Serving Central Oregon since1903 75lt
MONDAY December10,2012
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Menorahin Bend
Governor set to push tuition help for students here illegally
By Lily Raff McCaulou and Andy Zeigert • The Bulletin
Oregon is reliably blue. The Beaver State has thrown its seven electoral college votes behind the Democratic candidate in every presidenti8 election since 1988. But look at the results on a county-by-county basis and the map suddenly becomes more colorful.
By Lauren Dake
g Our electoral voting haschangedover time. Ourvotes for president have swung dothways,dutwe'vegonedluesince'88
The Bulletin
SALEM — In a speech to civicleaders and lawmakers last week, Oregon Gov. John Kitzhaber signaled his support for legislation that would make attendance at state universities more affordable for students living in the country without legal permission. In the 2011 session, proposed "tuitionequity" legislation would have allowed illegal immigrants attend-
Oregonhassent its electoral votesto theDemocratic candidatefor presidentfor morethantwo decades. Beforethat, thestate mostly leanedRepublicanandstill does in mostrural areas.Theheavily populated —andoverwhelmingly Democratic —northwestern countiesexert astrong influenceonthestate's presidential choices. Central Oregon has a history of voting bothways, although counties east of theCascadesgenerally go red. The maps at right showhow Oregoncounties havevoted since 1960. Color indicates which party's candidatewonthepopular vote,and the shadedepicts the strength ofthe 1gg5 * Bill Clinfon candidate'ssupport. Thecolor defeats Bob Dole beloweachyearshowswhich party's candidatereceivedthe state's electoralvotesandhowmanyelectoral votes Oregon hadat the time. Repodlican Democratic
ing high school in IN Ore gon for at least 5ALEM t h ree years to qualify for in-state tuition at state universities. Similar bills were introduced in previous sessions and all have failed. But for the coming 2013 session, the governor is outspoken about his support, and Democrats control both chambers of the Legislature. "It is time to get it done," said Tim Raphael, the governor's spokesman. Retired Sen. Frank Morse, R-Albany, voted against a tuition-equity bill in 2003. In 2011, he sponsored a similar bill, in part because he now believes it's an education issue rather than an immigration issue. See Tuition IA5
New Yorh Times News Service
EMMITSBURG, Md. — In these times of upset and uncertainty, comfort comes in knowing that dental floss can cut a dense cheesecake more cleanly than any knife. That cloves of garlic will send ants scurrying. That a cow requires at least 15 pounds of hay per day. That the state bird of South Dakota is the ring-necked pheasant. For the 217th consecutive year, useful facts and tips like thesehave been assembled in J. Gruber's Hagerstown Town and Country Almanack, a deceptively slim volume that is available to farmers, merchants and all good citizens at the nominal cost of $4.99. Contained within its 82 pages is the accumulated wisdom of many generations of farmers who lived and worked according to the arc of the sun and the pull of the moon. This means that the gift of a daffodil represents unrequited love, Gruber's Almanack also provides "conjecture of the weather and other astronomical information." See Almanac/A5
< 50% f
• >
Btll Clmfon defeats George H.W. Bush
2QQQ* George W. Bush defeats Al Gore
198Q* Ronald Reagan defeats E5 Jimm y Carter
1988 George H.W. Bush 1984 Ronald Reagan defeats defeats RR Mi c hael Dukakis RR Wal t er Mondale
5 0%
> 7 0%
Jimmy Carter defeats Gerald Ford
Richard Nixon defeats KR George McGovern
1958* Richard Nixon defeats Km Hubert Humphrey
1954 Lyndon Johnson 195Q John F. Kennedy defeats defeats KR Ba r ry Goldwater KR Rich ard Nixon
Indicates an election in which a third-party candidate won more than 5 percent of the national popular vote.
to be the biggest four counties, population-wise. There were more votes cast in Multnomah, Washington, Clackamas and Lane counties — all heavily Democratic — than in the rest of the state combined.
@ Do wesplit east vs. west? Or Portland vs. everyone else? This year, the latter In the Nov. 6 General
Election, more votes were cast in Multnomah, Washington, Clackamas
and Lane counties than in the rest of the state combined. Heavily
populated counties tend to lean Democratic, especially Multnomah County. In fact, Multnomah Democrats outnumber total voters
in nearly every other county. PARTY AFFILIATION The percentages below show how Oregonians have registered to vote. Thecolors indicate party affiliation in the chart at right. • •
De mocratic (41.4%) Re publican (33.2%)
• • • • • • • • •
No naffiliated (191%) Am ericans Elect (<0.1%) Constitution (0.1%) In dependent (4.0%) Li bertarian (0.6%) Pa cific Green (0.5%) Pr ogressive (01%) Wo rking Families (0.1%) Ot her (0.9%)
VOTER RETURNS,BY COUNTY, WITH PARTY AFFILIATION BREAKDOWN Note: Thesepercentages indicate only registered voters' affiliation and that they returned aballot, not necessarily whom theyvoted for in any race. MultnomahO Washington 0 Clackamas9 Lane Q Marion Q
21.2% I
Josephine 8 ~
1 4 6,773
Polk®~ Coos© ~
( 34, 8 67 ) 29 ,128 $2 8 ,078 I 2 5 ,236
Umatilla© ~ Columbia Q~ 4 23,909 Lincoln ID 7~ ] 23,061 Clatsop© ~ l 17,824 Tillamook© + i 12,585
326 986
234 , 679
174, 4 8 3
C5 Doespopulation density matter? Very much
NEII~ $ 51,357 Douglas Q gg~ mtQ 50,510 Benton Q)~gg g g 44,990 t' Yamhill(P 4~ ) Q 43,125
• 120,955 9
Linn 07
, ~
. + f e.2%•
As a general rule, the more densely populated the county, the more likely it is to lean Democratic. A quick comparison of the map below with outcomes of presidential election maps above shows that this is not necessarily a hard-and-fast
rule. Strong presidential candidates from either major party can swing heavily populated counties such as Clackamas andMarion. The
'-, ©,''. © ;-e -e-:.',-:.© ";e e-o © --.© c-:®
numbers on the map at right
correspond to the ones in the
Average numberof people per square mlle 300 or more 200 to 299.9
bar chart at left.
o — 2.© ---:-7
©." 6
Union® Q [ 12,345 Curry© Q l 11,745 Wasco©g i 10,997 Crook©g i 10,372
:-JIIEI,' 0
Hood River© g l 9,914 Malhcur©gi 9,908
""" ®Il " 5 5 Jefferson© Ii 8,160 Wallowa©4 4,260
Grant©g 3,972 Morrow©4 3,930 Lake© 4 3,746 Harney©4 3,532 Sherman© / 1,043 Wheeler©l 871
Sources: David Leip'6 Atlas of U.S. Presidential Elections, U.S. Census Bureau, Oregon Secretary of State
5 sec t ions
, ~fe~
Gilliam© / 1,084
88267 02329
2QQ4 George W. Bush defeats JohnK erry
This year, Barack Obama won more votes than Mitt Romney in 10 of Oregon's 36 counties. However, four of those happened
o p we use recycled newsprint
Barack Obama defeats John McCain
<50 % g
f Counties in which a candidate won the popular vote with less than 50 percent can indicate the influence of third-party candidates
An almanac weatherman relies on tested tools By Dan Barry
Barack Obama defeats Mitt Romney
C4 Whyarewepolitically divided? According to Jim Moore, a professor of politics and government at Pacific University, the state is politically divided for a number of reasons, most of WhiCh Stem frOm the eCOnOmy. Communities built around more modern, post-industrial economies tend to lean Democratic, Moore says. Communities with traditional manufacturing and resource-based economies tend to lean Republican. Moore lives in Washington County, where
INDEX C lassified Ef-4 Dear Abby C3 H oroscope C3 Sports Df - 6 Comics C 4- 5 Editorials B4 L o cal News B1-6 TV & Movies C2
he says nearly every town voted Democratic in last month's election. "All you have to do is walk across the (town) boundary. You get into fields and, all of a sudden, it's Republican," he says. "So there's some self-selection going on here." See Election IA5
TODAY'S WEATHER gh 4 9 L ow 23
TOP NE~S CL I FF: 0 bama, BOehner meet, A3
EGYPT: Opposition challenges, A3
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Hoin u a nationa ouse o ra ei By Timothy M. Phelps Tribune Washington Bureau
WASHINGTON The earth shook under the nation's church, snapping some of the 53 carillon bells' cables and causing them to ring in forbidding disharmony. Outside, cracks appeared on some of the winglike flying buttresses supporting the 100foot walls and intricate stone arches that mark the Washington National Cathedral as one of the world's greatest Gothic churches. Still the ground shuddered,
E-Edition only:One month: $13
big chunk of daylight through
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Stonemasons are carving replacement pieces by hand, often working high above ground to repair damage to the Washington National Cathedral from an August 2011 earthquake.
Realigning the pinnacles
Structural cracks
Carved limestone pinnacles have been secured or removed; they will be dismantled stone by stone and rebuilt.
Buttresses that cracked where their "flying" arms meet uprights are secured with pins, cables
Carving newornaments Destroyed ornamental stones are being reproduced by masons who use intact ornaments to guide them
the walls?"
Built in the old way The National Cathedral was built in the old way, entirely by hand, with the exception of the cranes that lifted the pieces in
place. Two types of craftsmen and craftswomen built the exterior. Alonso is a stonemason, who wielded a trowel to put its pieces together. Alongside the masons worked the stone carvers, whose chisels sculpted the 112 gargoyles and 1,130 grotesques, the angels and the decorative crockets,or balls, the arches and the statues. After high school, Alonso
West towers
•I lll• llI
It's Monday, Dec.10, the 345th day of 2012. There are 21 days left in the year.
Repairing anational landmark
coursing energy upward to
By mail outsideDeschutes County:Onemonth: $18
the grimacing or mirthful gargoyles and the 152 pinnacles that rise like twirled candy above the sheet lead roof. The force, a raging river pressed into a narrow gully, became ever more concentrated as it flowed into the twin 234-foot West Towers and the 301-foot Central Tower. The tops of 50-ton pinnacles started swaying from north to south, then dancing like raindrops upon their pedestals. Crockets, finials and o t her ornaments, hand-chiseled by generations of mostly Italian carvers, started falling with booms that master stonemason Joe Alonso, outside on the grounds in his truck, thought were explosions. Twenty-one years b efore, Alonso had put the Episcopal cathedral's last stone in place, capping the nearly centurylong effort to create a "house of prayer for all people," the scene of events etched into the nation's memory. When former President Ronald Reagan died in 2004, his state funeral there drew 4,000 people, including 36 kings,presidents and prime ministers. The son of a stonemason who emigrated from Spain, Alonso's lifelong work had been the cathedral, first building it, then maintaining it. Now, jumping out of his truck, he joined tourists and church staff who gaped at the building. "I saw crowds looking up," the 51-year-old said. "Then I saw the tower, the first three pinnacles, and I thought, wait a minute, is it gone?" The fourth p i nnacle was indeed gone. The job Alonso thought he had finished suddenly wasn't. The rare East Coast earthquake that hit at I:51 p.m. on Aug. 23, 2011, shook more people than any other in U.S. history, from Georgia to the U.S.Canada border. "Everythingwasmissingand twisted," Alonso said. "My fear was, has the structure of the cathedralbeen compromised?" On Sept. 29, 1990, Alonso and two other men had guided the last stone, a 1,008-pound cross-shaped finial, into place on one of the West Towers, as President George H.W. Bush and first lady Barbara Bush looked on. "Itwas 83 years fromthe day the first stone was laid," with PresidentTeddy Roosevelt supervising, Alonso said. "That, for me, was a powerful moment. I was up there guiding that stone and I felt there were a lot of stonemason ghosts helping me do that." Now Alonso was afraid to know just how much work had been undone. He would have to climb the Central Tower, which rises above the center of the cross-shaped building, to find out. "I thought, I don't want to go up, but I have to go up. As I climbed up the spiral staircase, I thought, am I going to see a
Discoveries, breakthroughs, trends, names in the news — things you need to know to start your day.
ol I'ods.
• A neartwo-weeklaunch
window for a North Korean long-range rocket begins, a day after Pyongyang said it may delay liftoff. North Korea earlier said it would launch a three-stage rocket mounted with a satellite some time between today and Dec. 22. A3 • Lawyers for a hotel maid and
former International Monetary Tower is
"""" IiIi i '"" I IIIII
Flying buttresses
Fund leader Dominique Strauss-Kahn meet to update a judge on the status of settlement discussions.
Highlights:In1520, Martin
Luther publicly burned the
papal edict demanding that he recant or face
excommunication. In 1962,
"Lawrence of Arabia," David
Lean's epic film starring Peter O'Toole as British military officer T.E. Lawrence, had its
royal gala premiere in London
South front
Pinnacle that-rotated in quake
West front
Repairs also include the stone head of a bat-like creature that cracked and separated from the
rest of the gargoyle, exposing a drainage pipe. Source: Washington National Cathedral
©2012 MCT Julie Sheer and Doug Stevens/LosAngeles Times
a perilous view of the Potomac R iver, he p ointed t o w h a t
he says may be the biggest challenge of the reconstruction: a 20-ton pinnacle, rotated on its base, that is resting for the moment on a series of jacks and
~r(~l!~ 1, 'j~)II~~
with Queen Elizabeth II and her husband, Prince Philip, in attendance. In 1967, singer
Otis Redding, 26, andsix others were killed when their
plane crashed into Wisconsin's Lake Monona. Ten years ago:President George W. Bushselected William Donaldson, an investment banker with ties to Wall Street and the Bush family, as chairman of the
besieged Securities and ExchangeCommission. Five years ago:Suspended NFL star Michael Vick was
sentenced by afederal judge in Richmond, Va., to 23 months in prison for bankrolling a dogfighting
"It's like a giant hand took the operation and killing dogs that top of this pinnacle and spun it," underperformed. Alonso said in wonder. One year ago:Tens of The pinnacle, and eight on 1lllu thousandsofRussiansstaged the Central Tower, will have to anti-government protests, be dismantled stone by stone charging electoral fraud and and put back together again. At demanding an end to Vladimir the Central Tower, the job rePutin's rule. Carolyn Cole/LosAngeles T>mes quires a giant crane and 70 tons Joe Alonso climbs scaffoldingto a damaged area of the Washingof steel scaffolding, already in ton National Cathedral, the southwest pinnacle of the south tranplace. BIRTHDAYS sept, which rotated several inches in an August 2011 earthquake. But one thing Alonso won't need to repair will be the last Former lllinois Gov. Rod finial he placed with great cerBlagojevich is 56. Actorlearned the stone trade in Miraculously, no e m ploy- emony in 1990. It held steady. director Kenneth Branagh is Washington as an apprentice ees or visitors were hurt, even Alonso, who was 24 when he 52. TV chef Bobby Flay is 48. for four years in the Stone and though at least 29 pinnacles came to work at the cathedral, Actress Raven-Symone is 27. Marble Masons Union, then were toppled, rotated on their now has knees that ache and — From wire reports went to work at the cathedral base or otherwise damaged betray the hint of a limp from on the last big project, building (one lodged in the roof), flying too many days working on the two West Towers, which buttresses had cracked and them instead of his feet. "If I retire at 70, then I have at that point were just barely separated from the walls, and above the roofline. small stones had rained down 19 years to fix this place if my In fact, h e m a r ried t h is everywhere. knees hold up," Alonso said. "If sculpted hunk of stone even as The cathedral was closed they don't, I'll be up here in a COVERINGS he married his wife, Maureen, for nearly three months while walker." whom he first spied 27 years workers assessed the damage Also see usfor ago from the scaffolding high and stabilized the structure. N O R T H W E S T up on the South Tower as the Although interior damage was Awnings, Solar Screens M ED I S P A young horticulturist was work- minimal, netting shrouds the 8 Custom Draperies ing the flower beds in the Bish- ceiling lest bits of mortar fall on l ase r c e n t e r op's Garden below. worshippers. Chain-link fences Rebecca Nonweiler, MD, Board Cerdficd "I'm not a s t one carver," keep visitors away from the (541) 318-7311 (541) 388-441 8 Alonso said with no trace of damaged buttresseson the east defensiveness. "I can't carve end and parts of the nave. It is your face in stone. But I can cut estimated repairs will cost at stone, shape stone. I was one of least $20 million and last years. the masonry guys on the build'lf my knees hold up' ing with a trowel, building it." Alonso, who navigates the Assessing the damage hidden stairways and corridors Alonso climbed the spiral with the intimate knowledge of Zndoor and Oufdoor staircase, and was relieved: He a child playing in his attic, took didn't see daylight. "But when some visitors up a stairwell seI got to the roof, it was just lit- creted within a large pinnacle tered with stones from the pin- on the south transept,the part ::=' -;"::=' nacles." A 2-ton pinnacle top of the cathedral that forms the had toppled, but it had fallen arms of the cross. ZZZ SERe'ed kfarket Road 38B-0022 inward onto the tower. Had it There, on a scaffolding with gone the other way, it would have fallen 200 feet through the roof of the nave, the main body of the cathedral. Looking down, he could see scaffolding on the north side of • • e the nave where he and his two stone carvers, Andy Uhl and Sean Callahan, had planned to perform maintenance that afternoon until other chores got in the way. The area was littered with fist-sized chunks of stone. Alonso says that despite his workplace, he is not overly religious. But at that moment, he thought, "There you go, the hand ofGod, the hand ofwhoever, was looking out for Andy, Sean and Joe." And for their beWhether you're a Bank customer or not, we'd loved cathedral. "I don't think love to help you get a great start to your week. of God as Catholic or EpiscoIn fact, we're offering a little something special palian. But there is some higher just for stopping by today. being that liked this building u • ME M B ER FDIC who was looking out for us."
l fr, t
-Bat-, Stools ", Patici' Woi'IE-'
Plans for Colorado Riverinclude
ama, Boe ner meet
building pipelinefromthe Missouri wit time runnin OWI1 By Felicity Barringer New York Times News Service
The federal government has come up with dozens of ways to enhance the diminishing flow of the Colorado River, which has long struggled to keep seven states and roughly 25 million people hydrated. Among the proposals in a report by the Bureau of Reclamation, portions of w hich leaked out in advance of its expected releasethis week, are traditional solutions to water shortages, like decreasing demand through conservation
and increasing supply through reuse or desalination projects. But also in the mix, and expected to remain in the final draft of the report, is a more
extreme and contentious approach. It calls for building a
basin with 600,000 acre-feet of water annually, which could pipeline and exporting huge serve roughly a million singleamounts of water from the family homes. But the loss of so Missouri River 600 miles to much water from the Missouri the west and nearly a mi le and Mississippi River syshigh to store in Denver-area tems, which require flows high reservoirs and dole out, as enough to sustain large vessel n eeded, to r e servoirs a n d navigation, would likely face groundwater basins along the strong political opposition. way in Kansas. Burke Griggs, the counsel Experts say such an ambi- for the K ansas Agriculture tious plan is reminiscent of Department's division of wathose proposed in the middle ter resources, said the proof the l ast c entury, w hen posal "shows you the degree grand and exorbitant federal to which water-short entities in water-project plans were com- the Colorado River basin are monplace — and not, with the willing to go to get water" from benefit of h i ndsight, always elsewhere, rather than fight advisable. each other over dwindling supThe pipeline option would plies, as they have, intermitprovide the Colorado River tently, for about a century.
By Lori Montgomery and Paul Kane
If talks fail, a broadrange of education programs would seefunding shrink
The Washington Post
WASHINGTON — The contours of a deal to avert the year-end "fiscal cliff" are becoming increasingly clear. But p r ogress has been slow, and time is running out for leaders to seal an agreement and sell it to restless lawmakers who so far have been given little information. With hope still alive for a resolution by Christmas, President Barack Obama and House Speaker John Boehner,R-Ohio, met Sunday at the White House, their first face-to-face meeting in nearly a month and their first one-on-one session since July 2011, w hen they last t r ied t o
NasserNasser/The Associated Press
E t's 0 osition in isarra
a ter orsi rescin s ecree By Abigail Hauslohner and lngy Hassieb
on a contentious draft constitution that critics have deemed The Washington Post illegitimate. CAIRO — Confusion and The N a t ional S a l vation disarray pervaded the ranks Front, an alliance of promiof Egypt's opposition on Sun- nent o p p o sition f ig u r es, day night, a day after Presi- warned that a r e f erendum dent Mohammed Morsi made held amid the political crisis, a gesture toward compromise which is i n i t s t h ird week, by rescinding the controver- could plunge the country into sial decree that had granted further chaos. him near-absolute power and The timing of the alliance's plunged the country into po- response, which came more litical crisis. than 20 hours after Morsi reOpposition leaders called placed his decree with a modifor more protestsafter Morsi fied version,underscored the refused to cancel areferen- challenges facing Egypt's dum, scheduled for Saturday, broad but divided opposition
IN BRIEF Same-sex couples marry in Washington S EATTLE — S c o res o f same-sex couples crowded Seattle City Hall for a day of wedding ceremonies on Sunday, the first day they could marry after the state's voterapproved gay marriage law took effect. While numerous weddings were takingplace across the state, both private and public, the City Hall weddings were the largest public event, with more than 130 couples taking part. The city set up five separate chapels to accommodate the revelers. From 10 a.m. through 5 p.m., cheers and applause regularly broke out as marriages became official. After couples married, they exited City Hall, greeted by a steady rain and dozens of supporters who shouted "congratulations" and offered flowers as they descended a l a rge staircaseto the street.
Drone strike kills senior al-Qaida leader PESHAWAR, Pakistan — A senior al-Qaida commander has been killed in a U.S. drone strike in N o rth W aziristan,
the restive tribal area along the border with Afghanistan, Pakistani security o f f icials said Sunday. The c o mmander, A b d el Rehman al-Hussainan, died after a drone fired several missiles late last week into a house near Mir Ali, Pakistan, a notorious hub of I slamist militancy, one senior official said, speaking on the condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the media. "We can now confirm his death," he said. But the official played down speculation that the militant, who was also known as Abu Zaid al-Kuwaiti, ha d b e en viewed as a likelysuccessor to al-Qaida's leader, Ayman alZawahri, who is also believed to have taken shelter in Pakistan's lawless tribal region.
movement. The opposition has brought together liberals, secularists, human rights activists and old-regime loyalists, but it has yet to reach a consensus on whether to vote against the draft charter or boycott the referendum. The i n decision could undermine the ability of anti-Morsi groups to influence the vote. It is also unclear to many whether the critical element of Morsi's Nov. 22 decree, which gave him the power to legislate without judicial oversight, has been substantially altered.
losses and a damaging battery recall, said Wanxiang agreed to pay $256 million for its automotiveand commercial operations, including its three factories in the United States. But the sale excludes A123's business with the U.S. government and its military cont racts. That portion of t h e company will be sold to Navitas Systems, a small energy company based in Illinois, for $2.2 million.
Launch window opens for N. Korean rocket SEOUL, South Korea — A near two-week launch window for a North Korean long-range rocketbegan today,a day after
Pyongyang said it may delay
liftoff. North Korea has faced mounting international pressure to abandon what critics call a cover for a banned misChinese companywins sile test. North Korean scientists had battery maker auction been pushing forward with fiDETROIT — Wa n x i ang nal preparations for the launch Group, a large Chinese auto from a west coast site but are p arts maker, won a h i g h - considering "readjusting" the s takes auction Sunday f or timing for unspecified reasons, assets of A123 Systems, the an unidentified spokesman bankrupt U.S. battery maker for the Korean Committee for that was a centerpiece of the Space Technology said in a Obama administration's loan dispatch released by North Korea'sstate-run Korean Central program for electric vehicles. A123, which filed for bank- News Agency early Sunday. ruptcy in October after chronic — From wire reports
spending oneducationwould
aides would be"at risk," Educa-
be cut byabout 8 percent
tion Secretary Arne Duncan told
across a broadrange of programs, including moneyfor special education, low-income
a SenateAppropriations Committee panel inJuly. Department
students and schools near mili-
further questions, except tosay that Duncan's testimony stands
Compounding the potential problem is that many states
have beenhammered bythe recession anddon't havefunds
billion. As a result, the jobs of more than15,000 teachers and
officials declined to answer asthe best summary of what
would happen toeducation funding. In addition, funding for spe-
Department of Education re-
cial education would bereduced by $900 million, possibly lead-
ported that 80 percent of school districts in a recent poll said
ing to the loss of11,000 teachers and other staff.
to cover the shortfall. The U.S.
they would not havestate or lo-
Nationwide, about$90 mil-
cal funds to make up for the lost
lion less in what's known as the Impact Aid Program would go to districts with schools that serve military families and Native Americans. About100,000 children would not be able to attend Head Start classes, the Depart-
federal money. "Education grants to states
promise to tame the national debt. Neither side would prov ide details, but W h i t e House spokeswoman Amy Brundage an d B o ehner spokesman Michael Steel released identical st atem ents saying t hat " t h e lines o f c o m munication remain open." Lawmakers say action this week is vital if Obama and Boehner hope to win approval by the end of the year for complex, bipartisan legislation that would raise taxes, push down social-safety-net spending and lift the federal debt limit. "We're getting down to as late as it's physically possible to actually turn a framework into enactable legislation and then actually get i t p a ssed," said Sen. Chris Coons, D-Del., who is anticipating a complicated bill w it h " m any real consequences for average Americans' lives." He added: "For senators to responsibly vote on a b ig, bold f r amework o r package, we need time to review, debate and discuss this. And we are rapidly running out o f r u n n i ng room." In recent days, Boehner has called repeatedly on Obama to respond to an offer the GOP laid out last week. By F r iday, a f rustrated Boehner w a s c omplaining t h at, w h i l e the two sides continued to talk, there was "no progress to report." It was not immediately clear whether that changed Sunday. But with written proposals from both sides now on the table, senior aides say the elements of a deal are coming into focus: • Fr esh t ax r e v e nue, generated in part by raising rates on the wealthy, as Obama wants, and in part by limiting their deductions, as Republicans prefer. The top rate could be held below 39.6 percent, o r the definition of t h e wealthy could be shifted to include those makingmore than $375,000 or $500,000, rather than $250,000 as Obama has proposed. Obama wants $1.6 tril-
I funds, would becut by $1.1
tary bases.
forge a far-reaching com-
Egyptian protesters push soldiers standing guardin front of the presidential palace Sunday in Cairo. Egypt's liberal opposition called for more protests Sunday, seeking to keep up the momentum of its street campaign after the president made a partial concession overnight.
WASHINGTON — If budget talks fail and automatic spending cuts take hold, federal
and local school districts
supporting smaller classes, after-school programsand children with disabilities would suffer," the White House Office
ofManagementand Budget
ment of Health andHuman
said in a report on the impact of a continuation of the budget
Services program that helps
impasse. Mostof the cuts wouldkick in with the 2013-14 school year,
prepare low-incomekidsfor kindergarten. Pell grants, the federal gov-
according to theDepartmentof
ernment's primary aid program for low- andmoderate-income
Education. Here's what the department
college students, wouldbe exempt, but other aid opportu-
says could happen:
nities for collegestudents would be reduced.
Federal money for low-income schools, known as Title lion over the next decade, but many D emocrats p r ivately say they would settle for $1.2 trillion. Boehner has offered $800 billion, and Republicans are eager to keep the final tax figure under $1 trillion, noting that a measure to raise taxes on the rich passed by the Senate this summer would have generated only $831 billion. • Savings from health and retirement programs, a concession from Democrats necessary to sell tax hikes to GOP lawmakers. Obama has proposed $350 billion in health savings over the next decade. Boehner has suggested $600 billion from health programs and an additional $200 billion from usinga stingier measure of inflation, reducing cost-of-
— McClatchy Newspapers living adjustments for Social Security recipients. • Additional savings sufficient to postpone roughly $100 billion i n a c r oss-the-board agency cuts set to hit in 2013, known as the sequester, and to match a debt-limit increase. The sequester, perhaps paired with an automatic tax hike, could then serve as a n ew deadline, probably sometime next fall, for wringing additional revenue from the tax code and more savings from entitlement programs.
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under currentlaw to become legal. It's not just (the issue) of Continued from A1 college tuition," he said. What sparked his change Even if the students were to of heart was a letter from a graduate, he said, they could teacher who described a stu- not be legally hired. "Sounds like a great policy, dent who came to the country at a young age with her family saddle them with whatever (it) — an outstanding student, the costs to go to college and then letter said, but one who could say, 'Sorry, your dream is limnot afford college tuition. ited to higher education and no "What's really in the best career,' strikes me as shallow," interest of our state'?" Morse he said. asked. "To help students imFederal law mandates that prove themselves and, in turn, children in the U.S. be educated actually improve the welfare of from k i ndergarten t h rough our state by providing people 12th grade. Students may not an opportunity. It didn't make legally be asked their immigraany sense to deny opportunity." tion status, so estimating how At the time, the idea met with many illegal-immigrant stupushback from lawmakers who dents are in the school system said it represents the state en- is difficult. couraging illegal immigration. Morse said he's encouraged Others said it was anything but that the governor is taking an equal: charging students from outspoken position early on. "I outside Oregon o u t-of-state think it has a wonderful chance tuition while someone in the of passing this time," he said. country illegally pays the lower, Students who live in Oregon in-state tuition. illegally are considered out-ofRep. Jason Conger, R-Bend, state residents, which means said tuition equity fails to ad- they pay about $20,000 more dress the larger problem. He per year at the University of Orcautioned he had not seen any egon than in-state students pay. specific legislation, but said he Specifics on what 2013 legislabelieves the federal govern- tion could look like are not yet ment should address immigra- known. The2011billwould have tion reform. required that students intend to "The problem is, the young become citi zens. Whether properson didn't make the deci- posed legislation would clear a sion to come here legally and path to citizenship is unclear. may not have a realistic option Alberto Dorantes graduated
"There are a lot of young people, I think, that if this passes would be encouraged to go to college," Dorantes said. Francisco Lopez, executive director of CAUSA Oregon, a human rights organization, said he's not surprised to hear the governor's public support. "I think it reflects the current climate of the country. Latinos and people of color were very influential politically last election," Lopez said. He said that his organization has already been in talks with the governor and lawmakers on the issue. Speaker of the House-designee Rep. Tina Kotek, D-Portland, the granddaughter of immigrants from Eastern Europe, is on record in support. House Republican Leaderelect Mike McLane, R-Powell Butte, was more cautious, in part because specific legislation has yet to be unveiled. "Our high school graduates deserve opportunities for employment and higher education," he said in an email. But, he warned, the state should move cautiously to not "cause unintended consequences." — Reporter, 541-554-1162, Idake®
gray-area profession. Working from desk space carved out of the book clutter of a brick row house in Emmitsburg, about a mile south of the Pennsylvania line, O'Toole endeavors to divine the weather as much as 18 months in advance. He does so with a conjurer's brew of age-old wisdom and 21st-century technology that includes a range of tools, from a software program of astronomical data produced by the U.S. Naval Observatory to the meticulous tracking — through some 30 computer programs he has written — of all things lunar. The moon matters, O'Toole says, as people who work the
land discovered long ago."They noticed atrend," he says."When the moon changed phase close to midnight, the weather over the next lunar week, between six and nine days, would be fair, agreeable, calm. But it was just the opposite if it occurred close to noon: snowy, rainy, stormy, disagreeable." After completing his calculations, O'Toole charts his predictions on postcard-size weather maps of the continental United States, drawing a map for every week. Here, then, a test: Did the prognosticator foretell Sandy, the fall's calamitous superstorm? He points to a blue-ink swirl that he drew on one of those small maps. I n J un e 2011. "Tropical storm from A tlantic," the A l manac predicted — somewhat prematurely, it
Nlcole Bengtveno / New York Times News Service
Bill O'Toole, a retired college math professor, works as the seventh prognosticator of J. Gruber's Hagerstown Town and Country Almanack, a position he has held for decades. turned out. "I was off by a week and a few days," he says. "Not too bad, considering this was done 16 months earlier." O'Toole ignores the occasional charge of quackery. He says that a person could predict the weather 25 percent of the time by simply throwing darts at a board, but that he shoots forbetterthan 50 percent.And, in the annual "Conjecturer's Column" that he writes for the almanac, he is nothing if not candid about his performance. "Daily forecasts for the midAtlantic region were correct 55.1 percent of the time, slightly below lastyear's 59.3 percent, which was the best in recent years," O'Toole wrote in the current almanac. "The worst month for daily forecasts was October at 38.7 percent; the best was May, clocking in at 72.6 percent." O'Toole was a boy so drawn to the moon and the stars that in high school he helped to establish an amateur astronomy c lub. After flirting with t h e idea of a career in astronomy, he graduated from Mount St. Mary's University here, and promptly joined its math department asateacher. Then one day in 1969, he says, he received a call from "out of the blue" (a hoary expression that refers to the sky). It was the business manager of Gruber's Almanack, and he wanted to know: Are you familiar with our publication'?
Oh, yes. The business manager went on to explain that the almanac's sixth prognosticator had passed away, and was in need of its seventh. Was O'Toole
e ee
In1950, third-party registrations represented 1.6 percent of all voters in Oregon. Democrats had a slight advantage at 50.4 percent over Republicans at 48.1 percent. In 2012, however, Democrats represent 41.4 percent of voters, and Republicans 33.2 percent. That leaves more than 25 percent of voters pledging affiliation to a third party or no party at all.
psychology and music.
Almanac Continued from A1 For example, if you want to know what weather to expect in New England next Thanksgiving Day, the almanac offers an answer with a better-thaneven shot at accuracy: "Snow, heavy south." This is the educated guess of Bill O'Toole, 70, a retired college math professor who, for more than four decades, has served as the almanac's seventh prognosticator — or conjecturer, or calculator — a line of work that began in 1797 with a star-savvy blacksmith. He is tall and bearded, with large eyes that convey wonder in all things, and a business card that declares in black and white his
@ Has therebeenarise in nonaffiliated voting? Yes, andthat trend matters, enoughto swing anelection
from Summit High School in Bend. He's selling fruit around town with his family, but the 20-year-old would love to study
interested? Oh, yes. He inherited the charts and notes of his predecessor and, before long, was using the lunar cycle and other variables to recommend the best days to plant, to weed, to harvest — even to
go fishing (May 30 next year is good, for example, but May 31 is better). T he a lmanac h a s b e en passed on through the generations within the same family. These days it is owned and produced by three men driven more by loyalty than by money: O'Toole is the prognosticator; Jerry Spessard, 63, a retired insurance agent and part-time inventor, is the longtime business manager; and Charles W. FisherJr.,63,a retired salesexecutive, is the editor and greatgreat-great-great-great-grandson of Johann Gruber. Over the years, circulation has waxed and waned — its circulation now is about 85,000 — but the readership remains
fully engaged. Spessard often receives calls about sweet recollections of a grandmother's reliance on the almanac, as well as angry complaints about a typographical error that might disrupt the spin of the Earth. But the Earth continues to spin, and J. Gruber's Hagerstown Town and Country Almanack continues to advise and to console. Dental floss can also be used as an emergency shoelace. The state flower of Maryland is the black-eyed Susan. And if you plan to be in the mid-Atlantic next M e morial Day, the prognosticator suggests that you might want to pack an umbrella.
I '. e
*In1990, voters were given the option to declare themselves "nonaffiliated." Source: Oregon Secretary of State
* Net priceafter cashincentives and tax credits.
recession is causing a political blip or a new long-term Continued from A1 trajectory. Moore's hypothesis is Back when the lumber inthat a person who moves to dustry was booming, Moore Oregon to work at, say, In- says, Oregon politics were tel is more likely to live in a more regional. "It wasn't Portland versus city than on a nearby farm. This member of the "new" the rest of the state," he says. economy is likely to have For ex ample, p o liticians a higher education and is from naturalresource-depenlikely to vote Democratic. dent Deschutes and Jackson As a blue city grows, it counties had a lot in common tends to attract like-minded with legislators in Portland, people who agree with the where lumber companies were political majority. headquartered. Meanwhile, some counWhen the timber industry ties with zero or negative collapsed, in the early 1980s, population growth, such Portland's economy shifted as Malheur County, are away from natural resources. actually becoming m ore Its political similarities with Republican. Deschutes and Jackson counMooresaysthisisbecause ties dwindled. Republicans tend to be older Ronald Reagan's election than D e mocrats. R u r al in 1980 altered the way voters countiessuch as Malheur approached environmental isare having trouble retainsues, according to Moore. Ening young people, who often vironmentalism had long been move to cities in search of a bipartisan concern, particujobs. The rural population larly in Oregon. Suddenly, it that remains tends to be ex- became an issue that Repubtremely conservative. "Deschutes County is a fascinating case because when the economy w as roaring and people were moving there, it was getting less Republican and more Democratic," Moore says. "Now that the recession has hit, it's going back the other
e •
. I1 r
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says. But Moore cautions that these "independent" voters are rarelytrue independents. Instead, they tend to vote with one of the two major parties. "So someone may say, 'I hate the tea party, I'm not going to be a Republican anymore,'" Moore says. "But they still tend to support Republican candidates. It's l ik e t h ey're cranky-unaffiliated, not ideologically-unaffiliated." — Reporter: 541-617-7836, IraffC<
Portland State
Moore says it remains to be seen whether the
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licans and Democrats fought about. Tom McCall, Oregon's governor from 1967 to 1975 and a hero to environmentalists, was a Republican. Moore says McCall "ended up hating Ronald Reagan." Since 1976, a greater percentage of Oregonian voters have registered outside of the Republican and D emocratic parties. The Watergate scandal first made voters less trusting of both political parties, Moore
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Overall registration tends to be higher during presidential election cycles.
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Reader photo, B2 O b ituaries, B5 Editorials, B4 Weather, B6 O
For seniors,
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n some ways,seniors are the safest drivers around. Older people have the highest rate of seat belt use and the lowest rate of alcohol-related accidents among all driving age groups. Still, drivers older than 70 are more likely than younger adults to be involved in a crash. And, in the event of a collision, seniorsare more likely than younger people to be killed or seriously injured.In 2008,the Ce ntersforD isease Control and Prevention reported 15 seniors were killed and 500 were injured in car accidents each day, on
Not eve hingcan lywit you
Rainfall will return to Central Oregon
• TSA reminds travelers to checkbagsfor forbidden itemsbefore headingto airport Bulletin staff report Travelers forgot to stow at least two sets of brass knuckles properly or leave them athome before arriving for a flight out of Redmond Airport. The brass knuckles were left behind, part of a collection of prohibited carry-on items displayed Friday by the Oregonbranch of the
U.S. Transportation Security Administration, the folks who man those security checkpoints at America's airports. TSA spokeswoman Lorie Dankers used the display to remind holiday travelers to think twice before leaving for the airport — and leave those pocketknives and other forbidden items behind.
She also announced changes designed to speed up the screening process for air travelers in time for the expected surge in holiday travel. Travelers abandon lots of pocketknives at those checkpoints, said Don Wilson, TSA assistant security director. "It's usual for men to carry pocketknives, and a lot of women have Swiss army knives. And it's common to forget about it." The result is a prized item sometimes discarded in
a rush. Air travelers have three options in those circumstances, said Wilson: abandon the item, turn it over to someone or run it out to your vehicle, or, finally, purchase an envelope at an airport gift shop and mail it home. All three involve time that, unless you arrive early, may be running out. "Show up plenty early to give yourself time to handle those unforeseen circumstances," Wilson said. SeeTSA/B2
The rain could fall Tuesday andthe snow could comeWednesday, said Josh Smith, a meteorologist with the National Weather Service
in Pendleton. "We are not looking
at really high chances," he said. "We arejust looking at a chance of
snow." The high today should be 45degrees, er service. Theforecast shows the daily highs
dropping lower each day through Thursday. Tuesday should be44, Wednesday 38 and
Thursday 35. Lows
A better safety record is the primary goal of a six-hour class sponsored by theAARP and held atthe Bend Senior Center. AARP members pay
throughout the week should be in the low to mid-20s.
Sun is expected to return again Thursday, according to the weather service.
$12, while nonmembers pay $14 for
— Lily Raff McCaulou is a columnist for The Bulletin. 541-617-7836, fraff@bendbulletirLcom
later this week.
according to the weath-
the class. People 50 and older who complete the course then qualify for a discount on their driver's insurance. The exact discount depends on the individual's plan. John Carney, a volunteer instructor for the Bend class, says the course saves him $25 per year on his insurance. At 67, Carney is a senior himself. So he knows,from firsthand experience, what he teaches. For example, he says, our senses decline and our reaction times slow as we age. Although these changes are perfectly natural, we don't always recognize them. "I can tell you that it happens very slowly, and you don't perceive it," he adds. "Like with my wife, the most common thing I say is, 'What?"' The course teaches drivers ways to compensate for minor vision and hearing loss. It also includes information specific to Central Oregonians, such as how to safely navigate roundabouts. Each state has its own set of rules to govern older drivers. For example, in Oregon, everyone must pass a vision test when they first apply for a driver's license. All drivers older than 50, however, must pass the vision test each time they renew their license, every eight years. Carney says that one of the most important lessons in the course is how to know when it's time to hang up the car keys. Driving may seem like a simple task, but it's actually a complex skill. Safe driving requires split-second decisionsand precise physical reactions. The choice is not as clear-cut as drive everywhere or drive nowhere. Gradual changes can make everyone safer. Some seniors,forexample, first stop driving at night. To helpassuage the fears ofseniors who are reluctant to give up their car keys,Carney spends a bitofthe class explaining various transportation options. In his class, he passes out a three-page list of local resources for getting around without getting behind the wheel. He adds that in some cases, buses, shuttles and other transportation methods are cheaper than owning a car and driving. "The main perception is that old people give up a lot of independence when they stop driving," Carney says. "But that's not necessarily true." One doesn't have to take the AARP class to brush up on age-related driving issues. There are plenty of resourcesforolderdrivers available online. For more information from the AARP, visit home-family/getting-around/. For tips from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, go to The AAA offers an online course called the Mature Driver Insurance Discount Course. For more information, visit Seniors have been driving for decades, literally. So it's understandable that they might be reluctant to pick up new driving tips. That's how Darry Whitney, 76, felt when she signed up for the AARP course in Bend. She figured she would endure the class in order to get a discount on her car insurance. "I thought before I went, 'Well, if I just learn one thing, it'll be worth it,'" she says. "And I learned a whole raft of things. I left thinking, 'Everyone needs to take this.'"
While it should be
mostly sunny anddry in Bend today, rain and possibly snow could fall
After the rain last week, Smith said, the weekend in Bend was dry thanks to the Cascades.
"All ofthe precipitation (came) out of the air as it (traveled) through the mountains," he said. The coming weekend
could offerachange,
with a chance of snow in town Saturday and
Sunday, according to the weather service. Highs this weekend look to be in the mid-30s, and lows will again be in the 20s.
Greg's Grill fire damages chimney Bend Fire responded to reports of heavy
Joe Klinei The Bulletin
Lewis Sperber, of Bend, lights a torchon a giant menorah Sunday in the Old Mill District of Bend. The event, hosted by Chabad Lubavitch of Central Oregon, was in honor of the start of Hanukkah.
• Giant menorahis lit during anevent celebrating Jewishholiday in Bend By Dylan j. Darling • The Bulletin
fter sundown on Sunday, about 150 people gathered in the Old Mill District to see the lighting of a large menorah, a public celebration of Hanukkah that will be on display throughout the week. "The point of (Hanukkah) is that we always have to add light, and it will get rid of darkness," said Rabbi Yitzchok Feldman of Chabad Lubavitch of Central Oregon. The Jewish h oliday, which spans eight days and started Saturday, is a reminder for people to do good deeds and bring light to each other's lives, said Feldman, a leader at Chabad. Hosted by the synagogue in Bend, the event alsodrew members of other Jewish communities in town. The Sunday evening event marked the second year in a row thatthere has been a grand menorah — measuring nine feet tall and weighing 200 pounds — at the mall in Bend. Last year, Feld-
man said, the menorah was up for the night of the lighting only, but this year it will be near the footbridge across the Deschutes River throughout this week. The crowd joined in song to bless the menorah before Lewis Sperber,70, and his wife Maggie Sperber, 44, of Bend, took turns climbing a stepladder and lighting oil-fueled lamps. The Sperbers are sponsoring the menorah's stand in Bend. "It's just something we wanted to do," Lewis Sperber said.
While they missed the lighting ceremony, Peter Covell, 38, and his wife Alicia Covell, 33, of Bend, brought their I-year-old daughter Aria Covell to see the menorah. The family showed up as Feldman was replacing the oil lamps used in the ceremony with light bulbs and plugging the giant, electric aluminum menorah into a nearby plug. "I think it i s w onderful that they are doing that and celebrating the different celebrations in Bend," Alicia Covell said. See Hanukkah/B2
smoke in the chimney flue at Greg's Grill on Sunday, but the fire was out by the time authorities arrived.
According to a news release, firefighters were called to the Old Mill District restaurant
around 10 a.m. Sunday, with callers reporting a fire above the kitchen. When firefighters arrived, they determined the fire had been caused
by grease onthewoodfired grill, which had ignited creosote buildup in the filters. The restaurant sustained about $2,000in damage to the flue and a vent motor on the roof of the building. — /3ulletin staff reports News of Record, B2
Have astory idea or submission? Contactus! The Bulletin Call a reporter: Bend ................ 541-617-7829 Redmond........541-977-7185 Sisters.............541-977-7185 La Pine ........... 541-383-0348 Sunriver.........541-383-0348
Deschutes ...... 541-617-7837 Crook ..............541-633-2184 Jefferson ........541-633-2184
Habitat for Humanity ramping upefforts
Salem..............541-554-1162 D.C..................202-662-7456
By Leslie Pugmire Hole The Bulletin
Sam and Resha Durso moved into a new home Saturday, a nice little remodeled 1970s ranch style of 1,200 square feet in southwest Redmond. This normally everyday occurrence is significant because the home represents a snowball of activity for Redmond Habitat for Humanity, a small nonprofit that experienced several years of stagnation during Central Oregon's red-hot building boom in
the mid-2000s. "Before I started here, we had about a four-year dry spell with no building," said Scott Brown, Habitat director of operations. "But we've got a great volunteer base and board and we're starting to get more attention from the larger
players." Habitat's mission is to provide decent, affordable housing to qualified low-income families. During the summer of 2011, Habitat dedicated the first of five homes in
Redmond on lots made available by the federal Neighborhood Stabilization Program. The second home is expected to be completed this spring and another begun soon after. The Durso home was a bank-owned property that became available to Habitat primarily through a statewide foundation grant; it had been gutted of flooring, fixtures and interior moulding but was structurally in good shape and free of lead paint and asbestos. See Habitat/B2
"Before I started here, we had about
a four year dry spell with no building. But
we've got a great volunteer base and
board and we're starting to get more attention from the
larger players." — Scott Brown, director of operations, Habitat for Humanity
Business ........ 541-383-0360 Education .......541-977-7185 Public lands .....541-617-7812 Public safety.....541-383-0387 Projects ..........541-617-7831
Submissions: • School news andnotes: Email news itemsand notices of general interest to news© Email announcementsof teens'ac ademicachievements to youth© Email collegenotes, military graduations andreunion info to Details: School coverageruns Wednesday in this section. Contact: 541-383-0358
Habitat Continued from B1 "It needed a new heating system and roof, but the insulation was great and we only needed to re-side a portion of the exterior," said Brown, who supervises the construction projects for Habitat. Now app r a ised for $99,000, the modest two-bedroom home will be financed through Habitat with an interest-f ree loan. Homebuyers are required to complete a set number of sweat-equity hours during the construction period. A couple of y ears ago, Redmond Habitat relocated its Restore, a used and surplus building supply outlet, to a more visible location on south U.S. Highway 97. "Our R e store i n c o me has increased two-and-ahalf times since then," said Brown. "The location really seemed to turn things around. Right now, Restore
Canyou work a camera, and capture a great picture? And canyou tell us a bit about it? Email your color or blackand-white photos to and we'll pick the best for publication in the paper and online. Submission requirements:Include as much detail as possible — when and where you took it, and any special technique used — as well as your name, hometown and phone number. Photos must be high resolution (at least 6 inches wide and 300 dpi) and cannot be altered.
I " '
TSA Continued from B1 Another timely tip: Passengers bearing gifts this holiday s e ason s h o uld leave them u n w r apped, whether checked in or carried on. That way, TSA inspect ors need not m ak e s o much recyclable waste of
APPROACHING WINTER Conrad Weiler, of Camp Sherman,shot this photo of Fish Lake recently using a FugiFilm FinePix JX400 camera. Fish Lake is located off state Highway 126 heading toward Eugene. "In the summer," Weiler wrote, "the lake water empties through lava rock at (the) bottom of (the) lake. It fills in the fall from rain and snow runoff. At present ... the lake is near full."
Hanukkah Continued from B1 After the lighting, about a third of the crowd gathered in a large room near the Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 8c IMAX, where event organizers were serving up freshly fried doughnuts, or sufgani-
yot, and potato pancakes, or latkes. H anukkah c e lebrates a miracle of lamp oil lasting for eight days and a small band of Jews defeating a Greek army more than 21 centuries ago. Oil is a key part of the rituals connected to the holiday. "What do doughnuts and
potato pancakes have in common?" asked Rabbi Jay Shupack of the Jewish Community of Central Oregon, also in Bend. The answer: They are made using oil. Steven Foster-Wexler,49, of Bend, and hi s d aughter Maya Foster-Wexler, 12, said
they thought the event was a success. Maya said she particularly liked the doughnuts, which people could fill w i t h j e lly and roll in powdered sugar before munching on them. "It was fun," she said. — Reporter: 541-617-7812, ddarlingC<
NEws OF REcoRD CIVIL SUITS Filed Nov. 26
12CV1184:Lorrie Senecal v. James R. Turner, complaint, $353,865.87 Filed Nov. 27
12CV1190:Jessica Hardt v. Blake Nonweiler MD; Ericka Luckel PA, Neuro-Musculoskeletal Center of the Cascades PC.dbaThe CenterOrthopedic and Neurosurgical Care andResearch,complaint,$476,000 Filed Nov. 28
12CV1185:Green TreeServicing LLC v. James L. Jorgensert, Lois M. Jorgensen, Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems Inc. and Countrywide Home Loans Inc., complaint, 259,417.31 plus interest, costs and fees 12CV1186:GreenTree Servicing LLC v. Mark R. Grell artd Wells Fargo Bank N.A., complaint, $178,601.25 plus interest, costs altd fees
12CV1187:Nationstar Mortgage LLC v. Jason B.Yonehiro, complaint, $181,560.70 plus interest, costs and fees 12CV1188:Nationstar Mortgage LLC v. Indred W. ShawandJames Shaw, complaint, $179,382.21 plus interest, costs and fees 12CV1191:Wells Fargo Bank N.A. v. Barbara J. Donovan, Tetherow Crossing Property Owner's Association, Target National Bank, James Edmunds artd state of Oregon, complaint, $211,192.31 plus interest, costs and fees Filed Nov. 29
12CV1192:Wells Fargo Bank N.A. v. Alex A. Arrache and National City Bank nka PNCBank N.A., complaint, $203,522.95 plus interest, costs and fees 12CV1193:Citimortgage lnc. v. Bradley D. Lehuquet ad Kristy L. Lehuquet, complaint,$607,068.24 plus interest, costs altd fees
12CV1194:Wells Fargo Bank N.A. v. Brian Henson and Cascade View Estates Homeowner's Association, complaint, $223,165.41 plus interest, costs and fees 12CV1195:JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A. v. Kirk D. Dority, complaint, $192,780.87 plus interest, costs andfees 12CV1196:Citimortgage lnc. v. Frederick B. Boos aka Frederick Boos, Katherine E. G. Boos aka Katherine Boos and Joel J. Kent, complaint, $878,988.09 plus interest, costs and fees 12CV1197:Beneficial Oregon Inc. v. John A. Walker, complaint, $146,356.78 12CV1198:JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A. successor in interest by purchase from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation as receiver for Washington Mutual Bank fka Washington Mutual Bank F.A. v. Kirk D. Kowalke aka Kirk Douglas
Kowalke and Cascade View Estates Homeowners' Association, complaint ,$394,748.38 12CV1199:JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A. successor in interest to Federal Deposit lnsurance Corporation as receiver for Washington Mutual Bank v. William L. Ashley, complaint, $112,260.74 12CV1200:JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A. v. Brian L. Grady and Mary J. Rath, complaint, $150,747.21 12CV1201:Discover Bank v. Clifford Alldridge, complaint, $12,107.79 Filed Nov. 30
12CV1207:Liberty Northwest Insurance Company v. Fratzke Commercial Real Estate Advisors Inc. fka C. Cochran Properties LLC, complaint, $91,302.65 12CV1208:Katherine A. Hoffmeister v. Aaron A. St. John and Dana J. St. John, complaint, $1,475,000
provides the majority of our operating budget, which isn't the way it should be. We'd like to be stronger in grants." A s th e n o n profit's i n house grant writer, Brown completes most applications, which he d escribes as a
game of perseverance.
"You've got to stay on them year after year, keep reapplying and show them you're worthy by what you've been accomplishing," he said. Redmond Habitat's volunteer corps is one of its biggest stn.ngths, Brown said. Many volunteers are retired, withflexIble schedules, and sometimes there are so many he has trou-
ble finding jobs for everyone. "We don't always follow conventional co n struction timelines," said Brovm. "Just the other day we all showed up to the work site on a day that was bitter cold and windy, and we decided to try again the next day." — Reporter: 541-548-2186,
"Show up plenty early to give yourself time to handle
those unforeseen circumstances." — Don Wilson, TSA assistant security director
all that wrapping paper.
in checked baggage.
TSA, an agency whose image suffers with every well-publicized ham-handed pat-down of a t r aveling gr andmother, made c hanges that soften t he inspection routine familiar to every U.S. traveler in the post-9/11 world. Danker s ai d p a ssen-
On the same Web page, air travelers can download a mobile phone application for "Can Ibringmy ...," as well. TSA employs about 50,000 frontline officers who screen about 1.8 m i llion t r avelers every day, according to an
gers ages 12 and younger and 75 and older need no longer remove theirshoes during pre-flight screenings. And those travelers 75 and older may wear a light jacket without having to remove it, Dankers said. "They're low-risk populations," she said. "We're moving away from a onesize-fits-all approach." Those changes should s ave p a ssengers s o m e time as they move through airport security lines, she said. Travelers won d e ring whether t h e ch a i nsaw chain in their backpacks or replica derringer belt buckle around their waists are permitted carry-on items (they're not) can check on the TSA website, www.tsa .gov/traveler-information/ prohibited-items. A feature called "Can I bring my ..." lets travelers fill in the blank and find out. Many, but not all, prohibited items are permitted
agency news release. Anyone boarding a flight who hasn't done so in a year or more will encounter ad-
vanced imaging technology the agency installed to replace metal detectors. Dankers said the new devices, which look like small r evolving doors, are in place in about 180 airports nationwide, including Redmond and three others in
Oregon. Inside the device, the subjectisscanned by radio waves that ca n d e tect c oncealed items, generating an "avatar" of the item on a screen for review by the operator. Another advantage is that passengers with metallic hip or knee replacements need not worry about being subject to higher scrutiny. "It's very efficient in terms
of processing passengers," she said.
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PUBLIc OFFIcIALs For The Bulletin's full list, including federal, state, county and city levels, visit
0 CONGRESS U.S. Senate
Sen. Jeff Merkley, D-Ore.: 107 Russell SenateOffice Building Washington, D.C. 20510 Phone: 202-224-3753
Fax: 503-378-6872
Secretary of StateKateBrown, Democrat 136 State Capitol Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-986-1616 Fax: 503-986-1616 Email: oregon.sos@state.or.tjs
Superintendent of Public Instruction SuSan CaStillo Bendoffice: 255 CapitolStreetN.E. 131 N.W. Hawthorne Ave., Suite 208 Salem, Oregon97310 Bend,OR 97701 Phone: 503-947-5600 Phone:541-318-1298 Fax: 503-378-5156 Email: superintendent.castillo Sen. RonWyden, D-Ore. © 223 Dirksen SenateOffice Building Washington, D.C.20510 Treasurer TedWheeler, Democrat Phone: 202-224-5244 159 Oregon State Capitol 900 Court St. N.E. Bendoffice: Salem, OR 97301 131 N.W. Hawthorne Ave., Suite107 Phone:503-378-4329 Bend,OR 97701 Email: oregon.treasurer Phone:541-330-9142 U.S. House of Representatives
ReP. GregWalden, R-Hood River 2182 RayburnHouseOffice Building Washington, D.C. 20515 Phone:202-225-6730
Bendoffice: 1051 N.W. Bond St., Suite 400 Bend,OR 97701 Phone:541-389-4408 Fax: 541-389-4452
Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum, Democrat 1162 Court St. N.E. Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-378-4400 Fax: 503-378-4017 Labor Commissioner Brad Avakian 800 N.E. OregonSt., Suite1045 Portland, OR97232 Phone:971-673-0761 Fax: 971-673-0762 Email: boli.mail©
STATE OF OREGON LEGISLATURE Gov. John Kitzhaber, Democrat 160 State Capitol, 900 Court St. Salem, OR97301 Phone:503-378-4582
Sen. TedFerrioli, R-District 30
(includesJefferson, portion of Deschutesi 900 Court St. N.E., S-323 Salem, OR97301 Phone:503-986-1950 Email: sen.tedferrioli@state.or.tjs Sen. Chris Telfer, R-District 27 (includes portion of Deschutes) 900 Court St. N.E., S-423 Salem, OR97301 Phone:503-986-1727 Email: sen.christelfer©
Phone:503-986-1455 Email: rep.mikemclane© Rep. Gene Whisttattt, R-District 53
(portion of Deschutes County) 900 Court St. N.E., H-471 Salem, OR97301 Phone:503-986-1453 Email:
Sen. Doug Whitsett, R-District 28 (includes Crook, portion of Deschutesi 900 Court St. N.E., S-303 Salem, OR97301 Phone:503-986-1728 Email:
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Rep. JasonConger, R-District 54 (portion of DeschuIes) 900 Court St. N.E., H-477 Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-986-1454 Email: rep.jasonconger© Rep. John Huffman, R-District 59 (portion of Jefferson) 900 Court St. N.E., H-476 Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-986-1459 Email: rep.johnhtjffman© Rep. Mike McLane, R-District55 (Crook, portion of Deschutes) 900 Court St. N.E., H-385 Salem, OR97301
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Officials defend 260ICpurchase
Poliee: 2 boys attempt armed robbery of woman
of SWATvehicle in Medford By Chris Conrad
Sheriff's Department deploys a similar vehicle as part of its The Medford Police Depart- SWAT team. ment's brand-new, $260,000 "This issue came down to SWAT truck just arrived at one ofpublic safety," Strosser headquarters this week, and it's said. "We looked at the inforalready taking fire from people mation and decided this vehicle who arguethe vehicle is a waste could not only save police lives, of taxpayer dollars. but also civilian lives." Readers on the M ail T r iMedford police Chief Tim bune's website and Facebook George said the truck most page quickly chimed in with likely will b e used approxitheir thoughts. Most were high- mately 20 times a year during ly critical of the crime-fighting high-risk SWATteam call-outs. machine. These calls usually involve sus"Nothing but a w a ste of pects who are armed or who money that could of been used are known to carry and use where it is needed ... this is weapons. NOT needed," commented one The truck was deployed on Facebook reader. Nov. 29 when the SWAT team "This is why I n o l o nger was called to the 3000 block support more taxes for law of Shelterwood Circle in north enforcement," wrote another Medford. reader."Give them money and Policeofficers arrested Anthey buy uselesstoys. Wasted tonio Ledesma Miranda, 29, on tax dollars!" charges related to a shooting at Another reader suggested a local Mexican restaurant that the armored van, which sits on wounded a man. In addition a massive Ford F-550 chassis to aiding in arrests, the truck and is fitted with a revolving could beused to evacuate resigun turret on the roof, belongs dents should there be a violent in a war zone and not on the incident or a natural disaster in streets ofMedford. a neighborhood, police said. Medford C i t y Co u n cilor George saidthe truck can Bob Strossersaid the armored carry several people to safety truck is a necessary tool that from a mass shooter who has a will make the city safer. neighborhood on lockdown. The Medford City Council The truck could also get nevoted to allow the department gotiators within close range of a to purchase the truck in May. barricaded suspect who might T he department asked t h e have taken hostages within a council for permission to use residence. "The truck has the capability money from equipment and fuel savings from previous bud- to get us close to this person so gets to buy the vehicle. we can talk to him from a loudStrosser said police depart- speaker," George said. "Often, ments throughout Oregon use this is the best way to diffuse thetrucks. The Jackson County a potentially dangerous situ-
ation. And if we can get close without putting the negotiator in danger, then that is the best option." Some have commented on the steep cost of the truck. The cash, they say, could be better used to hire more officers or build a new police headquarters. George said that doesn't pan out financially. "Each one of our officers, when you factor in salary, benefits and other things, costs about $100,000 per year," he said. "So if we took the money from (the SWAT van) we would only have money for two officers for two years." The SWAT van is a one-time purchase, and department officials expect the vehicle to last for 20 years if maintained
The Mail Tribune (Medford)
The Associated Press PORTLAND — Two boys, ages 11 and 7, attempted to rob a woman with aloaded gun, Portland police said Sunday. The 11-year-old boy had a .22 caliber loaded handgun when officers contacted him Saturday at the parking lot of the Freedom Foursquare Church, police said. Officers were responding to a call of reports of children with guns. When they a rrived, the boys t ried t o run away, but were quickly
the officers and tried putting his hand back in his pocket," a police statement said. "Officersgrabbed his arms and recovered a cocked and loaded .22 caliber handgun in his pocket." Before being questioned, the boys had apparently tried to carjacka 22-year-old woman sitting in her family's truck waiting for her parents at the church parking lot. When the boys approached her, the 7-year-old told the 11year-old to "show her your piece." She refused to give the boys her car and they instead demanded cash and her phone, the woman said.
stopped. "Officers told the 11-yearold to keep his hands out of his pockets but he ignored
"The woman again refused to give them anything and she drove away, calling 911. As she pulled away, she saw the 11-year-old pull the gun from his pocket," police said. Because of their age, officers placed the boys in their family's custody. After being dropped off at his parent's house, the 11-year-old boy ran away again,but officers caught him. Detectives are investigating how the boys obtained a
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properly. The new truck replaced older vehiclesthat broke down several times a year and cost a lot to constantly fix, Medford police Deputy Chief Tim Doney said. The way th e d epartment sees it, buying this new truck will keep the city from throw-
ing good money after bad by dumping funds into faulty vehicles year after year. Strosser said the City Council believed the truck was a necessarypiece of equipment, though the sticker shock of such an item was noted in the decision to purchase the vehicle. "Did we wish the price had been lower? Certainly," Strosser said. "But, unfortunately, this is how much these vehicles cost. And we think it will save lives."
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Man faces multiple charges after chase PORTLAND — A 29-yearold parolee involved in a police chase through the Beaverton area is facing multiple charges, including assault, reckless driving, felony h i t-and-run, criminal mischief and attempting to elude a police officer. The Oregonian says Leonel Zamora Jr. also was driving a stolen pickup truck and had a suspendedlicense. According t o a u t horities, the chase began Saturday afternoon after a Washington County sheriff's deputy tried to stop Zamora in response to a domestic dispute. A deputy caught Zamora as he ran from the second crash. He was takento a hospital with minor injuries, then booked into Washington County jail. Authorities say Zamora was out on parole for burglary.
• > • <
— From wire reports
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The 32-year-old stepfather was arrested on Friday and is expectedto be arraigned Monday on charges of assault and criminal mistreatment.
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Police: Grants Pass man abused stepson
GRANTS PASS — Oregon State Police say a 2-year-old boy is i n c r i tical condition and his stepfather is under arrest following a c h ild-abuse investigation. Police said Saturday that the boy was taken to a Grants Pass hospital by hi s m other and stepfather and diagnosed with a head injury. He was taken to a hospital in Medford, where he u n derwent e m ergency
Man stabbed after Portland bar fight PORTLAND — A 25-yearold man is in critical condition after being stabbed in the face during a bar fight in southeast Portland. Authorities say a fight started at the bar and spilled into the parking lot. Officers were flagged down to th e Magic Inn where they found the man stabbed in the face. The Oregonian reports that the man was stabbed at about 2 a.m. Sunday. He was taken to a hospital and is expected to survive. There are no suspects yet in the case.
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The Bulletin
Certiie can i ates i vevotin u i c
5 i
Goaoott BEAEE
Fditur in-Clnrf Editorof Edttorials
QYctl< oAKl ttcoo P~
a etterc oice t may be that without major problems facing their communities, neither the city of Madras nor the city of Metolius could field enough candidates to fill all the vacancies on their city councils. Even with a string of write-ins, in fact, the Metolius council could go to work next year without a full complement of council members. In Madras, it took just 11 of 198 write-in votes to elect Walt Chamberlain to the council, according to the Madras Pioneer. Chamberlain had served on that body before and had sought appointment to another vacancy earlier this year. He withdrew his request, however, because a successful write-in campaign would give him a full fouryear term. The situation is more complicated in Metolius, where no one formally sought to fill three vacancies on the seven-person council. Bob Bozarth, who was appointed in May, won election to a full term with a dozen write-in votes. After that, things got complicated. The city's current mayor, Suzie Binder, also won a slot on the council by write-in, though she has said she will not accept the position. And Patty Wyler, who collected 3 write-in votes, is already on the council and cannot be elected to fill one of the vacancies.
John Chavez, meanwhile, also collected three write-in votes and will fill one of the two remaining vacancies. The final one will be filled by appointment. There's nothing wrong with filling elected positions by writein vote, of course, but it does give one pause.In Madras, more than 1,200 people cast ballots for the city's mayor, while two other official candidates received 1,007 and 837 votes, respectively. Chamberlain won with only 11 votes — just about 5 percent of the vote cast in the mayor's race. The situation was similar in Metolius. We don't question the qualifications of any of those in the two cities elected by write-in vote. They may all serve their communities well. At the same time, however, it's difficult to call the process democratic when such a tiny fraction of voters actually was responsible for filling council vacancies. A headon race with certified candidates surely is a better way to go.
Proceed cautiously on plastic bagban
lastic grocerybags have been banned in Portland, Eugene and Corvallis, and the Oregon Legislature will once again take up the idea for the entire state in its 20D session. Banning the bags has become the fashionable thing to do, with an appealing list of environmental and financial arguments. Supporters say banning the bags will save marine animals, cut litter cleanup costs, reduce our dependence on petroleum, save the cost of the bags now imbedded in the price of food, and eliminate a big source of nonbiodegradable litter in rivers, oceans, farms and neighborhoods. Critics challenge those claims, saying advocates ignore data indicating a much smaller impact. They also say carbon emissions would actually increase, and the inexpensive convenience of the bags and their reuse would be lost. Interestingly, bothsides claimthe jobs argument, with advocates saying new jobs would be created in the manufacture of reusable bags and critics saying existing jobs making
the plastic bags would be lost. A report by The New York Times concluded that solid academic researchishard to find. That's the critical question legislators must consider. If the government is to intrude in the marketplace, the evidence needs to be at least close to definitive. A widespread public belief is insufficient, though it can be a potent political force. We're reminded of the ethanol movement that seemed so convincing just a few decades ago. Instead of nonrenewable foreign oil, we would use our own abundant corn to fuel our vehicles. Sounded great. Governments passed laws requiring the use of ethanol, altering the marketplace in unforeseen ways. In recent years, it's become obvious the environmental benefits were overstated, and the negative effects on farm and food turned out to be substantial. Legislators need to proceed cautiously, insisting on real science and being wary of political symbolism.
Traps spoil outdoor experience By Bill Bodden ew trapping seasons for certain animals began recently, so we would do well to consider misinformation previously submitted to The Bulletin's op-ed pages. Contrary to one July 17 missive, trapping in Oregon is not limited to the winter season and winters are not so harsh in Oregon that it takes a hardy soul to venture forth where traps might be set. Trapping activity increases in the winter months to catch fur-bearing animals, but trapping continues
Another correspondent making the case for using traps cited an unfortunate incident when a relative's gle was out looking for food for his horse stepped in a rodent's hole and young, as was probably the case, was so badly injured that it had to be they were out of luck. Generally, ea- put down. Conventional wisdom suggles need both talons to catch their gests setting traps where rodents are located, but that would just increase prey, so this eagle was now handicapped in a tough world. the hazards for horses and others. Let's consider this claim: "Did I Coyotes allowed to hunt there would mention that trapping season is in be more efficient at reducing the rothe winter? There are a limited num- dent population and less inclined to ber of hardy souls who will venture go after ranch livestock. out into the forest or desert during Bureaucrats at the Oregon Dethat time of year ..." The trapping of partment of Fish and Wildlife rethe dog Kieri ( at the Wiz- cently got around to advising ownard Falls Fish Hatchery that trigers to keep their pets on a leash gered this debate occurred on Feb- when out in Oregon's open spaces. ruary 11, 2012, a day Kieri's owner They would have done well to also described as one "under clear skies advise parents to restrict their chiland warm temperatures." At this dren to trails and confirm that Ortime Kieri's owner noted there were egon's public lands are not places several families with small children for dogs and children to run free. inthe area. So much for only"hardy If people can't bring themselves to souls who will venture out ... during have compassion for innocent anithis time of year." mals subjected to utterly degrading There is a rightful concern on the barbarism,consider the preceding part of ranchers about their live- point. Because a few hundred trapstock being attacked by predators. pers can lay lines of hidden traps Similarly, residents in Bend and anywhere they please, anyone venSistershave been alarmed by the turing out of doors to experience presence ofcougars close to resi- the beauty nature has bestowed on dential areas. In general, most of Oregon must do so with a measure thesepredators prefer to notbe near of trepidation akin to that experienced by troops in IED-strewn Afpeople, but if trappers are killing and depleting their stock of natural ghanistan, if to a lesser degree. So prey in the wild, then we shouldn't much for liberty and the "land of be surprised if they try to find food the free." elsewhere. — Bill Bodden livesin Redmond.
year-round, legally and illegally, to claim tens of thousands of intended and unintended victims. That author would have us believe the season is limited so there is no risk of litters being abandoned by a mother caught in a trap. Tell that to the couple in Tumalo whose dog was caught in an illegal trap on a local ranch and the rancher who freed her when she was desperate to be suckled and her litter of nine pups was equally desperate to be fed. No surprise there that illegal traps will be set. Some people with a callous indifference to animals s uffering excruciating pain c a n be equally indifferent to rules and regulations. Eagles hatch their young in late March. Earlier this year in another local paper, a biologist told of an eagle caught in a trap and that it had to have a talon amputated. If the ea-
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Can a loyal military 'band of brothers' include women'? By Robert H. Scales
in Bosnia and Kosovo. And both are women. ecently Th e P ost r e ported So I have some emotional skin in that four women serving in the this game. First, I'm disturbed that Army, two with Purple Hearts, these four soldiers are using the had filed a federal lawsuit seeking to courts to decide the issue. The courts overturn the military's combat ex- know the law of the land, but they clusion policy. "Combat exclusion" is know nothing about close combat code for being kept from serving in and the intimacies of fighting and dythe close-combat arms of the Army, ing within a small unit. Second, while Marines and specialforces. These the ground services have done a specunitsare made up of soldiers whose tacular job of integrating minorities purpose is to kill the enemy directly. including African-Americans, HisThey also do virtually all of the mil- panics and now gays, they still have itary's dying: Since the end of World a long way togo to achieve percepWar II, four out of five combat deaths tual equality for the female rank and suffered by men and women serving file. One need only read the statistics in the U.S. military have been in the about personal assaults among servinfantry, which includes more than 6 ing women to make the case. percent of the active-duty military. Today, women are excluded from I'm torn by this issue. My family threebranches oftheground services: has served in the military for three artillery, armor and infantry. I have g enerations. My f a ther f ought i n no problem with integrating women World War II and retired a coloneL into the artillery. I commanded an Both of my kids served as officers. artillery brigade in the 1980s where Both commanded their ROTC battal- women served as gunners. Fifteen of ions, at Wake Forest and Notre Dame, my battery commanders were womrespectively. Both were paratroopers. en,and they performed spectacularly. Both served in combat divisions, one I still hear from some of them who reSpecial to The Washington Post
tired recently as colonels. Artillery is okay for women because the purpose of the guns in battle is to deliver firepower against a distant enemy, not to engage in close combat. Some do, to be sure. I received the Silver Star for defending my artillery firebase in Vietnam. But artillery close combat is incidental. Infantry and armor soldiers alone do virtually all the intimate killing. Here's where the issue gets hard for me. Intimate killing is done in small units, normally squads and teams. In these engagements, they fight and often die not for country or mission but for each other. We borrow a phrase from Shakespeare's "Henry V" and term this phenomenon the "band of brothers effect." This is the essential glue in military culture that causes a young man to sacrifice his life willingly so that his buddies might survive. Contemporary history suggests that U.S. infantry units fight equally well when made up of soldiers of different ethnicities, cultures, intelligence and social background. The evidence is also solid that gays make just as good
infantrymen as do straight men. I've been studying the band of brothers effectfor almost 40 years and have written extensively on the subject. We know that time together allows effective pairings — or "battle buddies," to use the common Army term. We know that four solid buddy
be able to "hang." Many have proved with their lives that they are willing to make the ultimate sacrifice. But our senior ground-force leaders, as well asgenerations of former close combat veterans from all of our previous wars, are virtually united on one point: The precious and indefinable pairings led by a sergeant compose band of brotherseffect so essential a nine-man, battle-ready squad. The to winning in close combat would Marine squad is slightly larger. We be irreparably compromised within know from watching Ranger and spe- mixed-gender infantry squads. cial forces training that buddy groups The military has only about 7,000 often form spontaneously. But the hu- squads. This thin red line is already man formula that ensures successful fragile from overuse in Iraq and Afbuddy pairings is still a mystery, and ghanistan. For the moment, I have that's the key stumbling block in the to side with my infantry comrades debate.Veteran SEALs, special forc- in arms. Let's get the data, study the es, Rangers, tankers and line infan- band of brothers effect to make absotrymen will swear that the deliberate, lutely sure women will fit in before we premeditated and brutal act of intitake the plunge — and for heaven's mate killing is a male-only occupa- sake keep the decision away from tion. But no one can prove it with data lawyers and judges. Of course, one from empiricaltests because no such of my combat daughters is now a data exist from the United States. lawyer. But both of them reluctantly They just know intuitively from bat- agree with my caution. — Robert H. Scales, a retired Army major tlefield experience that it's true. To be sure, women soldiers may be general, is a former commandant fit, they may be skilled and they may of the Army War College.
Authorities say '" '"'""' British astronomerMoore Medford fire looks to be arson known or Iong-runningshow BITUARIES
Amber June Mason, of Redmond
June 17, 1927 - Dec. 5, 2012 Arrangements: Autumn FuneralsRedmond (541-504-9485) Services: Memorial Service: 2:00pm, Sunday, Dec. 16, 2012 at Redmond Christian Church, 536 SW 10th St., Redmond, OR. Contributions may be made to:
Redmond Christian Church Projector Fund, 536 SW 10th St., Redmond, OR 97756.
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By Mandy Valencia
The Associated Press
LONDON — British astron/ v, omer and broadcaster Patrick jv'v'; Moore died Sunday, according to friends and colleagues. He was 89. He died at his home in the c oastal town o f S e lsey i n southern England, according to a statement released Sunday. Nospecific cause ofdeath was given, but he had heart problems and been confined to a wheelchair. Moore was well known for his long-running BBC televiThe Associated Press file photo sion show "The Sky at Night," British astronomer and broadcaster Patrick Moore, pictured which was credited for popu- in 2000 at his home in Selsey, West Sussex, England, died larizing astronomy with gen- Sunday at age 89. erations of Britons. He had presentedthe show for more than half a century. including Q u een g u i t arist Neil Armstrong. The statement said he was Brian May. May said Moore Moore, wh o r e ceived a briefly hospitalized last week w as irreplaceable and h ad knighthood in 2001, had rewhen it was determined no stirred millions through his cently celebrated the 5 5 th more treatment would help broadcasts. anniversary of his program. " Patrick w i l l be He only missed one episode, him. Instead, his wish to spend his f i nal FE A T URED mo urned by the many because of anillness caused days at home were p g p UARy to whom he was a car- by food poisoning. He was honored. ing uncle, and by all known fo r h i s t r a demark "Over the past few who loved the delight- monocle and his occasional years, Patrick, an inspiration ful wit and clarity of his writ- xylophone performances and to generationsof astronomers, ings, or enjoyed his fearlessly his frequently professed love f ought his wa y b ack f r o m eccentric persona in p ublic of cats. many serious spells of illness life," May said. He wrote dozens of books and continued to work and In its obituary, the Daily using a 1908 typewriter he rewrite at a great rate, but this Telegraph reportedthat Moore ceived as a gift when he was 8. time his body was too weak to believed he was the only perMoore had long expressed overcome the infection which son to have met the first man an interest in traveling into set in a few weeks ago," the to fly, Orville Wright, as well space, but said he wasn't medstatement said. as the first man in space, Rus- ically fit to do so — he said It was signed by various sian Yuri Gagarin, and the he was so large that a special staff members and f riends, first man on the moon, the late rocket would be needed.
- ( 'Wd
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"I just want closure and justice."
The Mail Tribune (Medford)
By Gregory Katz
A fire that destroyed a twostoryhouse in the 5000 block of West Griffin Creek Road on Nov. 21 is being investigated as arson, authorities have confirmed. Oregon State Police arson and explosives investigator Gaylon Couch said that OSP has taken over the investigation. Neighbors reported the fire at about 10:30 a.m. Nov. 21,
— Jennifer Newcombe, homeowner
ing in a two-bedroom hotel room in Medford. Friends and family have pitched in to provide shoes and clothes for the children. T he N ewcombes w e r e married at t heir r esidence saying they heard a large ex- six years ago and have been plosion and a black plume of making trips to the property smoke rising from the house, frequently to care for their which sits high on a ridge, horses, they said. making the smoke visible Jennifer Newcombe said from Medford and the sur- she doesn't know of anyone rounding areas. who would want to harm her Because early reports did or her family, but she said one not contain the address of the of her friends brought a man rural house, Medford Fire- to the house a few weeks ago Rescue and Applegate Val- who had a criminal past, and ley Fire District responded, she said she did not want him driving up several long, steep in her home. "I asked her not to bring driveways while attemptingto find the source of the smoke. him to our house, but she did H omeowners Paul a n d anyway," said N ewcombe. JenniferNewcombe and their "He seemed to be looking four children were not home around our house a lot, sort of at the time of the fire, which casing the place." burned so hot and fast that Newcombe said she susinsurance adjusters ruled the pects that the man may have house a total loss. burglarized the house and According to Newcombe, then set it on fire to cover up investigators believe the fire the crime. "I just want closure and started in the living room or downstairs playroom. justice," said Newcombe. "I "The inside of the house haven't spoken to my friend. looks like there was an explo- I don't want anything to do sion," said Newcombe, "and with her." investigators were asking me Investigators have not reif we start our wood stove leased any details about the with a gas can." case, saying the investigation For now, the family is stay- will continue.
DEATHS ELSEWHERE Deaths of note from around theworld: Viron "Pete" Vaky, 87: A career diplomat who was the U .S. ambassador t o t h r e e countries and was the State Department's chief architect of Latin American policy in the late 1970s. Died Nov. 22 at Collington Episcopal Life
Care Community, a retirement facility in Mitchellville, Md. He had pneumonia. Marty Reisman, 82: A wizard at table tennis, the sport in which h e c a ptured national championships, won and lost fortunes on wagers and moved crowds to laughter — sometimes using a fry-
ing pan as a paddle — as an opening act for the Harlem Globetrotters. Died Friday in Manhattan. — From wire reports
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Murder caseagainst womanfalls apart The Associated Press C ORVALLIS — A mur der case against an Oregon judge's daughter has f allen apart, partly because prosecutorswere unable to use the woman's developmentally disabled young adult son as a key witness. Prosecutors filed a motion Nov. 29to dismiss the charges against Lorrain Sarich, according to the Corvallis Gazette-Times. Sarich was released from the Linn County jail the next day, after serving more than two years in custody. "We have no case without the kid. We can't go forward," Jeff Manning, a spokesman for the Oregon Department of Justice, said. Sarich, 46, wa s a ccused of killing William Mills — a caretakerforSarich's son — in order to conceal the commission of identity theft. Mills' remains were found near Lyons in 2007. P rosecutors, defense a t torneys and a judge were recruited from outside the area to handle the case because Sarich is the daughter of Linn County Circuit Court Judge Carol Bispham. Prosecutors sought dismissal of the charges the same day the Oregon Supreme Court upheld a lower court ruling that Sarich's son was incompetent to testify. According to p rosecutors, Sarich's son was present during the killing and he gave investigators directions to the killing site and where the victim's abandoned vehicle was located. Court documents say Sarich's son also drew pictures of the crime and how it was committed, and also talked about it. Portland defense attorney Christopher Clayhold argued that much of the police interaction with Sarich's son was
suggestive and leading.
inadmissable by Judge Dennis Graves. Prosecutors appealed, but the state Supreme Court upheld the rulings Nov. 29. Sarich was charged with three counts of a ggravated murder in the death of Mills. Authorities said Sarich was involved in an identity theft and fraud scheme to protect her assetsfrom bankruptcy. Mills' identity was used in the scheme, and Sarich learned he discovered the fraud.
Clayhold also argued that prosecutors did no t p u rsue other suspects. "There was a lot about their case we were going to attack," he said. The Oregon Department of Justice, filling in for the Linn County District Attorney's Office, had appealed a 2011 ruling that Sarich's son was incompetent to testify. Also, an earlier conviction and other actions by Sarich were ruled
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F O R ECA S T Maps and national forecast provided by Weather Central LP ©2012.
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Today:t Partly sunny.
Chance of rain
Bz Chance of snow
«' ,
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Chance of snow
Chance of rain and
snow showers.
Biggs • thriington «ggS . 36/38 D a ges 44/33 4N3 H igsbmo POrt and ~ ~ I 47/• 3 5 • o Wasco 49/41 •
McMinnvige 49/38
Sa n dy 49/40
Granite 35/I 6
D aY
40/7 4
Paulina 42/20
Sunriver Bend
• Brothers 46/19
Cottage Grove
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Lake g 39/1 3
~ 5
Port Orford
• Burns
La Pine46/19 E • Cr escent • Fort Rock 47IZ1 •
4 4/1 7
Frenchglen 46/27
61/4 2
alls 4//21 ~
5/33 ~
• 14'
• Lakeview
Ashland ~
North Bend
44/36 •
• 54'
• Brookings
Yesterday's state extremes
Jordan Valley
I.ake Paisley
• eac
Chr i stmas Valley
Silv e r
EAST Mostly cloudy Ontaria skies will be found 4»27 across the region Valeo 42/27 • today.
49/ 3 9
Baker Ci
Prineville 46»4
44/22 ~
•Seattle, 4 48/39
(in the 48 contiguous states):
• -17'
• 86' /
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McAllen, Texas
Saskatoon L
Calgary >30/24
Detroit Buffalou 4 aVz e w Yokr 4 I 1 7«/24 98 / 2 B 4 4 4 1 4 4
Sidney, Mont.
• 1.83 w Hot Springs, Ark
PhoenixIS 65/43 OS
O Honolulu ~ 82/70
4 Denver 36/22
36/20• ~
Houston t
3 I 4 > ,t t t
Juneau 39/31
+ ypS
'I,i' -73/46 - ,t
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S~8 Miami 83/73
La Paz 73/61
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Oklahoma City
S t . LouisE
~"v' " SBQS.
Mazatlan 9 82/68
-8+++ ++++t
Tomorrow Rise Set Mercury....5:51 a.m...... 3:25 p.m. Venus......5:19 a.m...... 3:04 p.m.
Yesterday's weather through 4 p.m. inBend High/Low.............. 46/28 24 hours endmg 4 p.m.*. . 0.00" Record high........ 61 m 1990 Month to date.......... 0.40" Recordlow........ -20in1972 Average monthtodate... 0.66"
Mars.......9:39 a.m...... 6:30 p.m. Jupiter......343 pm......649 a.m. Satum......3:51 a.m...... 2;22 p.m. Uranus....12:52 p.m...... 1:09 a.m.
Average high.............. 39 Year to date............ 8.09" Average low .............. 23 Average year to date..... 9.82" Barometricpressureat 4 p.m30.28 Record24 hours ...0.95 in 2004 *Melted liquid equivalent
Yesterday M onday Tuesday The higher the UV Index number, the greater ski report from around the state, representing Hi/Lo/Pcp H i / Lo/W H i /Lo/Wthe need for eye and skin protection. Index is conditions at 5 p.m. yesterday:
City Precipitationvaluesare24-hour totals through4 p.m.
for solar at noon.
Snow accumulation in inches
Astoria ........ 50/41/0.20....51/40/pc...... 49/41/r Baker City...... 29/17/0.12.....41 /25lc..... 42/28lrs Brookings......60/46/0.00....61/42/pc.....53/43/sh Burns..........36/29/0.00....43/21/pc.....44/23/sh Eugene........48/41l0.02....49/39/pc.....49/40/sh Klamath Falls .. 45/26/0 00 ...41/21/pc ...42/27/pc Lakeview.......43/18/0.00 ....46/22/s..... 45/27/rs La Pine........46/25/0.00....46/I9/pc.....41/26/sn Medford.......47/35/0.00....44/36/pc.....44/39/pc Newport....... 50/43/0.10....52/39/pc...... 50/42/r North Bend....... 54/43/0....55/40/pc.....53/42/sh Ontario........38/28/0.00.....41/27/c.....44/30/pc Pendleton......40/30/0.00.....45/32/c.....44/36/sh Portland .......45/39/0.02....49/41/pc.....46/41/sh Prinevige.......31/29/0.00....46/24/pc.....44/28/sn Redmond.......45/26/0.00....47/26/pc.....44/28/sn Roseburg.......52/38/0.00.....51/38/c.....47/39/sh Salem ....... 4874070 02...49/37/pc ...48/39/sh Sisters.........48/28/0.00.....47/22/c..... 41/28/rs The Dages......45/39/0.00.....47/35/c.....46/35/sh
L 0
ROAD CONDITIONS Snow level androadconditions representing conditions at 5 p.m. yesterday. Key:TT. = Traction Tires.
Ski area Last 24 hours Base Depth Anthony Lakes ...... . . . . . . . . 1 8 . . . . . . . . 35 H oodoo..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . 2 8 Mt. Ashland...... . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0.. . . . .23-46 Mt. Bachelor..... . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0.. . . . .46-66 Mt. Hood Meadows..... . . . . . . 2 . . . . . . . . 45 Mt. Hood Ski Bowl..... . . . . . . 0 .0 . . .no report Timberline..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 . . . . . . . . 57
Warner Canyon....... . . . . . . . 0.0... no report
Pass Conditions Wigamette Pass ........ . . . . . report 1-5 at Siskiyou Summit........ Carry chains or T. Tires 1-84 at Cabbage Hill....... . . . . .Chains > 10,000 lbs. Aspen, Colorado..... . . . . . . . . 1 5 . . . . . . . . 24 Hwy. 20 at Santiam Pass...... Carry chains or T. Tires Mammoth Mtn., California..... 0.0... . . .60-70 Hwy 26 at Government Camp.. Carry chains or T. Tires Park City, Utah ...... . . . . . . . . . 6 . . . . . . . . 23 Hwy. 26 at Ochoco Divide..... Carry chains or T. Tires SquawVagey, California..... . .0.0 . . . . . 4-59 Sun Valley, Idaho....... . . . . . . . 2 . . . . . .11-51 Hwy. 58 at Willamette Pass.... Carry chains or T.Tires Hwy. 138 at Diamond Lake.... Carry chains or T.Tires Taos, New Mexico...... . . . . . . 0.0. . . . . .12 14 Hwy. 242 at McKenzie Pass........ Closed for season Vail, Colorado...... . . . . . . . . . . 9 . . . . . . . . 18 For up-to-minute conditions turn to: or call 511
o www m Vancouver
For links to the latest ski conditions visit: Legend:W-weather, Pcp-precipitation, s-sun,pc-partial clouds,c clouds,h-haze, sh-showers,r-rain, t-thunderstorms,sf-snowflurries, sn-snow, i-ice,rs-rain-snowmix,w-wind, f-fog, dr-drizzle,tr-trace
YeSterday'S extremes
37 21
Pi •
Partly to mostly cloudy skies can be expected today.
41/39 Union
• Madras
Camp Sherma
35 22
Sunsettoday...... 4 27 p.m N ew First F ull Sunrise tomorrow .. 7:31 a.m Sunset tomorrow... 4:27 p.m Moonrise today.... 4:I 5 a.m Moonsettoday .... 2:23 p.m Dec. 13 Dec. 19 Dec. 28
La Grande•
Yachats• ~
+ 56/43
Warm Springs•
• Bandon
Coos Bay
Wallowa Pendleten 33»• Enterpris 45/32 • Meacham • 35/22
Ruggs •
5 4/40 ~
Governmentx Camp 39/33I,
Lincoln City
4»33 +Hermiston 42/31
River The
Seasidev 5i/42 • Cannon 13each
38 19
SUN AND MOON SCHEDULE Sunrisetoday...... 7:30 a.m Moon phases
WEST Patchy morning fog; otherwise partly to mostly sunny today.
As t o ria
W ar m Stationary Showers T-storms
3 3 4 3'
* ** * *
' ** * * *
: th +
+xt+xt+ Rain F l urries Snow 4u
* e
Yesterday Monday Tuesday Yesterday Monday Tuesday Yesterday Monday Tuesday Yesterday Monday Tuesday City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W Abilene,TX ......60/46/0.00...43/22/s.. 52/26/s Grand Rapids....36/30/0.10..37/25/pc.. 35/26/c RapidCity........15/4/000...33/22/c. 35/24/pc Savannah.......79/51/0 00..77/60/pc. 70/51/sh Akron ..........51/36/0.12...44/29/r.. 37/25/c GreenBay.......34/26/0.26..28/17/pc.. 27/18/c Reno...........48/28/0.00..52/24/pc.. 55/30/s Seattle..........41/37/0.02...48/39/c. 46/37/sh Albany..........46/37/000...54/33/r. 38/25/pc Greensboro......65/51/0 03..71/51/sh. 51/40/sh Richmond.......55/44/0.00...74/52/c.. 55/32/c SiouxFalls.......34/10/0.08..21/12/pc.. 26/13/c Albuquerque.....54/33/000..40/20/pc.. 42/23/s Harnsburg.......48/42/035...62/39/r.47/29/pc Rochester NY....38/30/002... 48/28/r. 34/26/pc Spokane........30/I7/002... 33/29/c..33/31/rs Anchorage......27/21/004 ..28/16/sn. 20/12/pc Hartford,CT.....46/34/0.01... 59/36/r. 44/26/pc Sacramento......62/37/0.00... 64/38/s .. 62/43/s Springfield, MO ..52/42/0.00... 33/18/s .. 43/23/s Atlanta.........71/57/000...67/43/t.55/37lpc Helena..........2474/000...34/25lc.. 41/24/c St. Louis.........51/437020...35/22/s. 42/27/pc Tampa..........77/64/000..80769/sh...79/66lt Atlantic City.....50/46/048...62/48/c .. 50/36/c Honolulu........83/72/0 00 ..82/70lsh. 82/71/sh Salt Lake City....29/22/000...35I26/c. 41l29/pc Tucson..........70/42/000...62/31/s .. 66/37/s Austin..........79/68/000..49/2ipc.. 51/31/s Houston ........81/61/000..50734/pc.52/34/pc SanAntonio.....78/68/000 .. 52/27/pc.. 53/32/s Tulsa...........52/39/001...37/I8ls .. 46/25/s Baltimore.......50/46/0.18..66/44/sh. 52/32/pc Huntsville.......72/60/0.00... 56/30/i. 47/26/pc SanDiego.......63/55/000...68/51/s .. 70/52/s Washington,DC..52/48/014 ..6548/sh. 53/35/pc Billings..........21/5/000...36/22/c.38/25/pc Indianapolis.....54/42/041..39/24/pc.37/25/pc SanFrancisco....65/46/000...63/48/s .. 59/49/s Wichita.........46/29/000..35/19/pc. 45/25/pc Birmingham.....69/57/000...64/35/r. 49/29/pc Jackson, MS.... 76/56/0.00. 61/33/r .. 49/29/s SanJose........67/45/000.. 66/44/s 63/46/s Yakima........ 41/31/trace 42/28/c. 41/30/sh Bismarck.........11/1/002...25/13/c .. 26/17/c Jacksonvile......74/55/0 00..80/61/pc. 72/56/sh SantaFe........47/20/011... 32/11/s. 37/17/pc Yuma...........77/47/000...67/45ls.. 72/45/s Boise...........37/25/001 ...43/27/c .. 46/30/c Juneau..........36/29/015 .. 39/31/rs ..36/21/rs INTERNATIONAL Boston..........49/41/000...60/42/r. 45/28/pc KansasCity......43/26/002...30/19/s. 42/25/pc BndgeportCT....49/39/004... 60/41/r. 48/31/pc Lansing.........34/28/012 ..35/23/pc .. 33/24/c Amsterdam......48/36/023 40/31/sh 34/32/rs Mecca..........95/75/000 . 87/6ms.. 84/68/s Buffalo.........37/28/0.11 ... 48/27/r. 32/27/pc Las Vegas.......60/47/0.00... 57/37/s .. 60/41/s Athens..........60/54/0.06..53/46/pc .. 59/50/c Mexico City .....77/41/000 ..73/45/pc.. 70/45/s BurlingtonVT....43/29/000.. 44/20/rs. 29/22/pc Lexington.......61/50/056... 53/29/r. 38/26/pc Auckland........66/52/000..67/56/pc. 69/56/pc Montreal........36/28/010..38/23/sh. 21/I2/pc Caribou,ME.....37/21/001 ..31/23/sn. 29/13lpc Lincoln..........38/19/0 00... 33/14/s. 40/22/pc Baghdad........66/51/000 ..70/58/pc.68/52/sh Moscow........27/16/002..25/23/pc. 22/I0/pc Charleston, SC...78/51/000 ..74/59/pc. 69/52/sh Little Rock.......72/60/1.46 ..40725/pc.. 47/25/s Bangkok........90/79/0.19... 91/74/s. 93/74/pc Nairobi.........79/61/0.0077/56/pc .. .. 78/56/s Charlotte........66/54/006 ..71/53/sh. 61/40/pc LosAngeles......64/57/0 00... 71/50/s .. 72/52/s Beifng..........34/14/000 ..31/22/pc .. 29/24/c Nassau.........82/72/000 ..80/71/pc. 77/72/pc Chattanooga.....72/59/000... 60/36/r. 48/30/pc Louisville........66/50/0.22 ..46/28/pc. 39/26/pc Beirut..........66/61/000 ..67/53/sh. 60/53/sh New Delh/.......79/50/000 .. 79/59/pc .. 79/56/s Cheyenne........17/7/000...32/16/c .. 36/23/c Madison Wl.....35/31/034..28/18/pc .. 32/21/c Berlin...........34/217000..33/25/sn..32727lsf Osaka..........45/34/000..43736/sh.46/39/sh Chicago.........41/35/021 ..31/22/pc. 34/28/c Memphis....... 70/60/032 45/27/r .. 45/27/s Bogota .........70/48/000...67/47/s.66/54lsh Oslo............21/10/001 ...21/16/c.. 11/6/pc Cincinnati.......61/46/000 ..46/29/pc 38/24/pc Miami..........84/72/0.00 ..83/73/sh...83/72/t Budapest........28/10/000...28/24/c ..32/22/sf Ottawa.........30/21/011..35/18/sh.19/13/pc Cleveland.......50/36/002 .. 42/31/rs.36/30/pc Milwaukee......38/35/043..33/24/pc.. 33/27/c BuenosAires.....90/61/000... 83/55/t .. 85/63/s Paris............45/27/000...42/34/c. 37/29/pc ColoradoSpnngs.24/11/0.12..36/16/pc. 36/17/pc Minneapolis.....32/28/040...14/8/pc .. 26/13/c CaboSanLucas ..82/61/000 ..80/55/pc.. 80/54/s Rio deJaneiro....82/79/000 ..81/72/pc...89/77/t Columbia,M0...46/41/001 ... 32/I7/s. 42/23/pc Nashville........70/57/005... 52/29/r .. 42/24/s Cairo...........72/57/000 .. 69/50/s. 66/51/pc Rome...........48/32/000 ..57/34/sh .. 49/36/s Columbia,SC....71/53/000 ..74/56/sh. 63/43/sh New Orleans.....80/61/0.01... 73/46/t. 55/43/sh Calgary......... 28/-4/000..30/24/pc .. 32/16/c Santiago........88/57/0.00...66/56/s .. 67/53/s Columbus, GA...74/611000... 72/48/t.. 58/40/c New York.......50/42/007...64/45/i. 49/35/pc Cancun.........84/61/0.00... 84/76/t...84/75/t Sao Paulo.......75/66/0.00... 79/69/t...87/71/t Columbus,OH....56/41/0.07..47/30/pc. 38/25/pc Newark,Nl......48/42/0.08...65/46/r. 50/34/pc Dublin..........46/32/0.00..42/34/pc .. 40/34/c Sapporo ........27/27/0.03 ..33/22/pc..31/22/sf Concord, N8.....44/27/000... 46730/r. 40/20/pc Norfolk VA......69/47/0 05...74/55/c.56/37/sh Edinburgh.......46/37/000 ..39/31/pc. 33/27/pc Seoul............18/3/000... 27/I4/s. 25/I6/pc Corpus Christi....84/70/000 ..58/39/pc. 59/39/pc Oklahoma City...48/34/0 00... 36/20/s. 49/25/pc Geneva.........3428/000 .. 35/28/sf. 28/12/pc Shangha/........43/34/000...46/41/c .. 49/46/c DallasFtWorth...67/53/000...42/23/s .. 49/28/s Omaha.........38/18/000 ..2il6/pc. 38/21/pc Harare..........81/64/0.55... 75/60/t...72/58/t Singapore.......86/79/0.00... 88/79/t...89/77/t Dayton.........57/40/004..43/28/pc. 37/24/pc Orlando.........83/65/0.00..84/66/pc...82/66/t HongKong......73/64/000..68/63/pc.69766/pc Stockholm........27/3/000...30/25/c. 28/26/sn Denver..........27/14/000..36/22/pc.41/18/pc PalmSprings.... 82/47/000...69/49/s.. 71/47/s Istanbul.........59/52/007...47/41/r. 53/47/pc Sydney..........77/63/000..70762/sh.72/65/pc DesMoines......38/23/022..24/14/pc. 35/21/pc Peoria..........44/37/007... 32/17/s. 34/23/pc lerusalem.......63/52/000... 61/46/s. 52/46/sh Taipei...........59/57/000...60/59/c. 64/64/sh Detroit..........40/35/008 ..40/29/pc. 35/28/pc Philadelphia.....50/43/0.25..65/46/sh. 49/33/pc Johanneshurg....79/57/1.06..65/52/sh.67/52/sh TelAviv.........73/57/000...70/55/s. 62/53/sh Duluth..........29/23/062...20/8/pc..22/10/c Phoenix.........70/47/000...65/43/s..67/44/s Lima...........72/66/000 75/65/pc .. .. 75/64/c Tokyo...........52/37/000..44/34/pc. 49/34/pc ElPaso..........66/47/000...50/2B/s.. 52/29/s Pittsburgh.......51/39/016... 52/30/r. 38/24/pc Lisbon..........55/45/000 55/43/c 59/48/c Toronto.........34/25/000 3I23lc.27/24/pc Fairbanks..........9/0/000...-I/-7/sn.-2/-12/pc Portland,ME.....46/33/0.00... 46/32/r. 41/21/pc London.........48/37/000..43/32/pc. 38/28/pc Vancouver.......39/36/003... 43/39/c. 43/36/sh Fargo............21/0/003...11/9/pc... 19/7/c Providence......50/39/004...61/41/i. 47/27/pc Madrid .........50/27/000..45/30/pc. 52/36/pc Vienna..........32/23/000... 38/31/c.. 30/25/c Flagstaff........44/20/000...43/13/s.. 46/16/s Raleigh.........72/52/002...77/54/c. 55/41/sh Manila..........88/77/000... 86/76/t. 79/75/pc Warsaw.........19/10/000 .. 26/24/sf .. 28/20/c
Report: Stemcell board in California Drug dealers swiftly skirt riddled with conflicts of interest Hawaii's 'proactive' law
By Eryn Brown
Los Angeles Times
L OS ANGELES — T h e board of California's stem cell funding agency is rife with conflicts of interest and should be restructured to improve the integrity of its grant-making process, according to a new report from independent experts convened by the Institute of Medicine. The committee found that "far too many" of the board members are from organizations that stand to benefit from the $3 billion the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine is supposed to dole out to researchers over 10 years. Making matters worse, the 29 board membersare too closely involved in the agency's dayto-day decisions. "They m a k e pro p osals to t h emselves, e ssentially, r egarding what s h ould b e funded," said Harold Shapiro, former president of Princeton University and chair of the 13person committee that issued the report on Thursday. "They cannot e x er t in d ependent oversight." The findings echo criticisms thathave been made foryears by independent groups that monitor how taxpayer dollars are spent. "Conflict of interest is a fund amental problem with t h e
agency," said John Simpson, head of the stem cell project at Consumer Watchdog in Santa Monica. T he agency, k n ow n a s CIRM, was established after voters approved Proposition 71 in 2004, authorizing the state to issue $3 billion in bonds to support stem cell research in California (along with $3 billion in interest payments). Thus far, CIRM has allocated nearly $1.7 billion to 68 institutions, including Stanford University, the University of California, Los Angeles and biotechnology companies like StemCells Inc. and Geron Corp. That money has contributed to advances in basic research in stem cell biology, helped speed cures to patients and built state-of-the-art research facilities throughout
By Allison Schaefers pf iF
The Associated Press file photo
Terry Storm works in a stem cell research lab at the Lorry I. Lokey Stem Cell Research Building on the Stanford University campus in Palo Alto, Calif. A report by the lnstitute of Medicine released Thursday said California's stem cell agency has done a good job of supporting research but improvements are needed. the state. But from th e get-go, the agency and its primary backer, San Francisco real estate investor Robert Klein, came u nder intense scrutiny f o r problems with transparency and other governance issues. Proposition 7 1 r e q u ired that CLRM's board, the Independent Citizen's Oversight Committee, be composed primarily of representatives from research centers, biotech companies and advocacy groups for patients whose diseases might be treated by stem cell therapies. The arrangement set it up for conflicts of interest: An investigation launched by California's Little Hoover Commission in 2 008 determined that the board lacked independent voices. Around 90 percent of CIRM g rants have gone to institutions with representatives on its board. In the new report, the IOM panel urged the agency to create a permanent scientific advisory board to make recommendations to CIRM staff about scientific priorities, includingwhat types of research to pursue and how to collaborate with industry. That board should be composed mainly of experts from outside of California, who are not eligible for CIRM funding, the panel said. The report did not call out specific cases where conflicts
of interest were problematic, focusing instead on structural issues, Shapiro said. In addition, th e a g ency should lay out plans for how it will line up new funding after 2017, when it will run out of money for new grants, the panel said. Shapiro p r aised C I RM's leadership for "extraordinary work" in its first five years and for getting the agency off the
dols, is similar to the previottsly banned Spice and is sold Criminal chemists already under names like Blue Kush have found a way to circum- and UR-144 mostly in "smoke vent anew Hawaii lawto crack shops" or similar stores. It's down on synthetic drugs, but temporarily illegal under a local authorities are fighting specialemergency order isback. sued by the state Department Act 29, signed by Gov. Neil of Public Safety in October, Abercrombie in April, made but officials will have to go beit illegal to sell, buy or Use fore the Legislature again next nine families of previously le- month to pass a new law. "Government i s al w a ys gal synthetic marijuana and stimulants. in the catch-Ltp stage," said The law, which local offiKeith Kamita, deputy direccials say is among the nation's tor of public safety. "We have most p r oactive, c u r tailed to be vigilant about these new public distribution of much of drugs because maybe our kids Hawaii's synthetic drug trade. are going to try them. If we But drug manufacturers and can get them to think twice, dealers soon began bringing maybe we'll save a life." to Hawaii another family of While it's nearly impossible these drugs, which hadn't yet to create a law that would conbeen identified as illegal but trol all versions of a synthetic had similar characteristics to drug, the department is able others covered in the law. to temporarily label formulas The latest version, called considered a threat as Schedtetramethylcyclopropanoylin- ule 1 drugs. The Honofufu Star-Advertiser
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ground. "The focus of our report is looking forward," he said. Critics of the agency welcomed the IOM's findings. But they also noted that the recommended changes wouldn't be easy to implement. A number of board members would be likely to resist their removal from the grant-approval process, and some of the needed s tructural c h a nges w o u l d require action from the California legislature, said David Jensen, editor of the California Stem Cell Report, who follows
The power to temporarily schedule drugs before they are written into law gives DPS and local law enforcement agenciesthe opportunityto respond to threats sooner, Kafmta said. "The idea behind emergency scheduling is to save people from getting seriously hurt," he said. "Once the Legislature is back in session, I expect that they will support us. They have been very proactive." Still, Hawaii's law enforcement officials say it's difficult to halt the distribution of new syntheticdrugs because laws can't keep pace with the underground market. When a synthetic drug is scheduled, chemists try to find unnamed families of these drugs or alter the drug's molecules. "Manufacturersand dealers watch what the states do and keep changing the formulas because it's a moneymaker," Kamita said.
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the agency closely.
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Weekly Arts 5 Entertainment In
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TV/Movies, C2 Calendar, C3 Dear Abby, C3 Horoscope, C3
Comics, C4-5 Sudoku, C5 Daily Bridge, C5 Crossword, C5
Is solar power a burden to
This NASA image assembled from data acquired by the Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership satellite in April and October 2012 shows the United States at night. The new satellite detects light in a range of wavelengths from green to near-infrared and uses filtering techniques to observe dim signals such as city lights, gas flares, auroras, wildfires and reflected moonlight.
counties? By Julie Cart
Los Angeles Times
LOS ANGELES — When it comes to attracting business to California'seastern deserts, Inyo County is none too
choosy. Since the 19th century, the sparsely populated county has worked to attract industries shunned by others, including gold, tungsten and salt mining.
NASA tna
The Associated Press
The message: Your business may be messy, but if you plan
to hire our
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~d The Associated Press SAN FRANCISCO — Twin-
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kling city lights, raging wildfiresand colorfulauroras are lit up in new dazzling nighttime views of the Earth. The new images released Wednesday are courtesy of a newly launched NASA-NOAA
satellite that's
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equipped with
a sensor to ob- SCIENCE serve the planet at night. There's the Nile River bathed in city lights. A map of the United States shows the populated East Coast illuminated. Light from fishing boats can be pinpointed. The satellite also captured the glowfrom naturalsources including moonlight, northern lights and naturally occurring fires. After Superstorm Sandy made landfall in late October, hard-hit New Jersey, lower Manhattan andthe Rockaways appeared dark in the satellite images compared with surrounding areas — the result of widespread power outages.
i ~ w i N 4h .
Ben Margot /The Associated Press
NASA via The Asllctated P
Data acquired by the Suomi NPP satellite shows Great Britain, Ireland and part of northwestern Europe, including France, Belgium and the Netherlands, as they appeared on the night of March 27.
A scale model of the NASA-NOAA Suomi NPP satellite, which was launched last year, holds a sensor that enables scientists to observe the Earth's atmosphere and surface during nighttime hours in greater detail than ever before.
residents, the welcome mat is out. So the county grew giddy last year as it began to consider hosting a huge, clean industry. BrightSource Energy, developer of the proposed $2.7 billion Hidden Hills solar power plant 230 miles northeast of Los Angeles, promised a bounty of jobs and a windfall in tax receipts. In a county that issued just six building permits in 2011, Inyo officials first estimated that property taxes from the facility would boost the general fund 17 percent. But upon closer inspection, the picture didn't seem so rosy. An economic consultant hired by the county found that property tax revenue would be a fraction of the customary amount because portionsofthe plant qualify for a solar tax exclusion. Fewer than 10 local workers would land permanent positions — and just 5 percent of the construction jobs would be filled by county residents. And construction workers are likely to spend their money across the nearby state line, in Nevada. Worse, the project would cost the county $11 million to $12 million during the 30-month construction phase, with much ofthe money going to upgrade a historic two-lane road to the plant. Once the plant begins operation, the county estimates taxpayers will foot the bill for nearly $2 million a year in additional public safety and other services. See Solar /C6
uoma eis in man ioa s o ue e icienc By Jerry Hirsch
"Instead of having a couple of electric vehicles, which are really only suited for a few p e o ple, you have mainstr e a m vehicles that get you w ha t you want and have the fu el e f ficiency you need," sai d J ake Fisher, automotive test d i r ector for Consumer Reports. With gasoline prices above $3.50 a gallon
there's a lesson from the auto show about fuel economy, it's that there are many roads On one stage of the Los Angeles Auto Show, BMW to the new fuel economy shows off "the cars of tomorstandards. row,"concepts powered by "I hope the horse race electricity. On another, Audi continues," Fisher said. "I touts four new diesels. Ford, hope that automakers keep meanwhile, displays a tiny trying different things. And gasoline motor with an it might be that the eventual unprecedented mix of dominant technology is not power and economy. even something that we have With consumers g~ , ~ in m u ch of the nation, thought of." ~ s > auto companies now and the government At the L.A. Auto Show, demanding ever-higher market themselves more Audi showed off a line of fueleconomy, automak- TECH o n fuel economy than vehicles equipped with turers were tripping over horsepower, but their enbocharged V-6 diesel engines one another at this gineers are getting better that are expected to achieve year's auto show to trumpet at co m b ining healthy doses as much as30 percent better technologies that squeeze of both. fuel efficiency than the gasomore miles out of a fuel tank Fuel e c onomy has taken line counterparts the Geror an electric charge. on greater importance with man automaker now sells. Until recently, peak fuel efPr e s ident Barack Obama's Ford unveiled a gas-sipficiency demanded a trade-off r e - election, which automak- ping, turbocharged, threein performance and comfort. er s b elieve will cement fedcylinder engine that packs But the increasingly varied eral r e gulations that require more punch than the base entrants in the miles-per-galnea r l y doubling the average four-cylinder now standard in lon race now offer substantial ga s mileage for passenger ve- its small cars. power and comfort. hicles to 54.5 mpg by 2025. If See Fuel /C6 Los Angeles Times
Gary Friedman/ Los Angeles Times
The Chevrolet Spark EV premieresat the L.A. Auto Show on Nov. 28 at the Los Angeles Convention Center. It goes on sale in California and Oregon in the summer of 2013 and is priced at less than $25,000 after a federal tax credit. The Spark EV is electric and goes 0-60 miles per hour in under 8 seconds with 130 horsepower. It can be recharged in 20 minutes at 80 percent capacity.
Looking back atthe best of 2012 onTV By Hank Stuever
the people who've read the The Washington Post comic books please tell me — how much longer do we M ISSOULA, M o n t. — I moved way out we st to the h a v e to put up w ith "the mountains this year, far from G o v ernor?" home, for a few months. Life The r e are plenty of other is different here. For starters, s h ows that made my job a the woodsy condo I 've been l o t easier this year: living in has a 70-inch high4. Sho w t i me's "Homel and" vee r e d def television in it (just like Lewis s martly i nt o a Ty 5poTL[gHT newarrangement and Clark had), which r e ceives (double agent!), its signal from Dish. and has me biting my nails Yes, Dish, the oft-maligned every Sunday night. but admirably resolute satellite 5. T h e funny and profane service, which spent most of "Veep" (HBO) broke a long the year in a contractual stand- s p ell of boring Beltway-reoff with AMC, which meantmy l a t ed TV shows by ignorthree favorite shows of 2012 ... i n g p o litics and deliciously 1. "Breaking Bad" chronicling the raw, ugly 2. nMad Men" ego of Washington — start3. "The Walking Dead" ing with Julia-Louis Drey... might have been unavail- f u s ' V ice President Selina able to me, were it not for the M e y er. screener access priv ileges af6 ." Dallas" (TNT). Someforded to grumpy TV critics. t i m es lowered expectations The penultimate ha lf-season g i ve way to a delicious bit of of "Breaking Bad," w ith Wal- g u i lt y pleasure. Such was ter White's hubristic attempt m y r e action to the faithto run his own meth mini-car- f u l l y fu n " Dallas" update, tel, continued to prove why it's w h i ch came on sharply and far and away TV's best show. s t y lishly. (Geez, just for that t rain rob7. " G i r ls" (HBO) got off to bery episode alone ...) an annoying start for many "Mad Men," meanwhile, fi- r e a ders, but built to a comnally found a newly devoted p e l ling and melancholy finfan in me, thanks partly to i s h worthy of its hype. Jessica Pare's happylsad turn 8. If t h ere was anything as Don Draper's n ew wife, o n T V t h is year as lovely Megan (zou bisou bisou!). She a s Sam Palladio and Clare came on like a daisy applique B o w en's acoustic duet near affixed to a r a i ny window, t h e end of the perfect pilot brightening up the '6Os. Yes, I e p isode of A BC's "Nashknow she might be a fruit bat. v i l l e," then I'd sure like to I love her anyhow. know about it. And once t h e s u r vivors in "The Walking Dead" fled Varicose Vein Experts Hershel's farm, the sociocultural zombie drama is going
available for somemovies at Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 tI /MAX. • There may be an additional fee for 3-0and IMAX films. • Movie times are subject to change after press time.
Regal Pilot Butte 6 2717 N.E. U.S.Highway 20, Bend, 541-382-6347
ANNA KARENINA(R) 12:30, 3:45, 7 ARGO (R) 1, 4:15, 7:15 LINCOLN (PG-13) Noon, 3:15, 6:30 THE SESSIONS(R) 1:15, 4, 6:15 SKYFALL (PG-13) 12:15, 3:30, 6:45 SMASHED(R) 12:45, 3, 6
Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX 680S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend, 541-382-6347
CLOUDATLAS(R) 12:30, 4:15, 8 THE COLLECTION (R) 1:45, 4:45, 7:55, 10:10 END OFWATCH(R) 12:50, 3:55, 7:10, 9:50 FLIGHT (R) 12:35, 3:45, 6:55, IO:05 KILLING THEMSOFTLY(R) 1:35, 4:35, 7:15, 9:40 LIFE OF PI(PG) 1:25, 7:25 LIFE OF PI3-D (PG) 12:10, 3:10, 4:30, 6:10, 9:25, 10:20 LINCOLN (PG-13) Noon, 1, 3:20, 4:20, 6:40, 7:45, 10 PLAYING FOR KEEPS(PG-13) 1:05, 3:50, 6:30, 9:15 RED DAWN(PG-13) 1:50, 4:50, 7:35, 10:15 RISE OFTHEGUARDIANS (PG) 12:25, 3, 6 RISEOF THE GUARDIANS 3-D (PG) 9 SKYFALL (PG-13) 12:05, 3:15, 6:25, 9:35 SKYFALLIMAX(PG-13) 12:15, 3:30, 6:45, 9:55 THE TWILIGHTSAGA: BREAKING
Fred R. Conrad/The New YerkTimes
DAWN — PART2 (PG-13) 1:15, 4:05, 7, 9:45 WRECK-IT RALPH (PG) 12:45, 3:35, 6:15, 9:10
McMenamins Old St. Francis School 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend, 541-330-8562
Due to Monday Night Football, no movies will be shown today. After7p.m., showsare21 and older only. Younger than 21 may attend screenings before 7 p.m.if accompaniedby a legalguardian.
As of press time, no films are scheduled to screen today.
Pine Theater
Sisters Movie House
214 N. Main St., Prineville,541-416-1014
CLOUDATLAS (R) 6 RISEOF THE GUARDIANS (UPSTAIRS — PG)6:15 Theupstairs screening room has limited accessibility.
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places again — and boldly shedding important characters. No one is safe from the walkers, not even Carl. (Get out of here, Carl!) Now, will
Daniel Day-Lewis stars in "Lincoln."
*In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/BlackButte Di ital PM-Prineville/Madras SR-Sunriver L-LaPine
tRRRX~RKHK~RKR2RRRK~RRK~RREK~RKR2RREI~~RRKREEK~XKEHt EHK~RDiRH t 1RK KATU News World News K A TU News at 8 (N) n cc Jeopardy! 'G' Wheel Fortune Extreme Makeover: HomeEdition Extreme Makeover: Home Edition Castle n 'PG' cc KATU News (11:35) Nightline
Nightly News Newsohannel 21 at 6(N) « Jeo p ardy! 'G' Wheel Fortune The Voice (N) n 'PG' « Michael Buble-Holidays News Jay Leno (9:01) Take It All (N) 'PG' « News E vening News Access H. Old Christine How I Met 30 R ock n '14' How I Met Big Bang 2 Br o ke Girls 2 Broke Girls Hawaii Five-0 Huaka'I Kula '14' N e ws Letterman KBNZ 0 K EZI 9 News KEZI 9 News Entertainment The Insider 'PG' Extreme Makeover: Home Edition Extreme Makeover: Home Edition Castle n 'PG' « KEZI 9 News (11:35) Nightline K OHD Q 0 0 0 KEZI 9 News World News Videos Two/Half Men Two/Half Men Big Bang Big Bang Ame r ican Country Awardsn(N) '14' cc News KFXO iDi IEI IEIIEI America's Funniest Home TMZ (N) n 'PG' The Simpsons Family Guy '14' Ed Sullivan's Top Performers1966-1969(MyMusic) n 'PG' « COuntry POp Legende (My MuSiC) n 'G' cc KOae 0 B Q B Wild Kratts Y Electric Comp. This Old House Business Rpt. PBS NewsHour (N) n « NeWSChannel 8 Nightl y NeWS NeWSChannel 8 NeWS LiVe at 7 (N) I nSide Editian The VOiCe(N) n 'PG' cc Michael Buble-Holidays NewBChannel 8 Jay Leno KGW 0 (9:01) Take It All (N) 'PG' cc Gossip Girl TheRevengers'14' S e infeld 'PG' Seinfeld 'PG' 'Til Death 'PG' 'Til Death 'PG' KTVZDT2IEI 0 B lH We ThereYet? We There Yet? King of Queens King ot Queens Engagement Engagement 9 0210 (N) n '14' « Lidia's Italy P .Allen Smith Casebook of Sherlock Holmes C h ristmas with Annie Moses Pu r due Christmas Show 2011 'G' World News T avis Smiley (N) Charlie Rose (N) n cc PBS NewsHour n cc OPBPL 175 173
KTvz 0 0 0 0 News
The First 48 '14' « Hoarders Carrie; James'PG' Hoarders Dee;Jan'PG' « Hoarders BG &Lee;Chris 'PG' I n t ervention Terry; Alissa (N)'14' (11:01) Intervention Kelly 'PG' *** "Miracle" (2004,Drama)Kurt Russell, Patricia Clarkson, NoahEmmerich. The U.S. Olympic hockeyteam beats **** "Mirac/e on 34thStreet" (1947) MaureenO'Hara, JohnPayne. An (10:15) **** "Mirac/e on34th Street" (1947, Fantasy) MaureenO'Hara. An *AMC 102 40 39 the Soviet team cc adwoman'sboyfrienddefendsMacy's Santa in court. « adwoman'sboyfrienddefendsMacy's Santain court. « *ANPL 68 50 26 38 The Haunted n 'PG' cc Monsters Inside Me 'PG' cc Gator Boys n 'PG' cc Rattlesnake Republic n 'PG' Fin d ing Bigfoot Baby Bigfoot 'PG' Finding Bigfoot n 'PG' RattlesnakeRepublic n 'PG' BRAVO1 37 4 4 The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Real Housewives ot Atlanta Real Housewives/Beverly Real Housewives/Beverly Real Housewives/Beverly What Happens Housewives CMT 190 32 42 53 (4:50) Roseanne (5:25) Roseanne Reba 'PG' cc Reba 'PG' cc R eba 'PG' cc R eba 'PG' cc R eba 'PG' cc R eba 'PG' cc T he 48th Annual CMAAwards n 'PG' cc CNBC 54 36 40 52 Big Mac: Inside MCDonald's TheTruth About Shoplifting Ame r ican Greed Mad Money Porn: Business of Pleasure Ame r ican Greed Teeter HangUps Hair Loss CNN 55 38 35 48 Anderson Cooper360 (N) cc P i e rs Morgan Tonight (N ) Ande rson Cooper360 cc ErinBurnettoutFront PiersMorganTonight Andersoncooper360cc ErinBurnettoutFront COM 135 53 135 47(4:56) Futurama Always Sunny Always Sunny (6:29) Tosh.0 Colbert Report Daily Show (7:59) Futurama Futurama '14' Futurama '14' South Park 'MA' Brickleberry S o uth Park 'MA' Daily Show C o lbert Report COTV 11 Dept./Trans. C i ty Edition P a i d Program Kristi Miller D e sert Cooking Oregon Joy of Fishing Adv Journal G e t Outdoors Visions of NW The Yoga Show The Yoga Show Kristi Miller C i t y Edition CSPAN 61 20 12 11 Politics & Public Policy Today Politics & Public Policy Today *DIS 87 43 14 39 Austin 8 Ally n Austin 8 Ally n Phineas, Ferb Good-Charlie A.N.T. Farm 'G' Gravity Falls n Austin 8 dessie 8 Ally All Star P h ineas, Ferb Dog With a Blog dessie 'G' cc Phineas, Ferb Jessie 'G' cc A ustin & Ally n *DISC 156 21 16 37 American Chopper Impasse 'PG' American Chopper n 'PG' « Fas t N' Loud Scot quits. '14' Fast N' Loud (N) '14' « Chopper Live: Road toRevenge(N) n 'PG' « Chopper Live: Road to Revenge *E! 1 36 2 5 Nicki Minai: My Nicki Minai: My The E! True Hollywood Story '14' E! News (N) Studio E! '14' The Soup '14' Fashion Police '14' Leann Rimes Chelsea Lately Chelsea Lately ESPN 21 23 22 23 Monday Night NFL Football HoustonTexansat NewEngland Patriots (N) (Live) Sportscenter (N)(Llve) « NFL PrimeTime(N) « Sportscenter (N)!Livei « ESPN2 22 24 21 24 SportsNation College Football Bowl ManiaSpecial (N) cc SportsCenter Football Live NBA Tonight (N) NFL Presents Sportscenter (N) (Live) cc SportBNation cc ESPNC 23 25 123 25 Battle of the Network Stars cc AWA Wrestling cc UWF Wrestling PBA Bowling « Boxing cc Ringside cc H-Lite Ex. H-L i te Ex. H-L i te Ex. H-L i te Ex. H.L i te Ex. H-L i te Ex. ESP NFC Press H-Lite Ex. ESPNN 24 63 124203SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc SportBCenter (N)(Live) cc Sportscenter (N)(Live) « FAM 67 29 19 41 A Miser Brothers' Christmas 'G' Jack Frost 'G' Frosty's Mickey's Carol The Year Without aSantaClaus ** * "Home Alone" (1990, Comedy)MacaulayCulkin, JoePesci. The 700 Club n 'G' « FNC 57 61 36 50 The O'Reilly Factor (N) cc Hannity (N) On Record, GretaVanBusteren The O'Reilly Factor cc Hannity On Record, Greta VanSusteren The Five *FOOD 177 62 98 44 Best Dishes P aula's Cooking Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Mystery Diners Health Inspect SarahMarshall" (2008, Romance-Comedy)JasonSegel, Kristen Bell, Mila Kunis. "Forgetting SarahMarshall" FX 131 (3:30) *** "The OtherGuys" HowI Met H owI Met T wo/ Half Men Two/Half Men *** "Forgetting HGTV 176 49 33 43 Property Virgins Property Virgins Property Virgins Property Virgins Love It or List It 'G' « Love It or List It 'G' « Love It or List It (N) 'G' « House Hunters Hunters Int'I L o ve It or List It Pinnock 'G' *HIST 155 42 41 36 American Pickers 'PG' cc American Pickers 'PG' cc American Pickers 'PG' cc Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' American Pickers (N)'PG' cc P a wn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' American Wise Pawn Stars 'PG' ** "A Nannyfor Christmas"(2010)Emmanuelle Vaugier. « *** "Crazyfor Christmas"(2005,Drama)Andrea Roth. « "Aii SheWantsfor Christmas" (2006)MonicaKeena. 'PG' « LIFE 138 39 20 31 (4:00)"ChristmasAngel" (2009) MSNBC 59 59 128 51 The Ed Show(N) TheRachelMaddow Show (N) The Last W ord The Ed Show The Rachel MaddowShow The Last Word Hardball With Chris Matthews MTV 192 22 38 57 (4:50) 16 andPregnant '14' « Cat f ish: The Show TV Kim8 Matt Caffish: The TV Show n '14' T een Mom 2 n 'PG' Teen Mom2 Life GoesOn 'PG' Teen Mom 2 (N) n 'PG' Catfish: The TVShow (N) n '14' NICK 82 46 24 40 SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob Drake & Josh Drake &Josh Full House'G' Full House'G' Full House'G' Full House'G' TheNanny'PG' TheNanny'PG' Friendsn 'PG' (11:33) Friends OWN 161103 31 103Sins & Secrets Knoxville n '14' S i ns & Secrets Nantucket n '14' S ins & Secrets Shreveport '14' D a t eline on OWN '14' n« Datehneon OWNn 14 « Dateline onOWN(N) n '14' Dateline on OWN n '14' « ROOT 20 45 28* 26 The DanPatrick Show Game Time U FC Reloaded UFC147:Silva vs. FranklinII Highlightsof UFC147in Brazil. (N) Bensinger W o r ld Poker Tour: Season10 T h e Dan Patrick Show SPIKE 132 31 34 46 (4:50) Ink Master n '14' « (5:55) Ink Master n '14' « Ink Master StarWarsForever '14' (8:05) Ink MasterHolyInk n '14' (9:10) Ink MasterBuckOffn '14' « (10:16) Ink Master n '14' « Worst Tenants ** "indiana Jonesandthe Kingdomoi the Crystal Skull" (2008)Harrison Ford, Cate Blanchett. SYFY 133 35 133 45"IndianaJones-LastCrusade" Syfy 20th Anniversary Special (N) '14' Syfy 20th Anniversary Special TBN 05 60 130 Behind Scenes Living Edge K i ngdom Conn. Jesse Duplantis Praise the Lord 'Y' « Joel Osteen M anna-Fest L i v e-Holy Land Creflo Dollar C asting Crowns Christmas *TBS 16 27 11 28 Friends n 'PG' Friends n 'PG' King of Queens King of Queens Seinfeld 'PG' Seinfeld 'PG' Family Guy '14' Family Guy '14' Family Guy '14' Family Guy '14' Family Guy '14' Family Guy '14' Conan (N) '14' cc ****"GrandHotel"(1932, Drama) Greta Garbo, JoanCrawford. Fivelives (7:15) ****"My FairLady"(1964, Musical) AudreyHepburn, RexHarrison, Stanley Holloway. ProfessorHenry Hig- (10:15) ****"The Grapes oi Wrath"(1940, Drama)Henry Fonda. ADepresTCM 101 44 101 29 are changed forever at a luxurious Berlin hotel. «(DVS! sion-era Oklahoma family migrates toCalifornia. cc gins bets hecanrefine cockney Eliza Doolittle. « *TLC 178 34 32 34 Four Weddings ci 'PG' « Island Medium Cake Boss: Next Great BakerGameOn! rl 'PG' Ca k e Boss: Next Great Baker cr Cake Boss: Next Great Baker (N) Cake Boss 'PG' Cake Boss 'PG' Cake Boss: Next Great Baker cr *TNT 17 26 15 27 The Mentalist RedRumn '14' The Mentalist Red Gold n '14' T h e Mentalist Red Queen n '14' Th e Mentalist Code n Red '14' The Mentalist The Red Box '14' Th e Mentalist Aingavite Baa'14' CSh NY n '14' cc 'TOON 84 GrandmaGot RunOver/Reindeer Regular Show Wrld, Gumball Adventure Time Adventure Time Regular Show Annoying Kin g of the Hill King of the Hill American Dad American Dad Family Guy 'PG' Family Guy '14' 'TRAV 179 51 45 42 Man v. Food Man v. Food 'G' BizarreFoods/Zimmern Man v. Food'G' Manv.Food'G' TheLayoverwithBourdain The Layover with Bourdain Hotel Impossible (N) 'PG'rc Hotel Impossible 'PG' cc *A*S*H M*A'S*H 'PG' M*A*S*H 'PG' CosbyShow Cosby Show Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond King ofQueens KingofQueens TVLND 65 47 29 35 (5:11) BonanzaThePrice of Salt 'PG' « (6:22) M NCIS Officer's sword. 'PG' cc NCIS: Los AngelesDisorder'14' WtNE Monday Night RAWHowdoesCMPunk's kneeinjury affect TLC?(N)n cc CSh CrimeSceneInvestigation USA 15 30 23 30 NCIS SeaDogn 'PG' cc Basketball Wives LA cr '14' Basketball Wives LA rl '14' Basketball Wives LA (N)'14' T.l . and Tiny M a rrying, Game Basketball Wives LA rl '14' VH1 191 48 37 54 (4:55) Basketball Wives LA '14' B asketball Wives LAri '14' *ASIE 130 28 18 32 The First 48 '14' cc
***"Philadelphia"1993Tom Hanks.'PG13' The Thorn Birds (Part1of4) '14' « ENCR 106401 306401Ace Ventura (545) *** "TheBridgesoiMadison County"1995Clint 'PG13' « *"Jumper"2008, ScienceFiction HaydenChristensen. 'PG-13' « **"Lostin Space"1998, ScienceFiction WiliamHurt, Mimi Rogers.'PG-13' « FXM Presents FMC 104204104120* "Jumper" 2008,ScienceFiction HaydenChristensen. 'PG-13' « UFC: Hendersonvs. Diaz UFC Unrestricted '14' Moto: InOut UFC Tonight UFC Reloaded UFC140:Jonesvs.MachidaJonJonesfacesLyotoMachida. FUEL 34 Golf Central G olf Central G o lf Wendy's Three Tour ChallengeFromLas Vegas. 'G' GOLF 28 301 27 301Golf Wendy'sThreeTourChallengeFromLas Vegas. 'G' *** "Moonlight andMistletoe" (2008), TomArnold 'G' « ** "Twiceupon aChristmas" (2001)KathyIreland. 'G' « HALL 66 33175 33 (4:00)"TheSanta incident" 'PG' The Hollywood Christmas Parade'G' « **"in Time"2011,ScienceFiction Justin Timberlake. Timeisthe currency in Mel Brooks Strikes Back! (N) n * * * " D ie Hard"1988, Action BruceWilis, Alan Rickman. A NewYork police(5:15) **"Tower Hei s t"2011, Comedy Ben Sti l e r. Condo empl o yees pl o t HBO 25501 425501 '14' cc revengeagainst a WallStreet swindler. n 'PG-13' cc a world wherepeoplenolonger age.n 'PG-13' cc man outwits foreignthugs in anLA. high-rise. n 'R' cc Pee-wee"1988 PaulReubens. 'PG' ** "Big Top Peewee" 1988Paul Reubens. 'PG' I FC 105 1 0 5 ** "Big Top (6:45)***"The SpongeBoh SquarePantsMovie"2004'PG' (1015)***"TheSpongeBobSquarePantsMovie"2004 'PG' (4 40) **"WesCraven's NewNightmare" 1994,Horror (8 35) ** "The Adjustment Bureau"2011MattDamon. Amanbattles the (8 20) ** "Hop" 2011,ComedyVoices of JamesMars- *** "TheBirdcage" 1996,ComedyRobin Wiliams. A son's engagement • M AX 00508 5 0 8Robert Englund,MikoHughes. cr'R' « agents of Fate to bewith thewomanhe loves. 'PG-13' « throws a kinkinto agay couple's life. cr 'R'« den, RussellBrand,'PG'« Taboo StrangePassions '14' Tab oo Fantasy Li'1v4' es TabooChangingGender'14' Taboo Str ange Passions'14' Taboo Fant asyLi ves'14' TabooChangingGender'14' Taboo Secre tLives N GC 157 1 5 7 A v atar: Air. Pl anet Sheen Planet Sheen SpongeBob S p ongeBob A v atar: Air. Av atar: Air. Dr agon Ball Z Iron Man: Armor NTOON 89 115189115Dragon Ball Z: Return ot Cooler Dragonball GT Odd Parents Avatar: Air. Fisher's ATV Dirt Trax TV D estination Pol. PBR Outdoors Best ot West Headhunters TV Grateful Nation Fisher's ATV Dirt Trax TV D estination Pol. Savage Wild OUTD 37 307 43 307Legends ot Fall Hunt Masters Profess. ** "TheCrossing Guard"1995, DramaJack Nicholson. A grief-stricken father Untold History of the United States Homeland The Mother... With a Tur- Dexter Do You SeeWhat I see? n Homeland TheMother... With aTurS HO 00 5 0 0 (4:30) *** "Panic" 2000William H. 'MA' cc ban n 'MA' cr Macy.n 'R' « plots a drunken driver's demise. n 'R' « (N) '14' bann MA « SPEED 35 303125303Gearz '14' Ge ar z'G' H ot R od TV 'G' Hot Rod TV '14' Truck U 'G' T r u c k U 'G' G ea rz 'G' G ear z 'G' Hot Rod TV'G' Hot Rod TV '14' Truck U 'G' T r uck U 'G' Un i que Whips '14' *** "21JumpStreet" 2012, ComedyJonah Hil. n 'R' « *** FnendsWith Benefits STARZ 00408 00408(4:50) *** "Beautiful Boy" 2010Michael Sheen. (6:35) *** "Piratesoi the Caribbean: TheCurseoi theBlack Pearl" 2003 'PG-13' "Good TimeMax"2007 JamesFranco. Twogenius broth- * "Loosies"2011Peter Facinelli. A pickpocketlearns that ** "Cocktail"1988 TomCruise. Anarrogantyoung bar- (11:15) *** "50/50"2011 Joseph • (4:10) ** "Bodyguards and Assassi n s"2009, Acti o n TMC 2 5 25 Donnie Yen,LeonLai, XueqiWang.'NR' « ers lead verydifferent lives. rr 'NR'« he is about to be afather. 'PG-13' « tenderuseshischarm andgoodlooks. 'R'« Onward Notre Dame Costas Tonight 'PG' Sports lllustrated 'PG' Onward Notre Dame Poker After Dark 'PG'a« NBCSN 27 58 30 209Golf Franklin TempletonShootout, SecondRoundn « *WE 143 41 174118Roseanne 'PG' Roseanne'PG' Roseanne'PG' Roseanne'PG' Roseanne'PG' Roseanne'PG' Roseanne'PG' Roseanne'PG' Roseanne'PG' Roseanne'PG' Roseanne'PG' Roseanne'PG' Roseanne'PG' Roseanne'PG'
Girl knows truth aboutSanta, but mom refusesto fessup daughter who keeps tell-
me she knows Santa isn't real. "Angela" is an only child, so we don't have a o u ng er child to worry about carrying on the tradition. I keep telling her that I believe, and as long as she believes, Santa will come. Angela went so far this year as to tell me that she won't write a letter to Santa, to prove her point. I guess I have a problem admitting to my daughter that her father and I haven't been truthful all these years. I would love some advice on how to handle this. — I Believe, in Navarre, Fla.
Dear I Believe: The jig is up. You're no longer fooling your daughter. By not leveling with her, the message you have been sending is that if she wants straight answers, she will have to go elsewhere to find them. Sit Angela down and explain that the spirit of Santa is embodied by loving parents who want their children to experience the wonder of the holiday as well as the pleasures it brings. P.S.And if you haven't done so already, recant the story you probably told her about the stork. Dear Abby: I have been divorced for three years. I have started seeing a truck driver I'll call Ted. His job keeps him away from me a lot of the time. I'm used to being by myself, so it doesn't bother me that much. Ted calls and texts me all day, so the communication is there. My family is telling me it will never work b ecause I need someone with me in the evenings — like my ex was. I say it WILL work because I'm used to being by myself now. Ted and I have a lot in common. I guess what I' m a sking is, should I pay attention to what my family is saying or tell them to mind their own
business? — OKBy Myselfin South Carolina Dear OK: Constant togetherness isno guarantee that a marriage willbe successful. If it was, you wouldn't be divorced from your "ever-present" ex. When choosing a partner, it is important to listen to both your heart and your head. Continue the r elationship and see how it plays out. Tell
your family you
a ppreci-
ate their concern, but this is something you must decide for yourself. "Mind your own business" seems a bit harsh. Dear Abby:I see a very skeletal woman every day atmy gym. She does an hour on the sit-up machine. Her stomach sticks out like a person suffering from starvation. It hurts to look at her. I feel I have a moral obligation to do or say something in case she is suffering from anorexia. However, I would not feel obligated to say anything to an obese woman at the gym. I am also afraid this person may have another condition that is causing her to waste away. How should I offer support to her? Or should I just ignore her like the other people at the
gym do? — Working Out With My Eyes Open Dear Working O ut: If y o u would like to reach out to her, be friendly, but do not comment on her appearance. As you get to know each other you will learn more about her condition — if she has one.
If you say anything right off the bat, it could be considered rude, nosy or insensitive, so I don't recommend it. — Write Dear Abby at or P.O. Box 69440,Los Angeles, CA 90069.
Horoscope:HappyBirthday for Monday,Dec.10,2Q12 By jacqueline Bigar This year, your ideas might not always be workable or realistic, yet you'll discover how much these flights of fancy feed your creativity. Let a friend play devil's advocate before you present an important solution to a boss or higher-up. If you are single, your choice for a suitor might work this week, but not next month. Honor your changeability. If you are attached, your sweetie might be taken aback by someofyourcomments. Hopefully this person has asense of humor. If so, he or she will like your high energy. SCORPIOcan be sharp-tongued. The Stars Showthe Kind of Day You'll Have: 5-Dynamic; 4-Positive; 3-Average; 2-So-so; 1-Difficult ARIES (March 21-April19) ** * * S omeone is far more serious about a money issue than you realize. You must handle your side of this situation. Listen to news from a distance. Follow-through counts and, fortunately, that is your strong suit. Tonight: Go as late as you want or need to. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) ** * * You might want to rethink a personal matter more carefully. Your sense of humor comes through because of a partner's perspective. As a result, you also will be able to detach and see the whole picture. Tonight: Accept an offer or invitation. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) ** * Pace yourself; you know how to proceed. You could feel as if someone doesn't really get your message. Don't worry, he or she does. Adjust your schedule after checking in with key friends, associates or loved ones. Tonight: Network the night away. CANCER(June 21-July 22) ** * * * Y ou initially might be rigid with a difficult situation or a loved one. Allow yourself to relax. You have the gift of creativity on your side. You will find a solution that works for both sides. Tonight: Let your imagination invigorate your personal life. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) ** * If you can spend more time at home, do so. Refocusing at this hectic time of year might be critical. Adjust your schedule to take better care of yourself. You have tons of energy. Allow more creativity into your life. Tonight: Let your choices
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Dear Abby:I have a 12-year0 ld
be clear. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
** * * *
Stay open in
conversations. Try to loosen someone up who has becomevery isolated. Remember, you can only do so much, as this person is in control of his or her own moods. You are coming from an anchored point of view. Tonight: Your treat. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) ** * Your more possessive side emerges when dealing with afriend or loved one. This person might be unusuallytouchy when it comes to funds. Communicate more of what you want. You just might be surprised by his or her reaction. Tonight: Your treat. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) ** * * * Y ou mean what you say, and the person you want to receive that message gets it loud and clear. You feel uncomfortable when involved in a money discussion. Try not to become frustrated if obstacles keeppoppingup.You havea lotof energy. Tonight: As you like it. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) ** * Your perspective could change the more you hear about a certain situation. Play it smart and say little in order not to influence a conversat ion.You wantsomeone to reveal more of his or her true thoughts and feelings. Tonight: Make it early. CAPRICORN(Dec. 22-Jan. 19) ** * * * A i m for what you want. Your focus and endurance makea powerful combination. Asupportive friend could be overserious right now. You might be unusuallyfeisty, and as a result, others might see you as being difficult. Tonight: Find your friends. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) ** * * A l low others to express their supportfor or disagreement of your perspective. You know what you are doing, and you will explain your logic. Part of your openness might be stemming from a recent disagreement. Tonight: Could be late. PISCES (Fed. 19-March 20) ** * * K eep reaching out for more information and different opinions. The more you learn and incorporate a variation of ideas, the stronger the outcome will be. A friend might be hot-tempered. Let this person be. Go off and enjoy yourself. Tonight: Catch up on emails. © 2012 by King Features Syndicate
BELLS OFSUNRIVER: Ring in the season with handbell choir the Bells of Sunriver as they play familiar holiday tunes; free; 11 a.m.; La Pine Public Library, 16425 First St.; 541-312-1034 or calendar.
TUESDAY CASCADEHORIZONBAND: The senior band performs its annual Christmas concert with popular holiday music; free; 11:30 a.m.; Bend Senior Center, 1600 S.E. Reed Market Road; 541-639-7734, cascadehorizonband© or www.cascadehorizonband .OI'g.
ADVENTLECTURE:A presentation by author, scholar and theologian Marcus Borg, titled "The Birth Stories — What Are They About?"; free; 7 p.m.; St. Helens Hall, Trinity Episcopal Church, 231 N.W. Idaho Ave., Bend; 541-382-5542. HISTORYPUB:A presentation by Dr. David James on the declining monarch butterfly populations in California and the Pacific Northwest; free; 7 p.m., doors open at 6 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or www
WEDNESDAY GRIMES CHRISTMAS SCENE:A display of lighted and mechanical Christmas decorations; open through Dec. 24; free; 2-6 p.m.; Crook County Fairgrounds, 1280 S. Main St., Prineville; 541-447-5006 or AUTHORPRESENTATION: Kimberly Jensen talks about her book "Oregon's Doctor to the World: Esther Pohl Lovejoy and a Life in Activism"; free; 3 p.m.; Des Chutes Historical Museum, 129 N.W. Idaho Ave., Bend; 541389-1813 or www.deschutes OPERATION ELFBASH:A holiday party with food, live music, a DJ and a raffle and a toy drive; new, unwrapped toy donations benefit Operation Elf Box; $15 in advance, $20 at the door; 5-10 p.m.; Century Center, 70 S.W. Century Drive, Bend; 541-383-3300 or www.bend AUTHOR PRESENTATION:John Schwechten recites a selection of his poetry, followed by a Q&A; free; 6 p.m.; The Nature of Words, 224 N.W. Oregon Ave., Bend; 541-647-2233, info@ or www KNOW HEROES: Wiliam Akin discusses, "From 4-Color to 3D: A History of the American Superhero"; free; 6 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-3121034 or www.deschuteslibrary. org/calendan STORIESFROM TERRA MADRE AND POTLUCK: Hear stories from delegates who recently returned from Italy, with a potluck; free; 6:30 p.m.; Cascade Culinary Institute, 2555 N.W. Campus Village Way, Bend; 541-279-0841. MATT THEELECTRICIAN:The roots-pop artist performs; $10; 7 p.m.; The Belfry, 302 E. Main Ave., Sisters; 541-815-9122 or RAINBOWGIRLS:The California-based folk act performs; free; 7 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or www DEANACARTER:The country artist performs, with Aaron Benward and Brian McComas; with a toy drive; $20, $15 with an unwrapped toy, plus fees; 8 p.m.; Maverick's Country Bar & Grill, 20565 Brinson Blvd., Bend; 541-325-1886 or www .maverickscountrybancom.
THURSDAY GRADUATION AUCTION: Silent auction to benefit Summit High School's graduation party; free admission; 8 a.m.-8 p.m.; Athletic Club of Bend, 61615 Athletic Club Drive; 541-4080344 or www.summitstorm GRIMES CHRISTMAS SCENE:A display of lighted and mechanical Christmas decorations; open through Dec. 24; free; 2-6 p.m.; Crook County Fairgrounds, 1280 S. Main St., Prineville; 541-447-5006 or
Submitted photo
The Bells of Sunriver handbeH choirwill perform a concert of holiday tunes starting at 11 a.m. today at the La Pine Public Library. Admission is free. SCIENCEPUB:Melissa Cheyney talks about maternal health in "The Politics and Science of Being Born: Location, Location, Location"; registration requested; free; 5:307:30 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-322-3152 or www KNOW HEROES:PeterAmes Carlin, the author of the biography "Bruce," gives a lecture about the rock icon titled "Bruce Springsteen: An American Musical Hero"; free; 6:30 p.m.; East Bend Public Library, 62080 Dean Swift Road; 541-3503537 or "IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE":The Bend Experimental Art Theatre presents the classic holiday tale about George Bailey and his guardian angel; $15, $10 students ages 5-18; 7 p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-419-5558 or www.beat AUTHORPRESENTATION:Michael Stevens talks about his book, "Being an Ordinary Buddha: Practicing the Natural Mind"; with an art sale benefiting the Ten Friends Relief Center and the Natural Dharma Center; free; 7-9 p.m.; The Old Stone, 157 N.W. Franklin Ave., Bend; 541-388-3352 or www.natural POETRYREADING:Creative writing students from Kilns College share their poetry, with an open mic; free; 7-9 p.m.; Crow's Feet Commons, 875 N.W. Brooks St., Bend; 541-728-0066. CURRENTSWELL:The Canadian roots-rock act peforms; $5; 8 p.m.; The Horned Hand, 507 N.W. Colorado Ave., Bend; 541728-0879 or www.reverbnation .com/venue/t hehornedhand.
FRIDAY LUNCH ANDLECTURE: Learn about how the Pole Creek Fire in Sisters will encourage a healthy ecosystem;bringa sacklunch; included in the price of admission; $12 adults, $10 ages 65 and older, $7 ages 5-12, free ages 4 and younger; noon-1 p.m.; High Desert Museum,59800 S.LI.S.Highway 97, Bend; 541-382-4754 or www GRIMES CHRISTMASSCENE:A display of lighted and mechanical Christmas decorations; open through Dec. 24; free; 2-7 p.m.; Crook County Fairgrounds, 1280 S. Main St., Prineville; 541-447-5006 or DIRKSENDERBYKICKOFF PARTY: Featuring live music, an art auction, a raffle and more; proceeds benefit Tyler Eklund; $5 suggested donation; 6-11 p.m.; Century Center, 70 S.W. Century Drive, Bend; 541-480-1414. "BELLS & BELLOWS": A Christmas concert featuring organist Mark Oglesby and the Bells of Sunriver; free; 7 p.m.; St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church & School, 2450 N.E. 27th St., Bend; 541-382-3631. "IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE":The Bend Experimental Art Theatre presents the classic holiday tale about George Bailey and his guardian angel; $15, $10 students ages 5-18; 7 p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-419-5558 or www BILLKEALE HOLIDAY CONCERT: Featuring a performance by the
local Hawaiian folk-pop artist; $20; 7-9 p.m.; The Old Stone, 157 N.W. Franklin Ave., Bend; 541-408-0561 or HOLIDAYMAGICCONCERT:The Central Oregon Community College Cascade Chorale performs holiday songs under the direction of James Knox; with soloist Lindy Gravelle; proceeds benefit Abilitree; $17; 7 p.m.; Summit High School, 2855 N.W. Clearwater Drive, Bend; 541771-6184 or SUNRIVERMUSIC FESTIVAL CHRISTMASCONCERT:The Chuck Israels Jazz Orchestra performs classical and Christmas music; $30, $10 ages18 and younger; 7 p.m.; Sunriver Resort, Homestead Room, 57081 Meadow Road; 541-5939310, or BLACKALICIOUS:The Californiabased hip-hop duo performs; $10; 9 p.m.;Liquid Lounge,70 N.W . Newport Ave., Bend; 541-389-6999 or THE LACS: The Georgia-based country rap and Southern rock duo peforms; ages 21 and older; $10; 9 p.m., doors open at 8 p.m.; The Annex, 51 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-788-2989 or www
discusses the roles of heroes, specifically those of the American West, in "Heroes and Why WeNeed Them"; free; 2 p.m.; Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541-312-1032 or www KNOW HEROES: Learn about how dogs help humans with a lecture titled "Four-Legged Heroes: From Protection & Detection to Search 8 Rescue"; free; 4 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public Library, Brooks Room, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-312-1034 or "FACINGTHE STORM: STORY OF THEAMERICAN BISON":A screening of the documentary about the history of bison as aWestern symbol of abundance; $3, free museum members; 6 p.m.; High Desert Museum, 59800 S. LI.S. Highway 97, Bend; 541-382-4754, ext. 241. ACROVISIONHOLIDAY SHOW: Featuring skits from Acrovision's preschool, recreational and competitive programs; $9, $7 children, plus fees; 6 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W.Wall St., Bend; 54 I-317-0700 or www.tower COMMUNITY CRECHE EXHIBIT: Featuring Nativity displays from around the world, a living Nativity scene and live music; free; 6-8 p.m.; Church of Jesus Christ of LatterSATURDAY day Saints, 450 S.W. Rimrock Way, TOY SALE FUNDRAISER: Gently Redmond; 541-548-3684. usedtoys,games andchildren's HIGHDESERT CHAMBER MUSIC books; proceeds benefit First United BENEFITGALA:Includes live Methodist Church's overseas music, dinner and a silent auction; missions; free admission; 9 a.m.registration recommended; proceeds noon; First United Methodist Church, benefit High Desert Chamber 680 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-382Music programs; $85; 6 p.m.; The 1672 or Oxford Hotel, 10 N.W.Minnesota "THE METROPOLITANOPERA: Ave., Bend; 541-306-3988, info© AIDA":Starring Liudmyla or Monastyrska, Olga Borodina and Roberto Alagna in a presentation "BELLS 8 BELLOWS":A Christmas of Verdi's masterpiece; opera concert featuring organist Mark performance transmitted live in Oglesby and the Bells of Sunriver; high definition; $24, $22 seniors, free; 7 p.m.; Zion Lutheran Church, $18 children; 9:55 a.m.; Regal 1113 S.W. Black Butte Blvd., Old Mill Stadium16 & IMAX, 680 Redmond; 541-923-7466. S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend; "IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE": The 541-382-6347. Bend Experimental Art Theatre INDOOR SWAP MEET: Featuring 70 presents the classic holiday tale local vendors, with new and used about George Bailey and his items, antique collectibles, crafts guardian angel; $15, $10 students and more; free admission; 10 a.m.ages 5-18; 7 p.m.; 2nd Street 5 p.m.; 694 S.E. Third St., Bend; Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., 541-317-4847. Bend; 541-419-5558 or www BEND FESTIVAL NOEL:Featuring local vendors, art, a giving tree, THEAUTONOMICS:The Portlandperformances by the Portland Cello based rock'n' roll act performs, Project and Tom Grant and more; with A Happy Death and The free admission; 11 a.m.-8 p.m.; Rum andthe Sea;$5 plus feesin Athletic Club of Bend, 61615 Athletic advance, $10 at the door; 8 p.m.; Club Drive; 541-385-3062 or www The Old Stone, 157 N.W. Franklin Ave., Bend; PHOTOS WITHFRONTIER SANTA: EXCELLENT GENTLEMEN:The Take pictures with a VictorianPortland funk band performs; era Father Christmas; proceeds donations benefit the Bethlehem benefit the museum's educational Inn; free; 9 p.m.; Liquid Lounge, 70 programs; $3 for photos, plus N.W. Newport Ave., Bend; 541-389museum admission; 11 a.m.-3 p.m.; 6999 or HighDesertM useum, 59800 S.U.S. Highway 97, Bend; 541-382-4754 or SUNDAY GRIMES CHRISTMASSCENE:A display of lighted and mechanical BEND FESTIVAL NOEL:Featuring Christmas decorations; open local vendors, art, a giving tree, through Dec. 24; free; 1-7 p.m.; performances by the Portland Cello Crook County Fairgrounds, 1280 S. Project and Tom Grant and more; Main St., Prineville; 541-447-5006 free admission; 10 a.m.-8:30 p.m.; or Athletic Club of Bend, 61615 Athletic KNOW HEROES: Learn how to cook Club Drive; 541-385-3062 or www the perfect muffuletta sandwich from Chef Bette Fraser in a class GRIMES CHRISTMASSCENE:A titled "The 'Hero' of New Orleans"; display of lighted and mechanical free; 2 p.m.; Sunriver Area Public Christmas decorations; open Library, 56855 Venture Lane; 541through Dec. 24; free; 1-7 p.m.; 312-1032 or www.deschuteslibrary Crook County Fairgrounds,1280 S. .org/calendar. Main St., Prineville; 541-447-5006 KNOW HEROES: Maggie Triplett or
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Cy the Cynic checked his mail and found an invitation — dated 2010to join the Procrastinators' Club. "Going to accept?" I asked. "Maybe next year," the C y nic shrugged. Cy is an admitted procrastinator, but that often serves him well as declarer. He knows the benefits of w aiting to draw t rumps. At f o ur spades, Cy took the ace of hearts and saw that he needed a diamond trick — so a 3-2 break — to win 10 tricks. So Cy led a diamond at Trick Two. T HIRD DIAM O N D West won and continued hearts. Cy ruffed, lost a diamond, ruffed the next heart and lost a third diamond. West then led a club; he couldn't lead another heartsince dummy had no more but still had trumps. Cy won, drew trumps and took th e g ood diamond and another club to make his game. Cy fails if he draws trumps first. Then he has only two left, and the defenderswill force him to ruff each time they win a diamond trick. Cy loses control and can't score his long diamond. This week: trump management.
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LOS ANGELESTIMES DAILY CROSSWORD Edited by Rich Norrisand Joyce Nichols Lewis
© 2012 by King Features Syndicate, Inc. World nghts reserved
ACROSS 1 Jellystone Park bear 5 Mazda roadster 10 Pre-K basics 14 Mary Kay competitor 15 Crop up 16 Female WWII gp. 17 r ing 18 Cub-turned-radio co-host Ron 19 Thornfield Hall
20 *"I'm counting on
30ne wayto
40 Tolkien's Shire 48 S t ickups dwellers 51 Dean Martin's "Thaf s emotion 42 Petrarchan works 4 Like some pools 43 "Good Will 54 Reserve 5 Majority Hunting" director 5 5 Starlefs goal 6 Suffix with myth Van Sant 56 Homer's "lliad," 7 OXY target 44 Test, as one's for one 8 "Shame on you!" 57 "Hud" director patience 9 Bakery lure 45 Lynx family Martin 10 Spellbound member 61 Forever and a 11 Civil War weapon 46 Unauthorized day 12 School fundraiser user? 62 AWOLs avoid 13 Hunting dogs pick 47 " out!" them themup
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good a cappella
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Da da da. I need to lot this down.
©2012 TribuneMedia Services, Inc.~~ All Rights Reserved
59 Congo creature with notable stripes
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Toyota 1
V U L E T E N A D E R DO WN O T A E F I R M G R A D E J O I N I N EA T S I T T T 0 T S L A G A K A T O H U R O N O O K I N G E P L A C E R E A T E D 12/10/12 10
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46 *Bar's business booster, in theory 49 Saturn, for one 50 SoCal ball club, on scoreboards 52 Teeny-tiny 53 Singer of the feel-
schedule 38 Plate cleaner, at times 39 Top-selling
©LaughingStockInternational Inc., Dist by UnmersalUolick lor UFS, 2012
"Makes you wonder how we ever managed without lt."
DOWN 1 Thanksgiving
veggie (Answers tomorrow)
63 Vocal quartet member 64 Send payment 65 Sporty car roof 66 Piece of work 67 Like a Siberian Husky's ears 68 W-2 IDs
Jumbles: CROAK VENOM DREDGE KITTEN Answer: The zombie boxer's manager told him toKNOCK 'EM DEAD
2 Lacto-
42 4 3
50 53
52 55 5 6
By Amy Johnson (c)2012 Tribune Media Services, Inc.
12/1 0/1 2
Kevin Carunchio, county administrative officer for the county of Inyo, Calif., is skeptical of the benefits of bringing the solar industry into the county and of the belief that it will provide local jobs and an economic windfall.
ing themselves in the unusual position of feeling lukewarm Continued from C1 about a big project. ':! +. !! s@ Two of California's other O akland-based Br ig h t Mojave Desert counties, RiverSource Energy promised 1,000 side and San Bernardino, have construction jobs and 100 permade similar discoveries. Like manent positions, saying it Inyo, they are now pushing would pay out wages of nearly !' back against solar developers, is $550 million over the life of asking them to cover the costs the project and add more than of servicing the new industry. $300 million in local and state "Southern California is gotax revenues. Inyo's consultant found altoing to become the home to the state's ability to meet its solar getherdifferent numbers, and the countysays the developers' goals," said Gerry Newcombe, public works director for San economic claims "defy reality." Bernardino County. "That's BrightSource and the county are now in negotiations. great, but where are the ben"We've got county residents efits to the county'?" Desert counties also are anliving in cargo containers near ticipating costly shifts in land the solar site, seniors living in use, including the conversion Rick Loomis trailer parks on fixed incomes Los Angeles Times of taxable private property — they all m anage to pay into habitat for endangered their 1 percent property tax fee," said Kevin Carunchio, species. Solar developers are required to buy land to offset the county's administrative the loss of habitat caused by official. "Nobody is outright their projects. Once the propagainst these projects on ideoerty is acquired, it cannot be logical grounds or l and-use developed, which reduces its million acres of that — nearly 8 against industrial solar, the payers need to get something Solar representatives said principles. We don't think we potential for tax revenue. percent of the county — could rebellion began in Riverside back." that to have the unexpected should have to bear the cost for Two of th e l a rgest solar be setaside for solar develop- County more than a year ago. County officials were unexpense thrust on them would energy that is being exported plants in the world are under ment, removing it from public Some 20 utility-scale so- prepared for solar developers' drive them either into bank- to metropolitan areas." construction in San Bernardi- access and recreational oppor- larfarms are proposed in the reaction. ruptcy or t o a n other more One otherissue remains un"They brought in six guys "business-friendly" county or no County. But county rev- tunities, Newcombe said. eastern stretch of the county resolved: BrightSource's effort enue from those projects will Counties that object to the on 118,000 acres of federal w ith t h r ee-piece s uits, a state. to downplay the visual imprint not offset the cost of additional pace ofdevelopment, however, land along the Interstate 10 PowerPoint presentation, and After months of rancorous of a massive project spread fire and safety services, which have been scolded for stand- corridor between Desert Cen- said, 'Your 2 percent is going discussions, Riverside County across 3,300 acres of private analysts say will amount to ing in the way of progress. Not ter and Blythe. to cost us $3 million a year,'" crafted what it saw as a com- land where the tallest nearby millions of dollars a year. only is renewable energy a priThe Riverside County Board said Benoit, whose district inpromise: Developers will pay structure is a double-wide trailFor example, the $2.2 bil- ority of the Obama adminis- of S upervisors c o nsidered cludes many of the projects. "I the county $450 annually for er perched on a concrete slab. lion Ivanpah solar project at tration, it is also the darling of charging companies a fran- thought, 'Wait a minute. That each acre of land involved in In l i censing p r oceedings the county's eastern border California's chief executive. chise fee to offset the effects means you are going to make power production. They can before the California Energy has agreed to pay $377,000 D emocratic G o v . Je r r y on roads and public services $150 million a year.' And they reduce that amount by half, Commission, county officials annually, but that may not be Brown has vowed to "crush" and tocompensate forthe loss wanted to give us $96,000. It's however, though a system of noted: "Residents will live as enough to cover the county's opponents of solar projects. At of recreationand tourism ac- a pittance compared to the loss credits for local hires and the close as 600 feet from a helionew costs related to the plant. the launch of a solar farm near cess to the 185 square miles of value and impact of these creation of permanent jobs. stat field replete with approxiThe county doesn't know how Sacramento, th e g o v ernor of federal land. Local officials huge projects." The industry responded by mately 170,000 mirrors encirmuch solar plants will drain pledged: "It's not easy. There saw it as a matter of fairness. Benoit, a Republican, lissuing Riverside County. cling two 750-foot towers as from its budget because the are gonna be screw-ups. There Public utilities pay 2 percent tened as company represenShannon Eddy, executive di- their neighbor." projects are being planned are gonna be bankruptcies. of gross receipts to the county, tatives aggressively pushed rector of the Large Scale Solar BrightSource m a i ntained and approved too quickly for There'll be indictments and for example. for the projects. At the next Association, a plaintiff in the that the power plant would "The solar companies are supervisors meeting, Ben- lawsuit, said the fee discour- not create a significant visual adequate analysis, officials there'll be deaths. But we're say. gonna keep going — and noth- the beneficiaries of huge gov- oit discovered, "These guys ages developers from building impact. Instead the project "We really support private ing's gonna stop me." ernment loans, tax c r edits play hardball." A swarm of in the county. "It's going to be has been pitched as a potential development and generating Counties have little say be- and, most critically for me, solar supporters flooded the very difficult for them to com- tourist attraction, with its twin jobs," Newcombe said. "On the cause the state controls plan- property tax exemptions, at room — bused in and wear- pete" with other jurisdictions 70-storytowers envisioned as other hand, I am concerned ning and licensing of large- the expense of t a xpayers," ing matching "No Sun Tax" that invite solar projects, she a magnet drawing sightseers that it's going too fast. I don't scale projects. The California said county Supervisor John T-shirts and caps. sard. to the Pahrump Valley. know that we've had a chance Energy Commission issues Benoit, referring to a variety of For 4Y~ hours, speaker after Overall, utility-scale solar Carunchio — who is open to to appreciate the long-term the permits for u t ility-scale taxpayer-supported loans and speaker portrayed the solar development in the state has most plans to bring attention impacts." solar farms, and counties de- grants available to large solar projects as a salvation for the been a success, and the indus- to the region — is skeptical. "I can't believe that people The county is also worried pend on the commission's staff projects as part of the Obama region's flagging economy try's reception generally has because most of the land inside to look out for their interests. administration's r e n ewable and a balm for small-town been favorable, Eddy said. w ill drive the long way t o its borders is owned by the fedTo the extent that Califorenergy initiative. "I came to business, predicting an exploBut in development-friendly Death Valley just to look at the eral government, and up to I nia counties are pushing back the conclusion that my taxsion of jobs. Inyo County, officials are find- Eye of Mordor," he said. '
ity vehicle front and center at its display. The vehicle is bigger — more than 4 inches Continued from C1 Depending on fuel econo- wider and longer — and has my tests, the Fiesta equipped more interior volume, yet gets with this engine may become about 30 percent better fuel the first non-hybrid gasoline economy. The new Pathfindvehicle to meet the 2025 gas er is 500 pounds lighter than mileage standards. the vehicle it replaced. Nissan has trimmed more Technology t han 100 pounds from t h e Chevrolet introduced the body, more than 35 pounds electric version of its Spark f rom th e s e ats an d i n t e that it will b r ing to market rior trim and even nearly 16 next year, hoping to attract pounds out of the radio and c ustomers w i t h an ele c - n avigation c o mponents. I t tric car priced at less than also achieved a 13 percent $25,000,aftera $7,500 federal improvement in aerodynamtax credit. ics with sleeker styling. Some of the cars on disNearly all of these technolp lay, i n cluding t h e F o r d ogies were evident at the L.A. Fusion hybrid, th e T o yota Auto Show, which has long Camry hybrid and the Lexus been a premier showcase for fuel-efficient an d e n v i ronES 350 hybrid,already meet the 2025 standards. The 54.5 mentally friendly cars. mpg standard is based on a technical regulatory formula; Performance in real-life driving, it's exA walk through the Ford pected to translate to 37 mpg b ooths showed heavy u s e to 40 mpg. of turbochargers on smaller That compares to the aver- engines, a move that Mark age fuel economy of 24.1 mpg Fields, chief operating officer for new vehicles purchased of Ford Motor Co., said imin October, a 20 percent jump proved fuel economy without from the same month in 2007, sacrificing the performance according to the University of that American consumers Michigan Transportation Re- demand. search Institute. Even without government "You are seeing the suite p rodding, c o n sumers a r e of technologies in d i fferent driving automakers quickly vehicles to improve fuel econ- toward more efficient cars. omy," said Don Anair, the au"I think f uel economy is tomotive analyst at the Union now embedded in p eople's of Concerned Scientists. m inds no matter what t h e The technologies go well price of oil is," Fields said. beyond engine types. They Previously, fuel e f f i cient include eight- t o 1 0 -speed meant small and inconvenient transmissions;improved aero- cars, Fields said. "Now you dynamic body shapes; lighter- don't have to compromise." weight body panels and chassis Although some automakcomponents; tires with lower ers are looking to hybrids or rolling resistance; start-stop electrics, Audi and its parsystems that shut off the engine ent company, Volkswagen, at red lights; and turbocharg- are moving aggressively to ing, which creates a denser expand their U.S. offerings air-fuel mixture in the engine's of diesel cars, which have cylinders. long been popular in Europe. More exotic technologies, More than 30 percent of VW such as pure electric engines brand sales in October had or hydrogen fuel cells, prob- turbocharged dieselengines. ably won't be sold in num- It was 70 percent for the Jetta bers large enough to meet station wagon. more stringentfuel economy Recently, Audi announced targets. diesel options in four models: "The heavy lifting will be the A6, A7, A8 and Q5. All done by conventional gaso- will feature a 3-liter turboline technology and hybrids," charged V-6 engine. "More of our competitors Anair said. Beyond engines, automak- will jump in, as they look at ers are aggressivelylooking our experienceand the satisto save weight, a huge fac- faction people have with dietor in fuel economy. Nissan sels," said Jonathan Brownhad the newest generation ing, chief executive of Volkof its Pathfinder sport utilswagen Group of America.
That includes Mazda, which announced that t h e r e d esigned Mazda 6 sedan would soon have a diesel option. "This is a way to deliver improved fuel economy," Browning said, "without sacrificing the pleasure of driving."
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Scoreboard, D2 College football, D5 College basketball, D2 Golf, D5 NBA, D3 Cycling Central, D6 NFL, D3 D4
Packers Lions
27 20
Rams Bills
15 12
Cowboys Bengals
20 19
Browns Chiefs
Colts Titans
27 23
Vikings Bears
21 14
Chargers Steelers
34 24
Eagles Buccaneers
23 21
Redskins Ravens
31 28
Panthers Falcons
30 20
Jets Jaguars
17 10
49ers Dolphins
27 13
Giants Saints
52 27
Seahawks Cardinals
58 0
not erwee an ano eg Winter sports in Central a son Oregon get into full swing
By jim Litke The Associated Press
he games go on.
For the second straight weekend, tragedy rocked the regularly scheduled world of the NFL. It left families, friends, teammates and coaching staffsgrieving over yet another senseless loss of life. It also left the league facing questions not only about efforts to safeguard players on the field but whether it's doing enough to help them stay out of harm's way once they step outside the white lines. In the early-morning hours Saturday in Irving, Texas, 24-year-old Dallas Cowboys nose tackle Josh Brent got behindthe wheel of his Mercedes alongside teammate Jerry Brown and sped off, the prelude to a one-car accident that would leave Brown dead at 25 and Brent sitting in jail facing a felony charge of intoxicated manslaughter. SeeNFL/D4
he winter athletic season is looking like it should be a fun one for high school sports enthusiasts in Central
T Oregon.
With the basketball, wrestling and swimming seasons now in full swing — last week marked the first full week of events for winter prep sports — local storylines are becoming a little more clear. In basketball, the Mountain View boys seem to be adapting to the post-James Reid era fairly well, having won their first three games of the new season. The Cougars, who have been to the Class 5A state tournament four of the past five seasons, pulled off wins against Sisters, Madras and 6A Crater last week, andthey appear to be ready to defend their 2011-12 Intermountain Conference Hybrid championship. Mitch Modin and Grant Lannin, both returning starters from last season's Mountain View squad that finished fourth in the state tournament, each turned in a 20-point performance this past week. SeeWinter /D5
Al Behrman /The Associated Press
Dallas Cowboys players hang their heads during a moment of silence honoring teammate Jerry Brown, who was killed in an automobile accident Saturday, prior to Sunday's game against the Cincinnati Bengals in Cincinnati.
U.S.GRAN PRIX OF CYCLOCROSS No RG3, no problem for 'Skins Washington loses QB Robert Griffin III late but still beats Baltimore in overtime,B3
Dodgers closeon Greinke, sign Ryu
r% g f ge
See prep photos from this past week: bendbnlletin.cnm/preppics
— The Los Angeles Dodgers went on the
kind of spending spree
over the weekend that made the suddenly bud-
get-conscious NewYork Yankees look like they were based in asecond-
Culver's Mote
or third-tier market.
takes fourth in bareback riding
A day after agreeing to pay free-agent righthander Zack Greinke
$147 million over the next six seasons, the
Dodgers signed South Korean left-hander Ryu Hyun-jin to a six-year, $36 million contract.
Including the $25.7 million posting fee owed
to Ryu's Korean league team, the Dodgers' two-
Bulletin staff report LAS VEGAS — Culver's Bobby Mote took fourth place in bareback riding in the fourth go-round of the National Finals Rodeo on Sunday night at the Thomas 8 Mack Center. Mote, a four-time world champion, posted a ride of 85 points, earning a check of $7,656.25. Kaycee Feild, of Payson, Utah, won the round with a ride of 87 points. Mote is currently fifth in the world standings with six rounds to go in the 10-night NFR. Redmond's Steven Peebles (83 points) finished seventh in Sunday's round, while Culver's Brian Bain (76) took 12th. Terrebonne's Russell Cardoza and partner Colby Lovell, of Madisonville, Texas, finished in sixth place in team roping on Sunday with a time of 9.4 seconds, earning a check of $2,944.71. Cardoza and Lovell also took sixth place on Saturday night. Prineville's Charly Crawford and partner Jim Ross Coo-
Jee Klinei The Bulletin
Bend's Ryan Trebon climbs a set of stairsduring the elite men's race in the U.S. Gran Prix of Cyclocross Deschutes Brewery Cup on Sunday in the Old Mill District in Bend. Trebon finished second in the race after winning the same division a day earlier.
day expenditures totaled
an astounding $208.7 million. The Dodgers' 2013 payroll, which already
stands in excess of $220 million, could be the highest in the histo-
ry of baseball. Theteam has taken on more than $600 million in salaries
• Top cyclocross riders competedfor titles at the USGPin Bend on Sunday
since it was purchased by Guggenheim Base-
By Amauda Miles
ball Management last
S unday's Deschutes Brewery C u p seemed likea case of deja vu. The second day of the U.S. Gran Prix of Cyclocross two-day finale in Bend looked a lot like the day before, in that all six podium finishers from Saturday's elite men's and women's races again made the podium on Sunday.Even the weather was essentially the same: cool and partly cloudy. T he only d ifference was that Ti m Johnson, of Topsfield, Mass., turned the
spring. While Greinke un-
dergoes a physical examination today to finalize his contract, Ryu will be introduced by
the Dodgers at anews conference. Greinke is expected to be introduced Tuesday. Once Greinke's deal becomes official, the
The Bulletin
tables on Saturday's winner and his Cannondaleteammate, Bend's Ryan Trebon, to pick up his first USGP victory of the eight-race series. Johnson made his move early in the race — onthe second or third lap, he recalled, of the nine-lap race in Bend's Old Mill District — taking advantage when he said Trebon crashed near the Deschutes Brewery warehouse and gapping the field. He held his advantage to the finish line, winning in 1 hour, 1 minute, 9 seconds.
Editor'snote Cycling Central will
nolongerappearas a separate feature
per finished in eighth place (10.5 seconds) and out ofthe money on Sunday. The team of Dustin Bird, of Cut Bank, Mont., and Paul Eaves, of Millsap, Texas, won the round in 3.9 seconds. In barrel racing, Terrebonne's Brenda Mays finished 10th in a time of 14.18 seconds. Sherry Cervi, of Marana, Ariz., won the round in 13.67 seconds. For results from Sunday night's go-rounds, see Scoreboard, D2.
on Mondays in The Bulletin. Instead, look
for regular coverageof cycling, including cycling calendar items, as part of our weekly Community Sports package, which willappear on Mondays starting next week.
Dodgers will have eight starting pitchers under contract for next sea-
son: Clayton Kershaw,
Greinke, Chad Billingsley, Ryu, Josh Beckett,
Ted Lilly, Chris Capuano and Aaron Harang. The Dodgers could
trade Capuano orHarang this winter — or they could hold onto
them asahedgeagainst some uncertainties.
Billingsley is recovering from a season-ending elbow injury and Lilly
from a shoulder operation. Meanwhile, Ryu will be the first player ever to go directly from
the Korean league to the major leagues. But the
Dodgers are confident he can betheir No. 3 or 4 starter. — From wire reports
Marquez's knockoutofPacquiao is both good andbadfor boxing By Tim Dahlberg The Associated Press
LAS VEGAShe ideaof Manny Pacquiao being knocked out cold was shocking enough. The sight of him face down on the canvas, unresponsive even as bedlam broke out all around him, was positively frightening. Mitt Romney saw it up close from his ringside seat just a few feet away. So did Pacquiao's wife, who broke down in tears and tried to get in the ring to aid her downed husband. Juan Manuel Marquez didn'teven bother to look. He was already busy celebrating the
knockout of a lifetime. This was boxing at its brutal best, a toe-to-toe slugfest Saturday night that was destined from the opening bell to be decided by fists instead of judges. Both fighters had been down, and both fighters were hurting when Marquez threw a right hand off the ropes with a second left in the sixth round that could be felt all the way in the rafters of the MGM Grand arena. It will go down among the great fights of their era. Butit was barely over when the cry arose for the two ever-so-willing warriors to do it
again. SeeBoxing/D5
Get Cra«km'
Qet p/.
Eric tamtsen/The Associated Press
Juan Manuel Marquez, right, knocks outManny Pacquiao in the sixth round of their welterweight fight on Saturday night in Las Vegas.
SOCCER 11:55 a.m.:English Premier
League, Fulhamvs. Newcastle,
SOCCER 2 p.m.:UEFA Champions League, Manchester United vs.
CFR Cluj (taped), Root Sports.
2 p.m.: English Premier League,
BASKETBALL 4p.m.: NBA, New York Knicks at Brooklyn Nets, ESPN.
Manchester City vs. Manchester
United (taped), Root Sports. FOOTBALL 5:30p.m.:NFL, Houston Texans at New England Patriots, ESPN. BASKETBALL 7 p.m.:NBA, Toronto Raptors at Portland Trail Blazers, Comcast SportsNet Northwest.
6 p.m.:Women's college, Colorado at Denver (same-day tape), Root Sports. 6:30 p.m.:NBA, Los Angeles Clippers at Chicago Bulls, ESPN.
7 p.m.: Men'scollege,UNLV at Cal (taped), Pac-12Network.
RADIO Today BASKETBALL 7 p.m.:NBA, Toronto Raptors at Portland Trail Blazers, KBND-AM 1110, KRCO-AM 690. Listingsare the mostaccurate available. TheBulletinis not responsible for late changes madeby Ttror radio stations.
Baseball • Mountain View dasedaff fundraiser:As a fundraiser for the Mountain View High School baseball team, 15 percent of
all sales today at RoundTable Pizza in Bend will go to the
Cougar baseball program. The fundraiser includes sales all day today (11a.m. to 9 p.m.) at Round Table, located at 1552 N.E. Third St.
• Royafs acquireShields from Rays:TheKansas City Royals gambled their future
early as this week after negotia-
tions fell apart just a fewdays ago. Deputy commissioner Bill Daly told The Associated Press he has been in contact with the
players' association, and the sides are working on returning to the bargaining table. Daly wrote in an email on Sunday:
"Trying to set up something for
this week, but nothing finalized yet." Talks broke down Thursday night after three straight days of talks at a New York hotel.
Moments after players' association executive director Donald
Sunday night for a chance to win right now. The Royals ac-
Fehr said he believed the sides were closing in on adeal to end
quired former All-Star James
the lockout, he was back at the
Shields and fellow right-hander
Wade Davis from Tampa Bay in a six-player deal that sent top prospects Wil Myers andJake
rejected the union's latest offer.
Odorizzi along with two other
minor leaguers to the Rays.The swap immediately bolsters the Royals' starting rotation and
shouldmake them acontender in the relatively weak American
League Central. • MLB averagesalary upto $3.2 million:Baseball's average salary increased3.8 percent this year to a record $3.2 million. Ac-
Skiing • Hirscher winsmen's GS: Defending World Cupchampion Marcel Hirscher of Austria protected his first-run lead to
comfortably win a giant slalom race on Sunday inVal D'Isere, France, with some help via
FrenchmanAlexis Pinturault's clumsy mistake three gates from the end. Hirscher, who was third
in Saturday's slalom, secured his cording to final figures released first win of the season, his third Friday by the Major League Baseball Players Association, the rise was the steepestsince 2007.The
boost was helped by anincrease in the minimum salary from $414,000 to $480,000.The New York Yankees had the highest
average for the14th consecutive
consecuti vepodium spotand fifth so far. He finished1.16 secondsahead ofGermany'sStefan Luitz, with American Ted Ligety
climbing up from sixth to finish 1.42 behind in third place on the
Stade Olympique deBellevarde
season at $6.88 million, rising
course. Pinturault was left just
won the World Series in 2009. At $684,940, Houston had the
ski and put his hand down with the finish line in sight, missing
after consecutive declines from a as stunnedasthehomefansby his error as hecaughtan inside peak of $7.66 million whenthey
Florida Marlins at $594,722.
out on the chance of asecond straight success after winning Saturday's slalom. Bend's
Tommy Ford did not qualify for
lowest averagesincethe 2006
• Indiana winsNCAAmen's title:Nikita Kotlov scored off a
header pass from Eriq Zavaleta midway through the second
half to give Indiana a1-0 victory over Georgetown onSunday
the second run. • Maze takes women'sGS: Tina Maze of Slovenia won her third straight World Cup giant slalom Sunday in St. Moritz, Switzerland, to extend her lead
to win the NCAA men's soccer
in the overall standings, and defendingchampion LindseyVonn
championship in Hoover, Ala. It
placed 27th after almost crash-
is the eighth championship for the Hoosiers (16-5-3), their first
since 2004. Indiana midfielder
ing out. Mazeheld her morning lead to finish 0.08 seconds ahead of Viktoria Rebensburg,
Patrick Doody lofted a crossing pass to the right of the goal that
the Olympic champion from
brought Georgetown goalkeeper
minutes, 11.07 seconds. Tessa Worley of Francewasthird, trail-
Tomas Gomez out from the net. Zavaleta got to the ball before
the Hoyas' Jimmy Nealis, sending a header to Kotlov that he easily kicked into the open net. It was the third consecutive1-0 victory for the Hoosiers. Indiana allowed a total of two goals in its
five NCAAtournament games. • Messibreaks record with 66thgoal: Lionel Messi broke
Germany, in a total time of 2 ing Maze by 0.55. Vonn hit trou-
ble midway downher second run after her skis appeared to touch. TheAmerican racer came out of rough, course-side snow to complete the racenearly six seconds slower than Mazeand score four valuable World Cup points. The win gaveMaze100 points and she now leads by 234
German great GerdMueller's 40year-old record for most goals
over Germany's Hoefl-Riesch, who placed ninth. Vonn is third,
in a year by scoring for the 86th
263 behind Maze.
time in 2012 onSunday. The Argentina forward scored twice to lead Barcelona to a 2-1 win at
Real Betis in the Spanish league match. His first was an individual effort in the16th minute
to equal Mueller's mark, and he eclipsed the 1972 milestone with a familiar left-footed finish nine
minutes later. Messi hasscored 74 goals for Barcelona and12 times for Argentina this year,
and he hasthree more games in which he can add to his tally before the end of the year. Muel-
• Spurs' Jacksonfined for Twitter message:SanAntonio Spurs forward StephenJackson was fined $25,000 by the NBA on Sunday for threatening
Oklahoma City's Serge lbaka in a Twitter post. Jackson posted
the messageafter Ibaka and Los Angeles Lakers forward Metta World Peace got tied up during the fourth quarter of the
Thunder's 11 4-108 victory on Friday night. The post has since been deleted, but multiple out-
tell serg Abaka. He aint bout dis life. Next time he run up on me
• NHL,union could resume labor talks could be back onas
Tuesday Boys basketball: Bend at South Medford, 6 p.m.; Burns atCrookCounty, 6:30p.mzRidgeviewat La Pine, 7p.m.; Madrasat Sisters, 7 p.m.;Trinity Lutheran at Mitchell, 6 p.m. Girls basketball: SistersatMadras, 7p.m.; LaPine at Ridgeview, 7 p.m.; Trinity Lutheranat Mitchell, 430 pm.;Summit atRedmond,7p.m. Wrestling: Summiat t Redmond, 7p.m.
Thursday Girls basketball: CrookCountyvs.Junction Cityat JunctionCity/CottageGroveHoliday Tournament, 630pm.; Wrestling: CrookCountyatBend,7p.m. Swimming: Henley,Mazamaand Klamath Unionat Madras,4:45p.m.
CYCLING Cyclocross U.S. GranPrix of Cyclocross DeschutesBreweryCupNo. 2 Sunday,Bend Top finishers andCentral Oregon participants Men Elite/U23 men — 1, TimothyJohnson, Volkswagen/peopleforbikes/Canno dal ne, 1:01:09. 2, RyanTrebon,Cannondale/Clement,1:01:24 3, Adam Craig, GiantRabobank Team, 1:01:28. 4, Christopher Jones,Rapha-FO CUS, 1:01:44. 5, yannickEckm ann, CaliforniaGiantlSpecialized,1:01.48.6, BenBerden, RaleighClement, 101:48. 7, JamesDriscoll, Jamis/Sutter Home, 1:01:57 8, ToddWells, SpecializedFactory Racing, 1:01:59. 9,CodyKaiser, Cahfornla GlantBerry Farms,1:02:20. 10,Geoff Kabush,Scott-3RoxRacing, 1.02:27. 12,Chris Sheppard,RockyMountain Bicycles, 1:02:36.29, BrennanWodtii, 1:05:19. 37, BarryWicks,Kona,106:33. 41, Damian Schmitt, SilveradoGallery/SunnysideSports, 1:07:11 53, Cody PetersonHutch'sBicycles, atthreelaps. Category 2/3 —1,EthanReynolds,37:44. 2, Eric Zuber ,37.55.3,Adam Artner,38:35.4,LanceHaidet, 38:54. 5,CameronBeard, 39:18. 29,BrianJorgensen, 42:05. 49,AndrewSteiner, 43:50 59,ChrisZanger, 44:45. 66,RobAngelo,36:27.70,Kyl e Mills,39:02. Category 4 — I, James Bradley, 33:11. 2, Sam Dodd, 34.02. 3, JackAlessi, 34:11. 4, Kevin Rosmanitz,34:19.5, Bill Thompson,34:27 12, RobKerr,
36:14.17.SeanLewis, 36:41.26, MikeTaylor, 37:53. Masters 36+ — 1, Mark Savery, 4431. 2, ShannonSkerritt, 44:48. 3, Chris Fisher, 45:01. 4, Jesse Rients,45:09. 5, BenThompson, 45:14. 13, Tim Jones,47:04. 23, MattWiliams, 48:20.32, Rob Declerk,50:04.33,David Siogren, 50:10.34, Mathew Fox, 50I23 Masters 45+— 1,BartBowen,3829.2,Thomas Price, 39:05. 3,NormonThibault, 39:26. 4,Jeff Beltramini, 39:36. 5,TimButler, 39:47.18, ToddSchock, 42:12. 32,MarkReinecke,44:53.34,Matthew Lasala 45:58.37,DanDavis. 44,AlanThomason. Masters 66+ — 1, Russell Thorstrom,41:12 2, BrookWatts, 42:53. 3,PeterWeIsman, 43:29. 4, Don Wright,43:59. 5, SteveYenne, 44:08. 15,Stan Kiefer,38:57.
Single speed—1,J.T. Fountain, 36.00. 2,Craig Ether idge,36:56.3,Drew Mackenzie,37:32.4,Seth Patla 3743 5,RyanWeaver, 3857. Junior17-18 — 1, LoganDwen 42:16.2, Garrett Gerchar,44:36. 3, MaxxChance, 45:03. 4, Spencer Downing,45:11.5,DavidLomhardo,45:23.18,Javier Colton,49:54. Junior 16-16 — 1, CameronBeard. 2, Ethan Reynol ds.3,Lance Haidet.4,Sam Rosenberg.5, AydenYoung. Junior 10-14 — 1,SeanMcElroy. 2, Scott Funston. 3, BenjaminKing. 4, DonovanBirky. 5, Jack Alessi. 7,RobertGilbert.
Elite women — I, KaterinaNash, LunaPro Cycling, 46:19.2, GeorgiaGould, LunaPro Cycling, 46:43. 3, CarolineMani, Raleighlclement,47:08.4, JadeWilcoxson,Optump/b Kelly Bene tit Strategies, 47:39. 5, AmandaMiler, Optump/b Kelly Benetit Strategies,47:40.6, EleAnderson, LadiesFirst Racing,47:41.7,JulieKrasniak,Rapha-Focus,47:59.8, Mical Dyck,Stan'sNoTubes, 48:01. 9, Kaitlin Antonneau,ExergyTwenty 12, 48:10. 10, Crystal Anthony,, 48.16. 16,SerenaBishopGordon, Silverado plb SunnysideSports,48:52. Category 2/3 — 1, KimMatheson,34:58. 2, Andrianna Zolton, 35:23. 3, AndreaCasebolt, 35:31. 4, Lindsay Jones,35:56. 5, SarahBarkley, 36:04. 15, MichelleMils, 38.21. Category 3/4 — 1, DessieWeigel, 36:20. 2, ShawnaDonaldson,3639 3,AbigailYoungwerth,
4 .5 4 . 5
OutbackBowl Capital OneBowl 9
6. 5
N. Illinois
14 5 14 5
Wednesday,Jan. 2 SugarBowl Thursday,Jan. 3 Fiesta Bowl
Mississippi ArkansasSt
Gator Bowl
Florida St
Rose Bowl
,. ()I'
lowa St
Tuesday,Jan. 1 Heart of DallasBowl
Mississippi tS
Saturday Boys basketball: Redmond atBurns, 2 p.m.; Gladstone atCrookCounty,1 p.mzPaisleyatGichrist, 4p.m.; CentralChristianat Nixyaawii, 3:30p.m.; Summivs. t GrantsPassat AshlandRotary Hoops Classic, noon;Douglasat Sisters, 5 p.m.; Culver at CulverTournam ent, TBD;Paisley at Gilchrist, 4 p.m; Hosanna Christian at Trinity Lutheran,4 p.m. Girls basketball: Mountain View at Skyview lWash.), 2 p.m.;; Burns at Redm nd, o 4 p.m., Crook County at Junction City/CottageGrove Holiday Tournam ent, TBD;Paisley at Gilchrist, 2:30 p mzCentra Christian atNixyaawii, 2 p.m.; Hosanna Christian at Trinity Lutheran,5:30p.m.; Sisters atGladstoneHoliday Classic, TBD;Summitat Ashland Rotary HoopsClassic, TBD;Culver at CulverTourname nt, TBD;Paisley at Gilchrist, 2:30 p.m Wrestling: CrookCounty,Bend, Mountain View, Redmond, Summit, Ridgeview,Madras, Gilchrist at AdrianIrwinTournament atRidgeview,TBD; Culver at CentralLinnTourne inHalsey„TBD Swimming: Summiatt CVCInvitational at KrocCenter in Salem,1p.m Nordic skiing: OHSNO classic raceat Meissner Sno-park,11a.m.
Oklahoma St
S. Carolina
Girls basketball: Redmond atRidgeview, 7pm. Boys basketball: Ridgeview atRedmond,7 p m.
25 PK Chick-Fil-A Bowl 4 4
In the Bleachers © 2012 Steve Moore. Dist. by Universal Uclick www gocomics.comhnthebleachers
Wednesday Wrestling: Gilchrist at Crook CountyNovice, 5
Friday Boys basketball: Bend at SouthAlbany,7 pm.; La Plne atRedmond, DouglasatCrookCounty, 7 Pendletonat MountainView,7:15 p.m.; Summivs. t AshlandatAshland RotaryHoopsClassic, 7 p.m.;GladstoneatSisters, 7p.mcCuiver vs. CraneatCulver Tournament,6:30 p.m.;Gilchrist at North l.ake,8:30p.mzTrinity Lutheranat Triad, 7 p.m.; Gilchrist atNorthLake,8:30p.m.; Sherman at CentralChristian,7:30p.m. Girls basketball: Bendat Pendleton, 7p.mcMountain View atColumbiaRiver(Wash.), 7p.m.; Crook County at Junction City/CottageGroveHoliday Tournament,TBD;Gilchrist at NorthLake,7 p.m.; Sherman at Central Christian, 6p.mzTrinity Lutheran atTriad, 4 p.m.; Sisters vs. Gladstoneat GladstoneHoliday Classic, 7:30 p.m.„Summit vs. Ashland atAshlandRotary HoopsClassic,5:30 pm.;Redmondat l.aPine,7 p.mzCulvervs. Crane at CulverTournam ent, 5 p.m.;Gilchrist at North Lake, 7p.m. Swimming: Bend,Redmond, Ridgeview,Mountain View at BendInvite at Juniper Swim 8 Fitness Center,4 pm. Wrestling: CrookCounty, Bend,Mountain View, Redmond,Summ it, Ridgeview,Sisters at Adrian Irwin Tournam entat Ridgeview,3.45 p.m.
10 10 Liberly Bowl
Cotton Bowl 3 .5 4 . 5
Saturday,Jan. 6 CompassBowl 3
Sunday,Jan. 6 Go Bowl
2 45 Kent St Monday,Jan.7 BCSChampionship 8 5 9.5 NotreDam e
BASKETBALL Men's college
36:51. 4, JennieWade,37:21. 5, Angeia Haener, 37:33. 17,LeslieGriftith, 41:39. Junior 15-16 — 1, HannahGreen. 2, Hannah McDade.3, Katie Ryan.4,Allison Spain Junior 10-14 — 1, Abigail Youngwerth. 2, Ivy Taylor. 3,CaylaCrockell. 4, AmyZiehnert. 5, Aynslee King.
RODEO Professional National Finals Rodeo Sunday At Thomas &MackCenter Las Vegas Fourth Round Bareback riding 1, KayceeFeild, Payson, Utah, 87 points on Classic ProRodeo'sKattie Katie,$18,257.2, Caleb Bennett, Morgan,Utah, 86, $14,429. 3, J.R. Vezain, Cowley ,Wyo.,85.5,$10,895.4,Bobby Mote,Stephenville, Texas,85, $7,656. 5 ltie) CaseyColletti, Pueblo, Colo., andMatt Bright, Azle, Texas,84.5, $3,828 each.7,StevenPeehles,Redmond,Ore.,83. 8, JessyDavis,Power,Mont., 805 9, Justin McDaniel, Porum, Okla., 79.10, Wil Lowe,Canyon, Texas, 78.5. 11, StevenDent, Mullen, Neb.,78. 12,Brian Bain, Culver,Ore.,76. 13, JaredKeylon, Uniontown, Kan., 75.5.14, WinnRatliff, Leesville, La., 72.5. 15,
WesStevenson,Lubbock, Texas, 71. Steer wrestling 1, Luke Branquinho, Los Alamos, Calif, 3.3 seconds, $18,257. 2, BrayArmes, Gruver, Texas, 3.6, $14,429. 3, BeauClark, Belgrade,Mont., 3.7, $10,895. 4 (tie) GabeLedoux, Kaplan, La., and ToddSuhn,Hermosa, S.D., 4.1,$6,184each. 6 ltie) EthenThouvenell, Napa,Calif., andLesShepperson, Midwest,Wyo.,4.2,$1,472each. 8, Billy Bugenig, Ferndale,Calif., 4.8. 9,WadeSumpter, Fowler, Colo., 5.3.10, CaseyMartin, Sulphur,La., 5.4.11, Trevor Knowles,MountVernon,Ore.,5.7. 12,Matt Reeves, CrossPlains,Texas, 6.1. 13,DeanGorsuch,Gering, Neb, 13.4.14,K.C.Jones,Decatur, Texas, 13.8. 15, TomLewis, Lehi,Utah, 16.1. Team roping
1, Dustin Bird,CutBank, Mont./Paul Eaves,Milsap, Texas, 3.9 seconds,$18,257each. 2, Erich Rogers, RoundRock, Ariz.lKory Koontz,Sudan,Texas, 4.0, $14,429.3, ChadMasters, Cedar Hil, Tenn./Clay O'BrienCooper,Gardnervile, Nev, 4.9,$10,895.4, Travis Tryan,Billings, Mont./JakeLong, Coffeyvile, Kan., 6.1,$7,656.5, ClayTryan,Bilings, Mont.lTravis Graves,Jay, Okla., 8.1,$4,712.6, ColhyLovell, Madisonviiie, Texas/Russell Cardoza,Terrehonne, Ore., 9.4, $2,945. 7, BrockHanson,CasaGrande, Ariz./RyanMotes, Weatherford, Texas,9.8. 8, Charly Crawford,Prinevile, Ore./Jim RossCooper, Monument, N.M.,10.5. 9, TrevorBrazile, Decatur,Texas/ Patrick Smith,Lipan,Texas, 14.1. 10, KevenDaniel, Franklin,Tenn.lchaseTryan,Helena, Mont.,14.8.11, Turtle Powell,Stephenviie,Texas/DuganKelly, Paso Robles, Calif., 19.0. 12, l.ukeBrown,Stephenvile, Texas/Martin Lucero,Stephenvile, Texas,22.6. 13 ltie) KaiebDriggers, Albany,Ga./JadeCorkill, Fallon, Nev.,DerrickBegay,SebaDalkai, Ariz./Cesarde la Cruz,Tucson,Ariz., andSpencer Mitchell, Colusa, Calif/Dakota Kirchenschlager,Stephenvile, Texas, NT. Saddle bronc riding 1, JesseWright, Miiford, Utah,90points onFrontier Rodeo'sWild Bill, $18,257. 2, CodyWright, Miiford, Utah,86.5, $14,429.3, CodyDeMoss, Hetlin, La.,8 6,$10,895 4,WadeSundeii,Boxholm,lowa,84, $7,656 5,IsaacDiaz, Davie, Fla, 81,$4,712 6,Cole Elshere,Faith, SD.,80.5, $2,945.7, CortScheer, Elsmere,Neb.,80. 8,CodyTaton, Corona,N.M., 77.5.9, JacobsCrawley,CollegeStation, Texas, 65.5. 10ltie) Taos Muncy,Corona,N.M., ChadFerley, Oeirichs, S.D., JakeWright, Milford, Utah Sterling Crawley, CollegeStation, Texas,BradleyHarter,Weatherford, Texas,andTyreli Smith,Cascade,Mont., NS. Tie-down roping 1, Tut Cooper, Decatur, Texas, 7.8 seconds, $18,257. 2, Fred Whitfieid, Hockley, Texas, 8.1, $14,429. 3, Clint Robinson,SpanishFork, Utah, 8.2, $10,895 4, MontyLewis, Hereford,Texas,86, $7656.5,JustinMaass,Giddings,Texas,87,$4 712. 6,CodyOhl,Hico,Texas,8.8,$2945.7,RyanJarrett, Comanche,Okla., 9.2.8, CorySolomon,Prairie View, Texas,9.3. 9, Clif Cooper,Decatur,Texas, 10.1. 10 (tie) Adam Gray,Seymour,Texas, andBradley Bynum, Sterling City,Texas,10.5 each12, ShaneHanchey, Sulphur,La.,14.2.13, HoustonHuto, Tomball, Texas, 20.7.14 (tie) HunterHerrin, Apache,Okla., andMat Shiozawa,Chubbuck, Idaho,NT.
Sunday's Games EAST Canisius94, Marist 82 Columbia 54,American U.42 Fairfield 65,Rider52 Harfford69,Fairleigh Dickinson59 Latayette72,SacredHeart 70 Manhat tan75,Siena55 MIDWEST I, ClaytonSavage, Casper, Wyo., 78.5points on Creighton77,Akron61 Ratter HRodeoLivestock's El Capitan, $18,257.2, DePaul 84, Milwaukee50 Ardie MaieTi r,mberLake,S.D., 760, $14,429.3ltie) lowaSt.93, Nebraska-Omaha65 J.W. Harris,Mullin, Texas.CodyTeel, Kountze,Texas. N. Dakota St. 72,North Dakota52 Trey BentonIII, RockIsland, Texas.Trevor Kastner, S. DakotaSt.69, CSBakersfield 63 Ardmore,Okla., SethGlause,Cheyenne, Wyo., Tate Xavier62, KentSt.55 Stratton, Kellyville, Okla, Cody Samora, Cortez, SOUTH Colo. ,BeauSchroeder,China,Texas.CodyWhitney, FIU 82,Stetson79 Sayre,Okla.,ShaneProctor, GrandCoulee,Wash., FloridaSt. 91,Maine59 KaninAsay,Powell, Wyo., TagElliott, Thatcher,Utah, Furman 81,Presbyterian 57 and BrettStall, Detroit Lakes,Minn., NS NorfolkSt.83, IJMBC66 FAR WEST UNLV 76, California75 FOOTBALL WashingtonSt.59, FresnoSt.50
Women's college
Bowl Glance Subject to Change AH TimesPST
Saturday,Dec.16 New MexicoBowl At Albuquerque Nevada(7-5) vs.Arizona(7-5),10 a.m.(ESPN) FamousIdaho Potato Bowl At Boise, Idaho Toledo(9-3)vs.UtahState(10-2), 130p.m.(ESPN) Thursday,Dec.20 Poinsettia Bowl At San Diego San DiegoState(9-3) vs.BYU(7-5), 5p.m.(ESPN) Friday, Dec.21 Beef 'O' Brady'sBowl At St. Petersburg, Fla. Bail State(9-3)vs.UCF(9-4), 4:30p.m.(ESPN) Saturday, Dec.22 New OrleansBowl East Carolina(8-4) vs. Louisiana-Latayette(7-4), 9 a.m. (ESP N) Las VegasBowl BoiseState(10-2) vs.Washington (7-5), 12:30p.m. (ESPN) Monday, Dec.24 HawaiiBowl At Honolulu SMU(6-6)vs.FresnoState(9-3), 5 pm.(ESPN) Wednesday,Dec.26 Little CaesarsPizzaBowl At Detroit
Central Michigan(6-6) vs. Western Kentucky (7-5), 430 p.m.(ESPN)
Betting line NFL
(Hometeams in Caps) Open Current Underdog Today PATRIOTS 5 4 Texans Favorite
College Saturday,Dec.16 New MexicoBowl
EAST ArizonaSt. 68,BostonCollege59 CCSU 43, NewHampshire 32 Delaware 59,Princeton58 Duke60,St.John's 42 Hartford67,Dartmouth52 Penn54,LIUBrooklyn40 PennSt.97, Georgetown 74 Rutgers73,LouisianaTech46 MIDWEST BowlingGreen60, Northwestern 37 Butler 59,Indiana56 Cincinnati59,E.Kentucky 48 IUPUI87,Goshen31 lowaSt.60, Fairfield 43 Kansas97,Newman64 KansasSt 68,SouthDakota54 Minnesota 82,Robert Morris 60 Ohio 79,MoreheadSt.72,OT Ohio St.81,Lafayette41 Saint Louis63,Evansville 59 W. Kentucky59,KentSt. 53 Youngstown St.83,Wiimington(Dhio) 52 SOUTH Auburn68, Hofstra58 l linois 73,Memphis65 Kentu cky68,MiddleTennessee46 Lipscomb 67, Jacksonville St. 54 Longwood70,Gardner-Webb62 Louisiana-Monroe 73, Southern Miss. 55 NC State 88, Elon73 Purdue 68, UT-Martin 60 SC St ate67,Clemson55 SouthCarolina69,Furman35 Troy 90,AlabamaSt. 88 Tulane66, LSU64, OT FAR WEST BoiseSt.76, Carroli lMont.) 64 CS Bakersfield71, UCIrvine 64 Gonzaga 83,CaiSt.-Fullerton 44 Nevada 77 Oregon73 Oregon St.84, St.Martin's 36 SantaClara68, LongBeachSt. 67 Seattle72, PortlandSt.59
7.5 9 5 Nevada DEALS FamousIdaho Potato Bowl 8 10 Toledo Thursday,Dec.20 Transactions Poinsettia Bowl BASEBALL 25 2 5 Sa n Dlego St AmericanLeague Friday, Dec.21 KANSASCITYROYALS— Acquired RHPJames Beef 0 Brady'sBowl 7 7 Ball St Shields,RHPWade Davis andaplayerto benamedor cash considerationstromTampa Bayfor OFWil MySaturday,Dec.22 ers, RHP pitcher JakeOdorizzi, LHPMike Montgomery New OrleansBowl 45 6 ECar o ina and 38Patrick Leonard. SEATTLE MARINERS — DesignatedLHPMauricio Las VegasBowl 6.5 5. 5 Wa shington Robiesforassignment. T EXAS R A NGERS— TradedINF MichaelYoungto Monday, Dec.24 Philadelphia tor RHPJosh LindbiomandRHPLisalHawaiiBowl FresnoSt 1 15 11 5 Smu verto Bonila. National League Wednesday,Dec.26 LOSANGELESDODGERS—Agreedto termswith Little CaesarsPizzaBowl LHP Ryu H yun-i i n onasix-year contract. W. Kentucky 6 6 C. Mic higan BASKETBALL Thursday,Dec.27 National Basketball Association Military Bowl NBA — Fined Clevelandcoach Byron Scott San Jose St 7 5 7. 5 B owling Green $25,000for public criticism ofotficiating after aDec. Belk Bowl at Minnesota. FinedBoston F-CChris Wilcox Cincinnati I 0.5 7 Duke 7 game $25,000for makinganobscenegesture directedtoHoliday Bowl Baylor ward fansduring aDec. 7gameat Philadelphia. Fined 1(B) 1 SanAntonioG-FStephenJackson$25,000forissuing Friday, Dec.28 ahostilestatementdirectedto SergeIbakainaTwitter IndependenceBowl 6 7 Dhio message. CHARLOTTEBOBCATS Waived G Cory HigRussell Athletic Bowl Virginia Tech I 2.5 gins. Calledup FJetf AdrienfromRioGrandeValey MeinkeCarCareBowl (NBADL). Barrel racing TexasTech 13 1 3 Min nesota PORTLAND TRAIL BLAZERS— Recalled G Wil 1, Sherry Cervi, Marana,Ariz., 13.67 seconds, Saturday,Dec.29 BartonandFVictor ClaverfromIdaho(NBADL). ArmedForcesBowl FOOTBALL $18,257. 2, Carlee Pierce, Stephenvile, Texas, 13.75, $14,429. 3, LindsaySears, Nanton, Alberta, Air Force National Football League I (R) I 13.81, $10,895. 4, Lisa Lockhart, Oelrichs, S.D., Fight HungerBowl PHILADELPHI A EAGLES — Pl acedOT NateMen13.82,$7,656. 5, Kaley Bass, Kissimmee, Fla., ArizonaSt 14 5 14 5 Navy kin on injuredreserve.SignedLBRyanRaufrom the 13.90, $4,712.6, Kelli Toibert, Hooper,Utah,13.97, Pinstripe Bowl practicesquad. W. Virginia 4 4 PITTSBURGHSTEELERS Released QB Brian $2,9457,Lee AnnRust,Stephenville,Texas,14.03 8, BenetteBarrington-Little, Ardmore,Okla.,1406 9 Alamo Bowl Hoyer. SignedDBJosh Victorian from the practice Nikki Stettes,Vale,S.D., 14.07.10(tie) BrendaMays OregonSt I 2 squad. Terrebonne,Ore., and Christy Loflin, Franktown, Buffalo Wild WingsBowl TAMPA BAVBUCCANEERS— Released OTDerek Colo., 14.18 each.12, Trula Churchill, Valentine, Tcu 2 2 5. Mic higan St Hardman.Signed DELazarius Levingstonfrom the Neb., 18.80.13,MaryWalker,Ennis, Texas, 18.90. Monday,Dec.31 practicesquad. 14, Christina Richman,Glendora, Calif., 19.61 15, Music City Bowl COLLEGE BrittanyPozzi,Victoria, Texas,24.33 Vanderbit 6 6 5. Nc S t ate AUBURN —NamedCharlie Harbison co-defensive Bull riding Sun Bowl coordinatoranddefensive backscoach.
ler scored 85 for Bayern Munich and West Germany.
labor talks this week:NHL
lets reported it read: "Somebody im goin in his mouth. That's a promise. He doin2 m uch." — From wire reports
No.21 UNLVedges Cal infinal seconds, 76-75 The Associated Press BERKELEY, Calif. — Quintrell Thomas grabbed Anthony Marshall's air ball under the basket and scored on a short hook shot with L2 seconds remaining to lift No. 21 UNLV to a 76-75 win over CaL The Runnin' Rebels led for most of the second half but trailed 75-74 following two free throws by California's Justin Cobbs with 1L9 seconds left. Marshall then rushed a long jumper that Thomas alertly grabbed and flipped in. Thomas
was fouled on the play but missed the free throw. Justin Hawkins then blocked a 3point attempt by Cobbs from midcourt as the buzzer sounded. Anthony Bennett had career highs of 25 points and 13 rebounds while leading UNLV (7-1) to its sixth straight win. Bryce Dejean-Jones also had a career-best 22 points. Allen Crabbe scored 18 for California (6-2), which has lost two straight after opening the season 6-0.
Also on Sunday: N o. 16 Creighton ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 A kron ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 1 OMAHA, Neb. — Doug McDermott scored 30 points for Creighton (9-1), which broke away late in the first half. W ashington State ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 F resno State.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 PULLMAN, Wash. — Brock Motum scored 23 points and Mike Ladd had a season-high 19 points as Washington
State (6-4) won.
offense too much for Pacers' D, 104-93 The Associated Press OKLAHOMA CITY — Kevin Durant and the Oklahoma City Thunder can generate alot of excitement as the NBA's highestscoring team, but defense is still a matter of pride. Durant scored 27 points, Kevin Martin added 24 and the Thunder clamped down in the second half to beat the Indiana Pacers 104-93 on Sunday night for their eighth straight win. It was a matchup of the NBA's m ost potent offense and t h e league's stingiest defense — but Oklahoma City also happens to be the second-best at making opponents miss. The Pacers shot 60 percent in the first half before Thunder coach Scott Brooks delivered a message at halftime. His players responded by limiting Indiana to 33 percent after that. "Defense is g o in g t o wi n games. You can score back and forth if you want to, but defending is what we do," Russell Westbrook said. Westbrook had 21 points but more importantly came up with a big block against 7-foot-2 center Roy Hibbert — 11 inches taller — during a late 8-0 burst by the Thunder that put it away after the Pacers had pulled within three. "Plays like that can change the whole momentum of the game," Westbrook said. "That was one of those plays." David West led the way with 21 points for Indiana, which had all five starters score in double figures but still couldn't keep up. The not-so-balanced Pacers came in allowing an NBA-best 91.2 points per game but scoring a league-low 90.7. Also on Sunday: Knicks.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
Nuggets....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 NEW YORK — Carmelo Anthony returned from a two-game absence with 34 points against his former team, and New York remained the NBA's only team unbeaten at home. Jazz.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 Lakers.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 LOS ANGELES — Paul Millsap scored 24 points, Mo Williams added 22 and Utah won its third straight. Kobe Bryant led the Lakers with 34 points, making 12 of 14 free throws, as they fell to 4-7 in their past 11 games.
Magic ........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 Suns... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 PHOENIX — Rookie Andrew N icholsonscored nine of his career-high 19 points in the fourth quarter an d O r l ando h anded Phoenix its seventh straight loss. Bucks... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 Nets.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 NEW YORK — Brandon Jennings scored 26 points, Monta Ellis had 24 points and Milwaukee withstood Brooklyn's fourthquarter rally.
Clippers....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 Raptors........ . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 83 L OS A N GELES — J a m a l Crawford led a f o urth-quarter rally by th e r eserves with 16 points and the Clippers won their sixth in a row and handed Toronto its 10th consecutive road loss.
NBA SCOREBOARD Standings ConferenceGlance All Times PST EASTERNCONFERENCE W L Pct GB d-NewYork 15 5 750 d-Miami 13 5 722 1 Atlanta 12 5 706 1'/z d-Chicago 11 8 579 3 1/2 Brooklyn 11 8 579 3 1/2 Philadelphia 11 9 550 4 Boston 11 9 550 4 Milwaukee 526 4 i/z 10 9 Indiana 10 11 476 5'/z Orlando 8 1 2 400 7 Charlotte 7 12 368 7/z Detroit 7 1 5 318 9 Cleveland 4 1 7 190 11'/z Toronto 4 1 7 190 11i/z Washington 2 1 5 I I 8 1 1'/z WESTERN CONFERENCE W L Pct GB d-SanAntonio 17 4 810 d-Oklahoma City 17 4 810 Memphis 14 4 778 1i/z d-L.A. Clippers 14 6 700 2'/z 650 3'/~ GoldenState 13 7 Utah 12 10 545 5 1/2 Minnesota 9 9 500 6'/z Dallas 10 10 500 6'/z Denver 10 11 476 7 Houston 9 10 474 7 L.A.I.akers 9 1 2 429 8 Portland 8 1 2 400 8'/z Sacramento 7 1 2 368 9 Phoenix 7 1 5 318 10'/z NewOrleans 5 14 263 11 d-divisionleader
Sunday's Games LA Clippers102,Toronto83 Milwaukee 97, Brooklyn 88 Oklahoma City104, Indiana93 NewYork112, Denver106 Orlando98, Phoenix 90 Utah117,LA. Lakers110
Alex Brandon/The Associated Press
Washington Redskins kicker Kai Forbath celebrates the game-winning field goal with teammate Sav Rocca during overtime of Sunday's game against the Baltimore Ravens in Landover, Md.
GoldenStateatCharlotte, 4p.m. Detroit atPhiadelphia, 4p.m. AtlantaatMiami, 4:30p.m. SanAntonioatHouston,5 p.m. SacramentoatDalas, 5:30 p.m. Torontoat Portland 7p m
Tuesday'sGames L.A Lakers at Cleveland,4p.m. NewYorkatBrooklyn, 4p.m. Denverat Detroit, 4:30p.m. WashingtonatNewOrleans, 5p.m. L.A Clippers at Chicago,6:30p.m.
Summaries Sunday'sGames
Jazz 117, Lakers 110 UTAH(117l Ma.Williams3-40-0 7, Migsap9-18 6-8 24,JefIerson 6-112-2 14,M.Wiliams8-11 4-5 22, Foye 3-10 0-0 7,Kanter6-82-414, Hayward4-11 5-614, Tinsley 230-05, Evans0 00 00, Carroll 4 72-210. Totals 45-83 21-27117. L.A. LAKERS (110) Wor dPeace5 70 012, Jamison1-60 03, Howard 5-101-211,Duhon4-60-012, Bryant9-2412-14 34, HiI 8-111-1 17,Meeks6-141-1 16, Morris 0-4 0 00, Ebanks2-30-05. Totals 40-8515-18110. Utah 26 35 28 29 — 117 L.A. Lakers 27 24 34 25 — 110
Magic 98, Suns90 ORLANDO (98) Harkless2-20-04, Davis7-111-415, 1/ucevic6-9 0-012, Nelson1-7 2 24, Afflalo 5-114 414, Redick 6-14 4-420,Ayon0-3 0-00, Nicholson9-111-219, Moore 4 8 1 2 10, Jones0 0 0-00, McRoberts 0-1 0-0 0 Totals40-7713-18 98. PHOENIX (90) Dudley6-132-415, Morris5-120-010, Gortat68 0-1 12,Telfair1-7 3-4 6,Brown6-16 3-317, Scola 5-9 1-1 11,Beasley0-2 3-4 3, Johnson2-2 0-0 5, Garrett 1-1 0 0 2,O'Neal4-8 1-1 9 Totals 36-78 13-18 90. Orlando 20 33 18 27 — 98 Phoenix 23 25 22 20 — 90
Knicks 112, Nuggets106 DENVER (106)
Faried5-7 0-2 10,Gaginari7-11 6-9 21, Koufos 4 50-08 Lawson7-157 823,lguodala5-123 415, C.Brewer 7-131-215, McGee2-30-04, A.Miger3-6 4-410. Totals 40-7221-29106.
Anthony 10-24 11-16 34, R.Brewer3-6 2-2 9, TChandler7-81-415, Kidd4-76-617, Felton4-15 2-210, Smith5-193-615, Novak2-51-1 7, Prigioni 1-1 0-03, Thomas1-10-02, White0-00-00. Totals 37-86 26-37 112. Denver 26 33 26 22 — 106 New York 23 38 19 32 — 112
Thunder104, Pacers 93 INDIANA (93) George5-15 4-4 17,West10-16 1-321, Hibbert 4-9 2-210,Stephenson4-8 1-110, Hil5-14 3-315, Mahinmi2 -70-04,Green4-70-08 Augustin2-30-0 4, Young1-20-0 2, T.Hansbrough 1-10-02. Totals 38-82 11-13 93. OKLAHOMA CITY (104) Durant9-248-1027,Ibaka6-90-012, Perkins1-2 2-2 4, Westbrook7-17 6-721, Sefolosha1-40-0 2, Martin 7-127-824, Collison2-31-1 5, Thabeet1-1 1 2 3, Maynor 3 40 0 6.Totals 37-7626-30104. Indiana 22 34 18 19 — 93 Oklahoma City 2 63 2 27 20 — 104
Bucks97, Celtics 88 MILWAUKEE l97) Daniels 5-102-2 13,Sanders3-12 0-0 6, Udoh 1-21-1 3, Jennings8-196-6 26, Ellis 8-138-9 24, Mbah aMoute2-5 5-10 9, lyasova4-81-1 10, Lamb 2-21-1 6, Przybilla0-00-0 0 Totals 33-71 24-30 97.
Wallace6-124-616, Evans2-31-2 5, Blatche375-611, Williams8-191-218, Johnson 2-81-26, Humphries2-80-0 4, Stackhouse3-10 0-0 9, Childress020-00,Tel etovic0-00-00 Watson2-50-05, Brooks 4-55-514. Totals 32-7917-23 88. Milwaukee 26 23 27 22 — 97 Brooklyn 18 13 24 33 — BB
TORONTO (83) Kleiza5-112-317, Bargnani5-150-012, Valanciunas0-31-21,Lowry2-60-04, DeR ozan10-173-4 24, Johnson4-7 3-4 11,Calderon1-5 2-2 5, Ross 1-7 0-0 3,Davis2-6 2-26, Lucas0-00-00. Totals 30-7713-17 83. L.A. CLIPPERS(102) Butler 4-9 0-0 9,Griffin 7-115-6 19,Jordan 1-7 5-11 7, Paul5-10 5-5 16,Green2-4 0-0 4, Odom 2-6 0-0 4,Crawford4-146-816, Barnes2-52-2 7, Bledsoe 6-91-214, Turiaf3-40-0 6. Totals 36-79 24-34 102. Toronto 21 26 26 10 — 83 L.A. Clippers 25 1 933 25 — 102
Leaders ThroughSunday's Games SCORING
Sue Ogrocrd / The Associated Press
Clippers102, Raptors 83
Oklahoma City Thunder guard Kevin Martin shoots over lndiana Pacers forward Gerald Green, right, in the third quarter Sunday night in Oklahoma City.
Bryant,LAL Durant,OKC Anthony,NYK James,MIA Harden,HOU Westbrook,OKC Mayo,DAL Aldridge,POR Curry,GDL Pierce,BOS Gay,MEM Ligard,POR Ellis, MIL Bosh,MIA Lee,GDL Parker,SAN Anderson,NOR DeRozan,TOR Howard,LAL Deng,CHI
G FG FT PTS AVG 21 199 160 601 28.6 21 181 171 566 27.0 18 165 109 482 26.8 18 180 67 452 25.1 19 140 151 469 24.7 21 162 94 451 21.5 20 147 65 417 20.9 19 155 79 389 20.5 20 134 72 394 19.7 20 122 108 384 19.2 18 130 59 342 19.0 20 131 69 378 18.9 19 130 83 356 18.7 18 119 93 334 18.6 20 152 66 370 18.5 19 144 55 350 18.4 19 132 22 350 18.4 21 146 84 386 18.4 21 140 105 386 18.4 19 132 67 348 18.3
U ,
avens The Associated Press LANDOVER, Md. — Robert Griffin III walked gingerly through the Washington Redskins locker room, his sprained right knee in a big black brace. Teammates stood at their lockers, mixing the emotions of an improbable 31-28 overtime win over the Baltimore Ravens with the fear that their franchise player could be seriously hurt. "We're happy that we won, obviously," left tackle Trent Williams said. "But that is concerning, knowing he went down. Everyone wants to know how
he's doing."
Griffin went down during Washington's final drive of regulation Sunday, with the Redskins trailing by eight. Fellow rookie Kirk Cousins, who had played in only one other game this season, stepped in and hit Pierre Garcon for an 11-yard touchdown pass with 29 seconds remaining, then ran a quarterback draw for the two-point conversion to tie the game. Yet another rookie, Richard Crawford, returned a punt 64 yards in overtime to set up Kai Forbath's 34-yard game-winning field goal. The Redskins (7-6) have a four-game winning streak — remaining one game behind the New York Giants in the race for the NFC East title — but the day's most important result was still to come. About three hoursafter the game ended, the Redskins said an MRI exam showed
no major ligament damage. The worst-case scenario would have been a season-ending ACL tear, like the one Griffin had on the same knee while playing for Baylor in 2009. But team spokesman Tony Wyllie said the MRI showed "everything is clear" and ruled out that sort of significant injury. With the Redskins trailing 28-20 after Ray Rice's 7-yard touchdown run with 4:47 to play, Griffin started moving his team before he was tackled by Haloti Ngata at the end of a 13-yard scramble. Griffin left for one play, then returned for four more, completing two passes to get the Redskins deep into Ravens territory. But he was also hopping on one leg. Eventually, he fell to the tu6 and could no longer continue. In came fourth-round pick Cousins, who was a clutch two for two — backto-back to Leonard Hankerson for 15 yards and 11 yards to Garcon. Then came the quarterback draw on the 2-point try, a call that Griffin heard through his headphones while getting treatment on the sideline. The Ravens got the ball to start overtime but went three-and-out. Seventhround pick Crawford, getting a chance to handle punts for the first time after a disappointing set of games from Brandon Banks, had the big return to Baltimore's 24-yard line, putting the Redskins easily within the range of Forbath, who hasn't missed in 14 attempts in his debut NFL season. Also on Sunday:
Cowboys........... . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 20 Bengals.......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..19 CINCINNATI — The grieving Cowboys rallied for a significant win on Dan Bailey's 40-yard field goal as time ran out. Dallas overcame a nine-point deficit in the closing minutes behind Tony Romo, who held his hand over his heart during a moment of silence to honor teammate Jerry Brown before the kickoff. Brown died in an auto accident early Saturday. Defensive lineman Josh Brent, who was driving, was charged with intoxication manslaughter. The Cowboys (7-6) learned about Brown's death on their flight to Cincinnati on Saturday. A late comeback was just enough to beat the Bengals (7-6). Romo threw a 27-yard touchdown pass to Dez Bryant, then led the drive to
esins o inove ime
Bailey's kick. Panthers ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Falcons...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Cam Newton threw for 287 yards and two touchdowns and scored on a 72-yard run. Newton piled up a c areer-high 116 yards on the ground as the Panthers racked up475 totalyards to avenge an early-season loss with a dominating performance against the NFC South champion Falcons. Atlanta's Matt Ryan threw for 342 yards and two scores and had a costly fourth-quarter interception. The Panthers opened a 23-0 lead en route to snapping a five-game losing streak against the Falcons. Vikings..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Bears ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 MINNEAPOLIS — Adrian Peterson rushed for 154 yards and two touchdowns and Harrison Smith returned an interception for a score. Peterson topped 100 yards before the first quar-
ter was over, helping the Vikings (7-6) overcome another lackluster day from quarterback Christian Ponder to get a win that will keep their faint playoff hopes alive. Jay Cutler threw for 260 yards, one touchdown and two interceptions and couldn't finish the game for the Bears (8-5), who have lost four of their past five. Browns..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 C hiefs ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 CLEVELAND — R o o kie T r avis Benjamin's electrifying 93-yard punt return touchdown gave Cleveland momentum and the Browns won their third straight game. Benjamin's gamechanging runback helped the Browns (5-8) continue their resurgence under second-year coach Pat Shurmur, whose future in Cleveland remains uncertain. The Browns have one more win than last season, and their longest winning streaksince 2009. Jamaal Charles ran for 165 yards, breaking off an 80-yard TD run on the game's first play from scrimmage for Kansas City. Chargers.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Steelers ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 PITTSBURGH — P h i li p R i v ers threw three touchdown passes, two to Danario Alexander, and San Diego won for the first time in 15 regular-season visits to Pittsburgh. The Chargers
(5-8), who snapped a four-game losing streak, dominated from the outset. They never letSteelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger get comfortable in his first game in nearly a month. R oethlisberger completed 22 of 4 2 passes for 285 yards and three secondhalf touchdowns. But he also threw an interception and had a botched screen pass turn into an easy San Diego score
as Pittsburgh (7-6) hardly played like a team readying for a postseason run. Colts ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Titans ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 INDIANAPOLIS — Andrew Luck led Indianapolis back from a 13-point second-half deficit and Adam Vinatieri made two fourth-quarter field goals. Luck has now engineered six fourth-
quarter comebacks for Indy (9-4). It wasn't all Luck. Delone Carter cut the deficit to 20-14 with a I-yard TD run on Indy's openingpossession of the second half. And after Pat McAfee's 52-yard punt went out of bounds at the Titans 1-yard line, Cassius Vaughn jumped in front of Nate Washington, picked off Jake Locker's pass and scored on a 3yard interception return to make it 2120. Rob Bironas gave the Titans (4-9) a 23-21 lead with a 25-yard field goal, but Vinatieri hit from 53 yards to retake the lead and from 40 to seal it. Jets.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Jaguars ......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..10 JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — Shonn Greene and Bilal Powell ran for short touchdowns and the New York Jets
kept their postseason hopes alive. The Jets (6-7) were shut out at halftime for the secondconsecutive week, but they didn't need to change quarterbacks to spark the offense this time. Instead,
they just pounded the Jaguars (2-11) up the middle.
Eagles.......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..23 B uccaneers..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 TAMPA, Fla. — Nick Foles threw a pair of touchdown passes in the final four minutes, including a I-yarder to Jeremy Maclin with no time remaining. The rally a llowed the Eagles to end an eight-game losing streak — their longest in 42 years. Foles completed 32 of 51 passes for 381 yards in his fourth start in place of the injured Michael Vick. The rookie threw an 11yard TD pass to Clay Harbor with 3:55 remaining, then led the Eagles on a 64-yard game-winning drive after the Philadelphia defense forced a Tampa Bay punt. R ams...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 B ills.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 ORCHARD PARK, N.Y. — Sam Bradford threw a 13-yard touchdown pass to Brandon Gibson with 48 seconds left. Bradford was five of eight for 68 yards to cap a 14-play, 84-yard drive. St. Louis (6-6-1) continued its late-season resurgence by winning its third straight for the first time since closing the 2006 season with three victories. The Bills (5-8) blew a lead in the final minute of the fourth quarter for the second time this season. G iants.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 S aints ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 EAST RUTHERFORD, N.J. Rookie David Wilson returned a kickoff 97 yards for one touchdown, ran for two more scores and piled up 327 allpurpose yards and Eli Manning threw four touchdown passes to lead the Giants. The loss all but ended the playoff hopes of Drew Brees and the Saints (58), who turned the ball over four times in losing their third straight. S eahawks ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 C ardinals ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 SEATTLE — Marshawn Lynch had three touchdown runs and Seattle set a franchise record for points. The Seahawks forced eight t u r novers. Richard Sherman and Bobby Wagner each had two interceptions. Seattle (85) kept a firm grasp on the final NFC wild-card spot and kept alive slim chances of catching San Francisco in the NFC West race. The Seahawks also picked up their first division victory and assured coach Pete Carroll of his first eight-win season in three years with them. 4 9ers..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 D olphins..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 SAN FRANCISCO — Frank Gore ran for a I - y ar d t o uchdown and reached 1,000 yards rushing for the sixth time in his career. Gore finished with 63 yards, Anthony Dixon also had a 1-yard scoring run and Colin Kaepernick ranfor a late 50-yard touchdown and threw for 185 yards in his fourth straight start since being promoted over Alex Smith. NFL sacks leader Aldon Smith added two to his total for 19'/z, passing Fred Dean's franchisebest mark of 17'/z set in 1983. Packers..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 L ions.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 0 GREEN BAY, Wis. — Green Bay is a victory away from clinching the NFC North title after beating Detroit. DaJuan Harris rushed for a score in his first NFL game, Aaron Rodgers added thelongest TD run ofhis career, and Mike Daniels returned a fumble 43 yards as the Packers (9-4) opened a one-game lead over Chicago. Beat the Bears next weekend at Soldier Field, and Green Bay will win the NFC North for a second straight year.
3 10 14 7 — 34 0 3 7 1 4 — 24
First Quarter
SD — FGNovak51,306
W y-NewEngland 9 N.Y. Jets 6 B uffalo 5 Miami 5
3:40 SD — FGNovak39,:50. Pit — FGSuisham 49,:00.
Third Quarter SD — Floyd3 passfromRivers(Novakkick), 528. SD — Jammer tumblerecoveryinendzone(Novak kick), 5:16. Pit — Wallace 40 passfrom Roethisberger (Suishamkick), 2:33. Fourth Quarter SD Alexander15passfromRivers (Novakkick), 9;46. Pit — Walace 11 passfrom Roethlisberger (Su-
ishamkick), 6:07. Pit — A.Brown 1 passfromRoethisberger (Suishamkick),:58 A—61,359.
SD Pit 19 18 2 94 34 0 36-94 1 7-69 2 00 27 1 3-35 1-0 3-24 5 -113 1-0 0-0 21-42-0 22-42-1 1 -0 2 - 14 7-37.4 7-47.4 0-0 2-1 6 -51 8 - 52 36;46 23:14
INDIVIDUALSTATISTICS RUSHING —San Diego: Mathews 25-65, Brown2-17, McCain3-4, Weddle1-4, Rivers3-3, Battle 2-1. Pittsburgh: Dwyer8-32, Roethlisberger 5-31, Rainey1-6,Redma n 2-0, Wallace1-0. PASSING —San Diego: Rivers 21-41-0-200, Alexander0-1-0-0. Pittsburgh: Roethlisberger22-
T 0 0 0 0
Pct . 750 . 462 . 385 . 385
PF 430 245 289 240
PA 26 0 30 6 35 2 27 6
x-Houston indianapolis Tennessee Jacksonvile
W 11 9 4 2
L 1 4 9 11
T 0 0 0 0
Pc t .9 1 7 .6 9 2 .30 8 . 1 54
PF PA 351 221 292 329 271 386 216 359
Baltimore Pittsburgh Cincinnati Cleveland
W 9 7 7 5
L 4 6 6 8
T 0 0 0 0
Pc t .6 9 2 .5 3 8 .53 8 .3 8 5
PF PA 331 273 278 264 321 280 259 272
Away AFC 5 2-0 8-1-0 3-3-0 4-5-0 2-5-0 4-6-0 2-5-0 3-6-0
N FC D i v 1-2-0 5-0-0 2-2-0 2-3-0 1-2-0 1-3-0 2-2-0 1-3-0
H o m e A way 5 - 1-0 6 - 0-0 6 - 1-0 3 -3-0 2 - 4-0 2 - 5-0 1 - 6-0 1 - 5-0
A FC NF C Di v 9-0-0 2-1-0 4-0-0 6-3-0 3-1-0 3-1-0 3-7-0 1-2-0 0-5-0 2-7-0 0-4-0 2-3-0
H o m e A way 5 - 1-0 4 - 3-0 4 - 2-0 3 - 4-0 3 - 4-0 4 - 2-0 4 - 3-0 1 - 5-0
A FC NFC Di v 8-2-0 1-2-0 4-1-0 4-6-0 3-0-0 2-2-0 5-5-0 2-1-0 1-3-0 5-5-0 0-3-0 2-3-0
West y Denver San Dlego Oakland KansasCity
T P c t PF
10 3 5 8 3 10 2 11
0 0 0 0
.7 6 9 .3 8 5 . 231 . 154
Ho m e A w ay A FC NF C 3 7 5 2 5 7 5- 1 - 0 5 2 - 0 7 2 0 3-1-0 2 9 2 28 1 2- 4- 0 3 - 4-0 5-5-0 0-3-0 2 4 8 40 2 2- 5- 0 1 - 5-0 3-7-0 0-3-0 1 9 5 35 2 1- 6- 0 1 - 5-0 0-9-0 2-2-0
Di v 5-0-0 3-2-0 1-3-0 0-4-0
NATIONAL CONFERENCE East W N.Y.Giants 8 Washington 7 Dallas 7 Philadelphia 4
L 5 6 6 9
T 0 0 0 0
Pc t .6 1 5 .5 3 8 .5 3 8 .3 0 8
PF PA 373 270 343 329 300 314 240 341
TampaBay NewOrleans Carolina
W 11 6 5 4
L 2 7 8 9
T 0 0 0 0
Pc t .8 4 6 .4 6 2 .3 8 5 .30 8
PF PA 337 259 354 308 348 379 265 312
H o m e A way 5 - 2-0 3 - 3-0 4 - 3-0 3 - 3-0 3 - 3-0 4 - 3-0 2 - 4-0 2 - 5-0 H o m e A way 6 - 0-0 5 - 2-0 3 - 4-0 3 - 3-0 3 - 3-0 2 -5-0 2 - 5-0 2 - 4-0
NFC AFC Di v 7-2-0 4-0-0 3-2-0 3-6-0 3-1-0 2-2-0 3-6-0 2-2-0 2-2-0 4-7-0 0-2-0 2-3-0
GreenBay Chicago Minnesota Detroit
W 9 8 7 4
L 4 5 6 9
T 0 0 0 0
P c t PF PA Ho m e A w ay .6 9 2 3 2 3 27 9 6- 1- 0 3 - 3-0 .6 1 5 308 21 9 5 - 2- 0 3 - 3-0 .5 3 8 2 8 3 28 6 6- 1- 0 1 - 5-0 .3 0 8 3 2 0 34 2 2- 4- 0 2 - 5-0
NFC AFC Di v 7-3-0 2-1-0 4-0-0 5-4-0 3-1-0 2-2-0 5-5-0 2-1-0 3-2-0 3-6-0 1-3-0 0-5-0
NFC AFC 7-3-0 1-2-0 6-4-0 1-2-0 5-5-0 2-1-0 2-8-0 2-1-0
Di v 2-3-0 3-1-0 3-2-0 1-3-0
South y-Atlanta
W L T P ct San Francisco 9 3 1 .7 3 1 Seattle 8 5 0 .6 1 5 6 6 1 .500 P hiladelphia 0 10 0 1 3— 2 3 St.Louis 4 9 0 .308 TampaBay 0 0 7 1 4 — 21 Arizona x-clinchedplayoffspot;y-clinched division SecondQuarter Phi —FGHenery28, 7:13. Phi — Foles 10run (Henerykick), 1:40. Sunday's Games Third Quarter Minnesota21,Chicago14 TB Wigiams1 pass from Freeman(Barth kick), Washington31,Baltimore28, OT 11:35. Cleveland 30, KansasCity 7 Fourth Quarter San Diego 34, Pittsburgh24 TB — Jackson13 passfromFreeman(Barth kick), Indi anapolis27,Tennessee23 N.Y.Jets17, Jacksonvige10 14:26. TB — Martin 4run(Barth kick), 7:21. Carolina30,Atlanta20 Phi — Harbor 11passfromFoles (pass tailed), Philadelphia23,TampaBay21 St. Louis15,Buffalo12 3:55 Phi — Maclin I pass trom Foles (Henerykick), Dallas20,Cincinnati19 San Francisco27,Miami 13 :00. Seattle58,Arizona0 AW4,941. N.Y.Giants52,NewOrleans27 GreenBay27, Detroit 20 Phi TB Today's Game First downs 23 18 Housto natNew England,5:30p.m. Total Net Yards 367 314 16-29 32-136 Rushes-yards
Eagles 23, Btjccaneers 21
P F P A H o m e Away 3 1 6 18 4 5 - 1- 1 4 - 2-0 3 0 0 20 2 6- 0- 0 2 5- 0 2 3 6 2 7 9 4- 3- 0 2 - 3-1 1 8 6 2 9 2 3- 3- 0 1 - 6-0
Passing PuntRetums KickoffReturns InterceptionsRet. Comp-Att-Int Sacked-YardsLost Punts Fumbles-Lost Penalties-Yards Time ofPossession
NF C 6 -3-1 64 0 5 - 3-1 2 - 7-0
12-6, Lewis1-(minus4). TampaBay: Martin28128, Freema2-13, n Blount1-2, Ware1-(minus7). PASSING —Philadelphia: Foles 32-51-0-381. Tampa Bay:Freem an14-34-0-189. RECEIVING —Philadelphia: Maclin 9-104, Avant 7-133,Harbor6-52, Cooper4-37, DJohnson 2-20, Brown2-6, Lewis 1-28, Celek1-1. Tampa
RECEIVING —Tennessee: Britt 8-143, Wright 5-39, Cook3-20, C.Johnson3-15, Stevens1-19, Washington 1-15, Preston 1-11. Indianapolis: Wayne6-64, Avery3-31, Hilton2-50, Carter 1-13, Allen1-11,Ballard1-10,Fleener1-9 Brazig1-8. MISSEDFIELD GOALS— Tennessee:Bironas 57 (WR).
Bay: Jackson 6-131, Williams 3-18, Martin 3-4, Ciark1-19,Underwood1-17. MISSEDFIELDGOALS—Philadelphia: Hen-
Redskins 31, Ravens 28(OTj Baltimore 7 14 0 7 0 — 28 Washington 1 4 0 6 8 3 — 31 First Quarter
Colts 27, Titans 23 Tennessee Indianapolis
7 13 0 3 — 2 3 7 0 14 6 — 2 7
First Quarter Ten —Cook 18 passfrom Locker (Bironaskick),
10:10. Ind Wayne 4 passfrom Luck(Vinatieri kick), I:01.
SecondQuarter Ten —FGBironas40, 12:27. Ten —Witherspoon40 interception retum(Bironas kick), 4:40. Ten —FGBironas31,:37 Third Quarter Ind — Carter 1run (Vinatieri kick), 8:36. Ind — Vaughn3 interception return (Vinatieri kick), 5:36 Fourth Quarter Ten —FGBironas25, 10:28. Ind — FGVinatieri 53,6:23. Ind — FGVinatieri 40,3:48 A—64,688.
Was —Morgan 4 passtrom Griffin lll (Forbath kick), 9:38. Bal — Boldin 19passtrom Flacco (Tucker kick), 7:05. Was —Morris I run (Forbath kick), 2:55.
SecondQuarter Bal — Boldin 31passtrom Flacco (Tucker kick),
Bal—Pitta I4 pass from Flacco(Tucker kick), 8:39. Third Quarter Was FG Forbath48, 10:27. Was —FGForbath49, 1:21.
Thursday's Game Cincinnatiat Philadelphia,5:20p.m. Sunday, Dec.16 GreenBayat Chicago, 10am. TampaBayat NewOrleans, 10a.m. MinnesotaatSt. Louis,10a.m. Indianapolisat Houston,10a.m. N.Y.GiantsatAtlanta,10 a.m. Washington at Cleveland,10am Jacksonvileat Miami,10a.m. Denverat Baltimore, 10a.m. CarolinaatSanDiego,1:05 p.m. Detroit atArizona,1:05p.m. Seattlevs.Buffaloat Toronto,1:05 p.m. KansasCity atOakland,1:25 pm. PittsburghatDallas,1:25 p.m. SanFranciscoatNew England,5:20p.m. Monday, Dec.17 N.Y.JetsatTennessee,5.30p.m.
In d
78, Rice3-15,Leach2-11, Pierce2-11, TSmith 1-21. Washingt on:Garcon5-87,Hankerson4-67 Moss 3-52 Morgan 3-30,Young1-28, Paulsen1-8. MISSEDFIELDGOALS—None.
Panthers 30, Falcons 20 Atlanta Carolina
0 0 7 1 3 — 20 7 9 7 7 — 30
First Quarter Car — Olsen25 passfrom Newton (Ganokick),
SecondQuarter Car — FGGano24, 10:55. Car — FGGano41,4.58. Car — FGGano31,:00. Third Quarter Car — Newton 72run (Gano kick), 11:01. Atl — White 4 passfromRyan(Bryantkick), 4:48 Fourth Quarter Atl Jones 11 pass from Ryan(pass failed),
13:57. Car D.Wigiams 53 pass fromNewton(Gano kick), 4:11. Atl Tumer1 run(Bryantkick),:53 A—73,292.
Fourth Quarter Bal —Rice 7run (Tucker kick), 4.47. Was —Garcon 11 passfromCousins (Cousins run), .29. Overtime Was—FG Forbath34, 11:37. A—81,178.
First downs Total NetYards Rushes-yards Passing PuntReturns KickoffReturns B al W a s InterceptlonsRet. 18 22 Comp-Att-Int 3 59 42 0 Sacked-Yards Lost 35-186 35-172 Punts 1 73 24 8 Fumbles-Lost 3-25 3-100 Penalties-Yards 5 -145 2 - 37 Time ofPossession
First downs Total NetYards First downs 17 20 Rushes-yards Total Net Yards 3 56 26 9 Passing 24-97 30-98 Punt Returns Rushes-yards Passing 2 59 17 1 KickoffReturns 0-0 1-2 1 -14 2 - 2 4 InterceptionsRet. PuntRetums 0-0 0-0 Comp-Att-Int 16-21-1 17-28-0 KickoffReturns 2 -9 3 - 24 2 -40 2 - 1 0 Sacked-Yards Lost InterceptionsRet. Comp-Att-Int 22-35-2 16-34-2 Punts 5-50.2 5-48.0 1 -3 4- 2 5 Fumbles-Lost 2-1 3-1 Sacked-YardsLost Penalties-Yards 8 -56 8 - 70 Punts 3 55.0 4 53.3 0-0 2-0 Fumbles-Lost Time ofPossession 29:22 3 4:01 9 -70 6 - 43 Penalties-Yards INDIVIDUALSTATISTICS Time ofPossession 28:37 31:23 RUSHING —Baltimore: Rice 20-121, Pierce INDIVIDUALSTATISTICS 8-53, Flacco5-9, Leach2-3 Washington: Morris RUSHING —Tennessee: Locker 4-51, 23-122,Griflin III 7-34,Royster3-11, Hankerson1-3,
N.Y. Jets Jacksonville
0 0 10 7 — 1 7 0 3 0 7 — 10
SecondQuarler Jac FG Scobee 31,644 Third Quarter NYJ—Greene1run (Folkkick), 9:11. NYJ FG Folk44,253 Fourlh Quarler NYJ—Powell 4 run(Folk kick),12.20. Jac Owens32run(Scobeekick), 7:06. A—67,027. N YJ
First downs TotalNetYards Rushes-yards Passing PuntReturns KickoffReturns InterceptionsRet. Comp-Att-Int Sacked-YardsLost Punts Fumbles-Lost Penalties-Yards Time ofPossession
17 16 2 70 29 1 42-166 24-123 1 04 16 8 2 -18 3 - 25 0 -0 4 - 78 2-11 0-0 12-19-0 21-43-2 1 -7 3 - 17 7-46.6 8-45.4 2-2 0-0 1 15 754 30:31 29:29
INDIVIDUALSTATISTICS RUSHING —N.Y. Jets: Poweg 19-78, Greene 20-77, Sanchez 3-11. Jacksonville: Owens14-91, Murphy4-19 Todman3 8,Jones24, Henne1-1. PASSING —N.Y. Jets: Sanchez12-19-0-111. Jacksonville: Henne 21-43-2-185. RECEIVING —N.Y. Jets: Kerley 4 27, Schilens 2-27, Gilyard2-15, Reuland2-7, Cumberland 1-37, Cromartie1-(minus2). Jacksonville: Blackmon657, Shipley 555, Egiott 338,Jones2-8,Owens1 11, Whimper1-10,Lewis1-4, Potter1-2,Todman1-0. MISSED FIELDGOALS—Jacksonville: Scobee55(WL).
Rams15, Bills12 St. Louis Buffalo
0 0 7 8 — 15 3 3 6 0 — 12
First Quarter Buf — FGLindeg35, 214. SecondQuarler Buf FG Lindeg 40, 07. Third Quarter
StL — Jackson1 run(Zuerlein kick), 8:37. Buf L.Smith 2passfromFitzpatrick (passtailed),
A F C Di v 3:26. 3 -0-0 2-1-1 Fourth Quarler 2 - 1-0 1-3-0 SILMibson13 passfromBradford (Givenspass 1 -3-0 4-0-1 trom Bradford),:48. 2 -2-0 1-4-0 A—68,109.
338 178 5 35 463 All TimesPST 3 -88 2 - 47 0-0 0-0 32-51-0 14-34-0 6 -43 2 - 11 7-49 0 10-42.4 1-1 1-0 Garcon 1-2. 2 -13 8 - 6 0 C.Johnson19-44, Reynaud1-2. Indianapolis: Ballard 19-94,Luck5-7, Avery1-3, Carter 3-1, Hilton PASSING —Baltimore: Flacco 16-21-1-182 29:51 30:09 1-(minus2), Wayne1-(minus 5). Washington: Griffin III 15-26-0-246,Cousins22-0-26. PASSING —Tennessee: Locker 22-35-2-262. INDIVIDUALSTATISTICS RECEIVING —Baltimore: Pitta 5-46, Boldin3RUSHING —Philadelphia: Foles 3-27, Brown Indianapolis: Luck16-34-2-196.
ery 58(WL),31(WL).
Jets17, Jaguars10
Atl Car 26 23 3 62 47 5 11-35 32-195 327 280 0-0 0-0 3 -49 3 - 54 0-0 1-0 34-49-1 23-35-0 2-15 1-7 4-42.0 2-44.0 0-0 1-0 3 -15 3 - 10 24;13 35:47
SIL Buf 17 17 285 281 27-78 20-61 207 220 2 -23 4 - 44 4 -88 3 - 79 1 -21 1 - 23 19-39-1 25-33-1 1 -2 5 - 27 8-37.8 7-39.1 2-0 2-1 2 -17 2 - 15 29:24 30:36
First downs TotalNetYards Rushes-yards Passing PuntReturns KickoffReturns InterceptionsRet. Comp-Att-Int Sacked-YardsLost Punts Fumbles-Lost Penalties-Yards Time ofPossession
INDIVIDUALSTATISTICS RUSHING —St. Louis: Jackson19-64, Bradford 4-13, D.Richardson 3-4, Givens1-(minus3) Buffalo: Spiller 7-37, F Jackson9-14, Fitzpatrick 3-5, Graham 1-5. PASSING —St. Louis: Bradford 19-39-1-209 Buffalo: Fitzpatrick25-33-1-247. RECEIVING—St. Louis: Gibson 6-100, Pettis5-33,Kendricks3-36,Givens3-25,Jackson 1-9, Quick 1-6.Buffalo: St.Johnson6-71, Chandler 5-71, FJackson5-16, Graham3-33,Jones 3-33, Spiler 115, BSmith1-6, L.Smith1 2 MISSEDFIELDGOALS—None.
Browns 30, Chiefs 7 KansasCity Cleveland
7 0 0 0 — 7 3 7 10 10 — 30 First Quarter
KC — Charles80run (Succopkick),14:48. Cle — FGDawson23,3:53. SecondQuarter Cle — Benjamin 93 punt return (Dawsonkick), 14:40.
Third Quarter Cle — Richardson1run(Dawsonkick),1228. Cle —FGDawson24, 842 Fourth Quarler
Cle — Richardson1run (Dawsonkick),1417. Cle — FGDawson34,904. A—62,422.
First downs TotalNetYards Rushes-yards Passing PuntReturns KickoffReturns InterceptionsRet. Comp-Att-Int Sacked-YardsLost Punts Fumbles-Lost Penalties-Yards Time ofPossession
KC Cle 12 20 3 10 35 2 26-180 35-154 1 30 19 8 3-5 4 -144 3 -51 1 - 15 0 -0 1 - 23 10-21-1 17-30-0 5 29 3 - 19 7-48.0 5-40.8 1-0 2-0 5 35 7 - 55 26:31 33:29
INDIVIDUALSTATISTICS RUSHING —Kansas City: Charles18-165,Hilis 5-11, Quinn1-4,Draughn1-0, McCluster1-0.Cleveland: Hardesty10-52, Richardson18 42, Little1 17, Cribbs 2-15,Benjamin1-15, Wee den 1-15, McCoy
2-(minus2). PASSING —Kansas City: Quinn 10-21-1-159 Cleveland:Wee den17-30-0-217. RECEIVING — Kansas City:Copper3-32,Bowe 2-70, Newsom e1-25, Moeaki1-10, Draughn18, McCluster1-8,Hilis 1-6.Cleveland: Gordon8-86, Little 4-69,Watson3-43, J.Cameron1-10, Richardson1-9. MISSEDFIELD GOALS— Kansas City:Succop 27 (WL).
INDIVIDUALSTATISTICS RUSHING —Atlanta: Rodgers4 21,Turner7-14 Carolina: Newton9-116, D.Wigiams17-56, Tolbert 5-20, Adams 1-3. PASSING —Atlanta: Ryan 34-49-1-342. Carolina: Newton23-35-0-287. Cowdoys 20, Bengals19 RECEIVING —Atlanta: White 9-117, Gonzalez 8-61, Rodgers 6-43, Jones 5-66, Douglas 2-29, Dallas 3 7 0 1 0 — 20 Coffman1-11, Dr.Davis 1-6, Snelling 1-5, Palmer Cincinnati 10 3 6 0 — 19 1-4. Carolina: SSmith7-109, Murphy5-36, Olsen First Quarter 4-55, Tolbert3-18, D.Wiliams2-56, A.Edwards 1-7, Dal — FGBailey37, 8.36.
The emotional scene that roiled Kansas City in the wake of Belcher's murder-suicide a week earlier shifted to Cincinnati, where the Cowboys arrived Saturday night to complete preparations before Sunday's kickoff against the Bengals.
the real strengths and weaknesses of some until it's too late. Everybody Continued from 01 dealS with that knOWledge Lk their All this happened little more than own way. "But if you're going to play," Reeves three years after Brent was sentenced to probation and 60 days in said finally. "I don't know any other jail in a plea agreement following his way to honor that person than to play drunken driving arrest while playing as hard as you can." football at the University of Illinois, The emotional scene that roiled where he and Brown were teamKansas City in the wake of Belcher's mates as well. murder-suicide a week earlier shifted That it happened just a week afto Cincinnati, where the Cowboys ter Kansas City l inebacker Jovan arrived Saturday night to complete Belcher shot his girlfriend to death, preparations before Sunday's kickoff then drove to the Chiefs' training faagainst the Bengals. cility and took his own life with the The team cut short its regular twosame gun, raised questions about the squad guys, that you're trying to keep hour meeting and made sure counleague's responsibility to the young an eye on. And both the league and selors were on hand to speak to playmen it empowers and enriches — in the team invest an awful lot of time ers afterward. But when owner Jerry some cases,almost overnight. and money trying to educate them Jones spoke with a Fox interviewer "I don't know that anybody has the about the opportunities and pitfalls outside the locker room shortly beanswer, to be honest. They're human that are set out in front of them.... fore the game, his eyes were rimmed "But no matter what you do, some red and he spoke haltingly about beings, kids in most of the cases like this, and they're going to make mis- are going to believe the bad stuff will Brown. "Our team loved him. They certakes," said Dan Reeves, who played never happen to them. And teams seven years for the Cowboys before spend so much time together, they tainly are COnSCiOuS Of him aytd Want launching an NFL coaching career become like families. It's easy to get his family to know and have as much that included four stops over four lulled into thinking you know which of them as they can give. At the same decades. ones need a pat on the back and time," he added, "they know that one "As a coach, you've got more than which ones a kick in the behind. Yet of the best things they can do for him 50 players, if yo u c ount practice this shows we don't always learn and his memory is to come to the
Dal — Murray I run(Bailey kick), 10:33. Cin — FGBrown33,3.24. Third Quarter Cin FGBrown25,922 Cin — FGBrown52,6:45. Fourth Quarter Dal — Bryant 27 passfrom Romo(Bailey kick), 6:35. Dal — FGBailey 40,:00. A—63,590. Dal Cin 20 19 2 88 33 6 24-49 20-146 2 39 19 0
First downs TotalNetYards Rushes-yards Passing PuntRetums KickoffReturns InterceptionsRet.
2-4 I +3)
Comp-Att-Int Sacked-Yards Lost Punts
Fumbles-Lost Penalties-Yards Time ofPossession
1 -14 3 - 6 5 1-37 1-0 25 43-1 20-33 1 3 -29 5 - 16 5-33.0 3-45.3 0-0 0-0 6 -49 870 30:11 29:49
INDIVIDUALSTATISTICS RUSHING —Dallas: Murray21-53, FJones2 7, Bryant1-(minus11).Cincinnati: Green-Ellis 12-89, M.Jones1-37,Leonard6-20, Oalton1-0. PASSING —Dallas: Romo 25-43-1-268. Cincinnati: Dalton20-33-1-206. RECEIVING —Dallas: Witten4-62, Bryant4-50, Austin 4-46,Murray4-22, Harris3-33, Ogletree2-28, Vickers 2-18,Dunbar1-6, Hanna1-3. Cincinnati: Hawkins6-44, Gresham4 43, M.Jones3 45, Green 3-44 Green-Ellis 3-13,Charles1-17. MISSEDFIELDGOALS—None.
Vikings 21, Bears14 Chicago Minnesota
NYG —Wilson97 kickoff retum(Tyneskick), 9:25. NYG— Benneg6passfrom Manning(Tyneskick),
Cin — FGBrown25,1:39.
Hom e 4- 1 -0 3- 4 -0 3- 3 -0 3- 3 -0
RECEIVING —San Diego: Alexander 7 88, Spurlock7-64, Gates3-31, Floyd 3-10, Brown1-7. Pittsburgh: Wallace7-112,Miler 5-66, A.Brown435, Dwyer3-18,Sanders2-36, Burress1-18. MISSEDFIELD GOALS— None.
L 3 7 8 8
SecondQuarter SD — Alexander39passfromRivers(Novakkick),
First downs Total Net Yards Rushes-yards Passing PuntReturns KickoffReturns InterceptionsRet. Comp-Att-Int Sacked-YardsLost Punts Fumbles-Lost Penalties-Yards Time ofPossession
Chargers 34, Steelers 24 San Diego
Cin — Hawkins 8 passfrom Dalton (Brownkick),
Sunday's Games
0 7 0 14 0 7
7 — 14 0 — 21
First Quarter Min — Peterson1run(Walshkick),11:53. Min — Peterson1 run(Walsh kick), 8:42. SecondQuarter Chi Jeffery 23 passfrom Cutler (Gouldkick),
Third Quarter Min — Smith 56 interception return (Walshkick),
Fourth Quarter Chi — Marshall 16 pass trom Campbell (Gould kick), 1:48. A 64,134.
SecondQuarter NO — FGHartley32,9.46. NO — FGHartley25,1:57. NYG —Hixon 5 passfrom Manning (Tyneskick), :20. Third Quarter NYG —Wilson6 run(Tyneskick),13:04. NYG —Nicks 25passlromManning (Tyneskick), 8:13. NO—Sproles13run(Hartley kick), 7:21. NO Sproles 9 passfromBrees(Hartley kick), I:51. Fourlh Quarler NYG —Cruz10 passfrom Manning (Tyneskick), 14:20. NYG —FGTynes39,10:19. NYG —Wilson52 run(Tyneskick), 5:10. A—81,437. First downs Total NetYards Rushes-yards Passing PuntReturns KickoffReturns Interceptions Ret. Comp-Att-Int Sacked-YardsLost Punts Fumbles-Lost Penalties-Yards Time ofPossession
NO NYG 22 24 487 394 24-142 27-135 345 259 2 -5 21 9 8-149 6-287 2 -85 2 - 91 26-43-2 22-35-2 1-9 0-0 4-50.5 3-38.7 2-2 0-0 1 0-81 6 - 55 30:18 29:42
INDIVIDUALSTATISTICS RUSHING —New Orleans: Ingram 13-68, Sp roles 5-56,PThomas5-19, BreesI-(minus I). N.Y. Giants: Wilson 13-100,Bradshaw11-33, Hynoski 1-5 Manning2-(minus3) PASSING —New Orleans: Brees 26-43-2-354. N.Y. Giants: Manning 22-35-2-259. RECEIVING —New Orleans: PThomas 7-57, Graham 5-56, Colston 4-61,Sproles4-28, Morgan2106, Collins2-9, Moore1-26,Henderson1-11 N.Y. Giants: Cruz8-121,Bennett5-32, Nicks4-67,Hixon 3-30, Hynoski2-9. MISSEDFIELDGOALS—N.Y. Giants: Tynes 36 (WL).
Seahawks58, Cardinals 0 Arizona Seattle
0 0 0 0 — 0 10 28 13 7 — 58
First Quarter Sea—FGHauschka31,9:59. Sea—Lynch20run (Hauschkakick), 2:04. SecondQuarter Sea —Lynch4run (Hauschkakick),14:53. Sea Sherman19 interception return (Hauschka kick), 10:12. Sea—Smith fumblerecovery in endzone(Hauschka kick),6:31. Sea—Miller 24passfromWilson(Hauschkakick),
Chi Min 22 17 4 38 24 8 18-118 38-171 320 77 :06 5-58 0-0 Third Quarter 4 -59 2 - 21 Sea—Lynch33run (Hauschkakick), 11:08. 1-0 2 -100 Sea—FGHauschka28,7:43. Comp-Att-Int 28-53-2 11-17-1 Sea—FGHauschka32,2:06. Sacked-Yards Lost 2 -4 1- 1 4 Fourlh Quarter Punts 6-37.5 7 45.7 Sea—Washington 3run(Hauschkakick), 2:32. Fumbles-Lost 1-0 2-0 A—67,685. Penalties-Yards 1 0-80 7 - 54 Time olPossession 31.42 28.18 A ri Se a First downs 10 22 INDIVIDUALSTATISTICS Total NetYards 1 54 49 3 RUSHING —Chicago: Forte13-85,Cutler 2-16, Rushes-yards 16-43 42-284 Campbell1-8, Bush1-6,Allen1-3. Minnesota: Pe- Passing 111 20 9 terson31-154Gerhart3-17,Ponder4-0. 2 -11 5 - 39 PuntReturns PASSING —Chicago: Cutler 22-44-2-260, KickoffReturns 9 -200 1 - 18 Campbell 6-9-0-64. Minnesota: Ponder11-17-1- InterceptionsRet. 1 -0 4 - 64 91. Comp-Att-Int 19-39-4 12-22-1 RECEIVING —Chicago: Marshall 10-160,Forte Sacked-YardsLost 3-22 1-7 6-34, Hester5-39, Jeffery 3-57, Davis3-25, Adams Punts 6-46.7 3-42.0 1-9. Minnesota: Jenkins4-36,Wright 2-29, Peter- Fumbles-Lost 5-4 0-0 son 2-16,Simpson1-13, Gerhart1-(minus1), Egison Penalties-Yards 9-79 1 0-97 1-(minus 2). Time ofPossession 25:33 34:27 MISSEDFIELDGOALS—None. INDIVIDUALSTATISTICS RUSHING —Arizona: Poweg5-20, Wells 6-18,
First downs TotalNetYards Rushes-yards Passing PuntReturns KickoffReturns InterceptionsRet.
Packers 27, Lions 20
7 7 3 3 — 20 0 10 7 10 — 27 First Quarler Det — Stalford 4run(Hanson kick), 7:16.
Detroit Green Bay
Det — Schetler 3passfromStaford (Hansonkick), 12.47.
GB — FGCrosby49,10:52. GB — Daniels 43 fumble return (Crosby kick), 6:15. Third Quarter GB — Rodgers27run (0rosby kick), 11:54. Det — FGHanson46,857 Fourth Quarter GB — Harris14 run(Crosbykick),10.45. GB FG Crosby 41, 4:02. Det — FGHanson34,:07. A—70,382.
Stephens-How ing2-5, Skelton2-2, Lindley1-(minus 2). Seattle: Lynch11-128,Turbin20-108 Washington 7-38,Wilson3-12 Flynn1-(minus2). PASSING —Arizona: Skelton11-22-4-74, Lind-
ley 8-17-0-59. Seattle: Wilson 7-13-1-148, Flynn 5-9-0 68 RECEIVING —Arizona: Housler 7-36, Roberts 3-36, Floyd2-30, Poweg2-13, Doucet2-7, Peterson 1-7, Fitzgerald1-2, Stephens-Howling1-2 Seattle: McCoy3-105,Rice2-35, Baldwin2-29, Miller 2-29 Tate2-6, Robinson1-12. MISSEDFIELD GOALS— None.
49ers 27, DQlphins13
Miami 0 3 3 7 — 13 S an Francisco 0 6 7 14 — 2 7 SecondQuarter Mia — FGCarpenter 28,13.31. SF FG Akers30,8:00. Det GB SF — FGAkers37, 00. Flrst downs 27 15 Third Quarter TotalNetYards 3 86 28 8 SF — Gore1run (Akerskick),11:17. Rushes-yards 32-135 25-140 Mia — FGCarpenter 53, 6:53. Passing 251 148 Fourlh Quarler PuntRetums 0 -0 1- 1 3 SF — Dixon1run(Akerskick),14:27. KickoffReturns 4 -81 4 - 88 Mia — F a sa no 3 passfrom Tannehil (Carpenter InterceptionsRet. 0 -0 1 - 32 kick), 7:55. Comp-Att-Int 27-45-1 14-24-0 SF — Kaepernlck50run (Akersklck), 2:10. Sacked-Yards Lost 1 -13 3 - 25 A—69,732. Punts 2-35.0 3-44.3 Fumbles-Lost 1-1 2-1 Mia SF Penalties-Yards 5 -55 7 - 50 First downs 17 20 Time ofPossession 37;14 2 2'46 Total NetYards 227 321 22-94 28-155 Rushes-yards INDIVIDUALSTATISTICS 1 33 16 6 RUSHING —Detroit: Leshoure 14-49, Bell 12- Passing PuntReturns 2 -10 1 - 12 49,Thomas 2-25,Staff ord 3-9,Logan 1-3.Green KickoffReturns 5 -153 3 - 79 Bay: Green13-69, Rodgers 3-32, Harris 7-31,Grant Interceptions 0-0 0-0 Ret. 1-13 Kuhn1-(minus5). Comp-Att-Int 17-33-0 18-23-0 PASSING —Detroit: Stafford 27-45-1-264. Sacked-YardsLost 2 -17 4 - 19 Green Bay:Rodgers14-24-0-173. Punts 3-47.3 4-48.3 RECEIVING —Detroit: C.Johnson 10-118, Bel Fumbles-Lost 3-1 1-0 5-47, Durham 4-54, Heller 4-21, Scheftler 3-20, Loties-Yards 5 -43 6 - 45 gan 1-4. GreenBay: Cobb7-102, Ja.Jones2-27, Penal Time ofPossession 29:28 3 0:32 Finley 2-16,G.Jennings1-27, Boykin 1 4,Green1(minus 3) INDIVIDUALSTATISTICS MISSED FIELDGOALS—Detroit: Hanson 51 RUSHING —Miami: Bush14-65,Tannehi03-25, (SH).GreenBay: Crosby51(WL). Thomas 2-3, L.Miger 3-1.San Francisco: Gore1263, Kaepernick6-53,James8-30, Dixon2-9. PASSING —Miami: Tannehi117-33-0-150 San Giants 52, Saints 27 Francisco: Kaepernick18-23-0-185. RECEIVING —Miami: Bess 5-50, Bush 5-38, New Orleans 7 6 14 0 — 2 7 Harthne2-34, Fasano2-9, Matthews1-8, L.Miger 1-8, Clay1-3.SanFrancisco: Crabtree9-93, Moss N.Y. Giants 14 7 14 17 — 62 First Quarler 2-30, Gore 2-22, Milier 2-1,Waiker1-20,James1-15, NO — Mack 73 interception return (Hartleykick), V.Davis1-4. 9.38. MISSEDFIELDGOALS—None.
game today, is go out and play well." How the NFL responds to this latest tragedy remains to be seen. Earlier this summer, cognizant of both the rising number of domestic violence and DUI incidents involving players, Commissioner Roger Goodell pledged to address both problems. "We are going to do some things to combat this problem because some of the numbers on DUIs and domestic violence are going up and that disturbs me," he told CBS Sports. "When there's a pattern of mistakes, something has got to change." In several important ways, player conduct has already improved significantly since Goodell took over from Paul Tagliabue. In 2006, Goodell's first season, 68 playerswere arrested for crimes more severe than a traffic violation. Since then, arrests for crimes including domestic violence, drunken driving and gun possession are down 40 percent. Yet, as Goodell noted, the number of incidents in the last year have climbed at an alarming rate — according to one study, 21 of the league's 32 teams had at least one player charged
with domestic violence or sexual assault — and the tragedies involving players on successive weekends has already prompted accusations that the league isn't doing nearly enough. On Saturday in Kansas City, a dozen members of the Chiefs' organization attended a memorial service for Kasandra Perkins. Among them was general manager Scott Pioli, whom Belcher spoke with in the parking lot of the Chiefs facility to thank before turning the gun on himself. A day later, just as the Chiefs did against the Panthers last Sunday, the Cowboys rallied to win their game against the Bengals. The team has already canceled its annual Christmas party, scheduled for Monday at Cowboys Stadium, and instead began planning a memorial service for Brown. "From here on, they're in uncharted waters," Reeves said. "No one can point the best way forward. I was lucky in that sense: We never had to deal with the nightmare of losing a friend and teammate. One thing I'm certain of, though — it's going to haunt some of them for a long time to come."
cI Ions wl e
anzie 's eisman encore By Ralph D. Russo The Associated Press
NEW YORK — Heisman Trophy history suggests it will never getbetter for Johnny Manziel than it did this season. In the 78-year history of the Heisman, only one player has one more than one: Ohio State's Archie Griffin in 1974 and '75. But even if another Heisman is not in Johnny Football's his future, there's still plenty left for Johnny Football and Texas AacM to achieve before he'sdone in College Station, Texas. "First and foremost, there's the Cotton Bowl," Manziel s aid Saturday n i ght. T h e 10th-ranked Aggies play No. 12 Oklahoma in Dallas on Jan. 4. "From there, I have to be the guy who starts the motor for a run at the national title next year. That's our goal. If more awards come, they come." That goal doesn't seem farfetched at all after the Aggies' scintillating first season playing in the Southeastern Conference. Manziel was joined on stage at his post-ceremony news conference by coach Kevin Sumlin and AacM offensive c o ordinator K l i ff Kingsbury, the former star quarterback at Texas Tech. M anziel turned 2 0 t h i s week. Kingsbury is 33. Sumlin is 48. It's not hard to look at them and see the future of the SEC. Especially after the Aggies went 10-2 this season and left no doubt that their fast-paced, spread offense would not sputter in the big bad SEC. Texas A & M ave r aged 552 yards per game and 44 points. M a n ziel s m a shed
There's only so much defenses can do to hem in Manziel, who is a master of making something out of nothing. But football is a game of adjustments. Defenses will s earch for ways to rein in Johnny Football. S umlin's r esponse might b e t o g e t his running backs more involved. The Aggies figure to have a stable of good ones next season. Manziel could be as good or better next season, but not be able to put up those same video-game numbers. It's a common tale in HeisDave Elnsel /The Associated Press Texas A&M's Johnny Manziel, picturedin September during a man history. BYU's Ty Detmer won the game against Florida, won the Heisman Trophy on Saturday. award as a junior in 1990, but finished a distant third Cam Newton's total offense cause the defense was close, behind Desmond Howard in record with 4,600 yards pass- and (Manziel would) come 1991. "The hard part's winning it ing and rushing. over ... spike the ball, 'God! "You look what our offense T hey w o uldn't h a v e g o t againbecausethe expectation me.' I'm like, 'OK, Johnny, level goes up," Detmer said did this year. People didn't r eally think t hat w e w e r e sure they wouldn't have got earlier this week. "I felt like going to have mush success you.' Come to find out they my senior year I was a much in the SEC. They said these wouldn't have got him." better player than my junior smashmouth, hard-nose deP otentially, Texas A & M year.Smarter, less turnovers. Didn't have as good a stats, fenses and this gimmick of- will have many of its best fense ... won't work. pieces in place next season. but I felt like I was a better "For us to come into AlaR eceiver Mike Evans is a player my senior year. But the bama and some of the other freshman, too, and has future expectations were different." games and really stress tem- first-round draft pick w r i tE xpectations will by sk y high in College Station next po, tempo, tempo. We want to ten all over him. Texas A&M move fast. We want to make has an offensive line that ri- season. The move to the SEC, people uncomfortable. That vals Alabama's with two stud hiring Sumlin and the second was our main goal this year. tackles in Luke Joeckel and Heisman in the history of the Our offense with coach Sum- Jake Matthews. Both of those program — and first since lin and what coach Kingsbury big boys are juniors. The first- John David Crow in 1957did, I love it. I love everything round of the NFL draft could have Aggies' hopes soaring. "The award for the proabout it. It's definitely some- await — Joeckel is being prot hing that can work if y ou jected as a top-10 pick. Get- gram is huge," Sumlin said. have the right people in place ting them back to College Sta- "There's a lot of p rograms for it." tion for another year will be out there that don't have one. K ingsbury said h e a n d tough. But if Aggies fans are It took a long time for Texas Sumlin didn't quite realize allowed to dream, there's no A8 M to get to two." what they had i n M a nziel reason why A&M's offense Maybe Manziel can buck can't be even better next sea- the trends again and A8 M early on. "All spring coach Sumlin son. Even if Manziel's num- won't have to wait so long to would blow the whistle be- bers aren't. add a third.
Perry, O'Hair hang on for Shootout win The Associated Press NAPLES, Fla. — Kenny Perry and Sean O'Hair birdied five of the last six holes to win the Franklin Templeton Shootout on Sunday. The 52-year-old Perry became the oldest player to win the Shootout, and also won for the third time with a different partner. He won with John Huston in 2005 and Scott Hoch in 2008. Perry joins Steve Elkington, Fred Couples, Brad Faxon and Scott McCarron with three Shootout wins; Elkington and Couples also won with three different partners. "All three have been different," Perry said of his Shootout victories. "John and I were pretty even partners, and then the year Scott and I won, I played fantastic that week.... This year, my roles have been reversed, and I was complementing Sean." "I think that was kind of the best thing about this was just we had a ton of fun, just like being a kid enjoying what you're doing," O'Hair said. Rory Sabbatini and Charles Howell III made a charge on the back nine that included an eagle on a par-4 but finished one stroke back at 30-under 186. They had a 15-under 57 in the scramble format in the final round on the Gold Course at Tiburon Golf Club. "We played really well and gave ourselves a lot of opportunities," Sabbatini said. "We put a good number up there and that's all we can really do. We had a lot of fun and Charles hit the ball fantastically." Jason Dufner an d V i j ay S ingh finished third a t 2 8 under. Perry and O'Hair became the s eventh s e cond-round leaders to go on to win t he t ournament in t h e p ast 12 years. While other teams were
Crook County sent an earlyseason message thi s p a st Continued from 01 weekend with its runner-up Athlete of the week:Crook County sophomore WEDNESDAY The Sisters girls have also performance at t h e C o ast wrestler Trayton Libolt went 5-0 Friday and Redmondat Ridgeview doysbasketdall, 7 p.m.: turned heads early this sea- Classic in North Bend. Only Saturday at the Army Strong CoastClassic in Ridgeview at Redmond girls basketball, 7 p.m.: son with their 4-0 start. The Roseburg, the three-time deNorth Bend and won the 113-pound bracket. The basketball rivalry begins for Redmond's two Class 4A O u t l aws t o pped fending 6A state champion, The Coast Classic, a 33-team invitational, is high schools. three 5A t eams last w eek outscored the C owboys at historically one of the strongest wrestling in Summit, Redmond and what, aside from the Reser's tournaments in Oregon. FRIDAY Eugene's Churchill. Senior Tournament of Champions, Gontest of the week:With four players scoring in Pendleton at Mountain View boys basketball, 7 do-everything guard Taylor is usually the toughest alldouble figUres, new Ridgeview High in Redmond p.m.: TheCougarslooktostayundefeatedwhen Nieri, who became the pro- classification tournament in posted the first girls basketball victory in program they play their former Intermountain Conference gram's all-time leading scor- Oregon. history Saturday, a 69-42 rout of Sweet Home. foes,whowon20games lastseason. er in the Outlaws' 46-39 win S ophomore T r ayton L i Chloe Ross paced the Ravens with15 points. over Redmond on Wednes- bolt rolled to the 113-pound SATURDAY d ay, an d R e d mond H i g h title, one of 10 Crook County Adrian Irwin Memorial Tournament(wrestling) transfer C assidy E d w ards placers at the 33-team North at RidgeviewHigh inRedmond, all day: Most of give Sisters a legitimate 1-2 Bend event. The C owboys Central Oregon's wrestling teams will be at this scoring punch. showed off their depth over two-dayeventatRedmond's new high school. T he Outlaws look t o b e the weekend as their junior The tournament, which in years past wasstaged t ested i n t h e i r n e x t t w o v arsity took second at t h e at Mountain View High in Bend, will feature 32games. They play at Madras Culver Tournament with five wrestler brackets at eachweight class. on Tuesday before playing wrestlers winning their reFriday against Gladstone, a spective consolation brackteam that brings all but two ets. W it h t e a m s a l l owed players back from its 2011-12 to take tw o w r e stlers per to equal orsurpass last sea- The swim season also got boys and girls squads posted son's school-record 22 state under way last week, and impressive early swims. The team that won 18 games. weight class to their regional O n th e w r e s tling m a t , meets, Crook County hopes qualifiers. not surprisingly, Summit's two teams combined to win
before being led to his ring stool. He blew his nose and Continued from 01 stared vacantly ahead as the When it comes to Pacquiao pro-Marquez crowd of 16,348 and Marquez, four fights may screamed in excitement. not be enough. He was taken to the hospi"If you give us a chance, tal for a precautionary brain we'll fight again," Pacquiao scan, then went to his hotel said. "I was just starting to suite, where he ate with wife feel confident and then I got Jinkee and his entourage and careless." watched a replay of the fight Indeed, the case could be to see what went wrong. "Spoiler alert," P acquiao made that Pacquiao was on the verge of a big win himself said as the fight played on the when Marquez landed the TV. "I don't think you are gopunch that sent him falling ing to like how this ends." face firston the canvas. He His countrymen in the Philhad come back from a third ippines certainly didn't. The r ound knockdown t o d r o p country came to a standstill Marquez in the fifth and was as it usually does when its landing big left hands that hero fights, and forthe second broke and bloodied the Mexi- fight in a row they were bitcan's nose. terly disappointed. After three fights that all In t h e s o u thern r e gion went the distance, both fight- where the boxer and congressers had vowed to be more ag- man lives, some survivors of a gressive in their fourth meet- powerful typhoon that killed ing. Pacquiao ended up paying more than 600 people this the price for it when he tried to week watched on a big TV close the sixth round with a screen in agym that serves flurry, a big mistake against as anemergency shelterin the a counterpuncher who drew town of New Bataan. " People were r eally d i shim into his sights. "I knew Manny could knock mayed," t ow n s p o kesman me out at any time," Marquez Marlon Esperanza said. "It said. "I threw t h e p e rfect was like they were hit by anpunch." other typhoon." Pacquiao, who hadn't been What Marquez hit Pacquiao stopped in a fight since 1999 in with might have seemed alThailand when he was a 112- most as powerful. Pacquiao pounder, took several minutes had dropped Marquez four to come around on the canvas times in their first three fights,
but Marquez had never put him down before he landed a big right hand in the third round for h i s f i r s t k n ockdown. The power was sure to raise questions about the new
bulked-up physique Marquez has at the age of 39, which he said came from hard work under a strength conditioner who once provided steroids to Marion Jones and other track stars. Still, it was a career-defining moment for Marquez, who believes he was robbed by the judges in his first three fights with Pacquiao. The two fought to a draw eight years ago at 125 pounds and Pacquiao was awarded close decisions in the other two fights. It was clear there would be no need for the judges on this night, which might have been good for Marquez since he was losing by one point on all three scorecards when he
landed his big punch. T he onl y q u estion w a s which fighter would end the night on the canvas. It turned out to be Pacquiao, who lost a controversial decision in his last fight to Timothy Bradley and who many in boxing believe is showing the wear of 17 years in the ring. For any other fighter the knockout loss might be the end, but Pacquiao showed no sign afterward that he was
willing to call it quits on his remarkable career and return to hisother job as a congressman in the Philippines. Trainer Freddie Roach said the decision won't be an easy one. "I said if he is back in the gym and I see signs of him declining I'll tell him to retire, but if I don't see that I won't tell him to retire," Roach said. "I'd love to get a rematch, but is that the best move right away? Should we try him out in a softer fight first'? There is a lot of things we have to think about. It's very complicated, and it's not going to be overnight." One thing the stunning loss did do was scuttle, perhaps forever, what would have been the richest fight in boxing history. With Pacquiao now dam-
making charges at them, and sometimes briefly c atching them, they had fewer holes left to play than Perry and O'Hair. "I knew they were going to probably catch up to us at s ome point, but I k new w e had holes to catch back up to them," Perry said. "You can't really get too far ahead of yourself out there in that field. You just kind of p lay each hole." Also on Sunday: Schwartzel wins by11 shots CHON BURI, ThailandCharl Schwartzel shot a 7-under 65 for the third time at the Thailand Golf Championship,
wrapping up a dominating victory by 11 shots. Schwartzel led from the first round and never slowed down, finishing with a 25-under total of 263 at the Amata Spring Country Club for the South African's first victory since last year's Masters. This year's Masters winner, Bubba Watson, also shot a 65 to finish in a tie for distant second with Thai golfer Thitiphun Chuayprakong, who finished with a 70. Senior wins Australian Open SYDNEY — Peter Senior won the Australian Open by one stroke, overcoming severe weather conditions that forced a three-hour suspension because ofgale-force winds. The 5 3-year-old regular o n t h e U.S. Champions Tour shot an even-par 72 in the final round at The Lakes. Fellow Australian Brendan Jones was second after a 71.
Jamieson triumphs in S.Africa D URBAN, South A f r i c a — Scotland's Scott Jamieson won his first European Tour title, beating England's Steve Webster and Spain's Eduardo de la Riva in a playoff after the Nelson Mandela Championship was reduced to a 36-hole event because of rain.
nine events a t S a t urday's North B e n d Inv i t ational, where the Storm boys placed first and the Summit g i rls took fourth. Central Oregon's alwayscompetitive nordic and alpine ski teams are also gearing up for the 2013 season. While the Oregon High School Nordic Organization in which Bend High, Summit, Redmond and Sisters participate holds its first event this Saturday at Virginia Meissner Sno-park, the bulk of the OHSNO season and all of the Oregon Interscholastic Ski Racing Association and Oregon School Ski Association races will be staged in the new year. The O ISRA nordic d i v ision a s well as the OSSA, the organization of choice for Central Oregon alpine teams, kick off their seasons on Jan. 5. — Reporter: 541-383-0305;
from both fighters and pro- thing is for sure. moter Bob Arum were any On this night, one huge right indication, he and Marquez hand from Marquez changed will more than likely fight for everything. a fifth time. There's too much m oney to b e h a d an d t h e fighter in Pacquiao will surely Providing unparalled want a chance at redemption. service across a variety of That will b e a h o t t o pic of discussion in the months industries since 1983. ahead. For now, though, one
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aged goods, any fight against Floyd Mayweather Jr. would be fought for a lot less money and generate a lot less interest than if it had happened with Pacquiao still on his winning streak and still in his prime. Pacquiao's career may not be over. If postfight comments
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FIELDER'S CHOICE CARD Greot Gift for theBaseball Fan! Buy nowandgel 4 FRE EGA Ticketslo a 2013 BendElksGame.
Photos by joe Kline i The Bulletin
Fans cheer as Katerlna Nash navigates a hill in the elite women's race at the U.S. Gran Prix of Cyclocross Deschutes Brewery Cup on Sunday in Bend. At right, a spectator holds a birthday cake; it was Nash's 35th birthday. Nash won the race.
Compton had won the first six USGP races of 2012 but has
Continued from 01 That was 15 seconds faster than Trebon and 19 seconds better than another Bend resident, Adam Craig, who also placed third on Saturday. "I kind of heard that I had a little bit of the gap and I just hit the gas really hard," Johnson, 35, explained about his decisive move. "At that point in therace, everyone's kind of a little bit suffering, and you can kind of squeeze people a little bit and they might give up. And that's kind of what
been racing in Europe.
happened." As for Trebon, first- and second-place fi nishes over t he weekend allowed h i m to maintain second place in the USGP overall standings (273 points). He finished as runner-up to an absent Jeremy Powers (284 points), who had his third straight USGP title wrapped up before the weekend's racing even began. Johnson, whom Trebon nipped by just a second in Saturday's, wound up third in the series standings with 242 points. Though Trebon, 31, is not a stranger to racing in Bend, this was his first Deschutes Brewery Cup. In 2011, Trebon missed out on racing in his hometown when he injured a knee at the prior USGP stop. "I'm glad to be able to race this weekend," said Trebon, a two-time cyclocross national champion. "Last year was a bummer, just being injured. I had a good time and I'm looking forward to coming back here. I want to get more races here in town." C raig, a m o u ntain b i k e specialist, was similarly upbeat after his two consecutive third-place finishes. Those results bumped him to eighth in the USGP series standings. In fact, "stoked and surprised" was how the 2008 mountain bike O l y m pian d e s cribed himself after Sunday's post-
Tlmothy Johnson celebrates on hls way to the finish line in the U.S. Gran Prix of Cyclocross Deschutes Brewery Cup men's elite race on Sunday in Bend. Johnson won the race. race press conference. "I basically have trained less and raced more this fall, and I think it's worked out pretty good," the 30-year-old Craig said. "I took the last couple weekends off and got some time to kind of catch the body up a little bit.... But racing in a hometown's sweet, t oo. You always got to t r y just a touch harder when you know a bunch of folks." On the women's side, Katerina Nash went back to back in Bend for the second year in a row. The Czech Republic rider celebrated her 35th birthday i n g r an d f a shion, turning back Luna Pro Team teammate Georgia Gould for the second consecutive day. Nash, the 2 011 cyclocross world championships bronze medalist, covered the six-lap women's course in 46:19, 24 seconds ahead of Gould and 49 seconds ahead of Frenchwoman Caroline Mani, who turned in her best two results of the USGP series in Bend. "It's not just the win, it was just the atmosphere along the course that was spectacular," Nash saidin reference to the scores ofcheering spectators who line much of the course circuit. "I mean, having so many people just yelling at
me, 'Happy birthday!' and then having all the cupcakes along the way and a cake at the finish ... it's quite overwhelming, and it really shows what a great family cyclocross fans are." Those cupcakes, Nash said she found out, were an idea hatched by her teammates, and she did take a couple of samples. But nothing seemed to alter her focus, as Nash took control of the race early and was not challenged. It was a return to form after a back injury slowed her earlier in the season. The 2011 USGP series champion, she missed the first four races of the 2012 series. "I had to take a little time
The USGP series win was the second in the past three seasons for Gould, the 2012 Olympic bronze medalist in mountain biking. This year, Gould also won the U.S. crosscountry mountain bike title and placed third at the world championships in Austria. "Every year," Gould said, "you kind of fine-tune stuff a nd you f i g ur e o u t w h a t works and you figure out what doesn't and you sort of build each year on the year before. ... And I think this year, we (she and coach Ben Ollett) just sort of nailed it with the right kind of training and the right amount of rest." In evidence of that consistency, though Gould did not win a USGP race this season, the only riders she lost to were Compton and Nash — two of the best in the world. "I've been very consistent, and I'm proud of that," Gould said. "That's something in my career that I'm sort of the most proud of, I guess, is just that I'm a very consistent rider." — Reporter: 541-383-0393,
INDOOR CYCLINGCLASSES: At Powered by Bowen, 143 S.W. Century Drive, Bend; limited to eight riders per class; classes are based on each rider's power output for an individual workout in a group setting; all classes 60 minutes in length except for on Saturdays (85 minutes) and Sundays (180 minutes, can choose to ride for any or all of the time during these sessions); at noon on Mondays; at 6:30 a.m., 9:30 a.m., 4:45 p.m. and 6 p.m. on Tuesdays; at 6:30 a.m., 9:30 a.m., noon and 5:30 p.m. on Wednesdays; at 6:30 a.m., noon, 4:45 p.m. and 6 p.m. on Thursdays; at 9:30 a.m. on Fridays; at 8:30 a.m.on Saturdays;at8 a.m. on Sundays; $18 or15 points on Power Pass per class;, 541-585-1500. FIX-A-FLAT CLINIC: Learn how to repair a punctured mountain- or road-bike tire; 10 a.m. Sundays; Sunnyside Sports, 930 N.W. Newport Ave., Bend; free; 541-382-8018. RESTORE PROPER MOVEMENT YOGA: Restorative yoga for busy athletes such as cyclists, runners and triathletes already training; no strength poses, just restorative yoga for active recovery; Mondays; 5:30 p.m.; Powered by Bowen, 143 S.W. Century Drive, Bend; 30 minutes per class; five points on Power Pass or $5 per class; 541-585-1500.
Redmond; course with fairways and paths, challenging run-ups and sandy sections; classes for men, women, masters, beginners, single speed, juniors and kids (age10 and younger); food, warm drinks and beer available for purchase; $20 plus two cans of food for adults, $10 plus two cans of food for juniors; shanejohnson©
RIDES TRINITY BIKES RIDE: Group road bike ride starting in Redmond at Trinity Bikes, 865 S.W. 17th St.; Mondays; 6 p.m.; somewhat casual pace; 541-923-5650. EUROSPORTSRIDE: Group road bike ride starting in Sisters from Eurosports, 182 E. Hood St.; Saturdays; check with the shop for start time; all riders welcome; 541-549-2471; www.eurosports. us. HUTCH'S NOON RIDE: Group road bike ride starting in Bend from Hutch's Bicycles eastside location, 820 N.E. Third St., at noon on Mondays, W ednesdays, Fridays;and from Hutch's west-side location, 725 N.W. Columbia St., at noon on Tuesdays, Thursdays; pace varies; 541-382-6248; www. HUTCH'S SATURDAYRIDE: Group road bike ride begins at10 a.m. Saturdays ln Bend from Hutch's Bicycles east-side location, 820 N.E. Third St.; approximately 40 miles; vigorous pace; 541-382-6248; www.
OUT OF TOWN MISC. MOVIE NIGHT ATMCMENAMINS: Thursday, Dec. 20; 9 p.m.; McMenamin's Old St. Francis School, Bend; "Shaun Palmer: The Miserable Champion," biographical film about the snowboarder/skier/mountain biker; fundraiser for Central Oregon Trail Alliance; prizes from Hutch's Bicycles;$5,cash only; age 21 and older; 541-385-8080;
RACES REDMOND GOLFCROSS: Saturday; 9 a.m.; Old Juniper Golf Cross, 835 Highway126,
USA CYCLINGCYCLO-CROSS NATIONALCHAMPIONSHIPS: Wednesday, Jan. 9-Sunday, Jan.13; Madison, Wis.; elite, age group, masters, juniors, collegiate and single speed divisions; online registration opens Wednesday; usacycling. org/2013/cyclo-cross-nationals. SOUTHERN BAJA,MEXICO, SINGLETRACKTOURS: Feb. 2-7 and Feb. 16-20; Baja, Mexico; includes four days of riding and five nights of accommodations, all meals and a Specialized full suspension bike rental; tours limited to12 riders; $925 (airfare not included); 541-3857002;
off, and I'm still doing (physical therapy) and kind of keeping an eye on it," Nash explained. "But at least I'm able to ride without pain, and it's a lot better." D espite m i s sin g t h o s e first four USGP races, Nash vaulted up to fourth in the series standings, just 16 points behind Julie Krasniak (196 points). With her two runnerup finishes and 308 points, Gould did just enough over the weekend to move past Katie Compton (300) for first place in the series standings.
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berg, of Bend, was one of six area riders to win a state title. The others were Andrew Sargent (masters men
• Central Oregonian wins state title: Steven Westberg rode to victory in the fixed gear class Dec.
A35+), Lance Haidet (junior men15-16), Cameron Beard (junior men13-14), Ivy Taylor (junior women 13-14) and Mary Skrzynski (masters women45+).
1 at a PsychoCross Series race in Eugenethat served as the Oregon Bicycle Racing Championships. West-
One Winter Winner One Spring Winner One SummerWinner
— l3ulletin staff report
One Fall Winner Giftcard will be activated at the beginning of its season. The winter gift card will beactivated on January 31,2013.
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Queensland Heeler Like new 26 cu. ft. white Frigidaire Gallery side 22LR revolver, 4" bbl, puppies 6 wks, 1st shots, wormed. $200 by side refrig. Was DON'T MISS THIS S/S, Charter Arms, ITEMS FORSALE 264-Snow RemovalEquipment ea. Just in time for $1000 new, sell for NIB, $375. Largest 3 Day Christmas! $450. 541-610-9579 201 - NewToday 265 - Building Materials 541-788-6365 GUN 8c KNIFE 541-639-7282 DO YOU HAVE 202- Want to buy or rent 266- Heating and Stoves M attress se t : t w i n .357 mag Rossi, lever SHOW French Bulldog puppies, SOMETHING TO 203- Holiday Bazaar & Craft Shows 267- Fuel and Wood poster head/footboard, adorable AKC B o rn Queensland Heelers action rifle, 20" bbl, NIB, Dec. 14-15-1 6 SELL 204- Santa's Gift Basket dresser with m i rror, 268- Trees, Plants & Flowers 10/18. Great Christ- standard & mini,$150 & $449. 541-788-6365 Portland Expo FOR $500 OR nice! Reduced to $300. 205- Free ltems 269- Gardening Supplies & Equipment mas present! Please up. 541-280-1537 or LESS? 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Top dollar paid for every Saturday! pies, purebred black 8 241 $700. 541-325-3376 attention getter in Gold/Silver.I buy by the Landseer puppies ready this your classified ad. Bicycles & 208 Estate, Honest Artist to go home in Feb. Born 541-385-5809. Find exactly what Elizabeth,541-633-7006 Nov 29th, $900-$1100. Accessories Pets 8 Supplies you are looking for in the Call Jill to come pick out Dryer, 3-yr old Admiral your puppy. $300 deWANTED: RAZORS, CLASSIFIEDS heavy duty, $ 1 0 0. The Bulletin recomDouble or singleposit. 541-279-6344 541-647-9051 mends extra caution edged, straight Cairn Terrier Stud Pomeranian - Happy, razors, shaving when purc h as- wanted for Cairn-Poo healthy, ou t g oing,GENERATE SOME exbrushes, mugs 8 ing products or serlitter in Bend. $100 or e~ smart pup, $300. Call citement i n you r scuttles, strops, vices from out of the pick of the litter. Must be o r text a f te r 9 a m , neighborhood! Plan a shaving accessories area. Sending cash, Women's 3-spd bike, 26" available between Becca, 541-279-4838 garage sale and don't whitewalls, new chrome & memorabilia. checks, or credit in12/7-12/12. Nicoleforget to advertise in Fair prices paid. f ormation may b e fenders, gel seat, basket, POODLE PUPS, AKC 541.788.3894 Call 541-390-7029 like new! $200 OBO. subjected to fraud. toys. Small, friendly, & classified! 541-385-5809. between 10 am-3 pm. 541-549-1157 For more i nformaloving! 541-475-3889 tion about an adverJust bought a new boat? tiser, you may call Sell your old one in the O r egon State classifieds! Ask about our the Attorney General's Super Seller rates! Office Co n s umer 541-385-5809 **: Protection hotline at Cavalier/Cocker Spaniel, mini. Will be under 10 WANT TO BUY: Trager 1-877-877-9392. lbs. $500. Ready now; smoker/ BBQ made in hold with deposit. Bulletin will Easy, flexible, and affordable cld packages Mt. An g el , OR. The gen ng Cent el 0 egon s nee tgle 541-241-4914.
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Edited by Will Shortz
ssAyn who wrote "Atlas 2 Brad of Shrugged" "Moneyball" s Ibuprofen brand 34 Bit of smoke ss ln the know to Zoom up syConcordes, t4 5-Across target e.g., for short ts U.S. 1's 4t More than a northern gulz terminus 42Secret stash ts "Alas!" 43 Huey's fellow nephews ty Fishing line 47 Dictation expert holder 49Yvette's "yes" ts Crime started with a match so "Lucy in the Sky With ts Gas in Diamonds" commercial subject, lights supposedly zo Wynken's cereal fishing buddies st Snap's mates 23 French friend ss Make over zs Poem whose completely title might start sy In base eight "To a ssGreat Salt Lake zs Brings in, as site money st "Well, did you 2l" zy Moe's slapstick pals sz Humiliate 32 Sound portion ss Big Apple of a broadcast neighborhood
T H A L I A 6 S T
s4 Burgundy or
Bordeaux ss "Spider-Man" star Maguire ss Threesome ... or a hint to this puzzle's theme
contents s Hitchcock thriller set in California 4Relate, as a story s Actress Blake s Shade in y Tool with a rotating handle s Privy to 9 "Stormy Weather" singer Horne zo Flip-flop, e.g. tt "The Gift of the Magi" writer for the Misbegotten" (O'Neill play) zs Tears apart zt Toy you can do tricks with zz Unlikely prom king 23 "There oughta be 24 Island next to Molokai zs Embarrassing sound when one bends over zs "Law 8 Order," e.g. so Jaguar or Impala st Quebec article ss Lumberjack's tool ss Path
Fuel & Wood
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wring central oeaonsne 907
Call The Bulletin Classifieds today and have Maschio 7-ft rotary tiller, SUPER TOP SOIL this attention getter in www.herehe virtually new, less than 5 Screened, soil & comyour classified ad. hrs. $7500 new; asking 541-385-5809. post m i x ed , no $5000. 541-421-3222 rocks/clods. High huWanted- paying cash mus level, exc. f or for Hi-fi audio & stu- flower beds, lawns, dio equip. Mclntosh, gardens, straight J BL, Marantz, D y s creened to p s o i l.Wanted: Irrigated farm naco, Heathkit, SanClean fill. Deground, under pivot irsui, Carver, NAD, etc. Bark. liver/you haul. riqation, i n C e n tral Call 541-261-1808 541-548-3949. OR. 541-419-2713 270
I Building Materials La Pine Habitat RESTORE Building Supply Resale Quality at LOW PRICES 52684 Hwy 97 541-536-3234
Lost 8 Found
Wheat Straw: Certified & Bedding Straw 8 Garden Straw;Compost.546-6171
Found Border Collie mix Wheat Straw in shed, 1-yr old (?) male on Hill- $2 bale. After 6 p.m. top of Juniper Canyon. 541-546-9821 Culver. 541-447-9866
Found Cat, young longhaired Siamese, vicinity 1st/Greenwood,
Open to the public . Prineville Habitat 11/25. 541-389-1740 ReStore Building Supply Resale FOUND gold wedding 1427 NW Murphy Ct. bank in North 541-447-6934 Albertson's p a r king Open to the public. lot. C a l l to ID 541-693-4063.
Farmers Column 10X20 STORAGE BUILDINGS for protecting hay, firewood, livestock etc. $1496 Installed. 541-617-1133. CCB ¹173684.
Heating & Stoves
NOTICE TO ADVERTISER Since September 29, 1991, advertising for used woodstoves has been limited to models which have been c ertified by the O r egon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) and the federal E n v i ronmental Protection A g e ncy (EPA) as having met smoke emission standards. A cer t ified w oodstove may b e identified by its certification label, which is permanently attached to the stove. The Bulletin will no t k n owingly accept advertising for the sale of uncertified woodstoves.
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Growing dealership seekFINANCEAND BUSINESS ing salespeople looking EMPLOYMENT 507 - Real Estate Contracts Symmetry Care Inc. for a performance-based 410 - Private Instruction is seeking a full time pay p l an, p o tential421 - Schools andTraining 514 -Insurance M ental Heal t h commissions of up to 454- Looking for Employment 528 - Loans andMortgages 35% equaling $100,000 Therapist. Respon470 Domestic & In-Home Positions 543 - StocksandBonds plus, Retirement Plan, sibilities inc l u de Paid Vacation, and a 476 - EmploymentOpportunities 558 - Business Investments working with clients med i cal 486 - Independent Positions 573 - Business Opportunities w ho h av e e m o - competitive benefit package. Looktional or psychologiing for a team player 476 528 cal difficulties. Expea positive attitude, r ience w it h d u a l with Employment Loans & Mortgages to operate with energy diagnosis treatment and to be customer serOpportunities a plus. Will serve as LOCAL MONEY:We buy wce onented. Will propnmary clinician for secured trustdeeds & vide training. adults adolescents Looking for your next note,some hard money Send resume' to: a nd c h ildren. A loans. Call Pat Kelley employee? bcrvhire@ 541-382-3099 ext.13. master's degree in a Place a Bulletin help b ehavioral field i s wanted ad today and required. Licensure reach over 60,000 or ability to receive The Bulletin readers each week. TURN THE PAGE 528 l icensure i s pr e - I Recommends extra Your classified ad For More Ads ferred. Salary range Loans & Mortgages caution when purwill also appear on begins at $41,000 The Bulletin chasing products or I a nnually an d i n - I services from out of which currently WARNING cludes an excellent I the area. Sending receives over 1.5 The Bulletin recombenefit pa c k age. c ash, checks, o r mends you use caumillion page views 573 Send resume and I credit i n f o rmation every month at tion when you proletter of interest to Business Opportunities no extra cost. vide personal be subjected to Cathy Sta u ffer, I may Bulletin Classifieds information to compaFRAUD. S ymmetry Ca r e , For more informanies offering loans or Get Results! Looking for your 3 48 W . Ad a m s, tion about an adverCall 385-5809 credit, especially next employee? Burns, OR 97702. those asking for ador place I tiser, you may call Place a Bulletin help Ph ¹ 541-573-8376. vance loan fees or the Oregon State your ad on-line at wanted ad today and Position open until I Attorney General's companies from out of reach over 60,000 filled. Office C o n sumer s state. If you have readers each week. Protection hotline at l concerns or quesYour classified ad tions, we suggest you I 1-877-877-9392. will also appear on consult your attorney Tick, Tock Where can you find a LTl~e B bendbulletin com iilletip g or call CONSUMER which currently rehelping hand? Tick, Tock... HOTLINE, ceives over 1.5 mil1-877-877-9392. From contractors to ...don't let time get lion page views yard care, it's all here every month at away. Hire a BANK TURNED YOU no extra cost. in The Bulletin's Garage Sales DOWN? Private party professional out Bulletin Classifieds "Call A Service will loan on real esGarage Sales Get Results! Call of The Bulletin's tate equity. Credit, no Professional" Directory 385-5809 or place "Call A Service problem, good equity Garage Sales your ad on-line at is all you need. Call Professional" now. Oregon Land Remember.... Find them Directory today! Mortgage 388-4200. A dd your we b a d in dress to your ad and The Bulletin readers on The Independent Contractor Bulletin' s web site Classifieds will be able to click through automatically 541-385-5809 to your site.
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Press Supervisor The Bulletin is seeking a night time press supervisor. We are part of Western Communications, Inc., which is a small, family-owned group consisting of seven newspapers, five in Oregon and two in California. Our ideal candidate will manage a small crew of three and must be able to learn our equipment/processes quickly. A hands-on style is a requirement for our 3 l/2 tower KBA press. Prior management/leadership experience preferred. In addition to our 7-day a week newspaper, we have numerous 541-385-5809 commercial print clients as well. In addition to a competitive wage and benefit program, we also Executive Director provide potential opportunity for advancement. If you provide dependability combined with a www.lakecountyc S e n d positive attitude, are able to manage people and cover letter 8 resume schedules and are a team player, we would like to hear from you. If you seek a stable work ento: No phone or in person vironment that provides a great place to live and inquiries please. sal- raise a family, let us hear from you. Contact either; Keith Foutz, Corporate Circulation & Opary DOE erations Director at or with y our Get your complete resume, references and salary history/requirements. Prior press room experibusiness ence required. No phone calls please. Drug test is required prior to employment. EOE
FOUND on river trail camera memory card. Wanted: Irrigated farm Heritage Bay n atural I'd like to return your ground, under pivot irgas fireplace insert, memories. rigation, in C e ntral 4 0,000Btu/HR, e x c . 541-382-4773 OR. 541-419-2713 cond., Can convert to r4. +4 ~ ~ .4 propane, $500. 541-728-1123.
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recommends payment for Firewood only upon delivery and inspection. • A cord is 128 cu. ft.
The Bulletin
Piano, Steinway Model 0 Baby Grand 1911, gorgeous, artist quality instrument w/great All Year Dependable action 8 S t einway'sFirewood: Split, Del. Lod g epole, warm, rich sound. Will Bend. adorn any living room, Pine: 1 for $180 or 2 church or music stu- for $350. Cash, Check dio perfectly. New re- or Credit Card OK. tail $69,000. Sacri- 541-420-3484. fice at $26,000 OBO, DRY JUNIPER $185/ call 541-383-3150. split, or $165 rounds per cord. Delivered. Call 541-977-4500 or Misc. Items 541-678-1590 Buying Diamonds Call The Bulletin At /Gotd for Cash 541-385-5809 Saxon's Fine Jewelers 541-389-6655 Place Your Ad Or E-Mail At: BUYING Lionel/American Flyer 269 trains, accessories.
in Bend 541-382-3537
• Receipts should include name, phone, price and kind of wood purchased. • Firewood ads MUST include species and cost per cord to better serve our customers.
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4' x 4' x 8'
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REMEMBER: If you have lost an animal, don't forget to check The Humane Society
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RENTALS 603 - Rental Alternatives 604 - Storage Rentals 605 - RoommateWanted 616- Want ToRent 627-Vacation Rentals& Exchanges 630- Rooms for Rent 631 - Condos &Townhomes for Rent 632 - Apt./MultiplexGeneral 634 - Apt./Multiplex NEBend 636 - Apt./Multiplex NWBend 638 - Apt./Multiplex SEBend 640 - Apt./Multiplex SWBend 642 - Apt./Multiplex Redmond 646 - Apt./Multiplex Furnished 648 - Houses for RentGeneral 650 -Houses for Rent NEBend 652- Housesfor RentNWBend 654- Housesfor RentSEBend 656- Housesfor Rent SWBend 658 - Houses for Rent Redmond 659 - Houses for Rent Sunriver 660 - Houses for Rent LaPine 661 - Houses for Rent Prineville 662 - Houses for Rent Sisters 663 - Houses for Rent Madras 664 -Houses for RentFurnished 671 - Mobile/Mfd. for Rent 675 - RV Parking 676 Mobile/Mfd.Space
f• •
682- Farms, RanchesandAcreage 687- Commercial for Rent/Lease 693- Office/Retail Space for Rent REALESTATE 705 - Real Estate Services 713 - Real EstateWanted 719- Real EstateTrades 726 -Timeshares for Sale 730- New Listings 732- Commercial Properties for Sale 738 - MultiplexesforSale 740- Condos&Townhomes for Sale 744 - OpenHouses 745- Homes for Sale 746- NorthwestBendHomes 747 -Southwest BendHomes 748- Northeast BendHomes 749- Southeast BendHomes 750- RedmondHomes 753 - Sisters Homes 755- Sunriver/La Pine Homes 756- Jefferson CountyHomes 757- Crook CountyHomes 762- Homes with Acreage 763- Recreational HomesandProperty 764- Farms andRanches 771 - Lots 773 - Acreages 775 - Manufactured/Mobile Homes 780- Mfd. /Mobile Homeswith Land
Boats & Accessories
Fifth Wheels
Antique & Classic Autos
Aircraft, Parts & Service
Used out-drive parts - Mercury OMC rebuilt marine motors: 151 $1595; 3.0 $1895; 4.3 (1993), $1995.
Monaco Dynasty2004, F leetwood Wilderness Qnt ' loaded, 3 slides, die- 36', 2005, 4 s l ides, Chevy C-20 Pickup ONLY 1 OWNERSHIP sel, Reduced - now rear bdrm, fireplace, Snowmobiles • 1969, all orig. Turbo 44; SHARE LEFT! $119,000, 5 4 1-923auto 4-spd, 396, model Economical flying in 875 8572 or 541-749-0037 CST /all options, orig. your ow n C e s sna Watercraft owner, $22,000, 172/180 HP for only 541-923-6049 $ 10,000! Based a t Arctic Cat (2) 2005 F7 BDN. Call Gabe a t j . r ~ 2007 SeaDoo V .e~ * Firecats: EFI SnowProfessional Air! 2004 Waverunner, pro 8 EFI EXT, exlnt ~5 4 1 -388-001 9 • excellent condition, cond, $3700 ea; LOW hours. Double Southwind 35.5' Triton, $7000 both. omfort 25' 2 0 06, 1 trailer, lots of extras. 2008,V10, 2 slides, Du- K 541-410-2186 slide, AC, TV, awning. Trucks & $10,000 pont UV coat, 7500 mi. NEW: tires, converter, Chevy Wagon 1957, 541-719-8444 Bought new at Heavy Equipment batteries. Hardly used. 4-dr., complete, $132,913; $15,500. 541-923-2595 $7,000 OBO, trades, asking $93,500. eWaAds published in please call Call 541-419-4212 tercraft" include: KaySnowmobile trailer 541-389-6998 aks, rafts and motor2002, 25-ft InterIzed personal Chrysler 30 0 C o u pe state & 3 sleds, watercrafts. For 1967, 44 0 e n g ine, $10,900. "boats" please see a uto trans p s a i r 541-480-8009 Diamond Reo Dump Class 870. MONTANA 3585 2008, Truck 19 7 4, 12 -14 frame on rebuild, reWinnebaqo Suncruiser34' exc. cond., 3 slides, 541-385-5809 painted original blue, yard box, runs good, original Snowmobile trailer fits king bed, Irg LR, Arc2004, on1y 34K, loaded, blue interior, $6900, 541-548-6812 t wo sleds o r tw o too much to list, ext'd tic insulation, all oporiginal hub caps, exc. 4-wheelers, has new gererng Central Oregon trnte t903 warr. thru 2014, $54,900 tions $37,500. chrome, asking $9000 bearings, tires, hitch, Dennis, 541-589-3243 541-420-3250 G K E A T or make offer. 880 and complete re-wire. 541-385-9350 881 NuWa 297LK H i tch$800. 541-382-3409 Motorhomes Hiker 2007, 3 slides, Travel Trailers YAMAHA 500 VMAX, 32' touring coach, left Hyster H25E, runs 2 043 mi, t t/gn track, well, 2982 Hours, kitchen, rear lounge, $1500. 541-419-2268 $3500, call many extras, beautiful COACHMAN 1979 Chrysler SD 4-Door 541-749-0724 c ond. inside 8 o u t , 23' trailer 1930, CD S R oyal 648 $32,900 OBO, PrinevFully equipped. Standard, 8-cylinder, Motorcycles & Accessories ille. 541-447-5502 days n Houses for $2000. body is good, needs Say ngoodbuy & 541-447-1641 eves. some r e s toration, 541-312-8879 Rent General Harley Davidson Soft- Country Coach Intrigue to that unused 2002, 40' Tag axle. runs, taking bids, Tail De luxe 2 0 0 7, or 541-350-4622. 400hp Cummins Die541-383-3888, PUBLISHER'S white/cobalt, w / pasitem by placing it in 541-815-3318 sel. two slide-outs. senger kit, Vance & NOTICE The Bulletin Classifieds 41,000 miles, new Hines muffler system All real estate advertires & batteries. Most & kit, 1045 mi., exc. tising in this newspac ond, $19,9 9 9 , options.$95,000 OBO per is subject to the 5 41-385-580 9 Pilgrim 27', 2007 5th 541 -678-571 2 541-389-9188. F air H o using A c t wheel, 1 s lide, AC, 745 605 which makes it illegal Harley Heritage TV,full awning, excel~OO to a d v ertise "any Homes for Sale Pioneer Spirit 18CK, lent shape, $23,900. Softail, 2003 Roommate Wanted preference, limitation 2007, used only 4x, AC, 541-350-8629 M ore Pi x a t B e j ) d b j l e t i n , c o m $5 000+ in extras FIAT 1800 1978, 5-spd, or disc r iminationBANK OWNED HOMES! electric tongue j ack, $2000 paint job, Share cozymobile home door panels w/flowers FREE List w/Pics! The Bulletin $8995. 541-389-7669 30K mi. 1 owner, in Terrebonne, $275+ t/g based on race, color, 8 hummingbirds, religion, sex, handi- For more information To Subscribe call utils. 503-679-7496 and beyond real estate white soft top & hard cap, familial status, bend please call Int. 1981 Model DT466 20967 yeoman, bend or top. Just reduced to marital status or na541-385-8090 630 dump truck and heavy $3,750. 541-317-9319 tional origin, or an inor 209-605-5537 duty trailer, 5 yd box, NOTICE: Rooms for Rent or 541 647 8483 tention to make any All real e verything wor k s , estate adver- HD Screaming Eagle Econoline RV 1 9 89, pre f erence, fully loaded, exc. cond, $8000. 541-421-3222. here in is subElectra Glide 2005 Furnished, quiet room such limitation or discrimi- tised 35K m i. , R e d ucedSpringdale 2005 27', 4' ject to t h e F e deral 103" motor, two tone near downtown. No nation." Familial sta$17,950. 541-546-6133 slide in dining/living area, F air H o using A c t , candy teal, new tires, smoking or drugs. includes children which sleeps 6, low mi,$15,000 makes it illegal 23K miles, CD player, $350 incl. util. + $100 tus under the age of 18 Need help fixing stuff? obo. 541-408-3811 dep. 541-815-9938 advertise any prefhydraulic clutch, exPilgrim Int e rnational living with parents or to Call A Service Professional erence, limitation or cellent condition. 2005, 36' 5th Wheel, legal cust o dians, Ford Galaxie 500 1963, find the help you need. Studios 8 Kitchenettes discrimination based Highest offer takes it. Model¹M-349 RLDS-5 Peterbilt 359 p o table 2 dr. hardtop,fastback, Furnished room, TV w/ pregnant women, and on race, color, reli541-480-8080. Fall price $ 2 1,865. securing cuswater t ruck, 1 9 90, 390 v8,auto, pwr. steer & cable, micro 8 fridge. people sex, handicap, 541-312-4466 Look at: tody of children under gion, 3200 gal. tank, 5hp radio (orig),541-419-4989 Utils & linens. New familial status or nae CAN'T BEAT THIS! p ump, 4 - 3 hoses, 18. This newspaper owners. $145-$165/wk tional origin, or intenTake care of camlocks, $ 2 5 ,000. Ford Mustang Coupe will not knowingly ac- tion to make any such for Complete Listings of Look before you 541-382-1885 541-820-3724 1966, original owner, cept any advertising preferences, l i mita- Area Real Estate for Sale buy, below market Springdale 29' 2 0 07, your investments slide,Bunkhouse style, value! Size 8 mileV8, automatic, great for real estate which is tions or discrimination. 634 sleeps 7-8, excellent aqe DOES matter! with the help from shape, $9000 OBO. in violation of the law. Apt./Multiplex NE Bend O ur r e aders a r e We will not knowingly Class A 32' Hurricondition, $ 1 6 ,900, 530-515-81 99 Utility Trailers • Softail Deluxe The Bulletin's accept any advertis541-390-2504 cane by Four Winds, hereby informed that 2010, 805 miles, ing for r eal e state "Call A Service 2210 NE Holliday,3bdrm, all dwellings adver2007. 12,500 mi, all Black Chameleon. Ford Ranchero which is in violation of 2 bath, gas heat, frplc, tised in this newspaamenities, Ford V10, Professional" Directory $17,000 1979 quiet; no smkg. $760/mo; per are available on this law. All persons Ithr, cherry, slides, CallDon © with 351 Cleveland $300 off 1st month. Avail an equal opportunity are hereby informed like new! New low Big Tex Landscap12/1 7. 541-317-0867 all dwellings ad541-410-3823 modified engine. price, $54,900. ing/ ATV Trailer, basis. To complain of that vertised are available 541-548-5216 Body is in dual axle flatbed, discrimination cal l 8 GREATWINTER e an equal opportuexcellent condition, 7'x16', 7000 lb. HUD t o l l-free at on 870 Sprinter 272RLS, 2009 ee • I nity basis. The Bulle$2500 obo. DEAL! G ulfstream Sce n i c 29', weatherized, like GVW, all steel, 1-800-877-0246. The 541-420-4677 Boats 8 Accessories 2 bdrm, 1 bath, $1400. Cruiser 38 ft. 1999, n ew, f u rnished 8 toll f re e t e l ephone tin Classified 541-382-4115, or $530 & $540 w/lease. Cummins 330 hp dienumber for the hear773 13' Smokercraft '85, sel, 42K, 1 owner, 13 ready to go, incl WineCarports included! 541-280-7024. ing im p aired is ard S a t ellite dish, Acreages good cond., 15HP in. kitchen slide out, FOX HOLLOW APTS. 1-800-927-9275. 26,995. 541-420-9964 new tires,under cover, Ford T-Bird 1966 (541) 383-3152 BY OWNER 20.6 acres gas Evinrude + hwy. miles only,4 door Cascade Rental 650 390 engine, power on river in Redmond, Minnkota 44 elec. Automotive Parts, fridge/freezer ice everything, new paint, Management. Co. Houses for Rent on 83rd St. owner will motor, fish finder, 2 maker, W/D combo, Aircraft, Parts Service & Accessories 54K original miles, finance. $5 9 5 ,000. extra seats, trailer, NE Bend Interbath t ub & runs great, excellent 636 & Service 541-421-3222. extra equip. $2900. shower, 50 amp pro(4) used Open Country cond. in & out. Asking Warrior Toy Apt./Multiplex NW Bend 3 Bdrm, 2 Bath, new car541-388-9270 tires, 3 3x12.50R-18LT, $8,500. 541-480-3179 pane gen & m o re! Weekend Hauler 28' 2007, Gen, Just too many pet/vinyl/deck & fixtures, $200. 541-647-9051 $55,000. fuel station, exc cond. RIVER FALLS APTS. beautifully landscaped. 17' 1984 Chris Craft 541-948-2310 collectibles? sleeps 8, black/gray NEED HOLIDAY $$$? LIVE ON THE RIVER Dishwasher & W/D incl; - Scorpion, 140 HP i nterior, u se d 3X , We pay CASH for WALK DOWNTOWN water pd. No smoking, no inboard/outboard, 2 Sell them in $24,999. Junk Cars & Trucks! 1 bdrm. apt. fully fur- dogs. $900/mo. $1100 depth finders, troll541-389-9188 buying batteries & The Bulletin Classifieds ing motor, full cover, nished in fine 50s style. deposit. 541-617-1101 1/3 interest in Colum- Also catalytic converters. 1546 NW 1st St., $800+ EZ - L oad t railer, Hunter's Delight! Packbia 400, located at age deal! 1988 WinServing all of C.O.! GMC Vgton 1971, Only $700 dep. Nice pets Looking for your $3500 OBO. Sunriver. $ 1 38,500. U SE THE CLASSIFIEDS! 5 4 1 - 3 8 5 - 5 8 0 9 nebago Super Chief, Call 541-408-1090 • $19,700! Original low next employee? welcomed. 541-382-3728. Call 541-647-3718 3 8K m i l es , gr e a t Place a Bulletin help mile e x ceptional 3rd 541-382-0117 Door-to-door selling with 775 ee shape; 1988 Bronco II wanted ad today and owner. 951-699-7171 t fast results! It's the easiest 4 x4 t o t o w , 1 3 0 K I~ ' Antique & Small studio close to liManufactured/ reach over 60,000 mostly towed miles, 'e readers each week. brary, all util. pd. $550, way in the world to sell. Mobile Homes Classic Autos nice rig! $15,000 both. $525 dep. No pets/ Your classified ad 541-382-3964, Ieave The Bulletin Classified smoking. 541-330will also appear on FACTORY SPECIAL msg. 9769 or 541-480-7870 541-385-5809 New Home, 3 bdrm, 1/3 interest i n w e l l18.5' '05 Reinell 185, V-6 which currently re$46,900 finished equipped IFR Beech BoVolvo Penta, 270HP, ceives over 1.5 milon you site,541.548.5511 1921 Model T Have an item to nanza A36, new 10-550/ Plymouth B a r racuda 658 low hrs., must see, lion page views prop, located KBDN. Delivery Truck 1966, original car! 300 sell quick? Houses for Rent ery month at no $15,000, 541-330-3939 $65,000. 541-419-9510 Restored & Runs hp, 360 V8, centerNEW HOME BUILT extra cost. Bulletin Redmond If it's under lines, (Original 273 $9000. $87,450! Classifieds Get ReExecutive Hangar eng & wheels incl.) '500you can place it in Newer 2326 sq.ft. deluxe Includes, garage, foun541-389-8963 sults! Call 385-5809 at Bend Airport Jayco Seneca 2007, 541-593-2597 dation, a p p liances, or place your ad home, 3/3, gas fire- central heating, heat 17K mi., 35ft., Chevy (KBDN) The Bulletin 20.5' 2004 Bayliner on-line at 60' wide x 50' deep, '55 Chevy 2 dr . w gn PROJECT CARS: Chevv place, 7500' lot, fenced 5500 d i e sel, to y 205 Run About, 220 Classifieds for: yard, 1655 SW Sara- pump ready. call w/55' wide x 17' high hauler $130 , 000. PROJECT car, 3 50 2-dr FB 1949-(SOLD) & HP, V8, open bow, soda Ct. $ 1 195/mo. day to schedule your 541-389-2636. bi-fold door. Natural small block w/Weiand Chevy Coupe 1950 exc. cond., very fast personal appointment. '10 - 3 lines, 7 days 541-350-2206 882 gas heat, office, bath- dual quad tunnel rim rolling chassis's $1750 w/very low hours, 541-548-5511, room. Parking for 6 with 450 Holleys. T-10 ea., Chevy 4-dr 1949, '16 - 3 lines, 14 days lots of extras incl. Fifth Wheels 541-350-1782 People Look for Information c ars. A d jacent t o 4-speed, 12 volt posi, complete car, $ 1949; tower, Bimini & (Private Party ads only) Frontage Rd; g reat Weld Prostar whls, ex Cadillac Series 61 1950, About Products and custom trailer, visibility for a viation tra rolling chassis + 2 dr. hard top, complete Services Every Day through Own your own home for $19,500. cl i p bus. 1jetjock© extras. $6000 for all. w /spare f r on t 541-389-1413 less t ha n r e n ting. The Bulletin Classifieds • • f t 541-389-7669. $3950, 541-382-7391 541-948-2126 Centrally located in Immaculate! Madras. In- h ouse 687 Beaver Coach Marquis financing opt i o ns Commercial for 40' 1987. New cover, Carri-Lite Luxury 2009 74 year old widow available. Call now at would like to meet new paint (2004), new 541-475-2291 by Carriage, 4 slideRent/Lease 20.5' Seaswirl Spyinverter (2007). Onan widower b e tween outs, inverter, satelMOTORCYCLE:Custom Harley der 1989 H.O. 302, Rent /Own 6300 watt gen, 111K mi, the ages of 60 and lite sys, fireplace, 2 Spectrum professional 3 bdrm, 2 bath homes Davidson 1997 Sportster 1200 XL. 285 hrs., exc. cond., parked covered $35,000 7 0. I en j o y t h e flat screen TVs. building, 350 ' - 500', 5000 Miles. Lots of chrome. $10,000. stored indoors for $2500 down, $750 mo. obo. 541-419-9859 or nudist lifestyle and $60,000. $1.00 per ft. total. No life $11,900 OBO. Great ride, but noroom for the softball 541-548-5511, 541-280-2014 live in Sacramento. 541-480-3923 N NN. C a l l An d y , OAC. 541-379-3530 541-350-1782 team. Contact Cheryl at 000-0000. 916-822-4630. 541-385-6732. Honda Civic LX 2006 Ads published in the 4-dr sedan, exc. cond, YCLE:Gently s "Boats" classification 31K miles, AC, p.s, dr include: Speed, fishlocks & windows, pre~ In 12 DAYS! mium wheels, new ing, drift, canoe, "The Bulletin house and sail boats. studded tires, chains, For all other types of I ClaSS ifiedS AM/FM -CD, all records I watercraft, please see 2009, 24-40 mpg, gotit done!" from Class 875. must sell! $12,500/offer. I call 54I 385 5809 iopromoteyour service Advertisefar 28 daysstarting at 'lf0ilirtt tpeoo trotkareenotovatiebieeeoarweitttteI
The Bulletin
I %%.j V !
X'G00 ~
kYo~ Ler!
( Jeff L.
NOTICE: Oregon state ERIC REEVE HANDY law req u ires any- SERVICES. Home & one who co n t racts Commercial Repairs, for construction work Carpentry-Painting, to be licensed with the Pressure-washing, C onstruction Con Honey Do's. On-time tractors Board (CCB). promise. Senior An active lic e n se Discount. Work guarmeans the contractor anteed. 541-389-3361 i s bonded an d i n or 541-771-4463 s ured. Ver if y t h e Bonded & Insured contractor's CCB CCB¹181595 c ense through t h e I DO THAT! CCB Cons u mer Home/Rental repairs Website www.hirealicensedcontractor. Small jobs to remodels Honest, guaranteed com work. CCB¹151573 or call 503-378-4621. The Bulletin recom- Dennis 541-317-9768 mends checking with the CCB prior to con- Home Improvement tracting with anyone. Some other t rades Kelly Kerfoot Const. also req u ire addi- 28 yrs exp in Central OR! tional licenses a nd Quality 8 honesty, from carpentry & handyman certifications. jobs, to expert wall covering install / removal. Sr. discounts CCB¹47120
Debris Removal
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Autumnridge Const. Quality custom home I Haul Away FREE improvements. No job For Salvage. Also too big or small. I/et & Sr. Cleanups & Cleanouts Discounts! CCB¹198284 Mel, 541-389-8107 Call 541-300-0042
Landscaping/Yard Care
The Bulletin
The Bulletin
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GENERATE SOME excitement in your neigborhood. Plan a garage sale and don't N OTICE: ORE G O N forget to advertise in Landscape Contrac- classified! 385-5809. tors Law (ORS 671) r equires a l l bu s i nesses that advertise Serving Central Oregon srnte 1903 t o p e r form L a n dscape C o n struction which incl u des: p lanting, deck s , I ll I i I i fences, arbors, w ater-features, a n d installation, repair of irrigation systems to be licensed with the Landscape Contract ors B o a rd . Th i s 4-digit number is to be included in all advertisements which indiCadigac CTS cate the business has a bond,insurance and con workers c ompensauto exc. tion for their employdition, ees. For your protec$17,900 tion call 503-378-5909 000-000-0000. or use our website: to check license status before co n t racting with t h e bu s iness. Persons doing land-
Call TheBulletin ClassifiebDeparlmentat 541-385-5809 or541-382-1811 for rates todaV!
in classified advertising! Newspaper classified advertising leads the pack when it comes to connecting buyers with sellers. Whether you're at a fork in the road or
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BOATS & RVs 805 - Misc. Items 850 - Snowmobiles 860 - Motorcycles And Accessories 865 - ATVs 870 - Boats & Accessories 875 - Watercraft 880 - Motorhomes 881 - Travel Trailers 882 - Fifth Wheels 885 - Canopies and Campers 890- RVsfor Rent
AUTOS &TRANSPORTATION 908 - Aircraft, Parts and Service 916- Trucks and Heavy Equipment 925 - Utility Trailers 927 - Automotive Trades 929 - Automotive Wanted 931 - Automotive Parts, Service and Accessories 932- Antique and Classic Autos 933 - Pickups 935- Sport Utility Vehicles 940 - Vans 975 - Automobiles 933
I nternational Fla t Bed Pickup 1963, 1 t on dually, 4 s p d. trans., great MPG, could be exc. wood hauler, runs great, new brakes, $1950.
Spo r t Utility Vehicles Ford Explorer 4x4, 1991 - 154K miles, rare 5-speed tranny & manual hubs, clean, straight, everyday driver. Bring 2200 dollar bills! Bob, 541-318-9999
GMC Envoy 2002 4WD $6,450. Loaded, Leather, Heated RAM 2500 2003, 5.7L seats, Bose sound system. Ext. roof rack am/fm/cd. $8400 obro. (218) 478-4469 541-420-3634 /390-1285
Chevy Astro Cargo Van 2001, pw, pdl, great cond.,
Honda Civic LX 2008, like new, always garaged, loaded. 27k mi., one owner. $13,500. 541-550-0994.
Automobi l e s
Porsche 911 1974, low mi., complete motor/ trans. rebuild, tuned suspension, int. 8 ext. refurb., oi l c o oling, shows new in & out, erf. m ech. c o n d. uch more! $28,000 541-420-2715
$9500. 541-788-8218.
business car, well maint'd, regular oil changes, $4500. Please call
Sport Utility Vehicles
Lexus CT 2011 200h hybrid 22.5k mil, Buick Lucerne CXL ¹003116 $29,995 2009, $12,500, low low miles; 2000 Buick Century $2900. You'll not find nicer Buicks Oregon One look's worth a AutoSource thousand words. Call 541-598-3750 Bob, 541-318-9999. for an appt. and take a drive in a 30 mpg car! Mitsubishi 3 00 0 GT 1999, auto., p e arl w hite, very low m i .
Want to impress the relatives? Remodel your home with the help of a professional from The Bulletin's "Call A Service Professional" Directory
Auto m o biles
BMW Z4 Roadster 2005, 62K miles, excellent cond. $14,000. 541-604-9064
Chevrolet G20 Sportsman, 1993, exlnt cond, $4750. 541-362-5559 or 541-663-6046
541-41 9-5480.
DQI'I IISSIHIS VW Karman Ghia 1970, good cond., new upholstery and convertible top. $10,000.
Just bought a new boat? Sell your old one in the classifieds! Ask about our Super Seller rates! 541-385-5809
PORSCHE 914 1974,
Roller (no engine), lowered, full roll cage, 5-pt harnesses, racing seats, 911 dash 8 instruments, d e cent shape, v e r y c o ol! $1699. 541-678-3249
Toyota Camrysr 1984, $1200 obo; 1985 SOLD; 1986 parts car, $500. Call for details, 541-548-6592
Chrysler Sebring 2006 Fully loaded, exc.cond, Porsche Cayenne 2004 541-633-5149 very low miles (38k), 86k, immac, dealer always garaged, maint'd, loaded, now ra 541-480-0027 transferable warranty 541-410-9997 $17000. 503-459-1580 Chev 1994 G20 cus541-389-2636 tomized van, 1 2 8k, incl. $8100 obo 350 motor, HD t ow 541-848-9180 FORD RANGER XLT Buick Enclave 2008 CXL / FIND IT! e quipped, seats 7 , 1995 Ext. cab 2WD 5 AWD, V-6, black, clean, Toyota Corolla 2004, sleeps 2. comfort, utilBUY IT! mechanicall y s ound, 82k auto., loaded, 2 04k speed, with car alarm, "My Little Red Corvette" DON'T MI S S THI S ity road ready, nice miles. $20,995. SELL IT! miles. orig. owner, non Ford F250 XLT 4x4 CD player, extra tires 1996 coupe. 132K, av cond. $4000?Trade for Call 541-815-1216 smoker, exc. c o nd. on rims. Runs good. The Bulletin Classifieds Lariat, 1990, r e d, 26-34 mpg. 350 auto. mini van. Call Bob, $6500 Prin e ville 80K original miles, Clean. 92,000 miles Ford Crown V i ctoria $12,500 541-923-1781 4-Runner Limited, 541-318-9999 503-358-8241 4" lift with 39's, well o n m o t or . $ 2 6 0 0Chevy Tahoe LS 2001 Toyota 1995, LX sedan, 4 dr., 2011, V6, shoreline blue, maintained, $4000 OBO. 541-771-6511. 4x4. 120K mi, Power excellent cond., never Chevy Lumina 1 9 95 V8, o r ig . ow n e r, VW Beetle, 2002 obo. 541-419-5495 seats, Tow Pkg, 3rd off-road, very low miles, 7 -pass. v a n wit h 70,300 mi., studs on, 5-spd, silver-gray, black row seating, e xtra fully loaded! $36,900. p ower c h a i r lif t , reat condition. GMC 1978 4x4 Heavy leather, moonroof, CD, 3000. 541-549-0058. Duty Camper Special tires, CD, privacy tint- Gloria, 541-610-7277 $1500; 1989 Dodge loaded, 115K miles, ing, upgraded rims. Advertise your car! 2500, 3 5 0 e n gine, Turbo Van 7 pass. VW Thing 1974, good well-maintained Fantastic cond. $7995 Add A Picture! auto., 40k miles on EX has new motor and Honda A c c or d cond. Extremely Rare! Reach Find It in (have records) thousands of readers! Contact Timm at new eng., brakes & 2009 2.4 litre eng., Nissan Sentra, 2012t rans., $1500. I f i n Only built in 1973 8 extremely clean, 12,610 mt, full warranty, Call 541-385-5809 good. $2995 firm. 541-408-2393 for info The Bulletin Classifieds! terested c a l l loaded, 52k, $13,000. Ja y 1 974. $8,000. The Bulletin Classifieds tires $4850 obo. or to view vehicle. PS, PB,AC,8 more! 541-504-3833 541-385-5809 541-408-3114. 503-269-1057. 541-546-6920 541-389-2636 $16,000. 541-788-0427 Ford 250 XLT 1990,
6 yd. dump bed, 139k, Auto, $5500
rr g4e
Ford F350 2008 Crew Cab, diesel, 55K miles, fully loaded, $32,000.
Legal Notices
Legal Notices
Leg a l Notices •
Legal Notices
Legal Notices
Legal Notices
mers, Paralegal, (541) 686-0344 (TS ¹07754. 30337) . DATED: October 19, 2 012. /s/ Nancy K . Cary. Nancy K. Cary, Successor T r ustee, H ershner Hun t e r, Published LLP, P.O. Box 1475, December 10, 2012 Eugene, OR 97440. LEGAL NOTICE MONTHLY BOARD Gwen Chapman TRUSTEE'S NOTICE MEETING NOTICE Purchasing Manager 14, 2013. Time:11:00 OF SALE 541-385-6677 a.m. Place: DesA Beneficiary ExempThe Board of Direcchutes County CourtLEGAL NOTICE tion Affidavit regardtors of Arnold Irrigahouse, 1 16 4 NW Public Auction ing the State of Ortion District will hold Bond Street, Bend, Public Auction will be Oregon. 8.RIGHT TO For e closure their monthly board pay: M o nthly pay- egon held o n Sat u rday Avoidance Mediation meeting on Tuesday, REINSTATE. Any ments in the amount Program wa s January 5, 2013 at re December 11, 2012 at person named in ORS of $A p a yment of corded on August 30, 3:00 pm a t 1 9 6 04 11:00 a.m. at Old Mill 86.753 has the right, $565.18 for the month 2012 a s D o c ument B uck Canyon R d ., Self Storage, 150 SW at any time that is not of June 2011; plus Industrial Way, Bend, No. 2012-34009. The Bend, OR. later than five days regular monthly payOregon 97702. (Unit ¹ before th e T r ustee ments o f Trust Deed to be fore$8 1 9 .00 LEGAL NOTICE c losed pursuant t o 611). conducts the sale, to each, due the first of O regon law i s r e City of Bend LEGAL NOTICE have this foreclosure each month, for the ferred to as follows Request for Proposals Public Auction Single Channel Voted d ismissed an d t h e months of July 2011 "Trust Deed"): 1. Public Auction will be Trust Deed reinstated through August 2012; (the VHF Simulcast System T RUST D EE D I N held o n Sat u rday b y payment to t h e plus late charges and with UHF Backhaul January 5, 2013 at Beneficiary of the en- advances; plus any FORMATION: Quail 11:00 a.m. at Old Mill tire amount then due, unpaid real property Grantor: The City of Bend is Crossing, Inc., 62935 seeking p r o posals Self Storage, 150 SW other than such por- taxes or liens, plus Layton Avenue, Bend, from qualified radio Industrial Way, Bend, tion of the principal as interest. 5.AMOUNT OR 97701. B enefiequipment manufac- Oregon 97702. (Unit ¹ would not then be due DUE. T h e a m ount ciary: Columbia turers and/or solution 325). had no default ocdue on the Note which River Bank Shevlin curred, by curing any i s secured b y t h e Center, 9 2 5 SW providers for the engiLEGAL NOTICE other default that is Trust Deed referred to neering, design, TRUSTEE'S NOTICE Dr., Ste. 100, c apable o f be i n g herein is: P r i ncipal Emkay censing, procurement, OF SALE B end, O R 97 7 0 2 . fabrication, i n stalla- The Trustee under the cured by tendering the balance in the amount Trustee: Western Title tion, p r o gramming, terms of t h e T r u st performance required of $106,027.02; plus 8 Escrow, 1345 N W performance Deed desc r ibed under the obligation or interest at the rate of W all S t reet, ¹ 2 0 0 , 5.4500% per annum B end, O R t uning/testing, w a r - herein, at the direc- Trust Deed and by 97 7 0 2 . from May 1 , 2 0 12; Successor T rustee: ranty, an d m a inte- tion of the Beneficiary, paying all costs and expenses actually inplus late charges of nance of a si x site hereby elects to sell Craig G . Ru s sillo, single channel voted t he p r o perty d e - curred in enforcing the $1,215.74; plus a d1211 SW 5th Avenue, obligation and Trust vances and forecloVHF simulcast sysscribed in the Trust Suite 1900, Portland, tem with UHF backDeed, together with sure attorney fees and OR 97204, (503) Deed to s atisfy the OF 222-9981. Recording haul. obligations s e cured t he t r u stee's a n d costs. 6.SALE The thereby. Pursuant to a ttorney's fees n o t PROPERTY. 5, 2005. Trustee hereby states Date:August Sealed pro p osals ORS 86.745, the fol- exceedingthe amount Recording Reference: provided i n ORS that the property will must be submitted by lowing information is Document No. ma y be sold to satisfy the 2005-51258. County January 15 , 2 0 1 3, provided: 1.PARTIES: 8 6.753. Y o u reach th e O r e gon obligations secured by 3:00 PM, at City Hall, Grantor:KELLY Recording: Dest he Trust Deed. A of 710 NW Wall Street, PARKER. Tr u stee: State Bar's Lawyer chutes. Said T r u st 2nd Floor, Bend, Or- A MERITITLE. S u c - Referral Service at Trustee's Notice of Deed was modified by or Default and Election Agreement recorded egon, 97701, A t t n: c essor Trus t e e : 503-684-3763 to Sell Under Terms January 3, 2008, in Gwen Chapman, Pur- N ANCY K . C A R Y . toll-free in Oregon at of Trust Deed has chasing Ma n ager. Beneficiary: OR- 800-452-7636 or you the Deschutes County been recorded in the records as Document Proposals will not be EGON HOU S I NG may visit its website at: w w w O fficial Records o f accepted after dead- AND CO M M U N ITY N o. 2008-356, a n d Legalassistance may Deschutes C o u nty, f urther modified by line. The outside of SERVICES DEb e available if y o u Oregon. 7. TIME OF the package contain- PARTMENT, STATE Agreement recorded ing the proposal shall OF OREGON, as as- have a low income SALE. Date:February May 26, 2010, in the identify name of the s ignee o f CO U N - and meet federal pov- 14, 2013. Time:11:00 Deschutes Co u n ty e rty guidelines. F o r a.m. Place: Desproposer a n d the TRYWIDE BANK. 2. as Document more information and chutes County Court- records project: "Single Chan- D ESCRIPTION O F No. 2010-20628. 2. nel Voted VHF Simul- PROPERTY: The a directory of legal aid house, 1 1 6 4 NW LEGAL C RIPprograms, g o to Bond Street, Bend, T ION O FDESPRO cast System with UHF real property is dePhttp://www.oregonOregon. 8.RIGHT TO Backhaul". scribed as follows: Lot ERTY (the "Property") Any REINSTATE. Any Thirty-one (31), Block : Parcel A of Partition Solicitation p a c kets Thirteen (13), NEW- questions regarding person named in ORS Plat No. 1992-7, Des86.753 has the right, chutes County, Ormay be obtained from BERRY ES T A TES this matter should be C entral Orego n PHASE II, recorded directed to Lisa Sum- at any time that is not egon. E X C EPTING Builder's E x c hange April 3, 1978, in Cabi- mers, Paralegal, (541) later than five days T HEREFROM tha t (TS before the T r ustee portion conveyed to (COBE) at www.plan- net B, Page 429, De- 686-0344 conducts the sale, to (click on schutes County, Or- ¹07754.30496). Deschutes County, a DATED: October 19, have this foreclosure political subdivision of Public Works) or 1902 egon. 3. NE 4th Street, Bend, R ECORDING. T h e 2 012. /s/ Nancy K . d ismissed and t h e the State of Oregon Oregon. P r oposers Trust Deed was re- Cary. Nancy K. Cary, Trust Deed reinstated by Warranty Deed reb y payment to t h e corded July 14, 1994 m ust r egister w i t h corded a s f o l lows: Successor T r ustee, Hun t e r, Beneficiary of the en- in Volume 345, Page COBE as a document Date Reco r ded: H ershner LLP, P.O. Box 1475, tire amount then due, 2002, holder to receive no- September 30, 2008. Official other than such por- Records, Deschutes tice of addenda. This Recording No.: Eugene, OR 97440. tion of the principal as can be done on the 2008-40102 O f f icial LEGAL NOTICE C ounty, Oreg o n. would not then be due ALSO E X C EPTING COBE website or by R ecords o f Des - TRUSTEE'S NOTICE had no default ocphone at chutes County, OrOF SALE T HEREFROM tha t 5 41-389-0123. P r o - egon. 4.DEFAULT. The Trustee under the curred, by curing any portion described in posers are respon- The Grantor or any terms of t h e T r u st other default that is Declaration of Dediapable o f bei n g sible for checking the other person o b li- Deed desc r i bed c recorded Octocured by tendering the cation website for the issu- gated on the Trust herein, at the direcber 27, 1994 in Volance of any addenda Deed and Promissory tion of the Beneficiary, performance required ume 356, Page 1751, under the obligation or Official prior to submitting a Note secured thereby hereby elects to sell Rec o r ds, proposal. P r o posal is in default and the t he p r o perty de - T rust Deed and b y eschutes Cou n t y, paying all costs and results are available Beneficiary seeks to scribed in the Trust Oregon. ALSO from COBE. expenses actually inforeclose the T r ust Deed to satisfy the EXCEPTING curred in enforcing the Deed for f ailure to obligations s e cured T HEREFROM th a t obligation and Trust portion lying within the A mandatory pay: M o nthly pay- thereby. Pursuant to Deed, together with pre-submittal meeting ments in the amount ORS 86.745, the folplat o f BO U L DER t he t r ustee's a n d RIDGE, PHASE ONE, and mandatory site of $842.00 each, due lowing information is a ttorney's fees n o t tour will be held. The t he f i rs t o f eac h provided: 1.PARTIES: Deschutes C o u nty, pre-submittal meeting month, for the months Grantor:KIMBERLY exceedingthe amount Oregon. ALSO provided i n ORS will be held at the City of Ma r c h 201 2 A . M C L EA N AN D EXPECTING of B e n d Cou n cil through August 2012; BRIAN J. M C LEAN. 8 6.753. Y o u ma y T HEREFROM tha t reach th e O r e gon portion lying w i thin Chambers, 710 NW plus late charges and Trustee:FIRST Wall Street on Tues- advances; plus any A MERICAN T I T L E State Bar's L awyer QUAIL C R OSSING, Referral Service at day, December 18, unpaid real property C OMPANY O F O R PHASE ONE. ALSO or 2012 at 10 AM. The taxes or liens, plus EGON. S u c cessor 503-684-3763 EXCEPTING toll-free in Oregon at tour will visit current interest. 5.AMOUNT T rustee: NANCY K . T HEREFROM th a t 800-452-7636 or you and proposed trans- DUE. T h e a m ount CARY. B e neficiary: portion lying w i thin mit/receive sites, and due on the Note which OREGON HOUSING may visit its website QUAIL C R OSSING, the 9 1 1 Di s patch i s secured b y t h e AND at: w w w CO M M U N ITY PHASE T W O . 3. ance may Center. Proposals will Trust Deed referred to S ERVICES DE- Legal assist DEFAULT: The only be accepted from herein is: P r i ncipal PARTMENT, STATE b e available if y o u Grantor or any other have a low income person owing an oblivendors who attend balance in the amount OF OREGON as asthe pre- s ubmittal of $100,699.34; plus signee of BANK OF and meet federal pov- gation, th e p e rformeeting and site tour. interest at the rate of THE CAS C A DES e rty guidelines. F o r m ance of w hich i s more information and secured by the Trust 6.0000% per annum MRTG. CENTER. 2. a directory of legal aid The City of Bend ref rom F e bruary 1 , D ESCRIPTION O F is in default and programs, g o to Deed, serves the right to: 1) 2012; pl u s lat e PROPERTY: The the Beneficiary seeks http://www.oregonreject any or all pro- charges of $565.17; real property is deto foreclose the Trust Any Deed. The default for posals not in compli- plus advances and scribed as follows: Lot ance with public so- foreclosure attorney Three (3), S OUTH questions regarding which foreclosure is licitation procedures f ees and c osts. 6 . Des- this matter should be made i s VILLAGE, r a ntor's directed to Lisa Sum- failure t o G and requirements, 2) S ALE O F PRO P - chutes County, Ordo the reject any or all pro- ERTY. The Trustee egon. 3.RECORDfollowing: Failure to posals in accordance hereby states that the ING. The Trust Deed make monthly inter-
LEGAL NOTICE ADOPT-Abundance of love to offer a child in stable, secure & nu r t uring home. Contact Jen (800) 571-4136. LEGAL NOTICE ARNOLD IRRIGATION DISTRICT
with ORS 279B.100,
3) seek clarifications of any or all proposals, and 4) to select the proposal(s) which appears to be in the b est interest of t h e City.
property will be sold to satisfy the obligations secured by the Trust Deed. A Tr u stee's Notice of Default and Election to Sell Under Terms of Trust Deed has been recorded in the Official Records of Deschutes C o unty, Oregon. 7. TIME OF SALE. Date:February
was recorded as follows: Date Recorded: August 5, 2005. Recording No.: 2005-51521 O ff icial R ecords o f Des chutes County, Oregon. 4.DEFAULT. The Grantor or any other person o b ligated on the T rust Deed and Promissory Note secured thereby is in default and the Beneficiary seeks to foreclose the T r ust Deed for f ailure to
est payments on the note secured by the above ref e renced trust deed, and failure to pay when due real property taxes plus interest and penalties f or 2 0 1 0-11 an d
Leg a l Notices a ttorney's fees n o t exceedingthe amount provided i n ORS 86.753. 8.NOTICE FOR P R OPERTIES INCLUDING ONE OR MORE
Legal Notices
subsidy; and • W a s entered into prior to the d a t e of the foreclosure sale. ABOUT YOUR TENANCY
UNITS: NOTICE TO 2011-12. 4.AMOUNT RESIDENTIAL DUE: By reason of TENANTS - The the default described property in which you above, the Beneficiary are l i v ing is in has declared all sums foreclosure. A f o reowing on the obliga- c losure s a l e is tion secured by the scheduled for January Trust Deed 14, 2013. This sale immediately due and may be p ostponed. payable, those sums Unless the lender that being the f ollowing: is foreclosing on this Principal balance of property is paid before $179,535.43, together t he sale d a te, t h e with unpaid interest of f oreclosure will g o $6,664.31 th r o ugh through and someone August 31, 2012, late n ew will o w n t h i s charges of $434.35, p roperty. A f te r t he legal fees of sale, the new owner is $5,016.65 and required to p r ovide appraisal f ee s of you w i t h con t act $5,100.00. Trustee's information and notice fees, attorney's fees, t hat the s al e t o o k costs of f oreclosure place. The following and a ny sums information applies to advanced b y the you only if you are a Beneficiary pursuant bona f i d e ten a nt to the terms of the occupying and renting Trust Deed. Interest t his property a s a continues to a ccrue residential d w e lling on the unpaid princi- under a le g itimate pal balance at the rate rental agr e ement. of 18.00% per annum The information does f rom September 1, not apply to you if you 2012, until paid. 5. own this property or if NOTICE OF E L EC- you are not a bona T ION T O SELL : fide residential tenant. Notice is hereby given If the foreclosure sale that bot h t he goes through, the new B eneficiary and t h e owner will have the Trustee hereby elect right to require you to to foreclose the Trust move out. Before the Deed by new o w ne r can a dvertisement a n d require you to move, sale a s pro v ided the new owner must under ORS 86.705 to p rovide y o u wit h 86.795, and to cause w ritten n o tice t h a t t he Property to b e specifies the date by sold at public auction which you must move to the highest bidder o ut. I f y o u d o n ot for cash, the Grantor's l eave b e fore th e interest in the m ove-out date, t h e described P r o perty new owner can have which t h e Gr a ntor the sheriff remove you had, or had the power from the property after to convey, at the time a court hearing. You of the execution by will receive notice of t he Grantor o f t h e the c o urt h e a ring. Trust Deed, together PROTECTION FROM E VICTION IF YO U with any interest the Grantor or Grantor's ARE A BONA FIDE successor in interest TENANT a cquired after t h e O CCUPYING A N D THIS execution of the Trust RENTING Deed, to satisfy the P ROPERTY AS A obligations secured by RESIDENTIAL t he T r u s t Dee d , DWELLING, YOU HAVE TH E R I G HT including the expenses of the sale, TO CONTI N UE compensation of the LIVING IN THIS Trustee as provided PROPERTY AFTER by l a w a nd the THE FORECLOSURE reasonable fees of the SALE FOR: • THE Trustee's a t torneys. REMAINDER OF 6 .DATE AND T I ME YOUR FIXED TERM LEASE, IF YOU O F S A L E : Da t e : January 14 , 2 0 1 3. HAVE A FIXED Time: 10:00 A.M. (in TERM LEASE; OR • accord w i t h the AT LEAST 90 DAYS standard o f time F ROM TH E D A T E established by ORS YOU ARE GIVEN A 187.110). L o c ation: WRITTEN Bond Street entrance TERMINATION of t h e De s chutes N OTICE. If the n e w County Courthouse, owner wants to move 1164 NW Bond in and use this propStreet, B e nd , O R erty as a pr i mary 97701. 7. RIGHT TO r esidence, the n ew REINSTATE: Any owner can give you person named in ORS w ritten n o tice a n d 86.753 has the right, require you to move at any time prior to out after 9 0 d a ys, five days even though you have efore t h e Tr u stee a fixed term lease with conducts the sale, to more than 90 days have this foreclosure left. You m us t be d ismissed an d t h e provided with at least Trust Deed reinstated 90 days' written notice b y doing all of t he after the foreclosure following: a. payment sale before you can to the Beneficiary of be required to move. the e n tire a m o unt A bona fide tenant is then due, other than a residential tenant such portion of t he who i s not the principal as would not borrower (property then be due had no owner) or a c h i l d, default occurred; b. spouse or parent of c uring a n y oth e r t he b orrower, a n d default that is capable whose rental of being cured, by agreement: • I s t h e tendering the result of a n a r m 's performance required length transaction; • under the obligation or Requires the payment T rust Deed; and c . o f rent t hat i s n o t paying all costs and substantially less than expenses ac t u ally fair market rent for the incurred in enforcing property, unless the t he o b ligation a n d r ent is r e duced o r Trust Deed, together subsidized due to a with the Trustee's and federal, state or local
believe you need legal assistance, c o ntact the Oregon State Bar and ask for the lawyer referral serv i c e. Contact i n formation for the Oregon State Bar is 503-684-3763
or toll-free in Oregon at 800-452-7636 or y ou ma y v i si t i t s website at: If ANY PAY M E NTS y ou d o n o t h a v e YOU MAKE. enough money to pay SECURITY DEPOSIT a lawyer an d a r e - You may apply your otherwise eligible, you security deposit and may b e ab l e to any rent you paid in receive legal advance against the assistance for f r ee. current rent you owe Contact i n formation y our l a ndlord a s and a d i rectory of provided i n ORS legal aid p r ograms 90.367. T o d o t his, w here you may be you must notify your able to o btain free landlord in writing that legal assistance is you want to subtract available at the amount of your http://www.oregonlaw s ecurity deposit o r and prepaid rent from your r ent payment. Y o u public/ris/lowcostlemay do this only for galhelp/legalaid.html. the rent you owe your A federal law known c urrent landlord. I f as t h e Pr o tecting you do this, you must Tenants at d o s o b e f ore t h e Foreclosure Act also foreclosure sale. The provides certain rights business or individual to bona fide tenants who bu y s this as defined by t h at property at the federal law. There are foreclosure sale is not government agencies responsible to you for and nonprofit any deposit or prepaid organizations that can rent you paid to your give you information l andlord. ABOU T about f o r eclosures Y OUR TEN A N CY and help you decide AFTER THE FOREC- what to do. F o r the LOSURE SALE - The n ame an d ph o n e new owner that buys number of an organithis property at the z ation n e a r you , foreclosure sale may please ca l l the be willing to allow you s tatewide phon e to stay as a t enant c ontact number a t instead of r equiring 1-800-SAFENET you to move out after (1-800-723-3638). In 90 days or at the end construing this notice, of your f ixed t e rm the masculine gender lease. After the sale, includes the feminine you should receive a and the neuter, the written notice singular includes the informing you that the plural, t h e word "Grantor" includes any sale took place and giving you the new successor in interest o wner's name a n d to the Grantor as well contact i n formation. as any other person You should contact owing an obligation, the new owner if you the performance of would like to stay. If which is secured by t he new owne r the Trust Deed, and accepts rent from you, the words "Trustee" "Beneficiary" signs a new and r esidential rent a l include their respecagreement with you or t ive s uccessors i n does not notify you in i nterest, if any. We writing within 30 days are a debt collector after the date of the attempting to collect a foreclosure sale that debt and any you must move out, information we obtain t he new owne r will be used to collect becomes your n ew the d e bt . D A T ED: l andlord an d m u s t September 6, 2012. maintain the property. /s/ Craig G. Russillo. Otherwise: • You do Craig G . Ru s sillo, not owe rent; • The Successor Trustee. new owner is not your PUBLIC NOTICE l andlord and i s n o t Notice of Regular responsible for Board of Trustees maintaining the Meeting p roperty o n you r behalf; and • You T he o u r Ri v e rs must move out by the Vector F Control Disdate the new owner trict will hold a regular specifies in a notice to Board Meeting on 17 you. The new owner December 2012, 7:00 may offer to pay your p.m., at 56478 Solar moving expenses and Drive, B e nd , OR any other costs or 97707. Topics of disamounts you and the cussion are general new owner agree on business. in exchange for your agreement to l eave the premises in less than 9 0 da y s or Good classifiedadstell before your fixed term the essential facts inan l ease expires. Y o u interestingManner.Write should speak with a lawyer to fully under- from thereaders view- not stand y o u r ri g h ts the seller's. Convertthe before making any facts into benefits. Show decisions r e garding the readerhowtheitem wil y our tenancy. IT IS help theminsomeway. UNLAWFUL FOR This A NY PERSON T O TRY TO FORCE YOU advertising tip T O L EAVE Y O UR brought to youby DWELLING UNI T W ITHOUT FI R S T GIVING YOU WRIT5ewng cenev owgonsince 1903
The Bulletin