Serving Central Oregon since1903 75
FRIDAY Juiy11,2014
I'lS 8, SWI t:
Ringo at Les SchwadThe former Beatle will play in Bend. GO!
Wherethe moneywent
By Dylan J. Darling
Rodot soccer — RoboCup
The Bulletin
kicks off after the World Cup, with the goal of oneday producing a teamthat can beat the human champions. A3
Almost a month since firefighters called the Two
Walking for arthritis-
Bulls Fire contained, a
state official is still checking the costs and making sure all the bills are paid. Tracy Wrolson, Central
Local program aims to help people develop aprogram. D1
Oregon District business
Money for your gadgets
that his tally is more than
— It's part of a settlement for electronic devices bought between 1998 and2002, but time is running out. C6
The OregonDepartment of Forestry is close to completing its initial audit of the costs for firefighting on the Two Bulls Fire. So far, the estimates for the 6,908-acre fire are:
managerforthe Oregon Department of Forestry in Prineville, said Thursday
OPERATIONS • Aircraft (helicopters and air tankers): $1,503,496 • Hand crews: $1,960,301 • Heavy equipment (including water tenders, engines and bulldozers): $769,416 • Direct personnel (including task force leaders and dozer bosses): $253,145 •Subtotal: $4,486,358
$5.4 million spent on the 6,908-acre fire northwest
of Bend. He said he's about 90 percent through his initial audit and expects the
ln world news — Anescalation in the Gaza conflict, with rumblings of a ground invasion. A2
Girl called cured of HIV is still infected By Monte Morin Los Angetes Times
An infant who was
seemingly cured of HIV after aggressive drug therapy hours after her birth was recently discovered to
total to go up. "We are probably looking at a total cost closer to
$5.8 million to $6 million when all is said and done,"
he said. The cost of the fire includes everything from lunches at the fire camp, a field off Johnson Road where fire crews stayed during the fire, to retar-
dant drops by air tankers. It also covers the cost of
hand crews — firefighters on the ground. A typical 20-person hand crew costs $12,000 to $13,000 per day, Wrolson
SUPPORT • Camp (including showers, caterer and supplies): $418,810 • Heavy eqnipment (including water trucks and lowboy trailers): $69,375 • Indirect personnel (organizational overhead including finance, planning and mapping): $473,314 • Subtotal: $961,499
said, with that amount
covering the pay, transportation and other expenses. In all, the Forestry
Department spent more than $1.9 million on hand crews during the Two Bulls Fire. The fire, which was first spotted June 7 near
Tumalo Reservoir, burned mostly on private timber-
be infected with the virus
land protected by the state
that causes AIDS after all, doctors announced Thursday. The so-called Mississippi Baby, now nearly 4 years old, had raised hopes of a potential cure for babies
Forestry Department, so the agency bears most of
Ryan Brehnecke /The Bulletin file photo
the burden of the firefight-
An initial audit of the cost to fight the Two Bulls Fire estimates the bill for
ing cost.
helicopters and air tankers at more than $1.5 million. Above, a helicopter See Two Bulls/A4
Source: Oregon Department of Forestry
prepares to drop a bucket of water on the fire in early June.
infected with HIV when it
Bull Flats
was first described at an AIDS conference last year. The girl's case also provided the foundation for an upcoming clinical trial. The discovery recently
• Total: $5,447,857
TumRao Tumalo Reserv ir Rd.
cost of post office boxes throughout Central Oregon will rise sharply in August as the U.S. Postal Service adjusts its pricing structure. As announced in The
Federal Register on Wednesday, the Postal Service is increasing fees by around 20 percent on post office boxes in 1,625 areas across the U.S. start-
ing Aug. 27. The change reflects a shift from "market-dominant fee group" to "competitive fee group," an acknowledgmentby the Postal Service that it no
longer has a monopoly on postal services such as boxes, and it faces competition
from private companies. Affected areas in Cen-
tral Oregon include Bend, Sunriver, La Pine, Madras, Prineville, Sisters and
Terrebonne. The Postal Service lost $5 billion in 2013, the seventh
consecutive year it has operated at a net loss. While increases in electronic communication via email and
text and the accompanying drop in letters account for
some of thedecreasesin revenues, the Postal Service also points to its federally
required payments to cover health care and retirement benefits for employees as a major factor in its financial woes. See P.O. boxes /A5
A better way to track cosmictrash LOS ANGELESRight now, millions of obiects are whizzing around Earth faster than
virus at undetectable levels
for almost two years before it suddenly rebounded
speeding bullets. Much of this is celestial garbage-
Two Bulls Fire
remnants of past missions
and cosmic collisions that have taken place over half
came as a blow to health
officials and HIV experts. See HIV /A5
a century. /
Dead satellites. Spent rocket stages. Astronauts' long-lost equipment. To keep watch over this vast orbiting junkyard, the
B :,
Air Force has awarded a
$914.7 million contract to Lockheed Martin Corp.
to develop a surveillance
system that will provide
INDEX All Ages Df-6 Crosswords E4 Business C5-6 Dear Abby D6 Calendar In GO! Local/State 81-6 Classified E1-8 Obituaries 85 Comics/ Sports C1-4 Puzzles E3-4 1VlMoviasD6,GO!
The Bulletin
By W.J. Hennigan
had actually carried the
Sun, some clouds High 88, Low 56 Page B6
By Andrew Clevenger
Los Angeles Times
that the 46-month-old child
Local rates todimb
Source: U.S. Forest Service
Andyzeigert/The Bulletin
a continuous watch over what's up there.
See Space/A5
Netflix relying on telecoms even as it clashes with them
The Bulletin
An Independent Newspaper
vol. 112, No. 192,
e4 pages, e sections
Q i/l/e use recycled newsprint
88 267 02329
By Cecilia Kang
lected 31 Emmy nominations
that will be exclusive to Netflix
down Blockbuster and trans-
The Washington Post
for its shows, more than double its haul last year, for hit programs such as "Orange is the New Black" and "House of
subscribers, the latest gambit by the company to prove that it can create high-quality programs. "We are defining the way
LOS GATOS, Calif. — Reed
Hastings, the lanky and goateed chief executive of Netflix, is on a mission: to turn his company into the Internet's first television network.
On Thursday, Netflix col-
Cards." Last month, the com-
pany surprised the TV industry by signing comedian Chelsea Handler for a talk show
consumer entertainment
ought to work," Hastings said. The company that took
and Netflix.
But there's one major threat
movies —even as analysts
to its long-term survival. Net-
predicted its demise a number of times along the way — now
flix, which takes up nearly
has its eyes set on television. And Hastings sees the future of video entertainment as
being largely written by HBO
one-third of all Internet traffic, relies on the Internet pipes
ruled by companies like Comcast and Verizon. See Netflix /A4
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erman ouS • .s By Alison Smale, Mark Mazzetti and David E. Sanger
assessment was conducted country — was a staple of the last summer, when President Cold War, but it is a move alNew York Times News Service B arack Obama o r dered a most never made by allies. "It's one thing to kick lowBERLIN — T h e G erman halt to the tapping of Merkel's government Thursday de- phone after it came to light be- er-level officers out. It's another manded the removal of the cause of former National Secu- thing to kick the chief of statop U.S. spy in the country, rity Agency contractor Edward tion out," said one former CIA the strongest evidence yet that Snowden. officer with extensive expemounting revelations about Current and former U.S. offi- rience working on European widespread U.S. intelligence cials said that the Berlin station operations. operations in Germany have chief, who works undercover, The former official said that gravelydamaged relations be- has been in the position for the move could be just the first tween once close allies. about a year. It was his prede- sign that the Germans intend The decision by Chancel- cessor in the job, the officials to escalate the monitoring of lor Angela Merkel to publidy said, who oversaw the recruit- CIA operatives in the country announce the expulsion of ment of the German intelli- — possibly increasing surveilthe CIA's Berlin station chief gence officer arrested last week lance activities like phone tapwas seenas a highly symbolic who has reportedly told his in- ping and tailing U.S. spies in expression of the deep anger terrogators he was spying for cars. and hurt that German officials the CIA, touching off a storm Despite the apparent effort to have felt since the exposure of of criticism of the United States. keeprelationson an even keel, the U.S. espionage operations. German investigators are also the development marked a low It is likely to force another re- looking at a second case of an point in relations with a critical a ssessment inside th e C I A official inside the Defense Min- ally just as Obama seeks stronand other spy agencies about istry who may have been work- ger cooperation on issues from whether provocative espionage ing for the Americans. dealing with Iran's nudear operations in friendly nations The expulsion of a CIA sta- program to bringing stability are worth the risk to broader tion chief — the ranking U.S. to Ukraine to forging a broad foreign policy goals. One such intelligence officer in a foreign trans-Atlantictrade agreement.
Si sil.AvL
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U.S. hlghw8(S —House andSenate tax-writing committees Thursday drafted competing plans to refill a highway trust fund running on empty, setting up aconfrontation that could result in thousands of infrastructure projects halting. Both the HouseWays and Means Committee andtheSenate FinanceCommittee plans defer the larger issue of finding away to keepthe trust fund solvent over the long run. Instead, their plans would provide $11billion to keep money flowing until about May.Thefederal government is set to cut back its highway and infrastructure spending by 28percent, starting Aug. 1. HOIIStOll SllplhgS —A mancharged with killing four children and their parents forced his way into the Stay family's suburban Houston home, tied them upand shot them in the back of the head when they refused to tell him where his ex-wife was, authorities said Thursday. The lonesurvivor of the attack, the slain couple's15-yearold daughter, suffered a fractured skull when abullet grazed her head. She playeddead andcalled 911 after Ronald Lee Haskell — the couple's estranged brother-in-law — left the house, prosecutors said at a court hearing. Haskell had a handful of previous run-ins with law enforcement in Utah, where hehad lived with his wife. Neighbors said Haskell's marriage was sorocky that Katie Staywent to Utah last fall to help her sister escapethe relationship and start a new life in Texas. AfghaniStan t8hSIOh —TheU.S.and its allies are growing increasingly concerned asAfghanistan shows signs of unraveling in its first democratic transfer of power from President HamidKarzai. With Iraq wracked byinsurgency,Afghanistan's dispute over election results poses a newchallenge to President Barack Obama's effort to leave behind two securestateswhile ending America's long wars. U.S.Secretary of State JohnKerry made ahastily arranged visit to Afghanistan early today to help resolvetheelection crisis, which is sowing chaos in a country that the U.S.hasspent hundreds of billions of dollars and lost more than 2,000 lives trying to stabilize. He wasto meet with the two candidates claiming victory in last month's presidential election runoff. II8g COllfllCt —The Kurdish regional government responded Thursday to harsh criticism from Iraq's prime minister, Nouri al-Maliki, announcing that its ministers would boycott Cabinet meetings, demanding anapology to the Iraqi people and calling on al-Maliki to step down. Thepolitical fissure was exacerbated after al-Maliki on Wednesdayaccusedthe Kurds of turning their regional capital into the headquarters of the Islamic State of Iraq andthe Levant, as well as harboring members of the BaathParty of former President Saddam Hussein andother opponents of the Iraqi government. Al-Maliki had implied that the Kurds hadassisted the Sunni militants who swept into northern Iraq in June.
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Odama lawSuit —House SpeakerJohn Boehner's lawsuit against President BarackObamawill focus on changes tothe health care law that Boehner saysshould havebeen left to Congress, according to a statement issuedThursday by thespeaker's office. By narrowly focusing the legal action on theAffordable CareAct, Boehner will sidestep more politically problematic issues. Last month, Boehnerannounced his intention to seeklegislation allowing the House tosuethe president over his use ofexecutive actions, a reflection of charges by congressional Republicans that the president hasoverreached his authority.
Teafrir Abayov/The Associated Press
An Israeli soldier checks his weapon Thursday near Israel's border with Gaza. Israel dramatically escalated its aerial assault in Gaza onThursday, hitting hundreds of Hamas targets, while militants there fired more than180 rockets into Israel, reaching new targets spread across a vast area of the country. The escalation appeared to increase the likelihood of a ground invasion and prompted U.N.Secretary-General BanKi-moon to call urgently for a return
to calm and acease-fire. "Today, weface the risk of an all-out escalation in Israel and Gaza,with the threat of a ground offensive still palpable — andpreventable only if Hamasstops rocket firing," he told anemergency meeting of the Security Council. There were nosigns that a cease-fire was imminent, and no signs that diplomats representing the antagonists were heeding Ban's call for calm. — New Yorfr TimesNews Service
Signs ofmovementon U.S.border crisis By Erica Werner and Alicia A. Caldwell
Noting that the arriving migrants include young girls tryThe Associated Press ing toescape sex violence and W ASHINGTON — Ou t - gangs, Leahy said: "I'm not lines of a possible compro- sure Americans all really feel mise that would more quickly we should immediately send deport minors arriving from them back." Central A m e rica e m erged Reid and Pelosi made their Thursday as part of Presi- comments as House Speakdent Barack Obama's $3.7 er John B o ehner, R-Ohio, billion emergency request to and Senate Republican leadaddress the immigration cri- er Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., sis on the nation's southern both said they didn't want to border. give Obama a"blank check" Republicans d e m andedto deal with the crisis of tens speedier deportations, which of thousands of unaccompathe W h it e H o use i n i tially nied children arriving at the had supported but left out of Texas border, many fleeing its proposal after complaints gangs and drawn by rumors from i m m igrant a d vocates they would be able to stay in and some Democrats. On the U.S. Boehner and McCoThursday, the top House and nnell indicated policy changSenate Democrats pointedly es would be necessary to win left the door open to them. their support. "It's not a d e al-breaker," "We want to make sure we said House Minority Leader actually get the right tools to Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif. "Let help fix the problem," McCothem have their f ace-saver. nnell said. Obama "needs to But let us have the resources work with us to get the right to do what we have to do." Her policy into effect." spokesman, Drew Hammill, Proponents of speedier delater clarified that any chang- portations say an effective es "must ensure due process way to stem the tide of young for these children." immigrants crossing the bor-
"would need to divert significant funds from other critical
programs just to maintain operations." 2 LOCatianS inBend Main Center 2150NEStudioRd,Suitef0
NWX 2863NorthwestCrossingDr,suiteno
541-389-9252 sylvan©
China-U.S. relatiOnS —At the conclusion of an annual strategic and economic dialogue betweenthe countries Thursday, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry indirectly replied to charges byChinese officials that President BarackObamahad reinvigorated America's network of alliances in Asia with the idea of containing Chinaand its fast modernizing military. Newaccusations that Chinese hackers had attacked highly sensitive U.S. material were brusquely dismissed by China, even asthe U.S. delegation, headed by Kerry andTreasury Secretary Jacob Lew, tried to press cyber espionage as an important issue at the conference.
SOuth AfriCa ParOle delay — South African authorities Thursdaypostponed adecisiononwhethertoparoleEugenedeKock,a convicted death-squad leader widely known as"Prime Evil." OeKock, 65, was arrested in1994 and given anarray of charges from murder to kidnapping related to his time ascommander of a notorious unit based at the Vlakplaas farm near Pretoria. Thesite becamesynonymous with the killing and torture of suspects in anunderground war against black activists. South Africa's justice minister, Michael Masutha, told reporters Thursday that the law required the families of de Kock's victims to be consulted about parole before it was granted. WOrld POPulatiOn —A report released Thursday by the U.N. raised new challenges for a rapidly growing urban population worldwide, including cholera, classrooms andfood production. In 2014, 54 percent of the world's people live in cities. By 2050, two-thirds of humankind will live in cities. Close to half of them now live in cities of less than 500,000 people. One in 8live in cities with more than10 million people. Thereare 28 of these megacities around the world. The overall numbers of rural inhabitants are projected to decline to 3.1 billion in 2050 from 3.4 billion today. — From wire reports •
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In th e S e nate, M ajority der would be to send them Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., back home right away, to show
said: "I'm not going to block anything. Let's see what comes to the floor." But opposition arose late in
their parents that the trip north was wasted.
The developments came as Obama's Homeland Security
the day from key Democratic senators, suggesting battles ahead before any deal could be struck.
secretary, Jeh Johnson, de-
"I can assure you that I will
mittee. He said that without
fended the emergency spending request at a hearing of the Senate Appropriations Com-
fight tooth and nail changes in the money, the U.S. Immigrathe Trafficking Victims Pro- tion and Customs Enforcetection Act," Senate Judiciary Chairman Patrick Leahy said
ment and Customs and Border
Patrol agencies would both
at a hearing on the situation, run out of money in the next referring to the law Republi- two months, and the Homecans want to change. land Security Department
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• Discoveries, breakthroughs,trends, namesin the news— the things you needto know to start out your day
It's Friday, July11, the192nd day of 2014. Thereare173 days left in the year.
HAPPENINGS AfghaniStan —U.S.Secretary of State John Kerry is set to meet with the two candidates claiming victory in last month's presidential election runoff.
Myanmar —Anewsmedia association in Yangon, Myanmar's largest city, plans to hold a vigil at a Buddhist temple for several imprisoned journalists.
Research may show how to slow aging
ea su, or u e ams: e soccer ro o s arecomin The goal: produce a team of robots that can beat the human World Cup champions by the year 2050.
By Tara Bahrampour The Washington Post
HISTORY Highlight:In1914, baseball star BabeRuth madehis major league debut, pitching the Boston RedSoxto a 4-3 victory over Cleveland. In1767,John Quincy Adams, the sixth president of theUnited States, wasborn in Braintree, Massachusetts. In1798,the U.S.Marine Corps was re-established by acongressional act that also created the U.S. MarineBand. In1804, Vice President Aaron Burr mortally woundedformer Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton during apistol duel in Weehawken,NewJersey. In1864, Confederate forces led byLt.Gen.JubalEarlybeganan abortive invasion ofWashington, turning backthe next day. In1922, the Hollywood Bowl opened with a programcalled "Symphonies UndertheStars" with Alfred Hertz conducting the Los AngelesPhilharmonic. In1934, President Franklin D. Roosevelt becamethe first incumbent chief executive to travel through thePanamaCanal. In1937, American composer and pianist GeorgeGershwin died at a LosAngeles hospital of a brain tumor; hewas 38. In1952, the RepublicanNational Convention, meeting in Chicago, nominatedDwight Eisenhower for president and Richard Nixon for vice president. In196O, the novel "ToKill a Mockingbird" by HarperLee was published byJ.B. Lippincott and Co. In1974, the HouseJudiciary Committee releasedvolumes of evidence it hadgathered inits Watergate inquiry. In1979, the abandonedU.S. space station Skylabmadea spectacular return to Earth, burning up in theatmosphere and showering debris over the Indian OceanandAustralia. In1989, actor anddirector Laurence Olivier died inSteyning, West Sussex,England,atage 82.
Ten yearsago:Japan's largest opposition party experienced strong gains in upperhouse elections, while PrimeMinister Junichiro Koizumi andhis Liberal Democratic Party-led ruling bloc held on to amajority. The International AIDSConference opened in Bangkok,Thailand, with U.N. chief Kofi Annan challenging world leaders to do more to combat theraging global epidemic. Five yearsago: During a visit to sub-SaharanAfrica, President BarackObamaaddressed Ghana's Parliament, wherehe challenged thecontinent of his ancestors to shedcorruption and conflict in favor of peace. Funeral services wereheld in Hattiesburg, Mississippi, for former NFLstar Steve McNair, who had beenshot to death in Nashville aweekearlier by Sahel Kazemi, thequarterback's mistress. Kazemithentook her ownlife. One yearago:In a potential setback for GeorgeZimmerman, the juryat the neighborhood watch captain's second-degree murder trial in Sanford, Florida, was given theoption of convicting him on thelesser charge of manslaughter in theshooting of17-year-old TrayvonMartin. (Zimmermanended upbeing acquitted of all charges.)
BIRTHDAYS Ventriloquist-actor Jay Johnson is 65. Actor BruceMcGill is 64. Singer BonniePointer is 64. Boxer LeonSpinks is 61. Wildlife expert Jeff Corwin is 47. Rapper Lil' Kim is 39. — From wire reports
Off the field, the aim would be to use the technology in self-driving cars or delivery drones. By Kathy Matheson
Here are some promising avenues in age-delaying research:
cross between a "Star Wars" Stormtrooper and the Stay
The Associated Press
Puft marshmallow man from "Ghostbusters."
robots started playing soccer, it was a challenge for them
Caloric restriction In moderation, limiting
When RoboCup began in 1997, Veloso said, most robot-
caloric intake has been shown to lower the incidence of aging-related deaths in many strains of mice and rats and in rhesus monkeys, reducing the incidence of diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular disease and brain atrophy. Because few people would be expected to adopt a diet that cut back signifi-
ics research focused on the
cantly, scientists are looking
will happen in 2050, but we are
abilities of single machines, such as NASA's Sojourner rov-
for drugs that mimic the effects of caloric restriction.
on the right path," said event
er on Mars. RoboCup seeks to
co-founder Manuela Veloso, a computer science professor at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh.
emphasizemachine collaboration, she said.
Just like humans, the robots
just to see the ball. And to stay
have to "practice" as students
upright. But the machines participat-
monitor (but do not control)
ing in this month's internation-
their actions in the lab. And, just like humans, robots can
al RoboCup tournament are making passes and scoring
get injured: THOR needed hip "surgery" last month to replace
Q~© i'
points. Their ultimate goal?
To beatthe human World Cup champions within the next 35 years.
a blown motor.
"It's hard to predict what
The team from George Ma-
son University in V irginia wants to teach its players to
A week after the World Cup title game in Rio de Janeiro,
work together in real time — a
teams from 45 countries will
crucial skill for using droids to respondto disasters or emer-
face off at RoboCup about 1,200 miles away in the Bra-
gencies. Students plan to train
zilian coastal town of Joao
their 18-inch-tall humanoids
through field demonstrations
The "players," which range from life-size humanoids to
immediately before game.
soccer balls, compete in sizebased divisions on miniature indoor fields. The tournament runs from July 19 to July 25.
Organizers say the annual competition, while certainly about teaching the fully auton-
Matt Rourke/The Associated Press
Students at the University of Pennsylvania work with one of their Robocup entries at the school in Philadelphia. The idea is to
omous robots to make quick, program robots to make quick, smart decisions while working smart decisions while work- together in a changing environment. ing together in a changing environment.
Those algorithms can trans- Lee said. late off the field into technol-
"They would all cluster to-
ogy such as self-driving cars gether," he said of the robots. or delivery drones, said Uni- "Whoever got the ball would versity of Pennsylvania engi- have a hard time figuring out neering professor Dan Lee. which way to kick the ball." RoboCup includes separate Now, it's l ike w atching 10-year-olds execute basic contestsfor service robots and search-and-rescue droids. athletic skills and strategies, Lee, who
d i r ects Penn's said Lee. The battery-powered
robotics lab in Philadelphia, has been the head "coach" of
creatures play much shorter matches — about 20 minutes,
the school's RoboCup soccer teams since 2002. Back then,
compared with 9 0
m i n utes
in the World Cup — but genthe games resembled those erally follow the same rules. played by 5-year-old children, Humans referee the games,
entering their calls into a computer that communicates with
the robots. Penn, which has won the
By Deborah Netbum
Finally she realized she had not just a new species, but a
term treatment with met-
formin starting in middle age has been shown to extend health span and life span in male mice.
Rapamycin A drug that works as an immunosuppressant to transplantation in humans. It seems particularly prom-
ising as a therapy that people could start on in later life, since it was effective on mice
that were already the equivalent of 60humanyears.
Genetic modification
with omnidirectional wheels.
Life span in roundworms
Student Lindsey Langstaff, 22, said she looks forward to
has been shown to increase dramahcally when certain
working with other teams to
genes are deleted from the worms' genetic sequence. Genetic modification in humans is considered tobe ethically problematic, but drugs are being developed that make use of information
help further research. "You want to be able to bring something to the table that
nobody's come up with yet," Langstaff said.
from genetic studies without
manipulating genes.
GDF11/parabiosis This "vampire effect" is seen when older mice are connected to younger ones
bystitchingtheir skin together and allowing their blood vessels to merge, a procedureknown as parabiosis.
Los Angeles Times
to play soccer," said team advisor Sean Luke, a computer science professor. "We want (robots) to learn how to play soccer the same way humans learn how to play soccer." Georgia Tech plans to compete using small, boxy robots
past three years in the kidAnd there's always somesize humanoid league, is one thing new to learn. Robot types of about eight U.S. universities and technologies are evolving traveling to Brazil. Students as fast as smartphones, Robare bringing a 5-foot-tall metal oCup co-chairman Alexandre humanoid named THOR (Tac- da Silva Simoes said in an tical Hazardous Operations email. Organizers make the Robot) to play in the adult-size game tougher each year by division, as well as a squad of changing parameters like field smaller plastic white robots size or number of players. known as Naos — an off-theNext year, Veloso said, the shelf model that looks like a robots might play outside.
Scientists find fossilized 2-inch-long hedgehog
The drug of choice to treat Type 2 diabetes. Long-
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newgenus on her hands. Eberle is the lead author of a paper scientists have discovered the describing the hedgehog, as f ossilized remains of a n i t - well as a tapirlike animal that sy-bitsy hedgehog just 2 inch- was also found at the site. The es long. paper was published Tuesday In an ancient lake bed in British C olumbia, C anada,
They named i t
S i l vacola in the Journal of Vertebrate
acares,which means "tiny forest dweller." The first of its
Paleontology. Unfortunately, we can get
to know this minihedgehog the smallest hedgehog known only through fossils. Silvacola to science — about the size of a acares lived 52 million years modern-day shrew. ago, during the early Eocene This little guy was so een- era, when the Earth was the sy-weensy that his back mo- warmest it has been since the lars were just 1 millimeter in time of the dinosaurs. length. His bones were so deliAt that time, this part of catethat the researcherswere British Columbia was c ovworried his fossil would break eredby an unusual rain forest apart if they tried to get it out where palm trees and spruce of the rock. trees stood side by side. The I nstead, they d ecided t o average temperature was leave the fossilized parts of the probably somewhere in the species ever found, it is also
animal's skull embedded in the
mid-50s Fahrenheit. The palm
rock and do a micro-CT scan trees suggest that it never got on it to figure out exactly what below freezing. mammal they were looking at. Eberle said the tiny hedge"I compared the scan of his hog was an omnivore that molars to hundreds of little, p robably at e i n s ects a n d tiny teeth," said Jaelyn Eberle, plants it found on the forest who studies ancient mammals floor. at the University of ColoraT he Silvacola fossil w a s do at Boulder. eBut before too discovered in the Driftwood long I realized there isn't any- Creek Beds near Smithers, thing that looks exactly like British Columbia, about 420 this guy's teeth." miles north of Vancouver.
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The Bulletin serving central onegonsince fRB
itive edge. An army of engineers uses deep data analysis
Continued from A1
and experimentation on us-
Were Netflix to stream to
viewers a "House of Cards" episode whose connection
ers to make sure at least five good recommended videos are served up each time a user
fades in and out, subscribers
opens Netflix apps.
would walk out the door. Netflix has grudgingly cut
The heart of that effort takes place in a comfy corner of Net-
flix's Mediterranean-style corand Verizon to guarantee fast- porate campus. There, proder streaming. uct innovation vice president The world of television is Chris Jaffe is sunken into a tan dominated by big, entrenched sofa in front of three huge 4K players: broadcasters such as television screens positioned ABC and CBS and cable com- exactly 10 feet away. With a panies such as Comcast that red area rug, floor lamps and run the piping of the Internet maple coffee table, the space is and hope to get even bigger. designed to look like a typical Standing in the middle is living room for watching TV. Netflix, which has begun to Jaffe is constantly testing flex its muscles in Washing- changes to its recommendaton, challenging the same ca- tion engine, menus and widble companies who control gets on the users. Successful those pipes that the company tweaks to the app are meaneeds to survive, waging a sured by how many subscribhigh-stakes bet on govern- ers keep coming back for more ment regulators to act as a ref- videos, click on recommendaeree over the fast-evolvingtech tions and finish films. and telecom industries. The challenge is to pay for deals this year with Comcast
Whether Netflix can sur-
vive will help determine how
all the new content without having to increase prices too
much. The company raised for years to come. Do they streaming subscription rates continue to pay Comcast for by $1 to $8.99 for new customa big package of channels? ers this year and didn't lose Or do they abandon the bun- many subscribers. dle and subscribe to a mix of But costs for Netflix could streaming video services such quickly skyrocket as it tries as Netflix or Amazon Prime, to secure faster service for its streamed through their Apple content from the cable comTV or Google Android TV? panies. In February, Netflix Netflix's drumbeat of com- agreed to pay an undisclosed plaints to Washington has amount to directly connect its sparked arecent federal inves- servers to Comcast's network consumers watch t elevision
tigation into how Internet sercast and Verizon charge Net-
into American homes. Netflix reached a similar deal with Verizon in April.
flix and other Web firms for more direct — and therefore
Cable and phone squabbles
vice providers such as Com-
faster — delivery of their sites
Netflix's credibility in an in-
would have too much power
be able to connect directly to
with more than 40 percent of all U.S. high-speed Internet subscriptions. "We think the right principle
the Internet networks for free,
peding, favoring or charging for data," Hastings said. The Comcast merger is troubling, he added, because "the idea that one company, if the merger goes through, will control half of U.S. residential broadband, not including DSL, isn't in the interest of the Internet,
predictedthe company's demise, Hastings began plotting the company's next big move: building original content. Its first foray would be gangster comedy "Lill yhammer" and then political drama series "House of Cards," starring Kevin Spacey. Hastings likes to say that he needs to turn Netflix into HBO
M ILTON, G a .
months before police say a high-priced prostitute calmly left a Google executive dying from a heroin overdose on his yacht,the woman panicked on the phone with a 911 dis-
patcher as her boyfriend lay on the floor of their home in the throes of a fatal overdose.
Police said Thursday they are re-examining the death of Dean Riopelle, 53, the own-
er of a popular Atlanta music venue. Riopelle had been dating Alix Tichelman, 26, who has been charged with manslaughter in the November death of Google executive
Forrest Hayes. She has not been charged in Riopelle's death.
p/Pg/ 'i~I' / II412
fic over the Internet. Netflix believes it should
i I
pointing to a long tradition of the free exchange of traffic between the m any c ompanies that deliver data over the
Web. The company has complained to the Federal Communications Commission that
new charges for the delivery of Web traffic is anticompeti-
tive and could harm consumers and small businesses that aren't able to pay tolls on the Internet.
In June, some Verizon Internet customers saw an error
Joe Kline/The Bulletin
Contract firefighters get their gear loaded end checked et the staging area west of Bend before going out to fight the Two Bulls Fire last month.
Two Bulls
In contrast, the cost on egon companies and individJune 14, when firefighting uals contributed to a reward wound down, was $218,119, fund leading to a conviction in
Continued from A1 After starting as two blazes, the Two Bulls Fire burned into one. It t h reatened to
according to the report.
The Forestry Department relies half on money collect-
the case; the reward stands at more than $43,000.
If someone is found to have spread into west Bend and ed from private landowners intentionally or n egligently prompted the Deschutes and half on state funds to started the Two Bulls Fire, WrCounty Sheriff's Office to or- pay for fighting fires such olson said the individual may der the evacuation of nearly as Two Bulls. The fire also be chargedforthe state'seffort 200 homes. burned about 325 acres of to put it out. "They could be liable for the A crew of more than 1,000 land overseen by the Defirefighters fought the blaze, schutes National Forest, so cost of the entire fire," he said. which was d eclared con-
the federal government will
tained June 14 after eight days of firefighting. Wrol-
be covering about 7 percent of the cost, Wrolson said. Once Wrolson is done going over the costs of the fire, there will be state and feder-
son provided The Bulletin
with a cost report for the firefighting. The report shows the two
WILSONSof Redmond 541-548-2066
most expensive days were likely to close the books on the second and third days Two Bulls until next spring of the fire — costs totaled
"Fire costs on big fires take a long time to tally up," said Rod Nichols, spokesman for the Forestry Department in Salem.
when there is the most air-
office announced it was hu-
craft involved. One drop of retardant from an air tanker costs the state about $15,000.
Adjustablg Beds-
or summer.
$986,277 on June 8 and $921,961 on June 9 — which he said is typical. "Usually by that second and third day, things are pretty ramped up," he said. The first days of a fire also are typically among the most expensive, Wrolson said, because they are often
Freepipeinstallation estimates
— Reporter: 541-617-7812,
al audits, with officials not
Ilk& REss
A team of i nvestigators,
G allery- B e n d
led by Oregon State Police,
HWY 20E & Dean SwiftRd. (1 block West of Costco)
541-323-3011• Ifmrkacom
continues to investigate the cause of the fire. Days after
the fire started, the sheriff's man-caused and likely arson. Deschutes County, the
sheriff's office, Central OrI
Lifes a Rreeze At the Coast.
message when trying to load
• 0
Netflix videos: "The Verizon Network i s C r owded Right
• •
g~q g ~I )
Now." Verizon responded with a
;y~ 'si!i1N
cease-and-desist demand that
Netflix take down its message to subscribers. They called the
' ,WITH ', AkRT
maneuver a "PR stunt." "As Netflix k n ows, there
before HBO becomes more are many different factors like Netflix — meaning he that can affect traffic on the wants to create a company that
The Associated Press
"Both subjects in these cas- playing a diamond "promise firmed hearing Tichelman es died of heroin overdoses so ring" given to her by Riopelle. say that. She was charged there's just several factors we Riopelle and Tichelman with battery and a r rested; want to look at to make sure had been dating for about 2 /2 Riopelle was not. that we didn't miss anything," years and lived together, said Less than two weeks later, Milton police Capt. Shawn Riopelle's sister, Dee Riopelle. a panicked Tichelman called McCarty said. I n September he a n d 911, saying her boyfriend had It is not clear how long T ichelman's lives took a overdosed on something and Tichelmanmay have been in- turn. On Sept. 6, a drunken wouldn't respond. She told a volved in prostitution, though Tichelman called police, say- dispatcher that his eyes were police in C a lifornia said ing Riopelle threw her to the open but that he was unconshe had many clients in the ground, according to a police scious, describing his breathwealthy Silicon Valley. Po- report. Riopelle told officers ing as "on and off." In the 911 lice there also said that, after that she had consumed pills tapes released Thursday, she Hayes' death, she had done on- and alcohol and had been can be heard saying, "Hello, line searches for how to mount stage-diving and exposing Dean? Dean, are you awake'?" a legaldefense after adminis- her breasts at the MasquerT ichelman tried for f i v e tering a lethal dose of heroin. ade, a club he owned. He said minutes to revive him before Numerous social media he took her home because he calling 911, according to a popostings, photos and other did not approve. lice report. She said she had articles online suggest she Riopelle also told officers been in the shower when she was pursuing a career as a that she bit him on the finger heard a crash and came out to fetish model and a life with and threatened to hit herself find Riopelle unconscious. Riopelle. One photo on her and tell police Riopelle had Riopelle died at a hospital a Facebook page shows her dis- beaten her. A neighbor con- week later.
creasingly heated lobbying dispute over fees to direct traf-
public and our society." Cable and phone compaNetflix's opponents, though, nies argue that a company say that the company needs gobbling up as much as oneto pay for the sheer amount of third of all Internet bandwidth broadband its content eats up. should bear some of the costs " Netflix's argument i s a to delivery content. House of Cards," Jennifer Regulators are divided on Khoury, Comcast's senior vice how to handle the issue, which president for communications, is separate from the review of wrote this spring, arguing that so-called net neutrality rules the company is simply trying now underway. Net neutralto make all Internet users pay ity deals with the last mile of for the cost of supporting its Internet pipe before content broadband-gobbling business. reaches consumers; Netflix's "The company should at least issue goes beyond that to other be honest about its cost-shift- stretches of Internet connecing strategy. tion earlier in the chain. For years, Netflix has navHow the government hanigated a paradoxical relation- dles these questions, experts ship with the cable industry, say, will help determine how challenging its existence yet consumersexperience media depending on it for the tech in the future. firm's survival. Some regulators note that "It's like skating on a ra- Netflix has led a charge to zorblade,"describes a former online v ideo t h a t b e nefits Netflix executive who said the consumers. "Services like Netflix not friend-and-foe r e lationship with cable companies has long o nly make u s w a n t m o r e been the source of great con- broadband, they make our cern for Hastings. broadband connections more personal — by giving us the Historyof reinvention power to watch what we want, Hastings, 53, co-founded the when we want it, where we company 17 years ago and has want it," said FCC Commistransformed it at least three sioner Jessica Rosenworcel. times to fit with changing In the absence of rulemaktechnology. ing by the government, Netflix Hastings, wh o ne a r ly has triedto educate users on named the company dvdby- how their broadband service, began Netflix as a works by holding the compamail-order DVD business that nies accountable on speeds quickly built a loyal customer and performance — so that following. After Hastings saw if and when a video doesn't DSL Internet begin to take off, stream smoothly, customers Netflix began streaming vid- are more likely to blame their eos in 2007. Internet service provider. In 2010, as some analysts
By Kethleen Foody end Terry Collins
These deals may have hurt
to users. Netflixhas also urged regulators to reject Comcast's proposed $45billion merger with Time Warner Cable, saying the combined company
is that they shouldn't be im-
Suspectin Googleexec'sdeath now looked at in second overdose
Internet," wrote Randal Milch,
has the same level of quality Verizon's head of public poland variety as the famed net- icy, in a cease-and-desist letwork but isn't tied to the cable ter to Netflix. He said such bundle. factors include "choices by Today, Netflix has 1,300 em- Netflix in how to connect to ployees, with a staff of more its customers and deliver conthan 300 in Beverly Hills cre- tent to them, interconnection ating original shows and form- between multiple networks, ing exclusive licensing deals. and consumer in-home issues Netflix sees this kind of such as in-home wiring, Wioriginal content — and its Fi, and device settings and technology — as its compet- capabilities."
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P.O. boxes
11acking spacejunk
Continued from A1 "It felt very much l ik e a
punch to the gut," said Dr. Hannah Gay, a pediatric HIV specialist at the University of
Mississippi Medical Center in Jackson who had treated the girl. "It was extremely disappointing, both from the sci-
< Yl'wW' Q > ~ ; ~
Lockheed Martin Corp. is developing a system that will revamp the way the Air Force identifies and tracks dangerous space debris. Millions of pieces of man-made junk, including disabled satellites, rocket parts and debris from collisions, orbit close to Earth. Debris often travels at17,500 mph. At that speed, even a small piece can damage a satellite if there is a collision. • Current SSN network
Continued from A1 According to financial filings by the Postal Service, post office boxes generated $889 million in fees in 2013, up from $836 million in 2012 and $808 mil-
• Future "Space Fence" sites
lion in 2011. Prices vary
per box, which can range in size from 3 inches by 5.5
e ntific standpoint t hat w e
inches to 22.5 inches by 12
had been very hopeful that this would lead to bigger and
better things, but mainly for
David Rubin, an attorney for th e U .S. Postal
the sake of the child who now is back on medicine and
Service, did not respond directly to a c all f r om
expected to stay on medicine
The Bulletin. He told the t.
for a very long time," Gay told reporters during a news
National Journal that the 20 percent price increase
would mean a small box
The case of the Mississippi
would cost $64 for six months, up from the $53 it now costs. The biggest box will increase from $440 for
Baby had made international
headlines. Born prematurely to a m other infected with H I V ,
six months to about $528. In the Federal Register
the infant was given a cocktail of t h r e e a n tiretroviral drugs 30 hours after birth.
notice, the Postal Service
The baby remained on ant iretroviral drugs fo r 1 8
include several "enhancem ents" forpost office box customers, including: elec-
m onths, a f te r
noted the new prices will
w h ich t h e
baby's mother stopped taking her to see doctors and stopped administering the drugs.
F ive months a f ter t h a t , doctors re-examined the
t ronic notification of t h e
Current system
New system
receipt of mail, use of an
NASA and Air Force Space Surveillance Network radar can track debris only about the size of a basketball.
The "Space Fence" project would use a network of S-band radar to detect objects down to the size of a softball, with much
format, signature on file for delivery of certain ac-
alternate street a d dress
greater accuracy.
countable mail, and addi-
child and found that even though antiretroviral t reatment had b een d i scontin-
ued, her blood showed no detectable levels of HIV and no
H I V - specific a n t i b od-
ies. Details of her case were published in October in the New England Journal of Medicine. The child remained free of drugs and of detectable HIV
for two years. During a routine screening t hi s
m o n th , h o w ever,
doctors detected the virus in her blood, as well as a drop in her immune cells. After
sequencing the virus, doctors determined it was identical to the one that had infect-
ed her mother — a finding that confirmed that the baby indeed had HIV at birth.
"There was some doubt
as to whether the baby was infected," said Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and In-
fectious Diseases, in Bethesda, Maryland. "The baby clearly was infected."
The case has raised many questions about scientists' understanding o f
t h e v i-
rus and may raise potential ethical issues regarding an upcoming clinical trial. The study is intended to determine whether children born to
source: NASA, Lockheed Martin corp.
mail in some locations.
the danger it poses. Air Force officials say Continued from A1 the new surveillance sysThe system will enable the tem from Lockheed,dubbed U.S. government to detect "Space Fence," is a step in
from orbit with nicks cut into
and track objects as they
showed that the amount of space junk is at a "tipping
William W elser, research-
ers at Santa Monica-based
in a quiescent state that can
come back at any time," said Dr. Deborah Persaud, a professor ofinfectious diseases
17,500 mph. At that speed,
even a small piece of junk is a menace to the International Space Station and satellites that are fundamental to
child has been off treatment really needs to be remembered here — 27 months of retroviral t r e atment," s aid Persaud, who also w orked
1,100 are functioning space-
I I• '
SUNDOGYOGA Spesiwlizisgi» %rh~whiegjow
dropped to 74 bilhon, and the Postal Service projects
a further 50 percent decline in volume by 2020. — Reporter: 202-662-7456,
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Ii f p
ication if the virus couldn't be detected.
proceed with a planned clin-
pieces of first-class mail. By 2011, that number had
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In 2002, the Postal Ser-
vice handled 102 billion
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whether it's now ethical to
Nicole Williams BA CYT
possibility that children born
eral Patrick Donahoe said the Postal Service would cease Saturday delivery, saving $2 billion a year, but that plan was also scrapped.
the first step."
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155 southwest centurv Dr., ste.103
year, U.S. Postmaster Gen-
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was started," Gay said. The case had raised the
In light of this new development in the Mississippi case, some have questioned
A big concern is that the
Specializing in HolisticHealthcare
able public outcry and political resistance. Last
600 miles above Earth's surface. This is where Earth imagery spacecraft — like those used in services such as Google Earth — have created a high-traffic area of orbit. "We need to understand what's going on in t hose areas and assess the risk," Welser said. "That's why programs like the Space Fence are so important. It's
debris will continue smash-
Ayurvedic Living Health Center specializes in Women's Health such asPMS,menopause, digestive issues, headaches, depressiona weightlossissues 810 OFF FORNEW CLIENTS Ayurveda is the Traditional Medicine of India <K~ ajren B~ rannon
that plan after consider-
crowded than others, they
are many millions of pieces ing into one another and of debris so small that they eventually set off a domino
in other perinatal i nfected infants."
to infected mothers could be treated aggressively with drugs shortly after birth and taken off antiretroviral med-
outer space is a big place and some regions are more
craft. NASA estimates there
almost 3,700 underused rural post offices for possible closure, including 41 in Oregon. Ultimately, it reduced the number of proposed closures in Oregon to 20 but suspended
important to remember that
traffic among particles about
for perinatal infection can achieve longer r emission
sponse to the therapy that
time adding more than 3,000
aloged more than 23,000 satellite, creating an addiitems that are bigger than a tional 2,000 scraps of space
t r e a tment s t r a tegy
The girl was immediately given antiretroviral drugs after the virus was detected, dropping levels of the virus in her blood and increasing immune cell counts. "The child is having excellent re-
the last six years. But it is
say. Consider the rush-hour
on the girl's case. "So there's really still hope that a very early
weather satellite and destroyed it — at the same
by the minefield of orbiting can't be tracked. effect that results in a "coldebris. D anger warnings a r e lision cascade." That sort of The global community has everywhere. A s t r onauts incident was depicted in the discussed cleanup measures have had to take refuge in Oscar-winning motion picin the past. But before a solu- the escape capsules aboard ture "Gravity." "I don't want to say that tion is proposed, experts the space station for fear need to understand what of threatening debris. The a Hollywood movie is a reexactly is orbiting Earth and space shuttle often returned flection of reality," Whalley
save costs. In 2011, it announced plans t o s t udy
R AND C o rp . w h o ha v e written on space debris for
pieces of debris. In 2009, a defunct Russian satellite col-
basketball, but just a scant
through space."
lided with and destroyed a c a t - functioning U.S. commercial
R esearchers h a v e
so it isn't swiftly obliterated
jor service changes to
ing to Dave Baiocchi and
blasted a missile at an old
This will significantly increase our capability."
to implement several ma-
field looks like as it moves It is a real threat, accord-
That same year, China
down to the size of a softball.
the economy, military and our modern way of life. Currently, every launch — whether it's of astronauts, spy satellites or digital television satellites — needs to be carefully synchronized
at Johns Hopkins Children's Center in Baltimore. "But the duration that this
A 2007 study f ro m t h e National Research Council
"Previously, the Air Force could only track and identify items the size of a basketball," said Dana Whalley, the government's program manager. "With the new system, we'll be able to identify items
In recent years, the Postal Service has tried
said. "But they did do a good job of showing what a debris
it by passing paint flecks or other fragments.
that direction.
circle the globe, particularly the most congested areas of space. The clouds of debris hurtle through the cosmos at up to
H I V - i nfected m o t h ers
can safely discontinue drug treatment if they show no signs of infection. "There can still be persistent virus that can linger
tional hours of access and/ or earlier availability of
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ical trial.
Fauci, one of the physicians involved in the study,
said that aspects of it would be re-examined, but that it
would proceed. " I think w h a t w o ul d b e
questionable is if people on their own, without a clinical
study, decided they were going to all of a sudden empirically stop therapy just to see if things were OK with the baby," Fauci said. "That's a different story than doing it
under a very carefully controlled and monitored clinical triaL"
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Ri s appearamongUkraine'sseparatists Officers dispute
By Yuras Karmanau
The Associated Press
DONETSK, U k r a ine
Deep strains emerged Thursday in the ranks of Ukraine's pro-Moscow insurgents as dozens turned in their weapons in disgust at Russian in-
Is 5 sl lls
GOP assertions on Benghaziorder
action and bickering broke out
between rebel factions.
By Bradley Klapper and Donna Cassata
In the p ast t w o w e eks, Ukrainian government troops
The Associated Press
have halved the amount of territory held by the rebels and have grown better equipped and more confident by the day. Once fearful of losing
down order" held back mil- lif., chairman of the Overitary assets that could have sight panel, has suggested saved the U.S. ambassador Hillary Clinton gave the and three other Americans order, though as secretary killed at a diplomatic outpost of state at the time, she was
Dmitry Lovetsky 1 The Associated Press
A shell with "To Kiev" written on it is seen among ammunition found Thursday outside the eastern Ukrainian city of Slovyansk. In another sign of deteriorating morale among rebels, several dozen militia fighters in Donetsk abandoned their weapons and fatigues Thursday, telling their superiors they
netsk, the pro-Russia militias
appear to be focusing their were returning home. efforts now on hit-and-run operations, bombing transportation links andbracing for to that. arming and supporting the "There cannot be a single rebels, more assaults from governcharges ithasdenied. mentforces. leader giving orders," he deIn another sign of deterioSigns of a rift w i thin the clared. "Because if Strelkov rating morale among the rebrebellion became evident suddenly decides what he els, several dozen militia fightThursday when the head of wants is — i n t h e i nterests ers garrisoned in a university the influential Vostok battal- of protecting the lives of Do- dorm in Donetsk abandoned ion announced he would not netsk citizens and the lives of their weapons and fatigues in submit to the authority of the militiamen — to abandon Do- their rooms Thursday. " Russia a b andoned u s . military leader of the separat- netsk, then we will not follow ist Donetsk People's Republic, his orders." The leadership is bickering. Igor Girkin. Khodakovsky was speak- They promise us money but Girkin, a R u ssian better ing in Makiivka, a town just don't pay it. What's the point known by his assumed name outside Donetsk, where his of fighting7" said 29-year old Strelkov, has attained hero men relocated after a reported Oleg, a former miner. status among supporters of falling-out with Strelkov. Oleg, who declined to give the insurgency. Ukrainian The ill will also appears to his surname for fear of being authorities h av e i d e ntified stem from a feeling among the punished for desertion, said him as a former Russian mil- rebels that Russia has done he had served in the militia itary intelligence agent active too little to help them. for a month and planned to go "Strelkov is a military offi- home to Makiivka. in taking over Crimea before Russia annexed it in March. cer of nonlocal domicile, while Strelkov has admitted subYet he has also been criti- we are locals and will not, stantial difficulties enlisting cized by some for leading the therefore, allow the people of the support of the locals in rebel withdrawal last week- Donetsk to r emain w i thout eastern Ukraine. end from the eastern city of Slovyansk, 70 miles north of
Reform committees were
T h e made public for the first time testimony of nine military Wednesday. The Associated officers undermines con- Press had reviewed the matentions b y Re p ublican terial ahead of its release. lawmakers that a " s tandRep. Darrell Issa, R-Ca-
Russia, they have shifted their strategy to containing the insurgents, whose pleas to join Russia have been ignored by eastern industrial city of Do-
Oversight and Government
further pieces of Ukraine to
President Vladimir Putin. Pushed back into Ukraine's
House Armed Services and
our support and protection,"
Khodakovsky said. Donetsk, reportedly to protect Strelkov could go back to civilian lives. Russia whenever he wanted, Vostok commander Alex- he noted. ander Khodakovsky alluded Ukraine says Moscow is
"In truth, the number of
volunteers for th e several million-strong population of Donbass, for a mining region where people are used to dangerous and difficult work, has
and CIA annex in Benghazi,
not in the military chain of
Libya. The "stand-down" theory centerson a Special Oper-
ations team of four — a de- which killed Ambassador tachment leader, a medic, a Chris Stevens and another communications expert and American, prompted immea weapons operator with his diate action both in Bengfoot in a cast — who were hazi and in Tripoli. Though stopped from flying from not under any known fur-
been somewhat low," he told a rebel-run TV station this week. "It is very difficult to protect this territory with the
Tripoli to Benghazi after the
ther threat, the U.S. Em-
attacks of Sept. 11-12, 2012, bassy in Tripoli, the Libyan had ended. Instead, they capital, was evacuated early were instructed to help pro- in the morning of Sept. 12, tectand care forthose being its sensitive information and evacuated from Benghazi computer hard drives deand from the U.S. Embassy stroyed. Diplomats and milin Tripoli. itary officials left in armored The senior military officer vehicles for a classified U.S. who issued the instruction site several miles away. to "remain in place" and the Upon arrival there, the head detachment leader who re- of a small detachment enceived it said it was the right trusted with training Libyan decision and has been wide- special forces told his higher-ups he wanted to take l y m i scharacterized. T h e order was to remain in Trip- h is four-member team t o oli and protect some three Benghazi. dozen embassy personnel Military officials differ on rather than fly to Benghazi when that telephone conversome 600 miles away after sation took place, but they all Americans there would agree that no help could have been evacuated. And have arrived in Benghazi the medic is credited with in time. They put the call saving the life of an evacuee somewhere between 5:05
forcesatourdisposal." At a news conference, the prime minister of the Donetsk
People's Republic dismissed talk of infighting. "These are lies and disinformation. There are no disagreements. We are now organizing our joint w ork," A l exander
Boroday said. He said 70,000 Donetsk res-
idents have been evacuated from the city and more will follow. He did not elaborate.
While rebels hold Donetsk, the city's international airport, which has been closed since
early May, remains in government hands. Militia forces mounted an artillery assault
on the terminal Thursday. "Our aim was not to capture the airport. The enemy
sustained serious casualties," Strelkov said.
from the attacks.
Transcripts of hours of
His claim could not be inde-
closed-door interviews with
pendently verified.
the military leaders by the
The initial Sept. 11 assault on the diplomatic post,
a.m. and 6:30 a.m. local time. The second, 11-minute battle at the CIA facility ended at about 5:25 a.m.
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News of Record, B2 Obituaries, B5 Weather, B6
ane mem erssou
Bend Police lieutenanthonored Bend Police Lt. Ken Mannix was recognized Tuesday asthe 2014 Outstanding TaskForce Commander by theOregon Narcotics Enforcement Association and the High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area. All drug task force team leaders in the state were eligible for the award. Mannix was selected because of his leadership, innovation and ability to build and foster relationships with task force partners while managing a large number of drug investigations, according to a Bend Police Department news release. The Central Oregon Drug Enforcement team includes members from federal, state and local law enforcement agencies.
• Committees will help shape the city's growth; deadline is today
Planner Brian Rankin said
By Hillary Borrud
the urban growth boundary plan, and the state rejected
a city spokesman. "Obviously the UGB's a big deal," Finestone said Wednesday. "And we thought we'd get
interest in the past 24 hours,
The Bulletin
more response, but we haven't
committees and officials at other local governments about the openings. The city had received about 20 applications,
The city of Bend announced a previous version from the this week that anyone — not city in 2010. Planners are now just city residents — can apply working on the update, and to serve on three committees the City Council voted in May tasked with planning for city to hire consultants to help growth. complete the work at a cost of The city is looking for $1.1 million. dozens of people to craft an Bend officials expected update of the plan for how more people to apply for poand where the city will grow. sitions on the committees, The document is known as according to Justin Finestone,
received as many applications as we thought."
The deadline to apply is 5 p.m. today. "Obviously if you live in the county, you could be affected as well," Finestone sard. City of Bend Principal
Thursday he received more after the city announced that anyone can apply and Rankin emailed members of other city
alleges excessive force
and Rankin estimated that another 20 people emailed
By Scott Hammers
him to inquire about the committees in the past day.
A Bend woman is suing three Bend Police officers and the city, alleging the of-
See UGB/B2
The Bulletin
ficersused excessive force
while arrestingher without cause at a downtownbar last winter.
u nc in' o
e m u s ic
Kathryn Dailey filed her suit against the city and officers Mike Hatoor, Rob
Pennock and David Poole in United States District Court in Eugene in late
June. Dailey is seeking a minimum of $260,000 in damagesto covermedical expenses, lost time at work, and "pain, humiliation, stress, anxiety and severe
Sisters path moves forward The Sisters Ranger District of the Deschutes National Forest is closing in on a final plan for a paved path linking Sisters and BlackButte Ranch. In recent weeks, the district finalized an environmental review and issued a draft plan for the 7.6-mile path. The path would be open to walkers, runners and cyclists but closed to horses, according to a news release from Deschutes National Forest. To see the plan goto The plan is subject to potential objection by people who commented earlier in the planning process until Aug. 18.
emotional distress," accord-
ing to her filing. According to the lawsuit, on Dec. 13 of last year,
Daileywas passing Velvet Lounge on NW Wall Street when she saw a friend, Mark Wirges. A short time
later, Wirges got into an altercation with another customer, Sheldon Prescher.
Daileyintervened, isolating Wirges in the bathroom
at theback of the lounge, while other customers isolated Prescher on the street.
Four Bend Police officers
arrived at Velvet: Hatoor
and Pennock, along with officer James Kinsella and Sgt. Tom Pine.According to the lawsuit, the officers
knocked on the door of the bathroom, and when Dailey opened the door, Pine and
Cline Falls Highwaywork The Deschutes County Road Department will begin chip-seal work on Cline Falls Highway on Monday, continuing through July 23. Crews will apply the seal from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday starting at the junction of Cline Falls Highwayand state Highway126 and ending in Tumalo. A pilot car will guide traffic during the roadwork. Travelers should expect delays.
Ryan Brennecke l The Bulletin
Munch 8Nusic The annual concert series continues throughout the summer at DrakePark. Here's the performance schedule: July 17:TooSlim & The Taildraggers July 24:Nahko andMedicine For ThePeople July 31:Cash'd Out Aug. 7:Shook Twins Aug. 14:Cooper 8 The Jam
Will West% The Friendly Strangers perform for a large crowd during the first Munch 8 Music concert series of the season Thursday evening in Drake Park. The concert series is scheduled every Thursday through Aug. 14 in Drake Park, With TOO Slim 8r The TaildraggerS PerfOrming nezt Week. FOr
Kinsella grabbed Wirges, while Hatoor grabbed Dailey by the collar, throwing her to the floor and causing her to strike her head onthe concretefloor.When she
rose, Hatoor punched her in the face, the suit alleges, causing two skull fractures
around her eye socket. Hatoor put Dailey in
handcuffs, the suit alleges, and carriedher to a patrol car with help from Poole.
more information on the series, visit
The officers dropped her in the street, forced her into the car while striking her head against the door jamb, then pulled her through the other side of the car and
onto the street again. See Suit/B5
Redmondwoman injured in crash A Redmond woman received injuries that were not life-threatening in a crash that shut down state Highway126 for an hour early Thursday, the Deschutes County Sheriff's Office sald.
Rachael Allmand-Abarca, 27, was driving west on the highway near Helmholtz Way at about 4 a.m. when she lost control of her SUV, according to a news release from the sheriff's office. The car struck a metal power pole before rolling and coming to rest upside down in the middle of the high-
way. Allmand-Abarca was trapped in the vehicle and had to be extricated by Redmond Fire Department personnel. She was taken to St. Charles Redmond. Allmand-Abarca may have lost control of her vehicle after attempting to reach for her phone, the release said. Alcohol and distracted driving appear to befactors, and the investigation into the crash is ongoing. — Bulletin staff reports
Packedhouseon handfor La Pine's
PAUL RISSER• 1939 — 2014
final urban renewal district hearing Risser ledthe push By Megan Kehoe The Bulletin
La Pine officials held a final public hearing Wednesday evening to discuss the city's proposed urban renewal district, and the house was
packed. "We saw a lot of new peo-
Vote onurdan renewaldistrict La Pine City Council special meeting 6 p.m. July 23 16345 Sixth St.
ple that have never been to
hearings before," said La Pine Mayor Ken Mulenex. "I would say there was about
La Pine realizes that we need to increase our civic pride, but what we're talking about is
double the number of people the taxpayers' trust." than at previous hearings. We The way the district would were very pleased with the work, some tax money that turnout." would normally go toward the Mulenex said most of the fire district would instead go 50 orso people in attendance toward urban renewal projsupported the proposal for ects. The fire district would the district, which would pull see about $1 million less over $7 million from projected the course of 25 years. Muincreases in property tax rev- lenex said if the City Council enues and funnel the money approves the proposal at into projects aimed at vitalizits meeting July 23, the fire ing downtown La Pine. Other district wouldn't see changes attendees, he said, had con-
in its budget until 2016. If the
cerns about the proposaL plan is approved, Mulenex "It concerns us greatly," said said, the amount of money Mike Supkis, fire chief of the drawn from the fire departLa Pine Rural Fire Protection ment would start out small District. "Those dollars were and grow incrementally each intended by taxpayers for pub- year based on property tax. "We live and die on increlic safety. I think everybody in
ments," said Supkis. "We try to get everywhere a minute
for OSU-Cascades
quicker. Seconds do count for us, and we're scraping and scrapping every day to do
The Associated Press
er, who served as Oregon
"We'reproud ofourfire department and everybody recognizes that they put a great deal of work into keeping us
CORVALLIS — Paul RissState University's 13th president from 1996 to 2002, has
died at age 74, said. Risser died Thursday
helped the fire department to get where they are with their
partment debt and watched
Okla h oma.
as the OSU football team reached the 2001 Tostitos
support the community and what we want to do."
the successful effort to establish the OSU-Cascades
Of the $7 million allocated for urban renewal, $2.4 million would go toward helping people start a business and to
Campus in Bend, current
Risser led
of the Oklahoma state system of higher education. An ecologist and researcher, Risser wrote or edited six books and published
"President Risser led Oregon State during a time of challenge and transition,"
Ray said. Risser also helped re-energize the intercollegiate ath-
also be able to offer loans to
enrollment, Ray said. On the athletics front,
See La Pine/B2
Dame 41-9, the school said. Risser left the Corvallis
school in 2003 to return to
letics program and increase
them spruce up and improve their storefronts.
Fiesta Bowl, defeating Notre
OSU President Ed Ray said in a statement on the school's
reation sites. The city would downtown businesses to help
— Ed Ray,
current OSU president
in Norman,
financing, and now we feel it's time for the fire department to
to expand their businesses. About $1.8 million would go toward remodeling a medical and emergency services building and developing new rec-
and transition."
the university
safe," said Mulenex. "But it's been talked about that we've
business owners who want
"President Risser led Oregon State during a time of challenge
Risser supported more competitive teams, improved facilities, reduced athletic de-
his home state as chancellor
more than 100 chapters and
scientific papers in academic journals, according to his obituary. He is survived by his wife, Les; two brothers; four sons; two stepdaughters and 14
Reno's tec am e is a in o By Dionne Searcey New York Times News Service
RENO, Nev. — A street newly nicknamed Startup Row in-
tersects this city's old strip of
casinos touting Money Maker
Jackpots and Crazy Cash Slot
• Qg
Tournaments. While o l d-fashioned slot
machines are whirring nearby, this stretch of road has be-
• pggl <y
come a home for smartphone
app makers, cloud computing developers and companies like one that set up shop here
recently to build tiny sensors that allow devices to connect to the Internet.
For most of America, Reno stirs images of worn-out casinos, strip clubs and quick divorces. But it is trying to change that reputation and re-
duce its reliance on gambling by taking advantage of its location and low taxes to gain a solid footing in the new econo-
Photos by David Calvert/The New York Times
A street newly nicknamed Startup Row intersects the city's old strip of casinos in downtown Reno,
my. Instead of poker payouts, which is looking to shed its image as a fading casino town in favor of one as a high-tech hub of e-comReno now boasts of e-com- merce ventures, an Apple data center and a testing ground for drones. merceventures,an Appledata P center and a testing ground for drones. It also hopes to at- bling industry and its housing tract a large factory to build and job markets. At the end of batteries for Tesla's electric the recession in 2009, homes vehicles. had lost nearly half the value "People believe in this town, they had in the beginning of and they're tired of being pre- 2006, and median prices consented as this joke," said Abbi tinued to fall. At its depths in Whitaker, a local business September 2010, Reno's unemowner who helped create a ployment rate was 13.4 percent marketing campaign to re- compared with the national shape Reno's image. "When average of 9.5 percent, accordyou're at rock bottom, there's ing to Moody's Analytics. a good chance to reinvent how But now, after several years you go up." scraping along the bottom in Reno exemplifies how cit- almost every measure of ecoies not far f rom California, nomic health, Reno appears including Boise, Idaho, and poised to turn the corner, ac- A new boutique hotel features a 164-foot climbing wall in downTucson, Arizona, are trying to cording to economists who town Reno. poach California's technology study the region. Housing culture to help diversify their prices are slowly starting to economies, marketing them- rise. The unemployment rate back," said Mike Kazmierski, and beyond, and urban garselves as places where taxes has declined to 7.1 percent. president of the Economic De- deners raise chickens in their are lower and environmental New technology companies velopment Authority of west- backyards. A new downtown regulationsare less onerous. are arriving, and older ones ern Nevada. "It's not going boutique hotel has no casino. They hope that when the next are expanding, including Zu- to. So what are our strengths, Instead, its main feature is its recession strikes, they will lily, an e-commerce compa- and how do we capitalize on 164-foot climbing wall. not sink to the same depths as ny for women and children's them'?" The Reno Collective, along they did in the last one. clothing and home decor, Three years ago, Reno and Startup Row, offers a shared Reno is among the best sit- which announced plans in the neighboring town Sparks work space to foster entrepreuated, less than a four-hour May to double its warehouse averaged four tours a month neurialism. On a recent day, drive from San Francisco and and hire 600 people. for prospective companies. the office was filled by young in a state with no corporate In Reno, where many work- Kazmierski said that had in- people tapping on laptops, or inventory taxes. It gained ers traditionally have been creased to 10, with scouts from some sitting on exercise balls appeal as an outpost of Sil- employed in some aspect of 14 companies visiting in May. and one with a dog curled "The most challenging ob- around her feet. icon Valley nearly a decade the gambling industry, the ago after a Microsoft licensing workforce is less educated stacle to get over is our image," In the same building, Eric unit and an Amazon distri- than in more populous cities, he said. "That image of a sec- Jennings set up his compabution warehouse moved in. economists said. Tesla, for in- ond-tier kind of (Las) Vegas is ny, Pinoccio, two years ago, California refugees were buy- stance, might have to recruit embedded in their heads." making tiny radio sensors for ing homes, lured by the rela- from elsewhere to find enough V isiting e x e cutives a r e enabling Internet connectivity. "There's such a low barrier tively low cost of living and trained workers for its battery surprised to learn that the the 30-minute drive to Lake plant, should it decide to build Truckee River cuts through to entry here," Jennings said. Tahoe. here. downtown, where a r estau- "If you're passionate about "We're not going to wait for rant scene is emerging. Bike something, you can just take Then came the Great Recession, walloping Reno's gam- the gaming industry to come paths wind through the city it on."
NorthWest Crossing 2629 NW CUTU eelug Dr. • End unit townhome • Faces Compass Park • Three master suites
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19571 Bluelake Lp.
UGB Continued from B1 The Urban Growth Bound-
ary Steering Committee, which includes the entire Bend City
C ouncil, some
members of the Bend Planning Commission and Deschutes County Commission-
er Tammy Baney, will select people to serve on the three committees. The City Coun-
"It's very exciting work. It's meaningful work ... I feel like ... we're finally moving quickly on a project people are really concerned about." — City of Bend Principal Planner Brian Rankin
cil will then approve the committee rosters. The three technical adviso-
phase is adoption by the city
ry committees will each have of the urban growth boundapproximately 15 to 18 mem- ary plan, which officials hope bers, Rankin said. One com- to complete by spring 2016. mittee will focus on the city's Part of the process this residential land-use needs, time could help Bend avoid a another will l ook i nto the repeat of the 2010 rejection of need for employment landthe previous proposal by state such as commercial and in- land-use officials. Rankin dustrial zones — and a third said state officials were not panel will work on the meth- involved in drafting the preodology the city will eventu- vious version of the plan. ally use to determine where This time, employees of the and by how much to expand Oregon Department of Land the urban growth boundary. Conservation and DevelopThe first phase of the pro- ment will participate in meetcess, during which the com- ings on the urban growth mittees are supposed to iden- plan "so we get their feedback tify at least rough estimates there in real time, instead of of the city's land-use needs, at the end of the process. So is supposed to wrap up by you're havingtheregulatoras February. During the second part of the process." Applications will be acphase, the committees will examine the costs and other cepted until 5 p.m. today. For impacts of different patterns applications or q uestions, of infill — development and call the city at 541-388-5505, redevelopment inside exist- drop by City Hall at 710 NW ing city boundaries — and Wall St. or visit the website the future of the city's sys- at ww w tem of s t reets, sidewalks committees. "It's very exciting work," and o t her t r a nsportation infrastructure. Rankin said. "It's meaningThe committees will also ful work ... I feel like ...we're work on plans for the city's finally moving quickly on a water and sewer systems. project people are really conThe goal is for the second cerned about." phase to last approximate— Reporter 541-617-7829, ly eight months. The third
• In the Woods at BrokenTop • Bright interior, largewindows • 2 of S bedrooms ensuite •Deckfacesmounhinview • Riced at SS49,DDD
1VEws OF REcoRD POLICE LOG The Bulletin will update items inthe Police Logwhen such arequest is received. Anynewinformation, such as thedismissal Dfcharges Dr acquittal, must beverifiable. For more information, call 541-633-2117.
BEND POLICE DEPARTMENT Theft — A theft was reported at12:59 a.m. July 3, in the611OOblock Df U.S. Highway 97. Thelt — A theft was reported andan arrest madeat4:55 p.m. July 7, inthe 63400 block of N.U.S.Hlghway97. Criminal mischief — AR act of criminal mischief was reported at 9:16 a.m. July 8, In the2300 block of NW Lolo Drive. Thelt — A theft was reported at 9:37 a.m. July 8, in the6170Oblock of Broken TDp Drive. Thelt — A theft was reported at4:58 p.m. July 8, Inthe 700 block DfSW Columbia Street. Criminal mischief — Anact Df criminal mischief was reported at7:42a.m. July 9, in the1970Oblock DfSWAspen Meadows Drive. Thelt — A theft was reported at3:36
p.m. July 9, in the50Oblock of NE15th Street. Theft — A theft was reported at2:23 p.m. July 8, in the2030Oblock of Sonata Way. Criminal mischief — Anact of criminal mischief was reported at3:27 p.m. July 8, IR the1400 block of NWSeventh Street.
OIRECTIR OS: FromSWCentury Dr.southbound, right onMt. Washington Dr.,left on Metolius Dr.,left on Devil's LakeDr., rlght on SlueLakeLp.
3159 NW Craftsman Dr. IS
• Large landscaped lot • Master on main level • Wxurious finishes • Den plus loft/bonus rm. • Riced at SSSD,DDD
DIRECTI ONS:From Business97,weston Mt. WeshinglonDr.,left on NWSummit Dr., rlght on NW Craftsman Dr.
Criminal mischief — Anact of criminal mischief was reported at3:37 p.m. July 9, in the area of NE Third Street. Criminal mischief — Anact Dfcriminal mischief was reported at1:10a.m. July 9, in the areaDfNESixth Street. Unauthorized Dse— Avehicle was reported stolen at9:02 p.m.July 9, in the area DfNWHarwcod Street. Criminal mlschlef — ARact of criminal mischief was reported at 9:53 p.m. July 9, In thearea of NERldgeview Court.
62936FUueoaSt, • Fen I enby courlyard • Premium finishes • Open greatroom • Masler on main level • Riced at $399,9DD DIREC'RR OS: North on O.S. Riley Rd.,
left on SronzeSt., left on FrescaSt.
61263 Norulug Tlde Pl. • Granite rile counters • Slainless appliances • Immaculatelandscaping • Neighborhood pool S park • Riced at SS25,DDD
BEMD FIRE RUNS Wednesday 8:07R.m.— Unauthorized burning, 65365 TweedRoad. 19 — Medical aid calls.
DIRECTI DRS:Soum on Srostemous Rd., dghton Sun Meadow Way,righton Moming TidePl.
19492 CenturyDr. • Sbiking architecture • 11.5-ft great room ceiling • Masler on mailnevel • Frontageroadnewly paved • Riced at SSS7,9DD
La Pine
people who attended the public hearing Wednesday were in Continued from B1 support of La Pine's proposal. "I think it's one of the greatMulenex said fire department officials had been invited est opportunities that La Pine to attend planning meetings will ever see," said Mulenex. for the urban renewal district "With this plan, we can redo but did not participate. He said storefronts We can make interthose officials have not voiced
said Mulenex, and he said most
CenturyDr., continuetowardMt. Bachelor, watch for frontagemadon right pest CampbelWay. l
est-free loans. We can improve
their concerns until somewhat the whole look of the city. I'm recently. Supkis said the de- convinced that by doing this, the partmenthas been aware ofthe small businesses in town will proposal for about a year. reap the rewards. I think everyMost cities in Central Oregon body will reap the rewards. have an urban renewal district,
DIRKWORS: FromSend Parkway,exit ColoradoAve.westbound, left onSW
— Reporter; 541-383-0354,
The Garner Group Real Estat
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• . rans o a ions aema ema cos re on By Jonathan J. Cooper
would provide enough money Federal gas tax revenues only to last until about next alone would cover about 70 May. percent of the federal money The U.S. Department of Oregon is used to getting, said Transportation has warned Travis Brouwer, assistant di-
The Associated Press
SALEM — A stalemate in Congress over transportation
funding threatens to delay highway projects slated to begin next year, Oregon Department of Transportation officials said this week.
states that it w il l b egin rat ioning t r a nsportation a i d
rector of ODOT.
Congress is divided over in August unless Congress whether to boost transportaboosts transportation fund- tion spending with general ing. For years, revenue from revenue, and if so, how to pay gasoline taxes that have tra- for it. ditionally fueled the Highway The bills approved ThursTrust Fund has been falling day would ensure sufficient short of covering transporta- funding for current projects tion spending. The federal gas and avoid the need for the tax was last raised in 1993, state to essentially lend monand new fuel-efficient vehicles ey to the federal government, use less fuel. Brouwer said. They would
ODOT warned that the state
may need to spend as much as $110 million to cover the federal share of highway work now underway, although the money would eventually be repaid.U.S. House and Senate
committees took steps Thursday to avoid that, but the move
not, however, provide enough money to allow the state to
seek bids for work slated to begin next year. "It's a short-term solution that doesn't really solve the
long-term problem, which is that there is no certainty
charges against the owners of a Medfordmedical marijuana dispensary have been dismissed as part of a plea dealtowrap up a casethatbegan with a high-profile raid in May2013. Dozens of racketeering and money-laundering charges against Lori and L eland Duckworth were dismissed Wednesday, and each was found guilty of one count of delivery of marijuana, the MailTribune reported.
Senate measures would ex-
debt service on previous proj-
tend transportation funding
ects, so the federal dollars are
compromise was brokered through the election, but they by U.S. Sen. Ron Wyden, an differ in what sources would
the stat e's primary resource for new construction projects,
Oregon Democrat who chairs the Finance Committee, and
be tapped to generate the ad-
Brouwer said.
ditional money. Oregon's state highway
Oregon's 2015 construction plans are outlined in the
funds are tied up in mainte-
Statewide Transportation Im-
the committee's senior Republican, Sen. Orrin H atch of Utah. Both the House and
after w h ich
right: Humpty Dumpty couldn't be put together again. But the owner of an Oregon tourist attraction vows to build Humpty anew. Last weekend, two men planning a photograph jumped onthe wall where the statue of rebar, cement, sand andplaster had sat for 40 years. And, you know how it goes: Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. Sculptor Roger Tofte tells the (Salem) Statesman Journal that Humpty was in too many pieces to fix, but the two menoffered to pay for a new one. He said it will take a month to build. Tofte, 84, has beenoperating the Enchanted Forest, along Interstate 5 south of Salem, since 1971. It features 20 acres of rides and sculptures based onfairy tales and nursery rhymes.
as standing a good chance of passage in November. "We have to acknowledge these acts were criminal at the time they were commit-
ted," Mejia said. "We will see what the voters or the Legislature does."
charges can be reduced to documents,computers and misdemeanors. edible marijuana products Jackson County Judge Lo- from the marijuana-advocacy renzo Mejia said the Duck- group office the couple ran. worths can use medical mar- Police also said they seized 22 ijuana but can't grow it for pounds of marijuana from the others. Duckworths' home.
Humpty Dumpty tO de reduilt — Thenursery rhymeproved
ty and elsewhere — and a legalization initiative is viewed
t h ei r f e l ony marijuana, 94 plants, cash,
nance, ODOT operations and provement Plan.
amas County sheriff's officer said anOregon man in his 60s was fatally injured during anaccident while cutting firewood in the Mount Hood National Forest. Sgt. NathanThompson said campers were improperly trying to cut down alarge, dead, listing Douglas fir tree Thursday east of Estacada. He said thecampers cut the tree with a chain saw, then attached oneend of a chain to the tree andthe other end to a truck. Thompsonsaid whenthe treefell, the rotten top section broke off and landedseparately, hitting an Estacada man. One man called for help from the Ripple Brook RangerStation. Thevictim's name wasnot released pending notification of relatives.
came when m a rijuana's place in Oregon seems to be changing. The Legislature has moved to put medical dispensaries on a legal footing — something resisted by authorities in Jackson Coun-
Medford police said they p robation, seized nearly 12 pounds of
toensurefederal funding for current road projects
Man dead after firewood-cutting accident — Aclack-
They were sentenced to
11 months of
— Trevis Brouwer, ODOT assistant director, onbills approved Thursday
The Senate version of the
Most chargesdismissed in medicalpot case MEDFORD
certainty about federal funding in the future."
about federal funding in the future," Brouwer said.
The Associated Press
"It's a short-term solution that doesn't really solve the long-term problem, which is that there is no
PortlandPolice Departmentvia The Associated Press
Police in Portland saidthey havearrested a29-year-old man accused of running up to apolice horse, uttering a "karatelike battle cry" and delivering what a spokesmancalls "ajumping, double kick" to the horse's right thigh. Police said thehorse, namedOlin, wasunfazed andunhurt Wednesday. A police spokesmannoted Olin outweighed his attacker by about 1,000 pounds. Olin andhis human partner took Joseph Cruzinto custody for investigation of interfering with a lawenforcement animal. The incident happened asmounted officers patrolled Portland's Old Town,nearabusdepot.Theyhadstoppedtospeaktoagroupofpeople.
Health advisories for 2 beaches — TheoregonHealth Authority has issued health advisories for two state beaches, citing tests indicating fecal bacteria. TheOregonian reports the advisories target D River Beach in Lincoln County and HecetaBeach in Lane County. Contact with fecal bacteria can lead to diarrhea, stomach cramps, rashes, respiratory infections and other ailments. Officials said people should avoid contact with water at those beachesuntil the advisory is lifted. Other recreational activities are OK at the beaches.
— The Associated Press
He noted that th e deal
Human remains located near Blue Mountains recreation area The Associated Press M ILTON-FREEWAT E R -
Loggers found the skeletal remains Monday off a road
Loggers this week found hu- near Harris Park, which is man remains scattered near owned by Umatilla County. a Blue Mountains recreation It's about 14 miles southeast of area where an Eastern Oregon
teenager went missing nearly nine years ago.
A state crime lab scientist determined the remains were
The East Oregonian reports that state medical examiners
those of a male. Sheriff Terry
are investigating.
Rowan says there was no immediate indication how long
— From wire reports
Ii 4
the remains had been there. The paper reports that a
Jeep Cherokee belonging to 19-year-old Byron F usselman, o f Mil t o n-Freewater, was found in the park's lot in November 2005, and the area was searched. Authorities said at the time
he wasn't dressed for the freezing temperatures.
Prisonerconvicted of 2ndinmate attack The Associated Press
lius attempted to cut Schultz's
EUGENE — An inmate who told FBI agents he was "at war with the world" has been con-
throat. Schultz was treated for three
Chet Evans, once described by
One of those inmates was
lacerations, the deepest of victed a second time for attacks which was 2 inches long and on other inmates at the federal exposed his trachea, court reprison in Yamhill County. cords said. On Wednesday, a jury in In April, Cornelius was confederal court in Eugene found victed of stabbing and clubbing Thomas William Cornelius Randy Mainwaring, a former guilty of trying to murder a Eugene banker serving time
the FBI as the "Tall Man" ban-
handcuffed inmate last sum-
for fraud and identity theft.
shooting him.
mer by slashing his throat with a razor blade.
Cornelius was acquitted of the
Authorities said Cornelius,
cage, Cornelius took two other
dit during a series of bank robberies in Eugene and Springfield in early 2013. Evans testified that Corne-
lius, before surrendering, told prison officials that a guard
could end th e s tandoff by A day
a f ter t h e a t tack,
court documents said, CorneT he inmates were in t h e murder. lius used the "at war with the recreationcage at the FederHe is awaiting sentencing in world" language in an interal Correctional Institution at both cases. view with federal agents and Sheridan, The (Eugene) RegisAuthorities said after guards said he hoped to be sentenced ter-Guard reported. removed Schultz from the to death. most serious charge, attempted
In another case from 2011,
49, was angered because in- inmates hostage, holding the Cornelius faces a charge of bemate Kevin Schultz hadn't razor blade to the throat of one. ing an armed career criminal, delivered a letter to a female He eventually s u r rendered which could keep him in prison prisoner on his behalf. Corne- without harming the other two for life if he's convicted.
Grandfather rescues twins from RVfire The Associated Press
land hospital from second- and Flames spread from the middle
SALEM — Family members
third-degree burns to his arms
of the RV to where twins Jessie
who escaped from a burning recreational vehide in the Salem area said a grandfather went back into the burning camper to save twin 11-year-old grandchildren.
andblisters onhisheadand feet. Sunya Laing said four people were sleeping in the RV when there was a boom early Thursday morning and the vehide
and Jaden were sleeping. Jessie Laing said her grand-
burst into flames.
KPTV reports that C hris The family thinks the fire Laing is recovering in a Port- started at the propane tank.
father tried to extinguish some
of the fire so he could reach the twins but then he just "went
through the flames and got us." The girls suffered minor burns to their feet.
It's not just about reading agoodbook. Ourkids learn how to understand anapartment lease, navigate awebsite, take anSATtest — andevenreadterms for a newcredit card. Boys &Girls Club programsteach kids about all kindsofeconomicopportunities.Why?BecauseGREAT paying jobs rely ontheir brainpower! For more information or to take atour, email SOUTHEASTBEND DOWNTOWN BEND REDMOND TERREBONNE
EDj To
The Bulletin
0 isme icine, e n Bc 1 e i i eme icine
AREYov IIAFl EBN& &4L& moLBAC E. E,L FAaV GA~pgogP
xQ4e.HEm Sc xGAN SE&~ .
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he Oregon Health Authority is working on regula-
P WTb 5 ' 4
tions to control the sale of edible marijuana products and ensure that packaging is child-resistant. It's a particular problem with lollipops, cookies and other treats that include marijuana but aren't visibly different from snacks kids routinely consume. In Oregon, only medical marijuana sales are legal, but those treats sure don't look like medicine. The state is wise to take steps to use packaging and labeling to protect children — and adults, too — from consuming marijuana without knowing it. In Colorado, where the nation's first legal recreational sales of marijuana started this year, edibles have causedproblems for kids and adults alike. The body responds differently to eaten vs. smoked marijuana in ways that make it difficult to control the impact, even for adults who know what they are consuming. For kids, access is easy when adults don't secure their marijuana purchases. Oregon's Legislature passed Senate Bill 1531 in its 2014 session to allow local governments to regulate new dispensaries selling med-
ical marijuana, and to allow the state to regulate packaging, among other items. The OHA is taking comments until Aug. 22 on its proposed regulations to carry out the law. On Wednesday, the Deschutes County Commission endorsed plans by the county's Public Health Advisory Board to submit a comment saying: "We, as a Public Health Advisory Board, share a general consensus that strict regulations be in place in order to prevent marijuana-based products from being sold by medical marijuana dispensaries that are packaged ormarketed in a manner that is attractive to youth." We agree. The law says it's medicine, so package it like medicine. Require child-resistant prescription containers for all marijuana, whether it's in leaf-form or added to lollipops or brownies. The dangers are substantial, especially for kids, who deserve protection from risky marketing and confusing
Hillary Clinton's identity crisis By Harold Meyerson
The cure for Clinton's, and the Democrats', identity crisis begins with a clear declaration that the nation's
Special to The Washington Post
hich Hillary Clinton would run for — and, more im-
economy will no longer be entrusted to the leaders of
portant, govern as — presi-
the very institutions that have brought it low.
dent? The onetime New York senator
whom many Wall Street bankers supported and former secretary of peritywas broadly shared. m an Sachs and othersforareported When President John F. Kennedy $200,000per?Or the leaderofan in- famously declared that "a rising tide creasingly progressive Democratic lifts all boats," he was not merely deParty, who, in an interview with the scribing how the economy worked German magazine Der Spiegel this in the preglobalization and highly week, affirmed the thesis of econ- unionized United States of the poststate who gave speeches to Gold-
omist Thomas Piketty'? "I think he
id signatures from registered Oregon voters; in each case, supporters have submitted more than 140,000 signatures for verification. • Open primaries — A top-two primary system would open the s tate's primary elections to a l l voters. The top two recipients of votes, regardless of party affiliation, would face off in the general election. • Marijuana — Asecondmeasure wouldmakemarijuanalegalfor Oregonians ages 21 and older. The state would control andtaxsales. • GMO labeling — Oregonians would vote on whether to require raw and packaged food to be identified as containing — or not containing — genetically engineered ingredients. Severalof the measures would make major changes to Oregon law, and voters should understand what's at stake. Their votes should egonians seeking post-high school be based on information, not on education and one that would give which side shouts the loudest. As state judges the right to be employed is the case with all the ballot meaby the National Guard or state pub- sures, voters would be wise to do lic universities while serving on the their homework, study the issues bench. They currently cannot do so and drawtheir own conclusions. because the state bars its citizens We have only four months to from working for more than one become wise voters. And while it branch of government at a time. seems early, this is the right time to Likelyto be on the ballot: study what we'll see on November's To earn a spot, measure support- ballot, before the contests and rhetoers had to turn in at least 87,213 val- ric heat up.
ovember's ballot is likely to contain seven statewide ballot measures. It's not too early to start focusing on the issues so you canmake aninformed decision. Here's a rundown of those already approved and those likely to be so by the secretary of state's Aug. 2 deadline for verifying signatures. Goodtogo: • Drivers cards — Opponents gathered enough signatures to refer to voters a new state law that allows those who cannotprove they're here legally to obtain four-year driver cards. • ERA — Also already qualified is a measure that would amend the state constitution to provide equal rights for women. • Students and judges — Lawmakers referred a measure that would allow the state to sell bonds to create a permanent fund for Or-
employees, as the Germans do, and raising the tax rates of corporations that don't, that are run almost solely
for the benefit of their large shareholders and their top executives — as most U.S. corporations are.
Immodest proposals,to be sure, however inadvertently, explaining but in an economy in which nearhow the relative absence of class ly all the income growth accrues to conflict enabled Democrats to be a sliver of investors, Democrats no both pro-union and a friend of fi- longer have the luxury of indulgnancial elites, who were not yet ac- ing both that sliver and everybody cruing all the proceeds of growth for else. As Clinton's proto-candidacy themselves. continues to take shape, one modest But that was then. way that she could begin to address Today, as Clinton told Der Spie- the scourge of inequality would be gel, capital has edipsed labor. Fully to follow the example of Franklin 95 percent of the nation's income Roosevelt. growth since the recovery began in In selecting his Treasury secre2009, University of California econ- tary, Roosevelt opted not to choose omist Emmanuel Saez has shown, Sen. Carter Glass, in part because has gone to the wealthiest 1 percent Glass wanted a J.P. Morgan execuof Americans. The share of the coun- tive as his deputy. As Adam Cohen try's gross domestic product going to documents in "Nothing to Fear," his profits is at a record high; the share history of Roosevelt's first 100 days goingto wages a record low. as president, Roosevelt told his aide, Under these conditions, what's a Raymond Moley, "We simply cannot Democrat — what's Hillary Clinton go along with Twenty-Three." (The — to do? How does she propose to Morgan bank was headquartered at re-create a United States where the 23 Wall St.) gains in productivity go not only to Expanded from 23 to the rest of the largest shareholders but also to the Street, that's pretty good guidthe workers who make those gains'? ance for ournextpresident, whomevShe could,for starters, propose er it may be. Wall Street veterans arcutting taxes on employers who en't likely to see Wall Street's ascenraise wages in line with the nation's dancy over the rest of the economy annual productivity increase, and as a problem. The cure for Clinton's, raising the levy on employers who and the Democrats', identity crisis don't. She could propose hiking tax- begins with a clear declaration that es on capital gains and dividends at the nation's economy will no longer least to the level of taxes on work-de- be entrusted to the leaders of the very rived income. She could propose institutions that have brought it low. World War IIdecades. He was also,
makes a very strong case that we have unbalanced our economy too
much towards favoring capital and away from labor," she said. Friend or foe of Wall Street'? On
We have four months to bemme wise voters
representatives of shareholders and
the one hand, it was Clinton's husband who entrusted the nation's eco-
nomic policymaking to former Goldman Sachs executive Robert Rubin, who, along with subsequent Treasury secretaries Lawrence Summers and Timothy Geithner, promoted an agenda of free trade, deregulation and privileging the interests of big banks over all others. On the other, as a senator, Clinton called for
tougher regulations on derivatives and said that "Wall Street has played a significant role" in the subprime mortgage disaster — and she did so in 2007,one year before the great collapse. What makes Clinton's predicament particularly significant is that it's not hers alone. For decades, the
default position of generations of Democrats has been to back economic policies that helped ordinary Americans — higher minimum wages, the right to unionize, spending on infrastructure — without reining in
banks, corporations and the wealthy beyond the basic constraints laid down by the New Deal. They could do this for one fundamental reason: Economic growth in the United cutting taxes on corporations that States was largely equitable; pros- divide their boards equally between
— Harold Meyersonis editor-at-large of The American Prospect.
Letters policy
In My Viewpolicy How to submit
We welcomeyour letters. Letters should be limited to one issue, contain no more than 250words and include the writer's signature, phonenumber and address for verification. Weedit letters for brevity, grammar, taste and legal reasons. Wereject poetry, personal attacks, form letters, letters submitted elsewhereandthose appropriate for other sections of TheBulletin. Writers are limited to one letter or Op-Ed pieceevery 30 days.
In My View submissions should be between 550and 650 words, signed and include the writer's phone number and address for verification. Weedit submissions for brevity, grammar, taste and legal reasons. Wereject those published elsewhere. In My View pieces run routinely in the space below, alternating withnational columnists. Writers are limited to one letter or Op-Ed pieceevery 30 days.
Please address your submission to either My Nickel's Worth or In My View and send, fax or email them to The Bulletin. Email submissions are preferred. Email: letters© Write: My Nickel's Worth / In My View
P.O. Box6020 Bend, OR 97708 Fax: 541-385-5804
One thing is certain: Bend will continUe to change ne thing is certain. The day Oregon State University-Cas-
cades opens its doors as a fourO year institution, Bend will change forever. Equally certain: Were that
not to happen, Bend would still change. The Bend I know has been chang- my childhood I never saw the interiing for 60 years. or of the latter restaurant, which was My family arrived here from Cali- located below the U.S. Bank. fornia in the fall of 1953. Bend was a Grocery shopping was limited mill town, and Brooks-Scanlon was to a relative handful of full-service the city's major employer. Despite stores, of which only Erickson's rethe fact that U.S. Highway 97 ran mains. The sole Wagner's (now Althrough downtown Bend, it was a bertsons) was located at NE Third quiet community, with a population Street an d G r e enwood A v enue, of only about 11,500.
That may sound idyllic, but a town that small lacks things most of us now take for granted.
The city had two well-known
w here the Pet Mini M art now i s.
There were two, and soon to be only one, movie screens, and the park department, now the Bend Park 5 Rec-
reation District, operated no massive restaurants in those days, the Pine ballfield complexes, no indoor pool, Tavern and the Copper Room. Fam- no heavily laden recreation program ilies went to the Pine Tavern and cou- as it does today. ples went to the Copper Room. In all We were missing other things as
well. Despite being home to Skyliners, the region's first developed skiing facility, there were no orthopedic surgeons here. There were also no heart specialists and, I think, only a single pediatrician. Bend Memorial Clinic included only eight physicians. When kids grew up, a relative few
have large groceries, a thriving retail was awful during that first quarter: trade and people willing to help one The mill's woods crews — the guys do just about anything. who cut the trees for the sawmillYes, traffic may seem worse. But couldn't work if the snow was too 60 years ago, when my family lived the entire community's economy
deep. That, and the fact that houses tend to be built in warmer months,
meant they had to rely on the willingness of the grocers to take paywent on to college, and many if not ment piecemeal so they could feed most of those who did came back their families. If they had bought furonly to visit parents. We were not a niture on a payment plan, Bill Healy town with lots of lawyers, and there and Guy Claypool could count on the was no Bend Research. Those who payments being late. Restaurants, did not go to college found fami- the two theaters and clothing stores ly-wage jobs at the mill, and a fledg- all suffered and all cut back on their ling Central Oregon Community advertising, and so the newspaper College enrolled fewer than 100 students in winter quarter, 1954.
at the corner of NW Seventh Street and NW Trenton Avenue, working dads parked their cars at the bottom
of the hill on snowy days and hiked home. Snowplows didn't spend much time in our neighborhood. Change is one of the few things we can count on in our lives, and it seems to me that we generally — not
always, but generally — can make it positive, if we choose to do so. New neighbors bring new experiences, sufferedas well. and growth brings its own opportuToday, the city has 409 physicians, nities. Bend is not the place it was in
Other things have changed as according to one website, and dozens 1953; it's not even the place is was in well. of specialists of all sorts. We have 2013, and there's nothing so terrible The first quarter of the year was plenty of lawyers, certified public aboutthat. tough at The Bulletin, even with the accountants and other profession— Janet Stevens is deputy editor publication of a Progress Edition that als.We also have dozens of restauof The Bulletin. Contact: 541-617-7821, aimed to put us in the black. In fact, rants, many of them very good. We
BITUARIES DEATH NOTICES Evelyn Rose Dahlund, of Bend Sept. 8, 1921 - July 6, 2014 Arrangements:
Niswonger-Reynolds is
honored to serve the family. Please visit the online registry at www.niswonger-reynolds. com 541-382-2471. Services: A private family gathering will be held.
Marty Parsons, of Bend June15, 1960- July 7, 2014
Barefoot hiker, lost for 30 hours in Sand Dunes,expected to recover
Obituary policy
The Associated Press
Death Notices are freeand will be run for oneday, but specific guidelines must be followed. Local obituaries are paid advertisements submitted by families or funeral homes. Theymay besubmittedby phone, mail, email or fax. The Bulletin reserves the right to edit all submissions. Please include contact information in all correspondence. For information on any of these services or about the obituary policy, contact 541-617-7825.
Deadlines:Death Notices are accepted until noon Monday through Friday for next-day publication and by4:30 p.m. Friday for Sunday publication. Obituaries must be received by 5 p.m. Monday through Thursday for publication on the second dayafter submission, by1 p.m. Friday for Sunday publication, and by 9 a.m. Mondayfor Tuesday publication. Deadlines for display ads vary; pleasecall for details.
Phone: 541-617-7825 Email: obits©
Mail: Obituaries P.O. Box6020
He apparently set out without G REAT SAND D U N E S shoes on a night hike with a NATIONAL P A RK , C o l o. friend. — A lost hiker who spent 30 They became separated
hours wandering barefoot on around 2 a.m. Tuesday. the hot sands of Great Sand The friend made it out of Dunes National Park is ex-
pected to recover after being tallest sand dunes in North found dehydrated. America, but McClesky was Max McClesky, 20, of disoriented and walked the Portland, Oregon, was found remotesouthern and western Wednesday after he started sides ofthe park forthe rest walking toward the park's of the day. entrance lights, officials said. Rangers said he saw the
Arrangements: Niswonger-Reynolds is honored to serve the family. Please visit the online registry at www.niswonger-reynolds. com 541-382-2471. Services: A visitation time will be held this morning, Fri., July 11 from 9AM until 11AM at the Niswonger-Reynolds Funeral Home.
Jimmie "Jim" D. Nelson, of Crescent Oct. 30,1935- July2,2014 Arrangements: Baird Memorial Chapel in La Pine is honored to serve the family. 541-536-5104 Services: No formal services are planned, per Jim's
Contributionsmay be made to: Children's Trust Fund of Oregon, 1785 NE Sandy Blvd., Ste. 270, Portland, OR 97232. 503-222-7102 or
DEATHS ELSEWHERE Deaths of note from around
thousand generations into the
tional Park has created a hot
the world:
future. Died June 30 in San Francisco.
spot that melted an asphalt road and closed access to popular geysers and other
Rosemary Murphy, 89: An Emmy Award-winning actress
Paul Horn, 84: A flutist and
saxophonist whose mellow, stage and screen. She won an meditative recordings helped Emmy in 1976 for her portray- lay the groundwork for New al of Sara Delano Roosevelt, Age music. Died June 29 at his long ubiquitous on television,
the mother of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, in the ABC
home in Vancouver, British Columbia.
television movie "Eleanor and
Seymour Barab, 93:A composer known for his whimsical
Franklin." Died Saturday in New York.
Frank M. Robinson, 87: An author of thrillers and science fiction who also helped slain San Francisco Supervisor Harvey Milk craft some of his most powerful speeches. As a fiction writer, Robinson
chamber operas on such stir-
ring subjects as passion, poison and pizza. Originally renowned as a cellist, Barab was
a lifelong champion of contemporary music and was a founding member of the Composers String Quartet, established in
told stories set in burning sky- the mid-1960s. Died June 28 in scrapers, sinister hospitals and
New York.
Utopian spaceships drifting a
— From wire reports
~' ,".i
attractions at the height of
tourist season, officials said Thursday. As they examined possible fixes, park officials warned visitors not to hike
Yellowstone National Park via TheAssociated Press
into the affected area, where Damage to a Yellowstone National Park road is being caused by the danger o f s t epping the park's ever-changing thermal features. Steaming potholes through solid-looking soil aren't unusual, but the damageseen recently is uncommon. into boiling-hot water was high. "There are plenty of other boardwalks. Steaming pot- of Old Faithful takes visitors great places to see thermal holes in asphalt roads and past Great Fountain Geyser, features in the park," Yellow- parking lots — marked off White Dome Geyser and stone spokesman Al N ash by traffic cones — are fairly Firehole Lake. said. "I wouldn't risk person- common curiosities. Unusually warm weather al injury to see these during The damage to Firehole for Yellowstone — with high this temporary closure." Lake Drive is unusually se- temperatures in the mid-80s Naturally changing ther- vere, however, and could — has contributed to turning mal features often damage take several days to fix. The Y ellowstone's r o ad s a n d 3.3-mile loop 6 miles north
the road into a hot, sticky
assault on a public safety
assault, and is scheduled to
officer in c onnection with
enter a plea i n
beautiful faces, died Wednesday. She was 92.
Ford foundedtop modeling agency eling agent who helped create ple in the industry to refer to her one of the most recognizable as the doyenne or grande dame brands in the trade of beautiful of New York modeling. faces, died Wednesday night in Some called her the mothMorristown, New Jersey. She er of the industry as well, in a was92. more literal sense. A formidaHer daughter, Katie Ford, an- ble manager, she was widely nounced the death Thursday. known for protecting models Eileen Ford lived in
In New York, Eileen Ford
deals and sexual
ognize the potential for a more
organized agency that could erally cleaning up compete with the big ones like the sleazy image of those of Conover and John Jerry, in the late 1940s, became the business, insisting that both Robert Powers. the top agency in the world. clients and models observe a After serving on a supply It elevated the modeling pro- codeofethicsanddecorum. ship, Jerry Ford returned to misconduct alld gen-
At the sametime, Eileen Ford
New York in 1946 and resumed
with $1 million contracts, rep- was criticized for an imperious resented thousands of beauti- approach. She was well-known ful young women and created for brusquely dismissing apa market for "supermodels," a plicants of a sensitive age with selecthandful who could com- stinging rejections. "Eileen Ford took one look mand enormous salaries for their looks. at me and told me to get a nose While Jerry Ford managed job," Lynn Kohlman, a favorite the business, Eileen Ford be- model of designer Perry Elcame the faceoftheagencyand lis, who died in 2008, wrote in its chief talent scout, sometimes Vogue. virtually plucking young womFord was born Eileen Cecile en out of a crowd and turning Otte on March 25, 1922, in New them into models. York City and grew up on Long Some became celebrities in Island and in Manhattan. Her their own right, among them parents, Nathaniel and Loretta Christie Brinkley, Cheryl Marie Otte, owned a credit-ratTiegs, Veruschka, Jerry Hall, ing company.Her mother had Grace Jones, Naomi Campbell, been the first model ever hired Christy 'Itrrlington and Elle by the venerable clothing chain Macpherson. Best & Co. Many found work in HolEileen began modeling as lywood: Suzy Parker, Jane well, for the Harry Conover Fonda, Ali MacGraw, Brooke agency, during her summer Shields, Candice Bergen, Rene breaks from Barnard ColRusso, Kim Basinger, Lauren lege, from which she gradu-
his studies, in accounting, at Co-
Hutton and Jean Shrimpton,
ated in 1943 with a degree in
lumbia. Bythen Eileen Ford had
been working as a secretary forseveralmodel friends and becoming their informal agent. When Eileen Ford became pregnant, Jerry Ford stepped in to manage the business, and
in 1947 the agency was born, starting out in Eileen Ford's parents' home. In 1948, they
opened an office on Second Avenue, selling their car to pay the rent.
The agency was a success. Within a decade, its fees reached $3,500 a week for top models Dorian Leigh and Mary Jane Russell, the agency's first stars. (Another early model and an enduring one for the agency was Carmen Dell'Orefice.) On
ist and reporter for The Tobe Report, a trade publication.
from underhanded
who in her modeling days em- psychology. bodied the miniskirted SwingJerry Ford was in the waring London of the 1960s. time Navy and attending offiAnd long before she became cers' school at Columbia Unia lifestyle mogul, Martha Stew- versity when the couple met in artwasinthe Ford stabletohelp 1944 at a nearby drugstore, Tilson's. Three months later they pay her way through college. Ford's reputation for trans- eloped to San Francisco, where
9RS'57 Eo5
worked briefly for a photographer, Elliot Clark, and as a stylIt was while reporting and hearing models complain repeatedly about their pay and bookingsthatshecame to rec-
AUOUST 8' The EleventhAnnual Bend Brew Fest celebrates Bend's bent for brews. Held at the Les Schwab Amphitheater on
Thursday,August I 4, Friday August I 5 and Saturday, August I 6 The festival features great food and lots of fantastic beer. Over fifty distinct craft beers will be available for public tasting. T his is a festivalwhere the focus is on tasting and enjoying fine craft beers. This fun and informative guide will be distributed to over 70,000 readers through The Bulletin, and will be available at The Old Mill during the event.
its 20th anniversary, Jerry Ford
said, the company was billing $100,000 worth of bookings each week. Besides her daughter, Katie, Eileen Ford is survived by three other children, Jamie Ford Craft, Lacey Williams a nd Gerard W i l liam F o rd Jr., who is known as Billy;
her brother, William Otte; eight grandchildren, and five great-grandchildren.
D eschutes
the incident, but all charges County Circuit Court on were dropped in May. Wirg- Wednesday. resisting arrest, fourth-de- es was charged with sec— Reporter: 541-383-0387, gree assault and attempted ond- an d f o u rth-degree
Eileen Ford, a modeling agent whohelped create one of the most recognizable brands in the trade of
forming young girls into stars Jerry Ford was stationed and with lessons in grooming, eti- preparing to ship out for the Paquette and style led many peo- cific fortwoyears.
Continued from B1 Dailey was charged with
John Orris/The New YorkTimesfilephoto
fession into a serious business
Jerry and Eileen Ford, founders of the Ford Modeling Agency, at their offices in New York in1966.
Califon New Jersey. Ford Modeis, created by Eileen Ford and her husband,
Night hikes aren't unusual
in the park because the distance from city lights makes for great stargazing, park superintendent Lisa Carrico
The ever-changing thermal geology of Yellowstone Na-
• atsn '
Eileen Ford, the brassy mod-
The sands reach up to 140
degrees during the day, but the nights are chilly.
The Associated Press
-"'+a4 ir'4 tl
New Yorh Times News Service
found by a ranger the next day.
By Mead Gruver
' n%»*: ~'~,
By Eric Wilson
in that direction before being
Yellowstone roadmelts; sitesclosed
Bend, OR 97708
Fax: 541-322-7254
the park, which is home to the
park's entrance lights that evening and began walking
The Bulletin Il' 'OldMill e m- 4 L
IN THE BACK BUSINESS Ee MARIKT NEWS W Scoreboard, C2 M LB, C3 Sports in brief, C2 Tour de France, C4 Golf, C3 NBA, C4
Three locals in Hershey's finals Three youngCentral Oregon athletes have qualified to compete at the 2014Hershey's Trackand FieldGames North American Finals. The local qualifiers are CambreeScott and Lexie Miller, both of Bend, andJeremiah Schwartz, of Redmond. Scott qualified in the standing long jump in the girls 13-14 division. Miller qualified in the
ta etourne a By Beau Eastes The Bulletin
The quest for a state title continues for three local Little League teams.
Warm Springs Nation's 10-and-under softball squad and Bend North's 10U and 12U baseball teams all won
District 5 championships earlier this month and have qualified for their respective state tourneys.
"It's a big accomplishment for these girls," says Virgil Windyboy, manager
100-meter dash in the
of the Warm Springs Nation team. "A
girls 9-10 division. And Schwartz qualified in the standing long jump in the boys 9-10division. The 37th annual North American Finals (NAF) meet is set for Aug. 2 in Hershey,Pennsylvania. Scott, Miller and Schwartz are among eight NAFqualifiers from Oregon. Scott's qualifying mark in the long jump was 8feet, 1/2 inch. Miller's qualifying time in the100 meters was15.08 seconds. Schwartz qualified in the long jump with a distance of 6 feet, 10 inches.
lot of these girls, it's just their first or
e i n s i s wee en
second year of playing." Warm Springs Nation starts state tourney play Saturday at Leslie Middle School in Salem. Windyboy's squad plays Grants Pass at noon before taking on Southwest Portland at 3 p.m. "We started our own (Little League) about five years ago," Windyboy says.
We're hoping it's an advantage for us and that we'll get some friends and some locals out supporting us."
nament playnext weekend. The Bend North 10U team, which lost its first
game at the district tourney in Herm-
"This is the first team from Warm Springs Nation to win a district title
and go to state." Central Oregon's district champion
baseball teams have a week still to prepare before beginning state tour-
iston before reeling off seven consecu-
Bend North's 12U team also opens
tive wins to qualify for state, will play for a state title in its own backyard. Oregon's 10U tourney will be held July 19-25 at Bend's Sky View Middle School. "We've got a good group of 10-yearolds," says Steve Mora, Bend North's 10U manager. "They're hard-working and want to play baseball.... (Hosting state) should be good for these kids.
state tournament play on July 19, at Alpenrose Dairy in southwest Portland. Bend North, managed by Dan Ruhl, will open against an opponent yet to be determined. — Reporter: 541-383-0305; beastes@ bend
• Bend golfer makes the most extreme of changes tofix his already-good game switching from aright-handed to a left-handedswing
— Bulletin staff report
BASEBALL Elks fall into early hole in loss A six-run fourth inning was not enough for the Bend Elks to overcome an 11-0deficit in their 15-10 WestCoast Leaguehome losstothe Yakima Valley Pippins on Thursday night. In a gamethat featured 25 runs on32 hits, the Pippins (18-10) scored seven runs in the fourth inning to break away to their fourth straight win. Josh Cushing paced the Elks (18-13) with a 3-for-4 day with a double and threeRBls. Nick Lopezwas 3for 5 with an RBIsingle in the fourth, Jake Peevyhouse had two hits and three RBls, andCurtis Wildung doubled and drove in two runs. Michael Bennett (1-3) gave up10 runs — eight earned — oneight hits in just three innings. The Elks continue their series with the Pippins at VinceGenna Stadium at 6:35 tonight.
olf can make us do crazy things. For most golfers, that often means a tossed club in the heat of the moment or an attempt at an unconventional new method of putting. But Chris Hall
old Bend real
estate agent who before last year was a wayward
— Bulletin staff report Photoshy JoeKline/Th Bul tin
— a 50-year-
In this combinati n image, Chris Hall d n s trhtes his swings from both the right- and left-hand sides. The 50-year-old Bend resident switched swings because he wasn't happy with the way he was hitting the ball. His handicap index before the switch was as low as1.
drive or two away from being a scratch golfer — is a bit bolder.
FRANCE THURSDAY German rider Andre Greipel led asprint after bursting out of the speeding packwith about 300 meters left. He edged Norway's Alexander Kristoff and France's Samuel Dumoulin at the line. JERSEY LEADERS Yellow:Vincenzo Nibali Green:Peter Sagan Polka dot:Cyril emoine White:Sagan (worn by Michal Kwiatkowski) CHRIS HORNER The Lampre-Merida rider from Bend finished in the lead peloton in 40th place. Hemoved back to 28th overall, 4:13 behind Nibali. TODAY Stage 7:Riders set off from Epernay, arguably the capital of bubbly, on a146-mile trek to northeastern Nancy. It's the second longest Tour stage. For more, C4
Imagine being so frustrated by little temper with my game," it all this cruel game that, despite being started last July. That is when, at a skilled enough to compete with the range session at Widgi Creek Golf best amateur golfers in your state, Club, he became so fed up with his you decide to give up golf as a lack of improvement (he once had right-hander and play as a lefty. a handicap index as low as 1 but That is exactly what Hall did, was playing at about a 3.5 index) spending the last year playing as that he borrowed a left-handed a lef t-hander after30yearsasa 7-iron from the clubhouse. "I just remember I was strugnatural righty. For Hall, who admits he has "a gling hitting balls, not liking the
"I didn't hit it great, but I hit well
way I was hitting the ball, not
seeming to improve the last couple
enough that it kept my interest," he says. For the first couple of weeks,
years," Hall recalls of that pivotal
moment at Widgi Creek. "Something made me ask the pro shop
Hall hit that 7-iron at the range
with varying success. Then he acquired enough used left-handed clubs to put together a full set and decided to play exclusively as a left-hander, even when putting.
for a left-handed club." He took that lefty 7-iron to the
range at first, just to take a few whacks and get a fresh look at the
ball. But Hall surprised himselfby making decent contact.
SeeHall /C4
After dour, goa-starved knockout rounds,fina provides o t Thomas Muller and
Germany have been
rare offensive threats in dour knockout rounds at the World
Cup. Nataoha Pisarenkio I The Associated Press
By Jere Longman New York Times News Service
Third-place match: C hampionship: Brazil vs. Netherlands Germany vs. Argentina When:1p.m.Saturday When:noon Sunday
SAO PAULO — Apart from
Germany, the champagne fizz has suddenly gone flat at a World Cup
that was being hailed earlier as the
best in recent memory. Goals that seemed to pour from a spigot have
shot on target. It was the lowest
found the net since group play.
now slowed to intermittent drips.
number for the Netherlands in a
As Wednesday's semifinal went
The Netherlands once led the tournament with 12 goals, but it
World Cup match since record keeping began in 1966, according
scoreless through regulation and
has not scored since the Round
to the Opta statistical service.
of 16. In Wednesday's semifinal loss on penalty kicks to Argen-
Lionel Messi has scored four goals and has rescued Argentina
ball in the penalty area until he set it down for a penalty kick, Opta
tina, the Dutch produced one
with late heroics, but he has not
extra time, he did not touch the reported.
SeeWorld Cup/C4
Tour de France, Stage7
Time TV/Radio 5 a.m. (Ijve), 9 a.m., 5 p.m. N BCSN
Golf, Women's British Open EuropeanTour, Scottish Open PGA Tour, JohnDeereClassic Golf, U.S. Senior Open Web.comTour,UtahChampionship
6 a.m. E SPN2 6 a.m. Golf noon Golf 1 p.m. E SPN2 3 p.m. GO L F
NASCARSprint Cup, NewHampshire practice 8 :30 a.m. F S 1 NASCARNationwide, NewHampshire practice 10 a.m. FS1 NASCARNationwide, NewHampshire final practic e noon FS1 IndyCar, lowa qualifying 1 p.m. NBCSN NASCAR Sprint Cup, NewHampshire qualifying 1 :30 p.m. F S 1 NASCARTruck Series, lowa 5 :30 p.m. F S 1 BASEBALL
MLB, Atlanta at ChicagoCubs MLB, St. Louis at Milwaukee OR L.A. Angels atTexas MLB, Oakland at Seattle
BOXING Friday Night Fights SOCCER MLS,D.C.UnitedatSanJose
1 p.m.
5 p.m. 7 p.m.
MLB Roo t
6 p.m.
8 p.m. NBCSN
Australia, Melbourne vs. Geelong
8 :30 p.m. F S 2
LPGA Tour,Women's British Open EuropeanTour, Scottish Open EuropeanTour, Scottish Open PGA Tour, JohnDeereClassic U.S. Senior Open PGA Tour, JohnDeereClassic Web.comTour,UtahChampionship
5 a.m. E SPN2 6:30 a.m. Golf 9 a.m. NBC 10 a.m. G O LF 11:30 a.m. NBC noon CBS 3:30 p.m. Golf
NASCARSprintCup,NewHampshire,practice 6a.m. FS1 NASCARNationwide, NewHampshire, qualifying 7 a.m. FS1 NASCAR Sprint Cup,NewHampshire, final practice 8:30 a.m. F S1 NASCARNationwide, NewHampshire 12:30 p.m. ESPN2 IndyCar, lowa Corn Indy 300 5 p.m. NBCSN CYCLING
Tour de France, Stage8
9 a.m. (Iive), 9 p.m. NBCSN
SOCCER World Cup, third place: Brazil vs. Netherlands Australia, Fremantle vs. GWS Giants
12:30 p.m. ESPN 11:30 p.m. FS2
MLB, St. Louis at Milwaukee MLB, L.A. Angels atTexas MLB, Oakland at Seattle
MLB, San Diego at L.A. Dodgers
1 p.m. FS1 4 p.m. Fox 7 p.m. Root, MLB 7 p.m. MLB
Tour de France, Stage9
5 a.m. (Ijve), 9 a.m., noon, 5 p.m., 9 p.m. N BCSN
Women's British Open EuropeanTour, Scottish Open EuropeanTour, Scottish Open PGA Tour, JohnDeereClassic U.S. Senior Open PGA Tour, JohnDeereClassic Web.comTour,UtahChampionship
5 a.m. E SPN2 6:30 a.m. Golf 9 a.m. NBC 1 0 a.m. Go l f 11:30 a.m. NBC noon CBS 4 p.m. Golf
NASCARSprint Cup, NewHampshire 10 a.m. United SportsCar, CanadianTire Motorsports Park
11 a.m.
SOCCER World Cup, final: Germanyvs. Argentina
1 1 a.m.
MLS, Portland at Seattle BASEBALL
7 p.m.
MLB, St. Louis at Milwaukee MLB, Oakland atSeattle MLB, N.Y.Yankeesat Baltimore
11 a.m. 1 p.m. 5 p.m.
TBS Roo t E S PN
Listingsarethe mostaccurate available. TheBulletin is not responsible for latechanges madeby TVor radio stations.
SPORTS IN BRIEF BASEBALL Sale,RIZZO laStSeleCted All-StarS — ChicagoWhite Sox pitcher Chris Saleand Cubsfirst baseman Anthony Rjzzo werevoted by fans onto the rosters for Tuesday's All-Star game,and Los Angeles Angels shortstop Erick Aybar will replace KansasCity outfielder Alex Gordon. Therewas noimmediate announcement on areplacement for St. Louis catcher Yadier Molina, who is to havesurgery Friday to repair a torn ligament in his right thumb and is likely to be sidelined for at least eight weeks.
Tanaka haS Partially torn ligament — MasahiroTanakahas a partially torn ligament in his right elbow, andthe NewYork Yankees are hoping their rookie sensation will be able to pitch again this season. General manager BrianCashmansaid Thursday night that Tanaka could return in six weeks, but didn't rule out the possibility of Tommy John surgery if the right-hander doesn't respond to a rehab program. Tanakawas placed onthe15-day disabled list Wednesday.
BASKETBALL ClipperS trial INit OnhOld — A trial that could determine the fate of the LosAngeles Clippers was delayedThursday until after a deadline to conclude a $2billion sale — and a scheduled NBAvote on the deal — but there is hopefor more time. Donald Sterling has vowed never to sell the teamand he's trying to block his wife's single-handed deal with former Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer. Attorneys for Shelly Sterling haveaccused his side of stalling tactics. Superior Court Judge Michael Levanasset closing arguments for July 28. That's well past the expiration of Ballmer's offer next Tuesday —the same day that the NBAis supposed to vote on it — andthere is no deal without the judge's approval of the sale. — From wire reports
Easl Division W
Pct GB .643 .536 3 .464 5 .286 10
Pct GB .613 .581 1
Yakima Valey Pippins 18 10 W enatchee AppleSox 15 1 3 W alla WallaSweets 1 3 15 Kelowna Falcons 8 20 South Division CorvaffisKnights 19 12 BendElks 18 13 MedfordRogues 16 12 KlamathFalls Gems 8 20 West Division
.571 1'/z ,286 9'/z
Pct GB Begingham Bell s 21 6 .778 V ictoria Harbourcats 12 1 6 .429 9'Ix C owlitz BlackBears 1 2 1 6 .429 9'/~ KitsapBlueJackets 1 0 17 .370 11 W
Thursday'sGames Yakima Vaff ey15,Bend10 Begingham16, Kelowna11 Kitsap4,Cowlitz 3 Corvaffis4, KlamathFalls 0 WallaWalla16,Wenatchee9 Medford5,Victoria4 Today'sGames Begin gham atKelowna,6:35p.m. KitsapatCowlitz, 6:35p.m. YakimaValey at Bend, 6:35p.m. KlamathFalls atCorvallis, 6:40p.m. WallaWallaatWenatchee,7:05 p.m. MedfordatVictoria, 7;11p.m. Saturday'sGames MedfordatVictoria,1:05 p.m. YakimaValey at Bend, 6:35p.m. Begin gham atKelowna,6:35p.m. KitsapatCowlitz, 6:35p.m. Klamath Fals atCorvallis, 6:40p.m. WallaWallaatWenatchee,7:05 p.m.
EasternConference Atlanta Indiana Connecticut Chicago Washington NewYork Phoenix Minnesota SanAntonio Los Angeles Seattle Tulsa
W 13 10 9 8 8 7
L 5 10 12 11 12 12
Pct GB 722 500 4 429 5'/~ 421 5N 400 6
W 14 15 11 7 8 7
L 3 6 9 11 13 13
Pct GB 824
368 6'/2
714 1
550 4'72 389 Tr/2
381 8 350 8'Iz
Thursday'sGames Indiana72,Connecticut 68 Minnesota91,Tulsa 85
Today'sGames Los Angeleat s NewYork,4:30p.m. Seattleat SanAntonio,5p.m. Phoeni xatChicago,5:30p.m. Saturday'sGames AtlantaatIndiana,4 p.m. WashingtonatTulsa, 5p.m. Sunday'sGames Los AngelesatConnecticut,10am. Seattleat Minnesota,noon SanAntonioat Phoenix, 3 p.m. ChicagoatAtlanta, 3p.m.
Women'sBritish Open Thursday atRoyalBirhdale Golf Club, Southport, England Purse: $3miNion Yardage:6,488; Par:72ISB-37) PIPPIIIS15, ElkS10 First Round a-amateur YakimaValley Stg 713 ggg — 16 19 3 33-35—68 Bend ggg 61O 120 — 10 13 6 AyakoUehara 35-34—69 Kerns,Trask(4), Fitzpatrick (7),Iau(9)andGuenette; Mo Martin 36-34—70 Bennett,Martinez(4), Kely (6), Albrecht(7), Blackwell MinaHarigae 36-34—70 (9) andWildung, Ferguson(7). W—Trask. L —Ben- SarahKemp 33-37—70 nett. 28 —YakimaValley:Fernandez2, Wardian;Bend: MorganPressel 35-36—71 Brooks,Wildung,Cushing. 38—YakimaValley:Snyder. Holly Clyburn 36-35—71 HR —YakimaValley: Fernandez, Guenette. StacyLewis 36-35—71 So YeonRyu 35-36—71 AmyYang TENNIS 37-35—72 MarinaAlex 37-35—72 JulietaGranada 34-38—72 ATP World Tour LydiaKo 39-33—72 JessicaKorda Hall of FameChampionships 36-36—72 Amelia Lewi s Thursday atTheInternational TennisHall of 34-38—72 Ai Miyazato Fame, Newport, R.l. 35-37—72 AzaharaMunoz Purse: $589,730(WT25g) 37-35—72 AnnaNordqvist Surface:Grass-Outdoor 35-37—72 Inbee Pa rk Singles 35-37—72 SuzannPettersen Ouarterfinals 34-38—72 Shin SamuelGroth,Australia, def.NicolasMahut (4), Jiyai a-Emma Tagey 35-37—72 France, 6-3,6-4. 36-36—72 Lexi Thom so p n Ivo Karlovic(2), Croatia, def. DudiSela,Israel, 7-6 KarrieWebb 35-37—72 (3), 7-5. 36-37—73 Dori Carter 38-35—73 ChegaChoi MercedescupResults 38-35—73 S hanshan F en g ThursdayatTCWeissenhof, a-GeorgiaHal 40-33—73 Stuttgarl, Germany 38-35—73 ErinaHara Purse: $660,500(WT25g) 36-37—73 CharleyHull Surlace: Clay-Outdoor 34-39—73 Jeong Ja n g Singles 37-36—73 BrittanyLang Firsl Round 36-37—73 eenaLee PhilippKohlschreiber(5), Germany,def. Jan-Len- M 34-39—73 GwladysNocera nardStruff,Germany, 6-4, 6-3. 36-37—73 Pornanong P h at l u m SecondRound 37-36—73 Shin FabioFognini (t), Italy, def.AndreyGolubev, Ka- Jenny 37-37—74 CarlotaCiganda zakhstan,6-4,6-4. Eun-HeeJi 35-39—74 MikhailYouzhny(2), Russia, def. LeonardoMayer, StaceyKeating 37-37—74 Argentina,6-1, 6-1. 38-36—74 YuLin RobertoBautistaAgut (3), Spain,def. LoukSo- Xi 36-38—74 CatrionaMathew rensen, Ireland,6-3,1-6,6-1. 34-40—74 McPhe rson FelicianoLopez(4), Spain, def.Daniel Gimeno-Tra- Kristy 38-36—74 Beatriz Re c ari ver, Spain6-7 , (3), 6-2, 6-3. 35-39—74 Sharp LukasRosol, CzechRepublic, def. PhilippKohlsch- Alena 37-37—74 AngelaStanford reiber(5),Germany, 7-5,7-6(5). 36-38—74 AlisonWalshe Guillermo Garcia-Lopez(6), Spain, def.YannMarti, 42-32—74 L inda We s sb erg Switzerland, 7-6(13), 7-5. Sun-JuAhn 39-36—75 Santiago Giraldo (7 ), Colombia, def. Philip MariaBalikoeva 35-40—75 Davydenko, Russia,6-1, 6-7(5), 6-3. 37-38—75 Boeljon FedericoDelbonis (8), Argentina, def. Benjamin Christel 39-36—75 P aul a Cre am er Becker,Germany, 6-7(6),6-4, 6-4. 36-39—75 LauraDavies 38-37—75 JodiEwartShadoff SkiStar SwedishOpen 39-36—75 KatieFutcher Thursday atBastadTennisStadiun, 39-36—75 Hannah Jun M edl o ck Bastad, Sweden 37-38—75 AriyaJutanugarn Purse: Sggg,ggg(WT25g) 36-39—75 DaniegeKang Surface:Clay-Outdoor 39-36—75 Mi HyangLee Singles 34-41—75 Rikako Mori t a SecondRound 37-38—75 aruNomura DavidFerrer(t), Spain,def.Victor Hanescu, Ro- H Lee-Anne Pace 36-39—75 mania,6-4,6-0. 37-38—75 ontaya Srisawang FernandoVerdasco (3), Spain, def. Albert Ra- N 37-38—75 M ichege W ie mos-Vinolas, Spain, 6-1,7-5. 37-39—76 myAnderson Carlos Berlocq(7), Argentina, def. RaduAlbot, A 38-38—76 StacyLeeBregman Moldova,5-7,6-4,6-2. 38-38—76 Echeverria PabloCarrenoBusta(8), Spain,def. Paolo Lorenzi, Paz 38-38—76 Austin Ernst Italy, 6-2,6-2. 39-37—76 SophieGiquel-Bettan 40-36—76 KarineIcher 37-39—76 CandieKung WTA 38-38—76 Louise Larsson BRD BucharestOpen 40-36—76 heeLee Thursdayat AreneleBNR,Bucharest, Romania lJee 37-39—76 YoungLee Purse: S250,000(Intl.) 36-40—76 BrittanyLincicome Surlace: Clay-Outdoor 38-38—76 Diana Luna Singles 38-38—76 Ji Young Oh SecondRound a-Su-HyunOh 38-38—76 DankaKovinic, Montenegro,def. KarinKnapp(4), HeeYoungPark 35-41—76 Italy, 6-4,2-6,6-3. 38-38—76 F lorentyna P a rk er PetraCetkovska(7),CzechRepublic, def. Kiki Ber- GerinaPiler 39-37—76 tens,Netherlands,6-4, 3-6, 7-6(4) 37-39—76 arionRicordeau SimonaHalep(I), Romania, def. AleksandraKru- M 37-39—76 Miki Saiki nic, Serbia6-2, , 6-4. 37-39—76 Giulia Sergas RobertaVinci(2),Italy, def.SilviaSoler-Espinosa, ThidapaSuwannapura 36-40—76 Spain,3-6, 6-2,6-1. 38-38—76 AyakaWatanabe 38-38—76 LucyWiliams NuernbergerGasleinLadies 40-37—77 Beth Al l e n Thursday at TC Wels 76, BadGastein, Austria 38-39—77 BeckyBrewerton Purse: $260,000(Intl.) 38-39—77 Nikki Camp bel Surface: Clay-Outdoor 36-41—77 I.K. Kim Singles Mirim Lee 39-38—77 SecondRound 39-38—77 SaraErrani(2), Italy, def.PaulaOrmaechea, Argen- CamillaLennarth 38-39—77 StephanieLMeadow tina, 6-3,6-0. 36-41—77 ShelbyRogers,UnitedStates,def. CarlaSuarez BelenMozo 38-39—77 Misuzu Nari t a Navarro (3), Spain, 6-4,6-0. 38-39—77 Chaneff e Scheepers,South Africa,def.Yvonne KlaraSpilkova 37-40—77 KarenStupples Meusburger i6), Austria,4-6,6-1, 6-2. 38-39—77 CamilaGrorgi (7), Italy, def. Lisa-MariaMoser, SophieWalker 37-41—78 Laetitia Beck Austria,6-0,6-2. a-AmyBoulden 39-39—78 41-37—78 Na Yeon Choi 38-40—78 SandraGal MamikoHiga 42-36—78 SOCCER TrishJohnson 36-42—78 40-38—78 HaejiKang World Cup 38-40—78 Kim Kaufm an AN TimesPDT 39-39—78 JoannaKlatten 39-39—78 P.K.Kongkraphan THIRDPLACE Vikki Laing 37-41—78 Saturday'sGame Pernilla Lindberg 40-38—78 Brazil vs.Netherlands,1p.m. 37-41—78 MikaMiyazato CHAMPIONSHIP 40-38—78 TitiyaPlucksataporn Sunday'sGame 38-40—78 Marianne Skarpnord Germanyvs.Argentina, noon 36-42—78 Line Vedel 36-42—78 Cheyenne Woods 38-41—79 Hannah Burke MLS 39-40—79 ValentineDerrey MAJORLEAGUE SOCCER 37-42—79 CarolineHedwall AN TimesPDT 40-39—79 TiffanyJoh 40-39—79 MaleneJorgensen Today'sGame 38-41—79 ChristinaKim D.c. UnitedatSanJose,8p.m. 41-38 — 79 StephanieNa Saturday'sGames 39-40—79 ShihoOyama Colorado at Philadelphia, 4p.m. 38-41—79 Se RiPak HoustonatTorontoFC,4p.m. 41-38—79 OnnarinSattayabanphot ColumbusatNewYork,4 p.m. 40-39 — 79 LaurenTaylor Chicag oatNewEngland,4:30p.m. 42-37 — 79 SunYoungYoo SportingKansasCity at Montreal, 4:30p.m. 39-41MO Katie M.Burnet ChivasUSAatVancouver, 7p.m. 40-40—80 SallyWatson RealSalt LakeatLosAngeles,7:30p.m. 38-43—81 JacquiConcolino Sunday'sGames 40-41Mt CristieKerr PortlandatSeattle, 7 p.m. 40-41Mt AshleighSimon 37-45M2 BreeArthur a-Emily K. Pedersen 40-42M2 NWSL 39-43—82 DewiClaireSchreefel 41-41—82 NATIONALWOMEN'S SOCCER LEAGUE YaniTseng 43-39M2 AN TimesPDT KylieWalker 41-41M2 Liz Young Today'sGame a-MinjeeLee 39-44M3 43-40M3 Bosto natHouston,6p.m. BrookePancake 38-45—83 Saturday'sGames MariajoUribe 41-43—84 WashingtonatWesternNewYork, 4p.m. Holly Aitchison 41-44—85 Seattle FC at Chicago, 5p.m. CathrynBnstow 43-42M5 Sunday'sGame SarahJaneSmith WD FC Kansas City at Portland, 4p.m. CarolineMasson
John Deere Thursday atTPCDeere Run,Silvis, NI Purse: $4.7million Yardage:7,268; Par: 71(35-36) la-amateur) First Round ZachJohnson 33-30—63 RorySabbatini 31-32—63 BrianHarman 32-31—63 ToddHamilton 32-32—64 32-32—64 Steven Bowditch 32-32—64 WilliamMcGirt 33-32—65 BrendondeJonge 31-34—65 KevinTway 34-31—65 DavidToms RobertStreb 31-34—65 Charles Howell III 31-35—66 RyanMoore 34-32—66 JohnsonWagner 32-34—66 Jerry Kelly 32-34—66 JustinHicks 32-34—66 32-34—66 TrevorImmelman 36-31—67 HarrisEnglish 33-34—67 Bo VanPelt 35-32—67 NicholasThompson 31-36—67 BudCauley WesRoach 32-35—67 Scott Brown 33-34—67 SeanO'Hair 34-33—67 BriceGarnet 34-34—68 KevinNa 31-37—68 32-36—68 JohnSenden 32-36—68 J.J. Henry 35-33—68 KevinKisner 35-33—68 Alex Prugh RickyBarnes 32-36—68 TroyMerritt 32-36—68 Steve Stricker 32-36—68 JohnHuh 33-35—68 BrianStuard 34-34—68 KevinChappeg 32-36—68 CameronBeckman 34-35—69 Scott Langley 33-36—69 33-36—69 Morgan Hoff mann 36-33—69 Chris Stroud 32-37—69 MichaelThomp son BenCrane 34-35—69 DerekErnst 36-33—69 ChadCampbell 34-35—69 Joe Ogilvie 35-34—69 NathanGreen 36-33—69 Bronson LaC ' assie 35-34—69 33-36—69 BobbyWyatt 35-34—69 Justin Boffi 34-35—69 DanielSummerhays 33-36—69 ChadCollins CharlieWi 36-33—69 LukeGuthrie 37-32—69 HeathSlocum 34-35—69 TagRidings 31-38—69 StewartCmk 35-34—69 DavisLoveIII 34-35—69 Sang-Moon Bae 35-34—69 35-34—69 Jhonattan Vegas 35-34—69 PaulGoydos 35-34—69 Will Wilcox 34-35—69 MarcTurnesa JamieLovemark 35-34—69 Tim Herron 34-36—70 RichardH.Lee 36-34—70 RusselHenl l ey 34-36—70 TommyGainey 34-36—70 35-35—70 TedPotter,Jr. Arjun Atwal Billy Mayfair
Roberto Castro DickyPride CamiloVilegas BradFritsch Jim Rennre GuyBoros RobertGarrigus GregChalmers TyroneVanAswegen Jim Herm an Edward Loar AndresRomero Pat Perez Matt Bettencourt DavidHearn CharlieBeljan Billy HurleyIII BenMartin AlexAragon a-JordanNiebrugge D.J. Trahan GonzaloFdez-Castano Jordan Spieth Chris Kirk RetiefGoosen KyleStanley D.A. Points JohnMerrick MarkWilson JohnPeterson AndrewLoupe Tim Petrovic BooWeekley RobertAllenby JasonBohn GlenDay HudsonSwafford KevinFoley AndrewSyoboda BrianDavis Tim Clark DavidLingmerth JohnRogins D.H. Lee ScottMccarron Martin Flores Andrew Ruthkoski DougLaBele II PatrickRodgers Will MacKen zie JoshTeater Ryuji Imada KenDuke BryceMolder LucasGlover KentJones MiguelAngelCarbago Armando Viffarreal TroyKelly KevinStreelman LeeJanzen Danny Lee Shawn Stefani ChrisSmith Cameron Wilson Steven Ihm SteveMarino Jonathan Byrd Len Mattiace AaronKrueger JasonAffred RyanLenahan TroyMatteson DanielChopra ScottStallings Tim Wilkinson Eric Axley Frank Lickliter II a-Raymond Knoll James Driscoll PeterMalnati ScottGardiner DavrdGosset DavidDuval PaulStankowski MichaelBradley
36-34—70 36-34—70 35-35—70 35-35—70 34-36—70 35-35—70 34-36—70 35-35—70 32-38—70 36-34—70 32-38—70 35-35—70 34-36—70 36-35—71 35-36—71 35-36—71 34-37—71 37-34—71 35-36—71 35-36—71 36-35—71 35-36—71 34-37—71 35-36—71 36-35—71 33-38—71 34-37—71 37-34—71 35-36—71 33-38—71 36-35—71 35-36—71 35-36—71 34-38—72 35-37—72 37-35—72 33-39—72 35-37—72 36-36—72 34-38—72 36-36—72 37-35—72 37-35—72 36-36—72 37-35—72 36-36—72 37-35—72 36-36—72 34-38—72 38-34—72 35-37—72 38-35—73 34-39—73 36-37—73 37-36—73 34-39—73 38-35—73 37-36—73 36-37—73 36-37—73 36-37—73 37-36—73 36-37—73 36-37—73 37-36—73 35-38—73 37-36—73 38-35—73 33-41—74 36-38—74 39-35—74 35-39—74 37-37—74 36-38—74 35-39—74 35-39—74 39-35—74 36-38—74 37-37—74 38-36—74 35-39—74 37-38—75 38-40—78 38-40—78 40-40—80 39-42—81 39-42—81 43-41—84
U.S. Senior Open Thursday atOakTree National Golf Club, Edmond,Okla. Purse: TBA ($2,686,ggg million in 2013) Yardage:7,219; Par: 71(36-36) Parlial First Round Colin Montgom erie 32-33—65 MarcoDawson 32-34—66 MarkBrooks 35-33—68 BernhardLanger 32-37—69 Kirk Triplett 37-32—69 33-36—69 Scott Dunlap GeneSauers 35-34—69 Vijay Singh 35-34—69 PeterJacobsen 34-36—70 FredFunk 35-35—70 Olin Browne 36-34—70 34-36—70 RoccoMediate a-JeffWilson 35-35—70 LanceTenBroeck 36-34—70 Jeff Sluman 34-36—70
RussCochran DougGarwood RonnieBlack TomByrum Bart Bryant JohnInman HendrikBuhrmann Jeff Coston RodSpittle Billy Andrade Joe Durant DavidFrost
35-35—70 34-36—70 32-39—71 35-36—71 38-33—71 36-35—71 35-36—71 35-36—71 36-35 — 71 36-35—71 35-36—71 36-35—71
Tour de France Thursday atArenberg, France Sixlh Stage A12g.g-mile flat ride fromArrasto Reims, with a pair ofCategory 4climbs 1. AndreGreipel, Germany, Lotto Belisol, 4 hours, 11minutes,39seconds.2.AlexanderKristoff, Norway, Katusha,sametime. 3. Samuel Dumoulin, Francde , AG2RLaMondiale, sametime.4. MarkRenshaw,Australia, Omega Pharma-QuickStep, sametime. 5. Peter Sagan,Slovakia,Cannondale, sametime. 6. Romain Feillu, France,Bretagne-SecheEnvironnement, same time. 7. Tom Veelers, Netherlands,Giant-Shimano, same time.8. BryanCoquard, France,Europcar, same time. 9.SepVanmarcke, Belgium, Belkin ProCycling, sametime.10.SylvainChavanel, France,IAMCycling, sametime. 11. DanielOss,Italy, BMCRacing, sametime. 12. Cyril Lemoine,France,Cofidis, sametime. 13. Greg VanAvermaet,Belgium, BMCRacing, sametime.14. FabianCancellara, Switzerland,TrekFactory Racing, sametime.15.JakobFuglsang,Denmark,Astana, sametime.16. TomDumoulin, France,Giant-Shimano,sametime.17. AndrewTalansky, USA, Garmin Sharp,sametime. 18. VincenzoNibali, Italy,Astana, same time.19. JackBauer, NewZealand, Garmin Sharp,sametime. 20. Alberto Contador, Spain, Tinkoff -Saxo,sametime. Also 22. Rui Costa,Portugal, Lampre-Merida, same time. 24. BaukeMoffema, Netherlands, Belkin Pro Cycling, sametime. 26. TejayvanGarderen, USA, BMC Rac ing,sametime.39.FrankSchleck,Luxembourg,TrekFactory Racing, sametime. 40. Christopher Horner,USA,Lampre-Merida, sametime. 50. AlejandroValverde,Spain,Movistar, sametime. 96. PeterStetina,USA,BMCRacing,59secondsbehind. 103. BenjaminKing, USA , GarminSharp, sametime. 112. AlexHowes,USA,Garmin Sharp, sametime.136. DannyPate, USA,Sky,3:01. 155 JoaquinRodriguezSpain Katusha451 159 EdwardKing,USA , Cannondale, sametime.160. MatthewBusche,USA , Trek Factory Racing, same time. 163.DanielNavarro, Spain, Cofidis, sametime. Overall Standings (After six slages) 1. VincenzoNibali, Italy, Astana, 24 hours, 38 minut es,25seconds.2.JakobFuglsang,Denmark, Astana ,2secondsbehind.3.PeterSagan,Slovakia, Cannondale,:44. 4. Michal Kwiatkowski, Poland, Omega Pharma-QuickStep,:50. 5. FabianCancellara, Swilzerland,TrekFactory Racing,1:17. 6.JurgenVan den Broeck,Belgium,Lotto Belisol, 1:45. 7. Tony Gallopin, France, Lotto-Belisol, sametime. 8. Richie Porte,Australia, Sky,1:54.9. AndrewTalansky, USA, GarminSharp,2:05. 10.AlejandroValverde, Spain, Movistar,2:11. 11. TejayvanGarderen, USA , BMCRacing, same time.12. Rom ainBardet, France,AG2RLa Mondiale, sametime.13. RuiCosta, Portugal,Lampre-Merida, sametime.14.GeraintThomas,Britian, Sky,216.15. TomDumoulin, Netherlands,Giant-Shimano,2:25.16. YuryTrofimov,Russia, Katusha,sametime. 17.Bauke Mollema,Netherlands, Belkin ProCycling, 2:27. 18. AlbertoContador,Spain, Tinkofl-Saxo, 2:37.19.Jan Bakelants,Belgium,OmegaPharma-QuickStep,2:39. 20. PeterVelits, Slovakia,BMCRacing,2:44. Also 28. Christopher Horner,USA,Lampre-Merida, 4:13. 40. FrankSchleck, Luxem bourg, TrekFactory Racing,9:12.110.PeterStetina, USA,BMCRacing, 29:34. 120.Daniel Navarro,Spain, Cofidis, 30:57. 139. BenjaminKing,USA,GarminSharp, 34:59. 151. AlexHowes,USA,GarminSharp,38:28.166.Danny Pate, USA,Sky,42:40.170.Matthew Busche,USA, TrekFactoryRacing, 43:46. 177.Joaquin Rodriguez, Spain,Katusha,46:09. 186. Edward King, USA,Cannondale,59:20.
AmericanLeague BALTIMOR E ORIOLES— Recalled RHPPreston GuilmetfromNorfolk (IL). OptionedRH PBud Norris to Bowie(EL). KANSAS CITYROYALS—PlacedLHPJason Vargasonthe15-dayDL.RecalledRHPLouisColeman fromOm aha(PCL). LOSANGELESANGELS — OptionedRHP Cam Bedrosian to Arkansas(TL). PlacedLHPCJWilsonon 15-dayDL.Recalled RH PCoryRasmusfromSalt Lake (PCL).Selectedthecontract of RHPDrewRucinski from Salt Lake.DesignatedLHPNick Marondefor Assignmen t. NEW YORKYANKEES—PlacedOFCarlosBeltran on theseven-dayconcussion list, retroactiveto July 9. Recalled3BYangervis SolartefromScranton/Wiles Barre(IL).
ge fromTacoma (PCL). OptionedRHPStephen Pryor to Tacom a. National League CHICAGO CUBS— Selected thecontract of RHP KyleHendricksfromlowa(PCL). OptionedRHPDallas Beelertolowa. CINCINN ATI REDS—Selectedthecontract of INF KristopherNegronfromLouisville (IL).OptionedRHP CarlosContrerasto Louisvile. DesignatedRHPBrett Marshallforassiqnment. LOSANGELESDODGERS— Designated18 Clint Robinsonforassignment. ActivatedOFCarl Crawford from the15-day DL. MILWAU KEEBREWERS—SignedSSGilbert Lara to a minor-league contract. PllTSBURGHPIRATES— RecalledOFJaffDecker from Indianapoli(IL). s OptionedRHPBrandonCumpton toIndianapolis. ST.LOUI S CARDINALS— PlacedCYadierMolina onthe15-dayDL.Recaled CAudry Perezfrom Memphis(PCL).
BASKETBALL National Basketball Association ATLANTA HAWKS—SignedG-FThaboSefolosha to a three-year contract. CHARLOTTE HORNETS— SignedFGordonHayward toanoffer sheetfor afour-year contract. CLEVEL ANDCAVALIERS— SignedGKyrie Irving to a five-yearcontract extension.TradedGJarrett Jack andG-FSergeyKarasevto BrooklynandCTylerZeller and a first-rounddraft pickto Boston.Clevelandreceived afuture conditional second-roundpickfrom Bostonandthe draft rightsto Flkan Karaman and F EdinBavcicfromBrooklyn. BostonreceivedGMarcus Thornton fromBrooklyn. LOSANGELESCLIPPERS — SignedG Jordan
Farmarto atwo-yearcontract andCSpencer Hawes to a four-year contract.
PORTLANDTRAIL BLAZERS — Signed C Chris Kaman andGSteveBlaketo two-yearcontracts. TORONTORAPTORS— Re-signedKyleLowryto amultiyearcontract. UTAHJAZZ—AcquiredFSteve Novakanda2017 second-rounddraft pick fromToronto for G Diante Garrett. WASHIN GTON WIZARDS — Signed CMarcin Gortat to afive-year contract. HOCKEY National HockeyLeague DETROIT RED WINGS — Re-signed LW Daniel Cleary toaone-year contract. SANJOSESHARKS— Re-signedDScottHannan to a one-year contract. ST. LOUIS BLUES—Re-signedFSteveOtt to a two-yearcontract. TAMPA BAYLIGHTNING — Si gned FJerome Samson to a one-yearcontract. Re-signed FBrett Connolly toaone-yearcontract. TORONTOMAPLE LEAFS — Si gned F Trevor Smith to aone-yearcontract andDRinatValievto a three-yearentry-level contract. SOCCER
Major LeagueSoccer
CHIVAS USA—Waived GTimMelia. LOSANGELESGALAXY—Terminatedtheir loan agreement with F Samuel, whowil be returningto
Fluminense (Brazil SerieA). NEWYORKCITYFC— SignedGJoshSaunders.
FISH COUNT Upstream daily movem ent of adult chinook,jack chinook,steelheadandwild steelheadat selected ColumbiaRiverdamslast updatedonThursday. Chnk Jchnk Stlhd Wsllhd Bonneville 1,682 35 4 2 ,414 1,425 T he Dalles 2,019 4 5 9 1 ,622 9 3 4 John Day 2,107 4 5 8 98 7 544 McNary 2,070 3 2 9 508 267 Upstreamyear-to-date movement of adult chinook, jackchinook, steelheadandwild steelhead at selectedColumbiaRiver damslast updatedon Thursday. Chnk Jchnk Stlhd Wsllhd Bonneville 325,997 45,518 32,210 14,859 The Dalles 256,792 35,092 14,245 7,328 John Day 222,964 31,283 11,010 4,946 McNary 201,015 27,170 6,458 2,762
Montgomerie takes early U.S.Senior lead The Associated Press E DMOND, O k l a .
the position I am now." —
C o lin
Montgomerie declared Bernhard Langer the favorite heading into the U.S. Senior Open.
After 18 holes, Montgomerie may well have seized that position himself with a 6 -under 65
to lead at the end of Thursday at Oak Tree National. The Scotsman started on No. 10 and birdied Nos. 14, 15 and 16
on the way to a 33 on the back nine. He birdied six, seven and
eight to finish strong in oppressive heat and humidity. "That was the key to the round,
Sue Ogrocki/The Associated Press
Colin Montgomerie watches his tee shot on the 14th hole at the U.S. Senior Open in Edmond,
Oklahoma onThursday. Montgomerie leads with a 6-under 65.
the three birdies in a row on the front nine, my back nine," Montgomerie said. "To birdie six, seven, eight was good. That got me to
to salvage a 75. "Thought I made a on the par-71 TPC Deere Run. They led 2004 British Open after a 66, and Mark Brooks was didn't hit good shots today." Ue- champion Todd Hamilton, Austhird after shooting 68. Langer hara and Mo Martin (69) were the tralian Steven Bowditch and Wilwas one of five golfers tied for only players to break 70. Defend- liam McGirt, the best afternoon fourth with a 69. ing champion Stacy Lewis played finisher, by a stroke. Johnson, Also on Thursday: in the same group as Uehara and who won the Deere in 2012 and Japan's Uehara at 4-under: shot 71 in what might be the eas- lost it to Jordan Spieth in a playSOUTHPORT, England — Aya- iest conditions all week. "It's only off last year, birdied four of his ko Uehara of Japan got her one going to get harder," Lewis said. first five holes and was 6 under mistake out of the way early and "Anything under par on this golf on his opening nine. Harman, opened witha 4-under 68 to lead course is a good score." who bettered his best round of the Women's British Open. MiThree-way tie for John Deere the year by two strokes, was 2 chelle Wie couldn't stop making lead: SILVIS, Ill. — Zach John- under through six holes when them. Coming off her first major son, Rory Sabbatini and Brian his caddie Scott Tway fell ill. at the U.S. Women's Open, Wie Harman shot 8-under-par 63s Jay Hatch of Davenport, Iowa, missed half of her fairways and to share the lead after the first a high school basketball coach, stuck to a conservative plan on round of the John Deere Classic. volunteered from the gallery, and the par 5s that produced only one Johnson and Sabbatini played carried Harman's bag the last 12 birdie. That was on her final hole bogey-free golf, while Harman holes, which Harman played in 6 at Royal Birkdale and allowed her had nine birdies and one bogey under. Marco Dawson wa s
s econd good game plan," Wie said. "Just
All TimesPDT
Baltimore Toronto NewYork TampaBay Boston
50 41 48 45 46 45 42 52 41 51
CentralDivision W L
Detroit Kansas City
Cleyeland Chicago Minnesota Oakland
LosAngeles Seattle Houston Texas
51 37 47 44 45 46 44 49 42 49
West Division W L 58 34 54 37 49 43 39 54 38 54
.549 .516 3 .505 4 .447 9'/t .446 9t/t
Pct GB .580 .516 5'/t
Washington Atlanta Miami NewYork Philadelphia Milwaukee St. Louis Cincinnati Pittsburgh
Chicago Los Angeles SanFrancisco SanDiego Colorado Arizona
NATIONALLEAGUE East Division W L 49 41 50 42 44 47 42 50 41 51
.462 10'/r
Pct GB .630 .593 3'/t .533 9 419 19t/t
.413 20
CentralDivision W L
52 41 50 43 49 43 48 44 39 52
West Division W L
52 42 50 42 40 52 39 53 39 54
Pct GB
.544 .543
.484 5r/t
.457 8 .446 9
Pct GB .559 .538 2 .533 2r/t 522 3r/t
.429 12
Pct GB .553 .543 1 .435 11 .424 12 .419 fzr/t
Chicago Cubs6, Cincinnati 4,12 innings Philadelphia 9, Milwaukee1 Oakland 6, SanFrancisco1 Baltimore 4, Washington 3 Atlanta3, N.Y.Mets1 Pittsburgh 9,St. Louis1 L.A. Dodgers 2,SanDiego1
Friday's Games Atlanta(A.Wood6-7) at ChicagoCubs(Arrieta 5-1), 1:05 p.m. Washington (Zimmerm ann 6-4) at Philadelphia (A.Burnett5-8),4:05p.m. Miami(H.Alvarez6-3) atN.Y.Mets (Za.Wheeler 4-8), 4:10 p.m. Pittsburgh (Locke2-1) at Cincinnati(Latos2-1), 4:10 p.m. St. Louis(J.Kelly1-1) at Milwaukee(Gallardo 5-5), 5:10 p.m. Minnesota(KrJohnson0-0) at Colorado(J.De La Rosa9-6),5:40 p.m. San Diego (Hahn4-2) at LA. Dodgers (Haren8-5), 7;10 p.m. Arizona(Bolsinger1-5) at SanFrancisco (Lincecum 8-5), 7:15 p.m. Saturday'sGames Arizona at SanFrancisco, 1:05p.m. AtlantaatChicagoCubs,1:05 p.m. Miami atN.Y.Mets,1;10 p.m. Minnesota at Colorado,1:10 p.m. St. LouisatMilwaukee,1:10 p.m. PittsburghatCincinnati,4:15 p.m. Washingtonat Philadelphia, 4:15p.m. SanDiegoatL.A.Dodgers, 7:10p.m. Bunday'sGames Miami atN.Y.Mets,10:10 a.m. PittsburghatCincinnati,10:10 a.m. Washington at Philadelphia,10:35a.m. St. LouisatMilwaukee,11:10a m. AtlantaatChicagoCubs, 11:20a.m. Arizona at SanFrancisco, 1:05p.m. Minnesota at Colorado,1:10 p.m. SanDiegoatL.A.Dodgers,1:10 p.m.
July11 1914 —BabeRuth madehis major leaguedebut for theBostonRed Sox and received credit for a4-3 victoryoverCleveland. 2006 — WiththeAmerican Leaguedownto its final strike,MichaelYounghit atwo-run triple offTrevor Hoffman for a3-2 victorythat kepttheAmericans unbeaten in Major LeagueBaseball's All-Stargamefor the past decade.
Cnbs 6, Reds4,12 inn.
ST.LOUIS— EdinsonVolquez tossed a six-hitter to win his fourth straight start. Neil Walker, Josh Harrison, Russell Martin and Andrew McCutchen all drove in two runs for the Pirates, whoavoided being swept in the four-game series.
CINCINNATI —Luis Valbuenahit a tiebreaking, two-run triple in the 12th inning andChicagoavoided a rare five-game sweep.Arismendy Alcantara got his first major league hit — atwo-run doubleand drove in three runs. Chicago
Cincinnati ab r hbi ab r hbi Coghlnlf 5 1 1 0 Heiseycf 5 1 0 0 Alcantr2b 5 2 4 3 Schmkrrf 5 1 0 0 Rizzo1b 4 0 0 0 Frazier3b 5 0 1 0 Scastross 6 1 2 1 B.Pena1b 6 1 1 1 Valuen3b 5 0 1 2 Ludwcklf 6 1 3 2 Sweenycf 3 0 1 0 RSantg2b 5 0 1 1 Rugginph-cf 2 0 0 0 Cozartss 4 0 0 0 S chrhltrf 5 0 0 0 Brnhrtc 3 0 1 0 JoBakrc 2 1 1 0 Achpmp 0 0 0 0 Hndrckp 1 1 0 0 Ju.Diazp 0 0 0 0 Dltph 1 0 0 0 BHmltnph 1 0 0 0 Russellp 0 0 0 0 Hooverp 0 0 0 0 S tropp 0 0 0 0 Baileyp 2 0 0 0 Lakeph 1 0 0 0 Lecurep 0 0 0 0 NRmrzp 0 0 0 0 Bruceph 1 0 0 0 H Rndnp 0 0 0 0 MParrp 0 0 0 0 Castilloph 1 0 0 0 Broxtnp 0 0 0 0 BParkrp 0 0 0 0 Mesorcph-c 1 0 0 0 Totals 41 6 106 Totals 4 4 4 7 4 Bt. Louis gg1 g g g 000 — 1 Chicago gg1 g20 g10gg2 — 6 E—Lyons (2). DP—Pittsburgh 4, St. Louis 1. Cincinnati 3B1 ggg gggggg — 4 LOB —Pittsburgh 7, St. Louis 4. 28 —J.Harrison E—Coghlan (2), Rizzo(7), B.Pena (2). DP14), N.Walker(12), PAlvarez(10). HR—R.Martin (5). Cincinnati 2. LDB —Chicago 8, Cincinnati 11. B—A.Mccutchen2 (15), Wong (11). CS—Jh.Per- 2B — Coghlan(8), Alcantara(1), B.Pena(12). 38alta (2). S —Volquez2, S.Miler. SF—A.Mccutchen, Alcantara(1), Valhuena(3). HR —Ludwick (6). SM.carpenter. Hendricks.SF—Alcantara. IP H R E R BBBD IP H R E R BBBD PiNsburgh Chicago Volquez WB-6 9 6 1 1 2 5 Hendricks 6 5 4 4 3 7 Bt. Louis Russell 1 0 0 0 1 1 S.MigerL,7-8 5 5 4 4 4 1 Strop 1 1 0 0 1 1 N.Rami r ez 1 0 0 0 0 1 Lyons 3 4 4 1 2 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 Motte 1 1 1 1 0 0 HRondon B.ParkerWr1-0 2 1 0 0 0 3 HBP —byVolquez(Wong). PB—Tcruz. Cincinnati T—3:05.A—43,974 (45,399). Bailey 5 2 3 3 2 3 LecureH,11 1 1 0 0 0 1 M.ParraH,13 1 0 0 0 0 1 Phillies 9, Brewers1 BroxtonBS,3-9 1 2 1 1 0 0 A.chapma n 1 0 0 0 1 2 Ju.Diaz 1 1 0 0 2 1 MILWAUKEE — Jimmy Rollins HooverL,1-6 2 4 2 2 0 2 broke up Matt Garza's no-hit bid HBP —by Hendricks (Cozart), by Bailey(Rizzo,Jo. with a single in the seventh before Baker).WP—Strop. sparking a seven-run outburst an T—4:10. A—31,983(42,319). PiNsburgh Bt. Louis ab r hbi ab r hbi GPolncrf 3 2 0 0 Mcrpnt3b 3 0 1 1 J Hrrsnlf 5 1 2 2 Mottep 0 0 0 0 AMcctcf 4 2 2 2 Taversrf 4 0 0 0 N Walkr2b 4 0 1 2 Hollidylf 3 0 1 0 RMartnc 4 1 3 2 Bourioscf 1 0 1 0 I.Davis1b 3 0 0 0 MAdms1b 3 0 1 0 GSnchzph-1b2 0 0 0 APerezph 0 0 0 0 PAlvrz3b 5 1 2 0 JhPerltss 3 0 1 0 M ercerss 3 1 0 0 Jaycf-If 3 0 0 0 Volquezp 1 1 0 0 T.cruzc 3 0 0 0 Wong2b 2 1 1 0 SMigerp 0 0 0 0 MEllisph 1 0 0 0 Lyonsp 0 0 0 0 Descalsph-3h1 0 0 0 Totals 3 4 9 108 Totals 2 7 1 6 1 P ittsburgh 1gg 0 3 4 001 — 9
495 71/2 473 91/2
Thursday'sGames Oakland 6, SanFrancisco1 Boston 4, ChicagoWhite Sox3, 10innings Cleveland 9, N.Y.Yankees3 Baltimore 4, Washington3 L.A. Angels15,Texas6 Detroit16,KansasCity 4 Minnesota 4, Seattle 2 Today'sGames ChicagoWhite Sox(Noesi 3-6) at Cleveland(Kluber 8-6),4;05p.m. N.Y.Yankees(Kuroda6-6) at Baltimore(Mi.Gonzalez 4-5),4:05p.m. Toronto(Buehrle10-6) at Tamp a Bay (Archer 5-5), 4:10 p.m. L.A. Angels(Richards10-2) at Texas (Tepesch 3-4), 5:05 p.m. Boston(Lackey9-6) at Houston (Feldman 4-5), 5:10 p.m. Detroit (A.Sanchez 5-3) at Kansas City (Duffy5-8), 5:10 p.m. Minnesota(KrJohnson0-0) at Colorado (J.De La Rosa9-6),5:40 p.m. Oakland (Samardzia1-0) at Seattle (FHernandez102), 7:10p.m. Saturday'sGames ChicagoWhiteSoxat Cleveland,12;05 p.m. N.Y.Yankeesat Baltimore,1:05 p.m. Boston at Houston,1:10 p.m. Minnesota at Colorado,1:10 p.m. TorontoatTampaBay,1:10 p.m. Detroit atKansasCity, 4:10 p.m. LA. Angelat sTexas,4:15 p.m. OaklandatSeattle, 7:10p.m. Bunday'sGames Chicago WhiteSoxat Cleveland,10:05 a.m. TorontoatTampaBay,10:40a.m. Bostonat Houston,11:10 a.m. Detroit atKansasCity,11:10a.m. L.A. Angelat s Texas,12;05 p.m. Minnesota at Colorado,1:10 p.m. Oakland atSeatle, 1:10p.m. N.Y.Yankeesat Baltimore, 5;05p.m.
Pirates 9, Cardinals 1
Ai Behrman/The Associated Press
Cincinnati catcher Devin Mesoraco dives to tag out Chicago's Luis Valbuena in the12th inning Thursday in Cincinnati. Valbuena was trying for an inside the park home run on a play that scored the two deciding runs in a 6-4 Cubs win.
American League
Twins 4, Mariners2 SEATTLE —Former Seattle Mariner Kendrys Morales hada two-run double in the fifth inning to help Minnesota rookie righthander YohanPino earn his first major league victory.
Indians 9,Yankees3
Tigers16, Royals4
CLEVELAND — Roberto Perez hit a two-run homer in his major league debut, Carlos Santanaalso connected andCleveland scored nine runs in its last two innings. Asdrubal Cabrera's bases-loaded triple and Michael Brantley's sacrifice fly highlighted a four-run seventh that erased a3-0 deficit.
KANSAS CITY, Mo.— Everybody in Detroit's lineup had at least one hit and scored one run, the season-best offensive onslaught spurring the rout of KansasCity. Jeremy Guthrie gave up acareer-worst eight earned runs and was mercifully pulled in the fifth.
inning later, helping Philadelphia complete a four-gamesweep. Rollins greeted reliever Will Smith in the eighth by singling to left to drive home two runs.
Athletics 6, Giants 1
SAN FRANCISCO — Scott Kazmir Minnesota Seattle Detroit KansasCiiy ab r hbi ab r hbi struck out nine in sevenscoreless ab r hbi ab r hbi Philadelphia Milwaukee Dozier2b 5 1 1 0 Enchvzlf-rf 5 1 2 0 New York Cleveland AJcksncf 5 2 1 0 L.cainrf 5 0 0 0 ab r hbi ab r hbi innings to help Oakland win the KSuzukc 3 1 2 1 J.Jonescf 5 0 3 0 ab r hbi ab r hbi Kinsler2b 4 2 2 2 Hosmer1b 4 1 2 2 GwynJcf-If 5 0 0 0 CGomzcf 4 1 1 1 P armel1b 4 1 2 0 Cano2b 5 0 3 0 Gardnrlf 5 0 1 0 Kipnis2b 4 2 3 0 annual Bay Bridge series. AnRmn2b 1 1 1 0 S.Perezc 3 0 0 0 Rollinsss 4 2 2 2 Gennett2b 4 0 0 0 KMorlsdh 4 0 1 2 Seager3b 1 1 1 2 Jeterss 4 0 2 0 Acarerss 4 1 2 3 Micarr1b 3 1 2 3 Hayesc 1 0 0 0 Utley2b 3 1 1 0 Lucroyc 4 0 0 0 W lnghlf 3 0 0 0 Hartdh 4 0 1 0 Ellsurycf 5 0 2 0 Brantlycf 4 1 2 2 Oakland Ban Francisco RDavispr-If 1 1 1 0 Valenci3b-2b 3 0 2 0 ABlancph-2b1 0 0 0 ArRmr3b 3 0 1 0 Arciarf 4 0 1 0 Morrsn1b 4 0 0 0 Teixeir1b 4 0 1 0 CSantn1h 5 1 1 2 ab r hbi ab r hbi JMrtnzlf-rf 3 2 2 3 Infante2b 2 0 0 0 Howard1b 5 2 2 3 Maldndph 1 0 0 0 Plouffe3b 4 0 1 0 MSndrsrf 4 0 1 0 Mccnndh 4 0 0 0 Chsnhll3b 4 0 1 0 Jaso c 3 1 2 0 Pence rf 4 0 2 0 TrHntrdh 6 2 3 3 C.colon2b-ss2 0 1 0 B yrdrf 3 1 0 0 Braunrf 4 0 1 0 Cervellic 3 2 1 0 DvMrprf 5 0 0 0 EEscorss 4 0 0 0 Ackleyph-If 0 0 0 0 A sche3b 4 1 1 2 KDavislf 3 0 1 0 DNorrsph-c 2 0 0 0 Bcrwfrss 4 0 0 0 Fuldcf 2 1 1 0 Zuninoc 4 0 0 0 ZeWhlrrf-3b 4 1 2 2 Swisherdh 4 0 1 0 Cstgns 3b 4 1 2 2 BButler dh 4 1 1 1 Vogt1b 5 0 2 3 Sandovl3b 4 0 1 1 A vilac 6 1 1 0 Ibanezlf 4 0 0 0 DBrwnlf 4 0 1 2 MrRynl1b 2 0 0 0 Solarte3b-2b 4 0 1 1 ChDckrlf 4 2 3 0 Blmqstss 4 0 1 0 5 0 0 0 Posey c 4 0 0 0 Suarezss 4 2 2 2 AEscorss 3 1 1 0 K.Hillc 0 0 0 0 Bianchiss 2 0 0 0 CespdsIf Totals 3 3 4 9 3 Totals 3 62 122 Ryan2b 3 0 0 0 RPerezc 3 2 2 2 M oss rf 4 2 2 0 Morself 4 0 1 0 D.Kegyrf-1b 5 1 2 0 Mostks3b 1 0 0 0 Ruppc 3 0 1 0 Garzap 1 0 0 0 M innesota 0 0 2 0 2 0 ggg — 4 ISuzukiph-rf 1 0 1 0 D nldsn 3h 3 1 2 2 Belt 1b 3 0 0 0 JDysoncf 4 1 2 1 Totals 3 7 3 113 Totals 3 7 9 159 Reverepr-cf 1 1 1 0 WSmithp 0 0 0 0 Seattle 0 10 000 100 — 2 ggg 2 1 0 ggg — 3 Totals 42 161915 Totals 36 4 9 4 D Bchnp 2 0 0 0 Kintzlrp 0 0 0 0 Lowriess 4 1 1 0 Ariasph 1 0 0 0 E—Zunino (4). DP—Minnesota 1, Seattle 1. N ew York Callasp 2b 3 1 1 1 B.Hicks 2b 3 0 0 0 Detroit Bgg Bgg 1B1 — 16 CHrndzph 1 1 0 0 RWeksph 1 0 0 0 g g gggg 46x— 9 LDB —Minnesota 8, Seatle 10. 28—Parmelee (6), Cleveland E—Chisenhall (13). DP—NewYork1, Cleveland Kansas Ciiy g1 g 1gg 2gg — 4 B astrdp 0 0 0 0 Wangp 0 0 0 0 D terop 0 0 0 0 Petitp 0 0 0 0 K.Morales(8). HR—Seager (14). SB—Dozier (16), Ahadp 0 0 0 0 HSnchzph 1 0 0 0 E—Ibanez(1), J.Dyson(3). DP—Kansas City 1. Diekmnp 0 0 0 0 2. LDB —New York11, Cleveland9. 28—Ch.DickFuld (11).CS—Fuld(2). SF—K.Suzuki, Seager. Gentry cf 2 0 0 0 GBlanc cf 4 0 1 0 —Detroit 9, KansasCity 6. 28—Mi.cabrera 2 Totals 36 9 9 9 Totals 2 9 1 4 1 —Ze.Wheeler (2), LOB IP H R E R BBBD erson(1). 38—A.cabrera(2). HR 3 0 0 0 THudsnp 1 0 0 0 C.Santana(14), R.Perez(1). SB—Kipnis 2 (13). (34), R.Davis(15), J.Martinez(17), Castelanos (20), Philadelphia gg g ggg 072 — 9 Kazmirp Minnesota Brantley. Avila (14),Suarez2 (5). HR —TorHunter (12), Hosmer Milwaukee Ogg OB1 000 — 1 Sogardph-2b1 0 0 0 J.Lopezp 0 0 0 0 Pino W,1-2 5 7 1 1 2 4 SF — M achip 0 0 0 0 IP H R E R BBBD (6), B.Butler(3). SB—A.Escobar (22), J.Dyson(17). DP — Philadelphia 1. LOB—Philadelphia 5, MilSwarzakH,3 11 - 3 1 1 1 0 1 1110 SF — Kinsler,J.Martinez, Casteganos. DuensingH,3 2 - 3 2 0 0 0 0 New York waukee 4. 28—Howard (10), Asche(13), Rupp(3). Totals 35 6 10 6 Adrianz2b Totals 34 1 6 1 6 7 2 2 3 5 IP H R E R BBBO HR — Howard(15), C.Gomez (14). SB—Rogins (18). Oakland Fien H,15 1 1 0 0 0 1 Phelps 010 014 ggg — 6 2 0 0 Detroit S—Garza. PerkinsS,22-25 1 1 0 0 0 0 ThorntonL,0-3BS,4-4 1-3 2 2 Ji.Miger 12-3 6 5 5 1 2 SmylyW,5-8 62 - 3 8 4 4 1 2 IP H R E R BBBD Ban Francisco 000 000 B10 — 1 Seattle E—Calaspo (7). DP—San Francisco 1. LOBCSmith 13 0 0 0 0 1 Philadelphia WilhelmsenL,1-2 22-3 1 2 1 3 3 Cleveland akland6, SanFrancisco 7. 28—Moss (17), Low4 2-3 8 3 3 2 5 B.Hardy 1 1 0 0 0 1 Farquhar 2 4 2 2 0 0 House D.BuchananW,5-5 7 4 1 1 1 5 O rie (23),Callaspo(12), G.Blanco(6). 38—Jaso(2). Pestano 2-3 1 0 0 0 Coke 1 0 0 0 0 1 Bastardo Beimel 11-3 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 HR — Donaldson(20).SF—Callaspo. 2-3 0 0 0 1 1 KansasCity Leone 1 1 0 0 0 1 Crockett Diekman 1 0 0 0 0 2 IP H R E R BBSD 0 0 0 0 1 GuthrieL,5-8 4 8 8 8 3 2 Milwaukee Furbush 1 1 0 0 0 0 CarrascoW,2-3 1 Oakl a nd 1 2 0 0 0 1 S.Downs 1-3 2 2 2 0 0 Luetge Garza L,6-6 72-3 3 2 2 2 3 KazmirW,11-3 7 1 1 0 0 1 0 AtchisonH,5 3 0 0 1 9 Hagadone 1 0 0 0 0 1 L.coleman 12-3 5 4 4 1 2 W.Smit T—3:11. A—14,530(47,476). h BS,5-6 0 3 5 5 2 0 Dtero 1 3 1 1 0 1 Atchisonpitchedto 1baterin the9th. Bueno 3 4 2 2 1 3 Kintzler 13 2 0 0 0 0 Abad 1 0 0 0 0 0 Phelpspitchedto2 batters inthe7th. Guthriepitchedto 2batters inthe 5th. Wang 1 1 2 2 1 0 Ban Francisco HBP —byHouse(Cerveli). Angels 15, Rangers 6 HBP —byGuthrie (J.Martinez,Suarez). WSmithpitchedto 5batters inthe8th. T .Hudson L, 7 -6 5 1-3 9 6 6 3 4 T—3:30.A—28,334 (42,487). T—3:17. A—21,775(37,903). HBP —byD.Buchanan(Mar Reynolds). J.Lopez 1-3 1 0 0 0 0 T—3;06.A—36,394 (41,900). ARLINGTON,Texas— Mike Trout Machi 11-3 0 0 0 0 1 Red Sox4, White Sox 3,10 inn. Petit 2 0 0 0 0 5 had a three-run homeramong National League T — 3: 0 1. A — 41,069 (41 , 9 15). his four hits for Los Angeles in its drubbing of Texas.Thefirst four Angels in the gamehad hits and scored. Los Angeles Texas ab r hbi ab r hbi Calhonrf 5 4 4 1 Choodh 5 0 1 0 Troutcf 5 3 4 4 Andrusss 2 0 0 0 C owgillcf 0 0 0 0 Ddor2b 3 0 0 0 P uiols1b 4 2 2 2 Riosrf 3100 JMcDnlpr-ss 0 1 0 0 ABeltre3b 4 2 3 1
BOSTON — Mike Carp's pinch-hit single in the 10th gaveBoston its second straight walk-off victory over Chicago. Koji Ueharagave up a tying, two-run homer in the ninth to pinch-hitter Conor Gillaspie. Chicago
Braves 3, Mets1 NEW YORK — Aaron Harang allowed four hits in seven innings, and Atlanta usedearly offense against Bartolo Colon to avert a four-game sweep byNewYork.
Boston ab r hbi ab r hbi Atlanta New York Eatoncf 5 1 3 0 B.Holt3h 4 0 0 0 ab r hbi ab r hbi GBckh 2b 4 0 0 0 Pedroia 2h 4 0 0 0 JHmltnlf 5 2 3 2 DRrtsnpr 0 1 0 0 BUptoncf 4 0 1 0 Grndrsrf 50 0 0 JAreu1b 4 0 2 1 D.Drtizdh 4 0 1 2 Aybarss 4 0 1 3 Smlnsklf 4 2 3 3 ASmnsss 4 2 2 0 DnMrp2b 3 0 1 0 Viciedolf 5 0 0 0 Napoli1b 4 0 0 0 CrRsmp 0 0 0 0 C.Pena1b 4 0 0 0 AIRmrzss 5 1 3 0 JGomslf 3 0 0 0 FFrmn1b 4 1 2 1 DWrght3b 2 0 1 1 Rucnskp 0 0 0 0 Chirinsc 3 0 1 2 J.uptonlf 4 0 0 0 Duda1b 3 0 0 0 Konerkdh 4 0 0 0 Navaph 0 1 0 0 HKndrc2b 4 0 0 1 LMartncf 4 0 1 0 ierrarf 3 0 1 0 Bettsrf 3 0 0 0 Kimrelp 0 0 0 0 dArnadc 4 0 1 0 Freese3b 5 0 0 0 Rosales2b-ss 3 0 0 0 S G igaspiph-3h1 1 1 2 Drewss 2 1 0 0 Heywrdrf 4 0 1 1 Lagarscf 4 0 1 0 Crondh-1b 5 1 1 0 LaStell2b 4 0 1 0 Tejadass 2 0 0 0 Flowrsc 4 0 0 0 D.Rossc 2 1 0 0 Congerc 5 2 2 0 LeGarc3b-rf 4 0 0 0 Carpph 1 0 1 1 Bthncrtc 4 0 1 0 Niwnhsph 1 0 0 0 Totals 4 2 151713 Totals 3 5 6 9 6 BrdlyJrcf 3 1 1 1 R.Pena3b 3 0 2 0 Campgss 0 0 0 0 LosAngeles 463 000 g20 — 15 Totals 39 3 103 Totals 3 0 4 3 4 Harangp 3 0 0 0 B.colonp 3 0 0 0 Texas 200 101 g02 — 6 Chicago 1gg ggggg2 g — 3 JWaldnp 0 0 0 0 CTorrsp 0 0 0 0 E—J.Hamilton (5), Rios(5), Rosales(1). DP Boston ggg gg3 ggg 1 — 4 JSchafrlf 1 0 0 0 BAreuph 1 0 0 0 Texas1.LDB —LosAngeles3, Texas5. 28—Calhoun One outwhenwinning runscored. EYong If 3 1 1 0 (14), J.Hamilton 3(11),Smolinski 2 (3). 38—CalLDB—Chicago 8, Boston3. 2B—J.Abreu(20), CYoungph 1 0 0 0 houn(2).HR—Trout (21), A.Beltre (13). SF—Pu)ols, AI.Ramirez(15), D.Drtiz (17). HR—Gillaspige(4. Totals 3 5 3 102 Totals 3 2 1 5 1 H.Kendrick,Chirinos. Atlanta 2B1 ggg Ogg — 3 SB — J.Abreu(1), AI.Ramirez(15), Sierra(1). IP H R E R BBBD Beckham,Betts. New York gg1 g g g ggg — 1 Los Angeles NewYork 2. LDB—Atlanta 6, NewYork 9. IP H R E R BBBD DP — H.SantiagoW,1-7 6 5 4 3 1 8 Chicago 28 — FFreeman (27), Lagares (13). SB—E.Young Cor.Rasm us 2 0 0 0 0 1 Quintana 7 2 3 3 2 7 (23). CS —Bethancourt (1). Rucinski 1 4 2 2 0 1 D.Webb 1 1-3 0 0 0 0 IP H R E R BBBO Texas Surkamp 1-3 0 0 0 0 0 Atlanta L ewis L,6-6 21 - 3 13 13 11 0 1 BelisarioL,3-6 2 - 3 1 1 1 2 0 HarangW,9-6 7 4 1 1 4 2 22-3 1 0 0 1 3 Boston Mendez J.Walden H,10 2- 3 1 0 0 1 1 West 2 0 0 0 0 1 Lester 7 7 1 1 0 12 KimbrelS,28-32 11-3 0 0 0 0 1 Poreda 1 3 2 2 0 1 Tazawa H,9 1 0 0 0 0 2 New York Gimenez 1 0 0 0 0 1 UeharaBS,2-20 1 2 2 2 0 2 B.colonL,8-8 8 10 3 3 0 7 HBP—byRucinski (Rosales). WP —Poreda. A.MillerW3-5 1 1 0 0 1 0 C.Torres 1 0 0 0 1 0 T—3:10. A—30,686(48,114). T—2:50. A—23,528(41,922). T—3:22.A—37,547 (37,071).
Dodgers 2, Padres1
LOS ANGELES— ClaytonKershaw's scoreless streak ended at 41 innings when hegave upa homeruntoChaseHeadley,but theLosAngelesacepitcheda three-hitter with11 strikeouts.
Orioles 4, Nationals 3 BALTIMORE— Steve Pearce homered andscored twice to help Wei-Yin Chenearn his team-high ninth victory.
Washington Baltimore ab r hbi ab r hbi Ban Diego Los Angeles Spancf 4 0 1 0 Markksrf 2 1 0 0 ab r hbi ab r hbi ph 1 0 0 0 Pearce If 4 2 2 1 Denorfirf 4 0 0 0 DGordn2b 4 0 1 0 Hairstn R endon 3b 5 1 2 0 LoughIf 0 0 0 0 Headly3b 4 1 1 1 HRmrzss 3 1 2 0 Werthrf 5 1 1 1 A.Jonescf 4 1 1 1 Cuentinlf 4 0 0 0 Roiasss 1 0 1 0 3 0 1 0 N.cruzdh 4 0 1 1 M edica1b 1 0 0 0 Puigrf 4 1 1 0 LaRoch1b Zmrmndh 4 1 2 1 C.Davis1b 4 0 0 0 Rivera1b 3 0 0 0 AdGnzl1b 3 0 1 1 Harperlf 3 3010 G randlc 3 0 1 0 Kemplf 4 0 1 0 Dsmndss 300 01 01 JHardyss Machd3b 2 0 0 0 Conrad2b 3 0 0 0 VnSlykcf 4 0 2 1 Espinosss 0 0 0 0 CJosphc 3 0 1 0 Maybincf 2 0 0 0 uribe3b 3 0 0 0 WRamsc 4 0 1 0 Schoop2b 3 0 0 0 A marstss 3 0 1 0 A.Ellisc 3 0 0 0 Frndsn 2b 4 0 1 0 Despgnp 1 0 0 0 Kershwp 2 0 0 0 Totals 36 3 103 Totals 2 9 4 6 3 Venaleph 1 0 0 0 Washington 00 0 102 ggg — 3 Qcknsh p 0 0 0 0 Baltimore 103 0 0 0 g gx — 4 Totals 2 9 1 3 1 Totals 3 12 9 2 E—Desmond (15). DP—Washington1, Baltimore San Diego g g g gg1 000 — 1 1. LDB —Washington 9, Baltimore4. 2B—LaRoche LosAngeles Ogg 1B1 Ogx — 2 (11), Zimm erman (17), Desmond (13), AJones(19). E—Rivera(6), Grandal (5), Amarista 2 (5). DPHR — Werth(10), Pearce(11). San Diego1. LDB —San Diego 3, Los Angeles 7. IP H R E R BBBD 28 — Puig (25). HR—Headley (7). SB—Maybin Washington (3), H.Ram irez (12). S—Despaigne, Kershaw. SFG.GonzaleL, z6-5 62-3 6 4 3 3 7 Ad.Gonzalez. Barrett 11-3 0 0 0 0 2 IP H R E R BBSD Baltimore San Diego W.chenW,9-3 5 2-3 8 3 3 0 6 DespaigneL,2-1 7 7 2 2 0 7 Tom.HunterH,3 1 1-3 0 0 0 0 1 Quackenbush 1 2 0 0 0 3 O'DayH,14 1 1 0 0 1 2 Los Angeles Z.BrittonS,15-17 1 1 0 0 0 0 Kershaw W,11-2 9 3 1 1 1 11 HBP—by0'Day(Desmond), byW.chen (LaRoche). PB — Grandal. PB—C.Joseph. T—2:45. A—30,417(45,971). T—2:31.A—50,332 (56,000).
Wit I(itte outo s rintwit at, rie e ta essta ewin By Jamey Keaten
sang of Denmark. Peter Saman who has won three stag- gan of Slovakia was third, 44 REIMS, France — Sprint es and dominated the sprint seconds back. Two-time Tour specialist Andre Greipel won finishes, had a flat tire right champion Alberto Contador, a drizzly sixth stage of the before the end. a day after losing about 2 I/2 "I had really good punch minutes to Nibali, was dealt Tour de France on Thursday, as crashes again thinned the today, I am really happy," said another setback: His Saxo-Tinpack ofsupport riders for ri- Greipel, the Lotto Belisol rider koff teammate Jesus Hernanvals hoping to strip Vincenzo who turns 32 next Wednesday. dez dropped out after a crash. "Of course I'm not looking at Nibali of the yellow jersey. Among other possible conMarcel Kittel, a fellow Ger-
The Associated Press
The German champion col-
Kittel. I don't need to hide. I
tenders, Richie Porte was 1
lected his sixth career Tour am still one of the fastest in the stage victory in Champagne bunch. "There was a lot of pressure country and t h e c elebrated capital of many French kings on us, on my shoulders," for a by outpacing Norway's Alex- win, he added. "It's a big relief ander Kristoff in second and for us." France's Samuel Dumoulin in
minute, 54 seconds back, in eighth place. The Austra-
third. At the end of the 120-mile
rain-splattered ride. Porte, too,
ride from Arras to Reims, Greipel burst out of the pack with less than 300 meters left
Leaders lose teammates
lian inherited the leadership
of Team Sky after injured defending champion Chris Froome dropped out Wednesday following two crashes in a
The top of the standings did lost a teammate: Spanishveternot change, as most of the con- an Xabier Zandio was taken by tenders for victory in the three- ambulance to a nearby hospital week race trailed close behind
with a suspected rib fracture
and clenched his fists, shout- the muscular Greipel. Overall, and severe back injury in a ing, at the finish. His job was Nibali has a two-second lead group spill with about 49 miles made a bit easier because over teammate Jakob Fugl- left, according to the race med-
World Cup Continued from C1 With a c u rrent average of 2.69 goals per game, this World Cup could be the highest-scoring tournament since 1982. But, aside from Germa-
ny's stunning 7-1 victory over Brazil in Tuesday's semifinal, the knockout r ounds have
been miserlyand increasingly cautious after such groupphase eruptions as the Neth-
sey could be a little advantage nor have we had weather like 14 riders with varying injuries in the coming stages. We'll this in July, this early in the from "two big crashes." take it day by day." race," he said on Thursday in "It was such a stressful day Arras, referring to the previhorrible actually," Porte Lookingback atthe cobbles ous day's stage."The combinasaid. "The guys were around F or Ji m O c h owicz, t h e tion of the two make it someme all day, and while we lost treacherous, muddy, rainy ride what epic." Asked about some Xabi Zandio to the crash, the along cobblestones in lhes- riders who complained about rest of us kept out of trouble day's Stage 5 was "somewhat the selection of the cobbleepic" — memorable for the un- stones, Ochowicz shrugged, and we live to fight another day." usual combination of bumps saying: "I don't have an opinN ibali said t ha t w h i le and windy, rainy Julyweather. ion one way or another. It's Froome is out, "I'm still afraid The BMC general manager bike racing. We ride outdoors. of Contador," and he expects — a former U.S. Olympic cy- It's raining today. It's windy: the Spaniard and other yellow clist who helped Lance Arm- We don't have a choice." Easy jersey aspirants to attack when strong's career get goingfor him to say, perhaps: BMC the race enters the eastern said pretty much only Dutch team leader Tejay van GarVosges mountains on Saturday stage winner Lars Boom and deren questioned the route — culminating with a tough overall race leader Vincen- selection. He crashed on two uphill finish in Monday's Stage zo Nibali had a good day on roundabouts on Wednesday, 10. "It's true that you can lose Wednesday. For "90 percent of and some frustration was a lot of energy defending the the riders," said Ochowicz, it bared. "The ASO, they need yellow jersey, but I've been rid- was a day of "flat tires, crash- to rethink putting days like ing well," Nibali said through a es, bad day, whatever ..." this in the race," he said, refer"We haven't had a stage like ring to Tour operator Amaury translator. "It's a heavy task to wear it ... (but) to have the jer- this in a long time in the Tour, Sports Organization. ical report. It listed a total of
or a e, oucancome ac a ain an a ain
erlands' 5-1 romp over Spain and Germany's 4-0 rout of Portugal. So what kind of final can we expect Sunday at Estadio do
Continued from C1 As a righty, Hall competed at San Jose (California) City College as a youngster. He also spent a few years after college as an assistant golf professional. Heck, in 2008 he was among the 64 players in the state who advanced into match
play at the Oregon Amateur Championship. According to the USGA, only 7.5 percent of all male golfers have ahandicap index of less than 4. Hall was one of those
guys as a right-hander, but as a leftyhe had to relearn the game almost as a beginner. Seems nuts, right? Well, it might notbe so crazy.
Maracana in Rio de Janeiro?
If recent history is any indication, something strange and compelling will occur. Something wholly unexpected, and perhaps wretched, for the big-
"One of the things that was
fun about going left-handed is that I didn't have any expectations," says Hall. "So all that
gest stars in a moment of unre-
lieved pressure. There was Roberto Baggio of Italy, ballooning his penalty kick in the 1994 final and dropping his head like the blade of a guillotine. And Ronaldo of Brazil having some sort of
frustration I was having from the right side in plateauing went away. Now I have lots of room to improve."
Mostly, Hall stunk as a lefty, especially at first. But he stunk
in a way most of us can relate to.
panic attackor seizure before the 1998 final. And Zinedine
Zidane head-butting Marco Materazzi in the 2006 final,
He lost much of his power, and hisfeelaround the greens
disappeared. Water hazards that he barely paid attention
diminishing France's chances against Italy and his own lofty
to before were suddenly in his
way, and out-of-bounds mark-
Let us hope that Sunday's final will be more engaging
ers now seemed to hug the
than the last time Argentina
fairway. Welcome to my world.
and Germany metto decide a World Cup: a corrosive affair
But Hall improved quickly as a lefty. He could usually score
in 1990 in Rome.
about 90 and once shot an 83 at
It was a fitting conclusion to a World Cup that alternated betweenhigh drama and cynical dreariness. Dubious records were set for low scoring (2.2 goals a match), first player sent off in the final, first team to go scoreless in the championship game. West Germany won, 1-0,
Widgi Creek, he says. "I didn't have any expectations, and it was fun," he says. TheAssociated Pressfile
Steve Blake, left, played for the Portland Trail Blazers in the 2005-06 season and again from 2007 to 2010, when he was traded to the Los Angeles Clippers. He signed a two-year contract with the Blazers on Thursday.
• Journeymanpoint guard signs a2-year deal for his third stint with the Blazers
on a penalty kick in the 84th minute by A ndreas Brehme
By Anne M. Peterson
after a disputed foul. Argentina
The Associated Press
entered with four suspended
players, lost two more to injury in the first half, then had two red-carded later. A r gentina took one shot and tried to drag
the game to a shootout. "We played an excellent game," Franz Beckenbauer, then the German coach, said after the match. "Too bad Ar-
gentina didn'tparticipate. They tried to destroy the game. They played a nongame." In defeat, Diego Maradona wept, wondering whether his World Cupcareer had come to
anend, not having scored a single goal in the tournament. "Icryform ypeople,Icry for my daughters and Icry form e," he said. No, let us hope Sunday's final summons genius from an Argentine or a German that is remindful of a different Ma-
The SteveBlakefile
Pes/Ht:G, 6-3 College:Maryland Draft:2003, Washington (38thj guard's signing on Thursday. The two- Blake has playedwith seventeams in his year contract is worth a reported $4.2 11 NBAseasons, and next season will be million with a player option for the sec- his third stint with the Trail Blazers after he signed a two-year deal Thursday. Here's how ondyear. Blake, 34, has had two previous stints he has fared with eachteam. with the Blazers, most recently from Team G P t s Re b Ast 2007to 2010, becoming a fan favorite be- Portland 269 8. 9 2 . 3 4.7 fore goingonto play for the Lakers, Clip- L.A. Lakers 204 5.8 2.3 3.5 PORTLAND — Steve Blake is coming back to the Portland Trail Blazers. The team announced thefree-agent
The Trail Blazers can use the 6-foot-
to contain Messi, as the Dutch
did, Hansi Flick, a German assistant coach,saidThursday. "We have tocome up with
a few surprises of our own," the German forward Miroslav Klose told reporters. "I am
looking forward to an exciting game, which will be marked by tactics and a bit of trickery."
And, we can only hope, a bit of inspiration.
our backcourt and provide mentorship for our young players." Blake also has a relationship with cen-
hand or he would set his clubs
down near the right side of the ball where a lefty would typically stand to take his swing. He would put his tees and golf balls in his right pocket, which can be a pain to get to when your golf glove is unexpectedly on your right hand. "It was one of the funny
with the Blazers last week. Kaman, who
all these little things you have done all those years and don't even think about it."
signed a two-year deal worth a reported $9.8 million, will back up starting center Robin Lopez. The Blazers used their midlevel ex-
with Portland, when he started and aver-
"Steve is the perfect fit for our team," aged a career-high 11.0 points.
on new ones. Teams andplayers could negotiate andagree to deals since July1, but contracts couldn't be signed or tradesmadeuntil Thursday, after the moratorium period endedandnext season's salary cap wasset. Not everybody is waiting around. Lowry signed his deal to stay in Toronto onThursday, which YahooSports previously reported wasfor $48 million overfouryears. Gortat is returning to Wash-
Over and over, he would try to put his glove on the wrong
parts," Hall says. "There are
Slow goings infree agency Signing dayarrived Thursday in the NBA,though the biggest free agents didn't rush to grab their pens. Carmelo Anthony, Dwyane Wade andChris Bosh might be waiting on LeBronJames — isn't everybody? — before making their decisions. In the meantime, KyleLowry and Marcin Gortat signed contracts to remain with their teams, while Chandler Parsons and Gordon Haywardinked offer sheets that could land them
bother to think about.
ter Chris Kaman, who agreed to terms
ception to sign Kaman and their biannu119 5. 3 1 . 6 2. 3 al exception to sign Blake. 4 9 8. 3 2 . 5 6 . 6 "It really is important to us that guys sists and 2.2 rebounds over an 11-year Milwau ee 33 3.6 1.4 2.5 we bring here want to be here," BlazNBA career. Last season he averaged 6.9 L .A. Clippers 29 6.8 2.4 6. 1 ers general manager Neil Olshey said. "They'reboth gamers, they're about points and 5.6 assists, splitting the sea- GoldenState 2 8 4. 4 2 .0 3 .6 son between the Lakers and Warriors. winning." 731 6. 9 2 . 2 4.0 "I don't think I could have gone to a Total Blake first signed with the Blazers as team that wasn't playing for the playoffs a free agent in 2005, then was traded the or playing for the championship, and next season to the Milwaukee Bucks. He that's what I expect to have here," Blake Damian Lillard. Guard Mo Williams, signed with Portland again in 2007 betold reporters on Thursday. "There is no who was first off the bench for Portland fore being traded to the Clippers in early better place to play basketball. I love it last season, is a free agent this summer 2010. here." and has reportedly talked to the Dallas Blake'sbest season came in 2008-09 3 Blake to help back up All-Star guard
ed a 3-2 victory for Argentina. Nearly 30 years later, Germany again faces the best player in a World Cup final. A secret plan is being implemented
defense. Steve will be a complement to
I Nashington Blake has averaged 6.9 points, 4.0 as- Denver
Mexico City. In the final, after West Germany erased a 2-0
deficit ,M aradona made a pass
statement. "He brings experience, toughness, leadership, shooting and consistent
pers and Golden State Warriors. He kept a home in the Portland area.
radona, the one from 1986 in
to JorgeBurruchaga that creat-
Blazers coach Terry Stotts said in a
There were also little adjustments most golfers would never
the same window to match. The Rockets are one of the teams believed to beconsidering Bosh if he doesopt to leave Miami, which could affect how they deal with Parsons. They also met with Anthowith the Charlotte Hornets that ny, whom NewYork wants would pay him $63 million over to keep. TheKnicks offered four years. TheUtahJazzhave him the maximum allowable three days to match the offer. contract, worth nearly $130 Parsons has athree-year, million over five years, but $45 million offer from Dallas, are still awaiting word if he is but he is also a restricted free staying put. — The Associated Press agent that allows the Rockets ington with a contract that will
pay him $60 million over five years. A couple of other players might be getting their riches, though it will take afew days. Hayward signed anoffer sheet
Still, he found himself enjoying golf again. Finally, two weeks ago in a round at The Greens at Red-
mond with his brother and sister-in-law, he decided to dust off the right-handed clubs. "It was kind of nice to be on that side of the ball," Hall says of his return to righty golf. "It was interesting because I REALLY appreciated how good I can play right-handed after playing left-handed for ayear." The experiment ended that day. Now back to golf as a righthander, Hall has a new appreciation for the golf skills he spent years honing. Funny how being steamrolled by golf as a beginner can remind us of that. "I think attitude and the
lesson of being patient and not having expectations has really been valuable," Hall says. "And I think I will play left-handed sometimes ... just because it will remind me."
Most of us cannot play golf like Hall, and most of us would never go to Hall's extreme.
But perhaps some of us could at least learn the same lesson. — Reporter: 541-617-7868, zhall®
BRIEFING Bend median home price dips The median price of a single-family home in Bend dipped last month, according to figures released Thursday by the Bratton Appraisal Group. But sales increased. In June, the median price in Bendwas $292,000, about1.6 percent lower than May's median price, according to the Bratton Report, but last month's median was still nearly 4 percent higher than in June 2013.Sales in Bend last month reached 233 homes, an increase of 43 sales over May. In Redmond, the median price of a single-family home climbed more than 2 percent last month, to $195,000, over May's price. In June2013, the median price in Redmond stood near $175,000. Ninety-one homessold inRedmond in June, up from 66 the previous month.
— Bulletin staff reports
DISPATCHES • Mt. Bachelor postponed the opening of its downhill bike park until Sundaydue to insufficient snow melt. Riders can expect one top-to-bottom route to be available that day,with additional trails opening this month as snow continues to melt. For the latest information about the park and its operating schedule, visit www. or call 800-829-2442. • Dutch Bros. Coffee recently celebrated its10year anniversary in Central Oregon with a $1drink day.
• If the answer is yes, you maybeentitled to some cash from a price-fixing settlement with chipmakers
Price per gallon for regular unleaded gas and diesel, as posted Thursday at AAA FuelPrice Finder (
U.S. Highway 97,
Bend............ $3.93 • Fred Meyer,944 SW
Los Angeles Times
Ninth St.,
The Federal Trade Commission is suing Amazon. com, alleging that the online retailer unlawfully billed parents millions of dollars for mobile in-app purchases made by their children. The federal complaint, which was filed in Washing-
Redmond ....... $3.94 • Ron's Oil,62980 U.S. Highway 97, Bend............ $3.98 • Chevron,1210SWU.S. Highway 97, Madras......... $3.99 • Chevron,1745NE Third St., Bend... $4.00 • Chevron,3405 N.U.S. Highway 97, Bend............ $4.00 • Texaco,178SWFourth St., Madras...... $4.00 • Chevron,2005 S. U.S. Highway 97, Redmond ....... $4.00 • Chevron,1501SW Highland Ave., Redmond ....... $4.00 • Chevron,1001 Railway, Sisters...... $4.00 • Chevron,398 NW
day, asks for a court order requiring Amazon to refund customersforunauthorized charges and to ban the company from billing parents for in-app charges made by children without their consent. According to the
complaint, many of the kid-friendly games and apps on Amazon mobile devices,
such as the Kindle Fire, encourage children to pay for virtual in-game items with
real world money, usually connected to their parents'
bank accounts. Amazon, which, according to the complaint, collects 30
percentofallin-app charges, allegedly did not require password certification on
in-app purchases when the company began the service in November 2011.
Third St.,
Prineville........ $4.04 • Chevron,1400NW CollegeWay, Bend............ $4.06 • Texaco,2409 Butler Market Road, Bend............ $4.06 • Texaco,539 NWSixth St., Redmond.... $4.06 • Snfewny,80 NECedar St., Madras.......$4.10
Boeingsees Asia driving demand in jet market
The Associated Press file photos
Claims must be filed by Aug. 1 to be eligible for funds from a $310 million settlement with DRAM chip manufacturers, who were accused of conspiring to fix and inflate the prices of their products.
By Julie Johnsson By Valerie Smith The Bulletin
For consumers and
businesses who bought electronic devices between
Bloomberg News
CHICAGO — Boeing Co.
To learn more about the DRAMsettlement or file a claim, visit
ning out to get cash from a price-fixing settlement
overtakes the United States as the world's largest aviation market.
ory manufacturers and 34 states.
Approximately $200 million remains to be distributed nationwide to consumers and busi-
nesses who file claims for electronic devices they purchased that contained
dynamic random access memory, or DRAM, chips. The DRAM was used in
numerous electronic devices, including laptops, desktops, printers, PDAs, graphics cards, MP3 players and video game consoles. Oregon and 33 other states filed a lawsuit including Toshiba and Samsung, in July 2006. Attorneys general from companies of conspiring to fix and inflate prices of DRAM chips. The 12 man-
U.S., according to the Ore-
gon Department of Justice. The settlement, originally totaling $310 million, was announced in March. Kristina Edmunson, communications direc-
tor for Oregon Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum, wanted to remind consum-
ers and businesses that claims must be filed by Aug. 1. Those seeking a claim do not need to submit proof of purchases, according to the settlement website.
However, those making large claims, which were not defined, will probably be required to supply documentation.
"You really don't need anything for this," Edmunson said. "Some people emailed me (and asked) if they needed a proof of pur-
ufacturers sold $20 billion
chase, or bank statement from back in 2000. I was able to tell them no. They
in DRAM chips within the
are able to receive payment THURSDAY •BendChamber ofCommerce • QuickBooks Seminar: Ribbon Cutting: Central Financial Business owners canlearn Services, 209 NE Greenwood basic functions for accurate Ave., Suite 200;4:15-5 p.m. accounting; $97; 9a.m.-1 p.m.; Accurate Accounting and WEDNESDAY Consulting, 61383 S.Highway •BendChamber olCommerce 97, Suite A, Bend;541-389-5284 Women's RoundTable Series: or admin@joyofquickbooks. Social event at theOregon High com. • Moving to the FutureDesert Classics horseshow; $10chamber members, $15 EnvisioningBetter Public nonmembers; 5:30-7:30 p.m. Transltfor CentralOregon: J Bar JYouth Services,62895 Public forum todiscuss the Hamby Road,Bend. More increasing demandfor public information: www.bendchamber. transportation. CascadesHall, com Rooms117and118; 7-9p.m.;
for up to one device, and after that you may need some sort of a proof of
purchase." Consumers and businesses can receive a mini-
mum of $10 and potentially more than $1,000 depending on the number of devices they purchased. The devices must have been purchased indirect-
ly — for example, from retailers such as Best Buy
Boeing, which makes more planes than anyone else, is projecting 4.2 percent more jetliner sales than it did in last year's forecast even with
global shocks that periodically restrain transactions, said Randy Tinseth, vice president
of marketing at Boeing's commercial airplane unit. The outlook helps steer Boe-
ing's long-range planning for
or Staples or a computer
aircraft production.
maker such as Apple or Dell — not from one of the
China's emergence as an aviation superpower will help drive the market expansion, as will airlines' quest formore efficientaircraft
DRAM manufacturers.
Along with paying claims, the manufacturers,
who deny the allegations, have agreed not to violate
and continued growth in the
and compliance programs for their employees respon-
budget carrier sector, Tinseth said. Single-aisle jets, favored by low-cost carriers, will accountforabout 70 percent
sible for selling DRAM,
of the 36,770 planes that Chi-
antitrust laws and to provide antitrust education
according to the Oregon Department of Justice. — Reporter:541-383-0325
Central OregonCommunity College, BoyleEducation Center, 2600NW CollegeW ay,Bend; 541-548-9523 or scotta@coic. org. JULY22 • Professional Enrichment Series - BendChamber of Commerce: Featuring Dino Vendetti with SevenPeaks Ventures. Registration required; $25 chambermembers, $30 nonmembers; 11:30a.m.; Bend Golf andCountry Club, 61045 Country ClubDrive; 541-382-7437. • RFP Analysis 8 Proposal
The Bulletin
sales to $5.2 trillion over
the next 20 years, as China
between computer-mem-
• Chevron,1001 Railway, Sisters...... $3.90 • Conoco,62980 U.S. Highway 97, Bend............ $3.96 • Chevron,2005 S. U.S. Highway 97, Redmond ....... $4.00 • Texaco,178SWFourth St., Madras...... $4.06 • Chevron,1210SWU.S. Highway 97, Madras......... $4.06 • Snfewny,80 NECedar St., Madras...... $4.16
predicts demand in Asia will push commercial aircraft
1998 and 2002, time is run-
the states accused the TODAY • Construction Contractor Course: Two-daytestprep course thatmeets the OregonConstruction Contractors Boardtesteducation requirement. ContinuesSaturday. Prepayment required; $305, includesOregon Contractor's Reference Manual; 8:30a.m.-6 p.m.; Central OregonCommunity College, BoyleEducation Center, 2600 NW College Way, Bend;541-383-7290 or ccb© TUESDAY • Membership101DrivingYourMemdership: New andcurrent members can connect andlearn about the benefitsavailable through thechamber.RSVP required; free;10a.m.; Bend Chamber ofCommerce, 777 NWWall St., Suite 200; 541-382-3221 orshelley©
By Riley Snyder
ton's District Court on Thurs-
against 12 manufacturers,
purchases by children
REGULARUNLEADED • Space Age,20635 Grandview Drive, Bend............ $3.90 • Fred Meyer,61535S.
Lodging tax collections np Lodging tax collections in the city of Bend increased18.2 percent in May over May2013, according to Visit Bend, the city's tourism promotion agency. Overnight visitors to Bend generated $423,454 in room taxes in May. For the first11 months of the 2013-14 fiscal year, lodging in Bend generated more than $4 million total in room taxes, an18.3 percentincrease over the same period ayear ago and a record for the city, according to Visit Bend data. "Bend's tourism industry is enjoying a prolonged period of significant growth," Doug La Placa,CEOand president of Visit Bend, wrote in an email. "Exceeding the $4 million threshold in lodging tax collections is an important milestone."
Amazon sued over
CentralOregon fuel prices
cago-based Boeing estimates will be sold by all companies through 2033, according to its annual market outlook released Thursday.
Writing Skills:Class offered bythe Government Contract AssistanceProgram (GCAP)andCentral Oregon Community CollegeSmall Business DevelopmentCenter. Preregistration required; free; noon-5 p.m.;Central Oregon Community College,Redmond campus, 2030 SE College Loop, Redmond;541-736-1088 or JULY23 • Business After Hours:Network and celebrate the25th Annual Oregon HighDesert Classic. Registration required; free;
5 p.m.; J Bar JBoys Ranch, 62895 HambyRoad,Bend; 541-389-1409. JULY25 • Oregon Employer Services Portal - Howwill it work Ior you? Learnabout thewebsite employers canuse tohandle child support payments; RSVP required; free; 8-9a.m.; Central Oregon Community College, Hitchcock Auditorium, 2600NW CollegeWay,Bend;541-317-0100 or • For the complete calendar, pick up Sunday'sBulletin or visit
BRIEFING Fed: Careneeded to avert crisis WASHINGTON-
The FederalReserve's new No. 2 official said regulators must continue to workto end theneed for the governmentto bail out big banks ina crisis. Stricter capital requirements, rather than breaking upthe biggest banks, is thebetter remedy, he said. Stanley Fischer,who became vicechairman of the Fedlast month, made the remarksThursday in his first speechsince joining the central bank. He appeared toalign himself with recent comments by Fed Chair Janet Yellen that signaled akey focus on bankregulation for the Fedunder hertenure, to prevent the kindof risk-taking that triggered the 2008 financial crisis and nearly toppled the global banking system. Fischer, aformer official of the International Monetary Fundanda head of theBankof Israel, said regulators"need to be vigilant" in trying to prevent the nextcrisis"and there will beone." That next crisis"will not be identical to thelast one," andregulators have to work both toforeseeit and to preventit, Fischer said ataconferenceof the NationalBureauof EconomicResearch. — From wire reports
IN THE BACK ADVICE Ee ENTERTAINMENT W 50-Plus, D2-3 Pets, D4 Parents 8t Kids, D5 THE BULLETIN • FRIDAY, JULY 11, 2014
"Older adult" is preferredterm
U.S. senior population
LEGEND More than 13.9 percent of Oregon's residents were 65 or older in 2010 according • 15% or more to the U.S. Census. This was the 17th largest percentage in the countryP 13%-14.9% Florida, West Virginia and Maine were at the top — and is slightly larger than the 11%-12.9% national average of 13 percent. Less than11%
If given thechoice, more older adults would rather becalled "older adults" than anyother term, according to asurvey National Public Radio conducted of listeners this summer. According to the media organization's website, this termwas the most popular label used to referto members of the country's aging population andreceived support from 43percent of the 2,700peoplewho took part in thesurvey. "Elder/elders" and "senior/seniors" received support from about a third of the survey's respondents. Theterm "senior citizen" received less support, with14 percent of thesurvey respondents'approval. Boasting morethan 27 million listeners, NPR kicked off astorm of controversy in March 2013 when it usedthe term "elderly" in the headline of astory about a 71-year-old midwife in Colorado whocontinued to deliver babies. The use ofthis term prompted dozensof comments andphone calls from angry listeners and a rebukefrom NPR's ombudsman,whowrote a piece, "Let melive long, but don'tyou darecall me old," in response.
Wash. 12.3% Ore. 13 9%
Mont. 14.8%
N.D. 14.5%
Idaho Wyo. 12.4%
Utah 9%
Minn. 12.9'/o Wis.
Nev 12%
Vt. 1 '
S.D. 14.3%
Colo. 10.9%
1 4/o
Ariz. 13.8%
N.M. 13.2%
Okla.13.5' Texas 10.3%
Alaska 7.7%
H 1'3. /o
13 5%
13.7% 13 8o/
lowa Neb. 13.5% 14.9'/
Mass. 13.8% R.l. 14.4% Conn.
y 13 3 /
enn 134%
N.J. 13.5% Del. 14.4% Md.12.3%
.C. 13. o 14.4% Ga. Miss. Aia 2.8%13 8%
D.C.11.4% 17.3
Hawaii ~ 14.3% ~r Source: U. S. Census Bureau
Greg Cross/The Bulletin
Parentsengage inriskydriving Parents arejustas likely to engage indriving distractions, suchas cell phoneuse, asthe general public, according to a newstudy from the University of Michigan whose findings appeared in AcademicPediatrics. Ninety percent of parent drivers said theyperformed at leastoneof10 listed distractions while driving with their child in the car. Abouttwo-thirds of study participants said they hadspoken on a cell ponewhile driving with their children, and one-third said theytexted
By Mac McLeanoThe Bulletin
with their child in the car.
These percentagesare similar to those ofthe general population. Parent drivers also said they givefood to a child, pick uptoys for a child andengagein other distracting behavior. Parents with highereducations andthosewhowere white weremost likely to use their cell phones. The study involved responses from570 parents of children age1 to12 whovisited emergency rooms intwo Michigan hospitals.
Nore millenials OanlIoomers According to themost recent batch of population estimates from the U.S. CensusBureau, people whowere born 1991 — andwould be23 this year —madeup the largest single-agegroup in the country lastyear. The remaining spots in the top thatyearwere heldby peoplewhowere born in1990, people who were born in1960, people whowere born in 1992 andpeoplewho were born in1961. This marks thesecond year in arowthat millenials, whowere born between1981and 2000, haveoccupiedthe country's top agegroups in the country. Baby boomers, whowere born between1946 and1964, held this honor from 1947 to 2011. — From staffraports
f the increasing presence of gray hair,
was home to 500,000 or more people who were
classic cars and senior citizen discounts is
65 or older in 2010. People in this age group made
any indication to you, it's safe to say that
up 13.9 percent of the Beaver State's population
Oregon, and the rest of the United States for that
that year, which is slightly more than the national
matter, is getting older — and fast.
averageof 13 percent.Peoplewho were 85 orolder
According to a recent report from the U.S.
made up 2 percent of Oregon's population and 1.8
Census Bureau, Oregon is one of 29 states that
percent of the country's population in 2010.
than 20 percent of the country's popula-
like for the country's oldest residents. Overall for older Americans, widow-
Women continue to outlive men by at least three years. And sometime in the
tion will be 65 or older, and in response
hood rates are down and divorce rates
next few years, for the first time ever,
to this finding the Census Bureau issued
are up. Older people are moving from New
there will be more people in the world
England and the Midwest to the warm-
younger than 5.
But by 2030, it's predicted that more
a report, "65+ in the United States: 2010," that brings together more than a dozen
sources to paint a picture of what life is
er climates of the South and the West.
Ta in awa t o By Mac McLean The Bulletin
Kris Williams delivered
a simple message to about a
arthritis rate of 30.8 percent, according to the health author-
ity, while Jefferson County
dozen Crook County residents
has an age-adjusted arthritis rateof 36.9 percent.The state's
before she sent them out on a walk around the picnic shelter
overall rate is 29 percent. Recognizing her county's
at downtown Prineville's Pio-
high arthritis rate, Williams
neer Park. "The more I'm mobile and the more I'm physically active, the better I feel," said Wil-
and two other health department employees — Alyssa Bruhn and Karen Yearginteamed up to offer the Arthri-
liams, an employee with the
tis Foundation's Walk With
Crook County Health Depart-
Ease Program in their area. The Oregon State University
ment who was diagnosed with arthritis about 20 years ago. According to the Oregon Health Authority, 33 percent of Crook County residents have arthritis — a medical
conditionwhere aperson suffers from pain, stiffness and inflammation because the car-
tilage separating their bones has worn away. Deschutes County has an
who are 65 and older than children
See Seniors/D2
e e a s eart ritic ain reduce overall pain and improve balance, strength and
health in people with arthritis, according to the foundation's
website. "This is self-motivating," Williams said, explaining that it was up to each of the program's participants, some of whom used canes and walkers, to determine how quickly or how far to walk during each class. She said the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Pre-
Extension Office and Mosaic
vention recommends people
M edical have offeredthisprogram in the past as well. Following a six-week schedule, the Walk With Ease program is designed to help peo-
who have arthritis get at least 250 minutes of mod-
ple who have arthritis develop
a regular walking regimen they can follow at home. These workout programs have been shown to help
Andy Tullis/The Bulletin
erate-impact exercise — an activity such as brisk walking, cycling, dancing, gardening swimming or water aerobics — each week to help manage
Prineville resident Carrol Landis passes a few other Walk With
their condition and improve
Ease participants as she does some laps around Prineville's Pioneer Park to get exercise.
their overall strength. See Walking /D2
Email information for the Activities Calendar at least 10days before publication to, or click on "Submit an Event" at Ongoing listings must be updated monthly. Contact: 541-383-0351.
66.9percent for men and 30.4 percent
Continued from 01 Here are additional highlights from that report:
for women. • Divorce/Widowhood: Between 1960
and 2010, the widowhood rates for people
TODAY BINGO: 6 p.m.; American Legion Post P44,704 SW Eighth St.,Redmond; 541-548-5688. CRIBBAGECLUB: Newcomers welcome; 6-8:30 p.m.;Elks Lodge, 63120 NEBoydAcres Road, Bend; 541-382-1371.
SATURDAY BINGO:noon-4 p.m.;Bend's Community Center, 1036 NE Fifth St.; 541-323-3344.
SUMDAY BINGO:12:30 p.m.; American Legion Post P44, 704 SWEighth St., Redmond; 541-548-5688. BINGO: 2 p.m.; Eagles Lodge & Club, 235 NEFourth St., Prineville; 541-447-7659. BEND UBSCARCLUB: Monthly car club meeting for Europeancar enthusiasts; free; 7-9 p.m.; GoodLife Brewing Co., 70 SWCentury Drive; 541-728-0749, info© or
MONDAY NEWCOMERS CLUBOF BEND: Featuring Lt. Deron McMaster and Sgt. Crystal Jasen speaking on "Take Care, BeAware"; $12for lunch;11:30 a.m.; The ViewRestaurant, Juniper Golf Course, 1938 SWElkhorn Ave., Redmond; 541-410-5843.
TUESDAY LA PINECHAMBER TOASTMASTERS:8-9 a.m.;Gordy's Truck Stop, 17045 Whitney Rd.; 541-771-9177. HIGHNOONERSTOASTMABTERS: noon-1 p.m.; NewHopeChurch, 20080 SW Pinebrook Blvd., Bend; 541-382-6804.
WEDNESDAY CENTRALOREGON SPINNERSAND WEAVERS:Monthly meeting and presentation for fiber arts; free; 9:30 a.m.-noon; Highland Baptist Church, 3100 SW Highland Ave., Redmond; 541-526-1825. BEND CHAMBERTOASTMASTERS: noon-1 p.m.; TheEnvironmental Center,16 NW KansasAve.; 541-383-2581. KIWANISCLUB OF REDMOND: noon-1 p.m.; Juniper Golf Course, 1938 SW Elkhorn Ave.; 541-5485935 or REDMOND AREATOASTMASTERS:
noon-1 p.m.;RedmondChurch of Christ, 925 NWSeventh St.; 541-905-0841. PRIMETIME TOASTMABTERS: 12:05-1 p.m.; HomeFederal Bank, 555 NW 3rd St., Prineville; 541-447-6929. BINGO: 6 p.m.; American Legion Post ¹44,704 SW Eighth St.,Redmond; 541-548-5688.
THURSDAY BOW WOWBINGO: $1 per bingo card; 6:30-8:30 p.m.; Seventh Street Brew House, 855 SWSeventh St., Redmond; 541-923-0882 or www. bow-wow-bingo. COMMUNICATORSPLUS TOASTMASTERS:6:30-7:45 p.m.; IHOP, 30 NE Bend River Mall Drive, Bend; 541-388-6146 ext. 2011.
which can lead to strokes, and Alzheimer's disease (4.6 percent.)
who were 65 or older fell, from 19 percent
to 13 percent of men and from 53 percent to 40 percent of women. At the same time, the divorce rates for this age group climbed from 1.8 percent to 8.7 percent for men and from 1.5 percent to 11.1 per-
Employment and income: • Labor Force: According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 22.1 percent of
cent for women.
Migration and growth: • Population growth: Oregon's senior populationgrew 21.8 percent between 2000 and 2010. It was one of 21 states whose senior populations
increased by 20 percent or more during this time. 0thers included Alaska (53.9 percent), Nevada (48.2 percent), Idaho (33.4 percent), Colorado (32.1 percent), Arizona (32 percent) and Washington (25 percent).
men and 13.8percent of women who
• Living alone: According to the report, 21.6percent ofpeople who were 65 to 74,
were 65or older either had ajob orwere
32.2percent of people who were 75 to 84
• Migration gains: The western states — Alaska,
actively looking for a job in 2010. People in this age group made up 4.4 percent of
and 48.2percent ofthe people who were 85 or older lived alone in 2010. People were more likely to live alone if they were women, white or black, and lived in the
Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington and Wyoming — gained an estimated 11,000 seniors
Midwest or New England.
ern states also gained seniors through migration, while states in the Northeast and the Midwest lost them.
Current Population Survey, of older adults who were employed, 10 percent
• Nursing homes: The number of people who were 65 or older and living in a nursing home fell by 19.6 percent be-
of men and 21.8percent of women be-
tween 2000 and 2010. The states with
tween the ages of 55 and 61 worked a part-time job in 2010. These percentag-
the highest drops in their nursing home populations were North Carolina (29.3 percent), Utah (29 percent), the District of Columbia (27.9 percent), Kentucky and Oregon (27.3 percent).
the country's labor force in 2010, which
is slightlyless thanthe 4.9percent share they had in 1950. • Hours at work: According to the
es climbed to31.4 percent and 46.4 per-
centforpeople who were 65 to 69,and 45.6 percent and 61.4 percent for those who were 70 or older.
• Income: The median income for individuals who were 65 or older was $17,261 in 2010, compared with a me-
Health status:
dian income for married couples of $44,718.Where did the money come from? Social security was responsible for36.7 percent ofa senior'saggregate income,earningsmade up 30.2 percent, pensionsmade up 18.6percent,asset income made up 11.4 percent and other
• Moving percentages: 5.8 percent of the population 65 or older moved between 2009 and 2010. Ofthose who moved, 58.7 percent had lived in the same county,
19.6 percent had lived in the same state, 17.2 percent had lived in a different state, and 4.6 percent had lived abroad.
• Moving reasons: Health concerns (15 percent) were the top reason people who were 65 and older gave for moving between 2009 and 2010. People in this age group also moved because they wanted cheaper housing (9.9 percent), they were retired (8.8 percent), and they wanted a new or better home or apartment (8.1 percent).
• Life expectancy: Upon reaching 65, the average man can expect to live another 17.7 years and the average woman
Future projections:
can expectto liveanother 20.3 years.
• Domestic growth: An estimated 72.8 million Americans will be 65 or older in 2030 — the year after the youngest baby boomers start celebrating their 65th
• Health care costs: Medicare paid 60
percent of health care costs incurred by people 65 or older, private health insur-
sources made up 3.1 percent.
• Poverty: Seniors were less likely than the rest of the population to live
ance plans paid 14.8 percent, and Med-
icaid paid another 4.2 percent. The rest of these medical bills were paid out of
in poverty, according to the Census Bureau, which found 9 percent of Amer-
pocket, according to the report, which
icans age 65 or older lived at or below the poverty line in 2010 — $10,458 for an individual and $13,194 for a couple. The poverty rate was 4.1 percent for mar-
found an individual senior's median outof-pocket health care expenses are expected to climb from $2,600 per year in 2010 to $6,200 per year in 2040. • Risky behaviors: According to the
ried couples,6.7 percent for men who
lived alone and 13.6 percent for women who lived alone. The country's overall poverty rate was 15.1 percent. •
Families andhouseholds: and 53.8percent of women between the ages of 65and 74 were married
and living with their spouses in 2010. For those 75 or older, these rates fell to
2040 and 20.9 percent in 2050.
•Oldestage groups:By 2050,9.4 percentofthecountry's population will be between the ages of 65 and 74, 7.1 percent will be between the ages of 75 and 84 and 4.5 percent will be 85 or older. This represents huge
growth, as these three age groups respectively made up 5.6percent,2.2 percent and 0.4 percent ofthe country's population in 1950.
percentofmen and 37.4percentofwomen who were 65 or older were current or percentof men and women consumed five or more drinks a day, and 72.2 per-
•Foreigntrends:By 2030,peoplewho are 65 orolder will make up more than 20 percent of the population in 100 foreign countries, including China, France, Russia, Thailand, the United Kingdom and Vietnam. Right now, only Germany, Italy, Japan and Monaco fall into this
cent of men and 66.7 percent of women
category, according to the census bureau's international
in thisage group were overweight or
population estimates.
• The crossover: Atsome point between 2015 and 2020, for the first time in history, adults who are 65 or
• Causes of death: The top causes of death for people in this age group were heart disease (26.5 percent), cancer (22.1 percent), chronic lower respiratory diseases like COPD (6.6 percent), cerebrovascular disease (6.1 percent),
• Marital status: According to the Census Bureau, 75.2 percent of men
birthdays — and they will account for 20.3 percent of the country's total population. People in this age group will make up 21.0 percent of the country's population in
National Health Interview Survey, 64.1 former smokers in 2008. Less than 10
through migration between 2009 and 2010. The south-
older will make up a greater percentage of the world's population than children younger than 5. The world's senior population is expected to grow from 8 percent of the total population in 2010 to 16 percent in 2050, while its young child population will shrink from 9 percent to 7 percent. — Reporter: 541-617-7816, mmclean@bendbulletirtcom
Boomerdoom According to the U.S. Census Bureau, one out of every five Americans will be 65 or older by 2030, the year after the youngest baby boomers start celebrating their 65th birthdays.
LEGEND U.S. population 65+ 3,080 Percent of total 4.1% U.S. population
(Numbers in thousands)
Food, Home & Garden In
• • Th eBulletin
16.8% 9,71 21%
q 24 0
2,77 0.3'
In-Home Care Servlces
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Walking Continued from 01 But as she read over these recommendations, Williams also advised her gmup members to make sure they didn't overdo their ~ nxd i ne, beaum it couldmake their painworse. She
asked each participant to complete a short warm-up walking session and a series of ~ching ererdses before they headed out for awalkamundthepark
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arents"stu 'can e ur ensome or oomers By Claudia Buck The Sacramento (Calif) Bee
Or f i n d a n o ther r e l ative, someone who's interested in
Losing a parent is an inev- family genealogy."
e c Wwc
For him, it couldn't be done without a professional at his
e e e e e a ee
w cSC ' m w
"We baby boomers want
itable hurdle in life. And for
baby boomers, whose aging Start now parentsare often in their 80s If parents are alive and and 90s, it's a n i m m i nent willing, ask if they want help. one. Aside from coping with Start giving things away to the emotional burden, there's family or friends: jewelry to also the burden of dealing a dear friend,a set of dishes with all the "stuff." It can be to a daughter-in-law. "It's far overwhelming. better to give them to a loved T hat's the case for A l an one now," said Smith. "They Miller, a rail t r ansportation can enjoy them and your kids planner, who is weighed down don't get stuck with everyby the volume of his parents' thing when you die." things. As his family's only Years before she died, Judy adult child, he's tasked not H ertel's mother sa t d o w n only with untangling his par- with her two daughters at the ents' complicated financial kitchen table, going through affairs, but also dealing with her heirloom and costume their personal belongings: ev- jewelry. At her mother's sugerything from his father's col- gestion, Hertel and her sister lection of glass vacuum tubes made a list of the pieces they to his mother's holiday dec- especially wanted to keep. "She wasn't ready to give orations to their numerous, scattered files of paper. anything up yet but wanted to One year after his moth-
er's death, he's still sorting through the remnants, large and small, of his parents' lives. Most are packed in boxes in the basement or clutter-
ing a spare room in his downtown Davis, California, bungalow, as well as stacked to
-F,. .r
their teens and early 20s. "And
she wanted to avoid any fights after she was gone," she said with a laugh.
Savor memories
financial, emotional and sheer exhaustion of the time and en-
ergy in dealing with it."
That's why she advocates
a simple rule of thumb: "We spend our first 40 years in life collecting things. And we should spend our second 40 years getting rid of things."
Tips onparing the clutter
Ii *
Alan Miller stands in the doorway of a storage unIt that contains memorabilia once owned by his parents. Overwhelmed by the quantity of items, Miller has hired a professional to help him sort, organIze
• Label photographs: While an elderly parent is still alive, go through family photos together, jotting down pertinent dates or names on the back. Enlist a grandchild or friend to help, sorting loose photographs by month or year. Eliminate duplicates or send
and pare downthe belongings.
to other relatives.
CC 'iiq
jj,rl,-e~l lk4
know what we wanted," said
Hertel, a mother of three in
someone to give us permission to let go," said Smith, the professionalorganizer. "We feel a huge responsibility to honor the past. But there's the
Jose LuisVillegas/Sacramento Bee
was still in the house, from
"we linked arms and walked
old family board games to Hertel's wedding dress. And
room by room. We didn't as-
One way to eliminate the the ceiling in a nearby storage avalanche of stuff is by cap- then there was the basement. facility. turing a loved one's memory Her father, a General Motors "I know people who pull up in smaller ways, such as a machinist, had a basement a dumpster and everything shadow box, which contains workshop filled w it h t o ols, goes into it. But I'm not that "the essence of the member lathes, vises and thousands of kind of person," said Mill- in a physically small way," as piecesofleftover scrap metal. er, 52, adding that the job is Smith put it. Cleaning all of it out to ready emotionally and physically Sacramento, California, at- the house for sale fell to Hertel draining. torney Don Fitzgerald, whose and her siblings. "My brother just wanted it To helphim organize and fatherwas a school bus driver pare down, he turned to Clau- and avid outdoorsman, has done. His attitude was: Go in, dia Smith, a professional or- several shadowboxes created get it done and put the house ganizer with Clear Your Clut- by his sister after their father on the market." Her sister, ter Consulting in Davis. died about 11 years ago. Using by contrast, needed to touch "Downsizing and letting go pieces of their dad's favorite every piece of paper, which of stuff is good for everyone," flannel shirts, his fishing lures greatly slowed the process. said Smith, who said many of and old family photographs, "It created a lot of tension," reher clients are in their 40s to she gave one to each of the called Hertel. 60s. "I go into homes where six grandchildren, including Ultimately, they donated the attic is crammed and ev- a photo of each child with clothing, linens and kitchenery room is filled. The kids "Papa." ware to a local church chari"One glance at the shad- ty. They recycled 150 pounds arecompletely overwhelmed." Grace Bamlett, owner of owbox," said Fitzgerald, "and of metal, including boxes of Organized Outcomes in Or- great memories come flood- bolts, screws and nails. And angevale, said parental pos- ing back." they filled two waist-high sessions are "an emotional Smith, the professional or- dumpsters with discards. weight for baby boomers." ganizer, did the same for her The task was further comShe said 10 to 15 percent of father. plicated because Hertel was "You don't need a room in California and not able to her business is clients who are "either having to downsize for packed full of stuff to honor a be as hands-on as she would their parents or dealing with m emory," said the Davis res- have liked. In retrospect, she stuff left to them after their ident. "You want to keep the wishes they'd done far more parents have died. It's a large history and memories alive, of the sorting while her pargroup of people, and it's only without the burden of a huge ents were still alive. growing larger." volume of physical stuff." Sandy Edwards, a retired As professional organizers, teacher in Carmichael, CalBamlett and Smith encourage Sibling differences ifornia, vividly remembers their clients to shed belongIt can be challenging when how she and her siblings divings but not the memories. siblings come home to divvy vied up the contents of their Bamlett is a proponent of up Mom and Dad's belong- parents' sprawling, four-story "guilt-free" organizing. "If ings. When Hertel's father V ictorian mansion i n M e r you're holding on to some- died in January 2013, he left chantville, New Jersey, which thing because you feel you behind a lifetime of posses- had been in the family since should, don't. Give it to a char- sions in the family home 1900. It took two years and nuity that speaks to your heart. outside Chicago. Everything merous trips east. Essentially,
sign values to anything but used three colors of Post-it notes" to mark the things each
wanted to keep, including items for grandchildren. "The emotional part was extremely hard to do," Edwards said, but
dividing things up was comparatively easy among her siblings.
Don't wait till too late Four or five years before her mother died at age 97, Marty West, a retired Uni-
• Pretend you're moving: The art of downsizing takes ists in the 1940s, working as practice. Every couple of high school teachers in the years, go room by room, sortJapanese internment camp ing through clothes, books, in Manzanar and later in a
kitchen cupboards, even the
church-sponsored relocation hospital in Chicago. "It was sad when I discovered allthis correspondence because I could no longer ask
garage, as though you were weeding out in preparation
her about it," said West.
tape with their names on fur-
for a move.
• Designate: Some families put sticky notes or masking
For the past several years, niture or belongings. Others West has been methodically keep a list of items that famigoing through hundreds of ly members have "claimed." It letters. She's tossing out "any- can speed up the sorting prothing I'd never want to read cessand ease arguments after again," but keeping corre- you or your parents are gone. spondence that has personal, • Slim down: If you love historical or emotional signif- Grandpa's flannel shirts, don't icance. Old letters from aunts, keep all of them. Choose a fauncles and cousins have been vorite or two and donate the
versity of California, Davis, law professor, helped her go through closets, drawers and paper files. It was a process sent to s u rviving r elatives. her mother welcomed, she The ones she is keeping are sacd. filed chronologically in airFor her mother's 90th birth- tight plastic containers, rather day, West took home boxes than cardboard boxes, which of loose family photographs could be susceptible to insects. and assembled a four-volume With her own professional scrapbook of her mother's life, papers, chronicling her work starting with baby pictures in on UC Davis faculty women's 1915. It was a way to preserve issues, West has already do-
rest. Same for sets of dishes, books, artwork and clothing.
• Donate: Help yourself de-clutter by giving to those who need it more. Whether
it's books, clothing, linens, furniture orbric-a-brac, pick
a favorite charity and donate. If there are valuables or items with possible historic signifthe best of all the random pho- nated many to the UC Davis icance, contact a local histortos that pile up in drawers and archives. ical society, museum, fraterclosets. Tackling those kinds of nal organization, school/colI t wasn't until a f ter h e r chores now can save everyone lege or group with a specific mother died that West discov- tedium and some heartache in interest. ered — stashed inher moth- the long run. • Hire a pro: If the task is er's garage — a treasure trove Miller, having closed up his too overwhelming to go it of oldfamily correspondence, parents' Palo Alto, California, alone, consider hiring help. To some dating to the 1800s. The home and settled most of their find a professional organizer letters, in shoeboxes and card- legal affairs, is now commit- by ZIP code, go to the Nationboard containers, had been ted to paring down the phys- al Association of Professional stored unopened for years. ical pieces of their lives that Organizers' w ebsite: http:// Some were from her Kansas he's accumulated in Davis. Professiongrandmother written to her "The nature of the job is emo- al organizers, who typically grandfather while they were tionally wrenching, but most charge by the hour or by the courting in 1896. Some were of it is so tedious just because job, are trained to help clients from her parents, who were of the sheer quantity," said sort, organize and downsize social and religious activ- Miller. homes and offices.
or some Ietirees, a secon act is easier t an ex ecte By Abby EIIIn New York Times News Service
an interview. Today, she works four hours a day, five days a
York) for 1,000 hours. be very frustrated and use foul "Oftentimes people don't language. I'd have to get tough even know how their skills are with them."
Never in a million years week, at Boylston Place, an asdid Cheryl Delaney expect to sisted-living facility in Brookspend her retirement working line, Massachusetts. "It's quite a switch," she said. with the elderly. Her entire career had been in the financial Delaney's story is an obsector— as a bank officerand ject lesson for retirees. Many loan administrator in collec- worry that their existing skills tions, and finally as an office aren't applicable to new indusmanager at Fidelity Invest- tries, that their expertise isn't ments in Boston. Changing transferable and that they will bedpans was not on her bucket list.
have to reinvent themselves to remain competitive. This, of
But life unfolds in strange ways. In 2004, Delaney was looking for a new position in banking and visited, which offers job listings and career advice for people over 50. Three years lat-
course, canbe overwhelming. "There's a real myth around
transferable — that's the No.
how their skills might transfer. I think skills are lifetime assets,
Gretchen Ertli The New York Times
on Wall Street. At Fidelity, for
Cheryl Delaney spent her entIre career In bankIng and finance be-
example, a large part of her
lamer of Old Greenwich, Con- fore a retIrement that she says did not suit her, and she soon found job was about supporting a necticut, a sem i r etirement herself working fIve-day weeks as acaregiver. trading floor of 325 people. "I er, she decided to leave Fidelity career expert and author of learned patience," she said. "A and stop working full time. She "Second-Act Careers." "Why lot of times the traders would did some administrative work, would you want to throw away a step back and look - 'OK, Ardito said. "I say, 'If you can renovated her home in Milton, all of that life and work and what is it about being an ac- relate to kids, normally you changingSmiles Massachusetts and was "very professional experience? It's so countant that I really enjoyed?' can relate to anyone.' The skills Dentureit Implant Center happily retired." much more about reconfigur- You might discover that the are transferable.I've met peoUntil she wasn't. By the end ing, taking the old and blending thing you enjoyed most was go- ple who were teachers who Call 541-388-4444 of 2012 she was paying way too it with the new and coming up ing to the conference and meet- are now working in hospital much attention to her television with something that's going to ing other people in the field." admissions — they bring their for $100 OFF set. "My dogs were getting on excite you in the second half of That's something Marie Ar- caring skills, their knowledge your new denture my nerves," she said. She con- the third quarter." dito learned about herself after of computers, of developing sidered returning to work, but A 2008 AARP study found retiring at 62 from teaching ele- programs."
emphatically did not want to go that 83 percent of workers to an office. were interested in programs to Around the same time, she build new skills and advance got a call from Mature Caregiv- their careers. Ninety percent, ers,a sister site to retirement- however, wanted training to They were looking to update their current skills and place caregivers older than 50, knowledge. "It' s so much easier forpeoand had found her information in their database. Might she be ple to do that if they can lean
ble if that hits me,'" she said. "He knows that I won't take his nonsense. I learned that from
and ideally you're constantly acquiring them and using the Wall Street guys. Have you them." ever been around an angry Delaney says that every- trader who had a bad trading thing she learned about car- dag It can get reallyugly." ing for the elderly she learned
reinvention, particularly when
you talk about people in their 60s and 70s," said Nancy Col-
At her current job, she said,
1 reason people apply," said one of her clients is very diffiLouie,herself a former fellow. cult and often tries to hit her. "We spend a lot of time work- Herbackgroundhas helped her ing with them on the change here, too. "When he puts a fist of culture, change of identity, up, I'll say, 'You're in big trou-
mentary and junior high school
To help people figure out math. Two weeks into retire- how their old skills can be ment, she grew "antsy" and used in new ways, took a job as executive director coordinates a network of orgaof a retirement group. Now 77, nizations offering a fellowship Ardito is the information co- program. Applicants must ordinator for Massachusetts have a minimum of 15 years of I Ce1ehratinc/21 Years Retirees United, a nonprofit work experience, but typically group. A large part of her job have about 25 years, said the of Golf For Everyone! interested? upon some aspect of what they involves conducting seminars national director, Leslye Louie. "I said, 'I don't have medical did before," Collamer said. "It and motivating retirees, many During the fellowship period experience,'" Delaney, now 66, doesn't mean if you've been an of whom areformer educators. — which lasts from six to 12 ,300SouthwestMeadowlakesDr., "One of the things that drives months, part time or full time recalled. "They said, 'You just accountant in a corporate setPriCC eVile, OR need to have common sense.'" ting that you find another ac- me crazy is the comment, 'I — participants receive $20,000 , 541-447-7113;E A week later she went in for counting job. The goal is totake can't do anything but teach,'" to $25,000 ($35,0000 in New
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Email information for the Pets Calendar at least 10days before publication to communityli, or click on "Submit an Event"at Ongoing listings must be updated monthly.Contact: 541-383-0351.
Ru -puin catnee s isownca ettocaw By Marc Morrone
your desir e to encourage their population growth is admi-
• My 1 4-year-old male • cat keeps pulling up threads on new carpet on my previously wood stairs. Please
rable. However, diet is not the
issue. Rabbits mainly eat grass and there is no lack of that in suburbia. Of course, they occasionally will munchvegetables in agarden or newly planted flowers,
help! What can I do or use to
prevent this from continuing'? I have been clipping his nails regularly. I have aluminum foil over the first few steps. I have a big piece of cardboard blocking the stair entry. Somehow
he gets on them anyway, and I will notice a new pull. I am beside myself! • From the cat's point of • view, your steps were newly carpeted just for his enjoyment! He has no idea the fabricon the once-barren steps, which feels so good to him, can possibly have monetary value. He has no concept of money at all. There are many ways to dissuade him from using his
claws on the carpet in addi-
tion to the methods you have used. I have found that putting strips of double-sided tape on
the edges of the steps works very well and is more convenient than aluminum foil and
cardboard. N o matter what yo u d o , however, he will do his best to
go around those repellents if he has no other place to use his
claws. Get one of those big cat trees that have shelves covered with carpet. Place this near the stairs and make it as attractive to him as you have made the s tairs unattractive with t h e
tape and such. The best way to do this is by spreading loose catnip all over the shelves. Now when he walks over to the stairs to use his claws and finds them unattractive, he will
see and smell the cat tree as an alternative, walk away from
the steps and use his claws on the carpeting of the cat tree.
Th e
extremely good luck and circumstances to get the bird back. You have to look at the
situation from the bird's point
of view. Most likely in your home he
BARKING LOTSALE: Used household, furniture, outdoor items for sale with all proceeds benefiting the animals; free; 9 a.m.-3 p.m.; Three Rivers Humane Society,1694 SE McTaggart Road, Madras; 541-475-6889, info@ or
had never been more than 8
feet high or so and now, in the blink of an eye, he is50 feet off but such intrusions are easily the ground. Just imagine what preventable with low fences. you look like to him from all If you really want to help the way up there. Even if he the populations of cottontails, did recognize you, it would what they most need is cover. take him quite a while to figure Manicured yards just do not out how to fly back down from Thinkstcck have the cover these animals such a height. He never did Introducing a cet carpet tree through the Iure of catnip can be a need, and that is why they are that before. beneficial way to keep your own carpet away from harm. on a decline. Consider planting In such a situation, most thickets of shrubs such as ram- pet birds will stay way up in bling-type rose bushes. These the trees for about two days, Thus you have tricked him into stream when they inhale it or would allow the bunnies to es- trying to figure out what hapmaking your idea his idea. eat it. The reaction you see is capefrom predatorsand raise pened and what they should As time goes on and he no merely in response to the smell their young. do. By the second or third day, longer thinks of the carpeted and taste. It is not a narcotic at a bird is very hungry, thirsty steps as an option, you can all, and any cat can snap out • We are very upset and and tired and really wants to remove the tape and other of a catnip high whenever it • hope you can help. Our get back down to ground level barriers. chooses to do so. 8-year-old cockatiel just flew so that some human — any huCatnip is in the mint family, away. His wing feathers grew man — can feed it. I grew catnip in my gar- and, like most mint plants, it in over the winter. We were At this point, the bird makes • den this year with the grows quickly, so even though meaning to bring him to the its way back down and seeks idea of drying it in the fall and your cats seem to be abusing it pet store to get the feathers out the first people it can find. making my own cat toys. How- a bit, I am sure you will have trimmed again, but with com- Sometimes it lands on an unever, I do not think I will ever plenty to dry in the fall for your munionsand otherMay events suspecting person's head and get to do this, as my cats spend cats' winter enjoyment. So I in our family, we just never sometimes it just sits on the a great part of the day rolling would advise you to continue found the time. The bird was ground or on a car, waiting to around in the catnip bed and to allow them to enjoy them- on my son's shoulder, and he be picked up. crushing all the plants. Plus, in selves this summer in the cat- forgot all about the bird and If the person who finds your the morning the plants are all nip bed. went out the back door. As bird has seen one of the signs crushedagainby thestray cats soon as my son got outside, you put up notifying people of in my neighborhood. I have lived here for 22 the bird zoomed to the top of your loss and potential reward, Can my cats overdose from • years now and I have a treeand stayed there,chirp- then most likely you will get all this catnip'? They seem fine never had a rabbit in my back- ing loudly for half an hour. We the bird back. The signs are when they are out of the bed, yard, but just this week, I have called to him and put his cage about the only thing you can but while they are rolling and seen a wild cottontail rabbit outunder thetree, as he always do to turn the bad luck in this lounging in it, they certainly in my backyard every morn- flies back to it in the housesituation into good luck. look like they are in another ing. I am quite pleased with but he just sat up there, callThe more people who know world. this, as I feed the wild birds ing and calling, and then he the bird is missing, the better If you think that their visits and chipmunksand enjoy my took off and flew out of sight. chance youhave to getitback. to the catnip bed should be re- backyard being considered a We put notices up all over the Contact local lawn mainstricted, then I will build a cage sanctuary by them. What kind neighborhood, but nobody has tenance companies that cut around it — but they seem to of food can I put out to encour- seen the bird. Can you tell us grass in neighborhood backenjoy it so. age this rabbit to stay and have anything else we may be able yards all day while everyone • You really do not need to a family in my yard'? to do to get him back? is at work. They have a good • worry here. The element • The numbers of Eastern • Bad luck and circum- chance to encounter your bird in catnip that cats enjoy so • c ottontail r a b bits a r e • s tances a l l o wed t h e when it has chosen to leave the m uch never enterstheirblood- declining in the Northeast, so bird to fly away, and it takes trees and seek humans again.
Submitted photo
Leslie and Schwaddie Leslie and Schwabbie are two of the many adorable kittens that are available for adoption soon. It is kitten season, and Leslie and Schwabbie are with one of our foster families until they are old enough to be spayed/ neutered, vaccinated and chipped. If you are interested in adding one of these kittens (or both) to your family, please contact the Humane Society of the Ochocos at
541-447-7178 or view them
and other animals available for adoption at
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Email information for the Family Calendar at least 10days before publication to, or click on "Submit an Event"at Ongoing listings must be updated monthly. Contact: 541-383-0351.
Kee in communication owin etween omes By Jann Blackstone
if something funny happens drunks! I need more privacy! and they want to share it with How do I stop the flow What's good ex-etiquette? their other parent'? What if • of information between The truth is, when the there really is a problem, like homes? My s t epdaughter, • kids go back and forth, abuse, and they have been whom I like very much, is privacy goes right out the prepped with a "Don't talk constantly telling her mother window. Many believeyou about your mom when you are things that go on in our home. should say, "What happens in with us." Then the child has to While we do not have anything our house stays here," but that weigh whose side they are on ner andallofthe sudden we're
McClatchy-Tribune News Service
to hide, it is very frustrating. could make the kids feel as if Sometimes the i n f ormation they can't share things about
— Mom's or Dad's — and that
puts them in a terrible position.
just fuels the child's anxiety. information she can correct The key here is for you and them with a simple, "I think the kids' mother to get to know you misunderstood, honey," each other b etter. D oesn't and, then offer the proper exmean you have to go shopping planation. Because she doesn't together, but if you know each know you and she may be jealother she will be able to make ous and angry, she's looking her own judgments about the for ammunition to justify the information she hears and
won't be dependent on her child's perception of a glass of
These kids goback and forth
sounds as if it's up to you to set the example. Why? Because you wrote me first. If she had written me, I would have said the same thing to her. When
you hear something questionable, call each other, explain what you heard and then listen. Notice I didn't say text each
other. Too much is misunder-
between both of your homes. New custody arrangements
stood through texting. Start
crafts for kids, day-of registration; $2 for children ages 5-10; 10 a.m.-noon; Michaels Craft Store, 63485 North Highway 97, Suite B, Bend; onlineclasses or 541-312-2541. BEND FARMERSMARKET: 3-7 p.m.; Brooks Street Promenade, between NW Franklin and, tryan© or 541-389-1409. SUMMERTIME CARSHOW BENEFIT:Featuring live music, food, raffles and more, presented by Summit Assisted Living; 11 a.m.-1 p.m.; The Summit Assisted Living Center, 127 SE Wilson Ave., Bend; or 541-317-3544. MUNCH 5 MUSIC:Featuring blues/ rock music by Too Slim and the Taildraggers; free; 5:30 p.m.; Drake Park, 777 NW Riverside Blvd., Bend;
gets completely blown out of their life at the other parent's Plus, if they are in trouble and wine with dinner. She'll know the communication ball rollproportion. For example, we home. That's half of their life need help, being afraid to talk you don't have a drinkingprob- need a new attitude to make ing. Your common ground? have a glass of wine with din- they can't talk about. What about one parent to the other lem, and if the kids offer mis- them work. Unfortunately, it "For the sake of the child."
TODAY OREGON SUMMER QUILTEXPO: "A Celebration of Fabric Arts" features vendors, exhibits and learning experiences; $10, free for children 15 and younger; 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; Deschutes County Fair 8 Expo Center, 3800 S.W. Airport Way, Redmond; www. or 866-266-3136. PASSPORT TOIMAGINATION: A summer full of technology-free crafts for kids; day-of registration; $2 for children ages 5-10; 10 a.m.-noon; Michaels Craft Store, 63485 North Highway 97, Suite B, Bend; onlineclasses or 541-312-2541. SISTERS FARMERSMARKET: 3-6 p.m.; Barclay Park, West Cascade Ave. and Ash St.;
Foundation; $60, $20 for children 15 and younger, $130 for familes (up to four kids) for ride; $25, $10 for children15 and younger, $50
866-266-3136. BEND SUMMER FESTIVAL: Live music on three stages, fine artist promenade, conscious living
for familes (up to four kids) for run;
showcase, foodvendors and more;
6a.m.; High Lakes Elementary free; 11 a.m.-10 p.m.; downtown School, 2500 NW High Lakes Loop, Bend; Bend; CRAWFEST2014: More than 25 PARKING LOTSALE: Benefiting the bands, food, art and more; $20 for school band's campaign to perform weekendpass,camping included, at Carnegie Hall in 2015; 8 a.m.-2 free for children 6 and younger; p.m.; Ridgeview High School, noon; 16065 SW Alfalfa Road, 4555 S.W. Elkhorn Ave., Redmond; Powell Butte; or CROOKED RIVERROUNDUP 541-504-3600. HORSE RACES:Features FAMILYFUN RUN/WALK: the annual equestrian event Benefiting the Sam Johnson Park with gambling; $5 includes renovation; $15, $25 for couples, parking, women free; 7:15 p.m., $40 for families; 9 a.m.; Dry gates open at 6 p.m.; Crook Canyon Trail, near Pershall Way, County Fairgrounds, 1280 Redmond; www.familyfunrun. S. Main St., Prineville; www. or MADRAS SATURDAYMARKET: 9 541-447-4479. a.m.-2 p.m.; Sahalee Park, Seventh CASCADELAVENDER sistersfarmersmarket© and B streets; 541-546-6778. FESTIVAL:Eessential oil distilling VFW DINNER:Fish and chips; MIGRATION ONTHEWING demonstrations, crafts, lavender $6;3-7 p.m.;VFW Hall,1503 NE EXHIBIT OPENS:Explore the world refreshments 8 friendly farm Fourth St., Bend; 541-389-0775. of aerial migrations and learn how animals; 10-5 p.m.;Cascade CRAWFEST 2014:More than 25 birds travel thousands of miles; Lavender, 5000 SW Feather Drive, bands, food, art and more; $20 for 9 a.m.; High Desert Museum, Madras; www.cascadelavender. weekendpass,camping included, 59800 S. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; com or 541-546-9390. free for children 6 and younger; or 4 p.m.; 16065 S.W. Alfalfa Road, 541-382-4754. SUMDAY Powell Butte; SISTERS OUTDOOR QUILTSHOW: BEND SUMMER FESTIVAL: Live Showing more than1,300 quilts BEND SUMMER FESTIVAL: Live music on three stages, fine artist from around the world; 9 a.m.-4 music on three stages, fine artist promenade, conscious living p.m.; downtown Sisters; www. promenade, conscious living showcase, food vendors and more; or showcase, food vendors and more; 541-549-0989. free; 5-10 p.m.; downtown Bend; free; 11 a.m.-5 p.m.; downtown Bend; CENTRAL OREGONSATURDAY MARKET:Featuring local artists CROOKED RIVERROUNDUP CASCADELAVENDER and crafters; 10 a.m.-4 p.m.; FESTIVAL:Eessential oil distilling HORSE RACES:Features parking lot across from Downtown demonstrations, crafts, lavender the annual equestrian event Bend Public Library, 600 NW Wall refreshments 8 friendly farm with gambling; $5 includes St.; 541-420-9015. animals; noon-4 p.m.;Cascade parking, women free; 7:15 p.m., Lavender, 5000 SW Feather Drive, gates open at 6 p.m.; Crook COW PASTUREOPEN:11 holes County Fairgrounds, 1280 and a shotgun start, food and more, Madras; www.cascadelavender. com or 541-546-9390. S. Main St., Prineville; www. all proceeds to benefit Deschutes or County 4H; $35 per person, OREGON OLDTIME FIDDLERS: 541-447-4479. registration requested; 10 a.m.; All ages welcome;free, donations Field across from Maragas Winery, accepted; 1-4 p.m.; Powell Butte CASCADELAVENDERFESTIVAL: 15525 SW U.S. Highway 97, Culver; Community Center, 8404 SW Reif Eessential oil distilling 541-923-6603. Road; 541-647-4789. demonstrations, crafts, lavender refreshments and friendly farm NORTHWEST CROSSING "UGLY BENNY":Film screening animals; 10-5 p.m.;Cascade FARMERS MARKET:10a.m.-2 of the movie about an ugly puppy Lavender, 5000 SW Feather Drive, p.m.; Northwest Crossing, Mt. filmed in Sisters; 6-8:30 p.m.; Madras; www.cascadelavender. Washington and NW Crossing The Belfry, 302 E. Main Ave., com or 541-546-9390. drives, Bend; Sisters; or or 541-312-6473. 541-815-9122. OREGON SUMMER QUILTEXPO: SATURDAY "A Celebration of Fabric Arts" MOMDAY TOUR DES CHUTES: Multidistance features vendors, exhibits and social cycling event, with a new learning experiences;$10, free PASSPORT TOIMAGINATION: A 5K noncompetitive event; postride for children 15 and younger; 10 summer full of technology-free party features live music, food and a.m.-5p.m.;DeschutesCounty crafts for kids, day-of registration; vendor village; proceeds benefit the Fair & Expo Center, 3800 S.W. $2 for children ages 5-10; 10 SL Charles Cancer Survivorship Airport Way, Redmond; www. a.m.-noon; Michaels Craft Store, Program and the Pediatric or 63485 North Highway 97, Suite B,
Bend; onlineclasses or 541-312-2541.
TUESDAY MUSEUM AND ME:Explore the museum during its quietest hours, for children and teens ages 3-18 with a physical, cognitive and/or social disability, adult
chaperones arerequired, and siblings are welcome; 5-8 p.m.; High Desert Museum, 59800 S. U.S. Highway 97, Bend;, or 541-382-4754 ext. 329. "RIFFTRAX LIVE: SHARKNADO": Featuring a new take on the viral m ovie; $12.50;7:30 p.m.;Regal Old Mill Stadium 168 IMAX, 680 SW Powerhouse Drive, Bend; 541-312-2901.
WEDNESDAY OREGON HIGHDESERT CLASSICS I: A U.S. Equestrian Federation class AA international hunterjumper equestrian competition; proceeds benefit J Bar J Youth Services; free admission; 8 a.m.-5 p.m.; J Bar J Boys Ranch, 62895 Hamby Road, Bend; www., or 541-389-1409. PASSPORT TOIMAGINATION: A summer full of technology-free
NWOregonAvenues;www. ALIVE AFTERFIVE: The music of rock group Heart played by original members of the band, with VooDoo Highway; at the north end of Powerhouse Drive; free; 5-8:30 p.m.; Old Mill District, 661 SW Powerhouse Drive, Bend; or 541-389-0995. MUSIC IN THECANYON: Featuring live soul music by Trixy and the Nasties, food vendors and more; free; 5:30-8 p.m.; American LegionCommunity Park,850 SW Rimrock Way, Redmond; www. musicint
THURSDAY OREGON HIGHDESERT CLASSICS I: A U.S. Equestrian Federation class AA international hunterjumper equestrian competition; proceeds benefit J Bar J Youth Services; free admission; 8 a.m.-5 p.m.; J Bar J Boys Ranch, 62895 Hamby Road, Bend; www. TERENCENEAL: Folk-pop; 6 p.m.; Brasada Ranch, 16986 SW Brasada Ranch Road, Powell Butte;
www.brasadalodging.comor 541-526-6865. RINGO STARRAND HIS ALL STARR BAND:The former Beatles
drummer performs; $49general
admission, $105 reserved seating, plusfees;6:30 p.m.,gates open5 p.m.; Les Schwab Amphitheater, 344 SW Shevlin Hixon Drive, Bend; or 541-322-9383. "LORD OFTHEFLIES": An adaptation of William Golding's famous novelby the Bend Experimental Art Theatre; $15, $10 for students; 7 p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, 220 NE Lafayette Ave., Bend; or 541-419-5558.
STORY TIMES and library youth events • For the weekof July 11-17. Story times arefreeunless otherwise noted. I•
2690 NEU.S. HIGHWAY20, BEND;541-318-7242 • ONCE UPON ASTORYTIME: All ages;11 a.m. Friday. I
I'l l
19530AMBERMEADOW DRIVE,BEND;541-388-1188 • STORYTIME:Allages;11 a.m.Thursday. 'II
j •
175 SWMEADOW LAKES DRIVE,PRINEVILLE; 541-447-7978 • GROWING TALES:Ages 3and older;11 a.m. Thursday. • WEE READ: Ages0-3; 10a.m. Wednesday. • FAMILY FEST:All ages; HighDesert Museumconducts experiments with kids aboutelectricity; 6:30 p.m. Tuesday. • BIG FRIDAY:Ages7-12;sodacan race;4 p.m.Friday. • TEENLATENIGHT:Grades6-12;Lego robotics;6 p.m. Thursday. I I
I '
J •
601 NWWALLST.; 541-617-7097 • BABY STEPS: Ages 0-18 months; 11:30a.m. Wednesday and1:30 p.m.Thursday. • TODDLIN'TALES:Ages18-36 months; 1015 a m. and11 a.m. Tuesdayand10:15a.m. Wednesday. • PRESCHOOL PARADE:Ages3-5; 10:30 a.m. Fridayand 1:30 p.m.Tuesday. • MUSIC, MOVEMENT & STORIES:Ages3-5;10:30a.m. Thursday. $•
• J •
62080 DEAN SWIFT ROAD;541-330-3760 • TODDLIN'TALES: Ages0-3;9:30a.m.Wednesday. • PRESCHOOL PARADE:Ages3-5; 9:30a.m. Thursday. • SATURDAYSTORIES:Allages;9:30a.m.Saturday. I
241 SWSEVENTHST., MADRAS;541-475-3351 • BABIES AND TODDLERS STORYTIME:1010 a m. Tuesday. • LET'S EXPERIMENT:Elementaryages;2p.m.Tuesday in Madras; 2p.m.Wednesday inWarmSprings; 2 p.m. Thursday inCulver. • FUN WITH NUMBERS:Elementary ages;10:25 a.m. Monday inCrook RiverRanchChapel. •
I '
j •
827 SWDESCHUTESAVE.; 541-312-1054 • MOTHER GOOSEANDMORE:Ages 0-2; 10:15a.m. and11 a.m.Thursday. • PRESCHOOLPARADE:Ages3-5;10:15a.m.W ednesday. • FAMILYFUNIN SPANISH: Ages0-5;11 a.m. Wednesday. • FIZZ! BOOM! PRESCHOOL READ!:Ages3-5;1030a.m. Monday. • MUSIC, MOVEMENT 8t STORIES:Ages3-5; 10:15 a.m. Wednesday. • SUNRIVEROBSERVATORYSPACEDAY:Ages9-17; Check out solar telescopeand learn about meteorites; 3 p.m. Monday. •
j •
k ~
It's All Part OfTheDeschfltes CountyFair 5 Rodeo Ju l y
3 0 t h t h r o u g h A u g u s t 3 3 . ck
C e l e b r a t i n g $ 5 V e a r s O f J a m P a e h e cl F u n !
~l+lt I 0
a Oaa m e a c a u e e e e o u
• • I •
56855VENTURELANE;541-312-1080 • FAMILY FUN STORYTIME:Ages0-5;10:30 a.m.Tuesday. • KNOW FUN. KNOW GAMES:Allages;noonTuesday.
dF~M~ W~Su~, A@Att~sl r ~
Paid Fair AdmissionRequirefl
• J •
110 N. CEDAR ST.; 541-312-1070 • FAMILY FUN STORYTIME:Ages0-5;10:30 a.m.Thursday •
Doors open at 5:30 pm Show starts at 7:00 pm
• • $ •
16425 FIRSTST.;541-312-1090 • FAMILY STORYTIME:All ages;10:30 a.m. Thursday. • FIZZ! BOOM! PRESCHOOL READ!:Ages3-5;1030a.m. Wednesday. I
Saturday, August 2nd
eho~~, 4n»
e ri
o s i c e n or
8 p.m. on (CW), "Whose good luck trying to keep up as
In addition to all of this, we
are asked to remain interested in the back story of Sonya's off-putting social disorder, which has made her permanently brusque. To the disapproval of her protective boss, Lt. Hank Wade (Ted Levine), Sonya is having a sex-only af-
Season 2 takes off in the dust.
By Hank Stuever
The main thread involves the murder of acartelmember whose body is found on the Texas side of the equation. Once more, El Paso detective Sonya Cross (Kruger) is asked to cooperate with Ruiz and see what they can figure
The Washington Post
Most cabledramas expect us to stay sharp during the 10 or so months it takes for them
to come back around with another season. Viewers have learned various tricks to jog our memories of where difficult characters and complicated plots were left hanging. It's a good thing the Internet is flush with recaps and Wi-
er murdered her sister years
ers consider the Sonya/Marco
Marco is still dealing with his considerable grief and sinking deeper into the corruption
ago. And don't f orget that
that controls the Chihuahua State Police. What you have is a show
me attempt to summarize:
more dire than in the space
for FX's bordertown crime
drama "The Bridge," which concluded last year with an
Alexandra Wyman/The Associated Press
ambivalent sigh and returns
Diane Kruger, left, and Demian Bichir return in Season Two of "The
Wednesday night with a far Bridge" on FX. broader scope. If you were hoping for a fresh start and a leaner premise, forget it. dious detours. As it drew to "The Bridge" clearly intends a climax, Bichir's character,
of the American Southwest. For once, the context and set-
ting of a violent drama — Ciuless. rible personal blow. The net dad Juarez and its drug wars, When last we left it, much resultof Season I seemed as murder rate and disappearabout "The Bridge" was laud- dry and heartless as the des- ances — more closely matchable — especially fine perfor- ert surroundings. es actual statistics. New York mances from Demian Bichir Adapting a successful Dan- could never (one hopes) gin and Diane Kruger as detec- ish/Swedish series c alled up as much violent crime as it tives investigating a murder " Bron/Broen" int o "The experiences in TV's overactive from opposite sides of the Bridge," showrunner Elwood imagination. Juarez, on the U.S./Mexico border crossing Reid and executive producer other hand... at El Paso, Texas. The story Meredith Stiehm rather artA year later, it's difficult to strayed in the middle of the fully transplanted a Euro-noir remember the show's many season and chose some te- procedural to the grit and grief other entanglements, and to heap more work on us, not
out. But it's clear that the writ-
now; no fewer than four other plots are being pursued. Let
the blanks. Never is this interregnum between Seasons 1 and 2 of an ambitious series that is still trying to find its way. That holds especially true
fair with a man whose broth-
dynamic to be the least of it
ki-style summaries to fill in
Marco Ruiz, was dealt a ter-
Two newspaper reporters, Daniel and Adriana (Mat- with a "Wire"-sized envy for thew Lillard and Emily Rios) epic sprawl and a "Breaking are hunting for clues to a Bad"-like wish to sublimely money-laundering operation portray repeat acts of eviL in the Juarez/El Paso under- Remarkably, the writers find world, but there's also a sub- a slow-moving current by plot having to do with Adri- Episodes 3 and 4, enough to ana's missing sister. Then capture the interest of only there's a subplot involving a the most dedicated "Bridge" well-guarded ranch that pro- viewers and perhaps keep us tects women (one woman in moving through the season. particular) hiding from the A few problems neverthecartel. Also (we've only just less persist — mostly havbegun), Franka Potente joins ing to do with a music-video the cast as a psychopathic sense of surroundings (sad Mennonite killer wh o d o es guitar twangs; tires on gravdirty work for the cartel, as el roads; a nuevo-wavo, souwell as dirty work of her own. venir-shop idealizing of the And, bafflingly, "The Bridge" creepy West) and a level of retains a subplot from last violence and gore that is right season in which a wealthy in line with other bloody cawidow (Annabeth Gish) is ble dramas but often seems embroiled in a drug-tunnel unnecessary and relentless. smuggling operation; Lyle Sometimes it's fun to get utLovett occasionally lends a terly lost in a drama like this; menacing presence as her sometimes it's better to turn mysterious lawyer. around and keep driving.
Misse ra uationss awn an er
MOVIE TIMESTODAY • There may be an additional fee for 3-0and /MAXmovies. • Movie times are subject to change atter press time. I
Dear Abby:When I was a child, my parents skipped my elementary school graduation. For that matter, everyone did.My grandfather had just died, so Mom was mourning his loss. Fast-forward a few years — nobody attended my junior high graduation, either. Granted, M om had couple a of DEP,R stitches in her nose because my brother had accidentally hit
her with a golf club the week before. Well, my y o unger siblings just graduated from elementary school, and my parents have again skipped the event due to their work schedules. A mix of emotions is resurfacing for me. I'm angry and frustrated. I'm 26
now, and a long time has passed since they disappointed me, but I guess I haven't ever truly forgiven them for missing those events. After all, these are once-in-a-lifetime milestones for a child, right?
Am I justified in feeling anger toward my parents for deciding
to miss not only my graduations, you made a point of attending but also those of my younger sib- your siblings' graduations in the lings'? Should I talk to them or let it go? What can I do?
Dear Abby:I'm hoping you can resolve a disagreement between Dear Reliving It: How has your my wife and me. She insists on relationship wit h y ou r p a rents placing knives in the drying rack been otherwise'? If with the sharp ends pointing up. I they have always insist this is a safety issue and the b een loving a n d knives should be placed pointing supportive in other down (or dried immediately). ways, then perhaps My wife counters that this will you shouldn't be so dull the points and that drying hard on them. with a towel will dull the blades. When I was young, there were I know it sounds trivial, but we high school and college gradua- argue about it every day. Can you tion ceremonies with cap, gown help resolve our disagreement'? and diploma, but none for chil— Looi'zing for Resolution dren leaving elementary school Dear Looking:Please stop arguor junior high. At most, the event ing. I think the solution would be might be celebrated by going out for your wife to be the person who for a family dinner. puts the knives away. Frankly, I think that multiple Dear Abby: After some exgraduation ceremonies — while tensive traveling, I have to ask they may make cute photo-ops — who on earth told people they — dilute the importance of the look good in skinny jeans? one from high school. If you want — O.M.G!in Oklahoma to "do something," rather than Dear O.M.G.!:The salesperson. vent your anger at your parents, — Write to Dear Abby at
HAPPY BIRTHDAYFORFRIDAY, JULY 11, 2014:This yearyou havethe ability to connect with and have an impact
on manymorepeople.Youbecomemore effective in how you communicate as well. If you are single, your charisma defines your love life, which will be active. Try to make good choices foryou. Ifyou are attached, you need to remain sensitive to your sweetie. A relationship is a 50-50 proposition. You could become quite "me oriented." CAPRICORN has opinions that seem hard or callous to you.
— Relivingit in California
it would be more constructive if
YOURHOROSCOPE By Jacqueline Bigar
CANCER (June21-July 22) ** * * Your plate is full, as others seekyou out for many reasons. If you have something important to do, byall means, screen your calls. In your eyes, an authority figure acts in a completely unanticipated manner. You will need to regroup. Avoid knee-jerk reactions. Tonight:
TV TODAY • More TV listingsinside Sports
or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA90069
might make today. Beaware that someone around you might be very volatile. This person has the capacity to turn part of your day into chaos. You don't need to do anythi ng.You do need to beaware of the possibility. Tonight: Hang out — favorite place, favorite people.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov.22-Dec. 21)
** * * Remain sensitive to the costs of a risk. Your finances could be subject to wild swings. If that changeable status is OK with you, then you might be OK.A child or a new love interest could surprise Say "yes." ARIES (March you with his or her unpredictability. Stars showthe kind 21-April 19) Tonight: Don't think you have to treat LEO (July23-Aug.22) of dayyou'Ilhave * * * In t uition will ** * * Focus on getting errands done or everyone, OK? ** * * * D ynamic point you in the clearing your desk. Don't miss answering CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan.19) ** * * Positive correct direction calls or emails — a surprise might be on ** * * Stay anchored in reality and ** * Average if you are in a the way. You could give in to impulsiveknow your limits. You also might find ** So-so dilemma. Another ness and decide to go off and enjoy your yourself in a situation where you need to * Difficult party means well friends. Think about the ramifications, let another person know he or she has butcouldbe the not just the plusses. Then you will make crossed apersonal boundary ofyours. source of an uproar. You will need to a well-informed decision. Tonight: Play The unexpected runs through a domesbe careful in how you approach a topic. it easy. tic matter. Let go of a need to control. Please note this person is in the process Tonight: Let the fun begin. Be aware of VIRGO (Aug.23-Sept. 22) of a major transformation. What is said someone's interest in you. ** * * You could see a change happen today could be moot tomorrow. Tonight: out of the blue with a key person in your Be social; bring others together. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.18) life. You could be stunned by what is ** * You will want to keep some of your TAURUS (April 20-May20) happening. Your creativity might be funobservations and thoughts to yourself. ** * * Reach out for more information. neled into a relationship. You have many Your ability to move in a new direction You could be drawn in by another perreasons to smile. Clear out what you must could be slowed down. If you're really son's charisma, thoughts and different in order to let go and enjoy. Tonight: Add impulsive, youmight act anyway,andsee opinions. Your sensitivity to a situation some flirtation in. the results. A higher-up or parent could be could causeyou to stop andreconsider an unusually hard on you. Tonight: Not to be important friendship or bond. You want to LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) ** * * Understand what the purpose found. Let others wonder. make good decisions.Tonight:Lookpast is of continuing as you have. Your softer theobvious when meeting someone. PISCES (Feb.19-March20) side emerges when dealing with someone ** * * * Y our friends might be cirGEMINI (May 21-Juoe 20) cling their wagons in anticipation of the ** * * L isten and go past the obvious. you might feel partially responsible for. You might decide to change your plans weekend. Still, you have a lot to do and You wil lseewhatgoeson onceyouconand spend more time with this person, accomplish beforeyougreet your pals. nect with a partner or close associate. who really does appreciate you. Tonight: Someone mightact in a most unexpected You could havesecondthoughts abouta Out with friends. way. Stay mellow and sure of yourself. relationship, as you could be shocked by Take care of you first. Tonight: Say hello to what this person does. Don't take action SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov.21) ** * * * Y our words have clout. Note the weekend. yet. Tonight: Enjoy another person's efforts to lure you toward them. the reaction to certain statements you © King Features Syndicate
Powers" spy-spoof moviesmakes a guest appearance. So does comic Nyima Funk, teaming with regular players Wayne Brady, Colin Mochrie and Ryan Stiles in bringing the studio audience's comedic suggestions to life. Aisha Tyler is the host. 8 p.m. oo STARZ, Movie: "Frozen" — The Disney studio addedanotheranimated smash to its inventory with this 2013 fantasy, adapted from Hans Christian Andersen's "The Snow Queen" and sparked by a woman (voice of Idina Menzel) with the gift — and curse — of turning anything, or anyone, to ice. She runs away to prevent hurting those she loves, but her sister (voice of Kristen Bell) goes in pursuit. Jonathan Groff and Josh Gad also are heard — the latter as a snowman named Olaf. 9 p.m. on ANPL, "The Pool Master" — In this new episode, pool design virtuoso Anthony Archer-Willis gets a plum commission from a homeowner in the heart of California wine country who wants Anthony to design a lavish pool area where he can host weekend wine tastings. Anthony, Dave and Ed soon find out, however, that the project involves a backyard with a steep grade and unstable clay soil, plus working in wildly unpredictable weather that seriously complicates their construction plans.
Regal Old Mill Stadium16 & IMAX, 680 SW Powerhouse Drive, 800-326-3264 • 22 JUMP STREET (R) 1:10,4:05, 7:25, 10:15 • AMERICA(PG-13) 11:05 a.m.,1:40, 4:15, 6:50 • BEGIN AGAIN(R) 11:45 a.m., 2:50, 5:30, 8:30 • CHEF(R) I2:40,3:45, 6:35, 9:20 • DAWN OFTHE PLANETOF THE APES (PG-13)11a.m., 2:15, 6, 9, 10:05 • DAWN OFTHE PLANET OFTHEAPES 3-D (PG-13)11:30 a.m., 2:45, 6:30, 9:30 • DELIVER US FROMEVIL (R) 1,3:50, 7:20, 10:10 • EARTHTO ECHO (PG)2:20,4:45,7:I0,9:35 • EDGEOFTOMORROW (PG-13)12:30,3:30,6:15,9:05 • THE FAULT INOURSTARS(PG-13) 11:20 a.m., 2:30, 6:05 • HOW TOTRAIN YOUR DRAGON 2(PG)10:50a.m.,1:30, 4:40, 7:05, 9:35 • JERSEYBOYS(R) 12:50, 3:55, 6:55, 9:55 • MALEFICENT (PG) 11:25 a.m., 2, 4:55, 7:35, 10 • TAMMY(R) 11:15a.m., 1:50, 4:30, 7:30, 9:15 • TRANSFORMERS:AGE OF EXTINCTION (PG-13)IO:45 a.m., noon, 3:35, 7:15, 9:25 • TRANSFORMERS:AGE OF EXTINCTION IMAX3-0 (PG13) 12:35, 4:10, 7:45 • Accessibility devices are available for some movies. •
Line Is It Anyway?" —Can Mini-Me maximize his improvisation skills? The answer is evident in this episode as Verne Troyer — alias the diminutive sidekick to Mike Myers' Dr. Evil in the "Austin
McMenamins OldSt. Francis School, 700 NWBond St., 541-330-8562 • THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 2(PG-13) 2:30 • GODZILLA(PG-13) 6:30 • NEIGHBORS (R) 9:30 • After 7p.m.,showsare2tandolderonly.Youngerthan 2t mayattend screenings before 7 pm. ifaccompanied by a legal guardian. Tin Pan Theater, 869 NWTin PanAlley, 541-241-2271 • No films are scheduled to screen today. I
10 p.m. on 6, "Blue Bloods" — Erin and ex-husband Jack (Bridget Moynahan, guest star Peter Hermann) are in peril together as courtroom hostages in "To Protect and Serve." They're held at gunpoint by a murder suspect (guest star Ar-
mando Riesco) asDanny (Donnie Wahlberg) tries to negotiate the captives' release. A worried Frank (Tom Selleck) monitors the situation, and he decides not to intervene when Jamie (Will Estes) is suspended for disobeyinga commanding officer. o zap2it
MARKET P resentedby Harcourts The GarnerGroup RealEstate
Every Saturday( leam-zpm NorthWest Crossing Neighborhood Center
Pure. &mzt.6 t"o.
aj. ~ BdU
Redmond Cinemas,1535 SWOdemMedo Road, 541-548-8777
Bend Redmond
• DAWN OFTHE PLANET OFTHEAPES (PG-13)12:30, 3:15, 6:15, 9, 9:30 • EARTHTO ECHO (PG)10:45a.m.,12:45,2:45,4:45,6:45 • TAMMY(R) 11:15a.m., 1:45, 4:15, 6:45, 9:15 • TRANSFORMERS:AGEOFEXTINCTION (PG-13) 11 a.m., 2:15, 5:30, 8:45
John Day Burns Lakeview
La Pine 541.382.6447 Sisters Movie House,720 DesperadoCourt, 541-549-8800 • BELLE(PG) 4:45 • DAWN OFTHE PLANETOF THE APES (PG-13)5,7:30 • EARTH TOECHO(PG) 5:15 • JERSEYBOYS(R) 7 • TAMMY(R) 5:30, 7:45 • TRANSFORMERS:AGE OF EXTINCTION (PG-13)7:15 Madras Cinema 5,1101SWU.S. Highway 97, 541-475-3505 • DAWN OFTHE PLANET OFTHEAPES (PG-13)1:10,6:50 • DAWN OFTHE PLANETOF THE APES 3-D (PG-13)4, 9:40 • DELIVER US FROMEVIL (R) 1:30, 4:10, 6:40, 9:20 • EARTH TO ECHO(PG) 2:50, 5, 7:10, 9:10 • TAMMY (R)2:20, 4:40, 7, 9:15 • TRANSFORMERS:AGE OF EXTINCTION (PG-13)3:15, 6:30,9:35 Pine Theater, 214 N.MainSt., 541-416-1014 • DAWN OFTHE PLANETOF THE APES (PG-13)4,7 • EARTH TOECHO(Upstairs — PG) 4:10, 7:15 • Theupstairsscreening room has limitedaccessibility.
Find a week'sworth of movie times plus film reviews in today's 0 GO! Magazine
See us for retractable awnings, exterior solar screens, shade structures. Sun I/I/hen yOu Wantit,
shade ehen Jouneedit.
Plae Well, Retire Well
775SW BonnetWay,Suite120•Bend 541-728 -0321•
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ENGLISH BULLDOG 2 oak bookcases, like Are you in BIG trouble Puppy, AKC registered, new, 12" D, 24" W, 33" H, The Bulletin reserves S lide fire s tock f o r with the IRS? Stop male, 1st shots & micro- $75 both. 541-233-8680 the right to publish all Ruger 10-22 as new wage & bank levies, chipped. $2000. ads from The Bulletin $295. Leave m es- liens & audits, unfiled 541-416-0375 A1 Washers8 Dryers tax returns, payroll isnewspaper onto The sage 541-549-1230 280 284 288 $150 ea. Full warsues, & resolve tax Bulletin Internet web247 Estate Sales SalesSouthwest Bend Sales Southeast Bend ranty. Free Del. Also debt FAST. Seen on site. wanted, used W/D's CNN. A B BB . C a ll 202 Sporting Goods 541-280-7355 Estate Sale! Moving to YARD SALE 9am-4pm Sat. 7/12 8-2, 60102 Want to Buy or Rent 1-800-989-1278. The Bulletin - Misc. assisted living. EvS ATURDAY O N L Y Ridgeview Dr. West, (PNDC) erything goes. A bit of 61361 Sally Ln. Rus- Woodside Ra n c h, CASHfor wood Coffee table, matching 9' oars for boat/raft. Aussie gas BBQ pit, 240 old and new. Sat. only tic wood futon frame, fridge, furn. and more! German Shepherd, 3 end stands, like new dressers and wood hard plastic, never cast iron burners $75 Crafts & Hobbies 7-12, 7:30am-3:00pm. sport rack, retired lidinettes. 541-420-5640 y rs old, n ame i s $150. 541-447-6681 used, $ 75 ea. obo 541-706-1051 61260 Victory Loop, b rary b ooks, e t c . 290 Louie. Needs a loving C ouch l e ather l i k e 541-647-2314 Auto Accident Attorney: 541-999-2298 Bend.Cash only! MINERAL home. $300 adoption new, $350; Tall enSales Redmond Area HAVE AGATE HUNTERS AN Old oak wood desk $50; INJURED I N RIGHTS? HAVE fee. Must be only dog tertainment c e n ter, Poffshers • Saws PEDDLERS MARKET 286 oak shelf $15; chair AUTO A CCIDENT? 2-Sales 6460 8 6540 O IL/GAS INT E Rin home! Neutered, Sat., July 12, 8 -3 $100; long c o ffee Sales Northeast Bend NW 60th, Tetherow ESTS? I want to pur- v accinated, Call InjuryFone for a $10. 541-647-2314 pot t y table; Tumalo Feed Co., $50 Repair & Supplies free case evaluation. Hwy 20 West Xing, Fri-Sat, 10-4. chase minerals and trained, knows basic 541-480-1337 « « i 248 Never a cost to you. Antiques, crafts, Antique kitchen stove other oil/gas interests. commands, & micro Dryers (3), all good Don't wait, call now, ** FREE ** Health & vintage, and more. (Home Comfort), col- Send details to: PO chipped. Comes with working cond, $ 30 'I -800-539-9913. 241 Garage Sale Kit Beauty Items lectibles, furn., Irg par- Box 13557, Denver bed, blanket, toys, each. 541-410-4596 (541) 306-8016 (PNDC) Place an ad in The collars, leash, medicopeddlersmarketo rot cages, portable CO 80201 (PNDC) Bicycles & Bulletin for your gacation and bowl. Call G ENERATE Honda gen., chain link LOSE U P TO 30 Buying Dlamonds S OME Accessories rage sale and refencing, P a r ty-LiteWanted: $Cash paid for 541-598-4472. POUNDS in 60 Days! EXCITEMENT in your /Gold for Cash 282 vintaqe costume jewceive a Garage Sale consultant closing out neighborhood! Plan a Kent 26", Shiman0 gear Once daily appetite Saxon's Fine Jewelers Lab Pups AKC, black & elry. Top dollar paid for Sales Northwest Bend Kit FREE! suppressant burns fat candles, brand name Gold/Si(ver.I buy by the yellow, Master Hunter garage sale and don't with helmets. $100. 541-389-6655 clothes & much misc. and boosts energy for to advertise in 541-526-0687 Estate, Honest Artist sired, performance pedi- forget BUYING KIT IN CLUDES: 3-MOM BABY SALE! healthy weight loss. classified! OFA cert hips& elLionel/American Flyer High-end clothing, gear, • 4 Garage Sale Signs Garage Sale Fri-Sat, 8-? Elizabeth,541-633-7006 ree, 541-385-5809. New Diamondback Re60 day s u pply ows, 541-771-2330 trains, accessories. • $2.00 Off Coupon To bottles, pump, toys, Vintage English military sponse XE hybrid, lots of $59.95. Call: 203 541-408-2191. Use Toward Your GE Upright freezer, much more!Sat. 11-3, trunk, antique purses, extras incl Giro helmet, 800-315-8619 Next Ad 22 cu ft, $375. Holiday Bazaar chest freezer, wicker Labradors (chocolates), BUYING & SE LLING 776 NW Saginaw $275 obo. 541-306-0166 (PNDC) • 10 Tips For "Garage 541-948-9191 desk, linens, pictures, no papers, ready 7/22. All gold jewelry, silver & Craft Shows Sale Success!" A Lot of everything, 245 253 rugs, glassware, books, $300. 541-977-6844 and gold coins, bars, Maytag washer & dryer even the house! LOTS of misc. 3749 SW 40th Year of Central rounds, wedding sets, Golf Equipment TV, Stereo & Video real HD, $1200 both. Miniature S c hnauzer Retirement Sale. Very Tommy Armour Ln. class rings, sterling silPICK UP YOUR Oregon Sat. Market! large clean work table pups, Black, 3 female, 541-279-3218 ver, coin collect, vinDirectTV 2 Year SavOpen Sat., 10am-4pm on wheels w/ electrical GARAGE SALE K!T at 1 male, $700. Family NEED TO CANCEL Moving/Garage Sale! tage watches, dental Downtown Bend, ings Event! Over 140 1777 SW Chandler hookups, greatfor raised. 541-410-7701 July 10-11-12-13 9am-5pm YOUR AD? Bill Fl e ming, across from library. channels only $29.99 gold. shop or quilting, fabric Ave., Bend, OR 97702 14482 Pony Trail, The Bulletin 541-382-9419. Largest selection of local Newfoundland puppies, 1985 Cub Electric a month. O nly Digalore - quilting, upholRiver Ranch. Classifieds has an artists 8 crafters. Bulletin Crooked AKC, black w/white, Golf Cart recTV gives you 2 Crab cooker with pot, stery, etc., sewing ma- The Serving Central Oregon sfnce«903 Everything must go! "Alter Hours"Line Wherethe Maker vet checked, shots, Newer batteries, YEARS of s a vings $35. chine, sewing items, LiNing rm furn, 2 bedCall 541-383-2371 is the Seller!! ready 7/25. $1500. and a FREE Genie 541-948-9191 good tires, in good rugs, outdoor furn., Fri & Sat. 8-2, 22222 room sets, kitchen items, 24 hrs. to cancel 541-420-9015 541-255-9538 upgrade! Call Double jogging stroller, tools, bedding, clothcondition, and runs outdoor furn, 2 TVs, your ad! Kevin Dr., Items 1-800-259-5140. ing, household, toys & NE well. $700. tools, fire pit, other misc. Nonprofit cat r e scue good condition, $85. i nclude fishing, f l y 205 (PNDC) more! 63985 Tyler Rd., tieing materials, farm, All great stuff! 541-447-7906 seeks volunteer board Oval dining table with 541-420-2220 Items for Free Thurs, Fri., Sat., 7-4. leaf, $49. of director members. DISH T V Ret a iler. Is Your Identity Proanimal, sports, an- MOVING SALEFri., 541-420-2220 Must support no-kill Starting at tected? I t tiques, tools, Dodge Sat., Sun., 9-5. Tools, Horse manure will load, CHECKYOUR AD is our EXTRENIE Garage philosophy. Experi$19.99/month (for 12 promise to provide the truck, household, furn. Deschutes Mkt Rd., ence in fundraising & Refrigerator GE side by Honda generator, Sale. % Donated to mos.) & High Speed water in door. most comprehensive Bend. 541-318-8707 Great Quality Sale! Tour De Chutes. 8 chain saw, Weed recruiting volunteers a side, Internet starting at $100. 541-526-0687 identity theft prevenSat.7/12 8 a.m.-? 2420 am (Fri.-Sun.) NW Eater, furn., collectplus! 541-280-3172. $14.95/month (where tion and r e sponse 208 Small roll-top desk, C rossing, Le m h i NE Desert Willow Ct. ible dolls, 12817 SW available.) SAVE! Ask Persian kittens pureproducts a v a ilable! $75 or best offer. Pass O Wil l i am Baby gear, maternity, Upper Ridge Rd. CRR Pets & Supplies About SAME DAY Inbred available. Call sporting gear, house541-548-4170 on the first day it runs stallation! CALL Now! Call Today for 30-Day Clark. See craigslist. 541-359-7564 FREE TRIAL hold decor, speakers & Multi family Sale, Sat. to make sure it is cor- 1-800-308-1563 Follow bright signs. 1-800-395-7012. "Spellcheck" and (PNDC) more! 8-4, 134'I NW t 8th St. The Bulletin recomrect. Pomeranian-Shih-tzu Twin E rgo-motion (PNDC) human errors do ocFurniture, fit n e ss mends extra caution (b.7-10-13) $250 500 automatic bed Church Sale, Sat. purc has- 1-yr Fri 8 Sat $3; 65111 Huge cur. If this happens to REDUCE YOUR Reduce Your Past Tax equip., golf clubs, etc. when Male not neutered 8-4, corner of Cooley & with memory foam ing products or ser85th Place, near Hwy 97 your ad, please con- CABLE BILL!* Get a Bill by as much as 75 Hunter's Circle. Queen mattress, like new, & Tumalo Rd.; Furniture, vices from out of the tact us ASAP so that whole-home Satellite Percent. Stop Levies, 292 bed, tools, lots more; 541-589-'I 124 only used for a short handicap supplies area. Sending cash, corrections and any system installed at Liens and Wage Garproceeds benefit children. • Sales Other Areas t ime. $ 75 0 o b o . (walker, shower chairs, checks, or credit inPOODLEpups, toy. adjustments can be NO COST and pro- nishments. Call The 541-383-7603 HUGE ESTATE SALE etc.), tools, afghans, f ormation may b e older pup to adopt. made to your ad. ramming starting at Tax DR Now to see if ESTATE SALE cooler, desks, and more Do not miss this one! subjected to fraud. Schnoodle pups also. 541-385-5809 1 9.99/mo. FRE E you Qualify Antiques, tools galore, July 10-13 10am-4pm. For more informa541-475-3889 HD/DVR Upgrade to Upright Freezer Frigid- The Bulletin Classified 1-800-791-2099. Oak bdrm set, exlnt country yard art. Huge Moving Sale, tion about an adveraire, 3 yrs, exc. cond. new callers, SO CALL (PNDC) cond; men's camo huntPuq/Chihuahua mix Slightly used y o u th NOW 22775 Nelson Road. Sat., 9 -5 . 6 3 5 44 you may call $100 541-526-0687 ing clothes; tools; fishinq tiser, ready 7/25. $350; $50 R ug 5'x7'10" br o wn clubs, includes bag, 1-866-984-8515. near Bend Airport) Bridle Lane. Sports the O r egon State rods; lotsof VHS8 DVD Attorney General's dep holds. 541-923-7232 Washer & dryer LG top $50. 619-988-2517 beige 8 blue striped, $30. 8-4, Sat. & Sun. equip., life jackets, (PNDC) old movies; horse tack; 541-504-0707 load, 3 yrs old, $350 No early sales. water toys, w ake Office C o nsumer QueenslandHeelers m isc. 6400 NW Narcissa 246 pair; LG microwave, 255 boards, N o r itake Multi-Family Garage Sale, Ct, CRR. NO earlybirds! Protection hotline at Sharp Air Conditioner, Standard & Mini, $150 built in, above range, Guns, Hunting 1-877-877-9392. c hina, large o a k Fri 7/11 only, 8-2. 63576 Computers 5000 BTU, $75, & up. 541-280-1537 $75. 541-388-4038 china hutch 8 side Brahma Ct. S. Children's & Fishing 541-948-9191 www.rightwayranch.wor GARAGE SALE board, Pac sport, clothing, toys, books, furn, The Bulletin Dell printer 2350d, b&w Call The Bulletin At S«««lngCentral Oregon since «903 Swamp cooler, heavy Bob Stroller, lug- sporting goods, tools. PRINEVILLE) 1873 Springfield Trap laser, 2-sided. $60 541-385-5809 duty, like new, 3ft. x ri. & Sat., 8-3, gage, holiday decor, Multi-family Street Sale Door, original, $1250. 541-526-0687 Spaniel Place Your Ad Or E-Mail 3 ft., p o rtable o r kitchen items, large 8E 7/12. 8 mo. old pups, good- Springer Sat. 7/12 8:30-3, on 12917/11 AKC, liver & white, 1 At: 541-383-7603 Samsung c o m puter s tationary. NE WILSHIRE $3 7 5 . amount of upscale w atchdogs, h o u se Livengood Wy. North Corner of Steins Pil1st shots and 6.5x54 Mannlicher carall-in-one desktop, 1 541-382-6773 plus size womens dogs, ou t standing male. of Cooley Rd., go N. dewclaws removed. Whirlpool refrig/freezer, bine, w/dies, brass, yr old, Windows 8 and lar & Wilshire (just clothing, hand looks, safe with chil- $400 but works1ine $35. $1750. 541-504-9146 The Bulletin Offers on Ranch Village Dr. Windows XP $ 500. painted e ntertainNorth & East of the dren. $150 ea. 541-885-8604. Call older 541-948-9191 Free Private Party Ads Hospital) Dog ramp, 541-447-13237 m ent center w i th Bend local pays CASH!! 541-526-0687 • 3 lines - 3 days Multi-family yard sale side book shelves Coleman 8 person for all firearms & 257 • Private Party Only and fund-raiser. tent, Misc. catering, Adopt a rescue cat or Weimaraner pups, par- The Bulletin ammo. 541-526-0617 and so much more. Musical Instruments • Total of items adverSaturday, July 12, recommends extra "cabin" decor, Prints kitten! Altered, vaccients exc. disposition LARGE MOVING SALE CASH!! tised must equal $200 8am to 3pm nated, ID chip, tested, p u - For Guns, (NWTF 8 DU), furn. and on site. Ranch I cau«o « e Tumalo! quality house 62601 Hawkview Rd. Ammo 8 Brand new Randy Jack- or Less chasing products or I more! CRAFT, 65480 raised and parents antique glassware, - hold and farm items. Reloading Supplies. son American Tribute Ltd FOR DETAILS or to "beach" decor, men's 78th St, Bend, 1-5 PM hunt, 3 males, 1 female, services from out of I 541-408-6900. 19460 Dayton Rd. off PLACE AN AD, Ed acoustic/electric guithe area. Sending [I 288 Sat/Sun. 389 8420, $350. Please leave (like new) clothing, Gerking Mkt. Rd., Sat. tar complete w/package, Call 541-385-5809 cash, checks, or collectables, wall art, msg. 541-562-5970. H & H FIREARMS Sales Southeast Bend 8-3, Sun, 9-1 $250. 541-306-0166 Fax 541-385-5802 i credit i n f ormation kitchen stuff, ( like Buy, Sell, Trade, Aussies, Mini AKC, may be subjected to MOVING SALE, new) linens, crystal, Consign. Piano Kimball console, Wantedpaying cash 61197 Cottonwood Dr./ blues, black tri, m/f, i FRAUD. For more Sat 7/12, only, 8-noon. etc. LOTS OF STUFF Across From good condition, $750 for Hi-fi audio & stuFerguson, close to the parents on site information about an g 715 NW Yosemite Dr. Bridges at Shadow Glen Pilot Butte Drive-In firm. 541-317-9063 dio equip. Mclntosh, 541-788-7799 advertiser, you may Tools. furniture, camping 541-382-9352 VARIETY!Antique Golf Galore! Gloves, PROJECT Player piano, J BL, Marantz, D y Oregon t & sports equip, misc. I c all t h e buffet, sect. sofa, yard Heathkit, Sanclubs, balls, ie: ProV1 Boxers AKC & Valley State Attor ney ' ISSC M22 long rifle, 10 some rolls. $ 1 95. naco, equip, kitchen, etc. sui, Carver, NAD, etc. Multi family garage $25 in box & more! Sat. Bulldogs CKC puppies. Yorkie AKC Puppies, i General's O f fi ce shot, also box 525 LR 541-388-3886 eves Fri-Sat, 7/11-12, 9-3. Call 541-261-1808 sale, vintage, colI b s w h en Consumer Protec- • hollow points, $350, 7/12, 9-3, 52242 Park- $700-800. 541-325-3376 (3 to 5 lectibles, tools, Fri- Sat No earlybirds, please! grown). 1st s h ots, t ion h o t line a ti 541-279-3218 way Dr., La Pine 262 Dachshund AKC blk/tan 8-3, 65090 Old Bend/ dew claw removed i 1-877-877-9392. GARAGE/MOVING/ Commercial/Office pups, $425.541-508-4558 Redmond Hwy in TuNew Just Right 9mm BUSINESS SALE a nd tail docked. 2 Moving Sale Sat. 8-4, go malo no. of Tumalo Rd. 60401 Tall Pine, Wood- 12507 S W female, 4 males. $600 t TheBulletin > carbw/3 Glock mags, exEquipment & Fixtures Ju n i per ServingCentral Oregon since 1««8 tras, $650. 541-306-0166 side Ranch, Fri-Sat-Sun, Pine Ln., offShumway Donate deposit bottles/ to $800. Call anytime 284 9am. Display cases, 541-728-6626. 6-cushioned reception Powell Butte. Guns, New Wright & McGill fly Wurlitzer Organ like Sales Southwest Bend tools, bikes, pipes, bongs. skeet thrower, clay pi- cans to local all vol., chairs, $100. 212 rod, 4-weight, fast tip, non-profit rescue, for new condition, reYorkies, small females, CC accepted. 541-948-9191 geons, fishing gear, case, $75. 541-848-1921 Antiques & mote speaker for MOVING SALE, F ri., HUGE Sale of supplies 14x16 canvas wall tent, feral cat spay/neuter. cute, playful, shots & Cans for Cats trailer docks, parents on site. home or church. 263 8-2, Sat. 8-11. 60848 for scrapbooking, stamp- wood stove for tent, Collectibles Ruger Blackhawk .357 541-536-3108 or $450. 541-617-8610 Cultus Drive. Down- ing, etc. Suntree Village crib, high-chair, arm- at Jake's Diner, Hwy $550. 4-5/8" barrel, SS, with Tools text to 541-915-5754. 20 E 8 Bend Petco sizing, misc. house- Clubhouse,1001 SE 15th oire, artwork, HP printAntique Clawfoot tub, leather holster, $600. 258 near Applebee's, dohold i t ems, f u r n.,July 11-12, 9am-4pm. ers, lots of misc. $200 541-389-7472. M achineShop tools and 210 nate M-F at S mith Travel/Tickets 541-410-4596 crafts, garage stuff! measuring inst. $150. Ruger Mini 14 r a n ch Multi-Family Sale Fri-Sat, Just bought a new boat? Sign, 1515 NE 2nd; or Furniture & Appliances 541-617-8610 P RE-MOVING S A L E 8-3 at 2 homes on Dove Sell your old one in the CRAFT, Tumalo. Lv. Red Wing Stoneware rifle stainless .223 w/ Dave Matthews Band Fri.-Sun. 7-4. F u rn., Lane 8 Chilliwack off SE classifieds! Ask about our msg. for pick up large 2 end tables, $50 and crocks - churns - lids 2 - 30 rd mags. Like 4 tickets, $600 each Wood roll-around tool collectibles, Xmas +. 27th. Collectibles, golf, Super Seller rates! amts, 541-389-8420. $35, or best offer. duck & geese wooden new condition $495 8/26/14 6:00 p.m. chest, 6 deep drawers. 18964 Choctaw, DRW lots more - see craigslist! 541-548-4170 decoys. 541-548-9939 541-678-5646 541-389-7145 541-385-5809 $150. 541-706-1051 ,
l i i i i
541-385-5809 Dr go to
AD PLACEMENT DEADLINES Monday • • • • • • • 5:00 pm Fri • Tuesday.••• • • • .Noon Mon. Wednesday •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Noon Tues. Thursday • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Noon Wed. Friday. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Noon Thurs. Saturday Real Estate.. . . . . . . . . . 1 1 :00 am Fri.
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PRIVATE PARTY RATES Starting at 3 lines
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7 days.................................................. $10.00 14 days................................................ $16.00
Garage Sale Special
4 days.................................................. $18.50 7 days.................................................. $24.00 14 days .................................................$33.50 28 days .................................................$61.50
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PLEASE NOTE: Checkyour ad for accuracy the first day it appears. Please call us immediately if a correction is needed. We will gladly accept responsibility for one incorrect insertion. The publisher reserves the right to accept or reject any ad at anytime, classify and index any advertising based on the policies of these newspapers. The publisher shall not be liable for any advertisement omitted for any reason. Private Party Classified ads running 7 or moredays will publish in the Central OregonMarketplace each Tuesday. 263
Gardening Supplies • Horses & Equipment & Equipment
Woodworking shop equipment: Sh op•sa4 smith with upgraded s~ table saw; Band saw; Lathe; Jointer; Disk, PROMPT DELIVERY Sander and working 541-389-9663 2001 Silverado tools; Shopsmith 12" 3-horse trailer 5th planer with s t and, wheel, 29'x8', deluxe Sears 12" wood lathe Just too many showman/semi living with Copy Crafter and collectibles? quarters, lots of exworking tools. Tormek tras. Beautiful condiSuper grinder 2000 Sell them in tion. $21,900. OBO with many a t tach541-420-3277 ments and i n struc- The Bulletin Classifieds tions. Porter Cable 4"xs" belt/disc bench sander. Central Ma- 541-385-5809 chinery 4"x6" belt/disc 270 bench sander; Sears 8tA" slide compound REDUCED! Lost & Found miter saw. AMT 4600 3-Horse Trailer, 22' long, scroll saw ; B e n chFound 7/6, cash on east 7' wide, 2 rear axles, good grinder; Router table side of Bend. Call to cond. Logan Coach Inc. with Sears r o uter; identify. 541-389-0924 $4200 obo. 305-794-0190 Makita router; Ryobi t able w i t h Se a r s FOUND keys Old Mill Lease or buy CMK router; Makita router; D istrict Shops b e - Arab gelding 7 yr. Ryobi t ri m r o uter; tween Saxon's and bay. 541-771-2812 Router bits; Bench Spice Shop. Call to ID Older 4-horse lead vise; various clamps. 541-6'I 0-2558 horse walker, $175 541-549-9383 obo. 541-410-4596 Found Mountain Bike, off Century Drive on Shetland pony colt, he'll 265 Knoll, July 4. Call to steal your heart. $250 Building Illaterials identify, 541-383-2161
Found young m a le neutered puggle. free 345 Building Supply Resale to good home Call for Quality at details. 951-966-8697, Livestock & Equipment La Pine Habitat RESTORE
LOW PRICES 52684 Hwy 97 541-536-3234
' j0 0 476
Employment Opportunities Academic Director J Bar J Youth Services. Masters degree in Education. Admin. Iicense preferred w/3 yrs management/supervisory exp. Submit resume and letter of interest to
Call54I 3855809iopromoteyour service• Advertise for 28deysstarting si l'ffl plusVredaipackageir noravailableonourwrbrtrl
Building/Contracting Landscaping/Yard Care Landscaping/Yard Care
at Luxury Senior Home Leisure Club Inc.has shift positions available. Work includes caring for the elderly in p remium s tyle homes. Starting pay is $175 per shift; excellent working conditions. Pleaseca/I 541-550-6612 or email seniorleisure lube o~ for more information/ questions.
for Sisters Chamber of Commerce Please send cover letter, resume and salary requirement to
'obs©sisterscount .com by July 25, 2014.
Fulljob is available NOTICE: Oregon Land- Aeration/Dethatching at description at 1-time or Weekly Services scape Contractors Law NOTICE: Oregon state ~sisterleO nt (ORS 671) requires all Ask about FREE added law requires anyone ~COllll'oba w/seasonal contract! who con t racts for businesses that ad- svcsBonded & Insured. vertise t o p e r form construction work to be licensed with the Landscape Construc- COLLINS Lawn Maint. HOTEL/RESORT The Riverhouse tion which includes: Ca/l 541-480-9714 Construction Contracis seeking: deck s , tors Board (CCB). An p lanting, • Experienced Housearbors, active license fences, keeper -Qualified canmeans the contractor water-features, and in- Allen Reinsch Yard will have at least is bonded & insured. stallation, repair of ir- Illlaintenance & Illlowing didate one year of previous Verify the contractor's rigation systems to be (& many other things!) housekeeping exper. CCB l i c ense at l icensed w it h th e Call 541-536-1294 or • Houseman -must be Landscape Contrac541-615-5313 www.hirealicensedable to lift 50 Ibs & tors Board. This 4-digit have a friendly and or call 503-378-4621. number is to be inpositive attitude. Up to The Bulletin recom- cluded in all adver- Maverick Landscaping $10/hr. weedeating,yd mends checking with tisements which indi- Mowing, the CCB prior to con- cate the business has detail, chain saw work, Must be willing to work tracting with anyone. a bond, insurance and bobcat excv., etc! LCB flexible hours/days. Some other t rades workers c ompensa- ¹8671 541-923-4324 Pre-employment drug also req u ire addi- tion for their employtesting required. tional licenses and ees. For your protecApply in person at: tion call 503-378-5909 Painting/Wall Covering certifications. 3075 N Hwy 97, Bend or use our website: or apply online at to ALL AMERICAN check license status Debris Removal PAINTING before contracting with Interior and Exterior the business. Persons Family-owned Masonry doing lan d scape maintenance do not Residential & Commercial JUNK BE GONE Laborers 40 yrs exp. • Sr. Discounts r equire an LC B l i I Haul Away FREE Needed! 5-year warranties cense. For Salvage. Also Summer Special! Must have Cleanups & Cleanouts Call 541-337-6149 valid ODL. Mel, 541-389-8107 CCB ¹193960
Zor/ez QnaPiep
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Home/Rental repairs Full Service Small jobs to remodels Landscape Management Honest, guaranteed 541-390-1466 work. CCB¹151 573 Experienced Dennis 541-317-9768 Commercial & Residential
a semi-retired painting contractor of 45 years. S mall Jobs Welcome. Interior & Exterior. c c b¹5184. 541-388-6910
Employment Opportunities
IndependentPositions Loans & Mortgages Sales
O pe n Houses
LOCAL MONEY:Webuy SM/Bend Townhome secured trust deeds & note, some hard money loans. Call Pat Kellev 541-382-3099 ext.18.
Medical Assistant Receptionist Earn over Back Office Medical - FrontDesk $1,000 Assistant. Experience Busy Dermatology Ofrequired. W e ar e fice is looking for a a week! looking for an ener- p art ti m e fro n t 573 getic, dependable and desk/scheduling proBusiness Opportunities Open House Sat. 12-3, Welcome to YOUR self motivated person fessional to work 2 NEIGHBORHOOD 64 SW T a f t A v e ., to join our team part days per week. MediDID YOU KNOW that PUBLICATIONS. Bend. $278,900. Let time with possible full cal Reception and not only does newssomeone else do the time option. We offer EMR experience re- We are establishing paper media reach a a branch in work. Great ina superior salary with quired. P l ease fax Central HUGE Audience, they yard Oregon. vestment opportunity Fridays off. Computer your resume to Jodi at also reach an ENWe are looking for for vacation rental, or skills and electronic 541-323-2174 GAGED AUDIENCE. s econd home, o r responsible and medical records exp. email Jodi@centralDiscover the Power of beautiful r e sidence. ambitious individuals to beneficial. Dermatol- sell subscriptions to Newspaper Advertis- 1247 sq.ft., 2 bdrm, 2 ogy exp. a plus. Out- m. NO phonecalls ing in six states - AK, bath, tastefully deThe Bulletin at standing patient care, please. ID, MT, OR, UT, WA. established sales signed, good use of team player and atFor a free rate bro- space & well cared locations. t ention to d e tail a chure call for. m ust. Position i n or Vonnie Green, Broker, Control what you earn 916-288-6011 volves a variety of duemail by working a Alleda Real Estate. ties in a fast paced designated local 541-815-0097 work e n v ironment. chasing products or I territory (PNDC) and essentially 541-633-7590 Fax your resume and services from out of s build your own cover letter to Jodi at I the area. Sending business! 541-323-2174 or c ash, checks, o r Redmond Homes email Jodi©central- I credit i n f ormation I may be subjected to To learn more about this new m. NO phonecalls FRAUD. Looking for your next employment For more informaplease. emp/oyee? tion about an adveropportunity Place a Bulletin help I tiser, you may call please call us at wanted ad today and the Oregon State Need help fixing stuff? 458-206-0905 reach over 60,000 Call A ServiceProfessional I Attorney General's or email us at readers each week. Office C o n sumer s papermanes©hotmaihcom find the help you need. 632 Your classified ad Protection hotline at l Apt./Multiplex General will also appear on I 1-877-877-9392. Your Neighborhood Publications Senior Apartmentwhich currently reMOTEL- Housekeeping LThe Bulletin ceives over Sales Help Wanted: Independent Living Staff, Full-time. ExpenALL-INCLUSIVE 1.5 million page E nergetic kios k ence helpful but not with 3 meals daily views every month The Bulletin sales person needed Month-to-month necessary. Apply in perlease, at no extra cost. son at front desk, Sugimmediately for the To Subscribe call check it outi Bulletin Classifieds arloaf Mountain Motel 541-385-5800 or go to Bend-Redmond Call 541-318-0450 Get Results! 62980 N. Hwy 97, Bend. area. Secured locaCall 385-5809 or tions, high commis634 place your ad on-line sions paid weekly! Apt./Multiplex NE Bend at General For more The Bulletin Mailroom is hiring for our Saturt ion, p l ease c a l l Call for Specials! day night shift and other shifts as needed. We Howard at Limited numbers avail. currently have openings all nights of the week. 541-279-0982. You 1, 2 and 3 bdrms. Everyone must work Saturday night. Shifts c an a l s o em a i l W/D hookups, patios Sunriver/La Pine Homes( start between 6:00 p.m. and 11:30 p.m. and or decks. tcoles@yourneighend between2:00 a.m. and 3:30 a.m. Allpoborhoodpublications. MOUNTAIN GLEN, 56090 Snowgoose Rd, sitions we are hiring for, work Saturday nights. new 3/2, 3-car ga541-383-9313 com for more inforStarting pay is $9.10 per hour, and we pay a Professionally rage, approx Is acre, mation. minimum of 3 hours per shift, as some shifts $279,000. Ki m at managed by Norris & are short (11:30 - 1:30). The work consists of 541-954-3069 Stevens, Inc. loading inserting machines or stitcher, stack• XSI 663 ing product onto pallets, bundling, cleanup and other tasks. For qualifying employees we Houses for Rent Homes with AcreageI offer benefits i ncluding l if e i n surance, Madras short-term & long-term disability, 401(k), paid Custom built contemvacation and sick time. Drug test is required porary raised ranch 3 bdrm, 1 bath house on prior to employment. the flats i n M adras. for sale by o wner. f t. 3-4 $500 mo. 1st and last, 2706 s q . Please submit a completed application atten$250 cleaning dep. bdrms, 2~/s b a ths, tion Kevin Eldred. Applications are available spacious kitchen and 541-475-3519 526 at The Bulletin front desk (1777 S.W. Chandining room, wet bar, Loans & Mortgages dler Blvd.), or an electronic application may be granite and heated obtained upon request by contacting Kevin BANK TURNED YOU stone, new c arpet, Eldred via email ( p rivate study, o a k DOWN? Private party No phone calls please. Only completed applicabinets, newer heat will loan on real escations will be considered for this position. No pump, fir e places, tate equity. Credit, no resumes will be accepted. Drug test is rePozzi wood windows. problem, good equity quired prior to employment. EOE. on 4.6 h i ghly s eis all you need. Call cluded, heavily Oregon Land Morlw ooded acres b e The Bulletin gage 541-388-4200. servinrr centraloregon sincel90r t ween Bend & T u -
r.=.-"-,.— .a I
QoP o
Wage DOE. Apply between 8a.m. -2 p.m., Mon. - Fri., at 63026 Lower
Meadow Dr., Suite ¹200,
malo, 3-car garage,
Facilities and Operations Manager Banking
Caregivers Needed
Employment Opportunities
® Mxm
FFA project Feeder Pigs, Lost "Baby", small gray 9 © $135each. part-Siamese cat, de- Call Alice, 541-475-9254 Open to the public . clawed, vic. Revere & Metal scaffolding, $100. Neff. 541-382-6013 363 DRIVERS 2 10-ft extension ladders, Produce & Food $50 ea. 541-548-4051 Local moving THOMAS ORCHARDS company seeks Check out the Kimberly,Oregon Class A and Class classifieds online U ickor Read icked B CDL Drivers. Dark Sweet Cherries Must be able to Updated daily Rainer cherries work hard, pass Apricots U/A and backPrineville Habitat Semi-Cling Peaches ground check. ReStore No experience BRING CONTAINERS Building Supply Resale necessary. for U-P/CK!// 1427 NW Murphy Ct. 325 541-447-6934 Open 7 days week, Hay, Grain & Feed Open to the public. Call Bill, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. ONLY! 541-934-2870 541-383-3362 267 1st Quality mixed grass Visit us on Facebook for for more info. hay, no rain, barn stored, updates and look for Fuel & Wood $250/ton. for us on Wed. at Bend Call 541-549-3831 Farmers Market and Look at: All year Dependable Patterson Ranch, Sisters Sat. at NW Crossing. Flrewood: Seasoned; Lodgepole, split, del, Excellent 1st cutting orfor Complete Listings of B end, 1 f o r $ 1 9 5 chard grass mix, small TURN THE PAGE Area Real Estate for Sale or 2 for $365. Call for bales, $245/ton. For More Ads multi-cord discounts! Madras, Oregon The Bulletin 541-420-3484. 541-420-9736 Executive
A Payment Drop Box is available at CLASSIFIED OFFICE HOURS: Bend City Hall. CLASSIFICATIONS MON.-FRI. 7:30 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. BELOW M A R K E D W ITH AN (*) REQUIRE PREPAYMENT as well as any out-of-area ads. The Bulletin The Bulletin bendbullerimcom reserves the right to reject any ad at any time. is located at: 1777 S.W. Chandler Ave. Bend, Oregon 97702
Credit Union Mid Oregon Credit Union is looking for two special people to join our dynamic, growing team. Both positions require excellent customer service and s ales s kills, sound decision-making, and the ability to understand and retain a variety of complex product and services information. Successful candidates will be able to work in a team environment and be PC-proficient.
Mid Oregon Credit Union offers a competitive salary package and provides excellent benefits. See our web site at for more details including application form. Bend • 1 Member ServicesRepresentative (Teffer) - 25 hours week Bend • Contact CenterMember Services Representative -25 hours week
Please send resume, application, and cover letter to: Mid Oregon FCU Attn: HumanResources P.O. Box6749, Bend, OR 97708 Mid Oregon Credit union is adrug-free workplace
The Bulletin
serv ny central oreyonsince rsD3
The Bulletin Circulation department is looking for a District Representative to join our Single Copy team. This is a full time, 40 hour per week position. Overall focus is the representation, sales and presentation of The Bulletin newspaper. These apply to news rack locations, hotels, special events and news dealer outlets. Daily responsibilities include driving a company vehicle to service a defined district, ensuring newspaper locations are serviced and supplied, managing newspaper counts for the district, building relationships with our current news dealer locations and growing those locations with new outlets. Position requires total ownership of and accountability of all single copy elements within that district. Work schedule will be Thursday through Monday withTuesday and Wednesday off. Requires good communication skills, a strong attention to detail, the ability to lift 45 pounds, flexibility of motion and the ability to multi task. Essential: Positive attitude, strong service/team orientation, sales and problem solving skills. Send inquiries and resume to: Applications are available at the front desk. Drop off your resume in person at 1777 SW Chandler, Bend, OR 97702; No phone inquiries please. Pre-employment drug testing required. EOE/Drug Free Workplace Must be insurable to drive company vehicle.
Crook County/ Wellness& Education Board of Central Oregon fi/VEBCO) QualityProgram Coordinator Salary Range:I70,553 - $74,883 DOE Full-time with benefits C/oses: August 12, 2014 at 5:00 p.m.
WEBCO is a governmental non-profit agency that acts on behalf of Local Mental and Public Health Authority for Crook, Deschutes and Jefferson Counties. This position develops, implements and c oordinates the q uality improvement system and p r ograms for WEBCO. Requires Master's degree and prior work experience as a Licensed Clinical Social Worker or other clinical licensure experience. Work is performed in our Redmond office and frequent tri-county travel is required. Applications and full job description can be found at . Please apply at the Crook CountyTreasurer's/Tax O ffi ce 200 NE 2 St. Prineville, OR97754 541-447-6554 EOE
irrig.system and water feature. $589,900 541-410-2098 or
Oregon State University-Cascades in Bend, Oregon invites applications for a part-time (.50 FTE), 12-month, fixed term Facilities and Operations Manager position.
Upon a capital construction contract being signed and notice to proceed issued, the position becomes full-time (1.0 FTE) and the successful applicant also becomes the Construction Project Manager. Reappointment is at the discretion of the AVP of Finance and Strategic Planning. Duties include but are not limited to Facilities Management, Parking and T ransportation Demand Management, Operations Management and Construction Project Management. Salary is commensurate with education and experience. For a complete position description and to review minimum and preferred requirements, go to Apply to posting ¹0012739. The full consideration date is 07/22/14, the closing date is 8/5/14. OSU is an AA/EOE/Vets/Disabled.
MidOregon Credit Union Commercial Account Administrator
Recreational Homes & Property Cabin hidden in woods on trout stream, 637 acres, 75 mi. from Bend, $695k. 541-480-7215 771
Beautiful building lot just steps from Meadow Lakes Golf Course in Prineville. $90,000 541-480-3937 Acreages 5.17 acres. 65694 Old Bend/Redmond Hwy, Mtn view, power, water, septic approved. $174,000 O.B.O. Call Brad 541-419-1725, or Deb 541-480-3956. debra©bendbroad
Mid Oregon Credit Union is looking for a Commercial Account Administrator for our Commercial Loan Department located in our Administrative offices in Bend. This position will be responsible for assisting with the underwriting of new transactions as well as effectively managing credit relationships in the existing porffolio; review the status of current loans outstanding; conduct complex tax and credit analysis projects, evaluate financial alternatives and recommends appropriate action. Supervises the Commercial Lending Team.
Manufactured/ Mobile Homes
FACTORY SPECIAL New Home, 3 bdrm, $46,500 finished on your site. J and M Homes 541-548-5511
Qualified candidates must have strong organizational and analytical skills with a thorough Desperately s e e king understanding of business financial tax and Rhonda O. Iam an old credit analysis, loan underwriting; must be friend who has found it bondable. A Bachelor's degree preferred in extremely necessary Business or Accounting or equivalent experiand imperative on my ence, a minimum of three years of solid part that I speak with professional experience in financial analysis, her. Please, please structuring, u n derwriting a n d po r ffolio call Werner (951) management of commercial loans and depos929-4535 or email me its. wernsocal© Please send resume, application, and cover letter to: Mid OregonFCV Attn: HumanResources P.O. Box 6749, Bend, OR 97708 Mid Oregon Credit union is adrug-free workplace
Meet singles right now! No paid o perators, just real people like you. Browse greetings, exchange messages and connect live. Try it free. Call now: 8 77-955-5505. (PNDC)
PLANER QUALITY CONTROL Gilchrist, Oregon We are looklng for candidates with the following skills and experlence: • Must be familiar with Microsoft Excel, Word and Outlook • Hold at least one grading certificate with an accredited grading association • Minimum 2 years of grading experience • Prior planer supervisor or lead experience We offer our employees: • Competitive compensation package, including 401k match and benefits package • Internal advancement opportunities and professional development • Job stability and a positive team environment • Pay: $21.89 per hour+ benefits Please apply online All applicants offered a position must successfully complete a pre-employment drug test. Interfor is an Equal Opportunity Employer building a capable, committed, diverse workforce.
INTERFOR' Building Value
HOW Cy got hiS name
29 "Bonanza" setting 30 Language originally known as Mocha 34 Turkish money 35 Miscellany 36Tochises 38 Diego Rivera's Sandias" 39 Ceilings 41 Exotic annual offroacl Iace 43 Dead reckonings? 45Admits 46 In wait 48 Best-selling overseas food writer 19Hot, spicy brew Drummond 21 Rec ords 49 "Bad!" 22 Washboard parts 52 Become dazedly inattentive 25 "Sic 'em!" 54 Ryan of 26 Popular Japanese Hollywood manga seen on the Cartoon 560ne with a Network password, maybe ACROSS 1 Decision theory factor 5Athleticshort? 10Coolers, in brief 13Indie rock band whose "The Suburbs" was the Grammys' 2010 Album of the Year 15Jiffy 16British author of the so-called "London Trilogy" 17Feature of a Norman Rockwell self-portrait 18Agitation
By FRANK STEWART Tribune Content Agency
"Why do they call Cy 'the Cynic?"' a club player asked me. "His p a rtners an d t e ammates always let him down," I said. I displayed today's deal. Cy was South in a team match. Against four spades, West cashed two clubs and led a third. East threw two hearts, and Cy ruffed and drew trumps, grateful for the 3-3 break. " Cy carefully took the A- K o f hearts next," I s a id. "When West followed suit, Cy had a c omplete count. He knew West had held three spades, two hearts and seven clubsso one diamond at most. Since the ten was the only singleton Cy could cope with, he led dummy's jack. East c overed, and C y l o s t o n l y o n e diamond and made game." WELL PLAYED "He played it well and made it," my friend said. "Why would that make him cynical?" "At the other table, South played at four spades again. The opening lead by Cy's teammate sitting West was ... the te n o f di a m onds. D e clarer wrapped u p 1 0 tri c k s w i t h o ut breaking a sweat." "I begin to understand," my friend said. DAILY QUESTION
clubs, you bid two diamonds and he returns to two spades. What do you say? ANSWER: In t he popular style where partner's two clubs was gameforcing, you would be obliged to bid again. In " Standard" methods, his t wo spades i s n o t f o r c in g b u t encouraging; he has 10 or 11 points. But since you have a side ace, a useful queen and good trumps, bid four spades. West dealer Neither side vulnerable NORTH 41Q3
9AK5 0 J 94 3 2 A954 WEST 45952
EAST 45S76
QJ 7 0 10
6 Q 109S 32 0 KQ7
AA K J 1 0 7 6 3
SOUTH 4 5AK J10 4
g64 OAS65 AQ 2 West 3A Pass
N orth Paas 4 18
East Sout h Pass 3 18 All Pa s s
Y ouhold: 4 A K J 1 04 9 6 4 Openinglead — AK 0A 8 6 5 A Q 2 . Y ou open one spade, your partner responds two ( C ) 2014TribuneContentAgency,LLC
Seeking a friendly duplicate bridge? Find five gamesweekly at BIZARRO
57 Writer, director and co-star of the Madea films 61 Master's counterpart 62 Belief in human
supremacy 63 Buffoon 64Goeson and off diets, say 65 Mod e rn
No. 0606
19 21
26 30 3 1
1 Pickup line? 2 Furious 3 Rugby formation 4 Subject of Spike Lee's "When the Levees Broke" 5 Reed section? 61962 film" Man Answers" 7 Energy 8 Actor Stoltz 9Gaga contemporary 10 Notable Senate testifier of 1991 11 Florida'5 so-called "Waterfront Wonderland" 12 Password requirer, maybe 14 10-watt, say 15Old-fashioned shelter along a highway 20 Phone inits. 22 Proceeded like a rocket 23 Time capsule event 24 Tough problem 27 Grayish
41 44
28 Downer 30 South African leader beginning in 2009 31 Reanimation after apparent death 32 Insipidity 33 Short 37 Kind of hotel, for short
40 David Ogden , actor on
53 Printed slip
42 Colony unit
54 Unlock, in poetry
, Co nn.
58 Willy pioneering writer on rocketry
47 Bold
SOOpera 51 Land formation known for its caves
59 Green start? 60 "
for rainbow"
Annual subscriptions are available for the best of Sunday crosswords from the last 50 years: 1-888-7-ACROSS. AT&T users: Text NYTX to 386 to download puzzles, or visit for more information. Online subscriptions: Today's puzzle and more than 2,000 past puzzles, ($39.95 a year). Share tips: Crosswords for young solvers:
ZARRQCBAlc&coRI Fa6eleokzem/Riserrecemi6E %5 R IIM f9896
AC with anRJ lawCuit, BJou'll O3
Complete the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 box contains everydigitfrom1 to9 inclusively.
tkr ough geven dtageC anger, denial, baI"gaining, tant ruYILC,hottagec, acceptance,LankruptdlIi. 00 DII
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5 8 41
7- II -IA
III/ I/1X! k'At' /7/'OPLP YOUAN' NE T//AllÃ!
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Edited by Rich Norrisand Joyce Nichols Lewis ACROSS SAFE HAVENS FIAIII.L<, I JI)/T
50 AgE IAIG.
' • •
© 2014 by King FeatureS SyndiCate, Inc. WOrld rightS reServed
WijMO Rudy, put down the house, or your dad will get really angry with you!
1 Often-bracketed wol'd 4 Lot's uncle 11 Put down 14 Dotted line? 15 One of the halogens 16 Diocletian, e.g.: Abbr. 17 1972 host to Nixon 18 Color in fourcolor printing 19 1,000 thou 20 T or F, maybe 21 With 55-Across,
be punished at school, old-style ... and a hint to
this puzzle's
Igggp o
circled letters 22 Itinerary abbr. 23 Knotted 25 Begets 26 Tea holder 27 Deserve 28 Family nickname 29 Bar mitzvah, for one 30 Pain reliever
33 Charged, as an account
THAT SCRAMBLEO WORD GAME by David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek
15 Unscramble these four Jumbles, 0ne letter IO eaCh Square, to form four ordinary words.
You have W o w ! This is COn04Cts for g o ing tO 54
huneng vests and a good hatSIO slen. Se aSOn.
J 46
36 OPEC member 37 Certain clip-on, briefly 38 Start to go oLlt 42 Lost it 46 Unassisted 47 Galley item 49 Big : R e d Sox sluggel's nickname 50 Aquatic birds
62 Like new tires 63 Directional suffix 64 Frat letters 65 Neuter 66 One skilled in repartee DOWN 1 Island on the Equator 2 Ahvaz native 3 Within reach of 4 Subj. of a 1972 defense treaty 5 Regular sources of annoyance 6 Growth industry brand? 7 Egyptian god 8 Rear
ce 0
iee ~
THE 5TAIe DF THE NEW 'PEER HUNTER" 5HDW WA5 BE&INI4N& TDNow arrange the circled letters
to form the surprise answs0 as suggested by the above cartoon.
(Answers tomorrow)
0 Lauehingsock Ucensing Ine., 084 by Universal Umck, 2014
J umbles: PRIOR G U E S T EX O T I C MA T T ER Answer. The puppythatshredded the moming newspaper wae8 — "TEAR-IER"
"Doctor 53 Orch. section 54 Hot info? 55 See 21-Across 57 " not for you to hear what I can speak": "Macbeth" 58 Gatekeeping
org.? 59 Give off 60 Prepare for
planting 61 Lend a hand
38 1992 Jerry Brown 44 Like some campaign proposal 39 French king
knowledge 45 Object 48 Pas s e rooftop sight
known as "The 5 1 Alarm S tammerer" 40 Stamp suppliers 41 Circular file? 42 It has a safety
52 "For sak e ! " 5 5 F ine 56 Th e y 're often served with spaghetti
C E L E B A D O P E R A Y O TH I R D P E R S O L M A S H M O P 9 Naysayers T H E R E Y O U 10 Small minded M U L A N M R 11 Black mark 12 Ape S T E P R E B 13 Spread out N I K O L A 24 Concludes T A K E I T O N 26 Arm straightener O M E R T A 31 Long-haired M E L S T H O grazer A L L W E A R 32 Formerly T I E 0 I L E 34 Genre of the band Jimmy Eat O A R E N O L World I
20 23
H I N E N A N K Y 07/11/14
26 28
36 40
50 54
51 Stephen King's 64014 THbune content Agency,LLc All Righls Reeenred.
43 Whence "salt of the earth"
35 Storage container
51 55
ss 62 65
By Jacob Stulberg (c)2014 Tribune Content Agency, LLC
00 860
otorcycles & Accessories
Boats & Accessories
Moto r homes
Travel Trailers
Fifth Wheels
Trucks & Heavy Equipment
You Keep The Cash! On-site credit approval team, web site presence. We Take Trade-Ins! Free Advertising. BIG COUNTRY RV
You Keep the Cash! On-site credit approval team, web site presence. We Take Trade-Ins! Free Advertising. BIG COUNTRY RV
Ads published in the "Boats" classification include: Speed, fishing, drift, canoe, house and sail boats. For all other types of watercraft, please go Fleefwood Discovery Winnebago Advento Class 875. 40' 2003, diesel, w/all turer 2005 351/9', gas, 541-385-5809 options - 3 slide outs, less than 20,000 miles, satellite, 2 TV's, W/D, excellent condition, 2 etc., 32,000 m iles. slide-outs, work horse Serrin Central Ore on since 1903 Wintered in h eated chassis, Banks power 875 shop. $82,000 O.B.O. brake system, sleeps 541-447-8664 5, with al l o p tions, Watercraft $62,000 / negotiable. Call 5 4 1-306-8711or III$e email a
The Bulletin
Bend: 541-330-2495 Redmond: 541-548-5254
The Bulletin
Harley Davidson 2011 Classic Limited, Loaded! 9500 miles, custom paint "Broken Glass" by Nicholas Del Drago, new condition, heated handgrips, auto cruise control. $32k in bike, only $20,000 or best offer. 541-318-6049
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2007 Winnebago Outlook Class "C" 31', solar panel, Cat. heater, excellent condition, more extras. Asking $58K. Ph. 541-447-9268 Can be viewed at Western Recreation (top of hill) in Prineviiie.
Allegro 28' Class A 2008 Ford V10 gas, 50K miles, 2 slides, satellite, 2 TVs, Onan gen, rear & side cameras, hydraulic levelers, 300w solar panel HD Sportster, 2001 exc with inverter. cond, 1 owner, maint'd, Original owner. new t i res, cu s tom $49,500. chrome, leather saddle 541-420-4303 bags, 32,400 mi, $4200. Tom, 541-382-6501 Honda 2009 250 Rebel, like new 600 miles, $2500. 541-923-2997
Honda Rebel 250, 1986, gets 60 mpg, excellent commuter, 7213 miles, $1100. 541-788-6276
V ictory T C 2 0 0 2 , 40K mi., runs great, s tage 1 kit, n e w tires, rear brakes 8 more. Health forces s ale. $4,00 0 . 541-771-0665 865 ATVs
Rack for 2 ATVs, fits 8' bed, with ramps. $800 obo. 541-549-4834 or 541-588-0068 870
Boats 8 Accessories
12' Aluminum boat with trailer, 3hp motor, good cond, $1200.. 503-307-8570
12' aluminum fishing boat, t r ailer, motor, fish finder, accessories, $1200. 541-389-7234
12' McGregor boat and trailer, $400. 541-593-6243
16.2' 1987 Barron Marine, i/o, top cover, $4,500 obo 541-419-5731
26SS 2005 6K miles, 1 slide, sleeps 4, full bath in rear, no bdrm, outside shower & BBQ, back-up camera, awning, solar panel, brand new tires, new engine battery, protective sealants in/out, lots more! Exc. cond, $38,000 541-815-2737
23" TV. AM/FM/CD
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We Do The Work ... You Keep The Cash! On-site credit approval team, web site presence. We Take Trade-Ins! Free Advertising. BIG COUNTRY RV Bend: 541-330-2495 Redmond: 541-548-5254
shower,queen bed, nice condition. $8775.
Call Dick at 541-408-2387 881
Dutchman Denali 32' 2011travel trailer. 2 slides Everything goes, all kitchen ware, linens etc. Hitch, sway bars, water & sewer hoses. List price $34,500 - asking $28,500 Loaded. Must see to appreciate. Redmond, Or.
Canopies & Campers
$995 Obo.
a >e r
Ford F-150 XLT 2006Su er Cab BMW X3
jack, and 2x6 decking, Tows great, very nice condition.$795.
Looking good for $13,998 Barpain Corral
541-977-9944 or 541-318-0068
sllleeca ~
541-388-4360 Buick Enclave CXL 2011 silver, 38,500 mi. ¹328649 $ 2 8 ,988
541-312-3986 Dlr ¹0205
Antique & Classic Autos
Powerglide Chassis / 425HP Cummings Engine / Allison 6 Spd Automatic Trans / Less than 40K miles / Offered at $199K. many options to Allegro 32' 2007, like Too list here! For more new, only 12,600 miles. information go to Chev 8.1L with Allison 60 s~ww.m new transmission, dual ex~ate haust. Loaded! Auto-levor email eling system, 5kw gen, trainwater157O power mirrors w/defrost, 2 slide-outs with awnings, rear c a mera, or call 858-527-8627 traifer hitch, driyer door w/power window, cruise, exhaust brake, central Tioga 24' Class C Motorhome vac, satellite sys. Asking Bought new in 2000, $67,500. 503-781-8812 currently under 20K miles, excellent shape, new tires, professionally winterized every year, cutoff switch to battery, plus new RV batteries. Oven, hot water Beaver Marquis, heater & air conditioning seldom used; 1993 40-ft, Brunswick just add water and it's ready to go! floor plan. Many $22,000 obo. Serious extras, well maininquiries, please. tained, fire supStored in Terrebonne. pression behind 541-548-5174 refrig, Stow Master 5000 tow bar, $23,995. TOW EQUIPMENT 541-383-3503 Brake Buddy, $500; Guardian rock shield, $200; Roadmaster 5000 tow bar, $450; OR $900for ALL. Call 541-548-1422
Keystone Laredo31' RV 20 06 with 1 2' slide-out. Sleeps 6, queen walk-around bed w/storage underneath. Tub& shower. 2 swivel rockers. TV. Air cond. Gas stove & refrigerator/freezer. Microwave. Awning. Outside sho w er. Slide through stora ge, E a s y Li f t . $29,000 new; Asking $18,600 541-447-4805
Holiday Rambler Alumascape 28' 2003, 1-owner. Self-contained, 13' slide, 80W solar panel, walkaround queen+ sofa/bed, loads of storage throughout. Excellent cond., licensed 2015. Must see!$13,700. 541-389-9214
Komfort 2007 271TS, solar panel, full awning, LR slider, inverters, TVs, walk-around qn bed, A/C, table & chairs, power jack, lots more. 1 owner, Kit Companion 1994, $22,500. 541-447-7235 or 541-550-8673 good cond. 26' with one slide, Reduced! to Komfort Ridgecrest 23', $4000. 541-389-5788 2008,queen bed, sleeps 6, micro 8 AC, full awning, living Laredo 30'2009 room slider, yule tables, outside shower, 4 closets, fiberqlass frame, as new, $11,500. La Pine call 541-914-3360 Komfort Trailblazer 2003 overall length is 35' 23-ft, with slide, $8995. has 2 slides, Arctic Call 541-647-2314 package, A/C,table 8 chairs, satellite, Arctic pkg., power awning, in excellent condition! More pix at
541-598-3750 Ford F250 4x4 1996,
x-cab, long wheel base, brush guard, tool box,
Chevy C-20 Pickup 1969,was a special order, has all the extras, and is all original. See to believe! $14,000or best offer.
$3000. 541-771-1667 or 541-633-3607
Ford F250 Lariat 2008 Crew cab
Where can you find a helping hand? From contractors to yard care, it's all here in The Bulletin's "Call A Service Professional" Directory
Chevrolet Tahoe 2004 Like-new, leather, small 1/3interest in
6.4L V8, Diesel, 4WD, automatic, 65k mi. Vin¹A32746 $33,977
Columbia 400,
Financing available.
(located © Bend)
Buick Skylark 1972 17K miles. No rust, no leaks, everything works. Amazing originality! $20,900. 541-323-1898
sat a ta
541-312-3986 DLR¹0205
esn o
1/3 interest in wellequipped IFR Beech Bonanza A36, new 10-550/ prop, located KBDN. $65,000. 541-419-9510
V-8, less than 75K miles, nitrogen tires plus four mounted snow t i r es (new). $13,900. In Powell Butte. 541-504-8259
Ford T-Bird, 1966, 390 engine, power everything, new paint, 54K orig. miles, runs great, exc. $7500 obo. 541-480-3179
Chevrolet Trailblazer 2008 4x4 Automatic, 6-cylinder, tilt wheel, power windows, power brakes, air conditioning, keyless entry, 69K miles. Ford F350 Super Duty Excellent condition; Crew Cab 2001, big tires have 90% tread. lift, AWD, pw, pdl, tilt; $11,995. Vin ¹A1 7200 Call 541-598-5111 Stock ¹82918B
MGB 1973 convertible, 4-cyl, 2-barrel carb, new manifold, new alternator & rotor assembly, $11,979 brilliant red with black r S US A R U . top, beautiful little car! 1/5th interest in 1973 $3995 obo. 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. 541-410-9942 Cessna 150 LLC 877-266-3821 150hp conversion, low Dlr ¹0354 Chev Trailblazer LS 2004, time on air frame and AWD, 6 cyl, remote entry, engine, hangared in clean title, 12/15 tags, Ford Ran er 2005 Bend.Excellent per$5995. 541-610-6150 formance & affordlg able flying! $6,000. 541-410-6007 Plymouth B a r racuda 1966, original car! 300 hp, 360 V8, centerlines, 541-593-2597 Ready for some yard work! RWD, autoJeep Wrangler 2005, 4 cyl. soft top, totally matic, 78k miles Pontiac gone through by auto $9,977 Firebird 1998 172 Cessna Share Vin¹A70560 shop. Have papers. Alcohol Funny Car IFR equipped, new $10,400. 541-815-7408 Current certification, ROBBERSON avionics, Garmin 750 race-ready. Jeep Wrangler2007 sllleeca ~ II IR W R touchscreen, center Photos on craigsiist 4dr, silver,hard 8 soft stack, 180hp. top, new tires/ brakes $25,000 obo. 541-312-3986 Exceptionally clean runs great, $18,450. 541-388-1929 Dlr ¹0205 & economical! 541-536-9281
~ — llj
$13,500. Hangared in KBDN Call 541-728-0773
1974 Bellanca 1730A 2180 TT, 440 SMO, 180 mph, excellent condition, always hangared, 1 owner for 35 years. $60K.
In Nladras, call 541-475-6302
~ l& ~
3300 sq.ft. Hangar Prineville Airport 60'wide by 55' deep with 16' bi-fold door. Upgrades include, T-6 lighting, skylights, windows, 14' side RV door, infra-red heating, and bathroom, $155,000, Call Bill 541-480-7930
naco - Expedition pkg, Sport Value pkg, convenience pkg, elec. awning, Bigfoot 29 2003, sleeps spare tire, LED TV/ent. 5, walk-around queen system, outside shower, bed, 57K mi, 7.3L power elec. tongue jack, black stroke t urbo d i esel flush sys, beautiful inte- MONTANA 3585 2008, w/Banks power pak incl rior, huge galley, great exc. cond., 3 slides, auges, torque lock 8 storage, 1/2-ton towable, king bed, Irg LR, ake brakes. Power ev- Ready to makememories! alfoys, queen bed. Arctic insulation, all erything, auto levelinq Top-selling Winnebago Likenew, asking $21,900 options $35,000 obo. jacks, air ride w/90psi 31J, original owners, non- Gordon, 541-382-5797 541-420-3250 compressor, 3.6kw pro- smokers, garaged, only p ane gen set. V e r y 18,800 miles, auto-levelclean, no pets, no smkrs, ing jacks, (2) slides, uparaged. N o sl i des. graded queen bed, bunk 36,500. 541-548-3985 beds, micro, (3) TVs, sleeps 10! Lots of storage, maintained, very Price Reduced! OPEN ROAD 36' clean!Only $67,995! Ex- Komfort • t' ,+' Pa c i fic 2005 - $25,500 tended warranty and/or fi- Ridge 27 ' Like King bed, hide-a-bed 1 nancing avail to qualified NEW deluxe NW desofa, 3 slides, glass buyers! 541-388-7179 s ign, 1 5 ' Su p e r shower, 10 gal. waSlide, private bdrm, ter heater, 10 cu.ft. USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! power jack, electric Dodge fridge, central vac, awning, solar panel, Brougham 1978, s atellite dish, 2 7 " Door-to-door selling with 6-volt, led lights, alTV/stereo syst., front 15', 1-ton, clean, fast results! It's the easiest ways stored inside. front power leveling 69,000 miles. way in the world to sell. A MU S T see! jacks and s cissor $4500. $23,500 obo! Call stabilizer jacks, 16' In La Pine, The Bulletin Classified Pam 541-788-6767 awninq. Like new! call 541-602-8652 or Bill 541-480-7930 541-419-0566 541 485-5809
00 19gg pLEETINOo ' Wilderness slide, 24 bsd, njngs queen , pwI:SC, outside sh -1 lift stabilizer h'tch, like new, s6! . Sleep stored. s $10,950 541-000-000
RUf4 UNTll, SO<D*
RV rnptorcYC Your autos boa<,ot orairPlane ',i it setts t ad runsuntt 12 r up to tttonths ootrtes first ) (whicheve"
2n' I
I Id Save money. Learn to fly or build hours with your own airc raft. 1968 A e r o Commander, 4 seat, 150 HP, low time, full panel. $23,000 obo. Contact Paul at 541-447-5184.
T-Hangar for rent
at Bend airport. Call 541-382-8998.
IBs l f B
2013 R-Vision 23RBS Trail-LiteSportby Mo-
2 0 07, 99K
miles, premium package, heated lumbar supported seats, panoramic mo o nroof, Bluetooth, ski bag, Xenon headlights, tan 8 black leather interior, n ew front & re a r brakes O 76K miles, one owner, all records, very clean, $16,900.
$25,979 S UBA R U .
65,000 miles. Local, clean title. $ 21,900.
ss a ma
541-312-3986 Dlr ¹0205
rect. eSpellcheckn and
Call Dick, 541-480-1687.
Chevy 3/4 ton 1982, built 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. 350 with 450 HP and 877-266-3821 $1000 tires. $3000 Dlr ¹0354 Single axle 8'x5'9n box, obo. 541-633-8951 3' sides + e x tras, 935 Ford F150 2009 XLT, $465. 541-548-2731 5.6L engine, canopy. Sport Utility Vehicles
SNUG TOP Pickup canopy for F250 short bed, white in color, like new, $675. 541-416-9686
on the first day it runs to make sure it is cor-
Fleetwood Prowler 32' - 2001 2 slides, ducted heat & air, great condition, snowbird ready, Many upgrade options, financing available! $14,500 obo.
mpg. Only $19,977
Eagle Cap 850, 2005 with slideout, AC, micro, frig, heater, queen bed, wet bath, exlnt cond, $16,900. 541-388-3477 leave message. LEAR CANOPY 2003 Utility Trailer, blue, fits Ford F-350 5'3 n wide x 10' long s hort b ox , $5 0 0 . x 33" high. has 541-410-4354. cranking tongue
Aircraft, Parts & Service
Extra nice 4x4, great
Chevy Ext. Cab 1991 [photo for illustration onlyl with camper s hell, Nissan Frontier 2013, ood cond., $1500 SV model, Crew cab, 4x4, 5 speed trans., BO. 541-447-5504. pw, pdl. VIN ¹715664 Stock ¹44326A
Big Tex
Utility Trailer 5'x8', drop ramp. Perfect for hauling your dirt bikes, motorcycle, quads etci
human errors do occur. If this happens to your ad, please contact us ASAP so that corrections and any adjustments can be made to your ad. 541-385-5809 The Bulletin Classified
Peterbilt 359 p otable 2005 Diesel 4X4 water truck, 1 990, Chev Crewcab du3200 gal. tank, 5hp ally, Allison tranny, p ump, 4 - 3 n hoses, tow pkg., brake concamlocks, $ 25,000. troller, cloth split 541-820-3724 front bench seat, only 66k miles. 925 Very good condition, Utility Trailers Original owner, $34,000 16' open bed utility or best offer. trailer with large gear 541-408-7826 box, new wheels and t ires, $ 70 0 O B O . 541-548-3761
Need to get an ad in ASAP? You can place it online at:
or 541-410-8849 CHECK YOUR AD
2004 with living room slide, 48k miles, in good cond. Has newer Michelin tires, awning, blinds, carpet, new coach battery and HD TV.
$14,500. 541-678-1449
Travel Trailers
WILDERNESS 28' 2000, heat, A/C,
Find exactly what you are looking for in the Arctic Fox 29' 2003, covered storage, slideCLASSIFIEDS out, exc. cond inside & outside 2016 tags,
Winnebago Sightseer 30' Providence2005 Fully loaded, 35,000 miles, 350 Cat, Very clean, non-smoker, 3 slides, side-by-side refrigerator with ice maker, Washer/Dryer, Flat screen TV's, In motion satellite. $95,000
Looking for your FXSTD Harley next employee? Davidson 2001,twin Place a Bulletin help cam 88, fuel injected, wanted ad today and Vance & Hines short FLEETWOOD reach over 60,000 shot exhaust, Stage I 16' Old Town Canoe, PACE ARROW, 1999 readers each week. with Vance& Hines spruce, cedar & canvas, Updated interior, 36', 2 Your classified ad fuel management Lake model, 1 owner, 42,600 miles, V10 will also appear on system, custom parts, very good cond, w/extras. slides, as, 5000 watt generator, extra seat. $1000. 541-388-3386 ydraulic levelers, auto Winnebago Aspect which currently re$10,500OBO. 200932', 3 slidesteps, back-up camera, ceives over 1.5 mil1994 Yamaha Wave washer/dryer, central vac, outs, Leather inteCall Today lion page views ev54'I -516-8684 Raider exc. cond, low ice m a ker, l o aded, rior, Power s eat, ery month at no miles, $2250. excellent condition. locks, win d ows, 541-480-3937 extra cost. Bulletin Harley Davidson 2003 $27,500 541-620-2135 Aluminum wheels. Classifieds Get Ree Anniversary Road King, (SeeCraigslist 17 Flat Screen, sults! Call 385-5809 Stage 1, pearl white, ex¹4470374489) Surround s o u nd, or place your ad cellent condition, lots of camera, Queen bed, on-line at chrome & extr a s. Foam mattress, $13,999. 541-279-0846 ning, Generator, Inverter, Auto Jacks, 882 (2) '05 Yamaha WaveAir leveling, Moon runners lo hrs, 1 has 258 Fifth Wheels roof, no smoking or hrs, other has 239 hrs. HOLIDAY RAMBLER p ets. L ik e n ew, Garaged when not in VACATIONER 2003 $74,900 use. The pair $8250 obo 8.1L 541-480-6900 V8 Gas, 340 hp, M ea • • M 541-549-4834 / 588-0068 1$ workhorse, Allison 1000 Harley D a vidson ds published in eWa 5 speed trans., 39K, Winnebago Sightseer 2006 FXDLI Dyna tercraft" include: Kay NEW TIRES, 2 slides, 27' 2002. workhorse Low Rider, Mustang aks, rafts and motor Onan 5.5w gen., ABS gas motor, Class A, seat with backrest, 5th Wheel TransIzed personal brakes, steel cage cock- 8' slide living rm/dinew battery, windpit, washer/dryer, fire- nette, new tires. spare port, 1990 watercrafts. Fo shield, forward conlace, mw/conv. oven, tire carrier, HD trailer Low miles, EFI 460, "boats" please se trois, lots of chrome, ree standing dinette, hitch, water heater, 4-spd auto, 10-ply Class 870. Screamin' Eagle exwas $121,060 new; now, tires, low miles, almicro/oven, genera541-385-5809 haust, 11,360 miles. $35,900. 541-536-1008 most new condition, tor, furn/AC, outside Well maintained! shower, carbon dioxSell for $3500. $8,650 in La Pine Senrrng Central Oregonsince 1903 "ha ~ ide & smoke detector, OR For Hire (928) 581-9190 fiberglas ext., elect. I• Call for quote Ocean Kayak 11' model , c< step, cruise control, Ask for Theo, Malibu2, w/seat back CB radio, 60k miles, 541-260-4293 rests $325 awning, TV antenna w 541-389-9919 booster, flat screen Jayco Greyhawk Motorhomes
Bend: 541-330-2495
Honda Ridgeline RTL Crew Cab
54g 385 58pg
bold headline and price. Somereslriclions apply
your ad will also appear in:
• The Bulletin • Central OregOn MarketPlaCe
• The Central Oregon Nickel Ads • b8ndbull8tin.Com
A public hearing on a proposed supplemental budget for the City of Bend, Deschutes County, State of Oregon, for the 2013-2015 biennial budget period beginning July 1, 2013 will be held in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 710 NW Wall Street, Bend. The hearing will take place on July 16, 2014 at 7:00 pm. The purpose of the hearing is to discuss the budget adjustment with interested persons. Copies of the proposed budget adjustment are available for review at City Hall, 710 NW Wall Street, dudng normal business hours.
Summary of 2013-2015 Supplemental Budget General Fund - 001 Resources: Revenues
,5 0 4,400
3,06 1
13,89 5 204 , 1 80 218,0 7 5
To recognize additional property taxes, transient room taxes and other revenues, to adjust program appropdations, increase transfers to Fire/EMS, Current Planning and Street Operations, and increase transfers related to increase in operating and overhead transfers to the Internal Service Fund. Trans ortation0 erations Fund-100 Resources: Revenues Requirements: Personnel Services Materials and Services Transfers Contingency Total Fund Appropriations
Increase $4
600 $
To recognize additional revenues and related appropriations not originally anticipated. Increase
8,70 0
Requirements: Transfers Total Fund Appropriations Unappropriated Amounts (Reserved for future expenditures) Budget Total
$ $ $9 $9
3 454 3,454 $ 5,24 6
8,7 0 0 $
Accessibili Construction Fund - 370 Requirements: Capital Outlay Transfers Contingency Total Fund Appropriations Unappropriated Amounts (Reserved for future expenditures) Budget Total
Increase $7 $1 $7
$2 $7 $1
20, 0 0 0 0,24 8
$4 30, 2 4 8 $ $3 30, 2 4 8 $
62 059 62,05 9
83, 4 0 0
Materials and Services Capital Outlay Debt Service Transfers Contingency Total Fund Appropriations
$6 $2 $5 $3 $4
7,50 0 9,30 0 9,51 9 26 5 0 5 82, 8 24 $
To recognize additional revenues and related appropriations not originally anticipated.
Requirements: Transfers Total Fund Appropriations
$ $
3,65 1 3,651 $
d~l d
To recognize additional revenues and related appropriations not originally anticipated.
Increase $2
d - dd d
Requirements: Personnel Services Materials and Services Debt Service Transfers Contingency Total Fund Appropriations
2,490 10,950 250,000
$ $
217,336 46 104 263,4 4 0
63, 4 4 0 $
,8 4 3,600
To reduce operating contingency related to an increase in expenditure appropriations not originally anticipated. 679,899 94, 8 0 0 18, 0 0 0 91, 6 28 ,2 5 9 273 ,8 4 3,600 $
$2 $4 $1 $1 $2
Increase Requirements: Personnel Services Materials and Services Transfers Contingency Total Fund Appropriations
To adjust property tax allocation from the General Fund, local option levy, ambulance and other revenues and increase appropriations not originally anticipated. Helen Lorenz Estate Fund - 116 Resources: Revenues
24, 0 0 0
Requirements: Materials and Services Transfers Total Fund Appropriations
$4 $ $1
4,00 0 80 000 24, 0 00
F und -121
W ~ •F
$ 4,701 $
d - dd d
Resources: Revenues
,2 6 0,100
$1 $1
$ 4 701 4,701
Increase $1
To reduce operating contingency related to an increase in expenditure appropriations not originally anticipated.
To recognize additional revenues and related appropriations not originally anticipated.
Requirements: Transfers Total Fund Appropriations
$ 481, 6 5 9 $
Resources: Revenues
S stem Develo me Char Resources: Revenues
30 2 4 8 430,2 4 8 00, 0 0 0 730,2 4 8
To reduce contingency and reserves related to an increase in expenditure appropriations not originally anticipated. Trans ortation Co etruction Fund - 380 Resources: Revenues
66, 2 3 5 4,52 7 40, 8 9 7
Police Grant Fund -101
Requirements: Personnel Services Materials and Services Capital Outlay Transfers Contingency Total Fund Appropriations
19, 6 00
To recognize additional revenues and related appropriations not originally anticipated.
Fire/EMS F nd-110 Resources: Revenues
Resources: Revenues
To recognize additional revenues and related appropriations not originally anticipated,
394,403 1, 1 88 340 ,7 2 2,475 $ $ 1, 7 22,475$
$ $
8,40 3 8,26 8
$ $1
Requirements: Materials and Services Total Fund Appropriations
$8 $4
PERS Debt Service Fund - 250
Requirements: Accessibility Program Municipal Court Program Code Enforcement Program Community Projects Program Police Program Transfers Total Fund Appropriations Unappropriated and Unreserved Amounts Budget Total
Fire Station Debt Service Fund - 240 Resources: Revenues
Requirements: Personnel Services Materials and Services Capital Outlay Debt Service Transfers Total Fund Appropriations Unappropriated Amounts (Reserved for future expenditures) Budget Total
Increase $1
,1 7 4,900 47,252 541,788 416,500 1,460,000
$ 3 2 543 492 3,132,532 S $8 , 1 3 2,532 $
1,87 6 ,500 1,13 2 1,95 7 ,632
To recognize additional utility rate revenues and adjust other revenues and related appropriations.
,2 6 0 100 ,2 6 0,100
To recognize additional revenues and related appropriations not originally anticipated. Buildin Fund - 130 Resources: Revenues
Requirements: Personnel Services Matedals and Services Capital Outlay Transfers Contingency Total Fund Appropriations
Increase $1
,0 8 7,190 196,791 189,819 69,000 149,838 481 742 1 , 0 87,190 $
Brid eCreekPi eline Re lacementFund-422 Resources: Revenues
Increase $3
0 , 018,302
Requirements: Matenals and Services Capital Outlay Transfers Contingency Total Fund Appropriations Unappropriated Amounts (Reserved for future expenditures) Budget Total
$4 $2 $1 $ $2 $4 $3
05, 0 0 0 4 , 854,000 15, 4 9 0 8 000 5 , 382,490S 6 3 5 812 0 , 018,302 S
To recognize additional debt proceeds and adjust other revenues and related appropriations. To recognize additional permit revenues and related appropriations not originally anticipated.
Plannin Fund -133
Resources: Revenues Requirements: Personnel Services Materials and Services Transfers Contingency Total Fund Appropriations
57, 2 4 1
$3 $8 $8 $ $6
Requirements: Personnel Services Materials and Services Capital Outlay Debt Service Transfers Contingency Total Fund Appropriations Unappropriated Amounts (Reserved for future expenditures) Budget Total
85, 8 83 6,86 4 1,99 7 2 497 57, 2 4 1
To recognize additional fee revenues and related appropriations not originally anticipated. Communit Develo ment Block Gran Fund - 140 Resources: Revenues Requirements: Personnel Services Materials and Services Debt Service - Interfund Loan Repayment Transfers Contingency Total Fund Appropriations
Increase $2
$2 2 ,770,400 $3 $6 $6
37, 7 7 8 6,07 2 ,6 6 3,900
78, 7 0 7
$3 7 246 457 $ $1 5 , 826,143 S 2 3 ,072,600$
02, 2 0 0 302 2 0 0 302,2 0 0
To recognize additional utility rate revenues and adjust other revenues and related appropriations.
8,93 0 Water ReclamationSeconda Ex ansion Fund -432 Resources: Revenues
4,890 48,130 100,000
Water Reclamation Fund - 430 Resources: Revenues
9 89 52, 7 0 9 $
133,7 7 9
To recognize additional grant revenues and related appropriations not originally anticipated.
Requirements: Materials and Services Capital Outlay Transfers Total Fund Appropriations
,7 0 0,330
$ $3 $
5,000 ,6 3 0,000 65 33 0 ,7 00,330 $
To recognize additional revenues and related appropriations not originally anticipated. Increase
Affordable Housin Fund - 145 Resources: Revenues
54, 3 0 0
Requirements: Personnel Services Transfers Contingency Total Fund Appropriations
$ $ $1 $1
3,296 3,840 47 1 6 4 54, 3 0 0 $
To recognize additional fee revenues and relatedappropdations not originally anticipated.
Water Reclamation Southeast Interce tor Fund - 433 Resources: Revenues
84,7 0 0
Requirements: Capital Outlay Transfers Total Fund Appropriations
$5 $ S
0,00 0 34 700 8 4,70 0
To recognize additional revenues and related appropriations not originally anticipated. Busi emAdv cac Fund-175 Requirements: Personnel Services Materials and Services Transfers Contingency Total Fund Appropriations
Increase $
$1 S
3,078 $
$ 20,02 8 $
14 028 20,028
6,95 0
To adjust operating contingency for expenditure appropriations not originally anticipated. Tourism Fund - 188 Increase Resources: Revenues $5 04, 4 0 0 Requirements: Materials and Services Transfers Total Fund Appropriations
$4 $ $5
99, 9 24 4 ,476 04, 4 0 0 $
To recognize additional transient room tax revenues and related appropriations not originally anticipated.
Downtown Parkln Fund - 440 Resources: Revenues Requirements: Personnel Services Materials and Services Capital Outlay Debt Service - Interfund Loan Repayment Transfers Contingency Total Fund Appropriations
Increase $2
5,00 0 640 21,900 25,000 7,610 8,727
$ $
63,8 7 7 $
38,877 38,877
To recognize additional revenues and adjust appropriations for expenditures not originally anticipated.
Continued on next page
Sport Utility Vehicles
JEEP WRANGLER 2009 hard top 18,000 miles. automatic, AC, tilt 8
cruise, power windows, power steering, power locks, alloy wheels and running boards, garaged.
DID YOU KNOW 144 million U.S. A dults read a N e wspaper CHECKYOUR AD print copy each week? on the first day of pub- Discover the Power of lication. If a n e rror PRINT N e wspaper (photo forillustration only) Olds 98, 1990, runs exChrysler Town & may occur in your ad, Advertising in Alaska, Hyundai 201 1, cellent studded tires, new Country LXI 1997, Idaho, Montana, Or- Touring,Eiantra p lease contact u s leather, auto, batt, great gas mileage. beautiful inside & and we will be happy egon, U t a h and CD, pw, pdl. $1200. 541-389-9377 out, one owner, nonto fix it as soon as we Washington with just Vin ¹090677 smoker,. loaded with can. Deadlines are: one phone call. For a Stock ¹82995 options! 197,892 mi. Weekdays 12:00 noon FREE ad v e rtising Subaru Impreza Service rec o rds for next day, S at. $13,979 network brochure call 2.5i 2011 available. $4 , 950. 11:00 a.m. for Sun- 916-288-6011 or SUSAau Call Mike, (541) 815day; Sat. 12:00 for email 8176 after 3:30 p.m. Monday. 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. 541-385-5809 (PNDC) 877-266-3821 Dlr ¹0354 The Bulletin Classified
IIIIg Spotless! 3.6L V6, 4WD, automatic, 28k miles. Must See!
Vin ¹019106. Stock ¹43981A
$24,999 S UBA RU. eosasooessso.oohl
2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. 877-266-3821 Dlr¹0354
Subaru Outback 2012 3.6R Limited, 6 cyl, auto. trans., AWD, leather heated seats, AWD, power moon r oof, a n d mor e ! 25,600 miles. Below $6,979 KB O $27 , 500 S UBA R U . 541-344-5325 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. annie2657© 877-266-3821 Dlr ¹0354 (photo forillustration only)
The Bulletin Serving Central Oregon sincetgga
Dodge Avenger 2013, pw, pdl, tilt, CD, auto. Vin ¹535474 Stock ¹83015
(photo forillustration only)
Toyota Sienna 2011, LE model, 7 passenger, stow-n-go seating, alloy wheels.
MercedesML350 2003, AWD, moonroof, pw, pdl, power seats. Vin ¹414134 Stock ¹44376A
BULLETIN CLASSIFIEDS Search the area's most comprehensive listing of classified advertising... real estate to automotive, merchandise to sporting goods. Bulletin Classifieds appear every day in the print or on line. Call 541-385-5809
Hyundai Sonata GLS, 2011 silver, 41k mi. ¹003928 $14,995
Chevy Cavalier 2000
541.312.3986 DLR¹0205
Inspected & Ready! Bargain Corral $4,977 Vin¹239718
Chrysler 200 LX 2012, pw, pdl, tilt, CD, auto. VIN ¹292213 Stock ¹83014
Inflnlti I30 2001 great condition/ well maintained, 127k miles. $5,900 obo. 541-420-3277
$14,979 SUS A R Ll
Vehicle? Call The Bulletin and place an ad today! Ask about our "Whee/ Deal"! for private party advertisers
Honda Civic LX 2010
(photo for illustration only)
Buick LeSabre 2002 w/cloth seats, $4695; and 1995 w/leather seats, $2999. Both auto., loaded, 130k miles 541-419-5060
2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. Cadillac Catera 2001 877-266-3821 100k mi., $1750. Call Dlr ¹0354 for info 541-389-5488
Corvette Cpe 2004 two-tops (glass & painted), only 44k mi. pewter/black, CD, tinted windows, local Bend car showroom cond., CD, tires 80%, clear title, everything works!A Fun car to drive. $21,995 obo 928-210-8323 More photos at
541-312-3986 DLR ¹0205
Subaru Outback 2006, Limited, leather, 5spd, pw, pdl, tilt. VIN ¹361575 Stock ¹44255A
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5 41 -3 8 5 - 5 8 0 9
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Total Care'
Bend Memorial Clinic pc.
Produced by and a benefit for the Mt. Bachelor Sports Education Foundation For more information caII 541-388-0002 or visit
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JULY 15-20, 2014 I l3CND, ORGGON
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Send htemeriat Clinic rc
CASCADE CVCLINCe CLASSIC . The Mt. Bachelor Sports Education Foundation (MBSEF) is thrilled to bring the 35th Annual Bend Memorial Clinic Cascade Cycling Classic to Central Oregon, July 15-20, 2014. This will be the 11th year the MBSEF has produced this fundraising event which helps offset coaching and training fees for more than 550 youth athletes. A Enroll now for the winter season at or call 541-388-0002. The Bend Memorial Clinic Cascade Cycling Classic is the longest running stage race in the nation and has the reputation as one of the best in the country. The pro men and women's field reaches capacity every year. The pros really want to race here because the courses are challenging, diverse and beautiful. Also, the community embraces the riders by opening their homes to them and hosting them for over a week.
Who benefits from the Bend Memorial Clinic Cascade Cycling Classic?
mountain biking MBSEF Summer Cycling Mountain Bike Schedule The MBSEF Cycling Program is currently running a really fun summer mountain bike program for kids ages 6-14. Each session is 2 weeks long with the option of riding 2, 3 or 4 days a week from 9:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m., Monday-Thursday. $80, $110 or $130. The focus of each 2-week session will be on building skills and endurance on the trails in a very fun and supportive environment! The next sessions are July 28-August 7 and August 18-28. For more info and to sign up, go to or call MBSEF at 541-388-0002.
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gppEypg'llEGpbecause yNtheNGS, ride wil leaveyoubreathless.
H .'LL'hvkl Q 33x~ v 1 & Q
C'O'C' Kicl.e Ka.c.'a Race & Registration: Location: Look for the Hutch's tent at the upper COCC Parking lot, parallel to Summit Dr.
Welcome toHUT(H'5 BI(Y(LES,where you'll find everything you need to ride, race andredefine your idea of two-wheeled fun. Wehave three locations in (entral Oregon to serve you with outstanding selection, professional service andtodays top brands. All for the love of cycling.
Registration: 12:30-1:15 p.m. First Race begins at 1:30 p.m. Boys in each category will go first, then the girls in that same category. Races will be run in the following order: 2-to-4-year-olds - 50 Yards 5-to-7-year-olds - 1 Lap 8-to-10-year-olds - 3 Laps 11-to-13-year-olds - 5 Laps
The 2014Specielizea S-WORKS Tarmac
CENTRAL OREIMIN'S BENDWESTSIDE: BEND EASTSIDE: REDMOND: LARGEST SELECTION 541- 382-9253 5 41- 382-6248 5 41 - 548-8200 OF BICYCLES 725 N.W. (OLUMBI ST.A820 N.E. 3RD ST. 827 SW 7TH. ST. Cascade Cycling Classic / July 2014 3
Motol/us D„
tfAYDLN HOMES BuildingBeter Communities S ince 1989
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< tsek.a»e" Cae~ 6 To Mt. Bachelor
Greg Cross/The Bulletin
Start times: Pro 1-2 Women: 6 p.m.(30-sec. starts) Pro 1 Men: TBD(30-sec. starts)
This challenging loop takes riders Simaasho around the Tetherow Golf Course and PHOMEN'S Estates. Smooth fast winding roads with STAN Kah-nea just enough elevation to mix things up will keep riders on their toes. The Warm SP s Iiesoitotes final 300 meters of the race finishes on River a long straight stretch just below the Tetherow Clubhouse. Beautiful vistas FINISH of the Cascade Range add as a backMadms Lake Bi(lyChinoo drop to this exciting stage. For the best vantage point head to the Tetherow Greg Cross /The Bulletin Clubhouse grab a beer and a bite to eat and watch from the top of the climb where you can see the final 35% of the Start times: Pro 1 Men: 10:00 a.m. race course. Pro 1-2 Women: 11:00 a.m. Distances: Men: 97 miles, Women: 74 miles
Start location: Meeks Trail Rd. Finish location: Skyline Ranch Rd
Wednesday, J 4 ly 1 S
The pros asked for a longer and steeper stage this year, and they got it! The Warm Springs / Madras Road Race will showcase Oregon's High Desert. Short, steep climbs are the order of the day. Look for the wind to be a factor as the rides roll over open prairies. Just before reaching the finish at the historic community of Madras, riders must tackle the brutal Pelton Dam climb with grades approaching 15%. It is sure to blow the peloton apart. Start locations: Women: City of Maupin Men: ODOT rest area at Cow Canyon Finish location (Men & Women): City of Madras, Friendship Park
Distance:3 Miles
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4 Cascade Cycling Classic I July 2014
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Pro Race 8 Cat. 2 Men Race
Croo i ver P
Fin sh
® Crooked River Highway
rnaroIlnd Crooked River
Prineviiie Reservoir
2 Greg Cross / The Bulletin
This amazing stretch of road will cater to the athletes who can push the big gears and give the power riders a chance to gain some time back on the climbers. Look for super fast speeds as the road is smooth and flat with only the wind providing resistance. This16 mile course parallels the Crooked River winding through beautiful high desert scenery. The best viewing will be at the start and finish of the event at the Crooked River Park south of Prineville. The road is closed to the general public during the event so be aware that any traffic needing to head north or south on the Crooked River Highway (SR 27) will be diverted to the Millican Highway from 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. for the race. Start times: Pro-1 Men 10a.m. Pro 1-2 Women TBD Cat. 2 Men TBD Star t / Finish location: Crooked River Park, Prineville Distance: 16 miles
Pro Race,
Summit High School
Thursday, July 17 Finish
SunriseLodge, Mt. BachelorSkiArea
Cascade Lakes Road Race goes back to its roots by having the Pro M en and Women startin Bend.The increased mileage and elevation should play a critical role in the races overall results. The stage takes riders around Mt. Bachelor on the Cascade Lakes Highway and a number of Forest Service roads. Snow fields, alpine lakes, and streams are all refreshing and a stark contrast to the tough climbs and altitude.
rane Prairie
Pro Men
Men ridetwo clockwiselaps MILES 0
Wickiup Reservoir
La Pine
Greg Cross /The Bulletin
Starttimes: Pro -1 Men: 8:30 a.m. Pro 1-2 Women: 9:30 a.m. Start location: Summit High School
Finish location: Mt. Bachelor Ski Resort
(Sunrise Lodge) Distances: Pro-1 Men - 110 miles Pro 1-2 Women, 73 Cat 2 Men: 96 Miles Cat 3-4 Men, Masters 35+/45+: 73 Miles Women's Category 3-4: 58 Miles
Starttimes: Cat. 2 Men: 1:30 p.m. Master Men: 2:15 p.m. Cat.3/4 Men: 2:20 p.m. Cat. 3/4 Women: 2:50 p.m. Start location: Wanoga Sno Park
Friday, July18
We really don't want to watch a bunch of grown men in tights casually riding around in a circle. We want to see big, bold action: lung-busting attacks, epic bridges, out-ofbody solo efforts, and crowd-energizing desperate breakaways. In short, we want to see hopped up racers. Athletes who throw caution to wind. Redliners who give more than they got, who go to failure, but seem to find a way to replenish the tanks. We want to see animated racers-cum-super heroes who attempt the impossible. In that hard-charging spirit, as a sponsor of the 2014 Bend Memorial Clinic Cascade Cycling Classic, Worthy is pleased to introduce theMost Hopped Up Racer award. We'll be giving out a customized Worthy jersey along with cold cash at the Downtown Twilight Criterium on July19th. We are pleased to include on our Hopped Hop Expert Panel two home-grown Superbowl Champions,Mike Walter, who won three rings with the San Francisco 49'ers, and Kevin Boss, who won a ring with the New York Giants. It takes a gladiator to know one, and these guys know what it's like to win in the Biggest of the Big Games, against the Baddest of the Bad. C'mon down during the event, get an autograph and selfie. They won't bite!
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sI I Cascade Cycling Classic I July 2014 5
(Amateur Race)
Butler MarketRd
a' NelsonRd.
Saturday, July 19 The amateur TT course is a blistering fast flat circumnavigation of the Bend Airport. The course gives riders an opportunity to see the other side of Bend with dry desert and sagebrush. A stark contrast from the previous days race up through the alpine lakes area. This course is a classic time trial course with not a lot of turns or technical aspects and a flatout,fast road where aerodynamics are the biggest limiting factor.
Bend Airporl FiniSh NelsonRd.
3 m
Stage2: High Desri TimeTi'ial Neff Rd.
Alfalfa MarketRd. MILES
To Bend
Greg Cross/The Bulletin
Masters 35+/45+ TBD 9 Miles Distance: 9 miles all categories Start & Finish location: Epic Air located east of the Bend Airport
Start times: Cat 3-4 Women 8:00 AM 9 Miles Cat 3-4 Men TBD 9 Miles
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Pro 8 Amateur Race
Saturday, July 19
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Drake Park
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Start times: Cat 3-4 Women 2:30 p.m. Distance: 30 minutes Cat 3-4 Men 3:20 p.m. Distance: 35 minutes Masters35+/45+ 4:00 p.m. Distance: 35 minutes
Oat aMen 4:SO p.m. 0 minutes
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This year the start and finish will be just south of the Tower Theater and the direction will be reversed from previous years. Flat, fast and rowdy. The Downtown Bend Criterium is a huge crowd favorite. Last year an estimated 15,000 people packed the streets to watch the best riders in the country do battle. Big primes and even bigger noise will motivate competitors to go hard from the gun. ACES Start times: Pro 1-2 Women 5:45 PM Pro-1 Men 7:00 PM Distance: 50 Minutes for Women / 75 Minutes for Men Start 8t Finish location ALL races: Downtown Bend
) ',(Ijl' < kti)/j r(
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The summers are short in Central
Oregon, so we pack in our play time. But, if you're sitting this season
out with a bum knee or aching joint, it's time to give us a call. I
Our orthopedic specialists will find the problem and fix it. Because, we want you active for life.
RapicfAccess Same Day Appointments For Acute Injury
6 Cascade Cycling Classic I July 2014
Same DayAppointmentsForBroken Bones
/Orthopedics B END & R E D MON D 5 4 1- 3 8 8 - 2 3 3 3 D ESE RTO RT H 0P ED ICS. CO M
Be sure to stop into one
Pro 8 Amateur Race
Tumelo Re ervoir Rd. MILES 0
Sunday, July 20
Ro i
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The Awbrey Butte Circuit Race has become a recent favorite among riders. With a winding twisting roa that throws short power climbs with fast descents and smooth asphalt this stage truly goes to the strongest overall rider. No favoritism to the climbers nor the sprinters it comes down to who is willing to make the decisive break and power their effort home.
T ' ~mer
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Distance: Start times:
Cat 2, Masters 35+/45+
Cat 2 Men 8:30 AM Masters 35+/45+ 8:35 AM Cat 3-4 Men 8:40AM Cat 3-4 Women 8:45 AM Pro-1 Men 1:00 PM Pro 1-2 Women 1:05 PM
67 miles (4 Laps) Cat 3-4 Women: 37 Miles (2 Laps) Cat 3-4 Men: 52 miles (3 Laps) Pro-1 Men 83 miles (5 Laps) Pro 1-2 Women 51 miles (3 Laps)
Start & Finish location: COCC
mm mm
Portland this summer for an event or two and discover some of our new brews. We've just released Doppel Dinkel Bock, a delicious collaboration with Distelhauser Brewery in Germany, and on June 27th, we'll celebrate 26 years of Deschutes beers with the release of our Anniversary beer, Black Butte XXVI, and Foray Belgian Style IPA. All of these beers will be available in 22 oz bottles and on
ofour pubsBendor in
$9 8 8
P RO MEIII'5 TEAM S Battley Ducati-Spokes Etc p/b DistrictTaco Big Orange Cycling Bissel Cycling Team BMC Development Team BMW Development Team California Giant/Specialized CanyonBicycles -Shim ano Gateway Harley Davidson /Trek Team H&R Block HagensBerman U23 Cycling Team Hincapie Sportwear Development Team Horizon Organic/Einstein Bros Jamis Hagens Berman p/b Sutter Home Jet Fuel Coffee-Norco Bicycles Kelly Benefit Strategies Elite Landis/Trek Lupus Racing Team Marc Pro - Strava
draft at our pubs and in most locations where specialty Deschutes beers are sold. Be sure to check out our website for summer event details and for more information about these damn tasty beers!" Optum p/b Kelly Benefit Strategies Pedalers Fork/ 10speed Coffee Primal - Audi Denver Revolution Cycle/Twin Six Smartstop Team Rio Grande Cycling Think Finance pb Trek Bike Stores Trek-RedTruck p/b Mosaic Homes Team Rwanda Cycling US Military Cycling
PRO WOMEIII TEAM S ICE Sportswear p/b Pinnacle Racing Incycle Racing p/b Full Circle Team TIBCO Metromint Cycling Mighty Riders Team Optum p/b Kelly Benefit Strategies Rally Sport Cycling Team
Q •
• •
Cascade Cycling Classic l July 2014 7
The Athletic Club of Bend.• •
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=<.Ringo Starr ang» +His All Starr'Band ~II> - come to Bend,; II;J.<,.-,
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Cover photo illustration by Tim Gallivan /The Bulletin; photos from The Associated Press, WikiArt
Ben Salmon, 541-383-0377
• Cascades Theatrical plans peek at upcoming season • Art Exhibits lists current exhibits
David Jasper, 541-383-0349 djasper© Jenny Wasson, 541-383-0350 Sophie Wilkins, 541-383-0351
• Bring on the Bend Summer Festival!
• Addy Mac's makes ice cream from local OUT OF TOWN • 23 • Three country music festivals beer, coffee, kombucha • More news from the local drinks scene • A guide to out of town events
DESIGNER Tim Ganivan, 541-383-0331
GO! is published each Friday in The Bulletin. Please submit information at least 10 days before the edition in which it is printed, including the event name, brief description, date, time, location, cost, contact number and a website, if
• COVER STORY: Ringo Starr brings All Starr Band to Bend • Feedback feels smooth at Steely Dan • The Weather Machine plays free show • The Abigails bring psych-twang to town • Crawfest goes off this weekend • Jerry Joseph returns to Bend
Email to: Fax to: 541-385-5804, Attn: Community Life U.S. Illlail or hand delivery: Community Life, The Bulletin 1777 S.W. Chandler Ave. Bend, OR 97702
• Long Tall Eddy and more • A listing of live music, DJs,karaoke, open mics and more
541 -382-1811
Take advantage of the full line of Bulletin products. Call 541-385-5800. e Bulletin
• Phox, Robin Thicke and more
• A review of The Garden Grille & Bar • News from the local dining scene
CALENDAR • 16 • A week full of Central Oregon events
• "Dawn of the Planet of the Apes," "Begin Again" and "Blue Ruin" open in Central Oregon • "Bad Words," "Jodorowsky's Dune," "Le Week-End,""Nymphomaniac Volume I," "Nymphomaniac Volume II"and "The Raid 2" are out on Blu-ray and DVD • Brief reviews of movies showing in Central Oregon
• A listing of upcoming events • Talks and classes listing
ARTS • 20 • Annual quilt show takes over Sisters • B.E.A.T. presents "Lord of the Flies" • "The Dumb Waiter" opens at Volcanic • Quilt-book author visits Sisters
CP,. 99.
dF~ k
Aearrrlrr arvrsirA ~
Saturday, August 2nd Doors open at 5:30 pm Show starts at 7:00 pm
While supplies last, no purchase necessary
.. It's All Part Of TheOeschutes Counhf Fair A Rodeo Julp
$ 0 t h t h r o u g h k u g u s t Sr s o.
C e l e b r a t i n g $ 5 Y e a r s O f J a m P a e h e cl F u n !
Paid Fair Admission Required
lt, Sro®lt @Olr ltF
Courtesy Roh Shanahan
Ringo Starr and His All Starr Band will play at Les Schwab Amphitheater on Thursday.
• It's Ringo Starr! A Beatle! Of course you don't want to miss this concert
the technically proficient drummer who replaced Pete Best in the Beatles yet was overshadowed
By David Jasper The Bulletin
cynic, a nascent Beatles fan still knee-high to a grasshopper or
and his All Starr Band. Added to-
gether, the man and the musicians e may be your favorite someone who lives and breathes playing Thursday at Les Schwab Beatle, he may be your music, when a living Beatle comes Amphitheater in Bend (see "If you fourth-favorite Beatle — ei- acrossthe universeto yourhome- go") have about 300 years (give ther way, Ringo Starr — yes, the town for a summer concert, it's or take) of professional music drummer for the Beatles — is com- sort of A Big Deal. experience. ing to Central Oregon Thursday. There are a lot of directions you There's the most obvious direcW hether you're a decrepit old could go when talking about Starr tion you could take: Talking about
himself by the oversized talent and personalities of the other Fab
Four. (Or maybe not. "I love Ringo" pins outsold all other Beatles merch in 1964, according to Wiki-
pedia.Then again,maybe Ringo kills time editing his Wikipedia page while not on tour.) Continued Page 5
What:Ringo Starr and His All Starr Band When:6:30 p.m. Thursday, gates open at 5 p.m. Where:Les SchwabAmphitheater, 344 SWShevlin Hixon Drive, Bend Cost:$49 general admission, $105 reserved seating, plus fees, available at the gate, The Ticket Mill (541-318-5457) in Bend or the website below Contact:www.bendconcerts. com or 541-322-9383
II'sit'ISNtr/ .
1 55
Andy Tullie/The Bulletin
Donald Fagen, center, of Steely Dan performs for a sellout crowd at Bend's Les Schwab Amphitheater on July 3.
• Jazz-rock hit-makers Steely Danplay all their faves for asold-out LesSchwabAmphitheater
in. I was helpless, as if caught in a venue to the lawn's hilly backside. tractor beam of smooth vibes. FEEDBACIC BY It was quite a scene. I can't claim to be a Steely Dan Oh, I forgot to mention: I got in, super-fan; I know the hits and a BEN SALMON eventually. I was standing out- few non-hits, and I was sated by n July 3, my wife and I got past 11 years: A 2004 concert by side the venue, listening to Walter what I saw. The band did the funky a baby sitter and split up to Jack Johnson. (Note: Two shows Beckerramble hisway through little title track from its 2000 album do our own fun things. She later this summer — Jack John- Donald Fagen and Walter Becker, his traditional "rap" during "Hey "Two Against Nature" and the went out with friends. I played son and the Dave Matthews Band for their brilliant melodies and Nineteen" (this one seemed par- slinky, syrupy "Babylon Sisters," softball, had a little dinner and — have also sold out.) unparalleled musical chops. ticularly dismissive of modern with one of my favorite Dan tunes, then headed over to Les Schwab I was wrong. When I asked the I get all that. But apparently I music), when I ran into someone "Bodhisattva," in between. Its rock 'n' roll feel and relatively quick Amphitheater to see '70s jazz- woman at the window for one don't, because I didn't expect the with an extra ticket. rock hit-makers Steely Dan, live $45 general-admission ticket, she Dan to sell out the amphitheater For a few minutes, I consid- tempo werea nice change ofpace and in the flesh. toldme she only had $99 reserved for the second time in its history. ered not entering the Schwab fromtherestof the languid set. The I didn't hurry. I k n ew t h eir seatsleft. They did, though, packing 6,000 and choosing instead to lounge loping groove and burbling keys scheduled starting time and figI was shocked. folks into the place. Because of the outside and people-watch, some- of "Dirty Work" were also a highured buying a ticket at the box Look, I know Steely Dan is one reservedseating and the numer- thing I've never done before at the light, not only for me but also the office would be no problem, since of the most respected and popular ous chairs and blankets spread amphitheater. Ultimately, though, guy in front of me who brought out the Schwab has hosted only one acts of the classic-rock era. I know across the grass, the crowd was the lush chorus and buttery guitar his Air Trumpet forthe song. officially sold-out show over the people revere the band's core duo, pretty much shoulder to shoulder solo of "Bad Sneakers" drew me Continued next page
all the way from the front of the
• • •
I •
I •
Andy Tullie/The Bulletin
Walter Becker of Steely Dan performs at Les Schwab Amphitheater in Bend on July 3.
From previous page
the gate, lingering just long enough other people. This was a slightly to hear "Reelin' in the Years," whose older crowd, you might not be surgusto, going from another of my distinctive opening guitar riff was prised to hear, and they were dancDan faves, "Josie," into "Peg" — both met by a huge cheer from the crowd, ing and singing along and having songs with funky verses that open and at least one guy busting out his fun. It was a blast to watch. up into gloriously expansive chorus- Air Fishing Rod! He was reeling it in, Me? I walked out, hopped in es — and then into "My Old School," see? my car, turned on the stereo and which was as close to full-on rockIt was a good show and Steely cranked up '90s pop-punk greats ing as Steely Dan got on this night. Dan is a great band with an amaz- The Muffs as loud as I could. — Reporter: 541-383-0377, With my baby sitter clock ticking, ing catalog. Was it squarely up my I packed up and started heading for alley? Not really. But it was for 5,999 The band closed its main set with
From Page 3 During The Beatles' run, Starr
generally sang lead once per album, which added up to more tunes than
this last one a tribute to fallen former Beatle George Harrison.
Naturally, concertgoers can ex-
David Lee Roth to Duran Duran
pect to hear a bit of Starr's solo fare
"Hold the Line," "Africa" and"Rosan-
Yet you could build a whole other
Mister, don't forget, had two mid-'80s
of the All Starr Band — and they
Those Midwest setlists from a couple
a casual Beatles fan might realize, including "What Goes On," "With a
and Beatles hits Thursday. Imagine na." Rundgren's "Bang the Drum the reaction if they didn't. All Day" and "I Saw the Light." Mr.
topus's Garden" and the No. 1 song
setlist of contributions by members hits, "Kyrie" and "Broken Wings."
Little Help from My Friends," "Oc"Yellow Submarine." He had two
and Pat Boone. So expect to hear Toto hits such as
practically do, judging from two of weeks back also included a couple Pass Me By" and "Good Night." (He recent (and identical) setlists from of Carl Perkins covers, "Oye Como wrote "Don't Pass Me By" and "Oc- shows in Kettering, Ohio, and Chi- Va" and "Black Magic Woman," and topus's Garden," by the way.) cago that have been posted along a couple of old tunes originated by You could spend a few minutes with many others at the Ringo and/or his former peers. talking about the hits of his solo ca- website. Bottom line, Thursday's show reer, including the classic-rock staple Contributions from the All Star promises to be the concert version "It Don't Come Easy." Starr's b-side Band are a no-brainer given that of a nostalgic Pandora station/oldies to that 1971 hit, "Early 1970," has the group includes multi-instrumen- radio station during drive time, perbeen describedbymusic writer Peter talist Todd Rundgren, guitarist and formed by a team of gifted, legendDoggett as "a rough draft of a peace vocalist Steve Lukather (of Toto), ary musicians. And if there's sometreaty" toward a reunited Beatles. bassist and vocalist Richard Page thing wrong with that, well, good Alas, it was not enough. None- (Mr. Mister) and keyboardist Gregg luck getting anyone around you to theless, Starr soldiered on with a Rolie (Santana and Journey). The stop singing along long enough to solo career that included "Back Off supergroupalso includes drummer care. — Reporter: 541-383-0349, Boogaloo," "Photograph," "The No Gregg Bissonette, a session man No Song,"and "Never Without You," who's played with everyone from
tunes on The White Album, "Don't
0 I •
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THllR JllL~Y' 17'
July 18 —Jerry Joseph Trio (rock),Dojo, Bend, www. July 18 —AmosLee (folk-bhres),Les Schwab Amphitheater, Bend, www. July 19 —Back Alley Barbers (gethabilly),Volcanic Theatre Pub, Bend, www. July 20 —Philip Gibbs(blues), Volcanic Theatre Pub, Bend, July 22 —Charlie Parr (courrtry-bhres),Crow's Feet Commons, Bend, www. July 24 —ffahko and Medicine for the People (conscieus pop), Munch & Music in Drake Park, Bend, July 24 —Igor 8 Red Elvises (kitsch-rock),Volcanic Theatre Pub, Bend, www. July 25 —Abbey Read Live (Beatles tribute),Angeline's Bakery, Sisters, 541-549-9122. July 25 —Quasar WutWut
with BlackPrairie FRIDAYJLILY18
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Tiohsts for all shows oa salo aow at EEEDCOIICERTS.oom, TfCEETSLY.oota, 881-881-888f Tiohot Mill Ia Ol& Mm Distriot A at hoa omoo Sa of oaoh show.
4J '
Theatre Pub, Bend, www. vo! July 30 —Polecat (bluegrass) at Pickin' 8 Paddlhr',Tumalo Creek Kayak 8 Canoe, Bend, July 30 —Pat Bemrtar (poprock),Deschutes County Fair, Redmond, www.expo.deschutes. or'g. July 31 —Cash'd Dut(Tribute in Black),Munch 8 Music in Drake Park, Bend, www. July 31 —Josh Turner (country),Deschutes County Fair, Redmond, www.expo. Aug. 1 —Eli YoungBand (country),Deschutes County Fair, Redmond, www.expo. Aug. 2 —Theory of a Deadman (alt-rock),Deschutes County Fair, Redmond, www.expo. Aug. 5 —Shawn Colvin(folkpep),Tower Theatre, Bend, Aug. 7 —John Riatt and Taj Mahal (folk-bhles),Sunriver. Aug. 7 —ShookTwins(quirky folk), Munch8 Music in Drake Park, Bend, Aug. 8 —John Butler Trio (rootsy jams),Athletic Club of Bend,
4b a
f; :S.: ~to
Getreadyfor some drunkennylon string twang
Yee-haw! OK, not sYee-haw!" More like, "That's cool, man."
The Abigails, with Old Timer; 8p.m. Bands like The Abigails are gonna Sunday; $5; Volcanic Theatre Pub, 70 put me out of a job. SW Century Drive, Bend; wwwvolAfter all, why do you need me to describe the L.A. band's sound when
they can do it almost as clearly and certainly more colorfully? Here are three excerpts from the
"About" section of The Abigails' Facebook, all of which are perfectly evocative, not to mention dead on:
Local, regional bands gather for Crawfest It sneaks up on me every year: Crawfest, the two-day DIY festival
of local and regional music that hap-
sDE• Under B i ogr a phy: pens on private land in Powell Butte, BAUCHED ZE N FRO M THE but is open to the public. COUNTRY-FRIED SPIRAL PITS This year, Crawfest is happening OF SATANICAL WO N D E R LUST." ... yikes, this weekend! (They probably mean wanderlust.) This is the seventh annual Craw• Under Genre: "DRUNKEN NYfest, named after Jake Crawford, the LON STRING TWANG." (They're thirtysomething veterinarian who talking about acoustic guitars there.) put on the first one in 2008 and still • Under Description: "THERE'S hosts the event. As always, it features A HOOTENA N N Y IN BU M M E R a diverse slate of folk, pop, punk and VILLE II'f WE'RE LEAVIN' WITH rock bands over two days, plus food, THE FEAR." (Please note that I add- art, swimming and more.
ed the apostrophes.) The Abigails are fronted by a guy named Warren Thomas, formerly of notorious psych-garage-punks The Growlers. Thomas' canyon-deep voice and lackadaisical drawl match perfectly with his band's dusky, slow-moving country music, and the result recalls '60s outsider-country icon Lee Hazlewood, but rougher
Gates open at 4 p.m. today and allages are welcome. Kids 6 and youngerget in for free,and everyone else can buy a weekend pass for $20, which includes camping. Passesare available from the bands or at Big T's at 413 SW Glacier Ave., Redmond.
Here's who's playing which day: Today: Allan Byer Project, Past
around the edges. For you newfan- County Line, The Nevercanevers, gled types, imagine watching the guy Necktie Killer, Leif James, Open Defrom The National sing classic coun-
try covers through badly bloodshot eyes and a lysergic haze, and you've got some idea of what The Abigails do. Anyway, the band has a terrific new album called "Tundra" out on
fiance, Secnd Best, Cody Roan and Matt Borden and the MFB.
Saturday: Maxie Kinney, Tyler Higgins, Sifted, Greyside, Stuck on Nothing, LowFront, Pluto the Plan-
et, Abandon Shoe, Harley Bourbon, Tuck & Roll, The Wobblies, Halo
BurgerRecords,arguably thehottest Haven, Faithless Saints, Dead Giveindie label putting out rock records aways, High Desert Hooligans, Burn right now. And this weekend, they'll the Stageand Wache the Dead. bring their stoney slow jams to Bend. Continued next page
July 11-13 2014
" ' .
Chemult Mountain Days is a family-friendly summer festival held each July in Chemult, Oregon. 'Ihe event features a carnival, vendors, food, children's activities, and more! A couple highlights of the festival are pie eating contest and music Mrd dancing on Friday & Saturday nights. •
c 's
JtLY ll-ln
From previous page For more details, including set
cert. Slatheron some sunscreen and/ filmed at 185Oregon State Parks and or take some shade, of course. That's
has more than 60,000 views on You-
times, you should check out the aprettywide-open expanse of grass. Tube. But this is a band with a sound Crawfest event page at the URL beThe music will be perfect for such that people love these days, so it may low. If it's posted anywhere, it'll be a thing, too. That's because the band not be long before they're known for — The Weather Machine — plays more than that. See 'em for free while there. Crawfest; 4 p.m. today and noon easygoing and ultra-melodic folk- youcan. Saturday; $20 for weekend pass, rock that's good for the soul and even The WeatherMachine; 2:30 p.m. includescamping, free for children better for swaying along or lounging, Sunday, gatesopen 1 p.m.; free; Les age 6and younger; 16065SW Alfal- depending on your kinetic interests. Schwab Amphitheater, 344 S W fa Road, Powell Butte; The Weather Machine is based out Shevlin Hixon Drive, Bend; www. crawfest. of Portland but is led by Slater Smith, who honed his songwriting chops in
F~ mSclmabsho
the Americana Project music pro-
guitar act. and taking in a free afternoon con-
So far, The Weather Machine is best known for the video for its song
"Back 0'er Oregon," which was
This event partially funded by cthe Kiamath County Transient l room taxgrantprogram
m ' MountainDays www.chemult
• • a
a •
Jerry Josephbrings
gram at Sisters High School. With his his trio backto Bend band, he combines his folky inclinaThe forecast for Sunday is looking tions with a simmering love of bluesy Is there a harder working guy in pretty good:90degreesorjustabove. alt-rock, giving the music a bit more music than Jerry Joseph? A bit of cloud cover, but no chance of edge than your average guy-and-hisMaybe, but there can't be many.
withThe Weather Machine
The ideal conditions for wandering over to Les Schwab Amphitheater
The veteran bar-rocker's life seems
to be an endless buffet of live shows — solo, with his eponymous trio and
with his band the Jackmormons-
and album releases, and for a guy three decades into his career, that's impressive. Lots of artists in Joseph's
positionhave begun coastingbynow. Not Joseph. He's playing the Oregon Country Fair this weekend, and on Thursday and next Friday, he'll bring his trio back to Bend for a cou-
-. ®~~-
ple of shows at Dojo. That should be a
nice, intimate place to see 'em. Joseph's still creating, too. His most recent album is a self-titled af-
fair that came out last fall and featuressome ofthesparsestproduction
1 50
of his career. It's pretty much Joseph,
an acoustic guitar and some songs, and it sounds great.
Jerry Joseph Trio;9 p.m. Thursday and July 18; $5; Dojo, 852NWBrooks
St., Bend; 541-706-9091. — Ben Salmon
going out Looking for something to do? Check out our listing of live music, DJs, karaoke, open mics and more happening at local nightspots. Find lots more at H bendbulletin.comlevents.
CRAWFEST:Folk, punkand rock; $20 weekend pass; noon; 16065 SWAlfalfa Road, Powell Butte; SHADE13:Surf-rock; 4:30-8 p.m.; ACE CASE:Rock, with The Gully Country Catering Co., 900 SEWilson Hubbards; 1 p.m.; Lucky 7 Deli and Ave., Bend; Growler Fill Station, 2392 S. Highway 97, BLUE LIGHTSPECIAL: Bluegrass;7 Redmond; 541-923-4377. p.m.; Hey Joe Coffee Bar,19570Amber BOBBY LINDSTROM:Rockand blues; Meadow Drive, Bend; 541-728-0095. 1-3 p.m.; Strictly Organic Coffee Bar, HILST& COFFEY: Chamber-folk;7 450 SW Powerhouse Drive, Bend; www. p.m.; Dudley's Bookshop Cafe,135 NW Minnesota Ave., Bend; 541-749-2010. HILST& COFFEY: Chamber-folk;2:30 LOS RATONES: Indierock;7-9 p.m .; p.m.; CorkCellarsWine Bar,160S. Fir The Blacksmith Restaurant, 211 St., Sisters; NW Greenwood Ave., Bend; www. RIVER PIGS:Rock, blues and folk; 5 or 541-318-0588. p.m.; Elk Lake Resort, 60000 Century Drive, Bend; BURNIN' MOONLIGHT:Bluegrass, folk and country; 8 p.m.; Kelly D's,1012 SE BOBBY LINDSTROM:Rockand blues; Cleveland Ave., Bend; 541-389-5625. 6-9 p.m.; Bandits Cafe, 3113 S. U.S. Highway 97, Redmond; 541-504-7485. THE CARAVAN OFGLAM: Portland gay cabaret show with burlesque, acrobats, FRIENDS OF LENNY: Rock; 7 p.m.; live singers and more; $10; 8 p.m.; Bigfoot Tavern, 136851 U.S. Highway 97, Seven Nightclub,1033 NW Bond St., Crescent; 541-433-9697. Bend; 541-760-9412. THE QUONS:Folk-pop; 7 p.m.; portello EMERALD CITY: Blues;8:30 p.m .; winecafe, 2754 NW Crossing Drive, Northside Bar & Grill, 62860 Boyd Acres Bend; Road, Bend; COMEDY IMPROVSHOW: Featuring DIEGO'SUMBRELLA: Gypsy-rock; Triage and the Reality Benders; $5; $10; 9 p.m.; Volcanic Theatre Pub, 7:30 p.m.; Greenwood Playhouse,148 70 SW Century Drive, Bend; www. NW Greenwood Ave., Bend; www. DJ CODICARROLL: 10 p.m.;TheAstro IRA WALKER:Blues, with The Junk Lounge, 939 NW Bond St., Bend; www. Yard Lords; $5; 8 p.m.; Volcanic Theatre Pub, 70 SWCentury Drive, Bend; www. ROYAL LOUISAND BOY CAPEL: Electronic music;10 p.m.; Dojo, 852 NW EMERALD CITY: Blues; 8:30 p.m.; Brooks St., Bend; 541-706-9091. Northside Bar 8 Grill, 62860 Boyd Acres Road, Bend; LONG TALL EDDY: Twang-pop; SATURDAY 9 p.m.; Silver Moon Brewing, 24 ALLAN BYER:Folk;11 a.m.-2 p.m.; Cork NW Greenwood Ave., Bend; www. Cellars Wine Bar, 160 S. Fir St., Sisters; PRINCEVS.MICHAEL JACKSON: DJ LINDY GRAVELLE: Country and pop; 11 Dave Paul spins the icons' hits; $5; 9 a.m.-1:30 p.m.; Sisters Coffee Co., 273 p.m.; Dojo,852 NW BrooksSt.,Bend; 541-706-9091. W. Hood Ave.;
• LONG TALLEDDY PLAYS SILVER MOON Paul Eddy is one of the busiest giggers in Central Oregon, playing all over the region both solo and with his trio, Long Tall Eddy (pictured at left). That's because Eddy's sound — alikeable blend of classic twang and Beatles-esque pop — isthe kind of thing people like, andwhen people like something, venue owners want to book it. Anyway, Eddysolo is one thing, but when hebrings his band, which includes father-son rhythm section Karl Lindgren on drums andTim Lindgrenonbass,youcanexpectabit more of a barn-burnin', honky-tonkin' kind of time. Get it Saturday night at Silver Moon. Details below.
FIVE PINT MARY: Celtic rock; 9:30 p.m.; M& J Tavern, 102 NWGreenwood Ave., Bend; 541-389-1410. KEGAN SMITHAND THE FAM: Rootsrockandrap; $5;10 p.m.; The Astro Lounge, 939 NW Bond St., Bend; www.
SUNDAY JUST US:Rock; 6-9 p.m.; Wubba's BBQ Shack,63055 Layton Ave., Bend; www. OBSCUREDBYTHE SUN: Psych-rock, with Bliiss; 6:15 p.m.; Broken Top Bottle Shop, 1740 NWPence Lane, Bend; LAURA CURTISAND ABIGAIL NYMAN:Folk; $15 suggested donation; 7 p.m.; The Glen at Newport Hills, 1019 NWStannium Drive, Bend; houseconcertsintheglen© or541-480-8830. TRIVIA NIGHT:7 p.m.; The Hideaway Tavern, 939 SESecond St., Bend; or 541-312-9898. THE ABIGAILS:Psych-twang, with Old Timer; $5; 8 p.m.; Volcanic Theatre Pub, 70 SWCentury Drive, Bend; www. (Pg. 6).
TUESDAY N.T.T.: Pop; 5-8 p.m.; Cork Cellars Wine Bar,160 S. Fir St., Sisters; www. PAUL EDDY: Twang-rock; 5 p.m.; Baldy's BBQ, 950 SW VeteransWay, Redmond; 541-923-2271. JAZZ NIGHT:Featuring Slick Side Down; 5:30-8:30 p.m.; Northside Bar & Grill, 62860 Boyd Acres Road, Bend; www.
• BOTTLE SHOPHOSTS PSYCHBANDS Boise, Idaho's Obscured bythe Suncalls their style "High Desert Wizard Riffs," and I'd be lying to you if I said that doesn't get my earsa-tinglin'. The band, which will visit BrokenTopBottle Shop Sunday, plays a churning, cinematic brand of psych/progrock that, at times, sounds like fellow Boiseans Built to Spill, without the singing andguitar heroics, but with a more sinister underbelly. In Bend, they'll be joined by another Boise band, Bliiss, that spikes its psych with more of a '90s alt-rock feel. This is good Sunday EveningComin' Down music. Details below. TRIVIA TUESDAYS:Free; 6 p.m.; The Lot, 745 NW Columbia St., Bend; info© or 541-610-4969. PAUL EDDY:Twang-rock; 7-9 p.m.; The Blacksmith, 211 NWGreenwood Ave., Bend; RARE BOOTS:Americana;7-9 p.m .; GoodLife Brewing Co., 70 SWCentury Drive, Bend; THE HAUNTEDWINDCHIMES: Americana, with The Sweet Bonnie Gayle Band; $5; 8 p.m.; Volcanic Theatre Pub, 70 SW Century Drive, Bend; www. SHAWNJAMESANDTHE SHAPESHIFTERS:Haunting folk-rock; 10:15 p.m.; The Astro Lounge, 939 NW Bond St., Bend; www.astroloungebend.
WEDNESDAY HILST8 COFFEY: Chamber-folk;5:30 p.m.; Flatbread Community Oven, 375 SW Powerhouse Drive, Bend; www. BRAD CREELANDTHE REELDEEL: Country; 7 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School,700 NW Bond St.,Bend; LITTLE BLACKDRESS: Jazz; 7 p.m.; The Astro Lounge, 939 NWBond St., Bend; OPEN MICWITH MOSLEYWOTTA: Free; 7 p.m.; The Lot, 745 NWColumbia St., Bend; 541-610-4969. TRIVIA NIGHT:7 p.m.; Volcanic Theatre Pub, 70 SWCentury Drive, Bend; or 541-323-1881. ACOUSTICOPENMIC: with Derek Michael Marc; 7:30-10:30 p.m.; Northside Bar & Grill, 62860 Boyd Acres Road, Bend; BREWFISH:Reggae-rock; 9 p.m.;
— Ben Salmon
Dojo, 852 NW Brooks St., Bend; 541-706-9091. STEEP RAVINE:Folkgrass, with Blue Light Special; $5; 9 p.m.; Volcanic Theatre Pub, 70 SWCentury Drive, Bend;
THURSDAY JAZCRU:Jazz; 6 p.m.; Faith, Hope and Charity Vineyards, 70450 NW Lower Bridge Way, Terrebonne; 541-526-5075. TERENCENEAL:Folk-pop; 6 p.m.; Brasada Ranch, 16986 SW Brasada Ranch Road, Powell Butte; www. ALLAN BYER:Folk; 6:30-9:30 p.m.; The Life Line Taphouse, 249 NWSixth St., Redmond. WAMPUS CAT: Rock; 9 p.m.; Rat Hole Brew Pub, 384 SW Upper Terrace Drive, Bend; 541-389-2739. BOBBY LINDSTROM:Rockand blues; 7-10 p.m.; Tumalo FeedCo., 64619 U.S. Highway 20, Bend; www. LINDY GRAVELLE:Country and pop; 7-10 p.m.; Brassie's Bar, 1522 Cline Falls Road, Redmond; 541-548-4220. NOELLEBANGERT:Pop; 7-9 p.m.; The Lot, 745 NWColumbia St., Bend; 541-610-4969. GROUND SCOREWILLIE:Rock;7:3010:30 p.m.; Northside Bar & Grill, 62860 Boyd Acres Road, Bend; www. BEND COMEDY SHOWCASE ANDOPEN MIC:$5; 8 p.m.; The Summit Saloon 8 Stage,125NWOregonAve.;www. JERRY JOSEPHTRIO:Rock;9 p.m.; Dojo, 852 NW Brooks St., Bend; 541706-9091. (Pg. 7) • SUBMITAN EVENT by em ail ingevents© Deadline is 10 days before publication. Include date, venue, time and cost.
musie reviews Spotlight: PHOX
Robin Thicke
f amiliar t u r f ,
"PAULA" Interscope Records E verything a b o u t Rob i n
Thicke's album "Paula" is a bad idea. Thicke has decided to follow up all his "Blurred Lines" success with an album of oddly personal love songs designed to win back his high school sweetheart
Courtesy Jade Ehlers
PHOX's six members met while attending high school together in Baraboo, Wisconsin. Their self-titled debut album is a mix of folk-pop songs, rock, psychedelia and soul. "PHOX" Partisan Records Monica Martin, the lead sing-
er of PHOX, usually sounds so blithe and nonchalant that it takes a while to notice how her songs
teeteramid reassurance and anxiety, companionship and betrayal. "You may taste the salt that rolls
off my cheekbone," she sings in rr Slow Motron,rr rrbut you don't know why I cry." PHOX was formed by six small-town high
bloom" — opens with the lightest of drum taps, a repeated guitar note and a plinking banjo. But as the romance solidifies, PHOX becomes a rock b and fl anked
by saxophones and, later, what sounds like a glockenspiel-topped marching band. "Slow Motion" sometimes has a leisurely reggae bass, sometimes a crisp drumhne beat, sometunes a
canopy of pretty chamber-pop, sometimes a zany counterpoint of
group whistling, yet
Baraboo, Wisconsin,
maintains a nearly miraculous continuity.
s chool f r i ends
who started the band
while sharing a house in All the changes in nearby Madison. Marthe m u si c e l u cidate tin writes lyrics and melodies; the songs in which love, friendship whole band collaborates on the and family ties are always in flux. music, which has the amiable lilt In the bouncy, chipper-sounding and handmade eccentricity that "Evil," the singer catches her lovfind a welcome in college towns. er and her best friend in the act There's a touch of Dave Matthews of cheating, "telling me that you in the acoustic syncopations of
don't want to hurt me"; hurt and
the music, and a larger dollop of Feist, both in Martin's airy sus-
anger gradually give way to the
tained vocals and in meticulous arrangements that can start out
own demise." She confronts her own temp-
consolation that "evil will find its
sparse but suddenly seem to gath- tations in "Noble Heart," a ballad er a houseful of musicians. that moves between quasi-BaPHOX and its producer, Bri- roque piano and a big, reverberan Joseph (a recording engineer ant girl-group beat; she warns her love that she's a "low-level for Bon Iver who worked with the band at Bon Iver's April Base poison" susceptible to "this scarStudios), make the most of studio let lust" but vows to stay loyal. flexibility in songs that develop The emotions are c onvolutand transform themselves radical- ed, and PHOX finds a winding ly as they go. "Shrinking Violet"and ultimately heartening path a tentative, promising liaison that through them. — Jon Pareies, The New York Times finds "two shrinking violets at full
a l a scivious thumper that's
heavy on extremely thin m et a p h o r .
T hat's fo l lowed immediately by "Foreign,"
gone by Yoshimi and Yoshimi
a brawny boast about the wom-
P-We. Sincethe '90s,she has also
en of the world that's the album's high point. (A strong remix of and wife of nine years, actress the song, featuring Justin Bieber, Paula Patton. To make matters is dropped, bizarrely, midway worse, the first single, "Get Her into the album.) "Touchin, Lovin" Back" — a genuine-sounding features a naughty Nicki Minaj love ballad/mea culpa that is verse, and "Disrespectful," a duet really the only strong song on with Mila J, is an unapologetic this strangely haphazard album ode from one cheater to anoth— has a ridiculous video that er. For Trey Songz, feelings are features what may or may not mere inconveniences. be text messages exchanged by Trey Songz has long occupied the couple during their breakup. a middle ground in R&B: a reliBecause nothing makes a celeb- able hitmaker, not a breakout rity relationship, especially one star. That's starting to change, that includes a 4-year-old son, partly because of "Na Na," his restronger than airing your fights cent hit. It employs a cheap trick, in public, right? though, using the same interpoThe video makes the whole lation of Teena Marie's "Ooo La
played drums with the Japanese band the Boredoms, whose ca-
"concept" of "Paula" feel like a
La La" that the Fugees rode to
African music, no w ave and
marketing ploy for a lackluster album, which may or may not be the case. "I thought everyone was going to eat the chip, turns out I'm the only one who double-dipped" is a terrible line,
success in 1996 with "Fu-Gee- Asian folk traditions, until they
regardless of the context. When
concepts — including gatherings of 77 and 88 drummers for outdoor shows in New York on July
7, 2007, and Aug. 8, 2008 — have eclipsed Yoshimi's own work a bit. That shouldn't be so.
Over 17 years, OOIOO has tended to shift its goals categoricallyfor each record: "Armonico Hewa" (2009) is more rocking, "Kila Kila Kila" (2003) more groovy,"Gold and Green" (2000, and my favorite) more lovely, immersive and strange. Well, they're all strange; they may sound informed by West
La." Yet, thanks to DJ Mustard's production, this feels less like a
don't at all. But at the same time,
borrowed idea and more like a clever update.
to how music is made in the first
Despite a lovely voice that has
The motivating sound behind
they'revery basic;they getback place.
real firmness to it, he often lacks "Gamel," the group's new retexture. When he has shown cord, is gamelan, the Balinese
placed in the middle of "Black Tar Cloud," where Thicke alleges vulnerability, as on "Can't Help threatening fights and a fake sui- but Wait," from 2007, he's trancide attempt in their relationship, scended hot-body cliche. On this it makes the whole song and its album, he occasionally slips into faux-soul call-and-response al- emotionally fraught terrain, as on "Y.A.S" and on the almost most laughable. "Paula" is a wasted opportuni-
thartic concerts and large-scale
clever "SmartPhones," on which
and Javanese tradition involv-
ing metallophones struck with mallets. This is a sort of music Yoshimio seems perfectly suited
to; it's all about order, cycles and trance-inducing repetition. She composes in sections, with cycli-
ty for the talented Thicke on ba- an accidental butt-dial reveals sically every leveL He should plot his dishonesty to his woman, out his next moves much more and he spends the rest of the carefully. song trying to dodge his way out — Glenn Gamboa, of responsibility: "I'm 'a run to Newsday her and lie right to her face." There's more reckoning with
cal chants and overlaid rhythms: simple, powerful and disciplined
feeling, but it's somewhat hidden. The album's bonus tracks are
rare tour of the United States.
Trey Songz
"TRIGGA" Atlantic Records "I'd like to have dessert for
starters," Trey Songz sings on "Cake," the first song from his
uniformly strong and also slightly warmer than his overheated
sex romps, as if he wanted only the most dedicated listeners to
new album, "Trigga." Of course, know that he is capable of breakit is the first song — Trey Songz ing a sweat outside the bedroom. isn't much given t o
s ubtlety,
— Jon Caramanica, The New York Times
nuance or skipping the lurid details. With R. Kelly's libido large- OOIOO "GAMEL" ly silenced because of scandal fallout, the lane is clear for Trey Thrill Jockey Records Songz to achieve peak raunch. OOIOO (pronounced "oh-oh"Trigga" is this R&B Lothario's eye-oh-oh") is an extraordinary sixth album, and his commit- band led by the drummer, singer ment remains whole. "Cake" is and guitarist Yoshimio, who has
She's added two gamelan players to her band, Tomoyuki Hamamoto and Koheysai Kawamura;
they'll be included in the band's Though theymay notbeplaying in the traditional style, they've been completely subsumed into the group. Despite this music's predetermined composition, these pieces become structurally volatile:
The roles of different players and sections might become invert-
ed several times over in a single song, with the gamelan players moving to rhythmic from melodic roles, and with Yoshimio
moving to gestural phrases and whoops from chants. It's rugged, inspired, original music. — BenRatliff, The New York Times
events C
ls Money LeakingO t)i of Your House? SCHEDULEYOUR GREENSAVE RS 4FfiE,R:.
Top and bottom left submitted photos top and bottom nght courtesy Jill Rossell
Bend Summer Festival will feature a host of activities, including live music, a Family Fun Street full of kid-friendly activities, a Conscious Living showcase and lots and lots of art.
mm ri • Head downtown for live musicart , and moreat BendSummerFestival By David Jasper
soggy, cool disappointment. But! Memorial Day is followed by an hhhh! often-promising summer solstice When Bend S u mmer season arrives in steps: From (that would be the official first Festival arrives, it's time spring equinox on, there are the day of summer to non-pedants), to breathe the sigh of relief that occasional teasingly warm days, then, perchance, a sweltering comes only once summer is in full brutishly slammed aside by, yep, July 4th. swing. continued cold. Memorial Day is Then comes this weekendOh, yes, there's a definite first the last gasp of spring, or what Summer Fest weekend — with day of summer, as the nearest passes for spring here. It is often a three days all-but-guaranteed to The Bulletin
pedant would be all too happy to tellyou. But in Central Oregon, the hot
be tanktop-and-fli p-flop hot. Be
gone, coat! Get thee behind me, Yaktrax! See you suckas in a few months.
Summer Festival, sponsored by the Bank of the Cascades, is now in its 24th year. Like so many
24-year-olds, its lifebegan in 1990, when Bend Downtowners (now the Downtown Bend Business As-
sociation) wanted to raise funds for downtown beautification.
Continued next page
Ifyou go What:Bend SummerFestival When:5-10 p.m. today; 11 a.m.-10 p.m. Saturday; 11a.m5 p.m.Sunday Where:Downtown Bend Cost:Free admission Contact:www.bendfestivals. com
SummerFestival music schedule MAINSTAGE Friday McDougall — 5p.m. Three Times Bad —5:45 p.m. Redwood Son —6:45 p.m. Cody Beebe &The Crooks — 7:45 p.m. Larry 8 His Flask — 9p.m. Saturday Jaime Wyatt — 11a.m. Roseland Hunters — 1p.m. DK Band —3:30 p.m. KeeganSmith— 6p.m. Jelly Bread —7:30 p.m. Suuduy Tony Smiley Duo —11 a.m. Matt Brown — 1 p.m. Patrimony — 2:30 p.m. Tango AlphaTango — 4 p.m. JAZZ STAGE Friduy Kalai — 5 p.m. Tim Snider — 5:45 p.m. Max Ribner Band —6:30 p.m. Patrick Lamb Band —8:30 p.m. Saturday JoAnna Lee — 5p.m. Nicole Berke — 6p.m. Jarrod Lawson — 7p.m. Scott Pemberton Trio8:30 p.m.
From previous page Eventually, it wound up in the hands of busy local event organizer C3 Events, and now
featuresa splash zone, aerial arts and a youth performance stage featuring dance, magic and other entertainment. In the art department, there will be somewhere in the area
there's a new crew in charge of
downtown Bend's largest festival: Keep Calm Productions, run byRebecca StiehlandKyle O'Brien, who worked for C3 and are now under contract to
of 100 crafty types displaying their creations, and there will be some 30localand regional food vendors to help you fill up for continued fun. The 3-year-old Conscious Living showcase will be back, for those Summer Fest visitors
run the Summer and Fall fests.
According to Stiehl, general manager of Keep Calm, there are a lot of fun things in store
Submitted photo
this year, including the new Vendor booths will line the streets of downtown this weekend for Acoustic Flow Community Bend Summer Festival. Yoga dass, smack dab in the middle of Minnesota Avenue
interested in a healthy lifestyle
between Bond Street and Lava Road, so you might want to
Of course there will be beer on tap, silly. This is Bend! Deschutes Brewery will be pouring brews, but if you want oth-
But that's only one of Sum-
and/or eco-friendly businesses and nonprofits. Will there be beer on tap'?
Fest, a family event featuring
mer Fest' sstages.Over on the fire engines and police dogs double-up on yoga mats. Easy- Mainstage, local punk-blue- and cars. Better you show going pop-rocker Franchot grass stalwart Larry and His up there and see them under Tone will be providing the mu- F1ask will headline Friday, Summer Fest circumstances sicby which to flow. with Reno, Nevada funk-rock than some of the other ways "They'll be teaching from act Jelly Bread and Portland you might encounter them. the jazz stage," Stiehl said. The blues-rock band Tango Apha (Perhaps this would be a good classtakesplacefrom 9:30a.m. Tango headlining Saturday place to mention drinking to 10:45 a.m. Sunday, and a do- and Sunday, respectively. responsibly.) "They're kind of an extennation will go toward that old The Locals Only Stage Summer Fest tradition, down- boasts performances by Tone sion of our Family Fun Street," town Bend's beautification. Red, Boxcar Stringband and, said Stiehl. "Their goal is to Speaking of the Jazz Fusion there he is again, Franchot bring fun an d i nteresting Stage: Portland's Scott Pem- Tone. He and Tone Red should things that the City of Bend berton Trio is playing Saturday form a supergroup and call is up to, to engage people and night, and Pemberton will rock themselves FranchotToneRed. to educate people about what your socks and/or yoga sanThe City of Bend will be (city services) are here for us." The Family Fun Street also dals off. on hand for City Quest @ The
er kinds of drinks, there will
also be ciders from Atlas Cider Co., and summer mixers from Bendistillery. If free samples and tastings are your thing, the Gourmet Food 8t: Wine Street (aka Min-
nesota Avenue) will feature wineries from around the region along with specialty foods andtreats. Say it with me now: Ahhhh.
Summer (Fest). — Reporter: 541-383-0349, djasper®
'Ho~ one-f ee
J eeel oj'e o
Choice Beef
LOCALSONLYSTAGE Friday Tone Red — 5p.m. 2nd Hand Soldiers — 6:30 p.m. Boxcar Stringband — 8 p.m. Saturday The River Pigs — 11a.m. Travis Ehrenstrom — 1p.m. Greg Botsford & TheJourneymen — 3p.m. The Rumandthe Sea— 5 p.m. Chiringa — 6:30 p.m. Franchot Tone —8:30 p.m. Suuduy Hilst 8 Coffey — 11a.m. Riley's RangeBenders12:30 p.m. Grit & Grizzle — 2p.m. Burnin' Moonlight — 3:30 p.m.
h All Night Lounge Specials
$2.50 CheeseburgerEz.Fries
Happy Hour All Night For Ladies
TACO TUESDAY $5.00 2 Tacos Plus Guacamole trtr Chips Choice offi sh, chicken beef,fried oyster
50C Oysters On The Half Shell Steak R Prime Rib - Buy One Get One 1/2 Off
Ag Vr rdi 4 w
SUPER SATURDAY All Entrees — Buy One Get One 1/2 Off Equal orlesser value after 7pm
PLUS - Happy Hour Mon. - Sat. 4-7pm
ounge Onl
Specials in the Avarlable I
o N
Equal orlesser value after 7pm
50C Oysters On The Half Shell $5.00 Shrimp Salad, Shrimp Caesar, Shrimp Cocktail, Coconut Shrimp
eer... ice cream
in o
0 Ia • Local beer,coffee and kombuchahave found their wayinto Addy Mac's treats
By Sophie Wilkins The Bulletin
uring the sweltering days
of summer, Bendites have
several options for cooling off: floating the river, heading
up into the mountains, or maybe
catching a film in an air-conditioned theater. T hen there's cold b eer. O f
course. Now, a new company, Addy Mac's Creamery, is bringing an updated version of the old classic to Bend. It'll cool you off, and it might even give you brain-freeze. It's beer ice cream! It sounds a little crazy, but also crazy good. Just imagine the possibilities in this beer-filled town.
Justin Scott, owner of Addy Mac's, and
h i s w i f e , J essica,
launched their business at Silver Moon Brewing on Memorial Day, but began planning in the fall of 2013. Using a piece of each of their daughters' names — Ad-
dision and Mackenzie — Addy Mac's Creamery was formed. The couple bought a 1963 Ford dairy truck off C r aigslist, restored it
.I' themselves and called it their mobile scoop shop. Looking to collaborate for their products, the Scotts got in touch Justin Scott, owner of Addy Mac's, scoops locally made ice cream with locally sourced ingredients.
Submitted photo
with local brewers, farmers and
chefs and researched locall y sourced ingredients. fee company in town and Back"We thought, 'Let's take the porch was their favorite. "We love their coffee, love their stuff that people love about Bend and put it into our ice cream," Jus- beans," Justin said. "Naturally, tin said. we said let's use (them)in our ice They've done just that. Using a cream." Addy Mac's Backporch base from Redmond dairy Eber- Coffee flavor is made by steeping hard's, the Scotts are now incor- an Ethiopian blend of beans in the poratingbeer,coffee and kom- Eberhard's base overnight so that bucha into various flavors of ice "the flavor comes right through cream. the beans," Justin said. Addy Mac's Humm Sorbet When GO! Magazine caught up with Justin, he had just picked came aboutbecause Jessica Scott up a five-pound bag of beans at loves kombucha. Bend's Backporch Coffee RoastThe couple thought "let's take ers tobe used in Addy Mac's ice something ... that's really popcream. Early on, the Scotts knew ular, like wildly popular, and they wanted to partner with a cof- do ... it differently," Justin said.
cream. Humm Kombucha and began When the Scotts were plana relationship that now offers ning the company last fall, Stelemon ginger, pomegranate lem- ven Draheim, chef and owner of onade and Hawaii 5-0 flavors. downtown eatery Barrio, came The Hawaii 5-0 sorbet, served at up with a "mile-long" list of potenThey connected with Bend-based
Humm Kombucha's tap room, is
tial flavors to try out, Justin said.
half strawberry-l emonade and half coconut-lime.
Those ideas eventually led to two
oration was with Silver Moon
flavors, chipotle chocolate and banana bacon brittle, that were used at Barrio. The Scotts serve Addy Mac's
Brewing, creating ice cream flavored with the brewery's Dark SideStoutand Hob Nob Lemon
ice cream out of their mobile scoop station at various locations throughout the week, using
IPA. The Scotts add wort — left-
Twitter, Facebook and Instagram to let their followers know their whereabouts. Typically, they
But the company's first and
possibly most important collab-
over, boiled-off hops — to their base and createbeer-flavored ice
scoop on Mondays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays, but save Sundays for floating the river, Justin said. Not that the Scotts have tons of free time for leisure activities.
Justin wants to keep lining up collaborative partners and bringing Central Oregon as many unique flavorsoficecream ashe can. "There are just so many brew-
eries (and) I'd love to do something with GoodLife, Boneyard, all of these other breweries as
time goes on," he said. "We're just getting into this." — Reporter: 541-383-0351 or
heads up Deschutes Brewery plans barrel-aged tasting later this month Deschutes Brewery will host a Barrel-Aged Beer Tasting at 6 p.m. July 25 in the Mountain Room of
what's happening? na at 541-647-4907.Here's a quick roundup of the
dinners: • Dinner 1 at Elevation — Food by Joe Kim of 5 Fusion and Sushi Bar, wines from Bethel Heights,
its brewing facility on SW Simpson Avenue in Bend.
Methven Family Vineyards and St. Innocent Winery. • Dinner 2 at the Oxford Hotel — Food by Ingrid
The lineup of barrel-aged beers to be tasted in-
Roher-Downer of 10 Below, wines from Brooks Win-
cludes The Abyss (2012), Sour Raspberry Wit, Sour Black Butte XXII, Cultvateur, Not the Stoic, Geant Sour Blonde, Black Butte XXVI and Lost and Found
ery, Chehalem and ROCO Winery. • Dinner 3 at Victorian Cafe — Food by Daryl Gossack of Loustic Catering in Salem, wines from Left
Mirror Mirror. Each will be paired with a small plate Coast Cellars, Harper Voit and Mystic Wines. of food. Find more information, including more details Tickets cost $45 and are available at the website
below. There are only 80 spots available. C ontact: www o r 541-385-8606.
Three Bend eateries host dinners tonightto benefi tKIDS Center A series of Winemaker Dinners will happen around the area at 6 tonight, with proceeds benefiting the KIDS Center, a Bend-based organization dedicated to the prevention, evaluation and treatment of child abuse.
menus, visit
Another weekend, another brewery anniversary: Rat Hole turns1 The torrent of brewery anniversary parties continues July 19 as Bend's Rat Hole Brewing turns l. From noon to about 10 p.m. that day, Rat Hole will
celebrate its first year with live music, special prices on beer and drawings for brewery swag.
Rat Hole is at 384 SW Upper Terrace Drive in Bend. Contact: — Ben Salmon Ticketsare $125 and can be purchased from Tale-
FRIDAY, JULY 11 BEER TASTING:Sample brews from Terminal Gravity in Enterprise; 5-7 p.m.; Growler Guys Westside, 1400 NW College Way,
SATURDAY, JULY 12 WINE TASTING: Sample Owen Roe wines; noon-4 p.m.; Cork Cellars Wine Bar 8 Bottle Shop, 160 S. Fir St., Sisters; www. WEDNESDAY, JULY 16 WORTHY WEDNESDAYS: Beer tastings and theatre tours; 3-7 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 NW Wall St., Bend; THURSDAY, JULY17 RAFT N' BREW:A rafting trip with post-trip beer tasting from Boneyard Beer; $53; 4 p.m.; Sun Country Tours, 531 SW13th St., Bend; BEER PONG NIGHT: Tables, cups and balls provided; 5 p.m.; Silver Moon Brewing, 24 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; www.
CIDER TASTING:Sample ciders from Atlas Cider Co., in Bend; 5-7 p.m.; Growler Guys Eastside, 2699 NE U.S. Highway 20, Bend; www. RELEASE PARTY: Gary's No Quit Wit is unveiled, honoring Tour Des Chutes founder Gary Bonacker, with music by Greg Botsford; 6 p.m.; Worthy Brewing Company, 495 NE Bellevue Drive, Bend; 541639-4776. WINEMAKERS' DINNER: Multicourse dinner paired with wines, various locations and dinners offered; $125, registration requested; 6-10 p.m.; Bend; www. • SUBMIT ANEVENTby emailing drinks© Deadline is 10 days before Questions? Contact 541-383dinners.html or 541-647-4907. 0377.
all thelatest Brew newsat
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e n u
e ran san ar
• Hilton GardenInn's restaurant is adequate but behind the times By John Gottberg Anderson For The Bulletin
think it's great that the Hilton
Garden Inn gives diners an additional meal option in the
Old Mill District, especially in the morning, when the nearest full
breakfast menu is offered nearly a mile away. But the d ining experience at the former Ameritel Inn, on
the bluff overlooking the Bend shopping complex, is far from extraordinary. Whoever wrote the book on dining at f r a nchise lodging properties may want to consider revising the text, or at least bringing its content into the 21st
century. The corporate model is overrated. Continental breakfast buffets are singularly uninterest-
ing, and dinner menus that don't take local or regional standards into account — in choosing its
wines, for instance, or purchasing local produce — are way behind the times.
The Garden Grille 8 Bar, as the Hilton calls its restaurant,
Andy Tullis/The Bulletin
is mainly a convenience for ho- The Chipotle Steak Wrap plate at The Garden Grille & Bar at the Hilton Garden Inn in the Old Mill District. tel guests who don't want to descend a flight of stairs to dine
at Greg's Grill or Anthony's, or any number of other reputable
is $6.95. From the viewpoint of a
ham, mushrooms and onions, all
frequent traveler, it is an uninter-
of which were folded into my eggs
eateries that dispense Mexican
estingbuffet. Tinybagelsand slicesofbread are available for toasting. There is achoice ofcold boxed cereals
in decent quantity, with Swiss cheese melted on top. With a few
and Italian food, burgers, sushi and more in the Old Mill's marketplace. But it is a comfortable enough
and prepared oatmeal. H ard-
venuetospend an hour ortwo.Of- boiled eggs and a variety of fruit fering about 60 seats beneath the juices and fruit are offered: whole soaring cathedral ceiling on the oranges, apples and bananas, north side of the hotel lobby, the chunks of watermelon and honGarden is surrounded by hand- eydew,thawed frozen berriesto some wood-and-stone decor. Its complement yogurt. And there is polished-granite tabletops lack a choice of pastries. only white tablecloths to bring an For an additional $4, however, extra touch of elegance in the din- a visitor can make a full breakner hour. fast that includes all of the buffet items. And this is where the meal Morning meal becomes a reasonable $10.95 C ontinental breakfast i s i n - value. cluded in the room cost for hotel I was able to choose the ingreguests;for outsiders,the charge dients for my omelet. I requested
piquant drops of Tabasco and a side of potatoes O'Brien — country-style, fried with onions and
green peppers — the meal was complete.
My dining companion opted for eggs Benedict, which she found barelysatisfactory. Served on an u ntoasted English muffin, t h e
poached eggs were swimming in Hollandaise sauce made with an
excessive amount of butter; it was separating out on the plate. On the plus side, my friend said, "It didn't taste bad." Her meal was accompanied by somewhat greasy hashbrown potatoes.
Continued next page
The Garden Grille 5 Bar Location:Hilton Garden Inn, 425 SW Bluff Drive, Bend Hours:Breakfast 6-10 a.m. Monday to Friday, 7-11a.m. Saturday and Sunday; dinner 5-10 p.m. daily Price range:Breakfast $6.95 and $10.95; dinner appetizers $7 to $9, salads and sandwiches $9to $14, entrees $16 to $24
Credit cnrds:American Express, Discover, MasterCard, Visa Kids' menu:Yes Vegetarianmenu:Limited options Alcoholic beverages:Full bar Outdoorseating: Notat this time Reservations:Not required Contact:541-617-6111
Scorecard Overall:B Food:B-. Meals are of inconsistent quality, with dinners superior to breakfasts. Service:A. Attentive, timely and professional, with requests answered immediately.
Atmosphere: A-.Handsome lobby space beneath high ceiling could use a touch of elegance. Value:B-. Corporate standard is reasonably priced, but it doesn't support Oregon providers.
Small Bites New Sistersspot
— Chef Tim Christman and his wife andgeneral manager, SucyChristman, have openedthe Latigo Restaurantin downtown Sisters. Its "upscale ranch" cuisine, inspired by ingredients from Northwest farms and ranches, features such dishes as pan-roasted duck breast with juniper-blueberry gastrique and rack of lamb with butternut-squash puree. There is also anextensive wine list. Open 5to10 p.m. every day, with an outdoor patio open from 3 p.m.370 E. CascadeAve. (at North Larch Street), Sisters, 541241-4064,
O g 7337
8 g g m CG CQ
Ranch eats —The former SnackShack in Crooked River Ranchhas reopened asThe Cowboy Kitchen. OwnersStephanie and BobRoderickoffer breakfast and lunch, along with desserts and daily specials, from 6 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tuesday to Sunday. 5195 SWClubhouse Road, Crooked River Ranch. Phone not available. — John Gottberg Anderson
Andy Tu5is/The Bulletin
The Garden Grille & Bar at the Hilton Garden Inn seats about 60 beneath a soaring cathedral ceiling.
• 0••••oe
she wished there had been
a greater quantity of garden-fresh greens (tossed with a pleasant vinaigrette). The beef, she said, was lean but sliced very thin and wasn't
finished the dish. S ervice, provided by a We were m o r e p l eased former Blacksmith employwith an evening meal that ee and under the direction began with a "nontradition- of food-and-beverage manal" shrimp cocktail, which ager Kati O'Connor, was my companion and I shared. attentive and professional. A generous portion of me- Dishes were presented in a dium-sized shrimp filled an timely fashion and requests, 8-ounce glass with no lettuce as for additional dressing or or celery filler beneath. In- seasoning, were answered stead, there was chopped av- immediately. ocado, cilantro and a squeeze of lime, along with spicy Shortcomings h orseradish i n t h e a m p l e Apart from shortcomings cocktail sauce. in the preparation of some My main course was a pork foods, my biggest complaint
TREE For readers' ratings of more than150 Central Oregon restaurants, visit H buudbunuti restaurants.
Ij) $
Dinner choices
spent is to look at the wine
selection: The Garden doesn't have a single Oregon or Washington wine represent-
menu, or even to change its
lentils and other legumes add-
ed in the final preparation.
franchise restaurants such as
— Reporter: janderson@
lj g
I P E A !4 n. TCR Pd restaurant' ll' lo
IBopins 8-31-2014.Vattd tir Bend, la ttnett ttedmand troemonly: tandRipeodeodanat apply. umii aae eoapanper peroanper YiYit,
listed on that site is inaccuthis story.
name from the former "Great American Grill." Information rate, so I haven't offered it in the contact information with
itself outside the hotel with fliers in the Old Mill District,
its website to reflect a new
pre-packaged mix with a few
QR! :'.
3 i rdifoff
While the Garden Grille & Bar has begun to promote
a corporate supplier, enabling the company to keep its costs down but cutting Oregon farmers and ranchers out of the economic equation. There's nothing unusual about this. It applies not only to lodging groups, but also to
me was a blend of brown and wild rices, an overly moist,
merlot and syrah varietals.
from local providers, but from
tender, juicy slices of roasted pork were served with a medley of delicious roasted vegetables: zucchini, yellow squash, carrot, asparagus, red pepper and red onion. The only thing that didn't impress
, THtE ES R (
ed, despite these states' excellence in pinot noir, pinot gris,
position of the hotel group. Meats and produce come not
S everal is with the "brand standard"
SAll,lDJWIJO!3!ICMAQ):, jj'QQjQ T© ISQ iiAg(
Olive Garden and Applebee's, to name but two. An easy place to see where money is
offering half off a second dinner entree (with the purchase of a first), it hasn't taken the important step of updating
tenderloin e n t ree.
uyyyu% e•••••••
O. My companion enjoyed her steak salad, although
well seasoned. Blue-cheese crumbles and stir-fried onions
From previous page
L EAVETHEDRIVINGTOUS Call for reservations, location3Ltimes:I :u-
541.753.7529 mct.299
: 333333ni 3733RYIIICOILOO OIO ORO7323 3417337323 RLOnOYOCROI ROCOn:
TOUR DESCHUTES: Multidistance social cycling event, with a new 5K noncompetitive event; post-ride party features live music, food and vendor village; proceeds benefit the St. Charles Cancer Survivorship Program and the Pediatric Foundation; $60, $20 for children15 and younger, $130 for familes or (up to four kids) for ride; $25, $10 for 866-266-3136. children15 and younger, $50 for familes SISTERS FARMERS MARKET:3-6 p.m .; (up to four kids) for run; 6 a.m.; High Barclay Park, West Cascade Avenue LakesElementarySchool,2500 NW High and Ash Street; sistersfarmersmarket© Lakes Loop, Bend; www.tourdeschutes. org. VFW DINNER:Fishand chips;$6;3-7 PARKING LOTSALE:A benefit for the p.m.; VFW Hall, 1503 NE Fourth St., school band's campaign to perform at Bend;541-389-0775. Carnegie Hall in 2015; 8 a.m.-2 p.m.; CRAWFEST:Performances by local Ridgeview High School, 4555 SW Elkhorn and regional bands, with food, art Ave., Redmond; www.rvhs.redmond.k12. and more; $20 for weekend pass, or 541-504-3600. camping included, free for children 6 FAMILY FUNRUN/WALK: A benefit for and younger; 4 p.m.; 16065 SW Alfalfa the Sam Johnson Park renovation; $15, Road, Powell Butte; $25 for couples, $40for families; 9 a.m.; (Story, Page6) Dry Canyon Trail near Pershall Way, BEND SUMMERFESTIVAL: Live music Redmond; www.familyfunrun.eventbrite. on three stages, fine artist promenade, com. conscious living showcase, food MADRAS SATURDAY MARKET:9 a.m.-2 vendors and more; free; 5-10 p.m.; p.m.; Sahalee Park, Seventh and B streets; downtown Bend; www.bendfestivals. 541-546-6778. com. (Story, Page10) MIGRATION ONTHEWING EXHIBIT CROOKED RIVERROUNDUP HORSE OPENS:Explore the world of aerial RACES:Features the annual equestrian migrations and learn how birds travel event, with gambling; $5 includes thousands of miles; 9a.m.; High Desert parking, womenfree; 7:15 p.m., Museum, 59800 S. U.S. Highway 97, gatesopen at6 p.m.;Crook County Bend; or Fairgrounds,1280 S. Main St., Prineville; 541-382-4754. or SISTERSOUTDOOR QUILT SHOW: 541-447-4479. Showing more than1,400 quilts BEND IMPROVGROUP: The comedy from around the world; free; performs; adult themes; 4 p.m.; downtown Sisters; www. $8 in advance, $10 at the door; 8 or 541-549p.m., doors open at 7 p.m.; 2nd 0989. (Story, Page 20) Street Theater, 220 NE Lafayette AUTHOR PRESENTATION:MaryTatem Ave.; or will sign her two books "Quilt of Joy" 541-312-9626. and "Quilt of Faith"; free; 10 a.m.-2 p.m.; Paulina Springs Books,252 W .HoodAve., THE CARAVAN OF GLAM: The Portland Sisters; 541-549-0866. (Story, Page 21) gay cabaret show comes to Bend with burlesque, acrobats, live singers and CENTRALOREGONSATURDAY more; $10;8 p.m.,doors open at6 p.m .; MARKET:Featuring local artists and Seven Nightclub, 1033 NW Bond St., crafters; 10 a.m.-4 p.m.; parking lot Bend; 541-760-9412. across from Downtown Bend Public Library, 600 NW Wall St.; 541-420-9015. DIEGO'S UMBRELLA:The California gypsy-rock bandperforms; $10; 9 p.m.; COW PASTUREOPEN:A whimsical golf Volcanic Theatre Pub, 70 SW Century tournament with11 holes and a shotgun Drive, Bend; www.volcanictheatrepub. start, food and more; proceeds benefit com or 541-323-1881. Deschutes County 4H; $35 per person, registration requested; 10 a.m.; field CASCADELAVENDER FESTIVAL: across from Maragas Winery, 15525 SW Eessential oil distilling demonstrations, U.S. Highway 97, Culver. crafts, lavender refreshments and friendly farm animals; 10-5 p.m.; NORTHWEST CROSSINGFARMERS Cascade Lavender, 5000 SW Feather MARKET:10a.m.-2 p.m.; Northwest Drive, Madras; www.cascadelavender. Crossing, Mt. Washington and NW com or 541-546-9390. Crossing drives, Bend; www.nwxevents. OREGON SUMMER QUILTEXPO: "A Celebration of Fabric Arts," featuring vendors, exhibits and learning experiences; $10, free for children 15 and younger; 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; Deschutes County Fair 8 Expo Center, 3800 SW Airport Way, Redmond;
com or 541-312-6473. OREGON SUMMER QUILTEXPO: "A Celebration of Fabric Arts," featuring vendors, exhibits and learning experiences; $10, free for children15 and younger; 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; Deschutes County Fair 8 Expo Center, 3800 SW Airport Way, Redmond; www.
I• FRIDAY-SUNDAY SummerFest: Swinging, swaying, records playing anddancing in the street.
866-266-3136. QUILT SHOWLUNCHEON: Featuring music, crafts, food and more; $10; 10 a.m.-2 p.m.; Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church, 386 N. Fir St., Sisters; www.shepherdofthehillslutheranchurch. com or 541-549-8422. BEND SUMMER FESTIVAL:Livem usic on three stages, fine artist promenade, conscious living showcase, food vendors and more; free; 11 a.m.-10 p.m.; downtown Bend; www.bendfestivals.
CRAWFEST:Performancesbylocaland regional bands, with food, art and more; $20forweekend pass,camping included, free for children 6 and younger; noon; 16065 SW Alfalfa Road, Powell Butte; ACE CASE:The New Jersey rock band performs, with The Gully Hubbards; 1 p.m.; Lucky 7 Deli and Growler Fill Station, 2392 S.Highway 97,Redmond; 541-923-4377. CENTRAL OREGON FILM FESTIVAL SCREENING:Screening of the "Best of 2014" films; 2-3:30 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 NWWall St.; or 541-617-7050. POETRY READING:Bend-based poets will read their original works; free, donations accepted; 4 p.m.; Circle of Friends Art 8 Academy, 19889 Eighth St., Bend;, friendsart© or 541-480-6361. CROOKED RIVERROUNDUP HORSE RACES:Features the annual equestrian event, with gambling; $5 includes parking, women free; 7:15 p.m., gatesopen at6 p.m .;CrookCounty Fairgrounds, 1280 S. Main St., Prineville;
www.crookedriverroundup.comor 541-447-4479. IRA WALKER:The Texas blues musician performs, with The Junk Yard Lords; $5; 8 p.m.; Volcanic Theatre Pub, 70 SW Century Drive, Bend; www. or 541-323-1881. PRINCEVS.MICHAEL JACKSON: DJ Dave Paul spins the icons' hits; $5; 9 p.m.;Dojo,852 NW BrooksSt.,Bend; 541-706-9091. CASCADELAVENDER FESTIVAL: Eessential oil distilling demonstrations, crafts, lavender refreshments 8 friendly
FRIDAY The Caravan ofGlam:Portand's gay cabaret show is all that jazz ...
FRIDAY-SATURDAY Crooked RiverRoundupHorseRaces: Giddyup! Rememberyour fancy hat.
SATURDAY SIsters OutdoorQuilt Show:Youcan't miss these international quilts.
WEDNESDAY OregonHighDesert Classic I: The classic horse showbegins.
THURSDAY Ringo Starr andhfsAII Starr Band:Are yougoingtopassonseeingaBeatle?
farm animals; 10-5 p.m.;Cascade Lavender, 5000 SW Feather Drive, Madras; or 541-546-9390.
SUMDAY BEND SUMMER FESTIVAL: Livem usic on three stages, fine artist promenade, conscious living showcase, food vendors and more; free; 11 a.m.-5 p.m.; downtown Bend; CASCADE LAVENDER FESTIVAL: Eessential oil distilling demonstrations, crafts, lavender refreshments ff friendly farmanimals;noon-4 p.m.;Cascade
Lavender, 5000 SWFeather Drive, Madras; or 541-546-9390. OREGONOLDTIME FIDDLERS: A fiddle performance; free, donations accepted; 1-4 p.m.; Powell Butte Community Center, 8404 SW Reif Road; 541-647-4789. THE WEATHER MACHINE: The Portland alt-folk band performs; free; 2:30 p.m.,
gates openat1 p.m.; LesSchwab Amphitheater, 344 SW Shevlin Hixon Drive, Bend; or 541-322-9383. (Story, Page 7) "UGLY BENNY":Film screening of a movie about an ugly puppy, filmed in Sisters; 6-8:30 p.m.; The Belfry, 302 E.
IDAY, JULY 11, 2014
SHAWN JAMES ANDTHE SHAPESHIFTERS:The Arkansas band plays haunting folk-rock;10:15 p.m.; The Astro Lounge, 939 NWBond St., Bend; or 541-388-0116.
WEDNESDAY OREGON HIGHDESERT CLASSICS I: A U.S. Equestrian Federation class AA international hunter-jumper equestrian competition; proceeds benefit J Bar J Youth Services; free admission; 8a.m.-5 p.m.; J Bar J Boys Ranch, 62895 Hamby Road, Bend; www., tryan© or 541-389-1409. WEDNESDAYS ONTHE GREEN: Local practitioners offer massage, astrology, tarot reading and more; donations accepted of nonperishable food items for Neighborlmpact; 10 a.m.-2 p.m.; The CosmicDepot,342 NE ClayAve., Bend;, cosmicdepot©msn.comor541-385-7478. BEND FARMERS MARKET:3-7 p.m.; Brooks Street Promenade, between NW Franklin and NWOregon Avenues; www. ALIVE AFTERFIVE: Heart by Heart plays the music of rock group Heart, with Voodoo Highway; at the north end of Powerhouse Drive; free; 5-8:30 p.m.; Old Mill District, 661 SW Powerhouse Drive, Bend; or 541-389-0995. MUSIC IN THE CANYON: Featuring live soul music by Trixy and the Nasties, food vendors and more; free; 5:30-8 p.m.; American Legion Community Park, 850 SW Rimrock Way, Redmond; www. musicint "THE METROPOLITANOPERA: THE ENCHANTED ISLAND": A Baroque-style
Main Ave., Sisters; footzonepubrun,angela©footzonebend. or 541-815-9122. com or 541-317-3568. THE ABIGAILS:The Los Angeles-based alt-country band performs, with Old TUESDAY Timer; $5; 8 p.m.; Volcanic Theatre THE LIBRARYBOOKCLUB: Read and Pub, 70 SWCentury Drive, Bend; www. or 541-323-1881. discuss "In the Time of Butterflies" by Julia Alvarez; noon; Redmond Public (Story, Page6) Library, 827 SW Deschutes Ave.; www., reneeb@ MONDAY or 541-312-1055. PUB RUNANDFIELD DAY:Featuring a MUSEUM ANDME:Explore the museum run, a field day and games, including beer during its quietest hours, for children discounts and tacos; free, registration and teens ages 3-18 with a physical, requested; 5:30-7:30 p.m.; FootZone, cognitive and/or social disability, adult 842 NW Wall St., Bend; chaperonesarerequired andsiblings are
J Youth Services; free admission; 8 a.m.-5 p.m.; J Bar J Boys Ranch, 62895 Hamby Road, Bend; www., tryan@ or 541-389-1409. SUMMERTIME CARSHOW BENEFIT: Featuring live music, food, raffles and more to benefit the Alzheimer's Association; 11 a.m.-1 p.m.; The Summit Assisted Living Center, 127 SEWilson Ave., Bend; or 541-317-3544. THE LIBRARYBOOKCLUB: Read and discuss"Little Century" by Anna Keesey; noon; La Pine Public Library,16425 First St.;
lapine/, reneeb© or 541-312-1055. MUNCH & MUSIC:Featuring bluesrock music by Too Slim and the Taildraggers; free; 5:30 p.m.; Drake Park, 777 NWRiverside Blvd.,Bend;www. RINGO STARRAND HISALL STARR BAND:The former Beatles drummer performs; $49 general admission, $105 reserved,plusfees;6:30 p.m.,gatesopen 5 p.m.; Les Schwab Amphitheater, 344 SW Shevlin Hixon Drive, Bend; www. or 541-322-9383.
(Story, Page3) "LORD OFTHE FLIES":An adaptation of William Golding's famous novel by the Bend Experimental Art Theatre; $15, $10 for students; 7 p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, 220 NE Lafayette Ave., Bend; www. or 541-419-5558. (Story,
Page 21)
CENTRAL OREGONCOMEDY SCENE LIVE SHOWCASE:Featuring Brad Knowles, Juan Knutson and Randal Knight; adult
themes; $5;7-9p.m.; RedmondCinemas,
1535 SWOdem Medo Road; scottieO or 480-257-6515. "GRATEFULDEADMEET-UP ATTHE pastiche opera, inspired byShakespeare's MOVIES: BEAT CLUB4/21/72": A "The Tempest" and "A Midsummer Night's screening of a live performance by the Dream"; $12.50; 7 p.m.; Regal Old Mill Grateful Dead in1972; $12.50; 7:30 p.m.; Stadium16& IMAX, 680 SW Powerhouse Regal Old Mill Stadium16 & IMAX, 680 Drive, Bend; 541-312-2901. (Story, Page SW Powerhouse Drive, Bend; 541-312welcome; 5-8 p.m.; High Desert Museum, 28) 2901. (Story, Page 28) 59800 S. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; www. BREWFISH:The California reggae-rock, sgrasser© "THE DUMBWAITER": A play by Harold band performs; free; 9 p.m.; Dojo, 852 NW or 541-382-4754 Pinter about two American assassins Brooks St., Bend; 541-706-9091. ext. 329. awaiting their kill orders in England; $10 STEEP RAVINE: The California folk and plusfees in advance;7:30 p.m.;Volcanic "RIFFTRAX LIVE:SHARKNADO": bluegrass band performs, with Blue Light Theatre Pub, 70 SWCentury Drive, Bend; Featuring a humorous take on the hit Special; $5; 9 p.m.; Volcanic Theatre or 541-323movie; $12.50; 7:30 p.m.; Regal Old Mill Pub, 70 SWCentury Drive, Bend; www. Stadium16 & IMAX, 680 SW Powerhouse or 541-323-1881. 1881. (Story, Page 21) JERRY JOSEPHTRIO:Theveteran rock Drive, Bend; 541-312-2901. (Story, Page bandperforms; $5;9 p.m.;Dojo,852 NW 28) THURSDAY Brooks St., Bend; 541-706-9091. (Story, THE HAUNTED WINDCHIMES: The Page 7) Colorado-based Americana band OREGON HIGHDESERT CLASSICS I: • SUBMITAN EVENT at www performs; $5; 8 p.m.; Volcanic Theatre A U.S. Equestrian Federation class AA submitinfo or email Pub, 70 SWCentury Drive, Bend; www. international hunter-jumper equestrian Deadline is 10 days before publication. Questions? or 541-323-1881. competition; proceeds benefit J Bar Contact 541-383-0351.
planning ahea JULY 18-24 JULY 18-20, 23-24 — OREGON HIGH DESERT CLASSICS I ANDII: A U.S. Equestrian Federation class AA international hunter-jumper equestrian competition; proceeds benefit J Bar J Youth Services; free admission; 8 a.m.-5 p.m.; J Bar J Boys Ranch, 62895 Hamby Road, Bend; www. or 541-389-1409. JULY 18-20 — BALLOONSOVER BEND CHILDREN'SFESTIVAL: Balloons launch over Bend, weather permitting; $10 plus fees in advance, $12 at the door; 6 a.m. launch daily, Night Glow July18, children's festival July19, Balloon Blast July 20; Riverbend Park, 799 SWColumbia St.; or 541-323-0964. JULY 19-20 — CENTRALOREGON SUMMER MARKET:Featuring a street fair, flea market, farmers market, live music and more; free; 8 a.m.-4 p.m.; Deschutes County Fair & Expo Center, 3800 SW Airport Way, Redmond; www., bill@streetfair2014. com or 541-385-3364. JULY18-20, 24 — "LORD OF THE FLIES":An adaptation of William Golding' sfamous novelby Bend Experimental Art Theatre; $15, $10 for students; 7 p.m. July18-19, 24, 2 p.m. July19-20; 2nd Street Theater, 220 NE Lafayette Ave., Bend; www.beattickets. org or 541-419-5558. JULY18 — SISTERSFARMERS MARKET:3-6 p.m.; Barclay Park, West Cascade Avenue andAsh Street; JULY18 — VFW DINNER:Fish and chips; $6;3-7 p.m .;VFW Hall,1503 NE Fourth St., Bend; 541-389-0775. JULY 18 — PARTYWITH THESTARS: Learn about observational astronomy from Dr. Scott Fisher, presented by the University of Oregon; free; 6-7 p.m.; The Oxford Hotel, 10 NW Minnesota Ave., Bend; or 541-346-3236. JULY18 — AMOSLEE:The soulful folk singer performs, with Black Prairie; $34 general admission, $59 reserved, plus fees; 6:30 p.m.,gatesopen at5 p.m.;Les Schwab Amphitheater, 344 SW Shevlin Hixon Drive, Bend; www.bendconcerts. com or 541-322-9383. JULY18 — FREAKMOUNTAIN RAMBLERS: The Portland roots-
rock bandperforms; free; 7p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 NW Bond St., Bend; www. mcmenamins.comor541-382-5174. JULY18 — JERRYJOSEPHTRIO: The veteran rock band performs; free; 9 p.m.; Dojo,852 NW BrooksSt.,Bend; 541-706-9091.
The Bulletin file photo
Hot air balloons will fill the Bend sky July18-20 for the Balloons Over Bend Children's Festival. JULY19 — CORVETTESON THE HIGH DESERT: Seemore than100 Corvettes,
including seven generations and
2014 models, food and refreshments available; free; 9 a.m.-2 p.m.; Eagle Crest Resort,1522 Cline Falls Road, Redmond; www.highdesertcorvettes. com or 541-923-4653. JULY19 — HIGHDESERTGARDEN TOUR:View seven gardens in the Tumalo area with this self-guided tour; $10 per booklet, free for children16 and younger; 9 a.m.-3 p.m.; Tumalo; www. or 541-548-6088. JULY 19 — MADRASSATURDAY MARKET:9 a.m.-2 p.m.; Sahalee Park, Seventh and B streets; 541-546-6778. JULY19 — CENTRALOREGON SATURDAYMARKET:Featuring local artists and crafters; 10 a.m.-4 p.m.; parking lot across from Downtown Bend Public Library, 600 NWWall St.; 541-420-9015. JULY 19 — NORTHWESTCROSSING FARMERSMARKET:10a.m.-2 p.m.; NorthWest Crossing, Mt. Washington and NW Crossing drives, Bend; www. or 541-312-6473. JULY19 —FISHFRY:Featuring a dinner of grilled trout, hot dogs,
hamburgers and more, with live music, a silent auction and a raffle; $12, $6 for children12 and younger; 11 a.m.-2 p.m.; Fort Rock Park, East Cascade Drive, Sunriver; jhubbardtachamberscable. com or 541-390-9798. JULY19 — SUMMERBBQAND BEER GARDEN:A celebration of summer with barbecue, outdoor activities and beer; free; 4-7 p.m.; C.E. Lovejoy's Brookswood Market, 19530 Amber Meadow Drive, Bend; www.celovejoys. com or 541-388-1188. JULY19 — OVERNIGHTATTHE LIBRARY:Games, crafts, stories and a sleepover, for ages 6-11 with a parent; registration required; 7 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 NW Wall St.; or 541-617-7050. JULY19 — BACK ALLEY BARBERS: The Portland psychobilly band performs, with Champagne Charlie; $5 plus fees in advance, $7 at the door; 9 p.m.; Volcanic Theatre Pub, 70 SWCentury Drive, Bend; or 541-323-1881. JULY 20 — USHJAINTERNATIONAL HUNTERDERBY:A-rated event with derby-themed breakfastavailable; free, $20 for breakfast; 7:30-11 a.m.; J Bar J
Boys Ranch, 62895 Hamby Road, Bend; or 541-389-1409. JULY 20— THE BALLROOM THIEVES: The Boston-based folk-rock band performs; free; 2:30 p.m., gates open at1 p.m.; Les Schwab Amphitheater, 344 SW Shevlin Hixon Drive, Bend; or 541-322-9383. JULY 20 — PHILLIP GIBBS:TheTexas blues act performs; $5; 8 p.m.; Volcanic Theatre Pub, 70 SWCentury Drive, Bend; or 541-323-1881. JULY22 — PICNIC INTHEPAST: Enjoy live music by the Thorn Hollow String Band, historical games and activities, bring picnic dinner and blanket; $3-10 for members, $5-20 for nonmembers; 6-8 p.m.; High Desert Museum, 59800 S. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; or 541-382-4754. JULY 22 — STARDUST,CELLS AND SCIENCE: THE ORIGIN OF LIFE REVISITED:Dr. David Deamer, research professor of bio-molecular engineering, will speak; free, registration suggested; 7 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 NWWall St., Bend; or
541-317-0700. JULY 22 — THELITTLEST BIRDS: The California old-time folk band performs, with the Blackberry Bushes Stringband; $5; 9 p.m.; Volcanic Theatre Pub, 70 SWCentury Drive, Bend; or 541-323-1881. JULY23 — BENDFARMERSMARKET: 3-7 p.m.; Brooks Alley, between NW Franklin Avenue and NWBrooks Street; JULY23 — MUSICON THE GREEN: Live music by Cinderblue, food vendors and more; free;6-7:30 p.m.;Sam Johnson Park, SW15th Streetand SW
EvergreenAvenue, Redmond;www. redmondsummerconcerts.comor 541-923-5191. JULY23 — THELIBRARY BOOKCLUB: Read and discuss "Arcadia" by Lauren Goff; 6:30 p.m.; Sisters Public Library, 110 N. Cedar St.; www.deschuteslibrary. org/sisters, reneeb@deschuteslibrary. org or 541-312-1055. JULY 23 — NICHOLASDAVID: The singer-songwriter from Minnesota performs; 7 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 NW Bond St., Bend; or 541-382-5174.
Talks 5 classes
planning ahead
to occur in Central Oregon; 4 p.m. Thursday; La Pine For a full list, visit bendbulletin. species ofCentral Oregon; $5for Public Library, 16425 First St.; com/events. members, $10 for nonmembers, or 541-312-1034. registration suggested; 8 p.m. SCOTTISH COUNTRYDANCE Tuesday; High Desert Museum, BEGINNERS WORKSHOP AND HERBSANDEDIBLE FLOWERS: 59800 S. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; DANCE:No dance experience Learn to about growing and using or needed, music by A Scottish edible flowers in Central Oregon, 541-382-4754. Heart; $15 for workshop and bring your own chair; free; 5:30dance, $25for two people,$5 IN THE DARK:SKELETONCAVE 7 p.m. Thursday; Hollinshead for dance only, registration TOUR:Join Brent McGregor Community Garden, Hollinshead requested; 1 p.m. workshop, 7:30 through a limited access cave in Park,1235 NE12th St., Bend; p.m. danceSaturday; Sonsof classes© Deschutes National Forest; $10 for 541-548-6088. Norway Hall, 549 NW Harmon or503-853-9662. members, $15for nonmembers, BEGINNINGSILVER METAL Blvd., Bend; registration required; 4 p.m. SEARCHING THE COSMOS FOR CLAY:Learn how to craft a ScottishCountryDanceBend, Wednesday; High Desert Museum, precious metal clay object LIFE:Bob Grossfeld, manager hdccdcom© or 59800 S. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; of the Oregon Observatory at from start to finish; $115, 541-602-4258. or Sunriver, will speak; 6:30 p.m. registration required; 6-9 p.m. 541-382-4754. SECONDSUNDAY:BONNIE Tuesday; Downtown Bend Thursday; The Workhouse at HENDERSON ANDTHENEXT Public Library, 601 NWWall St.; VOLCANOESIN CENTRAL Old Ironworks, 50 SEScott St., TSUNAMI:Bonnie Henderson, or OREGON:THE NEXT ERUPTION: Bend;, writer and journalist, will discuss 541-312-1034. Learn about types of volcanic classes© how scientists came to understand activity that are most likely or 503-853-9662. OWL PROWL: Join a museum JULY 23 — MISS LONELY HEARTS:The California honky tonk band performs, with Blue Light Special; $5; 9 p.m.; Volcanic Theatre Pub, 70 SW Century Drive, Bend; www.volcanictheatrepub. com or 541-323-1881. JULY 24— MUNCH 8tMUSIC: Featuring live music by Nahko 8 Medicine for the People, with food vendors and a kids' area; free; 5:30 p.m.; Drake Park, 777 NW Riverside Blvd., Bend; www.
JULY 25-31 JULY 25-27— OREGON HIGH DESERT CLASSICS II:A U.S. Equestrian Federation class AA international hunter-jumper equestrian competition; proceeds benefit J Bar J Youth Services;
free admission; 8 a.m.-5 p.m.;
J Bar J Boys Ranch, 62895 Hamby Road, Bend; www. or 541-389-1409. JULY 25-27 — "LORD OFTHE FLIES":An adaptation of William Golding's famous novelby Bend Experimental Art Theatre; $15, $10 for students; 7 p.m. July 2526, 2 p.m. July 26-27; 2nd Street Theater, 220 NE Lafayette Ave., Bend; or 541-419-5558. JULY 25 — ABBEYROADLIVE: The Beatles tribute band performs; $5-$10; 7 p.m.; Angeline's Bakery 8 Cafe, 121 W. Main Ave., Sisters; or 541-549-9122. JULY 25 — RADOSLAV LORKOVIC: The Chicago-based Cajun and blues artist performs, with Dennis McGregor; $15-$20 suggested donation at the door; 7-9:30 p.m.; The Glen at Newport Hills, 1019 NW Stannium Drive, Bend;,
theCascadiaSubduction Zone; 2 p.m. Sunday; Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 NWWall St.; or 541-312-1034. T-SHIRT REFASHION WORKSHOP:Learn techniques in fabric alterations; $35, registration required; 6-8 p.m. Tuesday; TheWor khouse atOld Ironworks, 50 SEScott St., Bend;,
naturalist for a field trip to locate some of the native owl
Submitted photo
Learn to create jewelry with silver metal clay in a class at The Workhouse at Old Iron-
works on Thursday.
houseconcertsintheglen@ or 541-480-8830. JULY 25 — TOMMY EMMANUEL: The virtuoso acoustic guitarist performs, with Antsy McClain;
$30-$50 plus fees; 8 p.m.;
Tower Theatre, 835 NW Wall St., Bend; or 541-317-0700. JULY 25 — QUASARWUT WUT: The Chicago rock band performs a live score of the Buster Keaton film "The General"; $5; 9 p.m.; Volcanic Theatre Pub, 70 SW Century Drive, Bend; www. or 541-323-1881. JULY 26 — RUN FORTHEBIRDS: Featuring a 5K, 10K and children's race benefiting the Sunriver Nature Center and Observatory; $25, $15 for children, registration required; 7 a.m.; Sunriver Resort, 17600 Center Drive; or 800-801-8765. JULY 26 — OVERNIGHTAT THE LIBRARY:Games, crafts,
stories and asleepover, for ages 6-11 with a parent; registration required; 7 p.m.; East Bend Public Library, 62080 Dean Swift Road; or 541-330-3760. JULY 27 — DAKOTABROWN BAND:The soul-pop-rock artist performs; free; 2:30
p.m., gatesopenat1p.m.;Les Schwab Amphitheater, 344 SW Shevlin Hixon Drive, Bend; or 541-322-9383. JULY 30 — PATBENATARAND NEILGIRALDO: The '80s pop hit-maker performs; free with ticket and fair admission; 7 p.m.; Deschutes County Fair & Expo Center, 3800 SW Airport Way, Redmond; www.expo.deschutes. org or 541-548-2711.
I s I
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• The Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show will feature many newquilters and ahugenumber of quilts By David Jasper The Bulletin
he always picturesque town of Sisters is about to get
1,401 times more colorful. That's the number of art quilts
— 101 more than last year's festival, for those keeping count — that
will be on display around downtown Sisters Saturday during the 39th annual Sisters Outdoor Quilt
'.r,. f
If yougo What:2014 Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show When:9a.m.-4p.m.Saturday Where:downtown Sisters Cost:Free Contact:www.sistersoutdoor or 541-549-0989
Show, according to Jeanette Pilak, executive director. shindig hosted by the East of the The one-day festival begins at Cascades quilt guild, according to 9 a.m. Saturday (see "If you go"). Other than the number of quilts, By 2003, the show had gotten it won't differ much from previous too large for the guild to manage years. and an executive director was This year's show is, however, hired. In 2005, the festival gained seeing a lot of new faces, Pilak nonprofit status. satd. Some 10,000 to 12,500 quilt fans "We've seen a great influx of show up to hoof it around town people submitting their quilts for each year at the festival, which the first time, along with our folks has a $1.7 million economic impact who have been doing it for de- on Sisters, according to a survey cades," she said. "Every day is just conductedby Central Oregon Rea huge, stunning surprise as they searchServices.Ittakessome 553
i(, I
volunteers to make it all happen.
The show b egan h umbly enough. On a Saturday in July
Despite its tremendous growth over the years, the quilt show re-
1975, Jean Wells Keenan — now
mains true to its roots, featuring a
the festival board's presidentdisplayed a dozen quiltsbyher stu-
different Central Oregon quilter at each year's festival. This time, the
dents outside her quilt shop. More
featured quilter is Carol Loehn-
quilters brought quilts to show, dorf-Webb of Sunriver, who has things multiplied from there, and been quilting since the early 1980s. the quilt show became an annual Continued next page
rr+ d
come in and are unveiled."
"We'veseen a great influx of people submitting their quilts for the first time, along with our folks
who havebeen doing itfordecades. Every day is just a huge, stunning surprise as they come in and are unveiled." Courtesy Gary N. Miller, Sisters Country Photography
People watch as quilts are hung for the 2013 Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show. This year's show will feature1,401 quilts.
— Jeanette Pilak, executive director, Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show
'Lord of the Flies' stageadaptation Theatre will present Nigel
Dumb Waiter" at 7:30 p.m. Thursday at Volcanic Theatre Pub, 70 SW Century Drive, Bend. Derek Sitter and Nathan
W illiams' adaptation of t h e
Woodworth star in the play,
Willian Golding novel "Lord
in which two American assassins kill time together in an
B end E xperimental
oftheFlies." Featuring two
c asts, the abandoned basement while
play directed by Mary Kil-
awaiting their next assign-
patrick and H oward Schor
ment. Performances are at
follows a group of schoolboys 7:30 p.m. July 18-19 and July stranded on an uncharted is- 24-26. Cost is $10. land in the 1950s and the cha-
Contact: wwwvolcanicthe-
os that ensues. or 541-323-1881. Performancestakeplace at7 p.m. Thursday through July 19 and July 24-26, with matinees to speak, signbooks at 2 p.m. July 19-20 and July2627, at 2nd Street Theater, 220 While you're in town taking
Quilting booksauthor
NE Lafayette Ave., Bend. Cost
is $15, $10for students. Contact: www.beattickets.
Preview Pinter play at Volcanic Theatre You can catch a preview of
vide comfort and spiritual in-
sights. Admission is free. Contact: 541-549-0866.
Cascades Theatrical
to offer sneakpeeks Cascades Theatrical Co. will host three sneak peeks of its upcoming season — which includes "Brighton Beach Memoirs," "The Glass Menagerie" and "A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Forum" — at 7 p.m. Aug. 1-2 and 1:30 p.m. Aug. 3 at Greenwood Playhouse, 148 NW Greenwood Ave. Each event begins with a
reception featuring compliters Outdoor Quilt Show, stop m entaryappetizers and cash by Paulina Springs Books, bar. After, each of the main 252 W. Hood Ave., between stage directors will introduce 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. to chat with his or her upcoming show as in the 1,401 quilts at the Sis-
Mary Tatem, who will be visit-
English playwright Harold Pinter's two-man play "The
quilt patterns and aims to pro-
well as a scene from the show.
ing with customers and signA donation of $ 1 0 i s ing copies of her quilt books, suggested. "Quilt of Joy" and Quilt of Contact: www.cascadestheFaith." Each of her books fea- or 541-389-0803. — David Jasper turesstories themed around
0 C
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a C
a Submitted photo
Derek Sitter, left, snd Nathan Woodworth star in "The Dumb Waiter." The Harold Pinter dark comedy will preview Thursday at Volcanic Theatre Pub in Bend.
From previous page Loehndorf-Webb brought a background and skills in designing and making clothing to the world of quilting. This year's festival will also include a special display by Island Batik, a touring show of more than 50 quilts designed and made by national celebrity quilters.
• •
0 O
For those who want to avoid
the hordes of people and traf-
ficsnarls of Saturday, there's 10 a.m.-3 p.m.
~Q Um
37th Sqaso 2 1 SUMI)ER FESTiNlAL
always Sunday, when quilt-related events will be held from
g 0 0
gust 8-20 SunrtttefP@end e
• •
ence Center.
— Reporter: 541-383-0349,
cn ~ — a
cQ 0
out the day. Follow "shuttle parking" signs.
"If you're not into the crowds
~ O g Ch
a shuttle from Sisters High
Be patient during your drive of 10,000, it's just a really nice to Sisters, and be aware park- way to get a beautiful taste of ing on the shoulder of U.S. the quilt show at a more reHighway 20 east of town is laxed pace," Pilak said. not permitted. You can park on Sisters city streets or take
School, 1700 W. McKinney Butte Road, running through-
"There are a couple in there "We do the Sisters Outdoor that are just stunning and Quilt Show Sunday, which have been attracting great at- has about 400 quilts on distention throughout the nation- play for those folks who would al tour," Pilak said. "Because like to look at them in a little we're the largest outdoor quilt more relaxed atmosphere," show, they said, 'We must Pilak said. "It has some of our come to Sisters.'" The exhibit special exhibits, and we also will be at the Sisters Schools have a nationally known quile Administration building, 525 ter (speaking). E. Cascade Ave., and is part That talk by long-arm quilof a fundraising initiative for ter and author Angela Walter Operation Homefront, which takes place at 11 a.m. Sunday provides financial and other at FivePine Lodge 8t: Conferassistanceto service members and their families.
Find Your Dream Home In Real Estate
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541-593-9310 t i
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ART E KH I B I T S ARTADVENTURE GALLERY: Featuring 20 award-winning paintings by theWatercolor Society of Oregon; through July 31;185SE Fifth St., Madras: 541-475-7701. ARTISTS' GALLERYSUNRIVER: Featuring the works of 30 local artists; 57100 BeaverDrive, Building 19; or 541-593-4382. THEARTOFALFREDDOLEZAL: Featuring oil paintings bythe Austrian artist; EagleCrest Resort,7525Falcon Crest Drive, Redmond;434-989-3510 ARTON THE SPOT:Pop-up gallery featuring workby Bill Earhart, Candyce Parkand LynnRothan;through Sunday;10a.m.-5 p.m.daily;178 S. Elm St., Sisters; 541-549-1529. ATELIER6000:"Fl oatablesand Flyables," featuring creative kitesand floatableforms byartists George Peters andMelanieWalker; through July26; 389SWScalehouseCourt, Suite120, Bend; or 541-330-8759. BENDPREMIERREALESTATE: Featuring oil paintings byAlfred Dolezal; throughJuly 31;550NW FranklinAve., Suite108, Bend; www. CAFESINTRA:Featuring "3 Points of View," a continually changingexhibit of photographs byDiane Reed,Ric Ergenbrightand JohnVito;1024 NW Bond St., Bend;541-382-8004. CANYON CREEKPOTTERY:Featuring potlerybyKennelhMerrill;310N.Cedar St., Sisters; www.canyoncreekpotieryllc. com or541-549-0366. CIRCLE OFFRIENDSART& ACADEMY:"Friend Art StarS," featuring works byRobRamage, Yoleen FaeberandJoe Libby; through July 30;19889 Eighth St.,Tumalo;
PRONGHORN CLUBHOUSE: "The W est, EastoftheCascades,"a show of works by Gary Alvis, Joanne Donaca, Bill Logan, Robert Schlegel and Vicki Shuck; through Aug.1; 65600 Pronghorn Club Drive, Bend; 541-693-5300. QUILTWORKS: "Let's Laugh" featuring quilts by CindyO'Neal;through July 30; 926 NEGreenwoodAve., Suite B,Bend; 541-728-0527. RED CHAIRGALLERY:"Outside of the Box," featuring jewelry by AnnevonHeideken,paintingsby Dee McBrian-Leeandwoodart byCambrianCompany;through July;103 NWOregonAve., Bend; or
Submitted photo
"Mt. Jefferson" by Gil Dellinger will be on display at Tumalo Art Co. through July. 541-706-9025. DON TERRAARTWORKS: Featuring more than200artists; 222 W.Hood Ave., Sisters; 541-549-1299 orwww. DOWNTOWN BENDPUBLIC LIBRARY:"My Favorite Subject," featuring work byvarious artists; through Sept. 2;601NWWall St.; 541-389-9846. EASTLAKE FRAMING: "Artist Spotlight Series," featuring photographerRic Ergenbright; throughAug.6;1335 NW GalvestonAve., Bend;541-389-3770. FRANKLINCROSSING:Featuring varied mediums byPamBird, Justyn Livingston andAmy Royce;through July 26;550 NW FranklinAve.,Bend; 541-382-9398.
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FREE ENTREE* with purchase of an entree of equal or greater value
("a ny sandwich, 10" pizza, artisan flatbread, entree earad, or Piek2 meal.)
Bcpires August I, 2014 In-slere redemplion at Schlotxsky's restaumnt in BEND, OR.
Not valid withanyolheroffer. Onecoupon per purchase. E(clu(iveof kg and eratuily. Notfor sale or resale.Vo(d where prohibiled. Cashvalue t/t(m(. No m(h back. Addihonal exclusions moy apply.@2014Sd(lolzsky'sFranchise tLC.
GHIGLIERIGALLERY:Featuring original Western-themedand Africaninspired paintings andsculptures by Lorenzo Ghiglieri; 200W.Cascade Ave., Sisters; 541-549-8683. HOODAVENUEART:Featuring jewelry with OregonSunstonegemsby Elyse Douglas; throughJuly18; 357 W. Hood Ave., Sisters; or 541-719-1800. HOP NBEANPIZZERIA: Featuring landscapear tby Larry Goodman; 523 E.U.S. Highway20,Sisters; 541-719-1295. HUMMKOMBUCHA BREWERY: Featuring drawingsandpaintings by Britanny Zendejas;through July 31;1125 NESecondSt., Bend; 541-306-6329. JILL'8 WILD (TASTEFUL)WOMEN WAREHOUSE: Featuring works byJillHaney-Neal;Tuesdaysand Wednesdaysonly; 601 N.Larch St., Suite B, Sisters; www.jillnealgallery. com or541-617-6078. JOHNPAULDESIGNS:Featuring custom jewelry andsignature series with unique pieces;1006 NWBondSt.,
Bend; or 541-318-5645. JUDI'SARTGALLERY:Featuring works by JudiMeusbornWilliamson; 336 NEHemlockSt., Suite13, Redmond; 360-325-6230. KARENBANDYDESIGNJEWELER: Featuring customjewelryand paintings; 25 NW MinnesotaAve., Suite5, Bend; www.karenbandy.comor 541-388-0155. LA MAGIE BAKERY& CAFE:Featuring landscapewatercolors andpastels by
Patricia W.Porter; throughJuly 31;945 NW BondSt., Bend;541-241-7884. LUBBESMEYERFIBER STUDIO: Featuring fiberart by Lori and Lisa Lubbesmeyer;450 SW PowerhouseDrive, Suite423, Bend; www.lubbesmeyerstudio.comor 541-330-0840. LUMIN ART STUDIOS:Featuding residentartists AlishaVernon, McKenzie Mendel, LisaMarieSipeand Natalie Masonwith guestartistillustrator Taylor Rose;byappointment;19855 Fourth St., Suite103,Tumalo;www. MOCKINGBIRDGALLERY: "Luminations," featuring pleinair paintings byJack Bramanand Richard McKinley; throughJuly; 869 NWWall St., Bend;www.mockingbird-gallery. com or 541-388-2107. MOSAICMEDICAL:Featuring mixedmedia collagepaintings byRosalyn Kliot; 910S.U.S. Highway97,Suite101, Madras;541-475-7800. THE OXFORDHOTEL:Featuring photography byChristian Heeb; through July 25;10 NWMinnesota Ave., Bend;541-382-9398. PATAGONIAOBEND:Featuring photography byMike Putnam;1000 NWWall St., Suite 140;541-382-6694. PAULSCOTTGALLERY:Featuring sculptures byRobinand John Gumaelius andoil paintings by Mel McCuddin; throughJuly; 869 NWWall St., Bend; or 541-330-6000. PEAPODGLASSGALLERY: Featuring oil paintings andsculptures by Lori Salisbury;164 NWGreenwood Ave., Bend;541-312-2828.
541-306-3176. REDMOND PUBLIC LIBRARY:"ReImagined Art," featuring jewelryand mixed mediamadefromrepurposed materials by LindaBarker, through July; 827 SWDeschutesAve.; 541-312-1050. SAGE CUSTOMFRAMINGAND GALLERY: "Summer," featuring a variety of mediumsandstyles; through July 26; 834 NWBrooks St., Bend; 541-382-5884. SISTERSAREACHAMBEROF COMMERCE: Featuring fiberait by Rosalyn Kliot; 291 E. Main Ave.; 541-549-0251. SISTERSGALLERY & FRAME SHOP: Featuring quilted bowls byLeotie Richards andHawaiian quilts by Linda Butler; through July31;252 W.Hood Ave.; or 541-549-9552. SISTERSPUBLICLIBRARY:"A Natural Affinity," featuring quilts byWendyHil and Pat Peaseinthe community room; paintings in thecomputer room byDaro Phol; through July31;110 N.CedarSt.; 541-312-1070 SUNRIVERLODGE BETTY GRAY GALLERY: Featuring watercolors by Mary Marquiss, mixedmedia byKim Osgood andoil paintings by Barbara Slater; TuesdaythroughAug. 2;17600 Center Drive;541-382-9398. TOWNSHEND'SBENDTEAHOUSE: "Magick," featuring oil, spraypaints, acrylic, screenprinting and etching artwork by MeganStumpfig; through July 31; 835 NW BondSt., Bend;541312-2001 TUMALOARTCO.:"Visit the Wilderness," featuring paintings by Gil Dellinger; throughJuly28; 450 SW PowerhouseDrive,Suite 407, Bend; or 541-385-9144. VISTABONITAGLASS ARTSTUDIO AND GALLERY: Featuring glass art, photography, painting, metal sculpt ureandmore;222W.Hood St., Sisters; 541-549-4527 orwww. WERNER HOMESTUDIO 8(GALLERY: Featuring painting, sculpture and more by Jerry Wernerandother regional artists; 6566593rd St., Bend;call541815-9800for directions.
outo town The following is a list of other events "Out of Town."
COMCERTS Through July13 —OregonCountry Fair, Pig,
Submitted photos
Brad Paisley, from left, Blake Shelton and Miranda Lambert — a few of country's biggest stars — are heading to Oregon this August.
A whole lotta formation, visit www.capeblancofestivaLcom
The Bulletin
or call 541-345-9263.
• Oregon Jamboree Music Festival — Celebrating22 years in Sweet Home, the Oregon Jamboree MusicFestivalispresenting22acts on two stages. Also held Aug. 1-3, the festivallineup includes Miranda Lambert on Aug. 1, Cassadee Pope, Jake Owen and Tim McGraw on Aug. 2 egon Jamboree Music Festival in Sweet Home and Eli Young Band and Billy Currington on and the Willamette Country Music Festival Aug. 3. Three-day passes are $270 for reserved in Brownsville. Headliners among the three seating, $150 for general admission and $35 e vents include country's power couple for children. Camping passes are $120. A limBlake Shelton and Miranda Lambert — plus ited supply of single-day tickets are also availTim McGraw and Brad Paisley. able. For more information, visit www.oregon t's time to dust off your boots and wear
your Stetson hat with pride. Today's biggest country music artists are migrating to Oregon in droves this August. The inaugural Cape Blanco Country Music Festival in Sixes joins the already popular Or-
• Cape Blanco Country Music FestivalWith the growth of the Willamette Country Music Festival, the same organizers decided to create a "sister" event on the Oregon Coast,
according to the event's website. This festival — scheduled for Aug. 1-3 — is located approximately three miles from the promontory of Cape Blanco State Park in Sixes. The lineup includes Brad Paisley (Aug. I), Eric Church (Aug. 2) and Dierks Bentley (Aug. 3). Threeday passes are $120 for adults and $35 for children (ages 7-12). Parking ($30) and camping passes($125) are also required. For more in-
July 11 —Xavier Rudd,Wonder Ballroom, Portland; TF* July12 —Carolina Chocolate Drops with special guest SaHie Ford,Oregon Zoo, Portland; July15 —Michael Jackson History Show: Thriller,Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; P5* July 16 —AmosLee/Black Prairie, Britt Pavilion, Jacksonville; www. or 800-882-7488. July17 —Amos Lee,Oregon Zoo, Portland; July 17 —An Evening with Lyle Lovett and His Large Band,Britt Pavilion, Jacksonville; or 800-882-7488. July17 —The Hold Steady,Wonder Ballroom, Portland; TF* July 17-20 —Northwest String Summit:Lineup features Yonder Mountain String Band, Railroad Earth,
Greensky Bluegrass,SamBushBand,
By Jenny Wasson
Here is a brief overview of the festivals.
Veneta; orcall541-367-8800.
• Willamette Country Music Festival — This festival returns Aug. 15-17to the city of Brownsville. The lineup indudes Montgomery Gentry and Gary Allan on Aug. 15, Eric Church on Aug. 16 and Sara Evans and Blake Shelton on Aug. 17. If you haven't bought tickets for this one,
though, you might be out of luck. General admission is sold out. However, organizers suggest checking their social media sites for giveaways. For more information, visit wwwwillamette- or call 541-345-9623. — Reporter: 541-383-0350, j
The Infamous Stringdusters and The Motet; Horning's Hideout, North Plains; July 18 —The Aquabats, Wonder Ballroom, Portland; TF* July18 —Goo GooDolls/Daughtry/ Plain White T's,Cuthbert Amphitheater, Eugene; TW* July 18 —Tedeschi Trucks Band/Rich Robinson of the Black Crowes,Britt Pavilion, Jacksonville; or 800-882-7488. July 18 —Tori Amos,Oregon Zoo, Portland; SOLDOUT;www.zooconcerts.
com. July19 —Lyle Lovett & His Large Band,McMenamins Edgefield, * Troutdale; CT July 19 —Tori Amos,Britt Pavilion, Jacksonville; or 800-882-7488. July19 —Transcending Time: The Sacred Music of MIKAGURA,First Congregational Church, Portland; www. or 503-223-1321. July20 — Say Anything,Mc Menamins Crystal Ballroom, Portland; CT* July 23 —Monty Alexander,Jimmy Mak's, Portland; July 25 —The BudosBand, Wonder Ballroom, Portland; TF* July 25 —Charles Bradley & His Extraordinaires/Pickwick,Oregon Zoo, Portland; July 25-27 —Northwest World Reggae Festival,Astoria; www.nwworldreggae.
*Tickets TW:TicketsWest, www or 800-9928499 TF:Ticketfly, www.ticket or 877-435-9849 CT:CascadeTickets, www or 800514-3849
P5:Portland'5 Centers for the Arts, or 800-273-1530 com or 503-922-0551. July 26 —Chris isaak, Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; P5* July 26 —TommyEmmanuel/Antsy McClain,Britt Pavilion, Jacksonville; or 800-882-7488. July 27 —Pat Benatar & Neil Giraldo/ Rick Springfield,Oregon Zoo, Portland; SOLD OUT; July 30 —Lucinda Williams, Oregon Zoo, Portland; July 30 —Wolfmother, Roseland Theater, Portland; TW* July31 — Rod Stewart& Santana, Matthew Knight Arena, Eugene; or 800-932-3668. July 31 —Tycho, McMenamins Crystal Ballroom, Portland; CT* Aug. 1 —Josh Ritter & The Royal City Band/lake Street Dive,Oregon Zoo, Portland; Aug. 1 —Sarah Brightman, * McMenamins Edgefield, Troutdale; CT Aug. 1 —The Voice Tour,Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; P5* Aug. 1-3 —Cape Blanco Country Music Festival:Headliners include Brad Paisley, Eric Church and Dierks Bentley;
Sixes; or 541-345-9623. Aug.1-3 — Oregon Jamboree Music Festival:Headliners include Miranda Lambert, Jake Owen, Tim McGraw and Billy Currington; Sweet Home; www. or 541-367-8800. Aug. 1-3 —Pickathon: Lineup includes Nickel Creek, Blind Pilot, The War on Drugs and Jolie Holland; Pendarvis Farm, Happy Valley; www.pickathon.
com. Aug. 1-10 — Oregon Festival of American Music: This year's theme is "SON OFHOLLYWOOD: The Songbook at the Movies,1940-59"; various locations in Eugene; or 541-434-7000. Aug. 2 —Styx and Foreigner, Maryhill Winery, Goldendale, Washington; www. or 877-435-9849.
Continued next page
PAGE 24 • GO! MAGAZINE From previous page Aug. 3 —Eddie Money, Roseland Theater, Portland; TW* Aug. 3 —Gueen —It'sa Kinda Magic, Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; P5*
Aug. 4 —Echo 8 the Bunnymen, McMenamins Crystal Ballroom, Portland; CT*
Aug. 5 —Imelda May, McMenamins Crystal Ballroom, Portland; CT* Aug. 6 —Sara Bareilles, McMenamins * Edgefield, Troutdale; CT Aug. 7 —Dirty Dozen BrassBand, Alberta Rose Theatre, Portland; www. or 503-764-4131. Aug. 7 —TomPetty & The Heartbreakers,Matthew Knight Arena, Eugene; or800-932-3668. Aug.8— John Hiatt& The Combo and The Taj Mahal Trio,Oregon Zoo, Portland; Aug. 8 —MorganPage, Roseland * Theater, Portland; TW Aug. 8 —Usthe Duo,Wonder Ballroom, * Portland; TF Aug. 9 —Foster the People, McMenamins Edgefield, Troutdale; SOLD * OUT; CT Aug. 9 —Groundation, Wonder * Ballroom, Portland; TF Aug. 10 —ZZTop/Jeff Beck, Cuthbert Amphitheater, Eugene;TW* Aug. 11 —Broken Bells, Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; P5* Aug. 11 —BrunoMars, Matthew Knight Arena, Eugene; www. or 800-932-3668. Aug.11 —Grouplove/Portugal. The Man, * McMenamins Edgefield, Troutdale; CT Aug.12 —Ray LaMontagne/The Belle Brigade,McMenamins Edgefield, Troutdale; SOLDOUT;CT* Aug.12 —TomPetty 8 The Heartbreakers,Moda Center, Portland; or 877-789-7673. Aug. 13 —Counting Crows,Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; P5* Aug. 13 —HueyLewis andthe News, Oregon Zoo, Portland; www.zooconcerts.
com. Aug. 13 —TheMighty Mighty Bosstones,Wonder Ballroom, Portland; *
Aug.15-17 —WNlamette Country Music Festival:Lineup features Montgomery Gentry, Gary Allan, Eric Church, Sara Evans and BlakeShelton; Brownsville; www.willamettecountrymusicfestival. com or 541-345-9263; general admission is SOLD OUT. Aug.16 —Huey Lewis 8 the News, CuthbertAmphitheater, Eugene;TW* Aug. 16 —TromboneShorty & Orleans Avenue/Galactic,Oregon Zoo, Portland; Aug.17 —Rebelution with Iration, CuthbertAmphitheater, Eugene;TW*
out of town
Jacksonville; or 800-882-7488. Aug. 31 —Panic! at the Disco, * McMenamins Edgefield, Troutdale; CT Aug. 31 —Porter Robinson, Roseland Theater, Portland; TW* Sept. 1 —TheBeachBoys, Oregon State Fair & Exposition Center, Salem; www. or 800-833-0011. Sept. 2 —TheHeadand the Heart/San Fermin,Britt Pavilion, Jacksonville; www. or 800-882-7488. Sept. 3 —Salif Keita, Aladdin Theater, * Portland; TF Sept. 5 —RodneyCarrington, Britt Pavilion, Jacksonville; or 800-882-7488. Sept. 5-6 —The Avett Brothers, * McMenamins Edgefield, Troutdale; CT Sept. 6 —Jennifer Nettles/Brandy Clark,Britt Pavilion, Jacksonville; www. or 800-882-7488. Sept. 6 —Swans, Roseland Theater, Portland; TW* Courtesy Jay Blakesberg Sept. 7 —AnEvening with The Avett Yonder Mountain String Band, featuring Dave Johnston on banjo, Adam Brothers,Britt Pavilion, Jacksonville; Aijala on guitar and Ben Kaufman on bass, will return July17-20 to Horning's Hideout in North Plains for the13th annual Northwest String Summit. or 800-882-7488. Sept. 8 — RobZombie,Roseland Theater, Portland; TW* Aug. 19 —TtomboneShorty 8 Orleans or 877-789-7673. Sept. 9 — Passenger,McM enamins Avenue/Galactic,Britt Pavilion, Aug. 27 —Jack White, McMenamins Crystal Ballroom, Portland; CT* * Jacksonville; or Edgefield, Troutdale; CT Sept. 9 —RobZombie, Cuthbert 800-882-7488. Aug. 27 —Matisyahu/Ozomatli/Makua Amphitheater, Eugene;TW* Aug. 20 —American Idol Live!, Britt Rothman,Britt Pavilion, Jacksonville; Pavilion, Jacksonville; or 800-882-7488. LECTURES8K or 800-882-7488. Aug. 27 —THENEWSBOYS, Oregon COMEDY Aug. 21 —American Idol Live!, State Fair & Exposition Center, Theater of the Clouds, Portland; www. Salem; or July19 —Suzanne Westenhoefer, Hult or 877-789-7673. 800-833-0011. Center, Eugene; or Aug. 21 —Beck, McMenamins Aug. 28 — The Beach Boys, Britt 541-682-5000. Edgefield, Troutdale; SOLDOUT;CT* Pavilion, Jacksonville; July 21 —Doris Kearns Goodwin, * or 800-882-7488. Aug. 21 —Peter Frampton's Guitar Newmark Theatre, Portland; P5 Circus with BuddyGuy, Britt Pavilion, Aug. 28 —Charlie Daniels Band, July 31 —"Artist Talk: The Art and Jacksonville; or Oregon State Fair 8 Exposition Center, Influence of Dr. Seuss":Lecture by 800-882-7488. Salem; or Dan McConnell; World Forestry Center 800-833-0011. Aug. 22 —Buckcherry, Oregon State Discovery Museum, Portland; www. Fair 8 Exposition Center, Salem; www. Aug.28— SouthernCulture onthe or 503-228-1367. * or 800-833-0011. Skids,Aladdin Theater, Portland; TF Aug. 23 —Brian Regan, Britt Pavilion, Aug. 22 —Montgomery Gentry, Britt Aug. 29 —TheBoth, Aladdin Theater, Jacksonville; or * Pavilion, Jacksonville; Portland; TF 800-882-7488. or 800-882-7488. Aug. 29 —Chris Young, Oregon State Aug.26 — DavidSpade,Oregon State Aug. 22-23 —Pink Martini, Oregon Zoo, Fair 8 Exposition Center, Salem; www. Fair & Exposition Center, Salem; www. Portland; or 800-833-0011. or 800-833-0011. Aug.23— DavidGray,McMenamins Aug.29— The English Beat,Wo nder Aug. 29 —Bill Maher, Britt Pavilion, * * Edgefield, Troutdale; CT Ballroom, Portland; TF Jacksonville; or 800-882-7488. Aug. 23 —Peter Frampton's Guitar Aug. 30 —BrandNew, McMenamins Circus with BuddyGuy, Maryhill Crystal Ballroom, Portland; SOLDOUT; Sept. 8 —Literary Arts' 30th Birthday: Winery, Goldendale, Washington; www. CT* Featuring Elizabeth Gilbert and Calvin or 877-435-9849. Trillin; Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Aug. 30 —TheHead andThe Heart, * Portland; P5* Aug. 23 —ZiggyMarley, Oregon State McMenamins Edgefield, Troutdale; CT Fair & Exposition Center, Salem; www. Aladdin Theater, Aug. 30 —Joan Jett 8 the Blackhearts, Sept. 10 —Wits, * or 800-833-0011. Portland; TF Oregon State Fair & Exposition Center, Aug. 24 —Emblemg, Oregon State Salem; or Sept. 16-17 —Neil deGrasse Tyson, Fair & Exposition Center, Salem; www. 800-833-0011. Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; or 800-833-0011. P5* Aug. 30 —Reverend Horton Aug. 25 —TheFahFour, Oregon State Heat,Star Theater, Portland; Fair & Exposition Center, Salem; www. or SYMPHONY 8K or 800-833-0011. 503-345-7892. OPERA Aug. 27 —History of the Eagles, Moda Aug. 31 —JoanJett & the Blackhearts/ Center, Portland; The We SharedMilk, Britt Pavilion, Through July13 —Oregon Bach
Festival,Various locations in Eugene, Corvallis, Florence, Newport and Portland; or 800-457-1486. Through July 27 —SummerFestival: Presented by Chamber Music Northwest; Portland; or 503-294-6400. Aug. 1 —Britt Orchestra/ Opening Night 2014,Britt Pavilion, Jacksonville; or 800-882-7488. Aug. 2 —Britt Orchestra/Andrew von Oeyen,Britt Pavilion, Jacksonville; or 800-882-7488. Aug. 8 —Britt Orchestra/Bela Fleck, Britt Pavilion, Jacksonville; www. or 800-882-7488. Aug. 9 —Britt Orchestra/Augustin Hadelich,Britt Pavilion, Jacksonville; or 800-882-7488. Aug. 15 —Britt Orchestra/Storm Large/Julio Elizalde,Britt Pavilion, Jacksonville; or 800-882-7488. Aug. 16 —Britt Orchestra/Symphony Pops with Time for Three,Britt Pavilion, Jacksonville; or 800-882-7488. Aug.19 —Britt Orchestra/Closing Night,Britt Pavilion, Jacksonville; www. or 800-882-7488.
THEATER 5 DANCE Through July 20 —"The Bookof Mormon":Nine-time Tony Awardwinning Best Musical from the creators of "South Park"; Keller Auditorium, * Portland; P5 Through Aug. 3 —"The Tempest": Portland Shakespeare Project; Alder Stage, Artists Repertory Theatre, Portland; or 503-241-1278. Through Oct. 10 —Oregon Shakespeare Festival:The following plays are currently in production: "A Wrinkle in Time" (through Nov.1), "The Cocoanuts" (through Nov. 2) and "The Tempest" (through Nov. 2) in the Angus Bowmer Theatre; "Family Album" (through Aug. 31), "The Comedy of Errors" (through Nov. 2) and "Water by the Spoonful" (through Nov. 2) in the Thomas Theatre; "Richard III" (through Oct. 10), "Into the Woods" (through Oct. 11) and "The TwoGentlemen of Verona" (through Oct. 12) in the Allen Elizabethan Theatre; Ashland; or 800-219-8161. July13 —"Jesus Christ Superstar Arena Spectacular":Featuring BrandonBoyd,JC Chasez,M ichelle Williams, John Rotten Lydon and Ben Forster; Moda Center, Portland; www. or 877-789-7673. July 22, 29 and Aug. 3 —"The Admirable Crichton":Staged reading of play by J.M. Barrie; Portland Shakespeare Project; Alder Stage, Artists Repertory Theatre, Portland; or 503-241-1278.
out of town
July 23-Nov. 1 —"The Great Society": This American Revolutions-developed world premiere focuses on Lyndon B. Johnson's presidency during the years1965 to1968; commissioned and co-produced with the Seattle Repertory Theatre; preview performancesJuly23,25-26;opensJuly 27; OregonShakespeareFestival;AngusBowmer Theatre, Ashland; or 800-219-8161.
garden; includes works by Pissarro, Manet and Cartier-Bresson; Portland Art Museum, Portland; or 503-226-2811. OpenedMay 30— "ExploreOregon":A new 2,755-square-foot space devoted to the state's natural history and geology; Museum of Natural and Cultural History, Eugene; or 541-346-3024. July18-20 —Salem Art Fair G Festival, July 24-26 —2014 JAW:APlaywrights Bush's Pasture Park, Salem; Festival:Free public readings; Portland Center or 503-581-2228. Stage; Gerding Theater at the Armory, Portland; July19 —Zoolala: Benefit for the Oregon Zoo or 503-445-3700. Foundation; featuring live music and small plates; Oregon Zoo, Portland; www.oregonzoo. EXHIBITS org/zoolala or 503-220-5738. July23,Aug.6 and 20— Sunsetatthe Zoo: Through July 26 —"SUPERFICIAL,"Eutectic Features live entertainment, pettable animals, Gallery, Portland; activities and talks; Oregon Zoo, Portland; ThroughJuly27 — Jordan SchnitzerM useum or 503-226-1561. of Art:The following exhibits are currently on display: "WPA Impressions: The Reality MISCELLAMY of the American Dream" (through July 27), "Contemporary Oregon Visions: Jo Hamilton Through Aug. 28 —Movies in the Garden: and Irene Hardwicke Olivieri" (through Aug. Screening of a cult classic every Thursday; The 3) and "Ave Maria: Marian Devotional Works Oregon Garden, Silverton; www.oregongarden. from Eastern and Western Christendom" com or 800-966-6490. (through Aug.10); Eugene; or 541-346-3027. Through Oct. 31 —Histories 8 Mysteries Challenge:Learn about the geologic and Through July 27 —MaryhiH Museumof Art: The following exhibits are currently on display: historic features hidden in the Columbia Gorge landscapes; find 20 items listed on the "James Lee Hansen: Sculpture" (through July Histories 8 Mysteries Challenge Log; Columbia 27), "Cardboard, Clay 8 Crayons: Chess Sets by Young Northwest Artists" (through July 31), Gorge; "Angela Swedberg: Historicity" (through Nov. July12 —Oregon DistiDers Festival, * 15), "The Flip Side: Comic Art by NewYorker McMenamins Edgefield, Troutdale; CT Cartoonists" (through Nov.15) and "Maryhill July19 —RoadhouseBrewfest, Cornelius Favorites: The FemaleForm" (through Nov. Pass Roadhouse, Hillsboro; www. 15); Maryhill Museum of Art, Goldendale, mcmenamins.comor503-640-6174. Washington; or July19-20 —Lavender Daze Festival, 509-773-3733. Hood River Lavender Farms, Odell; www. Through July 27 —Portland Art Museum: or 888-528-3276. The following exhibits are currently on July 23-27 —OregonBrewers Festival, display: "Cobalt Blues" (through July 27), Tom McCall Waterfront Park, Portland; www. "Halcyon Days: TheCamera in the Garden" (through Aug.10), "Two-Way Street: The Photographs of Garry Winogrand and Jonathan July 24 —"Notorious": Part of the "Top Brand" (through Aug. 24) and "APEX:Kate Down: Rooftop Cinema" series; Hotel deLuxe, Hunt" (through Aug. 31); Portland; www. Portland; or 503-221-1156. or 503-226-2811. July 31 —"Bottle Rocket": Part of the "Top Through Aug.17 —"The Art of Dr. Seuss": Down: Rooftop Cinema" series; Hotel deLuxe, This exhibit chronicles the life and career Portland; or 503-221-1156. of Theodor Seuss Geisel with a focus on Aug. 7 —"The 5,000 Fingers of Dr.T.": Part the common artistic links throughout his of the "Top Down: Rooftop Cinema" series; nearly 70 years of creativity; World Forestry Hotel deLuxe, Portland; or Center Discovery Museum, Portland; www. 503-221-1156. or 503-228-1367. Aug. 14 —"Vanishing Point": Part of the "Top ThroughAug.23— Mu seum ofContemporary Down: Rooftop Cinema" series; Hotel deLuxe, Craft:The following exhibits are currently on Portland; or 503-221-1156. display: "Portland Collects: British Ceramics" Aug. 21 —"Edward Scissorhands": Part (through Aug. 23) and"Fashioning Cascadia: The of the "Top Down: Rooftop Cinema" series; Social Life of the Garment" (through Oct.11); Hotel deLuxe, Portland; or Portland; www.museumofcontemporarycraft. 503-221-1156. org or 503-223-2654. Aug. 22-Sept. 1 —OregonState Fair, Oregon ThroughSept.2— Oregon M useum State Fair 8 Exposition Center, Salem; www. of Science and Industry:The following or 800-833-0011. exhibits are currently on display: "Dinosaurs Unearthed" (through Sept. 2), "Mind to Hand: Aug. 28 —"The King ofComedy": Part of the"Top Down: Rooftop Cinema" series; Art, Science, and Creative Collision" (through Sept. 28) and "Roots of Wisdom: Native Hotel deLuxe, Portland; or Knowledge. Shared Science." (through Dec. 8); 503-221-1156. Portland; or800-955-6674. Sept. 18-21 —Feast Portland: Featuring Through Sept. 21 —"The Art of the Louvre's intimate dinners, large-scale tastings, handsTuileries Garden":Exhibit explores the art, on classes and celebrity chefs; Portland; www. design and evolution of Paris' most famous
6th Annual
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Entry Fee PER CA R
$25 unlll
' Saturday, July19, 2014 9am-3pm Along Main Avd;
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The Bulletin ~
C om p l e m e n t s H o m e I n t er i o r s
Designing the ~ ~
a ro u n d y o u . C omp l e m e n t s H o m e I n t e r i o r s 70 SW Centufy Df. Suite 145 Bend, OR 97702 541.322.7337
Courtesy Twentieth Century Fox
Caesar, performed byAndy Serkis in a motion-capture suit, is a father and leader among apes in "Dawn of the Planet of the Apes."
• 'Dawnof the Planet of the Apes' daresto take itself seriously,andthe result is truly compelling
hat an achievement it is when a movie is about apes that can talk and
It dares to askus to take this ma-
terial seriously — and then gives us ample reason to do just that. ride horses and read and fire guns, The 2011 reboot of the "Apes" and yet many of its most amazing franchise was a solid piece of ensequences are the quieter moments tertainment with its share of stunwhen the apes are experiencing ningly fresh special effects, but family triumphs and tragedies, or the sequel (set some 10 years after warily interacting with humans. the events of "Rise") is a marked Of all the motion picture vari- improvement at every turn. We
majority of the human population has been wiped out by the ALZ113 virus (aka simian flu), while the apes have progressed to the point where they can communicate with one another via sign
"Dawn ef the Planet ef theApes" 130 minutes PG-13, for intense sequences of sci-fi violence andaction, and brief strong language
language or in English. Whether we're looking at expansive set designs or CGI or a combination thereof — and who cares as long as it plunges us into
In an extended opening sequence, we'rereacquainted with
Caesar and introduced to a number of other apes, including Toby Kebbell as Koba, a bloodthirsty
ape with a seething hatred of humans; Nick Thurston as Caesar's son "Blue Eyes," still on the fence about humans, and Karin Kon-
oval's Maurice, a wise teacher spreading Caesar's gospel: "Apes a new world — there's scarcely a don't kill apes." frame in "Dawn" that doesn't pop Jason Clarke is the human Malvisually. The entire film is set in colm, a kindred spirit who continWith M att R eeves ("Clover- post-apocalyptic San Francisco, ually reaches out to Caesar in an ations on the "Planet of the Apes" so believe these apes can do what field," "Let Me In") at the helm where a community of human effort to keep the peace. Keri Rustheme we've seen in the last 40- they're doing — and the humans and an almost entirely new cast survivors is scraping out a Third sell is his girlfriend, Ellie; Kodi plus years, "Dawn of the Planet of are sharing the screen with these (save for Andy Serkis' brilliant World (or should I say, Fourth Smit-McPhee is Malcolm's son, the Apes" just might be the most apes as naturally as they would motion-capture performance as World) existence, and in the near- Alexander, and Kirk Acevedo is engrossing, the smartest and the with other humans — that we al- the ruling ape Caesar), "Dawn" by forest, where the apes keep to Carver, who hates apes as much most daring edition ever put on most forget, hey, those are apes gives us the obligatory opening themselves, not certain there are as Koba despises humans. film. riding those horses! sequence where we learn the vast even anyhumans left inthe world. Continued next page
' e n ain' misses a ew ooman noes egin Again" stars Mark Ruffalo and Keira Knight-
ley in a can't-miss setup
to make a romance-starved mov-
iegoer salivate. Which makes it all the more painful when it does miss. Written and directed by
Irish filmmaker John Carney, who charmed the knickersoff audiences with the winsome 2007
musical "Once," this follow-up feels almost like a sequel, except with a bigger budget, better clothes and — here's the bad news — worse music. Ruffalo plays Dan, a record label executive who hasn't broken an act in seven years, has pawned his Grammy Awards and split from his wife and teenage daughter (Catherine Keener and Hailee Steinfeld). He's in the final throes of a potentially suicidal alcoholic bender when he hears the dulcet
tones of Gretta (Knightley), a doeeyed Brit strumming her guitar in a downtown New York dive.
Gretta is unsteady and a shy, halting performer, but Dan immediately hears a possible hit in her folky tune. He begins to visualize a musical arrangement, which Carney stages with a magical flourish as invisible players begin to play instruments onstage. It's an endearing scene, and as Dan and Gretta strike up a business relationship and then a friendship, it turns out to anticipate a
"Begin Again" 104 minutes R, for obscenity story that is equally suffused with warmth and heart. When Dan
can't persuade his former partner (played with silky authority by Yasiin Bey, aka Mos Def) to sign Gretta, they go the DIY route, calling in favors from an assortment of session cats and music students, pulling a pair of pantyhose over a microphone, hitting
Submitted photo
Keira Knightley stars as a singer-songwriter and Mark Ruffalo as a down-and-out record label executive in
"Begin Again."
setting, "Begin Again" feels more pivotal moment in his character's contrivedand highly processed, career. (In addition to Keener and its songs — most written by Gregg Bey, "Begin Again" is graced with Alexander with a series of col- a number of spot-on supporting the streets of New York and mak- laborators — coming off as twee, performances,including James ing their own recording with a wispy and instantly forgettable. Corden as Gretta's affable British A film about the transcendent mate and a cameo from Cee Lo laptop and a dream. "Once" fans will recognize the powers of music should at least Green.) Those are the times that "Beloose, improvisatory ethos of "Be- have good music, but even the catgin Again" and even part of the alogue choices in "Begin Again" gin Again" comes to palpable life story line: Gretta's relationship are weirdly lifeless, including the and that make it pleasant and rewith her American boyfriend, cuts that Dan plays for Gretta freshinglyopen-hearted,even as David (portrayed with spot-on during a painfully forced inter- it heads toward a predictable, ontone and soaring singing chops by lude while they traipse through ly-in-the-movies climax. Ruffalo Adam Levine), bears more than Times Square listening to "Luck and Knightley may not generate a passing resemblance to that of Be a Lady." None of it rings true. white-hot chemistry, but they look "Once" stars Glen Hansard and But there are moments that do, terrific and don't try to oversell Marketa Irglova. But unlike Car- such as a split-second glance their native charms. Knightley ney's previous film, which was Keener gives Ruffalo during a exudes an Audrey Hepburn-like filled with bravura moments and brief encounter in her upstairs appeal in a vintage-inspired linen music that meshed seamlessly bathroom and the looks Knight- wardrobe that looks as if it was with the story's busker-in-Dublin ley and Levine exchange during a acquired on an all-expense buy-
From previous page If you think there are some
not lecture us about man's disre- distinctive personalities and fagard for the balance of nature or cial traits, when they're swinging parallels between the two core his thirst for war. It does, however, about and firing guns and fightgroups, ding-ding-ding-ding! make the case that no matter the ing with humans or one another, When the apes and humans species, the more sophisticated it it's not so easy to distinguish one first interact, there's mistrust and
becomes, the more paths it finds
lation: I'll take it all in size 10,
thanks!) The best part of "Begin Again" is Dan and Gretta's relationship, which is animated by a palpable, unspoken attraction. Still, viewers are kept unsure as to how or
where it will be resolved. Carney handles the ambiguous dynamic with care and creativity, avoiding "A Star Is Born" cliches while
indulging in all the pleasures the familiar plot has to offer. "Begin Again" may not always swing, but it makes up for that in sincerity and a welcome willingness to ambush expectations. — Ann Hornaday is a film critic for The Washington Post
ers are selfish or stupid or nursing world for humans and this new, grudges from previous battles. The shockingly advanced form of ape. fight sequences are terrific, but we Clarke is an actor of substance, also get some genuinely moving and his performance indicates a quieter moments, as when power
isrestored and a classic '60s song violence, and all-out war seems to self-destruction. in such situations, we can identi- begins to play, and both human inevitable. Thanks to Caesar and As dazzling as the visuals are fy them by a trademark outfit or a and ape pause in wonder. Malcolm, hope for a truce re- throughout this film, the 3-D is a hat or skin color or gender. These The r elationship b etween mains, at least for a while — but non-factor, and with so much ac- apes ain't wearing pants or skirts.) Clarke's Malcolm and Serkis' "Dawn of the Planet of the Apes" Caesar is the centerpiece of the to the credit of the screenplay, tion taking place at night and in once things unravel, the blame dark caverns and passageways, has elements familiar from many story, with these two strong pafor the chaos and the killing falls there are times when it's a bit dif- a war film or a Western. So much triarchs equally concerned with equally on ape and man. "Dawn ficult to soak up the action. (While bloodshed occurs not because the protecting their nuclear families of the Planet of the Apes" does the main ape charactershave leaders want it, but because oth- — and proving there's room in the from another. When humans are
ing binge starting at Madewell and ending in Manhattan's hippest consignment shops. (Trans-
respect for the material. He's tak-
ing this seriously, which goes a longway toward the audience doing the same. With body language, quick bursts of roaring English and his expressive eyes, Serkis is nothing short of remarkable. This is an "Apes" for the ages. — Richard Roeper is a film critic for The Chicago Sun-Times.
O N LO C A L S CREEN S Here's what's showing onCentral Oregon movie screens. Forshowtimes, see listings on Page31.
Reviews byRichard Roeper or Roger Moore, unless otherwise noted.
Submitted photo
Macon Blair stars as Dwight, a homeless man bent on revenge, in "Bule Ruin."
' ue uin'is avioent s iceo ou t ern o t i c very homeless man has a story. And in the case of
Dwight Evans, the "Duck Dynasty"-bearded hermit of the minimalist thriller "Blue Ruin," it's
a minor epic. Writer-director Jeremy Saul-
nier's film is about a blood feud, the crippling impact of long-ago murders on a drifter who is only
spurred to action when he learns that a killer who destroyed his family is getting out of prison. Dwight, played by Macon Blair in an utterly unaffected perform ance,has mastered laying low in the little Delaware town where
he lives. He sneaks baths in the odd vacantbeach cottage, dump-
ster dives for food and amusement park tickets and lives in his rusted, bullet-hole riddle car far off the
beaten path. But as sneaky as he is, the cops know him. And when they warn
"Blue Ruin" 90 minutes R, for strong bloody violence and language
excellent) because he remembers the guy's into guns, as indeed a lot of the people in Dwight's corner of Virginia are. "No speeches," Ben (Ratray) warns about revenge killing. "No talkin'. You point the gun, you shoot the gun." "Blue Ruin" stumbles only when
it violates Ben's rules in the third act. Repeatedly. The fact that one of
the people Dwight is feuding with revenge comes with a knife and a is anunrecognizableEve Plumb brutal encounter inthe men's room — Jan from "The Brady Bunch"of the bar the ex-con visits the min- makes up for some of that. It's a patient film, taking the time ute he's out of prison. We pick up Dwight's story in to set up Dwight's manner of livbits and pieces, his obsession with ing, thehows andhow-tos ofhomeold photo albums and high school lessness. Saulnier tracks Dwight yearbooks, some of it from a chat from the dumpy beach town onto the Blue Ridge Parkway, from the with his sister. The violence is i mmediate, seedy bars to the remote homebloody and personal. Blair and steads where violent people can his writer-director limit Dwight's target practice with no neighbor to cunning to things he picked up fuss at them for the racket. being homeless. He sets a simple Saulnier wastes barely a motrap here, clumsily fails to cover ment of screen time in this grim his tracks there. This is just how and gripping slice of Southern somebody living off the grid might Gothic. "Blue Ruin" joins "Shotgun get away with a revenge killing. Stories" and "Joe" as vivid remindUntil the other family comes ers that however homogenized hunting (shotguns, crossbows) for American culture seems, there are still pockets that are distinct, with payback. The dialogue is hard-boiled people who live by their own rules in the extreme, never more than and their own bloody code.
him a murderer is about to get out of jail, Dwight sells recyclables for gas money, pulls the car battery out of mothballs and sends his sister a postcard of warning. He doesn't have enough for a gun, so he rummages through pickups in the parking lot of a local honky tonk. "Blue Ruin" is a ringing endorsement for the virtues of keeping a trigger lock on your when Dwight tracks down an old pistol. Because without a firearm, high school buddy (Devin Ratray,
— Roger Moore is a filmcritic for McClatchy-Tribune News Service
"The Adventures of Tintin" — From Academy Award-winning filmmakers Steven Spielberg andPeter Jackson comes the epicadventures of Tintin. Racing to uncover the secrets of a sunken ship that mayhold avastfortune — but also anancient curse — Tintin andhi s loyaldogSnowy embarkonan action-packed journey around theworld. Part of the SummerMovie Express, the film screens at10 a.m.Tuesdayand Wednesday at RegalOldMill Stadium 16& IMAXinBend.Costis$1.107 minutes. (PG) — Synopsis from ParamountPictures "Grateful DeadMeet-Up at the Movies: BeatClub4/21/72"— The event will feature a complete rare live studio performance of theGrateful Dead captured during their legendary European tour in1972 with audio remastered from the original analog tapes. Never officially releasedand never before seen in its entirety, the Bremen, WestGermany's BeatClubTV program studio performancefeatures the classic1972 lineup, andcaptures the Dead in their prime, playing at the height of their powers andtearing through a condensedversion of a typical Europe '72 concert. Theevent offers a unique view of the band,allowing fans in cinemas to hear fly-on-the-wall chatter and get up-close andpersonal with band members in one of their most intimate studio performances. Theevent screens at 7:30 p.m. Thursday at theRegal Old Mill Stadium16 & IMAX inBend. Cost is $12.50. 100 minutes. (no MPAA rating) — Synopsis from Fathom Events "The MetropolitanOpera: The EnchantedIsland" —A contemporary take on the18th-century genre of the pastiche, this delightful Baroque fantasy brings together some of the greatest ariasand ensembles byHandel, Vivaldi, Rameau, Purcell, and other composers, with a newEnglish libretto by Jeremy Sams, inspired by Shakespeare's "The Tempest" and "AMidsummer Night's Dream." Theall-star cast is headed by David Daniels asProspero, Joyce DiDonato asSycorax, Danielle deNiese as Ariel, Luca Pisaroni asCaliban, and the legendary Placido Domingo as Neptune. William Christie conducts this dazzling world-premiere production. Originally transmitted on Jan.12, 2012, the operawill rescreen at 7p.m. Wednesday at RegalOldMill Stadium 16& IMAXinBend.Costis$12.50. (no MPAA rating) — Synopsis from The Metropolitan Opera "Planes: Fire 8 Rescue" —"Planes: Fire & Rescue" is anewcomedyadventure about second chances, featuring a dynamic crew of elite firefighting aircraft devoted to protecting historic Piston PeakNational Parkfrom raging wildfire. Whenworld famous
air racer Dusty (voiced byDaneCook) learns that his engine is damagedand he may never raceagain, hemust shift gears and is launched into the world of aerial firefighting. The film opensJuly 18 with afew early screenings Thursday and is available locally in 3-D. (PG) — Synopsis from Disney "The Purge:Anarchy" —"The Purge: Anarchy," the sequel to summer2013's sleeper hit, sees the return of writer/ director JamesDeMonaco to craft the next terrifying chapter of dutiful citizens preparing for their country's yearly12 hours of anarchy. The film opens July18 with a few early screenings Thursday.
(R) — Synopsis from film's website "RiffTrex Live:Sharknado" —Michael J. Nelson, Kevin Murphyand Bill Corbett (stars of Mystery ScienceTheater 3000) return to the big screen for a hilarious never-before-seen take onthe viral B-movie sensation "Sharknado." From the moment it debuted, Sharknadohas been one of themost requested titles in RiffTrax history. The film screensat 7:30 p.m. Tuesday atthe Regal OldMill Stadium16 & IMAX inBend. Cost is $12.50. 120 minutes. (no MPAArating) — Synopsis from Fathom Events "Rise of theGuardians" — "Rise of the Guardians" is anepic adventure that tells the story of a group of heroes —each with extraordinary abilities. Whenan evil spirit known asPitch lays down the gauntlet to take over theworld, the immortal Guardians must join forces for the first time to protect the hopes, beliefs and imagination of children all over the world. Part of the Summer Movie Express, the film screens at10 a.m.TuesdayandW ednesdayatRegal Old Mill Stadium16 & IMAX inBend. Cost is $1. 97 minutes. (PG) — Synopsis from DreamWorks Animation "Sex Tape" — When Jay (Jason Segel) and Annie (CameronDiaz) first got together, their romantic connection was intense — andthough they're still very much in love, tenyears andtwo kids have cooled the passion. To kickthings up a notch,they decide— why not?to make avideo of themselves trying out every position in "TheJoy of Sex" in one marathon three-hour session. It seems like a great idea —until they discover that their most private video is no longer private. With their reputations on the line, they know they're just one click away from being laid bare to theworld ... but in their race to reclaim their video, they'll find that it will expose evenmore than they bargained for. Thefilm opens July18 with a fewearly screenings Thursday.(R) — Synopsis from Sony Pictures
WHAT'S NEW "Begin Again" —'BeginAgain" stars Mark Ruffalo andKeira Knightley in a can't-miss setup to make a romancestarved moviegoer salivate. Which makes it all the morepainful when it does miss. Written and directed by Irish filmmaker JohnCarney,who charmed the knickers off audiences with the winsome 2007 musical "Once," this follow-up feels almost like asequel, except with a bigger budget, better clothes and —here's the badnewsworse music.
Continued next page
counter-history, opening with George good, quick-footed andfoul-mouthed u fun. It goes onwaytoo long, peaks too Washington not surviving the1777 Ruffalo plays Dan, arecord label early and sputters before rallying with defeat at theBattle of Brandywine, executive who hasn't broken anact in afrothyfinale and a closing credits which causes MountRushmoreand sevenyears,haspawned hisGrammy gag that kills, butalso goes ontoo the Statue of Libertyto dissolve. Awards andsplitfrom his wife and long. Thatdoesn't muchmatter. Hill Where would theworld be if America teenage daughter (Catherine Keener and Tatumarethe unlikeliest of bigwasn't here? But director Dinesh and HaileeSteinfeld). He's in the screen odd couples, ahappy-goofy D'Souza ("2016: Obama'sAmerica") final throes of apotentially suicidal one that seemsheadedfor a longand abandons that as heposits his alcoholic bender when hehears the fruitful relationship. Rating: Three main thesis — that aconspiracy by dulcet tones of Gretta (Knightley), a stars. 112 minutes.(R) — Moore academics andactivists has created doe-eyed Brit strumming herguitar "TheAmazingSpider-Man 2"a culture of "shame"aboutAmerican in a downtown New York dive. Unlike Carney's previous film, which wasfilled Gorgeous special effects highlight this history. He lists five "indictments" with bravura momentsand music that energetic, sometimes thrilling sequel, — that we stole Indian land, Mexican meshed seamlessly with the story's and AndrewGarfield andEmmaStone land, African slaves, global colonies busker-in-Dublin setting, "Begin have terrific chemistry, but the plot (and oil) and that capitalists are Again" feels morecontrived and highly of this superhero movie is abit of an stealing from eachand every oneof processed, its songs —most written overstuffed mess, with at least one us,eventoday.Thenhesetsoutto by Gregg Alexanderwith a series of villain too many.Rating: Threestars. dismiss each of those indictments. collaborators — coming off as twee, 140 minutes.(PG-13) — Roeper Rating: Oneanda half stars. 100 wispy and instantly forgettable. Rating: "America" — "America" sets minutes.(PG-13) —Moore Courtesy Columbia Pictures Two and ahalf stars. 104 minutes. (R) itself up as apiece of documentary Continued next page Jonah Hill, left, and Channing Tatum star in "22 Jump Street." — Ann Homaday, The Washington Post "Blue Ruin" — Every homelessman has a story. And in thecaseof Dwight Evans,the "Duck Dynasty"-bearded hermit of the minimalist thriller "Blue Ruin," it's a minor epic. Writer-director Jeremy Saulnier's film is about ablood feud, the crippling impact of longago murders on adrifter who is only spurred to action when helearns that a killer who destroyed his family is getting out of prison. Saulnier wastes barely a moment of screentime in this grim and gripping slice of Southern Gothic. "Blue Ruin" joins"Shotgun Stories" and "Joe" asvivid reminders that however homogenizedAmerican culture seems, thereare still pockets that are distinct, with people who live bytheir own rules andtheir own bloody code. Rating: Threestars. 90 minutes. (R) — Roeper e "Dawn ef the Planet of the Apes"Perhaps the mostengrossing edition yet in 40-plus years of "Apes" films dares to ask us totake this material seriously — andthen gives usample reason to do just that. Thebattles between theapeswhodominate the Earth and thehumansurvivors are terrific, but we alsoget somegenuinely moving quieter moments. Thefilm is available locally in 3-D. Rating: Three and a half stars. 130 minutes. (PG-13) — Roeper
From previous page
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"22 Jump Street" — You're pretty muchgoingto haveto see"22Jump Street" twice — just to catch all the jokes the roars of laughter makeyou miss. No kidding, whenthis buddy cop parody hits its sweet spotsbromance gagscarried to hilarious extremes byJonah Hill andChanning Tatum, too-dumb-to-be-a-cop riffs by Tatum and acouple of vintage, sneering rants by IceCube— "22," the sequel to "21," only "exactly the same" as the first film (a running gag), becomes a"see itagain onNetflix when I canhear it all" experience. This comedy producesthe biggest, loudest laughs of anymovie this summer. Undercover copsJenko (Tatum) and Schmidt (Hill) are sent off to M.C. State University to track down anew designer drug that college kids are using to help themfocus. A pack of credited writers, and theco-directors of the firstfilm, those "CloudyWith a Chance of Meatballs" guys Phil Lord and Christopher Miller, conjure up
! ' i!ft4!a'It
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Emily Blunt stars in "Edge of Tomorrow." 30sand "settledown"by40.Butmaybe that's changing, evolving right before our "Belle" —Fansof romantic period drama eyes. That's the larger subtext of "Chinese have something to tide them over until Puzzle," the newFrenchfilm, third in a the next JaneAusten adaptation. Set in series (we can't really call it a "trilogy") 1769, "Belle" announces its intentions featuring those randy, open-minded straightaway with a heartfelt reunion Europeans of "L'aubergeEspagnole" between amanand his illegitimate ("The Spanish Inn"). Back in 2002, Xavier daughter, followed by anexceedingly (Romain Duris) had his eyesopened tearful separation. But eventhe by the diverse peerswhose lives he got melodrama can't put a damper onthe mixed up in while studying in Barcelona. remarkable history behind thistrue story. By the time "Russian Doll" (2005) rolled Dido Elizabeth Belle wasthe daughter around, Xavier hadbecome awriter, just of British admiral Sir John Lindsay and not the one hewanted to be, and catching an African slave, Maria Belle. After her up with his friends (AudreyTautou, Cecile mother died, and before her father was De Franceand Kelly Reilly amongthem) dispatched to who-knows-where, Dido reminded him of howunsettled life still was placed in the care of her father's was. "ChinesePuzzle" captures this coterie uncle, William Murray. GuguMbatha-Raw as they hit 40. There's nothing new in "Puzzle," no newsituations and onlyafew gives a superb performance asDido, a veryconfused young woman who exists truly novel observations about NewYork, in a state of limbo: She is too high-born America, sperm donorship or turning 40. to mingle with commoners andtoo That makes themovie abit of a drag at dark-skinned to eat dinner with her own close to two hours. Somesituations feel family. The movie packs alot in, and the forced and arbitrary. And theending has a quick pace of early scenescanfeel like whiff of "How I MetYour Mother" cheating running on a treadmill, but"Belle" settles about it. Rating: Twoand a half stars.117 minutes.(R) — Moore into a nice rhythm. It ends uphaving all the requisites of a period drama —plus a "Deliver Us from Evil" — Thefilm good dealmore. Rating: Three stars.104 takes a very long time to deliver us from minutes. (PG) dullness. This demonic possession — Stephanie Merry, police procedural only gets good and wound up for its third-act exorcism. The The IVashington Post foreshadowing is obvious in this "inspired "Chef" —Jon Favreau wrote "Chef," by police officer Ralph Sarchie" account directed it and stars as agifted L.A. chef (a real NewYorkcop who's seen "The who gets fired and reinvents himself, Exorcist" afewtoo manytimes, judging traveling the country with his kid in afood from this). Rating: Oneand ahalf stars. 118 truck. This is a return to theFavreauof minutes.(R) — Moore "Swingers" and "Made" — funny, quirky "Earth toEcho" —Any movie about and insightful, with a bounty of interesting kids and aliens inevitably will draw supporting characters. Rating: Threestars. comparisons to "E.T.," but "Earth to Echo" 115 minutes.(R) — Roeper also includes the friendship adventure "Chinese Puzzle" —There was atime of"TheGoonies"and"Stand By Me" when we felt safe assuming the course of combined with the sci-fi thrill of "Super 8" our lives would bepredictable — courtship and "Chronicle." Yes, it's plainly derivative, in our teens and20s,we'd align ourselves but DaveGreen's debut feature is heartfelt with a career, marriage andkids by our and fun, particularly for children craving
From previous page
of some 3-D fare. But in "How toTrain (Jon Hamm)than the amazing adventure Your Dragon 2," that moment is really just of two Indian cricket players hebrings to an auspicious beginning for a riveting, Americato pitch baseball. Rating: Two moving and beautifully animated film. stars. 124 minutes.(PG) —Roeper The movie begins five years after the last "Neighbors" —Newparents (Seth one ended. TheCeltic island of Berk has Rogen andRoseByrne) go to war against become asafe haven and breeding ground the party-all-night fraternity next door. for dragons; there's even abasketball-like About 40 percent of "Neighbors" falls flat. sport involving dragon riders using sheep About 60 percent made melaugh hard, to score points. (PETA may not entirely even when I knew should I haveknown approve of this particular scene,animated better. Rating: Threestars. 97 minutes. or not.) But while the whole island watches (R) — Roeper the tourney, self-appointed cartographer "Snowpiercer" —Easyto watch and easy Hiccup (voiced byJay Baruchel) and to enjoy, "Snowpiercer" is challenging to his pet night fury, Toothless — batlike think about, a seemingly straightforward with Zooey Deschanel-size eyes —are action movie that isn't simple at all. Under exploring far-flung destinations. "How the surface of anostensibly clear-cut moral to Train Your Dragon 2" is brimming universe, there is nogood or bad here, with action while remaining mercifully just stupid or less stupid. "Snowpiercer" straightforward. The undoing of manya sequel lies in its insistence on introducing is a rumination on what goesinto creating a society, and what must besacrificed multiple enemies to upthe ante. There's to stave off chaos. "Snowpiercer" takes none of that here. Meanwhile, the movie place on ahighspeedtrain, some time manages to tackle themes of growing in a very badnear future. The action of up and finding independence;coming to "Snowpiercer" revolves around arebellion terms with one's heritage; forgiveness; and how to properly care for a pet. Rating: of the lower classesandtheir attempt to seize control of train. Chris Evans is the Three and ahalf stars. (PG) leader, aidedbyanoldeconomy-class — Stephanie Men)i sage (John Hurt), and thebattle is waged The Washington Post from car to car. It'safilmthat, inits own "Jersey Boys" — At times this adaptation peculiar way, forces viewers to question their values andaskthemselves how captures the electric excitement of the much they're willing to sacrifice for a hugely entertaining Broadway musical, functioning society, and howmuch istoo but for every soaring moment, there are much. Rating: Threeand ahalf stars. 126 10 minutes of bickering or brooding. minutes. (R) Thoughheseems indecisiveaboutthe Courtesy Warner Bros. Pictures right way to tell the story of Frankie Valli — Mick LaSalle, SanPancisco Chronicle and the Four Seasons, director Clint "Tammy" —Dir ected by herhusband, Eastwood gives us anice feel for their Ben Falcone, co-writer and star Melissa era. Rating: Two stars.134 minutes. (R) McCarthy plays asimpleton on the road live-action films beyond big-budget — Roeper with her alcoholic grandmother (Susan superhero reboots andanimated sequels. "Maleficent" —"Maleficent" is an Sarandon). Themovie attempts to balance Despite its flaws and recycled parts, "Earth admittedly great-looking, sometimes cartoonlike slapstick with well-written, to Echo" is engaging enough to impress well-acted scenesthatfeel completely creepy, often plodding andutterly pre-teen audiencesandnostalgic enough of this world, a tough balancing act that unconvincing re-imagining of "Sleeping to please their parents. Rating: Twoanda "Tammy" doesn't consistently accomplish. Beauty" as afemale empowerment half stars. 89 minutes. (PG) metaphor. Angelina Jolie looks great, but Rating: Twoand ahalf stars. 96 minutes. (R) —Roeper — Sandie Angulo Chen, she delivers a one-note performanceas the villain from the 1959Disneyclassic. "Transformers: Ageof Extinction" — This The Washington Post Sometimes it's best to let Sleeping Beauty film will wear you down. Like the previous "Edge ofTomorrow" —"Groundhog lie. Rating: Oneand ahalf stars. 97 two sequels in this franchise, the fourth Day" is the most obvious influence asTom minutes.(PG) —Roeper "Transformers" manages to bebloated and Cruise plays anovice warrior who dies "Million Dollar Arm" —Nearly everything hollow at the sametime. With a running in battle, but keepswaking up to relive in "Million Dollar Arm" feels borrowed time of165 minutes, it's like a spoiled kid the day. That said, this movie has its own from other sports movies andeverso who insists on showing youevery toy he merits as an ingenious, wicked-smart slightly reshaped, andalmost never for owns. The film is available locally in IMAX and thrilling sci-fi adventure. This is one the better. It's more interested in the 3-D. Rating: Oneand ahalf stars. 165 of my favorite movies of the year sofar. redemption of a broken-down sports agent minutes.(PG-13) — Roeper Rating: Four stars. 113minutes. (PG-13) — Roeper "The Fault inDurStars" — With lesser source material, an averagedirector and an OK cast, the adaptation of JohnGreen's novel about the glory and unfairness of life could have lost me.But everyone involved, from director Josh Boone totranscendent starShaileneW oodleyandbeyond,has talents way beyond theaverage.This is a lovely work. Rating: Four stars. 125 minutes. (PG-13) —Roeper "Godzifla" —While this reboot has its baffling plot developments andthe human characters aren't exactly Shakespearean in depth, there's somepretty impressive CGI monster destruction here. It's leaps and bounds ahead of the two main "Godzilla" movies that Americans haveseen in the past. Rating: Threestars. 123 minutes. (PG-13)— Roeper "Howte TrainYourDragon2" — There is an unbearably adorable momentat the start of any 3-Dchildren's movie when the firstframes hit the screenand the little ones in theaudience let out a Submitted photo collective "woooooow" as they reach Melissa McCarthy stars inuTammy,u which she co-wrote with her husup to touch the imagescoming at them. This is, for better or worse, the highlight band, Ben Falcone.
T I M E S • For the meekfoJuly11 •
• There may bean additional fee for 3-Oand IMAXmovies. • Movie times ale subject to change after press time.
• Accessibility devices are available for some movies at Regal Old Mill Stadium f6 ff IMAX
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I Courtesy Focus Features
Rohan Chand stars in "Bad Words."
N EW O N D V D 5 BL U - R A Y The following movies were released the week ofJuly 8.
nBad Words" — I loved the misanthr opeplayedbyJason Bateman in his directorial debut, andyou might, too, if your sense of humor is just sick enough. A loophole hasallowedthis big bowl of hate to competeagainst fourth-graders in aspelling bee, where he spews insults with a deadpan style that leaves his victims speechless. A pit ch-blackdarkcomedy.DVD and Blu-ray Extras: Featurette, delete d/extendedscenesand audio commentary. Rating: Threeand a half stars. 89 minutes.(R) — Roeper nJedorowsky's Dune" — With S Jodorowsky's Dune," filmmaker FrankPavich makesanimpassioned and relatively convincing casethat the film in question — anadaptation of Frank Herbert's science-fiction novel by the avant gardeChilean director Alejandro Jodorowsky — might be the greatests movie nevermade. Unlike its subject, Jodorowsky's Dune" is surprisingly conventional as a documentary; it resorts to awearying number of talking heads to relate a story that turns out to be ascautionary as it is compelling. DVDand Blu-ray Extras: Deleted scenes.This film was not given astar rating. 90 minutes. (PG-13) —TheWashington Post oLe Week-Endn — In anattempt to rekindle their 30-year marriage, British college philosophy professor Nick(Jim Broadbent) andschool teacher Meg (Lindsay Duncan)arrive in Parisfor the first time sincetheir honeymoon. A surprise invitation from Nick's old buddy Morgan (Jeff Goldblum)adds a twist to the couple's tryst. This British-French production possesses wintry, hard-gained wisdom, asMeg and Nick's sojourn reignites youthful passions on theonehandandyears of accumulated resentments and regrets on theother. Such acandid portrait of warts-and-all intimacy would be aslow, depressing slog were it not for the fact that it hasbeenso gracefully executed. DVDand Blu-ray Extras: Three featurettes and audio commentary. This film wasnot given a star rating. 93 minutes. (R) —The Washington Post
Also available:
"NymphomaniacVolume I, "NymphomaniacVolume Il s and "The Raid 2"
Next Week: s s
Regal Old Mill Stadium16 & IMAX, 680SW Powerhouse Drive, Bend,800-326-3264. • 22 JUMP STREET (R) Fri-Wed: 1:10, 4:05, 7:25,10:15 Thu: 1:10, 4:05 • THE ADVENTURES OFTINTIN(PG) Tue-Wed: 10a.m. • AMERICA (PG-13) Fri-Wed: 11:05a.m., 1:40, 4:15, 6:50 Thu: 11:05 a.m., 1:40, 4:15 • BEGIN AGAIN (R) Fri-Thu: 11:45a.m., 2:50, 5:30, 8:30 • CHEF (R) Fri-Tue, Thu: 12:40, 3:45, 6:35, 9:20 Wed: 12:40, 3:45 • DAWN OF THE PLANETOF THEAPES (PG-13) Fri-Wed: 11a.m., 2:15, 6, 9, 10:05 Thu: 11 a.m., 2:15, 6, 9 • DAWN OF THE PLANETOF THEAPES 3-D (PG-13) Fri-Thu: 11:30a.m., 2:45, 6:30, 9:30 • DELIVER US FROMEVIL (R) Fri-Thu: 1, 3:50, 7:20, 10:10 • EARTH TO ECHO(PG) Fri-Thu: 2:20, 4:45, 7:10, 9:35 • EDGE OFTOMORROW (PG-13) Fri-Wed: 12:30, 3:30, 6:15, 9:05 Thu: 12:30, 3:30 • THE FAULT INOURSTARS(PG-13) Fri-Mon, Wed:11:20a.m., 2:30, 6:05 Tue, Thu:11:20a.m.,2:30 • GRATEFUL DEAD MEET-UPATTHE MOVIES: BEAT CLUB4/21/72 (no MPAA rating) Thu: 7:30 • HOW TOTRAIN YOUR DRAGON 2 (PG) Fri-Wed: 10:50 a.m., 1:30, 4:40, 7:05, 9:35 Thu: 10:50 a.m., 1:30, 4:40 • JERSEY BOYS (R) Fri-Wed: 12:50, 3:55, 6:55, 9:55 Thu: 12:50, 3:55 • MALEFICENT (PG) Fri-Wed: 11:25a.m., 2, 4:55, 7:35, 10 Thu: 11:25 a.m., 2, 4:30 • THE METROPOLITANOPERA: THE ENCHANTED ISLAND(no MPAArating) Wed: 7 • PLANES: FIRE & RESCUE(PG) Thu:7,8,9:15 • PLANES: FIRE & RESCUES-D (PG) Thu:7,8,9:15 • THE PURGE: ANARCHY(R) Thu: 8, 10:35 • RISE OF THE GUARDIANS (PG) Tue-Wed: 10a.m. • RIFFTRAX LIVE:SHARKNADO(no MPAA rating) Tue: 7:30 • SEX TAPE (R) Thu:7,8,9:30 • TAMMY (R) Fri-Mon, Wed:11:15a.m., 1:50, 4:30, 7:30, 9:15 Tue: 11:15a.m., 1:50, 4:30, 7:30 Thu: 11:15a.m., 1:50, 4:30 • TRANSFORMERS: AGEOF EXTINCTION (PG-13) Fri-Wed: 10:45 a.m., noon, 3:35, 7:15, 9:25 Thu: 10:45 a.m., noon, 3:35, 7:15 • TRANSFORMERS: AGEOF EXTINCTION IMAX3-D (PG-13) Fri-Thu: 12:35, 4:10, 7:45
Rio 2" and Under the Skin"
McMenamins OldSt. Francis School, 700 NW Bond St., Bend,541-330-8562 • THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 2 (PG-13) Fri-Sat: 2:30
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Courtesy Warner Bros. Pictures
From left, Erich Bergen, Vincent Piazza, John Lloyd Young and Michael
Lomenda star in "Jersey Boys." • GODZILLA (PG-13) Fri-Sat: 6:30 Sun-Thu: 6 • MILLION DOLLAR ARM (PG) Sat: 11:30 a.m. Wed:2 • NEIGHBORS (R) Fri-Sat: 9:30 Sun-Thu: 9 • The FIFA World CupFinal screensat t p.m. Sunday (doors open atnoon). • shows are2f and older only. Younger than 21mayattend screenings before 7 p.m.ifaccompanied by alegal guardian. •
Tin Pan Theater, 869 NWTin PanAlley, Bend, 541-241-2271 • BLUE RUIN (R) Mon-Thu: 8:30 • CHINESE PUZZLE (R) Mon-Thu: 3:30 • SNOWPIERCER (R) Mon-Thu: 6 I
Redmond Cinemas,1535 SWOdemMedo Road, Redmond, 541-548-8777 • DAWN OF THE PLANETOFTHE APES (PG-13) Fri-Sun:12:30, 3:15, 6:15, 9, 9:30 Mon-Wed: 3:15, 6:15, 9, 9:30 Thu: 3:15, 6:15, 9 • EARTH TO ECHO(PG) Fri-Sun: 10:45 a.m., 12:45, 2:45, 4:45, 6:45 Mon-Wed: 2:45, 4:45, 6:45 Thu: 2:45, 4:45 • TAMMY (R) Fri-Sun:11:15 a.m.,1:45, 4:15, 6:45, 9:15 Mon-Thu: 1:45, 4:15, 6:45, 9:15 • TRANSFORMERS: AGEOF EXTINCTION (PG-13) Fri-Sun: 11a.m., 2:15, 5:30, 8:45 Mon-Thu: 2:15, 5:30t 8:45 • Redmond Cinemasis hosting a Central Oregon ComedyScene Showcaseat 7 p.m. Thursday. Doors open at630 p.m. Sisters Movie House,720 DesperadoCourt, Sisters, 541-549-8800 • BELLE (PG) Fri, Mon-Thu: 4:45 Sat-Sun: 2:15 • DAWN OF THE PLANETOFTHE APES (PG-13)
Fri, Mon-Thu: 5, 7:30 Sat-Sun: 2:15, 5, 7:30 • EARTH TO ECHO(PG) Fri, Mon-Thu: 5:15 Sat-Sun: 3:15, 5:15 • JERSEY BOYS (R) Fri, Mon-Thu: 7 Sat-Sun: 4:30, 7 • TAMMY (R) Fri, Mon-Thu: 5:30, 7:45 Sat-Sun: 3:15, 5:30, 7:45 • TRANSFORMERS: AGEOF EXTINCTION (PG-13) Fri-Thu: 7:15 Madras Cinema 5,1101SWU.S. Highway 97, Madras, 541-475-3505 • DAWN OF THE PLANET OFTHE APES (PG-13) Fri-Thu: 1:10, 6:50 • DAWN OF THE PLANET OFTHE APES 3-D (PG-13) Fri-Sat: 4, 9:40 Sun-Thu:4 • DELIVER US FROMEVIL (R) Fri-Sat: 1:30, 4:10, 6:40, 9:20 Sun-Thu: 1:30, 4:10, 6:40 • EARTH TO ECHO(PG) Fri: 2:50, 5, 7:10, 9:10 Sat: 12:40, 2:50, 5, 7:10, 9:10 Sun:12:40, 2:50,5, 7:10 Mon-Thu: 2:50, 5, 7:10 • TAMMY (R) Fri: 2:20, 4:40, 7, 9:15 Sat: 12:05, 2:20, 4:40, 7,9:15 Sun:12:05, 2:20,4:40, 7 Mon-Thu: 2:20, 4:40, 7 • TRANSFORMERS: AGEOF EXTINCTION (PG-13) Fri: 3:15, 6:30, 9:35 Sat: Noon, 3:15, 6:30, 9:35 Sun: Noon, 3:15, 6:30 Mon-Thu: 3:15, 6:30 •
Pine Theater,214 N. MainSt., Prineville, 541-4 I6-1014 • DAWN OF THE PLANET OFTHE APES (PG-13) Fri:4,7 Sat-Sun:1,4,7 Mon-Thu: 6:15 • EARTH TO ECHO(Upstairs — PG) Fri: 4:10, 7:15 Sat-Sun: 1:10, 4:10, 7:15 Mon-Thu: 6:30 • The upstairs screening room has limited accessibility
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This Week's O pen H o u s e s
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NEW LISTING - 2345 sq.ft. Craftsman home in the Parks at Broken Top. 4 bedroom, 3 bath, vaulted ceilings. $459,000. • MLS¹ 201406351 DIRECTIONS: SW Mt Washington Dr, to Metolius Dr. Left on Devil's Lake Dr., right on Blue Lake Lp, right on Davis Lake Lp. 61418 Davis Lake Loop.
NW Crossing 1383 sq.ft. Tudor style. 2 bedroom, 2.5 bath, arched doorways, hardwood floors, private courtyard. 5380,000 • MLS¹ 201406534 DIRECTIONS:NW Mt Washington Dr. between Lemhi Pass and Colter Ave. 1378 NW Mt Washington Drive.
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1894 sq.ft., 2 bedroom + office, 2 bath in Mountain High. Large deck with Ponderosa Pines, oncommon area. 5329,900 • MLS¹ 201405630 DIRECTIONS: Knott Road to Mtn High Dr., to Willow Creek Lp. 60816 Willow Creek Loop.
NW Crossing condo. 971 sq.ft., 2 bedroom, 2 bath end-unit. Vaulted ceilings, tile floors, custom storage.
$249,900 • MLS¹ 201406357 DIRECTIONS: Newport Aveturnsinto Shevlin Park Rd.Left onNWCrossing 0r., right on NWLabicheLn. 2339NWLabiche Lane ¹8.
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BRAND NEW Franklin Brothers home. 1701 sq.ft., 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath, corner fireplace & island kitchen. 5279,900 • MLS¹ 201400531 DIRECTIONS: South 3rd St, east on Murphy Rd„south on Parrell Rd, right on Haley Creek, 20106 Haley Creek Place.
BRAND NEW Franklin Brothers MODEL Home. 1990 sq.ft., 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath, quartz counters & laminate floors. $339,900 • MLS¹ 201404627 Directions: East on Butler Market to Nolan Court. 21371 NE Nolan Court.
www. 541-382-4123 • 486 SW Bluff Dr., Old Mill District, Bend, OR 97702
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