Bulletin Daily Paper 05-11-13

Page 1

Serving Central Oregon since1903 75 $

SATURDAY May11, 201 3 AI.


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SemiO tt-,'IOn

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fugitive —How a woman from

the LI.S.ended up on the FBI's list of most wanted terrorists.A6

At the drive-in —Fans pitch in to keep theaters alive as they're forced to convert to digital projection.A7

LOCAL• I31-3

Eugene bankruptcy hits local

Feug sdui —Inchina, the old ways are returning in the

least-expected place —among Communist officials.A8


Cicadas — Their 17-year life

By Elon Gluckhch

cycle has

The Bulletin


Ronald and Peggy Coffman thought they'd stumbled on a solid, low-risk investment opportunity when they met Michael Holcomb in the early 1980s. The Bend couple, living in Eugene at the time, met

conclusion, now billions will emerge to mate.A3

Hospital costsvaryacrossthe state Costs for six common procedures vary from hospital to hospital across Oregon,according to Medicare statistics released this week. • St. Charles Bend 8

S a lem Hospital • P r ovidence • Sac red Heart Medical Center (454 beds) Portl a nd Medical Center R i verbend,

(261 beds) lll SpurtS —Prep baseball, tennis and more.C1

Average hosyital charge ~ A v erage Medicare payment ' State average hospital charge

Plus: Facing achallenge — Blind high school pole

vaulters redefine what it means to be a disabled athlete.C1

i463 Cegci

spri c glieig (386 beds)



with ventilator supportfor upto 96hours

And a Wed exclusive-

$16,39 4


$16,46 6


groups, acknowledged that the agency had singled out nonprofit applicants with the terms "tea party" or "patriots" in their titles in an effort to respond to a surge in applications for tax-exempt status between 2010 and 2012. She insisted that the move was not driven by politics, but she added, "We made some mistakes; some people didn't use



$ 7 ,706



$14,2 1 9


$12, 7 81




$8 ,108

' ~


$17,56 7

W $6,714' I




' ,discharged alive, with complications

without complications

EXTREMITYwithoutmajor complications,

' ~

' W



$14,2 9 4

~ ~

~ $15,7 1 5 ~ $15,1 8 4

$3 6 ,124 ~ $37, 8 2 0

$13,770 • $15,0 8 8 ~ $14,127

$15,0 1 1

$36, 9 39



, W

$13, 1 4 1

$14,2 5 1


$ 7 ,507:

,' ~ ~


$12, 9 6 1


$7 ,526 ',

Source: Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services

By Andrew Clevenger The Bulletin

WASHINGTONregon hospitals consistently charge less than the national average for the most commonly performed inpatient procedures, although prices vary greatly from hospital to hospital, according to data


By Annie Lowrey New Yorlz Times News Service

$8 , 67Z

. '~

$41,117 ~

$22,105 $9,682 • $17,736 $7,816i, ':$18,966

$3 3 ,'141

$46,383 ~


W$ 7,539 '


Andy Zeigert i The Bulletin

releasedWednesday by the Centers for Medicareand Medicaid Services. In releasing the 2011 data, the federal agency hopes to increase transparency and drive down costs through competition. The figures indicate wide variances between what different hospitals charge for the same procedure and how much theyare reimbursed by Medicare.


debt a drag on workers


$47,440 . '~ ~

For example, the average cost of having a pacemaker implanted at St. Charles Bend was $47,619, while the same procedure averaged $24,587 at Sacred Heart Medical Center at Riverbend in Springfield and $30,678 at Providence Portland Medical Center in Portland. SeeCosts/A5

The anemic economy has left millions of younger working Americans struggling to get ahead. The added millstone of studentloan debt, which recently exceeded $1 trillion in total, making many delay purchases like homes and cars, is acting as a drag on growth, economists said. Consider Shane Gill, a

33-year-old high-school teacher in New York City. He does not have a car. He does not own a home. He is not married. And he is no

anomaly. SeeDebt/A5

Benghazi emailrevealsshaping ofU.S.m essage By Mark Landler

"For that we're apologetic," she told reporters on a conference call. Republicans seized on the acknowledgment,

New York Times News Service

mation and adding it to a growing list of steps by the Obama administration that they say prove political interference, from hiding the terrorist origins of the attack in Benghazi, Libya, to the demand for disclosure of donors to conservative super PACs. SeeIRS /A4


$14,5 6 4

good judgment."

demanding more infor-

$13,848 $6 ,948

$33,995 ~

New York Times News Service

WASHINGTON — The Internal Revenue Service apologized to tea party groups and other conservative organizations Friday for what it now says were overzealous audits of their applications for taxexempt status. Lois Lerner, the director of the IRS division that oversees tax-exempt


$3$ ,670

$43,209 r

invested $50,000. Today, they are among 400 creditors — including two-dozen Central Oregon residents — owed $46 million and who are wondering about their investments after Berjac filed in August for bankruptcy protection under Chapter 11. SeeBankruptcy/A4


$13,5 6 8 $24,50'7

cards with their neighbors. They heard about the modest 6 percent annual returns Holcomb's father's company, Berjac of Or-

egon, could provide. They

$$3, 0 15 $7 199 • $21,242

$47, 2 2f f

~ ~


By Jonathan Weisman


$17,8 9 2

$13,471 ~


most popular. Find out which other baby names top the list.

IRS admits to scrutiny singling out tea party


Holcomb while playing


$47,619 , ~ I

(134 beds)


Jacob and Sophia arestill the bendbulletin.com/extras

(378 beds)

' INLUNG) without major complications

IMPLANT without complications

$53 8451 r

• Rog u e Regional • Go od Samaritan Medi c al Center, Regi onal Medical Medford Center,Corvallis

WASHINGTON — A longsimmering dispute over the White House's account of the deadly assault on the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, flared up on Friday, with a disclosure of emails that show the White House

TODAY'S WEATHER Partly cloudy High 82, Low 48

Page B6

was more deeply involved in revising talking points about the attack than officials have previously acknowledged. The emails, which the administration turned over to Congress, showthe White House coordinating an intensive process with the State Department, the CIA, the FBI

and other agencies to obtain the final version of the talking points, used by U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice in television appearances after the attack. The State Department, in particular, pushed to remove references to al-Qaida and Ansar al-Sharia, the Libyan militant group suspected of

carrying out the attack, as well as warnings about other potential terrorist threats from the CIA, which drafted the initial talking points. Rice was later harshly criticized as having misled the public about the nature of the attack in her television appearances. For Republicans and

other critics, the talking points have become a potent symbol of the Obama administration's mishandling of the incident, even if they constitute only a part of the broader issues, from embassy security to intelligence gathering, that were raised by the attack. SeeBenghazi/A4

The Bulletin

+ .4 We userecycled newsprint

INDEX Busines s/Stocks C7-8 Comics/Puzzles F3-4 DearAbby D6 Obituaries Calendar B3 CommunityLife D1-6 Horoscope D6 Sports Classified F1 - 6 Crosswords F4 Lo cal/State B1-6 TV/Movies

B5 C1-6 D6

AnIndependent Newspaper

voi. 110,No. 131, 34 pages, 5 sections


88 267 02329





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New York Times News Service The level of the most important heat-trapping gas in the atmosphere, carbon dioxide, has passed along-feared milestone, scientists r e ported F r i day, reaching a concentration not seen on the Earth for millions of years. Scientific monitors reported that the gas had reached an average daily level that surpassed 400 parts per million — just an odometer moment in one sense, but also a sobering reminder that decades of efforts to bring human-produced e m i ssions under control are faltering. The best available evidence suggests that the amount of the gas in the air has not been this high for at least 3 million years, and scientists believe the rise portends large changes in the climate and the level of the sea.

"It symbolizes that so far we have failed miserably in tackling this problem," said Pieter Tans, who runs the monitoring program at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration that reported the new reading. Ralph Keeling, who r u ns another monitoring program at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography in San Diego, said a continuing rise could be catastrophic. "It means we are quickly losing the possibility of keeping the climate below what

people thought were possibly tolerable thresholds," he said. The new measurement came from analyzers high atop Mauna Loa, the volcano on the big island of Hawaii. Devices there sample clean air that has blown thousands of miles across the Pacific Ocean, producing a

record of rising carbon dioxide levels that has been closely tracked for half a century. Carbon dioxide above 400 parts per million was first seen in the Arctic last year and had also spiked above that level in hourly readings at Mauna Loa. But theaverage reading for an entire day surpassed that level at Mauna Loa for the first time Thursday, according to data from both NOAA and Scripps. Carbon dioxide rises and falls on a seasonal cycle and the level will dip below 400 this summer, as leaf growth in the Northern Hemisphere pulls about 10 billion tons of carbon out of the air. But experts say that will be a b rief reprieve — the moment is approaching when no measurement anywhere, in any season, will produce a reading below 400.

Texas plant explosion —Texas law enforcement officials on Friday launched acriminal investigation into the massive fertilizer plant explosion that killed14 people last month, after weeks of largely treating the blast as an industrial accident. The announcement came

the same dayfederal agents said they found bomb-making materials belonging to a paramedic who helped evacuate residents the night of

the explosion. Bryce Reedwas arrested early Friday on a charge of possessing a destructive device, but law enforcement officials said they had not linked the charge to the April17 fire and blast

Sandy HOOk —A task force of elected officials in Newtown on Friday recommendedtearing down Sandy HookElementary School, where 20 first-graders and six educators were killed in December, and rebuilding on the same site. The group of 28 town elected officials voted unanimously in favor of a plan that would construct a new building in the same location as the existing school. The proposal

now goes to the local school board andthen before voters as areferendum. TSariIaeV durial —Boston Marathon bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev has been buried in a cemetery in central Virginia, infuriat-

ing some members of the area's Islamic community who saythey weren't consulted and flooring at least oneneighbor who said she didn't even know she lived near a burial ground. The secret interment this week at a small Islamic cemetery ended a frustrating search for a community willing to take the body.

PakiStan VOte —Despite a bloody campaign marred by Taliban attacks, Pakistan was holding historic elections Saturday pitting a former cricket star against a two-time prime minister once exiled by the army and an incumbent blamed for power blackouts and inflation.

Polls openedSaturday morning across the nation in what is a closely watched race to determine the fate of this nuclear-armed country crucial to stability in the region. The vote marks the first time in Pakistan's 65-year history that a civilian government has completed

its full term and handedover power in democratic elections. smuoo Aw. Dcsuutesi e

Syria —Navi Pillay, the top U.N. humanrights official, called Friday for "much greater urgency" in efforts to end the conflict in Syria, say-


ing massacres carried out in recent days should spur international action. Efforts by the United States and Russia to convene an interna-

tional conference onending the civil war announced this weekwere welcome, Pillay said, "but we need a much greater sense of urgency."

ADMINISTRATION Chairwoman Elizabeth C.McCool...........541-383-0374 Publisher Gordon Black ..................... Editor-in-Chief John Costa.........................541-383-0337






!$ n

Pillay drew attention to images of piles of bodies, including infants

and small children, that purport to show the killing of dozens of civilians by pro-government militia in Bayda and elsewhere this month.

' ll'

Guatemala genocide —A Guatemalan court found Gen.Efrain Rios Montt, the former dictator who ruled Guatemala during one of the bloodiest periods of its long civil war, guilty of genocide and

DEPARTMENT HEADS Advertising Jay Brandt..........................541-383-0370 CirculationandOperations Keith Foutz ......................... 541-385-5805 FinanceHolly West...........54f -383-032f

crimes against humanity Friday. JudgeYasmin Barrios sentenced

HumanResources Traci Donaca ......................

NOrth KOrea —Dennis Rodman, the former basketball star who has managed to engagewith North Korea's leader — something

Rios Montt, 86, to 80 years in prison. His co-defendant, Jose Mauricio Rodriguez-Sanchez, who was director of intelligence under the

general, was acquitted of the samecharges.

TALK TO AN EDITOR Business Tim Doran..........541-383-0360 City Desk Joseph Oitzler.....541-383-0367 CommunityLife, Health JulieJohnson.....................541-383-0308 EditorialsRichard Coe......541-383-0353 GO! Magazine Ben Salmon........................541-383-0377 Home, All Ages Alandra Johnson................541-617-7860 News EditorJanJordan ....54f -383-03f 5 PhotosDeanGuernsey......541-383-0366 SporlsBill Bigelow.............541-383-0359

REDMOND BUREAU Street address.......226N.W.Sixth St. Redmond, OR97756 Mailing address....Po. Box 788 Redmond, OR97756 .................................541-504-2336 .................................54f -548-3203

CORRECTIONS The Bulletin's primary concern is that all stories areaccurate. If you know ofan error in a story, call us at 541 -383-0358.

U.S. officials have been unable to do — said he planned to revisit the

North to try to gain an imprisoned American's release, according to a video posted Friday on thecelebrity news website TMZ. Theman he hopes to free, Kenneth Bae, is a Korean-American who was recently

sentenced to15 years of hard labor on charges of committing "hostile acts" against North Korea. — From wire reports

Rina Castelnuovo/ New York Times News Service

Ultra-Orthodox Jewish men protest as members of

Women of theWall pray Friday nearthe Western Wall in Jerusalem. Thousands of ultra-Orthodox Jews flooded the

hatted Orthodox men whistled, catcalled, and threw months in which several women were detained by the police for using the traditional garments, officers

Friday protected them, after a court ruling saying they

standoff with a pluralistic group of women that has

should be allowed to pray as they wish. Instead, three ultra-Orthodox men were arrested

Heeding calls from their rabbis, hundreds of teen-

age girls crammed into the women's section in front of the wall before 6:30 a.m., forcing the group to conduct their service farther back, in the plaza, asblack-

and two were detained for questioning for trying to attack the women, according to a police spokesman, as hundreds of uniformed officers locked hands in

cordons to keepthe religious throngs away from the pluralistic group of perhaps100.


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Oregon Lottery results As listed at www.orcgonlottery.org

MEGA MILLIONS The numbers drawn Friday night are:

Q1Q19 ®0©9Q49©O The estimated jackpot is now $170 million.

I(idnappingsuspect is girl's father, DNAshows The Associated Press C LEVELAND — A D N A test confirmed another dark twist in the story of three women imprisoned in a house for about a decade: Kidnapping and rape suspect Ariel Castro is the father of a 6-year-old girl who escaped from the house along with the women, a prosecutor said Friday. As the investigation into the women's ordeal continued, the FBI also said no human remains were among more than 200pieces of evidence collected from the house. Two of the women, including the one who gave birth to the girl, returned to relatives' houses earlier this week. The third woman, Michelle Knight, was released from a hospital Friday with a request that her privacy be respected. "Michelle Knight is in good spirits and would like the community to know that she is extremely grateful for the outpouring of flowers and gifts," the statement said. No information would be provided about Knight's next steps, said MetroHealth Medical Center spokeswoman Phyllis Marino. Castro remained in jail under a suicide watch on $8 million bond while prosecutors weighed what charges they might bring against him, including the possibility of charges carrying a death penalty. He currently is charged with rape and kidnapping. Castro was represented at

Thursday's hearing by public

Sherpa Concerts


water, candy, a rockand other items at them. But after

Western Wall early Friday morning, creating a tense for years prayed at the holy site once amonth wearing garments traditionally used bymen.


defender Kathleen Demetz, who said she is acting as Castro's adviser if needed until he's appointed a full-time attorney once he's charged by a grand jury. She said Friday she can't speak to his guilt or innocence and said only that she advised him not to give any media interviews that might jeopardize his case. Family members have portrayed Castro as a "monster" who terrorizedthe mother of his children, frequently beating her, playing twisted psychological games and locking her indoors. The stories, repeated in separate interviews by members of Castro's extended family, have surprised people who knew him as a musician who played bass in several bands around Cleveland the last two decades. A police report alleged that Castro impregnated one of his captives at least five times and made her miscarry by starving her and punching her in the stomach. The report also said another one of the women, Amanda Berry, was forced to give birth in a plastic kiddie




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pool. Tests by the state attorney

general's office on a sample of Castro's DNA confirmed that he is the father of Berry's 6-year-old daughter, who was rescued from his house,the office said Friday. After her release, the girl returned home with Berry, 27. Officials also were entering the DNA profile into a national database to see if it links him to other crimes.

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TART • Discoveries, breakthroughs, trends, namesin the news— the things you needto knowto start out your day

It's Saturday, May11, the131st day of 2013. There are 234 days left in the year.

PHENOMENON HAPPENINGS PeklS'tell —The country goes to the polls for a national election that will mark the first transition between civilian

governments in its 66-year history.A2

The insect's 17-year life cycle has reached the point where it is time for

SPaCeWalk —Astronauts

them to emerge from underground and mate. There are likely to be billions

at the International Space Station will perform emergency

By Seth Borenstein

repairs to a leaking coolant system.

HISTORY Highlight:In1973, the espio-

nage trial of Daniel Ellsberg and Anthony Russo in the "Penta-

gon Papers" casecameto an end as JudgeWilliam Byrne dismissed all charges, citing government misconduct. In 1647, Peter Stuyvesant arrived in New Amsterdam

to become governor of New Netherland. In1858, Minnesota became the 32nd state of the Union. In1862, during the Civil War, the Confederate ironclad CSS

Virginia was scuttled by its crew off Craney Island, Va., to prevent it from falling into

Union hands. In1927, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences

was founded during a banquet at the Biltmore Hotel in Los

Angeles. In1935, the Rural Electrification Administration was

created as one of President Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal programs. In1943, during World War II, U.S. forces landed on the Aleutian island of Attu, which was held by the Japanese; the Americans took the island 19

days later. In1950, President Harry Tru-

man formally dedicated the Grand Coulee Dam in Wash-

ington state.

For a few The Associated Press

WASHINGTON — Any day now, billions of cicadas with bulging red eyes will crawl out of the earth after 17 years underground and overrun the East Coast. The insects will arrive in such numbers that people from North Carolina to Connecticut will be outnumbered roughly 600-to-1. Maybe more. Scientists even have a horror-movie name for the infestation: Brood II. But as ominous as that sounds, the insects are harmless. They won't hurt you or other animals. At worst, they might damage a few saplings or young shrubs. Mostly they will blanket certain pockets of the region, though lots of people won't ever see them. "It's not like these hordes of cicadas suck blood or zom-

bify people," says May Berenbaum, a University of Illinois entomologist.

They're looking for just one

thing: sex. And they've been waiting quite a long time. Since 1996, this group of 1inch bugs, in wingless nymph form, has been a few feet un-

derground, sucking on tree roots and biding their time. They will emerge only when the groundtemperature reaches precisel y 64 degrees.After a few weeks up in the trees, they will die and their offspring will go underground, not to return until 2030. "It's just an a mazing accomplishment," B e r enbaum

says. "How can anyone not be impressed?" And they will make a big racket, too. The noise all the male cicadas make when they sing for sex can drown out your own thoughts, and maybe even rival a rock concert. In 2004, Gene Kritsky, an entomologist at the College of Mount St. Joseph in Cincinnati, measured cicadas at 94 decibels, saying it was so loud "you don't hear planes flying overhead." There are ordinary cicadas that come out every year around the world, but these are different. They're called magicicadas — as in magic — and are red-eyed. And these

may be more hke I trillion. Even if it's merely 30 billion, if they were lined up head to tail, they'd reach the moon and back. "There will be some places where it's wall-to-wall cicadas," says University of Maryland entomologist Mike Raupp. Strength in numbers is the key to cicada survival: There are so many of them that the birds can't possibly eat them all, and those that are left over are free to multiply, Raupp says. But why only every 13 or 17 years? Some scientists think they come out in these odd cycles so that predators can't match the timing and be wait-

magicicadas are seen only in

ing for them in huge numbers.

the eastern half of the United S tates, nowhere else in t h e world. There are 15 U.S. broods that emerge every 13 or 17 years, so that nearly every year, some place is overrun. Last year it was a small area, mostly around the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia, West Virginia and Tennessee. Next year, two places get hit: Iowa into Illinois and Missouri; and Louisiana and Mississippi. And it's possible to live in these locations and actually never see them. This year's invasion, Brood II, is one of the bigger ones. Several experts say that they really don't have a handle on how many cicadas are lurking underground but that 30 billion seems like a good estimate. At the Smithsonian Institution, researcher Gary Hevel thinks it

Another theory is that the unusual cycles ensure that different broods don't compete with each other much. And there's the mystery of just how these bugs know it's been 17years and time to come out, not 15 or 16 years. Past cicada invasions have seen as many as 1.5 million bugs peracre. Of course, most places along the East Coast won'tbe so swamped, andsome places, especially in cities, may see zero,says Chris Simon of the University of Connecticut. For example, Staten Island gets this brood of cicadas, but the rest of New York City and Long Island don't, she says. The cicadas also live beneath the metro areas of Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington. Scientists a n d or d i n ary people with a bug fetish travel

In1953, a tornado devastated

Waco, Texas, claiming 114 lives.


In1960,Israeli agents captured Nazi war criminal Adolf

Eichmann in BuenosAires, Argentina. In1981,legendary reggae artist Bob Marley died in a Miami hospital at age 36. The Andrew

Lloyd Webber musical "Cats" openedin London. In1985, 56 people died when a flash fire swept a jam-packed soccer stadium in Bradford,

England. In1996, an Atlanta-bound ValuJet DC-9 caught fire shortly after takeoff from

Miami and crashed into the Florida Everglades, killing all

110 people on board. Ten years ago:TheUnited States declared lraqi leader

Saddam Hussein's Baath Party dead. Lithuania became the first ex-Soviet republic to ap-

prove entry into the European Union as voters completed a weekend referendum. Canada beat Sweden 3-2 in Finland to win its first hockey world

championship in sixyears. Five years ago:Serbia's pro-Western president, Boris Tadic, declared victory in

parliamentary elections — a stunning upset over ultranationalists.

One year ago:A Chicago jury convicted Oscar-winner Jennifer Hudson's former brother-

in-law, William Balfour, of murdering her mother, brother

and 7-year-old nephew. (Balfour was later sentenced to life in prison.)

BIRTHDAYS Comedian Mort Sahl is 86. Nation of Islam leader Louis Far-

rakhan is 80. Rock singer Eric Burdon (The Animals; War) is 72. Actress Shohreh Agh-

dashloo is 61. Actress Frances Fisher is 61. Actor Boyd Gaines is 60. Country musician Mark

Herndon (Alabamaj is 58.

Actress Martha Quinn is 54. Actor Tim Blake Nelson is 49.

Actor Jeffrey Donovan is 45. Country musician Keith West

(Heartland) is45. Actor Nicky Katt is 43. Actor Coby Bell is 38. Actor-singer Jonathan Jackson is 31. Actor Cory Monteith is 31. — From wire reports

By Lisa M. Krieger

player Samuel Groth at 163


SAN JOSE, Calif. — The human brain is far slower than a Major League fastball or a blistering tennis serve — but it has figured out a workaround. New research by University of California, Berkeley scientists solves a puzzle that has long mystified anyone who has watched, in awe, as elite athletes respond to incoming balls that can surpass 90 mph. The brain perceives speeding objects as further along in their trajectory than seen by the eyes, giving us time to respond, according to research by Gerrit Maus, lead author of a paper published in this week's issue of the j ournal Neuron. This clever adjustmentcompensating for the sluggish route from the eyes to neural decision-making - "is a sophisticated prediction mechanism," he said. "As soon as the brain knows something is moving, it pushes the position of the object moving forward, so there's a more accurate measure of w here this object actually is," said Maus. This is useful in survival situations far more important than sports — such as when we're crossing a street, in front

In that split second, there's a lot of work for the body to do. Eyes must first find the ball. The sensory cells in the retina determine itsspeed and rush this information to the brain. Then the brain sends messages through the spinal cord that tell muscles in the arms and legs to respond. "By the time the brain receives the information, it's already out of date," said Maus. For th e e x periment, six volunteers had their b r ains scanned with a fu n c tional MRI as they viewed the "flashdrag effect," a two-part visual illusion in which we see brief flashes shifting in the direction of a motion. The researchers found that the illusion — f l ashes perceived in their predicted locations against a moving background and flashes actually shown in their predicted location against a still background — createdthe same neuralactivity patterns in the V5 region of the brain. In an earlier study, they stimulated this part of the brain to interfere with neural activity, and disrupted this visual position-shifting mechanism. The finding could also help explain why a l tered trajectories can fool us — such as tennis backspins or baseball pitches with s o -called late break. A clearer understanding of how the brain processes objects in motion can eventually help in diagnosing and treating myriad disorders, including those that impair motion perception, according to the UC Berkeley team. People who cannot perceive motion cannot predict locations of objects and thereforecannot perform

of a speeding car. Former Yankees c atcher Yogi Berra pondered the mystery, once asking: "How can you think and hit at the same time?" You can't, because there's not time for both. "But you don't need to think about it, because the brain does it automatically," said Maus. At the average major league speed of 90 mph, a baseball leaves the pitcher's hand and travels about 56 feet to home plate in only 0.4 seconds, or 400 milliseconds. Tennis is even faster. Last May, courtside radar g u ns m easured a serve by Briti sh

tasks as simple as pouring a cup of coffee or crossing a road, researchers said. "The brain doesn't work in real time," said Maus.

residents from North Carolina to Connecticut will be outnumbered by cicadas 600to-1. Maybe more. And the invaders will be loud. A chorus of buzzing male cicadas can rival a jet engine. Chris Simon University of Connecticut via The Associated


to see them. Thomas Jefferson once wrote about an invasion of this very brood at Monticello, his home in Virginia. While t hey s t a y u n d erground, the bugs aren't asleep. As some of the world's longestlived insects, they go through different growth stages and molt four times before ever getting to the surface. They feed on a tree fluid called xylem. Then they go above ground, where they molt, leaving behind a crusty brown shell, and grow a

singles bar early, Raupp says. They come out first as nymphs, which are essentially wingless and silent juveniles, climb on to tree branches and molt one last time, becoming adult winged cicadas. They perch on tree branches and sing, individually or in a chorus. Then when a female comes close, the males change their song, they do a dance andmate,he explained. The males keep m ating ("That's what puts the 'cad'

half-inch bigger.

eventually the female lays 600 or so eggs on the tip of a branch. The offspring then dive-bomb out ofthe trees,bounce offthe ground and eventually burrow into the earth, he says. "It's a t reacherous, precarious life," Raupp says. "But somehow they make it work."

The timing of w hen they firstcome out depends purely on ground temperature. That means early May for southern areas and late May or even June for northern areas. The males come out first — think of it as getting to the

in 'cicada,'" Raupp jokes) and

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Debt Continued from A1 Like hundreds of thousands of others in his generation, he has put off such major purchases ordecisions in part because of his debts. Gill owes about $45,000 in federal student loans, plus another $40,000 to his parents. That investment in his future has led to a secure job with decent pay and good benefits. But it has left him with tremendous f inancial constraints, as h e faces chipping away at the debt for years on end. "There's this anxiety: What if I decided I wanted to get married or have children'?" Gill said."I don't know how I would. And that adds to the sense of precariousness. There's a persistent, buzzing kind of toothache around it." The Federal Reserve Bank of New York, in a new study, found that 30-year-olds with student loans are now l ess likely to have debts like home mortgages than 30-year-olds without student loans — even though most of those with student loans are better educated and can expect to earn more money over their lifetimes. The same patternholds true for 25year-olds and car loans. "It is a new thing, a big social experiment that we've accidentally decided to engage in," said Kevin Carey, the director of

— a decline of about 15 percent in real terms since 2000, with much of that drop coming from the recession. According to calculations by the Pew Research Center, the measure ofdebt to income for households under the age of 35 has ballooned to about 1.5to-1 in 2010 from about 1-to-1 in 2001. The composition of that debt has shifted, too: More is tied to student debts, and less to homes. "Having a lot of student-loan debt makes it harder

to qualify for a mortgage and Shane Gill, a high-school teacher, owes about $45,000 in federal student loans, plus another $40,000 to his parents. The anemic economy has left millions struggling to get ahead, and student debt is a drag on many.

young people just establishing themselves from making

run,even ifitdelays some purchases in the near term. "For an individual going to college and ending up with a lot of debt — you're still better off," said Chris Christopher of the forecasting firm IHS Global Insight. There might, however, be a slice of young workers who

paid huge sums for degrees that prove less valuable on the job market, saddled by a debt burden that could end up holding them back for decades. Gill said his education remained a v i ta l i n vestment, even if the debt overhang has for now put white-picket fences or a condo with a gleaming view out of reach. "Sometimes I think: 'What if I were to buy an apartment?'" he said. "It is like asking: 'What am I going to do when I first land on the moon? What's the first thought that I will have when I see Earth from outer space?'"

harder to save for a down payment," said Jed Kolko, the chief economist at Trulia. Student-loan debt is not only constraining young adults, but also, at least in the near term, holding back the recovery itmajor purchases. But millions self, some economists say. The now face putting a substantial shadows might remain even share of their take-home pay as the economy picks up, by gaining a college degree retoward past debts rather than making young workers more mains well worth it in the long present needs. Student-loan cautious when it comes to dedebt leaves them with l ess cisions about t heir c areers money for things like clothes and their finances. Millennials and restaurant meals. And it might end up buying less-exis even more likely to suppress pensive homes or more often purchases of more expensive choosing to rent than previous items that need to be bought generations. "The debt is shifting how with credit. • 4 The poor job market is com- much young people can spend, pounding the problem: The and it can also be a powerful educational debt burden of psychological thing as well," I • • r ' 0 ' many so-called millennials has said Selma Hepp, an economist dramatically increased even at the California Association of as they are being forced to get Realtors. Pearl District Location by on significantly less income O n the other side of t h e than the previous generation equation, many college gradu-

Karsten Moran/New York Times News Service

the Education Policy Program at the New America Foundation, a research group based in Washington. "Let's send a whole class of people out into their professional lives with a negative net worth. Not starting at zero, but starting at a minus that is often measured in the tens of thousands of dollars. Those minus signs have psychological impact, I suspect. They might have a dollars-and-cents impact in what you can afford, too." The weak economy and tight credit standards remain the main culprits preventing

ates now in their 20s and early 30s should eventually be able to make up for lost ground. Students who take on debt to pay forhigher education commit themselves to paying off huge sums, but they usually lift their lifetime earnings by substantial amounts. And they are in a better position to insulate themselves against economic bad times, given the profound rewards the job market provides to the college-educated. Indeed, the economy is far more punishing to w o rkers without a college degree. The college-educated earn, on average, 80 percent more than those who only completed high school, a premium that has widened overthe last30 years. Unemployment rates for the lesseducated are higher,too. For most young workers,









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with data on patient outcomes, to try to figure out which hosContinued from A1 pitals provide the best value to Medicare reimbursed the patients and taxpayers, said Rogue Regional Medical Cen- Jeff Luck, a professor of health ter in M e dford $14,390 for m anagement and policy at respiratory system diagnosis Oregon State University's Colwith up to 96 hours on a venti- lege of Public Health and Hulator, almost the same amount man Sciences. "These data were just not it reimbursed Good Samaritan Regional Medical Center available before, and it was in Corvallis ($14,564) for the difficult to make some of these same procedure. However, the comparisons," he said. "(They) average listed price for the pro- allow us to actually start to see cedure at Rogue was $60,892 whether individual hospitals compared wit h $ 3 9,391 at are providing good value for Good Samaritan, a difference the money they are paidby of more than $21,000. Medicare." The data confirm Oregon's Hospitals have been relucreputation a s a l ow - c ost, tant to release their chargehigh-quality health care state, masters, or list prices, because said Andy Van Pelt, spokes- it weakens their negotiating man for the Oregon Associa- positions with insurance comtion of Hospitals and Health panies, he said. "But I think also hospitals Systems. "We are in the forefront of have been reluctant to disclose the country for health care the fact that their list prices reform," he said. "We are light are not consistent with realyears ahead of what everyone ity," he said. else is doing in terms of the triIn one extreme example, ple aim of health care reform: cited by Health and Human reducing c o sts, i m p roving Services Secretary Kathleen outcomes and improving the Sebelius as she announced the data's release, a joint replacepatient experience." St. Charles' prices were be- ment costs as little as $5,300 low the national average for in Ada, Okla., or as much as 97 of the 100 procedures listed, $223,000 in Monterey Park, said Steve Strang, St. Charles' Calif. director of performance For inpatient procedures, analytics. p atients rarely pay the f u ll "We were pleased and en- price listed by hospitals. A couraged that St. Charles is privately insured patient may below the national average quickly spend his or her $2,000 on all of the major highlighted deductible, and the remainder surgeries. We've been work- of the cost is negotiated by the ing hard to keep our prices hospital and th e i n surance fair and as low as possible," he company. Many other patients sa>d. are covered by Medicare or Part of the reason for the Medicaid. wide variances in pricingIn Central Oregon, 70-75 even in the same region or city percent of the patients are on — is that, until now, hospitals Medicare or Medicaid, said St. had no idea how much their Charles' Strang. Another 25 peers across town were charg- percent or so are privately ining, he said. sured, and many of the small "Without the benchmarking fraction of uninsured qualify data, it's been kind of a guess- for the hospital's financial asing game," he said. "This fills sistanceprogram, he said. that void to some degree. It A more expensive hospital gives us insight into what oth- doesn't necessarily provide er places are charging." better care, and may in fact Hospitals also face different be cheaper for a patient if it expenses depending on their has a relationship with his or size and location. A smaller, her insurance provider, so the regional hospital in Bend or new data isn't really a tool for Corvallis may pay more for individuals hoping to comparsupplies once transportation ison shop, the way they would costs are included, and they when buying a car. also lack the volume to neBut when reviewed in aggotiate large discounts with gregate, the new information suppliers. may put downward pressure Conversely, larger h ospi- on overall health care costs. "If these data can a llow tals in big cities typically have higher real estate costs, and consumer groups or insurers their staffs command higher to help patients choose hospisalaries. tals that provide better value, There are other reasons for that'sa service to everybody," the wildly divergent pricing Luck said. structures. Some hospitals are Luck hopes the government teaching facilities, and have will release similar data about higher costs associated with outpatient services, and sereducation. Others have special vices provided at doctors' offacilities, such as a 24-hour fices. That information has the burn unit, that drive prices potential to reduce costs for higher. individuals. Some populations served Say a patient needs an MRI by hospitals are less healthy or CT scan, and one facility than others, and they cost charges $900 for the test while more to treat, and Medicare's another charges $1,400. Bereimbursement formula tries cause the patient will probably to take t h ese factors i n to not go over his or her deducaccount. ible in either case, the $500 differencecomes outof hisorher Comparing value, pocket. lowering costs "Consumers have even less The next step will be com- information about the costs of bining the pricing information those tests than they do about

hospital services," he said. Van Pelt, of the Oregon Association of H o spitals and Health Systems, hopes the new data help empower patients to ask more informed questions about the cost of the care they are receiving and createa more transparent environment around health care. "Just like making any big purchase or investment, you want to ask questions," he said. "If the data that was released starts that c o nversation, I think that's a good thing."

Strang also sees the data release as a positive develo pment, and s u pports t h e release of additional pricing information. "We at St. Charles think that that would be fantastic, to provide more transparency to customers in the value equation," he said. "There are so many complexities in health care and mixed incentives that make it difficult, but certainly I think the more transparency on pricing the better."


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urvivin rive-ins scram e o conver o i i a •

By Ted Gregory

Local landmarks

Chicago Tribune

GIBSON CITY, IIL — Mike Harroun sat in the ticket booth of his Harvest Moon Twin Drive In Theatre collecting admissions, well aware of the inevitable. He couldn't afford the $160,000 needed to convert his film projectors to digital. He'd have to close the quirky windpowered theater with the 1940s carousel, a regional landmark he and his sons had run for nearly a quarter-century. Then a woman in an SUV carrying a load of little girls pulled up and handed Harroun a jar filled with coins. Tracy Jennings explained that her daughter, Macy, and her friends ran a lemonade stand and wanted to donate all the proceeds — $80 — to save the drive-in. "It brought tears to his eyes," Mike's son Ben recalled, "and I had to switch places with him." Macy and hundreds of others ended up saving the Harvest Moon, which has occupied that spot about 110 miles south of Chicago since 1954. The Harrouns recently threw a party to thank all the contributors, offering free food and admission to the first public screening of what might be considered a love story — a documentary about drive-ins, "Going Attractions." Across much of the country, many of the 357 drive-in theaters that remain from the original peak of m ore than 5,000 are opening this season — the 80th anniversary of the drive-in and perhaps the most precarious year. Of Illinois' 12 drive-ins, at least four have converted to digital or are about to, including the Cascade Drive In of West Chicago, where the owners are willing to dig deep to fund the transition. Others, like the McHenry OutdoorTheatre in McHenry, are l aunching

fundraising campaigns while relying on movies produced on film, a rapidly evaporating pool that might disappear by the fall.

'Go with the change or you're going to go extinct' Some probably w i l l be nudged into the H ollywood hereafter by th e staggering cost of changing to d i gital projection. The predicament has made this year something of a referendum on how Americans value drive-ins, and perhaps by extension, how much we value nostalgia and the offbeat ambience of taking a typically indoor activity outdoors. "It's just like when sound came to movies," said Scott Dehn, owner of the McHenry Outdoor. "You either have to go with the change or you're going to go extinct." The Harrouns began serious consideration of that gloomy possibility in about February 2012. Converting to digital required them to replace their conventional fil m p r ojector, an initial investment that can reach into six figures. But the cost of creating a digital copy of a movie is $50-$100 compared withup to $1,500 for a 35 mm feature film. Digital projection already had swept through most indoor theaters, and drive-in owners knew the availability of movies on film would soon drop drastically. "We decided to do a little fundraising to see how many people wanted to save the drive-in," Ben Harroun said. T hey announced a c a mpaign via Facebook and on the drive-in's website. They raffled off a 1967 Mustang, which generated about $9,000. They hosted a concert, which lost $5,000. After a few months, the Harrouns raised about $10,000. Then they heard about an indoor theater t ha t r a i sed $150,000 in two weeks for the digital changeover, via Kickstarter.com. The fundraising clearinghouse allows individuals and groups to create an o nline donor campaign for projects, typically artistic or cultural, over a set time period. If the f undraising falls short, t h e project creators get nothing and the potential donors are not charged. The Ha r r o un s so u g ht $120,000. By t h ei r s e lf-imposed deadline of late September, they'd received pledges of $49,000, Be n H a r r oun recalled.

Drive-in theater sites, as of March13, 2013: 0sites



• 14 or more

R.I. 0

Conn. 0 Oel. 0

o.c. 0

Source: United Drive-in Theatre Owners Association Note: Alaska and Hawaii are not to scale

© 2013 MCT

Michael Tercha /Chicago Tribune file photo

Heidi Mules and Gary Katzer watch a documentary about the history of drive-ins with their dog, Trixie, on an inflatable mattress at the Harvest Moon Twin Drive In Movie Theatre in Gibson City, III. "When that fell through," he added, "we almost lost hope." But they reorganized and created their own fundraising campaign, "Save the Drive In," on the Harvest Moon website. Among those who donated were Macy, of Bloomington, and Payton Whitman, of Cullom, population 550. The 10year-olds and their families were regularsat the Harvest Moon, and both kids decided independently to set up lemonade stands to help the drive-in. They ended up donating near-

ly $350. "I love it more than the (indoor) movie theater," Macy said a few days before attending the donor party. She en-

joys playing Frisbee or jumping ropebefore the movie and during the intermission, and w atching movies from h e r sleeping bag in the back of her family's open SUV hatchback. Businesses also had gotten involved. Neal Tire and Auto Service, which has 22 stores in Illinois, including a Gibson City location, started by donat-

hoping for a similar outcome as he mounts a campaign to pay for digital. The Volo Auto Museum has given him a truck from a Superman movie to use in a promotion. Meanwhile, he's going to show movies on film until the supply runs dry, he said. Drive-ins are "kind of like a time machine," Dehn said. "You go in there, and you're back in the '40s and '50s. That's not something that's created anywhere else." He'll officially start his campaign on Memorial Day, trying to capitalize on the summer season, when drive-ins achieve their highest recognition in people's minds. "I haven't thought about not making it," Dehn said. "I'm pretty dedicated to finding some way to make this


Many drive-ins have quirky details that give them notoriety. Apart from the Harvest Moon's wind power, which generates about one-third of its electricity needed during ing $25 for every oil change a season, the Harrouns are and ended up contributing a installing solar panels. The total of $10,000, said Scott Car- McHenry Outdoor Theater's lon, director of marketing and screen is a seven-story tower strategic planning. A number with i n door c o mpartments of employeeshave frequented and a ladder that runs to the the Harvest Moon, he added. roof. " In th e w h ole r ealm o f West Chicago's Cascade, things, it was a relatively easy according to owner Jeff Kohldecision to make," Carlon said, berg, is the only drive-in that noting that the Harvest Moon provides grills for customers, has been a successful enter- and it has a giant 117-by-49prisefor years and clearly is foot screen. Kohlberg, 66, who valued by the community. grew up working at his father's By late February, the com- Starlite Drive In in Oak Lawn, munity h a d r a i sed n early said he considered fundraising $60,000, the Harrouns said, for t h e C a s cade's d i gital a llowing M ik e H a r roun t o change but ended up funding borrow $100,000 to make the the effort himself. "I could operate that theater conversion. Shortly after it opened this if I could just break even and spring, that total received a survive," said Kohlberg, who surprise$500 boost from 7- was supervising hi s d r iveyear-old Alaric Fulton, of Mon- in's conversion last week. "I ticello. Alaric was born weeks couldn't do anything else. I early at Northwestern Memo- haven't done anything else. rial Hospital, and he and his This is in our blood." parents select a service project Nationally, the fate of the to give back every year on his 357 drive-insremains uncerbirthday, as a way of showing tain. Some estimate that about their appreciation for the care 250 will remain open this time they received at Northwestern. next year, a precipitous fall This year, Alaric asked if from the 4,500 to 5,500 driveguests to his birthday party ins that existed in their heyday would donate to the drive-in of the late 1950s, before they and make ninja headbands were ravaged by s uburban for young patients at St. Jude sprawl, VCRs, DVD players Children's Research Hospital. and sophisticated home enterThe Harrouns were so touched tainment systems. that they pledged to contribAgainst that bleak backute 30 percent of all donations drop, April Wright sees reathey receive for a " Support son for hope. Wright, a Chithe Drive In" fundraiser to St. cago-area native living in Los Jude. Neal Tire matched the Angeles,spent five years and $500 donation. visited more than 400 open, "Each gift comes with a abandoned or former drive-in story," Ben Harroun wrote in sites in the 48 contiguous states a Facebook post after the Ful- to make the documentary "Gotons made their "amazing" ing Attractions: The Definitive donation. "This one is one of Story of the American Drivethe best of what humanity can In Movie." offer." She said A m ericans are looking for more family-cenLike a time machine tric activities, particularly afM cHenry owner Dehn i s fordable activities. Drive-ins'

ticket prices often are lower than those of indoor venues, and viewers get two f i l ms. Some outdoor theaters even allow patrons to bring their own food. The other sign of hope is Hollywood's trend toward superhero, animated and more family-friendly movies, Wright said. All of those factors play directly to drive-ins' strengths. The genres — for the most part — appeal to families, and

drive-inscreens are massive compared to indoor theaters, making the viewing experience that much more powerful and larger-than-life. "The other thing you have to look at is drive-in capacity is so large compared to indoor theaters," she said, noting that the typical indoor theater has 250 seats. "When a drive-in is selling an audience, it's bringing in 500 to 2,000 people to a screening," Wright added. "These big movies that are family-friendly are exactly the types of spectacle movies that

play well at a drive-in." Dehn, who has fond memories of spending summer weekend nights at drive-ins, wants to perpetuate that ambience. "I think it would be unfair for us ... not to allow that to continue for o t her g enerations," he said. AzsT xTtrwe

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'1993 FleetwoodPace Arrow 32 ft. vw¹m4ze. One at this price. 0 44 tA

Chuck Berman / Chicago Tribune file photo

The Cascade Drive In movie theater in West Chicago is being converted from 35mm film to a digital projection system. The upgrade includes digital sound, which will improve sound from these in-car speakers.







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Calendar, B3 Obituaries, B5

Weather, B6 THE BULLETIN • SATURDAY, MAY 11, 2013



Inmate caught outside Portland


Events Another spring election is just ahead. The May 21 ballot car-

ries contests extremely close to home, from

school boards to parks and recreation directors to water districts. Bond

5 •

measures andtax levies for new school buildings, fire equipment and

emergency dispatch services are also atstake. The Bulletin will publish a daily calendar of election-related events, including candidate fo-

Many cities' architectural personalities reflect the tastes prevalent during boom eras of construction.

The Bulletin

For Redmond, that was the period from the 1920s through the 1940s, when art deco and its machineage styles dominated new buildings. Now, Redmond is trying to embrace that part of its heritage.

Jason Michael Donaldson, 36, slipped away from a crew of Deer Ridge Correctional Institution inmates doing fuels reduction in the forest near Phil's Trail sometime between 1:15 and 1:45 p.m. Tuesday. Donaldson Sgt. Dan Connor of the Oregon State Police said investigators have not solidly connected Donaldson with a vehicle stolen shortly after he escaped. The vehicle was reported missing from Widgi Creek Golf Club on Century Drive about two hours after Donaldson left the work crew; Connor said it was located in the Portland area the following day. "We're still investigating that. We have our suspicions and beliefs and all of that, but nobody physically saw him in the vehicle, that kind of thing," Connor said. Along with Central Oregon and Portland-area law enforcement, the OSP was assisted by agencies based in Eugene and Lincoln City. Connor said investigators called on friends and family of Donaldson around the state to try to determine where he was, a process that ultimately led to the ttp that put htm at a Beaverton Motel 6 on Friday morning. SeeInmate /B5

com, or by conventional mail to P.O. Box 6020, Bend OR 97708-6020.

To qualify for publication in The Bulletin calendar, the event must

be open to thegeneral public by freeadmission. Fundraising events do not qualify, nor do strict-

ly partisan gatherings. Who's running A complete list of candidates for Crook,

Deschutes and Jefferson counties can be found at www.bendbulletin.com/ may21 candidates

Measures and levies • Deschutes 911 • Madras Aquatic Center

operating levy • Bend-La Pine School bond • La Pine Fire District

operation and equipment levies • Culver school bond

• Crook County school bond

Ballots Ballots must be re-

ceived by county elections officials no later than 8 p.m. on Election Day. Postmarks do not

count. If you didn't receive a ballot in the mail with

a voter guide, call your county clerk's office: • Deschutes: 541-388-6546 • Crook: 541-447-6553 • Jefferson: 541-475-4451

OSUcampus support runs high inSalem

Read our stories Coverageleading up to the election is at www.bendbulletin.com/ election2013 •

Well shot!

By Lauren Dake

The Bulletin

reader photos Leetie Pugmire Hole/The Bulletin

• We want to see your another special version of Well shot! that will run in the Outdoors

section. Submit your best work at www. bendbulletin.com/

wellshot/ppptraining, and we'll pickthe best for publication. Submission requirements: Include as much detail as possible — when and where you took it, and any special technique used — as well ae your name, hometown and phone number.Photos must he high resolution (at least 6 inches wide and 300 dpi) and cannot tre altered.

Gorrection In a brief headlined,

By Leslie Pugmire Holee The Bulletin t took the poster for things to click, an illustrated history highlighting the wealth of art deco architecture in Redmond. City Development Director Heather Richards knew Redmond had some special buildings because she fielded the occasional phone inquiry by architecture buffs, but it was the poster that prompted the "aha"moment. "I saw th e p oster i n K a t hy's of-


f ice (Kathy Clark, then chair of t h e Redmond Historical Commission), and I was amazed," said Richards. "I had no idea there were so many." As it turned out, art deco architecture — and its offshoot, streamline moderne — is everywhere in Redmond, hidden under bad remodels and bland paint schemes. Its simple, clean lines and striking graphic elements had been ignored or altered in the 80-plus years since many


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peared Thursday, May name was misstated.

were built, but there they are. The poster was created by Michael Houser, a historical preservationist who worked in Central Oregon in the 1990s. It was Houser who first suggested Redmond should capitalize on the buildings, but after he left the area the idea languished. "I got to thinking that every community has hidden gems that just need polish," said Richards. "Rather than create a brand, why not use what's here?" SeeArt deco/B3

Mg r+S~

"Plea delayed in fatal shooting," which ap9, on Page B1, David Andrew Ryder's middle

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The Bulletin regrets the error.


II [

In an Associated Press story headlined "Lawmakers hope to limit impact of tax law-

suit," which appeared

The inmate who walked away from a work site west of Bend earlier this week was captured in Beaverton

Friday morning.

rums and issue-related town halls. Areyou planning an event? Please submit your notice to bulletin@bendbulletin.

best photos of Pole Pedal Paddle training for

By Scott Hammers

j'DDO jt,l!L



r rr-

Friday, May10, on Page B3, remarks from state

Sen. Ginny Burdick, D-Portland, omitted her full name and title. Image courtesyAllen Design Studio

SALEM — In 2009, thenGov. Ted Kulongoski said a tough budget year meant one of the state's smaller university campuses needed to close. He was eyeing Oregon State University-Cascades in Bend. Fast forward to December 2012, when Gov. John Kitzhaber unveiled his pro-

posed budget: He singled out the campus as deserving of funds it needs to become a four-year university. Rep. Gene Whisnant, R-Sunriver, was one of the lawmakers who went from defending the campus' existence to lobbying for its expansion. It finally appears, he said, "as if the stars have lined up." Friday afternoon, OSUCascades Vice President Becky Johnson addressed members of the powerful Ways and Means Subcommittee on Capital Construction. She urged lawmakers to approve the $16 million the university needs to become a four-year institution. If realized, Johnson said, a four-year university would have a "transformative effect on the Central Oregon community." "And we hope we can count on your support," she sald. So far, it seems she has it. House Speaker Tina Kotek, D-Portland, who co-chairs the committee, called the expansion a"wise investment." See OSU-Cascades/B5





Images courtesy Allen Design Studio

Redmond has recently undertaken a project to both restore many of its period buildings to their former glory and to reflect the art deco style in newer buildings. The city hopes this project will give the town awelcomeface-lift and defining personality, perhaps even attracting an architectural tourist or two along the way.Below are a few examples of the remodeling across the city.




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ART DECOBUILDINGS • Odem Theater, 1928 • Butler Building, 1938

STREAMLINEMODERNE BUILDINGS • C.O. Cooperative Creamery, 1926* • Walter Franks Building, f939* • Medical-Dental Building, 1941 • Trailways Depot, 1946*

Art deco design flourished from the

Art deco

Streamline moderne

1920s to the early1940s. American designers adapted art deco in the1930s

buildings have distinct

buildings have flat

geometric shapes, intense colors and

roofs, subdued colors, rounded corners, glass

• Chadwick Building, 1939

decorative details that

brick, porthole windows

often repeat geometric elements.

and smooth stucco exteriors.

• Old Redmond High gym, 3945

and 1940s, creating a "streamline moderne" style that featured horizontal lines and industrial materials such as

chrome, aluminum andneon.

• Safeway Store, 1940* • Stewart-Pendroy Clinic, 1948

• Redmond Spokesman, 3939

Denotes exterior renovation



The Bulletin



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Goaoott BEAEE



Fditur in-Clnrf Editor of Edttorials





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fyou'reconsidering a no vote on any of several money measures on Central Oregon ballots this month because you're upset over problems with the state's Public Employees Retirement System, don't. You're aiming at the wrong target. In fact, taking anger at PERS spendingout on localmoney measures is about as logical as refusing to pay your doctor's bill because the hospital administrator earns too much. Failure to do the first will have no influence on the second. W e agree that PERS is i n need of change. Its contributors — school districts, cities and other government agencies, including Deschutes County's 911 districtmust replace money lost in the last recession to the tune of $14 billion. But those changes lie in the hands of legislators, not in those of local taxing districts. Lawmakers in Salem have made minor adjustments this year, to be sure, though Democrats have kept them relatively small. They did agree to cap automatic cost-ofliving increases, but by less than half of what Gov. John Kitzhaber wanted. And, they agreed to end the practice of paying out-of-state retirees a bonus designed to cover Oregon income taxes those retirees no longer pay.

But as they made those good but small changes, they made another one that is no good at all. They simply said that money local governments and the state should pay to PERS next year won't be paid, at least not now. That may save money in the short run but will cost the system over time. No one incharge oflocalspending — no city council, no school board, no park district or 9 11 board — can change what it must spend on PERS, unfortunately. That is a matter of state law, not local control. All of that argues for keeping PERS out of your decision-making equation as you prepare to vote, whether it is on the levies for the Madras pool, Deschutes County 911 and the La Pine Rural Fire Protection District, or the school bonds in Crook County, Culver and Bend-La Pine. Instead, weigh those requests on their merits: Will the money these agencies seek make our communities better? That, not PERS, is the question that should count.

Need more than IRSapology ews that the Internal Revenue Service made life difficult for some conservative political groups during the last election campaign got your juices flowing, if you are a suspicious sort. Employees of the agency's Cincinnati, Ohio, office singled out for extra scrutiny groups with the words "tea party" and "patriot" in their applications for tax-exempt status last year, according to The Washington Post. The agency's Lois Lerner admitted to and apologized for the agency's actions at an American Bar Association conference Friday. She said the practice began because the agency was swamped with applications. The law allows some tax-exempt charities to be involved in politics so long as that is not their primary focus. Lerner said the actions were those of lowlevel employees and that superiors were unaware of what was going on. All of which, if you tend to doubt the motives of those in government under the best of circumstances, only confirms what you already know. Uncle Sam is out to get you, and get you he will. Even if you're not inclined to see a federal boogeyman under your bed, the story still raises serious questions.

IRS employees involved in the targeting apparently all worked in the agency's Cincinnati office, for one thing. Ohio, you will recall, was a critical swing state during the last presidential election, the one with the second largest number of electoral college votes among that group, and the one no Republican has won a presidency without. Barack Obama carried Ohio by less than 2 percentage points. The agency says employees were not motivated by politics, though that seems difficult to believe. Then there's this: Apology notwithstanding, IRS officials apparently have not said what happened to the employees who targeted conservative groups. Were they punished'? Fired'? We don't know. Nor is it clear why their superiors were unaware of their actions. A simple apology is not enough in this case. The agency needs to make clear just what happened, and why, how the problem was uncovered and what happened to those whose actions went well beyond what was required to determine tax status. Not surprisingly, those targeted say they want to know more. So, we suspect,do Americans of all political persuasions. The IRS needs to say much more than it has so far.

M IVickel's Worth Irrational idiocies in bomb suspects

Form Alfalfa fire district Your article "Firefighting options for the eastcounty are debated," published April 14, failed to mention a seventh option and one that the Deschutes County commissioners would most likely prefer. This option is that citizens in the unprotected areas form their own volunteer fire districts, taking responsibility for their own fire protection. In Alfalfa, we are more than 12 miles from the nearest Bend Fire Station, making the response time to a fire in Alfalfa too long, greatly diminishing the effectiveness of an early response. Unfortunately, none of the six options presented to the council included the creation of any firefighting facilities in the three unprotected areas. Having facilities in those areas would be the best way to provide crucial early response time and protection to those citizens. We have completed the petitionsigning process and intend to have the question of formation of an Alfalfa Fire District placed on this November's ballot, and voted on by the registered voters in our proposed fire district. The question will include a proposed tax of $1.75 per $1,000 of assessed value per year, much lower than the $2.50 per $1,000 as per the commission option. The advantage forresidents in ourproposed fire district is that with funds from the tax, state, federal grants and donations, we will be able to build and equip a fire station within our area, enabling us to quickly respond to fires and emergencies within our district.

The mother of the Boston bombers,in "defense" of her sons offered a string of irrational idiocies that she capped off with "God is Great." For her, not so much. Look into the eyes of our recent mass violence perpetrators and you can see the same irrational i d iocies w ithin. If every village has an idiot, then given the world's population, there must be a hundred million of them. They walk among us.Back in the day when villages were small, villagers knew who the village idiot was. Now they hide in plain sight. I contend that these modernday idiots recognize each other at times. While most of the time they remain l oners, sometimes they clump together to do idiotic things, some of which are violent. Most likely they form a fringe extreme group that wants to pass itself off as "normal." They want to pass off their idiotic ideas as normal and would want you to believe the majority of people or everybody agrees with them. Indeed, if a pack of these idiots get a mind to, they launch excessive letter writing campaigns making it seem as though everyone must agree with them. Did you see all those letters'? We should never underestimate the power of large numbers of useful idiots. They undermine our natural order. Who in his right mind would want the global village in its collective wisdom to raise our children when the idiots are running the village? Andre Pinette Redmond

Lower Whychus needs protection

I was pleased to see Whychus Creek featured in the recent article "Preserving Whychus: A hike reminds why" on April 29. I am on the board of directors for anewgroup, the Friends and Neighbors (aka FANS) of the Deschutes Canyon Area that isfocused on helping to preserve and restore public lands in our backyards, including lower Whychus Creek. Lower Whychus Creek historically held some of the best steelhead spawning habitat in our watershed. Thanks to huge community investments, we are now welcoming back the first steelhead and salmon runs in nearly 50 years. I applaud the Deschutes Land Trust and other local groups for their efforts to preserve and restorekey sections ofWhychus Creek, ensuring that they are protected for future generations. However, the cherished section of the creek that runs through public land at Alder Springs and into the Deschutes River lacks permanent protection. As part of the Deschutes Canyon Wilderness Study Area, Lower Whychus Creek will be in limbo until Congress takes action to permanently protect the area. I urge everyone who cares for this special place to support efforts to preserve the entirety of Whychus Creek and the greater Deschutes Canyon Area. We have devoted millions of dollars toward restoring Whychus Creek, securing public access to spectacular trails and bringing steelhead and salmon back to our watershed. It's time to protect David Warren, member of Alfalfa Fire our investment. District Formation Committee Diane Randgaard Bend Terrebonne

Letters policy

In My Viewpolicy How to submit

We welcome your letters. Letters should be limited to one issue, contain

In My View submissions should be between 550 and 650 words,

no more than 250words and include

signed and include the writer's phone View and send, fax or email them to

the writer's signature, phone number and address for verification. We edit

number and address for verification. We edit submissions for brevity,

The Bulletin.

letters for brevity, grammar, taste and legal reasons. Wereject poetry,

grammar, taste and legal reasons.

P.O. Box 6020 Bend, OR 97708 Fax: 541-385-5804 Email: bulletin©bendbulletin.com

personal attacks, form letters, letters

We reject those published elsewhere. In My View pieces run routinely in

submitted elsewhere andthose

the space below, alternating with

appropriate for other sections of The Bulletin. Writers are limited to one

national columnists. Writers are limited to one letter or Op-Ed piece

letter or Op-Edpieceevery 30 days.

every 30 days.

Please address your submission to either My Nickel's Worth or in My

Write: My Nickel's Worth/In My View

Candidate Gottlieb Uses 'revolutionary' grassroots campaign By Justin Gottiieb opinion" is the people of Oregon love Bend's parks and recreation system. Bend Park 8 Recreation District is a vital community asset and should retain its integrity and independence. Beginning March 4, I spoke with 1,364 citizens, residents and businesses while k nocking o n 3 , 037 doors. It is "documented" fact. Ask the people! No one from the city of Bend or BPRD has reviewed any factual and n umerical data. The methodology is defined as an active grassroots campaign. It is the "revolutionary" technique that defeated the British Empire. A "vote" of the people will occur on May 21. The following response isoffered to therecent endorsements of Craig Chenoweth. I have the following con-


cerns regarding his candidacy:

• A perceived conflict of interest relating to his paid employment at the City of Bend. • A lack of regular attendance at board meetings and BPRD events. • A real and overt possibility of City ofBend resources being used

regarding BPRD planning, development and review. The role of government is to manage social change and civic infrastructure: parks, police, water, fire, education and other "shared" community assets. Individuals differ in their level of use and involvement. Beginning in2008, economic hardships began to affect us all. My concern is that property owners, renters, and visitors financially support the entire system and not just specific pieces. Is an individual who pays for activities more valuable than someone who casually strolls in

IN MY VIEW a park at no cost'? Under the current administration, the answer is "yes.n

The philosophy is propelling the organization in a biased direction toward existing "money" instead of community "wealth" and "posterity"; capital improvement vs. community investment. A park user cannot be

specifically defined by pay-to-play programs and participation. My goal is to represent all park users. Financial capacity is irrelevant in regard to the public trust and resources; "every child w il l l earn how to swim." When mom and dad are not around, children still need to tread water.Each day, I wonder why so many living in our city, state and country are failing to swim. Everyone is someone's child. This is a multi-generational problem. Se-

niors, families and individuals are experiencing significant hardships that are contrary to the notion of an "American dream." It is our "neighborhood" in the State of Oregon; all politics is local and America is the New World. As Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes argued, America only survives and grows because we share ideas — the good, the bad and the ugly. There is no singlecorrect answer; only "hope" and an unknown future. I suggest that we all heed the advice. As a government, BPRD can address big issues. I only intend to bring a new and different "voice" to the table; that of the "Great Recession." It requires a majority vote of directors to enact any change in policy, procedure or park law (Comprehensive

Plan). In conclusion, I would like to clarify

my position on Mirror Pond. The recent BPRD survey and questionnaire was poorly developed, written and executed. It only scratched the surface of multiple options and opportunities. The dam must be removed or replaced; even still, the silt/sludge will continue to build in the riverbed. These are the facts that need debate! Our community must discuss the future of downtown Bend's riverfront in relation to the larger Deschutes River Trail. M y v i s ioning process is macro-development not micro. I look at the entire forest and not just a "tree." I envision returning the river to a free flowing state while retaining a Mirror Pond "feature." It would be a privilege to represent the people as a district director. Please remember to "vote." — Justin Gottlieb is a candidate for the Bend Park R Recreation District.



W EAT H E R Maps and national forecast provided by Weather Central, LP ©2013.





Today: Increasing ciouds

Tonight: A few high clouds through the night.

through the

day, still



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WATER REPORT a service to irrigators and sportsmen.

Mod. = Moderate; Exi. = Extreme

Reservoir Acre feet C a pacity Crane Prairie...... . . . . . . 49,741...... 55,000 Wickiup...... . . . . . . . . . 169,071..... 200,000 Crescent Lake..... . . . . . . 76,508 . . . . 91,700 Ochoco Reservoir..... . . . 30,757 . . . . 47,000 The higher the UV Index number, the greater Prineville...... . . . . . . . . 144,701.....153,777 the need for eye and skin protection. Index is R iver flow St at i on Cubic ft./sec Deschutes RiverBelow Crane Prairie ...... . 308 for solar at noon. Deschutes RiverBelow Wickiup .... . . . . . . 1,570 C rescent CreekBelow Crescent Lake ..... . . . 11 LOW MEDIUM HIGH Little DeschutesNear La Pine ...... . . . . . . . 46.7 0 2 4 6 8 10 Deschutes RiverBelow Bend .... . . . . . . . . . 106 Deschutes RiverAt Benham Falls ..... . . . . 2,116 Crooked RiverAbove Prineville Res..... . . . . . 69 Crooked RiverBelow Prineville Res..... . . . . 226 Updated daily. Source: pollen.com Ochoco CreekBelow OchocoRes. .... . . . . . 13.2 Crooked RiverNear Terrebonne ..... . . . . . . 46.7 Contact: Watermaster, 388-6669 LOWI or go to www.wrd.state.or.us

To report a wildfire, call 911




g% g

Yesterday Saturday Sunday Yesterday Saturday Sunday Yesterday Saturday Sunday Yesterday Saturday Sunday City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W Abilene,TX ......77/55/0.00..78/54/pc. 79/55/pc GrandRapids....61/45/0.34..56/34/sh. 50/32/pc RapidCity.......78/37/000..60/42/pc. 76/55/pc Savannah .......87/62/0.00...84/67/t...82/59/t Akron ..........73/59/049..62/42/sh. 53/33/pc GreenBay.......52/37/0 26..53/34/sh. 50/33/pc Reno.......... 83/52/trace...89/57/s.. 91/56/s Seattle..........79/49/0.00..75/56/pc. 64/54/sh Albany..........77/50/000...72/48/t. 64/42/pc Greensboro......83/57/0.00...79/55/t. 73/46/pc Richmond.......87/57/0.00... 80/61/t. 72/46/pc SiouxFalls.......69/38/0 00...56/29/s. 62/44/pc Albuquerque.....70/52/000...72/51/t. 77/55/pc Harusburg.......79/51/0.52...74/51/t. 65/42/pc Rochester, NY....74/54/0.32... 63/43/t. 53/38/pc Spokane ........86/55/0.00..86/57/pc...82/51/t Anchorage ......60/33/0 00...53/41/c.. 53/41/c Hartford CT.....80/52/0 01...76/53/t. 69/39/pc Sacramento......81/51/0.00...92/61/s.. 92/59/s Springfield, MO ..66/57/0.41... 68/37/t. 64/44/pc Atlanta .........77/61/000...78/56/t. 74/45/pc Helena..........69/41/0 00..77/48/pc. 84/52/pc St.Louis........ 67/60/trace..69/44/sh. 62/42/pc Tampa..........89/67/0 00 ..87/72/pc. 85/68/pc Atlantic City.....79/53/0.00...70/54/t.68/48/pc Honolulu........82/72/0.00...84/71/5.. 84/72/s SaltLake City....80/50/0.00...80/56/s.. 86/58/s Tucson..........87/59/0.00 ..87/60/pc.. 91/64/s Austin..........86/61/0.12...78/58/t.82/59/pc Houston ........78/66/0 43...81/64/t. 84/60/pc SanAntonio .....84/62/0.20...79/61/t. 81/60/pc Tulsa ...........73/57/0.00...75/46/t. 71/52/pc Baltimore.......83/52/000...7557/t.68/47/pc Huntsville.......74/61/043... 75/51/t.. 67/45/s 580 Diego.......70/62/0.00...72/63/s..77/65/5 Washington, DC..83/58/0.00...80/58/t. 69/49/pc Bitings.........71/49/0.00 ..73/50/pc.. 85/57/s Indianapolis.....69/58/0.39 ..66/40/sh. 58/40/pc SanFrancisco....6051/0.00...73/54/s.. 75/52/s Wichita.........71/54/0.00..72/45/pc. 70/50/pc Birmingham .. 76/63/trace... 76/56/t. 73/49/s Jackson, MS.... 77/64/1 66 80/55/t .. 76/52/s SanJose........68/54/000.. 83/55/s 84/54/s Yakima .........97/52/0 00 87/58/pc.. 84/53/c Bismarck........73/30/000...56/30/s. 69/48/pc Jacksonvile......87/60/000...86/66/t...83/60/t SantaFe........64/39/0.00..65/44/pc 68/48/pc Yuma...........96/62/0.00..100/72/s. 100/73/s Boise.......... 85/53/trace ..89/58/pc. 89/57/pc Juneau..........64/33/0.00... 58/43/r...57/42/r INTERNATIONAL Boston..........69/55/006...73/56/t.69/46/sh Kansascity.....68/54/trace..64/40/pc. 63/46/pc Bodgeport,CT....76/50/0.00... 70/53/t. 66/44/pc Lansing.........61/42/0.37..60/34/sh. 49/32/pc Amsterdam......61/50/0 00 59/45/sh. 53/44/pc Mecca.........1 06/84/000 108/84/s. 108/84/s Buffalo.........75/51/0.35 ..55/41/pc. 50/40/pc LasVegas.......89/62/0.00...93/72/s .. 96/75/s Athens..........74/68/0.00...77/61/s.. 77/60/s Mexico City .....82/63/000 .81/54/pc 81/54/pc BurlingtonVT....72/56/006... 72/45/t. 61/38/pc Lexington.......67/62/067 ..65/43/sh .. 59/40/s Auckland........63/50/000..63/48/pc. 62/52/pc Montreal........68/54/000.. 68/48/sh. 57/41/sh Caribou,ME.....64/56/007...58/47/t.63/36/sh Lincoln..........71/49/000...64/37/s. 64/46/pc Baghdad........96/73/0.00107/74/pc101/73/pc Moscow........81/54/0.00 ..80/54/pc.. 79/60/s CharlestonSC...87/64/000...83/66/t...79/57/t Little Rock.......77/63/013... 7454/t. 70/49/pc Bangkok........99/82/0.31..98/82/pc 103/83/pc Nairobi.........77/59/0.00... 74/57/t...74/53/t Charlotte........83/57/000... 80/58/t. 75/47/pc LosAngeles......70/59/0 00... 73/62/s .. 77/63/s Beiyng..........88/46/000..91/57/pc. 86/52/pc Nassau.........86/77/0.00 ..83/73/pc. 79/73/pc Chattanooga.....74/59/000...77/52/t.. 70/44/s Louisville........71/63/1 21 ..69/43/sh. 62/44/pc Beirut ..........79/70/0 00..75/61/sh.. 72/61/s New Delh/......104/81/000 106/85/pc105/81/pc Cheyenne.......64/36/000 ..62/41/pc. 72/46/pc MadisonWl.....54/42/052.. 55/35/sh. 53/35/pc Berlin...........66/48/0 00...63/45/c. 58/41/sh Osaka..........72/55/0.43..73/62/sh.. 74/61/s Chicago.........47/45/042 ..59/40/sh. 54/40/pc Memphis....... 77/64/1 06 .. 74/51/t .. 68/46/s Bogota .........66/50/0.10...68/50/t...70/46/t Oslo............54/43/0.00...60/40/c. 59/41/sh Cincinnati.......69/57/055 ..66/42/sh. 58/35/pc Miami . . . . 87/71/000 85/75/pc 85/76/pc Budapest........79/50/0 00...71/53/c. 65/47/sh Ottawa .........63/52/0.00..61/43/sh. 55/37/sh Cleveland.......74/60/0 55 ..65/44/sh. 57/37/pc Milwaukee......43/41/084.. 56/38/sh. 51/39/pc BuenosAires.....75/63/0 00...70/51/s. 66/52/pc Paris 57/50/0 0060/41/sh 59/42/pc Colorado Spnngs..61/36/NA... 63/43/t. 72/45/pc Miuneapolis.....67/37/0.00 ..51/32/pc.. 55/39/s Cabo580Lucas..82/68/0.00..86/64/pc.. 86/64/s Rio de Janeiro....sl/61/0.00... 77/62/5.. 7I62/s Columbia,MO...62/57/007..67/39/sh.. 62/42/s Nashvite........74/63/0.31..71/51/pc. 64/44/pc Cairo...........93/72/0.00..90/62/pc 85/67/s Rome...........72/57/0.00 ..68/57/pc.. 71/58/s Columbia,SC....89/59/0.00...84/63/t. 81/53/pc NewOrleans.....74/66/2.31...80/64/t. 80/64/pc Calgary.........63/39/000...77/57/s 82/52/s Santiago........66/50/0.00... 62/57/s.63/54/pc Columbus, GA....78/59/0.00... 81/59/t. 79/48/pc New York.......79/59/0.00... 76/58/t. 69/49/pc Cancun.........86/79/000..86/77/pc. 86/76/pc Sao Paulo.......75/54/0.00... 75/56/s.75/56/pc Columbus, OH....74/60/0.76..64/41/sh. 57/35/pc Newark, Nl......81/55/0.00... 76/56/t .. 73/47/s Dublin..........57/43/0.11..53/37/sh. 54/39/sh Sapporo ........65/46/000 ..54/41/sh. 52/39/pc Concord,NH.....81/55/0.00... 74/51/t. 69/35/pc Norfolk,VA......87/60/0.00... 82/62/t. 73/53/pc Edinburgh.......57/41/0.00..50/40/sh.52/36/sh Seoul...........61/52/0 00 .. 69/57/pc. 66/56/pc Corpus Christi....85/76/001 ... 80/67/t...81/67/t OklahomaCity...72/57/0 00... 75/52/t. 72/53/pc Geneva.........59/48/0.58..58/42/pc. 56/43/sh Shangha/........73/63/0.00..76/62/pc. 78/63/pc DallasFtWorrh...82/65/0.00..80/56/Pc.81/57/Pc Omaha.........70/50/0.00...62/38/s. 64/46/Pc Harare..........77/46/0 00..73/52/pc. 73/47/pc Singapore.......88/79/1.60...88/81/t...91/81/t Dayton.........70/60/041..63/40/sh. 56/34/pc Orlando.........90/64/0.00... 90/68/t...89/67/t HongKong......84/75/0.42...83/77/t...82/77/t Stockholm.......66/52/000..67/43/pc. 66/45/pc Denver...........67/40/NA...68/48/t.77/47/pc Palm Springs.... 98/67/0.00..101/74/s. 102/76/s Istanbul.........64/55/0.00..67/57/pc.73/62/pc Sydney..........68/54/0.00..70/59/sh.. 74/49/c Des Moines..... 68/50/trace...60/37/s. 61/42/pc Peoria ..........61/50/0.01 ..63/40/sh.. 59/40/s lerusalem.......81/59/0.00..77/58/pc.. 71/55/s Taipei...........88/77/0.00..83/72/sh...81/72/t Detroit..........76/53/021 ..63/41/sh. 52/37/pc Philadelphia.....83/57/0.00...75/55/t. 69/45/pc Johannesburg....69/55/0.00...61/45/t..62/44/5 TelAviv.........81/64/000...82/61/s.. 7$61/s Duluth..........48/35/000 ..49/29/pc.. 49/32/s Phoeuix.........93/68/000...96/73/s .. 98/74/s Lima ...........79/64/0 00..72/64/pc. 72/FAlpc Tokyo...........79/61/000..69/55/sh. 68/60/pc EIPas0..........78/62/0.00...72/55/t. 79/57/pc Pittsburgh.......75/57/0.31...64/45/t. 54/36/pc Lisbon..........72/54/0 00 68/53/s 74/52/s Toronto.........63/52/0 16 .61/39/sh. 50/34/pc Fairbanks........55/33/000 ..56/32/sh .. 50/32/c Portland, ME.....69/50/0.00... 67/52/t. 69/42/sh London .........63/46/0.00..57/40/sh.. 59/49/c Vancouver.......66/48/0.00...69/55/c...63/57/r Fargo...........72/37/000...St/29/5.. 60/44/s Providence......76/53/000...72/54/t. 69/44/sh Madrid .........77/57/0.00..79/52/sh.80/52/pc Vienna..........75/55/0.00...70/54/c. 67/45/pc Flagstaff........65/27/0.00... 70/35/5 .. 73/36/s Raleigh.........84/56/0.00... 81/59/t. 75/49/pc Manila..........97/75/1.22..95/81/pc. 96/79/pc Warsaw.........81/59/000..63/51/sh.. 65/48/c



Average high.............. 63 Year to date............ 2.59" Average low .............. 35 Average year to date..... 4.38" Barometricpressureat 4 pm30.14 Record 24 hours ...0.78 in1980 *Melted liquid equivalent


o www m 3 Vancouver

Yesterday's weather through 4 p.m. inBend High/Low.............. 84/50 24 hours endmg 4 p.m.*. . 0.02" Recordhigh........87m1936 Monthtodate.......... 0.02" Record low......... 17 in 1953 Average month todate... 0.25"

Legend:W-weather, Pcp-precipitation,s-sun, pc-partial clouds,c-clouds,h-haze,sh-showers,r-rain, t-thunderstorms,sf-snowflurries, snsnow, i-ice,rs-rain-snowmix, w-wind,f-fog, dr-drizzle,tr-trace




Tomorrow Rise Set Mercury....5:45 a.m...... 8:29 p.m. Venus......6:19 a.m...... 9:22 p.m. Mars.......5:29 a.m...... 7:50 p.m. Jupiter......720 a m.....1037 p m. Satum......646 pm......525 am. Uranus.....4:07 a.m...... 4:40 p.m.

sisters..............................Low The following was compiled by the Central La Pine...............................Low Oregon watermaster and irrigation districts as Redmond/Madras........Low Prinevine..........................Low






• 95'

Yesterday's state extremes



Astoria ...... MM/MM/NA....64/54/pc.....60/52/sh Baker City..... 84/39/trace....85/51/pc...... 82/49/t Brookings......56/49/0.00.....70/52/f.....62/52/sh Burns..........83/38/0.00....85/50/pc......81/49/t Eugene...... MM/MM/NA....80/54/pc.....71/52/sh Klamath Falls .. 81/42/0 00 .80/46/pc ...74/46/pc Lakeview.......79/39/0.00 ...80/48/pc.....77/48/pc La Pine........83/37/0.00....82/55/pc......83/45/c Medford.......91/56/0.00....88/55/pc.....81/55/pc Newport..... MM/MM/NA.....62/53/c.....59/52/sh North Bend......57/50/NA....67/55/pc.....61/55/sh Ontario........90/50/0.00....92/60/pc.....93/59/pc Pendleton...... 92/51/0.00....89/56/pc...... 87/53/t Portland ..... MM/MM/NA....80/58/pc.....69/55/sh Prineville....... 87/48/0.00....81/61/pc......83/49/c Redmond.......87/45/0.00....84/51/pc......79/48/c



l.ake GrantS ~


68 42

City Precipitationvaluesare24-hour totals through4 p.m.


Chr i stmas Valley

Silv e r

Port Orford

e 64/52


63 33

Yesterday Saturday Sunday Bend,westofHwy97.....Low Hi/Lo/Pcp H i/Lo/W H i /Lo/WBend,eastof Hwy.97......Low




• Fort Rock szisz I



• Bandon


62 35


Valee 91/6i

Coos Bay


EAST Partly cloudy and warm.


Warming up again.

Sunny, near average.


Sunsettoday.... 8 21 p.m First Full L a st Sunrise tomorrow .. 5:42 a.m Sunset tomorrow... 8:22 p.m Moonrise today.... 6:54 a.m Moonsettoday ... 10:07 p.m May17 May 24 May 31 June 8

CENTRAL Partly cloudy and


and thunderstorms,

SUN AND MOON SCHEDULE Sunrisetoday...... 5:43 a.m Moon phases

WEST Morning clouds, then partly cloudy skies.


82/54 Unlon~ 82/51




78/4 7

i La Grande

Eugene •


Off and on showers


As t oria


Dry for most of mother's day, storms in the evening.

78 47






x 4 x

W ar m Stationary Showers T storms Rain

xoHo+ Flurries S now



HaveNeyotiated - a ..I







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Heat Bulls • Heat lead series 2-1

104 94

Spurs Warriors • Spurs lead series,2-1

102 92


T'wolves waive former Blazer Roy MINNEAPOLIS — The Minnesota Tim-

berwolves havewaived guard Brandon Roy, likely bringing an end to

an All-Star career that was shortened by knee problems. Roy, a three-time All-

Ducks are 'businessas usual' while awaiting NCAAdecision • Investigation into possiblerecruiting violations hangsoverOregon By Anne M. Peterson The Associated Press

Now that spring football is all w r apped up, the Oregon Ducks wait to hear what the NCAA will decide about possible recruiting violations. New coach Mark Helfrich said earlier this week that it's "business as usual" as the Ducks head into the summer. His comments came following published reports that Oregon ap-

peared last month before the NCAA infractions committee about an investigation of possible violations. "Our general feeling has been to go about our business and not comment on the ongoing deal, as we've been requested to. Our guys have done a great job focusing on what they can control, and that's not one of those things," he saidon a Pac-12 coaches conference call. SeeDucks/C4

Don Ryan /The Associated Press

Oregon football coach Mark Helfrich watches play during his team's spring game in Eugene last month. Helfrich says an NCAA investigation is not affecting the program.

Star who retired while with the Portland Trail

Blazers before last season due to kneeissues, attempted acomeback



with the Timberwolves this season after going


through a procedure that gave him hope that the chronic pain in his knees would be


reduced. But after a promising

training camp, Roy's knee issues returned early in the regular season. He playedjust five games.


— The Associated Press


Bulletin staff report VALE — Ridgeview coach Tim Miller knew he had a solid group of players coming out for the Ravens' inaugural girls tennis season. All he was worried about was their inexperience.

Duck impresses Panthers coaches CHARLOTTE, N.C.

— Running backKenjon

Now, Ridgeview stands lnSjrie

Barner, a sixth-round

draft pick from Oregon, was among the players singled out by coach Ron Rivera during the

first day of a rookie minicamp for the Carolina Panthers on Friday.

Barner was oneof 59 rookies participat-

ing in the camp. Barner worked not only out of the backfield Friday, but

also as a kick returner. He caught Rivera's eye

Photos by Rob Kerr/The Bulletin

Bend High second baseman Duke DeGaetano forces out Mountain View runner Levi Schlapfer while trying to turn a double play during Friday's game at Mountain View High School.

both on film before the draft and during Friday's workout. "It's interesting when you watch him," Rivera

said. "He's got some quickness. But he's

also a very smart young man. Hewas afifth-year senior who graduated.

as district chamPion. • prep results, With three singles PlayScoreboard ers advancing to the semifinals and two doubles teams f ollowing suit, an d w i t h the Ravens going 2-3-4 in the final singles standings, Ridgeview wrapped up the Class 4A/3A/2A/ IA Special District 5 tournament on Friday as the district champion. "Put it into perspective, it shows the quality of our team," Miller said. "We were willing to play, and they played lights out this season." Vale was second in the team standings, and Crook County took third. Sally Claridge defeated teammate Bailey Simmons in the semifinals before falling to Crook County's Elsa Harris in the singles championship 6-1, 6-1. Caitlin Carr finished third overall with a 6-1, 6-1 victory over Simmons in the third-place matchup. SeeRidgeview/C4

"I think he's shown that he has some ability.

He's going to be aguy where we're going to have to find a spot for

• Bend beats Mountain View 9-1, winning its seventh straight in the two teams'final Intermountain Conferencegameof the season


him. If he continues to

grow and improve and flash like he's beendoing, he's got a real good chance to help us." Rivera admitted he



was pleasantly surprised to find Barner still available when the Panthers'turn came in the sixth round. That's why the team did not hesitate to select him, despite the fact the Panthers appearto have a crowded and talented backfield, including veterans Jonathan Stewart, DeAngelo Williams and Mike Tolbert. Stewart was a firstround pick out of Oregon back in 2008. — The Associated Press

Bend High's Caleb Gardner pitched a complete game against Mountain View.

Bulletin staff report Ending the season strong is huge, especially with the state p layoffs looming a r ound t h e corner. Bend High did just that on Friday, scoring six runs in the top of the first inning to cruise by host Mountain View 9-1 in a Class 5A Intermountain Conference baseball matchup. The victory increased the Lava Bears' winning streak to seven games, and they have taken 12 of their past 13 contests, with only a loss to Redmond High on April 24 disrupting the string of victories. "The kids have come together really well since we lost to Redmond," Bend coach Bret Bai-

ley said. "Consistency in hitting has been key. We have a lot of kids that produce at the plate and score a lot of runs." Caleb Gardner logged a complete game for the Bears (17-7 overall, 6-3 IMC), scattering five hits and striking out five en route to the win. "He threw a solid game," Bailey said of his senior pitcher. "Good defense behind him, so I think he was feeling pretty confident." The Bears jumped out to a 6-0 advantage after the top of the first inning, which included six walks, and Bend's pitching and defense limited the Cougars to one run and five hits to earn the win. See Bears/C4


Madras clinches state play-in berth with walk-off win Bulletin staff report MADRAS — Sarah Brown of Madras hit a walk-off three-run home run in the bottom of the seventh inning Friday to give the White Buffaloes a 9-8 Tri-Valley Conference softball victory over North Marion. The win secured Madras, which trailed 8-4 after just three innings, third place in the TVC and a spot in the Class 4A play-in round. "It was a great comeback," White Buffalo coach Shawna McConnell said. See Madras /C4

CORRECTION Due to incorrect information provided to The Bulletin, team scores in the story headlined "Panther boys

and Storm girls claim titles" that ran Friday on

Page C1were incorrect. Mountain View's boys team won the In-

termountain Conference track championship with 127/~ points, and the Summit girls claimed the league title with 196/~ points.

Corrected team standings can befound in Scoreboard,C2.


Blind athletestreat pole vault like anyother hurdle By Jere Longman New Yorlz Times News Service

CHANDLER, Ariz. — Holding a fiberglass pole, Aria Ottmueller bent and touched the runway to locate her starting mark. A coach helped position her front foot. The foam vaulting pit at her high school

appeared only as a blue smudge. The crossbar was invisible to her. A thousand miles away, in East Texas, Charlotte Brown struggled to distinguish the runway from sur-

rounding grass or artificial turf. So her coachplaced a strip of carpet along the edge of the runway to provide a hazy visual contrast and guide her straight toward the bar. This weekend, Ottmueller, 17, and Brown, 15,are competing in their state track and field meets in the pole vault, pioneers with severe visual impairment who are further redefining what is considered an able-bodied athlete and what is considered a disabled one. In the

past, athletes with disabilities were not accommodated in mainstream high school sports. Now, athletes like Ottmueller and Brown are not only competing, but also succeeding against their able-bodied peers. Brown, a sophomore with a sprinter's speed, has cleared 11 feet 6 inches, which ranks just outside the top 100 performances this season by a prep vaulter. SeeBlind/C5

Rexc. Curry/TheNew YorkTimes

Charlotte Brown,15, who is visually impaired, practices pole vaulting at Rains High School in Alba, Texas, on Wednesday. Brown and another teenager with severe visual impairment are set to pole vault in their state track and field meets.



COREBOARD ON DECK Today Track: La PineatGilchrist Small School Invite,11a m. Boys tennis:Redmond,MountainView, Summit, Bend at districts inSunriver,9 a.m.(finals noon) Girls tennis: MountainView,Bend, Redmond, Summit at statequalifier in Hermiston, 9am.

PREP SPORTS Baseball Friday's results Class 5A Intermountain Conference

Bend 6 02 010 0 — 9 5 0 MountainView 000 001 0 1 5 4 Intermountain Hybrid

CrookCounty Summit Ridgeview Redmond

Sisters La Pine

(6 innings)

001 000 — 1 2 2 103 043 — 11 13 0

0 00 000 0 — 0 4 2 100 100 x — 2 9 1

Class 4A Sky-EmLeague (5 innings) 005 (12)3 000 00

2 01 7 1 — 0 2 8

Tri-Valley Conference Madras 010 001 0 2 6 0 North Marion 0 4 0 000 — x 4 5 I


x Wednesday, May15: Memphis at DklahomaCity, TBA x-Friday,May17.OklahomaCity atMemphis, TBA x-Sund ay,May19:MemphisatDklahomaCity,TBA

Friday's Summaries

Heat104, Bulls 94 MIAMI (184j James6-17 11-1125, Haslem2-3 0-0 4, Bosh 8-16 3-4 20,Chalmers3-63-3 9, Wade5-7 0-010, Battier 2-5 3-4 9,Allen1-62-3 4, Cole6-7 3-3 18, Andersen 2-31-25. Totals 35-7826-30184. CHICAGO (94j Butler 6-12 3317, Boozer10-161-2 21, Noah612 3-515, Robinson5-136-817, Belinegi 5-132-4 16,Gibson2-9 2-3 6,Teague1-20-0 2,Mohammed 0-0 0-0 0.Totals 35-77 17-25 94. Miami 25 27 18 34 — 184 Chicago 25 25 28 24 — 94

Spurs102, Warriors 92 SAN ANTONIO (102) Leonard 5-74-815, Duncan10-213-323, Splitter 2-3 0-0 4 Parker13-234-732 Da.Green1-3 0-03, Diaw4-50-09, Ginobili4-113-312 Joseph1-20-0 2,Neal0-1 2-22,Bonner0-30-00,Mils0-00-00, Blair 0-00-00. Totals 48-79 16-23102. GOLDEN STATE(92) Barnes4-104-412, Ezeli 0-2 0-0 0, Bogut5-9 1-411, Curry5-173-316, Thompson 7-200-017, DrGreen2-72 36, Jack5-121-1 11,Landry5-84-4 14, Lee2-31-1 5, Bazemore0 10-0 0, Machado0-0 0-0 0. Totals 35-89 16-28 92. SanAntonio 32 25 22 23 — 182 Golden State 23 2 5 21 23 — 92

Friday's results Class 5A Intermountain Conference

PG A Tour

All Times PDT

Conference Overall OregonState Oregon

UCLA ArizonaState Stanford Arizona

W 18 19 15 12 11

10 10

L 4 5 7 10

W L 39 8

37 11 32 14 30 15 11 26 28 12 29 18 15 12 26 14 2 1 2 4 1 4 17 30 1 4 17 30 1 9 17 26

California WashingtonState 8 Washington 8 SouthernCal 8 Utah 6 Friday's Games Class 4A Tri-Valley Conference x-OregonatOhioState, ppd., rain NorthMarion 6 1 1 000 0 — 8 10 5 Utah 5,Washington 4 (10j Madras 220 000 5 9 12 3 IJCLA10,Arizona2 WashingtonState7, USC6 California 3,ArizonaState1 Class 4A Sky-EmLeague OregonState7, Stanford3 La Pine Today's Games 0 00 100 0 — 1 7 0 Sisters 3 20 001 0 — 6 3 0 Utah atWashington, noon x-OregonatOhioState(DHj,12:05 p.m. ArizonaatUCLA,2 p.m. Track & field OregonStateatStanford, 2 p.m. WashingtonStateat USC,7p.m. Thursday's Results ArizonaStateat California, 7 p.m. Intermountain ConferenceChampionships Sunday'sGames x-OregonatOhioState, 905a.m At RedmondHigh Boysscores MountainView 127.5,Redmond ArizonaStateat Califomia, noon 124.5, Summit104,Bend101,Ridgeview38, Crook Utah atWashington, noon Washington Stateat USC,1 p.m. County28. Girls team scores — Summit196.5, Bend OregonStateatStanford, 1 p.m. 110.5, Ridgeview82, Mountain View 73, Crook ArizonaatUCLA,1 p.m. x =nonconference County 36Redmond27. (51/2 innings; Gamecalled dueto weather) Redmond 000 001 — 1 3 0 Ridgeview 1 00 10x — 2 8 0







Playoff Glance All Times PDT

(x-if necessary) (Best-of-7)

CONFERENCESEMIFINALS EASTERN CONFERENCE Miami 2, Chicago1 Monday,May6:Chicago93, Miami86 Wednesd ay,May8:Miami115,Chicago78 Friday,May10:Miami104,Chicago94 Monday,May13:MiamiatChicago, 4p.m.

Wednesday,May15: Chicagoat Miami,TBA x-Friday,May17 Miamiat Chicago,TBA x-Sunday,May19: Chicagoat Miami, TBA Indiana1, NewYork1 Sunday,May5. Indiana102, NewYork95 Tuesday, May7: NewYork105, Indiana79 Today,May11:NewYorkat Indiana,5 p.m Tuesday,May14: NewYorkat Indiana,TBA Thursday, May16:Indianaat NewYork, 5p.m. x-Saturday,May18:NewYorkat Indiana,TBA x-Monday,May20:Indiana atNewYork, 5p.m. WESTERNCONFERENCE San Antonio 2, GoldenState1 Monday,May6. SanAntonio 129,GoldenState 127 (2 OTj Wednesd ay,May8:GoldenSt.100,SanAntonio91 Friday,May10:SanAntonio102, GoldenState92 Sunday,May12.SanAntonioat GoldenState, 12:30 p.m. Tuesday,May14: GoldenStateat SanAntonio, 6:30


x-ThursdayMay16:SanAntonio at Golden State, TBA x-Sunday, May19: GoldenStateatSanAntonio, TBA OklahomaCity1, Memphis1 Sunday,May5 OklahomaCity 93,Memphis 91 Tuesday, May7.Memphis 99,OklahomaCity 93 Today,May11: OklahomaCity atMemphis, 2p.m. Monday,May13: OklahomaCity at Memphis, 6:30


ChampionshipSeries (Best of seven;x-if necessary) Times PDT Portland 3, Edmonton2 Friday,May3: Edmonton4, Portland1 Saturday,May4: Portland 3, Edmonton0 Tuesday, May7: Portland3, Edmonton1 Wednesd ay,May8.Portland2 Edmonton1 Friday,May10JEdmonton3, Portland 2(OTj Sunday,May12:PortlandatEdmonton,4 p.m. x-Monday,May13:Edmonton atPortland, 7 p.m.


(Completion ofsuspendedgame) SecondGame (8 innings)



Pac-12 Standings

Intermountain Hybrid First Game

Summit 0 10 202 01 — 6 9 1 Crook County 102 101 02 — 7 12 0

San Jose4, Vancouver8 Wednes dayMayI:SanJose3,VancouverI Friday,May3:SanJose3 Vancouver2, OT Sunday,May5: SanJose5,Vancouver2 Tuesday, May7.San Jose4,Vancouver3,OT Los Angeles 4,St. Louis 2 Tuesday, April 30 St.Louis2, LosAngees1, OT Thurs day,May2:St.Louis2,LosAngelesI Saturday, May4: LosAngeles1, St.Louis 0 Monday, May6:LosAngeles4,St.Louis3 Wednes day,May8:LosAngeles3,St.Louis2 Friday,May10:LosAngeles 2,St. I.ouis1


MountainView 004 100 0 5 8 2 Bend 002 700 x — 9 15 3

CrookCounty 1 0 1 312 4 — 12 9 I Summit 220 011 1 — 6 12 5

Sunday,May5: Minnesota 3,Chicago2,OT Tuesd ay,May7Chicago3 Minnesota0 Thurs day,May9:Chicago5,Minnesota1 Anaheim 3, Detroit 3 Tuesday, April 30: Anaheim3, Detroit1 Thursday, May2: Detroit 5, Anaheim4, OT Saturday,May4:Anaheim 4, Detroit 0 Monday,May6:Detroit 3,Anaheim2,OT Wednesday, May8:Anaheim 3,Detroit 2, OT Today,May10.Detroit 4,Anaheim3,OT Sunday,May12: Detroit atAnaheim, 7p.m.


(Best-of-7) (x-if necessary) EASTERNCONFERENCE Pittsburgh 3, N.Y.Islanders 2 Wednesday, May1 Pittsburgh5, N.Y.Islanders 0

Friday,May3: N.Y. Islanders4, Pittsburgh3 Sunday,May5:Pittsburgh 5, N.Y.Islanders4, OT Tuesday, May7: N.Y. Islanders6, Pittsburgh 4 Thursday,May9: Pittsburgh 4,N.Y.Islanders 0 Today,May11:PittsburghatN.Y. Islanders, 4p.m. x-Sunday,May12: NY. Islandersat Pittsburgh, 4p.m. Ottawa 4,Montreal1 Thursday,May2: Ottawa4, Montreal 2 Friday,May3: Montreal 3, Otawa1 Sunday,May5:Ottawa6, Montreal1 Tuesday, May7:Ottawa3, Montreal 2, OT Thursday,May9: Ottawa6, Montreal1 Washington 3,N.Y.Rangers2 Thurs day,May2:Washington3,N.Y.RangersI Saturday,May4. Washington1, N.Y.Rangers0,OT Monday,May6: N.Y. Rangers4, Washington 3 Wednesd ay,May8:N.Y.Rangers4,Washington3 Friday,May10:Washington2, N.Y. Rangers(OT) Sunday,May12: Washington at N.Y.Rangers, 1:30 p.m. x-Monday,May13: N.Y.RangersatWashington, TBA Boston 3,Toronto 2 Wednesday, May I: Boston4, Toronto1 Saturday,May4: Toronto4,Boston 2 Monday, May6:Boston5,Toronto2 Wednesday, May8 Boston4,Toronto3 Friday,May10:Toronto2,Boston1 Sunday ,May12.BostonatToronto,4:30p.m. x-Monday,May13 TorontoatBoston, TBA WESTERNCONFERENCE

Chicago 4,Minnesota1 Tuesday, April 30 Chicago2, Minnesota1, OT Friday,May3: Chicago5,Minnesota2

The Play ers Championship Friday AtTPC Sawgrass Ponte e Vdra Beach, Fla. Purse:$9.6 million Yardage: 7,215; Par: 72 Second Round SergioGarcia 68-65 — 133 TigerWoods 67-67 — 134 KevinChappeg 69-66—135 69-66 135 LeeWestwood 68-67—135 HenrikStenson RyanPalmer 67-69—136 67-69—136 Casey Wittenberg David Lingmerth 68-68—136 71-66 137 Matt Kuchar 67-70—137 HunterMahan 69-68—137 AdamScott 66-71 — 137 ZachJohnson 71-67 — 138 CharlesHowell RI 72-66 — 138 MarcLeishma n 71-67 — 138 JasonDufner 67-71 — 138 WebbSimpson Martin Laird

RoryMcgroy SteveStricker Chris Kirk Sang-MoonBae Jerry Kelly KevinStreelman BrandtSnedeker Tim Herron

DavidLynn PeterHanson BenCrane GregChalmers Matt Every BenCurtis LukeDonald GrahamDeLaet HarrisEnglish Jeff Overton BrendondeJonge Jeff Maggert RobertoCastro SeanO'Hair AndresRomero DavisLoveRI MartinKaym er Carl Pettersson K.J. Choi Chris Stroud JasonBohn DA Points John Huh BooWeekley RickyBarnes JamesDriscoll DanielSummerhays RorySabbatini FreddieJacobson Charl Schwartzel DavidHeam JimmyWalker ChadCampbell Kyle Stanley BubbaWatson Bo VanPelt John Senden CharleyHoffman Seung-YulNoh CharlieWi JonasBlixt PadraigHarrington MichaeThom pson JamesHahn BrandenGrace JoshTeater WilliamMcGirt JasonDay Justin Leonard Louis Oosthuizen AngelCabrera BrianDavis

71-67 — 138 66-72 — 138 67-71 — 138 70-69 — 139 68-71 — 139 71-68 — 139 69-70 — 139 71-69 — 140 71-69 140 72-68 — 140 70-70 — 140 69-71 — 140 68-73 — 141 70-71 141 69-72 — 141

72-69 — 141 71-70 — 141 70-71 — 141 71-70 — 141 72-69 — 141 70-71 — 141 63-78 — 141 70-71 — 141 69-72 — 141 70-72 142

73-69—142 70-72—142 69-73—142 73-69—142 68-74 142 72-70—142 70-72—142 71-71—142 71-71 — 142 75-68 — 143 69-74 — 143 75-68 — 143 72-71 — 143 72-71 — 143 72-71 — 143 72-71 143 71-72 — 143 75-68 — 143 73-70 — 143 69-74 — 143 73-70 143 70-74—144 70-74—144 74-70—144 69-75—144 68-76—144 69-75—144 70-74—144 73-71 — 144 72-72 — 144 70-74 — 144 69-75 144 70-74—144 69-75—144 74-70—144 78-66—144

Failed to puatffy GonzaloFdez-Castano 75-70 — 145

Phil Mickelson RobertGarrigus Vijay Singh JasonKokrak

72-73 145 72-73—145 74-71 — 145 69-76 — 145 70-75 — 145 74-71 — 145 73-72—145 72-73 — 145 69-76 — 145 69-76 — 145 75-71 — 146 76-70 146 72-74—146 74-72—146 78-68 — 146 74-72 — 146 70-76 146 73-73—146 72-74 — 146 70-77 — 147 73-74 — 147 76-71 — 147 77-70 — 147 71-76 — 147 70-77—147 76-71 — 147 72-75 — 147 73-74 147 70-77—147 76-72—148 75-73 — 148 74-74 — 148 74-74 148 74-74—148 72-76 — 148 73-75 — 148 73-76 — 149 74-75 — 149 76-73 — 149 76-73 — 149 74-75—149 76-73 — 149 79-70 — 149 71-78—149 73-76 — 149 75-74 — 149 75-75 — 150 78-72 — 150 75-75 150 80-70—150 77-74—151 77-74 — 151 74-77 — 151 78-74 152 70-82—152 76-76 — 152 72-81 — 153 73-81 — 154 78-77 — 155 78-77 — 155 74-81 — 155 75-80 — 155 77-79 — 156 76-82 — 158 74 WD 79 —WD

Cameron Tringale BrendanSteele RickieFower Jim Furyk RussellHenley NicholasThompson lan Poulter Nick Watney JustinRose J.J. Henry KevinStadler Francesco Molinari GraemeMcDowell Ernie E s CharlieBellan Scott Piercy BrianStuard Scott Langley Tom Gilis KenDuke KeeganBradley Billy Horschel BrianGay DickyPride Matt Jones Martin Flores Bill Haas Scott Brown MarkWilson BryceMolder Tim Clark RobertAgenby ThorbjomOlesen JonathanByrd StewartCink RyanMoore Pat Perez LukeGuthrie DavidToms ScottStagings LucasGlover GeoffOgilvy TedPotter,Jr. BudCauley TroyMatteson Erik Compton JohnsonWagner Will Claxton


David Mathis

GeorgeMcNeil RichardH.Lee BrianHarman Y.E.Yang Joe Daley AaronBaddeley DerekErnst TommyGainey JohnRogins GregOwen DustinJohnson Colt Knost

MOTOR SPORTS NASCAR Sprint Cup Southern 588Lineup After Friday pualffytng; race today At Darlington Raceway Darlington, S.C. Lap length: 1.366miles

(Car number inparentheses)

1. (78j KurtBusch,Chevrolet,181.918. 2. (48j JimmieJohnson, Chevrolet,180.974. 3. (18j KyleBusch, Toyota,180.92. 4 (5) Kasey Kahne, Chevrolet,180.741 5 (56) MartinTruexJr., Toyota,180.284. 6. (11)DennyHamlin, Toyota, 180.158. 7. (20j MattKenseth,Toyota, 180.112. 8. (24j JeffGordon,Chevrolet,180.105. 9 (16j GregBiffle, Ford,180. 10. (29)KevinHarvick,Chevrolet,179.77. 11. (31jJeff Burton,Chevrolet, 179.684. 12. (42jJuanPablo Montoya, Chevroiet,179.632. 13. (15)Clint Bowyer,Toyota,179.599. 14. (17jRickyStenhouseJr., Ford,179.514. 15. (27)Paul Menard, Chevrolet,179.468. 16. (88)DaleEamhardt Jr., Chevrolet,179.409. 17. (99jCarlEdwards,Ford,179.004. 18. (43jAricAlmirola, Ford,178.822. 19. (13jCaseyMears, Ford,178.815. 20. (14)TonyStewart, Chevrolet,178 75. 21. (39)RyanNewman,Chevrolet,178.497. 22. (55j MarkMartin, Toyota,178.316. 23. (47j BobbyLabonte, Toyota,178.219. 24. (9j Marcos Ambrose,Ford,177.98. 25. (1j JamieMcMurray, Chevrolet,177.974. 26. (2)BradKeselowski, Ford,177.961 27. (51jReganSmith, Chevrolet,177.948. 28. (93jTravisKvapil, Toyota,177.73. 29. (38)DavidGigiland, Ford,177.685. 30. (22jJoeyLogano,Ford,177.653. 31. (34)DavidRagan,Ford,177.646. 32. (33)LandonCassi I, Chevrolet, 177.3. 33. (83jDavidReutimann,Toyota,177.051. 34. (35jJoshWise,Ford,176.67. 35. (98j MichaelMcDoweg,Ford 176.657. 36.(95) ScottSpeed,Ford,176359. 37. (7)DaveBlaney, Chevro et Owner Points. 38. (19j MikeBliss, Toyota,Owner Points. 39. (30jDavidStremme,Toyota, Owner Points. 40. (10)DanicaPatrick, Chevrolet, Ow ner Points. 41. (32)TimmyHil, Ford,Owner Points. 42. (36)J.J.Yeley,Chevrolet, Owner Points 43. (87jJoeNemechek, Toyota, Owner Points.

NHRA NHRASouthern Natfonals Pairings Friday At Atlanta Dragway Commerce,Ga. First roundpairings for today's final eliminations Top Fuel

1. Shawn Langdon,3.791 seconds,324.36 mphvs. 16, MorganLucas, 4.099, 238.64; 2, AntronBrown, 3.826, 321.35vs. 15, PatDakin,3.944, 292.46; 3, Doug Kalitta, 3.826, 320.36 vs. 14, Leah Pruett, 3.941, 305.63; 4,BrandonBernstein, 3.838, 319.45 vs.13, TerryMcMiilen, 3.930,312.57;5, DavidGrubnic, 3.843,310.05vs. 12, Khalid alBalooshi, 3.922, 316.30; 6,TonySchumacher, 3863, 320.66vs. 11, Bob Vandergriff, 3.919,312.71;7, Spencer Massey, 3874, 31461vs.10, SteveTorrence, 3902, 31048; 8, ClayMigican,3886, 313.37vs. 9, Brittany Force, 3.891, 321.73 Did Not Quaify: 17, Chris Karame sines, 4.151, 237.50;18,KeithMurt, 5.667, 199.88. FunnyCar 1, MattHagan,DodgeCharger, 4.067, 31286vs. 16, TonyPedregon,ToyotaCamry, 4.232, 286.92; 2, RonCapps,Charger, 4.073, 313.15vs.15,Blake Alexander,Charger,4.216, 29019;3, CruzPedregon, Camry, 4.086,303.37vs. 14, Jeff Arend, Charger, 4.211, 300.60, 4, Tim Wilkerson, Ford Mustang, 4089, 307.58vs. 13, Alexis DeJoria,Camry4195, 299.06; 5,JackBeckman, Charger, 4.093, 308.99vs. 12,BobTascaRI,Mustang,4.184 302.62;6,Courtney Force,Mustang,4.100, 314.61vs.11, DelWorsham, Camry, 4.172, 302.41; 7, Robert Hight, Mustang, 4.101, 313.66vs. 10,JohnnyGray, Charger,4.128, 309.56; 8, Chad Head, Camry, 4110, 31490vs. 9, John Force, Mustang,4.117, 310.20. Did NotQualify: 17JonCapps, 4.532,272.94. Pro Stock 1, MikeEdwards, ChevyCamaro, 6.583, 210.57vs. 16, Warren Johnson, PontiacGXP , 6.656, 208.17; 2, Jeg Coughin,DodgeAvenger, 6.590, 209.75vs. 15, Larry Morgan,FordMustang,6.641,208.97;3, Rickie Jones,Camaro, 6.596,210.11 vs. 14, Kurt Johnson, GXP, 6.640, 207.56; 4, Greg Anderson,Camaro, 6.600,209.79vs. 13,Chris McGaha,Avenger, 6.635, 209.07; 5,AllenJohnson,Avenger, 6601, 209.98vs. 12, GregStanfield, Camaro, 6.632, 208.01;6, Shane Gray,Cam aro,6608,20956vs.11,Erica Enders-Stevens,Camaro, 6.632, 208.71,7, JasonLine, Camaro, 6.609,209.69vs. 10, VincentNobie,Avenger, 6.623, 209.17; 8, V.Gaines,Avenger, 6.616, 209.82vs. 9, RodgerBrogdon,Camaro,6.619,209.10. Did Not Qualify: 17, JRCarr, 6.665, 206.61; 18, Steve Kent, 6.672, 207.21; 19, JohnGaydoshJr, 7246, 157.96.

TENNIS Professional Madrid Open Friday At Caja Magica Madrid, Spain Purse: Men,$5.8million, (WT1gggj; Women, $5.3 million (Premierj Surface: Clay-Outdoor Singles Men Quarterfinals Rafael Nadal(5), Spain, def. David Ferrer(4j, Spain,4-6,7-6(3), 6-0 PabloAndujar, Spain,def. KeiNishikori(14), Japan,6-3,7-5. TomasBerdych(6), CzechRepublic, def Andy Murray(3),Britain,7-6(3), 6-4. StanislasWawrinka(15), Switzerland, def.Jo-Wilfried Tsonga (7), France,6-2,6-7(9), 6-4. Women Quarterfinals SerenaWiliams(1j, United States,def. Anabel MedinaGarrigues,Spain,6-3, 0-6,7-5. Maria Sharapova(2), Russia,def. Kaia Kanepi, Estonia,6-2,6-4. Ana Ivanovic(16), Serbia,def.AngeliqueKerber (6j,Germany,6-3,6-1. SaraErrani(7), Italy,def.Ekaterina Makarova,Russia, 6-4, 6-3.


Eastern Conference

W NewYork 6 Houston 6 S porting KansasCity 5 4 Montreal 5 Columbus 3 Philadelphia 3 NewEngland 2 TorontoFC 1 Chicago 2 1 D.C.

L 4 2 2 2 3 3 4

T P t sGF GA 2 2 0 18 14 2 20 17 9 1 7 14 9 2 17 12 9 3 1 2 12 8 3 1 2 12 14 3 9 5 8 5 4 7 11 15 5 I 7 6 14 7 1 4 4 17

Western Conference

FC Dallas Real SaltLake 5 Portland

W L T 6 1 3 4 2 3 I 6 4 2 2 3 3 5 3 4 3 3 4 2 2 4 3 2 3 3

P t sGF GA 2 1 16 10 17 11 10 15 15 12 1 4 12 5 1 4 12 14 12 8 9 1 1 12 15 9 9 13 9 6 7

Los Angeles San Jose Colorado ChivasIJSA Vancouver Seattle NOTE: Threepoints for victory, onepoint for tie. Today's Games PhiladelphiaatChicago,10.30 a.m. RealSaltLakeatMontreal,11a.m. San Jose at Seattle FC 1p.m. Los AngelesatVancouver, 4p.m. ColoradoatColumbus,4:30 p.m. NewYorkat New England,4:30 p.m. D.C. Unitedat FCDallas,5:30 p.m. Sunday'sGames ChivasUSAatPortiand, 2p.m. SportingKansasCity at Houston, 5p.m.

DEALS Transactions

BASEBALL Major LeagueBaseball MLB —Suspended umpire Fieldin Culbreth two gamesbecausehe wasin chargeof the crewthat allowedHoustonmanager Bo Porter to improperly switch relieversin themiddle ofaninning. Finedumpires BrianO'Nora, Bil WelkeandAdrian Johnsonan undisclosedamount American League CHICAGOWHITE SOX— Reinstated OF Dayan Viciedo fromthe 15-dayDL. OptionedOF Jordan Danks to Charlotte (ILj. LOS ANGELESANGELS— Placed RHP Tommy Hanson on the restricted ist. Recalled LI-IPMichael Roth from Arkansas(Texasj. TAMPABAY RAYS— PlacedRHP BrandonGomes on the15-dayDL,retroactive to May8. Recaled RHP Josh Lueke fromDurham(IL). TEXASRANGERS—Placed C A.J. Pierzynski on the15-day DL,retroactive toMay6.Recalled CRobinson ChirinosfromRoundRock(PCL).

National League

CHICAGO CIJBS—Activated RHPKyuji Fujikawa from the15-day DLOptionedRHPRafael Dolis to


CINCINNATIRED S—Activated C RyanHanigan from the15-dayDL.DesignatedC Corky Miler for assignment. BASKETBALL National Basketball Association NBA —Fined ChicagoF Taj Gibson$25,000 for verbalabuseof agameofficia during aMay8 game againstMiami MINNESOTA TIMBERWOLVES— Waived G Brandon Roy. FOOTBALL National Football League ARIZONA CARDINALS—Agreed to termswith LB Karlos Dansbyon aone-yearcontract. SignedRB StepfanTaylor,WRRyan Swope, RBAndre Egington and TE D.C.Jeffersonto four-yearcontracts. BUFFALO BILLS— SignedWR MarquiseGoodwin, DB Duke Wiliams, DBJonathanMeeksandKDustin Hopkins. CINCINNATIBENGALS—Signed OTReid Fragel and CT.J.Johnson. DALLASCOWBOYS Sig ned LB DeVonte Holloman to a four-year contractandQBDalton Wiliams, LB BrandonMagee, LBCameron Lawrence, LBDeon Lacey, LB Taylor Reed, CBXavier Brewer, CBDustin Harris, CBDevinSmith, S Jakar Hamilton, S Jeff Heath, WR GregHerd, WREric Rogers, K Spencer Benton ,TE PaulFreedmanandRBKendialLawrence. DETROILI TONS SignedDEEzekiel Ansahto a five-yearcontract andCBDarius Slay, GLarry Warford, DEDevin Taylor, PSamMartin, WRCoreyFuller, RB TheoRiddick, TEMichael WigiamsandLBBrandon Hepbum to tour-year contracts. GREEN BAY PACKERS — Signed OT David Bakhtiari, OT J.C. Tretter, RBJohnathanFranklin, CB MicahHyde,DEJosh Boyd, LBNate Palmer, WRC.J. Johnson,WRKevin Dorsey, LBSam Barrington, QB Matt Brown, C Patrick Lewis, LBAndyMulumba RB Angelo Pease,DTGilbertPena,FBRyanRoberson, TE JakeStonebumer, GLaneTaylor andWRMyles White. KANSAS CITYCHIEFS—Signed OLEric Kush and LB MikeCatapano NEWORLEANSSAINTS—SignedDTJohnJenkins to afour-yearcontract. NEWYORKGIANTS—NamedJoeDanosassistant strengthandconditioning coach, MattShaugerassistant directorof propersonnelandTimMcDonnell pro scout. SignedLBAaron curry, DTJonathan Hankins, DE Damon tre Moore,S Cooper Taylor, RBMichael Cox, RBJeremyWright, LBEtienne Sabino, LBCharleus Dieuseul, DB Charles James, WRMarcus Davis and SAlonzoTweedy. NEW YORKJETS Signed OL Oday Aboushi,G Will Campbell, WR Zach Rogers, WRRyanSpadola, WR K.J.Stroud,WRAntaviousWilson, TEChris Pantale, TE MikeShanahan, OLDalton Freeman, OL Trey Gilleo, OLMarkPopek, DLRoosevelt Holliday, DL Jake McDonough,LBTroy Davis, DBMike Edwards and SRontez Miles. SEATTLESEAHAWKS Signed DT Jordan Hill, WRChris Harper,DTJesseWilliams, TELukeWigson, GRyanSeymour, LBTyPoweg, GJared Smith, WR Matt Austin, OT Alvin Bailey, DEKenneth Boatright, LB Ramon Buchanan, LBJohn Lotulelei, S RayPolk, GJordonRoussosandLBCraig Wilkins to multiyear contracts. HOCKEY National HockeyLeague COLORADOAVALANCHE— Announcedthe resignation of presidentPierreLacroix, whowil serve as an adviser.NamedJosh Kroenkepresident. Promoted Joe Sakictoexecutivevicepresident of hockeyoperations. WASHING TON CAPITALS—Recalled G Philipp Grubauer, DDmitry Orlov, DTomasKundratek, D CameronSchiling andDNateSchmidt fromHershey


COLLEGE FLORIDA —Announced men's junior basketball G Eli Carterhastransferred fromRutgers. GEORG EMASON—Announced freshman basketball FJulianRoyal istransferring fromGeorgiaTech. GEORGIT AECH—Announced junior basketball G BrandonReedwi Itransfer after hegraduates attheend of thesummerterm.

FISH COUNT Upstream daily movem ent of adult chinook, Iack chinook,steelheadandwild steelheadatselected ColumbiaRiverdams last updated onThursday. Chnk Jchnk Stlhd Wstlhd Bonnevil e 2,226 2,185 25 4 The Dages 2,023 2,230 12 4 John Day 2,281 1,860 14 3 Upstream year-to-date movement ofadult chinook, jack chinook,steelheadand wild steelheadat selected Columbia Riverdamslast updatedonThursday. Chnk Jchnk Stlhd Wstlhd B onnevil e 60,373 18,032 2,810 8 3 1 T he Dages 43,469 13,181 70 5 33 0 John Day 33,353 8,750 8 1 3 44 5 M cNary 20,339 2,541 1,350 6 7 3

Re Win s eatDuc s4-3inOT,settin u Game7 The Associated Press DETROIT — Henrik Zetterberg took a big step as the leader of a storied franchise, snapping a scoring slump in a clutch way with his second goal in overtime. The Detroit Red Wings Red Wings still have a shot to advance in the

NHL playoffs. Zetterberg netted his second goal 1:04 into overtime to lift Detroit to a 4-3 win over the Anaheim Ducks in Game 6 on Friday night to extend the first-round series. " Those two were k ind o f u g l y ones, but that's what you need in the playoffs," he said. Second-seeded Anaheim will host seventh-seeded Detroit on Sunday night in the deciding game. "It hasn't really been a tremendous home-ice advantage," Ducks coach Bruce Boudreau said. "I don't

think where we play is really going to matter." Detroit blew a two-goal lead in the last 3 t/z minutes of the third period, sending the original sjx NHL team to a fourth OT in a series for the first time in franchise history. The Ducks, who joined the NHL during the 1993-94 season, also have played an extra period four times for the first time in the playoffs. All four of those games ended in the first overtime.

advanced to the second round with a victory over St. Louis in Game 6. Jonathan Quick made 21 saves and Drew Doughty scored his first goal of the postseason for the defending Stanley Cup champions, who won four straight to f i nish off f ourthseeded St. Louis. Penner put the Kings ahead with his latest big play-

NHL PLAYOFFS ROUNDUP Emerson Etem and Bobby Ryan scored 51seconds apart late in regulation to pull the Ducks into a 3-3 tie. Z etterberg, who s cored a g o ahead goal 6:19 into the third period on a power play, had a shot to win it with about a minute left. But his shot hit the right post and slid across the crease. He found the back of the net with a slap shot from above the left circle to endthe game and send the series back to California. Zetterberg's first goal snapped a career-long, seven-game postseason skid — dating to last year's firstround exit against Nashville. "If you're from Detroit, I guess it's just a matter of time," Boudreau said. Zetterberg, who was 52 career playoff goals, has an NHL-high 50 goals in the playoffs since 2006. The Red Wings, in t h eir 22nd straight postseason, have a chance to win their first series after being down 3-2 since the 2002 Western Conference finals. They beat Colorado then and went on to hoist the Stanley Cup. Back then, Steve Yzerman was their captain and after he retired in 2006, Nicklas Lidstrom wore the 'C'

off goal, ripping a slap shot from just

Paul Sancya I The Associated Press

Detroit Red Wings goalie Jimmy Howard stops a shot by Anaheim Ducks right wing Teemu Selanne in the second period of Game 6 of a first-round playoff series jn Detroit on Friday. on the winged-wheel sweater until retiring last summer. "You talk about the leadership on our team — we had Stevie and Nick — but those guys had way more help," Babcock said. Detroit's Jimmy Howard made 34 saves, all in regulation, and Jonas Hiller stopped 25 shots. Pavel Datsyuk netted the R ed

Wings' first goal of the pressurepacked game and DanielCleary created a two-goal cushion by scoring with 8:30 left in regulation before the wild finish. Also on Friday: Kings 2, Blues 1: LOS ANGELES — Dustin Penner scored the tiebreaking goal in the final second of the second period, and Los Angeles

inside the blue line past Brian Elliott right before time expired. Maple Leafs 2, Brujns 1: BOSTON — Tyler Bozak and Clarke M acArthur s c o red a n d Ja m e s Reimer stopped 43 shots to help Toronto beat Boston and stay alive in the first-round playoff series. The Maple Leafs trail the series 3-2, with Game 6 Sunday in Toronto.Zdeno Chara scored for Boston to cut the deficit to it 2-1 with 8:48 left, but the Bruins couldn't score the equalizer. Capitals 2, Rangers 1: WASHINGTON — Mike Ribeiro scored 9:24 into overtime, and the Capitals regained the momentum — and the lead — in their first-round playoff series. Ribeiro put in the puck after Troy Brouwer deflected a shot from the blue line. The Capitals lead the series 3-2. Game 6 is Sunday in New York. Brian Boyle scored for New York in the first minute, but that was it for New York's offense. Joel Ward tied it in the second period.




TODAY HOCKEY Time IIHF, world championships, U.S. vs. France 2 a.m. NHL, playoffs, Pittsburgh at N.Y. Islanders 4 p.m. SOCCER


English Premier League, Aston Villa vs. Chelsea 4 :30 a.m. FA Cup, final, Manchester City vs. Wigan Athletic 9 a.m. MLS, Philadelphia at Chicago 10:30 a.m. MLS, San Jose at Seattle 1 p.m. MOTOR SPORTS Formula One, Spanish Grand Prix, qualifying5 a.m. NASCAR, Sprint Cup, Southern 500 3:30 p.m. NHRA, Southern Nationals (taped) 5 p.m. LACROSSE


Men's college, NCAAtourney, Lehigh at North Carolina GOLF

9 a.m.


PGATour, ThePlayers Championship Men's college, Pac-12Championships

11 a.m. 11 a.m.


10 a.m.


BASEBALL College, LSU atTexas A8 M MLB, Atlanta at San Francisco College, Oregon State at Stanford MLB, Cleveland at Detroit MLB, Oakland at Seattle College, Arizona State at Cal


1 p.m. MLB 2 p.m. KICE-AM 940 4 p.m. MLB 6 p.m. Root 7 p.m. 10 p.m.

College, Utah atWashington (taped)

Pac-12 Pac-12


PBR, Last CowboyStanding (taped) SOFTBALL College, Big East Tournament, final College, ACC Tournament, final College, Cal at Washington

College, SEC Tournament, final College, Oregon atArizona State

1 p.m.


1 p.m. 3 p.m. 3 p.m. 5 p.m. 5 p.m.


BASKETBALL NBA, playoffs, Oklahoma City at Memphis 2 p.m. NBA, playoffs, New Yorkat Indiana 5 p.m.


SUNDAY Time 5 a.m.

MOTOR SPORTS Formula One, Spanish Grand Prix

American Le MansSeries, Monterey (taped) 1 p.m.



IIHF, world championships, U.S.vs. Germany 7:30 a.m. WHL, championship, Portland at Edmonton 3 p.m. NHL, playoffs, Washington at N.Y. Rangers 1:30 p.m. 7 p.m. NHL, playoffs, Detroit at Anaheim LACROSSE


Men's college, NCAAtourney, Cornell at Maryland BASEBALL

10 a.m.

MLB, Toronto at Boston

10:30 a.m. TBS noon Pac-12 1 p.m. Root 1 p.m. KICE-AM 940 5 p.m. ESPN 9 :30 p.m. Pac - 12

College, Utah at Washington MLB, Oakland at Seattle College, Oregon State at Stanford MLB, L.A. Angels at Chicago White Sox

College, Arizona State atCal(taped)



GOLF PGATour, The Players Championship 11 a.m. BASKETBALL NBA, playoffs, San Antonio at Golden State 12:30 p.m. RODEO


PBR, Last CowboyStanding (taped)

1 p.m.


CYCLING Tour of California, stage1 ROWING

2 p.m.


College, WindermereCup(taped)

3 p.m.


Mexican Primera Division, Monarcas Morelia vs. CruzAzul

3 :55 p.m.

MLS, Chivas USA at Portland

5 p.m.

ESP N 2 Root


Listings are themostaccurateavailable. The Bulletinis not responsible for late changesmade by Nor radio stations.

James,Bos ea Heat astBu s The Associated Press CHICAGO — So much for South Beach style. The Miami Heat showed again they can get down and dirty. L eBron James came o n strong down the stretch to finish with 25 points, Chris Bosh added 20 points and 19 rebounds, and the Heat followed up the most lopsided playoff win in franchise history with a 104-94 victory over the Chicago Bulls on Friday night to take a 2-1 lead in the Eastern Conference semifinals. Shaking off a shove to the court that earned Nazr Mohammed an ejection and James an accusation of flopping from Bulls coach Tom Thibodeau, t h e fou r - time MVP came t h rough d own the stretch, scoring 12 in the fourth quarter. Norris Cole matched his postseason careerhigh with his second straight 18-point performance, and the Heat pulled out a tight win after blasting the Bulls 115-78 on Wednesday. This time, Chicago refused to go quietly. Never mind that the Bulls were coming off the worst playoff loss in franchise history. Put a side the f act that the ailing Luol Deng and injured Kir k H i n r ich (calf) r emained sidelined, not t o mention Derrick Rose, or that Mohammed got ejected in the second quarter for shoving James to the floor. In the end, it was the Heat grinding out the victory. "You can'twin a championship being pretty and shiny," Bosh said. "You're going to have to get dirty. You're going to have to play physical. You're going to have to dive on the floor. You're going to have to

big-time drive in the fourth and a big-time 3 a s w e ll," James said. "Those two guys were the reason we won the


Charles Rex Arbogast/The Associated Press

Chicago's Nazr Mohammed (48) pushes Miami's LeBron James (6) to the floor during the first half of Game 3 of an Eastern Conference semifinal on Friday in Chicago. Mohammed was ejected after this play. do things that are extremely tough. "I think people forget just two years ago we were a halfc ourt, grind-it-out k in d o f team that was trying to beat you down. Just because we've moved to more of a free-flowing offense, we're more spread a little bit, that doesn't mean that we are just a run-and-gun team." The Heat prevailed on a night when James was off target most of the way, hitting just

6 of 17 shots and even getting blocked on a layup by Nate Robinson in the third quarter. But he and Cole hit two big 3-pointers. Bosh perked up after two quiet games, finishing one rebound shy of the club playoff record, and Miami's bench outscored C hicago's 36-8. "For (Bosh) to have 19 rebounds and for Norris to come off thebench and defend the way he did against Nate and also contribute offensively — a

Carlos Boozer led Chicago with 21 points. Robinson and Jimmy Butler each scored 17. Joakim Noah added 15 points and 11 rebounds, and Marco Belinelli had 16 points, but the Bulls couldn't pull this one out. They were w i t hin 8 5-83 when Cole scored on a finger roll with about four minutes left and Miami started to take control from there. James answered a 3-pointer by Belinelli with one of his own, and after Boozer hit a jumper for Chicago, Cole buried another 3 for the Heat to make it 96-88 with I:48 remaining. F inally, th e H e a t c o u l d breathe a little easier. Also on Friday: Spurs102, Warriors 92: OAKLAND, Calif. — Tony Parker scored 25of his 32 points in a sizzling first half, Tim Duncan added 23 points and 10 rebounds and San A ntonio quieted hot-shooting Golden State to take a 2-1 lead in the Western Conference semifinals. Kawhi Leonard finished with 15 points and nine rebounds, and Parker added five assists and five boards to help the Spurs wrestle back homec ourt advantage from t h e Warriors after withstanding a brief fourth-quarter rally. San Antonio outshot Golden State 50.6 to 393 percent and curbed streaky s h o oters S t ephen Curry and K lay T hompson for the first time in the series. Thompson scored 17 points on 7-of-20 shooting, while Curry had 16 points on 5 of 17 from the floor.

I(nicks eager to get StoLjdemire backvs. Pacers By Michael Marot

Stoudemire gives the K n icks more scoring punch against one of the league's INDIANAPOLIS — New York coach stingiest defenses and another big body Mike Woodson believes whole-heartedly against a Pacers team that led the NBA in that Amare Stoudemire can make a differ- rebounding during the regular season and ence against the Pacers. has been the best in the playoffs, too. He's big, strong, and, when healthy, a What's the downside'? proficient scorer — three ingredients the W ithout Stoudemire, limited t o 2 9 Knicks can use tonight. games thisseason after surgeries on each The problem i s S t oudemire hasn't knee, New York has still found ways to played in an NBA game in more than two win. The Knicks clinched the second seed months and will now try to work his way in the East and won their first playoff seback into game shape during the Eastern ries in 13 years, including a 26-point win Conference semifinals. It's a risky move, over Indiana in Game 2 to even this series. one Woodson insists is worth the gamble And it's still not clear how effective given the potential payoff of breaking a Stoudemire can be. Woodson has already 1-1 series and reclaiming home-court ad- said he will limit his star forward to 10 vantage in Game 3 of this best-of-seven or 15 minutes Saturday night, just long series as it shifts to Indianapolis. enough to force the team to change its ro"If I didn't think Amare was important tations and potentially upset the chemistry to our team, then I wouldn't even consider of a group that's played pretty well during that," the Knicks coach said after Friday's Stoudemire's absence. practice. "But Amare can still play, and I Conventional wisdom suggests that think he proved that in the short time he putting a player like Stoudemire back in was back this last time." the lineup should provide an immediate On paper, it looks like a no-brainer. boost. The Knicks agree. The Associated Press

"He gives us another scorer, gives us another big guy," Knicks guard Raymond Felton said. "This is a big team we're playing against, so any time we can get one of our bigs back, especially with him because he's a great scorer, we know it's going to help us." If Stoudemire does return Saturday night, as expected, he will join a team that is busting with confidence. The Knicks shot better in Game 2, were more productive inside and went toe-totoe with the Pacers' big men. Defensively, New York held Indiana scoreless for the first seven minutes of the fourth quarter and seized control with a 30-2 run, winning its most lopsided playoff game since April 24, 1992. "I'm not going to risk what we've been doing, but I am going to play him, just to see where he is in terms of, I think if he is where he needs to be," Woodson said of Stoudemire. "He didn't play big minutes the first go around before he got hurt and his minutes will definitely be limited this go around."


seconds back. Wiggins dropped

pended umpire Fieldin Culbreth

from sixth to 23rd overall, 1:32

months. He was transferred on Thursday from the15-day to the 60-day disabled list.

joined her in the semifinals after

and coach never received adegree

easing by KaiaKanepi of Estonia

from Rutgers, though he earned 103 credit hours from1973 to 1985. In a statement, Rutgers spokesmanE.J.M iranda called

HOCKEY NHL players likely for

MOTOR SPORTS Buschesdominate at Dar-

Jordan a"part of the Rutgers fam-

ning. Culbreth and the rest of his crew — Brian O'Nora, Bill Welke

and Adrian Johnson — werealso

SOChi? —NHL deputy commissioner Bill Daly says the league is

from the end to win his fifth Na-

goofed for the second straight

"proceeding under theassumption" its players will take part in

IlllgtOll —Kyle Busch took the lead from Joey Logano18 laps

department. A spokesmandid not

fined an undisclosed amount, after MLB admitted its umps

discrepancy was first reported Friday by the sports website Dead-

day. "The rule covering pitching

the 2014 Sochi Olympics. NHL

ond in three years at Darlington

Harner to miSSTaur Of Cali-

behind, althoughhecould make

for two games onFriday because he was in charge of the crew that

fornia —Bend's Chris Horner

up time in Stage 8 today. It's a 34mile individual time trial.

allowed Houston Astros manager Bo Porter to improperly switch

will not be among the riders when

the 2013 Tour ofCalifornia stage race begins on Sunday.Horner, 41 and the 2011 champion, is

recovering from a kneeinjury that has sidelined him since the Tour of Catalonia in March. In its eighth

relievers in the middle of an in-

BASEBALL BeaVS toPStanfOrd — Or-

running, the Tour of California for

egon State's offense roughedup Stanford aceMark Appel as the

the first time will take riders on a route from Southern California

Beavers won the opener of a threegame series 7-3 in Stanford, Calif.

northward, starting in Escondido

OSU got to Appel for six hits and

near San Diego and finishing with the eighth stage on May19 in

six runs in five innings, which tied for the shortest stint of the season

Santa Rosanear SanFrancisco.

for the heralded right-hander. He

Houston came aday after Angel Hernandez andhis crew in Cleve-

Aussie winsGirostage

walkedaseason-high five and struck out four, his second-low-

est tally of the season.Themain

— Australian rider AdamHansen won the hilly and rainy seventh stage of the Giro d'Italia on Friday

with a solo breakaway,and Benat Intxausti of Spain took the overall

lead. Tour deFrance champion Bradley Wiggins hadtrouble negotiating the slippery roads on a descent shortly before the finish. He

culprit in Appel's demise was OSU

(39-8, 18-4 Pac-12) sophomore Dylan Davis, who hit a soft liner past the third base bag during a five-run fifth inning that saw the

in Stockholm on Friday in a new round of talks aimed at securing

nant showing by the Busch boys at the track "Too Tough To Tame."

an agreement for the league's

Older brother Kurt set a qualify-

land failed to reverse a clear-cut home run after looking at a video

participation in the Sochi Games. While no final deal was reached,

ing record to win the pole for the Southern 500 set for tonight. Kyle

review. MLB vice president Joe Torre said the umpires madean "improper call."

the lnternational Ice HockeyFed-

was third in Sprint Cupqualifying

eration said "all signs pointed" to NHL players going to the Olympics for a fifth straight time. IIHF Presi-

before dominating the Nationwide

Hansen increases didfor

race. Theyounger Busch started from the pole andwas the stron-

KlllgS —If this is Chris Hansen's final salvo in his attempt to pur-

Surgery fOr SOX CIOSer?

dent ReneFaselsays "we have some issues left, but I, as always, remain optimistic."

gest car throughout. He led for 107 of the147 laps and finished

chase the Sacramento Kings, it's coming with an additional $75

a second in front of Elliott Sadler. Joe Gibbs Racing placed four in

million price tag to what already

Beavers push out to a three-run lead. Thedouble clearedthe bases, and marked the first of two extra-

examined Friday by orthopedist

James Andrews. AnMRItaken during the visit Friday showed flexor tendon damage in the right

Hansen, who rides for Lotto Beli-

DuCkS POStPOned —Friday

forearm, Boston manager John

sol, clocked more than 4t/~ hours over the109-mile leg from San

night's game between Oregon and Ohio State in Columbus, Ohio,

Farrell said. If an operation is

Salvo to Pescara. Intxausti took a 5-second lead over top contender championRyderHesjedalwas8

has been postponed by rain. The Ducksand Buckeyeswillplaya doubleheader onSaturday starting at12:05 p.m. Pacific time.

seconds back in third. Cadel Evans, the 2011 Tour de France win-

M LB suspends, finesumps — Major LeagueBaseball sus-

spin. Jordan was hired last month to replace Mike Rice, who was

in a statement. The problem in

meet again today at 2 p.m.

ner, moved up to sixth overall, 16

return a call or emails. The degree

(S.C.) Raceway onFriday night. The victory also capped adomi-

major injury — and lost more than a minute to the other contenders.

Vincenzo Nibali, with defending

tionwide race this seasonandsec-

ily." Miranda referred questions about Jordan's bio to the athletics

changes was not applied correctly representatives and international by the umpiring crew," MLB said hockey andOlympic officials met

— Boston RedSox closer Joel Hanrahan is contemplating season-ending surgery after being

fell — but didn't appear to suffer a base hits for Davis. Thetwo teams

6-2, 6-4.

fired after video wasmadepublic showing him kicking and shoving

players and yelling obscenities and anti-gay slurs at them.Two university administrators resigned

over the scandal.

could be the richest franchise sale in NBA history. Hansen increased teammates Brian Vickers third and his total valuation of the Kings Matt Kenseth fifth. from $550 million to $625 million on Friday in another attempt to the top five, Busch and Sadler's

TENNIS Nadal, Serena advance

— Rafael Nadal rallied past David Ferrer 4-6, 7-6 (3), 6-0 Friday in

sway NBAowners to allow him to buy the franchise and move it to

performed, Hanrahanwould miss the rest of the seasonandface

BASKETBALL the quarterfinals of the Madrid Open, maintaining his bid to reach No degree far RutgerS

the possibility of Tommy John

a seventh straight final since

COaCh? —Rutgers University's

anteed owners that the franchise

surgery if damage is found to the ulnar collateral ligament of the elbow. Hanrahancould choose

returning from a kneeinjury. Topranked SerenaWilliams struggled

official bio of new basketball

would pay into the league's revenue-sharing system in Seattle

before defeating Anabel Medina

to rest and rehabilitate the injury but still would miss at least two

Garrigues 6-3, 0-6, 7-5, andsecond-ranked Maria Sharapova

graduated from the university in 1977. But the university registrar's

coach Eddie Jordan says he office says the former NBAplayer

Seattle .Hansenalsoannounced on his website that he hasguar-

and not collect money as it has in

Sacramento. — From wire reports





Continued from C1 At the plate, Justin Erlandson led the way for Bend, f i n i shing 2 - f or-3 with three RBIs. Nathan Miller was I-for-3 with an RBI, while Sami Godlove and H u nter M c D o nald each drove in a run. Kyler Ayers went 2-for-4 to pace Mountain View (517, 1-8), and Brock Powell added a hit and an RBI. T he Lav a B e ar s a r e cruising with only a non-

Continued from C1 The NCAA has been looking into p ayments Oregon made to recruiting services, including a $25,000 payment to Willie Lyles and Houstonbased C omplete S c outing Services in 2011. Lyles had a connection with an Oregon recruit. O regon would no t c o m ment about whether the meeting had taken place. " Regardless of w h e n o r where the hearing occurs, review is ongoing until the NCAA Committee on Infractions issues its final report. The integrity of the process a nd our continued full c o o peration wit h t h e N C A A prohibits us f r o m p u b licly discussing the specifics of this matter," according to a statement sent via email on

conferencegame against Lake Oswego on Tuesday separating them from the state playoffs, which will most likely include a firstround home game. "Playoffs, it's always a bonus, kind of the frosting on the cake," Bailey said. "We always talk a b out surviving when you g et to the playoffs. We have a chance to get a feel of that when we go to play Lake Oswego ... hopefully be ready to play in the postseason."


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Friday. I

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Roh Kerr / The Bulletin

Mountain View's Jaxson Landrus tags out Bend's Jonah Koski on a steal attempt Friday at Mountain View High School.


is ers irs ennis is runner-u a is ric s Bulletin staff report BLACK BUTTE R A N CH — Paced by its doubles teams, Sisters High took runner-up honors at the Class 4A/3A/ 2A/IA Special District 3 girls tennis championships, which concluded on Friday. Savannah Spear and Haley Carlson placed second in the doubles bracket and Shelbi T hompson a n d Han n a h Stuwe finished fourth. Both Outlaw doubles teams q ualified fo r n e x t w e e k 's C lass 4 A / 3A/2A/I A s t ate tournament in Eugene by virtue of their top-four finish. North Bend won the threeday event with 35 points, with Sisters taking second after posting 23 points. Klamath

Union (22 points), Henley (18) and St. Mary's and Junction City, who tied with 12 points, rounded out the top five. Spear and Carlson cruised into the championship match after defeating Henley's Vanessa Matheson an d J e sse Bezo 6-3, 6-4. The Sisters duo fell in the doubles final 6-0, 6-0 to North Bend's Taylor Cuzzort and Hannah Schandelmieir-Lynch. Cuzzort and S chandelmieir-Lynch w e r e also 6-0, 6-0 winners in their semifinal ma t c h aga i n st Thompson and Stuwe. The Class 4 A /3A/2A/IA tournament starts Thursday at the University of Oregon at

5 p.m. In other Friday action: BOYS TENNIS

Storm strong on first day: SUNRIVER — Summit made an impressive showing on the opening day of the Class 5A Special District 1 tournament, asseven Storm players — including three doubles teams — qualified for state by reaching the semifinal round. Among the Summit players in semifinal matches today is C handler Oliveira, the N o . 1 singles seed, who will face off against Mountain View's unseeded Phillip A t k i nson. Atkinson upset No. 4 seed Federico Puga of Bend High in a q uarterfinal match to advance. In today's other s i ngles semifinal, Redmond's Zach Powell, the No. 2 seed, faces No. 3 seed Scottie Ziegner of Hood River Valley. In doubles, Summit's t o p-seeded S cott Parr an d L i a m H a l l breezed into the semis, as did the No. 3-seeded Storm duo of Parker Nichols and William Dalquist. A p leasant surprise f o r Summit was th e u nseeded team of Thomas Wimberly and Elliott S h erpa, w h ich upended No. 2 seed Vincent Whitesell and Lucas Wyant of Hermiston, 6-2, 4-6, 10-8, in the first round and surged into a semifinal match against Storm t e ammates N i chols and Dalquist. Parr and Hall

will take on two other Central Oregon state qualifiers, the fourth-seeded Bend High duo of Joshua Woodland and Cameron Tulare. Summit led the tournament after one day of play with 32 points. Bend was second with 22 points and Mountain View ended the round of competition in third with 18 points. Play resumes today on the North Courts at Sunriver Resort. Championship matches in both singles and doubles will start at noon. Two fourth-place finishes for Ridgeview: VALE — After b a ck-to-back t h r ee-set victories sent Brett Blundell to the semifinals of the Class 4A/3A/2A/IA Special District 5championship,thefreshman fell 6-3, 6-4 to deny him a shot at the singles title. Blundell then lost 6-3, 6-2 in the thirdplace contest to finish fourth in the district. In the doubles bracket, Caleb Maxwell and Gabe Payne dropped their semifinal matchup 7-5, 6-4 before falling 6-4, 6-4 to take fourth. By reaching the semifinals, that tandem, as well as Blundell, qualified for the 4A/3A/2A/IA state championship at the University of Oregon next week. GIRLS TENNIS

Tournament play resumes today at 8 a.m. BASEBALL Summit 11, Crook County 1: Four players went 2-for-3 with two RBIs, and the Storm scored fourruns in the bottom of the fifth inning and three more in the sixth to take the six-inning Intermountain Hybrid w in . E r i k A l v stad, Austin Peters, Josh Cherry and Cal Waterman each went 2-for-3 with two runs driven in to help Summit finish the regular season 15-11 overall. Stetson Hall was 1-for-2 with a triple for C rook County, which ends the season 8-18. Redmond 2 , Ri d geview 0 : REDMOND — Da n i e l Thomas pitched a complete game for the Panthers, limiting the visiting Ravens to just four hits in the Intermountain Hybrid shutout win. Trevor Hindman, Matt Dahlen and J.D. Abbas each went 2-for-3 with a double for Redmond (18-6 overall), with Hindman and Dahlen picking up one RBI apiece. Pacing Ridgeview (13-11) was Garrett DeWolf, who was 2-for-3 at the plate. Sisters 20, La Pine 0: LA PINE — The Outlaws' rout capped a second undefeated Sky-Em League season for Sisters, which has now won Summit dominates first day 33 consecutive conference of districts: HERMISTONgames, a streak that dates The reigning Class 5A state back to the 2011 season. Joey champion Storm set t hemM organ went 4 -for-5 w i t h selves up fo r a n other t itle five RBIs, Justin Harrer was run, qualifying three doubles 3-for-3 with two doubles, and teams and one singles player Ryan Pollard ended the day 2to next week's state tourney for-2. The Outlaws (22-2 overafter rolling through the first all, 15-0 league), who have day of the Class 5A Special won 20 straight this season, District 1 championships. pounded out 17 hits in f ive S ummit's t o p dou b l e s innings against the Hawks (7team of Haley Younger and 18, 6-9). Kelsey Collis will face their North Marion 4, Madras 2: teammates, Lauren Handley AURORA — The White Bufand Kacie Evans, in today's faloesstranded nine runners semifinal r o u nd . H a n dley on base, including three in and Evans had "the match of the top of the seventh inning the day," according to Storm in their Tri-Valley Conference coach Ryan Cruz. The undefeat to the Huskies. North ranked Summit du o u p set Marion scored all four of its Bend High's Allison Dailey runs in th e second inning. and Riley Palcic, the tourCody Shepard led M a dras ney's No. 4 seed, 6-7, 6-0, 10-8 (13-11 overall, 7-8 TVC) with in the quarterfinals. two doubles and an RBI. AusThe Storm's Morgan De- tin Rauschenburg knocked Meyer and Ariel Steele also in the White Buffaloes' other e arned a s t ate berth w i t h run. Madras will play a Class 4A play-in contest against a their quarterfinal round victory and w il l p lay Hermis- yet-to-be-determined o p p ot on's Sarah H a wman a n d nent next Thursday. Zoey Garcia. K ennedy 13, C u lver 1 : In singles play, Bend High's CULVER — T h e B u l ldogs Sierra W i nch a n d K a y l ee dropped to 10-11 overall and 5-8 in Class 2A/IA Special Tornay both will m ake the trip to state after moving past District 3 with the loss to the the quarterfinals. Tornay and league-leading Trojans. Summit's Lindsey Brodeck SOFTBALL will play one another in the Bend 9, Mountain View 5: semifinals. Winch will f ace Bend High extended its winPendleton's Jessica Clark in ning streak to seven games, the other singles semifinal. rallying from a 5-2 deficit to R edmond H ig h d i d n o t conclude the season sweep have any state qualifiers, but o f the C ougars. Wit h t h e seven of the Panthers' eight score tied 5-5 in the bottom of t ournament e n t rants w o n the fourth inning, the Bears their first round matches. (16-8, 7-2 IMC) scored four

unearned runs after an error by Mountain View at the plate. Kendall Kramer led the

Bend offense, going 4-for-4 with a double and an RBI. Awbrie Elle Kinkade went 2for-3 with an RBI and Mariah Buckner added a 2-for-2, one-RBI performance. Bend, which entered the Intermountain Conferencecontest No. 9 in the Oregon School Activities Association 5A rankings, will likely host a play-in game on Friday. The Bears play Cleveland High in Portland on Tuesday in their regularseason finale. The Cougars end theirseason 3-22 overall

and 1-8 in league play. Ridgeview 2, Redmond 1: REDMOND — The Ravens edged past the visiting Panthers ina weather-shortened Intermountain Hybrid c o ntest, bringing an end to Redmond's five-game w i nning s treak. Shelby A b bas a n d Mikia Bollinger each drove in a run for the Ravens (15-

Baney and Eli Pite had one assist apiece. Also Friday, Sisters defeated Harney County to earn the HDL's No. 3 seed. The Outlaws a re expected to p lay a home game Wednesday in the OHSLA play-in round. TRACK AND FIELD Desrosiers paces Hawks at invite:INDEPENDENCE — Jeremy Desrosiers took top honors in the 200-meter dash with a time of 22.67 seconds, edging teammate Joseph Swayze's 2 3.73, a nd took second in t h e 400-meter run tolead La Pine to a win at the John Oliver Invitational at Central High School with 157 points. Newport was second with 128'/2. Desrosiers and Swayze also ran legs in the winning 400-meter relay team, while Colton

In April, Oregon released documents a c k n owledging a t least one m ajor N C A A violation in connection with recruiting. The d ocuments, made available because of public records requests made by the media, included a draft summary disposition report in which Oregon proposed a self-imposed two-year probation with the loss of one s cholarship in e ach of t h e next three years. O regon and t h e N C A A h ave failed to come to a n agreement on the matter and the caseheaded to the infractions committee. The NCAA does not comment on ongoing investigations. Former Ducks coach Chip Kelly was reportedly among those who appeared before the i n f r actions c o mmittee on April 19 in D a llas. The meeting was f i rst r eported by Sports Illustrated, which cited an unnamed source. Helfrichhas taken over as the Ducks' coach following the departure of Kelly, who went to the NFL's Philadelphia Eagles.

Ridgeview Continued from C1 In th e d o ubles b r acket, Claire Wright and Kourtney Wellette went as far as the championship final but f ell to a Vale tandem in straight sets to take second. Rhian Sage and Makena Jordison, who lost tn th e sem>f>nals, dropped t h ei r th i r d -place match toa La Grande duo. Harris will r epresent the Cowgirls at the state championships next week at the University of Oregon. Seven Ravens will also make the trip in hopes of adding to the team's already memorable season. " We've got t o g e t s o me rest," Miller said. "We've got to revamp ourselves again and get after it again."

George (110 hurdles) and

Justin Petz ( p ole v ault) each picked up wins. For Madras, which was sixth 9), while Ashley Pesek paced with 49 points, Brent Sult he Panthers ( 22-4) w i t h livan won the high jump, a double and an R BI. The and Nicholas Picard and game was called in the botKasey Cabral went 2-3 in tom of the sixth inning after the discus. On the girls' two 30-minute delays due to side, La P i ne's Hannah lightning. J ohnson placed third i n Sisters 6, La Pine 1: SIS- the 300 hurdles (55.45) and TERS — The Outlaws took a second in the 400 (I:05.77). second consecutive win over Teammate Kelly T e rrell the Hawks to end Sky-Em took fourth i n t h e s h ot League play 11-4. Sisters led put (32 feet, 7 inches), and 5-0 after the second inning. Chloee Sazama p l aced Cassidy Edwards led the Out- fifth in the pole vault (9laws with a t w o -run home 04.00). Madras' top placer run in the second inning. She was Elle Renault, who took also pitched the first three infourth in th e javelin. La nings for Sisters, striking out Pine took sixth as a team six. The Outlaws (17-5 over- with 35 points, and Madras all) will host Ridgeview on rounded out the nine-team Tuesday in a nonleague game standings with 11. Newand will likely have a home port won with 175'/3 points. play-in game on Thursday. La Pine concludes its season 220 overall and 0-15 in league HIGH DESERT BANK play. Elevation Capital Strategies BOYS LACROSSE 400 SW BluA Drive Suite 101 Bend Summit 11, Bend 9: SISMain: 541-728-0321 TERS — Dylan Smith scored I II • • t. • www.elevationcapital.biz four goals and Nick Rasmussen added three as Summit beat Bend High in the final of the High Desert League playoffs at Sisters stadium. Both the Storm (13-7) and the Lava Bears (11-6) are expected to play in the first round of th e Oregon High School Lacrosse Association state playoffs next F r iday; opponents and sites are to be announced. Quinn Rasmussen scored tw o g o als, Seth Millard had a goal and an assist for Summit, and Troy LaLonde scored a goal and Griffi n R e inecke had an assist for t h e w i n ners, w ho won their fourth i n a ~r 19 9~ g row. B r a ndon F i t z patrick Awbrey Glen' scored three goals and James -GDKCLu R ockett scored two for t h e Lava Bears. Hayden Baney, Knut Renton, Cade Hinderlider and Geoff Mouser each scored a goal for Bend, and







Madras Continued from C1 In the bottom of the seventh, still down 8-4, Inez Jones, Jamie Moe and Elysia Moran all logged base hits for the White

Buffaloes to make the score the top of the first inning. "We had one bad inning," 8-5. Keely Brown f o llowed that with an RBI single before McConnell said. "But the rest Sarah Brown ended the game (of the game) we played solid." with her three-run blast. Sarah Brown led Madras at North Marion opened the the plate, going 2-for-4, includ-

game by scoring six runs in

ing her game-winning homer.

Elysia Moran w ent 2 -for-4 with a double, and Jones and Caitlin Hulsey each added two

singles. The Buffs now await word on who and where they play in Thursday's play-in round.

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Garcia ea s Ti eratPa ers C am ions i By Doug Ferguson The Associated Press

PONTE VEDRA BEACH, Fla. — The Players Cham-

pionship already provides plenty of t h eater because of its t h r i ll-a-minute golf course. Making it even more compelling is the star attraction of Sergio Garcia and

Tiger Woods, playing in the final group on the weekend for the first time in nearly seven years. G arcia ma d e sev e n straight putts — six of them for birdie — on his way to a 7-under 65 to match his best score at TPC Sawgrass. That gave him a one-shot lead over Woods, who again made short work of the par 5s and posted his second straight 67. Woods broke his own 36-hole record at Sawgrass by six shots and can't find much wrong with his game at the moment. It's hard to call it a rivalry because it's so one-sided. Not onl y d o e s W o o ds have a 77-8 margin in PGA Tour victories (and 14-0 in the majors), in the previous five times they were in the final group on the weekend, Woods has gone on to win all five times. Asked about the possibility of playing with Woods on Saturday, Garcia said he wouldn't see it as anything but another round of golf. "I don't have to measure myself against a n ybody," Garcia said. "I know what I want to try to do, and any given day I c a n s h oot a round like this and any other day he can shoot a good round and beat me. Like we always say, it's not a sprint, it's a marathon. So there are

going to be good days and not so good days, so just got to enjoy the good ones as much as possible." This was a good day. Garcia ran off five straight birdies, ending the streak with putts from 20 feet and 25 feet, and then he added a 40-foot birdie putt on the par-3 eighth. Garcia, who won The Players in 2008, was at 11-under 133. W oods looks l i k e h e ' s having a good time on the course that has vexed him more than any other on the PGA Tour, and he could be t he greater threat on t h e weekend. He now is 8-under on the par 5s this week, including a 2 0 -foot eagle putt on No. 2 that gave him a share of lead. Woods took the outright lead with a short birdie putt on No. 4 u ntil Garcia blazed by him with his string of birdies. Woods was asked if there was any part of his game that madehim unhappy. "No, I'm pretty p leased with where it's at right now," Woods replied. The reporter looked at h im, w a i ting f o r mo r e . Woods looked back and finally added with a grin, "Did I answer that?" Woods and Garcia have

First-round leader stumdles Roberto Castro's stay atop the leaderboard at The Players was shortlived. The 27-year-old Castro, who shot 9 under Thursday, followed the round of his life with one to forget. He shot a 6-over 78 in the second

round Friday anddropped into a tie for 29th. Despite the stumble, his outlook remained positive. "I wouldn't have been embarrassed or felt bad or anything if I would have shot two 76s this week," Castro said. "It's

a hard golf course. I'm 3-under par andbeating 110 of the best players in the world through 36 holes. So I just kept telling myself, 'it's not easy, it's not easy, it's not

easy.' "

—TheAssociated Press

linked when the Spaniard was 19 and gave Woods all he could handle at Medinah in the 1999 PGA Championship. They were paired in the final round of the 2002 U.S. Open and 2006 British Open, the year Garcia dressed all in yellow. But with the tournament only halfway over, this is far more than a duel between Woods and Garcia. The 18 players within five shots of th e l ead i nclude three current major champions — Adam Scott, Webb Simpson and Rory McIlroy — along w it h L e e W estwood, Henrik Stenson, Steve Stricker, Hunter Mahan and Zach Johnson. W estwood c h i pped i n from 100 feet for eagle on the 11th hole and was atop the leaderboard until making pars on his last eight holes. He had a 66 and was two shots behind, along with

Kevin Chappell (66) and Stenson, who had two eagles on the front nine in his round of 67. Ryan Palmer, who learned Thursday night that one of his best friends died in a car accident in San Antonio, had two eagles in a round of 69 and was three shots behind. Defending champion Matt Kuchar birdied three of his last four holes for a 66 and was at 7-under 137, along w ith S c ott, M a ha n a n d Johnson.

McIlroy was coming off

back-to-back bogeys when he chose to go for the green in two at th e par-5 ninth — he had planned to lay up each day. He hit the trees and got into a mess, and McIlroy made his third straight bogey. He rallied on the back for a 72 and was in the group at 6-under 138. "I've made the cut, which I'm delighted about," said played together on big stag- Mcllroy, who ha d m i ssed es — Bethpage Black, Royal the weekend his three previLiverpool — with a big edge ous times. "But I am in there for Woods. They first were with a chance."

Sergio Garcia pumps his fist after making birdie on the eighth green during the

second round of The Players Championship at TPC Sawgrass in Ponte Vedra Beach, Fia., on Sunday. Garcia shot a 65 and now leads the tournament John Raoux/The AssoaatedPress


Blind Continued from C1 She will be among the favorites today in Class 3A at the Texas state meet, where she hopes to vault 12 feet or

higher. Ottmueller, a junior, began vaulting only five weeks ago after trying for more than a year to persuade her coach to let her participate. She has cleared 7 feet and hopes to surpass7-6 or 8 feetFriday at the Division IV state meet in Arizona. It is n o t u n common for athletes with limited sight to participate in running events, or throwing events like the shot put and discus. Marla Runyan, an American who is legally blind, reached the final of the 1,500 meters at the 2000 Sydney Olympics. Later she competed as an elite runner in the New York City Marathon. But it is extremely rare for the visually impaired to compete in the pole vault. It is one of track and field's riskiest and most technically demanding events, requiring competitors to sprint down a runway, plant the pole in a box, invert t heir bodies and t ur n 1 8 0 degrees while flying over a crossbar. Many high schools have eliminated the event because of liability concerns. The pole vault is not contested in the Paralympics. And until this week, the executive director of the U.S. Association of Blind Athletes said he knew of no vaulters with exceptionally restricted vision. "In my 20 years with the USABA, I've not come across any," said Mark Lucas, who has been executive director of the governing body since 2000. "Pole vaulting is an absolute rarity because of the hand-eye coordination needed. What an incredible accomplishment with low vision." Ottmueller was born with underdeveloped optic nerves and can see at 20 feet what people with n o rmal v i sion can see at 400 feet — a condition that will not improve, her optometrist said. She has little or no peripheral vision or depth perception. In school, Ottmueller uses magnifying devices and Braille to read. At the Arizona state meet, given the unfamiliar surroundings, she planned to use a cane to navigate the crowded vaulting area. Brown developed cataracts as an infant and had surgery. Her vision deteriorated further at age 11 for reasons that remain unclear,her mother said. In her left eye, Brown perceives only light and darkness. And while vision in her righteye can be corrected to 20-400 with a contact lens or prescription goggles, her field of vision is so narrow that "it's like looking through a straw," said Dan Chamness, who is B rown's counselor with t h e Texas Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services. Essentially unable to read large type, Brown now relies primarily on Braille, the form in which her name appears on her letter jacket. She said she could not perceive colors, only blurry shades of black and white. During cross-country season, herteammates wear bells on their shoes to escort her along. This month, on her 16th birthday, Brown is scheduled to receive a guide dog. She and Ottmueller — one is 5-foot-7, the other is 5-4 — do not know each other but share the drive of honor students,the fearlessness ofcompetitors and a daredevil longing. Unable to rely on sight for vaulting, they have developed a mathematical compensation, counting their strides toward liftoff and trusting that the repetition of training will carry them safely over the bar. "You can't be afraid of what you can't s ee," Ottmueller said. In the air they experience a sense of freedom, both vaulters said,a temporary release from the attachment of gravity and the confines of public doubt. "For a few seconds, nothing is wrong in the world, and nothing else matters," Brown said in a telephone interview. The accomplishments of O ttmueller and Brown w i l l "break down n egative stereotypes," Lucas, of the blind a thletes a ssociation, s a i d. " Seventy p ercent o f k id s who are blind and visually impaired are left on the sideline in PE classes. Coaches d on't know h o w t o m a k e accommodations." As a young girl, Ottmuell er began p a rticipating i n

i ull t'aehm'<l@t '

Joshua Lott /The New YorkTimes

Aria Ottmueiier, 17, a high school junior who is visually impaired, practices pole vaulting at Valley Christian High School in Chandler, Ariz., on Wednesday.

"In my 20 years with the USABA (U.S. Association of Blind Athletes), I've not come

across any. Pole vaulting is an absolute rarity because of the hand-eye coordination needed. What an incredible accomplishment with low vision." — Mark Lucas, executive director of the USABA, talking about blind pole vauiters gymnastics and

e questrian surrounding t h e po t ential for injuries during tumbling tial awareness. She still rides maneuvers. horses regularly. Her mother, Unyielding, Ottm u e ller M aria Giordano, who i s a b roached the idea o f p o l e nurse, said she frequently told vaulting last year, telling the her: "Your disability doesn't school's track coach, "If I can define you. Don't use it as a jump a 1 , 200-pound horse barrier. You don't know what over a bar, why can't I jump you can achieve unless you try myself over a bar'?" it." Dan Kuiper, a highly reStill, Ottmueller was bullied garded coach who has won in public school and trans25 state track championships, ferred to p r ivate school in was not immediately swayed. "I kept telling her no; from the eighth grade, her mother said. Her first choice of a pria liability standpoint it was vate high school was reject- dangerous," Kuiper said. "I ed by officials who thought said, 'I don't think you underO ttmueller would be a d i sstand; you've got to be able traction t o o t her s t udents, to see the bar.' But she was Giordano said. persistent." Even at Valley Christian Recently, Ottmueller began High School, which Ottmuel- to wonder, "Is there anyone ler now attends in suburban else out there like me'?" Phoenix, Giordano said her T here w as . B r o wn , o f d aughter was cut f rom t h e Rains High School in Emory, cheerleading squad, appar- Texas, has been vaulting for ently over liability concerns four years, since the seventh

jumping, enhancing her spa-

ot ers a

grade, drawn to it because "it looked dangerous." Her mother, Stori Brown, a science teacher at the high school, said that C h arlotte was inspired by tw o o l der brothers who were athletes and that she faced no resistance from school officials about her own aspirations. "I don't t h in k C h a rlotte has ever been told no," Stori Brown said. "We always told her, 'Yes you can do it, but how are you going to do it'?'" She got permission to use carpeting to guide her on the runway. Her coach is allowed to call out her strides as she approaches the bar. And as Brown has gone higher, she has begun c l imbing r opes and using gymnastics rings to grow more comfortable in an inverted position. "We take i t f o r g r a nted when we stick our feet toward the sky," said Derek Smith, Brown's coach. "She doesn't know what sky is." Whatever the outcome at the Texas state meet, Brown said she eagerly awaited a chance to begin working with a guide dog later this month. "I was thinking he would run next to me and hop on my back and be a jet pack and shoot me up there,"she said with a laugh.

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NewYork Baltimore Boston TampaBay Toronto

AMERICANLEAGUE East Division W L 21 13 22 14 22 14 17 18 13 24

Central Division Detroit

Kansas City Cleveland Minnesota Chicago

W L 20 13 18 14 18 15 16 16 14 19 West Division W L 22 13 18 19 17 19 13 22 10 26

Pct GB .618 .611 611 .486 4'/r .351 9'/r

Pct GB .606

.563 U/x

.545 2 500 3


.424 6

CSantnc 4 1 1 1 VMrtnzdh 4 1 1 1 MrRynllb 3 0 0 1 Dirkslf 5 I 2 1 Brantlylf 2 0 0 I JhPerltss 4 2 2 0 S tubbsrf 3 0 0 0 Avilac 4123 Chsnhll3b 3 0 0 0 Infante2b 4 1 3 0 Totals 3 1 4 6 4 Totals 3 9101510 C leveland 100 10 0 2 0 0 — 4 Detroit 031 310 11x — 10

LOB Baltimorell,Minnesota9.28 McLouth(9),

Bianchiph 1 0 0 0 DRonsnlf 1 0 1 0

Markakis(6), C.Davis3(12), Hardy(5), Dickerson(2), T otals 3 2 3 8 2 Totals 3 14 8 4 Philadelphia Arizona Mauer 2(13), Morneau(8), Plouffe(6). SB—A.Jones M ilwaukee 000 2 0 0 001 — 3 ab r hbi ab r hbi 002 1 0 0 1 0x — 4 Rogins ss 5 1 2 1 GParracf-rf 3 0 0 0 (5), A.Casiga 2 (4). S A.Casilla. SF Markakis, C incinnati Doumit. DP — Cincinnati 2. LOB—Milwaukee 8, CincinUtley2b 3 0 1 0 Gregrsss 4 0 0 0 Baltimore IP H R E R BB SO nati 13. 28 —Bruce(10). HR—Segura(5), Braun(8), MYong3b 3 1 0 0 Gldschlb 2 1 0 0 Hammel 4 8 6 6 2 6 Phillips (6). SB —Choo(4), Lutz(2). CS—Aoki (4). Howardlb 4 0 0 0 ErChvz3b 3 0 1 1 McFarland 22-3 2 0 0 I 1 S—Cozart Ruizc 3 0 1 0 C.Rossrf-ll 2 1 1 0 E C.Santana(1), Chisenhall (3).LOB—Cleveland Tom.HunterW3-1 21-3 0 0 0 0 3 Milwaukee I P H R E R BB SO D Brwnlf 4 0 1 1 Kubellf 3 0 0 0 1, Detroit 8. 2B —Kipnis (5), Swisher(7), C.Santana Ji.Johnson S,14-14 1 1 0 0 0 1 GallardoL,3 2 4 5 3 3 5 5 Mayrry rf 4 0 1 0 Pollock cf 0 0 0 0 Reverecf 3 0 1 0 Prado2b 3 0 1 1 (10), Mi.Cabrera (9), Jh.Peralta2 (8), Avila(2), Infante Minnesota Figaro 2 I 0 0 0 2 6 9 3 3 1 1 Mic.Gonzale z 1 2 (5). 38 —Swisher (1). HR—Mi.Cabrera(7), Fielder Pelfrey 1 1 1 2 0 C loydp 2 0 0 0 MMntrc 3 1 1 1 RoenickeBS,1-1 1-3 4 3 3 0 0 Axford (9), Dirks (3). SB—Dirks(4). SF—Brantley. 1 I 0 0 2 1 Bastrdp 0 0 0 0 Kenndyp 2 0 0 0 Cleveland IP H R E R BB SO Fien 12-3 0 0 0 I 2 Cincinnati MAdmsp 0 0 0 0 WHarrsp 0 0 0 0 KluberL,2-2 42- 3 11 8 8 2 4 Burton 1 1 0 0 1 1 Cingrani L .Nixph 1 0 0 0 Sippp 0000 4 5 2 2 2 4 Shaw 2-3 2 0 0 0 1 SwarzakL,l-l 1 4 3 3 0 0 SimonW,3-1 Hinske ph 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 1 2 Hagadone 2-3 0 0 0 0 2 Hammelpitchedto3 batters inthe5th. DHmdzp 0 0 0 0 LeCureH,4 1 0 0 0 2 1 R.Hig 1 1 1 1 0 2 HBP—byHammel (Wigingham). WP —McFarland 2 53 4 3 BroxtonH,5 1 0 0 0 1 1 T otals 3 2 2 7 2 Totals Albers 1 1 1 0 1 1 T—3:38. A—31,360(39,021). P hiladelphia 2 0 0 0 0 0 000 — 2 ChapmanS,B-B 1 1 1 1 0 1 Detroit Arizona 100 000 11x — 3 WP — Mic.Gonzalez, Chapman2. ScherzerW,5-0 8 5 4 4 0 7 E Rollins (5), Goldschmid(1). t DP PhiladelT 3:49. A 33,251(42,319). 5 Benoit 1 1 0 0 0 1 AngelS 7, WhiteSOX phia 3. LOB —Phi adelphia 8, Arizona2. 28—Utley WP—Albers. (5), ErChavez (5). HR —Rogins (2), M.Montero (3). Pirates 7, Mets 3 T—2:48. A—37,547(41,255). CS — Prado(2). S—Revere,Cloyd CHICAGO — Mike Trout had Philadelphia IP H R ER BB SO tVVD hitS, inCluding the gD-ahead Cloyd 61-3 2 2 2 3 4 NEW YORK — Garrett Jones RedSOX5, Blue Jays 0

San Diego Volquez

IP H R 6 3 2 ThayerL,0-2 BS,1-1 0 3 4 Bass 2-3 2 0 Boxberger 1130 0

TampaBay Cobb Lueke

4 2-3 5 3 1130 0 McGeeW,1-2 1 0 0 Jo.PeraltaH,7 1 0 0 RodneyS,5-7 1 0 0 Thayerpitchedto4 baters inthe7th.

E R BB SO 2 4 3 3 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 3 0 0 0 0

2 13 0 2 0 I 1 0 I 2

HBP—byCobb (Hundley). WP—Volquez, Bass, Cobb.Balk—Cobb. T—3'26. A—12,424(34,078).

Leaders ThroughFriday's Games

AMERICANLEAGUE BATTING —MiCabrera Detroit, .382; Loney, TampaBay,.376;CSantana,Cleveland,.354;Altuve, Houston, .342; TorHunter,Detroit, .338; Longoria, Tampa Bay,.336, AJones,Baltimore, .327. .371 9 RUNS —AJackson, Detroit, 33; McLouth, Balti.278 12'/r Single in the SeVenth inning, tD BastardoBS,1-1 2- 3 1 0 0 0 0 more, 28; MiCabrera,Detroit, 27; Jennings,Tampa Bay, 27; AJones, Baltimore,27; Machado, Baltimore, hit a three-run hamer — a Call Friday's Games Mi.AdamsL,1-3 1 1 1 1 1 0 leadLDS AngeleS PaStChiCagO. 27; Crisp, Oakland,24;AGordon,KansasCity, 24; Detroit 10,Cleveland4 BOSTON — JDn LBSter PitChed a Arizona that VVBS COrreCtly OVerturned by Longoria,TampaBay, 24. Tampa Bay6, SanDiego3 Hank COnger reaChed DnCOnOr Kennedy 7 6 2 2 3 4 one-hitter, allowing only Maicer baseball's beleaguered umpires RBI —MiCabrera, Detroit, 40; CDavis, Baltimore, Boston 5, Toronto 0 1-3 0 0 0 0 1 W.Harris GillaSPie'S errar tD Start the inning Baltimore 9, Minnesota6,10 innings IZturiS' tWD-Dut dOuble in the SiXth — and WandyRodriguez pitched 2-3 0 0 0 0 1 33; Fieder, Detroit, 33; Napoi, Boston, 32; MarSipp W,2-1 R eynol ds,Cleveland,30;AGordon,KansasCity,27; and SCOred Dn Trout'S SharP Single L.A. Ange s7, ChrcagoWhrte Sox5 D.HemandezS,1-4 1 1 0 0 0 0 inning, and Boston broke athreePittSburgh PaSt NeWYOrk. TrumboLosAngeles 26. N.Y.Yankees 11,Kansas City 6 WP—Kenned y. tD right Dff relieVer Matt LirtdStrDm HITS — MiCabrera, Detroit, 52; Altuve, Houston, Texas 4, Houston 2 game losing streak with a win over that gave the Angels a 6-5 lead. T—2:42.A—31,900(48,633). Pittsburgh New York 50; AJones,Baltimore, 49; Machado,Baltimore, 48; Seattle 6, Oakland3 Toronto. Lester (5-Oj allowed just Today's Games ab r hbi ab r hbi Kinsler, Texas, 46;AGordon,KansasCity, 45; TorJ.B. ShUCkthen SCOred Dn a SMartelf 4 1 3 1 RTejadss 5 0 1 0 Marlins 5, Dodgers 4 Hunter,Detroit, 45;Longoria,Tampa Bay, 45; Pedroia, Toronto(Buehrle1-2)at Boston(Buchholz6-0), 10:35 One Df the remaining nine batterS passed ball. Mercer2b 4 I 2 0 Turner2b-3b 4 0 0 0 Boston,45 a.m. tD hit the ball Dut Df the infield and McCtch cf 5 0 0 0 DWrght 3b 4 0 2 0 DOUBLES —Napoli, Boston, 16; AJones,BaltiSan Diego(B.Smith 0-0) at TampaBay (Hegickson LOS ANGELES — Derek Dietrich finiShed With fiVe StrikeDUtS. Los Angel e s Chicago G Joneslb 5 2 3 3 Rrcep 0 0 0 0 more, 13;Mauer,Minnesota,13; CDavis,Baltimore, 1-2), 3:10p.m. tied the game with his first major ab r hbi ab r hbi C ontrrsp 0 0 0 0 Dudalf 4000 Cleveland (U.Jimenez2-2) at Detroit (Verlander4-2), 12; Lowrie,Oakland,12; Machado,Baltimore, 12; 5 Toronto Boston S hucklf 4 1 1 1 DeAzacf 5 1 2 1 G rillip 0 0 0 0 Byrdrf 2 0 0 0 408 p.m. tied at11. league homerun, Juan Pierre ab r hbi ab r hbi Troutcf 5 1 2 1 Kppngr2b 5 0 1 0 Tabatarf 4 0 1 0 Carsonp 0 0 0 0 Baltimore (S.Johnson0-0)at Minnesota(Worley 0-4), TRIPLES —Egsbury, Boston,3; Trout, LosAngeSingled in the gD-ahead run in the RDavi s dh 2 0 0 0 Ellsury cl 5 1 1 0 P ujolsdh 4 1 1 1 Riosrf 4 1 2 0 PAlvrz3b 4 1 2 1 DnMrpph 1 0 0 0 4:10 p.m. les,3;13tied at2. T rumolb 4 0 1 1 A.Dunnlb 3 I 0 0 McKnrc 4 I 1 0 Atchisnp 0 0 0 0 seventh inning and Miami dealt L.A. Angels (Wigiams1-1) at ChicagoWhite Sox Lind ph-dh 2 0 0 0 Victorn rf 3 1 2 0 HOME RUNS —MarReynolds, Cleveland, 11; MeCarrlf 3 0 0 0 Pedroia2b 3 1 2 1 Hamltnrf 5 0 0 0 Konerkdh 3 1 0 0 (Quintana 2-0), 4:10p.m. JMcDnlss 3 0 0 0 Vldspn2b 1 1 1 1 CDavis, Baltimore, 10; Encarnacion,Toronto, 10; LDS AngeleS itS eighth Straight I-IKndrc2b 4 0 1 0 Gigaspi3b 4 0 0 0 N.Y.Yankees(Petitte 3-2) at KansasCity (Shields 2- Bautistrf 3 0 0 0 D.Ortizdh 3 0 0 0 W Rdrgp 3 0 0 I I.Davislb 4 I 2 0 Arencibia Toronto,9;Cano,NewYork,9; Fielder,DeE ncrnclb 3 0 0 0 Napolilb 4 0 0 0 C agasp3b 4 0 I 0 Viciedolt 3 I I 2 M azzar p 0 0 0 0 Reckerc 3 1 2 1 loss. 2), 4.10p.m. troit, 9; Morse,Seatle, 9;Trumbo,LosAngeles,9. 3212 Congerc 3 2 1 0 AIRmrzss 3 0 0 0 Texas(Darvish 5-1) at Houston(Bedard0-2), 4:10 A renciic 3 0 0 0 Navalf G Snchz ph-lb 0 I 0 0 Lagars cf 4 0 I 0 STOLEN BASES —Egsbury, Boston 12; DeRosa2b 3 0 0 0 Sltmchc 4 0 2 1 B Harrsss 4 2 3 1 Flowrsc 3 0 1 1 p.m. Marcmp 1 0 0 0 McLouth,Baltimore,11;Crisp, Oakland,8; RDavis, Miami Los Angeles W iseph I 0 0 0 Oakland(Parker 1-5) at Seatte (Maurer2-4), 6:10 Lawrie3b 3 0 0 0 Mdlrks3b 4 0 2 I A Brwnrf 3 0 1 1 ab r hbi ab r hbi Toronto, 8;Andrus,Texas, 7; AEscobar, Kansas City, R asmscf 3 0 0 0 Drewss 4 0 0 0 T otals 3 7 7 11 5 Totals 3 4 5 7 4 Totals 3 6 7 126 Totals 3 6 3 103 P ierrelf 4 0 2 1 Crwfrdlf 5 1 3 0 p.m. 7, Pedroia,Boston,7. Mlzturs ss 3 0 1 0 L os Angeles 0 0 4 1 0 0 200 — 7 P ittsburgh Sunday's Games 030 0 3 0 0 01 — 7 H chvrrss 4 0 0 0 Punto3b 4 1 0 0 PITCHING —MMoore,TampaBay, 6-0; Buchholz, Cleveland atDetroit,10:08 a.m. Totals 2 8 0 1 0 Totals 3 35 105 Chicago 1 00 400 000 — 5 New York 0 00 010 002 — 3 Polanc3b 3 1 0 0 AdGnzllb 4 1 1 3 Boston,6-0;Lester,Boston,5-0; Guthrie,KansasCity, E—DeAza (3), Gilaspie(2). LOB —LosAngeles TorontoatBoston,10:35am. Toronto 0 00 000 000 — 0 E D Wright (2) DP Pittsburgh 1,NewYork 1 R uggincf 2 0 0 0 Kempcf 4 1 1 0 5-0; Scherzer,Detroit, 5-0; Hamm el, Baltimore, 5-1; San DiegoatTampaBay, 10:40a.m. Boston 010 000 40x — 5 7, Chicago 6 28 Pujols (7), Conger(3), Rios(6), LOB —Pittsburgh 6, NewYork 7. 28—G.Jones 2(9), D obbslb 4 0 0 0 Ethierrf 4 0 0 0 Darvish,Texas,5-1; FHernandez,Seattle, 5-2; MasterE—R.Ortiz (1), M.lzturis (4). DP—Toronto 2. Viciedo(4). HR Baltimoreat Minnesota,11:10a.m. —B.Harris (3), DeAza(7). CS—Con- McKenry(3), D.Wright (6), Lagares(1). HR —G.Jones O zunarf 3 1 0 0 AERisc 4 0 3 1 son, Cleveland, 5-2. N.Y.Yankeesat KansasCity,11:10 a.m. LOB Toronto 1,Boston9. 28 M.lzturis (4), Nava ger (1). SF —Shuck. (5), Valdespin(3),Recker(1). Dietrch 2b 4 1 1 3 Schmkr 2b 4 0 I 0 STRIKEOUTS —Darvish, Texas, 72; Scherzer, DeTexas at Houston, 11:10a.m. (7), Saltalamacchi(9), a Middebrooks2(7) Los Angeles IP H R ER BB SO Pittsburgh IP H R E R BB SO Brantly c 2 1 1 0 DGordn ss 3 0 0 0 troit, 61;AniSanchez,Detroit, 58;FHernandez, Seattle, 3 1-3 4 5 5 2 2 Oakland atSeatle,1:10 p.m. Toronto IP H R E R BBSO Enright W.Rodnguez W,3-2 6 6 1 1 0 2 F rnndzp 2 0 1 0 Magigp 1 0 0 0 56;Buchholz,Boston,56;Dempster,Boston,55;MasL.A. Angelsat ChicagoWhite Sox,5:05 p.m. R.Ortiz L,0-1 5 4 1 1 5 1 M.Lowe 12-3 3 0 0 0 0 Mazzaro 2 1 0 0 0 0 C oghlnph 1 1 1 0 Uribeph 1 0 1 0 terson,Cleveland,51; Iwakuma,Seattle,51. 1 1-3 4 3 3 0 1 KohnW,1-0 Cecil 1 0 0 0 1 1 Contreras 2-3 3 2 2 1 0 M Dunnp 0 0 0 0 Howel p 0 0 0 0 SAVES —JiJohnson, Baltimore, 14; Rivera,New 12-3 2 1 1 0 2 D.De LaRosaH,4 2 NATIONALLEAGUE Storey 0 0 0 0 3 Grilli S,14-14 1-3 0 0 0 0 0 Quags p 0 0 0 0 Fdrwcz ph I 0 0 0 York, 13; Reed,Chicago, 11;Wilhelmsen, Seattle, East Division Boston FrieriS,6-7 1 0 0 0 1 3 New york Diazph 1 0 0 0 Belisarip 0 0 0 0 10; Nathan,Texas, 10; Janssen,Toronto, 9; Perkins, W L Pct GB LesterW,5-0 9 1 0 0 0 5 Chicago MarcumL,0-3 42 - 3 9 6 6 0 2 Cishekp 0 0 0 0 PRdrgzp 0 0 0 0 Minnesota,8. WP — Cecil. Atlanta 21 14 600 AxelrodL,0-3 6 7 6 5 1 6 Carson 11-3 1 0 0 0 0 VnSykph 1 0 0 0 NATIONALLEAGUE Washington 20 15 .571 1 T 2 46. A 33,606(37,499). Lindstrom 1 2 1 1 2 1 Atchison 2 I 0 0 0 2 Totals 3 0 5 6 4 Totals 3 64 104 BATTING —CGomez, Milwaukee, .373; YMolina, NewYork 14 18 .438 5'/r N.Jones 2 2 0 0 0 2 Rice 1 1 1 1 2 0 Miami 0 00 300 200 — 5 St. Louis, .344;AdGonzalez, LosAngeles, .339; TuPhiladelphia 16 21 .432 6 Axelrodpitchedto 1batter in the 7th. HBP —by Marcum (Jo.McDonald, S.Marte). WPL os Angeles 3 0 0 0 0 0 010 — 4 lowitzki, Colorado, .337;SMarte, Pittsburgh, .333; Miami 11 25 .306 10'/z YankeeS11, RoyalS 6 WP — Enright. PB—Flowers. Rice. DP—LosAngeles2. LOB—Miamr4, LosAnge- Segura, Milwaukee,.333; Cuddyer,Colorado, .319; Central Division T 3:35. A 22,638(40,615). T—3;07. A—25,123(41,922). les 7. 28—Coghlan(4), A.Ellis (6), Schum aker(3). Braun,Milwaukee,.319 — Lyle W L Pct GB KANSAS CITY, MD. HR — Dietrich (1), Ad.Gonzalez (4). SB—C.Crawford RUNS —Choo, Cincinnati, 28; JUpton, Atlanta, St. Louis 22 12 .647 (7), Kemp (5). CS Ruggi a no (1). OVerbay hit a tVVD-run hOmer and 28; CGonzalez,Colorado,27; SMarte, Pittsburgh, 27; National League NationalS 7,CltbS 3 Cincinnati 20 16 .556 3 Miami IP H R E R BB SOMCarpenter,St. Louis,26; HogidaySt. Louis,25; PaPittsburgh 19 16 543 3 1/2 finiShed With fiVe RBIS, IChiro Fernandez W,2-2 6 8 3 3 2 7 gan,SanFrancisco, 25. Milwaukee 15 18 .455 6'/z SUZUki alSO WASHINGTON — lart DBSmDnd'S M.DunnH,6 1 0 0 0 0 1 hit a tVVD-ruFI ShOt and RBI — Phillips, Cincinnati, 31; Goldschmidt, Cardinals 3, Rockies 0 Chicago 13 22 .371 9'/r Quags H,l 1 2 1 1 0 0 Arizona,30; Buck,NewYork, 29; Tulowitzki, Colorado, New York opened its only series three hitS inCluded a tVVD-run West Division CishekS,5-6 1 0 0 0 0 2 28;Craig,St.Louis,26;AdGonzalez,LosAngeles,26; W L Pct GB in KanSaS City With a rOut Df the ST. LOUIS —Shelby Miller gave hOmerand BD RBI dOuble,and Los Angeles Rizzo,Chicago,26. Arizona 21 15 .583 Magig 5 3 3 3 4 2 RDyalS. Overbay finiShed With a Danny ESPinDSaand Kurt SUZUki HITS — SMarte, Pittsburgh, 46; CGomez, MilUP a leadOff Single then retired SanFrancisco 21 15 .583 Howell 1 0 0 0 0 0 waukee,44, YMolina,St. Louis, 44;Sandoval,San Colorado 19 16 .543 U/r Career-high fOur hitS, SUZUki had 27 irt a rDWfOr hiS firSt Career also drove in runs with doubles, BelisarioL,2-4 I 3 2 2 I 0 Francisco,44;Choo, Cincinnati, 42;GP arra, Arizona, San Diego 16 19 457 41/2 three hits and Chris Nelson drove PRodriguez 2 0 0 0 0 1 42; SCastro,Chicago,41; Pence, SanFrancisco, 41; helping Washington get its complete game, leading St. Louis Los Angeles 13 21 .382 7 Belisariopitchedto1batter in the8th. Segura,Milwaukee,41;Voto, Cincinnati, 41. in a Pair Df runS fOr the YankeeS, season-high fifth consecutive over Colorado. Eric YoungJr. HBP —byMagig (Brantly) WP—Qualls. DOUBLES —MCarpenter,St. Louis,12; Desmo nd, Friday's Games T—3:01.A—41,721(56,000). VvhD gaVemanager JOBGirardi hiS victory. had a line driVe hit tD right field tD Washington,12;GParra, Arizona,12; Pollock,Arizona, Washin gton7,ChicagoCubs3 500th win in pinstripes. 12; Schi e rhol t z, Chi c ago, 12; Rogi n s, Phi l a del p hi a, Start the game fOr the ROCkieS but Cincinnati 4,Milwaukee3 Chicago Washington 11; 5 tiedat10. Interleague Pittsburgh7, N.Y.Mets 3 Miller (5-2j gave up nothing else in ab r hbi ab r hbi TRIPLES — ECabrera, San Diego, 3; CGomez, Tampa Bay6, SanDiego3 New York KansasCity his first shutout. The right-hander S Castross 5 1 2 1 Spancf 3 0 0 0 Milwaukee,3; Hechavarria, Miami,3;Segura, MilwauSt. Louis 3,Colorado0 ab r hbi ab r hbi Ransm3b 3 0 1 0 Berndnrf 4 0 0 0 kee, 3; DWri ght,NewYork, 3; EYoung, Colorado,3; Arizona3,Philadelphia 2 Gardnr cf 6 1 2 1 AEscor ss 4 1 1 0 Rays 6, Padres 3 fanned YOung tD end it With hiS Valuenph-3b 1 0 0 0 Zmrmn3b 3 1 1 0 10 tied at2. Miami 5,L.A.Dodgers4 C ano2b 5 0 2 1 L.Cainrf 3 1 1 0 13th strikeout, tying a Cardinals Rizzolb 4 0 2 I LaRochlb 4 2 2 0 HOME RUNS —JUpton, Atlanta, 12; Buck,New San Francisco 8, Atlanta2 V Wegslf 5 0 0 0 AGordnlf 4 0 2 2 ST. PETERSBURG, Fla.— Alex ASorinlf 4 0 0 0 Dsmndss 4 3 3 3 York, 10;Harper,Washington, 10; Betran, St. Louis, Today's Games Hafnerdh 4 1 0 0 Butlerdh 4 0 0 0 rookie record. Hairstnrf 3 0 I 0 Espinos2b 4 1 I 2 CObb StrUCk Dut13 in leSS than 9, Gol d schmi d t, Ari zona,9; Rizzo,Chicago,9;YBetanPittsburgh(Liriano 0-0) at N.Y. Mets(Niese2-3), ISuzukirf 5 3 3 2 Hosmerlb 3 I 0 0 Schrhltph-rf 1 0 0 0 TMoorelf 4 0 1 0 court, Milwaukee,8; Braun, Milwaukee,8; Fowler, 10:10 a.m. J.Nix ss 3 3 2 0 S.Perez c 4 1 1 0 Colorado St. Louis fiVe inningS aitd Ryan RObertS C astiloc 4 0 0 0 KSuzukc 3 0 I 2 Colorado,8. Colorado(Chacin 3-1) atSt. Louis(Wainwright 4-2), Overay lb 5 2 4 5 Mostks 3b 3 1 1 1 ab r hbi ab r hbi S weenycf 3 1 2 0 Detwilrp 3 0 0 0 and Ben ZDbriSt drOVe in tVVD runS STOLENBASES—Pierre, Miami,12, ECabrera, 11:15a.m. Ne son 3b 5 0 2 2 EJhnsn 2b 3 0 0 0 EYong rf 4 0 I 0 MCrpnt2b 5 0 I 0 Barney2b 4 0 1 0 Stmmnp 0 0 0 0 San Diego,10; SMarte, Pittsburgh, 10; Segura,MilAtlanta (Maholm4-3) at SanFrancisco(Bumgarner CStwrt c 5 I I 0 MTejad ph I 0 0 0 Fowler cf 3 0 0 0 Beltran rf 4 1 2 1 aPieCe tD helP TamPaBay rally S mrdzjp 2 I 1 0 w aukee, 8; CCrawford, Los Angeles, 7; CGom ez, 3-1), 1:05 p.m. Dysoncf 3 1 1 3 CGnzlz If 3 0 0 0 Hogidylf 3 1 1 0 PaSt SBDIDiegO. CObb beCame HRndnp 0 0 0 0 Milwaukee, 7; McCutchen,Pittsburgh, 7; Venable, ChicagoCubs(E.Jackson0-5) at Washington (StrasFrancr ph 1 0 0 0 Tlwtzk ss 3 0 0 0 Craiglb 3 0 I 0 Borbon ph I 0 0 0 burg 1-4),1:05p.m. T otals 4 3 111611 Totals 3 3 6 7 6 the first pitcher in major league SanDiego,7 WRosr c 3 0 0 0 YMolinc 4 0 2 0 Fujikwp 0 0 0 0 Milwaukee(Burgos 1-0) at Cincinnati (Latos3-0), N ew York 040 10 5 0 0 1 — 11 Helton lb 3 0 0 0 Jaycf PITCHING —Zimmermann, Washington, 6-1; 3111 hiStOry tD fan that many batterS Campp 0 0 0 0 1:10 p.m. K ansas City 0 3 0 0 2 1 000 — 6 Arenad Corbin,Arizona,5-0; Lynn,St. Louis,5-1; SMiger,St. 3b 3 0 0 0 Freese3b 3 0 I 0 DeJess ph 1 0 0 1 and fail tD make it thrOugh the San Diego(B.Smith 0-0) at TampaBay (Hegickson DP NewYork1. LOB NewYork 8, KansasCity Louis 5-2; 10 tiedat4. Rutledg 2b 3 0 0 0 Kozmass 4 0 1 1 3. 28 Gardner(6), I.Suzuki(4), J.Nix(2), Overbay Garlnd p 1 0 0 0 SMillerp 4 0 0 0 Totals 3 6 3 I 0 3 Totals 3 2 7 9 7 STRIKEOUTS —AJBurnett, Pittsburgh,66; Har1-2), 3:10p.m. fifth. Chicago 1 01 000 001 — 3 vey, New York, 58;Samardzija, Chicago,57; Kershaw, Philadelphia(Lee3-2) at Arizona(Cahil 2-3), 5:10 2 (7), A.Gordon(7). 3B—Gardner(2). HR—I.Suzukr Brignc ph 1 0 0 0 Washington 020 230 Ogx 7 Los Angel e s, 56; SMiger, St. Louis,51; Warnwright, p.m. (2), Overbay(6),Moustakas(4), Dyson(1).SB—Cano Escaln p 0 0 0 0 TampaBay E—Samardzija (2). DP—Chicago1. LOB —Chi- San Diego Miami (Slowey 1-2) at L.A. Dodgers (Ryu3-2), 6:10 (2),I.Suzuki(5). St. Louis,48;Ryu,LosAngeles,48 Pachec ph 1 0 0 0 ab r hbi ab r hbi New York IP H R E R BBSO T otals 2 8 0 I 0 Totals SAVES —Grigi, Pittsburgh,14; Romo,SanFranp.m. 3 3 3 I 0 3 cago 7,Washington3. 28 S.Castro 2 (8), Ransom E vCarrss 5 0 1 0 Joycelt 4 2 2 0 eeney (1), Barney(5), Samardzija P.HughesW,2-2 52-3 7 6 6 2 3 Colorado Sunday'sGames cisco,12;RSoriano,Washington,12; Kimbrel,Atlanta, 0 00 000 000 — 0 (3), Hairston(2), Sw Venalecf 4 2 1 1 RRorts2b 4 2 1 2 (1), Desm o nd (12), Esp i n osa (9), K. S uz uki (5). HR Kegey 2 1-3 0 0 0 0 6 MilwaukeeatCincinnati,1010am. 11; Mujica,St. Louis, 9, RBetancourt, Colorado, 9; St. Louis 01 1 010 Ogx — 3 H eadly3b 4 0 0 0 Zobristrf 3 0 1 2 (5). Logan 1 0 0 0 0 2 LOB PittsburghatN.Y.Mets,10:10a.m. Stre et,SanDiego,8;League,LosAngeles,8;Chap—Colorado I, St. Lours10.2B—YMolina(10). Desmond Chicago IP H R E R BB SO Quentindh 3 I I I Longori3b 4 0 2 I KansasCity Chicago CubsatWashington,10:35 a.m. man,Cincinnati,8 HR — Beltran (9) SB — E.Young(5). SF—Jay. A lonsolb 3 0 0 0 Loneylb 4 0 1 0 S amardzi j a L,1-5 5 8 7 5 2 5 W.DavisL,2-3 5 7 7 7 2 3 Colorado SanDiegoatTampaBay,10:40a.m. IP H R E R BBSO G yorko2b 4 0 0 0 Scottdh 4 0 0 0 H.Rondon 1 0 0 0 0 0 B.Chen 12-3 4 3 3 0 1 GarlandL,3-3 Colorado at St.Louis,11:15 a.m 5 7 3 3 3 5 Fujikawa B lankslf 3 0 0 0 Fuldcf 2000 1 1 0 0 0 1 J.Gutierrez 2 1-3 5 1 1 0 3 Escalona Atlanta at SanFrancisco, I:05 p.m. 3 3 0 0 0 2 Camp D enorfi rt 4 0 2 0 Loaton c 4 I I 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 W.Davispitchedto2 baters inthe6th. Miami atLA. Dodgers,1:10p.m. I St. Louis Hundlyc 2 0 0 0 YEscorss 3 1 0 0 Washington HBP by PHughes(L.Cain), byB.Chen(J Nix). i/ / Philadelphia atArizona,1:10 p.m. S.MrlierW,5-2 9 1 0 0 0 13 DetwilerW,2-3 Totals 3 2 3 5 2 Totals 3 26 8 5 6 2 3 8 2 2 0 2 T—3;07. A—24,521(37,903). T—2:36. A—37800 (43,975). S an Diego 201 0 0 0 000 — 3 Stammen 2 1-3 2 1 1 1 2 Tampa Bay 0 0 2 0 0 0 4 0x — 6 American League T—2;23. A—37,191(41,418). E—Thayer (1), Hundley(2). DP—Tampa Bay 1. RangerS 4, AStros 2 Giants 8, Braves 2 LOB —San Diego 7,Tampa Bay8. HR—Venable (5),

Texas Oakland Seattle Los Angeles Houston

Pct GB .629 486 5 .472 5'/z

Mariners 6, Athletics 3 SEATTLE — HISashi IVVakuma

retired16 straight over onestretch Df a SOlid SeVen-inning Outing, Raul IbaneZ homered fOr the

first time in nearly a month and Seattle beat Oakland. IVVakuma (4-1 j took a one-hitter into the sixth inning before running into

trouble, putting together another imPreSSiVeOuting tD helP Cement himSelf and FeliX HernandeZ as One Df the tDP ratatiOn dUDS in

baseball. Oakland

Seattle ab r hbi ab r hbi Jasodh 4 I 2 0 MSndrscf 4 0 0 0 S.Smithlf 4 0 0 0 Seager3b 2 3 2 0 Lowrie ss 4 0 1 2 KMorls dh 3 1 2 1 C espdscf 4 0 0 0 Morserf 4 0 1 1 Moss rf 4 0 0 0 Smoak lb 3 1 1 1 D nldsn 3b 3 0 0 0 Ibanezlf 3 I 1 3 B artonlb 3 0 0 0 EnChvzlt 1 0 0 0 D Norrsc 3 1 1 1 JMontrc 3 0 0 0 Sogard 2b 2 1 1 0 Ackley 2b 4 0 0 0 R osalesph-2b1 0 0 0 Ryanss 3 0 0 0 T otals 3 2 3 5 3 Totals 3 06 7 6 Oakland 0 00 002 010 — 3 Seattle 203 010 Ogx — 6 DP — Oaklandl. LOB —Oakand2, Seattle5. 28-

HOUSTON — Jeff Baker hit a tiebreaking hOme rurt in the SeVenth, aitd TeXaSrelieVerS threW 3t/s hitleSS inningS tD lead the RangerS tD aWin OVerHOuStOn.

SAN FRANCISCO — Matt Cain pitched eight strong innings and San Franci sco beatTim Hudson for the first time in seven years in the Giants' victory over Atlanta.



Houston ab r hbi ab r hbi Kinsler 2b 5 0 2 0 Grssmn cf 4 0 0 0 Andrus ss 4 0 0 1 Pareds rf 4 0 0 0 Brkmn dh 4 0 I 0 Altuve 2b 4 110 LMartnpr-dh 0 0 0 0 JCastroc 4 0 0 0 Beltre 3b 4 0 1 0 Carter dh 2 0 1 0 N.Cruzrf 4 1 1 1 C.Pena lb 3 0 0 0 Morlndlb 4 0 1 0 Crowelf 4 1 I 1 JeBakrlf 3 I I I Dmngz3b 40 0 0 DvMrplf 1 1 1 1 MGnzlzss 4 0 2 0 S otoc 31 0 0 Gentrycf 3 0 1 0 T otals 3 5 4 9 4 Totals 3 32 5 1 Texas 001 001 101 2 4 Houston 011 000 000 E Andrus(1). DP Houstonl. LOBTexas7, Houston8. 28—Kinser (10) Berkma n(8), Moreand (8), Altuve(9). HR —N.Cruz (8), Je.Baker (4), Dav.

9 3 0

HBP—byResop(K Morales). WP—Iwakuma. T—2.41.A—25,509(47,476).

Tigers10, Indians 4 DETROIT — Prince Fielder and

Miguel Cabrera eachhit a long hOme rurt, aytd DetrOit beat Cleveland. The Tigers scored three

runs in the secondand three more in the fourth. Cleveland Detroit ab r hbi ab r hbi Bourncf 4 0 0 0 AJcksncf 4 2 1 0 K ipnis 2b 4 1 1 0 TrHntr rf 5 0 1 1 ACarerss 4 0 1 0 MiCarr3b 5 1 2 3 S wisherdh 4 2 3 I Fielderlb 4 I I I

PHOENIX — Miguel MonterD hit a tiebreakirlg hOme run tD lead Dff the eighth inning, laFI Kennedy ShOOkDff a Shaky Start tD PitCh seven innings and Arizona beat Philadelphia for its fifth straight victory.

Quentin(3).SB—Venable2 (7), Denorfia (3), Zobrist (3), Loney (2), Fuld(2). S—Y.Escobar.

Mountain Medical Immediate Care 541-3SS-7799 1302 NE 3rd St. Bend www.mtmedgr.com


Murphy(3), Crowe(1). (9), Belt (6). HR —McCann (2), Pagan(2). I P H R E RBB SO Posey Texas CS — JSchafer(2). S—M.Cain 2 5 2-3 5 2 2 4 3 Ogando Atlanta IP H R E R BB SO R.RossW,I-O I 1 - 3 00 0 0 I T.HudsonL,4-2 3 2 - 3 8 6 6 1 4 ScheppersH,B 1 0 0 0 0 2 D.Carpenter 21-3 2 2 2 0 1 NathanS,10-10 1 0 0 0 0 1 Gearrin I I 0 0 0 1 Houston Varvaro 1 0 0 0 0 0 Keuchel 6 5 2 2 2 3 San Francisco W.WrightL,O-I I


1 1 0


Clemens 23 0 0 0 0 0 1 1-3 1 1 1 1 0 Lowrie(12),K.Morales(8), Smoak(6). HR —D.Norris Blackley W.Wrightpitchedto1batter in the8th. (1),Ibanez(3).SB—Seager(1). WP — Ogando2. Oakland IP H R E R BB SO T—3:04. A—20,293(42,060). Straily L,l-l 5 6 6 6 4 4 Resop 2 1 0 0 0 1 J.Chavez I 0 0 0 0 0 orioieS g, TWinS 6 (qPinningS) Seattle Iwakuma W,4-1 7 4 2 2 0 O.Perez 1 1 1 1 0 WilhelmsenS,10-10 1 0 0 0 0 Straily pitched to I batter inthe 6th.

San Francisco ab r hbi ab r hbi JSchafr rf 4 0 1 0 Pagan cf 4 1 1 2 Smmnsss 4 0 0 0Scutaro2b 4 I 2 2 J.Uptonll 2 0 1 0 Kontosp 0 0 0 0 FFrmnlb 4 0 0 0 JLopezp 0 0 0 0 Uggla 2b 3 I 0 0 Sandovl3b 4 I 1 0 M cCnnc 3 1 1 2 Arias3b 0 0 0 0 B Uptoncf 3 0 0 0 Poseyc 4 1 1 1 J Frncs 3b 3 0 0 0 Pencerf 4 I 2 1 T Hudsn p 1 0 0 0 Beltlb 4111 D Crpntp 1 0 0 0 Torreslf 4 0 0 0 Gearrinp 0 0 0 0 BCrwfrss 3 2 2 0 CJhnsnph 1 0 0 0 M.Cainp 1 0 1 1 Varvarp 0 0 0 0 Noonanph-2bl 0 0 0 Totals 2 9 2 3 2 Totals 3 38 I I 8 Atlanta 0 00 020 000 — 2 San Francisco 000 602 Ogx — 8 LOB —Atlanta 3, SanFrancisco 4. 28—J.Upton (6),

DiamonddaCkS 3, PhillieS 2

MINNEAPOLIS — Manny MBChadD had a tiebreaking RBI Single in BaltimDre'S three-rurt 10th inning aS the OFIDIBS rallied for a win over Minnesota. Baltimore Minnesota ab r hbi ab r hbi McLoth f 6 2 2 0 Carroll2b 5 1 1 0 Machd3b 6 2 3 I Mauerdh 5 0 3 2 M arkksdh 4 2 2 2 Wlnghlf 3 1 0 1 A.Jonescf 6 0 3 1 Mornealb 4 2 1 0 C.Davislb 6 1 3 2 Plouffe3b 5 0 2 1 W ietersc 4 0 0 0 Doumitc 3 I 0 1 H ardyss 5 1 I I Arciarf 5 1 2 1 D ickrsnrf 5 1 2 1 Hickscl 4 0 1 0 ACasill2b 3 0 2 0 Parmelph 1 0 1 0 EEscorss 4 0 0 0 WRmrzph 1 0 0 0 Totals 4 5 9 188 Totals 4 06 116 Baltimore 000 003 300 8 9 Minnesota 121 020 000 0 6 E—Doumit (2), Plouffe (3). DP—Minnesota 1.



3 2 2 2

Kontos 1-3 0 0 0 1 J Lopez 2-3 0 0 0 0 T—2:39 A—41,387(41,915).

7 0 0

• •

CINCINNATI — BrandDn PhilliPs hDmeredand made a SPeCtaCular rally-busting play — using his left knee to get a farCe at SeCOnd


base and start a double play —as Milwaukee Cincinnati ab r hbi ab r hbi Aoki rf 3 1 3 0 Choocf 21 0 0 Segura ss 4 I 2 I Cozartss 4 0 1 1 Braun If 4 1 1 1 Votto lb 3000 ArRmr3b 2 0 0 0 Phillips2b 4 2 2 2 Lucroyc 4 0 2 0 Bruce rf 5 0 1 1 CGomzcl 4 0 0 0 Frazier3b 2 0 0 0 Weeks 2b 3 0 0 0 Paullf 3000 YBtncr lb 4 0 0 0 Broxtn p 0 0 0 0 Gagard p 1 0 0 0 Chpmnp 0 0 0 0 Lalli ph 1 0 0 0 Hanignc 4 0 2 0 Figarop 0 0 0 0 Cingrn p 1 0 0 0 LSchfr ph 1 0 0 0 Lutzph 11 1 0 McGnzl p 0 0 0 0 Simonp 1 0 0 0 Axford p 0 0 0 0 LeCurep 0 0 0 0

$3 ~n~ ~ (gibC8<

RedS 4, BreWerS3

Cincinnati beat Milwaukee.

~ ~-1P •


• •

C7 © To look upindividual stocks, goto bendbulletin.comn/bsSinss. Alsoseearecapin Sunday's Businesssection.








S&P 500


27 41


Saturday, May 11, 2013

Sizing up retail sales




Change: 7.03 (0.4%)

1,560 '

1 0 DA Y S


14 920



1 0 DAY S

Close: 15,118.49


Change: 35.87 (0.2%)



13,600 1,440 12,800

1,360 D





Vol. (in mil.) 3,034 1,629 Pvs. Volume 3,380 1,777 Advanced 1923 1646 Declined 1 106 8 3 1 New Highs 3 46 2 0 2 New Lows 14 22




DDW DDW Trans. DDW Util. NYSE Comp. NASDAQ S&P 500 S&P 400 Wilshire 5000 Russell 2000



U.S. homebuilders have grown increasingly concerned over limited ready-to-build land and rising labor and materials costs. That has weighed on a key measure of homebuilders' confidence in recent months. The National Association of Home Builders/Wells Fargo Housing Market Index has declined on a monthly basis three times since January. Will the latest index due out Wednesday show builders are feeling more optimistic?



HIGH LOW CLOSE 15118.49 15038.18 15118.49 6379.12 6338.99 6375.52 513.89 509.50 513.71 9442.76 9387.08 9442.76 3436.60 3411.59 3436.58 1633.70 1623.71 1633.70 1190.09 1182.56 1189.93 17259.65 17157.66 17259.65 975.16 967.70 975.16


CHG. +35.87 $-36.53 +1.02 $-33.53 +27.41 +7.03 +7.21 +89.29 +8.90



%CHG. WK MO DTR YTD +0.24% L +15.37% +0.58% +20.14% +0.20% T L L +1 3.38% L +1 1 .83% +0.36% +0.80% L +13.81% +0.43% +14.55% +0.61% +16.61% +0.52% +15.10% +0.92% L +14.81%

NAHB/Weiis Fargo Housing Market index 48



ALK 31.29 — AVA 22,78 — BAC 6 . 7 2 — BBSI 19 10 — BA 66 . 82 ~ CascadeBancorp CACB 4.23 ~ Columbia Bnkg CDLB 16.18 Columbia Sporlswear COLM 45.37 CostcoWholesale COST 81.98 — Craft Brew Alliance BREW 5.62 FLIR Systems FLIR 17.99 Hewlett Packard HPQ 11.35



Home Federal Bncp ID H OME 8.67 ~ 1 Intel Corp INTC 19.23 ~

Keycorp Kroger Co Lattice Semi LA Pacific MDU Resources Mentor Graphics Microsoft Corp

K EY 6 . 80 KR 209 8 — LSCC 3.17 L PX 8 . 36 MDU 19.59 — MENT 12,85 — M SFT 26.26 ~ NKE 42,55 — JWN 46.27 — N WN 41.01 ~ DMX 4 . 10 ~ PCAR 35,21 — PLNR 1.12 PCL 35.43 PCP 150.53 SWY 14.73 SCHN 22.78 SHW 114.68 SFG 28.74 SBUX 43.04 TQNT 4.30 UMPQ 11.17 USB 28.58 WAFD 14.30 WFC 29.80 — WY 1 8,60 —

Nike Inc 8 Nordstrom Inc Nwst Nat Gas OfficeMax Inc


0 0 0


0 0



68.00 29,00 13.18 59 32 95.15 7.18 22.08 61.68 110.41 8.92 27.16 24.23 4.0 0 27.98 10.38 35.24 5.71 22.55 27.00 18.69 33.91 6496 59.06 50.80 14.92 53,41 2.36 53.68 211.89 28.42 38.16 190.14 44.53 62.90 6.10 13.88 35.46 18.42

66.15 28.80 13.02 59.27 94.24 5.88 21 .48 59 .52 109.99 7 .5 6 24 .84 21 .54

+.32 t 0 .5 L L + .32 t1.1 V L +.11 +0.9 L +.58 +1.0 L L -.37 -04 L L +.11 $-1.9 L V +.07 $.0.3 L w - .01 . . . V L +.85 +0.8 L L +13 t1 7 w v +.17 $.0.7 L w +.36 t1 .7 L L 12.72 +. 32 $ .2.6 L L 24.50 +.14 +0.6 L L 10 .30 + . 0 1 +0.1 L L 34 .49 + . 0 4 +0 .1 w L 4 .9 9 +.10 + 2.0 w w 19 .58 02 -0.1 L V 26 .44 +.03 +0.1 w L 18 .17 -.07 -0.4 V L 32.6 9 +. 0 3 +0 .1 w L 64 .76 +1,02 +1,6 L L 59 .17 +. 6 8 +1.2 L L 44. 9 4 + . 1 1 +0.2 L V 11.6 2 +.2 4 +2 .1 L w

L +53.5 L + 19.5 L + 12. 1 L +55. 6 L +25 1 V - 6.1 w +19. 7 L +11.5 L +11.4 L $16 7 w +11.3 V +51.2 W $.2.3 L +18.8 L +22.3 L + 32.6

+94 . 1 609 15 +15 . 8 283 21 1.22f $. 6 7.585118 30 0 . 04 t t 8 7 . 1 29 33 0 . 52 +30 3 3893 18 1 . 94

+ 4 .2 2 45 +1 3 . 2 147 17 0 . 40 +29 . 0 79 19 0 . 88 +41 . 9 1230 25 1.24f -31 33 $. 1 5.9 631 16 0.36f -7.0 12650 dd 0.58f +32 . 5


cc 0 2 . 4a

-7.1 21643 12 0 .90 +33 .3 5 9 87 1 2 0. 2 0 +5 3 .4 2 5 32 1 2 0. 6 0 w +25. 1 - 1.0 84 6 d d V + 1.3 +1 0 8.7 1 623 2 7 L +24.5 +18 .9 50 6 C C 0 . 6 9 L +6.8 +31. 3 58 4 16 0.1 8 L +22.4 +9.0 3 5369 17 0 . 9 2 L + 25 5 +19 , 3 3 3 08 2 6 0, 8 4 L + 10.6 +10 .5 1 5 33 1 7 1 . 20f L +1.7 +1.7 75 21 1.8 2 L +19.1 + 1 26.5 7 1 5 2 0.0 8 a L + 16. 4 +3 4 .1 1 267 18 0 .80a w + 2 4 5 + 35 16 dd ~ +17.7 +38.5 4 2 2 3 7 1 . 76f

o PaccarInc 52 .61 -.08 -0,2 L L Planar Systms 1.7 8 +. 0 1 +0 .6 w Plum Creek 52 .21 + . 1 4 +0.3 L 40 D Prec Castparts 209.97 +3.29 +1.6 L L +10. 8 $. 2 2.2 1 137 2 2 0. 1 2 J F M A M Safeway Inc 24 .46 + . 30 +1.2 V V +3 5 . 2 + 3 0.2 3996 9 0.7 0 source: Factset Schnitzer Steel 26 .70 + . 3 5 +1.3 -12.0 -26.0 2 6 0 4 1 0. 7 5 Sherwin Wms 188.00 -.40 -0.2 + 22.2 +53.3 6 2 0 2 8 2 . 00 Stancorp Fncl 44 .12 -.11 -0.2 +20.3 +23.6 1 8 0 1 3 0 . 93f StarbucksCp 63 .10 + . 74 +1.2 L L +17 . 7 +1 6 .7 3 716 3 2 0. 8 4 Triquint Semi 6.0 4 +. 0 5 +0 .8 L L +25 . 1 +1 8 .6 1 973 d d Rising prices? UmpquaHoldings 12 .63 + . 15 +1.2 L L V +7.1 -0.5 30 6 1 4 0 .40f U.S. consumer prices declined in US Bancorp 33 .49 +. 1 8 +0.5 w w +4 9 + 83 74 9 1 1 2 0 7 8 March. The cost of gas fell sharply WashingtonFedl 17 .17 + . 04 +0.2 L V $-1.8 -3.1 18 2 1 3 0 .36f and food prices were unchanged. Wells Fargo &Co 0 38.67 38 . 03 +. 1 4 +0 .4 L L L +11.3 +19 . 2 16250 11 1 . 20f Even excluding the volatile food Weyerhaeuser 0 32,33 31 .39 -.42 -1,3 L V +12,8 +61 , 9 3 1 27 35 0 ,80f and energy categories, core prices edged up only 0.1 percent. And for Dividend Footnotes: 2 Extra - dividends were paid, but are not included. tt - Annual rate plus stock 3 - Liquidating dividend. 6 - Amount declared or paid in last12 months. f - Current annual rate, wttxh was mcreased bymost recent div>dendannouncement. i - Sum ot dividends pad after stock split, no regular rate. I - Sum of d37idends pad tas year. Most recent the 12 months ending in March, dwaend was omitted or deferred k - Declared or pad ta$ year, a cumulative issue with dividends marrears. m - Current annual rate, which was decreased by most recent dividend they rose 1.9 percent. That's below announcement. p - Imtial dividend, annual rate not known, y>eld not shown. 7 - Declared ttr paid in precedmg t2 months plus stock dividend. t - Paid in stock, appro73matecash value on ex-distrittution date.PE Footnotes:q - Stock is a closed-end fund - no P/E ratio shown. cc - P/E exceeds ea dd - Loss in last t2 months the Federal Reserve's inflation target of 2 percent, which suggests Shares of travel website billion from $1.04 billion. that the slowly growing economy is operator Priceline.com rose COmPany Anal y sts polled by FactSet keeping inflation in check. April 4 percent Friday. After the SPO t llght ex p ected adjusted earnings of data is scheduled to be released market closed Thursday, the $5.27 per share. on Thursday. company reported that its first-quarter Pr i c eline, which operates sites net income increased on improved su c h as booking.com, priceline.com Consumer price index hotel and international business and rentalcars.com, said it still sees monthly percent change, excluding during the period. economic uncertainty in some parts food and energy costs Priceline earned $244.3 million, or of the world and intense competition 0.3 $4.76 per share, for the quarter in th e online travel sector. It expects compared with $181.8 million or to ea r n between $8.87 and $9.45 per est. $3.54 per share, last year. It made s h a re on an adjusted basis for its 0.2% $5.76 per share, excluding one-time second quarter; analyst were antici0.2 items. Revenue increased to $1.3 pat i ng earnings of $9.59 per share. 42

shares climb •



r i d ay's close: $765.41

Total return this year:23% 3-YR* : 45% D






source: Factset

NAME Unilife

Dataram rs SptChalA

Molycorp RareEle g SprtChalB Vermillion SvcSource CdnSolar WarnerCh

LAST 3.00 4.28 2.20 7.34 2.33 2.15 2.37 6.82 6.74 18.01

7.34 t 1.75 Oppenheimer EqlncA m OAEIX 13.45 + . 13 19.25 +.08 VALUE BL EN D GR OWTH 7.36 + .01 11.76 Q 43.57 —.34 18.01 +3.00 18.46 -.18 $L

cC 53

CHG %CHG +1.15 +1.24 +.55 +1.75 +.51 +.45 +.47 +1.20 +1.14 +3.00



+ 6 2 .2 + 4 1 .0 «C + 3 3.3 53 + 3 1 .3 «C + 2 8 .0 473 + 2 6.5 Morningstar OwnershipZone™ + 2 4 .7 + 2 1 .4 O o Fund target represents weighted + 2 0 .4 average of stock holdings + 2 0.0 • Represents 75% offund'sstock holdings

CATEGORY Large Value NAME LAST CHG %CHG MORNINGSTAR RATING™ * * * * / t -2.64 -49.6 PainTher s 2.68 InstFnMkts 2.01 —.79 -28.2 ASSETS $3,053 million -1.96 -23.2 LipoSci n 6.50 EXP RATIO 1.06% Startek 4.66 -1.26 -21.3 MANAGER Michael Levine -5.85 -17.5 UnivDisp 27.50 SINCE 2007-07-16 RETURNS3-MD +9.7 Foreign Markets YTD +17.4 NAME LAST CHG %CHG 1-YR +27.8 Paris + 25.25 + . 6 4 3,953.83 3-YR ANNL +14.5 London 6,624.98 + 32.24 + . 49 5-YR-ANNL +8.8 Frankfurt + 16.04 + . 1 9 8,278.59 Hong Kong 23,321.22 + 109.74 + . 4 7 TOP 5HOLDINGS Mexico + 58.90 + . 1 4 Citigroup Inc 41,741.54 Milan 17,284.03 tt 93.41 t t rt 3 Tokyo +416.06 +2.93 JPMorgan Chase &Co 14,607.54 Stockholm 1,227.31 + 5.48 + . 4 5 Chevron Corp Sydney + 10.50 + . 2 0 Pfizer Inc 5,191.10 Zurich 8,177.85 +84.83 +1.05 Merck & Co lnc




Market value: $38.3 billion SOURCE: FactSet


13.02 +.11


1 0-YR *: 46%




This highly rated dividend stock fund has been a strong performer Marketsummary since Mike Levine took over as Most Active manager in 2007. It ranks in the NAME VOL (Ogs) LAST CHG top 5 percent of the large-value S&P500ETF 957234 163.41 +.53 category over that time. 851181 599455 573603 525179 454424 428002 412976 399954 381804

5-Y R*: 41%

Total returns through May 10

A. Veiga, J. Sohn • AP

BkofAm Molycorp Dell Inc SPDR Fncl SprintNex iShJapn iShEMkts WarnerCh BariPVix rs


$553 ~

Price-earnings ratio (Based on past 12 months' results):28


PERCENT RETURN Yr RANK N AV CHG YTD 1Y R 3 Y R 5YR 1 3 5 American Funds BalA m 22.53 +.04 +10.9 +18.9 +12.7 + 67 A A A BondA m 1 2.90 -.04 +0.4 +3.6 +5.5 + 41 D D E CaplncBuA m 57.45+.09 +9.8 +17.5 +11.6 + 38 A A 8 CpWldGrlA m 41.57+.17 t1 2.2 +24.9 +11.5 + 2.4 A C C EurPacGrA m 44.66+.21 +8.3 +20.7 +8.5 +1.0 D C A FnlnvA m 4 6.51 +.23 t1 4.4 +24.6 +13.7 + 43 A 8 C GrthAmA m 39 . 1 8+.29 +14.1 +24.6 +12.9 + 42 A C D IncAmerA m 19 .77+. 04 +10.4 +18.7 +12.8 + 62 A A A InvCoAmA m 34.54+.13 +15.0 +23.3 $.12.5 + 49 8 D 0 NewPerspA m 34.96 +.23 +11.8 +23.5 t12.6 + 45 8 8 8 WAMutlnvA m 35.71 +.10 +15.0 +22.4 $.15.0 + 56 D A 8 Dodge &Cox Inc o me 13.90 -.03 + 1 .1 + 4 . 9 + 6 .1 +6.8 0 C 8 IntlStk 38.38 +.27 + 10.8 +27.7 +9.4 +1.0 A 8 A Stock 142.01 +.75 + 17.0 +31.7 +14.3 +4.2 A 8 C Fidelity Contra 8 7.76 +.50 +14.2 +19.2 +14.5 +5.8 C 8 8 GrowCo 107.9 3+1.29+ 15.8 +20.8 +16.8 +7.5 8 A A LowPriStk d 45 . 84 +.08+ 16.1 +26.2 +15.6 +8.4 8 A A Fidelity Spartan 50 0ldxAdvtg 57 . 99 +.25+15.4 +23.0 +14.5 +5.6 B A B FrankTemp-Franklinlncome 0 m 2.3 9 ... +8. 1 + 1 6.4 +10.9 +5.5 A A 8 IncomeA m 2.37 . .. +8. 4 + 1 7.2 +11.6 +6.0 A A 8 Oppenheimer RisDivA m 19.5 8 +.06 +12.8 +18.9 +12.9 +4.4 E C 0 RisDivB m 17.7 2 +.05 + 12.4 +17.9 +11.8 +3.4 E D D RisDivC m 17.6 4 +.06 + 12.5 +18.1 +12.0 +3.6 E D D SmMidValA m 37.98 +.28 +17.2 +24.6 +10.5 +1.8 D E E SmMidValB m 31.97 +.23 +16.8 +23.5 +9.6 +1.0 D E E PIMCO TotRetA m 11.2 7 - .03 + 1 .1 +6 . 2 + 6 .4 +7.3 8 8 A T Rowe Price Eqtylnc 30.31 +.07 +15.1 + 25.4 +13.0 +5.5 8 C 8 42.75 +.32 +13.2 +17.4 +14.7 +6.5 0 A 8 GrowStk HealthSci 49.77 +.78 +20.7 +35.1 +26.0+16.0 A A A Vanguard 500Adml 150.90 +.65 t15.4 +23.0 +14.5 +5.7 8 A 8 500lnv 150.88 +.65 t15.4 +22.9 +14.4 +5.6 0 A 8 CapDp 41.25 +.47 t22.7 +37.4 +14.0 +7.1 A 8 A Eqlnc 27.78 +.07 +15.8 +24.0 +16.9 +7.3 0 A A GNMAAdml 10.79 -.03 -0.2 tt.1 +4.6 +5.4 D 8 A STGradeAd 10.81 -.01 +0.7 t3.1 +3.3 +4.0 8 8 8 StratgcEq 25.41 +.19 +18.5 +28.3 +16.9 +6.7 A A 0 Tgtet2025 14.85 +.03 t9.3 +16.6 +10.7 +4.7 0 8 8 TotBdAdml 11.00 -.03 +0.2 +2.6 +5.1 $5.5 E D D Totlntl 16.09 +.02 t7.7 +21.0 +8.1 -0.9 D D 0 TotStlAdm 41.04 +.20 +15.6 +23.4 +14.8 +6.3 8 A A TotStldx 41.02 +.20 +15.6 +23.3 +14.6 +6.1 8 A A USGro 24.24 +.14 +14.0 +20.5 +14.0 +6.0 8 8 8 Welltn 37.18 +.03 +10.5 +17.7 +11.8 +6.6 A A A FAMILY




GPS Molycorp MCP Close:$40.99L2.18 or 5.6% Close:$7.34L1.75 or 31.3% Thanks to strong sales at its Old Na- The Greenwood Village, Colo.vy and Gap stores, the retailer said based miner of rare earth products that sales at stores open a year rose reported first-quarter results that 7 percent in April. beat Wall Street expectations. $45 $8 40 35 F





PCT 4 3.95 3.1 Fund Footnotes. b - ree covering market costs is paid from fund assets. d - Deferred sales charge, or redemption 2.31 fee. f - front load (sales charges). m - Multiple feesarecharged, usually a marketing feeand either asales or 2.24 redemption fee. Source: Morningstar.


52-week range $25.62~




52-week range $41.43

$4.75 ~


VolJ9.9m (2.3x avg.) P E: 17 . 6 VolJ 60.6m (8.3x avg.) Mkt. Cap:$19.07 b Yiel d : 1 .5% Mkt. Cap:$1.38 b



Alaska Air Group Avista Corp Bank of America Barrett Business Boeing Co

-.35 '


NorthwestStocks Builders' confidence


Stocks mostly rose Friday, and the modest gain for the Standard & Poor's 500 index was its sixth rise in the last seven days. It was a quiet day of trading, with no major economic reports released and no S&P 500 companies reporting their earnings results. The S&P 500 fluctuated between small losses and gains throughout the morning before climbing in the afternoon. Health care stocks led the market higher. That helped offset losses by energy stocks, which were hurt by drops in prices for crude oil and natural gas. The dollar continued its ascent against the Japanese yen and other currencies, and yields on Treasury notesand bonds climbed.





Dow Jones industrials

Close: 1,633.70

in January.


GOLD ~ $L436.80 ~

S&P 500


Retail sales data for April are due out Monday from the Commerce Department. The report is the government's first look at consumer spending, a major driver of the U.S. economy. Sales at U.S. retailers fell 0.4 percent in March from February. That followed a 1 percent gain in February and a 0.1 percent decline

10 YR T NOTE 1.90% ~

7 03


MT Close:$13.13%0.57 or 4.5% The steelmaker posted a first-quarter loss, but it reiterated its forecast, and expects to make $7.1 billion in profits for the year. $20 15

P E: . . . Yield:...

Hess HES Close:$69.30 V-1.66 or -2.3% The energy company will split the CEO and chairman positions as it fights off a campaign by a major shareholder for a leadership change. $75 70 65


M A 52-week range





$39.67 ~

M A 52-week range

M $74.45

Vol.:12.8m (1.7x avg.) P E: 4 . 8 Vol.: 4.8m ( 1.4x avg.) P E: 9 . 0 Mkt. Cap:$20.49 b Yiel d : 6. 1% Mkt. Cap:$23.78 b Yiel d : 0. 6%

True Religion

TRLG Close:$31.82L2.38 or 8.1% The high-end denim seller has agreed to a buyout offer of about $826 million from investment management firm TowerBrook Capital. $35

Priceline.com PCLN Close:$765.41 L27.91 or 3.8% The travel website operator's firstquarter net income increased on improved hotel and international business during the period. $800 750








52-week range $26.22~




$553.42 ~

$769 .67

Vol.:11.4m (27.7x avg.) PE : 1 7.5 Vol.:2.1m (3.3x avg.) Mkt. Cap:$819.75 m Yi eld: 2.5% Mkt. Cap:$38.32 b


NVDA Close:$14.54 %0.63 or 4.5% The chipmaker's quarterly net income rose 29 percent, thanks largely to wider profit margins and sales of its latest graphics chips. $15 14 13


M A 52-week range



52-week range PE: 2 7.7 Yield: ...

Air Methods

AIRM Close:$35.19%-1.67 or -4.5% The air medical transportation company posted a larger-than-expected loss for its first quarter because of weakerrevenue.

$50 ~ 40




$29.17 ~

M A 52-week range

M $56.5 1

Vol.:21.5m (2.0x avg.) PE: 1 6 .2 Vol.:2.3m (4.2x avg.) Mkt. Cap:$8.99 b Yiel d : 2. 1 % Mkt. Cap:$1.37 b

P E: 44 .0 Yield: ... AP

SOURCE: Sungard


NET 1YR TREASURIES YEST PVS CHG WK MO QTR AGO 3-month T-bill 6-month T-bill 52-wk T-bill

The yield on the 10-year Treasury note rose to 1.90 percent Friday. Yields affect interest rates on consumer loans.

. 03 . 08 .11

.04 .07 .10

-0.01 w w



+0 .0 1 W W +0 . 01 L ~


.14 .17

2-year T-note . 24 .23 +0 . 01 L L 5-year T-note . 82 .75 +0 . 0 7 L L 10-year T-note 1.90 1.81 + 0.09 L L 30-year T-bond 3.10 2.99 +0.11 L L


T .26 T .76 W 1.86 W 3.04


Barclays Long T-Bdldx 2.77 2.68 +0.09 L L L 2.53 BondBuyerMuni Idx 4.07 4.05 +0.02 L W L 4. 47 Barclays USAggregate 1.81 1.80 +0.01 L - W 2.05 PRIME FED B arclays US High Yield 4.95 4.96 -0.01 w w w 7.0 5 RATE FUNDS Moodys AAACorp Idx 3.80 3.78 $0.02 L L W 3.87 YEST 3.25 .13 Barclays CompT-Bdldx 1.08 1.03 +0.05 L L W 1.03 6 MO AGO 3.25 .13 Barclays US Corp 2 . 6 5 2.64 +0.01 L W W 3.2 7 1 YR AGO3.25 .13

Commodities The price of crude oil fell, hurt by the dollar's rise. Many commodities are priced in dollars, and a stronger dollar can make them more expensive for buyers using euros or yen.

Foreign Exchange The dollar climbed further against the Japanese yen after piercing the 100 yen level on Thursday for the first time since 2009. The dollar

also rose against the euro and British


h5N4 QG

CLOSE PVS. %CH. %YTD Crude Dil (bbl) 96.04 96.39 - 0.36 + 4 . 6 Ethanol (gal) 2.61 2.61 +0.23 +19.3 Heating Dil (gal) 2.91 2.94 -1.04 -4.6 Natural Gas (mm btu) 3.91 3.98 -1.83 t t 6 .7 Unleaded Gas(gal) 2.86 2.89 - 0.86 + 1 . 7 FUELS


Gold (oz) Silver (oz) Platinum (oz) Copper (Ib) Palladium (oz)

CLOSE PVS. 1436.80 1468.80 23.63 23.88 1486.00 1516.50 3.36 3.34 704.60 713.65

%CH. %YTD -2.18 -14.2 -1.03 -21.7 -2.01 -3.4 -7.8 +0.43 - 1.27 + 0 .3

CLOSE PVS. %CH. %YTD -7.3 1.20 1.21 -0.08 1.44 1.46 -1.37 -1.5 Corn (bu) 6.88 6.95 -0.97 Cotton (Ib) 0.86 0.87 +0.24 +15.1 Lumber (1,000 bd ft) 335.00 328.50 +1.98 -10.4 Orange Juice (Ib) 1.48 1.48 +0.27 + 27.7 Soybeans (bu) 14.88 14.91 - 0.20 + 4 . 9 Wheat(bu) 6.97 7.16 -2.72 -10.4 AGRICULTURE

Cattle (Ib) Coffee (Ib)

1YR. MAJORS CLOSE CHG. %CHG. AGO USD per British Pound 1.5352 —.0078 —.51% 1.6153 Canadian Dollar 1.01 1 5 + .0029 +.29% 1 .0011 USD per Euro 1.2983 —.0029 —.22% 1.2951 Japanese Yen 1 01.53 + . 9 9 + . 98% 79 . 91 Mexican Peso 12.1 187 + .0989 +.82% 13.4546 EUROPE/AFRICA/MIDDLEEAST Israeli Shekel 3.5699 t .0133 t . 3 7% 3.8122 Norwegian Krone 5.7969 +.0022 +.04% 5.8595 South African Rand 9.0939 +.0452 +.50% 8.0028 6.6046 +.0395 +.60% 6.9389 Swedish Krona Swiss Franc .9570 +.0080 +.84% .9274 ASIA/PACIFIC Australian Dollar .9991 + .0046 +.46% .9 9 01 Chinese Yuan 6.1441 +.0086 +.14% 6 .3190 Hong Kong Dollar 7.7612 +.0018 +.02% 7 .7637 Indian Rupee 54.875 t.510 t . 93 % 5 3 .255 Singapore Dollar 1.2386 +.0052 +.42% 1 .2495 South Korean Won 1110.93 +11.58 +1.04% 1140.80 Taiwan Dollar 29.73 + .25 +.84% 29 . 38

© www.bendbulletin.com/business



os a services ows

Input soughton electric rate hike The Oregon Public Utility Commission has

scheduled a meeting Tuesday to provide information about Pacific Power's request to

increase electricity rates and to take comments from the public.

While the meeting will be held in Medford, the PUC also will take

comments by U.S.mail or via the Web, accord-

ing to the commission. Pacific Power has asked for a 3percent rate increase for residential customers that would become effective

By Ron Nixon New York Times News Service

WASHINGTON — The financially troubled Postal Service on Friday posted a net loss of $1.9 billion in the second quarter, which ended March 31, compared with a $1.3 billion loss in the previous quarter, when holiday shop-

ping and heavy spending on political advertising during the 2012 election had helped

the agency. Overall, the Postal Service reported operating revenues of $16.3 billion in the second quarter, an increase of $121 million, or 0.7 percent, which

it attributed to strong growth in e-commerce deli veries and a small increase in standard mail, also known as junk mail. It is the first increase in revenue forthe agency infive

Congress to pass legislation to overhaul the postal system. The Postal Service has struggled as mail volume has declined, which it continued to do in the second quarter, to 38.8 billion pieces, down from 39.4 billion for the same period ayear earlier,according to agency financial documents. Revenue from first-class mail, which provides the bulk of Postal Service revenue, declined $198 million, or 2.7 percent,from the same period last year, with a decrease in volume of 713 million pieces, or 4.1 percent. There were a few bright

years. But postal officials said the service's expenses of $18.2 billion, which included continuing debt, had offset the modest increase in revenue. Joseph Corbett, the Postal Service's chief financial officer, said it had nearly $50 billion in debt obligations. Officials said the Postal Service continued to lose $25 million a day as it waits for

spots in the gloomy report. Revenue from advertising mail increased $96 million, or 2.4 percent, in the second quarter compared with the same perioda year earlier on a volume increase of 181 million pieces, or I percent. Revenue from package deliveries continued to grow, up $267 million, or 9.3 percent, compared with the same period last year. Postal unions praised the second-quarter numbers, saying the figures show the continuing viability of the Postal Service. "This positive trend under-

oss mines the doom-and-gloom scenarios postal critics cite — and it shows the folly of reducing services to Americans, asthe postmaster generalseeks to do,"said Fredric Rolando, president of the National Association of Letter Carriers. Postal officials said they were able to curb the losses by cutting back the hours at many post offices, reducing staff through attrition and consolidating about half of the service's processing plants. The agencysaid these actions w ere not enough toreduce its huge debt, however.

in January, if approved, and for an additional 1.8 percent later in 2014, according to the Citizens' Utility Board of


Oregon. An openhouse is scheduled for 6 p.m. in the South Medford

HighSchoolcommons, 1151 CunninghamAve., Medford, followed by a



Comments may be sent by mail to Public Utility Commission of Oregon, Attn: docket UE 263, Administrative Hearings, P.O. Box 2148, Salem, OR 97308-2148.

They can also besent electronically to: http://

apps.puc.state.or.us/ commentue263/ message.htm. — Bulletin staff report

BEST OF THE BIZ CALENDAR MONDAY • Security Plus Certification Prep: Designed to provide skills for work in IT security and to passthe Comptia Security+ Exam; registration required; class continues Mondaysthrough July 8; $499; 8 a.m.-noon; Central OregonCommunity College —Crook County Open Campus,510S.E. Lynn Blvd., Prineviiie; 541-383-7270. TUESDAY • Howto Take Control of Your Time andGet More Out of Life!: Online webinar with strategies and solutions to boost productivity and efficiency; hosted by SIMPLIFY; registration required; $65; 8-9:30 a.m.; Camp Sherman; 503-2608714 or info@sImplifynw. com. WEDNESDAY • Don't Leave Success to Chance: Jim Wilcox of Central Oregon Community College's Small Business Development Center, will present business planning best practices; reservations requested; free; 7:30 a.m.; Greenwood Playhouse, 148 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-382-3221 or www. bendchamber.org. • Young Professionals Network: Ridge Golf Pavilion; registration required; $7 for members, $15 for nonmembers; 7:30 a.m.; EagleCrest Resort, 1522 Ciine Falls Road, Redmond; 541-382-3221 or www.bendchamber.org. • Howto Develop a Business Plan: Learnhow to evaluate finances, target a market and present ideas in a written business plan; registration required; $59; 6-9 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, 2600 N.W.CollegeW ay,Bend; 541-383-7290. • Project Management Fundamentals: Learn the concepts needed to plan, implement, control and close any type of project; approved for 24 hours of PDUs by PMI; registration required; online class begins May15 and classroom sessions meet May 23, June 6and June 27; $159; 6-8 p.m.; COCC Chandler Building, 1027 N.W. Trenton Ave., Bend; 541-383-7270.

For the complete calendar, pick up Sunday's Bulletin or visit ttendbulletin.comlbizea/


Education Center

public comment meeting at 7 p.m., according to the PUC.

High tariff muld hurt LI.S. denim producers

eterans rl/



Redmond Airport


Sllit '

REDMOND Greg cross/ rhe Bulletin

By Ricardo Lopez

Address:2324 S.E. College Loop,

Los Angeles Times

Redmond Owner:Central Oregon

There's a wrinkle in the outlook for expensive women's

Community College

designer jeans.

General Contractor:Kirby

Nagelhout Construction Co. Details:Construction crews have started preparing the site for the 37,618 square-foot Central

Oregon Community College Technology Education Center on the Redmond campus. A building permit for the project was issuedTuesday, and work is expected to becompleted by June2014,saidMichaelMcLandress, project manager at Kirby Nagelhout.

Roh Kerr /The Bulletin

The two-story building is designed to be flexible and accommodate additional technology

programs as theyevolve, accord-

McLandressestimates coning to COCC. The college sees the struction will cost $8.3 million. The Technology Education Center as center is one oftheprojects funded by the November2009 bond measure, aswell as a$5.7 million match from the state of Oregon,

according to COCC'websi s te.

a key element in recruiting new businesses andhelping existing ones expand. It will offer technology-related programs, such asdigital arts

and media andnondestructive

welding, quality assurance and

testing and inspection, a field that

other skills.

analyzes materials, components and systems for flaws. Located on the Redmond Cam-

"It's a great project," McLandress said. "It's a major addition to the Redmond Campus and

pus, near Southeast Airport Way and Southeast VeteransWay,the

COCC's presence inCentral Oregon and Redmond," hesaid. "And

Technology Education Center will join the existing Manufacturing

Kirby Nagelhout is proud to be the builder of the new facility and

and Applied Technology Center,

where students learn machining,

to be partnering with COCC." — By Rachael Rees, rtte Buffetin

Late-payment rate tumblesin1st quarter By Alex Veiga

and rising home prices that began gaining traction

The Associated Press

about a year ago.

LOS ANGELES — A resurgent housing market, rising home values and

steady job gains are helping more U.S. homeowners stay on top of their mortgage payments. The percentage of mortgage holders at least two months behind on their payments fell by 21 percent in the first three months of thisyear versus the same period in 2012, credit report-

•s I


ing agency TransUnion said

Gene J. Puskar i The Assoaated Press

Wednesday. The sharp annual decline in the mortgage delinquency rate represents the biggest quarterly drop on record for TransUnion, whose data go back to 1992. "We certainly expected improvement this quarter, as the housing sector is in recovery, but the magnitude of the improvement was unexpected," Tim Martin, TransUnion's group vice president of U.S. housing, said in a statement. All told, the mortgage delinquency rate was 4.56 percent in the first quarter.

A home for sale this month in Mt. Lebanon, Pa., amid a resurgent housing market and rising home values. The percentage of mortgage holders behind on their payments fell by 21 percent in the first three months of this year versus the same period in 2012. That's down from 5.78 percent in the prior-year quarter, TransUnion said. The first-quarter rate also fell 12 percent compared with the last three months of 2012, when it was 5.19 percent, a four-year low. Even so, the mortgage delinquency rate is still above the I percent to 2 percent average historical range, an indication that

many homeowners still are struggling to make their payments. Before the housing bust, mortgage delinquencies were running at less than 2 percent nationally. They peaked at nearly 7 percent in the fourth quarter of 2009. The rate has been trending down since then, aided by a rebound in home sales

U.S. home prices rose 10.5 percent in March compared to a year earlier, the biggest gain since March 2006, according to real estate data provider CoreLogic. March marked the 13th month in a row that home prices have increased on an annual basis nationwide. Rising home values make it easier for borrowers to refinance their mortgages or sell their homes if they lose their jobs or otherwise become unableto make payments. They also help bring down the number of homeowners who are underwater on their mortgage, or owe more ontheirhome loan than their homes are worth. Last year, 1.7 million homeowners who had been underwater on their mortgage were moved into positive equity, according CoreLogic. That left another 10.4 million, or nearly 22 percent of all homes with a mortgage, still in negative equity at the end of last year.

Europe has more than tripled a tariff on the high-end denim creations, which could snag the boom for pricey pants. This month, the European Union duty on women's denim trousers manufactured in the United States jumped to 38 percent from 12 percent. The increase, if passed along to customers in the form of priceincreases,could put a damper ondenim exports to Europe, currently a growing market for U.S. denim makers. But it is expected to disproportionately affect California denim makers, who make roughly three-quarters of American high-end denim. Low-end jeans are primarily manufactured abroad because of cheaper labor costs. "When you look at the international markets and growth potential ... clearly Europe is a prime area," said Tom Travis, a Miami lawyer who specializes in international trade and customs law. The tariff "comes at an inopportune time for a growing industry that continues to look for additional markets outside the U.S." The tariff increase, which was announced April 17, is seen as retaliation by the EU against the U.S. for failing to fully comply with a 2002 World Trade Organization ruling against the Byrd Amendment, which was a law that allowed the U.S. to levy additional duties on "unfairly traded" goods. Critics say the United States has continued to adopt additional tariffs, and as a result, other countries are raising tariffs on U.S. goods. The tradestandoff is expected to slow sales of American jeans brands that have cachet with European fashionistas. The women's "premium" jeans business — involving pants that cost $75 or more — accounts for 22 percent of the global jeans market, according to San Francisco research firm Global Industry Analysts Inc.

PEOPLE ON THE MOVE Susan Browne has b een named assistant branch manager of the Bend-Bluff Drive branch of Washington Federal Inc. Browne has 12 years of experience in the banking industry. She previously worked as a loan coordinator and has worked at Certified Financial Services an d Wa s h ington

Mutual. Michael McKay has joined Home Federal Bank as as'( s istant vice p r esident a n d branch manager atthe PrineMcKay von Strome Borstel ville branch. McKay will be responsible for s u pervising branch operations, growing He has 21 years of experience core deposits and loans and in the financial industry and managing client relationships. previouslyworked as a credit

officer, commercial loan officer and most r ecently as branch manager at OneMain Financial. L ynn Perey h a s j o i n ed Prudential Northwest Prope rties in B end t h rough i t s Veterans to Brokers career program, which covers the m ajor s t a rt-up c o st s f o r

newly licensed real e state brokers. Noah von Borstel, of John L. Scott Real Estate in Redmond, was the top sales agent for April. Bobbie Strome, of John L. Scott Real Estate in Redmond, was the top listing agent for April.

IN THE BACI4: ADVICE 4 ENTERTAINMENT > Religious services, D2-3 Volunteer Search, D4

© www.bendbulletin.com/community







The best Mother's

Day gifts t

n the news business, every season, holiday and major event brings with it a flood of press releases from well-meaning companies trying to link their product/service/idea to current events. For example, hurricane season on the East Coast cannot pass without my email inbox bulging with press releases about home emergency kits, window-protecting devices to communication tools (this despite the fact that we're about as likely to experience ahurricane inCentral Oregon as a tsunami). Likewise, as summer approaches, I receive dozens of press inquiries wondering if we will write about some new diet pill that promises to make you beach-ready, or special money-protecting handbags for travelers, or kitschy wine glasses for outdoor entertaining — you get the idea. Mother's Day is no different in the land of PR. As it approaches, dozens of companies try to tie their products to the holiday, sometimes in touching and meaningful ways (say, a memoir from a woman whose mother struggled with mental illness), and sometimes less successfully

Film explores Mideast peace The documentary "My So-Cal led Enemy" will be shown at 7 p.m. Tuesday at the First

Presbyterian Church in Bend as a fundraiser to help a local student


participate in the Seeds of Peace program in Maine. The documentary,


I 4 pp~~ '»a +I~


which was shown during BendFilm in 2011,


chronicles six Palestinian and Israeli girls after they have

participated in a leadership program called Building Bridges for

Peace. It shows how developing relationships with their sup-

posed enemies can be a step toward resolving conflict.

The program is similar to the one that Bend High School

student Marley Forest

Photos courtesy Deschutes Historical Society

A garrison of 40 troops was stationed in the Camp Polk meadow to protect some of Central Oregon's first settlers during the winter of 1865-66. The Hindman homestead — which this historic barn was a part of — was built on thissite four years later.

stani, Afghan, Egyptian, Jordanian, Israeli and Palestinian origin.

The fundraiser is

proteinbars and weight loss shakes?

sponsored bythe Mt. Bachelor Rotary Club. The church is at 230 N.E. 9th St., Bend. Contact: 541-815-9678.



year (I prefer to call it sparkle), the last thing I want from my children is a message that says "Mom, you look old — fix it." The same goesforthe Mother's Day promotion that urged gift givers to partake in a sale of fitness equipment. The message here? "Mom, you're fat — here's a treadmill." Not that questionable gifts are limited to the realm of marketing. I've heard plenty of stories through the years of gifts gone awry. Kitchen appliances and clothes irons don't seem to be popular presents for Mother's Day, for example, at least not among the moms I know. And despite the spate of sappy commercials on TV advertising cheesy jewelry and bad poetry from Hallmark, I contend that what most moms really want for Mother's Day is a break from the expectations of being a mom. No homework-wran-

gling or chore-nagging, no figuring out how to make a dinner from the

hodgepodge of random veggies in the fridge, no playing peacemaker between siblings at war, no cleaning cat pukeoffthe carpet. Most moms I know want the same thing for Mother's Day — a bottle of wine and a day off. That's my only-half-joking response to my husband's question of what I want for Mother's Day. And I do daydream sometimes of a respite from motherhood. A few blessed hours to myself. The knowledge that for a little while, I won't have to worry about the Stewie Griffin-esque call of "Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom ..." But then I see the coffee cup on my desk. A cheap plastic cup, stained on the inside and not particularly efficient at keeping coffee hot. It has a paper liner inside its clear plastic shell. "I love you Mommy," it says. It has pictures ofbutterflies and some plastic jewels glued on. My son made it for Mother's Day when he was 4. I guess I don't want a day off after all. I want "I love you Mommy" written on a cheap plastic mug that I will keep on my desk even when it is old and smudged. I want a handwritten card with misspelled words and stick figures drawn in crayon. I want to see my kids' sweet smiles. Unfortunately for the PR companies, you just can't market that. — Julie Johnson is the features editor at The Bulletin. 541-383-0308, jj ohnson@bendbulletin.com

can youth delegation. The program will also include about180 students of lndian, Paki-

(Mother's Day gift guides including One particularly terrible example this year promoted a pill that promised to return color to Mom's gray hair. "After all the years of being blamed for Mom's gray hair, this Mother's Day give Mom the best gift possible, the gift of youth by bringing back her natural hair color!" said the press release. The best Mother's Day gift possible? I beg to differ. While my own hair creeps more toward gray every

was selected to attend this summer. She is one of 20 U.S. students selected as the Ameri-

Register for Sunriver marathon


Registration for the

third-annual Sunriver Marathon for a Cause

• LOCal OrganiZatiOnS Wil hast eVents thrOughOut the mOnth fOr the CelebratiOn By Mac McLean

Camp Polk J e s sie Hill Military Post School Bell

The Bulletin

The Old Redmond


historic neighborhood


just outside downtown

Petersen Rock Garden


Bend, a century-old school bell that was feared missing until

Redmon ( Tumalo Beml Alfalfa :',

Drake Park Neighborhood Historic District

it was rediscovered in a Redmond Sunriver

storage locker and an Indian Warera military camp outside of Sisters



will take center stage this week as


Deschutes County's National Historic

Deschutes County's Historic Preservation Month celebration will feature events at the following historic sites:

over the county this year," said Kelly Cannon-Miller, executive director of the Deschutes County Historical Society, one of a dozen groups that

A garrison of 40 troops was stationed at Camp Polk three miles northeast of Sisters during the winter of1865-66 to protect Central Oregon's first settlers from Indian attacks. Samuel Hindman built what is believed to be the region's first homestead on this site in1870 and established a post office and a general store on the site five years later.


celebration possible. SeePreservation/D5

• I\

: ""'la,ll ', pg

The McAnn House is part of the17-square-block Drake Park Neighborhood Historic Site. Built between 1910 and 1954, the historic homes in this neighborhood outside downtown Bend represent 14 different architectural styles.

collected more than $31,000 for the Susan G. Komen for the Cure foundation and breast cancer research since 2011.

Seven different races are held over two days, Aug. 31 and Sept. 1, including music and

ton qualifier race. Visit SunriverMara thon.com for registration links and details

about lodging packages. For more information, 800-801-8765 or www.sunriver-resort.


Contact us with your ideas Have a story idea or event submission? Contact us!

• Community events: Email event information

represent14 distinct architectural styles, including American Craftsman, American Colonial, California Ranch, CapeCod, Dutch Colonial, English

to events@bendbul-

Cottage and Tudor. It was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 2005.

"Submit an Event" at www.bendbulletin. com. Allow at least10

Purchased by Redmond's first schoolteacher in1907, the Jessie Hill School bell rang proudly at Redmond High School sporting events. But after being put into storage in1928, the bell was almost forgotten until the teacher's sister asked that it be restored 30 years later. It now hangs

in the cupola of VernPatrick Elementary School. THE OLDREDMOND SGHOOLHOUSE Built in1905, the Old Redmond Schoolhouse is a single-story wooden building used to teach homesteader children. In1976, the building was moved from its original location near downtown Redmond to Dry Canyon in an attempt to prevent its demolition.

• II

est rates for the charity races, which have

This17-square-block area stretching from Riverside Boulevard to Drake Park houses a collection of homes built between1910 and1954 that


are making this year's preservation


Greg Cross/The Bulletin


have activities going on all around all

early will pay the low-

marathon that is a Bos-


Source:Des Chutes ihstoocal Museum

swings into full gear. "We're trying to make sure we

Sunriver Resort Those who register

races, runs for kids, a half marathon and full


saw when they first came here

Preservation Month celebration

.com, according to

pet-friendly 5K and 10K

La me

that many of the region's settlers

is open through Active

PETERSENROCKGARDEN When he was 52 years old, Dutch immigrant Rasmus Petersen built

a series of statues and replica buildings using rocks, petrified wood, glass and shells that he collected from the areasurrounding Redmond to glorify his adopted country. The roadside attraction was closed this winter for much-needed repairs andmaintenance andwill reopen Memorial Dayweekend. The sites featured onthis map arejust a fewof the places theBend,DeschutesCountyand Redmond landmarks

commissions haverecognized asbeing historically significant to their localities. Toseeafull mapof Deschutes County's historic sites visit www.bendbulletin.com/historicsites.

letin.com or click on

days before the desired date of publication. Contact: 541-3830351. • Story ideas: Email

communitylife©bendbulletin.com. — From staff reports

Correction Due to incorrect information provided to The Bulletin, an acrylic

painting by LeahSowell was mistitled in a cap-

tion that ran on page 13 of GO! Magazine on Friday, May10. The correct title is "The Final

Days of a Well-loved Ford Probe." The Bulletin regrets

the error.




Jim slosiarek/ New York Times News serwce

Kathy Garms, right, looks at an old dress that she wore In a play at the Opera House In Elkader, Iowa. Garms Is the driving force behind the Abdelkader Education Project, which welcomed Arab dignitarIes in the first weekend of May.

To submit service information or announcementsfor religious organizations, email bulletin@ bendbulletin.com or call 541-383-0358. ANTIOCHCHURCH:Sr. Pastor Ken Wystma; "The Faithfulness of Godin the Frustrations of Life"; Sunday at 9:30 a.m.; ReduxQ-and-Aafter the service; BendHighSchool, 230 N.E Sixth St., Bend. BEND CHRISTIANFELLOWSHIP: Bil Martin; "Living Beyond theWalls"; Sunday at10 a.m.; 4twelve youth group; Wednesday at 7 p.m.;19831 Rocking HorseRoad,Bend. BENDCHURCHOFTHENAZARENE: Mother's Daycelebration; Sundayat 10:15 a.m.; 1270 N.E 27th St., Bend. CENTRAL OREGONBAPTIST CHURCH:Pastor John Tittle; "The LegacyofaGodlyMother,"based on2 Timothy1:3-7; Sundayat10:30a.m.; 500 S.W. Bond St., Bend. CROSSCHURCH:Pastor Ed Byrnes; "The Value of aMother"; today at 6:30 p.m.; Neighborhood Center, 2640 Jones Road,Bend. DISCOVERYCHRISTIAN CHURCH: Pastor DaveOrullinger; "The Breadof Life," based onJohn 6:25-69; Sunday at10 a.m.; 334 N.W.Newport Ave., Bend. EASTMONTCHURCH: Pastor Chris Charon; "Refrigerator: Nourishing the Family," based onProverbs 31:10, as part of the series, "INVEST:Building a Home WithGrace";Sundayat9and 10:45 a.m.; 62425EagleRoad, Bend. FATHER'SHOUSE CHURCH OF GOD: Pastor Randy Wills; "John versus Luke," as part of theseries, "Fan or Follower"; Sunday at10 a.m.; Youth Group; Wednesdays;7 p.m.;61690 Pettigrew Road,Bend. THE FELLOWSHIPAT BEND: Pastor Loren Anderson; "Why it is Better to Marry?" based on1 Corinthians 7:7-9 and Genesis1-2, part one of the series, "Marriage andSingleness" Sunday at10 a.m.; Summit High School, 2855 N.W.Clearwater Drive, Bend. FIRST PRESBYTERIANCHURCH: Pastor Jenny Warner; "Find the W hy: SpacesofGrace";Sundayat the9a.m.,10:45a.m.and 5:01 p.m. services; 230 N.E Ninth St., Bend. FIRSTUNITED METHODIST CHURCH: TheRev.Thom Larson; "Rising UpFrom Homelessness," based on Psalm 84and John14:1828; Sunday at 9and11 a.m.; 680 N.W. Bond St., Bend. FOUNDRYCHURCH:Mother's Oay celebration; Sundayat10:15 a.m.; 60 N.W. OregonAve., Bend. GRACE FIRSTLUTHERAN CHURCH:Pastor Joel LiaBraaten; "Big Time Prayer Support" and "Thanks, Mom!"; Sunday at 9:30

nasma townin owa, toeranCe or Sam en ureS By Samuel G. Freedman

Kader — a true world hero — is 'talking' todayto a much broadELKADER, Iowa — Amid er audience about our shared an expanse of undulating farm- values and on how humanity land, deep in the steep valley could and can prevail over all carved by the Turkey River, differencesand prejudices." the town of Elkader sits most The saga began in 1845, of the year in remote obscurity. when a land developer, TimoPopulation 1,200 and gradu- thy Davis, scouted a site along ally shrinking, it is the seat of a the Turkey River for a flour mill county without a single traffic and settlement. Davis had read light. of Abd el-Kader's fight against I mprobably enough, t h i s the French for Algerian indecommunity settled by Germans pendence, which was covered and Scandinavians, its religious by U.S. newspapers sympalife built around Catholic and thetic to the revolt against coLutheran churches, bears the lonial rule. So Davis named his name of a Muslim hero. Abd new town for the emir. el-Kader was renowned in the Over the decades, the pro19th century for leading Alge- fundity o f E l k ader's provria's fightforindependence and enance gave way to a kind of protecting non-Muslims from exotica — a local college called persecution. Even A braham its student newspaper the"Arab Lincoln extolled him. Chieftain" — and ultimately Las weekend, for the fifth was all but forgotten. Then, year in a row, Elkader wel- in the mid-1980s, an Algerian comed a delegation of Arab liaison at the U.S. Embassy dignitaries to celebrate this there chanced upon the fact rare lifeline of tolerance, span- that a town in Iowa had been ning continents and centuries. named for Kader. And that liComing lessthan three weeks aison, Benaoumer Zergaoui, after the B oston M arathon hailed from Kader's birthplace, bombings, which the authori- Mascara. ties say were committed by Through the efforts of Zertwo Muslim brothers, the Ab- gaoui and Elkader's mayor at delkader Education Project's the time, Edward Olson, Masforum stands more than ever cara and Elkader established a for an affirming encounter be- sister-city relationship in 1984. tween the United States and That endeavor died out in the Islam. early 1990s, however, as Al"Our audience is the people geria descended into a dozen who are c ompassionate al- years of civil war between the ready," said Kathy Gamts, 63, government and Islamist milia retired human-resources ad- tants. By the time stability had ministrator who is the driving returned to Algeria, Elkader force in the Abdelkader project. and the rest of America was liv"But there are so many people ing in the aftermath of the Sept. who are ignorant or scared or 11, 2001, attacks, infected by even hateful. We just hope that the belief that Islam was at war once they get across the start- with the West. ing line, they will listen." Eventually, Algeria's governAbdallah Baali, A l geria's ment reached out to Elkader's ambassador to t h e U n i t ed new mayor in 2008. He turned States and an annual partici- down the opportunity to visit, pant in the forum, put its impact but the invitation found its way in global terms. to Kathy Garms, a volunteer in "In our increasingly tor- the local history museum. An mented world," the ambassa- accidental diplomat, Garms dor wrote in an email, "Abd el- had been born and reared in New York Times News Service

Elkader, the daughter of a logger and a secretary. As a young woman, her world extended no wider than San Angelo, Texas, where she had r epresented Iowa in the Miss Wool beauty

pageant. In middle age by this time, and having seen a bit of the world as a military wife, Garms seized upon the Algerian offer. With her husband, she traveled there to meet with government leaders, visitK ader's grave and attend a conference run by a humanitarian foundation. Two weeks after she returned to Iowa, the Turkey River flooded, destroying about 30 homes and causing $8 million in property damage. Garms picked

up her phone one day to field an inquiry from the Algerian government about how to wiretransfersome money for disaster relief. A couple of hundred dollars, she figured, how sweet. It turned out to be $150,000. Serendipity made its next appearance in November 2008 in the form of John W. Kiser, a Virginia author. He had just published a biography of Kader, "Commander of the Faithful," and wanted to hold a booklaunch event in the namesake town. Between them, Garms and Kiser brainstormed the idea of starting an essay contest for local high school students and holding a forum to renew interest in Kader. "Ourpoint," Kiser said in a recent interview, "is to inject into the educational bloodstream another view of Islam. We need to balance the narratives that are constantly coming through the media.Fear and ignorance are a deadly combination." Elkader displays historical artifacts about Algeria and Kader in both City Hall and the history museum. Alocal restaurant serves Algerian cuisine. Matched sets of poles with the word for peace written in English, French, and Arabic, stand in Elkader and Mascara.

Finding faith in 'StarWars' universe By Lauren Davidson

But it wasn't until the 1990s, with the advent of the Internet, NEW YORK — Draped in a that Jediism caught on. brown robe, neon lightsaber in The Star W ar s s p iritual hand, the Star Wars Jedi is an following made headlines in iconic movie image. But not all 2001, when 390,000 citizens Jedis come from a galaxy far, of England and Wales — or far away. Some are a bit more 0.7 percent of the population local: from Alabama, Utah and — claimed Jediism as their reAlaska, to name a few. ligion, making it the fifth most For some, it's an organized popular faith behind Christianreligion known as Jediism; 0th- ity, no religion, Islam and Hiners adopt it as a philosophy of duism. Jediism even dwarfed life, called Jedi Realism. Both Judaism, which had around share a central outlook on life. 260,000 members. "Being a Jedi is saying to the The U.K. Office of National world that I am on a quest to Statistics hypothesized that become the bestperson I can people chose "Jediism" for be," said Matthew Vossler, au- humor or political protest, afthor of "Jediism: Philosophy ter a controversial campaign and Practice," who runs the on- against the religion question line Maryland Jedi Order and on the census. The numbers goes by the self-chosen Jedi dropped significantly by the name Zindel. "It's like saying 2011 census, with just 177,000 I'm going to hold myself to this writing in Jedi as their religion. standard, and I'm going to try While the U.S. census does my best to stay on this path." not include questions about reGeorge Lucas coined the ligion, thousands of Americans term "Jedi" — for those who do identify themselves as Jedi. fight for justice using the Force, The Temple of the Jedi Or"the energy field that binds the der, founded in 2005 by John galaxy together," according to Henry Phelan in Texas, is the the Star Wars figure Obi-Wan first international church of JeKenobi — when the first Star diism. An online congregation, Wars film was released in 1977. its website gets an average of Columbia News Service

5,000 hits per week and hosted than 290,000 visitors in the past year. Of those, at least three quarters are in the U.S., said Michael Kitchen, the church's spokesman, who is also a shop clerk in London. The church ordains its own ministers,who can ascend clerical ranks through deacon, priest, bishop and archbishop. They listen to confession and perform wedding ceremonies. A minister posts a written sermon online every Sunday, and once a month, the Temple's website streams a live sermon. "Does it really matter how I or you as a Jedi believe?" asks Patricia Bolcerek, a minister who calls herself Master Neaj online, in a sermon from midApril. "Simply, no. My choices and beliefs can and will differ from the next, because you are not me and I am not you. But we are in consensus that we believe in a path that is the same." This path follows "peace, justice, love, learning and using our abilities for good," according to the Temple's website, but stipulates no religious belief. Jedis can be Christian, Wiccan, atheist or anything else.

a.m.; 2265 N.W. Shevlin Park Road, Bend. JOURNEYCHURCH:PastorKeith Kirkpatrick; "Finding Faith"; Sunday at 9 and10:30 a.m.; 70N.W.Newport Ave., Bend. NEW HOPE CHURCH:Pastor Randy Myers; "A Look atOur Hearts," as part of the series "Parable"; today at 6 p.m., Sunday at 9and10:45 a.m.; 20080 Pinebrook Blvd., Bend. NEWPORTAVENUECHURCHOF CHRIST:Minister Dean Catlett; "Three Wishes for Mothers," based on Proverbs 31:10-31; Sundayat 10:45 a.m.; 554 N.W.Newport Ave., Bend. REAL LIFECHRISTIANCHURCH: Pastor Mike Yunker; "Sermon onthe Mount," based onMatthew 5:1-7; Sunday at 8, 9:30 and11 a.m.; 2880 N.E. 27th St., Bend. SPIRITUALAWARENESS COMMUNITY OF THE CASCADES: Guest speakerKelseyCollins; "What Makes Someone aGoodMother?"; Sundayat9a.m.;heldatTheOld Stone Church, 157N.W.Franklin Ave., Bend. SPRINGS OF LIFEMINISTRIES: Evangelist and Bibleteacher Eddie Cienda; W ednesdaysat7p.m.; ongoing; TheSound GardenStudio, 1279 N.E.SecondSt., Bend. TRINITYEPISCOPAL CHURCH: Sunday at 9 a.m.; St. Francis Church, 2450 N.E. 27th St., Bend. UNITARIANUNIVERSALIST FELLOWSHIPOF CENTRAL OREGON: TheRev. Alex Holt; "Courage andMotherhood: A Reflection in SeveralVoices"; Sunday at11 a.m.; at the OldStone Church, 157 N.W.Franklin Ave., Bend. WESTSIDE CHURCH:Pastor Ken Johnson; "Fresh Air, Part 2: Power!"; todayat6:30p.m.and Sundayat8, 9 and 10:45 a.m.; 2051 N.W.Shevlin Park Road,Bend. WESTSIDESOUTH CAMPUS: Pastor Steve Mickel "Fresh Air, Part 2: Power!"; Sunday at 9and10:30 a.m.; 1245 S.E. Third St., Bend. WESTSIDEONLINE CAMPUS: Pastor Ken Johnson; "Fresh Air, Part 2: Power!"; today at 6:30 p.m.and Sunday at 9and10:45 a.m.; www. westsidelive.org COMMUNITYPRESBYTERIAN CHURCH: Pastor Rob Anderson; "Growing Through Mentors," based on John14:23-29, as part of the series "Becoming a Disciple!"; Sunday at 9and11 a.m.; 529N.W. 19th St., Redmond. EMMAUSLUTHERANCHURCH:The Rev. DavidPoovey;"A W itnessto the Gospel," based onActs1:21-26; Sunday at10:30 a.m.; 2175S.W. Salmon Ave., Redmond.

M T.

GRACELUTHERANCHURCH AT EAGLE CREST:Pastor Randy VanMehren;"Christ JesusAscended tothe Right Hand ofthe Father and Has Brought theTrueChurch There"; Sundayat10:30 a.m.;EagleCrest Banquet and Conference Facility, 1522 Cline Falls Road,Redmond. ST. PAUL'SANGLICANCHURCH: Father John Pennington; "A Christian To Oo List," based on1 Peter 4:7-11; Sundayat10a.m.; 623 N.W.Canyon Road, Redmond. ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH:Pastor Eric Burtness; "Youare Calledto Become!" as part of the series "Live Your Calling"; Sunday at8:30 and 11 a.m.; 1113BlackButte Blvd., Redmond. SHEPHERD'SVALLEYCOWBOY CHURCH:Guest speaker Randy Weaver of LoneStar Cowboy Church in Montgomery,Texas;Sundayat 9 and 10:30 a.m.; in the cafe of The Rim Rock Riders Equestrian Facility, Brasada Ranch, 17037S.W.Alfalfa Road, Powell Butte. AGAPE HARVESTFELLOWSHIP: Pastor JeremySeibert; youth and family service; Wednesday at 6p.m.; 52460 Skidgel Road, LaPine. COMMUNITYBIBLECHURCH AT SUNRIVER: Pastor Glen Schaumloeffel; "A Mother Who Wanted TheBest ForHerChildren... or Oid She?" based onMatthew 20:20-28; Sundayat 9:30 a.m.; 1 Theater Drive, Sunriver. CONCORDIALUTHERAN MISSION: The Rev.Willis Jenson; "God's Prayer Seals andProspers the Powerof God Unto Salvation, theGospel," basedon John17:20; Sundayat11 a.m.; held at TerrebonneGrangeHall, 828611th St., Terrebonne. "THE TRUTHPROJECT" PRESENTATION:12-part video series from Focus onthe Family; free; 6:30-8 p.m.; Wednesdays through June 26; Alfalfa Community Hall, Willard Road; 541-977-4290. COMMUNITY GATHERING: Performances bythe Cowboy Barn Band and the FreedomTeam with a video presentation of end time events; free; 6:30 p.m. Friday; Deschutes ExpoCenter, 3800 S.W. Airport Way, Redmond; 54 I -504-4582. THREE SISTERSWOMEN'S CONFERENCE: $35; 8:30 a.m.4:30 p.m. May18; Mt. View Fellowship Church, 1475 S.W. 35th St., Redmond; www. threesisterswomensconference.org. "ETERNAL LIFE" PRESENTATION: A talk by international speaker Mark Swinney; free; 6:30 p.m. May 21; Bend Public Library, 601 N.W. Wall St.; Robin Martin at 541-385-6538


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for Jews and Christians alike. If you're interested in learning the Bible from a

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Major's Robert F Miriam Keene

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Our Shabbat Services are on Saturday

20080 Pinebrook Blvd.• 541-389-3436

mornings at 10:00 a.m. Our ministries

Bend, OR. 97701

Cowboy Fellowship Saturdays

"Omkar" (Aum) Hinduism

"Star B Crescent"Islam

"Yin/Yang" Taoist/ Confuaanism

Celebrate New Life

Music and the Word 7 pm Sunday Worship Services

at New Hope Church!

8:30am- 10:15 am-11 am

Saturday 6:00 pm

Nursery 8 Children's Church

Sunday 9:00, 10:45 am,

Pastors: Chris Blair, Trey Hinkle, Ozzy •

Osborne and Glenn Bartnik FAITH CHRISTIAN CENTER

1049 NE 11th St.• 541-382-8274 SUNDAYS:

9:30am Sunday Educational Classes 10:30 am Morning Worship This Sunday at Faith Christian Pastor Nolan Howell will share his message titled "¹TheNotSoperfectWoman" in the Sunday service, beginning at 10:30 AM. Childcare is provided in our Sunday morning service. On Wednesdays "Restored Youth" service begins at 7:00 pm A number of Faith Journey Groups meet throughout the week in small groups, please contact the church for details and times. The church is located on the corner of Greenwood Avenue and NE 11th Street. www.bendfaith.com REDMOND ASSEMBLY OF GOD 1865 W Antler • Redmond 541-548-4555

SUNDAYS Morning Worship 8:30 am F 10:30 am Life groups 9 am Kidz LIVE ages 3-11 10:30 am Evening Worship 6 pm

COMM U N ITY BIBLK CHURCH AND CHRISTIAN PRESCHOOL 541-593-8341 Beaver at Theater Drive, PO Box 4278, Sunriver, OR 97707


Like Hymns? We've Got 'em! at the RLCC Church, 2880 NE 27th

Sunday Services SUNDAY WORSHIP AND THE WORD - 9:30 Am.

Coffee Fellowship - 10:45 am Bible Education Hour - 11: 15am Nursery Care available The church is located at Beaver and Theater Drives in Sunriver Everyone is welcome. •Women'sBibleStudy -Tuesdays,10 am • Awana Kids Club (4 yrs - 6th gr.) Sept.- May • Youth Ministry (gr. 7-12) Wednesdays 6: 15 pm • Men'sBibleStudy -Thursdays9 am • I-Iome Bible Studies are also available Preschool for 3 8 4 year olds Call for information Senior Pastor: Glen Schaumloeffel Associate Pastor: Jake Schwarze visit our Web site www.cbchurchsr.org

8 am Traditional Service

(No child care for 8 am service) 9:30 am Contemporary Service with

full child care

II am Service (Full child care) For information, please call ...

Pastor Duane Pippitt www.redmondag.com •

www.real-lifecc.org •

EASTMONT COMM U N ITY SCHOOL "Educating and Developing the Whole Child

for the Glory of God" Pre K - 5th Grade 62425 Eagle Road, Bend• 541-382-2049

Listen to KNLR 97.5 FM

Principal Lonna Carnahan www.eastmontcommunityschool.com



20225 Cooley Rd. Bend Phone: (541) 383-5097 Web site: ccbend.org

SCIENTIST 1551 NW First St. • 541-382-6100

(South of Portland Ave.) Church Service 8 Sunday School: 10 am

Women's Ministry, Youth Ministry are

available, call for days and times. "Teaching the Word of God, Book by Book"

Childcare provided.

Sunday 9:15 AM - Prayer Meeting 9:30 AM —Adult Bible Fellowship 9 30AM - Children's Sunday School 10:30 AM — Worship Service 6:00 PM - Growth Groups (call for locations) Wednesday 7:00 PM - Prayer Meeting 8 Adult Bible Study 7:00 PM - Kids 4 Truth

Fr. Theodore Nnabugo, Pastor www.holyredeemerparish.net Parish Office: 541-536-3571 HOLY REDEKMER, LA PINE

16137 Burgess Rd Tuesday, Wednesday 8 Friday Mass 9:00 am Sunday Mass — 10:00 am Confessions: Saturdays — 3:00-4:00pm HOLY TRINITY, SUNRIVKR

18143 Cottonwood Rd. Thurs. Mass 9:30 am; Sat. Vigil Mass 5:30 pm

Sunday mass 8:00 am Confessions: Thurs. 9:00-9:15 am OUR LADY OF THE SNOWS, Gilchrist 120 Mississippi Dr Sunday Mass — 12:30 pm Confessions: Sundays 12:00-12:15 pm HOLY FAMILY,

near Christmas Valley

Hadashah (New Testament) • Biblical Feasts •


• Lifecycle Events • End-times prophecy

Temple Beth Tikvah is a member of the Union for Reform Judaism. Our members represent a wide range


of Jewish backgrounds.

or contact us at 541-385-5439

We welcome interfaith families and Jews by choice.


63830 Clausen Rd Ste 102, Bend

Hebrew school, Torah study, and adult education


Saturday 10:30 am-2 pm

Food/Fellowship Hebrew Roots Fellowship worshipping in

Children's Program


Friday, May 31 at 6:30pm - Shabbat Service Saturday, June I at 9:00 am - Torah Study Saturday, June I at 10:30 am - Torah Service


Sunday, June 2 - adult education (call for information) For the complete schedule of

BKND CHURCH OF THK NAZARENE May 12, 2013 at 11;00am: Rev. Alex Holt, Interim Minister: "Courage and Motherhood:

1270 NE 27 St. • 541-382-5496

Senior Pastor Virgil Askren

Services F Events go to: www.bethtikvahbend.org


9:00 am Sunday School for all ages 9;00 am Hispanic Worship Service

For information about our education programs, please call Kathy Schindel at 541 -388-8826

10:15 am Worship Service Nursery Care 8 Children's Church

ages 4 yrs-4th grade during all Worship Services

All services are held at the First United Methodist Church 680 NW Bond Street

"Courageous Living" on KNLR 97.5 FM

8:30 am Sunday

541 -388-8826

6:30 pm Ladies Bible Study



115 NW Minnesota Ave.

Gospel and Ikerebggrant eternal life (St. John 20:22-23, Augsburg Confession XXVIII.8, 10)


See our website for more information www.uufco.org

Lrfe Groups Please visit our website for a complete

10 am Sunday School II am Divine Service

listing of activities for all ages. www.bendnaz.org


The Rev. Willis C. Jenson, Pastor. 8286 11th St (Grange Hall), Terrebonne, OR



www.lutheransonline.com/ condordialutheranmission

40 SE 5th St., Bend

Community HU

Just 2 blocks SW of Bend High School

Community HU Sing

Facebook: Concordia Lutheran Mission Phone: 541-325-6773

Sovereign Grace Church is dedicated to

(In the Heart of Downtown Bend) 680 NW Bond St. / 541.382.1672 Everyone isWeicome!

Thursday, May 16, 6:30 pm at the East Bend Public Library, 60280 Dean Swift Rd. ¹ 170 Worship Service, "Gratitude for Life",

Thursday, June 20, 6:30 pm at the East Bend Public Library, 60280 Dean Swift Rd. ¹ 170


2265 NW Shevlin Park Road, Bend

Sunday Worship 10:00 am worshipping God and teaching the Bible Call for information about other meetings


541 -420- 1667


Sunday Worship 9:30 a.m.

(Child Care Available) Sunday School 10:20 a.m. Education Hour 10:45 a.m.

• •

21720 E. Hwy. 20• 541.389.8241

W omen's Bible Study Tuesday 9:15 a.m . Men'sBible Study Wednesday 7:30 a.m.

Pastor Rev. James A. Radloff Parochial Vicar Rev. fuan Carlos Chiarinoti 541-382-3631

Regardless of your beliefs or religion,


singing HU can bring you greater


7:00 pm

happiness, love, and understanding. Singing HU can draw us closer in our state

Worship in the Heart of Redmond

Nursery Care provided for all services

Sunday Worship Service 8:30 am Contemporary II:00 am Liturgical

21720 E. Hwy. 20 541.389.8241

Sunday School for all ages at 10:00 am


pronounced like the word hue, is sung for

open their hearts more fully to the uplifting presence and security of God's love.


(FORMERLY FIRST BAPTIST) "A Heart for Bend in the Heart of Bend" 60 NW Oregon, 541-382-3862 Pastor Syd Brestel SUNDAY

9:00 AM Sunday School for everyone 10: 15 AM Worship Service At Foundry this Sunday, we celebrate Mother's Day with a special message and activities. Join our church gathering at 10: 15am.

For Kidztown, Middle School and High School activities Call 541-382-3862 www.bendchurch.org HIGHLAND BAPTIST CHURCH, SBC 3100 SW Highland Ave., Redmond ' 541-548-4161

Sunday Worship Services: 8 00 am, 9 30 am, II:00 am Sunday Bible Fellowship Groups 930 am 8 II:00 am Dr. Barry Campbell, lead pastor For complete calender: www.hbcredmond.org

11:00am - Traditional Service 8:45 am 8 10:45 am

Childcare provided on Sunday

WednesdayMid-Week Services

'Durlng the Week: Women's Groups, Men's

Children 6 Youth Programs

Groups, Youth Groups, Quilting, Crafting, Music 8 Fellowship

Children's Room available during services

• Comfort, peace, joy

Come Experience a warm, friendly family of worshipers. Everyone Welcome - Always.


• Inner light and/or sound


CAPILLA DE SANTA CLARA Jueves7:00 PM -Misa en Espanol

• A subtle sense of Divine Love

A vibrant, inclusive community. A rich and diverse music program for all ages

(3/4 mile north of High School)


• The healing of a broken heart • Solace during times of grief

Coffee, snacks and fellowship aj'ier each service

(541) 548-3367

• A release of fears

Corner of NW Franklin 8 Lava Masses Sunday 4:30 PM M onday- Fri day 7:00 AM 8 12:15 PM Saturday 8:00 AM Exposition 8 Benediction Monday after 7:00 AM Mass - 6:00 PM Tuesday 10.00 AM - 6:00 PM Wednesday after 7:00 AM Mass - 6:00 PM Thursdayafter7;00 AM Mass -600 PM Friday 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM


Redmond, Oregon 97756 541 -923-3390 Father Todd Unger, Pastor Mass Schedule: Weekdays 8:00 am (except Wednesday) Wednesday 6:00 pm Saturday Vigil 5:30 pm First Saturday 8.00 am (English) Sunday 8:00 am, 10:00 am (English) 12:00 noon (Spanish) Confessions on Wednesdays from 5:00 to 5:45 pm and on Saturdays from 4:30 to 5:15 pm

Redmond, OR 97756

Rev. Rob Anderson, Pastor

M-W-F Women's Exercise 9:30 am

www.eckankar.org or www.miraclesinyourlife.org or call 541-728-6476. •

Reconciliation Tuesday7:30AM -8;00 A M -English o Espanol Saturday8.30AM -9:30 AM -English o Espanol

529 NW 19th Street

Answers to your questions For more information please visit


Wed Bible Study at noon 3rd Th. Women's Circle/Bible Study I:00 pm

9:00 am Contemporary Worship

469 NW Wall St. • 541-382-5542 www.trinitybend.org

3rdTues.Men's Club 6;00 pm, dinner Youth and Family Programs Active Social Outreach

Sunday School 9;30 am Adult Education

1113 SW Black Butte Blvd Redmond, OR 97756 — 541-923-7466

Youth Groups

Pastor Eric Burtness www.zionrdm.com

High School — Sunday 11:00am- 12:30pm

We are grateful to the community

for the outpouring of help

EVery Saturday On the ChurCh

page. $23 Copy Changes: by 5 PM Tuesday


The First Tuesday of each


month. $23 Copy Changes: by Monday

5:30 pm Prayer Service

I week PriOr to PubliCatiOn

Sunday, 3 pm at the Old Stone Church, 57 NW Franklin Ave., Bend Sunday School 2 years - 5th grade Nursery 0-2 years

Visitors welcome Small Groups Meet Regularly Church Office: 541-389-8787 E-maII: theriver@mailshack.com

(Handicapped Accessible) Please visit our website for a complete

All are welcome

Send to: PO Box 808, Bend OR 97709 www.therivermennonite.org

listing of activities for all ages.

The Bulletin:

6:30 pm Centering Prayer


The Rev. Roy D. Green, Interim Rector

through our red doors

4 Saturdays and TMC: $115 5 Saturdays and TMC: $138

CO Marketplace:

One service at 9:00 am 494 NW Lava St, at Franklin, Bend, OR

Effective May 1, 20l3

MiddleSchool - Wednesday 6:00-7:30pm

Surrday Schedule Historic St. Francis Church,


9:00 am Nursery Care 9:15 am Children 8 Youth

11:00 am Traditional Worship TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH

Open Hearts. Open Minds. Open Doors Rev. Thom Larson frrstchurch@bendumc.org

Pastor Daniel N. LeLaCheur

Singing HU can help you experience: • Expanded awareness

9;00am-Contemporary Service Sunday School during the 9am Service

Sunday Morning Worship

of consciousness to the Divine Being. It

has helped people of many different faiths

Sermon Title: Happy Mother's DayCelebration of the Christian Home "Rising Up From Homelessness" Scripture: Psalm 84; John 14.18-28


Learn how to sing HU, a love song to God: a loving, uplifting, Spiritual Exercise. HU,

Rev. Thom Larson

truths recovered through the Reformation.

62425 Eagle Road, Bend 541-382-5822 www.eastmontchurch.com

Reconciliation / Reconciliacion Saturday3:00 PM -4:45 PM -English. Thursday 6:00 PM -7:00 PM - English o Espanol Domingo ll:15 AM - 12:15 PM - Espanol


Pastor loel LiaBraaten Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

For more information about weekly ministries for the whole family, contact 541-382-5822 or email info©eastmontchurch.com

Meeting at the Golden Age Club Experience an Eckankar

period of sacred contemplation. Followed by a discussion.

Domingo 12:30 PM -M isa en Espanol

Meeting place: THE OLD STONE CHURCH 157 NW FRANKLIN AVE., BEND Mail:PO Box 428, Bend OR 97709

www.uufco.org (541 ) 385-3908

about 20 minutes and is followed by a brief

Sunday Services Classic (Blended) Service 9.00am Contemporary Service 10:45am Hispanic Service 6:00pm

A Reflection in Several Voices" Three women of UUFCO will share their experience and courage about motherhood in such changing times as ours. We will also honor Mothers Day with the annual Flower Celebration. Please plan to bring some flowers to share with others in the congregation. This is an Intergenerational Service with children present the entire time. A unique children's worship service for Grades Pre-K through Grade 5 and childcare for young children are available.



NEW CHURCH 2450 NE 27th Street Masses Saturday - Vigil 5:00 PM Sunday 7:30AM, 10.00AMF 7:00 PM


"Diverse Beliefs One Fellowship" We are a Welcoming Congregation

Undeniable Ways"

"DisplayingIfre Reality ojChrist in

230 NE Ninth Street, Bend www.bendfp.org 541 382 4401


Friday, May 17 at 6:00 pmShabbat Family Celebration

57255 Fort Rock Rd Sunday Mass — 3:30 pm Confessions: Sundays 3:00-3:15 pm


Choirs, music groups, Bible study, fellowship and ministries every week

Spirit and Truth

10:00 am 50+ Bible Study

Religion of the Lfght andSound of God


0 Celebration Church

The rxissionofIheCkvrtk is Io forgivesinsthrough Ifre

Sat. 12 noon - 2 pm

Awakening To A 21st Century Spirituality Jesus As Mystic Sundays, May 5, 12, 19, 10:45am-noon First Presbyterian Church's Heritage Hall Taught by Dick Rauscher, this introductory course will be a practical, experiential journey into the wisdom, insights, spiritual practices and self-knowledge to "become" compassion, not"do"compassion.

Youth Events See Youth Blog:

Our monthly activities include social functions, services, religious education,

Reading Room: Mon. through Frix 11 am - 4 pm

FindThe Why: Spaces Of Grace Preacher: Pastor Jenny Warner 9:00 am contemporary 10:45 am traditional 5:01 pm relaxed Sunday School: 3 yrs to 6th grade Nursery care provided

Wednesday Noon Silence F Supper Worship 12:30 pm Contemplative Prayer

Visit us on the web at



God-Centered Worship Expository Bible Teaching Rich Hymns 8 Songs Family Oriented Ministries Christ-Focused Living Meaningful Loving Relationships Compassionate Gospel Witness

• Home groups • Teaching from the Torah and the Brit

W ed. TestimonyMeeting:7:30 pm

CENTRAL OREGON BAPTIST CHURCH Currently rrreetirr¹ ru 500 SWBondS!. (541) 617-2814 www.centraloregonbaptistchurch.org

• Hebrew classes

Rabbi Glenn Ettman

Associate Pastors

Don Henderson 8 Mike Sweeney "Loving people one at a time."

at 9:00 am each Sunday to hear "Transforming Truth" with Pastor Glen.

Sundays: 8:30 8 10:30 am Wednesday Night Study: 7 pm YouthGroup:Wednesday 7 pm Child Care provided

Children's ministry and nursery

Minister - Mike Yunker - 541-312-8844


Adult Classes Celebrate Recovery W ednesdayNITE LiveKids Youth Group

• Davidic dance and worship

Pastor Randy Myers


"Transforming Lives Through the Truth of the Word" All are Welcome!


13720 SW Hwy 126, Powell Butte 541 -548-3066

Rev. Dr. Steven H. Koski Lead Pastor

Hebrew perspective, come join us at:

Greg Strubhar, Pastor

Potluck 6 pm

FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 230 NE Nmth, Bend (Across Ninth St, from Bend High) All Are Welcome, Always!



• g •

Call Pat Lynch 541-383-0396 PlynCh@bendbulletin.COm



VOLUNTEER SEARCH Volunteer Search is compiled by the Department of HumanServices Volunteer Services. The organizations listed are seeking volunteers for a variety of tasks. Toseeafull list, and for additional information on the types of help needed, goonline to www.bendbulletin.com/volunteer. Changes, additions or deletions should be sent to1300 N.W.Wall St., Suite103, Bend97701, email Therese.M.Helton@state.or.us or call 541-693-8988.


THE ENVIRONMENTALCENTER: www.envirocenter.org or 541-385-6908. EOUINEOUTREACH HORSE RESCUE OF BEND: www.equineoutreach. com or joan©equineoutreach.com or 541-4I9-3717. HEALINGREINS THERAPEUTIC RIDING CENTER: Darcy Justice, 541-382-9410. HUMANE SOCIETYOFCENTRAL OREGON:Jen, jennifer@hsco.org or 541-382-3537. HUMANE SOCIETYOFTHE OCHOCOS: 541-447-7178. HUMANE SOCIETYOF REDMOND: volunteer@redmondhumane.org or 541-923-0882. JUNIPERGROUP SIERRA CLUB: 541-389-9115. PRINEVILLE BLM:www.blm.gov/or/ districts/prineville/recreation/host.php or541-416-6700. STEWARDSHIPFOR SUSTAINABLE BAGGING: Lexa McAllister, Imcallister@cocc.edu or 541-914-6676. SUNRIVERNATURECENTER & OBSERVATORY: 541-593-4442. VOLUNTEERCAMPGROUND HOST POSITIONS: TomMottl,541-416-6859.


AMERICANCANCERSOCIETY: Charlie Johnson,541-434-3114. AMERICANREDCROSS: 541-749-4 I I I. DESCHUTES COUNTYHEALTH DEPARTMENT: Tuesday Johnson, Tuesday Johnson@co.deschutes. or.us or 541-322-7425. FRIENDSWITH FLOWERS OF OREGON: www. CHILDREN, YOUTH friendswithflowersoforegon.com or 541-480-8700. AND EDUCATION HOSPICEOF REDMONDSERVICES SISTERS:www.redmondhospice. org or Volunteer Coordinator at ADULTBASICSKILLS DEPARTMENT 541-548-7483. (COCC):Margie Gregory, mgregoryO MOUNTAINVIEW HOSPITAL:JoDee cocc.edu or 541-318-3788. Tittle, 541-475-3882, ext. 5097. AFS-USA: www.afsusa.org or Caitlin MOUNTAINVIEW HOSPITAL Krutsinger, 503-419-9514. HOSPICE: 541-460-4030 or Tori ALYCE HATCHCENTER:Andy Kizans, Schultz, tschultz©mvhd.org or 54'I541-383-1 980. 475-3882, ext. 5327. BEND PARK&RECREATION NATIONALALLIANCE ON MENTAL DISTRICT:Kim, 541-706-6127. ILLNESS— CENTRAL OREGON: BIGBROTHERS BIG SISTERS OF Eileen White, namicentraloregonO CENTRALOREGON:541-312-6047 gmail.com. (Bend), 541-447-3851, ext. 333 HOSPICE:541-536-7399. (Prineville) or 541-325-5603 (Madras). NEWBERRY PARTNERS IN CARE:www. BOY SCOUTSOF AMERICA: Paul partnersbend.org or SarahPeterson at Abbott, paulabbott@scouting.org or 541-382-5882. 541-382-4647. RELAY FORLIFE: Stefan Myers, BOYS &GIRLS CLUBS OF CENTRAL 541-504-4920. OREGON: www.bgcco.org, info@ ST. CHARLESIN BENDAND bgcco.org or 541-617-2877. ST. CHARLESIN REDMOND: CAMP FIREUSA CENTRAL OREGON: 541-706-6354. campfire©bendcable.com or 541-382-4682. VOLUNTEERSIN MEDICINE: Kristi, 541-585-9008. CHILDREN'SVISION FOUNDATION: Julie Bibler, 541-330-3907. CIRCLEOFFRIENDS:Beth, beth© ARTS, MUSIC, acircleoffriendsoregon.com or CULTURE AND 541-588-6445. HERITAGE DESCHUTESCOUNTYSHERIFF'S OFFICE— CENTRAL OREGON 88.9KPOV, BEND'S COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIPSFORYOUTH: RADIOSTATION:info©kpov.org or www.deschutes.org/copy, COPYO 541-322-0863. deschutes.org or 541-388-6651. ART COMMITTEEOF THE REDMOND FOSTERGRANDPARENTS PROGRAM: FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY: Linda Steve Guzanskis, 541-678-5483. Barker, 541-312-1064. GIRL SCOUTS: 541-389-8146. ARTS CENTRALSTATION: GIRLS ONTHE RUN OF DESCHUTES 541-617-1317. COUNTY:www.deschutescountygotr. THEATRICALCOMPANY: org or info©deschutescountygotr.org. CASCADES 541-389-0803. GRANDMA'SHOUSE:541-383-3515. CENTRAL OREGONSYMPHONY HEALTHYBEGINNINGS:www.myhb. ASSOCIATION:Julie, 541-383-7779. org or 541-383-6357. DES CHUTESHISTORICAL MUSEUM: HIGH DESERTTEENS VOLUNTEER 541-389-1813,10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. PROGRAM: www.highdesertmuseum. Tuesday through Saturday. org or 541-382-4757. DESCHUTES PUBLIC LIBRARY IEP PARTNERS:Carmelle Campbell SYSTEM:541-312-1032. at the OregonParentTraining and FRIENDSOFTHE BEND LIBRARIES: Information Center, 888-505-2673. www.fobl.org or Meredith Shadrach at J BAR JLEARNINGCENTER: Rick 541-617-7047. Buening, rbuening©jbarj.org or HIGH DESERT CHAMBER 541-389-1409. MUSIC:Isabelle Senger, www. JUNIPERSWIM & FITNESS CENTER: highdesertchambermusic.com, infoO Kim, 541-706-6127. highdesertchambermusic.com or 541-306-3988. KIDS CENTER: Rachel Kane, 541-3835958, ext. 274. HIGHDESERT MUSEUM: LA PINEHIGHSCHOOL:Jeff Bockert, 541-382-4754. jeff.bockert©bend.k12.or.us or LA PINEPUBLICLIBRARY:Cindylu, 541-355-8501. 541-317-1097. MEADOWLARK MANOR:Peggy LATINOCOMMUNITY ASSOCIATION: Kastberg, 541-382-7025. Brad, volunteer©latca.org or 541-382-4366. MOUNTAINSTARFAMILYRELIEF NURSERY:54I-322-6820. THE NATUREOFWORDS: NEIGHBORIMPACT: 541-548-2380, www.thenatureofwords.org or 541-330-4381. ext. 115. OREGON STATEUNIVERSITY REDMOND FRIENDSOF THE EXTENSIONSERVICE:541-548-6088, LIBRARY:541-312-1060. 541-447-6228 or541-475-3808. REDMONDINTERCULTURAL OREGON STATEUNIVERSITY MASTER EXCHANGE (R.I.C.E.): Barb, GARDENERVOLUNTEER PROGRAM: bonitodia@msn.com or 541-447-0732. http://extension.oregonstate.edu/ TOWER THEATREFOUNDATION: deschutes or541-548-6088. 541-317-0700. READ TOGETHER: 541-388-7746. REDMOND HIGHSCHOOL: HUMAN SERVICES 541-923-4807. REDMOND LEARNINGCENTER:Zach ABILITREE:volunteer@abilitree.org or Sartin, 541-923-4854. 541-388-8103, ext. 217. AMNESTYINTERNATIONAL:Philip REDMOND YOUNGLIFE: 541-923-8530. Randall, 541-388-1793. SCHOOL-TO-CAREERPARTNERSHIP: ASSISTANCELEAGUEOFBEND: 541-389-2075. Kent Child, 541-355-4158. SMART (STARTMAKING A READER BEND COMMUNITYCENTER: Sherry Fisher, volunteer© TODAY):www.getsmartoregon.org or 541-355-5600. bendscommunitycenter.org or 541-312-2084. TRILLIUM FAMILYSERVICES: 503-205-0194. BETHLEHEM INN:www.bethleheminn. org or 541-322-8768. VIMA LUPWA HOMES:www. CENTER FORCOMPASSIONATE lupwahomes.org or 541-420-9634. YOUTH CHOIROF CENTRAL OREGON: LIVING(PREVIOUSLY PEACE CENTER OF CENTRALOREGON):ww w. 541-385-0470. compassionatecenter.org or Beth Hansen, 541-923-6677. ANIMALS AND CENTRALOREGONVETERANS ENVIRONMENT OUTREACH: covo.org©gmail.com or 541-383-2793. BENDSPAY&NEUTERPROJECT: DEPARTMENT OFHUMAN SERVICES/ 541-617-1010. VOLUNTEER SERVICES: Therese CAT RESCUE,ADOPTION & FOSTER Helton, Therese.M.Helton©state,or.us TEAM(CRAFT):www.craftcats.org, or541-693-8988. 541-389-8420 or541-598-5488. DEPARTMENT OFHUMAN SERVICES/ CHIMPS, INC.:www.chimps-inc.org VOLUNTEERSERVICES CROOK or541-410-4122. COUNTY:Valerie Dean, 541-447-3851, ext. 427. DESCHUTESLANDTRUST: www.deschuteslandtrust.org or DISABLED AMERICANVETERANS 541-330-0017. (DAV):Don Lang, 541-647-1002. DESCHUTESNATIONALFOREST: FAMILY KITCHEN: Cindy Tidball, Jean Nelson-Dean, 541-383-5576. cindyt@bendcable.com or 541-6 IO-651 I. EASTCASCADESAUDUBON SOCIETY: www.ecaudubon.org or FAMILY RESOURCE CENTER: 541-241-2190. 541-389-5468.

HUMAN DIGNITYCOALITION: 541-385-3320. HUNGERPREVENTION COALITION:Marie, info© hungerpreventioncoalition.org or 541-385-9227. LA PINECOMMUNITY KITCHEN: 541-536-1 312. NEIGHBORIMPACT: chrisq© neighborimpact.org or 541-548-2380, ext. 106. PEACEBRIDGES, INC., BEND: www.abridgetopeace.org or JohnC. Schwechten at 541-383-2646. PFLAG CENTRALOREGON: www.pflagcentraloregon.org or 541-317-2334. RONALD MCDONALDHOUSE:Teresa, 541-318-4950. SAVINGGRACE:541-382-9227 or 541-504-2550. SOROPTIMISTINTERNATIONAL OF BEND:www.sibend.org, president@ sibend.org or 541-728-0820. ST. VINCENTDEPAULSOCIAL SERVICES:541-389-6643. VOLUNTEER CONNECT:www. volunteerconnectnow.org or 541-385-8977. WINNINGOVERANGER & VIOLENCE: www.winningover.org or 541-382- I943. WOMEN'S RESOURCECENTER OF CENTRAL OREGON:541-385-0750.



n inner-cit e s ee wit aninectiousattitu e By David Hochman New York Times News Service

Ron Finley was home by the pool recently when his thoughts once again turned to dirt. "People need to realize how powerful the transformation of soil can be," he said, with a hint of evangelism. "We've gottenso far away from our food source. It's been hijacked from us. But if you get soil, plant something in it and water it, you can feed yourself. It's that simple." Finley's two-story house in South Los Angeles used to be headquarters for a swimmingschool but thepool was drained long ago to make

MISCELLANY CENTRAL OREGONLOCAVORE: www. centraloregonlocavore.com or Niki at info©centraloregonlocavore.com or 541-633-0674. HIGH DESERTSPECIAL OLYMPICS: 541-749-6517. OREGON ADAPTIVESPORTS: www.oregonadaptivesports.org, info©oregonadaptivesports.org or 541-306-4774. SACRED ARTOF LIVING CENTER: 541-383-41 79. TUMALO LANGLAUFCLUB:Tom Carroll, 541-385-7981.

Emily Berl i New YorkTimes News Service

Ron Finley, an urban gardener, co-founded L.A. Green Grounds, a volunteer organization that installs free vegetable gardens in vacant lots and sidewalk medians in blighted areas.

way for greener dreams. collaboration ideas. A graduPottedcactuses,bags of organic fertilizer and gardening equipment cluttered the shallow end. Graffiti emblazoned its once-white walls. Old shopping carts planted with succulents lined the

pool's edge. "We're going to do a parade with a hundred of these to show you can repurpose the carts instead of just junking them," he said. It was early afternoon, and Finley, who is tall, extroverted and d i sinclined to give his age (he has two sons in their 20s), had been up since dawn dealing with emails, invitations and other byproducts of what he called"the TED effect." Last winter at TED, the annual ideas confab in Long Beach, his rousing 10-minute talk about guerrilla gardening in low-income neighborhoods was the hug-your-neighbor presentation of the week, and Finley was suddenly the man to meet. "I should have brought a

stripper pole and had people

THE CITIZENREVIEWBOARD(CRB): crb.volunteer.resources©ojd.state. or.us or 888-530-8999. CITYOF BEND: Cheryl Howard, choward©ci.bend.or.us or 54I-388-5505. COURTAPPOINTEDSPECIAL ADVOCATE (CASA): www. casaofcentraloregon.org or 541-389-1 618. DESCHUTESCOUNTY VICTIMS' ASSISTANCEPROGRAM: Diane Stecher,541-317-3186 or 54 I -388-6525. DESCHUTESRIVER WOODS NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION: www.drwna.org or Barbara at info@ drwna.org or 541-382-0561. JEFFERSONCOUNTY CRIME VICTIMS' ASSISTANCE PROGRAM: Tina Farrester, 541-475-4452, ext. 4108. JEFFERSONCOUNTY VOLUNTEER SERVICES: Therese Helton, 541-4756131, ext. 208. LA PINERURAL FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT: Volunteer Coordinator, 541-536-2935. ORCHARDDISTRICT NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION: www.orcharddistrictneighborhood. com. SUNRIVERAREACHAMBEROF COMMERCE: 541-593-8149. VISIT BEND: www.visitbend.com or 541-382-8048.


throw money at me," said

Finley, who juggles jobs as a fitness trainer and fashion designer to support his passion for gardening. He does not receive a salary for his work at L.A. Green Grounds, the volunteer organization he helped found three years ago to install vegetable gardens in vacant lots and sidewalk medians in blighted areas. TED was a world apart. "Sergey Brin from Google was standing there clapping," he said, "Benedikt Taschen was inviting me to his Hollywood parties, and Goldie Hawn wanted to say hi and kiss me. I kept thinking, what am I doing here?" Since then, Finley has been thrust into the unlikely role of pavement-pounding Johnny Appleseed. His talk has receivedalmost 900,000 views on T ED's website, and his message that edible gardens are the antidote to inner-city health issues, poverty and gang violence ("if you ain't a gardener, you ain't gangsta," he told the crowd) has gone supernova. Talk show host Carson Daly, actress Rashida Jones and celebrated Danish chef Rene Redzepi were among hundreds of new a dmirers issuing shoutouts on Twitter. Alice W aters s t opped by Finley's house, Russell Brand put him on his latenight talk show, and corporations like Reebok, Disney, Stihl and Toms Shoes had

crete and curb. It was the barren 150-by-10foot median outside Finley's house that inspired his first act of crabgrass defiance. In 2010, he planted a sidewalk garden to reduce grocery expenses and to avoid the 45-minute roundtrip to Whole Foods. "I wanted a carrot without toxic ingredients I didn't know how to spell," he said. A few months later, neighbors were gawking in delight at

ate student asked to write a dissertation about Finley, who, to hiscredit,has keptan eyebrow arched over h i s n e wfound fame. "All the attention in the world won't do my dishes," he said. "Ron is compelling, funny and completely authentic in his quest to redefine what's possible in areas where there's no nature to be seen," said Chris Anderson, the TED c urator who helped select Finley as one of 34 speakers discovered during a worldwide talent search that drew thousands of applicants last year. "He takes on the depressing narrative that our inner cities are irretrievably

the sight of pumpkins, peppers,

sunflowers, kale and corn in an area better known for hubcap shops. Late one night, Finley, who is a single father, noticed a mother and daughter sneaking food from his garden. He condecaying. Watching him fight ceived L.A. Green Grounds as back rewires your worldview." a way to share the abundance Finley, who grew up with with people like them. seven siblings near the intersecThe city was less magnanition of Florence and Normandie mous. As do other metropoliavenues, where the 1992 Los tan areas, Los Angeles owns Angeles riots began, aligns the "parkways" that run alongmore with graffiti artists like side the curb, and the Bureau of Risk and Retna, both friends of Street Services cited Finley for Finley's, than with English hor- gardening on his median withticulturalists of yore. Neat rows out the required $400 permit. of zucchiniare for grandmas. Outraged, he and a band of H is gardens have spirals,color, green-thumbed activists pefragrance and curves, and, to titioned a member of the City him, soil is sensuous. Council, who persuaded the "How much more sexy can city to back off. "People in my neighborhood it get than you eating food that you grew?" Finley asked. are so disconnectedfrom the In a city where an elite few fresh food supply that kids fuss over $13 plates of escarole don't know an eggplant from a wedges, too many others eat at sweet potato," Finley said. "We 98-centstores and drive-thrus have to show them how to get or go hungry altogether. Finley grounded in the truest sense of estimates that the city of Los the word." Angeles owns 26 square miles of vacant lots, an area equivalent to 20 Central Parks, with enough space for 724,838,400 tomato plants. & HEARING AID CUNK His radical fix is to take back that land and plant it, even if it's Bend• Redmond• P-ville • Burns the skinny strip between con541.647.2884





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a in unc rea son e ance oor • New party series has nightclubs infull swing in the middle of the workday

come to Lunch Beat with the intention to participate, not to be a spectator." (Indeed, if you walked into a downtown club on an average Saturday night,

By Sheila Marikar New Yorh Times News Service

NEW YORK — When lunchtime comes around, Laurie Batistaoften grabs a salad near the Flatironad agency where she works as an executive assistant and eats it at her desk. But shortly after noon on a sunny, 65 degree Friday in April, Batista, 31, jumped into a cab with three co-workers and headed west to Marquee, a nightclub. After waiting in a long line (and attracting the attention of the police, who wanted to know what was going on), she redeemed a drink ticket for a free cocktail of vodka and fruit punch. A half-hour later, she was wearing purple lensless Wayfarer-style glasses, waving a foot-long foam glow stick and mouthing the words to Warren G's "Regulate." Around her, hundreds of other r evelers di d s i m i lar things: A guy in Chuck Taylors moonwalked across the dance floor, a man in a hoodie threw up his hands to form the "W" that stands for the rap group Wu-Tang Clan. Strobe lights bounced off a giant disco ball. Sweat glist ened on foreheads. "Gin and Juice" t h umped. Cheers erupted. It was midday, but inside Marquee, it could have been 2 a.m. Batista was one of more than 300 people who attended the latest Lunch Break, a free midday party series whose hosts are Flavorpill, the online culture guide, and Absolut vodka. Introduced last summer, it is the most raucous of a group of lunch-hour dance parties starting up in New York City and around the world. The goal: get the screen-addictedmasses to move and groove, often with the lubrication of alcohol. But don't get drunk: This is not the three-martini lunch of yore (or lore), ending with secretaries

Benjamin Norman I New York Times News Service

Clubgoers dance at Lunch Break, a free midday party series, at Marquee in New York. A group of lunch-hour dance parties have started up with the goal of getting people out of their offices for an hour during the day. being chased around a desk. drink; it's not like you're going And please,leave the business to get hammered," said Kiran cards at the office. Sachdeva, a student at the New "Networking is fine, I'm a York University Stern School big networker myself, but it's of Business) but the disc jockey work," said Sascha Lewis, a carriesthebulk ofthe burden. "They told me, right off the founder of FlavorpilL "Let's just call this what it is: a fun, day- gate, get the party started," said time party for people to enjoy Ahmir Thompson, the DJ and themselves for an hour." drummer of the hip-hop and A workday dance party pres- soul band the Roots. Known ents certain challenges. There as Questlove,he's provided the are wardrobe issues ("Will soundtrack for t hree Lunch I sweat through my Brooks Breaks, amping up the crowd Brothers button-down'?" "How with a mix of '90s hip-hop and low can I go in a DVF dress?") pop culture non sequiturs (a and, for those who usually eat sample of the theme song from lunch attheir desks, excuses the 1980s cartoon "Inspector to make. (At a Lunch Break in Gadget" elicited yelps of apFebruary, a reporter for a local proval at Marquee). He also retabloid was overheard saying quests as little light as possible, that she had told her bosses a canvas of darkness for the she was stepping out to meet glow sticks and strobes. "People dance more when sources.) And how do you get young they know they're not being p rofessionals, who f in d o u t watched," he said. about these parties online but A'secret order' of partyers often arrive without knowing exactly what they've gotten As for Lunch Break, it began themselves into, to get down in August at Le Bain, the nightthe moment they get in the club atop the Standard hotel, club? At Lunch Break, the free after marketers for Absolut, a cocktail helps ("It's just one frequent partner in Flavorpill

events, told Lewis about a midday party series that was doing well in Sweden, Lunch Beat. It was founded by Molly Range, arguably the mother of this mini-movement. Range, 29, whose other day job is develop-

organizersreceived monetary compensation. Maxime Kouchnir, vice president for marketing for Pernod Ricard, which owns Absolut, you'd probably see more people described the company's inclustered around $400-some- vestment in Flavorpill's party thing bottles of vodka than fist- series as "not huge," adding pumping to Macklemore.) that it was a good platform to Though these parties start test new vodka flavors like hiwith the word "lunch," food biscus and cilantro. "The crowd that comes to a is largely an afterthought. At Slate, trays of lukewarm pas- party like this is very open to ta, quesadillas and salad sat trying out new things," Kouchaway from the action, mere nir said. fuel for the dance floor. FlaF lavorpill p a r tners w i t h vorpill hands out brown bags a differentcharity for each with a peanut butter and jelly event and encourages attendsandwich, a piece of fruit and ees to donate. (A Lunch Break a snack bar at the end of every held the week after Hurricane Lunch Break. Sandy, Lewis said, raised more "We didn't want to have this than $2,000 for the Food Bank grandbuffetbecausethatwould for New York City.) distract from the fact that this is But the primary purpose of a dance party," Lewis said. "It's the parties, he suggested, is to not, grab a free lunch and, you counteract the numbing effects know, sit and eat a big plate of of an i n creasingly digitized food." culture. "Itbrings to life what our misAll of the organizers declined to say how much it costs to give sion is," said Lewis, adding that a party. Lunch Beat recoups the company planned to exthe money spent on the DJ, pand the party to five cities this food and site with ticket prices, summer. "Get off the couch, get generally $10 to $15. Range away from your computer and said neither she nor the local go have experiences."

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ing smartphone apps, said she was inspired by "Fight Club," David Fincher's film a b out white-collar workers who form secret societies to tear one anotherup. "In the beginning, I dreamt of it developing into a 'secret order,"' Range wrote in an email. She pictured"men and women sneaking out of garages, closed nightclubs and underground bars, glowing with dance floor sweat and returning to work at I p.m." holding brown paper

bags. Her first eventwas in a Stockholm garage in 2010; 14 people came. Today, she presides over more than 50 Lunch Beat chapters aroundthe world, including one in New York, which held its first Manhattan party on a Wednesday in late April. Range discourages alcohol at her events, to "make sure you

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Built in 1905, the Old Redmond Schoolhouse (left) is considered to be Redmond's oldest building. In1976, the schoolhouse was moved from downtown Redmond to Dry Canyon so that it would not be torn down. down, they're gone forever and you don'tget them back," Continued from 01 Cannon-Miller said. Though it officially started Contrastingthe sense of loss with a May I presentation by and despair that comes with humorist Charles Phoenix at losing a historically significant the Tower Theatre, Historic landmark is asense of relief P reservation M o n th's k e y and hopefulness that comes events are running until May about when peopleteam up 31 and a handful of them are to protect it. Cannon-Miller just around the corner. The said one example of how this upcoming events include: works was the Petersen Rock • 90-minute walking tours Garden, a roadside attraction of Bend's Drake Park Neighthat was named to the Historic borhood Historic District that Preservation League of Orewill leave from the Des Chutes gon's list of endangered historThetheme Historical Museum today at ic places in 2011 and has since 12:30 p.m. and 2:30 p.m.; But w h i l e pr e servation attracted a group of concerned • A tour of the Camp Polk month comes to an end on volunteers who are now workMeadow that will be led by May 31, Cannon-Miller said ing to repair it and reopen it the Deschutes Land Trust on there's a b r o ader m essage for the summer. T uesday (registration is r e - people should pick up on from Cannon-Miller said historic quired for this trip and can its key events that she hopes preservation also reflects a be made by visiting www.de- will last throughout their lives. sense ofpride people feel for It's at this point that she starts their community that leads schuteslandtrust.org/events); • A census data t r a ining talking about a sense of loss them to make sure its hist hat's being offered by t h e that hit Bend when the Pilot tory is protected for future Bend Genealogical Society at Butte Inn was demolished in generations. the First Presbyterian Church 1973 and how people salvaged This sense of pride is what of Bend at 10 a.m. May 21; whateverdecorations or dishes often leads people to ask the • A walking tour of downthey could from its wreckage Deschutes County Landmarks town Sisters that will leave the to hold on to the legacy of the Commission or similar Sisters Chamber of Commerce iconic "old Bend" hotel. Those groups that operate in Bend at 3 p.m. on May 23; same feel ings ofloss,angerand and Redmond — to recognize • The grand reopening cel- pride-in-place flared up again a certainpiece of property as ebration of P e tersen Rock when the city erupted as its being historically significant Garden that will t ake place leadersdebated whether they and give it the protections the t hroughout M e morial D a y should preserve the old Crane designation carries. "We a ll work w i t h h i s Weekend; Shed, a remnant of Bend's tim• And a "History Pub" preber town history, and quickly toric preservation in our own sentation about the Newberry dealt with its unauthorized de- ways," she said. Volcano's legacy that will take molition, she said. — Reporter: 541-617-7816, " Once these p laces a r e place at McMenamin's Old St. mmclean@bendbulletin.com


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Francis School pub at 7 p.m. May 28. Cannon-Miller s a i d the R edmond Landmark C o mmission, one of three organizations responsible for designating historic landmarks or historically significant places in Deschutes County, will also be running special k i osks telling the stories of the Old Redmond School and the Jessie Hill School bell throughout the month as part of the celebration.




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© zapzit It's rare that relatives get to experience receiving one of music's h ighest h onors together. But sooner or later — and their devotees believe it should have been sooner — it w as bound to happen for Ann and Nancy Wilson, aka Heart. The sibling rockers were rr among the Rock and Roll A wi < Hall of Fame's 2013 inductees last month at Lo s A ngeles' Nokia Theatre, and HBO will televise the 28th annual ceremony May 18. Randy NewSubmitted photo man, PublicEnemy, Rush and Heart is honored at the 2013 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Induction (posthumously) Albert King Ceremony, airing May18 on HBO. and Donna Summer also were honored. Additionally, pr od u cer- last fall's "Fanatic," and hits a big ruckus about us being inmanager Lou Adler and music from the hard-driving "Crazy ducted, so it's a great thing for entrepreneur Quincy J ones on You" and "Barracuda" to all of us, including those who received the Ahmet Ertegun the reflective "These Dreams" have been yelling about it for a Award for Lifetime Achieve- and "Alone," the Wilson sisters few years. ment. Participants i n t he recently spoke wit h Z ap2it evening included Christina about their longevity and their How did you learn you Aguilera, H a rr y B e l afonte, Hall of Fame milestone ... and • were being inducted? Jackson Browne, Cheech and their meaning to other female • Nancy: I was visiting a Chong, John Fogerty, Dave rock stars. • friend in t h e h o spital, Grohl, Don Henley, Jennifer and I had a call from (Hall Hudson, Carole King, Spike You were first nominat- of Fame co-founder) Jann Lee, John Mayer and Usher. . edforthe Rockand Roll W enner's office. M y fi r s t Fellow Seattle music scene Hall of Fame last year. Does thought was, "Oh, no. What veterans Chris Cornell, Jerry that make being inducted now is this all about'?" I figured it Cantrell of A l ice in Chains better? was 50-50; either we were goand Mike McCready of Pearl . Nancy: It's very exciting, ing to be inducted or he was Jam took part in the tribute to . sure. And for our fans, going to apologize because we Heart. With a four-decade ca- too, who have been like the weren't. This is like the Oscar reer marked by albums from voices of the Whos in Whoof rock and roll, and I was just 1976's "Dreamboat Annie" to ville. They've been putting up so excited to be able to tell Ann

about it myself. Ann: Yeah, it w a s g r eat. We'd talked about it the first time we were nominated, and we were kind of miffed (not to get in). We looked at each other and went, "Well, I guess we don't care about it as much as we thought" — but secretly, we did. So when we got it the second time around, it was really great, quite a thrill. A huge, fun honor.



Q •• Led Zeppelin by perYou helped celebrate

forming "Stairway to Heaven" at lastDecember's Kennedy Center Honors. Did that give you a taste of how the Hall of Fame salute to you might be'? • Ann: What a fun night • that was. Just the mix of people in the audience was thrilling. Nancy: We unde r s tood later, when we watched it on TV, how moved (the surviv-

girl who is happy, healthy and doing great in school. But lately I have felt sad, lonely and just plain frustrated. I used to talk to my parents about it, but I don't feel comfortable doing i t a n y m ore, and my friends don't like listening to me. DEAR I have tried hard ABBY to push back these feelings, but it is putting a strain on me. Sometimes I break down crying and can't stop. Most people think it's just my age, but it's not. It's more than that. I want to talk to a psychologist, but I'm scared to ask for one. What do you think'? — So Mixed Up Dear So Mixed Up:Admitting you need professional help with a problem isn't something to be scared of. It is a sign of maturity. Your mood swings may be caused by the hor-

monal changes going on in your body as you are becoming a woman. However, because they are of concern to you, it is important that you let your parents and your pediatrician or a counselor at school know how you are feeling. It's the surest way to get the reassurance and, if necessary, the counseling

you think you need.

Dear Abby:My 6-year-old daughter wants a dog more than anything in the world. She mentions it at least once a day. She's a great kid, well-behaved a nd doing w ell i n school, so I hate to disappoint her. But I have absolutely no interest in taking on the added responsibility of a pet like that. My wife and I work long hours and our home is unoccupied for most of the day. It would have to be adjusted to be pet-friendly. I have nothing against pets, but I could never be considered an animal lover. We currently have two goldfish, but I can see that the time those

guys bought me is quickly running out. I want my daughter to be happy and rewarded for what a great kid she is. I DON'T want a dog. What do I do'? — Bad Daddy Out West Dear Daddy: I would have suggested that you consider allowing your daughter to adopt a hamster or guinea pig, but they require a certain amount of care. A child has to be responsibleenough to feed,

This tour's going to be different from any other because it's about Led Zeppelin. We'll be doing some of our own songs, too, but I'm really looking for-

ward to singing Zeppelin. Nancy: It's going to be a


thrill r ide. We d on't r eally want to be viewed as a Zeppelin tribute band, but that music is fun, fun, fun to do. And it's good to have something new for our fans.

ing Zeppelin members) were

H ow f r equently, a n d Q . .what, do you hear from

... and that they appreciated it that much, that was t he best part of all for us. At the

beginning of the song, they were not so sure it was going to go well. It's so iconic, a lot of people would not do it with the restraint it deserves. I think they were not only honored, but completely relieved that it went as well as it did. still very much Q •• You're on the concert trail, and as you start on it again this summer with a new "Heart-

weena rai tosee counsein Dear Abby: I am a 12-year-old





breaker" tour, what do you think has kept Heart so relevant and vital? Ann: I don't know. It's • a very r ough lifestyle, to go out there and be traveling and pour out your soul. It's a challenge just to keep up with it, but I think what keeps us vital is that we love it, the connection with the audience. And just getting to do the songs themselves, it's very

water and clean the cage daily, and at 6, your daughter is not mature enough. Tell her that when she is older you will consider letting her have apet.Cats require much less care than dogs do. Perhaps a compromise could be worked out at a later date. Dear Abby: I am 75, and when I pass on I would like the undertaker to remove my six gold caps from my teeth. Then my wife can sell them to pay for my funeral. I think this will work out well. What is your take on this? — Ed in Florida Dear Ed:As I started researching "dental gold," I realized that while there are companies that buy it, the price your wife would get will depend upon the weight of the gold — most of which is 16-karat — and the current market value of the metal. Because of the nosedive that gold has experienced lately, I'm advising you to start saving up for your funeral NOW and to live long and prosper. My experts have informed me that most funeralhomes are unwilling to remove fillings, caps, etc. — Write to Dear Abby at dearabby.com orP0. Box 69440,Los Angeles, CA 90069

artists you've inspired? . Ann: Wegetalotofpeo. ple asking, "What would

SATURDAY, MAY11, 2013:This


year you open up to manynew ideas. By Jacqueline Bigar You naturally will test your intuition and willingly experiment more. Many of you will continue to stay within the conservative your plans. You might know more about boundariesyou someone's feelings than he orshedoes at Stars showthe kind have established this moment. Tonight: Whatever you want. of day you'll have — at least for the 21-Joly22) ** * * * D ynamic most part. If you areCANCER (June ** For some reason, you might be out of ** * * P ositive si n gle, use care with ** * A verage any one who might sorts and not feeling good. Youcould be assessing a situation differently from those ** So-so pop into your life * Difficult from out of the blue. around you. Maketime for a dear friend who often shares with you, and vice versa. This person might Take some time to recharge your batteries. not be as open or asclear as he or she Tonight: Play it low-key. would have you think. If you areattached, the two of you might opt to make amajor LEO (July23-Aug.22) purchase toward a long-term goal. GEMINI ** * * Afriend will reach out to you, probably to take off on adaytrip or go to a often encourages more wildness in you. fair or an art show. Make it your pleasure. ARIES (March 21-April 19) Crowds offer an opportunityto meet ** * * You will want to have disacussion someone newand interesting. Unexpected involving your finances andpotential developments force a change of plans. growth. You have alot of opinions and Tonight: Followthe crowds. a variety of information, but it always is worth brainstorming with someonewho has a similar perspective and different knowledge. Tonight: Say "yes."

TAURUS (April20-May20) ** * Do not let someone pushyou into spendingmorethanyoudesire.Youknow your limits, and you might not want to waver. Follow your instincts as to what is bestforyou. Avoid overdiscussing a situation if you want a receptive audience. Tonight: Treat a friend to a movie.

GEMINI (May21-June20) ** * * You are full of personality and excitement. An offbeat friend can'tseem to leave you alone.You might want to incorporate this person into some of

VIRGO (Aug.23-Sept. 22)

SCORPIO (Oct.23-Nov.21) ** * * B ring forth more information than you have in the past. Youhave asituation that is changing the more you openup. When you keepyour ideas to yourself, others are left to use their imagination. You might be surprised at some of the responses. Tonight: Say "yes."

SAGITTARIUS (Nov.22-Dec. 21) ** * You might want to defer more to others, unless you want to go your own way. Though you are astrong, independent personality, you also often want to bewith your friends. Express more give-and-take in a relationship, and it will work better as a result. Tonight: Accept an invitation.

CAPRICORN (Dec.22-Jan.19) ** * G et into a fun project, or run some errands. A surprise easily could land on your doorstep. Maintain a sense of humor, and you'll have aneasy time working through any problem that could emerge. Think positively. Tonight: Know that you do not need to doanything.

AQUARIUS (Jan.20-Feb. 18)

** * * Relax, and you will achieve whatyou want. Yousometimes havea heightened sense of responsibility. Do check in with an older friend or relative who shares many different ideas. Amini-vacation might be involved with future plans. Tonight: Appreciated for who youare.

** * * You could be out of sorts with a friend who often throws a boomerang into your life. Know that this person probably won't change. You'll have adecision to make. Tonight: Give yourself a little more freedom to express who youare.

LIBRA (Sept.23-Oct.22)

** * * You are on top of your game, and you'll enjoy yourself to no end. Listen to what is being shared within your immediate circle of friends. Know when to say "enough." You donot like to hurt anyone's feelings, but sometimes it is necessary to speakup.Tonight:Do whatyou love.

** * * * B e spontaneous. Your sense of fun and adventure will come out. Wherever you are, you open up tonewideas and have a good sense of direction. A conversation with a partner or dear friend could result in new suggestions to solve akeyissue. Tonight: Where your mind can roam.

PISCES (Feh.19-March20)

©20t3 by King Features Syndicate

8 p.m. on H K3, "Smash" — Tom (Christian Borle) pulls out all the stops at a Houston8 Levitt tribute night, but Julia (Debra Messing) is too preoccupied with "Hit List" to help him out. Ivy (Megan Hilty) bristles at Tom's request that she perform a risque number. A betrayal rocks the cast of "Hit List" in the new episode "The Transfer." Katharine McPhee also stars. 8 p.m. onE3, "NCIS" — It's Christmastime, and Abby (Pauley Perrette) has holiday spirit to spare, while Tony (Michael Weatherly) deals with a visit from his dad (Robett Wagner). Work goes on, however; a murder investigation has the NCISteam "following the money" to solve the crime in "You Better Watch Out." Mark Harmon and Cote dePablo also star. 8 p.m. on ANPL, "MyCatFrom Hell" —Louise seeksJackson's help with her cat Pip, who is a holy terror despite having only oneeye and a disabling condition called cerebral hypoplasia. Hepicks fights with Louise's other cat and is driving her roommate crazy. Jackson also works with Autumn, an 8-year-old girl's beloved pet who is at risk for being banned from the house for urinating everywhere, in the newepisode "Graveyard of Peed On Things."

you say if you were going to giveadvice to younger women musicians'?" They're finding their own way, though. They don't necessarily look to their big sisters to answer questions for them, any more than John Lennon would have called up Bo Diddley and said, "Hey, brother, what do I do'?" I think women musicians are essentially still pioneers.

MOVIE TIMESTDDAY • There may beanadditional fee for 3-D andIMAXmovies. • Movie times are subject to changeafter press time. I



Regal Old Mill Stadium16 & IMAX, 680S.W.Powerhouse Drive, 541-382-6347 • 42 (PG-13)12:05, 3:05, 6:40, 9:50 • THE 8IG WEDDING (R) I:20, 4:25, 7:45, 10:05 • THECROODS (PG)1:IO,4:20,6:50,9:25 • G.I. JOE:RETALIATION(PG-13) I, 3:35, 7:25, 10:05 • THE GREAT GATS8Y3-0 (PG-13) 12:20, 2:30, 3:40, 6:15, 6:55, 9:30, 10:10 • THE GREAT GATS8Y (PG-13) 11:30 a.m., 2:45, 4:10, 6, 7:35, 9:15 • IRON MAN 3(PG-13) 11:35 a.m., 12:40, 1:25, 2:35, 4:30, 6:05, 7: I0, 7:55, 9:20 • IRON MAN 33-0 (PG-13) I2:10, 3:15, 3:50, 6:25,9:35, 10:15 • IRON MAN 3IMAX (PG-13) 12:30, 4, 7, 10 • OBLIVION(PG-13) 12:35, 3:30, 6:30, 9:40 • OLYMPUSHASFALLEN(R) Noon • OZTHE GREAT AND POWERFUL (PG)11:50a.m.,2:55, 6:35, 9:45 • PAIN & GAIN(R)12:50,4:05,7:20,10:20 • SCARYMOVIE 5(PG-13) 11:45 a.m. • Accessibility devicesareavailable forsome movies.

9 p.m. onE3, "CSI: Crime Scene Investigation" —Russell (Ted Danson) and the team investigate when a police dog is blamed for the death of his partner, and they discover this isn't simply a case of a K-9 cop gone rogue. Finlay and Morgan (Elisabeth Shue, Elisabeth Harnois) try to determine who killed a divorce lawyer who had a long list of enemies in "Play Dead." George Eads also stars. 9 p.m. on HALL, Movie: "Beverly Lewis' The Confession" — Sherry Stringfield ("ER") and Katie Leclerc ("Switched at Birth") star in this heartfelt new drama about the journey of an Amish girl in search of her biological mother, who is dying of cancer. Greedand betrayal fill this story of long-kept secrets and a family's true faith in love. 10 p.m. on ANPL, "America's Cutest" —The new episode "Cute-a-Palooza" showcases cats getting caught misbehaving, showing off their nimblest moves, cuddling with babies, mimicking humans, getting into sticky situations and being adorably exhausted. It's "aww"-inspiring indeed. ©zap2it



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• THE COMPANY YOUKEEP(R) 12:45, 3:45, 6:45, 9:20 • DISCONNECT (R) 11:30 a.m., 2:30, 5:30, 8:25 • THE GREAT GATS8Y (PG-13) Noon, 3, 6, 9 • MUD(PG-I3) 12:30, 3:30, 6:30, 9:10 • THE PLACE BEYONDTHEPINES (R) 12:15, 3:15, 6:15, 9:05 • STAR8UCK (R) 1, 4, 7, 9:20 I


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• JACK THE GIANT SLAYER(PG-13) Noon, 3 • SNITCH(PG-13)6 • SPRINGBREAKERS(R) 9 • After 7 p.m., showsare 2f and o/der only. Younger than21 may at tendscreeningsbefore 7pm.ifaccompanied bya legalguardian. Tin Pan Theater, 869 N.W.Tin PanAlley, 541-241-2271 • ROOM 237(noMPAArating) 4, 8:30 I


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Redmond Cinemas,1535 S.W.OdemMedo Road, 54 I -548-8777 • 42(PG-13) 12:45, 3:30, 6: I5,9 • THE CROODS (PG) 11:15a.m., 1:30, 3:45 • THE GREAT GATS8Y (PG-13) 12:15, 3:15, 6: I5, 9:15 • IRON MAN3(PG-13) I: I5,4,6:45,9:30 • OBLIVION(PG-13) 6:45, 9:20 Sisters Movie House, 720 DesperadoCourt, 541-549-8800 • 42(PG-13) 1:45, 4:15, 7 • THECOMPANY YOU KEEP (R)1:30,4:l5,7 • THE GREAT GATS8Y (PG-13) I:30, 4:30, 7:30 • IRON MAN 3(PG-13) 2,5, 7:45 i /

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Madras Cinema 5, 1101S.W. U.S. Highway97, 541-475-3505 • 42(PG-13) 1:30, 4:10, 7, 9:45 • THE GREAT GATS8Y (PG-13) 12:50, 3:40, 6:30, 9:30 • IRON MAN 3(PG-13) 'l2:40, 3:30, 6:20, 9 • IRON MAN 33-0 (PG-13) 1:10,4, 6:50,9:40 • PAINLGAIN(R)I:15,3:50,6:40,9:20 •

Pine Theater, 214 N.Main St., 541-416-1014 • IDENTITYTHIEF(LIPSTAIRS— R) 1:10, 4:30, 7:30 • IRON MAN 3 (PG-13) 1, 4, 7 • Theupstairs screeningroomhaslimited accessibility.

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by Christopher L. Ingersoll, The Bulletin Advertising Depart m ent Whether th e h om e o r a p a r t m ent w ithi n w h i c h so m e on e l i v e s i s owned or rented,protecting personal valuables with appropriate insurance coverage should take careful evaluation. U nderstandin g h ow i n su r a n c e works and what is covered can save money over the long r un, ensuring your goods ar e p r o t ected a g ainst damage, theft and loss. According to Kristine Akenson, an insurance agent w it h H i g h D e sert Insurance and F i n ancial S er v ices, homeowners insurance and renters insurance differ slightly in both the scope and the amount of coverage. "Homeowners and r e n ters i n surance c o ve r p e r s o na l b e l o n g i n g s as well as liability," A k enson said. " Homeowners goes a l i t tl e f u r t h er by covering the house and any other structures on the properties such as a detached garage." Tim Bangert, the personal i n surance l i ne s m a n a ger f o r C a s c ade I nsurance Center, said t h a t h o m e owners i n s ur ance a ls o c o v er s a higher dollar amount in r e gards to personal belongings a s c o m p ar ed to renters insurance. "Because homeowners i n surance covers personal b elongings b ased off a percentage of the overall value of the house, the amount of coverage you get is usually greater than t he ar b i t r ar y a m o u n t c o v e red i n renters insurance," Bangert said. B oth r e n t er s a n d h o m e o w n e r s have access t o l i a b i l it y c o v e r age w hich pr otects th e h o m eowner o r r enter f ro m b e i n g s ue d fo r n e g l i -




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3459 NE FIELDSTONE CT., BEND Beautifully upgraded,2046sq, ft., single level home onquiet cul-de-sac in NEBend! Complete with 3 brms., 2.5ba., hardwoodfloors, gas fireplace, vaulted ceilings in the living room, i' laundry room w/utility sink & g '55 0 tN / D hook-ups, utilities &yardare tenants responsibility. Small PetOk.




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1999 SW CANYON DR., REDMOND This NEWLYRENOVATEDtownhome has p'".„,' an open floor plan. It has 3 bedrooms two of which are masters, 3 baths, ' 2 car garage, freshly painted, and is complete with a washer & dryer. , Small Pet OK.





"An e xample o f l i a b i l it y w o u l d be like when my k i d s w a t ched the movie, 'Holes' wit h S hi a L a B eouf, and decided to di g s ome i m m ense holes in m y y a r d , " s ai d A k e n son. " If someone had t r i p ped o r f a l l e n because of one of those holes, they could file a l aw suit against me f o r n egligence, i n w h i c h c a s e m y l i ability coverage would pay for legal fees and such." In both r e nters and h o meowners insurance, the buyer has the option of scheduling specific items for additional coverage. " Scheduling a n i t e m m e an s t h a t you are specifying coverage for an item," said Bangert. "For example, if an i Pad [ t hat i s s cheduled] gets stolen, the iPad will be replaced instead of just getting the current value back. So, ifyou bought an iPad for $500 and i t ' s o nl y w o r t h $ 1 00 now, instead of g e t t in g $ 100, you will get a new iPad.

g~ Qg~' a ,N ~i ~



iiilll • ilii

Hayden Homes newest community, North Village, has homes are under construction now. Located in N E B en d w it h m ountain views k easy access to highway 97. North Village continues the Hayden Homes tradition o f offering signature quality homes at an exceptional value. With six w e l l-appointed home plans available, you are certain to find the one to call your own. Homes similar to p hoto shown. Directions: HWY 97 : E . o n Cooley Rd, N. on Hunters Circle. Find us on the web at www.hayden-homes.com



421 NW 17TH ST., REDMOND NEWLY RENOVATED four-plex in NW . II Red mond with brand new carpet, paint, & linoleum! This 2 bedroom, 1 I - ' Bathroomhousehasadining room, all kitchen appliances, plenty of storage, and W/S/G/ Cj95 Yar d care paid. No Pets.

Jrr I

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" Scheduling a l s o c o v er s t h i n g s that a bl anket h o meowners policy or a manufacturer warranty doesn't cover like accidental damage, loss or theft." W hen shopping fo r a n e w h o m e a nd th e i n s u r a nce t o p r o t ec t i t , t here are a f e w d i f f e r ent w ay s t o save money. One way is to consider the actual house to be purchased. "When someone is in th e m a r k et t o buy a h o use, looking fo r a n e w h ome wil l m ea n saving m o ney o n the cost of insurance," said Bangert. " A house t ha t i s b r a n d n e w w i l l give you credit back on your insurance cost for the first five years of a home's life. After th at, the credit g oes dow n u n t i l t h e h o m e i s 1 0 years old." I n addition to th e age of a h o m e, buyers should consider the location of the house as it relates to fire stations and fire hy dr ants. According to Bangert, i n s u r ance c o m p anies have different categories of homes b ased on r i sk , w h i c h i s p r i m a r i l y d etermined by ho w m a n y m i l e s i t is from a f i r e st ation and w h ether or not it is within 1,000 feet of a hydrant. A nother m o ne y s a ve r i s c a l l e d bundling. Bundling i s w hen someo ne gets m u l t i ple t y p e s o f i n s u r ance from the same company, such as auto insurance, boat i n surance a nd life i n surance, allow ing t h e m to qualify for discounted rates. "We look at a number of di fferent insurance companies for our clients s o they ca n ge t a c o m p a r i son o n r ates and p o l i cies, but w e r e c o m mend that they get their car i n sura nce and h o m e owners o r r e n t er s with the same company," said Patsy Melville, co-owner of H i g h D e sert Insurance and F i n ancial Serv ices. "When you bundle your insurances together, it c omes out c h eaper for the customer." A nother aspect w hen b u y in g i n surance, also consider the monthly payment amount versus the deductible amount should a claim become necessary. Having a higher deductible means that the cost is higher per claim for the renter or homeowner, but the monthly costs will be lower. With all of the ins and outs of in surance, professionals in th e b u sin ess recommend f i n d in g a h i g h l y reputable professional. "You can buy homeowners insurance online, but it's not as easy as a uto i n s u r ance," s ai d J a so n E p poe, Partner at Century I n s u r ance Group. "There are so many things to consider and decide on, and insurance is supposed to help you sleep at night. So p i c k in g s o meone you t rust and are comfortable work i n g with is very important."


22525 NELSON PL. ¹C, BEND Remodeled 2 bedroom, i bath manufactured home just off Powell Butte Highway! Complete with new flooring, new kitchen cabinets, counter tops, appliances, fresh I' paint, beautiful views, washer/ dryer, all utilities tenant. Pets OK. QQS

• • / I


I '




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Houses for Rent NE Bend

RENTALS 603 - RentalAlternatives 604 - Storage Rentals 605 - RoommateWanted 616- Want To Rent 627 Vacation Rentals & Exchanges 630 - Roomsfor Rent 631 - Condominiums &Townhomes for Rent 632 - Apt./Multiplex General 634- Apt./Multiplex NEBend 636 - Apt./Multiplex NW Bend 638 - Apt./Multiplex SEBend 640 - Apt./Multiplex SW Bend 642 - Apt./Multiplex Redmond 646 - Apt./Multiplex Furnished 648- Houses for RentGeneral 650 - Housesfor Rent NEBend 652 - Housesfor Rent NWBend 654- Houses for Rent SEBend 656 - Housesfor Rent SW Bend 658 - Housesfor Rent Redmond 659 - Housesfor Rent Sunriver 660 - Housesfor Rent La Pine 661 - Housesfor Rent Prineville 662 - Houses for Rent Sisters 663 - Housesfor Rent Madras 664- Houses for RentFurnished 671 - Mobile/Mfd. for Rent 675 - RV Parking 676 -Mobile/Mfd.Space 682 - Farms, Ranches andAcreage 687 - Commercial for Rent/Lease 693 - Office/Retail Space for Rent REAL ESTATE 705- Real Estate Services 713 - Real Estate Wanted 719 - Real Estate Trades 726 - Timeshares for Sale 730 - New Listings 732 - Commercial Properties for Sale 738- Multiplexes for Sale 740 -Condominiums & Townhomes forSale 744 - Open Houses 745- Homes for Sale 746- Northwest BendHomes 747 - SouthwestBendHomes 748- Northeast BendHomes 749- Southeast BendHomes 750 - RedmondHomes 753 - Sisters Homes 755- Sunriver/La Pine Homes 756 - JeffersonCountyHomes 757 - CrookCountyHomes 762 - Homeswith Acreage 763 - Recreational Homesand Property 764- Farms andRanches 771 - Lots 773 - Acreages 775 - Manufactured/Mobile Homes 780 - Mfd. /Mobile Homeswith Land 636

Apt./Multiplex NW Bend Small clean Studio Downtown area, $495 mo.; $475 dep. all utilities paid. No pets, no smoking. 541- 3309769 or 541-480-7870

00o0o 627

Vacation Rentals & Exchanges ocean front house, each walk from town, 2 bdrm/2 bath, TV, Fireplace, BBQ. $85 per night, 2 night MIN. 208-342-6999

PALM SPRINGS, CA Nov. thru April 2013-2014 Condo rental at the Deauville across from casino downtown three blocks. Min. 3 months -max. 4-month stay. Small deposit to reserve. 818-425-4775

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Houses for Rent General


Commercial/Investment Properties for Sale

Condo/Townhomes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale


/ 7'/~ ~ ~



La Pine j $199,900 • 1557 sq.ft. • 3 bedroom, 2 bath • 1.07 acre • MLS 201303449

KR •

Rented your 2 3475 Hwy 20 East 634 Property? 36+ Acre Bend Cas Apt./Multiplex NE Bend The Bulletin Classifieds cade Nursery. ** has an $749,000 **No Application Fee "After Hours" Line. TEAM Birtola Garmyn 2 bdrm, 1 bath, Call 541-383-2371 High Desert Realty $530 & $540 w/lease. 24 Hours to 541-312-9449 Carports included! ad. www. BendOregon t~a cei o RealEstate.com FOX HOLLOW APTS.

v eniences. A m u s t see for the serious investor. $1 , 2 50,000 Find exactly what you are looking for in the MLS 2712469. Cascade Realty, CLASSIFIEDS 541-536-1731 16206 Hawks Lair 738 Builders' own custom Multiplexes for Sale home w/garage & shop. $349,900 Great Investment TEAM Birtola Garmyn in Madras. Two 4-plexes, High Desert Realty 2 bed, 1 bath units rent541-312-9449 ing for S400/mo. Only www. BendOregon $149,000 each. Lots of RealEstate.com potential. Owner is motivated! Contact: 59774 Cheyenne - ReBill Beffamy, modeled 4 Bedroom Coldweff Banker H ome in Bend . Madras, 541-420-7192 $164,900 TEAM Birtola Garmyn Investment Opportunity! High Desert Realty Duplex! $166,000. NE 541-312-9449 Redmond dup l e x, www. BendOregon single level 1250 sq. RealEstate.com ft., 2 b d r m, 2 b ath each, gas fireplace. 1 Summit View - One of Single car g a rage, the most private spots landscaped,fenced in the resor t . Paula Mellon $529,500 541-977-4009 TEAM Birtola Garmyn Central Oregon High Desert Realty Realty Group, LLC 541-312-9449 www. BendOregon Upscale Duplex. Now is RealEstate.com the time to purchase i ncome property t o 1491 NW Promontorytake advantage of in- Awbrey creasing rental rates Charmer on 1.05Butte Acre and historically low lot, Owner T e rms. i nterest rates. T h is $625,000 townhome styled du- TEAM Birtola Garmyn plex is located in EmHigh Desert Realty p ire Village and i s 541-312-9449 close to three schools, www. BendOregon parks and shopping. RealEstate.com Each unit features 3 bdrm, 2.5 baths, open 60679 Frontier - End of kitchen with i s land, road, privacy, back g as f ireplace a n d ing BLM, mtn. views. single garage. Lo- $389,900 cated on a nice cor- TEAM Birtola Garmyn ner lot with f enced High Desert Realty back yards and land541-312-9449 scapinq. 20830 Nova www. BendOregon Loop. $299,947. RealEstate.com Gary Everett, CCIM Principal Broker 990 NE Weist - French 541-480-6130 country style home. Village Wie s t oria. Joan Steelhammer, Broker $324,987 541-419-3717 TEAM Birtola Garmyn Remax High Desert Realty

$169,900 - 4000 sq. ft. 541-312-9449 COMMERCIAL BLDG. Steel framed, Wonderful Duplex on www. BendOregon m etal s ided, w a r e the SW side of RedRealEstate.com Call for Specia/s! 1611 Bear Creek Rd. 4 house building, slab mond, close to shopLimited numbers avail. Bdrm, 2 bath, garage, floor w/retail area, of ping, nice large lot, 15 Tokatee - Perfect 1, 2 and 3 bdrms. fenced, fireplace, gas fice, electric FA & HP, each unit is 2 b e d- Sunriver v ac a t ion W/D hookups, patios heat, w/d, $925 mo. o verhead doo r f o r room, 1 bath with a rental home w/views. or decks. 541-948-4531 sgle garage, new roof. $565,000 loading/shipping, pos MOUNTAIN GLEN, sible owner t e rms. Great investor poten- TEAM Birtola Garmyn Advertise your car! 541 -383-931 3 tial. MLS¹201301089 High Desert Realty MLS¹201301080Call Add A Picture! Professionally 541-312-9449 thousands of readers! Nancy Popp, Broker, $149,500 managed by Norris & Reach D & D R ealty Group www. BendOregon 541-815-8000 Call 541-385-5809 Stevens, Inc. LLC 541-923-8664 RealEstate.com The Bulletin Ctassifieds Crooked River Realty

Houses for Rent NE Bend

Homes for Sale

Prj rj

people securing cusI d p d 1 y O H d Op tody of children under Sunriver j $360,000 18. This newspaper Rooms for Rent will not knowingly ac- • 1526 sq.ft. Room for rent, Just bring cept any advertising • 3 bedroom, 2 bath your toothbrush, one 1 for real estate which is • .23 acre lot bdrm, full bath, office, in violation of the law. • MLS 201303490 k itchen u s e , fu l l y O ur r e a ders ar e Jackie French, Broker 541-480-2269 stocked with utensils. hereby informed that Beautiful home at The all dwellings adverGreens Golf Course in tised in this newspaCg Redmond. $500/mo. + per are available on s mall u t i lit y bil l . an equal opportunity 541-279-9538. basis. To complain of MORRIS discrimination cal l REAL ESTATE Studios & Kitchenettes HUD t o l l -free at I d p d lyO H d Op «d Furnished room, TV w/ 1-800-877-0246. The cable, micro & fridge. toll f ree t e lephone 732 Utils & linens. New number for the hear- Commercial/Investment owners. $145-$165/wk ing im p aired is 541-382-1885 Properties for Sale 1-800-927-9275.

Cascade Rental Management. Co.

Homes for Sale


Patti Geraghty, Broker 541-948-5880 PUBLISHER'S NOTICE All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the F air H o using A c t MORRIS which makes it illegal REAL ESTATE to a d v ertise "any I d p d lyO H d Op «d preference, limitation or disc r imination SE Bend j $160,000 based on race, color, • 1296 sq.ft. manufacreligion, sex, handi- tured cap, familial status, • 3 bedroom, 2 bath marital status or na- • .45 acre, 1320 sq.ft. tional origin, or an in- garage tention to make any • MLS 201303336 such pre f erence, Jackie French, Broker limitation or discrimi541-480-2269 nation." Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal cust o dians, MORRIS pregnant women, and REAL ESTATE



1 508 NE 8th - C o m- 2083 N W Ca s c ade17311 B a kersfield $ 179,500 L i gh t a n d mercial property - 2 View - NW Bend, 2100 sq.ft. home on .8 B right. T hi s h o m e 4 Bdrm 2.5 bath, 1700 $129,900 - 432 sq. ft. Westside Townhouse office 3 050 s q . ft . ce d a r acres, Sunriver area. features up g r aded sq.ft., appls., fenced C ommercial Bld g . Come discover care- separate chalet w/views. $169,900 kitchen, a center isyard, on cul-de-sac. No Perfect for office, re- free Westside living spaces.$175,000. TEAM Birtola Garmyn $449,000 land, skylight & like smoking. Pets? 2400 tail or s e rvice. 1/2 as it was meant to be! TEAM Birtola Garmyn High Desert Realty TEAM Birtola Garmyn High Desert Realty new appliances. NE Jeni Jo Ct., near a cre l ot adjo i ns Evocative Tudor 541-312-9449 541-312-9449 High Desert Realty Large bonus r o om hospital. $1095/mo.. 18-hole golf course in charm alludes to the www. BendOregon 541-312-9449 www. BendOregon with built-ins and wet 503-680-9590. beautiful canyon. Of- unique Alpine setting www. BendOregon RealEstate.com RealEstate.com bar. Mike Everidge, fice, reception, 1/2 just a stone's throw to 658 RealEstate.com Broker 541-390-0098 bath. Great visibility & the tr e nd y NW 1645 NE Cackler, Bend. 3149 N E N a t h an or 541-389-7910 Houses for Rent location on busy road. Galveston c o r ridor R emodeled 4 b d rm Custom 4 bdrm home Hunter Properties LLC NE Sh o s honeAsphalt dri v eway. and adjacent Down- Tamarack Redmond Park 533 views. 4bedroom Home on 2 w/mtn MLS¹201300318 Call town Bend. Trails for charmer. $199,900 1979 70x14 Kozy mfg $424,900 Lots, L a n dscaped.TEAM Birtola Garmyn Nancy Popp Broker, hiking & biking, parks TEAM Birtola Garmyn home, Cline F a lls, NW Redmond, neat & $199,000. 541-815-8000. and the D eschutes well kept & insulated. clean, 2 bdrm 1 bath, High Desert Realty High Desert Realty TEAM Birtola Garmyn River offer a full-feaCrooked River Realty 3/2. $13,500 c ash. 541-312-9449 1000 +sq.ft., on 1/3 541-312-9449 High Desert Realty 541-604-4460 acre w it h c a r port.5 1847 Hwy 9 7 . 1 . 6 4 tured Bend lifestyle. www. BendOregon www. BendOregon 541-312-9449 RealEstate.com Lawnmower shed and acre commercial on Sunny interior spaces RealEstate.com $239,900 Sta r wood www. BendOregon feature ext e n sive 15'x24' shop. S/W Neighborhood! Enjoy H wy i n La Pin e . 63127 Desert Sage St. RealEstate.com 2811 NW Windham incl. in rent. F/A fur- $675,000. High Lakes maple flooring, crown Gorgeous 2390 sq. ft., park-like setting m olding and 2 g a s NW Bend 5300 sq.ft. the nace w / pro p ane Realty & lots of common Pr o perty f ireplaces. Enjoy a craftsman style home, 65970 Mariposa - Pris w/apt/prof-off & mtn. with stove in livingroom, all Management area & walking trails. $330,000 tine Tumalo acreage romantic Juliet b alviews!. $619,000 window coverings & 541-536-0117 This well maintained TEAM Birtola Garmyn in Grandridge. TEAM Birtola Garmyn cony, tiled baths, inkitchen appls. Huge home lives larger than High Desert Realty $450,000 High Desert Realty yard. 2 Mature cats Be Your Ow n B oss! viting eat-in kitchen its sq. footage. Large 541-312-9449 TEAM Birtola Garmyn 541-312-9449 live here. Taking ap- 94402 Hw y 9 7 N, and vaulted ceilings. deck & exqu i site www. BendOregon High Desert Realty www. BendOregon plications, $650/mo. + restaurant, C - store, An attached garage mountain views make RealEstate.com 541-312-9449 quaint patio in the RealEstate.com dep. 541-419-1917. gas station & RV park and for great entertaining. www. BendOregon i n C h e mult. ML S pines are added bo 1915-1919 C edar 20067 B i rchwood Russ White, Broker RealEstate.com nuses! Well p r iced Great rental history, 2 ¹201301341 or Overlooking Woo 541-279-3674 opportunity not to be Houses for Rent Priscilla Tofte, broker duplexes w/2 units ea. 541-389-7910 driver Park. 2 lots w/2 missed! $2 2 4 ,900. 17075 Oxnard WonSunriver 541-815-6444 $315,000 Hunter Properties LLC d erful 2 0 0 2 Bui l t homes. $449,500 Fred Real Estate Group MLS¹201302535 TEAM Birtola Garmyn David D. Gilmore, h ome o n y 2 A c r e . TEAM Birtola Garmyn 2517 NW LOLO DRIVE. High Desert Realty VILLAGE PROPERTIES High Desert Realty 541-312-7271 Don't mi s s t his $199,000 541-312-9449 Sunriver, Three Rivers, C ommercial Lot s I n Broker. 541-312-9449 HColdwelBanker TEAM Birtola Garmyn one-of-a-kind artistic Crooked River Ranch. www. BendOregon La Pine. Great www. BendOregon Morris Real Estate. High Desert Realty home. No detail has RealEstate.com Selection. Prices range Great opportunity to RealEstate.com 541-312-9449 start a b usiness or been overlooked, ev$425 - $2000/mo. 745 26720 Horsell 120 priwww. BendOregon ery component sperelocate an existing $109,000 T r a ditional View our full vate acres of Central RealEstate.com cially selected to crebusiness. Near resHomes for Sale Sale! Country living inventory online at O regon Beau t y . ate a hom e of but Iust minutes to Vi/iage-Properfies.com t aurants, hotel a n d $399,999 golf course. Owner 16010 Green Forest61052 Larkspur - Beau- Bend. New c a rpet, unsurpassed quality & 1-866-93f-f061 liveability. terms available. Busi- R emodeled 4 b d r m TEAM Birtola Garmyn tiful home in Larkspur new s t o ve , and High Desert Realty E nergy-saving f e a People Look for Information ness Circle, Lot 82 home, owner financ Village w/rental hisvaulted ceilings. Re541-312-9449 1.05 acres - $25,000. ing. $159,000 tory. $160,000 About Products and l ax o n y o u r d e c k tures abound! Top www. BendOregon TEAM Birtola Garmyn overlooking your very q uality f inishes i n Services Every Day through Commercial Loop, Lot TEAM Birtola Garmyn RealEstate.com - 1.26 acres, Lot High Desert Realty High Desert Realty private acre lot! Mike clude wood f ramed The Bulletin Classiffeds 49 541-312-9449 50 - 1.30 acres. Lot 541-312-9449 Wilson, Broker windows, h a rdwood 51863 Fordham Gorwww. BendOregon floors, high-end car51 - 1.23 acres. www. BendOregon 541-977-5345 or geous Craftsman 3 RealEstate.com RealEstate.com pet, s l a b gra n ite $35,000 each or pur541-389-7910 bdrm + o f f ice l o ft. counters. The finish chase a l l 3 for 20071 Calvin - Quality $189,900 Hunter Properties LLC $90,000 arpentry i s out TEAM Birtola Garmyn Good classified ads tell $159,500 Country Liv- c standing, as is every Juniper Re a l ty, c raftsmanship in a High Desert Realty the essential facts in an great SE Bend locaing Close to Town! 541-504-5393 facet of t his h ome. 541-312-9449 interesting Manner. Write tion. $299,950 Open floor plan lends Master on main, great www. BendOregon from the readers view - not itself to casual living. General Store & Gas TEAM Birtola Garmyn room, office. D on't RealEstate.com High Desert Realty the seller's. Convert the Pumps. Be your own Formal living r o om miss this work of art! 541-312-9449 Boss! General store facts into benefits. Show and spacious family $625,000 4 Spruce - Vacation www. BendOregon establishment & fuel home in S u nrivers' the reader how the item will room. Access from Julie Burgoni, Broker 705 RealEstate.com pumps, inventory & K nott Road t o t h e 541-306-8927 F ort R o c k Par k . help them in someway. Real Estate Services equipment i n cluded 16413 Heath - G r eat $369,500 This back of yard for RV Edie Delay, with the land & buildTEAM Birtola Garmyn advertising tip parking. Debbie TallPrincipal Broker Boise, ID Real Estate ings. 2 Bdrm, 1 bath downtown home w/all High Desert Realty brought to youby man, Broker 541-420-2950 For relocation info, manufactured home city services. $79,900 541-390-0934 or 541-312-9449 Hasson Company Birtola Garmyn call Mike Conklin, included in the sale. TEAM The Bulletin 541-389-7910 Realtors www. BendOregon High Desert Realty 208-941-8458 Candice A n d erson, Hunter Properties LLC RealEstate.com 541-312-9449 Silvercreek Realty Broker 541-788-8878 www. BendOregon John L. Scott 730 RealEstate.com Real Estate, Bend New Listings www.johnlscott.com 63059 Fresca - 4 bdrm on Bends' NW In beautiful Central Or- home Golden Butte j of town. egon, city of La Pine. side $685,000 $365,000 This 9 unit motel is a • 4529 sq.ft. TEAM Birtola Garmyn great investment with • 4 bedroom, 3.5 bath I High Desert Realty chance to grow & ex• City & Cascade views 541-312-9449 pand. Beautiful • MLS 201303233 www. BendOregon mountain & meadow Darrin Kelleher, Broker RealEstate.com views. 2 of the units The Kelleher Group t are bachelor u nits 12445 NW Rainbow541-788-0029 rented on a weekly or Private Setting on 5 monthly rate. Owner Acres Backing Public is in process of putLand. $348,000 ting in new carpet & TEAM Birtola Garmyn linoleum. Right on the High Desert Realty MORRIS b usiest highway i n 541-312-9449 REAL ESTATE Oregon. Lots of parkwww. BendOregon I d p d lyO H d Op «d ing & next to all conRealEstate.com


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SAT. RSUN. 12-5 This hrand new home hoasts

an open floor plan with 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath and 1705

B ut, l e s s c o s t p e r

square foot. Beautiful

SF. Interior features include a

4 bdrm, 5 hath, 5366

gas fireplace, alder cabinetry, stainless steel appliance~

sq. fr. I m m a culate inside & outside with

21222 Darby Court t ravertine, t i l e a n d the works. Kitchen is Directiorisr Turn off of 27rh r>n awesome. Great home for entertaining. MLS¹201302530

HOS/ed 6 LiSted byr

JUDY MEYERS Principal Broker, CRS,CvHS, G///, SRES


-.- FlSf%%F

Darnel (righr next ro Eastside Gardens), then on Oada, then right on Darby, just uarchfor the

open house signs.


in the kitchen & nook area.

A private balcony off the 2371 NWElmAve., Redmond master suite and dual sinks Directions: West on Highland, S. in the haihroom. Frnnt & on /9th, W,on E/m,cornerof/AV rear landscaping w/sprinkler E/m5 24th. system. Too many great features io list!


with an assumableVA loan



LiSted 6 HOS/edbyr

BRUCE DUNLAP Principal Broker,





TO PLACE AN AD CALL CLASSIFIED• 541-385-5809 Homes for Sale

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Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

$365,000 C o ntempoAwbrey Butte j Broken Top Golf Estate Entertaining or Vaca- Horse Property - 7085 Popular Kings Forest rary Duplex! The base Sweeping so u t herly tioning. Beau t iful Kent Lane, Culver. 39 Neighborhood - This $1,695,000 at Pilot Butte. Private • 7148 sq.ft. views of the 17th Tee, wood beam, o p en Acres w/37 acres of custom re m odeled & energy efficiency. • 5 bedroom, 5.5 bath 17th Lake, and 16th floor plan, spacious NUID w a te r r i g ht. 4-bedroom home is Slate, tile & m arble • Cascade Mountain Hole! The Pinehurst at k itchen, w oo d f i r e Flood irrigated from a nestled in th e p i ne floors, hickory cabi- views Broken Top r e pre- place, 4 B drm, 2 Ig. pond w/gated pipe. trees on over y/2 acre • MLS 201301084 nets, gas fireplaces, sents an unmatched Bath, deck for enter- 1782 s q . ft . MFD in a popular neighborBosche o n-demand Shelly Hummel, Broker, benchmark for quality tainers delight, right home. 4 bdrm/2 bath, hood. Brazilian cherry hot water. Ceiling fans CRS, GRI, CHMS and luxury. across the street from shop, barn & 4-stall wood floors with tile 8 in great room, master 541-383-4361 Single-level living by Big Dechutes! CALL barn. Outside arena slate accents were 8 bon u s roo m . Steven Van Sant cre- NOW! Shelley Texley, w /attached pens . utilized th r o ughout Jack-n-Jill style bath ated b y Pac w est P rincipal Brok e r Mountain & c anyon this neat home. Feas u pstairs f o r bot h Homes in 2006 with 530-227-4836 views. tures custom maple bdrms. Extra parking masonry wood burnJohn L. Scott MLS¹201207831. kitchen, vaulted living 8 landscaped backing fireplace, Real Estate, Bend $360,000 room 8 m a i n l evel MORRIS yard. Tony Levison, hand-textured w a l ls www.johnlscott.com John L. Scott Real master. There is room REAL ESTATE Broker 541-977-1852 and ceilings, elegant Fabulous 500 ft of Des- Estate 541-548-1712 to park your RV plus or 541-389-7910 s tone b a t h s wit h large decks to enjoy chutes River v i ew, La Pine j $85,000 Awbrey Glen j Hunter Properties LLC heated floors, extentime o utside. V e ry g reat home 3 b e d$599,000 sive custom wood- rooms, guest house • 1680 sq.ft. manufacc omfortable ho m e $419,000 Sunr i ver • 2148 sq.ft. contempotured work and trim, clad with elbow room and over garage, CasGem! Extensive Re- rary • 4 bedroom, 2 bath wood windows, and open living s pace. mtn views from • .85 acre lot model... on a l a rge• 3 bedroom, 3 bath dynamic s h owcase cade Currently a vacation upstairs master. corner lot. Three full • .55 acre lot • MLS 201300356 kitchen equipped with ¹201301068 rental. Call for more $489,000 m aster suites, 3 . 5 • MLS 201303244 Christy HartmanWolf r a ng e and details. John L. Scott Real Cathy Del Nero, baths. Gorgeous walDeCourcey, Broker built-in r e f rigerator. Estate 541-548-1712 Gary Everett, CCIM n ut f l o oring, n e w Broker, CSP 541-312-7263 Oversized 3-car gaPrincipal Broker 541-410-5280 hickory cabinets, carrage, den, wine cellar, Fabulous 541-480-6130 Cas c a de pet & tile floors. Must Montana stone a cJoan Steelhammer, V iews. O l d wo r l d see to believe. Call cents, entry courtyard, Charm w/ 4015 sq. ft. Broker today for more details. 541-419-3717 and private hot tub Main House & 1040 Susan Pitarro, Broker enhance this timeless sq.ft. shop/wine room Remax MORRIS 541-410-8084 or MORRIS estate designed for Situated atop Awbrey REAL ESTATE Quail Crossing j 541 -389-791 0 those seeking nothREAL ESTATE Butte on 1.06 acres, l&p & y ly O d d dp y d $289,000 Hunter Properties LLC ing less than the best! this home is an "En• 1745 sq.ft. Classic Eur o pean tertainers Delight" with Mt Bachelor Village j Awbrey Ridgej • 3 bedroom, 2 bath $419,500 Spa c ious touches lend an air of 4 Bdrm, 3.5 Bath. By $419,900 • New Construction T ownhomel T o w n$400,000 refinement! MLS appt on l y with • 1194 sq.ft. condo, • MLS 201208685 h ouse sits o n 1 7 t h • 2266 sq.ft. ¹201204424 Danielle. ¹509 • 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath f airway a t Widg i Greg Floyd, $1,175,000 www.johnlscott.com/d • 2 bedroom, 2 bath • .17 acre cul-de-sac lot P.C., Broker C reek. 2 mas t e r David D. Gilmore, aniellesnow Danielle • Incredible Deschutes suites, one on main • MLS 201302270 541-390-5349 Broker. 541-312-7271 Broker Snow, River view l evel, other on 2 n d Rachel Lemas, Broker HColdwelBanker 541-306-1015 • MLS 201301597 541-383-4359 level. Alder cabinets, Morris Real Estate. John L. Scott Bonnie Savickas, 541-896-1263 island kitchen, Real Estate, Bend Broker, EPRO, SRES wrapped windows, oil COME S E E THIS www.johnlscott.com 541-408-7537 rubbed hardwood & PROPERTY with so MORRIS much more. much potential! Live in Fantastic single level REAL ESTATE Mike Everidge, Broker t he e x isting h o me home. Views of the s y dp d l yO H d d p d 541-390-0098 or while you build your valley floor and parMORRIS 541-389-7910 River Canyon Estates dream home in CRR. tial Cascade views. REAL ESTATE MORRIS Hunter Properties LLC j $329,500 This property is all set This home is move-in REAL ESTATE • 2452 sq.ft. up for you, your fam- ready and has lots of 6 0820 S c o tt s Fl u f f Beautiful custom home. ily & your horses! With storage • 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath I d p d l yO d d dp d space. All on 1 level. Lg. win• Near Deschutes River $419,000. River Rim a 3 stall barn, horse F reshly painted i n home ready for you! dows for l ight/bright wash area, round pen, side and out, n ew Trail Call a Pro This 2296 sq. ft. home comfort. Huge master fenced & • MLS 201302055 cle a r ed range, dishwasher inh as master on t h e suite w/vaulted ceilMinda McKitrick, riding arena, sepa- cluded. $16 9 ,000. Whether you need a main, 3 Bdrms, plus ings & skylights. Cozy r ated p a stures & MLS ¹201301275 Broker, GRI fence fixed, hedges o ffice a n d bo n u s family room w / gas 12'X24' hay storage 541-280-6148 John L. Scott Real trimmed or a house room, hard w ood fireplace o p e n to you are all set! The Estate 541-548-1712 floors, 8 Hendrickson kitchen. built, you'll find p roperty i s full y high quality. Shops, MLS¹201208542 cottage house on a professional help in fenced w/a g a rdenFun buildable duplex lot restaurants, parks all $199,900 compete w/timed drip with i n t h i s s u p er John L. Scott Real City views. 900 The Bulletin's "Call a MORRIS system, chicken coup, with ho m e wi t h Service Professional" neighborhood. Estate 541-548-1712 beautiful pergola w/a s q f t REAL ESTATE www.johnlscott.com/1 Between bend & Red- great place for your basement and c a rDirectory 2494 Kathy C a ba, mond Terrific location bbq. This home has port. ¹201301623 541-385-5809 Principal Broker, ABR - 4 bdrm, 1 bath in John L. Scott Real River Canyon Estates so many little extras 541-771-1761 j $342,000 you need to see it. Estate 541-548-1712 2 888y sf home o n John L. Scott • 2550 sq.ft. NE Bend j $192,000 5.75y a c res . A ¹201301058 BULLETIN CLASSIFIEDS • 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath Real Estate, Bend • 1206 sq.ft. Country feel but close $199,000 www.johnlscott.com Search the area's most • 2 bedroom, 2 bath • Community pool 8 to t ow n a m enities. John L. Scott Real tennis comprehensive listing of • Turn key property Estate 541-548-1712 6 Bdrm, 6 bath, 4-car, Super fireplace w/rock classified advertising... • MLS 201204680 • MLS 201302639 4270 sq ft, .83 ac. corner, surround fo r a m b i- Convenient Craig Smith, Broker Co u ntry real estate to automotive, Amy Halligan, Broker L o pi view. By owner, ideal for a nce, plus a 541-322-2417 Living. Quiet, close to merchandise to sporting 541-410-9045 Woodstove that can extended family. Bulletin Classifieds heat the whole house. Bend... Acreage with goods. $590,000. 541-390-0886 appear every day in the pond, gated, all Great room floor plan flarge s enced & cros s print or on line. room & $75,900 Pride of Own- w/living f enced. Home a n d Call 541-385-5809 e rship! T h i s wel l kitchen having l arge shop all o n e www.bendbulletin.com MORRIS MORRIS maintained condo will wide-plank floors of uilding. Gran i t e REAL ESTATE make for a great in- reclaimed pine. Dis- bkitchen, REAL ESTATE ins u lated The Bulletin I dp d yyO H d d p d vestment. 3 b drms., tressed maple cabi- shop... Many extras. y dp d l yO d d dp d ServingCedtydi Oyegpd since ypdd 2.5 baths, lives larger nets in Kitchen with 1 www.johnlscott.com/s River's Edge - 2912 NW 1 /2 thi c k slat e Golden Butte j NE Bend j $59,000 than sq. footage. LivGolf Course S Dr. 2/2, Sharo n • 841 sq.ft. condo ing room with g as counters. If you like a h arona $409,000 1404 sf condo on the Pri n cipal• 2481 sq.ft. • 3 bedroom, 1 bath fireplace, wood floors. cozy country f e el. Abrams, e dge o f t h e go l f Broker, CRS, • 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath • Convenient location Large master bdrm & You've got it!! Beau- 541-280-9309 course. • Cascade Mountain • MLS 201301815 bath w/great separa- tiful Cascade MounMLS¹201301376 John L. Scott tion. Susan Pitarro, tain Views. 2 corrals, views Ray Bachman, Priscilla Tofte, broker Real Estate, Bend • MLS 201300768 Broker, GRI Broker 541-410-8084 pond, shared lake, 3 541-815-6444 www.johnlscott.com or 541-389-7910 acres of irrigation, 2 Greg Miller, P.C., 541-408-0696 Fred Real Estate Group stall barn. $375,000 Broker, CRS, GRI Hunter Properties LLC Craftsman - Lodgepole MLS¹201205878 541-408-1511 Saddleback West j 1 blk from Pine Mdw. 925 SW T h eater D r. Bobbie Strome, $499,000 great room, GRAND ¹Lot 1 . N ew , r iverPrincipal Broker • 3202 sq.ft. mstr s u ite, f o r mer front Pahlisch townJohn L Scott Real • 4 bedroom, 4 bath model home. Coming MORRIS home in desirable De- Estate 541-385-5500 • 2.18 acres soon! REAL ESTATE schutes Landing! This Black Butte Ranch j • MLS 201303180 Teri Cravens, Broker MORRIS luxurious home feaDawn Ulrickson, Broker, 541-610-7927 REAL ESTATE $548,900 tures spectacular river • 2470 sq.ft. CRS, GRI, CHMS Fred Real Estate Group New Listing - $199,900, y dp d y y O d dd p « d and Cascade Moun- • 3 bedroom, 3 bath 541-610-9427 3 B d rm , 2 Bat h , tain views from nearly • .46 acre lot Crooked River Ranch Great Family Home. Double Garage. .27 every room. All the • MLS 201300725 6031 SW Tarpon, 3/2, Great open floor plan Ac. Fenced Sprinkler fg premium finishes that 1 620 s q . f t. , 5 .1 4 with spacious kitchen l ot, w o nderful R V Gary Rose, y ou'd e xpect f r o m & lots o f w i ndows, acres, 28x30 shop/gaBroker, MBA parking. More Photos P ahlisch Hom e s . rage, w e l l . MLS Large master suite www.johnlscott.com/6 MORRIS 541-588-0687 Solid surface quartz ¹201204594 with 2 closets & gen- 6 532 P e gg y Le e REAL ESTATE counters, u pgraded Teri Cravens, Broker e rous s i ze d be d - Combs, Broker appliances, designer 541-647-0910 rooms. Huge back- 541-480-7653 flooring, tile showers, Fred Real Estate Group yard. Move in ready. 4 John L. Scott Where can you find a central vac, and more. bdrm & 2.5 bath. Call eal Est a te , B e n d helping hand? MORRIS Cute Upgraded Home. for more information. R www.johnlscott.com Main level master. 2 c overed patios f o r REAL ESTATE Beautiful single level Barbara From contractors to Jac k son, home on over 1 acre. Broker 541-306-8186 Nice home i n B e nd. yard care, it's all here outdoor living. 3075 sf, 3 bedrooms, bo3 bdrm 8 2 bath, upJohn L. Scott Oak cabinets, island in The Bulletin's nus, 3.5 baths. Live in USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! graded granite Real Estate, Bend in kitchen, extra insu"Call A Service the heart of it all, with kitchen. Detached ofwww.johnlscott.com l ation a dded, n e w fice/studio. 2 car gashops, theaters, con- Door-to-door selling with Professional" Directory laminate f l oo r in certs just steps away! fast results! It's the easiest rage, lan d scaped,Great Location on corand d i ning freshly painted, spar- ner lot i n d esirable kitchen $989,950. Sagewood N e ighborway in the world to sell. large open livEdie Delay, kling c l e a n and S W Bend. 1999 3 room, hood! This beautiful ing area, cozy wood move-in ready. Room Bdrm, 2 Bath, 1296 Principal Broker well maintained home The Bulletin Classified sq. ft. Mobile only has stove, heat pump A/C in Sagewood has 3 Hasson Company to build a shop. Can541-385-5809 electric forced air dice Anderson, Bro- an open floor plan, & Realtors bedrooms, 3 b a ths, vaulted ceilings, spa- heat. Home has gut- office/den, large bo541-420-2950 ker 541-788-8878 Bridge Creek j cious kitchen, Large ters and carport, large nus room u p stairs John L. Scott $350,000 yard, C a r port with covered deck, chain w ith C a scade M t . $99,900 Smart Invest- • 1846 sq.ft. Real Estate, Bend storage. Refrigerator, l ink f e nced y a r d. views. Fenced yard ment! This condo will • 3 bedroom townhome www.johnlscott.com suites, 3.5 MLS make for a great get- bath washer/dryer in- $55,000 with w ater f e ature. Desert Skies j c luded! $32, 0 0 0 ¹201208196 away. Cl o s e to • Convenient location Please call Tony for John L. Scott Real Esd owntown and t h e • MLS 201302444 $269,000 MLS¹ 20 13 0 1996 more details. Tony • 3110 sq.ft. www.johnlscott.com/te tate 541-548-1712 ever popular Old Mill L evison, Broke r Kelly Neuman, • 4 bedroom, 3.5 bath District. Amenities inresabrown T e r esa 541-977-1852 or Principal Broker • .13 acre lot Brown, Broker NOTICE clude p ool, t e n nis 541-389-7910 541-480-2102 • MLS 201106138 courts and trails ac541-325-1096 All real estate adver- Hunter Properties LLC Jane Strell, Broker, John L. Scott tised here in is subc essing t h e De s ABR, GRI chutes River. Grant Real Estate, Bend ject to t h e F e deralShevlin Ridge Beauty. 541-948-7998 www.johnlscott.com F air H o using A c t , Traditional Sale. West L udwick, Brok e r 541-633-0255 or which makes it illegal side custom - Skyline Great Value on 4 Bdrm MORRIS 541 -389-791 0 to advertise any pref- R anch Rd. 4 B d r m Cg Home. Get ready to REAL ESTATE Hunter Properties LLC erence, limitation or bath, 2 9 0 0 Sq . f t., pack and move in this discrimination based stainless steel, granspacious 4 bdr m Affordable housing, 2 on race, color, reliite, cherry cabinets, MORRIS Broken Top j home at a n a f ford- gion, sex, handicap, courtyard off master, b edroom, 2 bat h . REAL ESTATE $1,085,000 a ble price. It i s l o - familial status or naGreat Location. MLS¹ huge bonus r oom. • 3300 sq.ft. y dp d ylyO R d d p cated at the end of a tional origin, or inten- More at www.central201209551 $67,449. • 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath dead-end street and John L. Scott Real D esirable Quail R u n features a main level tion to make any such orhome.com/featured. • On 17th fairway Estate 541-548-1712 • MLS 201301411 preferences, l i mita- www.johnlscott.com/1 Neighborhood. B u ilt suite plus de- tions or discrimination. 5743 Ed Green, Bro2007, Open floor plan master Jackie French, Broker luxe kitchen with ss Check out the We will not knowingly ker 541-598-5666 w/loft, 1839 sq. ft., 3 541-480-2269 appliances, cook is- accept any advertisclassifieds online John L. Scott br, 2.5 bath, gas fireland & pantry. There ing for r eal e state Real Estate, Bend www.bendbunefin.com place, fenced back is a neat parlor with which is in violation of www.johnlscott.com e yard. Includes appli- cozy a fireplace and Updated daily ances & washer/dryer, upstairs are 3 bdrms, this law. All persons Spectacular Home on are hereby informed & centrally located. Amazing Golf Views! MORRIS huge family room and that all dwellings ad- A creage. S E B e n d Priced to s ell. C all Situated perfectly belarge lau n dry/craft acres near BLM! REAL ESTATE Today! Gail Rogers, room. The owner just vertised are available 4.81 hind Broken Top's first y dp & ly O d d dp d on an equal opportu- 2885 sq. ft. home with Broker 541-604-1649 green with approach installed new carpet nity basis. The Bulle- 4 Bdrms + Den 8 3 John L. Scott shot a n d fai rway FIND YOUR FUTURE and all n e w p a int. tin Classified B aths, m a ster o n Real Estate, Bend views from the Mas- HOME INTHE BULLETIN There is a fenced yard main, vaulted great www.johnlscott.com ter Bedroom, Living, p lus this is one of room & triple garage! NW Redmond j and Dining r ooms. Your future is just a page several homes that Barn, corrals, RV area $699,000 Well worth your time away. Whether you're looking Need to get an will be available on • 3568 sq.ft. and more a must see! to view t his B rand for a hat or a place to hangit, this street. 21179 SE • 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath www.johnlscott.com/4 ad in ASAP? New remodel with Ex- The Bulletin Classified is Philly A ve., B e n d.• Cascade & Des5436 K ellie C o o k, You can place it c ellent Attention t o your best source. Broker 541-408-0463 $239,950. chutes River views Detail. Updates i nonline at: Gary Everett, CCIM John L. Scott • MLS 201301893 clude a com p lete Every day thousandsof Principal Broker Real Estate, Bend Jen Bowen, functional master bath buyers and sellers of goods www.bendbulletin.com 541-480-6130 www.johnlscott.com Broker, GRI restructure, new and services do business in Joan Steelhammer, 541-385-5809 The Kelleher Group flooring t h roughout, these pages.Theyknow Broker 541-280-2147 new granite counters, ycu can't beat TheBulletin GarageSales 541-419-3717 Classified Section for Downtown Bend j new stainless energy Remax $749,000 efficient a p pliances, selection and convenience s finely refinished cabi- - every item isjust a phone • 2593 sq.ft. Hager Mountain Escall away. • 2 bedroom, 2.5 bath netry, interior/exterior tates - 4 lots, $30,000 charactereach located in Silver MORRIS paint, hybrid gas asThe Classified Section is • Historic renovated sist/wood bur n i ng easy to use. Everyitem Lake. U n derground REAL ESTATE • MLS 201301793 fireplaces in the living is categorized andevery power and conduit for l&p & ly O d d dp d Diane Robinson, room an d m a s ter cartegory is indexed onthe phone and internet. Broker, ABR bedroom, and an outV iews of Hage r Old Mill Area Find them in section's front page. 541-419-8165 standing 500+ bottle Mountain. Septic fea- 61436 Elkhorn St. 3/2, The Bulletin wine cellar. Make this Whether youare looking for sibility fo r s t andard 1 214 s q .ft., o p e n unique home a prior- a home orneed aservice, system. The area is a kitchen, gas FP, short Classifieds! ity to view today. RE- your future is in the pagesof sportsman's paradise. sale value. MLS The Bulletin Classified. DUCED $649,000. Bobbie Strome, ¹201209179 Neil McDaniel, Broker MORRIS Principal Broker John Furrow, Broker 541-350-9579 541-647-0910 REAL ESTATE John L Scott Real The Bulletin Fred Real Estate Group Estate 541-385-5500 Fred Real Estate Group y dp d ylyO R d d p



Count on our group of local real estate professionals to help you navigate.


$395,000 - $759,900

< C R 0 5 5 IN G +

2341 NW Floyd Ln.





• Sunny courtyard patio • Vaulted & 10' ceilings • Hardwood & tile finishes • Bright, cheerful interior • Priced at$419,900


OIRECTIONS:West on Skyliners Rd.,

right on NW Lemhi Pass Dr., right on NW Floyd Ln.



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2185 NW High Lakes Lp. ) p;

• Exquisite woodwork • Stacked stone fireplace • Hardwood, tile floors • 2-story slate foyer • 6onus room w/ bar • Large paver patio • Priced at$509,900


2457 NW Dorion Wy. • Master on main level • Luxurious finishes • Daylight bonus room • 10' ceilings • Mountain views from master deck • Brazilian cherry floors • Priced at$499,900

, •

63780 Crooked Rocks Rd. • Elegant log home • 9.5 secluded acres • Two story great room • Masters on main, upstairs • Long paved driveway • Pasture & pond • Priced at$699,000

61345 Falrfield Dr. • Vaulted great room • Hardwood floors • Slab granite counters • Stainless appliances • Covered porches • Fenced back yard • Priced at$229,900

20644 Couples Dr. • Great room plan • Teak flooring • Alder kitchen cabinets • Solid granite island • Vaulted ceilings • Near community park • Priced at$215,000

16830 Downey Rd. • 0.6-acre lot • Vaulted ceilings • Large rear deck • Prime recreation area • Private setting




dpd ~

Dq >


os s


p,'TH wr

pddO,f, rdvyNC f0llry dVOTS rydOO




od .

g • Shaded by pines • Priced at$1 97,000

• IronHorse neighborhood • Earth Advantage Platinum • Formal living room • Tile kitchen & bath floors • Knotty alder cabinets • Ductless heat pump • Priced at$219,000







0 '

• '



/ r




• •





I g


Ih • Views from Bachelor to Mt. Jefferson on one of the few remaining custom home sites on Awbrey Butte • Gentle slope with large old growth pines • Open and spacious • Westerly views - beautiful sunsets • Offering includes complete set of custom home plans. A must see! MLS¹201301017

• Built by R.D. Building & Design • Quality1641 SFsingle level home • Close to schools, shopping 8< medical facilities • This home features a great room concept, wood floors, designer carpet & tile, quality stainless appliances • Move-in ready!

• To be built by R.D. Building Be Design • Quality 1862 SF home features a main level master & den • Close to schools, medical facilities and shopping • Featuring a great room concept, wood floors, designer carpet & tile and quality stainless appliances • Flexibility with design & finishes depending on stage of construction.

H Call Robin Yeakel, roke~r, RS j 541-408-0406 Resort Properties Specialist

Wall Silvia Knight, Broker, ABR, SFR, Green 541-788-4861 ) bendluxuryhomes©gmail.com




'. »



• •

• Mature old growth pine trees, beautiful landscaping. Must see!

counters. • Many designer touches!

Call Robin Yeakel, Broker, CRS( 541-408-0406 Resort Properties Specialist

• 19321 SW Brookside Way





• «

• 3 bedrooms/3 bath Mt. Bachelor Village • Perfect primary home,

•N W chaletstyle nestled into the hillside with spectacular mountainviews •Priv atebackyardwithsunny southern exposure

vacation home or vacation rental

• Beautifully maintained and loaded w/upgrades

Call Myra Girod, Principal Broker j 541-815-2400 or Pam Bronson, Brokeri 541-788-6767

• Call Robin Yeakel, Broker, CRS / 541-408-0406• Resort Properties Specialist

Call Shelly Swanson, Brokeri 541-408-0086~



• • •







• Close to historic downtown and Old Mill District • Enjoy tennis, pool, hot tubs, hiking and biking trails MLS¹201301803









and designedbyChristian Gladu DesignGroup • Situated to take advantage v;,l'+'. of westernviews&maximize Q,"g?+'Ie "-;" outdoor living area andto take advantage ofpassivesolar gains&wonderful CascadeMtn, views • Interior organizedaroundcentral living areathat visually connectsthe living, diningandkitchenwhile creatingtertiary exterior livingspaces • Currently underconstruction andslated to be complete in June2013 • Backs upto commonarea MLS¹201301884

• Brand new single level 3 bedroom, 3.5 baths, built by Timberline Construction & designed by JimTebbs Design Group •Seamlessintegrationofindoorand outdoorspace,open floor plan • Private courtyard and covered back patio w/mountain views • Energy efficient Earth Advantage • A flex room & study allow for maximum versatility MLS¹201208865

Call Shelly Swanson, Broker i 541-408-0086

Call Shelly Swanson, Broker j 541-408-0086

• Built by Timberline Construction

i :'I

r •



• 4 bedroom, 3 baths plus den/office • Oversized double car garage w/shop area 81 ample storage • Near National forest, on the way to Mt. Bachelor yet so close to downtown Bend MLS¹201301399

MLS 201303305


• oI

• Single level 2889 SF • 2-car attached garage • Plus 3-car and shop ... total 5 car! • Beautiful separate guest quarters above garage • Hardwood floors, alder kitchen cabinets with granite

and out


' I


• •

I ' I


• West Hills contemporary home in the pines • 3180 SF on a double lot • Contemporary floor plan and finishes • Water features, inside



Call Brian Padd, Principal Broker [ 541-408-3912


• 53547 Kokanee Way, $395,000: 3 bdrm, 3-car garage & deck overlooking river w/direct view of Pringle Falls • 53557 Kokanee Way, $475,000: This bright 81 open custom-built 1998 home directly overlooks the river • 53610 Brookie Way, $420,000: Beautiful Scandinavian inspired design w/hand blown glass, ironwork Besauna • 53510 Brookie Way, $425,000: Hand-scribed Canadian Sprucelog home w/covered porches,backsto N.Forest Video tours at: www.bendpropertysource.com/listings

I o .e.vi o Pff .looe-ooo-oooo

• • •


Nestled in tall Ponderosa Pines within an hour of Bend & Mt. Bachelor & only 20 min. from Championship Golf Be Sunriver.



I • «



4 il r t .


• 5544 SF custom home, 4 bed, 3 bath • Two master suites, hardwood floors & quality finishes throughout • 3-car garage, 2220 SF detached garage/shop • 10 acres — private, riverfront • Fly fish or float the river from your yard MLS¹20132701 Desert Valley Group( 541-923-1376 www.desertvalleygroup.com

.75 acre!

• 5 fireplaces! • Green built, efficient solar system • Finely crafted Gary Norman built custom • Stunning finishes • Unobstructed mountain views MLS¹201207027

Call Robin Yeakel, Broker, CRS j 541-408-0406 Resort Properties Specialist


« • •

" I

• Brasada Ranch • 5400 SF on flat


• • •



• PRONGHO RNISBOOMING • Don't letthisopportunitypassyou byto become apartofthe most luxuriousresort in Central Oregon • This homeincludesretractable windows in the kitchenandfamily room whichincorporatesthe outdoor living space • Ithasan elevatorto takeyou tothetwo exquisite masterbedrooms

on the second leve • Casita for yourguestsandall the amenities. • Price includes Pronghorn's Premier Membership deposit of $115,000


• Breathtaking Cascade views • Gorgeous architectural

• 9 Beds, 10 baths, 55.5 acre paradise

design • Stunning finishes

spacious cabins • 5 studios; large open shed & shop • Lodge w/kitchen, dining, FP, office, laundry, large loft, outdoor terrace and twoflexspaces • Perfect for B&B, corporate retreat or summer camp MLS¹201206625

Call Kelly Horton, Broker j 541-508-9163

Listed byThe Norma DuBois and Julie Moe Team,


Brokers j 541-312-5151 www. TeamNormaAndJulie.com

Powder Village Creampuff ~ $69,500

7 Muskrat Lane, Sunriver ) $229,000

Call Deb Tebbs Group, Brokers j 541-419-4553

• Architecturally designed 4893 SF home • Spectacular Mt. Hood views • 49 acres, borders government forest • Miles of riding, hiking trails. Live stream • Large indoor arena - barn • Irrigated pasture

Call Ron Davis, Principal Broker i 541-480-3096



56264 Solar Drive - Three Rivers/ $339,000

8 Quail - Sunriver ( $524,000

• Pristine home on the Big Deschutes River • Oversized remodeled

• Complete Remodel

• 2 BD/2 BA, 1090SF • New furnace, windows & roof • Excellently located near SHARC • 2 decks, carport MLS¹201209274



Deb Tebbs Group i Like us onR

• Cute Sunriver cabin

• 56856 Enterprise Dr. ¹DS ' MLS¹201209343

• Ski, wind-surf, fish, hunt,

• 6 fully equipped and

throughout • Caretakers studio, riding arena, 2,160 horse barn • Bordered by thousands ofacres of BLM land • 18.34 acres; 5 acres irrigation • 4 bed, 4.5 bath, 4211 SF MLS¹201206842

• Sunriver • 1 bedroom, 1 bath • Very well maintained and charming • Great getaway place on a

• Tremendous recreation area

dock and slip • Spectacular river views • 2 bed, 2 bath 1270 SF

c . • SS Appliances


--" lSQ>, 3 ? -r ' -r.%';", '.



. ;

. ,

• 2 decks, patio, hot tub • Terrific rental history - „;:,„'„',e"::":, .; ' MLS¹201303390

Call Greg Barnwell, Broker ( 541-848-7222

Call Kelly Winch, Broker ( 541-390-0398

Call Dan Cook PC, Broker i 541-280-5303

Call Ken Renner, Principal Broker j 541-280-5352



www.DanCookRealEstate.com Dan@dancookrealestate.com


16 Nine Iron Lane Sunriver ( $535,000

9 Puma Lane - Sunriver ( $549,000

9 TroPhy - Sunriver Resort ) $799,900

Sunriver Buyer's Guide www.SunriverDEALS.com

• $45K a year in rental income! ' • Walk to the SHARC and Sunriver Village

• 3 BD/3 BA, 2228 SF • Located on the 15th hole

of the Woodlands Golf Course • Single level • Open great room • Granite countertops • Two master suites

• 5 BD/4.5 BA-2643 SF • Newer appliances

• Decks just refinished MLS¹201303586 e



• Timeless Elegance • Expansive golf courseview • Custom built in 1992 • Timeless well appointed features • Spacious outdoor living hot tub • Abundant windows, ight & bright • Quiet cul-de-sac, 1/3 acre lot MLS 201302016


Call Keith Petersen PC, Broker j 541-815-0906

Call Kelly Winch, Broker i 541-390-0398

www.lSellSunriver.com ISellSunriver@gmail.com


Call Myra Girod, Principal Brokeri 541-815-2400 or Pam Bronson, Broker i 541-788-6767




Pa Mike Sullivan, Principal Broker 54l-350-86 I 6 m !k e ( R S u n r i v e r D EA L S . c o m


To PLAGE AN AD cALL CLAssIFIED• 541-385-5809


• i' ' •




d f



OFTION I • TO OO O ' F I d d ff Fllll y quality ETravertine floors, rock fireplace • All new appliances • Murphy bed offers additional sleeping room • Very comfortable w/balcony

I ,


s •• •

• 8 weeks/year or trade with RCI! • 2 bedroom, 2.5 bath Loft fraction • Sleeps 6 • Full sized kitchen • Excellent rental SEVENTH MOUNTAIN income EOIOAT MLS¹201208552

views of forest 8< riyer


MLS¹ 201107707 Call Robin Yeakel, Broker, CRSI 541-408-0406 Resort Properties Specialist

Gem in theRough( Three Rivers South ( $165,000

Call Jordan Haase, Principal Broker l 541-420-1559



Midtown Charmer ~ $179,000

Breathtaking Views on 1 Acre ~ $195,000

• Oversized finished 2-cargarage • Large open kitchen w/updated

•Backyardlslandscaped& fullyfenced

• Living room is light & bright with a bay window • Fully fenced backyard and landscaped front MLS¹201302410

Call Shelly Swaanso, Broker l 541-408-0086

Call Chris Sperry, Principal Brokerl 541-749-8479 www.chrissperry.com

•Gentle slopewi thCascade Mtn views • Easy build with lots of privacy • One of Bend's premier neighborhoods • Greatsunny exposure! • Convenientlylocated to Downtown Bend, trails, river, golf and skiing! Call for a showing today

Call Carmen Cook, Broker l 541-480-6491

• 24x32 finished shop • Great outdoor living • Open floor plan • Spacious kitchen MLS¹201301241





NOT in MLS in SW Bend Renters want to stay O $1199/mo. 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 1860 SF .56 acre lot, RV parking Cool architectural design Could be a great flip in a few years! Call Jodi Kearney, Brokerl 541-693-4019

Beautiful River Canyon Estates Homef $359,000

• Furnished & readyto move in! • 3 BR/2 BA+ loft, 1-car garage • And carport(shop, storage

• 3 bed, 2 bath, 3-car garage • Open floor plan • Vaulted ceilings • Stone gas fireplace • Close to parks, schools, shops and direct river access


• • • • • •


Affordable Riverfront Retreat ~ $337,700

• Single level in Quail Pine Estates

!!, storage area




19890 Porcupine Way, SWBend ) $299,900



Large Estate View Lot on Awbrey Butte!( $199,900

• • •

2660 SESagebrush Dr, Madras •3 bedrooms+ offi ce,2.5 bath • 2-car garage + 3rd bay finished

i ,I•

• Home offers 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, open kitchen & comfortable living area • Detached 2-car garage w/plenty of storage space to • Low maintenance yard makes this an ideal vacation getaway MLS¹201303858

Call Chris Sperry, Principal Broker l 541-749-8479

MLS¹201303744 Call Joanne McKee, Broker l 541-480-5159

Fabulous Property on 1.9 Acres( $289,000

to Sisters


• 3 bed, 2 full baths, 1705 SF, 1.0 acre • Beautiful inside 8f out, extra attention to detail went into this home when it was built • Coffered ceilings lined with pine, large wood wrapped windows • Home is set off the street with many trees for privacy, in-ground irrigation system, private well, paved driveway


• Unique place only minutes

appliancesand freshy painted

3120 YellowRibbon


privacy MLS ¹201302539

Call Greg Barnwell, Broker I 541-848-7222

• Freshlyrcpaiotedandmove-in ready

• Views of Mt. Jefferson, City of Bend and easterly mountains • Close to trails, parks, Deschutes River & downtown • Nicely treed with plenty of

• Desirable singlelevel homein the Views oi OakTree • Spacious opendesignsituated ona generoussizeloi


• .42acre buildable lot

• Approx. 1.60 acres • Bonus Mt. Bachelor view • Well and Septic • Well maintained gravel I'oacl

• Some mountainviews

Call Greg Barnwell, Broker I 541-848-7222

• Three Rivers South

• 54653 Silver Fox Dr. MLS¹201209514

Exceptional inEstablished NENeighborhood J$169,990

• 55149 Forest Lane • 3 bed, 2 bath, 1224 SF • Very comfortable home for weekend getaways or full time living in the woods • Desirable development • Close to the Big Deschutes MLS¹201206233


Awbrey Park ~ $120,000

Beautiful Deschutes River Lot ~ $99,900

• 61 054Chamomile Pl. • 4 beds, 2.5 baths, 3-car tandem garage • Hardwoods throughout 1st floor


• Relax on your private dock • Successful vacation rental or keep it all to yourself' MLS¹201303729


l W~

• Gourmetkitchen • Double ovens, 6-burner cooktop • Community offers clubhouse, pools, tennis, workout facility, parks & hasdirect river access!


Call Melanie Maitre, Broker ABR, SRES, ePRO

Call Melanie Maitre, Broker ABR, SRES, ePRO 541-480-4186 l melanie©melaniemaitre.com

Call C.J. Neumann, Broker, CRS l 541-410-3710 Lisa Lamberto, Broker l 541-610-9697 www.CJLisa.com

Call Melanie Maitre, Broker ABR, SRES, ePRO

541-480-4186 l melanieomelaniemaitre.com

One-of-a-Kind Tetherow Homesite( $375,000

Luxury Townhomes ~ Offered from $424,750

Welcome to Beautiful Tanglewoodf $430,000

Wonderful on Large Corner Lot ~ $475,000

•Expansiv e,one acre homesite • Elevated, overlooking ¹3, ¹4, ¹5 & ¹6 fairways •Fabulousmountain,water,and terrain views • Unique site offering exceptional privacy • Gated area —nde of cul-de-sac





Og ~ „.N®g ®

I r iv e rviews. ow T o distinct Westside


large yard • Freshlypainted2500+SF,4 bedrooms + main floorden • Kitchen is light & spaciousopen to diningarea&great room,SS appliances,granite, hardwoodfloors • Triple tandem 0/S garage,RVparking

floor plans • 2-4 bedroom, 2.5-4.5 baths • 1960-2956 SF


Call Judy McCombs, Brokerl 541-390-1411 jmccombsbend@gmail,com

Judy McCombs& ShellySwanson,Brokersl888-274-2317

West Side Park-like Setting ~ $479,000

21320 View Lane ~ $485,000

www.tripleknottownhomes.com www.pointswestbend.com

• Desirable community of Rimrock West • Community access to the Deschutes River


Awbrey Glen Champion Circle ( $489,900 • Situated on .86 acreson one of the largest homesltes in Awbfcy Glen • Home offers privacy & a convenient location within the community • Large view windowsembrace the High Desert Landscapefrom many areas ln the home. • Recently updated with beautiful hard wood Iloors, high endEuropean pellet stove & energy efficient water heater

w/1 acre of irrigation • Granite counters, hickory cabinets and floors, Jen Air appliances • 4 beds, 2 baths, 3-car garage • 30x24 shop with an RV door


• Upstairs loft can be studio or 3rd bedroom • Wrap-around deck to enjoy the sound of the river

• Minutesto town and peek-aboo mountain views


Call Bryan Hilts, Broker l 541-771-3200

Call Natalie Vandenborn, Broker l 541-508-9581

cloudnine@bendcable.com A

' . •



• Family, hobby,den& dining or parlor • Ful y fenced backyard, RVparking • 4 bedrooms,2.5baths, 3331SF


Call Natalie Vandenborn, Broker l 541-508-9581

• Beautiful 2246 SF single level home on fenced 1.84 acres

• 1904 SF lodge style home

• Great living room • Kitchen w/cherry cabinets, granite tile, stainlessappliances • Main level mastersuite

• Wondeffui col-de-saclocation aod

communities g oOffering one & two story


• Original price $710,000.

• Well established&desirable SE neighborhoodconvenientto shopping aod LarkspurTrail

• With Fairway, mountain and



541-480-4186 l melanleemelanlemaitre.com

The Norma DuBois and Julie Moe Team, Brokers 541-312-5151 l www. TeamNormaAndJulie.com

Deschutes River Frontage! $520,000 18734 Choctaw Road Directions: Takethe 2nd Choctaw • 4bedroom,3bath, 2985SFhome • Gazeootbackatamazing rockformations oi LavaIslandFalls • Gourmetkitchen,granite, doubleoven, stainlessappliances • River rock woodburning fireplace, vaulted entry,3-cafgarage • Hugedeckw/hoi tuboverlookingthe mightyDeschutesRiver- Majesticbeauty!




Call Shelly Swanson, Brokerl 541-408-0086 Call Judy McCombs, Brokerl 541-390-1411

Call Chris Sulak, Broker l 541-350-6164

Westside Charmer ~ $550,000

Fantastic in Sunrise Village ~ $695,000


• Beautiful 3/4 acre pine treed lot

• Great room living + formal living

• 3400 SF, 3-car garage • Huge bonus/family room • Formal living & dining, 3 fireplaces

• Kitchen w/cherry cabinets, slab granite, stainless appliances

Close to shopping, dining, recreation and NWCrossing! •Upgradesabound inthis3700SF homewit h3 mastersuites • Granite slab counters; hardwood floors; hobby/playroom off kitchen • Office with custom built-ins could be used as guest room • Large bonus room and loft area with mini kitchen • Easy care professional landscaping with 50' water feature •3decks,paverpatio,and classicfrontporch • Shop area in garage and 1800 SF of storage • Common area on two sides Call Sue Price, Broker l 541-408-7742

Call Mary Stratton, Broker l 541-419-6340

The Norma DuBois and Julie Moe Team, Brokers



541-312-5151 I www TeamNormaAndJulie.com

Superior Design for Privacy ~ $739,000

fireplace 1

¹f. F

• 19.5 acres with COI irrigation, pond • Four stall bam with attached shop • Fantastic horse property c ose

entertainment room



• Two master suites, office, '

•Amazinggame/exercise/ • Beautiful, spacious master suite • Great for entertaining inside/out . • 4 beds, 3.5 baths, den, 3705 SF MLS¹201209256

• •

• 2712 SFhome, 3bed, 3 bath



• One owner home w/lots of extras • Wonderful decking, private backyard w/water feature • Very popular location! 1684 NW City View

Bear Creek RoadCountry Home ( $749,900

• 3106 SF SINGLE LEVEL • 4 bedrooms, 3.5 baths • 994 SF enclosed courtyard • Wonderful natural light • 1200+ SF garage • .5acre lot on the 13th fairway -Rivers Edge GC • Call for your private tour!

& dining




• To be featured in the 2013 Tour of Homes™, July completion • Custom home by Greg Welch Construction • 3078 SF, oversized garage • 3+ bedroom, 2.5 bath, study/loft • Includes Tetherow Golf or Social Membership • Stunning master suite with access to deck/yard • Indoor/outdoor living with gas firepit in yard

Call Jodi Kearney, Broker l 541-693-4019

Desert Valley Group l 541-923-1376

Call Brian Ladd, Brokerl 541-408-3912



www.bendpropertysource.com• brian©bendpropertysource.com

Equestrian Meadows ~ $785,000

This Property Has It All I $799,900

• Open floor plan for entertaining • 3 beds, 4 baths, 4302 SF • Wrap-around porch • Mountain views • 15.5 acres w/8.6 ac irrigation



.. ~


Contem porary City Living I $820,000

• Just minutes to medical, shopping, & schools • Single level, open great room — •Great for entertaining • Private setting, borders BLM • Separate entrance for home office • Formal dining/living, chef's kitchen

• 50x60 Moniter style barn • 40x50 heated shop w/auto lift • Turn key in and out ': MLS ¹201302301



• No H.O,A/s • Heated parking • Cascade Mountain views • Walk to Old Mill/Downtown MLS¹201207761

Call Mary Stratton, Broker l 541-419-6340

Call Bobby Lockrem, Broker I 541-480-2356




Deschutes Riverview Property( $997,000

Luxury Single Level in Broken Top) $1,150,000

Sisters Estate ~ $1,590,000


Call Ken Renner, Principal Broker l 541-280-5352

• 5 bedroom, 4 baths,5116sq,ft. • Overlooking Broken Top's 12th fairway and green • One level with upstairs guest suite and private office • Privacy with southern exposure • Bonus & exercise room • 3 car garage w/shop area MLS¹ 201202864

1 EO~I E

Call Shelly Swanson, Broker l 541-408-0086

ken.renneresothebysreal ty.com


E • •


• 8


sl l

s I

s¹ r•'

• s • •



• Overlookiog10thfairway &green

. • Immaculate interior

Rod Hatchell, Broker l 541-728-8812

• River views fromnearyeveryroom N • Rich-toned oakhardwoodIloors • Custom distressed kitchen cabinetry • Slab granitecounters l,rNE • Pro-quality SS appiances • Montana stonefireplace "-=. - E' • • Mainhouse-3bds,2.5ba,2450SF • Guestquarters -2bds, I bath, 788SF MLS¹201301856

Broken Top Classic I $945,000

• 3 bed, 3.5 bath, 3200 SF

• 12 acres, gated, paved drive, fenced

• 4 bedrooms,6 fullbaths • Gourmet kitchen wine room • Entertaining wing w/theater


• Detached shop w/RV bay • New 5-stall barn MLS¹201206951

Call Carol Osgood, Broker l 541-419-0843 or Korren Bower, Brokerl 541-504-3839 www.caro!osgood.com


• Custom home completely remodeledlo 2004-05 byMelfoseConstruction • Kathy & KafolNiemlinterior plan/design with quality &detail -4476 SF • 5bed 5 S bathmainlevel master • Great room design. Wonderful indoor and outdoorliving spacious,quiet cul-de-sac location MLS¹ 201206249

Call Shelly Swanson,Broker l 541-408-0086

Magnificent NW Lodge Style ~ $2,595,000 • Fabulous10acrelot ioTheHighlands • 6637 SF, 4bedrooms,5.5baths • ICF construction, passivesolar • Beautiful finishes & premium appliances • Radiant heated travertine Ilooring throughout mainlevel • Borders National Forestyet only 2 miles to downtown MLS¹201200864

Call Sandy Kohlmoos, Broker, CRS l 541-408-4309 www.bestbendhomes.com


TO PLACE AN AD CALL CLASSIFIED• 5 41-385-580 9 750

Homes for Sale

Redmond Homes

Redm o n d Homes

Redmond Homes


Sunriver/La Pine Homes Sunriver/La Pine Homes Jefferson County Homes Homes with Acreage

H o m es with Acreage

Sunriver j $595,000 • 2970 sq.ft. • 3 bedroom, 3.5 bath • Sun Forest remodel • MLS 201302188 Diane Lozito, Broker 541-548-3598 541-306-9646

City Views from the Top Great family home in New construction! NE 5 3610 Brookie, C u s - Very spacious 1994, View of Mt. Jefferson Powell Butte c ustom Location Location Loca at Eagle Crest! Beau Redmond's only golf Redmond $165,900 t om 2500 sq. ft. + 4bdrm/2bath 1755 sq. Wonderfully loc a ted built home o n 20 tion! This 2463 SF, 4 tiful custom home at community. Immacu 3 bdrm, 2.5 bath, 1466 guest suite. $380,000 ft. mfd. home on 1.27 h ome with a c o m - acres, 1652 sq. ft. 3 bdrm, 3 bath home the e n d of the late 3 bdrm, 3 bath sq. ft. 2-story home, High Lakes Realty & acres. Living rm, fam- manding view of Mt. bdrm, 2 bath, dbl. ga sits on 3.3 acres of cul-de-sac featuring home with living B gas fireplace in great Property Ma n age- ily rm, dining area B Jefferson and the sur- rage. $298,500. MLS land, between Bend & 2600 sq. ft of comfort l arge f amily r o o m room. L a n dscaped ment 541-536-0117 utility rm. Large 2 car rounding area. Beau- 201301732 Redmond. P r operty able living and open overlooking the with sprinkler system 56811 Besson. 3 rental arage. Sold as i s. tiful well kept home Pam Lester, Principal has 3 acr e s of floor plan. Home-ID course an d b e auti MLS¹201209172 65,900. MLS with spacious rooms. B roker Century 2 1 Swalley Water and a units, great history. ¹201300535. 994. $429,900 fully land s caped Jim Hinton MLS¹201206924 Gold Country Realty, fenced back y a r d. $224,900. High Lakes Eagle Crest Properties backyard with water 541-420-6229 Cascade Realty, $239,000 DB D Realty Inc. 541-504-1338 This home also has Realty B Pr o p erty 866-722-3370 541-536-1731 feature, large d e ck Central Oregon Realty Group LLC an incredible 2300 SF Management w ith a w ning, o v e r Group, LLC 866-346-7868 Take care of insulated dream shop 541-536-0117 756 Outstanding detail and s ized garage w i t h with 2 bays!! Plenty of MORRIS your investments c onstruction o f t h i s room for a shop or Newer Single S t ory 55515 Gross Dr. Great Jefferson County Homes WOW! Look at t hese space for your RV's, REAL ESIAIE views! Cascade mtns beautiful 4 bedroom, cart. RV gated park home, 3 b drm, 2 .5 rental o r v a c a tion with the help from t oys, h obbies a n d P&p d lp O d do p« d your living room. 3.5 bath, 3717 sq. ft. i ng. In new R i d g e bath, office, sunroom, home. $92,900, High Close to schools! Nice 3 from animals!! Inside you Home has been upThe Bulletin's Sage Builders home. 2260 sq.ft, 60 acre, Lakes Realty B Prop view High School dist. bdrm home in town will enjoy vaulted ceil SW Bend - 61131 Kedated with newer heat "Call A Service on the 18th Call for a private show mtn & S m ith Rock erty Man a gement L andscaped with a p ump and al l n e w ings, 2 master suites, pler St. 5/2.5+ huge Located $255, 0 0 0 . views. $269,000. MLS 541-536-0117 fenced y a rd , RV floors as well. Great Professional" Directory and an e xtra large bonus room. Enjoy hole of the Challenge i ng. ¹ 201206306 Pam at Eagle Crest MLS¹201302656. master bath with cus parking too! $79,900 ranch-style home with the Bend River Trail! Course Walker Way Resort. Home-ID 352 H ighland Real t y Lester, Principal Bro- 52970 MLS¹201106963 MLS¹ 201301015 8996 S W P a norama tom shower and gran $179,000. 3 bd, 2 ba, lots of room to play. $599,900. ker, Century 21 Gold 541-923-2311 i te c o unters. M L S DBD Realty Group LLC $172,000 John Furrow, Broker Rd. Custom 2,034 sq Eagle Crest Properties Country Realty, Inc. attached garage. High 866-346-7868 ¹201206489 541-647-0910 ft , 4 b d rm, 2 d/2 ba Lakes Realty & PropMLS¹201208213 2 bdrm, 2 bath on 1.12 541-504-1338 866-722-3370 Fred Real Estate Group erty Man a gementLarge Lot with views. D&D Realty Group LLC h ome built i n 2 0 06 $349,900 acres. $129,000 MLS John L. Scott Real 866-346-7868 with Mtnviews on 1.53 Nice open floor plan this 541-536-0117 Family Home ¹201203821 Great 3 bdrm home Estate 541-548-1712 Welcome to Paradise. Great acres. M a n y up 3 bedroom, 2 b a t h Never in Rental Pool with l a rg e fa m i ly Call Linda Lou DayBirchwood Secluded and gated at Eagle Crest. Ex Just too many g raded features i n h ome is c l ose t o 145055 Wright, Broker. room. Needs carpet. $265,000 Home with $49,950. 2 bd, 1 ba, custom home nestled tended T il e E n t ry, clude: Hickory cabi shopping and schools, collectibles? 541-771-2585 Huge 72x60 Shop 840 sf, 1 acre. High converted garage into against soaring 150 ft. nets, granite counter nice large backyard Carpet, Lighting, Al Crooked River Realty extra office s pace. MLS¹201209007 Lakes Realty B Prop rim rocks and unob- der Cabinetry, Room t ops, alder t ri m & ready for your garden erty Linda Lou Day-Wright, Man a gement Large shop and carSell them in structed mountain and doors, hardwood & tile 2 -Story home in N W plus a storage buildW i n dow port. MLS 201302421. The Bulletin Classifieds floors. The m a ster Broker, 541-771-2585 city views. Reclaimed Darkening Redmond. Large 1705 ing. MLS¹201302396 541-536-0117 $139,900. DB D Rewood throughout with Treatments in all Bed sq. bath has a Garden tub Crooked River Realty 1715 Mare Ct . 1 8 09 ft., 3 bdrm, 2 bath. $115,000 Vaulted Living alty Group LLC tuscan style high end rooms. with tile surround & 464 Pinney St., 2400 Knotty alder cabinets, .D&D Realty Group LLC sq.ft., 3 large bdrms, room w/built-in enter 866-346-7868 541-385-5809 chef's kitchen. separate tile shower. sq.ft., 5 .5 4 30x60 shop, appli a nces, 866-346-7868 a c r es, center, Mas SS www.johnlscott.com/ta tainment MLS shop. $250,000. High Look at: $250,000 front/back land$165,000. High Lakes 757 maramckie T a mara ter suite on main, 2 Panoramic views! Great 201208347 Pr o perty Bendhomes.com Lakes Realty & Prop upstairs w/bath scaped with irrigation. location 3 miles NW of Realty & McKie, Broker beds Crook County Homes Juniper Realty, Management & loft. $189,900. Jim Hinton erty Man a gement for Complete Listings of 541 -460-9072 Redmond. Views of 541-504-5393 541-420-6229 541-536-0117 541-536-0117 $217,500 Area Real Estate for Sale John L. Scott Smith Rock & $69,000 BANK Central Oregon Realty Home-ID 1007 Long P rairie, Real Estate, Bend O chocos. Cus t o m 1 6060 W r ight A v e . PRICED R E DUCED! OWNED! Spotless 2 152674 Group, LLC Eagle Crest 1755 sq. ft . with ga 12789 SW Wheatgrass www.johnlscott.com bdrm,2 bathin built 2478 sq. ft. home $91,800. Triple wide Properties Affordable living, great rage and shop on 5.2 Rd. Well maintained Prineville. MLS¹ 3 bdrm, 2 bath, 1822 on 4.74 acres. 1800 H UD home, 1+ a c . 866-722-3370 starter or investment. acres. $145,000. High 1,680 sq ft, 3 bdrm, 2 West Hills! 4 bdrm, 3.5 201301605 sq. ft. home on one sq. ft. shop w/RV bay. High Lakes Realty B ba on 1 acre. Built in Lakes Realty & Prop bath, in 4040y sq.ft. Finally! A listing in High acre, fenced, and 2 P roperty Man a g e $40,000. Call Julie Fahlgren MLS201202726 MLS¹201208170 erty Man a gement 2004. Spacious living Delightful W e stside land Parks at Eagle shops! ment 541-536-0117 541-550-0098 $191 , 000 $397,000 J o h n L. room downstairs B 541-536-0117 D&D Realty Group LLC Crooked River Realty home with Panoramic Crest. This floor plan MLS¹201301092 Scott R ea l E s t ate144208 Birchwood family room upstairs. 866-346-7868 Cascade B City views is the ONLY one of its Pam Lester, Principal 541 -548-1 71 2 Views, views, views in New laminate wood $129,900. 1728 SF, 3 T wo homes o n t w o on a spacious lot with kind with multi- level Powell Butte! B roker, Century 2 1 flooring t h roughout. BD, decks, 1.24 ac. Very clean, ready to commercial lots sold High Desert Natural $475,000. Custom Gold Country Realty, move into home with as one. Owner terms High Lakes Realty & Landscaped front B great room plan de TURN THE PAGE L andscaping. 2 g as 3479 sq.ft. 3 bdrm 2d/2 Inc. 541-504-1338 P roperty Man a g e lots of open space. Prineville. $124,900back yard w/ cyclone fireplaces, 1 in living signed to capture gor For More Ads bath. 6.81 acres, two Hickory cabi n ets MLS¹201300807 fencing. Property has ment 541-536-0117 views of Smith A must see! $177,000. room & 1 in master geous large separate shops/ The Bulletin t hroughout hom e . Call J u li e lots of storage w/ the & Ochoco Mts. F a h lgren garages. Beautiful bedroom. Master bed- Rock 12234 Alderwood Dr. b a t hs, Large master suite in- 541-550-0098 Sq Ft, 3 br., 2.5 3 bdrms, 2 2 car garage B large room ha s c o f fered 2144 Quality 3 Bd , 1 8 36 cook's dream kitchen. vaulted ceil i n gs. cluding roomy walk-in arden shed. w/2 extra bonus Ridge At Eagle Crest. ceiling & slider to up- ba., SF, 1 acr. $110,000. closet an d m a s terCrooked River Realty MLS¹201207007 MLS ms. $420, 0 0 0 Knotty Alder cabinets, 2 bdrm, 2 bath 1255 179,900 per deck with hot tub. rHome-ID High Lakes Realty B stainless steel appli- sq. ft. townhome with Jeanne Scharlund 1000 bathroom. Brand new 201302119 Master bath has deep Eagle Crest Property M a n ageances. RV p arking, 541-420-7978. Properties mountain views. ment 541-536-0117 tub/shower in master Homes with Acreage Juniper Realty, soak tub, large tiled l andscaping, o v e r - $157,900. Central Oregon Realty 866-722-3370 b edroom. Larg e , 541-504-5393 MLS s hower B dou b l e s ized garage M LS Group LLC ¹ 201301350 Pam Falcon Ln , 4 workable kitchen with 1204 C h e ry l Dr i v e. sinks. Great room is ¹201302314. Jeanne Lester, Principal Bro- 1 5962 SW Redmond frame h ome, vaulted ceilings and Gorgeous Home on 2 51883 Dorrance Mdw- 52625 Huntington, Riv light & airy with ex- Lovely home in Valley S charlund Bro k e r ker, Century 21 Gold Bdrm lots o f cup b oard a cres w i t h sh o p . 1776 SF, manicured erfront property, 20.39 attc'd gar., $134,900. pansive City & Cas541-420-7978 Subdivision in s pace. $89,9 0 0 $174,900. High Lakes 1.76 acres, $215,000. acres. $525,000. High Country Realty, Inc. High Lakes Realty & cade views. Kitchen is view Lakes Realty & Prop SW Redmond. Home Central Oregon Realty 541-504-1338 Property Ma n age- MLS¹201302408 Realty & Pr o perty High Lakes Realty & efficiently laid out with features 3 bedrooms Group, LLC Man a gement D&D Realty Group LLC Management ment 541-536-0117 Property Man a ge erty granite tile counters, 2 baths with den and 541-536-0117 Story home, 3 866-346-7868 541-536-0117 ment 541-536-0117 3 Single newer ap p l iances, spacious living room Beautiful 2-Story 16033 C a scade bdrm, 2.5 bath, 1244 pantry B h a rdwood with vaulted ceilings & bdrms, 3 baths, 1918 sq.ft., with many up- $99,500 1538 sq. ft. 3 sq. ft., stainless applif looring. Triple g a grades on a c orner bdrm, 2 bath, overcity views. Great floor rage wit h U l t imate p lan. M a ster b e d ances, gas fireplace. lot. $144,900. M LS sized garage, High Landscaped with irrifloor. Wired for secu- room and master bath ¹ 201302632 Pam Lakes Realty & PropI I I ' rity system. Wired for separated from other gation $194 , 900. Lester, Principal Bro- erty Man a gement MLS¹201208280 I d• stereo with speakers b edrooms B 541-536-0117 ker, Century 21 Gold th. Jim Hinton, o n main floor in 4 Master bedroomba has Country Realty, Inc. 17125 Faun Ln. Cus541-420-6229 zones. 5-zone heat- private deck with city 541-504-1338 tom finishes, 3 Bd, 2 ing system. 2 levels of views and vaulted ceil Central Oregon Realty • p Group, LLC cedar decking plus ings. Large k itchen S mith R o c k Vi e w s, Ba, $134,900. High Lakes Realty B PropI paver patio. Plumbed with vaulted ceilings 2136 SW 35th PI, 3/2 Man a gement in humidification sys- and city views. Large BEAUTIFUL INSIDE, view l o t , ba m b oo erty 541-536-0117 PARADISE OUTSIDE! tem. $610,000 MLS¹ lot with mature trees. '97 Fuqua manuf. home, floors, tile, huge deck, I I I 201301639. II I / // /I va l ue. 61746 Rock View Rd. Double car g a rage 1872 sq ft, 3 Bdrm/2 Ba, cozy, s al e Bobbie Strome, MLS ¹201302168 Incredible Fort Rock I I I with shelving, built-in f inest f e atures. 5 0 0 ' / Principal Broker Holly Garner View. $99,700. High cabinet. T r a ditionaldeck, 30' pond, fountain, John L Scott Real 541-480-4208 I I I Lakes Realty & PropSale. creek, hot tub, on .40 / / Estate 541-385-5500 Fred Real Estate Group erty Man a gement MLS¹201302239. Call acre lot. $159,900. 541-536-0117 Johnnie for a private 2636 SW Mariposa Lp. I' d I ' Southwest Redmond 541-279-9958 s howing. Priced t o FOR SALE F resh e x t erior en - Located on a c o r ner Sell - $179,500 ' dl I I d I Canyon Rim i n R e d- hancements and new acre with a 4-car gaHighland Realty When buying a home, rage is this 3 bd/2ba ' landscaping accents dl ' mond - SW Canyon I • I 541-923-2311 83% of Central Rim Dr. 1934 invite you home to this home. Large kitchen 'I ' ' d Oregonians turn to oak, new dish' I d I I ' Beautiful f u rnished charmer, 3/2, 2190 sf, custom s i n gle-level with just installed. Eagle Crest home on backs to park. Loca- s ituated on a s p a - washer I I d I d I cious 0.25 acre lot! A Home is very spader ng Central Qregon pnce l903 11th green. Home ac t ion! MLS ¹ pleasant floor plan in- cious with large front 201302149 c ommodates t h e I ' 'I I d Call 541-385-5809 to corporates v a u lted d eck a n d pat i o . whole family. Resort John Furrow, Broker MLS place your ceilings, gas fireplace, $170,000 541-647-0910 side, behind the gate. Real Estate ad. Each bedroom has its Fred Real Estate Group i sland kitchen w i t h 201300307. tiled c o u nters & 541-536-1731 bath B s epara Year-Round Vacation own Cascade Realty, stainless steel appliof living area and Cute, well taken care of Home. Cozy Tollgate tion 541-536-1731 room. Home-ID home on the NW side ances, and central air home on half an acre family conditioning. The pri- Make this Old Homeof Redmond. 4/2.5 992 $459,000 with room for y o ur Eagle Crest Properties with nice large loft vate master suite pro- stead located right off horse. Live an active area. Master on main vides a d ual v anity of Hwy 97 your get866-722-3370 lifestyle, c l ubhouse, and spacious walk-in away retreat, original level, open kitchen swimming pool, bik- Newer and immaculate closet. Enjoy sunset home - built in 1940, that overlooks dining pddpdNpdf I ing, horseshoes & views from the rear along with original gaarea B living room. turn key chalet. Fea first story tennis courts nearby. tures hot tub, planta deck overlooking the rage an d Large bdrms. 3-car st o rage Mary Johnston, Bro- tion blinds, workplace fenced bac k y ard. garage, fully land1 .6 3 a c r es. ker, 541-420-0891 Quality amenities in- shed, scaped, backyard is desk, two large mas Home is very clean, John L. Scott fenced. $259,900 clude hardwood floors yet still has its unique ter bedrooms, one is One of the mOSt POPular eVentS in Central Real Estate, Bend i n d i ning a r e a & MLS¹201302289 g round level. T h i s traits. Possible horse www.johnlscott.com kitchen, tiled floors in D&D Realty Group chalet in Eagle Crest Oregon is the COBA Tour Of Homes™. More property behind home 866-346-7868 all baths B l a undry in open field. $79,900 has an excellent his 748 than 35 hOmeS Were featured laSt year 88 room, and more. Lo- MLS 201300544 tory for high net in ma j o r Northeast Bend Homes c omes t o own e r . Gentlemen Farm B Re- c ated n e a r Cascade Realty, part of the tour. This "Official Guide" provides Cus t o m shopping with easy ddSHOWCASE Or THE FINEST HOMES $209,000 H o m e-ID t irement. 541-536-1731 IN CENTRAL OREGON ove r looking access to Highway 97 details about each home, the builders and S QUEAKY CLEA N 1005 E a g l e C rest home JULY 20, 21, 22 a 27, 28, 29 Willow Creek w/Cas- f or the u l timate i n Pride-of-Ownership Large 1980 sq. ft. NE Properties contractors involved, and a full-color tour cade Mtn. views. 2892 convenient living and shows in this beautiful B end h ome. S p a - 866-722-3370 SF 1-level home w/in- ideal for Bend com- 3 bedroom, 2 b a t h c ious l i ving r o o m g W¹ S S dh II ldp map. Distributed to all Bulletin subscribers muters. home. New vinyl winw/gas FP, 3 bdrm, 2.5 Wide open spaces and door pool, 3360 SF MLS¹201302683 and at tour homes, the guide is a great dows, heat p u mp, bath $187,900. MLS¹ mountain views from shop, 2nd home B o ther b l d gs . 69 . 8 David D. Gilmore, new well i n 2 0 1 0, 201280332. Call Jim this newer 3 bed, 2 reference companion throughout the year for metal roof and overHinton 541-420-6229 bath on over 5 acres acres w/62 acs of ir- Broker. 541-312-7271 ZColdwelBanker sized g a rage/shop. Wednesday, July 17 home improvement ideas. Central Oregon Realty and fenced for horses r ig. Home has t oo This home has a spaMorris Real Estate. Group, LLC in Po w el l But t e . many features to list. Adjoins BLM. cious living area with $309,900 H o m e-ID MLS¹201206931 a s e parate f a mily T wo homes o n t h e 988 Looking for your next $795,000 room. The kitchen is Eagle Crest Properties banks of a large caemp/oyee? John L. Scott Real Esopen with appliances 866-722-3370 nal. Unique setting Place a Bulletin help tate 541-548-1712 included. Outside is a with two quality single wanted ad today and covered RV area with story homes nestled This chalet w /double LOCATED I N reach over 60,000 THE hookups. Located on o n the banks of a garage is in perfect readers each week. H EART O F RED a corner lot with aclarge irrigation canal condition, like brand MOND - Yo u m ust Your classified ad cess from paved Day in NE Bend. Both are new. Featuring 1488 will also appear on see this b e autifully r oad. Don't le t t h is sq ft 3 br., 2 ba., built located on over one bendbulletin.com updated home on .37 one get away from a cre with a par k in desk, e xpanded acre which currently relot. Many upyou. $117,500 MLS across the canal for d eck, k notty p i n e ceives over 201301715 throughout, c u s tom grades, and b r and privacy. One 4 bed1.5 million page new master suite, this Cascade Realty, room home (2,424 sq. gutters. This c halet views every month is definitely not one to 541-536-1731 ft.) with triple garage h as n e ve r bee n be missed. 4 b e dat no extra cost. plus a 3 be d room r ented. E n jo y al l Bulletin Classifieds Very clean, m ove-in room, 2 bath, with a The Deschutes County Fair Guide home (1,840 sq. ft.) Eagle Crest a meni large living room, forGet Results! ready... 3 bedroom, 2 with double garage. ties. Home-ID 1004 Call 385-5809 or celebrates the people and history b ath, 1512 s q . f t . mal dining, and nice Perfect for two fami$240,000 Manufactured Home. kitchen!!! Outside you place your ad on-line e ¹d~ Od dam behind the SuCCeSS Of thiS annual, lies or a cash flow in- Eagle Crest Properties at Interior just painted, will find a pull through Paddddd Fdddd 866-722-3370 I vestment with good Rd The bendbulletin.com laminate flo o r ing, multi-day event by offering a comgarage, an d e x t ra Deddhddtdd dCaunty Fax 8 EXyddCenter tenants. Quality cons late e n t ry , ti l e d storage bldg. A lley structed homes near prehensive publication that features kitchen, laundry and access makes movGet your schools and p a rks 753 bathrooms. M a ster ing your toys around a a SChedule Of eVentS, liSting Of enwith all city services. business Sisters Homes bedroom and other 2 breeze!! Call to see Call Gary for more tertainers and feature articles. You bedrooms are sepathis one - o f-a-kind details. 6 3 1 9 2 B Open House Sat. 5/11, rated by a living room home today!! won't miss a beat at the fair with this 63198 W a t ercressG ROW I N G r o o m. ¹201202360 $199,900 11am-2pm. Lovely clas- and f a mily $598,000 sic farm house, 3000 sq Front and back decks. guide jn hand. John L. Scott Real EsGary Everett, CCIM ft 4 bdrm/2.5 bath, hdwd Oversized single car with an ad in tate 541-548-1712 Principal Broker floors, granite/stainless garage (20x24), with The Bulletin's 541-480-6130 Call The Bulletin At kitchen, 3-car garage, all storage space above. "Call A Service Joan Steelhammer, PubliShing Date Wednesday, July 24 on 1 fenced acre, 4 miles MLS $129,900 541-385-5809 Broker north of Sisters. 70030 Professional" 201300412. ( The DeschutesCounty FairPremium Book publishes on Wednesday, June 5.) 541-419-3717 Place Your Ad Or E-Mail Meadow V i e w Rd. Cascade Realty, Directory Remax At: www.bendbulletin.com $460,000. 541-549-4529 541-536-1731 •








The Bulletin





Pudlishing Date:




• dd


I ddppdI

-'- pga N. t)g + es

THIS ONE'S AMAZING!! Gorgeous, CUSTOM LOG HOME on 1 p r i vate ACRE with beautiful MOUNTAIN VIEWS, and a 4 0 'x60' RV SHOP. I mmacu l a te ! M i n u t e s f ro m LA K E BI LL Y CHINOOK. 1 47 6 S E S u n set D r i v e , M a d r as. www.WesternOregonHorseProperties.com )339,000


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Homes with Acreage

Homes with Acreage






Homes with Acreage







Manufactured/ Mobile Homes

Manufactured/ Mobile Homes

14198 SW Nine Peaks 20 Acres - Cascade Mtn L ocated on o v e r 2 1.62 acre flat lot with Lot 21 SW Chipmunk Cascade Views in TerPrineville j $99,000 Pl. CRR. Mtn views views. Just 4 m i les acres, 3 bedroom, 2 some improvements R d. in CRR . 5 1 6 rebonne. $192,500 • 2.04 acres Snowberry Village ¹98 20780 Livingood Way. from this 1,960 sq ft, 3 north of Eagle Crest! bath h ome. E v e ry for RV use. Perfect, acre, community wa Breathtaking views, De- • Cascade Mountain REDUCED $78,000 $96,300. Brand new bdrm, 2 ba home on Privacy & Space in bedroom h a s a flat building site. Ad- ter installed. $74,700 schutes River Can- views • 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. 2013 home. 3 bdrm, 2 1.16acre. U p d ated this custom 3192 sq. walk-in closet, double joins gree n belts. MLS 201300800 yon, and farming val- • Crooked River views • 1404 sq. ft. 1999 Sil- bath. Features great with new carpet & vi ft., 4 bedroom, 3 bath sinks in master bath, $59,900 Juniper Realty, ley below, 5 usable • MLS 2704850 vercrest room design with very 541-504-5393 nyl flooring and inte home. Single l evel light and airy family MLS¹201205397 acres with well Ideal JJ Jones, Broker • Vaulted ceilings - de- large open kitchen. rior has been freshly with full Mtn. views & room. Kitchen has oak C all N a nc y Po p p , building site with un541-610-7318 Walk-in pantry, lots of signer colors Lot 1200 Beal Road. 40 o bstructed 541-788-3678 painted. 936 sq ft ga D eschutes river i n cabinets, island and is 541-815-8000 view s • Gas heat and A/C. El- tile, Corian center isacres surrounded by rage has a shop area, your backyard. Seller the heart of this home. Crooked River Realty MLS¹201205208 evated corner lot land, stainless appliBLM. $89,900. High Gail Day 541-306-1018 2 bays & 5 0 a m p is l icensed b roker. The master is s panice views ances, large master 208 2nd Ave, Culver Lakes Realty & Prop Central Oregon Realty p ower for a n R V . $749,000 Sarah Er- cious, master b a th • Attached 2-car gaLevel city lot. $38,200 erty bath with soaking tub Man a gement Group, LLC Separate RV covered aker Broker with large shower and rage + shop area and walk-in all t i le MLS 201203505 541-536-0117 storage & ca r port. 503-680-6432 h uge s oaking t u b . MORRIS • Front deck and rear shower. Designer colJuniper Realty, $139,500 MLS John L. Scott Outside is set-up for 541-504-5393 $48,900, 1-acre. Moun- CHECK YOUR AD REAL ESTATE patio ors and window cov201208272 Real Estate, Bend livestock and has a tain views. Call Marilyn R ohaly, erings. Landscaped ydp d l yO d dOp «d Please check your ad Juniper Realty, www.johnlscott.com barn and double ga- $39,900 - Lot 141 SW MLS¹201206664 Broker, 541-322-9954 and fenced with large on the first day it runs SW Geneva View Rd. 541-504-5393 rage and a new heat C rater L oop. 1 . 0 1 Call Linda Lou John L. Scott Real attached garage. 22555 Mcardle - 20 pump. From here you acre, well treed lot. to make sure it is corDay-Wright, Broker, errebonne. L e vel Estate, Bend Cascade Village 84040 Carlon Lane, Log Acres. Cascade Mtn. can ride forever and rect. Sometimes in- T1.14 MLS¹201105162 541-771-2585 acres that will be www.JohnLScott.com Homes N.W. LLC home on 2.33 acres v iews f r am e th i s enjoy the beauty of Call Melody Curry s tructions over t h e Crooked River Realty easy to build on. Well 541-388-0000 360 degree v iews. b eautiful 2 0 acr e nature. $99,900 MLS phone are misunder- treed with an abun- Suntree Village ¹210 541-771-1116 $229,000 High Lakes Property. 10 minutes 201200121. stood and an e rror $48,900 Crooked River Realty 1325 Cheryl Dr. Pos Realty & Pr o perty from Bends Eastside can occurin your ad. dance o f wil d l ife• 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, sible owner carry, 1 Cascade Realty, Have an item to $45,000 - Beautiful 1/2 thro u gh. 1848 sq. ft. Management w/15 acres irrigation, If this happens to your passing 541-536-1731 acre, $19,900. High acre lot located in $41,500 MLS¹ 541-536-0117 sell quick? 4 stall barn & 2 ponds. • 1994 Fleetwood, large Lakes Realty & Prop ad, please contact us 201102002 ome has 3 b e d - Powell Butte bdrm, 2.5 Terrebonne. Owner the first day your ad erty Man a gement garage 8 shop If it's under $119,900 - Horse prop H terms. MLS¹ Realty, • Living room & family rooms, 2590 sq. ft. & b ath, 1928 sq . f t . , appears and we will Juniper 541-536-0117 erty w/ barn, over 5 201008725. 541-504-5393 '500 you can place it in 3-car garage, barn, bonus room. be happy to fix it as room a cres. Fe n ce d & Call Julie Fahlgren Lot 22 SW Chipmunk $599,000 a p r i vate shop, with RV door. s oon a s w e ca n . • Open floor plan, lots of The Bulletin cross fenced. MLS¹ 541-550-0098 9.33 acres irrigated. Rd. CRR. 5.19 acres, Deadlines are: Week- Texas USA Best Buy oasisl windows 201300986. Call Julie www.johnlscott.com/7 Crooked River Realty Own a 20-acre forecloClassifieds for: level lot, Mtn views. MLS days 11:00 noon for year AHS Warranty Fahlgren, Bro k e r, 6924 K athy C a b a, $359,000 sure ranch; now only • 1 ¹ 2012037129 P a m 8589 S W P a norama $69,000 MLS next day, Sat. 11:00 included 541-550-0098 $395. per acre, 201106095 '10 - 3 lines, 7 days Principal Broker, ABR Lester, Principal Bro- Road. 1.169 a c r e, a.m. for Sunday and Call Marilyn R ohaly, Crooked River $99. per month. 541-771-1761 ker, Century 21 Gold close to pasture and Juniper Realty, Monday. Broker, 541-322-9954 '16 - 3 lines, 14 days Realty Free brochure avail541-504-5393 John L. Scott Country Realty, Inc. 541 -385-5809 mtn. views! $40,500John L. Scott Real able. Call toll free (Private Party ads only) 8829 S W Je f f ersonReal Es t a te, B e nd 541-504-1338 MLS¹201105165 Call 5 Acre corner lot. Near Thank you! Estate, Bend 800-875-6568 View Pl. Beautiful log www.johnlscott.com Curry public land & r i ver. The Bulletin Classified www.JohnLScott.com Single level on 1 acre, 3 Melody home located in quiet 541-771-1116. SPECIAL Level fo r b u i lding. bdrm, 2 b ath, 1716 Snowberry Village ¹70 FACTORY area on 1 acre corner Crooked River Realty New Home, 3 bdrm, sq.ft., master separaNeighboring well. Pwr CRR. 12770 NW Dove Tick, Tock $69,500 lot on a paved street. $46,500 finished to property. $49,900tion, office, fenced, 9148 sq.ft. FLAT lot, Rd 5.12 acres, Mtn • 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, Spacious 1,280 sq ft, on your site. f lower garden, R V utilities stubbed into MLS¹201109114 views, all utilities inTick, Tock... attached 2-car garage 2 bdrm, 2 bath has J and M Homes parking. $ 1 4 5,000. PUE, close to West C all N a nc y Po p p , stalled. $96,500 MLS • 1248 sq. ft. 1993 Sil541-548-5511 new carpet 8 v i n yl ...don't let time get MLS ¹ 20 1 0 07848. Canyon Rim Park and 541-815-8000 20120135 vercrest flooring on the main Pam Lester, Principal a ccess to t h e D r y Crooked River Realty Juniper View / Top of Butte Realty, away. Hire a • La rge l iving room, River Frontage on Little floor. Finished bonus 360' B roker, Century 2 1 Canyon trail. $50,000 541-504-5393 in Terrebonne. Home, dining area room above garage. shop, professional out - YOU CAN D eschutes Riv e r . Gold Country Realty, • mansion building includes shop. MLS¹ $ 89,900 Vaulted c e i lings, 2002 L ot 16 SW S had Rd RV area w/ hook up. site. 2% SEE FOREVER from MFD home .98 of The Bulletin's to broker. See: Inc. 541-504-1338 201207687. Call Pam Sunny windows Well main t ained http://bend.craigslist.org/ his b e autifully e l 2.7 acres, Mt. Jefferw/garage/shop, Lester, Principal Bro- tevated "Call A Service • FA heat & heat pump acres decks to enjoy the reo/3777906343.html 763 2 acre build son & S m ith Rock water feature, fire pit, ker, Century 21 Gold (A/C) quiet summer days. views. $78,500 MLS site above the De Professional" house. N ew Recreational Homes Country Realty, Inc. ing • Front porch and large green Home is being sold 3 bdrm, 2 bath, custom schutes River canyon. 201208266 flooring - t r avertine, 541-504-1338 Directory today! back deck & Property fully furnished. Juniper Realty, home, huge shop, Unsurpassed v iews tile, doors lights sinks, Call Marilyn R ohaly, Be creative! Build to fit 541-504-5393 $219,900 MLS $299,000 into the river canyon, paint & MORE! Call Broker, 541-322-9954 775 201301737 J u niper MLS¹201203307 your new business. Cascades and farm for details! $136,900 The Bulletin John L. Scott Real Realty 541-504-5393 Julie Fahlgren, Broker, Cabin in forest, hunting, Lot adjoins 18-hole land, paved road, sep www.johnlscott.com/4 Manufactured/ Estate, Bend f ishing, stream, 7 5 To Subscribe call 541-550-0098 golf course. G reat tic approved. 3235 Lisa McCarthy, 1 6751 SW Dove R d . Mobile Homes www.JohnLScott.com miles. 541-480-7215 visibility! Well t r av541-385-5800 or go to MLS¹201207148 Call Broker 541-419-8639 Log home w/ many Crooked River Realty eled paved road, in Nancy Popp, Broker, www.bendbulletin.com Snowberry Village ¹6 2 0748 V a lentine S t . John L. Scott custom feat u res. 3 bedroom, 2 b a t h , business a re a at 541-815-8000 Real Estate, Bend Cute 3 bdrm, G ourmet kitchen i n 764 NW Bend j $495,000 $86,000 - 3 b e d $54,900 1716 sq ft home on CCR. $39,900 Crooked River Realty 2 ba t h , upd a t ed www.johnlscott.com rooms, 2 baths, 1566 cludes cherry c abi 4.45 acres. P rivate • 40 acres Farms & Ranches MLS¹201207332 sq f t Silv e rcrest kitchen & bath, new nets, granite counters, well & l a rge shop. 13601 SW Canyon Dr • Tumalo Creek flows Call Nancy Popp, - newer carpet & t i le, n i ce Snowberry Village ¹55 Upgrades farmer's sink & stain MLS¹201300092. through property 1.13 acres in CRR, Mt Lake County A l falfa 541-815-8000 2 Bdrm, 2 Bath, 1296 less appliances. $299,999. • Borders National Forpaint inside & out and covered front deck & Pam Farm. Incredible 703 Jefferson views, Crooked River newer carpet. Huge large back yard with sq.ft., 1994 S i lverGreat room has floor Lester, Principal Bro- acre alfalfa F a rm. est OWC. $58,500 MLS Realty c rest. Lots o f w i n kitchen w it h i s l and deck. Spotless and to ceiling windows w/ • MLS 201209443 ker, Century 21 Gold 201106385 Producing 2000 tons dows & vaulted ceiland sunny breakfast like new. views of t h e m t ns. Country Realty, Inc. of dairy quality alfalfa Nice mtn. views. 5.64 Craig Long, Broker Juniper Realty, Cascade Village ings. All a ppliances acres. Located in a area. Enclosed back Hickory hardwood & 541-480-7647 541-504-1338 541-504-5393 hay yearly. 4 pivots Homes N.W. LLC included. FA heat and cul-de-sac. $75,000tile f loors. R a diant deck a n d Pr i v ate provide 453 acres of 541-388-0000 h eat p u mp , A / C . 1 6160 SW Dove R d backyard. f loor heating. O ne 7432 SW Onyx Road. irrigation. 3 m o dest MLS¹2609088 Nicely l a n dscaped, Call Linda Lou 6.1 acre corner lot, Call Marilyn Rohaly, level 2,500 sq ft home H orse set-up a n d homes, 2 shops & 2 FIND IT! r eat r e a r yar d . views! hay storage barns. Day-Wright, Mtn. views, near DesBroker, 541-322-9954 with plenty of elbow mountain 8UY f7' 52,500 Marilyn RoMLS Candice A n derson, Broker, 541-771-2585 chutes river. $99,500 John L. Scott Real room on 4.9 acres. $84,900 MORRIS SELL fTf Broker Call Crooked River Realty MLS 201205646 haly, Estate, Bend $499,999 MLS ¹ 201300988 Broker 541-788-8878 REAL ESTATE Melody Curry Juniper Realty www.JohnLScott.com The Bulletin Classifieds 541-322-9954 201208751 One acre. Driveway in John L. Scott John L. Scott 541-504-5393 Juniper Realty, 541-771-1116. Real Estate, Bend place. 7981 SW High 2 0769 V a lentine S t . Real Es t ate, B end Crooked River Realty 541-504-5393 Powell Butte j Snowberry Village ¹55 Cone. $29,900. www.johnlscott.com $55,500 This beauti- www.johnlscott.com 16535 SW Chinook Dr $52,500 $169,000 MLS¹201003931 f ul home sits on a C RR 5 6 8 acr e s , 12250 NW Dove Rd 87479 N Sta r Ln, Ranch in Powell Butte • 2 bedrooms, 2 baths acres Call Melody Curry g reeenbelt lo t w i t h River views, owner •• 19.62 Custom cedar s ided 40-acre horse prop $925,000. Pride of Cascade • 1296 sq. ft., 1994 Sil- forever views from the 780 541-771-1116 will carry. $225,000 Beautiful h ome with f loor t o erty. $149,900. High ownership/Borders Mountain views vercrest Crooked River Realty wrap-around decking Mfd./Mobile Homes Lakes Realty & Prop MLS 201106408 c eiling windows t o BLM. Feed Lot, hay • Gently sloped property • Lots of w i ndows & & living room. 2 bed, 2 Juniper Realty take in the mtn. views. erty Man a gement with Land Barn, Equip. Shed Need help fixing stuff? • MLS 201205095 vaulted ceilings n ic e k i t chen 541-504-5393 Immaculate 1841 sq. 541-536-0117 MLS¹201206082 • All appliances are in- bath, Call A ServiceProfessional Carolyn Priborsky, w/large adjoining 5 ACRES with mounf t., 3 b d rm, 2 b a t h Vicci Bowen P.C., Broker, ABR, cluded find the help you need. 16685 SW Chinook Dr - Septic, Walaundry room & pan- tain views. 3 bdrm, 2 with tongue & groove $89.900 541-410-9730 • FA h e at a nd h e at- try. Th e CRS, GREEN ter & 30x40 SHOP! www.bendbulletin.com CRR. 6.9 acres, River o v e rsized b ath, 1 62 0 h o m e , vaulted ceilings, gas 541-383-4350 pump/A/C views, all utilities iny/4 acre c ul-de-sac Central Oregon Realty free-standing stove, 1 36x40 shop, fenced, • Nicely landscaped, double garage has Group, LLC River Frontage on Little stalled, owner carry. location. Ca s c ade room for 2 cars & exirigated, ext. sprinkler wood accents. New Deschutes River. 6+ great rear yard! MLS views! 1000 gal. sep$189,000 tra storage too. Many 771 h ardwood floors & tic, $27 9 ,000. acres with 300 ft. of Call Marilyn R ohaly, other features make system. CRR water 201008671 new swimming pool. MLS 2809225. Pam riverfront on the little Lots Broker, 541-322-9954 Juniper Realty w/back-flow d e vice. this a great buy. On completely fenced Shop Lester, 541-504-1338 D eschutes Riv e r . John L. Scott Real concrete 541-504-5393 MORRIS Cascade Village C entury 2 1 , Go l d 4.81 acres. $385,000 Estate, Bend floors, windows, $48,900, 1-acre. Moun- Views of Mt. Bachelor, REAL ESTATE Homes N.W. LLC MLS¹ 201101447 County Realty tain views. South Sister & Bro- 320 Acres of p r ivate www.JohnLScott.com 16x10 overhead door. 541-388-0000 Juniper Realty, MLS¹201206664 ken Top. Nadine Ash, property This could MLS¹201203418 541-504-5393 Call Linda Lou Broker 541-390-4017 be horse property or C all N a nc y Po p p , Day-Wright, Broker, John L. Scott has many other uses. 12851 SW Deer 541-815-8000 541-771-2585 Real Estate, Bend Property is mostly flat Crossing. Remodeled Crooked River Realty Crooked River Realty www.johnlscott.com and has some partial 3 bedroom, 2 bath, fencing by others. Call 1440 sq. ft. home on Baker City - 3 Bdrm, 3 51881 Fordham Drive. Shevlins Commons county to see all the 2.29 acres. Granite bath, 3 1 00 + s q . ft. R eady to b u il d a t Lot j $239,000 potential this property c ounters, hick o ry semi secludedhome, C rescent • .25 acre lot Cree k . h as t o o f f er. H a s cabinets, bam b oo on 5 acre lot w/many $29,000. High Lakes • Cascade Mountain onderosa pin e s . Realty 8 some views of neighwood f l oors, v i n yl p Pro p erty view 45'x24' Morton built boring hills. 30 miles windows, the list goes • Close to Shevlin Park Management insolated metal shop, from Bend, 15 miles on. Garage, carport • MLS 201301093 541-536-0117 from Prineville reserand R V cov e red $395,000. Don Kelleher, Broker, voir if you like to fish Great Mountain View parking. $1 0 9 ,000 541-523-2368 541-480-1911 or boat. $2 8 9 ,000 site, short dis MLS 201204401 C oming Soon to t h e home MLS 2012 0 8143. tance to the Lakeside Juniper Realty, Market, beautiful log 541-536-1731 S ports Center a n d 541-504-5393 home on 1 acre w/ Cascade Realty, Park, come and v iew , Spray 13206 SW Golden Man s pectacular 541-536-1731 4 0'x60' R V Shop. enjoy listening to the MORRIS tel. Custom 2,470 sq quiet. Avoid bank clos 32.42 Acres in Urban REAL ESTATE f t, 3 bedroom, 2 I ~ $339,000. ing costs; the seller is Growth Bou n dary, y dp d l y O d dy y p d bath on 1.98 acres. Lisa Johnson, Principal offering exc e llent Broker, Horsepower Adjacent t o The Hexagon shaped terms to a q ualified Tetherow Lot j Greens, kitty corner to Real Estate great room has lots of buyer. $299,000 541-510-4601 new Ridgeview High windows to enjoy the Home-ID 619 $83,500 • .43 of an acre School. $59 9 ,000. views. 1,600 sq ft ga Eagle Crest • Overlooking the 13th MLS ¹ 201 2 03193 r age/shop with R V Garage Sales Properties hole Pam Lester, Principal door. La n dscaped, 866-722-3370 • Cascade views B roker, Century 2 1 fruit trees & fenced. Garage Sales • MLS 2809519 Gold Country Realty, A spectacular lot i n $239,000 Deborah Benson, Inc. 541-504-1338 Yarrow, th e n e w er P.C., Broker, GRI Juniper Realty, Garage Sales d evelopment in t h e 541-504-5393 541-480-6448 4 .38 Acre v i e w l o t Find them East hills of Madras. backs BLM, Cascade 139716 Dorothy Lane V ery near the n e w in mtn 8 S m it h R o ck Located on C r escent A quatic Cent e r , views. Corner lot, apCreek. This charming The Bulletin M iddle School a n d proved for standard 2 bdrm, 1 bath home COCC Campus. Add Classifieds septic. $199,000. MLS MORRIS boasts 120' of creek Lot 7 to the purchase ¹2809381 Pam frontage, cov e r ed REAL ESTATE and you have unob 541-385-5809 Lester, Principal Brodeck, wood s t ove, structed views of the y&p d l yO d dOp Century 21 Gold new paint inside and Cascade Mts. This lot The Highlands at Bro- ker, Realty, Inc. out, new roof and new GATED ACREAGE i s p riced t o se l l . ken top, 10 a cres, Country 541-504-1338 Very secluded gated 10 kitchen cabinets. Home-ID 1006 gated, private well, Plenty of storage with f enced acres w i t h $26,000 utilities at lot, applica- 52261 Stearns - Gor w/d hookup, covered 2000 sq. ft. custom Eagle Crest Properties tion for cap-fill septic. geous acre, owner home, Trex decking, RV parking are and 866-722-3370 $535,000. MLS carry, $34,000. High m inutes f ro m W i l - Mtn. Views, 60x36 inPam Lakes Realty & Prop b u i lders ¹ 201200937. l amette Sk i P a s s , sulated Shop with at- Outstanding Man a gement Lester, Principal Bro- erty clear lakes and trails. tached guest quarters, dream lot in a quiet 2 s e ptics, l o a fing n eighborhood an d ker, Century 21 Gold 541-536-0117 $275,000. shed, RV h o ok-up, backs up to common Country Realty, Inc. 7825 SW River Road. MLS¹ 201207074 private well, plenty of area. This property is 541-504-1338 Call Kerry at 5.030 acres, canyon room to park toys and p riced to s el l a n d Three Rivers South j 541-815-6363 views, septic 8 power have animals. NO won't last long! Own Cascade Realty, o n l ot . $84, 9 0 0 CC&R's or HOA, easy ership also enjoys all • 1 acre, $19,950 541-536-1731 level lot MLS¹201300989 Call a ccess t o Ben d , of the amenities that • Build your dream reMelody Curry Kevin Pangje Linda Fisher-Berlanga Mark Long 5 498 SW S h a d R d . Redmond or Sisters. Eagle Crest has to of treat 541-771-1116. Bright & open 1,344 One-of-a-kind p r op- fer. Don't miss this • Deschutes NMLS¹ 89521 NMLS¹ 210118 NMLS¹ 208965 River & Crooked River Realty sq ft, 3 bdrm, 2 ba e rty. $475, 0 0 0 o ne! Home-ID 9 6 8 National Forest home on 1.86 acre MLS¹201203090. $59,000 7965 SW River Rd in • MLS 201208695 corner lot. Large loft H ighland Real t y Eagle Crest Properties CRR. 2.79 acres, near Gary Rose, area with office area. 541-923-2311 866-722-3370 the Deschutes River. Broker, MBA RV area 8 hook-up. $49,000 MLS 541-588-0687 Green house located Great Country home $199,900 - Grandfa 201009429 next to t h e f e nced has fenced property thered in RV lot. Sep Juniper Realty, garden area. Under for animals. Wonder- tic, power and water 541-504-5393 MLS¹ ful location and a nice installed. ground sprinklers & B are r a n g e lan d . drip system through shop area. Ready for 201104846 MORRIS Linda Lou DayWright, a family wanting to Fenced and only 18 out. $ 1 49,900 MLS Brad Haun Lisa Hawes Broker, 541-771-2585 REAL ESTATE live on acreage and 201302042 miles from Madras. Crooked River Realty have room to spread There are 2 w a t er NMLS¹ 221546 NMLS¹ 404405 Juniper Realty, out. MLS¹201209328 wells - neither of 541-504-5393 N orth P o w el l B u t t eVeteran seeking to buyP/~ $249,900 1-acre size utility- which are being used. 1984 Crescent Cut Off D&D Realty Group LLC Acreage 3 buildable, to is to one of rare lots. C a scade ready buildable lot, in or Electricity Rd., Crescent Lake, 866-346-7868 Mostly gentle Mountain views. Quiet near Bend, from private them. OR. This 3 bed/ 2.5 s lope w i t h be t t e r area. Call Vicci Bo- party. 951-255-5013 b ath home is o n 5 Horse property with a grass on the steeper acres, partially fenced spectacular mountain wen 541-410-9730 land. Possible owner w ith a 1 620 sq . f t . view. Surrounded by Central Oregon Realty Acreages terms. MLS¹ garage. Sky l ights large farms and sets Group, LLC 201301211 $200,000. throughout home with atop a knoll in Ma- 13740 S W Ca n y onRV lot grandfathered-in, John L. Scott Real Escherry cabi n ets, dras area. You can Drive. 1.22 acre lot. come camp or build tate 541-548-1712 hickory & tile floors, see forever! Shop has B uild y o u r dr e a m your dream h ome. Cascade covered porches, fire- stalls & plenty of room home! $ 4 7 ,500 Mou n tain Septic/Power/ Water. 685 SEThird Street place and secluded for hay 8 t a ck. Or MLS¹201105164 views!! Close to the $57,900 master suite. A 21x24 bring your toys that C all M e lody C u r ry MLS¹201207367 entrance of the NMLS 3182 family room is ideal don't require f o od! 541-771-1116 Linda Lou Day- Wright, Ranch. Great flat 6.2 Bend, OR 97702 for families. Plenty of W ith over 6 a c r esCrooked River Realty acre lot. Flat & treed Broker, 541-771-2585 d p copk~ pco p k 8 u /vrrfd,Sudcr,fgf/7™ f Jh extras in this home. there's plenty of room. for privacy. Build your Crooked River Realty Also equipped with a This custom b r ight 1.46 acre, flat building dream home or your full hook-up RV area home has many uplot adjoins greenbelt. 5 acres adjoins public vacation h i d eaway. and a l a rge shop. grades, great f l oor Water/ power avail- land over Deschutes Enjoy the wonderful $289,900 plan, large r ooms, able at road. River. Short walk to golf course and all the ML-3213-10 MLS¹ 201204040 fireplace & so much $39,900 river. $ 7 4 ,900 amenities the Ranch © 2013EvergreenHomeLoansisaregisteredtrade nameof EvergreenMoneysource Mortgage Call Kerry at m ore. $210, 0 0 0 MLS¹201207930 MLS¹201102328 Call has to of fer. CompanyNMLSID3182. Trade/service marksarethe property of EvergreenHome 541-815-6363 MLS¹201105983 C all N a nc y Po p p , Linda Lou Day-Wright ¹201301682 $99,000 Loans.All rightsreserved.Licensedunder: OregonMortgage Lending LicenseML-3213 541-815-8000 Ldydyy • IP Cascade Realty, D&D Realty Group LLC Broker, 541-771-2585 John L. Scott Real 541-536-1731 866-346-7868 Crooked River Realty Crooked River Realty Estate 541-548-1712 •




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l l I I '

! LO

' ll . .


& I Ia


.—;:rs~ l g l N RB B


NW BEND f $475,000


• 3353 sq.ft. • 4 bedroom, 3 bath


• Oversized 3-car tandem garage

541-322-1500 • MLS 201303727


• 3202 sq.ft. • 4 bedroom, 4 bath • 2.18 acres • MLS 201303180


ROOKIEDICKENS, BROKER,GRI, CRS, • 5 acres, I irrigated ABR 541.815 Q436 • MLS 201303646 '




• 2500 sq.ft. • 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath


• 2 bedroom, 2 bath • Great location


• MLS 201303711


• Cascade Mountain views

541.480-6621 • MLS 201303464





llill • u; ge+a f)

'., •

:.'- Jgss M


MIDTOWNBENDf $299,000 80 DARRINKEUEHER, • 3 bedroom, 2 bath BROKER mlmmmeem • Hardwood, granite 8 tile 541.788.0029 ' MLS 201303497

CULVER f $159,000

SUNRIVER f $245,000

SUNRIVER f $33,000

DIANELOZITO, • 2 bedroom, 2 bath BRpKFR 541 548 35gi • Fisherman 8 Boaters dream 541 306 9646 ' MLS 201303680

• Golf Course view

• 2148 scl.ft



541-480-9300 • MLS 201303748

AWBREY GLEN f $599,000

' I5.4% deededownership • 1806 sq,ft, • 3 bedroom, 2 bath 541-588-0687 • MLS 201303756

• 1560 sq.ft, manufactured

• 1230 sq.ft. condo • 2 bedroom, 2 bath





RQS EMARTGQQBIMN IIRQKFR ( FRBFICD' • 3 bedroom, 3 bath ' 2674 RunyonCourt • FGOTI'AO TR 54'1.706-1897 ' MLS 201303244

'r, f


- =-.


PRIME COMMEROALCENTERf S(t,SrJO,NO • Convenient location


AWBREY PARK f $1,299,000

AWBREY BUTTEf $1,395,000 4 bedroom, 4.5 bath • Unsurpassed details • MLS 201301119 541-383-4361

541.41g.igpp • MLS 201300756

AWBREY BUTTEf $1,200,000 • 4925 sq.ft. JUDYME YERS, • 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath BROKER,GRI,CRS • .88 acre lot SRES 541-480.1922 • MLS 201303030

SHERR YPERRIGAN, ',5'b'd' " 5 55.5 b bath th • 5 bedroom, BRpKLR


• Close to The Old Mill District • 3.54 acres



• .43 acre

541-410-4938 • MLS 201102057

BROKEN TOPf $1,125,000 • 3814 sq.ft. • 3 bedroom plus den,3.5 bath


• Golf Course Views

541.312-7271 • MLS 201204424

~~gie •, g, ~M Cl (J



Ih ;r :




ai, ": • jg~



AWB REY VILLAGE f $849,900

NWBEND / $725,000 • 3658 sq.ft. JOHN SNIPPEN,BROKER, • 3 bedroom, 3.5 bath


4 bedroom, 4.5 bath • 2007 COBATourHome 541-408-1468 • MLS 201300838

• 5 bedroom, 2.5 bath



541-312-7273 • Panoramic river & city views 541-948-9090 • MLS 201203099

• 20 acres with views

541.48p.6621 • MLS 201301102


CASC ADEMTNVIEWSf $689,900 • 2420 sq.ft, home 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath • 9.54 acres

DO WNTOWN BEND f $650,000


Fp'Rp • Great location 541.3gp 34gp • MLS 201208031 '


541-480-2966 ' MLS 201302790


SUNRIVER f $619,500

BLACK BUlTERANCH f $449,950 • 2034 sq.ft.



541.408.3773 • MLS 201302081

541-771-6996 • MLS 201208783

• I st Fair~ay Woodlands G.C.

g'' P,

• 4 bedroom, 3 bath

GLACIER VIEW [ $425 QQQ KARINJOHNSON, • 3 bedroom, 2 bath BROKER


NE BEND$425,000 f

541-639-6140 • MLS 201300939

541 48p 7355 • MLS 201302287


• I 78 acres I >rngated

• Furniture included

AWBREY RIDGEf $400,000

• 2563 sq.ft.

RACHEL IEMAS • 3 bedroorn, 2.5 bath BROKER 541.383 4359 • .17acre culcle-sac lot 541.896-1263 • MLS 201302270

v 2.3 acres

t' '""

• a~




~~ ,BrK



-'.i j.;-,--i~;-'-jhd

t• !


EAGLE CREST [ $387,500 SYDNE ANDERSON, BROKER , CRS, WCR, • 3 bedroorn, 2,5 both ' .45 acre on 10th CDPEGREEN 541-420-1111 • MLS 201302083



RIVER CANYONESTATESf $379,000 • 3000 sq.ft. • 4 bedroom, 3 bath • .15acre lot

541-977-5811 • MLS 201301772

BROKEN TOPf $355,000 nh LYNNE CONNELLEY •' 21920 "I.ft. t 2.5 bath bedroom, BRQKCR ('RS • Fully furnished 541.408.6720 • MLS 201 302816

• 5' >

eS' [

• Two Duplexes • Excellent rental history • Close to hospital

541-322.1500 • MLS 201300512

, II

~sa sr! ~ ~

RIVER CANYONESTATESi $329,500 • 2719 sq.ft. JIM 8 ROXANNE • 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath CHENEY,BROKERS 541.390-4050 • Near Deschutes River Trail 541.390-4030 • MLS 201300617






It RIVER CANYONESTATESf $329,500 MINDAMCKITRICK, • 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath BROKER GM • Near Deschutes RiverTrail 541.280-6148 • MLS 201302055 '

NORTH WESTCROSSINGf $310,000 LESTE RFRIEDMAN, • 2 bedroom. 2 bath p.C., BRO KER, ABR, CSP,EPRO, S.TA.R. • .12 «re Iot 541 330 8491 • MLS 201302512

SW BEND f $235,000

SW BEND i $283,00Q

NORTH WESTCROSSINGi $294,900 * 1388 sq.ft, townhome MEGANpOWER BROKFR CrRI Cbpp * 2 bedroom, 2.5 bath * Fenced back patio 541-610-7318 * MLS 20I 303356

• 3 bedroorn, 2.5 bath JUUABUCKIAND, BROKER ,ABR,ALFIS Built in 2012, upgraded • Bamboo flooring, wool carpet CRS,GR I 541.719-8444 ' MLS 201303620


• .77 acre on canal

541-420-5170 • MLS 201301822

• r!





UL PINEf $199,900


New 1655 sq.ft.' • 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath • Open floor plan 541-408-6333 • MLS 201209504


• 2 br.d«>om, 2 bath • Sun Forest built

541.815-4786 • MLS 201300668


• 3 bedroom, 2 bath • 1.07 acre 541-948-5880 • MLS 201303449 '


BUSINES SOPPORTUNITY i $149,000 • Tropical Beach Tanning PAUIAVANVIECK • NW Bend, near COCC BRpKg

FCD IIIDKLI, plfyifyt(S • Ne«p«k 8 ri~~r trail 541.480.'7501 • MLS 201302080

541.280.7774 ' MLS 201205145


• Established clientle





I f



RihiM REDMOND f $144,900 ROOKIEDICKENS, BRQKER, GRI, CRS, ' 3 bedroom 2 both • Fenced, corner lot ABR 541.815-Q436 • MLS 201303659 '

PRINEVILLE f $99,000 • 2.04 acres JJ JONES • Cascade Mountain views BROKER ' 541.610.7318 • Crooked River views 541-788.3678 • MLS 2704850

lA PINE i $85,PPp

' 1680 sq.™anufactured MARKVAL CESCHINI PC,, BRO KER,CIS • 4 bedroorn, 2 bath • .85acre lot GRI 541.383-4364 • MLS 201300356 '


• I acre, level lot • Build your dream retreat • Deschutes River& National Forest

541-948-0997 • MLS 201208695


*'50 acre Iot

• Bring your RV • Close to lakes 541.35Q 4772 • MLS 201206354 '

The Bulletin

Comics 8 Puzzles, E485

Create or find Classifieds at www.bendbulletin.com To place an ad call 541-385-5809





Misc. Items

Gardening Supplies Produce & Food • & E q uipment Eihu8eR YOUR Like cats? Want to help T HE B U LLETIN r e - * REDUCE Capt. Johnny Halibut the forgotten cats of Sweepea 30's Popeye's DPMS Long R a nge quires computer ad- CABLE BILL! Get an Sale! Case price half off Sat e llite BarkTurfSoil.com all stores. In Bend 8 C.O.? Volunteer at daughter b a b ydoll, Light, 7.62mm, 24" vertisers with multiple All-Digital CRAFT & ge t y o ur $40. 541-389-3314 Redmond, call for locastainless barrel, car- ad schedules or those system installed for tions: 503-396-9428 kitty fix! All kinds of FREE and programbon fiber f r ee-float selling multiple sysD E LIVERY help needed, give a The Bulletin reserves handguard, 2 s tage tems/ software, to dis- ming s t a rting at PROMPT 541-389-9663 little time or a lot. Call the right to publish all match trigger, hard close the name of the $ 24.99/mo. FRE E 3 89-8420 o r vis i t ads from The Bulletin case; 5 0 0 business or the term HD/DVR upgrade for ro u n ds Gravel, will Travel! newspaper onto The ~ Want to Buy or Rent www.craftcats.org. new callers, SO CALL Have ammo. "dealer" in their ads. Cinders, topsoil, fill mateBulletin Internet web- Federal Private party advertisNOW (877)366-4508 $2350. (458)206-8721 rial, etc. Excavation & site. ers are defined as (PNDC) Wanted: $Cash paid for septicsystems. Abbas Factory bulk ammo sale: those who sell one vintage costume jewConstruction CCBff78840 Trailer 1 6x 8 fl a tbed The Bulletin 45acp, 40 S&W, 223/556 computer. The Bulletin Offers elry. Top dollar paid for Serv ng Central Oregon onre lgln Cal8541-548-6812 metal deck, tandem 22LR. 541-647-8931 Free Private Party Ads Gold/Silver.I buy by the axle, tilt, sideboards, • 3 lines 3 days Estate, Honest Artist GUNS,GUNS,GUNS For newspaper $1000. 541-312-2137 • Private Party Only Elizabeth,541-633-7006 Malamute/Wolf mix pupMusical Instruments Olympic arms AR-15, delivery, call the • Total of items adver421 WANTED: Tobacco pies, 6 Weeks old. Low fully customized w/ Yamaha 88-Keyboard, tised must equal $200 Circulation Dept. at Content. Males, $350, pipes - Briars and extras, $1350. RemSchools & Training 541-385-5800 Hay, Grain & Feed or Less smoking accessories. F emales, $400. C a l l ington 870 e x press DGX-505, w / bench, To place an ad, call FOR DETAILS or to 541-241-4914 Fair prices paid. shotgun, $250. Marlin $350. 541-647-1292 A IRLINES ARE H I R541-385-5809 Wanted: Irrigated farm PLACE AN AD, Call 541-390-7029 .17 customized with Yamaha acoustic guitar ground, under pivot ir- ING - Train for hands Parrot Cage, 35" tall, or email Call 541-385-5809 between 10 am-3 pm. classifiedilbendbuffefin.com 37" wide, 24" deep, AMMO, $400. 8 hard case, $100, gd riqation, i n C e n tral on Aviation MainteFax 541-385-5802 Call 541-419-6054 OR. 541-419-2713 nance Career. FAA cond. 541'-330-0733 play pen on top and The Bulletin HELP YOUR AD skirt around bottom. Wanted- paying cash Servng Cenr al 0 egon since 1903 Want to b u y A l falfa, approved p r ogram. NEW - Bushmaster AR-15 Items for Free 260 Financial aid if qualistand out from the $75 OBO. for Hi-fi audio & sturifle, 3 mags & scope, grass and grain hay, fied Misc. Items Housing availn 541-647-4232 rest! Have the top line $1175. 541-647-8931 dio equip. Mclntosh, standing, in C entral able -CALL SUPER TOP SOIL SPA CO V E R 7'4 Aviation in bold print for only J BL, Marantz, D y www.hershe soifandbark.com Ore. 541-419-2713 square, fair condition. g . -|P R UGER LCR .38 c a l Advertise V A CATION Institute o f M a i nte$2.00 extra. + Oge oe naco, Heathkit, San- Screened, soil & com541-504-1470, lightweight rev, new in SPECIALS to 3 milnance 877-804-5293 Q m i x ed , no Carver, NAD, etc. post Bulletin box, $450. 541-815-4901 lion P acific N o rth- sui, (PNDC) Pomeranian/long haired The Call 541-261-1808 rocks/clods. High huServing Central Oregon sincelgg3 westerners! 29 daily Chihuahua puppies, mus level, exc. f or Sat. 8 Sun. 8-5 Only! Pets & Supplies 541-385-5809 Attend College Online newspapers, six WHEN YOU SEE THIS flower beds, lawns, $250 cash.541-678-7599 May 11th 8 12th *Medical, 100%. states. 25-word clas240 straight gardens, Adopt a nice cat from Pomeranian Puppies, 3 9th Annual Trout Free Roosters, variety of *Business, *Criminal sified $525 for a 3-day 00 ~ s creened to p s o i l . Tumalo s a n ctuary, of the cutest, just in Crafts & Hobbies Bum FLY SWAP healthy, young, Justice, *Hospitality, d. Ca l l (916) Clean fill. De- breeds, PetSmart, or P etco! time for Mothers Day! Big Bargains on New 8 a * Web. J o b Pla c e 10 avail. 541-610-6679 orePixatlle t ndt)jletin,com Bark. 2 88-6019 o r vis i t M liver/you haul. Fixed, shots, ID chip, $350. 541-480-3160 Used, plus great Crafters Wanted ment Ass i s tance. On a classified ad www.pnna.com for the 541-548-3949. tested, more! Sancin-store savings. Open Jury Computer and FinanPacific Nor t h west go to tuary open Sat/Sun POODLE AKC Toys. Sat., May 18, 9:30 a.m. Fly 8 Field Outfitters Horses & Equipment cial Aid If Qualified. Daily Con n ection. www.bendbulletin.com 1-5, other days by Loving, cuddly comHighland Baptist 35 SM/Century, Bend Schev Au t h orized. to view additional (PNDC) a ppt. 6 5 48 0 7 8 t h , panions. 541-475-3889 • Lo s t 8 Found Church, Redmond. 541-318-1616 EXCEPTIONAL Colt Call 86 6 - 688-7078 photos of the item. Bend. Photos, map at Queensland Heelers Buying Diamonds Tina 541-447-1640 or Starting 8 Boarding www.Centuraonline.C SAVAGE Mod. 111 7mm www.craftcats.org. Found dog, black 8 white www.snowflakeboutique.org Standard & Mini, $150 /Gofd for Cash www.steelduststable.com om (PNDC) 265 541-389-8420, or like mag, 3x9 scope 8 ammo, Saxon's Fine Jewelers female, Rickard Rd 8 steeldust2O gmail.com & up. 541-280-1537 246 Building Materials us on Facebook. $395. 541-815-4901 Billadeau. 541-385-7626 www.rightwayranch.wor 541-389-6655 541-419-3405 Tired of Your Boring, Adult barn/shop/ workdpress.com Springfield X D 45. Dead-End Job?? BUYING 209 4x4 posts, 8' L, Port Found: thimble n e ar MINIATURE DONKEYS ing cats, fixed, shots, Seniors & V e t erans! S tainless finish, 4 " Power Your Career Flyer Orford treated Cedar, $12 Nottingham Square, in registered, Red and some friendly, some Adopt a c o mpanion barrel. Includes 2, 13 Lionel/American S E Bend. C al l t o trains, accessories. ea; or $10 ea for whole with WIND! w hite jack, 9 m o . , not. No fee & free de- cat from Tumalo res- 300 rnds of .357 Sig, round ma g azines, identify. 541-408-2191. load. 541-598-5710 6 Mo. Turbine $250, Jennets $400 livery. 541-389 8420 $200. 400 rnds of .40 original case with gun 541-317-3911. cue, f e e wa i v ed! S8 W hollow points, and up. M ust s e ll. Technician Program lock and paperwork. BUYING 8( S E L LING A pprox 230 feet of 4' FREE SEMINAR Alaskan Malamutes, Tame, fixed, shots, ID $280. 541-647-8931 in The 541-548-5216. Cali All gold jewelry, silver chain link fence w/10' Found to y $450 AKC-Champion, chip, tested, more! Wednesday, and gold coins, bars, Bulletin's parking lot 503-320-3008 gate, 4' gate, some rails, 3 89-8420. Pho t o s: 400 rnds of .308 Win, 345 May 15th Extremely well bred, rounds, wedding sets, Fri. 5/3; call to idencaps & accessories, like www.craftcats.org. unaltered, 2 young 2:OOPM OR 7:OOPM $450. 40 rnds of 22-250, Thompson Arms Livestock & Equipment class rings, sterling siltify, 541-382-1811 new, $350. 541-410-7473 Like us on Facebook. $50. 541-647-8931 Holiday Inn Express adult females, $400 T CR83, 2 23 , 2 4 3 , ver, coin collect, vinea. 541-848-5558 Lost cat, black, stub tail, Nubian Dairy Goats 20615 Grandview Shih Tzu mix, very tiny, 500 rnds . 380 a u to, 30-06 barrels and two taqe watches, dental REDMOND Habitat Sat 5/4 near Wagner Mall milkers, does, wethers 8 Bend, OR go1d. Bill Fl e ming, Aussie-mix, mini,working gorgeous. $300 each. $250. 500 rnds 9mm, scopes, $1,500. RESTORE 800-868-1816 R uger ¹ 1 2 7 0 , 3 - 1 0 541-382-9419. dad, 1st shots/worming, 541-977-0035 Building Supply Resale Redmond. 541-548-1620 bucks. 541-923-7116 $250. 541-647-8931 www.nw-rei.com Leopold Gold Ring, Cemetery Lawn Vault $150. 541-420-4403 Quality at Nubian goats (2), Siamese kittens, raised Bend local pays CASH!! $1,000. BULLETIN CLASSIFIEDS LOW PRICES Designed for 2, located Ball Python, 40"+, 55 in home. Gorgeous! FREE for all firearms & Search the area's most 541-728-1568 1242 S. Hwy 97 470 at Deschutes Memorial. 541-410-7473 gallon glass tank, $300 Only $20. 541-977-7019 ammo. 541-526-0617 comprehensive listing of Today's cost, $1650; will 541-548-1406 o bo. T al k to Eve , Siberian Husky pups; 8 US Army Colt1911 Domestic & classified advertising... Open to the public. CASH!! sell for $1450. (Never 541-420-7925, or Iv msg. Husky-Wolf-Mal. p u ps 45ACP, Bush Master real estate to automotive, In-Home Positions For Guns, Ammo 8 used!) 541-771-4800 CAR/223, 1874 C Farmers Column • merchandise to sporting Border Collie Pups, Red $400 ea. 541-977-7019 Reloading Supplies. 267 Sharps 45-70 and GENERATE SOME goods. Bulletin Classifieds Personal Caregiver and White, 6 weeks 541-408-6900. 50-90, (2) SKS S&W Fuel & Wood 10X20 STORAGE 210 EXCITEMENT appear every day in the available. Adult lady, very o ld M o ther's D a y , BUILDINGS M&P 22LR, USM1 Colt AR-15 .223 Match compassionate 8 caring. IN YOUR print or on line. $200. 5 4 1-763-4052 Furniture 8 Appliances for protecting hay, Target Competition H-Bar carbine, 45-70 SPFD EXC. references. NEIGBORHOOD. Delivery Available. Call 541-385-5809 WHEN BUYING firewood, livestock trap door carbine, Call 541-420-1836, II, many extras, $1895. Plan a garage sale and ets' www.bendbulletin.com REM 81 30 cal. Good etc. $1496 Installed. please leave message. A1 Washers&Dryers Michael, 541-310-9057 don't forget to adverFIREWOOD... 541-617-1133. $150 ea. Full warselection of shotguns. tise in classified! To avoid fraud, The Bulletin 476 ranty. Free Del. Also H 8 H Firearms8 Tack ServrngCentral C egon ance lgta CCB ¹173684. DON'TMISSTHIS 541-385-5809. The Bulletin wanted, used W/D's kfjbuildersoykwc.net 541-382-9352 Employment recommends payJust bought a new boat? Lost Cat (Roxy) - RE541-280-7355 ment for Firewood Opportunities I@L' Wanted: Collector Sell your old one in the WARD. Small female DO YOU HAVE For Sale, Lowline Cavalier King Charles seeks high quality classifieds! Ask about our only upon delivery Tortoiseshell w/white SOMETHING TO Angus and Dexter's fishing items. Super Seller rates! and inspection. Spaniel, C h a mpion chest & b e lly. Last Accounttng Clerk, SELL Heifers. (pregnant or 541-385-5809 • A cord is 128 cu. ft. sired, tri-colored 5-mo Call 541-678-5753, or Full-time, needed for seen 4/27 in the vicin4' x 4' x 8' with calf) NO steers FOR $500 OR old male puppy, very 503-351-2746 Bend location. RV/ ity of Badger Rd. 8 GET FREE OF CREDIT • Receipts should Dafttr t LESS? available except for affectionate, housebroAuto Industry accountParrell. Please call or CARD DEBT N OW! Visit our HUGE Non-commercial cow/calf pairs. ken, crate 8 l e a sh include name, ing experience pretext if you see her. Cut payments by up home decor trained, parents heart 8 advertisers may Grass fed/raised. ferred. Co m petitive Art, Jewelry phone, price and 541-390-5169. to half. Stop creditors Reasonable prices. eye certified, neutered, consignment store. place an ad kind of wood pay & benefits. Please & Furs from calling. New items LOST "Olive" 10-yr-old vaccinations 8 wormwith our Must sell as send resume' to purchased. 866-775-9621. ing up-to-date, $1500. arrive daily! "QUICK CASH I am retiring. n • Firewood ads s payed f emale / a bcrvhireo mail.com Gold 8 diamond nMom (PNDC) Kerrill, 541-382-7614 930 SE Textron, SPECIAL" Corgi s/a S h i-Tzu, Leo 541-306-0357 or apply in person at MUST include Pendant, $175. Bend 541-318-1501 long-hair black, gray, 63500 N. Hwy 97, 1 week3lines 12 P ool table, w/ 3 b a r species & cost per Chihuahua puppies, (2) www.redeuxbend.com 541-891-0258 OI' Bend, Oregon. white, NE area near Wanted: Irrigated farm cord to better serve really c ute! $ 2 5 0. stools, & access. exc. k Soi ~a airport. 541-419-6356 541-771-2606 cond., 541-408-2188 our customers. ground, under pivot ir- Athletic Director GENERATE SOME exAd must riqation, i n C e n tral TV, Stereo 8 V!deo ProFlowers - Thrill Dachshund, minicream R EMEMBER: If you Culver School District include price of citement i n your OR. 541-419-2713 The Bulletin have lost an animal, seeks High S c hool dapple girl, 7 weeks, neighborhood! Plan a Mom! Enjoy 50 PerSewing Central Oregon srnce 1903 it l S s oo SAVE on Cable TV-Indon't forget to check People Look for Information A thletic/Activities D i$300. Can send pic- garage sale and don't cent Off the All the or less, or multiple ternet-Digital Phone- Frills Bouquet $19.99. The Humane Society rector fo r 2 0 1 3-14 tures. 541-408-6762. About Products and forget to advertise in items whose total Satellite. You've Got in Bend 541-382-3537 Services Every Day school year. Please Plus take 20 percent AII Year Dependable through classified! does notexceed Diamond Dog Food A C hoice! O ptions Firewood: Seasoned see our website, culoff your order over Redmond, 541-385-5809. $500. Lamb & Rice The Bulletin Classiffeds ver.k12.or.us, from ALL major ser- $29! Go to www.Pro- Lodgepole, Split, Del. 541-923-0882 for 40 lbs. - $26.99 Bend: 1 for $175 or 2 Headboard, twin, oak, vice providers. Call us flowers.com/fabulous Prineville, Want to b u y A l falfa, more information or Call Classifieds at Quarry Ave. Hay 8 to learn more! CALL OI' w/shelf, very gd cond. 541-447-7178; 54 1 - 546-2541. call for $335. Cash, Check grass and grain hay, call 541-385-5809 Feed. 541-923-2400 or Credit Card OK. $35. 541-388-9223. Today. 888-757-5943. 1-855-424-1055 OR Craft Cats, standing, in C entral Application deadline is www.bendbulletin.com www.quarryfeed.com 541-420-3484. (PNDC) 541-389-8420. May 24, 2013. EOE (PNDC) Ore. 541-419-2713 Donate deposit bottles/ Loveseat, black $75: coffee tbl, w d/glass cans to local all vol- $100. 541-241-0237 unteer, non-profit rescue, to h e l p w / cat MOVING MUST SELL, spay/neuter vet bills. beautiful knotty pine Cans for Cats trailer ent. center+ TV, $500. at n e w Re d mond 541-317-5154 Petco (near Wal-Mart) 'til 5/20. D o n a te NEED TO CANCEL YOUR AD? M on-Fri a t Smi t h The Bulletin Signs, 1515 NE 2nd; Classifieds has an or at CRAFT, Tumalo anytime. 3 8 9 -8420; "After Hours" Line Estate Sales • S a les Northwest Bend Sales Northwest Bend Sales Southwest Bend Sales Northeast Bend Sales Southeast Bend Sales Redmond Areai • for more i n fo/map, Call 541-383-2371 24 hrs. to cancel visit www.craftcats.org ESTATE SALE EVERY- A-1 YARD SALE! Sat. SUPER SIZE SALE! Garage/Estate Sale your ad! 10-2. '79 MG Midget, Garage Sale - Sat & ** FREE ** HOUSEHOLD THING GOES! Riding (See craigslist ad.) Fn. Sat. 10-4, 60 665 English Bulldog, beauSun. Washer/Dryer, mower, Gregor boat, furniture, sports gear, Freezer, Furn, Kitchen Sat, 7-5, 60181 Cinder Garage Sale Kit Crockett Way, Hwy SALE Everything tiful white, female, 4 Patio furniture: Brown 8 clothes & more. 1225 20 east, R. on Gosfurniture, anButte Rd., DRW. goes! Fri-Sat-Sun 9-4 Place an ad in The yrs o l d . sp a y ed,Jordan, 4 chairs 8 table, outdoor etc. 64650 Old Bend hou s ehold NW Jacksonville. ney, L. on Rickard, R. Large furniture, art ood c o nd , $20 0 . tiques, Bulletin for your ganeeds bulldog knowl- g Redmond Hwy (next on Groff, L. on Chsupplies, fireplace, 541-241-0237 goods, tools & much rage sale and ree dgable family, a i r Sale Fri-Sat, 9-4, to Schilling Solar Gar286 isholm t o C r o ckett. more; NW Elm Place, Thurs. thru Sat. Garage Household items, jewceive a Garage Sale conditioned home, no R ecliner, L a- Z B o y , more. dens). 8 a.m. to 5 Sales Northeast Bend Kit FREE! Glassware, couch, bar Redmond 97756 elry, furniture, electronsmall children. Very burgundy leather, like 5/9-5/11, chairs, c o ffee table .m. 538 7 2 P i n e ics, 3637 NW Falcon active. $500. new cond., orig. $900, p HUGE MOVING SALE4 Families. Fri. 8 Sat., set, dining set. Grove Road, La Pine. Ridge off Archie Briggs KIT INCLUDES: Huge Huge Estate Sale, 541-382-9334. $490. 541-385-8020 Home decor, jewelry, 8-4. Wakeboards, raft • 4 Garage Sale Signs Multi Family Sale, three car garage full, Jay 8 Betty Gage furniture. Fri.-Sat. 9-2. vests, paddles, ski, • $2.00 Off Coupon To R ecliner, Power L i f t Fri. & Sat. 8-2, 21065 you need it we got it! 4010 NW Northcliff. T hule r a ck , ig l o o Use Toward Your Wilderness Way. No Sat., & Sun., 8-4, Furchair, brown corduroy, ESTATE SALE cooler, Balance bike, Next Ad Early's, Cash Only!s niture, kitchen ware, $250 firm. Multi Family Yard Sale! 21411 MARGARET LANE, Bend • 10 Tips For "Garage Strider bike, treadmill, 541-610-9910. Lower Village Rd, to Brotools, paintings, anSale Success!" 290 crafts, Chri s tmas Friday, May 10 • Saturday, May 11 ken Arrow Rd off Archie tique lamps, books, houses, jewelry lots Sales Redmond Area Briggs. Antique pressed h ousehold appl . , (Take Butler Market Road to Fawn Pugs CKC $400. The Bulletin of household items, glass, tools & more, 3 037 SW 3 5 t h C t . Deschutes Market Road and follow fo PICK UP YOUR Mother and Father on recommends extra May11, 8-4; May12,8-2. 21624 Paloma Dr. ESTATE SALE Redmond. Don't miss! o. — I Margaret Lane —Houseis on the corner oi GARAGE SALE KIT at site. Ready for their Home/Garage/Wood1777 SW Chandler n ew h o mes. C a l l chasing products or, Deschuies Market Rd. 8 Margaret Lane) 284 TURN THE PAGE BEND'S BEST YARD working shop full! services from out of I SHOP AND HOUSE OPEN AT 9:00 AM. Ave., Bend, OR 97702 541-261-9437 Sales Southwest Bend SALE! 26th yr. multi Quality furniture for all For More Ads the area. Sending I NO Crowd Control numbers rooms! Garage, fishc ash, c hecks,, o r ~ family, something for The Bulletin The Bulletin House for Sale/Maybe Rent ESTATE SALE ing, reloading, Bereveryone, 1 day only! f credit i n f o rmation etta shotgun, shop full may be subjected to Suzuki 4-wheel drive Quad with trailer and blade; 19594 Hollygrape St., S at., May 1 1 , 7 - 4 , 1953 John Deere 40 tricycle with sickle bar and off Brookswood, Fri-Sat 8-2, lots of mis- of Irg w o odworking 2889 NE Lotno. f FRAUD. For more Frazer/Nash Kit car, completed; Dune Sales Other Areas Fri. 12-6, Sat. 9-4 cellaneous good stuffpower tools. Take information about an I bucket; motor; Lots of VW parts and motors; m ust see! 3328 NE Hwy 97 N. of Redmond, advertiser, you may I Buggy/VW Frenchtons - SPRING DR Trimmer; Motorized cement mixer; New in Cruise Loop, off Pur- west at O ' Neil Jct., NOTICE call t h e Or e gonI The Children's Vision Foundation P UPPI ES. Put Box-Water Heater; sink and toilet; Garden tools; cell & Butler Market Rd. right at NW Way to Remember to remove State Attor n ey ' wheelbarrow; VW frame; few hand tools; oil fildeposit down for is now accepting new and gently Montgomery 8 follow your Garage Sale signs O f f i ce Mothers Day. $700 to f General's Ham and CB radio parts and test units; SigGarage Sale, Sat. 9-5, signs to ... used items for their annual Consumer Protec- • ters; (nails, staples, etc.) nal generators; oscilloscope; Tubes; Resistors; $800. 541-548-0747 Sun. 9-3, 2120 NE 2786 NW Lynch Ct. Step Above Your Average after your Sale event t ion ho t l in e at I bulbs; and lots of books o n re p air; 1958 IoIMore Pix at Bendbfs!Ietiff.ci Kim Ln, Bend. is over! THANKS! Fri-Sat., 9-4Numbers i 1-877-877-9392. Garage Sale! Rounded corner TV — tube turns on; Two twin From The Bulletin German Shepherd pups issued @8 a.m. Fri! Tempur-Pedic massage/lift beds; Large upright May 17, 18, & 31 Moving Sale - Fri. & and your local utility tt ready May 15th. freezer and older chest freezer; 2 matching sofas June1 &2 Sat., 9am-1pm. Power Photos & details on webh companies. Call 541-620-0946 site www.atticestateand sectional pieces; Green recliner; China tools, furniture, motor10 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. h utch; Armoire' s tyle d r esser; 2 Kir b y sandappraisals.com cycle, clothes, and Husky/Pit puppies, born at the Bend Factory Stores The Bulletin 212 vacuums-one Generation4 model; Coyote & more. 20865 89th St., Serving Central Oregon srnce1903 4/2/13. 5 boys, 4 girls, Attic Estates & (61334 S. Hwy 97, Bend) Badger skins, mounted; Electrical appliances; Antiques & off of Tumalo Rd. nice coloring, $250. Appraisals www.bendbulletin.com Framed wildlife prints; Unique Juniper log mantle Items Wanted: 541-306-9218. Collectibles 541-350-6822 and supports; Unusual Juniper log shelf unit and Multi-family Moving sale Furniture, decor, household and kitchen Lab mix female 1 y r. dining set with 4 chairs; Bookcases; Fri & Sat. 9-4; Sun., items, sports equipment, tools, jewelry, Tick, Tock 1945 -14 place table; Oakdesk FREE to good home Circa and older computer; 3 printers; 9-noon. Furn.house- Garage S a l e s setting of C a stleton Computer collectibles, plants, garden items only. 541-420-5602, Joe. Men's clothing and belt buckles; Matching dresshold items, lots more! Tick, Tock... China, Sunnybrooke ing table and dresser; 2 toy/entry hall benches; and office items. Garage Sales 657 NE Seward. Labradoodles - Mini & pattern, many extra ...don't let time get Linens; Books; Cleaning items; Lamps; side med size, several colors p ieces incl. $4 7 5 . tables; Old Avon Bottles in Boxes; Luggage 2 Your donations will go directly Neighborhood garage Garage S a l e s 541-504-2662 away. Hire a 541-475-2872 towards supporting older bicycles; Extension ladder; Garden tools; sale, Sat. 8 Sun., 9-4, www.alpen-ridge.com Find them Central Oregon's Children Vision professional out 20679 Patriot Lane. Corn s t alk c h opper, Old trunk; Clinton Apache boat motor; lots and in Labrador, golden pure- hand powered, 1920's lots of other items!!!! Screenings. Lots of good stuff! of The Bulletin's bred neutered male, no $195. 541-389-8963 Your donations are tax deductible. The Bulletin Handled by... "Call A Service papers, 3 yrs, exlnt with Ranch Sale! Sat-Sun, 9-3. Deedy's Estate Sales Co. Classifieds kids/pets/other d o gs.Dressed-up handcrafted 22356 Nelson Rd. Guns, For more information, Professional" 541-419-4742 days • 541-382-5950 eves 26" Grandma dolls, $25 $300/obo, to approved farm equip, horse tack, please call 541-330-3907 541 -385-580 9 Directory today! www.deedysestatesales.com home only. 541-408-3004 or 2/$45 541-389-3314 furniture, & much more! Pets 8 Supplies

Qll lI



RC 81Itc



f f




LThe B lleting


i • i

F2 SATURDAY, MAY 11, 2013 • THE BULLETIN Employment Opportunities

Employment Opportunities

Automotive Oil Can Henry's Bend Banking and Redmond locafirst communit tions is now acceptcr e d i t u n i o n ing applications for lube techs. Experi- We are excited to ence a plus, but not announce an availnecessary. P re-em- able position for a S e r vice ployment drug test is Financial r equired. Sto p b y R epresentative i n Bend location; 61160 Bend, Oregon. S. Hwy 97 or RedSalary Range: mond location; 2184 $10.00 - $19.00 S. Hwy 97; for appliFor more details cation. NO PHONE please apply online: CALLS PLEASE. www.myfirstccu.org EOE

TO PLACE AN AD CALL CLASSIFIED• 5 41-385-580 9 476



Employment Opportunities

Employment Opportunities

Employment Opportunities


Motorcycles & Accessories •


Boats & Accessories

Motor h omes

+ CRAMPED FOR+ Kawasaki 700cc quad CASH?

W A N T ED.Truck Mechanic 541-771-0789 Experience in r e si-Journey level h eavy Use classified to sell 20.5' Seaswirl Spythose items you no needed, full-time, for dential pre f e rred. duty truck mechanic, Suzuki Ei er 2004 der 1989 H.O. 302, longer need. Bend location. Title 8 Must be familiar with must be experienced Quadrunner ATV, autoCall 541-385-5809 285 hrs., exc. cond., Registration e x p eri- m easuring and i n - in all aspects of rematic, new tires, 2215 stored indoors for Monaco Dynasty 2004, ence a must; RV/Auto stalling mirr o r s, pair except motors. loaded, 3 slides, diemiles, covered dog life $11,900 OBO. Industry & Accounting shower doors, insu- Must have own hand carrier platform, nylon 541-379-3530 sel, Reduced - now experience preferred. lated units, etc. Pay tools. Com p etitive dust cover, set of 4 $119,000, 5 4 1-923C ompetitive pa y & D.O.E. 541-389-6293 wage with b enefits. Harley Davidson Softchains. $3200. 21' Crownline 215 hp 8572 or 541-749-0037j benefits. Please send Inquire wit h B u t ch Tail Deluxe 20 0 7, snow Contact Larry at resume' to Shields at Gold Coast white/cobalt, w / pasin/outboard e n g ine I.T. Help Desk 971-678-3196 or RV bcrvhireO mail.com Truck Repair, PO Box senger kit, Vance & nortonjackOcomcast.net 310 hrs, Cuddy Cabin Technician or apply in person at Hines muffler system sleeps 2/3 p e ople, CONSIGNMENTS 537, Coos Bay, OR WANTED 6 3500 N . H w y 9 7 , 97420. 800-211-1450 & kit, 1045 mi n exc. portable toilet, exc. Wallowa Memorial We Do the Work... Bend, Oregon. c ond, $16,9 9 9 , cond. Asking $8,000. You or 541-269-1223. Hospital Keep the Cash! 541-389-91 88. OBO. 541-388-8339 On-site credit DO YOU NEED 9' Located in Harley Davidson SportsOutdoor inflatable approval team, BANKING A GREAT ontoon boat, as new, Enterprise, OR ter, 2001, 1200cc, 9,257 web site presence. EMPLOYEE Q Dt~ ig~ m iles, $ 5 750. Ca l l Yamaha Banshee 2001, ull of extras, deluxe seat, We Take Trade-Ins! RIGHT NOW? Find exactly what Minimum 5 years Michael, 541-310-9057 custom built 350 motor, oars, anchors, fish 8 rod Free Advertising. Call The Bulletin C OMM U N I T Y C REDIT U N I O N $300, a bargain! BIG COUNTRY RV experience. you are looking for in the race-ready, lots of extras, holders, before 11 a.m. and Microsoft Windows Bend: 541-330-2495 Harley Davidson XL $4999/obo 541-647-8931 Peter, 562-659-4691 CLASSIFIEDS is now hiring for get an ad in to pubServer 2003/2008; Redmond: 1200 2007, SportsAds published in theg positions in BEND! lish the next day! 541-548-5254 Windows ter Low. Like new, 870 "Boats" classification 541-385-5809. 2000/XP/Vista/ Careqivers only 2800 mi n major Boats 8 Accessories include: Speed, fish- RV CONSIGNMENTS • Member Service VIEW the 7desktop OS; upgrades and addi514 ing, drift, canoe, • Representative Classifieds at: DNS/DHCP/Active WANTED! tions. Helmets and house and sail boats. www.bendbulletin.com Insurance All Makes & Models! Directory/Group Jackets i n c luded. For all other types of • Teller Coordinator Policy; TCP/IP wired Free Appraisals. SAVE $$$ on AUTO $6500.503-508-2367 14' 1982 Valco River watercraft, please see Sales, Service 8 Parts. and wireless It t a kes a spe c i al Food Service Class 875. To view the full job INSURANCE from the Randy's Kampers HIGH DESERT networks. Excellent Sled, 70 h.p., Fishperson to become a 541-385-5809 Harley Heritage descriptions and to m ajor names y o u Finder. Older boat but & Kars, 2910 S. Hwy. MUSEUM benefit package. Instead Home Softailr 2003 apply, p/ease visit know and trust. No Visit our website at price includes trailer, 97, Redmond C AREGiver, n o t a Part time - Cashier/ $5,000+ in extras, our websife at: forms. No hassle. No 3 wheels and tires. All 541-923-1655 www.wchcd.org degr e e . L ine Cook - H i gh $2000 paint job, www.on ointcareers.com s pecial obligation. Call Desert Museum is Contact for $1 5 00 ! Cal l Working with seniors 30K mi 1 owner READY F O R MY 541-416-8811 Linda Childers at in their homes can be seeking individuals QUOTE now! CALL For more information Ij II with enthusiasm and 541-426-5313 Call a Pro tremendously please call 1-888-706-8256. j$~/ EOE 541-385-8090 r ewarding. Enjo y excellent customer Whether you need a (PNDC) training, support, service skills to join or 209-605-5537 fence fixed, hedges o ur c a f e te a m . Medical flexible shifts that fit Ass i stant Part-time Seasonal trimmed or a house your life, and a job Full-time, 6 mo. min. Beautiful h o u seboatSouthwind 35.5' Triton, Loans 8 Mortgages that nurtures the soul. positions start mid exp. Pick up appli$85,000. 541-390-4693 2008,V10, 2 slides, Dubuilt, you'll find June. 25-30 hrs per F ind out m o r e a t cation/job descripwww.centraloregon pont UV coat, 7500 mi. WARNING professional help in Bought new at Homeinstead.com/CA week. Must be able tion pkg at office. houseboat.com. 14'5 n Gregor 2005 The Bulletin recomto obtain food han$132,913; The Bulletin's "Call a REGiver. Type in a Madras Medical mends you use cauboat, 2004 EZ Load asking $91,000. Central Oregon city or dlers c a r d and Group Service Professional" t railer, 2005 1 5 hp tion when you proHarley Limited 103 2011, Call 503-982-4745 zip c o d e to be O LCC card. F o r 76 NE 12th St., vide personal many extras, stage 1 & air Merc motor, electric Directory i n f ormation directed to the Central more Madras, OR. cushion seat. 18,123 mi, trolling motor with information to compa541-385-5809 p lease v i si t ou r Oregon office. remote foot control, nies offering loans or $20,990. 541-306-0289 OR/SCRUB T ECH website at downrigger, H u mcredit, especially needed, experienced www.highdesertmumingbird fish/depth Boat loader, elec. for only. N o w eekends, those asking for adseum.org. To apply, finder, full canvas 8 vance loan fees or pickup canopy, extras, Web Developer nights or on-call. Rede-mail cover letter & Winnebaqo Suncruiser34' much more. Excel$450, 541-548-3711 mond Surgery Center: companies from out of resume to 2004, only 34K, loaded, lent cond. $ 3 100. state. If you have Are you a technical star who can also commuemail resume to sujobs©highdesertGENERATE SOME extoo much to list, ext'd 541-382-6731, Bend concerns or quesnicate effectively with non-technical execuwhitley@uspi.com or museum.org or fax citement in your neigwarr. thru 2014, $54,900 tions, we suggest you tives and employees? Would you like to work fax 541-316-2513. HD Fat Boy 1996 to 382-5256. borhood. Plan a ga- Dennis, 541-589-3243 consult your attorney hard, play hard in beautiful Bend, OR, the rec16' Reinell, 1975, 4-cyl Completely customized No calls, please. rage sale and don't PAINTER or call CONSUMER reation capital of the state? Then we'd like to Must see and hear to Volvo in/outboard motor, forget to advertise in Full time position, expeHOTLINE, talk to you. EZ Loader trailer, $3300, appreciate. 2012 Travel Trailers classified! 385-5809. General rienced in all phases of 1-877-877-9392. as is. 541-350-0967 Award Winner. p ainting req'd. C a ll Our busy media company that publishes nu$17,000 obo. Airstream 1969 L a nd Chuck, 541-948-8499. BANK TURNED YOU JEL&WEN. merous web and mobile sites seeks an experiServing Central Oregon since 1903 541-548-4807 wINDows e Doo Rs Y acht, 31-ft, ad o n DOWN? Private party enced developer who is also a forward thinker, loan on real es- HD Screaming Eagle Bend CraigsList. $6500 USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! will creative problem solver, excellent communiJ ELD-WEN, i n c . OBO. 541-905-1705 tate equity. Credit, no Electra Glide 2005, cator, and self-motivated professional. We are Watercraft has the following problem, good equity u Door-to-door selling with 103 motor, two tone redesigning all of our websites within the next employment op- fast results! It's the easiest is all you need. Call candy teal, new tires, couple of years and want you in on the ground Ads published in eWaOregon Land Mortportunities avail23K miles, CD player, 18.5' '05 Reinell 185, V-6 tercraft" include: Kayfloor. gage 541-388-4200. able in K lamath way in the world to sell. Volvo Penta, 270HP, aks, rafts and motorhydraulic clutch, exAladdin 16' 1968 low hrs u must see, Falls, OR: cellent condition. Fluencywith PHP, HTML5, CSS3, jQuery and camper trailer, The Bulletin Classified LOCAL MONEYTWebuy Ized personal secured trustdeeds& Highest offer takes it. $15,000, 541-330-3939 watercrafts. JavaScript is a must. Experience integrating For $700. 541-385-5809 note,some hard money 541-480-8080. third-party solutions and social media applica• Service Desk "boats" please see 541-389-6990, loans. Call Pat Kelley tions required. Desired experience includes: 18.5' Sea Ray 2000, Class 870. Computer Tech Plumber- Ri d geline afternoons only. 541-382-3099 ext.13. Honda 750 Nighthawk, XML/JSON, MySQL, Joomla, Java, respon• Data Center 541-385-5809 Plumbing is seeking 1991, 17K, pristine con- 4.3L Mercruiser, 190 sive web design, Rails, WordPress. Top-notch hp Bowrider w/depth 573 licensed journeyman Tech dition, 55 mpg, $1795. finder, radio/CD player, skills with user interface and graphic design an plumber. Full time po- Business Opportunities 541-279-7092 • Release/Deploy Terrng Cenrral Oregon in re l903 added plus. rod holders, full cansition. 541-467-2971 Administrator vas, EZ Loader trailer, A Classified ad is an Background in the media industry desired but exclnt cond, $13,000. Remember.... W AY TO 707-484-3518 (Bend) Motorhomes • not required. This is a full-time position with For more info. A dd your we b a d - EASY REACH over 3 million benefits. If you've got what it takes, e-mail a dress to your ad and Pacific Northwesternplease visit cover letter, resume, and portfolio/work sample Fleetwood 10' Tent www.jeld-wen.com. readers on The ers. $52 5 /25-word links a n d/or re p ository ( GIIHub) t o Travel Trailer, 2004 Email resume to Bulletin' s web site c lassified ad i n 2 9 resume@wescompapers.com. RoadKing Classic 1 queen bed, 1 regujobs@jeld-wen.com will be able to click daily newspapers for 2000 22K mi, 1550 lar bed+ dining area through automatically 3-days. Call the PaThis posting is also on the web at www.bendstage II EFI, SEI2 bed; gas s tovetop, to your site. EOE cific Northwest Daily L. bulletin.com cam, new heads/Ig 2.5 cu. ft. refrigerator, (916) RV Service/Parts Man- Connection valves, Revtech 18'Maxum skiboat,2000, Fleetwood D i s covery portable toilet, aw2 88-6019 o r em a i l EOE/Drug Free Workplace ager a n d Te c h s. digital fuel optimizer, inboard motor, g r eat 40' 2003, diesel mo- ning/grass mat, BBQ, 25-Year D e a lership elizabethOcnpa.com Samson true dual w/all receiver for bike carcond, well maintained, torhome for more info (PNDC) headers, Hooker expands and is hiring $8995 obo. 541-350-7755 options-3 slide outs, rier. Original owner. exceptionally s k illed mufflers, HD toursatellite, 2 TV's,W/D, Check out the $6500. Photographer ing seat/handlebars, people. M o v e to etc. 3 2 ,000 m i les. Call 541-389-2426 classifieds online 19.5' Bayliner Discovbackrests, lots of beautiful Lake Havasu www.bendbulfetin.com Wintered in h e ated ery 2008, MerCruiser INTERFOR City, Arizona N ow! extras, excellent shop. $89,900 O.B.O. 135hp motor, open Updated daily condition. $9700 • • f Immediate opening for 928-208-6474. 541-447-8664 I bow, full canopy, alCall for more info an experienced Extreme Value Adverways garage-stored, 541-788-3004 G eorgie B o y 199 6 Sawmill Supervisor tising! 29 Daily newsused 5 times, new Bulletin Advertising Department Cruisemaster 31', Meet singles right now! (Gilchrist, OR) papers $525/25-word tags, $14,500 Special Projects Photographer / 460, Banks air, slide No paid o p erators, Do you want to be part classified 3-d a y s. 541-977-3120 Editorial Assistant o ut, l evelers, n e w just real people like of a "World C/ass" chasing products or ~ Reach 3 million Patires, lo w m i l eage, you. Browse greetmaintenance organiservices from out of ~ cific Northwesterners. The Bulletin is seeking a skilled photographer nice! $19,000. C a ll ings, exchange meszation?Do you pos- f the area. Sending For more information and editorial assistant to join the Special Don (541) 520-8547 sages and c o nnect sess the follow expec ash, checks, o r call (916) 288-6019 or Projects team. This position will average 20 live. Try it free. Call rience/skil/ ieve/s? / credit i n f ormation email: hours per week. Successful candidate will be •Post-secondary 20.5' 2004 Bayliner now: 8 7 7-955-5505. eduelizabethOcnpa.com Victory TC 2002, ~ may be subjected to ~ responsible for on-site and studio photogra(PNDC) 205 Run About, 220 cation - minimum for the Pacific NorthFRAUD. runs great, many phy for advertising products including special HP, VB, open bow, Grade 12 education Western Washington For more informawest Daily Connecmagazines and niche products as well as •5+ years of Sawmill accessories, new exc. cond with very I tion about an adver- ~ tion. (PNDC) Guy seeks gal 48-65, retail advertising. tires, under 40K low hours, lots of supervisory or similar / tiser, you may call slim(average build, to miles, well kept. extras incl. tower, experience Jayco Seneca 34', 2007. share quiet times; Oregon S tate Editorial assistant duties include some writing, •Lumber Bimini 8 custom grading ticket I the $7000 OBO. For 28K miles, 2 slides, Dutrips, walks, nature, Attorney General's organization, editing, data base management. trailer, $17,950. and familiarization ramax diesel, 1 owner, :E. m ore info. c a l l moon-light, cuddling! Office Co n s umerg Q Will also assist in some social media project 541-389-1413 excellent cond, $89,995; with Optimization will 541-647-4232 Greg, PO Box 3013 Protection hotline at I assistance as well as participation in local be an asset Trade? 541-546-6920 Arlington WA 98223 I 1-877-877-9392. events sponsored by The Bulletin. This is a We want you to join fun, fast-paced position. our Sawmill team in LTh t,' Bulletin Gilchrist, OR. We ofQualified employee will possess basic photogfer a competitive salraphy s k ills, c o mputer s k ills i n c luding TRUCK DRIVER ary and benefits Microsoft Office Suite and Adobe Creative wanted must have package. Please ap850 Suite. Will require the use of a reliable perdoubles endorsement. ply on line at www.insonal a u tomobile, proof of insurance, lifting Snowmobiles Truck is parked in Call 54I-385-5809tOpramOteyOurSerViCe AdVertiSefar 28 dayS Starting at 'l40(rhiss!Ieddl packageIEnot available onodr Yrebsiiel terfor.com/careers up to 40 lbs. Madras, OR. EEO/Drug Free WorkLocal run. Call (2) 2000 A rctic Cat place Employer To apply, send a resume, cover letter 541-475-4221 Z L580's EFI with n e w covers, electric start w/ Building/Contracting LandscapingiYard Care Landscaping/Yard Care Landscaping/Yard Carei and any appropriate work samples to: reverse, low miles, both Martha Tiller at mtiller@bendbulletin.com Millwrights excellent; with new 2009 SPRING CLEAN-UP! N OTICE: ORE G O N Trac-Pac 2-place trailer, NOTICE: Oregon state EOE / Drug-free Workplace req u ires anyAeration/Dethatching Landscape ContracSIGNING BONUS: drive off/on w/double tilt, law Weekly/one-time service co n t racts Zeottz gua/~ip tors Law (ORS 671) $3000 FOR LICENSED ELECTRICIANS lots of accys. Selling due one who avail. Bonded, insured. r equires a l l bu s i $1500 FOR CARDED JL MILLWRIGHTS to m edical r e asons. for construction work Free Estimates! to be licensed with the Zacugga E /,d. nesses that advertise Operationsand Policy Analyst 3 ROSEBURG FOREST PRODUCTS CO. $6000 all. 541-536-8130 Con - More Than Service COLLINS Lawn Maint. t o p e r form L a n d(Field Energy Analyst) DILLARD, RIDDLE (Scenic, Southern) OR Arctic Cat ZL800, 2001, C onstruction Ca/i 541-480-9714 tractors Board (CCB). scape C o n struction $4,415.00 - $6,463.00 Monthly Peace Of Mind short track, variable A n active lice n se which includes: Roseburg Forest Products Co. is a leader in ALLEN REINSCH exhaust valves, elecmeans the contractor Spring Clean Up p lanting, dec k s , T he Oregon Department o f E n ergy i s the wood products industry. We are growing Yard maintenance & tric s t art, r e verse, i s bonded and i n fences, arbors, recruiting for a Field Energy Analyst working in and looking for individuals to grow with our •Leaves clean-up, thatching, manuals, rec o rds, s ured. Ver if y t h e w ater-features, a n d our Planning, Policy and Technical Analysis company. If you are a Licensed Electrician plugging 8 much more! •Cones new spare belt, cover, contractor's CCB installation, repair of Division. This position serves as a resource for with PLC experience or you currently have at •Needles Call 541-536-1294 heated hand g rips, c ense through t h e irrigation systems to businesses, citizens and other stakeholders in least 4 years wood products Journey level • Debris Hauling nice, fast, $999. Call CCB Maverick Landscaping Cons u m er be licensed with the the central region and other parts of the state Millwright experience, we would like to get to Tom, 541-385-7932, M owing, weedeating,yd Website Landscape Contracby providing knowledge an d e x pertise, know you. Weed Free Bark detail., chain saw work, WWW.hirealiCDDSedCDntraCtor. t ors B o a rd . Th i s technical assistance and i nformation on • Yamaha 750 1999 & FlowerBeds Com etc! LCB bobcat excv n 4-digit number is to be renewable energy resources and technologies. We offer excellent company paid family benMountain Max, $1400. or call 503-378-4621. ¹8671 541-923-4324 included in all adverFor more information and to apply, please visit efits, pension, 401 (k), and tuition reimburse- • 1994 Arctic Cat 580 Lawn Renovation The Bulletin recomtisements which indius at www.oregonjobs.org, announcement ment for your professional development in our Nelson EXT, $1000. mends checking with Aeration Dethatching cate the business has ¹ ODOE13-0010. A p plications m u s t be up-grade program. Earn up to $27.79 for Elec- • Zieman 4-place Overseed Landscaping & the CCB prior to cona bond, insurance and received by May 13, 2013. trician and $24.94 for Millwright (plus shift diff) trailer, SOLD! tracting with anyone. Compost Maintenance workers c ompensadepending on your participation in the above All in good condition. Top Dressing Some other t rades Serving Central tion for their employThe Oregon Department of Energy is an Equal program. P l ease ap p l y onl in e at Located in La Pine. also req u ire addiOregon Since 2003 ees. For your protecOpportunity, Affirmative Action Employer. http://rfpcojobs.iapplicants.com. Call 541-408-6149. Residental/Commercial tional licenses a nd Landscape tion call 503-378-5909 certifications. Maintenance 860 or use our website: Human Resources Sprinkler Full or Partial Service Drywall Services www.lcb.state.or.us to Motorcycles & Accessories Roseburg Forest Products Co. Activafion/Repair • Mowing «Edging Remodels & Repairs. No check license status Equal Opportunity Employer Back Flow Testing • Pruning eWeeding job too small, free exbefore co n t racting Sprinkler Adjustments act quotes. CCB¹ with t h e b u s iness. Maintenance Advertising Account Executive 177336 541-408-6169 Persons doing land.Thatch & Aerate Mailroom Clerk Fertilizer included scape maintenance • Spring Clean up Debris Removal with monthly program •Weekly Mowing do not require a LCB The Bulletin is looking for a professional and license. driven Sales and Marketing person to help our & Edging JUNK BE GONE Weekly, monthly 1988 ATK 406, refur•Bi-Monthly & Monthly customers grow their businesses with an The Bulletin Mailroom is hiring for our Saturbished by American Dirt or one time service. I Haul Away FREE Maintenance Painting/Wall Covering expanding list of broad-reach and targeted day night shift and other shifts as needed. Bike, 1 hour running time For Salvage. Also •Bark, Rock, Etc. products. This full time position requires a We currently have openings all nights of the on complete overhaul. Cleanups 8 Cleanouts EXPERIENCED WESTERN P AINTING background in consultative sales, territory week but all applicants must be available to $1495. 541-504-7745 Mel, 541-389-8107 Commercial ~tendece in CO. Richard Hayman, management and aggressive prospecting skills. work Saturday nights. Shifts start between •Landscape & Residential a semi-retired paintTwo years of media sales experience is 6:00 p.m. and 11:30 p.m., and end between Construction Handyman ing contractor of 45 preferable, but we will train the right candidate. 2:00a.m.and 3:30 a.m. Starting pay is $9.00 •Water Feature years. S m all Jobs per hour, and we pay a minimum of 3 hours Installation/Maint. I DO THAT! Senior Discounts Welcome. Interior & The p o sition in c ludes a com p etitive per shift, as some shifts are short (11:30•Pavers Home/Rental repairs 541-390-1466 Exterior. c c b ¹ 51 84. compensation package including benefits, and 1:30). The work consists of loading inserting Small jobs to remodels Same Day Response •Renovations 541-388-6910 machines or stitcher, stacking product onto 2002 Harley Davidson Honest, guaranteed rewards an aggressive, customer focused •Irrigations Installation pallets, bundling, cleanup and other tasks. salesperson with unlimited earning potential. work. CCB¹151573 Heritage Softail - Fl, emSenior Discounts RV/Marine Must be able to stand for long periods of time erald green 8 black, lots Dennis 541-317-9768 Call a Pro Bonded & Insured to load machines. Will require repetitive of chrome 8 extras, 9K Email your resume, cover letter Whether you need a ERIC REEVE HANDY Expert Chainsaw and 541-815-4458 stooping and bending and must be able to lift mi, perfect cond. $9995. and salary history to: SERVICES. Home & hedge trimming opLCB¹8759 fence fixed, hedges 50 lbs. All hiring is contingent upon passing Call 503-999-7356 (cell) Jay Brandt, Advertising Director Commercial Repairs, erator, 30 yrs. exp. pre-employment drug screen. trimmed or a house jbrandt@bendbulletin.com BMW K100 L T 1 9 87 Carpentry-Painting, Call 541-633-9895. Need to get an ad or built, you'll find 52k miles, b r onze, Pressure-washing, Please apply by delivering a resume to The drop off your resume in person at extra wind s hield, Honey Do's. On-time professional help in in ASAP? Bulletin at 1777 SW Chandler Ave., 8-5, M 1777 SW Chandler, Bend, OR 97702; trailer hitch, battery promise. Senior TURNTHEPAGE thru F. Or email a resume to keldredObendThe Bulletin's "Call a charger, full luggage Discount. Work guarOr mail to PO Box6020, Bend, OR 97708; bulletin.com. Please include job title in the Fax it to 541-322-7253 hard bags, manuals anteed. 541-389-3361 Service Professional" No phone inquiries please. For MoreAds subject line. and paperwork. Alor 541-771-4463 Directory The Bulletin Classifieds ways garaged. $3200. Bonded & Insured The Bulletin EOE I Drug Free Workplace EOE, Drug Free Workplace. 541-385-5809 CCB¹181595 Don, 541-504-5989 GLAZIER

DMV / Title Clerk

The Bulletin





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s a~urday,May 11,2o13


Test your counting

2 What many

checks are for


22 Eyebrow-raising zs One holding the line ze Man, to Marcus 27 Alternative to lemon chiffon zs 1960s Greystoke

passes. What do you say? ANSWER: North in today's deal bid 2NT as a conventional forcing heart r a i se. In old - f ashioned "Standard" bidding, a raise to three hearts would have been forcing, but players now use "limit" double raises — three hearts would be invitational, not forcing — and need a gadget to force. Make sure you and y our partner agree on your methods. South dealer N-S vulnerable



(vI J 984 O A93 You must locate the queen of AAQ9 diamonds, hence you would like to know whether East or West has more EAST diamonds. To pursue a count, take the WEST 4 Q 10 8 6 3 2 A-K of spades and ruff dummy's 4 7 5 QK6 Q53 jack. West discards a club. O2 Now you know East had six spades 0 Q 7 6 5 4K J75 and two trumps, and West's fourth- 4 10 8 6 3 2 highest lead of the three of clubs SOUTH marks East with at least four clubs. 4A9 So East had at most one diamond, 9 AQ1072 and your problem is solved. Take the 0 KJ 10 8 4 king to see what diamond East plays. 44 If it's not the queen, let the jack ride through West.

DAILY QUESTION Y ouhold: 41 K J 4 Iv/ J9 8 4 0 A 9 3 lel A Q 9. Your partner opens one heart. The next player

S outh

Wes t

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N orth 2 NT 6 Q

Eas t P ass Al l P a s s

Opening lead — 1% 3 (C) 2013 Tribune Media Services, Inc.


Seeking a friendly duplicate bridge? Find five gamesweekly at www.bendbridge.org. BIZARRO

53 1994 Olympic skating champion s4 One of a pair of fraternal twins,

















32 Like Bush Sr., 17 18 religiously maybe 33 Pod: whales:: 19 20 21 22 ss Neighbor of knot: the Gem of the 23 24 34 Land animals? Mountains 3s Quick "ha ha" 25 26 27 28 36 Apt to strike DOWN 29 30 31 out 2 Nicknames portrayer 37 Sidewalk scam 32 33 34 2 Terminal 29 Chelsea-to3e A wide variety projections, 35 36 Chinatown dir. 37 briefly 4o Went back and 2o Like some forth 3 Cabinetry 38 39 40 evidence in option 41 Notably high arson cases 42 populace 4 Motor additive? 2> More likely to 42 Joins s "Witchcraft" 43 44 45 46 47 encounter singer 43 He signed 23 Label for the 48 49 50 51 5-Down in e Minnesota Bee Gees 1940 county west of 52 53 24 Handles St. Louis 44 Bark part zs Rajiv's mother 7 Large lunar 54 55 4s Bitter, e.g. 2s Victor Herbert's crater 4e Chemical "naughty" girl s "Live at the PUZZLE BY MICHAEL WIESENBERG ending 29 Thomas called " (Patsy 49 London tabloid 27 Its boring bits the Queen of Cline album) 37 Game requiring 4s Cantatrice's Memphis Soul s2 Laugh, in Lille can be quite many plug-ins? delivery 9 Biblical boater, long in Brest 39 Nordic flier 48 Yahoo ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE 2e Liver and zo Colombian 4o Home to Liszt 47 First name in kidney cowboys K I C K S O F F A S P E N S and Goethe mystery 3o Has over A T O N E F O R R I B L E T tz Mocha 42 American residents P A K E T T L E E X A C T A so 25-Down 33 Japanese glaze Revolution's O K I E S D E I S T A W N L2Very tense occupy one: "Mad Anthony" 34 Bikers' mounts Abbr. WE E L A D T O Y P O L La Dabbler 36 Finely tempered 44 Pomeranian, GA I T S D I R E 24 Like some nuts swoI'ds e.g. sz Landfill visitor G O O D C H A R L O T T E 22 Punch choice Z I P A D E E DO O D A H For answers, call 1-900-285-5656, $1.49 a minute; or, with a credit 23 Has something card, 1-800-814-5554. F AM I L Y R E UN I O N 24 Having missed Annual subscriptions are available for the best of Sunday A CM E A u DI T crosswords from the last 50 years: 1-888-7-ACROSS. the bell, say T E E S C I N E WC A R AT&T users: Text NYTX Io 386 Io download puzzles, or visit B F F N O N E S R H O D E 2s Their anthem is nytimes.com/mobilexword for more information.

Tribune Media Services

This week's deals have involved counting the defenders' distribution, a technique declarercan often use to find the best line of play. The process is simple in principle and within the reach of any player. To test yourself, cover the EastWest cards. Against six hearts, West leads the three of clubs, and you take the ace and let the nine of trumps ride. West takes the king and leads anotherclub: queen, king,ruff.When you cash a high trump, East-West follow. What next?

3o Long meals? 31 Hall monitors, briefly

No. 0406


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puzzles, nytimes.com/crosswords (S39.95 a year). Share tips: nytimes.com/wordplay. Crosswords for young solvers: nytimes.com/learning/xwords.

V WB E E T L E 2e Son of Marie A AA R A T E D Louise of N B A S T A R S


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by David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek

Unscramble these four Jumbles, One letter to eaCh Square,

Gentlemen, I need yau49 man the front gate immediately.

to fOrm faur Ordinary WOrdS.



02013 Tnbune Media services, ec. All Rights Reserved.

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YEMMAH N0W arrange the CirCled letterS 10 farm the SurPriSe anSWer, as

suggested by the above cartoon. |4 Laugh ngStock International Inc . Dist W Un ersal Uclck for UFS, 200

"I barely made it out of the last place."

answer here: YeSterday'8

appointee 47 Pencil holders? 49 H all 51 Hitched behind 53 1924 Darrow client 55 Value 56 Pitman users 58 DOJ part 60 Rebuffs 61 White wine aperitif 62 Reason to make a stand? 66 Subj. for an au

pair THev CAI L-FI2 THE


ACROSS DOWN 1 Jerk 1 Jacks 12 Casting leader? 2 Ra z or handle? 3 Balm 15 1925 musical based on the play 4 W here a guest may rest "My Lady Friends" 5 Loop together 16 Stumble 17 Expanse seen 6 Tied together from Point Barrow 7 Japanese mushrooms 18 Draw 8 Lawman Ramsey 19 Check out of ' 7 0s TV 20 Shatner's " W ar" 9 Haitian season 21 Snickers 10 Rat23 Cole Porter and Rudy Vallee, e.g, 11 Brightest star in Cygnus 25 Thing to do in 12 18th-century style teenage Russian 28 Hurts, in a way emperor 29 Glare 13 Region of eastern 31 Connecting line Ecuador 33 Make an example 14 Clothing store of hangers 34 Food found in 22 Peddler rings 24 Activate, in a way 36 Starfleet unifor 26 Los Angeleswearers based ISP 38 Twerpz and 27 Hall of Fame Strawz candy running back brand Campbell 40 Actor honored 30 "TheWest Wing" with a memoria Emmy nominee statue in Hong 32 Fulfill Kong 1 2 3 4 5 43 Heavyweight 46 Bill's first 15 Supreme Court

(Answers MOnday) Jumbles: AROSE Y E AS T OR P HA N HY M N AL Answer: Picking vegetables in their garden wasEASY PEASY

671993 movie cowritten by Quentin Tarantino 68 Commandment wOI'd

69 Back-to-the-land movement practitioner

35 Shade of green 37 Songwriter Kristofferson 39 Fire 40 Common entree at 48-Down 41 Scrawny 42 Altogether 44 Finished 45 Never 48 Rituals including the Cup of Elijah

50 Bird, for one 52 Value 54 Inebriate 57 Prefix with -tonin 59 Words of lament 63 Giant word 64 Lough second-largest lake on the River Shannon 65 Pasture plea










12 1 3


16 18






21 25







31 35


32 36




44 47



05/1 1/1 3



40 4 1





48 54








58 63

By Barry C. Silk (c)2013 Tribune Media Services, Ine.



45 50



60 65

05/1 1/1 3


To PLAGE AN AD cALL CLAssIFIED• 541-385-5809


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How to play:

2 8 6 9 7

Sudoku High Fives consists of five regular Sudoku grids sharing one set of 3-by-3 boxes. Each row, column and set of 3-by-3 boxes must contain the numbers 1 through 8 without repetition. The numbers in any shared set of 3-by-3 boxes apply to each of the indivudual Sudokus.


5 9 3 4 2

3 6 5 8 1


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Please check y u on the first day it runs to make sure it is corKeystone Sprinter rect. Sometimes in31', 2008 structions over the King size walkphone are misaround bed, electric understood and an error awning, (4) 6-volt can occur in your ad. batteries, plus many If this happens to your more extras, never ad, please contact us smoked in, first the first day your ad owners, $19,900. appears and we will be happy to fix it Call 541-410-5415 as soon as we can. If we can assist you, please call us: Call The Bulletin At 541-385-5809 541-385-5809 The Bulletin Classified Place Your Ad Or E-Mail At: www.bendbulletin.com

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TURN THE PAGE For More Ads The Bulletin

Ford Explorer Limited 2006, RV Tow Vehicle, Exc. Cond. Flat Tow, Remote Start M&G Air Tow B rake Syst e m , Lights Wired Breakaway switch, Roadmaster Tow H itch 3M Clearguard, Always Garaged, 32k mi., Camel Leather Interior $17 , 995.

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Toyota Camryst 1984, SOLD; Ford Taurus Wagon 2004, 1985 SOLD; 541-954-51 93. 120K miles, loaded, in 1986 parts car nice s h ape, $ 4 200. only one left! $500 541-815-9939 Call for details, CHECK YOUR AD Miata2008 Tour541-548-6592 Please check your ad Mazda ing Edition, 6-spd, 9900 $2200 OBO.

on the first day it runs miles, no issues, Carfax/ to make sure it is cor- maint records, $17,000 Toyota Corolla 2004, auto., loaded, 2 04k rect. Sometimes inmiles. orig. owner, non s tructions over t h e obo; 541-788-1234 Chevy Wagon 1957, P ioneer 2 3 ' 190 F Q smoker, exc. c o nd. phone are misunder- Where can you find a 4-dr., complete, 2006, EZ Lift, $9750. $6500 Prin e ville stood and an e rror $7,000 OBO, trades. 541-480-7837 helping hand? 541-548-1096 503-358-8241 can occur in your ad. Please call From contractors to If this happens to your 541-389-6998 WHEN YOU SEE THIS MONTANA 3585 2008, Plymouth B a r racuda Toyota Venza 2012 ad, please contact us yard care, it's all here exc. cond., 3 slides, Chrysler 300 C o upe 1966, original car! 300 XLE AWD wagon the first day your ad king bed, Irg LR, in The Bulletin's ~Oo 1967, 44 0 e n g ine, hp, 360 V8, center- ¹ 031994 $32, 9 9 5 appears and we will Arctic insulation, all auto. trans, ps, air, "Call A Service MOrePiXatBendbuletij),COm lines, 541-593-2597 be happy to fix it as 541-923-2318 options $35,000. frame on rebuild, reOn a classified ad dkhansen©bends oon as w e c a n . Professional" Directory 541-420-3250 PROJECT CARS: Chevy painted original blue, go to Deadlines are: Weekbroadband.com or 2-dr FB 1949-(SOLD) & Oregon Prowler 2009 Extreme NuWa 297LK H i tch- Tod, 541-350-6462 original blue interior, Chevy Coupe 1950 www.bendbulletin.com days 12:00 noon for AutoSource E dition. Model 2 7 0 Hiker 2007, 3 slides, original hub caps, exc. rolling chassis's $1750 to view additional next day, Sat. 11:00 541-598-3750 RL, 2 slides, oppos- 32' touring coach, left chrome, asking $9000 ea., Chevy 4-dr 1949, aaaoregonautosource.com photos of the item. a.m. for Sunday; Sat. Piper A rcher 1 9 8 0, ing in living area, ent. kitchen, rear lounge, or make offer. 12:00 for Monday. If complete car, $ 1949; Good classified ads tell 541-385-9350 center, sep. bedroom, many extras, beautiful based in Madras, alwe can assist you, Cadillac Series 61 1950, 940 the essential facts in an 2 new e x tra t i res, cond. inside & o ut, ways hangared since please call us: 2 dr. hard top, complete Vans interesting Manner. Write hitch, bars, sway bar $32,900 OBO, Prinev- new. New annual, auto w/spare f r on t cl i p ., 541-385-5809 included. P r o-Pack, ille. 541-447-5502 days pilot, IFR, one piece M ini Cooper S from the readers view - not $3950, 541-382-7391 The Bulletin Classified windshield. Fastest ArFord 1-ton extended van, anti-theft. Good cond, & 541-447-1641 eves. C lubman 2 0 0 9 , the seller's. Convert the cher around. 1750 to1995, 460 engine, set-up c lean. Re q . 'til 24K mi., with lots of facts into benefits. Show tal t i me . $6 8 ,500. f or c o n tractor w i t h 4/20/15. 819, 9 00. good stuff, 6 speed the reader how the item will 541-475-6947, ask for shelves 8 bins, fold-down 541-390-1122 auto, w/ paddle and help them in someway. ladder rack, tow hitch, Rob Berg. skslra@msn.com manuel shift, exc. FAST66 Ranchero! This 180K miles, new tranny & Chevy Ma!!bu 2009 utility, pretty, and a $7500 invested, advertising tip 43k miles, loaded, brakes; needs catalytic B LAST t o dri v e . sell for $4500! brought to you by studs on rims/ RV T-BIRD 1988 S p ort converter & new wind$19,500. Call Call 541.382.9835 P ilgrim 27', 2007 5 t h Asking $12,900. CONSIGNMENTS coupe, 34,400 orig. shield. $2200. 541-504-8770 The Bulletin 541-610-6834. wheel, 1 slide, Ac, 541-220-7808 WANTED mi., A/C, PW, PL, new ser mg centraiomgon snce lsl8 We Do The Work ... TV,full awning, exceltires/brakes/hoses/ lent shape, $23,900. belts & exhausts. Tan You Keep The Cash! 541-350-8629 On-site credit w/tan interior. Immaculate! $4,995. approval team, Days 5 4 1-322-4843, web site presence. RV FIAT 1800 1978, 5-spd, Eves 541-383- 5043 We Take Trade-Ins! CONSIGNMENTS Free Advertising. door panels w/flowers WANTED Diamond Reo Dump & hummingbirds, BIG COUNTRY RV We Do The Work ... Truck 19 7 4, 12 -14 white soft top 8 hard Bend: 541-330-2495 You Keep The Cash! yard box, runs good, top. Just reduced to Redmond: On-site credit $6900, 541-548-6812 541-548-5254 $3,750. 541-317-9319 approval team, or 541-647-8483 web site presence. 1000 We Take Trade-Ins! VW BUG 1972 rebuilt G K E A T Springdale 2007 26' low Legal Notices Legal Notices Legal Notices Legal Notices Free Advertising. eng, new paint, tires, miles, awning, A/C, chrome whls, 30 mpg, exc. cond., $14,000. BIG COUNTRY RV A TTORNEY I M M E - within four (4) months Bend: 541-330-2495 $3800. 541-233-7272 541-848-9359. Hyster H25E, runs LEGAL NOTICE (30) days from the DIATELY. If you need after the date of first Redmond: well, 2982 Hours, CIRCUIT COURT OF date of service of this help in finding an atpublication to the un541-548-5254 $3500,call OREGON FOR DESSummons upon you. torney, you may call dersigned or they may Ford Galaxie500 1963, 541-749-0724 CHUTES COUNTY, If you fail to appear the O r egon S t a te be barred. Additional 2 dr. hardtop,fastback, D EUTSCHE B A N K and defend this matBar's Lawyer Referral i nformation may b e 390 vs,auto, pwr. steer & NATIONAL T R UST ter within thirty (30) 0 S ervice a t (503) o btained f ro m t h e radio (orig),541-419-4989 COMPANY, AS days from the date of 684-3763 or toll-free court records, the unVW Convertible 1977, 00 TRUSTEE FOR THE publication specified Ford Mustang Coupe in Oregon at (800) dersigned or the atSpringdale 27' 2005, 4 herein along with the 1966, original owner, new tires & brakes, re- REGISTERED The ob!ect torney. Date first pubslide in dining/living area built engine, newer paint, HOLDERS OF MOR- r equired f i ling f e e , 452-7636. V8, automatic, great of the said action and lished: May 4, 2013. sleeps 6, low mi,$15,000 $9500. 541-388-5591 GAN STANLEY ABS D EUTSCHE B A N K shape, $9000 OBO. the relief sought to be William L. C romley, obo. 541-408-3811 Peterbilt 359 p o table 530-515-8199 CAPITAL I INC. NATIONAL T R UST 933 o btained therein i s Personal Representawater t r uck, 1 9 9 0, TRUST 20 0 7 - HE6 COMPANY, as fully set forth in said t ive c/o R o nald L . 3200 gal. tank, 5hp Pickups MORTGAGE Trustee for the regis- complaint, a n d is Bryant, Attorney at pump, 4-3" h o ses, Ford Ranchero PASS-THROUGH tered h o l ders of briefly stated as folLaw, Bryant Emerson 908 camlocks, $ 2 5 ,000. 1979 Streamliner 30' CERTIFICATES, SEMORGAN STANLEY 541-820-3724 G MC Sierra S L T lows: Foreclosure of a & Fitch, LLP, PO Box with 351 Cleveland Aircraft, Parts RIES 200 7 H E6, ABS CAPITAL I INC. 1963, good condi2006 - 1500 Crew Deed of T rust/Mort- 4 57, Redmond O R modified engine. 8 Service P laintiff, v. CR A I G TRUST 200 7 -HE6 gage. Grantors:Craig tion, com p l ete, Cab 4x4, Z71, exc. 97756. Body is in M OORE; JOA N I E MORTGAGE ready to go. $2000. Moore, Joanie Moore cond., 82 k m i les, excellent condition, M OORE; UN I T ED PASS-THROUGH LEGAL NOTICE 541-306-0383 $19,900. and Persons or Par$2500 obo. STATES OF CERTIFICATES, SETo INTERESTED 541-408-0763 ties Unknown ClaimBetter than most, and 541 -420-4677 AMERICA, I N T E R- RIES 2007-HE6 will PERSONS ing Any Right, Title, w orth the p r ice o f N AL REV E N U E apply to the Court for Lien or Interest in the W illiam Felton h a s $500 cash. Evening SERVICE; STATE OF the relief demanded in been appointed AdProperty Described in II p,, Iri I S phone be s t at OREGON, DEPARTt he Complaint. T h e ministrator of the esthe Complaint Herein. 541-318-8503. 1/3 interest in Columbia MENT OF REVENUE; first date of publicaProperty add r ess: tate of Cheri Yvonne I nternational Fla t 400, $150,000 located PERSONS OR PAR- tion is May 3, 2013. 60590 Mayb e r ry Lovett, deceased, by Bed Pickup 1963, 1 Weekend Warrior Toy @ Sunriver. H o urly TIES UNK N OWN NOTICE TO DEFEN- C ourt, Be n d , O R the C i r cuit C o u rt, Hauler 28' 2007, Gen, rental rate (based upon Ford T-Bird, 1966, 390 ton dually, 4 s pd. CLAIMING A NY DANTS: READ 97702. P u b lication: State of Oregon, Desengine, power every- trans., great MPG, fuel station, exc cond. approval) $775. Also: Service & Accessorie RIGHT, TITLE, LIEN T HESE PAP E R S The Bulletin. DATED chutes County, Case thing, new paint, 54K could be exc. wood sleeps 8, black/gray S21 hangar avail. for O R I NTEREST I N CAREFULLY! You N o. 13PB0043. A l l this 31 day of Januoriginal m i les, runs hauler, runs great, i nterior, u se d 3X , s ale, or l e ase © 3 tires, 225/60R-17 off must "appear" in this THE PRO P E RTY persons having claims a ry, 2 0 13 . Cr a i g new brakes, $1950. great, excellent condi$15/day or $ 325/mo. Outback, 50% tread left, $19,999 firm. DESCRIBED IN THE case or the other side Peterson, OSB against the estate are 541-948-2963 tion in & out. Asking 541-419-5480. 541-389-9188 COMPLAINT will win automatically. ¹120365, $25 ea. 541-318-0766 Zac h ary required to p r esent $8,500. 541-480-3179 HEREIN, Defendants. To "appear" you must Bryant, OSB them, with vouchers Need to get an No. 12CV1 1 18. file with the court a le- ¹113409, R o binson attached, to the unLooking for your SUMMONS BY PUBad in ASAP? gal paper called a Tait, P.S., Attorneys dersigned A d m inisnext employee? Antique & "motion" or "answer." for Plaintiff. LICATION. TO:Craig t rator a t 2 5 0 NW Place a Bulletin help You can place it Classic Autos M oore, Persons o r The "motion" or "anF ranklin Ave., S t e. wanted ad today and online at: swer" must be given Parties Unk n o wn LEGAL NOTICE 402, Bend, OR 97701, reach over 60,000 Claiming Any Right, to the court clerk or The undersigned has within four m o nths www.bendbulletin.com readers each week. GMC 1966, too many N issan Pickup 1 9 9 1 Title, Lien or Interest administrator w i t hin been appointed per- after the date of May Your classified ad extras to list, reduced to 2WD/4Cyl Auto. Runs in the Property De- thirty days along with sonal representative 11, 2013, th e f i r st will also appear on 541-385-5809 $7500 obo. Serious buy- great. Extras. $3700. scribed in the Com- the required filing fee. of the Estate of Viv1921 Model T publication of this nobendbulletin.com 541-316-1367 ers only. 541-536-0123 It must be in proper ian Brooke Cromley, tice, or the claims may Delivery Truck which currently reKco!More Pix at Bendbfflletin.ci plaint Herein, IN THE NAME OF THE form and have proof Deceased, by the De- be barred. Additional Restored & Runs ceives over 1.5 milSTATE OF OREGON: o f service o n t h e schutes County Ciri nformation may b e lion page views ev$9000. T itan 4 x 4 20 0 7 , You are hereby replaintiff's attorney or, cuit Court of the State o btained f ro m t h e ery month at no 541-389-8963 Off-Road, beautiful quired to appear and if the plaintiff does not of Oregon, probate records of the court, extra cost. Bulletin inside and out, med efend against t h e have a n at t o rney, number 1 3 PB0046. the Administrator, or Classifieds Get Retallic black/charcoal allegations contained proof of service on the All persons having t he lawyer fo r t h e w e l l-1952 Ford Customline sults! Call 385-5809 1/3 interest i n leather, loaded, 69k in the Complaint filed plaintiff. IF YOU c laims against t h e Administrator, P a triequipped IFR Beech Bo- Coupe, project car, flat- GMC vraton 1971, Only or place your ad a gainst you i n t h e HAVE ANY Q U ES- estate are required to cia Heatherman, 250 nanza A36, new 10-550/ head V-8, 3 spd extra $19,700l Original low mi., $19,995 obo. on-line at 541-410-6183. above entitled proTIONS, YOU present the same with NW Franklin Ave, Ste. prop, located KBDN. parts, & materials, $2000 mile, exceptional, 3rd bendbulletin.com owner. 951-699-7171 ceeding within thirty S HOULD SE E A N proper vouchers 402, Bend, OR 97701. $65,000. 541-419-9510 obo. 541-410-7473

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'G'. General audience 'Y': Young children 7 ChIldren

over 7 'f4': Children over f4 'PG': Parental guidance 'M': Mature audienceonly Common symbols:

A:I n stereo «: Closed captioning iTV: Interactive TV program N: Programis new PA: Parental advisory DVS: Descriptive video service El: Educational/ instructional D: Dialogue L: Language S: Sexual situations V: Violence HD scheduling, please note:

Schedules are basedon standarddefinition (SD) channels. High-definition (HD) channels may vary by three hourswhen aWest Coast programming feed is not available toyour TV provider. Please referto your provider's interactive TV guide for detailed HD channel schedules. For a list of cable and over-the-air channels byzip code, aswell up-to-the-minute TV programming, please visit


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on page 9. Sudoku has moved to Clessifieds

on page 5.

a c

I d



bendbulletin. com/tv.

THE BULLETIN «MAY 11 — 17, 2013 *In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. / Sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/Black Butte (Digital); PM-Prineville/Madras; SR-Sunriver; L-La Pine




• II • I Good Morning America (N) «


Today Jimmy Connors; line dancing.(N) n «


II I KATU News This Morning - Sat (N) n «









Jack Hanna's WildOcean Mysteries Born to Explore Recipe Rehab Countdown With Jeff Corwin (N)n (El)'G' Brownies(N) 'G The Chica Show Pajanimals (El) 'Y' Poppy Cat(El) 'Y Justin Time (El) 'YLazyTown n (El) Golf Central Live 'Y' cc (EI) 'Y' (N)n cc Busytown Myster. Busytown Myster- Liberty's Kids n Liberty's Kids n Paid Program Paid Program

(5:00) CBS This Morning: Saturday Doodlebops (El) Doodlebops (El) 'Y' « 'Y' cc Carole King;Wilie Nelson.(N)n ies n (El) 'Y' ies n (El)'Y' Jack Hanna's WildOcean Mysteries O O O O Portable Cook- Animal Adven. Good Morning America (N)cc top 'G' tures Countdown With Jeff Corwin g} IEI IE)Paid Program Paid Program Awesome Adven- Wild About Ani- Jack Hanna's Into Eco Companyn mals 'G' m tures (El)'G' the Wild 'G' (El) 'G' cc Super Why! n (El) SciGirls n 'G' cc ~ gy gy Ij Sesame Street A labrador retriever Curious George 'Y' Cat in the Hat 'Y' cc wants a job onSesame Street. 'Y' «(DVS) Know s a Lot NewsChannel 8 atSunrise at 6:00 NewsChannel 8 at Sunrise at 7:00 AM(N)cc LazyTown n (El)

II I Food for Thought Sea Rescue(N)'G' cc(DVS) PGA Tour Golf ThePlayersChampion ship, Third Round(N) « Paid Program Paid Program

(EI) 'Y7' (EI) 'Y7' Born to Explore Sea Rescue(N)'GRecipe Rehab Food for Thought Steel Dreams Cars.TV n 'PG' « 'G' cc cc(DVS) Brownies(N)'G' (ABC) (N) n (El)'G' FA Cup Soccer Final — Manchester City FCvs WiganAthletic FC FromWembley Stadium. (N) n (Live) RoadtoWembley KFXO ©c (N) cc (FOX) Cyberchase n 'Y' Fetch! With Ruff The Victory Gar- P. Allen Smith's Sewing With Sew It All Shift KOAB cc(DVS) Ruff man 'Y' den 'G' Garden Home Nancy 'G' « dress. 'G' « (PBS) Poppy Cat (El) Y Justin Time (El) 'Y' Noodle and G o l f Central Live PGA Tour GolfPlThe ayersChampion KGW 'Y' cc AM(N) cc Doodle (El) 'Y' (N) n cc ship, Third Round(N) cc (NBC) Justice League Dragon Ball Z Kai WWESaturday Yu-Gi-Oh! 'Y7' «Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal KTVZDT2 @ ~ Ij @ Hip Hop Abs 'G' Your Best Skin Rescue Heroes n Adventures of Sonic X n 'Y7' cc Sonic X n Y7 « Transformers 'Y7' « With Stemage (El) 'G' « Nanoboy Prime 'Y7' Unlimited 'Y7' Morning Slamn (N) 'Y7' cc (CW) OPBPL 175 17 3 B B C Newsnight Washington Asia Biz Great Decisions Scully: World I n side Wash'ton McLaughlin Tru th-Money W e althTrack B i z Kid$ n 'G' T he Buddha n 'G' «(DVS)


Criminal Minds AkidnappedRussian Criminal Minds A suspect impregnates Fix This Yard Fix This Yard(N) Sell This House: ExtremeAtlanta, Ga. Flip This HouseTheRookie Intern tries 3 28 1 8 32 Landscaping Se- PROACTIV 'PG' cc 'PG' cc crets 'G' immigrant.n '14' « young women.n '14' « (N) 'PG' cc his first flip. 'PG' « The Rifleman The The Rifleman Tin- The Rifleman 'G' ccThe Rifleman 'G' cc The Rifleman 'G' cc The Rifleman 'G' cc The Rifleman 'G' ccRawhide Incident ofthe Dry DriveThe Rawhide Incident of the JudasTrap Rawhide *AMC Debt 'G' horn 'G' cattle aredeniedwater. 'PG' Drovers hunt two typesof kilers. 'ANPL 68 50 26 38 BigCatDiary'G' BigCat Diary'G' MustLoveCatsn'PG' « Must Love Cats n 'PG' « Cats101 n 'PG' « Cats101 n 'PG' cc Dogs101 n 'PG' cc Don't Be Tardy... The Kandi Factory '14' BRAVO 13 44 New lyweds: The First Year Ready Set Wed'14' The Kandi Factory '14' The Kandi Factory '14' The Kandi Factory'14' CMT 190 32 42 53 CMTMusicn'PG CMT Music n 'PG' CMT Music n 'PG' CMT Social Hour n 'PG' CMT Musicn 'PG' CMT Music 'PG' Hot 20 CNBC 54 36 40 52 Supersmile Sh e erCover Insanity! TRIA Cook Safe Zum ba Fit DeepClean P a i d ProgramLike NewCarpet Larry King Healing Power of Juicing 'G' CNN 55 38 35 48 Sat. Morning Y o ur Money (N)CNN SaturdayMorning (N) CNN Newsroom(N) CNN Newsroom(N) Your Money T h e Next List COM 13 53 135 47 Sexier Hair! 'G' Insanity! 'G Sexy Abs 'G ' WEN Hair Care Comedy Central (8:19) Scrubs n (8:50) Scrubsn (9:21) Scrubsn (9:52) Scrubsn (10:23) ** "Beerfesl" (2006) JayChandrasekhar. COTV (5:30) City Club of Central Oregon Desert Cooking Oregon Extreme Desire Journal Get Outdoors Visions of NW Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program CSPAN 61 20 12 11 (4:00) Washington Journal Washington ThisWeek W ashington ThisW eek *DIS 87 43 1439 Octonautsn ' *** "The incredib/es" (2004) Y' MickeyMouse Mickey Mouse Doc McStuffins Never Land So f ia the First P hineas, Ferb Gravity Falls 'Y7' Jessie 'G' « Do g With a Blog *DISC 15 21 16 37 HipHopAbsn I n s anity! DeepClean HO P E Fit ThePerfectYard SexyAbsn 'G' FastN'Loudn '14'« Property Wars Property Wars Property Wars Property Wars *El 13 25 Tot al Gym Cin d y Crawford*** "Juno" (2007,Comedy-Drama)Ellen Page,Michael Cera. All Grown Up: The Soup '14' E! News(N) Fashion Police '14 ESPN 21 23 22 23 SportsCenter« SportsCenter (N)(Live) « College Baseball LSU at TexasA8M (N)(Live) NHRA DragRacing ESPN2 22 24 21 24 EnglishPremierLeagueSoccer NASCARNow (N)(Live) cc College LacrosseNCAATournament —Lehigh at North Carolina (N) CrossFit Games CrossFit Games ESPNC 23 25 123 25 30for30 « SEC Storied acc 30for30 cc AmericanMan" (2012 Documentary) cc America's-Lol ESPNN 24 63 124203 Interruption NB A Tonight H.Lite Ex H-Lite Ex H-Lite Ex H-Lite Ex. H-L i te Ex H-Lite Ex. Spo r tsCenter (N) (Live) cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc ** "Twilight"(2008, Romance)Kristen Stewart. FAM 67 29 19 41 Top Kitchen! 'G' Floor Appeal Boy MeetWorld Boy MeetWorld Boy MeetWorld ** "Hocus Pocus"(1993)Bette Midler, SarahJessica Parker. FNC 57 61 36 50 (3:00) FOX and Friends Saturday Bulls and Bears Cavuto/Business Forbes on FOX Cashin' In (N) America's NewsHeadquarters (N) America's NewsHeadquarters (N) Journal Editorial FOX News *FOOD 17 62 98 44 SexyAbs'G Best Chainsaw BarbecueAddi. Guy's Big Bite Best- Made Best Thing Ate Best Dishes B e s t Dishes Pioneer Wo. T r isha's Sou. B ' foot Contessa Giada at Home FX 131 Best Chainsaw Insanity Workout How I Met How I Met How I Met Two/Half Men Two/Half Men Two/Half Men Two/Half Men * "Dude, Where's MyCar?" (2000)AshtonKutcher HGTV 17 49 33 43 FloorAppeal PROACTIV cc Disaster DIY 'G' Leave-Bryan Property Bro Property Bro Elbow Room'G' Going Yard 'G' Bath Crashers Yard Crashers Yard Crashers Kitchen Crash. 'HIST 15 42 41 36 PainRelief Live Longer! Brad Meltzer's Decoded 'PG' Brad Meltzer's Decoded 'PG' The Godfather Legacy '14' « St. Valentine's DayMassacre LIFE 13 39 20 31 PROACTIV cc New Keurig Paid Program Muffin Top? 'G' Like NewCarpet Dr. 0 says Yes! Cindy Crawford Dancer's Body Zumba Fit WEN Hair Care Dance Moms'PG' cc MSNBC 59 59128 51 (5:00)Upw/SteveKornacki(N) Melissa Harris-Perry (N) Weekends With Alex Witt (N) MSNBCLive (N) MTV 192 22 38 57 Awkward.'14' G i r lCoden'14 Girl Code n '14' Girl Code n '14 *** tAmerican Teen"(2008)Aviewof various cliques in asmall Indianahighschool Girl Code n '14 Girl Code n '14' (11:35) Awkward. NICK 82 46 2440 FullHouse'G' FullHouse'G' Odd Parents O d d Parents SpongeBob S p ongeBob Sp ongeBob O d d Parents SpongeBob S p ongeBob TeenageMut. Monsters, Alien Dl'. Pilll n 'PG' cc Dl'. Pllll n 'PG' cc OWN 161 103 31 103 Dr. Phil n 'PG' « Home Made Simple (N)'G' cc Behind Mansion Walls 'G' cc Behind Mansion Walls '14' cc PAC12 47 310310310 College Softball UCLA atOregon State College Softball Oregon atArizona State Basketball Bas k etball College Golf SPIKE 132 31 34 46 Hip Hop Abs n Total Gym Cook Safe Insanity! DeepClean WE N Hair CareXtreme 4x4'G' Horsepower TV Trucks! 'G' « M u s cleCar 'G' Repo Gamesn (11:21) Fighting SYFY 13 35 133 45 No Defrosting The Perfect Yard WEN Hair Care ZumbaFitness3-For-FREE 'PG Grendel" (2007,Adventure) Chris Bruno,BenCross, MarinaSirtis Chupacabra:DarkSeas" (2005) TBN 205 60 130 VeggieTales 'Y VeggieTales'Y' VeggieTales'Y' VeggieTales 'Y' VeggieTales 'Y' VeggieTales 'Y VeggieTal es'Y' Veggi eTales'Y' Veggi eTales'Y' VeggieTales'Y VeggieTal se'Y' VeggieTales'Y Married... With Married... With My Name IsEarl Tyler Perry's T y l er Perry's Meet AreThere We Yet? According to Jim ** "Stomp theYard" (2007, Drama)ColumbusShort, MeaganGood, Ne-Yo. A **"Step Up *TBS '14' cc 'PG' n 'PG' cc n 'PG Children n 'PG' House of Payne the Browns troubled dancerenrolls in college. cc (2006) cc (7:45) ** "TheFa/con's Brother" (1942, Mystery) George * "CanadianPacific" (1949,Western) RandolphScott, JaneWyatt. A womanand *** Deadffinger (1964 Mystery) (6:15) *** "Ci'ime and Pimishmenf"(1935, Crime Di'ama) TCM 101 44 101 29Edward Arnold, PeterLorre,MarianMarsh. Sanders,TomConway,Jane Randolph. an Indiangirl vie for asurveyor's affection. Bette Davis, KarlMalden. 'TLC 17 34 32 34 ThePerfectyard CleanHome F a t L oss TRIA Sexy Abs n 'G' Pretty Women Worst Tattoos Worst Tattoos Worst Tattoos Worst Tattoos Breaking Amish n '14' cc Law & Order BronxCheerMurder inves Rizzoli & Isles Angelagets involvedin Rizzoli & Isles MoneyMakerJaneand 'TNT 26 1 27 Law Order Order Awoman' & Order A murder be a& hate crimPhobi e. n '1a4'Akidnapping could Law in a & trunk. '14' «(DVS)s bodyisfound Law ity TV program. n '14' occurs on areal tigation. n '14' «(DVS) politics. '14' « Maura investigate. '14' cc 'TOON 84 Looney Tunes LooneyTunes Scan2Go (N)'Y7' JohnnyTest'Y7' Beyblade:Metal Pokemon:BW Ben 10 NinjaGo: Mstrs Green Lantern Teen Titans Go! Tom andJerry Tom and Jerry *TRAV 17 51 45 42 Hair Restoration Superfood Whe n Vacations Attack 'PG' cc My s teries at the Museum 'PG Extreme RoadsideAdventures 'G' Petcations 'G' cc Glamping 'PG' cc TVLND 65 47 29 35 TheGoldenGirls The Golden Girls P:12) The GoldenGirls 'PG' « The Golden Girls The Golden Girls The Cosby Show The Cosby Show The Cosby Show The Cosby Show (11:12) TheCosby Show n 'PG' i USA 15 30 23 30 SayNotoBotox! DeepClean Co o k Safe Sha un T's Like NewCarpet DeepClean ** Nolting Hill" (1999,Romance-Comedy)Julia Roberts, HughGrant. cc How DoYou VH1 191 48 37 54 JumpStartn'PG Jump Start n 'PG Jump Startn 'PG' Top 20 VideoCountdown (N)'PG' Top 20 VideoCountdown (N)'PG' *** i HotShots! PartDeux" n 'A&E

ENCR 106401 306401(430) TheVow (620) ** "SpyKids3:GameOver"2003'PG'« (7:50) ** "ChristmasWiththeKranks" 2004'PG' (9:35) *** "TheColor Purple"1985, DramaWhoopi Goldberg. n 'PG-13' « ** "FightingMad"1976, DramaPeter Fonda.'R' FMC 104204104120 Panicin Streets (6:45) *** "Francis o/Assisi"1961 BradfordDilman. 'NR' « (8:45) ** "A WalkWithLoveandDeath"1969 Anjelica Huston. 'PG FUEL 34 UFC Insider U F C Insider Pin ks - All Out 'PG Pass Time 'PG' Pass Time 'PG' Best of PRIDEFighting UFC Tonight U F C Insider UF C Reloaded GOLF 28 301 27 301 Live FromTHEPLAYERSAnalysis, highlights, interviews andfeatures. (N)(Live) Big Break Gre atest Game HALL 66 33 175 33 I Love Lucy 'PG ILoveLucy' PG' ILoveLucy'PG' ILoveLucy 'PG I Love Lucy 'PG' I Love Lucy 'PG' The Golden Girls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls "Notes Fromthe Heart Healer" ** "The BigYear" 2011 SteveMartin. n 'PG' « HBO 425 501 425501 (4:35)TheDebt The Big Year Weight, Nation Weight, Nation Weight, Nation (10:05) *** "Mary andMartha" 2013 n « Green Lantern IFC 1 0 1 0 5 (4:15) Cherish Three Stooges Three Stooges Three Stooges Three Stooges Three Stooges Arrested Dev. Arrested Dev. Arrested Dev. Arrested Dev. Arrested Dev. Arrested Dev MAX 400 508 508 Mad Dog-G/ory Harry Polter and theDeathly Ha//ows:Part2" 2011 (6:45) ***"Kung Fu Panda2"2011n 'PG' « (8:15) *** "Harry Potter and thePrisoner of Azkaban" 2004Daniel Radcliffe. 'PG' « NBCSN 27 58 30 209 F1 Racing Bass 2 Billfish Saltwater Fish Hunt/Big Fish Saltwater Exp. Into the Blue 'G Charlie Moore North to Alaska Martin Challenge MLS SoccerPhiladelphiaUnionat ChicagoFire (N) NGC 157 15 7 A l aska State Troopers '14' Wicked TunaTwice Bitten '14' King Fishers 'PG Wild Justice BearScare '14' Wild Justice Pig Stalkers '14 Wild Justice '14 NTOON 89 115189115 Robot, Monster Robot, Monster Robot, Monster Robot, Monster Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal Yu-Gi.Oh! Zexal Monsuno: Com. Huntik: Secrets Dragon Ball Z: History of Trunks Dragonball Z: Fusion Reborn 'Y7' OUTD 37 307 43 307 Zona's Show P e nn's Big Buccaneers Velvick's Eyes Spanish Fly H o o k-N-Look Gold Fever Alaskan Alaska Outdoors Major LeagueFishing ** "Beastly" 2011Alex Pettyfer. n 'PG-13' « ** "TheThreeMusketeers" n SHO 500 500 (5:00) *** "The King'sSpeech (7:15) ** "Sabrina"1995, Romance-Comedy Harrison Ford,Julia Ormond.n 'PG' « SPEED 35 303125303 Gearz 'G' Hot Rod TV 'PG HotRodTV'14' GuysGarage AMA SupercrossRaci ngLasVegasFrom Sam BoydStadium inLasVegas ** "Van He/sing"2004,FantasyHughJackman.n 'PG-13'« STARZ 300408300408 ** Waterworld * * * "Looper"2012, Science Fiction BruceWilis. n 'R' « (10 45) * "That's MyBoy" 2012AdamSandler. 'R i ** "TheFighting Temptations TMC 525 525 ComedyTomMcGowan. n 'PG' cc * "Bio-Dome"1996Pauly Shore. n 'PG-13' cc (6:15) * Heavyweights" 1995, (9:35) "Bending theRules" 2012Jamie Kennedy.n *WE

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THE BULLETIN ' MAY 11 — 17, 2013


'In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. •









New Weight Loss Paid Program ESPNSports Saturday (N) winnern 'PG'ss Solutions for 2013 (ABC) For-FREE'PG' Tour Golf The PlayersChampionship, Third RoundFromTournament Players Clubat Sawgrass in PonteVedra Beach, Fla. (N) n (Live) cc KTVZ (11:00) PGA KATU Zumba Fitness 3- Sexier Hair! 'G' S p lash The studioaudienceselects the

(5:15) NBABasketball NewYork Knicks at IndianaPacers(N) « Noodle andDoodle Extra (N) n 'PG' cc

Derm Exclusive! 'PG' (EI) 'Y' Paid Program Bull Riding PBR Last Cowboy Standing FromLas Vegas. « Exploration WlJarod Explore the North- Paid Program Paid Program Improve Memory CBS Evening News KBNZ Paid Program Miller (CBS) west (N) cc Today's HomDr. 0 weight loss Splash Thestudio audienceselects the ESPNSports Saturday (N) ABC World News (5:15) NBABasketball NewYork Knicks at KOHD Live Longer! secret! eowner With David Muir IndianaPacers(N) « (ABC) winner.n 'PG' « Ne w Weight LossCook with No OutdoorsmanlBuck NASCAR Racing Sprint Cup:Bojangles' Southern500FromDarlington, S.C.(N) n (Live) cc KFXO MLB Player Poll n Make YourCarpets No. 1 Selling (FOX) (El) cc New Again! Kitchen System! Solutions for 2013 Flame'G' McNeely America's Test Martha Stewart's MotorWeek Mazda6 Woodwright's Shop The American H o metime Clay tile Ask This Old House This Old House The LawrenceWelk KOAB Fons & Porter's Quilting Arts ArtfullySimply Ming n 'G' cc n 'G' 'G' cc 'G' cc Kitchen Show 'G' (PBS) Love of Quilting Piecedn 'G' Cooking School (N) n 'G' Woodshopn 'G' roofing. 'G' cc Tour Golf The PlayersChampionship, Third RoundFromTournament Players Clubat Sawgrassin PonteVedra Beach, Fla. (N) n (Live) « The ChicaShow Pajanimals (El) 'Y' NewsChannel 8 at NewsChannel 8 at KGW (11:00) PGA (EI) 'Y' 5:30PM(N) (NBC) 5PM (N) « a " (1994) Hugh Grant, AndieMacDcwell, Kristin Scott KTVZDT2ChatRoom n (El) On the Spot (N) n Star Wars: The CloneWars Rexencoun- Tyler Perry's House Tyler Perry's House Tyler Perry's Meet Tyler Perry's Meet *** "Four Weddings andFuneral (CW) 'G' cc (El) 'G' ss ters a clonedeserter. 'PG' of Payne of Payne the Browns 'PG' the Browns 'PG' Thomas. A British bachelorfalls for a fellow weddingguest. « OPBPL (11:00) TheBuddha 'G' «(DVS) Wil d ! n 'G' as Nature WhatPlantsTalkAbout n 'G' Pacific Heartbeat 'G' as(DVS ) Adve ntures With Purpose Essential Pepin Cooking Class


Flip This HouseLittle House inthe Hood The First 48 Silent Rage;Tainted Love The First 48 ColdandCallous A teenage The First 48 Avictim's car mayrevealhis The First 48 A brutal convenience-store The First 48 Awomanis shot andthen im Lcw-in come neighborhood.'PG' Investigation onEaster Sunday.'14' bcy is shot in hishome. '14' killer. 'PG' cc slaying 14 sc mclated. '14' cc " Once Upon Tim aein Mexico" (2003, Action) Antonio Banderas,SalmaHayek. A "Leagueof Extra 'AMC (11:30) Rawhide Rawhide Incident of theBurst of Evil Favor *** "Support your Local Gunfighter" (1971)JamesGarner, SuzannePleshette. A ** and Rowdymeeta drifter. 'PG' runawaybridegroomis mistakenfor a famousgunslinger. « CIA agentrecruits agunmanto stopanassassination. « Gentlemen" *ANPL Bad Dog! Down and Dirty Dogs'PG' B a d Dog! n 'PG' cc Bad Dog! n'PG' cc My Cat FromHell Kitty Dearest 'PG' M y Cat From Hell Kitty Jail 'PG' « My Cat FromHell: Scratch Tracks n BRAVO W hat Happens What Happens Watch What Happens:Live Tabatha TakesOver '14 Don't Be Tardy... Newlyweds: The First YearReadySet Wed'14 Million Dollar Listing NewYork '14 ** "MissCongeniality" (2000, Comedy)Sandra Bullock, MichaelCaine. n « CMT (11:30) Hot 20Countdown Storiesabout theartists' mcms. (N) n 'PG' « Cops Reloaded Cops Reloaded Cops Reloaded CNBC DeepC!ean Insanity Workout! Get Sub D Paid Program WEN HairCare Roy Orbison Paid Program Insanity Workout! American Greed American Greed CNN CNN Newsroom(N) Sanjay Gupta, MD CNN Newsroom(N) CNN Newsroom(N)(Live) CNN Newsroom Escape Anderson Cooper360 Vanished« COM (10:23) Beerfest (12:25) ** "Weekend atBernie's" (1989,Comedy)AndrewMcCarthy. cc (2:27) ** "Soul Men"(2008, Comedy)Samuel L. Jackson, Bernie Mac.cc (4:29) *"Mr.Deeds" (2002)AdamSandler. As COTV Paid Program P a id Program P a id Program P a id Program P a id Program E x t reme Desire Adventure Journal Get Outdoors Visions of NW C ity Club of Central Oregon CSPAN (11:00) Washington ThisWeek Communicators Washington ThisW eek *DIS (11:00) *** "Thelncredibles" n A.N.T. Farm'G ' Dog With a Blog Dog With a Blog Dog With a Blog Austin & Ally 'G' Austin & Ally 'G' Jessie 'G' « Jessie 'G' « Good-Charlie D o g With a Blog *DISC Property Wars n Property Wars n Property Wars n Property Wars n Backyard Oil'PG' Backyard Oil'PG' Backyard Oil'PG' Backyard Oil 'PG' Deadliest Catch n '14' cc Deadliest Catch n '14' as *E! *"Geor giaRule"(2007,Drama)JaneFonda,LindsayLohan Kardashians Interview All Grown Up Married to Jonas Married to Jonas Married to Jonas Nick Cannon's Big Surprise '14' ESPN College Baseball LSUat TexasA&M SportsCenter (N) NBA Countdown NBA Basketball OklahomaCity Thunder at MemphisGrizzlies (N) (Live) cc SportsCenter College Softball ESPN2 CrossFit Games CrossFit Games College Softball Big EastTournament, Final: TeamsTBAFromTampa, Fla. College Softball ACCTournament, Final: TeamsTBAFromTallahassee, Fla. NHRA DragRacing ESPNC (11:30) "America's ParkingLc!" « 30 for 30 cc 30for30as 30 for 30 Year/Quarterback ESPNN SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter (N) SportsNation S p o rtsCenter (N) (Live) « *** "Harry Potterandthe Gobletcf Fire" (2005) DanielRadcliffe. Voldemort lays a trapfor Harry at theTriwizard Tournament *** "Harry Potterand theOrderof the Phoenix" FAM (10:30) ** "Twilight"(2008) *A&E

America's NewsHeadquarters (N) CavutolBusiness Cashin' In (N) T he Five (N) America's NewsHeadquarters (N) F O X Report (N) Huckabee(N) Chopped WithoutMissing ABeet Cupcake Wars Restaurant: Impossible Restaurant Stakeout KitchenMafia Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Ch o pped Chopped All-Stars Finale Dude-MyCar *** "Easy A" (2010,Comedy)EmmaStone, PennBadgley. ** "TheKarateKid" (2010,Drama)JadenSmith. A Chinese masterschools anAmerican bcy in themartial arts ** Soul Surfer House Crashers House Crashers Love It or List It Ethier 'G' ss Property Virgins Property Virgins Property Virgins Property Virgins Property Virgins Property Virgins Property Virgins Property Virgins *HIST The Saint Valentine's DayMassacre Crime Wave: 18Months of Mayhem'PG' s« s Ku Klux Klan: A Secret History 'PG' « Nazi America: A Secret History 'PG *** "Takenin Broad Daylight" (2009)JamesVanDer Beek. '14' « *** "Hush"(2005, Suspense)Tori Spelling, Victoria Pratt. 'PG' « LIFE BringingAshleyHome"(2011) A.J. Cook, Jennifer Morrison. 'PG' « MSNBC (11:00) MSNBC Live (N) The Ed Show(N) Caught on CameraThieves andThugs Caught on CameraExtremeathletes Caught on CameraCollision! MTV The ShowWith (12:45) The ShowWith Vinny n 'PG' Ke$ha: My Crazy (1:55) TeenMom2 'PG (3:05) Girl Code (3:40) Girl Code (4:15) Girl Code n '14 The ShowWith Ridiculousness n NICK Monsters ,Alien SpongeBob P o wer Rangers SpongeBob Odd Parents O d d Parents Odd Parents O d d Parents Big Time Rush'G' Big Time Rush'G' Marvin Marvin 'G' Marvin Marvin 'G' Behind Mansion Walls n '14' cc Behind Mansion Walls RichKids '14' Behind Mansion Walls n '14' « Behind Mansion Wallsn '14' a «s Behind Mansion Walls n '14' cc OWN Behind Mansion Wallsn '14' cc PAC12 Pac-12 Football in 60 College Softball UCLA at OregonState (N) (Live) College Softball California atWashington(N) (Live) College Softball: Ducks atSunDevils SPIKE (11:21) ** "Fighting"(2009,Drama)Channing Tatum,Terrence Howard. n (I:53) ** "Smokin' Aces" (2007,Action) BenAffleck, AndyGarcia, Alicia Keys.n (4:25) ** "ThePunisher"(2004)ThomasJane. n SYFY (11:00) "Chupacabra:DarkSeas" "Raptor lsland" (2004,ScienceFiction) LorenzoLamas,StevenBauer. 'PG' "Pterodactyl" (2005)Coolio. Commandosbattle a prehistoric threat. '14 Lake Placid2" (2007,Horror) TBN VeggieTales Y V eggieTales 'Y' VeggieTales 'Y' Chr. World News Praise the Lord Y « In Touch With Dr. Charles Stanley 'G Gaither: Precious Memories n 'PG'«Friends TheOne *TBS (11:30) ** "StepUp" (2006)ChanningTatum, Mario. Atroubled ** "Step Up2 theStreets" (2008, Drama)Briana Evigan, Robert Hoffman.A rebellious Everybody Loves Friends n '14' cc Friends n 'PG' ss Friends guy's dancingattracts theattention of a ballerina. street dancertries to adapt at anelite arts academy. «(DVS) Raymond n 'PG' With the Jam'PG' f * * * * HcwGreenWasMy Valley" (1941) (11:00) *** "DeadRinger" (I 964, Mys *** "Poltergeist" (1982,Horror) Craig T.Nelson,JoBeth Wiliams, Beatrice Straight. A *** "LeMans" (1971,Action) Steve McQueen,Siegfried Rauch, ElgaAndersen. A TCM suburbanfamily's lives are disrupted byvengeful ghosts. « race-car driver is driven towin an endurancecourse. Walter Pidgecn. « tery) Bette Davis,KarlMalden. 'TLC Breaking Amish n '14' « Breaking Amish n '14' « Breaking AmishNewBeginnings '14 Breaking Amish n 'I4' « Breaking Amish Good vs Evil cc Breaking Amish Final Days'14 « Torino" Law I Order Ego A federal investigator is *** "!6 Blocks"(2006, Action) BruceWilis, Mcs Def, DavidMorse. Aworld-weary ccp ***"TheSum ofAllFears"(2002,Suspense)BenAfleck,MorganFreeman,JamesCromwell.JackRyan *** "Gran 'TNT found dead.'14' «(DVS) protects a witnessfromassassins. « fights terrorists planning anuclear attack. « (2008) "TOON Johnny Test 'Y7' Johnny Test 'Y7 Johnny Test 'Y7' World of Gumball World of Gumball World of Gumball MAD 'PG' Incredible Crew Adventure Time Adventure Time Adventure Time Regular Show 'TRAV Man v. Food'PG' Man v.Food 'G Man v. Food 'PG' Man v. Food 'PG Garlic Paradise (N) 'G' « Hot Dog Paradise 'G' « Hamburger Paradise 2 'Gss ' Bacon Paradise 'G' ss TVLND The CosbyShow The Cosby Show The CosbyShow The Cosby Show Roseanne n 'G' Roseanne n 'G' Roseanne n 'G' Roseanne n 'G' Roseanne n 'G' Roseanne n 'G' Roseanne n 'G' (5:38) Roseanne f * "LittleFcckers" (2010)RobertDeNiro. «(DVS) USA (11:28) ** How DoYouKnow" (2010) ReeseWitherspoon, Paul Rudd. « (2:01) ** "It'sComplicated"(2009,Romance-Comedy)Meryl Streep, Steve Martin. « f VHI (11:00) Rot Shots! PartDeux"(1993) Best Week Ever (I:45) Catfish: The TVShow Sunnymeets a manonline. (2:50) Catfish: The TVShow n (3:55) Catfish: The TVShow n Catfish: The TVShow Jasmine &Mike FNC 'FOOD FX HGTV

*** "Jurassic Park"1993, AdventureSamNeill. n 'PG-13' « (12:15) ** "Man of theHouse" 2005TommyLee Jones. n 'PG-13' « (4:10) **"TheLost World:Jurassic Park"1997 Jeff Goldblum.n 'PG-13' *** "TheScore" 2001Robert DeNiro. A master thief agreesto workwith avolatile partner *** "Frequency" 2000,Fantasy DennisQuaid, Jim Caviezel, Andre Braugher. 'PG-13' « ** "Next" 2007 NicolasCage « (11:00) UFCReloaded FrankieEdgar vs. BensonHenderson Red Bull X-Fighters 2013GlenHelen (N)(Live) UFC Tonight T h e Ultimate Fighter n 'PG' Best of PRIDEFighting Championship (11:30) ** "TheGreatest GameEver Played" (2005, Drama)Shia LaBeouf Feherty '14 Feherty Live FromTHEPLAYERSAnalysis, highlights, interviews andfeatures. (N) ** "Audrey's Rain" (2003,Drama)JeanSmart, Carol Kane.'PG HALL Notes From the Heart Healer" 'PG' "Lake Effects"(2012, Drama)Scottie Thompson, JaneSeymour. 'PG Meet My Mom"(2010) 'PG' « HBO (11:45) ** "Green Lantern" 2011RyanReynolds. cc Harry Potter (I:45) ** "ice Age: ContinentalDrift" 2012 'PG'©c (3:15) ** "The DayAfter Tomorrow"2004, Action DennisQuaid, lan Holm. n 'PG-13' s«s ** "Event Horizon"1997, ScienceFiction LaurenceFishburne. 'R ***"Blazing Saddies"1974, ComedyCleavonLittle, Gene Wilder. 'R *** "City Slickers"1991 'PG-13' IFC Maron '14 Maron '14 ** "A VeryHarold& Kumar3DChristmas" 2011 'R ** "I, Robot" 2004 Will Smith.n 'PG-13' cc MAX "Harry PotterDeathly Haffcws" (12:50) *** "The Terminal"2004Tom Hanks. n 'PG-13' cc NBCSN MLS Soccer: Union atFire NHL HockeyConferenceQuaiterfinal: TeamsTBA(N) (Live) NHL Live (N)(Live) NHL HockeyPittsburghPenguinsat NewYorkIslanders (N)(Live) Wild Justice HikeFromHell '14' Wild Justice CaughtRed-Handed'14 Alaska StateTroopers '14 NGC Wild Justice Later, Baiter '14 Wild Justice GoldDiggers'14' Alaska StateTroopers'14' NTOON Dragon Ball Z: Wrath of the Dragon The Penguins T h e Penguins W i l d Grinders 'Y7' Wild Grinders 'YNFL 7' RushZone NFL Rush Zone Avatar: Airbender Avatar: Airbender Avatar: Airbender Avatar: Airbender OUTD Fishing University Lindners Fish Hook-N-Look Trevor Gowdy The Bassmasters Outdoors Flyrod Chronicles Buccaneers Pro Team JournalGridiron Outdoors Steve's Outdoor *** "TheGame"1997 n 'R' cc SHO (11:00) ** "The ThreeMusketeers The Big C: Hereafter n 'MA' « The Big C: Hereafter n 'MA' cc (12:55) ** "Stepmcm"1998,DramaJulia Roberts, EdHarris. n 'PG-13' SPEED On the Edge(N) SPEED Center (N) NASCAR RaceDay (N)(Live) Monster Jam(N) Pinks - All Out 'PG TORC:TheOffRoadChampionship *** "Looper"2012, ScienceFiction BruceWilis, Emily Blunt. n 'R' « STARZ * That's My Boy (12:45) DaVinci's DemonsThe Towern 'MA' « (I:50) ** "Think Likea Man"2012Michael Ealy. n 'PG-13' « *** "ThePianist" 2002, Historical DramaAdrien Brody,ThomasKretschmann. n 'R' « *** "WarHorse" 2011 n 'PG-I3' TMC (11:00)"TheFighting Temptations" (1:05) "ABagcf Hammers"2011 Jason Ritter. 'NR' « "WE Braxton Family * * " Sister Act" 1992, ** "Sister Act 2:Backin the Habit" 1993,Musical ComedyWhoopi Goldberg. 'PG' MusicalComedyWhoopi Goldberg, MaggieSmith, KathyNajimy. 'PG Sister Act 2:Back ENCR FMC FUEL GOLF

THE BULLETIN 0 MAY 11 — 17, 2013 *In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/Black Butte (Digital); PM-Prineville/Madras; SR-Sunriver; L-La Pine




c I II I I II I I II (5:15) NBABasketball NewYork Knicks at IndianaPacersEastern Conference 10 Minute Workout Paid Program Cash Cabn Cash Cabn Jeopardy! 'G' «Wheel of Fortune KATU Newsat11 (11:35) Castle n KATU 'PG' 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'Q' cc 'PQ' cc Semifinal, Game 3: FromIndianapolis. (N) n (Live) « (ABC) (N)n cc KTVZ O O O O NewsChannel 21NewsChannel 21 Jeopardy! 'G' cc Wheel of Fortune Smash TheTransfer Abetrayal rocks The Voice Elimination;RodStewart; Ce Saturday Night Live Zach Galifianakis; NewsChannel 21 (11:29) Saturday 'Q' cc at6cc the "Hit List" cast. (N) '14' (NBC) at6(N) cc LoGreen PG cc Of MonstersandMen.'14' at11 (N) « Nig h t Live '14' Burn Notice FearlessLeader Former New Adventures New Adventures NCIS YouBetter WatchOut Tony's CSE CrimeSceneInvestigation Play 48 Hours Murder atSea?The disap KOIN Local 6at11 (11:35) Baggage KBNZ '14' cc flame. 'PG' « (CBS) of Old Christine of Old Christine father visits for Christmas. n 'PG' Dead n '14' cc (DVS) pearanceofGeorgeSmith. (N) (N) cc Dreams Cars.TV n 'PG' cc 2012 XTERRA USAChampionship Entertainment Tonight Celebrity moth KEZI 9 Newsat Miracle Skin KOHD O O O O (5:15) NBA Basketball New York Knicks at IndianaPacersEastern Conference Steel 'Q' cc '14' cc Semifinal, Game 3: FromIndianapolis. (N) n (Live) « (ABC) ers. (N) n « 11:00 (N) « Now 'G' KFXO I(g g) @ g) (3:00) NASCAR Racing Sprint Cup:Bojangles' Southern500 Whacked Out CSE Miami Breathless Amalestripper is Bones Yanks inthe U.K.The murderof News Channel 21 Two and a Half Hell's Kitchen Special guestsattendthe (FOX) From Darlington,S.C.(N) n (Live) « Sports n 'PG' found dead. n '14' « a young British heiress. '14' First on FOX M en 'PG' cc dinner. '14' «(DVS) of Tonga; Fiji As TimeGoes By AsTimeGoesBy New TricksA computerexpert;ahospi Masterpiece Mystery! Jacksonmeets a KOAB ~ gy ~ gy (5:30) The Law- Last of the Sum- Art Wolfe's Trav Rick Steves' Eu- Globe Trekker Kingdom 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc Nor folk Island.(DVS) cc tal morgue. n cc novelist. '14' cc (DVS) (PBS) rence WelkShow mer Wine n 'G' els to the Edge rope 'G' cc The Chris Mat- Straight Talk I n s ide Edition Grants Getaways Smash TheTransfer Abetrayal rocks The Voice Elimination;RodStewart; Ce Saturday Night Live Zach Galifianakis NewsChannel 8 at (11:29)Saturday KGW 'PG' thews Show'G' Weekend 'PG' the "Hit List" cast. (N) '14' Night Live '14' (NBC) Lo Green. 'PG' « Of MonstersandMen.'14' 11(N) cc Cops StupidBe- Cops n 'PG' cc That '70s ShowIceThat '70s Show n The Jeremy Kyle Show(N) n 'PG' cc KTVZDT2 Q Q Q Q ** "Necessary Roughness" (1991,Comedy) Scott Bakula,HectorElizondo. A34- Cheaters In a hottubwith another 'PG' « year-old farmeraids afailing college football team. « woman.(N) n '14' « havior 'PG' « Shack 'PG' (CW) *** "RoyalWedding"(1951)FredAstaire. OPBPL 175 17 3 C ONSTITUTION USA-Sagal Music Makers Underground L egends & Lyrics n 'G' cc Austin City Limits n 'PG' cc RoyalWedding c II

American Hoggers AmericanHoggers (11:01)American (11:31) American 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc Hoggers 'PG' Hoggers 'PG' (5:30) ** "TheLeagueof Extraordinary Gentlemen" (2003)SeanConnery, Shane ** "TheScorpion King" (2002,Adventure) TheRock, Steven Brand. Premiere. A ** "TheScorpionKing2: Riseof a Warrior" (2008) Michael Copon.A youngman 'AMC West. Literary figuresunite tostop a madbomber. « warrior battles anevil ruler andasorceress. « seeks vengeance against a king whokills his father. « *ANPL 68 50 26 38 MyCatFromHelhScratchTracks My Cat FromHell n 'PG' cc My Cat FromHell (N) 'PG' cc My Cat FromHell MachoCat'PG' America's Cutest (N) n 'PG' cc My Cat FromHell n 'PG' cc *** "The Family Man" (2000) Nicolas Cage BRAVO 13 44 Mil l ion Dollar Listing New York '14 M illion Dollar Listing New York *** "T he Family Man"(2000, Romance-Comedy)NicolasCage, Tea Leoni CMT 190 32 42 53 Cops Reloaded Cops Reloaded Dog and Beth: On the Hunt n '14' * * * "Mrs. Doublfire" (1993)RobinWiliams. Anestranged dadposes asa nanny to bewith his children. (11:15) Dogand Beth: Onthe Hunt CNBC 54 36 40 52 TheSuzeOrmanShow(N) « American Greed American Greed The SuzeOrmanShow « American Greed Floor Appeal C ancer: Winning CNN 55 38 35 48 MurderintheFirstDegree AmandaKnox:TheUnansweredQuestions Escape Anderson Cooper360Vanished Murder in the First Degree UnansweredQuestions Tosh.O'14' Tosh.O'14' T osh.O'14' T o sh.O'14 Tosh.O '14' Tos h .O '14' Daniel Tosh:HappyThoughts'MA' Katt Williams: Kattpacalypse 'MA' COM 13 53 135 47 (4:29)Mr.Deeds Tosh.0'14 COTV 11 Talk of the TownLocal issues Desert Cooking Oregon Extreme Desire Journal Get Outdoors V i sions of NW The YogaShow The Yoga Show Talk of the TownLocal issues. CSPAN 61 20 12 11 (4:00) Washington ThisWeek W ashington ThisWeek ** "lce Age:TheMeltdown" (2006) Premiere. n 'DIS 87 43 14 39 Austin &Ally'G' A.N.T.Farm'G Jessie n « Jess ie 'G' « Good-Charlie A.N.T. Farm'G' Shake It Up! 'G Austin & Ally 'G' Jessie 'G' « *DISC 15 21 16 37 Deadliest Catch n '14' cc Sons of Guns Under Siege n '14' S o ns of Guns Hangfire '14' cc Sons of GunsWil's Monster '14' Sons of GunsRussianRoulette '14 Sons of GunsWil's Monster'14' *E! *** "Pride & Prejudice" (2005,Drama)Keira Knightley, MatthewMacFadyen. 13 25 E! N e ws Married to Jonas Married to Jonas Married to Jonas Fashion Police '14' ESPN 21 23 22 23 CollegeSoftball Baseball Tonight (N) (Live)cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc ESPN2 22 24 21 24 (5:00) NHRA NBA Face to Face NBA Tonight (N) Baseball Tonight (N) (Live) « NBA Tonight NBA Face to Face DragRacing SummitRacingEquipmentSouthern Nationals ESPNC 23 2512325 Quarterback 30f o r 30cc Year of the Quarterback cc 30for30 cc Year of the Quarterback cc Quarterback H-Lite Ex. H-Li te Ex H-Lite Ex. H-Li te Ex H-Lite Ex. Hig h light Express(Li (N) ve) ESPNN 24 63 124203 SportsCenter (N) (Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) « *** "Harry Potter a ** "Hocus Pocus" (1993) FAM 67 29 19 41 (4:30) "Harry Potter and theOrder of the Phoenix" nd the Half-BloodPrince" (2009, Fantasy)Daniel Radcliffe, RupertGrint, EmmaWatson FNC 57 61 36 50 JuetiCeWithJudgeJeanine(N) Ge r aldOatLargen'PG'cc Red Eye(N) Justice With JudgeJeanine Geraldo at Large n 'PG' cc Red Eye *FOOD 17 62 98 44 IronChefAmerica Restaurant Stakeout Restaurant Stakeout Restaurant Stakeout Momma'sBoy Restaurant Stakeout Iron Chef America * "TheWaterboy"(1998,Comedy)AdamSandler, KathyBates *** "Forgetting SarahMarshall" (2008)JasonSegel, Kristen Bell. FX 131 (5:30) ** "Soul Surfer"(2011, Drama)AnnaSophia Robb, HelenHunt. HGTV 17 49 33 43 House Hunters Hunters Int'I H ou s e Hunters Hunters Int'I Love It or List It McKeon-Bryce'G ' Love It or List It 'G' « House Hunters Hunters Int'I House Hunters Hunters Int'I *HIST 15 42 41 36 Nazi America: A Secret History Pa w n Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG'Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' LIFE 13 39 20 31 "Sto/enChild"(2011) EmmanuelleVaugier, Corbin Bernsen. « DangerousIntuition" (2013, Drama)Tricia Helfer. Premiere. 'PG' « Ticket Dul" (2010)RayLiotta, Alexandra Breckenridge. Premiere. « MSNBC 59 59 128 51 Lockup Lockup(N) Lockup InsideSanQuentin Lockup Return toRiker's Island Lockup: RawConsequences Lockup: RawTheThree R's ***"Dodgeball: A TrueUnderdogStory" (2004)VinceVaughn. n MTV 192 22 38 57 Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness ** "Jackass3.5" (2011,Comedy)JohnnyKnoxvile, BamMargera. n NICK 82 46 24 40 SpongeBob S p o ngeBob Odd Parents M o nsters, Alien SpongeBob SpongeBob B ig Time Rush Wendell-Vinnie The Nanny'PG' The Nanny 'PG' Friends n '14' (11:33) Friends Behind Mansion Walls '14' cc lyanla, Fix My Life n 'PG' cc lyanla, Fix MyLife (N) n '14 Raising Whitley Life, La Toya l y anla, Fix My Life n 'PG'ac c OWN 161 103 31 103 Behind Mansion Walls '14' « PAC12 47 310310310 College Softball College Baseball Arizona State at California (N) (Live) College Baseball Utah atWashington (N) ** "Walking Tall"(2004, Action) TheRock, JohnnyKnoxvile. n SPIKE 132 31 34 46 (4:25) ** "The Punisher"(2004) (9:02) ** "Four Brothers" (2005)MarkWahlberg, TyreseGibson. Premiere. n (11:35)Fighting ** "TriassicAttack" (2010) « SYFY 13 35 133 45 (5:00) "LakePlacid 2" (2007) Lake Placid 3" (2010,Horror)Colin Ferguson,YancyButler. « Riseof the Dinosaurs" (2013)GaryStretch. Premiere. « TBN 205 60 130 Hour of Power Billy GrahamClassic Crusades "Sarah' sChoice"(2009,Drama)RebeccaSt.James "TheBookof Ruth: Journeyof Faith" (2009), Carman Mothers: TreasuredLoves The King of The King of The Big Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang Men at Work'PG' Who Gets theLast 'TBS Queens n 'PG' Queens n 'PG Theory n '14' Theory n '14' Theory n 'PG' Theory n 'PG' Theory n '14' Theory n '14' Theory n '14' Theory n '14' Laugh? '14' f Row GmcnWas MYVal (7:15) **** "A TreeGrowsin Brooklyn" (1945, Drama)DorothyMcGuire, PeggyAnnGarner, James **** "Standby Me"(1986) WilWheaton. Boy andbuddies (11:15) * "Twonky"(1953)HansCon TCM 101 44 101 29 le5i00 **** y" (1941)Walter Pidgeon. Dunn. A girl comes oi age in apoor Brooklynneighborhood. « go on hike tofind deadbody in 1959. ried, Gloria Blondell, Billy Lynn. *TLC 17 34 32 34 Breaking Amish Decision Tim'1e4 Breaking Amish PartyTime n '14' B reaking Amish Finale '14' « Breaking Amish:TheShunning Breaking Amish:TheShunning Breaking Amish PartyTime n '14 (5:30) *** "Gran Torino" (2008,Drama)Clint Eastwood,Christopher Carley, Bee ** "Shooter" (2007,Suspense) MarkWahlberg, Michael Pena, DannyGlover. A woundedsniper plots ** "S.W.A.T." (2003,Action) SamuelL. Jackson. ALos An *TNT Vang. A veteranfaces hislongtime prejudices. «(DVS) revengeagainst those whobetrayedhim. «(DVS) geles SWAT team must protect acriminal. « *TOON 84 Regular Show Regular Show ** * "Robots" (2005)Voicesof EwanMcGregor, Halle Berry Home Movies n Family Guy'PG' Famil yGuy'14' Clevel and Show Black Dynamite The Boondocks *TRAV 17 51 45 42 BBQ Paradise 2: Another Rack M yst eries at the Museum 'PG Mysteries at the Museum'PG' Gho s t Adventures 'PG' « Ghost Adventures 'PG'« Ghost Adventures 'PG'« TVLND 65 47 29 35 (5:38) Roseanne (6:16)Roseanne The GoldenGirls TheGoldenGirls TheGoldenGirls TheGoldenGirls Love.Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond King ofQueens King ofQueens * "TheBack-upPlan"(2010,Romance-Comedy)JenniferLopez,AlexO'Loughlin.« USA 15 30 23 30 * LiffleFockers * "The Ugly Truth" (2009) Katherine Heigl, Gerard Butler. « * Little Fockers (2010) *** "TheNutty Professor" (1996)EddieMurphy. Premiere. n ** "TheHoneymooners"(2005) VH1 191 48 37 54 I'mMarriedtoA...n'14 Model Employee n '14 Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta n '14' *A&E


3 28 1 8 32 Storage 'PQ' cc Wars

Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars 'PQ' cc

'PQ' cc

'PQ' cc

'PQ' cc

'PQ' cc

Storage Wars 'PQ' cc

Storage Wars 'PQ' cc

** "VivaLasVegas"1964 Elvis Presley. 'NR' « ** "Manolthe House"2005Tommy LeeJones 106 401 306 401 Lost World (6:20) ** "Jurassic Park lil" 2001SamNeill. « (11:10) *** "Bad Santa" 2003 ** "Next" 2007,ScienceFiction Nicolas Cage.'PG-13' « ** "Reign of Fire" 2002,Fantasy Christian Bale. 'PG-13' « ** "Reignof Fire"2002 'PG-13 104204104120(5:00) ** "Next"2007'PG-13' 34 UFC Unleashed UFC ReloadedUFC144:Edgarvs. HendersonFrankieEdgar vs. BensonHenderson. UFC FighNi tghtJoshKoschekvs.YoshiyukiYoshida 28 301 27 301 Live FromTHEPLAYERSAnalysis, highlights, interviews andfeatures Live FromTHEPLAYERSAnalysis, highlights, interviews andfeatures Live From THE PLAYERSAnalysis, highlights, interviews and features

HALL 66 33 175 33 (5:00) "MeetMyMom" (2010) 'PG' "TheShunning" (2011)Daniele Panabaker,SherryStringfield. 'PG' « BeverlyLewis' TheConfession" (2013) SherryStringfield. 'G' « Beverly Lewis'TheConfession HBO 425 501 425501 (5:30) *** "Harry Polfer andthe Sorcerers Stone" 2001'PG' « ** "Madagascar 3:Europe'sMostWanted"2012 (9:45) ** "lnTime"2011 Justin Timberlake. n 'PG-13' « Game, Thrones ** "Austin Powersin Goldmember" 2002 MikeMyers. 'PG-13 *** "City Slickers" 1991,ComedyBilly Crystal, DanielStern, BrunoKirby. 'PG-13 IFC 1 0 1 0 5 (5:00) *** "City Slickers"1991 Billy Crystal * "The Apparition"2012Ashley Greene. 'PG-13' MAX 400508 508 (4:30)I, Robot *" Th e Watch"2012Ben Stiller. n'R' cc (8:15) ** "Varsity Blues" 1999James VanDerBeek. n 'R' cc The Jump Off NBCSN 27 58 30 209 NHLHockey N H L Hockey Conference Quarterfinal: TeamsTBA(N) (Live) NHL Live (N)(Live) Formula OneRacing GrandPrix of Spain, Qualifying Ind yCar 36 'PG Wicked Tuna '14 Wicked Tuna '14 Alaska StateTroopers'14 Alaska StateTroopers '14 NGC 157 15 7 W i cked Tuna: Hooked Up Wicked Tuna:HookedUp NTOON 89 115189115 Robot, Monster Robot, Monster Robot, Monster Robot, Monster Robot, Monster Robot, Monster Dragon Ball Z: History of Trunks Dragonball Z: Fusion Reborn 'Y7' Dragon Ball Z: Wrath of Dragon

OUTD 37 307 43 307 Outdoors Trophy Quest Best of West M arc & Todd's Heartland Bow Your Weapon Ted Nugent A m erican Archer Ivan Carter SHO 500 500 Boxing FloydMayweatherJr. vs. RobertGuerrero (5:00)***"TheGame"1997n (7:15) ** "Manon aLedge" 2012SamWorthington. n 'PG-13' « SPEED 35 303125 303Road Champ. Dumbest Stuff NASCAR V.L. On the Edge C e lebrity RaceTORC:TheOff RoadChampionship Eldora * "That'sMyBoy" 2012,ComedyAdamSandler. n 'R' acc ** "MeninBlack 3" 2012, Action Will Smith. n 'PG-13' « STARZ 300408300408 Da Vinci's Demons n 'MA' « ** "Maniac Cop 2"1991 RobertDavi. n 'R' « TMC 525 525 (5:00) *** "WarHorse"2011Emily Watson. « (7:25) * "Brake" 2012StephenDorff. n 'R' cc *WE 14 41 174118(5:30) ** "Sister Acf 2: Backin theHabit" 1993WhoopiGoldberg. ** "Sister Acf" 1992,Musical ComedyWhoopi Goldberg, MaggieSmith. 'PG

Ma r c & Todd's West. Extremes Best of West (11:15) 60Minutes Sports n '14' Unique Whips '14 (10:50) DaVinci's Demons n 'MA' ** "Soulkeeper" 2001RodneyRowland. 'R' « Mary MaryNewBeginnings Mary Mary


THE BULLETIN ' MAY 11 — 17, 2013



c II • I KATU Good Morning America (N) cc

(ABC) KTVZ Hip Hop Abs'G


T o day David Gregory; painting withdol


'In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. l Sports programming mayvary.


II Your Voice, Your Paid Program This WeekWith GeorgeStephanopoulos Vote (N) 'G' cc The Chris MatthewsReal Green 'G' cc New Weight Loss Golf Central Live Show 'G' Solutions for 2013 (N) n cc Paid Program Paid Program P a id Program Paid Program

Paid Program

Ten Minute Workout 'G' PGA Tour Golf ThePlayersChampionship,

Meet the Press (N)'G' cc phins. (N) n « Final Round (N) n (Live) « Paid Program Paid Program KBNZ Gary Lewis' Adven CBS NewsSunday Morning TomHanks; Natalie Maines. (N) Face the Nation (N) n « cc (CBS) ture Journal This WeekWith GeorgeStephanopoulos Today's HomMiracle Skin Now Dr. 0 weight loss Steel Dreams G « Cars.TV n 'PG' cc Today's HomKOHD 24 Ladders in One TummyTuck: G o od Morning America (N) « 'G' Miracle Discovery (N) 'G' cc eowner secret! eowner (ABC) *** "Glory Road" Paid Program A n imal Rescue n The Real Winning FOX NewsSunday With Chris Wallace Teen KidsNews(N) Dr. 0 weight loss Derm Exclusive Miracle Skin Now Beat Anxiety & KFXO Live Longer! 'G' n'PG' cc 'G' cc (El) 'G' cc Edge 'G' cc (FOX) secret! Forget Surgery! Depression 'G' (2006) Thomas & Friends Bob the Builder 'Y' Rick Steves' EuropeArt Wolfe's Travels Nature ThePrivate Life of DeerWhite-tailed NOVA Venom:Nature's Killer Theplanet's KOAB Betsy's Kindergar Angelina Ballerina: Mister Rogers' D a niel Tiger's 'G' cc Neighborhood Y Neighborhood 'Y' Y ©c (DVS) (PBS) ten Adventures Next cc (DVS) to the Edge dee r in the U.S. n 'G' most deadlycreatures. 'PG' NewsChannel 8 atSunrise at 7:00 AM(N) « MeetthePress(N) G cc Dr. Ordon's Secret! Golf Central Live PGA TourGolf ThePlayersChampionship, KGW NewsChannel 8 at Sunrise (N) « 'PG' Final Round(N) n (Live) « (NBC) (N) n cc Paid Program P a id Program P a id Program I nTouch With Dr. Charles Stanley Perse- Key of David 'PG'Montel cc Williams Hip Hop Abs 'G Animal Science n Elizabeth's Great KTVZDT2 Sexier Hair! 'G' P a id Program 'PG' (El) 'G' cc (CW) vering. (N) n 'G' « Big World Bird's Blue World Between, Lines The Back Page Just Seen It 'G *** "TheStrange Loveof Marthalvers" (1946) Barbara Stanwyck. OPBPL organic-michele Changing Seas n The Aviators 'G Masterpiece


Paid Program


KATU News This Morning - Sun(N) n «


WEN HairCare Total Gym for Criminal MindsCradle toGraveA suspect Criminal Minds ParasiteFollowing acon Criminal MindsOutfoxedSeveral families Criminal Minds TheFight Several home- Criminal Minds BigSeaBodies arefound $14.95 'G' impregnatesyoungwomen. '14' artist's mental deciine. '14' cc are murdered. n '14' cc less menare murdered. n '14' buried in Florida. n '14' cc Mad Men TheBeautifulGirlsPeggyre- Mad Men HandsandKneesAnunan Mad MenFor ImmediateRelease Roger (9:03) The Killing 72 HoursSarah moves (10:02) *** "TheAmerican President" (1995) Michael Douglas,Annette Bening. A rival 'AMC ceives a romanticgift. '14' « nouncedvisitor at the Francis. '14' changeshis approach. « unsteadily. n '14' « exploits the president's romance with a lobbyist. « *ANPL The Most Extreme The Most Extreme Weird, True Wei rd, True Unt amed and Uncut n '14' cc Dogs101 n 'PG' « Call-Wildman C a ll-Wildman Swamp'd! n 'PG' Swamp'd! n 'PG BRAVO Dukes of Melrose Dukes of Melrose Dukes of Melrose Dukes of Melrose The Kandi Factory '14' Married to Medicine '14' HousewiveslOC HousewiveslOC CMT CMT Music n 'PG' CMT Music n 'PG' CMT Music n 'PG' CMT Music n 'PG' CMT Music n 'PG' CMT Music 'PG' Hot 20 Countdown CNBC Get Sub D Insanity! 'G' Tot a l Gym Battle Hair Loss Montel Williams Like New Carpet Cook Safe Cancer: Winning DeepClean Insanity! 'G' Healing Power of Juicing 'G' CNN State of the Union Fareed Zakaria GPS Reliable Sources (N) « State of the Union Fareed Zakaria GPS CNN Newsroom(N) (Live) Insanity Workout! WEN HaiCare r Comedy Central COM Insanity Workout Hip Hop Abs (8:19) ** "Barbershop" (2002,Comedy)IceCube, AnthonyAnderson. cc Chappelle's Show Chappel le'sShow Chappel le'sShow COTV (5:30) City Club ofCentral Oregon Desert Cooking Oregon Extreme Desire Adventure Journal Get Outdoors V i s ions of NW P aid Program P a id Program Paid Program Paid Program CSPAN (4:00) Washington Journal Newsmakers Washington ThisWeek Washington ThisWeek ** "ice Age:TheMeltdown" (2006) *DIS Octonauts n 'Y Mickey Mouse M i ckey Mouse Doc McStuffins Y Never Land Sof i a the First 'Y' Phineas and Ferb Phineas and Ferb A.N.T. Farm 'Y7' Jessie 'G' « *DISC Get Better Grades The Key of David Paid Program n Cindy Crawford (7:58) Joel Osteen (8:27) In Touch'G' MythBusters n 'PG' cc Deadliest Catch n '14' cc Argo: Inside Story n 'PG' cc *E! * "Geor gi aRule"(2007,Drama)JaneFonda,LindsayLohan Total Gym Get Sub D Kourtney and KimTakeMiami '14' Ko u rtney and Kim Take Miami '14' E! News(N) ESPN Outside the Lines Sports Reporters SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc Baseball Tonight Strongest Man Strongest Man Strongest Man Strongest Man ESPN2 SportsCenter (N) cc Outside the Lines Sports Reporters E:60 E:60 SportsCenter (N) College LacrosseNCAATournament —Cornell at MarylandFirst round. (N) *** "Harvard BeatsYale29-29" (2006, Documentary) « ESPNC Bassmasters cc Bassmasters (N)cc 30 for 30 cc ESPNN Highlight Express NBA Tonight Hi g hlight Express Highlight Express Highlight Express Highlight Express Outside the Lines The Sports Re SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) « *** "Harry Potlerandthe Goblet ol Fire" (2005, Fantasy)Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint FAM Joseph Prince 'G' The Sunday Mass *** "Hairspray" (2007)JohnTravolta. A Baltimore girl becomesan overnight celebrity. FNC (3:00) FOX Housecall (N) America's NewsHeadquarters (N) America's NewsHeadquarters (N) Fox NewsSunday and Friends Sunday(N) News HQ 'FOOD Floor Appeal BestChainsaw Rachael Ray' sWeekina Day 'G' Giada at Home'G' Trisha's Southern Pioneer Wo Best Dishes Best Dishes Gu y 's Big Bite (N) Sandwich King (N) Best- Made FX Front Yard Total Gym How I MetlMother How I MetlMother How I Met!Mother How I MetlMother How I MetlMother How I MetlMother How I MetlMother How I MeMI!!other How I MetlMother How I MetlMother HGTV Cindy Crawford Pretty Women E l bow Room 'G' Elbow Room 'G' Elbow Room'G' Elbow Room 'G' Elbow Room'G' Elbow Room 'G' Elbow Room'G' Elbow Room 'G' Property Brothers Lica &Nicholas 'G' *HIST Paid Program Like NewCarpet Modern Marvels Corn 'PG' cc SwampPeopleSwampInvaders 'PG' Swamp Peopl eTexasHold'Em cc SwampPeopl eFloatingDead'PG' Swamp PeopleBadMojo'PG' cc LIFE Nopalea with David Jeremiah Joel Osteen 'PG' Cindy Crawford Dear Mom, LoveCher 'PG' « "LikeMother,LikeDaughter" '14' Sexier Hair! 'G' I n Touch With Dr. Charles Stanley 'G' Get Sub D MSNBC (5:00) UpwlSteve Kornacki (N ) Meli ssa Harris-Perry (N) Weekends With Alex Witt (N) Meet the Press cc MTV Ridiculousness n Ridiculousness n Ridiculousness n Ridiculousness n The ShowWith Ridiculousness n Ridiculousness n Ridiculousness n Ridiculousness n Ridiculousness n **"White Chicks" (2004) n NICK Full House n 'G' Full House n 'G' Odd Parents Odd Parents Power Rangers SpongeBob SpongeBob Sp o ngeBob SpongeBob Sp o ngeBob TeenageMut. M o nsters, Alien D r . Phil Self-destructive teens. n 'PG' Dr. Phil n 'PG' cc Dr. Phil n 'PG' acc OWN Dr. Phil Chauvinist husband. n 'PG' Super Soul Sunday n 'PG'a« Super SoulSunday (N) n 'PG PAC12 College Softball UCLAat OregonState College Softball UCLAat OregonState College Softball UCLAat OregonState SPIKE Paint Like A Pro Total Gym Like NewCarpet Sexiest Bodies of 2013! n Insanity! Xtreme 4x4 n 'G' Horsepower TV Trucks! 'G' « Mu s cleCar n 'G' Repo Games 'PG' Bar Rescue 'PG' SYFY Shaun T's EasyMeals No Defrosting DeepClean No Defrosting Cook Safe The Twilight Zone "Slargale:TheArkol Truth" (2006)BenBrowder, Michael Shanks. « Stargate: Cont TBN Kingdom Conn David Jeremiah Kenneth Hagin Winning Walk 'G' A Miracle For You Redemption 'G' Love/Finding In Touch 'PG' Po werPoint « It I s Written 'G' B a yless Conley Time-Change ** "Bedtime Stories" (2006,Comedy)AdamSandler, Keri Russell, GuyPearce. A MLB Baseball TorontoBlueJays at BostonRedSox FromFen *TBS Married... With Chil Friends n 'PG' cc Friends n 'PG' cc Who Gets theLast Men at WorkTyler dren n 'PG' Laugh? '14' the Pioneer 'PG' handyman'stall tales begin tocometrue. « way Park inBoston. (N)(Live) « *** "Stella Dallas" (1937,Drama) BarbaraStanwyck, JohnBoles, AnneShirley. A clas- ** "So Big" (1932)Barbara Stanwyck, HardieAlbright. A woman *** "Lightin thePiazza" (1962,Drama)Olivia de Haviland, RossanoBrazzi. A men- *** "Gypsy TCM sic story of amother's loveandsacrifice for her daughter. « dreams thather sonwill become an architect. tally challenged woman's motherfaces a harddecision. « (1962) cc 'TLC Montel Williams Fat Loss Faith-Dr. Frederick K.C. Price Sexy Abs n 'G' Like New Carpet Say Yes: ATL S ay Yes: ATL S a y Yes: ATL S a y Yes: ATL S a y Yes: ATL Say Yes: ATL Law I Order Girl MostLikely Murdered Law & OrderEqualRightsAninvestment Law & Order SlaughterMeat-packingcom Law & Order Dazzled Aninvestment Law I Order KidProQuoA school em- Law & Order House Calls Corpseof a Rus'TNT high-schoolstudent. n '14' pany. n '14' «(DVS) analyst is murdered. n '14' banker's wife is killed. n '14' ployee is killed. '14' «(DVS) sian model. n '14' «(DVS) "TOON Looney Tunes'Y LooneyTunes Dragons: Ri ders Johnny Test'Y7' Beyblade:Metal Pokemon: BW Ben 10 NinjaGo: Masters Green Lantern T een Titans Go! Tom & Jerry Tales Tom & Jerry Tales 'TRAV HOPE Fit Paid Program When Vacations Attack 'PG' cc Mysteries of the Smithsonian 'PG White and New White and New Monumental Mysteries 'PG' « Mysteries at the Museum'PG' « TVLND The CosbyShow The CosbyShow (7:12) TheCosby Show n 'PG' cc T h e Cosby Show The Cosby Show TheCosbyShow The CosbyShow Hot inCleveland Hot inCleveland (11:12) Hot in Cleveland 'PG' cc USA No Defrosting DeepClean Cook Safe David Jeremiah Pastor Chris Joe l Osteen 'PG Psych Gusgets a girlfriend. 'PG' Psych OfficeSpace'PG' «(DVS) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit n VH1 Jump Start n 'PG' Jump Start n 'PG' Top 20 VideoCountdown n 'PG' Top 20 VideoCountdown n 'PG Master of the Mix Half &Half n 'PG' L o ve & Hip Hop: Atlanta n '14 *A&E

City Slickers 2 The Gambler Returns: Luck of the Draw'14' cc Gambler Rtrns (6:35) * igookeeper" 2011,ComedyKevinJames, Leslie Bibb. n 'PG' « (8:20) ** "GuardingTess"1994Shirley MacLaine. « ** "The Good Son"1993MacaulayCulkin.'R'« (5:55) ** "DangerousCrossing" (7:15) ** "TheLast ShotYouHear"1969, Suspense Hugh Marlowe. 'PG (8:50) ** "TheSalzburg Connection" 1972 'PG'acc (5:00) AMASupercross RacingLasVegasFromSamBoyd Stadiumin LasVegas BoxingGoldenBoy Live:PipinoCuevasJr.vs.JuanDiaz Red Bull X-Fighters 2013Glen Helen Live From THE PLAYERSAnalysis, highlights, interviews andfeatures. (N) (Live) TheGreatest GameEver Played HALL I Love Lucy 'PG' I Love Lucy 'PG' I Love Lucy 'PG' I Love Lucy 'PG' I Love Lucy 'PG' I Love Lucy 'PG' The Golden Girls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls "Meet MyMom"(2010) 'PG' « HBO BigPicture:RethinkingDyslexia" ** "Journey 2:TheMysterious Island" 2012 'PG' « (7:15) ** "First Daughter" 2004Katie Holmes,MarcBlucas. n 'PG' cc (10:45) *** "Manhunt"2013 n 'NR' cc IFC Dilbert 'PG' cc Dilbert 'PG' « Dil b ert 'PG' « Dil b ert 'PG' « Out There '14' O u t There '14' ** "MommieDearest" 1961, BiographyFayeDunaway, DianaScarwid. Premiere. 'PG MommieDearest MAX (6:10) *** "Beasts oitheSouthern Wild" 2012 cc (7:45) ** "Sanctum" 2011,Action Richard Roxburgh. n 'R' cc (9:35) ** "Mn& Mrs. Smith" 2005, Action BradPitt. n 'PG-13' cc (11:35) ** FD!v NBCSN Formula OneRacing F1 Extra (N) (Live) Hockey 2013IIHFWorld Championships: UnitedStatesvs. GermanyFromHelsinki, Finland. (N) Auto Racing F1 Pre-Race Formula 1 Racing Wicked TunaFish Fight'14 Wicked Tuna '14 Wicked TunaStormWarning '14' Wicked TunaHell onHighSeas '14 NGC Wicked Tuna: Hooked Up'14' Wicked TunaSharkAttack '14 NTOON Robot, Monster Robot, Monster Robot, Monster Robot, Monster Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal Monsuno: Com. Huntik:Secrets T.U.F.F.Puppy n T.U.F.F.Puppyn T.U.F.F.Puppy n T.U.F.F. Puppyn OUTD Lindners Fish. T r evor Gowdy Spanish Fly Bill Dance Salt. Facts of Fishing American Archer Archer's Choice Wardens OperationTrespass Buckmaster Clsc Trophy Hunt Ma g num TV SHO (4:45) ** "Stepmom"1998'PG-13 Boxing FloydMayweatherJr. vs. RobertGuerrero (7:05) * "Legendary" 2010,DramaPatricia Clarkson. n 'PG-13' ac c (11:15) Jim RomeonShowtime 'MA' SPEED Two GuysGarage My Classic Car My Classic Car Chop Cut Rebuild Speed Test Drive: Porsche(N) Monster Jam Auto Racing Australian V8Supercars STARZ (5:05) *** "Arthur Christmas" 'PG (6:50) ** "Men in Black 3"2012Wil Smith. n 'PG-13 (8:40) **"ThinkLikeaMan"2012,Romance-ComedyMichaelEal y.n 'PG-13'« (10:50) ** "Coloinbinn" 2011 « Fantasy Claire Danes, Charlie Cox. n 'PG-13 * "The Reunion" 2011, Action JohnCena. 'PG-13' cc TMC *** "Stardust" 2007, (8:10) ** "KinkyBoots" 2005Joel Edgerton. n 'PG-13' « (11:40)InsideOul "WE Sexiest Bodies of 2013! Joan8 Melissa:JoanKnowsBest? Joan & Melissa:JoanKnowsBest? Joan 6 Melissa:Joan KnowsBest? Joan & Melissa:Joan KnowsBest? Braxton Family Values ENCR FMC FUEL GOLF

THE BULLETIN «MAY 11 — 17, 2013 *In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/Black Butte (Digital); PM-Prineville/Madras; SR-Sunriver; L-La Pine













l l





NBA Countdown NBA Basketball SanAntonio Spursat GoldenStateWarriors WesternConferenceSemifinal, game4. Paid Program Made in America Say No to Pain 'G'Cash Cab n KATU Newsat 5 ABC World News 'pQ' cc (ABC) (N) (Live) Fro m Oracle Arena Oakl inand,Calif. (N) (Live) « (N) vt cc Trout TV 'G' Outdoorsman/ Castle Overkill Beckett invites Demming KTVZ O O O O (11:00) PGA Tour Golf ThePlayers Championship, Final RoundFromTournament Players Clubat Sawgrass in PonteVedra Beach, Fla. (N) n (Live) cc (NBC) Buck McNeely to assist n PG cc Paid Program Paid Program B ull Riding PBRLast CowboyStanding FromLasVegas. « Exploration W/ Explore the North- Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program CBS Evening KBNZ (CBS) Jarod Miller west News (N)c~ Judge Joe Brown Inside Edition omg! Insider (N) KEZI 9 Newsat ABC World News KOHD O O O O NBA CountdownNBA Basketball SanAntonio Spursat GoldenStateWarriors WesternConferenceSemifinal, game4. Judge Judy vt 'pQ' cc n 'PG' Weekend 'PG' cc (ABC) (N) (Live) Fro m Oracle Arena Oakl inand,Calif. (N) (Live) « 5:00 (N) « Free MoneyNow CSE MiamiCampFear Agirl is found KFXO I(g IE! @ IEI (11:30) *** "Glory Road"(2006, Drama)Josh Lucas, DerekLuke,Austin Nichols. * "WildHogs" (2007,Comedy)TimAllen, JohnTravolta, Martin Lawrence. Four Paid Program (FOX) Acoach leadsthe first all-black NCAAteam. friends take amotorcycle roadtrip. dead near acamp.'14' « "JakeShimabukuro:Life onFour E u r o pean Journal Religion & Ethics To the Contrary Moyers & CompanyMarshall Ganz KOAB ~ gy ~ gy Great Performances at the Met UnBallo in MascheraVerdi's classic drama. n 'PG' « n'G' cc Strings" (2012)Premiere. n c~ Newsweekly With Bonnie (PBS) Rachel Laforest. n 'G' ~c (11:00) PGATour Golf ThePlayers Championship, Final RoundFromTournament Players Clubat Sawgrass in PonteVedra Beach,Fla. (N) vt (Live) « Private Practice CooperandCharlotte NewsChannel 8 at5PM(N) cc KGW reveal secrets n '14' ss (NBC) KTVZDT2 @ ~ g) @ Live Life and Win! Made in Holly. Made in Hollywood *** "Little Women"(1994,Drama)Winona Ryder, Gabriel Byrne,Trini Alvarado. FourNewEngland ** "RaiseYourVoice" (2004, Drama)Hilary Duff, Oliver James, David Keith. A (N)'G' (N)'PG' wood: Teen sisters embracelife during the Civil War. « teen attends aperforming arts school in LosAngeles. « (CW) Cook's Country Test Kitchen OPBPL 175 173 M a sterpiece O nStory n 'G' NOVA n 'PG' ~c Growing Bolder My Generation Burt Wolf Steves' Europe Globe Trekker n 'G' cc(DVS) KATU

Shipping Wars Shipping Wars Shipping Wars American Hoggers AmericanHoggers American Hoggers American Hoggers 3 28 1 8 32 Bates Motel Motel 14 A stranger causesproblems'pQ' Shipping cc Wars 'pQ' cc 'pQ' cc 'pQ' cc 'pQ' cc 'pQ' cc 'pQ' cc 'pQ' cc business. '14'The ccBatesMotelopensfor Bates for Norma. cc "TheAmerican (12:45) ** "Liar Liar"(1997,Comedy)Jim Carrey, MauraTierney, JenniferTily. A (2:45) *** "TheBreakfast Club" (1985, Comedy-Drama)Emilio Estevez, Molly Ringwald,Judd Nelson. ** "Sixteen Candles" (1984, Comedy) 'AMC fast-talking lawyercannottell a lie. President « Five teenagersmakestrides toward mutualunderstanding. « Molly Ringwald. « *ANPL 68 50 26 38 Swamp'd! 'PG' Swamp'd! 'PG' Swamp Wars n 'PG' cc Swamp Wars n 'PG' cc River Monsters:Unhooked n 'PG' River Monsters:Unhookedn 'PG' River Monsters:Unhookedn 'PG BRAVO 13 44 Hou sewives/OC Housewives/OC Newlyweds: TheFirst Year ReadySet Wed'14 Don't Be Tardy... Don't Be Tardy... Don't Be Tardy... Married to Medicine '14' CMT 190 32 42 53 (11:30) Hot 20Countdown Stories aboutthe artists' moms. 'PG' « (2:15) *** "Mrs. Doubffire"(1993)RobinWiliams. Anestrangeddad posesas a nanny to bewith his children. vr « Cops Reloaded CNBC 54 36 40 52 Insanity! Like NewCarpet Insanity! Live Longer! Get Sub D Ro y Orbison Jo hnny Cash I n sanity! How I, Millions On the Money The Costco Craze: Inside the CNN 55 38 35 48 YourMoney(N) CNN Newsroom(N) CNN Newsroom(N) CNN Newsroom(N) CNN Newsroom(N) Anthony Bourdain Parts Unknown COM 13 53 135 47 (11:54) ** "TheGirl NextDoor" (2004)Emile Hirsch, Elisha Cuthbert. cc (2:27) *"Mr.Deeds" (2002)AdamSandler, WinonaRyder. cc (4:29) ** "Nacho Libre"(2006)Jack Black. COTV 11 Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program E xtreme Desire Adv Journal G e t Outdoors V i sions of NW City Club of Central Oregon CSPAN 61 20 12 11 (11:00) Washington ThisWeek Newsmakers Washington ThisWeek Q&A 'DIS 87 43 14 39 /ceAge:Me/t Dog With a Blog Dog With a Blog Jessie 'G' « Jessie 'G' « Jessie 'G' « A.N.T. Farm'G' Dog With a Blog Jessie 'G' « Sha ke It Up! 'G' Good-Charlie G ood-Charlie *DISC 15 21 16 37 BackyardO!ln Backyard Oil n Backyard Oil n Backyard Oil n The Big Brain Theory: PureGenius The Big Brain Theory: PureGenius Deadliest Catch n '14' cc Alaska Marshals n 'PG' cc *E! What-Ryan Wh a t-Ryan 13 25 The Soup '14 All Grown Up: Married to Jonas Married to Jonas Blinging UpBaby'14 Nick Cannon's Big Surprise '14' Kardashian Kardashian ESPN 21 23 22 23 StrongestMan Strongest Man Strongest Man Strongest Man Strongest ManCompetition SportsCenter (N)(Live) « Baseball Tonight (N) (Live) cc MLB Baseball: Angels atWhiteSox ESPN2 22 24 21 24 SportsCenter SportsNation American LeMansSeries Racing Monterey FromMonterey, Calif 2012 World Series of Poker su Mexico Primera Division Soccer: La Liguilla: Quarterfinal ESPNC 23 25 123 25 SEC Storied cc 30 for 30 cc Year of the Quarterback cc 30 for 30 Quarterback ESPNN 24 63 124203 SportsCenter (N) (Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter (N) SportsNation SportsCenter « SportsCenter w L« *** "Harry Potter andthe Orderof thePhoenix" (2007, Fantasy)Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint *** "Harry Potter andthe Haif-Biood Prince" (2009), RupertGrint FAM 67 29 19 41 "Harry Potter-Gob/eto/Fire" FNC 57 61 36 50 Journal Editorial FOX News America's NewsHeadquarters (N) Fox NewsSunday FOX Report(N) Huckabee(N) *FOOD 17 62 98 44 ChefWantedWithAnneBurrell Restaurant: Impossible Giving You the Business Restaurant Stakeout Mystery Diners Mystery Diners Diners, Drive D i ners, Drive *** "Forgetting SarahMarsha/I" (2008,Romance-Comedy)Jason Segel, KristenBell, Mila Kunis FX 131 How I Met How I Met How I Met How I Met How I Met How I Met HGTV 17 49 33 43 LoveltorListlt'G'« Love It or List It 'G' cc Love It or List It 'G' cc Love It or List It Renton 'G' cc Love It or List It Pollock Jones Q Love It or List It Cira Bagnato'C' *HIST 15 42 41 36SwampPeople BloodLi nes'PG' SwampPeopleWagingWar'PG' Swamp PeopleDeadlyChill 'PG' SwampPeople NoSurrender 'PG' Swamp People Breaking Point 'PG' Swamp PeopleCursed'PG' cc LIFE 13 39 20 31 "LikeMother,LikeDaughter"'14' "TicketOut" (2010,Suspense) RayLiotta, Alexandra Breckenridge. « "DangerousIntuition" (2013) Tricia Helfer, EstellaWarren. 'PG' « "AMother's Nightmare"(2012)'14' MSNBC 59 59128 51 MSNBCLive(N) The Ed Show(N) Caught on Camera Caught on Camera Caught on CameraFull Throttle MTV 192 22 38 57 (11:00) **"WhiteChicks"(2004) ** "Li ttle Man"(2006,Comedy)ShawnWayans, MarlonWayans. n Guy Code '14' Guy Code '14' Guy Code '14' Girl Code n '14' Girl Code n '14' Girl Code n '14' NICK 82 46 2440 Odd Parents Odd Parents Winx Club ' Y7' SpongeBob "MonsterHigh:Ghouls Rule" (2012) n cc Monster High Monster High: Skull Shores Monster High: Scaris The Best of the OprahShow'PG' Oprah's Lifeclass n 'PG' « Oprah's Lifeclass n 'PG' ss Oprah's Lifeclass n 'PG' « Oprah's Lifeclass n 'PG' « OWN 161 103 31 103 Super Soul Sunday n 'PG' « PAC12 47 310310310 College Baseball Utah atWashington(N) (Live) College RowingWindermereCup Basketball Col l ege Softball Oregon Ariat zona State SPIKE 132 31 34 46 Bar Rescue'PG' (12:29) Bar RescueIn aPinch'PG' (1:35) BarRescue n 'PG' (2:41) BarRescueEmptyPockets n 'PG' (3:48) BarRescue n 'PG (4:54) BarRescue n 'PG * "Red P/anet" (2000)Val Kilmer. Astronauts try tocolonize Marsto save mankind. « ** "Outlander" (2008,Action) JamesCaviezel, Ron Perlman. « SYFY 13 35 133 45 (11:30) ** "Stargate: Continuum"(2008) « TBN 205 60130 King IsComing Kingdom Conn. John Hagee MarriageToday JosephPrince Gregory Dickow T.D. Jakes'G' Joyce Meyer Leading theWay The Blessed Life Joel Osteen 'PG' Kerry Shook T y ler Perry's T y ler Perry's * "Norbit"(2007,Comedy)Eddie Murphy,Thandie Newton.A henpecked 'TBS 16 27 11 28 (10:30) MLBBaseball Toronto BlueJays at BostonRedSox Friends n '14' cc Friends n 'PG' cc Tyler Perry's From FenwayPark in Boston. (N) « House of Payne House of Payne House of Payne husband's childhoodsweetheart movesback to town. cc (11:30)***"Gypsy"(1962,Musical)RosalindRussell,NatalieWood.Amusical (2:15) *** "Peyton Place" (1957,Drama)LanaTurner, HopeLange,Arthur Kennedy. GraceMetalious' steamytaleof life in *** "Roughly Speaking" (1945) RosaTCM 014410129 biography offamedstripper GypsyRoseLee. « a New Englandtown. cc lind Russell. « *TLC 17 34 32 34Say Yes:ATL Say Yes: ATL Island Medium Island Medium Island Medium Island Medium Island Medium Island Medium Island Medium Island Medium Island Medium Island Medium Law & OrderShelteredSniper shoots Law & Order HomeSweetAnexplosion *** "Assault on Precinct !3" (2005)EthanHawke, LaurenceFishburne. Gunmen ** "Clasho/the Titans" (2010,Fantasy)SamWorthington, Liam Neeson. Per*TNT people. '14' «(DVS) kills an 8-year-oldgirl. '14' attack a crumblingpolice station to kill a gangster. ~~ seus, son ofZeus, embarksona dangerous journey. «(DVS) *TOON 84 ** "Scooby-DooinWhere'sMyMummy?" (2005) "TomandJerry Blast Of/to Mars!" (2005,Comedy) Regular Show Regular Show Incredible Crew Adventure Time Adventure Time Adventure Time *TRAV 17 51 45 42 Bizarre Foods America Austin 'PG' Bizarre Foods America 'PG' « Bourdain: No Reservations Bourdain: No Reservations Sins of Beaches (N)'PG' « Beach Goers Exposed 'PG' « eveland Roseannen 'G' Roseannen 'G' Roseannen 'G' Roseannen 'G' (2:36) Roseanne (3:12) Roseanne n 'Gsc TVLND 65 47 2935 HotinCl ' (3:48) Roseanne (4:24) Roseanne The GoldenGirls The Golden Girls USA 15 30 23 30 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law 8 Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit VH1 191 48 37 54 (12:05)Love& Hip Hop:Atlantan (1:10) Love &Hip Hop:Atlanta '14' (2:15) ** "TheHoneymooners" (2005,Comedy)Cedric the Entertainer, MikeEpps.n T.l. and Tiny T . l . and Tiny T. l . and Tiny *A&E

** "TheJerk" 1979 SteveMartin. 'R' « 106401 306401 Gambler Returns: Luck-Draw (1:10) *"Zookeeper"2011,ComedyKevin James. it 'PG' « (4:40) *** "Lethal Weapon"1987Mel Gibson. 'R' *** "TheSocial Network" 2010 ** "2!" 2008 Jim Sturgess. Crafty collegestudents beat theoddsin LasVegas. 'PG-13 104204104120 *** "Frequency" 2000, FantasyDennisQuaid, Jim Caviezel. 'PG-13' « X-Fighters UFC Tonight UF C Fight Night Josh Koschekvs. Yoshiyuki Yoshida 34 UFC Unleashed The Ultimate Fighter n 'PG The Ultimate Fighter n 'PG 28 301 27 301(11:00) ** "TheGreatest GameEver Played" Big Break Feherty Feherty Live From THE PLAYERSAnalysis, highlights, interviews and features ** "Personally Yours" (2000,Romance)Valerie Bertinelli. 'PG' « HALL 66 33 175 33 (11:00) "MeetMyMom" 'PG' « "BeverlyLewis' TheConfession" (2013)Sherry Stringfield. 'G' « Backto Youand Me" (2005) 'PG HBO 425501 425501(10:45) Manhunt * "New Real TimeWith Bill Maher n 'MA' Year's Eve"2011Halle Berry, Jessica Biel. n 'PG-13' c~ (3:45) ** "Madagascar 3:Europe's Most Wanted"2012 n 'PG' ~c Journey2-Myst ** "MommieDearest"1981, BiographyFayeDunaway, DianaScarwid. 'PG IFC 1 0 1 0 5 (11:45) ** "MommieDearest" 1981, BiographyFaye Dunaway,Diana Scarwid. 'PG (5:15) ** "MommieDearest" ** "FastFive"2011, Action Vin Diesel, PaulWalker. n 'PG-13' cc MAX 400 508 508 (11:35) ** "EDtv" 1999MatthewMcConaughey. n (1:40) ** "Never BeenKissed" 1999 DrewBarrymore. 'PG-13' cc (5:45)Alien1979 NBCSN 27 58 30 209 (11:30) FormulaOneRacing GrandPrix of Spain F1 Extra Cycling Tour ofCalifornia, Stage 1FromEscondido, Calif. (Overall start). NHL Live (N) NHL Hockey ConferenceQuarterfinal: TeamsTBA(N) Wicked TunaCaptainCarnage'14' Wicked Tuna '14 Wicked Tuna '14 Wicked Tuna: HookedUp Wicked Tuna:Hooked Up(N) NGC 157 15 7 W i cked Tuna Meltdown '14 NTOON 89 115189115 DannyPhantom Danny Phantom Speed Racer S p eed Racer W i ld Grinders n Wild Grinders n NFL Rush Zone NFL Rush ZoneAvatar: Air. Ava tar: Air. Ava t ar: Air. Ava t ar: Air. OUTD 37 307 43 307 Timbersports S h ark Series B o t tom Feeders Major League Fishing The Bass Pros Tracks, Africa Mathew's Dom Mathews The Crush Hun t Adventure Wildgame Nation * "Why StopNow?"2012JesseEisenberg. 'R' « SHO 500 500 Sebastian Maniscalco (12:15) * "Celtic Pride"1996 Damon Wayans. n 'PG-13' « (4:45) *** "Mean Gir/s" 2004LindsayLohan.n SPEED 35 303125 303Australian V8 Supercars Australian V8Supercars Barbagallo(N) Lucas Oil Off RoadRacing Firebird SPEED Center (N) (Live) Wind Tunnel A Racer's Life STARZ 300408300408 Co/ombiana « (12:40) DaVinci's Demons n 'MA' (1:45) ** "Harold & KumarGoto WhiteCastle" 2004JohnCho. 'R (3:20) *** "ThePatriot" 2000,WarMel Gibson, Heath Ledger. n 'R' « * "Bringingi/p Bobby"2011 Mila Jovovich. 'PG-13' TMC 525 525 (11:40) "InsideDut" 2011Paul "Triple H"Levesque. (1:20) *"TheRich Man's Wife"1996 Halle Berry (4:40) "FromTimeto Time"2009 Maggie Smith. 'PG *WE 14 41 174118 Braxton Family Values CSE Miami Stiff vr '14' cc CSE Miami LastStraw'14' cc CSE Miami No Good Deedn '14' C S E Miami Rest in Pieces n '14' C S E Miami At Risk n '14' ~c ENCR FMC FUEL GOLF


THE BULLETIN ' MAY 11 — 17, 2013


'In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. •

e II

at 6 (N) n « KATU KATU News










America's Funniest HomeVideos (N)

Once Upon aTime GregandTamara Revenge Truth Emily is forced to evaluate her quest. (N) n 'PG' « KATU Newsat11 (11:35) Castle n n 'PG' cc 'PQ' cc (ABC) activate thetrigger. (N) n 'PG' « (N) n cc AII.Star Celebrity Apprentice Maythe SpoonBeWith YouThefinalists create ice NewsChannel 21at Everybody Loves KTVZ NewsChannel 21 at NewsChannel 21 The Voice TheLive Playoffs, Part 1 The top 16contestants perform. n 'PG' cc at6 cc (NBC) 6(N) cc cream flavors.(N) n 'PG' « 11(N) cc Raymond n 'PG' Fans vs. Favorites Last PushA contestant winsthe grand Survivor: Caramoan — Fans vs. Favorites KOIN Local 6 at11 (11:35) ColdCase KBNZ Burn Notice Out ofthe Fire Brennanvows 60 Minutes Jessica Buchanan; Bill Gates Survivor: Caramoan — ReunionShow(N) n 'PG' cc Daniela 'PG' « (CBS) to releasevaluable data. 'PG' (N) n cc prize. (N) n 'PG' « (N) cc at 6:00 KEZI 9News at 6:30 America's Funniest HomeVideos (N) OnceUpon aTimeGregandTamara Revenge TruthEmily isforced to evaluate her quest. (N) n 'PG' « KEZI 9 Newsat DermaWand'G' KOHD KEZI 9 News n 'PG' cc 11:00 (N) cc (ABC) (N) cc (N) cc activate thetrigger. (N) n 'PG' « in a Bush Suspects. n '14' cc The Cleveland ShowRallo steals acandy The Simpsons(N) Bob's BurgersThe Family GuyFarmer American DadDa News Channel 21 Two and a Half MenThe Big Bang The Big Bang KFXO Bones A Boy 'PG' «(DVS) Guy '14' (FOX) bar. (N) n '14' cc(DVS) Unnatural '14' Flippity Flop'14' First on FOX (N) 'PG' cc Theory '14' cc Theory 'PG' cc Call the Midwife Cynthia's patient bullies Masterpiece Classic F.W.Woolworth 10 Buildings ThatChangedAmerica (N) No Perfect Answers Oregonarchitect KOAB Oregon Art Beat n Oregon Field Guide Antiques RoadshowRapidCity Spice 'Q' cc 'Q' cc n 'PG' cc his wife. (N) n '14' cc Pietro Belluschi. (PBS) chest; blueprints. 'G' cc discounts Harry. (N)'PG' cc The Chris Matthews TheVoice TheLive Playoffs, Part1 The top16 contestants perform. n 'PG' « All-Star Celebrity Apprentice Maythe SpoonBeWith YouThefinalists create ice NewsChannel 8 at (11:35) Sports KGW Straight Talk Show 'G' Sunday (NBC) cream flavors.(N) n 'PG' « 11 (N) cc ofEngage- Rules ofEngage. KTVZDT2 Are WeThere Yet? Are We ThereYet? The King of Queens The King of Queens ** "Swordfish" (2001, Suspense)JohnTravolta, Hugh Jackman, Halle Berry. An ex-con Seinfeld TheRob- Seinfeld The Stock Rules 'PG' n 'PG' n 'PG' (CW) 'pG' bery 'PG' « Tip n 'PG' ment '14' cc ment '14' cc computer hacker ispulled into ahigh-tech heist. « OPBPL Doc Martin RememberMe 'PG' cc Chihuly Outside n 'G' cc Finding David Douglas Moyers & Company n 'G' cc Civilization: TheWestand the Rest With Niall Ferguson 'PG' cc(DVS)

Duck Dynasty Duck Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty Aloha,Robertsons! The Storage Wars Storage Wars'14' «(11:01) Storage (11:31) Storage 'PG' cc 'PG' cc SeasonEve entire family vacations inHawaii. 'PG' Wars cc Wars cc 'AMC (5:00) ** "SixteenCandies" (1984,Com- *** "As Good as it Gets" (1997, Comedy-Drama)Jack Nicholson,Helen Hunt, GregKinnear. Premiere. A mean-spirited NewYork Mad Men ManWith a Plan SCDPtries to (11:04) Mad MenSCDPtries to pacify edy) Molly Ringwald. « author findslovewith awaitress. pacify competingclients. (N) « competing clients. « *ANPL Tanked n 'PG' cc Tanked FermentingDonuts n 'PG River Monsters n 'PG' cc River Monsters (N) n 'PG Ice Cold Gold Hittingthe Wall(N) 'PG' River Monsters n 'PG BRAVO Married to Medicine '14' Married to Medicine '14 Married to Medicine '14' Married to Medicine SipHappens'14' The Kandi Factory (N) '14 WhatHappens Fashion Queens CMT CopsReloaded Cops Rel oaded Cops Reloaded Cops Rel oaded Dog and Beth: Onthe Hunt(N) '14' Dog and Beth: Onthe Hunt '14' cc G u n tucky (N) '14' Guntucky (N) '14' Dog and Beth: On Hunt the'14' cc CNBC The Costco Craze: Inside the American Greed Mob Money:Murders and Death: It's a Living American Greed Insanity Workout! EasyMeals CNN Anthony Bourdain Parts Unknown(N) Murder in the First Degree Anthony Bourdain Parts Unknown Anthony Bourdain Parts Unknown M u rder in the First Degree Anthony Bourdain Parts Unknown Kevin Hart: Seriously Funny '14' Aziz Ansari: Dangerously Delicious P ete Holmes: NiceTry, the Devil 'MA' COM (4:29) NachoLibre *** "Coming to America" (1988,Comedy)Eddie Murphy, Arsenio Hall, John Amos. sc cs COTV Talk of the TownLocal issues Desert Cooking Oregon Extreme Desire Adventure Journal Get Outdoors Visions ofNW The Yoga Show The Yoga Show Talk oftheTownLocalissues. CSPAN Prime Minister R o ad to the White House Q&A Prime Minister R o ad to the White House Washington ThisWeek *DIS Austin & Ally 'G' A.N.T. Farm 'G' Jessie 'G' « Goo d -Charlie Dog With a Blog Shake It Up! 'G' Austin & Ally 'G' Jessie 'G' « Aust i n & Ally 'G' Jessie 'G' « Good-Charlie A. N .T. Farm 'G' *DISC Alaska: The Last Frontier '14' cc Alaska: The Last Frontier '14' cc Alaska: The Last Frontier '14' cc Great BearStakeout(N) n 'PG'cc Great Bear Stakeout n 'PG' cc f *E! ** HowDo youKnow"(2010) ReeseWitherspoon. Awomangets caught in a Kardashian love triangle Holly Has aBaby(N) '14' Married to Jonas What Would Ryan Married to Jonas What Would Ryan ESPN (5:00) MLBBaseball Los AngelesAngels of Anaheimat Chicago White Sox SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter cc SportsCenter cc ESPN2 2012 World Series of Poker cc 2012 World Series of Poker cc 2012 World Series of Poker « 2012 World Series of Poker cc MLB Baseball LosAngeles Angelsof Anaheimat Chicago White Sox(N) American Man ESPNC Year/Quarterback 30 for 30 Year of the Quarterback cc 30 for 30 Year of the Quarterback cc ESPNN SportsCenter « SportsCenter « Highlight Express Highlight Express Highlight Express Highlight Express Highlight Express Highlight Express ESPNFCPress Pass *** "Harry Potterand the Deathly Hal/ows:Part 1" (2010,Fantasy) Daniel Radcliffe, RupertGrint, EmmaWatson. Premiere FAM (4:00) *** "Harry PotterandtheHa/f-Blood Prince" America's Funniest HomeVideos n FNC Fox NewsSunday Geraldo at Large(N) n 'PG' cc Huckabee Stossel Geraldo at Large n PGcc Fox NewsSunday 'FOOD Chopped ChoppedAll-Stars Finale Iron Chef America CupcakeWars Aceof Cupcakes(N) I r on Chef America (N) Restaurant: Impossible (N) Restaurant: Impossible 'G' * "The Waterboy" (1998,Comedy)AdamSandler, Kathy Bates ** "Step Brothers" (2008,Comedy)Wil Ferrell, John C. Reily ** "Step Brothers" (2008,Comedy) Wil Ferrell, John C.Reily FX W ho's LivedinMyHouse?'G'« HGTV House Hunters 'G' Hunters Int'I You Live in What? 'G' « Extreme Homes(N) « House Hunters 'G' Hunters Int'I Hawaii Life 'G' H a waii Life 'G' *HIST Swamp People Ride orDie'PG' cc Swamp PeopleDevoured'PG' cc Ax Men Hell or HighWater '14' cc Ax Men TheFinalStraw (N)'14' cc SwampPeopleYoungBlood'PG' Larry the CableGuy LIFE (5:00) "A Mother's Nightmare" '14 "Abducted:TheCariina White Story" (2012)Aunjanue Ellis. 'PG' « Army WivesReckoning(N)'PG' « "Abducted:TheCariina White Story" The Client List Lacey isattacked. '14' MSNBC To Catch a Predator FlaglerBeach Predator Raw:TheUnseenTapes Lockup: RawInmates' unwritten rules Lockup: Holman Lockup: Holman Meet the Press cc MTV The ShowWith Ridiculousness n Ridiculousness n Ridiculousness n *** "Dodgebaii: A True Underdog Story" (2004)Vince Vaughn. n The Show With The Show With Girl Code n '14' Girl Code n '14' NICK SpongeBob Sp o ngeBob SpongeBob Spo ngeBob See Dad Run 'PG' Wendell & Vinnie *** "Ciueiess" (1995) Alicia Silverstone,StaceyDash. Premiere. n cc Friends n 'PG' (11:33) Friends n Oprah's Lifeclass Fatherlesssonsin America. n 'PG' « Oprah's Lifeclass (N) n 'PG Oprah's Lifeclass 'PG Oprah's Lifeclass n 'PG' « OWN Oprah's Lifeclass n 'PG' PAC12 College Softball College Baseball Utah atWashington College Baseball Arizona State at California(N) ** "The Fastandthe Furious: TokyoDrift" (2006, Action) LucasBlack, ZacheryTyBryan, BowWow. n SPIKE ** "Four Brothers" (2005)MarkWahlberg. Siblings seekrevengefor their adoptive mother's murder. n ** "Star Trek:Nemesis" (2002,ScienceFiction) Patrick Stewart, Jonathan Frakes SYFY (4:00) Outlander * * "Star Trek Generations" (1994,ScienceFiction) Patrick Stewart, WilliamShatner Star Trek-insur TBN Believeryoice C r e flo Dollar 'G' Praise the Lord: Night of Hope From Miami Mary of NazarethTheologiansandhistorians discussthe motherof Jesus. 'G Mothers: TreasuredLoves ** "Meet the Browns"(2008)Tyler Perry,AngelaBassett, DavidMann.Awomanmeets ** "Why DidI GetMarried?" (2007,ComedyDrama)Tyler Perry,Janet Jackson, Jill Scott. Eight married ** " Tyler Perry's I CanDoBadAii ByMyself" (2009, Comedy*TBS her late father's uproarious family for the first time. «(DVS) friends grapplewith commitmentand betrayal. «(DVS) Drama)TylerPerry, Taraji P. Henson. «(DVS) Mama"(1948, ComedyDrama) IreneDunne, Barbara Bel Geddes,Oscar Homolka. Write Judex A1916 *** "Early Summer (500) ***"Roughly Speaking"(1945) ****"I Remember JudexA1916 Judex A 1916 Judex A 1916 TCM Rosalind Russell. « recalls herNorwegianmotherandSanFrancisco kin. «(DVS) French serial. Fr e nch serial. French serial. French serial. (1951) 'TLC Island Medium I s land Medium I s land Medium I s land Medium Long Island Medium Onthe Road (N) Island Medium I s land Medium B reaking Amish: Brave NewWorld (N) Island Medium I s land Medium ** "Lara Croft:TombRaider" (2001, Adventure) Angelina Jolie, JonVoight, lain Glen. A ** "National Treasure" (2004,Adventure) NicolasCage, Hunter Gomez,Diane Kruger. Amantries to steal the ** "Clash ofthe Titans" (2010)SamWorthington. Perseus, sono 'TNT globe-trotter battles otherworldly creatures for anartifact. « Declaration of Independence. «(DVS) Zeus, embarksonadangerous journey. "TOON *** "Robots" (2005,Comedy)Voices of EwanMcGregor, Halle Berry. TeenTitans Go! Looney Tunes Squidbillies '14' King of the Hill n King of the Hill n Cleveland Show Family Guy '14' Family Guy '14 'TRAV Jamaica Bared 'PG' « Extreme Waterparks 'G' « Trip Flip (N) 'PG' Waterparks Extreme Factories (N) 'PG' « Airport 24/?: Mi Airport 24/7: Mi Radical Rides 'G' « TVLND The GoldenGirls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls The GoldenGirls The Golden Girls The GoldenGirls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls The GoldenGirls The Golden Girls King of Queens USA Law & Order: Special Victims Unit n L aw & Order: Special Victims Unit n Law I Order: Special Victims Unit Sin Law & Order: Special Victims Unit n Law & Order: Special Victims Unit n S uits Zane vs. Zane'14' « I'm Married to A... (N) n '14' VH1 T.l. and Tiny T.l . and Tiny * * * " The Nutty Professor" (1996) EddieMurphy, JadaPinkett. n Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta n '14 Model EmployeeModelsarrive. '14' *A&E

American Hoggers American Hoggers Duck Dynasty 'PQ' cc

'PQ' cc

'PQ' cc

Duck Dynasty 'PQ' cc

** "Spinout"1966 Elvis Presley. Premiere. 'NR' « Lethal Weapon n * "Billy Madison"1995AdamSandler. n 'PG-13' « *** "The Social Network"2010, Drama JesseEisenberg, AndrewGarfield. 'PG-13' « (5:00) *** "The Social Network" 2010'PG-13' cc

Lethal Weaponn (9:35) *"Zookeeper"2011,ComedyKevin James, Leslie Bibb. n 'PG' « ** "Doomsday"2008, ActionRhonaMitra, MalcolmMcDowell. 'R' « The Ultimate Fighter n 'PG The Ultimate Fighter n 'PG UFC159: Jonesvs. Sonnen -Prelims UFC Unleashed The Ultimate Fighter n 'PG Live From THE PLAYERSAnalysis, highlights, interviews andfeatures Live From THEPLAYERSAnalysis, highlights, interviews andfeatures Live FromTHEPLAYERSAnalysis, highlights, interviews andfeatures *** "your LoveNever Fails" (2011) Elisa Donovan,Kirstin Dorn. « HALL (5:00) "Back toYouand Me" 'PG' "BeverlyLewis' TheConfession" (2013, Drama)Sherry Stringfield. 'G' « Frasier 'G' « Fra s ier Oops! 'PG' HBO Journey 2:TheMysterious Island" (7:15) * "Wrath oi theTitans" 2012SamWorthington. n 'PG-13' xu Game of Thrones(N) n 'MA' « Veep (N) n 'MA' Family Tree '14' Game of Thrones n 'MA' cc f IFC (5:15) ** MommieDearest"1981, BiographyFayeDunaway. 'PG Maron '14 Arrested Develop. Arrested Develop. Arrested Develop *** "Poltergeist"1982, Horror Craig T.Nelson,JoBeth Wiliams. 'PG *** "Alien 3"1992, ScienceFiction SigourneyWeaver. n 'R' cc MAX (5:45) **** "Alien" I9?9 TomSkerritt. n 'R' cc (7:40) **** "Aliens"1986, ScienceFiction SigourneyWeaver, Carrie Henn. n 'R' cc NBCSN NHL Hockey NHL HockeyConferenceQuarterfinal: TeamsTBA(N) (Live) NHL Live (N)(Live) Cycling Tour ofCalifornia, Stage 1 Cycling Tour ofTurkey Ultimate Survival Alaska (N) 'PG' Wic ked Tuna Endgame '14' Ultimate Survival Alaska 'PG' Wicked Tuna: HookedUp Wicked Tuna: HookedUp NGC Wicked TunaEndgame(N)'14' NTOON SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob Sp o ngeBob Spo ngeBob Robot, Monster Robot, Monster Back at, Barnyard Back at, Barnyard DannyPhantom Danny Phantom OUTD Realtree Outdoors Truth Hunting Friends of NRA Bone Collector U nder Wild Skies Hal & Len Edition Hunt Adventure Realtree Outdoors WildgameNation Steve's Outdoor Mathews Pro Hunter Journ. SHO (4:45) Mean s The Borgias n 'MA's« s Nurse Jackie 'MA' Nurse Jackie 'MA' Nurse Jackie 'MA' The Borgias (N) n 'MA' « The Borgtas n MA « Girls The Big C: Hereafter n 'MA's« SPEED Faster Than Faster Than My Classic Car Hot Rod TV'14' SPEEDCenter Wind Tunnel A Racer's Life Faster Than Faster Than Unique Whips '14' f ** "Resident Evil: Retribution" 2012Milla Jovovich. 'R' STARZ (6:10) ** Menin Black 3" 2012,Action Will Smith. n 'PG-13' « Da Vinci's DemonsTheTower 'MA (10:45) DaVinci's Demons 'MA' « Har oid-Kumar f *** "The Help"2011Viola Davis. Anaspiring writer captures the experiences of black women. TMC Time to Time (6:20) ** "Peace, Love 8Misunderstanding" 2011'R' * DefJam's Howto Bea Player" 1997Bill Bellamy. 'R "WE CSE Miami Law &Disorder '14' cc CSE MiamiHabeasCorpse '14' cc CSE Miami Last Straw n '14' cc CSE Miami NoGoodDeed '14' cc CSE Miami Rest in Pieces '14' cc CSE Miami At Risk n '14' cc ENCR FMC FUEL GOLF


WEEKDAY MORNING • 66 • I (4:30) KATU NewsThis Morning NewsChannel 21 atSunrise KOIN Local 6 at6am KEZI 9 NewsThis Morning First Business AgDay Varied Programs Wild Kratts NewsChannel 8 atSunrise The Daily Buzz Heartland Greener World

66 I Good Morning America Today CBS This Morning Good Morning America NewsChannel 21 atSunrise Curious George Cat in the Hat Today

2 66



THE BULLETIN 0 MAY 11 — 17, 2013 *In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/Black Butte (Digital); PM-Prineville/Madras; SR-Sunriver; L-La Pine ' 66 8 8 66 I 8 66 I

The View Live! With Kelly and Michael Today Live! With Kelly and Michael The Price Is Right The Youngand the Restless The View Katie The Dr. OzShow Paid Program Paid Program Super Why! Daniel Tiger S i d the Science WordWorld Ba r ney, Friends The Jeff Probst Show KGW House of Payne House of Payne TheSteveW ilkosShow The JeremyKyleShow The WendyWilliams Show TVZDT2 Newsline Sit and Be Fit Sew With Nancy Love of Quilting Oil Painting Joy/Painting Second Opinion The Piano Guy Time Goes By Last of the Wine T M Yoga Stretches It's Sew Easy Knit-Crochet Paint This.Jerry Beads, Baubles Garden Home Curiosity Quest Outnumbered OPBPL 175 173 W Sit and Be Fit Sewing Room Knitting Daily Painting Scrapbook Soup Victory Garden American Land New Tricks Th Yoga Stretches Sew It All Quilting Arts Paint This.Jerry Everyday Edis Garden Home Tracks Ahead Outnumbered Time Goes By Sit and Be Fit Sew With Nancy Quilt in a Day Color World Joy/Painting This Old House The Visionaries Last of the Wine F Paid Program WEN Hair Care Bounty Hunter Bounty Hunter Longmire Longmire Longmire CSI: Miami T Jillian Michaels M The Glades DeepClean Dog the Bounty Hunter A&E 13028 18 32 W Paid Program Cindy Crawford Dog the Bounty Hu nter TRIA Bounty Hunter Bounty Hunter Th WEN Hair Care The Glades The Glades The Glades F DeepClean Paid Program Battle Hair Loss No.1Kitchen Cindy Crawford Say No to Pain Three Stooges (:45) ***Send MeNoFlowers1964,ComedyRockHudson,DorisDay,TonyRandall Montel Williams Say No to Pain WEN Hair Care Like NewCarpet (:15) *** The Long, Hot Summer1958, DramaPaul Newman,JoanneWoodward. Color of Money 'AMC 102 40 39 More Sex Nopalea with Cindy Crawford Say No to Pain WEN Hair Care *** The Ghost and Mrs. Muir 1947,FantasyGeneTierney, RexHarrison. « Hannibal 2001 W *** The TrumanShow1998Jim Carrey, LauraLinney. « Th Say No to Pain Paid Program No.1Kitchen More Sex (:15) ** Liar Liar 1997 Supersmile More Sex Nopalea with WEN Hair Care Debby Boone * ComancheTerritory 1950MaureenO'Hara (:45) *** Coogan's Bluff 1968Clint Eastwood Whale Wars: Viking Shores Big Cat Diary Big Cat Diary Meerkat Manor Meerkat Manor The Blue Planet: Seas of Life Animal CopsHouston Animal CopsHouston ANPL 68 50 26 38 * Down to You2000Freddie PrinzeJr., Julia Stiles. Premiere Married to Medicine Married to Medicine Marned to Medtctne 10 Happy M> l l>on Dollar *** Keeping the Faith 2000BenStiller. A rabbi and apriest both fall in love withthe samewoman Don't-Tardy D o n't-Tardy Don't-Tardy D o n't-Tardy D o n't-Tardy M e dicine * Boys and Girls 2000FreddiePrinze Jr., Claire Forlani, JasonBiggs Million Dollar Listing Million Dollar Listing Million Dollar Listing Million Dollar Listing BRAVO 137 44 ** Accepted 2006,ComedyJustin Long,JonahHill, Blake Lively Don't-Tardy D o n't-Tardy Don't-Tardy D o n't-Tardy Don't-Tardy N e wlyweds: The First Year Inside the Actors Studio Inside the Actors Studio Inside the Actors Studio Million Dollar Listing NewYork Million Dollar Listing NewYork Million Dollar Listing NewYork CMT Music CMT Music CMT Music CMT Music CMT Music CMT Music CMT 90 32 42 53 Squawk on theStreet Fast MoneyHalftime Report Power Lunch Street Signs CNBC 54 36 40 52 CNN 55 38 35 48 CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom Around the World CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom Sexy Abs Hair Restoration Insanity! Sexiest Bodies of 2013! Dr. 0 saysYes! Daily Show Colbert Report Always Sunny (:31) SouthPark ComedyCentral Workaholics T M Hip Hop Abs Hip HopAbs Say No to Pain Sexiest Bodies of 2013! Amy Schumer TapouT XT Sexy Abs Hair Restoration Insanity! RENO 911! RENO 911! COM 135 53 135 47 W Paid Program Insanity! Insanity! TapouT XT Hair Restoration TRIA Total Gym ComedyCentral (:26) 30Rock TF No Defrosting Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program PROACTIV The Half Hour The Half Hour The YogaShow The YogaShow Desert Cooking Oregon The YogaShow The Yoga Show Workout: Yoga Workout: Ball Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program COTV CSPAN 61 20 12 (4:00) Washington Journal Public Affairs Varied Programs Public Affairs Varied Programs 'DIS 87 43 14 39 Gaspard &Lisa (:45) Octonauts Little Einsteins Chuggington Mickey Mouse Never Land Mickey Mouse Mickey Mouse Doc McStuffins Never Land MickeyMouse Octonauts *DISC 156 21 16 37 Varied Programs James Robison Joyce Meyer Varied Programs I (Almost) Got AwayWith It FBE Criminal Pursuit Unusual Suspects Weight WEN Hair Care Sex and the City Sex and the City Sex and the City Sex and the City Sex and the City Sex and the City What-Ryan W hat-Ryan Fashion Police Muffin Top? The E! TrueHollywood Story Fatal Beauty: 15Most Notorious Women Bridal to Homicidal Fatal Honeymoons *El Total Gym Muf f in Top? XOX Betsey Johnson Kardashian Ka r dashian Kardashian Ka r dashian Keeping UpWith the Kardashians 136 25 Insanity! WEN Hair Care Keeping UpWith the Kardashians ** Blue Crush 2002, DramaKate Bosworth, MatthewDavis. Xa Holly Has aBaby Jonas Jonas *** Juno2007,Comedy-Drama EllenPage,MichaelCera WEN Hair Care Get Sub D The Soup * I N o w PronounceChuck You and Larry 2007AdamSandler, Kevin James SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter ESPN 21 23 22 23 First Take First Take Numbers Never Best/First Take (3:00) Mike &Mike KATU KTVZ KBNZ KOHD KFXO KOAB

AM Northwest Today Let's Make aDeal Rachael Ray The Jeff Probst Show D i n osaur TrainSesameStreet

ESPN2 22 24 21 24 W Th

One on One U p Close Can't Blame C a n't Blame One on One ESPNC 23 25 123 25 W One on One Th E:60 (5:30) Battle of the Network Stars Joyce Meyer Varied Programs FAM 67 29 19 41 America's Newsroom FNC 57 61 36 50 Supersmile New Keurig Hip Hop Abs *FOOD 177 62 98 44 W Paid Program Montel Williams Th Nopalea with Paid Program New Keurig WEN Hair Care EasyMeals Total Gym Total Gym Paid Program FX 131 Sexiest PROACTIV

SportsCenter SportsCentury

MLB Baseball Ringside MLB Baseball


2013 NBACombine

MLB Baseball Ringside MLB Baseball

SportsCentury SportsCentury SportsCentury SportsCentury SportsCentury SportsCentury SportsCentury MLB Baseball NBA Boy MeetWorld Boy Meet World Boy MeetWorld Boy Mts. World Boy MeetWorld 700/Interactive The 700 Club Gilmore Girls America Live Happening Now Get Sub D Paid Program Total Gym Insanity! WEN Hair Care Barbecue Addi Tyler's Ultimate Alex's Day Off Good Eats Unwrapped Supersmile Top Kitchen! Paid Program PROACTIV Pretty Women Grill It! B. Flay Down Home Home Made Top Kitchen! Sheer Cover Supersmile WEN Hair Care Bobby Flay 5 Ingredient Fix Hungry Girl Paid Program Floor Appeal Cindy Crawford Save...with Tara Challenge Paid Program Montel Williams Get Sub D Cindy Crawford Big Daddy's ** BabyMama 2008,ComedyTinaFey,AmyPoehler *** Marley & Me2008, Comedy-DramaOwenWilson, Jennifer Aniston, EricDane Wall Street ** Wall Street: MoneyNeverSleeps 2010, DramaMichael Douglas, ShiaLaBeouf, JoshBrolin *** The Departed 2006LeonardoDiCaprio, Matt Damon Smarter ** Blow2001,DramaJohnnyDepp,PenelopeCruz,FrankaPotente * The One2001,Action Jet Li, CarlaGugino,Delroy Lindo DeepClean ** Undispu ted2002,DramaW esleySnipes,VingRhames * The One2001,Action Jet Li, CarlaGugino,Delroy Lindo ** Rush Hour 2 2001,Action Hair Restoration Are You Smarter Are You Smarter *Deception2008,SuspenseHughJackman,EwanMcGregor ** Death Race 2008,Action Jason Statham,Tyrese Gibson 10 Minute Curb/Block My First Place Design/Dime Design/Dime Design/Dime Design/Dime Design/Dime Design/Dime Design/Dime Design/Dime Design/Dime WEN Hair Care Outdoor Room Real Estate High Low Proj High Low Proj High Low Proj High Low Proj High Low Proj High Low Proj. High Low Proj High Low Proj. High Low Proj Decked Out Room Crashers Room Crashers Room Crashers Room Crashers Room Crashers Love It or List It Love It or List It HGTV 17649 33 43 W Floor Appeal Bang, Buck TRIA Dig In Good Buy,Bad Outdoor Room My First Sale My First Sale My First Sale My First Sale My First Sale My First Sale My First Sale My First Sale Paid Program Yard - Disney Selling NY The Unsellables The Unsellables The Unsellables The Unsellables The Unsellables The Unsellables The Unsellables The Unsellables The Unsellables Journey to 10,000BC The RealWest Weird Weapons Weird Weapons Valkyrie: The Plot to Kill Hitler T TRIA Paid Program Civil War Journal Modern Marvels Modern Marvels Modern Marvels Modern Marvels "HIST 15542 41 36 W SknSecret Modern Marvels Alaska: Big America Mountain Men Mountain Men Coo ktop SwampPeople SwampPeople SwampPeople SwampPeople h Better H20 Paid Program Paid Program Save OurHistory American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers LIFE 138 39 20 31 Varied Programs Balancing Act Designing Old Christine F r asier Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier Will & Grace W i ll & Grace The Daily Rundown Jansing and Co MSNBCLive NOWWith Alex Wagner Andrea Mitchell Reports News Nation MSNBC 59 59 12851 AMTV AMTV: 10 onTop Countdown Girl Code Gir l Code 16 and Pregnant 16 and Pregnant M MTV Jams T Awkward. Awk ward. Girl Code Gir l Code Girl Code Ke$ ha: My Cr. Teen Mom 2 True Life True Life MTV 19222 38 57 W The ShowWith The Show With *** Freedom Writers 2007Hilary Swank, PatrickDempsey.n h Teen Mom2 Ke ha: MyCr. Ke ha: MyCr 16 and Pregnant 16 and Pregnant 16 and Pregnant NICK 82 46 24 40 Full House Fu l l House SpongeBob S p ongeBob SpongeBob Max & Ruby Team Umizoomi Team Umizoomi Dora Explorer Dora Explorer Bubble Guppies Bubble Guppies Rachael Ray Dr. Phil Dr. Phil Dr. Phil Dr. Phil OWN 161103 31 103 The Nate Berkus Show

THE BULLETIN ' MAY 11 — 17, 2013

WEEKDAY MORNING v II • I College Baseball Utah atWashington College Baseball Arizona State at California P C12 47 310310310 W College Softball UCLA atOregon State







TV • PAGE 9 *In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programmingmayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/Black Butte (Digital); PM-Prineville/Madras; SR-Sunriver; L-La Pine ' ll I I II I I II I

College Baseball Utah atWashington

Basketball Col l e e Rowin Windermere Cup Women's Colle e Golf Colle e Golf Colle e Rowin College Softball UCLA atOregon State College Softball UCLA atOregon State Women's CollegeGolf College Golf College RowingWindermereCup College Trackand Field Pac-12Outdoor Championships Teeter HangUps TapouT XT DeepC!ean Sexiest Bodies of 2013! WEN HairCare CSI: NY CSI: CrimeScene Investigation (:02) CskNY Paid Program Sexy Abs Insanity! PROACTIV Paid Program Insanity! Repo Games Repo Games Repo Games Repo Games Repo Games Repo Games TapouT XT DeepC!ean Hip Hop Abs Insanity! Paid Program CSI: NY SPIKE 13231 34 46 W Sexy Abs (:01) CshNY (:03) *** The GreenMile Sexy Abs Kitchen PROACTIV Sexiest Bodies of 2013! World's Wildest Police Videos World's Wildest Police Videos World's Wildest Police Videos Th No Defrosting Cook Safe Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Dancer's Body More Sex No Defrosting Fat Loss Warehouse 13 Defiance * Red Planet 2000Val Kilmer, Carrie-Anne Moss. « More Sex PROACTIV Battle Hair Loss Montel Williams Haunted Highway Haunted Highway Haunted Highway Haunted Highway YFY 33 35 133 45 W Paid Program More Sex Montel Williams Dirty House? Ghost Hunters Ghost Hunters Ghost Hunters Ghost Hunters Th Like NewCarpet Montel Williams Total Gym Sexy Abs Twilight Zone Weird or What? *** Star Trek II: TheWrath of Khan 1982Wiliam Shatner, LeonardNimoy Paid Program More Sex Supersmile WEN Hair Care Star Trek: TheNext Generation S t a r Trek: The Generation Next S t a r Trek: TheGeneration Next Star Trek: TheNext Generation Creflo Dollar John Hagee Joseph Prince This Is Your Day Believeryoice Varied Programs Behind Scenes Varied Programs James Robison Today TBN 05 60 30 *TBS 16 27 Married... With Married... With My Name IsEarl My Name IsEarl Fresh Prince Fresh Prince House of Payne Meet, Browns Fresh Prince Fresh Prince Engagement Engagement 28 Tiembla Ti (:45) Noche deDuendes 1930 (:45) Politiquerias 1931,Comed ( : 45) Les Carottiers 1931Stan Laurel, Oliver Hard . Lo s Calaveras 1931 StanLaurel (:15) Washin ton Merr -Go-Round *** Saratoga Trunk1945 Ga Cooper, In rid Ber man. « (5:30) **** Giant1956 ElizabethTaylor. Geor e Stevens'Oscar-winnin portrait of feudin Texans (:15) *** Sta e Door1937 TCM 01 44 01 29 W Journey-Fear * * * * The Third Man1949OrsonWelles, JosephCotten. « ** Walk Softly, Stranger 1950JosephCotten ** The ManWith a Cloak1951, Mysteryss The Steel Trap Th (4:30) **** A Star Is Born 1954Judy Garland ** My Sister Eileen1955Janet Leigh,Jack Lemmon.m *** Queen Bee1955,DramaJoanCrawford. (:15) TheSolid Gold Cadillac1956 Thirtnth Chair (:45) ** Pierre of the Plains1942 John ** My Dear Miss Aldrich ** Sporting Blood 1940,DramaRobert Young Carroll. (:15) ** Spring Madness1938MaureenO'Sullivan 'TLC 78 34 32 34 19 Kids-Count 19 Kids-Count Baby's First Day Rm-Multiples A Baby Story A Baby Story A Baby Story A Baby Story Know-Pregnant Know-Pregnant Four Weddings Varied Programs 'TNT 17 26 15 27 Smallville Charmed Charmed Supernatural Supernatural Supernatural "TOON 84 L ooney Tunes Hero: 108 Ben 10 Beyblade-Metl Pokemon BW NinjaGo: Mstrs NinjaGo: Mstrs Johnn Test Tom andJerry Tom & Jerry Looney Tunes *TRAV 17951 45 42 Varied Programs Httst Hotels Httst Hotels Varied Programs M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H More Sex Sheer Cover Say No toPain Montel Williams M'A'S'H T M Nopalea with Total Gym Hair Restoration Murder, SheWrote Hap. Divorced The Exes Dick Van Dyke I Love Lucy Andy Griffith Gunsmoke TVLND 65 47 29 35 W DeepC!ean No Defrosting Say No to Pain Sexy Abs DeepClean Sheer Cover Cook Safe T F Nopalea with Cook Safe One Smile-Time One Smile-Time Retired at 35 Retired at 35 John Sandford's Certain Pre 2011 Ma rk Harmon,LolaGlaudini. « *** Chaos 2005, Action Jason Statham, R an Philli e. « NCIS NCIS Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit *** The Interpreter 2005,SuspenseNicole K>dman, ** Miami Vice 2006Crime DramaColin Farrell, Jamie Foxx Gon Li. « USA 15 30 23 30 W Psych SeanPenn. « Law & Order: Criminal Intent Law & Order: Criminal Intent Burn Notice Burn Notice Burn Notice Burn Notice House House House Law & Order: Criminal Intent Law & Order: Criminal Intent CSI: CrimeScene Investigation Jump Start Jump Start Jump Start Jump Start Jump Start Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta Yo! MTVRapsMoments VH1 191 48 37 54 W ModelEmployee T The Gossip Game Morning Drive Morning Drive PGA Tour Golf ThePlayers Championship, Final Round The Golf Fix Malaysian OpenHighlights Performance I nside PGA Tour Trophee Hassan IIHighlights GOLF 28 301 27 301 W Th EuropeanPGATour Golf Morning Drive PGA TourGolf Web.com:BMWCharity Pro.Am, First Round(N) (Live) Gol f Central EuropeanPGATour Golf PGA TourGolf Web.com:BMWCharity Pro.Am, SecondRound(N) HALL 66 33 175 33 ILoveLucy I Love Lucy I Love Lucy I Love Lucy Golden Girls G o lden Girls G o lden Girls Golden Girls H o me & Family The DanPatrick Show The Box Score Bill Dance Seasons on Fly American Hero Good Fishing J immy Houston Good Fishing The Next Bite F i sherman Saltwater Ex . I nto the Blue Hank Parker F i s hin Texas K not Ri ht FishLunkerville Ba s s 2 Billfish NBCSN 27 58 30 209 W Hocke Hocke 2013 IIHFWorld Championship, Third Quarterfinal: TeamsTBA(N) (Live) Hockey The DanPatrick Show The Box Score Into the Blue Majesty Outd Fishing Adv. Fishing/Martin Bill Dance Alaska State Troopers Wild Justice Amish: Out of Order Amish: Out of Order Amish: Out of Order Border Wars Outlaw Bikers Outlaw Bikers Biker Chicks: Leather and Lace NGC 157 157 Taboo Locked UpAbroad Locked UpAbroad h Explorer Hitler and the Occult Hitler's Hidden City When Aliens Attack F Random! Cart. Adven./Jimmy Adven./Jimmy Adven./Jimmy T.U.F.F. Puppy T.U.F.F. Pupp T.U.F.F. Puppy T.U.F.F. Puppy NTOON 89 115189115 Power Rangers The Mighty B! The Mighty B! Random! Cart Outdoors Paid Program West. Extremes JackieBushman Bird Hunter O u tdoors In Pursuit With Hunting TV Alaska Outdoors Alaskan M Friends of NRA Long Hose! Paid Program Your Weapon Flyrod Shark Series F i shing Univ. Major LeagueFishing Mathews Magnum TV T TecomateWhi Outdoors OUTD 37 307 43 307 W Hunting TV Gaither Mathew's Dom Bow Madness Amer. Rifleman Wardens Elite Tactical Unit Midway USA's Impossible Timbersports Paid Program Paid Program Trevor Gowdy Major LeagueFishing SavageWild F acts of Fishing Trophy Quest Ivan Carter Steve's Outdoor Driven TV Zona's Show Penn's Big Bottom Feeders The Bassmasters Velvick's Eyes Spanish Fly Flyrod Bill Dance Salt Team Journal Th


TV Crossword 1

2 ~ 3






12 14








19' ,20

s 22






29 32


10 «

30 33



37 3s 8



g 39

41 e




45 8



Unscramble the letters noted with asterisks within the puzzle to identify the featured celebrity.

1. Vanessa Marcil's role on "Las Vegas" 4. Lead role on "JAG" Many 8. "Love Splendored Thing" 11. "Star Wars: Episode — Revenge of the Sith" 12. Actor Morales 13. " City"; 2005 Bruce Willis movie 14. "Last Resort" role (2) Squad" (1968-73) 17. "The 18. Gun rights org. 19. Long-running Broadway musical " 21. Do Bad All by Myself"; Tyler Perry film 24. Drug tragedy, for short 25. " Mans"; movie for Steve McQueen

26. Initials for Maude's portrayer 27. Initials for the star of "Alice" 28. Actor Epps 30. Diamond, for one 32. "Family " (1999-2002) 34. "I'm With " (2003-04) 35. Role on "Private Practice"

(>) 41. Home for Dick and Joanna on "Newhart" 42. Set ; leave shore 43. Role on "The VValtons" 44. Originally named 45. "Star 46. Suffix for eight or velvet

DOWN 1. Freud, to friends 2. "Up in the "; 2009

George Clooneymovie 3. " Vice" (1984-90) 4. Shanna or Oliver

5. Donkey 6. Scrooge's exclamation 7. "Tres !"; very well 8. Ted Lange's role on "The Love Boat" 9. Ale c Guinness R e c reation" 10. "Parks 15. Radar O'Reilly or Max Klinger 16. " Harry Potter and the o f Azkaban" 19. Skelton's Clem Kadiddlehopper, e.g. 2 0. Wes t 22. " Desire"; 1953 Barbara Stanwyck film 2 3. Ca r t e r 29. "Home "; 1990 blockbuster film 31. Bert's buddy Wing" 33. "The 34. "The Incredible (1978-82)

35. Mr. Diesel 36. Ending for Max or Paul 37. Street paver's goo 38. " a yellow ribbon ..." 39. o u t a living; get by 40. Cartoon pooch




Solution Amy Brenneman

THE BULLETIN 0 MAY 11 — 17, 2013 *In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/Black Butte (Digital); PM-Prineville/Madras; SR-Sunriver; L-La Pine

PAGE 10 • TV

WEEKDAY AFTERNOON II The Chew Anderson Live Kristi Miller The Chew TMZ Varied Programs NewsChannel8 Paid Program T Sexy Abs M



Q W Paid Program Th Sexier Hair! F Paid Program Desert Speaks Rudy Maxa





Bol d/Beautiful Extra Be a Millionaire DeepClean R U SMART?

Total Gym Montel Williams Supersmile Woodshop Rough Cut-Mac Burt Wolf Woodwright Th Travelscope Woodsmith Wonders-Spain Woodshop M CSE Miami

II General Hospital Days of our Lives The Talk General Hospital America's Funniest HomeVideos Charlie Rose Days of our Lives Paid Program Paid Program DeepClean Hip Hop Abs Fat Loss Kitchen Facelift Secrets R U SMART? Antiques Roadshow The LawrenceWelk Show History Detectives Moyers &Company The This OldHouseHour Criminal Minds




The Ricki Lake Show


The Dr. OzShow Dr. Phil The Dr. OzShow Little House onthe Prairie Andy Griffith A n dy Griffith Judge J. Brown Judge J. Brown Katie The Doctors The Ricki Lake Show Clifford-Dog B o b the BuilderMartha Speaks Cat in the Hat Katie The Ellen DeGeneresShow TheSteveW ilkosShow The Bill CunninghamShow

Asian Voices Tavis Smiley Asia This Week Arab American

Land of Dragon Beyond 3/11 Criminal Minds


The First 48

KATU NewsFirst at Four The Ellen DeGeneresShow I Love Lucy I L ove Lucy Judge Judy J u dge Judy The People's Court Arthur WordGirl Your Four O'Clock News Meet, Browns Meet, Browns

Nightly Business PBS NewsHour

The First 48



KATU Newsat 5 News News KEZI 9 News Friends Wild Kratts NewsChannel 8 We There Yet?

World News Nightly News Evening News World News Friends Electric Comp Nightly News We ThereYet?

Lidia's Italy Caprial-John Mexican Table Cuisine Culture Ciao Italia The First 48

Laura Mclntosh Simply Ming Korean Kitchen Julia's Kitchen Hubert Keller

T 30 28 18 32 W


The Glades The Glades The Glades The Glades The Glades The Glades *** As Good as It Gets 1997,Comedy-DramaJack Nicholson, Helen Hunt,Greg Kinnear. ** Hackers 1995JonnyLeeMiler. Teencomputer freaks vs. embezzler. « Usual Suspects (11:45) *** The Color of Money1986, DramaPaul Newman,TomCruise. « ** The Sentinel 2006, SuspenseMichael Douglas, Kiefer Sutherland. « ** Man on Fire 2004 *AMC 02 40 39 (11:30) ** Hannibal 2001,SuspenseAnthonyHopkins, JulianneMoore * Gone in Sixty Seconds2000,Action NicolasCage,Angelina Jolie. « CSE Miami ** Sixteen Candles 1984,ComedyMolly Ringwald. « Freakshow (11:15) ** Liar Liar 1997 (:15) *** The Breakfast Club1985 EmilioEstevez,Molly Ringwald,JuddNelson *** Joe Kidd 1972,Western Clint Eastwood,Robert Duvall. Aa *** Two Mules for Sister Sara1970,WesternShirley MacLaine, Clint Eastwood.Aa (10:45) *** Coogan's Bluff sa High Plains Call-Wildman Call-Wildman ANPL 68 50 26 38 Animal CopsHouston Pit Bulls and Parolees Pit Bulls and Parolees Pit Boss Tanked Million Dollar M i llion Dollar Listing NewYork N e wlyweds: The First Year Housewives/OC Housewives/OC Housewives/OC Medicine Married to Medicine Married to Medicine Married to Medicine Married to Medicine Newlyweds: TheFirst Year Million Dollar Listing Million Dollar Listing Million Dollar Listing Million Dollar Listing Million Dollar Listing Married to Medicine BRAVO 137 44 Newlyweds: The First Year Tabatha TakesOver Tabatha TakesOver Tabatha TakesOver Tabatha TakesOver Tabatha TakesOver Million Dollar Listing NewYork M i l lion Dollar Listing New York M i l lion Dollar Listing York New Million Dollar Listing NewYork Million Dollar Listing NewYork Million Dollar Listing NewYork CMT Music ** Days of Thunder 1990TomCruise. Upstart stock-cardriver oes to the edge DogandBeth:OntheHunt DogandBeth:OntheHunt Reba Reba T World's Strictest Parents M World's Strictest Parents World's Strictest Parents World's Strictest Parents Guntucky Gu ntucky Kitchen Nightmares Kitchen Nightmares Kitchen Nightmares DogandBeth:OntheHunt CMT 19032 42 53 W Kitchen Nightmares Extreme Makeover: HomeEdition Extreme Makeover: Home Edition Extreme Makeover: HomeEdition Extreme Makeover: HomeEdition Extreme Makeover: HomeEdition TF CMT Music D o g and Beth: On the Hunt DogandBeth:OntheHunt DogandBeth:OntheHunt Dog and Beth:OntheHunt CNBC 54 36 40 52 Closing Bell Closing Bell With Maria Bartiromo Fast Money V a ried Programs Mad Money The Kudlow Report Varied Programs (11:00) CNN Newsroom The LeadWith JakeTapper The Situation Room Erin Burnett OutFront AndersonCooper360 CNN 55 38 35 48 Workaholics Workaholics W o rkaholics W o rkaholics Workaholics ComedyCentral (:22) Futurama (4:54) Futurama Always Sunny (:20) ** Nacho Libre 2006JackBlack T (11:55) Tosh.0 (:25) Tosh.0 ( 1 2:55) Tosh.0 (:25) Tosh.0 (1:55) Tosh.0 (:25) * Saving Silverman2001Jason Biggs, SteveZahn. « (:27) Futurama (4:58) Futurama Always Sunny ** WelcomeHome RoscoeJenkins2008MartinLawrence.« COM 135 53 13547 W RENO 911! South Park Sou th Park Sou t h Park South Park Futurama Futurama Always Sunny T (11:56) 30Rock (:26) 30 Rock South Park (:26) South Park South Park (:26) *** Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure1989 KeanuReeves (:28) Futurama (4:59) Futurama The Half Hour (:21) * Superstar1999,ComedyMolly Shannon,Wil Ferrell. Aa (:21) ** Balls of Fury 2007DanFogler, ChristopherWalken. cc (:23) Futurama (4:54) Futurama Always Sunny Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Extreme Desire Adv Journal G e t Outdoors Visions of NW City Edition Paid Program COTV CSPAN 61 20 12 (9:00) Public Affairs Public Affairs Capitol Hill Hearing Good-Charlie G ood-Charlie Good-Charlie Little Einsteins Little Einsteins Never Land Ne ver Land Phineas, Ferb Good-Charlie Dog With a Blog Dog With a Blog Dog With a Blog Doc McStuffins Doc McStuffins Radio Rebel 2012DebbyRyan.n (:15) Phineasand Ferb Jessie Jessie Jessie *DIS 87 43 14 39 W Mickey Mouse Mickey Mouse Phineas, Ferb Dog With a Blog Dog With a Blog Dog With a Blog Austin & Ally Austin & Ally Austin & Ally Doc McStuffins Doc McStuffins Good-Charlie Good-Charlie Good-Charlie A.N.T. Farm A.N.T. Farm A.N.T. Farm T Sofia the First ** Cinderella III: A Twist in Time 2007n ** Sky High 2005 rr ss (:15) Phineasand Ferb Jessie Jessie Jessie I (Almost) Got AwayWith It Auction Kings Auction Kings Ten Commandments of theMafia Outlaw Empires Backyard Oil Backyard Oil Backyard Oil Backyard Oil Backyard Oil B ackyard Oil Deadliest Catch Deadliest Catch Deadliest Catch 'DISC 15621 16 37 W MythBusters The Big Brain Theory The Big Brain Theory MythBusters Alaska: The Last Frontier Alaska: The Last Frontier Deadliest Catch T ExtremeSmuggling Texas DrugWars Extreme DrugSmuggling Sons of Guns E! News Nicki Minaj Nick Cannon's Big Surprise All Grown Up: * * How Do You Kn ow 2010,Romance-ComedyReeseWitherspoon, OwenWilson *** Knocked Up2007, Romance-Comedy Seth Rogen,Katherine Heigl, Paul Rudd *** Knocked Up2007Seth Rogen, Paul Rudd Blinging UpBaby *El Sex and theCity Sex and theCity Sex and theCity Sex and theCity What-Ryan W hat-Ryan Blinging UpBaby ** Blue Crush 2002 « 136 25 W Sex and the City Nicki Minaj: My Nicki Minaj: My Nicki Minaj: My Jonas Jonas T *** Juno Holly Has aBaby * I Now PronounceYou Chuckand Larry 2007AdamSandler Outside Lines Football Live NFL Live Around the Horn Interruption SportsCenter MLB Baseball NewYork Mets at St. Louis Cardinals (Live) « E:60 30 for 30 ESPN 21 23 22 23 W MLB Baseball Boston RedSox atTampa Bay Rays (Live) cc XGamesBarcelonaFrom Barcelona,Spain.(NSame-dayTape)sa Th SportsCenter SportsCenter Spanish PrimeraDivision Soccer: Copadel Rey, Final SportsCenter NBA Countdown NBA Basketball Best/First Take Dan Le Batard SportsNation NFL32 Around the Horn Interruption N F L Live 30 for 30 30 for 30 ESPN2 22 24 21 24 W Th Outside Lines

College Softball NCAATournament, Regional: TeamsTBA (N)s «s Softball Update College Softball NCAATournament, Regional: TeamsTBA(N) ca XGamesBarcelona (Taped)ss SportsCentury MLB Baseball SportsCentury Boxing Battle of the NetworkStars (10:00) Ringside Ringside Boxing ESPNC 23 25 12325 W MLB Baseball MLB Baseball Boxing SportsCentury SportsCentury Bay City Blues White Shadow Th SportsCentury SportsCentury SportsCentury MLB Baseball NBA Boxing Friday Night Lights Full House Fu l l House Full House Fu l l House Reba That '70s Show That '70s Show That'70s Show That'70s Show FAM 67 29 19 41 Reba Reba Reba The O'Reilly Factor FNC 57 61 36 50 Studio B With ShepardSmith Your World With Neil Cavuto The Five Special Report With Bret Baier FOX Report With ShepardSmith B'foot Contessa Sandra's Res Dollar Dinners Secrets Best Dishes 30-Minute Meals Giada at Home Giada at Home B'foot Contessa B'foot Contessa Best Dishes P i oneer Wo. Paula's Cooking Money Saving Trisha's Sou 'FOOD 17762 98 44 W Best Dishes Pioneer Wo. Paula's Cooking Trisha's Sou. Th Sandra Lee Mexican-Easy Restaurant: Impossible Restaurant: Impossible Restaurant: Impossible Restaurant: Impossible (11:30) ** Wall Street: MoneyNeverSleeps 2010 Michael Douglas,ShiaLaBeouf *** The Departed 2006LeonardoDiCaprio, Matt Damon.An undercover copanda criminal leaddouble lives (10:00) *** The Departed 2006,Matt Damon ** Blow2001,DramaJohnnyDepp,PenelopeCruz,FrankaPotente Two/Half Men Two/Half Men How I Met How I Met ** Kiss of the Dragon 2001,ActionJet Li, Bridget Fonda ** RushHour22001,ActionJackieChan,ChrisTucker,JohnLone ** Pineappl eExpress2008SethRo en,JamesFranco FX 13 ** Pineapple Express 2008SethRogen. Astoner fleesafter witnessing amurder (11:00) ** Rush Hour 2 2001 How I Met How I Met How I Met How I Met Two/ Half Men ** The Green Hornet 2011,ActionSeth Rogen,Jay Chou, CameronDiaz Death Race How I Met Two/Half Men Two/Half Men Two/Half Men * * Soul Surfer

TV • PAGE 11 *In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. / Sports programmingmayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/Black Butte (Digital); PM-Prineville/Madras; SR-Sunriver; L-La Pine

THE BULLETIN ' MAY 11 — 17, 2013













Curb/Block Curb/Block Curb/Block Curb/Block Curb/Block Curb Appeal Curb Appeal C urb Appeal Kitchen Cousins Kitchen Cousins House Hunters Renovation House Hunters Renovation House Hunters Renovation House Hunters Renovation HGTV 176 49 33 43 W Property Brothers Property Brothers Property Brothers Property Brothers Property Brothers Th HouseHunters House Hunters House Hunters House Hunters House Hunters House Hunters House Hunters House Hunters House Hunters House Hunters F Flip or Flop F l i p or Flop Fl i p or Flop Flip or Flop F l i p or Flop Fl i p or Flop Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Hunters Int'I H u nters Int'I 10 Things About 10 Things About 10 Things About 10 Things About 10 Things About 10 Things About 10 Things About 10 Things About 10 Things About 10 Things About 10 Things About 10 Things About Modern Marvels Modern Marvels Modern Marvels Modern Marvels Modern Marvels Modern Marvels *HIST 155 42 41 36 W Mountain Men Mountain Men Mountain Men Mountain Men Mountain Men Mountain Men SwampPeople SwampPeople SwampPeople SwampPeople SwampPeople Th SwampPeople American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers Will & Grace W i ll & Grace H o w I Met How I Met Grey's Anatomy Grey's Anatomy Wife Swap Wife Swap LIFE 13 39 20 31 MSNBC 59 59 28 51 TheC cle Martin Bashir Hardball With Chris Matthews Pol i ticsNation Hardball With Chris Matthews All In With Chris Ha es (:10) 16and Pre nant (:20) 16 andPre nant 16 and Pre nant (:40) 16 andPre nant (4:50) 16and Pre nant T Ke ha: My Cr. Ke ha: My CrazyBeautiful Life (:20) TrueLife True Life (:40) Friendzone (:15) Friendzone Friendzone (:25) Friendzone MTV 192 22 38 57 W (:10) TrueLife Ke$ha: MyCrazy Beautiful Life (4:50) Girl Code (:25) Girl Code (:20) *** FreedomWriters 2007, DramaHilary Swank, Patrick Dempsey.n Th FreedomWriters (:45) Teen Mom2 (:05) Girl Code (:40) Girl Code (:15) Girl Code (:25) Awkward Ridiculousness Ridiculousness (:10) Girl Code (:45) Girl Code (:20) Girl Code (1:55) Girl Code Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness (:15) Ridiculousness Peter Rabbit M a x & Rub Dora Explorer Dora Explorer Spon eBob S p on eBob Spon eBob O d d Parents Odd Parents O d d Parents Spon eBob Spon eBob NICK 82 46 24 40 Dr. Phil Dr. Phil Shocking Family Secrets Shocking Family Secrets Shocking Family Secrets Shocking Family Secrets M T Lostand Found Lostand Found Lostand Found Lost and Found OWN 16 103 31 03 W Breaking Downthe Bars Breaking Downthe Bars Breaking Downthe Bars Breaking Downthe Bars Th Main Street Main Street Main Street Ma i n Street Main Street Main Street Main Street Main Street F Police Womenof Memphis Police Womenof Memphis Police Womenof Memphis Police Womenof Memphis College Softball UCLAat OregonState College Softball UCLA at Oregon State College RowingWindermereCup College Golf College Baseball Utah atWashington College RowingWindermereCup College Golf Women's CollegeGolf College Softball Oregon at Arizona State Basketball College RowingWindermereCup PAC1 2 47 310310310 W College Rowing College Softball Oregon at Arizona State Colle e Track and Field Pac-12Outdoor Championships T Colle e Softball Ore on at Arizona State Basketball Col l ege Basketball California at Arizona College Basketball Missouri at UCLA College Basketball: Pac-12Tournament Basketball Bas ketball * Crank: High Voltage 2009Jason Statham, AmySmart. n CSI: CrimeSceneInvestigation (:10) ** Green Zone2010 MattDamon. Armyinspectors seekweapons of massdestruction in Iraq Repo Games Repo Games Repo Games Repo Games Repo Games Repo Games Repo Games Repo Games RepoGames Repo Games Worst Tenants WorstTenants SPIKE 132 31 34 46 W (11:03) *** The Green Mile1999, DramaTomHanks, David Morse.A guard thinks an inmatehasa supernatural powertoheal. n (:03) ** The Guardian 2006 Kevin Costner, Ashton Kutcher. n DEA DEA DEA DEA DEA DEA Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Red Planet 2000 ** Outlander 2008,ActionJamesCaviezel, RonPerlman, SophiaMyles, cc ** Star Trek Generations1994,ScienceFiction Patrick Stewart, WiliamShatner Star Trek: Nem Haunted Highway Haunted Highway Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files F act or Faked: Paranormal Files F act or Faked: Paranormal Files Ghost Hunters Deep South Paranormal Deep South Paranormal Deep South Paranormal Deep South Paranormal SYFY 133 35 133 45 W Ghost Hunters *** Star Trek Ilh TheSearch for S ock1984WiliamShatner, DeForestKelle . « *** Star Trek IV: The Vo a e Home1986Wiliam Shatner, LeonardNimo . « Defiance *** Star Trek Vl: The Undiscovered Countr 1991 WilliamShatner. « Star Trek: TheNext Generation S t a r Trek: The Generation Next S t a r Trek: The Generation Next Star Trk: Cntct TBN 205 60 130 The 700 Club John Hagee Varied Programs Spring Praise-A-Thon Behind Scenes Varied Programs Love.Raymond Friends 'TBS 16 27 28 According-Jim Love-Raymond American Dad American Dad Wipeout Friends Friends Friends King of Queens **** Gigi 1958 LeslieCaron. Washngtn Mrry (:45) ** Captain Hatesthe Sea1934,Comedy (:15) ** The Girl Downstairs1938 FranciskaGaal. (:45) ** Coast Guard1939 RandolphScott (11:15 ***Sta e Door **** Show Boat1936 IreneDunne,Allan Jones. «DVS *** So Bi 1953, DramaJane W man,Sterlin Ha den. « *** Kiss of Death 1947 ** The Angel WoreRed1960Ava Gardner, Dirk Bo arde. « ** Jack of Diamonds1967 Geor e Hamilton, JosephCotten. « **** Forb>dden Planet 1956 TCM 10 44 101 29 W (11:30) ** The SteelTrap (11:15) TheSolid Gold Cadillac ** Bell, Book and Candle1958 JamesStewart, Kim Novak. cc *** Guess Who'sComingtoDinner1967SpencerTracy.« *** The Big Fisherman 1959 ** Where Danger Lives 1950Robert Mitchum ** Mission Over Korea1953,WarJohnHodiak *** Never TooLate1965,ComedyPaulFord,ConnieStevens. ** Ace in the Hole 1951 A Baby Story A Baby Story Extreme Cou Extreme Cou What Not to Wear Four Weddings Long Island Medium: Behind the M What Not to Wear T I Found-Gown I Found-Gown Island Medium Island Medium *TLC 178 34 32 34 W Four Weddings LongIslandMedium On theRoad T Worst Tattoos Worst Tattoos Say Yes: ATL Say Yes: ATL Say Yes: ATL Say Yes: ATL Say Yes: ATL Say Yes: ATL Say Yes: ATL Say Yes: ATL 'TNT 17 26 15 27 Bones Bones Bones Bones NBA Basketball Varied Programs *TOON 84 Loone Tunes Scoob Scoob Almost Naked Scared S uirrel Loone Tunes Johnn Test Jo h nn Test Incredible Crew Wrld, Gumball Wrld, Gumball Adventure Time *TRAV 179 51 45 42 Varied Pro rams Bourdain: No Reservations Varied Pro rams Bizarre Foods/Zimmern Man v. Food M an v. Food M'A'S*H *A*S*H Gunsmoke Gunsmoke Bonanza Memories of M The Nanny T h e Nanny Gunsmoke Bonanza Bonanza (:40) Gunsmoke (1:50) Gunsmoke (:09) TheNanny M T


House Hunters

Hunters Int'I

47 29 35 W Th

The Nann The Nann NCIS NCIS NCIS NCIS NCIS NCIS Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit NCIS NCIS NCIS NCIS NCIS USA 1 30 23 30 W Law & Order: Criminal Intent Th Burn Notice CSE CrimeSceneInvestigation CSI: Crime SceneInvestigation CSE CrimeSceneInvestigation CSE CrimeScene Investigation Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit The Last Days of Left Eye T.l. and Tiny (:40) *** How SheMove2007, DramaRutinaWesley, TreArmstrong. n (2:50) Behind theMusic (3:55) Behind theMusic T.l. and Tiny T . l . and Tiny M a ster of the Mix The Gossip Game (:05) I'm Married to A (:10) ModelEmployee (:15) Love &Hip Hop:Atlanta VH1 191 48 37 54 W Yo! MTVRapsMoments (:10) Love &Hip Hop:Atlanta (:15) Love &Hip Hop T.l. and Tiny (3:50) *** New Jack City1991WesleySnipes, Ice-T. n « Th (:05) ** Love Potion No. 91992TateDonovan, SandraBullock. n 15) 40 Greatest OneHit Wonders of the '90s One Hit Wonders of the '90s T.l. and Tin T. l . and Tin * Hone 2 (:05) ** I Think I Love MyWife 2007 Chris Rock.n (:15) Master of the Mix (:20) Love &Hip Hop:Atlanta (:25) Love &Hip Hop:Atlanta ModelEmployee (10:00) PGATour Golf The Players Championship, Final Round Performance Golf Central The Golf Fix Big Break Big Break In the Bag In t he Bag Feherty Big BreakMexico Golf Central I n s ide PGA Tour Big Break Pla y ing Lessons Golf's Greatest Rounds GOLF 28 301 27 301 W Inside PGATour Learning Center Big Break Mexico Big Break Pla y ing Lessons EuropeanTour School of Golf Big Break On t he Range Th PGA TourGolf HPByron NelsonChampionship, First Round (N) (Live) LPGA TourGolf Mobile Bay Classic, First Round (NSame-dayTape) P G A Tour Golf PGA Tour Gol fHP ByronNelsonChampionship,Second Round N Li ve LPGA TourGolf Mobile Bay Classic, Second Round PGA Tour Golf Marie Marie The Waltons Little House on thePrairie Little House on thePrairie Brady Bunch Brady Bunch HALL 6 33 17533 Hank Parker The Next Bite The Dan Patrick Show Cycling Tour ofCalifornia, Stage 2(N) (Live) F1 36 F1 Pre-Race Formula OneRacing Gaff Life JimmyHouston Cycling Tour of California, Stage 3FromPalmdale to SantaClarita. (N) NHL Live NHL Hockey ConferenceSemifinal:TeamsTBA Cycling Tour ofCalifornia, Stage 4(N) (Live) NBCSN 27 58 30 209 W Hobie Outdoor Wrestling United States vs. Iran (N)(Live) Cycling Tour of California, Stage 5FromSanta Barbarato Avila Beach.(N) (Live) Th Hockey Preakness Classics Horse Racing Cycling Tour of California, Stage 6(N) (Live) The NumbersGame Brain Games Brain Games The NumbersGame Brain Games Brain Games The NumbersGame Brain Games Brain Games The 80's: Decade/Made The 80's: Decade/Made Polygamy,USA Taboo The 80's: Decade/Made Polygamy,USA NGC 157 157 Alaska StateTroopers Alaska StateTroopers Locked UpAbroad Breakout Alaska StateTroopers Alaska StateTroopers W h Mountain Movers Polygamy,USA Taboo Mountain Movers Grand CanyonSkywalk Extreme Expeditions Giant Crystal Cave: Revealed Access 360World Heritage Explorer How Nature Works Yu-Gi-Oh! Yu- Gi-Oh! NTOON 89 115189115 Danny Phantom Power Rangers The Penguins The Penguins Back, Barnyard Back, Barnyard Back, Barnyard Back, Barnyard Legend-Korra Avatar: Air Gold Fever Fisher's ATV Mathew's Dom Amer. Archer A r row Affliction Bow Madness Archer's Choice West. Extremes Whitetail Freaks Bone Collector Hunt Masters Truth Hunting Spring Hunting, Country Bone Collector Trophy Hunt Driven TV Ted Nugent TedNugent Most Wanted Cuddeback's Tecomate Whi Bird Hunter OUTD 37 30743 307 W Shooting USA Shooting Gallery Elite Tactical Unit Best Defense Amer. Rifleman Im ossible Mid wa USA's Shooting USA Friends of NRA Wild Skies Ult. Adventures Whitetail Freaks Hunt Masters Drop Zone Addicted, Out Tracks, Africa Wardens Sprin Tecomate Whi Zona's Show Realtree WildgameNtn The Crush Hu n t AdventureFacts of Fishing Velvick's Eyes The Bassmasters The BassPros Major LeagueFishing

THE BULLETIN 0 MAY 11 — 17, 2013 *In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/Black Butte (Digital); PM-Prineville/Madras; SR-Sunriver; L-La Pine

PAGE 12 • TV



c II









(10:01) Castle WatershedBeckett recon KATU Newsat11 (11:35) Jimmy siders hercareer. (N) n 'PG' Kimmel Live '14' (N)n cc Jeopardy! (N)n Wheel of Fortune The Voice LiveTop12Performances Thetop 12contestants perform. (N) n 'PG' (10:01) Revolution A dronestrike puts NewsChannel 21 Tonight Show KTVZ O O O O NewsChannel 21 at 6 (N) cc 'Q' cc (N) n 'G' CC (NBC) everyonein danger.(N)'14' at11 (N) cc Wi t h Jay Leno AccessHollywood Who WantstoBe New Adventures 30Rockn '14' « How I MetYour The Big Bang 2 Broke Girls (N) Mike & Molly (N) n Hawaii Five-0 McGarrett andhis mom KOINLoca!6at11 Late ShowWith KBNZ '14' cc (N) 'PG' a Millionaire o fOld Christine Mother (N) '14' Theory n 'PG' n ' 14' cc David Letterman (CBS) go on acovert op. (N) n '14' (N) cc (10:01) Castle WatershedBeckett recon KEZI 9 Newsat (11:35) Jimmy KOHD O O KEZI 9 News at KEZI 9 News at Entertainment omg! Insider (N) n Dancing With theStars Eachcouple performstworoutines. (N) n 'PG' « 'PQ' cc Kimmel Live '14 (ABC) 6:00(N) « 6:30 (N) « Toni g ht(N) n siders hercareer. (N) n 'PG' 11:00 (N) cc The Big Bang Hell's Kitchen10 ChefsCompete; 9ChefsCompete Adinner for membersof the News Channel 21 TMZ n 'PG' cc Family GuyBacktoFamily Guyn KFXO III (g IKI g) TwoandaHalf TwoandaHalf The Big Bang '14' « Men '14' cc Men Pilot 'PG' Theory n '14' (FOX) Theory n '14' Army. (N) n (PA)'14' «(DVS) First on FOX the Pilot '14' Antiques RoadshowSeattle Vladimir History Detectives ClubContinental Independent Lens TheInvisible WarRapeandsexual as- Shiloh: The Devil's KOAB ~ gy ~ gy This Old House Nightly Business PBS NewsHour (N) n acc 'Q' cc Own Dayn (PBS) Report (N) n 'G' Kagandesk;oil painting. (N)'G' business card. n PG cc sault in themilitary. (N) n '14' cc NewsChannel8at NewsChannel8at Liveat7(N) cc InsideEdition(N) The Voice LiveTop12PerformancesThetop12 contestantsperform. (N) n 'PG' (10:01) Revolution A dronestrike puts NewsChannel 8 at Tonight Show KGW 'PQ' cc CC (NBC) 6PM (N) « 6:3 0 PM (N) everyone indanger.(N) '14' 11(N) cc With Jay Leno That '70s Show Seinfeld n 'PG' cc Rules of Engage 90210 WeAll Fall DownAnevent brings thegangtogether. (N) n '14' cc CopsBusted!n Seinf eldTheKeys RulesofEngage. That'70sShow n KTVZDT2 Q Q Q Q The King of '14' cc ment 'PG' PG cc PQ cc ment '14' Queens n 'G' Drive-In n '14' (CW) "JakeShimnbbukur: Life" OPBPL 175 173 Time GoesBy Time Goes By Discover Vivaldi's Four Seasons World News T a vis Smiley (N) Charlie Rose(N) n « PBS NewsHour n « KATU


KATU Newsat 6(N) n «

II Jeopardy! (N)n 'Q' cc

Wheel of Fortune Dancing With the Stars Eachcouple performstworoutines. (N) n 'PG' «

(N) n 'G'

Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty Samurai Si 'PG' 'PG' cc (5:30) *** "TheUsualSuspects" (1995) StephenBaldwin, Gabriel Byrne. Five 'AMC small-time criminalsbegin anil-fated association. « *ANPL 68 50 26 38 River Monstersn'PG' cc Call-Wildman Call-Wildman BRAVO 13 44 Hou sewives/OC Housewives/OC

Bates Motel Astrangercauses problem Bates Motel UnderwaterMissWatson (11:01) Bates Motel MissWatsonen for Norma. '14' cc encouragesNorman.(N) '14' couragesNorman.'14' cc ** "Manon Fire" (2004, CrimeDrama)Denzel Washington, DakotaFanning,Christopher Walken. A bodyguard takes (11:01) *"TheMarine" (2006,Action) revenge ona girl's kidnappers. John Cena,Robert Patrick. Call-Wildman Swamp'd! 'PG River Monsters n 'PG Ice Cold Gold Hitting theWall 'PG' Ghostland, Tennessee 'PG' cc Housewives/OC Housewives/OC (10:01) Newlyweds:TheFirst Year What Happens Housewives/OC R e ba 'PG' cc Dog and Beth: Onthe Hunt n '14' CMT 190 32 42 53 Reba'PG' cc Re b a 'PG' cc Reba 'PG' cc Dog and Beth: Onthe Hunt n '14' CopsReloaded Cops Reloaded Cops Reloaded Cops Reloaded CNBC 54 36 4052 America'sGun: TheRise American GreedCrashfor Cash Mad Money America' sGun:TheRise American GreedCrashfor Cash P a id Program Cancer: Winning CNN 55 38 35 48 Piers MorganLive(N)(Live) Anderson Cooper360'PG' « Erin Burnett OutFront Piers MorganLive Anderson Cooper360'PG' « Erin Burnett OutFront COM 13 53 135 47 Always Sunny (6:27) Tosh.0 '14' Colbert Report Daily Show Key & Peele'14' (8:29) Futurama (8:58) Futurama (9:29) South Park (9:59) South Park South Park 'MA' Daily Show Co l bert Report COTV 11 Paid Program Kristi Miller Desert Cooking Oregon Extreme Desire Adv Journal Get Outdoors V i sions of NW The YogaShow The Yoga Show Kristi Miller Cit y Edition CSPAN 61 20 12 11 First Ladies: Influence & ImageLucyHayes(N) Politics & Public Policy Today Politics & Public Policy Today 'DIS 87 43 14 39 Good-Charlie J e s sie'G' « Shake It Up! 'G' Austin & Ally 'G Dog With a Blog "Radio Rebel"(2012)DebbyRyan.n 'G' « Phineas, Ferb Jessie 'G' « Goo d-Charlie A u stin & Ally 'G' *DISC 15 21 16 37 Fast N' Loud n '14'cc Fast N' Loud n '14' cc Fast N' Loud Trials of aT-Bird '14' F ast N' Loud n '14' cc Classic Car Rescue(N)'PG' cc Fa s t N' Loud n '14' cc *E! *** "Knoc ked Up"(2007,Romance-Comedy)SethRogen,Katherine Heigl,PaulRudd 13 25 Hol l y HasaBaby'14' E! News(N) Chelsea Lately E! News ESPN 21 23 22 23 MLBBaseball: MetsatCardinals Baseball Tonight (N) (Live)cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc ESPN2 22 24 21 24 (5:00) 30 for 30 Year of the Quarterback ss The Dotted Line Baseball Tonight (N)(Live) ss NBA Tonight (N) NASCARNow SportsNation « ESPNC 23 25 123 25 Network Stars AWA Wrestling cc UWFWrestling PBA Bowling FromJan. 31, 1987 Ringside cc H-Lite Ex. H-Li te Ex. H-Lite Ex. H-Li te Ex H-Lite Ex. H-Li te Ex. ESPNN 24 63 124203 SportsCenter (N) (Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc ESPNFCPress H-Lite Ex. *** "Matilda"(1996, Comedy)Mara Wilson, DannyDeVito. FAM 67 29 19 41 America'sFunniestHomeVideos Secret Life of American Teen Secret Life of American Teen The 700 Club n 'G' « FNC 57 61 36 50 Hannity(N) On Record, GretaVanSusteren The O'Reilly Factor cc Hannity On Record, GretaVanSusteren The Five *FOOD 17 62 98 44 Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive D i ners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive D i ners, Drive D i ners, Drive D i ners, Drive Diners, Drive D i ners, Drive ** "TheProposal" (2009)SandraBullock. A womanpretends to beengagedto evadedeportation. ** "TheProposal" (2009) FX 131 How I Met How I Met Two/Half Men Two/Half Men HGTV 17 49 33 43 Kitchen Cousins Kitchen Cousins Love It or List It 'G' cc Love It or List It 'G' cc Love It or List It 'G' cc House Hunters Hunters Int'I Love It or List It 'G' cc *HIST 15 42 41 36 AmericanPickers'PG' cc American PickersBoys'Toys'PG' American Pickers 'PG' cc American Pickers 'PG' cc American Pickers 'PG' cc (11:02) AmericanPickers 'PG' LIFE 13 39 20 31 Movie ** "TylerPerry's MadeaGoesto Jail" (2009)Tyler Perry. « ** NVow Stella GotHerGrooveBack" (1 998) AngelaBassett. « MSNBC 59 59 128 51 The Rachel MaddowShow (N) The Last Word All In With Chris Hayes The Rachel MaddowShow The Last Word Hardball With Chris Matthews MTV 192 22 38 57 16 and Pregnant Izabella '14' « 16 and Pregnant Sarah '14' « 16 and Pregnant Hope'14' « Teen Mom2 n (Part I of 2) 'PG' Teen Mom2 (N) 'PG' World of Jenks (N) n 'PG' NICK 82 46 24 40 SpongeBob S p o ngeBob SpongeBob D r ake & Josh n News W/Linda Full House 'G' Full House 'G' Full House 'G' The Nanny 'PG' The Nanny 'PG' Friends n 'PG' (11:33) Friends Shocking Family Secrets n '14' Dateline on OWN n '14' « Dateline on OWN n '14' « Datehneon OWNn 14 « Dateline on OWN n '14' « OWN 161 103 31 103 Shocking Family Secrets n « PAC12 47 310310310 Basketball Bas k etball College Basketball Florida atArizona College Basketball Coloradoat Arizona Basketball Col l ege Basketball: Pac-12 Tournament ** "TheFast andthe Furious: TokyoDriil" (2006, Action) LucasBlack, ZacheryTyBryan, BowWow. n SPIKE 132 31 34 46 (6:15) ** "TheTransporter 2" (2005,Action) JasonStatham,AmberValletta. n Crank:High SYFY 13 35 133 45 (5:30) ** "StarTrek Nemesis" (2002) Patrick Stewart, Brent Spinsr Defiance Kenyatries to help. Defiance TheSerpent's Egg(N) W a rehouse13BiThe g Snag(N) D e fiance The Serpent's Egg TBN 205 60130 Kingdom Conn. Jesse Duplantis Praise the Lord 'Y' « Li v e-Holy Land Creflo Dollar 'G' Praise the Lord Y cc JoelOsteen'PG Perry Stone The King of Seinfeld TheWait Seinfeld n 'PG' cc Seinfeld The Family Guyn Family Guyn Family GuyKiler Family GuyForget- Family Guyn Family Guy n Conan Mila Kunis;Chris Hardwick. « 'TBS '14' cc '14' cc '14' cc Queens n 'PG Out n 'PG' Comeback'PG' Queen '14' cc Me Not 14 14 « (5:00) **** "Gigi"(1958, Musical) (7:15) **** "YankeeDoodle Dandy" (1942, Musical)JamesCagney, JoanLeslie, WalterHuston.Life **** "Dog DayAfternoon" (1975) Al Pacino,JohnCazale,Charles Durning.A (11:45) **** "The TCM 101 44 101 29 Leslie Caron. «(DVS) of song-and-dancemanGeorge M.Cohan. «(DVS) desperateman'sbankrobbery turns into a mediacircus. « 400 Blows" *TLC 17 34 32 34 Island Medium Island Medium Long Island Medium: Behind the Island Medium Island Medium LongIsland Medium On theRoad: Breaking Amish: BraveNewWorld Long Island Medium Onthe Road NBA Basketball: NBA Basketball OklahomaCity Thunder at MemphisGrizzlies WesternConferenceSemifinal, Game4 Inside the NBA(N) (Live) cc Castle CountdownPreventing acity- Castle One Life to LoseA writer on a *TNT Heat at Bulls F r om the FedEx Forumin Memphis, Tenn. (N)(Live) « wide catastrophe PG cc soap opera is killed. 'PG' cc *TOON 84 Adventure Time Regular Show Regular Show Adventure Time Regular Show MAD (N) 'PG King of the Hill King of the Hill American Dad American Dad Family Guy '14' Family Guy '14 *TRAV 17 51 45 42 Bizarre Foods/Zimmern Man v. Food 'G' Manv.Food'G Man v. Food 'G' Man v. Food Burger Land(N) Best Sandwich Bizarre Foods America 'PG' cc Bizarre Foods America 'PG' cc TVLND 65 47 29 35 The Golden Girls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls Love.Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond KingofQueens King ofQueens USA 15 30 2330 NCISDeceptionn'PG' « NCIS FamilySecret n 'PG' « WWE MondayNight RAWChris Jericho and Fandangoduel in a dance-off spectacular. (N) n 'PG' « (11:05) NCIS:Los Angeles '14 VHI 191 48 37 54 (5:00)TheLastDaysofLeftEye L o v e&HipHop:Atlantan'14' Love & HipHop:Atlanta (N) '14' T . l . and Tiny Love & HipHop: Atlanta n '14' T. l . and Tiny T h e Gossip Game (N) n '14 *A&E 13 28 18 32 DuckDynasty 'PQ' cc

Duck Dynasty 'pG' cc

Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty 'PQ' cc

'PQ' cc

*** "BlueHawaii"1962 Elvis Presley. 'PG' « Full MetalJ (9:45) *** "ShanghaiKnights" 2003Jackie Chan.n 'PG-13' « FXM Presents * * "20!2" 2009, Action JohnCusack. Aglobal cataclysmnearly wipesout humanity. 'PG-13' « FXM Presents 34 UFC ReloadedUFC144:Edgarvs. HendersonFrankie Edgarvs. BensonHenderson UFC FighNi tghtJoshKoschekvs.YoshiyukiYoshida. Red Bull X-Fighters 2013Dubai 28 301 27 301 Big BreakMexico (N) Feherty(N) Golf Central Big BreakMexico Feherty The Golf Fix P e r formance HALL 66 33 175 33 Brady Bunch B r ady Bunch B r ady Bunch B r ady Bunch Frasier n 'PG' Frasier n 'PG' Frasier n 'PG' Frasier n 'PG' Frasier n 'PG' Frasier n 'PG' Frasier n 'PG' Frasier n 'PG' *** "Bridesmaids" 2011,ComedyKristen Wiig. n 'R' cc HBO 425 501 425501 (6:15) *** "TheRundown"2003 TheRock. n 'PG-13' cc Real Time With Bill Maher n 'MA' (11:15) Game of Thrones n 'MA' *** "EvilDead 2"1987 BruceCampbell. 'R IFC 1 0 1 0 5 (5:00) *** "The Shining"1980, Horror JackNicholson. 'R (9:45) *** "The Shining"1980,Horror JackNicholson, Shelley Duvall, DannyLloyd. 'R ** "Cowboys &Aliens" 2011 Daniel Craig, Olivia Wilde. n 'NR' cc MAX 400508 508 (5:15)***"Casino"1995, CrimeDramaRobert DeNiro. n'R' cc (8:15) *** "E/eclion" 1999,ComedyMatthew Broderick. n 'R' cc NBCSN 27 58 30209 FormulaOne Racing F1 Extra F1 36 'PG' Cycling Tour ofCalifornia, Stage2 Rugby World CupSevens Poker After Dark 'PG' « Brain Games'G' Brain Games Going ApeTheAlphaMale'14 Brain Games Brain Games 'G' The NumbersGame'14' NGC 157 157 B r ain Games 'G' Brain Games Going ApeTheAlpha Male (N)'14' NTOON 89 115189115 SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob S p ongeBob SpongeBob S p ongeBob Robot, Monster Robot, Monster Back, Barnyard Back, Barnyard DannyPhantom Danny Phantom OUTD 37 307 43 307 Heartland Bow Fisher's ATV Savage Wild B o ttom Feeders Ivan Carter Be s t of West Elite Tactical Unit YachtTakedown Your Weapon Bottom Feeders Fisher's ATV S avage Wild ** "SalmonFishing in theYemen" 2011EwanMcGregor. n 'PG-13' SHO 500 500 The Big C: Hereafter (N) n 'MA Nurse Jackie n The Big C: He. (6:15) *** "TheWomaninBlack"2012Daniel Radcliffe. n 'PG-13 SPEED 35 303125303 Faster Than F a s ter Than Dumbest Stuff Dumbest Stuff Pinks - All Out 'PG' Faster Than F a ster Than Dumbest Stuff Dumbest Stuff Unique Whips'PG' STARZ 300408300408 (5:40) *** "Miracle" 2004,DramaKurt Russell. n 'PG' « Da Vinc i'sDemons n 'MA'« Da Vinc i'sDemons n 'MA'« (10:05) **"Total Recall"2012Colin Farrell. n 'PG-13' acc *** "Elizabeth"1998 Cate Blanchett. Premiere. n 'R' « TMC 525 525 Th Innkeepers e (6:40)"The Freebie"2010DaxShepard. n 'R' « (10:05) **"Elizabeth: TheGolden Age" 2007Cate Blanchett. 'PG-13 *WE 14 41 174 118PushGirls'PG' Roseanne n 'G' Roseanne n 'G' Roseanne n 'G Roseanne n 'G' Roseanne n 'G' Roseanne n 'G' Roseanne n 'G Roseanne n 'G' Roseanne n 'G' Roseanne n 'G' Roseanne n 'G' ENCR FMC FUEL GOLF

106401 306401LethalWeapon 3 * "MyBoss's Daughter" 2003 AshtonKutcher. « 104 204104120(5:00) ** "20!2"2009,ActionJohnCusack.'PG-13'«

TV • PAGE 13

THE BULLETIN ' MAY 11 — 17, 2013


'In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. •


v II













Jeopardy! College Wheel of Fortune Wipeout Night of theLivingsBig Balls Con Dancing With the Stars Elimination;The (10:01) Body of Proof Breakout Aprisoner KATU Newsat11 (11:35) JimmyKimChampionship'G' Best Friends'G ' testants encounter zombies. 'PG' Wanted;Avril Lavigne.(N) n 'PG' makes aviolent escape. (N)'14' mel Live '14' (ABC) (N) vr cc Jeopardy! College Wheel of Fortune The Voice Recap:Live Top12 Perfor The Voice Live EliminationsElimination; (10:01) GrimmTheWaking DeadHankandNewsChannel 21 at The Tonight Show KTVZ NewsChannel 21 at 6(N) cc (NBC) Championship'G' Best Friends'G ' mances (N) O « Lady Antebellum.(N)'PG' « Nick encounterzombies. (N)'14' 11(N) cc With Jay Leno(N) KBNZ Access Hollywood Who Wants to Be a NewAdventures of 30 Rock n '14' «NCIS Damned IfYouDoSearching for Eli NCIS: Los Angeles DescentSearchingfor Golden Boy NextQuestionClark delves KOIN Local 6 at11 Late Show With Millionaire 'G' O l d Christine David Letterman (CBS) (N)O'PG cc and Jackie's killer. (N) n '14' stolen nuclearweapons.(N)'14' into a coldcase.(N) '14' cc (N) cc at 6:00 KEZI 9 Newsat 6:30 Entertainment To omg! Insider (N) Wipeout Night ofthe LivingsBig Balls Con Dancing With the Stars Elimination;The (10:01) Body of Proof Breakout Aprisoner KEZI 9 News at (11:35) JimmyKimKOHD KEZI 9 News cc 11:00 (N) cc mel Live '14' (ABC) (N) cc (N) cc night(N) n « testants encounterzombies. 'PG' Wanted;Avril Lavigne.(N) n 'PG' makes aviolent escape. (N)'14' aHalfMen TheBigBang The Big Bang So You ThinkYou CanDance Dancers New Girl Elaine's BigThe Mindy Project News Channel 21 TMZ n 'PG' cc Family Guy Livin' onFamily GuySibling KFXO Two and aHalf Men Two and 'PQ' cc (FOX) vr '14' cc Theory '14' cc Theory 'PG' cc performforthejudges.(N)'14' Day (N)'14' (N ) n '14' First on FOX(N) a Prayer '14' Rivalry '14' « Annie Oakley: AmericanExperience n CONSTITUTION USAWith Peter Sagal Frontline Never Forget toLieHolocaust Unlisted: A Story of Schizophrenia n KOAB Ask This Old HouseNightly Business PBS NewsHour(N) n « 'Q' cc 'PG' cc 'PQ' cc survivor MarianMarzynski. 'PG' (PBS) Report (N) n 'G' (DVS) History of theBill of Rights. 'PG' Inside Edition (N) n The VoiceRecap:Live Top12 Perfor The Voice LiveEliminations Elimination; (10:01) GrimmTheWaking DeadHankandNewsChannel 8 at The Tonight Show KGW NewsChannel8 at NewsChannel 8 at Live at 7 (N) cc 'PQ' cc mances(N) n « Lady Antebellum.(N)'PG' « With Jay Leno(N) (NBC) 6PM(N) « 6:30PM(N) « Nick encounterzombies. (N)'14' 11 (N) cc 70sShow n SeinfeldTheCar- RulesofEngage. * "Leap year"(2010,Romance-Comedy)AmyAdams,Matthew Goode,Adam Scott.A CopsMoronson Seinfeld TheTrip Rules of Engage- That '70s Show n KTVZDT2 The King of QueensThat' '14' cc 'PQ' cc toon 'PG' cc ment 'PG' « (CW) n 'PG' woman travels to Ireland toproposeto her boyfriend. rr Parade No. 5'PG ment Jeff Day'14' '14' « OPBPL New Tricks Body ofEvidence « Over Hawai'i n 'G' cc Rudy Maxa'sWorld: Escape BBC World News Tavis Smiley (N) Charlie Rose (N) n cc PBS NewsHour n cc (N) ri « KATU KATU News at 6

Storage Wars(N) Storage Wars The American Hoggers American Hoggers (11:01) American (11:31) American 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc Shrining (N)'PG' (N) 'PG' Hoggers 'PG' Hoggers 'PG' f ManonFire" (2004,CrimeDrama)Denzel Washington, Dakota Fanning. A * "Gone in Sixty Seconds" (2000,Action) Nicolas Cage,Angelina Jolie, Giovanni Ribisi. A retired thief must (10:31) ** "Hannibal" (2001)Anthony Hopkins. Adisfigured 'AMC (5:00) ** bodyguardtakesrevengeona girl's kidnappers. steal 50 cars tosave his brother. « victim of cannibakstic Dr.Lecterseeks revenge. *ANPL River Monsters: Unhooked 'PG' cc River Monsters n 'PG River Monsters: UnhookedThewilderness of the Essequibo River. 'PG' « River Monsters TheGiants 'PG' cc River Monsters: Unhooked 'PG' cc BRAVO Newlyweds: TheFirst Year '14' Don't Be Tardy... Don't Be Tardy... Don't Be Tardy... Don't Be Tardy HousewivesiOC Don't Be Tardy... Don't Be Tardy What Happens Don't Be Tardy Reba 'PG' cc Reba 'PG' « Reb a 'PG' « Swa m p Pawn Crawmageddon vr 'PG CMT Reba 'PG' cc SwampPawnn 'PG' SwampPawnTheCajun WayO'PG Cops Reloaded Cops Reloaded CNBC Crowd RulesSpeciality Foods(N) American Greed Mad Money Crowd RulesSpeciality Foods American Greed Paid Program Paid Program CNN Piers MorganLive (N) (Live) Anderson Cooper 360 cc Erin Burnett OutFront Piers MorganLive Anderson Cooper360 « Erin Burnett OutFront To s h,g '14' cc Tosh.0 (N) '14' A my Schumer Daily Show Col bert Report COM South Park 'MA' Tosh.0 '14' cc Colbert Report D a ily Show Amy Schumer T o sh.0 '14' cc Tosh.0 '14' cc COTV Paid Program K r i sti Miller Redmond City Council Kristi Miller City Edition CSPAN (5:00) Capitol Hill Hearings Capitol Hill Hearings *DIS Good-Charlie Jes sie 'G' cc Shake It Up! 'G' Austin & Ally 'G' Jessie 'G' « Dog With a Blog Shake It Up! 'G' Good-Charlie Jessie 'G' « Dog With a Blog Good-Charlie Je s sie 'G' « *DISC Deadliest Catch n '14' cc Deadliest Catch n '14' cc Deadliest Catch: TheBait (N) n '14' Deadliest Catch JudgementDay'14 Backyard Oil 'PG' Backyard Oil Deadliest CatchJudgementDay'14' *E! (4:30) *** "KnockedUp"(2007) E! News(N) Nick Cannon's Big Surprise '14' Married to Jonas Married to Jonas The Untold Story: Married to Jonas Chelsea Lately (N) E! News ESPN (5:30) 30for 30 Baseball Tonight (N) (Live)cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc ESPN2 (5:00) 30 for 30 ProFILE: 60 m Baseball Tonight (N) (Live) « NBA Tonight (N) NASCAR Now(N) SportsNation « E:60 (N) ESPNC (5:00) Boxing Boxing FromNov.4 1995. cc Boxing cc AWA Wrestling cc Boxing cc Boxing FromJuly28, 1994. « ESPNN SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) « Highlight Express Highlight Express Highlight Express Highlight Express Highlight Express Highlight Express ESPNFCPress Highlight Express *** "Matilda"(1996, Comedy)MaraWilson, DannyDeVito, RheaPerlman. *** "Beeflejuice" (1988,Comedy)Michael Keaton, Alec Baldwin FAM America's Funniest HomeVideos vt The 700 Club ri 'G' « FNC Hannity (N) On the RecordWIGretaVanSusteren The O'Reilly Factor cc Hannity On the RecordWiGretaVanSusteren The Five 'FOOD Chopped SpoutingOff Chopped Get ItTogether! Chopped SweetSecondChance! ChoppedChocolateChallenge ChoppedAmazingAmateurs (N) Chopped Nopales, NoProblem *** "Star Trek" (200 FX How I Met!Mother How I Met!Mother Two andHalfMen Two and HalfMen *** "Star Trek" (2009,ScienceFiction) Chris Pine, ZacharyQuinto, LeonardNimoy 9) Chris Pine,ZacharyQuinto HGTV Cousins on Call Cousins on Call Hunters Int'I House Hunters 'G Flip or Flop 'G' F l ip or Flop 'G Income Property Marli &Tobyn 'G House Hunters 'G' Hunters Int'I Flip or Flop (N)'G' Flip or Flop (N) 'G' *HIST Modern Marvels Wood'PG' cc Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG Counting Cars Counting Cars Counting Cars Counting Cars Restoration Restoration Restoration Restoration LIFE Dance Moms'PQ' cc Dance Moms 'PG' cc Dance MomsTell All, Part1'PG' Dance MomsTell All, Part 2 (N)'PG' Preachers' Daughters (N) '14' « (11:01) DanceMoms'PG' « MSNBC The RachelMaddowShow (N) The Last Word All In With Chris Hayes The Rachel MaddowShow The Last Word Hardball With Chris Matthews cc MTV The Show With The Show With Girl Code n '14' Girl Code n '14 Girl Code n '14' Teen Mom 2 n (Part 2 of 2)'PG Awkward. n '14 Awkward. (N)'14' (10:31) Girl Code Ke$ha: My Crazy (11:32) Awkward NICK SpongeBob Sp o ngeBob SpongeBob Dra ke & Josh 'Y7Full House n 'G' Full House n 'G' Full House n 'G' Full House n 'G The Nanny'PG' The Nanny 'PG Friends n 'PG' (11:33) Friends n s c Lost and Found n 'PG' cc Oprah: WhereAre They Now?'PG' O p rah: Where Are They Now?'PG' Oprah: WhereAre They Now?'PG Oprah: WhereAre They Now?'PG OWN Lost and Found n 'PG'ac Pac-12 Football Encore Pac-12 Football Encore From Sept. 22,201 PAC12 College RowingWindermereCup College Golf Pac-12Championships SPIKE Worst Tenants W orst Tenants Worst Tenants W orst Tenants Worst Tenants W orst Tenants Worst Tenants W orst Tenants Worst Tenants W orst Tenants Urban Tarzan 'PG' Urban Tarzan 'PG' SYFY Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files Weird or What'?Freaksof Nature (N) Weird or What? ParanormalMysteries Weird or What? Freaksof Nature vr TBN Joseph Prince 'G' Rod Parsley Praise the Lord 'Y' « ACLJ This Week Full Flame cc Secrets-Clement Creflo Dollar 'G' Spring Praise-A-Thon King of QueensSeinfeld TheInvita Seinfeld TheApart- Seinfeld The Money The Big Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang Who Gets the Last The Big Bang Conan JenniferLoveHewitt; JustinBartha. *TBS The n 'PG' 'PQ' cc tions 'PG' « ment n 'G' Theory n 'PG' Theory n 'PG' Theory n 'PG Theory n 'PG Laugh? '14' Theory n 'PG' (N) cc nk" (1967,CrimeDrama) LeeMarvin, AngieDickinson. Betrayed *** "The Killer" (1989)ChowYun-Fat. An assassin hasanun (5:00) *** "Kiss oi Death" (1947)Victor **'Where the SidewalkEnds" (1950)DanaAndrews. Detective (8:45) *** "Point Bia TCM Mature, BrianDonlevy. kills suspect, tries to pin it onmobster. shot and left for dead,a crook recoversfor revenge. « easy partnershipwith a police officer. 'TLC Island Medium I s land Medium My Big Fat American GypsyWedding The Little Couple The Little Couple 19 Kids-Count 1 9 Kids-Count T h e Little CoupleThe Little Couple 19 Kids-Count 1 9 Kids-Count NBA Basketball NBA Basketball Gold en StateWarriors at SanAntonio SpursWestern ConferenceSemifinal, game5. From Inside the NBA(N) (Live) cc Castle TheDead PoolA swimmerturns up Castle To LoveandDie in L.A. Beckett's 'TNT ex-partner is murdered. O'PG' Knicks at Pacers the AT&TCenter in San Antonio. (N)(Live) « deadinapool. O'PG' « "TOON Regular Show Regular Show JohnnyTest'Y7' TeenTitansGo! Looney Tunes Adventure Time King of the Hill n King of the Hill n American Dad '14' American Dad'14' Family Guy '14' Family Guy '14' 'TRAV Bizarre FoodsWith AndrewZimmern Man v. Food'G' Man v. Food'PG' Extreme Factories'G'« Airport 24/7: Mi A irport 24i7: Mi Monumental Mysteries 'PG' « Mysteries at the Museum'PG' « TVLND (5:46) TheNanny The Golden Girls The GoldenGirls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love.Raymond Love-Raymond King of Queens King ofQueens USA Law I Order: Special Victims Unit n Law & Order: Special Victims Unit n L aw I Order: Special Victims Unit n Law & Order: Special Victims Unit n Law & Order: Special Victims Unit n CSE Crime SceneInvestigation '14 I'm Married to A... n '14' VHI Love, HipHop (6:20) TheGossip Gamen '14 T.l. and Tiny T.l. and Tiny T.l . and Tiny Lov e & Hip Hop: Atlanta n '14' Behind the Music Eve n '14' cc *A&E

Storage Wars 'PQ' cc

Storage Wars 'PQ' cc

Storage Wars 'PQ' cc

Storage Wars 'PQ' cc

ENCR ** * f Under theTuscanSun" 2003, RomanceDianeLane. vr 'PG-13' « vinandtheChipmunks"2007,ComedyJasonLee.'PG'« FMC ** "Al FUEL UFC Unleashed UFC All Angles UFC Tonight (N) UFC Insider GOLF (5:00) GolpsGreatest Rounds(N)

Storage Wars A Storage Wars Time to Kiln 'PG'

'PG' cc

** "This is Elvis"1981 DavidScott. vr 'PG' cc * "Down fo Earih" 2001Chris Rock. 'PG-13' «

(9:45) ** "TheNotebook"2004,RomanceRyanGosling,RachelMcAdams.O 'PG-13'« FXM Presents * * " The Other Sister"1999, Romance-Comedy Juliette Lewis. 'PG-13' « UF C : Belfort vs. Bisping UFC Unleashed UFC Tonight U F C Insider Golf Central Lea r ning Center Golf's Greatest Rounds Highlightsthe of91-hole marathon neededto determine the2008 U.S.Openchampion HALL The Brady Bunch The Brady Bunch The Brady Bunch The Brady Bunch Frasier 'PG' « F r a sier 'PG' « Fra sier 'PG' « Fra sier 'PG' « Frasier 'PG' « Fra sier 'PG' « Fra sier 'PG' « Fra sier 'PG' « HBO (5:45) ** "The DayAfter Tomorrow"2004 Dennis Quaid. n 'PG-13' cc ** "Snow Whiteandthe Huntsman" 2012 Kristen Stewart. n 'PG-13' cc Fast & Furious 6 Family Tree '14' Game of Thrones n 'MA' cc * "Punisher:WarZone" 2008, Action RayStevenson, Dominic West. 'R' IFC (5:00) ** "Stop-Loss" 2008,DramaRyanPhilippe. 'R' (9:45) ** "Stop-Loss" 2008RyanPhilippe. An Americansoldier refuses to return to Iraq. 'R *** "The Five-YearEngagement"2012JasonSegel.n 'R'cc MAX (5:40) ** "I, Robot" 2004Will Smith. n 'PG-13' cc (7:35) *** "Mr.Hoiiand's Opus"1995, DramaRichard Dreyfuss, GlenneHeadly. n 'PG' cc NBCSN NHL Hockey NHL Live (N)(Live) IndyCar 36'PG Cycling Tour ofCalifornia, Stage3 Hockey 2013IIHFWorld Championships: Slovakia vs. United States Poker After Dark 'PG'cc NGC Polygamy, USATheWinter Ball 'PG' Taboo Unconventionalrelationships Polygamy,USA'PG Polygamy, USAThe Winter Ball 'PG' T aboo Unconventional relationships. The 80's: The DecadeThat Made Us NTOON Odd Parents Od d Parents Odd Parents Odd Parents Odd Parents Odd Parents Robot, Monster Robot, Monster Back at, Barnyard Back at, Barnyard DannyPhantom Danny Phantom OUTD Hunting, Country Most Wanted Hunting TV King of the Spring Western Extreme Marc & Todd's Truth Hunting Hunting, Country Driven TV King of the Spring TecomateWhite Western Extreme *** "Our IdiotBrother" 2011 PaulRudd. n 'R' « SHO (5:55) * "WhyStopNow?" 2012 JesseEisenberg. n 'R The Big C: Hereafter n 'MA' « (7:25) ** "Stepmom"1998,DramaJulia Roberts, EdHarris. n 'PG 13 SPEED Dreams Dreams Translogic 'PG The List 'PG' G e arz 'G Gearz 'PG Dreams Dreams Translogic 'PG' The List 'PG' Unique Whips '14 ** "We OwntheNight" 2007, CrimeDramaJoaquin Phoenix. n 'R' « ***"HopeSprings"2012MerylStreep.'PG13' « STARZ (5:00) *** "Return to Me"2000n (10:45) *** "ThePatriot" 2000Mel Gibson. 'R' « *** "War Horse" 2011Emily Watson. Ahorsesees joy andsorrow during WorldWar I. « TMC (5:30) "SwedishAuto" 2006'NR' cc (7:10) ** "Turner & Hooch"1989TomHanks. O 'PG' « The BlackDahlia 'WE CSE Miami Just Murdered'14' cc CSE Miami Burned n '14' cc CSEMiami Kill Switch n '14' cc CSE Miami Born toKill n '14' cc CSE Miami Rush n '14' cc CSE Miami Just Murdered '14' cc

THE BULLETIN «MAY 11 — 17, 2013 *In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/Black Butte (Digital); PM-Prineville/Madras; SR-Sunriver; L-La Pine

PAGE 14 • TV



c II

KATU Newsat 6(N) n «



II Jeopardy! (N)n














Wheel of Fortune The Middle The Family Tools (N) nModern Family (N) How to Live With Nashville Jolenesees that Juliette is KATU Newsat11 (11:35) Jimmy 'Q' cc n 'PG' (N) n 'G' Ditch (N) n 'PG' 'PG' cc Your Parents s t ruggling. (N) 'PG' «(DVS) Kimmel Live '14' (ABC) (N)n cc Jeopardy! (N)n Wheel of Fortune Dateline NBC(N) n 'PG' cc Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Chicago Fire LetHerGoCasey must NewsChannel 21 Tonight Show KTVZ O O O O NewsChannel 21 at 6 (N) cc 'Q' cc (N) n 'G' (NBC) Brief Interlude(N) n '14' work withVoight. (N) n '14' at11 (N) cc Wi t h Jay Leno AccessHollywood Who WantstoBe New Adventures 30 Rock n (Part 1 2 Broke Girls n 2 Broke Girls n Criminal Minds No. 6 Asuspect targets CSE CrimeScene Investigation A jour- KOINLocal 6at11 Late Show With KBNZ '14' cc '14' cc (N) 'PG' a Millionaire o fOld Christine of 2) '14' cc nalist observestheteam. '14' David Letterman (CBS) people inDetroit. (N) n '14' (N) cc omg! Insider (N) The Middle The Family Tools (N) nModern Family (N) How to Live With Nashville Jolenesees that Juliette is KEZI 9 Newsat (11:35) Jimmy KOHD O O O O KEZI9Newsat KEZI9Newsat Entertainment 'PG' cc n 'PG' cc Ditch (N) n 'PG' Your Parents s t ruggling. (N) 'PG' «(DVS) Kimmel Live '14' (ABC) 6:00(N) « 6:30 (N) « Toni g ht(N) n 11:00 (N) cc The Big Bang American Idol Thefinalists perform So You Think YouCan DanceAudition News Channel 21 TMZ n 'PG' cc Family Guyn Family Guy Patriot KFXO III IE! @IEI TwoandaHalf TwoandaHalf TheBigBang '14' cc Men '14' cc Men 'PG' cc The ory n '14' Theory n '14' (FOX) Phillip Phillips. (N)'14' City No.2(N) '14' « First on FOX Games '14' Nature Zebratrek acrossthe Makga NOVA Analysis ofthe Neanderthal ge- Secrets of the Dead Neanderthal bones Into Harm's Way n 'PG' « KOAB ~ gy ~ gy Burt Wolf: Travels NightlyBusiness PBSNewsHour(N) nm nome. n 'PG' cc (PBS) & Traditions R e port (N) n 'G' dikgadi Pans.(N) n 'PG' discovered inSpain.(N) 'PG' NewsChannel8at NewsChannel8at Liveat7(N) cc InsideEdition(N) DatelineNBC(N)n'PG'cc Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Chicago Fire LetHerGoCasey must NewsChannel 8at TonightShow KGW 'PQ' cc work withVoight. (N) n '14' (NBC) 6PM (N) « 6:3 0 PM (N) Brief Interlude(N) n '14' 11(N) cc With Jay Leno That '70s Show n Seinfeld The R u les of Engage. Arrow Sacrifice TheDarkArcher seeks Supernatural SacrificeDeanandSam Cops n '14' cc Seinfeld TheTrip Rules of Engage. That '70s Shown KTVZDT2 @ ~ gy @ The King of 'PG' cc 'PQ' cc '14' cc ment '14' Queens n 'PG' Strong Box 'PG' ment 'PG' vengeance.(N) n '14' « are cornered.(N) '14' « (CW) OPBPL 175 173 O u tnumbered n Last of the Wine Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Doc Martin RememberMen 'PG' World News T a vis Smiley (N) Charlie Rose(N) n 'G' « PBS NewsHour n « KATU

Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty DuckDynasty «Duck Dynasty«Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty (11:01) DuckDy- (11:31) Duck Dy3 28 1 8 32 The First 48 Murder 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc nasty'PG' «nasty 'PG' « willing to talk. '14' ccwitnessesare un- 'PQ' cc CSI: Miami Countermeasures Pursuing CSI: Miami Killer Regrets Protecting a *** "The Breakfast Cl u b" (1985, Come dy-Drama) Emi l io Estevez, Molly Ri n gwal d , Judd Nel s on. Five (10:16) ** "Sixteen Candles" (1984,Comedy)Molly Ring 'AMC an escapedkiler. n '14' Mexican policechief. '14' « teenagersmakestrides towardmutual understanding. wald. Girl turning 16likesanother girl's guy. « *ANPL 68 50 26 38 RiverMonsters:Unhookedn'PG' R iverMonstersn'PG'cc River Monsters:Unhookedn 'PG River Monsters n 'PG' cc River Monsters:Unhookedn 'PG River Monsters:Unhookedn 'PG BRAVO 13 44 Mar r ied to Medicine '14' Housewives/OC Housewives/OC Million Dollar Listing NewYork Million Dollar Listing NewYork '14' What Happens Million Dollar CMT 190 32 42 53 Reba 'PG' cc R e ba 'PG' cc R e ba 'PG' cc R e ba 'PG' cc D o g and Beth: On the Hunt n '14' Dog and Beth: Onthe Hunt n '14' Guntucky n '14' Guntucky n '14 Cops Reloaded Cops Reloaded CNBC 54 36 40 52 AmericanGreed American Greed Mad Money American Greed American Greed Paid Program 21 st Century CNN 55 38 35 48 Piers MorganLive(N)(Live ) Ande r son Cooper 360 « Erin Burnett OutFront Piers MorganLive Anderson Cooper360 « Erin Burnett OutFront C o l bert Report COM 13 53 135 47 South Park 'MA' Tosh.0 '14' Col b ert Report Daily Show Wo r kaholics '14' Chappelle ShowChappell eShow South Park'MA' South Park 'MA' South Park 'MA' Daily Show COTV 11 Bend City Council Work Session B end City Council Kristi Miller Cit y Edition CSPAN 61 20 12 11 (5:00) Capitol Hill Hearings Capitol Hill Hearings 'DIS 87 43 14 39 Good-Charlie J e s sie'G' « Shake It Up! 'G' Austin & Ally 'G Dog With a Blog ** "Starstruck" (2010)Sterling Knight. n 'G' « Jessie n « Aus t in I Ally 'G'Jessie 'G' « Do g With a Blog *DISC 15 21 16 37 MythBusters TorpedoTastic'PG' MythBusters n 'PG' « The Big Brain Theory: PureGenius MythBusters n 'PG' cc MythBusters n 'PG' cc MythBusters (N) n 'PG' cc *E! 13 2 5 (5:00) **"Blue Crush" (2002) E! News(N) Married to Jonas Married to Jonas Holly Has a Baby'14 The Soup '14' The Soup '14 Chelsea Lately E! News ESPN 21 23 2223 MLBBaseball:RedSoxatRays Baseball Tonight (N) (Live)cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc ESPN2 22 24 21 24 (5:00)30for30 30 for 30 30 for 30 'PG' Baseball Tonight (N) (Live)sc s NBA Tonight (N) NASCARNow SportsNation « ESPNC 23 25 123 25 Boxing FromApri!2,1981. « Long WayDowncc White Shadow AWA Wrestling cc Boxing cc Boxing cc H-Lite Ex. H-Li te Ex H-Lite Ex. H-Li te Ex H-Lite Ex. H-Li te Ex. ESPNN 24 63 124203 SportsCenter (N) (Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) « ESPNFCPress H-Lite Ex. *** "Charlie and theChocolate Factory" (2005)JohnnyDepp, Freddie Highmore. FAM 67 29 19 41 ** "A/ice ln Wonderland" (2010, Fantasy )JohnnyDepp,MiaWasikowska. The 700 Club n 'G' « FNC 57 61 36 50 Hannity(N) On Record, GretaVanSusteren The O'Reilly Factor cc Hannity On Record, GretaVanSusteren The Five *FOOD 17 62 98 44 Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Restaurant: Impossible 'G Restaurant: Impossible 'G Restaurant: Impossible Restaurant Stakeout Mystery Diners Mystery Diners *** "TheFighter" (2010,Drama)MarkWahlberg, Christian Bale, AmyAdams. *** "TheFighter" (2010,Drama)MarkWahlberg FX 131 PineappleExp Anger Two/Half Men Two/Half Men HGTV 17 49 33 43 Property Brothers Amber 'G' « Property Brothers'G' « Property Brothers'G' « Property Brothers'G' cc House Hunters Hunters Int'I Property Brothers Kate &Cole'G *HIST 15 42 41 36 Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Larry the CableGuy Star Trek: Secrets ofthe Universe (N)'PG'cc LIFE 13 39 20 31 WifeSwapn'PG' « Wife Swap n 'PG' « To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced MSNBC 59 59 128 51 The Rachel MaddowShow (N) The Last Word All In With Chris Hayes The Rachel MaddowShow The Last Word Hardball With Chris Matthews MTV 192 22 38 57 Girl Code n '14' Girl Code n '14 Awkward. '14' A wkward. '14 TeenMom2n(Part2of2)'PG' The Real World n '14' « The Real World Portland(N) '14' Real World Th e Real World NICK 82 46 24 40 SpongeBob S p o ngeBob SpongeBob D r ake & Josh n Full House 'G' Full House 'G' Full House 'G' Full House 'G' The Nanny 'PG' The Nanny 'PG' Friends n 'PG' (11:33) Friends Breaking Downthe Bars '14' e« s 48 Hours: Hard Evidence n '14' 48 Hours: Hard Evidence n '14' 48 Hours: Hard Evidence n '14' 48 Hours: Hard Evidence n '14' OWN 161 103 31 103 Breaking Down the Bars '14' « PAC12 47 310310310 College Track andField Pac 12Outdoor Championships Women's CollegeTennis W omen's CollegeTennis College Tennis ** "National Treasure:Bookof Secrets (2007) NicolasCage.BenGatessets out toestablish anancestor's innocence. n SPIKE 132 31 34 46 (4:03) ** "TheGuardian" (2006)KevinCostner, Ashton Kutcher. n Na!7 Treasure SYFY 13 35 133 45 Deep South Paranormal Haunted Collector Haunted Collector Haunted Collector (N) Deep South Paranormal (N) Haunted Collector TBN 205 60 130 Joseph Prince End ofthe Age Praise the Lord 'Y' « AlwaysGood J esseDuplantis EasterExper. C refloDollar'G Spring Praise-A-Thon The King of Seinfeld The Seinfeld The S e infeld The Van Family Guy n FamilyGuyTea The Big Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang Conan ZachGalifianakis; Jim Gaffigan. 'TBS '14' « Queens n 'PG Mango n 'PG' Stranded n 'PG' Buren Boys 'PG' Peter'14' « Theory n '14' Theory n '14' Theory n 'PG' Theory n 'PG' (N) cc *** "Spellbound" (1945,Mystery) Ingrid Bergman,Gregory Peck. Asympathetic **** "Rome, OpenCity"(1946, Drama)Aldo Fabrizi, AnnaMagnani, Marcello *** "Pennies FromHeaven" (1981 TCM 101 44 101 29Walter 5'00 **** "Forbfdd«P/anef"(1956) Pidgeon. Pagliero. Priest helpsthe undergroundfight Nazis. Musical) SteveMartin. « psychiatrist helps a troubled amnesiavictim. « *TLC 17 34 32 34 Island Medium Island Medium My Obsession My Obsession Breaking Amish:BraveNew W orld Hoarding: Buried Alive 'PG' « Hoa r ding: Buried Alive '14' « Hoarding: Buried Alive 'PG' « NBA Basketball: NBA Basketball MemphisGrizzlies at OklahomaCity Thunder Western Conference Semifinal, Game5 Inside the NBA(N) (Live) cc Castle RiseDetective Beckettstruggles Castle Heroes &Vilains A vigilante is *TNT Bulls at Heat F r om Chesapeake EnergyArena in OklahomaCity. (N)(Live) « to survive. n 'PG' « suspected ofmurder. '14' cc *TOON 84 Adventure Time Regular Show Regular Show NinjaGo: Mstrs Dragons: Riders Teen Titans Go! King of the Hill King of the Hill American Dad American Dad Family Guy '14' Family Guy '14 *TRAV 17 51 45 42 Bizarre Foods/Zimmern Man v. Food 'G' Manv.Food Burger Land 'G' BurgerLand Toy Hunter 'PG' Toy Hunter 'PG' Pizza Paradise 2 'G' « Hot Dog Paradise 2 'PG' « Cleveland TheExes'PG' King TVLND 65 47 29 35 (5:46) TheNanny The GoldenGirls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls Love.Raymond Love-Raymond Hot in ofQueens King ofQueens USA 15 30 23 30 NCISDeadandUnburiedn'PG' NCI S Sandblastn'14'« NCISn'14' « NCIS Thirst n '14' «(DVS) Psych DeadAir (N)'PG' (11:01) NCISDefiance'PG' « VH1 191 48 37 54 Love&HipHop:Atlantan'14' L ove& H ipHop:Atlantan'14' 4 0Fun niestFails'14' 40 Funniest Fails '14' Off Pitch (N) 'PG' Off Pitch (N) 'PG Model Employee(N) n '14 *A&E


** "Paradise, Hawaiian Style" 1966Elvis Presley 106 401 306401(6:15) * iZookeeper" 2011,ComedyKevinJames. n 'PG' « (9:35) *** "Elf"2003 Will Ferrell. n 'PG' « ** "Ext ract"2009,ComedyJasonBateman,MilaKunis.'R'« ** "Bedazz/ed"2000,ComedyBrendanFraser. 'PG-13' « 104 204104120(5:00) ** "Extract" 2009 'R' «

(11:15) *** "BadSanta" 2003 ** "TheForgotten" 2004 cc

(5:00) UFCReloaded GeorgesSt-Pierre vs MattHughes. The Ultimate Fighter n 'PG' UFC: Belfort vs. Bisping English PremierLeagueSoccer Big BreakMexico Golf Central In s ide PGA Tour In the Bag Int he Bag On the Range Inside PGATour Learning Center HALL 66 33 175 33 Brady Bunch B r ady Bunch B r ady Bunch B r ady Bunch F r asier n 'PG' F rasier IQ 'PG' Frasier n 'PG' Frasier n 'PG Frasier n 'PG' Frasier 'PG' Frasier 'PG' F r a sier n 'PG' HBO 425 501 425501 * "Wrath of the Tltans" 2012SamWorthington. n Veep 'MA' cc Real Time With Bill Maher n 'MA' (7:45) ** "Madagascar 3:Europe's Most iyanted" 2012 n 'PG' cc Game of Thrones n 'MA' « *** "Thirteen"2003, DramaHolly Hunter, EvanRachel Wood.'R IFC 1 0 10 5 "0 Brother, WhereArl Thou? (7:15) Maron '14' (7:45) *** "0 Brother, Where Arl Thou?"2000George Clooney, JohnTurturro. 'PG-13 * "TheApparition" 2012Ashley Greene. n 'PG-13' MAX 400 508 508 (5:00) ** "J. Edgar" 2011 n 'R (7:15) *** "Troy" 2004,Adventure Brad Pitt. Achilles leadsGreekforces in the TrojanWar. n 'R' cc The Jump Off NBCSN 27 58 30 209 NHL Hockey NHL Live (N) I n dyCar 36 'PG' Cycling Tour ofCalifornia, Stage4 Rugby World CupSevens Poker After Dark 'PG' « Breakout TheRealMacgyver'14' L o cked Up Abroad'14 Breakout TheRealMacgyver'14' Alaska StateTroopers'14' Alaska StateTroopers '14' NGC 157 157 L o cked Up Abroad(N) '14' NTOON 89 115189115 OddParents O d d Parents Odd Parents O d d Parents O d d Parents O d d Parents Robot, Monster Robot, Monster Back, Barnyard Back, Barnyard DannyPhantom Danny Phantom OUTD 37 307 43 307 Elite Tactical Unit 'PG' Amer. Rifleman Shooting Gallery Midnight 3Gun B est Defense Elite Tactical Unit 'PG' Shooting USA cc Your Weapon Shooting Gallery SHO 500 500 KingdomCome"2012'NR Broken Kingdom"2012Rachael Leigh Cook.Premiere. n 'NR' « The Borgias n 'MA' « Gigolos n 'MA' Saget-What (4:45)***"TheGame"1997n SPEED 35 303125303 DragRaceHigh Drag Race High Am. Trucker A m . Trucker S t u ntbusters S t untbusters '14' Drag Race High Drag Race High Am. Trucker A m . Trucker Unique Whips '14' f * "That's MyBoy" 2012,ComedyAdamSandler. n 'R' « ** Men lnBlack 3" 2012 « STARZ 300408300408 (3:50)ThePatriot (6:40) ** "TheA/amo" 2004, WarDennis Quaid, Bily BobThornton. n 'PG-13' « *** "Your Sister's Sister" 2011Emily Blunt. 'R *** "Lost ln Translation" 2003Bill Murray. n 'R TMC 525 52 5 R i ch Man Wife (6:20) ** "MadAbout Mambo"2000Wiliam Ash. (11:15) "ABagof Hammers" 2011 *WE 14 41 174118 Braxton Family Values Braxton Family Values Braxton Family Values Braxton Family Values Bridezillas Kym & Porsha '14 Bridezillas Porsha &Gloria '14 34

28 301 27 301 Feherty

TV • PAGE 15

THE BULLETIN ' MAY 11 — 17, 2013


'In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. •


II I c II I I II I II I I II I Jeopardy! College Wheel of Fortune Wipeout Players tacklethe Kiler Croc. (N) Grey's Anatomy Resourcesdwindle asthe (10:02) Scandal White Hat's BackOnOlivi KATU Newsat 11 (11:35) JimmyKimChampionship'G' Best Friends 'G' n ' PG' « and her teamface danger. '14' mel Live '14' (ABC) stormrages. (N) n 14 « (N) n cc Jeopardy! College Wheel of Fortune The Office Favoritemoments; apeekof the The Office FinaleDunderMifflin workers (10:15) Hannibal FromageAkiler seeks NewsChannel 21 at The Tonight Show KTVZ NewsChannel 21 at 6(N) cc (NBC) Championship'G' Best Friends'G' finale. (N) n «(DVS) attend awedding. (N) n 'PG' Hannibal's attention. (N) n '14' 11(N) cc With Jay Leno(N) (8:31) TheBig Bang (9:01) ElementaryTheWoman; HeroineSherlock reels whenIrene reappears. (N) n KOIN Local 6 at11 Late Show With KBNZ AccessHollywood Who Wantsto Bea New Adventuresof 30 Rock Finding a The Big Bang '14' cc Mill i onaire 'G' O l d Christine date for Lutz. '14' Theory (N) 'PG' Theory 'PG' David Letterman (CBS) (N) n 'PG' « (N) cc at 6:00 KEZI 9News at 6:30 Entertainment To omg! Insider (N) Wipeout Playerstacklethe Kiler Croc.(N) Grey's Anatomy Resourcesdwindle asthe (10:02) Scandal White Hat's BackOnOlivi KEZI 9 News at (11:35) JimmyKimKOHD KEZI 9 News n 'PG' cc cc 11:00 (N) cc mel Live '14' (ABC) (N) cc (N) cc night(N) n « storm rages.(N) n '14' « and her teamface danger. '14' aHalfMen TwoandaHalfMen TheBigBang The Big Bang American Idol WinnerAnnouncedRyanSeacrest announcesthewinner. (N) n (Part 2 News Channel21 (10:37) TMZ n F a mily Guy n '14' ccFamily GuyDeep KFXO Two and n '14' cc 'PQ' cc 'PG' cc of 2) '14' cc (FOX) Theory 'PG' cc Theory '14' cc First on FOX(N) Throats '14' « Oregon Art Beat n Oregon Field GuideDoc Martin JoePenhale isdesperate to The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes History Detectives ClubContinental busi KOAB Expeditions With Nightly Business PBS NewsHour (N) n « 'Q' cc 'Q' cc showMaggiehehaschanged.'PG' Large sum paidforoddantask.'G' (PBS) Patrick McMillan Report (N) n 'G' ness card. n 'PG' cc Inside Edition (N) n The OfficeFavorite moments; apeekof the The Office FinaleDunderMifflin workers (10:15) Hannibal FromageAkiler seeks NewsChannel 8 at The Tonight Show KGW NewsChannel 8 at NewsChannel 8 at Live at 7 (N) « 'PQ' cc finale. (N) n cc(DVS) Hannibal's attention. (N) n '14' With Jay Leno(N) (NBC) 6PM (N) cc 6:30PM (N) cc attend awedding. (N) n 'PG' 11 (N) cc KTVZDT2 TheKing of Queens That '70s Show n Seinfeld The Wizard Rules of Engage. The Vampire Diaries Graduation Stefan Beauty and the Beast Secretsabout Cat's Cops Wild &Crazy Seinfeld The Pitch Rules of Engage- That '70s ShowJoin 'PQ' cc n 'PG' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc ment 'PG' « ment '14' « Toge ther '14' (CW) n 'PG' uncovers aclue about Silas. '14' family arerevealed. (N) n '14' "Stillon theRoad" (2010)n OPBPL As TimeGoesBy As Time Goes By Grow-Tilghman Calling Child BBC World News Tavis Smiley (N) Charlie Rose (N) n 'PG' « PBS NewsHour n cc c II


at 6 (N) n « KATU KATU News

TheFirst48TheGoodSon;JackedUpA TheFirst48Awheelchair-boundmanis The First 48 Shootingdeaths in Miamiand The First 48 BirthdayGirl Gunmenopen The First 48 Fatal stabbing; victim of a turf (11:01) The First 48 Fatal stabbing ata war. '14' cc teenager ismurdered. '14' cc murdered. '14' cc Dallas. '14' cc fire at a birthdayparty. '14' Texas strip mall. '14' cc Freakshow '14' «Freakshow Two- Freakshow Human Freakshow '14' «Freakshow '14' «Freakshow Freakso FreakshowFreak- SmallTownSecu- SmallTownSecu- SmallTownSecu- SmallTownSecu- SmallTownSecu'AMC rity '14' « rity '14' « rity 'PG' HeadedBaby'14' Pin Cushion '14' Nature « show Festival '14' rity '14' « rity (N) '14' « *ANPL River Monsters: Unhooked 'PG' cc River Monsters: Unhooked n 'PG' S w amp Wars n 'PG' cc North WoodsLaw: Onthe Hunt 'PG' River Monsters: Killer Sharks North WoodsLaw: Onthe Hunt 'PG BRAVO Million Dollar Listing New York 'PG' M i llion Dollar Listing New York '14' D o n't Be Tardy... Don't Be Tardy HousewiveslOC Tabatha TakesOver '14' Married to Medicine SipHappens'14' Reb a G oFar'PG' Reba'PG' « R e b a'PG'« **"MissCongenialify"(2000,Comedy)Sandra Bullock Michael Caine. n cc CMT Reba'PG' « Cops Reloaded Cops Reloaded Cops Reloaded CNBC American GreedShipwrecked American GreedDealing in Deceit(N) Mad Money American GreedShipwrecked American GreedDealing inDeceit Shop4Coins Hair Restoration CNN Piers MorganLive (N) (Live) Anderson Cooper 360 cc Erin Burnett OutFront Piers MorganLive Anderson Cooper360 « Erin Burnett OutFront Tosh.0 '14' cc It's Always Sunny It's Always Sunny Daily Show Col bert Report COM South Park 'MA' Tosh.0 '14' cc Colbert Report Daily Show Futurama n '14' Futurama n '14' Tosh.0 '14' cc COTV P aid Program K r i sti Miller Des e rt Cooking Oregon Extreme Desire Adventure Journal Get Outdoors Visions of NW The YogaShow The Yoga Show Kristi Miller City Edition CSPAN (5:00) Capitol Hill Hearings Capitol Hill Hearings *DIS Good-Charlie Jes sie 'G' cc Shake It Up! 'G' Austin & Ally 'G' Dog With a Blog ** "Sky High" (2005)MichaelAngarano. n « Phineas and Ferb Jessie 'G' « Good-Charlie Au s tin & Ally 'G' *DISC Deadliest CatchJudgementDay'14' Surviving Zombies Surviving Zombies Zombie Preppers n '14' cc Doomsday Bunkers n '14' cc Doomsday Bunkers n '14' cc Zombie Preppers (N) n '14' cc *E! Married to Jonas Married to Jonas E! News(N) The Soup '14' T h e Untold Story: *** "Juno"(2007, Comedy-Drama)Ellen Page, MichaelCera Chelsea Lately (N) E! News ESPN (4:00) XGamesBarcelona (N) cc NBA Countdown NBA Basketball ConferenceSemifinal: Teams TBA(N) (Live) cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc ESPN2 (5:00) 30 for 30 Baseball Tonight (N) (Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) « Baseball Tonight (N)(Live) « NFL Live s«e ESPNC Friday Night Lights n '14' cc Friday Night Lights n '14' cc Bay City Blues « MLB Baseball DavidWells pitches aperfectgame, fromMay17,1998. « MLB Basebal lFrom May29,2010 ESPNN SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) « Highlight Express Highlight Express Highlight Express Highlight Express Highlight Express Highlight Express ESPNFCPress Highlight Express *** "Willy Wonka andthe Chocolate Factory" (1971, Fantasy)GeneWilder, Jack Albertson FAM *** "Charlieandthe Chocolate Factory" (2005,Fantasy)JohnnyDepp,Freddi eHighmore The 700 Club n 'PG' « FNC Hannity (N) On the RecordWIGretaVanSusteren The O'Reilly Factor cc Hannity On the RecordWlGretaVanSusteren The Five 'FOOD Chopped Gofor It! Sweet Genius GlisteningGenius Chopped PiggingOut Chopped Momumental Giving You the Business Sub-prise Iron Chef America ** "TheGreenHornet" (2011, Action) SethRogen, JayChou, CameronDiaz FX Two and Half Men Anger Anger Two andHal fMen Two and HalfMen Totally Biased T o tally Biased HGTV HouseHunters'G' House Hunters' G Hunters Int'I House Hunters 'G Income Property Mike &Vita n 'G' Re h ab Addict 'G' Rehab Addict 'G'House Hunters 'G' Hunters Int'I Rent or Buy 'G' Hunters Int'I *HIST Swamp PeopleTheLast Battle 'PG' Swamp PeopleDevoured'PG' cc SwampPeopleYoungBlood'PG' Swa mp People (N) 'P ccG' Larry the CableGuy (11:02) HowSex Changed the World LIFE ** "TheRebound" (2009)Catherine Zeta-Jones. Premiere. « ** "TheSwitch" (2010)Jennifer Aniston, JasonBateman. « * "TheEx"(2006,Comedy)ZachBraf,Amanda Peet, JasonBateman. « MSNBC The RachelMaddowShow (N) The Last Word All In With Chris Hayes The Rachel MaddowShow The Last Word Hardball With Chris Matthews cc MTV Awkward. n '14' The Show With The Show With Ridiculousness n Ridiculousness n Ridiculousness n Ridiculousness n Ridiculousness n The Show With Zach Stone Is The ShowWith Ridiculousness n NICK SpongeBob Sp o ngeBob SpongeBob Drake & Josh'Y7' Big Time Rush'G' Wendell & Vinnie Full House n 'G' Full House n 'G' The Nanny'PG' The Nanny 'PG' Friends '14' cc (11:33) Friends n Main Street Main Street Main Street Datehne on OWN n '14' « Dateline on OWN Prime Suspect '14' Dateline on OWN n '14' « Dateline on OWNn '14' « OWN Main Street PAC12 College Golf Pac-12Championships Women's Bsk Women's CollegeBasketball California atStanford Women's CollegeBasketball: Pac-12Tournament Women's Bsk Women's College Basketball ** "Underworld" (2003,Horror) KateBeckinsale, Scott Speedman.n SPIKE DEA Cocaine deaddrop. n '14 DEA Standoffwith drugdealers. '14' iM PACT Wrestling (N) n '14' « *** "Star Trek Vl:TheUndiscovered Country" (1991)Wiliam Shatner, LeonardNimoy. « *** "Star Trek: First Contact" (1996,ScienceFiction) Patrick Stewart, Jonathan Frakes SYFY Warehouse13The BigSnag n « TBN Joseph Prince 'G' Hillsong TV Praise the Lord 'Y' « Live-Holy Land Turning Point 'G' IBA News cc Cr e flo Dollar 'G' Spring Praise-A-Thon King of QueensSeinfeld The Seinfeld TheStatue Seinfeld The Susie Family GuyViewer Family Guy Internal The Big Bang The Big Bang Men at WorkUncle The Big Bang C o nan ZacharyQuinto; HeatherGraham. *TBS The 'Q' cc n 'PG' n 'PG' cc Glasses n 'PG' Mail 2 '14' « Af fa i rs n '14' The o ry '14' « Theory 'PG' cc Gibbs (N)'PG' T h eory '14' « (N) cc (5:00) *** "The BigFisherman" (1959, Historical Drama)HowardKeel, SusanKohner (8:15) *** "Francis ofAssisi" (1961, Biography)BradfordDilman, DoloresHart. Pre- (10:15) *** "Joan ol Arc" (1948,Biography) Ingrid Bergman,Jose Ferrer. A devout TCM Premiere. Peter's conversionswaysHerod's daughter andArab. miere. Italian wastrel foundsFranciscanOrder in 13thcentury. French peasantgirl fights the English for CharlesVll. « 'TLC Worst Tattoos W o rst Tattoos W o rst Tattoos Worst Tattoos Worst Tattoos W o rst Tattoos Worst Tattoos W o rst Tattoos W o rst Tattoos W o rst Tattoos W o rst Tattoos W o rst Tattoos (5:00) NBABasketball Indiana Pacersat NewYork Knicks (N) Inside the NBA(N) (Live) cc TNT Network Pre Castle Eye ofthe Beholder Investigating a Castle DemonsInvestigating aghost C astle Cops & RobbersMarthaandCastle 'TNT (Live) « view Episode2 murder and atheft. 'PG' « hunter's murder n 'PG' cc are held hostage. 'PG' cc "TOON Adventure Time Regular Show Regular Show Annoying Orange Incredible Crew Regular Show King of the Hill n King of the Hill n American Dad '14' American Dad'14' Family Guy '14' Family Guy '14 'TRAV Bizarre FoodsWith AndrewZimmern Man v. Food 'PG Man v. Food 'PG' Mysteries at the Museum'PG' « Monumental Mysteries (N) 'PG' « Mystenes at the Museum PG « Mysteries at the Museum'PG' « TVLND (5:46) TheNanny The Golden Girls Queens King ofQueens The GoldenGirls The GoldenGirls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love.Raymond Love-Raymond King of USA NCIS Kill Ari '14' cc NCIS Kill Ari '14' « NCIS UnderCovers n 'PG' cc NCIS LightSleeper n 'PG' « NCIS JackKnife n 'PG' « Psych DeadAir 'PG' «(DVS) ** "I Think!Love My Wife"(2007)Chris Rock,GinaTorres. Premiere. n VH1 (5:30) *"Honey2" (2011,Drama)Katerina Graham,RandyWayne. n Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta n '14' Master of the Mix n 'PG' *A&E

** "Viva LasVegas" 1964Elvis Presley. n 'NR' « ** "John Carter" 2012,Science Fiction Taylor Kitsch. n 'PG-13' « Cold Mountain 'R' (6:20) **"ManoftheHouse"2005Tommy LeeJones. *** "28 WeeksLater" 2007, Horror RobertCarlyle, RoseByrne. 'R' « ** "Premonition"2007, Suspense Sandra Bullock, NiaLong. 'PG-13' « ** "Perfect Stranger" 2007,SuspenseHalle Berry,BruceWilis. 'R' « Best of PRIDE Fighting Championship UFC Unleashed UFC Unleashed(N) The Ultimate Fighter n 'PG UFC Tonight U F C Insider Bes t of PRIDE Fighting Championship (5:30) PGATourGolf HPByronNelson Championship, First Round Golf Central (N) 19th Hole (N) PGA Tour Golf HPByron NelsonChampionship, First Round HALL TheBradyBunch The BradyBunch The BradyBunch The BradyBunch Frasier' PG' «Frasier 'PG' «Frasier 'PG'« Frasier'PG' « Fra sier Rivals'PG' Frasier'PG' « Fra sier'PG' « Fra s ier'PG' « HBO ** "First Daughter" 2004Katie Holmes. n 'PG' cc Veep 'MA' cc T h e Orgasm Special: ASex RealXtra (7:45) ** "Journey 2:TheMysterious Island" 2012DwayneJohnson. 'PG Game of Thrones n MA « ** "Leatherface:TheTexasChainsaw Massacre ll IFC (5:00) *** "RiskyBusiness" 1983 (7:15) ** "The HillsHaveEyes" 2006Aaron Stanford. Bloodthirsty mutants hunt fresh meat. 'R (11:15) ** "The HilsHaveEyes ** "Savages" 2012,CrimeDramaTaylor Kitsch, BlakeLively. n 'R' cc MAX "HarryPotterDeathly Hallows" (6:50) ** "Project X" 2012Thomas Mann. n 'R' cc (8:20) ** "JohnsonFamily Vacation"2004 'PG-13' cc NBCSN NHL Hockey NHL Live (N)(Live) F1 36 'PG Cycling Tour ofCalifornia, Stage5 Hockey The Grid 'G' F1 3 6 'PG' NGC Polygamy, USATheWinter Ball 'PG' Taboo StrangeSyndromes '14 Polygamy, USATheWinter Ball 'PG Taboo StrangeSyndromes '14' Mountain Movers '14' Alaska StateTroopers'14' NTOON T.U.F.F.Puppy n T.U.F.F. Puppyn T.U.F.F. Puppyn T.U.F.F. Puppyn T.U.F.F.Puppy n T.U.F.F. Puppyn Robot, Monster Robot, Monster Back at, Barnyard Back at, Barnyard Danny Phantom Danny Phantom OUTD Major LeagueFishing Bow Madness Ult. Adventures Bottom Feeders Cuddeback's The Crush Bone Collector Hunt Masters Al a ska OutdoorsTrophy Hunt Under Wild Skies *** "TheWomaninBlack"2012Daniel Radcliffe. « SHO (5:45) *** "MeanGirls" 2004 LindsayLohan. 'PG-13' Gigolos (N)'MA' The Borgias 'MA' (9:05) ** "Scream4"2011, Horror NeveCampbell. n 'R' « SPEED Headsets Inside-Headsets Inside-Headsets Inside-Headsets A Racer's Life My All Star Win My All Star Win Headsets Inside-Headsets Inside-Headsets Inside-Headsets STARZ (5:00) ** "Mindhunters" 2004'R' (6:50) *** "Looper" 2012,ScienceFiction BruceWilis. n 'R' « (8:50) **"ThinkLikea Man" 2012Michael Ealy. n 'PG-13' « Da Vinci's DemonsTheTower 'MA' ** "TheMechanic"2011JasonStatham.n 'R'« TMC *** "Citizen Ruth" 1996,ComedyLaura Dern, Swoosie Kurtz. n 'R' « (9:35) *"TheSamaritan" 2012Samuel L. Jackson. 'R' (11:10) ** "4:44 LastDayon Earth" "WE Braxton Family ValuesSister Act (N) Braxton Family Values Sister Act Braxton Family Values SisterAct Braxton Family Values SisterAct Braxton Family Values Braxton Family Values ENCR FMC FUEL GOLF


THE BULLETIN «MAY 11 — 17, 2013 *In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/Black Butte (Digital); PM-Prineville/Madras; SR-Sunriver; L-La Pine

PAGE 16 • TV



v II

















Wheel of Fortune Shark Tank Military-inspiredjewelry line. Shark Tank All-natural dogtreats. (N) n 20/20 (N) n « KATU Newsat11 (11:35) Jimmy 'Q' cc 'PG' «(DVS) (N) n 'G' (N) n 'PG' cc(DVS) Kimmel Live '14' (ABC) (N)n cc Jeopardy! (N)n Wheel of Fortune Dateline NBC(N) n 'PG' cc (10:01) RockCenter With Brian Wil NewsChannel 21 Tonight Show KTVZ O O O O NewsChannel 21 at 6 (N) cc 'Q' cc (N) n 'G' (NBC) hams(N) n cc at11 (N) cc Wi t h Jay Leno Access HollywoodWho Wants toBe New Adventures 30 Rock n '14' «Undercover Boss Intriguingbosses Undercover Boss PaulDamicogoes 48 Hours(N)n 'PG'« KOINLoca!6at11 Late ShowWith KBNZ (N) 'PG' a Millionaire o fOld Christine from pastepisodes. (N) n cc David Letterman (CBS) under cover. n 'PG' cc (N) cc omg! Insider (N) Shark TankMilitary-inspiredjewelry line Shark TankAll-natural dogtreats. (N) n 20/20(N) n « KEZI 9 Newsat (11:35) Jimmy KOHD O O KEZI 9 News at KEZI 9 Newsat Entertainment ' P G' «(DVS) (N) n 'PG' cc(DVS) Kimmel Live '14 (ABC) 6:00(N) « 6:30 (N) « Ton i ght (N) n cc 11:00 (N) cc Two and aHalf The Big Bang The Big Bang Kitchen NightmaresYanni's Yanni's Bones TheBut inthe Joke Astreet artist News Channel 21 TMZ n 'PG' cc Family GuyKiler Family GuyPeterKFXO ID< IEI |EI IEI Two and aHalf Men '14' cc Men 'PG' cc (FOX) Theory n '14' Theory n '14' Greek restaurant inSeattle. '14' falls on humanremains. '14' First on FOX Queen '14' « o t i ca n '14' Scott & Bailey Thetruth behind thekill- Masterpiece Classic F.W. Woolworth Unforgettable: The KoreanWar n KOAB ~ gy ~ gy Wild Photo AdvenNightly Business PBS NewsHourCovering WatergateJim Washington Week BBC Newsnight n 'G' 'PQ' cc (PBS) tures n 'G' Report (N) cc Lehrer and RobertMacNeil. (N) ings surfaces.(Par!1 oi 2) 'PG' dis counts Harry. 'P ccG' NewsChannel8 at NewsChannel 8 at Live at 7 (N) cc Inside Edition (N) Dateline NBC(N) n 'PG' cc (10:01) RockCenter With Brian Wil NewsChannel 8at TonightShow KGW 'PQ' cc 6:30PM(N) (NBC) 6PM (N) « hams(N) n « 11(N) cc With Jay Leno That '70s Show n Seinfeld TheBurn- Rules of Engage. Nikita Amanda'splanforces Nikita into Supernatural Sacrifice DeanandSam Cops n '14' cc Seinfeld TheTicket Rules of Engage. That '70s Show KTVZDT2 Q Q Q Q The King of 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc ing n 'PG' ment 'PG' ment 'PG' Queens n 'PG danger. (N) n '14' « are cornered. n '14' « Magic Bus'14' (CW) OPBPL 175 173 G r egory Peck: His Own Man'PG Masterpiece Contemporary Framedn 'PG' On Story n 'G' World News Tavis Smiley (N) Charlie Rose(N) n « PBS NewsHourCoveringWatergate KATU

KATU Newsat 6(N) n «

II Jeopardy! (N)n

*A&E 13 28 18 32 DuckDynasty Samurai Si 'PG'

Duck Dynasty 'pG' cc

Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars 'PQ' cc

'PQ' cc

'PQ' cc

Storage Wars Storage Wars 'PQ' cc

'PQ' cc

Storage Wars 'PQ' cc

Storage Wars 'PQ' cc

Storage Wars 'PQ' cc

(11:01) Storage (11:31) Storage Wars cc

Wars 'PG' cc

(5:30) *** "HighPlains Drifter" (1973)Clint Eastwood,VernaBloom.Amysteri- ** "Fire/ox" (1982, Action) Clint Eastwood, FreddieJones, DavidHuffman. AVietnam-era pilot tries to steal a Russianhigh- ** "TheTransporter" (2002,Action) ous strangerprotects a corrupt townfromgunmen. « tech jet. « JasonStatham,ShuQi.« *ANPL 68 50 2638 RiverMonster s:Unhookedn'PG Call-Wildman Call-Wildman Swamp'd! 'PG' Swamp'd! 'PG' Tanked (N) n 'PG TankedFermentingDonutsn 'PG' Tanked n 'PG BRAVO 13 44 Don ' t Be Tardy... Don't Be Tardy Don't Be Tardy... Married to Medicine '14 Housewives/OC Housewives/OC Housewives /OC What Happens Don't BeTardy Reba 'PG' cc R e ba 'PG' cc Dog and Beth: Onthe Hunt n '14' CMT 190 32 42 53 RebaAsls'PG' Reba'PG'cc Dog and Beth: Onthe Hunt n '14' Guntucky n '14' Guntuckyn '14' CopsReloaded Cops Reloaded CNBC 54 36 40 52 (5:00) All-Star Celebrity Apprentice Crowd RulesSpeciality Foods Mad Money The Costco Craze:Inside the Crowd RulesSpeciality Foods Paid Program Paid Program CNN 55 38 35 48 Piers MorganLive(N) (Live) Anderson CooperSpecial Report Anthony Bourdain Parts Unknown Anderson Cooper360 'PG' « Anderson Cooper Special Report A n thony Bourdain Parts Unknown COM 13 53 135 47 (5:55) South Park (6:26) Tosh.0'14' Colbert Report Daily Show (7:57) Tosh.0 '14' (8:28) Tosh.0 '14' Amy Schumer Workaholics '14' (9:59) Tosh.0 '14' The ComedyCentral Roast BobSaget 'MA' cc COTV 11 Paid Program Kristi Miller Desert Cooking Oregon Extreme Desire Journal Get Outdoors V i sions of NW The YogaShow The Yoga Show Kristi Miller Cit y Edition CSPAN 61 20 12 11 (5:00) Politics & Public Policy Today Politics & Public Policy Today 'DIS 87 43 14 39 Good-Charlie J e ssie'G' « Dog Witha Blog DogWithaBlog A.N.T.Farmn J essie(N)n'G' Phineas,Ferb F i shHooks'G Dog With a Blog Good-Charlie Jessie 'G' « Jessie 'G' « *DISC 15 21 16 37 Sons of Guns Hangfire '14' cc Sons of GunsWil's Monster'14' S o ns of Guns: Locked and Loaded Sons of Guns Cutbacks(N) n '14 Wild West Alaska n 14 cc Sons of GunsCutbacks'14' cc *E! 13 25 Ch u ck and Larry The Soup '14' E!News (N) Holly Has a Baby'14 Fashion Police '14 Fashion Police (N)'14' Chelsea Lately E! News ESPN 21 23 22 23 NBABasketballConferenceSemifinal: TeamsTBA(N) N B ABasketballConferenceSemifinal: TeamsTBA(N)(Live) cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc ESPN2 22 24 21 24 (5:00) XGamesBarcelona FromBarcelona, Spain. « SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) s« s NBA Tonight (N) Baseball Tonight (N) (Live) « SportsCenter *** "Catching Hell" (2011,Documentary) « ESPNC 23 25 123 25 FridayNightLights'14' cc The Clemente Effect cc The Clemente Effect cc H-Lite Ex. H-Li te Ex H-Lite Ex. H-Li te Ex H-Lite Ex. H-Li te Ex. ESPNN 24 63 124203 SportsCenter (N) (Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) « ESPNFCPress H-Lite Ex. ** "HomeAlone2:LostinNew York"(1992,Comedy)Macaulay Culkin, JoePesci. FAM 67 29 19 41 Melissa& Joey ** * "HomeAlone"(1990,Comedy)MacaulayCulkin,JoePesci The 700 Club n 'PG' « FNC 57 61 36 50 Hannity(N) On Record, GretaVanSusteren The O'Reilly Factor cc Hannity On Record, GretaVanSusteren The Five *FOOD 17 62 98 44 Diners, Drive D i n ers, Drive G i v i ng You the Business Diners, Drive D i ners, Drive D i ners, Drive D i ners, Drive Mystery Diners Mystery Diners Diners, Drive Diners, Drive * "Grown Ups"(2010,Comedy)AdamSandler, KevinJames ** "Jumping the Broom" (2011, Comedy) AngelaBassett. Premiere. FX 131 (5:30) ** "Soul Surfer"(2011, Drama)AnnaSophia Robb, HelenHunt. HGTV 17 49 33 43 Hunters Int'I H unt ers Int'I Hunters Int'I Hunters Int'I Extreme Homes'G' « Flea Market Flip Flea Market Flip House Hunters Hunters Int'I Hunters Int'I Hunters Int'I *HIST 15 42 41 36 AmericanPickers'PG' cc American Pickers YouBetcha'PG' American Pickers 'PG' cc American Pickers 'PG' cc American Pickers 'PG' cc Amer Pickers Amer Pickers LIFE 13 39 20 31 Hoarders'PG' « Hoarders 'PG' cc Hoarders 'PG' cc Hoarders 'PG' cc Hoarders 'PG' cc (11:01) Hoarders 'PG' cc MSNBC 59 59 128 51 The Rachel MaddowShow (N) Lockup Riverbend Lockup InsidePendletonJuvenile Lockup Lockup: RawEverPresent Danger Lockup: RawIntimacy in prison Norah's Infinite P/ay/isl" (2008)MichaelCera. n MTV 192 22 38 57 Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness The Show With Girl Code n '14' Girl Code n '14' Girl Code n '14' Girl Code n '14 *** "Nick and NICK 82 46 24 40 SpongeBob S p o ngeBob Teenage Mut. Teenage Mut. Teenage Mut. Teenage Mut Full House 'G' Full House 'G' The Nanny'PG' The Nanny 'PG' Friends n '14' (11:33) Friends Police Women ofMemphis n '14' lyanla, Fix My Life n 'PG' « lyanla, Fix My Life n '14' Raising Whitley Life, La Toya l y anla, Fix My Life n 'PG'a« s OWN 161 103 31 103 Police Women of Memphis n '14' Pac-12 Football in 60 Pac-12 Football in 60 PAC12 47 310310310 College Basketball College Basketball Stanford atColorado College Basketball ColoradoState at Colorado **** "Raiders o/the LostArk" (1981,Adventure) Harrison Ford, KarenAllen. n *** "indiana Jonesandthe Templeoi Doom"(1984, Adventure) Harrison Ford. n SPIKE 132 31 34 46 BarRescueTikiCursen'PG' SYFY 13 35 133 45 (5:30) *** "StarTrek:First Contact" (1996) Patrick Stewart. WWE Friday Night SmackDown! (N) n « Merlin TheDrawing of the Dark(N) Defiance TheSerpent's Egg TBN 205 60 130 The Harvest Ever Increasing Israel: Journey of Light « Creflo Dollar 'G Spring Praise-A-Thon Pe r ry Stone Praise the Lord 'Y' « ** "2 Fast 2Furious" (2003,Action) PaulWalker, Tyrese.Twofriends and a U.S Are WeThereYet2 Are WeThere Yet? Selnfeld ThePuffy Seinfeld TheHeart Seinfeld The Pot- Family Guy n Family Guy n 'TBS 16 27 11 28 The Klng of 'PG' 'PG' 'PG' cc '14' cc Queens n 'PG' Shirt 'PG' Attack 'PG' hol e n 'PG' customsagenttry to nail acriminal. «(DVS) ** "TopBanana" (1954,Musical Comedy)Phil Silvers, RoseMarie. A TVcomic is *** "It's AlwaysFair Weather" (1955)GeneKelly, Dan Dailey, CydCharisse *** OurManrn Havana (1960)Alec 5'00 ** "Ace/nthe Hoie"(1951 TCM 101 44 101 2 Drama) KirkDouglas. « about to losehis marblesandeverything else. « Three fun-lovingveterans reunite 10years after V-J Day. « Guinness. cc *TLC 17 34 32 34 Say Yes: ATL Say Yes: ATL Say Yes: ATL Say Yes: ATL Say Yes: ATL Say Yes: ATL Say Yes: ATL Say Yes: ATL I Found-Gown I Found-Gown Say Yes: ATL Say Yes: ATL TheGodof Timesends *** "The Lord o/theRings: TheFellowship o/theRing" (2001, Fantasy)Elijah Wood, lan McKellen, LivTyler. Creatures unite to destroy a pow- "Lara Croft:Tomb *TNT 17 26 1527 SupematuralDean devei opsanobses Supernatural Raider" sion. n '14' « Dean back to1944. n '14' erful ring anddefeat a lord. «(DVS) 'AMC

Regular Show Teen Titans Go! Cartoon Planet 'G KingoftheHill K i ngoftheHill A mericanDad AmericanDad FamilyGuy'14' FamilyGuy'14' Ghost Adventures '14' « Ghost Adventures 'PG' « GhostAdventures 'PG'« The DeadFiles (N) 'PG' « The Dead Files 'PG' « TVLND 65 47 29 35 TheGoldenGirls TheGoldenGirls The GoldenGirls The Golden Girls The GoldenGirls The Golden Girls Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond KingofQueens King ofQueens USA 15 30 23 30 Law&Order: Specialyictims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law 8 Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit The Moment Choreographer'PG' *** "Grem/ins" (1984,Fantasy)Zach Galligan, PhoebeCates, HoytAxton. n VH1 191 48 37 54 ModelEmployee I'mMarriedtoA...n'14' Best WeekEver Jenny McCarthy I'm Married to A... n '14 *TOON 84 Adventure Time Regular Show *TRAV 17 51 45 42 GhostAdventures'PG' cc


** "Kissin' Cousins" 1964Elvis Presley. 'NR' « 106401 306401(6:05) *** "ShanghaiKnights"2003 Jackie Chan.n 'PG-13' « Underworld (9:40) * "Gef Carter"2000, SuspenseSylvester Stallone. n 'R' « *** "C/over/ie/d" 2008Michael Stahl-David. « FXM Presents ** "EnemyattheGates"2001,WarJosephFiennes,JudeLaw,RachelWeisz.'R' « FXM Presents 104 204104120(5:00) C/over/ie/d FXM Presents 34 (5:00) UFC:Belfort vs. Bisping UF C : Weigh-in UFC ReloadedUFC79:St-Pierre vs. HughesGeorges St-Pierre vs Matt Hughes UFC Unleashed 28 301 27 301(5:30) PGA Tour Golf HPByron NelsonChampionship, SecondRound Golf Central (N) 19th Hole (N) PGA Tour Golf HPByron NelsonChampionship, SecondRound

HALL 66 33 175 33 ** "Daniei'sDaughter" (2008, Drama)Laura Leighton. 'PG' « "BeverlyLewis' TheConfession" (2013)SherryStringfield. 'G' « Frasier n 'PG' Frasier n 'PG' Frasier n 'PG' Frasier n 'PG' HBO 425 501 425501 (5:15) *** "Harry Potterandthe Sorcerers Stone" 2001'PG' « * "Abraham Lincoln: VampireHunter" 2012 BenjaminWalker. 'R' cc Real TimeWith Bill Maher (N)'MA' VICE (N) n 'MA' Real/Bill Maher * "S/range/and"1998, HorrorDeeSnider. 'R IFC 10 1 0 5 Ar rested Dev. A r rested Dev. Maron (N) '14' A r rested Dev. A rrested Dev. A rrested Dev. A rrested Dev. A rrested Dev. Maron '14 ** "TowerHeist" 2011 BenStiler. n 'PG-13' cc MAX 400508 508 (535) **"Kingpin"1996 WoodyHarrelson. 'PG13 (9:15) *"TheWatch" 2012,ComedyBenStiler, Jonah Hil. n 'R' cc The Jump Off Sin City 4 NBCSN 27 58 30 209 NHL Hockey NHL Live (N) F 1 36 'PG' Cycl ing Tour of California, Stage 6 Preakness Classics Horse Racing Poker After Dark 'PG' « World's Biggest Cave'G World's Biggest Cave'G' Explorer Tallest livingtrees. 'G NGC 157 157 (5:00) HowNature Works (N)'PG How Nature Works 'PG NTOON 89 115189115 Kung FuPanda Kung Fu Panda Kung Fu Panda Kung Fu Panda Kung Fu Panda Kung Fu Panda Robot,Monster Robot, Monster Back, Barnyard Back, Barnyard DannyPhantom Danny Phantom

OUTD 37 307 43 307 Arrow Affliction Your Weapon Best Defense E l ite Tactical Unit'PG' Midway USA's Wardens Impossible Eli t e Tactical Unit 'PG Shooting USA ** "SalmonFishingin the Yemen"2011EwanMcGregor. n 'PG-13 *** "Our IdiotBrother" 2011 PaulRudd.'R' « SHO 500 500 AVN Awards (6:15) ** "TheIronLady" 2011Meryl Streep. n 'PG-13' « SPEED 35 303125303 NASCARRacing SPEEDCenter NASCAR Racing NASCARRacing Sprint Cup:All-Star Qualifying The10 'PG' Un i que Whips '14 STARZ 300408300408 (340) *** Aii (620) *"GhostRider: Spirito/ Vengeance"2012 Spartacus: War of the Damnedn Da Vinci's DemonsTheDevil 'MA' (10:05) DaVinci's Demons n 'MA' (11:10) DaVinci's Demons n 'MA' ** "Payback"1999, ActionMel Gibson, Gregg Henry. n 'R' « * "About Cherry" 2012Ashley Hinshaw. 'NR' « TMC 525 525 (5:10)"Fadeto Black" 2006 n 'R' (10:45) * "Brake" 2012Stephen Dorff. n 'R' « *WE 14 41 174118 Bridezillas Tricia &Danyelle '14' Bri dezillas Tifani plots revenge. '14' Bridezillas Johanne &Daphne'14' Bridezillas Johanne &Cristal '14' B r i dezillas Frankie Ruby &'14 Bridezillas Ruby 8 Kim'14' cc

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