doc McStuffins Never Land MickeMouse Octonauts *DISC 156 21 16 37 Varied Pro rams Creflo Dollar Varied Pro rams James Robison Jo ce Me er P aid Pro ram I Almost) Got Awa With It Ni htmare NextDoor ! (Almost) GotAwa With It *El Paid Pro ram Paid Pro ram E! News Varied Pro rams 136 25 S ortsCenter S ortsCenter S ortsCenter S ortsCenter S ortsCenter S ortsCenter ESPN 21 23 22 23 Mike and Mike in the Mornin First Take Varied Pro rams First Take Varied Pro rams ESPN2 22 24 21 24 Varied Pro rams SportsCentur Varied Pro rams ESPNC 23 25 123 25 Varied Pro rams The Scott VanPelt Show Varied Pro rams ESPNN 24 63 124203 S ortsNation V a ried Pro rams Mike and Mike in the Mornin Jo ce Me er V a ried Pro rams Bo Meet World Bo Meet World Bo Meet World Bo Meet World Bo Meet World 700/Interactive The700Club Gilmore Girls FAM 67 29 19 41 America's Newsroom Happenin Now America Live FNC 57 61 36 50 *FOOD 17762 98 44 Varied Pro rams Paid Pro ram Paid Pro ram P aid Pro ram P aid Pro ram P aid Pro ram V aried Pro rams Good Eats Unw r a ed Paid Pro ram Paid Pro ram Are You Smarter Varied Pro rams FX 131 Paid Pro ram Varied Pro rams HGTV 176 49 33 43 'HIST 15542 41 36 Paid Pro ram Varied Pro rams Paid Pro ram Paid Pro ram Balancin Act Varied Pro rams Will & Grace W i ll & Grace Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier Old Christine O ld Christine LIFE 138 39 20 31 The Dail Rundown Jansin and Co MSNBCLive NOWWith Alex Wa ner Andrea Mitchell Reports News Nation MSNBC 59 59 128 51 AMTV: Mornin Hot Mix AMTV: 10 on To Countdown AMTV: 10 on To Countdown Varied Pro rams MTV 19222 38 57 Full House Fu l l House Spon eBob S o n eBob Max & Rub M a x & Rub Back ardi ans Dora Explorer Dora Ex lorer Team Umizoomi Bubble Gu ies Bubble Gu ies NICK 82 46 24 40 Rachael Ra The Best of the OprahShow The Best of the OprahShow Dr. Phil Dr. Phil OWN 16110331 103 The Nate Berkus Show The DanPatrick Show Paid Pro ram Varied Pro rams Paid Pro ram Varied Pro rams Paid Pro ram Varied Pro rams ROOT 20 45 28* 26 Paid Pro ram Varied Pro rams Paid Pro ram Paid Pro ram Paid Pro ram Paid Pro ram Varied Pro rams SPIKE 13231 34 46 Paid Pro ram DeepClean Varied Pro rams Paid Pro ram Varied Pro rams SYFY 13335 133 45 Fall Praise-A-Thon Fall Praise-A-Thon TBN 05 60 130 *TBS 16 27 Married... With Married... With M Name Is Earl Home Improve. Home Improve. Accordin -Jim Accordin -Jim We There Yet? Meet, Browns House of Pa ne Fresh Prince F r esh Prince 28 (5:00) Dial M for Murder (1954) * * G reen Fire (1954) Grace Kell . « (:45) *** The Swan(1956) GraceKell, Alec Guinness. « (:45) Nick Carter, Master Detective Phantom Raid 15 ***Shi of Fools 1965 VivienLei h. Thesto oflifeaboarda Bremerhaven-boundoceanliner *** TheGrou 1966,Drama CandiceBeren,JoanHackett.« Caine Mutin *** M Sister Eileen (1942)RosalindRussell TCM 101 44 10129 W 15) ** Double Weddin (1937,Comed )as (:45) *** The Sisters 1938, Drama)Errol Fl nn, Bette Davis. Aa (:15) TwoSisters From Boston **** Green for Dan er (1946)Alastair Sim,Trevor Howard. « ThePostman Alwa sRin sTwice Th (5:00) TheWomanin White (1948) ** * The Mask of Dimitrios (1944) S dne Greenstreet. « 5:00 *** The Great Race 1965 Ton Curtis 45 *** The Care Treatment 1972, M ste James Coburn. « *** In Like Flint 1967, Action JamesCoburn, LeeJ. Cobb. « American-Emil *TLC 17834 32 34 Varied Pro rams Bab 's First Da Rm-Multiples A Bab Sto A B a b Stor A Bab Sto A B a b Stor Varied Pro rams Four Weddin s *TNT 17 26 15 27 Smallville Charmed Charmed Supernatural Supernatural Levera e *TOON 84 Loone Tunes Almost Naked Ben 10 Be blade-Metl Pokemon BW Nin'aGo: Mstrs Nin'aGo: Mstrs Johnn Test Codename: Kids Codename: Kids Wrld, Gumball Wrld, Gumball *TRAV 179 51 45 42 Paid Pro ram Paid Pro ram Paid Pro ram Varied Pro rams Paid Pro ram Paid Pro ram Hunters Int'I H u nters Int'I ExtremeHomes Extreme Homes Varied Pro rams Varied Pro rams Paid Pro ram Murder, SheWrote Leave-Beaver Varied Pro rams Dick Van D ke Dick Van D ke I Love Luc I Lo ve Luc TVLND 65 47 29 35 Law & Order: S ecial Victims Unit Law & Order: S ecial Victims Unit Law & Order: S ecial Victims Unit Law & Order: S ecial Victims Unit Law & Order: S ecial Victims Unit Law & Order: S ecial Victims Unit USA 15 30 23 30 Jump Start Jump Start Jump Start Jump Start Bi Mornin BuzzLive Varied Pro rams VH1 19148 37 54 15 Movie Varied Pro rams 10:50 Movie ENCR 106401306401 FMC 104204104120 5:00 Movie V a ried Pro rams Movie Varied Pro rams :15 Movie FUEL 34 Varied Pro rams Varied Pro rams Paid Pro ram Varied Pro rams GOLF 28 301 27 301 Mornin Drive HALL 66 33 175 33 Movie Marie Home & Famil Marie Michi an vs. Ohio State: Rival * * T h e Ant Bull (2006) Julia Roberts rr « *** The Tree of Life (2011,Drama) BradPitt, Sean Penn. rr « Section 60: Arlin ton National *** The Prince of E t 1998 n « 45 ** Hereafter 2010, DramaMattDamon,Cecile deFrance, Ja Mohr. n « Conchords ** Glee the 3DConcert Movie (2011 n « HBO 25501425501 W Me at the Zoo:3 5 * * Eddie 1996 Whoo i Goldber . n TowerHeist ** You GotServed 2004 Mar uesHouston.n 15 *** Me amind 2010 Voices ofWill Ferrell, Brad Pitt. n as Th Be President * * Naked Gun 331/3: The Final Insult (1994) rr ** Sucker Punch (2011)Emil Brownin, Abbie Cornish. n « *** Craz, Stupid, Love. (2011)SteveCarell. rr « **Loone Tunes: BackinAction 2003 n Mel Brooks and Dick Cavett The Pee-weeHermanShow on Broadwa n as ** Tower Heist 2011 Ben Stiller. n « Seth Mitchell IFC 105 105 5:00 Movie Varied Pro rams 15 Movie Var i edPro rams (5:40) ** Zoot Suit (1981)DanielValdez. rr ** The Indian in theCupboard (1995) n « ** Paul (2011) S>monPe (:05) ** The Dilemma (2011) VinceVau hn,Kevin James.rr « 4:50 Shaft « * * G o odBur er 1997 KelMitchell.n « 05 ** Unknown (2011 Liam Neeson, DianeKru er. n « * Survivin Christmas 2004 BenAffleck. n * Firestorm n MAX 00508 508 W 5:15 **** Tom Jones 1963 Albert Finne . n 20 *** The New World 2005 Colin Farrell. n sa 35 ***Ca e Fear 1991 Robert DeNiro, Nick Nolte.n sa Bruce Almi ht Th Breakin'-Rules ** Fierce Creatures (1997)JohnCleese. n (9:50) ** Water for Elephants (2011)ReeseWitherspoon. n (:05) *** Galax Quest (1999,Comed ) TimAllen. n « ** The Road to El Dorado 2000 n « ** Housesitter 1992 Steve Martin. n « 10 ** The Girl Next Door 2004 Emile Hirsch. n « ***Conta ion 2011 na« NBCSN 27 58 30 209 The DanPatrick Show Varied Pro rams Varied Pro rams Alaska State Troopers Border Wars Taboo NGC 157 157 I n vader ZIM Ad v en./Jimm A d ven./Jimm A d ven./Jimm P l anet Sheen Invader ZIM I n vader ZIM Ba ck, Barn ard Back, Barn ard Planet Sheen T.U.F.F. Pu NTOON 89 115189115 Invader ZIM OUTD 37 307 43 307 Varied Pro rams Paid Pro ram Varied Pro rams Paid Pro ram Varied Pro rams Paid Pro ram Varied Pro rams Sp Kids-Time ** Bottle Shock (2008,Drama)Alan Rickman, Chris Pine. rr ** Ru rats Go Wild (2003)Voices of BruceWilis ** Joe the Kin (1999) Noah Fleiss. rr « The Deco Bride 15 Bab sitters Beware 2008)Trenton Roers. n *** The Lotter 2010) Joel Klein. n « ** Geore ofthe Jun le 2 2003 n « ***A Better Life 2011 DemianBichir. n « **AGrand aforChristmas 2007 Premiere.n *Goin Overboard 1989 PeterBer .naa 15 The Ramen Girl 2008, Comed Brittan Mur h . n aa NiceGu Johnn 2010 n cc SHO 00 500 Th (5:15) ** Whiskers (1997) « (6:55) *** Unzipped (1995) Politics of Love (:10) ** The Baxter (2005)Michael Showalter. rr (:45) From Time toTime(2009) Ma ie Smith, Timoth Spall. rr « * It's Pat 1994, Comed Julia Sweene . n « ** Sabrina 1995 HarrisonFord. Premiere. n « 15 ** Mr. Wron 1996 Ellen DeGeneres.Premiere. n « * Loosies SPEED 35 303125303 Varied Pro rams Paid Pro ram Paid Pro ram Varied Pro rams STARZ 00408300408 (5:30) Movie V a ried Pro rams 5:35 ** The Runner 1999 n :15 ** M Father, the Hero 1994 Gerard Deardieu. n « 8:50**Redem ti onRoad 2010,Drama n « 35 *** The Hel 2011 Viola Davis. n 05 ***Shall We Dance? 1996 Koi Yakus o. Subtitled-En lish :05 Children of God 2010, DramaJohnn Ferro, VanBrown. n sa Red Sneakers 2001,DramaDemse Pa ion. Premiere. n aa TMC 25 (5:35) SeeYou in September rr (8:50) * Don't Go Breakin M Heart (1999)rr 525 (:15) ** Strai ht Talk (1992)Doll Parton, JamesWoods. rr « (:25)*M 5Wives(2000) Rodne Dan erfield 40 TheLe endofTillamook'sGold 2006 SuzanneMarieDo on.n ***Kin ofCalifornia 2007 MichaelDou las Th Shadow Island:40 Les Formidables 2006 Joon -HoonPark. Subtitled-En lish « RedSneakers 2001,DramaDemse Pa ion.naa **Co anda Half 1993 Burt Re nolds.naa 35 Love Birds 2011 Rh s Darb, Sall Hawkins. n as 20 Saved! n *WE 143 41 174118 Varied Pro rams PaidPro ram Roseanne Ro seanne Roseanne Ros eanne 20 /20WE on 20/20 on WE The Locator T h e Locator

PAGE 10 • TV

THE BULLETIN • NO VEMBER 10 — 16, 2012 *In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/Black Butte (Digital); PM-Prineville/Madras; SR-Sunriver; L-La Pine


i i g g gi~i ~ ~ « ~ gg~ The Chew General Hos ital

~8 ~

~ «

~ g ~i

+IKii i+®g~i

The Ricki Lake Show The Dr. OzShow KATU NewsFirst at Four KATU Newsat 5 World News Anderson Live Da sofourLives Dr. Phil The Dr. OzShow The Ellen DeGeneresShow News Ni htl News KTVZ Kristi Miller Bol d/Beautiful The Talk Little House on the Prairie And Griffith A n d Griffith I Love Luc I Lo ve Luc News Evenin News KBNZ The Chew General Hos ital Jud e J. Brown Jud e J. Brown Katie Jud e Jud Jud e Jud KEZI 9 News World News KOHD The People's Court Divorce Court Jud e Alex The Doctors The Ricki Lake Show TMZ Extra America's Funniest HomeVideos KFXO I Varied Pro rams Charlie Rose Cfffford-Do Bo b the BuilderMartha Speaks Cat in the Hat Arthur WordGirl Wild Kratts Ele ctric Comp KOAB NewsChannel 8 Be a Millionaire Da sofourLives Katie The Ellen DeGeneresShow Your Four O'Clock News NewsChannel 8 Ni htl News KGW Varied Pro rams Paid Pro ram Varied Pro rams Meet, Browns Meet, Browns The Bill Cunnin ham Show TheSteveW ilkosShow We ThereYet? We There Yet? TVZDT2 OPBPL 175 173 Varied Pro rams Tavis Smile Journal Ni htl Business PBS NewsHour Varied Pro rams *A&E 13028 18 32 CSI: Miami Criminal Minds Criminal Minds The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 **** Patton (1970, Bio raph ) Geor e C.Scott, Karl Malden, Michael Bates.Gen.Geor e S. Patton fi hts WorldWar II. « **Midwa (1976, War) « (9:00) ***A Brid e TooFar 9:30Midwa ** The PoseidonAdventure 1972 Gene Hackman, ErnestBornine.« ** Basic2003,Sus ense JohnTravolta,ConnieNielsen,SamuelL.Jackson.« Mission to Mars * The Reapin (2007) Hila Swank, DavidMorrisse . « CSI: Miami "Rest in Pieces" cc CSI: Miami "At Risk" n cc AMC 10240 39 (11:30) * Mission to Mars(2000)Ga Sinise, Tim Robbins. cc CSI M>am> St<ff n « CSI: Miami "BlownAwa " « h (11:15) *** Shan hai Noon (2000)Jackie Chan (:45) *** The TrumanShow (1998) JimCarre, Laura Linne . « ** Kin Arthur 2004, Historical Drama CliveOwen,Keira Kni htle . « *** Su erman Returns 2006, Adventure BrandonRouth, KateBosworth. TheManof Steel facesLexLuthor. « *ANPL 68 50 26 38 Animal CopsHouston Varied Pro rams Animal Co s Houston Animal Co s Houston The Haunted Monsters Inside Me Varied Pro rams BRAVO 137 44 Varied Pro rams Roseanne Roseanne CMT 19032 42 53 Yes, Dear Yes, Dear Yes, Dear Yes , Dear Roseanne Roseanne Closin Bell Closin Bell With Maria Bartiromo Fast Mone Va r ied Pro rams Mad Mone The Kudlow Report Varied Pro rams CNBC 54 36 40 52 The Situation Room Erin Burnett OutFront Anderson Cooper360 CNN 55 38 35 48 (11:00) CNN Newsroom Varied Pro rams Movie Comed Central:25 Futurama 4:56 Futurama Alwa s Sunn COM 13553 35 47 Paid Pro ram Paid Pro ram Paid Pro ram Paid Pro ram Paid Pro ram Paid Pro ram J o of Fishin A d v Journal Get Outdoors Visions of NW Dept JTrans. C i tEdition COTV Public Affairs Capitol Hill Hearin s CSPAN 61 20 12 (9:00) Public Affairs 'DIS 87 43 14 39 Varied Pro rams Phineas, Ferb Varied Pro rams Good-Charlie Varied Pro rams *DISC 156 21 16 37 FBI: Criminal Pursuit Auction Kin s Auction Kin s M hBusters Varied Pro rams *El E! News Varied Pro rams Sex and the Cit Sex and the Cit Sex and the Cit Sex and the Cit Varied Pro rams 136 25 Outside Lines Football Live N FL Live Around the Horn Interru tion S ortsCenter V aried Pro rams ESPN 21 23 22 23 Varied Pro rams Coffe e Basketball Varied Pro rams ESPN2 22 24 21 24 Varied Pro rams Boxin Varied Pro rams ESPNC 23 25 23 25 S ortsCenter S ortsCenter Around the Horn Interru tion S ortsCenter V aried Pro rams S ortsCenter ESPNN 24 63 24203 S ortsCenter What I Like Wh a t I Like 8 S i mple Rules 8 Simple Rules That '70s Show That '70s Show That '70s Show That '70s ShowReba Movie Varied Pro rams FAM 67 29 19 41 Studio B With Shepard Smith You r World With Neil Cavuto The Five Special Report With Bret Baier FOX Report With ShepardSmith The O'Reiff Factor FNC 57 61 36 50 *FOOD 17762 98 44 Best Dishes B'foot Contessa Varied Pro rams Dollar Dinners Secrets 30-Minute Meals Giada at Home Giada at Home B'foot Contessa B'foot Contessa Best Dishes B e st Dishes 11:30) Movie Varied Pro rams Two/Half Men Two/Half Men Varied Pro rams FX 131 House Hunters Hunters Int'I Varied Pro rams HGTV 176 49 33 43 'HIST 15542 41 36 Varied Pro rams Old Christine O l d Christine H ow I Met How I Met Gre 's Anatom Gre 's Anatom Varied Pro rams LIFE 138 39 20 31 TheC cle Martin Bashir Hardball With Chris Matthews Pol i ticsNation Hardball With Chris Matthews The Ed Show MSNBC 59 59 128 51 Varied Pro rams Jerse Shore V a ried Pro rams MTV 19222 38 57 TeamUmizoomi Max&Rub D o raEx lorer Go,Die o,Go! S on eBob S on eBob O d dParents OddParents OddParents S on eBob S on eBob S on eBob NICK 82 46 24 40 Dr. Phil Varied Pro rams OWN 16110331 103 Dr. Phil The DanPatrick Show Varied Pro rams ROOT 20 45 28* 26 Varied Pro rams SPIKE 13231 34 46 Varied Pro rams SYFY 13335 133 45 (11:30) Movie 10:00 Fall Praise-A-Thon Fall Praise-A-Thon TBN 05 60 130 *TBS 16 27 FreshPrince American Dad American Dad Love-Ra mond Love.Ra mond Love-Ra mond Love.Ra mond Seinfeld Friends Friends Friends Friends 28 ** S Murder (1940, M ste ) :15 )** * The Leopard Man (1943) Mar o « ** Eas Livin (1949) Victor Mature. « The ManWith the Golden Arm (11:45) ** Phantom Raiders 11:45 *** The Caine Mutin 1954 Hum hre Bo art. « ***Anatom ofa Murder 1959, DramaJamesStewart, LeeRemick, BenGazzara. « *** What Price Hoffwood? 15) ** Born to Kill (1947)LawrenceTierne, Claire Trevor. cc **** TheMaltese Falcon TCM 101 44 10129 W (11:15) TwoSisters FromBoston : 1 5) ** A Stolen Life (1946) BetteDavis, GlennFord. cc h The PostmanAlwa s Rin s Twice ** * A Kiss Before D in (1956) Robert Wa ner,Vir inia Leith. « **** Stran ers on a Train (1951,Suspense) RobertWalker. « The Unsinkable Moll Brown cc 11:30 *** The Americanization of Emil 1964 *** The Loved One 1965 RobertMorse,JonathanWinters. « 45 **RideLonesome 1959,Western « **** Lawrence of Arabia « *TLC 17834 32 34 What Not to Wear A Bab Sto A B a b Stor Var ied Pro rams Sa Yes, Dress Sa Yes, Dress *TNT 17 26 15 27 Varied Pro rams *TOON 84 Loone Tunes Loone Tunes Tom 8 Jerr Varied Pro rams Tom and Jerr Scoob -Doo Varied Pro rams Adventure Time Adventure Time MAD Re ular Show *TRAV 179 51 45 42 Varied Pro rams Bourdain: NoReservations Bizarre Foods/Zimmern Man v. Food Man v. Food Bourdain: NoReservations And Griffith A n dGriffith Gu n smoke Gunsmoke Bonanza Bonanza Bonanza TVLND 65 47 29 35 Law & Order: S ecial Victims Unit Law & Order: S ecial Victims Unit Varied Pro rams USA 15 30 23 30 Varied Pro rams VH1 19148 37 54 :15 Movie :40 Movie Va r iedPro rams :45 Movie Movie Varied Pro rams ENCR 106401306401 FMC 104204104120 Movie Varied Pro rams Movie FUEL 34 Varied Pro rams Golf Central V a r ied Pro rams GOLF 28 301 27 301 Varied Pro rams HALL 66 33 175 33 Movie Movie Varied Pro rams Movie Varied Pro rams *** Craz, Stupid, Love. (2011)Steve Carell. n « * Little Fockers (2010)Robert DeNiro. n « Tower Heist * * J ohnson Famil Vacation (2004) n « X2: United *Alvin and the Chi munks: Chi wrecked 2011 ***Dol hin Tale 2011 Har Connick Jr., Ashle Judd. n « Bi Picture: Rethinkin D slexia * * K n i htandDa 2010 TomCruise.n « HBO 25501425501 W ** Tower Heist 2011 Ben Stiller. n cc 45 ***Harr PotterandthePrisonerofAzkaban 2004 Danie)Radcliffe.nsa 15 * Env 2004, Comed Ben Stiller, JackBlack. n cc h Geor eHarrison: Livin intheMaterialWorld(2011) Witness "Lib a" « ** Arthur (2011)Russell Brand (:45)**We Bou htaZoo(2011) MattDamon, Scarlett Johansson.n « *** Geor e Harrison: Livin in the Material World 2011 « ** Alon Came Poll 2004 Ben Stiller. n s«a ** Chasin Libert 2004 Mand Moore,MatthewGoode. n s« a Forrest Gum IFC 105 105 9:45Movie Movie Malcolm, Middle Malcolm, Middle Malcolm, Middle Malcolm, Middle Movie (11:00)Pauln *** Buff Durham (1988)Kevin Costner,SusanSarandon. n « (:45) ** The Jewel of the Nile (1985)Michael Dou las. n « (:20) *** Cape Fear(1991)Robert DeNiro. n 11:30 *Firestorm 1998 n **MonteCarlo(2011 SelenaGomez,KatieCassid .n « 2:50 *Somethin Borrowed 2011 n sa 45 *Su ercross: The Movie 2005 n « MAX 00508 508 W 11:45 ** Bruce Almi h 2003 Jim Carre 25 * Your Hi hness 2011 Dann McBride 10 ** Contraband 2012 MarkWahlber, Kate Beckinsale. n sa Hunted "Mort" n cc h (11:50) ** 3000 Miles to Graceland (2001)Kurt Russell. n « **Sta Tuned(1992) JohnRitter. n « ** The Pool Bo s (2009)MatthewLillard. n « *** The Rundown(2003)n 11:00 ***Conta ion 2011 12:50 ** Clean Slate 1994) DanaCarve . n 35 *TheFourthKind 2009 Milla Jovovich 15 ** The Hard Wa 1991 Michael J. Fox.n « NBCSN 27 58 30 209 Varied Pro rams Pro Football Talk NBC S orts Talk Varied Pro rams Varied Pro rams NGC 157 157 Avatar: Air. Wo l verine-XMn Iron Man: Armor Voltron Force Dra onbaff GT Avatar: Air. Avatar: Air. Pla net Sheen P l anet Sheen NTOON 89 115189115 Fanbo -Chum Fanbo -Chum Avatar: Air. OUTD 37 307 43 307 Varied Pro rams (11:45) ** The Deco Bride ** Casino Jack (2010)Kevin Space, Bar Pepper. n « **** Frve Fm ers (2006)n (:15) *** Lost in Translation (2003)Bill Murra . n « I Don't Know 15 ** Pete Smaffs IsDead(2010 Peter Dinkla e. n « **Losin Chase 1996 HelenMirren.n « 45 * The Trouble With Bliss 2011 Michael C.Hall. n « Nice Gu John * * * The Ecli se 2009 Ciaran Hinds.n cc ** Vanit Fair 2004, Drama ReeseWithers oon, EileenAtkins. n cc 20 ***50/50 2011 Jose h Gordon-Levitt.n SHO 00 500 h (11:30) Politics of Love (2010)n GoodTimeMax(2007)JamesFranco.n « *** EdWood (1994)Johnn Depp,MartinLandau.n « (:45) **** Five Fin ers (2006) n « 11:30 *Loosies 2011 n ** Love & Sex 2000 Famke Janssen. n « 25 ** A Summer in Genoa 2008 Colin Firth ** Cocktail 1988 TomCruise. n « S Kids-Time SPEED 35 303125303 Monster Jam Varied Pro rams On the Ed e V a ried Pro rams Cho -Rebuild Gearz NASCARRaceHub Pass Time Pa s s Time Var ied Pro rams STARZ 00408300408 (11:40) Movie Varied Programs Movie VariedPro rams (:15)Movie Va r iedPro rams 10:35 *** The Hel 2011 05 ** The Beaver 2011 Mel Gibson. n 45 **An els Crest 2011 ThomasDekker, L nn Collins.n « ** Red 2010, Action BruceWillis. n « Xtra Credit 2009, Sus ense Micah Alberti. n cc ***DownandOutinBeverl Hills 1986 n 15 *** Panic 2000 William H. Mac . n cc :45 ** Little Voice 1998 BrendaBleth n. n TMC 25 ** H.G. Wells' War of the Worlds (2005)n ** The Accidental Sp 525 (:10) *** Dra onsla er (2011) n « (:05) ** Bob Funk (2009)Michael Le donCampbell. n « h:05 The Con Artist 2010 Rossif Sutherland. n 35 ** Resistance 2003 Bill Paxton,Julia Ormond.Premiere 20 Messa es Deleted 2009 MatthewLilard. n 4:55 Momentum 2003 n « 11:20 **Saved! 2004 n *** Panic 2000 William H.Mac .n cc * The BoneSnatcher 2003 Scott Bairstow.n *TheViolentOnes 1967 FernandoLamas. Blue Bros.2000 *WE 143 41 174118 Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Gho st Whisperer Charmed Charmed Varied Pro rams KATU

TV • PAGE 11 *In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/Black Butte (Digital); PM-Prineville/Madras; SR-Sunriver; L-La Pine

THE BULLETIN • NO VEMBER 10 — 16, 2012



c II


Jeopardy! (N)n












(10:01) Castle Swan SongAguitarist is KATU News at11 (11:35) Nightline 'Q' cc (N) n 'G' murdered.(N) n PG « (N) 'PQ' « (ABC) (N)n cc Jeopardy! (N)n Wheel of Fortune The Voice LiveTop12PerformancesThetop12 artists perform.(N) n 'PG' cc (10:01) Revolution TiesThat BindNora NewsChannel 21 Tonight Show KTVZ @ @ ~ @ NewsChannel 21 at 6(N) cc 'Q' cc (N) n 'G' (NBC) meets upwith arelative. '14' at11 (N) cc Wi t h Jay Leno Access Hollywood NewAdventures How I Met Your 30 Rock n '14' «How I Met Your Partners Tempo- 2Broke Girls (N) Mike & Molly Yard Hawaii Five-0 Dannyaccidentally acti- KOIN Local6at11 Late ShowWith KBNZ (N) 'PG' Mother (N) '14' rary Insanity '14 n ' 14' ©c Sale 'PG' David Letterman (CBS) of Old Christine Mother n '14' vates a bomb.(N) n '14' cc (N) cc The Insider (N) n Dancing With theStars: All-Stars (N) n 'PG' « (10:01) Castle SwanSongAguitarist is KEZI 9 Newsat (11:35) Nightline KOHD gy g) KEZI 9 News at KEZI 9 News (N) «Entertainment 'PQ' cc Tonight (N) n murdered.(N) n 'PG'« (N) 'PG' cc (ABC) 6pm (N) « 11pm (N)cc Two and aHalf The Big Bang The Big Bang Bones A manwhodied in aterrorist at- The Mob Doctor Tensionsgrowbe News Channel 21 TMZ (N) n 'PG' cc The Simpsons n Family Guy Killer KFXO 1(g 1EI @1EI Twoanda Half 'PQ' cc Men '14' cc Men '14' cc The o ry n 'PG' Theory n '14' (FOX) tack. (N)n '14' cc tween GraceandBrett. (N) n '14' First on FOX Queen '14' cc Antiques RoadshowAppraisals featur- Market Warriors AntiquesGarage in Independent Lens Luxury aparlment National Salute to Veterans n 'PG' « KOAB ~ gy ~ gy This Old House Nightly Business PBS NewsHour (N) n acc 'Q' cc ing cats anddogs.(N) 'G' cc New York. (N) n 'G' cc (PBS) Report (N) n 'G' building. (N) n 'PG' NewsChannel8at NewsChannel8at Live at7(N) « Inside Edition (N) The Voice LiveTop12PerformancesThetop12artists perform. (N) n 'PG' « (10:01) Revolution TiesThat BindNora NewsChannel 8at Tonight Show KGW 'PQ' cc (NBC) 6PM (N) « 6:3 0 PM (N) meets upwith arelative. '14' 11(N) cc With Jay Leno The King of R u l es of Engage. Rules of Engage. 90210 Hate Love2Adriannemakes a Gossip Girl A shocking revelation has a Seinfeld TheFrog- Seinfeld TheChap- 'Til Death Dream- 'Til Deathn '14' cc KTVZDT2 (EIQ Q Gcl The King of ment 'PG' ger n 'PG' guys 'PG' Queens n 'PG Queens n 'PG' ment '14' confession toAnnie. (N) n '14' big impact. (N) n '14' « erone 'G' (CW) OPBPL 175 17 3 M y Family cc T i me Goes By The Hines FarmBlues Club n 'PG' cc World News T a vis Smiley (N) Charlie Rose(N) n « PBS NewsHour n « KATU

KATU Newsat 6(N) n cc



Wheel of Fortune Dancing With the Stars: All-Stars (N) n 'PG' «

Intervention Dorothy; Ivan A rap artist is Intervention Christina A methandpain- Intervention Nichole Analcoholic battles Intervention Kaylene Amother aids her (11:01) Intervention A formerchild actor 3 28 1 8 32 Intervention Kimberly Anal locked in abedroom. 'PG' cccoholic is addicted to PCP.'PGi killer addict needshelp. '14' her addiction. 14 cc daughter's addiction. '14' cc is driven to drugs. « (5:00) ** "Midway" (1976,War)Charlton Hsston, HenryFonda,James Coburn. **** "Apocalypse NowRedux" (2001, War)Marlon Brando,Robert Duvall, Martin Sheen.AnArmyagent goesupriver in Cambodiato kill a renegade. « 'AMC JapaneseandAmericanforces battle over aPacific island. « *ANPL 68 50 26 38 RattlesnakeRepublic'PG' cc Rattlesnake Republic n '14' cc Finding Bigfoot n 'PG Finding Bigfoot n 'PG Finding Bigfoot: Further Evidence Finding Bigfoot n 'PG BRAVO 13 The Real Housewives of Atlanta Real Housewives/Beverly Real Housewives/Beverly Start-Ups: Silicon Valley Awkward What Happens Housewives 44 Sta r t-Ups: Silicon Valley R e ba 'PG' cc Re b a 'PG' cc Re b a 'PG' cc Ron White: TheyCall MeTater CMT 190 32 42 53 Reba'PG' cc Re b a 'PG' cc Reba 'PG' cc R o n White's Comedy Salute to theTroops 2012'14' C o untry Fried ** "Unraveled" (2011, Documentary) CNBC 54 36 40 52 (5:00)Unraveled American Greed American Greed Mad Money'MA' Amencan Greed Teeter HangUps Hair Loss CNN 55 38 35 48 Piers MorganTonight(N) Anderson Cooper360 « Erin Burnett OutFront Piers MorganTonight Anderson Cooper360 « Erin Burnett OutFront S o uth Park 'MA' Daily Show C o l bert Report COM 13 53 135 47 Always Sunny (6:29) Tosh.0 '14' Colbert Report Daily Show Je ff Dunham: Arguing With Myself South Park 'MA' South Park 'MA' Brickleberry COTV 11 Paid Program Kristi Miller Desert Cooking Oregon Joy of Fishing Adv Journal Get Outdoors V i sions of NW The YogaShow The Yoga Show Kristi Miller Cit y Edition CSPAN 61 20 12 11 (5:00) Politics & Public Policy Today Politics & Public Policy Today 'DIS 87 43 14 39 Jessie 'G' « Aus t in I Ally 'G' A.N.T. Farm 'G' Shake It Up! 'G' ** * "A Bug's Life" (1998) Voices ofDaveFoley Phineas, Ferb Gravity Falls 'Y7' Phineas, Ferb Jessie 'G' « A.N .T. Farm n *DISC 15 21 16 37 FastN'Loudn'14'cc Overhaulin': Deconstructed 'PG' A merican Chopper n 'PG' cc American Chopper(N) 'PG' cc JesseJames:Outlaw Garage'14' American Chopper n 'PG' cc "He'sJust Not ThatInto You *E! 13 25 E! News(N) Studio E! (N) E ! Special '14 Nicki Minaj: My Nicki Minaj: My Ice Loves Coco Ice Loves Coco Chelsea Lately E! News ESPN 21 23 22 23 (5:30) NFLFootballKansasCityChiefsatPittsburghSteelers(N)(Live) SportsCenter (N) College Basketball WestVirginia at Gonzaga(N)(Live) College Basketball ESPN2 22 24 21 24 2012WorldSeriesofPoker College Basketball Live (N)(Live) SportsCenter (N)(Live) ss NFL PrimeTime(N) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) « ESPNC 23 25 123 25 (5:00) CollegeBasketball (N) College Basketball FromNov.15,2011 in NewYork. « The RayMancini Story Ringside cc H-Lite Ex. H-Li te Ex. Spor tsCenter « ESPNN 24 63 124203 SportsCenter (N) (Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter (N) H-Lite Ex. ESPNFCPress H-Lite Ex. FAM 67 29 19 41 Melissa& Joey Melissa& Joey *** "Harry Potterandthe Chambero/ Secrets" (2002) Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint. A malevolentforce threatens thestudents at Hogwarts. The 700 Club n 'G' « FNC 57 61 36 50 Hannity(N) On Record, GretaVanSusteren The O'Reilly Factor cc Hannity On Record, GretaVanSusteren The Five *FOOD 17 62 98 44 Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive D i ners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive D i ners, Drive D i ners, Drive Diners, Drive D i ners, Drive Mystery Diners Health Inspect ** "Shrek ForeverAfter" (2010)Voices of Mike Myers.Premiere ** "Shrek ForeverAfter" (2010, Comedy)Voices of MikeMyers FX 131 How I Met How I Met Two/Half Men Two/Half Men HGTV 17 49 33 43 Property Virgins Property Virgins Love It or List It Mark &Desta'G' Love Itor Listlt'G' « Love It or List It (N) 'G' « House Hunters Hunters Int'I Lo v e It or List It 'G' cc *HIST 15 42 41 36 AmericanPickers'PG' cc American Pickers 'PG' cc Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' American Pickers (N) 'PG' cc PawnStars'PG' PawnStars'PG' Love-1880's Love.1880' s LIFE 13 39 20 31 "A//She Wantsfor Christmas"(2006, Dra ** "A Nannyfor Christmas" (2010) Emmanuelle Vaugier. « "A Dad forChristmas" (2006,Drama) Kristopher Turner. 'PG' « ma) MonicaKeena. 'PG' « MSNBC 59 59 128 51 The Rachel MaddowShow (N) The Last Word The Ed Show The Rachel MaddowShow The Last Word Hardball With Chris Matthews MTV 192 22 38 57 TeenMom2n'14' Teen Mom 2Jenelle decides to goto rehab.n '14' Teen Mom 2Coreyarranges visitation. n '14 Teen Mom 2 n 'PG' Catfish: The TV Show (N) n NICK 82 46 24 40 Kung Fu Panda: Legends Drake & Josh n Figure It Out 'Y' Full House 'G' Full House 'G' Full House 'G' Full House 'G' The Nanny 'PG' The Nanny 'PG Friends n 'PG' (11:33) Friends Personal Justice n '14' « Dateline on OWN n '14' « Datehne onOWNThe Edge (N) 14 Datehne on OWN n 14' cc Dateline on OWN n '14' « OWN 161 103 31 103 Personal Justice n '14' « ROOT 20 45 28* 26 College Basketball MontanaState at Seattle College Football PortlandState atMontanaState The DanPatrick Show * * * i Kick-Ass" (2010, SPIKE 132 31 34 46 Band of Brothers *** i Kick-Ass"(2010,Action) AaronJohnson, ChristopherMintz-Plasse. n Action) AaronJohnson, Christopher Mintz-Plasse.n Repo Gamesn ** "Jeepers Creepers 2" (2003)RayWise, JonathanBreck. « SYFY 13 35 133 45 (4:00) Outlander * "G.l. Joe: TheRise o/ Cobra" (2009, Action) ChanningTatum,Dennis Quaid. « ** hgaybreakers" (2009) « TBN 205 60 130 Fall Praise-A-Thon Fall Praise-A-Thon The King of The King of Seinfeld The S e infeld n 'PG' «Family Guy Retelling"The Empire Family Guyn Family GuyPeter- Family Guy n Family Guyn Conan RusselBrand; l Big K.R.I.T. 'TBS '14' cc '14' cc '14' cc Queens n 'PG Queens n 'PG Glassesn 'PG' Strikes Back." n '14' cc 14 « geistn 14 *** "Lolita"(1962,Comedy-Drama)JamesMason, Shelley Winters, SueLyon. Amiddle-aged profes (5:00) *** "TheManWiththe Golden (7:15) *** "From Here Io Eternity" (I953, Drama)Burt Lancaster, MontgomeryClift, DeborahKerr. TCM 01 44 I01 29 Arm" (1955)FrankSinatra. Lives intertwine at aPearl Harborbasebefore theattack. « sor becomessmitten with a12-year-old. «(DVS) *TLC 17 34 32 34 Long Island Medium: On the Road Island Medium Island Medium Long Island Me Long Island Me LongIsland Medium: ExtendedEp LongIslandMe Long IslandMe Long IslandMe Long Island Me The Mentalist Investigating ayoung The Mentalist RedemptionThe Red The Mentalist The teamencounters a The Mentalist RedScare Hauntedman The Mentalist Janehelpssolve a mur- CSE NY Awomanis murdered in her *TNT girl's murder. n '14' cc John case isreassigned. '14' « motorcycle gang. n '14' « sion. n '14' « der. n '14' cc hospital bed. n '14' « *TOON 84 Adventure Time Adventure Time Adventure Time Adventure Time Regular Show Annoying King of the Hill King of the Hill American Dad American Dad Family Guy '14' Family Guy '14 *TRAV 17 51 45 42 Bizarre Foods/Zimmern Man v. Food 'G' Manv.Food'G' Bourdain :NoReservations Bourdain: No Reservations Bourdain: No Reservations TheLayoverMiami'PG'« M * A*S*H 'PG' T h e Cosby Show The Cosby Show The Cosby Show Love.Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond KingofQueens King ofQueens TVLND 65 47 29 35 M*A*S*H 'PG' M * A*S*H 'PG' USA 15 30 23 30 NCISAgentAfloatn'14'« NCIS: Los Angeles n '14' « WWE MondayNight RAW(N) n 'PG' ac c CSE CrimeSceneInvestigation n VHI 191 48 37 54 BasketballWivesLAn'14' Basketball Wives LA n '14' Basketball Wives LA(N) n '14' T.l. and Tiny C h r issy & Jones Basketball Wives LA n '14' Storytellers Alicia Keys(N) n 'PG *A&E


106401 306401(5 40) ** "Pirates o/the Caribbean:OnStranger Tides"2011'PG13 Stranded n (Part1 of 2) 'PG' cc / KnowWhat (9:35) ** "Battle:LosAngeles" 2011Aaron Eckhart. n 'PG-13' « FXM Presents * * "M r.&Mrs.Smith" 2005,Action Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie. 'PG-13' « FXM Presents * * "Lara Croft: Tomb Raider" 104 204104120(5:00) ** "Mr.&Mrs. Smith" 2005 BradPitt. « 34 UFC Unleashed Training Day UFC Roundt abl e Moto:InOut UFC Tonight UFC Reloaded UFC139:Ruavs.HendersonShogunRuavs.DanHenderson

28 301 27 301 Patriot Cup Highlights 2012

Big Break Greenbrier

Big Break

Gol f Central

Pa t riot Cup Highlights 2012

Big Break Greenbrier


Cha l lenge

HALL 66 33 175 33 (5:00) "ChristmasSong" (2012)'G ' T rans Siberian Orchesta ThomasKinkade's Christmas Cottage" (2008) Jared Padalecki. « The ChristmasCard"(2006) EdAsner, John Newton. 'G' « HBO 425 501 425501 (5:45) *** "X2:X-MenUnited" 2003 Patrick Stewart.n 'PG-13' cc Real TimeWith Bill Maher n 'MA' Witness (N) 'MA' cc * "LittleFockers" 2010 RobertDeNiro. n 'PG-13' Boxing ** "KingofNewyork"1990, Crime DramaChristopher Walken. 'R IFC 1 0 1 0 5 (5:00) ** "Lord o/ War"2005Nicolas Cage. 'R (9:45) ** "Star Tre/cTheMotion Picture" 1979, ScienceFiction Wiliam Shatner. 'PG ** "What's your Number?" 2011AnnaFaris, Ari Graynor. n 'R' cc MAX 400508 508(4:20)CapeFear *** "Contagion"2011MarionCotillard.'PG-13 (8:15) *** "Rise oi the Planet oftheApes" 2011James Franco. n *** "The Natural" (1984)RobertRedford, RobertDuvall. A flawedbaseball herogets anewchance. NBCSN 27 58 30 209 (5:00) *** "The Natural" (1984)Robert Redford, Robert Duvall Caught Looking 'PG Alaska State Troopers '14 Bikers and Mobsters '14' NGC 157 157 A l aska State Troopers '14 Drugged HighonHeroin '14' Manhatta nMob Rampage '14' Drugged HighonHeroin '14 NTOON 89 115189115 Odd Parents Odd Parents A v atar: Air. Ava t ar: Air. Planet Sheen n Planet Sheenn SpongeBob S p ongeBob Avatar: Air. Ava tar: Air Dragon Ball Z I ron Man: Armor

Fisher's ATV D i rt Trax TV D e s tination PolPBR Outdoors Best of West Headhunters TV Grateful Nation Fisher's ATV D i rt Trax TV * "SeriousMoonlight" 2009MegRyan. 'R Untold History of the United States Homeland The Clearing n « Dexter Chemistryn 'MA' « Hot Rod TV '14' Truck U (N) 'G' Truck U 'G' Gearz 'PG' Ge arz 'G' Hot Rod TV'G' Hot Rod TV '14' Truck U 'G ' Tr u ck U 'G' ** "Priest" 2011 PaulBettany. n 'PG-13' « ** "Click"2006, ComedyAdamSandler. n 'PG-13' « STARZ 300 408300408 (5:15) ** "Tron: Legacy" 2010Jeff Bridges. 'PG' ** "Redemption Road" 2010 n 'PG-13' cc TMC 525 525 (4:30) ** Red * * " The Last International Playboy" 2008 'R' « (9:40) *"Brake"2012Stephen Dorff. n 'R' « *WE 14 41174118Roseanne'PG' Roseanne'PG' Roseanne'PG' Roseanne'PG' Roseanne'PG' Roseanne'PG' Roseanne'PG' Roseanne'PG' Roseanne'PG' Roseanne'PG

OUTD 37 307 43 307 Profess. SHO 500 500 Fi vFingers e 'R' SPEED 35 303125303 Hot Rod TV 'G

Destination Pol. Savage Wild Homeland TheClearingn «

Unique Whips '14' Ghost Rider: Spirit (11:15) ** "Ange/s Crest" 2011 Roseanne'PG' Roseanne'PG

PAGE 12 • TV

THE BULLETIN • NO VEMBER 10 — 16, 2012 *In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/Black Butte (Digital); PM-Prineville/Madras; SR-Sunriver; L-La Pine



v II



II Jeopardy! (N)n











Wheel of Fortune Dancing With the Stars: All-Stars (N) (9:01) HappyEnd- The B-- in Apart- Private Practice Sam'sreality show KATU Newsat11 (11:35) Nightline 'Q' cc n 'PG' cc (N) n 'G' ment 23 begins taping.(N) n '14' « (ABC) ings (N) '14' (N)n cc (N) cc Jeopardy! (N)n Wheel of Fortune The Voice LiveResultsShowVocalists (9:01) GoOn(N) (9:31) The New (10:01) ParenthoodTogetherAdamand NewsChannel 21 Tonight Show KTVZ O O O O NewsChannel 21 at 6 (N) cc 'Q' cc (N) n 'G' (NBC) face elimination.(N) n 'PG' n 14 Normal (N) '14' Kristina facedifficulties. 'PG' at11 (N) cc Wi t h Jay Leno Access HollywoodNew Adventures How I Met Your 30Rockn '14' « NCIS Shell Shock,Part I A Navylieuten NCIS: Los Angeles Hannaworriesa Vegas TheRealThing A dentist is mur KOINLocal6at11 Late ShowWith KBNZ (N) 'PG' ant is murdered.(N) 'PG' David Letterman (CBS) of Old Christine Mother n '14' secret will beexposed. (N) 'PG' dered (N) n 14 cc (N) cc The Insider (N) Dancing With theStars: All-Stars (N) (9:01) HappyEnd- The B-- in Apart- Private Practice Sam'sreality show KEZI 9 Newsat (11:35) Nightline KOHD O O O O KEZI9Newsat KEZI 9 News(N) «Entertainment n 'PG' cc Tonight (N) n cc ment 23 begins taping.(N) n '14' « (ABC) 6pm (N) « ings (N) '14' 11pm (N) « (N) cc Two and aHalf The Big Bang The Big Bang Raising Hope(N) Ben and Kate New Girl Menzies The Mindy Project News Channel 21 TMZ (N) n 'PG' cc The Simpsons n Family Guy n KFXO ID< IEI (Ef IEI Twoand aHalf n '14' cc 'PQ' cc '14' cc Men '14' cc Men 'PG' cc (N) n '14' (N) n '14' (FOX) Theory n 'PG' Theory n '14' Career Day'14 First on FOX Nightly Business PBS NewsHour(N) n m American Masters JudyGarland: By Myself Judy Garland'sstory. n 'PG' « Frontline TheSuicide PlanAssisted suicide inthe U.S. (N) In the Life n KOAB ~ gy ~ gy Ask This Old 'PQ' cc (PBS) House (N) n 'G Report (N) n 'G' n (PA) cc NewsChannel8 at NewsChannel8at Liveat7(N) cc Inside Edition (N) The Voice LiveResultsShowVocalists (9:01) GoOn(N) (9:31) The New (10:01) ParenthoodTogether Adamand NewsChannel 8 at Tonight Show KGW 'PQ' cc n '14' 6:30PM(N) Normal (N) '14' Kristina face difficulties. 'PG' (NBC) 6PM (N) « face elimination. (N) n 'PG' 11(N) cc With Jay Leno The King of R u l es of Engage. Rules of Engage Hart of Dixie I Walkthe LineLavonand Emily Owens, M.D. Apatient baffles Seinfeld The Maid Seinfeld TheBig 'Til Death Sugar 'Til Death The KTVZDT2 IEIQ Q Q The King of 'PG' cc ment 'PG' Queens n 'PG Queens n 'PG' ment '14' Ruby are tied inthe polls. 'PG' Micah andEmily. (N) n 'PG' cc Salad 'PG' « D o ugie n 'PG' B reak-Up n '14' (CW) OPBPL 175 173 N ew Tricks The WarAgainst Drugs Jim Thorpe: Greatest Athlete SummerSun Winter Moon n 'G' World News T a vis Smiley (N) Charlie Rose(N) n « PBS NewsHour n « KATU


KATU Newsat 6(N) n cc


3 28 1 8 32 Storage Wars

Storage Wars «Storage Wars 'PQ' cc

Storage Wars 'PQ' cc

Storage Wars Storage Wars 'PQ' cc

'PQ' cc

Storage Wars 'PQ' cc

Storage Wars 'PQ' cc

Storage Wars 'PQ' cc

Storage Wars 'PQ' cc

(11:01) Storage (11:31) Storage Wars cc

Wars cc

(5:30) *"MissionIo Mars" (2000, ScienceFiction) Gary Sinise, Tim Robbins.A ** "Poseidon" (2006,Adventure)JoshLucas, Kurt Russell, JacindaBarrett. A ** "Poseidon" (2006, Adventure) JoshLucas, Kurt Russell, JacindaBarrett. A 'AMC team goes to Marsto recover anearlier expedition. « luxury linercapsizes inthe NorthAtlantic. CC luxury liner capsizes in the NorthAtlantic. « *ANPL 68 50 26 38 Rattlesnake Republic Mutiny'PG River Monsters:Unhookedn 'PG Frontier Earth (N) n 'PG Wild Hawaii (N) n 'PG The Blue Planet: Seas of Life 'G Frontier Earth n 'PG BRAVO 13 44 The Real Housewives of Atlanta Real Housewives/Beverly Real Housewives/Beverly Flipping Out Grandma'sHouse(N) Million Dollar Decorators (N) What Happens Flipping Out R e ba 'PG' cc Reba 'PG' cc R e ba 'PG' cc Redneck Island n 'PG CMT 190 32 42 53 Reba'PG' cc Re b a 'PG' cc Reba 'PG' cc Chainsaw Gang Big TexasHeat Redneck Island n 'PG' CNBC 54 36 4052 60MinutesonCNBCTheCollapse American Greed Mad Money'MA' 60 Minutes onCNBCThe Collapse American Greed Paid Program Octaspring Ma. CNN 55 38 35 48 Piers MorganTonight(N) Anderson Cooper360 « Erin Burnett OutFront Piers MorganTonight Anderson Cooper360 « Erin Burnett OutFront Workaholics '14' Tosh.0 '14' Tosh.0 '14' Tos h.0 '14' Tos h.0 (N) '14' Brickleberry (N)Daily Show C o l bert Report COM 13 53 135 47 (5:58) South Park (6:29) Tosh.0'14' Colbert Report Daily Show COTV 11 Paid Program Kristi Miller Redmond City Council Kristi Miller Cit y Edition CSPAN 61 20 12 11 (5:00) Capitol Hill Hearings Capitol Hill Hearings (2008)Voices of BenBurtt. n 'DIS 87 43 14 39 Phineas, Ferb Good-Charlie A . N.T. Farm 'G' Shake It Up! 'G**** "WALL-E" Phineas, Ferb Gravity Falls 'Y7' Phineas, Ferb Austin & Ally 'G' Good-Charlie *DISC 15 21 16 37 Alaska: The Last Frontier n '14' Al a ska: The Last Frontier n 'PG Alaska: TheLast Frontier n '14 Alaska: TheLast Frontier (N) '14' A l aska Marshals (N) n 'PG' cc Alaska: TheLast Frontier n '14 *E! 13 25 A-L ist Listings E! Special '14' E ! News (N) Fashion Police '14' Young, Beautiful & Vanished: 15Unthinkable Crimes '14 Chelsea Lately E! News ESPN 21 23 22 23 Basketball College Basketball StateFarmChampions Classic—Dukevs. Kentucky SportsCenter (N)(Lwe)« SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc ESPN2 22 24 21 24 College Basketball College Basketball NITSeasonTip-Off: TeamsTBA(N) (Live) NFL Live cc NBA Tonight (N) Best of the NFL NFL Presents Football Live ESPNC 23 25 123 25 The RayMancini Story The RayMancini Story Bay City Blues « AWA Wrestling cc College Football Played11/21/81. cc H-Lite Ex. H-Li te Ex ESPNN 24 63 124203 SportsCenter (N) (Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter (N) H-Lite Ex. H-L i te Ex. H-Li te Ex ESPNFCPress H-Lite Ex *** "Harry Potter andthe Goblet o/ Fire" (2005, Fantasy)Daniel Radcliffe, RupertGrint, EmmaWatson FAM 67 29 19 41 (3:30) "Harry Potterand the Chambero/Secrets The 700 Club n 'PG' « FNC 57 61 36 50 Hannity(N) On Record, GretaVanSusteren The O'Reilly Factor cc Hannity On Record, GretaVanSusteren The Five *FOOD 17 62 98 44 ChoppedFourfirefightersbattle ChoppedChewingtheCaulFat Chopped UnsungHeroes Chopped Oui,Oui, Confit 'G' Chopped(N)'G' Chopped Have aHeart FX 131 How I Met Two/Half Men Two/Half Men * * "Twilight" (2008, Romance) Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, Billy Burke Sons of Anarchy Crucifixed(N) 'MA' Sons of Anarchy HGTV 17 49 33 43 MillionDollarRooms'G'« Hunters Int'I House Hunters Love Itor Listlt'G' « Property Virgins Property Virgins House Hunters Hunters Int'I Million Dollar Rooms(N) 'G' « *HIST 15 42 41 36 Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG Mankind TheStory of All of Us Inventors (N) 'PG' cc Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' LIFE 13 39 20 31 WifeSwapCathrea/Stewart'PG' Wife SwapFlynn/Orris 'PG' « Abby's Ultimate Dance Abby's Ultimate Dance Prank MyMom Prank My Mom Prom Queens(N) Prom Queens (N) MSNBC 59 59 128 51 The Rachel MaddowShow (N) The Last Word The Ed Show The Rachel MaddowShow The Last Word Hardball With Chris Matthews MTV 192 22 38 57 Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Totally Clueless Pranked: Love MTV Specia ln 'PG' Teen Mom 2 n 'PG' Underemployed (N) n '14' « Underemployed n '14' « NICK 82 46 24 40 SpongeBob SpongeBob Drake & Josh n Figure It Out 'Y Full House 'G' Full House 'G' Full House 'G' Full House 'G' The Nanny 'PG' The Nanny 'PG Friends n 'PG' (11:33) Friends Are They Now?'14 Oprah: WhereAre They Now? 'PG Oprah: WhereAre They Now?'PG' Oprah: WhereAre They Now?'PG Oprah: WhereAre They Now?'PG OWN 161 103 31 103 Married-Mobster Married-Mobster Oprah: Where ROOT 20 45 28* 26 MarkFewShow Griot's Garage Boat Racing H1Unlimited Series College Football OregonState at Stanford The DanPatrick Show SPIKE 132 31 34 46 InkMastern'14'cc Ink Master Tattoo HerWhat?'14' Ink Master Trick orFreak n '14' Ink Master n '14' cc Ink Master StarWars Forever'14' Tattoo Night. B e v. HillsCop SYFY 13 35133 45 Destination Truthn « Destination Truth n « Total Blackout Total Blackout Total Blackout Total Blackout Total Blackout Viral Video Total Blackout Viral Video TBN 205 60 130 Fall Praise-A-Thon Fall Praise-A-Thon The King of The King of Seinfeld ThePuffy Seinfeld TheJunior TheBig Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang ConanJoelMcHale;James"Bobo"Fay. 'TBS Queens n 'PG' Queens n 'PG Shirt 'PG' Mint 'PG' Theory n 'PG' Theory n 'PG' Theory n 'PG' Theory n 'PG' Theory n '14' Theory n '14' (N) '14' « (6:45) ** "Our Betters" (1933,Comedy)Constance Bennett (8:15) * "TwoAgainst the World" (1932, Drama)Constance ** "Lawoithe Tropics"(1941, Drama)Jeffrey Lynn,Con- * "Rockabye" (1933, Drama)Constance TCM 101 44 101 29 iy "What Price Hoi wood?"(1932) Gilbert Roland,Anita Louise. Bennett, Neil Hamilton,HelenVinson. stance Bennett. Bennett, JoelMcCrea. *TLC 17 34 32 34 ExtremeCou Extreme Cou L i ttle People: Amy's 50th Birthday Little People: DownUnder Little People Big World: Wedding Extreme Cou E x treme Cou L i t tle People Big World: Wedding The Mentalist TheScarlet Letter State The Mentalist Red BadgeLisbonis ac Rizzol i& IslesGoneDaddyGoneJane Rizzoli & Isles RememberMeAserial Rizzoli & Isles Jane andFrankie try to Leverage TheRundownJob The team *TNT senator's intern is killed. '14' cused of murder. n '14' « avoids sensitivity training. '14' killer claims tohaveclues. '14' solve a murder. '14' « tries to stop aterrorist. '14' *TOON 84 Regular Show Wrld, Gumball Wrld, Gumball Level Up 'PG' Looney Tunes Adventure Time KingoftheHill K i ngoftheHill A mericanDad AmericanDad FamilyGuy'14' FamilyGuy'14 *TRAV 17 51 45 42 Bizarre Foods/Zimmern Man v. Food 'G' Manv.Food'G Dangerous Grounds Haiti 'PG' Dangerous Grounds Bolivia 'PG' B i z arre Foods/Zimmern Bizarre Foods/Zimmern M * A*S*H 'PG' M * A*S*H 'PG' T h e Cosby Show TVLND 65 47 29 35 M*A*S*H 'PG' The CosbyShow The Cosby Show Love.Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond KingofQueens King ofQueens USA 15 30 23 30 Law&Order:SpecialyictimsUnit L aw&Order: SpecialyictimsUnit Law I Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Covert Affairs Quicksand(N) 'PG' Law & Order: Special Victims Unit VHI 191 48 37 54 Chrissy& Jones T.l.andTiny B as k etballWivesLAn'14 40 Funniest Fails 2 '14' 40 Funniest Fails 2 '14 Behind the Music Pink(N) n 'PG' Storytellers Pink (N) n 'PG

Stranded n (Part 2 of 2)'PG' « (9:40) **** "The Exorcist"1973 EllenBurstyn. Jesuits try to rescue apossessedgirl FXM Presents ** "Undi sputed"2002,DramaWesleySnipes,VingRhames.'R'« 104204104120LiveFree-Die F X M Presents * * * "L ive FreeDior eHard"2007 BruceWilis. America's computers fall underattack 34 Answers UFC Roundtable UFC Tonight (N) UFC Primetime UFC Fight Night UFC:Franklin vs. LeFromCotai Arenain Macao,China. UFC Tonight U FC Primetime 28 301 27 301 Big BreakGreenbrier (N) Chasing Longest Drive Big Break Golf Central B i g Break Greenbrier Chasing Longest Drive Big Break School of Golf HALL 66 33 175 33 **"A Town WithoutChristmas"(2001) Patricia Heaton. 'PG' « ChristmasMagic" (2011,Drama)Lindy Booth. 'G' « "Mistletoe OverManhattan" (2011)Tricia Helfer, GregBryk. 'G' « HBO 425501425501 Knightand Day ** "Stuck on you"2003,Comedy MattDamon.n 'PG-13'cc * "Alvin and theChipmunks: Chipwrecked" 2011 Treme n 'MA' « Boardwalk Empire n 'MA' cc *** "Brea kdown"1997,Suspense KurtRussell,J.T.W alsh.'R IFC 1 0 1 0 5 (5:00) ** "Transporter 3" 2008 (7:15) ** "Transporter 3" 2008,Action JasonStatham, Natalya Rudakova.'PG-13 Star Trek /I ** "Unknown" 2011,SuspenseLiamNeeson. n 'PG-13' cc ** "Fast Five" 2011,Action VinDiesel, Paul Walker. n 'PG-13' cc MAX 400508 508 (6:05) ** "Gang Related"1997 JamesBelushi. n 'R' cc NBCSN 27 58 30 209 College Basketball GeorgiaSouthern atCharlotte (N) (Live) World Series of Fighting 1 Sports lllustrated 'PG Poker After Dark 'PG' « NGC 157 157 D oomsday Preppers(N)'14 DoomsdayPreppers '14' DoomsdayPreppers '14 DoomsdayPreppers '14' DoomsdayPreppers BuggedOut DoomsdayPreppers BuggedOut NTOON 89 115189115 OddParents O d d Parents Avatar: Air. Ava tar: Air. Planet Sheen n Planet Sheen n SpongeBob S p ongeBob Avatar: Air. Ava tar: Air. Dragon Ball Z I ron Man: Armor OUTD 37 307 43 307 Hunting, Country Outdoors TV Wildlife DreamSeason Hunting TV Michaels MRA Truth Hunting W i ldlife The Hit List Bo w Madness Legends of Fall SOLO Hunters * "Apo//o 18" 2011 Lloyd Owen. n 'PG-13' « *** "Goon" 2011SeannWiliam Scott. 'R SHO 5 00 5 0 0 "I Don't KnowHcwSheDoes i" Homeland TheClearing n e« s Dexter Chemistry n 'MA' « SPEED 35 303125 303Hard Parts Har d Parts My Ride Rules My Ride Rules Dumbest Stuff Dumbest Stuff Hard Parts Har d Parts My Ride Rules My Ride Rules Unique Whips '14' ** "Bad Teacher" 2011Cameron Diaz. n 'R' « STARZ 300408300408 (5 20)** "Cl ick"2006 Adam Sandler.'PG-13'« (7:20) ** "Duplex" 2003BenStiler. 'PG-13' « (10:35) ** "Bringing Downthe House" 2003 « amaEileen Boylan.'R'« ** "Conception"2011 Jennifer Finnigan. 'NR' « "The Family Tree"2010 DermotMulroney. 'R' « ** "Skate/and" 2010 n 'PG-13 TMC 525 52 5 * * L i ttle Voice "DakotaSkye"2008,Dr *WE 14 41 174118 CSI: Miami COuntMeOut n '14' CSE Miami n '14' cc CSE MiamiShowStopper n '14' CS I : Miami Die thebySword '14' C S E Miami Kill Clause '14' cc CSE MiamiCount MeOut n '14 ENCR FMC FUEL GOLF

106401 306401(6:10) *** "FriendsWithBenefits" 2011 Justin Timberlake. 'R' «

TV • PAGE 13 *In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/Black Butte (Digital); PM-Prineville/Madras; SR-Sunriver; L-La Pine

THE BULLETIN • NO VEMBER 10 — 16, 2012


i " " l " ' "' "" " "' •


v II KATU Newsat 6(N) n «


II Jeopardy! (N)n













Wheel of Fortune The Middle (N) n The Neighbors (N)Modern Family (N) (9:31)Suburgatory Nashville Raynadecidestochange her KATU Newsat11 (11:35) Nightline 'Q' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc (N) n 'G' (N) n 'PG' sound. (N) n '14' cc (N) 'PG' « (ABC) (N) n cc Jeopardy! (N)n Wheel of Fortune Whitney Bawland Guys With Kids Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Chicago Fire Dawsonis helped by agirl NewsChannel 21 Tonight Show KTVZ O O O O NewsChannel 21 at 6 (N) cc 'Q' cc (N)n'G' (N)'PG'cc (NBC) Chain'14' Vanity's Bonfire (N) n '14' « she saved.(N) n 14 « at11 (N) cc Wi t h Jay Leno Access Hollywood NewAdventures How I Met Your 30 Rock Nothing Survivor: Philippines (N) n « Criminal Minds TheFallen Burnedbod- CSECrimeScene Investigation A cleri KOIN Local 6at11 Late ShowWith KBNZ (N) 'PG' Left to Lose'14' David Letterman (CBS) of Old Christine Mother '14' ies showuponapier. (N) '14' is slain at agravesite. '14' (N) cc The Insider (N) The Middle (N) n The Neighbors (N)Modern Family (N) (9:31)Suburgatory Nashville Raynadecidestochange her KEZI 9 Newsat (11:35) Nightline KOHD O O KEZI 9 News at KEZI 9 News (N) «Entertainment 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc Tonight (N) n cc (N) n 'PG' (N) 'PG' cc (ABC) 6pm (N) « sound. (N) n '14' « 11pm (N)cc The Big Bang The X Factor Live PerformanceThe finalists performlive. (N) n cc News Channel 21 TMZ (N) n 'PG' cc The Simpsons n Family Guy Forget KFXO gi) g} IK} g) TwoandaHalf TwoandaHalf The Big Bang 'PQ' cc Men '14' « Men ' PG' cc Me-Not '14' (FOX) Theory n 'PG' Theory Pilot '14' First on FOX Nature Woodducks carefor ducklings NOVA ArovernamedCuriosity lands on Nova scienceNOWTechnological ad- Independent Lens Objectified Manufac KOAB ~ gy gy gy Equitrekking Ad- Nightly Business PBS NewsHour(N)n m (N) n 'PG' cc(DVS) Mars. (N) n 'G' (PBS) ventures n 'G' Report (N) n 'G' vancements.(N) n 'PG' tured objects. n 'PG' cc NewsChannel 8 at NewsChannel 8 at Live at 7 (N) cc Inside Edition (N) Whitney Bawland Guys With Kids Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Chicago Fire Dawson ishelped by agirl NewsChannel 8 at Tonight Show KGW 'PQ' cc (N) 'PG' « Vanity's Bonfire (N) n '14' cc (NBC) 6PM (N) « 6:3 0 PM (N) Chain '14' she saved.(N) n '14' « 11(N) cc With Jay Leno 'Til Death TheEx- 'Til Death The The King of R u l es of Engage. Rules of Engage. Arrow Legacies Bankrobbers threaten Supernatural KevinandMrs. Tranbuild Seinfeld n 'PG' cc Seinfeld The KTVZDT2 Q Q Q Q The King of ment 'PG' Queens n 'PG Queens n 'PG' ment '14' the city. (N) n '14' cc ademonbomb (N) '14' cc Pledge Drive'G' Factor 'PG' Che ck-Up '14' (CW) OPBPL 175 17 3 Ou t numbered n LaSt Of the Wine SherlOCk HOlmeS'G' cc Doc Martin On theEdge'PG' cc World News T a vis Smiley (N) Charlie Rose(N) n 'G' « PBS NewsHour n « KATU

Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty (11:01) DuckDy- (11:31) Duck Dy3 28 1 8 32 Storage 'PQ' cc Wars 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc nasty'PG' «nasty 'PG' « Texas(N) cc Texas(N)'PG' Samurai Si(N) (N) cc CSI: Miami Law & Disorder Horatio CSI: Miami HabeasCorpseAn enemyof *** "TheTrumanShow" (1998,ComedyDrama)JimCarrey, LauraLinney.Cam- (10:15) *** "ShanghaiNoon" (2000)Jackie Chan,OwenWilson. A robberanda 'AMC uncovers a scandal. n '14' cc the CSls turns updead. '14' eras broadcast anunwitting man's life. cc ChineseImperial Guardsmanrescuea princess. « *ANPL 68 50 26 38 RattlesnakeRepublicn'14' cc Swamp Wars n 'PG' cc Finding Bigfoot: Further Evidence Rattlesnake Republic Mutiny 'PG' R attlesnake Republic 'PG' cc Finding Bigfoot: Further Evidence BRAVO 13 44 The Real Housewives of Atlanta T h e Real Housewives of Atlanta T o p Chef: Seattle '14 Life After TopChef (N) Top Chef: Seattle (N)'14 LOLwork (N) W hat Happens *** "Rocky ii" (1979, Drama)Sylvester Stallone,Talia Shire. n « CMT 190 32 42 53 Reba'PG'cc Re b a 'PG'cc Reb a Pilot'PG' R e ba'PG'cc Reb a 'PG'cc Reb a 'PG'cc Redneck Island n 'PG' CNBC 54 36 40 52 BMW:ADrivingObsession American Greed Mad Money'MA' BMW: A Driving Obsession American Greed Paid Program 21 st Century CNN 55 38 35 48 Piers MorganTonight(N) Anderson Cooper360 « Erin Burnett OutFront Piers MorganTonight Anderson Cooper360 « Erin Burnett OutFront C o l bert Report COM 13 53 135 47 (5:58) South Park (6:29) Tosh.0'14' Colbert Report Daily Show Ch a ppelle Show Key & Peele '14'South Park 'MA' South Park 'MA' South Park 'MA' Key 8 Peele '14' Daily Show COTV 11 Bend City Council Work Session B end City Council Kristi Miller Cit y Edition CSPAN 61 20 12 11 (5:00) Capitol Hill Hearings Capitol Hill Hearings N N 'DIS 8 7 43 14 39 Phineas, Ferb Good-Charlie A . N.T. Farm 'G' Shake It Up! 'G' ** * Ratatoui//e (2007) Voices ofPatton Oswalt, lan Holm. n « Gravity Falls 'Y7' Phineas, Ferb Shake It Up! 'G' Jessie 'G' « *DISC 15 21 16 37 AmeriCanGunan'PG'cc American Guns n 'PG' cc American Guns n 'PG' cc Sons of Guns(N) n '14' cc Moonshiners (N) n '14' cc Sons of Guns n '14' cc *E! A-List Listings A-List Listings Ice Loves Coco Ice Loves Coco The Soup '14' E! Special '14' 13 25 Nic ki Minaj: My Nicki Minaj: My E! News (N) Chelsea Lately E! News ESPN 21 23 22 23 NBABasketball: GrizzliesatThunder NBA Basketball MiamiHeat at LosAngeles ClippersFromStaples Center inLosAngeles SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc ESPN2 22 24 21 24 College Football Toledo atNorthern lllinois (N)(Live) SportsCenter (N)(Live) ss NBA Tonight (N) NASCARNow NBA Basketball ESPNC 23 25 123 25 (5:00) Boxing Storiesof... Lon g Way Down cc White ShadowSparethe Rod AWA Wrestling cc College Football From12/4/04. Oc H-Lite Ex. H-Li te Ex H-Lite Ex. H-Li te Ex. ESPNN 24 63 124203 SportsCenter (N) (Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Lwe) « ESPNFCPress H-Lite Ex. *** "Harry Poller andthe Orderoi the Phoenix" (2007,Fantasy) Daniel Radcliffe Rupert Grint. FAM 67 29 19 41 (4:30) *** "Harry Poller andthe Goblet of Fire" (2005), Rupert Grint The 700 Club n 'PG' « FNC 57 61 36 50 Hannity(N) On Record, GretaVanSusteren The O'Reilly Factor cc Hannity On Record, GretaVanSusteren The Five *FOOD 17 62 98 44 Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Restaurant: Impossible 'G Restaurant: Impossible 'G' Restaurant: Impossible Restaurant Stakeout (N) Restaurant: Impossible 'G' ** "The TwilightSaga:NewMoon" (2009, Romance)Kristen Stewart, RobertPattinson,Taylor Lautner FX 131 (4:30) ** "Twilight"(2008) American Horror Story: Asylum (N) American Horror Story: Asylum HGTV 17 49 33 43 Holmeslnspection'G' « House Hunters Renovation 'G Property Brothers Kate &Cole 'G Buying and Selling 'G' « House Hunters Hunters Int'I Property Brothers 'G' « *HIST 15 42 41 36 Citiesofthe Underworld'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Restoration Restoration Restoration R e s toration Cajun Pawn Cajun Pawn Love-1880's L o v e-1880's LIFE 13 39 20 31 MyLifelsaLifetimeMovie'PG' My Life Is a Lifetime Movie '14' The Houstons The Houstons The Houstons The Houstons My Life Is a LifetimeMovie(N) '14' My Life Is a Lifetime Movie '14' MSNBC 59 59 128 51 The Rachel MaddowShow (N) The Last Word The Ed Show The Rachel MaddowShow The Last Word Hardball With Chris Matthews MTV 192 22 38 57 Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Totally Clueless Pranked n '14' MTV Specia ln 'PG' The Challenge: Battle of Seasons The Challenge: Battle of Seasons Teen Mom 2 n 'PG' NICK 82 46 24 40 SpongeBob S p o ngeBob Drake & Josh n Figure It Out 'Y' Full House 'G' Full House 'G' Full House'G' Full House'G The Nanny'PG' The Nanny'PG Friends n 'PG' (11:33) Friends Prison Diaries Fatal Attractions '14' Undercover Boss Roto-Rooter'PG' Undercover Boss n 'PG' cc Undercover Boss n PG « Undercover Boss Roto-Rooter 'PG' OWN 161 103 31 103 Prison Diaries n '14' cc ROOT 20 45 28* 26 SeahawksPress Planet X Square Planet XSquare(N) Supergirl Pro Surf 2012 Boat Racing H1Unlimited Series World PokerTour: Season10 The DanPatrick Show *** "Coming toAmerica" (1988, Comedy) Eddie Murphy, Arsenio Hall. n « SPIKE 132 31 34 46 (5:00) *** "BeverlyHilsCop" (1984)n Eddie Murphy: OneNight Only (N) n '14' SYFY 13 35 133 45 Total Blackout Total Blackout Ghost Hunters n « Ghost Hunters HeirApparition n G h o st Hunters (N) n « Deal-Dark Side Deal-Dark Side Ghost Hunters n cc TBN 205 60 130 Fall Praise-A-Thon Fall Praise-A-Thon *A&E


S e i nfeld n 'PG' cc Seinfeld The F amily Guy n Family Guyn '14' cc Smelly Car 'PG' '14' « N (5:00)**** TheMaiteseFai con"*** TheBigS/eep"(1946,Mystery)HumphreyBogart,LaurenBacall.Philip 014410129 Marlowe investigatesblackmail andmurder. «(DVS) (1941) HumphreyBogart. 17 34 32 34 Island Medium Island Medium Breaking Amish Decision Tim'1e4' Breaking Amish Party Time n '14 The Mentalist Theteamencounters a The Mentalist Red ScareHauntedman- Castle Love MeDeadAssistant district 17 26 15 27 motprcycis gang n '14' cc sion. n '14' cc attorney's murder. 'PG' « 84 Regular Show Wrld, Gumball Lego Star Wars NinjaGo: Mstrs Dragons: Riders Ben10 17 51 45 42 Bizarre Foods/Zimmern Man v. Food 'G' Manv.Food'G' BaggageBattles BaggageBattles The King of Queens n 'PG N



The King of Queens n 'PG'

TVLND 65 47 29 35 M*A*S*H 'PG' M * A*S*H 'PG' USA 15 30 23 30 NCISPopLifen'PG' cc VH1 191 48 37 54 BasketballWivesLAn'14'

Family Guyn

Family Guyn

The Big Bang The Big Bang Conan KristenStewart;GlennHcwerton. Theory n 'PG' Theory n 'PG' (N) '14' cc * * * TenLittle indians" (1966,Mystery) HughO'Brian, Shirley Eaton, Fabian * * * Nin Cold Blood" (1967)Robert Alpine houseguestsare slain, andthen there werenone. Blake, Scott Wilson. « Breaking Amish Finale '14' cc Breaking Amish: TheShunning Br e aking Amish Finale '14' « Castle TwowomenIDa body in a gar- Castle The Fifth Bullet An art dealergets Perception NemesisMoretti tries to bage chute. n 'PG' « shot in his gallery. 'PG' impress her boss. '14' « KingoftheHill K i ngoftheHill A mericanDad AmericanDad FamilyGuy'14' FamilyGuy'14 Toy Hunter 'PG' Toy Hunter 'PG' Chili Paradise (N) 'PG' « Hamburger Paradise 2 'G' « M * A*S*H 'PG' T h e Cosby Show The Cosby Show The Cosby Show Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Hot in Cleveland Happil y Divorced KingofQueens King ofQueens NCIS AnEyefor anEye'PG' « NCI S Bikini Wax n 'PG' « NCIS Themurderof aMarine. 'PG' NCIS Twilight n 'PG' « Covert Affairs Quicksand'PG' Behind the Music T.l. T.l. n '14' Behind the Music Pink 'PG' cc Cou p les Therapy n '14' Couples Therapy(N) n '14' Rehab With Dr. Drew n '14' '14' cc

'14' cc


N ** "Legend"1985Tom Cruise. n 'PG' « ** Dante's Peak"1997,Action PierceBrosnan. n 'PG-13' « Coiombiana « (9:50) * "Bulletproof" 1996DamonWayans. 'R' « FXM Presents * * "Litt/e Man" 2006, ComedyShawnWayans. 'PG-13' « ** "TwinDragons"1991 'PG-13 104204104120FXM Presents **"White Chicks"2004,Comedy Shawn Wa yans.'PG-13'« 34 (5:00) UFCReloaded GeorgesSt-Pierre vs MattHughes. UFC154 UFC Primetime UFC Fight Night UFC:Franklinvs. LeFromCotai Arenain Macao,China 28 301 27 301(5:00) PGA Tour Golf AustralianMasters,First RoundFromMelbourne. (N)(Live) EuropeanPGATour Golf HALL 66 33 175 33 **"Twice Upon aChristmas" (2001, Fantasy) Kathy Ireland. 'G' « Love atthe Thanksgiving DayParade" (2012)AutumnReeser. 'G' « * * * NThe NightBefore theNight Before Christmas" (2010)'PG' HBO 425501 425501 ** NMr.Popper's Penguins" 2011Jim Carrey. 'PG ** "Tower Heist" 2011, ComedyBen Stiller. n 'PG-13' cc Real Time With Bill Maher n 'MA' Seth Mitchell Boardwalk Empire n 'MA' « N ** "TheLibertine"2005, Historical DramaJohnny Depp,Samantha Morton. 'R *** "Star Trek iii:TheSearch for Spock"1984 IFC 1 0 1 0 5 (5:00) *** "Apoca/yplo 2006, AdventureRudyYoungblood. 'R' *** "Harry Potter andtheScrcerer's Stone" 2001 Daniel Radcliffe. n 'PG' cc MAX 400 508 508 Hunted LB n 'MA' cc Hunted Hourglass n 'MA' cc Hunted Kismet n 'MA' cc Skin to the Max NBCSN 27 58 30 209 Sportslllustrated'PG' NFL Turning Point (N) 'PG' NFL Turning Point 'PG' MLS 36 'PG' M L S 36 'PG NFL Turning Point 'PG Poker After Dark 'PG' « Hell on the Highway Do or Die'14' NGC 157 157 B o rderWarsTraffic(N)'14' Hell on the Highway Door Die'14' Border WarsTraffic '14 To Catch aSmuggler '14 To Catch aSmuggler '14' NTOON 89 115189115 OddParents O d d Parents Avatar: Air. Ava tar: Air. Planet Sheen n Planet Sheenn SpongeBob S p ongeBob Avatar: Air. Ava tar: Air Dragon Ball Z I ron Man: Armor OUTD 37 30743 307 Shooting USA Outdoorsman Amer. Rifleman Impossible Gun Nuts Midway USA's Shooting USA PG cc BestDefense Midway USA's Impossible Ame r. Rifleman SHO 500 50 0 * * " Va/kyrie" 2008, Historical Drama TomCruise. n 'PG-13' « Homeland TheClearing n « Inside the NFL(N) n 'PG' « Inside NASCAR(N) n 'PG' eccs Inside the NFL n 'PG' « SPEED 35 303125 303Drag RaceHigh Drag Race High Barrett-Jackson Special Edition Pinks - All Out 'PG' Drag RaceHigh Drag Race High Barrett-Jackson Special Edition Unique Whips '14' * "Jack and Jill" 2011AdamSandler. n 'PG' « STARZ 300 408300408 (5:10) *** "As Good as it Gets" 1997 n 'PG-13' (7:35) **"Carnage" 2011Jcdie Foster. n 'R' cc (10:35) ** "Honey"2003 JessicaAlba.'PG-13' « N ** "Suburban Girl" 2007SarahMichelle Gellar. n TMC 525 525 Accidental Spy ** "5/eepover 2004, Comedy Alexa Vega. n 'PG' (9:40) ** "Wild Cherry" 2009Tania Raymonde.'R' (11:10) ** "Real Steel" 2011n *WE 14 41 174118 Bridezillas Tasha 8 Remy'14' Bridezillas Remy & Blanca '14 WeddingDav.:Unveiled WeddingDav.:Unveiled My Fair Wedding My Fair Wedding


106401 306401 Co/ombiana «

PAGE 14 • TV

THE BULLETIN • NO VEMBER 10 — 16, 2012 *In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/Black Butte (Digital); PM-Prineville/Madras; SR-Sunriver; L-La Pine



o II



II Jeopardy! (N)n















Wheel of Fortune Last Resort Nuke ItOutSamandMar Grey's AnatomySecondOpinion Cris- (10:02) Scandal Spies Like UsOlivia KATU News at 11 (11:35) Nightline 'Q' cc (N) n 'G' tina seeksnormalcy. (N) n '14' receives acodedwarning. '14' (N) 'PG' « (ABC) cus lookfor atraitor. (N) '14' (N)n cc Jeopardy! (N)n Wheel of Fortune 30 Rock (N) '14' cc Up All Night (N) n The Office The (9:31) Parks and (10:01) RockCenter With Brian Wil- NewsChannel 21 Tonight Show KTVZ O O O O NewsChannel 21 at 6 (N) cc 'Q' cc 'PQ' cc (N) n 'G' (NBC) (DVS) Whale (N) n '14' Recreation 'PG' liams (N) n cc at11 (N) cc Wi t h Jay Leno Access Hollywood NewAdventures How I Met Your 30 Rock n '14' «The Big Bang (8:31) Twoand a (9:01) Person of Interest Critical Pro (10:01) Elementary Investigating a KOINLocal6at11 Late ShowWith KBNZ (N) 'PG' Theory (N) cc Half Men (N) '14' tecting a brilliant surgeon.'14' David Letterman (CBS) of Old Christine Mother '14' double murder.(N) n '14' « (N) cc The Insider (N) Last Resort Nuke ItOutSamandMar Grey's AnatomySecondOpinion Cris- (10:02) Scandal SpiesLikeUsOlivia KEZI 9 News at (11:35) Nightline KOHD O O KEZI 9 News at KEZI 9 News (N) «Entertainment Tonight (N) n cc (N) 'PG' cc (ABC) 6pm (N) « cus lookfor atraitor. (N) '14' tina seeksnormalcy. (N) n '14' receives acodedwarning. '14' 11pm (N)cc The Big Bang The X Factor LiveResultsAmerica's Glee GleaseRachelandKurt visit Lima. News Channel 21 TMZ (N) n 'PG' cc The Simpsons n Family Guy n KFXO III IEI IEf IEI TwoandaHalf TwoandaHalf The Big Bang 'PQ' cc '14' cc Men '14' « Men ' PG' cc (FOX) Theory n 'PG' Theory n 'PG' vote is revealed.(N) n « (N) n cc First on FOX Oregon Art Beat Oregon Field Doc Martin Onthe EdgeDocis taken Sherlock Holmes TheSign of Four Ec- The Journey of Sacagawea n 'G' « KOAB ~ gy ~ gyJ.Rosendo'sTrav-Ni ghtlyBusiness PBSNewsHour(N)n m n'G' cc centric twin brothers. 'G' cc (PBS) elscope Report (N) n 'G' Guide 'G' hostage. 'PG' cc NewsChannel8at NewsChannel8at Liveat7(N) cc InsideEdition(N) 30Rock(N)'14'cc UpAIINight(N)n The Office The (9:31) Parksand (10:01) Rock CenterWith Brian Wil NewsChannel 8at TonightShow KGW 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc (NBC) 6PM (N) « 6:3 0 PM (N) (DVS) Whale (N) n '14' Recreation 'PG' liams (N) n « 11(N) cc With Jay Leno The King of R u l es of Engage. Rules of Engage. The Vampire Diaries El has ena terrify Beauty and the BeastCatherinethinks Seinfeld The Clip Seinfeld n 'PG' cc 'Til Death Snore 'Til Death Check KTVZDT2 IEIQ Q Q The King of ment 'PG' Show 'PG' cc Queens n 'G' Queens n 'PG' ment '14' ing hallucinations. (N) '14' « Vincent stoodher up.'PG' Loser 'PG' « Ma t e 'PG' « (CW) OPBPL 175 173 T i me Goes By My Family « Los t Treasures of Ancient World Lost Treasures of Ancient World World News T a vis Smiley (N) Charlie Rose(N) n 'PG' cc PBS NewsHour n « KATU

KATU Newsat 6(N) n cc

The First 48 Policeprobe afatal shoot The First 48 (N) 'PG'e« s Beyond ScaredStraight YoungVirginia (11:01) BeyondScared Straight Lake ing on abus.'14' « troublemakersvisit jail. '14' County, Fla. '14' « *** "TheGreenMile" (1999)Tom CSI: Miami Look Who's TauntingThe *** "TheGreenMile" (1999, Drama)TomHanks, David Morse,Michael ClarkeDuncan. A guardthinks aninmate has asupernatural power to heal. « 'AMC team pursuesa kiler. n '14' Hanks, DavidMorse. « *ANPL 68 50 26 38 RattlesnakeRepublicn'14' cc Rattlesnake Republic n '14' cc Gator Boys GatorsGoneWild 'PG Gator Boys Loveat First Bite 'PG' Gator Boys n 'PG' cc Gator Boys GatcrsGoneWild 'PG' BRAVO 13 44 The Real Housewives of Miami Re a l Housewives/Beverly The Real Housewives of Atlanta The RealHousewives of Miami(N) TheRealHousewivesofMiami What Happens Housewives N R e ba 'PG' cc Redneck Island n 'PG' ** Starsky & CMT 190 32 42 53 Reba 'PG' cc Re b a 'PG' cc Re b a 'PG' cc Re b a 'PG' cc Reba 'PG' cc Hutch" (2004, Comedy)BenStiler, OwenWilson. n CNBC 54 36 40 52 Crimelnc. Syntheticdrugs American Greed Mad Money'MA' Crime Inc. Synthetic drugs. American Greed Paid Program Hair Loss CNN 55 38 35 48 Piers MorganTonight(N) Anderson Cooper360 « Erin Burnett OutFront Piers MorganTonight Anderson Cooper360 « Erin Burnett OutFront N Tosh.O '14' Tos h .O '14' Daily Show C o l bert Report COM 13 53 135 47 (5:58) South Park (6:29) Tosh.0'14' Colbert Report Daily Show (7:59) ** OlliceSpace" (1999)RonLivingston, Jennifer Aniston. cc COTV 11 Paid Program Kristi Miller Des ert Cooking Oregon Joy of Fishing Journal Get Outdoors V i sions of NW The YogaShow The Yoga Show Kristi Miller Cit y Edition CSPAN 61 20 12 11 (5:00) Capitol Hill Hearings Capitol Hill Hearings N 'DIS 8 7 43 14 39 Phineas, Ferb G ood-Charlie A . N.T. Farm 'G' Shake It Up! 'G' * * * *ToyStory" (1995)Voices of TomHanks Dog With a Blog Gravity Falls 'Y7' Phineas, Ferb Good-Charlie A . N.T. Farm 'G' *DISC 15 21 16 37 Auction Kings Auction Kings Property Wars n cc Property Wars n cc Auction Kings Auction Kings Texas CarWars n cc Auction Kings Auction Kings *E! 13 25 Ice Loves Coco Ice Loves Coco E! News (N) The Soup '14' K ardashian Kardashian Ke e ping Up With e Kardashians th Kardashian Chelsea Lately E! News ESPN 21 23 22 23 (4:30)CollegeFootballNorthCarolinaatVirginia(N) SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc ESPN2 22 24 21 24 College Basketball 2K SportsClassic- Purduevs. Villanova(N) (Live) SportsNation (N) NFL Live (N)(Live) « SportsNation S p ortsNation E:60 ESPNC 23 25 123 25 Friday Night Lights n '14' cc Friday Night Lights n '14' cc Car Auctions Car Auctions AWA Wrestling cc College Football Played11/17/90. Ec H-Lite Ex. H-Li te Ex H-Lite Ex. H-Li te Ex H-Lite Ex. H-Li te Ex. ESPNN 24 63 124203 SportsCenter (N) (Live) « SportsCenter (N) H-Lite Ex ESPNFCPress H-Lite Ex. *** "Harry Po/ler andthe Half-Blood Prince" (2009, Fantasy)Daniel Radcliffe, RupertGrint, EmmaWatson FAM 67 29 19 41 (4:30) "Harry Poller andtheOrder o/the Phoenix" The 700 Club n 'PG' « FNC 57 61 36 50 Hannity(N) On Record, GretaVanSusteren The O'Reilly Factor cc Hannity On Record, GretaVanSusteren The Five *FOOD 17 62 98 44 Choppedl'm YourHuckleberry Cupcake Wars CupcakeWars Sweet Genius BabyGenius Sweet GeniusTurkeyGenius (N) The Next Iron Chef: Redemptron *** "Eas yA"(2010,Comedy)Emma Stone,PennBadgley FX 131 How I Met How I Met Two/Half Men Two/Half Men Always Sunny The League'MA BrandX With T o tally Biased HGTV 17 49 33 43 House Hunters House Hunters Hunters Int'I House Hunters Buying and Selling 'G' « Extreme Homes(N) 'G' « House Hunters Hunters Int'I Extreme Homes'G' « *HIST 15 42 41 36 TheMenWhoBuiltAmericaBloodyBattles 'PG' cc The MenWhoBuilt America JPMorganestablishes a bankin NYC.'PG The MenWhoBuilt America The changing face ofAmenca. PG cc LIFE 13 39 20 31 ProjectRunwayAIIStars'PG' Project RunwayAll Stars 'PG' Project RunwayAll Stars 'PG Project RunwayAll Stars (N) 'PG Abby's Ultimate Dance Project RunwayAll Stars 'PG MSNBC 59 59 128 51 The Rachel MaddowShow (N) The Last Word The Ed Show The Rachel MaddowShow The Last Word Hardball With Chris Matthews MTV 192 22 38 57 Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Totally Clueless Pranked n '14' Jersey Shore n '14' « Jersey Shore n 14 « Jersey Shore MakeIt Unofficial '14' Restore the Shore(N)n NICK 82 46 24 40 SpongeBob S p o ngeBob Drake & Josh n Figure It Out 'Y' See DadRun n See Dad Runn Full House 'G' Full House 'G' The Nanny 'PG' The Nanny 'PG' Friends n 'PG' (11:33) Friends Breaking Downthe Bars '14' a« s 48 Hours: Hard Evidence n '14' 48 Hours: Hard Evidence n '14' 48 Hours: Hard Evidence n '14' OWN 161 103 31 103 Breaking Down the Bars '14' « 48 Hours: Hard Evidence n '14' ROOT 20 45 28* 26 (5:30) UFA Br a wl Call College Basketball Texas-ElPasoat Arizona (N) (Live) Bensinger Mar k Few ShowSeahawksPress Seahawks The DanPatrick Show Jail '14' cc Jail '14' « Jail (N) n 'PG' i MPACT Wrestling (N) n '14' « SPIKE 132 31 34 46 Jail'14' cc Ink Master StarWars Forever'14' Tattoo Night. G T Academy (N) * "Pulse"(2006, Horror) Kristen Bell, lan Somerhalder. « SYFY 13 35 133 45 "HalloweenH20: 20 Years Later" "Rise oltheZombies" (2012, Horror) Mariel Hemingway.'14' « * FeardclCom (2002) « TBN 205 60 130 Fall Praise-A-Thon Fall Praise-A-Thon The King of The King of Seinfeld TheBris Seinfeld The Pilot, Family Guy n Family Guy n The Big Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang Conan KellanLutz JimmyPardo (N) 'TBS '14' cc '14' cc '14' cc Queens n 'PG' Queens n 'PG' 'PQ' cc Part I 'PG' Theory n '14' Theory n 'PG' Theory n '14' Theory n '14' ** "TheAdmirab/e Crichton" (1957,Comedy)KennethMore (10:45) ** "Wicked asTheyCome" (1957) Arlene Dahl, Phil (5:00) *** "The t/ns/nkab/e Mo//y (7:15) *** "Babesin Arms" (1939) Mi c key Rooney, Judy Garl a nd. The chi l d ren of TCM 101 44 101 29 Brown" (1964) « touring vaudevillians take tothe stage. «(DVS) Diane Cilento,Cecil Parker. Carey. Golddigger worksher wayto ruin. *TLC 17 34 32 34 Island Medium Island Medium Bada Bling Brides n 'PG' « Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Four Weddings (N) n 'PG' « Jersey Brides Jersey Brides Four Weddings n 'PG' « (5:00) NBABasketball Boston Celtics at BrooklynNets From NBA Basketball MiamiHeat at Denver Nuggets Fromthe Pepsi Center inDenver.(N)(Live) cc Inside the NBA(N)(Live) cc The Mentalist Witness's deathblamed *TNT BarclaysCenter inBrooklyn, N.Y. (N) (Live) on drug dealer. '14' « *TOON 84 RegularShow Wrld,Gumball A dventureTime Annoying MAD ( N) 'PG' R e gular Show KingoftheHill K i ngoftheHill A mericanDad AmericanDad FamilyGuy'14' FamilyGuy'14 *TRAV 17 51 45 42 Bizarre Foods/Zimmern Man v. Food 'G Man v. Food 'G' Mysteries at the Museum'PG Mysteries at the Museum (N) 'PG' Mysteries at the Museum 'PG' The Dead Files 'PG' « *A*S*H M*A*S*H 'PG TVLND 65 47 29 35 (5:11) Bonanza (6:22) M The CosbyShow The Cosby Show The Cosby Show Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond KingofQueens King ofQueens USA 15 30 23 30 NCISCollateralDamage'14'« NCISFalseWitnessn'PG'« NCIS Restless 'PG' «(DVS) NCIS Enemy on the Hil n 'PG' Burn Notice Overthe Line(N) 'PG' (11:01) NCISCapitol Offense 'PG VH1 191 48 37 54 Couples Therapyn'14 Basketball Wives LA n '14 Basketball Wives LA n '14' Basketball Wives LA n '14' Basketball Wives LA n '14' Chrissy & Jones Chrissy & Jones

n veteran The First48Achurchkeyboardistis *A&E 13 28 18 32 TheFirst48A69-year-old Na is murdered. '14' « gunned down. '14' cc


** "Batman Returns" 1992,Action Michael Keaton. n 'PG-13' « 106401 306401(6:15) * NZookeeperN2011, ComedyKevinJames. n 'PG' « (10:10) *** "Open Range"2003,Western Robert Duvall. n 'R' « N FXM Presents * * " The Taking olPe/ham 123N 2009DenzelW ashington.'R'm FXM Presents ** "Rule solEngagement"2000,DramaTommy LeeJones.'R'« 104204104120(5:00)"TheTaking olPe/ham 123 34 Bruce LeeLives! Bruce Lee Lives! Bruce Lee Lives! Bruce Lee Lives! UFC Roundtable UFC Insider T h e Ultimate Fighter n '14' UFC Tonight U FC Primetime Best of PRIDE Fighting 28 301 27 301(5:30) PGA Tour Golf AustralianMasters,SecondRoundFromMelbourne. (N)(Live) EuropeanPGATour Golf

*** "Moonlight and Mistletoe" (2008)CandaceCameron Bure. 'PG HALL 66 33 175 33 "Debbie Macomber's TradingChristmas" (2011) TomCavanagh. 'G TheChristmasSecret" (2000) RichardThomas, BeauBridges. 'G' « *** "Crazy, Stupid, Love." 2011Steve Carell. n 'PG-13' cc HBO 425 501 425501 (5:00) ** "Arthur" 2011 'PG-13 Crossfire Hurricane" 2012Premiere. n 'NR' cc SafeHouse Taxicab Confessions:New York *** "Star Trek /V:TheVoyage Home" 1986, Science Fiction Wiliam Shatner. 'PG' IFC 1 0 1 0 5 (5 00) *"TheSpirit" 2008 'PG13' (7 15) * "TheSpirit" 2008, Action Gabriel Macht,Samuel L. Jackson. 'PG13 * * * NDieHard 2" 1990,Action BruceWilis. n 'R' cc MAX 400508 508 TheRundownn (8:15) *"ThisMeansWar" 2012 ReeseWitherspoon. n 'PG-13' cc (645)***"Chronicle"2012Dane DeHaan.cc NBCSN 27 58 30 209CaughtLooking'G Sports lllustrated 'PG Game On! MLS 36 'PG NFL Turning Point 'PG Sports lllustrated 'PG Poker After Dark 'PG' « NGC 157 157 D r ugs, Inc. Hawai Ice ian'PG Super StormSandy (N) Taboo Addiction '14' Super StormSandy Drugs, Inc. HawaiianIce'PG Taboo FreakyRemedies NTOON 89 115189115 OddParents O d d Parents Avatar: Air. Ava tar: Air. Planet Sheen n Planet Sheenn SpongeBob S p ongeBob Avatar: Air. Ava tar: Air Dragon Ball Z I ron Man: Armor OUTD 37 307 43 307 Realtree Outdoor RealTree's Bow Madness Ult. Adventures The Season W i ld OutdoorsJackie Bushman The Crush Wild Outdoors Steve's Outdoor *** "Wish MeAway" 2011 Premiere. 'NR SHO 500 500 (6:15) *** "Lostin Translation" 2003Bill Murray. n 'R' cc (9:35) JoanRivers: Don't Start With Me(N) n 'MA SPEED 35 303125303Championship Week The Hendrick Racing Story Inside MichaelWaltrip Racing Kur t Busch Special The Hendrick RacingStory * * * N21 JumpStreet" 2012, ComedyJonah Hill. n 'R' « STARZ 300408300408 (5:10)"TheThomasCrownAffair" (7:10) ** Nyou Again"2010 Kristen Bell. n 'PG' « "FleshWounds"2011KevinSorbo. n 'R' « TMC 525 525 (4:55) Momentum ** "Deception" 1993Andie MacDowell. n 'PG-13' Before I Se/I Destruct" 2009 50Cent. n 'R' cc *WE 14 41 174118Tamar & Vince(N) Tamar & Vince Tamar I Vince Gagafor Gaga TamarIVinceRoadtoRecovery Tamar & Vince

Fear No Evil O u t doors TV Dave's Old Porn Reality Show(N) Unique Whips '14' N ** Manol theHouse" 2005 n ** "Barbershop" 2002Ice Cube. Braxton Family Values '14'

TV • PAGE 15 *In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/Black Butte (Digital); PM-Prineville/Madras; SR-Sunriver; L-La Pine

THE BULLETIN • NO VEMBER 10 — 16, 2012



v II



II Jeopardy! (N)n













Shark Tank Anenergy andnutritional (10:01) 20/20Actress LindsayLohan. KATU Newsat11 (11:35) High 'Q' cc (N) n 'G' (N) n 'PG' Cou ntry (N) 'PGsupplement.(N) 'PG' « School Blitz (N) (ABC) (N) n cc (N)n cc Jeopardy! (N)n Wheel of Fortune Go On n cc G u y s With KidsGrimm Adalindplansto avengeher Dateline NBC(N) n 'PG' cc NewsChannel 21 Tonight Show KTVZ O O O O NewsChannel 21 at 6 (N) cc 'Q' cc (N) n 'G' n cc mom's death.(N) n '14' « (NBC) at11(N) cc With Jay Leno Access HollywoodNew Adventures How I Met Your 30 Rock n '14' «Undercover Boss CinnabonInc. Cin CSE NYLateAdmissions Aprep-school We Will Always Love You: Whitney KOIN Local 6 at 11Late Show With KBNZ (N) 'PG' David Letterman (CBS) of Old Christine Mother n 'PG' nabon Inc. PresidentKatCole. student ismurdered.(N) '14' Houston (N) cc The Insider (N) Last ManStanding (8:31) Malibu Shark Tank Anenergy andnutritional (10:01) 20/20Actress LindsayLohan KEZI 9 Newsat (11:35) Nightline KOHD O O O O KEZI9Newsat KEZI 9 News(N) «Entertainment Tonight (N) 'PG' cc (N) n 'PG' Co u ntry (N) 'PG (N) 'PG' « (ABC) 6pm (N) « supplement.(N) 'PG' « (N) n cc 11pm (N) « The Big Bang The Big Bang Kitchen Nightmares Ms.Jean's South Fringe Five-Twenty-TenThe teamor News Channel 21 TMZ (N) n 'PG' cc The Simpsons n Family Guyn KFXO ID< IEI |Ef IEI TwoandaHalf Two and aHalf 'PQ' cc '14' cc Men '14' cc Men 'PG' cc (FOX) Theory n 'PG' Theory n 'PG' ern Cuisine. (N) n « chestrates anevent. (N) n « First on FOX Washington Week BBC Newsnight Nuremberg: Nazis on Trial Albert SpeerMasterpiece Classic Beryl andHarry Masterpiece Classic Loversare torn KOAB ~ gy ~ gy Trave!WithKids Nightly Business PBS NewsHour (N) nacc 'G' cc (DVS) n 'G' Architect Albert Speer. cc (PBS) Report (N) « (N) cc race to getmarried. n '14' apart byWorld WarI. n '14' NewsChannel8 at NewsChannel8at Liveat7(N) cc Inside Edition (N) Go On n cc Guys With Kids Grimm Adalindplans to avengeher Dateline NBC (N) n 'PG' cc NewsChannel 8at TonightShow KGW 'PQ' cc 6:30PM(N) cc mom's death.(N) n '14' « (NBC) 6PM (N) « 11(N) cc With Jay Leno 'Til Death n The King of R u l es of Engage. Rules of Engage. America's NextModel Top Thewinner America's Next TopModel Behindthe Seinfeld The Clip Seinfeld The Td Death The KTVZDT2 IEIQ Q Gcl The King of 'PQ' cc ment 'PG' Show 'PG' « C o uch n 'PG' Queens n 'PG Queens n 'PG' ment 'PG' is chosen.(N) n '14' « scenes ofcycle 19.(N) n '14' Concert n 'PG' (CW) OPBPL 175 17 3 M i dsomer Murders 'PG' « Masterpiece Mystery! n '14' « (DVS) On Story n 'G World News T a vis Smiley (N) Charlie Rose(N) n « PBS NewsHour n « KATU

KATU Newsat 6(N) n cc

Wheel of Fortune Last Man Standing (8:31) Malibu

Duck Dynasty FrogDuck Dynasty Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty «Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty Plan (11:01)Duck Dy- (11:31) Duck Dy 3 28 1 8 32 The First 48'14' Detecti Dynasty 'PQ' cc 'PG' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc Bee 'PG' nasty'PG' «nasty 'PG' « homicides. « vesrespondto two Duck in One 'PG' * "Jason X" (2002,Horror) Lexa Doig,Lisa Ryder, ChuckCampbell. Themasked ** "Jeepers Creepers" (2001, Horror)GinaPhilips, Justin Long, JonathanBreck. The Walking DeadRick strugglesafter Comic Book Men ** "Jeepers 'AMC 'PQ' cc killer stalksstudentsaboard aspacecraft. « A flesh-eatingentity pursuessibling college students. « another loss. '14' « Creepers" (2001) *ANPL 68 50 26 38 RattlesnakeRepub/icn'14' cc Monsters Inside Me n 'PG' cc Monsters Inside Me(N)'PG' cc R a i sed Wild (N) n 'PG' Infested! Night Terrors 'PG' cc Beyond Human Help (N) n 'PG *** "Apo//o /3" (1995)TomHanks. Basedon the true story of the ill-fated1970 moonmission *** "Apo//o /3" (1995) BRAVO 13 44 The Real Housewives of Atlanta Top Chef: Seattle '14 D a llas Cowboys Cheerleaders Dallas CowboysCheerleaders ** "Footloose" (1984,Drama)Kevin Bacon,Lori Singer. n « CMT 190 32 42 53 Reba'PG' cc Re b a 'PG' cc Reba 'PG' cc R e ba 'PG' cc CNBC 54 36 40 52 Crime Inc. HumanTrafficking American Greed Mad Money'MA Crime Inc. HumanTrafficking American Greed Paid Program Paid Program CNN 55 38 35 48 Piers MorganTonight(N) Anderson Cooper360 « Erin Burnett OutFront Piers MorganTonight Anderson Cooper360 « Erin Burnett OutFront Brickleberry * * * " Get Him to Greek" the (2010)Jonah Hil COM 13 53 135 47 (5:58) South Park (6:28) Tosh.0'14' Daily Show Colbert Report (7:59) Tosh.0 (8:29) Tosh.0'14' Key & Peele '14' Tosh.0 '14' COTV 11 Paid Program Kristi Miller Desert Cooking Oregon Joy of Fishing Journal Get Outdoors V i sions of NW The YogaShow The Yoga Show Kristi Miller Cit y Edition CSPAN 61 20 12 11 (5:00) Politics & Public Policy Today Politics & Public Policy Today 'DIS 87 43 14 39 Phineas, Ferb Good-Charlie A . N.T. Farm n Shake It Up! 'G' *** * "Toy Story 2" (1999)Voices of TomHanks Dog With a Blog Shake It Up! 'G' Good-Charlie Jessie 'G' « Aus t in & Ally 'G' *DISC 15 21 16 37 F/yingWildA/askan « Flying Wild Alaska n cc Deadliest Catch n 'PG' cc Gold Rush Battle of theBridge 'PG Jungle GoldBrokenMan(N) 'PG Gold RushBattle ofthe Bridge'PG' *E! 13 25 A-L ist Listings The Soup '14' E ! News (N) Nicki Minaj: My Nicki Minaj: My Ice Loves Coco Ice Loves Coco Fashion Police (N)'14 Chelsea Lately E! News ESPN 21 23 22 23 NBABasketbaff NBABasketballNew YorkKnicksatMemphisGrizzlies(N)(Live) SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc ESPN2 22 24 21 24 Basketball College Football Hawaii atAir Force(N) (Live) SportsCenter NBA Tonight (N) NFL Live (N) « NBA Basketball ESPNC 23 25 123 25 FridayNightLights'14' cc Fastest" (2011,Documentary) Narrated byEwanMcGregor Fastest" (2011,Documentary) Narratedby EwanMcGregor 3 Nation: DaleEarnhardt H-Lite Ex. H-Li te Ex H-Lite Ex. H-Lite Ex. ESPNN 24 63 124203 SportsCenter (N) (Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) « ESPNFCPress H-Lite Ex. ** "Step Up 2the Streets" (2008) BrianaEvigan, RobertHoffman ** "Step Up 3" (2010,Drama) RickMalambri, AdamG. Sevani. FAM 67 29 19 41 (4:30) ** "StepUp" (2006) The 700 Club n 'PG' « FNC 57 61 36 50 Hannity(N) On Record, GretaVanSusteren T h e O'Reiffy Factor cc Hannity On Record, GretaVanSusteren The Five *FOOD 17 62 98 44 Diners, Drive Guy's Family Reunion Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Mystery Diners Health Inspect Diners, Drive Diners, Drive ** "The TwilightSaga: NewMoon" (2009,Romance)Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson,Taylor Lautner FX 131 (4:30) ** "Twilight"(2008) The Ultimate Fighter (N) n UFC Primetime Totally Biased HGTV 17 49 33 43 Hunters Int'I H unt ers Int'I Hunters Int'I Hunters Int'I Extreme Homes'G' « Home StrangeHome(N) 'G' « House Hunters Hunters Int'I Hunters Int'I Hunters Int'I *HIST 15 42 41 36 AmericanPickers'PG' cc American Pickers 'PG' cc American Pickers 'PG' cc American Pickers 'PG' cc Love-1880's L o v e-1880's How the States Cajun Pawn LIFE 13 39 20 31 "/2MenofChristmas"(2009) KristinChenoweth. 'PG' « "Dear Santa" (2011,Drama) AmyAcker, BrooklynnProulx. « "TheRoadlo Christmas" (2006)Jennifer Grey, Clark Gregg. 'PG' « MSNBC 59 59 128 51 The Rachel MaddowShow (N) Lockup: NewMexico Lockup: NewMexico Lockup Lockup: NewMexico Lockup: NewMexico ** "Walking Tall" (2004)TheRock, JohnnyKnoxvile. Premiere. n MTV 192 22 38 57 Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Totally Clueless Pranked n '14' Jersey Shore n '14' « Jersey Shore MakeIt Unofficial '14 NICK 82 46 24 40 SpongeBob S p o ngeBob Drake & Josh n Figure It Out 'Y' Victorious n 'G' Victorious n 'G' See DadRun n See Dad Run n TheNanny'PG' The Nanny'PG' Friendsn 'PG' Friends n '14' Police Women ofCincinnati '14' Police Women ofCincinnati '14' Police Womenof Cincinnati '14' Police Womenof Cincinnati 'PG' P o lice Women of Cincinnati '14 OWN 161 103 31 103 Police Women of Cincinnati '14' ROOT 20 45 28* 26 College Basketball UFC FromEast Rutherford, N.J College Basketball California atDenver The DanPatrick Show ** "TheTransporter 2" (2005)JasonStatham,Amber Valletta. n ** "TheTransporter 2" (2005)JasonStatham,AmberValletta. n SPIKE 132 31 34 46 Gangland Capitol Killers '14' cc Gangland BasicTraining'14' « SYFY 13 35 133 45 * "Pulse"(2006, Horror) Kristen Bell, lan Somerhalder, SteveTalley. WWE Friday Night SmackDown! (N) n « Haven Sarah(N) Total Blackout Viral Video TBN 205 60 130 Fall Praise-A-Thon Fall Praise-A-Thon The King of The King of Seinfeld TheLip Seinfeld The Pilot, Tyler Perry's For Tyler Perry's For Tyler Perry's For Tyler Perry's For ** "0/d School" (2003,Comedy)LukeWilson, Wil Ferrell, VinceVaughn. Three 'TBS Queens n 'PG' Queens n 'G' Reader n 'PG' Part 0 'PG' Bet t er or Worse Better or WorseBetter or Worse Better or Worse men relive their wildpast bystarting a fraternity. « *** "Simon o/theDesert" (1965)Clau- ** "TheManitou" (1978,Horror) Tony (5:00) **** "Lawrence ofArabia" (1962,Adventure) PeterO'Toole, AlecGuinness, AnthonyQuinn. A controversial British Peter O'Toole: From theTCMFilm TCM 01 44 101 29 officer unites Arabtribes against theTurks. « Festival cc dio Brook,Silvia Pinal. Curtis, SusanStrasberg. *TLC 17 34 32 34 Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Brides-Hills B rid es-Hills S ay Yes: Bride Say Yes: Bride Say Yes: Bride Say Yes: Bride Brides-Hills Bri des-Hills Sa y Yes: Bride Say Yes: Bride The Mentalist His RightRedHand A The Mentalist Investigating ajeweler's *** "TheBourne Identity" (2002, Suspense) MattDamon,FrankaPotente, ChrisCooper. Anamnesiac *** "TheBourneIdentity" (2002, Suspense)Matt Damon *TNT crime in theteam's office. n '14' murder. n '14' cc agent is markedfor deathafter a botched hit. cc Franka Potente, ChrisCooper. « *TOON 84 Regular Show Wrld, Gumbaff Adventure Time NinjaGo: Mstrs Cartoon Planet 'G King of the Hill King of the Hill American Dad American Dad Family Guy '14' Family Guy '14 *TRAV 17 51 45 42 Bizarre Foods/Zimmern Ghost Adventures '14' « Ghost Adventures 'PG' « GhostAdventuresTorHouse'PG The Dead Files 'PG' « The Dead Files 'PG' « *A*S'H TVLND 65 47 29 35 (6:14)M'A'S*H'PG' « (6:54) M The CosbyShow The Cosby Show The Cosby Show Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond KingofQueens King ofQueens USA 15 30 23 30 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law I Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Burn Notice Overthe Line'PG' VH1 191 48 37 54 BasketballWivesLAn'14 Couples Therapy n '14 Chrissy & Jones Chrissy & Jones Chrissy & Jones Uprising: Hip Hop &the LA Riots n Movie n 'MA' *A&E

** "Pirateso/the Caribbean:OnStranger Tides" 2011Johnny Depp. n 'PG-13' « 106401 306401 Dragonhear/ n (6:20) *** "Casper"1995 Christina Ricci. n 'PG (10:20) **** "E.T.theExtra-Terrestrial" 1982 n FXM Presents * " John Tucker MustDis" 2006JesseMetcalfe, Ashanti. 'PG-13' « * "TheBachelor" 1999 'PG-13 104 204104120 Hor/onHears F X M Presents * * * "Hor/on Hears Who!" a 2008'G' e« s ** ' yyayo/ theDragon" (1972, Action) BruceLee,ChuckNorris, NoraMiao. *** "Fisto/ Fury" (1972,Adventure) BruceLee 34 (5:00) *** "Fistof Fury" (1972) UFC 154Weigh-In 28 301 27 301(5:30) PGA Tour Golf AustralianMasters,Third RoundFromMelbourne. (N)(Live) EuropeanPGATour Golf HALL 66 33 175 33 ** "NovemberChristmas" (2010) SamElliott, John Corbett. 'G' « The WishingTree"(2012)JasonGedrick, Richard Harmon.'G' « A/I / Wantfor Christmas" (2007, Romance)Gail O'Grady.'PG' « HBO 425 501 425501 (5:30) *** "ForrestGump"1994 TomHanks. n 'PG-13' cc ** "TowerHeist" 2011 BenStiler. n 'PG-13' cc Seth Mitchell R e al Time With Biff Maher (N)'MA' Real Time With Bill Maher n 'MA' *** "Edward Scissorhands"1990, FantasyJohnnyDepp. 'PG-13 IFC 1 0 1 0 5 (5:00) *** "Creepshow" 1982Hal Holbrook. 'R (9:45) ** "StarTrekV:TheFinal Frontier"1989, ScienceFiction Wiliam Shatner. 'PG MAX 400 508 508 (6:15)"TheChronicles o/ Narnia: TheVoyageo/ the DawnTreader" n (8:10) ** "Horrible Bosses"2011JasonBateman. n 'NR' cc Hunted Ambassadors(N) n 'MA Skin to the Max Hunted n 'MA' NBCSN 27 58 30 209 College Hockey Harvard atCornell NHL Overtime NFL Turning Point 'PG Sports lllustrated 'PG Game On! Pok e r After Dark 'PG' cc Poker After Dark 'PG' « Family GunsAcesHigh 'PG' NGC 157 15 7 S p ace Dive Space Dive Border WarsMethMobile '14' NTOON 89 115189115 Wild Grinders n Planet Sheen (N) Monsuno (N) 'Y7' Dragonball GT Robot, Monster Odd Parents Wild Grinders n Planet Sheen n Monsuno n 'Y7' Dragonball GT Dragon Ball Z I ron Man: Armor OUTD 37 307 43 307 Outf/tter Boot S asquatch Driven TV Sav age Wild Yo u r Weapon J i mmy Big TimeHunting, Country Bone Collector Profess Flyrod The Flush Huntin' World i SHO 5 00 5 0 0 "SpyKids-Timein theWorld" ** Red State" 2011,HorrorMichael Parks. 'R All Access '14' Boxing (7:15) ** "Faster" 2010,Action DwayneJohnson. n 'R' « SPEED 35 303125303 NASCARRacing SPEEDCenter Trackside At... (N) Formula1 Debrief (N) UFC 154 NASCARRacing STARZ 300408300408 (6:10)** "The Voc v"2012 RachelMcAdams.n 'PG-13'« Magic City Atonement'MA' cc Boss Redemption n 'MA'ec cs Spartacus: Vengeance'MA' «Ca melot LadyoftheLaken 'MA' ** "Lara Croft TombRaider: TheCrad/eo/ Life" 2003Ange/ina Jolie. *** "TheItalian Job" 2003 MarkWahlberg. n 'PG-13' « TMC 525 525 (5:45) ** "Blues Brothers2000"1998 DanAykroyd. 'PG-13 *WE 14 41 174118(5:00) ** "You'vs GotMail" 1998TomHanks. 'PG ** "You'v eGotMail"1998,Romance-ComedyTom Hanks,MegRyan.'PG W eddingDav.:Unveiled W edding. Dav.:Unveiled ENCR FMC FUEL GOLF

PAGE 16 • TV





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